[- '
Brome, Richard.
Milton, John.
Podsley, Robert.
Carey, Henry.
Gar-pi Gk-
Lennox, Charlotte
The jovial crew. 1774.
Coraus .
The blind beggar of
Bethnal Green. 1761.
Chrononhotonthologos .
Albumazar . 1773 .
Old city manners. 1775
Theobald, Lewis .
Double falsehood. 1767
, \
As* it is Performed at the
printed for T. LOWNDES, T. CASLON, W. NICOLL, and
Price One Shilling. ]
Dramatis Perfonse,
Springlove r
Juftlce Clack,
Beggar Women,
M E N.
Mr. Reinhold.
Air. fj^roughton
Mr. Dun/lall.
Mr. Young.
Mr. Mattocks.
Mr. Dubellamy.
Mr. Sbuter.
Mr. .&?(?/.
Mr. Thompfon.
Mr. *W,
Mr. J?^^r,
Mr. Wewitzer,
.Mr. L^, &c.
Mifs Catley.
Mifs Brown.
Mifs Dayes.
Mrs. Willemsr
Mrs. Evans,
Mrs. White, &c.
Dancers, Countrymen, Servants, and Beggafs.
SCENE Oldrents' and Juflice Clack* j Houfe, and
the Country adjacent.
S C E N E, A Room in Ol'drents' Houfe.
Enter Oldrents and Hearty.
Old. ~^f T has indeed, Friend, much affli&ed me.
Heart. And very juftly, let me tell you, Sir, to give
Ear, and Faith too (by your Leave) to Fortune-
tellers ! Wizards ! and Gypfies.
Old. I have fmce been frighted with it, in a thoufand Dreams,
Heart. I would go drunk a thoufand Times to Bed, rather
than dream of their Riddlemy Riddlemeries.
:To-d&y let us never be Slaves,
Nor the Fate of To-morrow enquire :
Old Wizards, and Gypftes^ are Knaves,
And the Devil, we know r is a Liar.
Then drink off a Bumper whiljl you may.
We'll laugh and we'll fmg, tho' our Hairs are grcj\
He's a Fool, and an Afs,
That will baulk a full Glafs,
For fear of another Day.
Old. Wou'd I had your merry Heart!
Heart. I thank you, Sir !
Old. I mean the like.
Htart. I wou'd you had ! and I fuchan Eftate as yours.
Four thoufand Pounds a Year, with fuch a Heart as mine,
would defy Fortune, and all her babbling Soothfaycrs.
Old. Come, I will ftrive to think no more on't.
Heart. Will you ride forth for the Air then, and be merry?
Old. Your Counfe), and Example, may infrruc~t me.
Heart. Sack muft be had in fundry Places too. For Songi
I am provided.
In Nottinghammire,
Let 'em boajl of their Beer ;
With a Hay-doivn, down, and a down f
I'll in the praife of good Sack :
Old Sac^ and old Sherry -,
Will make your Heart merry,
Without eer a Rag to your Back.
Then cajl away Care,
Bid adieu to Defpair,
With a ctoiun, dozvn, dawn, and a down !
Like Fools, our own Sorrows we make :
Inflight of dull thinking,
While Sack we are drinking,
Our Hearts are tso bufy to ach.
Enter Spring! ove, with Books and Papers, and a Bunch of
Keys. He lays them on a Table.
Old. Yet here comes one, brings me a fecond Fear, who has
my Care next unto my Children.
Heart. Your Steward, Sir, it fecms, has Bufmefs with you :
I wiih you would have none with him.
Old. I'll foon difpatch it, and then be for our Journey in-
Heart. I'll wait your coming down, Sir. [Exit.
Old. But, why, Springlove, is now this Expedition ?
Spr. Sir, 'tis Duty.
Old. Not common among Stewards, I confefs, to urge in
their Accompts before the Day their Lords have limited.
Spr. Sir, }our Indulgence, I hope, fhall ne'er corrupt me.
Here, Sir, is the Balance of the feveral Accompts, which
{hews you what remains in Cam. ; which >idded to your farmer
Bank, makes up in all
Old, Twelve thoufand and *dd Pounds.
Spr. Here are the Keys of all : The Chefts are fafe in your
Own Clofet.
Old. Why in my Clofet ! Is not yours as fafe ?
Spr. Oh Sir ! you know my Suit !
Old. Your Suit ! what Suit?
Spr. Touching the time of Year.
Old. 'Tis well nigh May: Why, what of that, Sprtnglmef
[Birds fag.
Spr. Oh Sir ! "you hear I am calPd !
Old. Are there Delights in Beggary ? Or if to take Diverfity
of Air, be fuch a Solace, travel the Kingdom over; and if this
yield not Variety enough, try farther (provided your Deport-
ment be genteel) take Horfe, and Man, and A4oney, you have
jill, or I'll allow enough. [Nightingale, Cuckow, ike. Jings.
Spr. Oh, how am I confounded ! Dear Sir, return me naked
to the World, rather than lay thofe Burdens on me, which
Y/ill ftifle me. I mult abroad, or perifh Havel vour Leave,
Sir ?
Old. I leave you to difpute it with yourfelf : I have no Voice
to bid you go, or flay. [Exit.
Spr. I am confounded in my Obligations to this good Man.
Enter Randal, and three or four Servants with BafKets.
The Servants go off.
Now, Fellows, what News from whence you came ?
Rand. The old wonted News, Sir, from your Gueft-Houfr,
the old Barn: They have all pray'd for you, and our Matter,
as their Manner is, from the Teeth outward : Marry ! from the
Teeth inward, 'tis enough to fwallow your Alms, from whence,
I think, their Prayers feldom come.
Spr. Thou'rt old Randal ftill ! ever grumbling ! but ftill offi-
cious for ? em.
Rand. Yes, hang 'em, they know I love 'em well enough : $
have had merry Bouts with fome of 'em.
And he that will n:t merry, merry le^
With a pretty Lafs in a Bed;
I wijh bs were /aid in our Church-yard,
With a Tomb-Jione over his H-.:d.
He, if he cou'd, to be merry, merry there^
We, to be merry i merry here ;
For who does know, where we ' ."7 r?
To /-' fiitryry amther Year,
Brave Boys / to le merry -noth:r Year,
4- fy<
; Spr. Well, honeil Randal! thus it is I am for a
Journey : I know not how long will be my Abfence : But I
will prefently take Order with the Cook and Butler, for my
wonted Allowance to the Poor. And I will leave Money with
them to manage the Affair till my Return.
Rand- Then rife up Randal, Lailey cf the Beggars, [Exeunt,
SCENE,* Barn.
. TbeJScggws are 'difco-ver' d in th'eir Poftures : Then they iffue forth,
and at lajl the Patrico.
Enter Springlove.
All the Beggars. Qur Matter ! our Mailer ! our fweet and
/comfortable Mailer !
Spr. How chear, my Hearts ?
1 Beg. Moil crowfe ! moil capsrin-ly! Shall we dance?
fhall we ling to welcome our King ? :
j Beg. Worn. Tho 1 all are- dif contented grown,
And fain would change Conditions ;
The Courtier envies now the Clown,
The Clowns turn Politicians.
% Beg. Worn. Ambition Jlill is void of IFit,
And makes a woful Figure :
For none of 'em all e'er envfd yet,
The Life of a Jovial Beggar.
Chor. Ambition Jllll, &c.
3 Beg. Worn. The Man that 'hourly wracks his Brain,
To increafe his ufelefs Store,
Still dreads a Fall, and lives in Pain,
While we can fall no lower.
4 Beg. Worn. The Dame of rich Attire that brags,
JF'ou'd willingly unrig her.
Did/he but "know the Joys of Rags,
And the Life of a Jovial Beggar.
Chorus of all. Tin Dame, &c.
Spr. What is he there? that folemn old Fellow?
2 Beg. Man. O Sir ! the rareft of them all ! He is a Pro-
phet j fee how he holds up his Prognofticating Nofe : He is
Divining now.
Spr. How! a Prophet!
2 Bt*.
2 Beg. Man. Yes, Sir, a Cunning-man, and a Fortune-teller,
*Tis thought he was a great Clerk before his Decay ; but he is
very clofe, will not tell his Beginning, nor the Fortune he
himfelf is fallen from. But he ferves us for a Clergyman ftill,
and marries us, if Need be, after a new Way of his own.
Spr. How long have you had his Company ?
2 Beg. Man. But lately come among us, but a very ancient
Stroller all the Land over ; and has travell'd with Gyplies, aad
is a Patrico. Shall he read your Fortune, Sir?
Spr. If it pleafe him.
Pat. Lend me your Hand, Sir.
By this Palm I underftand
T'hcu art born to Wealth and Land :
And after many a bitter Guft,
Shall build with thy great Grandfire's Duft.
Spr. Where (hall I find it ? JBut come, I'll not trouble my
Head with the Search.
2 Beg. Man. What fay you, Sir, to our Crew; are we not
well congregated ?
Spr. You are a Jovial Crew ! ttye only People whofe Happi-
nefs I admire. ]
3 Beg. Man. Will you make ur happy in ferving you? Have
you any Enemies ? Shall we fight under ye ? Will you be our
Captain ?
2 Beg. Man. Nay, our King !
3 Beg. Man. Command us lomething, Sir !
Spjr. Where's the next Rendezvous ?
1 Beg. Man. Neither in Village, nor in Town,
But three Miles off, at Maple-dawn,
Spr. At Evening, there I'll vifit you.
l beg. Man. And there you'll find us frolick,
A I R V.
j Beg. Man. tt'ell glad our Hearts with the beft of our Cleer,
Our Spirits we'll raifc with bis Honour sjlrong Beer ;
Jill Strangers to Hope, and rcgardlefs of Fear^
We II make this the merriejl Night of the Tear.
Chor. The Year, We'll make this the merriejl Night of the Tear.
2 Beg. Man. Nor Sorrow, nor Pain, among ft us Jhall be found \
To our Maker's good Health JJjalt the Cup be crown d.
That long he may live and in B/ifs abound,
Shall be every Mans IViJh while the Bowl goes round,
Chor. Goes n,ufit(\ Shall be every Man* Wijb, &c.
3. Beg. Man. Our Wants we cant help, no?' our Poverty cirre :
To- morrow mayn't come, of "To-night well make fur r,
We II laugh, and lie down, although we are poor,
And our Love Jhall remain, tho' the Wolfs at the Door.
Chor. The Door, And our Love, &c.
4 Beg. Man. TJicn brijk, and f?nart, Jhall our Mirth go round.,
With antlck Meafures we'll beat the Ground,
To plefifure our Majler in Duty bound,
We'll dance, tilltue're lame, and drink till 'we 're Sound.
Chor. Wire Sound, We'll dance^ &c.
Spr. So, now away ! [Exeunt Beggars.
They dream of Happinefs that live in State,
But they enjoy it, that obey their Fate. [Exit.
SCENE, Oldrents' Heufe.
Enter Vincent, Hilliard, Meriel, and Rachel.
Hill. I admire the Felicity they take.
Vin. Beggars ! they are the only People can boaft the Benefit
of a free State, in the full Enjoyment of Liberty, Mirth, and
Eafe. Who would have loft this Sight of their Revels ? How
think you, Ladies r Are they not the only Happy in a Nation ?
Mer. Happier than we, I'm fure, that are pent up, and ty'd
by the Npfe to the continual Stream of hot Hofpitality here in
our Father's Houfe, when they have the Air at Pleafure in all
In the charming A'fonth .
While Mortals are involved in Sleep,
TJjey tript it o'er the Green :
/nd where they dancd their chearful Round,
The Morning would difclofe ;
Fer where their nimble Feet do bound,
Each Fhw'r unbidden grows ;
The Daify (fair as Maids in May)
The Cowflip in his gold Array,
And blujbing Violet *rofe.
Mer. Come hither, Rachel.
f :} Ha!h ? .,ha!
fine. What's the Conceit, I wonder !
Hill. Some merry one it feems, but I'll never pretend to
guels at a Woman's Mind.
The Mind of a Woman can never be known,
You never can guffs it aright :
/'// tell y oit the Reafon -- She knows not her oivn,
It changes fo often e'er Night.
''Twou' d puzzle Apollo,
Her jyhimjies to follow,
His Oracle won' 'd be a Jffl j
She'll frotvn when Jhe's kind,
J hen quickly yoiill find,
She'll change with the H 7 im},
And often abufes,
The Man that fhe chufef^
And what fne refufe^
Likes bejh
Rach. And then, Mertsl, - Hark again Ha, ha, ha !
Vine. How they are taken with it !
Mer. Ha, ha, ha ! Hark again, Rachel, - 1 am of the
Girl's Mind, who would not take the Man fhe lik'd beft, 'till
fhe was fure he Ipv'd her well enough to live in a Cottage
with her.
Mer. IVliat, tho' Jbe lov'd this young Man well,
She never woud be his Bride j
'Till for a while he agreed to dwell
With her, by the Green-wood Side.
Rach. And he that lives by the Green-wood Side,
Where Joy and Pleafures fpring ;
May laugh at the Courtier's painful Pride,
Nor envy the State of a King.
Vin. Now, Ladies, is your Project ripe 1 Poflefs us with
the Knowledge of it. You know how, and what we have
vow'd ; to wait upon you any how, and any whither.
Mer. And you will ftand to't I
Vine. Ay, and go to't with you wherever it be. What
fay you, are you for a Trip to Bath ?
Mer. No, no, not 'till the Doffor doesn't know what elfe
to do with us.
Vine. Well, would you be courted to go to London ?
Rach. Few Country Ladies need be afk'd twice : But you're
a bold Man to propofe it.
How few ', like you, woud dare advife,
To truft the Town'j deluding Arts ;
TVhere Love in daily dmbujb lies,
And triumphs over heedlcfs Hearts !
How few, like us, wou'd thus deny
T' indulge the tempting dear Delight,
Where daily Pleafures charm the Eye,
jfndjoysfuperior crown the Night /
Hill- In the Name of Wonder, what would you do *.
Mer. Pray tell it 'em, Sifter Rachel.
Rach. Why, Gentlemen Ha, ha ! Then thus it is You
feem'd e'en now to admire the Felicity of Beggars.
Mer. And have engag'd yourfelyes to join with us in any
Rach. W^ill you now with us, and for our Sakes, turn Beggars?
flfer. It is our Resolution, and our Injunction gn you.
Rach. But for a Time, and a fhort Progrefs.
Mer.' And for a Spring-Trick of Youth, now in the Seafon.
Vine. Beggars ! what Rogues, are thefe !
Hill. A Ample Trial of our Loves and Service !
Rach. Are you refolv'd upon't ? If not, farewell ! We are
refolv'd to take our Courfe.
Mer. Let yours be to keep Counfel.
Vine. Stay, ftay Beggars ! Are we not fo already ?
Vine. We leg but In a higher Strain,
Than fordid Slaves, who beg for Gain.
Hill. No paltry Geld, or Gems, ^ve want,
We beg what you alone can grant.
Vine. No lofty Titles, no Renown,
But fomething greater than a Crown.
Hill. We beg not Wealth, or Liberty,
Both. We beg your humble Slaves to be.
Vine. We beg your fnowy Hands to kifs,
Or Lips, if you d vouchfafe the Biifs.
Hill. And if our faithful Vows can move,
(What Gods might envy us) your Love.
\ inc. The Boon we beg, if you deny,
Our Fate's decreed, we pine and die.
Hill. For Life we beg, for Life implore,
Both. The poorejl Wretch can beg no more.
Rack. That will not ferve your Time's not come for that
yet. You fhall beg Victuals firft.
Vine. O ! I conceive your begging Progrefs is, to ramble out
this Summer among your Father's Tenants.
Mer. No, no, not fo.
Vine. Why fo we may be a kind of Civil Beggars.
Rach. I mean, Hark, errant, downright Beggars. Ay, with-
out JEquivocation, Statute Beggars.
Mer. Couchant and Pajfant, Guardant and Rampant Beggars.
Vin. Current and Vagrant.
Hill. Stockant and Whippant Bep,g;ars.
Fine. 'Fore Heaven i 1 think they are in Earneft j for they
were always mad.
Hill. And we were madder than they, if we ftiould lofe 'em.
Vine. 'Tis but a mad Trick of Youth, as they fay, for the
Spring, or a (hcrt-Progrefs ; and Mirth may be made out of it
if we knew how to carry it.
Rach. Pray, Gentlemen, be fudden. [Cuckow without'} Hark!
you hear the Cuckow.
Rach. Abroad we rnujl wander to hear the Birds Jing,
T' enjoy the frejh Air, and the Charms of the Spring.
Mer. We'll beg for cur Bread, thtn if the Night's raw,
Will keep ourfefosi warm in a Bed of clean Straw.
16 T^ J. o v i A L C R E w;
Rach. How blejl is the Beggar, -who takes the frejh Air I
Mer. Tho' hard is his Lodging^ and coarfe is his Fare.
Rach. Confinement is hateful
Mer. And Plea fur e dejlroys.
Both. 'Tis Freedom alone is the Parent of Joys.
Enter Springlove.
Vine. O! here comes Springlove! His great Benefaftorfhip
among the Beggars, might prefer us with Authority, into a
lagged Regiment, prefently. Shall I put it to him ?
Rach, Take heed what you do ! His Greatnefs with my Fa-
ther will betray us.
Vine. I will cut his Throat, then. My noble Springlove!
the great Commander of the Maunders^ and King of Canters :
We law the Gratitude of your Loyal Subjects, in the large
tributary Content they gave you in their Revels.
Spr. 'Did you fo, Sir?
Hill. We have feen all, with great Delight and Admiration.
Spr. 1 have feen you too, kind Gentlemen and Ladies, and
over-heard you in your ftrange Defign, to be Partakers, and
. Co-Actors too, in thofeVile Courfes, which you call Delights,
ta'en by thole defpicable and abhorred Creatures.
Vine. Thou art a Defpifer, nay a Blafphemer, againft the
Maker of thofe happy Creatures.
Rach. He grows zealous in the Caufe: Sure he'll beg indeed !
Vine. Art thou an Hypocrite, then, all this while r only
pretending Charity, or ufmg it to get a Name and Praife unto
thyfelf j and not to cherifh and increafe thofe Creatures in
their niofr. happy Way of Living.
Mer. They are more zealous in the Caufe, than we.
Spr. .But are you, Ladies, at Defiance too with Reputation,
and the Dignity due to your Father's Houfe, and you ?
Rach. Hold thy Peace, good Springlove; and tho' you feem
to difiike this Difcourfe, and reprove us for it, do not betray
us in it. Your Throat's in (^Hieftion ; I tell you for Good-
Will, good SpritigLve.
Spr. I have founded your Faith, and am glad to find you
all right. And for your Father's Sadnefs, I'll tell you the
Caufe on't ; I over-heard it but this Day, in private Difcourfe
with his merry Mate, Hearty ; he has been told by fome Wi-
zard, you both were born to be Beggars !
M. How! how!
Spr. For which he is fo tormented in Mind, that he cannot
fleep in Peace, nor look upon you a but with Hcart's-Grief,
/ inc. This is moft ftrange !
5 Reek.
Rach. Let him be griev'd then, 'till we are'Begears ; we have
juft Reafon to become fo now; and what we thought on but in
Jeft before, we'll do in Earneft now.
Spr. I applaud this Refolution in you; wou'd have perfuaded
it; will be your Servant in't. For, look ye, Ladies; the Sen-
tence of your Fortune does not fay that you fhall beg for Need,
Hunger, or cold Neceility. If therefore you expofe yourfelves
on Pleafure into it, you (hall abfolve your Deftiny, neverthe-
Jefs, and cure your Father's Grief; I am overjoy 'd to think
on't ; I am prepar'd already for the Adventure, and will with
all Cortveniencics furnifh, and fet you forth ; give you Rules,
and Diredtions, how I us'd to accoft Paflengers, with a-
Gocd your good IP'crJhip ! the Gift of one f?nall Penny to a poor
Cripple^ and even to blefs^ and rejlore it to you in Heaven.
All. A Springlove^ a Springlove !
Spr. Follow me, Gallants, then, as chearful as [Birds
wbt/tU without'] We are fummon'd forth.
All. We follow thee.
Mer. To you, dear Father, and our
IVe bid a foort Adieu :
The tempting Frolick has
By Force of being New.
Bui let not that your Patience vex^
For^ dear Papa^ yiu know our Sex.
With a tal, la, &c.
Rach. Nor bope^ good Sir, to fpare your Cojl,
Nor think our Fortune's paid',
No Woman yet was ever lojl,
Tho femethnes foe's mif- laid :
For when the Pleafure turns to Pain.
Bf fure wJhaHftm* home again.
With a fal, la, fcfr.
Ihe End of the Fir/? ACT.
SCENE continues.
Enter Randal with a Bag of Money in Ms Hand.
Rand. "\ T 7" E L L, go thy ways ! if ever any juft and chnri-
V V table Steward was commended, furely thou fhalt
be at the laft Quarter-day. Here's five-and-
twenty Pounds for this Quarter's Beggars Charge : And (if he
return not by the End of this Quarter) here's Order to a Friend
to fupply for the next. - If I now fhould venture for the
Commendation of an unjuft Steward, and turn this Money to
my own Ufe? Ha! dear Devil tempt me not ! I'll do thee
Service in a greater Matter ; but to rob the Poor (a poor Trick)
every Church-Warden can do't. - Now fomething whifpers
me, that my Mailer, for his Steward's Love, will fupply the
Poor, as I may handle the Matter - then I rob the Steward,
if I reftore him not the Money at his Return. - Away,
Temptation : leave me ! I'm frail P'lefh, yet I will fight with
thee. But fay the Steward never return -- Oh ! but he will
return ! -- Perhaps he may not return. - Turn from me,
Satan ! ftrive not to clog my Confcience. -- 1 would not
have this Weight upon me for all thy Kingdom.
Enter Hearty finglng, and Oldrents.
Let Pleafure go round,
Let us laugh and feng, let us laugh andfmg, Boys f
Let Humour abound,
And Joy fill the Day.
If Sorrow intrude,
Drive it out again, drive it out again, Boys f
If by Griefs we're purfud,
Let us drink 'em away :
The Pleafure cf Wine
Makes a Mortal divine ;
For get but a Bottle once into your Noddle,
No Power, or Art,
Canjuch Virtue impart,
For raifmg the Spirits, and cheering the Heart.
Remember, Sir, your Covenant to be merrv.
Old. I ftrive, you fee, to be fo. 13 ut do you fee yon
Fellow ?
Heart. I never noted him fo fad before ; he neither lings,
nor whittles.
Old. Why, how now, Randal! where's Springhvt?
Rand. Here's his Money, Sir ; I pray that I be charg'd with
it no longer. The Devil and I have ftrain'd Courtefy thefe
two Hours about it. 1 would not be corrupted with the
Truft of more than is my own. Mr. Steward gave it me, Sir,
to order it for the Beggars : He has made me Steward of the
Barn, and them ; while he is gone, he fays, a Journey, to
furvey and meafure Lands abroad about the Countries j fome
Purchafe, I think, for your Worfhip.
Old. I know his meafuring of Land ! He's gone his old
Way, and let him go. Am not I merry, Hearty?
Heart. Yes, but not hearty merry.
Old. The Poor's Charge fhall be mine : Carry you the Money
to one of my Daughters to keep for Springlove.
Rand. I thank your Worfhip. [Exit.
Old. He might have ta'en his Leave, tho'.
Heart. I hope he's run away with fome large Truft : I never
lik'd fuch demure, down-look'd Fellows.
Old. You are deceiv'd in him.
Heart. If you be not, 'tis well. But this is from the
Old. Well, Sir, I will be merry: I'm refolv'd to force my
Spirit only unto Mirth. Shou'd I hear now, my Daughters
were mif-led, or run away, I would not fend a Sigh to fetch
'em back.
Heart. T'other old Song for that.
There was an old Fellow at VValtham-Crofs,
Who merrily fung when be liv d by the Lofs.
He cheer 'd up bis Heart -when bis Goods went to. rack,
With a Hem ! Boys, Hem ! and a Cup of old Sack.
Old. Is that the Way on't ? Well, it {hall be mine then.
Enter Randal.
Rand, My Miftrefles are both abroad, Sir.
Old. How ! fmce when ?
C 2 Rand.
Randj On Foot, Sir, two Hours fince, with the two Gen-
tlemen their Lovers. Here's a Letter they left with the Butler ',
and there's a Muttering in the Houfe.
Old. I will not read, nor open it, but conceive within my*
felf the worft that can befall them ; that they are loft, and no
more mine. Grief fhall lofe her Name, where I have Being,
and Sadnefs from my fartheft Foot of Land, while I have Life,
be banifh'd.
Heart What's the Whim now?
Old. My Tenants (hall fit Rent-free, for this TweVemonth, .
and all my Servants have their Wages doubled ; and fo fhall be
my Charge in Houfe-keeping : I hope my Friends will find
and put me to't.
Heart. For them, I'll be your Undertaker, Sir. But this
is ever-done ! I don't like it.
Old. And for thy News, the Money that thou haft, is now
thy own : I'll make it good to Springlove. Be fad with it, and
leave me j for. I tell thee I'll purge my Houfe of ftupid Melan-
Rand. I'll be as merry, as the Charge that's under me.
[A confused Noifc of finging and laughing without.]
The Beggars, Sir ! d'ye hear them in the Barn ?
Old. I'll double their Allowance too; that they may double
their Numbers, and increafe their Noife.
Rand. Now you are fo nigh, Sir, if you'll look in, I doubt
not, but you'll find 'em at their high Feaft already.
Heart. Pray let's fee 'em, Sir.
Old. With all my Heart. [Exeunt.
SCENE draws^ and difcovers the Beggars.
Re-enter Cldrents, Hearty, and Randal.
Ml Beg. Blefs his Worfhip ! his good Worfhip ! Blefs his
Worfhip !
i Beg. Man. Come, Friends, let us give his Worfhip a Tafte
of our Mirth ! Hem !' Let us fing the Part-Song that I
made for you, that which contains all our Characters, I mean
thofe we had in better Times : There is not fuch a Collection
of Oddities, perhaps, ia all Europe. Hem ! be filent there !
1 Beg. Man. / once was a Poet at London,
/ k&p my Heart Jlill full of Glee ;
Tliere's no Man can fay that I'm undone^
For Begging'* no new Trade to me.
Tol derol, fcfrr,
2 Beg. Man. I was once an Attorney at Law,
And after, a Knight of the Port :
Give me a brijk Wench in c ! ean Straw,
fad / value not who rules the Roajl.
Tol derol, &c.
3. Beg. Man. Make room for a. Soldier in Buff,
Who -valiantly Jlrutted about ;
"Till he fancy d the Peace breaking off \
'And then he mo ft wifely fold out.
Tol derol, &c.
4 Beg. Man. Here comes a Courtier polite, Sir, '
Who flatter d my Lord to his Face\
Noiv Railing is all his Delight^ Sir 9
Becaufc he mifsd getting a Place.
Tol derol, feft>
5 Beg. Man. I Jlill am a merry Gut-Scraper,
My Heart never yet felt a
Tho' poor, 1 can fro lick and vapour ,
Andfmg any Tune^ but a Pfalm.
Tol derol, fcfr.
Beg, Man. J was a Fanatical Preacher,
/ turrid up my Eyes when 'I prayd\
But my Hearers had half-Jfarv'd their Teacher*
For they believ'd not one Jf/ord that I faid.
Tol derol, &V.
1 Beg. Man. Wbqfer. won' d be merry and free,
Let bint lift, and from us be may learn:
In Palaces who fnall you fee,
Halffo happy as we in a Barn !
Tol derol, ffc.
A Lance of Beggars.
Old. Good Heaven ! how merry they are !
Heart. Be not you fad at that.
Old. Sad, Hearty ! no ; unlefs it be with Envy at their full
Happinefs. What is an Eftate of Wealth and Power, balanc'd
with their Freedom ?
Heart. I have not fo much Wealth to weigh me down, nor
fo little, I thank Chance, as to dance naked.
All Beg. Blefs his Worfliip ! his good Worfhip ! Blefs his
Worfliip. [Exeunt Beggars.
Heart. How think you, Sir ? or what ? or why d'ye think at
all, unlefs on Sack> cr Supper-time ! D'ye fall back ? D'ye riot
know the Danger of Relapfes ?
Old. Good Hearty! thou miftak'ft me : I was thinking upon
this Patrico, and that he has more Soul than a born Beggar
in him.
Heart. Rogue enough though, I warrant him.
Old. Pray forbear that Language.
Heart* Will you then talk of Sack, that can drown Sighing?
Will you in to Supper, and take me there your Gueft ? or muft
I creep into the Barn ameng your welcome ones ?
Old. You have rebuk'd me timely, and moft friendly. [Exit.
Heart. Would all were well with him ! [Exit. Pztrico follows,
Rand. It is with me.
What, tho' thefe Guineas bright. Sir,
Be heavy in my-Bag ;
My Heart hjlill the lighter,
The more my Pockets fivag :
Let mufty Fools
Find out by Rules
That Money Sorrow brings ;
Yet none can think
How I love their Chink j
Ala*) poor Things. [Exit,
SCENE the Fields.
. Enter Vincent and Hilliard in their Rags.
Hill. Is this the Life we admired in others, with Envy of
their Happinefs ? '
Vine. Pray let us make a virtuous Ufe of it, by fleering our
Courfe homewards. Before I'll endure fuch another
ill What wou'dft thou do ? I wifli thy Miftrefs heard thee !
Vine. I hope fhe does not ; for I know there is no altering
our Courfe before they make the firft /Motion ; but 'tis ftrange
\vc fhou'd be weary already, and before their fofter Canftitution
of Flefh and Blood.
Hill. They are the ftronger in Will, it feems.
Tho 1 Women, % tis true, are but tender*
Yet Nature does Strength fupply:
Their Will is toojlrong to furrender^
They're objlinate flill 'till they die.
In vain you attack 'em with Reajon,
Tour Sorrows you only prolong ;
Difputing is always Higb-Trcajon y
No Woman was e'er in th* Wrong.
Tour only Relief is to bear ;
And when you appear content t
Perhaps^ in Compajjion, the Fair
May perfuade berfelf'into Confent,
Enter Springlove.
Spr. How, now, Comrades ! repining already at your Fulneff
of Liberty ! Do you complain of Eafe ?
Vine. Eafe call'ft thou it ! Didft thou fleep to-night ?
Spr. Not fo well thefe eighteen Months, 1 fwear, fince my
laft Walks.
Hill. Lightning and Tempeft is out of thy Litany. Cou'd
not the Thunder wake thee ?
Spr. Ha, ha, ha.
Vine. Nor the Noife of the Crew in the Quarter by us ?
Well ! never did Knights- Errant in all Adventures, merit more
of their Ladies, than we Beggars-Errant, or Errant-Beggars,
do of ours.
Spr. The greater will be your Reward, think upon that:
And fhew no Manner of Diftafte, to turn their Hearts from
you : You are undone then.
Vine. Are they ready to appear out of their Privy Lodgings
in the Pig's Palace of Pleafure? Are they coming forth ?
Spr. I left 'em almoft ready, fitting on their Pads of Straw,
helping to drefs each other's Head ; the one's Eye, is t'others
Looking-Glafs ; with the prettieft Coyle they keep to fit their,
Fancies in the moft graceful Way of wearing their ne\v DrefT-
ing that you wou'd admire.
5 Vine.
Vine. I hope we are as gracefully fet out, are we not ?
Spr. Indifferent well. But will you fall to Practice ? Let me
hear how you can Maund, when you meet with PafTengers.
Hill. We do not look like Men, I hope, too good to learn.
Spr. Let me inftrud you, though.
[Spring, inftrufts them.
Enter Rachel and Meriel in Rags.
Rack. Have a care, good Meriel ; what Hearts or Limbs fo-
cver we have, and tho' never fo feeble, let us fet our belt Faces
on't, and laugh our laft Gafp out, before we difcover any Dif-
like, or Wearinefs to them. Let us bear it out 'till they com-
plain firft, and beg to carry us home a-Pick a-Pack.
Mer. I am forely tir'd with Hoofing it already, and fo crampt
with our hard Lodging in the Straw, that
Did our Jiglnng Lovers know,
What a Pain we undergo ;
Sweeter wou'd their Wooing prove.
Shorter TV ere the Way to Love.
Unkind Commands when they obey,
We fujfcr more, much more than they :
dnd to rebel, were kinder Jl ill,
"Than to obey againft our Will.
Rath. Think not on't. I am numb'd i'th' Shoulders too, a
little; and have found the Difference between a hard Floor,
with a little Straw, and a Down Bed with a Quilt upon't.
But no Words, nor a four Look, I pr'ythee.
Hill. O ! here they are ! Madam Few-chaths, and my Lady
. Bonny-rag.
Vine. Peace ! they fee us.
1 Ha, ha, ha ! We are glad you are fo merry !
Vine. Merry, and lufty too: This Night will we lie toge-
ther, as well as the proudeft Couple in the Barn.
Spr. What ! do we come for this ? Laugh and lie down
when your Bellies are full ! Remember, Ladies, you have not
T&e ] o v i- A L CREW. 25
begs'd y et to quit your Dcfwiy: but have lived hitherto on my
Endeavours. Who got your Supper, pray, 4aft Night, but I ?
of dainty Trencher-Fees from a Gentleman's Houfe, fuch as
the Serving-men themfelves, fometimes wou'd have been glad
of: And this Morning now, 1 what comfortable Chippings, and
fvveet Butter-milk, had you to Breakfaft !
Rach. O ! 'twas excellent ! I feel it good ftill, here.
Mer. There was a brown Cruft amongfl it, that has made
my Neck fo white, mcthinks ! Is it not, Rachel?
Racb. Yes, yes, you gave me none on't ; you ever covet to
have all the Beauty.
No Woman her Envy can fmotber>
Tho never fo vajn of her Charms ;
ff a Beauty Jhe fpies in another,
The. Pride of her Heart it alarms.
New Conquers foe ftill mujl be making^
Or fancies her Povjcr grown lefs :
Her poor little Heart is ftill aching,
At Sight ff- another's Succefs*
But Nature def,gn'd,
In Love to Mankind,
That different Beauties JJjould move |
Still pleas' d to ordain,
None ever Jbould reign.
Sole Monarch in Empire or Love.
Then harn to beiuife,
New Triumphs defpife,
And leave to your Neighbours their Due j
If one can V pleafe,
Toil '// find by Degrees,
You II not be contented with two.
Vine. They are plcas'd, aad never like to bs weary.
Hill. No more muft we, if we'll be theirs.
Spr. Peace ! here comes Paflengers ; forget not your Rules,
quickly difperfe yourfclves, and fall to your Calling. [Exeunt.
Enter Oliver.
Father, the worfhip-
._. j ..., ... fe , Oldrents^ in fearch of
my Coufin An tie, who is run away with Martin, my Father's
Clerk, and Hearty & Nephew, juft when fhe fhould have been
coupled to another : My Buiinefs requires Haile ; but my Plea-
01. Let me fee \ here I am fent by my , _..-
ful Jufticc C/act, in great Hafte, to Mr. Oldrents^ in fearch of
fure, and all the Search that I intend is, by hovering here, to
take a Review of a Brace of the handfomeft Beggar- Wenches,
that ever grac'd Ditch, or Hedge-fide : I paft by 'cm in Hafte,
but fomething fo poflefles me, that I muft What the Devil
muft I ? A Beggar ! why, Beggars are Flefli and Blood, and
Rags are no Difeafes ; and there is wholfomer Flefh under
Country Dirt, than City Painting.
Enter Rachel and Meriel.
Oh ! here they come ! they are delicately fkin'd and limb'd *
now they fpy me.
Racb. Sir, I befecch you look upon us with the Favour of a
Gentleman. We are iu a prefent Diftrefs, and utterly unac-
quainted in thefe Parts, and therefore forc'd by the Calamity
of our Misfortunes, to implore the Courtefy, or rather Charity,
of thcfe to whom we are Strangers.
Ql. Very fine, this !
Mer. Be therefore pleas'd, right noble Sir, not 6nly valuing
us by our outward Habits, which cannot but appear .loathfome
or defpicable unto you, but as we are forlorn Chriftians, and in
that Eftimation, be compaffionately mov'd. to caft a Handful or
two of your Silver, or a few of your golden Pieces unto us, to
furnifh us with Linen, and fome decent Habiliments.
Ol. They beg in a high Strain ! Sure they are mad, or be-
v/itch'd into a Language they underftand not. The Spirits of
fome decay'd Gentry talk in 'em, fure.
Racb. 'May we expect a gracious Anfwer from you, Sir ?
Mer. And that as you can wifh our Virgin Prayers to be
propitious for you,
Rach. Of may your Mijlrcfs ne er deny,
T^be &nit, which you Jhall humbly movff
Mer. And may the fair eft Virgins vie,
And be ambitious of your Love I
R ach. If Honour lead,
M er. May you fucceed,
Rach. By Love infpir d, with Conqueft crc-ivnd.
M e r . And when yo u iced,
Rach. Your Bridal Bed
Both. ^ With Wealth, and endlcfs Joys abound.
Ol. This exceeds all that ever I heard, and ftrikcs me into
Wonder. Pray tell me how long you have been Beggars ? or
how chanced you to be fo?
Rack. By Influence of our Stars, Sir.
! Mer. We were born to no better Fortune.
Ol. How came you to talk, and fing thus ? and fo much
above the Beggar's Dialed ?
Rach. Our Speech came naturally to us ; and we ever lov'd
to learn by Rote, as well as we cou'd.
Mer. And to be ambitious above the Vulgar, to afk more
than common Alms, whate'er Men pleafe to give us.
OL Sure fome well- Jifpos'd Gentleman, as myfelf, got thefe
Wenches. They are too well grown to be my own, and I cannot
be inceftuous with 'cm.
Rach. Pray, Sir, your noble Bounty.
Old. What a tempting Lip that little Rogue moves there \
2nd what an inciting Eye, the other !
To Rach. Come hither, pretty Maid, with a black rolling Eye :
Afide. What a Look was there ! does all my Senfes charm.
To Mcr. Come hither, pretty Dear, for I Jwear, I long to try
A little, little Love, which will do thee, Child, no Harm.
To Rach. That Air, that Grace,
To Mer. That lovely Milk-white Skin !
~ , ,, j Ob ! which Jhall I embrace ?
Oh I where Jhall I begin!
f Far if IJlay
^ ^ of ^ t
A f d < o cm mil wooe
I I had better run away,
L Than deal at once with two.
What's this ? a Flea upon thy Bofom ?
Mer. Is it not a ftraw-colour'd one, Sir ?
01. O what a provoking Skin is there ! That very Touch in-
flames me.
Rach. Can nothing, Sir, move yon, our Sorrows to mend?
Have you nothing to g : ?ve ? Have you nothing to lend?
Mer. Toufee the fad Fate we poor Damfels endure,
Can't Charity mov- you to grant us a Cure ?
Rach. My Heart does fo heave, I'm afraid it will break !
Of Victuals we've fcarce had a Morfel this Week.
Mer. How hard is your Heart ! bow unkind is your Eye !
If nothing can move you, good Sir, to comply.
|3oth. Hoiu bard is your Heart, &c.
Rach. Are you mov'd in Charity towards us yet ?
Ol- Mov'd ! I am mov'd ; no Flefh and Blood more mov'd.
fifer. Then, pray Sir, your Benevolence.
D 2 01.
01. Benevolence ! which fhall 1 be benevolent to ? or which
firft ? I am puzzled in the Choice. Wou'd fome fworn Brother
of mine were here to draw a Cut with me.
Racb Sir, noble Sir.
Ol. Firll let me tell you, Damfels, I am bound by a flrong
Vow to kifs all of your Sex I meet this Morning.
Mer. Beggars and all, Sir !
Ol. AH, all ; let not your Cpyrjefs crofs a Gentleman's Vow,
I befeech you. [Kffis them both,
' Mer. You'll tell now.
Fair Maidens, Of beware
Of ufmg Men too well !
Their Pride is all tbeir Care,
'J'bey only kifs to tell.
How bard the Virgin's Fate /
While ev'ry Way undone ;
The Coy grow out of Date,
They're ruind, if they re won.
OL Tell, quotha! I could tell a thoufand on thofe Lips,
and as many upon thofe. - What Life-reftorino Breaths they
have ! Milk, from the Cow deems not fo fweetly. -- 1 mull lay
pne of them aboard ; both, if my Tackling hold.
Rach. Mer. Sir! Sir!
01. But how to, bargain, now, will be the Doubt : They
that beg fo high," as by theHandfuls, may expecl for Price,
above the Rate of good Men's Wives.
Racb. Now will you, Sir, be pleas'd ?
pi. With all my Heart, Sweet ! and I am glad thou
wiy Mind - Here's Twelve- pence for you.
Racb. Afar. We thank you. Sir.
Ol That's but as Earneit : I'll jert away the reft with you.
Look here ! ail this Come, you know my Meaning.
Rach. IVoiidyiii bnrt a tender Creature,
Whom your Charity ficu'dfttve ?
Mer. Is it in your gentle Nature,
Thus to triumph o'er a Slave ?
Rach. fy f , for jhome, Sir !
Mer. You re to blame. Sir ;
Can your Worjhip Jloop fo low ?
Rach. fbo' you're above me y
MTi 'Twill lehove me,
Stal to affwer, A r o, no, no /
Bofh. t:U to anfwcr, No, no, no /
Mer. All your Gold can never buy me,
(Jr from Virtue Jet me free:
Rach. Thou art meaner, thus to try me\
Poorer, bafer far than we,
Mer. Ladies gay, Sir,
Rach. May fport and play, Sir;
But foe that's, poor, and honejl too,
Mer. May nobler be,
Rach. Than the proudejl She,
While thus Jhe anfwers, No, no, no !
While thus Jhe anfwers, No, no, no !
Both. Ladies gay, Sir, &c.
Enter Springlove, Vincent and Hiiliard,
Vin. Let's beat his Brains out.
Ol. Come, leave your fqucaking.
Spr. O ! do not hurt 'em, Malter.
Ol. Hurt 'em ! I mean 'em but too well Shall I be fo
prevented ?
Spr. They be but young, and fimple; and if they have of-
fended, let not your Worihip's own Hands drag 'em to the
Lav/, or carry 'em to Puniihment : Correct 'em not yourfelf,
it is the Beadle's Office.
OL D'ye talk ] Shag-rag?
mi. I Sha s-s !
\0jfer to beat him with their Crutches-, he runs off*.
Rach. Look ypu here, Gentlemen, Six-pence a-picce J
Aler. Befides fair Offers, and large Promifes. What have
you got To-day, Gentlemen ?
Vine. More than ( as we are Gentlemen ) we wou'd have taken.
Hill. Yet we put it up in your Service !
r^/.' r Ha, ha, ha.! Switches and Kicks ! Ha, ha, ha !
Spr. Talk not here of your Gettings, we muft quit this
Quarter : The eager Gentleman's Repulle may arm, and return
him with Revenge upon us ; we muft therefore leap Hedge^
and Ditch, till we cfcape out of this Liberty, to our next Ren-
dezvous, where we (hall meet the Crew, and then } Hey-tofs !
and laugh all Night.
Mer. As we did laft Night.
Rack. Hold out, Mericl.
Mer. Lead on, brave General.
Vine. What {hall we do ? they are in Heart ftill : Shall we
go on !
///'//. There's no flinching back, you fee.
Enter Martin and Amic, in poor Habits.
Spr. Stay, here comes more Paflengers; fingle yourfelvcs
again, and fall to your Calling, clifcreetly.
Hill. I'll fingle no more ; If you'll beg in full Cry, I am
for you.
Mer. Ay, that will be fine ! let's charm all together.
Spr. Stay firft and liften a little.
Mar. Be of good cheer, Sweetheart, we have efcaped hi-
therto, and I believe that all the Search is now retired, and
we may fafely pafs forward.
Am. I fhould be fafe with thee. But that's a moft lyinn; Pro-
verb that fays, Where Love is, there is no Lack. I am faint, and
cannot travel further without Meat j and it" you lov'd me, you
\vou'd get me fome.
MM-. We'll venture at the next Village to call for fome;
the bed is, we want no Money.
Am. We fhall betaken then, I fear; I'll rather pine to Death.
The tuneful Lark, who from her Nejl,
Ere yet wetl-fledg'd, isjlofn away,
With Care attended and carefsd,
She fomctimes fwgs the live- long Day.
Yet Jlill her native Fields /he mourns,
Her Gaoler hates, his Kindnefs fcorns,
For Freedom pants, for Freedom burn*.
That darling Freedom once obtain d,
Unjkill'd, untaught to fear ch for Prey,
he mourns the Liberty Jhe gain d,
She mourns the
And hungry, pines her Hours away.
Helplefs, the little Wand' rer flies ;
Then homeward turns her longing Eyes,
And warbling out her Grief, fhc dies.
Mar. Be not fo fearful ; who can know us in thefe clownifh
Habits ?
Am. Our Cloaths indeed are poor enough to beg with ; wou'd
I cou'd beg, fo it were of Strangers that cou'd not know me,
father than buy of thofe that wou'd betray us.
Mar. And yonder be fome that can teach us.
Spr. Thefe are the young Couple of run-away Lovers dif-
gui.fcd, that the Country is fo laid for : obferve, and follow
now. Good loving Meafter and Meeftrefs, your bleiTcd Cha-
rity to the Poor, who have no Houfe, nor Home, no Health,
no Help, but your fv/eet Charity.
Mer. No Bands, or Shirts, to keep us from the Cold.
Hill. No Smocks, or Petticoats to hide our Scratches.
Vine. No Skin to ourFlefh, nor Flefh to our Bones, fhortly*
Rack. No Shoes to our Legs, or Hofe to our Feet.
A 1 & XXVII.
Mer. Ob ! turn your Eyes on me, and view my Dijlrefs /
Did you know my bard Fate, you would pity my Cafe,
Such a kind-hearted Gentleman fur e woiid grant ',
To a tender young Virgin, whatever Jbe did want.
Hill. My Story, gentle Lady, bear,
I am a wealthy Farmer's Son ;
JVbo once coud gay and rich appear j
But now by Love I am undone.
Reducd to Want and ffretchednefsj
Andjlarvd mufi be,
Unlefs you grc*nt to my Dijlrefs
Your Charity.
Still cold and hungry I mujl pine,
Thefe Rags declare my Mifery.
Ob ! let your gentle Heart incline^
To eafe a Wretch's Mifery.
Vine. / like a Gentleman didlive^
I ne'er did beg before ;
Somefmall Relief you fure might give^
That would not make you poor.
Rach. My Daddy is gone to his Grave ;
My Mother lies under a Stone ;
And never a Penny I have,
Alas ! I am quite undone.
My Lodging is in the cold Air,
And Hrtnger is Jharp, and bites',
A little Sir, good Sir,fpare,
To keep me warm o' Nights.
Spr. Good worfhipful Meafter and Meeflrefs
Mar. Good Friend, forbear, here's no Meafter nor Meeftrefs,
we are poor Folks ; thou feeft no Worfhip upon our Backs,
I'm fure ; and for within, we want as much as you, and would
as willingly beg, if we knew how as well.
Spr. Alack for Pity ! you may 'have enough ; and what I
have is yours, if you'l^ accept it. 'Tis wholefome Food, from
4 a good
a good Gentleman's Gate AJas ! good Mceftrefs much
good do your Heart ! How fuvourly {he feeds !
Mar. What, do you mean to poifon yourfelf ?
Am. Do you {hew Love, in grudging me ?
Mar. Nay, if you think it hurts you not, fall to, I'll not
beguile you. And here, mine Heft, fomething towards your
Spr. Nothing by way of Bargain, gentle Mafter; 'tis againft
Order, and will never thrive : But pray, Sir, your Reward in
Charity. '
Mer. Here then, in Charity. This Fellow wou'd never
make a irod Clerk.
Spr. What ! all this, Mafter ?
Am. What is it ? Let me fee it.
Spr. 'Tis a v/hole Silver Three-pence, Miftrefs.
Am. For fhame ! ungrateful Miler. Here, Friend, a
Golden Crown for thee.
Spr. Bountiful Goodnefs ! Gold ?
Am. I have robb'd thy Partners of their Shares too, there's 3.
Crown more for them.
All. Duly and truly pray for you.
Mar. What have you done r Icfs wou'd have fcrv'd ; and
your Bounty will betray us.
Am. Fy on your wretched Policy !
Spr. No, no, good Mailer ; I knew you all this while, and
my fwcet Miftrefs too. And now I'll tell you, the Search fe
every Way, the Country all laid for you, it's well you ftaid here.
Your Habits, were they but a little nearer our Fafhron, wou'd
fecure you with us. But are you married, Mafter and Miftrefs ?
Are you join'd in Matrimony ? In Heart, I know you are.
And I will (if it pleafe you) for your great Bounty, bring you
to a Curate that lacks no Licenfe, nor has any Living to lofe,
that (hall put you together.
Mar. Thou art a heavenly Beggar !
Spr. But he is fo fcrupulous, and feverely precife, that un-
lefs you, Miftrefs, will affirm that you are with Child by the
Gentleman, that you have at leaft flept together, he will not
marry you. But if you have lain together, then 'tis a Cafe
of Necefiity, and he holds himfelf bound to do it.
