THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FOURTH REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD 1890 to 1916 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 map Library ' loS \le CONTENTS. Page. Executive orders 5 Officers and members 7 By-laws 9 Origin and history of the Board 11 Origin of and changes in geographic names 12 Policy of the Board 14 Principles 17 Principles for special application in foreign countries 19 How decisions are made 20 What the Board has accomplished 21 Conclusion 22 Decisions: General list 23 . . Hawaiian names 290 ok Philippine names 317 I :' . .: G9G801 - UCLA MAP LIBRARY ***"> 2JUN1975 OLE LETTER AND NUMBER EXECUTIVE ORDERS. As it is desirable that uniform usage in regard to geographic nomenclature and orthography obtain throughout the Executive Departments of the Government, and particularly upon the maps and charts issued by the various departments and bureaus, I hereby constitute a Board on Geographic Names and designate the follow- ing persons, who have heretofore cooperated for a similar purpose under the authority of the several departments, bureaus, and insti- tutions with which they are connected, as members of said Board: Prof. Thomas C. Mendenhall, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, chairman. Andrew H. Allen, Department of State. Capt. Henry L. Howison, Light-House Board, Treasury Depart- ment. Capt. Thomas Turtle, Engineer Corps, War Department. Lieut. Richardson Clover, Hydrographic Office, Navy Depart- ment. Pierson H. Bristow, Post Office Department. Otis T. Mason, Smithsonian Institution. Herbert G. Ogden, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Henry Gannett, United States Geological Survey. Marcus Baker, United States Geological Survey. To this Board shall be referred all unsettled questions concerning geographic names which arise in the departments, and the decisions of the Board are to be accepted by these departments as the stand- ard authority in such matters. Department officers are instructed to afford such assistance as may be proper to carry on the work of this Board. The members of this Board shall serve without additional compen- sation, and its organization shall entail no expense on the Govern- ment. BENJ. HARRISON. EXECUTIVE MANSION, September 4, 1890. It is hereby ordered that there be added to the duties of the United States Board on Geographic Names, created by Executive order, dated September 4, 1890, the duty of determining, changing, and 5 6 I.Xl.cT I1VI, ORDERS. ii.xing place names within the United States and insular possessions, and it i- hereby directed that all names hereafter suggested for any place by any officer or employee of the Government shall be referred to said Board for its consideration and approval before publication. In these matters, as in all cases of disputed nomenclature, the decisions of the Board are to be accepted by the departments of Government as the standard authority. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. THE WHITE HOUSE, January 23, 1906. The official title of the United States Board on Geographic Nmncs is changed to UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. In addition to its present duties, advisory powers are hereby granted to this Board concerning the preparation of maps compiled, or to be compiled, in the various bureaus and offices of the Govern- ment, with a special view to the avoidance of unnecessary duplica- tions of work; and for the unification and improvement of the scales of maps, of the symbols and conventions used upon them, and of the methods of representing relief. Hereafter, all such projects as are of importance shall bo submitted to this Board for advice before being undertaken. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. THE WHITE HOUSE, August 10, 1906. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS. Chairman. ANDREW BRAID. Secretary. CHARLES S. SLOANE. Executive Committee. ANDREW BRAID, FRANK BOND, C. HART MERRIAM, CHARLES S. SLOANE, and THOMAS WASHINGTON. FRANK BOND, General Land Office, Department of the Interior. ANDREW BRAID, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Department of Commerce. GOODWIN D. ELLSWORTH, Division of Salaries and Allowances, Post Office Depart- ment. W. B. GREELEY, Forest Service, Department of Agriculture. DAVID M. HILDRETH, Topographer, Post Office Department. F. W. HODGE, Bureau of Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution. WILLIAM McNEiR, Bureau of Accounts, Department of State. R. B. MARSHALL, Geological Survey, Department of the Interior. C. HART MERRIAM, Bureau of Biological Survey, Department of Agriculture. JOHN S. MILLS, Office of the Secretary, Department of the Treasury. JAMES E. PAYNE, Government Printing Office. GEORGE R. PUTNAM, Bureau of Lighthouses, Department of Commerce. CHARLES S. SLOANE, Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce. CHARLES W. STEWART, Library and Naval War Records Office, Department of the Navy. Maj. RALPH H. VAN DEMAN, General Staff, Department of War. Capt. THOMAS WASHINGTON, Hydrographer, Department of the Navy. 7 BY-LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. ADOPTED NOVEMBER 4, 1890. ARTICLE I. Name. This organization shall be called "The United States Board on Geographic Names." 1 ARTICLE II. Officers. The officers shall consist of a chairman, a secretary (who shall be elected by ballot), and an executive committee of three, 2 to be ap- pointed by the Chair with the concurrence of the Board, all of whom shall serve for one year or until their successors shall be chosen. ARTICLE III. Duties of officers. SECTION 1. The chairman shall preside at the meetings and shall certify to the decisions of the Board. He shall appoint all com- mittees not specially named by the Board. He shall have power to designate a member of the Board to act for him during his temporary absence. SEC. 2. The secretary shall record the proceedings of the Board and shall keep a record that will show the decisions rendered or other action of the Board upon cases submitted to it, with reference to the papers filed in each case. He shall maintain files of the original papers, or copies of them, that may be presented in each case, con- veniently arranged for reference. He shall conduct the general cor- respondence and shall receive communications presented for the consideration of the Board, transmitting them to the executive com- mittee as their character may require or as may be hereafter pro- vided. SEC. 3. The executive committee shall receive through the secre- tary all communications requiring decision by the Board; shall investigate the questions presented, securing information from all available sources, and shall report upon them to the Board, sub- mitting recommendations regarding them. 1 Changed to United States Geographic Board by Executive order August 10, 1906. * Changed to five June 3, 1914. 9 10 BY-LAWS OF UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. ARTICLE IV. Meetings. The Board shall hold regular meetings on the first Wednesday in each month, excepting the months of July, August, and September. Special meetings may be called by the chairman or by the executive committee. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum. The affirmative vote of a majority of all the members of the Board shall be required in the final decision in any case. All motions {resented for the consideration of the Board shall be submitted in writing, ARTICLE V. Amendments. These by-laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting by a majority vote of all the members of the Board, provided that the proposed amendment hae been presented at least four weeks previous to the time the vote is taken. STANDING RULE. The hour of meeting shall be 10.30 a. m. FOURTH REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE BOARD. The United States Board on Geographic Names was created by an Executive order issued by President Harrison September 4, 1890. Prior to that date there was an unofficial organization, composed of 10 persons, all employed in the public service, all engaged in geo- graphic work, and all keenly sensitive to the confusion and contradic- tions in geographic names as used in Government publications. Originally the Board was composed of 10 members. Its present membership is 13, of whom 2 were original members. The member- ship, past and present, together with departments, bureaus, offices, and institutions represented, is set forth in the following table : Department and bureau. Name. Term of service. Agriculture, Department of Hyde, J Nov. 20, 1899, to Sept. 26, 1905. Dec. 4, 1905, to date. June 4, 1908, to Aug. 15, 1913. Jan. 12, 1914, to date. Mar. 3, 1904, to date. Sept. 4, 1890, to June, 1894. Sept. 4, 1890, to Feb. 25, 1906. Apr. 4, 1906, to date. May 1, 1890, to Oct. 4, 1892. Dec. 22, 1892, to Jan. 24, 1912. Jan. 24, 1912, to date. Nov. 18, 1899, to Jan. 3, 1906. Jan. 3, 1906, to Nov. 13, 1907. Nov. 21, 1907, to Nov. 7, 1911. Nov. 7, 1911, to Sept. 11, 1913. Sept. 11, 1913, to date. June 21, 1893, to Jan. 7, 1903. May 1, 1903, to date. Sept. 4, 1890, to Dec. 12, 1903. Sept. 4, 1890, to Nov. 15, 1914. Feb. 1, 1915, to date. Sept. 4, 1890, to June 20, 1893. June 20, 1893, to Apr. 6, 1897. May 15, 1897, to Jan. 30, 1900. Forest Service Merriam, C. Hart Plummer, Fred G Commerce and Labor, Department of: Greeley, W. B Sloane, C S Mendenhall T C Bureau of Lighthouses Ogden, H. G Braid, Andrew Howison, H. L Government Printing Office Johnson, \ B Putnam George Brian, H. T Interior, Department of the: General Land Office Robinson, C M Kidd, Frank A Ziegler, Henry Payne, James E King, H Geological Survey Bond, F Baker, M Navy, Department of the Gannett , H Marshall, R. B Clover, R 1 Tormerh Sigsbee C. D Craig, J. E in the Treasury Department. 11 12 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Department or bureau. Name. Term of service. Navy, Department of the (continued) Todd.C.C Southerland, W. H. H Hodges D M Feb. 5, 1900, to Nov. 2, 1901. Nov. 9, 1901, to Mar. 8, 1904. Mar. 8, 1904, to June 2, 1900. Nov. 7, 1906, to May 30, 1908. Lit tlehales, Geo. W Nov. 7, 1906, to Sept. 3, 1908. Stewart, Cbas. W Sept. 3, 1908, to date. Wlnterbalter, A. O May 30, 1909, to Feb. 8, 1910. KnflDD. J. J... Feb. 8, 1910, to June 7, 1912. Cooper, George F Aug. 8, 1912, to May 6, 1914. Washington Thos May 6, 1914, to date. Bristow, P. H Sept. 4, 1890, to Feb. 7, 1893. Fen ton, O G Feb. 9, 1893, to May 24, 1895. Ilaake, A. von Apr. 15, 1897, to Dec. 6, 1911. Hfldreth, David M Oct. 28, 1912, to date. Ellsworth, Goodwin D June 2, 1913, to date. Mason, O. T Sept. 4, 1890, to Nov. 5, 1908. Hodge, F. W Nov. 6, 1908, to date. State, Department of. Allen, A. II Denby, C... Sept. 4, 1890, to Nov. 23, 1905. Dec. 13, 1905, to Apr. 18, 1907. McNelr, William May 24, 1907, to date. Treasury, Department of Mills.J.8 Turtle, T Dec. 4, 1905, to date. Sept. 4, 1890, to Sept. 19, 1894. Knight, J. G. D Dec. 12, 1894, to Apr. 2, 1895. Goethals, G. W Apr. 2, 1895, to Mar. 21, 1899. Lusk, J. L Mar. 21, 1899, to Mar. 14, 1903. Patrick, M. M Mar. 14, 1903, to Aug. 3, 1903. Judson, W. V Aug. 3, 1903, to Mar. 11, 1904. Kutz.C. W Mar. 11, 1904, to Nov. 29, 1905. Beach, W. D Nov. 29, 1905, to Sept. 19, 1910. Potts, R. D Nov. 8, 1906, to Apr. 12, 1907. Jones, Thaddeus W May 1, 1907, to Oct. 17, 1912. Root, Edwin Sept. 19, 1910, to Dec. 8, 1910. Boughton, D. H Dec. 8, 1910, to Oct. 17, 1912. McMahon, John Oct. 17, 1912, to Oct. 26, 1914. Macomb, M. M Oct. 26, 1914, to Apr. 24, 1916. Van Deman, Ralph H Apr. 24, 1916, to date. ORIGIN OF AND CHANGES IN GEOGRAPHIC NAMES. With the exception of the names of political subdivisions, geo- graphic names in this country have not, as a rule, been bestowed by any formal authority. The names of natural features rivers, lakes, mountains, capes, etc. and of unchartered bodies of population have received their names originally from explorers, surveyors, and early settlers, and these names have been perpetuated by common consent. The names of states, counties, and municipalities of all classes, on the other hand, have been applied either by legislative enactment or charter, and therefore possess some degree of formal authority. Differences of usage exist to a large extent not only in the names of natural features an'd unincorporated places but even in those of EEPOET OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 13 organized bodies of population whose names have been bestowed by formal authority. These differences have originated in numerous ways. In the unsettled parts of the country different exploring expedi- tions, ignoring the work of their predecessors, have given new names to features already named. As elsewhere noted this difficulty has often occurred in Alaska, which has been visited in recent years by numerous expeditions. The transliteration of Indian names has everywhere been a fruit- ful source of differences in spelling, inasmuch as no two persons understand alike or render into the same English characters the obscure sounds of Indian names. It often happens in the case of the larger geographic features, such as extended mountain ranges, rivers, etc., that different names have been applied locally in various parts and these names have become well settled in usage. . It frequently happens that railroads adopt names for their sta- tions different from those of the towns or villages in which they are situated and thus divide usage. To a much greater extent, how- ever, than the railroads has the Post Office Department confused the nomenclature of the smaller towns and villages by attaching names to the post offices not in accordance with those in local usage. In- deed, an examination shows that there are in this country thou- sands of cases where the name of the post office does not conform to the local name of the place in which it is situated. These differences are very confusing to those using the postal service, and it seems desirable to reduce their number so far as practicable, at the same t'me recognizing the necessity of having no post office name dupli- cated in a state. . By far the greater number of differences in usage, however, have their origin in carelessness or ignorance on the part of those making use of the names. Such errors appearing hi print are frequently perpetuated, especially hi popular works, and often supplant the original name in usage. Originating in these diversities of spelling there is distinctly traceable a development of geographic nomenclature which is, on the whole, proceeding in a beneficial direction. Its tendency is toward the discarding of objectionable names and the adoption of pleasing ones and toward the simplification and abbreviation of names, particularly as shown in the dropping of silent letters. The Board, recognizing this course of development, deems it to be within its power to guide it and even to forestall it, so far as its future course may be foreseen. The extent to which geographic names have been modified with- out being radically changed is scarcely appreciated. A large pro_ 14 i:i.i-oi:i 01 TIIK rxi'ir.n STATES OBOGBAPHIC I;IAKH. portion, probably a majority, of the names of natural features have undertime alteration- in spelling to a greater op leea extent ainoe th--\ \vere first applied, while of the names of politieal divi- sions. Although e-tahlished hy formal aet. a considerable proport ion hv al-o .-handed, and -u<-h variations have, in thousands of cfl l>re,,mc iirmly established. Therefore, the position assumed by >. that we slioiild iwert to the original forms of names. would, if curried out, result in changing the names of a large pro- portion of our natural and artificial feature-. POLICY OF THE BOARD. The Board is agreed that in general the name which is in com- mon local use at present should he adopted. This is abroad, general principle, and summarizes the policy of the Board with the excep- tion of certain classes of names. It covers cases of changes or cor- ruptions of names, except where they'are considered to be unworthy of perpetuation. The Board clearly recognizes that tho importance and value of its decisions depend upon their general adoption. To change cor- rupted forms back to pure forms, after tho corrupted form has been established, is to make a decision which will not he followed. Such decisions are not merely useless; they are positively harmful. They tend not to settle but to unsettle usage. To restore such nam Port Townsend to Port Townshend, Pysht to Psyche, Ozan to AUK anes, Low Freight to L'eau frais. Sitka to Shitka, Possum to Opossum, is not always possible, however desirable. Tho aim, therefore. of the Board is to discover and support by its decisions the forms in use in all cases, except those where specific and positive objections thereto are found* to exist. That it should always succeed in this aim is obviously impossible. Changes are constantly occurring. Tho Board can not if it would, and would not if it could, oppose change. The difficulties encountered in carrying out this principle are found mainly in determining what is tho established usau r <'. or the prevailing local practice where it is divided between different forms. Where it is so divided, opportunity is afforded for the selection of the more appropriate and euphonious of the names in use. The Board considers it desirable to depart from local usap' in certain cases in order to effect reforms in nomenclature. Among these departures approved by the Board are the following: (a) Tho avoidance, so far as seems practicable, of the possessive form of names. (6) The dropping of the final "h" in the termination of "burgh." (c) The abbreviation of "borough" to "boro." (d) The spelling of the word "center" as here given. EEPOET OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGEAPHIC BOAED. 15 (e) The discontinuance of the use of the hyphens in connecting parts of names. (/") The omission, wherever practicable, of the letters "C. H." (courthouse) after the names of county seats. (<;) The simplification of names consisting of more than one word by their combination into one word. (h] The avoidance of the use of diacritic characters. (i) The dropping of the words "city" and "town" as parts of names. All of these changes are warranted by the direction of develop- ment. The possessive form of name is rapidly disappearing, except in rare cases where good reason exists for its retention. In most cases this is effected by dropping the apostrophe and the final "s." In certain cases, however, usage or euphony appears to require the retention of the final "s," when the apostrophe only is dropped. Concerning the termination "burg" or "burgh," as Harrisburg, an extensive correspondence has developed the fact that in more than three-fourths of the places having this termination the final "h" is not in local use. The case of the termination "boro" or "borough" is very similar; the present tendency is strongly toward the substitution of the abbreviated form, and the Board, therefore, deems it advisable to induce uniformity in this matter in the manner indicated. In the case of the word "center" as part of a name, as Mansfield Center, Center Rutland, usage appears to be about equally divided between "center" and "centre," and the Board has adopted the first of the above forms of the word. Hyphens in connecting parts of names appear to be useless, while they add to the complexity of the spelling. The practice of adding the letters "C. H.," meaning courthouse, to the name of a county seat is prevalent, especially in the Southern States. Frequently the place has two names, one being its charter name, the other the name of the county with "C. H." appended; thus the county seat of Raleigh County, W. Va., is known as Beck- ley and as Raleigh C. H. The tendency toward simplification is in no way shown more decidedly than in the combination of the several words forming a name. Thus "La Fayette" has become well-nigh universally "La- fayette," and "El Dorado" has become "Eldorado." The Board approves this tendency and will further it so far as possible with- out forestalling usage too greatly. The use of diacritic characters in geographic names in the United States, such as the German umlaut and the Spanish tilde, is rapidly disappearing. It would be impossible, even were it desirable, to oppose this change. 16 . REPOKT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. The practice of adding the word "city" or "town," as Boise City, as a part of tho name is a useless complication, growing in most cases out of an optimistic spirit on the part of the promoters of the place. It is often misleading and almost invariably unnecessary. There are in Alaska a good many names of Russian origin end- ing in OBD, which terminating syllable has been variously rendered of, off, ow, and ov. The Board uniformly uses of. Examples: Baranof, Chichagof, Popof, and Shelikof. Outside of the United States, where the Department of State and United States Hydrographic Office are chiefly interested, the work of the Board is directed to the harmonization of American usage in geographic nomenclature with the usage of the great map-making nations England, Germany, and France. The Department of State, by reason of its diplomatic and consular functions, is inti- mately concerned with the present style, change of names, transfers of territorial jurisdiction, cession and acquisition of territory by various governments abroad, and the proper forms of the titular political nomenclature of foreign states and nations. The interest of the Hydrographic Office is involved by reason of its publication of charts and sailing directions of all foreign waters, to the effective use of which uniformity of geographic nomenclature is obviously indispensable. The forms of foreign names recommended for adopt- tion are determined on consultation of established usage, the best authorities upon ethnological and political history and derivation, and current geographic and political information from authentic sources. Many names in foreign civilized countries present a peculiar diffi- culty and appear to require that a further exception be made to the general principle of following local usage. This lies in the fact that many foreign names have been anglicized, and the anglicized form, often quite different from the local form (meaning by local form that in use by the best authorities in the country having jurisdic- tion), is well estabUshed in usage in this country. Such cases wherein English-speaking nations use names differing from those locally accepted are not numerous, but they are among those most in use and represent the most prominent features of the earth; for instance, we call Deutschland Germany, Espaiia Spain, Ldvorno Leghorn. In many cases we translate the foreign name, if it is capable of translation, into English words. Other countries, hi turn, treat the names of this country in a similar manner. In- deed, most non-English-speaking people translate the name of this country into their own tongue, forgetting that geographic names, like personal names, should not be translated. