>ilNET£ENTH CENTURY ART BOOKS mmU MASTEmECESl w«^»wwwwy f Californi Regional ] TJ.F: WATTS LONDON fS GLASGOW GOWANS^GRAT L™ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO llil fLtBRARY"^: 3 1822 02237 3583 !N.vERsfT^o> I I CAL^FQRWtA r r SAN d^egot' . presented to the UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO by Dr. Helen S, Nicholson TO COLLECf()ElW OWNERS OF PICTURES If you wish to Buy Pictures (Old or Modern), Sell Pictures (Old or Modern), Or to have Pictures Restored, Pictures Valued, Pictures Identified, Pictures Bought at Sales, Pictures Bought at Exhibitions, Pictures Warehoused, Pictures or Miniatures Copied ; Or ANY ADVICE ON PICTURES, Pay a visit to, or write to the Directors E. Trevelyan Turner, Sir VVm. Bruce, Bart., J. P. The Carlton Gallhkihs PALL MALL PLACE, LONDON Telephone No. 1117 Mayfair. Telegrams " Galerada, London." ALL GOWANS'S ART BOOKS SUPPLIED 6d. Paper Cover, i/- Cloth GOWANS'S ART BOOKS 0{t. iJt, 1 9 10 The /tlloiuing have THE MASTERPIECES OF I. RUBENS 1. VAN DYCK 3. REMBRANDT 4. RAPHAEL 5. REYNOLDS 6. TENIERS 7. THE EARLY FLEM ISH PAINTERS 8. TITIAN 9. FRANS HALS 10. MURILLO XI. WOUWERMAN 12. VELAZQUEZ 13. HOLBEIN 14. VERONESE 15. RAEBURN 16. DEL SARTO 17. CORREGGIO 18. BRONZING 19. WATTE AU 10. BOTTICELLI already appeared: THE MASTERPIECES OF II. FRA ANGELICO »2. TINTORETTO 23. POUSSIN 24. PERUGINO 25. MICHELANGELO 26. GOYA 27. DURER 28. GAINSBOROUGH 29. LOTTO 30. LUINI 31. GREUZE 32. CARPACCIO AND GIORGIONE 33 HOGARTH 34. GIOTTO 35. MORETTO 36. ROMNEY 37. ORCAGNA, LOREN- ZO MONACO AND MASOLINO 3S. GERARD DOU LONDON & GLASGOW : GOWANS * GRAY, LTD. GOWANS'S ART BOOKS Oct 1st, 1 9 10 Messri. Gowans & Gkay ask with confidence for the continued support of this undertaking by lovers of art. It is their hope to be able to cover the whole field of classic painting by including all important artists who were born before the year i8co, and the preparation of new volumes is being carried on steadily and systematically with this end in view. As new editions of earlier volumes are called for, improvements are made when considered advisable: newly discovered pictures are inserted, and opportunity is taken to discard inferior pictures if others of superior merit are found to be obtainable. The publishers hope to accelerate the issue of the series by publishing future volumes at tiie rate of at least twelve yearly, and their efforts will be very much assisted if those who appreciate the books will place standing orders, " till further notice," with their booksellers. They beg to announce the following, with approximate dates of issue : 39. THE MASTERPIECES OF BOUCHER [Ot/., 1910 40. THE MASTERPIECES OF CONSTABLE \_0d., 19 10 41. THE MASTERPIECES OF UCCELLO, VENE- ZIANO, MASACCIO, AND CASTAGNO [Of/., 1 9 10 42. THE MASTERPIECES OF JAN STEEN [Of/., 19 10 43. THE MASTERPIECES OF CLAUDE \_Nov., 1 9 10 44. THE MASTERPIECES OF MORLAND [AW., 1910 45. THE MASTERPIECES OF LIPPI [AW., 19 10 Others in Preparation. Price of each volume : in parchment cover, 6 J net ; in cloth, Is net; in leather, Is net; postage, \d extra LONDON Sc GLASGOW: GOWANS & GRAY. LTD. AsTf Ready. Pape Covtr, \s. net (^postage l.i, extra); Cloth f Is. Sd. net: Leather, Is, n i (^postage ^d. extra). TURNER'S "LIBER STUDIORUM" MINIATURE EDITION