i-NRi-F j A REFERENCE LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY At a meeting of the Board of Directors in January, 1919, it was decided to have prepared a reference list of firms engaged in the electrochemical industry, and their products. The first printing of the list is here presented. It is divided into two parts : (a) a list of firms, together with their products and certain in- formation regarding their operations ; (b) a list of electrochemical products, together with the names and addresses of the firms producing them. The list is far from complete. It is planned to print it again after there has been ample opportunity for additions and revision. It is hoped that members of the Society and others will assist in making it complete and accurate by pointing out all errors and omissions which they may note, as well as suggesting changes in form. It is hoped also that firms which have not yet replied to the request for information will do so. Replies are still being received ; to date 46 percent of the firms addressed have answered. In the great majority of cases the information desired has been furnished fairly completely, as will be noted in reading the list. Companies have not been omitted from the list because they have not replied to the request for information. In these cases the products only have been given, together with any published information collected from other sources. Most of the firms pro- ducing electric steel have not been canvassed, but the information given has in most cases been taken from the list of electric steel furnaces published in The Iron Age. 1 There is room for discussion as to what firms and products should be included in a list of this kind. For example, for the present it has been thought advisable not to include electro-plating establishments, nor to take account of storage batteries or dry cells ; these may be added later. On the other hand, all products of the electric furnace have been included, and all users of the 1 The Status of the Electric Steel Industry. E. F. Cone. Iron Age (1919), 103, 60. 2 REFERENCE LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY electric furnace on a commercial scale, even though the operation may be primarily a melting one. Also the majority of the firms listed are not to be classed as entirely or even chiefly electro- chemical; so long as they carry on electrochemical processes or make electrochemical apparatus they have been included. In these cases it isV intended that the data given shall apply only to the electrochemical part of their operations, unless otherwise stated. Products made only for plant use and not offered on the market have been included. They are indicated by a star (*), and in the list of products the firms producing for their own use only are similarly indicated. 5./M FIRMS ENGAGED IN THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA Acheson Graphite Co. Main Office: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Works: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Raw Materials Used: Coke, sand, sawdust, coal, petroleum coke, petro- leum oils, animal fats. Products: Graphite electrodes, powdered graphite, lubricating grease. Power: Steam and hydro-electric. Source of Power: Buffalo General Electric Co., Niagara Falls Power Co. Number of Employees: 800. Acieral Co. of America Works: Newark, N. J. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 300-lb. electric furnace. Products: Aluminium alloys. Acme Steel & Malleable Co. Works: Buffalo, N. Y. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Ajax Metal Co. Main Office: Frankford Ave. and Richmond St., Philadelphia, Pa. Works: Frankford Ave. and Richmond St., Philadelphia, Pa. ; Ortho- dox St. and Delaware Ave., Avondale, Philadelphia, Pa.; Birming- ham, Ala. Raw Materials Used: Copper, tin, lead, zinc, and other metals. Capacity of Working Units: 30,000,000 Ib. per year. Products: Non-ferrous alloys, babbitt metals, manganese bronze, acid- resisting metals, electric furnaces. Amount of Power Utilised: 500 kw. How Generated: Steam. Source of Power: Local power companies. Amount of Capital Stock: $1,800,000. Number of Employees: 500. Alaska-Treadwell Gold Mining Co. Works: Treadwell, Alaska. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 2-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings.* Aluminum Co. of America Main Office: Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Works: Niagara Falls, N. Y.; Massena, N. Y.; Maryville, Tenn.; Badin, N. C. Raw Materials Used: Bauxite, cryolite, carbon electrodes. Products: Aluminium. Amount of Capital Stock: $20,000,000. * Not produced for the market. REFERENCE UST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY One 6600-lb. electric furnace. Two 20-ton electric furnaces. American Cyanamid Co. Main Office: 511 Fifth Ave., New York City. Works: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Raw Materials Used: Limestone, coke, air. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Capacity for fixing 6,400 tons of nitrogen per year. Products: Cyanamid, crude cyanide (35% NaCN). Amount of Power Utilised: 22,500 kw. How Generated: Water. Source of Power: Ontario Power Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $18,000,000. Number of Employees: 750. American Foundry & Machine Co. Works: Salt Lake City, Utah. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Products-' Steel castings. American Iron & Steel Mfg. Co. Works: Lebanon, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Products: Steel. American Magnesium Corporation Main Office: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Works: Niagara Falls, N. Y. ; Rumford, Me. Raw Materials Used-' Magnesite, magnesium carbonate, magnesium oxide, magnesium chloride. Products: Magnesium metal, ingot and powder, magnesium alloys, calcium alloys. Amount of Power Utilised-' 1200 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Niagara, Lockport & Ontario Power Co. ; Rumford Falls Power Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $495,000. Number of Employees: 95. American Manganese Steel Co. Works: Oakland, Calif. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products-' Steel castings. American Metallurgical Corp. Works: Conshohocken, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1-ton electric furnace. Products-' Steel castings. American Radiator Co. Works: Buffalo, N. Y. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 6-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel castings.* American Smelting & Refining Co. Main Office: 120 Broadway, N. Y. Works: Maurer, N. J. ; Omaha, Neb. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Copper, 1,632 tanks, 300,000,- 000 Ib. per year. Products: Electrolytic copper, lead, bismuth, cadmium, selenium, gold, silver, platinum, palladium, tin. * Not produced for the market. REFERENCE; LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 5 American Steel & Wire Co. Works: Sharon, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One unit, 15 by 30 ft. Products: Electro-galvanized fence posts. American Steel Foundries Works-' Indiana Harbor, Ind. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 6-ton electric furnace. Products-' Steel castings. American Vanadium Co. Main Office: Pittsburgh, Pa. Works: Bridgeville, Pa. Raw Materials Used: Vanadium ore. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One electric furnace. Products: Ferrovanadium. Amount of Power Utilised: 750 kw. How Generated: Steam. Amount of Capital Stock: $700,000.f Anaconda Copper Mining Co. (Great Falls Reduction Dept.) Main Office: 42 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Works: Great Falls, Mont. Raw Materials Used: Zinc concentrates, coal, limerock, blister copper, manganese ores. Number and Capacity of Working Units' Zinc plant, producing 150 tons zinc per day. Copper refineries, producing 275 tons of copper per day. Ferromanganese plant (not now operating), capacity, 90 tons of ferromanganese per day; 5 electric furnaces. Products: Electrolytic zinc, electrolytic copper, ferromanganese, zinc dust. Amount of Power Utilized: Zinc plant, 26,000 kw. Copper refinery, 5,000 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric, Missouri River. Source of Power-' All but 1,725 kw. purchased from Montana Power Co. Number of Employees: 1,400. Anniston Steel Co. Works-' Anniston, Ala. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Five 6-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel castings, pig iron. Armstrong, Whitworth, of Canada, Ltd. Works-' Longueuil, Que. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton and three 6-ton electric furnaces. Products-' Steel ingots. Atlantic Foundry Co. Works: Akron, Ohio. Products: lilectric furnace steel castings. Atlas Crucible Steel Co. Works-' Dunkirk, N. Y. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton and one 6-ton electric furnace. Products-' Steel ingots. * Not produced for the market. t Poor's Manual. 6 REFERENCE UST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY Aurora Foundry Co. Works: Seattle, Wash. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1^-ton electric furnace. Products- Steel castings. Avery Co. Works: Peoria, 111. Number and Capacity of Working Units- Two 1^-ton electric fur- naces. Products: Steel castings. Balbach Smelting & Refining Co. Main Office: 580 Market St., Newark, N. J. Works: Newark, N. J. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 444 tanks ; 45,000,000 Ib. per year. Products-' Electrolytic copper, gold, platinum, palladium. Amount of Power Utilised: 750 kw. How Generated: Steam. Amount of Capital Stock: $1,000,000. Number of Employees: 53. Baltimore Copper Smelting & Rolling Co. Main Office : 120 Broadway, N. Y. Works: Baltimore, Md. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 2,029 tanks; 444,000,000 Ib. per year. Products: Electrolytic copper, gold, silver, platinum, selenium. Amount of Capital Stock: $500,000. Bare Paper Co., D. M. Works: Roaring Springs, Pa. Raw Materials Used: Salt. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 160 400-amp. cells. Products: Caustic soda,* chlorine.* Amount of Power Utilised: 30 kw. Plow Generated: Steam. Bario Metals Co. Main Office-' 167 West 18th St., New York, N. Y. Products: Electric furnaces and electrically melted "Bario" metal. Bayonne Castings Co. Main Office-' Bayonne, N. J. Works: Bayonne, N. J. Products: Electrically melted monel -metal and nickel castings. Bayonne Steel Casting Co. Works: Bayonne, N. J. Number and Capacity of Working Units-' One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Belle City Malleable Iron Co. Works' Racine, Wis. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products-' Steel castings. * Not produced for the market. I,IST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 7 Bethlehem Steel Co. Main Office: Bethlehem, Pa. Works: Bethlehem, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton, one 6-ton, and one 10-ton electric furnace. Products-' Steel ingots, steel castings. Bettendorf Oxygen-Hydrogen Co. Main Office: Bettendorf, Iowa. Works-' Bettendorf, Iowa. Products: Electrolytic oxygen and hydrogen. Bilrowe Alloys Co. Main Office-' 1025 East F St., Tacoma, Wash. Works: Tide Flats, Tacoma, Wash. Raw Materials Used ' Manganese ore, limerock, coke. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Six electric furnaces, each of capacity of two tons per day. Products: Ferromanganese. Amount of Power Utilised: 2,100 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: City of Tacoma, Municipal Plant. Amount of Capital Stock: $1,000,000. Number of Employees-' 45. Booth-Hall Co. Main Office-' 2307-15 Archer Ave., Chicago, 111. Works: 2307-15 Archer Ave., Chicago, 111. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Capacity for 40 to 50 large electric furnaces annually. Products: Electric melting furnaces for steel, iron, and non-ferrous metals. Amount of Capital Stock: $100,000. Number of Employees-' 10. Bowmanville Foundry Co. Works: Bowmanville, Ont. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One %-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Braebum Steel Co. Works: Braeburn, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 6-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel ingots. British America Nickel Corp., Ltd. Main Office: Citizens Bldg., Ottawa, Can. Works: Deschene, Que. (Under construction). Products: Electrolytically refined nickel. British Forgings, Ltd. Works: Toronto, Can. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Ten 6-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel ingots. Brown Co. Main Offife: Commercial St., Portland, Me. Works: Berlin, N. H. Products: Electrolytic chlorine* and caustic soda.* * Not produced for the market. 8 REFERENCE UST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY Buchanan Electric Steel Co. Works-' Buchanan, Mich. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 2-ton and one 3-ton electric furnace. Products-' Steel castings. Buckeye Steel Casting Co. Works: Columbus, Ohio. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 6-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Buckeye Traction Ditcher Co. Main Office-' Findlay, Ohio. Works: Findlay, Ohio. Raw Materials Used: Steel scrap and shell turnings, ferro-alloys. Number and Capacity of Working Units-' One 1-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings.* Source of Power: Local power company. Amount of Capital Stock: $250,000. Number of Employees: 40. Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining & Concentrating Co. Main Office-' San Francisco, Calif. Works: Kellogg, Idaho. Products: Electrolytic zinc. Burdett Oxygen & Hydrogen Co. Main Office: Pittsburgh, Pa. Works: Pittsburgh, Pa. Raw Materials Used: Water. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 125 cells, producing 10,000 cu. ft. of oxygen and 20,000 cu. ft. of hydrogen per day. Products: Oxygen, hydrogen. Amount of Power Utilised: 180 kw. How Generated: Steam. Calumet & Hecla Mining Co. Main Office-' Calumet, Mich. Works: Hubbell, Mich.; Calumet, Mich. Number and Capacity of Working Units-' 65,000,000 Ib. of copper per year; also one 3-tqn electric steel furnace. Products >' Electrolytic copper ; electric steel castings.* Canada Carbide Co. Main Office: Power Bldg., 83 Craig St., W., Montreal, Can. Works-' Shawinigan Falls, Que. ; Merritton, Ont. Raw Materials Used: Lime, coke, electrodes. Number of Working Units: Six. Products: Calcium carbide. Amount of Power Utilized-' 25,000 to 30,000 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Shawinigan Water & Power Co. Number of Employees-' 500 to 600. * Not produced for the market. REFERENCE LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 9 Canadian Aloxite Co. Main Office: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Works: Niagara Falls, Ont. ; Shawinigan Falls, Que. Raw Materials Used: Silica sand, coke, petroleum coke, bauxite. Products: Carborundum, carborundum fire sand, 90% silicon metal, aluminous abrasives. Source of Power: Canadian Niagara Power Co., Toronto Power Co., Shawinigan Water and Power Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $100,000. Number of Employees: 350. Canadian Brakeshoe Co., Ltd. Main Office: Sherbrooke, Que. Works: Sherbrooke, Que. Raw Materials Used: Scrap steel, ferro-alloys, refractories. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Three 500-kw. electric fur- naces. Products: Mild and manganese-steel castings. Amount of Power Utilized: 500 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Municipal plant. Number of Employees: 60-70. Canadian Cement Co. Works: Montreal, Can. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Four 6-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel castings. Canadian Electrode Co. Works: Shawinigan Falls, Que. Products: Carbon electrodes. Canadian Electro Products Co., Ltd. Main Office: 611 Power Bldg., Montreal, Can. Works: Shawinigan Falls, Que. Raw Materials Used: Quicksilver, calcium carbide, caustic soda, sul- phuric acid. Products: Acetaldehyde, acetic acid, paraldehyde. Amount of Power Utilised: 2.250 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric. Source of Power Supply: Shawinigan Water and Power Co. Number of Employees: 450. Canadian Ferro-Alloys Co. Works: Shawinigan Falls, Que. Products: Ferro-alloys. Canadian National Carbon Co., Ltd. Main Office: Toronto, Can. Products: Carbon electrodes, batteries. * Not produced for the market. 10 REFERENCE UST OK THE ELECTROCHEMICAI, INDUSTRY Canadian Salt Co., Ltd. Main Office: Windsor, Ont. Works: Sandwich, Ont. Raw Materials Used: Brine, lime. Number of Working Units: 750 cells. Products: Caustic soda, bleaching powder. Amount of Power Utilised: 6,000 kw. (total). How Generated: Steam and hydro-electric. Source of Power: Hydro-electric from Hydro Electric Power Com- mission. Amount of Capital Stock: $800.000. Number of Employees: 200 (total). Capitol City Iron Works Works: Olympia, Wash. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1^-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel. Carbon Steel Co. Works: Pittsburgh, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 6-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel ingots. Carborundum Co. Main Office: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Works: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Raw Materials Used: Silica sand, coke, petroleum coke. Products: Carborundum, carborundum fire sand, 90-percent silicon metal. Power: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Niagara Falls Power Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $2,500,000. Number of Employees: 2,500. Carnegie Steel Co. Works: Duquesne, Pa. Raw Materials Used: Molten steel, steel scrap, ferrosilicon, tungsten ore, coal, coke, petroleum coke. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 25-ton and one 3-ton electric furnace, and one 750-kw. electric calcining furnace. Products: Steel ingots, calcined coal. Amount of Power Utilised: 5,500-6,500 kw. How Generated: Steam. Carpenter Steel Co. Works: Reading, Pa. Products: Electric steel ingots. Central Steel Co. Works: Massillon, Ohio. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1-ton electric furnace, used for melting ferromanganese.* Chace & Harriman, Inc. Main Office: Boston, Mass. Products: Electrolytic chlorine and caustic soda. * Not produced for the market. UST OF THE: ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 1 1 Champion Fibre Co. Main Office: Canton, N. C. Works: Canton, N. C. Raw Materials Used: Salt, lime. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 396 cells, each 750 amp. Products: Liquid bleach, caustic soda. Amount of Power Utilised: 1,500 kw. How Generated: Steam and water. Charleston Chlorine Co. Main Office: 120 Broadway, N. Y. Works: Belle, W. Va. Products: Electrolytic chlorine and caustic soda. Cheoah Aluminum Co. Main Office: Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Works: Maryville, Tenn. Products: Aluminium. Chicago Bearing Metal Co. Main Office: 2234 West 43d St., Chicago, 111. Works: 2234 West 43d St., Chicago, 111. Raw Materials Used: Non-ferrous scrap, brass, copper, tin, lead, zinc. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Four 1-ton electric furnaces. Products: Brass railroad castings, journal bearings. Amount of Power Utilized: 1,000 kw. How Generated: Steam. Source of Power Supply: Commonwealth Edison Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $3,000,000. Number of Employees: 500 (total). Chile Exploration Co. (Laboratories) Works: 202d St. and 10th Ave., New York, N. Y. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One YA, -ton and one 600-lb. electric furnace; equipment for d. c. electrochemical tests up to 30 kw. Number of Employees: 25-30. Chrome Steel Works Works: Chrome, N. J. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1-ton electric furnace. Products: Alloy steel. Cleveland Brass Mfg. Co. Works: Cleveland, Ohio. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One ^-ton electric furnace. Products: Alloy-steel castings. Commercial Research Co. Works: Long Island City, N. Y. , Products: Electrolytic chlorine arid caustic soda. Connecticut Electric Steel Co., Inc. Works: Hartford, Conn. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 2-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel castings. * Not produced for the market. 12 REFERENCE UST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY Consolidated Mining &. Smelting Co. Main Office: C. P. R. Bldg., Toronto, Can. Works: Trail, B. C. Products: Electrolytic copper, lead, zinc. Amount of Capital Stock: $15,000,000. Consumers' Steel Corp. Works: Chicago, 111. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1-ton and one 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Tool steel. Crane Co. Works: Chicago, 111. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 6-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Crowley Co., John A. Main Office: 120 Liberty St., New York, N. Y, Works: Detroit, Mich. Raw Materials Used: Steel scrap, ferro-alloys, fluxes, refractories. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 12-ton and one 5-ton electric furnaces. Products: Alloy and carbon steels ; also electric furnaces. Amount of Power Utilised: 2,450 kw. How Generated: Steam. Source of Power Supply: Detroit Edison Co. Crucible Steel Casting Co. Works: Cleveland, Ohio; Milwaukee, Wis. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 1-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel castings. Crucible Steel Co. of America Works: Harrison, N. J. ; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Syracuse, N. Y. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Three 3-ton and five 6-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel ingots. Crucible Steel Forge Co. Works: Cleveland, Ohio. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 2-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel. Damascus Crucible Steel Casting Co. Works: New Brighton, Pa. Raw Materials Used: Steel scrap. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 2-ton electric furnace. Products: Manganese-steel castings. Davidson Tool Mfg. Corp. Works: New York, N. Y. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One J^-ton electric furnace. Products: High-speed steel. * Not produced for the market LIST OF THF, ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 13 DavU-Bournonville Co. Works: Jersey City, N. J. Products: Electrolytic oxygen and hydrogen. Dayton Malleable Iron Co. Works: Dayton, Ohio. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 2j4-ton electric furnace. Products:' Steel. Dayton Steel Foundry Co. Main Office: Dayton, Ohio. Works: Dayton, Ohio. Raw Materials Used: Low-phosphorus steel scrap, ferromanganese, ferrosilicon. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1-ton and one 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings and wheels. How Generated: Steam. Source of Power: Dayton Power & Light Co. Number of Employees: 500 (total). Defiance Paper Co. Niagara Electric Furnace Co., Inc. (Selling Company) Main Office: Third and Walnut Aves., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Works: Third and Walnut Aves., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Raw Materials Used: Coke, silica rock, steel turnings. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One electric furnace, 6 tons per day. Products: 50-percent ferrosilicon. Amount of Power Utilised: 1,650 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Niagara Falls Power Co. Detroit Electric Furnace Co. Main Office: 642 Book Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Works: Detroit, Mich. Products: Rocking electric furnaces, for all brass and bronze alloys from 60-40 brass to pure copper. Amount of Capital Stock: $50,000. Dill & Collins Co. Main Office: 140 North 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Works: Richmond and Tioga Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Raw Materials Used: Salt. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 120 cells, capacity 80 Ib. of caustic soda and 70 Ib. of chlorine per day. Products: Liquid bleach,* caustic soda.* Amount of Power Utilised: 550 kw. Number of Employees: 12. Disston & Sons, Inc., Henry Works: Philadelphia, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel ingots. * Not produced for the market. 14 REFERENCE LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY Dominion Foundries & Steel, Ltd. Works: Hamilton, Can. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 6-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel castings. Driscoll-Reese Steel Co. Works: Hamburg, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Driver-Harris Co. Works: Harrison, N. J Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 2-ton and one 200-lb. electric furnace. Products: Steel castings, nickel alloys. Ducktown Sulphur, Copper & Iron Co. Works: Isabella, Tenn. Products: Electrolytic zinc. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., E. I. Main Office: Wilmington, Del. Works: Wilmington, Del. Products: Electrolytic chlorine and caustic soda. Duriron Castings Co. Main Office: 90 West St., New York, N. Y. Works: Dayton, Ohio. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 34 -ton electric furnace. Products: Iron castings. Eastern Car Co. Works: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 6-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings.* Eastern Electrochemical Co. Main Office: South Brewer, Me. Works: South Brewer, Me. Raw Materials Used: Salt, calcite. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Sixty-four 1,200-1,500 amp. cells. Products: Liquid bleach, caustic soda. Amount of Power Utilised: 450 kw. How Generated: Water. Source of Power: Bangor Power Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $100,000. Number of Employees: 18. Ecorse Foundry & Machine Co. Works: Ecorse, Mich. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Electric Furnace Construction Co. Main Office: 402 Finance Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Products: Electric furnaces (assembling only). Amount of Capital Stock: $300,000. * Not produced for the market. UST OF THE SXECTROCHEMICAI, INDUSTRY 15 Electric Heating Apparatus Co. Main Office: 123 Sussex Ave., Newark, N. J. Works: 123 Sussex Ave., Newark, N. J. Products: Electric furnaces and heating appliances. Amount of Power Utilised: 90 kw. How Generated: Steam. Electric Reduction Co. Main Office: Washington, Pa. Works: Washington, Pa. Raw Materials Used: Tungsten concentrates, molybdenum concen- trates, chrome ore, vanadium ore, etc. Number of Working Units: 36 electric furnaces. Products: Ferrotungsten, ferromolybdenum, ferrochromium, ferro- vanadium, cerium, alloy steels. Amount of Capital Stock: $500,000. Electric Reduction Co., Ltd. Main Office: Buckingham, Quebec. Works: Buckingham, Quebec. Products: Electrolytic potassium chlorate and sodium chlorate. Electric Smelting & Aluminum Co. Main Office: Lockport, N. Y. Works: Lockport, N. Y. Products: Alloys of aluminum, copper, manganese, silicon, nickel, and phosphorus. Electric Steel & Forge Co. Works: Cleveland, Ohio. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton and one 6-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel ingots. Electric Steel & Metals, Ltd. Works: Welland, Ont. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 6-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel ingots. Electric Steel Co. Works: Chicago, 111. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton and two other electric furnaces. Products: Steel castings. Electric Steel Co. of Indiana Works: Indianapolis, Ind. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace, Products: Steel castings. Electric Steel Foundry Works: Portland, Ore. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 1-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel castings. * Not produced for the market. l6 REFERENCE UST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY Electro Bleaching Gas Co. Main Office: 18 East 41st St., New York, N Y Works: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Products: Electrolytically generated liquid chlorine. Electrochemical Co. Works: Dayton, Ohio. Products: Electrolytic cells. Electrolytic Engineering Corp. Main Office: 501 Fifth Ave., New York. N. Y. Products: Electrolytic cells. Electrolytic Oxy-Hydrogen Laboratories Main Office: 15 William St., New York, N. Y. Products: Electrolytic oxy-hydrogen cells, and equipment. Electrolytic Zinc Co., Inc. Works: Highlandtown, Md. Products: Electrolytic zinc. Electro-Metallurgical Co. Main Office: 30 East 42d St., New York, N. Y. Works: Niagara Falls, N. Y. ; Glen Ferris, W. Va. ; Holcomb Rock, Va. Raw Materials Used: Chrome ore, rare ores, silica rock, coal, coke, scrap steel. Products: Ferrosilicon, ferrochromium, other ferro-alloys. Power: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Hydraulic Power Co.; Niagara Falls Power Co.; Niagara, Lockport & Ontario Power Co. Electro Metals, Ltd. Works: Welland, Ont. Products: Ferrosilicon, ferrochromium. Everett Steel Co. Works: Everett, Wash. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One %-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel. Exolon Co., Inc. Main Office: 110-114 Brookline Ave., Boston, Mass. Works: Thorold, Ont. ; Blasdell, N. Y. Raw Materials Used: Petroleum coke, coke, silica, bauxite, mill scale, salt, sawdust. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 9 electric furnaces, each 750 kw. Products: Silicon carbide and aluminous abrasives, refractories, ferro- silicon. Amount of Power Utilised: 7,500 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Toronto Power Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $500,000. Number of Employees: 300. * Not produced for the market. UST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 17 Farrell Cheek Steel Foundry Co. Works: Sandusky, Ohio. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Firth-Sterling Steel Co. Works: McKeesport, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 3-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel ingots. Amount of Power Utilised: 750 k\v. How Generated: Steam. Fluid Compressed Steel Co. Main Office: Keokuk, Iowa. Works: Keokuk, Iowa. Raw Materials Used: Scrap steel, pig iron, ferro-alloys. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 500-kw. electric furnace. Products: Castings, cast-steel pipe, non-corrosive pipe. Amount of Power Utilized: 500 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Mississippi River Power Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $325,000. Ford Motor Co. Main Office: Detroit Mich. Works: Detroit, Mich. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One ^4 -ton and one J/2-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings,* alloy steels.* Foundation Co. Works: New York, N. Y. Products: Electrochemical plants. Four Wheel Drive Auto Co. Works: Clintonville, Wis. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1^-ton electric furnace. ^Products: Steel castings. Fulton Steel Corp. Works: Fulton, N. Y. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1-ton and one 6-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel ingots. General Electric Co. Main Office: Schenectady, N. Y. Works: Schenectady, N. Y. Products: Electric furnaces, magnesium, calcium, lithium. General Motors Co. Works: Stockton, Calif.; Pontiac, Mich. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 6-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel castings. * Not produced for the market. 1 8 REFERENCE UST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY General Steel Co. Main Office: Public Service Building, Milwaukee, Wis. Works: St. Francis, Wis. Raw Materials Used: Steel scrap turnings, ferro-alloys, lime, mag- nesia, dolomite. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 12-ton and one l l / 2 -ton electric furnaces. Products: Alloy steels in ingots, billets, bars, die blocks, piston rods, straight-bar forgings, and hammered bars. Amount of Power Utilised: 7,000 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Co. Number of Employees: 200. Gerline Brass Foundry Co. Works: Kalamazoo, Mich. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 800-lb. electric furnace. Products: Bronze, etc. Gerlinger Steel Casting Co. Works: Milwaukee, Wis. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Glover Machine Works Works: Marietta, Ga. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Great Western Electrochemical Co. Main Office: Holbrook Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Works: Pittsburgh, Calif. Products: Electrolytic chlorine and caustic soda. Gulf Refining Co. Works: Pittsburgh, Pa. ; Port Arthur, Texas. Products: Electrolytic chlorine and caustic soda. Halcomb Steel Co. Main Office: Syracuse, N. Y. Works: Syracuse, N. Y. Raw Materials Used: Pig iron, ore, scrap, refractories, fluxes. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Seven electric furnaces, each 3 to 6 tons capacity. Products: Alloy and tool steel. Power: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Niagara, Lockport & Ontario Power Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $5,000,000. Number of Employees: 1,800 (total) . * Not produced for the market. UST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 19 Hamersley Mfg. Co. Main Office: 232 Greenwich St., New York, N. Y. Works: Garfield, N. J. Raw Materials Used: Salt. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 140 cells. Products: Chlorine,* caustic soda.* How Generated: Steam. Amount of Capital Stock: $200,000. Number of Employees: 800 (total). Hamilton & Hansel!, Inc. Main Office: Park Row Bldg., New York, N. Y. Products: Electric furnaces. Hammond Steel Co. Works: Syracuse, N. Y. Number and Capacity of Working Units:: One 1-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel. Harrow Spring Co. Main Office: 1106 First National Bank Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. Works: Kalamazoo, Mich. Raw Materials Used: Scrap, ferro-alloys, refractories, fluxes. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 6-ton electric furnace. Products: Carbon and alloy steels, in billets, bars, and ingots. Amount of Power Utilised: 275,000 kw. hr. per month. How Generated: Hydro-electric and steam. Source of Power: Consumers Power Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $560,000. Number of Employees: 20. Hartford Electric Steel Corp. Works: Rocky Hill, Conn. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Haynes Stellite Co. Main Office: Kokomo, Ind. Works: Kokomo, Ind. Raw Materials Used: Chromium, cobalt, tungsten. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 3 electric furnaces. Products: Stellite. Hercules Steel Casting Co. Works: Milwaukee, Wis. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 6-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Heppen stall Forge & Knife Co. Works: Pittsburgh, Pa. Raw Materials Used: Steel scrap. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 6-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel ingots. Hess Steel Corporation Works: Baltimore, Md. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Six 6-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel ingots. * Not produced for the market. 20 REFERENCE UST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY Hooker Electrochemical Co. Main Office: 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Works: Echota, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Raw Materials Used: Sodium chloride, lime.f Products: Chlorine, bleaching powder, sulphur chloride, caustic soda, monochlorbenzol, hydrochloric acid, picric acid.f Hoskins Mfg. Co. Main Office: Detroit, Mich. Works: Detroit, Mich. Products: Electric furnaces. Hubbard Steel Foundry Works: East Chicago, Ind. Products: Electric steel castings. Hudson Reduction Co. Main Office: Latrobe, Pa. Works: Latrobe, Pa. Raw Materials Used: Tungsten ore. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Five 270-KVA electric fur- naces. Products: Ferrotungsten. Amount of Power Utilised: 1,000 kw. How Generated: Steam. Huntington Steel Foundry Co. Works: Huntington, Ind. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Hussey-Binns Steel Co. Works: Charleroi, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 6-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel ingots. Amount of Power Utilised: 1,090 kw. How Generated: Steam. Illinois Steel Co. Main Office: 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Works: South Chicago, 111. Raw Materials Used: Molten metal from open-hearth furnaces. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 15-ton and three 25-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel ingots, alloy and plain carbon, all grades. Amount of Power Utilised: 200 kw. hr. per ton of steel produced. How Generated: Steam. Source of Supply: In part from Commonwealth Edison Co. Number of Employees: 400-500. Industrial Electric Furnace Co. Main Office: Chicago, 111. Products: Electric furnaces. International Molybdenum Co. Works: Orillia, Ont, Canada. Products: Ferromolybdenum. * Not produced for the mr.rket. t Chew. Eng. Cat. REFERENCE LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 21 International Nickel Co. Main Office: 43 Exchange Place, New York, N. Y. Works: Port Colburne, Ont. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Capacity, 10,000 tons of electrolytic nickel per year.f Products: Nickel. International Paper Co. Main Office: 30 Broad St., New York, N. Y. Works: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Products: Caustic soda,* chlorine.* Isco Chemical Co., Inc. Main Office: 46 Cliff St., New York, N. Y. Works: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Raw Materials Used: Salt, lime, coal, carbon bisulphide. Products: Caustic soda, bleaching powder, carbon tetrachloride, and other chlorine products. Power: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Niagara Falls Power Co. Jessop Steel Co. Works: Washington, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel ingots, armor plate, tool steel. Amount of Power Utilised: 1,800 kw. How Generated: Steam. Jessup & Moore Paper Co. Main Office: Commercial Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Works: Elkton, Md. ; Wilmington, Del. Products: Electrolytic chlorine* and caustic soda.* Judge Mining & Smelting Co. Main Office: Kearns Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. Works: Park City, Utah. Raw Materials Used: Zinc concentrates. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two units, each 7.5 tons capacity. Products: Zinc. Source of Power: Utah Power and Light Co. Number of Employees: 95. Keokuk Electro Metals Co. Works: Keokuk, Iowa. Products: Ferrosilicon, ferrochromium. Kimberley-Clark Co. Works: Neenah, Wis. Products: Electrolytic chlorine and caustic soda. Lamb Machine Co. Works: Hoquiam, Wash. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One l>^-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel. * Not produced for the market. t Mineral Ind. 22 REFERENCE UST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY Latrobe Electric Steel Co. Works: Latrobe, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton and two 6-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel ingots (tool steel). Amount of Power Utilized: 1,800 kw. Lavino Co., E. J. Main Office: Bullitt Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Products: Electric furnaces. Leavitt & Co., C. W. Main Office: SO Church St., New York, N. Y. Products: Electric furnaces. Lebanon Steel Foundry Works: Lebanon, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 2-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel castings. Lemoyne Steel Co. Main Office: 904 Park Bldg., New Eagle, Pa. Works: Monongahela, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 2-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel ingots (tool steel). Amount of Power Utilized: 450 kw. Liberty Steel Co. Works: Morristown, N. J. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One H-ton electric furnace. Products: High-speed steel. Llewellyn Iron Works Works: Los Angeles, Calif. Products: Electric steel castings. Ludlum Electric Furnace Corporation Main Office: 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y. Works: Watervliet, N. Y. Products: Electric furnaces for alloy steels, steel castings and special work. Ludlum Steel Co. Works: Watervliet, N. Y. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Three 10-ton, two 6-ton, and three 5-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel. Lumen Bearing Co. Main Office: Buffalo, N. Y. Works: Buffalo, N. Y. Products: Electrically melted brass, bronze, and bearing metal. Lunkenheimer Co. Works: Cincinnati, Ohio. Number and Capacity^ of Working Units: One 1-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. * Not produced for the market. LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 23 Manitoba Steel Foundries, Ltd. Works: Winnipeg, Can. Products: Electric steel castings. Mathieson Alkali Works Main Office: Saltville, Va. Works: Saltville, Va. ; Niagara Falls, N. Y. Products: Electrolytic cells, chlorine, caustic soda. Amount of Capital Stock: $3,500,000.t Maynard Electric Steel Co. Works: Milwaukee, Wis. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Maynard Steel Castings Co. Works: Milwaukee, Wis. Number and Capacity^ of Working Units: One 1-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. McCord Mfg. Co. Works: Chicago, 111. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 6-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel. Miami Paper Co. Main Office: West Carrollton, Ohio. Works: West Carrollton, Ohio. Products: Electrolytic bleach liquor* and caustic soda.* Michigan Steel Casting Co. Works: Detroit, Mich. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 6-ton and two 3-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel castings. Midland Electric Steel Co. Works: Terre Haute, Ind. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel ingots and pig iron. Midvale Steel & Ordnance Co. Works: Philadelphia, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 10-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel ingots. Millbury Steel Foundry Co. Works: Millbury, Mass. Number and Capacity^ of Working Units: One 2-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Milwaukee Steel Foundry Co. Works: Milwaukee, Wis. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Minneapolis Electric Steel Casting Co. Works: Minneapolis, Minn. Products: Steel castings. * Not produced for the market. t Poor's Manual. 24 REFERENCE LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY Monarch Foundry Co. Works: Stockton, Calif. Number and Capacity ^of Working Units: One 1-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Monroe Steel Castings Co. Main Office: Monroe, Mich. Works: Monroe, Mich. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1^-ton and one other electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Amount of Power Utilised: 600 kw. How Generated: Steam. Source of Power: Detroit Edison Co. Monsanto Chemical Works Main Office: 2d and Lafayette St., St. Louis, Mo. Works: Paradise and Mississippi Aye., East St. Louis, 111. Raw Materials Used: Sodium chloride. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 180 cells. Products: Caustic soda, chlorine. Amount of Power Utilised: 1,500 kw. How Generated: Steam. Montclair Water Co. Works: Paterson, N. J. Products: Electrolytic chlorine.* Montreal Water & Power Co. Main Office: 11 Place D'Armes, Montreal, Que. Works: 20 Charlevoix St., Montreal, Que. Raw Materials Used: Salt. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Four 400-amp. cells. Products: Chlorine.* Amount of Power Utilised: 12 kw. Source of Supply: Local power company. More! and Motor Truck Co. Works: Los Angeles, Calif. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton and one ^4 -ton electric furnace. Products: Iron and steel castings.* National Carbide Corporation Alain Office: Law and Commerce Bldg., Bluefield, W. Va. Works: Ivanhoe, Va. Raw Materials Used: Limestone, coal, coke. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Three 2,250-kw. 3-phase fur- naces, total capacity 50 tons per day. Products: Calcium carbide. Amount of Power Utilised: 7,500 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Appalachian Power Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $600,000. Number of Employees: 100. * Not produced for the market LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 25 National Carbon Co. Main Office: Cleveland, Ohio. Products: Carbon electrodes. Amount of Capital Stock: $5,600,000.t National Electrolytic Co. Main Office: Canal Basin, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Works: Canal Basin, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Raw Materials Used: Muriate of potash, soda ash, chrome ore, wood alcohol, lime. Products: Chlorate of potash, bichromates of soda and potash, formalde- hyde, methyl acetone, chrome alum, paraformaldehyde, hexamethyl- enetetramine. Power: Hydraulic. Source of Power: Niagara Falls Power Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $1,150,000. National Malleable Casting Co. Works: Sharon, Pa.; Chicago, 111.; Cleveland, Ohio. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Five 6-ton and two 15-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel castings. National Metal Moulding Co. Works: Ambridge, Pa. Raw Materials Used: Zinc oxide. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two electric furnaces, each 30 by 228 ft. Products: Zinc dust. Amount of Power Utilised: 600 kw. How Generated: Steam. Naylor & Co. Main Office: 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Products: Electric furnaces. New Cornelia Copper Co. Main Office: Calumet, Mich. Works: Ajo, Ariz. Products: Copper. Amount of Capital Stock: $9,000,000. t New England Steel Castings Co. Works: East Longmeadow, Mass, Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1^2-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co. Works: Newport News, Va. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 6-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings.* New Process Metals Co. Main Office: New York, N. Y. Works: New York, N. Y. Products: Ferrocerinm, cerium (mischmetal). * Not produced for the market, t Poor's Manual. 26 REFERENCE UST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY Niagara Alkali Co. Main Office: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Works: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Raw Materials Used: Sodium chloride ; potassium chloride, benzol, manganese dioxide. Products: Caustic soda, caustic potash, bleaching powder, hydrochloric acid, monochlorbenzol, dichlorbenzol, permanganate. Power: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Niagara Electric Steel Corp. Works: N. Tonawanda, N. Y. Products: Steel ingots. Niagara Electrochemical Co. Main Office: 100 William St., New York, N. Y. Works: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Raw Materials Used: Salt, caustic soda, soda ash, coal, lime. Products: Sodium, sodium peroxide. Amount of Power Utilised: 4,500 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Niagara Falls Power Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $100,000. Number of Employees: 350. Niagara Smelting Corp. Works: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Products: Electrolytic chlorine and caustic soda. Nichols Copper Co. Main Office: Laurel Hill, Long Island, N Y. Works: Laurel Hill, Long Island, N. Y. Raw Materials Used: Blister copper. Products: Refined copper. Amount of Power Utilised: 6,000 kw. How Generated: Steam. Number of Employees: 1,600. Noble Electric Steel Co. Main Office: 995 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. Works: Heroult, Calif. Raw Materials Used: Iron ore, manganese ore, chrome ore, quartz, lime rock, coke, charcoal. Number and Capacity of Working Units: S furnaces of from 800 to 1,600 kw. each. Products: Ferromanganese, ferrosilicon, pig iron, steel, ferrochromium. Amount of Power Utilised: 4,500 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Local company. Number of Employees: 150. Norfolk & Western Railroad Works: Roanoke, Va. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings.* North American Chemical Co. Works: Bay City, Mich. Products: Electrolytic potassium chlorate and sodium chlorate. * Not produced for the market. LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 27 Northern Aluminum Co. Main Office: Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Works: Shawinigan Falls, Que. Raw Materials Used: Bauxite, cryolite, carbon electrodes. Products: Aluminium. Amount of Power Utilised: 42,000 kw.| How Generated: Hydro-electric. Number of Employees: 500.$ Norton Co. Main Office: Worcester, Mass. Works: Worcester, Mass.; Niagara Falls, N. Y. ; Chippewa, Ont. ; Bauxite, Ark. Products: Abrasive materials of all kinds. Norton Laboratories, Inc. Main Office: Madison Ave. and 41st St., New York, N. Y. Products: Magnesium. Ohio Salt Co. Main Office: Wadsworth, Ohio. Works: Rittman, Ohio. Raw Materials Used: Chloride of potash. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Capacity, 6 tons per day. Products: Chlorate of potash. Amount of Power Utilised: 2,000 kw. How Generated: Steam. Amount of Capital Stock: $900,000. Number of Employees: 400. Ohio Steel Foundry Works: Springfield, Ohio. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Oil Well Supply Co. Main Office: Oil City, Pa. Works: Oil City, Pa. Number of Working Units: One electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Oklahoma Iron Works Works: Tulsa, Okla. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Oldbury Electrochemical Co. Main Office: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Works: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Products: Phosphorus. Old Dominion Iron & Nail Works Works: Richmond, Va. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 5-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel ingots. * Not produced for the market. f Mineral Ind. t Trans. Am. Etectrochem. Soc. (1912), 32, 90. 28 REFERENCE LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY Old Dominion Iron & Steel Corp. Works: Richmond, Va. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 3-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel. Olympia Steel Foundry Works: Seattle, Wash. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 24-ton and one 2 l / 2 -ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Otis Elevator Co. Main Office: 250 Eleventh Ave., New York, N. Y. Works: Buffalo, N. Y. Products: Electric steel castings.* Oxford Paper Co. Main Office: 200 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Works: Rumford, Me. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Capacity, 20 tons bleach liquor per day.t Products: Bleach liquor,* caustic soda.* Amount of Capital Stock: $3,000,000.t Pacific Car & Foundry Co. Works: Renton, Wash. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One iy 2 -ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Pacific Electro-Metals Co. Main Office: San Francisco, Calif. Works: Bay Point, Calif. Products: Ferromangariese, silico-manganese. Pacific Foundry Co. * Works: San Francisco, Calif. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 750-lb. electric furnace. Products: Low-phosphorus pig iron. Parsons Co. Works: Newton, Iowa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Pennsylvania Engineering Works Works: New Castle, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 6-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Pettibone-Milliken Co. Works: Chicago, 111. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 2-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. * Not produced for the market. t Poor's Manual. REFERENCE; UST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 29 Phelps Dodge Corp. Main Office: 99 John St., New York, N. Y. Products: Electrolytically extracted copper. Pittsburgh Electro-Galvanizing Co. Main Office: Pittsburgh, Pa. Works: Pittsburgh, Pa. Raw Materials Used: Zinc, zinc salts, acids, caustic soda. Number 'and Capacity of Working Units: Six tanks, each 10 tons per day. Products: Galvanized metals. Amount of Power Utilized: 30 kw. How Generated: Steam. Pittsburgh Furnace Co. Main Office: 707 Union Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Works: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Milwaukee, Wis. Products: Electric furnaces. Pittsburgh Metallurgical Co. Works: Montour Junction, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1,800-kw. electric fur- nace. Products: Ferrochromium, ferrosilicon. Amount of Power Utilised: 1,500 kw. How Generated: Steam. Portland Oxygen & Hydrogen Co. Works: Portland. Ore. Products: Electrolytic oxygen and hydrogen. Price Engineering Co., T. W. Main Office: 233 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Products: Electric furnaces. Primes Chemical Co. Main Office: Primes, Pa. Works: Primos, Pa. Products: Tungsten, ferrotungsten, ferrovanadium, cupro vanadium, molybdenum, ferromolybdenum. Process Engineers, Ltd. Main^Office: 211 McGill St., Montreal, Can. Products: Electrolytic cells for chlorine. Queen City Foundry Co. Works: Denver, Colo. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One f^-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Railway Steel Spring Co. Works: Latrobe, P*. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel ingots. * Not produced for the market, 3O REFERENCE LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY Raritan Copper Works Main Office: Perth Amboy, N. J. Works: Perth Amboy, N. J. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 3,456 tanks, capacity 480,000,- 000 Ib. per year.f Products: Electrolytic copper, selenium, tellurium, gold, silver, plati- num, palladium. Amount of Capital Stock: $1,500,000.$ Republic Carbon Co. Works: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Products: Carbon electrodes. Republic Chemical Co. Main Office: Pittsburgh, Pa. Products: Electrolytic chlorine and caustic soda. Research Corporation Main Office: 63 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Works: 411 St. Paul's Ave., Jersey City, N. Y. Products: Installations of electrostatic precipitation processes for dust, fume and mist. Number of Employees: 35. Riordan Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd. Main Office: Montreal, Que. Works: Merritton, Ont. Raw Materials Used: Lime, salt, acid, soda ash. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 28 cells, total 1,200 amp., making chlorine for 200 Ib. of bleach powder per day. Products: Bleach liquor.* How Generated: Hydro-electric. Source of Power Supply: In part from Toronto Power Co. Number of Employees: 7. River Smelting & Refining Co. Main Office: 722 Chestnut St., St. Louis, M. Works: Keokuk, Iowa. Products: Electrolytic zinc. Rollin Chemical Co., Inc. Main Office: Charleston, W. Va. Works: Charleston, W. Va. Products: Carbon tetrachloride, monochlor benzol, dichlorbenzol, sulphur chloride, sodium sulphide, caustic soda. Samson Sieve Grip Tractor Co. Works: Stockton, Calif. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings.* Semet-Solvay Co. Main Office: Syracuse, N. Y. Works: Syracuse, N. Y. Products: Electrolytic sodium, chlorine, caustic soda. * Not produced for the market, t Mineral Ind. j Poor's Manual. UST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 31 Shawinigan Electro-Metals Co. Works: Shawinigan Falls, Que. Products: Magnesium. Amount of Power Utilized: 2,000 kw.t Shawinigan Electro Products Co. Main Office: 1606 Lexington Bldg., Baltimore, Md. Works: Highlandtown, Md. Raw Materials Used: Iron ore, iron scrap, silica rock, coke. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 3 electric furnaces, total capacity 85 tons. Products: 50-percent ferrosilicon. Power: Steam and hydraulic. Source of Power: Pennsylvania Water and Power Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $750,000. Shimer & Co., H. M. Main Office: Philadelphia, Pa. Products: Ferrotungsten. Simonds Manufacturing Co. Main Office: Fitchburg, Mass. Works: Lockport, N. Y. Raw Materials Used: Scrap, ferro-alloys. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 6-ton electric furnaces. Products: Carbon and alloy steels. Amount of Power Utilised: 2,250 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Niagara Falls. Number of Employees: 600 (total). Sivyer Steel Casting Co. Works: Milwaukee, Wis. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton and one other electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Sizer Forge Co. Works: Buffalo, N. Y. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 10-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel ingots. Skagit Steel & Iron Works Works: Sedro Woolley, Wash. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Southern Ferro-Alloys Co. Main Office: Chattanooga, Tenn. Works: Chattanooga, Tenn. Raw Materials Used: Coke, charcoal, silica rock, scrap steel. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Three. Products: Ferrosilicon. Power: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Chattanooga Ry. and Light Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $210,000. Number of Employees: 125. * Not produced for the market. t Poor's Manual. 32 REFERENCE LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY Southern Manganese Corp. Main Office: Birmingham, Ala. Works: Anniston, Ala. Raw Materials Used: Manganese ore, steel turnings, coal, coke, lime- stone, silica rock. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Five 300-KVA, two 1,500-KVA, and one 2,000-KVA electric furnaces. Products: Ferromanganese, silico-manganese, other alloys. Amount of Power Utilised: 15,000 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Alabama Power Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $75,000. Number of Employees: 300. Southern Reduction Co. Main Office: Los Angeles, Calif. Products: Ferromolybdenum. Spear Carbon Co. Works: St. Marys, Pa. Products: Carbon electrodes. Spencer Heater Co. Works: Scranton, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings.* Stackpole Battery and Carbon Co. Works: St. Marys, Pa. Products: Carbon electrodes, batteries. Standard Chemical Co. Main Office: Forbes and Meyran Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Works: Canonsburg, Pa. Raw Materials Used: Uranium, vanadium. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Four 350-kw. electric fur- naces. Products: Ferro-uraniurn, ferro vanadium, uranium alloys, vanadium alloys. Amount of Power Utilised: 800 kw. How Generated: Steam. Standard Seamless Tube Co. Works: Economy, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 15-ton electric furnace. Products: Alloy steel ingots. Amount of Power Utilised: 2,400 kw. How Generated: Steam. Standard Steel Castings Co. Main Office: Hickox Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Works: Clearing, 111. Raw Materials Used: Low-phosphorus, low-sulphur, steel scrap. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 5-ton electric furnaces. Products: Cast steel wheels. Amount of Power Utilised: 500,000 kw. (total). How Generated: Steam. Source of Power Supply: Public Service Co., Chicago, 111. Number of Employees:' 400 (total). * Not produced for the market. REFERENCE LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 33 Standard Stoker Co. Works: Erie, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 2-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings.* Steams-Rogers Mfg. Co. Main Office: Denver, Colo. Products: Electric steel castings. Stowell Co. Works: South Milwaukee, Wis. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One lJ/2-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Tacoma Smelting Co. Works: Tacoma, Wash. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 1,180 tanks; annual capacity,. 204.000,000 Ib.t Amount of Capital Stock: $500,000.$ Taylor Chemical Co. Main Office: 8 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. Works: Penn Yan, N. Y. Raw Materials Used: Sulphur, coke, charcoal. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Three; total capacity, 25 tons per day. Products: Carbon bisulphide. Amount of Po^ver Utilised: Up to 1,000 kw. How Generated: Steam and water. Source of Power: Partly from Yates Electric Light and Power Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $1.200,000. Number of Employees: 35 to 50. Taylor Co., W. P. Works: Buffalo, N. Y. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 2-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Taylor- Wharton Iron & Steel Co. Works: Highbridge, N. J. ; Easton, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton and one 6-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad Co. Works: Ensley, Ala. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 6-ton electric furnace, used for melting ferromanganese. Tiro ken -Detroit Axle Co. Works: Canton, Ohio. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 2-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. * Not produced for the market, t Mineral Ind. j Poor's Manual. 34 REFERENCE UST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY Timken Roller Bearing Co. Works: Canton, Ohio. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Four 6-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel ingots. Titanium Alloy Manufacturing Co. Main Office: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Works: Niagara Falls, N. Y. Products: Ferrotitanium, ferro-carbon-titanium, titanium pigments and salts, titanium-treated aluminium bronze. Tivani Electric Steel Co. Works: Belleville, Out. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel ingots, ferromolybdenum. Tottenville Copper Co. Works: Tottenville, N. Y. Products: Electrolytic copper. Treadwell Engineering Co. Works: Easton. Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 2-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Trenton Water Works Main Office: Trenton, N. J. Products: Electrolytic chlorine.* Trojan Electric Steel Co. Works: Chicago, 111. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel ingots. Tungsten Products Co. Main Office: Boulder, Colo. Works: Boulder. Colo. Products: Ferrotungsten. Tungsten Products Co. of Maryland Main Office: Baltimore, Md. Products: Ferrotungsten. Twin City Forge & Foundry Co. Works: Stillwater, Minn. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Union Carbide Co. Main Office: 30 East 42d St., New York. Works: Niagara Falls, N. Y. : Sault Ste. Marie. Mich. Raw Materials Used: Coal, coke, limestone. ' Products: Calcium carbide. Power: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Hydraulic Power Co.; Niagara Falls Power Co.; Niagara, Lockport Ontario PoAver Co.; Michigan Northern Power Co/ * Not produced for the market. REFERENCE; UST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 35 Union Carbide Co. of Canada, Ltd. Main Office: Canada Life Bldg., Toronto, Can. Works: Welland, Ont. Raw Materials Used: Coal, coke, limestone. Products: Calcium carbide. Power: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Hydro-Electric Power Commission. Union Dye & Chemical Corp. Main Office: 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y. Works: Kingsport, Tenn. Products: Electrolytic chlorine and caustic soda. Union Electric Steel Co. Main Office: Carnegie. Pa. Works: Carnegie, Pa. Raw Materials Used: Steel scrap. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 6-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel ingots. Amount of Power Utilized: 1,300 kw. How Generated: Steam. Union Spring & Mfg. Co. Works: New Kensington, Pa. Raw Materials Used: Steel scrap. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 6-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Amount of Power Utilised: 1,500-1.800 kw. How Generated: Steam. United Alloy Steel Corporation Main Office: Canton, Ohio. Works: Canton, Ohio. Raw Materials Used: Steel scrap, ferro-alloys, deoxidizers, fluxing and refractory materials. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 6-ton and two 15-ton electric furnaces. Products: Alloy steels, special steels, magnet, ball and race, die, cone, saw, rivet set. and chisel steels. Amount of Power Utilised: 4,000 kw. Source of Poiver: Central Power Co., Canton, Ohio. United States Army (Watertown Arsenal) Works: Watertown, Mass. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 2-ton and two 6-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel ingots,* steel castings.* United States Electric Steel Co. Works: Connellsville, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 10-ton electric furnace. Products: Alloy steel ingots, forging ingots. Amount of Po^vcr Utilised: 3,000 kw. How Generated: Steam. * Not produced for the market. 36 REFER KNCE LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY United States Metals Refining Co. Main Office: 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Works: Chrome, N J. ; East Chicago, Ind. Raw Materials Used: Blister copper, lead bullion. Products: Copper, selenium, platinum, palladium, silver, gold, lead, tellurium, bismuth. United States Mint Works: Washington, D. C. ; Philadelphia, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two J^-ton and one 1-ton electric furnaces. Products: Copper and nickel alloys.* United States Navy (Gun and Projectile Factories) Works: Washington. D. C. ; Charleston, W. Va. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Four 6-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel ingots,* steel castings.* United States Navy (Navy Yards) Works: Norfolk, Va. ; Bremerton, Wash, ; Mare Island, Calif. ; Charleston, S. C. ; Philadelphia, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Three 6-ton and two 3-ton electric furnaces. Products: Steel castings.* United States Smelting, Refining & Mining Co., Mammoth Plant Main Office: 55 Congress St., Boston, Mass. Works: Kennett, Calif. Raw Materials Used: Bag-house fume from copper smelter. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 40 cells, 10 tons of zinc per day; 3 cells, 400 Ib. of cadmium per day. Products: Zinc, cadmium. Amount of Power Utilized: 1.200 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Power company. Number of Employees: 100. United States Steel Corp. Main Office: 71 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Products: Electric furnaces. Universal Rolling Mill Co. Works: Bridgeville, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Three 6-ton electric fur- naces. Products: Steel ingots, alloy and carbon. Amount of Power Utilized: " 1,074 kw. How Generated: Steam. Vanadium Alloys Steel Co. Works: Latrobe, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Two 3-ton electric furnaces. Products: Alloy steel ingots, tool steel. * Not produced for the market. REFERENCE LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 37 Vulc*n Crucible Steel Co. Works: Aliquippa, Pa. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace, Products: Steel ingots, alloy. Amount of Power Utilised: 660 kw. How Generated: Steam. Wabi Iron Works Works: New Liskeard. Ont. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Warner Chemical Co. Main Office: 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Works: Carteret N. J. Raw Materials Used: Salt, sulphur, phosphorus, acetic acid. Number and Capacity of Working Units: Sixty 1,000-amp. cells. Products: Sulphur chloride, hypochlorite of soda, oxychloride of phos- phorus, trichloride of phosphorus, acetyl chloride, acetic anhydride. Amount of Power Utilised: 225 kw. How Generated: Steara. Amount of Capital Stock: $1,000,000. Number of Employees: 10. Wamer-Klipstein Chemical Co., Inc. Main Office: 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. Works: South Charleston, W. Va. Raw .Materials Used: Salt, sulphur, charcoal. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 480 1,000-amp. cells. Products: Sulphur chloride, carbon bisulphide, carbon tetrachloride, chlorine gas. Amount of Power Utilised: 2,000 kw. How Generated: Steam. Amount of Capital Stock: $1,300,000. Number of Employees: 300. Warren Steel Casting Co. Works: St. Louis, Mo.; Los Angeles, Calif. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 2-ton and three 3-toa electric furnaces. Products: Steel castings. Warren Co., S. D. Main Office: 200 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. Works: Westbrook, Me. Raw Materials Used: Salt, lime. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 151 cells. Products: Bleach liquor,* caustic soda.* Amount of Porver Utilised: 1,000 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric. Washington Iron Works Works: Seattle, Wash. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 3-ton and one 1-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel ingots. * Not produced for the market. 38 REFERENCE LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL, INDUSTRY Washington Steel & Ordnance Co. Works: Washington, D. C. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 1-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel ingots. Wehr Steel Co. Works: Milwaukee, Wis. Number and Capacity ^of Working Units: One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Western Chemical Manufacturing Co. Main Office: Denver, Colo. Works: Denver, Colo. Raw Materials Used: Complex ores. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One unit, 15 tons of zinc per day. Products: Electrolytic zinc, matte, lead sulphate. Amount of Power Utilised: 2,260 kw. How Generated: Steam and hydro-electric. Source of Power Supply: Denver Gas & Electric Co.; Central Col- orado Power Co. Amount of Capital Stock: $2,000,000. Number of Employees: 400-500 (total). Western Crucible Steel Co. Main Office: Minneapolis, Minn. Products: Electric steel ingots. Western Electric Co. Main Office: Chicago, 111. Products: Electrolytic iron. Western Reduction Co. Main Office: 24th and Nicolai St., Portland. Ore. Works: 24th and Nicolai St., Portland, Ore. Raw Materials Used: Manganese ore, lime, limestone, coal, coke, char- coal. Number and Capacity of Working Units: 2 furnaces ; '200 tons per month. Products: Ferromanganese. Also carbon electrodes.* Amount of Power Utilised: 600 to 1,200 kw. How Generated: Hydro-electric. Source of Power: Local power company. Amount of Capital Stock : $100,000. Number of Employees: 40. Western Steel Car & Foundry Co. Works: Hegewisch, 111. Products: Electric steel castings. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. Main Office: East Pittsburgh, Pa. Products: Electric furnaces. West Michigan Steel Foundry Co. Works: Muskegon. Mich. Number and Capacity of Working Units : One 3-ton electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. * Not produced for the market. REFERENCE; LIST OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 39 West Steel Casting Co. Main Office: Cleveland, Ohio. Products: Electric steel castings. West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co. Main Office: 200 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Works: Mechanicsville, N. Y. ; Covington, Va. ; Davis, W. Va. ; Tyrone, Pa.; Williamsburg, Pa.; Luke, Md. Products: Electrolytic bleach liquid* and caustic soda.* Wickett & Smith Co. Works: Toronto, Can. Products: Electrolytic gold, silver. Wile Electric Furnace Co. Main Office: Pittsburgh, Pa. Products: Electric furnaces. Wilson Carbide Co. Main Office: St. Catherines, Out., Can. Products: Calcium carbide. Zimmerman Steel Co. Main Office: Bettendorf, Iowa. Works: Bettendorf, Iowa. Raw Materials Used: Steel scrap. Number and Capacity of Working Units: One 8-ft. electric furnace. Products: Steel castings. Amount of Power Utilised: 2,100 kw. (transformer capacity). How Generated: Steam and water. Source of Power: People's Power Co., Davenport, Iowa. Amount of Capital Stock:. $335,000. Number of Employees: 125 to 250. * Not produced for the market. PRODUCTS OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY Abrasives Canadian Aloxite Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Exolon Co., Inc., Boston, Mass. Norton Co., Worcester, Mass. Acetaldehyde ^Canadian Electro Products Co., Ltd., Montreal, Can. Acetic acid Canadian Electro Products Co., Ltd., Montreal, Can. Acetic anhydride Warner Chemical Co., New York, N. Y. Alloys, aluminium Acieral Co. of America, Newark, N. J. Alloys, calcium American Magnesium Corp., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Alloys, copper Chicago Bearing Metal Co., Chicago, 111. United States Mint,* Washington, D. C, ; Philadelphia, Pa. Alloys, magnesium American Magnesium Corp., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Alloys, nickel Driver-Harris Co., Harrison, N. J. United States Mint,* Washington, D. C. ; Philadelphia, Pa. Alloys, non-ferrous Ajax Metal Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Bario Metals Co.. New York City, N. Y. Chicago Bearing Metal Co., Chicago, 111. Electric Smelting & Aluminum Co., Lockport, N Y. Gerline Brass Foundry Co., Kalamazoo. Mich. Haynes Stellite Co., Kokomo, Ind. Lumen Bearing Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Titanium Alloy Mfg. Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. United States Mint,* Washington. D. C. ; Philadelphia, Pa. Alloys, uranium Standard Chemical Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Alloys, vanadium Standard Chemical Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. * Manufacture this product for their own use only. 40 PRODUCTS OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY. 41 Aluminium Aluminum Co. of America, Pittsburgh, Pa. Cheoah Aluminum Co., Maryville, Tenn. Northern Aluminum Co., Shawinigan Falls. Que. Bearing metal Ajax Metal Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Chicago Bearing Metal Co., Chicago, 111. Lumen Bearing Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Bismuth American Smelting & Refining Co., New York, N. Y. United States Metals Refining Co., New York, N. Y. Bleaching powder Canadian Salt Co.. Ltd., Windsor, Ont. Hooker Electrochemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Isco Chemical Co., New York, N. Y. Niagara Alkali Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Bleach liquor D. M. Bare Paper Co.,* Roaring Springs, Pa. Champion Fibre Co.,* Canton, N. C. Dill & Collins Co.,* Philadelphia. Pa. Eastern Electrochemical Co., South Brewer, Me. Miami Paper Co., West Carrollton, Ohio. Oxford Paper Co.,* New York, N. Y. Riordan Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.,* Montreal, Can. S. D. Warren Co.,* Boston, Mass. West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co.,* New York, N. Y. Cadmium American Smelting & Refining Co., New York, N. Y. United States Smelting, Refining & Mining Co., Kennett, Calif.; Midvale, Utah. Calcium General Electric Co.. Schenectady, N. Y. Calcium carbide Canada Carbide Co., Montreal. Can. National Carbide Corp., Bluefield, W. Va. Union Carbide Co., New York, N. Y. Union Carbide Co. of Canada, Ltd., Toronto, Can. Wilson Carbide Co., St. Catherines. Ont. Carbon bisulphide Taylor Chemical Co., New York, N. Y. Carbon tetrachloride Isco Chemical Co., Inc., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Warner-Klipstein Chemical Co., New York, N. Y. Carborundum See Silicon carbide. * Manufacture this product for their own use only. 42 PRODUCTS OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY. Car- tings, iron Duriron Castings Co., New York. N. Y. Moreland Motor Truck Co.,* Los Angeles, Calif. Castings, non-ferrous Ajax Metal Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Bario Metals Co., New York, N. Y. Bayonne Castings Co., Bayonne, N. J. Chicago Bearing Metal Co., Chicago, 111. Driver-Harris Co., Harrison, N, J. Gerline Brass Foundry Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. Haynes Stellite Co., Kokomo, Ind. Lumen Bearing Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Castings, steel See Steel castings. Caustic potash Niagara Alkali Co.. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Caustic soda D. M. Bare Paper Co.,* Roaring Springs, Pa. Brown Co.,* Portland. Me. Canadian Salt Co., Windsor, Ont. Chace & Harriman, Inc., Boston, Mass. Champion Fibre Co.,* Canton, N. C. Charleston Chlorine Co., New York, N. Y. Commercial Research Co., New York, N. Y. Dill & Collins Co.,* Philadelphia, Pa. E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del. Eastern Electrochemical Co., South Brewer, Me. Great Western Electrochemical Co., San Francisco. Calif. Gulf Refining Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Hamersley Mfg. Co.,* New York, N. Y. Hooker Electrochemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. International Paper Co.,* New York, N. Y. Isco Chemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Jessup & Moore Paper Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. Kimberley-Clark Co., Neenah, Wis. Mathieson Alkali Works, Saltville, Va. Miami Paper Co.,* West Carrollton, Ohio. Monsanto Chemical Works, St. Louis, Mo. Niagara Alkali Co., Niagara' Falls. N. Y. Niagara Smelting Corp., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Oxford Paper Co.,* New York, N. Y. Republic Chemical Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Rollin Chemical Co., Charleston, W. Va. Semet-Solvay Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Union Dye & Chemical Corp., New York, N. Y. S. D. Warren Co.,* Boston, Mass. West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co.,* New York, N. Y. Cells, electrolytic Electrochemical Co., Dayton, Ohio. Electrolytic Engineering Corp., New York N. Y. Electrolytic Oxy-Hydrogen Laboratories, New York, N. Y. Mathieson Alkali Works, Saltville, Va. Process Engineers, Ltd., Montreal, Can. * Manufacture this product for their own use only. PRODUCTS OF THE: ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY. 43 Cerium Electric Reduction Co., Washington, Pa. New Process Metals Co., New York, N. Y. Chlorine D. M. Bare Paper Co.,* Roaring Springs, Pa. Brown Co.,* Portland, Me. Canadian Salt Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. Chace & Harriman, Inc., Boston, Mass. Champion Fibre Co.,* Canton, N. C. Charleston Chlorine Co., New York, N. Y. Commercial Research Co., Long Island City, N. Y. Dill & Collins Co.,* Philadelphia, Pa. E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del. Eastern Electrochemical Co., South Brewer, Me. Electro Bleaching Gas Co., New York, N. Y. Great Western Electrochemical Co., San Francisco, Calif. Gulf Refining Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Hamersley Mfg. Co.,* New York, N. Y. Hooker Electrochemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. International Paper Co.,* New York, N. Y. I sco Chemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Jessup & Moore Paper Co.,* Philadelphia, Pa. Kimberley-Clark Co., Neenah, Wis. Mathieson Alkali Works, Saltville, Va. Miami Paper Co.,* West Carrollton, Ohio. Montclair Water Co.,* Paterson, N. J. Montreal W r ater & Power Co.,* Montreal, Que. Monsanto Chemical Works, St. Louis, Mo. Niagara Smelting Corp., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Oxford Paper Co.,* New York, N. Y. Republic Chemical Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Riordan Pulp & Paper Co.,* Montreal, Can. Rollin Chemical Co., Charleston, W. Va. Semet-Solvay Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Trenton Water Works, Trenton, N. J. Union Dye & Chemical Corp., New York, N. Y. Warner Chemical Co.,* New York, N. Y. Warner-Klipstein Chemical Co., Inc., New York, N. Y. S. D Warren Co.,* Boston, Mass. West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co.,* New York, N. Y. Chlorine products Hooker Electrochemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Isco Chemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Niagara Alkali Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Rollin Chemical Co., Charleston, W. Va. Warner Chemical Co., New York, N. Y. Warner-Klipstein Chemical Co., Inc., New York, N. Y. Chrome alum National Electrolytic Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Coal, calcined Carnegie Steel Co., Duquesne, Pa. * Manufacture this product for their own use only. 44 PRODUCTS OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY. Copper American Smelting & Refining Co., New York, N. Y. Anaconda Copper Mining Co., Great Falls, Mont. Balbach Smelting & Refining Co., Newark, N. J. Baltimore Copper Smelting & Rolling Co., New York, N. Y. Calumet & Hecla Mining Co., Hubbell, Mich. Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., Toronto, Can. New Cornelia Copper Co., Calumet, Mich. Nichols Copper Co., Laurel Hill, Long Island, N. Y. Phelps Dodge Corp., New York, N. Y. Raritan Copper Works, Perth Amboy, N. J. Tacoma Smelting Co., Tacoma, Wash. Tottenville Copper Co., Tottenville, N. Y. United States Metals Refining Co., New York, N. Y. Cupro vanadium Primes Chemical Co., Primos, Pa. Cyanamid American Cyanamid Co., New York, N. Y. Cyanide American Cyanamid Co., New York, N. Y. Electric furnaces Ajax Metal Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Bario Metals Co., New York, N. Y. Booth-Hall Co., Chicago, 111. John A. Crowley Co., New York, N. Y. Detroit Electric Furnace Co. Detroit. Mich. Electric Furnace Construction Co., Philadelphia. Pa. Electric Heating Apparatus Co., Newark, N. J. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Hamilton & Hansell. Inc., New York. N. Y. Hoskins Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Industrial Electric Furnace Co., Chicago, 111. E. J. Lavino & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. C. W. Leavitt & Co., New York, N. Y. Ludlum Electric Furnace Co., New York, N. Y. Naylor & Co., New York, N. Y. Pittsburgh Furnace Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. T. W. Price Engineering Co., New York, N. Y. United States Steel Corp., New York, N. Y. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. Wile Electric Furnace Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Electrical Precipitation Process Research Corp., New York, N. Y. Electrochemical plants Foundation Co., New York, N. Y. * Manufacture this product for their own use only. PRODUCTS OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY. 45 Eiecirodles, carbon Canadian Electrode Co., Shawinigan Falls, Que. Canadian National Carbon Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can. National Carbon Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Republic Carbon Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Spear Carbon Co., St. Marys, Pa. Stackpole Battery & Carbon Co., St. Marys, Pa. Western Reduction Co.,* Portland, Ore. Electrodes, graphite Acheson Graphite Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Ferro-alloys, miscellaneous Canadian Ferro-Alloys Co., Shawinigan Falls, Que. Electric Reduction Co., Washington, Pa. Electro Metallurgical Co., New York, N. Y. Primes Chemical Co., Primes, Pa. Southern Manganese Corp., Birmingham, Ala. Ferro-carbon -titanium Titanium Alloy Mfg. Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Ferrocerium New Process Metals Co., New York, N. Y. Ferrochromium Electric Reduction Co., Washington, Pa. Electro Metallurgical Co., New York, N. Y. Electro Metals, Ltd., Welland, Ont. Keokuk Electro Metals Co., Keokuk, Iowa. Noble Electric Steel Co., San Francisco, Calif. Pittsburgh Metallurgical Co., Montour Junction, Pa. Ferrom anganese Anaconda Copper Mining Co., Great Falls, Mont. Bilrowe Alloys Co., Tacoma, Wash. Noble Electric Steel Co., San Francisco, Calif. Pacific Electro-Metals Co., San Francisco, Calif. Southern Manganese Corp., Birmingham, Ala. Western Reduction Co., Portland, Ore. Ferromolybdenum Electric Reduction Co., Washington. Pa. International Molybdenum Co., Orillia, Ont. Primes Chemical Co., Primes, Pa. Southern Reduction Co., Los Angeles, Calif. Tivani Electric Steel Co., Belleville, Ont. Ferrosilicon Defiance Paper Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Electro Metallurgical Co., New York, N. Y. Electro Metals, Ltd., Welland, Ont. Exolon Co., Inc., Boston, Mass. Keokuk Electro Metals Co., Keokuk, Iowa. Noble Electric Steel Co., San Francisco, Calif. Pittsburgh Metallurgical Co., Montour Junction, Pa. Shawinigan Electro Products Co., Baltimore, Md. Southern Ferro-Alloys Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. United States Alloys Corp., Buffalo, N. Y. * Mamifacture this product for their own use only. 46 PRODUCTS OF THK ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY. Ferrotitanium Titanium Alloy Mfg. Co., Niagara Falls, N Y. Ferrotungsten Electric Reduction Co., Washington, Pa. Hudson Reduction Co., Latrobe. Pa. Primos Chemical Co., Primes, Pa. H. M. Shimer & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Tungsten Products Co., Boulder, Colo. Tungsten Products Co. of Maryland, Baltimore, Md. Ferro-uranium Standard Chemical Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Ferrovanadium American Vanadium Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Electric Reduction Co., Washington, Pa. Primos Chemical Co., Primos, Pa. Standard Chemical Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Formaldehyde National Electrolytic Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Galvanized metals American Steel & Wire Co., Sharon, Pa. Pittsburgh Electro-galvanizing Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Gold American Smelting Refining Co., New York, N. Y. Balbach Smelting & Refining Co., Newark, N. J. Baltimore Copper Smelting & Rolling Co., New York, N. Y. Raritan Copper Works, Perth Amboy, N. J. United States Metals Refining Co., New York, N. Y. Wickett & Smith Co., Toronto, Can. Graphite Acheson Graphite Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Hexamethylenetetramine National Electrolytic Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Hydrogen Bettendorf Oxygen Hydrogen Co., Bettendorf, Iowa. Burdett Oxygen & Hydrogen Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Davis-Bournonville Co., Jersey City, N. J. Portland Oxygen & Hydrogen Co., Portland, Ore. Iron, electrolytic W'estern Electric Co., Chicago, 111. Iron, low-phosphorus Pacific Foundry Co., San Francisco, Calif. Iron, pig Noble Electric Steel Co., San Francisco, Calif. * Manufacture this product for their own use only. PRODUCTS OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY. 47 i Lead American Smelting & Refining Co., New York, N. Y. Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., Toronto, Can. United States Metals Refining Co., New York, N. Y. Lithium General Electric Co., Schenectady. N. Y. Lubricating grease, graphite Acheson Graphite Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Magnesium American Magnesium Corp., Niagara Falls, N. Y. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Shawinigan Electro-Metals Co., Shawinigan Falls, Que. Methyl acetone National Electrolytic Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Molten ferromanganese Central Steel Co.,* Massillon, Ohio. Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad Co.,* Ensley, Ala. Molybdenum Primos Chemical Co., Primos, Pa. Nickel British-America Nickel Corp., Ltd., Ottawa, Can. International Nickel Co., New York, N. Y. Oxygen Bettendorf Oxygen Hydrogen Co., Bettendorf, Iowa. Burdett Oxygen & Hydrogen Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Davis-Bournonville Co., Jersey City, N. J. Portland Oxygen & Hydrogen Co., Portland. Ore. Palladium American Smelting & Refining Co., New York, N. Y. R^ritan Copper Works, Perth Amboy, N. J. United States Metals Refining Co., New York, N. Y. Paraformaldehyde National Electrolytic Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. ParaLdehyde Canadian Electro Products Co., Montreal, Can. Permanganate Niagara Alkali Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Phosphorus Oldbury Electrochemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Pigments, titanium Titanium Alloy Mfg. Co.. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Manufacture this product for their o\vn use onlv. 48 PRODUCTS OF THE EI^CTROCH^MICAI, INDUSTRY. Platinum American Smelting & Refining Co., New York, N. Y. Balbach Smelting & Refining Co., Newark, N. J. Baltimore Copper Smelting & Rolling Co., New York, N. Y. Raritan Copper Works, Perth Amboy, N. J. United States Metals Refining Co., New York, N. Y. Potassium bichromate National Electrolytic Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Potassium chlorate Electric Reduction Co., Ltd., Buckingham, Quc. National Electrolytic Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. North American Chemical Co., Bay City, Mich. Ohio Salt Co., Wadsworth, Ohio. Refractories Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Exolon Co., Inc., Boston, Mass. Norton Co., Worcester, Mass. Selenium American Smelting & Refining Co., New York, N. Y. Baltimore Copper Smelting & Rolling Co., New York, N. Y. Raritan Copper Works, Perth Amboy, N. J. United States Metals Refining Co., New York, N. Y. Silico-manganese Pacific Electro-Metals Co., San Francisco, Calif. Southern Manganese Corp., Birmingham, Ala. Silicon Canadian Aloxite Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Silicon carbide Canadian Aloxite Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Exolon Co., Inc., Boston, Mass. Norton Co., Worcester, Mass. Silver American Smelting & Refining Co., New York, N. Y. Baltimore Copper Smelting & Rolling Co., New York, N. Y. Raritan Copper Works, Perth Amboy, N. J. United States Metals Refining Co., New York. N. Y. Wickett & Smith Co., Toronto, Can. Sodium Niagara Electrochemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Semet-Solvay Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Sodium bichromate National Electrolytic Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. * Manufacture this product for their own xvse only. PRODUCTS OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL, INDUSTRY. 49 Sodium chlorate Electric Reduction Co., Ltd., Buckingham, Que. North American Chemical Co., Bay City, Miofo. Sodium peroxide Niagara Electrochemical Co., New York, N. Y. Steel, alloy Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa. Carnegie Steel Co., Duquesne, Pa. Chrome Steel Works, Chrome, N. J. Consumers' Steel Corp., Chicago, 111. John A. Crowley Co., New York, N. Y. Davidson Tool Mfg. Corp., New York, N. Y. Electric Reduction Co., Washington, Pa. Ford Motor Co.,* Detroit, Mich. General Steel Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Halcomb Steel Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Harrow Spring Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. Illinois Steel Co., Chicago, 111. Jessop Steel Co., Washington, Pa. Liberty Steel Co., Morristown, N. J. Simonds Mfg. Co., Fitchburg, Mass. Standard Seamless Tube Co., Economy, Pa. United Alloy Steel Corp., Canton, Ohio. United States Electric Steel Co., Connellsville, Pa Universal Rolling Mill Co., Bridgeville, Pa. Vanadium Alloys Steel Co., Latrobe, Pa. Vulcan Crucible Steel Co., Aliquippa, Pa. Steel castings Acme Steel & Malleable Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Alaska-Treadwell Gold Mining Co.,* Treadwell. Alaska. American Foundry & Machine Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. American Manganese Steel Co., Oakland, Calif. American Metallurgical Corp., Conshohocken, Pa. American Radiator Co.,* Buffalo, N. Y. American Steel Foundries, Indiana Harbor, Ind. Anniston Steel Co., Anniston, Ala. Atlantic Foundry Co., Akron, Ohio. Aurora Foundry Co., Seattle, Wash. Avery Co., Peoria, 111. Bayonne Steel Casting Co., Bayonne, N. J. Belle City Malleable Iron Co./ Racine, Wis. Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa. Bowmanville Foundry Co.. Bowmanville, Ont. Buchanan Electric Steel Co., Buchanan, Mich. Buckeye Steel Castings Co., Columbus, Ohio. Buckeye Traction Ditcher Co.,* Findlay, Ohio. Calumet & Hecla Mining Co.,* Calumet, Mich. Canadian Brakeshoe Co., Ltd., Sherbrooke, Que. Canadian Cement Co., Montreal, Can. Chrome Steel Works, Chrome, N. J. Cleveland Brass Mfg. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Connecticut Electric Steel Co., Inc., Hartford, Conn. Crane Co., Chicago, 111. * Manufacture this product for their own use only. 50 PRODUCTS OF THE I,CTROCHMIAI, INDUSTRY. Steel castings Continued Crucible Steel Castings Co., Cleveland, Ohio; Milwaukee, Wis Damascus Crucible Steel Casting Co., New Brighton, Pa. Dayton Malleable Iron Co., Dayton, Ohio. Dayton Steel Foundry Co., Dayton, Ohio. Dominion Foundries & Steel, Ltd., Hamilton, Ont. Driscoll-Reese Steel Co., Hamburg, Pa. Driver-Harris Co., Harrison, N. J. Eastern Car Co.,* New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. Ecorse Foundry & Machine Co., Ecorse, Mich. Electric Steel Co., Chicago, 111. Electric Steel Co. of Indiana, Indianapolis, Ind. Electric Steel Foundry, Portland, Ore. Everett Steel Co., Everett, Wash. Farrell Cheek Steel Foundry Co., Sandusky, Ohio. Fluid Compressed Steel Co., Keokuk, Iowa. Ford Motor Co.,* Detroit, Mich. Four Wheel Drive Auto Co., Clintonville, Wis. General Motors Co., Stockton, Calif. Gerlinger Steel Castings Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Glover Machine Works, Marietta, Ga. Hartford Electric Steel Corp., Rocky Hill, Conn. Hercules Steel Casting Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Hubbard Steel Foundry, East Chicago, Ind. Huntington Steel Foundry Co., Huntington, Ind. Lamb Machine Co., Hoquiam, Wash. Lebanon Steel Foundry, Lebanon, Pa. Llewellyn Iron Works, Los Angeles, Calif. Lunkenheimer Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Manitoba Steel Foundries, Ltd., Winnipeg, Can. Maynard Electric Steel Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Maynard Steel Castings Co., Milwaukee, Wis. McCord Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. Michigan Steel Casting Co., Detroit, Mich. Millbury Steel Foundry Co., Millbury, Mass. Minneapolis Electric Steel Casting Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Milwaukee Steel Foundry Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Monarch Foundry Co., Stockton, Calif. Monroe Steel Castings Co., Monroe, Mich. Moreland Motor Truck Co.,* Los Angeles, Calif, National Malleable Casting Co., Sharon, Pa. New England Steel Castings Co., East Longmeadow, Mass. Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.,* Newport Ne r rs, Va Norfolk & Western Railroad,* Roanpke, Va. Ohio Steel Foundry, Springfield, Ohio. Oil Well Supply Co.,* Oil City, Pa. Oklahoma Iron Works, Tulsa, Okla. Olympia Steel Foundry, Seattle, Wash. Otis Elevator Co.,* New York, N. Y. Pacific Car & Foundry Co., Renton, Wash. Parsons Co., Newton, Iowa. Pennsylvania Engineering Works, New Castle, Pa. Pettibone-Milliken Co., Chicago, 111. Queen City Foundry Co., Denver, Colo. Samson Sieve Grip Tractor Co.,* Stockton, Calif. Sivyer Steel Casting Co., Milwaukee, Wis. * Manufacture this product for their own use only. PRODUCTS OF . TH ELECTROCHEMICAI, INDUSTRY. 51 Steel castings Continued Skagit Steel & Iron Works, Sedro Woolley, Wash. Spencer Heater Co.,* Scranton, Pa. Standard Steel Castings Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Standard Stoker Co.,* Erie, Pa. Steams-Rogers Mfg.- Co., Denver, Colo. Stowell Co., South Milwaukee, Wis. W. P. Taylor Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Taylor-Wharton Iron & Steel Co., Easton, Pa. Timken-Detroit Axle Co., Canton, Ohio. Treadwell Engineering Co., Easton, Pa. Twin City Forge & Foundry Co., Stillwater, Minn. Union Spring & Mfg. Co., New Kensington, Pa. United States Army (Watertown Arsenal),* Watertown, Mass. United States Navy (Gun and Projectile Factories),* Washington, D. C. ; Charleston, W. Va. United States Navy (Navy Yards),* Norfolk, Va. ; Bremerton, Wash. ; Mare Island, Calif. ; Charleston, S. C. ; Philadelphia, Pa. Wabi Iron Works, New Liskeard, Ont. Warren Steel Casting Co., St. Louis, Mo. Wehr Steel Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Western Steel Car & Foundry Co., Hegewiseh, 111. West Steel Casting Co., .Cleveland, Ohio. West Michigan Steel Foundry Co., Muskegon, Mich. Zimmerman Steel Co., Bettendorf, Iowa. Steel, ingots American Iron & Steel Mfg. Co., Lebanon, Pa. Armstrong, Whitworth of Canada, Ltd., Longueuil, Que. Atlas Crucible Steel Co., Dunkirk, N. Y. Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa. Braeburn Steel Co., Braeburn, Pa. British Forgings, Ltd., Toronto, Can. Capitol City Iron Works, Olympia, Wash. Carbon Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Carnegie Steel Co., Duquesne, Pa. Carpenter Steel Co., Reading, Pa. John A. Crowley Co., New York, N. Y. Crucible Steel Co. of America, Harrison, N. J. Crucible Steel Forge Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Henry Disston & Sons, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. Electric Steel & Forge Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Electric Steel & Metals, Ltd., Welland, Ont. Firth-Sterling Steel Co., McKeesport, Pa. Fulton Steel Corp., Fulton, N. Y. Hammond Steel Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Harrow Spring Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. Heppenstall Forge & Knife Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Hess Steel Corp., Baltimore, Md. Hussey-Binns Steel Co., Charleroi, Pa. Illinois Steel Co., Chicago, 111. Jessop Steel Co., Washington, Pa. Latrobe Electric Steel Co., Latrobe, Pa. Lemoyne Steel Co., New Eagle, Pa. Ludlum Steel Co., Watervliet, N. Y. Midland Electric Steel Co., Terre Haute, Ind. * Manufacture this product for their own use only. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in o i - demand may be renewed if application is made before airee.. ui| expiration of loan period. N Zffi Old ] Railv Simo Sizer Stane Timk Tivai ? jj Unioi Unite 1SS. Unite Unite ashington, D Univ Vulc; Was! Wasl West Stellite Hayn Telluriu Rarit Unit* Tin Amei 20m-ll,'20 Francisco, Tungste Prim Zinc Anac Bunk O Cons Duck Elect. vjnv, - , , _ Judge Mining & Smelting Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. River Smelting & Refining Co., Keokuk, Iowa. United States Smelting, Refining & Mining Co., Mammoth Plant, Kennett, Calif. Western Chemical Manufacturing Co., Denver, Colo. Zinc dust Anaconda Copper Mining Co., Great Falls, Mont. National Metal Moulding Co., Ambridge, Pa. Zinc plated goods American Steel and Wire Co., Sharon, Pa. Pittsburgh Electro-galvanizing Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. * Manufacture this product