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 17 It is unquestionably desirable and proper that local usage should be followed in these cases as well as in others, i. e., that the home names should be the ones universally used; but in most of these cases it is obviously impracticable to introduce this reform, at least at present. The people of the United States can not be induced to change from Germany to Deutschland, or even from Italy to Italia, or The Hague to 's Gravenhage. It is a reform, however, to which we may look forward and work toward and which may be attained in the future. It is understood by the Board that our charts of the coasts of foreign countries using Roman characters, made for the use of our Navy and merchant marine, generally require the use of the local forms of these names, while on the other hand popular usage in this country, especially in our atlases and textbooks, requires the angli- cized form. The Board practically leaves this matter on the same footing as heretofore, approving the use of local spelling of foreign names upon our charts and the anglicized forms upon maps de- signed for use in this country. It hopes, however, that the way may be open in the near future to the adoption throughout of the local and the rejection of the anglicized forms. In such specific cases as have been brought to its attention it has decided uniformly in favor of the local forms. Most of the nations of Europe, either through national boards or geographic societies, are engaged in the regulation of the orthog- raphy of geographic names. Their attention has been particularly directed toward producing uniformity in the transliteration of aboriginal names written in characters other than Roman. 'These nations have practically agreed upon a system of transliteration, which, with one or two exceptions, has been adopted by this Board, thus coming into practical agreement in this matter with the rest of the civilized world. PRINCIPLES. Under the Executive order of January 23, 1906, the United States Geographic Board was given jurisdiction over the establishment of new geographic names, and as a guide in the selection of names the Board adopted and issued a circular of "Principles," as follows: Euphonious and suitable names of Indian, Spanish, or French origin should be retained. Names suggested by peculiarities of the topographic features designated such as their form, vegetation, or animal life are gen- erally acceptable, but duplication of names, especially within one state, should be avoided. The names "Elk," "Beaver," "Cotton- wood," and "Bald" are altogether too numerous. 4704916 2 18 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Names of living persons should be applied very rarely, and only those of great eminence should be thus honored. No personal names should be attached because of relationship, friendship, or persona' interest, nor should names of obscure persons be given. Names of eminent men now dead may !><> thus perpetuated, par- ticularly those of early explorers, naturalists, geologists, topog- raphers, etc. Long and clumsily constructed names and names composed of two or more words should be avoided. It is a foregone conclusion that such names will not be adopted by the public. If the name selected consists of more than one word the words should be combined if practicable. The multiplication of names for different parts of the same fea- ture, such as a river or mountain range, should be avoided. Only one name should be applied to a stream or mountain range through- out its entire length; in the case of a river the name should follow up its longest branch. The naming of forks, prongs, branches, etc., as "East Fork" or "North Prong" of a river, should be avoided unless there is a special reason for it. In most cases, independent names should be given to a river's branches. That spelling and pronunciation which is sanctioned by local usage should, in general, be adopted. Where names have been changed or corrupted, and such changes or corruptions have become established by local usage, it is not usually advisable to attempt to restore the original form. In cases where what was evidently originally the same word ap- pears with various spellings sanctioned by local usage, when applied to various features, these various spellings should bo regarded as in effect different names, and, as a rule, it is inadvisable to attempt to produce uniformity. Where a choice is offered between two or more names for the same place or locality, all sanctioned by local usage, that which is most appropriate and euphonious should be adopted. The possessive form should be avoided whenever it can be done without destroying the euphony of the name or changing its descrip- tive application. In names ending in "burgh" the final "h" should be dropped. Names ending in "borough" should be abbreviated to "boro." The word "center," as part of a name, should be spelled as above and not "centre." The use of hyphens in connecting parts of names should be dis- continued. EEPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 19 The letters "C. H." (courthouse) appended to the names of county seats should be omitted. In the case of names consisting of more than one word it is some- times desirable to combine them into one word. It is desirable to avoid the use of diacritic characters. It is desirable to avoid the use of the words city and town as parts of names. It must be understood that these are not designed as rules, but as guiding principles, from which the Board reserves liberty to de- part whenever, in its judgment, it deems it advisable to do so. PRINCIPLES FOR SPECIAL APPLICATION IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. (1) Geographic names in countries that use Roman characters should be rendered in the form adopted by the country having juris- diction, except where there are English equivalents already fixed by usage. In cases where the English equivalent is so different from the local form that the identity of the latter with the former might not be recognized, the English form should be adopted, but, both forms may be given. (2) The spelling of geographic names that require transliteration into Roman characters should represent the principal sounds of the word as pronounced in the native tongue, in accordance with the sounds of the letters in the following system. An approximation only to the true sound is aimed at in this system. The vowels are to be pronounced as in Italian and on the Continent of Europe generally, and the consonants as in English: a has the sound of a in father. Examples: Java, Banana, Somali, Bari. e has the sound of e in men. Examples: Tel el Kebir, Medina, Peru, i has the sound of i in ravine, or the sound of ee in beet. Examples: Fiji, Hindi, o has the sound of o in mote. u has the sound of oo in boot. Examples: Umnak, Unga. ai has the sound of i in ice. Example: Shanghai. ao is slightly different from above. Example: Nanao. ei has the sound of the two Italian vowels, but is frequently slurred over, when it is scarcely distinguishable from ey in the English they. Examples: Beirut, Beilul. c is always soft, and has nearly the sound of s; hard c is given by k. Example: Celebes. ch is always soft, as in church. Example: Chingchin. f as in English; ph should not be used for this sound. Thus, not Haiphong, but Haifong. g is always hard (soft g is given by j). Example: Galapagos. h is always pronounced when inserted. j as in English; dj should never be used for this sound. Examples: Japan, Jinchuen. k as in English. It should always be used for the hard c. Thus, not Corea, but Korea. 20 REPORT OF THi: UNITED sTATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. kh has the sound of the oriental guttural. Example: Khan, gh is another jjruttural, as in the Turkish: Dagh, Ghazi. ng has two slightly different sounds, as in finger, singer. q should never be employed; qu is given by kw. Example: Kwangtung. b.d,) f' B 'J as in English. *, V, W, X, and I y is always a consonant, as in yard, and should not be used for the vowel i. Thus, not Mikindany, but Mikindani. All vowels are shortened in sound by doubling the following consonant. Examples: Yarra, Tanna, Jidda, Bonni. Doubling a vowel is only necessary where there is a distinct repetition of the single sound. Example: Nuulua. Accents should not, generally, be used; but where there is a very decided emphatic syllable or stress which affects the sound of the word it should be marked by an acute accent. Examples: Tongatabu, Galapagos, Palawan, Sarawak. In order to secure uniformity in so far as possible in the matter of transliteration of Chinese place names and in order that the system adopted may conform to what is apparently to be the standard in American publications, it is recommended that the following rules be adopted for observance, viz: (1) The spelling generally shall follow the list of Chinese post offices and Provinces as given in the Imperial Postal Guide, published for the use of the Postal Service by the Inspector General of Customs and Posts. (2) Names shall be printed as single words. (3) Forms sanctioned by long usage in standard publications in the English language shall be retained. HOW DECISIONS ARE MADE. Cases brought to the Board for decision are at once referred to the executive committee for examination and report. This committee examines each case, consulting printed authorities, such as mother maps, gazetteers, local histories, atlases, etc. Especially does it seek after, and it generally obtains, the local usage, to which it attaches great importance. Local usage is usually obtained by cor- respondence with county clerks, postmasters, and residents who are conversant with local conditions. This information derived from correspondence is often supplemented by the oral testimony of indi- viduals having personal knowledge of the name under consideration. The information needful for deciding may be obtained quickly, within a day or two, or it may take months. When the executive REPORT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOAED. 21 committee is satisfied, it tabulates the results on cards, which are printed blanks whereon spaces are left for entering various items of information. When all the data are tabulated the members of the committee record their preferences, signing their initials. Thus there is a record vote of the executive committee. The cards so prepared are submitted to the Board at its regular monthly meetings, and considered one by one. Usually the executive committee agrees on its recommendations. Not infrequently, however, there is a divided report. The case being submitted to the Board, a vote is taken, and a majority, not of those present, but of the whole Board, is necessary to decide. The decision so reached is written at the top of the card, which is thereupon stamped Approved, with the date of the approval. Usually from one to several cases at each meeting are sent back by the Board to the committee for additional investigation. A facsimile of one of these cards is printed herewith : UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Thing \Spur of Greylock Mountain, Berkshire named. / Co., Mass. Approved Aug. 10, 1897. Names. The Bluffs Stony Ledge Local usage, Stony Ledge Authorities. V. S. Geol. Survey, Greylock sheet. Berkshire Insurance Co.'s map. Walker's atlas. Berkshire County atlas. P. M. at South Williamstown. Submitted by Geol. Survey. Date July IS, 1897. This card prepared by Marcus Baker. Recommendation of executive committee. Stony Ledge M. B. " A.H.A. ...H.G.O. Such is the present practice of the Board, gradually developed as the outcome of experience. The principles which govern deci- sions were at the outset considered and formulated with great pains- taking and care. They were the subjects of many and earnest dis- cussions, and it is a matter on which the Board congratulates itself that these principles so elaborated and adopted have so well stood the test of usage. While experience has improved practice in the Board's operations, it has contributed practically nothing in the way of principles. WHAT THE BOARD HAS ACCOMPLISHED. It has made upwards of 14,000 decisions, including the acceptance of new names and the settlement of disputed cases. Among these decisions are a number which involve the definition of limits and application of names, especially those of the greater 22 HKl'ORT OF THK UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. features of the country, such as Cordilleras, Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada, Blue Ridge, etc. These involved much study and correspondence. After months of discussion and study, a set of conventional signs and abbreviations for use on maps was agreed upon, thus making Government usage absolutely uniform in this regard. CONCLUSION. The Board again respectfully calls attention to the fact that it is without means for carrying on its work, save by the courtesy of the bureaus, offices, and institutions represented in its membership. It is without direct means for printing or distributing its decisions. It is without means for meeting the calls that are made upon it for publica- tions, for information, and for decisions. Its progress has, therefore, been slow, and might, indeed, have cea-ed altogether had not the calls made upon it unceasingly made attested a real need for some such agency or institution. DECISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD: 1890 TO 1916. [NOTE. This list includes all decisions rendered by the Board. Adopted forms are shown by bold-face type, rejected forms by italics, and revisions of previous decisions by an asterisk (*).] A. Aalplaus; see Alplaus. Abagadasset; Point, Kennebec River, Sagadahoc County, Me. (Not Abaga- dusset.) Abajo; Mountains, west of Monticello, San Juan County, Utah. Abajo; Peak, easternmost and highest of group in Abajo Mountains, San Juan County, Utah. Abamgamock; see Abamgamook. Abamgamook; Lake, Townships 40 M. D. and 3 N. D., Hancock County, Me. (Not Abamgamock nor West.) Abbajona; see Aberjona. Abbott; Butte, point on divide near the county line 1 etween Douglas and Jack- son Counties, Oreg. (Not Abbot nor Abbots.) Abbottsford; Village, St. Clair County, Mich. (Not Abbotsford nor Abbotts- ville.) Abbottsville; see Abbottsford. Aberjona; River, Middlesex County, Mass. (Not Abbajona.) Aberque; see Abiqua. Abiacha; Creek, tributary to Yazoo River, Carroll County, Miss. (Not Abiaca, Abyache, Abyatche, Abyat- chie, nor Coila Abiacha.) Abino; Point, in Canada, near east end of Lake Erie. (Not Abineau nor Al- bino.) Abiqua; Creek, northern part Marion County, Oreg. (Not Aberque nor Alberqua.) *Aboite; Railroad Station, Allen County, Incl. (NotAboit.) Abolo Chitto; Abolochitto; see Hobolo- chitto. Aboo-shehr; see Bushire. Abookeer; Aboukir; see Abukir. Abou Hamad; see Abu Hained. Abram; Creek, in Grant and Mineral Counties, W. Va. (Not Abraham.) Abram; see Shimmo. Abraham; Abrahams; see Abrams. Abrams; Pond, Eastbrook and Franklin Towns, Hancock County, Me. (Not Abraham, Abrahams, nor Abram's.) Abruad; see Riad. Absaroka Range; Mountains in and near Yellowstone National Park, Mont. and Wyo. (Not Shoshone, Snow, nor Yellowstone.) Absecon; Bay, Beach, City, and Inlet, Atlantic County, N. J. (Not Abse- com.) Abu Hamed; Town, Egyptian-Sudan. (Not Abou Hamad nor Abu Hammed.) Abu Hammed; see Abu Hamed. Abukir; Bay, northern coast of Egypt, between promontory of Abukir on west and Roseeta mouth of Nile on east. (Not Abookeer nor Aboukir.) Abu-Shehr; see Bushire. Abyache; Abyatche; Abyatchie; see Abiacha. Acabonack; Harbor in Easthampton, Suffolk County, Long Island, N. Y. (Not Acabomock.) Accomac; Village, Accomac County, Va. (Not Drummondtown.) Accra; Accrah; see Akkra. Acequia; Village, Douglas County, Coio. (Not Ascequia.) Acheuchik; see Chandalar. Achteedeedung; see Portage. 23 24 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Acken; Dock, Raritan River, Middlesex County, N. J. (Not Acken's.) Ackworth; see Acworth. Acoakset; see Westporfc. Acoma; Township, McLeod County, Minn. (Not Aconia.) Agora; see Azores. Acquasco; see Aquasco. Acquia; see Aquia. Acworth; Town, Cobb County, Ga. (Not Ackworth.) Adair; Ridge, between Logging Lake and Anaconda Creek, Flathead County, Mont. Adam; Island, Chesapeake Bay, Dor- chester County, Md. (Not Adam's nor Adams.) Adams; Creek, Chatham County, Ga. (Not Adams's.) Adams; Township, Warren County, Ind. (Not J. Q. Adams.) Adam's Creel; see Cunningham. Adams Fall; Ledge, New Haven Har- bor, Conn. (Not Adam's Fall.) Addison; Glacier, west of Aialik Bay, Eenai Peninsula, Alaska. Adel; see Somali. Adelina; Town, Calvert County, Md. (Not Adalina.) Aderar; see Adrar. Aderhold; Ferry over Chattahoochee River, Campbell and Douglas Counties, Ga. (Not Addahold nor Daholt.) Adirondack; Mountains in northern New York. (Not Adirondac.) Adjighiol; Adjigiol; see Ajigiol. Adkins; see Atkins. Admiral Butakov; see Tkachen. Admiralty; see Yakutat. Adobe; Town, Madison County, Mont. (Not Adobetown.) Adrar; Mountainous District in the west- ern Sahara, Africa. (Not Aderar.) Adzhigiol; see Ajigiol. Aegean; Sea, that part of the Mediterra- nean Sea lying between Aria Minor, Greece, and Turkey. Aektok; see Rootok. Aeneas; Creek, Lake. Mountain, and Valley, Okanogan County, Wash. (Not Eneas.) AfriJna; see Tunis. *Afton; Village, Greene Countv, Tenn. (Not Home.) Agalitnak; see Hoholitna. Agamgik; Bay, indenting the northern shore of Beaver Bay, Unalaska Island, eastern Aleutians, Alaska. (Xot Food.) Agamok; Lake, sec. 36, T. 65, N., R. 6 W., Lake County, Minn. (Not Aga- mak.) Agashagok; see Bogoslof. Agate; Canyon, in south wall of Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 1 mile east of Sapphire Canyon, Coconino County, Ariz. Agate; Village, Floyd County, Ga. (Not Cunningham.) Agathla; Volcanic Peak, Navajo Na- tional Monument, Navajo County, Ariz. (Not Aga-thla Needle.) Agattu; Island, one of the western Aleu- tians, Alaska. Agee; Village, Campbell County, Tenn. (Not Agec.) Agency; Creek, Missoula County, Mont. (Not Jones nor Mill.) Aggie; Creek, tributary to Fish River, Alaska. Aghik; Island, one of the Semidi Islands, Alaska. (NotA'ghik.) Aghiyuk; Island, one of the Semidi Islands, Alaska. (Not Aghi'yukh.) Agnes; Cove, Resurrection Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Agoway; see North Aowa. Agua Buena; Spring; one-fourth mile south of Santa Rita Peak, Diablo Range, San Benitb County, Cal. Aqua Prieta; see Whitewater Draw. Ah-lash-ok; see Alatna. Ahle; Point, in Columbia River, Cowlitz County, Wash. (Not Ahle's.) Ahmed-Shahee; see Kandahar. Ahnapee; River, Door and Kewaunee Counties, Wis. (Not Ahnepee.) Ahnapee; Ahnepee; see Algoma. Ahogado; Rock, entrance to Cabullon Bight, P. R. Ahoskie; Creek, Ridge, and Village, Hertford County, N. C. (Not Ahoskey nor Ahosky.) *Ahtanum, Creek, Precinct, Ridge, Village, and Valley, Yakima County, Wash. (Not Atanum.) Ahues; see Porcupine. Ahicahnee; see Wassamma. EEPOKT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOAED. 25 Aialik; Cape, end of point on eastern side i of Aialik Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. (Not Ajalik nor Ayalik.) Aidin; see Smyrna. Aido; Spring, north half of sec. 35, T. 25 S., R. 17 E., Kern County, Cal. Aiken; .Landing and Swamp, James River, Chesterfield County, Va. (Not Aiken's.) Aiken; see Akin. Ailanihus; see Alanthus. Ailuk; Atoll, one of the Marshall Group in the Pacific Ocean. (Not Ailu nor Kru- senstern.) Air; see Asben. Aire, Island, small one south of Minorca, Balearic Islands, Mediterranean Sea. (Not Ayre.) Aisqidth; see Asquith. Aix; Peak in Cascade Range, Yakima County, Wash. (Not Aike.) Ajighiol; see Ajigiol. Ajigiol; Spit and Village, Dnieper Bay, Black Sea, Russia. (Not Adjighiol, Adjigiol, Adzhigiol, nor Ajighiol.) Ajika; see Kairai. Akamagasaki; Akamagaseki; Akamagseki; see Shimonoseki. Akcine; see Axin. Akhitdung; see Portage. *Akin; Village, Montgomery County, N. Y. (Not Aiken.) Akkra; Town on the Gold Coast, West Africa. (Not Accrah.) Akun; Island, one of the eastern Aleu- tians, Alaska. (Not Akoun.) Akutan; Bay, Harbor, Island, Pasa, Vil- lage, and Volcano, eastern Aleutians, Alaska. (Not Akoutan.) Alacran; Reef, bank of Campeche, off nor,th coast of Yucatan, Gulf of Mexico. (Not Alacrane nor The Alacranes.) Alaid; see Araido. Alameda; Creek, tributary of Koyuk River, south of East Fork, Alaska. Alamogordo; Election Precinct and Town, Guadalupe County, N. Mex. (Not Alamo Gordo.) Alamoosook; Lake, Orland Town, Hancock County, Me. (Not Great.) Alamo Solo; Spring, near center of sec. 2, T. 25 S., R. 18 E., Kern County, Cal. Alamota; Railroad Station, Lane County Kans. (Not Alomata.) Alamuche; see Allamuchy. Alanthus; Town, Gove County, Kana. (Not Ailanthus.) Alanthus; Village, Franklin County, Ala. (Not Ailanthus.) Alanthus; Village, Culpeper County, Va. (Not Ailanthus.) Alanthus Grove; Village, Gentry County, Mo. (Not Ailanthus Grove.) Alanthus Hill; Village, Hancock County, Tenn. (Not Ailanthus.) *Alapaha; Town, Berrien County, and River, rising in the south-central part of Georgia and flowing nearly south, passing into Florida and entering the Suwannee River. (Not Allapaha.) Alarcon Terrace; Spur, low one, ex- tending southwest from Powell Plateau, Coconino County, Ariz. Alarka; see Yalaka. Alaska; Peninsula of southwestern Alaska. (Not Aliaska.) Alatna; River, Northern Alaska, large branch of Koyukuk River from the northwest. (Not Ah-lash-ok, Alashuk, Al-lash-ook, Allatna, Allen, Allenka- kat, nor Oklashok.) Alberhill; Village, Riverside County, Cal. (Not Alberhil.) Alberqua; see Abiqua. Albert Edward; see Albert Nyanza. Albert Edward Nyanza; Lake, east central Africa, 110 miles west of Vic- toria Nyanza and 100 miles south of Albert Nyanza, with which it is con- nected by the Semliki River. (Not Muta Nzige nor Mwuta-Nzige.) *Albert Nyanza; a great lake of east central Africa, about 130 miles north- west of Victoria Nyanza and 100 miles north of Albert Edward Nyanza; one of the sources of the White Nile. (Not Albert Edward, Muta, Muta Nzige, M'Wooten N'zige, nor M'wutan N'zige.) Albert; Falls, on Glacier Creek, below Glacier Gorge, in northwest corner sec. 24, T. 4 N., R. 74 W., Larimer County, Colo. Alberto; Island, San Alberto Bay, Prince of Wales Archipelago, Alaska. Alberto; Reef, in close proximity to- Alberto Island, Alaska. Albion; teee Mount Albion. Alcalde; see Waltham. , KD STATES OEOOBAPHIC BOARD J.