Containing, not only the 71 published plates, but also reproductions of all the unpublished plates as the artist left them. This little volume is indispensable to all readers of Ruskin. It does what has never been done before, it provides reproduction of the unpublished plates which Ruskin often refers to, and it does this at a price un- precedented for cheapness. The illustrations are printed in our best style on the finest of papers. GO WANS & GRAY, LTD., LONDON & GLASGOW THE TALES OF THEODOR STORM The Publishers wish to call the attention of readers to five tales (never previously translated) by Theodor Storm, author of the world-famous " Immensee/' which are published In English In "Gowans's International Library/^ They are I i. "Eekenhof"; 2. "A Chapter In the History of Grieshuus''; 3. "Renate*': 4, *'A Festival at Haderslevhuus*^ and 5, ** Aguis Submersus." These beautiful stories are obtainable at Sixpence net each. In pretty parchment covers. **Immensee" is also issued by the same publishers in a different format at the same price. GOWANS & GRAY, LTD^ London & Glasgow ESTABLISHED 1854. By Special Appointment Telephone : ^(jL ^m ^3»u Works and Studios : No. 195 VICTORIA j^^^s,^ RUSKIN HOUSE, *^"REWOP--' ^C^^^^VSJ^ ROCHESTER °and U.S.A. ^^ ^^p^i^^^^|uj> WESTMINSTER W. M. POWER, M.R.S.A.. FRAME SPECIALIST AND PICTURE PRESERVER, whose artistic connection with the City of Westminster dates back over half a century, has since 1902 been the recipient of the following Royal Appointments and other honours, viz. : H.R.H. Prince of Wales, 1902. H.M. King Edward VII., 1907 H.R.H. Princess of Wales, 1908. H.M. Queen Alexandra, 1909. H.M. King George V., 1911. H.M. Queen Mary, 191 1, and re-appointed to H.M. Queen Alexandra, 191 1. Grand Prix, Franco- British Exhibition, 1908 Hors Concours a a Expert Member of International Juri^^ B run els, 1 9 10 SPECIALITIES— The Restoration and Preservation of Valuable Paint- ings, Drawings and Old Engravings. Damp spots, mildew, etc., removed from Miniatures on Ivory. Old Frames and Furniture re-gilt in such a manner as to retain their antique appearance. VICTORIA GALLERIES, 123 VICTORIA STREET, WESTMINSTER, LONDON, S.W , A few doors west of Army ani Navy Stores Nineteenth Century Art Books, Xo. 1 Masterpifxes of G. F. Watts R. MACLEHOSE AND CO. LTD., PRIMERS, GLASGOW Bt.OCKS BY HISLOP AND DAY, EDINBURGH PAPER BY ALE.\. COWAN AND SONS, LTD., EDINBURGH PORTKAIT OF HiMSF.LF POKTKAIT DE l'ARTISTK Selhstbilunis {Tate Gallery^ London) F. Hollyer, Photo. MASTERPIECES OF G. F. WATTS (1817-1904) Sixty reproductions oj photogra/^Iis hy Frcifk. Ilollycr from the original oil paintings : s/>ecinl />eriiiissio)i for their pnbiicn- tion in this l'oo.{- has Iccn hiinUv ncconlcJl'v Mrs. ll'at/s GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd. 5 RomcKT SiRKiiT, ADKi.nii, London, W.C. 5S Cadogan Strket, Glasgow 191 1 First Edition, June, IQII. Second Edition (ivitli correC' tions or additions on //. S, lb, iQ-2i, 37, 40, 42, 44-4S, JO, S2, S3, sO, JlV-:;,>, 6j, 6j), Dcceniber, iqii. TX the firsl fdilion of the lUtlc hook ihcre ivcii a jilhi/ki- of errors, oiciiii^- f^ri/iii- prJly to Ihcfact thai Mr. II 'd//s often painted more than one reru'en of the same sithjeet. A draivini:; 7vas also leprodiieed by mistake. In this second edition ci'ery e^ort has been m.ide to eliminate mistakes and the />artieu- lars nonv i^ii'en as to tJie present I'jhereaboiits of the paint in;^s ean be relied upon as eorreet and lip to date. Tliis is the first volume of a eompanion series to the icell -known '" Coii'ans's .