S-NRLF B eihteli em Steel Structural i a o 7- I u Ld 0) o 1- >. DC z B DC DC CD 13 (0 U. id MECHA 1881 c Id Z D z - r o K LJ m RADUAT feo ss Id I CM 11 LJ 21 LJ ^ Z ^ < J o Id 1- o o z z LJ -j o Id (0 Id ^"^ LJ QC 5 I h- Q. GIFT OF DIMENSIONS, WEIGHTS AND PROPERTIES OF SPECIAL AND STANDARD STRUCTURAL STEEL SHAPES MANUFACTURED BY BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY, SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PA. Including tables of strengths and other data relating to Bethlehen Special Structural Shapes, or wide flange beams, and their use as beams, girders and columns; also similar data relating to American Standard X Beams, Channels, Angles and other sections; together with general information regarding steel construction, FOR ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS AND DRAFTSMEN. PREPARED BY GEORGE H. BLAKELEY, MEM. AM. Soc. C. E. FIRST EDITION. 1907. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1907, by BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPA'NY, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. PRICE, $1.50 DANDO PRINTING AND PUBLISHING Co., PHILADELPHIA, PA. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY, Works at South Bethlehem, Pa., MANUFACTURES Forgings of All Sizes, Rough or Finished, for Marine and Stationary Engines, Locomotives, Machine Tools, etc., of fluid compressed open hearth carbon or nickel steel, hydraulic forged solid or hollow around a mandrel, and annealed or oil tempered. Drop Forgings of all sizes. Hydraulic Presses, Heavy Machinery and Machine Tools designed and built. Armor Plate and Armor Plate Vaults. Land and Naval Ordnance, Finished Guns of all calibers, Gun Forgings, Gun Carriages, Projectiles. Open Hearth Steel Structural Shapes, Special Wide Flange Beams, Rolled Girders, Rolled Column Sections, Standard I Beams, Channels, Angles, Rounds, Squares and Flats. Open Hearth Steel Rails from 60 to 100 pounds per yard. Steel Castings of all sizes, of carbon or nickel steel. Iron Castings of all sizes. Special Tool Steel. Stay Bolt Iron. Muck Bar Iron. Steel Billets. Pig Iron. GENERAL OFFICE, at the Works, South Bethlehem, Pa. BRANCH SALES OFFICES: NEW YORK, 100 Broadway. PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania Building. PITTSBURGH, Keystone Bank Building. CHICAGO, Fisher Building. ST. PAUL, Endicott Building. SAN FRANCISCO, James Flood Building. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY, INTRODUCTION. The purpose of this work, in general, is to supply infor- mation and tables, relating to steel construction, of value and service to those interested and engaged in the use of Beth- lehem structural steel shapes ; and, in particular, to illustrate the advantages and economy of the special structural steel shapes introduced and manufactured by Bethlehem Steel Company. The work is divided into three parts. Part I gives the dimensions, weights and structural prop- erties of the Bethlehem special shapes, or wide flange beam sections, with tables of strength and other data relating to their use as beams, girders and columns in construction. Part II gives similar information and data pertaining to the standard structural steel shapes manufactured by Beth- lehem Steel Company. Part III gives information and data concerning steel con- struction in general, together with a collection of useful tables, rules, etc. , for the engineer, architect and draftsman engaged in structural work. The essential data relating to all the special and standard structural steel shapes manufactured by Bethlehem Steel Company is given in Parts I and II. General information applying to both special and standard shapes is given in Part III, as well as much other data that pertains to structural materials not manufactured by Bethlehem Steel Company. The latter data has been selected as a collection of matter of the most frequent use and service to those engaged in structural work. Special care has been exercised in the arrangement of the tabular matter to secure compactness of form and conve- nience for the use of the designer. Such of the tables as were not calculated expressly for this work were obtained from works of presumably indepen- dent origin, which were compared for the elimination of errors. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. PART I SPECIAL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHAPES MANUFACTURED BY BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. BETHLEHEM SPECIAL STRUCTURAL SHAPES. The Bethlehem special structural shapes are wide flange I beam sections rolled by the Grey Universal Beam Mill. Instead of the horizontal grooved rolls of the ordinary beam mill, the Grey mill has horizontal and vertical rolls, by which the flanges and web of an I beam shape are each produced by combined rolling operations acting at right angles. This method of rolling makes it possible to obtain wider flanges than can be produced by the ordinary beam mill, where the web is the only part of the shape subjected to a true rolling operation and where the flanges are formed by the crowding or dragging of the metal through the flange grooves. Wide flange beams from 10 inches to 30 inches deep, with flanges from 10 inches to 12 inches wide, have been rolled successfully for the past five years in Germany by this method. Such sections in regard to their shape and proper- ties of strength present great advantages for structural work not obtainable with beams of the existing standard shapes. The wide flange beams can be used instead of riveted or built up sections for a variety of purposes with an economy in the weight of material, or with a saving in the labor and cost of punching, assembling and riveting, and in many cases with a saving of both material and labor. Sections produced by this improved method have a uniform amount of work, or reduction, in the rolling on all parts of the shape, which is not the case in beams of I shape rolled by the ordinary mill. Especially the larger sizes of I beams rolled by the usual method show a great variation between the quality of the material in the webs and flanges, due to the difference in work of reduction of the metal during rolling. Such differences in quality of material BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. between various parts of the section indicate a condition of internal stress existing in the metal caused by unequal defor- mation during the rolling process. Beams of all shapes and sizes rolled by the Grey mill have a uniformity in strength of material throughout the section, indicating not only an equal amount of work of reduction in the rolling without unequal deformation, but also the absence of internal stress in con- sequence : they are therefore safer and more reliable for any purpose, especially when subject to impact and vibration, than beams rolled in the old way. In the case of an I beam shape, it follows from the prin- ciples of structural mechanics that an addition of material to the flange increases the transverse strength of the section three times as much as the same amount of additional material would if added in the form of increased thickness of web. Thus, if a represents a small area and d the depth of the beam, the addition of the area a\ in the form of an increased thickness of the web, produces an increase in the section modulus of the shape equal to l /$ ad ; but if the same area is added, one-half at the extreme edge of each flange, then y z ad is the amount that the section modulus of the shape is increased. The latter value is three times the former. Metal in the flange is therefore three times more effective than in the web when the moment of inertia, moment of resistance or coefficient of transverse strength of an I beam shape is considered. By means of the Grey mill and the improved method of rolling, in which the flanges and web are each formed by rolling operations, a more economical distribution of metal can be made between relative areas of flange and web than in the present standard beam shape produced by the old rolling methods. Wide flange beams can be rolled which will have the same coefficient of strength as present Ameri- can standard beams of the same depth, but which will weigh less than the equivalent standard beams ; this result BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. being obtained by making the flange wider and of greater sectional area relative to the area of the web. Conversely, wide flange beams designed in this manner, when of the same weight as present standard sections, will have a greater coefficient of strength than the corresponding standard shape of equal depth and weight. By this method a beam with wide flanges can be de- signed and readily rolled having the same depth as a standard beam and which will have double the coefficient of strength of the standard shape, but with a weight less than twice the weight of the latter. Such a wide flange girder beam can be substituted for the ordinary girder of the same depth, composed of two present standard beams, with con- siderable economy in weight of material and a saving in the expense of assembling, also eliminating the separators and separator bolts. Larger beams are produced by this process than it is possible to roll by the ordinary method. Such large rolled beams can be used to great advantage in many cases where it otherwise would be necessary to employ riveted girders. Beam shapes with wide flanges make a desirable and economical column section. Riveted sections of I beam shape, made with a web plate and four angles, are a common form of column for buildings and other purposes. The wide flange beam offers a rolled section with greater radius of gyration for equal area, and with a saving in the fabrication of the column, as no punching or riveting is required in the case of the rolled section except for splicing and connections. When the flanges of the rolled beam sec- tion are made of adequate width to give sufficient radius of gyration, the wide flange beam shape can be used with great economy for all usual purposes of construction instead of any of the customary forms of built up riveted columns. The Bethlehem special shapes are designed to fill the requirements of American structural practice. Three sep- BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. arate types of shapes are provided, viz. : the special I beam sections, the girder beam sections, and the H or column sections. SPECIAL I BEAMS. The special I beams, from 8 inches to 24 inches in depth inclusive, have the same section modulus, or coefficient of strength, as American standard beams of corresponding depth ; but by reason of the better proportion and distribu- tion of metal their weight is 10% less than the American sections. For example, a Bethlehem special I beam, section B15 a, 15 in. deep and weighing 54 Ibs. per foot has a coef- ficient of strength of 868,100. The corresponding American standard section is a 15 in. I beam weighing 60 Ibs. per foot with a coefficient of strength of 866,100 ; so that for equal strength the Bethlehem beam weighs 6 Ibs. per foot less than the American shape, which is a saving of 10 ^ in weight. The coefficient of strength for this depth of beam is increased 7850 for each pound increase in weight ; therefore, if the Bethlehem beam is increased to 60 Ibs. per foot the same weight as the American section then its coefficient will be increased to 915,200, which is nearly 6% greater than that of the standard beam for equal weight. For equal coefficients of strength the Bethlehem special I beams of minimum section are 10 per cent, lighter than cor- responding standard sections. Conversely, for equal weights of sections, the Bethlehem beams have a coefficient of strength about 5 % greater than standard shapes. The 26, 28 and 30 inch special I beams are respectively equal in coefficient of strength to girders of two 20 inch 65 Ibs. , 20 inch 80 Ibs. and 24 inch 80 Ibs. standard beams, and where the depth is available may be used instead of such girders, except in the case of very short spans with heavy loads, and with a considerable economy of material. They can also be used where otherwise riveted girders would be re- quired, with economy of material and saving in work. The 10 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. table of ' ' Comparison of Bethlehem Special I Beams with American Standard I Beams," on page 59, shows the relation between the two types of beams for all sizes. GIRDER BEAMS. The Bethlehem girder beams, from 8 inches to 24 inches in depth inclusive, have a coefficient of strength, or section modulus, equal to that of two standard I beams of minimum weight of the same depth ; but the girder beam weighs 12% % less than the combined weight of the two standard sections, not considering the saving in the weight of separa- tors that would be used for assembling the standard beams into a girder. For example, a Bethlehem girder beam, section G15, 15 inches in depth and weighing 73 Ibs. per foot, has a coefficient of strength of 1,260,900. Two stand- ard 15 inch I beams, each weighing 42 Ibs. per foot, have a combined coefficient of strength of 1,256,600. Thus, for equal depth and coefficient of strength, the girder beam weighs 11 Ibs. per foot less than the two standard beams, or a saving in weight of 13%, not taking into account the sep- arators required for the latter which, if spaced the usual distance of 6 ft. apart, would add 2% Ibs. per foot to the weight of the assembled girder, thereby making a total saving of 16% in weight effected by the Bethlehem girder beam, beside the saving in the cost of handling and assem- bling the ordinary standard beams into a girder. The table of "Comparison of Bethlehem Girder Beams with Girders of American Standard Beams," on page 58, shows the rela- tion existing between the two types of beams for all sizes up to 24 inches in depth. The 26 inch, 28 inch and 30 inch girder beams may be used where the depth is available instead of the ordinary box girders made of two standard I beams with cover plates, except for relatively short spans, with marked economy in weight and saving in cost of punching, assembling and riveting necessary to build the compound section and which BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. are not required for the rolled shape. These large rolled girder beams also can be used to great advantage as girders for crane runways, girders for bridges and for many other purposes where otherwise riveted girders would be required, with a saving in weight or in cost of fabrication, and often with a saving in both items. The tables on pages 58 and 59 furnish a key for the com- parison of Bethlehem I beams and girder beams with American standard beams. A framing plan already laid out for standard beam shapes may be revised with great ease for the substitution of Bethlehem beam sections. In general no rearrangement of the plan will be found necessary and no recalculation will be required except to select the proper Bethlehem I beams or girder beams that are the equivalent in strength of the standard beams or girders. The wide flanges give an increased lateral stiffness to the construction, which is an advantage gained by the use of these beams and will commend them in many cases where the narrow flanges and lack of sufficient side stiffness prevent the use of the ordinary standard beams. In the case of heavy concentrated loads or short spans w r ith full loads, the web may become the controlling factor in the strength of the beam. The safe loads on the webs are given in the tables, and were calculated by the accepted formula in general use for that purpose. Experiments made expressly for the purpose of testing the reliability of this for- mula show that it gives a safe load on the web, which has an even greater margin of safety against crippling of the web than the beam itself has against transverse failure by bending. Wherever thicker webs are required, the sections can be increased to secure the desired web thickness, and the beams will then have greater transverse strength, or section modulus, than the corresponding standard beams of equal depth and weight. 12 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. ROLLED H COLUMNS. The special I beam and girder beam sections can be used as columns, to many cases, for mill buildings and other purposes with economy in weight or labor, or both. The rolled H, or column sections, however, are designed specially to meet the requirements of column purposes for buildings and other construction. It is to be noted that all column shapes having the same section number are rolled from the same main rolls without change. For instance, the 12" H columns, com- prising all the weights and variations in size of sections H12s, H12, H12a and H12b, on page 64, are from the same main rolls, furnishing a series of rolled columns of similar shape from an area of 11.76 square inches, increasing by successive increments to an area of 79. 06 square inches without change of rolls. The columns for a 12 to 15 story building thus can be selected having the proper areas to suit the variations of load, and by using shapes of the same section number throughout the columns for the entire build- ing can be made at the same rolling without a roll change, thereby securing a promptness of delivery from the mill unobtainable by any other type or system of steel column construction. As these columns are rolled sections, the only fabrication required is to provide for splices and for con- nections. The sections can be spliced to make a practically continuous column from basement to roof, and connections are made easily to them in the most approved manner of the best modern practice in construction. The difference in cost of fabrication of the rolled steel column, as compared with a built up riveted column, is a great advantage in favor of the rolled section. The shop work on a two story length of rolled H column with details of the type shown by fig. 1, page 46, requires drilling or punching only 91 holes and driving only 13 shop rivets. The same column with details of the type shown by fig. 2, BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 13 on the same page, requires drilling or punching 100 holes and . driving 59 shop rivets. Compared with these, an equal column of channels and plates requires the handling of four shapes, punching 520 holes and driving 240 shop rivets to build it into an assembled shape. Facing the ends square, and to exact length, is an operation common to both kinds of columns. In the case of the rolled column with thick metal, the holes require to be drilled. As the only holes needed are for the splices and connections, which are generally arranged in groups having similar spacing, the work is performed economically with a gang or multiple drill to make all the holes of a group at a single operation. Even in ordinary punched work, good workmanship requires that the holes for splices and connections after punching shall be reamed to templet or with parts assembled in order to secure proper fitting between connecting parts. This is accomplished in the one operation when these holes are drilled from the solid. In general, from one -half to two- thirds the shop cost of fabrication of built up riveted columns can be saved by the use of the rolled steel H column. Ingojs of large size are used in the manufacture of these sections, so that the work of reduction in rolling out the shapes, especially the larger ones, shall be sufficient to develop the proper ductility of the metal. The material is exclusively medium open hearth steel conforming in quality to the requirements of the standard specifications of the Association of American Steel Manufacturers. Open hearth steel complying with any other standard specification may be furnished by special arrangement. These special sections form a system of construction which greatly extends the range of application of rolled shapes to steel construction with a simplification of detail and an improvement in design. Their saving in weight of material, and their decreased cost of fabrication, handling and erection, will be found to effect a material reduction in the cost of steel framing construction. 14 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. EXPLANATORY NOTES ON SPECIAL STRUCTURAL SHAPES. Bethlehem special structural shapes are exclusively of open hearth steel. All weights are given in pounds per lineal foot of the section. In computing the areas and weights of the sections, the fillets have been disregarded in all cases. The flanges of the special I beams and girder beams have a uniform slope of 12^ per cent, equivalent to 1^ inches per foot. The flanges of the H column sections have a uni- form slope of 2 per cent. Owing to the method of rolling these sections, the flanges have practically square corners, as shown in the cuts of the shapes. The cuts of the various shapes show the dimensions of the minimum size. The method of increasing the sectional area is shown on the opposite page. The special I beams and girder beams are increased, as shown in Fig. 1, by spreading the main rolls, which adds an equal amount to the thickness of the web and to the width of the flanges, all other dimensions remaining unchanged. The H column sections are increased, as shown in Fig. 2, by spreading both the horizontal and vertical rolls ; the thickness of the web and the width of the flanges are increased equally, and the thickness of the flange is increased at the same time a proportionate amount. The different weights tabulated for the special I beams provide a sufficient variation for ordinary purposes. Only the minimum weights are tabulated for the girder beams. Intermediate or increased weights, corresponding to the usual variations of American standard beams, may ^ be fur- nished by special arrangement. The H column sections are rolled only to the variations of weight given in the tables. The sections are numbered in the cuts and throughout the tables for convenience in identification and ordering. Unless otherwise ordered, all shapes will be cut to length with an extreme variation not exceeding ^ of an inch. For cutting with a less variation, or to exact length, an extra price will be charged. Sections are furnished only at catalogued weight. Shapes may have an allowable variation of Z l / 2 per cent, either way from the nominal section. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 15 METHOD OF INCREASING SECTIONAL AREAS. FIG. 1 FIG. 2 16 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 17 BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS. U H.35-- 18 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 19 BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS. 20 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS. G20a 140 Lbs. 0.64", 0.77 -20 G20 112 Lbs. 0.52 | V 1.571' 0.83 0.62 K* BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 21 BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS. G 18 92 Lbs. '0.47 ___ 0-58" L-I89 18- 0.995 --! 0.95 G15b 140 Lbs. 0.80" 15 1.679 22 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS. 0.75 G 15a 104 Lbs. 0.60". -15 1.346 G 15 73 Lbs. 0.42;' 1.07 -15 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 23 BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS. 0.50 ; - 0.45 G 12 55 Lbs. 0.35! -12- 24 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 25 BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS. 10.00-' H 26 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS. 0.4 B28 105 Lbs, 1.144 B 26 90 Lbs. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. BETHLEHEM SPECIAL I BEAMS. B24 72 and 82 Lbs. K--4.20 >! [ 4.165 > 28 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS. 58.5, 60,63, B 18 48.5, 52.5 and 58.5 Lbs, -JL_. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 29 BETHLEHEM SPECIAL Z BEAMS. P.54" B 15a 1 54 and 64 Lbs. s, >> ^//7/ > //7//^/////////^//^//^//////>//^//////> M *+ ~ jf. +* 0.50 * 953X ^ -B 15 i 30 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. BETHLEHEM SPECIAL I BEAMS. B 12a 36 Lbs, 0.41" 12 0.28 B 12 28.5 and 31 Lbs. 0.25; 0.35" 0.64 0,24 T B 10 1 22.5, 24.5 and 27.5 Lbs, 0.30" 0.201 -10- 0.5' BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 31 BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS. T B 9 19, 21 and23Ltes, 0.29 T 0.544 B 8 16.25, 18 and 21,25 Lbs, 32 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. BETHLEHEM ROLLED H COLUMNS. 1~1 16" I iT i ^ i * i 1 i i * v$^ ta i 1 ,,.| 1 1 3 i ^^^- 1 T 1 IPO.60" 1.880' i ^ H 14b 1 1 230. 8 Lbs. i 1 - to 11 1 1 291.2 Lbs. n 1..242" . Tl I J i v \ 1 a 1 I ? | ! f 1 1 0.60 1.380^1 H 14a J 1 1 164.4 Lbs. to 222.3 Lbs. 0.745" \ t* 1 fe x \ 1 H | s ^ 9 i 1 (0 % i^ - 5i/ i 1 H 14 |^0.60 0.880/1 1 1 98.8 Lbs. | 1 to " 1 1 162.2 Lbs. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. BETHLEHEM ROLLED H COLUMNS. H 13 b 1 1.131 0.60 1.875- 226. 5Lbs. to 285.9 Lbs. H 13a _*_- 0.82 1.24 fM 156.4 Lbs. to 219.8 Lbs. H13 IT- " f- ^ 18 "_ I ^ g f > 0.51 1 ~- c -^ - -- .._i_ < 0.60" i 0.875^ 91. 5 Lbs. to 150.5 Lbs. ^ 34 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. BETHLEHEM ROLLED H COLUMNS. 1.679" H12b i_ 1.09 0,60" 1.808 204.9 Lbs. to 268.8 Lbs, 1,18?" H 12 a 138.1 Lbs, to 197.1 Lbs, H 12 T i i 12 0.808^1 . 78.0 Lbs. to 132.5 Lbs. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 35 BETHLEHEM ROLLED H COLUMNS. 120.9 Lbs, to 175,8 Lbs. 0.43! 0,635 0.740/ H 11 65.5 Lbs.to 115.5 Lbs, to J 1.070 -0.50" j J-i7srf| H10a J 104.7 Lbs. to 155.2 Lbs. 0.577 1 to r__j X lC il 0.39'i j t 1 4 0.50" t 0.67? fl H10 L 54.1 Lbs. to 99.7 Lbs. 36 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. BETHLEHEM ROLLED H COLUMNS. 1.012 0.519 "7^ .. !~T "*" *~ '' - i I Tl 1 8 i ITT | ^___ .lp 1 r o i L 0-671 ^S$$$$$$^$^^ , I 4 ^ 1. 0.35;, I I ^0.45" f 1.106^ t i i j | 0.45" 0.6C6 /;/ i 1 1 * m L] H9a 1 iJ H9 1 90 Lbs. to 135.6 Lbs. 43.8 Lbs. to 85.3 Lbs 0,955" H-- >i ~;K Mwl -- x 0,462 T ^ f > k H 9 L J> T 1 ~* 8 CO M - r 1 ? 5 4 1 i o^s; 1 - 1 -, f ^ W 1 0.31 i ,| i ^ 0.40 ' t 1.038 /X ym^Y^^^^ I ii H 8a 1 i H8 76 Lbs. to 11 7.1 Lbs. 34,6 Lbs.to 71.6 Lbs. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 37 BETHLEHEM ROLLED H COLUMNS. BASE SECTIONS FOR BUILDING UP COLUMNS OF LARGE SECTIONAL AREA. o.sos" H 14 c -<* T 1.41 148.0 Lbs. 0:806" H 13 c H 12 c 141.0 Lbs. 134.5 Lbs. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS OF BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS. Section Number. Depth of Beams, Inches. Weight Lbs. FLANGE WIDTH. VEB THICKNESS. Increase of Web Thickness and Flange Width for each Lb. Increase in Weight, Inches. Page Number of Section. Inches and Decimal Parts. Inches and Fractional Parts. Decimal Parts of Inch. Fractional Parts of Inch. G30a 30 200.0 15.00 15 .75 # .010 16 G30 30 175.0 12.00 12 .68 H .010 16 G28a 28 180.0 14.35 14*1 .69 H .011 17 G28 28 162.5 12.00 12 .65 |i .011 17 G26a 26 160.0 13.60 13 .63 % .011 18 G26 26 150.0 12.00 12 .62 H .011 18 G24a 24 140.0 13.00- 13 .56 A .012 19 G24 24 120.0 12.00 12 .51 /2 .012 19 G20a 20 140.0 12.50 12tf .64 .015 20 G20 20 112.0 12.00 12 .52 If .015 20 G18 18 92.0 11.50 n# .47 H .016 21 G15b 15 140.0 11.75 u# .80 H .020 21 G15a 15 104.0 11.25 njt .60 H .020 22 G15 15 73.0 10.50 10/2 .42 II .020 22 G12a 12 70.0 10.00 10 .445 A .025 23 G12 12 55.0 9.75 9^ .35 H .025 23 G10 10 44.0 9.00 9 .30 it .030 24 G 9 9 38.0 8.50 8/2 .29 H .033 24 G 8 8 32.5 8.00 8 .28 9 If .037 24 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY, 39 WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS OF BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS. FLANGE WIDTH. WEB THICKNESS. Increase of Web Thickness Section Depth of Weight ^ Inches Inches Decimal Fractional andFlange Width for Page N limner Number Beam, Inches. Foot, Lbs. and Decimal and Fractional Parts of Parts of each Lb. Increase of Section. Parts. Parts. Inch. Inch. in Weight, Inches. B30 30 120.0 10.00 10 .52 II .010 25 B28 28 105.0 9.60 m .48 fi .011 26 B26 26 90.0 9.15 M .44 TV .011 26 B24a 24 84.0 8.85 s|i .45 H .012 27 B24 24 24 82.0 72.0 8.83 8.70 8ff 1! .50 .37 H* .012 .012 27 B20a 20 20 82.0 72.0 8.51 8.37 f*f 8^8 .57 .43 A A .015 .015 28 20 68.0 7.69 7 1 1 .49 li .015 B20 20 20 63.0 60.0 7.62 7.58 7H 7|f .42 .375 IJ fi .015 .015 28 20 58.5 7.55 7*t .35 H .015 18 58.5 7.47 VM .48 fi .016 B18 18 52.5 7.37 7^ .375 H .016 28 18 48.5 7.30 7if .31 A .016 B15b 15 72.0 7.15 ?A .54 II .020 29 B15a 15 15 64.0 54.0 7.20 7.00 ? .60 .40 H U .020 .020 29 15 46.0 6.81 611 .43 A .020 B15 15 42.0 6.74 6% .36 If .020 29 15 38.0 6.66 en .28 A .020 B12a 12 36.0 6.30 H .31 A .025 30 B12 12 12 31.0 28.5 6.16 6.10 )JA 6A .31 .25 X A .025 .025 30 10 27.5 5.94 5H .34 H .029 BIO 10 24.5 5.85 511 .25 X .029 30 10 22.5 5.80 m .20 .029 9 23.0 5.50 5/2 .31 A .033 B 9 9 21.0 5.44 6A .25 X .033 31 9 19.0 5.38 5^/8 .19 T 3 5 .033 8 21.25 5.37 f>y% .36 it .037 B 8 8 18.0 5.26 D% .25 X .037 31 8 16.25 5.19 5 A .18 & .037 40 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. r * MINIMUM, MAXIMUM AND INTERMEDIATE WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS OF BETHLEHEM ROLLED H COLUMNS. TT" i ' . i -J Section Number. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Weight per Ft., Lbs. Area, Square Inches. Section Number. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Weight per Ft, Lbs. Area, square Inches. D T B D T B H14s H14 H14a H14b 13/g MX 13/2 13^ 13^ 13# 13# 13# 13# 14 14 ** / H B ' # H 1! 8.00 8.04 9.00 9.04 10.00 10.03 11.00 11.04 12.00 12.04 13.00 42.6 47.8 51.4 57.1 61.0 66.7 71.0 77.6 82.2 89.2 93.7 12.53 14.07 15.12 16.79 17.95 19.61 20.88 22.81 24.17 26.23 27.56 H13s 12J< 12# 12X 12# 12# 12tf 12# W/8 12# 13 % A 7 9 ^ ^ H H ^* # H y , a IA ix IT\ 8.00 8.04 9.00 9.03 10.00 10.04 11.00 11.04 12.00 12.04 41.2 46.3 49.9 55.0 58.9 64.9 69.1 75.6 79.8 86.6 12.12 13.62 14.67 16.17 17.33 19.09 20.33 22.22 23.46 25.48 H13 13 13# is* 13H ia# 13|^ i*X 13^ 14 13.00 13.04 13.08 13.12 13.16 13.19 13.23 13.27 13.31 91.5 98.9 106.2 113.6 121.0 128.0 135.5 143.0 150.5 26.93 29.08 31.24 33.41 35.59 37.64 39.84 42.05 44.27 14 14^ 14X 14/ 8 14tf 14# 143^ 14# 15 H 7i if ift ss ift 14.00 14.04 14.08 14.12 14.16 14.19 14.23 1.4.27 14.31 98.8 106.7 114.6 122.5 130.5 138.0 146.0 154.1 162.2 29.06 31.38 33.70 36.04 38.38 40.59 42.95 45.33 47.71 H13a 14 14^ 14J^ 14^ 14^ 14# 143/ 14^ 15 1A 1^ In iH 1M HI 14.00 14.04 14.08 14.12 14.16 14.20 14.24 14.27 14.31 156.4 164.2 172.1 180.1 188.0 196.1 204.1 211.7 219.8 45.99 48.30 50.63 52.96 55.31 57.66 60.03 62.25 64.64 15 15# 15X 15/ 8 15# 15# 15* 15# To 1^ l|l i i# 14.57 14.61 14.65 14.69 14.73 14.77 14.81 14.84 164.4 172.7 180.9 189.3 197.6 206.0 214.4 222.3 48.36 50.78 53.22 55.67 58.12 60.59 63.07 65.39 16 16# 16* 18# ie# 16# 16^ 16% ill 1 2>f To 2 1 / 14.88 14.92 14.96 15.00 15.04 15.08 15.12 15.16 230.8 239.3 247.9 256.5 265.1 273.7 282.4 291.2 67.89 70.39 72.91 75.43 77.97 80.51 83.07 i85.63 H13b 15 1 15X 15J< 15^ 15^ is* 15^ HI 1% i 14.88 14.92 14.96 15.00 15.04 15.08 15.12 15.16 226.5 234.9 243.3 251.8 260.2 268.8 277.3 285.9 66.62 69.09 71.56 74.05 76.54 79.05 81.56 84.09 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 41 j ~%- 1 !"] MINIMUM, MAXIMUM AND INTERMEDIATE WEIGHTS TT~" | AND DIMENSIONS OF i BETHLEHEM ROLLED H COLUMNS ^ , (CONTINUED). * Section DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. > Weieht Area> Section DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. flilpht Area, Number. D T B per It., Lbs. Square Inches. Number. D T B per Ft. Lbs. Square Inches. 11% 1 A 8.00 40.0 11.76 f9 11% -A* 8.04 45.0 13.23 10% l /2 8.00 38.4 11.30 11% 9 9.00 48.1 14.16 ifttj; & 8.04 43.3 12.73 1 1 7/ e/ 9.04 55.6 15.75 II12s H% H* 10.00 10.04 57.4 63.3 16.89 18.61 Hlls 10% /' 9.00 9.04 46.8 52.1 13.76 15.32 H% 12 / 11.00 11.04 67.1 73.4 19.74 21.60 10% 11 H. 10.00 10.03 55.9 61.3 16.44 18.02 12 K 12.00 78.0 22.94 12% **7 12.04 84.7 24.92 12X 12% }| 8 12.08 12.12 91.5 98.3 26.92 28.92 11 H 11.00 65.5 19.26 H12 12% 12.16 105.2 30.94 11% H 11.04 71.7 21.08 12% iA 12.20 112.1 32.96 11* il 11.08 77.9 22.91 12J? 1% 12.23 118.6 34.87 y 11.12 84.2 24.75 13 ij 12.27 12.31 125.5 132.5 36.91 3X.97 Hll 1 1 <:/ ii 11.16 nf)f\ 90.5 Qfi Q 26.60 rtQ JA 13 13* il 13.00 13.04 13.08 138.1 145.4 152.7 40.61 42.76 44.92 11/8 11^ 11% iX 4\j 11.24 11.27 103.1 109.1 30.33 32.10 13% 13.12 160.1 47.09 12 1A 11.31 115.5 33.98 H12a 1% 13.16 167.5 49.27 13% 1 y JT 13.20 174.9 51.46 13% }?1 13.24 13.28 182.4 189.9 53.66 55.87 12 1A 12.00 120.9 35.54 14 13? 13.31 197.1 57.96 12% IX 12.04 127.6 37.53 14 13/ 14.00 204.9 60.27 12* 1A 12.08 134.4 39.52 14% Iff 14.04 212.8 62.58 12% 1/8 12.12 141.2 41.53 14X 14.08 220.7 64.91 Hll a 12% lyV 12.16 148.1 43.54 H12b [ % 14.12 14.16 14.20 14.24 228.6 236.6 244.6 252.8 67.24 69.59 71.94 74.31 12% 12^ 12% ill 12.20 12.24 12.28 154.9 161.9 168.8 45.57 47.60 49.65 14% 23 T5 14.28 260.7 76.68 13 lyi 12.32 175.8 51.70 15 2# 14.32 268.8 79.06 42 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. * Ti I T. MINIMUM, MAXIMUM AND INTERMEDIATE WEIGHTS \ D AND DIMENSIONS OF BETHLEHEM JL 1 1 ROLLED H COLUMNS B (CONTINUED). Section Number. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. eieht Area, Square Inches. Section Number. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Weight per Ft., Lbs. Area, Square Inches. D T B >er Fi., Lbs. D T B 9X * 8.00 37.2 10.95 8* ft 7.00 28.8 8.46 $J4 T'/ 8.04 42.0 12.34 8^ Yz 7.04 32.9 9.69 mo s H9s 9^ T% 9.00 45.4 13.36 8^ % 8.00 36.0 10.59 10 #' 9.04 50.6 14.88 9 A 8.04 40.6 11.95 10 H 10.00 54.1 15.91 9 A 9.00 43.8 12.88 10> 10.04 59.7 17.57 9^ H 9.04 48.9 14.37 iox % 10.08 65.4 19.23 9^ H 9.08 54.0 15.87 10^ 10.12 71.1 20.91 9/8 ^ 9.12 59.1 17.38 H10 lb l /2 y* 10.16 76.8 22.59 H9 9^ if 9.16 64.3 18.90 1 f\ S/^C * "/8 M 10.20 82.6 24.29 Q S/^C v / 8 % 9.20 69.5 20.43 10X i 10.24 88.4 25.99 fy ti 9.24 74.7 21.97 10J 1A 10.28 94.2 27.71 9 ?5 i 9.28 80.0 23.52 11 IN 10.31 99.7 29.32 10 iA 9.32 85.3 25.08 11 W 11.00 104.7 30.80 10 1A 10.00 90.0 26.46 ll/^ IrV 11.04 110.9 32.62 10> 1} 10.03 95.3 28.02 1/4- 1# 11.08 117.1 34.45 iox !A 10.07 100.9 29.68 11 3^8 1 T \ 11.12 123.4 36.29 10/8 IX 10.11 106.6 31.35 HlOa 11^ 1^ 11.16 129.7 38.14 H9a 10)^ 1 T 5 ^ 10.15 112.3 33.04 H# 1A 11.20 136.0 40.00 10^ 1/8 10.19 118.1 34.73 11^ iJi 11.24 142.4 41.87 t&U !A 10.23 123.9 36.44 11^ 1^ 11.28 148.8 43.75 I0j4 1>^ 10.27 129.7 38.15 12 m 11.32 155.2 45.64 11 1A 10.31 135.6 39.87 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 43 Q * MINIMUM, MAXIMUM AND INTERMEDIATE WEIGHTS T| "1 I f AND DIMENSIONS OF \ BETHLEHEM i ROLLED H COLUMNS i J , 1 (CONCLUDED). Section Number. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Weight per Ft., Lbs. Area, Square Inches. Section Number. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Weight per X Lbs. Area, Square Inches. D T B D T B Base Sections H8s 8 ft 7.00 7.04 27.7 31.8 8.15 9.35 for Building up Columns of Large Sectional Area. 8 # 8.00 34.6 10.17 H14c 14>6 7 /i 14.90 148.0 43.52 8>6 T 9 ^ 8.04 39.1 11.50 8X ^ 8.08 43.6 12.83 8^ H 8.12 48.2 14.18 H13c 13> ft 14.59 141.0 41.48 H8 8>^ K 8.16 52.8 15.53 8^ H 8.20 57.4 16.90 8^ # 8.24 62.1 18.27 H12c 12* ft 14.31 134.5 39.57 8^ if 8.28 66.8 19.66 9 i 8.32 71.6 21.05 9 i 9.00 76.0 22.35 9>6 ijV 9.04 81.1 23.84 For full detail dimensions 9^ i/^ 9.07 85.9 25.25 of all sections of 9/8 I T \ 9.11 91.0 26.76 Bethlehem Rolled H Columns, H8a 9> 1^ 9.15 96.1 28.28 see tables of 9^ !A 9.19 101.3 29.81 Dimensions and Properties of 9^f 1^ 9.23106.6 31.35 Rolled H Columns, 9^ 1 T V 9.27 111.8 32.89 pages 60 to 75 inclusive. 10 1/2 9.31 117.1 34.45 44 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. STRUCTURAL DETAILS. FIG. 2 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 45 BETHLEHEM H COLUMN SECTIONS. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 I Fig. 3 BUILT COLUMN SECTIONS. Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 - 7 Fig. 10 ^aJ to Fig. 13 Fig. 8 Fig. 11 Fig. 14 .. Fig. 9 Fig. 12 Fig. 15 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. TYPES OF H COLUMN DETAILS. Fig, 1 Fig. 2 L BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 47 TYPES OF H COLUMN DETAILS WITH WIND BRACING. 48 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SHOP BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WITH BETHLEHEM WIDE FLANGE BFAMS USED FOR COLUMNS AND CRANE GIRDERS. f- -f ===ti o o I pop ojj oli poirb ii 6"l|oo i \--->\ o 1 1 o it=-q \Iil7 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 49 EXPLANATION OF TABLES OFTHE PROPERTIES OF BETHLEHEM SPECIAL STRUCTURAL SHAPES. SPECIAL I BEAM AND GIRDER SECTIONS. The table on pages 56-57 gives the weights, dimensions, areas and structural properties of the minimum weights, and other weights of special I beams usually rolled. The varia- tions of weights provided are sufficient, in general, for all ordinary purposes of construction. Intermediate or increased weights may be furnished only by special arrangement, and only in variations corresponding to the regular weights of American standard beams. The minimum sections of the special I beams from 8 inches to 24 inches in depth, inclusive, have the same section modulus and coefficient of strength as the minimum sections of American standard beams of the same depth, as will be seen by reference to the table of comparison on page 59 ; but because of the more economical distribution of metal between the web and flange areas these special beams weigh 10 % less than the corresponding standard sections. Certain of the intermediate weights of the special I beams are provided for specific reasons. The 8", 9" and 10" beams have intermediate weights given for a web thickness of X inch to comply with the requirements of municipal building laws specifying a minimum thickness of X mcn metal. The light section of 12" I beam, section B12, has a special weight provided for a minimum web thickness of T \ inch, and the 15", 18" and 20" I beams, sections B15, B18 and B20, have intermediate weights given corresponding to a web thickness of ^ inch. These special weights are for the purpose of complying with such specifications as require a minimum thickness of -f s inch or ^ inch metal. The table on pages 54-55 gives the weights, dimensions, areas and properties of the minimum sections of the girder beams. Increased weights may be furnished only by special arrangement and only in variations corresponding to the regular weights of American standard beams. 50 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. The girder beams from 8 inches to 24 inches in depth, inclusive, have a section modulus and coefficient of strength equal to that of two American standard beams of minimum section of the same depth, as will be seen by reference to the table of comparison on page 58 ; but the weight of the girder beam is, in general, 12^ % less than that of the two standard beams, not including the separators required for the latter. The increase in thickness of web and width of flanges is given for one pound increase in weight of the beam or girder sections, by means of which the dimensions of intermediate or increased weights can be determined. The coefficients of strength, C and C', are calculated for maximum fiber stresses of 16,000 Ibs. and 12,500 Ibs. per square inch, respectively. If the loads are quiescent or nearly so, as in buildings, the coefficients given for a fiber stress of 16,000 Ibs. per square inch are generally used ; but if moving loads are to be supported, the coefficients for a fiber stress of 12,500 Ibs. per square inch should be used. Where there is a sudden application of loads, as in railroad bridges, coeffici- ents corresponding to still smaller fiber stresses should be used, as a suddenly applied load produces a stress double that due to the same load in a quiescent state. The coeffici- ents are proportional to the fiber stress assumed, so that they can be found for any other fiber stress by proportion. Thus, for a fiber stress of 8000 Ibs. per square inch the coefficients will be one-half of those given for a fiber stress of 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. The coefficients of strength provide a simple means of finding the safe uniformly distributed load on any shape. Divide the coefficient given for the shape by the length of the span in feet and the quotient will be the safe uniformly dis- tributed load in pounds, including the weight of the beam itself. For example, to find the safe uniformly distributed load for a 12" I beam, section B12a, weighing 36 Ibs. per foot, on a span of 20 feet allowing a maximum fiber stress of 16,000 Ibs. per square inch, refer to the table on page 57, where the coefficient of the section for the assumed fiber stress is given as 480,300 ; then the total safe uniformly dis- tributed load on the beam is 480,300 -=- 20 = 24,015 Ibs., which includes the weight of the beam itself. Deduct the BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 51 weight of the beam and the remainder is the net safe uniform load. In the usual case of selecting the proper beam to support a given load on a given span, it is only necessary to determine the coefficient of strength required and refer to the tables to find the section having a coefficient of that value. The coeffi- cient required is obtained by multiplying the uniformly dis- tributed load in pounds by the span in feet. For example, to select the proper size of beam for supporting a uniformly distributed load of 30,000 Ibs., including its own weight, on a span of 20 feet allowing a fiber stress of 16,000 Ibs. per square inch, the coefficient required is found thus, C == 30,000 X 20 = 600,000 Referring to the table on page 57, a 15" beam, section B15, weighing 38 Ibs. per foot, has a coefficient of 629,200 and is the proper beam for the purpose. If the load is concentrated at the center of the span, the safe load is one-half the safe uniformly distributed load for the same span. To select the proper beam for supporting a load concentrated at the center of the span, multiply the given load by 2 and consider the result as a uniformly distributed load. If the load is not uniformly distributed or not concen- trated at the center of the span, the bending moment in foot- Ibs. must be obtained, which multiplied by 8 will give the coefficient required. The section modulus may also be used for selecting the proper beam, or other shape required to support a given loading. The section modulus required is obtained by dividing the bending moment, in inch-lbs., by the allowed fiber stress in Ibs. per square inch. The maximum fiber stress in Ibs. per square inch in a beam or other shape supporting a given loading is found by dividing the bending moment, in inch-lbs., by the section modulus of the shape. Formulas for obtaining the bending moments for the most usual cases of loading occurring in ordinary practice are given on page 234. The loads are to be expressed in pounds and the bending moment will be in foot-lbs., or inch-lbs., accord- ing as the lengths are taken in feet or in inches. 52 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. In the case of short spans fully loaded or with heavy con- centrated loads, the crippling strength of the web may limit the allowable safe load on the beam, or may determine in the selection of a beam for supporting a given load. The tables of properties of the special I beams and girder beams give the maximum safe shear on the webs, in net tons of 2000 Ibs. , calculated by the customary formula, Maximum safe shear, ) 6 d t in tons of 2000 Ibs. j h 2 3000 t 2 where df depth of beam, /thickness of web and ^=c distance between flanges, all dimensions in inches. The shear at the end of a beam is one-half of the uni- formly distributed load on the span and one-half of the load if concentrated at the center of the span. Therefore the maximum uniformly distributed load on any span, and the maximum load concentrated at the center of the span, must not be greater than twice the safe shear given for the web of the shape. If the safe load for the beam, found by means of the coef- ficient of strength or section modulus, produces a shear greater than the safe shear given for the section, the load must be reduced until the safe shear given for the web is not exceeded. Likewise, in selecting a beam for a given load- ing, if the section found to have the required coefficient of strength or section modulus has a maximum allowable safe shear on the web less than that produced by the given load- ing, either the web must be stiffened or a heavier beam must be used having the required safe shearing strength. In general the shearing strength of the webs will be ample for all ordinary cases of loading. ROLLED H COLUMN SECTIONS. The tables on pages 60-73, inclusive, give the dimensions, weights, areas and structural properties of the H column sections for all the variations in size which are rolled. The dimension T, given in the tables, is the nominal average thickness of the flange and is stated in even frac- tions of an inch for convenience. The actual average thickness of the flange is the half sum of the two dimensions Mand N. In the groups of sections having letters appended BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 53 to the section number the nominal average thickness, 7", differs slightly from the actual average thickness, as will be seen by inspection of the tables. The slight difference is due to the taper of the flange and change in flange width. The clear distance between the flange fillets is denoted by the dimension L given in the tables, and is the depth of the flat surface of the web available for connections. All columns with the same numerical section number are from the same main rolls. Thus, all the sizes of 14 X/ H columns (sections H14, H14a, H14b and H14s) tabulated on pages 60-61 are produced by the same main rolls. The variation in dimensions of the H14 group of sections is formed by the proportionate separation of the horizontal and vertical rolls. The flanges in the H14a group of sections are permitted to spread to a greater width than in the H 14 group, and in the H14b group the flanges are allowed to spread to a still greater width, the variation in the sizes of each group being produced as in the HI 4 sections by proportionate sep- aration of the rolls. The H14s sections are special sections from the same main rolls as H14, but with flanges of reduced width. The letters appended to the section numbers of the different groups thus indicate a change only in the allowed width of the flanges. In selecting columns, it is advisable where possible to secure the desired range of size, from minimum to maximum, by confining the selection to columns having the same numerical section number, as all the columns can then be secured from the same rolling. The moment of inertia, section modulus and radius of gyration are given around both axes for all columns. The section modulus around the axis XX may be used to deter- mine the transverse strength in case it is desired to use the column sections as beams. The coefficient of strength for such purpose may be obtained in the following manner : C = ffS, where /"allowed fiber stress in Ibs. per square inch, and S the section modulus. The section modulus is also of use where columns are subject to bending due to eccentric loading, as is explained in connection with the tables of strength of columns. The use of the radius of gyration is also explained in connection with the tables of strength of columns. 54 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. PROPERTIES OF BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS. Section Number. Dpth. of Beam Ins. Weight per Foot, Lbs. Area of Section, So Ins. Thickness of Web, Inches. Width of Flange, Inches. Increase of Web and Flange for each Lb. Increase of Weight, Inches. NEUTRAL AXIS PERPENDICU- LAR TO WEB AT CENTER. Moment of Inertia. Radius of Gyration. r Section Modulus. s G30a 30 200.0 58.85 .75 15.00 .010 9154.7 12.47 610.3 G30 30 175.0 51.35 .68 12.00 .010 7851.8 12.37 523.5 G28a 28 180.0 52.98 .69 14.35 .011 7269.0 11.72 519.2 G28 28 162.5 47.81 .65 12.00 .011 6465.1 11.63 461.8 G26a 26 160.0 47.00 .63 13.60 .011 5618.7 10.93 432.2 G26 26 150.0 44.13 .62 12.00 .011 5200.4 10.86 400.0 G24a 24 140.0 41.03 .56 13.00 .012 4241.9 10.17 353.5 G24 24 120.0 35.31 .51 12.00 .012 3630.7 10.14 302.6 G20 20 140.0 41.28 .64 12.50 .015 2938.3 8.44 293.8 G20 20 112.0 32.88 .52 12.00 .015 2368.9 8.49 236.9 G18 18 92.0 27.09 .47 11.50 .016 1595.3 7.67 177.3 G15b 15 140.0 41.28 .80 11.75 .020 1591.5 6.21 212.2 G15a 15 1040 30.58 .60 11.25 .020 1219.7 6.32 162.6 G15 15 73.0 21.52 .42 10.50 .020 886.5 6.42 118.2 G12a 12 70.0 20.60 .445 10.00 .025 540.9 5.12 90.2 G12 12 55.0 16.12 .35 9.75 .025 432.0 5.18 72.0 G10 10 44.0 12.95 .30 9.00 .030 244.3 4.34 48.9 G9 9 38.0 11.18 .29 8.50 .033 169.8 3.90 37.7 G8 8 32.5 9.52 .28 8.00 .037 113.9 3.46 28.5 W=Safe load in pounds uniformly distributed including weight of beam. L=Span in feet. M==Moment of forces in foot pounds. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 55 PROPERTIES OF BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS. COEFFICIENTS OF STRENGTH Maximum Safe Shear on Web, in Tons of 2000 Lbs. NEUTRAL AXIS COIN- CIDENT WITH CEN- TER LINE OF WEB. Section Number. For Fiber Stress of 16,000 Lbs. per Sq. In. for Buildings. c Add for each Lb. Increase in Weight of Beam. For Fiber Stress of 12,500 Lbs. per Sq. In. for Moving Loads. C' Add for each Lb. Increase in Weight of Beam. Moment of Inertia. tf Radius of Gyration. r' 6,510,000 15690 5,085,900 12270 95.2 599.7 3.19 G30a 5,583,500 15690 4,362,100 12270 81.1 346.4 2.60 G30 5,538,200 14640 4,326,700 11450 81.3 507.6 3.09 G28a 4,925,800 14640 3,848,200 11450 73.8 328.2 2.62 G28 4,610,200 13600 3,601,700 10630 68.3 414.5 2.97 G26a 4,267,000 13600 3,333,600 10630 66.6 306.5 2.63 G26 3,770,700 12550 2,945,800 9820 54.9 338.3 2.87 G24a 3,227,200 12550 2,521,200 9820 46.5 240.0 2.61 G24 3,134,200 10460 2,448,600 8180 62.4 334.3 2.85 G20a 2,526,700 10460 1,974,000 8180 45.6 232.8 2.66 G20 1,890,800 9410 1,477,200 7360 37.1 172.4 2.52 G18 2,263,500 7850 1,768,300 6140 67.3 319.2 2.78 G15b 1,734,700 7850 1,355,200 6140 47.4 203.3 2.58 G15a 1,260,900 7850 985,100 6140 28.8 116.6 2.33 G15 961,600 6280 751,200 4910 28.0 109.5 2.31 G12a 768,000 6280 600,000 4910 19.7 76.1 2.17 G12 521,200 5230 407,200 4090 14.3 53.6 2.03 G10 402,500 4710 314,400 3680 12.8 40.7 1.91 G9 303,800 4180 237,400 3270 11.4 30.3 1.78 G8 Cand w- c C'=Coefficients give orC' CorC' n in the tables. CorC'=WL=8M=fS. L ' M " 8 56 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. PROPERTIES OF BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS. Increase NEUTRAL AXIS PERPENDICULAR Depth Weight Area of Thick- Width of Web and TO WEB AT CENTER. Section Number. of Beam, Inches. per Foot, Pounds. Section, Square Inches. of Web, Inches. of Flange, Inches. Flange for each Lb. Increase of Weight, Moment of Inertia. Radius of Gyration. Section Modulus. Inches. 1 r s B30 30 120.0 35.25 .52 10.00 .010 5270.9 12.23 351.4 B28 28 105.0 31.04 .48 9.60 .011 4089.1 11.43 292.1 B26 26 90.0 26.63 .44 9.15 .011 3043.1 10.71 234.1 B24a 24 84.0 24.79 .45 8.85 .012 2391.6 9.82 199.3 24 82.0 24.33 .50 8.83 .012 2240.3 9.60 186.7 B24 24 72.0 21.21 .37 8.70 .012 2090.5 9.93 174.2 20 82.0 24.23 .57 8.51 .015 1561.3 8.03 156.1 B20a 20 72.0 21.43 .43 8.37 .015 1467.9 8.28 146.8 20 68.0 19.95 .49 7.69 .015 1269.6 7.98 127.0 20 63.0 18.55 .42 7.62 .015 1223.0 8.12 122.3 B20 20 60.0 17.65 .375 7.58 .015 1193.1 8.22 119.3 20 58.5 17.15 .35 7.55 .015 1176.3 8.28 117.6 18 58.5 17.29 .48 7.47 .016 883.6 7.15 98.2 B18 18 52.5 15.40 .375 7.37 .016 832.9 7.35 92.5 18 48.5 14.23 .31 7.30 .016 801.3 7.50 89.0 B15b 15 72.0 21.27 .54 7.15 .020 797.9 6.13 106.4 15 64.0 18.85 .60 7.20 .020 666.8 5.95 88.9 B15a 15 54.0 15.85 .40 7.00 .020 610.5 6.21 81.4 15 46.0 13.46 .43 6.81 .020 484.6 5.99 64.6 B15 15 42.0 12.41 .36 6.74 .020 464.9 6.12 62.0 15 38.0 11.21 .28 6.66 .020 442.4 6.28 59.0 B12a 12 36.0 10.63 .31 6.30 .025 270.2 5.04 45.0 12 31.0 9.13 .31 6.16 .025 225.2 4.97 37.5 B12 12 28.5 8.41 .25 6.10 .025 216.6 5.07 36.1 10 27.5 8.05 .34 5.94 .029 134.6 4.09 26.9 BIO 10 24.5 7.15 .25 5.85 .029 127.1 4.22 25.4 10 22.5 6.65 .20 5.80 .029 122.8 4.27 24.6 9 23.0 6.76 .31 5.50 .033 92.4 3.70 20.5 B9 ' 9 21.0 6.22 .25 5.44 .033 88.8 3.78 19.7 9 19.0 5.68 .19 5.38 .033 85.1 3.87 18.9 8 21.25 6.25 .36 5.37 .037 64.7 3.22 16.2 B8 8 18.00 5.37 .25 5.26 .037 60.0 3.34 15.0 8 16.25 4.81 .18 5.19 .037 57.0 3.44 14.3 W=Safe load in pounds uniformly distributed including weight of beam. L=Span in feet. M=Moment of forces in foot pounds. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 57 PROPERTIES OF BETHLEHEM SPECIAL I BEAMS. NEUTRAL AXIS COIN- COEFFICIENTS OF STRENGTH. . CIDENT WITH CEN- Maximum Safe Shear TER LINE OF WEB. For Fiber Stress of 16,000 Lbs. per Square Inch for Buildings. Add for each Lb, Increase in Weight For Fiber Stress of 12,500 Lbs. per Square Inch for Moving Loads. Add for eachLb. Increase in Weight on Web, in Tons of 2000 Lbs. Moment of Inertia. Radius of Gyration. Section Number. c of Beam. C' of Beam. |' r' 3,748,200 15690 2,928,300 12270 48.7 149.7 2.11 B30 3,115,700 14640 2,434,200 11450 41.5 122:6 1.98 B28 2,496,900 13600 1,950,700 10630 34.9 93.4 1.87 B26 2,125,900 12550 1,660,800 9820 36.3 82.0 1.82 B24a 1,991,600 12550 1,556,000 9820 43.8 71.1 1.71 "R94 1,858,100 12550 1,451,700 9820 24.4 67.7 1.79 D(A 1,665,400 10460 1,301,100 8180 51.5 71.5 1.72 T>t)A _ 1,565,800 10460 1,223,200 8180 32.7 67.6 1.78 x>ZU a 1,354,600 10460 1,058,000 8180 40.4 45.7 1 51 1,304,500 10460 1,019,100 8180 31.1 44.3 1.54 ~R9H 1,272,600 10460 994,200 8180 25.3 43.4 1.57 X>ZU 1,254,800 10460 980,300 8180 22.2 43.0 1.58 1,047,500 9410 818,300 7360 37.4 35.9 1.44 987,200 9410 771,300 7360 24.8 34.4 1.49 B18 949,800 9410 742,000 7360 17.4 33.4 1.53 1,134,800 7850 886,600 6140 41.2 55.1 1.61 B15b 948,100 7850 740,700 6140 46.6 40.8 1.47 ~R1 ^ a 868,100 7850 678,200 6140 26.5 37.2 1.53 -D1U it 689,200 7850 538,400 6140 29.1 24.2 1.34 661,200 7850 516,500 6140 22.1 23.4 1.37 B15 629,200 7850 491,600 6140 14.2 22.5 1.42 480,300 6280 375,300 4910 16.2 20.4 1.38 B12a 400,300 6280 312,800 4910 16.0 14.7 1.27 385,000 6280 300,800 4910 11.2 14.2 1.30 B12 287,300 5230 224,400 4090 16.7 11.7 1.20 271,300 5230 211,900 4090 10.6 11.1 1.24 BIO 262,000 5230 204,700 4090 7.3 10.8 1.27 219,100 4710 171,200 3680 13.8 8.5 1.12 210,300 4710 164,300 3680 10.0 8.2 1.15 B9 201,800 4710 157,700 3680 6.5 7.9 1.18 172,500 4180 134,800 3270 15.3 6.8 1.05 160,000 4180 125,000 3270 9.5 6.4 1.09 B8 152,000 4180 118,800 3270 5.7 6.1 1.12 C and C'=Coefficients given in the table. n or ry n rr rv AV S > f = _*_ ; c or C'=W L=8M= f S. o VV L 58 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. COMPARISON OF BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS WITH GIRDERS OF AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS. BETHBLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS. EQUIVALENT GIRDERS OF AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS. Economy of Bethlehem Beams, Pounds per Foot. Section Number. Depth of Beam, Inches. Weight per Foot, Pounds. Section Modulus. Number of Beams. Depth of Beams, Inches. Weight of each Beam, Lbs. per Foot. Section Modulus of two Beams. G30a 30 200 610.3 G30 30 175 523.5 G28a 28 180 519.2 G28 28 162.5 461.8 G26a 26 160 432.2 G26 26 150 400.0 2 24 100 396.8 50 G24a 24 140 353.5 2 24 80 348.0 20 G24 24 120 302.6 2 20 85 301.8 50 G20a 20 140 293.8 2 20 80 293.4 20 G20 20 112 236.9 2 20 65 234.0 18 G18 18 92 177.3 2 18 55 176.8 18 G15b 15 140 212.2 2 15 80 212.2 20 G15a 15 104 162.6 2 15 60 162.4 16 G15 15 73 118.2 2 15 42 117.8 11 G12a 12 70 90.2 2 12 40 89.6 10 G12 12 55 72.0 2 12 31.5 72.0 8 G10 10 44 48.9 2 10 25 48.8 6 G9 9 38 37.7 2 9 21 37.8 4 G8 8 32.5 28.5 2 8 18 28.4 3.5 The difference in weights does not include separators for assembling the American standard beams into girders. The weights of such separators vary from about 1.5 Ibs per foot for for 8" beams to about 5.5 ]bs per foot for 24" beams. The actual economy in weight of the Bethlehem Girder Beams is increased to the same extent. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 59 COMPARISON OF BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS WITH AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS. BETHLEHEM SPECIAL BEAMS. EQUIVALENT AMERICAN STANDARD BEAMS. Economy Section Number. Depth of Beam, Weight C Section Modulus. Number of Depth of Beam. Weight Section Modulus. Bethlehem Beams, Pounds Inches. Pounds. Beams. Inches. Pounds. per Foot. B30 30 120.0 351.4 2 24 80 each 3480 40.0* B28 28 105.0 292.1 2 20 80 each 293.4 55.0* B26 26 90.0 234.1 2 20 65 each 234.0 40.0* B24a 24 84.0 199.3 1 24 100.0 198.4 16.0 24 82.0 186.7 1 24 90.0 186.6 8.0 B24 24 72.0 174.2 1 24 80.0 174.0 8.0 20 82.0 156.1 1 20 90.0 155.8 8.0 B20a 20 72.0 146.8 1 20 80.0 146.7 8.0 20 68.0 127.0 1 20 75.0 126.9 7.0 20 63.0 122.3 1 20 70.0 122.0 7.0 20 60.0 119.3 1 20 67.0 119.0 7.0 B20 20 58.5 117.6 1 20 65.0 117.0 6.5 18 58.5 98.2 1 18 65.0 97.9 6.5 B18 18 52.5 92.5 1 18 59.0 92.6 6.5 18 48.5 89.0 1 18 55.0 88.4 6.5 B15b 15 72.0 106.4 1 15 80.0 106.1 8.0 15 64.0 88.9 1 15 70.0 88.5 6.0 B15a 15 54.0 81.4 1 15 60.0 81.2 6.0 15 46.0 64.6 1 15 50.0 64.5 4.0 15 42.0 62.0 1 15 46.5 61.9 4.5 B15 15 38.0 59.0 1 15 42.0 58.9 4.0 B12a 12 36.0 45.0 1 12 40.0 44.8 4.0 12 31.0 37.5 1 12 34.0 37.5 3.0 B12 12 28.5 36.1 1 12 31.5 36.0 3.0 10 27.5 26.9 1 10 30.0 26.8 2.5 BIO 10 24.5 25.4 1 10 27.0 254 2.5 10 22.5 24.6 1 10 25.0 24.4 2.5 9 23.0 20.5 1 9 25.0 20.4 2.0 B9 9 21.0 197 1 9 23.5 19.8 2.5 9 19.0 18.9 1 9 21.0 18.9 2.0 8 21.25 16.2 1 8 23.0 16.1 1.75 B8 8 18.0 150 1 8 20.0 15.0 2.0 8 16.25 14.3 1 8 18.0 14.2 1.75 *This difference in weights does not include separators for assembling the American standard beams into girders. 60 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. * J 'f* r 't . \ T>r "^ DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF \" w [ * BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL M ~ in =3 i 14" H COLUMNS Xj 1+ -B- _, Weight DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Section Kumter. Section, Lbs. Nominal. per Foot. D T B W M N G L 42.6 13^8 y* 8.00 .33 .491 .567 15>| 47.8 T\ 8.04 .37 .553 .630 15^ 51.4 13> T^S" 9.00 .37 .544 .630 16# 57.1 Iftff H b 9.04 .41 .606 .692 16^ 61.0 13|^ y% 10.00 .41 .597 .692 16 15. H14s 66.7 13*- \\ 10.03 .44 .659 .755 17 T V 71.0 13^ ** 11.00 .44 .649 .755 17 H 77.6 13^6 % 11.04 .48 .712 .817 82.2 13j H 12.00 .48 .702 .817 18^ 89.2 14 *t 12.04 .52 .765 .880 18^ 93.7 14 a 13.00 .51 .755 .880 19^ 98.8 14 H 14.00 .51 .745 .880 19** V 106.7 14ji 14.04 .55 .808 .942 lt* V 114.6 MX yf 14.08 .59 .870 1.005 20 T V 122.5 14# i 14.12 .63 .933 1.067 20A (H H14 130.5 1A 14.16 .67 .995 1.130 20^ II 138.0 Mji iH 14.19 .70 1.058 1.192 20^ 146.0 14^ 14.23 .74 1.120 1.255 20^ 1 154.1 14^ \i/ 14.27 .78 1.183 1.317 to 162.2 15 1A 14.31 .82 1.245 1.380 20^ I 164.4 15 1A 14.57 .82 1.242 1.380 20if .2 172.7 15/^ \y^ 14.61 .86 1.305 1.442 . H14a 180.9 189.3 15X 15H IS 14.65 14.69 .90 .94 1.367 1.430 1.505 1.567 21 A 21X 197.6 1 5 5*2 14.73 .98 1.492 1.630 21^j 206.0 15 5^ \y% 14.77 1.02 1.555 1.692 21^ 214.4 15|^ l*t 14.81 1.06 1.617 1.755 21^6 222.3 15^ IM 14.84 1.09 1.680 1.817 21^ 230.8 16 H 1 14.88 1.13 1.742 1.880 21^ 239.3 WjS 14.92 1.17 1.805 1.942 22 247.9 16X IT* 14.96 1.21 1.867 2.005 22^ H14b 256.5 2 15.00 1.25 1.930 2.067 22^ 265.1 16^ 2yV 15.04 1.29 1.992 2.130 22H 273.7 16^ 2/^ 15.08 1.33 2.055 2.192 22jV 282.4 16^ 2A 15.12 1.37 2.117 2.255 22ft 291.2 16^ 15.16 1.41 2.180 2.317 22H BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 61 Y DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF ' 1 a BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL x x 14" H COLUMNS. , I 1 V ekht Area r\t AXIS XX. AXIS YY. 01 Section, u* 01 Section, Square Moment of Inertia. Section Modulus. Radius of Gyration. Moment of Inertia. Section Modulus. Radius of Gyration. Section Number. per Foot. Inches. 1 s r i/ S' r' 426 12.53 400.8 59.9 566 43.6 10.9 1.87 47.8 14.07 454.1 67.3 5.68 49.7 12.4 1.88 51.4 15.12 4983 73.8 5.76 68.8 15.3 2.13 67.1 16.79 558.5 82.0 5.77 77.5 17.1 2.16 61.0 17.95 607.5 89.2 5.82 103.7 20.7 2.40 66.7 19.61 672.5 97.8 5.84 115.1 23.0 2.42 H14s 71.0 20.88 7270 105.7 5.90 150,2 27.3 2.68 77.6 22.81 800.6 115.4 5.93 165.9 30.1 2.70 82.2 24.17 860.4 124.0 5.97 211.0 35.2 2.96 89.2 26.23 9424 134.6 5.99 231.4 38.4 2.97 93.7 27.56 1004.7 143.5 6.04 288.5 44.4 3.24 98.8 29.06 1070.6 153.0 6.07 355.9 50.8 3.50 106 7 31.38 1166.6 165.2 6.10 387.8 55.2 3.52 114.6 33.70 1264.5 177.5 6.13 420.3 59.7 3.53 122.5 36.04 1364.6 189.9 6.16 453.4 64.2 3.55 130.5 38.38 1466.7 202.3 6.18 486.9 68.8 3-56 H14 138.0 40.59 1568.4 214.5 6.21 519.7 73.3 3.58 146.0 42.95 1674.7 227.1 6.24 554.4 77.9 3.59 154.1 45.33 1783.3 239.8 6.27 589.5 82.6 3.61 162.2 47.71 1894.0 252.5 6.31 625.1 87.4 3.62 164.4 48.36 1924.7 256.6 6.32 659.8 90.6 3.69 172.7 50.78 2039.5 269.7 6.34 697.9 955 3.71 180.9 53.22 2156.7 282.8 6.37 736.5 100.5 3.72 189.3 55.67 2276.1 296.1 6.39 775.8 105.6 3.73 H14a 197.6 58.12 2397.9 309.3 6.42 815.6 110.7 3.75 206.0 60.59 2622.1 322.8 6.45 856,0 115.9 3.76 214.4 63.07 2648.7 336.3 6.48 897.0 121.1 3.77 222.3 65.39 2774,5 349.5 6.51 936.6 126.2 3.78 230.8 67.89 29059 363.2 6.55 978.7 131.5 3.80 239.3 70.39 3039.9 377.0 6.57 1021.4 136.9 3.81 247.9 72.91 3176.3 390.9 6.60 1064.7 142.3 3.82 256.5 75.43 3315.4 404.9 6.63 1108.7 147.8 3.83 H14b 265.1 77.97 3457.0 419.0 6.66 1153.3 153.4 385 273.7 80. 5 L 3601.2 433.2 6.69 1198.5 158.9 3.86 282.4 83.07 3748.1 447.5 6.72 1244.3 164.6 3.87 291.2 85.63 3897.7 462.0 6.75 1290.7 170.3 3.88 62 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. * D -F X. Tt If * j DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF \ ^ > <- ' X x w BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL M .i n ;HEE=i i i*" u r^m UMNS V Ij Weight DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Section of Section Number. Lbs. ' Nominal. per Foot. D T B W M N G L 41.2 12% # 8.00 .33 .486 .562 14^ 46.3 12% T 9 F 8.04 .37 .548 .625 14% 49.9 12# T 9 6 9.00 .37 .539 .625 15 T 7_ 55.0 12% % b 9.03 .40 .601 .687 15 T k H13s 58.9 12% % 10.00 .40 .591 .687 16% 64.9 123^ il 10.04 .44 .654 .750 16/4^ 69.1 12* \\ 11.00 .44 .644 .750 16% 75.6 12% % 11.04 .48 .707 .812 17 79.8 12% K 12.00 .47 .697 .812 17% 86.6 13 \\ 12.04 .51 .760 .875 17^ 91.5 13 T! 13.00 .51 .750 .875 1 8 T 7 6 98.9 13% % lb 13.04 .55 .813 .937 18% 106.2 13* if 13.08 .59 .875 1.000 18% ^ 113.6 13/ 8 13.12 .63 .938 1.062 18|^ o H13 121.0 1 T V 13.16 .67 1.000 1.125 18% o II 128.0 13% 1% 13.19 .70 1.063 1.187 19 II 135.5 13* 13.23 .74 1.125 1.250 19% I! 143.0 IX 13.27 .78 1.188 1.312 19 ^ * 150.5 14 8 ifV 13.31 .82 1.250 1.375 19/8 156.4 14 ifV 14.00 .82 1.243 1.375 1913 8 164.2 14% 1 % 14.04 .86 1.306 1.437 1911 172.1 lyV 14.08 .90 1.368 1.500 a 180.1 14% 1% 14.12 .94 1.431 1.562 20A J H13a 188.0 14% IT^" 14.16 .98 1.493 1.625 20^ 196.1 14% 1% 14.20 1.02 1.556 1.687 20% 204.1 14^ Hi 14.24 1.06 1.618 1.750 20% 211.7 14% IX 14.27 1.09 1.681 1.812 20% 219.8 15 ill 14.31 1.13 1.743 1.875 20^ 226.5 15 HI 14.88 1.13 1.737 1.875 21% 234.9 15% 1% 14.92 1.17 1.800 1.937 2l# 243.3 15 ^ 14.96 1.21 1.862 2.000 21/8 H13b 251.8 260.2 153/g 2 T V 15.00 15.04 1.25 1.29 1.925 1.987 2.062 2.125 21% 21% 268.8 15% 2% 15.08 1.33 2.050 2.187 21^ 277.3 15|4f 15.12 1.37 2.112 2.250 21% 285.9 15% 2X 15.16 1.41 2.175 2.312 22 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 63 Y DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF l BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL y x 13' H COLUMNS. , I | y Weight Area f AXIS XX. AXIS YY. of Section. 01 Section, Moment Section Radius of Moment Section Radius of Section Lbs. Square of Inertia. Modulus. Gyration. of Inertia. Modulus. Gyration. Number. per Foot. Inches. 1 s r r S' r' 41.2 12.12 334.5 54.1 5.25 43.2 10.8 1.89 46.3 13.62 379.7 60.8 5.28 49.3 12.3 1.90 49.9 14.67 417.0 66.7 5.33 68.2 J5.2 2.16 55.0 16.17 466.5 73.9 5.37 76.6 17.0 2.18 58.9 17.33 508.3 80.5 5.42 102.8 20.6 2.44 H13s 64.9 19.09 565.6 88.7 5.44 114.6 22.8 2.45 69.1 20.33 611.2 95.9 5.48 149.1 27.1 2.71 75.6 22.22 674.8 104.8 5.51 164.8 29.9 2.72 79.8 23.46 723.5 112.4 5.55 209.5 34.9 2.99 86.6 25.48 793.6 122.1 5.58 229.9 38.2 3.00 91.5 26.93 847.9 130.5 5.61 286.7 44.1 3.26 98.9 29.08 924.8 140.9 5.64 312.5 47.9 3.28 106.2 31.24 1003.5 151.5 5.67 338.8 51.8 3.29 113.6 33.41 1083.9 162.1 5.70 365.5 55.7 3.31 121.0 35.59 1166.1 172.8 5.72 392.7 59.7 3.32 H13 128.0 37.64 1248.1 183.2 5.76 419.3 63.6 3.34 135.5 39.84 1333.9 194.0 5.79 447.4 67.6 3.35 143.0 42.05 1421.7 204.9 5.82 475.9 71.7 3.36 1505 44 27 1511.4 215.9 5.84 504.9 75.9 3.38 156.4 45.99 1581.6 225.9 5.86 585.1 83.6 3.57 164.2 48.30 1677.5 237.5 5.89 619.0 88.2 3.58 172.1 50.63 1775.5 249.2 5.92 653.6 92.8 3.59 180.1 52.96 1875.5 260.9 5.95 688.6 97.5 3.61 188.0 55.31 1977.7 272.8 5.98 724.2 102.3 3.62 H13a 196.1 57.66 2081.9 284.7 6.01 760.3 107.1 3.63 204.1 60.03 2188.4 296.7 6.04 797.0 111.9 3.64 211.7 62.25 2294.2 308.5 6.07 832.4 116.7 3.66 219.8 64.64 2404.9 320.7 6.10 870.2 121.6 3.67 226.5 66.62 2492.7 332.4 6.12 975.8 131.2 3.83 234.9 69.09 2609 7 345.1 6.15 1018.5 136.5 3.84 243.3 71.56 2729.1 357.9 6.18 1061.8 141.9 3.85 251.8 74.05 2850.8 370.8 6.21 1105.7 147.4 3.86 TTI^ Vi 260.2 76.54 2974.9 383.9 6.24 1150.2 152.9 3.88 1 1 1O U 268.8 79.05 3101.5 396.9 6.26 1195.4 158.5 3.89 277.3 81.56 3230.5 410.2 6.29 1241.2 164.2 3.90 285.9 84.09 3361.9 423.6 6.32 1287.6 169.9 3.91 64 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. f -\ T f H f~~~T DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF \ V* w [ ? BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL M " il N ^~~l * 12" H COLUMNS !< B~--*J Veteht DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Section Number. Section, Lbs. Nominal. per Foot. D T B W M N G L 40.0 11^ X 8.00 .33 .481 .558 14ft 45.0 11# T* 8.04 .37 .543 .620 48.1 H^ A 9.00 .36 .534 .620 14^ 55.6 113/ 5^ 9.04 .40 .596 .683 H12s 57.4 11% H 10.00 .40 .587 .683 l^ft 63.3 H^J H 10.04 .44 .649 .745 W& 67.1 11 fa T^ 11.00 .43 .639 .745 ISA 73.4 12 ^ 11.04 .47 .702 .808 16A 78.0 12 if 12.00 .47 .692 .808 17 84.7 12j^ H 12.04 .51 .755 .870 17/-6 91.5 12* 12.08 .55 .817 .933 ^^ 98.3 ri 1 12.12 .59 .880 .995 v H12 105.2 12^ i 12.16 .63 .942 1.058 17ft rH 112.1 12jHs ift 12.20 .67 1.005 1 120 17 T 9 ir O5 118.6 12^ l % 12.23 .70 1.067 1.183 17 ff II 125.5 12^6 12.27 .74 1.130 1.245 II 132.5 13 i* 12.31 .78 1.192 1.308 17|| -M g 138.1 13 i% 13.00 .78 1.185 1.308 18ft 1 p 145.4 13^| i T 5 ^. 13.04 .82 1.248 1.370 8 152.7 13^ i^ 13.08 .86 1.310 1.433 18^6 2 160.1 13^ ITS 13.12 .90 1.373 1.495 18^ H12a 167.5 1 1^ 13.16 .94 1.435 1.558 18J^ _J 1749 13^i 1ft 13.20 .98 1.498 1.620 19 182.4 13^ 1^ 13.24 1.02 1.560 1.683 19/^ 189.9 13^6 11.1. 13.28 1.06 1.623 1.745 1 Q i / i v /Q. 197.1 14 1^ 13.31 1.09 1.685 1.808 19/8 204.9 14 1^ 14.00 1.09 1.679 1.808 19|| 212.8 14# HI 14.04 1.13 1.741 1.870 19}f 220.7 ux \y% 14.08 117 1.804 1.933 20ft 228.6 IT! 14.12 1.21 1.866 1.995 20ft H12b 236.6 14 l /z 2 14.16 1,25 1.929 2.058 20ft 244.6 14 *A o 1 14.20 1.29 1.991 2.120 20^ 252.8 14fc' 2^ 14.24 1.33 2.054 2.183 20^ 260.7 2ft 14.28 1.37 2.116 2.245 20 $ 268.8 15 2^ 14.32 1.41 2.179 2.308 203/ BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 65 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL x 12 H COLUMNS. Y! 1 x iv Weight of Section, Lbs. per Foot. Area of Section, Square Inches. AXIS XX. AXIS YY. Section Number. Moment of Inertia. Section Modulus. S Radius of Gyration. r Moment of Inertia. / Section Modulus. S' Radius of Gyratiop. r' 40.0 45.0 48.1 55.6 57.4 63.3 67.1 73.4 11.76 13.23 14.16 15.75 16.89 18.61 19.74 21.60 282.1 320.8 351.6 395.4 430.8 480.0 518.0 572.8 49.1 55.2 60.5 67.3 73.3 80.8 87.3 95.5 4.90 4.92 4.98 5.01 5.05 5.08 5.12 5.15 42.8 48.9 67.6 76.3 102.0 113.8 148.0 163.7 10.7 12.2 15.0 16.9 20.4 22.7 26.9 29.7 1.91 1.92 2.19 2.20 2.46 2.47 2.74 2.75 H12s H12 H12a H12b 78.0 84.7 91.5 98.3 105.2 112.1 118.6 125.5 132.5 22.94 24.92 26.92 28.92 30.94 32.96 34.87 36.91 38.97 615.6 676.1 738.1 801.7 866.8 933.4 1000.0 1069.8 1141.3 102.6 111.5 120.5 129.6 138.6 147.9 156.9 166.2 175.6 5.18 5.21 5.24 5.27 5.30 5.33 5.36 5.38 5.41 208.1 228.5 249.2 270.1 291.7 313.6 335.0 357.7 380.7 34.7 37.9 41.3 44.6 48.0 51.4 54.8 58.3 61.9 3.01 3.03 3.04 3.06 3.07 3.08 3,10 3.11 3.13 138.1 145.4 152.7 160.1 167.5 174.9 182.4 189.9 197.1 40.61 42.76 44.92 47.09 49.27 51.46 53.66 55.87 57.96 1198.8 1275.6 1354.2 1434.6 1516.9 1601.0 1686.9 1774.7 1862.2 184.4 194.4 204.4 214.5 224.7 235.0 245.4 255.8 266.0 5.43 5.46 5.49 5.52 5.55 5.58 5.61 5.64 5.67 446.4 473.7 501.5 529.8 558.5 587.7 617.4 647.5 676.6 68.7 72.7 76.7 80.8 84.9 89.0 93.3 97.5 101.7 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 3.42 204.9 212.8 220.7 228.6 236.6 244.6 252.8 260.7 268.8 60.27 62.58 64.91 67.24 69.59 71.94 74.31 76.68 79.06 1950.8 2046.7 2144.7 2244.7 2346.9 2451.1 2557.6 2666.2 2777.0 278.7 289.8 301.0 312.3 323.7 335.2 346.8 358.5 370.3 5.69 5.72 5.75 5.78 5.81 5.84 5.87 5.90 5.93 784.8 820.5 856.8 893.6 931.0 969.0 1007.5 1046.5 1086.2 112.1 116.9 121.6 126.6 131.5 136.5 141.5 146.6 151.7 3.61 3.62 3.63 3.65 3.66 3.67 3.68 3.69 3.71 66 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. * DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF .< Tf Yfrrrr' T T 1 \ 2 i \ X V'*T t BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL 4" _ N ^4 A. j M 1 J * 11 M COLUMNS. ~ r i V j {< -B- Wefeht of DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Section Ration | Number. "^hs"* Nominal. per Foot. D T B W M N G L 38.4 10% # 8.00 .32 .476 .553 IS* 43.3 to* T 9 * 8.04 .36 .539 .615 9& Hlls 46.8 io* A 9.00 .36 .529 .615 i*A 52.1 10% % 9.04 .40 .591 .678 UTS 55.9 10% % 10.00 .40 .582 .678 14}3 61.3 11 ifj 10.03 .43 .644 .740 14 is ! 65.5 11 H 11.00 .43 .635 .740 15* 71.7 11% * 11.04 .47 .697 .803 15}1 ^ 77.9 \\ 1 4 if 11.08 .51 .760 .865 l^tt 00 84.2 \\y% % 11.12 .55 .822 .928 15|f II Hll 90.5 u# ft 11.16 .59 .885 .990 iA * 96.8 11% 1 11.20 .63 .947 1.053 153 103.1 it* TTf 11.24 .67 1.010 1.115 Wft CO H o 109.1 11% 1/1 11.27 .70 1.072 1.178 16ji o 115.5 12 1* 11.31 .74 1.135 1.240 16% -J 120.9 12 1ft 12.00 .74 1.128 1.240 17 127.6 12% IX 12.04 .78 1.190 1.303 17% 134.4 12* 1* 12.08 .82 1.253 1.365 17* 141.2 12% 1% 12.12 .86 1.315 1.428 17% Hll a 148.1 12% lyV 12.16 .90 1.378 1.490 17 * 154.9 12% 1> 12.20 .94 1.440 1.553 iT* 161.9 12* Iy 9 6 12.24 .98 1.503 1.615 17H 168.8 12% 1% 12.28 1.02 1.565 1.678 17it 175.8 13 itt 12.32 1.06 1.628 1.740 1711 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 67 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEE 11" H COLUMNS. 1 x y j X V Weight ' Area of of Section, Section, Lbs. Square per Foot. Inches. AXIS XX. AXIS YY. Section Number. Moment of Inertia. Section Modulus. s Radius of Gyration, Inches. r Moment of Inertia. Section Modulus. S' Radius of Gvration, Inches. r' 38.4 11.30 234.1 44.1 4.55 42.4 10.6 1.94 43.3 12.73 266.8 49.6 4.58 48.4 12.0 1.95 46.8 52.1 13.76 15.32 293.5 330.7 54.6 60.8 4.62 4.65 67.0 75.7 14.9 16.7 2.21 2.22 Hlls 55.9 61.3 16.44 18.02 360.5 401.2 66.3 73.0 4.68 4.72 101.2 112.6 20.2 22.4 2.47 2.50 65.5 19.26 434.6 79.0 4.75 147.0 26.7 2.76 71.7 21.08 481.2 86.5 4.78 162.6 29.5 2.78 77.9 22.91 529.2 94.1 i 4.81 178.6 32.2 2.79 84.2 24.75 578.4 101.7 4.83 194.9 35.1 2.81 90.5 26.60 628.9 109.4 4.86 211.6 37.9 2.82 Hll 96.8 28.46 680.8 117.1 4.89 228.6 40.8 2.83 103.1 30.33 734.0 124.9 4.92 245.9 43.7 2.85 109.1 32.10 787.2 132.5 4.95 262.8 46.6 2.86 115.5 33.98 843.1 140.5 4.98 280.7 49.6 2.37 120.9 35.54 889.4 148.2 5.00 333.5 55.6 3.06 127.6 37.53 949.9 156.7 5.03 355.4 59.0 3.08 134.4 39.52 1011.9 165.2 5.06 377.4 62.5 3.09 141.2 41.53 1075.5 173.9 5.09 399.8 65.9 3.10 148.1 43.54 1140.5 182.4 5.12 422.6 69.5 3.12 Hlla 154.9 45.57 1207.2 191.2 5.15 445.8 73.1 3.13 161.9 47.60 1275.5 200.8 5.18 469.4 76.7 3.14 168.8 49.65 1345.4 209.0 5.21 493.4 80.4 3.15 175.8 51.70 1417.0 218.0 5.24 517.9 84.1 3.17 68 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL 1O" H COLUMI NS. r i i I > L 1 \; i "1 w i- T | * B y] Section Number. Weight of Section, Lbs. per Foot. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. D Nominal. T B w M N G L 37.2 W i/ 2 8.00 .32 .471 .548 12% HlOs 42.0 45.4 9% $ 8.04 9.00 .36 .36 .534 .524 .611 .611 W* 50.6 10 H 9.04 .40 .587 .673 13# 54.1 10 H 10.00 .39 .577 .673 14iV mo 59.7 65.4 71.1 76.8 iox H tt 4 10.04 10.08 10.12 10.16 .43 .47 .51 .55 .639 .702 .764 .827 .736 .798 .861 .923 MA 14% 5 82.6 10% H 10.20 .59 .889 .986 14 II 88.4 94.2 99.7 10* 11 i 10.24 10.28 10.31 .63 .67 .70 .952 1.014 1.077 1.048 1.111 1.173 15 L is constant 104.7 11 i% 11.00 .70 1.070 1.173 15r 9 * 110.9 117.1 123.4 11% 11* $ 11.04 11.08 11.12 .74 .78 .82 1.133 1.195 1.258 1.236 1.298 1.361 is H10 a 129.7 UK 1% 11.16 .86 1.320 1.423 16 T6 136.0 142.4 11% 11.20 11.24 .90 .94 1.383 1.445 1.486 1.548 16A 148.8 155.2 11% 12 X 11.28 11.32 .98 1.02 1.508 1.570 1.611 1.673 16% BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 69 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL 10 H COLUMNS. L_ Y ! i 21 1 x \Y wj Section, Lbs. per Foot Area of Section, Square Inches. AXIS XX. AXIS YY. Section Number. Moment of Inertia. 1 Section Modulus. S Radius of Gyration, Inches. r Moment of Inertia. / Section Modulus. S' Radius of Gyration, Inches. 1" 37.2 10.95 192.0 39.4 4.19 41.9 10.5 1.96 42.0 45.4 12.34 13.36 219.2 241.4 44.4 48.9 4.22 4.25 48.0 66.4 11.9 14.8 1.97 2.23 mo s 50.6 14.88 272.5 54.5 4.28 75.1 16.6 2.25 54.1 15.91 296.8 59.4 4.32 100.4 20.1 2.51 59.7 17.57 331.9 65.6 4.35 112.2 22.3 2.53 65.4 19.23 368.0 71.8 4.37 124.2 24.6 2.54 71.1 20.91 405.2 78.1 4.40 136.5 27.0 2.56 76.8 22.59 443.6 84.5 4.43 149.1 29.4 2.57 mo 82.6 24.29 483.0 90.9 4.46 162.0 31.8 2.58 88.4 25.99 523.5 97.4 4.49 175.1 34.2 2.60 94.2 27.71 565.2 103.9 4.52 188.6 36.7 2.61 99.7 29.32 607.0 110.4 4.55 201.7 39.1 2.62 104.7 30.80 643.6 117.0 4.57 243.7 44.3 2.81 110.9 32.62 690.3 124.1 4.60 260.5 47.2 2.83 117.1 34.45 738.2 131.2 4.63 277.6 50.1 2.84 123.4 36.29 787.4 138.4 4.66 295.0 53.1 2.85 129.7 38.14 838.0 145.7 4.69 312.7 56.0 2.86 H10 a 136.0 40.00 889.8 153.1 4.72 330.8 59.1 2.88 142.4 41.87 943.0 160.5 4.75 349.3 62.1 2.89 148.8 43.75 997.6 168.0 4.78 368.0 65.3 2.90 155.2 45.64 1053.6 175.6 4.80 387.2 68.4 2.91 70 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL 9" H /I '\ COLUMh IS. TT ] r =T ! x - < i L ? M-r-L v i N T N T -J FT h vl Section Number. Vekht of Section, Lbs. per Foot. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. D T B w M N G L 28.8 8^ A 7.00 .28 .414 .481 1 1 1/ J. -L/4- H9s 32.9 o^s 'A 7.04 .32 .476 .543 j 36.0 /8 Y! 8.00 .32 .466 .543 12 40.6 9 & 8.04 .36 .529 .606 12^ 43.8 9 T\ 9.00 .35 .519 .606 Mjtf 48.9 9} % 9.04 .39 .582 .668 12% H9 54.0 59.1 64.3 69.5 9/8 9^6 K* 9.08 9.12 9.16 9.20 .43 .47 .51 .55 .644 .707 .769 .832 .731 .793 .856 .918 13 13% 05 CO 74.7 9|^ 9.24 .59 .894 .981 !3A ^, 80.0 9^ l 9.28 .63 .957 1.043 13^ 85.3 10 1A 9.32 .67 1.019 1.106 13H 1 .S 90.0 10 1 T V 10.00 .67 1.012 1.106 &A 95.3 10^ 1>6 10.03 .70 1.075 1.168 Utf 100.9 io# IA 10.07 .74 1.137 1.231 14fg H9a 106.6 112.3 *& IA 10.11 10.15 .78 .82 1.200 1.262 1.293 1.356 "# 118.1 Vtyt 1 ^8 10.19 .86 1.325 1.418 14|^ 123.9 10% To 10.23 .90 1.387 1.481 I4ji 129.7 10J6 1^ 10.27 .94 1.450 1.543 15 135.6 11 1A 10.31 .98 1.512 1.606 15^ BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 71 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL 9 H COLUMNS. Y ^ X_ i X y Weight of Section, Lbs. per Foot. Area of Section, Square Inches. AXIS XX. AXIS YY. Section Number. Moment of Inertia. Section Modulus. s Radius of Gyration, Inches. r Moment of Inertia. r Section Modulus. S' Radius of Gyration, Inches. r' 28.8 8.46 119.3 27.3 3.76 24.7 7.0 1.71 32.9 36.0 9.69 10.59 138.6 154.6 31.2 34.8 3.78 3.82 28.7 41.5 8.2 10.4 1.72 1.98 H9s 40.6 11.95 177.0 39.3 3.85 47.6 11.8 2.00 43.8 12.88 194.7 43.3 3.89 65.9 14.6 2.26 48.9 14.37 220.3 48.3 3.91 74.5 16.5 2.28 54.0 15.87 246.8 53.4 3.94 83.3 18.3 2.29 59.1 17.38 274.2 58.5 3.97 92.3 20.2 2.31 64.3 18.90 302.4 63.7 4.00 101.6 22.2 2.32 H9 69.5 20.43 331.6 68.9 4.03 111.0 24.1 2.33 74.7 21.97 361.6 74.2 4.06 120.8 26.1 2.34 80.0 23.52 392.6 79.5 4.09 130.7 28.2 2.36 85.3 25.08 424.6 84.9 4.11 140.9 30.2 2.37 90.0 26.46 452.6 90.5 4.14 173.1 34.6 2.56 95.3 28.02 486.8 96.2 4.17 185.2 36.9 2.57 100.9 29.68 522.9 102.0 4.20 198.1 39.4 2.58 106.6 31.35 560.1 108.0 4.23 211.3 41.8 2.60 112.3 33.04 598.4 114.0 4.26 224.8 44.3 2.61 H9a 118.1 34.73 637.8 120.1 4.29 238.6 46.8 2.62 123.9 36.44 678.3 126.0 4.32 252.6 49.4 2.63 129.7 38.15 720.0 132.4 4.34 266.9 52.0 2.65 135.6 39.87 762.8 138.7 4.38 281.6 54.6 2.66 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL 8" H COLUMNS. Section Number. Section, Lbs. per Foot. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. B W M N H8s H8 H8a 27.7 31.8 7.00 7.04 .28 .32 .409 ,476 .471 .538 34.6 39.1 43.6 48.2 52.8 57.4 62.1 66.8 71.6 If ft H 1 8.00 8.04 8.08 8.12 8.16 8.20 8.24 8.28 8.32 .31 .35 .39 .43 .47 .51 .55 .59 .63 .462 .524 .587 .649 .712 .774 .837 .899 .962 76.0 81.1 85.9 91.0 96.1 101.3 106.6 111.8 117.1 10 9.00 9.04 9.07 9.11 9.15 9.19 9.23 9.27 9.31 .63 .67 .70 .74 .78 .82 .86 .90 .94 .955 1.017 1.080 1.142 1.205 1.267 1.330 1.392 1.455 10A 10ft .538 .601 .663 .726 .788 .851 .913 .976 1.038 12 12A 1.038 1.101 1.163 1.226 1.288 1.351 1.413 1.476 1.538 13 13A 13A 13H BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 73 DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL 8 H COLUMNS. Y[ * .!_ x !Y Weight of Section, Lbs. per Foot. Area of Section, Square Inches. AXIS XX. AXIS YY. Section Number. Moment of Inertia. Section Modulus. S Radius of Gyration, Inches. T Moment of Inertia. r Section Modulus. S' Radius of Gyration, Inches. r' 27.7 31.8 8.15 9.35 93.6 109.1 23.8 27.3 3.39 3.42 24.4 28.5 7.0 8.1 1.73 1.74 H8s 34.6 10.17 121.5 30.4 3.46 41.1 10.3 2.01 39.1 11.50 139.5 34.3 3.48 47.2 11.7 2.03 43.6 12.83 158.3 38.4 3.51 53.4 13.2 2.04 48.2 14.18 177.7 42.4 3.54 59.8 14.7 2.05 52.8 15.53 197.8 46.5 3.57 66.3 16.3 2.07 H8 57.4 16.90 218.6 50.7 3.60 73.1 17.8 2.08 62.1 18.27 240.2 54.9 3.63 80.0 19.4 2.09 66.8 19.66 262.5 59.2 3.65 87.1 21.0 2.11 71.6 21.05 285.6 63.5 3.68 94.4 22.7 2.12 76.0 22.35 306.8 68.2 3.70 118.9 26.4 2.31 81.1 23.84 332.4 72.9 3.73 128.2 28.4 2.32 85.9 25.25 358.2 77.5 3.77 137.3 30.3 2.33 91.0 26.76 385.6 82.3 3.80 147.0 32.3 2.34 96.1 28.28 413.8 87.1 3.83 157.0 34.3 2.36 H8a 101.3 29.81 442.9 92.0 3.85 167.2 36.4 2.37 106.6 31.35 472.9 97.0 3.88 177.7 38.5 2.38 111.8 32.89 503.9 102.1 3.91 188.3 40.6 2.39 117.1 34.45 535.9 107.2 3.94 199.3 42.8 2.41 74 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. EXPLANATION OF THE BASE SECTIONS OF ROLLED STEEL H COLUMNS. When columns are required of larger sectional area than is provided by the rolled sections of H columns, it is neces- sary to build a compound section to obtain the desired area. This may be the case, for instance, in the columns for the lower stories of a high building. Additional sectional area may be obtained by riveting plates to the flanges of the regular H columns. But where the drilling of the increased number of holes required for attaching such plates may be objectionable, on account of the thick metal in the flanges of the heavy sections of H columns, the base sections may be used. These base sec- tions are designed to match their corresponding H columns and permit the addition of plates or other shapes for increas- ing the area to the desired extent, avoiding the drilling of thick metal in the flanges. The dimensions and properties of these base sections are given on the opposite page. The section H12 c is produced by the same main rolls and has the same inner contour as the series of 12" H columns on pages 64-65. If the maximum size of the regular 12" H column does not provide the required area, the base section, H12c, can be used and increased in area to the desired amount, in the manner indicated by Figs. 1, 2 or 3 on the opposite page. This may be necessary for the heavy columns required in the lower stories of a high building. The regular series of similar 12" H columns can then be used in the upper stories, for which they provide sufficient sectional area. The regular H column section can be joined and spliced to its correspond- ing base section in the usual way. In like manner the section H13 c can be used in connec- tion with the regular series of 13" H columns with which it matches ; and similarly, section H14 c can be used in connec- tion with the regular series of 14" H columns to which it corresponds. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 75 BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL H COLUMNS. I :< -- r DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF BASE SECTIONS FOR BUILDING UP COLUMNS " OF LARGE SECTIONAL AREA. DIMENSIONS. Section Number. H12c H13c H14c Weie! Lbs. per Foot. 134.5 141.0 148.0 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. 12X Ji ! 14.31 14.59 14.90 W 1.40 1.41 1.41 M .804 .806 .808 N .933 18ff .937 .942 9.21 10.07 11.06 PROPERTIES. Section Number. Weight of j Section, I Lbs. per Foot. Inches. Area of Section, H12c H13c H14c 134.5 141.0 148.0 39.57 41.48 43.52 AXIS XX. Moment of Inertia. 941.6 Section Modulus. S 153.7 1129.3 * 172.1 1368.5 193.8 Radius of Gyration, Inches. 4.88 5.22 5.61 AXIS YY. Moment Section of Inertia. Modulus. 412.3 438.5 468.6 57.6 60.1 62.9 Radius of Gyration, Inches. r' 3.23 3.25 3.28 SUGGESTIONS FOR USING THE BASE SECTIONS OF H COLUMNS IN BUILDING UP COLUMNS OF LARGE SECTIONAL AREA. Fig. 2 76 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. EXPLANATION OF TABLES OF SAFE UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOADS FOR BETHLEHEM SPECIAL I BEAMS AND GIRDER BEAMS. The tables on pages 78-86 give the safe uniformly distrib- uted load in tons of 2000 Ibs. on Bethlehem special I beams and girder beams for a maximum fiber stress of 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. The tabular loads include the weights of the beams, which must be deducted to obtain the net loads the beams will support. Safe loads for intermediate or heavier weights of beams than those tabulated can be obtained by using the separate column of corrections, given for each size, stating the increase of safe load for each pound increase in the weight per foot of beam. The safe loads on short spans may be limited by the shearing strength of the web instead of by the maximum fiber stress allowed in the flanges. This limit is indicated in the tables by heavy cross lines. The loads given above these lines are greater than the safe crippling strength of the web and must not be used, unless the webs are stiffened. In such cases it will generally be advisable to select a heavier beam with a thicker web. The maximum safe shear and corresponding least span on which the various beams can be used for full uniform distributed load is given on page 89. It is assumed in these tables that the compression flanges of the beams are properly secured against yielding sideways. They should be held in position by tie rods, or other means, at distances not exceeding 20 times the width of the flange, otherwise the allowable loads must be reduced as per the following table : BEAMS UNSUPPORTED SIDEWAYS. Unsupported Length of Beam. Greatest Safe Load. Unsupported Length of Beam. Greatest Safe Load. 20 flange widths. 30 flange widths. 40 flange widths. Full tabular load. T % tabular load. T % tabular load. 50 flange widths. 60 flange widths 70 flange widths. T 7 3 tabular load. T 6 ff tabular load. T % tabular load. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. The Bethlehem beam sections in this respect have superior lateral stiffness due to their wide flanges. The vertical deflection of the beams under the uniformly distributed loads given in the tables is found by the formula, Deflection, in inches == 0.01655 L 2 -r- d = L 2 -4- 60 d (very closely) where L = length of span in feet, and d depth of beam in inches. The deflection is proportional to the load, so that for any other intensity of loading it can be found by simple proportion. The safe load concentrated at the center of the span is one-half the safe uniformly distributed load. The deflection will be T 8 o- of the deflection for the latter load. In the case of beams supporting plastered ceilings, if the deflection exceeds T ^ of the distance between supports, or aV of an inch per foot of span, there is danger of cracking the plaster. This allowable deflection is not exceeded under the tabular loads given unless the span is greater than 24 times the depth of the beam. This limit of span is indicated in the tables by dotted cross lines and the beams should not be used on longer spans unless the loads given in the tables are reduced in the following manner, where L/ = limiting span, in feet, for maximum deflection. L = given span, in feet. W tabular safe load given for span L. W' reduced load on span L to limit deflection, d depth of beam in inches. Then L' = 2d, and W = \1- W. .L* Thus, to find the load on a 12 /x special I beam weighing 28.5 Ibs. per foot, on a span of 30 ft. which will produce a deflection of only 3^ f tne span, the tabular load given on page 85 of 6.42 tons for the beam on this span must be reduced, as follows : V = 24, and W = f $ X 6.42 = 5.136 tons. With this reduced load, the deflection will be 3^ of the span. Comparison of these tables of safe loads with the similar tables on pages 187-189 for American standard I beams will show the economy in the weight of the Bethlehem special beam and girder sections over standard beams of equal capacity. 78 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. BEAMS BEING SECURED AGAINST YIELDING SIDEWAYS. 30" G Add for 28" G Add for 26" G Add for Span each each each E Feet. G30a G30 Lb. G28a G28 Lb. G26 a G26 Lb. 200 Lbs. 175 Lbs. Inc. in 180 Lbs. 162.5 Lbs. Inc. in 160 Lbs. 150 Lbs. Inc. in Wgt. Wgt. Wgt. 18 180.83 155.09 .44 153.83 136.82 .41 128.06 118.52 .38 19 171.31 146.93 .41 145.74 129.62 .39 121.32 112.28 .36 20 162.75 139.58 .39 138.45 123.14 .37 115.25 106.67 .34 21 155.00 132.94 .37 131.86 117.28 .35 109.76 101.59 .32 22 147.95 126.89 .36 125.86 111.95 .33 104.77 96.97 .31 23 141.52 121.38 .34 120.39 107.08 .32 100.22 92.76 .30 24 135.62 116.32 .33 115.37 102.62 .31 96.04 88.89 .28 25 130.20 111.67 .31 110.76 98.51 .29 92.20 85.34 .27 26 125.19 107.37 .30 106.50 94.72 .28 88.65 82.05 .26 27 120.55 103.39 .29 102.55 91.21 .27 85.37 79.01 .25 28 116.25 99.70 .28 98.89 87.96 .26 82.32 76.19 .24 29 112.24 96.26 .27 95.48 84.92 .25 79.49 73.56 .23 30 108.50 93.05 .26 92.30 82.09 .24 76.83 71.11 .23 31 105.00 90.05 .25 89.32 79.44 .24 74.35 68.82 .22 32 101.71 87.24 .25 86.53 76.96 .23 72.03 66.67 .21 33 98.63 84.59 .24 83.91 74.63 .22 69.85 64.65 .21 34 95.73 82.11 .23 81.44 72.43 .22 67.79 62.75 .20 35 93.00 79.76 .22 79.11 70.36 .21 65.86 60.95 .19 36 90.41 77.54 .22 76.91 68.41 .20 64.03 59.26 .19 37 87.97 75.45 .21 74.30 66.56 .20 62.30 57.66 .18 38 85.65 73.46 .21 72.87 64.81 .19 60.66 56.14 .18 39 83.46 71.58 .20 71.00 63.15 .19 59.10 54.70 .17 40 81.37 69.79 .20 69.22 61.57 .18 57.62 53.33 .17 41 79.39 68.09 .19 67.53 60.07 .18 56.22 52.03 .17 42 77.50 66.47 .19 65.93 58.64 .17 54.88 50.79 .16 43 75.69 64.92 .18 64.39 57.27 .17 53.60 49.61 .16 44 73.97 63.44 .18 62.93 55.97 .17 52.38 48.48 .15 45 72.33 62.03 .17 61.53 54.73 .16 51.22 47.41 .15 46 70.76 60.69 .17 60.19 53.54 .16 50.11 46.38 .15 47 69.25 59.39 .17 58.91 52.40 .16 49.04 45.37 .14 48 67.81 58.16 .16 57.68 51.31 .15 48.02 44.44 ! .14 Safe loads given include weight of beam. Maximum nber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 79 SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. BEAMS BEING SECURED AGAINST YIELDING SIDEWAYS. 24" G 20" G 18" G Add for Add for Add for Span in G24a G24 each Lb. Increase G20a G20 each Lb. Increase ;_ G18 each Lb. Increase Feet. 140 Lbs. 120 Lbs. in Weight. 140 Lbs. 112 Lbs. in Weight. 92 Lbs. in Weight. 12 157.11 134.47 .52 130.59 105.28 .44 78.78 .39 13 145.03 124.12 .48 120.55 97.18 .40 72.72 .36 14 134.67 115.26 .45 111.94 90.24 .37 67.53 .34 15 125.69 107.57 .42 104.47 84.22 .35 63.03 .31 16 117.83 100.85 .39 97.94 78.96 .33 59.09 .29 17 110.90 94.92 .37 92.18 74.32 .31 55.61 .28 18 104.74 89.64 .35 87.06 70.19 .29 52.52 .26 19 99.23 84.93 .33 82.48 66.49 .28 49.76 .25 20 94.27 80.68 .31 78.35 63.17 .26 47.27 .24 21 89.78 76.84 .30 74.63 60.16 .25 45.02 .22 22 85.70 73.35 .29 71.23 57.43 .24 42.97 .21 23 81.97 70.16 .27 68.13 54.93 .23 41.10 .20 24 78.56 67.23 .26 65.30 52.64 .22 39.39 .20 25 75.41 64.54 .25 62.68 50.53 .21 37.82 .19 26 72.51 62.06 .24 60.27 48.59 .20 36.36 .18 27 69.83 59.76 .23 58.04 46.79 .19 35.01 .17 28 67.33 57.63 .22 55.97 45.12 .19 33.76 .17 29 65.01 55.64 .22 54.04 43.56 .18 32.60 .16 30 62.84 53.79 .21 52.24 42.11 .17 31.51 .16 31 60.82 52.05 .20 50.55 40.75 .17 30.50 .15 32 58.92 50.43 .20 48.97 39.48 .16 29.54 .15 33 57.13 48.90 .19 47.49 38.28 .16 28.65 .14 34 55.45 47.46 .18 46.09 37.16 .15 27.81 .14 35 53.87 46.10 .18 44.77 36.10 .15 27.01 .13 36 52.37 44.82 .17 43.53 35.09 .15 26.26 .13 37 50.96 ! 43.61 .17 42.35 34.14 .14 25.55 .13 38 49.61 42.46 .17 41.24 33.25 .14 24.88 .12 39 48.47 41.37 .16 40.18 32.39 .13 24.34 .12 40 47.13 40.34 .16 39.18 31.58 .13 23.64 .12 Safe loads given include weight of beam. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per .square inch. Loads given above the heavy lines are greater than safe loads for web crippling. Safe loads given below the dotted line produce deflections exceeding sfoj of the span. 80 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS IN TONS OF 200O LBS. BEAMS BEING SECURED AGAINST YIELDING SIDEWAYS. 15" G Add Pni 12" G Add Span, in Feet. G15 b G15 a G15 lor each Lb. G12a G12 for each Lb. Inc. in Inc in 140 Lbs. 104 Lbs. 73 Lbs. Wgt. 70 Lbs. 55 Lbs. Wgt. 10 113.17 86.74 63.05 .39 48.08 38.40 .31 11 102.89 78.85 57.31 .36 43.71 34.91 .29 12 94.31 72.28 52.64 .33 40.07 32.00 .26 13 87.06 66.72 48.50 .30 36.98 29.54 .24 14 80.84 61.95 45.03 .28 34.34 27.43 .22 15 75.48 57.82 42.03 .26 32.05 25.60 .21 16 70.73 54.21 39.40 .25 30.05 24.00 .20 17 66.57 51.02 37.09 .23 28.28 22.59 .19 18 62.87 48.19 35.03 .22 26.71 21.33 .18 19 59.56 45.65 33.18 .21 25.31 20.21 .17 20 56.59 43.37 31.52 .20 24.04 19.20 .16 21 53.89 41.30 30.02 .19 22.90 18.29 .15 22 51.44 39.43 28.66 .18 21.85 17.45 .14 23 49.21 37.71 27.41 .17 20.90 16.70 .14 24 47.16 36.14 26.27 .16 20.03 16.00 .13 25 45.27 34.69 25.22 .16 19.23 15.36 .13 26 43.53 33.36 24.25 .15 18.49 14.77 .12 27 41.92 32.12 23.35 .15 17.81 14.22 .12 28 40.42 30.98 22.52 .14 17.17 13.71 .11 29 39.03 29.91 21.74 .14 16.58 13.24 .11 30 37.74 28.91 21.02 .13 16.03 12.80 .10 31 36.51 27.98 20.34 .13 15.51 12.39 .10 32 35.37 27.11 19.70 .12 15.03 12.00 .10 33 34.30 26.28 19.10 .12 14.57 11.64 .10 34 33.29 25.51 18.54 .12 14.14 11.29 .09 35 32.34 24.78 18.01 .11 13.74 10.97 .09 Safe loads given include weight of beam. Maximum liber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Loads given above the heavy line are greater than safe loads for web crippling. Safe loads given below the dotted lines produce deflections exceeding 5 ^ of the span. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 81 SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS IN TONS OF 2OOO LBS. BEAMS BEING SECURED AGAINST YIELDING SIDEWAYS. Span, in Feet. 10" G Add for each Lb. Increase in Weight. Span, in Feet. 9"G Add for each Lb. Increase in Weight. 8" G Add for each Lb. Increase in Weight. G10 Q9 G8 44Lbs. 38Lbs. 32.5 Lbs. 10 26.06 .26 5 40.25 .47 30.38 .42 11 12 23.69 21.72 .24 .22 6 7 33.54 28.75 .39 .34 25.32 .35 .30 21.70 13 14 15 20,05 18.61 17.37 .20 .19 .17 8 9 10 25.15 22.36 20.12 .29 .26 .23 18.99 16.88 15.19 .26 .23 .21 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16.39 15.33 14.48 13.72 13.03 .16 .15 .15 .14 .13 .12 .12 .11 .11 .10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 18.29 16.77 15.48 14.37 13.42 12.58 11.83 11.18 .21 .20 .18 .17 .16 .15 .14 .13 .12 .12 13.81 12.66 11.69 10.85 10.13 9.50 .19 .17 .16 .15 .14 .13 .12 .12 .11 .10 12.41 11.84 11.33 10.86 10.42 8.94 8.44 8.00 7.60 10.59 10.06 26 27 28 29 30 10.02 9.65 9.31 8.99 8.69 .10 .10 .09 .09 .09 21 22 23 24 25 9.58 9.15 8.75 8.38 8.05 .11 .11 .10 .10 .09 7.23 6.91 6.61 6.33 6.08 .10 .09 .09 .08 .08 31 32 33 34 35 8.41 8.14 7.90 7.66 7.45 .08 .08 .08 .08 .07 26 27 28 29 30 7.74 7.45 7.19 6.94 6.71 .09 .09 .08 .08 .07 Safe loads given include weight of beam. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Loads given above the heavy lines are greater than safe loads for web crippling. Safe loads given below the dotted lines produce deflections exceeding s^ of the span. 82 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR BETHLEHEM SPECIAL I BEAMS, IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. Beams being secured against yielding sideways. Span, 30"! Add for each 23" I Add for each 26" X jj f ' aon \. in B30 Lb. Increase in Weight. B28 Lb. Increase in Weitrht B26 Add lor eacft Lb. Increase Feet. 120 Lbs. 105 Lbs. 90 Lbs. in Weight. 18 104.12 .44 86.55 .41 69.36 .38 19 98.64 .41 81.99 .39 65.71 .36 20 93.70 .39 77.89 .37 62.42 .34 21 89.24 .37 74.18 .35 59.45 .32 22 85.19 .36 70.81 .33 56.75 .31 23 81.48 .34 67.73 .32 54.28 .30 24 78.09 .33 64.91 .31 52.02 .28 25 74.96 .31 62.31 .29 49.94 .27 26 72.08 .30 59.92 .28 48.02 .26 27 69.41 .29 57.70 .27 46.24 .25 28 66.93 .28 55.64 .26 44.59 .24 29 64.62 .27 53.72 .25 43.05 .23 30 62.47 .26 57.93 .24 41.61 .23 31 60.45 .25 50.25 .24 40.27 .22 32 58.57 .25 48.68 .23 39.01 .21 33 56.79 .24 47.21 .22 37.83 .21 34 55.12 .23 45.82 .22 36.72 .20 35 53.55 .22 44.51 .21 35.67 .19 36 52.06 .22 43.27 .20 34.68 .19 37 50.65 .21 42.10 .20 33.74 .18 38 49.32 .21 41.00 .19 32.85 .18 39 48.05 .20 39.95 19 32.01 .17 40 46.85 .20 38.95 .19 31.21 .17 41 45.71 .19 38.00 .18 30.45 .17 42 44.62 .19 37.09 .18 29.72 .16 43 43.58 .18 36.23 .17 29.03 .16 44 42.59 .18 35.41 .17 28.37 .15 45 41.65 .17 34.62 .16 27.74 .15 46 40.74 .17 33.87 .16 27.14 .15 47 39.87 .17 33.15 .16 26.56 .14 48 39.04 .16 32.46 .15 26.01 .14 Safe loads given include weight of beam. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Loads given above the heavy lines are greater than safe loads for web crippling. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 83 SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS, IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. Beams being secured against yielding sideways. Span, in Feet. 24" I Add for each Lb. Increase in Weight 20" I Add for each Lb. Increase in Weight. B24a B24 B20a B20 84 Lbs. 72 Lbs. 72Lbs. 68 Lbs. 63 Lbs. 60 Lbs. |58.5 Lbs 12 13 14 15 88.58 81.76 75.92 77.42 71.47 66.36 61.94 .52 .48 .45 .42 65.24 60.22 55.92 52.19 56.44 52.10 48.38 45.15 54.35 50.17 46.59 43.48 53.03 52.28 48.26 44.81 .44 .40 .37 .35 48.95 45.45 42.42 70.86 41.83 16 17 18 19 20 66.43 62.53 59.05 55.94 53.15 58.07 54.65 51.62 .39 .37 .35 .33 .31 48.93 46.05 43.49 41.21 39.15 42.33 39.84 37.63 35.65 33.87 40.76 38.37 36.24 34.33 32.61 39.77 37.43 35.35 33.49 31.82 39.21 36.91 34.86 33.02 31.37 .33 .31 .29 .28 .26 48.90 46.45 21 22 23 24 25 50.62 48.32 46.21 44.29 42.52 44.24 42.23 40.39 38.71 37.16 .30 .29 .27 .26 .25 37.28 35.59 34.04 32.62 31.32 3225 30.79 29.45 28.22 27.09 31.06 29.65 28.36 27.18 26.09 30.30 28.92 27.67 26.52 25.45 29.87 28.52 27.28 26.14 25.10 .25 .24 .23 .22 .21 26 27 28 29 30 40.88 39.37 37.96 36.65 35.43 35.74 34.41 33.18 32.04 30.97 .24 .23 .22 .22 .21 30.11 29.00 27.96 27.00 26.10 26.05 25.09 24.19 23.36 22.58 25.09 24.16 23.30 22.49 21.74 24.48 23.57 22.73 21.94 21.21 24.13 23.24 22.41 21.64 20.92 .20 .19 .19 .18 .17 31 32 33 34 35 34.29 33.22 32.21 31.27 30.37 29.97 29.04 28.15 27.33 26.54 .20 .20 .19 .19 .18 25.25 24.47 23.72 23.03 22.37 21.85 21.17 20.52 19.92 19.35 21.04 20.38 19.77 19.18 18.63 20.53 19.89 19.28 18.72 18.18 20.24 19.61 19.01 18.46 17.93 .17 .16 .16 .15 .15 36 37 38 39 40 29.53 28.73 27.97 27.25 26.58 25.81 25.11 24.45 23.82 23.23 .17 .17 .17 .16 .16 21.75 21.16 20.60 20.07 19.57 18.82 18.31 17.82 17.37 16.93 18.12 17.63 17.16 16.72 16.31 17.68 17.20 16.75 16.32 15.91 17.43 16.96 16.51 16.09 15.69 .15 .14 .14 .13 .13 Safe loads given include weight of beam. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Loads given above the heavy lines are greater than safe loads for web crippling. 84 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS, IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. Beams being secured against yielding sideways. 18"! idd for 15"! Add for Span, in B18 eachLb. m _ h Increase B15 b B15a B15 each Lb. Increase Feet. 58.5 52.5 48.5 in -o 54 46 42 38 in Wain-Ill Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Weight - Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. weight. 12 43.65 41.13 39.58 .39 47.28 36.17 28.7227.55 26.22 .33 13 40.29 37.97 36.53 .36 43.65 33.39 26.51 25.43 24.20 .30 14 37.41 35.26 33.92 .34 40.53 31.00 24.61 23.61 22.47 .28 15 34.92 32.91 31.66 .31 37.83 28.94 22.97 22.04 20.97 .25 16 32.73 30.85 29.68 .29 35.46 27.13 21.54 20.66 19.66 .26 17 30.81 29.04 27.93 .28 33.38 25.53 20.27 19.45 18.51 .23 18 29.10 27.42 26.38 .26 31.52 24.11 19.14 18.37 17.48 .22 19 27.57 25.98 25.00 .25 29.86 22.84 18.14 17.40 16.56 .21 20 26.19 24.68 23.75 .24 28.37 21.70 17.23 16.53 15.73 .20 21 24.94 23.50 22.61 .22 27.02 20.67 16.41 15.74 14.98 .19 22 23.81 22.44 21.59 .21 25.79 19.73 15.66 15.03 14.30 .18 23 22.77 21.46 20.65 .21 24.67 18.87 14.98 14.37 13.68 .17 24 21.82 20.57 19.79 .20 23.64 18.09 14.36 13.78 13.11 .16 25 20.95 19.74 19.00 .19 22.70 17.36 13.79 13.22 12.59 .16 26 20.14 18.98 18.27 .18 21.82 16.70 13.26 12.72 12.10 .15 27 19.40 18.28 17.59 .17 21.01 16.08 12.76 12.24 11.65 .15 28 18.71 17.63 16.96 .17 20.27 15.50 12.31 11.81 11.24 .14 29 18.06 17.02 16.38 .16 19.57 14.97 11.88 11.40 10.85 .14 30 17.46 16.46 15.83 .16 18.92 14.47 11.49 11.02 10.49 .13 31 16.90 15.92 15.32 .15 18.30 14.00 11.12'l0.66 10.15 .13 32 16.37 15.43 14.84 .15 17.73 13.57 10.77 10.33 9.83 .12 33 15.87 14.96 14.39 .14 17.19 13.15 10.44 10.02 9.53 .12 34 15.40 14.52 13.97 .14 16.69 12.77 10.14 9.73 9.25 .12 35 14.96 14.10 13.57 .13 16.21 12.40 9.85 9.45 8.99 .11 36 14.55 13.71 13.19 .13 15.76 12.06 9.57 9.18 8.74 .11 37 14.16 13.34 12.84 .13 15.34 11.73 9.31 8.94 8.50 .11 38 13.78 12.99 12.50 .12 14.93 11.42 9.07 8.70 8.28 .10 39 13.43 12.66 12.18 .12 14.55 11.13 8.85 8.48 8.07 .10 40 13.10 12.34 11.88 .12 14.19 10.85 8.62 8.27 7.87 .10 Safe loads given include weight of beam. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Loads given above the heavy line exceed safe load for web crippling. Safe loads below the dotted lines produce deflections exceeding , of the span. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 85 SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS, IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. Beams being secured against yielding sideways. 1 12" I Add for 10" I Add for ^ B123 i Bi2 r hLb> in Blza ! Increase BIO each Lb. Increase Feet. 36 Lbs. 31 Lbs. 28.5 Lbs. in Weight. 27.5 Lbs. 24.5 Lbs. 22.5 Lbs. in Weight. 9 26.68 22.24 21.39 .35 15.96 15.07 14.56 .29 10 24.02 20.02 19.27 .31 14.37 13.57 13.10 .26 11 ! 21.83 18.20 17.51 .29 13.06 12.33 11.91 .24 12 20.01 16.68 16.05 .26 11.97 11.30 10.92 .22 13 18.47 15.40 14.82 .24 11.05 10.43 10.08 .20 14 17.15 14.30 13.76 .22 10.26 9.69 9.36 .19 15 16.01 13.34 12.84 .21 9.58 9.04 8.73 .17 16 15.01 12.51 12.04 .20 8.98 8.48 8.19 .16 17 j 14.13 11.77 11.33 .19 8.45 7.98 7.71 .15 18 ; 13.34 11.12 10.70 .17 7.98 7.54 7.28 .15 19 1 12.64 10.53 10.14 .17 7.56 7.14 6.89 .14 20 I 12.01 10.01 9.63 .16 7.18 6.78 6.55 .13 21 11.44 9.53 9.17 .15 6.84 6.46 6.24 .12 22 10.92 9.10 8.76 .14 6.53 6.17 5.95 .12 23 10.44 8.70 8.38 .14 6.25 5.90 5.70 .11 24 1 10.01 8.34 8.03 .13 5.99 5.65 5.46 .11 25 9.61 8.01 7.71 .13 5.75 5.43 5.24 .10 26 i 9.24 7.70 7.41 .12 5.53 5.22 5.04 .10 27 8.89 7.41 7.14 .12 5.32 5.02 4.85 .10 28 8.58 7.15 6.88 .11 5.13 4.84 4.68 .09 29 1 8.28 6.90 6.64 .11 4.95 4.68 4.52 .09 30 ! 8.01 6.67 6.42 .11 4.79 4.52 4.37 .09 31 7.75 6.47 6.21 .10 32 7.50 6.25 6.02 .10 33 i 7.28 6.07 5.84 .10 34 7.06 5.89 5.67 i .09 35 6.86 5.72 5.50 .09 Safe loads given include weight of beam. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Safe loads below the dotted lines produce deflections exceeding ^ of the span. 86 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS, IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. Beams being secured against yielding sideways. Span, in Feet. 5 6 7 8 9 10 9" I Add for each Lb. Increase in Weight. a" x Add for each Lb. Increase in Weight. B9 BB 23 Lbs. 21 Lbs. 19 Lbs. 21.25 Lbs. 18 Lbs. 16.25 Lbs. 21.91 18.25 15.64 13.69 12.17 10.95 21.03 20.18 16.82 14.41 .47 .39 .34 .29 .26 .24 17.25 14.38 12.32 10.78 9.58 8.63 16.00 13.33 11.43 10.00 8.89 8.00 15.20 12.67 .42 .35 .30 .26 .23 .21 17.53 15.02 13.15 11.69 10.52 10.85 9.50 8.44 7.60 12.61 11.21 10.09 11 12 13 14 15 9.96 9.13 8.43 7.82 7.30 9.56 8.76 8.09 7.51 7.01 9.17 8.41 7.76 7.21 6.73 .21 .20 .18 .17 .16 7.84 7.19 6.63 6.16 5.75 7.27 6.67 6.15 5.71 5.33 6.91 6.33 5.85 5.43 5.07 .19 .17 .16 .15 .14 16 17 18 19 20 6.85 6.44 6.08 6.57 6.19 5.84 6.31 5.94 5.61 .15 .14 .13 .13 .12 5.39 5.00 4.75 .13 .12 .12 .11 .11 5.07 4.79 4.54 4.31 4.71 4.44 4.21 4.00 4.47 4.22 4.00 3.80 5.76 5.48 5.54 5.26 5.31 5.05 21 22 23 24 25 5.22 4.98 4.76 4.56 4.38 5.01 4.78 4.57 4.38 4.21 4.81 4.59 4.39 4.20 4.04 .11 .11 .10 .10 .10 4.11 3.92 3.75 3.59 3.45 3.81 3.64 3.48 3.33 3.20 3.62 3.45 3.30 3.17 3.04 .10 .10 .09 .09 .08 26 27 28 29 30 4.21 4.06 3.91 3.78 3.65 4.05 3.90 3.76 3.63 3.51 3.88 3.74 3.60 3.48 3.36 .09 .09 .09 .08 .08 i i Safe loads given include weight of beam. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Loads given above the heavy lines are greater than safe loads for web crippling. Safe loads below the dotted lines produce deflections exceeding ?fa of the span. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 87 MAXIMUM SAFE SHEAR ON THE WEBS OF BEAMS AND GIRDERS. On relatively short spans the safe strength of the web of the beam against crippling caused by the shearing stress may determine the maximum safe load which the beam should support. The shearing stresses in the web of a beam may be resolved into two component stresses of equal intensity at right angles to each other and at angles of 45 degrees with the neutral axis. Both of these stresses are of the same intensity and equal to that of the vertical shear. These component stresses are equivalent to compressive and tensile forces acting upon the web of the beam. The com- pressive forces tend to buckle the web, but it is not entirely free to do so because the tensile forces acting at right angles have the effect of stiffening it. The formula in general use for determining the maximum safe shear on the webs of beams and girders is as follows, in which, v = Safe shearing stress, in pounds per square inch. V = Maximum safe shear, in pounds. d = Depth of beam, in inches. t = Thickness of web, in inches. h = Clear distance between flanges, in inches. and V ^ vdt = _ Some experiments were made to test the reliability of this formula. Standard I beams of open hearth steel of the usual quality were taken for the purpose. Several of the beams had their webs reduced in thickness by planing to secure the desired ratio of thickness of web to depth of beam. The beams, all of short span, were placed upon supports under a testing machine and loaded at two points symmet- rical about the center. The webs were left entirely free to act under the shearing stress ; no connection angles or stiffeners were used at the ends, under the loads or elsewhere. No parts of the beams were machined except the webs, which had been planed to secure the desired thickness. The flanges, in most cases, were not perfectly square to the web and the loads applied by the testing machine were allowed to bring them square, the intention being to secure tests representing conditions occurring in actual construction. When the elastic limit was passed, the mill scale or par- ticles of rust began to flake from the webs. When the webs began to cripple, no further addition of load was possible. Results of these tests are shown in the table on the next page. 88 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. TESTS ON THE CRIPPLING STRENGTH OF WEBS. Size Thickness of Ratio of Observed Shear inLbs. Safe Shear \ Factor of Safety. Allowed (Provided by Formula. of Beam. Web, Inches. h t At Elastic Limit. At Crippling of Web. by Formula, LbsT Within Elastic Limit. Within Crippling Load. 5"! .210 19.6 41,400 11,170 3.7 5//I .125 31.9 23,675 5,700 4.1 6"! J235 21.4 31,100 49,800 14,720 2.1 3.4 6"! .235 21.4 32,650 52,550 14,720 2.2 3.6 6"! .128 39.2 17,500 22,650 I 6,090 2.9 3.7 6"! .129 39.0 19,800 22,900 6,160 3.2 3.7 8"! .126 54.3 21,550 21,850 ; 6,100 3.5 3.6 8"! .125 54.6 20,050 23,050 6,020 3.3 3.8 10"! .192 45.1 33,000 40,700 13,730 2.4 3.0 10"! .196 44.2 32,900 44,850 14,240 2.3 3.2 10"! .130 66.5 22,550 24,750 6,310 3.6 3.9 10" I .130 66.5 22,050 24,300 6,310 3.5 3.8 As the compression flanges or steel beams under trans- verse loading fail at a fiber stress not exceeding 52,000 Ibs. per square inch, the fiber stress of 16,000 Ibs. per square inch usually allowed corresponds to an actual factor of safety not greater than 3.25 within the ultimate. It likewise is one-half the elastic limit of the material, or provides a safety factor of 2 within the elastic limit. The above tests show that the usual formula for the safe shear on the webs of steel beams provides a larger margin of safety, within both the elastic limit and the ultimate strength, than the beam has against failure by transverse bending under a load producing a maximum fiber stress of 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. The formula also provides a larger margin of safety for thin webs than for thick webs, which is desirable. The safe shears on the webs of Bethlehem beams and girders, derived from this formula, are given in the table on the opposite page, and also the corresponding minimum spans for the greatest safe uniformly distributed loads. The safe uniformly distributed load for any span less than the minimum span given must not exceed twice the safe shear. The safe load concentrated at the center of a span must not be greater than twice the safe shear given, and the corresponding minimum span will be one-half the minimum span given in the table. Loading of any kind must not pro- duce a shear exceeding the safe shear given, unless the webs are stiffened. Similar tables are given on pages 192 and 193 for Ameri- can standard I beams and channels. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 89 MAXIMUM SAFE SHEAR FOR BETHLEHEM SPECIAL I BEAMS AND GIRDER BEAMS, BASED UPON THE CRIPPLING STRENGTH OF THE WEBS: AND THE CORRESPONDING MINIMUM SPANS FOR GREATEST SAFE UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOADS. SPECIAL X BEAMS GIRDER BEAMS. Section De P thof Vei l llt Maximum Mini- mum Section De P thof Weight Maximum Mini- mum . Beam, per Foot. Number. i nc hes. founds. Safe Shear, Pounds. Span, Feet. ' ! Beam, per Foot, Safe Shear, dumber. Inches> PoundSt p oundSt Span, Feet. B30 B28 B26 30 28 26 120.0 105.0 90.0 97,400 83,000 69,700 19.2 18.8 17.9 G30a G30 30 30 200.0 175.0 190,400 162,300 17.1 17.2 B24a 24 84.0 72,600 14.7 G28a 28 180.0 162,500 17.0 24 82.0 87,500 11.4 G28 28 162.5 147,600 16.7 24 72.0 48,900 19.0 G26a 26 160.0 136,700 16.8 B20a 20 20 82.0 72.0 103,000 65,400 8.1 12.0 G26 26 150.0 133,200 16.0 20 68.0 80,700 8.4 G24a 24 140.0 109,800 17.2 ROA 20 63.0 62,100 10.5 G24 24 120.0 93,000 17.4 Bow 20 20 60.0 58.5 50,500 44,300 12.6 14.2 G20a 20 140.0 124,700 12.6 18 58.5 74,900 7.0 G20 20 112.0 91,100 13.9 B18 18 52.5 49,700 9.9 G18 18 92.0 74,200 12.7 B15b B15a 18 15 15 15 48.5 72.0 64.0 54.0 34,800 82,300 93,200 53,100 13.6 6.9 5.1 8.2 G15b G15a G15 15 15 15 140.0 104.0 73.0 134,500 93,700 57,600 8.4 9.3 10.9 15 46.0 58,300 5.9 G12a 12 70.0 55,900 8.6 B15 15 15 42.0 38.0 44,100 28,400 7.5 11.1 G12 12 55.0 39,400 9.8 B12a 12 36.0 32,400 7.4 G10 10 44.0 28,700 9.1 12 31.0 32,000 6.3 G9 9 38.0 25,700 7.8 B12 12 28.5 22,400 8.6 G8 8 32.5 22,700 6.7 10 27.5 33,300 4.3 BIO 10 24.5 21,200 6.4 10 22.5 14,600 9.0 Maximum Safe Shear 12 ' dt 9 23.0 27,500 4.0 h 8 * ~^~ anno ta B9 9 21.0 20,100 5.2 Where, 9 8 19.0 21.25 13,000 30,700 7.8 2.8 d=depth of beam, t=thickness of web, h=clear distance between flanges. B8 8 18.00 19,000 4.2 All dimensions in inches. 8 16.25 11,500 6.6 90 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. EXPLANATION OF TABLES ON SPACING OF BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS AND GIRDER BEAMS. The tables on pages 92-107 give the proper spacing, in feet center to center, for Bethlehem girder beams and princi- pal weights of special I beams for the uniformly distributed floor loads specified. The tables are calculated for total loads, which include the superimposed load which the floor is to support and the dead weight of the floor construction itself. The spacing in computed for a maximum fiber stress of 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. These tables provide a con- venient means of readily selecting the proper sizes of beams and girders to be used for supporting floors. For example, if 12 /x special I beams weighing 28.5 Ibs. per foot are to be used for supporting a total live and dead load of 175 Ibs. per square foot on a span of 20 ft., the table on page 107 gives the spacing for this size of beam on the given span to be 5.5 ft. This is the proper distance the beams should be spaced. When the load is given, and the span and spacing of the beams are fixed, the proper size of beam to be used can be selected. Thus, for a total load of 150 Ibs. per square foot, if the length of the beams is 18 feet and the spacing fixed at 5.5 feet centers, the table on page 105 shows that 10" special I beams weighing 24.5 Ibs. can be spaced 5.6 feet apart, and are the proper size to be used for the purpose. Beams used as girders in floors can be selected from the tables. Example. Find the proper beam to be used as a girder to support a total load of 150 Ibs. per square foot, the span being 22 feet in length and the girders spaced 17 feet apart. On page 104 for a span of 22 feet the spacing for a 20" special I beam, weighing 58. 5 Ibs. per foot, is given as 17. 3 feet for the assumed loading. This is the most economical beam that can be used for the purpose. On account of limited head- room, it might be necessary, however, to use a shallower beam ; in which case the Bethlehem girder beams may be used. On page 97 the spacing of a 15" girder beam, weigh- ing 73 Ibs. per foot, is given as 17.4 feet for the assumed loading and span. If standard beams only were available, BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. in this case it would have required two standard 15" X 42 Ib. beams with separators, or a total weight of about 87 Ibs. per foot as against the 73 Ibs. weight of the Bethlehem girder beam. The spacing varies inversely as the intensity of the load- ing, so that the tables may be used for other loadings. Thus, to find the spacing for a total load of 250 Ibs. per square foot, refer to the tables for 125 Ibs. and divide the spacings given there by 2. The result will be the spac- ing for a total uniform load of 250 Ibs. per square foot. On short spans the spacings given in the tables may pro- duce a loading greater than the safe crippling strength of the webs of the beams. This limit is indicated in the tables by heavy cross lines. The beams must not be used on shorter spans with the spacing given unless the webs are stiffened. But it will generally be advisable in such cases to use a heavier beam with a thicker web. Spacings given for spans greater than 24 times the depth of the beams produce deflections exceeding ^ of the span. This limit is indicated in the tables by dotted lines. If the beams are to carry plastered ceilings, the spacings given below these dotted must not be used, unless they are reduced in the following manner : Let L' limiting span, in feet, for maximum deflection. L = given span, in feet. S spacing given in table for span L. S' = reduced spacing, d = depth of beam, in inches. Then L' = 2 d, and S' = ^ S. J-/ Thus, on page 101 for a total load of 100 Ibs. per square foot the spacing for 12" special I beams weighing 28.5 Ibs. per foot on a span of 28 feet is given as 4.9 feet. The proper spacing to limit the deflection will be found as follows : L' = 24, and S' = ff X 4. 