-. AfeakU Hllto; FoothilK * trett and northwert Mountain., drains to the bead of Walker n AtdrM; Seaport Town in Spain, on Bay of Gibralt.i nu.) i !"..' ! .: ' \ ' : ^llforfoiMa; tee Point Algodonea. Alffonut; City, Kewmonee < .jpoe nor Ahnepee.) Alhambrm Bode; Dike, aerrated black botte, on wwth bank. San Juan River near Ions 109 NX, 3 miles southwest of Goodiidge port office, San Joan County. l'uh Altn; *# Mount Alice. Alki; Point. INtRet Sound, near Seattle, Wa*> atery, Ue-kwah-mookB, nor Rob*' Alkir** Mill*. Village. Lewv \V Va , ,ndB into PbcataquiB County. Altoguash nor Allegauh.) Allagwh; eee Allagash Airliaket: site of the mission, Koyukuk River, opposite mouth of the Alatna r, Alaska. Allamuchy; Mountain, Pond, and I wr rfiip, Warren County, N.J. 'N'" Ald " nuu-he.) Allan Otty; Shoal, 2 miles south by west from Bear Point, southwestern ; ,,{ \Vnlfc Island, St. Uwi r, Jefferson County. N All'-n Otty. K'i!l, n>r Keill's.) \llnrt; rvc Machoa Grandes. Allegany, Township, Potter County, Pa. Mltgath; see Allagash. Allegheny; Mountains in eastern pai of United States. (Not Alleirany n-r Alleghany.) Allegheny; Riv-r. N V. and I tary to Ohio River at Pittaburgh. Allegany nor Alleghany.) AlUgrama; see Alegranza. Allegrippis; Ridge, Huntingdon Cotu Pa. (Not AllegrippeB nor Allegri] Allen; Gla< -i-r. l-ninl Canyon. Cq River. Alaska. (Not Bainl Allenbridge; Village, G> "> Tenn. (Not Allen's Bri.l-' . Kridire. mr (lurley's Bridge.) Allentown; see Cump Springs. Allimatona; see Potters ville. AUoway, Creek and Village. Salem inty. X. J. (.Not All-.wuys.) Alloway; Landing, on Mississippi R. Adurn.- County, Mi^. iN't Allu\\ Alloway; Township, Salem County, X. J. (Not I'pper Allow.. /i//um; see Alum. Alluwe; Village, Nowata County. Ok la. Al-lu-we.) Almon; Village, Newton County, Ga. Almond.) Alomata; see Alamota. Alpine; Brook, emptying inti ek, one-half mile south of n^s Peak Village, Larimer * '..unty, Alplaua; Kill (or < Schenectady Clic.) Arguello; Santa Barbara County, Cal. (Not Anruelia.) Ari; Ilet iS.mui. lat. 34 32' N., long. 128 44' E., southern coast of Chosen dnei) Ariel; Point. Grain! Canyon of the Colo- rado. < ,,r,,miio c,,unty. Ariz. Arikaree; Peak (altitude 13.147 feet), on the Continental Divide. 14 miles south of Longs Peak, in SE. J sec. 14, i \V . Boulder and Grand Counties. ' Ankara.) Arikaree; River, tributary to Republi- can River, Kit Canon, Lincoln, Wash- ington, and Yuma Counties, Colo., Cheyenne Kan*., and Dundy County, v r Not Arickaree.) Arivaipa; Canyon, Creek, and Valley, Pinal and Graham Counties, and Village, Graham County. Ari/ Aravaipa, Aravapai. Arava>-pa. Ara- yaipa. Arivapih. Arivapai, nor Ari- vaypa.) Arixona; Town. Claiborne Parish, La. Arizonia.) Arkanaaa Poet; Town. Arkansas County. A rk < Not Post of Arkansas.) Arl; see McLeod. Armueohly see Amiralola. Annatrong; Island and Lighthouse in Mississippi Kiv.T. near Hannibal, Mo. Armstrong's.) Armstrong; Village, Bath County, Va. Cloverdale.) Arnold; Landing, Mississippi River, C: roll County. 111. (Not Arnold's.) Arrakan; see Arakan. Anapahoe; see Arapahoe. Arrerife; sec Pernamburo. Arrow; Uke and River, tributer; Pigeon River, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, near International Boundary (between Minnesota and Ontario). Arrowhead; Mountain (altitude 11,200 feet), sec. 29, T. 6 S., R- 74 W., Park County, Colo. Arrowhead Springs; Village, San B nardino County, Cal. (Not Arrow Head Springs.) .Arroyo Cavelano; see Cayetano. Arroyo Ciervo; Gulch and intermittent Stream, heading at Ciervo Mountain and draining northeastward through the dry hills, entering San Joaquin Valley in corner of sec. 29, T. 16 S., R. 14 E., Fresno County, Cal. Arroyo dt los Torrijon; see Torreonea. Arroyo Hondo; Creek, first large one in foothill belt north of Cantua Creek, emptying into San Joaquin Valley about 4 miles north of the latter creek, Fresno County, Cal. (Not Dry.) Arroyo lat Gatos; see Los Gatos. Arroyo Quito; see Campbell. Arroyo Valle; Stream, Alameda and Santa Clara Counties, Cal. (Not Ar- royo del Valle.) Artenal; see Greenleaf . *Aru; Island (Somu), lat. 39 01' N., long. 128 OS 7 E., eastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Khalezof, Khalezov, Khali /."f. nor Mouchez.) Aru; Rocks (Somu), lat 40 39' N., long. 129 33' E., northeastern coast of Cho- sen (Korea). (Not Cock's Comb nor White.) *Aruba; Island, one of the Dutch West Indian Islands, Caribbean Sea. (Not < iruba.) Arvada; Town, Jefferson County, Colo. (Not Arvado.) Arvonia; Village, Buckingham County, Va. (Not Arvon.) BEPOET OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 31 Arzobispo; see Ogasawara. Arzroom; see Erzerum. As; see Ob. As Rocas; dangerous reef in the South Atlantic Ocean, 125 miles northeast of Cape St. Roque, Brazil. (Not Las Ro- cas nor Rocas.) Asben; Kingdom, Mountains, and Town, in western Sahara, Africa. (Not Air.) Asbestos; Canyon, Vishnu quadrangle, Coconino County, Ariz. Ascension; see Ponape. Ascequia; see Acequia. Ascheeshna; see John. Ascombs; see Asquith. Ashbee; Harbor, Roanoke Island, Dare County, N. C. (Not Ashby's.) Ashettimoyawk; see ^a was. Ashland, Kans.; see Center. Ashland, Md.; see Hayden. Ashland, Wis.; see Chequamegon. Ashnola; River, Okanogan County, Wash., and British Columbia, Canada. (Not Ashanola, Ashtnulon, Na-is-nu- lah, Naisnuloh, Nais-nu-loh, nor Nais- nulho.) Ashport; Village, Lauderdale County, Tenn. (Not Ash Port.) Askwalli; see Nisqually. Asneconic; Pond, Worcester County, Mass. (Not Asnyconick.) Asotin; Creek and Town, Asotin County, Wash. (Not Asotan nor Assotan.) Aspen; Brook, tributary from south to Thompson River, 3 miles west of Estes Park Village, Larimer County, Colo. Aspen; Creek, Dolores County, Colo. Aspinwall; see Colon. Asquith; Island, in Honga River, about 2 miles south of Crapo, Dorchester Coun- ty, Md. (Not Aisquith nor Ascombs.) Assini; Colonial Establishment and River between the Gold Coast and Ivory Coast, west Africa. (Not Assinie.) Assiniboia; District of Canada. (Not Assinniboia.) Assinniboine; Fort, Military Reserva- tion, Chouteau County, Mont. (Not Assinaboin.) Assuan; see Aswan. Aster Creek; Stream, flowing north out of Aster Park, Teton County, Mont. Aster Park; Valley.Teton County, Mont. Astley; see Ansley. Astrakhan; City and Government, Rus- sia. (Not Astrachan.) Aswan; City, on the Nile, Egypt. (Not Assouan nor Assuan.) Atalante; see Mori. Atanum; see Ahtanum. Atherton; Landing, Mississippi River, near Cairo, Pulaski County, 111. (Not Atherton's.) Atka; Island, one of the middle Aleu- tians, Alaska. (Not Atkha.) Atkins; Bay, at mouth of the Kennebec River, Me. (Not Adkins.) AtkissonDam; Lighthouse, on Kanawha River, Kanawha County, W. Va. (Not Atkisson's Dam.) Atkulik; Island, off south shore of Alaska Peninsula, near the Semidi Group. (Not Atkunk.) Atlantis; Island, St. Lawrence River, St. Lawrence County, N. Y. (Not Jack.) Atoko; Point, Vishnu quadrangle, Coco- nino County, Ariz. Atsion; see Mullica. *Attalla; Precinct and Town, Etowah County, Ala. (Not Atala nor Attala.) Attu; Island, one of the western Aleu- tians, Alaska. (Not Attou.) Au Bas; see Les Basses. Au Sable; Point, south shore of Lake Superior. Alger County, Mich. (Not Point au Sable.) Au Sable; Point, River, and Township, losco County, Mich. (Not Point au Sable.) Au Sable; see Ausable; Hamlin. Aubry; Village, Johnson County, Kans. (Not Aubrey.) Aucilla; River and Town. Jefferson Coun- ty, Fla. (Not Ocilla.) Auckland; Province and Town, New Zea- land; also a Group of Islands in the South Pacific Ocean, south of New Zea- land; also Bay of British Burma. (Not Aukland.) Auglaize; Township, Camden County, Mo. Auglaize; Township, Laclede County, Mo. Auglaize; see Grandglaize. Augur; Lake, Chesterfield Town, Essex County, N. Y. (Not Auger.) Augusta; see Sipapu. REPORT OF THE UXITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 32 Augustine; Island, Cook Inlet Augurtin nor St. Augustine.) Augustine; Rocks, about 6 mik* east of Augustine Island, Cooks Inlet, Alaska. (Not Sea Otter.) Anltmans; Run. branch of Conemaugh River, Indian Ute " man nor Alunu Aurdal; Township, Otter Tail County. Minn. (Not Amdal.) Aurice; Lake, lat. 48 27' N., long. 113 & W., Flathead County. Mont. Ausable; Ton ci,i,t..n County, and River, Eawx : > Counties, \u Sable.) Austin; Point, east side Columbia 1 : at mouth of Lewis River, Cow lit ty, Wash. (Not Austin's nor Austins.) A\ut\n; see Vandalia. Austin Springs; Village, Washington County, Tenn Not Austin's Springs.) Aiutint; see Austin. Austria-Hungary; Monarchy, Europe. AuKtr.x-Hungarian Monarchy.) Autumn Creek; Stream, small one be- tween Elk Mountain and Blacktail I, Flathead County, Mont. Avalanche; Gorge, near headwaters of Rainbow Creek, southeastern slope Mount Baker, Whatcom County, Wash. Avenal; Creek, traversing McLure Val- ley, Kings County, Cal. (Not Dicks nor Avendale.) Avenal; Gap, in southern part of Kettle- man Hills, lat. 35 5-lta, Alaska. (Not Kipniak nor Kipniuk.) Black; River, Clark Count y. \Yi.x. (Not Poplar.) Black; Rock, in Khaz Bay, souths coast of Chichagof Island, Alaska. Black; see Blake; Dead. Black Bear; Creek, head of Union Ernest Sound, western part Clt-vt-land Peninsula, Southeastern Alaska. Black Bluff; Precinct, Sumtor County, Ala. (Not Blacks Bluff.) Black Butte; see Cone. Black Head; see Makahoa. Black Knob; Butte, north liank of I. nth- Colorado River, Coconino County, Ariz. Black Pinnacle; Butte, east of Canyon del Muerto, and south of Tuniu-ha Mountains, Apache County, Ariz. Black Point; Pond, Marthas Vim-yard. Mass. (Not Ukiesa nor Uquiesa). Black Stocks; see Blackstock. Blackberry; River, Litchfield County, Conn. (Not Blackburn nor Black- bury.) I Blackbird; Blackbird Station; see Forest. Blackburn; Mountain (altitude 16,140 feet), near Copper River, Alaska. Blackcreek; Township, Mercer County, Ohio. (Not Black Creek.) Blackfeet; Glacier, Teton County. Mont. (Not Blackfoot.) Blackfoot; see Garnet. Blackfoot Country; see Avon. Blackhawk; Lake, Egan Township, Dakota County, Minn. (Not Downing.) Blackhawk; Mountain (altitude 9,998 feet), 1J miles northwest of Douglas Peak, sees. 12 and 13, T. 3 S., II . 7J \V., 5 miles east of Blackhawk, on the line between Gilpin and Jefferson Counties, Colo. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 45 Blackhawk; Village, Meade County, S. Dak. (Not Black Hawk.) Blackhead; Peak, in San Juan Moun- tains, Archuleta County, Colo. (Not Corona.) Blackhorse; Creek, south of Carrizo Mountains, draining east into Red Wash, Apache County, Ariz. Blockhouse; see Backhouse. Blackinton; Village, Berkshire County, Mass. (Not Blackington.) Blackistone; see Blakistone. Blacklick; Railroad Station and Town- ship, Indiana County, Pa. (Not Black Lick.) Blackman; Stream, flowing from Chemo Pond, Penobscot County, Me. (Not Chemo nor Nichols.) Blacks; Creek, tributary to Green River, Lincoln, Sweetwater, and Uinta Counties, Wyo., and Summit County, Utah. (Not Black.) Blacks; Island, in Ohio River, near New Cumberland, Hancock County, W. Va. (Not Black's.) Blackstock; Railroad Station, Chester County, S. C. (Not Black Stocks.) Blackstone; Bay, eastern end of Passage Canal, west of Cochrane Point, near lat. 60 40', long. 148 3(X, northwestern part Prince William Sound, Alaska. Blackstone; Point, southern side Black- stone Bay, at junction with Passage Canal, northwestern part Prince Wil- liam Sound, Alaska. Blackstone; Railroad Station, Sumner County, Kans. (Not Metcalf.) Blacktail; Hills, southwest of Marias Pass, Flathead County, Mont. Blacktail; principal Valley in Powell Plateau, Coconino County, Ariz. Blackwall; Mountain, Ouray County, Colo. Blackwalnut; Point, north point of en- trance to Choptank River, Talbot County, Md. (Not Lows.) Blackwalnut; see Grays. Blackwells; Island in East River, New York City, N. Y. (Not Blackwell's.) Blain; Borough, Perry County, Pa. (Not Elaine.) Blaine; see Mount Sneffels. Blair Gap; Village, Sullivan County, Tenn. (Not Blairs Gap.) Blake; Brook, Epsom Town, Merrimack County, N. H. (Not Blake Cass Pond, Hall, nor Mountain.) Blake; Creek, Waupaca County, Wis. (Not Black Brook nor Blake's.) Blake; Island, at south end of Blake Channel, near lat. 56 10', near main- land, Southern Alaska. (Not Ham.) Blake Point; Peninsula, forming the west head, Sippican Harbor, Plymouth County, Mass. (Not Charles Neck.) Bldkeley; see Beckley. Blakely; Railroad Station, Scott County, Minn. (Not Blakeley.) Blakely; Township, Geary County, Kans. (Not Blakeley.) Blakistone; Island, in Potomac River, St. Marys County, Md. (Not Blacki- stone.) Blakley; see Beckley. Blanco; Cape, Curry County, Oreg. (Not Orford.) Blanco; Cape, lat. 21 N., western coast Africa. (Not South Cape Blanco.) Bland; Village, Bland County, Va. (Not Seddon.) Blanquizal; Islands, off the coast of Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. Blennerhassett; Island, in Ohio River near Parkersburg, Wood County, W. Va. (Not Blennerhassett's.) Bkivfields; see Bluefields. Bligh Island; Reef, near Bligh Island, Alaska. Blijni; see Great Liakof . ' Blischui; see Great Liakof. Blissfield; Township and Village, Len- awee County, Mich. (Not Blissville.) Blissville; see Blissfield. Blitchton; Village, Marion County, Fla. (Not Blichton.) Block; Light, Mississippi River, Perry County, Mo. (Not Block's.) Blocton; Precinct, Bibb County, Ala. (Not Blockton.) Blodget; Hill, in Coeymans Town, Al- bany County, N. Y. (Not Blodgett.) Bloodsworth; Island, in Chesapeake Bay, Dorchester County, Md. (Not Bloodsworth's.) Bloomfield; Town, Greene County, Ind. (Not Bloomington.) Bloomfield; see South Bloomfield. Blooming Grove; Township, Richland County, Ohio. (Not Bloominggrove.) 46 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Bloomington, Ind.; see Bloomfield. Bloomington, N. J.; see South Bound- brook. Blount; Creek, Beaufort County, N. C. (Not Blount's Bay nor Blounts Creek.) Bloyd; Mountain, Washington County, Ark. (Not Bloyed nor Bloyd 's.) Blue; Fiord, Port Nellie Juan, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Blue; Lake, on shelf, east side Glacier Gorge, eec. 36, T. 4 N., R. 74 W., Lari- mer County, Colo. Blue; see Cheaha; Vaca; Quartzito. Blue Mountains; includes all the moun- tains of northeastern Oregon and ex- tending into Washington to the bend of Snake River, with the exception of the Wallowa Mountains. Blue, Mountain; see Mount Sutro; Mount Vaca. Blue Point Towhead; Post Light, Mis- sissippi River, Crittenden County, Ark. (Not Blue's Point Tow-Head.) Blue Ridge; includes the ridge extend- ing from a few miles north of Harpers Ferry to northern Georgia. Blue River; see Keysor. Blue Store; Village, Columbia County, N. Y. (Not Blue Stores.) Blueberry; Hill, Woburu City, Middlesex County, Mass. (Not Mount Pleasant.) Bluebird; Lake, in sees. 26 and 27, T. 3 N., R. 74 W., draining into Ouzel Creek, Boulder County, Colo. Bluefields; Seaport of Nicaragua, Central America. (Not Blewfields.) Bluehill; Township, Sherburne County, Minn. (Not Blue Hill.) Bluff; City, Harper County, Kans. (Not Bluff City.) Bluff; Point, the eastern head of Mum- ford Cove, Fishers Island Sound, Conn. (Not Fishing Rocks.) Bluff; see Crag; Roundtop. Bluffdale; Town, Greene County, 111. (Not Bluff Dale.) Bluiya; see Nan. Blunts; Reef, off Cape Mendocino, Hum- boldt County, Cal. (Not Blunt's.) Blunts; see Smith. Bobrof; Bobromi; Bobrow; see Douglas. Bobs; Creek, Lincoln County, Mo. (Not Bobbs nor Bob's.) Boca Juana; Point, northern coast of Porto Rico. (Not Boca Juan.) Bochara; see Bokhara. Bockatonorton; see Brockatonorton. Bodie; Island, east of Roanoke Island, Dare County, N. C. (Not Body's.) Bodkin; see Long. Bodwitch; Point, northwest end Estero Island, Lee County, Fla. (Not Bow- ditch.) Bogachiel; River, Clallam and Jefferson Counties, and Village, Jefferson County, Wash. (Not Bosachiel.) Bogastow; Brook, Middlesex and Nor- folk Counties, Mass. (Not Boggestow nor Boggistere.) Bogdo- Kuren; Bogdo Lama en Huroc; see Urga. Boggs; Island, Ohio River, Belmont County, Ohio. (Not Boggs'.) Boghaz; see Bosporus. Bogoslof; Island, Bering Sea, X\\ <>f Unalaska, Alaska. (Not Agashagok nor Saint John Bogoslov.) Boguf; see Coatue. Bogue-Hays; see Hays. B gy; P 08 * Light, Mississippi River, Ste. Genevieve County, Mo. (Not Bogy's.) Bohea; see Tayuling. Boidarkin; see Kutchuma. Boil; see Mohican. Boiling; Spring, Navajo County, Ariz. Boihton; see Boylston. Bois Blanc; see Basswood. Bois Brule; River, Douglas County, Wis. (Not Brule.) Bois Brule; see I5rul'. Bois d'Arc; Creek, Ellis County, Tex. Bois d'Arc; Creek, tributary to Trinity River in Kaufman County, Texas. (Not East Fork of Trinity.) Bois d'Arc; Creek, tributary to Blue River from the northwest, sec. 28, T. 5S., R. 9 E., Bryan County, Okla. Bois d'Arc; Town, Greene County, Mo. Bois d'Arc; Township, Montgomery County, 111. Bois d'Arc; see Straight. Bois de Sioux; River. Minn.. X. Huk.. and S. Dak., tlnwinir n-Tih from Lake Traverse i \Vahi>"ton. where ii join- Otter Tail River to form Red River. Forms part of the boundary between Minnesota and the Dakotas. (Not Boise de Sioux, Bois des Sioux, Sioux Wood, nor Siouxwood.) Boise; City. Ada County, Idaho. (Not Cr REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 47 Bokescreek; Township, Logan County, Ohio. (Not Bokes Creek.) Bokhara; City and County of Turkestan, Central Asia. (Not Bochara, Boukara, Buchara, Bucharia, Bukhara, nor Ooz- bekistan.) Bold Chitto; Bolla Chico; see Hobo- lochitto. Bolam; Creek and Glacier on Mount Shasta, Cal. (Not Bulam.) Bolan; Creek, Lake, and Mountain, southern part Josephine County, Or eg. (Not Bolland nor Bollon.) Bolar; Village, Bath County, Va. (Not Boler Springs.) Bolcan; see Volcan. Bolden; Run, Franklin Township, Fay- ette County, Pa. (Not Boland.) Bolens; see Bowlens. Bolinas; Bay, Township, and Village, Marin County, Cal. (Not Ballenas nor Baulenas.) Bolitas; see Bulls Head. Bolivar; Railroad Station, Jackson County, Ala. (Not Widow's.) Bolland; see Bolan. Bollier; see Bullion. Bollon; see Bolan. Bolsa de Chamisal; Land Grant, San Luis Obispo County, Cal. (Not Bolsa de Chemisal nor Chemisal.) Bolshoi; Island, Nazan Bay, Atka Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. (Not Bomshoi nor Large.) Bolshoi; see Manby. Boltin; Cape, lat. 40 50' N., long. 129 44 X E., eastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Boltina nor Bruat.) Boltina; see Bolton. Bombay Hook; Point, Delaware River, Kent County, Del. (Not False Listen's Point.) Bompas; see Bonpas. Bompass; see Bumpass. Bomshoi; see Bolshoi. Bon Homme; County and Precinct, S. Dak. (Not Bonhomme.) Bon Secours; Bay, Precinct, and River, Baldwin County, Ala. (Not Bonese- cours nor Bonsecours.) Bona; see Bone. *Bonaire; Island, one of the Dutch West Indian Islands, in the Caribbean Sea, off the coast of Venezuela. (Not Buen Ay re.) Bonaventure; Town, near Savannah, Chatham County, Ga. (Not Bone Ven- ture.) Bonbrook; Creek, Cumberland County, Va. (Not Bondbrook.) Boncombe; see Buncombe. Bondin; Township, Murray County >. Minn. (Not Bowdin.) Bond; Bondville; see Bondsville. *Bondsville; Village, Palmer Town> Hampden County, Mass. (Not Bond- ville nor Bond's.) Bone; see Bone. Bone; City, coast of Algeria, Africa. (Not Bona nor B6ne.) Bone; Lake, Polk County, Wis. (Not Bonet.) Bonebey; see Ponape. Bone Cave; Village, Van Buren County, Tenn. (Not Big Bone Cave.) Bonell; Gulch, Mariposa County, Cal. (Not Bonnel.) Bonet; see Bone. Bonilla; see Smith. Bonin; Bonin Shima; see Ogasawara. Bonita; Point, at entrance to San Fran- cisco Bay, Marin County, Cal. (Not Boneta.) Bonito; Canyon, at Fort Defiance, Apache County, Ariz. (Not Bonita.) Bonner; County, Idaho. (Formed March, 1907, from part of Kootenai County.) Bonneterre; Railroad Station, St. Fran- cois County, Mo. (Not Bonne Terre nor Bontear.) Bonnie Doon; Village, Santa Cruz County, Cal. (Not Bonny Doon.) Bono; Cape (Misaki), southwestern coast of Kiushu, Japan. (Not Bonomisaki nor Me.) Bonomisaki; see Bono. Bonpas; Creek, Edwards, Richland, and Wabash Counties; and Township, Rich- land County, 111. (Not Bompas nor Bonpass.) Bonsecours; see Bon Secours. Bontear; see Bonneterre. Boo-koo-dot-klish; see Dot Klish. Boon; Railroad Station, Wexford Coun- ty, Mich. (Not Boone.) Boot; Island, south of Coryell Island, Mackinac County, Mich. (Not Boot- jack.) 48 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Booth; Point, Mississippi River, Dyer County, Tenn. (Not Booth's.) Boothbay; Harbor, Town, and Village, Lincoln County, Me. (Not Booth Bay.) Boothby Hill; Village, Harford County, Md. (Not Boothbyhill.) Boothpoint; Light, on Mississippi River, Dyer County, Tenn. (Not Booth's Point.) *Boothspoint; Village, Dyer County, Tenn. (Not Boothpoint nor Booths Point.) Boquet; see Bouquet. Borden Flats; Lighthouse and Sunken Bank, Mount Hope Bay, Bristol Coun- ty, Mass. (Not Borden's Flats.) Borneo; Island, Malay Archipelago. (Not Brauni, B'rni, Brunai, nor Brune.) Bosachiel; see Bogachiel. Bosna-Seria; see Serajevo. *Bosporus; Strait, between Black Sea and Sea of Marmora, Europe. (Not Boghaz, Bosphorus, nor Strait of Con- stantinople.) Bostick; Creek, sees. 16, 21, 28, 29, and 32, T. 162 N., R. 32 W., fifth principal meridian, flowing into Four Mile Bay of Lake of the Woods just west of mouth of Rainy River, Minn. (Not Bostedt, Bostic, Bostik, Buster, nor Bus tig.) Bostwick; Bay, in Gardners Bay, east end of Long Island, N. Y. (Not Bost- wick'e.) Bot; see Bat. Bothell; Town, King County, Wash. (Not Sothell.) Bottle; Portage, between Iron Lake and Lac LaCroix, Rainy River District, Ontario, International Boundary (be- tween Minnesota and Ontario). (Not Portage des Flacons.) Boucher; Trail, Gtend Canyon of the . Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Bougere; Landing, Mississippi River, and Village, Concordia Parish, La. (Not Bouge"re's.) Bougher; Town, Burlington County, N. J. (Not Centerton.) Boukara; see Bokhara. Boulder; County Seat of Jefferson County, Mont. (Not Boulder Valley.) Boulder; Creek, Matanuska Valley, 40 miles northeast of Knik Arm of Cook Inlet, Alaska. (Not Schoonhoven nor Schoonoven.) Boulder; Creek, tributary to Tanana River from the north, Alaska. (Not Fish nor Guthna.) Boulder; Creek, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Boulder; Glacier, southeastern slope Mount Baker, Whatcom County, Wash. Boulder; Mountain (altitude 8,500 feet), consisting of two peaks, 4 miles south of Boulder, in BCCS. 13 and 14, 23 and 24, T. 1 S., R. 71 W., Boulder County, Colo. Boulder, Alaska; see Karpa. Boulder, Colo. ; see Rollins. Bouldyr; see Buldir. Boulder Field; small park between and north of Storm Peak and Mount Lady Washington, Larimer County, Colo. Boundary; Creek, tributary to Yukon River from the west, Alaska, near In- ternational Boundary (between Alaska and Canada). Boundary; see Chuska. Bouquet; Mountain, River, and Village, Essex County, N. Y. (Not Boquet.) Bourbois; Township, Gasconade County, Mo. (Not Burbois.) Bourbon; see Reunion. Bourbonnais; Village, Kankakee County, 111. (Not Bourbonnais Grove.) Bourgas; Bourgaz; see Burgas. Bourne; Landing, about 2 miles west of Rainier, Columbia County, Oreg. (Not Bournes.) Bouronov; see Burunof. Boussole; see Manby. Bowdin; see Bond in. Bowditch; see Bodwitch. Bowen; Village, Hancock County, 111. (Not Bowensburg.) Bower Mills; Village, Lawrence County, Mo. (Not Bowers Mill nor Bowers Mills.) Bowie Point; Litiht, Mississippi River, Concordia Parish, La. (Not Bowie's.) Bowl Factory; see Hamilton. Bowlens; Creek and Mountain, Yancey County, N. C. (Not Bolens.) Bowlers; Ledge, Rock, and Wharf, Rap- pahannock River, Essex County, Va. (Not Bowler's.) Bowmans; Bowman's; see Deacons. Bowser; Creek, flowing into Cook Inlet, Alaska. Box Elder; see Watkins. KEPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 49 Boxes; see Fryingpan. Box; Creek, small tributary to Two Medi- cine River, Teton County, Mont. (Not Canyon).) Box Butte; County and Precinct, Nebr. (Not Boxbutte.) Box Elder; County, Utah. (Not Box- elder.) Boy-Assu; see Boyassu. Boyassu; Island and Light, Para Estu- ary, State of Para, Brazil. (Not Boi- assu, Boiassu, Boy-Assu, Buiussu, Bui- ussu, nor Buyassu.) Boyd Tavern; Village, Albemarle Coun- ty, Va. (Not Boyds nor Boyd's Old Tavern.) Boyer; Bluff, north end of Washington Island, Green Bay, Door County, Wis. (Not Boyer's.) Boykins; District and Town, Southamp- ton County, Va. (Not Boykin's.) Boylston; Creek and Village, Henderson County, N. C. (Not Boilston.) Boyne; City, Charlevoix County, Mich. Brace; Mountain, Dutchess County, N.Y. (Not Monument.) Brackel; see Brakel. *Brackettville; Village, Kinney County, Tex. (Not Brackett.) Braddock; Bay and Point, Lake Ontario, Monroe County, N. Y. (Not Brad- dock's nor Manitou.) Bradford; Landing and Light, Kanawha River, Kanawha County, W. Va. (Not Bradford's.) Bradford; see Turner Center. Bradley; Landing on Mississippi River, Crittenden County, Ark. (Not Brad- ley's.) Bradley Reserve; Light, Indian River, Brevard County, Fla. (Not Bradley's Reserve.) Brady's; see Brandy. Braggadocio; Town, Pemiscot County, Mo. (Not Braggadocia.) Brahma Temple; Peak, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Brahmaputra; River, India. (Not Brah- mapootra nor Burrampooter.) Braila; Town and principal Port of Rou- mania. (Not Brahilov, Brailoff, Brai- lov, Brailow, nor Ibraila.) 4704916 4 Brakel; Creek, Chenango and Cortland Counties, N. Y. (Not Brackel nor Braket.) Bramadero; Bay, western coast, be- tween Point Guanajibo and Point Are- nas, P. R. (Not Brancadero.) Brancadero; see Bramadero. Branch; River, rising in Brown County and entering Manitowoc River about 6 miles from its mouth, Manitowoc Coun- ty, Wis. (Not Center nor Centre.) Brandon; Railroad Station, Dekalb County, Ala. (Not Collbran.) Brandy; Pond, Cumberland County, Me. (Not Bay of Naples.) Brandy; Run, Erie County, Pa. (Not Brady's.) *Brandy; Village, Culpepper County, Va. (Not Brandy Station.) Brandy Station; see Brandy. *Brannock; Bay, Dorchester County, Md. (Not Brannack, Brannacks, Bran- nocks, nor Bronnack.) Brant; Island, Buzzards Bay, Plymouth County, Mass. (Not Brants.) Brant Island; Cove, Buzzards Bay, Ply- mouth County, Mass. Brants; see Brant. Brashear; Town, Adair County, Mo. (Not Brashears.) Brauni; see Borneo. Bray; Village, Hancock County, Tenn. (Not Brays.) Breach; Inlet, Charleston County, S. C. (Not Beach.) Breaker No. 2; see Middle. Breaker No. 3; see Khaz. Breaux Bridge; Town, St. Martin Par- ish, La. (Not Breaux.) Breckenridge; City, Caldwell County, Mo. (Not Breckinridge.) Breds; see Reeds. Breed; see Tanginak. Breed Pond; see Silver. Bremerhaven; Seaport northern Ger- many. (Not Bremerhafen.) Bremo Bluff; Village, Fluvanna County, Va. (Not Bremo nor Bremos Bluff.) Brender; Canyon, T. 23 N., R. 18 E., Chelan County, Wash. (Not Bender.) Brenton; Reef, at entrance to Narragan- sett Bay, Newport County, R. I. (Not Brenton's.) 50 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Brentwood; Lake, east of Great Arm of \\1iale Bay, Baranof Island, South- eastern Alaska. Breslau; City, capital of Silesia, Prussia. (Not Breslaw nor Breslou.) Breton; Island and Sound, Gulf of Mexico, southeast of New Orleans, La. (Not Isle au Breton.) Brevoort; Lake, Mackinac County, Mich. (Not Brevort nor Brevoart.) Breward's; see Broward. Brewer; Pond, Penobscot County, Me. (Not Orrington Great.) Brewer; see Garfield. *Brewster; Precinct and Town, Oka- nogan County, Wash. (Not Bruster.) Brian; Point, Queen Annes County, Md. (Not Bryan.) Briary; Cove, Talbot County, Md. (Not Briery.) Brickyard; Brook, Cheshire County, X. H. (NotTilsey.) Brickyard; Creek, Beaufort County, S. C. (Not Brick Yard.) Brickyard; see Nesenkeag. Bridge; Canyon, on south bank of Colo- rado River near long. 111, San Juan County, Utah. Bridge; see Bridges. Bridge- House; see Cosumne. Bridges; Creek, emptying into Potomac River above Wakefield, Westmoreland County, Va. (Not Bridge.) Bridgetown; Capital of Barbados Island, West Indies. (Not Bridge Town.) Brier; Spring, in Grapevine Mountains, Nye County, Nev. (Not Wild Rose.) Brigadier's; see Sears. Briggs Landing; Post Light, Illinois River, Schuyler County, 111. (Not Briggs' Landing.) Bright Angel; Canyon, Creek, and Point, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ari?. Brightman; Pond (salt) in Westerly Town, Washington County, R. I. (Not Babcock, Wardout, nor Wards.) Brighton; Town, Adams County, Colo. (Not Hughes.) Brilby; see Riley. Brilliant; Glacier, Unakwik Inlet, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Bringier; Poet Light, Mississippi River, Ascension Parish, La. (Not Bringier's.) Briscoe's; see Biscoe. *Bristow; Village, Prince William County, Va. (Not Briscoe nor Bristoe.) Britannia; Railroad Station, near Taun- ton, Bristol County, Mass. (Not Brit- tannia.) British Central Africa; see Nyasaland. British; Mountain Range (small), near Arctic coast, crossed by International Boundary (between Alaska and Can- ada). British Kaffraria; region of Southeast- ern Africa. (Not British Caffraria.) B'rni; see Borneo. Broad; Island, near the junction of Hoo- niah Sound and Peril Strait, Southeast- ern Alaska. (Not Crosswise nor Poper- echnoi.) Broad; Pass, between Chulitna and Jack Rivers, Alaska. (Not Caribou.) Broad; see Burunof. Broad Marsh; River, Wareham Town, Plymouth County, Mass. (Not Great Marsh nor Johnsons.) *Broad Top City; Borough, Huntingdon County, Pa. (Not Broadtop nor Broad Top.) Broad Water; see BroadwatiT. Broadkill; Creek, Sussex County, Del. (Not Broadkiln.) Broadtop; Broad Top; see Broad Top City. Broadwater; County, Mont. (Not Broad Water.) Brockatonorton; Bay, Chincoteague Bay, Worcester County, Md. (Not Bockatonorton nor Parkers.) Brockman; see Poverty. Brockway; Reach, in Connecticut River, Conn. (Not Brockway's.) Brodhead; Town, Rockcastle County, Ky. (Not Broadhead.) Brohawn; Brokman; see Poverty. Broken; Point, southern side of Uganik Bay, western coast Kodiak Island, 3} miles eastward of Miners Point, Alaska. (Not Low.) Bromfield; see Giltner. Bronco; Creek and Village, Nevada County, Cal. (Not Broncho.) Bronnack; Bronnacks; see Brannock. Bronson; Creek, Hancock and McDon- ough Counties, 111. (Not Brown, Brunce's, nor Brunses.) KEPOKT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOAED. 51 Bronx Kill; Body of water, between Bronx Borough and Randalls Island, New York City, N. Y. (Not Bronx Kills.) Brooke; Village, Stafford County, Va. (Not Brookes.) Brookhaven; Village, Suffolk County, N. Y. (Not Brook Haven.) Brooks; Bar, in Ohio Paver, near Mays- ville, Mason County, Ky. (Not Brooks 's.) Brooks; Creek, Dorchester County, Md. (Not Brook.) Brooks; Island, in San Francisco Bay, Contra Costa County, Cal. (Not Rocky nor Sheep.) Brooks; see Kontrashibuna. Brooks Point; Post Light, Mississippi River, Alexander County, 111. (Not Brooks 's.) Brookside; Village, Madison County, 111. (Not Brooks.) *Brooksville; Town, Bracken County, Ky. (Not Brookville.) Broosa; see Brusa. Brothers; see Hermagoa. Brothers Valley; Township, Somerset County, Pa. (Not Brothersvalley.) Broussa; see Brusa. Broward; Islands, Nassau River, Duval County, Fla. (Not Breward's nor Doctor's.) Brown; Creek, flowing into Cook Inlet, Alaska. Brown; Mountain, western side Nuka Island Passage, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Brown; see Bronson. Browns; Creek, and Island in St. Johns River, Duval County, Fla. (Not Brown's.) Browns; Head, in Fox Island Thorofare, Knox County, Me. (Not Brown's.) Browns; Island, in Ohio River near Steubenville, Jefferson County, Ohio. (Not Brown's.) Browns; Reef, in Long Island Sound, near New Haven, Conn. (Not Brown's.) Browns Bank; Shoal, in Plymouth Har- bor, Mass. (Not Brown's Bank.) Browns Creek; Township, Jewell Coun- ty, Kans. (Not Brown's Creek.) Browns Mill; see Cemochechobee. Bruat; see Boltin. Bruin; Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska. (Not Bear.) Brule; River, forming part of boundary between Michigan and Wisconsin. (Not Bois Brule.) Brule; see Miramonte. Brunai; Brune; see Borneo. Brunce's; see Bronson. Brunei; Capital and native State, Bor- neo. (Not Borneo.) Brunot; Island, in Ohio River, Allegheny County, Pa. (Not Brunot 's.) Brunswick Center; Village, Rensselaer County, N. Y. (Not Center Bruns- wick.) Brusa; City, Asia Minor. (Not Broosa, Broussa, Brussa, nor Bursa.) Brushy Fork; Stream, Scioto Township, Jackson County, Ohio. (Not Stump Hill Creek.) Bruster; see Brewster. Bryan; see Brian. Bryant; Lake, Eden Prairie Township, Hennepin County, Minn. (Not Long.) Bryn Mawr; Village, San Bernardino County, Cal. (Not Brynmawr.) Bryson; Town, Swain County, N. C. (Not Bryson City nor Charleston.) Bucareli; Bay, western side of Prince of Wales Island, Southern Alaska. (Not Bucarelli, Buccarelli, nor Buka- reli.) Bucatunna; Creek, Clarke and Wayne Counties, and Town, Wayne County, Miss. (Not Buckatanna, Buckatanny, Buckatonna, Buckatunna, nor Pucka- tunna.) Bucephalia; Township, Foster County, N. Dak. (Not Beaucephalia nor Buce- phallia.) Buchara; Bucharia; see Bokhara. *Bucharest; Capitalof Roumania. (Not Bucarest, Bukarest, Bukharest, nor Bukhorest.) Buck; Creek, rising southwest of China Cap and tributary to North Fork Cathe- rine Creek from east, Union County, Oreg. (Not Squaw.) Buck; River, Sandisfield Town, Berk- shire County, Mass. (Not Buck Hill nor Buckhill.) Buck; Rock, Crater National Forest, Jackson County, Oreg. 52 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Buck; see Carletou. Buck Island; ('reck. Albemarle County, Va. (Not Buck Eyeland.) Buckalew; Bluff, St. Johns River, Put- nam County, Fla. (Not Buckalew's.) Buckete; Island, across the channel from American Point, Northwest Angle Inlet, Ontario, Canada. (Not Buckete" nor Indian Reserve No. 31G.) Buckeye; Railroad Station, Stephenson County, 111. (Not Buck Eye.) Buckhead; Town, Morgan County, Ga. (Not Buck Head.) Buckhorn; Town, Brown County, 111. (Not Buck Horn.) Buckland; River, tributary to Kotzebue Sound, Northwestern Alaska. (Not Kunguk.) Buckley; see Beauclerc. Buckaer; landing, on Mississippi River, Mississippi County, Ark. (Not Buck- ner's.) Bucks; see Weldon. Budapest; Capital of Hungary. (Not Buda-Pesth.) Budd; Inlet, Puget Sound, Thurston County, Wash. (Not Budd's.) Budd; Reef, Long Island Sound, south- west from Norwalk, Conn. (Not Budd's.) Buddha Temple; Peak, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Buel; Lake, Berkshire County, Mass. (Not Six Mile.) Buelah; see Beulah. . Buell Park; Valley, north of Fort De- fiance, Apache County, Ariz. (Not Buells Park.) Buen Ayre; see Bonaire. Buena; Railroad Station, Atlantic County, N. J. (Not Buena Vista.) Buena Vista; Creek, main watercourse of Buena Vista Valley, Kern County, Cal. Buena Vista; Hills, low ridge extending from northeast quarter of T. 32 S., R. 24 E., northwesterly to middle of T. 31 S., R. 23 E., Kern County, Cal. Buena Vista; Valley, lying between two ranges comprising Buena Vista Hills and Elk Hills, Kern County, Cul. Buenos Aires; Capital and Province, Argentina. (Not Buenos Ayres.) Buenos Ayres; see Buenos Aires; Corral Hollow. Buffalo; Peak. Turryall Mountains, Park County, Colo. (Not Freemans.) Buffalo; River. ri.Miu: in Xewton County, and emptying into White River in Baxter County, Ark. (Not Buffalo Fork of White River.) Buffalo Fork of White River; see Buffalo. Buffalo Gap; Village, Custer County, S. Dak. (Not Buffalogap.) Buffalogap; see Buffalo Gap. Bugby Hole; Columbia River, Oreg. (Not Bugby's Hole.) Buiussu; Buiussu; see Boyassu. Bukareli; see Bucareli. Bukarest; see Bucharest. Bukhara; see Bokhara. Bucharest; Bukhorest; see Bucharest. Bukudo; Bay, northern part of Tatong Bay, western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Wachusett.) Bula; see Beulah. Bulam; see Bolam. Buldir; Island, one of the western Aleu- tians, Alaska. (Not Bouldyr.) Buldyr; see Karpa. Bull; Bay, Albermarle Sound, Washing- ton County, N. C. (Not Bull's.) Bull; Island, Calibogue Sound, Beau- fort County, S. C. (Not Bull's.) Bull Run; Town. Northumberland County, Pa. (Not Mandata.) Bulldog; Canyon, southeast of South Peak, opening into Montezuraa Creek, San Juan County, Utah. Bullhead; Mountain, Warren County, N. Y. (Not Bull Head.) Bullion; Butte, T. 137 N.. Its. 103 and 104 W.. Billing County. X. Dak. (Not Bollier.) Bullitt; Bayou, Mississippi River, La. (Not Bullitt's.) Bullitt Bayou; Town, Concordia Par- ish, La. (Not Bullitt's Bayou.) Bullock; Point. Providence River, Bristol County, R. I. (Not Bullock's.) Bullock; see Hoffler. Bulls Head; Point, at entrance to Suisun Bay, Contra Costa County, Cal. (Not Bolitas nor Bull Head.) Buhhi River; see Tlikakila. Bullshoe; Mountain, lat. 48 14' N. f long. 113 14' W., Teton County, Mont. (Not Elk.) REPORT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 53 Bumkin; island, Hingham Bay, Hull Town, Plymouth County, Mass. (Not Pumpkin.) Bumpass; Cove, in Washington County, Tenn. (Not Bampas nor Bompass.) Bumping; . Lake and River, Yakima County, Wash. (Not Taneum nor Tanum.) Buncombe; Creek, Marshall County, Okla. (Not Boncombe.) Bunder Abbas; Bunder Abassi; see Banda- rabbas. Bunganock; Brook and Pond, Hartford Town, Oxford County, Me. (Not Bun- garmock, Bungermuck, Bungernoc, Bungernuck, nor Bungernut.) Bungarmock; Bungermuck; Bungernoc; Bungernuck; Bungernut; see Bunganock. Bunnell; Cliff and Point, south wall of Little Yosemite, on line between sees. 21 and 28, T. 2 S., R. 23 E., Yosemite National Park, Cal. Bur; Point, western side at entrance to Passage Bay, northwestern part Prince William Sound, Alaska. Burbois; see Bourbois. Burdette; Township and Village, Hand County, S. Dak. (Not Burdett.) Burdette; see Burnett. Bureau; Village, Bureau County, 111. (Not Bureau Junction.) Burem; Village, Hawkens County, Tenn. (Not Burem's Store.) Burgas; Bay and Town, coast of eastern Roumelia, Black Sea. (Not Bourgas, Bourgaz, Burghas, Burghaz, nor Pyr- gos.) Burger; Creek, tributary to Bear Creek, Madison County, Mont. (Not Bear.) Burger; see Bear. Burghas; Burghaz; see Burgas. Burk; see Burt. Burke; Island and Slough, in Columbia River, about 6 miles south of Kalama, Cowlitz County, Wash. (Not Burke's.) Burma; Country, northwestern part of the Indo-Chinese Peninsula. (Not Bir- mah nor Burmah.) Burnett; Creek, Dolores County, Colo. (Not Barnett nor Burdette.) Burnetts; Canyon, Nevada County, Cal. (Not Bennet not Bennetts.) Burnettsville; Town, White County, Ind. (Not Burnett's Creek.) Burnham; Island, Mississippi River, near Santa Fe, Alexander County, 111. (Not Santa Fe.) Burnhamsville; Township, Todd Coun- ty, Minn. (Not Burnhamville.) Burning Bear; Creek, rising in Collier Mountain, tributary to West Geneva Creek from west, Park County, Colo. Burnside; River, Skidaway Island, Chatham County, Ga. (Not Burside.) Burnsville; Township, Dakota County, Minn. (Not Burnesville.) Burnt; Island, North Haven Town, East Penobscot Bay, Knox County, Me. (Not Treasure.) Burnt, see Dead Point; Gareloi; Redoubt. Burnt Coat; see Swan. Burnt Mill; see Callaway. Burntbridge; Creek, Clarke County, Wash. (Not Burnt Bridge nor Marble. ) Burr Oak; City, Jewell County, Kans. (Not Burroak.) Burrampootra; see Brahmaputra. Burro; Canyon, Coconino County, Ariz. Burro; Canyon, Las Animas County, Colo. (Not Canada Burro nor Canada del Burro.) Burro; Spring, in Oraibi Wash, Navajo County, Ariz. Burrows; Bay and Island, Rosario Strait, Skagit County, Wash. (Not Burrow's.) Bursa; see Brusa. Burt; Town, Woodson County, Kans. (Not Burk.) Burton; see Bard. Burunof ; Cape, the southern point of en- trance to Sitka Harbor, Alaska. (Not Bouronov, Burunoff, Broad, nor Tol- stoi.) Busby; Island, close to the north end of Bligh Island, Alaska. (Not Fox.) Buschmann; Creek, emptying into Hugh Smith Lake from the east, about lat. 55 V, long. 130 3(X, Southeastern Alaska. (Not Bushman.) Bush; Bluff, Elizabeth River, Nanse- mond County, Va. (Not Bush's.) Bush; Harbor, Long Island Sound, near Greenwich, Fair-field County, Conn. (Not Rocky Neck.) Bushman; see Buschmann. Bushire; Seaport of Persia, on the Per- sian Gulf. (Not Aboo-shehr, Abu- Shehr, nor Bushahr.) 54 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Bushnell; see West Minneapolis. Bushtop; Islet, rocky, off the northwest end of Anguilla Island, Alaska. Busse; see Tobuchi. Bustins; Island, Caaco Bay, Cumberland County, Me. (Not Bibber nor Bib- bere.) Butcha; see Lobutcha. Butler; Canyon, east of Elk Ridge, and Creek, draining into San Juan River, San Juan County, Utah. (Not Cotton- wood.) Butler; see Beecher; Hinckley. Butlers; Town, Anne Arundel County, Md. (Not Butler's Tavern, Harwood, nor Obligation.) Butlers; see Beecher. Butt; see Bat. Butte; City, county seat of Silverbow County, Mont. (Not Butte City.) Buttercup Park; Valley, head of Para- dise Creek, Teton County, Mont. Buttzville; Railroad Station, Ransom County, N. Dak. (Not Butzville.) Buttzville; Railroad Station, Warren County, N. J. (Not Buttaville nor Butzville.) Buyassu; see Boyassu. Buzzards; Bay, Massachusetts. (Not Buzzard's.) Byelkof; see Belkof. Bynum; Railroad Station and Run, liar- ford County, Md. (Not Bimans, Bi- num, nor Bynhams.) Byram; see Port Chester. Bytown; see Ottawa. By Wy; By Wyah; Bywiah; Bywyah; see Bywy. Bywy; Creek, tributary to Big Black River,' Choctaw County, Miss. (Not Big Bywy, Big Bywyah, By Wy, By Wyah, Bywiah, nor Bywyah.) C. Caamano; see Camano. CaaUban; see Katsbaan. Caballo; see Cavallo. Cabamfa; see Tchoutacabouffa. Cabenda; see Kabinda. Cabezon; Indian Reservation, Riverside County, Cal. (Not Cabazon, Cabezone, nor Cabezons.) Cabin; Bay, on west side of Nuka Bay, opposite Palisade Bay, Alaska. *Cabin; Creek, heading at the east foot of Mount Meeker and emptying into the west side of Cow Creek in sec. 8, T. 3 X . . R. 73 W., Boulder County, Colo. (Not South Fork of Cabin Creek.) Cabin; Gulch, Yellowstone County, Mont. Cabin; Meadow, northeasterly part of Sequoia National Park, Tulare County, Cal. (Not Guttrie.) . Cabin; Rock, east of Cow Creek, and } mile southeast Longs Peak village, sec. 26, T. 4 N., R. 73 W., Larimer County, Colo. Cabin; see Cow; Sherwood. Cabin John; Creek, Cecil County, Mil. (Not Captain John's.) Cabinet; Mountains, separating Kootenai River from Clark Fork, in western Montana and northern Idaho, and limited on north by that part of Koote- nai River between Jennings and Bon- ners Ferry; on west by the Pun-oil Trench; on southwest by Clark Fork; on east and northeast by Flathead River from bend near Jocko to mouth of Little Bitterroot Creek ; up that stream to its head, over Haakell Pass and along old abandoned line of Great Northern Railway, down to Jennings. Cable Crossing; Coconino County, Ariz. Three wire cables suspended across the gorge of the Colorado River, upon which travels a car. Cable Eddy; Post Light, Ohio River, near Steubenville, Jefferson County, Ohio. (Not Cable's Eddy.) Cabo Santo; see Cape Haitien. Cabool; Caboul; Cabul; see Kabul. Cabrasto; Peak (altitude 12,600 feet), southeast of Venado Peak, Sangre de Cristo Range, Taos County, N. Mex. Cacapon; Mountain, Hampshire and Morgan Counties, W. Va. (Not Cape Capon.) Cacapon; River, Hardy, Hampshire, and Morgan Counties, W. Va. (Not Big Capon, Cac-a-pon, Capecapon, Cape- pe-hon, Capon, Great Cacapon, Great Capon, nor Lost. Cacaway; Island and Point, Langford Bay, Kent County, Md. (Not Cacawa.) Cacaquabic; see Kekekabic. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 55 Cache; Bay, weste nend Saganaga Lake Rainy River District, Ontario, Inter- national Boundary (between Minnesota and Ontario). Cache; Creek, tributary to Fish River, Alaska. Cache; Creek, tributary to White River, International Boundary (between Alaska and Canada). Cache; Creek, Chaffee County, Colo. (Not Cash.) Cache; see Ked. Cache la Poudre; River, rising in Lari- mer County, running southeastward and entering the South Platte River near Greeley, Weld County, Colo. (Not Cache, North Fork of the Arkan- sas, nor Powder.) Caddo; Lake, Harrison and Marion Coun- ties, Tex., and Caddo Parish, La. (Not Fairy nor Ferry.) Cady; Creek, rising east of Cady Pass and flowing into Little Wenatchee River in sec. 22, T. 28 N., R. 14 E., Chelan County, Washington. Cady; see West Cady. Caesar Creek; Township, Dearborn County, Ind. (Not Cedar Creek.) Caesaraugusta; see Saragossa. Caete; Bay, Islands, Light, River, and Town, State of Para, Brazil. (Not Caete', Caite", Caite, nor Gaite.) Caete; see Caete. Cagis; see Kedges. Cahaba; Precinct, Railroad Station, and Rivor, Dallas County, Ala. (Not Ca- hawba.) Cahuilla; see Coahuila. Cahuwenga; see Santa Monica. Cain; see Gain. Caines Head; Cape, Resurrection Bay, Alaska. Cairntoul; see Carrantuchill. Caite; Caite; see Caete. Cakepoulin; Creek, Franklin Township, Hunterdon County, N. J. (Not Cake- paulins.) Calabasas; Arroyo, Peak, and Town- ship, Los Angeles County, Cal. (Not Calabaces nor Calabazas.) Calabazas; Creek, Sonoma County, Cal. (Not Calabezas nor Calebezas.) Calairns; see Karankawa. Calamut; Lake, Douglas County, Oreg. (Not Calumet.) Calapooia; see Calapooya. Calapooya; Creek and Mountain, Doug- las County, Oreg. (Not Calapooia nor Callapooya.) Calapooya; Stream, tributary to Willam- ette River, western part Linn County, Oreg. (Not Calapooia, Callapooia, nor Callapooya.) Caldwells; Landing and Village on the Hudson River, Rockland County, N. Y. (opposite Peekskill). Calf; Islands, Long Island Sound, near Port Chester, Westchester County, N. Y. (Not Calves, Echo, nor Shin.) Calhoun; see Port Calhoun. Calichosa; Hill, northward of Guaya- nilla Harbor, P. R. Calicoe; see Sallacoa. California; Creek, joining Sunflower Creek 5 miles above the mouth of Bonanza Creek, Alaska. (Not Idaho.) California; Point, San Francisco Bay, Marin County, Cal. (Not California City nor Munroe.) Calispel; see Kalispell. Callam; see Clallam. Callapooia; Callapooya; see Calapooya. Callaway; Bayou, north side of East Bay, Bay County, Fla. (Not Burnt Mill nor Laughton's.) Calletano; see Cayetano. Callinjer; see Kalinjar. Caloosa; see Caloosahatchee.; River, Lee County, Fla. (Not Caloosa.) Calumet; see Calamut. Calver Plaat; Island, Hudson River, near Coeymans, Rensselaer County, N. Y. (Not Calver 's Plaat.) Calvert; Town, Marshall County, Ky. (Not Calvert City.) Calves; Islands, Connecticut River, New London County, Conn. (Not Calves's.) Calvey; Township, Franklin County, Mo. (Not Calvy.) Calypso; Falls, sec. 29, T. 3 N., R. 73 W., on Cony Creek, south of North St. Vrain Creek, Boulder County, Colo. 56 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Camano; Island, separating Saratoga Passage, Skagit Bay, Possession Sound, and Port Susan, Island County, Wash. (Not Caamafio nor McDonough's.) Camano Head; Point, southern end Ca- mano Island, Island County, Wash. (Not Allen Point.) *Camas; Creek, rising in Elmore Coun- ty and uniting with Big Wood River at Hot Springs, Blaine County, Idaho.) (Not Malad nor Malade River.) Comas Prairie; see Latah. Cambodia; French possession in Indo- China. (Not Camboja, Kambodja, nor Kombodja.) Cambodia; see Mekong. Camels; see Comet. Camel's Back; see Platte. Cameron; Trail, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Cameroon*; see Kamerun. Camp; Islands, Winnepesaukee Lake, Belknap County, N. H. (Not Follete nor Follot.) Camp Coogan; Bay, eastern part of Sitka Sound, Southeastern Alaska. (Not Camp Cogan, Camp Kogan, Ka- diak, nor Nachlezhnia.) Camp Hagennan; Village, Warren County, Ohio. (Not Hageman.) Camp Muir; Saddle, Cowlitz Cleaver, Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Camp Spri igs; Town, Prince Georges County, Md. (Not Allentown.) Campbell; Creek, Santa Clara County, Cal. (Not Arroyo Quito nor Quito.) Campbell; Island, Cape Fear River, Brunswick County, N. C. (Not Camp- bell's.) Campbell; Lake, east ride Columbia River, east of Fales Landing, Clarke County, Wash. (Not Campbells.) Campbell; Landing, Illinois River, Greene County. 111. < Xot Campbell's:) Campbell; see Tunp. Campbells; see Campbell. ('inn fill llx Fork; -see Dinwoody. Campbellsville; Village, Giles County, Term. (Not Campbellville.) Campeche; Bay, City, and State, Mex- ico. (Not Campeachy.) Campers; ('rook, emptying into north ride North St. Vrain Creek, 2 miles northwest of Aliens Park Milage, Boul- der County, Colo. Campobello; Town and Township, Spar- tanburg County, S. C. (Not Campo- bella.) Camptonville; Village, Yuba County, Cal. (Not Comptonville.) Camraigne; Camranh; see Kamranh. Camranh; see Kamrank. Canaan; see Megunticook. Canada Burro; Canada del Burro; see Burro. Canada de Raymundo; Land Grant 5 miles east of Halfmoon Bay, San Mateo County, Cal. Canada del Corte de Madera; Land Grant 4 miles southwest of Leland Stan- ford Junior University, San Mateo County, Cal. Canada del Rincon; Land Grant 2 miles north of Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, Cal. Canada Larendta; see Lorencito. Canada Verde; small Canyon 3 miles south of Halfmoon Bay, and Land Grant to south, San Mateo, Cal. Canada West; see Ontario. Canadarago; Lake, Oteego County, N. Y. (Not Schuyler.) Canal de Haro; see Haro. Canal de Neustra Senora del Rosario; see Rosario. Canal Dover; City, Tuscarawas County, Ohio. (Not Dover.) Canal Winchester; Village, Franklin County, Ohio. (Not Winchester.) Canapitsit; Passage between Cuttyhunk and Nashawena Islands, Buzzard- Mass. (Not Canapitaett.) Canaris; see Carneros. Canary; Islands, off northwest coast of Africa, Atlantic Ocean. (Not Canaries.) Canary; see Carneros. Canaville; see Caneyville. Candahar; see Kandahar. Candia; see Creto. Cane; Mountain, Yancey County, N. C. (Not Caney nor Caney River.) Cane; River, Yancey County. \ (Xot Caney.) Cane; Town, Yancey County, X. ('. (Xot Cane River.) Cane; see Cone. Cane Creek; see Offutt. Caney; Creek, Hawkins County, Tenn. (Not Cany.) KEPOET OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. -57 Caney Branch; Village, Greene County, Tenn. (Not Cany Branch.) Caney; Creek, heading in southeast corner of Greenfield Township, Elk County, Kans., flowing a general south- easterly 'course uniting with Caney River, in Washington County, Okla. Caney; River, heading in southwest cor- ner of Union Center Township, Elk County, Kans., flowing southward to Cedarville, thence southeastward to Elgin, Kans., and thence southward to Verdigris River, in Rogers County, Okla. Caneyville; Township, Chautauqua County, Kans. (Not Canaville.) Canfields Corners; see Lounsberry. Cangozima; see Kagoshima. Cafiitas; see Sanchez. Cannelville; Village, MuskingumCounty, Ohio. (Not Connelville.) Cannonball; River, tributary to Missouri River, N. Dak. (Not Cannon Ball nor North Fork of Cannon Ball.) Canoas; Creek, southwest corner Fresno County, Cal., flowing easterly from Diablo Range into Kettleman Plain, Kings County, Cal. Canoe; see Povorotni. *Canon City; City, Fremont County, Colo. .(Not Canyon.) Canon City; see Canon City. Canon de Largo; see Long Canyon. Canonicut; see Kanomika. Canoochee; River, forming the bound- ary line between Bryan and Bulloch, and Liberty and Tattnall Counties, Ga. (Not Cannochee nor Cannouchee. ) Canos y Ylas de la Cruz; see Cruz. Canova; Township and Village, Miner County, S. Dak. (Not Conova.) Canton; commerical port and Capital of Province of Kwangtung, China. (Not . Kwang-chow, Kwang-tschu-fu, nor Quang-ch o w-f oo . Cantoo-oa; see Waltham. Cantril; Railroad Station, Van Buren County, Iowa. (Not Cantrill.) Cantua; see Waltham. Cantwell; see Nenana. Cany; Creek at head of Matagorda Bay, lat. 28 47' N., long. 95 37' W., Tex. (Not Craney.) *Canyon; Creek, tributary to Nooksak River from north, Whatcom County, Wash. (Not Cowap nor Cowsap.) Canyon; see Box. Canyon City; see Canon City. Canyon de Chelly; Canyon, Navajo In- dian Reservation, Apache County, Ariz. Canyon del Muerto; Canyon, lined with ruins, Navajo Indian Reserva- tion, Apache County, Ariz. Canyon Lorenzo; see Lorencito. Cap a Foux; see Foux. Capahosic; Landing and Village, Glouces- ter County, Va. (NotCappahosack.) Cape; see Barwell. Cape Ann; see Gloucester. Cape Blanco; see Sword. Cape Breton; Island, belonging to Nova Scotia; contains a county and headland called Cape Breton. (Not Cape Briton, Cape Britton, nor Cape Britun.) Cape Capon; see Cacapon. Cape Cod; Lighthouse on highlands of Truro, Barnstable County, Mass. (Not Cape Cod Highland.) Cape Dall; see Dall. Cape el Hadd; see Hadd. Cape Elizabeth; see Elizabeth. Cape Final; Point, Vishnu quadrangle, Coconino County, Ariz. Cape Franqais; see Cape Haitien. Cape Haitien; Seaport Town, North coast of Haiti, West Indies. (Not Cape Francois, Cape Haytien, nor Cape Henri.) Cape Kiwanda; see Kiwanda. Cape May Court House; County Seat, Cape May County, about 12 miles north- east of Cape May City, N. J. (Not Cape May nor Cape May C. H.) Cape May Point; Borough, Cape May County, N. J. (Not Sea Grove.) Cape Neddick; Light, York County, Me. (Not Cape York Nubble nor York Nub- ble.) Cape Nushagak; see Nushagak. Cape Rosier; Village, Hancock County, Me. (Not Cape Rozier.) Cape Royal; Point, Vishnu quadrangle, Coconino County, Ariz. Cape Solitude; Point, Vishnu quadran- gle, Coconino County, Ariz. Cape Town; City, South Africa, capital of Cape Colony. (Not Capetown.) Cape Verde; group of islands, Atlantic Ocean, 320 miles from the coast of Africa. (Not Cape Verd.) Capccapon; Cape-pe-hon; see Cacapon. 58 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Capel; Township, Sioux County, Iowa. (Not Copel.) Caper; Peak, Flathead County, Mont. Capon; see Cacapon. Cappahosack; see Capahosic. Captain; Harbor on north shore, Long Island Sound, near Greenwich, Fair- field County, Conn. (Not Great Cap- tain's Island nor Little Captain's Island.) Captain John 's; see Cabin John. Captains; see Unalaska. Captains Harbor; see Port Levashef . Caqueta; see Yapura. Car; see Carr. Carabasset River; see Carrabassett. Caracoles; Island, entrance to Rincon Bay, P. R. Caranchahva; Carankaway; see Karan- kawa. Caraquet; Bay, Parish, River, and Vil- lage, Gloucester County, New Bruns- wick. (Not Caraquette.) Caraquette; see Caraquet. Carasaljo; Lake, Ocean County, N. J. (Not Caracaljo.) Caratunk; see Carritunk. Carbon; Butte, Vishnu quadrangle, Co- conino County, Ariz. Carbon; Glacier, discharging into Carbon River, northern slope Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Carbon; Peak, Elk Mountains, Gunnison County, Colo. (Not Castle, Mount Car- bon, nor Mount Ohio.) Carbon; River, heading in Carbon Gla- cier, tributary to Puyallup River, Pierce County, Wash. Cardenas; Butte, Vishnu Quadrangle, Coconino County, Ariz. Cardenas Aisle; see Conquistador Aisle. Cardona Island; Shoal, Ponce Harbor, P. R. Careless; Creek, entering Musselshell River from the north, 1$ miles below Fish Creek, between Fergus and Meagher Counties, Mont. (Not Elk nor Swimming Woman.) Carenaro; Carenero; see Point Carenero. Carey; Creek, Dorchester County, Md. (Not Garey.) Carey; Railroad Station, Morris County, N. J. (Not Cary nor Cary'e.) Carey; see Cary. Carey Camp; Post Light, Whitehall Nar- rows, Lake Champlain, Washington County, N. Y. (Not Carey's Camp.) Carey ville; see Caryville. Cargodo; Gulf, southwestern side of Koje Island, southern coast of Chosen (Korea). Not Chuk im nor Chukim.) Cargodo; see Koje. Caricanti; see Curecanti. Caribbean; Sea, between North and South America. (Not Carribbean.) Caribou; Pass, Alaska Range, eastward from head of Chulitna River, Alaska. Car-ilt-nu; see Kahiltna. Carleton; Island, St. Lawrence River, Jefferson County, N. Y. (Not Buck nor Carl ton.) Carlin; Carlin Spring Station; Carlin's; see Glencarlyn. Carlisle; Railroad Station, Fillmore County, Nebr. (Not Walters.) Carlsruhe; see Karlsruhe. Caimans; Creek and River, Brookhaven Town, Suffolk County, N. Y. (Not Carman's nor Connecticut.) Carmichael; see White Tail. Carmichaels; Borough, Greene County, Pa. (Not Carmichael nor Carmichael 's.) Carnaris; Carnaros; see Carneros. Carnasa; see Carnaza. Carnaza; Creek, flowing southwesterly across east half of T. 28 S.,R. 17 E., San Luis Obispo County, Cal. (Not Car- nasa.) Carneros; Canyon, heading in northeast quarter of T. 29 S., R. 19 E., extending northeasterly into sec. 20, T. 28 S., R. 20 E., where it enters the San Joaquin Valley, Kern County, Cal. (Not Mc- Lean.) Carneros; Spring, sec. 5, T. 29 S., R. 20 E., Kern County, Cal. (Not Canaris, Canary, Carnaris, nor Carnaros.) Carries; see Signal. Carntual; see Carrantuchill. Caroga; Creek, Fulton and Montgomery Counties; Lake and Town, Fulton County, N. Y. (Not Garoga.) Caroline Bridge; see Owachomo. Caronkaway; Caronkaway Lake; see Karankawa. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 59 Carp; Lake and Portage, west of Knife Lake, Rainy River District, Ontario, International Boundary (between Min- nesota and Ontario.) Carp; see Elbow; Leelanau. Carpathian; see Karpathian. Carpenter; Bar, in Ohio River, near Marietta, Washington County, Ohio. (Not Carpenter's.) Carpentersville; Railroad Station, Put- nam County, Ind. (Not Carpenter- ville.) Carpinteria; Creek, Landing, and Vil- lage, Santa Barbara County, Cal. (Not Carpenteria.) *Carquinez; Bay, Point, and Strait con- necting Suisun and San Pablo Bays, Cal. (Not Carquines, Karquines, nor Karquenas.) Carr; Cape, long. 131 4(X E., Wilkes Land, Antartic Continent. Discovered and named by Capt. Wilkes in 1840. Carr; Lake, Pottawattamie County, Iowa. (Not Car.) Carr; Landing, Mississippi River, Missis- sippi County, Ark. (Not Carr's.) Carr; Slough, west side Columbia River, near Prescott, Columbia County, Oreg. (Not Carr's.) Carr; see Cass. Carrabassett; Stream, Franklin and Somerset Counties, Me. (Not Cara- basset River, Carrabasset, Seven Mile Brook, nor Sevenmile River.) Carrantuchill; Mountain, in Ireland. (Not Cairntoul, Carntual, Carrantual, nor Gharrantuel.) Carribbean; see Caribbean. Carrical; see Karikal. Carriso; see Carrizo; Lithodendron. Carritunk; Falls, Plantation, and Vil- lage, Somerset County, Me. (Not Cara- tunk.) Carrizo; Creek, Baca and Las Animas Counties, and Spring, Baca County, Colo. Carrizo; Mountain, north of West Carrizo Creek, Baca and Las Animas Counties, Colo. Carrizo; Mountains, northeastern part Apache County, Ariz. (Not Carriso.) Carrizo; see Lithodendron. Carroll; Glacier, reaching the sea at head of Queen Inlet, Glacier Bay, South- ea--tern Alaska. (Not Woods.) Carroll; Island, in Mississippi River, near Belleview, Calhoun County, 111.; also Island in Mississippi River near St. Louis, Mo. (Not Carroll's.) *Carrollton; Town, Cattaraugus County, N. Y. (Not Carrolton.) Carr's; see Carr. Carrs Run; Post Light, Ohio River, near Pomeroy, Meigs County, Ohio. (Not Carr's Run.) Carry; see Gary. Carson; Creek, entering Norton Bay southwest of Walla Walla Creek and north of Kwiktalik Mountain, Alaska. Carson; Mesa, Navajo Indian Reserva- tion, Apache County, Ariz. Cartagena; City in Spain. (Not Cartha- gena.) Cartagena; Seaport Town, Colombia, South America. (Not Carthagena.) Cartecay; River and Town, Gilmer County, Ga. (Not Carticary nor Carti- cay.) Carter; Fall, lowest on Paradise River, Mount Rainier National Park, Lewis County, Wash. Carter; Glaciers, eastern side Conti- nental Divide, Flathead and Teton Counties, Mont. Carter; Landing, on Ohio River, above Cloverport, Breckinridge County, Ky. (Not Carter's.) Carter; Mountain, Flathead County, Mont. Cartoogechaye; Creek, Macon County, N. C. (Not Cartoogaja, Cartoogajay, Wahyah, nor Wayah.) Cartwright; Island, south of Gardiners Island, East Hampton Town, Suffolk County, N. Y. (Not Ram.) Carver; Ledge, east of Laireys Island, West Penobscot Bay, Me. Carvers; Harbor, Fox Islands, Knox County, Me. (Not Carver's.) Gary; Lake, Whitney Preserve, Hamilton County, N. Y. (Not Carey nor Carry.) Caryville; Village, Campbell County, Tenn. (Not Careyville.) Casaan; see Kasaan. 60 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Caaabe; Shoal, fringes coast from Point Melones to Point Aguila, P. R. (Not Cazabe.) Casadepaga; River, Seward Penin- sula, Alaska. (Not Casa-do-paga nor Koksuktapaga.) Casamanze; see Kasamanze. Cascade; Creek, flowing into Gallatin River, Gallatin County, Mont. (Not Ole Olson.) Cascade; Glacier, Port Wells, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Cascade; see Ignacio. Cascade Range; limited on the south by the gap south of Lessen Peak and extending northward into British Co- lumbia. Cascade Springs; Village, Fall River County, S. Dak. (Not Cascade.) Cash; see Cache. Cashaqua; see Keshequa. Cashaway; see Kawishiwi. Cashie; River, Bertie County, N. C. (Not Cashai.) Cashier; Town and Valley, Jackson County, N. C. (Not Cashier Valley.) Cashmere; see Kashmir. Casimba; see Caximba. Caskaty; see Coskata. Casmalia; Hills, extending from Harris Canyon northwest to Point Sal, Santa Barbara County, Cal. Casper s ; see Finley. *Cassity; Stream and Village, Randolph County, W. Va. (Not Cassiday nor Cassidy.) Castac; Creek, Valley, and Village, Los Angeles County, Cal. (Not Castaic nor Castiac.) Castiglio Islands; see Palmer Archipelago. Castile; Run, Greene County, Pa. (Not Casteel.) Castile; Town, Wyoming County, N. Y. (Not Castle.) Castillo del MOTTO; see Morro Ca.-tlc. Castle; Mountain, Meagher County, Mont. (Not Elk.) Castle; Peak, north of Mother Moun- tains, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Castle; Rock, La Plata County, Colo. Castle, Alaska; sr-o Tuliumnit. Castle, Colo.; see Carbon. Castle Gate; see Castlegate. Castle Rock; see Bald Head. Castlegate; Precinct and Village, Car- bon County, Utah. (Not Castle Gate.) Castlewood; see Sleepers. Cat; Island, the St. Lawrence Riv.-r, St. Lawrence County, N. Y. Chat, Isle aux Chats, nor Macks.) Cat; see Gato. Cat Bow; see Catbow. Cat Fish Hole; Cat Hole Creek; see Ogle- ton. Cat Paw; see Catbow. Catacoonamug; Brook, Worcester County, Mass. (Not Catacunamuc.) Catalla; see Katalla. Cataloochee; Creek, Township, and Village, Haywood County, N. C. (Not Cataluche, Cataluchee, nor Catta- loochee.) Cataloochee; Mountain, Haywood County, N. C. (Not Big Cataluche nor Big Cataluchee.) Catalow; see Catlow. Cataluche; Cataluchee; see Cataloochee. Catamount Hills; see Granite Bun.-. Cataract; Creek, tributary to Carbon River from west, south of Mother Moun- tains, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Catatonk; Creek and Railroad Station, Tioga County, N. Y. (Not Catatunk.) Catbow; Brook, tributary to Connecticut River, Essex County, Vt. (Not Cat Bow, Cat Paw, nor Cats Paw.) Catch; see Ketch. Catella; see Katalla. Caterskill; see Kaaterskill. Catfish; see Yahara. Catharine; Town and Township, Ellis County, Kans. (Not Catherine.) Catharine; Town, Schuyler County, N.Y. (Not Catherine.) Catharine; Township, Blair County. Pa. (Not Catherine.) Cathedral; Crag, near Baker Pass, south- ern slope Mount Bak>r, Whatrom < '<>un- ty, Wash. Cathedral; Crook, tributary to Nation River, International Boundary Alaska, (between Alaska and Canada). Cathedral; Peaks, West Elk Mountains, Gunnison County, Colo. (Not Mendi- cant Ridge.) REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 61 Cathedral; Rocks, on south wall of Yo- semite Valley, Yosemite National Park, Mariposa County, Cal. (Not Cathedral Point.) Cathedral Bocks; the crest of Little Ta- homa Peak, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Catlen; Village, Dekalb County, Tenn. (Not Catlen Mills.) Catlin Mill; Creek, Schuyler County, N. Y. (Not Catharine Mills.) Catlo; see Catlow. Catlow; Valley, southern part of Harney County, Oreg. (Not Catalownor Catlo.) Cats Paw; see Catbow. Cattaloochee; see Cataloochee. Cattegat; see Kattegat. Caubul; see Kabul. Caucogomoc; Caucogomuc; see Caucomgo- moc. Caucomgomoc; Lake and Stream, Pis- cataquis County, Me. (Not Caucogo- moc, Caucogomuc, nor Cauquomgo- moc.) Caucus; Shoal, at entrance to Pensacola Bay, Fla. (Not Caucas.) Caulk; Landing and Point, Mississippi River, Desha County, Ark. (Not Caulk's.) Cauquomgomoc; see Caucomgomoc. Causton; Bluff, Wilmington River, Chat- ham County, Ga. (Not Causten's.) Cavallo; Point, San Francisco Bay, Ma- rin County, Cal. (Not Caballo.) Cavanal; Mountain and Railroad Station, Le Flore County, Okla. (Not Kava- naugh.) Cave Springs; Village, Elk County, Kans. (Not Cavesprings.) Cavelano; see Cayetano. Caven; Point, shore of upper New York Bay. Hudson County, N. J. (Not Cavan nor Caven' s.) Cawker; City, Mitchell County, Kans. (Not Cawker City.) Caximba; Bay, Monroe County, west coast of Florida. (Not Casimba.) Cay Verde; Cay, on the Great Bahama Bank, West Indies. (Not Cayo Verde.) Cayari; see Madeira. Cayetano; Creek, Alameda County, Cal. (Not Arroyo Cavelano, Arroyo Covela- no, Calletano, nor Cavelano.) Cayo Comandante; see Comandante. Cayo del Agua; Cayo Porto Real; see Cayo Real. Cayo Real; Southeastern side of Port Real, Vieques Island, P. R. (Not Cayo del Agua, Cayo Porto Real, Real Cay, nor Water Cay.) Cayote; see Coyote. Cazabe; see Casabe. Cedar; Canyon, Vishnu quadrangle, Co- conino County, Ariz. Cedar; Creek, tributary to Cannonball River, N. Dak. (Not Cannon Ball nor South Fork of Cannon Ball.) Cedar; Island, southeast of Laireys Is- land, West Penobscot Bay, Me. (Not Lairey nor Southdown.) Cedar; Mountain, Coconino County, Ariz. Cedar; Point, southern shore, East Bay, Bay County, Fla. (Not East Point.) Cedar; River, eastern Iowa. (Not Red Cedar.) Cedar; Spring, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Cedar, Ala.; see Channahatchee. Cedar, Md.; see Upper Cedar. Cedar Beach; Point, Great Hog Neck, east end of Long Island, N. Y. Cedar Creek; Railroad Station, Cass County, Nebr. (Not Cedarcreek.) Cedar Creek; see Caesar Creek. Cedar Grove; see Seeley. Cedar Keys; Town, Levy County, Fla. (Not Cedar Key.) Cedar Point; Village, Chase County, Kans. (Not Cedarpoint.) Cedartown; Militia District and Town, Polk County, Ga. (Not Cedar Town.) Cedarvale; City, Chautauqua County, Kans. (Not Cedar Vale.) Cedros; see Cerros. Celoron; Village, Chautauqua County, N. Y. (Not Celeron.) Cemochechobbee; Cemocheechobee; see Cemo- chehobee. Cemochechobee; Creek, Clay and Ran- dolph Counties, Ga. (Not Browns Mill, Cemochechobbee, Cemocheecho- bee, nor Comochechebbee.) Centennial Cone; Mountain, lat. 39 45' N., long. 105 21' W., Jefferson County, Colo. (Not Sheep.) 