-lit /!ooks," ichieh are eoiifned to artists born before iSoo. Phe attention of all lo7'ers of art is direeted to the latter series., and their sipport of an enterprise, 7vhieh has done so iiineh to make the best art better kinwn in all parts of the 7corld, is earnestly recj nested. LoKD Tennyson {N a: ioiial Portrait Gallery, London) F. HoUycr, rkoto. RoBr.KT Browning {Xatioiial Portrait Gallery, London) F, Hollyer, Photo. Thomas Carlyle {I'ictoria and Albert Museum, South Kensingtoii) F. IloVyer, Photo. George Mekedith {^National Portrait Gallery^ London) F. Hollyer, Photo. William Morkis (^National Portrait Gallery ^ London) F. Hollyer, Fhoto. John Lothrop Motley (A rt Gallery, Manchester) F. Hollyer, Photo. CONDOTTIERE (IVaiis Gallery, Compton, Guildford) F. Hollyer, P/toto. The Standard-Hivarer Le Porte-Etendard Der Standartentrager {il'atts Gallery, Compton, Guildford') F. Hollyer, Photo. The wounded Heron Le Heron bless^ Der verwundete Reiher {IVatts Gallery, Coitipton, Guilc(/o?d) F. Hollyer, Photo. < ^ 3 ^ I'm Afloat" "Ich bin flott" (^^r. /allies Smith, Liverpool) F. Ilollyer, Photo. "Je flotte' Cidoi) Luck to yol'i Fisiii.N(;" " Bonne Chance dans voti PiCHE " ■' Cluck auk Ihk Fischen" ^l.ord CUiicoitncy, Lomwii) F. Ilolljer, Photo. Idle Child of Fancv Vain Enfant de la Fantaisie EiTLES Kind dek Phantasie {Waits Gallery, Coinpton, GuilJford') F. Hollycr, PJioto. Dawn Tagesanbruch L'Alkoue {Kecciiiiy in i/ie possession o/ Messfs. Goodcn S^ Fox, Londcn') F. Hollycr, Photo. Asi'iration: Das E.mpokstrebex L'Aspiration (.Vr. John T. Middlemorc, Bromsgro7'e) F. Hollver, Photo. PkOGRESS DeK FOKTSCIIKITT Le PROGRiS {lyaiis Gallery, Complon, Guildford') F. Hollycr, Fholo, l.NDUSTUY AND GrEED L'InDUSTKIE ET L'AvaRICE Gewekbefleiss und Habgier {IVa/ is Gallery, Co»i/>to>i, Guild/oid) F. Hollyer, Photo. Ma.mmon {Tate Galloy, Loiuion) F. Hollyet; Fhoio. The Spirit of Chris- L'Esprit du Chris- tianity TIANISME Der Geist des Chkisientums {Taie Gallery, London) F. Hoi Iyer, Photo. The Dweller in the L'Habitant ues RitoiONS Innermost Int^rieures Der Bewohner im Innersten {Tate Gallery, London) F. 11 oily cr^ Photo. The All Pervading Qui se k^pand dans Tout Der Alldurchdringende {Tate Gallery, London) F. Hollycr, Fhoto. r^ ^ Life's Illusions Liis Illusions de la Vie Die Illusionen ues Lehens (Tate Gallery^ Londoii) F. Hollyer, Photo. Love and Life L'Amour et la Vie LlEUE UND LeIJEN {;rate Gallery, London) F. Hollyer, Photo. Love and Df.ath L'Amouk et i.a Mort LiEiiE UND Tod {Tate Gallery, London) F. Hollyer, Fhoto. Love triumphant L'Amour tkiomphant TkIUMPHIERENDE LlEI'.E {Tate Gallery, Lomloji) F. Hollycr, Photo. The Shuddering Ancei. L'Axge qui fkissonne Der schauueknue Engei. ( // 'ails Calie> y, Comptou, Guildford) F. Ilollyer, Photo. The Messenger Le Messagek Dek Abgesandte ( Fate Gallery, London) F. Hollycr, F/icio. Thk Hapi'Y Wakriok Le Guekkier heuk-eux (Xeiu Piitacot/u'ca, M it nidi) (^Noitvelle Pinacot/ieque, MtmicJi) Den clucici iche Kriegru {Neiw Pinakot/ieky Miinchen') l'\ Hollyer, I'hoio. Death crowning La Mort couronnant Innocence l'Innocence Der Tod kront die Unschuld {Tate Gallery^ London) F. Hollyer^ Photo. The Court of Death La Cour de la Mokt Der Hof des Todks {Tate Gallery, Lomion) F. Hollyer, PJioto. K <1 O J ?