8 = 4. 2 feet, and the beams, if used with this reduced spacing, will deflect only J^-Q of the span. The spacings are calculated only for uniformly distributed loading. When the loads are concentrated, or irregularly spaced, the tables of spacing do not apply, and the proper size of beams to be used in such cases can be determined only by calculation of the bending moments using the actual concentrations of loads. 92 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SPACING OF BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS FOR A TOTAL UNI FORM LOAD OF100 LBS. PER SQUARE FOOT. PROPER DISTANCE IN FEET, CENTER* TO CENTER OF BEAMS. 30" G 28 " G 26" G 24" G Span, in Feet. G3Oa G3O G28a G28 G26a G26 G24a G24 200 Lbs. 175 Lbs. j 180 Lbs. 162.5 Lbs. 160 Lbs. 150 Lbs. 140 Lbs. 120 Lbs. 16 254.3 218.1 216.3 192.4 180.1 166.7 147.3 126.1 17 225.3 193.2 191.6 170.4 159,5 147.6 130.5 111.7 18 200.9 172.3 170.9 152.0 142.3 131.7 116.4 99.6 19 180.3 154.7 153.4 136.4 127.7 118.2 104.5 89.4 20 162.8 139.6 138.5 123.1 115.3 106.7 94.3 80.7 21 ! 147.6 126.6 125.6 111.7 104.5 96.8 85.5 73.2 22 134.5 115.4 114.4 101.8 95.3 88.2 77.9 66.7 23 123.1 105.5 104.7 93.1 87.2 80.7 71.3 61.0 24 ! 113.0 96.9 96.2 85.5 80.0 74.1 65.5 56.0 25 104.2 89.3 88.6 78.8 73.8 | 68.3 60.3 51.6 26 96.3 82.6 81.9 72.9 68.2 63.1 55.8 47.7 27 89.3 76.6 76.0 67.6 63.2 58.5 51.7 44.3 28 ! 83.0 71.2 70.6 62.8 58.8 54.4 48.1 41.2 29 77.4 66.4 65.9 58.6 54.8 50.7 44.8 38.4 30 72.3 62.1 61.5 54.7 51.2 47.4 41.9 35.9 31 67.7 58.1 57.6 51.3 48.0 44.4 39.2 33.6 32 63.6 54.5 54.1 48.1 45.0 41.7 36.8 31.5 33 59.8 51.3 50.9 45.2 42.3 39.2 34.6 29.6 34 56.3 48.3 47.9 42.6 39.9 36.9 32.6 27.9 35 53.1 45.6 45.2 40.2 37.6 34.8 30.8 26.3 36 50.2 43.1 42.7 38.0 35.6 32.9 29.1 24.9 37 47.6 40.8 40.5 36.0 33.7 31.2 27.5 23.6 38 45.1 38.7 38.4 34.1 31.9 29.6 26.1 22.3 39 42.8 36.7 36.4 32.4 30.3 28.1 24.8 21.2 40 40.7 34.9 34.6 30.8 ; 28.8 26.7 23.6 20.2 41 38.7 33.2 32.9 29.3 27.4 25.4 22.4 19.2 42 36.9 31.7 31.4 27.9 26.1 24.2 21.4 18.3 43 35.2 30.2 30.0 26.6 24.9 23.1 20.4 17.5 44 33.6 28.9 28.6 25.4 23.8 22.1 19.5 16.7 45 32.1 27.6 27.4 24.3 22.8 21.1 18.6 15.9 For load of 200 Ibs. per square foot divide spacing given by 2. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Spacing given above the heavy lines produces loads greater than safe loads for web crippling. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 93 SPACING OF BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS FOR ATOTAL UNIFORM LOAD OF 100 LBS. PER SQUARE FOOT. PROPER DISTANCE IN FEET, CENTER TO CENTER OF BEAMS. Span, in Feet. 20" G 18"G 15" G 12"G 10"G 9"G 8" G G2Oa G20 Q18 G15b G15a G15 G12a G12 G1O G9 G8 140 Lbs. 112 Lbs. 92 Lbs. 140 Lbs. 104 Lbs. 353.7271.5 73 Lbs. 70 Lbs. 55 Lbs, 44 Lbs. 38 Lbs. 32.5 Lbs. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 217.7 175.5 149.5 131.3 197.0 155.6 126.1 150.4 120.0 94.8 81.4 64.4 111.8 82.1 84.4 62.0 47.5 37.5 30.4 25.1 21.1 18.0 15.5 13.5 11.9 62.9 49.8 40.3 33.3 28.0 23.8 20.5 17.9 15.7 13.9 12.4 Tl~2 10.1 9.1 8.3 7.6 7.9 6.4 6.0 5.5 5.1 4.8 4.5 279.4 226.4 187.1 157.2 133.9 115.5 100.6 88.4 78.3 69.9 62.7 56.6 51.3 46.8 42.8 39.3 36.2 33.5 31.1 28.9 26.9 25.2 214.2 118.7 96.2 79.5 66.8 56.9 49.1 42.7 37.6 33.3 29.7 26.6 24.0 21.8 19.9 18.2 16.7 173.5 143.4 120.5 102.6 88.5 77.1 67.8 60.0 53.5 48.1 43.4 39.3 35.8 32.8 30.1 27.8 25.7 23.8 22.1 20.6 19.3 76.8 63.5 53.3 45.4 39.2 34.1 30.0 26.6 23.7 21.3 19.2 17.4 15.9 14.5 13.3 52.1 43.1 36.2 30.8 26.6 23.2 20.4 18.0 16.1 14.4 13.0 104.2 87.6 74.6 64.3 56.0 49.3 43.6 38.9 34.9 31.5 28.6 26.1 23.8 21.9 20.2 18.7 17.3 16.1 15.0 14.0 185.5 159.9 139.3 122.4 108.4 96.7 86.8 78.4 71.1 64.8 59.2 54.4 50.2 46.4 43.0 40.0 37.3 34.8 32.6 30.6 28.8 27.1 25.6 111.9 96.5 84.0 73.9 65.4 58.4 52.4 47.3 42.9 39.1 35.7 32.8 30.3 28.0 25.9 24.1 22.5 21.0 19.7 18.5 17.4 16.4 15.4 128.9 112.3 98.7 87.4 78.0 70.0 63.2 57.3 52.2 47.8 43.9 40.4 37.4 34.7 32.2 30.0 28.1 26.3 24.7 23.2 21.9 20.6 10.5 9.4 8.4 7.6 6.9 6.3 5.7 5.3 4.9 11.8 10.8 9.9 9.1 8.3 7.7 7.1 6.7 6.2 5.8 15.4 14.2 13.2 12.3 11.4 10.7 10.0 9.4 8.8 8.3 7.9 12.3 11.4 10.5 9.8 9.1 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.1 6.6 6.3 23.6 22.1 20.8 19.6 18.5 18.1 16.9 15.9 15.0 14.2 13.1 12.3 11.6 10.9 10.3 For load of 200 Ibs. per square foot divide spacing given by 2. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Spacing given above the heavy lines produces loads greater than safe loads for web crippling. Spacing given below the dotted lines produces deflections exceeding Tifo of the span. 94 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SPACING OF BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS FOR ATOTALUNIFORM LOAD OF125 LBS. PER SQUARE FOOT. PROPER DISTANCE IN FEET, CENTER TO CENTER OF BEAMS. 30" G 28" G 26" G 24" G Span, in Feet. G3O a G3O G28 a G28 G26 a G26 G24a G24 200 Lbs. 175 Lbs. 180 Lbs. 162.5 Lbs. 160 Lbs. 150 Lbs. 140 Lbs. 120 Lbs. 16 203.4 174.5 173.1 153.9 144.1 133.3 117.8 100.8 17 180.2 154.6 L53.3 136.4 127.6 118.1 104.4 89.3 18 160.7 137.9 136.7 121.6 113.8 105.4 93.1 79.7 19 144.3 123.7 122.7 109.2 102.2 94.6 83.6 71.5 20 130.2 111.7 110.8 98.5 92.2 85.3 75.4 64.5 21 118.1 101.3 100.5 89.4 83.6 77.4 68.4 58.5 22 107.6 92.3 91.5 81.4 76.2 70.5 62.3 53.3 23 98.5 84.4 83.8 74.5 69.7 64.5 57.0 48.8 24 90.4 77.6 76.9 68.4 64.0 59.3 52.4 44.8 25 83.3 71.5 70.9 63.0 59.0 54.6 48.2 41.3 26 77.0 66.1 65.5 58.3 54.6 50.5 44.6 38.2 27 71.4 61.3 60.8 54.1 50.6 46.8 41.4 35.4 28 66.4 57.0 56.5 50.3 47.0 43.5 38.5 32.9 29 61.9 53.1 52.7 46.9 43.9 40.6 35.8 30.7 30 57.9 49.6 49.2 43.8 41.0 37.9 33.5 28.7 31 54.2 ( 46.5 46.1 41.0 38.4 35.5 31.4 26.9 32 50.9 43.6 43.3 38.5 36.0 33.3 29.5 25.2 33 47.8 41.0 40.7 36.2 33.9 31.3 27.7 23.7 34 45.1 38.6 38.3 34.1 31.9 29.5 26.1 22.3 35 42.5 36.4 36.2 32.2 30.1 27.9 24.6 21.1 36 40.2 34.5 34.2 30.4 28.5 26.3 23.3 19.9 37 38.0 32.6 32.4 28.8 26.9 24.9 22.0 18.9 38 36.1 30.9 30.7 27.3 25.5 23.6 20.9 17.9 39 34.2 29.4 29.1 25.9 24.2 22.4 19.8 17.0 40 32.6 27.9 27.7 24.6 23.1 21.3 18.9 16.1 41 31.0 26.5 26.4 23.4 21.9 20.3 17.9 15.4 42 29.6 25.4 25.1 22.3 20.9 19.4 17.1 14.6 43 28.2 24.2 24.0 21.3 19.9 18.5 16.3 14.0 44 26.9 23.1 22.9 20.4 19.0 17.6 15.6 13.3 45 25.7 22.1 21.9 19.5 18.2 16.9 14.9 12.7 For load of 250 Ibs. per square foot divide spacing given by 2. Maximum liber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Spacing given above the heavy lines produces loads greater than safe loads for web crippling. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 95 SPACING OF BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS FOR ATOTAL UNIFORM LOAD OF125 LBS. PER SQUARE FOOT. PROPER DISTANCE IN FEET, CENTER TO CENTER OF BEAMS. Span, in Feet. 20" G 18"G 15"G 12"G 10"G 9"G 8"G G2Oa G2O G18 G15b G15a G15 G12 a G12 G10 G9 G8 140 Lbs. 112 Lbs. 92 Lbs.; 140 Lbs. 104 Lbs. 73 Lbs. 157.6 124.5 100.9 70 Lbs. 55 Lbs. 44 Lbs. 38 Lbs. 32.5 Lbs. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 174.1 148.4 127.9 111.4 98.0 86.8 77.4 69.5 62.7 56.9 51.8 47.4 43.5 40.1 37.1 34.4 32.0 29.8 27.9 26.1 24.5 23.0 21.7 20.5 140.4 119.6 105.0 282.9 216.8 171.3 120.2 95.5 75.7 65.2 51.4 89.4 65.7 67.5 49.6 38.0 30.0 24.3 20.1 16.9 14.4 12.4 10.8 9.5 50.3 39.8 32.2 26.6 22.4 19.1 16.4 14.3 12.6 11.1 9.9 223.6 181.1 149.7 125.8 107.1 92.4 80.5 70.7 62.7 55.9 50.2 45.3 41.1 37.4 34.2 31.4 29.0 26.8 24.8 23.1 21.5 20.1 95.0 76.9 63.6 53.4 45.5 39.3 34.2 30.1 26.6 23.7 21.3 19.2 17.4 15.9 14.5 13.4 138.8 114.7 96.4 82.1 70.8 61.7 54.2 48.0 42.8 38.4 34.7 31.4 28.7 26.2 24.1 22.2 20.5 19.0 17.7 16.5 15.4 61.4 50.8 42.7 36.4 31.4 27.3 24.0 21.3 19.0 17.0 15.4 13.9 12.7 11.6 10.7 41.7 34.5 29.0 24.6 21.3 18.5 16.3 14.4 12.9 11.6 10.4 "Ts 8.6 7.9 7.2 6.7 6.2 5.7 5.3 5.0 4.6 83.3 70.1 59.7 51.5 44.8 39.4 34.9 31.1 27.9 25.2 22.9 20.8 19.1 17.5 16.1 14.9 13.8 12.9 12.0 11.2 89.5 77.2 67.2 59.1 52.3 46.7 41.9 37.8 34.3 31.3 28.6 26.3 24.2 22.4 20.7 19.3 18.0 16.8 15.7 14.8 13.6 13.1 12.3 103.1 89.8 79.0 69.9 62.4 56.0 50.5 45.8 41.8 38.2 35.1 32.3 29.9 27.7 25.8 24.0 22.5 21.0 19.7 18.6 17.5 16.5 8.4 7.5 6.7 6.1 5.5 5.0 4.6 4.2 3.9 8.9 8.1 7.3 6.7 6.1 5.6 5.2 4.8 4.4 4.1 3.8 3.6 12.3 11.4 10.6 9.8 9.1 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.1 6.7 6.3 9.8 9.1 8.4 7.8 7.3 6.8 6.4 6.0 5.6 5.3 5.0 18.8 17.7 16.6 15.7 14.8 14.4 13.6 12.7 12.0 11.3 10.5 9.9 9.3 8.7 8.2 For load of 250 Ibs. per square foot divide spacing given by 2. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Spacing given above the heavy fines produces loads greater than safe loads for web crippling. Spacing given below the dotted lines produces deflections exceeding g$3 of the span. 96 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SPACING OF BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS FOR A TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD OF15O LBS. PER SQUARE FOOT. PROPER DISTANCE IN FEET. CENTER TO CENTER OP BEAMS. 30" G 28" G 26" G 24" G Span, in Feet. G3O a G3O G28 a G28 G26 a G26 G24a G24 200 Lbs. 175 Lbs. 180 Lbs. 162.5 Lbs. 160 Lbs. 150 Lbs. 140 Lbs. ! 120 Lbs. 16 169.5 145.4 144.2 128.3 120.0 111.1 98.2 84.0 17 150.2 128.8 127.7 113.6 106.3 98.4 87.0 74.4 18 133.9 114.9 113.9 101.3 94.8 87.8 77.6 66.4 19 120.2 103.1 102.3 90.9 85.1 78.8 69.6 59.6 20 108.5 93.1 92.3 82.1 76.8 71.1 62.9 53.8 21 l , 98.4 84.4 83.7 74.5 69.7 64.5 57.0 48.8 22 89.7 76.9 76.3 67.9 63.5 58.8 51.9 44.4 23 82.1 70.3 69.8 62.1 58.1 53.8 47.5 40.7 24 75.3 64.6 64.1 57.0 53.3 49.4 43.6 37.3 25 69.5 59.5 59.1 52.5 49.2 45.5 40.2 34.4 26 64.2 55.1 54.6 48.6 45.5 42.1 37.2 31.8 27 59.5 51.1 50.7 45.1 42.1 39.0 34.5 i 29.5 28 55.3 47.5 47.1 41.9 39.2 36.3 32.1 27.4 29 51.6 44.3 43.9 39.1 36.5 33.8 29.9 25.6 30 48,2 41.4 41.0 36.5 34.1 31.6 27.9 23.9 31 45.1 3S.7 38.4 34.2 32.0 29.6 26.2 22.4 32 42.4 36.3 36.1 32.1 30.0 27.8 24.5 21.0 33 39.9 34.2 33.9 30.1 28.2 26.1 23.1 19.8 34 37.5 32.2 31.9 28.4 26.6 24.6 21.7 18.6 35 35.4 30.4 30.1 26.8 25.1 23.2 20.5 17.6 36 33.5 28.7 28.5 25.3 23.7 21.9 19.4 16.6 37 31.7 27.2 27.0 24.0 22.5 20.8 18.4 15.7 38 30.1 25.8 25.6 22.7 21.3 19.7 17.4 14.9 39 28.5 24.5 24.3 21.6 20.2 18.7 16.5 14.1 40 27.1 23.3 23.1 20.5 19.2 17.8 15.7 13.4 41 ! 25.8 22.1 21.9 19.5 18.3 16.9 14.9 12.8 42 24.6 21.1 20.9 18.6 17.4 16.1 14.3 12.2 43 23.5 20.1 20.0 17.7 16.6 15.4 13.6 11.7 44 22.4 19.3 19.1 16.9 15.9 14.7 13.0 11.1 45 21.4 18.4 18.3 16.2 15.2 14.0 12.4 10.6 For load of 300 IDS. per square foot divide spacing given by 2. Maximum liber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Spacing given above the heavy lines produces load greater than safe loads for web crippling. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 97 SPACING OF BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS FOR A TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD OF15O LBS. PER SQUARE FOOT. PROPER DISTANCE IN FCET, CENTER TO CENTER OF BEAMS. Span, in Feet. 20" G 18"G 15"G 12"G 10"G 9" G &" G 020a G20 G18 Glbb G15a G15 G12a G12 G10 G9 G8 140 Lbs. 145.1 112 Lbs. ' 92 Lbs. 140 Lbs. 104 Lbs. ; 73 Lbs. 70 Lbs. 55 Lbs. 44 Lbs. 38Lbs. 32.5Lbs 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 117.0 99.6 87.5 235.8 180.7 142.8 131.3 103.8 84.1 69.5 58.4 49.7 42.9 37.4 32.8 29.1 25.9 23.3 21.0 19.1 17.4 15.9 14.6 13.4 12.4 11.5 10.7 10.0 9.3 100.2 80.0 63.2 54.4 42.9 74.5 54.7 56.3 41.3 31.6 25.0 20.3 16.7 14.1 12.0 10.3 9.0 7.9 41.9 33.1 26.8 22.2 18.6 15.9 13.7 11.9 10.5 9.3 8.3 "73 6.7 6.1 5.5 5.1 4.7 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.4 3.2 3.0 186.3 150.9 124.7 104.8 89.3 77.0 67.1 58.9 52.2 46.6 41.8 37.7 34.2 31.2 28.5 26.2 24.1 22.3 20.7 19.2 17.9 16.8 79.2 64.1 53.0 44.5 37.9 32.7 28.5 25.0 22.2 19.8 17.7 16.0 14.5 13.2 12.1 11.1 115.7 95.6 80.3 68.4 59.0 51.4 45.2 40.0 35.7 32.0 28.9 26.2 23.9 21.9 20.1 18.5 17.1 15.9 14.7 13.7 12.8 51.2 42.3 35.6 30.3 26.1 22.8 20.0 17.7 15.8 14.2 12.8 11.6 10.6 9.7 8.9 34.7 28.7 24.1 20.6 17.7 15.4 13.6 12.0 10.7 9.6 8.7 123.7 106.6 92.9 81.6 72.3 64.5 57.9 52.2 47.4 43.2 39.5 36.3 33.4 30.9 28.7 26.6 24.8 23.2 21.7 20.4 19.2 18.1 17.1 74.6 64.3 56.0 49.2 43.6 38.9 34.9 31.5 28.6 26.0 23.8 21.9 20.2 18.6 17.3 16.1 15.0 14.0 13.1 12.3 11.6 10.9 10.3 85.9 74.9 65.8 58.3 52.0 46.7 42.1 38.2 34.8 31.8 29.2 26.9 24.9 23.1 21.5 20.0 18.7 17.5 16.4 15.5 14.6 13.7 7.0 6.2 5.6 5.1 4.6 4.2 3.8 3.5 3.2 7.9 7.2 6.6 6.0 5.6 5.1 4.8 4.4 4.1 3.9 10.3 9.5 8.8 8.2 7.6 7.1 6.7 6.3 5.9 5.5 6.2 8.2 7.6 7.0 6.5 6.1 5.7 5.3 5.0 4.7 4.4 4.2 15.7 14.7 13.9 13.1 12.3 12.0 11.3 10.6 10.0 9.4 8.7 8.2 7.7 7.3 6.8 For load of 300 Ibs. per square foot divide the spacing given by 2. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Spacing given above the heavy lines produces loads greater than safe loads for web crippling. Spacing given below the dotted lines produces deflections exceeding sis of the span. 98 BETHLEHEM STEEL COM PA NY. SPACING OF BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS FOR ATOTALUNIFORM LOAD OF175 LBS. PER SQUARE FOOT. PROPER DISTANCE IN FEET, CENTER TO CENTER OF BEAMS. 30" G 28" G 26" G 24" G Span, in Feet. G30a G3O G28a G28 G26a G26 G24a G24 I 200 Lbs. 175 Lbs. 180 Lbs. 162.5 Lbs. 160 Lbs. 150 Lbs. 140 Lbs. 120 Lbs. 16 145.3 124.6 123.6 109.9 102.9 95.2 84.2 72.0 17 128.7 110.4 109.5 97.4 91.1 84.4 74.6 63.8 18 114.8 98.5 97.7 86.9 81.3 75.3 66.5 56.9 19 103.0 88.4 87.7 78.0 73.0 67.5 59.7 51.1 20 93.0 79.8 79.1 70.4 65.9 61.0 53.9 46.1 21 84.3 72.4 71.8 63.8 59.7 55.3 48.9 41.8 22 76.9 65.9 65.4 58.2 54.4 50.4 44.5 38.1 23 70.3 60.3 59.8 53.2 49.8 46.1 40.7 34.9 24 64.6 55.4 54.9 48.9 45.7 42.3 37.4 32.0 25 59.5 51.1 50.6 45.0 42.2 39.0 34.5 29.5 26 55.0 47.2 46.8 41.6 39.0 36.1 31.9 27.3 27 51.0 43.8 43.4 38.6 36.1 33.4 29.6 25.3 28 47.4 40.7 40.4 35.9 33.6 31.1 27.5 23.5 29 44.2 37.9 37.6 33.5 31.3 29.0 25.6 21.9 30 41.3 35.5 35.2 31.3 29.3 27.1 23.9 20.5 31 38.7 33.2 32.9 29.3 27.4 25.4 22.4 19.2 32 36.3 31.2 30.9 27.5 25.7 23.8 21.0 18.0 33 34.2 29.3 29.1 25.8 24.2 22.4 19.8 16.9 34 32.2 27.6 27.4 24.3 22.8 21.1 18.6 16.0 35 30.4 26.1 25.8 23.0 21.5 19.9 17.6 15.1 36 28.7 24.6 24.4 21.7 20.3 18.8 16.6 14.2 37 27.2 23.3 23.1 20.6 19.2 17.8 15.7 13.5 38 25.8 22.1 21.9 19.5 18.2 16.9 14.9 12.8 39 24.5 21.0 20.8 18.5 17.3 16.0 14.2 12.1 40 23.3 19.9 19.8 17.6 16.5 15.2 13.5 11.5 41 22.1 19.0 18.8 16.7 15.7 14.5 12.8 11.0 42 21.1 18.1 17.9 16.0 14.9 13.8 12.2 10.5 43 20.1 17.3 17.1 15.2 14.2 13.2 11.7 10.0 44 19.2 16.5 16.4 14.5 13.6 12.6 11.1 9.5 45 18.4 15.8 15.6 13.9 13.0 12.0 10.6 9.1 For load of 350 Ibs. per square foot divide spacing given by 2. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. . Spacing given above the heavy lines produces loads greater than safe loads for web crippling. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 99 SPACING OF BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS FOR A TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD OF 175 LBS. PER SQUARE FOOT. PROPER DISTANCE IN FEET. CENTER TO CENTER OP BEAMS. Span, in feet. 20" G 18G" 15"G 12" G 10"G 9"G 8"G G20a G20 G18 G15b G15a G15 G12a G12 G1O G9 G8 140 Lbs. 112 Lbs. 92 Lbs. 140 Lbs. 104 Lbs. 73 Lbs. 70 Lbs. 55 Lbs. 44 Lbs. 38 Lbs. 32.5 Lbs. 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 124.4 100.3 85.4 75.0 202.1 154.9 122.4 112.6 89.0 72.1 85.9 68.2 54.2 46.5 36.8 63.9 46.9 48.2 35.4 27.1 21.4 17.4 14.3 12.1 10.3 8.9 7.7 6.8 35.9 28.4 23.0 19.0 16.0 13.6 11.7 10.2 9.0 8.0 7.1 ~~6~4 5.8 5.2 4.8 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.4 3.2 2.9 2.7 2.6 159.7 129.3 106.9 89.8 76.5 66.0 57.5 50.5 44.8 39.9 35.8 32.3 29.3 26.7 24.5 22.5 20.7 19.1 17.7 16.5 15.4 14.4 67.8 54.9 45.4 38.1 32.5 28.0 24.4 21.5 19.0 17.0 15.2 13.7 12.5 11.4 10.4 9.5 99.1 81.9 68.8 58.7 50.6 44.1 38.7 34.3 30.6 27.5 24.8 22.5 20.5 18.7 17.2 15.9 14.7 13.6 12.6 11.8 11.0 43.9 36.3 30.5 26.0 22.4 19.5 17.1 15.2 13.5 12.2 11.0 10.0 9.1 8.3 7.6 29.8 24.6 20.7 17.6 15.2 13.2 11.6 10.3 9.2 8.3 _7.4 "e's 6.2 5.6 5.2 4.8 4.4 4.1 3.8 3.5 3.3 59.6 50.0 42.6 36.8 32.0 28.1 24.9 22.2 19.9 18.0 16.3 14.9 13.6 12.5 11.5 10.7 9.9 9.2 8.6 8.0 106.0 91.4 79.6 70.0 62.0 55.3 49.6 44.8 40.6 37.0 33.9 31.1 28.7 26.5 24.6 22.8 21.3 19.9 18.6 17.5 16.4 15.5 14.6 63.9 55.1 48.0 42.2 37.4 33.3 29.9 27.0 24.5 22.3 20.4 18.8 17.3 16.0 14.8 13.8 12.9 12.0 11.2 10.6 9.9 9.3 8.8 73.7 64.2 56.4 50.0 44.6 40.0 36.1 32.7 29.8 27.3 25.1 23.1 21.4 19.8 18.4 17.2 16.0 15.0 14.1 13.3 12.5 11.8 6.0 5.4 4.8 4.3 3.9 3.6 3.3 3.0 2.8 8.8 8.1 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.1 5.7 5.4 5.0 4.7 4.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.6 5.2 4.9 4.6 4.3 4.0 3.8 3.6 13.5 12.6 11.9 11.2 10.6 10.3 9.7 9.1 8.6 8.1 7.5 7.0 6.6 6.2 5.9 For load of 350 Ibs. per square foot divide spacing given by 2. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Spacing given above the heavy lines produces loads greater than safe loads for web crippling. Spacing given below the dotted lines produces deflections exceeding ^ of the span. 100 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SPACING OF BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS FOR A TOTALUNIFORM LOAD OF100 LBS. PER SQUARE FOOT. PROPER DISTANCE IN FEET, CENTER TO CENTER OF BEAMS. Span, in Feet. 30" I 28" I 26" I 24"! 20" I 18" I B30 B28 B26 B24 a B24 B2Oa B2O B18 120 Lbs. 105 Lbs. 90 Lbs. 84 Lbs. 72 Lbs. 72 Lbs. 58.5 Lbs. 48.5 Lbs. 16 17 18 19 20 146.4 129.7 115.7 103.8 121.7 107.8 96.2 97.5 86.4 83.0 73.6 65.6 58.9 53.2 72.6 64.3 57.4 61.2 54.2 48.3 43.4 39.1 49.0 43.4 38.7 34.8 31.4 37.1 32.9 29.3 26.3 23.8 77.1 69.2 62.4 86.3 77.9 51.5 46.5 93.7 21 22 23 24 25 85.0 77.4 70.9 65.1 60.0 70.7 64.4 58.9 54.1 49.9 56.6 51.6 47.2 43.4 40.0 48.2 43.9 40.2 36.9 34.0 42.1 38.4 35.1 32.3 29.7 35.5 32.4 29.6 27.2 25.1 28.5 25.9 23.7 21.8 20.1 21.5 19.6 18.0 16.5 15.2 26 27 28 29 30 55.5 51.4 47.8 44.6 41.7 46.1 42.7 39.7 37.1 34.6 36.9 34.3 31.9 29.7 27.7 31.5 29.2 27.1 25.3 23.6 27.5 25.5 23.7 22.1 20.7 23.2 21.5 20.0 18.6 17.4 18.6 17.2 16.0 14.9 13.9 14.1 13.0 12.1 11.3 10.6 31 32 33 34 35 39.0 36.6 34.4 32.4 30.6 32.4 30.4 28.6 27.0 25.4 26.0 24.4 22.9 21.6 20.4 22.1 20.8 19.5 18.4 17.4 19.3 18.2 17.1 16.1 15.2 16.3 15.3 14.4 13.5 12.8 13.1 12.3 11.5 10.9 10.2 9.9 9.3 8.7 8.2 7.8 36 28.9 24.0 19:2 16.4 14.3 12.1 9.7 7.3 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 27.4 26.0 24.6 23.4 22.3 21.3 20.3 19.4 18.5 22.8 21.6 20.5 19.5 18.5 17.7 16.9 16.1 15.4 18.2 17.3 16.4 15.6 14.9 14.2 13.5 12.9 12.3 15.5 14.7 14.0 13.3 12.7 12.1 11.5 11.0 10.5 13.6 12.9 12.2 11.6 11.1 10.5 10.1 9.6 9.2 11.4 10.8 10.3 9.8 9.2 8.7 8.3 7.8 6.9 6.6 6.2 5.9 5.7 5.4 5.1 4.9 4.7 9.3 8.9 8.5 8.1 7.7 7.5 7.1 6.8 6.5 6.2 For load of 200 Ibs. per square foot divide the spacing given by 2. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Spacing given above the heavy lines produces loads greater than safe loads for Web crippling. Spacing given below the dotted lines produces deflections exceeding 3 s of the span. BETHLEHEM STEEL C~O*M*PAXY. 101 SPACING Vf. j .. : ;' BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS FOR A TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD OF100 LBS. PER SQUARE FOOT. PROPER DISTANCE IN FECT, CENTER TO CENTER OF BEAMS. / Span, in Feet. 15" I 12"! 10"! 9' 89 8"X B15 b B15a B15 B12a B12 BIO B10 B9 B8 B8 72Lbs. 54 Lbs. 38 Lbs. 174.8 128.4 98.3 77.7 62.9 52.0 36 Lbs. 28.5 Lbs 24.5 Lbs 22.5 Lbs 21 Lbs. 19 Lbs. j 18 Lbs. 16.25 Lbs. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 315.2 241.1 177.2 135.6 133.4 98.0 106.9 78.6 60.2 75.4 72.8 53.5 40.9 58.4 42.9 32.9 26.0 21.0 17.4 14.6 12.4 10.7 9.4 8.2 7.3 6.5 56.1 41.2 44.5 32.7 25.0 19.8 16.0 13.2 11.1 9.5 8.2 7.1 6.3 42.2 331.6 177.3 140.0 113.5 93.8 78.8 67.2 58.0 50.4 44.3 39.3 35.0 31.4 28.4 25.7 23.5 21.5 19.7 18.2 16.8 15.6 14.5 13.5 12.6 55.4 42.4 33.5 27.1 22.4 18.8 16.1 13.8 12.1 10.6 9.4 8.4 7.5 6.8 31.0 23.8 18.8 15.2 12.6 10.6 9.0 7.8 6.8 5.9 75.1 59.3 48.0 39.7 33.4 28.4 24.5 21.4 18.8 16.6 14.8 13.3 12.0 10.9 9.9 9.1 8.3 31.5 24.9 20.2 16.7 14.0 11.9 10.3 9.0 7.9 7.0 6.2 107.2 86.8 71.7 60.3 51.4 44.3 38.6 33.9 30.0 26.8 24.1 21.7 19.7 17.9 16.4 15.1 13.9 12.8 11.9 11.1 10.3 9.7 47.5 38.5 31.8 26.7 22.8 19.6 17.1 15.0 13.3 11.9 10.7 9.6 8.7 8.0 7.3 6.7 32.4 26.2 21.7 18.2 15.5 13.4 11.6 10.2 9.1 8.1 7.3 6.6 43.7 37.2 32.1 28.0 24.6 21.8 19.4 17.4 15.7 14.3 13.0 11.9 10.9 10.1 9.3 8.6 8.0 7.5 7.0 5.5 4.9 4.4 4.0 3.6 3.3 3.0 2.8 2.6 5.3 4.7 4.2 3.8 3.5 3.1 2.9 2.6 2.4 5.8 5.3 4.8 4.4 4.0 3.7 3.4 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.3 5.6 5.1 4.6 4.2 3.8 3.5 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 6.2 5.6 5.1 4.7 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.5 3.2 3.0 5.9 5.4 5.0 4.6 4.2 3.9 3.6 3.3 3.1 2.9 7.7 7.1 6.6 6.1 5.7 5.3 5.0 4.7 4.4 4.2 3.9 6.2 5.7 5.3 4.9 4.6 4.3 4.0 3.8 3.5 3.3 3.1 11.8 11.1 10.4 9.8 9.3 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.1 6.6 6.1 5.8 5.4 5.1 For load of 200 Ibs. per square foot divide the spacing given by 2. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Spacing given above the heavy lines produces loads greater than the safe loads for web crippling. Spacing given below the dotted lines produces deflections exceeding sis of the span. 102 BE/rHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SPACING OF BETHLEHEM* SPECIAL Z BEAMS FOR A TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD OF125 LBS. PER SQUARE FOOT. PROPER DISTANCE IN FEET, CENTER TO CENTER OF BEAMS. 30" X 28" I 26" I 24" I 20"! 18" I Span, in Feet B30 B28 B26 B24 a B24 B20 a B2O B18 120 Lbs. 105 Lbs. 90 Lbs. 84 Lbs. 72 Lbs. 72 Lbs. 58.5 Lbs. 48.5 Lbs. 16 117.1 97.4 78.0 66.4 58.1 48.9 39.2 29.7 17 103.8 86.3 69.1 58.9 51.4 43.3 34.7 26.3 18 92.6 76.9 61.7 52.5 45.9 38.7 31.0 23.5 19 83.1 69.1 55.3 47.1 41.2 34.7 27.8 21.1 20 75.0 62.3 49.9 42.5 37.2 31.3 25.1 19.0 21 68.0 56.5 45.3 38.6 33.7 28.4 228 17.2 22 62.0 51.5 41.3 35.1 30.7 25.9 20.7 15.7 23 56.7 47.1 37.8 32.2 28.1 23.7 19.0 14.4 24 52.1 43.3 34.7 29.5 25.8 21.7 17.4 13.2 25 48.0 39.9 32.0 27.2 23.8 20.0 16.1 12.2 26 44.4 36.9 29.6 25.2 22.0 18.5 14.9 11.2 27 41.1 34.2 27.4 23.3 20.4 17.2 13.8 10.4 28 38.3 31.8 25.5 21.7 19.0 16.0 12.8 9.7 29 35.7 29.6 23.8 20.2 17.7 14.9 11.9 9.0 30 33.3 27.7 22.2 18.9 16.5 13.9 11.2 8.4 31 31.2 25.9 20.8 17.7 15.5 13.0 10.5 7.9 32 29.3 24.3 19.5 16.6 14.5 12.2 9.8 7.4 33 27.5 22.9 18.3 15.6 13.7 11.5 9.2 7.0 34 25.9 21.6 17.3 14.7 12.9 10.8 8.7 6.6 35 24.5 20.3 16.3 13.9 12.1 10.2 8.2 6.2 36 23.1 19.2 15.4 13.1 11.5 9.7 7.7 5.9 37 21.9 18.2 14.6 12.4 10.9 9.2 7.3 516" 38 20.8 17.3 13.8 11.8 10.3 8.7 7.0 5.3 39 19.7 16.4 13.1 11.2 9.8 8.2 6.6 5.0 40 18.7 15.6 12.5 10.6 9.3 7.8 6.3 4.8 41 17.8 14.8 11.9 10.1 8.9 7.5 6.0 4.5 42 17.0 14.1 11.3 9.6 8.4 7.1 5.7 4.3 43 16.2 13.5 10.8 9.2 8.0 6.8 5.4 4.1 44 15.5 12.9 10.3 8.8 7.7 6.5 5.2 3.9 45 14.8 12.3 9.9 8.4 7.3 6.2 5.0 3.8 For load of 250 Ibs. per square foot divide the spacing given by 2. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Spacing given above the heavy lines produces loads greater than safe loads for web crippling. Spacing given below the dotted lines produces deflections exceeding 3^7 of the span. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 103 SPACING OF BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS FOR A TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD OF 125 LBS. PER SQUARE FOOT. PROPER DISTANCE IN FEET, CENTER TO CENTER OF BEAMS. Span, in Feet. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 15" I 12" I 10"! 9"X 8" I B15b B153 B15 B12a B12 BIO BIO B9 B9 B8 | B8 72Lbs. 54Lbs. 38Lbs. 36Lbs. 28.5 Lbs, 24.5 Lbs. 22.5 Lbs. 21 Lbs. 19 Lbs. 18 Lbs. 16.25 Lbs. 252.2 185.3 141.9 112.1 90.8 75.0 63.1 53.7 46.3 40.4 35.5 31.4 28.0 25.2 22.7 20.6 18.8 17.2 15.8 14.5 13.4 12.5 11.6 10.8 10.1 192.9 141.7 08.5 139.8 102.7 78.7 62.1 50.3 41.6 106.7 78.4 85.6 62.9 48.1 60.3 58.2 42.8 32.8 46.7 34.3 26.3 20.8 16.8 13.9 11.7 10.0 8.6 7.5 6.6 5.8 5.2 44.9 32.9 35.6 26.1 20.0 15.8 12.8 10.6 8.9 7.6 6.5 5.7 5.0 ""4.4 4.0 3.5 3.2 2.9 2.7 2.4 2.2 2.1 33.8 44.3 33.9 26.8 21.7 17.9 15.1 12.8 11.1 9.6 8.5 7.5 6.7 6.0 5.4 24.8 19.0 15.0 12.2 10.1 8.5 7.2 6.2 5.4 4.8 """4.2" 3.8 3.4 3.0 2.8 2.5 2.3 1.9 1.9 60.0 47.4 38.4 31.8 26.7 22.7 19.6 17.1 15.0 13.3 11.9 10.6 9.6 8.7 7.9 7.3 6.7 25.2 19.9 16.1 13.3 11.2 9.6 8.2 7.2 6.3 5.6 5.0 85.7 69.5 57.4 48.2 41.1 35.4 30.9 27.1 24.0 21.4 19.2 17.4 15.7 14.4 13.1 12.1 11.1 10.3 9.5 8.9 8.3 7.7 38.0 30.8 25.5 21.4 18.2 15.7 13.7 12.0 10.7 9.5 8.5 7.7 7.0 6.4 5.8 5.3 25.9 21.0 17.3 14.6 12.4 10.7 9.3 8.2 7.3 6.5 5.8 5.2 35.0 29.8 25.7 22.4 19.7 17.4 15.7 13.9 12.6 11.4 10.4 9.5 8.7 8.1 7.4 6.9 6.4 6.0 5.6 4.7 4.2 3.8 3.5 3.2 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.9 4.5 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.1 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.1 1.9 1.8 4.9 4.5 4.1 3.8 3.5 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 4.8 4.3 4.0 3.6 3.4 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.3 6.4 5.7 5.3 4.9 4.6 4.3 4.0 3.8 3.5 3.3 | 3.1 4.9 4.6 4.2 3.9 3.7 3.4 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.7 2.5 9.5 8.9 8.3 7.9 7.4 7.2 6.8 6.4 6.0 5.7 5.2 4.9 4.6 4.4 4.1 For load of 250 Ibs. per square foot divide the spacing given by 2. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Spacing given above the heavy lines produces loads greater than safe loads for web crippling. Spacing given below the dotted lines produces deflections exceeding 3 s of the span. 104 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SPACING OF BETHLEHEM SPECIAL I BEAMS FOR ATOTALUNIFOBM LOAD OF150 LBS. PER SQUARE FOOT. PROPER DISTANCE IN FEET, CENTER TO CENTER OF BEAMS. 30" I 28" I 26" I 24"! 20" I 18" X Span, in Feet. B30 B28 B26 B24a B24 B2O a B2O B18 120 Lbs. 105 Lbs. 90 Lbs. 84 Lbs. 72 Lbs. 72 Lbs. | 58.5 Lbs. 48.5 Lbs. 16 97.6 81.1 65.0 55.4 48.4 40.8 32.7 24.7 17 86.5 71.9 57.6 49.0 42.9 36.1 29.0 21.9 18 77.1 64.1 51.4 43.7 38.2 32.2 258 19.5 19 69.2 57.5 46.1 39.3 1 34.3 28.9 23.2 17.5 20 62.5 51.9 41.6 35.4 31.0 26.1 20.9 15.8 21 56.7 47.1 37.8 32.1 28.1 23.7 19.0 14.4 22 51.6 42.9 34.4 29.3 25.6 21.6 17.3 13.1 23 47.2 39.3 31.5 26.8 23.4 19.7 15.8 12.0 24 43.4 36.1 28.9 24.6 21.5 18.1 14.5 11.0 25 40.0 33.2 26.6 22.7 | 19.8 16.7 13.4 10.1 26 37.0 30.7 24.6 21.0 18.3 15.4 12.4 9.4 27 34.3 28.5 22.8 19.4 17.0 14.3 11.5 8.7 28 31.9 26.5 21.2 18.1 15.8 13.3 10.7 8.1 29 29.7 24.7 19.8 16.9 14.7 12.4 10.0 7.5 30 27.8 23.1 18.5 15.8 13.8 11.6 ' 9.3 7.0 31 26.0 21.6 17.3 14.8 12.9 10.9 8.7 6.6 32 24.4 20.3 16.3 13.8 12.1 10.2 8.2 6.2 33 23.0 19.1 15.3 13.0 11,4 9.6 7.7 5.8 34 21.6 18.0 14.4 12.3 10.7 9.0 7.2 5.5 35 20.4 17.0 13.6 11.6 10.1 8.5 6.8 5.2 36 19.3 16.0 12.9 10.9 9.6 8.1 6.5 4.9 37 18.3 15.2 12.2 104 9.1 7.6 6.1 ~~4.6~ 38 17.3 14.4 11.5 9.8 8.6 7.2 5.8 4.4 39 16.4 13.7 10.9 9.3 8.2 6.9 5.5 4.2 40 15.6 13.0 10.4 8.9 7.7 6.5 5.2 4.0 41 14.9 12.4 9.9 8.4 7.4 6.2 5.0 3.8 42 14.2 11.8 9.4 8.0 7.0 5.9 4.7 3.6 43 13.5 11.2 9.0 7.7 6.7 5.7 4.5 3.4 44 12.9 10.7 8.6 7.3 6.4 5.4 4.3 3.3 45 12.3 10.3 8.2 7.0 6.1 5.2 4.1 3.1 For load of 300 Ibs. per square foot divide the spacing given by 2. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Spacing given above the heavy lines produces loads greater than safe loads for web crippling. Spacing given below the dotted lines produces deflections exceeding 5 c of the span. ' BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 105 SPACING OF BETHLEHEM SPECIAL I BEAMS FOR A TOTAL UNIFORM LOADOF16O LBS. PER SQUARE FOOT. PROPER DISTANCE IN FEET, CENTER TO CENTER OF BEAM8. Span, in Feet. 15" I 12"! 10"! 9"! 8"! B15 b B15 a B16 B12a B12 BIO BIO B9 B9 B8 B8 72Lbs. 54Lbs. 38Lbs. 36Lbs. 28.5 Lbs 24.5 Lbs 22.5 Lbs 21 Lbs. 19 Lbs. 18 Lbs. 16.25 Lbs. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 210.1 160.8 118.1 90.4 116.5 85.6 65.5 51.8 41.9 34.7 88.9 65.3 71.3 52.4 40.1 50.2 48.5 35.6 27.3 38.9 28.6 21.9 17.3 14.0 11.6 9.7 8.3 7.2 6.2 5.5 4.9 4.3 37.4 27.5 29.6 21.8 16.7 13.2 10.7 8.8 7.4 6.3 5.4 4.7 4.2 28.1 154.4 118.2 93.4 75.7 62.5 52.5 44.8 38.6 33.6 29.6 26.2 23.3 21.0 18.9 17.2 15.6 14.3 13.1 12.1 11.2 10.4 9.7 9.0 8.4 36.9 28.3 22.3 18.1 14.9 12.6 10.7 9.2 8.0 7.1 6.3 5.6 5.0 4.5 20.7 15.8 12.5 10.1 . 8.4 7.0 6.0 5.2 4.5 4.0 50.0 39.5 32.0 26.5 22.2 18.9 16.3 14.2 12.5 11.1 9.9 8.9 8.0 7.3 6.6 6.1 5.6 21.0 16.6 13.5 11.1 9.3 8.0 6.9 6.0 5.3 4.7 4.2 71.4 57.9 47.8 40.2 34.2 29.5 25.7 22.6 20.0 17.9 16.0 14.5 13.1 12.0 10.9 10.0 9.3 8.6 7.9 7.4 6.9 6.4 31.7 25.7 21.2 17.8 15.2 13.1 11.4 10.0 8.9 7.9 7.1 6.4 5.8 5.3 4.9 4.5 21.6 17.5 14.4 12.1 10.3 8.9 7.8 6.8 6.0 5.4 4.8 4.4 29.1 24.8 21.4 18.6 16.4 14.5 12.9 11.6 10.5 9.5 8.7 7.9 7.3 6.7 6.2 5.8 5.4 5.0 4.7 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.9 1.7 3.5 3.1 2.8 2.5 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.6 3.9 3.5 3.2 2.9 2.7 2.4 2.2 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 3.7 3.4 3.1 2.8 2.5 2.3 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 4.1 3.7 3.4 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.1 2.0 4.0 3.6 3.3 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.1 1.9 5.1 4.7 4.4 4.1 3.8 3.6 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.8 2.6 4.1 3.8 3.5 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.4 2.2 2.1 7.9 7.4 6.9 6.5 6.2 6.0 5.7 5.3 5.0 4.7 4.4 4.1 3.9 3.6 3.4 For load of 300 Ibs. per square foot divide the spacing given by 2. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 IDS. per square inch. Spacing given above the heavy lines produces loads greater than the safe loads for web crippling. Spacing given below the dotted lines produces deflections exceeding ?lv of the span. 106 BETHLEHEM STEEL COM PA NY. SPACING OF BETHLEHEM SPECIAL I BEAMS FOR ATOTALUNIFORM LOAD OF175 LBS. PER SQUARE FOOT. PROPER DISTANCE IN FEET, CENTER TO CENTER OF BEAMS. 30" X 28" I 26" X 24"! 20" I 18" I Span, in Feet. B30 B28 B26 B24a| B24 B20a B20 BIS 120 Lbs. 105 Lbs. 90 Lbs. 84 Lbs. 72 Lbs. 72 Lbs. 58.5 Lbs. 48.5 Lbs. 16 83.7 69.6 55.7 47.5 41.5 35.0 28.0 21.2 17 74.1 61.6 49.4 42.0 36.7 31.0 24.8 18.8 18 66.1 55.0 44.0 37.5 32.8 27.6 22.1 16.8 19 59.3 49.3 39.5 33.7 29.4 24.8 19.9 15.0 20 53.5 44.5 35.7 30.4 26.5 22.4 17.9 13.6 21 48.6 40.4 32.4 27.6 24.1 20.3 16.3 12.3 22 44.3 36.8 29.5 25.1 21.9 18.5 14.8 11.2 23 40.5 33.7 27.0 23.0 20.1 16.9 13.6 10.3 24 37.2 30.9 24.8 21.1 18.4 15.5 12.5 9.4 25 34.3 28.5 22.8 19.4 17.0 14.3 11.5 8.7 26 31.7 26.3 21.1 18.0 15.7 13.2 10.6 8.0 27 29.4 24.4 19.6 16.7 14.6 12.3 9.8 7.5 28 27.3 22.7 18.2 15.5 13.5 11.4 9.1 6.9 29 25.5 21.2 17.0 14.5 12.6 10.6 8.5 6.5 30 23.8 19.8 15.9 13.5 11.8 9.9 8.0 6.0 31 22.3 18.5 14.9 12.6 11.1 9.3 7.5 5.7 32 20.9 17.4 13.9 11.9 10.4 8.7 7.0 5.3 33 19.7 16.4 13.1 11.2 9.8 8.2 6.6 50 34 18.5 15.4 12.3 10.5 i 9.2 7.7 6.2 4.7 35 17.5 14.5 11.7 9.9 : 8.7 7.3 5.9 4.4 36 16.5 13.7 11.0 9.4 8.2 6.9 5.5 4.2 37 15.7 13.0 10.4 8.9 7.8 6.5 5.2 4.0" 38 14.8 12.3 9.9 8.4 7.4 6.2 5.0 3.8 39 14.1 11.7 9.4 8.0 { 7.0 5.9 4.7 3.6 40 13.4 11.1 8.9 7.6 6.6 5.6 4.5 3.4 41 12.7 10.6 8.5 7.2 6.3 5.3 4.3 3.2 42 12.1 10.1 8.1 6.9 6.0 5.1 4.1 3.1 43 11.6 9.6 7.7 6.6 5.7 4.8 3.9 2.9 44 11.1 9.2 7.4 6.3 5.5 4.6 3.7 2.8 45 10.6 8.8 7.1 6.0 5.2 4.4 3.5 2.7 i For load of 350 Ibs. per square foot divide the spacing given by 2. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Spacing given above the heavy lines produces loads greater than safe loads for web crippling. Spacing given- below the dotted lines produces deflections exceeding sla of the span. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 107 SPACING OF BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS FOR A TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD OF175 LBS. PER SQUARE FOOT. PROPER DISTANCE IN FEET, CENTER TO CENTER OF BEAMS. Span, in Feet. 15" I 12"! 10"X 9"! 8"X B15 b B15 a 54Lbs. B15 B12a B12 BIO BIO B9 B9 | B8 | B8 72Lbs. 38Lbs. 36 Lbs. 28.5 Lbs 24.5 Lbs 22.5 Lbs 21 Lbs. 19 Lbs. 18 Lbs. 16.25 Lbs. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 180.1 137.8 101.2 77.5 99.9 73.4 56.2 44.4 36.0 29.7 76.2 56.0 61.1 44.9 34.4 43.1 41.6 30.6 23.4 33.4 24.5 18.8 14.8 12.0 9.9 8.3 7.1 6.1 5.3 5.0 4.2 3.7 32.0 23.5 25.4 18.7 14.3 11.3 9.1 7.6 6.4 5.4 4.7 4.1 3.6 24.1 132.3 101.3 80.1 64.9 53.6 45.0 38.4 33.1 28.8 25.3 22.4 20.0 18.0 16.2 14.7 13.4 12.3 11.3 10.4 9.6 8.9 8.3 7.7 7.2 31.6 24.2 19.1 15.5 12.8 10.8 9.2 7.9 6.9 6.1 5.2 4.8 4.4 3.9 17.7 13.6 10.7 8.7 7.2 6.0 5.1 4.4 3.9 3.4 42.9 33.9 27.5 22.7 19.1 16.2 14.0 12.2 10.7 9.5 8.5 7.6 6.9 6.2 5.7 5.2 4.8 18.0 14.2 11.5 9.5 8.0 6.8 5.9 5.1 4.5 4.0 3.6 61.2 49.6 41.0 34.5 29.4 25.3 22.1 19.4 17.2 15.3 13.7 12.4 11.3 10.3 9.4 8.6 7.9 7.3 6.8 6.3 5.9 5.5 27.2 22.0 18.2 15.3 13.0 11.2 9.8 8.6 7.6 6.8 6.1 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.2 3.8 18.5 15.0 12.4 10.4 8.9 7.6 6.7 5.9 5.2 4.6 4.2 3.7 25.0 21.3 18.3 16.0 14.1 12.4 11.1 10.0 9.0 8.2 7.4 6.8 6.2 5.8 5.3 4.9 4.6 4.3 4.0 3.2 2.8 2.5 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.5 3.0 2.7 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.4 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.3 3.2 2.9 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 3.5 3.2 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.7 3.4 3.1 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.6 4.4 4.1 3.8 3.5 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.4 2.2 3.5 3.3 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.2 2.0 1.9 1.8 6.8 6.3 6.0 5.6 5.3 5.2 4.9 4.6 4.4 4.1 3.7 3.5 3.3 3.1 2.9 Jfor load of 350 Ibs. per square foot divide the spacing given by 2. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Spacing given above the heavy lines produces loads greater than the safe loads for web crippling. Spacing given below the dotted lines produces deflections exceeding 3 $ff oi the span. 108 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. EXPLANATION OF TABLES OF SAFE LOADS FOR BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL H COLUMNS. The superiority of steel columns over columns of any other material is so well understood and recognized as to need no comment. Cast iron columns are sometimes used solely on the score of cheapness because of the relatively greater cost of riveted steel columns the only kind of steel columns heretofore obtainable ; but in buildings of anything more than the most moderate height, or wherever stiffness of frame and absolute security is essential, steel columns are exclusively employed. Bethlehem rolled steel H sections reduce the cost of steel columns to such an extent that they can be used for all pur- poses with economy. These rolled steel columns provide all the desired qualities of safety and reliability at a cost less than that of any other form of steel column, and at a cost as low or even less than cast iron. For very short lengths the compressive strength of struc- tural steel of standard quality is the same as its tensile strength. As the length increases the compressive strength diminishes. A short column has a practically uniform com- pressive strength for all lengths less than about fifteen times its least diameter ; but for greater lengths the strength decreases, the decrease being a function of the length of the column and the radius of gyration of the section in the direction of its least resistance to bending. Conforming to these conditions, the safe allowable stress, in Ibs. per square inch, on square ended columns of medium steel used for buildings is given by the following formula : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 55 radii of gyration. 16,000 55- for lengths over 55 radii of gyration. in which /= unsupported length of column and r = least radius of gyration, both in inches. The safe strength of steel columns given by this formula agrees in a satisfactory manner with the available experi- mental data on the subject. In addition it is of correct theoretical form. It represents a straight line which becomes tangent to the curve of Euler's formula for very long col- umns and fixes a maximum limit of stress for columns of relatively short length. The safe stress allowed on steel columns by this rule corresponds to the safe stress usually allowed for beams and girders in buildings. Columns pro- BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 109 portio prope suppo parts < A< specifi Unitec it will practi< 15000 I 10000 I w f 5000 A and w liable the sh into c colum in gen of spe Sa tables rolled beams ned in accordance with this formula have the same r degree of safety as the beams and girders which they rt, thus maintaining a symmetrical proportion of all }f the structure. :omparison of this formula with the column formulas ed by the building laws of the principal cities in the I States is shown by the diagram herewith, from which be seen that it represents about an average of general :e. COMPARISON OF FORMULAS FOR STEEL COLUMNS FOR BUILDINGS ^ X N X -~- s ~^^ X X \ ^ ^ X ^ X, & % ~ - .. \\ v v^ ^ ^ *-^. $ 5s 1 5 > X, J \ s fX, ^ 4** ^ 5 X x< fe^ ^ ^ ~ ^3 ^s for 1 ^ 1 ^ -^ > *> ^ N x x> %o X ^ 50 100 150 200 Values of Ratios of riveted column, having the metal in its shaft injured eakened by the punching of numerous rivet holes, is to fail under a less load than a rolled column in which laft is devoid of rivets. The formula does not take onsideration this advantage in favor of the rolled steel n sections. It represents only the best current practice eral steel column design, and is not limited to columns cial or superior shape, te loads computed by this formula are given in the on pages 116-129 for all the sizes of Bethlehem H columns and on pages 112-115 for the special I > and girder beams when used as columns. The 110 BETHLEHEM STEEL COM PA NY. column required for any given load and length is readily selected from these tables. The unsupported length of a column should not exceed 150 radii of gyration, which is the limit of length for which safe loads are given in the tables. In the best practice the unsupported length of a column is frequently required not to exceed 125 times the least radius of gyration ; this latter limit is indicated in the tables by zigzag lines. An example is given on page 130 showing the method of selecting rolled H column sections for buildings, and to which reference should be made. Wherever possible, it is desirable to provide for the given range of loads by selecting the different weights required from the variations in size offered by columns of the same section. Columns thus selected can be obtained from the same rolling, thereby avoiding delay in delivery. Abutting sections of columns, in addition to having machine squared ends, should be connected by splices of sufficient size to maintain the continuity of section required for preserving the rigidity of the steel frame work of the building or structure. The method of splicing column sections and the manner of connecting beams and girders are shown by the illustrations on page 46. Weights given of the various column sections do not include splices or connections of any kind. The safe loads given in the tables are for concentric or symmetrical loading. When the loads are not centrally or symmetrically applied, bending is produced in the column, the effect of which must be considered. The unbalanced bending moment of the eccentric loads about the center of the column, in inch-lbs. , divided by the section modulus of the column in the direction of bending gives the stress in Ibs. per square inch produced by the bending. The load on the column produces a uniform compressive stress over the whole cross section to which the bending stress must be added. The sum is the maximum stress on the extreme fibers of the column section. The maximum fiber stress due to direct load and bending must not be more than 25 per cent, in excess of the per- missible stress on the column, for the given length, obtained from the formula for concentric loading, otherwise the section of the column must be increased until this limit is not exceeded. The section modulus about each principal axis for all the sections of rolled H columns is given in the tables of their properties on pages 60-73, by means of which the effect of eccentric loading is easily calculated and considered in the above manner. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. Ill SPACING OF IY i BETHLEHEM SPECIAL Z BEAMS AND * J[---L J| x GIRDER BEAMS, J^ CENTER TO CENTER, TO PRODUCE EQUAL RADII OF j"^ Y j GYRATION ABOUT BOTH AXES XX AND YY. U --D =H SPECIAL X BEAMS. GIRDER BEAMS. Section Number. Depth of Beam, Inches. Weight per Foot of each Beam, Lbs. Distance D, Inches. Section Number. Depth of Beam, Inches. Weight per Foot of each Beam, Lbs. Distance D, Inches. B30 30 120.00 24.06 G30a 30 200.0 24.12 B28 28 105.00 22.52 B26 26 90.00 21.09 G30 30 175.0 24.19 B24a 24 84.00 19.30 G28a 28 180.0 22.62 B24 24 24 82.00 72.00 18.90 19.54 G28 28 162.5 22.66 B20a 20 20 82.00 72.00 15.69 16.18 G26a 26 160.0 21.04 20 68.00 15.68 G26 26 150.0 21.08 B20 20 20 63.00 60.00 15.94 16.14 G24a 24 140.0 19.52 20 58.50 16.26 G24 24 120.0 19.60 B18 18 18 58.50 52.50 14.00 14.40 G20a 20 140.0 15.89 18 48.50 14.69 G20 20 112.0 16.13 B15b 15 72.00 11.82 15 64.00 11.54 G18 18 92.0 14.49 B15a 15 54.00 12.04 G15b 15 140.0 *11.10 15 46.00 11.68 B15 15 42.00 11.93 G15a 15 104.0 11.54 15 38.00 12.24 G15 15 73.0 11.96 B12a 12 36.00 9.70 12 31.00 9.60 G12a 12 70.0 *9.14 B12 12 28.50 9.80 G12 12 55.0 mn 10 27.50 7.82 BIO 10 24.50 8.06 G10 10 44.0 *7.68 10 22.50 8.16 9 23.00 7.06 G9 9 38.0 *6.80 B9 9 21.00 7.20 G8 8 32.5 *5.94 9 19.00 7.37 * Denotes that the value of D 8 21.25 6.07 given is less than the distance cen- B8 8 8 1 a nfi fi Q9 ter to center of beams when placed IA OK A KA close Aether with flanges in lo.zo 1 o.oO contact. 112 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS USED AS COLUMNS. SQUARE ENDS. Allowable stress per square inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 55 radii. 16,000 55-Lfor lengths over 55 radii. Section Number. Depth of Beam, Inches. Weight per Foot, Lbs. Area of Section, Sq. In. Least Radius of Gy- ration, Inches. UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF COLUMNS, IN FEET. 8 Ft. 9 Ft. 10 Ft. 11 Ft. 12 Ft. 13 Ft. G30a G30 30 30 200.0 175.0 58.85 51.35 3.19 2.60 382.5 333.8 382.5 333.8 382.5 333.8 382.5 333.8 382.5 332.6 382.5 326.0 G28a G28 28 28 180.0 162.5 52.98 47.81 3.09 2.62 344.4 310.8 344.4 310.8 344.4 310.8 344.4 310.8 344.4 310.2 344.4 304.2 G26a G26 26 26 160.0 150.0 47.00 44.13 2.97 2.63 305.5 286.9 305.5305.5 286.9286.9 305.5 286.9 305.5 286.6 305.5 281.0 G24a G24 24 24 140.0 120.0 41.03 35.31 2.87 2.61 266.7 229.5 266.7 229.5 266.7 229.5 266.7 229.5 266.7 228.9 266.7 224.4 G20a G20 20 20 140.0 112.0 41.28 32.88 2.85 2.66 268.3 213.7 268.3 213.7 268.3 213.7 268.3 213.7 268.3 213.7 268.1 210.0 G18 18 92.0 27.09 2.52 176.1 176.1 176.1 176.1 174.1 170.6 G15b G15a G15 15 15 15 140.0 104.0 73.0 41.28 30.58 21.52 2.78 2.58 2.33 268.3 198.8 139.9 268.3 198.8 139.9 268.3 198.8 139.9 268.3 198.8 138.6 268.3 197.7 135.6 266.6 193.8 132.5 G12a G12 12 12 70.0 55.0 20.60 16.12 2.31 2.17 133.9 104.8 133.9 104.8 133.9 104.4 132.4 102.0 129.5 99.5 126.5 97.1 G10 10 44.0 12.95 2.03 84.2 84.2 82.5 80.4 78.3 76.2 G9 9 38.0 11.18 1.91 72.7 72.1 70.1 68.2 66.3 64.3 G8 8 32.5 9.52 1.78 61.9 60.3 58.5 56.8 55.0 53.2 Beams not secured against yielding sideways and free to fail in direction of least radius of gyration. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 113 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 IBS, FOR BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS USED AS COLUMNS. SQUARE ENDS. Allowable stress per square inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 55 radii. 16,000 55yfor lengths over 55 radii. UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF COLUMNS, IN FEET. Section Number. 14 Ft. 15 Ft. 16 Ft. 18 Ft. 2O Ft 22 Ft. 24 Ft. 28 Ft. 32 Ft. 36 Ft. 385.6 319.5 344.4 298.2 302.9 275.5 262.2 220.0 263.3 205.9 167.0 261.7 189.9 129.5 123.6 94.6 74.1 62.4 51.5 379.5 313.0 339.0 292.2 297.7 270.0 257.5 215.5 258.6 201.8 163.5 256.8 186.0 126.4 120.7 92.2 72.0 60.5 49.7 373.4 306.5 333.3 286.1 292.4 264.4 252.8 211.1 253.8 197.8 160.0 251.9 182.1 123.4 117.7 89.7 69.9 58.5 47.9 361.2 293.5 322.0 274.1 282.0 253.4 243.4 202.1 244.2 189.6 152.9 242.1 174.2 117.3 111.8 84.8 65.7 54.7 44.4 349.1 280.4 310.7 262.0 271.6 242.3 233.9 193.2 234.7 181.5 145.8 232.3 166.4 111.2 106.0 79.9 61.5 50.8 336.9 267.4 299.4 250.0 261.1 231.2 224.5 184.3 225.1 173.3 138.7 222.5 158.6 105.1 100.1 75.0 324.7 254.4 288.1 238.0 250.7 220.1 215.1 175.4 215.6 165.1 131.6 212.7 150.8 99.0 94.2 300.3 228.3 265.4 213.9 229.8 198.0 196.2 157.5 196.5 148.8 276.0 251.6 176.2 220.2 165.7 188.0 153.7 158.5 121.8 158.2 G30a G30 G28a G28 G26a G26 G24a G24 G20a G20 G18 G15b G15a G15 G12a G12 G10 G9 G8 202.3 242.8 189.8 208.9 175.9 177.3 139.7 177.3 132.5 103.2 173.5 119.5 117.4 193.1 135.1 86.8 82.4 60.3 70.1 53.1 43.1 33.8 57.3 47.0 37.3 40.9 Loads given to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii of gyration. 114 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 IBS. FOR BETHLEHEM SPECIAL I BEAMS USED AS COLUMNS. SQUARE ENDS. Depth of Weight Least Arf Radius UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OP COLUMNS Section Number; Beam, Inches. per Foot, Lbs. 01 Section, Sq. In. olliy- ration, Inches. 5 Ft. 6 Ft. 7 Ft. 8 Ft. 9 Ft. 10 B30 30 120.0 3525 2.11 229.1 229.1 229.1229.1 229.1 226.9 B28 28 105.0 31.04 1.98 201.8 201.8 201.8201.8 201.8 196.6 B26 26 90.0 26.63 1.87 173.1 173.1 173.1 170.8 166.1 161.4 B24a 24 84.0 24.79 1.82 161.1 161.1 161.1 161.1 157.9 153.4 B24 24 72.0 21.21 1.79 137.9 137.9 137.9 137.9 134.5 1306 B20a 20 72.0 21.43 1.78 139.3 139.3 139.3 139.3 135.7 131.8 20 68.0 19.95 1.51 129.7 129.7 129.1 124.7 120.4 116.0 20 63.0 18.55 1.54 120.6 120,6 120.6 116.6 112.6 108,7 B20 20 60.0 17.65 1.57 114.7 114.7 114.7 111.5 107.8 104.1 20 58.5 17.15 1.68 111.5 111.5 111.5 108.6 105.0 101.4 18 58.5 17.29 1.44 112.4 112.4 110.6 106.6 102.7 98.7 B18 18 52.5 15.40 1.49 100.1 100.1 99.3 95.9 92.5 89.1 18 48.5 14.23 1.53 92.5 92.5 92.4 89.4 86.3 83.3 B15b 15 72.0 21.27 1.61 138.3 138.3 138.3 135.3 130.9 126.6 B15a 15 54.0 15.85 1.53 103.0 103.0 102.9 99.5 96.0 92.6 15 46.0 13.46 1.34 87.5 87.5 84.5 81.2 77.9 74.5 B15 15 42.0 12.41 1.37 80.7 80.7 78.4 75.4 72.4 69.4 15 38.0 11.21 1.42 72.9 72.9 71.4 68.8 66.2 63.6 B12a 12 36.0 10.63 1.38 69.1 69.1 67.3 64.7 62.2 59.6 "D 1 O 12 31.0 9.13 1.27 59.4 58.8 56.4 54.1 51.7 49.3 r>U 12 28.5 8.41 1.30 54.7 54.5 52.3 50.2 48.1 45.9 10 27.5 8.05 1.20 52.3 51.1 48.9 46.7 44.5 42.3 BIO 10 24.5 7.15 1.24 46.5 45.8 43.9 42.0 40.1 38.2 10 22.5 6.65 1.27 43.2 42.8 41.1 39.4 37.6 35.9 9 23.0 6.76 1.12 43.9 42.1 40.1 38.1 36.2 34.2 B9 9 21.0 6.22 1.15 40.4 39.1 37.3 35.5 33.7 31.9 9 19.0 6.68 1.18 36.9 35.9 34.3 32.7 31.1 29.6 8 21.25 6.25 1.05 40.2 38.2 36.3 34.3 32.3 30.4 B8 8 18.00 5.37 1.09 34.8 33.2 31.6 30.0 28.3 26.7 8 16.25 4.81 1.12 31.3 30.0 28.6 27.1 25.7 24.3 Beams not secured against yielding sideways and free to fail in direction of least radius of gyration. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 115 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS USED AS COLUMNS. SQUARE ENDS. UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OP COLUMNS. Section Number. 11 Ft. 12 Ft. 13 Ft. 14 Ft. 15 Ft. 16 Ft. 18 Ft. 20 Ft. 22 Ft. 24 Ft 221.4 191.4 156.7 148.9 126.7 127.8 111.6 104.7 100.4 97.8 94.8 85.7 80.2 122.2 89.2 71.2 66.4 61.0 57.1 47.0 43.8 40.1 36.3 34.2 32.2 30.1 30.0 28.4 25.1 22.9 215.9 186.2 152.0 144.4 122.8 123.8 107.3 100.7 96.7 94.2 90.8 82.3 77.2 117.9 85.8 67.9 63.4 58.4 54.5 44.6 41.6 37.8 34.4 32.4 30.2 28.3 26.4 210.3 181.1 147.3 139.9 118.8 119.8 102.9 96.7 93.0 90.6 86.8 78.9 74.1 113.5 82.3 64.6 60.4 55.8 52.0 42.2 39.5 35.6 32.5 30.7 204.8 175.9 142.6 135.4 114.9 115.9 98.6 92.8 89.3 87.1 82.9 75.5 71.0 109.1 79.0 61.3 57.4 53.2 49.5 199.3 170.7 140.2 130.9 111.0 111.9 94.2 88.8 85.6 83.5 78.9 72.1 68.0 104.8 75.5 193.8 165.5 137.9 126.4 107.1 107.9 89.8 84.8 81.8 79.9 182.8 155.2 128.5 117.4 99.3 100.0 171.7 144.9 119.1 160.7 149.7 124.2 100.3 90.4 B30 B28 B26 B24a B24 B20a B20 B18 B15b B15a B15 B12a B12 BIO B9 B8 134.5 109.7 99.4 83.7 84.0 108.4 91.5 92.0 72.4 68.9 67.0 65.6 59.1 55.0 52.6 83.0 58.4 81.1 76.9 74.4 72.7 67.0 61.8 58.7 91.7 65.3 48.0 45.5 42.8 39.3 74.9 68.7 64.9 100.4 72.1 58.0 54.4 50.6 46.9 37.5 35.2 31.2 28.7 27.2 24.2 23.0 21.6 20.6 18.6 17.2 54.7 51.5 48.0 44.4 35.1 33.1 29.0 26.8 25.5 39.8 37.4 33.4 30.6 29.0 26.2 24.8 23.2 22.5 20.2 18.6 28.2 26.6 24.8 24.5 21.8 20.1 Allowable stress per square inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths tinder 55 radii. 16,000-551 for lengths over 55 radii. 26.4 23.5 21.5 Loads given to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii of gyration. 116 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL 14" H COLUMNS. SQUARE ENDS. 1 1 ... _ __ L L_ _ R _ . Section Number. w r Section, Lbs. per Foot. DIMENSIONS, INCHES. Area of Section, Square Inches. Least of Gy- ration, Inches. UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF COLUMNS. D T t f # B 1O Ft. 12 Ft. 14 Ft. 16 Ft. 18 Ft. Hl4s H14 H14a H14b 426 47.8 51.4 57.1 61.0 66.7 71.0 77.6 82.2 89.2 93.7 13/8 130 130 130 130 13* 130 14 14 8.00 8.04 9.00 9.04 10.00 10.03 11.00 11.04 12.00 12.04 13.00 12.53 14.07 15.12 16.79 17.95 19.61 20.88 22.81 24.17 26.23 27.56 1.87 1.88 2.13 2.15 2.40 2.42 2.68 2.70 2.96 2.97 3.24 78.1 87.9 97.5 108.6 116.7 127.5 135.7 148.3 157.1 170.5 179.1 73.7 82.9 92.9 103.4 114.0 124.8 135.7 148.3 157.1 170.5 179.1 69.3 78.0 88.2 98.2 109.1 119.4 131.1 143.5 155.6 169.0 179.1 64.9 73.0 83.5 93.1 104.1 114.1 125.9 137.9 150.3 163.2 175.6 60.4 68.1 78.8 87.9 99.2 108.8 120.8 132.3 144.9 157.4 170.0 98.8 106.7 114.6 122.5 130.5 138.0 146.0 154.1 162.2 14 140 140 140 140 140 15 tj K 1A 14.00 1404 14.08 14.12 14.16 14.19 14.23 14.27 14.31 29.06 31.38 33.70 36.04 38.38 40.59 42.95 45.33 47.71 350 3.52 3.53 3.55 3.56 3.58 3.59 3.61 3.62 188.9 204.0 219.1 234.3 249.5 263.8 279.2 294.7 310.1 189.0 204.0 219.1 234.3 249.5 263.8 279.2 294.7 310.1 189.0 204.0 219.1 234.3 249.5 263.8 279.2 294.7 310.1 188.6 204.0 219.1 234.3 249.5 263.8 279.2 294.7 310.1 183.2 198.1 212.9 228.0 243.0 257.4 272.5 288.1 303.4 164.4 172.7 180.9 189.3 197.6 206.0 214.4 222.3 15 15# 150 15 # 150 i A [f 14.57 14.61 14.65 14.69 14.73 14.77 14.81 14.84 48.36 50.78 53.22 55.67 58.12 60.59 63.07 65.39 3.69 3.71 3.72 3.73 3.75 3.76 3.77 3.78 314.3 330.1 345.9 361.9 377.8 393.8 410.0 425.0 314.3 330.1 345.9 361.9 377.8 393.8 410.0 425.0 314.3 3301 3^5.9 361.9 377.8 393.8 410.0 425.0 314.3 330.1 345.9 361.9 377.8 393.8 410.0 425.0 309.3 324.9 340.8 356.7 3729 389.0 405.2 420.4 230.8 239.3 247.9 256.5 265.1 273.7 282.4 291.2 16 160 16X 160 160 160 16% 16^8 2 2 ? 14.88 14.92 14.96 15.00 15.04 15.08 15.12 15.16 67.89 70.39 72.91 75.43 77.97 80.51 83.07 85.63 3.80 3.81 3.82 3.83 3.85 3.86 3.87 3.88 441.3 457.5 473.9 490.3 506.8 523.3 540.0 556.6 441.3 457.5 473.9 490.3 506.8 523.3 540.0 556.6 441.3 457.5 473.9 490.3 506.8 523.3 540.0 556.6 441.3 457.5 473.9 490.3 506.8 523.3 540.0 556.6 437.0 453.4 469.9 486.5 503.5 520.2 537.1 554.0 For detail dimensions, see page 60. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 117 + SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR h,.* - BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL 14 H COLUMNS. i > SQUARE ENDS. i UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF COLUMNS. Weight of Section, Lbs. per Foot. 20 Ft. 22 Ft. 24 Ft. 26 Ft. 28 Ft. 30 Ft. 32 Ft. 36 Ft. 40 Ft. 44 Ft. 56.0 63.2 74.1 82.8 94.2 103.4 115.6 126.7 139.5 151.6 164.3 51.6 58.2 47.2 53.3 64.7 72.5 Allowable stress per square inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 55 radii. 16,000 55 -for lengths over 55 radii. 42.6 47.8 51.4 57.1 61.0 66.7 71.0 77.6 82.2 89.2 93.7 69.4 77.6 89.3 98.1 110.5 121.2 134.1 145.7 158.7 60.1 67.3 79.4 87.4 55.4 62.2 74.5 82.0 84.5 92.7 105.3 115.6 128.7 139.9 153.1 69.6 76.7 89.9 98.8 100.2 110.0 123.3 134.1 147.5 95.1 104.4 117.9 128.2 141.9 84.8 93.3 107.1 116.6 74.5 82.1 96.4 104.9 119.4 112.5 122.4 136.3 85.6 93.3 108.2 130.7 177.7 192.2 206.6 221.3 235.9 249.9 264.6 279.8 294.7 172.2 186.3 200.3 214.6 228.8 242.4 256.7 271.5 286.0 166.7 180.4 194.0 207.9 221.7 234.9 248.9 263.2 277.3 161.2 174.6 187.7 201.2 214.5 227.4 241.0 254.9 268.6 155.8 168.7 181.4 194.5 207.4 220.0 233.1 246.6 259.9 150.3 162.8 175.1 187.8 200.3 212.5 225.2 238.3 251.2 144.8 156.9 168.8 181.1 193.2 205.0 217.3 230.0 242.5 133.8 145.1 156.2 167.7 179.0 190.0 201.5 213.5 225.1 122.9 133.4 143.6 154.3 164.7 175.1 185.7 196.9 207.7 111.9 121.6 131.0 140.9 150.5 160.1 170.0 180.3 190.3 98.8 106.7 114.6 122.5 130.5 138.0 146.0 154.1 162.2 300.4 315.9 331.3 346.9 362.7 378.4 394.2 409.0 291.7 306.9 321.9 337.0 352.4 367.7 383.1 397.5 283.1 297.8 312.5 327.2 342.2 357.1 372.1 386.1 274.4 288.8 303.0 317.3 332.0 346.5 361.0 374.7 265.8i257.1 279.8270.7 293.6284.1 307.5 297.6 321.8 311.5 335.8 325.2 350.01338.9 363.3 351.9 248.5 261.7 274.7 287.8 301.3 314.6 327.9 340.4 231.2 243.6 255.8 268.1 280.8 293.3 305.8 317.6 213.9 225.6 236.9 248.4 260.4 272.0 283.7 294.8 196.6 207.5 218.0 228.7 239.9 250.7 261.7 271.9 lt>4.4 172.7 180.9 189.3 197.6 206.0 214.4 222.3 425.2 441.2 457.3 473.5 490.1 506.4 522.9 539.4 413.4 429.0 444.7 460.5 476.7 492.7 508.7 524.8 401.6 416.8 432.1 447.5 463.4 478.9 494.6 510.3 389.8 404.6 419.5 434.5 450.0 465.1 480.4 495.7 378.0 392.4 406.9 421.5 436.6 451.4 466.2 481.1 366.3 380.2 394.3 408.5 423.3 437.6 452.1 466.6 354.5 368.0 381.7 395.5 409.9 423.8 437.9 452.0 330.9 343.6 356.5 369.5 383.2 396.3 409.6 422.9 307.3 319.3 331.3 343.5 356.4 368.8 381.2 393.7 283.7 294.9 306.2 317.5 329.7 341.2 352.9 364.6 230.8 239.3 247.9 256.5 265.1 273.7 282.4 291.2 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii. 118 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. ** "TT SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR i j> BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL 13" H COLUMNS. SQUARE ENDS. J T| 1 j Section Number. Weight Section, Lbs. per Foot. DIMENSIONS, INCHES. Area of Section, Square Inches. Least Radius of Gy- ration, Inches. UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF COLUMNS. D T B 10 Ft 12 Ft. 14 Ft. 16 Ft. 18 Ft. H13s H13 H13a H13b 41.2 46.3 49.9 55.0 58.9 64.9 69.1 75.6 79.8 86.6 12# 12 12# 12# 12# 12* 12* 12# 12% 13 l /2 ft T 9 6 X # H i* ^ X H # , 1A 8.00 8.04 9.00 9.03 10.00 10.04 11.00 11.04 12.00 12.04 12.12 13.62 14.67 16.17 17.33 19.09 20.33 22.22 23.46 25.48 1.89 1.90 2.16 2.18 2.44 2.45 2.71 2.72 2.99 3.00 75.8 85.3 94.9 104.9 112.6 124.1 132.1 144.4 152.5 165.6 71.6 80.6 90.5 100.0 110.5 121.9 132.2 144.4 152.5 165.6 67.3 75.8 86.0 95.1 1058 116.7 128.0 140.0 151.4 164.6 63.1 71.1 81.5 90.2 101.1 111.6 123.0 134.6 146.3 159.0 58.9 66.4 77.0 85.3 96.5 106.4 118.1 129.2 141.1 153.4 91.5 98.9 106.2 113.6 121.0 128.0 135.5 143.0 150.5 13 13# 13X 13H 13# 13# 13# 13% 14 13.00 13.04 13.08 13.12 13.16 13.19 13.23 13.27 1331 26.93 29.08 31.24 33.41 35.59 37.64 39.84 42.05 44.27 3.26 3.28 3.29 3.31 3.32 3.34 3.35 3.36 3.38 175.1 189.0 203.1 217.2 231.3 244.7 259.0 273.3 287.8 175.1 189.0 203.1 217.2 231.3 244.7 259.0 273.3 287.8 175.1 189.0 203.1 217.2 231.3 244.7 259.0 273.3 287.8 171.8 185.8 199.8 214.0 228.1 241.6 255.9 270.3 285.0 166.4 180.0 193.5 207.3 221.0 2342 248.1 2621 276.4 156.4 164.2 172.1 180.1 188.0 196.1 204.1 211.7 219.8 14 MX 14^ MX 14^ H U# 14% 15 iR 1A i* i4 i# itt 1H 1% 1 H 2ft 2^ 2ft 2* 14.00 14.04 14.08 14.12 14.16 14.20 14.24 14.27 14.31 45.99 48.30 50.63 52.96 55.31 57.66 60.03 62.25 64,64 3.57 3.58 3.59 361 3.62 3.63 3.64 3.66 3.67 298.9 314.0 329.1 344.2 359.5 374.8 390.2 404.6 420.2 298.9 314.0 329.1 344.2 359.5 374.8 390.2 404.6 420.2 298.9 314.0 329.1 344.2 359.5 374.8 390.2 404.6 420.2 298.9 314.0 329.1 344.2 359.5 374.8 390.2 404.6 420.2 291.4 306.3 321.3 336.5 351.7 3669 382.3 397.0 412.5 226,5 234.9 243.3 251,8 260.2 268.8 277.3 285.9 15 16# 15X 15H 15^ 15# 15# 15% 14.88 14.92 14.96 15.00 15.04 15.08 15.12 15.16 66.62 69.09 71.56 74.05 76.54 79.05 81.56 84.09 3,83 3.84 3.85 3.86 3.88 3.89 3.90 3.91 433.0 449.1 465.1 481.3 497.5 513.8 530.1 546.6 433.0 449.1 465.1 481.3 497.5 513.8 530.1 546.6 433.0 449.1 465.1 481.3 497.5 513.8 530.1 546.6 433.0 449.1 465.1 481.3 497.5 513.8 530.1 546.6 429.6 445.9 462.1 478.5 495.1 511.7 528.3 545.0 For detail dimensions, see page 62. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 119 1 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL 13" H COLUMNS. f SQUARE ENDS. i + ~TT 1 ' | f- R J UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF COLUMNS. Weight of Section, Lbs. per Foot 20 Ft. 22 Ft. 24 Ft, 26 Ft. 28 Ft. 30 Ft. 32 Ft. 36 Ft. 40 Ft. 44 Ft. 54.6 61.7 72.5 80.4 91.8 101.3 113.1 123.8 135.9 147.8 50.4 56.9 46.2 52.2 63.6 70.6 Allowable stress per square inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 55 radii 16,00055 ^ for lengths over 55 radii. 41.2 46.3 49.9 55.0 58.9 64.9 69.1 75.6 79.8 86.6 68.1 75.5 87.1 96.2 108.2 118.5 130.7 142.2 59.1 65.7 54.6 60.8 73.0 80.7 82.4 91.0 103.2 113.1 125.5 136.6 77.7 85.9 98.3 107.7 120.4 131.0 68.3 75.6 88.4 96.9 63.6 70.4 83.4 91.5 104.8 114.2 73.5 80.7 94.5 102.9 93.3 102.3 115.2 125.4 110.0 119.8 84.1 91.7 160.9 174.1 187.3 200.7 214.0 226.7 240.2 253.8 267.7 155.5 168.3 181.0 194.0 206.9 219.3 232.4 245.5 259.1 150.0 162.4 174.7 187.3 199.8 211.9 224.5 237.3 250.4 144.6 156.6 168.5 180.7 192.7 204.4 216.7 229.0 241.8 139.1 150.7 162.2 174.0 185.7 197.0 208.8 220.8 233.1 133.7 144.9 155.9 167.4 178.6 189.6 201.0 212.5 224.5 128.2 139.0 149.7 160.7 171.5 182.1 193.1 204.2 215.9 117.3 127.3 137.1 147.4 157.4 167.2 177.4 187.7 198.6 106.4 115.6 124.6 134.0 143.2 152.4 161.7 171.2 181.3 95.5 103.9 112.1 120.7 129.1 137.5 146.0 154.7 164.0 91.5 98.9 106.2 113.6 121.0 128.0 135.5 143.0 150.5 282.9 297.4 312.0 326.9 341.6 356.4 371.4 385.8 400.9 274.4 288.5 302.7 317.2 331.6 346.0 360.5 374.5 389.3 265.9 279.6 293.3 307.5 321.5 335.5 349.6 363.3 377.6 257.4 270.6 284.0 297.8 311.4 325.0 338.7 352.1 366.0 248.9 261.7 274.7 288.1 301.3 314.5 327.9 340.8 354.4 240.4 252.8 265.4 278.4 291.2 304.0 317.0 329.6 342.8 231.9 214.9 243.9 226.1 256.1 237.5 268.8 249.4 281.1 261.0 293.5 272.6 306.1284.3 318.4295.9 331.1 307.9 197.9 208.3 218.9 230.0 240.8 251.6 262.6 273.5 284.6 180.9 190.5 200.3 210.7 220.6 230.6 240.8 251.0 261.4 156.4 164.2 172.1 180.1 188.0 196.1 204.1 211.7 219.8 418.2 434.0 449.8 465.8 482.1 498.3 514.5 530.8 406.7 422.1 437.6 453.1 469.1 484.9 500.7 516.6 395.2 410.2 425.3 440.5 456.1 471.5 486.9 502.4 383.7 398.4 413.0 427.8 443.1 458.0 473.1 488.2 372.2 386.5 400.8 415.1 430.1 444.6 459.2 474.0 360.8 374.6 388.5 402.5 417.0 431.2 445.4 459.8 349.3 362.7 376.2 389.8 404.0 417.8 431.6 445.6 326.3 339.0 351.7 364.5 378.0 391.0 404.0 417.2 303.4 315.2 327.1 339.2 351.9 464.2 376.4 388.8 280.4 291.5 302.6 313.9 325.9 337.3 348.8 360.5 226.5 234.9 243.3 251.8 260.2 268.8 277.3 285.9 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii. 120 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. T~f | SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 IBS. FOR i P BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL | J . 12" H COLUMNS. SQUARE ENDS. Weight DIMENSIONS, INCHES. Area of Least Radius UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OP COLUMNS. Section Number. Section, Lbs. per D T B Section, Square of Gy- ration, 1O 12 14 16 18 Foot Inches. inches. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. 40.0 11% ~fr 8.00 11.76 1.91 73.8 69.7 65.6 61.6 57.5 45.0 11% A 8.04 13.33 1.92 83.1 78.6 74.0 69.5 64.9 48.1 11% A 9.00 14.16 2.19 92.0 87.7 83.4 79.1 74.9 51.6 H 9.04 15.75 2.20 102.4 97.7 92.9 88.2 83.5 H12s 57.4 lltf 10.00 16.89 2.46 109.8 107.9 103.4 98.9 94.4 63.3 11% H 10.04 18.61 2.47 121.0 119.0 114.1 109.1 104.1 67.1 11% yi 11.00 19.74 2.74 128.3 128.3 124.6 119.9 115.1 73.4 12 X 11.04 21.60 2.75 140.4 140.4 136.5 131.3 1261 78.0 12 ~$ 12.00 22.94 3.01 149.1 149.1 148.3 143.3 138.3 84.7 12% 12.04 24.92 3.03 162.0 162.0 161.4 155.9 150.5 91.5 12* % 12.08 26.92 3.04 175.0 175.0 174.5 168.6 162.8 98.3 12% T! 12.12 28.92 3.06 188.0 188.0 187.7 181.5 175.2 H12 105.2 12.16 30.94 3.07 201.1 201.1 201.0 194.3 187.7 112.1 12% ITS 12.20 32.96 3.08 214.2 214.2 214.2 207.2 200.1 118.6 12^ 1% 12.23 34.87 3.10 226.7 226.7 226.7 219.6 212.1 125.5 12% Iy 8 5 12.27 36.91 3.11 239.9 239.9 239.9 232.6 224.8 132.5 13 IX 12.31 38.97 3.13 253.3 253.3 253.3 246.0 237.8 138.1 13 1# 13.00 40.61 3.32 264.0 264.0 264.0 260.3 252.2 145.4 13% 1A 13.04 42.76 3.33 277.9 277.9 277.9 274.3 265.8 152.7 13X 13.08 44.92 3.34 292.0 292.0 292.0 288.4 279.5 160.1 1A 13.12 47.09 335 306.1 306.1 306.1 302.5 293.2 H12a 167.5 13% 13.16 49.27 3.37 320.3 320.3 320.3 317.0 307.3 174.9 13% ly 9 ^ 13.20 51.46 3.38 334.5 3345 334.5 331.3 321.2 182.4 13^ 1% 13.24 53.66 3.39 348.8 348.8 348.8 345.7 335.3 189.9 13% 11.1. 13.28 55.87 3.40 363.2 363.2 363.2 360.2 349.4 197.1 14 1% 13.31 57.96 3.42 376.7 376.7 376.7 374.1 363.0 204.9 14 ^x 14.00 60.27 3.61 391.8 391.8 391.8 391.8 383.0 212.8 14% l v 14.04 62.58 3.62 406.8 406.8 406.8 406.8 398.0 220.7 14* 14.08 64.91 3.63 421.9 421.9 421.9 421.9 413.1 228.6 Itl 14.12 67.24 3.65 437.1 437.1 437.1 437.1 428.5 H12b 236.6 14% 8 2 14.16 69.59 3.66 452.3 452.3 452.3 452.3 443.8 244.6 14% 2A 14.20 71.94 3.67 467.6 467.6 467.6 467.6 459.1 252.8 14^ 2% 14.24 74.31 3.68 483.0483.0 483.0 483.0 474.5 260.7 14% 23 TIT 14.28 76.68 3.69 498.4 498.4 498.4 498.4 4900 268.8 15 14.32 79.06 3.71 514.0 514.0|514.0 514.0506.0 For detail dimensions, see page 64. BET HLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 121 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 IBS. FOR BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEI 12" H COLUMNS. SQUARE ENDS. * L J > T | i) < B v) UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OP COLUMNS. Weight of Section, Lbs. per Foot. 20 Pt. 22 Pt 24 Pt. 26 Pt. 28 Ft. 30 Pt. 32 Ft. 34 Ft. 36 Ft. 40 Pt. 53.4 60.4 70.6 78.8 89.8 99.2 110.4 121.0 49.4 55.8 45.3 51.3 62.1 69.3 Allowable stress per square inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 55 radii. 16,000 55 Ifor lengths over 55 radii. 40.0 45.0 48.1 51.6 57.4 63.3 67.1 73.4 66.3 74.0 85.3 94.2 105.6 115.8 57.8 64.6 53.5 59.9 71.7 79.3 80.7 89.2 100.9 110.6 76.2 84.2 96.1 105.4 67.2 74.3 86.6 95.0 62.6 69.3 81.8 89.9 1 91.4 100.2 77.1 84.7 133.2 145.1 156.9 169.0 181.0 193.1 204.7 217.0 229.6 128.2 139.7 151.1 162.8 174.4 186.0 197.3 209.1 221.4 123.2 134.2 145.2 156.5 167.7 178.9 189.9 201.3 213.2 118.1 128.8 139.4 150.3 161.1 171.9 182.5 193.5 204.9 113.1 123.4 133.5 144.0 154.4 164.8 175.0 185.6 196.7 108.1 117.9 127.7 137.8 147.8 157.7 167.6 177.8 188.5 103.0 112.5 121.9 131.6 141.1 150.7 160.2 170.0 180.3 98.0 107.1 116.0 125.3 134.4 143.6 152.8 162.1 172.1 93.0 101.7 110.2 119.1 127.8 136.6 145.3 154.3 163.9 78.0 84.7 91.5 98.3 105.2 112.1 118.6 125.5 132.5 244.2 257.3 270.6 284.0 297.7 311.2 324.8 338.5 351.8 236.1 228.0 248.9 240.4 261.7 252.8 274.7 265.4 288.0278.4 301.2291.1 314.4i303.9 327.7|316.8 340.61329.4 219.9 231.9 244.0 256.1 268.7 281.1 293.5 306.0 318.2 211.9 223.4 235.1 246.8 259.1 271.0 283.0 295.1 307.0 203.8 215.0 226.2 237.6 249.4 261.0 272.6 284.3 295.9 195.7 206.5 217.3 228.3 239.8 250.9 262.1 273.4 284.7 187.6 198.0 208.5 219.0 230.1 240.9 251.7 262.6 273.5 179.6 189.5 199.6 209.7 220.5 230.8 241.2 251.7 262.3 163.4 172.6 181.8 191.2 201.2 210.7 220.3 230.1 239.9 138.1 145.4 152.7 160.1 167.5 174.9 182.4 189.9 197.1 372.0 386.5 401.3 416.3 431.2 446.2 461.2 476.3 491.9 361.0 375.1 389.5 404.2 418.7 433.2 447.9 462.6 477.8 349.9 338.9 363.7 352.3 377.7 365.9 392.0 379.9 406.1393.6 420.3 407.3 434.6|421.2 448.9 435.1 463.8 449.7 327.9 340.9 354.1 367.7 381.0 394.4 407.9 421.4 435.6 316.9 329.5 342.3 355.5 368.5 381.5 394.6 407.7 421.6 305.9 318.1 330.5 343.4 355.9 368.5 381.2 394.0 407.5 294.8 306.7 318.7 331.2 343.4 355.6 367.9 380.3 393.4 283.8 295.3 306.9 319.1 330.8 342.7 354.6 366.6 379.4 261.8 272.4 283.2 294.8 305.7 316.8 327.9 339.1 351.2 204.9 212.8 220.7 228.6 236.6 244.6 252.8 260.7 268.8 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii. 122 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR * L j T- BETHLEHEM ROLLED STE n 11" H COLUMNS. SQUARE ENDS. Allowable stress per square inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 55 radii. i 16,000 55 for lengths over 55 radii. Weight DIMENSIONS. Area Least UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF Section of Section, INCHES. of Radius Section, ofGy- COLUMNS. Number. Lbs. per Fool D T B Square , ration, Inches. Inches. 10 11 12 13 14 Ft. Ft. Pt. Ft. Ft. 38.4 i&ji # 8.00 11.30 1.94 71.2 69.3 67.3 65.4 63.5 43.3 10* A 8.04 12.73 1.95 80.3 78.1 76.0 73.8 71.7 46.8 \y A 9.00 13.76 2.21 89.4 87.5 85.4 83.4 81.3 Hll 8 52.1 10# H 9.04 15.32 2.22 99.6 97.5! 95.2 93.0 90.7 55.9 10# H 10.00 16.44 2.47 106.9 106.9105.2:103.0 100.8 61.3 11 tt 10.03 18.02 2.50 117.1 117.1 115.6 113.2 110.9 65.5 11 1.1 11.00 19.26 2.76 125.2 125.2 125.2 124.1 121.8 71.7 11^ ^ 11.04 21.08 2.78 137.0 137.0 137.0 136.1 133.6 77.9 11X it 11.08 22.91 2.79 148.9 148.9 148.9 148.1 145.3 84.2 11^ J/s 11.12 24.75 2.81 160.9 160.9 160.9 160.2 157.3 mi 90.5 ii# T? 11.16 26.60 2.82 172.9 172.9 172.9172.3169.2 96.8 11 # i 11.20 28.46 2.83 185.0 185.0 185.0 184.5 181.2 103.1 u*fi* 11.24 30.33 2.85 197.2 197.2 197.2 197.0 193.5 109.1 IX 11.27 32.10 2.86 208.7 208.7 208.7 208.7 205.0 115.5 12 1A 11.31 33.98 2.87 220.9 220.9 220.9 220.9 217.1 120.9 12 1A 12.00 35.54 3.06 231.0 231.0 231.0 231.01230.7 127.6 12^ IX 12.04 37.53 3.08 243.9 243.9 243.9 243.9 243.9 134.4 12^ 1^ 12.08 39.52 3.09 256.9 256.9 256.9 256.9 256.9 141.2 12H 1^ 12.12 41.53 3.10 270.0 270.0 270.0 270.0 270.0 Hll a 148.1 12j 1A 12.16 43.54 3.12 283.0 283.0 283.0 283.0 283.0 154.9 12}i i> 12.20 45.57 3.13 296.2 296.2 296.2 296.2:296.2 161.9 1%X 1A 12.24 47.60 3.14 309.4 309.4 309.4 309.4 309.4 168.8 1 O 7/ ' 1 ^ 1 O OQ 1Z/8 1/8 lAZo 49.65 3.15 322.7 322.7 322.7 322.7 322.7 175.8 13 Im 12.32 51.70 3.17 336.1 336.1 336.1 336.1 336.1 For detail dimensions, see page 66. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 123 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 IBS. FOR BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL 11" H COLUMNS. SQUARE ENDS. Allowable stress per square Inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 55 radii 16,000 55 -i- for lengths over 55 radii. J i > T| 1 f 1 1 I i *- R J UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF COLUMNS. Weight of Section, Lbs. per Foot 16 Ft. 18 Ft 20 ft. 22 a 24 Ft. 26 Ft. 28 Ft. 30 Ft. 32 Ft. 36 Ft 59.7 67.4 77.2 86.1 96.4 106.1 55.8 63.1 73.1 81.6 92.0 101.3 52.0 58.8 69.0 77.0 87.6 96.6 48.1 545 44.3 50.1 60.8 67.9 38.4 43.3 46.8 52.1 55.9 61.3 64.9 72.5 83.2 91.8 56.7 63.4 52.6 58.8 70.0 77.6 78.8 87.1 74.4 82.3 65.6 72.8 61.2 68.0 117,2 128.6 139.9 151.5 163.0 174.6 186.5 197.5 209.3 112.6 123.6 134.5 145.7 156.8 167.9 179.4 190.1 201.5 108.0 118.6 129.1 139.9 150.5 161.3 172.4 182.7 193.7 103.4 113.6 123.7 134.1 144.3 154.7 165.4 175.3 185.9 98.8 108.6 118.3 128.2 138.1 148.0 158.4 167.9 178.1 94.2 103.6 112.8 122.4 131.9 141.4 151.3 160.5 170.3 89.6 98.6 107.4 116.6 125.6 134.8 144.3 153.1 162.4 85.0 93.6 102.0 110.8 119.4 128.1 137.3 145.7 154.6 80.4 88.6 96.6 105.0 113.2 121.5 130.3 138.3 146.8 71.2 78.6 85.7 93.4 100.7 108.2 116.2 123.5 131.2 65.5 71.7 77.9 84.2 90.5 96.8 103.1 109.1 115.5 223.0 235.9 248.6 261.5 274.6 287.7 300.8 314.0 327.5 215.3 227.9 240.2 252.7 265.4 278.1 290.8 303.6 316.7 207.7 219.8 231.8 243.8 256.2 268.5 280.8 293.2 306.0 200.0 211.8 223.3 235.0 247.0 258.9 270.7 282.8 295.2 192.3 203.7 214.9 226.1 237.8 249.3 260.7 272.4 284.4 184.7 195.7 206.4 217.3 228.6 239.6 250.7 262.0 273.7 177.0 187.7 198.0 208.5 219.4 230.0 240.7 251.6 262.9 169.3 179.6 189.5 199.6 210.2 220.4 230.7 241.2 252.1 161.7 171.6 181.1 190.8 201.0 210.8 220.7 230.8 241.4 146.3 155.5 164.2 173.1 182.5 191.6 200.7 209.9 219.9 120.9 127.6 134.4 141.2 148.1 154.9 161.9 168.8 175.8 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii. 124 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR L 1 BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL 10" H COLUMNS. SQUARE ENDS. , j i { Allowable stress per square inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 55 radii. 16,000 55 for lengths over 55 radii. Weight DIMENSIONS, Area Least UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF Section of Section, INCHES. of Radius i Section. ofGv- COLUMNS. Number. Lbs. per Foot. D T B Square ration, Inches. Inches. 10 11 12 13 14 Ft Ft. Ft. Ft. It. 37.2 9^ /2 8.00 10.95 1.96 69.2 67.3 65.5 63.6 61.8 42.0 9J^ 16 8.04 12.34 1.97 78.1 76.0 73.9 71.9 69.8 HlOs 45.4 $7/% 9 9.00 13.36 2.23 86.8 85.1 83.2 81.2 79.2 50.6 10 H 9.04 14.88 2.25 96.7 95.0 92.9 90.7 88.5 54.1 10 H 10.00 15.91 2.51 103.4 103.4 102.2 100.1 98.0 59.7 10>6 tt 10.04 17.57 2.53 114.2 114.2 113.1 110.8 108.5 65.4 iox X 10.08 19.23 2.54 125.0 125.0 123.9 121.4 118.9 H10 71.1 10/8 H 10.12 20.91 2.56 135.9 135.9 134.9 132.2 129.5 76.8 10/2 H 10.16 22.59 2.57 146.8 146.8 145.9 143.0 140.1 82.6 10# H 10.20 24.29 2.58 157.9 157.9 157.0 153.9 150.8 88.4 lOjf i 10.24 25.99 2.60 168.9 168.9 168.3 165.0 161.7 94.2 10^ IT* 10.28 27.71 2.61 180.1 180.1 179.6 176.1 172.6 99.7 11 1/s 10.31 29.32 2.62 190.6 190.6 190.2 186.6 182.9 104.7 11 1/s 11.00 30.80 2.81 200.2 200.2 200.2 199.4 195.8 110.9 \\y % IT\ 11.04 32.62 2.83 212.0 212.0 212.0 211.5 207.7 117.1 ux IX 11.08 34.45 2.84 223.9 223.9 223.9 223.6 219.6 123.4 lift Ij 5 5 11.12 36.29 2.85 235.9 235.9 235.9 235.7 231.5 H10 a 129.7 11/2 iH 11.16 38.14 2.86 247.9 247.9 247.9 247.9 243.5 136.0 11/s IT% 11.20 40.00 2.88 260.0 260.0 260.0 260.0 255.8 142.4 11& 1/4 11.24 41.87 2.89 272.2 272.2 272.2 272.2 268.0 148.8 11/8 1A 11.28 43.75 2.90|284.4i284.4 284.4 284.4 280.3 155.2 12 i# 11.32 45.64 2.91 296.7 296.7 296.7 296.7 292.7 l__l i : i For detail dimensions, see page 68. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 125 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEI 10" H COLUMNS. SQUARE ENDS. Allowable stress per square inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 55 radii. 16.000--55 for lengths over 55 radii. i C j * [ i i Tt 1 \ \ \ i t- n *J UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF COLUMNS. Weight of Section, Lbs. per Foot. 16 Ft. 18 Ft. 20 Ft. 22 Ft. 24 Ft. 26 Ft 28 Ft. 30 Ft 32 Ft. 34 Ft. 58.1 65,7 75.3 84.1 54.4 61.5 71.3 79.8 50.7 57.4 67.3 75.4 47.0 53.2 43.4 49.1 59.4 66.7 37.2 42.0 45.4 50.6 63.4 71.0 55.5 62.3 51.5 57.9 i 93.8 103.9 113.9 124.2 134.3 144.6 155.1 165.6 175.5 89.6 99.3 108.9 118.8 128.5 138.4 148.5 158.6 168.1 85.4 94.7 103.9 113.4 122.7 132.2 142.0 151.6 160.7 81.3 90.1 98.9 108.0 116.9 126.0 135.4 144.6 153.3 77.1 85.6 93.9 102.6 111.1 119.8 128.8 137.6 145.9 72.9 81.0 88.9 97.2 105.3 113.5 122.2 130.6 138.5 68.7 76.4 83.9 91.8 99.5 107.3 115.6 123.6 131.2 64.5 71.8 78.9 86.4 93.7 101.1 109.0 116.6 123.8 60.3 67.2 73.9 81.0 87.9 94.9 102.4 109.6 116.4 54.1 59.7 65.4 71.1 76.8 82.6 88.4 94.2 99.7 188.5 200.1 211.6 223.1 234.7 246.7 258.5 270.3 282.3 181.3 192.5 203.6 214.7 225.9 237.5 248.9 260.4 272.0 174.1 184.9 195.5 206.3 217.1 228.3 239.3 250.4 261.6 166.8 177.3 187.5 197.9 208.3 219.2 229.8 240.5 251.3 159.6 169.7 179.5 189.5 199.5 210.0 220.2 230.5 240.9 152.4 162.1 171.5 181.1 190.7 200.8 210.7 220.6 230.6 145.1 154.5 163.5 172.7 181.9 191.7 201.1 210.6 220.2 137.9 146.9 155.5 164.3 173.1 182.5 191.5 200.7 209.9 130.7 139.2 147.5 155.9 164.3 173.3 182.0 190.7 199.5 123.4 131.6 139.5 147.5 155.5 164.2 172.4 180.7 189.2 104.7 110.9 117.1 123.4 129.7 136.0 142.4 148.8 155.2 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii. 126 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR jr\ _ :r > Ht | HLfc-Ht-M HULLtU STE.E.L 9 H COLUMNS. p SQUARE ENDS. i I 1 1 j Allowable stress per square inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 55 radii. 16,000 55-p-for lengths over 55 radii. Weight DIMENSIONS, Area Least UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF Section Number. of Section, Lbs. per Foot. INCHES. of Section, Square Inches. Radius ofGy- ration, Inches. COLUMNS. D T B 10 11 12 13 14 Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. 28.8 8% A 7.00 8.46 1.71 51.4 49.7 48.1 46.5 44.8 32.9 8ft % 7.04 9.69 1.72 58.9 57.1 55.2 53.4 51.5 H9s 36.0 8#j % 8.00 10.59 1.98 67.1 65.3 63.5 61.8 60.0 40.6 9 8.04 11.95 2.00 75.9 73.9 71.9 70.0 68.0 43.8 9 A 9.00 12.88 2.26 84.2 82.4 80.5 78.6 76.7 48.9 s/4 9.04 14.37 2.28 94.2 92.1 90.0 87.9 85.8 54.0 9# H 9.08 15,87 2.29 103.2 101.8 99.5 97.2 94.9 59.1 9/8 # 9.12 17.38 2.31 113.0 111.7 109.3 106.8 104.3 H9 64.3 $% if 9.16 18.90 2.32 122.9 121.6 118.9 116.3 113.6 69.5 9^ 9.20 20.43 2.33 132.8 131.6 128.7 125.8 122.9 74.7 93^ it 9.24 21.97 2.34 142.8 141.7 138.6 135.5 132.4 80.0 9^ i 9.28 23.52 2.36 152.9 152.0 148.7 145.4 142.1 85.3 10 1A 9.32 25.08 2.37 163.0 162.2 158.7 155.2 151.8 90.0 10 1A 10.00 26.46 2.56 172.0 172.0 170.8 167.3 163.9 95.3 10^ i/^ 10.03 28.02 2.57 182.1 182.1 181.0 177.4 173.8 100.9 10^ IT\ 10.07 29.68 2.58 192.9 192.9 191.9 188.1 184.3 106.6 10^ IK 10.11 31.35 2.60 203.8 203.8 203.1 199.1 195.1 H9a 112.3 10# *A 10.15 33.04 2.61 214.8 214.8 214.2 210.0 205.8 118.1 10# 1^ 10.19 34.73 2.62 225.8 225.8 225.4 221.0 216.6 123.9 10^ 1A 10.23 36.44 2.63 236.9 236.9 236.7 232.1 227.5 129.7 10# i# 10.27 38.15 2.65 248.0 248.0 248.0 243.4 238.7 135.6 11 19 10.31 39.87 2.66 259.2 259.2 259.2 254.7 249.7 1 For detail dimensions, see page 70. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 127 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 IBS. FOR BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL 9 H COLUMNS. SQUARE ENDS. Allowable stress per square inch : . 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 55 radii. 16,00055 for lengths over 55 radii. * i * T| ' > j : UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF COLUMNS. Weight of Section, Lbs. per Foot. 15 Ft. 16 Ft. 18 Ft 20 Pk. 22 Ft. 24 Ft 26 Ft. 28 Ft. 30 Ft. 32 Ft. 43.2 49.6 53.3 66.0 41.6 47.8 56.5 64.1 38.3 44.1 53.0 60.1 35.0 403 31.8 36.6 45.9 52.2 28.8 32.9 36.0 40.6 49.4 56.2 42.4 48.3 38.8 44.3 74.8 83.8 92.7 101.8 110.9 120.0 129.3 138.8 148.3 73.0 81.7 90.4 99.3 108.2 117.1 126.2 135.5 144.8 69.2 77.5 85.8 94.4 102.8 111.4 120.0 129.0 137.8 65.4 73.4 81.2 89.4 97.4 105.6 113.8 122.4 130.8 61.7 69.2 76.7 84.4 92.1 99.8 107.6 115.8 123.8 57.9 65.0 72.1 79.5 86.7 94.0 101.4 109.2 116.8 54.1 60.9 67.5 74.5 81.3 88.2 95.2 102.7 109.8 50.4 56.7 62.9 69.5 75.9 82.4 89.0 96.1 102.9 46.6 52.6 58.4 64.6 70.6 76.6 82.8 89.5 95.9 43.8 48.9 54.0 59.1 64.3 69.5 747 80.0 85.3 160.5 170.2 180.5 191.1 201.7 212.2 222.9 233.9 244.8 157.1 166.6 176.7 187.1 197.5 207.9 218.4 229.2 239.8 150.3 159.4 169.1 179.2 189.1 199.1 209.2 219.7 229.9 143.5 152.2 161.5 171.2 180.8 190.4 200.1 210.2 220.0 136.6 145.0 153.9 163.3 172.4 181.6 190.9 200.7 210.1 129.8 137.8 146.3 155.3 164.1 172.9 181.8 191.2 200.3 123.0 130.6 138.7 147.3 155.7 164.1 172.6 181.7 190.4 116.2 123.4 131.1 139.4 147.4 155.4 163.5 172.2 180.5 109.4 116.2 123.6 131.4 139.0 146.6 154.4 162.7 170.6 102.5 109.0 116.0 123.5 130.6 137.9 145.2 153.2 160.7 90.0 95.3 100.9 106.6 112.3 118.1 123.9 129.7 135.6 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii 128 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR i L i A BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEL T T 8" H COLUMNS. D SQUARE ENDS. j 1 , ^ Allowable stress per square inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 55 radii. 16,00055 for lengths over 55 radii. Weight DIMENSIONS. Area Least UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF Section Number. of Section, Lbs. per Foot. INCHES. Section, Square Inches. Radius of Gy- ration, Inches. COLUMNS. n T B 8 9 10 11 12 ! Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. 27.7 7% A 7.00 8.15 1.73 52.8 51.2 49.7 48.1 46.5 H8s 31.8 8 7.04 9.35 1.74 60.6 58.8 57.1 55.3 53.5 34.6 8 % 8.00 10.17 2.01 66.1 66.1 64.7 63.0 61.3 39.1 8^ \\ 8.04 11.50 2.03 74.8 74.8 73.3 71.4 69.6 43.6 8# H 8.08 12.83 2.04 83.4 83.4 81.9 79.8 77.7 48.2 8^ H 8.12 14.18 2.05 92.2 92.2 90.6 88.3 86.1 H8a 52.8 8)4 K 8.16 15.53 2.07 101.0 101.0 99.5 97.0 94.5 57.4 8}i \\ 8.20 16.90 2.08 109.9 109.9 108.4 105.7 103.0 62.1 W K 8.24 18.27 2.09 118.8 118.8 117.3 114.4 111.5 66.8 ! 87/ & 15. 8.28 19.66 2.11 127.8 127.8 126.5 123.5 120.4 71.6 9 1 8.32 21.05 2.12 136.8136.8 135.6 132.4 129.1 76.0 9 1 9.00 22.35 2.31 145.3 145.3 145.3 143.7 140.5 81.1 85.9 9V I* 9.04 9.07 23.84 25.25 2.32 2.33 155.0 155.0 164.1 164.1 155.0 153.4 164.1 162.7 150.0 159.1 91.0 I y 3_ 9.11 26.76 2.34 173.9 173.9 173.9 172.6 168.8 H8b 96.1 9/4 1% 9.15 28.28 2.36 183.8 183.8 183.8 182.7 178.8 101.3 9^ 1A 9.19 29.81 2.37 193.8il93.8 193.8 192.8 188.7 106.6 9^ 1^8 9.23 31.35 2.38 203.8 203.8|203.8 203.0 198.6 111.8 9% l^r 9.27 32.89 2.39 213.8 213.8 213.8 213.2 208.6 117.1 10 1# 9.31 34.45 2.41 223.9 223.9 223.9 223.7 219.0 For detail dimensions, see page 72. BETHLEHEM STEEL COM PA NY. 129 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 IBS. FOR BETHLEHEM ROLLED STEEI 8 H COLUMNS. SQUARE ENDS. Allowable stress per square inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 55 radii. 16,00065 for lengths over 55 radii. * " ' -i s T i j> i r ; UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF COLUMNS. Weight of Section, Lbs. per Foot 13 Ft. 14 Ft. 15 Ft. 16 Ft. 18 Pt. 20 Ft. 22 Ft. 24 Ft 26 Ft. 28 Ft. 45.0 51.8 43.4 50.0 41.9 48.2 40.3 46.4 37.2 42.9 34.1 39.3 31.0 35.8 27.7 31.8 . 59.7 67.7 75.7 83.8 92.1 100.3 108.7 117.3 125.8 58.0 65.8 73.6 81.5 89.6 97.7 105.8 114.2 122.5 56.3 64.0 71.5 79.2 87.1 95.0 102.9 111.2 119.2 54.6 62.1 69.4 76.9 84.6 92.3 100.0 108.1 116.0 51.3 58.4 65.3 72.4 79.7 86.9 94.2 101.9 109.4 48.0 54.6 61.1 67.8 74.7 81.6 88.5 95.8 102.9 44.6 50.9 57.0 63.2 69.8 76.2 82.7 89.6 96.3 41.3 47.1 52.8 58.7 64.8 70.9 76.9 83.5 89.8 38.0 43.4 48.7 54.1 59.9 65.5 71.2 77.3 83.2 34.6 39.1 43.6 48.2 52.8 57.4 62.1 66.8 71.6 137.3 146.6 155.5 165.0 174.8 184.5 194.3 204.1 214.3 134.1 143.3 151.9 161.2 170.9 180.4 189.9 199.5 209.6 130.9 139.9 148.4 157.5 166.9 176.2 185.6 195.0 204.8 127.7 136.5 144.8 153.7 163.0 172.1 181.3 190.5 200.1 121.3 129.7 137.6 146.2 155.1 163.8 172.6 181.4 190.7 114.9 122.9 130.5 138.6 147.2 155.5 163.9 172.3 181.3 108.6 116.1 123.3 131.1 139.2 147.2 155.2 163.2 171.8 102.2 109.3 116.2 123.5 131.3 138.9 146.5 154.1 162.4 95.8 102.6 109.0 116.0 123.4 130.6 137.8 145.0 153.0 89.4 95.8 101.9 108.4 115.5 122.3 129.1 136.0 143.5 76.0 81.1 85.9 91.0 96.1 101.3 106.6 111.8 117.1 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii. 130 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. EXAMPLE SHOWINGTHE METHOD OFSELECTING BETHLEHEM ROLLED H COLUMNS FOR BUILDINGS. For illustration, the interior columns of an actual 14-story building are taken as an example. The story heights and the loads on the columns are as given in the table. Height Load H Column Section Required. Story. of Story, Feet. on Column, Tons. Safe Load, Tons. Dimensions, Inches. Weight of Section, Lbs. per Ft. Section Number. D i B 14 12 32 69.7 tttf % 8.00 40.0 H12s 13 12 12 13 54 75 76.3 uji A 8.04 45.0 H12s 11 12 97 119.0 n% Ht 10.04 63.3 H12s 10 12 118 9 8 12 12 140 162 162.0 i*ji H 12.04 84.7 H12 6 12 185 214.2 12 < IT'S 12.20 112.1 H12 7 12 207 5 4 12 12 229 253.3 13 # 12.31 132.5 H12 3 2 12 14 275 298 306.1 13^ 1A 13.12 160.1 H12a 1 iasement. 16 12 321 345 348.8 i*x $ 13.24 182.4 H12a The columns will be selected in lengths of two stories. From inspection of the tables given for safe loads on H col- umns, it is found that no columns less than the 12" H sections have the desired range of capacity. Assuming that it is desirable, on account of space, to limit the size of columns as much as possible, the 12 /x H columns will be the minimum size for the purpose. From the table on page 120 the sec- tions of 12" H columns required are then selected, as given in the above example. Smaller columns might be used for the upper story, but for the sake of uniformity the lightest section of 12 /x H columns are selected. All the columns as selected and given in the above example are produced by the same rolls and obtainable complete at one rolling. When there is no limitation as to size of column, the largest dimension columns having the desired capacity will be the most economical. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 131 CONNECTION ANGLES FOR BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS AND GIRDER BEAMS. Connection angles for Bethlehem special I beams and girder beams are shown on pages 134 and 135. These con- nections are proportioned on the usual basis of an allowable shearing stress of 10,000 Ibs. per square inch and a bearing stress of 20,000 Ibs. per square inch on rivets. These connections will be found sufficient for most cases occurring in ordinary construction. Where beams of relative short spans are loaded to their full capacity, it may be neces- sary to provide additional strength in the connections. The capacity of the connection depends upon the shear- ing or bearing value of the rivets attaching it to the web of the beam, and also upon the shearing value of the rivets in the outstanding legs of the angles by which it is attached to its supports. Where two beams frame opposite each other into another beam or girder, which is a very usual case, the bearing of the rivets on the web of the latter may determine the minimum strength of the connection. Tables on pages 132 and 133 give the least spans on which the connections may be used with beams fully loaded, depending upon each of the foregoing conditions, also for a shearing stress of 8000 Ibs. per square inch on field rivets, a stipulation of some specifications. The greatest value of the least span given for any of the governing conditions is the minimum span for which the connection may be used. Referring to the table on page 133, the least span for the connection of a 15 inch special I beam weighing 38 Ibs. per foot, so far as determined by the value of the rivets to the web of the beam, is given as 12.5 feet. With the shearing stress of the field rivets limited to 8000 Ibs. per square inch, the least span for the same connection is 11.1 feet. The greater of these values, or 12.5 feet, is the minimum span for the connection under the given conditions. If, however, two such beams frame into a girder having a web thickness of y% inch, the least span for this condition is 14.0 feet, which becomes the minimum span for which the connection may be used. Similar connection angles for American standard I beams are shown on page 223 ; and the minimum spans on which they may safely be used is given on page 222. 132 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. MINIMUM SPANS IN FEET ON WHICH THE CONNECTION ANGLES FOR BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS CAN BE USED FOR GREATEST SAFE UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOADS. Depth of Beam, Inches. Weight ft Lbs. LEAST SPAN IN FEET FOR VARIOUS CONDITIONS. Rivets : Shearing 10,000 Lbs., bearing 20,000 Lbs. per Square In. Field Connection. Rivet Shear, 8,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. Connec- tion to Web of Beam. Field Connec- tion. When two beams frame opposite each other to a beam or girder with a web thickness as follows : TV 1 X" | A" #"|A" K* 30 30 200.0 175.0 24.5 21.1 24.5 21.1 25.7 22.1 28.9 24.8 33.1 28.4 38.5 33.1 46.3 39.7 57.9 49.6 30.7 26.4 28 28 180.0 162.5 24.1 21.4 24.1 21.4 25.2 22.4 28.4 25.3 32.5 28.9 37.8 33.7 45.4 40.4 56.8 50.5 30.2 26.8 26 26 160.0 150.0 20.1 18.6 20.1 18.6 21.0 19.4 23.6 21.9 27.0 25.0 31.5 29.2 37.8 35.0 47.3 43.8 25.1 23.2 24 24 140.0 120.0 20.4 19.2 19.4 16.6 20.3 17.4 22.9 19.6 26.1 22.4 30.4 26. L 36.5 31.3 45.7 39.1 24.3 20.8 20 20 140.0 112.0 19.7 18.0 19.7 15.9 20.6 16.6 23.2 18.7 26.5 21.4 30.9 24.9 37.1 29.9 46.4 37.4 24.7 19.9 18 92.0 14.9 11.9 12.4 14.0 16.0 18.7 22.4 28.0 14.9 15 15 15 140.0 104.0 73.0 18.3 14.0 14.3 18.3 14.0 10.2 19.2 14.7 10.7 21.6 16.5 12.0 24.6 18.9 13.7 28.7 22.0 16.0 34.5 26.4 19.2 43.1 33.0 24.0 22.9 17.6 12.8 12 12 70.0 55.0 12.0 12.2 10.9 8.7 11.4 9.1 12.8 10.2 14.7 11.7 17.1 13.6 20.5 16.4 25.6 20.5 13.6 10.9 10 44.0 9.7 5.9 6.2 6.9 7.9 9.3 11.1 13.9 7.4 9 38.0 11.6 7.6 7.9 8.9 10.2 11.9 14.3 17.9 9.5 8 32.5 9.0 5.7 6.0 6.8 7.7 9.0 10.8 13.5 7.2 The greatest value given of the least span for any of the governing conditions is the minimum span for which the connection may be used. WEIGHTS OF CONNECTION ANGLES FOR GIRDER BEAMS. Depth of Weight of Depth of Weight of Depth of Beam. One Connection. Beam. One Connection. Beam. I Weight of ne Connection. 30 Inches. 77 Lbs. 20 Inches. 48 Lbs. 10 Inches. 28 " 67 " 18 " 41 " 9 " 26 " 67 " 15 " 32 " 8 " 24 " 57- " 12 " 25 25 Lbs. 17 " 17 " Weights given do not include rivets for field connections. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 133 MINIMUM SPANS IN FEET ON WHICH THE CONNECTION ANGLES FOR BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS CAN BE USED FOR GREATEST SAFE UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOADS. Depth of Beam, Inches. Weight Per Foot, Lbs. LEAST SPAN IN FEET FOR VARIOUS CONDITIONS. Rivets : Shearing 10,000 Lbs., bearing 20,000 Lbs. per Square In. Field Connection. Rivet Shear, 8,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. Connec- tion to Web of Beam. Field Connec- tion. When two beams frame opposite each other to a beam or girder with a web thickness as follows : A" #" &" | 3 A" A" X" 30 120.0 24.0 21.2 22.2 25.0 28.6 33.3 40.0 50.0 26.5 28 105.0 24.0 19.6 20.5 23.1 26.4 30.7 36.9 46.2 24.5 26 90.0 23.6 17.7 18.5 20.8 23.8 27.7 33.3 41.6 22.1 24 84.0 22.5 17.2 18.0 20.2 23.2 27.0 32.4 40.5 21.5 24 72.0 23.9 15.0 15.7 17.7 20.2 23.6 28.3 35.4 18.8 20 72.0 20.2 14.8 15.5 17.4 19.9 23.2 27.8 34.8 18.5 20 58.5 19.9 11.8 12.4 13.9 15.9 18.6 22.3 27.9 14.8 18 48.5 17.0 10.7 11.3 12.7 14.5 16.9 20.3 25.3 13.5 15 72.0 11.7 16.0 16.8 18.9 21.6 25.2 30.2 37.8 20.1 15 54.0 12.1 12.3 12.9 14.5 16.5 19.3 23.1 28.9 15.3 15 38.0 12.5 8.9 9.3 10.5 12.0 14.0 16.8 21.0 11.1 12 36.0 10.3 9.1 9.5 10.7 12.2 14.2 17.1 21.3 11.3 12 28.5 10.3 7.3 7.6 8.6 9.8 11.4 13.7 17.1 9.1 10 22.5 10.9 7.4 7.8 8.7 10.0 11.6 14.0 17.5 9.3 9 19.0 8.9 5.7 6.0 6.7 7.7 9.0 10.8 13.5 7.1 8 16.25 7.0 4.3 4.5 5.1 5.8 6.7 8.1 10.1 5.4 The greatest value given of the least span for any of the governing conditions is the minimum span for which the connection may be used. WEIGHTS OF CONNECTION ANGLES FOR SPECIAL Z BEAMS. Depth of Beam. Weight of 1 Depth of Weight of Depth of One Connection. ' Beam. One Connection. Beam. Weight of )ne Connection. 30 Inches. 46 Lbs. 20 Inches. 28 Lbs. I 10 Inches. 12 Lbs. 28 " 26 " 41 " 18 " 28 " 9 " 37 " 1 15 " 24 " 8 " 12 " 12 " 24 " 32 " 1 12 " 18 Weights given do not include rivets for field connections. 134 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. CONNECTION ANGLES FOR BETHLEHEM GIRDER BEAMS. 30" G 2-Ls. 6* x 6" x 7 /f 6 "x 2'-0' 26"and 28"Gs 2-Ls. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 6-Spaces-of-3^ 4^ 1 2-Ls. W .. 2-Ls. 6" x 6" xJ/,5xO"-IO' ttttd-V, | I I i I i 2-Ls. 6* x 6" xKe'x I -6' 10'and 12 Gs >-t--f- ~sc & jtfl^U-S paces-ot-344^1 lH" 2 -f- cat 2-Ls. 2-Ls. 6" x x 0'-5* Spacing same in both legs of angles unless shown otherwise. All holes \%' diameter for %" diameter rivets or bolts. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 135 CONNECTION ANGLES FOR BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS. 30"! t y t t 9-Spaces-of-2&- 2-Ls. 4" x4" K%" x2'-r 28"! t it t t t 8-Spaces-of-2^>- 2-Ls. 4'x4" x%'x I -II 26"! ^y^ 2-Ls 6" x 4" x %" x !*( t-tl * * t t t t=F 2-L. 4' x4"x?6'x 1-8' 24"! 2-Ls 6" x 4" x%'xO r -IO" t-t-t-t-t-M- t t M t M ; 10', p; and 8 Is. 2-Ls. 4" 20*1 >4& 1^^|6-8paces'of-2^ / 44l^' y 2-Ls. 4" x 4' : iy -& -1 h -f-i-f i^x 2-Ls 6" x 4" x 5 xO'-5" 2-Ls 6" x 4' x 8 Spacing same In both legs of angles unless shown otherwise. All holes i" diameter for %" diameter rivets or bolts. 136 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 1 jrt c -H 9 -*-< s s 3E i I epar epar SE CAST 1 THLEHE RON SEPARATORS FOR M GIRDER BEAMS. 1 9 l(e 1 i i d ! s 1 k s-> -3-->j I*" 8 -"* ators for 18 to 30 inch beams are % inch metal, ators for 8 to 15 inch beams are % inch metal. IPARATORS WITH THREE BOLTS. DESIGNATION OF BEAM. DISTANCES. BOLTS. WEIGHTS IN POUNDS. Section Number. Depth, Inches. Weight Foot, Pounds. Out to Out of Flanges of Beams, Inches. Center to Center of Beams, Inches. Width of Sepa- rator, Inches. S Center to Center, Inches. C Length, Inches. Separators. Bolts and Nuts. Sepa- rator for Width S Increase for 1" Additional Spread of Beams. Bolts and Nuts for Width S Increase for 1" Additional Spread of Beams. G30a G30 G28a G28 G26a G26 30 30 28 28 26 26 200.0 175.0 180.0 162.5 160.0 150.0 30^ 24^r 29^8 24^ 27^ 24^ ix !!* 12# 14X 12^ 15 12 14* 12X 13# 12# 10 10 7K 7^ 7K 7K 17J^ 14^ 16^ 14^ 16 14# 73.0 60.0 65.0 57.0 59.0 53.0 4.50 4.50 4.15 4.15 3.85 3.85 7.7 6.6 7.4 6.6 7.1 6.6 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 SEPARATORS WITH TWO BOLTS. G24a G24 G20a G20 G18 G15b G15a G15 G12a G12 24 24 20 20 18 15 15 15 12 12 140.0 120.0 140.0 112.0 92.0 140.0 104.0 73.0 70.0 55.0 26^ 24% 25^ 24^ 23^ 24 23 21 y 2 20^ 20^ 13# 12^ 13 12# 12 12* 11# 11 IOK 10% 13# 12* 12# 12 n*/ 2 11% 11 # 10^ 10 10 12# 12# 10 10 10 7^ 7^ 7^ 5 5 16X 14j< 14J< 14 13^ 14 13^ 12^ 12 n# 50.0 47.0 39.0 38.0 34.0 22.0 22.0 21.0 17.5 17.5 3.50 3.50 2.80 2.80 2.60 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.30 1.30 4.6 4.3 4.5 4.3 4.2 4.3 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.8 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 SEPARATORS WITH ONE BOLT. GIO G9 G8 10 9 8 44.0 38.0 32.5 18# 17# 16# 9K 9 8^ 9>^ 8^ 8X 10^ iox 9^ 11.0 10.0 8.0 1.10 1.00 .85 1.8 1.7 1.7 .125 .125 .125 All bolts % inch diameter. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 137 CAST IRON SEPARATORS FOR BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS. Separators for 18 to 30 inch beams are ! Separators for 8 to 15 inch beams are ^ inch metal, inch metal. SEPARATORS WITH THREE BOLTS. DESIGNATION OP BEAM. DISTANCES. BOLTS. WEIGHTS IN POUNDS. Section Number. B30 B28 B26 Depth, Inches. Weight Pounds. 30 28 26 120.0 105.0 90.0 Out to Center idth Out of ! to Flanges Center of of of Sepa- rator, Separators. Beams, Beams, ! Inches. Inches. Center to Length, Center, Inchegt Inches. 20^ 10# 10* 10* 9* Sepa- rator for Width Additional!^*!* Additional 10 12X 47.8 42.3 37.9 Bolts and Nuts. Increase Bo " 8 forl" I. and Spread th of Beams. S 4.50 415 3.85 5.8 5.6 5.4 Increase for I" Spread of Beams. .375 .375 .375 SEPARATORS WITH TWO BOLTS. B24a B24 B20a B20 B18 B15b B15a 24 24 20 20 18 15 15 B15 I 15 B12a 12 B12 12 il* 84.0 72.0 72.0 58.5 48.5 72.0 54.0 38.0 14 36.0| ISA 28.5! " 15ft 15 143/ 10 10 10 33.7 33.7 26.7 24.2 21.4 ! 12.3 12.3 13.3 9.1 9.0 3.65 3.65 3.00 3.00 2.70 1.65 1.65 1.80 1.30 1.30 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.0 2.8 2.8 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 SEPARATORS WITH ONE BOLT. BIO B9 B8 10 9 8 22.50| 12 19.00 16.25 V* 7.5 6.4 5.5 1.10 1.00 .85 1.4 1.3 1.3 .125 .125 .125 All bolts % inch diameter. 138 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. DETAIL DIMENSIONS FOR BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS. i _ F I 1 - A. K { * 1 i < lie f& -n J t ; ^-t 1 --* o o I i i * M Section Number. Depth of Beam, Inches. Weight per Lbr DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Haximnm Rivet or Bolt, Inch. F W L K G A B c B30 30 120.0 10 If 26* i^ 1 6 W A 1 B28 28 105.0 W !i 24# 9T if 5* W A 1 B26 26 90.0 9A A 22^ l H 5^ 5A A 1 B24a 24 84.0 HI II 20# 1A H 5X 5A A K B24 24 24 82.0 72.0 Bit 8tt S 1A H ii W 5^8 A "# B20a 20 20 82.0 72.0 8ff A 17 17 ?* H II 5 5 5A 6A n A ^ 20 68.0 HI It 17/8 1A H 4^ 5^ A % B20 20 20 63.0 60.0 2 H 17/g IA tt u 5 A ^^ 20 58.5 7H H 17/8 1A H 4^ 5^8 If 18 58.5 rtt li 15* IT'S i! 4^ 5^ A ^ B18 18 52.5 7/8 H 15# 1A H 4% 5ji X ^ 18 48.5 7 A 15X 1A if W ^A X % BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 139 DETAIL DIMENSIONS FOR BETHLEHEM SPECIAL X BEAMS. i _ i i \ w| j "T ; BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 145 AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS. 0.36" 0.60 80 Lbs.' 85,90,95 and 100 Lbs, 120 65 Lb. 70 and 75 Lbs . 146 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. AMERICAN STANDARD Z BEAMS. 0.922 118 55 Lbs, 60. 65 and 70 Lbs. 1 15 b 80 Lbs. 0-49 85, 90, 95 and 100 Lbs. 1 15 a 60 Lbs 0.35 ' 65, 70 and 75 Lbs. 11542 Lbs. 45, 50 and 55 Lbs 0.41 " BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 147 AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS. *- i i i 1 12 a 40 Lbs. o.4e" 45, 50 and 55 Lbs. 0.859 112 31. 5 Lbs. I x I N 8 HO 25 Lbs. 30, 35 and 40 Lbs. 1921 Lbs. 25, 30 and 35 Lbs. _g-2fL 1 0.1 7 1^.0.89 iO.29 0.627 148 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. AMERICAN STANDARD I BEAMS. I 8- 18 Lbs. l a16 20.5 > 23.0 and 25.5 Lbs. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 149 AMERICAN STANDARD CHANNELS. -70.50" C 15-33 Lbs. 35, 40,45, 50 and 55 Lbs. JO.40* 15 C 12-20.5 Lbs. i- 17 " 25, 30, 35,and 40 Lbs. 10.28" 0.723 _JL_ -i__ C 10-15 Lbs. &*H >' 14 " 20, 25, 30, and 35 Lbs. I H.0.34 ;o.24" 0.633^ -10~ H T C 9-13.25 Lbs. 15, 20, and 25 Lbs. 1 0.33" ;0.23 7/ 0.597J ;r 150 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. AMERICAN STANDARD CHANNELS. 0.13" C 8 -11. 25 Lbs. 13.75, 16.25, 18. 75, and 21 .25 Lbs. -j K-o.22" I 0.560* 30.32" '022" ^__ o^! C 79.75 I 12.25, 14.75, 17.25, and 19.75, Lbs. f tO.13" E3Q.31" I Q.21" C 68 Lbs. 10.5, 13.0, and 15.5 Lbs. 0.12" 0.20"'^" I I, JbO.30" jQ.20" J C 56.5 Lbs. It, 9 and 11.5 Lbs. ,0.11- - 19 "^ JO. 19" H0.450" 04- 5.25 Lbs. 6,25 and 7.25 Lbs. f 11 " - 18 "f^- kfi*fe!!jLL BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. ANGLES WITH EQUAL LEGS. A 80 M"to1 26.4 to 66.9 Lbs, <, A 60 14.9 to 37.4 Lbs. A 50 X *rto r 12.3 to 30.6 Lbs 2.8 to 6.8 Lbs. 152 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. ANGLES WITH EQUAL LEGS. ANGLES WITH UNEQUAL LEGS. A 86 H*to 1" 23,0 to 44.2 Lbs./' A 73 HAo 1" 1 5.0 to 32.3 Lbs. A 64 12.3 to 30.6 Lbs. A 63 MW'f 1 1.7 to 28.9 Lbs. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 153 ANGLES WITH UNEQUAL LEGS. A 38 7 l(j fcV 7* / 6.6 to 14.7 Lbs/ XX fT A 32. A, ' ^ \ J^toM \> 4.1 to 7 ,7 Lbs/ A 37 4. 9 to 1 1. 5 Lbs./ 154 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS OF BETHLEHEM BARS. ROUNDS. Size, Inches. Weight per Foot, Pounds. Size, Inches. Veieht per Foot, Pounds. Size, Inches. Weight per Foot-, Pounds. Size, Inches. Weight per Foot, Pounds. X .67 1A 4.60 2X 13.52 3K 40.10 A .85 1# 5.05 2^ 15.07 4 42.73 H 1.04 1A 5.52 2/2 16.69 4X 48.24 1.26 IX 6.01 2tt 18.40 4X 54.07 X 1.50 IA 6.52 2X 20.20 4X 60.25 H 1.76 l|f 7.05 2^ 22.07 5 66.76 ft 2.04 itf 7.60 3 24.03 5X 73.60 If 2.35 !# 8.18 3K 26.08 5X 80.77 i 2.67 HI 8.77 3X 28.20 5X 88.29 1A 3.01 IK 9.39 3^ 30.42 6 96.14 iK 3.38 lit 10.02 3^ 32.71 6X 104.30 IT** 3.77 2 10.68 3^ 35.09 6K 112.80 IX 4.17 2X 12.06 3X 37.56 SQUARES. X .85 1A 3.84 1 8.98 2/ 2 21.25 A 1.08 l>i 4.30 liJ 9.68 2X 25.71 H 1.33 IT\ 4.80 IX 10.41 3 30.60 tt 1.61 IX 5.31 lif 1L17 3X 35.92 # 1.91 liV 5.86 IK 11.95 3^ 41.65 it 2.25 1/8 6.43 lit 12.76 3X 47.82 K 2.60 1A 7.03 2 13.60 4 54.40 if 2.99 IX 7.65 2K 15.35 i 3.40 1A 8.30 2X 17.22 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 155 DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS OF BETHLEHEM BARS (CONTINUED). FLATS. Width, Inches. Thickness. Inches. Weight per Foot, Pounds. Width, Inches. Thickness. Inches. Weight per Foot> Pounds. i# A to vx 1.59 to 6.38 4 Ato2 4.25 to 27.20 i# A " IX 1.86 " 7.44 4X A " 2 4.78 " 30.60 2 A " i# 2.12 " 10.20 5 A < 2 5.31 " 34.00 2X A"i# 2.39 " 11.48 5^ A " 2 5.84 " 37.40 2^ A"l# 2.65 " 12.75 6 A"! 6.38 " 40.80 2^ ft"i# 2.92 " 14.03 7 iV'2 7.44 " 47.60 3 A" 2 3.19 " 20.40 8 A"2 8.50 " 54.40 3X A" 2 3.72 " 23.80 HEXAGONS. Short Diameter of Hexagon, Inches. Weight per Foot, Founds. Short Diameter of Hexagon, Inches. Weight per foot, Pounds. Short Diameter of Hexagon, Inches. Weight iner Foot, Pounds. Short Diameter of Hexagon, Inches. Weight per Foot, Pounds. % 2.25 1/8 5.57 W 13.30 3 26.50 it 2.59 IX 6.63 2X 14.91 3X 31.10 i 2.94 IH 7.78 2/8 16.61 3^ 36.07 i* 3.32 W 9.02 W 18.40 iji 3.73 lj 10.35 W 20.29 IX 4.60 2 11.78 2X 22.27 156 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. MINIMUM, MAXIMUM AND INTERMEDIATE WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS OF AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS. Section Number. Depth of Beam, Inches. Weight per Foot, Pounds. FLANGE WIDTH. WEB THICKNESS. Page No. of Section. Inches and Decimal Parts. Inches and Fractional Parts. Decimal Parts of Inch. Fractional Parts of Inch. 124 24 100.00 95.00 90.00 85.00 80.00 7.254 7.192 7.131 7.070 7.000 7jV 7 T * .754 .692 .631 .570 .500 H * *j 144 1 20 a 20 100.00 95.00 90.00 85.00 80.00 7.284 7.210 7.137 7.063 7.000 $ .884 .810 .737 .663 .600 H" !! 145 120 20 75.00 70.00 65.00 6.399 6.325 6.250 i .649 .575 .500 H 145 118 18 70.00 65.00 60.00 55.00 6.259 6.177 6.095 6.000 6** .719 .637 .555 .460 H tl f If 146 I15b 15 100.00 95.00 90.00 85.00 80.00 6.774 6.675 6.577 6.479 6.400 | 1.184 1.085 .987 .889 .810 : 146 1 15 a 15 75.00 70.00 65.00 60.00 6.292 6.194 6.096 6.000 6** .882 .784 .686 .590 ti 25 * if 146 115 15 55.00 50.00 45.00 42.00 5.746 5.648 5.550 5.500 53^ .656 .558 .460 .410 II 35 ' H 146 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 157 MINIMUM, MAXIMUM AND INTERMEDIATE WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS OF AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS (CONTINUED). Section Number. Beam, Inches. Weight fi Pounds. FLANGE WIDTH. WEB THICKNESS. Page No. of Section. Inches and Decimal Parts. Inches and Fractional Parts. Decimal Parts of Inch. Fractional Parts of Inch. I12a 12 55.00 50.00 45.00 40.00 5.612 5.489 5.366 5.250 N 5> I .822 .699 .576 .460 *** 147 112 12 35.00 31.50 5.086 5.000 y * .436 .350 if 147 110 10 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 5.099 4.952 4.805 4.660 4' 4j \ I .749 .602 .455 .310 ll 147 19 9 35.00 30.00 25.00 21.00 4.772 4.609 4.446 4.330 44 * 4: \- .732 .569 .406 .290 J 147 18 8 25.50 23.00 20.50 18.00 4.271 4.179 4.087 4.000 | \ .541 .449 .357 .270 H 148 17 7 20.00 17.50 15.00 3.868 3.763 3.660 l .458 .353 .250 j 148 16 6 17.25 14.75 12.25 3.575 3.452 3.330 3| 3| 1 .475 .352 .230 H H 148 15 5 14.75 12.25 9.75 3.294 3.147 3.000 HI s* .504 .357 .210 H 148 14 4 10.50 9.50 8.50 7.50 2.880 2.807 2.733 2.660 2? 2f 2 f \ .410 .337 .263 .190 ' A 148 158 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. MINIMUM, MAXIMUM AND INTERMEDIATE WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS OF AMERICAN STANDARD CHANNELS. Section Number. Depth of Channel, Inches. Weight Pounds. ! FLANGE WIDTH. WEB THICKNESS. Page No. of Section. i Inches and Decimal Parts. Inches and Fractional Parts. Decimal Parts of Inch. Fractional Parts of Inch. 55.00 3.818 3H .818 if 50.00 3.720 3fi .720 H C 15 15 45.00 40.00 35.00 3.622 3.524 3.426 8Jt m .622 .524 .426 H ti 149 33.00 3.400 m .400 H 40.00 3.418 in .758 II 35.00 3.296 3if .636 |1 C 12 12 30.00 3.173 3 H .513 H 149 25.00 3.050 3& .390 |f 20.50 2.940 m .280 A 35.00 3.183 SA .823 If 30.00 3.036 3/j .676 If C 10 10 25.00 2.889 2|f .529 H 149 20.00 2.742 2 Jf .382 3 /& 15.00 2.600 m .240 M 25.00 2.815 2H .615 1! 09 9 20.00 15.00 2.652 2.488 2fl .452 .288 li A 149 13.25 2.430 2* .230 H BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 159 MINIMUM, MAXIMUM AND INTERMEDIATE WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS OF AMERICAN STANDARD CHANNELS (CONTINUED). Section Number. Depth of Channel, Inches. Weight per Foot. Pounds. FUNGE WIDTH. WEB THICKNESS. 5P of Section. Inches and Decimal Parts. Inches and Fractional Parts. Decimal Parts of Inch. Fractional Parts of Inch. 21.25 2.622 2# .582 If 18.75 2.530 *H .490 li C 8 8 16.25 2.439 *A .399 H 150 13.75 2.347 m .307 if 11.25 2.260 2H .220 A 19.75 2.513 2|f .633 X 17.25 2.408 2*1 .528 If C 7 7 14.75 2.303 2H .423 If 150 12.25 2.198 2if .318 A 9.75 2.090 2A .210 if 15.50 2.283 2A .563 A C 6 6 13.00 10.50 2.160 2.038 2A 2& .440 .318 A A 150 8.00 1.920 Iff .200 if 11.50 2.037 *A .477 H C 5 5 9.00 1.890 itt .330 H 150 6.50 1.750 i* .190 A 7.25 1.725 iff .325 it C 4 4 6.25 1.652 i .252 if 150 5.25 1.580 iff .180 A 160 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. MINIMUM, MAXIMUM AND INTERMEDIATE WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS OF ANGLES. EQUAL LEGS. Section Number. Size of Angle, Inches. Thick- ness of Metal, Inches. Weight & Pounds. Area of Section, Square Inches. Section Number. Size of Thick- ness of Metal, Inches. Weight Foot, Pounds. Area of Section, Square Inches. i* 56.9 16.73 1 30.6 9.00 IT'S 54.0 15.87 y 28.9 27.2 8.50 7.99 1 51.0 15.00 S H 25.4 7.46 H 48.1 14.12 A50 5x5 23.6 21.8 6.94 6.42 ^A 45.0 13.23 H 1 * 20.0 5.86 A80 8x8 it 42.0 12.34 A 1/2 1 18.1 16.2 5.31 4.75 if 38.9 11.44 14.3 4.18 ii 35.8 10.53 # A 12.3 3.61 H 32.7 9.61 A 29.6 8.68 3 ** 19.9 18.5 5.84 5.44 % 26.4 7.75 ] 4 H 17.1 5.03 A40 4x4 15.7 4.61 i 37.4 11.00 A 14.3 4.18 t 12.8 3.75 if 35.3 10.37 3 ^ 11.3 3.31 7/ 33.1 9.74 9.8 2.86 /<* T'* 8.2 2.40 tt 31.0 9.09 1 O & 28.7 8.44 A60 6x6 H 26.5 24.2 7.78 7.11 tt* 17.1 16.0 14.8 5.03 4.69 4.34 A 21.9 6.43 A35 3Jx3J 13.6 12.4 3.98 3.62 \/ 19.6 5.75 % 11.1 3.25 A 17.2 5.06 ^^ 9,8 8.5 2.87 2.48 ? 14.9 4.36 T 5 / 7.2 2.09 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 161 MINIMUM, MAXIMUM AND INTERMEDIATE WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS OF ANGLES (CONTINUED). EQUAL LEGS. Section Number. Size of Angle, Inches. Thick- ness of Metal, Inches. Weight per Foot, Pounds. Area of Section, Square Inches. Section Number. Size of Angle, Inches. Thick- ness of Metal, Inches. Weight Pounds. Area of Section, Square Inches. H 11.5 3.36 A 4.6 1.34 T 9 S 10.4 3.06 3 /& 4.0 1.17 A30 3x3 A 9.4 8.3 7.2 2.75 2.43 2.11 A17 Ifxlf A 3.4 2.8 1.00 .81 A 6.1 1.78 A 2.2 .62 # 4.9 1.44 H 3.4 .99 y* 7.7 2.25 A 2.9 .84 A 6.8 2.00 A15 IJxli l /i 2.4 .69 A25 2Jx2J X A 5.9 5.0 1.73 1.47 A 1.8 .53 4.1 1.19 1/8 1.3 .36 A 3.1 .90 Ji 6.8 2.00 A 6.1 1.78 y% 5.3 1.55 A22 2Jx2i A 4.5 1.31 Angles are rolled only to the 3.7 1.06 variations of thickness and weight %\ 2.8 .81 given in this list. Orders for angles should spec- ify either the thickness or weight, A 5.3 1.56 but not both. N 4.7 1.36 A20 2x2 A 4.0 1.15 X 3.2 .94 A 2.5 .72 162 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. MINIMUM, MAXIMUM AND INTERMEDIATE WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS OF ANGLES. UNEQUAL LEGS. Section Number. Size of Angle, Inches. Thick- ness ot Metal, Inches. Weight & Pounds. Area of Section, Square Inches. Section Number. Size of Angle, Inches. Thick- ness of Metal, Inches. Weight per Foot, Ponnds. Area of Section, Square Inches. 1 44.2 13.00 1 28.9 8.50 H 41.6 12.25 it 27.3 8.03 % 39.0 11.48 7 /s 25.7 7.55 H 36.4 10.72 it 24.0 7.06 A86 8x6 # 33.8 9.94 A63 6x3J X 22.4 6.56 tt 31.1 9.15 H 20.6 6.06 * 28.4 8.36 H 18.9 5.55 ft 25.7 7.56 A 17.1 5.03 % 23.0 6.75 % 15.3 4.50 A 13.5 3.97 H 11.7 3.42 i 32.3 9.50 H 30.5 8.97 28.7 8.42 ft 22.7 6.67 if 26.8 7.87 21.3 6.25 A73 7x3J ?< 24.9 7.31 V 19.8 5.81 H 23.0 6.75 ii 18.3 5.37 # 21.0 6.17 A54 5x3J X 16.8 4.92 A 19.1 5.59 ft 15.2 4.47 * 17.0 5.00 y* 13.6 4.00 A 15.0 4.40 A 12.0 3.53 H 10.4 3.05 ft 8.7 2.56 i 30.6 9.00 if 28.9 8.50 # 27.2 7.99 if 19.9 5.84 H 25.4 7.47 * 18o5 5.44 K 23.6 6.94 H 17.1 5.03 A64 6x4 H 21.8 6.41 A53 5x3 H 15.7 4.61 # 20.0 5.86 & 14.3 4.18 ft 18.1 5.31 % 12.8 3.75 # 16.2 4.75 ft 11.3 3.31 ft 14.3 4.18 * 9.8 2.86 M 12.3 3.61 A 8.2 2.40 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 163 MINIMUM, MAXIMUM AND INTERMEDIATE WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS OF ANGLES (CONTINUED). UNEQUAL LEGS. Section Number. Size of 4Mb, Inches. Thick- ness of Metal, Inches. Weight Pounds. Area Section, Square Inches. Section Number. Size of Angle, Inches. Thick- ness of Metal Inches. Weight per Foot, Pounds. Area of Section, Square Inches. # 17.3 5.06 9.5 2.78 ri 16.0 4.68 , T * 8.5 2.50 A44 4x3} A* 14.7 13.3 11.9 4.30 3.90 3.50 A33 3x2} '*& 7.6 6.6 5.6 2.22 1.92 1.62 ft'* 10.6 3.09 X 4.5 1.31 H 9.1 2.67 7.7 2.25 y 2 7.7 2.25 A 6.8 2.00 tt* 16.0 14.8 13.6 4.69 4.34 3.98 A32 3x2 ft* 5.9 5.0 4.1 1.73 1.47 1.19 A43 4x3 *# 12.4 11.1 3.62 3.25 Z A 6.8 6.1 2.00 1.78 T Vs 9.8 8.5 2.87 2.48 A27 2jx2 N A 5.3 4.5 1.55 1.31 A 7.2 2.09 3.7 1.06 + A 2.8 .81 3/ 14.7 4.31 H 13.6 4.00 rV 5.3 1.56 e/ 12.5 3.67 ^ 4.7 1.36 A38 3Jx3 A 11.4 10.2 3.34 3.00 A26 2}xlJ A x 4.0 3.2 1.16 .94 A' 9.1 2.65 A 4 2.5 .72 M 7.9 2.30 A 7 1.93 H 11.5 3.36 Angles are rolled only to the T 9 * 10.4 3.06 variations of thickness and weight 1 o 9.4 2.75 given in this list. A37 3}x2J T C 8.3 7.2 2.43 2.11 Orders for angles should spec- ify either the thickness or weight, A 6.1 1.78 but not both. X 4.9 1.44 164 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. EXPLANATION OF TABLES OF THE PROPERTIES OF STANDARD X BEAMS, CHANNELS AND ANGLES. The tables on pages 166-169 give the weights, dimensions, areas and structural properties of all the sizes of Standard I beams that are rolled. These tables are given in the same general form as those for the properties of Bethlehem special I beams and girder beams, so that comparisons of the stand- ard beams with the special beams and rolled girder sections can be easily made. Properties for all weights of standard channels that are rolled are given in similar form in the table on pages 170-171. Coefficients of strength are given for Standard I beams and channels calculated for a fiber stress of 16,000 Ibs. per square inch to be used for static loads in buildings and for like purposes, also for a fiber stress of 12,500 Ibs. per square inch to be used where moving loads are to be provided for, as in highway bridges, crane runways, etc. Coefficients of strength for Standard I beams are also given for a fiber stress of 10,000 Ibs. per square inch, to be used where loads pro- ducing impact are to be provided for, as in railroad bridges. The use of these coefficients of strength is explained in connection with the properties of Bethlehem special struc- tural shapes, to which reference may be made. See pages 50-51 and also pages 232-233 for the general application of their use. The section modulus is given around the principal axis for both I beams and channels by means of which the proper size section may be selected for a given loading and span ; or the maximum fiber stress may be determined when the size of section, length of span and method of loading are given. The radii of gyration are given for beams and channels around each axis. When two beams are used as a column, the proper distance, center to center of beams, to make the radius equal about both axes, is given in a separate table on page 208. Likewise the proper distance, back to back of channels to make the radius of gyration equal about both axes, is given in the table on page 209. If the section modulus of a channel sideways is desired, it may be obtained in the following manner : BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 165 S / = section modulus of channel sideways. b= width of flange of channel, in inches. x = distance, in inches, ^ O m back of channel to neu- tral axis. F = moment of inertia of channel, neutral axis parallel to back of flange. Then - 5/ =- Values of F and x are given in the tables of properties of channels for all weights of each size. The properties of angles are given in the tables on pages 172-182 for all the weights rolled of each size. For unsym- metrical sections, like angles, there are two values of the section modulus for each position of the neutral axis, because the distance from the neutral axis to the extreme fiber is greater on one side of the axis than it is on the other. The section modulus given in the tables of properties of angles is the smaller of these two values for each position of the neutral axis. The stress calculated from it gives the stress in the fibers most remote from the neutral axis, which is the maximum stress in the angle. The coefficients of strength given for angles are calculated for a maximum fiber stress of 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. These coefficients can be used in the usual manner for obtain- ing the safe uniformly distributed load for any angle on a given span, or for selecting the proper size of angle required to support a given load on a given span. For any other fiber stress the coefficients can be obtained by proportion. Coefficients of strength for unequal angles are given for each position of the neutral axis. The coefficient C is to be used when the long leg of the angle is in the direction of bending, and the coefficient O when bending takes place in the direction of the short leg. The least radius of gyration for angles is that about a diagonal neutral axis. This minimum radius, r", is given in the tables and is to be used in the calculation of struts, or columns consisting of a single angle, where failure is liable to take place in the direction of least resistance. 166 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. PROPERTIES OF AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS. NEUTRAL AXIS PERPENDICULAR Thif>1r TO WEB AT CENTER. Depth Weight Area 1D1CJC- Width Section of per of ness of Number. Beam, Inches. Foot, Pounds. Section, Sq. Ins. of Web, Tnchoo Flange, Inches. Moment of Radius of Section indies. Inertia. Gyration. Modulus. 1 r S 100.0 29.41 .754 7.254 2380.3 9.00 198.4 95.0 27.94 .692 7.192 2309.6 9.09 192.5 124 24 90.0 26.47 .631 7.131 2239.1 9.20 186.6 85.0 25.00 .570 7.070 2168.6 9.31 180.7 80.0 23.32 .500 7.000 2087.9 9.46 174.0 100.0 29.41 .884 7.284 1655.8 7.50 165.6 95.0 27.94 .810 7.210 1606.8 7.58 160.7 I20a 20 90.0 26.47 .737 7.137 1557.8 7.67 155.8 85.0 25.00 .663 7.063 1508.7 7.77 150.9 80.0 23.73 .600 7.000 1466.5 7.86 146.7 75.0 22.06 .649 6.399 1268.9 7.58 126.9 120 20 70.0 20.59 .575 6.325 1219.9 7.70 122.0 65.0 19.08 .500 6.250 1169.6 7.83 117.0 70.0 20.59 .719 6.259 921.3 6.69 102.4 1 o 65.0 19.12 .637 6.177 881.5 6.79 97.9 1 18 lo 60.0 17.65 .555 6.095 841.8 6.91 93.5 55.0 15.93 .460 6.000 795.6 7.07 88.4 100.0 29.41 1.184 6.774 900.5 5.53 120.1 95.0 27.94 1.085 6.675 872.9 5.59 116.4 I15b 15 90.0 26.47 .987 6.577 845.4 5.65 112.7 85.0 25.00 .889 6.479 817.8 5.72 109.0 80.0 23.81 .810 6.400 795.5 5.78 106.1 75.0 22.06 .882 6.292 691.2 5.60 92.2 I15a 15 70.0 65.0 20.59 19.12 .784 .686 6.194 6.096 668.6 636.0 5.68 5.77 88.5 84.8 60.0 17.67 .590 6.000 609.0 5.87 81.2 55.0 16.18 .656 5.746 511.0 5.62 68.1 TIC IK 50.0 14.71 .558 5.648 483.4 5.73 64.5 J.J.O m.9 45.0 13.24 .460 5.550 455.8 5.87 60.8 42.0 12.48 .410 5.500 441.7 5.95 58.9 W=Safe load in pounds uniformly distributed, including weight of beam. L=Span in feet. M=Moment offerees in foot pounds. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 167 PROPERTIES OF AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS. COEFFICIENTS OF STRENGTH. NEUTRAL AXIS COINCIDENT WITH Safe^ear CENTER LINE OF WEB. For Fiber Stress of 16,000 Lbs. per Sq. In., for Buildings. For Fiber Stress of 12,500 Lbs. per Sq. In., for Moving Loads. For Fiber Stress of 10,000 Lbs. per Sq. In. on Web, in Tons of 2000 Lbs. Moment of Inertia. Radius of Gyration. Section Number. c C' C" I/ r' 2,115,800 1,653,000 1,322,700 85.1 48.6 1.28 2,052,900 1,603,900 1,316,700 75.0 47.1 1.30 1,990,300 1,554,900 1,244,000 65.1 45.7 1.31 124 1,927,600 1,505,900 1,204,700 55.3 44 .4 1.33 1,855,900 1,449,900 1,160,000 44.2 42.9 1.36 1,766,100 1,379,800 1,104,000 93.7 52.7 1.34 1,713,900 1,339,000 1,071,300 83.9 50.8 1.35 1,661,600 1,298,100 1,038,700 74.3 49.0 1.36 I20a 1,609,300 1,257,200 1,006,000 64.4 47.3 1.37 1,564,300 1,222,100 978,000 55.9 45.8 1.39 1,353,500 1,057,400 846,000 62.1 30.3 1.17 1,301,200 1,016,600 813,300 52.1 29.0 1.19 120 1,247,600 974,700 780,000 42.0 27.9 1.21 1,091,900 853,000 682,700 66.5 246 1.09 ! 1,044,800 816,200 652,700 56.7 23.5 1.11 T I Q 997,700 779,500 626,000 46.7 22.4 1.13 1 1O 943,000 736,700 589,300 35.2 21.2 1.15 1,280,700 1,000,600 800,700 102.8 51.0 1.31 1,241,500 969,900 776,000 93.5 48.4 1.32 1,202,300 939,300 751,300 84.4 45.9 1.32 I15b 1,163,000 908,600 726,700 75.1 43.6 1.32 1,131,300 883,900 707,300 67.6 41.8 1.32 983,000 768,000 614,700 74.1 30.7 1.18 943,800 737,400 590,000 64.7 29.0 1.19 TI^ 904,600 706,700 565,300 55.2 27.4 1.20 j. i'j(k 866,100 676,600 541,300 45.8 26.0 1.21 726,800 567,800 454,000 51.9 17.1 1.02 687,500 537,100 430,000 42.2 16.0 1.04 648,200 506,400 405,300 32.3 15.0 1.07 I 15 628,300 490,800 392,300 27.3 14.6 1.08 C, C' and C r ^Coefficients given in the table. w C or C' or C" ^ C or C' or C" or C' or C"-WL=8M-f f S. W L , M- g , C 168 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. PROPERTIES OF AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS (CONTINUED). Section Number. Depth of Beam, Inches. Weight Foot, Pounds. Area of Section, Sq. Ins. Thick- ness of Web, Inches. Width of Flange, Inches. NEUTRAL AXIS PERPENDICULAR TO WEB AT CENTER, Moment of Inertia. 