62 REPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Center; Creek, head of East Fork Six- mile Creek, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. (Not Divide.) Center; Island, in Oyster Bay, Long Is- land Sound, N. Y. (Not Hog.) Center; Township, Clark County, Kans. (Not Ashland.) Center; Village, Tooele County, Utah. (Not Centre nor Centreville.) Center; see Branch. Center Bartlett; Village, Carroll Coun- ty, N. H. (Not Glen.) Center Berlin; Railroad Station, Rens- selaer County, N. Y. (Not Berlin Centre.) Center Brunswick; see Brunswick Center. Centerport; Borough, Berks County, Pa. (Not Centre Port.) Centers; Point, Merrymeeting Bay, Sagadahoc County, Me. (Not Sen- ter's.) Centerton; see Bougher. Centerview; Town, Johnson County, Mo. (Not Centreview.) Centerville; Harbor, south shore of Cape Cod, Mass. (Not New.) Centerville; see Meadows. Central; Village, Anderson County, Kans. (Not Central City.) Central City; Town, Gilpin County, Colo. (Not Central.) Centralia; Mountain (altitude 9,800 feet), 7 miles northeast of Blackhawk, 1J miles northwest of Golden Peak, in SE. i sec. 31, T. 2 S., R. 71 W., Jefferson County, Colo. Centre; see Branch. Centreville, Va.; see Fentress. Centreville, W. Va. ; see Rock Cave. Cernogora; see Montenegro. Cerrito; Creek, between Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, Cal. (Not Cerrilo.) Cerro Blanco; see Sierra Blanca Moun- tains. Cerro Bonito; Ridge, Diablo Range, dividing valley of Pimental Creek from Panoche Valley, San Benito County, Cal. Cerrogordo; Village, Lac qui Parle County, Minn. (Not Cerro Gordo.) Cerros; Island, off west coast of Lower California. (Not Cedroe.) Cerulean; Mountain, between Bowman and Quartz Lakes, Flathead County, Mont. Cetinje; Capital of Montenegro. (Not Cettin, Cettinje, nor Zetinje.) Cha; Canyon and Creek, south bank San Juan River, near long. 110 50^ San Juan County, Utah. Cha lien; see Chalien. Chaan; see Chan. Chaaon; Island (to), lat. 34 52' N., long. 126 03' E., southwestern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Chaon, Cha won, nor North Twin.) Chaco; Plateau and River, McKinley and San Juan Counties, N. Mex. (Not Rio Chaco.) Chacra; Mesa, eastern part of Mi-Kinli-y County, N. Mex. (Not Chaca nor Chaco.) Chacuaco; Creek, branch of Purgatoire River, and Canyon, Las Animas County, Colo. (Not Chaquaqua, Cha- quaquo, nor Chiquaqua.) *Chad; Lake, central Africa. (Not Tchad, Tched, Tschad, nor Tsad.) Chadda; see Binue. Chads Ford; Village, Delaware County, Pa. (Not Chadd Ford, Chadds Ford, nor Chad's Ford.) Chadwick; Pond, Haverhill City, Essex County, Mass. (Not Little.) Cha-ez-kla Rock; see Chaistla. Chaffin; Bluff, James River, Henrico County, Va. (Not Chafin's nor Cha- pin's.) Chagusan; Island (to), lat. 34 37' N., long. 126 IP E., southwestern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Maju.) Chaho; Bay, lat. 40 12' N., long. 128 38' E., eastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Ostolopof nor Ostolopov.) Chaistla; Butte, Navajo County, Ariz. (Not Cha-ez-kla Rock.) Chakatonkno; see Chokotonk. Chaleur; Bay, an Inlet of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, between New Brunswick, and Quebec, Dominion of Canada. (Not Chaleurs nor Bay of Chal- eurs.) Chaleurs; see Chaleur. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 63 Chalien; Island and Light, off Kiaochow Bay, Shantung Province, China. (Not Cha lien, Cha-lien, Tchalien, Tcha lien, Tsch'a lien, nor Tschau lien.) Cha-lien; see Chalien. Chalk; Town, Wabaunsee County, Kans. (Not Chalk Mound.) Chalk; see Mount Princeton. Chalkstone; see Johnson. Chalybeate Spring; see Cottaquilla. Chambly; see Richelieu. Champlain; see Great Chazy. Chan; Island (to), Pingyang Inlet, west- ern coast of Chosen (Korea). Not Chaan nor Chan.) Chan; see Chan. Chan d'lar; see Chandalar. Chanatta; Chanatte; see Chinati. *Chandalar; Lake and River, tributary to the Yukon River, Alaska. Just be- low the Porcupine River. (Not Achen- chik, Chand-lar, Chandlar, Chan d'lar, Gens de Large, nor Tadrandike.) Chandik; Chandike; Chandindu; see Klon- dike. Chand-lar; Chandlar; see Chandalar. Chandler; Bay, west of Roque Island, Washington County, Me. (Not Chand- ler's.) Chandler; Landing on Red River, Pointe Coupee Parish, La. (Not Chandler's.) Chandler's; see Langlee. Chandz; Chandz Tao; see Shin. Chandz tau; see Shinyo. Chang- Hai; see Shanghai. Chang hwa; Changhwa; see Pian. Chang shan; see Changshan. Changii; Cape (kutsu), lat. 36 05' N., long. 129 34' E., southeastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Clonard.) Changsha; Subpostal district of Han- kow, China. Changshan; Island, Pechili Strait, Shan- tung Province, China. (Not Chang shan nor Chang-shan Tao.) Chang-shan Tao; Changshan Tao; see Changshan. Chanjiku; Channel, lat. 34 17' N., long. 126 08' E., southwestern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Gunn.) Chanjin; Bay and Village, lat. 42 17' N., long. 130 24 X E., northeastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Panof.) Chanjindon; Anchorage and Town, lat. 38 45' N., long. 128 12' E., eastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Chagu Chien Dogu nor Chyang-chyon-dong.) Chankliut; Island, near Chignik Bay, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska. Channahatchee; Creek, Elmore County, Ala. (Not Cedar.) Channel; see Chatham. Chantai; Island (to), lat. 38 42' N., long. 125 32' E., western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Chungdab.) Chanter's; see Goose Pond. Chao chou; Chao Chow; see Chaochow. Chao-chau; Chao-chou; Chao-chow; Chao- chu; see Chaochowfu. Chaochow; City, Chihli Province, China. (Not Chao chou nor Chao Chow.) Chaochowfu; City, Kwangtung Prov- ince, China. (Not Chao-chau, Chao- chou, Chao-chow, Chao-chu, Chao- chow, Ch'ao-chow Fu, nor Chau chu fu.) Chaok'ing; Chao-king; see Shiuhing. Chaol; Canyon, south branch Navajo Canyon, 20 miles east of Colorado River, Coconino County, Ariz. (Not Dortch.) Chaoyuan; City, Shantung Province, China. (Not Chao-yiian-hsien, Chao- yiien hsien, nor Chau yuen hsien.) Chao-yiian-Jisien; Chaoyiien hsien; see Chaoyuan. Chapace; Chapaka; see Chopaka. Chaparral; Gulch and Railroad Station, Yavapai County, Ariz. (Not Cha- paral.) Chapeau; see Gull. Chapel; see Woodland. Chapin's; see Chaffin. *Chaplin; Cape, lat. 64 25' N., long. 172 15' W., eastern coast of Siberia. (Not Chaplina, Indian Point, nor Tchaplin.) Chaplina; see Chaplin. Chapman; Shoal, St. Lawrence River, Jefferson County, N. Y. (Not Chap- man's.) Chapman Dock; Light, Whitehall Nar- rows, Lake Champlain, N. Y. (Not Chapman's Dock.) Chapowamsic; see Chopawamsic. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Chappaquoit; Point, at entrance of Hog Island Harbor, Barnstable County, Mass. (Not Chappaquoit Island, Chas- saquoit Point, nor Hog Island.) Chappaquoit Island; see Chappaquoit. Chaquaqua; Chaquaquo; see Chacuaco. Choreas; see Sucre. Chargilach; see Kargilak. Charkov; Charkow; see Kharkof. Charles; Creek, Warren County, Tenn. (Not Charley.) Charles; Reef, in Madison Harbor, Long Island Sound, near Madison, Conn. (Not Charles's.) Charles; River, in eastern Massachusetts. (Not Quinobin.) Charles Neck; see Blake Point. Charles Town; Magisterial District and Town, Jefferson County, W. Va. Agree- ably to wish of citizens of Charles Town, to avoid confusion with Charleston, Kanawha County, W. Va. (Not Char- lestown.) Charleston; Peak, Lincoln County, Ne- vada. (Not Timber.) Charleston; Township, Tioga County, Pa. (Not Charlestown.) Charleston, Nev. ; see Spring. Charleston, N. C.; see Bryson. Charlestown; Township, Redwood Coun- ty, Minn. (Not Charleston.) Charlies; Creek, near South Aberdeen, Grays Harbor County, Wash. (Not Charlies River.) Charlton; Landing, southern point of Sauvie Island, Multnomah County, Oreg. (Not Charltons.) Charpentier; see Rendu. Charybdis; Butte, above the north wall of Granite Gorge, at the mouth of Tuna Creek, Coconino County, Ariz. Chase; see Nesenkeag. Chase's; Chases; see Little Nesenkeag. Chasm; Lake, northeast side Longs Peak, in East Gorge at head of Roaring Fork, sec. 6, T. 3 N., R. 73 W., Boulder Coun- ty, Colo. Chat; Island, Aialik Bay, Kenai Penin- sula, Alaska. Chat; see Cat. Chatahospee; Creek, tributary from the east to Tallapoosa River, Chambers and Tallapoosa Counties, Ala. (Not Ohat- tahospee, Hoolethlocco, Hoolethloces, Hoolethloco, nor Hootethlocco.) Chatalja; Village, about 2 miles \VX\V. of Constantinople, Turkey. (Xot Ca- taldza, Chatalcha, Tchatalcha, Tcha- taldja, Tchataldje, Tchatalja, Tcha- talye, nor Tschatalja.) Chatata; Creek, Bradley County, Tenn. (Not Chateetee.) Chatham; Island, in the middle of Port Chatham, Alaska. (Not Channel.) Chattahoochee; River, in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. Chattooga; Ridge, Jackson County, N. C.; Mountains, South Carolina; Township, Oconee County, 8. C. ; River, forming part of the South Carolina- Georgia boundary line. (Not Chatooga nor Chat uga.) Chau chufu; see Chaochowfu. Chau yuen hsien; see Chaoyuan. Chaucer's; see Goose Pond. Chaudiere; see Kettle Falls. Chaudiere; see Koochiching. Chaugtanoonda; see Chuctanunda. Chaul; see Sohoru. Chautauqua; Lake, Dane Prairie Town- ship, Otter Tail County, Minn. (Not Lye.) Chautauqua; Lake, Chautauqua Coiin- ty, N. V. Chautauqua; Village, Chautauqua Coun- ty, Kans. (Not Chautauqua Springs.) Chawappa; see Chiwapa. Chazy; see Great Chazy. Cheaha; Mountain, Clay County, Ala. (Not Blue, Che-aw-ha, Chehaw, Che- haw-haw, nor Shinbone.) Cheboygan; see McLeod. Checagon; Checayon; see Chicagon. Check; see Cheek. Checock; see Chekok. Cheek; Landing, Mississippi River, Crit- tenden, County, Ark. (Not Check.) Cheekok; see Chekok. Cheektowaga; Town and Village, Erie County, N. Y. (Not Forks.) Chee-Lee; see Pechili. Cheenik; Creek, entering Golofnin Bay at Cheenik. Alaska. Cheesequake; Creek, Madison Town- ship, Middlesex County, N. J. (Not Cheese nor Chesquakes.) Chefoo; City, China. (Not Che-foo, Chee-foo, Chifu, nor Tschi-fu.) Chefuncte; River, St. Tammany Parish, La. (Not Chefonte nor Tchefuncta.) EEPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGKAPHIC BOARD. 65 Chegutsugu; Sound (pata), lat. 34 30' N., long. 126 05 X E., southwestern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Lyne.) *Chekiang; Province, China. (Not Chehkiang, Cheh-kiang, nor Chekiang.) Chekok; Bay, on north shore of Illamna Lake and Creek, tributary to same; Alaska. (Not Checock, Cheekok, nor Chikak.) Chei; see Cheru. Chel tau; see Cheru to. Chelsea; see Pines. Chelyuskin; Peninsula, Siberia. (Not Cheljuskin nor Tcheliuskin.) Chemehuevi Point; Headland, on the south rim of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 1 mile west of Bass Camp, Coconino County, Ariz. Chemehuevis; see Mohave. Chemisal; see Bolsa de Chamisal. Chemo; Pond, Penobscot County, Me. (Not Nichols.) Chemo; see Blackman. Chemo; Chem-o; see Chimno. Chemquasabamtic; Chemquassabamticook; see Chemquasabamticook. Chemquasabamticook; Lake and Stream, Piscataquis County, Me. (Not Chemquasabamtic nor Chemquassa- bamticook.) *Chemulpo; Port and Town, Chosen (Korea). (Not Chemulpho nor Che- mulpoo.) Chenango ; Valley of the Chenango River, Madison, Chenango, and Broome Coun- ties, N. Y. Chenango; see Sangerfield. *Chengtu; City in Province of Szechwan, Western China. (Not Ching Too, Ching Too Foo, Chingtu, Chingtu Fu, Tching Toy Fou, nor Tsching Tu Fu.) Chengwatana; Township, Pine County, Minn. (Not Chengwatona.) Chenoweth; Creek, tributary to Co- lumbia River, west of The Dalles, Wasco County, Oreg. (Not Cheno- i with.) Chenuis; Creek, tributary to Carbon River from east, flowing along north- ern boundary Mount Rainer National Park, Pierce County, Wash. 4704916 5 Chenuis; Mountain, east of Carbon River, south of Chenuis River, Mount Ranier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Cheoah; Mountains, River, and Town, Graham County, N. C. (Not Cheowah. Cheoah; see Teyahalee. Cheops Pyramid; Butte, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz . Cheops pyramid; see Signal Butte. Chepalis; see Copalis. Chequamegon; Bay and Point, Lake Superior, Ashland County, Wis. (Not Ashland nor Shagwamigon.) Chernabura; Island, north of Sannak and east of Unimak, Alaska. (Not Chernobour.) Chernof; Glacier, western slope Kenai Mountains, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Cherry; Creek, Garrett County, Md. (Not Cherry Tree.) Cherry Creek; Village, White County, Tenn. (Not Cherrycreek.) Cherryhill; Township, Indiana County, Pa. (Not Cherry Hill.) Cherrytree; Borough, Indiana County, Pa. (Not Cherry Tree.) Cherrytree; Town and Township, Ve- nango County, Pa. (Not Cherry Tree.) Cheru; Island (to), at the mouth of the Sainei Ko, Pingyang Inlet, Western Chosen (Korea). (Not Chei nor Chhol- do.) Cheru to; see Cheruto. Cheruto; Anchorage, mouth of the Sainei Ko, Pingyang Inlet, Western Chosen (Korea). (Not Chel tau, Cheru To, nor Cheru to.) Chesapeake City; Town, Cecil County, Md. (Not Chesapeake.) Cheshnina; River, tributary to Copper River, near lat. 62, Alaska. (Not Cheshni.) Chesnimnus; Creek, northern paiv Wallowa National Forest, Wallowa County, Oreg. (Not Chesninimus.) Chesquakes; see Cheesequake. Chestatee; Militia District and River, Lumpkin County, Ga. (Not Chostatee nor Chosteta.) Chesterfield Factory; see Spofford. Chestnuthill; Township, Monroe County Pa. (Not Chestnut Hill.) 66 EEPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Chestuee; Creek, McMinn County, Tenn. (Not Chestua.) Cheval; Island, Resurrection Bay, Alaska. (Not Horse.) Cheviot; Range of hills between England and Scotland. (Not Chiviot.) Chewack; Creek, tributary from the north to Methow River at Winthrop, Okanogan County, Wash. (Not Che- wach, Che-wuch, Che-wuck, Chewuch, Chiwak, nor North Fork.) Cheyenne; River of South Dakota, and Wyoming, tributary to the Missouri. (Not Sheyenne nor Shyenne.) Not to be confounded with Sheyenne River of North Dakota, tributary to the Red River. Cheyenne; see Sheyenne. Chezhindeza; Canyon, and Mesa, Na- vajo Indian Reservation, Apache Coun- ty, Ariz. Chho; see Cho. Chholdo; see Cheru. Chiachi; Islands, south coast of Alaska Peninsula, Alaska. (Not Chiacht.) Chiao Chou; see Kiaochow. Chiapas; City and State, Mexico. (Not Chiapa.) Chicacomico; see Chicamacomico. Chicacoon; see Chicone. Chicagon; Lake and Slough, Iron Coun- ty, Mich. (Not Checagon, Checayon, nor Chicgon.) Chicakcdachno; see Tlikakila. Chicamacomico; Life-saving Station north of Cape Hatteras, N. C. (Not Chickamicomico. ) Chicamacomico; River, tributary to Transquaking River, Dorchester Coun- ty, Md. (Not Chicacomico, Chicima- comico, Chickamacamico, nor Chicka- macomico.) Chichagof; Harbor, Attu Island, western Aleutions, Alaska. (Not Tchitchagoff.) Chickadee; Pond, small, in sec. 25, T. 3 N., R. 74 W., on Ouzel Creek, Boulder County, Colo. Chicimacomico; see Chicamacomico. Chickamacamico; see Chicamacomico. Chickasaw; Creek, Mobile County, Ala. (Not Chickasabouge.) ChickawauMe; Pond, Rockland City and RockportTown, Knox County, Me. (Not Chickawaka nor Cichicwaukie.) Chicken; Island, on east side of Latouche Passage, 3 J miles southward from Point Grace, Alaska. Chickies; Ridge of hills, Rock, and Town, Lancaster County, Pa. (Not Chikiswalungo nor Chiques.) Chico Martinez; Creek, T._29 R., R. 20 E., Kern County, Cal. Chicomuxen; Creek, Charles County, Md. (Not Chicomaxen.) Chicone; Creek, tributary to]Nanticoke River, Dorchester County, Md. (Not Chicacoon nor Chiquone.) Chicorica; Creek, Colfax County, New Mex. (Not Chicorico, Chico Rico, nor Sugarite.) Chiefs Head; Peak, altitude 13,579 feet, in sec. 2, T. 3 N., R. 74 W., 1$ miles southwest of Longs Peak, sloping west to the Continental Divide, Boulder County, Colo. (Not Chief's Head, Shoshone Peak, nor Mount Barn-tt. Chief Mountain; see St. Mary. Chief Mountain; see Waterton. Chiengmai; City, northwestern part of Siam. (Not Kiang Mai, Xieng Mai, nor Zi in inc. Chifu; Chi-fu; see Chefoo. Chigan; Mountain and- Point, eastern shore of Usuri Bay, lat. 42 57' N., long. 132 17' E., Siberia. (Not Chigan Khuluai nor Kumirni.) Chigan Khuluai; see Chigan. Chigul; see Chugul. *Chihli; Province, China. (Not Chih-li, Chi-li, Pechili, Pe-chili, nor Pe-chi-li.) Ch'i-hsia-h&ien; see Tsiaia. Chikak; see Chekok. Chikamin; Creek, T. 2&-9 N., R. 17 E., Chelan County, Wash. Chikasanoxee; Creek, Chambers Coun- ty^ Ala. (Not Chickasonoxie.) Chikaskia; River in Kansas and Okla- homa. (Not Chicaskia.) Chikaskia; Township, Harper County, Kans. (Not Chicaskia.) Chikaskia; Township, Kingman County, Kans. (Not Chicaskia.) Chikaskia; Township, Sumner County, Kans. (Not Chicaskia.) Chikiri; see Konasami. Chikiswalungo; see Chickies. Chikiu; Chikya; see Chikyu. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 67 Chiku; Islet (to), lat. 35 53' N., long. 126 05' E., western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not P'shi nor Pshi.) Chikyu; Cape (misaki), lat. 42 18' N., long. 141 E., island of Hokushu. Japan. (Not Chikiu nor Chikya.) Chilanoialna; see Chilnualna. Chilchinbito; Canyon, and Creek, Hopi Indian Reservation, Navajo County, Ariz. (Not Chil-Chi-vi-to.) Chil-Chi-vi-to; see Chilchinbito. Childs; Railroad Station, Cecil County, Md. (Not Child.) Chile; Republic of South America. (Not Chili.) Chilliowee; Mountain and Town, Blount County, Tenn. (Not Chilowee.) Chi-li; see Chihli. Chilicotal; Mountain and Spring, Brew- ster County, Tex. (Not Chili Cortal, Chili Corte, nor Chili Cotel.) Chiliwist; Creek, tributary from north- west to Okanogan River, 2^ miles be- low Malott, Okanogan County, Wash. (Not Chiliwhist, Chilliwhist, Chilliwist, nor Chilowist.) Chilkat; Pass and River, Southeastern Alaska, (Not Tsl-kaht.) Chilkoot; Pass and Village, Southeastern Alaska. (Not Chilcoot nor False Chil- kat.) Chilnualna; Creek and Fall, Yosemite National Park, Mariposa County, Cal. (Not Chilanoialna, Chilnoialny, nor Chilnoalna.) Chilson; Lake, Essex County, N. Y. (Not Eagle, Long Pond, nor Paragon Lake.) Chilson Bend; Lighthouse in Whitehall Narrows, Lake Champlain, Washington County, N. Y. (Not Chilson 's.) Chimhuevis; see Mohave. Chimmo; see Chimuo. Chimney; see Picacho. Chimuo; Bay (Wan) and Town, northern coast of Taiwan Island, China Sea. (Not Chem-o, Chemo, nor Chimmo.) Chin; Island (to), lat. 39 49' N., long. 127 38' E., eastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Mordvinova.) Chin chu; see Chuanchow. Chinampho; see Chinnampo. Chinati; Mountain, Presidio County, Tex. (Not Chanatta nor Chanatte.) Chin- Chew; Chinchew; Chin-chu; Chinehu; see Chuanchow. Chinchowfu; Subpostal district of Muk- den, China. Ching Wang tao; see Chinwangtao. Chingtu; Chintu Fu; see Chengtu. Chingu; see Xingu. Chingwang Tao; see Chinwangtao. Chiniak; Bay, northeast coast Kodiak Island, Alaska. (Not Chimakski nor Tchineyak.) Chiniak; Cape, the easternmost point of Kodiak Island, Alaska. (Not Greville, Hermogenes, St. Hermogenes, Spruce, Tolstoi, Tuniak, nor Yellovoi.) Chinkai; Bay, southern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Sylvia Basin.) Chinkiang; Postal district, China. Chin Lee; Chinlee; see Chinle. Chinle; Settlement and Valley, Navajo Indian Reservation, Apache County, Ariz. (Not Chin Lee nor Chinlee.) Chinlini; Canyon, heading on west side of Carrizo Mountains, draining to Walker Creek, Apache County, Ariz. Chinnampho; see Chinnampo. Chinnampo; City, treaty Port, western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Chi- nampho, Chinnampho, nor Jinnam- pho.) Chinquapin; Village, Duplin County, N. C. (Not Chinkapin.) Chinquapin; Settlement, Yosemite National Park, Mariposa County, Cal. (Not Chincapin nor Chinkapin.) Chinquapin; see Indian. I Chinwang Tao; see Chinwangtao. Chin'wangtao; City, treaty Port, Chihli Province , China . ( Not Chin wang Tao , Ching Wang tao, nor Chingwang Tao.) Chinying; see Piin. Chipmunk; Creek and Railroad Station, Cattaraugus County, N. Y. (Not Chip- monk nor Chipmunck.) Chippean; Canyon, between Elk Ridge and Mount Linnaeus, San Juan County, Utah. j Chiquaqua; see Chacuaco. Chiques; see Chick ies. Chiquito; see Little Colorado. Chiquone; see Chicone. Chirikof; Island, near Semidi Islands, Alaska. (Not Ugamok.) 68 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Chiruri; Islet (somu), lat. 34 33' N., lun.:. IL>S 11" E., southern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Skeen.) Chisana; Glacier, lat, 62 N., long. 142 W W., head of Chisana River. Alaska. (Not Tanana.) Chishima; see Kuril; Shimushiru. Chishiya; Point and Rock, Aniwa Bay, on the southern coast Sakhalin Island (Japanese, Karafuto), lat. 46 01' N., long. 142 W E. (Not Tishia nor Ti>hiy*0 Chispa; Hills, Nye County, Nev. Chitnak; Cape, south side of St. Law- rence Island, Alaska. (Not Shitnak.) Chivato; Mountain, Bernalillo County, N. Mex. (Not Chivota nor Chivoto.) Chit iot; see Cheviot. Chiwak; see Chewack. Chiwapa; Creek, tributary to West Fork Tombigbee River, Lee and Pontotoc Counties, Miss. (Not Chawappa, Cho- wappa, nor Chowwappa.) Chiwawa; Creek, Grays Harbor County, Wash. (Not Chiwahwah.) Chiwawa; River, tributary to Wenat- chee River from north, Chelan County, Wash. Chkazhin; see Katzehin. Chlachatsch; see Pyramid. Chlora; Point, Choptank River, Talbot County, Md. (Not Cloras.) Cho; Island, southern side of entrance to Pingyang Inlet, western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Chho nor Choda.) Chockalog; Pond, Uxb ridge Town, Wor- cester County, Mass. (Not Chocalog.) Chocolate; see Chocolay. Chocolay; River, Marquette County, Mich. (Not Chocolate.) Chocowinity; Bay, Creek, Town, and Township, Beaufort County, N. C. (Not Chockowinity.) Choctawhatchee; Bay in Florida, and River in Alabama and Florida. (Not Choctawhatchie.) Chocton; see Cohocton. Choda; see Cho. Chodaiu; see Chodayu. Chodayu; Rock (sho), lat. 34 22' N., long. 133 08' E., Inland Sea, Japan. (Not Chodaiu.) Choga; Creek, Macon County, N. C. (Not Choeeo \ Choiska; see Chuska. ( 'ltk: see Sodein. Chokeberry; see Bilberry. Choctotangkna; s Chokotonk; River, tributary to head of Clark Lake, Alaska. (Not <'hakati.nk- no, Chokotongkna, Chokotonkna, <'ho- kotontna, Chokotunkna, Choktoiikna. nor Copper.) Chokotonkna; Chokotontna; Chokotunkna; Choktonkna; see Chokotonk. Choncho; Island (to), at entran Chaho Bay, lat. 40 12' X. Inn- 38' E., eastern coast of Chosen < K (Not Cruiser nor Kreiser.) Chonchon; River (ka.L'u . nurth\v part of Chosen (Korea). (Not Chi chhon nor ChhyoiiLr-clilr. Chong-hong; Chonghong; see You. Chopaka; Mountain. <>kano<:an County, Wash. (Not Chapace, Chapaka. Chopace, Tcho-j>ahk, nor TVho-park > Chopawamsic; Creek, between Prince William and Stafford Count !'-, \'a. (Not Chapowamsic.) Choppeki; Point, lat. 38 08' X . l-.n-.'. 124 4(X E., western coast of < i (Korea). (Not Sho niu dok kak nor Sho nui dok kak.) Choragu; Island (somu), l-'usan Harbor, southeastern coast of Chosen (K> (Not Deer nor Zeto Yeito.) Chosan; Bay, lat. 42 W N., long. 130 3(K E., northeastern coast of <'NOSMI (Korea). (Not Gashkevich, Ga^hkf- vicha, nor Goshkevicha.) *Chosen; Country in Asia. (Not < Cho-sen, Cho-Sen, Choson, nor Korea.) Chostatee; Chosteta; see Chesta- Choteau; Creek and Village, Mayes County, Okla. (Not Choutcau.) Chottei; Rock (paui), lat. 42 0ry Fork Clear. Clear Fork; Eastern Branch Cowlitz River. risinir in wstern pan Cascade Ramie, forming a junction with the Ohanaperosh Iliver in T. 14 X., R. 10 E., Lewis County. Wash. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOAED. 71 Clear Fork; Stream, chiefly in Raleigh County, W. Va. (Not Clear Fork of Coal River.) *Clear Lake; City and Township, Deuel County, S. Dak. (Not Clearlake.) Cleare; Cape, southern extremety Mon- tague Island, Alaska. (Not Clear nor Southwest.) Clearing; Point, southern extremity of island northeast of Three Tree Island, Khaz Bay, Chichagof Island, Alaska. Clearlake; see Clear Lake. Clearport; Village, Fairfield County, Ohio. (Not Clear Port.) Clearspring; Township, Lagrange Coun- ty, Ind. (Not Clear Springs.) Clearwater; Creek, tributary from north to Middle Fork of Nooksak River, A\~hatcom County, Wash. Clearwater; Township and Village, Wright County, Minn. (Not Clear Water.) Clearwater; see Eau Claire. Cleaveland; Landing, on Columbia River east of Fisher Island, Wahkia- kum County, Wash. (Not Cleave- lands.) Cleaves; north point of entrance to Greenport Harbor, Suffolk county, Long Island, N. Y. (Not Cleaves.) Clemente; see San Clemente. Clendenin; Village, Kanawha County, W. Va. (Not Clendennin.) Cliff; Mine, Port Valdez, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Cliff; Point, of southeastern shore of Pearse Island, Portland Inlet, South- eastern Alaska. (Not Base nor Rose.) Cliffs; Point, Chester River, Kent County, Md. (Not Cliff City, Cliff's, nor Starts.) Clifton Heights; Borough, Delaware County, Pa. (Not Clifton.) Clingmans Dome; Peak, Great Smoky Mountains, Swain County, N. C. (Not Clingman nor Clingmans Peak.) Clinton; Town, Prince Georges County, Md. (Not Surratsville.) Clitherall; Township, and Village, Otter Tail County, Minn. (Not Clitheral.) Cloquet; Village, Carlton County, Minn. (Not Colquet.) Cloras; see Chlora. Cloud Peak; see Cuyamaca. Cloudcroft Peaks; Mountain Group in the bend of Coal Creek, Flathead County, Mont. Clouter; Creek near Charleston, S. C. (Not Clauter nor Clawter.) Clovercreek; Village, Highland County, Va. (Not Clover Creek nor McClungs Mill.) Cloverdale; see Armstrong. Cloverlick; Creek, Mountain, and Vil- lage, Pocahontas County, W. Va. (Not Clover Lick.) Co Dud; Co Tron; see Fukwok. CoacheUa; Valley, part of the desert ly- ing immediately northwest of the Sal- ton Sea, Riverside County, Cal. (Not Conchilla.) Coahuila; a State of Mexico. (Not Co- hahuila.) Coahuila; Creek, Indian Reservation, Mountain, Valley, and Village, River- side County, Cal. (Not Cahuilla nor Coahuilla.) Coahuila; Creek, Bradley County, Tenn. (Not Cooyehuttee.) Coal; Creek, tributary to Glacier Creek, Whatcom County, Wash. Coal Creek; Peak (altitude 8,490 feet), in sec. 12, T. 2 S., R. 71 W., about 1 mile north of Coal Creek, mile south- west of Plainview Station, Jefferson County, Colo. Coal River; see Paint. Coanjock; see Coinjock. Coast Ranges; extend northward into Canada and southward into Lower Cali- fornia. They include everything west of Puget Sound, and the Willamette, Sacramento, and San Joaquin Valleys, and southwest of the Mohave Desert. Coatue; Beach and Point, Nantucket, Mass. (Not Bogue, First, nor Han- loetoe.) Cobalt; Lake, Teton County, Mont. Cobb; Island, Lighthouse, Neck, and Point, Charles County, Md. (Not Cobb's.) Cobb; Island, on the Atlantic coast of Xorthampton County, Va. (Not Cobb's.) Gobi; see Gobi. Cobun; Creek, Monongalia County, W. Va. (Not Cobun's nor Coburns.) 72 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Coburg; Town, Montgomery County, Iowa. (Not Cobourg nor Coburgh.) Cochechae, Cochechea, Cochecho; see Co- checo. Cocheco; River, Straff ord County, N. H., (Not Cochechae, Cochechea, Coch'echo, Cuttchechoe, Kechceachy, Kecheachy, nor Quochecho.) Cochetopa; Creek, Forest Reserve, Hills. Pass, Precinct, and Village in south- western Colorado. (Not Cochetopah.) Cochichewick; Lake, North Andover Town, Essex County, Mass. (Not Chochechiwick, Chochichawick, nor Great Pond.) Cochin; City and Native State, west coast of Hindustan Peninsula. (Not Kachhi, Katchi', Katechha, Kotchin, nor Kotechin.) Cochin China; a region south of China and east of Siam. (Not Cochin-china.) Cochrane; Point, at confluence of Coch- rane Bay, Passage Canal, and Port Wells, northwestern part Prince Wil- liam Sound, Alaska. Cockbum; Island, in northern part of Lake Huron, Manitoulin District, On- tario. (Not Little Manitou.) Cockburn; see Mount Marion. Cockenoe; Island, the easternmost of the Norwalk Group, Long Island Sound, Conn. (Not Cockenoe 's.) Cockpit; Point in Potomac River, Prince William County, Va. (Not Cock Pit.) Cockrell; Creek, Northumberland Coun- ty, Va. (Not Cockle.) Coconino; Plateau, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. (Not Colorado.) Cocopa; Point, Grand Canyon of the Colo- rado, Coconino County, Ariz. Cocos or Keeling; Islands (belong to Great Britain), southwest of Sumatra, about lat. 12 5' S., long. 96 53' E., Indian Ocean. (Not Cocos-keeling, Cocos- Keeling, Keeling, nor Keeling or Cocoa.) Codornices; Creek, Berkeley, Alameda County, Cal. (Not Cordonices.) Coecles; Arm of Gardiners Bay, Shelter Island, Suffolk County, N. Y. (Not Coecle Harbor Inlet, Coecle's Harbor Inlet, Coeclia Inlet, nor Cockles Har- bor.) Coeymans; I'.ar in Hudson River, Creek, and Town, AH. any County, N. Y. (Not Coeyman's.) Coffee; Landing, Tennessee Rivi-r. Har- din County, Tenn. (Not Coffee's.) Coffin's Group; see Ogasawara. Cogaminck; see Kunjamuk. Coghill; River, northwestern coast Prince William Sound, Alaska, debouching on the eastern shore of College Fiord, near lat. 61 05', long. 147 55'. Cogtua; see Meade. Cohahtrila; see Coahuila. Cohaaset; Harbor, Narrows, Rocks, and Town, Norfolk County, Mass. (Not Cohassett.) Cohobadiah; Creek, Cleburne and Ran- dolph Counties, Ala. (Not Cohabadia nor Hobidijah.) Cohocton; River, rising near the north- ern boundary of Steuben County, unit- ing with the Tioga to form the Chemung River, N. Y. (Not Chocton nor Con- hoc ton.) *Coinjock; Bay, western shore Curriturk Sound, Currituck County, N. C. (Not Coanjock nor Coinjack.) Cokesbury; Mine and Town, Hunterdon County, N. J. (Not Cokesburg.) Colabaugh; see Collaberg. Cold; Bay, south shore of Alaska Penin- sula, near Belkofski, Alaska. (Not Frozen nor Morozofskoi.) Coila Abyatchie; see Abiacha. Cold Spring; Hill, Placer County, Cal. (Not Gold Spring.) Coldwater; Mountain near Anniston, Calhoun County, Ala. (Not Polecat Ridge.) Coldwater; River, Yazoo Bottom (Not Cold Water nor Copasaw.) Cole Branch; Post Light, Ohio River, Greenup County, Ky. (Not Cole's Branch.) Cole Ferry; Shoal and Lighthouse, St. Lawrence River, Canada, north of Oak- point, St. Lawrence County, N. Y. (Not Cole's Ferry. ) Coleman: Glacier, which feeds Glacier Creek, northern slope of Mount Baker, Whatcom County, Wash. EEPOET OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOAED. 73 Coleman; Pinnacle, on ridge extending from Mount Baker, northeasterly to Mount Shuksan, the divide between headwaters of Wells Creek and those of Swift Creek, Whatcom County, Wash. Colerain; Town and Township, Bertie County, N. C. (Not Coleraine.) Colerain; Coleraine, Mass.; see Colrain. Coleridge; Village, Cedar County, Nebr. (Not Cooleridge.) Coles; Brook, chiefly in Middlefield, Berkshire County, Mass. (Not Cole's.) Colfax; Peak, one of Black Buttes group, southwestern slope Mount Baker, What- com County, Wash. Collaberg; Lake and Mountain, Cort- landt Town, Westchester County, N. Y. (Not Colabaugh nor Collabergh.) Collabergh; see Collaberg. Collamore; Ledge of sunken rocks on Massachusetts coast, near Scituate. (Not Colomore.) Collbran; see Brandon. College; see Dorse ys; Sequatchie. College; Point, in College Fiord, sepa- rating the fiords formed by the Harvard and Yale Glaciers, near lat. 61 12' N., long. 147 48', Prince William Sound, Alaska. College Point; Village, Queens County, Long Island, N. Y. (Not Strattonport.) Collier; Ledge off south coast of Cape Cod, near Hyannis, Mass. (Not Col- lier's.) Collins; Collinson's; see Cummings. Cologne; Railroad Station Atlantic County, N. J. (Not Germania.) Colombia; Republic, South America. (Not Columbia.) Colombo; Capital of Ceylon. (Not Co- lumbo.) Colon; City and free Port on the Atlantic coast of the Isthmus of Panama. Repub- lic of Panama. Founded in 1850 by the Panama Railroad Co., and named for William H. Aspinwall, one of the rail- road company's principal shareholders, and afterwards president of the Pacific Mail Steamship Co. The official name given the city by the Colombian Gov- \ eminent is Colon, the Spanish form of the patronymic of Christopher Colum- bus. Designated as "Aspinwall" by the United States Government from the year of its foundation until 1882. The Colombian name was adopted in the latter year and has since appeared in the printed diplomatic and consular list of the Department of State as "Colon (Aspinwall)," Colon being recognized as the proper form, and Aspinwall ad- ded in parenthesis merely for the pur- pose of distinguishing the place for the guidance of persons unfamiliar with the Colombian name A. H. A. Colonels; see Purnell. Colonia; Railroad Station, Middlesex County, N. J. (Not Houtenville.) Colonnade; Cliff, of columnar basalt along lower end of South Mowich Gla- cier, Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Colorado; River, the great river of the plateau region flowing into the Gulf of California. (Not Rio Colorado.) Colorado, Ariz.; see Coconino. Colorado, Colo.; see Front. Colorado Chiquito; see Little Colorado. Colquet; see Cloquet. *Colrain; Town, Franklin County, Mass. (Not Colerain nor Coleraine.) Colt; Pier, below Hartford, Connecticut River, Conn. (Not Colt's.) Colter; Pea,k, southeast of Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Wyo. (Not Coulter.) Colton; see Cotton. Columbia Crest; snow dome, highest summit, at conjunction of rims of two summit craters, Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Columbia Finger; Mountain Peak, Yo- semite National Park, Mariposa County, Cal. (Not Columbia's Finger.) Columbia's Finger; see Columbia Finger. Columbine; Falls, on Roaring Fork, in East Gorge, 1 mile northeast of Longs Peak, on the line between Boulder and Larimer Counties, Colo. Columbine; see Ignacio. Column; see Stolbovoi. Colville; River, in Northern Alaska. (Not Colvile.) Comanche; Point, Vishnu quadrangle, Coconino County, Ariz. Comandante; Shoal, about 1 mile south of Caballo Blanco, P. R. (Not Cayo Comandante.) 74 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Comar; Spring, Hopi Indian Reserva- tion, Navajo County, Ariz. Comb; Ridge, Apache and Navajo Coun- ties, Ariz., and San Juan County, Utah. Combahee; River between Colleton County and Beaufort and Hampton Counties, S. C. Comet; Peak, Final County, Ariz. (Not Camels nor Cometa.) Comfort; Cave, southeastern shore Port Gravina, near lat. 60 13', long. 146 05', Prince William Sound, Alaska, Commemoration; see Urusan. Commodore Point Shoal; Post Light, St. Johns River, East Jacksonville, Duval County, Fla. (Not Commo- dore's Point Shoal.) Como; Village, Panola County, Miss. (Not Como Depot.) Comochechebbee; see Cemochechobee. Company s ; see Uruppu. Comptonville; see Camptonville. Comptroller; see Controller. Con Can; see Concan. Con Hook; Point, on Hudson River, Orange County, N. Y. (Not Con's Hook.) Conaquenessing; see Connoquenessing. Conasauga; Creek, Polk and McMinn Counties, and Village, P*olk County, Tenn. (Not Connasauga nor Conne- eauga.) Conasauga; River, chiefly in northern Georgia. (Not Connasauga nor Conne- sauga.) Conasauga; Town, Gilmer County, Ga. (Not Connasauga nor Connesauga.) Conaskonk; Point, Monmouth County, N. J. (Not Conaskonck.) Conbert; see Convert. Concan; Village, Uvalde County, Tex. (Not Con Can.) Conception; Point, Santa Barbara County, Cal. (Not Concepcion.) Conchagua; see Fonseca. Conchilla; see Coach ella. Conchos; River in Chihuahua, Mexico. (Not Conchas.)" Conconully; Lake, Ts. 35 and 36 N.. R. 25 E., Okanogan County Wash. (Not Salmon.) Conconully; Concunully; see Salmon. Condon; Peak (altitude 4,985 feet), 4 miles .south-southeast of San Beiiito Mountain, at headwaters San Benito River on northwest, and White Creek on southeast, San Benito County. Cal. Cone; Mountain, west of Windy Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Cone; Mountain, 8 miles west of Mount Shasta, Siskiyou County, Cal. (Not Black Butte, Muir Butte, nor Sugar Loaf.) Cone; Mountain, on east bank of Stikine River near the Alaska-Canada bound- ary. (Not Cane.) Cone; see Sodein. Conedogvnnet; Conedoquinet; see Conodo- guinet. Conemaugh; River, from its source in Cambria County to its junction with Loyalhanna Creek, Pa. (Not Kiski- minitas.) Conequenessing; Conequonessing; see Con- noquenessing. Conetoe; Creek, Edgecombe and Pitt Counties, Upper and Lower Townships, and Village in Edgecombe ( 'ounty, N. C. (Not Coneeto, Coneto, Congeto, nor Keneighton.) Conewago; Township, Adams County, Pa. (Not Conowago.) Conewango; Creek, Town, and Village, Cattaraugus County, N. Y. (Not < "ii- newango.) Confucius Temple; Butte, one of Twin Buttes, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Congamunck; see Kunjamuk. Congo; see Kongo. Congress; see Meadow. Conhocton; see Cohocton. Coniho; see Conoho. Conimicut; Lighthouse, Providence River, R. I. (Not Kinnimicut.) Conkling; the northern point of entrance to Southold Bay, Suffolk County, Long Island, N. Y. (Not Conkling's.) Connasauga; see Conasauga. Connecticut; see Car mans. Connelville; see Caniu-lville. *Conners; ('reck, emptying into Detroit River opposite Belle Isle, Wayne County, Mich. < Not Conner. Conner's, Connor's, Connors, nor Tremble's.) EEPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 75 Conners Creek; Village, Wayne County, Mich. (Not Conner's Creek nor Con- nors Creek.) Connesauga; see Conasauga. Connesena; Creek, Bartow County, Ga. (Not Connasana nor Connasene.) Connett; Point, north side of Buzzards Bay, between Angelica Point and Pease's Point, Plymouth County, Mass. (Not Cordwood, Dunn's, nor Nye's.) Connoquenessing; Borough and Town- ship, Butler County, and Creek, Beaver, Butler, and Lawrence Coun- ties, Pa. (Not Conaquenessing, Cone- quenessing, Conequonessing, nor Cono- quenessing.) Connorville; Railroad Station, Jefferson County, Ohio. (Not Connor nor Con- nors ville.) Connotten; Connotton; see Conotton. Conodoguinet; Creek, Cumberland and Franklin Counties, Pa. (Not Conedog- winet nor Conedoquinet.) Conoho; Creek and Village, Martin County, N. C. (Not Coniho nor Goose Nest.) Conollon; Conolton; see. Conotton. Conoquenessing; see Connoquenessing. Conotten; see Conotton. Conotton; Creek, Carroll, Harrison, and Tuscarawas Counties, Ohio. (Not Con- notten, Connotton, Conollon, Conolton, Conotten, nor One Leg.) Conova; see Canova. Conowago; see Conewago. Conqueror; see Okino. Conquistador Aisle; a stretch of the inner canyon, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, south side of Tobar Terrace, Coconino County, Ariz. (Not Cardenas Aisle.) Con's Hook; see Con Hook. Constanta; Constantia; see Constantza. Constantine; Harbor, Amchitka Island, western Aleutians, Alaska. (Not Con- stantin.) Constantza; Seaport, Roumania, South- ern Europe. (Not Constanta, Con- stantia, Kustendje, Kustendje, Kus- tendsche, Kiistenje, Kustenje, nor Kustenjeh.) Consumne; see Cosumnes. Contact; Glacier, Port Nellie Juan, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Continent of Palmer Land; see Antarctic Continent. Continental; Creek, heading in Haine Pass, tributary to McDonald Creek, Flathead County, Mont. Contlechebna; see Kontrashibuna. Contoocook; Pond, Jaffrey and Rindge Towns, Cheshire County, N. H. (Not Long.) Controller; Bay, near mouth of Copper River, Alaska. (Not Bering nor Comp- troller.) Convert; Creek, north of the Tanana, tributary to Preacher Creek, Alaska. (Not Conbert.) Conway; Town, Taylor County, Iowa. (Not Conwa.) Cook; Inlet, on south coast of Alaska (Not Cook's nor Kenai Bay.) Cook; Slough, southeast end Youngs Bay, near Astoria, Clatsop County, Oreg. (Not Cook's nor Cooks.) Cooke; Township, Cumberland County, Pa. (Not Cook.) Cookeville; Town, Putnam County, Tenn. (Not Cookville nor Cooksville.) Cooleridge; see Coleridge. Cooley; Pass, in Abajo Mountains be- tween Abajo Peak and Jackson Ridge, San Juan County, Utah. CoonButte; see Crater Mound. Cooper; Bluff, southern point of entrance to Oyster Bay Harbor, Long Island, N. Y. (Not Cooper's.) Cooper; Island, near Waterford, Wah- kiakum County, Wash . (Not Coopers.) Cooper; the western point of entrance to Budd Inlet, Puget Sound, Thurston County, Wash. (Not Cowper.) Cooper; River, rising on eastern slope Cascade Range, flowing through Cooper Lake to Cle Elum River, Kittitas County, Wash. Cooper; see Quebec. Cooper Bar; Post Light, Ohio River, Jefferson County, Ind. (Not Cooper's.) Coos; Bay and River, Coos County, Oreg. (Not Goose nor Koos.) Coosaw; River, Beaufort County, S. C. (Not Coosa.) Cooler; see Coutre. Cooler's Bridge; see Allenbridge. Cooyehuttee; see Coahulla. Copalis; Head, near Grays Harbor, Grays Harbor County, Wash. (Not Chepalis.) 76 RKPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Copaa; Point, southern ' side of entrance of Topolobampo Harbor, Mexico. (Not Shell.) Copasaw; see Coldwatcr. Cope; liutte, Grand Canyon of the Colo- rado, Coconino County, Ariz. Copel; see Capel. Copeland; Lake, sec. 14, T. 3 N., R. 73 W., north side of North St. Vrain Creek, about 2 miles northwest of Aliens Park Village, Boulder County, Colo. Copeland; Moraine, north side North St. Yrain Creek Valley, 2 miles northwest Aliens Park Village, Boulder County, Colo. Copeland; Mountain (altitude 13, 176 feet) in sec. 35, T. 3 N., R. 74 W., just east of the Continental Divide, 5 miles south- west of Longs Peak, Boulder County, Colo. (Not Clarence King, Kiowa, nor Tyndall.) Copenhaven; see Geneva. Copley; Township and Village, Summit County, Ohio. (Not Copely.) Copp; see Wingate. Copper; Bay, Knight Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Copper; Canyon, in the south wall of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 3 miles north of Bass Camp, Coconino County, Ariz. Copper; Canyon, and Stream tributary to San Juan River, near long. 110 3(K, San Juan County, Utah. Copper; see Chokatonk. Copper; see Copperas; Kletean. Copper Mountain; Peninsula, eastern shore Prince William Sound, Alaska. Copperas; Creek, tributary to Missis- sippi River, Rock Island County, 111. (Not Copper.) Copperas Cove; Village, Coryell Coun- ty, Tex. (Not Coperas.) Copps; Island, one of the Norwalk Group, Long Island Sound, Conn. (Not Copp nor Copp's.) Copps; see Wingate. Coqueta; see Yapura. Coquille; City, Coos County, Oreg. (Not Coquille City.) Coraopolis: Borough, Allegheny County, Pa. (Not Carapolis.) Corbette; see Corvette Corcoran; Mountain, 5 miles southeast of Mmint Whit ney. Sierra Nevada, Inyo and Tulare Counties, Cal. Mount Whitney No. 1, Old Mount Whitney, nor Sheep Rock.) Cordeal; Railroad Station. Citrus Coun- ty, Fla. (Not Hartshorn.) Cordell; Post Light, Mississippi River, Issaquena County. Miss. ( Not Cor- dell's.) Cordillera; see Cordilleras. *Cordilleras; the entire western moun- tain system of North America. (Not Cordillera.) Cordoba; City and Province of Spain, and Province of Argentina. < Not Cor- dova.) Cordonices; see Codornices. Cordova; see Orca. Cordwood; see Connett. Corea; see Chosen (Korea). Corioman; see Currioman. Cornelius; Creek, Henrico County, Va. (Not Wilton.) Corner; Pond, between Long Lake and Catlin Lake, Long Lake Town, Hamil- ton County, N. Y. (Not Belden.) Cornfield; see Garden. Cornucopia; see Wallowa. Corona; see Blackhead. Corona Carrillo; Reef, near Zancudo Cay, P. R. Corona Larga; Shoal, western coast, southward of Las Coronas, and north- westward of Resuello Shoals, P. R. Coronado; Butte, Vishnu quadrangle. Coconino County, Ariz. Coronado Plateau; see Marcos Terrace. Corpus Christi; Pass, between Padre and Mustang Islands, Tex. (Not Corpus Christi Inlet.) Corral Hollow; Creek (large), San Joa- quin County, Cal., heading in moun- tainous region western side Oso Ridge, draining northwestward to Tesln, near which it turns sharply, flowing easterly and emptying into San Joaquin Valley. Not Buenos Ayres.) Corson; Inlet to Ludlam Bay, Cape May County. X. .1. < Not Corson 's.) Cortez; see Puerto Cortes. EEPOKT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGEAPHIC BOAED. 77 Cortland; Township and Village, De- kalb County, 111. (Not Courtland.) Cor Hand; see Courtland. Cortlandt; Railroad Station and Town- ship, Edmunds County, S. Dak. (Not Cortland nor Mina.) Corvette; Ledge, Johns Bay, Lincoln County, Me. (Not Corbette.) Corwin; Cape, the southeasternmost point of Nunivak Island, Bering Sea, Alaska. (Not Vasilief.) Coryell; Island, east of Government Island, Macinac County, Mich. (Not Cory ell's nor lie Richard.) Coshaqua; see Keshequa. Cosinera; Rock, Port Arecibo, 400 yards southwest by west from Point Morrillos, P. R. Coskata; Beach, Life-saving Station, and Pond, Nantucket, Mass. (Not Cas- katy nor Croskaty.) Cosners; see Mays. Cosumne; Village, Sacramento County, Cal. (Not Bridge House, Cosumnes, Howells, nor McCosumne.) Cosumne; see Cosumnes. Cosumnes; River, Amador, Eldorado, and Sacramento Counties, and Town- ship, Sacramento County, Cal. (Not Consumne, Cosumne, Cosumni, Moke- sumne, nor Mokosumne.) Cosumnes; see Cosumne. Cosumni; see Cosumnes. Cotamy; see Katama. Cote sans Dessein; Town and Town- ship, Galloway County, Mo. (Not Cote Sans Dissein.) Cotejuba; Island, Para River, State of Para, Brazil. (Not Cotijuba nor Coute- juba.) Coteau des Prairies; Plateau, in ex- treme eastern South Dakota and south- western Minnesota, maintaining an alti- tude of about 2,000 feet (1,950-2,050) and forming the divide between the waters of James River on the west and Minnesota River on the east, be- ginning a little west of Traverse and Big Stone Lakes, and occupying parts of Marshall, Roberts, Grant, and Deuel Counties, S. Dak.; thence crossing into Minnesota and traversing Lincoln, Pipestone, Noble, and Jackson Counties. Coteau du Missouri; Narrow Plateau be- ginning in northwest corner of North Dakota between Missouri River and River des Lacs and Souris River and running southeast and south; its south- ern limit not well denned; its western escarpment forming the bluffs of the Missouri. Cotijuba; see Cotejuba. Gotta; Point, lat. 11 29' N., long. 75 38' 40 // E., western coast of India. (Not Kadalur.) Cottage City; see Oak Bluffs. Cottaquilla; Mountain, end of ridge im- mediately north of White Plains, Cal- houn County, Ala. (Not Chalybeate Spring, Klebiate Spring, nor Piedmont Springs.) Cotteral; Brook, Ocean County, N. J. (Not Cotterall's.) Cotterell; Glacier, Port Nellie Juan, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Cotton; Township, Switzerland County, Ind. (Not Colton.) Cottonwood; Canyon and Creek, di- rectly west of Shay Mountain, draining north and west into Colorado River, San Juan County, Utah. Cotton-wood; Creek, Vishnu quadrangle, Coconino County, Ariz. Cottonwood; Creek, flowing into Mc- Lure Valley, from northern part of T. 25 S., R. 17 E., Kern and Kings Coun- ties, Cal. Cottonwood; Creek, left-hand branch of San Luis Creek, Saguache County, Colo. (Not Wildcherry.) Cottonwood; Creek, Adams County, Nebr. (Not Dry.) Cottonwood; Creek, Lincoln and Fre- mont Counties, Wyo. (Not Lander nor Marsh.) Cottonwood; see Butler; Smith. Cottrell; Key. 8 miles west-northwest of Key West, Fla. (Not Cotterals.) Cotuit; River, Barnstable County, Mass. (Not Santuit.) Cou-e-lis-ke; see Cowlitz. Cougar Divide; Watershed, east of Dead Horse Creek, Whatcom County, Wash. Coulter; Creek, south of Heart Lake, emptying into Snake River about lat. 44 08', long. 110 32', Yellowstone National Park and Lincoln County, Wyo. (Not Colter.) 