^ O •S H « 2 ^ < -^ X « H t^ Tl.MF,, DliAlH AND JuUGE- Le Te.MI'S, LA MoUT ET LE ment jugement Zeit, Tod und Gericht (5/. Paul's Cathedral, London) F, Hollyer, Photo. Faith Der Glaube La Foi ( Tate Gallery, London) F. Hollyer, Photo, HohE Die Hoffnung {Tate Gallery, London) F. llollyer, Photo. L'ESI'^KANCE Charity Die ]]armherzigkeit {Mr. John Reid, Glasgow) F. Hollyer, Photo. La Chakite She shall be called " Celui-ci s'AHPELL^RA d'un Woman " nom qui makque l'Homme" " Man wird sie Mannin heisskn " ( Tate Gallery, London) F. Hollycr, Photo, ICVE TEMPTED Eve TENTl'iE Eva in Versuchung {JJ'aUs Gallery, Compion, Guildford) F. Hollycr, Pin Eve repentant Eve repentante Die bOssende Eva {Tate Gallery, London) F. Hollyer, Photo, Ti:E .MliETING OF jACOr. AND Esau I<:;i;ec;nung Jakohs mit ILsau {IVaUs Gallery, Compton, Guild/oyd) F. Ilollycr, Photo. Rencontre de Jacob et d'Esau Jonah Jon a {I'afe Gallfjy, London) /■: 1 1 olivet: Photo. Jonas The good Samaritam Le bon Samaritain Der barmherzige Samaritek (Jl'af/s Galleyy, Cowpton, GuiUford) F. Hollycr, PJioto. "For he had great "Car ii- avait de Possessions" grands Biens" "Denn er hatte viel Guter" {Taie Gaile>y, London) /•'. Ilollyer, Photo. 43 The Rider on the White HOKSE Le Cavalier sur le Chkval BLANC Dl-.R ReITER AUF DEM WEiSSEN PfEROE Ulon. Alfred Talbot, Gt. Berkhmiipstead) F. Hoilyer, Photo. Paoi.o and Fran'ce-sca Paolo et Francesca Paolo und Francesca {IVaiis Gallery^ Coiii/>ton, GuiUfoyd) F. Hollyer, Photo. Sir Galahad (Sir Alex. Henderson, Bart., Lo!u1o>i) OiiiEiJA Ophelia {U'atls C,n!/t:>y, Comp.on, GuiiJ/ord) /■■, Ilol/yer, Photo, Oni^.ME 52 Little Red Riuing-Hood Le petit Chapero> rotkappchen (Ar^ Gallery, Bir>ning/ta)ii) J^. Hollyer, Photo, S3 Hyperion {IVaiis Gallery, CoinJ>fon, Guildjord) F. HoUyer, Photo. Pkomf.tiieus Pkometheus Pko.m^ther (ll'atis Ga/lejy, Coinpto)t, GidUifoyd') F. IloUyer, PJioto. Psyche {Tate Gallery, London) F. llollyer. Photo. Daphne {Sir IV. H. Lever, Bart., Thornton Hough) F. Hollyer, Photo. Ganymedk. Ganymhd {Mi: Hetiry F. Makins, Londoii) F. Hollyer, Photo. GANViMKDE 6o = 1- 6i The Minotaur Der Minotauk {late Gallery, Lomion) F. IloUyer, Fhoto, Li; IMlNOTAURE 67 < § 5 5 <53 Pvgm.alion's Wii-n: La Fe.mme de Pygmalion PVCAIAIJONS Fi^\u (Sir A/e.i: Henderson, liatt., Lo>uion) J-\ HoUycr, Photo, 64 A Hacchanai. EiN Bacchanai Une Bacchanai.e {IVatts Gallery, Cojiiptojt, Guilc^/otil) F. Hollyer, PJwto. 65 SPECIAL SERIES OF REPRODUCTIONS IN COLOURS OF PICTURES BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A., O.M., ETC. Printed and Published at the Watts Picture Gallery, Compton, Guildford, under the SUPERVISION OF Mrs. G. F. WATTS All orders and communications should be addressed to the Curator, Watts Picture Gallery, Compton, Guildford PRINTS IN COLOURS NOW READY Price, /"s 3 o each Printed upon Japanese Paper "HOPE" Engraved surface 20^" by 16". (After" the picture in the Tate Gallery.) "LOVE TRIUMPHANT" Engraved surface 23" by 13". (After the picture in the Tate Gallery.) "ENDYMION" Engraved surface 20" by 17". (After the picture in the Watts Gallery at Compton.) "LOVE AND DEATH" Engraved surface 23" by 13". (After the picture in the Tate Gallery.) 