1 Mot-* You may fay you have.
Am. I would not have it fo, nor make that Lye againft my-
ielf, for all the World.
Is there on Earth a Pleffure^
Dearer than Virtue s Fame ?
In I'ciins the real Treafure,
have loll the Name*
, Then let each Maid maintain it,
'Twill ajk the nice/I Care ;
Once loft foe II neer regain it j
All all is then Defpair.
Spr. That I- like well, and her exceedingly.
Afar. I'll do that for thee, ' thou fhalt never beg more.
Sbr. That cannot be purchafed fcarce, for the Price of your
Miurefs. Will you walk, Mailer ? We ufe no Compli-
All. Duly and truly pray for you. \Exeunt.
SCENE Oldrents' Houfe.
Enter Oldrents and Hearty.
Heart. Come, come, Sir, this Houfe is grown too melan-
choly for you, we muft e'en vary the Scene, and pay a Vifit to
your merry Neighbour Juftice Clack ; his good Humour will
ftrenothen mine, and help me drive old Care away.
Old. Good Hearty, you have kindly undertaken my Cure,
and mail find me a tractable Patient.
Heart. T'other old Song for that, and then for the Juftice.
I rdadf. Love to Kate, long I f.gtidfor Jhf 9
'Till I beard of late /he d a mind to me.
I met her on the Green in her bejl Array ;
So pretty fhe did feem, Jhs ftole my Heart away.
() then we kifi d and prtfs d \ were we much to blame?
Had you been in my Place, you'd have done the fame.
As I fonder grew ft)e began to prate,
Quoth foe ril marry you, if you iviil marry Kate ;
But then I laugh'' 'd andfwore I lovdher more than fa,
For tied each to a Rope s End 'tis tugging to and fro :
Again w, &c. [Exeunt.
SCENE, Jujtice Clack'j Houfe. '
Enter Jujlice Clack, and Martin.
Cla. I have forgiven you, provided that my Niece be fafely
taken, and fo to be brought home fafely, I fay ; that is to fay,
unftain/d, unblemifh'd, undifhonour'd ; that is to fay, with no
more Faults, Criminal, or AccufitivCj than thofe (he carried
with her.
Mart. Sir, I believe
Cla. Nay, if we both fpeak top-ether, hqw (hall we hear one
another? You believe her Virtue is Armour of Proof,
out your Council or your Guard, and therefore you left in
the Hands of Rogues and Vagabonds, to make your ow -e
with me : You have it, provided, I fay, (as I faid btf;;:e) that
flie be fafe ; that is to fay, uncorrupted, undefiled 3 that; is to
jay as I faid before.
Mar. Mine Intent, Sir, and my only Way
Cla. Nay, if we both fpeak together, how fhall we hear orvr
another ?
Enter Sentwell,
O Matter Sentwell ! good News !
'Sent. Of beggarly 1 News, the beft you have heard.
Cla. That is to fay, you have found my Niece among the
Beggars ; that is to fay
Sent. True, Sir, I found her among them. And they were
contriving to act a Play among themfelves, juft as we furpriz'd
'em, and fpoil'd their Sport.
Cla. A Play ! are there Players among them ? I'll pay them
above all the reft,
Enter Randal,
Rand. Sir, my Matter, Mr. Oldrents, and his Friend, Mr.
Hearty^ are come to wait upon you, and are impatient to be-
hold the Mirror of Juftices ; and if you come not at once,
twice, thrice ! he's gone.
Cla. Good Friend, I will fatisfy your Matter, without tell-
ing him he has a faucy Knave to his Man. [Exit Clack.
Rand. Thank your Worihip.
Sent. Do you hear, Friend, you ferve Matter Oldrents,
Rand. I cou'd ha' told you that.
Sint. Your Name is Randal.
land. Are you fo wife ?
Sent. Ay ; and the two young Ladies, your Matter's Daugh-
ters, with their Lovers, are hard by, at my Houfe. They
directed me to find you, Randal, and bring you to 'em.
Rand. Whaw, whaw, whaw, whaw ! Why do we not
go taen ?
tent. But fecretly, not a Word to any Body, for a Reafon
I'll teli you.
Rand. Mum.
The greateft Skill in Life,
For avoiding Noife and Strife,
Is to know when a Man Jhould'be Dumb, dumb, dumb.
]4^hen a Kna-ve to gain bis End,
Sifts you to betray your Friend,
Let your Anfwer be only, Mum, mum, mum,
Woud you try. to perfuade
A pretty, -pretty Maid,
As ripe as a Peach or a Plumb, Plumb^ Plumb ?
Tou've nothing more to do,
But to fwear you will be true,
And then you may kifs ! but Mum, mum, mum. [Exeunt.
Enter Clack, Oldrents, Hearty, Oliver, and Martin.
Cla. A-hay ! Boy ; A'-hay ! this is right ; that is to fay, as I
wou'd have it j that is to fay A-hay ! Boys ! a-hay ! they are
as merry without as we are within. A-hay ! Mafter Cldrents,
and a-hay ! Mafter Hearty ! and a-hay ! Son Oliver ! and a-
hay ! Clerk Martin ! Clerk Martin ! the Virtue of your Com-
pany turns all to Mirth and Melody j with a-hay trollolly,
lolly, lolly, is't not fo, Mafter Hearty ?
Heart. TJjere tuas a Maid, and Jhe went to the Mill,
Sing Trolly, lolly, lolly, lolly, lo.
The Mill turn'd round, but the Maid flood Jlilh
Cla. Oh ho / did Jhe fo ? did jke ft ? did Jhe fo ?
Heart. The Miller he kifs d her, away Jhe went ;
Sing Trolly, &c.
The Maid was well pleas' d, and the Miller content.
Cla. O ho ! was heh, &c.
Heart. He dancd and he fung^ ^vhile the Mill went Clack \
Sing Trolly, &c.
And he cherijh'd his Heart with a Cup of old Sad*
Cla. Ob ho ! did hffo, &c.
Old. Why thus it fliou'd be ! now I fee you are a good Fel-
Cla. Again Boys, again j that is to fay, A-hay Boys \ a-
hay !
Old. But is there a Play to be expected and acted by' Beg-
gars ?
Cla. That is to fay, by Vagabonds ; that is to fay, by.ftroll-
ing Players ; they are upon their Purgation ; if they can pre-
fent any Thing to pleafe you, they may efcape the Law ; (that
is, a-hay ! ) if not, To-morrow, Gentlemen, (hall be acted,
Abufes ttript and whipt among 'em ; with a-hay, Matter Hearty,
you are not merry.
Enter Sentwell.
And a-hay ! Matter Sentwell^ where are your Dramatis Per-
fona: ? your Prologues ? and your Attus Primus ? Ha' they given
you the Slip, for fear of the Whip ? A-hay !
Sent. A Word afide, an't pleafe you.
Sentwell takes Clack a/ide, and gives him a Paper.
Cla. Send 'em in, Matter Sentwell. [Exit Sent.] Sit, Gentle-
men, the Players are ready to enter ; and here's a Bill of their
Plays ; you may take your Choice.
Ola'. Are they ready for them all in the fame Cloaths ? Read
'em, good Hearty.
Heart. Firtt, here's The Two loft Daughters.
Old. Put me not in mind of the two loft Daughters, I pr'y-
thee. What's the next ?
Heart. The Vagrant Steiuard.
Old. Nor of a Vagrant Steward j fure fome Abufe is meant
Heart. Tlie Old S quire > and the Fortune-Teller .
, Old. That comes nearer me ; away with it.
Heart. The Beggar's Prophecy.
OU. All thefe Titles may ferve to one Play of a Story that
I know too well, I'll fee none of them.
Heart. Then here's the Jovial Crew.
Old. Ay, that ; and let 'em begin.
See, a moft folemn Prologue !
Enter a Beggar, for the Prologue*
Beg. To Knight, to Squire, and to the Genteeh here,\
We wijh our Play may with Content appear \
We promife you no dainty JVit of Court,
Nor City Pageantry, nor Country Sport ;
But a plain Piece of Aftion, very Jhort and fweet,
In Story true, you'll know it when you fee' t, [Exit.
Old. True Stories and true Jefls, do feldom thrive on
Cla. They are beft to pleafe you with this tho', or, a-hay ?
with a Whip for them To- morrow*
Old. Nay, rather than they fhall fuffer, I will be pleas'd
let 'em play their worlr.
Enter Patrico, with ift Begvdr, habited like Oldrents.
See our Patrico, among 'em.
Pat. Your Childrens Fortunes I have told,
Now hear the Reafon whyj
That they fhall beg, ere they be old>
Is their juft Deftiny.,
Your Grandfather, by crafty Wile,
An Heir of half his Lands,
By fhamelefs Fraud did much beguile,
Then left them to your Hands.
I Beg. That was no Fault of mine, nor of my Children.
Old. Doft note this, Hearty ?
Heart. You faid you would be pleas'd, let 'em play their
[ifl: Beggar walks fadly, beats his Breajl, &c.J
Enter 2d Beggar, drejjed like Hearty, andfeems to comfort him.
Old. It begins my Story, and by the fame Fortune-teller
that told me my Daughter's Fortunes aimed in the fame Words;
and he fpeaks in the Play to one that pcrfonates me, as near as
they can fet him forth.
Cla. How like you it, Sir ? You feem difpleas'd j fhall they
be whipp'd yet ? 'A-hay ! if you fay the Word-
Old. O ! by no means, Sir ! I am pleas'd.
2 J5. Sad, for the Words of a bafe Fortune-teller ? BelievC
him ! hang him ; I'll truft none of 'em. They have all Whims,
and double Meanings in all they fay.
Old. Whom does he talk, or look like, now ?
Heart. It is no rhattcr whom ; you are pleas'd, you fay-
2 Beg. Ha' you no Sack i'th' Houfc ? Am not I here ? And
never without a merry old Song.
Old Sack) and old Songs, and a merry old Crew,
Willfrigbt away Cares, when the Ground looks blue.
And can you think on Gypfy Fortune-tellers ?
1 Beg. I'll think as little of 'em as I can.
2 Beg. Will you abroad then? But here comes your Steward*
Enter Springlove, as an Aftor.
Old. Ble'fs me ! is not that Sprlnglove?
Heart. Is that you, that talks to him; or that Coxcomb, I,
do you think ? Pray let them play their Play ; the Juftice will
not hinder 'em, you fee; he's aflecp.
Spr. He e are the Keys of all my Charge, Sir; and my
humble buit is, that you will be pleas'd to let me walk upon
my known Occafions this Summer.
i Beg. Fie ! can'ft not yet leave off thofe Vagranccs? But I
will ftrive no more to alter Nature. I will not hinder thee,
nor bid thee go.
Old. My own Words at his Departure.
Heart. No Matter; pray attend.
i Beg. Come, Friend, I'll take your CounfeL
\_Exeunt Beggars.
Spr. I've ftriven with myfelf, to alter Nature in me
For my good Mafter's Sake, but all in vain ;
For Beggars (Cuckow-like) fly out again
In their own Notes, and Seafon.
Enter Rachel, Meriel, Vincent, <7?z Hilliard.
Rach. Our Father's Sadnefs will not fuffer us
To live in's Houfe.
Mer. And we muft have a Progrefs.
Vine. The AfTurance of your Love hath engaged us.
Hill. We are determined to wait on you m^any Courfe,
Rack. Suppofe we'll go a Begging !
Indulge in full your Fancy,
To powerful Nature's Voice ;
Whatever the Wifejl can fay ^
All Happintfs is Choice.
If Men are void of Pajjions^
Theyjhpid Figures make j
By various Inclinations^
The World is kept awake.
Then talk no more of Reafon,
Or tajting Joys at home ;
When this delightful Seafon,
Invites us out to roam.
Hark ! hark ! on every Spray^
The Birds chant merrily j
Come, come^ no more Delay ^
Thofe are the "Joys for me.
Hill. We are for you.
pr. And that muft be your Courfe, and fuddenly,
To cure your Father's Sa.dnefs, who is told
It is your Beftiny, which you may quit,
By making it a Trick of Youth, and Wit,
1'jl fee you in the Way.
All. But how ? but how ? [All talk afrie.
Old. My Daughters, and their Lovers too ! I fee the Scope of
their Defign, and the whole Drift of all their Adtion now, with
Joy and Comfort.
Heart. But take no Notice yet ; fee a Whim more of it. But
the mad Rogue that adted me, I muft make drunk, anon.
Spr. Now are you all refolv'd ?
All. Agreed, agreed.
Spr. You beg to abfolve your Fortune, not for Need. [Exeunt.
Old. 1 muft commend their Adi in that; pr'ythee let's call
? em, and end the Matter here. The Purpofe of their Play is
but to work my Friendfliip, or their Peace with me, and they
have it. Heart. But fee a lirtle more, Sir.
Enter Randal.
Old. My Man Randal too ! Has he a Part with 'em ?
Ran. They were well fet to work when they made me a
Player! What is it 'I muft fay? And how muft I adi now ?
Oh ! that I muft be Steward for the Beggars in Matter Steward's
Abfence, and tell my M after he's gone to meafure Land for
him to purchafe.
Old. You, bir, leave the Work, you can do no better, and
call the Actors back a2;ain to me.
fian. Witii all my Heart, and glad my Partis fofoondone. [Exit.
F 2 Enter
Enter Patrico.
Pat, Since you will then break off our Play,
Something in Earneft I muft fay j
But let affected Rhiming go ;
I'll be no more a Patrico.
My Name is Jf^rotight-on Grandfon to that unhappy
Wrought-on^ whom your Grandfather craftily wrought out of
his iiltate, by which all his Pofterity were fince expofed to Beg-
gary. [Patrico takes Oldrents afide.~\ I had a Sifter, who
among the Race of Beggars was the faireft 5 a Gentleman by
her, in Heat of Youth, did get a Son, who now muft call
you Father.
Old. Me?
Pat. Yet attend me, Sir, your Bounty then difpos'd your
Purfc to her, in which, betides
Much Money (I conceive by your Neglect)
Was thrown this Jewel : Do you know it ?
Old. The Bracelet that my Mother gave me !
jDo*s the young Man live ?
Enter Springlove, Vincent, Hiliiard, Rachel, and Meriel,
Pat. Here with the reft of your fair Children, Sir.
Old. My Joy begins to be too great within me.
My Blefling, and a Welcome to you all;
Be one another's, and you all are mine.
Vine. Hill. We are agreed on that,
Rack. Longfmce; we only ft ay 'd till you (hook off your Sadnefs,
Old. Now 1 can read the Juftice of my Fate, and yours.
Cla. Ha ! Juftice? Are they handling of Juftice?
Old. But more applaud great Providence in both. ,
Cla. Are they jeering of Juftices ? I watched for that.
Heart. Ay, fo methought: no, Sir, the Play is done.
Enter Sentwell^ Amie, and Oliver.
Sent, See, Sir, your Niece prefented to you.
[Springiove tafas Amie.
Cla. What, with a Speech by one of the^Players ? Speak,
Sir, and be not daunted, I am favourable.
Spr. Then, by your Favour, Sir, this Maiden is my Wife.
Cla. Sure you are out o' your Part ! that is to fay, you muft
begin again.
jSfr. She's mine by folemn Contract, Sir.
A line. Aim I 5/V, I have prov'd your Clown,
Try' d him,
So wr ticked a Mortal nier W4s kriO'wr, ;
1 bad been with him unaone.
4 If
If I mujl in Bondage be,
To chufe my Chains at leaft I'm free.
Since I am wilting
To be Billing,
Here's the Man, the Man for me,
Cla. You will not tell me that : Are not you my Niece ?
Am. I dare not, Sir, deny't ; we are contracted.
Cla. Nay, if we both fpeak together, how fhall we hear one
another ?
Old. Hear me then for all. This Gentleman that fhall
marry your Niece, is my Son, on whom I will fettle a thou-
fand Pounds a Year, to make, the Match equal. Do you hear
me now ?
Cla. Now I do hear you, and muft hear you ; that is to fay,
It is a Match ; that is to fay as I faid before.
Spr. [To Oldrents.] Now, on my Duty, Sir, I'll beg no
more, but your continual Love, and daily Blefling.
Rack. You, Sir, [to Oliver] are the Gentleman that wou'4
have made Beggar's Sport with us. Two at once.
Mer. Two for a Shilling.
Jlach. What JJaJleyou were in to be doing,
When two at a Time you were ivtoing j
You Men arefo keen,
When once you begin,
You fancy you ni er Jhall have done.
What Hajle you were in to be billing^
With two at a Time for a Shilling j
Yet quickly youdfind^
If any prove kind;
You d Work enough meet with one.
Oliv. There are fome Mifunderftandings have happen'd :
but, I hope, we are all Friends.
Old. Ay, ay, we are all Friends, and (hall continue fo ; and
to fhew we are Friends, let us be merry : and to ii-ew we are
merry, let us have a Song ; and afterwards a
Hearty , To the Men.
Now then tell them fairly^
You will love 'em dearly ^
//fay each of them be yearly
Mother of a Boy,
. To the Women.
Ladles fair, adieu t r ye 9
Manage well your Beauty y
Keep your Sfoujes true t\e ;
Re their only 'joy.
To Oldrcnts.
Come , my Larh^ be merry \
Bring us Sack and Sherry ;
Call the Pipe and Tabor ;
Nou.^ Sir, cut a Caper :
Here ends all your Labour
This happy Wedding D<,
my Lao's, &c.
A Country Dance.
I2mo. printed for
bd. each.
./Efop, bv Vanbrugh
Albion and Albianus
Alcibiades, by Otway
All for Love, by Dryden
Ambitious Stepmother
Amboyna, by Drvden
Amphytrion, by Dryden
Anatomift, by Ravenfcroft
Anna Bullen, by Banks
Artful Hufband
Artifice, by Centlivrc
Athaliah, by Duncomb
Aurengzebe, by Dryden
Baffet Table, by Centlivre
Beaux Stratagem
Beggar's Opera, by Gay
Bold Stroke for a Wife
Bufiris, by Dr. Young
Bufy Body, by Centlivre
Caius Marius
Captives, by Gay
Carelefs Hufband
Cato, by Addifon
Chaplet, by Mr. Mendez
Cobler of Prefton
Committee, by Howard
Comedy of Errors
Conqueft of Grenada, 2 parts
Confcious Lovers
Contrivances, by Carey
Country Lafles
Country Wife
Cymbeline, altered by Mr.
Damon and Philida, by Mr.
Devil to Pay, by Ccffey
Diftrefled Mother
Don Carlos, by Otway
Don Quixote, 3 parts
Don Sebaftian
Double Dealer
Double Gallant
Dragon of Wantley
Drummer, by Addifon
Duke and No Duke
Duke of Guife
Earl of EiTex, by Bankes
Evening's Love
Every Man in his Humour,
altered by Mr. Garrick
Fair Penitent, by Rowe
Fair Quaker of Deal
Falfe Friend
Fatal Secret
Fatal Curiofity
Flora, or Hob in the Well
Friendmip in Faflaion
Funeral, by Sir R. Steele
Gamefter, by Mrs. Cent-
Gentle Shepherd
George Barnwell, by Lillo
Greenwich Park
Hamlet, by Sbakefneare
Henry V. by Shakefpeare
Henry V. by Aaron Hill
Henry IV. two parts
Henry VI. three parts, by
Henry VIII. by Shakefpeare
Honeft Yorkfhireman
Inconflant, by Farquhar
Indian Emperor, by Dryden
Indian Queen, by ditto
Jfland Piincefs
Jane Gray, by Mr. Rowe
Jane Shore, by ditto
King Arthur, by Dryden
King John, by Shakefpeare
King Lear, by ditto
Ditto, by Tate
Ladies Laft Stake
Love for Love
Love in a Mift
Love in a 'Fub
Love's Laft Shift
Love makes a Man
Lying Lover, by Steele
Man of Mode
Mourning Bride
Merchant of Venice
Nonj u ror
Old BatcheJor
Oroonoko, by Southern
Orphan, by Otway
Othello, by Shakefpeare
Phasdra and Hippolitus
Polly, by Mr. Gay
Provok'd Hufband, by Gibber
Provok'd Wife
Recruiting Officer
Refufal, by Gibber
Rehearfal,byD.of Buckingham
Felapfe, by Vanbrugh
Revenge, by Dr. Young
Richard III. altered by Gibber
Rival Queens, by Lee
Romeo and Juliet, altered by
Mr. Garrick
Shool-Boy, by Gibber
She Would and She Would
Not, by Gibber
She Would if She Could
Silent Woman
State of Innocence
Siege of Damafcus
Sir Courtly Nice, by Crown
Sir Harry Wildair
Sir Walter Raleigh
'Squire of Alfatia
Stage Coach, by Farquhar
Sufpicious Hufband
Tamerlane, by Rowe
Tender Hufband, by Steele
Theodofius, by Lee
Timon of Athens
Tunbridge Walks
Twin Rivals, by Farquhar
Twelfth Night
Venice Preferved, by Otway
Way of the World
What d'ye Call It ?
Wife to Let
Wild Gallant
Wit without Money
Woman's a Riddle
Wonder, by Centlivre
Zara, by A. Hill, Efq;
C M U S:
Of Forefts and Inchantments drear,
Where more is meant than meets the Ear.
Quid vocis modulamen inane juvabit
Verborum fenfufque vacant numerique loquacis ?
MILTON, ad Patrem,
[ Price One Shilling. ]
C M U Si
(Now adapted to the STAGE)
As Alter'd from
Which was
Firft Reprefented on MicHAELMAS-Day, 1634 j
Before the Right Honourable
The Earl of BRIDGEWA7ER,
Lord Prefident of WA L E S.~
The principal PERFORMERS were
The Lord BRACKLT, 7C The Lady ALICE
The Mufic was compofed by Mr. HEM. LAWES,
Who alfo reprefented the Attendant Spirit.
Piinted for A. MILLAR, oppofite to Katharine- Str/t( 9 in
the Strand. MDCCLXII.
/~\ UR ftedfaft bard, to his own genius true,
Still bade bis mufe, * fit audience find, tho* few.
Scorning the judgment of a trifling age,
To choicer fpirits he bequeath' d his page.
He too was fcarn'd, and to Britannia'jy&z/^,
She fear ce for half an Age knew MILTON'* name*
But now, his fame by ev'ry trumpet blown y
We on his deathlefs trophies raife our own.
Nor art nor nature did his genius bound,
Heaven, hell, earth, chaos, he furvey d around.
All things his eye, thro" wit's bright empire thrown,
Jieheld, and made what it beheld his own.
Such MILTON was : 'Tis ours to bring him forth > 3
And yours to vindicate neglecled worth.
Such heaven-taught numbers fhould be more than read 9
More wide the manna thro 1 the nation fpread.
Like fame blefs'd fpirit he to-night defcends,
Mankind he viftts, and their Jleps befriends j
Thro* mazy error's dark perplexing wood,
Points out the path of true and real good ;
Warm erring youth, and guards the fpotlefs maid
frumfpell of magic vice, by reafon's aid.
* ParadifeLoft, Book VII, Ver. 3 i.
Attend the ft rains ; and Jhculdfome meaner phrafe
Hang on tbeftyle, and clog the nobler lays,
Excufe what we with trembling handfupply,
To give bis beauties to the public eye ;
His the pure ejftnce, ours the grojjer wean,
Thro' which his fpirlt is in aRionfeen.
Olferve the force, obferve the flame divine t
That glows, breathes, afis, in each harmonious line.
Great objecls onlyJJrike the gcn'rous heart j
Praife the fublime, overlook the mortal part ;
Be there your judgment, here yaur candour /hewn ;
Small is our portion, and we wijh 'twere none.
To be fpoken
By Mrs. CLIVE, in the Drefs of EUPHROSYNE,
with the WAND and CUP.
CO ME critick, or Pm deceived, will ajk y
" What means this wild, this allegor'uk mafque?
t{ Be)ond all bounds cf truth this author Jh^ots ;
" Can wands or cups transform men into brutes ?
'Tis idlefujf!" And yet 1 'II prove it true-,
Attend; for fur e 1 mean it not of you.
he mealy fop, that tajles my cup, may try,
How quick the change from beau to butterfly ;
5 But
But oer the Infe& Jhould the Brute prevail,
He grins a monkey with a length of tail.
Onejlroke of this *, as fure as Cupid'j arroiv,
Turns the warm youth into a wanton fparrow.
Nay, the cold prude becomes a Jlave to love,
Feels a new warmth, and cooes a billing dove.
T "he fly coquet, whofe artful tears beguile
Unwary hearts, weeps a falfe crocodile .
Dull poring pedants, Jhock'dat truth's keen light,
Turn moles, and plunge again in friendly night ;
Miners grow vultures of rapacious mind,
Or more than vultures, they devour their kind;
Flatterers camekons, creeping on the ground,
With ev'ry changing colour changing round.
The party- fad, . beneath his heavy load,
Drudges a driven afs thro' dirty road.
While guzzling foti, their fpoufes fay, are hogs ;
And fnarling criticks, authors fw ear, are dogs*
But to be grave, I hope we've prov'd at leaji,
Allj/ice is folly, and makes man a beaft.
* The Wand.
Dramatis Perfonae.
The Lady,
Second SPIRIT,
Mrs. ARNE,
Attendant 'SPIRITS, r,., n
r> n. i 1 Mr. BEARD,
BACCHANALS, Jraitoral 1 _ .. _
f IV/I*.^ f^ -wm-w-r*
Characters, and
vocal Parts,
other 1
(^Mrs. ARNE, and others,
Dancers, &c.
SCENE, a Wood near Ludlow-Caftle.
C O M U S:
A C T 1
The frjt Scene difcovers a wild Wood,
'The firjl attendant SPIRIT enters.
BEFORE the ftarry thfefliold of Jove's court
My manfion is, where thofe immortal ftiapes
Of bright aerial fpirits live infpher'd
In regions mild of calm and ferene air,
Above the fmoke and ftir of this dim fpot,
Which men call earth, and with low-thoughted care
Confin'd and pefter'd in this pinfold here,
Strive to keep up a frail and fev'rifh being,
Unmindful of the crown that virtue gives,
After this mortal change, to her true fervants
Amongft the enthron'd gods on fainted feats.
Yet fome there are, that by due {reps afpire
To lay their juft hands on that golden key,
That ope's the palace of eternity :
io C Q M U S.
To fuch my errand is : and but for fuch,
I would not foil thefe pure ambrofial weeds
With the rank vapours of this fin-worn mould.
But whence yon flanting ftream of purer light,
Which ftreaks the midnight gloom, and hither darts
Its beamy point ? Some meflenger from Jove t
Commiflion'd to direct or (hare my charge ;
And if I ken him right, a fpirit pure
As treads the fpangled pavement of the fky,
The gentle Philadel: But fwift as thought
He comes
The fecond attendant SPIRIT defcends.
Declare, on what ftrange errand bent,
Thou viilteft this clime, to me aflign'd,
So far remote from thy appointed fphere ?
Second SPIRIT.
On no appointed tafk thou feeft me now :
But as returning from Elyjian bow'rs
(Whither from mortal coil a foul I wafted)
Along this boundlefs fea of waving air
I fteer'd my flight, betwixt the gloomy fliade
Of thefe thick boughs thy radiant form I fpy'd
Gliding, as ftreams the moon through duflcy clouds 3
Inftant I ftoop'd my wing, and downward fped
To learn thy errand, and with thine to join
My kindred aid, from mortals ne'er with-held,
When virtue on the brink of peril ftands.
Then mark th'occafion that demands it here.
Neptune, I need not tell, befides the fway
Of ev'ry fait flood and each ebbing ftream,
Took in by lot 'twixt high and nether Jove
Imperial rule of all the fea- girt ifles,
That, like to rich and various gems, inlay
C O M U S. ii
The unadorned bofom of the deep,
Which he, to grace his tributary gods,
By courfe commits to feveral government,
And gives them leave to wear their faphire crowns,
And wield their little tridents : but this ifle,
The greateft and the beft of all the main,
He quarters to his blue-hair'd deities ;
And all this tract that fronts the falling fun
A noble peer of mickle truft and power
Has in his charge, with temper'd awe to guide
An old and haughty nation, proud inarms.
Second SPIRIT.
Does any danger threat his legal fway,
From bold fedition, or clofe-ambufli'd treafon ?
No danger thence. But to his lofty feat,
Which borders on the verge of this wild vale,
His blooming offspring, nurs'd in princely lore,
Are coming to attend their father's ftate,
And new entrufted fceptre, and their way
Lies through the perplex'd paths of this drear wood,
The nodding horror of whofe fhady brows
Threats the forlorn and wand'ring paflenger;
And here their tender age might fuffer peril,
But that by quick command from fovereign J<*ve
I was difpatch'd for their defence and guard.
Second SPIRIT*
What peril can their innocence aflail
Within thefe lonely and unpeopled {hades ?
Attend my words. No place but harbours danger :
In ev'ry region virtue finds a foe.
Bacchus, that firft from out the purple grape
Crulh'd the fweet poifon of mifufed wine,
B 2 After
ii C O M U S.
After the TujJcan mariners transform'd,
Coafting the Tyrbenne fliore, as the winds liftecf,
On Circe's ifland fell : (Who knows not Circe y
The daughter of the fun, whofe charmed cup
Whoever tafted, loft his upright ftiape,
And downward fell into a grov'ling fvvine ?)
This nymph, that gaz'd upon his cluft'ring locks,
With ivy-berries wreath'd, and his blithe youth,
Had by him, ere he parted thence, a fon
Much like his father, but his mother more,
Whom therefore file brought up, and Comus nam'd.
Second SPIRIT.
Jll-omen'd birth to virtue and her fons !
He ripe and frolick of his full-grown age,
Roving the Celtic and Iberian fields,
At laft betakes him to this ominous wood,
And in thick flicker of black fhades imbower'd
Excels his mother at her mighty art,
OfFring to ev'ry weary traveller
His orient liquor in a chryftal glafs,
To quench the drought of Pkcebus^ whiclvas they tafte,
(For moft do tafte through fond intemp'rate.thirft)
Soon as the potion works, their human counienance,
Th' expneis refemblance of the Gods, is chajig'd
Into fome brutifh form of wolf or bear,
Or ounce, or tiger, hog, or bearded goat,
AH Pther parts remaining as they were.
Yet, when he walks his tempting rounds, the forceiej
By magic pow'r their human face reftores,
And outward beauty to delude the fight.
Second SPIRIT.
j^ofe they the mem'ry of their former ftate ?
C O M U S. 13
No, they (fo perfe& is their mifery)
Not pnce perceive their foul disfigurement,
But boaft themfelves more comely than before,
And all their friends and native home forget,
To roll with pleafure in a fenfual fly.
Second SPIRIT.
Degrading fall ! from fuch a dire diftrefs
What pain too great our mortal charge to fave ?
For this, when any favour'd of high Jove
Chances to pafs through this advent'rous glade,
Swift as the fparkle of a glancing ftar
I fhoot from heaven, to give him fafe convoy,
As now I do : and opportune thou com'ft
To (hare an office, which thy nature loves.'
This be our tafk : but firft I muft put off
Thefe my fky-robes, fpun out of Iris' woof,
And take the weeds and likenefs of a fwain
Thai; to the fervice of this houfe belongs,
Who with his foft pipe and fmooth- ditty 'd fong,
Well knows to (till the wild winds when they roar,
And hufti the waving woods; nor of lefs faith,
And in this office of his mountain watch
Like'iieft, and neareft to the prefent aid
Of this occafion. Veil'd in fuch difguife,
Be it my care the fever'd youths to guide
To their diftreffed and lonely fifter; thine
To chear her footfteps thro' the magic wood.
Whatever blefled fpiri{ hovers near,
On errands bent to wand'ring mortals gopd a
If need require, him fummon to thy fide.
Unfeen of mortal eye, fuch thoughts infpire.
Such heaven-born confidence, as need demands
In hour of trial.
14 C O M U S.
Second SPIRIT.
Swift as winged winds
To my glad charge I fly. [Exit.
[Manet Flrjl SPIRIT.]
I'll wait a while
To watch the forcerer ; for I hear the tread
Of hateful fteps; I muft be viewlefs now.
COM us enters with a charming-rod in one band, his gJafs In
the other, with him a rout of men and women, drefs'd as
BACCHANALS; they came in making a riotous and unruly
noife, wiih torches in their hards.
COM us /peaks.
The Star, that bids the (hepherd fold,
Now the top of heaven doth hold,
And the gilded car of day
His glowing axle doth allay
In the fteep Atlantlck ftream ;
And the flope fun his upward beam
Shoots againft the dufky pole,
Pacing toward the other goal
Of his chamber in the eaft ;
Mean while welcome joy and feaft.
SONG. By a Man.
Now Phcebus/intetb in the weji y
Welcome fong t and welcome jejl,
. Midnight Jhnut and revelry ',
Tipfy dance and jollity ;
J3\r aid your locks with rojy tw'ine^
Dropping cdours, dropping wine.
Rigour now is gone to bed^
And advice with fcrup* lous head y
Strict age and Jour fever ity y
With their grave f aw s injlumbtr lie, COM us-
COMUS Jpeaks.
We that are of purer fire
Imitate the ftarry choir,
Who in their nightly watchful fpheres
Lead in fwift round the months and years.
The founds and feas, with all their finny drove,
Now to the moon in wav'ring morrice move,
And on the tawny fands and (helves
Trip the pert fairies and the dapper elves,
SONG. By a Woman.
By dimpled brook, and fountain brim,
The wood-nymphs, deck'd with daifies trim,
Their merry wakes and pa/limes keep :
What has night to do withjleep ?
Night has better fweets to prove ;
Venus now wakes, and wakens Love :
Csme, let us our rites begin ;
*Tis only day-light that makes fin.
COMUS fpeaks.
Hail, goddefs of nocturnal fport,
Dark-veil'd Cocytto, t* whom the fecret flame
Of midnight torches burns ; myfterious dame,
That ne'er art call'd, but when the dragon- womb
Of Stygian darknefs fpits her thickeft gloom,
And makes one blot of all the air,
Stay thy cloudy ebon chair,
16 C O M U S.
Wherein thou rid'ft with Hecaf, and befriend
Us thy vow'd priefts, till utmoft end
Of all thy dues be done, and none left out j
Ere the blabbing eaftern fcout,
The nice morn on th* Indian fteep
From her cabin loop-hole peepj
And to the tell-tale fun defcry
Our conceal'd folemnity.
SONG. By a Man and a Wemari,
From tyrant laws and cujlsms free,
We follow fweet variety ;
By turns we drink, and dance,
Loveyir wer on the wing.
Why Jhould niggard rules controut
Tranfports of the jovial foul?
No dulljiinting b'jur we own .*
Pleafure counts cur time alone.
SONG. Bjf a Man.
By the gayly circling glafs
We can fee how minutes pafs ;
By the hollow cajk are told
How the wain ing night grows old.
Seen, toofoon^ the bufy day
Drives us from our fport and play ;
What have we with day to do ?
Sons of care, 'twas made for you!
COM us
C O M U S. 17
COM us /peaks.
Come, knit hands, and beat the ground
In a light fantaftick round*
y/f they art going to form a dance ^ COM us J "peaks.
Break off, break off, I feel the diff'rent pace
Of Come chafte footing near about this ground.
Run to your Ihrouds, within thefe brakes and tre'es 3
Our number may affright : Some virgin fure
(For fo I can diftinguifh by mine art)
Benighted in thefe woods. Now to my charms.
And to my wily trains. I (hall ere long
Be well flock'd with as fair a herd as graz'd
About my mother Circe. Thus I hurl
My dazling fpells into the fpungy air,
Of pow'r to cheat the eye with blear illuflon,
And give it falfe preferments, left the place
And my quaint habits breed aftonilhment,
And put the damfel to fufpicious flight;
Which muft not be, for that's againft my ccurfe,
I under fair pretence of friendly ends,
And well plac'd words of glozing courtefy,
Baited with reafons not unplaufible,
Wind me into the eafy-hearted man,
And hug him into fnares. When once her eye
Hath met the virtue of this magick duft,
I (hall appear fome harmlefs villager,
Whom thrift keeps up about his country gear*
But here {he comes ; I fairly ftep afide
And hearken, if I may her bufinefs hear.
The LADY enters*
This way the noife was, if mine ear be true^
i8 C O M U S.
My beft guide now ; methought it was the found
Of riot and ill-manag'd merriment,
Such as the jocund flute, or gamefome pipe
Stirs up among the loofe unletter'd hinds,
When for their teeming flocks, and granges full,
In wanton dance they praife the bounteous Pan,
And thank the gods amifs. I fhould be loth,
To meet the rudenefs, and fwill'd infolence
Of fuch late waflailers j yet, O ! where elfe
Shall I inform my unacquainted feet
In the blind mazes of this tangled wood ?
[COMUS afide.]
I'll eafe her of that care, and be her guide.
My brothers, when they faw me weary'd out
With this long way, refolving here to lodge
Under the fpreading favour of thefe pines,
Stepp'd, as they faid, to the next thicket fide,
To bring me berries, or fuch cooling fruit,
As the kind hofpitable woods provide.
They left me then, when the gray-hooded Even,
Like a fad votarift in Palmer's weeds,
Rofe from the hindmoft wheels of Phoebus? wain ;
But where they are, and why they come not back,
Is now the labour of my thoughts j 'tis likelieft
They had engag'd their wand'ring fteps too far:
This is the place, as well as I may guefs,
Whence even now the tumult of loud mirth
Was rife, and perfec-l in my lift'ning ear ;
Yet nought but fingle darknefs do I find.
What might this be ? A thoufand fantafies
Begin to throng into my memory,
Of calling (hapes, and beck'ning fhadows dire,
And airy tongues, that fyllable mens names
C O M U S. 19
On fands, and mores, and defert wildernefies.
Thefe thoughts may ftartle well, but not aftound
The virtuous mind, that ever walks attended
By a ftrong-fiding champion, conference.
welcome, pure-ey'd faith, white-handed hope,
Thou hov'ring angel, girt with golden wings,
And thou unblemifh'd form of chaftity ;
1 fee you vifibly, and now believe
That he, the fupreme good, (t'whom all things ill
Are but as flavifh officers of vengeance)
Would fend a glift'ring guardian, if needft were,
To keep my life and honour unaflail'd.
Was I deceiv'd, or did a fable cloud
Turn forth her filver lining on the night ?
I did not err, there does a fable cloud
Turn forth her filver lining on the night,
And cafts a gleam over this tufted grove.
I cannot hollow to my brothers, but
Such noife as I can make to be heard fartheft
I'll venture j for my new enliven'd fpirits
Prompt me ; and they perhaps are not far off.
Sweet Echo, fweeteft nymph, that liv'ft unfeen
Within thy airy cell,
By flow Maeander' mar gent green ^
And in the violet -embroidered vale,
Where the kve-lorn nightingale
Nightly to thee her fad fong mourneth well,
Canjl thou. not tell me of a gentle pair,
That likejl thy Narciflus are ?
O ! if thou have
Hid them tnjome flow'ry cave.
Tell me but vjhere^
Sweet qttfen of far/y r , daughter of the fphere ;
C 2 &
20 C O M U S.
So may* ft tbou be ir (inflated to tbejkies,
And give refunding grace to all beaverfs harmonies,
[CoMUS afule.]
Can any mortal mixture of earth's mould
Breathe fuch divine inchanting ravimment ?
Sure fomething holy lodges in that breaft,
And with thefe raptures moves the vocal air
To teftify his hidden refidence :
How fweetiy did they float upon the wings
Of filence, thro' the empty-vaulted night,
At ev'ry fall fmoothing the raven-down
Of darknefs, till it fmil'd ! I have oft heard
My mother Circe, with the Sirens three,
Amidit the flow'ry-kirtled Naiades,
Culling their potent herbs and baleful drugs ;
Who, as they fung, would take the pnfon'd foul,
And lap it in Elyfium : Scylla wept,
And chid her barking waves into attention,
And fell Charybdis murmur'd foft applaufe:
Yet they in pleafing flumber lull'd the fenfe,
And fweet in madnefs robb'd it of itfelf.
But fuch a facred and home-felt delight,
Such fober certainty of waking blifs
I never heard till now I'll fpeak to her,
And flie fhall be my queen. Hail, foreign wonder,
Whom certain thefe rough fliades did never breed,
Unlefs the goddefs that in rural fhrine
Dwell'ft b,ere with Pan, or Si/van, by blefs'd fong
Forbidding ev'ry bleak unkindly fog
To touch the profp'rous growth of this tall wood.
Nay, gentle fhepherd, ill is loft that praife,
That is addrefs'd to unattending ears :
C O M U S. 21
Not any boaft of fkill, but extreme fhift
How to regain my fever'd company,
Compell'd me to awake the courteous Echo,
To give me anfwer from her mofly couch.
What chance, good lady, hath bereft you thus ?
Dim darknefs, and this leafy labyrinth.
Could that divide you from near-um'ring guides ?
They left me weary on a grafly turf.
By falfehood, or difcourtefy, or why ?
To feek i'th'valley fome cool friendly fpring.
And left your fair fide all unguarded, lady ?
They were but twain, and purpos'd quick return.
Perhaps foreftalling night prevented them ?
How eafy my misfortune is to hit !
Imports their lofs, befide the prefent need ?
No lefs than if I fhould my brothers lofe.
Were they of manly prime, or youthful bloom *
As fmooth as Hebe's their unrazor'd lips.
Two fuch I faw, what time the labour'd ox
22 C O M U S.
In his oofe traces from the furrow came,
And the fwink't hedger at his fupper fatj
I fawthem under a green mantling vine,
That crawls along the fide of yon fmall hill,
Plucking ripe clutters from the tender fhoots ;
Their port was more than human ; as they flood,
I took it for a fairy vifion
Of fome gay creatures of the element,
That in the colours of the rainbow live,
And play i'th'plaited clouds. I was awe ftrook,
And as I pafs'd, I worfliip'd ; if thofe you feek,
It were a journey like the path to heav'n,
To help you find them.
Gentle villager,
What readieft way would bring me to that place ?
Due weft it rifes from this Qirubby point.
To find out that, good fhepherd, I fuppofe,
In fuch a fcant allowance of ftar-light,
Would over-tafk the beft land-pilot's art,
Without the fure guefs of well-praclis'd feet.
I know each lane, and ev'ry alley green,
Dingle, or bufliy dell of this wild wood,
And ev'ry bofky bourn from fide to fide,
My daily walks and ancient neighbourhood :
And if your ftray attendance be yet lodg'd,
Or fliroud within thefe limits, I mall know
Ere morrow wake, or the low-roofted lark
From her thatch'd pallat rowfe : if otherwife,
I can conduct you, lady, to a low
But loyal cottage, where you may be fafe
Till farther queft.
Shepherd, I take thy word,
And truft thy honeft offer'd courtefy,
Which oft is fooner found in lowly fheds
With fmoaky rafters, than in tap'ftry halls
And courts of princes, where it firft was nam'd,
And yet is moft pretended. In a place,
Lefs warranted than this, or lefs fecure,
I cannot be, that I fliould fear to change it.
Eye me, blefs'd providence, and fquare my trial
To my proportion'd ftrength Shepherd, lead on,
Enter COMUS'J crew from behind the trees.
SONG. By a Man.
Flyfwiftlyye minutes, till COMUS receive
The namelefs foft tranfports that beauty can give ;
The bowl's frolick joys let him teach her to prove,
And Jhe in return yield the raptures of love.
Without love and wine, wit and beauty are vain,
All grandeur injipid, and riches a pain,
The moji fplendid palace grows dark as the grave :
Love and wine give, ye gods ! or take back what you gave.
Away, away, away,
To COMUS' court repair ;
There night out-fhines the day,
There yields the melting fair.
End of the FIRST ACT..
24 C O M U S.
Enter the two BROTHERS.
UNwtfFFlE, ye faint ftars ; and thou fair moofl
That wont'ft to love the traveller's benizon,
Stoop thy pale vifage through an amber cloud,
And difinherit Chaos, that reigns here
In double night of darknefs and of fhades :
Or if your influence be quite damm'd up
With black ufurping mifts, fome gentle taper,
Tho a rufh candle, from the wicker hole
Of fome clay habitation, vifit us
Witi thy long levell'd rule of ftreaming light ;
An thou (halt be our ftar of Arcady 9
Or Syrian cynofure.
Youngefl BROTHER.
Or if our eyes
Be jarr'd that happinefs, might we but hear
The folded flocks penn'd in their wattled cot,
Of found of paft'ral reed with oaten flops j
O: whiftle from the lodge, or village-cock
Crunt the night-watches to his feathery dames,
*7\vould be fome folace yet ; fome little chearing
Ir this clofe dungeon of innum'rous boughs.
Bit oh ! that haplefs virgin, our loft lifter f
Vhere may fhe wander now, whither betake her
Bom the chill dew, amongft rude burs and thiftles ?
Brhaps fome cold bank is her bolfter now,
Or 'gainft the rugged bark of fome broad elm
"..eans her unpillow'd head, fraught with fad fears.
C O M U S. 2
What if in wild amazement and affright,
Or, while we fpeak, within the direful grafp
Of favage hunger, or of favagefieat ?
Peace, brother ; be not over exquifite
To caft the fafhion of uncertain evils j
For grant they be fo, while they reft unknown,
What need a man foreftall his date of grief,
And run to meet what he would mod avoid ?
Or if they be but falle alarms of fear,
How bitter is fuch felf-delufion !
I do not think my Sifter fo to feck,
Or fo unprincipled in virtue's book,
And the fweet peace that goodnefs boibms ever,
As that the fingle want of light and noife
(Not being in danger, as I truft (he is not)
Could ftir the conftant mood of her caJm thoughts*
And put them into mifbecoming plight.
Virtue could fee to do what virtue would
By her own radiant light, though fun and moon
Were in the flat fea funk : and wifdom's felf
Oft feeks to fweet retired folitude ;
Where, with her beft nurfe^ contemplation,
She plumes her feathers, and lets grow her wings,
That in the various buftle of refort
Were all too ruffled, and fometimes impair'd.
He that has light within his own clear breaft,
May fit i'th'center, and enjoy bright day :
But he that hides a dark foul, and foul thoughts,
Benighted walks under the mid-day fun;
Himfelf is his own dungeon.
Toungefl BROTHER.
'Tis moft true,
That muling meditation moft affecls
The penfwe fecrecy of defert cell,
D Far
2 6 C O M U S.
Far from the chearful haunt of men and herds.
And fits as fafe as in a fenate houfe :
For who would rob a hermit of his'weeds,
His few books, or his beads, or maple dift),
Or do his grey hairs any violence ?
But beauty, like the fair Hefperian tree
Laden with blooming gold, had need the guard
Of dragon watch with unrnchanted eye,
To fave her bloflbms and defend her fruit
From the rath hand of bold incontinence.
You may as well fpread out the unfunn'd heaps
Of mifers treafure by an outlaw's den,
And tell me it is fafe, as bid me hope
Danger will wink on opportunity,
And let a fmgle helplefs maiden pafs
Uninjur'd in this wild furrounding wafte.
Of night or lonelinefs it recks me not:
I fear the dread events that dog them both,
Left fome ill -greeting touch 'attempt the perfon
Of our unowned fifter.
I do not, brother,
Infer, as if I thought my fitter's ftate
Secure without all doubt or controversy :
Yet, where an equal poife of hope and fear,
Does arbitrate th'event, my nature is
That I incline to hope rather than fear,
And gladly banifh fquint fufpicion.
My fitter is not fo defencelefs left
As you imagine; (he has a hidden flrength,
WKich you remember not.
Youngejl BROTHER.
What hidden ftrength,
Unlefs the ftrength of heav'n, if you mean that?
C O M U S. 27
I mean that too j but yet a hidden ftrength,
Which, if heav'n gave it, may be term'd her own :
'Tis chaftity, my brother, chaftity.
She that has that, is clad in compleat fteel,
And, like a quiver'd nymph with arrows keen,
May trace huge forefts, and unharbour'd heaths,
Infamous hilis, and Tandy perilous wilds ;
Where, through the facred rays of chaftity,
No favage fierce, bandit, or mountaineer
Will dare to foil her virgin purity :
Yea there, where very defolation dwells,
By grots and caverns fhagg'd with horrid (hades,
She may pafs on with unblench'd majefty,
Be it not done in pride or in preemption.
Youngefl BROTHER.
How gladly would I have my terrors hufh'd,
By crediting the wonders you relate !
Some fay, no evil thing that walks by night,
In fog, or fire, by lake, or moorifh fen,
Blue meagre hag, or ftubborn unlaid ghoft,
That breaks his magick chains at curfew time,
No goblin, or fwart fairy of the mine,
Hath hurtful power o'er true virginity ;
Do ye believe me yet, or (hall I call
Antiquity from the old fchools of Greece,
To teftify the arms of chaftity ?
Hence had the huntrefs Dlan her dread bow,
Fair filver-fhafted queen, for ever chafte,
Wherewith fhe tarn'd the brinded lionefs
And fpotted mountain-pard, but fet at nought
The frtv'lous bolt of Cupid; gods and men
Fear'd her ftern frown, and (he was queen o'th' woods.