1 Radius of Gyration. r Section Modulus. s I12a 12 55.0 50.0 45.0 40.0 16.18 14.71 13.24 11.84 .822 .699 .576 .460 5.612 5.489 5.366 5.250 321.0 303.3 285.7 268.9 4.45 4.54 4.65 4.77 53.5 50.6 47.6 44.8 112 12 35.0 31.5 10.29 9.26 .436 .350 5.086 5.000 228.3 215.8 4.71 4.83 38.0 36.0 110 10 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 11.76 10.29 8.82 7.37 .749 .602 .455 .310 5.099 4.952 4.805 4.660 158.7 146.4 134.2 122.1 3.67 3.77 3.90 4.07 31.7 29.3 26.8 24.4 19 9 35.0 30.0 25.0 21.0 10.29 8.82 7.35 6.31 .732 .569 .406 .290 4.772 4.609 4.446 4.330 111.8 101.9 91.9 84.9 3.29 3.40 3.54 3.67 24.8 22.6 20.4 18.9 18 8 25.5 23.0 20.5 18.0 7.50 6.76 6.03 5.33 .541 .449 .357 .270 4.271 4.179 4.087 4.000 68.4 64.5 60.6 56.9 3.02 3.09 3.17 3.27 17.1 16.1 15.1 14.2 17 7 20.0 17.5 15.0 5.88 5.15 4.42 .458 .353 .250 3.868 3.763 3.660 42.2 39.2 36.2 2.68 2.76 2.86 12.1 11.2 10.4 16 6 17.25 14.75 12.25 5.07 4.34 3.61 .475 .352 .230 3.575 3.452 3.330 26.2 24.0 21.8 2.27 2.35 2.46 8.7 8.0 7.3 15 5 14.75 12.25 9.75 4.34 3.60 2.87 .504 .357 .210 3.294 3.147 3.000 15.2 13.6 12.1 1.87 1.94 2.05 6.1 5.4 4.8 14 4 10.5 9.5 8.5 7.5 3.09 2.79 2.50 2.21 .410 .337 .263 .190 2.880 2.807 2.733 2.660 7.1 6.7 6.4 6.0 1.52 1.55 1.59 1.64 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.0 W=Safe load in pounds uniformly distributed, including weight of beam. L=Span in feet. M=Moment of forces in foot pounds. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 169 PROPERTIES OF AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS (CONTINUED) NEUTRAL AXIS COEFFICIENT OF STRENGTH. COINCIDENT WITH Maximum CENTER LINE OF WEB. Safe Shear For Fiber Stress of 16,000 ?or Fiber Stress of 12,500 Lbs. For Fiber Stress on Web, in Tons Moment Radius Section Number. jbs. per Sq In., for Buildings. per Sq. In., for Moving Loads. of 10,000 Lbs. perSq.In. of 2000 Lbs. of Inertia. of Gyration. c C' C" r P' 570,600 445,800 356,700 56.2 17.46 1.04 539,200 421,300 337,300 46.9 16.12 1.05 T 19 o 507,900 396,800 317,300 37.5 14.89 1.06 JL. \.ft a 478,100 373,500 298,700 28.4 13.81 1.08 405,800 317,000 253,300 26.3 10.07 .99 T 19 383,700 299,700 240,000 19.4 9.50 1.01 A- r C' or C"=WL=8M=4 f S. Ll O 170 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. PROPERTIES OF AMERICAN STANDARD CHANNELS. NEUTRAL AXIS PERPENDICULAR Depth Weight Area Thick- Width TO WEB AT CENTER. Section of of Section of Number. Channel, Inches. UOi Foot, Pounds. Square Inches. Web, Inches. Flange, Inches. Moment of Inertia. Radius of Gyration. Section Modulus. 1 r S 55.00 16.18 .818 3.818 430.2 5.16 57.4 50.00 14.71 .720 3.720 402.7 5.23 53.7 PI ^ 1ft 45.00 13.24 .622 3.622 375.1 5.32 50.0 \jJLO JLtJ 40.00 11.76 .524 3.524 347.5 5.43 46.3 35.00 10.29 .426 3.426 320.0 5.58 42.7 33.00 9.90 .400 3.400 312.6 5.62 41.7 40.00 11.76 .758 3.418 197.0 4.09 32.8 35.00 10.29 .636 3.296 179.3 4.17 29.9 C12 12 30.00 8.82 .513 3.173 161.7 4.28 ?6.9 25.00 7.35 .390 3.050 144.0 4.43 24.0 20.50 6.03 .280 2.940 128.1 4.61 21.4 35.00 10.29 .823 3.183 115.5 3.35 23.1 30.00 8.82 .676 3.036 103.2 3.42 20.6 CIO 10 25.00 7.35 .529 2.889 91.0 3.52 18.2 20.00 5.88 .382 2.742 78.7 3.66 15.7 15.00 4.46 .240 2.600 66.9 3.87 13.4 25.00 7.35 .615 2.815 70.7 3.10 15.7 P,Q 9 20.00 5.88 .452 2.652 60.8 3.21 13.5 v/ 15.00 4.41 .288 2.488 50.9 3.40 11.3 13.25 3.89 .230 2.430 47.3 3.49 10.5 21.25 6.25 .582 2.622 47.8 2.77 11.9 18.75 5.51 .490 2.530 43.8 2.82 11.0 C8 8 16.25 4.78 .399 2.439 39.9 2.89 10.0 13.75 4.04 .307 2.347 36.0 2.98 9.0 11.25 3.35 .220 2.260 32.3 3.11 8.1 19.75 5.81 .633 2.513 33.2 2.39 9.5 17.25 5.07 .528 2.408 30.2 2.44 8.6 C7 7 14.75 4.34 .423 2.303 27.2 2.50 7.8 12.25 3.60 .318 2.198 24.2 2.59 6.9 9.75 2.85 .210 2.090 21.1 2.72 6.0 15.50 4.56 .563 2.283 19.5 2.07 6.5 ffi Q 13.00 3.82 .440 2.160 17.3 2.13 5.8 v^o 10.50 3.09 .318 2.038 15.1 2.21 5.0 8.00 2.38 .200 1.920 13.0 2.34 4.3 11.50 3.38 .477 2.037 10.4 1.75 4.2 C5 5 9.00 2.65 .330 1.890 8.9 1.83 3.5 6.50 1.95 .190 1.750 7.4 1.95 3.0 7.25 2.13 .325 1.725 4.6 1.46 2.3 C4 4 6.25 1.84 .252 1.652 4.2 1.51 2.1 5.25 1.55 .180 1.580 3.8 1.56 1.9 W=Safe load in pounds uniformly distributed, including weight of channel. L=Span in feet. M=Moment of forces in foot pounds. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 171 PROPERTIES OF AMERICAN STANDARD CHANNELS. COEFFICIENTS OF STRENGTH. , NEUTRAL AXIS PARALLEL TO i'or Fiber Stress of 16, 000 Lbs. )er Sq. In, for Buildings. For Fiber Stress of 12,500 Lbs. per Sq. In., for Moving Loads. Maximum Safe Shear on Web, in Tons of 2000 Lbs. EB OF CHANNEL. Weight per Foot, Pounds. Depth of Chan- nel, Inches. Dist. Center of Moment Gravity from of Back of Channel Inertia, Radius of Gyration. c C' x V r' 611,900 478,000 67.7 .823 12.19 .868 55.00 572,700 447,400 58.3 .803 11.22 .873 50.00 533,500 416,800 48.7 .788 10.29 .882 45.00 Ifi 494,200 386,100 38.9 .783 9.39 .893 40.00 AU 455,000 355,500 29.0 .789 8.48 .908 35.00 444,500 347,300 26.4 .794 8.23 .912 33.00 350,200 273,600 51.3 .722 6.63 .751 40.00 318,800 249,100 41.9 .694 5.90 .757 35.00 287,400 224,500 32.4 .677 5.21 .768 30.00 12 256,100 200,000 22.6 .678 4.53 .785 25.00 227,800 178,000 13.7 .704 3.91 .805 20.50 246,400 192,500 47.6 .695 4.66 .672 35.00 220,300 172,100 38.4 .651 3.99 .672 30.00 194,100 151,700 29.1 .620 3.40 .680 25.00 10 168,000 131,200 19.5 .609 2.85 .696 20.00 142,700 111,500 10.0 .639 2.30 .718 15.00 167,600 130,900 31.5 .615 2.98 .637 25.00 144,100 112,600 22.2 .585 2.45 .646 20.00 120,500 94,200 12.5 .590 1.95 .665 15.00 112,200 87,600 9.0 .607 1.77 .674 13.25 127,400 99,500 26.7 .587 2.25 .600 21.25 116,900 91,300 22.1 .567 2.01 .603 18.75 106,400 83,200 14.4 .556 1.78 .610 16.25 8 96,000 75,000 12.6 i .557 1.55 .619 13.75 86,100 67,300 8.0 .576 1.33 .630 11.25 101,100 79,000 25.8 ! .583 1.85 .565 19.75 92,000 71,800 21.3 | .555 1.62 .564 17.25 82,800 64,700 16.7 .535 1.40 .568 14.75 7 73,700 57,500 12.0 .528 1.19 .575 12.25 66,800 52,200 7.0 .546 .98 .586 9.75 69,500 54,300 19.7 .546 1.28 .529 15.50 61,600 48,100 15.2 .517 1.07 .529 13.00 6 53,800 42,000 10.6 .503 .88 .534 10.50 46,200 36,100 5.9 .517 .70 .542 8.00 44,400 34,700 14.0 .508 .82 .493 11.50 37,900 29,600 9.4 .481 .64 .493 9.00 5 31,600 24,700 4.9 .489 .48 .498 6.50 24,400 19,000 7.6 .463 .44 .455 7.25 22,300 17,400 5.7 .458 .38 .454 6.25 4 20,200 15,800 3.9 .464 .32 .453 5.25 C or (^Coefficients given in the table. w- c or C' ,, C or C' C or C' WL-=8M f f S. L ' M 8 172 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. |, PROPERTIES OF LIJL ANGLES WITH UNEQUAL LEGS. Section Number. Size of Angle, Inches. Thick- ness, Inches. Weight per Foot Pounds. Area of Section, Square Inches. NEUTRAL AXIS THROUGH CENTER OP GRAVITY PARALLEL TO SHORTER FLANGE. Center of Gravity from Back of Flange, Inches. Moment of Inertia. Radius of Gyration, Inches. Section Modulus. Coefficient of Strength, X 1 r S C 1 44.2 13.00 2.65 80.78 2.49 15.11 161,200 it 41.6 12.25 2.63 76.59 2.50 14.26 152,200 y% 39.0 11.48 2.61 72.31 2.51 13.41 143,100 \\ 36.4 10.72 2.59 67.92 2.52 12.55 133,800 A86 8x6 x 33.8 9.94 2.56 63.41 2.53 11.66 124,400 & 31.1 9.15 2.54 58.82 2.54 10.77 214,900 H 28.4 8.36 2.52 54.10 2.55 9.87 105,300 A 25.7 7.56 2.50 49.26 2.55 8.95 95,500 / 23.0 6.75 2.47 44.31 2.56 8.02 85,500 i 32.3 9.50 2.71 45.37 2.19 10.58 112,800 it 30.5 8.97 2.69 43.13 2.19 10.00 106,700 y* 28.7 8.42 2.67 40.82 2.20 9.42 100,500 it 26.8 7.87 2.64 38.45 2.21 8.82 94,100 A73 7x3J * 24.9 23.0 7.31 6.75 2.62 2.60 35.99 33.47 2.22 2.23 8.22 7.60 87,600 81,000 W 21.0 6.17 2.57 30.86 2.24 6.97 74,300 T$ 19.1 5.59 2.55 28.18 2.25 6.33 67,600 / 17.0 5.00 2.53 25.41 2.25 5.68 60,600 A 15.0 4.40 2.50 22.56 2.26 5.01 53,400 i 30.6 9.00 2.17 30.75 1.85 8.02 85,600 it 28.9 8.50 2.14 29.26 1.86 7.59 81,000 % 27.2 7.99 2.12 27.73 1.86 7.15 76,300 it 25.4 7.47 2.10 26.15 1.87 6.70 71,500 r 23.6 6.94 2.08 24.51 1.88 6.25 66,700 A64 6x4 21.8 6.41 2.06 22.82 1.89 5.78 61,700 }i 20.0 5.86 2.03 21.07 1.90 5.31 56,600 ft 18.1 5.31 2.01 19.26 1.90 4.83 51,500 X 16.2 4.75 1.99 17.40 1.91 4.33 46,200 A 14.3 4.18 1.96 15.46 1.92 3.83 40,900 # 12.3 3.61 1.94 13.47 1.93 3.32 35,400 The coefficients of strength are calculated for a fiber stress of 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 173 PROPERTIES OF |, ANGLES WITH UNEQUAL LEGS. I.l^ NEUTRAL AXIS THROUGH CENTER OP GRAVITY PARALLEL TO LONGER FLANGE. Least Radius Center of Gravity from Back of Flange, Inches. Moment of Inertia. Radius of Gyration, Inches. Section Modulus. Coefficient of Strength. of Gyration, Neutral Aiis Diagonal. Thickness, Inches. Size of Angle, Inches. X' V P' S' C' r" 1.65 38.78 1.73 8.92 95,200 1.28 1 1.63 36.85 1.73 8.43 90,000 1.28 it 1.61 34.86 1.74 7.94 84,700 1.28 Ji 1.59 32.82 1.75 7.44 79,300 1.29 3 ** 1.56 30.72 1.76 6.93 73,900 1.29 8x6 1.54 28.56 1.77 6.41 68,300 1.29 34 H 1.52 26.34 1.78 5.88 62,700 1.30 1.50 24.04 1.78 5.34 56,900 1.30 ft 1.47 21.68 1.79 4.79 51,100 1.30 fc .96 7.53 .89 2.96 31,600 .74 1 .94 7.18 .89 2.80 29,900 .74 it .92 6.83 .90 2.64 28,200 .74 7 /s .89 6.46 .91 2.48 26,400 .74 3 ^ .87 .85 6.08 5.69 .91 .92 2.41 2.31 24,600 22,900 .74 .74 ^ 7x3} .82 5.28 .93 1.97 21,000 .75 .80 4.86 .93 1.80 19,200 .75 I * .78 4.41 .94 1.62 17,300 .75 .75 3.95 .95 1.44 15,400 .76 *A 1.17 10.75 1.09 3.79 40,500 .85 i 1.14 10.26 1.10 3.59 38,300 .85 it 1.12 9.75 1.11 3.39 36,100 .86 tt 1.10 9.23 1.11 3.18 33,900 .86 it 1.08 8.68 1.12 2.97 31,700 .86 1.06 8.11 1.13 2.76 29,400 .86 4 ii 6x4 1.03 7.52 1.13 2.54 27,100 .86 1.01 6.91 1.14 2.31 24,600 .87 j> .99 6.27 1.15 2.08 22,200 .87 y* .96 5.60 1.16 1.85 19,700 .87 A .94 4.90 1.17 1.60 17,100 .88 H The coefficients of strength are calculated for a fiber stress of 16,000 Ibe. per square inch. 174 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. J 1 PROPERTIES OF I. ANGLES WITH UNEQUAL LEGS at (CONTINUED). NEUTRAL AXIS THROUGH CENTER OF GRAVITY PARALLEL TO SHORTER FLANGE. Section Number. Size of Angle, Inches. Thick- ness, Inches. Weight per Foot, Lbs. Area of Section, Square Inches. Center of Gravity from Back of Flange, Inches. Moment of Inertia. Radius of Gyration, Inches. Section Modulus. Coefficient of Strength. x 1 r s c i 28.9 8.50 2.26 29.24 1.85 7.83 83,500 H 27.3 8.03 2.24 27.84 1.86 7.41 79,000 25.7 7.55 2.22 26.38 1.87 6.98 74,500 if 24.0 7.06 2.20 24.89 1.88 6.55 69,800 *n 22.4 6.56 2.18 23.34 1.89 6.10 65,100 A63 6x3J 20.6 6.06 2.15 21.74 1.89 5.65 60,300 H 18.9 5.55 2.13 20.08 1.90 5.19 55,300 A 17.1 5.03 2.11 18.37 1.91 4.72 50,300 X 15.3 4.50 2.08 16.59 1.92 4.24 45,200 A 13.5 3.97 2.06 14.76 1.93 3.75 40,000 * 11.7 3.42 2.04 12.86 1.94 3.25 34,600 i/* 22.7 6.67 1.79 15.67 1.53 4.88 52,100 21.3 6.25 1.77 14.81 1.54 4.58 48,900 % 19.8 5.81 1.75 13.92 1.55 4.28 45,600 H 18.3 5.37 1.72 12.99 1.56 3.97 42,300 A54 5x3J 16.8 15.2 4.92 4.47 1.70 1.68 12.03 11.03 1.56 1.57 3.65 3.32 38,900 35,400 /^ 13.6 4.00 1.66 9.99 1.58 2.99 31,900 iV 12.0 3.53 1.63 8.90 1.59 2.64 28,200 y* 10.4 3.05 1.61 7.78 1.60 2.29 24,500 A 8.7 2.56 1.59 6.60 1.61 1.94 20,700 H 19.9 5.84 1.86 13.98 1.55 4.45 47,500 If 18.5 5.44 1.84 13.15 1.55 4.16 44,400 17.1 5.03 1.82 12.28 1.56 3.86 41,200 jH* 15.7 4.61 1.80 11.37 1.57 3.55 37,900 A53 5x3 A 14.3 4.18 1.77 10.43 1.58 3.23 34,500 * 12.8 3.75 1.75 9.45 1.59 2.91 31,000 11.3 3.31 1.73 8.43 1.60 2.58 27,500 y* 9.8 2.86 1.70 7.37 1.61 2.24 23,900 A 8.2 2.40 1.68 6.26 1.61 1.89 20,100 The coefficients of strength are calculated for a fiber stress of 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 175 PROPERTIES OF I ANGLES WITH UNEQUAL LEGS J t (CONTINUED). ^ M N NEUTRAL AXIS THROUGH CENTER OP GRAVITY PARALLEL TO LONGER FLANGE. Least Radius Center of Gravity from Back of Flange, Inches. Moment of Inertia. Radius of Gyration, Inches. Section Modulus. Coefficient of Strength. of Gyration, Neutral Aiis Diagonal. Thickness, Inches. Size of x' 1' r' S' C' r" 1.01 7.21 .92 2.90 30,900 .74 1 .99 6.88 .93 2.74 29,300 .74 it .97 6.55 .93 2.59 27,600 .75 n .95 6.20 .94 2.43 25,900 75 i |f .93 5.84 .94 2.27 24,200 .75 X .90 5.47 .95 2.11 22,500 .75 ft 6x3^ .88 5.08 .96 1.94 20,700 .75 x .86 4.67 .96 1.77 18,900 .75 A .83 4.25 .97 1.59 17,000 .76 i 2.1 14.5 6.7 1.58 * 55 5.4 4& If 2X 2.0 11.9 5.8 1.49 * 50 4.9 3# A 2>g 1.9 9.8 4.9 1.42 * 45 4.4 3H H 2 1.8 8.0 4.2 1.35 ft 40 3.9 W if IK 1.7 6.6 3.6 1.30 i 35 3.4 3X If 1^ 1.6 4.8 2.8 1.19 * 30 3.0 3 tt IX 1.4 3.5 2.3 1.11 * 25 2.5 2^" if 1/2 1.3 2.4 1.7 .99 # 20 2.0 2X H iy* 1.2 1.7 1.3 .92 * Rails lighter than 60 Ibs. per yard are not rolled by Bethlehem Steel Co. 184 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. EXPLANATION OF TABLES OF SAFE UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOADS FOR STANDARD X BEAMS, CHANNELS AND ANGLES. The tables on the following pages give the safe uniformly distributed loads, in tons of 2000 Ibs., for standard I beams, channels and angles, based upon the usual maximum fiber stress of 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. The loads given in these tables include the weights of the shapes themselves and which must be deducted from the tabular loads given in order to obtain the net superimposed loads which the sections will support. For standard I beams the safe loads are given only for the minimum weight of each section. Safe loads for the heavier weights of each section can be obtained by using the separate column of corrections, given in the tables for each depth of beam, which shows the increase of safe load for each pound increase in weight per foot of the beam. The safe loads for channels are tabulated only for the minimum weight of each section. A separate column of corrections, given in the tables for each depth of channel, shows the increase of safe load for each pound per foot increase in the weight of the channel, by means of which the safe loads for the heavier weights of channels may be obtained. It is assumed in these tables of safe loads that the com- pression flanges of the beams and channels are secured against yielding sideways. They should be held in position laterally by tie rods, or other means, at intervals not exceed- ing twenty times the width of the flange, otherwise the allowable safe loads must be reduced in the proportion given by the table at the bottom of page 76. Standard beams, because of their narrow flanges, are deficient in lateral stiff- ness as compared with the wide flange Bethlehem special I beams. The tables of safe loads for standard I beams given on pages 187-189 are calculated on the same basis as the similar tables of safe .loads for Bethlehem special I beams which are BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 185 given on pages 82-86. By comparing these tables the equality in strength of the two types of sections is clearly shown, as is also the economy of weight in favor of the Bethlehem special beam sections. When beams and channels are used on shorter spans than are given in the tables of safe loads, their greatest safe load may be limited by the safe shearing strength of the webs. Tables on pages 192 and 193 give the maximum safe shear for the webs of standard beams and channels, calculated by the usual formula for the safe crippling strength of webs. These tables also give the corresponding minimum spans on which the beams and channels can be used for their full safe uniformly distributed loads. The deflection of the beams and channels produced by the uniformly distributed loads given in the tables is found by the formula, Deflection, in inches=0. 01655 L 2 -+-d, where L = length of span in feet, and d= depth of beam or channel in inches. As the deflection is proportional to the load, it can be found for any other intensity of loading by proportion. The usual allowable deflection of j^ of the distance between supports is not exceeded under the loads given in the tables, unless the span is greater than 24 times the depth of the beam or channel. This limit of span is indicated in the tables of safe loads for beams and channels by dotted cross lines. If used on longer spans and the deflection is a governing consideration, the loads given in the tables must be reduced in the manner explained on page 77. Channels laid flat are sometimes used on short spans as lintels for supporting walls over door and window openings, for which purpose they are desirable when of sufficient strength as they furnish a flat soffit. The table on page 194 gives the safe uniformly distributed loads on channels when laid flat, or with the web horizontal. This table furnishes a convenient means of selecting channels for lintels, or for other purposes where the load is similarly applied. Loads given in this table to the right of the zigzag line produce 186 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. deflections exceeding the usual limit of ?fa of the span. The deflections of channels when used in this manner, under the safe uniformly distributed loads given in the table, may be found from the following formula, in which, L = length of span, in feet. D = deflection, in inches, of channel under tabular load. b = width of flange of channel, in inches. x = distance, in inches, from back of channel to neutral axis. _ ~ * (b-x) The distance x is given in the table of the properties of channels. Safe loads for the minimum and maximum weights of angles of each size are given in the tables on pages 195-197. If the safe loads for intermediate weights of angles are desired, they can be obtained from the coefficients of strength given in the tables of properties of angles for all thicknesses. The deflection of angles under their safe uniformly distrib- uted loads for a maximum fiber stress of 16,000 Ibs. per square inch can be found in the following manner : D or D' = deflection, in inches, in direction of long or short legs, respectively. b or b' = length, in inches, of long or short leg of angle. x or x' = distance, in inches, in direction of long or short leg from back of angle to neutral axis. L = length of span, in feet. _ u 0.01655L 2 0.01655L 2 Then > D =- and D The distances x and x' are given in the tables of proper- ties of angles. The safe load concentrated at the center of the span for any shape is one-half the safe uniformly distributed load and produces a deflection T 8 ^ of that for the latter. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 187 SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS, IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. Beams being secured against yielding sideways. 24"! Add 20" X Add for 18"! Add 1="T for 15 Z Add for each, each 1 each each in T9A Feet. Lb. Inc. I 20a 1 20 Lb Inc. Z18 115 a Z15 Lb. Inc. 80 Lbs. in w gt- 80 Lbs. 65 Lbs. in fft, 55 Lbs. in j Vgt, 80 Lbs. 60 Lbs. 42 Lbs. in Vgt. 12 77.33 53 65.18 51.98 .44 39.29 .39 47.14 36.09 26.18 .33 13 71.38 48 60.16 47.98 .40 36.27 .36 43.51 33.31 24.17 .30 14 66.28 45 55.87 44.56 .37 33.68 .34 40.40 30.93 22.44 .28 15 61.86 42 52.14 41.59 .35 31.43 .31 37.71 28.87 20.94 .26 16 58.00 39 48.88 38.99 .33 29.47 .29 35.35 27.07 19.63 .24 17 54.58 37 46.01 36.69 .31 27.74 .28 33.27 25.47 18.48 .23 18 51.56 35 43.45 34.66 .29 26.19 .26 31.42 24.06 17.45 .22 19 48.84 33 41.17 32.83 28 24.82 .25 29.77 22.79 16.53 .21 20 46.40 32 39.11 31.19 26 23.58 .24 28.28 21.65 15.71 .20 21 44.19 30 37.24 29.70 .25 22.45 .22 26.94 20.62 14.96 .19 22 42.18 29 35.55 28.35 .24 21.43 .21 25.71 19.68 14.28 .18 23 40.35 27 34.01 27.12 .23 20.50 .20 24.59 18.83 13.66 .17 24 38.67 26 32.59 25.99 .22 19.65 .20 23.57 18.04 13.09 .16 25 37.12 .25 31.29 24.95 .21 18.86 .19 22.63 17.32 12.57 .16 26 35.69 24 30.08 23.99 .20 18.14 .18 21.76 16.66 12.08 .15 27 34.37 .23 28.97 23.10 .19 17.46 .17 20.95 16.04 11.64 .14 28 33.14 .23 27.93 22.28 .19 16.84 .17 20.20 15.47 11.22 .14 29 32.00 .22 26.97 21.51 .18 16.26 .16 19.51 14.93 10.83 .13 30 30.93 .21 26.07 20.79 .17 15.72 .16 18.86 14.43 10.47 .13 31 29.94 .20 25.23 20.12 .17 15.21 .15 18.25 13.97 10.13 .13 32 29.00 .20 24.44 19.49 .16 14.73 .15 17.68 13.53 9.82 .12 33 28.12 .19 23.70 18.90 .16 14.29 .14 17.14 13.12 9.52 .12 34 27.29 .19 23.00 18.35 .15 13.87 .14 16.64 12.74 9.24 .11 35 26.51 .18 22.35 17.82 .15 13.47 .13 16.16 12.37 8.98 .11 36 25.78 .18 21.73 17.33 .15 13.10 .13 15.71 12.03 8.73 .11 37 25.08 .17 21.14 16.86 .14 12.74 .13 15.29 11.70 8.49 .11 38 24.42 .17 20.59 16.41 .14 12.41 .12 14.89 11.40 8.27 .10 39 23.79 .16 20.06 16.00 .13 12.09 .12 14.50 11.10 8.06 .10 40 23.20 .16 19.55 15.60 .13 11.79 .12 14.14 10.83 7.85 .10 i Safe loads given include weight of beam. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Loads given below the dotted lines produce deflections exceeding ^ v of the span. 188 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS, IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. Beams being secured against yielding sideways. 12"! Add 10"! Add 9" I Add Span, for each for each for each LD. Lb. > Lb. Fe^t. Z12 a Z12 Increase Z1O Increase I 9 Increase in in ! in 40 Lbs. 31.5 Lbs. Weight. 25 Lbs. Weight. 21 Lbs Velght ' 10 23.91 19.19 .31 13.03 .26 10.07 .24 11 21.73 17.44 .29 11.84 .24 9.15 .22 12 19.92 15.99 .26 10.85 .22 8.39 20 13 18.39 14.76 .24 10.02 .20 7.74 .18 14 17.08 13.70 .23 9.30 .19 7.19 .17 15 15.94 12.79 .21 8.68 .17 6.71 .16 16 14.94 11.99 .20 8.14 .16 6.29 .15 17 14.06 11.29 .19 7.66 .15 5.92 .14 18 13.28 10.66 .18 7.24 .14 5.59 .13 19 12.58 10.10 .17 6.86 .14 5.30 .12 20 11.95 9.59 .16 6.51 .13 5.03 .12 21 11.38 9.14 .15 6.20 .12 4.79 .11 22 10.87 8.72 .14 5.92 .12 4.58 .11 23 10.39 8.34 | .14 5.66 .11 4.38 .10 24 9.96 7.99 ! .13 5.43 .11 4.19 .10 25 9.56 7.67 ! .13 5.21 .10 4.03 .09 26 9.19 7.38 .12 5.01 .10 3.87 .09 27 8.85 7.11 .12 4.82 .10 3.73 .09 28 8.54 6.85 .11 4.65 .09 3.59 .08 29 8.24 6.62 .11 4.49 .09 3.47 .08 30 7.97 6.40 .11 4.34 .09 3.36 .08 31 7.71 6.19 .10 4.20 .08 32 7.47 6.00 .10 4.07 .08 33 7.24 5-81 .10 3.95 08 34 7.03 5.64 .09 3.83 .08 35 6.83 5.48 .09 3.72 .07 Safe loads given include weight of beam. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Loads given below the dotted lines produce deflections exceeding 3 , of the span. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 189 SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS, IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. Beams being secured against yielding sideways. Span, in Feet. e"x Add for each Lb. In- crease in Weight. 7"X Add for each Lb, In- crease in Weight. 6" X Add for each Lb. In- crease in Weight. 5"X Add for each Lb. In- crease in Weight. 4"X Add for each Lb. In- crease in Weight. 18 17 16 15 Z4 18 Lbs. 15 Lbs. 12.25 Lbs. 9.75 Lbs. 7.5 Lbs. 5 15.17 .42 11.04 .36 7.75 .31 5.16 .26 3.18 .21 6 12.64 .35 9.20 .30 6.46 .26 4.30 .22 2.65 .18 7 10.84 .30 7.89 .26 5.54 .22 3.69 .19 2.27 .15 8 9 9.48 8.43 .26 .23 6.90 6.13 .23 .20 4.84 4.31 .19 .17 3.23 2.87 .16 .14 1.99 .13 .12 1.77 10 11 7.59 6.90 .21 .19 5.52 5.02 .18 .16 3.88 3.52 .16 .14 258 .13 .12 1.59 1.45 .11 .10 2.35 12 13 6.32 5.83 .18 .16 4.60 4.25 .15 .14 3.23 .13 .12 2.15 1.98 .11 .10 1.33 1.22 .09 .08 2.98 14 15 5.42 5.06 .15 .14 3.94 .13 .12 2.77 2.58 .11 .10 1.84 1.72 .09 .09 3.68 16 17 4.74 .13 .12 3.45 3.25 .11 .11 2.42 2.28 .10 .09 1.61 1.52 .08 .08 4.46 18 4.21 .12 3.07 .10 2.15 .09 19 3.99 .11 2.91 .09 2.04 .08 20 3.79 .11 2.76 .09 1.94 .08 21 3.61 .10 2.63 .09 1.85 .07 Safe loads given include weight of beam. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Loads given below the dotted lines produce deflections exceeding 3 | w of the span. 190 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR AMERICAN STANDARD CHANNELS, IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. Channels being secured against yielding sideways. Span, in Feet. 15" C Add for each Lb. In- crease in Weight. 12"C Add for each Lb. In- crease In Weight. 10" C Add for each Lb. In- crease in Weight. 9"C Add for each Lb. In- crease in Weight. C15 C12 c 10 C 9 33Lbs. 20.5 Lbs. 15 Lbs. 13.25 Lbs. 10 22.23 .39 11.39 .32 7.14 .26 5.61 .24 11 20.20 .35 10.35 .29 6.49 .24 5.10 .21 12 18.52 .33 9.49 .26 5.95 .22 4.68 .20 13 17.10 .30 8.76 .24 5.49 .20 4.32 .18 14 15.87 .28 8.14 .23 5.10 .19 4.01 .17 15 14.82 .26 7.59 .21 4.76 .17 3.74 .16 16 13.89 .24 7.12 .20 4.46 .16 3.51 .15 17 13.07 .23 6.70 .18 4.20 .15 3.30 .14 18 19 12.35 11.70 .22 .21 6.33 5.99 .18 .17 3.96 3.76 .14 .14 3.12 .13 .12 2.95 20 21 11.11 10.58 .20 .19 5.70 5.42 .16 .15 3.57 .13 .12 2.81 2.67 .12 .11 3.40 22 10.10 .18 5.18 .14 3.24 .12 2.55 .11 23 9.66 .17 4.95 .14 3.10 .11 2.44 .10 24 25 9.26 8.89 .16 .16 4.75 .13 .13 2.97 2.85 .11 .10 2.34 2.24 .10 .09 4.56 26 8.55 .15 4.38 .12 2.74 .10 2.16 .09 27 8.23 .14 4.22 .12 2.64 .10 2.08 .09 28 7.94 .14 4.07 .11 2.55 .09 2.00 .08 29 7.66 .13 3.93 .11 2.46 .09 1.93 .08 30 7.41 .13 3.80 .11 2.38 .09 1.87 .08 Safe loads given include weight of channel. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Loads given below the dotted lines produce deflections exceeding g ^ of the span. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 191 SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR AMERICAN STANDARD CHANNELS, IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. Channels being secured against yielding sideways. Span, in Feet. a"c Idd for each Lb. In- crease in Weight. 7"C Add for each Lb. In- crease in Weight. 6" C Add for each Lb. In- crease in Weight. 5"C Add for each Lb. In- crease in Weight. 4"C Add for each Lb. In- crease in Weight. C 8 C 7 C 6 C 5 C4 11.25 Lbs. 9.75 Ibs. 8 Lbs. 6.5 Lbs. 5.25 Lbs. 1 5 8.61 .42 6.68 .36 4.62 .31 3.16 .26 2.02 .21 6 7.18 .35 5.57 .30 3.85 .26 2.63 .22 1.68 .18 7 6.15 .30 4.77 .26 3.30 .22 2.26 .19 1.44 .15 8 9 5.38 4.78 .26 .23 4.18 3.71 .23 .20 2.89 2.57 .19 .17 1.98 1.76 .16 .14 1.26 .13 .12 1.12 10 11 4.31 3.91 .21 .19 3.34 3.04 .18 .16 2.31 2.10 .16 .14 1.58 .13 .12 1.01 .92 .11 .10 1.44 12 13 3.59 3.31 .18 .16 2.78 2.57 .15 .14 1.93 .13 .12 1.32 1.22 .11 .10 .84 .78 .09 .08 1.78 14 15 3.08 2.87 .15 .14 2.39 .13 .12 1.65 1.54 ,11 .10 1.13 1.05 .09 .09 .72 .67 .08 .07 2.23 16 17 2.69 .13 .12 2.09 1.96 .11 .11 1.44 1.36 .10 .09 .99 .93 .08 .08 2.53 18 2.39 .11 1.86 .10 1.28 .09 .88 .07 19 2.27 .11 1.76 .09 1.22 .08 .83 .07 20 2.15 .11 1.67 .09 1.16 .08 .79 .07 21 2.05 .10 1.59 .09 22 1.96 .10 1.52 .08 23 1.87 .09 1.45 .08 24 1.79 .09 1.39 .08 25 1.72 .08 1.34 .07 Safe loads given include weight of channel. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Loads given below the dotted lines produce deflections exceeding 3 ^ of the span. 192 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. MAXIMUM SAFE SHEAR FOR AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS, BASED UPON THE CRIPPLING STRENGTH OF THE WEBS! AND THE CORRESPONDING MINIMUM SPANS FOR GREATEST SAFE UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOADS. Section Number. Depth of Beam, Inches. Weight per Foot, Pounds. Maximum Safe Shear, Pounds. Mini- mum Section Number. Depth of Beam, Inches. Weight per Foot, Pounds. Maximum Safe Shear, Pounds. Mini- mum Span, Feet. Feet. 100.0 170,100 6.2 55.00 112,500 2.5 124 24 95.0 90.0 150,000 130,300 6.8 7.6 I12a 12 50.00 45.00 93,900 75,000 2.9 3.4 85.0 110,600 8.7 40.00 56,800 4.2 80.0 88,400 10.5 1 12 1 9 35.00 52,600 3.9 100.0 187,300 4.5 14 31.50 38,700 5.0 95.0 167,900 5.2 40.00 86,100 2.0 I20a 20 90.0 85.0 148,500 128,700 5.6 6.3 110 10 35.00 30.00 67,500 48,700 2.3 2.9 80.0 111,800 7.0 25.00 29,500 4.4 75.0 124,100 5.5 35.00 76,200 1.9 120 20 70.0 104,200 6.2 I 9 9" 30.00 57,900 2.1 65.0 84,000 7.4 25.00 39,100 2.8 21.00 25,300 4.0 118 18 70.0 65.0 60.0 55.0 132,900 113,300 93,500 70,400 4.1 4.6 5.3 6.7 18 8 25.50 23.00 20.50 18.00 49,300 40,000 30,500 21,300 1.9 2.2 2.6 3.6 100.0 205,600 3.1 20.00 36,400 1.8 95.0 187,100 3.3 17 7 17.50 27,100 2.2 I15b 15 90.0 168,700 3.6 15.00 17,700 3.1 85.0 80.0 150,200 135,200 3.9 4.2 16 6 17.25 14.75 33,000 23,700 1.4 1.8 75.0 148,100 3.3 12.25 14,300 2.7 Z15a 15 70.0 65.0 129,400 110,400 3.6 4.1 15 5 14.75 12.25 29,600 20,500 1.1 1.4 60.0 91,600 4.7 9.75 11,200 2.3 55.0 103,800 3.5 10.50 19,300 1.0 115 15 50.0 45.0 84,400 64,700 4.1 5.0 14 4 9.50 8.50 15,700 12.000 1.1 1.4 42.0 54500 5.8 7.50 8300 1.9 ) l' Maximum Safe Shear, >=- in Pounds. J ., , 2,000 dt h* ~ t ~3ooot 2 Where d = depth of beam, t = thickness of web and h= clear distance between flanges, all dimensions in inches. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 193 MAXIMUM SAFE SHEAR FOR AMERICAN STANDARD CHANNELS, BASED UPON THE CRIPPLING STRENGTH OF THE WEBS: AND THE CORRESPONDING MINIMUM SPANS FOR GREATEST SAFE UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOADS. Section Number. Depth of Chan- nel, Inches. Weight per Foot, Pounds. 55.00 Maximum Safe Shear, Pounds. Mini- mum Span, Feet. Section Number. Depth of Chan- nel, Inches. Weight per foot, Pounds. Maximum, Safe Shear, Pounds. Mini- mum Span, Feet. 135,500 2.3 21.25 53,400 1.2 50.00 116,500 2.5 18.75 44,100 1.3 C15 15 45.00 40.00 97,300 77,800 2.7 3.2 C8 8 16.25 13.75 28,800 25,200 1.8 1.9 35.00 58,100 3.9 11.25 15,900 2.7 33.00 52,800 4.2 19.75 51,600 1.0 40.00 102,500 1.7 17.25 42,500 1.1 35.00 83,900 1.9 C7 7 14.75 33,300 1.2 C12 12 30.00 64,700 2.2 12.25 23,900 1.5 25.00 45,100 2.8 9.75 13,900 2.4 20.50 27,400 4.2 15.50 39,500 0.9 35.00 30.00 95,200 76,800 1.3 1.4 C6 6 13.00 10.50 30,400 21,100 1.0 1.3 CIO 10 25.00 58,200 1.7 8.00 11,900 1.9 20.00 15.00 39,000 20,000 2.2 3.6 C5 5 11.50 9.00 27,900 18,800 0.8 1.0 25.00 63,000 1.3 6.50 9,900 1.6 C9 9 20.00 15.00 44,400 25,000 1.6 2.4 C4 4 7.25 6.25 15,100 11,500 0.8 1.0 13.25 17,900 3.1 5.25 7,800 1.3 Maximum Safe Shear, 1 - in Pounds. j Where d = depth of channe between flanges, all dimensions 12,000 dt ] i 2 + 3000 t a 1, t = thickness of web and h = clear distance in inches. 194 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR AMERICAN STANDARD CHANNELS, IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. WEB HORIZONTAL. Depth of Channel, Inches. Weight per Foot* Pounds. DISTANCE BETWEEN SUPPORTS. 1 Ft. 2 Ft. 3 Ft. 4 Ft. 5 Ft. 6 Ft. 7 Ft. 8 Ft. 9 Ft. 10 Ft 15 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 55.00 50.00 45.00 40.00 35.00 33.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.50 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 13.25 21.25 18.75 16.25 13.75 11.25 19.75 17.25 14.75 12.25 9.75 15.50 13.00 10.50 8.00 11.50 9.00 6.50 7.25 6.25 5.25 21.70 20.50 19.35 18.25 17.15 16.85 13.10 12.10 11.15 10.20 9.30 10.00 8.90 8.00 7.15 6.25 7.20 6.30 5.50 5.15 5.90 5.45 5.05 4.62 4.21 5.10 4.66 4.22 3.80 3.38 3.93 3.47 3.06 2.66 2.86 2.42 2.03 1.86 1.70 1.53 10.85 10.25 9.68 9.13 8.58 8.43 6.55 6.05 5.58 5.10 4.65 5.00 4.45 4.00 3.58 3.13 3.60 3.15 2.75 2.58 2.95 2.73 2.53 2.31 2.11 2.55 2.33 2.11 1.90 1.69 1.96 1.74 1.53 1.33 1.43 1.21 1.01 .93 .85 .76 7.23 6.83 6.45 6.08 5.72 5.62 4.37 4.03 3.72 3.40 3.10 3.33 2.97 2.67 2.38 2.08 2.40 2.10 1.83 1.72 1.97 1.82 1.68 1.54 1.40 1.70 1.55 1.41 1.27 1.13 1.31 1.16 1.02 .89 .95 .81 .68 .62 .57 .51 5.43 5.13 4.84 4.56 4.29 4.21 3.28 3.03 2.79 2.55 2.33 2.50 2.23 2.00 1.79 1.56 1.80 1.58 1.38 1.29 1.48 1.36 1.26 1.15 1.05 1.28 1.17 1.06 .95 .85 .98 .87 .76 .66 .72 .61 .51 .46 .42 .38 4.34 4.10 3.87 3.65 3.43 3.37 2.62 2.42 2.23 2.04 1.86 2.00 1.78 1.60 1.43 1.25 1.44 1.26 1.10 1.03 1.18 1.09 1.01 .92 .84 1.02 .93 .84 .76 .68 .79 .69 .61 .53 .57 .48 .41 3.62 3.42 3.23 3.04 2.86 2.81 2.18 2.02 1.86 1.70 1.55 1.67 1.48 1.33 1.19 1.04 1.20 1.05 .92 .86 .98 .91 .84 .77 .70 .85 .78 .70 .63 .56 .65 .58 .51 .44 3.10 2.93 2.76 2.61 2.45 2.41 1.87 1.73 1.59 1.46 1.33 1.43 1.27 1.14 1.02 .89 1.03 .90 .79 .74 .84 .78 .72 .66 .60 2.71 2.56 2.42 2.28 2.14 2.11 1.64 1.51 1.39 1.28 1.16 1.25 1.11 1.00 .89 .78 2.41 2.28 2.15 2.03 1.91 1.87 1.46 1.34 1.24 1.13 1.03 2.17 2.05 1.94 1.83 1.72 1.69 1.31 1.21 1.12 1.02 .93 1.00 .89 .80 .72 .63 .72 .63 .55 .52 .59 .55 .51 .46 .42 1.11 .99 .89 .79 .69 .80 .70 .61 .57 .66 .61 .56 .51 .47 .57 .52 .47 .42 .38 .44 .39 .34 .30 .90 .79 .69 .64 .74 .68 .63 .58 .53 .64 .58 .53 .48 .42 .49 .43 .38 .33 .36 .30 .25 .73 .67 .60 .54 .48 .56 .50 .44 .38 .41 .35 .29 .27 .24 .22 ""1 <-i & fd rg W Sri ^ --^2 |S- sfS* SI'sJS ficiii S- 2 ' 2 ^ gcrt c'S .48 .40 .34 .31 .28 .25 .37 .34 .31 ilii 1 M BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 195 SAFE LOADS, IN TONS OF 2000 LBS., UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR ANGLES WITH EQUAL LEGS. EITHER LEG VERTICAL. Angles being secured against yielding sideways. Size of Inches. DISTANCE BETWEEN SUPPORTS. 1 Ft. 2 Ft 3 Ft. 4 Ft. 5 Ft. 6 Ft. 7 Ft. 8 Ft 1O Ft 12 Ft. 8x8xl>^ 8x8x > 93.50 44.65 46.75 22.33 31.17 14.88 23.38 11.16 18.70 8.93 15.58 7.44 13.36 6.38 11.69 5.58 9.35 4.47 7.79 3.72 6x6x1 6 x 6 x y* 45.70 18.80 22.85 9.40 15.23 6.27 11.43 4.70 9.14 3.76 7.62 3.13 6.53 2.69 5.71 2.35 4.57 1.88 3.81 1.57 5x5x1 5x5x^ 4x4x{f 4x4x T 5 Tr 30.90 12.90 16.05 6.85 15.45 6.45 8.03 3.43 1030 4.30 5.35 2.28 7.73 3.23 4.01 1.71 6.18 2.58 3.21 1.37 5.15 2.15 2.68 1.14 4.41 1.84 2.29 .98 3.86 1.61 2.01 .86 3.09 1.29 1.61 .69 2.58 1.08 1.34 .57 8sftg*H 3#x3#x& 3x3x& 3x3xX 12.00 5.20 6.93 3.08 6.00 2.60 3.47 1.54 4.00 1.73 2.31 1.03 3.00 1.30 1.73 .77 2.40 1.04 1.39 .62 2.00 .87 1.16 .51 1.71 .74 .99 .44 1.50 .65 .87 .39 1.20 .52 1.00 .43 .58 .26 .69 .31 2#x2^x^ 2>x2^x T 3 6 2Xx2^x^ 2X*2tfxA 2x2x T V 2x2x T \ 3,89 1.61 3.09 1.30 2.13 1.02 1.95 .81 1.55 .65 1.07 .51 1.30 .54 1.03 .43 .71 .34 .97 .40 .77 .32 .53 .25 .78 .32 .62 .26 .43 .20 .65 .27 .52 .22 .56 .23 .49 .20 .39 .16 .26 .13 .39 .16 .31 .13 .32 .13 .44 .19 .30 .15 .36 .17 l^xl^x T ' s ItfxljtfxA l^xl^/s l^xltfxtf 1.60 .76 1.01 .38 .80 .38 .51 .19 .53 .25 .34 .13 .40 .19 .25 .095 .32 .15 .27 .12 .17 .063 .23 .11 .14 .055 .20 .10 .20 .076 Safe loads given include weight of angle. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Loads given to the right of the zigzag line produce deflections exceeding 33o of the span. 196 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS, IN TONS OF 2000 LBS., UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR ANGLES WITH UNEQUAL LEGS. LONG LEG VERTICAL. Angles being secured against yielding sideways. Size of Angle, Inches. DISTANCE BETWEEN SUPPORTS. 1 Ft. 2 Ft 3 Ft. 4 Ft. 5 Ft. 6 Ft. 7 Ft. 8 Ft. 10 Ft. 12 Ft 8x6x1 80.60 42.75 40.30 21.38 26.87 14.25 20.15 10.69 16.12 8.55 13.43 7,13 11.51 6.11 10.08 5.34 8.06 4.28 6.72 3.56 7x3^x1 56.40 26.70 28.20 13.35 18.80 8.90 14.10 6.68 11.28 5.34 9.40 4.45 8.06 3.81 7.05 3.34 5.64 2.67 4.70 2.23 6x4x1 4280 17.70 21.40 8.85 14.27 5.90 10.70 4.43 8.56 3.54 7.13 2.95 6.11 2.53 5.35 2.21 4.28 1.77 3.57 1.48 6 x3^ x 1 6 x 3^ x ^ 41.75 17.30 20.88 8.65 13.92 5.77 10.44 4.33 8.35 3.46 6.96 2.88 5.96 2.47 5.22 2.16 4.18 1.73 3.48 1.44 iiSJf'Jt 26.05 10.35 13.03 5.18 8.68 3.45 6.51 2.59 5.21 2.07 4.34 1.73 3.72 1.48 3.26 1.29 2.61 1.04 2.17 .86 5x3xif 4x3^ x ^ 4 x 3^ x -fg 23.75 10.05 14.70 6.75 11.88 5.03 7.35 3.38 7.92 3.35 490 2.25 5.94 2.51 3.68 1.69 4.75 2.01 2.94 1.35 3.96 1.68 2.45 1.13 3.39 1.44 2.10 .96 2.94 1.26 1.84 .84 2.38 1.01 1.47 .68 1.98 .84 1.23 .56 4x3x ^ 4 x 3 x T \ 14.30 6.60 10.95 5.10 7.15 3.30 5.48 2.55 4.77 2.20 3.65 1.70 3.58 1.65 2.74 1.28 2.86 1.32 2.19 1.02 2.38 1.10 1.83 .85 2.04 .94 1.56 .73 1.79 .83 1.37 .64 1.43 .66 1.19 .55 .91 .43 1.10 .51 s|SU 9.12 4.02 4.56 2.01 3.04 1.34 2.28 1.01 1.82 .80 1.52 .67 1.30 .57 1.14 .50 .91 .40 .76 .34 8*t*i 6.14 2.99 3.07 1.50 2.05 1.00 1.54 .75 1.23 .60 1.02 .50 .88 .43 .77 .37 .61 .30 .51 .25 3x2x# 5.35 2.89 3.73 1.56 3.16 1.49 2.68 1.45 1.87 .78 1.58 .75 1.78 .96 1.24 .52 1.05 .50 1.34 .72 .93 .39 .54 .37 1.07 .58 .75 .31 .63 .30 .89 .48 .62 .26 .53 .25 .76 .41 .53 .22 .67 .36 .54 .29 .37 .16 .32 .15 .45 .24 .31 .13 .47 .20 .27 .19 .45 .21 Safe loads given include weight of angle. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Loads given to the right of the zigzag line produce deflections exceeding 3$tt of the span. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 197 SAFE LOADS, IN TONS OF 2000 LBS., UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR ANGLES WITH UNEQUAL LEGS. SHORT LEG VERTICAL. Angles being secured against yielding sideways. Size of Angle, Inches. DISTANCE BETWEEN SUPPORTS. 1 Ft. 2 Ft. 3 Ft. 4 Ft. 5 Ft. 6 Ft. 7 Ft 8 Ft. 10 Ft. 12 Ft. 8x6x 1 8x6x> 7x3^x 1 7x8#*ft 6x4x 1 6x4xf6 6x3^* 1 6x3^x^ 5x3^x% 5x3^x T \ 5x3x}t 5x3x T \ 4x3^x^ 4x3^x T \ 4x3x^ 4x3x T \ 3^x3x^T 3#xa* 3K*2K*# 3>x2^x^ 3x2#x& 3x2^x# 3x2x^ 3x2x# 2^x2x^ 2^x2x T \ 2^xlK* T V 2tfxl#xA 47.60 25.55 15.80 7.70 20.25 8.55 15.45 6.55 13.45 5.45 9.25 4.02 11.45 5.40 8.40 3.92 8.23 3.85 4.89 2.20 4.38 2.15 2.53 1.35 2.46 1.05 1.23 .59 23.80 12.78 7.90 3.85 10.13 4.28 7.73 3.28 6.73 2.73 4.63 2.01 5.73 2.70 4.20 1.96 4.12 1.93 2.45 1.10 2.19 1.08 1.27 .68 1.23 .53 .62 .30 15.87 8.52 5.27 2.57 6.75 2.85 5.15 2.18 4.48 1.82 3.08 1.34 3.82 1.80 2.80 1.31 2.74 1.28 1.63 .73 1.46 .72 .84 .45 .82 .35 .41 .20 11.90 6.39 3.95 1.93 5.06 2.14 3.86 1.64 3.36 1.36 2.31 1.01 2.86 1.35 2.10 .98 2.06 .96 1.22 .55 1.10 .54 .63 .34 .62 .26 .31 .15 9.52 5.11 3.16 1.54 4.05 1.71 3.09 1.31 2.69 1.09 1.85 .80 2.29 1.08 1.68 .78 1.65 .77 .98 .44 .88 .43 .51 .27 .49 .21 7.93 4.26 2.63 1.28 3.38 1.43 2.58 1.09 2.24 .91 1.54 .67 1.91 .90 1.40 .65 1.37 .64 .82 .37 .73 .36 .42 .23 .41 .18 6.80 3.65 2.26 1.10 2.89 1.22 2.21 .94 1.92 .78 1.32 .57 1.64 .77 1.20 .56 1.18 .55 .70 .31 .63 .31 5.95 3.19 1.98 .96 2.53 1.07 1.93 .82 1.68 .68 1.16 .50 1.43 .68 1.05 .49 1.03 .48 4.76 2.56 1.58 .77 2.03 .86 1.55 .66 1.35 .55 3.97 2.13 1.32 .64 1.69 .71 1.29 .55 1.11 .45 .77 .34 .95 .45 .70 .33 .69 .32 .41 .18 .37 .18 .93 .40 1.15 .54 .84 .39 .82 .39 .49 .22 .44 .22 .25 .14 .25 .11 .61 .28 .55 .27 .32 .17 .31 .13 .36 .19 .35 .15 .18 .084 .25 .12 .21 .10 Safe loads given include weight of angle. Maximum fiber stress, 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. Loads given to the right of the zigzag line produce deflections exceeding 5 &j of the span. 198 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAM BOX GIRDERS. Safe loads for box girders made of two standard I beams with cover plates are given in the following tables on pages 199-203. These tables are calculated from the moments of inertia of the sections, deductions being made for rivet holes in both flanges. In accordance with usual practice, the maximum fiber stress is limited to 15,000 Ibs. per square inch, in order to compensate for the injury to the strength of the material due to the punching of rivet holes. Deflection of these girders under the loads given in the tables is found in the following manner : Deflection, in inches = 0. 01552 L 2 -H d where L = length of span, in feet, and d = depth of girder over cover plates, in inches. These girders should not be used with full load on spans less than those given in the tables, unless the crippling strength of the webs are examined. The load must not pro- duce a shear greater than the crippling strength of the webs of the beams of which the girder is composed. Safe shears on the webs of standard beams are given in the table on page 192. Bethlehem rolled girder beams are more economical for supporting the same loads. For example, if it is required to support a total load of 30 tons on a span of 16 feet : on page 203 the safe load for a 10" I beam box girder for this span is given as 28.13 tons with an increase of 1.90 tons for each T y increase in thickness of cover plates. The required section will be that given in the table with cover plates T V' thick. The weight of this box girder is 99.1 Ibs. per foot. In com- parison, a 12" rolled girder beam, section G12a, weighing 70 Ibs. per foot has a safe load of 30.05 tons, as will be found by reference to the table on page 80. The equivalent rolled girder weighs 30 % less than the riveted section, and in addition there is a further saving in the cost of fabrication, as the rolled section does not require punching and riveting to build it into a girder. Box girders should not be used in damp or exposed places, as the interior surfaces cannot be repainted. This objection is obviated by the use of the single rolled girder section. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 199 SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR AMERICAN STANDARD I BEAM BOX GIRDERS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. k s'ii 24 Inch UT&H 20 Inch ^i u I Beams, .-! u. I Beams, Weight, VJP^? 80.0 Lbs. Weight, \^r ^r^ 1 80 Lbs. 255.0 Lbs. per Foot. 2447 Lbs. per Foot. per Foot. 2 Plates, per Foot. 2 Plates, .^U^K 18 x%. y^r^K 16x%. Span, in Feet. Safe Load, including Weight of Girder, in Tons of 2000 Lbs. Weight of Girder, in Tons of 2000 Lbs. Add to Safe Load for T^ In. ncreasein Thickness of Plates. Add to Weight of Girder for d, In. [ncreasein Thickness of Plates. Span, in Feet. Safe Load, including Weight of Girder, in Tons of 2000 Lbs. Weight of Girder, in Tons of 2000 Lbs. ... x Add to e *Mto Weight of Safe Load G der hr&b. fc.^ ncreasein Inci 4 sein Thickness Thickness of Plates. O f piates. 17 174.58 2.17 6.82 .06 13 178.44 1.59 6.39 .04 18 164.88 2.29 6.45 .07 14 165.70 1.71 5.94 .05 19 156.21 2.42 6.10 .07 15 154.65 1.83 5.55 .05 20 148.40 2.55 5.80 .08 16 144.99 1.96 5.19 .05 21 141.32 2.68 5.53 .08 17 136.47 2.08 4.89 .06 22 134.91 2.80 5.27 .08 18 128.87 2.20 4.62 .06 23 129.04 2.93 5.04 .09 19 122.10 2.32 4.37 .06 24 123.66 3.06 4.83 .09 20 116.00 2.45 4.15 .07 25 118.72 3.19 4.64 .09 21 110.47 2.57 3.96 .07 26 114.15 3.31 4.47 .10 22 105.45 2.69 3.78 .07 27 109.91 3.44 4.29 .10 23 100.87 2.81 3.61 .08 28 105.99 3.57 4.14 .11 24 96.67 2.94 3.46 .08 29 102.33 3.69 4.00 .11 25 92.79 3.06 3.32 .08 30 98.93 3.82 3.87 .11 26 89.23 3.18 3.20 .09 31 95.73 3.95 3.74 .12 27 85.92 3.30 3.08 .09 32 92.75 4.08 3.62 .12 28 82.85 3.42 2.97 .09 33 89.93 4.20 3.53 .12 29 80.01 3.55 2.87 .10 34 87.29 4.33 3.42 .13 30 77.33 3.67 2.77 .10 35 84.80 4.46 3.31 .13 31 74.84 3.79 2.69 .10 36 82.44 4.59 3.22 .14 32 72.51 3.91 2.60 .11 37 80.22 4.71 3.14 .14 33 70.29 4.04 2.52 .11 38 78.10 4.84 3.06 .14 34 68.24 4.16 2.45 .11 39 76.10 4.97 2.98 .15 35 66.28 4.28 2.38 .12 40 74.19 5.10 2.90 .15 36 64.45 4.40 2.31 .12 41 72.39 5.22 283 .16 37 62.70 4.53 2.25 .12 42 70.66 5.35 2.76 .16 38 61.05 4.65 2.19 .13 43 69.02 5.48 2.70 .16 39 59.49 4.77 2.13 .13 44 67.45 5.61 2.64 .17 40 58.00 4.88 2.08 .13 Maximum fiber stress, 15,000 Ibs. per square inch. Weights of girders correspond to lengths center to center of bearings. 200 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAM BOX GIRDERS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. Urn' 20 Inch KS&H 18 Inch .~| i~. I Beams, -~' '- I Beams. Weight, ^PS < 15 Inch nl Beams, .^! |~. I Beams, 80.0 Lbs. 'Hf' ir 60.0 Lbs. 1^ ft 42.0 Lbs. per Foot. 2 Plates, per Foot. 2 Plates, ] per Foot. 2 Plates, 14 x %. /^r^K 14 X%. ^-J Weight, 222.6 Lbs. per Foot. Weight, 182.6 Lbs. per Foot. Weight, 146.7 Lbs. per Foot. Add to Safe Load, Span, ' i 11 ^ 11 ^ 11 ^ Weight Add to Safe Load Safe Load, Weight including of Add to Safe Load Safe Load, including Weight of Add to Safe Load Weight of Girder in Feet. Weight of Girder, in Tons of Girder, in Tons of2000 for ^ In. Increasein Thickness Weight of Girder, Girder, 'in Tons in Tons of of 2000 for T ^ In. Increasein Thickness Weight of Girder, in Tons of Girder, in Tons of2000 for ^ In. Increasein Thickness for ^ In. Increasein Thickness 2000 Lbs. Lbs. of Plates. 2000 Lbs. Lbs. of Plates. 2000 Lbs. Lbs. of Plates. of Plates. Tsf 121.66 1.34 4.30 104.05 1.10 4.44 88.41 .88 4.56 .03 13 112.30 1.45 3.98 96.05 1.19 4.10 81.60 .95 4.21 .04 14 104.28 1.56 3.69 89.18 1.28 3.81 75.77 1.03 3.91 .04 15 97.34 1.67 3.45 83.24 1.37 3.55 70.73 1.10 3.65 .04 16 91.25 1.78 3.23 78.03 1.46 3.33 66.30 1.18 3.43 .05 17 85.88 1.89 3.05 73.44 1.55 3.14 62.40 1.25 3.22 .05 18 81.12 2.00 2.87 69.37 1.64 2.97 58.94 1.32 3.05 .05 19 76.85 2.11 2.72 65.71 1.73 2.80 55.83 1.39 2.88 .05 20 73.00 2.23 2.58 62.43 1.83 2.67 53.04 1.47 2.73 .06 21 69.52 234 2.46 59.46 1.92 2.54 50.52 1.54 2.61 .06 22 66.37 2.45 2.35 56.76 2.01 2.42 48.22 1.61 2.49 .06 23 63.47 2.56 2.25 54.29 2.10 2.32 46.12 1.68 2.38 07 24 60.83 2.67 2.16 52.03 2.19 2.23 44.20 1.76 2.28 .07 25 58.40 2.78 2.07 49.94 2.28 2.13 42.44 1.83 2.19 .07 26 56.16 2.89 1.98 48.02 2.37 2.05 40.80 1.90 2.10 .08 27 54.07 3.00 1.92 46.25 2.46 1.97 39.29 1.98 2.03 .08 28 52.14 3.12 1.85 44.60 2.56 1.90 37.89 2.05 1.95 .08 29 50.34 3.23 1.78 43.05 2.65 1.83 36.59 2.12 1.89 .08 30 48.67 3.34 1.72 41.62 2.74 1.78 3537 2.20 1.82 .09 31 47.10 3.45 1.67 40.28 283 1.72 34.22 2.27 1.77 .09 32 45.62 3.56 1.62 39.02 2.92 1.66 33.15 2.34 1.71 .09 33 44.24 3.67 1.57 37.83 3.01 1.62 32.15 2.42 1.66 .10 34 42.95 378 1.52 36.73 3.10 1.57 3120 3.49 1.62 .10 35 41.71 3.89 1.48 35.68 3.19 1.52 30.31 2.56 1.57 .10 36 40.56 4.01 1.43 34.68 3.29 1.48 29.47 2.64 1.52 .10 37 39.46 4.12 1.40 33.75 3.38 1.44 28.67 2.71 1.48 .11 38 38.42 423 1.36 32.86 3.47 1.41 27.92 2.78 1.44 .11 39 37.43 4.34 1.33 32.02 3.56 1.36 27.20 2.86 1.42 .11 Maximum fiber stress, 15,000 Ibs. per square inch. Weights of girders correspond to lengths center to center of bearings. Loads given below the dotted lines produce deflections exceeding ,, of the span. 202 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR AMERICAN STANDARD Z BEAM BOX GIRDERS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. L e* 12 Inch 12 Inch U e ' m ~\ i I Beams, I Beams, .~| U. Weight, "^jr" HP 4 - Lbs - 31.5 Lbs. 'Hr""~l!f cr " Weight, 130.8 Lbs. per Foot, j per Foot. 113.8 Lbs. per Foot. per Foot. 2 Plates, 2 Plates. ^^^K 14 x %. 14X%. X^r-'K Safe Load, Add to Safe Load, Add to Add to Weight of Span, in Feet. including Weight of Girder, in Tons of Weight of Girder, in Tons of 2000 Lbs. Safe Load for T 1 5 In. Increase in Thickness including Weight of Girder, in Tons of Weight of Girder, in Tons of 2000 Lbs. Safe Load for T g In. Increase in Thickness Girder for ^ In. Increase in Thickness 2000 Lbs. of Plates. 2000 Lbs. of Plates. of Plates. 10 73.33 .65 4.33 65.97 .57 4.40 .03 11 66.67 .72 3.93 59.98 .63 3.99 .03 12 61.11 .78 3.61 54.98 .68 3.66 .03 13 56.40 .85 3.33 50.75 .74 3.38 .04 14 52.37 .91 3.09 47.12 .80 3.14 .04 15 48.89 .98 2.88 43.98 .85 2.93 .04 16 45.83 1.05 2.70 41.23 .91 2.75 .05 17 43.13 1.11 2.55 38.80 .97 2.58 .05 18 40.73 1.18 2.40 36.65 1.02 2.45 .05 19 38.60 1.24 2.27 34.72 1.08 2.31 .05 20 36.67 1.31 2.17 32.99 1.14 2.19 .06 21 34.92 1.37 2.07 31.42 1.19 2.09 .06 22 33.33 1.44 1.97 29.99 1.25 2.00 .06 23 31.88 1.50 1.88 28.68 1.31 1.92 .07 24 30.55 1.57 1.80 27.48 1.36 1.83 .07 25 29.33 1.63 1.73 26.39 1.42 1.75 .07 26 28.20 1.70 1.66 25.37 1.48 1.68 .08 27 27.16 1.76 1.60 24.44 1.53 1.63 .08 28 26.19 1.83 1.55 23.56 1.59 1.57 .08 29 25.28 1.89 1.49 --------- 22.75 1.65 1.51 .08 30 24.44 1.96 1.44 21.99 1.70 1.47 .09 31 23.65 2.02 1.40 21.28 1.76 1.42 .09 32 22.92 2.09 1.35 20.62 1.81 1.37 .09 33 22.22 2.16 1.32 20.00 1.87 1.33 .10 34 21.57 2.22 1.27 19.41 1.93 1.29 .10 35 20.95 2.29 1.23 18.85 1.99 1.26 .10 36 20.37 235 1.20 18.32 2.05 1.22 .10 Maximum fiber stress, 15,000 Ibs. per square inch. Weights of girders correspond to lengths center to center of bearings. Loads given below the dotted lines produce deflections exceeding ^ of the span. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 203 SAFE LOADS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAM BOXGIRDERS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. H0J& 10 Inch ~'i- I Beams, Weight, Sr'Sr 3 '' 25.0 Lbs. 94.0 Lbs. per Foot, per Foot. 2 Plates, ,^ JL -ir JU \ 12 XK. Sofa Tno^ Add to Span, in Feet. including Weight of Girder, in Tons of 2000 Lbs. Weight of Girder, in Tons of 2000 Lbs. Add to Safe Load for ^ In. Increase in Thickness of Plates. Weight of Girder for ^ In. Increase in Thickness of Plates. 10 45.00 .47 3.06 .02 11 40.92 .52 2.78 .03 12 37.50 .56 2.55 .03 13 34.62 .61 2.35 .03 14 32.15 .66 2.18 .03 15 30.00 .70 2.04 .04 16 28.13 .75 1.90 .04 17 26.47 .80 1.80 .04 18 25.00 .84 1.70 .04 19 23.69 .89 1.60 .05 20 22.50 .94 1.53 .05 21 21.43 .99 1.45 .05 22 20.46 1.03 1.38 .05 23 19.57 1.08 1.32 .06 24 18.75 1.13 1.28 .06 25 18.00 1.17 1.22 .06 26 17.31 1.22 1.18 .06 27 16.67 1.27 1.13 .07 28 16.07 1.31 1.10 .07 29 15.52 1.36 1.05 .07 30 15.00 1.41 1.02 .07 31 14.52 1.45 .99 .08 32 14.07 1.50 .96 .08 33 13.64 1.55 .92 .08 Maximum fiber stress, 15,000 Ibs. per square inch. Weights of girders correspond to lengths center to center of bearings. Loads given below the dotted line produce deflections exceeding ,i of the span. 204 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. EXPLANATION OF TABLES OF SAFE LOADS FOR LATTICED CHANNEL COLUMNS AND ANGLE STRUTS. Safe loads for latticed channel columns with square ends are given in the table on pages 210-211 calculated for an allowable stress, in Ibs. per square inch, by the following formula : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 55 radii of gyration. 16,00055 for lengths over 55 radii of gyration. This is the same formula as that given on page 108 for rolled steel H columns. The channels are assumed to be properly latticed to- gether and placed far enough apart so that the column will be of equal strength about either axis, in which case the radius of gyration is the same as the greatest radius of the single channel. In the table on page 209 the distances back to back of channels are given which make the radii equal about both axes. Weights given for the channel columns do not include lattice bars, batten plates or connections. Such details add about 30% or more to the weight of the heavier columns, and as much as 50 or 60 % to the weight of the lightest columns. Single and double angles are used for struts in roof trusses and for similar purposes. Safe loads on angle struts are given in the tables on pages 212-221. These loads are calculated by the following formula for the allowable stress, in Ibs. per square inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 36 radii of gyration. 15000 55 for lengths over 36 radii of gyration. Except for very short lengths, this gives a permissible stress 1000 Ibs. per square inch less than that allowed by the standard formula. Angles are unsymmetrical sections and the load is seldom centrally applied, thus causing more or less eccentricity. For this reason the allowable stress should be less than for symmetrical sections. Radii of gyration for all sizes of single angles are given in the tables of properties of angles on pages 172-182, and for pairs of angles with different degrees of separation in the tables on pages 205-207. The safe loads in the tables are, in general, not given for lengths greater than 150 times the least radius of gyra- tion. The usual limit of length of 125 times the least radius of gyration is indicated by zigzag lines. All loads are assumed to be centrally or symmetrically applied. The effect of eccentric loading must be separately investigated and considered. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 205 RADII OF GYRATION FOR TWO EQUAL ANGLES. PLACED BACK TO BACK. i * < *a "*" 3 " t.^n * * I o"' x ' x "iy|^ * f Radii of gyration given correspond to direction indicated by arrow heads. Size of Angle, Inches. Inches. Area of Two Angles, Sq. Inches. RADII OF GYRATION, IN INCHES. PC PI 2 r '4 8x8 8x8 l #i 33.46 15.50 2.42 2.50 3.42 3.32 3.55 3.45 3.60 3.49 3.69 3.58 6x6 6x6 i X 22.00 8.72 1.80 1.88 2.59 2.49 2.73 2.62 2.77 2.67 2.87 2.76 5x5 5x5 1 18.00 7.22 1.48 1.56 2.19 2.09 2.33 2.22 2.38 2.26 2.48 2.35 4x4 4x4 if 11.68 4.80 1.18 1.24 1.75 1.67 1.89 1.80 1.94 1.85 2.04 1.94 3>|x3>| ^A 10.06 4.18 1.02 1.08 1.55 1.47 1.70 1.60 1.74 1.65 1.85 1.74 3x3 3x3 * 6.72 2.88 .88 .93 1.32 1.25 1.46 1.39 1.51 1.43 1.62 1.53 IgSg ' /2 A 4.50 1.80 .74 .78 1.10 1.04 1.24 1.17 1.29 1.22 1.40 1.32 8*8 * A 4.00 1.62 .66 .70 .99 .94 1.14 1.08 1.19 1.12 1.30 1.23 2x2 2x2 A A 3.12 1.44 .59 .62 .89 .84 1.03 .97 1.08 1.03 1.19 1.13 l$3K T'S 2.68 1.24 .51 .54 .78 .75 .93 .88 .98 .93 1.09 1.03 i#xi# * X 1.98 .72 .44 .46 .67 .62 .82 .76 .88 .81 .98 .92 206 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. RADII OF GYRATION FOR TWO UNEQUAL ANGLES. LONG LEGS PLACED BACK TO BACK. ^ ^jp, k^f ^TF *** IT * f 4 f\ J\ JjL Radii of gyration given correspond to direction indicated by arrow heads. Size of AnHe, Inches. Thickness, Inches. Area of Two Angles, S^x2;^ 1 A 2.88 1.12 .96 1.09 1.13 1.23 3x2^ 3x2^ A X 5.56 2.62 .91 .95 1.05 1.00 1.20 1.13 1.25 1.18 1.35 1.28 3x2 y* 4.50 .92 .80 .94 1.00 1.10 3x2 /i 2.38 .95 .75 .89 .93 1.03 2^x2 * A 4.00 1.62 .75 .79 .84 .79 .99 .92 j 1.04 .97 1.15 1.07 O i/ -, 1 j / A/Z -X-L /2 T ?_ 3.12 .77 .60 .74 .80 ! .91 2^4 xV 1.44 .80 .55 .68 .73 .84 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 207 RADII OF GYRATION FOR TWO UNEQUAL ANGLES. SHORT LEGS PLACED BACK TO BACK. < r- v ,^1, ~*3~ ^ A. $. y- + (B> * <||)> Radii of gyration given correspond to direction indicated by arrow heads. Size of inele, Inches. Thickness, Inches. Area of Two RADII OF GYRATION, IN INCHES. TO 'i "2 r 3 '4 8x6 8x6 1 26.00 13.50 1.73 1.79 3.63 3.56 3.78 3.69 3.82 3.74 3.92 3.83 7x3>| 1 19.00 8.80 .89 .95 3.48 3.37 3.63 3.5.1 368 3.56 3.78 3.66 6x4 6x4 1 18.00 7.22 1.09 1.17 2.85 2.74 3.00 2.87 3.04 2.92 3.14 3.01 6x3^ 6x3^ 1 * 17.00 6.84 .92 .99 2.93 2.81 3.07 2.95 3.13 3.00 3.23 3.10 5x3^ 5x3^ ^ & 13.34 5.12 .96 1.03 2.36 2.26 2.50 2.40 2.55 2.44 2.65 2.54 5x3 5x3 H A 11.68 4.80 .80 .85 2.42 2.33 2.57 2.47 2.62 2.51 2.72 2.61 4x3^ 4x3^ * A 10.12 4.50 1.01 1.07 1.80 1.73 1.94 1.86 1.99 1.91 2.09 2.00 4x3 4x3 1/4 A 9.38 4.18 .84 .89 1.87 1.79 2.02 1.93 2.07 1.97 2.17 2.07 3^x3 3^x3 * A 8.62 3.86 .85 .90 1.60 1.52 1.74 1.66 1.79 1.71 1.90 1.80 l$S% 11 i 6.72 2.88 .69 .74 1.65 1.58 1.79 1.74 1.84 1.76 1.95 1.86 3x2^ 3x2^ A ^ 5.56 2.62 .72 .75 1.37 1.31 1.51 1.45 1.56 1.50 1-66 1.59 3x2 3x2 * X 4.50 2.38 .55 .57 1.42 1.38 1.57 1.51 1.62 1.56 1.73 1.66 2^x2 * A 4.00 1.62 .56 .60 1.16 1.10 1.30 1.23 1.35 1.28 1.46 1.39 Ijglg ** 3.12 1.44 .40 .42 1.21 1.17 1.37 1.31 1.42 1.S6 1.52 1.46 208 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. ; . iv | SPACING OF xJT JLx AMERICAN STANDARD I BEAMS CENTER TO CENTER, i |i r |^> TO PRODUCE EQUAL RADII OF GYRATION Y! i k.... D -->| ABOUT BOTH AXES XX AND YY. Section lumber. Depth of Beam, Inches. Weight per Foot of each Beam, Lbs. Distance D, Inches. Section Number. Depth of Beam, Inches. Weight per Foot of each Beam, Lbs. Distance D, Inches. 100.00 17.82 55.00 8.65 124 24 95.00 90.00 17.99 18.21 I 12a 12 50.00 45.00 8.83 9.06 85.00 18.43 40.00 9.29 80.00 18.72 112 12 35.00 9.21 100.00 14.76 31.50 9.45 95.00 14.92 40.00 7.12 I20a 20 90.00 85.00 15.10 15.30 110 10 35.00 30.00 7.32 7.57 80.00 15.47 25.00 7.91 75.00 14.98 35.00 6.36 120 20 70.00 15.21 In 30.00 6.58 65.00 15.47 y 25.00 6.86 21.00 7.12 118 18 70.00 65.00 60.00 55.00 13.20 13.40 13.63 13.95 18 8 25.50 23.00 20.50 5.82 5.96 6.12 18.00 6.32 100.00 10.75 20.00 5.15 95.00 10.86 17 7 17.50 5.31 I15b 15 90.00 10.99 15.00 5.50 85.00 11.13 80.00 11.25 17.25 4.33 16 6 14.75 4.49 75.00 10.95 12.25 4.70 I15a 15 70.00 65.00 11.11 11.29 I 5 5 14.75 12.25 3.52 3.67 60.00 11.49 9.75 3.89 55.00 11.05 10.50 *2.81 115 15 50.00 45.00 11.27 11.54 I 4 4 9.50 8.50 2.87 2.96 42.00 11.70 7.50 3.06 * Denotes that the value of D given is less than the distance center to center of beams when placed close together with flanges in contact. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 209 SPACING OF AMERICAN STANDARD CHANNELS *nl Jf JL _! < ^"-| TO PRODUCE EQUAL RADII OF -- GYRATION ABOUT BOTH J AXES XX AND YY. c f- D -j---j x Y Section Number. Depth of Channel, Inches. Weight per Foot of each Channel, Lbs. Distance d, Inches. Distance D, Inches. Section Number. Depth of Channel, Inches. Weight per Foot of each Channel, Lbs. Distance d, Inches. Distance D, Inches. 