66 PRINTS IN COLOURS-Continued ♦'FOR HE HAD GREAT POSSESSIONS" Engraved surface 20" by 11". (After the picture in the Tate Gallery. ) ♦'SIR GALAHAD" Engraved surface 24" by 13". (After the picture at Eton College. ) "LOVE AND LIFE" Engraved surface 23" by 13". (After the picture in the Tate Gallery.) ♦'EVE TEMPTED" Engraved surface 24^' by io|". (After the picture in the Tate Gallery.) "EVE REPENTANT" Engraved surface 24^" by io|", "SHE SHALL BE CALLED WOMAN" Engraved surface 24^' by io|". "AFLOAT" Engraved surface 19" by 15^". (After the picture in the Collection or James Smith, Esq.) "GOOD LUCK TO YOUR FISHING" Engraved surface 19" by 15^". (After the picture in the Collection of Lord Glenconner. ) "DEATH CROWNING INNOCENCE" Engraved surface 24 J" by 15^". (After the picture in the Tate Gallery.) "LORD TENNYSON" Engraved surface about 14" by 10". (After the picture in the Collection of Price, j^2 2 o Lady Henry Somerset.) 67 PRINTS IN CO LOURS- Continued "HEAD OF CHRIST" (From a drawing in the Gallery at Compton.) Price, ;^i II 6 SMALL PRINTS Price, 10/6 each. "HOPE" Printed surface 7" by 5^". «'HE HAD GREAT POSSESSIONS Printed surface 3" high. "SIR GALAHAD" Printed surface 8" high. Others will probably follow. THE WATTS PICTURE GALLERY, COMPTON LANE Railway Stations — Guildford, Farncombe, Godalming. Distance under three miles. PICTURES AND SCULPTURE by the late G. F. Watts, R.A., O.M. Open Daily, Thursdays excepted. PICTURE GALLERY— In Summer, from lo o'clock till 6 o'clock. In Winter, from lo o'clock till dusk. Sundays, from 2 o'clock; SCULPTURE GALLERY— In Summer, from 2 o'clock till 6 o'clock. In Winter, from 2 o'clock till dusk. On Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday, and on Bank Holidays. Entrance Free. On Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Entrance One Shilling. The Gallery is closed on Thursday. CHARLES H. THOMPSON, Curator. The following photographs of Mr. Walls's piclures are published and sold by FREDERICK HOLLYER, 9 Pembroke Square, Kensington, London, W. Printed in Sepia Platinotype. Average size, 12" by 10". Price Unmounted, £076 „ 20" by 16". ,, ,, £0 15 o .. 33" by 19". „ „ £220 Dated ^th February, 1896. Extract from agreement BETWEEN GEORGE FREDERICK WATTS, Esq., R.A., O.M., AND FREDERICK HOLLYER. Clause 4. — "The said Frederick Hollyer shall before puhllshing any new photograph of the said pictures and portraits during the lifetime of the said George Fredciick Watts submit a proof of such ptiotograph to the said George Frederick Watts, who shall have absolute power to forbid the publication of such photograph if in his opinion the same is inartistic or is for any other reason an unsatis- factory reproduction." Prometheus. Mid-day Rest. Esau. Condottierre. The Good Samaritan. Aspirations. Idle Child of Fancy. Ophelia. The People who sat in The Happy Warrior. Darkness. Europa. G. F. WATTS' S PICTURES— Continued Ariadne in Naxos. Hope. Good Luck to your Fishing. Arcadia. Fata Morgana. Eve. " She shall be called Woman." Eve. Tempted. Eve. Repentant. The Messenger. Death of Abel. Court of Death. Time, Death, and Judgment. Childhood of Zeus. "When