What was the fnaky-headed Gorgon fbield,
D 2 That
28 C O M U S.
That wife Minerva wore, unconquer'd virgin,
Wherewith fhe freez'd her foes to congeal'd ftone,
J3ut rigid looks of chatte aufterity,
And noble grace, that dafli'd brute violence
With fudden adoration, and blank awe ?
Youngejl BROTHER.
But what are virtue's awful charms to thofe,
Who cannot rev'rence what they never knew ?
So dear to heav'n is faintly chaftity,
That when a foul is found fincerely fo,
A thoufand livery'd angels lacquey her,
Driving far off each thing of fin and guilt,
And in clear dream and folemn vifion
Tell her of things, that no grofs ear can hear ;
Till oft converfe with heav'nly habitants
Begin to caft a beam on th'outward fhape,
The unpolluted temple of the mind,
And turn it by degrees to the foul's efience,
Till all be made immortal.
Youngeft BROTHER.
Happy ftate,
Beyond belief of vice !
But when vile lu(r,
By unchafte looks, loofe geftures, and foul talk,
But moft by lewd and lavifti at of fin,
Lets in defilement to the inward parts, .
The foul grows clotted by contagion,
Jmbodies, and imbrutes, till fhe quite lofe
The divine property of her firft being.
Such are thofe thick and gloomy fliadows damp
Oft feen in charnel -vaults and fepulchres,
Lingring and fitting by a new made grave,
As loth to leave the body that it lov'd,
C O M U S. 29
And link'd itfelf in carnal fenfuality
To a degen'rate and degraded ftate.
Youngeft BROTHER.
How charming is divine philofophy !
Not harfh and crabbed, as dull fools fuppofe,
But mufical as is Apollo's lute,
And a perpetual feaft of ne&ar'd fweets,
Where no crude forfeit reigns.
Lift, lift; I hear
Some far-off hallow break the filent air.
Youngejl BROTHER.
Methought fo too ; what fhould it be ?
For certain
Either fome one like us night founder'd here,
Or elfe fome neighbour wood-man, or at worft,
Some roving robber calling to his fellows.
Toungejl BROTHER.
Heav'n keep my fiHer. Ag?in ! again ! and near !
Beft draw, and ftand upon our guard.
I'll hallow;
If he be friendly, he comes well j if not,
Defence is a good caufe, and heav'n be for us.
Enter the frj} attendant SPIRIT, habited like ajbepherd.
Youngeft BROTHER.
That hallow I (hould know - What are you? fpeak;
Come not too near, you fall on iron flakes elfe.
What voice is that ? My young lord ? Speak again.
Youngejl BROTHER.
O brother, 'tis my father's ihepherd fure.
30 C O M U S.
Thyr/is ? whofe artful ftrains have oft delay 'd
The huddling brook to hear his madrigal,
And fweeten'd ev'ry muft-rofe of the dale ?
How cam'ft thou here, good Twain ? Has any ram
Slip'n from the fold, or young kid loft his dam,
Or ftraggiing wether the pent flock forfook ?
How couldft thou find this dark fequefter'd nook ?
Fir ft SPIRIT.
my lov'd matter's heir, and his next joy,
1 came not here on fuch a trivial toy,
AS a ftray'd ewe, or to purfue the ftealth
Of pilf'ring wolf; not all the fleecy wealth,
That doth enrich thefe downs, is worth a thought
To this my errand and the care it brought.
But O my virgin lady ! where is fhe ?
How chance The is not in your company ?
To tell thee fadly, fhepherd, without blame,
Or our neglect, we loft her as we came.
Ah me unhappy ! then my fears are true.
What fears, good Thyrfis ? prithee briefly fliew.
I'll tell ye ; 'tis not in vain, nor fabulous,
(Thv/ fo efteem'd by fhallow ignorance)
What the {age poets, taught by th' heavenly mufe,
Story 'd of old in high immortal verfe,
Of dire chimeras, and inchanted ifles,
And rifted rocks, whofe entrance leads to hell ;
For fuch there be j but unbelief is blind.
Proceed, good fhepherd 5 I am all attention.
C O M U S. 31
Within the navel of this hideous wood,
Immur'd in cyprefs (hades a forcerer dwells,
Of Bacchus and of Circe born,- great Co.mus,
Deep fkill'd in all his mother's witcheries ;
And here to ev'ry thirfty wanderer
By fly enticements gives his baneful cup,
With many murmurs mix'd, whofe pleafing poifori
The vifage quite transforms of him that drinks,
And the inglorious likenefs of a beaft
Fixes inftead, unmoulding reafon's mintage,
Chara&er'd in the face. This have I learnt
Tending my flocks hard by i' th' hilly crofts,
That brow this bottom glade, whence night by night
He and his monftrous rout are heard to howl,
Like ftabled wolves, or tygers at their prey,
Doing abhorred rites to Hecate
In their obfcured haunts and inmoft bow'rs.
Yet have they many baits and guileful fpells,
And beauty's tempting femblance can put on
T' inveigle and invite th'unwary fenfe
Of them that pafs unweeting by the way.
But hark ! the beaten timbrel's jarring found
And wild tumultuous mirth proclaim their prefenee :
Onward they move ; and fee ! a blazing torch
Gleams thro' the fhade, and this way guides their ffeps.
Let us withdraw a while, and watch their motions.
[They retire.
Enter COM us'* crew revelling, and by turns carejjing each
other , till they obferve the two brothers; then the
elder brother advances andfpeaks.
What are you ? fpeak ! that thus in wanton riot
And midnight revelry, like drunken Bacchanals-,
Invade the filence of thcfe lonely (hades ?
32 C O M U S.
Firjl WOMAN.
Ye godlike youths, whofe radiant forms excell
The blooming grace of Maia's winged fon,
Blefs the propitious ftar, that led you to us j
We are the happieft of the race of men,
Of freedom, mirth, and joy the only heirs :
But you fhall fhare them with us ; for this cup,
This ne&ar'd cup, the fweet aflurance gives
Of prefent, and the pledge of future blifs.
[She offers "em the cup, -which they both put by.
Forbear, nor offer us the poifon'd fweets,
That thus have render'd thee thy fex's fhame,
All fenfe of honour banifh'd from thy breaft.
Fame'* an Echo, prattling double,
An empty, airy, glitfring bubble ;
A breath can f well, a breath can Jink it,
The "wife not worth their keeping think it,
Why then, why fuch toil and pain
Fame'/ uncertain fmiles to gain ?
Like hcrji/ler Fortune, blind,
the bejljhts oft unkind,
And the wor/i her favour find.
By her own fentence Virtue ftands abfolv'J,-
Nor afks an Echo from the tongues of men
To tell what hourly to herfelf (he proves.
Who wants his own, no other praife enjoys 5
His ear receives it as a fulfom tale,
To which his heart in fecret gives the lye.
C O M U S. 33-
Nay, flander'd innocence muft feel a peace,
An inward peace, which flatter 'd guilt ne'er knew.
Ytungejl BROTHER.
How low finks beauty, when by vice debas'd !
How fair that form, if virtue dwelt within !
But, from this (hamelefs advocate of fhame,
To me the warbled fong harfh difcord grates.
Firjl' WOMAN.
Oh ? how unfeemly fhews in blooming youth
Such grey feverity ! But come with us,
We to the bow'r of blifs will guide your fteps ;
There you fliall tafte the joys that nature (beds
On the gay fpring of life, youth's flow'ry prime,
From morn to noon, from noon to dewy eve,
Each rifing hour by rifing pleafures mark'd.
SONG. By a Woman In a pnjloral Habit.
IVould you tafte the noon tide air ?
To yon fragrant bower repair ',
Wh,.re, woven with the poplar bough y
The mantling vine will Jhelter you.
Down each fide a fountain flows ,
Tinkling, murmuring, as it goes
Lightly o'er the mojjy ground.
Sultry Phoebus fcorching round.
Round, the languid herds and/keep,
Stretch' d o'er funny hillocks Jleep,
While on the hyacinth and rofe
The fair does all alone repoje,
3 4 C~0 M U S.
M alone -and in her arms
Tour breaft may beat to Love'j alarms?
Till blefi'd t and blejjing, youjhall own
'The joys of J^ove are joys alone.
Toungefl BROTHER.
Short is the courfe of ev'ry la wlefs /pleafure ;
Grief, like a (hade, on all its footfteps waits,
Scarce vifible in joy's meridian height;
But downward as its blaze declining fpeeds,
The dwarfifh fiiadow to a giant fpreads.
Firji WOMAN.
JN^O more ; thefe formal maxims misbecome you,
They only fuit fufpicious fhrivell'd age.
SONG. By a Man and two Women*
Live, and lave, enjoy the fair ,
Bani/h forroiv^ banijh care j
Mind not what eld dotards fay,
rfge has had bis fljare of play >,
Hut youth's ff art begins to-day.
From the fruits of fweet Delight
Let not jc are- crow Virtue fright*
Here in Phafure's vineyard u>e
Re>ve t -like birds ^ from tree to tree.
Carelefs, airy^ gay and free.
flow can your impious tongues profane the name
Of facred Virtue, and yet promife pleafure
In lying fongs of vanity and vice ?
From virtue fever'd, pleafure phrenzy grows.
The gay delirium of the fev'rilh mind,
And always files at reafon's cool return.
C O M U S.
Firji WOMAN.
Perhaps it may ; perhaps the fweeteft joys
Of love itlelf from paflion's folly fpring j
But fayj does wifdom greater blifs beftow ?
Alike from love's and plcafure's parh you flray,
In fenfual folly blindly feelcing both,
Your pleafure riot, luft your boafted love ;
Capricious, wanton, bold, and brutal luft
Is meanly felfifJh, when refifted, cruel,
And, like the blaft of peftilential winds,
Taints the fweet bloom of nature's faireft forms*
But love, like od'rous Zepfjyr's grateful breath,
Repays the flow'r that fweetnefs which it borrows 3
Uninjuring, uninjur'd, lovers move
In their own fphere of happinefs contentj
By mutual truth avoiding mutual blame.
But we forget : who hears the voice of truthj
In noify riot and intemp'rance drown'd ?
Fir/} WOMAN.
Come, come, my friends, and partners of my jqys,
Leave to thefe pedant youth their bookifh dreams j
Poor blinded boys, by their blind guides mifled !
A beardlefs Cynic is the fhame of nature,
Beyond the cure of this infpiring cup j
And my contempt, at beft, my pity moves.
Away, nor wafte a moment more about 'em
To COM us' court repair ;
'There night out-Jhines the day$
There yields the melting fair.
[Exeunt finging.
E a EUtjt
$6, C O M U S.
She's gone ! may fcorn purfue her wanton arts,
And all the painted charms that vice can wear.
Yet oft o'er credulous youth fuch Syrens triumph,.
And lead their captive fenfe in chains as ftrong
As links of adamant. Let us be free,
And, to fecure our freedom, virtuous.
Youngejl BROTHER.
But fhould our helplefs filter meet the rage
Of this infulting troop, what could fhe do ?
What hope, what comfort, what fupport were left ?
She meets not them : but yet, if right I guefs,
A harder trial on her virtue waits.
Protect her, heav'n ! But whence this fad conjedure ?
This evening late, by then the chewing flocks
Had ta'en their fupper on the fav'ry herb
Of knot-grafs dew-befprent, and were in fold,
1 fat me down to watch upon a bank
With ivy canopy'd, and interwove
With flaunting honeyfuckle, and began,
Wrap'd in a pleafmg fit of melancholy,
To meditate my rural minfrrelfy,
Till fancy had her fill ; but ere a clofe,
The wonted roar was up amidft the woods,.
And fill'd the air with barbarous diflbnance,
At which I ceas'd, and liften'd them a while.
Young ffl BROTHER.
What follow'd then ? O ! if our helplefs fifter
Straight an unufual flop of fudden filence
Gave refpite to the drovvfy flighted fteeds,
That draw the litter of clofe-cuitain'd fleep.
C O M U S. 37
At lad a foft and folemn breathing found
Rofe like a (team of rich diitili'd perfumes,
And ftole upon the air, that ev'n filence
Was took ere (he was 'ware, and wifh'd (he might
Deny her nature, and be never more,
Still to be fo difplac'd. I was all ear,
And took in drains, that might create a foul
Under the ribs of death But oh ! ere long,
Too well I did perceive it was the voice
Of my moft honour'd lady, your dear fitter.
Youngeft BROTHER.
O my foreboding heart ! Too true my fears
Amaz'd I flood, harrow'd with grief and fear ;
And O ! poor haplefs nightingale, thought I,
How fweet thou fing'ft, how near the deadly fnare !
Then down the lawns I ran with headftrong hade,
Thro' paths and turnings often trod by day,
Till guiu'ed by my ear, I found the place,
Where the damn'd wifard, hid in fly difguife
(For fo by certain figns I knew) had met
Already, ere my beft fpeed to prevent,
The aidlefs innocent lady, his wifh'd prey ;
Who gently afk'd, if he had feen fuch two,
Suppoilng him fome neighbour villager.
Longer I durft not (lay; but foon I guefs'd
Ye were the two (he meant : with that I fprung
Into fwift flight, till 1 had found you here :
But farther know I not.
Youngejl BROTHER.
O night and (hades !
How are ye joined with hell in triple knot
Againft th' unarmed weaknefs of one virgin,
Alone, and helplefs ! Is this the confidence
You gave me, brother ?
6 EUeJt
j8 C O M U &
Yes ; and keep it ftill,-
Lean on it fafely; not a period
ShalJ be unfaid for me. Againft the threats
Of malice, or of forcery, or that pow'r
Which erring men call chance, this I hold firm,
Virtue may beaflaird, but never hurt,
Surpriz'd by unjuft force, but not inthralFd ;
Yea, even that, which mifchief meant moft harm,
Shall in the happy trial prove moft glory.
But evil on itfelf (hall back recoil,
And mix no more with goodnefs; when at laft
Gather'd like fcum, and fettled to itfelf,
It {hall be in eternal reftlefs change
Self-fed, and felf-confum'd. If this fail,
The pillar'd firmament is rottennefs,
And earth's bafe built on ftubble. But come, let's on ;
Againft th' oppofing will and arm of heav'n
May never this juft fword be lifted up ;
But for that damn'd magician, let him be girt
With all the griefly legions that troop
Under the footy flag of Acheron
Harpyes and Hydras, or all the monftrous forms
'Twixt Africa and Inde, I'll find him out,
And force him to reftore his purchafe back,
Or drag him by the curls to a foul death,
Curs'd as his life.
Alas ! good vent'rous youth 1 ,
I love thy courage yet, and bold emprife ;
But here thy fword can do thee little ftead :
Far other arms, and other weapons muft
Be thofe that quell the might of hellifh charms.
He with his bare wand can unthread thy joints,
And crumble all thy finews,
C O M U S. 39
Why prithee, fhepherd,
How durft thou then thyfelf approach fo near,
As to make this relation ?
A ftepherd lad,
Of fmall regard to fee to, yet well (kill'd
In every virtuous plant and healing herb,
That fpreads her verdant leaf to the morning ray,
Has {hewn me fimples of a thoufand names,
Telling their ftrange and vigorous faculties.
Amongft the reft a fmall unfightly root,
But of divine effect, he cull'd me out;
And bade me keep it as of fov'reign ufe
'Gainft all enchantment, mildew, blaft, or damp,
Or ghaftly fury's apparition.
I purs'd it up. If you have this about you
(As I will give you when you go) you may
Boldly aflault the necromancer's hall ;
Where if he be, with dauntlefs hardyhood
And brandimed blade rufli on him, break his glafs.
And (bed the lufcious liquor on the ground j
But feize his wand, tho' he and his curs'd crew
Fierce fign of battle make, and menace high,
Or like the fons of Vulcan vomit fmoak,
Yet will they foon retire, if he but fhrink.
ThyrfiS) lead on apace, I'll follow thee :
And fome good angel bear a (hield before .
End of the SECOND ACT.
SCENE opens, and flifcovers a magnificent hall in COMUS'J
palace. Jet off with all the gay decor ati.ns proper for an
ancient banquetting-rocm. COMUS and attendants /land
on each fide of the lady^ who is feaied in an incbanted
chair ; and by her looks and gejlures express great figns of
tineafenefs and melancholy.
COMUS fpeats.
HENCE, loathed Melancholy,
Of Cerberus and blackeft Midnight born,
In Stygian cave forlorn.
'Mongft horrid fliapes, and fhrieks, and fights unholy,
Find out fome uncouth cell,
Wheie brooding Darknefs fpreads his jealous wings,
And the night-raven fings;
There, under ebon-fhades, and low-brow'd rocks,
As ragged as thy locks,
In dark Cimmerian defert ever dwell.
But come, thou goddefs fair and free,
In heaven ycleap'd Euphrofyne,
And by men, heart-eafing Mirth,
Whom lovely Venus at a birth
With two lifter graces more,
To ivy-crown'd Bacchus bore.
Hafte thee, nymph, and bring with thes
Jeft and youthful Jollity,
Quips and cranks, and wanton wiles,
Nods and becks, and wreathed fmiles,
C O M U S. 41
Such as hang on He&es cheek,
And love to live in dimple fleek;
Sport, that wrinkled Care derides,
And Laughter holding both his fides.
Com, and trip it as you go,
On the, light fantattic toe :
And in thy right hand lead with thee
The mountain-nymph, fweet Liberty.
\W r hllJi thefe lines are repeating, enter a nymph repre-
fenting EUPHROSYNE, or Mirth - t who advances to the
Lady, and fmgs the following fong.
Comc 9 come, bid adieu to fear,
Love and harmony live here.
No dome/lick jealous ja rs,
Buzzing jlander 's, wordy wars 9
In my pre fence will appear ;
Love and harmony reign here.
Sighs to amorous fighs returning,
Putfes beating, bojcms burning,
Bojoms with warm wifl)es panting,
Words to f peak thofe Wijkes wanting^
Are tbs only tumults hery,
All the ffioes you need to fear ;
Lave and harmony reign here,
41 C O M U S.
How long muft I, by magick fetters chain'd
To this detefted feat, hear odious (trains
Of fhamelefs folly, which my foul abhors ?
Ye fedge-crown'd Naiades, by twilight feen
Along Meander's mazy border green,
At Camus' call appear in all your azure fheen.
[He waves bis wand, the Naiades enter, and
range themfelves in order to dance.
Now foftly flow let Lydlan meafures move,
And breathe the pleafing pangs of gentle love.
In fwimming dance on .air's foft billows float,
Soft fwell your bofoms with the fwelling note ;
With pliant arm in graceful motion vie,
Now funk with eafe, with eafe now lifted high 5
Till lively gefture each fond care reveal,
That mufick can exprefs, or paffion feel.
['The Naiades dance a Jlow dance agreeable to the
fubjecJ of the preceding lines, and exprejjive of
the paffion of love.
[After this dance the Pajloral Nymph advances
Jlow, with a melancholy and defponding air, to
the fide of the Jlage, and repeats by way of fo-
liloquy the firjl fix lines, and then fings the bal-
lad. In the mean time foe is obfeiv'd by Eu PH RO-
SY NE, who by her gejlure exprejjes to the au-
dience her different ftntiments of the fubjeft cf
her complaint, fuitabfy to the charafler of their
fevtral Jongs.
C O M U S. 43
Nature's full bleffings would be well difpens'd
In unfuperfluous even proportion,
And flic no whit encumber'd with her ftore ;
And then the Giver wou'd be better thank'd.
His praife due paid. For fwinifli Gluttony
Ne'er looks to heaven amidft his gorgeous feaft,
But with befotted bafe ingratitude
Crams, and blafphemes his feeder. Shall I go on ?
Or have I faid enough ?
C O M U S. 5 x
Enough to fhew
That you are cheated by the lying boafts
Of ftarving pedants, that affect a fame
From fcorning pleafures, which they cannot reach.
Preach not to me your mujly rules^
Te drones that mould in idle cell ;
The heart is wifer than thefchools^
The fenfes always reafen well.
Ifjhort my /pan, 1 lefs can fpare
To pafs a fingle pkafure by y
An hour is long, if bjl in care ;
They only live^ who life enjoy.
Thefe are the maxims of the truly wife,
Of fuch as pra&ife what they preach to others.
Here are no hypocrites, no grave diflemblers ;
Nor pining grief, nor eating cares approach us,
Nor fighs, nor murmurs but of gentle Love,
Whofe woes delight : What muft his pleafures then ?
Te Fauns, and ye Dryads, from hill, dak) and grove,
Trip, trip it along^ conduced by Love j
' Swifi/y refort to COM US* gay court,
And in various meafures Jbew Love'* various fport.
G 2 Enter
52 C O M U S.
Enter the Fauns and Dryads, and attend to the following
direfl'ons. Tht tune is played a fecond tlmt, to whick
they dunce.
Now lighter and gayer, ye tinkfaxg firings^ found ,
Light) iigh' In t/x air, ye wimble rymphs, bound.
Now, n'.w with quick feet the ground beat* ''eat, beat ;
Now with quick fed the ground beat, teat, beat, &c.
N'tv cold,avd denying,
Now kind and complying.
Consenting, repmtirg,
Dijdaining, complairing,
Indiffere>ice now feigning,
jfgain with quick feet the ground beat, beat, beat.
[Exeunt dancers*
Lift, lady, be not coy, and benotoozen'd
\Vith that fame vaunted name Virginity.
Beauty is nature's coin, muft not be hoarded,
But muft be current, and the good thereof
Confifls in mutual and partaken blifs,
Unfavory in th' enjoyment of itfelf :
If you let flip time, like a neg!eted rofe,
!t withers on the ftalk with languifh'd head.
Beauty is nature's brag, and muft be fhowa
In courts, at feafts, and high folemnities,
\Vhere moft may wonder at the workmanfhip.
It is for homely features to keep home,
They had their name thence : Coarfe complexions,
And cheeks of furry grain, will ferve to ply
The fampler, and to teaze the houfe wife's wool.
What need a vermeil-tindur'd lip for that,
Love-darting eyes, ortrefles like the morn?
C O M U S. 53
There was another meaning in thefe gifts;
Think what, and be advis'd : you are but young ycti
This will inform you foon.
To him that dares
Arm his profane tongue with contemptuous words
Againft the fun-clad power of Chaftity,
Fain would I fomething fay, yet to what purpofe?
Thou haft no ear, nor foul to apprehend ;
And thou art worthy that thou fhould'ft not know
More happinefa than this thy prefent lot.
Enjoy your dear wit, and gay rhetorick,
That has fo wel! been taught her dazling fence:
Th -u art not fit to hear thyfelf cor.vinc'd j
Yet ftiould I try, the uncontroled worth
Of this pure caufe would kindle my rapt fpirits
To fuch a flame of facred vehemence,
That dumb things would be mov'd to fympathize,
And the brute earth would lend her nerves, and (hake,
Till all thy magic ftruclures, rear'd fo high,
Were fhatter'd into heaps o'er thy falfe head.
COM us.
She fables not, I feel that I do fear
Her words fet off by fome fuperior pow'r ;
And tho' not mortal, yet a cold fliudd'ringdewr
Dips me all o'er, as when the wrath of J&ve
Speaks thunder, and the chains of Erebus
To fome of Saturn 5 crew. I mult diflemble,
And try her yet more ftrongly Come, no more,
This is meer moral babble, and direct
Againft the canon laws of our foundation j
I muft not fuffer this, yet 'tis but the lees
And fettlings of a melancholy blood ;
But this will cure all {height, one fip of this
54 C O M U S.
Will bathe the drooping fpirits in delight,
Beyond the blifs of dreams. Be wife, and tafte. -
[Tbf Brpthers rujb in with fword* drawn, wre/l the glafs
out of his band> and break it again/I the ground ; his
rout makefigns of reft/lance^ but are all driven in.
Enter the firjl SPIRIT.
What, have you let the falfe enchanter fcape ?
O, ye miftook, you fhould have fnatch'd hi& wand,
And bound him faft : without his rod revers'd,
And backward mutters of diflev'ring pow'r,
We cannot free the lady, that fits here
In ftony fetters fix'd, and motionlefs.
Yet ftay, be not difturb'd ; now I bethink me,
$ome other means I have, which may be us'd,
Which once of Meliboeus old I learn'd,
The footheft ihepherd that e'er pip'd on plains :
I learn'd 'em ther when with my fellow fwain,
The youthful Lycjaas, his flocks I fed.
There is a gentle nymph not far from hence,
That with moift curb fways the fmooth Severn ftream,
Sabrina is her name, a virgin pure :
And, as the old fwain faid, (he can unlock
The clafping charm, and thaw the numbing fpell,
If ihe be right invok'd in warbled fongj
For maidenhood (he loves, and will be fwift
To ad a virgin, fuch as was herfelf.
vnd fee the fwain himfelf in feafon cojnes.
Enter the Second SPIRIT.
. e, Lycidfis, and try the tuneful ttrain,
> ' .jch from her bed the fair Sabrina cajls.
C O M U S. 5
SONG. By a third SPIRIT.
Lift en whe*e tbou art fitting
Under the glajjy^ cool 9 trarjlucent wave,
In tw'ijled braids of liilies knittvg
The loofe train of thy amber dropping bi-ir ;
Lift en fir dear honou y $ fake y
Goddefs of the fiber lake>
Lift en and five.
{SABRINA rlfes^ attended by Water-nymphs^ andfingi.]
By the rujhy- fringed bank,
Where grows the willow and the ofier dank,
My Jllding cha ritfftay s,
Thick fit with agat t and the azwe Jheen
Of Turk is blue ', and em 'raid gr "em ,
That in the channdftrays \
Whilft from off the waters fleet
Thus Ifet my printlefi feet
O'er the ctwJJips velvet head,
That tends not as I tread ;
Gentle fwain, at thy reque/t,
I am here.
Qodclefs dear,
We implore thy powerful hand
To undo the charmed band
Of true virgin here diftreffd*
Thro 1 the force, and thro' the wile*
Qf unblejSd enchanter vile.
C O M U S.
R E C I T A T I V O.
^ 'tis my office heft
To help enfnared chajlity :
"Brigkteft lady, kok on me ;
Thus I fprinkle on thy breajl
Drops, that from my fountain pure
/ have kept, of precious cure ;
Thrice upon thy finger's tip t
TIjrice upon thy ruby'd lip ;
Next this marble venom' d feat,
Smear' d with gums of glutinous heat t
I touch with ckajle palms moijl and cold:
Now thefpell hatb lojl his hold ;
And I muft hajle, ere jnzrning-houry
To wait in Amphitrite'j bower.
SABRINA defcends^ and the Lady rifesoutofherfeat$
the Brothers embrace her tenderly.
I oft had heard, but ne'er believ'd till novr,
There are, who can by potent magick fpells
Bend to their crooked purpofe nature's laws,
Blot the fair moon from her refplendent orb,
Bid whirling planets flop their deftin'd courfe,
And thro' the yawning earth from Stygian gloom
Call up the meagre ghoft to walks of light :
It may be fo, - for fome myfterious end !
Yet ftill the freedom of the mind, you fee,
No fpell can reach j that righteous Jove forbids,
Left man ftiould call his frail divinity
The flave of evil, or the fport of chance.
C O M U S. 57
Youngejl BROTHER.
Why did I doubt ? Why tempt the wrath of heav'n
To flied juft vengeance on my weak diftruft ?
Here fpotlefs innocence has found relief,
By means as wond'rous as her ftrange diftrefs.
Inform us, Tbyrjts, if for this thine aid
We aught can pay, that equals thy defert ?
Pay it to heaven, that lent you grace
To efcape this curfed place ;
To heaven, that here has try'd your youth,
Your faith, your patience, and your truth,
And fent you thro' thefe hard eflays
With a crown of deathlefs praife.
[Then the two firjl SPIRITS advance and fpeak alter-
nately the following lines, which MlLTON calls
To the ocean now I fly,
And thofe happy climes that lye.
Where day never fhuts his eye,
Up in the broad fields of the Iky :
There I fuck the liquid air,
All amidft the gardens fair
Of HefperuSy and his Daughters three,
That fing about the golden tree.
Along the crifped (hades and bowers
Revels the fpruce and jocund Spring ;
The Graces and the i ofy-bofom'd Hours
Thither all their bounties bring ;
There eternal Summer dwells,
And weft-winds with mufky wing
About the cedar'n alleys fling
Nard and CaJ/ia's balmy fmells.
H Now
58 C Q M U S,
Now my tafk is fmoothly done,
I can fly, or I can run
Quickly to the green earth's end,
Where the bow'd welkin flow doth bend
And from thence can foar as foon
To the corners of the moon.
Mortals, that would follow me,
Love Virt *, fhe alone is free :
She can teach you how to climb
Higher than the fpheiy chime;
Or, if Virtue feeble were,
Jleaven itfelf would ftoop to her;
Taught ly Virtue, you may climb
Higher than the fphery chims\
Qr, if Virtue feeble were^
fdeaven itjelf would Jloop to her*
By R. D o D s L E y.
Printed forR.DoosLEY in Pall-Mall ; and fold
by T. COOPER in Pater-nofter-Row.
--;:. W: :..:.. '; ;
* - . .- -
On Saturday the 3d of January began to be publijtfd*
And is continued Weekly,
I. Original Letters and Effays on various Subjects ;
particularly on all Branches of Polite Learning and
ufeful Science.
II. Poetical E/ays<
III. Records of Literature .' Being a Compendious
Account of whatever Books are publifh'd ei-
ther at Home or Abroad, worthy the Attention
of the Publick.
IV. The Subftance of the Debates.
V. The moft authentick, and by much the Jargeft
Collection of News Foreign and Domeftick.
VI. The Arrival of Ships at Home and Foreign
Ports ; an Account of the Exports anjd Imports -,
the Rife 2nd Fall of Stocks -, the Price of Goods
at Bear-Key ; of Hay, Sheep and Oxen at Smith-
VII. Births, Deaths, Marriages, Preferments, and
whatever renders a Paper of this Sort ufeful to the
N. B. Thofe who intend to take this Paper , need only
fpeak to the Perfons ivbo fuppiy them veiib News,
and they will be punctually ferv'd.
Printed for R. DODSLEY, at Tullfs Head in
Pall-Mall, and fold by T. Cooper, at the
CPrice Three Pence.)
The Blind BEG GAR, Mr. Berry.
BESSY, his Daughter, Mrs. Clive.
Sir WILLIAM MORLEY, <>t Mr . CaflleIL
love with her,
" ". Lowe.
to BESS Y f
JOHN SLY, j as a Mijlrefs, ^ Mr Tafwel>
Neighbours, Paffengers, &c.
SCENE, Bethnal Green, and the
BcggarV Houfe upon it.
SCENE I. The Beggar s Houfe.
WEI.FORD alone.
RUE, ihe is but a Beggar's Daugh-
ter, yet her Perfon is a Miracle ;
and her amiable Qualities fuch as
might well befit a better Station.
The Fame of her uncommon Beauty is now
fpread round the Country^ and every Day pro-
B 2 duces
duces fome new Rival of my Happinefs.
How can I hope her Heart will continue
mine, againft fo many, and fuch power-
ful Competitors? But him whom I moft fear
is Sir V/illiam Morley ; and her Letter to me
concerning him has alarm'd me. But here
{he comes.
Ah Be/y ! What is it you tell me ? Surely
you will not be fo unkind !
You ought not, Welford -, you cannot juflly
accufc me of Unkindnefs.
Is it not unkind, to tell me you will marry
Sir William Morley ?
I will obey my Father.
I am much afraid, BeJ/y, your Duty to your
Father is not the only Motive to your Obe-
dience in this AfFair. Sir William has Wealth
and Titles to beftow.
Now you are unkind, nay cruel, to think
that any Motive fo mean as that of Intereft or
Vanity, could have the leaft Influence over
What can I think ?
Think on the Situation I am in ; think on
my Father. Can I leave him, blind and help-
lefs, to ftruggle with Infirmity and Want, when
it is in my Power to make his old Age com-
fortable and happy ?
The faithful Stork behold,
A duteous Wing prepare?
Its Sire, grown weak and old,
Tofetd with conftant Care :
Should I my Father leave,
Grown old, and weak, and blind-,
1o think on Storks, would grieve
Andfhame my weaker Mind.
That fhall be no Objection ; no Beffy, whilft
thefe Hands can work, he never mall know
Want i Your Father (hall be mine, nay deaf-
er, a thoufand Times dearer to me than my
Why can I not requite fuch feithful Love ?
But Welford) fuppofe my Father commands me
to marry Sir William, would you have me dif-
obeyhim? . 'Tis true, he is but a poor Man,
a Beggar, yet he is my Father j and the befl
of Fathers he has been to me.
He is the beft of Men : and, if Report fay
true a far from a common Beggar.
Sometimes, indeed, I myfelf fufpecl that he
is not what he feems ; and what principally in-
duces me to it is the extraordinary Care he has
taken of my Education, inftruding mehimfelf,
and teaching me a thoufand Things above my
Sphere of Life; and this is a further Reafon
>vhy I ought not to difobey him.
You (hall not difobey him, I will not defire
it. But fuppoie it were poffible for me to
gain his Confent ?
Then you have mine -, for believe me, Wcl-
ford, I can propofe no Happinefs to myfelf, if
not with you ; and mould I marry Sir William,
it is only becaufe I chufe rather to make myfelf
unhappy than my Father.
Unequall'd Goodnefs ! Surely he will not
make you miferable, who are fo afraid of
making him fo ! And he is too wife to think
all Happinefs confm'd to Greatnefs.
Obferve the fragrant ttujhing Rofe,
Tbo in the humble Vale it fpring,
Itfmells asfweet y as fair it blows,
As in the Garden of a King:
So calm Content as oft is found compleat
In the low Cot, as in the lofty Seat,
( 12 )
I will go this Inftant to him, and try how far
I can prevail. I hope your Wifhes will be in
my Favour.
Go, I dare not wi(h, left they mould be
too much fo. For how ftrongly foever I may
be determined to obey my Father, I fear that
Love will fteal away my Heart in fpite of Duty.
SCENE III. Bethnal Crreen.
Enter the Blind Beggar led in by a Boy.
So, Boy, we are at our Journey's End I
find: corfre ftay by me, there's a good Boy.
tfwo Paffetlgers crofs the Stage.
Pray remember the Blind !
( 13)
I have nothing for you, Friend. One can-
not ftir a Step without being plagu'd with the
Cant of Beggars.
? Tis an infamous Thing in a trading Coun-
try, that the Poor are not fome way or other
employ *d.
\fThey go out.
I am afraid the Rich are employ'd full as ill ;
and what is ftill worfe, the Poor are not the
only Beggars. Wants, real or imaginary,
reach all States 5 and as fome beg in Rags,
there are fome not afham'd to beg even in
Lace and Velvet. All Men are Beggars in
fome Shape or other ; thofe only are fcandalous
ones, who beg by Impudence what they
Should earn by Merit.
r 14 )
Let Pegging m longer le taunted,
If honeft and free from Offence j
Were each Man to beg what he wanted^
How many would Beggars commence!
Grave Church-men might beg for more Grace,
Toung Soldier* for Courage might call-,
And many that beg for a Penfion or Place,
Might beg for fomc Merit withat.
Enter another Pafienger.
Pray remember the Blind !
So, Neighbour, you are got to your old Seat
this Afternoon.
( '5 )
Is not that my Neighbour Greenfield ?
You have been in Town, . I fuppofe, what
News ?
I hear none, but that the Earl of EJ/ex is
dead this Morning.
The Earl of Effex dead ! That's greater
News to me than you imagine.
I hope it is not bad.
Here 's my Lord Ranfy feems to be coming
this Way, as if he wanted to fpeak with you.
Does he ? Well, I am prepar'd for him. This
worthy Man is one of thofe who has the Good-
nefs, becaufe he thinks me poor, to follicit me
to proftitute my Daughter, and fell her Virtue
for his borrow'd Gold,
( 16 )
Very charitable truly! an4 J don't doubt
but you'll thank him as he deferves. Good
I wim you a good Walk.
[Exit. PafTenger
Enter Lord Ranby.
Well, honeft Beggar, have you thought of
the Propofals I made when I faw you laft ?
Yes, I have thought of you and your Pro-
pofals, with Contempt.
With Contempt!
Yes, my Lord, with Contempt.
Don't be impudent, Friend.
( '7 ;
'Tis not I that am impudent, my Lord.
Hark ye, old Fellow, were it not for your
Paughter, your Age fhould not protect your
And were it not for my Age, young Fellow,
your Quality mould not protect yours. Info-
lence ! I'd have thee know, proud Lord, my
Birth is at leaft equal to thine -, and tho' now
a Beggar, I have not yet difgrac'd my Family,
as thou haft done. Go home, young Man,
and pay your Debts, it will more become you
than this infamous Errand.
J Tis very well : but I mall perhaps make
you repent this Freedom.
Repent your own Follies, Child -, no honefl
Freedom ought to be repented of.
You are a brave Fellow !
And you are not a braye Fellow.
r is ;
The old Wretch confounds me fo I don't
know what to fay. [Afute.] I fhall take a Courfe
with you, Sir, for this Impudence.
An idle Courfe you have taken all your Life j
be wife, and mend it.
Damn him ! Why mould I talk to fuch a
Creature ? I muft enjoy his Daughter however j
and fince fair Means won't prevail, foul
muft. [Exit.
What ftrange Creatures are the greater!: Part
of Mankind ! What a Compofition of Contra-
dictions! Always purfuing Happinefs, yet ge-
nerally thro' fuch Ways as lead to Mifery :
Admiring every Virtue in others, indulging
themfelves in every Vice : fond of Fame, yet
labouring for Infamy. In fo bad a World, the
Lofs of Sight is not really fo great an Evil as
it may be apprehended.
( '9)
. S O N G.
Tho Darknefs [till attends me,
It aids internal Sight ;
And from fuch Scenes defends me l
As blufi to fee the Night.
No Villain's Smile deceives me,
No gilded Fop offends,
No 'weeping Object grieves me,
Kind Darknefs me befriends;
Henceforth no ufelefs Waitings,
IJind no Reafon why -,
Mankind to their own Failings
Are all as blind as L
Who fainted Vice defires,
Is blind, whatever he thinks -,
Who Virtue not admires,
Js either blind, or winks.
(20 )
Friend, if thou beeft at leifure, I would com-
mune with thee.
Is not that Mr. Sly ?
John Sty, at thy Service.
Well, Friend Sly, what is your Pleafure with
Thou haft a Daughter, Friend, whofe
Charms I have beheld with the Eye of Wonder
and Admiration. As a Goldfinch among Spar-
rows, or as a Peacock amongft Fowls, even
fuch is thy Child amongft the Daughters of
Men. Her Beauty maketh the Rofe to blum
with Shame, and the Lilly turneth pale with
Envy thereat. Ah, Friend ! what pity it were
this innocent Lamb mould fall amongft Wolves,
and be devoured !
It were great pity, indeed.
My Soul melteth in Companion, yea, my
Heart is moved with Affection unto her : Let
her be mine Handmaid, and I will protect her
from the Pollutions of the Ungodly.
And fo, Friend, thou would'fl debauch my
Daughter thyfelf, that the Wicked may not
have the Sin to anfwer for.
Nay, Friend, thou flioukTft not call it de-
bauching her. Come, come, I will make a
Proportion that {hall pleafe thee. Thou art a
poor Man, and thou knoweft that I am rich ;
what Part of my Fortune fhall I give unto her ?
Name the Sum, and it fhall be fettled upon her
according to thy Direction.
How dare any Man have the Impudence to
afk another the Price of his Virtue ! Surely,
Friend, thou muft be very glad that I am blind.
Why fo. Friend ?
Becaufe I cannot fee how much like a Rogue
thou muft now look. Out of my Reach, vile
Hypocrite, or I will make thee feel the Weight
of my Refcntment !
( 22 )
Verily, Friend, thou knoweft not the Ways
of the World, nor the Wifdom thereof But
I will not be caft down, the Daughter may
perhaps have more Wit than her Father ; I
will try at leaft.
How (hall I addrefs him ? Sure there is fome-
jthing venerable about this poor old Man j fome-
thing that commands more than common Re-
verence and Refpedl. {A fids.) I am come,
Sir, to fpeak with you about an Affair that to
me is of Confequence, and I beg you will not
think me impertinent or troublefome.
Who is it, that can be afraid of being im-
pertinent to a poor Beggar ?
My Name is Welford.
O, I know you very well, Mr. Welfbrd t your
Father was 'formerly my very good Friend and
Benefactor 5 I was forry, poor Gentleman, for
(23 )
his Misfortunes ; all he had, I think, was loft a t
'Tis true ; and my chief Misfortune in that
Lofs, is, that it has depriv'd me of the Power
of making it your's.
I underftand ye - 9 you have a Kindnefs for
my Daughter, and would have married her ;
I have heard fomething of it, and fuppofe that
is the Bufmefs you are come about, is it not ?
It is, and I hope I mall have your Gonfent.
Mr. Welford, I had a Refpecl for your Fa-
ther, for his fake I have a Regard for you j and
as you have unhappily no Fortune of your own,
I would not have you do fo imprudent a thing as
to marry the Daughter of a Beggar.
I have already learnt not to place any Part of
my Happinefs in the Enjoyment of Riches j and
my Heart tells me, that the greateft Pleafure I
could have, would be to maintain you and your
Daughter by the honeft Labour of my Hands.
tr 2 SONG.
keep my gentle BerTy,
What Labour would ff em hard?
Each toilfome Task how eafy !
Her Love the fweet Reward.
The Bee thus uncomplaining,
Efteems no Toil fever e y
The fweet Reward obtaining.,
Of Honey 'all the Tear.
Your Intentions are very kind, and I don't
doubt but your Love to my Daughter is fin-
cere ; but-I would have you fupprefs it : For, to
deal plainly with you, I have already determined
to marry my Daughter to Sir William Mor/ey.
But will you marry her to Sir William againft
her Confent ?
I doubt not her Confent ; me never difobey'd
me yet j and will not now, I dare fay.
( 25 )
I know flie will obey if you command -, but
furely, in an Affair of fo much Confequence
to her, you will have fome Regard to her own
Happinefs. Let me only beg you to confider
this, and then I leave it to your paternal Af-
fection. At prefent I will trouble you no fur-
ther. [Exit.
I have confider'd of it, and I hope me will
confider of it too. I would not make my
Child unhappy, nor will I marry her againft
her Mind : but Sir William, befides the Large-
nefs of his Fortune, is of fo good-natur'd and
agreeable a Difpofition, that I hope fhe wil[
fbon be won to tafle the Happinefs of her Con-
dition, and then will thank me for my Care.
Come, Boy, the Wind methinks blows cold
here, we'll go to the other Side of the Green.
SCENE changes to the BEGGAR'S Hottfi;
I am very fenfible. Sir William, of the Ho-
nour you do me in defcending fo much beneath
yourfelf, as to think of marrying the Daugh-
ter of a Beggar.
My dear Beflj, talk not of In equality 5 true
Love forgets Condition, and defpifes any
Thought fo mean as that of Intereft.
Some would efteem fuch Love at beft but
Weaknefs. Nay you yourfelf, as Paffion cools,
and Reafon gathers ftrength, perhaps may cen-
fure and regret as a Folly, what now you feri-
ufly fancy to be Love.
'The Boy thus of a Bird fo/efl t \
At fir ft how great his Jcysf
Heflrokes itfoft, and in his Breaft
The little Favrite lies :
But foon as grown to riper Agf y
The Paffion qvits*his Mind,
He hangs it up infome cold Cagf,
Negletfed audconfirid.
This, my Beffy y is impoffible ; as your Beau-
ties have fubdu'd my Heart, your Virtues have
cndear'd, and will fecure the Conqueft.
I wifh, Sir William, you would excufe my
Fears ; I was not born for Grandeur, and dare
not venture on a State fo much above my
So far from Truth is that unjuft Pretence,
that 'tis your prefent Rank alone you are unfit
for. You have not only Beauty to adorn, but
Senfe to fupport a higher.
I know you flatter me ; but granting what
you fay were true, yet I had rather attend my
Father on this humble Green, than run the
Riik of falling from that Greatnefs which I
neither covet nor deferve.
And am I then fo much your Averfion, that
Poverty, nay Beggary itfelf, is preferable to
Wealth when brought by me? What Rifk,
what Hazard do you run ? Do I not offer to
marry you ? Does not your Father join with
me in defiring your Compliance ? And ought
not you to rejoice at the Hopes of being pro-
tected from the Infolence of thofe who daily in-
vade your Innocence, and attempt your ChafU-
ty ? But we are interrupted. I'll go wait on
your Father home, and be with you again im-
mediately. [EAT;/.
r ( 29)
Enter Lord Ranby.
Ha! my little Cherubim, is not that the
grave Kiaight, that would fain feduce you to
commit Matrimony with him ? Methinks he
went away in the Dumps, as if you had
ed his Suit.
Suppofeldid, Sir, what then?
Why then, my Dear, you did wifely.
as ridiculous for a beautiful Woman to throw
herfelf away upon a Hufband, in order to pre*
ferve her Honour, as it would be for a Man of
Fortune to give away his Eftate for Fear he
fhould fpend it.
I rather think it were as foolifh for a Wo-
man to truft herfelf to a Man without Mar-
riage, as it would be for a Merchant to venture
his Ship to Sea without Infurance.
A Huiband, Child, becomes your Mailer >
a Gallant will continue your Adorer and your
A Hufband rather is the Protestor of that
Virtue which a Gallant would rob me of, and
then defert me.
At Death alone the Marriage Knot unties,
So Vows that Lovers make
Laft until Sleep, Death's Image ^ clofe their
Dtffofae when they awake - y
And that fond Love which was to Day their
is thought To-morrow but an idle Dream.
r *
Do you think then, that Love is more likely
t o continue when it is conftrain'd, than when i 1 -
is free and voluntary ?
I Ihould think ! had but fmall Security for
^hc Continuance of his Love, who was afraid
r 3i ;
of engaging with me any longer than from
Day to Day.
What better Security can you have from a
Gentleman, than his Honour ?
He that would refufe me all other Security
but his Honour, I mould be afraid had too
little of that to be trufted.
Well then, my dear BeJJy, to come clofe to
the Point, you cannot fufped: my Sincerity,
fince I have not defir'd you to truft entirely to
my Honour, but have offer'd to make you a
handfome Settlement.
But, my Lord, as I don't like the Terms, I
hope I may be excus'd accepting it.
Come, come, Child, fmce I find you are fo
very obftinate that you will not accept of what
is fb much for your own Good, I muft be
oblig'd to force you to it, my Dear.
What dp you mean, my Lord ?
( .3* J-
Only to make you hapy, my Angel, whe-
ther you will or no.
Heaven, defend me !
Look ye, my Dear, noNoife, no Stugglingj
it will avail you nothing. But let me not for-
get to turn the Key.
3 c E N E X.
Enter SLY.
Indeed. Friend, thpu /hould'ft have done
that before.
Curfe on the fanftify'd Hyppocrite ! What
envious Demon fent him here ?
Heaven rather fent him to preferve my Vir-
tue. O fave me from the brutal Violence of
that Monflcr !
Yea verily, I will protect thy Virtue, and
fave thee for myfelf. [dfide.] Friend,
Friend, why walkeft thou in Vanity ? Verily,
thou haft done the Thing that is not right. -
r 33 )
Verily, Friend, and fo haft thou : And un-
lefs thou doft immediately return from whence
thou cameft, I will exalt the Arm of Flem
againfl thee, and thy Iniquity mail be upon
thy Bones.
Hum! my Spirit burneth within me, yea,
my inward Man is moved to Wrath. How-
beit, I doubt he is ftronger than I, therefore I
will be peaceable, and try if I cannot gain my
Point, by feeming to join with him. [Afide^
Reftrain thy Choler, Friend ; I meant not to
difappoint thee; for, to confefs the Truth, I
came with the fame Defign myfelf ; wherefore
I may, peradventure, be of Service unto thee, in
perfuading the Virgin to yield unto our Solici-
tations. What fay'ft thou, (hall I try ?
And does the Carnal Paffion lurk beneath
this fober Mafk of Sanftity ? What the Devil
can he % to her! It muft be a ridiculous
Scene, I'll hear it. [dftde.] Well Friend, prithee
try thy Talent upon her 5 but, do ye hear, don't
play falfe.
Thy felf (hall judge. BESSY.
r 34 ;
What means this Parley?! don't like \t.[Afide.
Fair Maiden, I am moved, yea I am
ftrongly moved, and as it were pumcd forth
by the Spirit towards thee : Suffer me there-
fore to entreat thee, and to prevail upon thce
to anfwer the End of thy Creation. The Sun
of thy Beauty nouriflieth my Love as a Plant
My Soul longeth, yea I do long exceedingly,
to tafte thy Sweets, to feel the Softnefs of thy
panting Breaft.
Firft feel my Hand, thou [Gives him a Box
holy Hyppocrite. What will on the Ear.]
become of me!
How like ye her Salute ? Methinks me kifs'd
you with a Smack.
Verily, if her Hand is the fofteft Part of her,
her Heart muft be exceeding hard,
I fee no Liklihood of prevailing with her
by fair Means ; fuppofe we force her into my
( 35 ;
Coach, and drive her to a little Houfe I have
about ten Miles off, we (hall there bring her
to a Compliance.