6.58 55.00 8.53 11.82 21.25 4.23 50.00 8.71 11.92 18.75 4.38 6.65 C15 15 45.00 40.00 8.92 9.15 12.07 12.28 C8 8 16.25 13.75 4.54 4.72 6.76 6.95 35.00 9.43 12.59 11.25 4.94 7.24 33.00 9.50 12.68 19.75 3.48 5.81 40.00 6.60 9.48 17.25 3.64 5.86 C12 12 35.00 30.00 6.81 7.07 9.59 9.78 C7 7 14.75 12.25 3.80 3.99 5.94 6.10 25.00 7.36 10.07 9.75 4.22 6.40 20.50 7.67 10.49 15.50 2.91 5.09 35.00 30.00 5.17 5.40 7.95 8.00 C6 6 13.00 10.50 3.09 3.28 5.16 5.29 CIO 10 25.00 5.67 8.15 8.00 3.52 5.59 20.00 15.00 5.97 6.33 8.41 8.89 C5 5 11.50 9.00 2.34 2.56 4.37 4.48 25.00 4.84 7.30 6.50 2.79 4.75 C9 9 20.00 15.00 5.12 5.49 7.46 7.85 C4 4 7.25 6.25 1.85 1.96 3.70 3.79 13.25 5.63 8.06 5.25 2.06 3.92 210 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR }-F> LATTICED CHANNEL COLUMNS WITH SQUARE ENDS. Allowable stress per square inch . L^ 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 55 radii. 16,00055 ~ior lengths over 55 radii. TlflTI+Jl Weight Area Least UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF COLUMNS. uepin of each of Two Radius of Channel, Inches. Channel, Lbs.per Foot. Channels, Square Inches. of Gyration, Inches. 10 Ft. 11 Ft. 12 Ft. 14 Ft. 16 Ft. 18 Ft. 55.00 32.36 5.16 210.3 210.3 210.3 210.3 210.3 210.3 50.00 29.42 5.23 191.2 191.2 191.2 191.2 191.2 191.2 45.00 26.48 5.32 172.1 172.1 172.1 172.1 172.1 172.1 15 40.00 23.52 5.43 152.9 152.9 152.9 152.9 152.9 152.9 35.00 20.58 5.58 133.8 133.8 133.8 133.8 133.8 133.8 33.00 19.80 5o62 128.7 128.7 128.7 128.7 128.7 128.7 40.00 23.52 4.09 152.9 152.9 152.9 152.9 152.9 152.9 35.00 20.58 4.17 133.8 133.8 133.8 133.8 133.8 133.8 12 30.00 17.64 4.28 114.7 114.7 114.7 114.7 114.7 114.7 25.00 14.70 4.43 95.6 95.6 95.6 95.6 95.6 95.6 20.50 12.06 4.61 78.4 78.4 78.4 78.4 78.4 78.4 35.00 20.58 3.35 133.8 133.8 133.8 133.8 132.2 128.1 30.00 17.64 3.42 114.7 114.7 114.7 ! 114.7 113.9 110.5 10 25.00 14.70 3.52 95.6 95.6 95.6 95.6 95.6 92.8 20.00 11.76 3.66 76.4 76.4 76.4 76.4 76.4 75.0 15.00 8.92 3.87 58.0 58.0 58.0 58.0 58.0 57.7 25.00 14.70 3.10 95.6 95.6 95.6 95.6 92.6 89.4 20.00 11.76 3.21 76.4 76.4 76.4 76.4 74.7 72.3 9 15.00 8.82 3.40 57.3 57.3 57.3 57.3 56.9 55.2 13.25 7.78 3.49 50.6 50.6 50.6 50.6 50.5 49.0 21.25 12.50 2.77 81.3 81.3 81.3 79.2 76.2 73.2 18.75 11.02 2.82 71.6 71.6 71.6 70.1 67.5 64.9 8 16.25 9.56 2.89 62.1 62.1 62.1 61.2 59.0 56.8 13.75 8.08 2.98 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.1 50.3 48.5 11.25 6.70 3.11 43.6 43.6 43.6 43.6 42.2 40.8 19.75 11.62 2.39 75.5 75.3 73.7 70.5 67.3 64.1 17.25 10.14 2.44 65.9 65.9 64.7 61.9 59.2 56.4 7 14.75 8068 2.50 56.4 56.4 55.7 53.4 51.1 48.8 12.25 7.20 2.59 46.8 46.8 46.6 44.8 42.9 41.1 9.75 5.70 2.72 37.1 37.1 37.1 35.9 34.5 33.2 15.50 9.12 2.07 58.4 57.0 55.5 52.6 49.7 46.8 13.00 7.64 2.13 49.3 48.1 46.9 44.5 42.2 39.8 10.50 6.18 2.21 40.2 39.3 38.4 36.5 34.7 32.8 8.00 476 2.34 30.9 30.7 30.0 28.7 27.3 26.0 Channels must be properly latticed together and separated not less than the distance d or D, respectively, as given in the table on page 209. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 211 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 IBS. FOR LATTICED CHANNEL COLUMNS ^ =1 WITH SQUARE ENDS. 11 ___^V U Allowable stress per square inch: 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 55 radii. II || 16,00055 - for lengths over 55 radii. UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF COLUMNS. Weight of each Channel Lbs.per Foot. 20 Ft. 22 Ft. 24 Ft. 26 Ft. 28 Ft. 30 Ft. 32 Ft. 36 Ft. 40 Ft. 210.3 191.2 172.1 152.9 133.8 128.7 150.2 132.1 113.9 95.6 78.4 124.1 107.1 90.0 72.9 56.1 86.3 69.9 53.4 47.5 70.2 62.4 54.6 46.7 39.4 60.9 53.7 46.5 39.3 31.8 43.9 37.4 31.0 24.7 210.3 191.2 172.1 152.9 133.8 128.7 146.4 128.8 111.2 93.5 77.5 120.0 103.7 87.3 70.8 54.6 83.2 67.5 51.7 46.1 67.2 59.8 52.5 45.0 38.0 57.7 50.9 44.2 37.4 30.4 41.0 35.1 29.1 23.3 209.2 190.8 172.1 152.9 133.8 128.7 142.6 125.6 108.5 91.3 75.8 116.0 100.3 84.5 68.6 53.1 80.0 65.1 50.0 44.6 64.3 57.2 50.3 43.2 36.5 54.5 48.2 41.9 35.6 29.0 38.1 32.7 27.3 22.0 205.1 187.1 169.1 151.0 133.0 128.2 138.8 122.3 105.8 89.1 74.0 111.9 96.9 81.8 66.5 51.6 76.9 62.6 48.3 43.1 61.3 54.6 48.1 41.4 35.1 51.2 45.5 39.7 33.7 27.6 200.9 183.4 165.9 148.1 130.6 125.8 135.0 119.0 103.0 86.9 72.3 107.9 93.5 79.0 64.4 50.1 73.8 60.2 46.6 41.6 58.3 52.1 45.9 39.6 33.7 48.0 42.7 37.4 31.9 26.2 196.8 179.7 162.6 145.3 128.1 123.5 131.2 115.8 100.3 84.8 70.6 103.8 90.1 76.3 62.3 48.5 70.7 57.8 44.9 40.2 55.3 49.4 43.7 37.8 32.3 192.7 176.0 159.3 142.4 125.7 121.2 127.4 112.5 97.6 82.6 68.9 99.8 86.7 73.5 60.2 47.0 67.5 55.4 43.2 38.7 52.3 46.9 41.5 36.0 30.8 184.4 168.5 152.7 136.7 120.8 116.5 119.8 106.0 92.2 78.2 65.4 91.7 79.8 68.0 55.9 44.0 61.3 50.6 39.7 35.8 176.1 161.1 146.1 131.0 116.0 111.9 112.2 99.5 86.7 73.8 61.9 83.5 73.0 62.5 51.7 40.9 55.00 50.00 45.00 40.00 35.00 33.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.50 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 13.25 21.25 18.75 16.25 13.75 11.25 19.75 17.25 14.75 12.25 9.75 15.50 13.00 10.50 8.00 55.0 45.7 36.3 32.8 40.4 36.4 32.8 28.9 25.2 46.4 41.7 37.2 32.4 28.0 44.8 40.0 35.1 30.1 24.9 41.6 37.2 32.8 28.2 23.5 35.2 30.3 25.4 20.6 32.2 28.0 23.6 19.3 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii. 212 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 IBS. FOR yx ANGLE STRUTS WITH SQUARE ENDS. ~"5r^%T SINGLE EQUAL LEG ANGLES. Allowable stress per square inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 36 radii. 15,000 55 -if or lengths over 36 radii. Size Thick- A a Least UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF STRUT. of or Radius of Angle, Inches. ness, Inches. Angle, Sq. Ins. Gyration, Inches. Ft. I JL 4 Ft. fi R 1 1 A 16.73 1.55 108.7 108.7 108.7 108.7 107.7 104.1 8 o H s 13.23 1.57 86.0 86.0 86.0 86.0 85.3 82.5 OXO 9.61 1.58 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.0 60.0 y* 7.75 1.58 50.4 50.4 50.4 50.4 50.0 48.4 i 11.00 1.16 71.5 71.5 71.5 70.0 66.9 63.7 y\ 8.44 1.17 54.9 54.9 54.9 53.8 51.4 49.0 OXO y* 5.75 1.18 37.4 37.4 37.4 36.7 35.1 33.5 H 4.36 1.19 28.3 28.3 28.3 27.9 26.7 25.4 i 9.00 .96 58.5 58.5 58.2 55.1 52.0 48.9 6.94 .97 45.1 45.1 45.0 42.6 40.2 37.9 oxo 4.75 .98 30.9 30.9 30.8 29.2 27.6 26.0 # 3.61 .99 23.5 23.5 23.5 22.3 21.1 19.9 if 5.84 .77 38.0 38.0 36.3 33.8 31.3 28.8 A. T 4. ft 4.18 .78 27.2 27.2 26.0 24.3 22.5 20.7 r A ^ ft 3.31 .78 21.5 21.5 20.6 19.2 17.8 16.4 2.40 .79 15.6 15.6 15.0 14.0 13.0 12.0 ft 5.03 .67 32.7 32.7 30.3 27.8 25.3 22.9 A 3.62 1 .68 23.5 23.5 21.9 20.1 18.4 16.6 5/2X0/2 ft 2.87 .68 18.7 18.7 17.3 16.0 14.6 13.2 "ft 2.09 .69 13.6 13.6 12.7 11.7 10.7 9.7 H 3.36 .57 21.8 21.3 19.4 17.4 15.5 13.5 r 2.75 .58 17.9 17.5 15.9 14.4 12.8 11.2 3x3 y% 2.11 .58 13.7 13.4 12.2 11.0 9.8 8.6 1 A 1.44 .59 9.4 9.2 8.4 7.6 6.8 6.0 tj 2.25 .47 14.6 13.7 12.1 10.6 9.0 7.4 2i 1.73 .48 11.2 10.6 9.4 8.2 7.0 5.8 2^x2^ i/ 1.19 .49 7.7 7.3 6.5 5.7 4.9 4.1 A .90 .49 5.9 5.5 4.9 4.3 3.7 3.1 2.00 .43 13.0 11.9 10.4 8.9 7.3 5.8 2 ^ x2 x / r 1.55 .43 10.1 9.2 8.1 6.9 5.7 4.5 /4 /4 X 1.06 .44 6.9 6.4 5.6 4.8 4.0 3.2 v A .81 .44 5.5 4.9 4.3 3.6 3.0 2.4 1.56 .39 10.1 9.1 7.7 6.4 5.1 2x2 T A 1.15 .39 7.5 6.7 5.7 4.7 3.8 X .94 .39 6.1 5.5 4.7 3.9 3.0 A - .72 .40 4.7 4.2 3.6 3.0 2.4 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 213 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR ANGLE STRUTS WITH SQUARE ENDS. ^ SINGLE EQUAL LEG ANGLES. -^^^-~ Allowable stress per square inch : & ^ 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 36 radii. 15,00055 for lengths over 36 radii. UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF STRUT. Thick- ness, Inches. Size of Anele, Inches. I ft I 1O 11 Ft. Ft. 1 F? 14 Ft. \f 100.5 97.8 58.0 46.8 60.6 46.6 31.9 24.2 45.8 35.5 24.4 18.7 26.3 19.0 15.0 11.0 20.4 14.9 11.8 8.7 97.0 77.0 56.0 45.2 57.5 44.3 30.3 23.0 42.8 33.2 22.8 17.4 23.8 17.2 13.6 10.0 93.4 74.2 54.0 43.6 54.3 41.9 28.7 21.8 39.7 30.8 21.2 16.2 89.9 71.4 52.0 41.9 51.2 39.5 27.0 20.6 36.6 28.4 19.6 15.0 86.3 68.6 50.0 40.0 48.1 37.1 25.4 19.4 82.7 65.9 48.0 38.7 44.9 34.7 23.8 18.2 75.6 60.3 44.0 35.5 68.5 54.7 40.0 32.2 5* 1 # l /2 ft 1 itj 8x8 6x6 5x5 4x4 3x3 38.7 30.0 20.6 15.8 32.4 25.2 17.4 13.4 33.5 26.1 18.0 13.8 30.4 23.7 16.4 12.6 21.3 15.4 12.2 9.0 15.4 11.3 9.0 6.5 18.8 13.7 10.8 8.0 17.9 13.1 10.4 7.7 9.6 8.1 6.2 4.4 11.6 9.7 7.4 5.2 5.8 4.6 3.3 2.5 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii. 214 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR ^A ANGLE STRUTS WITH SQUARE ENDS. ~2 % 1.44 .54 9.4 9.0 8.2 7.3 6.4 3x2^ T V 2.78 1.31 .52 .53 18.1 8.5 17.3 8.2 15.6 7.4 13.8 6.6 12.0 5.7 ^ Y 9 * 2.25 .43 14.6 13.4 11.7 10.0 8.2 o JL & X 1.19 .43 7.7 7.1 6.2 5.3 4.4 2^x2 2 & 2.00 .81 .42 .43 13.0 5.3 11.9 4.8 10.3 4.2 8.7 3.6 7.1 3.0 1 1/ A 1.66 .32 10.1 8.5 6.9 5.3 3.7 2X H tV .72 .33 4.7 4.0 3.2 2.5 1.8 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 215 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR ANGLE STRUTS WITH SQUARE ENDS. .^ SINGLE UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES. "^^^"^ Allowable stress per square Inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 36 radii. 15,000 55 for lengths over 36 radii. UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF STRUT. Thick- ness, Inches. Size of ingle, Inches. 6 Ft. 7 Ft. 8 Ft. 9 Ft. 10 Ft. 11 Ft. 12 Ft. 77.4 40.3 45.8 21.5 46.5 19.0 41.0 16.9 32.4 12.5 25.7 10.8 24.0 10.8 20.7 9.3 18.6 8.4 74.0 38.6 41.6 19.6 43.0 17.6 37.2 15.4 29.5 11.4 22.7 9.6 21.7 9.8 18.2 8.2 70.7 36.9 37.4 17.7 39.5 16.2 33.4 13.9 26.5 10.3 67.3 35.2 64.0 33.5 60.6 31.8 57.3 30.1 1 X 1 TV 1 H i N ** "* k A # A \ ** ** \ ** 8x6 7x3^ 6x4 6x3X 5x3^ 5x3 4x3^ 4x3 3^x3 3^x2^ 3x2^ 3x2 2^x2 33.1 15.8 28.9 14.0 32.6 13.5 25.8 11.0 20.7 8.1 24.6 12.0 29.1 12.2 36.1 14.9 29.6 12.5 23.6 9.2 16.7 7.2 17.1 7.7 13.4 6.1 19.7 8.4 19.4 8.7 15.8 7.2 14.0 6.4 16.3 7.4 10.6 4.6 8.5 4.1 12.6 5.5 10.3 4.9 6.5 3.4 5.6 2.3 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii. 216 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR < ^ 22 J^ SS7 ANGLE STRUTS WITH SQUARE ENDS. llpr TWO EQUAL LEG ANGLES, BACK TO BACK %" APART. *] ^-y " Allowable stress per square inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 36 radii. 15,000 55 for lengths over 36 radii. Size of Angle, Inches. Thick- ness, Inches. Area of Two Angles, Sq. Ins. Least Radius of Gvration, Inches. UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF STRUT. 2 Ft, 3 Ft. 4 Ft. 5 Ft. 6 Ft. 7 Ft. 217.5 100.8 8x8 '2 33.46 15.50 2.42 2.50 217.5 100.8 217.5 100.8 217.5 100.8 217.5 100.8 217.5 100.8 6x6 1 22.00 8.72 1.80 1.88 143.0 56.7 143.0 56.7 143.0 56.7 143.0 56.7 140.8 56.2 136.8 54.7 5x5 1 18.00 7.22 1.48 1.56 117.0 46.9 117.0 46.9 117.0 46.9 114.9 ,46.5 110.9 45.0 106.9 43.5 4x4 it A 11.68 4.80 1.18 1.24 75.9 31.2 75.9 31.2 74.5 30.9 71.3 29.6 68.0 28.3 64.7 27.1 3^3* it A 10.06 4.18 1.02 1.08 65.4 27.2 65.4 27.2 62.4 26.2 59.2 25.0 55.9 23.7 52.7 22.4 3x3 * y* 6.72 2.88 .88 .93 43.7 18.7 42.8 18.5 40.3 17.5 37.8 16.5 35.3 15.5 32.8 14.4 % 4.50 .74 29.3 27.7 25.7 23.7 21.7 19.7 2^x2^ A 1.80 .78 11.7 11.2 10.5 9.7 8.9 8.2 % 4.00 .66 26.0 24.0 22.0 20.0 18.0 16.0 2x2 A A A 1.62 3.12 1.44 .70 .59 .62 10.5 19.9 9.3 9.9 18.2 8.5 9.1 16.4 7.7 8.3 14.7 7.0 7.6 12.9 6.2 6.8 11.2 5.4 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 217 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 IBS. FOR ANGLE STRUTS WITH SQUARE ENDS. ^x3X 3x3 2^x2^ 2Xx2# 2x2 84.3 34.8 54.7 23.6 62.8 26.7 41.9 18.1 29.9 13.5 35.3 15.6 36.4 16.0 20.2 9.3 25.2 11.4 13.7 5.9 15.7 6.6 12.0 5.3 14.0 6.0 9.4 4.7 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii. 218 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR TANGLE STRUTS WITH SQUARE ENDS. TWO UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES, ^|! LONG LEGS BACK TO BACK Vz" APART. !{ ^ Allowable stress per square inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 36 radii. 15,00055 - for lengths over 36 radii. Size Thick- Area of Least UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF STRUT. of Angle, ness, Inches. Two Radius of Gyration, 3 4 5 6 7 8 Inches. Sq. Ins. Inches. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. 1 26.00 2.49 169.0 169.0 169.0 169.0 169.0 167.4 *A 19.88 2.52 129.2 129.2 129.2 129.2 129.2 128.3 8x6 H 16.72 2.51 108.7 108.7 108.7 108.7 108.7 107.8 15.12 2.50 98.3 98.3 98.3 98.3 98.3 97.4 , T * 13.50 2.48 87.8 87.8 87.8 87.8 87.8 86.9 i 19.00 1.50 123.5 123.5 121.6 117.4 113.2 109.1 & 14.62 1.44 95.0 95.0 92.9 89.5 86.2 82.8 7x3^2 H 12.34 1.42 80.2 80.2 7'8.2 75.3 72.5 69.6 10.00 1.39 65.0 65.0 63.1 60.8 58.4 56.0 A' 8.80 1.39 57.2 57.2 55.6 63.5 51.4 49.3 i 18.00 1.79 117.0 117.0 117.0 115.1 111.8 108.5 H 13.88 1.74 90.2 90.2 90.2 88.3 85.7 83.0 H 11.72 1.71 76.2 76.2 76.2 74.3 72.1 69.8 ^ 9.50 1.69 61.8 61.8 61.8 60.1 58.3 56.4 8.36 1.68 54.3 54.3 54.3 52.8 51.2 49.6 T Vs 7.22 1.67 46.9 46.9 46.9 45.6 44.2 42.7 l 17.00 1.56 110.5 110.5 109.5 105.9 102.3 98.7 }i 13.12 1.51 85.3 85.3 84.1 81.2 78.3 75.6 y& 11.10 1.48 72.2 72.2 70.9 68.4 65.9 63.5 oxo/ % 9.00 1.45 58.5 58.5 57.3 55.2 53.2 51.1 A 7.94 1.44 51.6 51.6 50.5 48.6 46.8 45.0 # 6.84 1.44 44.5 44.5 43.5 41.9 40.3 38.8 ft 13.34 1.53 86.7 86.7 85.7 82.8 79.9 77.0 H 9.84 1.56 64.0 64.0 63.4 61.3 59.2 57.1 5x3^ /2 3 8.00 1.54 52.0 52.0 51.4 49.7 48.0 46.3 6.10 1.51 39.7 39.7 39.1 37.8 36.4 35.1 A 6.12 1.50 33.3 33.3 32.8 31.6 30.5 29.4 H 11.68 1.37 75.9 75.9 73.5 70.7 67.9 65.1 ft 9.22 1.33 59.9 59.9 57.7 55.4 53.1 50.8 5x3 7.50 1.30 48.8 48.6 46.7 44.8 42.9 41.0 y** 5.72 1.27 37.2 37.0 35.5 34.0 32.5 31.0 A 4.80 1.27 31.2 31.0 29.7 28.5 27.2 25.9 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii. BETHLEHEM STEEL COM PA NY. 219 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 IBS. FOR ANGLE STRUTS WITH SQUARE ENDS. ^^ TWO UNEQUAL LEO ANGLES, II) LONG LEGS BACK TO BACK Vz" APART. Allowable stress per square Inch : "SH^" 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 36 radii. 15,00065 yfor lengths over 36 radii. UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF STRUT. Thick- ness, Inches. Size of Angle, Inches. 9 Ft. 10 Ft. 11 Ft, 12 Ft. 14 Ft. 16 Ft. 18 Ft. 20 Ft. 164.0 125.7 105.6 95.4 85.1 104.9 79.5 66.7 53.6 47.2 105.1 80.4 67.5 54.6 47.9 41.3 95.1 72.6 61.0 49.1 43.2 37.2 74.2 55.1 44.6 33.8 28.3 62.3 48.6 39.1 29.5 24.7 160.5 123.1 103.4 93.4 83.3 100.7 76.1 63.9 51.3 45.1 101.8 77.8 65.3 52.7 46.3 39.9 91.5 69.7 58.5 47.0 41.4 35.6 71.3 53.0 42.9 32.4 27.1 59.5 46.3 37.2 28.0 23.4 157.1 120.5 101.2 91.4 81.5 96.5 72.8 61.0 48.9 43.0 98.5 75.1 63.0 50.8 44.6 38.5 87.9 66.9 56.0 45.0 39.5 34.1 68.4 50.9 41.1 31.1 26.0 56.7 44.0 35.3 26.6 22.2 153.7 117.9 99.0 89.5 79.7 92.3 69.4 58.1 46.5 40.9 95.2 72.5 60.8 49.0 43.0 37.0 84.3 64.0 53.6 42.9 37.7 23.5 65.5 48.8 39.4 29.8 24.9 53.8 41.7 33.4 25.1 20.9 146.8 112.7 94.6 85.5 76.1 139.9 107.4 90.2 81.5 72.5 133.0 102.2 85.8 77.5 68.9 126.1 97.0 81.4 73.5 65.3 1 K * 9 #* & i; > & # & * A w y* H * 8x6 7x3^ 6x4 6x3> 5x3^ 5x3 84.0 62.7 52.4 41.8 36.8 88.5 67.2 56.2 45.3 39.7 34.2 77.2 58.3 48.6 38.8 34.1 29.4 59.8 44.7 36.0 27.1 22.6 75.6 56.0 46.7 37.0 32.6 67.3 49.3 40.9 32.3 28.4 81.9 62.0 51.7 41.6 36.4 31.3 70.0 52.5 43.7 34.7 30.4 26.2 54.0 40.5 32.6 24.4 20.4 75.3 56.7 47.2 37.9 33.1 28.5 68.6 51.5 42.7 34.2 29.9 25.6 62.8 46.8 38.7 30.6 26.8 23.1 48.3 36.3 29.1 21.8 18.1 48.2 37.1 29.6 22.1 18.4 42.6 32.5 25.8 19.1 15.9 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii. 220 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR ANGLE STRUTS WITH SQUARE ENDS-(Continued). TWO UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES, ^UP LONG LEGS BACK TO BACK Y 2 " APART. ->!!<-,," Allowable stress per square inch : 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 36 radii. 15,00055 for lengths over 36 radii. Size nf Thick- Area Least UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF STRUT. 01 AnHe, a, !* Radius of Gyration, 2 3 4 5 6 7 Inches. Sq. ins. Inches. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. n 10.12! 1.20 65.8 65.8 64.8 62.0 59.2 56.4 4x3% \/ 7.00 1.23 45.5 45.5 45.0 43.1 41.2 39.4 y* 5.34 1.25 34.7 34.7 34.4 33.0 31.6 30.2 ft 4.50 1.26 29.3 29.3 29.0 27.9 26.7 25.5 * 9.38 1.22 61.0 61.0 60.2 57.7 55.1 52.6 4x3 Ki 6.50 1.25 42.3 42.3 41.9 40.2 38.5 36.7 4.96 1.26 32.2 32.2 32.0 30.7 29.4 28.1 T\ 8 4.18 1.27 27.2 27.2 27.0 25.9 24.8 23.7 ^ 8.62 1.04 56.1 56.1 53.7 51.0 48.2 45.5 3^x3 y z 6.00 1.07 39.0 39.0 37.6 35.7 33.9 32.0 y& 4.60 1.09 29.9 29.9 28.9 27.5 26.1 24.8 ft 3.86 1.10 25.1 25.1 24.3 23.2 22.0 20.8 # 6.72 1.07 43.7 43.7 42.1 40.0 38.0 35.9 y*- 5.50 1.09 35.8 35.8 34.6 32.9 31.3 29.6 3^x2^ y% 4.22 1.10 27.4 27.4 26.6 25.3 24.1 22.8 ft ! 3.56 1.11 23.1 23.1 22.5 21.4 20.4 19.3 2.88 1.12 18.7 18.7 18.2 17.4 16.5 15.7 T 9 -B" 5.56 .91 36.1 35.7 33.6 31.6 29.6 27.6 3x2^ ft* 4.44 3.24 .92 .94 28.9 21.1 28.5 20.9 26.9 19.8 25.3 18.6 23.7 17.5 22.2 16.3 V 2.62 .95 17.0 16.9 16.0 15.1 14.2 13.3 \/ z 4.50 .92 29.3 28.9 27.3 25.7 24.1 22.5 3 Y9 ' ft ! 3.46 .94 22.5 22.3 21.1 19.9 18.7 17.4 O A. Zl ft 2.94 .95 19.1 19.0 18.0 16.9 15.9 14.9 X 2.38 .93 15.5 15.3 14.5 13.6 12.8 11.9 j 4.00 .75 26.0 24.7 23.0 21.2 19.4 17.7 2^x2 X 3.10 2.12 .77 .78 20.2 13.8 19.3 13.2 17.9 12.3 16.6 11.4 15.3 10.5 13.9 9.6 ft 1.62 .79 10.5 10.1 9.4 8.8 8.1 7.4 & 3.12 .77 203 19.4 18.1 16.7 15.4 14.0 9 1/ IV 2.32 .77 15.1 14.4 13.4 12.4 11.4 10.4 /2X /2 I/ 1.88 .75 12.2 11.6 10.8 10.0 9.1 8.3 ft 1.44 .73 9.4 8.8 8.2 7.5 6.9 6.2 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greater than 125 radii. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 221 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 IBS, FOR ANGLE STRUTS WITH SQUARE ENDS-(Contlnued). _ TWO UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES, LONG LEGS BACK TO BACK ,V APART. iff) Allowable stress per square inch : "*{{*#" 13,000 Ibs. for lengths under 36 radii. 15,00055 - 1 for lengths over 36 radii. UNSUPPORTED LENGTH OF STRUT Thick- ness, Inches Size of Anzle, Inches. 8 9 Ft. Ft. 10 Ft. 11 Ft. 12 Ft. 13 Ft. 14 Ft. 15 Ft. 53.6 37.5 28.8 24.3 50.1 35.0 26.8 22.7 42.8 30.2 23.4 19.7 33.8 27.9 21.5 18.2 14.8 25.6 20.6 15.2 12.4 20.8 16.2 13.9 11.1 15.9 12.6 8.7 6.7 50.9 35.6 27.4 23.1 47.5 33.3 25.5 21.6 40.0 28.3 22.0 18.5 31.7 26.3 20.3 17.2 14.0 23.6 19.0 14.1 11.5 19.2 15.0 12.9 10.2 48.1 33.7 26.0 22.0 45.0 31.6 24.2 20.5 37.3 26.5 20.6 17.4 29.7 24.6 19.0 16.1 13.1 21.5 17.4 12.9 10.5 17.6 13.8 11.8 9.4 45.3 31.8 24.5 20.8 42.4 29.9 22.9 19.4 34.6 24.6 19.2 16.2 27.6 22.9 17.7 15.1 12.3 42.5 30.0 23.1 19.6 39.9 28.2 21.6 18.3 39.7 28.1 21.7 18.4 37.4 26.4 20.3 17.2 36.9 26.2 20.3 17.3 34.8 24.7 19.0 16.1 26.4 19.1 15.0 12.7 21.4 17.9 13.9 11.9 9.7 34.2 24.3 18.9 16.1 32.3 23.0 17.7 15.1 # ;: ,< / .* TS X y* * \ % T V '/2 ,* T V #, / A A T\ \ 4x3^ 4x3 3^x3 3^x2^ 3x2/2 3x2 2^x2 2^x1 y 2 31.8 22.8 17.8 15.1 25.5 21.3 16.5 14.0 11.4 17.5 14.2 10.7 8.7 14.4 11.4 9.8 7.7 29.1 20.9 16.4 13.9 23.5 19.6 15.2 12.9 10.6 19.5 15.8 11.8 9.6 16.0 12.6 10.8 8.6 14.2 11.3 7.8 6.1 11.4 8.5 6.7 4.9 12.4 10.0 6.9 5.4 10.0 7.5 5.8 4.3 12.7 9.4 7.5 56 Loads to the right of the zigzag line are for lengths greate" than 125 radii. 222 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. MINIMUM SPANS IN FEET ON WHICH THE CONNECTION ANGLES FOR AMERICAN STANDARD I BEAMS CAN BE USED FOR GREATEST SAFE UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOADS. Depth of Beam, Inches. Weight per Foot, Lbs? LEAST SPAN IN FEET FOR VARIOUS CONDITIONS. Rivets: She wring 10,000 Lbs., bearing 20,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. Field Connection. Rivet Shear, 8,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. Connec- tion to Web of Beam. Field Connec- tion. When two beams frame opposite each other to a beam or girder with a web thickness as follows : T y X" |&" 3 A" TV X" 24 80. 17.7 15.0 15.7 17.7 20.2 23.5 28.3 35.4 18.8 20 20 80. 65. 14.8 13.9 14.8 11.8 15.4 12.3 17.4 13.9 19.9 15.8 23.2 18.5 27.8 22.2 34.8 27.7 18.5 14.7 18 55. 13.7 10.7 11.2 12.6 14.4 16.7 20.1 25.1 13.4 15 15 15 80. 60. 42. 10.7 8.2 8.5 16.0 12.2 8.9 16.8 12.8 9.3 18.9 14.4 10.5 21.6 16.5 12.0 25.1 19.2 13.9 30.2 23.1 16.7 37.7 28.9 20.9 20.0 15.3 11.1 12 12 40. 31.5 6.9 7.3 9.0 7.2 9.4 7.6 10.6 8.5 12.1 9.7 14.2 11.4 17.0 13.6 21.2 17.1 11.3 9.1 10 25. 9.3 7.4 7.7 8.7 9.9 11.6 13.9 17.4 9.2 9 21. 7.7 5.7 6.0 6.7 7.7 8.9 10.7 13.4 7.1 8 18. 6.2 4.3 4.5 5.1 5.8 6.7 8.1 10.1 5.4 7 15. 4.9 3.1 3.3 3.7 4.2 4.9 5.9 7.4 3.9 6 12.25 5.6 4.4 4.6 5.2 5.9 6.9 8.3 10.3 5.5 5 9.75 4.1 2.9 3.1 3.4 3.9 4.6 5.5 6.9 3.7 4 7.50 2.8 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.4 2.8 3.4 4.2 2.3 The greatest value given of the least span for any of the governing conditions is the minimum span for which the connection may be used. WEIGHTS OF CONNECTION ANGLES FOR STANDARD X BEAMS. Depth of Weight of Beam. One Connection. Depth of Beam. Weight of Depth of One Connection. Beam. Weight of )ne Connection. 24 Inches. 32 Lbs. 20 " 28 " 18 " 24 " 15 " .24- " 12 Inches. 10 " 9 " 8 " 18 Lbs. 7 Inches. 12 ' 4 6 " 12 " 5 " 12 4 " 12 Lbs. 7 " 7 " 5 " Weights given do not include rivets for field connections. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 223 CONNECTION ANGLES FOR AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS AND CHANNELS. 24"! t T r$f -l.-f~f-4-.~x? 8 10; 9; 8' and 7 ^" 2-Ls. 6" x 4'^x %* All holes ^1" diameter for %" diameter rivets or bolts. 224 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPAN Y. CAST IRON SEPARATORS FOR AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS. c J 1 i I Separators for Separators for *__. S .__>I [c S~*j 18, 20 and 24 inch beams are % inch metal. 6 to 15 inch beams are % inch, metal. Separators for 3, 4 and 5 inch beams are % inch gas pipe. SEPARATORS WITH TWO BOLTS. DESIGNATION OF BEAM. DISTANCES. BOLTS. WEIGHTS IN POUNDS. Out to Center wi 3'/ ? 354 / h 43^ 0.3 .10 1.0 .125 14 4 7.50 5 % 3 ^X 0.3 .10 1.0 .125 13 3 5.50 5 1 A 2 23^ f i 4 0.3 .10 1.0 .125 All bolts % inch diameter. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 226 DETAIL DIMENSIONS FOR AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS. P -->(*-*lK Section Number. 124 120 a 120 118 115 b Depth Beam. Inches. 24 20 20 18 15 Weight per Foot, Lbs. 100.00 95.00 90.00 85.00 80.00 100.00 95.00 90.00 85.00 80.00 75.00 70.00 65.00 70.00 65.00 60.00 55.00 100.00 95.00 90.00 85.00 80.00 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. 7** 6H w H T 9 * 4 1 * %i fl II l * *r It it 20^ 20^ 20^ 20^ 17 17 17 K 15X 11 11 11 11 11 IK IK 1/8 2 2 2 2 2 B fj- ii M if fi If H H H B 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6H 4 *tt 5 T 9 * 5^ 3X 6A A 511 Maximum Rivet or Bolt. IV A A T 7 . A A 226 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. DETAIL DIMENSIONS FOR AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS (CONTINUED). -A- -A **" TT' Ji, ' i -f- H-f \ ; f| 'f [1 B i o o I 1} K ** 1 K k- -B- *i -i k - c =K w + He " Section Number. Depth of Beam, Inches. Weight per Foot, Lbs. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Maximum Rivet or Bolt. F W L K G A B c 75.00 H* II 11* ] f< it 3X 5X X X 115 a 15 70.00 65.00 A Hi 11% 1 ] ^ it it 3X 5^f 5y^ TV A Y \ /4 60.00 6 if 11 % IX it 3X 5X H X 55.00 5X tit 12X IX ^ 3 5X H X 115 15 50.00 45.00 Hi Hi *!. 12* IX IX \ 3 3 s ft *, 42.00 5^ if 12# IX % 3 5A X X 55.00 Hi it 9X 1 ^8 H 3 6 # X 112 a 12 50.00 45.00 Hi Hi H 9X 1 1 H H H li 3 3 S TV X x 40.00 5 /^ 1! 9X IX tt 3 5^ A X 35.00 ~57i ? 93^ 1 y H 23/ 5 7^ ft X 112 12 31.50 5 H 9X IX if 2X 5X X 40.00 8ft # 8 1 H 2X 5^ TV * 35.00 451 JT 8 1 i* 2X 5X X A 110 10 30.00 4ft if 8 1 if 2X 5^ ft X 25.00 fi ft 8 1 if 2X A X X 35.00 4Jf H 7 1 ft- 2^ 5^ A X Tq 9 30.00 4tf If 7 1 A 2^ 5 T 9 * )i X 25.00 4ff li 7 1 TV 2^ 5 iV ft X 21.00 4fi g 7 1 A 2X 8ft % jj BETHLEHEM STEEL COM PA NY. 227 DETAIL DIMENSIONS FOR AMERICAN STANDARD X BEAMS (CONTINUED). -* i 1 F I - .*._ K V -^ G A -JL K e^2^^^ ^^= "? |, t- g O o o 1 Jl k- i S&1S3S 1 Section Number. Depth of Beam, Inches. Weight per Foot, Lbs. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Maximum Rivet or Bolt. F W L K G A B c 25.50 4il H 6X # i! 2X A N X 18 8 23.00 *tt A 6X ? i If 2X 5 T ' S T*5 X 20.50 4* If 6X % H 2 X 5f^ X X 18.00 4 H 6X ^ H 2X 6A A X 20.00 3# H 5X ^8 2X 5 ^2 A H 17 7 17.50 3 M If 5X ^ < ^ 2 X 5^8 X % 15.00 3ft X 5X K X 2X 5X A y* 17.25 Hi tt 4X J i H 2 5^ A H 16 6 14.75 3|f If 4> X H 2 5J^ X % 12.25 Hi if 4^ > < U 2 5X A % 14.75 3if X 3^ X A IX sy* A X 15 5 12.25 3A H 3^ 1 < A IX 5y t X % 9.75 3 if M X A IX 5X A y* 10.50 VA if 2X 1 -1 A 1# 8A A y* 14 4 9.50 8.50 3 H H K ^ -1 A A ^ 5^8 5X X A 1 A y* 7.50 2ft ft 2Xj A ^ A A X 228 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. DETAIL DIMENSIONS FOR J K | IMi **-- ,i ii IL :RIC/S kN STfl Lu \n JIT tND ARD CHANN 02Z2"~ ~~~~~*4C ELS. 1W \ 1 -i-- \ '-*- I 1 : 1 ', n 44 ?fe~-v A r> ** -*; j. c^w+Me" Section Number. Depth of Chan- nel, Inches. Weight per Foot, Lbs. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Maximum Rivet or Bolt F W L K G A B ! c 55.00 Hi if 12V 1/8 H 2^ 3ft % V 50.00 3|f If 12V 1# >6 W 3^ H V C15 15 45.00 40.00 H H H 12V 12V 1/8 X H 2X 3 ** V V 35.00 3H H 12V 1/8 Ii lf/8 2}i K V 33.00 3|f ii 12V 1/8 fi 1% 27/s X V 40.00 Ml II 10 1 if 2 W H V 35.00 3Ji Ii 10 1 If 2 t>y* H V 012 12 30.00 Hi If 10 1 If 2 3 A V 25.00 8ft If 10 1 if 1% 2# A V 20.50 m A 10 1 If 1* 2H N V 35.00 3& If 8V fl # 2 3ft V 30.00 Ij U tt 8V 7 A H 2 3 r 3 F V V CIO 10 25.00 O5 7 H 8V 7 /s /8 2 3 ^ X 20.00 2fJ ?i 8V H A in 2# A V 15.00 2|f ii 8V ft A i^ 2^ A V 25.00 2H If 7V H /8 i^ 3^ ii V 09 9 20.00 15.00 O2 1 O3 1 H A 7V 7V 7 /s /8 if i^ 1/8 2}| H V 13.25 2A H 7V % If l/ 8 2^ A V BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 229 DETAIL DIMENSIONS FOR AMERICAN STANDARD CHANNELS (CONTINUED). K Kr*}* * 4**!* tizzar- $ c G* (T H L i ; ""f >-*- \ I ; I 1 1 J5S=rx_ ' 'K-B-H -^o-Hw+M.' Section Number. Depth of Chan- nel, Inches. Weight per Foot, Lbs. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Maiimum Rivet or Bolt. F w L K G A B C 21.25 2# fl 6X % X IK 8* fij X 18.75 2H H 6X ^ ^ IK 3 A X C8 8 16.25 2 lV II 6X ^ X IK 2^ T'J X 13.75 2M 6J< ^ X ^X 2}| N /^ 11.25 2H A 6X X % IX 2X X 19.75 2|f X 5^ X ^8 IK 3^ H X 17.25 *H fi 5^4 X Ji IK 3 A 8 C7 7 14.75 2j| i! 5 ^z X H IX 2rt X H 12.25 HI A 5 /^ X H IX 2H ji H 9.75 2j\ H 5^ X H IX 2H X H 15.50 2ft A 4^ X H 1# A X X C6 6 13.00 2ft A 4 /^ X U 1^ 2 T 6 X X 10.50 2^ A 4^ X H IK 2it ^8 X 8.00 l*f if 4^ X U IK 2H X X 11.50 2ft if 3X N A IX 3 A X C5 5 9.00 1H H 3 X X A IX 2tt X J^ 6.50 IX A 3X X A 1 2H X X 7.25 iff H 2X X A 1 2 f3 rt /"Z C4 4 6.25 IH H 2X X A 1 2 X T 5 5 1^ 5.25 1H A 2X X A 1 2H X Ji 1 230 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. RIVET SPACING FOR ANGLES. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. STANDARD SPACING OF GAUGE LINES. Length of Leg. GAUGES. B Maximum Rivet. Length of Leg. GAUGE. Maximum Rivet. 5 i* 3 5* I* IV IX STAGGERED DISTANCE CENTERS OF RIVETS. TABLE GIVING DISTANCE D FOR VARYING VALUES OF P AND C. Grage. VALUES OF P OR PITCH OF RIVETS. IV It* HI lit 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2H 2H 2X 3 2H 2H 2V I 2j.fl 2H 2H 2H 2H ft Values of D below or to right of upper zigzag 1 ine are sufficient f or %" rivets. Values of D below or to right of lower zigzag line are sufficient for %" rivets. MINIMUM STAGGER FOR CLEARANCE IN DRIVING. Distance. E ^ Rivet. 7 /& Rivet. Distance. E V Rivet. X MT* Distance. E iy ift i I 1ft it* X 1" for %" rirets. X 1 A" or %" rivets. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 231 PART III GENERAL INFORMATION RELATING TO STEEL CONSTRUCTION 232 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. NOTES ON THE STRENGTH AND DEFLECTION OF BEAMS. The general notation employed throughout is as follows : a = area of section, in square inches. L = length of span, in feet. / = length of span, in inches. W load uniformly distributed, in Ibs. P load concentrated at any point, in Ibs. d = depth of cross-section, in inches. M = bending moment, in foot-lbs. m bending moment, in inch-lbs. n greatest distance of center of gravity of section from top or from bottom, in inches. f = stress, in Ibs. , per square inch in extreme fibers of beam, either top or bottom, according as n refers to distance from top or from bottom of section. D = maximum deflection, in inches. I = moment of inertia of section, neutral axis through center of gravity. I" moment of inertia of section, neutral axis parallel to above, but not through center of gravity. z = distance between these neutral axes. S = section modulus. R = least moment of resistance of section, in inch-lbs. r radius of gyration, in inches. C coefficient of transverse strength, in Ibs. E =5 modulus of elasticity (29,000,000 for steel). For a beam of any cross-section the relations existing between the properties of the section are as follows : The moment of resistance of the internal stresses of the beam resisting flexure must be equal to the moment of the external forces which act on the beam producing bending. The moment of resistance of a section is usually expressed in inch-lbs., in which case the bending moment must be expressed also in inch-lbs. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 233 The relations existing between bending moment, moment of resistance, section modulus and stress per square inch are expressed thus : m = R. S = -? m=/S. f=. When the bending moment is in foot-lbs., the following relations are useful : C = 8M. M ~. o If W is a uniformly distributed load in Ibs., and the span, L, is taken in feet, then : C = WL. W "U' The last two formulas are convenient. To find the safe uniformly distributed load in Ibs. for any section, it is only necessary to divide its coefficient of strength by the span in feet. If the uniformly distributed load in Ibs. is given, mul- tiply it by the span in feet and the result is the coefficient of strength required by the section. On the next page formulas are given for finding bending moments, safe loads and deflections for beams loaded and supported in usual ways. Bending moments will be in foot- lbs. or inch-lbs. according as the lengths are taken in feet or inches. To obtain deflection in inches the lengths must be taken in inches. For illustration, take a center load of 30;000 Ibs. on a span of 20 feet : 20 = 150,000 foot-lbs. C == 8M = 8 X 150,000 = 1,200,000. The nearest beam is a 20" Bethlehem special I beam, weighing 58.5 Ibs. per foot, which has a coefficient of 1,254,800. If the bending moment had been taken in inch-lbs. , then m = M.MOX240 = 1,800,000 inch-lbs. S = y = 1,800,000 + 16,000 = 112.5 The beam selected by the first method has a section modulus of 117.6, which is the nearest to that required. Both methods of calculation give identical results. 234 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. BENDING MOMENTS AND DEFLECTIONS OF BEAMS FOR USUAL METHODS OF LOADING. p or W = total load I = length of beam I = moment of inertia E = modulus of elasticity (1.) Beam fixed at one end and loaded at the other. (2.) Beam fixed at one end and uniformly loaded. Safe load % that given In tables. Maximum bending moment at point of support = PL Maximum shear at point of support = P. Deflection = Safe load = ^ tn . at given in tables. Maximum bending moment at point of support = -- Maximum shear at point of support = W. Deflection SET' (3.) Beam supported at both ends, single load in the middle. (4.) Beam supported at both ends and uniformly loaded. Safe load % that given in tables. Maximum bending moment at mid- dle of beam = PI T* Maximum shear at points of support Deflection = PI* 48EI* Safe load = that given in tables. Maximum bending moment at mid- dle of beam = 2*. o Maximum shear at points of support 5W* 3 384EI* Deflection = (5.) Beam supported at both ends, single nnsym- metrical load. (6.) Beam supported at both ends, two symmet- rical loads. Safe load that given in tables X ** 8ab' Maximum bending moment under load=E. Maximum shears : at support, a end =_?]?; at other support =^- Safe load = that given in tables X Maximum bending moment between loads = K Pa- Maximum shear between load and nearer support = % P. Pa Max. Deflection = 48EJ BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 235 MOMENT OF INERTIA AND SECTION MODULUS FOR USUAL SECTIONS. Sections. Moment of Inertia. I Section Modulus. 8 gig bh "12" bh a 6 x ! x !h LIT * b-* , bh 3 " 3 t xi *LJjjLx. r bh 3 1 36 ***% vJfc I- 12 x jJikxl ME I-^ ~64 =0.0491 d 4 Trd 8 32 =0.0982 d 3 J2*? 1 T bhs-bjh^ I y 2 h 13"^ 12 !*-b-4 I = 0.0491(d 4 -d 1 4 ) 0.0982 ( d 8 -^- ) -*i kjjj MH bji^-fbn^-Cb-bOa 3 Min.= n 3 b ^^_ y "f t? i S bh 3 -2b 1 h 1 3 I y*h 12 XX indicates position of neutral axis. 236 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. DEFLECTION OF STEEL BEAMS AND GIRDERS UNDER TRANSVERSE LOADS. Using the notation given on page 232, the deflection, in inches, of a steel beam or other section under a uniformly distributed load of W, in Ibs. , is found from the formula, n= JL . m \= JL 384 El 384 El When W is the safe uniformly distributed load corre- sponding to a coefficient of strength (7, the following relations exist between W and C and the properties of the shape : W= t and C=XfS=%f-- Substituting these values in the above formula, then, When the fiber stress is 16,000 Ibs. per square inch and the modulus of elasticity of steel taken as 29,000,000, then the deflection, in inches, is given by the formula : D ^0.01655 L* %n In the case of a beam, girder or other section symmetrical about its neutral axis, 2n equals the depth of the beam. The deflection, in inches, of such a section under its safe uniformly distributed load which produces a fiber stress of 16,000 Ibs. per square inch is given by the simple formula, The table on the opposite page gives the value of the expression 0.01655L 2 for spans from 1 foot to 60 feet. The safe loads and corresponding deflections for other usual cases of loading, as compared with the safe uniformly distributed loads given in the tables, are as follows : Beam supported at both ends and loaded with a single load concentrated at center of span. Safe load = * tabular load. Deflection = T V Cantilever beam, fixed at one end and unsupported at the other, uniformly loaded. Safe load= X tabular load. Deflec- tion = 2 j%. Cantilever beam, fixed at one end and unsupported at the other, single load concentrated at free end. Safe load = ^6 tabular load. Deflection = 3 T %. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 237 DEFLECTION COEFFICIENTS FOR UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOADS. FIBER STRESS, 16,000 LBS. PER SQUARE INCH. Length I Length Length Length 0? Deflection of Deflection 0? Deflection of Deflection Span, Coefficient. Span, Coefficient. Span, Coefficient. Span, Coefficient. /eet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 1 .0166 16 4.2372 31 15.9062 46 35.0234 2 .0662 17 4.7834 32 16.9490 47 36.5628 3 .1490 18 5.3628 33 18.0248 48 38.1352 4 .2648 19 5.9752 34 19.1338 49 39.7407 5 .4138 20 6.6207 35 20.2759 50 41.3793 6 .5959 21 7.2993 36 21.4510 51 43.0510 7 .8110 22 8.0110 37 22.6593 52 44.7559 1.0593 23 8.7559 38 23.9007 53 46.4938 9 1.3407 24 9.5338 39 25.1752 54 48.2648 10 1.6552 25 10.3448 40 26.4828 55 50.0690 11 2.0028 26 11.1890 41 27.8234 56 51.9062 12 2.3834 27 12.0662 42 29.1972 57 53.7766 13 2.7972 28 12.9766 43 30.6041 58 55.6800 14 3.2441 29 13.9200 44 32.0441 59 57.6166 15 3.7241 30 14.8966 45 33.5172 60 59.5862 These coefficients furnish a convenient means of finding the deflection of steel sections under their uniformly distrib- uted safe loads for a maximum fiber stress of 16,000 Ibs. per square inch. To find the deflection of a steel beam, girder or other section which is symmetrical about its neutral axis, under the above conditition of loading, divide the deflection coeffi- cient found in the above table for the given span by the depth of the beam in inches. The quotient will be the deflection in inches. To find the deflection of an angle or other section which is not symmetrical about its neutral axis under the above condition of loading, divide the deflection coefficient in the table for the given span by twice the greatest distance, in inches, of the neutral axis from the outside fiber in the direction of bending. Under uniformly distributed loading corresponding to other intensities of stress the deflection can be found by simple proportion. Thus, for a uniformly distributed load producing a fiber stress of 12,000 Ibs. per square inch the deflection will be H&ra or H of that found "by the use of the above coefficients. 238 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. HP MOMENTS OF INERTIA -JH! iS-. OF RECTANGLES. Depth, WIDTH OF RECTANGLE. in Inches. X" T y x H" TV" #" TV nr> 5 2.60 3.26 3.91 4.56 5.21 5.86 6.51 6 4.50 5.63 6.75 7.88 9.00 10.13 11.25 7 7.15 8.93 10.72 12.51 14.29 16.08 17.86 8 10.67 13.33 16.00 18.67 21.33 24.00 26.67 9 15.19 18.98 22.78 26.58 30.38 34.17 37.97 10 20.83 26.04 31.25 36.46 41.67 46.87 52.08 11 27.73 34.66 41.59 48.53 55.46 62.39 69.32 12 36.00 45.00 54.00 63.00 72.00 81.00 90.00 13 45.77 57.21 68.66 80.10 91.54 102.98 114.43 14 57.17 71.46 85.75 100.04 114.33 128.63 142.92 15 70.31 87.89 105.47 123.05 140.63 158.20 175.78 16 85.33 106.67 128.00 149.33 170.67 192.00 213.33 17 102.35 127.94 153.53 179.12 204.71 230.30 255.89 18 121.50 151.88 182.25 212.63 243.00 273.38 303.75 19 142.90 178.62 214.34 250.07 285.79 321.52 357.24 20 166.67 208.33 250.00 291.67 333.33 375.00 416.67 21 192.94 241.17 289.41 337.64 385.88 434.11 482.34 22 221.83 277.29 332.75 388.21 443.67 499.13 554.58 23 253.48 316.85 380.22 443.59 506.96 570.33 633.70 24 288.00 360.00 432.00 504.00 576.00 648.00 720.00 25 325.52 406.90 488.28 569.66 651.04 732.42 813.80 26 366.17 457.71 549.25 640.79 732.33 823.88 915.42 27 410.06 512.58 615.09 717.61 820.13 922.64 1025.16 28 457.33 571.67 686.00 800.33 914.67 1029.00 1143.33 29 508.10 635.13 762.16 889.18 1016.21 1143.23 1270.26 30 562.50 703.13 843.75 984.38 1125.00 1265.63 1406.25 32 682.67 853.33 1024.00 1194.67 1365.33 1536.00 1706.67 34 818.83 1023.54 1228.25 1432.96 1637.67 1842.38 2047.08 36 972.00 1215.00 1458.00 1701.00 1944.00 2187.00 2430.00 38 1143.17 1428.96 1714.75 2000.54 2286.33 2572.13 2857.92 40 1333.33 1666.67 2000.00 2333.33 2666.67 3000.00 3333.33 42 1543.50 1929.38 2315.25 2701.13 3087.00 3472.88 3858.75 44 1774.67 2218.33 2662.00 3105.67 3549.33 3993.00 4436.67 46 2027.83 2534.79 3041.75 3548.71 4055.67 4562.63 5069.58 48 2304.00 2880.00 3456.00 4032.00 4608.00 5184.00 5760.00 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 239 MOMENTS OF INERTIA m^ OF RECTANGLES. 1 WIDTH OF RECTANGLE. Depth, in tt" $* if" i it" 1" Inches. 7.16 7.81 8.46 9.11 9.77 10.42 5 12.38 13.50 14.63 15.75 16.88 18.00 6 19.65 21.44 23.22 25.01 26.80 28.58 7 29.33 32.00 34.67 37.33 40.00 42.67 8 41.77 45.56 49.36 53.16 56.95 60.75 9 57.29 62.50 67.71 72.92 78.13 83.33 10 76.26 83.19 90.12 97.05 103.98 110.92 11 99.00 108.00 117.00 126.00 135.00 144.00 12 125.87 137.31 148.75 160.20 171.64 183.08 13 157.21 171.50 185.79 200.08 214.38 228.67 14 193.36 210.94 228.52 246.09 263.67 281.25 15 234.67 256.00 277.33 298.67 320.00 341.33 16 281.47 307.06 332.65 358.24 383.83 409.42 17 334.13 364.50 394.88 425.25 455.63 486.00 18 392.96 428.69 464.41 500.14 535.86 571.58 19 458.33 500.00 541.67 583.33 625.00 666.67 20 530.58 578.81 627.05 675.28 723.52 771.75 21 610.04 665.50 720.96 776.42 831.87 887.33 22 697.07 760.44 823.81 887.18 950.55 1013.92 23 792.00 864.00 936.00 1008.00 1080.00 1152.00 24 895.18 976.56 1057.94 1139.32 1220.70 1302.08 25 1006.96 1098.50 1190.04 1281.58 1373.13 1464.67 26 1127.67 1230.19 1332.70 1435.22 1537.73 1640.25 27 1257.67 1372.00 1486.33 1600.67 1715.00 1829.33 28 1397.29 1524.31 1651.34 1778.36 1905.39 2032.42 29 1546.88 1687.50 1828.13 1968.75 2109.38 2250.00 30 1877.33 2048.00 2218.67 2389.33 2560.00 2730.67 32 2251.79 2456.50 2661.21 2865.92 3070.63 3275.33 34 2673.00 2916.00 3159.00 3402.00 3645.00 3888.00 36 3143.71 3429.50 3715.29 4001.08 4286.88 4572.67 38 3666.67 4000.00 4333.33 4666.67 5000.00 5333.33 40 4244.63 4630.50 5016.38 5402.25 5788.13 6174.00 42 4880.33 5324.00 5767.67 6211.33 6655.00 7098.67 44 5576.54 6083.50 6590.46 7097.42 7604.38 8111.33 46 6336.00 6912.00 7488.00 8064.00 8640.00 9216.00 48 240 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SPACING OF TIE RODS. Tie rods are used in fire proof floors to resist the thrust of the floor arches and to hold the steel beams in position laterally. Rods of ^ inch diameter are generally employed for this purpose. They should be placed as near as possible in the line of thrust of the arch, usually 3 inches above the bottom of the beams. The proper spacing of tie rods is determined by two considerations. The stress on the net area of the rod pro- duced by the thrust of the arch must not exceed 15,000 Ibs. per square inch. Also the lateral stress produced in the beams or channels by the thrust of the arches must not be excessive. The spacing required to satisfy the first of these require- ments is found in the following manner : Let t = thrust of arch, in Ibs. per lineal foot. r = rise of arch, in inches. 1= distance between beams, or span of arch, in feet. w = load per square foot, in Ibs. a = net area of tie rod, in square inches. l }* -N- >j /W\! j/D\| i^ j xxiixxi; Grillages of steel beams imbedded in concrete are used in column footings to distribute the load over the desired area on yielding soil, thereby avoiding large masses of masonry and deep excavations. The beams should not be less than 3 inches apart in the clear between flanges so that the space between beams can be thoroughly filled with con- crete. Separators should be used to keep the beams prop- erly spaced. The load supported by each beam in a layer equals the total load on the foundation divided by the number of beams in the layer. Loading is uniformly distributed over the length on which it is applied and the beam is uniformly sup- ported from below over its entire length. Maximum bending occurs at c, the center of length of the beam. W= load supported by each beam, in Ibs. L = length of beam, in feet. N= length, in feet, on which load is applied. C= coefficient of strength for the beam. Maximum bending moment, in foot-lbs. = y& W(L-N). This formula for bending moment is the same as that for a simple beam of the length (L-N) supporting a uniformly dis- tributed load of W. By using the length (L-N) as the span the size or safe load of grillage beams may be obtained directly from the tables of safe loads for I beams and girder beams. If (L-N} is less than the spans given in these tables the size or safe load must be obtained by means of the coef- ficient of strength or section modulus. When W is in pounds and L and N are in feet, the safe load on a given grillage beam is found by the formula, and the coefficient of strength required by a beam for a given loading from the formula, C= W(L-N). (2) BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 245 The greatest safe load may be limited by the safe shear- ing or crippling strength of the web which should be investi- gated. The shear due to the load W is a maximum at the point a under the outer edge of the superimposed load, and is found as follows : V s maximum shear due to the load W. V = greatest safe allowable shear on web of beam. The shear V s must not exceed F, the safe shearing strength of the web. If the beams are thoroughly imbedded in concrete and the webs prevented from buckling, V=l2 ) oOOdt = safe allowable shear, inlbs. But if the webs are not supported against buckling, y Ig^OOOdt f safe crippling strength >p \ of web, in Ibs. 1 + 3000 1* where d = depth of beam, t = thickness of web and k = clear distance between flanges, all in inches. The last formula is that for the safe crippling strength of webs and values for it are given for Bethlehem beam and girder sections in the table on page 89 and for American standard beams on page 192. When shearing strength of the web is considered the maximum load on a given grillage beam is and the safe shearing strength required by the web of a beam for a given loading is (4) To find the safe load on a given beam use formulas (1) and (3) and take the lesser of the two values. When formula (3) gives the smaller value the safe load is limited by the shear- ing strength of the web. To select a grillage beam for a given loading find the coefficient of strength required by formula (2) and the safe shearing strength of web required by formula (4). The proper beam must then be selected to satisfy both require- ments. It will be found that Bethlehem girder beams are desirable and economical for use as grillage beams. 246 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. WIND BRACING. All buildings must have adequate provision for resisting wind pressure. Walls and partitions afford a certain amount of resistance, but in high buildings the thin walls and light partitions used in modern construction are insufficient for the purpose and special provision must be made in the steel framing. Steel columns should always be used. They should be in lengths of two or more stories, and spliced with sufficient plates and rivets to make the columns continuous, so far as transverse bending is concerned. All column splices should be riveted. Connections of girders and beams to the col- umns also should be riveted. With a properly constructed steel frame of this kind, such as that known by Fig. 1 on page 46, special wind bracing will seldom be needed unless the height of the building is more than twice its least base. Higher buildings will usually require wind bracing of some form. It is seldom possible to use diagonal rods between the columns and either of the two forms of bracing shown on the opposite page is generally used. Bethlehem H columns, as shown by the illustrations on pages 46-47, afford every facility for the construction of an ideal steel frame for buildings. It is customary to provide for a horizontal wind pressure of 30 Ibs. per square foot of exposed surface. The steel frame must be designed for that part of the wind pressure which the walls and partitions are unable to safely resist. The steel frame must also be able to resist the wind pressure on its exposed surface during erection before the walls and partitions are in place. The total live, dead and wind loads should not produce stresses exceeding the following in Ibs. per square inch : Tension, 20,000 ; compression, 20,00075-. Wind increases the compression in the leeward columns and also produces bending in the columns, both of which effects must be considered. Columns in massive buildings may be considered as hav- ing fixed ends. In sheds and mill buildings the columns are not fixed at the ends, unless they are securely anchored to much larger size foundations than are usually provided. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 247 '* CASE 1. H = total horizontal force at top of frame. V' Columns considered fixed at both ends. All members constructed to resist tension or compression. Stress in the Knee Braces, . . . = H -- +- ~ \ 2 4a / o Stress in the Columns, = H (a + -*L\ Stress in the Girder, = zbH('l-}-A > \ \ 4a / Bending moment on Columns, . = H ~~ Bending moment on Girder, . . = H ( - J (a xxxx CASE 2. ?H = total horizontal force at top of frame. ^ Columns considered fixed at 1 * | both ends. All members constructed to re- VH *~ - u: H < *- -^ sist tension or compression. Stress in AB, = d= H f 1 + ~ Stress in CD, = ] Stress in Diagonals, = H (-- + 1L\JL Stress in Columns, = H^a-|- ~^j-r Bending moment on Columns, = H -^ NOTE. If the columns are not fixed at the ends, substi- tute 2h for h everywhere in the above formulas. 248 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. NOTES ON ROOFS. The approximate weight of different roof coverings in pounds per square foot, exclusive of the weight of the steel construction required, is as follows : Corrugated iron, No. 26 to No. 18, unbearded,! to 3 Ibs. Felt and gravel, unbearded 8 to 10 Slate, T y to J", without sheathing .... 7 to 9 Copper, without sheathing 1 to 1 Tin, without sheathing 1 to \ Shingles, with lath 5 Skylight of glass, T y to ', including frame, 4 to 10 White pine sheathing, 1" thick 3 Yellow pine sheathing, 1" thick 4 Lath and plaster ceiling 8 to 10 Tile, flat 15 to 20 Tile, corrugated 8 to 10 Tile on 3" fireproof blocks 30 to 35 The weight of the steel roof construction must be added to the above. For ordinary light roofs without ceilings the weight of the steel construction may be taken at 5 Ibs. per square foot for spans up to 50 ft., and 1 Ib. additional for each 10 ft. increase of span. It is customary to add 30 Ibs. per square foot to the above for wind and snow. No roof should be calculated for a total load of less than 40 Ibs. per sq. ft. The total load found as above is to be considered as distrib- uted over the entire truss. It is not necessary to consider the separate effects of the wind and snow on spans of less than 100 ft., but for greater spans separate calculations should be made. The components of pressure caused by wind acting upon inclined surfaces are given in the following table : A = Angle of surface of roof with direction of wind. F = Force of wind, in Ibs. per square foot. N = Pressure normal to surface of roof. V = Pressure perpendicular to direction of wind. H = Pressure parallel to direction of wind. Angle of Roof. 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 N = FX .125 .24 .45 .66 .83 .95 1.00 1.02 1.01 1.00 V = FX .122 .24 .42 .57 .64 .61 .50 .35 .17 .00 H = FX .01 .04 .15 .33 .53 .73 .85 .96 .99 1.00 BETHLEHEM STEEL COM PA NY. 249 COEFFICIENTS FOR OBTAINING THE STRESSES IN ROOF TRUSSES. FIG.1 J^/ FK*- 2 ^S/ FIG ' 3 3^V C E Heavy lines denote compression and light lines tension. Batio of depth to length of span. .333 i .289 Tri"sr .250 i .200 * .167 k .125 4 Slope of Kafters. 33 41' 30 26 34' 21 48' 1826 / 14 2' Bottom chord. Ca Cc 2.25 1.50 2.60 1.73 3.00 2.00 3.75 2.50 4.50 3.00 6.00 4.00 Fig. 1 Top chord. Aa Bb 2.70 2.15 3.00 2.50 3.35 2.90 4.04 3.67 4.75 4.44 6.19 5.95 _ Tie strut. be ab .75 .83 .87 .87 1.00 .89 1.25 .93 1.50 .95 2.00 .97 Bottom chord. Da Dd 3.75 2.25 4.33 2.60 5.00 3.00 6.25 3.75 7.50 4.50 10.00 6.00 Fig. 2 Top chord. Aa Bb Cc 4.51 3.53 3.40 5.00 4.00 4.00 5.59 4.55 4.70 6.74 5.59 6.00 7.91 6.65 7.29 10.31 8.77 9.83 Tie. cd 1.50 1.73 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 Struts ab&bc .93 1.00 1.07 1.22 1.34 1.62 Bottom chord. Ea Ef Ee 5.25 4.50 3.00 6.06 5.19 3.46 7.00 6.00 4.00 8.75 7.50 5.00 10.50 9.00 6.00 14.00 12.00 8.00 Fig. 3 Top chord. Aa Bb Cc Dd 6.30 5.75 5.20 4.65 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 7.83 7.38 6.93 6.48 9.42 9.05 8.68 8.31 11.08 10.76 10.45 10.13 14.44 14.20 13.95 13.71 Ties. a bf&cg 1.60 2.25 .75 1.73 2.60 .87 2.00 3.00 1.00 2.50 3.75 1.25 3.00 4.50 1.50 4.00 6.00 2.00 Struts. ab&cd fe .83 1.66 .87 1.73 .89 1.78 .93 1.86 .95 1.90 .97 1.94 To find the stress in any member of these trusses multiply the panel load by the coefficient given in the table. Loads are considered as concentrated at the joints. 250 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. CORRUGATED IRON. Corrugated iron, used for roofing and siding of buildings, is applied directly upon steel purlins or studding by means of clips of hoop iron, placed not more than 12 inches apart, which encircle the purlin or stud. The projecting edges at the gables and eaves must be secured to prevent the sheets from being loosened or folded up by the wind. The usual dimensions of corrugated iron are given in the following table. The 2^ inch corrugation is the one gener- ally employed for roofing and siding, and the regular lengths of sheets are 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 feet. DIMENSIONS OF SHEETS AND CORRUGATIONS. Width of Corrugation. Depth of Corrugation. Number of Corrugations to the Sheet. Covering Width, Lap of One Corrugation. Width of Sheet after Corrugation. Length of Longest Sheets. 2> inch. IX " # " % inch. # " X " 10 19# 34^ 24 inch. 24 " 25 " 26 inch. 26 " 26 " 10 feet. 8 " 8 " Roofing is measured by the square, equal to 100 square feet of finished roofing in place. The corrugated sheets are usually laid with one corrugation lap on the sides and an end lap of 6 inches for roofing and 2 inches for siding. NUMBER OF SQUARE FEET OF 2)4 INCH CORRUGATED IRON REQUIRED TO LAY ONE SQUARE. SIDE LAP, ONE CORRUGATION. Length of LENGTH OF END LAP. Sheet, Feet. llnch. 2 Inch. 3 Inch. 4 Inch. 5 Inch. 6 Inch. 5 110 112 114 116 118 120 6 110 111 113 115 117 118 7 110 110 112 114 115 117 8 109 110 112 113 114 115 9 109 110 112 113 114 115 10 108 109 110 111 112 113 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 251 The maximum spans for roofing and siding are as follows : No. 16. No. 18. No. 20. No. 22. No. 24. No. 26. Roofing, 5' 6" 5' 0" 4' 6" 4' 0" 3' 6" 3' 0" Siding, 7' 0" 6' 3" 5' 3" 4' 9" 4' 3" 3' 9" If used on greater spans, the excessive deflection is liable to impair the tightness of the joints. Numbers 20 and 22 are the gauges most frequently used for roofs, and numbers 22 and 24 for siding. The sheets are either painted or galvanized, preferably the latter. The United States standard gauge, adopted by act of Con- gress in 1893, is in general use by manufacturers of sheet steel. The following table gives the thickness and weight of corrugated iron in accordance with United States standard gauge : No. by United States Gauge. Thickness, Inches. Weight per Square Foot Flat, Lbs. Weight per Sq. Ft. Corru- tf Weight per Square of 100 Square Feet, when laid, aflowin$ 6" lap in length, and 2#" or one Corrugation in width of sheet, for sheet lengths of: Galvan- ized, Weight per Sq. Ft. Corru- gated. 5 Ft. 6 Ft. 7 Ft. 8 Ft. 9 Ft 10 Ft. 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 .0625 .05 .0375 .0313 .025 .0188 .0156 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.25 1.00 .75 .63 2.75 2.20 1.65 1.38 1.11 .84 .69 331 264 198 166 134 101 83 325 260 195 163 131 100 82 320 256 193 161 130 99 81 318 254 190 159 128 98 80 315 252 189 158 127 96 79 311 249 187 156 126 95 78 2.91 2.36 1.82 1.54 1.27 .99 .86 TRANSVERSE STRENGTH OF CORRUGATED IRON. The transverse strength of corrugated iron may be calcu- lated in the following manner : I = unsupported length of sheet, in inches, t = thickness of sheet, in inches, b = width of sheet, in inches, d = depth of corrugation, in inches. W = safe uniformly distributed load, in pounds. 25,000 b t d Then, W = - = 252 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. M RE The tab! rectangula 1000 Ibs. p< For diffc multiplied For (0. Ordinary < 1. Purposes, (l. FE LOADS, IN POUI ICTANGUL/ ONE e gives the safe u r wooden beams on >r square inch, rent kinds of woo by the following is 75 Spr YDS, UNIFORI m woe INCH Th nifonnly dist e inch thick d, the values ictors : uce or Whit . White Oal them Yello\ WILY D tDEI IICK. ribute fora given 3 Pine STRIBUTED FOR Nl BEAMS d loads, in pounds maximum fiber stre in the table are t i.noi , on ssof o be For Static Loads. 00 25 . Sou 1.25V 1.50 v Pine Span, in Feet DEPTH OF BEAM. 6" V 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 14" 15" 16" 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 800 670 570 500 1090 910 780 680 610 1420 1190 1020 890 790 710 650 1800 1500 1290 1130 1000 900 820 750 1850 1590 1390 1230 1110 1010 930 860 2240 1920 1680 1490 1340 1220 1120 1030 960 900 840 790 750 710 670 640 610 590 560 540 520 500 480 465 450 2290 2000 1780 1600 1450 1330 1230 1150 1070 1000 2490 2210 1990 1810 1660 1530 1430 1330 1250 1170 2740 2430 2190 1990 1820 1690 1570 1460 1370 1290 1220 1150 3130 2780 2500 2270 2080 1930 1790 1670 1570 1470 1390 1320 1250 3160 2840 2590 2370 2200 2040 1900 1780 1680 1590 1500 1420 1360 440 400 360 330 310 290 270 250 240 220 210 200 190 180 175 167 160 154 149 143 138 134 540 495 450 420 390 360 340 320 300 290 272 260 248 237 228 218 210 202 195 188 182 590 550 510 480 450 420 400 380 360 340 325 310 297 285 275 265 255 246 237 690 640 600 560 530 500 480 450 430 410 390 380 360 350 330 315 307 297 800 740 700 650 620 590 560 530 510 480 460 450 430 410 400 380 370 940 890 840 800 760 730 700 670 640 620 590 570 550 530 1110 1050 990 950 910 870 830 800 770 740 710 690 660 1090 1040 1000 950 910 880 840 810 780 750 730 1190 1140 1090 1040 1000 960 930 890 860 830 1300 1240 1190 1140 1100 1060 1020 980 950 Loads given below the zigzag line produce deflections exceeding %fa of the span. To obtain the safe load for any thickness, multiply the values given for 1 inch by the thickness of the beam. To obtain the required thickness for any load, divide by safe load given for 1 inch. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 253 SAFE LOADS FOR SEASONED RECTANGULAR WOODEN COLUMNS. Calculated from the following formulas for safe loads, in Ibs. per square inch, on square end columns. / = length of column, in inches. d = width of smallest side, in inches. Southern Yellow Pine. 1125 White Oak. 925 HOOrf 2 White Pine and Spruce. 800 / 2 llOOrf 2 These formulas give safe loads of one-fourth the ultimate strength for short columns decreasing to one-fifth the ulti- mate for long columns. Ratio of Length to Least Side. 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 SAFE LOAD, IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH OP SECTION. Southern Yellow Pine. 995 955 913 869 825 781 738 697 657 619 583 549 516 487 458 White Oak, 818 785 750 715 678 642 607 575 541 509 479 451 425 400 377 White Pine and Spruce. 707 679 649 618 587 556 525 495 467 440 414 390 367 346 326 254 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR SQUARE WOODEN COLUMNS. WHITE PINE OR SPRUCE. Unsupported Length of Column, in Feet. SIZE OF COLUMN, IN INCHES. 6x6 8x8 9x9 10x10 12x12 14x14 16x16 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 12.80 11.70 10.60 9.54 8.46 7.38 22.7 21.3 19.8 18.4 17.0 15.5 14.1 29.6 28.0 26.3 24.7 23.1 21.5 19.8 18.2 35.5 33.7 31.9 30.1 28.3 26.5 24.7 22.9 51.1 49.0 46.8 44.7 42.5 40.3 38.2 69.6 67.0 64.5 62.0 59.5 57.0 91.0 88.0 85.2 82.3 79.4 WHITE OAK. 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 14.80 13.50 12.20 11.00 9.73 8.64 26.2 24.6 22.7 21.1 19.5 17.8 16.3 34.0 32.4 30.4 28.4 26.5 24.7 22.7 21.1 41.0 39.1 36.7 34.6 32.4 30.5 28.2 26.4 59.1 56.9 54.0 51.1 49.0 46.1 43.9 80.4 77.8 74.5 71.3 68.3 65.5 105.0 102.0 98.5 94.7 90.9 SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE. 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 18.00 16.40 14.90 13.30 11.90 10.40 32.0 29.9 27.8 25.8 23.7 21.8 19.8 41.6 39.4 36.9 34.7 32.3 30.0 27.8 25.7 50.0 47.6 44.7 42.3 39.5 37.0 34.6 32.2 72.0 69.1 65.5 62.6 59.8 56.2 53.3 98.0 94.6 90.7 86.9 83.6 80.0 132.0 128.0 124.0 120.0 115.0 111.0 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 255 ULTIMATE STRENGTH OF HOLLOW CYLINDRICAL AND RECTANGULAR CAST IRON COLUMNS. CYLINDRICAL COLUMNS. RECTANGULAR COLUMNS. Ultimate Strength in Lbs. per square inch. Ultimate Strength in Lbs. per square inch. Square Bearing Pin and Square Pin Bearing Square Bearing Pin and Square Pin Bearing 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 ,,(12^)2 8 + 800d* + 1 (12L) (12L) 2 3(12.L)* 9(12i) 2 3(12i) 6400 d 2 + 1600d 2 600 d* h 400 d 2 ' 3200 d 2 =Length of Column, in feet. d=External diameter or least side of rectangle, in inches. L ~d CYLINDRICAL COLUMNS. Ultimate Strength in Lbs. per square inch. RECTANGULAR COLUMNS. Ultimate Strength in Lbs. per square inch. Square Bearing. Pin and Square. Pin Bearing. Square Bearing. Pin and Square. Pin Bearing. .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 76,560 75,130 73,520 71,740 69,820 74,940 72,910 70,650 68,210 65,640 73,390 70,820 68,000 65,020 61,940 77,380 76,290 75,030 73,640 72,110 76,150 74,560 72,780 70,820 68,730 74,940 72,910 70,650 68,210 65,640 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 67,800 65,690 63,530 61,340 59,140 62,990 60,300 57,600 54,930 52,C10 58,820 55,730 52,690 49,740 46,900 70,480 68,790 67,000 65,140 63,260 66,520 64,260 61,940 59,600 57,270 62,990 60,300 57,600 54,960 52,320 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 56,940 54,760 52,620 50,530 48,490 49,770 47,300 44,940 42,670 40,510 44,200 41,630 39,210 36,930 34,790 61,350 59,450 57,550 55,670 53,800 54,960 52,680 50,460 48,300 46,230 49,760 47,300 44,960 42,670 40,510 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 46,510 44,600 42,750 40,980 39,280 38,460 36,520 34,680 32,940 31,310 32,790 30,920 29,180 27,540 26,030 51,940 50,160 48,400 46,670 44,990 44,200 42,260 40,400 38,630 36,930 38,460 36,520 34,680 32,950 31,310 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 37,650 36,090 34,600 33,180 31,820 29,770 28,320 26,950 25,670 24,460 24,620 23,300 22,070 20,930 19,860 43,390 41,820 40,320 38,870 37,470 35,310 33,770 32,310 30,920 29,600 29,760 28,320 26,950 25,670 24,460 For safe quiescent loads, as in buildings, divide the above values by 8. 256 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 LBS. FOR HOLLOW CYLINDRICAL CAST IRON COLUMNS. Square ends. Factor of safety of 8. Out- Thick- LENGTH OF COLUMN. Area Weight side ness of per Diam- of Section, Foot, eter, Inches. Metal, Inches. 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Sq. Ins. Lbs. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft Ft. Ft. 6 % 47 41 36 31 12.4 39 6 1 4 60 52 46 40 15.7 49 7 60 54 48 43 38 14.7 46 7 1 4 76 69 62 55 49 18.9 60 8 72 67 61 55 50 45 17.1 53 8 1 4 93 86 78 71 64 58 22.0 69 8 112 104 94 86 77 69 26.5 83 9 y 85 80 74 68 62 57 52 19.4 61 9 i 4 110 103 95 88 80 73 67 25.1 78 9 133 125 115 106 97 89 81 30.4 95 9 jx5 155 145 134 123 113 103 94 35.3 110 10 1 127 120 112 105 97 89 82 76 28.3 88 10 10 1 154 180 146 170 136 159 127 148 118 137 109 127 100 117 92 107 34.4 40.1 107 125 10 203 192 180 168 155 143 132 121 45.4 142 11 1 144 137 129 122 114 106 100 91 85 31.4 98 11 175 167 158 148 139 129 122 112 103 38.3 119 11 l/ 204 195 184 173 161 151 143 130 121 44.8 140 11 1/U 232 221 209 197 184 172 162 148 137 50.9 159 11 2 258 246 233 219 205 191 181 164 152 56.6 176 12 1 160 154 147 139 131 123 115 108 101 34.6 108 12 196 188 180 170 160 150 141 132 123 42.2 131 12 ji/ 229 220 210 199 187 176 165 154 144 49.5 154 12 I/I 261 251 239 226 213 201 188 176 164 56.4 176 12 2 291 279 266 252 238 224 210 196 183 62.8 196 13 1 i / 216 209 200 191 181 172 162 152 143 46.1 144 13 Ia2 254 245 235 224 213 201 190 179 168 54.2 169 13 1% 289 280 268 256 243 229 217 204 192 61.9 193 13 2 324 312 300 286 272 257 242 228 214 69.1 216 14 237 229 221 212 203 193 183 173 164 50.1 156 14 I/ 278 270 260 250 239 227 215 204 193 58.9 184 14 1/4 318 308 297 285 273 260 246 233 220 67.4 210 14 2 356 345 333 320 305 291 276 261 247 75.4 235 15 iy 257 250 242 233 224 214 205 195 185 54.0 168 15 1/^8 303 295 285 275 264 253 241 229 218 63.6 199 15 I/I 347 337 327 315 302 289 276 263 249 72.9 227 15 2 389 378 366 353 339 324 309 294 280 81.7 255 16 277 270 262 254 245 235 225 216 206 57.8 180 16 1/1 327 319 311 300 290 278 267 255 244 68.4 214 16 1/4 375 366 356 344 332 319 306 292 279 78.4 245 16 2 421 411 400 387 373 358 343 328 313 88.0 275 16 234 465 454 441 427 412 396 379 363 346 97.2 304 BETHLEHEM STEEL COM PA NY. 257 SAFE LOADS IN TONS OF 2000 IBS. FOR HOLLOW SQUARE CAST IRON COLUMNS. Square ends. Factor of safety of 8. Out- Thick- LENGTH OF COLUMN. Area Weight side ness of Ber of of Section, ft Square, [nches. Metal, Inches. 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Sq.Ins. Lbs. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft Ft. Ft. 6 V 64 57 51 45 15.8 49 6 1 4 81 73 65 58 20.0 63 7 80 73 67 61 55 18.8 59 7 1 4 102 94 86 78 70 24.0 75 8 96 90 83 77 71 65 21.8 68 8 1 4 123 116 107 99 91 83 28.0 88 8 !/ 149 139 129 119 110 100 33.8 106 9. fc 112 106 100 93 87 80 74 24.8 77 9 1 4 144 137 129 121 112 104 96 32.0 100 9 ji/ 175 166 156 146 136 126 116 38.8 121 9 \y 203 193 182 170 158 146 135 45.0 141 10 1 166 159 151 142 134 125 117 109 36.0 113 10 201 193 183 173 163 152 142 132 43.8 137 10 iy 235 225 214 202 189 177 166 154 51.0 159 10 wi 266 254 242 228 215 201 188 175 57.8 181 11 i 187 180 172 164 156 147 138 130 122 40.0 125 11 227 219 210 200 190 179 169 158 148 48.8 162 11 i/ 266 256 246 234 222 209 197 185 174 57.0 178 11 |3Z 302 291 279 266 252 238 224 210 197 64.8 202 11 2 336 324 310 295 280 264 249 234 219 72.0 225 12 1 208 201 194 186 177 169 160 151 143 44.0 138 12 254 246 237 227 217 206 196 185 174 53.8 168 12 1/^2 297 288 278 266 254 242 229 217 205 63.0 197 12 J3/ 338 328 316 303 289 275 261 247 233 71.8 224 12 2 377 366 352 338 323 307 291 275 260 80.0 250 13 iy 279 272 263 254 244 233 223 212 201 58.8 184 13 i/^ 328 319 309 298 286 274 261 249 236 69.0 216 13 1% 375 365 353 341 327 313 298 284 270 78.8 246 13 2 419 407 394 380 365 350 334 317 301 88.0 275 14 ]\/ 305 298 290 281 271 261 250 239 228 63.8 199 14 1/^2 359 351 341 330 319 307 294 281 268 75.0 234 14 154 411 401 390 378 365 351 336 322 307 85.8 268 14 2 460 449 437 423 408 393 376 360 344 96.0 300 15 !y 331 324 316 308 298 288 277 266 255 68.8 215 15 1/2 390 382 373 362 351 339 327 314 301 81.0 253 15 1% 446 437 427 415 402 388 374 359 345 92.8 289 15 2 501 490 479 465 451 436 420 403 386 104.0 325 16 357 350 343 334 325 315 305 294 286 73.8 231 16 IT! 421 413 404 394 383 372 359 347 334 87.0 272 16 ]3x 482 474 463 452 440 426 412 397 383 99.8 312 16 2 541 532 520 507 493 478 463 446 429 112.0 350 16 598 588 575 561 545 529 511 493 475 123.8 387 258 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SPACING OF STAGGERED RIVET HOLES FOR MINIMUM REDUCTION OF AREA. ? Y . i i A \ i |^~ \ x \ 1 I s T /x a i i / N.^ \ * ] X VAL i LIES O Y z'l ICHE8. F Pi AND Pz IN If Gauge. S Inches. YZ" Rivets. $4" Rivets. M'' 7 Rivets. 7 /% " Rivets. V Rivets. Pi 1 ** 2 2% 2 2% 2% 3 4 5 2 6 lii ill 2 2$| 2% 2% Sft *h 4K 411 5i 5 * 1* 1ft 1% 1% 2 2% 2% 2% 3ft 4K 6% S IH ill 2 2% 2ft 2% 3 , 3 ^ 3% I la i 2 2% Ill 111 2% 2 2^ 2% 2ft 211 3 3^ 3^ 4 5H HI 2ft 2% 2% 3% 4K 5 5% 2% 2% 2ft 2ft 3% 3ft 5 5% lli 2 2% 234 2% 2p 2% 8 i 4M 4% 2% 2% 211 211 3% 3% 3% 311 4% 6 2 2% 2^ Hi 211 211 3 3% 5 ? m 2ll 2% 2% 3 3% 311 4% 4% sS Rupture is equally probable through a transverse or a diagonal line of holes unless the net diagonal section exceeds by 30$ the net section along the trans- verse line. Values of P x and P 2 given in the table produce spacings having a diagonal net section 30$ in excess of the net transverse section. Eivet holes are assumed % inch larger in diameter than the rivets. When Pj equals or exceeds the distance given in the table, only two holes are to be deducted at the section XX to obtain the net area. When P a equals or exceeds the distance given in the table, only one hole is to be deducted at the section YY or ZZ, and only two holes at the section ZZ' to obtain the net area. Values above the cross lines produce spacing less than 3 rivet diameters. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 259 REDUCTION OF AREA, IN SQUARE INCHES, FOR ONE RIVET HOLE. To be deducted from gross area of plates or shapes to obtain net area. Thickness of Metal, Inches. DIAMETER OP HOLE. X" T 9 /' W W X" if ft" tt" 1" W i#" ? ** ** tf ,* * T5 X * !i 1 H 1 T V iji 15 1A 1/8 1A 1# !| } K 18 1" .03 .06 .09 .13 .16 .19 .22 .25 .28 .31 .34 .38 .41 .44 .47 .50 .53 .56 .59 .63 .66 69 .04 .07 .11 .14 .18 .21 .25 .28 .32 .35 .39 .42 .46 .49 .53 .56 .60 .63 .67 .70 .74 .77 .04 .08 .12 .16 .20 .23 .27 .31 .35 .39 .43 .47 .51 .55 .59 .63 .66 .70 .74 .78 .82 86 .04 .09 .13 .17 .21 .26 .30 .34 .39 .43 .47 .52 .56 .60 .64 .69 .73 .77 .82 .86 .90 95 .05 .09 .14 .19 .23 .28 .33 .38 .42 .47 .52 .56 ,61 .66 .70 .75 .80 .84 .89 .94 .98 1.03 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .36 .41 .46 .51 .56 .61 .66 .71 .76 .81 .86 .91 .96 1.02 1.07 1 13 .05 .11 .16 .22 .27 .33 .38 .44 .49 .55 .60 .66 .71 .77 .82 .88 .93 .98 1.04 1.09 1.15 1 30 .06 .12 .18 .23 .29 .35 .41 .47 .53 .59 .64 .70 .76 .82 .88 .94 1.00 1.05 1.11 1.17 1.23 1 39 .06 .13 .19 .25 .31 .38 .44 .50 .56 .63 .69 .75 .81 .88 .94 1.00 1.06 1.13 1.19 1.25 1.31 1 38 .07 .13 .20 .27 .33 .40 .46 .53 .60 .66 .73 .80 .86 .93 1.00 1.06 1.13 1.20 1.26 1.33 1.39 1 46 .07 .14 .21 .28 .35 .42 .49 .56 .63 .70 .77 .84 .91 .98 1.05 1.13 1.20 1.27 1.34 1.41 1.48 1.55 73 81 % .99 1.08 1 17 1 36 1 35 1 44 1 53 1.62 .75 78 .84 .88 .94 P8 1.03 1.07 1.13 1.17 1.22 1 37 1.31 1 37 1.41 1 46 1.50 1 56 1.59 1 66 1.69 1.76 .81 .84 .88 91 .91 .95 .98 1 0? 1.02 1.05 1.09 1 13 1.12 1.16 1.20 1 9,5 122 1.27 1.31 1 36 1.32 1.37 1.42 1 47 1.42 1.47 1.53 1 5Q 1.52 1.58 1.64 1 70 1.63 1.69 1.75 1 81 1.73 1.79 1.86 1 93 1.83 1.90 1.97 2.04 .94 .97 1.00 1.05 1.09 1.13 1.17 1.21 1.25 1.29 1.33 1.38 1.41 1.45 1.50 1.52 1.57 1.63 1.64 1.70 1.75 1.76 1.82 1.88 1.88 1.94 2.00 1.99 2.06 2.13 2.11 2.18 2.25 When holes are punched the diameter of the hole should be taken % inch greater than the diameter of the rivet or bolt. For drilled holes the diameter may be taken only ^ inch greater than the diameter of the rivet or bolt. 260 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SHEARING AND BEARING VALUE OF RIVETS. Diameter of Rivet, Inches. Area in Square Inches. Single Shear at 7500 Lbs. Bearing Values, in Pounds, for Different Thickness of Plate in Inches at 15,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. X" T 5 e" H" 7 " TS /*" H /* % X % i .1104 .1963 .3068 .4418 .6013 .7854 830 1470 2300 3310 4510 5890 1410 1880 2340 1760 2110 2340 2930 3520 4100 4690 2810 3520 4220 4920 5620 3280 3750 4690 4100 4920 5740 6560 2810 3280 3750 5630 6560 7500 Diameter of Rivet, Inches. Area in Square Inches. Single Shear at 9000 Lbs. Bearing Values, in Pounds, for Different Thickness of Plate in Inches at 18,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. X" *" X" 7 " T6 JT H X # X n i .110 .196 .307 .442 .601 .785 990 1770 2760 3970 5410 7060 1680 2250 2790 2110 2530 2820 3480 4210 3370 4180 5050 5910 3940 4500 5580 4870 5910 6880 7870 3370 3940 4500 6750 7870 9000 4920 5620 6750 Diameter of Rivet, Inches. Area in Square Inches. Single Shear at 10,000 Lbs. Bearing Values, in Pounds, for Different Thickness of Plate in Inches at 20,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. X" A" tt" A" X" X & % X % 1 .1104 .1963 .3068 .4418 .6013 .7854 1100 1960 3070 4420 6010 7850 1880 2500 3130 2340 2810 3130 3910 4690 3750 4690 5630 6570 4380 5,000 6,250 5470 6560 7660 8750 3750 4380 5000 7,500 8,750 10,000 5470 6250 7500 Diameter of Rivet, Inches. Area in Square Inches. Single Shear at 11,000 Lbs. Bearing Values, in Pounds, for Different Thickness of Plate in Inches at 22,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. X" A" W A" y*" y* y^ % x 7 A i .1104 .1963 .3068 .4418 .6013 .7854 1210 2160 3370 4860 6610 8640 2060 2750 3440 2580 3090 3440 4300 5160 4130 5160 6190 7220 4820 5,500 6,880 6020 7220 8430 9630 4130 4810 5500 8,250 9,630 11,000 6020 6880 8250 Bearing values given above or to the right of the upper zigzag lines are greater than double shear. Bearing values given between the upper and lower zigzag lines are less than double shear and greater than single shear. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 261 SHEARING AND BEARING VALUE OF RIVETS. Bearing Values, in Pounds, for Different Thickness of Plate in Inches at 15,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. Diameter of Rivet, Inches. 9 " T* #" ii" #" it" #" if" 1" 3 % x X % 1 5280 5860 7030 6330 7380 8440 7,720 9,030 8,440 9,850 3200 9380 10,670 12,190 11,480 13,130 12,300 14,060 10,310| 11,250 15000 Bearing Values, in Pounds, for Different Thickness of Plate in Inches at 18,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. Diameter of Rivet, Inches. A" #" ii" U" it" #" if" 1" H # # X ft i 6,330 7,030 8440 7,590 8,860 10,120 9,280 10,830 10,130 11,810 9,840 11,250 12,800 14,630 13,780 15,750 14,770 16,880 12,370| 13,500 18,000 Bearing Values, in Pounds, for Different Thickness of Plate in Inches at 20,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. Diameter of Rivet, Inches. TV #" ir X" it" #" it" 1" y y* # % # i 7,030 7,810 9,380 8,440 9,840 11,250 10,310 12,030 11,250 13,130 10,940 12,500 14,220 16,250 15,310 17,500 16,410 18,750 13,750 15,000 20,000 Bearing Values, in Pounds, for Different Thickness of Plate in Inches at 22,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. Diameter of Rivet, Inches. 9 " TS #" ii" *" it" K" it" 1" H X ft * ft 1 7,740 8,600 10,320 9,280 10,840 12,380 11,340 13,240 12,380 14,440 12,040 13,750 15,640 17,880 16,840 19,250 18,050 20,630 15,130! 16,500 22,000 Bearing values given below or to the left of the lower zigzag lines are less than single shear. 262 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. MAXIMUM BENDING MOMENTS ON PINS FOR EXTREME FIBER STRESSES VARYING FROM 15.OOO TO 24.OOO POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. Diameter ^ MOMENTS IN INCH-POUNDS FOR FIBER STRESSES OF of f . ! 15,000 Lbs. 18,000 Lbs. 20,000 Lbs. 22,000 Lbs. 24,000 Lbs. Pin, in Inches. IX in per per Square Inches, j Square Inch. Square Inch. per Square Inch. per Square Inch. per Square Inch. 1 .785 1,470 1,770 1,960 2,160 2,350 l/^ .994 2,100 2,520 2,800 3,060 3,340 \i 1.227 2,880 3,450 3,830 4,190 4,570 1$ 1.485 3,830 4,590 5,100 5,610 6,120 iji 1.767 4,970 5,960 6,630 7,280 7,940 iii 2.074 6,320 7,580 8,430 9,260 10,100 \^i 2.405 7,890 9,470 10,500 11,600 12,600 1# 2.761 9,710 11,600 12,900 14,200 15,500 2 3.142 11,800 14,100 15,700 17,300 18,800 2/^ 3.547 14,100 17,000 18,800 20,700 22,600 8 3.976 16,800 20,100 22,400 26,800 24,600 2^8 4.430 19,700 23,700 26,300 28,900 31,600 2^ 4.909 23,000 27,600 30,700 33,700 36,800 2fi 5.412 26,600 1 32,000 35,500 39,100 42,600 2^ 5.940 30,600 36,800 40,800 44,900 49,000 2^ 6.492 35,000 42,000 46,700 51,300 56 ; 000 3 7.069 39,800 47,700 53,000 58,300 63,600 31^ 7.670 44,900 53,900 59,900 65,900 71,900 3^ 8.296 50,600 60,700 67,400 74,100 80,900 3^ 8.946 56,600 67,900 75,500 83,000 90,600 3K 9.621 63,100 75,800 84,200 92,600 101,000 3-Hj 10.321 70,100 84,200 93,500 102,900 112,200 33/ 11.045 77,700 93,200 103,500 113,900 124,200 3# 11.793 85,700 102,800 114,200 125,700 137,100 4 12.566 94,200 113,100 125,700 138,200 150,800 13.364 103,400 124,000 137,800 151,600 165,400 4^ 14.186 113,000 135,700 150,700 165,800 180,900 4^g 15.033 123,300 148,000 164,400 180,900 197,300 4f 15.904 134,200 161,000 178,900 196,500 214,400 4f6 16.800 145,700 174,800 194,300 213,700 233,100 4|/ 17.721 157,800 189,400 210,400 231,500 252,500 4% 18.665 170,600 204,700 227,500 250,200 273,000 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 263 MAXIMUM BENDING MOMENTS ON PINS FOR EXTREME FIBER STRESSES VARYING PROM 15,000 TO 24, OOO POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. Diameter of Pin, in Inches. Area of Pin, in Square Inches. MOMENTS IN INCH-POUNDS FOR FIBER STRESSES OF 15,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. 18,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. 20,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. 22,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. 24,000 Lbs. per Square Inch. 5 5/8 19.635 20.629 21.648 22.691 184,100 198,200 213,100 228,700 220,900 237,900 256,700 274,400 245,400 264,300 284,100 304,900 270,000 290,700 312,500 335,400 294,500 317,200 340,900 365,900 1 23.758 24.850 25.967 27.109 245,000 262,100 280,000 298,600 294,000 314,500 335,900 358,300 326,700 349,500 373,300 398,200 359,300 384,400 410,600 438,000 392,000 419,300 447,900 477,800 6 28.274 30.680 33.183 35.785 318,100 359,500 404,400 452,900 381,700 431,400 485,300 643,500 424,100 479,400 539,200 603,900 466,500 527,300 593,100 664,200 508,900 575,200 647,100 724,600 7 38.485 41.282 44.179 47.173 505,100 561,200 621,300 685,500 606,100 673,400 745,500 822,600 673,500 748,200 828,400 914,000 740,800 823,000 911,200 1,005,400 808,200 897,900 994,000 1,096,800 8 8X 50.265 53.456 56.745 60.132 754,000 826,900 904,400 986,500 904,800 992,300 1,085,200 1,183,800 1,005,300 1,102,500 1,205,800 1,315,400 1,105,800 1,212,800 ,326,400 ,446,900 1,206,400 1,323,000 1,447,000 1,578,500 9 63.617 67.201 70.882 74.662 1,073,500 1,165,500 1,262,600 1,364,900 1,288,200 1,398,600 1,515,100 1,637,900 1,431,400 1,554,000 1,683,400 1,819,900 ,574,500 1,709,400 ,851,800 2,001,900 1,717,700 1,864,800 2,020.100 2,183,900 10 10* 10# 78.540 82.520 86.590 90.760 1,472,600 1,585,900 1,704,700 1,829,400 1,767,100 1,903,000 2,045,700 2,195,300 1,963,500 2,114,500 2,273,000 2,439,300 2,159,900 2,326,000 2,500,300 2,683,100 2,356,200 2,537,500 2,727,600 2,927,000 11 11* 12 2 95.030 99.400 103.870 113.100 1,960,100 2,096,800 2,239,700 2,544,700 2,352,100 2,516,100 2,687,600 3,053,600 2,613,400 2,795,700 2,986,300 3,392,900 2,874,700 3,075,200 3,284,900 3,732,300 3,136,000 3,354,700 3,583,500 4,071,600 264 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. BEARING VALUE OF PINS FOR ONE INCH THICKNESS OF PLATE. Bearing Value =Diam. of Pin X 1 In. X Stress per Sq. In. Diameter of Pin, Inches. BEARING VALUES. Diameter of Pin, Inches. BEARING VALUES. At 15,000 Lbs. per Sq. In., Lbs. At 18,000 Lbs.per Ibs.*" At 20,000 Lbs. per Sain., Lbs. At 15,000 Lbs. per At 18,000 Lbs. per 81.1k, Lbs. At 20,000 Lbs. per So. In., Lbs. 1 Ijt 15,000 16,900 18,800 20,600 18,000 20,300 22,500 24,800 20,000 22,500 25,000 27,500 1 67,500 69,400 71,300 73,100 81,000 83,300 85,500 87,800 90,000 92,500 95,000 97,500 \* 22,500 24,400 26,300 28,100 27,000 29,300 31,500 33,800 30,000 32,500 35,000 37,500 5 75,000 76,900 78,800 80,600 90,000 92,300 94,500 96,800 100,000 102,500 105,000 107,500 2 2*/* 2/8 30,000 31,900 33,800 35,600 36,000 38,300 40,500 42,800 40,000 42,500 45,000 47,500 ofy. *}/8 82,500 84,400 86,300 88,100 99,000 101,300 103,500 105,800 110,000 112,500 115,000 117,500 ii 37,500 39,400 41,300 43,100 45,000 47,300 49,500 51,800 50,000 52,500 55,000 57,500 6 I* 90,000 91,900 93,800 95,600 108,000 110,300 112,500 114,800 120,000 122,500 125,000 127,500 3 45,000 46,900 48,800 50,600 54,000 56,300 58,500 60,800 60,000 62,500 65,000 67,500 1 97,500 99,400 101,300 103,100 117,000 119,300 121,500 123,800 130,000 132,500 135,000 137,500 3# 52,500 54,400 56,300 58,100 63,000 65,300 67,500 69,800 70,000 72,500 75,000 77,500 7 8 2 105,000 112,500 120,000 127,500 126,000 135,000 144,000 153,000 140,000 150,000 160,000 170,000 4 4* 4/8 60,000 61,900 63,800 65,600 72,000 74,300 76,500 78,800 80,000 82,500 85,000 87,500 9 10 11 12 135,000 150,000 165,000 180,000 162,000 180,000 198,000 216,000 180,000 200,000 220,000 240,000 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 265 PINS AND LOMAS NUTS pliu- 1 U$ omp - ' ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. Diameter of Pin. PIN. DIMENSIOSS. LOMAS NUT. DIMENSIONS. 2a N Weight of Nut, Lbs. 6 6* 1* IT* 1# 1% % i/s i/s IH 1/8 1/8 ii 2^ 2/g 2/g 23/8 10/8 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 5.5 5.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 8.5 8.5 11.0 11.0 11.0 12.0 12.0 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 17.0 17.0 17.0 19.0 23.5 23.5 L Grlp+2a. Total Length of Pln=L+2T. 266 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. CONVENTIONAL SIGNS FOR RIVETING. Two Full i Heads *- --Countersunk Two Full Heads \ f 8 <> 1 ! ? -Shop i " 2 1 j ^ ' J, ij, iJr- Flattened to V or Countersunk - and not chipped 1 ^Flattened toW^ i I - Flattened to^" O000^ 5 000 SIZES OF RIVET HEADS AND CLEARANCES FOR MACHINE DRIVING. All dimensions in inches. Diameter of Rivet. BUTTON HEAD. Height. Diameter"!' A COUNTERSUNK HEAD. Depth. Diameter. A must not be less than % in. + % H. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 267 LENGTHS OF RIVETS FOR VARIOUS GRIPS. f< ---- GRIP --- 'w -GRIP- } k LENGTH- * Grip of Rivet, Inches. DIAMETER OP RIVET. X DIAMETER OF RIVET. Y* Grip of Rivet, Inches. # * 1 IX 2% 3 3X 4 43* 5 8 IX 2/8 2/8 3 2X 3 33^ IX- IX IK IX 2 3% 4 4X 5 8 5/8 6 6/8 6X 63/ 8 3% 4/8 4X 4/8 5X 5X 5/8 5X 5^ 3 3K 33^ 4 8 434 4X 4% 5 5X 1/8 IX IX IX 2 23^ 2|| 2X 3 8 3% 4 i# i^ i^ i iy ^ 2^ 2% 1H i^i i?< 1^ 1^ 2 2^ 2% 3 2 2X 3% 7 if 8 53/ 5% 6 4^ 5 * 5$ 4^i 4 1?i For field rivets add y s inch to tabular lengths. 268 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. WEIGHT OF 100 STEEL RIVETS OR ROUND HEAD BOLTS WITHOUT NUTS. POUNDS. Length, Inches. % In. Diam. Kin. Diam. %In. Diam. %In. Diam. %ln. Diam. lln. Diam. l^In. Diam. IMIn. Diam. iX IK i# 2 5.5 6.3 7.0 7.9 12.8 14.2 15.5 16.9 22.0 24.1 26.3 28.5 29.3 32.4 35.5 38.7 43.9 48.2 52.5 56.7 66.6 72.1 77.7 83.3 93.3 100.0 107.0 114.0 127.0 136.0 145.0 153.0 2JC 2'A I* 8.7 9.4 10.2 18.3 19.7 21.1 30.7 32.8 35.0 41.8 44.9 48.0 61.0 65.2 69.5 88.8 94.4 100.0 121.0 128.0 136.0 162.0 171.0 179.0 3 3# 3* *x 4 11.0 11.7 12.6 13.4 14.1 22.5 23.9 25.3 26.7 28.1 37.2 39.3 41.5 43.7 45.9 51.1 54.3 57.4 60.5 63.6 73.7 78.0 82.3 86.5 90.8 105.0 111.0 116.0 122.0 128.0 143.0 150.0 157.0 164.0 170.0 188.0 197.0 205.0 214.0 223.0 4X 4^ 4^: 5 14.9 15.7 16.5 17.2 29.4 30.8 32.2 33.6 48.0 50.2 52.4 54.5 66.7 69.9 73.0 76.1 95.0 99.3 104.0 108.0 1340 139.0 145.0 150.0 177.0 185.0 192.0 199.0 231.0 240.0 249.0 258.0 5# 5^ 5^ 6 18.1 18.8 19.6 20.4 35.0 36.4 37.8 39.2 56.7 58.9 61.1 63.2 79.2 82.3 85.5 88.6 112.0 116.0 120.0 124.0 156.0 161.0 166.0 172.0 206.0 213.0 220.0 227.0 266.0 275.0 284.0 292.0 ^ 7^ 8 8/2 21.9 23.5 25.1 26.6 28.2 42.0 44.7 47.5 50.3 53.1 67.6 71.9 76.1 80.6 85.0 95.1 101.0 108.0 114.0 120.0 133.0 142.0 150.0 159.0 167.0 184.0 195.0 206.0 217.0 227.0 241.0 255.0 269.0 284.0 298.0 310.0 327.0 345.0 362.0 379.0 9 f 29.8 31.3 32.8 55.9 58.7 61.4 89.3 93.7 98.0 126.0 133.0 139.0 176.0 185.0 193.0 239.0 2500 261.0 312.0 325.0 340.0 397.0 414.0 431.0 S? U# 12 34.5 36.0 37.6 39.2 64.2 67.0 69.8 72.5 103.0 107.0 111.0 115.0 145.0 151.0 158.0 164.0 202.0 210.0 218.0 227.0 272.0 284.0 295.0 306,0 354.0 368.0 382.0 396.0 449.0 466.0 484.0 501.0 100 Heads. 1.8 5.8 11.1 13.6 22.6 39.0 58.0 83.5 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 269 WEIGHT, IN POUNDS, OF 10O BOLTS WITH SQUARE HEADS AND NUTS. Length under Head, Inches. Diameter of Bolts. X In. A I". %m. /.In- Kin. %In. %In. %In. lln. IK 1* 2 2^ 2^ 2X 3 3K 4 4^ 5 5^ 6 6^ 7X 8 9 10 Tl 12 14 16 18 20 4.0 4.4 4.8 5.2 5.5 5.8 6.3 7.0 7.8 8.5 9.3 10.0 10.8 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 10.5 11.3 12.0 12.8 13.5 14.3 15.0 16.5 18.0 19.5 21.0 22.5 24.0 25.5 27.0 28.5 30.0 15.2 16.3 17.4 18.5 19.6 20.7 21.8 24.0 26.2 28.4 30.6 32.8 35.0 37.2 39.4 41.6 43.8 48.2 52.6 57.0 61.4 22.5 23.8 25.2 26.5 27.8 29.1 30.5 33.1 35.8 38.4 41.1 43.7 46.4 49.0 51.7 54.3 59.6 64.9 70.2 75.5 80.8 91.4 102.0 112.6 123.2 39.5 41.6 43.8 45.8 48.0 50.1 52.3 56.5 60.8 65.0 69.3 73.5 77.8 82.0 86.3 90.5 94.8 103.3 111.8 120.3 128.8 145.8 162.8 179.5 ^206.5 63.0 66.0 69.0 72.0 75.0 78.0 81.0 87.0 93.1 99.1 105.2 111.3 117.3 123.4 129.4 135.0 141.5 153.6 165.7 177.8 189.9 214.1 238.3 262.6 286.8 109.0 113.3 117.5 121.8 126.0 134.3 142.5 151.0 159.6 168.0 176.6 185.0 193.7 202.0 210.7 227.8 244.8 261.9 278.9 313.0 347.1 381.2 415.3 163 169 174 180 185 196 207 218 229 240 251 262 273 284 295 317 339 360 382 426 470 514 558 Per Inch idditiona] 1.4 2,1. 3.1 4.2 5.5 8.5 12.3 16.7 21.8 WEIGHTS OF NUTS AND BOLT HEADS IN POUNDS. Diameter of Bolt in Inches. &In. T B 5 In. y 8 in. Kin. %In. %In. %In. Weight of H Nut and Hea Weight of S ( Nut and Hea exagon d .021 .024 .036 .042 .064 .070 .13 .15 .26 .29 .40 .47 .68 .77 luare d Diameter of Bolt in Inches. 111, IMIn. IK In. l%In. 2 In. 2KIn. 3 In. Weight of H Nut and Hea Weight of S Nut and Hes exagon td quare 1.01 1.19 2.10 2.39 4.26 5.01 6.89 8.41 9.24 12.93 17.3 21.4 27.2 33.5 270 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS OF HOT PRESSED SQUARE NUTS. MANUFACTURERS' STANDARD SIZES. Weights and sizes are for the unfinished nuts. Size of Bolt, Inches. Weight of lOONuts, Lbs. Rough Hole, Inches. Thickness of Nut, Inches. Side of Square, Inches. Diagonal, Inches. No. of Nuts in 100 Lbs. X 1.5 A X X .71 6800.0 ft 2.9 A A H .88 3480.0 H 4.9 H ^s K 1.06 2050.0 A 7.7 H A 7 A 1.24 1290.0 # 8.6 A % 7 A 1.24 1170.0 X 11.8 A % 1.41 850.0 A 16.7 X A IX 1.59 600.0 % 17.7 A K IX 1.59 570.0 X 22.8 A ^ IX 1.77 440.0 X 32.3 H * 1# 1.94 310.0 "* 39.8 H * 1^ 2.12 251.0 y* 53.0 H % iS 2.30 190.0 % 63.0 H % ix 2.47 159.0 i 68.0 Jt i ix 2.47 146.0 i 94.0 H i 2 2.83 106.0 i# 103.0 if w 2 2.83 97.0 1/8 137.0 it IX 2X 3.18 73.0 1* 145.0 1A w 2X 3.18 69.0 IX 186.0 IA IX 2/2 3.54 54.0 1/8 247.0 IA 1/8 2X 3.89 41.0 1# 319.0 IA IX 3 4.24 31.3 Itf 400.0 IA IX 3X 4.60 24.8 1* 500.0 IA 1* 3^ 4.95 19.9 ijj 620.0 i 1% 3X 5.30 16.2 2 750.0 HI 2 4 5.66 13.4 2^ 780.0 lif 2^ 4 5.66 12.8 2X 930.0 2 2X 4X 6.01 10.7 2# 960.0 2^ 2^ 4X 6.01 10.4 2^ 1130.0 2X 2^4 4^ 6.36 8.9 2# 1370.0 2 T ' S 2^ 4X 6.72 7.3 3 1610.0 2H 3 5 7.07 6.2 3X 2110.0 2H 3^ 5^ 7.78 4.7 3^ 2750.0 3>i 3/ 2 6 8.49 3.6 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 271 DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS OF HOT PRESSED HEXAGON NUTS. MANUFACTURERS' STANDARD SIZES. Weights and sizes are for the unfinished nut. Size of Bolt, Inches. Weight of 100 Nuts, Lbs. Rough Hole, Inches. Thickness of Nut, inches. Short Diameter, Inches. Long Diameter, Inches. No. of Nuts in 100 Lbs. s x 1.3 2.4 4.1 6.8 & H s x T V 8 7 * .58 .72 .87 1.01 8000.0 4170.0 2410.0 1460.0 *4 7.1 9.8 14.0 A X A K % & }J 8 1.01 1.15 1.30 1410.0 1020.0 710.0 * 14.7 19.1 22.9 A ** Hj IX 1.30 1.44 1.44 680.0 520.0 440.0 $ 27.2 39.0 44.0 50.0 ;; * 7 /* II 1.59 1.73 1.88 1.88 370.0 '256.0 226.0 198.0 1 1 57.0 64.0 96.0 7 * 1 IX 2 4 2.02 2.02 2.31 176.0 156.0 104.0 IX 134.0 l/ 8 180.0 l/ 2 235.0 1ft 1 '/^ 9 I/ /* /2 1 *Hl 23/^ 2.60 2.89 3.18 75.0 56.0 42.0 1# 300.0 IX 370.0 1# 460.0 1 IS 2 3 3.46 3.75 4.04 33.4 26.7 21.5 2 450.0 560.0 560.0 2 2 2^ i 4.04 4.33 4.33 22.4 18.0 17.7 2/8 680.0 810.0 980.0 2rV 2X 4 4.62 4.91 5.20 14.7 12.3 10.2 3 1150.0 1340.0 1580.0 an 2 3# o 5 4 5.48 5.77 6.06 8.7 7.5 6.3 272 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. BOLTS AND NUTS. BOLTS. U. S. Standard Screw Threads. NUTS. Manufacturers' Standard. Diam. of Bolt, Ins. No. of Threads per Inch. Diam. at Root of Thread, Ins. Area of Body of Bolt, Sq. Ins. Area at Root of Thread, Sq. Ins. HEXAGON. SQUARE. Short Diam, Ins. Long Diam., Ins. Side of Square, Ins. Diag- onal, Ins. X 20 .185 .049 .027 X .58 l /2 .71 A 18 .240 .077 .045 % .72 % .88 H 16 .294 .110 .068 X .87 X 1.06 A 14 .344 .150 .093 X 1.01 % 1.24 X 13 .400 .196 .126 % 1.01 H 1.24 A 12 .454 .249 .162 w 1.30 itf 1.59 11 .507 .307 .201 IX 1.30 i# 1.59 X 10 .620 .442 .302 !H 1.59 itt 1.94 # 9 .731 .601 .419 i)t 1.88 itt 2.30 i 8 .837 .785 .550 W 2.02 IX 2.47 IX 7 .940 .994 .69.4 2 2.31 2 2.83 IX 7 1.06 1.23 .890 2X 2.60 2X 3.18 IX 6 1.16 1.48 1.06 2^ 2.89 2X 3.89 1* 6 1.28 1.77 1.29 2^ 3.18 3 4.24 1# 5^ 1.39 2.07 1.51 3 3.46 3X 4.60 IX 5 1.49 2.40 1.74 3* 3.75 3^ 4.95 1# 5 1.61 2.76 2.05 3^ 4.04 3X 5.30 2 4^ 1.71 3.14 2.30 3# 4.04 4 5.66 2X 4^ 1.96 3.98 3.02 3^ 4.33 4X 6.01 2# 4 2.17 4.91 3.71 4X 4.91 4^ 6.36 2X 4 2.42 5.94 4.62 4K 5.20 4X 6.72 3 3^ 2.63 7.07 5.43 4% 5.48 5 7.07 3X 3^ 2.88 8.30 6.51 5 5.77 5^ 7.78 3K 3X 3.10 9.62 7.55 5* 6.06 5X 8.13 3X 3 3.32 11.04 8.64 5^ 6.64 6X 8.84 4 3 3.57 12.57 10.00 6X 7.22 6X 9.55 4X 2^ 3.80 14.19 11.33 6Y* 7.50 7 9.90 4K 2X 4.03 15.90 12.74 7 8.08 7^ 10.61 4X 2^ 4.25 17.72 14.23 7^ 8.37 7X 10.96 5 2^ 4.48 19.63 15.76 iy< 8.95 8X 11.66 5K 23/ 8 4.95 23.76 19.27 8% 9.81 9 12.72 6 2X 5.42 28.27 23.10 9X 10.67 9X 13.79 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 273 UPSET SCREW ENDS FOR ROUND AND SQUARE RODS. All dimensions are In Inches. Diameter of Round Rod, or Side of Square Rod. Diameter of , Upset Screw Length of Upset. Number of Threads Excess of Area at Root of Thread o~ver Area of Rod. Per Cent. Additional Length of Rod Required to Make One Upset. O .D End. Inch. O D O D X # 4 9 37 4 , /2 J/ 3 * 1 4 8 25 41 37/2 4^ l/^ 4 7 23 3/4 7 A 4 ^ IX 4 7 48 16 5 4 I IX 4 6 35 4^ iy B 1 IK 4 6 30 29 3^ 4 IX IX 4^ 5^ 23 20 3j 4^ 1# IX 4^ 5 18 3^ IX i^ 4^z 5 31 4^ IK iy& 2 5 4 X 30 22 4 ^s 4>i 1M 2^ 5 4K 28 /^T 1/4 2X 5 4^i 26 34 4 4X iji 13* 2J< 5^ 4/^ 24 30 4>6 4^ 2 2)4 5^ 4 18 21 3j4 2^ 2^ 5X 4 17 3^ 1# 2X 6 4 31 O / / 8 2X 2 2% 6 4 28 28 45^ 45t 2^ 2/^ 3 6 3K 22 20 4^ 4^ 2^ 3/^ 6^ 3^ 21 4^ 2^ 2X 3X 6^ 3^ 20 29 4^ 5^ 2^r I 3^ 7 3K 19 4X 2^ 3^ 7 3X 34 ^5o 2% 2^ 3^ 8 3X 26 31 5K 6 /*4 3 3X 8 3 22 5X 3/^ 2^ 3^ 8 3 21 35 5/s ^X 3X 2^ 4 8 3 20 32 6 3^ 4^ 9 3 20 5/2 3^ 2^ 4X 9 2j 18 37 8 4^ 9 2X 3^ 3 4K 9 2X 23 42 ^X 7^ 3X 4^ 9 2X 23 5^ 274 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. SLEEVE NUTS AND TURNBUCKLES. ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. SLEEVE NUTS. TURNBUCKLES. Diameter of Screw, u IK 1* 2 2/8 3^ DIMENSIONS. L T A 8 8 g i 8 \ 9 9 9> 9> 10 10 11 11 UK 12 12^ 13 13 13 14 2 2 2/8 23^ 3K 23/ 2^ 3 3 IK 1/8 1/8 IK 2/8 4ft 2 jt 4fi 53^6^ 6tt 2^ 33/8 3% .*7ft 6^8 Weight in Pounds. DIMENSIONS. 3 3X 4 10 11 14 15 18 19 22 23 27 28 34 35 39 40 45 47 52 55 65 75 9 9J< 10# 10% 12 12# 13^ 15 18 18 2H 3 3 T % 33^ 4ft 6ft IV 2ft 2H 2X 3ft 4V 4ft t Pounds. ft il l-l ift ift BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 275 CLEVIS ES All dimensions in inches. Grip G can be made to suit connections. Diameter of Clevis. D Maximum Pin. P DIMENSIONS OF CLEVIS, IN INCHES. IX N IX W IX 3% I H DIAMETER OF CLEVIS TO BE USED FOR A GIVEN ROD AND PIN. ROD. DIAMETER OF PINS. Round. W IX Square. | Upset. 1 IX * I 3 3 3 2% 4 4 4 I 4 2f" 4 4 I 5 5 5 3" 6 ! 6 6|7 7 I 7 7 I 7 717 7 31" Clevises above and to right of heavy zigzag line may be used with forks straight. Clevises below and to left of same line should have forks closed in until pin is not overstrained. 276 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. STANDARD STEAM, GAS AND WATER PIPE. Nominal Inside Diameter, Inches. Actual Inside Diameter, Inches. Actual Outside Diameter, Inches. Thickness Inches. Nominal Weight per Foot, Pounds. Internal Area, Sq. Inches. "2 11 <*SSg SqSesJ 10 ^ 00 '' No. of Threads per Inch. n .27 .405 .07 .24 .06 .13 2500.00 27 X .36 .540 .09 .42 .10 .23 1385.00 18 H .49 .675 .09 .56 .19 .36 751.50 18 X .62 .840 .11 .84 .30 .55 472.40 14 X .82 1.050 .11 1.12 .53 .87 270.00 14 1.04 1.315 .13 1.67 .86 1.36 166.90 11# tx 1.38 1.660 .14 2.24 1.50 3.16 96.25 UK ix 1.61 1.900 .14 2.68 2.04 2.83 70.65 n# 2 2.06 2.375 .15 3.61 3.35 4.43 42.36 llH 2^ 2.46 2.875 .20 5.74 4.78 6.49 30.11 8 3 3.06 3.500 .22 7.54 7.39 9.62 19.49 8 3^ 3.56 4.000 .23 9.00 9.89 12.57 14.56 8 4 4.02 4.500 .24 10.66 12.73 15.90 11.31 8 4K 4.50 5.000 .25 12.34 15.94 19.63 9.03 8 5 5.04 5.560 .26 14.50 19.99 24.30 7o20 8 6 6.06 6.625 .28 18.76 28.89 34.47 4.98 8 7 7.02 7.625 .30 23.27 38.74 45.66 3.72 8 8 7.98 8.625 .32 28.18 50.04 58.43 2.88 8 9 9.00 9.625 .34 33.70 63.63 73.72 2.26 8 10 10.01 10.750 .37 40.06 78.84 90.79 1.80 8 11 11.00 11.75 .37 45.00 95.03 108.43 1.50 8 12 12.00 12.75 .37 49.00 113.09 127.67 1.27 8 13 13.25 14.00 .37 54.00 137.88 153.94 1.04 8 14 14.25 15.00 .37 58.00 159.48 176.71 .90 8 15 15.40 16.00 .28 66.00 187.04 201.06 .77 8 16 16.40 17.00 .30 70.00 211.24 22698 .68 8 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 277 SPIKES, NAILS AND SCREWS. Standard Steel Wire Nails. Steel Wire Spikes. Common Iron Nails. Sizes. Common. Finishing. Diam, I No. per j Diam., No. per Inches. I Pound, i Inches. Pound. Diam., Inches. No. per Pound. Sizes, Length, No. per Pound. 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d lOd 12d 16d 20d 30d 40d 50d 60d .0524 .0588 .0720 .0764 .0858 .0935 .0963 .1082 .1144 .1285 .1620 .1819 .2043 .2294 .2576 1060 640 380 275 210 160 115 93 77 60 48 31 22 17 13 11 .0453 .0508 .0508 .0571 .0641 .0641 .0720 .0720 .0808 .0907 .1019 1558 913 761 500 350 315 214 195 137 127 90 62 .1620 .1819 .2043 .2294 .2576 .2893 .2893 .2249 .2249 .3648 .3648 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d lOd 12d 16d 20d 30d 40d 50d 60d 800 400 300 200 150 120 85 75 WROUGHT SPIKES. Number to a keg of 150 Ibs. Length, ^Inch. & Inch. % Inch. Length, ^Inch. ^ Inch. %Inch. &Inch. ^Inch. Inches. No. No. i No. Inches. No. No. No. No. No. 2250 1890 1650 1464 1380 1292 1208 1135 1064 930 1161 742 570 9 10 11 12 662 635 573 482 455 424 391 445 384 300 270 249 236 306 256 240 222 203 180 WOOD SCREWS. No. Diam. .056 .069 .082 .096 .109 .122 No. 10 11 Diam. .135 .149 .162 .175 .188 .201 No. Diam. 12 13 14 15 16 17 .215 .228 .241 .255 .281 No. 18 19 20 21 22 23 Diam. .293 .321 .334 .347 .361 No. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Diam. .374 .387 .401 .414 .427 .440 .453 278 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. UNITED STATES STANDARD GAUGE FOR SHEET AND PLATE IRON AND STEEL. Numbei of Gauge. Approximate Approximate Thickness, Thickness, Fractions Decimals of an Inch, of an Inch. Approximate Thickness, Millimeters. Weight per Square Foot, Pounds, Iron. Weight per Square Foot, Pounds, Steel. .. -">? - \sr <& 70 12 .5 12.70 20. 20.4 99.601 7 6 1532 . 46875 11.91 18.75 19. 125 93376 6 5 716 .4375 11.11 1750 17.85 87.151 5 4 1332 .40625 10.32 16.25 16. 575 80.926 40 3 3-8 .375 9.53 15. 15.3 74.701 3 2 1132 .34375 8.73 13.75 14.025 68.476 2 516 .3125 7.94 12.50 12.75 62.251 1 932 .28125 7.14 11.25 11.475 56.026 1 2 1764 .265625 6.75 10.625 10. 8375 52.913 2 3 14 .25 6.35 10. 10.2 49.800 3 4 15-64 .234375 5.95 9.375 9. 5625 46.688 4 5 732 .21875 5.56 8.75 8.925 43.575 5 6 1364 .203125 5.16 8.125 8. 2875 40.463 6 7 316 .1875 4.76 7.5 7.65 37.350 7 8 1164 .171875 4.37 6875 7.0125 34.238 8 9 532 .15625 397 6.25 6.375 31.125 9 10 964 . 140625 3.57 5.625 5.7375 28.013 10 11 18 .125 3.18 5. 5.1 24.900 11 12 764 .109375 2.78 4.375 4.4625 21.788 12 13 332 . 09375 2.38 3.75 3. 825 18.675 13 14 564 .078125 3.98 3.125 3.1875 15.563 14 15 9128 .0703125 1.79 2.8125 2.86875 14.006 15 16 116 .0625 1.59 2.5 2.55 12.450 16 17 9160 .05625 1.43 2.25 2.295 11.205 17 18 1-20 .05 1.27 2. 2.04 9.960 18 19 7160 .04375 1.11 1.75 1.785 8.715 19 20 380 .0375 .953 1.50 1.53 7.470 20 21 11320 .034375 .873 1.375 1.4025 6.848 21 22 132 .03125 .794 1.25 1.275 6.225 22 23 9320 .028125 .714 1.125 1.1475 5.603 23 24 140 .025 .635 1. 1.02 4.980 24 25 7320 .021875 .556 .875 .8925 4.358 25 26 3160 .01875 .476 .75 .765 3.735 26 27 11_640 .0171875 .437 .6875 .70125 3.424 27 28 164 .015625 .397 .625 .6375 3.113 28 29 9640 .0140625 .357 .5625 .57375 2.801 29 30 180 .0125 .318 .5 .51 2.490 30 31 7640 .0109375 .278 .4375 .44625 2.179 31 32 131280 .01015625 .258 .40625 .414375 2.023 32 33 3320 .009375 .238 .375 .3825 1.868 33 34 111280 .00859375 .218 .34375 .350625 1.712 34 35 5640 .0078125 .198 .3125 .31875 1.556 35 36 91280 .00703125 .179 .28125 .286875 1.401 36 37 172560 . 006640625 .169 265625 .2709375 1.323 37 38 1160 .00625 .159 .25 .255 1.245 38 Legalized by Act of Congress, March 3, 1893. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 279 VARIOUS STANDARD GAUGES IN USE. No. -* THICKNESS IN DECIMALS OP AN INCH. No. nt 01 Gauge. Birm- ingham Browne & Sharpe. United States Standard Plate Iron and Steel. British Imperial. American Steel & Wire Co. Trenton Iron Co. Stubs Steel Wire. 01 Gauge. 7 .500 .500 7 6 .46875 464 6 5 .4375 .432 45 5 4 .454 .46 .40625 .400 .3938 .40 4 3 .425 .40964 .375 .372 .3625 .36 3 2 .380 .3648 .34375 .348 .3310 .33 2 .340 .32486 .3125 .324 .3065 .305 o 1 .300 .2893 .28125 .300 .2830 .285 .227 1 2 .284 .25763 .265625 .276 .2625 .265 .219 2 3 .259 .22942 .25 .252 .2437 .245 .212 3 4 .238 .20431 .234375 .232 .2253 .225 .207 4 5 .220 .18194 .21875 .212 .2070 .205 .204 5 6 .203 .16202 .203125 .192 .1920 .190 .201 6 7 .180 .14428 .1875 176 .1770 .175 .199 7 8 .165 .12849 .171875 .160 .1620 .160 .197 8 9 .148 .11443 .15625 .144 .1483 .145 .194 9 10 .134 .10189 .140625 .128 .1350 .130 .191 10 11 .120 .090742 .125 .116 .1205 .1175 .188 11 12 .109 .080808 .109375 .104 .1055 .1050 .185 12 13 .095 .071961 .09375 .092 .0915 .0925 .182 13 14 .083 .064084 .078125 .080 .0800 .0800 .180 14 15 .072 .057068 .0703125 .072 .0720 .0700 .178 15 16 .065 .05082 .0625 .064 .0625 .0610 .175 16 17 .058 .045257 .05625 .056 .0540 .0525 .172 17 18 .049 .040303 .05 .048 .0475 .0450 .168 18 19 .042 .03589 .04375 .040 .0410 .0400 .164 19 20 .035 .031961 .0375 .036 .0348 .0350 .161 20 21 .032 .028462 .034375 .032 .03175 .0310 .157 21 22 .028 .025347 .03125 .028 .0286 .0280 .155 22 23 .025 .022571 .028125 .024 .0258 .0250 .153 23 24 .022 .0201 .025 .022 .0230 .0225 .151 24 25 .020 .0179 .021875 .020 .0204 .0200 .148 25 26 .018 .01594 .01875 .018 .0181 .0180 .146 26 27 .016 .014195 .0171875 .0164 .0173 .0170 .143 27 28 .014 .012641 .015625 .0148 .0162 .0160 .139 28 29 .013 .011257 0140625 .0136 .0150 .0150 .134 29 30 .012 .010025 .0125 .0124 .0140 .0140 .127 30 31 .010 .008928 .0109375 .0116 .0132 .0130 .120 31 32 .009 .00795 .01015625 .0108 .0128 .0120 .115 32 33 .008 .00708 .009375 .0100 .0118 .0110 .112 33 34 .007 006304 .00859375 .0092 .0104 .0100 .110 34 35 .005 .005614 .0078125 .0084 .0095 .0095 .108 35 36 .004 .005 .00703125 .0076 .0090 .0090 .106 36 37 .004453 .006640625 .0068 .0085 .103 37 38 .003965 .00625 .0060 .0080 .101 38 39 .003531 .0075 .099 39 40 .003144 .0070 .097 40 280 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. AREAS AND WEIGHTS OF SQUARE AND ROUND STEEL BARS. Diam- n I o Diam- n o eter or Side, Inches Area, Sq. Ins. Weight per Ft, Lbs, Area, Sq. Ins. Weight per ft, Lbs. eter or Side, Inches Area, 84. Ins. Weight per ft, Lbs. Area, Sq.Ins. Weight perlt, Lbs. 2 4.000 13.60 3142 1068 A .004 .013 .003 .010 A 4.254 14.46 3.341 11.36 X .016 .053 .012 .042 X 4.516 15.35 3.547 12.06 ft .035 .119 .028 .094 ft 4.785 16.27 3.758 12.78 X .062 .212 .049 .167 X 5.063 17.22 3.976 13.52 J* .098 .333 .077 .261 A 5.348 18.19 4.200 14.28 # .141 .478 .110 .375 5.641 19.18 4.430 15.07 A .191 .651 .150 .611 A 5.941 20.20 4.666 15.86 % .250 .850 .196 .667 X 6.250 21.25 4.909 16.69 ft .316 1.076 .248 .845 ft 6.566 22.33 5.157 17.53 # .391 1.328 .307 1.043 M 6.891 23.43 5.412 18.40 ii .473 1.608 .371 1.262 ii 7.223 24.56 5.673 19.29 # .562 1.913 .442 1.502 X 7.563 25.71 5.940 20.20 if .660 2.245 .518 1.763 if 7.910 26.90 6.213 21.12 # .766 2.603 .601 2.044 K 8.266 28.10 6.492 22.07 if .879 2.989 .690 2.347 if 8.629 29.34 6.777 23.04 1 1.000 3.400 .785 2.670 3 9.000 30.60 7.069 24.03 ft 1.129 3.838 .887 3.014 A 9.379 31.89 7.366 25.04 X 1.266 4.303 .994 3.379 n 9.766 33.20 7.670 26.08 ft 1.410 4.795 1.108 3.766 A 10.16 34.55 7.980 27.13 X 1.563 5.312 1.227 4.173 X 10.56 35.92 8.296 28.20 ft 1.723 5.857 1.353 4.600 ft 10.97 37.31 8.618 29.30 tf 1.891 6.428 1.485 5.049 X 11.39 38.73 8.946 30.42 ft 2.066 7.026 1.623 5.518 A 11.82 40.18 9.281 31.56 X 2.250 7.650 1.767 6.008 X 12.25 41.65 9.621 32.71 ft 2.441 8.301 1.918 6.520 A 12.69 43.14 9.968 33.90 8 2.641 8.978 2.074 7.051 13.14 44.68 10.32 35.09 H 2.848 9.682 2.237 7.604 It 13.60 46.24 10.68 36.31 X 3.063 10.41 2.405 8.178 X 14.06 47.82 11.05 37.56 H 3.285 11.17 2.580 8.773 if 14.54 49.42 11.42 38.81 ^ 3.516 11.95 2.761 9.388 15.02 51.05 11.79 40.10 if 3.754 12.76 2.948 10.02 if 15.50 52.71 12.18 41.40 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 281 AREAS AND WEIGHTS OF SQUARE AND ROUND STEEL BARS (CONTINUED). Diam- n o Diam- g O eter or Side, Inches Area, Sq. Ins. Lbs. j ^" Weight peril, Lbs. eter or Side, Inches. Area, Sq. Ins. Weight perFt, Lbs. Area, Sq.Ins. Weight per Ft., Lbs. 4 16.00 54.40 12.57 42.73 6 36.00 122.4 28.27 96.14 jT v 16.50 56.11 12.96 44.07 % 37.52 127.6 29.47 100.2 17.02 57.85 13.36 45.44 X 39.06 132.8 30.68 104.3 4 17.54 59.62 13.77 4683 40.64 138.2 31.92 108.5 # 18.06 61.41 14.19 48.24 # 42.25 143.6 33.18 112.8 ft 18.60 63.23 14.61 49.66 43.89 149.2 34.47 117.2 H 19.14 65.08 15.03 51.11 fy{ 45.56 154.9 35.79 121.7 ft 19.69 66.95 15.47 52.58 H 47.27 160.8 37.12 126.2 X 20.25 68.85 15.90 5407 7 49.00 166.6 38.49 130.9 ft 20.82 70.78 16.35 55.59 52.56 178.7 41.28 140.4 $ 21.39 72.73 16.80 57.12 y* 56.25 191.3 44.18 150.2 H 21.97 74.70 17.26 58.67 X 60.06 204.2 47.17 160.3 I/ 22.56 76.71 17.72 60.25 8 64.00 217.6 50.27 171.0 If 23.16 78.74 18.19 61.84 68.06 231.4 53.46 181.8 23.77 80.81 18.67 63.46 % 72.25 245.6 56.75 193.0 if 24.38 82.89 19.15 65.10 X 76.56 260.3 60.13 204.4 5 25.00 85.00 19.64 66.76 9 81.00 275.4 63.62 216.3 jT v 25.63 87.14 20.13 68.44 ,* 85.56 290.9 67.20 228.5 26.27 89.30 20.63 70.14 90.25 306.8 7088 241.0 'ft 26.91 91.49 21.14 71.86 V 95.06 323.2 74.66 253.9 X 27.56 93.72 21.65 73.60 10 100.00 340.0 78.54 267.0 ft 28.22 95.96 22.17 75.37 # 105.06 357.2 82.52 280.6 H 28.89 98.23 22.69 77.15 110.25 374.9 86.59 294.4 ft 29.57 100.5 23.22 78.95 V 115.56 392.9 90.76 308.6 y* 30.25 102.8 23.76 80.77 11 121.00 411.4 95.03 323.1 A 30.94 105.2 24.30 82.62 126.56 430.3 99.40 337.9 ^ 31.64 107.6 24.85 84.49 # 132.25 449.6 103.87 353.1 H 32.35 110.0 25.41 86.38 u 138.06 469.4 108.43 368.6 Jtf 33.06 112.4 25.97 88.29 12 144.00 489.6 113.10 384.5 it 33.79 114.9 26.54 90.22 13 169.00 574.6 132.73 451.3 fi 34.52 117.4 27.11 92.17 14 196.00 666.4 153.94 523.4 if 35.25 119.9 27.69 94.14 15 225.00 765.0 176.72 600.8 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. WEIGHTS OF STEEL FLATS. POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT. 1 cubic foot weighing 489.6 Ibs. Thick- in Inches. X" >* *" 1" IX" l# IX" 2" 12" A .159 .319 .478 .638 .797 .957 1.11 1.28 7.65 X .212 .425 .636 .850 1.06 1.28 1.49 1.70 10.20 A .265 .531 .797 1.06 1.33 1.59 1.86 2.12 12.75 .319 .638 .957 1.28 1.59 1.92 2.23 2.55 15.30 rV .372 .744 1.12 1.49 1.86 2.23 2.60 2.98 17.85 X .425 .850 1.28 1.70 2.12 2.55 2.98 3.40 20.40 5 * .478 .957 1.43 1.92 2.39 2.87 3.35 3.83 22.95 .531 1.06 1.59 2.12 2.65 3.19 3.72 4.25 25.50 tt .584 1.17 1.75 2.34 2.92 3.51 4.09 4.67 28.05 .638 1.28 1.91 2.55 3.19 3.83 4.47 5.10 30.60 if .690 1.38 2.07 2.76 3.45 4.14 4.84 5.53 33.15 .744 1.49 2.23 2.98 3.72 4.47 5.20 5.95 35.70 78 it .797 1.59 2.39 3.19 3.99 4.78 5.58 6.38 38.25 1 .850 1.70 2.55 3.40 4.25 5.10 5.95 6.80 40.80 IT* .903 1.81 2.71 3.61 4.52 5.42 6.32 7.22 43.35 l/"6 .957 1.91 2.87 3.83 4.78 5.74 6.70 7.65 45.90 IA 1.01 2.02 3.03 4.04 5.05 6.06 7.07 8.08 48.45 IX 1.06 2.13 3.19 4.25 5.31 6.38 7.44 8.50 51.00 IT* 1.12 2.23 3.35 4.46 5.58 6.69 7.81 8.93 53.55 \y^ 1.17 2.34 3.51 4.67 5.84 7.02 8.18 9.35 56.10 JJL 1.22 2.44 3.67 4.89 6.11 7.34 8.56 9.78 58.65 1> 1.28 2.55 3.83 5.10 6.38 7.65 8.93 10.20 61.20 1A 1.33 2.66 3.98 5.32 6.64 7.97 9.30 10.63 63.75 1^ 1.38 2.76 4.14 5.52 6.90 8.29 9.67 11.05 66.30 ] IT 1.43 2.87 4.30 5.74 7.17 8.61 10.04 11.47 68.85 IX 1.49 2.98 4.46 5.95 7.44 8.93 10.42 11.90 71.40 *F 1.54 3.08 4.62 6.16 7.70 9.24 10.79 12.33 73.95 1.59 3.19 4.78 6.38 7.97 9.57 11.15 12.75 76.50 lit 1.65 3.29 4.94 6.59 8.24 9.88 11.53 13.18 79.05 2 1.70 3.40 5.10 6.80 8.50 10.20 11.90 13.60 81.60 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 283 WEIGHTS OF STEEL FLATS (CONTINUED). POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT. Thick- 12" in Inches. in IK ** 3" 0/4 0/2 o> 4 V A 1.44 1.91 1.59 2.12 1.75 2.34 1.91 2.55 2.07 2.76 2.23 2.98 2.39 3.19 2.55 3.40 7.65 10.20 I* 2.39 2.87 3.35 3.83 2.65 3.19 3.72 4.25 2.92 3.51 4.09 4.67 3.19 3.83 4.46 5.10 3.45 4.15 4.83 5.53 3.72 4.47 5.20 5.95 3.99 4.78 5.58 6.38 4.25 5.10 5.95 6.80 12.75 15.30 17.85 20.40 5 T 5 4.30 4.78 5.26 5.75 4.78 5.31 5.84 6.38 5.26 5.84 6.43 7.02 5.74 6.38 7.02 7.65 6.22 6.91 7.60 8.29 6.70 7.44 8.18 8.93 7.17 7.97 8.76 9.57 7.65 8.50 9.35 10.20 22.95 25.50 28.05 30.60 H H i T 6.21 6.69 7.18 7.65 6.90 7.44 7.97 8.50 7.60 8.18 8.77 9.35 8.29 8.93 9.57 10.20 8.98 9.67 10.36 11.05 9.67 10.41 11.16 11.90 10.36 11.16 11.95 12.75 11.05 11.90 12.75 13.60 33.15 35.70 38.25 40.80 ri> 8.13 8.61 9.09 9.57 9.03 9.57 10.10 10.63 9.93 10.52 11.11 11.69 10.84 11.48 12.12 12.75 11.74 12.43 13.12 13.81 12.65 13.39 14.13 14.87 13.55 14.34 15.14 15.94 14.45 15.30 16.15 17.00 43.35 45.90 48.45 51.00 || 10.04 10.52 11.00 11.48 11.16 11.69 12.22 12.75 12.27 12.85 13.44 14.03 13.39 14.03 14.66 15.30 14.50 15.20 15.88 16.58 15.62 16.36 17.10 17.85 16.74 17.53 18.33 19.13 17.85 18.70 19.55 20.40 53.55 56.10 58.65 61.20 111 l|* 11.95 12.43 12.91 13.40 13.28 13.81 14.34 14.88 14.61 15.19 15.78 16.37 15.94 16.58 17.22 17.85 17.27 17.96 18.65 19.34 18.60 19.34 20.08 20.83 19.92 20.72 21.51 22.32 21.25 22.10 22.95 23.80 63.75 66.30 68.85 71.40 P 13.86 14.34 14.83 15.30 15.40 15.94 16.47 17.00 16.95 17.53 18.12 18.70 18.49 19.13 19.77 20.40 20.03 20.72 21.41 22.10 21.57 22.31 23.06 23.80 23.11 23.91 24.70 25.50 24.65 25.50 26.35 27.20 73.95 76.50 79.05 81.60 284 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. WEIGHTS OF STEEL FLATS (CONTINUED). POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT. Thick- ^ Inches. 4X" 4^" 4#" 5" 5#" 5#" 5K" 6" 12" A 2.71 2.87 3.03 3.19 3.35 3.51 3.67 3.83 7.65 X 3.61 3.83 4.04 4.25 4.46 4.67 4.89 5.10 10.20 A 4.52 4.78 5.05 5.31 5.58 5.84 6.11 6.38 12.75 H 5.42 5.74 6.06 6.38 6.69 7.02 7.34 7.65 15.30 A 6.32 6.70 7.07 7.44 7.81 8.18 8.56 8.93 17.85 y* 7.22 7.65 8.08 8.50 8.93 9.35 9.77 10.20 20.40 A 8.13 8.61 9.09 9.57 10.04 10.52 11.00 11.48 22.95 # 9.03 9.57 10.10 10.63 11.16 11.69 12.22 12.75 25.50 9.93 10.52 11.11 11.69 12.27 12.85 13.44 14.03 28.05 # 10.84 11.48 12.12 12.75 13.39 14.03 14.67 15.30 30.60 H 11.74 12.43 13.12 13.81 14.50 15.19 15.88 16.58 33.15 # 12.65 13.39 14.13 14.87 15.62 16.36 17.10 17.85 35.70 H 13.55 14.34 15.14 15.94 16.74 17.53 18.33 19.13 38.25 i 14.45 15.30 16.15 17.00 17.85 18.70 19.55 20.40 40.80 1A 15.35 16.26 17.16 18.06 18.96 19.87 20.77 21.68 43.35 1)1 16.26 17.22 18.17 19.13 20.08 21.04 21.99 22.95 45.90 1A 17.16 18.17 19.18 20.19 21.20 22.21 23.22 24.23 48.45 ik 18.06 19.13 20.19 21.25 22.32 23.38 24.44 25.50 51.00 *& 18.96 20.08 21.20 22.32 23.43 24.54 25.66 26.78 53.55 \y% 19.87 21.04 22.21 23.38 24.54 25.71 26.88 28.05 56.10 \j 20.77 21.99 23.22 24.44 25.66 26.88 28.10 29.33 58.65 l l /2 21.68 22.95 24.23 25.50 26.78 28.05 29.33 30.60 61.20 IT* 22.58 23.91 25.24 26.57 27.89 29.22 30.55 31.88 63.75 Ifi 23.48 24.87 26.25 27.63 29.01 30.39 31.77 33.15 66.30 Itt 24.38 25.82 27.26 28.69 30.12 31.55 32.99 34.43 68.85 1* 25.29 26.78 28.27 29.75 31.24 32.73 34.22 35.70 71.40 jij 26.19 27.73 29.27 30.81 32.35 33.89 35.43 36.98 73.95 lM 27.10 28.69 30.28 31.87 33.47 35.06 36.65 38.25 76.50 1H 28.00 29.64 31.29 32.94 34.59 36.23 37.88 39.53 79.05 2 28.90 30.60 32.30 34.00 35.70 37.40 39.10 40.80 81.60 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 285 WEIGHTS OF STEEL FLATS (CONTINUED). POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT. Thick- ness, in Inches. 6X" w 6tf" 7" 7X" iy* ft 7# r 12" X* 3.99 5.31 4.14 5.53 4.30 5.74 4.46 5.95 4.62 6.16 4.78 6.36 4.94 6.58 5.10 6.80 7.65 10.20 A > 6.64 7.97 9.29 10.63 6.90 8.29 9.67 11.05 7.17 8.61 10.04 11.48 7.44 8.93 10.41 11.90 7.70 9.25 10.78 12.32 7.97 9.57 11.16 12.75 8.23 9.88 11.53 13.18 8.50 10.20 11.90 13.60 12.75 15.30 17.85 20.40 ;3 ft x" 11.95 13.28 14.61 15.94 12.43 13.81 15.20 16.58 12.91 14.34 15.78 17.22 13.39 14.87 16.36 17.85 13.86 15.40 16.94 18.49 14.34 15.94 17.53 19.13 14.82 16.47 18.12 19.77 15.30 17.00 18.70 20.40 22.95 25.50 28.05 30.60 H * 1' 17.27 18.60 19.92 21.25 17.95 19.34 20.72 22.10 18.65 20.08 21.51 22.95 19.34 20.83 22.32 23.80 20.03 21.57 23.11 24.65 20.72 22.32 23.91 25.50 21.41 23.05 24.70 26.35 22.10 23.80 25.50 27.20 33.15 35.70 38.25 40.80 II Uf 22.58 23.91 25.23 26.56 23.48 24.87 26.24 27.62 24.39 25.82 27.25 28.69 25.29 26.78 28.26 29.75 26.19 27.73 29.27 30.81 27.10 28.68 30.28 31.88 28.00 29.64 31.29 32.94 28.90 30.60 32.30 34.00 43.35 45.90 48.45 51.00 in i>l 27.90 29.22 30.55 31.88 29.01 30.39 31.77 33.15 30.12 31.56 32.99 34.43 31.23 32.72 34.21 35.70 32.35 33.89 35.44 36.98 33.48 35.06 36.66 38.26 34.59 36.23 37.88 39.53 35.70 37.40 39.10 40.80 53.55 56.10 58.65 61.20 if 33.20 34.53 35.86 37.19 34.53 35.91 37.30 38.68 35.86 37.29 38.73 40.17 37.19 38.67 40.16 41.65 38.51 40.05 41.59 43.14 39.84 41.44 43.03 44.63 41.17 42.82 44.47 46.12 42.50 44.20 45.90 47.60 63.75 66.30 68.85 71.40 lit 1^ $ 38.52 39.85 41.17 42.50 40.05 41.44 42.82 44.20 41.60 43.03 44.46 45.90 43.14 44.63 46.12 47.60 44.68 46.22 47.76 49.30 46.22 47.82 49.41 51.00 47.76 49.40 51.05 52.70 49.30 51.00 52.70 54.40 73.95 76.50 79.05 81.60 286 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. WEIGHTS OF STEEL FLATS (CONTINUED). POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT. Thick- ness uoaa, in Inches. 8X *%" 8^ 9" 9X 9* m 12" i ^ 5.26 5.42 5.58 5.74 5.90 6.06 6.22 6.38 7.65 7.01 7.22 7.43 7.65 7.86 8.08 8.29 8.50 10.20 ft 8.76 9.03 9.29 9.56 9.83 10.10 10.36 10.62 12.75 10.52 10.84 11.16 11.48 11.80 12.12 12.44 12.75 15.30 ft 12.27 12.64 13.02 13.40 13.76 14.14 14.51 14.88 17.85 14.03 14.44 14.87 15.30 15.73 16.16 16.58 17.00 20.40 ft 15.78 16.26 16.74 17.22 17.69 18.18 18.65 19.14 22.95 ^ 17.53 18.06 18.59 19.13 19.65 20.19 20.72 21.25 25.50 ii 19.28 19.86 20.45 21.04 21.62 22.21 22.79 23.38 28.05 K 21.04 21.68 22.32 22.96 23.59 24.23 24.86 25.50 30.60 it 22.79 23.48 24.17 24.86 25.55 26.24 26.94 27.62 33.15 24.55 25.30 26.04 26.78 27.52 28.26 29.01 29.75 35.70 'if 26.30 27.10 27.89 28.69 29.49 30.28 31.08 31.88 38.25 1 28.05 28.90 29.75 30.60 31.45 32.30 33.16 34.00 40.80 1ft 29.80 30.70 31.61 32.52 33.41 34.32 35.22 36.12 43.35 31.56 32.52 33.47 34.43 35.38 36.34 37.29 38.25 45.90 1-^ 33.31 34.32 35.33 36.34 37.35 38.36 39.37 40.38 48.45 IX 35.06 36.12 37.20 38.26 39.31 40.37 41.44 42.50 51.00 1ft 36.81 37.93 39.05 40.16 41.28 42.40 43.52 44.64 53.55 38.57 39.74 40.91 42.08 43.25 44.41 45.58 46.75 56.10 ift 40.32 41.54 42.77 44.00 45.22 46.44 47.66 48.88 58.65 IK 42.08 43.35 44.63 45.90 47.18 48.45 49.73 51.00 61.20 ift 43.83 45.16 46.49 47.82 49.14 50.48 51.80 53.14 63.75 if6 45.58 46.96 48.34 49.73 51.10 52.49 53.87 55.25 66.30 ij-i. 47.33 48.76 50.20 51.64 53.07 54.51 55.94 57.38 68.85 IK 49.09 50.58 52.07 53.56 55.04 56.53 58.01 59.50 71.40 itf 50.84 52.38 53.92 55.46 57.00 58.54 60.09 61.62 73.95 1 ?6 52.60 54.20 55.79 57.38 58.97 60.56 62.16 63.75 76.50 54.35 56.00 57.64 59.29 60.94 62.58 64,23 65.88 79.05 2 T * 56.10 57.80 59.50 61.20 62.90 64.60 66.30 68.00 81.60 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 287 WEIGHTS OF STEEL FLATS (CONTINUED). POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT. Thick- ness, in Inches. MX" 10#" 10#* 11" 11X" 11#" HJT 12" 12^" $ 6.54 8.71 6.70 8.92 6.86 9.14 7.02 9.34 7.17 9.57 7.32 9.78 7.49 10.00 7.65 10.20 7.98 10.63 & > 10.89 13.07 15.25 17.42 11.16 13.39 15.62 17.85 11.42 13.71 15.99 18.28 11.68 14.03 16.36 18.70 11.95 14.35 16.74 19.13 12.22 14.68 17.12 19.55 12.49 14.99 17.49 19.97 12.75 15.30 17.85 20.40 13.28 15.94 18.60 21.25 $ X 19.61 21.78 23.96 26.14 20.08 22.32 24.54 26.78 20.56 22.85 25.13 27.42 21.02 23.38 25.70 28.05 21.51 23.91 26.30 28.68 22.00 24.44 26.88 29.33 22.48 24.97 27.47 29.97 22.95 25.50 28.05 30.60 23.90 26.56 29.22 31.88 rl 28.32 30.50 32.67 34,85 29.00 31.24 33.48 35.70 29.69 31.98 34.28 36.55 30.40 32.72 35.06 37.40 31.08 33.47 35.86 38.25 31.76 34.21 36.66 39.10 32.46 34.95 37.46 39.95 33.15 35.70 38.25 40.80 34.53 37.19 39.84 42.50 111 it 37.03 39.21 41.39 43.56 37.92 40.17 42.40 44.63 38.83 41.12 43.40 45.69 39.74 42.08 44.42 46.76 40.64 43.04 45.42 47.82 41.54 44.00 46.44 48.88 42.45 44.94 47.45 49.94 43.35 45.90 48.45 51.00 45.16 47.82 50.46 53.12 Ijl 45.75 47.92 50.10 52.28 46.86 49.08 51.32 53.55 47.97 50.25 52.54 54.83 49.08 51.42 53.76 56.10 50.20 52.59 54.99 57,37 51.32 53.76 56.21 58.65 52.44 54.93 57.43 59.93 53.55 56.10 58.65 61.20 55.78 58.44 61.10 63.75 1 54.46 56.63 58.81 60.99 55.78 58.02 60.24 62.48 57.11 59.40 61.68 63.97 58.42 60.78 63.10 65.45 59.76 62.16 64.55 66.93 61.10 63.54 65.98 68.43 62.43 64.92 67.42 69.92 63.75 66.30 68.85 71.40 66.40 69.06 71.72 74.38 ill l !l 63.17 65.35 67.52 69.70 64.70 66.94 69.18 71.40 66.24 68.53 70.83 73.10 67.80 70.12 72.46 74.80 69.33 71.72 74.11 76.50 70.86 73.31 75.76 78.20 72.41 74.90 77.41 79.90 73.95 76.50 79.05 81.60 77.03 79.69 82.34 85.00 288 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. WEIGHTS OF STEEL PLATES. POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT. 1 cubic foot weighing 489.6 Ibs. Thick- ness, in Inches. 13" 14" 15'" 16" 17" 18" 19" 20" 21" ** 8.28 11.06 8.92 11.90 9.56 12.75 10.20 13.60 10.84 14.44 11.48 15.30 12.10 16.16 12.76 17.00 13.40 17.84 x A > 13.81 16.58 19.34 22.10 14.88 17.86 20.82 23.80 15.94 19.14 22.32 25.50 17.00 20.40 23.80 27.20 18.06 21.68 25.28 28.89 19.12 22.96 26.79 30.60 20.20 24.24 28.28 32.31 21.24 25.50 29.75 34.00 22.32 26.78 31.24 35.70 * # ,tt # 24.86 27.62 30.39 33.16 26.78 29.74 32.72 35.71 28.70 31.88 35.06 38.26 30.60 34.00 37.40 40.80 32.52 36.12 39.72 43.36 34.44 38.25 42.08 45.92 36.34 40.37 44.42 48.46 38.27 42.50 46.74 51.00 40.16 44.64 49.08 53.56 " ,fl 35.91 38.68 41.44 44.20 38.67 41.65 44.63 47.60 41.43 44.62 47.82 51.00 44.20 47.60 51.00 54.40 46.96 50.60 54.20 57.80 49.72 53.56 57.38 61.20 52.48 56.52 60.57 64.60 55.25 59.50 63.76 68.00 58.01 62.49 66.96 71.40 T (f 1^ 15 46.96 49.72 52.48 55.25 50.57 53.55 56.52 59.50 54.20 57.37 60.56 63.76 57.80 61.20 64.60 68.00 61.40 65.04 68.64 72.26 65.02 68.85 72.68 76.50 68.64 72.68 76.72 80.74 72.25 76.50 80.75 85.00 75.85 80.33 84.79 89.26 ifl 1& 1^ 58.02 60.77 63.54 66.30 62.47 65.45 68.42 71.40 66.95 70.12 73.32 76.51 71.40 74.80 78.20 81.60 75.86 79.48 83.08 86.70 8033 84.15 88.00 91.80 84.80 88.83 92.88 96.90 89.28 93.50 97.75 102.00 93.72 98.17 102.65 107.10 1 69.06 71.83 74.59 77.35 74.38 77.35 80.33 83.30 79.69 82.88 86.06 89.25 85.00 88.40 91.80 95.20 90.31 93.93 97.54 101.15 95.63 99.45 103.28 107.10 100.94 104.98 109.01 113.05 106.25 110.50 114.75 119.00 111.56 116.03 120.49 124.95 P 80.11 82.88 85.64 88.40 86.28 89.25 92.23 95.20 92.44 95.63 98.81 102.00 98.60 102.00 105.40 108.80 104.76 108.38 111.99 115.60 110.93 114.75 118.58 122.40 117.09 121.13 125.16 129.20 123.25 127.50 131.75 136.00 129.41 133.88 138.34 142.80 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 289 WEIGHTS OF STEEL PLATES (CONTINUED). POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT. Thick- ness, in Inches. 