Poverty comes in at the Door.'' Britomart. Progress. Orpheus and Eurydice. Ariadne. B.C. Mammon. The Minotaur. Daphne. Psyche. Love and Death. Love and Life. ' ' The Rain it Raineth every Day." Endymion. Ganymede. A Prodigal. The Dweller in the Innermost. Dedicated to all the Churches. Hyperion. Lady Godiva. The Schoolmaster's Daughter Charity. A Bacchante. The Prodigal Son. Standard Bearer. Little Red Riding-Hood. Chaos. After the Deluge. Death crowning Innocence. The Rider on the White Horse. Study — Aspiration. Study — Hyperion. Uldra. Bay of Naples. St. Agnese, Mentone. " For he had great posses- sions." Sir Galahad. " Sic transit gloria mundi." Ida on Mount Olympus. The Dove that returned in the Evening. Iris. Paolo and Franceses. Love Triumphant. Sympathy. Faith. Peace and Goodwill. In the Land of Weissnichtwo. The Rider on the Red Horse. The Habit doesn't make the Monk. G. F. WATTS' S PICTURES— Continued Pygmalion's Wife. Samson. Una and the Red Cross Knight. Jonah. Neptune's Horses (printed in bhie carbon). Dawn. The Dove that returned not again. The Sorrowing Angel — a Dedication. Industry and Greed. Trifles light as Air. Slumber of the Ages. The All-Pervading. Love steering the B;irque of Humanity. Life's Illusions. Prayer. Energy (statue). Whence— Whither ? A Story from Boccaccio. Time and Oblivion. Lilian. " I'm afloat." Diana and Endymion (1904). Rider on the Black Horse. Rider on the Pale Horse. Italy. Hebe. Wife of Plutus. Bianca. Destiny. The Wounded Heron. The Recording Angel (fac- simile in red chalk). A selection of prints on approval will be sent, if desired, on payment of one shilling to cover cost of packing and postage. 79 PORTRAITS. Printed in Platinotype. Average size, 12J" by 10". ,, ,, 20" by 16". Price, ;^o 10 6 Argyll, Duke of. Arnold, Matthew. Barnett, Rev. S. A. Bowman, Sir William, Bart. Brodie, Sir Benjamin, Bart. , F.R.S. Browning, Robert. Burne-Jones, Sir Edward, Bart. Calderon, Philip, R.A. Carlyle, Thomas, Crane, Walter. Davey, Lord, Donders, Professor. Dufferin, Lord. Garvagh, Lady. Gladstone, Right Hon. W.E., M.P. Grant, Sir Peter, Guizot, M. Gurney, Russell. Holland, Lady. Joachim, Herr. Lawrence, late Lord. Lecky, W. E. , late. Leighton, Sir Frederick, Bart., P. R.A, Levin, Princess. Lilford, Lady. Lytton, the late Earl of. Illustrated Catalogue, Edward Burne-Jones, D. R.A. ; also selections from National Galleries, and a eminent men. Post Free, Manning, Cardinal. Martineau, Dr. Meredith, George. Mill, John Stuart Milman, Dean, Morris, William. Motley, J, L. Mount-Temple, Lady. Napier, General Sir W. Norton, Hon. Mrs. Panizzi, Sir Anthony. Prinsep, V. C, R.A. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel Russell, Lord John. Salisbury, late Lord. Senior, Mrs. Nassau, Shaftesbury, late Earl of, Sherbrooke, Lord. Stanley, A. P., Dean of Westminster, Stephen, Sir Leslie. Stratford de Redcliffe, Earl, Swinburne, Algernon C, Taylor, Sir Henry, Tennyson, late Lord, Thiers, M. Waterford, Louisa, late Marchioness of. Watts, G. F,, R.A.,O.M, Wright, Thomas. , including the Works of Sir G. Rossetti and Harry Bates, the Ufifizi, Hague, DubUn and large number of portraits of , One Shilling. B 000 008 592 8 University of California, San Diego Please Note: This item is subject to recall. Date Due Univei Sou Lil