The Propofal is good, and I will afllft thcc
in it.
Come, Madam, 'tis in vain to relift, you
muft along with us this Inftant.
BESSY kneeling.
For Heaven's Sake, my Lord, forbear ! Think
on my poor blind Father, and take not from
him the Support of his old Age, his only Child !
Alas! he will die diftrafted.
Behold me on my bended Knee,
Think on my Fathers Cries !
O think the gujhing Tears you fee
Drop from bis clofed Eyes !
Let this fad Sight your Soul pofefs,
Let kind Regret take Place - t
And fave my father from Diftrefs,
His Daughter from Dijgrace.
Off! 'tis in vain;
Good Heaven protect my Virtue. Hetpj
[As they are forcing her towards the
Door, enter Welford, who feizes
Lord Ranby's Sword.
Villains ! What means this Outrage ?
Hell and Furies! are we difappointed ?
Unhand her, or this Moment is thy laft.
[Holds the Sword to his Breaft.}
Hold ! hold! I will : Have a care, the Point
may hurt one !
Bafe Coward ! why art thou fo afraid to die ?
Should/I tbou not rather be alham'd to live ?
How fares my Love ?
O my Deliverer ! my dear Preferver ! let my
Heart thank thee, for I cannot fpeak.
Don't tremble fo, ,myDearj compofe your-*
felf; the Danger's over; come, look up. Vile
Raviihers ! how did you dare to rob the facred
Dwelling of this poor oil Man ? Did you not
think the Gods would take his Part ?
The God of Love, methinks, mould have
taken ours ; and if he had b^eu true to his Cha-
ra&er he would.
Enter the Beggar and Sir William."
O my dear Father ! do I live to fee you once
again ?
* TT " >t means my Child ?
(38 )
Ay, now we {hall have a difmal Story, how
a trembling Dove efcap'd the bloody Pounces of
Or how an innocent Lamb was fnatch'd from
the Jaws of a devouring Wolf.
And can you know your Characters fo well,
and not deleft yourfelves ?
Are not thefe, Lord Ranby and Friend Sly ?
What has been done ?
Nothing, indeed.
Thefe wicked Men had form'd a bafe Defign
againft my Virtue ; and would even now have
forc'd me from you, had not the friendly Arm
of my dear Welford, that inftant interpos'd to
fave me. Forgive me, Father, that I call him
dear, I owe my Virtue and my Life to his Pro*
( 39 )
Unworthy Men! what had I done, that you
fhould wifh to make my old Age mifer-
We did not think of thy old Age at all,
but of thy Daughter's Youth and Beauty.
Which I will this inftant put beyond the
Reach of your ungenerous and ungovern'd
Paffions. Sir William, my Daughter's Vir-
tue ;
My deareft Father, fuffer me a Word, and
I have done. The Worth and Honour of Sir
William Morley are what I highly do efteem ;
and if 'tis your Command that I muft marry
him, fo much I value your Repofe beyond my
own, that I will facrifice my Happinefs to my
Obedience, and endeavour to give my Heart
where you command my Hand. But O, for-
give me, whilft I freely own, I feel my Heart
will wifh it otherwife.
( 40 )
Let me proceed. My Daughter's Virtue,
Sir William has conquer'd me. I did defign
to have given her to your honeft Love ; but
you yourfelf will own, I ought not to compel
a Child fo gentle, and fo tender of me. Can I
make her miferable, who prefers rhy Happinefs
to her own?
I own your Juftice, tho' my Heart would
fain plead againft it. Dear Bejy, I will endea-
vour to fubdue that Love, which cannot make
me happy, fince it would make you mifer-
Generous and kirid !
Well, there is a Pleafure after all in Virtufe^
which we loofe Fellows know not how to
Welford^ come hither. Your Father was a
worthy Man, and my good Friend $ his Bounty
oft relieved my feeming Want, and his good
( 4-O
Nature took me to his Friendfhip. I am
to find that you inherit his Worth, tho' not his"
Fortune. My Daughter loves you ; receive
her therefore from my grateful Hand, and
with her full five thouland Pounds in Gold.
Five thoufand Pounds I
Be not furpriz'd. Tho' long conceal'd upon
this Green, beneath the poor Appearance of a
Beggar, I am no other than Sir Simon Mont-
Jord, whom the World thinks dead fome Years
ago. Here I have liv'd, and fav'd thefe poor
Remains of a once nohle Fortune.
I'm in amaze, and fcarce know whether
I ihould believe my Senfes ! Why did my Fa-
ther conceal himfelf fo long from me?
It was neceflary, Child : but now I need no
longer hide me from the World. The Earl of
Ej/ex, who long fought my Life, this Morning
died. The Reafon of his Enmity was this :
His Father, who was Standard-bearer in an En-
gagement againft the Welfh, where I had fqme
Command, moft cowardly gave way, and oo
cafion'd the Lofs of the Battle j which when I
upbraided him with, he gave me the Lye, call'd
me Villain, and would have laid the Blame on
me. On this I challeng'd him, and it being
hk ill Fortune to fall by my Hand, I have ever
fince been oblig'd to conceal myfelf from the
Revenge of his Son.
My dear Befly, the Surprize of this fiidden
Turn in our Favour, has taken from me the
Power of Expreffion.
If your Joy is but equal to mine, I am
'fhe Man 'who in a Dungeon lies for Debt,
JLJleems not Light and Liberty fo dear.
(43 )
The frighted Bird juft Jcap'd the Fowler's
If 3 Heart not f utters more 'twixt Joy and
Come to my Arms,
And on my Breajl
From all Alarms
Securely reft.
In this kind Haven let me lie,
In mutual Pleafure live and die.
In mutual Pleafure live and die.
( 44)
Psir Father, let me indulge the Joy to call
you fo. The H.tppinefs you give me with
your Daughter, is half deftroyed by this unex-
*pebd Fortune. The Pleasure 1 had promifed
myfelf in labouring with my Hands to main-
tain the Father of my Love is now no more J
but let me ftill rejoice, that by this means
My Be/fs gentle Heart is frec'd from Care,
And her fair Hand no Labour needs to fharc.
Hence let this Maxim to the World be given,
True Love and Virtue are the Care of Heaven.
I S.
That ever was Tragedized by any
Company of TRAGEDIANS.
Printed for T. LOWNDES, T. CASI.ON, W. NICOLL,
and S. BLADON.
10 Ntgbt our Comic MUSE the Buskin wears,
And gives herfelf no fmatt Romantic Airs j
Struts in Heroics, and in pompous Verfe
Does the minuteft Incidents rehearfe ;
In Ridicule* sftrict Retrafpeft difplays
The Poetafters of thefe modern Days ;
Who with big bellowing Bombaft rend our Ears,
Which, ftript of Sound, quite void of Senfe appears 5
Or elf e their Fiddle-Faddle Numbers flow^
Serenely dull, elaborately low :
Either Extreme when vain Pretenders tdkty
Laptain of the Guards*
_/ . . J VvTV^'A '^\
ViRVt V-
King of the Antipodes.
Fadladinide, ^^^ of Queerummania.
Tatianthe, her Favourite.
Ttyo Ladies of the Court.
Two Ladies of Pleafure.
Guards and Attendants, &c.
tVtotW \ *iX ,V.V\ t ' 'i'^ :'.'-l;1 './V^^V'lllt
SCENE Queerummania.
An Anti-Chamber in the Palace.
Enter Rigdum-Funnidos and Aldiborontiphofco-
Ldiborcntipbofcophornio !
Where left you Cbrononho-
tcntbologos ?
Aldi. Fatigu'd with the tremendous Toils of
Within his Tent, on downy Couch fuccumbent,
6 Chrononhotonthologoi.
Himfclfhe unfatigues with gentle Slumbers!
LulTd by the chearful Trumpets gladfom Clangor,
The Noife of Drums, and Thunder of Artillery,
He fleeps fupine amidft the Din of War :
And yet 'tis not definitively Sleep ;
Rather a kind of Doze, a waking Slumber,
That fheds a Stupefaction o'er his Senfes :
For now he nods and fnores ; anon he ftarts ;
Then nods and fnores again : If this be Sleep,
Tell me, ye Gods ! what mortal Man's awake !
What fays my Friend to this ?
Rig. Fun. Say ! I fay he fleeps Dog-Sleep :
What a Plague wou'd you have me fay ?
Aldi. O impious Thought! Ocurs'dlnfinuation!
As if great Chrononhotonthologos
To Animals deteftable and vile
Had aught the leaft Similitude !
Rig. My dear Friend ! you entirely mifappre-
hend me : I did not call the King Dog by Craft ;
I was only going to tell you that the Soldiers have
jufl now receiv'd their Pay, and are all as drunk
as fo many Swabbers. [ // j
Aldi. Give Orders inftantly that no more
Be iflued to the Troops : Mean time, my Friend,
Chrononhotonthologos. J
the Baths be fill'd with Seas of Coffee,
To ftupefy their Souls into Sobriety.
Rig. I fancy you had better banifh the Sutlers,
and blow the Geneva Calks to the Devil.
Aldi. Thou counfel'fl well, my Rigdum-Funnidos,
And Reafon feems to father thy Advice :
But, foft ! The King in penfiye Contemplation
Seems to refolve on fpme important Doubt-,
His Soul, too copious for his Earthly Fabrick,
Starts forth, fpontaneous, in Soliloquy,
And makes his Tongue the Midwife of his Mind. us retire, left we difturb his Solitude.
[They retire.
Enter King,
King. This God of Sleep is watchful to torv
ment me,
And Reft is grown a Stranger to my Eyes :
Sport not with Chrononhotonthologos^
Thou idle Slumb'rer, thou detefted Somnus :
For, if thou doft, by all th? waking Pow'rs
I'll tear thine Eye- Balls from their Leaden-Sockets,
And force thee to out-ftare Eternity.
[Exit in a Huff.
$ Chrononhotonthologos.
Re-enter Rigdum and Aldiboronti.
Rig. The King is in a moft curfed Pafllon !
Pray who the Devil is this Mr. Somnus he's fo
angry withal ?
AldL The Son of Chaos and of Erebus*
Inceftuous Pair ! Brother of Mors relentlefs,
Whofe fpeckled Robe, and Wings of blacked Hue,
Aftonifh all Mankind with hideous Glare ;
Himfelf with fable Plumes, to Men benevolent,
Brings downy Slumbers and refrelhing Sleep.
Rig. Fun. This Gentleman may come of a very
good Family, for aught I know ; but I would
not be in his Place for the World.
Aldi. But, lo ! the King his Footfteps this Way
His cogitative Faculties immers'd
In Cogibundity of Cogitation :
Let Silence clofe our Folding-Doors of Speech,
'Till apt Attention tell our Heart the Purport
Of this profound Profundity of Thought.
Re-enter King, Nobles* and Attendants* &c.
King. It is refolv'd Now, Somnus, I
defy thee*
And from Mankind ampule thy eursM Dominion.
L Thefe
Chrononhotontbologos. 9
Thefe Royal Eyes thou never more malt cloie.
Henceforth let no Man fleep, on Pain of Death :
Inftead of Sleep, let pompous Pageantry
Keep all Mankind eternally awake.
Bid liarleqiimo decorate the Stage
With all Magnificence of Decoration :
Giants and GiantefTes, Dwarfs and Pigmies,
Songs, Dances, Mnfic in its ampleft Order,
Mimes, Pantomimes, and all the mimic Motion
Of Scene Deceptiovifive and Sublime.
[The flat Scene draws.
The King is feated, and a grand Pantomime Enter-
tainment is performed^ in the Midft of which
enters a Captain of the Guard.
Capt. To Arms ! to Arms ! great Chrcnonho-
tonthologos !
Th' Antipodean Pow'rs, from Realms below,
Have burft the folid Entrails of the Earth ;
Gufhing fuch Cataracts of Forces forth,
This World is too incopious to contain 'em :
Armies on Armies march in Form ftupendous ;
Not like our Earthly Regions, Rank by Rank,
But Teer o'er Teer, high pil'd from Earth to
Heaven ;
B A blaz-
I o Cbrononbotonthotogos.
A blazing Bullet, bigger than the Sun,
Shot from a huge and monftrous Culverin,
Has laid your Royal Citadel in Ames.
King. Peace, Coward ! were they wedg'd like
golden Ingots,
Or pent fo clofe, as to admit no Vacuum ;
One Look from Chrcnonhotonthologos
Shall fcare them into Nothing. Rigdum-Funnidos^
Bid Bombardinian draw his Legions forth,
And meet us in the Plains of Queerummania.
This very now ourfelves mall there conjoin him :
Mean time, bid all the Priefts prepare their Tem-
For Rites of Triumph : Let the finging Singers,
With vocal Voices, moft vociferous,
In fweet Vociferation, out-vociferize
Ev'n Sound itfelf. So be it as we have order'd.
[Exeunt Omnes.
Chrononhotonthologos. 1 1
A magnificent Apartment.
Enter Queen, Tatlanthe, and two Ladies ^.
A Y's Curtain's drawn, the Morn
begins to rife,
And waking Nature rubs her fleepy Eyes :
The pretty little fleecy bleating Flocks
In Baa's harmonious warble thro' the Rocks :
Night gathers up her Shades in fable Shrouds,
And whifp'ring Oziers tattle to the Clouds.
What think you, Ladies, if an hour we kill,
At BaiTet, Ombre, Picquet, or Quadrille ?
fat. Your Majefty was pleas'd to order Tea.
Queen. -- My Mind is alter'd ; bring fomc
\ybey are fervid round with a Dram.
I have a famous Fidler fent from France.
Bid him come in. What think ye of a Dance ?
Enter Fidler,
Fid. - Thus to your Majefty, fays the fup-
pliant Mufe,
Wou'd you aSoLO or SONATA chufe ;
B 2 Qr
1 2 Chrononhotonthologos.
Or bold Concerto or foft Sicilinia,
Alia Francefe overo in Gujlo Romano ?
When you command, 'tis done as foon as fpoke.
Queen. A civil Fellow ! play us the
Black Joak.
(Queen and Ladies dance the Black Joak.
So much for Dancing , now let's reft a while.
Bring in the Tea-things, does the Kettle boil ?
<7tf/._The Water bubbles, and the Tea-Cups
Through eager Hope to kifs your Royal Lip.
(T'ea brought in.
Queen. Come, Ladies, will you pleafe to
chufe your Tea ;
Or Green Imperial, or Pekoe Bohea ?
i/ Lady. Never, no, never fure on Earth
was feen,
So gracious, iweet, and affable a Queen.
id Lady. She is an Angel
ijl Lady.- She's a Goddefs rather.
that fweet Son of thine,
Aifift, aflift me, with your facred Art,
And teach me to.pbtain this Stranger's Heart.
Cbrononbotonthologos. \ 2 5
Venus defcends in her Chariot, andfings.
A I R.
Ven. See Venus does attend thee,
My Dilding, my Holding
Love's Goddefs will befriend thee,
Lilly bright andjhinee.
With Pity and Companion,
My Dilding, my Dotting,
She fees thy tender Paffion,
Lilly, &ff. Dar.Capo.
Air changes.
To thee I yield my Pow'r divine,
Dance over the Lady Lee.
Demand whate'er thou wilt, 'tis thine,
My gay Lady.
Take this magic Wand in Hand,
Dance, &c.
All the World's at thy Command,
My gay , &c. Da Capo.
Cupid defcends andfings.
A I R.
Are you a Widow, or are you a Wife ?
Gilly Flow'r, gentle Rofemary.
Or are you a Maiden, fo fair and fo bright ?
As the Dew that flies over the Mulberry 'Tree.
D utm
26 Chrortonhotonthologos .
Believ'd in fpirits and ajlrolog y ! J
*Twas by the ftars they pi'cfper'd, or mif carried ;
'Thro them grew rich, or poor \ were hangd, or married - f
And if their wives were naught, then they were bom
Under the Ram, or Bull, or Capricorn !
When our great-graxd-mamas had made ajlrp,
(Their Jhoes with higher heels would often trip)
The rofe and lily left their cheeks "*twas duty
To curfe their Planets, and deftrcy their beauty:
Such ign* ranee, with Jaith in Stars, prevails ;
Our faces never change, they tell no tales ;
Or Jhould a hit/band, rather unpolite,
Lock up our perfons, and our rofes blight ,
When once fet free again, there's nothing in //,
We can be ros'd and lily'd in a minute :
Fly all abroad, be taken into favour,
fad be as freft and frolickfome as ever /
To be&v'nly bodies we have no relation,
The Star that rules us is our inclination !
Governed by that, our earthly bodies move,
Quite unconnected with the things above : *'
Twoyoun* ones love a chaife to Scotland carries 'em,
The Stars lend light, but inclination marries 'em ,
Whenpajfwn cools, and flame is turn* d to fmother,
They curfe no Stars but Scotland, and each other /
To walk f th* dark no belles new make a fufs^
Nofpefters or hobgobblins frighten us /
No, fay,s Old Crab, of Fops the laft editions,
l?ray, Madam> what are they but apparitions !
So jism, fo pak,fo drefs'd from foot to bead,
Half girl., half boy, half living, and half dead,
Ihey are not flejh and blood, but walking gingerbread I
Moreflivnfy beings kept alive by art,
*' They corns hke ftadcws, and they'll fo depart."
O fye,forfoame ! faid I be turn' d about,
Andturn'dvs topfyturvey, injide out :
Rail'd at ourfex, then curs' 'd the Stars, andfwore
But you're alarm' d I fee, I'll fay no more :
Old doting fools from Stars derive all evil,
Nor fear ch their hearts to find the little devil:
Ladies take council, cruft) the mifchief there ;
Lay but that Spirit, you' II be wife as fair*
A court-yard^ with various inftruments.
_ OME, brave mercurials, fublim'd in cheating,
My dear companions, fellow foldiers
I'th watchful exercife qf thievery :
Shame not at your fo large profefllon,
No more than I at deep aflrology.
For in the days of old, good morrow thiefc
As welcome was receiv'd, as now your worjhi-p.
The Spartans held it lawful, and the Arabians ;
So grew Arabia fclix, Sparta valiant.
RONCA. Read on this lecture, wile Albumazar,
ALB. Your patron, Mercury, in his myfterious cha-
Holds all the marks of the other wanderers,
And with his fubtil influence works in all,
Filling their ilories full of robberies.
Mofl trades and callings much participate
Of yours > phoush fmoothly gilt with the honeft title
B Of
Of merchant, lawyer, or fuch like : the learned
Only excepted j and he's therefore poor.
HARP. And yet he fteals, one author from another ,
This poet is that poet's plagiary ;
A nd he a third's, 'till they end all in Homer.
ALB. The world's a theatre of theft ! Great rivers
Rob fmaller brooks ; and them the ocean.
And in this world of ours, this microcofm, .._
Guts from the ftomach fteal, and what they fpare,
The meferaicks filch, and lay't i' the liver :
Now all thefe pilfries couch'd and compos'd in order,
Frame thee and me : Man's a quick mafs of thievery !
RONCA. Moft philofophical Albumazar !
ALB. Therefore go on, follow your virtuous laws,
Your cardinal virtue, great neceffity ;
Wait on her clofe, with all occafions :
Be watchful, have as many eyes as heav'n,
And ears as harveft : be refolv'd and impudent j
Believe none, truft none : for in this city
(As in a fought field, crows, and carcaffes)
No dwellers are but cheaters and cheatees.
RONCA. If all the houfes in the town were prifons,
The chambers cages, all the fettles ftocks,
The broad- gates gallowies, and the whole people
Juftices, juries, conftables, keepers and hangmen,
I'd pradtife in fpite of all, and leave behind me
A fruitful feminary of our profefiion,
And call them by thy name Albumazarians !
HARP. And I no lefs, were all the city thieves
As cunning as thyfelf.
ALB. Why bravely fpoken,
Fitting fuch generous fpirits : I'll make way
To your -great virtue with a deep refemblance
Of high aftrology. Harpax and Ronca,
Lift to our profit : I have new-lodg'd a prey
Hard by, that, taken, is fo fat and rich,
'Twill make us leave off trading, and fall to purchafc,
HARP. Who is't ? fpeak quickly ?
RONCA. Where, good Albumazar ?
ALB. 'Tis a rich gentleman, as old as foolifh.
The poor remnant of whofe brain that age had left hirri,
The doting love of a young girl hath dried :
And which concerns us moft, he gives firm credit
To necromancy and aftrology,
Sending to me, as one that promife both.
JPandolfo is the man.
HARP. What, old Pandolfo!
ALB. The fame [Furbo fings} but flay, yon's Furbo,
whofe fmootheft brow
Shines with good news, and's vifage promifes
Triumphs and trophies to us ! (Furbo plays.
RONCA. My life he 'as learnt out all, I know by's
Enter FURBO.
See, great ALBUMAZAR !
Stand off, ye 'vulgar and profane I
Wonder ; gaze, and gape afar,
To fear ch thejkill,you muft not deign,
Of great ALBUMAZAR"!
His power can make you rich and great,
Transform your Jhape, reverfe your ftate,
Foretell the future, tell the paft ;
Pronounce your fate, for foon or late,
He' II dupe ye, cheat ye, choufe you all at laft.
Away, ye gip/ies ! pilfer, thieve /
Poor f truant men and maids deceive !
HE tricks the rich, confults tbejkits ;
Tour fate can weave,
For by your leave,
He'll dupe ye, cheat ye, cboufe ye all at lajl.
ALB. O brave Furbo !
FURBO. Albumazar,
Spread out thy nets at large, here's fowl abundance ;
Pandolfo*s ours -, I underftand his bufmefs,
Which I filcht clofely from him, while he rcveal'd
T' his man his purpofes and projects.
ALB. Excellent!
FURBO. Thanks to this inftrument : for in pretence
Of teaching young Sulpitia, th' old man's daughter,
I got acceis to th' houfe, and while I waited .-
'Till me was ready, over-heard Pandolfo
Open his fecrets to his fervants : thus 'tis.
Antonio, Pandolfo's friend and neighbour.
Before he went to Barbary, agreed
"To give in marriage
ALB. Furbo, this is no place
Fit to confider curious points of bufmefs ;
Come, let's away, I'll hear't at large y.bove :
Ronca, ftay you below, and entertain' him
With a loud noife of my deep Ikill in art ;
Thou know'ft my rofy modefty cannot do it :
Harpax, up you, and from my bed-chamber,
Where all things for our purpofes are ready,
Second each beck, and nod, and word of ours.
You know my meaning.
HARP.' Yes, yes.
FURBO. Yes, Sir.
ALB. Away then to our feveral flations.
Exeunt Albumazsr, &fr.
Furbo jivging*
RON. There's old Pandolfo, amorous as youthful
And grey as January : I'll attend him here.
' PAN.
FAN. Cricca, I feek thy aid, not thy crofs counfel ;
J am mad in love with Flavia, and muft have her :
Thou ipend'ft thy reafohs to the contrary,
Like arrows againft an anvil : J love Fla/ia,
And muft have Flavia.
CR'IC. Sir, you have no reafon,
She's a young girl of fixteen, you of fixty,
PAN. I have no reafon, nor fpare room for any :
Love's harbinger hath chalkt upon my heart,
And with a coal writ on my brain, for Flavia,
This houfe is wholly taken up for Flavia.
Let reafon get a lodging with her wit :
Vex me no more, I mud have Flavia.
CR'IC. But Sir, her brother Lelio, under whofe charge
She's now, after her father's death, fware boldly
Pandolfo never mall have Flavia.
PAN. His father, e'er he went to Barbary,
Promised her me : who be he live or dead,
Spight of a lift of Lelio's, Pandolfo
Shall enjoy Flavia.
CRIC. Sir, y'are too old.
PAN. I muft confefs in years about threefcore,
But in tough ftrength of body, four and twenty,
Or two months lefs. Love of young Flavia,
More powerful than Medea's drugs, renews me :
My arteries blown full with youthful fpirits,
Move the blood more brifkly, and my wither'd
Nerves grow plump. Hence, thou poor prop
Of feeblenels and age; (tbrows away bis fiick) walk with
fuch fires
As with cold palfies make aivay their ftrength,
And lofe their legs with cureleis gouts : Pandclfo,
New-moulded, is for revels, mafks, and mufic ! Cricca,
String my neglected lute, and from my armory
Scour my beft fword, companion of my youth.
CRIC. Your love, Sir, like ftrong water,
To a deplord fick man, quicks your feeble limbs
.For a poor moment, which as foon grow cold ;
Shall I fpeak plainer, Sir ? fhe'll cuckold you ;
Alas ! fhe'll cuckold you.
PAN. What me ? a man of known difcretion,
Of riches, years, and this grey gravity ?
I'll fatisfy'r v/ith gold, rich clothes, and jewels.
CRIC. Wer't not far fitter to urge your fon Eugenio
To woo her for himfelf ?
PAN. Cricca, be gone.
Touch no more there ; I will and mult have Flavia.
Tell Lelio, if he grant me his filter Flavia,
I'll give my daughter to him in exchange.
Be gone, and find me here within this half hour.
RON. 'Tit well that fervant's gone , I mall the eafier
Wind up his mafter to my purpofes.
PAN, Sure this is fome novice of th* artillery,
That winks and moots : Sir, prime, prime your piece
tThe powder's wet. [Knocks at the doer.
RON. A good afcendcntblefsme! Sir, are you fran-
tick ?
PAN. Whyfrantick? are not knocks the lawful courfes
To open doors and ears ?
RON. Of vulgar men and houfes.
PAN. Whofe lodging's this ? is't not the aflrologer's ?
RON. His lodging? no: 'tis the learn'dphrontifterion
Of moft divine Albumazar !
PAN. Good Sir,
If the door break, a better fhall redeem it.
RON. How ! all your land fold at a hundred years
Cannot repair the damage of one poor rap !
To thunder at the phontifterion
Of great Albumazar !
PAN. Why, man, what harm ?
RON. Sir, you muft know my matter's heav'nly brain
Pregnant with myfteries of metaphyficks,
Grows to the embryo of rare contemplation,
Which at full time brought forth, excels by far
7"he armed fruit of Vulcan's midwifry,
That leapt from Jupiter'- mighty cranium.
PAN. Pray you If eak Engliih :
Are you your mafter's countryman ?
RON, Yes ; why afk you ?
PAN. Then mult I get an interpreter for your language.
RON. You need not ; with a wind-inftrument my
matter made,
In five days you may breathe ten languages,
As perfect as the devil or himfelf.
PAN. When may I fpeak with him ?
RON. When't may pleafe the ftars.
He pulls you not a hair, nor pares a nail,
77;. ftirs a foot without due figuring
The uorofcope. Sit down awhile, and't pleafe you ;
I fee the heavens incline to his approach.
PAN What's this, I pray you ?
RON. Sir, 'tis a perfpicii, the beft under heaven :
With this I'll read a leaf of that fmall Iliad
That in a walnut-mtll was defk'd, as plainly
Twelve long miles off, as you fee Paul's from High-
PAN. Wonderful workman of fo rare an inftrumentl
RON. 'Twill draw the moon fo near, that you would
The bufh of thorns in't pricks your eyes : nay more,
It fearcheth like the eye of truth all clofets
That have windows : Have at Rome, I fee the Pope,
His cardinals, and his mule, the Englifli college,
And the Jefuits, like a fwarni of bees,
All buzzing juft turn'd out.
PAN. A good riddance! let me fee thfc Jefuits,
RON. So far you cannot : for this glafs is fram'd
For eyes of thirty ; you are nigh threefcore.
PAN. The price ?
RON. I dare not fell't.
But here's another of a ftranger virtue.
The great Albumazar, by wond'rous art,
Hath fram'd an inilrument ;hat magnifies
Objects of hearing, as this doth of feeing,
That you may know each whifper from Prefler John
Againil the wind, as frefli as 'twere deliver'd
Through a trunk, or Glofter's liftning wall.
PAN. And may I fee it, Sir ? bit-Is me once more.
RON. 'Tis fomething ceremonious; but you mall
Stand thus. What hear you ? [try't.
PAN. Nothing.
RON. Set your hands thus
That the vortex of the organ may perpendicularly
Point out our zenith what hear you now ? ha, ha, ha.
PAN. A humming noife of laughter.
RON. Why that's the audience
In a theatre, that now, Sir, are merry
With an old gentleman in a comedy what now ?
PAN. No more than a dead oyfter.
let me fee this wond'rous inftrument.
RON. Sir, this is called an otacoufticon.
PAN. A coufticon !
Why 'tis a pair of afs's ears, and large ones.
RON. True ; for in fuch a form the great Albumazar
Hath fram'd it purpofely, as fit'ft receivers
Of founds, as fpedtacles like eyes for fight.
PAN. What gold will buy it ?
RON. I'll fell it you when 'tis finifli'd ;
As yet the epiglottis is unperfect.
PA\ T . Soon as you can,and here's ten crowns inearneft.
For when 'tis done, and I have, purchas'd it,
1 mean to entail it on my heirs male for ever.
Nay, rather give it to Flavia for her jointure:
For ihe that marries you, deferves it richly.
CRIC. Sir,! have fpoke with Lelio, and he anfwers
PAN. Hang Lelio, and his anfwers -Come hither,
Wonder for me, admire, and be aftonifh'd !
Marvel thyielf to marble at thefe engines,
Thele ftrange Gorgonian inftrumcnts !
CRIC. At what?
PAN. At this rare perfpicil and otacoufticon :
For with thefe two I'll hear and fee all fecrets,
Undo intelligencers. Pray let my man fee
What's done in Rome ; his eyes are juft as your's are.
RON. Pandolfo, are you mad ? be wife and fecret j
Sec you the fteep danger you are tumbling in ?
Know you not that thefe inftruments have power
To unlock the hidden'ft clofets of whole ftates ?
And you reveal fuch myfteries to a fervant ?
Sir, be adris'd, or elfe you learn no more
Of our unknown philofophy.
PAN. Enough,
What news from I.ilio ? mall I have his fitter ?
CRIC. He fwears and vows he never will confent.
She mall not play with worn antiquities,
Nor lie with mow and ftatues -, and inch replies
That I omit for reverence of your worihip.
PAN. Not have his filler ? Cricca, I will hare Flavia,
Maugre his head : by means of this aftrologer
I'll enjoy Flavia.
RON. One minute brings him.
CRIC. What 'ftrologcr ?
PAN. The learned man I told thee,
The high almanack of Germany, an Indian
Far beyond Trebefond, and Tripoli,
C Clofc
10 A L 3 U M A Z A R.
Clofe by the world's end : a rare conjuror,
And great aftrologer! His name, pray Sir?
RON. Albumazarro Meteorolcopico.
PAN. As he excels in fcience, fo in title.
He tells of loft plate, horfes, and ftray'd cattle,
Directly, as he had ftolen them ail himfclf.
CRIC. Or he, or fome of his confederates.
PAN. As thou refpects thy life, look to thy tongue
Albumazar has an otacoufticon !
Be filent, reverent, and admire his (kill !
See what a promifing countenance appears !
Stand ftill and wonder ; wonder and Hand ftill !
ALB. Ronct, the bunch of planets new found out
Hanging at the end of my belt perfpicil,
Send them to Galileo at Padua :
Let him beftow them where he plcafe. Buttheftart
Lately difcovered 'twixt the horns of Aries,
Are as a prcfent for Pandolfo's marriage,
And hence ftil'd Sidera Pandolfea :
PAN. My marriage,Cricca! he forefees my marriage
O moft celeftial Albumazar !
CRIC. And fends y* a prefent from the head of Aries.
RON. The perpetual motion
With a true 'larum in't to run twelve hours
'Fore Mahomet's return ?
ALB. Deliver it fafe
To a Turkey factor, bid him with care prefent it
From ine to the houfe of Ottoman.
RON. I go, Sir. [Exit Ron.
ALB. Signior Pandolfo, I pray you pardon me,
Exotical difpatches of great confequence
Staid me ; and cafting the nativity
'O' th' Cham of Tartary, and a private conference,
With a mercurial intelligence.
Y' are welcome in a good hour, better minute,
Beft fecond, happieft third, fourth, fifth, and fcruple.
Let the twelve houies of the horofcope
IS- lodg'd with fortitudes and fortunates,
To make you bleil in your defigns, Pandolfo.
PAN, Wexe't-not much trouble to your ftarry em-
I a poor mortal would kitreat your furtherance
In a terreftrial bufmefs.
ALB. My ephemeris lies,
Or I forefee your errand : Thus, 'tis thus.
You had a neighbour call'd Antonio,
A widower like yourfelf, whofe only daughter,
Flavia, ycu love, and he as much admir'd
Your child Sulpitia. Is /not this right ?
PAN. Yes, Sir: Oftrange! Cricca, admire in filence !
ALB. You two decreed a counter-match betwixtyou,
And purpos'd to truck daughters. -Is't not fo ?
PAN, Juftasyoufay't. Cricca, admire, and wonder !
CRIC. This is no fuch fecret : look to yourfelf,
he'll cheat you.
ALB. Antonio, after this match concluded,
Having great fums of gold in Barbary,
Defires of you, before he confummate
The rites of matrimony, he might go thither
For three months , but now 'tis three and three
Since he embark'd, and is not yet return'd ;
Now, Sir, your bufmefs is to me, to know
Whether Antonio be dead or living
I'll tell you inftantly.
PAN. Haft thou reveal'd it ?
I told it none but thee.
CRIC. Not I.
PAN. Why (tare you ?
Are you not well ?
ALB. I wander 'twixt ths poles
12 A L B U M A Z A R.
And heavenly hinges, 'monft excentricals,
Centers, concentncks, circles, and epicycles !
To hunt cut an afpe6t fit for your bufinds.
CRIC. Mean oftentation ! for fhame awake yen rJCtlf;
And give no credit to this cheater.
ALB. This medling bufy fool muft be got rid. of.
And fmce the lamp of Heaven is newly entred
Into Cancer, old Antonio is dead,
Drown*d in the fea ; for radi,us directorius
In the fixth houfe, and th'waning moon by Capricorn'
He's dead, he's dead.
CRIC. 'Tis an ill time to marry,
The moon grows fork'd, and walks with Capricorn !
PAN. Peace fool, thefe words are full of myllery.
ALB. What ominous face, and difmai countenance,
Mark'd for difafters, hated of all the heavens,
Is this that follows you ?
PAN. He is my lervant, .
A plain and honeft fpeaker, but no harm in him.
CRIC. What fee y6u in my face ? 'tis good as yours.
ALE,. Horror and darknefs ! death and galiowies !
He is profane, my fpirits will not come,
Or hear my call my art is dumb and uielefs,
While ignorance and difbelicf are fufier'd
To feoff my operations. .Let him go,
Depart or let me loofe a fpirit at him,
To fix him motionlefs on yonder beam,
Till the work's done.
CRIC I beg to be in motion,
And depart. I am no friend to beams.
And beg to wait without your farther pleafure.
PAN. Your folly is its punifhment, begone.
CRIC. Moft willingly I go. [Exit Cricca.
PAN. Pardon the witlefs creature ;
|^ow to our bufinefs - on great Albumazar.
A L B U M A Z A R. 13
ALB. I fhall but firft,
I'll tell you what you mean to afk me.
PAN. Strange !
ALB. Antonio dead, that promis'd you his daughter,
Your bufinefs is to entreat me to raiie his ghoft,
And force it ftay at home, 'till it have perform'd
The promife paft, and io return to reft.
PAN. Thatjthat; y'havehitit,moftdivineAlbumazar!
ALB. I'll change fome fervant,or a good friend ot yours
To the perfect fhape of this Antonio,
So like in face, behaviour, fpeech and action,
That all the town fhall iwear Antonio lives ;
PAN. Moft Necromantical Aftrologer !
Do this, and take me for your fervant ever ;
And for your pains, after the transformation,
This chain is yours, it coil two hundred pounds
Befides the jewel.
ALB. Now get the man you purpofe to transform,
-And meet me here.
PAN. I will not fail to find you.
ALB. Mean while with fciofcrical inflrument,
By way of azimuth, and almicantarath,
I'll feek fome happy point in heaven for you.
PAN. I reft your fervant, Sir.
ALB. Let all the ftars,
Guide you with moft propitious influence !
I muft to my phrontefterion. [Exit Albumazar.
PAN. What awonder ! Cncca,where are you Cricca \
CRIC. Not motionlefs againft a beam,thank heaven !
PAN. Peace and be wife , mould you roule his anger
Again, my pow'r and fortune cannot fave you.
He's a great man indeed ! of fkill profound !
How right he knew my bufinefs 'fore he faw me ;
And how them fcoffeft him, when we talk'd in private,
i'4 A L B U M A Z A R.
CRIC. In earned, Sir, I took him for a cheater.
PAN. Learn from this, Cricca, to believe the ftars,
And reverence aftrclogy Let us now go home,
And make the neceffary preparations ,
I'll talk in private to thee if thoul't follow
My commands, and hearken to divine Albumazar,
Thy fortune's made ! I'll tell thee as we go.
A C T II. S C E N E I.
Enter T R i N c A L o.
TRIN. JLJLE that faith I am not in love, he lies de cap
c. pie ; ror I am idle, choicely, neat in my clothes,
valiant, and extreme witty. My meditations are
loaded with metaphors, fongs, and fonnets , not a dog
Uiukes his tail, but I figh out a paffion , thus do I to
my miftrefs , but, alas ! I kifs the dog, and me kicks
me. I never fee a ycung wanton filly, but fay I,
there goes Armellina ! nor a lufty ftrong afs, but I
rcir,ember myfelf, and fit down to confider, what a
goodly race of mules would inherit, if flie were wil-
ling: only I want utterance, and that's amain mark
.of love too.
ARM. Trincalo, Trincalo.
TRIN. O, 'tis Armellina ! Now if flie have the wit
to begin, as I mean flie mould, then will I confound
her with compliments, drawn from the plays I fee
at the Fortune, and Red Bull, where I learn all the
words I fpeak and underftand not.
ARM. Trincalo, what price bears wheat and fafFron,
that you arc drefTed out fa and no holiday not a
word P Why, Trincalo, what bufinefs in town ? how
do all at Totnam ?< grown mute? What do ycu
bring from the country ?
TRIN. There 'tis. Now are my flood gates drawn,,
And I'll furround her.
ARM. What have you brought, I fay ? no good
manners, I'll iwear for it.
TRIN. What I want in good manners is made up
in my affections. What have I brought, fweet bit of
beauty ? a hundred thoufand falutaticns o* th' elder
houfe to your moil illuftrious honour andworlhip.
ARM. To me thefe titles ? Is your bafket full of
nothing elfe ?
TRIN. Full of the fruits of love, moft refplendent
lady ; a prefent to your worthiness from your worlhip's
poor vaifai Trincalo.
ARM. My life on't, he fcrap'd thefe compliments
from his cart the lait load he carried for the court-
ftables. What have you read, that makes jou grow
ib eloquent ?
TRIN. Sweet madam, I read nothing but the lines
of your ladyfhip's countenance ; and defire only to
kils the fkirts of your garments, if you vouchfsfe me
not the happinefs of your white hands.
ARM. Come, give's your balket, and take it.
TRIN.. O fwee.t I now will I never waili my mouth-
after, nor breathe but at my noftrils, left I lofe the
taile of her fingers. Armellina, I muft tell you a
fecret, if you'll make much on't.
ARM. As it deferves. What is't ?
TB.IN. I love you, dear morfel of modefly, I love
you 5 and fo truly, that I'll make you miitrefsof .my
thoughts, lady of my revenues, and commit all my
fecrets into your hands , that is, I'll give you an earneft
kifs in the highwuy of matrimony.
ARM. Is this the end of all this bufmefs ?
TRIN. This is the end of all this bufmefs, mod
beautiful, and moil worthy to be moft beautiful lady.
ARM. What, do you want to fmifli with me before
you have made a beginning ? do you imagine you oaf
you, that we of the city are to be woo'd and won like
country girls, with / like you Mall, when mall we
wed, ha ? E'en when you pleafe, good Robin. A little
more ceremony with me, if you pleafe, Mr. Trincalo
of Totnam ; there frake your bafket, grow a little wifer,
and you may have better luck another time.
[Exit Arm.
TRIN. Why now me knows my meaning, let it
work. She put up the fruit in her lap, and threw
away the bafket : 'tis a plain fign fhe abhors the words,
and embraces the meaning O lips, no lips, but leaves
bcfmear'd with mel-dew ! O dew, no dew, but drops
of honey-combs ! O combs, no combs, but fountains
full of tears ! O tears, no tears, but here comes
rny landlord.
PAN. Cricca denies me : no perfuafions,
Proffers, rewards, can work him to transform.
Tender's my country farmer, Trincalo :
Never in fitter time, good Trincalo.
TRIN. Like a lean horie t' a frem and Infty pafture.
PAN. What rent do'ft pay me for thy farm atTotnam ?
TRIN. Ten pound-, and find it too dear a penny worth.
PAN. My hand, here. Take it rent-free for three lives,
To ferve me in a bufmefs I'll employ thee.
TRIN. Serve you ? I'll ferve, referve, conferve,
Deferve you for th' one half O Armellina !
A jointure, ha, a jointure ! What's your employment ?
PAN. Here's ah ailrologer has a wond'rous fecret,
To transform men to other fh'apes and perfons.
TKIN. How transform things to men ? I'll bring
nine taylo'rs,*
Rcfus'cl laft muiter, fliall give five marks a-piece
To fhape three men of fervice out of all,
And grant him the remnant mreds above the bargain.
PAN. Now, if thoul't let him change thee , take this
Drawn ready , put what lives thou pleafeft.
TRIN. Stay, Sir.
Say I am transform'd : who mail enjoy the leafe,
I, or the peribn I muft turn to ?
PAN. Thou,
Thou. The rcrfemblance lafts but one whole day ;
Then home, true farmer, as thou wert before.
TRIN. Where mail poor Trincalo be ? how's this ?
transform'd !
Tranfrrmted ! ho ,v ? not I 1 love myfelf
Better than fo : there's no leafe I'd not venture
For the whole fee-fimple.
PAN. Tell me the difference
Betwixt a fool and a wife man".
TRIN. As 'twixt your worlhip and myfelf.
PAN. A wife man
Accepts all fair occafions of advancement,
While your poor fool and clown, for fear of peril,
Sweats hourly for a dry brown cruft to bedward,
And wakes all ni2;ht for want of moifture.
TRIN. Well, Sir,
I'd rather ftarve in this my lovM image,
Than hazard thus my life for others looks,
Change is a kind of death, I dare not try it.
P AN . ' Tis not fo dangerous as thou tak'ft it j we'll only
1 8 . A L B U M A Z A K r
Alter thy connt'nance for a day Imagine
Thy face mafk'd only , or that thou dream'ft all night
Thou wer't apparel'd in Antonio's form,
And, waking, find thyfelf true Trincalo.
TRIN. Antonio's form ! was not Antonio a gentleman?
PAN. Yes, and a neighbour : that's his houfe.
TRIN. O ho !
Now do I fmell th' aftrologer's trick : he'll fteep me-
In foldier's blood, or boil me in a cauldron
Of barbarous law French ; or anoint me over
With fupple oil of great mens fervices ,
For thefe three means raife yeomen to the gentry :
Pardon" me, Sirj I hate thofe medicines Fie!
All my poilerity will fmell and tafte on't,
Long as the houfe of Trincalo endures.
PAN. There's no fuch bufmefs ; thou {halt only feem fo,
And thus deceive Antonio's family.
TRIN.. Are you affur'd ? 'twould grieve me to be
In a huge mortar, wrought to pafte, and moulded
To this Antonio's mould : Grant I be turn'd : what then?
PAN. Enter his houfe, be reverenc'd by his fervants,
And give his daughter Flavia to me in marriage.
The circumftances I'll inftrucl: thee after.
TRIN. Pray give me leave : this fide fays do't, this
do not.
Before I leave you, Tom Trincalo, take my counfel :
Thy miftrefs Armellina is Antonio's maid,
And thou, in his fhape, may 'ft poffefs her- : turn
But if I be Antonio, then Antonio
Enjoys that happinefs, not Trincalo.
A pretty trick to make myfelt a cuckold !
No, no ; there take your leafe, 1*11 hang firft Soft,
Be not fo chol'rick, Thomas. If I become Antonio,
Then all his riches follow : This fair occafion
Once vanifn'd, hope not the like ; of a ftark clown,
I ihall appear fpeck-and-fpan a gentleman !
A pox of ploughs and carts, and whips and horfes!
Then Armellina mall be given to Trincalo,
Three hundred crowns her portion : We'll get a boy,
And call him Transformation Trincalo :
I'll do't, Sir.
PAN. Art refolv'd?
TRIM. Reiolv'd ! 'tis done ;
"With this condition : after I have given your wormip
My daughter Flavia, you mail then move my wormip,
And much intreat me, to beftow my maid
Upon myfelf, I mould fay, Trincalo.
PAN. Content; and, for thy fake, will make her portion
Two hundred crowns.
TRIN. Come, come, Sir, quickly,
Let's to th' aftrqloger and there transform,
Reform, conform, deform me at your pleaiure :
I loath this country-countenance Difpatch : my fldn
Itches, like fnakes in April, to be cut off:
<,Quickly, O quickly ! as you love Flavia, quickly.
SUL. I prithee, Flavia, do not droop fq.
FLA. Sulpitia, I pray you pardon me, I cannot
help it.
SUL. Faith you have fome bad thoughts that trou-
ble you, my Fiavia, I prithee tell 'em to thy friend.
FLA. 'Tis true I have, and I think, the fame that
troubles you.
SUL. Then 'tis the love of a young gentleman, and
bitter hatred of an old dotard.
FLA. 'Tis fo, witnefs your brother Eugenio, and
the rotten carcafe of Pandolfo. Had I a hundred
hearts, I mould want room to.entertain his love, and
the other's hate.
SUL. I could fay as much, were't not fin.toflander the
D 2 dead.
2& A L B U M A Z A R.
dead. Miferable wenches ! how have we offended out
fathers, that they fhould make us the pric? of their do-
tage, the medicines of their griefs, that have more need
of phyfic ourfelves ? I mufl be froft-bitten with the cold
of your dad's winter, that mine may thaw his old ice
\viththefpringof your fixteen. I thank my dead mother,
that left me a woman's will in her laft teftament : That's
all the weapons we poor girls can ufe, and with that
will I fight 'gainfl father, friend's, and kindred, and
cither have Lelio, or die in the field in's quarrel.
FLA. Sulpicia, you are happy that can withftand
your fortune with fo merry a refolution.
SUL. Why mould I twine my arms to cables, and
figh my foul to air? fit up all night like a watch-
candle, and diftill my brains through my eye-lids ?
Your brother loves me, and I love your brother ;
2nd where thefe two confent, I would fain fee a third
could hinder us.
FLA. Alas ! our fex is mofl wretched, nurs'd up
from infancy in continual flavery. No fooner able to
prey for ourfelves, but they brail and hud us fo with
four awe of parents, that we dare not offer to bate at
our defires. And whereas it becomes men to vent
their amorous paffion at their pleafure; we, poor
fouls, muft rake up our affections in the ames or* a
burnt heart, not daring to figh, without excufe pf
the fpleen, or fit of the vapours.
SUL. I plainly will profefs my love of Lelio, 'tis honeft
chafte, and ftains no naodefty. Shall I be married to An-
tonio, that hath been a fous'd fea-fifn thefe three months ?
and if he be alive, comes home with as many impairs as
a caft hunter or a fall*n pack-horie. No, noj I'll fee
him freeze to cryftal firft: In other things, good father,
I am your moft obedient daughter, but in this a pure
woman. 'Tis your part to offer, mine toreiufe, if I
like not. Lclio's a handfome gentleman, young, frefh,
rich, and well fafhion'd ; and him will Sulpitia have, or
A L B U M A Z A R. 21
die a maid : And i'faith, the temper of my blood tells
me I never was bom to fo cold a misfortune. Fie, Fia-
via! fie wench ! no more tears and iighs, cheer up ;
Eugenio to my knowledge loves you, and you Hi all
bave him , I lay you (hull have him.
FLA. 1 doubt not of his love, but know no means
how he dares work againil fo great a rival : yur father
"in a fpleen may difmherit him.
SUL, And give't to whom ? h'as none but him and
me : what though he cleat awhile upon your beauty,
he will not prove unnatural to his fon. Go to your
chamber , my genius whifpcrs in my ear, and fwears,
this night we mall enjoy our loves. Come chear up
my girl, and go with me to my chamber, where
Lelio and your mother fby to meet us. [Exeunt.
SCENE, the court before ALBUM AZAR'S Houfe.
ALB. SigaiorPandolfo,y' arrive in the happieft hour :
If the feven planets were your neareft kindred,
And all the conftellations your allies :
Were the twelve houfes, and the inns o' th' Zodiack,
Your owry fee-fimple, they could ne'er have chofen
A fitter place to favour your defires.
For the great luminaries look from Hilech,
And, mid ft of heaven, in angles, conjunctions,
And fortunate afpects, a Trine and Sex tile,
Ready to pour propitious influences.
PAN. Thanks to your power and courrefy, that fo
plac'd them.
That is the nun that's ready for the bufinefs !