22" 23" 24" 25" 26" 27" 28" 29" 30" /- 14.04 18.69 14.64 19.56 15.32 20.40 15.96 21.26 16.56 22.12 17.20 22.96 17.84 23.80 18.48 24.64 19.12 25.50 A A % 23.36 28.06 32.72 37.40 24.44 29.33 34.24 39.10 25.52 30.60 35.72 40.80 26.56 31.88 37.20 42.50 27.62 33.16 38.68 44.20 28.68 34.44 40.17 45.92 29.76 35.72 41.65 47.60 30.80 37.00 43.14 49.28 31.88 38.28 44.64 51.00 A X y* % 42.04 46.76 51.40 56.10 44.00 48.88 53.76 68.66 45.92 51.00 56.12 61.20 47.80 53.12 58.44 63.76 49.73 55.24 60.78 66.32 51.64 57.37 63.11 68.88 53.56 59.49 65.44 71.42 55.48 61.60 67.77 73.97 57.40 63.76 70.13 76.53 * ,J 60.79 65.44 70.13 74.80 63.53 68.43 73.32 78.20 66.29 71.40 76.50 81.60 69.06 74.38 79.68 85.00 71.82 77.36 82.88 88.40 74.58 80.33 86.07 91.80 77.34 83.30 89.26 95.20 80.10 86.29 92.44 98.60 82.86 89.24 95.64 102.00 I* 1^ 1 3 $ 79.48 84.16 88.83 93.52 83.08 88.00 92.88 97.76 86.70 91.80 96.92 102.00 90.32 95.64 100.92 106.24 93.92 99.44 104.96 110.50 97.54 103.26 109.01 114.76 101.14 107.10 113.05 119.00 104.75 110.92 117.09 123.24 108.38 114.74 121.13 127.51 i* 1/8 1> 98.16 102.84 107.52 112.20 102.64 107.52 112.42 117.30 107.12 112.20 117.30 122.40 111.56 116.88 122.20 127.50 116.04 121.54 127.08 132.60 120.50 126.22 131.96 137.72 124.94 130.90 136.84 142.80 129.40 135.58 141.76 147.92 133.89 140.24 146.64 153.02 *A i# i IM 116.88 121.55 126.23 130.90 122.19 127.08 131.96 136.85 127.50 132.60 137.70 142.80 132.81 138.13 143.44 148.75 138.13 143.65 149.18 154.70 143.44 149.18 154.91 160.65 148.75 154.70 160.65 166.60 154.06 160.23 166.39 172.55 159.38 165.75 172.13 187.50 1}J 135.58 1% 140.25 l|f 144.93 2 149.60 141.74 146.63 151.51 156.40 147.90 153.00 158.10 163.20 154.06 159.38 164.69 170.00 160.23 165.75 171.28 176.80 166.39 172.13 177.86 183.60 172.55 178.50 184.45 190.40 178.71 184.88 191.04 197.20 184.88 191.25 197.63 204.00 290 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. WEIGHTS OF STEEL PLATES (CONTINUED) POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT. Thick- ness, in Inches. 31" 32" 33" 34" 35" 36" 38" 40" 42" * A 19.75 26.36 20.40 27.20 21.04 28.04 21.68 28.88 22.32 29.72 22.96 30.59 24.20 32.32 25.52 34.00 26.80 35.68 , A *. i* 32.94 39.54 46.12 52.70 34.00 40.80 47.60 54.40 35.04 42.08 49.08 56.10 36.12 43.36 50.57 57.78 37.16 44.64 52.07 59.50 38.24 45.92 53.58 61.20 40.39 48.48 56.56 64.62 42.48 51.00 59.50 68.00 44.64 53.56 62.48 71.40 T 9 * H & 59.32 65.88 72.48 79.08 61.22 68.00 74.80 81.61 63.12 70.13 77.12 84.16 65.04 72.24 79.44 86.72 66.96 74.36 81.79 89.28 68.88 76.50 84.15 91.84 72.68 80.74 88.84 96.92 76.54 85.00 93.48 102.00 80.32 89.28 98.16 107.12 H , 85.62 92.20 98.82 105.40 88.39 95.20 102.00 108.80 91.15 98.20 105.20 112.20 93.91 101.20 108.40 115.60 96.68 104.16 111.59 119.00 99.44 107.12 114.76 122.40 104.96 113.04 121.14 129.20 110.50 119.00 127.52 136.00 116.02 124.98 133.92 142.80 s !8 112.00 118.56 125.16 131.76 115.59 122.40 129.21 136.00 119.20 126.24 133.24 140.28 122.80 130.08 137.28 144.52 126.42 133.90 141.32 148.76 130.04 137.70 145.36 153.00 137.28 145.36 153.44 161.48 144.50 153.00 161.50 170.00 151.70 160.66 169.58 178.52 1 138.36 144.92 151.52 158.11 142.81 149.60 156.40 163.20 147.24 154.28 161.28 168.32 151.72 158.96 166.16 173.40 156.20 163.62 171.08 178.51 160.66 168.30 176.00 183.60 169.60 177.66 185.75 193.80 178.56 187.00 195.50 204.00 187.44 196.34 205.29 214.20 11 164.69 171.28 177.86 184.45 170.00 176.80 183.60 190.40 175.31 182.33 189.34 196.35 180.63 187.85 195.08 202.30 185.94 193.38 200.81 208.25 191.25 198.90 206.55 214.20 201.88 209.95 218.03 226.10 212.50 221.00 229.50 238.00 223.13 232.05 240.98 249.90 1U 1% ! 191.04 197.63 204.21 210.80 197.20 204.00 210.80 217.60 203.36 210.38 217.39 224.40 209.53 216.75 223.98 231.20 215.69 223.13 230.56 238.00 221.85 229.50 237.15 244.80 234.18 242.25 250.33 258.40 246.50 255.00 263.50 272.00 258.83 267.75 276.68 285.60 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 291 WEIGHTS OF STEEL PLATES (CONTINUED). POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT. Thick- ness, in Inches. 44" 46" 48" 50" 52" 54" 56" 58" 60" X* 28.08 37.38 29.29 39.11 30.64 40.80 31.92 42.52 33.12 44.24 34.40 45.92 35.68 47.60 36.96 49.28 38.24 51.00 X* *, *? 46.72 56.12 65.44 74.80 48.88 58.65 68.47 78.20 51.04 61.20 71.44 81.60 53.12 63.76 74.40 85.00 55.24 66.32 77.37 88.40 57.36 68.88 80.34 91.84 59.51 71.44 83.30 95.20 61.60 74.00 86.28 98.56 63.76 76.56 89.28 102.00 ** j* 84.09 93.52 102.81 112.20 88.00 97.76 107.53 117.31 91.84 102.00 112.24 122.40 95.60 106.24 116.88 127.52 99.46 110.48 121.56 132.64 103.28 114.74 126.22 137.76 107.12 118.98 130.88 142.85 110.96 123.20 135.54 147.94 114.80 127.52 140.26 153.06 , r 121.56 130.89 140.27 149.60 127.06 136.86 146.64 156.40 132.58 142.80 153.00 163.20 138.12 148.76 159.36 170.00 143.64 154.72 165.76 176.80 149.16 160.66 172.15 183.60 154.68 166.60 178.52 190.40 160.20 172.58 184.88 197.20 165.72 178.48 191.28 204.00 i]l i* 158.96 168.32 177.66 187.04 166.16 175.99 185.76 195.52 173.40 183.60 193.84 204.00 180.64 191.28 201.84 212.48 187.84 198.88 209.92 221.00 195.08 206.52 218.02 229.52 202.28 214.20 226.10 238.00 209.50 221.84 234.18 246.48 216.76 229.48 242.26 255.02 ii 196.32 205.68 215.04 224.40 205.28 215.04 224.84 234.60 214.24 224.40 234.60 244.80 223.12 233.76 244.40 255.00 232.08 243.08 254.16 265.20 241.00 252.44 263.92 275.44 249.88 261.80 273.68 285.60 258.80 271.16 283.52 295.84 267.78 280.48 293.28 306.04 $ 18 233.75 243.10 252.45 261.80 244.38 254.15 263.93 273.70 255.00 265.20 275.40 285.60 265.63 276.25 286.88 297.50 276.25 287.30 298.35 309.40 286.88 298.35 309.83 321.30 297.50 309.40 321.30 333.20 308.13 320.45 332.78 345.10 318.75 331.50 344.25 357.00 J8 1 H 271.15 280.50 289.85 299.20 283.48 293.25 303.03 312.80 295.80 306.00 316.20 326.40 308.13 318.75 329.38 340.00 320.45 331.50 342.55 353.60 332.78 344.25 355.73 367.20 345.10 357.00 368.90 380.80 357.43 369.75 382.08 394.40 369.75 382.50 395.25 408.00 292 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. AREAS OF STEEL FLATS. SQUARE INCHES. Thick- ness, in Inches. r w X" 1" I* 1* 1 2" 12" i A .016 .031 .047 .063 .078 .094 .109 .125 .75 .031 .063 .094 .125 .156 .188 .219 .250 1.50 8 J\ .047 .094 .141 .188 .234 .281 .328 .375 2.25 X .063 .125 .188 .250 .313 .375 .438 .500 3.00 A .078 .156 .234 .313 .391 .469 .547 .625 3.75 .094 .188 .281 .375 .469 .563 .656 .750 4.50 ? A .109 .219 .328 .438 .547 .656 .766 .875 5.25 .125 .250 .375 .500 .625 .750 .875 1.000 6.00 T 9 * .141 .281 .422 .563 .703 .844 .984 1.13 6.75 .156 .313 .469 .625 .781 .938 1.09 1.25 7.50 It .172 .344 .516 .688 .859 1.03 1.20 1.38 8.25 X .188 .375 .563 .750 .938 1.13 1.31 1.50 9.00 H .203 .406 .609 .813 1.02 1.22 1.42 1.63 9.75 .219 .438 .656 .875 1.09 1.31 1.53 1.75 10.50 8 H .234 .469 .703 .938 1.17 1.41 1.64 1.88 11.25 1 .250 .500 .750 1.000 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 12.00 !yV .266 .531 .797 1.06 1.33 1.59 1.86 2.13 12.75 l/^ .281 .563 .844 1.13 1.41 1.69 1.97 2.25 13.50 1"A .297 .594 .891 1.19 1.48 1.78 2.08 2.38 14.25 !X .313 .625 .938 1.25 1.56 1.88 2.19 2.50 15.00 1A .328 .656 .984 1.31 1.64 1.97 2.30 2.63 15.75 .344 .688 1.03 1.38 1.72 2.06 2.41 2.75 16.50 1A .359 .719 1.08 1.44 1.80 2.16 2.52 2.88 17.25 IK .375 .750 1.13 1.50 1.88 2.25 2.63 3.00 18.00 IT?" .391 .781 1.17 1.56 1.95 2.34 2.73 3.13 18.75 .406 .813 1.22 1.63 2.03 2.44 2.84 3.25 19.50 Hi .422 .844 1.27 1.69 2.11 2.53 2.95 3.38 20.25 .438 .875 1.31 1.75 2.19 2.63 3.06 3.50 21.00 lit .453 .906 1.36 1.81 2.27 2.72 3.17 3.63 21.75 i^| .469 .938 1.41 1.88 2.34 2.81 3.28 3.75 22.50 .484 .969 1.45 1.94 2.42 2.91 3.39 3.88 23.25 2 T * .500 1.000 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.60 3.50 4.00 24.00 BETHLEHEM STEEL COM PA NY. 293 AREAS OF STEEL FLATS (CONTINUED). SQUARE INCHES. Thick- ness, in 3X" w 3X" 4" 12" 2X'' 2^ *# 3" Inches. , A .141 .156 .172 .188 .203 .219 .234 .25 .75 .281 .313 .344 .375 .406 .438 .469 .50 1.50 8 & .422 .469 .516 .563 .609 .656 .703 .75 2.25 X .563 .625 .688 .750 .813 .875 .938 1.00 3.00 A .703 .781 .859 .938 1.02 1.09 1.17 1.25 3.75 H .844 .938 1.03 1.13 1.22 1.31 1.41 1.50 4.50 , ^ .984 1.09 1.20 1.31 1.42 1.53 1.64 1.75 5.25 1.13 1.25 1.38 1.50 1.63 1.75 1.88 2.00 6.00 & 1.27 1.41 1.55 1.69 1.83 1.97 2.11 2.25 6.75 X 1.41 1.56 1.72 1.88 2.03 2.19 2.34 2.50 7.50 H 1.55 1.72 1.89 2.06 2.23 2.41 2.58 2.75 8.25 1.69 1.88 2.06 2.25 2.44 2.63 2.81 3.00 9.00 if 1.83 2.03 2.23 2.44 2.64 2.84 3.05 3.25 9.75 1.97 2.19 2.41 2.63 2.84 3.06 3.28 3.50 10.50 *tt 2.11 2.34 2.58 2.81 3.05 3.28 3.52 3.75 11.25 1 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 12.00 !rV 2.39 2.66 2.92 3.19 3.45 3.72 3.98 4.25 12.75 l/^ 2.53 2.81 3.09 3.38 3.66 3.94 4.22 4.50 13.50 *nf 2.67 2.97 3.27 3.56 3.86 4.16 4.45 4.75 14.25 IX 2.81 3.13 3.44 3.75 4.06 4.38 4.69 5.00 15.00 i& 2.95 3.28 3.61 3.94 4.27 4.59 4.92 5.25 15.75 3.09 3.44 3.78 4.13 4.47 4.81 5.16 5.50 16.50 J-jL 3.23 3.59 3.95 4.31 4.67 5.03 5.39 5.75 17.25 1# 3.38 3.75 4.13 4.50 4.88 5.25 5.63 6.00 18.00 1* 3.52 3.91 4.30 4.69 5.08 5.47 5.86 6.25 18.75 Ifl 3.66 4.06 4.47 4.88 5.28 5.69 6.09 6.50 19.50 1H 3.80 4.22 4.64 5.06 5.48 5.91 6.33 6.75 20.25 IX 3.94 4.38 4.81 5.25 5.69 6.13 6.56 7.00 21.00 1^3 4.08 4.53 4.98 5.44 5.89 6.34 6.80 7.25 21.75 1% 4.22 4.69 5.16 5.63 6.09 6.56 7.03 7.50 22.50 HI 4.36 4.84 5.33 5.81 6.30 6.78 7.27 7.75 23.25 2 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 24.00 294 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. AREAS OF STEEL FLATS-(CONTINUED). SQUARE INCHES. Thick- ness, in Inches. 4>" 5" W 6" 6^" 7 /x 7#" 8" 12" A .281 .313 .344 .375 .406 .438 .469 .50 .75 X .563 .625 .688 .750 .813 .875 .938 1.00 1.50 T 3 l 7.31 8.13 8.94 9.75 10.56 11.38 12.19 13.00 19.50 itt 7.59 8.44 9.28 10.13 10.97 11.81 12.66 13.50 20.25 I* 7.88 8.75 9.63 10.50 11.38 12.25 13.13 14.00 21.00 1 8.16 9.06 9.97 10.88 11.78 12.69 13.59 14.50 21.75 IJi 8.44 9.38 10.31 11.25 12.19 13.13 14.06 15.00 22.50 IH 8.72 9.69 10.66 11.63 12.59 13.56 14.53 15.50 23.25 2 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 24.00 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 295 AREAS OF STEEL FLATS (CONTINUED). SQUARE INCHES. Thick- ness, in Inches. ir 9" ^ 10" 10#" U- w - 12" . A > .531 1.06 1.59 2.13 .563 1.13 1.69 2.25 .594 1.19 1.78 2.38 .625 1.25 1.88 2.50 .656 1.31 1.97 2.63 .688 1.38 2.06 2.75 .719 1.44 2.16 2.88 .750 1.50 2.25 3.00 .781 1.56 2.34 3.13 3 *' 2.66 3.19 3.72 4.25 2.81 3.38 3.94 4.50 2.97 3.56 4.16 4.75 3.13 3.75 4.38 5.00 3.28 3.94 4.59 5.25 3.44 4.13 4.81 5.50 3.59 4.31 5.03 5.75 3.75 4.50 5.25 6.00 3.91 4.69 5.47 6.25 3 H 4.78 5.31 5.84 6.38 5.06 5.63 6.19 6.75 5.34 5.94 6.53 7.13 5.63 6.25 6.88 7.50 5.91 6.56 7.22 7.88 6.19 6.88 7.56 8.25 6.47 7.19 7.91 8.63 6.75 7.50 8.25 9.00 7.03 7.81 8.59 9.38 H fit 6.91 7.44 7.97 8.50 7.31 7.88 8.44 9.00 7.72 8.31 8.91 9.50 8.13 8.75 9.38 10.00 8.53 9.19 9.84 10.50 8.94 9.63 10.31 11.00 9.34 10.06 10.78 11.50 9.75 10.50 11.25 12.00 10.16 10.94 11.72 12.50 1A 9.03 9.56 10.09 10.63 9.56 10.13 10.69 11.25 10.09 10.69 11.28 11.88 10.63 11.25 11.88 12.50 11.16 11.81 12.47 13.13 11.69 12.38 13.06 13.75 12.22 12.94 13.66 14.38 12.75 13.50 14.25 15.00 13.28 14.06 14.84 15.63 IS 11.16 11.69 12.22 12.75 11.81 12.38 12.94 13.50 12.47 13.06 13.66 14.25 13.13 13.75 14.38 15.00 13.78 14.44 15.09 15.75 14.44 15.13 15.81 16.50 15.09 15.81 16.53 17.25 15.75 16.50 17.25 18.00 16.41 17.19 17.97 18.75 IS 13.28 13.81 14.34 14.88 14.06 14.63 15.19 15.75 14.84 15.44 16.03 16.63 15.63 16.25 16.88 17.50 16.41 17.06 17.72 18.38 17.19 17.88 18.56 19.25 17.97 18.69 19.41 20.13 18.75 19.50 20.25 21.00 19.53 20.31 21.09 21.88 iff 2 15.41 15.94 16.47 17.00 16.31 16.88 17.44 18.00 17.22 17.81 18.41 19.00 18.13 18.75 19.38 20.00 19.03 19.69 20.34 21.00 19.94 20.63 21.31 22.00 20.84 21.56 22.28 23.00 21.75 22.50 23.25 24.00 22.66 23.44 24.22 25.00 296 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. CIRCUMFERENCES OF CIRCLES. ADVANCING BY EIGHTHS. Diam- eter. X 1 A X % % K % .0 .3927 .7854 1.178 1.571 1.963 2.356 2.749 1 3.142 3.534 3.927 4.320 4.712 5.105 5.498 5.890 2 6.283 6.676 7.069 7.461 7.854 8.246 8.639 9.032 3 9.425 9.817 10.21 10.60 10.99 11.39 11.78 12.17 4 12.56 12.96 13.35 13.74 14.13 14.53 14.92 15.31 5 15.71 16.10 16.49 16.88 17.28 17.67 18.06 18.45 6 18.85 19.24 19.63 20.02 20.42 20.81 21.20 21.60 7 21.99 22.38 22.77 23.17 23.56 23.95 24.34 24.74 8 25.13 25.52 25.92 26.31 26.70 27.09 27.49 27.88 9 28.27 28.66 29.06 2945 29.84 30.23 30.63 31.02 10 31.41 31.81 32.20 32.59 32.98 33.38 33.77 34.16 11 34.55 34.95 35.34 35.73 36.13 36.52 36.91 37.30 12 37.70 38.09 38.48 38.87 39.27 39.66 40.05 40.45 13 40.84 41.23 41.62 42.02 42.41 42.80 43.19 43.59 14 43.98 44.37 44.76 45.16 45.55 4594 46.34 46.73 15 47.12 47.51 47.91 48.30 48.69 49.08 49.48 49.87 16 50.26 50.66 51.05 51.44 51.83 52.23 52.62 53.01 17 53.40 53.80 54.19 54.58 54.97 55.37 55.76 56.15 18 56.55 56.94 57.33 57.72 58.12 58.51 58.90 59.29 19 59.69 60.08 60.47 60.87 61.26 61.65 62.04 62.43 20 62.83 63.22 63.61 64.01 64.40 64.79 65.19 65.58 21 65.97 66.36 66.76 67.15 67.54 67.93 68.33 68.72 22 69.11 69.50 69.90 70.29 70.68 71.08 71.47 71.86 23 72.25 72.65 73.04 73.43 73.82 74.22 74.61 75.00 24 75.40 75.79 76.18 76.57 76.97 77.36 77.75 78.14 25 78.54 78.93 79.32 79.71 80.11 80.50 80.89 81.29 26 81.68 82.07 82.46 82.86 83.25 83.64 84.03 84.43 27 84.82 85.21 85.60 86.00 86.39 86.78 87.18 87.57 28 87.96 88.35 88.75 89.14 89.53 89.93 90.32 90.71 29 91.10 91.50 91.89 92.28 92.67 93.07 93.46 93.85 30 94.24 94.64 95.03 95.42 95.82 96.21 96.60 96.99 31 97.39 97.78 98.17 98.57 98.96 99.35 99.75 100,14 32 100.53 100.92 101.32 101.71 102.10 102.49 102.89 103.28 33 103.67 104.07 104.46 104.85 105.24 105.64 106.03 106.42 34 106.81 107.21 107.60 107.99 108.39 108.78 109.17 109.56 35 109.96 110.35 100.74 111.13 111.53 111.92 112.31 112.71 36 113.10 113.49 113.88 114.28 114.67 115.06 115.45 115.85 37 116.24 116.63 117.02 117.42 117.81 118.20 118.60 118.99 38 119.38 119.77 120.17 120.56 120.95 121.34 121.74 122.13 39 122.52 122.92 123.31 123.70 124.09 124.49 124.88 12527 40 125.66 126.06 126.45 126.84 127.24 127.63 128.02 128.41 41 128.81 129.20 129.59 129.98 130.38 130.77 131.16 131 55 42 131.95 132.34 132.73 133.13 133.52 133.91 134.30 134.70 43 135.09 135.48 135.87 136.27 136.66 137.05 137.45 137.84 44 138.23 138.62 139.02 13941 139.80 140.19 140.59 140.98 45 141.37 141.76 142.16 142.55 142.94 143.34 143.73 144.12 46 144.51 144.91 145.30 145.69 146.08 146.48 146.87 147.26 47 147.66 148.05 148.44 148.83 149.23 149.62 150.01 150.40 48 150.80 151.19 151.58 151.97 152.37 152.76 153.15 153.55 49 153.94 154.33 154.72 155.12 155.51 155.90 156.29 156.69 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 297 CIRCUMFERENCES OF CIRCLES (CONTINUED). ADVANCING BY EIGHTHS. Diam- eter. % y # % M X n 50 157.08 157.47 157.87 158.26 158.65 159.04 159.44 159.83 51 160.22 160.61 161.01 161.40 161.79 162.19 162.58 162.97 52 163.36 163.76 164.15 164.54 164.93 165.33 165.72 166.11 63 166.50 166.90 167.29 167.68 168.08 168.47 168.86 169.25 54 169.65 170.04 170.43 170.82 171.22 171.61 172.00 172.40 55 172.79 173.18 173.57 173.97 17436 174.75 175.14 175.54 56 175.93 176.32 176.72 177.11 177.50 177.89 178.29 178.68 57 179.07 179.46 179.86 180.25 180.64 181.03 181.43 181.82 58 182.21 182.61 183.00 183.39 183.78 184.18 184.57 184.96 59 185.35 185.75 186.14 186.53 186.93 187.32 187.71 188.10 60 188.50 188.89 189.28 189.67 190.07 190.46 190.85 191.24 61 191.64 192.03 192.42 192.82 193.21 193.60 193.99 194.39 62 194.78 195.17 195.56 195.96 196.35 196.74 197.14 197.53 63 197.92 198.31 198.71 199.10 199.49 199.88 200.28 200.67 64 201.06 201.46 201.85 202.24 202.63 203.03 203.42 203.81 65 204.20 204.60 204.99 205.38 205.77 206.17 206.56 206.95 66 207.35 207.74 208.13 208.52 208.92 209.31 209.70 210.09 67 210.49 210.88 211.27 211.67 212.06 212.45 212.84 213.24 68 213.63 214.02 214.41 214.81 215.20 215.59 215.98 216.38 69 216.77 217.16 217.56 217.95 218.34 218.73 219.13 219.52 70 219.91 220.30 220.70 221.09 221.48 221.88 222.27 222.66 71 223.05 223.45 223.84 224.23 224.62 225.02 225.41 225.80 72 226.20 226.59 226.98 227.37 227.77 228.16 22855 228.94 73 229.34 229.73 230.12 230.51 230.91 231.30 231.69 232.09 74 232.48 232.87 233.26 233.66 234.05 234.44 234.83 235.23 75 235.62 236.01 236.41 236.80 237.19 237.58 237.98 238.37 76 238.76 239.15 239.55 23994 240.33 240.73 241.12 241.51 77 241.90 242.30 242.69 243.08 243.47 243.87 244.26 244.65 78 245.04 245.44 245.83 246.22 246.62 247.01 247.40 247.79 79 248.19 248.58 248.97 249.36 249.76 250.15 250.54 250.94 80 251.33 251.72 252.11 252.51 252.90 253.29 253.68 254.08 81 254.47 25486 255.25 255.65 256.04 256.43 256.83 257.22 82 257.61 258.00 258.40 258.79 259.18 259.57 259.97 260.36 83 260.75 261.15 261.54 26193 262.32 262.72 263.11 263.50 84 263.89 264.29 264.68 265.07 265.47 265.86 266.25 266.64 85 267.04 267.43 267.82 268.22 268.61 269.00 269.39 269.78 86 270.18 270.57 270.96 271.36 271.75 272.14 272.53 272.93 87 273.32 273.71 274.10 274.50 274.89 275.28 275.68 276.07 88 276.46 276.85 277.25 277.64 278.03 278.42 278.82 279.21 89 279.60 279.99 280.39 280.78 281 17 281.57 281.96 282.35 90 282.74 283.14 283.53 283.92 284.31 284.71 285.10 285.49 91 285.89 286.28 286.67 287.06 287.46 287.85 288.24 288.63 92 289.03 289.42 289.81 290.21 290.60 290.99 291.38 291.78 93 292.17 292.56 292.95 293.35 293.74 294.13 294.52 294.92 94 295.31 295.70 296.10 296.49 296.88 297.27 297.67 298.06 95 298.45 298.84 299.24 299.63 300.02 300.42 300.81 301.20 % 301.59 301.99 302.38 302.77 303.16 303.56 303.95 304.34 97 304.73 305.13 305.52 305.91 306.31 306.70 307.09 307.48 98 307.88 308.27 308.66 309.05 309.45 309.84 310.23 310.63 99 311.02 311.41 311.80 312.20 312.59 312.98 313.37 313.77 298 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. AREAS OF CIRCLES. ADVANCING BY EIGHTHS. Diam- eter, H X X y* * u i .0 .0122 .0491 .1104 .1963 .3068 .4418 .6013 1 .7854 .9940 1.227 1.485 1.767 2.074 2405 2.761 2 3.1416 3.546 3.976 4.430 4.908 5.411 5.939 6492 3 7.068 7.670 8.296 8.946 9.621 10.32 11.04 11.79 4 12.56 13.36 14.18 15.03 15.90 16.80 17.72 18.66 5 19.63 20.63 21.65 22.69 23.76 2485 25.96 27.10 6 28.27 29.46 3068 31.92 33.18 34.47 35.78 37.12 7 38.48 39.87 41.28 42.72 44.18 45.66 47.17 48.70 8 50.26 51.85 5345 55.09 56.74 58.42 60.13 61.86 9 63.61 65.39 67.20 69.03 70.88 72.76 74.66 76.69 10 78.54 80.51 82.51 84.54 86.59 88.66 90.76 92.88 11 95.03 97.20 99.40 101.6 103.9 106.1 1084 110.7 12 113.1 115.5 1179 120.3 122.7 125.2 127.7 130.2 13 132.7 135.3 1379 140.5 143.1 145.8 148.5 151.2 14 1539 156.7 1595 162.3 165.1 1680 170.9 173.8 15 176.7 179.7 182.7 185.7 188.7 191.7 194.8 197.9 16 201.1 204.2 207.4 2106 213.8 217.1 220.3 223.6 17 227.0 230.3 233.7 237.1 240.5 244.0 247.4 250.9 18 254.5 258.0 261.6 265.2 268.8 272.4 276.1 279.8 19 2835 287.3 291.0 294.8 298.6 302.5 306.3 310.2 20 314.2 318.1 322.1 326.0 330.1 334.1 338.2 342.2 21 346.4 350.5 354.7 358.8 363.0 367.3 371.5 375.8 22 380.1 384.5 388.8 393.2 397.6 402.0 406.5 411.0 23 415.5 420.0 424.6 429.1 433.7 438.4 443.0 447.7 24 452.4 457.1 461.9 466.6 471.4 476.3 481.1 486.0 25 490.9 495.8 500.7 505.7 510.7 515.7 520.8 525.8 26 530.9 536.0 541.2 546.3 551.6 556.8 562.0 567.3 27 572.6 577.9 583.2 588.6 594.0 599.4 604.8 610.3 28 615.7 621.3 626.8 632.4 637.9 643.5 649.2 654.8 29 660.5 666.2 672.0 677.7 683.5 689.3 695.1 701.0 30 706.9 712.8 718.7 724.6 730.6 736.6 742.6 748.7 31 754.8 760.9 767.0 773.1 779.3 785.5 791.7 798.0 32 804.3 810.5 816.9 823.2 829.6 836.0 842.4 848.8 33 855.3 861.8 868.3 874.9 881.4 888.0 894.6 901.3 34 907.9 9146 921.3 928.1 934.8 941.6 948.4 955.2 35 962.1 969.0 975.9 982.8 989.8 996.8 1003.8 1010.8 36 1017.9 1025.0 1032.1 1039.2 1046.3 1053.5 1060.7 1068.0 37 1075.2 1082.5 1089.8 1097.1 1104.5 1111.8 1119.2 1126.7 38 1134.1 1141.6 1149.1 1156.6 1164.2 1171.7 1179.3 1186.9 39 1194.6 1202.3 1210.0 1217.7 1225.4 1233.2 1241.0 1248.8 40 1256.6 1264.5 1272.4 1280.3 1288.2 1296.2 1304.2 1312.2 41 1320.3 1328.3 1336.4 1344.5 1352.7 1360.8 1369.0 1377.2 42 1385.4 1393.7 1402.0 1410.3 1418.6 1427.0 1435.4 1443.8 43 1452.2 1460.7 1469.1 1477.6 1486.2 1494.7 1503.3 1511.9 , 44 1520.5 1529.2 1537.9 1546.6 1555.3 1564.0 1572.8 1581.6 45 1590.4 1599.3 1608.2 1617.0 1626.0 1634.9 1643.9 16529 46 1661.9 1670.9 1680.0 1689.1 1698.2 1707.4 1716.5 1725.7 47 17349 1744.2 1753.5 1762.7 1772.1 1781.4 1790.8 1800.1 48 1809.6 1819.0 1828.5 1837.9 1847.5 1857.0 1866.5 1876.1 49 1885.7 1895.4 1905.0 1914.7 1924.4 1934.2 1943.9 1953.7 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 299 AREAS OF CIRCLES (CONTINUED). ADVANCING BY EIGHTHS. Diam- o i/ ft eter. /4 8 2 4 /o 50 1963.5 1973.3 1983.2 1993.1 20030 2012.9 2022.8 2032.8 51 20428 20528 2062.9 2073.0 2083.1 2093.2 2103.3 2113.5 52 2123.7 2133.9 2144.2 2154.5 2164.8 2175.1 2185.4 2195.8 53 2206.2 2216.6 2227.0 2237.5 2248.0 2258.5 2269.1 2279.6 54 2290.2 2300.8 2311.5 2322.1 2332.8 2343.5 2354.3 2365.0 55 2375.8 2386.6 2397.5 2408.3 2419.2 2430.1 2441.1 2452.0 56 2463.0 2474.0 2485.0 2496.1 2507.2 2518.3 2529.4 2540.6 57 2551.8 2563.0 2574.2 2585.4 2596.7 2608.0 2619.4 2630.7 58 2642.1 2653.5 2664.9 2676.4 2687.8 2699.3 2710.9 2722.4 59 2734.0 2745.6 2757.2 2768.8 2780.5 2792.2 2803.9 2815.7 60 2827.4 2839.2 2851.0 2862.9 2874.8 2886.6 2898.6 2910.5 61 2922.5 2934.5 2946.5 2958.5 2970.6 2982.7 2994.8 3006.9 62 3019.1 3031.3 3043.5 3055.7 3068.0 3080.3 3092.6 3104.9 63 3117.2 3129.6 3142.0 3154.5 3166.9 3179.4 3191.9 3204.4 64 3217.0 3229.6 3242.2 3254.8 3267.5 32801 3292.8 3305.6 65 3318.3 3331.1 3343.9 3356.7 3369.6 3382.4 3395.3 3408.2 66 3421.2 3434.3 3447.2 3460.2 3473.2 3486.3 3499.4 3512.5 67 3525.7 3538.8 3552.0 3565.2 3578.5 3591.7 3605.0 3618.3 68 3631.7 3645.0 3658.4 3671.8 3685.3 3698.7 3712.2 3725.7 69 3739.3 3752.8 3766.4 3780.0 3793.7 3807.3 3821.0 3834.7 70 3848.5 3862.2 3876.0 3889.8 3903.6 3917.5 3931.4 3945.3 71 3959.2 3973.1 3987.1 4001.1 4015.2 4029.2 4043.3 4057.4 72 4071.5 4085.7 4099.8 4114.0 4128.2 4142.5 4156.8 4171.1 73 4185.4 4199.7 4214.1 4228.5 4242.9 4257.4 4271.8 4286.3 74 4300.8 4315.4 4329.9 4344.5 4359.2 4373.8 4388.5 4403.1 75 4417.9 4432.6 4447.4 4462.2 4477.0 4491.8 4506.7 4521.5 76 4536.5 4551.4 4566.4 4581.3 4596.3 4611.4 4626.4 4641.5 77 4656.6 4671.8 4686.9 4702.1 4717.3 4732.5 4747.8 4763.1 78 4778.4 4793.7 4809.0 4824.4 4839.8 4855.2 4870.7 4886.2 79 4901.7 4917.2 4932.7 4948.3 4963.9 4979.5 4995.2 5010.9 80 5026.5 5042.3 5058.0 5073.8 5089.6 5105.4 5121.2 5137.1 81 5153.0 5168.9 5184.9 5200.8 5216.8 5232.8 5248.9 5264.9 82 5281.0 5297.1 5313.3 5329.4 5345.6 5361.8 5378.1 5394.3 83 5410.6 5426.9 5443.3 5459.6 5476.0 5492.4 5508.8 5525.3 84 5541.8 5558.3 5574.8 5591.4 5607.9 5624.5 5641.2 5657.8 85 5674.5 5691.2 5707.9 5724.7 5741.5 5758.3 5775.1 5791.9 86 5808.8 5825.7 5842.6 5859.6 5876.5 5893.5 5910.6 5927.6 87 5944.7 5961.8 5978.9 5996 6013.2 6030.4 6047.6 6064.9 88 6082.1 6099.4 6116.7 6134.1 6151.4 6168.8 6186.2 6203.7 89 6221.1 6238.6 6256.1 6273.7 6291.2 6308.8 6326.4 6344.1 90 6361.7 6379.4 6397.1 6414.9 6432.6 6450.4 6468.2 6486.0 91 6503.9 6521.8 6539.7 6557.6 6575.5 6593.5 6611.5 6629.6 92 6647.6 6665.7 6683.8 6701.9 6720.1 6738.2 6756.4 6774.7 93 6792.9 6811.2 6829.5 6847.8 6866.1 6884.5 6902.9 6921.3 94 6939.8 6958.2 6976.7 6995.3 7013.8 7032.4 7051.0 7069.6 95 7088.2 7106.9 7125.6 7144.3 7163.0 7181.8 7200.6 7219.4 96 7238.2 7257.1 7276.0 7294.9 7313.8 7332.8 7351.8 7370.8 97 7389.8 7408.9 7428.0 7447.1 7466.2 7485.3 7504.5 7523.7 98 7543.0 7562.2 7581.5 7600.8 7620.1 7639.5 7658.9 7678.3 99 7697.7 7717.1 7736.6 7756.1 7775.6 7795.2 7814.8 7834.4 300 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. DECIMALS OF A FOOT FOR EACH g^th OF AN INCH. Inch. 0" V 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" .0833 .1667 .2500 .3333 .4167 .5000 .5833 .6667 .7500 .8333 .9167 4 .0013 .0846 .1680 .2513 .3346 .4180 .5013 .5846 .6680 .7513 .8346 .9180 & .0026 .0859 .1693 .2526 .3359 .4193 .5026 .5859 .6693 .7526 .8359 .9193 A .0039 .0872 .1706 .2539 .3372 .4206 .5039 .5872 .6706 .7539 .8372 .9206 A .0052 .0885 .1719 .2552 .3385 .4219 5052 .5885 .6719 .7552 .8385 .9219 B 5 * .0065 .0898 .1732 .2565 .3398 .4232 .5065 .5898 .6732 .7565 .8398 .9232 & .0078 .0911 .1745 .2578 .3411 .4245 .5078 .5911 .6745 .7578 .8411 .9245 B 7 4 .0091 .0924 .1758 .2591 .3424 .4258 .5091 .5924 .6758 .7591 .8424 .9258 H .0104 .0937 .1771 .2604 .3437 .4271 .5104 .5937 .6771 .7604 .8437 .9271 A .0117 .0951 .1784 .2617 .3451 .4284 .5117 .5951 .6784 .7617 .8451 .9284 A .0130 .0964 .1797 .2630 .3464 .4297 .5130 .6964 .6797 .7630 .8464 .9297 ti .0143 .0977 .1810 .2643 .3477 .4310 .5143 .5977 .6810 .7643 .8477 .9310 I 3 s .0156 .0990 .1823 .2656 .3490 .4323 .5156 .5990 .6823 .7656 .8490 .9323 IS .0169 .1003 .1836 .2669 .3503 .4336 .5169 .6003 .6836 .7669 .8503 .9336 3 7 2 .0182 .1016 .1849 .2682 .3516 .4349 .5182 .6016 .6849 .7682 .8516 .9349 it .0195 .1029 .1862 .2695 .3529 .4362 .5195 .6029 .6862 .7695 .8529 .9362 K .0208 .1042 .1875 .2708 .3542 .4375 .5208 .6042 .6875 .7708 .8542 .9375 11 .0221 .1055 .1888 .2721 .3555 .4388 .5221 .6055 .6888 .7721 .8555 .9388 A .0234 .1068 .1901 .2734 .3568 .4401 .5234 .6068 .6901 .7734 .8568 .9401 1! .0247 .1081 .1914 .2747 .3581 .4414 .5247 .6081 .6914 .7747 .8581 .9414 T 6 S .0260 .1094 .1927 .2760 .3594 .4427 .5260 .6094 .6927 .7760 .8594 .9427 tt .0273 .1107 .1940 .2773 .3607 .4440 .5273 .6107 .6940 .7773 .8607 .9440 U .0286 .1120 .1953 .2786 .3620 .4453 .5286 .6120 .6953 .7786 .8620 .9453 12 .0299 .1133 .1966 .2799 .3633 .4466 .5299 .6133 .6966 .7799 .8633 .9466 % .0312 .1146 .1979 .2812 .3646 .4479 .5312 .6146 .6979 .7812 .8646 .9479 if 0326 .1159 .1992 .2826 .3659 .4492 .5326 .6159 .6992 .7826 .8659 .9492 U .0339 .1172 .2005 .2839 .3672 .4505 .5339 .6172 .7005 .7839 8672 .9505 tt .0352 .1185 .2018 .2852 .3685 .4518 .5352 .6185 .7018 .7852 .8685 .9518 T T * .0365 .1198 .2031 .2865 .3698 .4531 .5365 .6198 .7031 .7865 .8698 .9531 1! .0378 .1211 .2044 .2878 .3711 .4544 .5378 .6211 .7044 .7878 .8711 .9544 U .0391 .1224 .2057 .2891 .3724 .4557 .5391 .6224 .7057 .7891 .8724 .9557 ii .0404 .1237 .2070 .2904 .3737 .4570 .5404 .6237 .7070 .7904 .8737 .9570 K .0417 .1250 .2083 .2917 .3750 .4583 .5417 .6250 .7083 .7917 .8750 .9583 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 301 DECIMALS OF A FOOT FOR EACH g^th OF AN INCH. Inch. 0" 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 1" 8" 9" 10" 11" X .0417 .1250 .2083 .2917 .3750 .4583 .5417 .6250 .7083 .7917 .8750 .9583 M .0430 .1263 .2096 .2930 .3763 .4596 .5430 .6263 .7096 .7930 .8763 .9596 H .0443 .1276 .2109 .2943 .3776 .4609 .5443 .6276 .7109 .7943 .8776 .9609 if .0456 .1289 .2122 .2956 .3789 .4622 .5456 .6289 .7122 .7956 .8789 .9622 & .0469 .1302 .2135 .2969 .3802 .4635 .5469 .6302 .7135 .7969 .8802 .9635 II .0482 .1315 .2148 .2982 .3815 .4648 .5482 .6315 .7148 .7982 .8815 .9648 .0495 .1328 .2161 .2995 .3828 .4661 .5495 .6328 .7161 .7995 .8828 .9661 II .0508 .1341 .2174 .3008 .3841 .4674 .5508 .6341 .7174 .8008 .8841 .9674 % .0521 .1354 .2188 .3021 .3854 .4688 .5521 .6354 .7188 .8021 .8854 .9688 H .0534 .1367 .2201 .3034 .3867 .4701 .5534 .6367 .7201 .8034 .8867 .9701 U .0547 .1380 .2214 .3047 .3880 .4714 .5547 .6380 .7214 .8047 .8880 .9714 M .0560 .1393 .2227 .3060 .3893 .4727 .5560 .6393 .7227 .8060 .8893 .9727 U .0573 .1406 .2240 .3073 .3906 .4740 .5573 .6406 .7240 .8073 .8906 .9740 ft! .0586 .1419 .2253 .3086 .3919 .4753 .5586 .6419 .7253 .8086 .8919 .9753 H .0599 .1432 .2266 .3099 .3932 .4766 .5599 .6432 .7266 .8099 .8932 .9766 1-1 .0612 .1445 .2279 ,.3112 .3945 .4779 .5612 .6445 .7279 .8112 .8945 .9779 % .0625 .1458 .2292 .3125 .3958 .4792 .5625 .6458 .7292 .8125 .8958 .9792 II .0638 .1471 .2305 .3138 .3971 .4805 .5638 .6471 .7305 .8138 .8971 .9805 If .0651 .1484 .2318 .3151 .3984 .4818 .5651 .6484 .7318 .8151 .8984 .9818 ft .0664 .1497 .2331 .3164 .3997 .4831 .5664 .6497 .7331 .8164 .8997 .9831 If .0677 .1510 .2344 .3177 .4010 .4844 .5677 .6510 .7344 .8177 .9010 .9844 II .0690 .1523 .2357 .3190 .4023 .4857 .5690 .6523 .7357 .8190 .9023 .9857 H .0703 .1536 .2370 .3203 .4036 .4870 .5703 .6536 .7370 .8203 .9036 .9870 U .0716 .1549 .2383 .3216 .4049 .4883 .5716 .6549 .7383 .8216 .9049 .9883 % .0729 .1562 .2396 .3229 .4062 .4896 .5729 .6562 .7396 .8229 .9062 .9896 tt .0742 .1576 .2409 .3242 .4076 .4909 .5742 .6576 .7409 .8242 .9076 .9909 M .0755 .1589 .2422 .3255 .4089 .4922 .5755 .6589 .7422 .8255 .9089 .9922 II .0768 .1602 .2435 .3268 .4102 .4935 .5768 .6602 .7435 .8268 .9102 .9935 M .0781 ,1615 .2448 .3281 .4115 .4948 .5781 .6615 .7448 .8281 .9115 .9948 tt .0794 .1628 .2461 .3294 .4128 .4961 .5794 .6628 .7461 .8294 .9128 .9961 14 .0807 .1641 .2474 .3307 .4141 .4974 .5807 .6641 .7474 .8307 .9141 .9974 if .0820 .1654 .2487 .3320 .4154 .4987 .5820 6654 .7487 .8320 .9154 .9987 1 1.0000 302 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. DECIMALS OF AN INCH FOR EACH TH. Ad* 6\ths. Decimal. Fraction. Ads. Aths. Decimal Fraction. 1 .015625 33 .515625 1 2 .03125 17 34 .53125 3 .046875 35 .546875 2 4 .0625 1-16 18 36 .5625 9-16 5 .078125 37 .578125 3 6 .09375 19 38 .59375 7 .109375 39 .609375 4 8 .125 1-8 20 40 .625 5-8 9 .140625 41 .640625 5 10 .15625 21 42 .65625 11 .171875 43 .671875 6 12 .1875 3-16 22 44 .6875 11-16 13 .203125 45 .703125 7 14 .21875 23 46 .71875 15 .234375 47 .734375 8 16 .25 1-4 24 48 .75 3-4 17 .265625 49 .765625 9 18 .28125 25 50 .78125 19 .296875 51 .796875 10 20 .3125 5-16 26 52 .8125 13-16 21 .328125 53 .828125 11 22 .34375 27 54 .84375 23 .359375 55 .859375 12 24 .375 3-8 28 56 .875 7-8 25 .390625 57 .890625 13 26 .40625 29 58 .90625 27 .421875 59 .921875 14 28 .4375 7-16 30 60 .9375 15-16 29 .453125 61 .953125 15 30 .46875 31 62 .96875 31 .484375 63 .984375 16 32 .5 1-2 32 64 1. 1 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. MULTIPLIERS FOR CONVERTING METRIC SYSTEM TO U. S. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Millimeters X Centimeters X X X X X 39.37 3.2809 1.0936 0.6214 X 3280.9 X Meters Meters Meters Kilometers Kilometers Square Millimeters Square Centimeters Square Meters Square Kilometers Hectare Cubic Centimeters Cubic Centimeters Cubic Centimeters Cubic Meters Cubic Meters Cubic Meters Liters Liters Liters X Liters X Hectoliters X Hectoliters X Hectoliters X Hectoliters X 26.42 Grams Grams (water) Grams Grams per cu. cent. Kilograms Kilograms 0.03937 = Inches. 0.3937 = " = " (Act of Congress.) = Feet. = Yards. = Miles. = Feet. 0.00155 = Square Inches. X 0.155 = X 10.7641 = Square Feet. X 247.10 = Acres. X 2.47104= " X 0.0610 = Cubic Inches. X 0.2704 = Fl. Drams. (U. S. P.) X 0.0338 =F1. Ounces. (U. S. P.) X 35.3155 = Cubic Feet. X 1.3080 = Cubic Yards. X 264.1785 = Gallons. (231 cu. ins.) X 61.025 = Cubic Inches. (Act of Congress.) X 33.8006 = Fl. Ounces. (U. S. P.) 0.2642 = Gallons. (231 cu. ins.) 0.0353 = Cubic Feet. 3.53T5 = Cubic Feet. 2.8378 = Bushels. (2150.42 cu. ins.) 0.1308 = Cubic Yards. = Gallons. ( 231 cu. ins. ) X 15.432 = Grains. (Act Cong.) X 0.03381 X 0.03527 X 0.0361 X 2.2046 X 35.2736 X Kilograms Kilograms per sq. cent. X 14.223 Kilogram meters X 7.2331 = Fl. Ounces. = Ozs. avoirdupois. = Lbs. per cu. in. = Pounds. = Ozs. avoirdupois. 0.0011023 = Tons. (2000 Ibs.) = Lbs. per sq. in. = Foot-pounds. Kilogram per meter X 0.6720 = Lbs. per foot. Kilogram per cu. meter X 0.0624 = Lbs. per cubic foot. Kilo per cheval X 2.235 = Lbs. per H. P. Kilowatts X 1.34 = H. P. Calorie X 3.968 = B. T. U. Cheval vapeur X .9863 = H. P. 1 Centigrade = 1.8 Fahrenheit. (Degrees, Centigrade, X 1-8) + 32 = Degrees, Fahrenheit 304 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. NOTES ON MENSURATION. LENGTHS. Circumference of circle = diameter X 3.14159. Diameter of circle = circumference X 0.31831. Side of square of same periphery as circle = diameter X 0.785398. Diameter of circle of same periphery as square = side X 1.2732. Side of an inscribed square = diameter of circle X 0.7071. Length of arc = No. of degrees X diameter X 0.0087266. = 3.14159265 log TT = 0.4971499 r = 1.772454 7r2 9.869604 4m 2 4- C 2 r _ 8m or very nearly = 8m - - = 0.318310 - T = 0.101321 = 0.564190 = Jr 2 x 2 (r m) m = r 2 -p or very nearly = for small arcs. or AREAS. Triangle = base X half perpendicular height. Parallelogram = base X perpendicular height. Trapezoid = half the sum of the parallel sides X perpen- dicular height. Trapezium, found by dividing into two triangles. Circle = diameter squared X 0.785398 = radius squared X 3.14159. Sector of Circle = length of arc X half radius. BETHLEHEM STEEL COM PA NY. 305 AREAS (CONTINUED). Segment of Circle = area of sector less triangle ; also for flat segments very nearly = --J 0.388m 2 -f- c * Side of square of equal area as circle = diameter X 0.88623. Diameter of circle of equal area as square = side X 1.12838. Parabola == base X 2 A height. Ellipse = long diameter X short diameter X 0.785398. Regular Polygon = sum of sides X half perpendicular dis- tance from center to sides. Surface of cylinder = circumference X height + area f both ends. Surface of sphere = diameter squared X 3.14159 ; also = circumference X diameter. Surface of a right pyramid or cone = periphery or circum- ference of base X half slant height. Surface of a frustrum of a regular right pyramid or cone = sum of peripheries or circumferences of the two ends X half slant height -f- area of both ends. SOLID CONTENTS. Prism, right or oblique, = area of base X perpendicular height. Cylinder, right or oblique, = area of section at right angles to sides X length of side. Sphere = diameter cubed X 0.523599 ; also = surface X l /(> diameter. Pyramid or cone, right or oblique, regular or irregular, = area of base X 1 A perpendicular height. Prismoid. A prismoid is a solid bounded by six plane surfaces, only two of which are parallel. To find the contents of a prismoid, add together the areas of the two parallel surfaces and four times the area of a section taken midway between and parallel to them, and multi- ply the sum by */&th of the perpendicular distance between the parallel surfaces. 306 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. WEIGHTS OF FIREPROOF MATERIALS. END CONSTRUCTION, FLAT ARCHES. Width of Span between Beams. Depth of Arch. Weight per Sqnare Foot. 5 feet to 6 feet 6 " 7 " 7 " 8 " 8 " 9 " 8 inches. 9 " 10 " 12 " 27 pounds. 29 " 33 " 38 " SIDE CONSTRUCTION, FLAT ARCHES. Width of Span between Beams. Depth of Arch. Weight per Square Foot. 3 feet 6 inches to 4 feet inches 4 " 4 ' 6 ' 4 " 6 5 ' 5 " 6 6 ' 6 " 6 ' 6 6 " 6 7*0* 6 inches. 7 8 9 10 12 27 pounds. 29 32 36 39 44 PARTITIONS. Thickness. Weight per Square Foot. Hollow Brick (Clay) Partitions Porous Terra-Cotta Part tions 11 2 inches. 3 4 5 6 8 3 4 5 6 8 11 pounds. 14 15 19 20 27 16 19 22 23 33 FURRING, ROOFING AND CEILING. Thickness. Weight per Square Foot. Porous Terra-Cotta Furring Roofing < t u Ceiling 14 2 inches. 2 3 4 2 3 4 8 pounds. 12 15 19 11 15 19 6 inch Segmental Arches, 27 pounds per square foot, g 33 tt 2 inch Porous Terra-Cotta Partition, 8 pounds per square foot. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 307 WEIGHTS OF BUILDING MATERIALS, ETC. KIND OF MATERIAL. Weight per Cubic Foot, Lbs. Asphalt, pavement composition 100 Brick, best pressed 135-150 " common hard 110-125 fire 140-150 * ' paving 150 Brickwork, pressed brick 120-140 44 common hard brick 110-120 Cement, American Portland, loose 85 Coal, anthracite, broken, loose 56 " bituminous, broken, loose 54 Concrete, cinder 72 broken stone 120-140 Glass 160 Gravel 120 Iron, cast 450 " wrought 480 Masonry, granite or marble ashlar 160 limestone ashlar 150 " sandstone ashlar . 140 Mortar 100 Plaster ceilings, 10 to 15 Ibs. per square foot. Plaster of Paris 140 Sand, clay and earth, dry 100 M wet 120 Snow, freshly fallen 10 " saturated with moisture 20-50 Steel 490 Stone : Bluestone 160 " Granite 170 " Limestone 160 ' Marble 165 " Sandstone 145 11 Slate 175 Terra Cotta 110 4< " masonry 100 Timber : Douglas fir 30 " Hemlock 26 " Southern yellow pine 45-48 " Spruce 25-28 White oak 48-52 White pine 25-28 308 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. LINEAR EXPANSION OF SUBSTANCES BY HEAT. To find the increase in the length of a bar of any material due to an increase of temperature, multiply the number of degrees of increase of temperature by the coefficient for 100 and by the length of the bar, and divide by one hundred. NAME OP SUBSTANCE. Coefficient for 100 Fahrenheit. Coefficient for 180 Fahrenheit, or 100 Centigrade. Aluminum (cast) .001234 .000957 .000306 .000986 .000594 .000795 .000887 .000451 .000438 .000786 .000648 .000556 .001571 .000308 .000786 .000256 .000494 .009984 .000652 .001079 .000577 .000636 .000663 .000689 .001163 .000276 .001407 .00222 .00172 .00055 .00177 .00107 * .00143 .00160 .00081 .00079 .00142 .00117 .00100 .00283 .00055 .00142 .00046 .00089 .01797 .00117 .00194 .00104 .00114 .00119 .00124 .00210 .00050 .00253 Brass (cast) .... . ... Brick ... Bronze .... . Cement Portland Glass flint Iron cast . .... . ... Lead . . . c from Marble 4 " f from Masonry, brick < Mercury (cubic expansion) Sandstone Slate ... Steel cast Steel structural Tin \Vood, pine Zinc BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 309 NOTES ON STEEL AND IRON. Wrought iron weighs 480 Ibs. per cubic foot. A bar 1 inch square and 3 feet long weighs, therefore, exactly 10 pounds. Hence : The sectional area, in sq. ins. = the weight per foot XA The weight per foot, in Ibs. = sectional area X V Steel weighs 489.6 Ibs. per cubic foot, or 2 per cent, greater than wrought iron. Hence for steel : The sectional area, in sq. ins. = weight per foot H- 3.4 The weight per foot in Ibs. =- sectional area X 3.4 The melting points of iron and steel are about as follows : Wrought Iron 3000 Fahrenheit Cast Iron 2000 Steel 2400 The welding heat of wrought iron is 2700 Fahrenheit. Within the elastic limit the extension and compression of steel is very nearly T ^^ 7 of its length for a stress of 1^ tons (3000 Ibs.) per square inch. The expansion of a steel rod is about equivalent to -nretny of its length for an increase of 15 Fahrenheit, and the stress thus produced is about 1% tons (3000 Ibs.) for each square inch of sectional area in the bar if the ends are held rigidly fixed. For a rod of the lengths given below, the expansion will be as follows : Length of rod, in feet . . 10 20 30 40 50 100 150 Expansion in inches for 15 .012 .024 .036 .048 .060 .120 .180 150 .120 .240 .360 .480 .600 1.200 1.800 100 .080 .160 .240 .320 .400 .800 1.200 Contraction and expansion being equal, the stress per square inch produced by heating or cooling is as follows, for temperatures varying by 15 Fahrenheit : Variation ... 15 30 45 60 75 105 120 150 degrees. Stress . . . . 1# 3 4# 6 7% 9 10# 15 net tons. 310 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. INDEX. PAGE Angle struts, radii of gyration for 205-207 " safe loads for 212-221 Angles, areas of equal leg 160-161 44 " unequal leg 162-163 coefficients of strength for 172-182 connection, for special I and girder beams . 131-135 44 for standard I beams and channels 222-223 explanation on tables of properties of ... 165 " " 44 safe loads for ... 186 gauges for punching rivet holes in 230 properties of equal leg 180-182 4 'unequal leg 172-179 radii of gyration of single 172-182 44 <4 4t 44 two, back to back . . . 205-207 safe loads for 195-197 shapes of 151-153 staggered rivet spacing for 230 weights and dimensions of equal leg .... 160-161 44 unequal leg . . 162-163 Arches, spacing of tie rods for thrust of 240-241 thrust of 240 weights of fireproof flat 306 Area, reduction of, for rivet holes 259 rivet spacing for minimum reduction of ... 258 Areas, method of increasing, for special shapes . . 14-15 44 44 " 44 standard shapes . 142-143 of angles 160-163 beams, rolled girder 54 " special I 56 standardl 166-169 channels 170 circles 298-299 flats 292-295 H column sections 60-75 round and square bars 280-281 B Bars, areas and weights of round and square . . . 280-281 sizes and weights of flat and hexagon .... 155 44 44 round and square . ... 154 Base sections of H columns, use and properties of . 74-75 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 311 PAGE Beam box girders, notes on standard I 198 44 44 safe loads for standard I .... 199-203 Beams, bearing plates for 242-243 bending moments shears and deflections of 234 deflection of 236-237 grillage, notes on 244-245 notes on the strength and deflection of . . . 232-234 unsupported sideways, reduced loads for . 76 wooden, safe loads for 252 Beams, American Standard I : areas of 166-169 coefficients of strength for 166-169 comparison of, with rolled girder beams . . 58 " " " special I beams .... 59 connection angles for 222-223 detail dimensions for 225-227 distance c. to c., for equal radii of gyration . 208 explanation on tables of properties of ... 164-165 " " " safe loads for . . 184-186 maximum safe shear on webs of 192 properties of 166-169 radii of gyration for 166-169 safe loads uniformly distributed for .... 187-189 separators for 224 shapes of 144-148 standard gauges for punching 225-227 weights and dimensions of 156-157 Beams, Bethlehem Rolled Girder : areas of 54 coefficients of strength for 55 comparison of, with standard I beams ... 58 connection angles for 134 " " minimum spans for. . 132 detail dimensions for 140 distance c. to c., for equal radii of gyration . Ill explanation on tables of properties of ... 49-52 " " " safe loads for . . . 76-77 " " " " spacing of .... 90-91 maximum safe shear on webs of 89 properties of 54-55 radii of gyration for 54-55 safe loads for, used as columns 112-113 " " uniformly distributed for .... 78-81 separators for 136 shapes of 16-24 spacing of, for various floor loads 92-99 standard gauges for rivet holes in 140 weights and dimensions of 38 312 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. PAGE Beams, Bethlehem Special I : areas of 56 coefficients of strength for 57 comparison of, with standard I beams ... 59 connection angles for . 135 " " minimum spans for . 133 detail dimensions for . 138-139 distance c. to c., for equal radii of gyration . Ill explanation on tables of properties of ... 49-52 11 " " safe loads for . . . 76-77 11 " " spacing of .... 90-91 maximum safe shear on webs of 89 properties of 56-57 radii of gyration for 56-57 safe loads for, used as columns 114-115 " " uniformly distributed for .... 82-86 separators for 137 shapes of 25-31 spacing of, for various floor loads 100-107 standard gauges for rivet holes in 138-139 weights and dimensions of 39 Bearing plates, notes on ... 242-243 " weights and dimensions of standard 242 values of pins 264 " " rivets 260-261 1 ' safe, for brickwork and masonry . . 243 Bending moments, for usual methods of loading . . 234 moments of pins 262-263 Bethlehem special structural shapes, explanation of 6-13 Bolts, area of, at root of thread 272 U. S. standard screw threads for 272 weights of 269 Bracing, notes on wind 246-247 type of details for wind 47 Brickwork, safe pressure on 243 Building construction, details for shop 48 materials, weights of 307 C Cast iron columns, safe loads for 256-257 " ultimate strength of ...... 255 separators for special I and girder beams 136-137 " standard I beams 224 Channel columns, safe loads for latticed 210-211 lintels, safe loads for 194 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 313 PAGE Channels, areas of 170 coefficients of strength for 171 connection angles for 223 detail dimensions for 228-229 distance apart for equal radii of gyration 209 explanation on tables of properties of . . 164-165 " " " safe loads for. . 184-186 maximum safe shear on webs of .... 193 properties of 170-171 radii of gyration for 170-171 safe loads for, web horizontal 194 " " uniformly distributed for . . . 190-191 shapes of 149-150 standard gauges for punching 228-229 weights and dimensions of 158-159 Circles, areas of . . . . .... 298-299 circumferences of . ' 296-297 Circular arcs, properties of 304 Circumferences of circles . . . 296-297 Clearances for machine driven rivets 230, 266 Clevises, weights and dimensions of . 275 Coefficients of deflection 237 strength, explanation for use of, 50-51 232-233 for angles 172-182 " channels . 171 " " spec. I and girder beams 54-57 ' ' standard I beams. . . . 166-169 Column formulas, comparison of 109 Columns, Bethlehem Rolled Steel H : areas of 60-73 base sections of, uses and properties of . 74-75 detail dimensions of 60-73 details of connections for 46 exampl e showing proper method selecting 130 explanation on tables of properties of . . 52-53 " " " safe loads for . . 108-110 properties of 60-73 safe loads for c 116-129 shapes of 32-37 weights and dimensions of 40-43 Columns, eccentric loading of 110 explanation on tables, safe loads for angle 204 " " " " " channel 204 formulas for safe loads on steel 108, 204 radii of gyration for angle 212-221 " " latticed channel .. . 210 (See next page) 314 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. PAGE Columns, safe loads for angle . . . 212-221 " " " cast iron 256-257 " " " rolled girder beam .... 112-113 ' special I beam 114-115 " " " wooden. 253-254 types of riveted 45 ultimate strength of cast iron 255 Comparison of rolled girder beams with standard I's 58 " special I beams with standard I's . 59 Connection angles, explanation of mimimum spans . 131 for special I and girder beams . 134-135 " standard beams and channels 223 minimum spans for, girder I's . 132 minimum spans for, special Ps . 133 minimum spans for, standard I's 222 Connections and splices for H columns - 46 Conventional signs for riveting 266 Corrugated iron, notes on 250-251 Crippling strength of webs : experiments on 87-88 safe, for special I and girder beams ... 89 " " standard I beams and channels . 192-193 D Decimals of a foot for each -^th inch 300-301 " an inch for each ^th 302 Deflection coefficients 237 formulas for, usual methods of loading . 234 of beams, notes on 236-237 safe limit of, for plastered ceilings .... 77 Detail dimensions for H column sections 60-75 " " special I and girder beams . . 138-140 " " standard beams and channels 225-229 Details of connections and splices for H columns . . 46-47 4 * construction for shop buildings 48 structural 44 Dimensions of angles ... 160-163 ' bars, Bethlehm flat and hexagon steel 1 55 ' ' round and square steel 154 1 beams, American standard I .... 156-157 ' " Bethlehem rolled girder . . 38 ' " " special I .... 39 5 channels 158-159 ' clevises ... 275 * corrugated iron sheets 250-251 " H column sections 60-75 (See next page) BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 315 Dimensions of nuts, hot pressed square and hexagon 270-27 1 " " manufacturers' standard ... 272 44 pins and pin nuts 265 4< rails, American standard 183 " turnbuckles and sleeve nuts .... 274 E Expansion, linear, of substances by heat 308 of steel and iron 309 Experiments on crippling strength of webs .... 87-88 Explanation of Bethlehem special structural shapes 6-13 tables, properties of special shapes . 49-53 standard shapes 164-165 safe loads for angles .... 186 angle struts . . 204 beams (special) 76-77 "(standard) 184-186 1 channel columns 204 ; channels .... 184-186 H columns . . 108-110 ' spacing of special Ps and girders 90-91 Explanatory notes on special structural shapes . . 14 u " standard structural shapes . . 142 F Fireproofing materials, weights of 306 Flats, areas of 292-295 sizes and weights of Bethlehem steel .... 155 weights of steel . . . . 282-287 Foot, decimals of a, for each ^ ? th inch 300-301 Formulas for bending moments and deflections . . 234 " safe loads on steel columns 108,204 <{ strength and deflection of beams . . . 232-234 Foundations, notes on grillage beams in 244-245 G Gas pipe, sizes and weights of standard 276 Gauge, U. S. standard wire 278 Gauges for rivet holes in angles 230 44 44 44 44 beams, rolled girder ... 140 " ' 4 " " 4 < special I 138-139 44 " " " " standard I .... 225-227 channels 228-229 wire, various standard in use 279 Girder beams, rolled (see beams). Girders, safe loads for standard I beam box .... 198-203 Grillage beams, notes on 244-245 Grips, lengths of rivets for various 267 316 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. H PAGE H columns, Bethlehem rolled (see columns). Heat, linear expansion of substances by 308 Hexagon bars, sizes and weights of Bethlehem steel 155 I I beams, special and standard (see beams). Inch, decimals of an, for each ^ ? th 302 Inertia, moments of, for angles 172-182 channels 170-171 H column sections .... 60-75 rails 183 rectangles 238-239 special I and girder beams 54-57 standard I beams .... 166-169 various usual sections . . . 235 Iron and steel, expansion of 309 " " notes on 309 Iron, notes on corrugated 250-251 L Limit of safe deflection for plastered ceilings .... 77 Linear expansion of substances by heat 308 Lintels, safe loads for channel, web horizontal . . . 194 Loads for roofs . . 248 safe (see safe loads). Lomas nuts, weights and dimensions of 265 M Masonry, safe pressure on 243 Materials, weights of building 307 " < fireproofing 306 Mensuration, notes on 304-305 Method of increasing sectional area for special shapes 1 5 " " il " standard shapes 143 Metric system, conversion of, to U. S. standards . . 303 Mill building construction with wide flange beams . 48 Moments, bending, for beams usual cases of loading 234 of pins 262-263 Moments of inertia of angles 172-182 ; beams, special I and girder . 54-57 standard I ..... 166-169 ' channels 170-171 ' H column sections 60-75 4 rectangles 238-239 ' ' various usual sections 235 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 317 N PAGE Nails and spikes, sizes and weights of .' 277 Nuts, manufacturers' standard sizes of 272 weights and dimensions of clevis ...'... 275 "pin 265 " " " sleeve 274 " " square and hexagon 270-271 P Pin nuts, weights and dimensions of Lomas .... 265 Pins, bearing values of 264 bending moments of 262-263 screw threads for 265 Pipe, standard steam, gas and water 276 Plates areas of steel 292-295 bearing, notes on 242-243 standard gauges for iron and steel 278-279 weights of steel 282-291 Properties, explanation tables of, for special shapes 49-53 " " standard shapes 164-165 of angles 172-182 ' beams, special I and rolled girder . . 54-57 standard I 166-169 channels 170-171 H column sections 60-75 1 rails, American standard ...... 183 R Radii of gyration for angles 172-182 beams, girder and special I . . 54-57 " standard I 166-169 channels 170-171 H column sections 60-75 rails, American standard . . . 183 two angles back to back . . . 205-207 Rails, properties of American standard 183 Rectangles, moments of inertia of 238-239 Reduction of area for rivet holes .... .... 259 " " spacing of holes for minimum . . 2*58 Rivet heads, dimensions of 266 holes, reduction of area for 259 spacing for angles 230 beams, special I and girder . . . 138-140 " standard I ....... 225-227 channels 228-229 clearance in machine driving . . 230, 266 minimum reduction of area . . . 258 staggered distance on centers . . . 230 318 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. PAGE Rivets, clearances for machine driven 230, 266 conventional signs for 266 lengths of, for various grips 267 shearing and bearing values of 260-261 staggered distance centers of 230 weights of steel 268 Rods, areas and weights of round and square steel 280-281 upset screw ends for round and square ... 273 Roofs, notes on 248 Roof trusses, coefficients for stresses in 249 Round bars, sizes and weights of Bethlehem steel . 154 " weights and areas of steel 280-281 cast iron columns, safe loads for 256 ultimate strength of ... 255 S Safe bearing values of brickwork and masonry . . 243 deflection, limit of, for plastered ceilings ... 77 lengths for columns 110 Safe loads for angle struts 212-221 columns, cast iron 256-257 latticed channel 210-211 rolled girder beam .... 112-113 rolled steel H 116-129 special I beams 114-115 wooden 253-254 Safe loads on columns, explanation on tables of : for angle struts and latticed channels . . 204 " rolled H sections 108-110 Safe loads uniformly distributed : explanation of.for special structural shapes 76-77 " " standard structural shapes 184-186 for angles 195-197 ' beams, rolled girder 78-81 ' " special I 82-86 1 standard I 187-189 ' channels 190-191 ' " web horizontal 194 1 girders, standard I beam box .... 198-203 1 wooden beams 252 Screw ends, upset 273 threads, U. S. standard Screws, wood Sectional area, method of increasing, special shapes 14-15 " " " standard shapes 142-143 Sections of built columns 45 Separators for special I and girder beams 136-137 " standard I beams 224 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. 319 PAGE Shapes of angles, equal leg 151-152 " " unequal leg 152-163 " beams, rolled girder 16-24 " special I 25-31 standard I 144-148 " channels 149-150 Shear on webs of beams, experiments on 87-88 safe, for special I and girder beams .... 89 " " standard I beams and channels . . . 192-193 Shearing values of rivets 260-261 Sheets, standard gauges for iron and steel .... 278-279 weights and dimensions of corrugated iron . 250-251 Shop building construction with wide flange beams 48 Sleeve nuts, weights and dimensions of 274 Spacing for equal radii of gyration : of channels back to back 209 " special I and girder beams c. to c. . . . Ill " standard I beams c. to c 208 Spacing of tie rods 240-241 tables, explanation of 90-91 " for rolled girder beams 92-99 " " special I beams 100-107 Spikes, nails and wood screws 277 Square bars, sizes and weights of Bethlehem steel . 154 " weights and areas of steel 280-281 columns, safe loads for cast iron ..... 257 Steam pipe, dimensions and weights of standard . 276 Steel and iron, notes on 309 Steel bearing plates, sizes and weights of 242-243 flats, areas of 292-295 " sizes and weights of Bethlehem . .... 155 " weights of 282-287 plates, areas of 292-295 " weights of 282-291 Strength of corrugated iron 251 safe, of angle struts 204 " " steel columns 108 ultimate, of cast iron columns 255 Stresses in roof trusses 249 Structural details . 44 Struts, angle, notes on- 204 " safe loads for 212-221 Substances, linear expansion of, by heat 308 Threads, screw, for pins 265 " U. S. standard 272 Tie rods, size and spacing of 240-241 320 BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. PAGE Timber beams, safe loads for . 252 columns, safe loads for . 253-254 Trusses, roof, coefficients for stresses in 249 " notes on . 248 Turnbuckles, weights and dimensions of 274 U Ultimate shearing strength of beam webs 87-88 strength of cast iron columns 255 Upset ends for round and square rods 273 W Water pipe, dimensions and weights of standard . 276 Weights and measures, metric system 303 Weights of angles, equal leg 160-161 " unequal leg 162-163 bars, Bethehem flat and hexagon steel . 155 4< " round and square steel . 154 " round and square steel 280-281 beams, Bethlehem rolled girder .... 38 41 special I 39 " standard I 156-157 bearing plates 242 bolts 269 building materials 307 channels 158-159 clevises . , 275 corrugated iron 251 fireproofing materials 306 flat rolled steel 282-291 H column sections . . . . 40-43 nuts, square and hexagon 270-271 pin nuts rails, American standard 183 rivets 268 separators for rolled girder beams ... 136 " " special I beams 137 " " standard I beams .... sleeve nuts spikes and nails 277 steel plates 282-291 turnbuckles Wind bracing, notes on 246-247 " type of details for H columns . . . pressure on roofs Wooden beams, safe loads for 252 columns, safe loads for 253-254 Wood screws 277 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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