ALB. Of a moil happy count'nance, and timber fit
Tofquare to th' gentry: his looks as apt for changing,
As he were covered with camelions ikins.
TRIN. Except rny hands, and 'twill be troubkf
To fit tkefe fingers to Antonio's gloves.
PA;<. Pray let's about the work as foon as may be.
ALB. Firft chufe a large low room, whole door's full
PAN. I have a pa-rlour.
Of a great fquare and height as yon defire it.
ALB. Southward mult look a wide and fpacious win-
dow :
For whofoever Omar, Alchabitius,
Hali, Albenezra, feern fomething to difient ;
Yet Zoroaftres, fon of Oromafus,
<}ebir and Biidda Babilonicus,
With all the fubtile Cabalifts and Chaldees,
Swear the beft influence for our metamorphofis,
Stoops from the fouth, or, as fome lay, fouth-eaft.
PAN. This room's as fit as you had made it of purpofe.
TRIN. Now do I feel the ralf of my right leg
Tingle, dwindle toth' fmallneis of a bed-ftaff.
Such ? fpeech more, turns my high moes ftrait boots.
RON. Ne'er were thofe authors cited to better purpofe,
For, thro' that window, all Pandolfo's treafures
Muft take, their flight, and fall upon my moulders.
PAN. Go to my houfe, fatisfy your curious choice $
But, credit me, this parlour's fit , it neighbours
To a blind alley, that in bufieft term-time,
Feels not the footing of one paflenger.
ALB. Now then -declining from Theourgia,
Artenofaria, Pharmacia, rejecting
With ail other vain and fuperihiious iciences,
Wt'll anchor at the art preltigiatory,
Tl^at reprefents one figure for another,
With fmooth deceit abufing th* eyes of mortals.
'1 .rw. O my right arm ! 'tis alter'd ; and methinks
3Longs for a fword The ftrangenefs of thefe names
'Hath fcaPd the marks of many a painful harveft,
And made my new peel'd finger itch for dice.
PAN. Deeply confider'd, wond'rous Albumazar !
O let ,-mekifs thole lips that flow with icience.
ALB. Spread all the floor with fined Holland {beets,.
And over them fair damafk table cloths ;
Above all thefe, draw me chafte virgins aprons:
The room, the work, and workman muft be pure.
TRIN. With virgins aprons? the whole compafso
this city
Cannot afford a dozen.
ALB. An altar in the midft, loaded with plate
Of filver bafons, ewers, cups, candlefticks ;
* T were not amifs to mix fome bowls of gold,
So they be mafTy, the better to refemble
The lovely brotherhood of Sol, and Luna :
The more abundance, fooner mall we finim.
For 'tis our rule, in fuch like bufinefTes,
Who fpares moft, fpends molt. Either this mull do%
Or th' revolution of Eve hundred years
Cannot : fo fit are all the heavens to help us.
PAN. Sir, for rich plate and jewels I have ftorcj
But know not how to furniih you with hangings.
ALB. Cannot you borrow from the mops ? Four hours-
Shall render all as fair as you receiv'd it.
J?AN. That can I eafily do ; all mail be done, Sir,
as you commanded.
TRIN.. Doctor A'bumazar, I have a vein of drinking,
And an artery of wenching runs thro' my body.
Pray when you turn me gentleman preferve thole,
Two if it may be done with reputation.
ALB. Fear not, I'll only call the firft good
Fellowfhip, and th' other civil recreation.
TRIN. And when you come to the heart, fpoil not
The love of Armcllina, and in my brain leave
As much discretion as may fpy falmood in a tavera
Reckoning, and let me alone for bounty to wink
And pay it j and if you change me perfectly Pil
Bring you a dozen knights for cuitomers.
ALB. I warrant you ;
And when your man's transform'd, the chain you
24 A L B U M A Z A R.
PAX. My hand ; My deeds fliall wait upon my
AJ.B. Lead then, with happy foot, to view the
PAN. I go, Sir. Trincalo, attend us here,
And not a word, on peril of thy life,
THIN. Sir, if they kill me, I'll not fiir a foot;-
And, if my tongue's pulPd out, not fpeak a word.
[Exit Alb. and Pan.
TRIM. O what bufmefs 'tis to be transform'd I
My mailer talks of four .and twenty hours ;
But if I mifs thefe flags of yeomanry,
Gilt in the ieat, and (hine in the bloom of gentry,
'Tis not their '{urology, nor facrifice,
Shall force me call that coat. I'll ne'r part with't,
Till I be mt'riff of the county, and in commimon
Of peace and quorum. Then will I get me a clerk,
A praflis'd fellow, wifer than my worlhip,
And domineer amongft my fearful neighbours,
And feafl them bountifully with their own bribes.
due. Trincalo !
TRIM. Wear a gold chain at every quarter fefTions,
Lo >k,big, and grave, and fpeak not one wife word.
C:i:c. Trincalo !
T.RIN. Examine wenches got with child, and curioufly
Search all the circumfbances : have blank mittimuffes
Printed in readmefs -, breathe nought but firrah,
Rogue, ha? how? hum? conftable, look to your charge.
Then vouch a ftatute, and a Latin fentence,
Wide from the matter.
CRIC. Trincalo I
TRIM.. Licence all ale-honfcs,
Match my fon's transformation t'a knight's daughter^
And buy a bouncing pedigree of a Welch hearld : and
CRIC. What in fuch ferious meditations ?
A L B U M A Z A R. 2$
TRIN. Faith no ; but building caftles in the air,
While th' weather's fit : O Cricca, fuch a bufmefs !
CRIC. What is't ?
TRIN. Nay folt, they're fecrets of my matter ;
Lock'd in my brsaft : he has the key at's purfe firings.
CRIC. My matter's fecret? keep it, good farmer,
keep it,
I would not lend an ear to't, if thou didft hire me.
TRTN. O how it boils and fwells ! if I keep't longer,
'Twill grow t'impoftume in my breaft, and choak me.
Cricca ! [ters
CRIC. Adieu, good Trincalo , the fecrets of our bet*
Are dangerous, 1 dare not know't.
TRIN. But hear'ft thou,
Say I mould tell, canft keep it as clofe as I do?
CRIC. Yes : but I had rather want it. Adieit:
TRIN. Albumazar
CRIC. Farewell.
TRIN. Albumazar ><
CRIC. Pr'ythee.
TRIN. Albumazar,
Th' aftrologer, hath undertook to change me
T' Antonio's fhape : this done, mud I give Flavia
To my old matter, and his maid to Trincalo.
CRIC. But where's Pandolfo and Albumazar ?
TRIN. Gone newly home to choofe a chamber fitting
For tranfrnutation. So, now my heart's ateafe !
CRIC. I fear the fkill and cunning of Albumazar,
With his black art, by whom Pandolfo feeks
To compafs Flavia, fpight of her brother Lilio,
And 'his own fon Eugenio, that loves her dearly.
I'll lofe no time, but find them, and reveal
The plot and work to crofs this accident.
But Trincalo, art thou fo ram and vent'rous
To be transform'd with hazard of thy life ?
E Tuif,-
26 A L B U M A Z A R,
TRIN. What care I for a life, that have a leafe
For three : but I am certain there's no danger in't..
Cricca, thou underftandeft not : for Antonio,
Whom I referable, fuffcrs all ; not I.
CRIC. Yonder Pandolfo comes, I'll hence and hafte
to Lelio. [Exit Cricca*
PAN. Up quickly, Trincalo, to my child Sulpitia ;,
Bid her lay out my faireft damaik table-cloths,
The faireft Holland Sheets, all the filver plate,
Two gofiip's cups of gold ; my greateft diamonds :
Make hafte.
TRIN. As faft as the ftars will let me. [Exit Trin,
PAN. This is that bleffed day I fo much long'd for:
Four hours attendance, 'till my man be chang'd,
Faft locks me in the lovely arms of Flavia.
How (low the day Hides on ! when we defire
Time's hafte, it feems to lofe a match with lobfters,
And when we wifh him ftay, he imps his wings
With feathers plum'd with thought, [Exit Pan,.
LEL. Eugenio, thefe words are wonders part belief,
Is your old father of fo poor a judgement,
To think it in the power of m^n to turn
One perfon to another ?
EUG. Lelio, his defire
T'enjoy your fifter Flavia, begets hope,
Which, like a waking dream, makes falfe appearance
Lively as truth itfelf.
LEL, But who's the man
That works thefe miracles ?
EUG. An aftrologer.
LEL. How deals aftrology with transmutation ?
CRIC. Under the veil and colour of a Urology,
He clouds his hellifh fkill in necromancy.
Believe it by fome art, or falie impoflure,
He'll much difturb your love, and your's, Eugenio.
LEL. Eugenio, 'tis high time for t'awake..
And r,s you love our Flavia, and I
Your filler, fair Sulpitia ; let's do fomething
Worthy their beauties. Who falls into a fea,
Swoln big with tempeft, but he boldly bears
The waves with arms and legs, to fave his life ?
So let us ftrive with our beft power, left
After we afcribe the iofs to our dull negligence,
Not fortune.
Euc. I.elio, had I no intereft in your fitter,
The holy league of friendlhip Ihould command me,
Befides the fcconding Sulpitia's love,
Who to your noblenefs commends her life.
LEL. She cannot out-love me, nor you out-friend me;
For th' facred name whereof, I have rejected
Your father's offers, and importunities.
But though I love you.r fitter
Like mine own foul , yet did the laws of friendihip
Mafter that ftrong affection, and deny'd him.
EUG. Thanks .ever, and as long mail my beft fervice
Wait on your will. Cricca^ our hope's in tbee,
Thou m v jft inflruct us.
CRIC. You muft truft in fortune,
That makes or mars the wifefl purpofes.
LEL. What fay'ft ? what think'ft ?
CRIC. Here's no great need of thinking,
Nor fpeech : the oil of fcorpions cures their poifon.
The thing itfelf that's bent to hurt and hinder you,
Offers a remedy : 'tis no fooner known,
But th' worft on't is prevented.
EUG. How, good Cricca ?
CRIC. Soon as you fee this falfe Antonio
Come near your doors with fpeeches made of purpofe,
f ulj .of humility and c.ompaffion -,
With long narrations how he 'icap'd from flrp'.vreck,
And other feign'd inventions of his dangers :
Bid him be gone ; and if he prds to enter,
Fear not the reverence of your father's looks,
Cudgel him thence.
LEL. But were't not better, Cricca,
Kee,p him faft lockt, till his own fliape return,
And fo by open courfe of law correct him ?
CRIC. No. For my matter would conceive that counfel
Sprung from my brains : and fo ihould I repent it.
Advife'no more, but home and charge your people,
That if Antonio come, they drive iiim thence
With threat'ning words, and blows if need be.
I, EL. 'Tis done.
I kifs your hands, Eugenio.
EUG. Your fervant, Sir. I'll to your fitter,
And Sulpitia, and prepare 'em for th' event.
HILE the aftrologer hews out
Squaring and framing him t'Antonio,
Cricca, I'll make thee partner of a thought
That fomething troubles me. i "-/' >
CRIC. Say, Sir, what is't ?
PAN. I have no heart to give Albumazar
The chain I promis'd him.
CRIC. Deliver it n~e,
And I'll prefent it to him in your name.
PAN. T'has been an inheritance to our houfe four
hundred years,
And mould I leave it now, I fear good fortune
Would fly from us, and follow it.
CRIC. Then give him
The price in gold.
PAN. It comes to two hundred pounds ,
And how would that well hufbanded, grow in time !
I was a fool to promife, I confefs it,
I was too hot and forward in the bufmefs.
CRIC. Indeed I wonder'd that your wary thriftinefs,
Not wont to drop one penny in a quarter
Idly, would part with fuch a fum ib eafiiy.
PAN. My wary thrift aims at no other mark
Than in fit time and place to mew my bounty.
Who gives continually, may want at length
Wherewith to feed his liberality.
But for the love of my dear Flavia
I would not fpare my life, much lefs my treafure..
Yet if with honour I can win her cheaper,
Why mould I caft away fo great a fum ?
CRIC. True: I have atricknow hatching in my brain,
How you may handfomly preferve your credit,
And fave the chain.
PAN. I would gladly do it,
But fear he underfcands us what we fay.
CRIC. What canyon lofe to try't ? if it take,
There's fo much fav'cl ; if otherwife, nothing loft.
PAN. What is't, good Cricca ?
CRIC. Soon as Albumazar comes, loaded with news
Of th' tranfmutation of your fervant Trincalo,
I'll entertain him here, mean while fteal you
Clofely into the room> and quickly hide
Some ipccial piece of plate : Then run out amaz'd,
Roaring that all the ftreet may know y'are robb'd.
Next threaten to attach him, and accufe him
Before a juftice, and in th'end agree
If he reftore the plate, you'll give the chain,
Otherwife not.
PAN. But if we be difcovered !
For by his inflruments and familiars
l^Je can do much,
CRIC. Lay all the fault on Trincalo.
But here's the main point. If you can diflemble
Cunningly, and frame your countenance to exprefs
Pity and anger that fo learn'd a man
Should ufe his friend fo bafely ; if you can call
An out-cry well, roar high and terrible.
PAN. I'll fetch a cry from th' bottom of my heels,
But I'll roar loud enough; and thou muft fecond me
With wonder at the fudden accident.
CRIC. But yours is the main part, for as youplay't
You win or lofe the chain.
PAN. No more, no more, he comes. [Exit PG;
ALB. Where's Pandolfo ? three quarters of an hour
Renders your fervant perfectly transform'd.
CRIC.IS he noc wholly chang'd ? what parts arewanting
ALB. Antonio's bulk hath cloth'd his ihape and vifage,
Only his hands and feet, fo large and callous,
Require more time to fupple.
CRIC. Pray you, Sir,
How long mall he retain this metamorphofis ?
ALB. The compleat circle of a natural day.
CRIC. A natural day ! are any days unnatural?
ALB. I mean the revolution of th' firft mover,
J nil twice twelve hours, in which period the rapt motion
Howls all the orbs from eaft to Occident.
PAN. Help ! help ! thieves ! thieves ! neighbours, I
am robb'd ! thieves, thieves !
CRIC. What a noife make you Sir ?
PAN. Have T not reafon
That tnus am robb'd ? thieves ! thieves! call conftables,
The watch and ferjeants, friends and conftables,
I^eighbours, I am undone !
CRTC. This is well begun.
"What ails you, Sir ?
PAN. Cricca, my chamber's fpoiPd
Of all my hangings, cloaths and filver plate.
CRIC. Why, this is bravely feign'd ; continue, Sir.
PAN. Feign'd ! 'tis true, villain ! thieves! thieves!
thieves !
All that I had is gone, and more than all.
CRIC. Ha, ha, ha, hold out; lay out a lion's throat,
A little louder, that all the ftreet may hear.
PAN. I can cry no longer,
My throat's fore, I am robb'd, all's gone,
Both my own treafure, and the things I borrowed.
Make thou an out-cry, I have loft my voice ;
Cry fire, and then they'll hear thee.
CRIC. Good, good; thieves! thieves! fire!
What have you loft ?
PAN. Wine, jewele, table-cloths,
A cupboard of rich plate.
CRIC. Fie, you'll fpoil all.
Now you outdo it. Say but a bowl or two.
PAN. Villain, I fay all's gone ; the room's as clean
As a wip'd looking glafs : oh me, oh me !
CRIC. What, in good earneft ?
PAN. Fool, in accurfed earneft.
CRIC. You gull me fure.
PAN. They have gull'd me.
The window towards the fouth ftands ope, from
Whence went all my treafure. Where's the aftrologer?
ALB. Here, Sir, and hardly can abftain from laughing
To fee you vex yourfelf in vain.
PAN. In vain, Aibumazar ?
I left my plate with you, and 'tis all vanifli'd,
And you mall anfwer it,
ALB. O ! were it pofTible
By pow'r of art to check what art hath done,
Your man mould ne'er be chang'd : to wrong me thus
With foul fufpicion of fiat felony ?
Your plate, your cloth of Tilver, wine, 2nd -jewels,'
Linen, and all the reft, I gave to Trincalo,
And for more fafety, lock'd them in the lobby.
He'il keep them carefully. But as you love your
Difturb him not this half hour, left you'll have him
Like to a centaur, half clown, half gentleman ;
Suffer 1 his foot and hand that's yet: untouch'd,
To be innobled like his other members.
PAN. Albumazar, I pray you pardon me,
"Th* unlook'd-for barenefs of the room amaz'd me.
ALB, Flow ! think you me fp negligent to commit
So rich a mafs of trealure to th' open danger
Of a large cafement, and fufpicious alley ?
xNo, Sir, my facrifke no fooner done,
But I wrapp'd all up fafe, and gave it Trincalo
I could be angry, but. that your fudden fear
Excufes you. Fie, fuch a noife as this
Half an hour paft, had fcar'd the intelligences,
And fpoil'd the work , but no harm done, go walk
Weftward, directly weftward, one half hour :
Then turn back, and take your fervant turn'd to 1
And as you like my fkill, perform your promife,
I mean the chain.
PAN. Content, let's ftill go weftward*
Weftward, good Cricca, ftill directly weftward.
[Exit Pan. and Cric.
ALB. Furbo, Harpax, and Ronca, come out, all's
Why here's a noble prize worth vent'ring for.
Is not this braver than fneak all night in danger,
Picking of locks, or hooking cloths at windows ?
Here's plate and gold, and cloth, and meat and wine,
All rich, and eas'ly got. Furbo, flay hereabout,
And wait till Trincalo come forth : then cail him
A L B tr M A Z A R. 33
With a low reverence, Antonio,
Give him this gold with thanks, tell him he lent if
Before he went to Barbary.
RON. How ! loie ten pieces ? . -.
ALB. There's a neceffity in't^ devife forne-QOurfe
To get't again ; if not, our gain's fufHcicnt,
To bear that lofs. Ronca, find out Bevilona -
The courtezan, let her feign herfelf a gentlewoman,
Inamour'd of Antonio; bid her invite him
To banquet with her, and by all means poffible
Force him ftay there two hours;
HAR. Why two hours ?
ALB. That in that time thou may'ft convey
Our treafure to the inn, and fpeak a boat
Ready for Gravefend, and provide a fupper.
FUR. And what will you do ?
ALB. Firftin, and uftier out our changeling Trincalo.
RON. Harpax, beftowthe plate-, Furbo, our beards,
Black patches for our eyes, and other properties,
And at the fame time and place meet all at fupper.
Exit Fur. Har* and Ron.
ALB. Stand forth, transformed Antonio, fully mue'd
From brown foak feathers of dull yeomanry
I o th* glorious bloom of gentry : plume yourfelf (leek ;
Swear boldly y'are the man you reprefent
To all that dare deny it.
TRIN. I find my' thoughts
Molt ftrangely akcr'd, but methinks my face
Feels ftill like Trincalo.
ALB. You imagine fo.
Senfes are oft deceiv'd. As ah attentive angler
Fixing his fteady eyes on the fwift ftreams
Of a fteep tumbling torrent, no fooner turns
His fight to land, but giddy, thinks the firm banks
# And.
And conftant .trees, move like the running waters :
So you that thirty years have liv'd in Trincalo,
Chang'd fuddenly, think y' are fo ftill j but inftantlf
Thefe thoughts will vanim.
TRIM. Give me a looking-glafs
To read your fidll in thefe new lineaments.
ALB. I'd rather give you poifcn , ior a glafs
By fecret power of crofs reflections,
And optic virtue, fpoils the wond'rous work
Of transformation, and in a moment turns yon,
Spight of my (kill, to Trincalo as before.
We read that Apuleius was by a rofe
Chang'd from an afs to man : fo by a mirror,
You'll lofe this noble luftre, and turn afs.
But ftill remember, I pray you, Sir, remember
T' avoJd the devil, and a look ing-gl afs.
Let me conduit and ufher you to the world ;
This way, great Sir. I pray you, Sir, remember,
ALB. New-born Anronio, I humbly take my leave,
And klfs your hands.
TRINV Divine Albumazar, I kifs yours. (Exit Alb.
Now I am grown a gentleman, and a fine one,
I know 't by th' killing of my hands fo courtly :
My courteous knees bend true diftance,
As if my foot walk'd in a frame on purpofe,
Thus I accoft you ; or thus, fweet Sir, your fervant :
Nay more, your fervant's fervant : that's your grand
I could defcend from the top of Paul's to th' bottom,
And on each ftep ftrew parting compliments,
Strive for a door, while a good carpenter
Might make a new one. I am your Oiadow, Sir,
And bound to wait upon you ; i'faith I will not :
pray, Sir, fie, Sir, dear Sir
brave Albumazar !
Enter FURBO,
FURB. Juft yEfop's crow, prink'd up in borrow'd
TRIM. My veins are fili'd with newnefs : Q for a
To ope this arm, and view my gentle blood,
To try if 't run two thoufand pounds a year.
1 feel my underftandinp; is enlarg'd
With the rare knowledge of this latter age.
A facred fury overfways me. Prime
Deal quickly, play, difcard, I fet ten (hillings and
You fee 't ? my reft, five and a fifty. Boy, more cards,
And as thou go'ft, lay out fome roaring oaths
For me ; I'll pay thee again with intereft-
brave Albumazar !
FURB. How his imagination boils, and works i#
all things
He ever faw.or heard !
TRIM. Sir, my grey Barbary
'Gainft your dun cow, three train fcents and th' courfe,
For fifty pound j as I am a gentleman.
I'll meet next cocking, and bring' a haggard with me
That|ftoops]as free as lightning,jilrikes like thunder
1 lie ? my reputation you fhall hear on't.
O brave Albumazar !
FURB. He'll grow ftark mad, I fear me.
TRIN. Now I know
J am perfectly transform'd, my mind incites me
To challenge fome brave fellow for my credit,
And for more fafety, get lome friend in private
To take the bufmefs up in peace and quiet.
FURB. Signior Antonio !
TRIM. There's not a crumb of Trincalo
In all this frame, but the love of Armellina.
FURB. Signior Antonio ! welcometen thoufand times,;-
Bleft be the heavens and feas for your return.
TRIM. I thank you, Sir, Antonio is your fcrvant,
I am glad to fee you well. Fie ! I kits your hands,
and thus accoft you.
FURB. This three months all your kindred, friends,
and children.
Mourn'd for your death.
TRIN. And fo they well might do,
For five days I was under water ; and at length
Got up and fpread myfelf upon a cheit,
Rowing with arms, and fleering with my feet ,
And thus in five days more got land : believe it,
I made a moft incredible efcape,
And fafe return from Barb'ry : at your fervice.
FURB. Welcome ten thoufand times from Barbary,
No friend more glad to fee Antonio
.Than I : Nor am I thus for hope of gain ;
But that I find occafion to be grateful
By your return. Do you remember, Sir,
Before you went, as I was once arrefted,
And could not put in bail, you palling by,
Lent me ten pound, and io dilcharg'd the debt ?
TRIN. Yes, yes, as well as 'twere but yefterday.
FURB. Oft have I waited at your houie with money,
And many thanks -, but you were ftill beyond feas :
Now am I happy of this fair occ alien
To teftify my hneft caretofpay you ;
For you may need it.
TRIN. Sir, I do indeed,
\Vitnefs my treafure caft away by fhip wreck.
f URU. Here, Sir.
A L B U M A Z A R. 37
TRIN. Is the gold good ? has it weight ?
For mine was fo I lent you.
FURB. It was, and fo is this. Signior Antonio, for
this courtefy,
Call me your fervant. [Exit Furlo.
TRIN. Farewell, good fervant, ha, ha ha, ha, ha. I
know not ib much as his name ! ten pounds ? this change
is better than my birth -, for in all the years of my
yeomanry, I could never yoak two crowns, and now
I have hoarded ten fair twenty frilling pieces. New
will I go to this aftrologer, and hire him to turn my
cart to a coach, my four jades to two Flander's mares,
my miftrefs Armellina to a lady, my plow-boy Dick
to two guarded footmen : then will I hurry myielf into
the mercer's books, wear rich cloaths, be called Tony
t>y a great man, fell my lands, pay no debts, hate
citizens, beat bailiffs, and when all fails, fneak out
of Antonio with a two-penny looking-glafs, and turn
as true Trincalo as ever.
HARP. Signior Antonio I I fawyou as you landed,
And in great haile follow'd to congratulate
Your fafe return, with thefe moft wifh'd embraces.
TRIN. Who the devil's this. [afide.
And I accept your joy with like afFc<5tion
How do you call yourfelf ?
HARP. Have you forgot
Your dear friend Harpax, whom you love fo well ?
TRIN. My life here's ten pound more !
O, I remember now my dear friend Harpax.
HARP. Thanks to the fortune of thefea that fav'd you,
TRIN. How do's your body, Harpax ?
HARP. My dear Antonio,
Neyer ib well as now I have the power
3 S A L B U M A Z A R.
Thus ro embrace my friend, whom all th* Exchange
Gavtdrown'dforthreewholemonths. MydearAntonio J
TRIN. I thank you, Sir.
HARP. Never in facer feaion could I find you.
If you remember, Sir, before you went
To Barbary, I .lent you ten pounds in gold.
TRIN. I lent you ten pounds in gold.
HARP. No, Sir, 'twas I km you ten pounds.
TRIN. F. ith I remember no fuch thing.
You muft excufe me, you never lent me money.
HARP. Sir, as I live, ten twenty milling pieces.
TRIN. Dangers at fea I find have hurt my memory.
HARP. Why here's your own hand-writing, feal'd
and fign'd
In prcfcnce of your coufin Julia.
TRIN. Tis true, 'tis true; but Ifuilain'd great lofles
By reafon of the fhipwreck. Here's five pieces,
"Will that content you ? and to-morrow morning
Come to my houfe and take the reft.
HARP. Well, Sir,
Tho' my neceflity would importune you
For all, yet on your wormip's word, the reft
I'll cail for in the morning. Farewel, Antonio.
[Exit Ear.
TRIN. I fee we gentlemen can fometimes borrow
As well as lend, and are as loth to pay
As meaner men. I'll home, left other creditors
Call for the reft. (going.)
Enter BEVILONA end "Rone A, from the Hcufe.
BEV. Ronca, no more, unlefs thy words were charms'
Ct power to revive him : Antonio's dead.
He's dead, and in his death hath buried
All my delights begone [Exit Ron.
O ftranse ! he's here. [ feeing Trincalo.
Signior Antonio \ my heart's fwcet content !
My life r^nd better portion of my foul !
Arc you return'd and fafe ? for whofe fad death
I fpent fuch ftreams of tears, and gufts of lighs.
Or is't my love, that to my longing fancy
Frames your defired fliape, and mocks my lenfes?
TRIN. Whomdoyou talk withal, fair gentlewoman?
BEV. "With my belt friend, commander of my life,
My moft bdov'd Antonio.
TRIN. With me ?
What's your delire with me, fweet lady ?
BEV. Sir, to command me, as you have done ever,
To what you plcafe : for all my liberty
Lies in your fervice.
TRIN. Now I fmeU the bufinefs.
This is fome gentlewoman enamour'd
With him whofe fhape I bear. Fie ! what an afs
Was I to itrange myfelf, and lofe the occafion
Of a good banquet, and her company ?
I'll mend it as I can. Madam, I did but jeft,
To try if abfence caus'd you to forget
A friend that lov'd you ever.
BEV. Forget Antonio,
Whofe dear remembrance doth inform the foul
Of your poor fervant Bevilona ! no,
No, had you dy'd, it had not quench'd one fpark
Of th' fweet affection which your love hath kindled
In this warm bread.
TRIN. Madam, the waves had drown'd me,
But that your love held up my chin.
BEV. Will't pleafe you
Enter and reft yourfelf, refreih the wearincfs
Of your hard travel , I have good wine and fruits,
My hufband's out of town : you mall command
My houfe, and all that's in't.
TRIN. Why, are you married ?
BEV. Have you forgot my huiband, an angry roarer?
TRIN. O, I remember him : but if he come.
Whence grows this fear? how come you "fo
refpedfui? You'
You were not wont be numb'd with fuch a coldnefs !
Go in, fwcet life, go in.
TIUN. Sweet lady, pardon me, I'll follow you.
Exit Rev.
Happy Antonio in fo rare a miftrefs j
And happier I, that in his place enjoy her!
I fay ftiil there's no pleafure like transformation.
Exit TRIN.
Enter FUR BO.
Now is the afs expecting of a banquet,
Ready to court embrace, and kifs his miftrefs,
But I'll foon ftarve him. (Exit.
SCENE, a Chamber in BEVILONA'J Houfe.
BEV. Now tell me, dear Antonio, what has
BefiiU'n thee fmce our laft fad parting ?
Your cold addrefs and ftrange behaviour
"When you faw me firfl, ftrike to my heart,
And make me fear your Bevilona's forfaken
And forgot is it not fo Antonio ?
TRIN. Don't weep fo fairefl blofTom, I tell you
Your love incited me to try your conft.mcy,
And happy is th' event, then let us lofe no
Time, but ftrait begin to tafte the banquet.
(FuRBo without knocks.)
What ho! ho) there!
BEV. Who's that fo boldly knocks ? I am not within j
Or bv.fy : why fo importunate ? who is't ?
FUR. 'Tis I.
BEV. Your name ?
FUR. Thomas ap William, ap Morgan, ap Davy,
ap Roger, &c.
TRIN. Spir.ola's camp's broke loofe: a treop of
foldiers ! Sir.
BEV. O me ! my hufoand! O m? wretch! 'tis my
hufband ! TRIN.
A L B U M A Z A R. 4 t
TRIN. One man, and wear fo many names I
BEV. O Sir.
H'as more outrageous devils in his rage
Than names. As yoii fefpeft your life, avoid him-.
Down at that window.
TRIN. 'Tis as high as Paul's*
Open the garden door.
BEV. He has the keys.
Down at fome window, as you love your life^
My honour, and your fafety ; 'tis but a leap.
TRIN. To break my neck.
FURB. Bevilona !
Down, or I'll break the doors, and with the fplinters
Beat all thy bones to pieces : down, you whore !
BEV. Be patient but a little ; I come inftantly.
TRIN. Ha* you no trunk or chefl to hide me ?
BEV. None, Sir.
Alas I am clean undone, it is my hulband.
FURB. Doubtlefs this whore hath fome of her com-
That wrong me thus. But if I catch the villain,
I'll bathe my hungry fword, and fharp revenge,
In his heart's-blood. Come down.
BEV. I cannot, ftay.
There ftands a water cafk under the flairs
With head to Ope and fhut at pleafure ; in,
In, as you love your life.
TRIN. But hear you, madam j
Is there no looking-glafs within't ? for I hate glafTe*
As naturally as fome do cats, or cheefe,
BEV. In, in, there's none*
Enter FUR BO*
FURB. How now ! where have you ftow'd the clown ?
BEV. He is tunn'd up in the empty water- cafk
Under the flairs,
FURB. Empty! better and better ! 'twas half full
This morning.
Second me handfomely we'll entertain him
An hour or two, and laugh and get his cloaths
To make our fport up.
TRIN. (within) Oh I drown, I drown !
FURB. Whence comes this hollow found? I drown,
I drown !
My life 'tis Trincalo, for I have heard that coxcomb,,
That afs, that clown, Peeks to corrupt my wife,
Sending his fruit and dainties from the country.
that 'twere he ! How would I ufe the villain !
Firft crop his ears, then flit his noie and fit him
As a preient to the great Turk to keep his concubines.
"Who's within here ? [Trincalo knocks in the tub.
BEV. One that you dare not touch
FURB. One that I dare not ? ['Trincalo ccmes out.
Out, villain, out Signior Antonio !
Had it been any but yourfelf, he died.
But as you fav'd my life before you went,
So now command mine in your ferrices.
1 would have fworn y'had been drown'd in Barbary.
TRIN. 'Twas a hard pafTage : but not fo dangerous
As was this veffcl. Pray you conceive no ill,
I meant no harm, but call'd of your wife to know
How my fon I.elio did, and daughter Flavia.
FURB. Sir, I believe you.
TRIN. But I muft tell you one thing.
You muft not be fo jealous, on my honour
She's very honeft.
FURB. For you I make no queftion.
But there's a rogue oall'd' Trincalo, whom if I catch,
I'll teach him.
TRIN. Who, you mean Pandolfo's farmer ?
Alas, poor fool, he's a ftark afs, but harmlefs.
And tho' me talk with him, 'tis but to laugh,
As all the world do's at him : Come, be friends
At my entreaty.
FURB. Sir, for your fake.
BEV I thank you.
TRW. Let's have a fire ; and while I dry myfelf,
Provide good wine and meat. I'll dine with you.
I muft not home thus wet. I am fomething bold witk
FURB. My houfe and felf are at your fervicc.
TRIN. Lead in.
Alas, poor Trincalo ! had'ft thou been taken,
Thou had'ft been tunn'd for Turkey.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, fair fall Antonio's lhape.
What a notorious wittall's this ! ha, ha, ha.
HUS by great favour of propitious (tars,
From fearful ftorms, fhipvrecks, and raging billows*
Mercilefs jaws of death ! am I return'd
To th' fate and quiet bofom of my country.
The memory of thefe misfortunes pafs'd,
Seafons the welcome, and augments the pleafurc
I flia'll receive of my fon Lelio,
And daughter Flavia. So doth alloy
Make gold, that elfe were ufelefs, ferviceable;
So the rugged forehead of a threat'ning mountain
Threatens the> fmoothnefs of a fmiling valley.
G 2 Enter
44 A L B U M A Z A R.
Enter ARMELLINA. (Speaking to afervant,
ARM. Do you get ready what I have told you,
And I will bring the other matters back with me.
(turns and J ccs Ant wit;
"What do I fee ! is not this Trincaio,
Transform'd t' Antonio ? 'tis ! and ib perfectly,
That did the right Antonio now confront him,
I'd fwear they both were true, or both were falfe.
ANT. Armellina ! well met; how fares the girl?
And how fares my fon and daughter Flavia ?
ARM. How fares the girl, and how my fon and
daughter ?
Mary ! come up^we are much improv'd
Manners, they lay, are often chang'd with deaths.
ANT. Why don't you fpeal^, my girl ?
ARM. Ha ! ha! ha ! what impudence ! (ajidc..
ANT. She's overjoy 'd to fee me !
And how fares it with my old friend Pandolfo ?
ARM. His old friend Pandolfo ! ha ! ha ! ha !
I can fcarce refrain from beating him blefs me !
Your means are much encreas'd lure, that you dare
To itile ib familiarly your mailer's friend.
ANT. What fay'ft thou ?
ARM. Don't tbctt me, poor ignorant clown !
ANT. What do'ft thou lay ? furely my ears deceiv'd
ARM. O! I muft counterfeit too I will do't. [me.
I am rejoic'd your worfhip's fafe return'd
From your late drowning : th'Exchange hath giv'n
you loft, tftiflwg a laugh*
And all your friends wore mourning three months pait j
I'm fure, for my part, I 'moil broke my heart.
ANT. Thou art a kind good girl.
ARM Did jou ever hear the like ?
ANT. The danger of the ihipwreck I efcap'd,
So defperate was, that I may truly fay,
I am new born, not fav'd. .
ARM. Ha! ha! ha! thro' what a grace,
And goodly countenance the rafcal fpeaks !
What a grave portance ! could Antonio
Jiimfelf out-do him ? O you notorious villain !
Who would have thought thou could'fl have thus dif-
ANT. How now ! a fervant thus familiar ? begon* 1 ,
Ufe your companions fo : more reverence
Becomes you better.
ARM. As tho* I underflood not
The end of all this plot, and goodly bufmefs.
Come, I know all. See ' this untill'd clod of earth
Conceits his mind transformed as well as body.
He wrings and bites his lips for fear of laughinr.
Ha! ha! ha!
ANT. Why laugh you, woman ?
ARM. To fee thee chang'd, thou no man,
So ftrangely, that I cannot fpy an inch
Of thy old clownifh carcafe : Ha ! ha !
ANT. Laughter proceeds
From abfurd actions and weak minds.
ARM. Ha! ha! ha!
Sententious blockhead ! what mall I do with him ?
ANT. And y'are ill advis'd
To jeft inftead of pity. Alas! my miferies,
Dangers of death, flavery of cruel moors,
And tedious journeys, might have eafily alter'd
A ftronger body, much more this decay'd veflel,
Out-worn with age, and broken by misfortues.
ARM. your fet fpeeches. Go to Anton V"
Effbcl: your bufmefs, for I know it all ;
Cricca has told me and upon my credit,
Thou'rt fa well turn'd, they dare not but accept thcc-.
ANT. Where fhould I hope for welcome, if not there,
From my own houfe, children, and family.
ARM. His children, and his family ! the booby \[afidc.
Is't pofllble this coxcomb fiiould conceive
His mind transformed? how gravely he continues
The countenance he began ? ha ! ha ! ha ! why blockhead,
Thirik'ft thou to deceive me too ? #hy, Trincalo ?
ANT. I underftand you not hands off.
ARM. Art thou not Trincalo,
Pandolfo's man ?
ANT. I not fo much as know him. 1
ARM. Dar'ft thou deny it to me ?
ANT. I dare and muft,
To all the world, long as Antonio lives. [kin,
ARM. You arrant afs ! have I not known thee, bum*
Serve thy matter in his farm for feveral years ?
Haft thou not dar'd to make thy filly love
To me ? and have I not fcorn'd thee, Trincalo ?
Taken thy prefents ? True but with the bafket,
Have thrown away the giver. (gofag
ANT. Stay, Armillina.
By all the oaths that bind men's confciences
To truth, I am Antonio, and no other.
ARM. I will not hear thee, lying knave and never,
never, dare to come near me if thou doft,
Tho' you fo lately have efcap'd from drowning,
1 fhall ibufe your gentility again,
ARM. Cricca, there is the transform'd Trincalo-
And is fo chang'd he does not know himfelf.
I'll return home to bar his entrance there. (Exit.
CRIC. (looking round him) I fcare can credit my
own eyes ftrange art !
Wonderful art of great Albumazar !
Two fheep are not more like than he and Antonio.
How happy am I to efcape his clutches !
A L B U M A Z A R. 47
ANT. Cricca, good day, I joy to fee thee !
CRIC. 'Tis the devil from top to bottom yes
*Tis the devil ! but he has hid his hoofs. (afide.
Your fervant, Sir Trine Antonio I mean.
ANT. What is the meaning of all this ? all joining
To abufe, and to diftrcfs me ? Sirrah ! Cricca !
Where is your matter, my old friend, Pandolfo ?
He would not ufe me thus.
CRIC. His impudence out-goes his transformation:
You raical, Trincalo ! if you once more
Dare to atrempt deceiving me take notice,
Tho' the devil is your friend I'll get a flail
And thrafh out Trincalo from Antonio.
Don't trot from me in your Barbary trappings ;
I am in the fecret : and will you ftill
P erfift t' impoie on me ? ay, you may grin
And grind your teeth another look I'll drive 'em
Down your throat you poor infolent bull-calf.
PAN. What means this noife ? O Cricca ! what's
the matter ?
CRIC. Sir, here's your farmer Trincalo, transform'd
So juft as he was melted, and new caft
In the mould of old Antonio.
PAN. Th' right eye's no liker to the left, than he
To my good neighbour. Divine Albumazar !
How I admire thy fkill ! Juft fo he look'd,
And thus he walk'd : this is his face, his hair,
His eyes, and countenance. If his voice be like,
Then is th' aftrologer a wonder-worker.
ANT. Signior Pandolfo, I thank the heavens as much,
To find you well, as for my own return.
How does your daughter, and my love, Sulpitia ?
PAN. Well, well, Sir.
CRIC. This is a good begining:
TJow naturally the rogue difTembles it !
4 A L B U M A Z A R.
V/ith what a gentle garb, and civil grace,
Hefpeaks and looks ! How cunningly Albumazar
Hath for our purpofe fuited him in Barbary clothes !
I'll try him further : Sir,
We hear'd you were drown'd ? pray you, how 'fcap'd
you fhipw reck ?
ANT. No fooner was I fhip'd for Barbary,
But fair wind follow'd, and fair weather led us :
Whenenter'd in the ftreights of Gibraltar,
The heavens, and feas, and earth confpir'd againft us ;
The tempeft tore our helm, and rent our tackles,
Broke the main-maft, while all the fea about us
.Stood up in watry mountains to overwhelm us :
And {truck's againft a rock, fplitting the vefiH
T ' a thoufand fplinters. I, with two mariners;
5> warn to the coaft, where, by the barb'rous Moors,
We were furpris'd, fetter'd and fold for-flaves.
CRIC. This tale th' aftrologer pen'd, and he hath
conn'd it.
ANT. But by a gentleman of Italy,
Vvhom 1 had known before
PAN. No more , this tafte
Proves thou canft play the reft. For this fair ftory,
My hand, I make thy ten pounds twenty marks,
Thou look'ft nnd fpeak'ft fo like Antonio.
ANT. W hom mould I look aad fpeak like, but myfelf ?
CRIC. Good, ftill !
PAN. But now, my honeft Trincalo,
Tell me where's all the plate, the gold, and jewels,
That the aftrologer, when he had transform'd thee,
Committed to thy charge ? are they fate lock'd ?
ANT. I underftand you not.
PAN. The jewels, man;
The plate and gold th s aftrologer, that chang'd thee,
Bade you lay up.
ANT. "What plate ? what gold ?
What jewels ? what transformation? what aftrologer ?
CIRC. LeaveofF Antonio now,andfpeaklikeTrincalo.
ANT. LeaveofF your jefting. It neither fuits your
Nor age^ Pandolfo, to feoff your antient friend.
I know not what you mean by gold and jewels,
Nor by the aftrologer, nor Trincalo.
CRIC. Better and better ftill. Believe me, Sir,
He thinks himfelf Antonio, and ever ihall be,
And fo poiTefs your plate. Art thou not Trincalo,
My mafter's farmer ?
ANT. I am Antonio,
Your mailer's friend. If he teach you no more manners -
PAN. Three thoufand pounds muft not be loft fo
Come, Sir, we'll draw you to the aftrologer,
And turn you to your ragged bark of yeomanry.
ANT. To me thefe terms ?
PAN. Come, I'll not lofe my plate.
CRIC. Stay, Sir, and take my counfel. Let him ftill
Firmly conceit himfelf the man he feems :
Thus he, himfelf deceiv'd. will far more earneftly
Effect your bufmefs, and deceive the reft.
There's a main difference, 'twixt a felf-bred action
And a forc'd carriage. Suffer him then to enter
Antonio's houfe, and wait th' event : for him,
He can't efcape : what you intend to do,
Do't when he'as ferv'd your turn. I fee the maid j
Let's hence, left they fufpect our confutations.
PAN. Thy counsel's good : away.
CRIC. Look, Trincalo,
Yonder's your beauteous miftrefs, Armellina,
And daughter Flavia. Courage, I warrant thee.
[Exit Pan. and Cric.
ANT. Bleft be the heav'ns that rid meof this trouble;
For with their farmer and aftrologer,
Plate and gold, they've almoft madded me.
Now to my houfe, where I fhall find comfort. [Exit.
SCENE before ANTONIO'J Houfe.
ARMELLINA and FLAVIA at the Window.
ARM. Miftrefs ! Flavia ! pray come here,
I befeech you quick, quick good madam.
FLAV. (at the Window.) What is the matter wench ?
ARM. Look here, there's Trincalo, Pandolfo's
My foolifh fweetheart, wrapt in your father's fhape ;
Let us abufe him.
FLAV. I can't, I am tongue ty'd ; this ftrange ap-
Tho* I know his art, brings to my mem'ry
My dear lov'd father ; I can fcarce bear
To look upon him. Is the door faft ?
ARM. Yes ? as a ufurer's purfe.
ANT. Thcfe are my gates, and that's the cabinet
That keeps my jewels, Lelio and his filler.
[Ant. Knocks.
ARM. Who is he that knocks fo boldly ?
FLAV. What want you, Sir ?
ANT. O my fair daughter, Flavia ! let all the flars
Pour down full bkflings on thee. Ope' the doors.
ARM. Mark! his fair daughter Flavia, ha, ha, ha :;
Moft fhamelefs villain, how he counterfeits !
ANT. Know'ft not thy father, old Antonio ?
Is all the world grown frantick"?
FLA. What Antonio ?
ANT. Thy loving father, Flavia.
FLA. My father ! would he were here !
ARM. Would thouwert in his place.
ANT. Open the door, fweet .Flavia.
FLA. Sir, I am afraid ,
Horror inclofes me, my mind's diffracted !
ARM. I fweat to hear a dead man fpeak, fogh I get
you gone.
ANT. Daughter you are abus'd ; come down, and
know me ;
Let me come in.
ARM. Soft, foft, Sir, y'are too hafty.
ANT. Quickly, or elfc
ARM. Good words, good words, I pray,
In firangers houfes : were the doors your own,
You might be bolder.
ANT. I'll beat the doors and windows
About your ears.
ARM. Are you fo hot. ? We'll cool you.
ANT. Imprudent creature!
ARM. Out, carter :
Hence, dirty whipftock ; hence, you fowl clown.
Or I will drive you hence -bring me a gun here
Or a tub of water once more to drown him.
Enter L E L i o.
LEL. Arrnellina, whom do you draw your tongue
upon fo iharply ?
ARM. Sir, 'tis your father's ghoft, that ftrives by
To break the doors, and enter.
LEL. 'Tis his grave look !
In every lineament himfelf no liker.
And had I not hap'ly been advertifed,
What could have forc'd me think 'twere Trincalo ?
ANT. Thefe ghofts, thefeTrincalos, and aftrologers,
Strike me befide myfelf. Who will receive me,
When mine own fon refufeth ? Oh Antonio !
LEL. Infinite power of art! who would believe
The planets influence could transform a man
To ieveral fhapes ? I could now beat him foundly ,
But that he wears the awful countenance -
Of my dead father, whofe memory I reverence.
H z AKT.
ANT. If I be chang'd beyond thy knowledge, fop,
Confider that th' excefs of heat in Barbary,
The fear of fhipwrcck, and long tedious journeys,
Have chang'd my fkin, and fhrunk my eyes and cheeks ;
Yet ilill this face, tho' alter'd, may be known:
This fear bears witnefs, 'twas the wound thou cur'clfl
With thine own hands. '
LEL. He that chang'd Trincalo
T' Antonio's figure, pmitted not the fear,
As a main character.
ANT. I have no other marks,
Or reafons to perfuade them : methinks thefe words,
/ am tty father, were argument fufficient
To bend thy knees, and creep to my embracements.
LEL. A fudden coldnefs ftrikes me : my tender heart
Beats with compaflion of I know not what.
Sirrah, be gone ; trufs up your goodly fpeeches,
Sad fhipwrecks, and ftrange transformations.
Your plot's difcover'd, 'twill not take : thy impudence
For once, I pardon. The pious reverence
I owe to th' grave refemblance of my father,
Holds back my angry hands. Hence, if I catch you
Haunting my doors again, I'll baflinado you
Out of Antonio's fkin. Away.
ANT. I go, Sir ;
And yield to fuch crofs fortune as thus drives me.
1 TRIN. When this transformed fubftance of my
-Did live imprifon'd in a wanton hogfhead,
My name was don Antonio, and that title
Preferv'd my life, and chang'd my fuit of clothes.
How kindly the good gentlewoman us'd me !
'VVith what refpect, and careful tendernefs !
" Your wormip, Sir, had ever a fickly confl : -
tution, and I fear much more now, fince your long
travel. As you love me, off with thcfe wet things,
and put on the fuit you left with me before you went
to Barbary. Good Sir, neglect not your health; for,
upon my experience there is nothing worfe for the
rheum than to be drench'd in a mufly hogfhead."
Pretty foul ! Now to the bufinefs : I'll into my
own houfe, and firft beflow Armellina upon.Trin-
calo ; then try what can be done for Pandolfo : for
'tis a rule I was wont to obfcrve, firft do your own
affairs, and next your mafter's.
ANT. Wretched Antonio I haft been preferv'd fo
From foreign miferies, to be wrong'd at home ?
Barr'd from thy houfe by the fcorn of thine own
children ! [TRIN. knocks.
ANT. Butftay, thert's one knocks boldly-, 't may
be fome friend. [TRIN. Knocks again.
ANT. Dwell you here, gentleman ?
TRIN. He calls me gentleman:
See th' virtue of good cloaths ! All men falute,
Honour, refpect, and reverence us.
ANT. Good gentleman,
Let me, without offence, intreat your name,
And why you knock ?
TRIN. How, firrah, fauce-box, my name !
Or thou fome ftranger art,"or groily ign'rant,
That know'ft not me. Ha ! what art thou that alk'ft it ?
ANT. Be not in choler, Sir.
TRIN. Befits it me,
A gentleman of publick reputation,
To ftoop fo low as fatisfy the queftions
Of bafc and earthly pieces like thyfelf ? what art
thou ? ha ?
ANT. Th' unfortunate pofleflbr of this houfe.
TRIN. Thou lieft, bale fycophant, my worfhip
owns it.
ANT. May be my fon hath fold it in my abfence,
Thinking me dead How long has't called you mailer?
TRIN. 'Long as Antonio pofleft it.
ANT. Which Antonio ?
TIRN. Antonio Anaftafio.
ANT. That Anaftafio,
That was drown'd in Barbary ?
TRIN. That Anaftafio,
That felf fame man am I : I 'fcap'd by fwimming,
And now return to keep my former promiie
Of Flavia to Pandolfo ; and in exchange,
To take Sulpitia to my wife.
ANT. All this
I intended 'fore I went : but Sir, if I
Can be no other than my felf, and you
Are that Antonio, you and I are one.
TRIN. How ! one with thee ? fpeak fuch another
And by the terror of this deadly fteel,
That ne'er faw light, but fent to endlefs darknefs
All that durft (land before't, thou dieit.
ANT. Alas!
My weaknefs grown by age, and pains of travel,
Difarms my courage to defend myfelf j
I have no ftrength but patience.
TRIN. What boldnefs madded thee tofteal my name?
ANT. Sir, heat of wine.
TRIM. And when y'are drunk,
Is there no perfon to put on but mine,
To cover your intended villanies ?
ANT. Dangers at fea
Are pleafures, weigh'd with thefe home injuries.
V/as ever man thus fcar'd betide himfelf ?
A L B U M A Z A R. 5J
O mofl unfortunate Antonio !
At fea thou fuffer'dit fhip wrack of thy goods,
At land of thine own felf fly, fly to Barb'ry,
And rather there endure the foreign cruelty
Of fetters, whips, and Moors, than here at home
Be wrong'd and baffled by thy friends and children.
TRIM. How ! prating ftill ? why Timothy begone,
Or draw, and lay Antonio down betwixt us ;
Let fortune of the fight decide the queftion.
Here's a brave rogue, that in the king's high-way
Offers to rob me of my good name. Draw !
ANT. Thefe wrongs recall my ftrength, I am
refolved :
Better die once than fuffer always. Draw!
TRIN. Stay, underftand'il thou well nice points
of duel ?
ANT. Yes, I'll to the point immediately.
(Beats Trin.)
TRIN. Hold ! hold J Murder ! murder !
Give me my life, and take Antonio.
Enter LELIO, CRICCA, from theHoufe.
LEL. What noife is this ? am I awake.
See'ft thou not, Cricca, Trincalo and Antonio ?
CRIC. O flrange! they're both here.
LEL. Didft not thou inform me
That Trincalo was turn'd to Antonio ?
Which I believing, like a curfed fon,
With mod reproachful threats, drove mine old father
From his own doors : Pardon me, father.
[Goes to his father and kneels.
'Twas my blind ignorance, not want of duty,
That wrong'd you : all was intended for that farmer,
Whom an aftrologer, they faid, transform'd.
ANT. How an aftrologer ?
56 A L B U M A Z A R.
LEL. What with your diftreflfes, injuries andfatigues,
Your fpirits muft demand repofe :
Within, Sir, I will tell you all, and hope
Your pardon for each infult our abufed
Minds have caft upon you.
ANT. Where there is no ill intention fon,
There can be little merit in forgivenefs.
[Exit into the houfe.
CRIC. 'Tis plain Albumazar
Hath cheated my old mafter of his plate,
For here's the farmer as like himfelf as ever,
Only his cloaths excepted. Trincalo !
T.RIN. Cricca, where's Trincalo? do'ft fee him here?
CRIC. Yes, arid as rank an afs as ever he was.
TRIN. Thou'rt much deceiv'd, thou neither feeft
nor knowft me.
I am transform'd, transform'd !
CRIC. Note the ftrange power of ftrong imagination!
TRIN. A world of engines cannot wreft my thoughts
From being a gentleman : I am one, and will be ;
And tho' I be not, yet will think myfelf fo ;
And fcorn thee, Cricca, as a (lave and fervant.
[Exit Trin.
CRIC. 'Tis all loft labour to difluade his dulnefs.
Now to work my brain ; what's more to be done ?
Trincalo muft be catch'd kept clofe lock'd up,
'Till I releafe him : wine does that. what next ?
No whifper muft go forth, of the return
Of this Antonio, and then mail our Pandolfo
I have it now 'tis here and we mall fee
If cunning can't out-wit aftrology :
*Tis Cricca' s (kill, 'gainft great Albumazar's,
Tho' back'd by all his devils and his ftars.
A L B U M A Z A R. 57
SCENE, before ANTONIO'S Houfe.
Enter LELIO and CRICCA, cut- cf the Houfe.
CRIC. X I S the only way, Sir, humour but the
And fortune cannot trick us ; Armellina's ready,
So am I and here comes Trincalo. [Exii Cric.
TRIN. This rafcal, Cricca, with his arguments
Of malice, fo difturbs my gentle thoughts,
That I half doubt I am not what I feem :
But that will foon be clear'd ; if they receive me
In at Antonio's houfe, I am Antonio.
LEL. Signior Antonio, my moft lov'ng father !
Bleft be the day and hour of your return.
TRIN. Son Lelio ! a blefling on my child ; I pray
thee tell me,
How fares my fervant Armellina ? well ?
LEL. Have you forgot my fifter Flavia ?
TRIN. What, rny dear daughter Flavia ? no, but firft
Call Armellina : for this day we'll celebrate
A gkek of marriages : Pandolfo and Flavia,
Sulpitia and myfelf, and Trincalo
With Armellina. Call her, good Lelio, quickly.
LEL. I will, Sir. [Exit.
TRIN. So : 'tis well that Lelio
ConfefTeth me his father. Now I am perfect,
Perfect Antonio.
ARM. Signior Antonio !
My long expected mafter !
58 A L B U M A Z A R.
TRIN. O Armellina !
Come, let me kifs thy brow like mine own daughter.
ARM. 'Tis too great a favour alas! how feeble
Yyou are grown with your long travel f
TRIN. True, being drown'd,
Nothing fo griev'd me, as to lofe thy company.
But fince I am fafc return'd, for thy good lervice,
I'll help thee to a hufband.
ARM. A hufband, Sir ?
Some young and handfome youth, orelfc I'll none.
TRIN. To one that loves thee dearly, dearly wench j*
A goodly man, like me in limbs andfafhion.
ARM. Fie, an old man! how! caft myfelf away,
And be no nurfe but his ?
TRIN. He's not like me
In years and gravity, but fair proportion ,
A handfome well fet man as I.
ARM. His name ?
TRIN. 'Tis Tom Trincalo of Totnarrr.
ARM. Signior Pandolfo's handfome farmer ?
TRIN. That's he.
ARM. Moft unexpected happinefs F T tis the maa
I more efteem than my own lite : fweet matter,
Procure that match, and think me fatisfied
For all my former fervice without wages :
But ah, I fear you jeft. My poor unworthinefs
Hopes not fo great a fortune as fweet Trincalo.
No, wretched Armellina, in and defpair :
Back to thy mournful drefler ; there lament
Thyfelf to kitchen-ftuff, and burn to allies,
For love of thy fweet farmer.
TR.IN. Alas ! poor foul,
How prettily me weeps for me ! Wilt fee him ?
ARM. My foul waits in my eyes, and leaves my body
Then fwear to keep my counfel,
ARM, I fwear
By th' beauteous eyes of Trincalo.
TRIN. Why, I am Trincalo.
ARM. Your worfhip, Sir ! why do you flout your
Right worlhipfui Antonio, my reverend mafter ?
TRIN. Pox of Antonio, I am Ton) Trincalo.
Why laugh'ft thou ?
ARM. 'Tis defire and joy,
To fee my fweeteft.
TRIN. Look upon me and fee him.
ARM. I fay I fee Antonio, and none other.
TRIN. I am within, thy love : without, thy mafter.
Th 3 aftrologer transform'd me for a day.
ARM. Mock not your poor maid, pray you, Sir.
TRIN. I do not.
Now would I break this head againfl the ftones,
To be unchang'd , fie on this gentry, it fticks
Like bird-lime. Carry me to your chamber,
And there we'll talk the matter over.
A R M. O Sir, by no means : but with my lovely farmer
Td ftay all night, and thank him.
TRIN. Crofs misfortune !
Accurit Albumazar ! and mad Pandolfo !
To change me thus, that when I moft defire
To be myfelf, I cannot. Armeilina,
Fetch me a looking-glafs.
ARM. To what end ?
TRIN. Fetch one.
Let my old matter's bufmefs fink or fwim,
This fweet occafion muft not be neglected,
wonderful ! [He looks in tht gkfs.
Admir'd Albumazar in two tranfmutations !
Here's my -old farmer's face. How in an inftant
1 am unchang'd that was fp long a changing !
O wonder ! here's my old black chin again !-
Now, Armeilina, take thy lov'd Trincalo
I 2 T*
To thy defired embracements, ufe thy pleafur?
Kifs thy fill.
. ARM. Not here in public,
T' enjoy too foon what pleafeth, is unpleafant:
The world would envy then my happinefs.
Go in, I'll follow you, and in my chamber
We'll confummate the match in privacy..
FRIN. Was not the face I wore far worfe than this ?
But for thy comfort, wench, Albumazar
Hath dy'd my thoughts fo deep i'th' grain of gentry ^
'Tis not a glafs can rob me of my good fafliion,
And gentlemanly garb. Come, my dear. [Ex. Trin.
ARM. I'll follow you. So, now he's faft enough.
Thus have I got me a hufband, and in good earneft
Mean to marry him It is a tough clown,
And rich enough for me, that have no portion
But my pcor fervice. Well, he's fomething foolifh j
The better can I domineer and rule him
At pleafure. That's the mark and utmoft hight
We women aim at. I am refolv'd , I'll have him.
Enter LELIO, SUL P IT i A.
SUL. Lelio! Lelio!
LEL. O there's the voice that in one note contain?
All chords of mufic : how gladly fhe'll imbrace
The news I give her, and the meffenger !
SUL. Soft, foft, y'are much miftaken ; for in earneft,
I am angry, Lelio ; and with you.
LEL. Sweetefc, thofe flames
Rile from the fire of love, and foon will quench
1* th' welcome news I bring you.
SUL. Stand ftill, I charge you
By th' virtue of my lips ; fpeak not a fyllable,
As you cxpecl: a kils mould clofe my anger.
For I muit chide you. LEL.
A L B U M A Z A R. 61
LEL. O my Sttlpftia,
Were every fpeech ycu utter charg'd with death,
I'd ftand them all in hope of that condition.
SUL Firft, Sir, I hear, you teach Eiigcnlo
Too grave a warinefi in your filter's love,
And kill his honed rbnvardncfs cf affection ,
With your far-fetch'd refpects, fulpicious fears :
You have your may-bes ; this is dangerous :
ft folly, fraud, and pride,
And fought ivith Immciur's lance on virtue' s fide.
Such be henceforth each comick artift's aim,
Pcets or painters, be their drift the fame.
Such are the leffons which to-night we read,
And way next feffions prove that wefucceed!
Dramatis Perfbn.
Sir Petronel Flafli,
Counfellor Bramble,
Captain Seagull,
Servant to Sir Petronel,
Mrs. Touchftone,
A C T I. S C E N E I.
at fever al doors. QUICKSILVER with a
laced bat, an embroidered waiftcoat, and a dag-
ger and belt conceal' d under his great coat.
At the middle door enter GOLD ING, dif cover-
ing a goldJmitKs Jhop, and be walking Jhort
turns before it.
VV ELL, whither are you going, now ? What
loofe action are you bound for? Come, what. com-
rades are you to meet ? Where's the fupper ? Where's
the rendevous ?
Quick. Indeed, and in very good fober truth j
'Touch. Indeed, and in very goed fcber truth, Sir ;
when my back is turned, thou wilt iwear falter than
a Swifs porter, and lalk more loofely than a midwife;
but now it is, indeed, and in very good fober truth, Sir
B But
But fuppofe I fhould fearch you, what furniture
Jhould I find you rigg'd with ? Hey ! Sirrah, Sirrah,
I tell thee I am thy matter, William Touchftone,
Goldfmith, and thou art my 'prentice, Francis
Quickfilver, and I will know whither thou art run-
ning. Work upon that now.
from arts, from valour honour fprings,
fbefe three are founts of gentry ', nobles, kings.
(Exit Golding.
.-IcfJtdfi ft urn [
SCENE Dreffins Roo,,,,
GERTRUDE at her toilet, her head dre/ed in the extre-
mity of the Fajhion ; MILDRED working; a fcreen ;
BETTY waiting.
Ger. Now, in the name of love and grandeur, look
if Sir Petronel approach ! is the dear man coming ?
Oh ! fifter Mil. tho' my father is a tradefman, yet I
am to be a lady -, and thofe who have turned their
nofes up at me, thank heaven, muft fay, Madam, and
your Ladyfhip to me at every word is he come ?
that fweet, that fine, that am I drefs'd, quite
drefs'd, Betty ? is there not a bit of city formality left
about me ?
Mil Lord, fifter, with what an immodeft impa-
tience have you thrown off the drels fuitable to your
Ipirth and condition I am forry to iee you diipife that
which has made both you and us. uovobojis
Ger. I tell you I hate, I abhor the city I am to be
a lady I will be a lady, tb'Kuoy ob 0*1 ?hbv3
Mil. Well, fifter, thofe that fcorn their neft, oft
% with a fick wing.
UQ\Ger. Bow-bell!
Mil. Sure it is a ftrange madnefs toyoak together
courtiers and citizens, foldiers and tradelmen > a gold-
fmith's daughter and a knighthiho"} uo/ br;H
Ger. Alas, poor Mil ! thou art e'en fick with envy
now : but I will pray for thee when I am a lady, nay,
and vouchfafe to call thee fifter Mil. ftill ; for altho'
thou art not like to be a lady as I am, yet fure thou
arc a creature of heaven's making, and may 'ft, perad-
venture be fav'd as foon as I- -why does not the
knight come ? I muft abfoiutely learn to tread light
light and have a fcornful tols of the head aye,
juftTb this is the right court tofs amble and-
Mil. Take care you do not make a falie ftep,
Betty. I am thinking, Madam, how poor young
Mr. Fig, the grocer, will grieve when you are married
to the knight.
Ger. Ah ! let him drown himfelf in a butt of his
own molaiTas, and die in his proper calling wou'd
he were here, though, that I might infuk him a little
' with my pity They fay fine ladies always laugh at
the men that love them.
Betty. You have your wifh, Madam, here he comes,
I vow.
Enter FIG.
11, Lady daughter, and
proud I mail be to give it you.
Ger. Yes, mother ; but, by your leave, mother,
I fpeak it not without my duty, bat only in my huf-
C 2 band's
band's right, my coach horfes mnft take the wall of
Pet. My beafts are fo well acquainted with their
duty, that they would tear their harnefs to pieces,
rather than give place to their inferiors.
Touch. Come, come, have done with your vanity ;
'tis almofc noon ufe my houfe the wedding fo-
lemnity is at my wife's coft thank me for nothing
but my willing bleffing, for I cannot feign, .mv hopes
are faintand, Sir, reipect my daughter : ihe has
refus'd for you wealthy and honed matches.
Ger. Citizens ! Citizens ! Sweet Knight, as foon
as ever we are married, take me, in mercy, take me
out of this odious city, carry me inftantlyout of the
fcent of Newcaftle coal, and the hearing of Bow-
bell, I befeech thee ; away with me, for heaven's
lake, away with me into the country.
Pet. Clafping my treafure> hence, fweet maid., we'll fly ,
While vulgar beauties foall with envy die.
[Exeunt all but Touch. Mil. and Gold.
Touch. Farewel, folly ! Farewel, vanity ! But
yonder Hand my hopes Mildred, come hither,
child. 'What think you of your filter's choice ?
Mil. I hope as a fifter, well.
Touch. Nay, but how doft thou like her behaviour
and manners ? Speak freely.
Mil I am unwilling to fpeak ill, and yet I am
forry that of this 1 cannot fpeak well.
Touch. Very good , a modeft anfwer. Golding,
come hither how doft thou like the Knight, Sir
Flam ? He looks as big as an elephant he fays he
has a caftle in the country.
Gold. Fray heaven the elephant carry not his caftle
on his back.
Touch. That's well faid, faith But ferioufiy what
is thy opinion of him ?
Gold. The beft I can fay of him, and of myfelf,
is, I know him not.
Touch. Very well, Golding, I love thee ; I think
highly of thy virtues I will give thee a proof that
I do. My wife has her humour, and I will have
mine. Doft thou fee my daughter here, me is toler-
able, heh well, thou art fenfible ; fhe is modeft ;
thou art provident; Die is careful j fne is now mine
give me thy hand, me is now thine work upon
that now.
Gold. This bleffing is beyond my hopes, tho' not
my wimes, for I long have lov'd your daughter,
and both as your fon and fervant I will honour and
obey you.
Touch. Say 'ft thou fo , come hither, Mildred -,
do you fee yon fellow ? he is a gentleman, tho' my
'prentice -, a youth of good hope and fufficient for-
tune. Are you mine ? You are his work upon that
Mil. I am indeed your's, Sir ; you gave me life ;
your love and care have made that life happy ; to
your wifdom I wholly fubmit myfelf.
Touch. That's wel 1 , be you two better acquainted:
kifs her, kifs her, Knave. So fhut up the fliop
we muft make holiday.
'End of the FIRST ACT.
r 3iilJ5 t
>VU ^H-
SCENE I. A' Parlour.
1 i>!
QUICKSILVER! Quickfilver! Francis Quick-
filver! Why don't the fellow come? Mr.
Quickfilver !
Quick. Here, Sir umph.
Touch. So, Sir, nothing but Mr. Quickfilver will
fetch you.
Quick. Ay, forfooth umph.
Touch. Umph ! How now, Sir, the drunken
hiccup fo foon after dinner ?
Quick. 'Tis but the coldnefs of my flomach,
forfooth. ,m :>qorUKJ I n
Touch. What : have you the caufe natural for it ?
-you are a very learned fot, it feems.
Quick.. The knight's fervants, forfooth, are ftill on
their knees at it, and becaufe it is for your credit, Sir,
I would be loath to flinch.
Touch. Pray, Sir, e'en to them again then : you are
one of the feparated crew-, one of my wife's faction
and my young lady's, with whom, and their great
match I will have nothing to do. iq' wolblt eif'
Quick. Well, Sir, then I will go and keep my credit
with them, and pleafe you, Sir.
Touch. And by all means, Sir, lay one cup of fack
more on your cold ftomach, Sir.
Quick. Yes, foriboth, two to oblige you.
(Exit gwckfihtr.
Touch. This is for my credit ! if fervants get drunk
in their mailer's houfe, it is always for his credit I
thank time the day wears low, I ne'er waked to fuch
coft. 1 think we have ftow'd more forts of rkih in
our ftomachs than ever Noah's ark received : and for
wine why my houfe turns giddy with it! this glut-
tony is the iin of us citizens, which, becaufe we com-
mit ieldom, we commit the more fmfully but here
come all the fober parcels my houfe can mew- I will
lilten and hear what thoughts they utter.
Gold. But is it pofllble that without afpiring, like
your fitter, to the rank of a lady, you can confine your
hopes and wifhes to the arms of a 'prentice ?
Mil. Such hafty advancements as my fitter's are
not natural you are my father's choice, therefore
I need not blufli to own you are mine alfo.
Gold. How dear an objecl you are to my defires, I
cannot exprefs might I but hope chat your father and
you, would vouchiate to blefs me immediately with
your hand I cannot make you great, but I will make
you happy your contentment (hall ever be the end of
all my endeavours : I will love you above all, and
i only your grief (hall be my mifery, your joy my
Touch. On my confcience he woos honeftly he
(hall be the anchor of my hope ha ! fee the ffl-yoak'd
monfter his fellow 'prentice,
Enter QUICKSILVER, quite drunk.
Drunk now, downright.
Gold. Fie, Qqickfilvcr, a pickle are you in !
Quick. Pickle! pickle in thy throat zounds,
pickle! good morrow, Knight Petronel, morrow,
Lady Flam all hail thou mirror or" Knighthood. .
Gold. Why, how now, Sir, do you know where
yon are ?
Quick. Where I am ! why s'blood, you jolt-head,
where am I ?
Gold. Away for mame, go to bed and fleep out
this intemperance, you icandalize both my Matter,
and his houfe.
Quick. Shame ! what mame ? I thought thou
would'il mow thy bringing up if thou wert a gentle-
man, as I am, thou would'ft think it no mame to be
drunk come, lend me fome money. I am to fup
with two or three gallants and their wives, Sirrah.
Gold. I care not I will not lend thee a farthing.
Quick. S'foot, lend me fome money, I fay.
Touch. Why, how now, Sirrah ? what vein's
this ?
Quick. " Save me^ and hover o'er me with your wings ^
Ton heavenly guards !
What would your gracious figure ?" t/o^
How does our Mailer, eh, old Touch ?
Touch. Sirrah, Sirrah, you are pail your hiccup
now, I fee you are drunk.
Quick. 'Tis for your credit, Mailer.
Touch. And I am informed you keep a miflrefs.
Quick. 'Tis for your credit, Mailer.
Touch. I know, too, what fums you are out in
Quick. So do I : my father's a gentleman. Work
upon that now. Come, 'tis holiday time, prithee cry
Eaftward hoe.
Vouch. Sir, Eaftward hoh, will make you go Weft-
ward hoh - my houfc (hall be no lo.iger icawdalifed,
nor my ftock endangered by your licentiouineis
there, Sir, there arc your indentures from me be free,
jb>ut for other freedom, and the money you have
\vafted---Eaftward hoh, mall not ferve y >ur turn.
Quick. Am I" freed from my fetters- rent fly
with a duck in thy mouth and now I tell thee,
Touchftone -
Touch. Good Sir.
Quick. When this eternal fubftance of my foul -
Touch. Well 'laid, change your gold ends, for your
play ends,
Quick. Did live imprifontd in my wanton flejh -
Touch What then, Sir ?
Quick. I was a courtier in the Spanijh court* and Don
Andrea was my name.
Touch. Good Matter Don Andrea, will you b:
gone ?
Quick. Sweet Touchftone, will you lend me two
{hillings ?
Touch. Not a penny.
Quick. I have friends that will Farewei I will
throw dirt at thy mop poits, and rotten eggs at thy
fign : work upon that now. (Exit Quick.
Tcuch. Now, Sirrah, Golding, do you hear me ?
you mail ferve me no longer neither.
Gold. What mean you, Sir ?
Touch. I mean to give thee thy freedom, and with
thy freedom my daughter, and with my daugter a
father's love ; and with all thefe, fuch a portion as
fhall make Knight Petionel himfelf envy thee. You
are both agreed, are ye not ?
Gold. With all iubmiflion, both of thanks and
. . .
Touch, /ye, aye, I know you were agreed long
ago. Well heaven blefs you ! Come, let us in, and
finilh this humble, but I hope, happy match; I have
the licence in my pocket, and my Lord Mayor's
chaplain mall tack you together inftantly.
(Exeunt omnes.
llfifl t3ho aril 'fiu
SCENE changes to a Room in SE-
. . y~
Sec. My private gueft, young Quickfilver, has
tafted too freely of the bride-bowl. My houfe is the
cave where the young out-law hoards the ftolen vails
of his occupation, and here, when he will revel it like
a man of fpirit, he retires to his treafure, and I may
fay, foftly, to his wench. He confides both to my
keeping, for I am Security kielr, both by name and
nature. ^k" ^ & -u^& i\w^ iri, .
'.Wv\ r ". . . !
Enter QUICKSILVER, in bis 'prentice's coat and bat^
filk ftockings, and laced waiftcoat, gartering bis
gtyick. Well, old Security, thou father of deftrudi-
on,-, the indented fheepfkin is burnt, wherein I was
wrapt, and I am now loofe to get more children of
perdition into thy ufurous bonds. '1'hou feedeftmy
iicentioufhefs, and I, thy covetoufneis. Thou art
pancVr to me for my wench, and I to thee for thy
ilB ftf*- Well faid, my fubtle Quickfilver 1
Quick. Why man 'tis the London highway to
fhrift i if virtue be ufed it is but a fcape to the net of
villany :
villany : they that ufe it fimply, thrive (imply
I warrantweight and famion make goldfmiths
r f ~.
Enter SYNDEFY, with QUICKSILVER'/ fne coat,
hat, and fword.
Syn. There, Sir, put off the other half of your
Quick. Well faid, my charmer, bring forth all my
There lie thou hujk cf my envaffard days,
I, Sampfon, now have burft the Phiiiftines* bands',
^e'fi And in thy lap, my lovely Delilah,
I'll lie, andjncrs out my enfranchised ft ate. .-.-jfhjj
fclisy nt, ,v t>v5
Sylil : S O N G.
lu-as a^rent'ceyefterd^
But now Tve quitted forrow,
m never work, but will ever play.
Make every hour a holiday,
And never think of to- morrow.
But, Dad, haft thou feen my running gelding drefs'd
to-day ?
Sec. That I have, Frank, the hoftler at the cock
drefs'd him for a breakfaft.
Quick What, did he eat him ! hiccup !
Sec. No, but he eat his breakfaft for dreffing him,
and fo drefs'd him for a breakfaft.
Quick. What, old Security, have you wit and
money too ? You always was an unconfcionable
Sec. Call me what you pleafe, Frank : But, alas,
how will all this be maintain'd now ? thy place main-
tain'd it before.
Quick. Why, and I maintained my place but now
I'll co the court, I have fome thriving qualities, that
will take root in that foil. -As for thee, old Dad,
thou art moderate in thy defires of wealth, and art
Contented with the decent profits of of thy occupation,
cent, per ceHt.or fo-, provided the! tin (land not ftill, and
the moon keep her ufual returns, and make up days
and years, thou art well fatisfied.
Sec. Well, Mr. Francis, do but bring Sir Petronel
into my parchment toils once, and you mail not need
to toil in any trade. You know his wife's lands ?
Quick. The devil a foot I know (afide). Every
track of them* old Boy, I have been often there a
fine feat, good land, all entire within itfelf.
Sec. Well wooded?
Quick. A thoufand pounds worth ready to cut,
old boy , would I were your farmer for two hundred
a yean
Sec. Excellent Mr. Francis -, how I do long to do
thee good! how I do hunger and third to have the
honour of enriching thee ! for on my confcience*
Mr. Francis, and fo tell the knight, I engage in this
bufinefs purely to do him a pleafure.
Quick. 1'il try you a little, old blood-fucker (afide).
Marry, Dad, hishorll-s are now coming up to carry
down his lady : wilt thou lend him thy (tables to fet
them in ?
tec. Faith, Mr. Francis, I am not willing to do
that, in a greater matter I wou'd ferve him, but not
in this.
Quick. There I caught your nofc in a trap, old fox ;
you hunger and thirfl to do him good, and won't
give him half an bqur'o ftabling Well, well, let
hum have money on yonr own terms, he is going to
the Kali indies in learch of wealth ; all the money
he cou'd raife has been expended on this fcheme ; he
mufc make bold with his wife's fortune ; for which
purpofe, indeed, he married ; his fhip now lies at
Blackwall, ready to fail with the firit fair wind; but
this hopeful project will be fpoil'd without your
affiftance, Old Gencrofuy.
Sec. Let his wife feal to-day, iftd ,h&, {hall have
money initantly. 'tnm-yi isutu "tari fp^vl noofn arb
$ulck. She ihall, Dad, before fhe goes into the
country To work her to which action, I Ihall pre-
fently prefer my fweet Syndefy here to the place of
her woiiwms"Ji w gid v/on.4 uoY
- Sec. I proteft a moft fafhionable project; as good
flie fpoil the Lady, as the Lady Ipoil her i for it is
three to one. on one fide.
Syn. But, dear Frank, when Iball our father Secu-
rity prefcnt meft noYf sbnupc; bntHJO.fJj A ; ,
<%uick. With all feftinatidn, I have broke the ice
to it already, and am now going to vifit the Knightj
at his father-in-law's no more my mafter,- bathonett
old Touchftone Thithsr, I befeech thee, bring
Syndefy. . y rfl n( ,
Sec. Command nie^ Mafter Francis I do hunger
and thirft to do thee fervice. (Exit Quickftfaer.)
Come, fweet Mrs. Syndefy, take leave of my wife,
and we will inftantly meet Mr. Francis at your
Lady's, fa nurl bn^)l oorb )> [Exit.
JOCl-J ^ . T^ ^
Sir Pet. Thanks to my fortunate ftars, my fcheme
has fucceeded, and I mail foon be at liberty to leave
this odious town, where there is no amufement left to
kill that enemy Time with : Taverns are dead, gaming
houfes blown up, plays are at a tband, and houfes
f hofpitality no where: 'tis time for honeft folks to
be going. What, my fubtle Quickfilverj all alivt
Itill, and the fumes of the bride-bowl ftill operating
In thy pericranium.
Quick, (fags.} I was apprentice, &c. But let us
be merry and wile, and think of bufinefs. You had
better take feme cam in your purfe, Knight, other-
wile your eaftward caftle will fmoak but miferably.
Sir Pet. Oh! Frank! my caftle: alas! all the
catties I have, thou knoweft, are built of air !
Quick. I know it, Knight, and thetefore wonder
where your Lady is going.
Sir Pet. Faith, to feek her fortune, I think -, I
faid 1 had a caftle and land eaftward, and eaftward
fhe will go without contradiction. Her coach and
the coach of the fun muft meet full butt, which will
overturn them both, fet fire to this part of the world,
and we will make our efcapes by the light of it.
^uick, A good rodomontade, i'faith. I fear when
her enchanted caftle becomes invifible, her. Ladyfhip
will return and be very near invifible too. Ha, ha, ha !
Sir Pet. Oh ! that me would have the grace to do
it But, Frank, there is no jefting with my prefent
necefiity ; my creditors have found me out j I am
befcton every fide , if I do not make prefent money
to profecute my intended voyage, and contrive , to
efcape this night to my fhip, to-morrow will fee me
in a jail, and 1 am ruin'd for ever.
*)uick. Why then, Sir, in earneft, if you can
prevail'. upon your Lady to fet her hand to the fate
of .her inheritance, the blood-hound, Security, will
fmell out ready money for you inftantly. ,;[ n { ^^
Sir Pet. There fpoke my better angel ; I have al-
ready tamper'd with her upon this iubjed ihe is in
luch a hurry to be gone that me will not lofe time
in examining what we offer her. She has fettled the
order of our cavalcade herfelf, and nothing can be
better contriv'd for my purpofe. She is to let out in
the new coach, with her mother, and her woman,
and I am to follow with thee a horfeback, and a
crowd of livery iervants , her fancy is fo fill'd with
this magnificence, that me has not a corner left for
reflection but in the mean time 1 muft fain mylelf
very fond Plague of my fortune ! what am I
bound to r But the beft of it is, a large time-fuited
confcience is bound to nothing Old Security's
young wife, Winifred, who was forc'd from my
wilhes by her fordid parents, will ftill be mine.
Quick. Ay, Sir, I have good news from that
quarter too, the old ufurer will be here inftantly with
my wench Syndefy whom you kno\y your Lady has
promis'd to entertain for her woman ; and he, with
a purpofe to feed on you, invites you molt folemnly
by me to fupper.
S:r Pet. Jt falls out excellently for my fcheme,
which his wife is as yet but half inftrudted in I fee
defire of gain makes jealoufy venturous But here
comes my Lady.
How me gazes on thee, Frank r I proteft (he does
not know thee in this drefs.
Ger. How now, who are you, T pray ?
<%iikk. My name is Quickfilver, pleafe your
Ger. By my dignity, and as I am a Ladyhe is
very handfome, now he is no longer a 'premice ;
he's in liquor too !
' Quick.' Zov your fcrvice, Lady Your hiippinefs
has intoxicated me.
Ger. How his raking becomes him! but where is
my woman, pray ?
.sd nD gnifbon bne /tbliari ab^DJKVi;:,
Shtick. See^ Madam, me is come to attend you
A coufm of mine.
Sec. Save my honourable Knight, and his wor-
(hip's Lady.
Ger. You are very welcome- --you muft not put
on your hat yet.
Sec. No, Madam, 'till I know your Ladyfhip's
pleaiure, 1 will not prefume.
Ger. And is this a gentleman's daughter lately
come out of the country.
Sec. She is, Madam.
Hiick. And my coufin, as I told you.
Ger. And can you do any work belonging to a
Lady's chamber ?
Syn. What I- cannot do. Madam, I will be glad
to learn.
Ger. Well faid, hold np your head, I fay me is
very bslhful come hituer.
Syn. I thank your Ladyfhip.
Ger. And, do you hear, good man, you may put on
your hat now I do not look upon you 1 muft have
you, young woman, of my tutoring, not of my
Syn. No, forfooth, Madam, of your's.
Ger. And be a fpy upon my fervants, and keep
my fecrets, and read a novel to me when I am bufy,
and laugh at country gentlewomen, and command
any thing in the houie for my dependants, and care
pot what you fpend, for it is all mine.
Syn. I (hall befure to obey you, Madam.
Ger. Very well, you mail ride with me in my
coach into the country- Come, fwect Knight, are
our equipages ready ?
,13QW^2 fe*S. iYT>,
Sir Pet. You arc m men a hurry, my dear, to go
out of town, that. I cannot be prefented to-morrow,
as I intended, it being a court-day ; if it mould be
taken ill now, that I do not kits hands on account
of my marriage, before I fet out for my caftle.
Ger. Well thought on, my dear Knight : No, no,
we will not fet out for our caftle before we. have-
kifs'd hands, as you call it I would not for the
world but go to court firft.
Pet. (afide.) Here's a fine turn now !
Quick. Zooks, Knight; we are ruin'd if flic, holds
in this mind ! Have you never a fetch now ?
Pet. Well, my charmer, it (hall be as you pleafe.
Ger. Very good he will be an obedient hufband,
I fee that.
Pet. Who's there ?-*-tell my fervants we do not go
out of town to-night.
Quick. What does he mean ?
Pet. Faith it will be a pity too to balk my tenants,
I know they expect me to bring my new Lady to the
caftle to-night ^ they will be all dreft in their holiday
cloaths to meet us ; the bonfires will blaze, and the
bells will ring.
Ger. What for me? Shall I be received with all
this grandeur ? O, Syn. I am fo divided, I know
not what to do. Do thou advife me.
Quick. With your Ladyfhip's leave I will advife
you. Do not difappoint the good people, who have
made great preparations to receive you , you may be
prefemed any other court-day. Oh ! I'll prefent yon.
Ger. Say'ft thou fo Well then, dear JCnight, let
us be gone , nay, pofitively I will go to-night ; is my
coach readyjKj j^wl 3ntS&*f*fi whifpers Petrcnel.
Pet. That's true Sweet Lady wife, let me in-
treat you to ftop a few moments : I order'd a jewel-
IE ler
ler to attend me at Security's houfc, with an intention
to purchafe a few ornaments for you, mere trifles -, I
will not exceed two or three hundred pounds.
Ger. O, fortune! What a hufband have I got!
Go, fweet Knight, and return prefently ; mean time
I will take leave of my father. \Exit.
Quick. Faith, Knight, you overfhot yourfelf there-
that kifling of hands had like to have fpoil'd all.
Pet. Well, well, we are fafe however-, and now,
Mr. Security, if your lawyer has prepared the
writings for my wife to fign :
Sec. He waits you, with them, at my houfe, Sir.
Pet. Away, then one bold pufli more, and the,
day is our own.
in v/n fill;.
End of the SECOND ACT.
bnuoq Lmbuurl aairfo T i
* to SYC^l 3.MJ.
. : [ - ,,.' .1 dJlfi
.Ufib'lfoqiwsri'oJ xlilbfirf' . -jhil
^ Room in SECURITY'J #i?w/?.
?./l- nyWfil ll/O'{
- -~ngf) co
BRAMBLE, with writings.
Sir Petronel.
_ H I S readinefs to affift my necefilties, good Mr.
Security, mall always be gratefully remembered
by me.
Sec. Worthy Knight, let this be a token of our
inviolable friendfhip you fee my new married-wife,
here I hope, tho 3 I be fome thing in years, to have
a numerous family and I vow faithfully to make
nu godfather, tho' in your abience, to the firft child
im bleft withal.
Sir Pet. Sir, I accept your offer, and in confirma-
tion of this friendly title, I mult intreat your fair
wife to accept of this diamond, and keep it as a gift
to her firft child.
Win. Oh I by no means what I have no right to,
it is not modefty to accept.
&?<:. How now, my coy wedlock ! do you refufe
fo" noble a favour? take it, I charge you, with all
affedtion-^and fmce the Knight is going, prcfent
boldly your lips to his honour, and wifh him a
hrippy voyage.
E 2 Win.
Win. Since I am commanded, you have my heft
\vifiies for your attendants.
(Petrcnel and Winifred talk apart while Security
examines the writings^ then exit Winifred. )
Sir Pet. Well now, my good t'rienJ, if the writings
be ready, to which my wife muft leal, 1 let them be
brought immediately before me lets out for the coun-
try, and I will prevail upon her to difpatchthem.
Sec. The writings are ready, Sir; my learned
council here, Mr. Bramble, hath perilled them, and
I will follow you with them to prefent to your Lady.
Sir Pet. Good Mr. Bramble, I will here take my
leave of you, then Heaven fend you fortunate pleas,
Sir, and contentious client !
Eram. And you foreright winds. Sir, and a for-
tunate voyage. [Exit.
Quick* All's right, my fortunate FJafh ! my Knight!
Sir Petronel, your Lady's upon the wing to your
caftle in the air ; fhe will be choak'd, me lays, if me
breathes the thick atmofphere of Cheapfide a mo-
ment longer, though the cockatrice was bred and born
Sir Pet. She longs for an airy jaunt, and fhe mall
have it. Ha ! ha ! ha !
Quick. Yes, yes, her fine airy fchemes will foon
have an end So a woman marries to ride in her coach,
flie cares not if (he rides to her ruin.
Sir Pet. Nay, 'tis no matter, as thou fay'ft I care
little what they think he that weighs men's thoughts
has his hands full of nothing.
Sec. Which is the worft thing in the world.
'Sir Pet. A man, in the courfe of this world,
fhou'd be like a furgeon's inftrument, work in the
wounds of others, and feel nothing himleif.
Quick. As \ve have manag'd our affairs now,
Knight, you need not devife excufes, or endure her
outcries, when (he returns , we (hall be gone before,
where they cannot reach us.
Sir Pet. Well, my good friend, you have now the
belt fecurity we both can make you I beg, therefore,
that the money we agreed on may be brought to the
tavern I mention'd, by fix o'clock, where J, and my
chief friends bound for this voyage, will attend you
with a parting glafs.
Sec. The money mall, without fail, obferve the
appointed hour.
Sir Pet But there is one thing more which thou,
and only thou canfl fcrrve me in.
Sec. Name it, dear Knight, thou knoweil I hunger
and third to do thee good.
Sir Pet. I know it when I was in want thou did'fl
help ins to money moft difintereftedly I am in love,
and thou, moft confcientioufly, mull help me to my
Sec. Aye, confcientioufly, Knight; bate me but
a hundred pieces of the money thou art to receive for
the fale, and the bufmefs is done if, indeed, it is in
my power.
Sir Pet. A bargain ! here is .my hand upon it.
Sec. But who is the fair one ? methinks it is necef-
ceflary to know that.
Sir Pet. Your learned council's wife, Bramble,
with whom I have long been acquainted weary of
his avarice and tyranny, me has confented to go off
with me. Now as no man, like yourfelf, hath credit
with him to entice his jealoufy for fo long a flay
abroad, as may give her an opportunity to eicape -
you muft engage him to fup with us this evening at
the tavernwhen he is come, n:y friend, here, will
go to his houfe and bring his wife malked, and irt
difguife, into our company.
Sec. A pretty, pithy, and mod pleafent project 1
who wou'd not {train a point of neighbourhood to
carry it on ? the gains fo great too- --remember our
agreement--! will go to him inftantly. [xif.
Sir Pet. Now, Frank, do thou ftay behind ; and
when Security is out of fight, convey his wife to our
place of meeting , I have prepar'd her for this ftra-
i-agem, and fhe expects thee
Re-enter SECURITY.
How ! return'd r
Sec. You talk'd of difguifmg the Lady Come
here, Sir Petronel, 1 have a rare device for that)
for, indeed, I wou'd not have the plot mifcarry for
a hundred pounds.
Quick. True-, thou gain'ft juft fo much by it.
Sec. Aye, and fomewhat befides almoft as defirable
as money, revenge I was engag'd in a fuit the other
day which he manag'd for me the rogue took fees
on both fides, I believe ; I owe him a good turn for
that you will allow.
.Sir Pet. Oh ! by all means get out of his debf^
honefl Security -Well, what is your device ?
Sec. Marry, Sir. this it is-, Mrs. Bramble mail
have the cloaths my wife wore this morning * me and
my Winny are much alike in fize and fhape: Bramble
feeing her thus attir'd, her mafic being on, will fall into
fome fufpicion that it is my wife, and never dream
of his own. Is not this rare ? is it not fine ? am I
not born to furnifh gentlemen ?
Quick. Aye, and thyfelf with horns.
Sec. Send one of thy fervants, Knight, to my
houfe for the cloaths, which I will defire my Winny
to give him, and when I have enticed Bramble abroad,
they may be conveyed to his wife. Adieu. Follow
me, Frank. (Exit.
Quick. With all my heart; Sir. Was ever rafcai
fo honied. ovc-i wnhpoifon! as he hascontriv'd it, you
will carry off his wife in her own proper likenefs beforfc
his face. Go to the tavern, Knight, thither I will
bring your miftrcfs -, your followers dare not be drunk
I think, before their captain.
Sir Pet. Wou'd I mght lead them to no hotte?
fervice. ! Farewel, Frank, fuccefs attend thee.
(Exit, $ui(k.
Sir Pet- (alone} Now for the tavern, and my fellow
voyagers. Captain Seagull, and his afTociates, they
are impatient to be gene, for their ftay is dangerous ;
mine begins to be fomewhat nice, and requires good
fpeed I (hall be upon the fea with Mrs. Security,
before my dainty lady returns from her caftle in the
air, and! -finds herfelf without hufband, fortune, or
followers ; 1 could feel now for this fooliih wife, or
rather no wife of mine, had not I had fo many of
thefe crofs accidents, that my feeling is quite worn
put ; her pride being now pennylefs, will have no
,,ft rfopCQ vm Ol * J>r r i ^
SCENE o? 1ft (tft
Foot. Why,, my lady's coach- -fne is
ready to come down.
Coach. Well, we'll, I am ready to receive her ,
what a fufs is here | ( Exit.
Ger. My coach, for heaven's fake, my coach--
foot. Your coach will be ready prelently, Madam.
-Ger. That's well, now gracious heaven, methinks I
am even up to the knees in preferment.
Mrs. T'oucb. Methinks, indeed, Lady Daughter,
yon might have honour'd us with your Company a
day or two before you fet out for your cattle.
Ger. Alas ! mother you are quite ignorant of de-
corum ; do not all the great people go to their country
feats directly after they are married ? nay, and little
people too will be in the falhion. Have you not
read in the news-papers, fuch a day, Mifs Such-a-one,
the daughter of an eminent tallow chandler, in the
Borough, was married to Mr. Such-a-one, a great
pawnbroker, in the fame place* and immediately
aftej.the ceremony, the new-married pair fet out for
their apartments, in Camberwell-Green ; But I mar-
vel how my modeft fifter employs herfelf, that me
cannot wait on me to my coach as well as her
Syn. Why, Madam, me is married bv this time to
'prentice Golding : your father, with a fpecial licence
in his pocket, Hole to church with them in all hafte,
that the cold meat left at your wedding might furnifrj
out their nuptial fupper we have great oeconomy at
our houfe.
Ger. There's a mean fellow my father, now -, but
he is e'en fit to father fuch a daughter ! but, thank
heaven, he muft not take the liberty to call me
daughter now, but Madam, and your Ladyfhip-
put upon him, marry his daughter to a bafe
'prentice !
Ger. Now, Ihame on thee ! no more fifter of mine !
married to a gbldfmith ! never expeft that I will look
on thee more, or do any think for thee thou ride in
my coach, or come down to my caftle ! Fie upon
thee, I charge thee, as I am a lady, call me filler
no more.
Touch. An it pleafe your wormlp, this is not your
fifter ; this is my daughter, and me calls me father,
and fo does not your Ladymip, and pleafe your
worfhip, Madam.
Mrs. Touch.. No, nor me muft not call thee father
by heraldry, becaufe thou makeft thy 'prentice thy
ibn-in-law. Thou fawcy 'prentice, how durft thou
prefume to marry a lady's fifter ?
Gold. It pleas'd my Mafter, Madam, to embolden
me, while yet a 'prentice, to look up to his daughter :
yet fince Imav fay it without boafting, I am a gentle-
man, and have a fortune, which with the afliftanceof
my trade, will fnpport my wife in cafe and plenty.
Ger. Do you mark him ? he is a gentleman !
Cold. Yes, Madam, a gentleman born. 3vi>n ili.
Pet. Now, my fweec celeftial bride, let me fnatch
thee from this terreflial Cheapfide, and fly with thee
on the wings of love to Paradife, the coach is ready,
your equipage in order, and I will. follow thee like
like upon my knighthood, my mind is fo full of
thee it has no room for a fimile .
Ger. How eloquent and refin'd ! 1 cannot exiltif
I flay a moment longer in the fmoke of this odious
city. This is Mr. Gold ing, Sir Petronel he he J
afTure you he is a gentleman.
Gold. Yes, a gentleman born, and I truft that the
character of an honeft citizen would not difgrace even
your dignity, Sir, or the proudeft the land can,
boaft of
Pet. Never fland upon your gentility, Mr.
Bridegroom j if your legs are no better than your
arms, you will (land on neither Ihortly.
Cold. Sir, my arms have fupporters, honour and
. property.
Touch. An it pleafe your good worfhip, Sir, there
are two forts of gentlemen.
Pet. What mean you, Sir ?
, tfoucb. Bold to put offrny hat to your worfhip.
Pet. Nay, pray forbear, Sir, and then forth with
your two forts of gentlemen.
Touck. If your worfhip will have it fo, I fay there
are two forts of gentlemen, one whom birth, means,
and merit make fo ; the other, indeed, made by hi:n-
ielf, without any other helps work upon that now.
Pet. Well faid, old Touch. I am proud to hear
thee enter a fet fpeech, i'faith forth I befeech thee.
Touch. Why, Sir, my fpeeches were ever in vain
to that lady, therefore you and me mail have no more
ot them Come my poor Ton and daughter, let us
hide ourfelves in our humility, and live fafe, ambition
confumes itfelf with the very mow work upon that
now. ( Exit Touch/I one > Golding, and Mildred.
Gert. Let him go, poof man, let him go-
let him make his 'prentice his Ion, give away his
daughter, and afterwards, come a begging to us
farewel, dear Knight, for a few hours; come, mother.
Mrstfoilcb. Sweet Lady Daughter, I will butfpeak
one word to my poor catt away, and wait on thee to
thy coach initantly. (Exit*
ri3 Ji. Enter SECURITY, with writings.
Set. My, worfhipful Lady, will you pleafe to fet
your Ladylhip's hand to this writing, which your
Knight order'd me to prefent to you.
Ger. What writing is it ?
Pet. The fale, my charmer, of that poor tenement
I told thee ofonly to make a little ready money to
purchafc fome famionable furniture for my caftle, to
which try hand mall lead thee.
Sec. I always carry proper materials about me.
(Pulls out a 'pen andink^ Petronelfigns it.
Ger. Very well now give me the pen. (figm.
Pet. It goes down without chewing i'faith.
Sec. Your worihips deliver this as your deed ?
Pet', and Ger. We do.
Pet. What more's to be done, old Security ?
Sec-. I wiil give you the writings in the next room,
but you tnuft fign my acquittance, and the ; whole is
Pet. I'll follow you let me hand you to the coach.
. Gcr. By no means, Knight my dear Knight, dif-
patch your bufinels and follow me, for even grandeur iniiipportable without you.
Pet. Pegafus would be too flow to carry me to you.
Exquifite enchanting bride ! adieu for a few hours
\vellofffaith.. (ajide) . (Exit.
Ger. There's a man for you, Syndy. So now run
before and fee that the footmen Hand bare headed
and. obferve whether any of the neighbours are got
together to fee me fet out in my coach, and befure
tell the coachman aloud to drive hard that I may get
to my caftle before evening.
Now from trade, duft, andfmoke.
Which the citizens choak,
Tofrejh air, and new titles I'll hie t
3 J3fl Tho* Mind chance placed me here,
? Come, I'll go in to our friends and drink
one giais more, and then-take boat. [Exit.
ti-'im. Come., neighbour Security, let us take
k "e of !'? Kn.ght, and his Lacly, and let us begone.
Stt W'tli ai! my heart,; ha,
ha, ,a ! iiy mind runs Ib r *upon Cuckold's-point to-
nighi, tfiat f can think of nothing elfe. Ha, ha, ha !
Bram. CuckoldVpo'nt ! -Why furely, neigh-
bour, tint is your w:fe.
Sec. No, 'by m;/ troth, Matter Bramble-, ha, ha,
ha ! Plague of Cuckold's point, I fay.
Bram. Why- it is the very drefs I faw her in this
morn ng is the man blind ?
Sec. My learned council, all are not cuckolds that
feem To. -Give me your hand, rny learned council ;
you and I will fup at home with our wivesk Adieu,
my noble Knight make hafte aboard do you hear,
make -hafte aboard. (afide to Petronel.
Pet. Friend Security, laugh no more at Cuckold's-
haven- friend Security.
Sec I have done, I have done, farewel. [Exeunt.
- H;O io sno zi
SCENE changes to .another Room in the
and other 'S, difcovefd drinking, -with the Drawer
Scape. Come, Drawer, peirce your neateft hogfhead,
and let us have cheer fie for our noble Colonel he
will be here inftantly.
Draw. Pleafe you to have any more wine, Sir ?
Spend. More wine, Slav ? whether we drink it or
not, fpill and draw more.
Pet. Well met, my noble friends.
Sea. Come, noble Colonel, take your feat.
Pet. Come, let us drink one health ; the tide will
be ready, and we {hall have a pretty wench that will
bear us company in our voyage.
Sea. Whoever me be, here's to her health, noble
Pet. Thanks kind. Captain Seagull , (he is one I
love dearly, and rnuft not be known 'till we are free
from all that know us, and fo gentlemen here is her
Quick. One glafs mort a fong from Captain Sea-
gull, and then Eaflward hoh ! my boys !
Pufh the jovial bowl about,
E'er we part, we'll fee it out,
And wit and mirth /ball reign, boys ;
Many cares, we all may know,
And many bard/hips undergo.
Before we meet again, boys.
Tet band in band,
By fea or land,
When met we'll fing and roar,
And left our joy,
Dull thoughts deftrcy,
We'll laugh and fing no more.
North or South, or Eaft or Weft,
We'll have liquor of the left-,
For wherefoe'er we're bound, boys ;
In the bowl our joys fli all fwiw,
And while we fill it to the brim,
o ?>in ito -3 .. t sa n
HAT an oaf was i, for the lucre of a little
gain, to take thole madmen into cny boat fuch a
tempeftuckis 'night. I have rowed in the Thames,
man ahd boy thefe 'twenty years, and ncvtr encoun-
tered fucli a gale before. Heaven knows if any of
tl f m cfcaped, but the poor young woman whom I
took care o, bcdatife" as w^y, it grieVcs ftie to fee any
of their iielpie^ kind in troubler-lb, fere ihe conies.
Enter WINIFRED. ?3ifatnftef
My Wapping friend has comforted her, and dried hef
cloaths I fee. Well, gentlewoman, I can b^ar no
t--'.'iip:s yet of your companions 9 tmt I hope and
believe they have efcaped as well as we.
Win. Pray heaven they may, to fed, as I do, the
wholfonie flings of ccmfcieiice, and repent,
H^t. Shall we* go in Feiarch of them, madam ?
Win. Oh, no. Living or dead, I will never fee
t.iem more: This ftorm which has wreck'd their
hopes, has preferved me from actual guilt, therefore
J am bound to blels it! My kind preferver, you
mu ft
mud now aSift me to get fame conveyance to sr.y own
limife, and till ray gratitude can reward thee furthe?,
accept this purfe.
Wat. Ha, ton^haJf thisJbrn Lwow Id venture another
clucking corfceVV ** ^ a liberai-ihmded gentkwo
and 1 witt fee you fere in a coach.
Doib^ then leave me to my fortune.
VI i *1 *l K ^ [gxetatt.
Accu?s*d that ever I was born I Qh ? wbfch
way iball 1 bead ray deiperate fteps, where miiery and
jQiame will not attend them? 1 wiU wa\k this bank,
and fee if 1 can sneet the other relkrks of oiy poor
Ibtpwrec^d crew. The K.iiight, alas \ was to far
gosse with wine* as were the other thm^ that 1 refus'd
tiieir boar^ asai took tfce hapfeis woaiau in aoctherj, who
.caacot |)t be funk, ..whatever fortune hath wrought
lipcn tha others dejperase iives.
Pef. Zoirnds* Captsir?, I tell tfceewearectftupon
tfet coaA ef Frai^ce pofic Femeiiaber ^hei^ we were
k nigfet ?
i'f^. No., faith, notli bwrmethmks we have been
3 lio-rribk v/h! . ^aser, arid m she water.
Paf. Uritior^for eve? ' H;^t any rr^aey about their ?
4 >^.j. Not
-I' 5 -. ::wee tis,, and call afhore ca
tntcoa^ of 4 France,
4Sft2 Tfce coas*' of "France * it ?n;ty be &>, neit!;cr
sny braias, aei my eye?, ape ;?>y own yet, .
Ptf/.. \Sfoot, ulk not beikvc- me, I knov? by the
tfcva'Qon 'f ?he po^e> and ?he altitude, and ki:
^f the: cHm^e^"Who J s there ^
*ttn f?I flrtgbol W(i qt/ 334L1 O1 OfcT^. 2W 15i
What my dear Frank Quickfilver ! doft
thou furvive to rejoice me ? bur, what, nobody
at thy heels, Frank ? Alas ! what is become of poor
Mrs. Security ?
'Quick. Faith, quite gone from her name, as me'
was from her fame, I think---! left her to the
mercy of the waves.
Sea. Well, well, me is provided for Come, I
perceive where we are now ; let us go to our mip at
Blackwall, and fhift us.
Pet. What will become of me ? the laft money J
could make, the greedy waves have devour'd, and if
our mip be feiz'd, there is no hope can' relieve us.
Quick. 'Sfoot, Knight, what an unknightly faint-
nefs poflefleth thee \ I' hope I have feme tricks yet in
this brain of mine that will not fuffer us to .perifti.
Sea. Well faid, my nimble fpirit of Quickfilver ;
I wifh thou hadft been our Colonel.
Quick. Come, we have fainted the proud air long
enough with our barefconces, let us buck to London;
I have a friend there that will flicker us, 'till we fee
what fortunes the (bars will afllgn us. [Exeunt.
I "fbirfw ri tnsw 5rt3 1o nsrhT^M/V srto bn
vjjjq^Q 2t(i 3m un
SCENE changes to TOUCHSTONE^ Houfe.
Amimbfi rljfio ns b^d aycfi I aoclq rfajHw-rtl .V>U\)
Enter TOUCHSTO^. JW \ ^^ ^n o*
Js ')"idfn5,3rr "3l JiolvaaEHl
Touch. Ha, ha-! does my Knight- ad venturer think
we ken no point of the compals ? Well, my errant
Sir Flam, and my runnagatc Quickfilver, there's
that gone before that will fpoil your voyage My
daughter, his Lady, was fent Eaftward, by land, to
a cat
a caftle in the air, in what .region I know not, and,
as I hear, was glad to take up her lodging in her
coach ; fhe, and her two waiting women, her maid
and her mother, like three- fnails in a meli--
fines :hn.t they have all found their way back again
by Weeping-crois but Pli not fee them ; and for
two of the ai, Madam and her malkin, they are like
to bite the bridle for me iafhou'd my dame Touch-
ftone too, but the has been my crofs thefe thirty years,
anJ 1'il now keep her to fright away fprights, i'faith.
Buc I wonder I have no news of my fon Go;ding~-he
was fent for to Guildhall this morning early, and
I marvel at the matter if I had not laid up hope
and comfort in him, I fhou'd grow defperate of all.
Here he comes, how now, Son? What news at the
Court of Aldermen ?
Gold. An accident, fomewhat ftrange, I think.
touch. What! it is not borrowing of money, then?
Gold. No, Sir, it hath pleafed the worfhipful com-
moners of the city to take me in one of their number
at the prefentation of. the inqueft.
touch. Hah!
Gold. And the Alderman of the ward in which I
dwell, to appoint me his Deputy.
touch. How!
Gold. In which place I have had an oath adminifter'd
to me fmce I went.
touch. Now, my dear and happy fon, let me embrace
thee go on, go on to thrive and profper, and as this
is the firft, fo eileem it the leaft ftep to that high and
prime honour that awaits thee.
Gold. Sir, as I was not ambitious of this, fo I
court no higher placeand I hope my condud in
or any octar office^ will add worth to. it, rathe?
than -.dignity to me.
fduch. J^jceeiJeatly faid this- rncdtft sn-fwer c"
shine if klaid I will wearfcarkt ihortly t .
Gold.. But I have other news for you, Sir*, the?
Knight,. utvd: a& hi*, co-mpa-ny^ pasting off drunk;
from BJUingfgate in; a: boat,, iate l^ft night,, wete
this fide Greenwich-, arid marrow -ly ^fc
and as 1 _have intelligence by a alf
ar.e come .jdripping to- tav/n..
A mirasle! she jafiico of h^^ib^
are they ? lee us. gapi?cfe:vdy aiid la./ tic for
Gold.. I done tliat already, Sir,, br>th by conr
Sables and other officers,, wi^wiU.tal/Le rhenias thdr
.old. haunxsy under eofoiir of a ,-hpt prefs^ tl>ac. is- BOW-
abroad,, andit-hey wilt foe brought, be^^orc^ot^
*ouch:. Prudent and- politick fon ! do- na-t {pare-
tlkm Haw to Ep^wifltt it: SaUs; out that: thoa Ivail the
ffice of a j-uft-ice trpoa them rbe fcyere tct-tLy place,..
Eke: new ofii-ccr of the \firH quarKF M^ye. you
heard how mr Bcw.-ra-aitie- .Lady is, conte- kuck witlx
laer train fyom th,:nvi.blecaiiic =
G^L Lvo, Wl^reiaflbe?
Teuek* Here, in, .tny ixoujc-j but I &TC > not.&ea
ficryet nor her wiotiwr, who. now begins tawifli her
.SdaugB&eir uad.ub'd, ihey lay, and slvst ihe b^d
a. foot pace with her .fito^. Kerc ^1-^y come...
Enter Jsfe ToitreHSTOKE,
* WYK your LadyiHp- Tr-To
ffikip. is welcome from your enh?iaced--.caliic, to azre
.jrour air and wife retintue. | hear yoiw
errant is. iravcllpd ga ilrange '
srry -mind, -yoiar Ladyship -fcath'Sfti'd Ikk and caurgbc
aicog, astfee&yiagis.
M-.T. fftufb. -Speak to yoor father, Madam, ana
kneel -down.
t?5r. Kneel * \ am not a fcaVy 1 arrci I knew -better
v/h*.t becomes niy dignity, Thu* my Knight -is .gone
off, and' has fold my-drate, I am a Lady Itill.
Yeur Ladyiliip is in the right, -Madam?
is fitter, and a -greater decor am, that I fkould
bow to you, who are a Knight's wife, and a -Lady,
chao you tc ber.d your knees to ac^ wii am ofily *
itradefman, -and your father.
Ger. Very well.
Mrs. I j:
I l)*iUi9>tYY<"flJr
Touch. Where, where, is my Ton ? -Oh, Golding !
is this a place to find you, in ?
Gold. Pardon me, dear father, yon fee me here
indeed, but I am free as you are : I had no other way
ro engage your companion for poor Quickfilver,
whofe remorie were you to be witnefs of
Touch. How ! and this was a trick, was it ? I am
glad of it, and pardon you with all my foul.
(embracing kirn.
But your trick mail not ferve no, no, I am not to be
caught fo here, Mr. Wolfe, let me out again in-
ftantly let me out I fay But who is that ?
(looking back.
Gold. Don't you know him, father ?
Touch. Ha ! what is that wretched creature my
'prentice ?
Wolf. Good Sir, good Mr. Deputy, ftand afide a
little and obferve him.
Quick. Pray, Mr. Bramble, trouble me no more
with your winding devices, I have deferv'd to fuffer,
and if it be riiy.mafter's will, to pulh my punifhment
as far as my offence will bear, 1 will endeavour to en-
dure my lot with patience.
Tench. That's ibmething yet.
Quick. Sir, it is all the teftimony I mall leave be-
hind me to the world and my mafter, whom I have fo
greatly offended
Tauch. He weeps too !
Quick. I am no poet, Sir, as the fimplicity of thefe
poor verfes will fhew ; but to thole, for whofe ufe
they are defign'd, they will be good enough, if they
paint my vices, and the fatal confequences of them.
Bram. Pray, let's hear them.
Quick. In Cheapfide, famous for gold and plate,
/, Quick/Over i did dwell of late :
I had a mafte*; good and kind,
'That wou"d have wrought me to his mind :
He bad meftill work upon that ;
But) alas ! I wrought I know not what !
He was a I'ouchftone^ black^ but true ;
And told mcftiti what would enfue ;
But he his wifdom found at laft^
Was on the barren waters caft.
tfouch. I hope not, I hope not. (afide.
Quick. I threw my fit attire away,
And went in ftlk and fat tins gay ;
In guilty pleafures, 7, byftealth,
Wafted my wafer's well-ear rid wealth.
tfouch. This penitence cannot be feign'd heaven
pardon me, I have been too fevere.
Quick. But floaine and for row feiz'd mefoon,
My morn of life, is turned to noon : ;o^
New cry J, Toucbjlcne touch meftill,
And make me current by thyjkill
Tcuc.b. And fo I will, I will, my poor penitent.
Quick. My mafter here he weeps the honeft man !
my guilt confounds me I cannot fpeak to him.
Touch. Son Golding, and Mr. Wolf, \ thank you
both for the friendly deceit you have ufed Quick-
filvcr, thou haft eat into my breaft, Quickfilver, with
the drops of thy forrow, and kilFd the defp^rate
opinion I had of thy reformation.
Quick. Oh, Sir, I am not worthy to look on you.
^ouch. Say no more, I am fatisfied, and here my
word mail releafe you rMr. Wolf, I am his bail.
Gold. Now, Sir, you aft like yourfelf. We mould
try and judge a criminal indeed with impartial ftricl-
refs, but penitence, if it is fincere, tho* it ought not
to alter the ballance, may ftop the fword of Juitice.
Sec. (within} Mr. Touchitone ! Mr. Touchftone !
Touch. Who is that ?
Wolf. Mr. Security, Sir.
Touch. Bring him here -, this day mall be facred to
mercy fee, here are more Timor's !
Spare your intreaties, all things have fucceeded to
your wiihes : Frank, I know your engagements to
this young woman ; I expect you will marry her.
Quick. Moft willingly, Sir.
Geld'. And you, Mr. Security, muft give up the
writings of this young Lady's eitate ; this is a reftitu-
tion you muft make from that huge mafs you have fo
unlawfully gotten what do you fay to it ?
Sec. I will lay any thing that you would have me-
would I were no cuckold !
Quick. Come, Sir, I know the caufe cf your fufpi-
cions, your wife is yet innocent ; endeavour to keep
her fo, by confidence and kind ufage.
Sec. 1 am Satisfied- and Winny and I (hail be
friends again.
Touch. Well, then all arepleafed Mr. Wolf, have
you any apparel to lend Francis ? methinks I wouldn't
have him appear in this garb.
Quick. Sir, I do not defire to change it ; but intreat
you will permit me to go home through the ftreets in
thefe deaths, as a fpectacle, or rather an example, to
the children of Cheap fide.
Cold. Lee your penitence, friend Quickfilver, ap-
pear in your acticns, relultingfrom inward conviction,
and not from external appearance a foul heart may
" K be
be covered with tatter'd cloaths, and a decent out-fide
is the beft garment for a reclaim'd prodigal he who
endeavours to Ihew too much, may be fufpe&ed of
repenting too little.
Right, SonGolding,
Tho* for a citizen 'tis not the vogue,
Vofpeak to fuch rare guefts, the Epilogue,
for once permit an honeft, trading man,
To change for moral truth, the wanton plan.
Short, I will be, and {weet I truft tofome^
That city youths may go inftruftedhome :
As in a glafs, let citizens this day,
J&ehold the plot, and moral of our play ;
See the two ways, which lead to flame orftate^
Cbufe Ruin or fair fame work upon that !
[Price One Shilling and Sixpence.]
the Second, by the Grace of God, King of
Great Britain, France, and Ireland^ Defender of the Faith,
&c. To all to whom thefe Prefents mall come, Greeting.
Whereas our Trufty, and Well-beloved Lewis Theobald, of
our City of London, Gent, hath, by his Petition, humbly repre-
fentcd to Us, That He having, at a confiderable Expence, Pur-
chafed the Manufcript Copy of an Original Play of WILLIAM
SHAK.ESPEARE, called Double Faljbood: Or, The Diftrejl Lovers ;
and, with great Labour and Pains, Revifed and Adapted the fame
to the Stage ; has humbly befought Uo, to grant him Our Royal
Privilege and Licence, for the fole Printing and Publiming thereof,
for the Term of Fourteen Years : We, being willing to give all
due Encouragement to this his Undertaking, are gracioufly pleafed
to condefcend to his Requeft; and do therefore, by thefe Prefents,
fo far as may be agreeable to the Statute in that Behalf made and
provided, for Us, Our Heirs, and Succeflbrs, grant unto Him, the
faid Lewis Theobald, his Executors, Adminiftrators, and Affigns,
Our Royal Licence, for the fole Printing and Publiming the faid
Play, in fuch Size and Manner, as He and They (hall think fit, for
the Term of Fourteen Years, to be computed from the Date here-
of; ftriclly forbidding all our Subjects within our Kingdoms and
Dominions, to Reprint the fame, either in the like, or in any other
Size, or Manner whatfoever; or to Import, Buy, Vend, Utter, or
Diftribute, any Copies thereof, Reprinted beyond the Seas, during
the aforefaid Term of Fourteen Years, without the Confent, or Ap-
probation of the faid Lewis Theobald, his Heirs, Executors, and
Afligns, under his, or their Hands and Seals firft had and obtain-
ed, as they will anfwer the contrary at their Peril: Whereof the
Commifiioners, and other Officers of our Cuftoms, the Mafter,
Wardens, and Company of Stationers, are to take Notice, that the
fame may be entered in the Regifler of the faid Company, and that
due Obedience be rendered thereunto. Given at Our Court at St.
James's, the Fifth Day of December, 1727, in the Firft Year of Our
Reign. By his Majejiy's Command,
PL A- Y, "
As it is now A<5ted at
The Theatre Royal in COVENT-GARDEN.
)uod optanti Divum promittere nemo
Auderet^ volvenda Dies, en! attutit ultro. VIRC.
Printed for T. LOWNDES, in Fleet-Street.
NOTHING can more ftrongly fe-
cond the Pleafure I feel, from the
Univerfal Applaufe which crowns
this Orphan Play, than this Other which
I take, in prefuming to flicker it under
Your Name. I bear fo dear an Affection
to the Writings and Memory of SHAKE-
SPEARE, that, as it is my good Fortune
to retrieve this Remnant of his Pen from
Obfcurity, fo it is my greateft Ambition
A 3 that
that this Piece fliould be received into the
Protection of fuch a Patron : And, I hope,
Future Times, when they mean to pay
Shakefpeare the beft Compliment, will re-
member to fay, Mr, DODINGTON was that
Friend to his Remains^ which his own
SOUTHAMPTON was to his living Merit.
It is from the fine Difcernment of our
Patrons, that we can generally beft pro-
mife Ourfelves the good Opinion of the
Publick. You are not only, SIR, a dif-
tinguifhed Friend of the Mufes, but moft
intimately allied to them: And from hence
it is I flatter Myfelf, that if You {hall
think fit to pronounce this Piece genuine,
it will filence the Cenfures of thofe Unbe-
lievers, who think it impofiible a Manu-
fcript of Sbakefpeare could fo long have
lain dormant; and who are blindly pay-
ing Me a greater Compliment than either
They defign, or I can merit, while they
cannot but confefs Themfelves pleafed, yet
would fain infmuate that they are impofed
upon. I fhould efteem it fome Sort of
Virtue^ were I able to commit fo agree-
able a Cheat.
But pardon Me, SIR, for a Digreffion
that perverts the very Rule of Dedications.
I own, I have my Reafons for it. As,
SIR, your known Integrity and Honour
engages the warmeft Wifhes of all good
Men for your Profperity, fo your known
Diftinction in Polite Letters, and your ge-
nerous Encouragement of Thofe who pre-
tend to them, obliges us to conlider your
Advancement, as our own perfonal In-
tereft, and as a good Omen, at leaft, if
not as the fureft Means, of the future
flourifhing Condition of thofe Htimane
Arts amongft us, which We profefs, and
which You adorn. But neither Your
Modefty, nor my Inability, will fuffer
A 4 me
me to enter upon that Subjed. Permit
me, therefore, SIR, to convert Panegyrick
into a moft ardent Wiflb, that You would
look with a tender Eye on this dear Relick>
and that you would believe me, with the
moft unfeigned Zeal and Refped,
wft Devoted
and Obedient Humble Servant,
THE Succefs which this Play has met with from
the Town in the Reprefentation, (to fay nothing
of the Reception it found from thofe Great
Judges, to whom I have had the Honour of communi-
cating it in Manufcript,) has almoft made the Purpofe of
a Preface unnecefTary : And therefore what I have to fay,
is defign'd rather to wipe out a flying Objection or two,
than to labour at proving it the Production of Sbakefpeare.
It has been alledg'd as incredible, that fuch a Curiofity
fhould be ftifled and loft to the World for above a Cen-
tury. To this my Anfwer is fhort ; that though it never
till now made its Appearance on the Stage, yet one of
the Manufcript Copies, which I have, is of above Sixty
Years Standing, in the Hand-writing of Mr. Dowries^
the famous Old Prompter , and, as I am credibly in-
form'd, was early in the PofTeffion of the celebrated Mr.
Betterton^ and by Him defign'd to have been uflier'd
into the World. What Accident prevented This Pur-
pofe of his, I do not pretend to know : Or thro' what
Hands it had fucceffively pafs'd before that Period of
Time. There is a Tradition (which I have from the
Noble Perfon, who fupply'd me with One of my Copies)
that this Play was given by our Author, as a Prefent of
Value, to a Natural Daughter of his, for whofe Sake he
wrote it, in the Time of his Retirement from the Stage.
Two other Copies I have, (one of which I was glad to
^purchafe at a very good Rate,) which may not, perhaps,
be quite fo Old as the Former ; bur One of Them is
much more perfect, and has fewer Flaws and Interrup-
tions in the Senfe.
Another Objection has been darted, (which would
carry much more Weight with it, were it a Fact ;) that
the Tale of this Play, being built upon a Novel in Don
Quixot^ Chronology is againft Us, and Sbakefpeare could
not be the Author. But it happens, that the Firjl Part
of DonQuixot, which contains the Novel upon which
the Tale of this Play feems to be built, was publifli'd in
the Year 1605, and our Shakefpeare did not dye till April
1616} an Interval of no lefs than Eleven Years, and
more than fufficient for All that we want granted.
Others again, to depreciate the Affair, as they thought,
have been pleafed to urge, that tho' the Play may have
fome Refemblances of Shakefpeare, yet the Colouring, Dic-
tion, and Characters, come nearer to the Style and Man-
ner of FLETCHER. This, I think, is far from deferving
any Anfwer ; I fubmit it to the Determination of better
Judgments ; tho' my Partiality for Sbakefpeare makes me
wifh, that Every Thing which is good, or pleafing, in
that other great Poet, had been owing to bis Pen. I had
once defign'd a Dijfertation to prove this Play to be of
Shakefpeare^^ Writing, from fome of its remarkable Pe-
culiarities in the Language, and Nature of the Thoughts :
but as I could not be fure but that the Play might be at-
tack'd, I found it advifeable, upon fecond Confkleration,
to referve that Part to my Defence. That Danger, I
think, is now over ; fo I muft look out for a better Oc
cafion. I am honour'd with fo many powerful. Sollici-
tarions, preffing Me to the Profecution of an Attempt,
which I have begun with fome little Succefs, of reftoring
SHAKESPEARE from the numerous Corruptions of his
Text ; that I can neither in Gratitude, nor good Man-
ners, longer refift them. I therefore think it not amifs
here to promife, that, tho' private Property fhould fo far
ftand in my Way, as to prevent me from putting out an
Edition of Shakefpeare, yet, fome Way or other, if I live,
the Publick fhall receive from my Hand his whole
WORKS corrected, with my bed Care and Ability. This
may furnifh an Occafion for fpeaking more at large
concerning the prefent Play : For which Reafon I fhall
now drop it for another Subject.
As to the Performance of the refpective ARors concern'd
in this Play, my applauding It here would be altogether
fuperfluous. The Publick has diftinguim'd and given
them a Praife, much beyond Any that can flow from my
Pen. But I have fome particular Acknowledgments to
make to the Managers of this Company, for which I am
glad to embrace fo fair an Opportunity.
I came to Them at this Juncture as an Editor^ not an
Author, and have met with fo much Candour, and hand-
fome Treatment from Them, that I am willing to be-
lieve, the Complaint, which has fo commonly obtain'd,
of their Difregard and ill Behaviour to Writers, has been
more feverely urg'd, than it is juflly grounded. They
muft certainly be too good Judges of their own Intereft,
not to know that a Theatre cannot always fubfift on old
Stock, but that the Town requires Novelty at their
Hands. On the other hand, they mud be fo far Judges
of their own Art and Profeffion, as to know, that all the
Compositions, which are offer'd them, would never go
down with Audiences of fo nice and delicate a Tafte, as
in this Age frequent the Theatres. It would be very
hard upon fuch a Community, where fo many Imerefls
are concern'd, and fo much Merit in their Bufmefs allow'd,
if they had not a Privilege of refufmg fome crude Pieces,
too imperfect for the Entertainment of the Publick. I
would not be thought to infer, that they have never
difcourag'd what They might, perhaps, afterwards wifli
they had receiv'd. They do not, I believe, fet up for
fuch a Conftant Infallibility. But if We do but fairly
confider out of. above Four Thoufand Plays extant, how
fmall a Number will now Hand the Tefl ; if We do but
confider, too, how often a raw Performance has been ex-
toll'd by the Partiality of private Friendfhip ; and what
a Clamour of Injury has been rais'd from that Quarter,
upon fuch Performance meeting a Repulfe ; we may pretty
eafily account for the Grounds upon which they proceeded
in difcountenancing fome Plays, and the harfh Things
that are thrown 'out upon their giving a Repulfe to others.
"But I mould beg Pardon for interfering in this Qne-
ftion, in which 1 am properly neither Party nor Judge.
I am only throwing out a private Opinion, without:
Intereft or Prejudice, and if I am right in the Notion,
Vale at qiiantum valere pot eft. PRO-
Written by PHILIP FROWDE, Efq 5
And Spoken by Mr. WILKS.
jgS in fame Region, where indulgent Skies
Enrich the Soil, a thoufand Plants arife
Frequent and bold ; a thoufand Landjkips meet
Our ravijht View, irregularly fweet :
We gaze, divided, now on Thefe, now Thofe ;
While ( All one beauteous Wildernefs compofe.
Such SHAKESPEARE 'j Genius was : Let Britons boaft
'The glorious Birth, and, eager, ftrfae who moft
Shall celebrate his Verfe ; for while we raife .\ -
'Trophies of Fame to him, ourfelves we praife :
Difplay the Talents cf a Britifh Mind,
Where All is great, free, open, unconfirfd.
Be it our Pride, to reach his darling Flight;
And relijh Beauties, he alone could write.
M'ift modern Authors, fearful to afpire,
With Imitation cramp their genial Fire',
T'kc wett-Jtbem'd Plan keep ftritt before their Eyes, ^
Dwell on Proportions, trifling Decencies ; ).
While noble Nature all neglefted lies. j
Nature, that claims Precedency cf Place ^
P erf eft ten's Bvfis, and ejfcntial Grace!
Nature fo intimately SHAKESPEARE knew, 1
From her firji fprings his Sentiments he drew,
Moft greatly wild they flow ; and, when moft wild, j
yet true. j
While Thefe, fecure in what the Criticks teach,
Of fertile Laws ftill dread the dangerous Breach -,
His vaft, unbounded, Soul difdain'd their Rule,
Above the Precepts of the Pedant School !
Oh ! could the Bard, revifiting cur Light,
Receive thefe Honours done his Shade To-night,
How would he blefs the Scene this Age difplays,
Tranfcending his Eliza'j Golden Days !
When great AUGUSTUS fills the Britifh Throne,
And his lov'd Confort makes the Mufe her own.
How would he joy, to fee fair Merit* s Claim
Thus anfwer'd in his own reviving Fame!
How cry with Pride " Oblivion I forgive ;
" This my laft Child to lateft Times fhall live :
" Loft to the World, well for the Birth it ftay'd;
^ To this aufpicious ALra well deJay'd."
E P I-
Written by a FRIEND.
Spoken by Mrs. O L D F i E L D.
Heaven defend us from thefe ancient Plays,
Thefe Moral Bards of good Queen Befs'j Days !
They write from Virtue's Laws, and think no further ;
But draw a Rape as dreadful as a Murtber.
Tour modern Wits, more deeply vers'd in Nature, 1
Can tip the Wink, to tell us, you know better -, >
As who Jhould fay " 'Tis no fuch killing Matter. j
" Wive heard old Stories told, and yet ne'er wonder* d,
" Of many a Prude, that has endued a Hundred:
"And Violante grieves, or we're miftaken,
" Not, becaufe ravijht -, but becaufeforfaken"
Had this been written to the modern Stage,
Her Manners had been copy' d from the Age.
'Then tho' Jhe had been .once a little wrong,
She ftill had had the Grace to've held her Tongue ;
And after all, with downcaft Looks been led
Like any Virgin to the Bridal Bed.
There, if the good Man qucjiiorfd her Mif-doing,
She'd flop bimjhort" Pray, who made you fo knowing ?
44 What, dcubt my Virtue I What's your bafe Intention ?
" Sir* that's a Point above your Comprtfanfton."
) Heav'n be prais'd, the Virtue of our Times
Secures us from our Gothick Grand/ires Crimes.
Rapes i Magick, new Opinions, which before
Have fird our Chronicles, are now no more :
And this reforming Age may juftly boaft,
That dreadful Sin Polygamy is loft.
So far from multiplying Wives, 'tis known
Our Hufbands find, they've Work enough with one.
Then, as for Rapes, thofe dangerous Days are paft ;
Our Dapper Sparks are feldom in fuch Hafle.
In SHAKESPEARE'J Age the Englifli Touth infpir'd*
Lov'd, as they fought, by him and Beauty fir'd.
3 Tis yours to crown the Bard, tvhofe Magick Strain 1
Could charm the Heroes of that glorious Reign, X
Which humbled to the Duft the Pride of Spain. j
Dramatis Perfonse.
Duke Angela )
Roderick, his Elder Son,
Henriquez, his Younger Son,
DonBernard, Father toLtonora,
Camilla^ Father to Jw//0,
Julio ) in Love with Leonora^
Mafter of the Flocks,
Firft Shepherd,
Second Shepherd,
' In 1728.
In 1767.
Mr. Corey.
Mr. Mills.
Mr. Clarke.
Mr. /&//.
Mr. Wilks.
Mr, Smith.
Mr. Harper.
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Booth.
Mr. Gates.
Mr. Bridgwater.
Mr. /Tfc/fcr.
Mr. Gitywi.
Mr. Rofe.
Mr. /Vrrj.
Mr. Buck.
Mr. Norris.
Mr. Bennet.
Mr. &gr.
Mr. Cu/hing.
Mr. Gardner.
Mr. . &wVA.
Mrs. Porter.
Mrs. Booth.
Mrs. Mattocks.
SCENE, the Province of Andalufia in Spain,
S .
Duke. I have, upon Henriqucz* ftrong Requeft,-
Sent for this Julio Thou afiay to mould him
An honeft Spy upon thy Brother's Riots.
Make us acquainted when the Youth arrives ;
We'll fee thfe Julio, and he mail from Us
Receive the fecret Loan his Friend requires.
Bring him to Court.
S C E N E II. Profpett of a Village at a Diftance.
Enters Camillo with a Letter.
Cam. How comes the Duke to take fuch Notice of
my Son, that he mud needs have him in Court, and I
mud fend him upon the View of his Letter ?
Horfemanfhip ! What HorfemanfLip has Julio? I think,
he can no more but gallop a Hackney, unlefs he praftifed
Riding in France. It may be, he did fo ; for he was
there a good Continuance. But I have not heard him
fpeak much of his Horfemanfhip. That's no Mat-
ter : If he be not a good Horfeman, all's one in fuch
a Cafe, he muft bear. Princes are abfolute ; they
may do what they will in any thing, fave what they
cannot do.
Enters Julio.
O, come on, Sir; read this Paper: No more Ado, but
read it : It muft not be anfwer'd by my Hand, nor
yours, but, in Grofs, by your Perfon j your fole Per-
fon. Read aloud.
Jul. 'Pleafe you, to let me firft o'erlook it, Sir.
Cam. I was this other Day in a Spleen againft your
new Suits : I do now think, fome Fate was the Taylour
that hath fitted them : For, this Hour, they are for
the Palace of the Duke. Your Father's Houfe is
too dufty.
B 2 Jul.
^ Jul. Hem ! to Court ? Which is the better, to ferve
a Miftrefs* or a Duke ? I am fued to be his Slave, and I
fue to be Leonora's. [
Cam. You lliall find your Horfemanfliip much praiied
there ; Are you fo good a Horfeman ?
Jul. I have been,
E'er now, commended for my Seat, or mock'd.
Cam. Take one Commendation with another, every
Third's a Mock. Affect not therefore to be praiied.
Here's a deal of Command and Entreaty mixt; there's
no denying j you mult go, peremptorily he inforces
Jul. What Fortune foever my Going (hall encounter,
cannot be good Fortune , What I part withall uniea-
fons any other Goodnefs. \_AJlde.
Cam. You muft needs go j he rather conjures, than
* Jul. No moving of my Love-Suit to him now !
Ccm. Great Fortunes have grown out of lefs Grounds.
\ Jul. What may her Father think of me, who expects
to be follicited this very Night ? [dfide.
Cam. Thofe icatter'd Pieces of Virtue, which are
in him, the Court will folder together, varnifh, and
Jul. He "will furely think I deal too (lightly, or un-
mannerly, or fooliflily, indeed , nay, difhoneftly ; to
bear him in hand with my Father's Confent, who yet
hath not been touch'd with io much as a Requeflto it.
Cam. Well, Sir, have you read it over ?
Jul. Yes, Sir.
Cam. And confider'd it ?
Jul. As I can.
Cam. If you are courted by good Fortune, you muft
Jul. So it pleafe you, Sir.
Cam. By any Means, and To-morrow : Is it not
there the Limits of his Requeit ?
Jul. It is, Sir.
Cam. I muft bethink me offome Neceffaries, with-
out which you might be unfurnifh'd : And my Sup-
plies mall at all Convenience follow You. Come to
my Clofet by and by ; I would there fpeak with You.
[Exit Camillo.
Manet Julio folus.
Jul. I do not fee that Fervour in the Maid,
Which Youth and Love mould kindle. She confents,
As 'twere to feed without an Appetite ;
Tells me, She is content ; and plays the Coy one,
Like Thofe that fubtly make their Words their Ward,
Keeping Addrefs at Diftance. This AfTedion
Is fuch a feign'd One, as will break untouch'd ;
Dye frofty, ere it can be thaw'd -, while mine,
Like to a CJime beneath Hyperion's Eye,
Burns with one conftant Heat. I'll flrait go to her ;>.
Pray her to regard my Honour : But me greets me. -^
Enter Leonora, and Maid.
See, how her Beauty doth inrich the Place !
O, add the Mufick of thy charming Tongue,
Sweet as the Lark that wakens up the Morn,
And make me think it Paradife indeed.
I was about to feek thee, Leonora^
And chide thy Coldnefs, Love.
Leon. What fays your Father ?
Jul. I have not mov'd him yet.
Leon. r- Then do not, Julio.
Jul. Not move him ? Was it not your own Command,
That his Confent mould ratify our Loves ?
Leon. Perhaps, it was : But now I've chang'd my
You purchafe at too dear a Rate, that puts You .
To woo me and your Father too : Bcfides,
As He, perchance, may fay, You mall not have me-;
B 3 You,
You, who are fo obedient, muft difcharge me
Out of your Fancy : Then, you know, 'twill prove
My Shame and Sorrow, meeting fuch Repulfe,
To wear the Willow in my Prime of Youth.
Jttl. Oh ! do not rack me with thefe ill-plac'd
Doubts ;
Nor think, tho' Age has in my Father's Bread
Put out Love's Flame, he therefore has not Eyes,
Or is in Judgment blind. You wrong your Beauties,
Venus will frown if you defpife her Gifts,
That have a Face would make a frozen Hermit
Leap from his Cell, and burn his Beads to kifs it ;
Eyes, that arc nothing but continual Births
Of new Defires in Thofe that view their Beams.
You cannot have a Caufe to doubt.
Leon. ----------- Why, Julio?
When you that dare not chufe without your Father,
And, where you love, you dare not vouch it-, mufl; nor,
Though you have Eyes, fee with 'em , can I, think
Somewhat, perhaps, infeclcd with your Suit,
Sit down content to fay, You would, but dare not ?
Jul. Urge not Sufpicions of what cannot be - t
> You deal unkindly ; mis-becomingly,
I'm loth to fay : For All that waits on you,
Is grac'd, and graces. - - No Impediment
Shall bar my Wifhes, but fuch grave Delays
As Reafon preffes Patience with ; which blunt not,
But rather whet our Loves. Be patient, Sweet.
Leon. Patient! Whatelfe? My Flames are in the Flint.
jHaply, to lofe a Hufband I may weep;
Never, to get One : When 1 cry for Bondage,
Let Freedom quit rre.
Jul. -- . ---- From .what a Spirit comes This ?
I now perceive too plain, you care not for nie.
e, I obey thy Summons, be its Tenour
vWhat?*ef it will : If War, I come thy Soldier
Or if p watle mv lillien Hours at Court,,
The Slave of Fafliion, I with willing Soul
Embrace the lazy Baniiliment for Life;
Since Leonora has pronounc'd my Doom.
Leon. What do you mean ? Why talk yoir of the
Duke ?
Wherefore of War, or Court, or Banimment ?
Jul. How this new Note is grown of me, I know
But the Duke writes for Me. Coming to move
My Father in our Bus'nefs, I did find him
Reading this Letter ; whofe Consents require
My inftant Service, and Repair to Court.
Leon. Now I perceive the Birth of thefe Delays ;
Why Leonora was not worth your Suit.
Repair to Court ? Ay, there you mall, perhaps,
(Rather, paft Doubt ;) behold fome choicer Beauty,
Rich in her Charms, train'd to the Arts of Soothing,
Shall prompt you to a Spirit of Hardinefs,
To fay, So pleafe you, Father, I nave chofen
This Miftrefs for my own.
Jul. Still you miftake me :
Ever'your Servant I profefs myfelf ;
And will not blot me with a Change, for all
That Sea and Land inherit.
Leon. But when go you ?
Jul. To-morrow, Love; fo runs the Duke's Comr
tnand ;
Stinting our Farewell-kifles, cutting off
The Forms of Parting, and the Interchange
Of thoufand precious Vows, with Hajle top rude.
Lovers have Things of Moment to debate,
More than a Prince, or dreaming Statefman, know :
Such Ceremonies wait on Cupid's Throne.
Why heav'd that Sigh ?
Leon. O Julio * let me whifper
What, but for Parting, I mould blufh to tell thee :
My Heart beats thick with Fears, left the gay Scene,
The Splendors of a Court, mould from thy Bread
B 4 Banifli
Banim my Image, kill my Int'reft in thee,
And I be left the Scoff of Maids, to drop
A Widow's Tear for thy departed Faith.
Jul. O let AlTurance, ftrong as Words can bind,
Tell thy pleas'd Soul, I will be wond'rous faithful ;
True, as the Sun is to his Race of Light,
As Shade to Darknefs, as Defire to Beauty :
And when I fwerve, let Wretchednefs o'ertake me,
Great as e'er Falfhood met, or Change can merit.
. , Leon. Enough , I'm fatisfied : and will remain
|Yours, with a firm and untir'd Conftancy.
'Make not your Abfence long: Old Men are wav'ringj
And fway'd by Int'reft more than Promife giv'n.
; Should fome frefli Offer ftart, when you're away,
I may be preft to Something, which muft put
My Faith, or my Obedience, to the Rack.
Jul. Fear not, but I with fwifteft Wing of Time
Will labour my Return. And in my Abfence,
My noble Friend, and now our honour'd Gueft,
(The Lord Flenriquez^ will in my behalf
Hang at your Father's Ear, and with kind Hints,
( Pour'd from a friendly Tongue, fecure my Claim ;
i And play the Lover for thy abfent Julio.
Lecn. Is there no Inftance of a Friend turn'd falfe ?
Take Heed of That : No Lpve by Proxy, Julio.
My Father -
Enters Don Bernard.
D. Bern. What, Julio, in publick ? This Wooing is
too urgent. Is your Father yet moved in the Suit, who
muft be the prime Unfolder of this Bufinefs ?
Jul. I have not yet, indeed, at full poffefs'd
My Father, whom it is my Service follows ;
But only that I have a Wife in Chafe.
D. Bern. Chafe ! Let Chafe alone : No Mat-
ter for That. You may halt after her, whom 1
you profefs to purfue, and catch her too , Marry, not
unlefs your Father let you flip. Briefly, I defire
you, (for fhe tells me, my Instructions (hall be both
Ryes and Feet to her-,) no farther to infift in your Re-
quiring, 'till, as I have formerly faid, Camilla make
known to Me, that his good Liking goes along with
Us ; which but once breath'd, all is done , 'till when,
the Bufmefs has no Life, and cannot find a Begin-
JuL Sir, I will know his Mind, e'er I tafte Sleep:
At Morn, you fliall be learn'd in his Defire.
I take my Leave. O virtuous Leonora^
Repofe, fweet as thy Beauties, leal thy Eyes ;
Qnce more, adieu. I have thy Promife, Love; *
Remember, and be faithful. [Ex. Julio.
D. Bern. His Father is as unfettled, as he is wayward
in his Diipofition. If 1 thought young Julio's Temper
were not mended by the Fvletal of his Mother, I fhould
be fomething crazy in giving my Confent to this Match :
And, to tell you true, if my Eyes might be the Di-
rectors to your Mind, I could in this Town look upon j
.twenty Men of more delicate Choice. I fpeak not This
altogether to unbend your Affections to him : But the
Meaning of what I fay is, that you fet fuch Price upon
yourfelf to him, as Many, and much his Betters, would
buy jou at , (and reckon thofe Virtues in you at the
Rate of their Scarcity ;) to which if he come not up,
you remain for a better Mart.
Leon. My Obedience, Sir, is chain'd to your Ad-
D. Bern. 5 Tis well faid, and wifely. I fear, your
Lover is a little Folly-tainted ; which, mortly after it
proves fo, you will repent.
Leon. Sir, I confefs, I approve him of all the Men,
I know-, but that Approbation is nothing, 'till feafon'd \
by your Confent.
D. Kern. We fhall hear foon what his Father will do,
and fo proceed accordingly. I have no great Heart
to tiie Bufmefs, neither will I with any Violence op-
pole it : But leave it to that Power which rules in thefe
Conjunctions, and there's an End. Come , hafte We
homeward, Girl. [Exeunt.
Enter Henriquez, and Servants with Ligbts.
Henr. Bear the Lights clofe : Where is the Mu-
fick, Sirs?
Serv. Coming, my Lord.
Henr. Let 'em not come too near. This Maid,
For whom my Sighs ride on the Night's chill Vapour,
\Is born moft humbly, tho' me be as fail-
As Nature's richeft Mould and Skill can make her,
Mended with ftrong Imagination.
--But what of That ? Th' Obfcurenefs of her Birth
Cannot eclipfe the Luftre of her Eyes,
I Which make her all One Light. Strike up, my
Mafters ;
But touch the Strings with a religious Softnefs ;
Teach Sound to languifli thro' the Night's dull Ear,
'Till Melancholy Hart from her lazy Couch,
And Careleffnefs grow Convert to Attention.
[Mufick plays..
She drives me into Wonder, when I fometimes
Hear her difcourfe ; The Court, whereof Report
And Guefs alone inform her, me will rave at,
As if me there fev'n Reigns had flander'd Time.
Then, when (he reafons on her Country State,
Health, Virtue, Plainnefs, and Simplicity,
On Beauties true in Title, fcorning Art,
Freedom as well to do, as think, what's good ;
My Heart grows fick of Birth and empty Rank,
'And I become a Villager inWifh.
Play on , She (leeps too found : Be ftill, and
vanifh :
A Gleam
A Gleam of Day breaks fudden from her Window :
O Taper, graced by that midnight Hand!
Viol ante appears above at her Window.
Viol. Who is't, that wooes at this late Hour ? What
are you ?
Henr. One, who for your dear Sake
Viol. Watches the ftarlefs Nigh't !
My Lord Henriquez, or my Ear deceives me.
You've had my Anfwer, and 'tis more than ft range
You'll combat thefe Repulfes. Good my Lord,
Be Friend to your own Health , and give me Leave,
Securing my poor F'_ le, nothing to pity
What Pangs you fwear you fuffer. 'Tis impofliblc
To plant your choice Affections in my Shade, J
At lead, for them to grow there.
Henr. Why, Violante?
Viol. Alas ! Sir, there are Reafons numberlefs
To bar your Aims. Be warn'd to Hours more wholefom ;
For, Thefe you watch in vain. I have read Stories,
(I fear, too true ones; ) how young Lords, like you,
Have thus befung mean Windows, rhymed their Suffer-
Ev'n to th' Abufe of Things Divine, fet up
Plain Girls, like me, the Idols of their Worfhip,
Then left them to bewail their eafie Faith,
And fland the World's Contempt.
Henr. Your Memory,
Too faithful to the Wrongs of few loft Maids,
Makes Fear too general.
Viol. Let us be homely,
And let us tco'be chafte, doing you Lords no wrong;
But crediting your Oaths with fuch a Spirit,
As you profcfs them : fo no Party trufted
Shall make a loling Bargain. Home, my Lord,
What you can fay, is moft unfeafonable ; what fing,
Mod abfonant and harm : Nay, your Perfume,
Which I fmell hither, cheers not my Senfe
Like our Field- violet's Breath.
Henr. Why, this Difmiflion
Does more invite my Staying.
Viol, Men of your Temper
Make ev'ry Thing their Bramble. But I wrong
That which I am preferving, my Maid's Name,
To hold fo long Difcourfe. Your Virtues guide you
T' effecl: fome nobler Purpofe ! [Ex. Violante.
Henr. Stay, bright Maid !
Come back, and leave me with a fairer Hope.
I She's gone : No matter ! I have brib'd her Woman,
/ And foon mall gain Admittance.
Who am I, that am thus contemn'a :"
The fecond Son to a Prince ? Yes \ well ; What then ?
Why, your great Birth forbids you to defcend
To a low Alliance : Her's is the felf-fame Stuff,
- Whereof we Dukes are made -, but Clay more pure !
And take away my Title, which is acquir'd
Not by myfelf, but thrown by Fortune on Me,
Or by the Merit of fome Anceftor
Of fingular Quality, She doth inherit
Deferts t'outweigh me. I muft (loop to gain her 5
Throw all my gay Comparifons afide,
And turn my proud Additions out of Service,
Rather than keep them to become my Mailers.
The Dignities we wear, are Gifts of Pride ;
And laugh'd at by the Wife, as meer Outfide. [#;'/,
End of the Firft Att.
SCENE, tte Profpett of a Village.
Enter Fabian and Lopez ; Henriquez on the Oppojite Side.
Lop. COFT, foft yon, Neighbour; who comes here?
*^ Pray you, {link afide.
Henr. Ha ! Is it come to this ? Oh the Devil, the
Devil, the Devil !
Fab. Lo you now ! for want of the difcreet Ladle of
a cool Underftanding, will this Fellow's Brains boil
Henr. To have enjoy'd her, I would have given
What ?
All that at prefent I could boaft my own,
And the Reverfion of the World to boot,
Had the Inheritance been mine : And now,
(Juft Doom of guilty Joys !) I grieve as much
That I have rifled all the Stores of Beauty,
Thofe Charms of Innocence and artlefs Love,
As juft before I was devour'd with Sorrow,
That me refus'd my Vows, and fhut the Door
Upon my ardent Longings.
Lop. Love! Love! Downright Love! I fee by
the Foolimnefs of it.
Henr. Now then to Recollection Was't not fo ?
A Promife firft of Marriage Not a Promife only,
for 'twas bound with Surety of a thoufand Oaths ,
and thofe not light ones neither. Yet I remember
too, thofe Oaths could not prevail ; th' unpractis'd
Maid trembled to meet mvLove: Bv Force alone I
fnatch'd th* imperfect Joy, which now torments my
Memory. Not Love, but brutal Violence prevail'd -,
to which the Time, and Place, and Opportunity,
AccefTaries mofl difhonourable. Shame, Shame,
upon t !
Fab. What a Heap of Stuff's this I fancy this
Fellow's Head would make a good Pedlar's Pack,
Henr. Hold, let me be fevere to my Self, but not
unjufl. -- Was it a Rape, then ? No. Her Shrieks,
her Exclamations then had drove me from her. True,
fhe did not confent ; as true, flie did refift ; but (till
in Silence all. --- 'Twas but the Coynefs of a mo-
cieft Bride, not the Refentment of a ravifht Maid.
And is the Man yet born, who would not rifque the
Guilt to meet the Joy ? -- The Guilt ! that's true
-- but then the Danger j the Tears, the Clamours of
the ruin'd Maid, purfuing me to Court. That, that
I fear, will (as it already does my Ccnfcience) feme-
thing (hatter my Honour. What's to be done ? But
now I have no Choice. Fair Leonora reigns confeft the
Tyrant Queen of my revoked Heart, and Violante
.kerns a fliort Ufurper there. -- Julio's already by my
Arts Yemov'd. -- -O Friendship, how wilt thou an-
fvver That ? Oh, that a Man could reafon down this
Fever of the Blood, or footh with Words the Tumult
in his li'eart! Then, Julio, I might be, indeed, thy
Friend. They, they only fliould condemn me, who,
born devoid of Paffion, ne'er have prov'd the fierce
Difputes 'twixt Virtue and Defire. While they, who
hiivf, like me,
The loofe Efcapes of youthful Nature known.
Mud wink at mine, indulgent to their own.
{Exit Henriquez.
I. <:p. This Man is certainly mad, and may be mif-
rnievous. , Pr'ythee, Neighbour, let's follow him ; but
at force Diflance, for fear of tlxu worft.
[Exeunt, after Henr.
SCENE II. An Apartment.
Enters Viol ante alone.
Viol. Whom mall I look upon without a Blufh ?
There's not a Maid, whole Eye with Virgin Gaze
Pierces not to my Guilt. What wil't avail me,
To lay I was not willing ;
Nothing ; but that I publifh my Dimpnour,
And wound my Fame anew. O Mifery,
To feem to all one's Neighbours rich, yet know
One's Self neceffitous and wretched.
Enter Maid^ and afterwards Gerald with a Letter.
Maid. Madam, here's Gerald, Lord Henriqitez* Ser-
vant ;
He brings a Letter to you.
Viol. A Letter to me ! How I tremble noto \
Your Lord's for Court, good Gerald^ is he not ?
Ger. Not fo, Lady.
Viol. O my prefoging Heart ! When goes he then ?
Ger. His Bufinefs now fleers him fome other Courfe.
VioL Whither, I pray you ? How my Fears tor-
ment me !
Ger. Some two Months Progrefs.
Viol. Whither, whither, Sir,
I do befeech you ? Good Heav'ns, I lofe all Patience.
Did he deliberate this ? or was the Bufinefs
But then conceived, when it was born ?
Ger. Lady, I know not That; ; nor is it in the Com-
mand I have to wait your Anfwer. For the perufing
the Letter I commend you to your Leifure.
{Exit Gerald.
Viol. To Hearts like mine Sufpenfe is Mifery.
Wax, render up thy Truft : Be the Contents
Prpfp'rous, or fatal, they are all my Due.
Reads.] Our Prudence Jbould now teach us to forget,
ivhat our Indifcretion has committed^ I
have already made one Step towards this
Wifdom, by prevailing on bid you
O, Wretched and betray'd ! Loft Violante !
Heart- wounded with a thoufand perjur'd Vows,'
Poifon'd with ftudied Language, and bequeath'd
To Defperation. I am now become
Tomb 6f my own Honour : a dark Manfion,
For Death alone to dwell in. I invite thee,
Confuming Defolation, to this Temple,
Now fit to be thy Spoil : the ruin'd Fabrick,
Which cannot be repair'd, at once o'er-throw.
What muft I do? But That's not worth my
Thought :
I will commend to Hazard all the Time
That I (hall fpend hereafter : Farewel, my Father,
W T hom I'll no more offend : and Men, adieu,
Whom I'll no more believe : and Maids, adieu,
Whom I'll no longer fhame. The Way I go,
As yet I know not. Sorrow be my Guide.
[>/'/ Violante.
SCENE III. Profpetl of a Village, before
Don Bernard'.? Honfe.
Enters Henriquez.
Henr. Where were the Eyes, the Voice, the various
Each beauteous Particle, each namelefs Grace,
Parents of glowing Love ? All Thefe in Her,
It Teems, were not : but a Difeafe in Me,
That fancied Graces in her. Who ne'er beheld
More than a Hawthorn, (hall have Caufe to fay
The Cedar's a tall Tree ; and fcorn the Shade,
The lov'd Bufh once had lent him. Sofc ! mine Ho
Begins to ficken in this black Reflection.
How can it be, that with my Honour fafe
I mould purfue Leonora for my Wife ?
That were accumulating Injuries,
To Violante firft, and now to Julio ;
To her a perjur'd Wretch, to him perfidious ;
And to myfelf in ftrongeft Terms accus'd
Of murth'ring Honour wilfully, without which
My Dog's the Creature of the nobler Kind.
But Pleafureis too ftrong for Reafon*s Curb ,
And Confcience finks o'er-powered with Beauty's
Come, Leonora^ Authrefs of my Crime,
Appear, and vindicate thy Empire here 5
Aid me to drive this lingering Honour hence,
And I am wholly thine.
Enter to him, Don Bernard and Leonora.
D. Bern. Fye, my good Lord ; why would you wait
without ?
If you fufpedl your Welcome, I have brought
My Leonora to allure you of it. [Henr. falutes Leon.
Henr. O Kifs, fweetas the Odours of the Spring,
But cold as Dews that dwell on Morning Flow'rs !
Say, Leonora* has your Father conquer'd ?
Shall Duty then at laft obtain the Prize,
Which you refus'd to Love ? And mall Henriqitez
Owe all his Happinefs to good Bernardo ?
Ah ! no ; I read my Ruin in your Eyes :
That Sorrow, louder than a thoufand Tongues,
Pronounces my Defpair.
D. Bern. Come, Leonora,
You are not now to learn, this noble Lord,
(Whom but to name, reftores my failing Age,
Has with a Lover's Eye beheld your Beauty *,
C Thro'
i8 DOUBLE FALSHO o D ; or,
Thro* which his Heart fpeaks more than Language
can ;
It offers Joy and Happinefs to You,
And Honour to our Houfe. Imagine then
The Birth and Qualities of him that loves you ;
Which when you know, you cannot rate too dear.
Leon. My Father, on my Knees I do befeech you
To paufe one Moment on your Daughter's Ruin.
I vow, my Heart ev'n bleeds, that 1 muft thank you
For your pad Tendernefs ; and yet diftruft
That which is yet behind. Confider, Sir,
Whoe'er's th' Occafion of another's Fault,
Cannot himfelf be innocent. O, give not
The cenfuring World occafion to reproach
Your harm Commands; or to my Charge lay That
Which mod I fear, the Fault of Difobedience.
D. Bern, Pr'ythee, fear neither the One, nor the O-
ther : I tell thee, Girl, there's more Fear than Danger.
For my own part, as foon as Thou art married to this
noble Lord, my Fears will be over.
Leon. Sir, I mould be the vaineft of my Sex,
Not to efleem myfelf unworthy far
Of this high Honour. Once there was a Time,
When to have heard my Lord Henrique 1 *? Vows,
Might have fubdued my unexperienc'd Heart,
And made me wholly his. But That's now paft :
And my nrm-plighred Faith by your Confent
Was long fmce given to the injur'd Julio.
D. Bern. Why then, by my Confent e'en take it
back again. Thou, like a fimple Wench haft given thy
Affections to a Fellow, that does not care a Farthing
for them. One, that has left thee for a Jaunt to Court ;
as who mould (ay, I'll get a Place now ; 'tis Time
enough to marry, when I'm turn'd out of it.
Henr. So, furely, it mould feem, moft lovely Maid -,
Julio, alas, feels nothing of my Paflion :
.His Love is but th' Amufementof an Hour,
A Ihort Relief from Bufinefs,.or Ambition,
The D i s TREST LOVERS. ip
The Sport of Youth, and Fafhion of the Age.
O ! had he known the Hopes, the Doubts, the Ar-
Or half the fond Varieties of Paffion,
That play the Tyrant with my tortured Soul ;
He had not left Thee to purfue his Fortune:
To practife Cringes in a flavifh Circle,
And barter real Blifs for unfure Honour.
Leon. Oh, the oppofmg Wind,
Should'ring the Tide, makes here a fearful Billow :
I needs muft perifh in it. Oh, my Lord,
Is it then poflible, you can forget
What's due to your great Name, and princely Birth,
To Friendfhip's holy Law, to Faith repos'd,
To Truth, to Honour, and poor injur'd Julio ?
think, my Lord, how much this Julio loves you ;
Recall his Services, his well-try'd Faith ;
Think too, this very Hour, where-e'er he be,
Your Favour is the Envy of the Court,
And lecret Triumph of his grateful Heart.
Poor Julio, how fecurely thou depend'ft
Upon the Faith and Honour of thy Matter ;
Miftaken Youth ! this very Hour he robs thee
Of all thy Heart holds dear. 'Tis fo Henri^uez
Repays the Merits of unhappy Julio. [Weeps.
Henr. My dumb' ring Honour catches the Alarm. >
1 was to blame to parley with her thus : L
Sh' as fhown me to myfelf. It troubles me. [Afide. 3
D. Bern. Mad ; Mad. Stark mad, by this Light.
Leon. I but begin to befo. I conjure you,
By all the tender Intereils of Nature,
By the chafle Love 'twixt you, and my dear Mother,
(O holy Heav'n, that me were living now !)
Forgive and pity me. Oh, Sir, remember,
I've heard my Mother fay a thoufand Times,
Her Father would have forced her Virgin Choice ;
But when the Conflict was 'twixt Love and Duty,
Which Ihould be firft obey'd, my Mother quickly
C 2 Paid
20 Dou B L E FALSH OOD ; or,
( Paid up her Vows to Love, and married You.
You thought this well, and Ihe was praifed for This ;
For this her Name was honour'd, Difobedience
Was ne'er imputed to her, her firm Love
Conquer'd whatever oppos'd it, and (he profper'd
/ Long Time your Wife. My Cafe is now the fame ;
You are the Father, which You then condemn' d ;
I, what my Mother was ; but not fo happy.
D. Bern. Go to, you're a Fool. No doubt, You
have old Stories enough to undo you. What, you
can't throw yourfelf away but by Precedent, ha ?
You will needs be married to One, that will None of
You ? You will be happy no Body's way but your
own, forfooth. But, d'ye mark me, fpare your
Tongue for the future ; (and That's ufing you hardly
too, to bid you fpare what you have a great deal too
much of:) Go, go your ways, and d'ye hear, get
ready within thefe Two days to be married to a Huf-
band you don't deferve , Do it, or, by my dead Fa-
ther's Soul, you are no Acquaintance of mine.
Henr. She weeps : Be gentler to her, good Bernardo.
Leon. Then Woe the Day. I'm circled round with
No Way for my Efcape, but thro* the Flames.
Oh, can I e'er refolve to live without
A Father's Bleffing, or abandon Julio ?
With other Maids, the Choice were not fo hard ;
Int'reft, that rules the World, has made at laft
A Merchandize of Hearts : and Virgins now
Chufe as they're bid, and wed without Efteem.
By nobler Springs mail my AfTeclions move ;
Nor own a Matter, but the Man I love.
[Exit Leonora.
D. Bern. Go thy ways, Contradiction. Follow
her, my Lord ; follow her, in the very Heat. This
Obftinacy muft be combated by Importunity as obfti-
nate. [Exit Henriquez after her.
The Girl fays right ; her Mother was juft fuch An-
other. 1 remember, Two of Us courted her at the
fame Time. She lov'd neither of Us, but She chofe
me purely to fpight that furly Old Blockhead my Fa-
ther in- Law. Who comes here, Camillo ? Novv'the
refufing Part will lie on my Side.
Enters Camillo.
Cam. My worthy Neighbour, I am much in For-
tune's Favour to find You thus alone. I have a Suit
to You.
D. Bern. Pleafe to name it, Sir.
Cam. Sir, I have long held You in fingular Efteem :
and what I (hall now fay, will be a Proof of it. You
know, Sir, I have but one Son.
D. Bern. Ay, Sir.
Cam. And the Fortune I am bleft withal, You pret-
ty well know what it is.
D. Bern. 'Tis a fair One, Sir.
Cam. Such as it is, the whole Reverfion is my Son's.
He is now engaged in his Attendance on our Matter,
the Duke. But e'er he went, he left with me the
Secret of his Heart, his Love for your fair Daughter.
For your Confent, he faid, 'twas ready : I took a
Night, indeed, to think upon it, and now have brought
you mine ; and am come to bind the Contract with
half my Fortune in prefent, the Whole fome time
hence, and, in the mean While, my hearty Bleffing.
Ha ? What fay You to't, Don Bernard?
D. Bern. Why, really, Neighbour, I muft own, I
have heard Something of this Matter.
Cam. Heard fomething of it ? No doubt, you have.
D. Bern. Yes, now I recollect it well.
Cam. Was it fo long ago then ?
D. Bern. Very long ago, Neighbour. On Tuef-
day laft.
C 3 Can*
Cam. What, am I mock'd in this Bufinefs, Don
Bernard ?
D. Bern. Not mock'd, good Camilla, not mock'd :
But in Love matters, you know, there are Abundance
of Changes in half an Hour. Time, Time, Neigh-
bour, plays Tricks with all of us.
Cam. Time, Sir ! What tell you me of Time ?
Come, I fee bow this goes. Can a little Time take
a Man by the Shoulder, and fhake off his Honour ?
Let me tell you, Neighbour, it muft either be a ftrong
Wind, or a very mellow Honefty that drops fo eafily.
Time, quoth'a ?
D. Bern. Look'ee, Camillo ; will you pleafe to put your
Indignation in your Pocket for half a Moment, while
I tell you the whole Truth of the Matter. My Daugh-
ter, you muft know, is fuch a tender Soul, me can-
not poflibly fee a Duke's younger Son without falling
defperately in Love with him. Now, you know,
Neighbour, when Greatnefs rides Poft after a Man
of my Years, 'tis both Prudence, and good Breeding,
to let one's felf be overtaken by it. And who can
help all This ? J profefs, it was not my feeking, Neigh-
Cam. I profefs, a Fox might earth in the Hollow-
nefs of your Heart, Neighbour, and there's an End.
If 1 were to give a bad Confcience its true Likenefs,
it mould be drawn after a very near Neighbour to a
certain poor Neighbour of yours. Neighbour ! with
a Pox.
D. Bern. Nay, you are fo nimble with me, you will
hear Nothing.
Cam. Sir, if I muft fpeak Nothing, I will hear Nothing.
As for what you have to fay, if it comes from your Heart,
'tis a Lye before you fpeak it. I'll to Leonora ; and if
I find her in the fame Story, why, I mail believe your
Wife was true to You, and your Daughter is your
own. Fare you well. [Exit, as into D. Bernard'^ -Houfe.
D. Bern.
D. Bern. Ay, but two Words muft go to that Bar-
gain. It happens, that I am at prefent of Opinion
my Daughter mall receive no more Company to day
at leaft, no fuch Vifits as yours.
[Exit D. Bernard, following him.
SCENE IV. Changes to another Profpeft
of Don Bernard'* Houfe.
Leonora, above.
Leon. How tedioufly I've waited at the Window,
Yet know not One that pafles. Should I truft
My Letter to a Stranger, whom I think
To bear an honeil Face, (in which fometimes--"
We fancy we are wond'rous fkilful ;) then
I might be much deceiv'd. This late Example
Of bafe Henriquez^ bleeding in me now,
From each good Afpect takes away my Truft :
For his Face feem'd to promife Truth and Honour.
Since Nature's Gifts in nobleft Forms deceive,
Be happy You, that want 'em ! Here comes One ;
I've feen him, tho' I know him not ; He has
An honeft Face too that's no Matter. Sir,'
Enters Citizen.
Citiz, To me ?
Leon. As You were of a virtuous Matron born,
(There is no Doubt, you are :) I do conjure you
Grant me one Boon. Say, do you know me, Sir ?
Citiz. Ay, Leonora^ and your worthy Father.
Leon. I have not Time to prefs the Suit I've to you
With many Words ; nay, I mould want the Words,
Tho' I had Leifure : but for Love of Juftice,
And as you pity Mifery But I wander
Wide from my Subject. Know you Julio, Sir ?
C 4 Citiz.
Citiz. Yes, very well , and love him too, as well.
Leon. Oh, there an Angel fpake ! Then I conjure
Convey this Paper to him : and believe me,
You do Heav'n Service in*t, and mall have Caufe
Not to repent your Pains. I know not what
Your Fortune is ; Pardon me, gentle Sir,
That I am bold to offer This,
Citiz. By no means, Lady .....
[Offers to throw down a Purfe with Money.
D. Bern, within."] Leonora.
Leon. I truft to you ; Heav'n put it in your Heart
To work me fome Relief.
Citiz. Doubt it not, Lady. You have mov'd me fo,
That tho' a thoufand Dangers barr'd my way,
I'd dare 'ern all to ferve you. [Exit Citizen.
Leon. Thanks from a richer Hand than mine requite
you !
Z). Bern, within.'] Why, Daughter
Leon. I come : Oh, Julio, feel but half my Grief,
thpu wilt outfly Time to bring Relief.
[Exit Leonora from the Window.
of the Second
SCENE, the Profpett of a Village.
Enter Julio with a Letter, and Citizen.
Citiz. \ T T H E N from the Window fhe did bow
W and call,
Her Paffions fhook her Voice ; and from her Eyes
Miflemper and Diftradion, with ftrange Wildnefs
Befpoke Concern above a common Sorrow.
Jut. Poor Leonora! Treacherous, damn'd Henriquezl
She bids me fill my Memory with her Danger ;
I do, my Leonora -, yes, I fill
The Region of my Thought with nothing elfe ;
Lower, fhe tells me here, that this Affair
Shall yield a Teftimony of her Love :
And prays, her Letter may come fafe and fudden.
This Pray'r the Heav'ns have heard, and I befeech 'em,
To hear all Pray'rs fhe makes.
Have Patience, Sir.
Jul. O my good Friend, methinks, I am too patient.
Is there a Treachery, like this in Bafenefs,
Recorded any where ? It is the deepefl :
None but itfelf can be its Parallel :
And from a Friend, profefs'd ! Friendfhip ?
Why, 'tis
A Word for ever maim'd ; in human Nature
It was a Thing the nobleft , and 'mong Beafts
It flood not in mean Place : Things of fierce Nature
2 Hold
Hold Amity and Concordance. Such a Villany
A Writer could not put down in his Scene,
Without Taxation of his Auditory
For Fiction moft enormous.
Citiz. Thefe Upbraidings
Cool Time, while they are vented.
Jul. I am counfel'd.
For you, evermore, Thanks. You've done much for Us;
So gently prefs'd to't, that I may perfuade me
You'll do a little more.
Citiz. Put me t' Employment
That's honeft, tho' not fafe, with my bed Spirits
I'll give 't Accomplimment.
Jul. No more but This ;
For I muft fee Leonora : And to appear
Like Julio, as I am, might haply fpoil
Some good Event enfuing. Let me crave
Th' Exchange of Habit with you : fome Difguife,
May bear me to my Love, unmark'd, and fecret.
Citiz. You mail not want, Yonder's the Houfe be-
fore us :
Make hafte to reach it.
j u l . Still I thank you, Sir.
O Leonora ! ftand but this rude Shock ;
Hold out thy Faith againft the dread Afiault
Of this bafe Lord, the Service of my Life
Shall be devoted to repay thy Conftancy. [Exeunt.
SCENE IL Don Bernard'/ Houfe.
Enters Leonora.
Leo. I've hoped to th* lateft Minute Hope can give :
He will not come : H'as not received my Letter :
'May be, fome other View has from our Home
RepeaPd his chang'd Eye : for what Bufinefs can
Excufe a Tardinefs thus willful ? None,
Well then, it is not Bufinefs. Oh! that Let-
I fay, is not deliver'd ; or he's fick 5
4 Or,
Or, O Suggeftion, wherefore wilt Thou fright me ?
Julio does to Henriquez on meer Purpofe,
On plotted Purpofe, yield me up ; and he
Hath chofe another Miftrefs. All Preemptions
Make pow'rful to this Point : His own Protraction,
Henriquez left behind ; That Strain lack'd Jea-
Therefore lack'd Love. So fure as Life fhall
Itfelf in Death, this new Surmifeof mine
Is a bold Certainty. 'Tis plain, and obvious,
Henriquez would not, durft not, thus infringe
The Law of Friendmip; thus provoke a Man,
That bears a Sword, and wears his Flag of Youth
As frefh as he : He durft not : 'Tis Contrivance,
Grofs-dawbing 'twixt them both. But I'm over-
heard. [Going.
Enters Julio, difguifed.
Jul. Stay, Leonora ; Has this outward Veil
Quite loft me to thy Knowledge ?
Leon. O my Julio !
Thy Prefence ends the ftern Debate of Doubt,
And cures me of a thoufand heartfick Fears,
Sprung from thy Abfence : yet awakes a Train
Of other deeping Terrors. Do you weep ?
JuL No, Leonora , when I weep, it muft be
The Subftance of mine Eye. 'Would I could weep;
For then mine Eye would drop upon my Heart,
And fwage the Fire there.
Leon. You are full poiTefs'd
How things go here. Firft, welcome heartily ;
Welcome to th'Ending of my laft good Hour :
Now Summer Blifs and gaudy Days are gone,
My Leafe in 'em 's expir'd.
Jul. Not fo, Leonora.
Leon. Yes, Julio, yes ; an everlafting Storm
Ts come upon me, which 1 can't bear out.
I cannot flay much Talk , we have loft Leifure;
And thus it is : Your Abfence hath giv'n Breeding
To what my Letter hath declar'd, and is
This Inftant on th' effecting, Hark ! the Mufick
\FlouriJh within.
Is now on tuning, which muft celebrate
This Bus'nefs fo difcordant. Tell me then,
What you will do.
Jitl. I know not what : Advife me :
Til kill the Traitor.
Leon. O ' take heed : his Death
Betters our Caufe no whit. No killing, Julio.
Jul. My Blood (lands ftill ; and all my Faculties
Are by Enchantment dulPd. You gracious Pow'rs,
Tjie Guardians of fworn Faith, and fuff'ring Virtue,
Infpire Prevention of this dreaded Mifchief !
This Moment is our own ; Let's ufe it, Love,
^ Are you fo hot ?
I'll ferve him, be it but to fave his Honour. [dfide.
To feign a Corpfe By th' Mafs, it mall be fo.
We muft pretend, we do tranfport a Body
As 'twere to's Funeral : and coming late by,
Crave a Night's Leave to reft the Herfe i'th' Convent.
That be our Courfe ; for to fuch Charity
Stri<5t Zeal and Cuftom of the Houfe give way.
Henr. And, opportune, a vacant Herfe pafs'd by
From Rites but new perform'd ; This for a Price
We'll hire, to put our Scheme in Act. Ho ! Gerald
\Enter Gerald, whom Henriquez whifpers ; then Ge-
rald goes out.
Rod. When we're once lodg'd, the Means of her
By fafe and fecrct Force, with Eafe we'll compafs.
But, Brother, know my Terms. If that your Miftrefs
Will to the World come back, and fhe appear
An Object worthy in our Father's Eye,
Wooeher, and win her ; but if his Confent
Keep not Pace with your Purpofe
Henr. Doubt it not.
I've look'd not with a common Eye ; butchofe
A noble Virgin, who to make her fo,
Has all the Gifts of Heav'n and Earth upon her.
If ever Woman yet could be an Angel,
She is the neareft.
Rod. Well ; a Lover's Praife
Feaftsnota common Ear. Now to our Plot; *
We lhall bring Night in with Us. [Exeunt.
Enter Julio, and Two Gentlemen.
Gent. Good Sir, compofe yourfelf.
Jul. O Leonora,
That Heav'n had made Thee ftronger than a Woman,
How happy had I been !
Gent. He's calm again :
I'll take this Interval to work upon Him.
Thefe wild and iblitary Places, Sir,
But feed your Pain ; let better Reafon guide you ;
And quit this forlorn State, that yields no Comfort.
[Lute founds within.
Jul. Ha ! hark, a Sound from Heav'n ! Do you hear
Nothing ?
Gent. Yes, Sir ; the Touch of fome fweet Inftrument :
Here's no Inhabitant.
7*/4 No, no, the better.
Gent. This is a ftrange Place to hear Mufick in.
Jul. I'm often vifited with thefe fweet Airs.
The Spirit of fome haplefs Man that dy'd,
And left his Love hid in a faithlefs Woman,
Sure haunts thefe Mountains. [Violante^?^ within.
Fond Echo ! forego thy light Strain,
And beedfully bear a loft Maid ;
Go, tell thefalfe Ear of the Swain
Hew deeply his Vows have betrafd.
Go, tell him, what Sorrows I bear ;
See, yet if his Heart feel my Woe :
9 Tis now he muft heal my Defpair,
Or Death will make Pity too flow.
Gent. See, how his Sojl drives in him ! This fad
Has fearch'd him to the Heart.
Jul. Excellent Sorrow !
Yeu never lov'd ?
Gent. No.
j#/. Peace j and learn to grieve then.
Go, tell him, what Sorrows I bear ;
See, yet if his Heart feel my Wot :
"Tis now he muft heal my Defpair,
Or Death will make Pity too flow.
Is not this heav'nly ?
Gent. I never heard the like, Sir.
Jul. I'll tell you, my good Friends j but pray, fay
Nothing ;
Pm ftrangely touch*d with This. The heav'nly Sound
Diffufes a fweet Peace thro* all my Soul.
But yet I wonder, what new, fad, Companion
Grief has brought hither to out-bid my Sorrows.
Stand off, Hand off, fland off ..... Friends, it appears.
Enters Violante.
Viol How much more grateful are thefe craggy
And thefe wild Trees, than things of nobler Natures,
For Thefe receive my Plaints, and mourn again
In many Echoes to me. All good People
Are fain afleep forever. None are left,
That have the Senfe, and Touv-h of Tendernefs
For Virtue's fake : No, fcarce their Memory :
From whom J may exped: Counfel in Fears,
Eafe to Complainings, or Redrefs of Wrongs.
Jul. This a moving Sorrow, but fay nothing.
Viol What Dangers have 1 run, and to what Infults
Expos'd this Ruin of my felf ? Oh ! Mifcbief
On that Soul-fpotted Hind, my vicious Matter !
Who would have thought, that fuch poor Worms as
(Whofe beft Feed is coarfe Bread; whofe Bev'rage,
Water ;)
Should have fo much rank Blood ? I make all over,
And blufh to think what had become of me,
If that good Man had not relieved me from him.
Jul. Since fhe is not Leonora y me is heav'nly. ^s
When fhe fpeaks next, liften as feriouQy
As Women do that have their Loves at Sea,
What Wind blows ev'ry Morning.
Viol. I cannot get this falfe Man's Memory
Out of my Mind. You, Maidens, that mail live
To hear my mournful Tale, when I am Ames,
Be wife ; and to an Oath no more give Credit,
To Tears, to Vows (falfe Both !) or any Thing
A Man mail promife, than to Clouds, that now
Bear fuch a pleafing Shape, and now are nothing.
For they will cozen (if they may be cozen'd)
The very Gods they worfhip. Valour, Juftice,
Difcretion, Honefty, and all they cover,
To make them feeming Saints, are but the Wiles
By which thefe Syrens Jure us to Deftruc~lion.
Jul. Do not you weep now ? I could drop myfelf
Into a Fountain for her.
Gent. She weeps extremely.
Jul. Let her weep; 'tis well:
Her Heart will break elfe. Great Sorrows live in Tears.
Viol. O falfe Henri quez !
Jul. Ha!
Viol, And Oh, thou Fool,
Forfeken Violantel whofe Belief
And childifh Love have made thee fo 'go, die ;
For there is nothing left thee now to look for,
That can bring Comfort, but a quiet Grave.
There all the Miferies I long have felt,
And thofe to come, mall fweetly deep together.
Fortune may guide that falfe Henriquez hither,
To weep Repentance o'er my pale, ckuid Corfe,
E And
And cheer my wand'ring Spirit with thofe lov'd Obfe-
quies. [Going.
Jul. Stay, Lady, (lay : Can it be poffible
That you are Fiolante?
That loft Name,
Spoken by One that needs muft know my Fortunes,
Has taken much Fear from me. Who are you, Sir ?
For fure I am that hopelefs Violante.
Jul. And I, as far from any earthly Comfort
/That I know yet, the much-wrong'd Julio 1
Viol. ~ ----- Julio I
Jul. I once was thought fo. - If the curft
Had Pow'r to change you to a Boy, why, Lady,
Should not that Milchief make me any thing
That have an equal Share in all the Miferies
His Crimes have flung upon us?
Well I know it:
And pardon me, I could not know your Virtues
Before your Griefs. Methought, when laft we met,
The Accent of your Voice flruck on my Ear
Like fomething I had known, but Floods of Sorrow
Drown'd the Remembrance. If you'll pleafe to fie,
(Since I have found a fufFring true Companion)
And give me Hearing, I will tell you fomething
Of Leonora that may comfort you.
Jul. Bleffing upon thee ! Henceforth, I proteft
Never to leave thee, if Heav'n fay Amen.
But, foft ! let's fhift our Ground, guide our fad Steps
To fbme remoter Gloom, where, undifturb'd,
We may compare our Woes ; dwell on the Tale
Of mutual Injuries, till our Eyes run o'er,
And we infect each other with frefli Sorrows.
Talk'd you of Comfort ? 'Tis the Food of Fools,
And we'll have none on't ; but indulge Defpair :
So, worn with Griefs, ftcal to the Cave of Death,
And in a Sigh give up our lateft Breath. [Exeunt.
fbt End of tbt Fourth Aft.
Profpetf of
tains continued.
the Moun-
Enter Roderick, Leonora veil'd, Henriquez, Atten-
dants as Mourners.
Rod. TJEST certain, Lady, nothing (hall betide
IV you
But fair and noble Ufage. Pardon me,
That hitherto a Courfe of Violence
Has fnatch'd you from that Seat of Contemplation
To which you gave your After-Life.
Leon. Where am I ?
Rod. Not in the Nunnery ; never blufh, nor trem-
ble ;
Your Honour has as fair a Guard as when
Within a Cloifter. Know then, what is done,
(Which, I prefume, you underftand not truly)
Has this Ufe, to preferve the Life of One
Dying for Love of You, my Brother and your
Friend :
Under which Colour we defir'd to reft
Our Herfe one Night within your hallow'd Walls,
Where we furpriz'd you.
Leon. Are you that Lord Roderick
So fpoken of for Virtue and fair Life,
And dare you lofe thefe to be Advocate
For fuch a Brother, fuch a finful Brother,
E 2 Such
Such an unfaithful, treacherous, brutal Brother ?
Rod. This is a fearful Charge.
[Looks at Henriquez,
Leon. If you would have me
Think you ftill bear Refpect for Virtue's Name ;
As you would wifh your Daughters, thus diftrefs'd,
Might find a Guard, protect me from Henrique*,
And I am happy.
Rod. Come, Sir, make your Anfwer j
For as I have a Soul, I am alham'd on't.
Henr. O Leonora! fee, thus felf-condemn'd,
I throw me at your Feet, and fue for Mercy.
If I have err'd, impute it to my Love ;
The Tyrant God that bows us to his Sway,
Rebellious to the Laws of reas'ning Men ;
That will not have his Vot'ries Actions fcann'd,
But calls it Juftice when we moft obey him.
He but commanded, when your Eyes infpir'd ;
Whofe facred Beams, darted into my Soul,
Have purg'd the Manfion from impure Defires,
And kindled in my Heart a Veftal's Flame.
Leon. Rife, rife, my Lord ; this well-difiemblej
-Has gain'd you nothing but a deeper Hate.
Should I imagine he can truly love me,
That, like a Villain, numhers my Defires ?
Or mould I drink that Wine, and think it Cordial,
When I fee Poifon in't?
Rod. Draw this way, Lady ;
1 am not perfect in your Story yet;
But fee you've had fome Wrongs that want Redrefs.
Only you muft have Patience to go with us
To yon fmall Lodge, which meets the Sight fron
Where your Diftrefs (hall find the due Refpect :
Till when, your Griefs mall govern me as much
As Nearnefs and Affection to my Brother.
Call my Attendants yours, and ufc them freely ;
For as I am a Gentleman, no Pow'r
Above your own Will mall come near your Perfon.
[As they are going out, Violante enters, and plucks
Roderick by the Sleeve ; the reft go out.]
Vhl. Your Ear a Moment : Scorn not my tender
Rod. Look to the Lady there. I follow ftrait.
What ails this Boy ? Why doft thou fingle me ?
Viol. The due Obfervance of your noble Virtue,
Vow'd to this mourning Virgin, makes me bold
To give it more Employment.
Rod. Art not thou
The furly Shepherd's Boy, that, when I call'd
To know the Way, ran crying by me?
Viol. Yes, Sir.
And I thank Heav'n and you for helping me.
Rod. How did I help thee, Boy?
Viol. I do but feem fo, Sir ; and am indeed
A Woman j one your Brother once has lov'd,
Or, Heav'n forgive him elfe, he ly'd extremely.
Rod. Weep not, good Maid. O this licentious
Brother !
But how came you a Wand'rer on thefe Mountains ?
Viol. That, as we pafs, an't pleafe you, I'll difcover.
I will aflure you, Sir, thefe barren Mountains
Hold many Wonders of your Brother's making.
Here wanders haplefs Julio ^ worthy Man !
Befides himfclf with Wrongs
Rod. That once again-
Viol. Sir, I faid, Julio. Sleep weigh'd down his
Opprefs'd with Watching, juft as you approach'd us.
Rod. O Brother! W 7 e {hall found the Depths of
If this be true ; no more, but guide me to him :
I hope a fair End will fucceed all yet.
If it be he, by your Leave, gentle Brother,
I'll fee him fcrv'd firft. Maid, you have o'erjoy'd me.
E 3 Thou
Thou (halt have Right too: Make thy fair Appeal
To the good Duke, and doubt not but thy Tears
Shall be repaid with Intereft from his Juftice.
Lead me to Julio. [Exeunt.
S C E N E II. An Apartment in the Lodge.
Enter the Duke, Don Bernard, and Camillo.
Cam. Ay, then your Grace had had a Son more \
he, a Daughter ; and I, an Heir : But let it be as 'tis,
I cannot mend it ; one Way or other I fhall rub it
over with rubbing to my Grave, and there's an End on't,
Duke. Our Sorrows cannot help us, Gentlemen.
Cam. Hang me, Sir, if I fhed one Tear more. By
Jove, I've wept fo long, I'm as blind as Juftice. When
J come to fee my Hawks (which I held a Toy next to
my Son) if they be but Houfe-high, I muft Itand
aiming at them like a Gunner.
Duke. Why, he mourns like a Man. Don Bernard,
Are (till like April* full of Show'rs and Dews,
And yet I blame you not ; for I myfelf
Feel the felf-fame Affections. Let them go j
They're difobedient Children.
D. Bern. Ay, my Lord ;
Yet they may turn again.
Cam. Let them e'en have their Swing ; they're young
and wanton; the next Storm we (hall have them gal-
lop homeward, whining as Pigs do in the Wind.
J). Bern. Would I had my Daughter any way.
Cam. Would'ft thou have her with Beam, Man tell
me that?
D. Bern. I care not, if an honed Father got it.
Cam. You might have had her fo in this good Time,
Had my Son had her : Now you may go feck
Your Fool to flop a Gap with.
Duke. You fay, that Rcd'rick charg'd you here mould i-
wait him:
He has o'erflipp'd the Time, at which his Letters
Of Speed requeft that I mould alfo meet him.
I fear, fome bad Event is ufher'd in
By this Delay : How now ?
Enter a Gentleman^
Cent. So pleafe your Grace,
Lord Roderick makes Approach.
Duke. -I thank thee, Fellow,
For thy fo timely News : Comes he alone ?
Gent. No, Sir, attended well ; and in his Train
Follows a Herfe with all due Rites of Mourning.
[Exit Gent.
Duke. Heav'n fend Henriquez lire!
Cam. > -'Tis my poor Julio.
Enters Roderick, baftily.
Duke. O welcome, welcome,
Welcome, good Rod'rick ! Say, what News ?
Cam. Do you bring Joy or Grief, my Lord ? For me,
Come what can come, I'll live a Month or two
If the Gout pleafe, curfe my Phy Titian once more,
And then
Under this Stone
Lies Sev'nty-one.
Rod. Signior, you do exprefs a manly Patience.
My noble Father, fomething I have brought
To eafe your Sorrows : My Endeavours have not
Been altogether barren in my Journey.
Duke. It comes at need, Boy ; but I hop'd it from
E 4 Enter
Enter Leonora veil'd^ Henriquez behind, and At-
Rod. The Company I bring will bear me Witnefs
The bufieft of my Time has been employ'd
On this good Tafk. Don Bernard finds beneath
is Veil his Daughter ; you, my Royal Father,
Behind that Lady find a wanci'ring Son.
How I met with them, and how brought them hither,
More Leifure mull unfold.
Henr. My Father here!
And Julio's\ O Confufion! Low as Earth
I bow me for your Pardon. p* the Duke.
D. Bern. O my Girl !
Thou bring'ft new Life. [Embraces Leonora.
Duke. And you, my Son, reftore me [To Roderick.
One Comfort here that has been miffing long.
J hope thy Follies thou haft left abroad. (70 Henriq.
Cam. Ay, ay ; you've all Comforts but I , you have
ruin'd me, kill'd my poor Boy ; cheated and ruin'd him ;
and I have no Comfort.
Rod. Be patient, Signior j Time may guide my
To work you Comfort too.
Cam. I thank your Lordfhip ;
Would Grandfire Time had been fa kind r.o Ve done it,
We might havejoy'd together like good Fellows ,
But he's fo full of Bufinefs, good Old Man,
'Tis Wonder he could do the Goad he has done.
D. Bern. Nay, Child, be comforted. Thefe Tears
diffract me.
Duke. Hear your good Father, Lady.
Leon. Willingly.
Duke. The Voice of Parents is the Voice of Gods :
For to their Children they are Heav'n's Lieutenants;
\"Made Fathers, not for common Uies merely
Qf Procreation (Beads and Birds would be
As nobie then as we are) ; but to fteer
The wanton Freight of Youth thro* Storms and Dan-
Which with full Sails they bear upon, and (heighten
The moral Line of Life they bend fo often :
[JFor thefe are we made Fathers, and for thefe
May challenge Duty on our Children's Part.
Obedience is the Sacrifice of Angels,
Whofe Form you carry.
D. Bern. Hear the Duke, good Wench.
Leon. I do moft needfully. My gracious Lord,
[To the Duke.
Let me be fo unmanner'd to requeft
He would not farther prefs me with Perfuafions
O'th J inilant Hour ; but have the gentle Patience
To bury this keen Suit, till I (hake Hands
With my old Sorrows,
Cam. i Why doft look at me ?
Alas ! I cannot help thee.
Leon. And but weep
A Farewell to rny murther'd Julio.
Cam. Bleffing be with thy Soul whene'er it leaves
Leon. For fuch fad Rites mud be performed, my
E'er I can love again. Maids that have lov'd,
If they be worth that nobie Teftimony,
Wear their Loves here, my Lord ; here, in their
Hearts ;
Deep, deep within ; not in their Eyes or Accents ;
Such may be (lipp'd away ; or with true Tears
W T afh'd out of all Remembrance : Mine, no Phyfick,
But Time or Death, can cure.
Henr. You make your own Conditions, and I feal
Thus on your virtuous Hand. [Jfide.
Cam. Well, Wench, thy Equal
Shall not be found in hade 5 I give thee that :
Thou art a right one, ev'ry Inch. Thy Father
(For, without Doubt, that Snuff never begot thee)
Was fome choice Fellow, fome true Gentleman ;
I give thy Mother Thanks for't -there's no Harm
Would I were young again, and had but thee,
A good Horfe under me, and a good Sword,
And thus much for Inheritance.
[Violante offers, once or twice, to Jbew
her f elf, but gees back.
Duke. What Boy's chat
Has offered twice or thrice to break upon us ?
I've noted him, and ftill he falls back fearful.
Rod. A little Boy, Sir, like a Shepherd ?
Duke. Yes.
Rod. 'Tis your Page, Brother ; One that
was fo, late.
Uenr. My Page ! What Page ?
Rod. Even fo he fays, your Page ;
And more, and worfe, you ftole him from his Friends,
And prorois'd him Pieferment.
Henr. I, Preferment !
Rod. And on fome flight Occafion let him flip
Here on thefe Mountains, where he had been ftarv'd
Had not my People found him as we travell'd.
This was not handfome, Brother.
Henr. You are merry.
Rod. You'll find it fober Truth.
Duke. If fo, 'tis ill.
Henr. 'Tis Fiction all, Sir Brother, you muft
To look fome other Fool to put thefe Tricks on ;
They are too obvious: Pieafe your Grace, give
T* admit the Boy ; if he know me, and fay
I ftole him from his Friends, and caft him off,
Know me no more. Brother, pray do not wrong
Enters Viol ante.
Rod. Here is the Boy. If he deny this to you,
Then I have wrong'd you,
Duke. Hear me : What's thy Name, Boy ?
Viol. Florio, an't like your Grace.
Duke. A pretty Child.
Where waft thou born ?
Viol. On t'other Side the Mountains,
Duke. What are thy Friends ?
Viol. A Father, Sir ; but poor.
Duke. How cameft thou hither ? how to leave thy
Father ?
Viol. That noble Gentleman pleas'd once to like
me. [Pointing to Henriquez.
And, not to lie, fo much to doat upon me,
That with his Promifes he won my Youth
And Duty from my Father : Him 1 follow'd.
Rod. How fay you now, Brother ?
Cam. Ay, my Lord, how fay you ?
Hen. As I have Life and Soul, 'tis all a Trick, Sir.
I never faw the Boy before.
Viol O Sir,
Call not your Soul to witnefs in a Wrong :
And 'tis not noble in you to defpife
What you have made thus. If I lie, let Juflice
Turn all her Rods upon me.
Duke. ' Fye, Henriquez ;
There is no Trace of Cunning in this Boy.
Cam. A good Boy ! Be not fearful : Speak thy
Mind, Child.
Nature, fure, meant thou fhould'ft have been a Wench j
And then't had been no Marvel he had bobb'd thee.
Duke. Why did he put thee from him ?
Viol. That to me
Is yet unknown, Sir ; for my Faith he could not,
I never did deceive him j for my Service
He had no juft Caufe ; what my Youth was able
My Will ftill put in At to pleafe my Matter :
I cannot fteal, therefore that can be nothing
To my Undoing : No, nor lie ; my Breeding,
Tho' it be plain, is honeft. \Weeps.
Duke. Weep not, Child.
Cam. This Lord has abufed Men, Women, and
Children already : What farther Plot he has, the Devil
Duke. If thou can'ft bring a Witnefs of thy Wrong,
(Elfe it would be Injuftice to believe thee,
He having fworn againft it) thou malt have,
I bind it with my Honour, Satisfaction
To thine own Wiflies.
Viol. I defire no more, Sir.
I have a Witnefs, and a noble one
For Truth and Honefty.
Rod. Go, bring him hither. [Exit Violante.
Henr. This lying Boy will take him to his Heeh,
And leave me flander'd.
Rod. No ; I'll be his Voucher.
Henr. Nay then, 'tis plain this is Confederacy.
Rod. That he has been an Agent in your Service
Appears from this. Here is a Letter, Brother,
(Produc'd, perforce, to give him Credit with me) ;
The Writing, yours ; the Matter, Love -, for fo,
He fays, he can explain it.
Cam. Then, belike,
A young He-bawd.
Hen. This Forgery confounds me !
Duke. Read it, Roderick.
Rod. Reads.] Our Prudence Jhould now teach us to
forget what our Indifcretion has
committed. 1 have already made one
Step towards this Wisdom
Henr. Hold, Sir. My very Words to Violante!
Duke. Go on.
Henr. My gracious Father, give me Pardon ,
I do confefs I fome fuch Letter wrote
(The Purport all too trivial for your Ear)
But how it reach'd this young Diffembler's Hands,
Is what I cannot folve. For on my Soul,
And by the Honours of my Birth and Houfe,
The Minion's Face till now I never faw.
Rod. Run not too far in Debt on Proteftation.
Why fhould you do a Child this Wrong ?
Henr. Go to ;
Your Friendfhips pad warrant not this Abufe :
If you provoke me thus, I mall forget
What you are to me. This is a mere Practice
And Villainy to draw me into Scandal.
Red. No more -, you are a Boy. Here comes a
Shall prove you fo : No more.
Enter Julio, difguis'd ; Violante, as a Woman. &*
Henr. Another Rafcal !
Duke. Hold !
Henr. Ha ! [Seeing Violante.
Duke. What's here ?
Henr. By all my Sins, the injur'd Violante I {Afi&e.
Rod. Now, Sir, whole Practice breaks ?
Cam. Is this a Page ? p* Henr.
Rod. One that has done him Service,
And he has paid her for't ; but broke his Covenant.
Viol. My Lord, I come not now to wound your
Your pure Affection dead, which firft betray'd me, j /^
My Claim die with it ! Only let me not
Shrink to the Grave with Infamy upon me;
Protect my Virtue tho* it hurt your Faith,
And my lad Breath fhall fpeak Henriquez noble.
Henr. What a fierce Conflict Shame and wounded '
5 Raife
Raife in my Breaft ! but Honour mail o'ercome.
She looks as beauteous and as innocent
As when I wrong'd her. Virtuous Violantel
Too good for me ! dare yoQ ftill love a Man
So faithlefs as I am ? I know you love me.
Thus, thus, and thus, I print my vow'd Repentance :
Let ail Men read it here. My gracious Father,
Forgive, and make me rich with your Confent :
This is my Wife ; no other would I chufe
Were {he a Queen.
Cam. Here's a new Change ! Bernard looks dull upon't.
Henr. And fair Leonora, from whofe Virgin Arms
I forc'd my wrong'd Friend Julio, O forgive me.
Take home your holy Vows, and let him have 'em
That has deferv'd them. O that he were here !
That I might own the Bafenefs of my Wrong,
And purpos'd Recompence. My Violante*
I You mutt again be widow'd j for I vow
A ceafelefs Pilgrimage, ne'er to know Joy
Till I can give it to the injur'd Julio.
Cam. This almoft melts me But my poor loft
Rod. I'll flop that Voyage, Brother. Gentle Lady,
What think you of this honeft Man ?
Leon. Alas !
My Thoughts, my Lord, were all employ'd within :
He has a Face makes me remember fomething
I have thought well of: How he looks upon me 1
. Poor Man ! he weeps. Ha ! ftay j it cannot he-
He has his Eye, his Features, Shape, and Gefture.
Would he would fpeak.
JuL Leonora ! [Throws off bis Difguife.
Leon. Yes, 'tis he !
O Ecftacy of Joy ! [They embrace.
Cam. Now, what's the Matter?
Rod. Let 'em alone 5 they're almoft ftarv'd for
Cam. Scand Forty Foot off ^ no Man trouble 'em.
Much Good may'tdo your Hearts ! What is he, Lord,
What is he ?
Rod. A certain Son of yours.
Cam. The Devil he is.
Rod. If he be the Devil, that Devil muft call you
Cam By your Leave a little, ho Are you my Julio ?
Jul. My Duty tells me fo, Sir,
Still on my Knees. But Love engrofs'd me all :
Leonora, do I once more hold thee ?
Cam. Nay, to't again : I will not hinder you a Kifs.
'Tishe! [Leaps.
Leon. The righteous Pow'rs at length have crown'd
our Loves.
Think, Julio, from the Storm that's now o'erblown,
Tho* four Affliction combat Hope awhile,
When Lovers fwear true Faith, the lift'ning Angels
Stand on the golden Battlements of Heav'n,
And waft their Vows to the Eternal Throne.
Such were our Vows, and fo are they repaid.
Duke. E'en as you are, we'll join your Hands to-
A Providence above our Pow'r rules all.
Afk him Forgivenefs, Boy. [ $9 Henriquez.
Jul. He has it, Sir : I }
The Fault was Love's, not his.
Henr. Brave, gen'rous Julio !
1 knew thy Noblenefs of old, and priz'd it,
Till Pafiion made me blind. Once more, my Friend,
Share in a Hcarc that ne'er (hall wrong thee more.
And, Brother -
Rod. This Embrace cuts offExcufes.
Duke. I mull, in Part, repair my Son's Offence :
At your beft Leifure, Julio, know our Court.
And, Violante (for 1 know you now)
I have a Debt to pay : Your good old Father
Once, when I chas'd the Boar, prcferv'd my Life:
For that good Deed, and for your Virtue's Sake,
Tho* your Defcent be low, call me your Father.
A Match drawn out of Honefty and Goodnefs
Is Pedigree enough. -- Are you all pleas'd ?
[Gives her to Henriquez.
Camil All.
Jul. All.
Duke. And I not leaft. We'll now return to Court :
(And that fhort Travel, and your Loves compleated,
Shall, as I truft, for Life reftrain thefe Wand'rings:)
There the Solemnity and Grace I'll do
Your fev'ral Nuptials, fhall approve my Joy,
And make griev'd Lovers that your Story read,
Wifh true Love's Wand'rings may like yours fucceed.
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