78 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Coulter; see Colter. Coulterville; Township and Village, Randolph County, 111. (Not Coulters- ville.) County Line; Creek, tributary from southeast to Tallapoosa River, ( 'ha in- here and Tallapoosa Counties, Ala. (Not Moore, Moore's, Moores, Mooses, nor \Yare.) County lane; Railroad Station, Orleans County, N. Y. (Not Countyline.) Courthouse; Creek, Uuray County, Colo. Courthouse Rock; Mountain and Pre- cinct, Cheyenne County, Nebr. (Not Court House Rock.) *Courtland; City and Tov . nship, Repub- lic County, Kans. (Not Cortland.) Courtland; see Cortland. Coutejuba; see Cotejuba. Coutre; Town and Township, Pemiscot County, Mo. (Not Cooter.) Cove City; Township, Crawford County, Ark. (Not Cove.) Cow; Creek, heading near Longs Peak Village and emptying into north side North St. Vrain Creek, sec. 16, T. 3 X., R. 72 W., Boulder and Larimer Coun- ties, Colo. (Not Cabin.) Cow Neck; see Manhasset. Cowardin; Run and Village, Bath County, Va. (Not Cowarden's.) Cowenton; see Whitemarsh. Cowesel; see Greenwich. Coweta; City, Creek, and Township, Wagoner County, Okla. (Not Coveda Mission, Coveta Mission, nor Cowetah.) Cowiche; Creek and Village, Yakima County, Wash. (Not Cowecha, Co- witchee, Cowyche, nor Kah-wi-cht.) Cowlitz; County, Pass, and River, Wash- ington. (Not Cou-e-lis-ke.) Cowlitz; Glacier, discharging into Cow- litz River, southeastern slope Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Cowlitz; Park, high valley northeast of Cowlitz Glacier, Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Cowlitz Chimneys; high rock towers east of Mount Ranier, on divide be- tween White River and Cowlitz River drainage, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Cowlitz Cleaver; narrow roek\ ridu'e mi arrete. descending from (iihraliar Km-k between Co\vlitx and Xis]>e\va County, Mich. Crabtree; Creek, Garret) County. Md. (Not Crab Run.) Crabtree; Ledtre, Sullivan Harhor, Han- cock Comity, Me. (Not Crabtree Crnfilnr; see Whitney. Cracow; see Krakow. Grader Field; Post Light, Illinoi- River, Calhoun County, 111. i Xot Crad< EEPOET OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGEAPHIC BOAED. 79 Crafts; Hill, Lebanon Town, Grafton County, N. H. (Not Grafts nor Mount Lebanon.) Crag; Point, Kizhuyak Bay, Alaska. (Not Bluff nor Otrubistoi.) Craig; Bar in Ohio River, near Veney, Switzerland County, Ind. (Not Craig's.) Craig; Creek, flowing into Clarence River near its mouth, Yukon, Canada. Craigs; see Virginia Peak. Craigville; Railroad Station, Orange County, N. Y. (Not Craigsville.) Cranberry; Creek, southern end of Goose Bay, Jefferson County, N. Y. (Xot Goose.) Cranberry Peak; see Trumbull. Cranbury; Township and Village, Mid- dlesex County, N. J. (Not Cranberry.) Crandell Corners; Village, in Easton, Washington County, N. Y. (Not Cran- dalls Corners.) Crane; Island, south of Laireys Island, West Penobscot Bay, Me. Crane; see Domke. Crane Eater; Town, Gordon County, Ga. (Not Craneeater.) Craney; Island and Lighthouse, Eliza- beth River, near Norfolk, Va. (Not Crany nor Crayne.) Craney; see Cany. Crater; Flat, between Bear and Yucca Mountains, Nye County, Nev. Crater; Moraine, where Boulder Gla- cier discharges from Summit Crater, southeastern slope Mount Baker, What- com County, Wash. Crater; Peak, rocky knoll on rim of North Crater, central summit Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Crater Mound; Butte or Mound in T. 19 N., R. 12J E., Arizona. (Not Coon Butte, Crater Mountain, nor Meteorite Mountain.) Crater Mountain; see Crater Mound. Craven; Shoal, in New York Lower Bay, Richmond County, N. Y. (Not Cra- ven's.) Crawford; Creek and Landing on Missis- sippi River, Cape Girardeau County, Mo. (Not Crawford's.) Crawford; Landing on Ohio River near Huntington, W. Va. (Not Crawford's.) Crawfordville; City, Taliaferro County, Ga. (Not Crawfordsville.) Crayne; see Craney. Creigh; see Greig. Cremation; Creek, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Cremation; see Shoshone. Cresap; Bend, in Ohio River, and Vil- lage, Marshall County, W. Va. (Not Cressap's.) Crescent; Creek, rising in Crescent Lake, sec. 13, T. 24 S., R. 6 E., flowing east- ward about 20 miles to junction with East Fork of Deschutes River, Kla- math County, 6"reg. Crescent; Lake, St. Johns County, Fla. (Not Dunn.) Crescent; Mountain (altitude 8,900 feet), sees. 10 and 11, T. 2 S., R. 71 W., 2 miles west of Plain view Station and 12 miles northeast of Blackhawk, Jeffer- son County, Colo. Crescent; Ridge, east of Shinumo Creek, Coconino County, Ariz. Cressap's; see Cresap. Crested; see Wosnesenski. Crestone; Creek, Saguache County, Colo. (Not Crestones.) Crestone; Peaks, Sangre de Cristo Range, Saguache County, Colo. (Not Three Tetons.) Creswell; Town, Washington County, N. C. (Not Cresswell.) Crete; Island in the Mediterranean Sea. (Not Candia.) Cricket; Range of mountains, east of Sevier Lake, Millard County, Utah. (Not Beaver nor Beaver River.) Crillon; see Notoro. Crna Gora; see Montenegro. Croatan; Sound, connecting Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds, N. C. (Not Croetan.) Crochet; see Crotched. Crocker; Peak (altitude 12,448 feet), Mono County, Cal. Crocker; Crocker's; see Sequoia. Crocker Flat; area lying mostly in sees. 19 and 30, T. 31 S., R. 22 E., Kern County, Cal. Crockson; see Croxton. Cronstadt; see Kronstadt. Cromeset; Ledge and Neck, Bristol County, Mass. (Not Cromesett.) Crook; Landing in Mississippi River, 5 miles above Ste. Genevieve, Mo. (Not Crook's.) 80 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Crook; Point, Pacific coast, southwestern part of Curry County, Oreg. (Not Crooks.) Crooked; Crock, small tributary IP. in the west to Chandalar River, about bt. 67 18', Alaska. (Not West Fork.) Crooked; Lake, between Basswood and Iron Lakes, Rainy River District, On- tario, International Boundary (between Minnesota and Ontario). Crooked; see Elbow. Croom; Town, Prince* Georges County, Md. (Not Croome.) Croom Station; Railroad Station, Prince Georges County, Md. (Not Croome Station.) Croose; see Kruzof. Crop Grass; see Taylor. Cropseyville; Village, Brunswick Town, Rensselaer County, N. Y. (Not Crops- erville.) Croskaty; see Coskata. Cross, Alaska; see Krestof. Croaa, Tenn.; see Guess. Cross Island; see Cruz. Cross; see Lac LaCroix. Cross Rip; Shoal, Nantucket Sound, Mass. (Not Cross Rip Shoal.) Crossett; Pond, Fort Ann Town, Wash- ington County, N. Y. (Not Lake Ju- vet.) Crosswise; see Broad. Crotch; Island, Deer Island Thorofare, Hancock County, Me. (Not Thurlow.) Crotch; Island, southwest of Laireys Is- land, West Penobscot Bay, Me. Crotched; Mountain, Hillsboro County, N. H. (Not Crochet nor Crotchet.) Crow; Dock, Raritan River, N. J. (Not Crow's.) Crow; see Willow. Crowl; see Reed. Crow's Nest; Mountain near West Point, Orange County, N. Y. Croxton; Run, Knox Township, Jeffer- son County, Ohio. (Not Coxton, Cox- ton's, Coxsons, Crockson, Crookston, nor Croxon's.) Crozier; Settlement, San Juan County, N. Mex. Cruiser; see Choncho. Cruso; Town, Haywood County. N. C. (Not Crusoe.) Cruz; Island, 1} miles long, south side of San < 'hristoval Channel, Alaska. ('aims y Ylas de las Crux nor Cross Island, i Cruz; Pass, passage tn the westward of Cruz Island, Alaska. Crysler; Island, in the St. Lawrence River, St. Lawrence County, N. Y. 1 Not Chrisler, Dark, nor Lawrence.) Crystal; Creek, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. West Fork.} Crystal; Creek, Gunnison County, Coin. (Not Rio Contrario.) Crystal Spring; Village. I,.s A: County, Cal. (Not Crystal Springs.) Cuama; see Zambezi. ( 'n!>; see Palmer. Cuba; see Cube. Cuba Landing; Village, Humphreys County, Tenn. (Not Ctii Cube; Mountain (altitude 2,927 iV.-i ford Town, Grafton County. N. li. (Not Cuba.) Cube; Point, northwestern part oi Mar- quette Island, Maekinac County. Mii-h. (Not Cube's, Cubes, nor Kerhetataw- non.) Cubits Gap; Post Light. Mississippi River, Plaqueminea Parish, La. (Not Cubitt's.) Cucaracha; Passage. Let wren Las Cura- rachas and Los Farallones, P. R. Cuarzo; see Quartzite. Cin-ftii-ara; see Purus. Cuddy Peak; see Frazior. Cuerno Verde; see Greenhorn Mountain; Wet. Culebra; see Gail lard. Cullasagee; Creek and Town, Macon County, N. C. (Not Cullasaja nor Sugartown.) Culpeper; Town, Wilcox County, Ala. i Not Culpepper.) Culross; Bay, northeastern roast Cul- ross Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Culross; Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska. (Not Grant.) Cultus; Lake, southwestern part of Crook County, Or.'..' Cumberland Entrance; see St. Marys En- trance. EEPORT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 81 Cuming; Township, Dodge County, Nebr. (Not Gumming.) Cummings; Creek, Talbot County, Md. (Not Collins nor Collinson's.) Cummings; see Tackawasick. Cummings; Cummins; see Fish Meadow. Cundy; Harbor, Ledge, and Points, Casco Bay, Harpswell Township, Cumber- land County, Me. (Not Cundiz.) Cungermuck; see Kunjamuk. Cunningham; Creek, Gap, and Village, Jefferson County, Ala. (Not Adam's Creek.) Cunningham; see Agate. Cupertino; see Stevens. Curasao; Island, largest of the Dutch West India Islands, Caribbean Sea. (Not Curayoa.) Curecanti; Creek, Gunnison County, Colo. (Not Vincennes.) Curecanti; "Needle" (pinnacle), and Water Tank, Gunnison County, Colo. (Not Caricanti, Currecanti, nor Curri- canti.) Curia Maria; see Khorya Morya. Curies; Neck of land on James River, Henrico County, Va. (Not Curl's.) Curlew; Creek, Lake, and Village, Ferry County, Wash. (Not Karamin nor Karamip.) Curly Bear; Mountain, lat. 48 12' N., long. 113 05' W., Teton County, Mont. Currecanti; see Curecanti. Current Lake; Village, Murray County, Minn. (Not Currant Lake.) Curricanti; see Curecanti. Currioman; Bay or Creek, an arm of Nomini Bay, Westmoreland County, Va. (Not Corioman.) Currys Fishery; see American. Curtain; Falls, between Crooked and Iron Lakes, Rainy River District, Ontario, International Boundary (be- tween Minnesota and Ontario). Cush Cushion; Creek, in Greene Town- ship, Indiana County, Pa. (Not Cush- Cushion, Cushcushion, nor Cushian.) Gushing; Island, Portland Harbor, Cum- berland County, Me. (Not Bang's nor Cushing's.) 4704916 6 Cushman Crest; Peak, between Nis- qually River and Van Trump Creek; most prominent feature on southern slope Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Cushman' s Brook; see Middle Branch. Cut Bank; Creek and Town, Teton County, and Pass, Flathead and Teton Counties, Mont. (Not Cutbank nor Cut-bank.) Cut-bank; Cutbank; see Cut Bank. Cutchogue; Harbor, Little Peconic Bay, Suffolk County, Long Island, N. Y. (Not The Cove.) Cutnose; Creek, Randolph County, Ala. (Not Cutnoe nor Cut Nose.) Cutoff; Dredged Channel at mouth of Patapsco River, Md. (Not New Cut Off.) Cuttchechoe; see Cocheco. Cutt-off; see Ribeyre. Cuyamaca; Mountain Peak, east of San Diego, Cal. (Not Cloud Peak.) Cuyler Dike; Post Light, Hudson River, near Albany, N. Y. (Not Cuyler 's Dike.) Cyclone; Peak, Flathead County, Mont. Cycuam; see Sequan. Cypress; Lake, southwest of Saganaga Lake, Rainy River District, Ontario, and partly in Lake County, Minn., In- ternational Boundary (between Ontario and Minnesota.) Cypress; Rock, in Rosario Strait, Wash- ington Sound, Skagit County, Wash. (Not Rock Island.) D. DaKuren; see Urga. Dacosta; Railroad Station, Atlantic County, N. J. (Not DaCosta nor De- costa.) Dadasoa; Spring, 6 miles north of Joha- chi, McKinley County, N. Mex. Dagany; Gap, through Pyramid Hills connecting between McLure Valley and south end of Kettleman Plain, Kings County, Cal. Daholt; see Aderhold. Dai Nippon; see Japan. H , THB US.TEB STATES OEOOBAPHIC BOABD. Dannemor.; Village, Sweden. (Not \ *'rN.,fc-.l e west coast 1 Honshu Island, Japan. (Not Deibo.) Art,, see Keith. Bay (wan) and Town, Kwang- Ftninsula, Manchuria, China. /N* Dairen Wan, Dairen- wan, Dalny, Tairen. Ta lien Hwan, Ta-lien-wan, Tslien, nor Tslien hwan.) XMn RV; Dain* iron; see Dairen. Dakota; Town, Humboldt County, Dakotah.) , see James. ,; Brook, cs. 29, 31, and 32, T. 69 a)W.,andaeca.5and6,T.68N., R. 20 \V., flowing northward into Ka- mi Lake, 8t. Loui County, ; Daly's nor Daly Brook.) point, south of Cape Romanrof, 'Western Alaska. (Not Cape Dall.) Dalles; see The Delia. T>>ri>; Rsilroad Station, Northum- berland (Not George- tow DcJny ; see Dairen. Mto*. see Dolton's; Turner. /; see Keith. Duty Brook; Dtly't; see Daley. Damariacove; Island, Lincoln County, Me. (Not Damriscove.) Dame; P< : him River, Duval nty. Kla. (Nor Dame's). Ttameaa; Island, in Lake Champlain, Urmnd Isle County, Yt. (Not Dia- Marsh, Great Wicomico River. Northomberland County. Va. (Not Dmmmeron's.) Daaa; Botte, Grand Canyon of the Colo rado, Coconino County, Ariz. DttMey, Flat and Point, St. Johns River, 8u John County. Fla. (Not Dancey's. ) Dancing; * 'reek, small brmnch of Big Bad- far Creek. Teton County, Mont. sec Opejni; Pogibahi. tt.- see Opssmoat; Tuamotu. Creek and Island, near Gharlea. ton.S.C. (Not Mitchells nor Daniels.) an.; ^uuu- and Rock, Allegany County, Md. (Not Dama nor Dan B.) Danvers; River, Essex County, 1 (Not Essex Branch.) Danversport; Village, Essex County, Mass. (Not Danvers New Mills.) Danville; Railroad Station, Warre County, N. J. (Not Great Meadows. Danzig; Seaport Town of Prussia. Dantzic.) Darfur; large oasis in the southeaste part of the Sahara, Africa. (Not Dar For, Dar-el-foor, Darfoor, Darfor, nor Darfour.) Dark; Pond, Cheshire County, I (Not Farnum nor Forum.) Dart; see Crysler. Darkey Springs; Village, White County, Tenn. (Not Darkey Spring.) Darling; Village, Delaware County, Pa. (Not Darlington.) Darnall; Point and Landing, Mississippi River, Lake County, Tenn. (Not Dar- nall's.) Darrah; Village, Mariposa County, Cal. (Not Darrah's nor Snow Creek.) Darrow; Town, Ascension Parish, La. (Not Darrowville.) Dartmouth; Glacier, eastern side Col- lege Fiord, Prince William Sound, Alaska, at the head of Coghill River, and north of Williams Glacier. Darwin; Creek, a headwater of Bishop Creek, heading in Mount Darwin, Inyo County, Cal. Darwin Plateau; Terrace, on the south side of the Grand Canyon of the Colo- rado, Coconino County, Ariz. Das Frescat; see Flechas. Daufuskie; Island, Beaufort County, 8. C. (Not Dawfuskie.) Dougherty; see Dougherty. Daupin; Island, at entrance of Mobile Bay, Ala. (Not Dauphine.) Davenport; see Devenport. Davids; Island, Long Island Sound, Westchester County, N. Y. (Not Davenport's.) Davidson; Landing, Ohio River, Law- rence County, Ohio. (Not David- son's.) KEPOET OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOAED. Davidson; Mountains, between Ladue River Valley and McQuesten Lakes, Yukon, Canada, near International Boundary (between Alaska and Canada). (Not Franklin.) Davidson; see Mount Davidson. Davis; Bay, Pasquotank River, Pasquo- tank County, N. C. (Not Davis's.) Davis; Creek, rising in Davis Lake, sec. 24, T. 22 S., R. 7 E., flowing under- ground about 2 miles, emerging as springs, thence eastward about 6 miles to junction with Deschutes River, Crook County, Oreg. Davis; Landing, Mississippi River, near Girardeau, Mo. (Not Davis's.) Davis; Ledge, entrance to Salem Harbor, Mass. (Not Davis's.) Davis; Township, Fountain County, Ind. (Not Daviess.) Davis; see Governors; Shaw Branch. Davis South; Shoal off Nantucket, Mass. (Not Davis New South nor New South.) Davisson; Run, tributary to West Fork River from the west, 2 miles southwest of Clarksburg, Harrison County, W. Va. (Not Davidsons.) Davisson; Run, branch of Simpson Creek, near Bridgeport, Harrison County, W. Va. Davistown; see Egoniaga. Davitte; Railroad Station, Polk County, Ga. (Not Davittes, Davitt's, nor Da vitts.) Davols; see Devol. Dayay; see Dyea. Dayton; see Twin Lakes. De Berniere; see Littleton. De Bolt Place; De Bolt; Debolt Place; see Debolt. De Chute; see Deschutes. De Grasse; see Grass. De Groff; see Degroff ; Klag. De Las Pulgas; see Pulgas. De Laux; see Dlo. De Liew; see Dlo. De Leon; see Deleon Springs. DePere; see Depere. *De Pere; City and Town, Brown County, Wis. (Not Depere.) De Smet; City, Kingsbury County, S. Dak. (Not Desmet.) De Soto; City, Jefferson County, Mo. (Not Desoto.) 83 De Soto; see West Rome. De Vaca Terrace; Spur of Marcos Ter- race, Coconino County, Ariz. *De Vails Bluff; Town, Prairie County Ark. (Not De Vall's, De Vail Bluff', nor Duvall's.) De Vree's; see Islais. De Witt; see Dewitt. De Witt's Bar; see Dewitt Bar. Deacons; Pond, Barnstable County, Mass. (Not Bowman's nor Bowmans.) Dead; Mountains, San Bernardino Coun- ty, Cal. (Not Black.) Dead Horse; Creek, tributary to North Fork of Nooksak River, between Cou- gar and Skyline Divides, near Mount Baker, Whatcom County, Wash. Dead Horse; Ridge, between Big and Coal Creeks, Flathead County, Mont, Dead Point; Creek, tributary to West Fork Hood River, Hood River County, Oreg. (Not Burnt nor Dry Point.) Dead Tree; Point, southwest coast of Heceta Island, 1$ miles northwestward of White Cliff, Alaska. Deadman; Bend, in Mississippi River, Adams County, Miss. (Not Dead- man's.) Deadman; Island, Ohio River, Alle- gheny County, Pa. (Not Deadman's.) Deadman; Point, Penobscot Bay, 1J miles from Rockport, Knox County, Me. (Not Deadman's.) Deadman; Reach, in Peril Strait, South- eastern Alaska. (Not Deadman's nor Deadmans.) Deadman; Slough, north bank Chena Slough, Fairbanks region, Alaska. (Not Jennie nor Jennie M.) Deadman; see Ruckel. Deadmans Riffle; Rapids, between Gold and Galligan Lagoon and Barnes Lake, northeastern part Prince of Wales Island, Southeastern Alaska. Deakyneville; Landing, Newcastle County, Del. (Not Deakynesville.) Deal; Island, Tangier Sound, Chesapeake Bay, Somerset County, Md. (Not Deil's nor Devil's.) Dean; Creek, west of Goulding Creek, Yellowstone County, Mont. (Not Dennis nor Dewey.) Dean; Island and Landing, Mississippi River, Mississippi County, Ark. (Not Dean's.) OF THB UKITID STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. fUUruad Station, District t Peanwood.) - Riln*a Stotioo, ooy, Kan. < So1 D"" r , D^th Valley. Valley, InyoCounty Cal (Hot AMffoam Da-rt nor La* Valtof. Bluff. Gwn Bay, Door (Sot Death'. Door.) tain; Peak, prominent go the divide between the abaktolikandUnalaklik, Alaska. (Not We*.) Ptbebafcid; Ukr. S\mjo County, Am. (Sot Te-ye-ba* Debolt; Town. Doufda* County, Nebr. (Sot De Bolt Place, Debolt Place, nor DeBott) DohM-.' - * s M k :"!.' Mil ili^ in SkdekNi Mountain, Flat- !,*'.. .:.' M ft Dttrmn; tte Dvkkan . iiaifar; Oaek, (lark County, Ark. (Hot Datpier, Deceyper, nor Deciper.) Point, between Paange Canal Bay, Prince William ranee to Mala- forda Bay, Matagorda County, Tex. (Not Decrow'i ) Dp; t an yon and Creek, east of Chip- paan Canyon, San Juan County, Utah. Pep; Creek, on* of the three Urge trfHtariej to Warner Lake, Lake County, On*. (Not Warner.) D*p; Oraak, tributary to Glacier Creek, between Coal and Little Creeks, What- Dttf Cntk; aw Smith. Par* QMyeav Me Bin Canyon. DMT, Rio>. in ugle between Cow and North St. VD Creeks, beginning about 1* wOm north of Allent Park Village, Colo. Par; ate Ckann; Homlik*. Thorolare; Strait, be- Uttde in Penobacot Bay, Me. Deer Lick; < r.-ok, La Plata County, Colo. Deer Lodge; County, Mont. (Not Deer- lodge.) D*r Lodge;** Clark Fork. Deerhead; Townehip, Barber Count y, Kan. (Not Deer Head.) Dterlodye; see Deer Lodge. Deerpark; Town, Orange County, > . Y. t Deer Park.) Deerwood; Township and Villa. on County, Minn. (Not Deer Wood.) Defoor; Ferry, across Chattahoochee River, Fulton County, Ga. (Not De- foore'e.) Degonia; Town and Township, Jack- n County, 111. (Not Degognia.) Degrofl; Village, Cayuga County. X. Y. (Not De Groff.) DeiT$; see Deal. Dej&h, Alaska; see Dyea. Dtjah, Alaska; see Taiya. Dekkan; the central region of southern India. (Not Deccan.) Del Norte; Peak, San Juan Mountains, Rio Grande County, Colo. (Not Pin- tada.) Del Norte; see Mesa Mountain. Delagoa; Bay on southeast coast of Africa. (Not Lagoa nor Lorenzo Mar- ques.) Delana; Township, Humboldt County, Iowa. (Not Delano.) Delancey Point; Ledge, Larchmont Harbor, Long Island Sound, West- chester County, N. Y. (Not, Delan- cey 's Point.) Delavan; Township and Village, Fari- bault County, Minn. (Not Delevan.) Delaware; River, Atchison, Brown, and Jefferson Counties, Kans. (Not Grass- hopper.) Delaware Waterg-ap; Borough, Monroe County, Pa. (Not Delaware Water Gap.) Deleon Springs; Town, Volusia County, Fla. (Not De Leon.) Delevan; Village, Colusa County, Cal. (Not Del Evan nor Delavan.) Delhi; City and District in the Punjab, Northern India. (Not Dehli, Delli, nor Dilli.i Delight; Uke, east of McCarty Glacier, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Dell; Creek, Lincoln County, Wyo. (Not Hamilton.) Dellroy; Village, Carroll County, Ohio. (Not Dell Roy nor Delroy.) Delnazini; Spring, San Juan County, N. Mex. (Not Del nazini nor Tiz- nat-zin.) Delonde; Creek, sees. 2 and 3, T. 1 S., R. 73 W., Boulder County, Colo. (Not DeLonde, Magloire DeLande, nor Magloire DeLonde.) Delray; Village, Wayne County, Mich. (Not Del Rey, Delrey, nor Delrey Junc- tion. Delroy; see Dellroy. ^Demarcation; Bay, west of Demarca- tion Point, about long. 141 15 7 W., Arctic Coast of Alaska. (Not Beauford nor Beaufort.) Deming; Glacier, southwestern slope Mount Baker, Whatcom County, Wash. (Not Glacier Creek.) Demont's; see Dochet. Denison; Township, Luzerne County, Pa. (Not Dennison.) Dennis; see Dean. Densford; Post Light, Mississippi River, Tipton County, Tenn. (Not Dens- ford's.) Dentsville; Town, Charles County, Md. (Not Dents.) Denzig; see Balkash. Depere; see De Pere. Deranof ; Island, western end of Afognak Strait, Alaska. (Not Dearborn nor Egg.) Deranof; Rock, about 8 feet high, 200 yards southward of Deranof Island, Kupreanof Strait, Alaska. Derby; Wharf, Salem Harbor, Essex County, Mass. (Not Derby's.) D erring; the eastern point of entrance to Derring Harbor, Shelter Island, Suffolk County, N. Y. (Not Derrings'.) Derringer; see Dieringer. Des lies Moluqeus; see Molukka. Des Morts; Des Motts; see Tete de Mort. Des Plaines; River, Cook, Lake, and Will Counties, 111., and Kenosha Coun- ty, Wis.; and Town, Cook County, 111. (Not Desplaines.) 85 Deschutes; National Forest, Klamath County, Oreg. (Not Paulina.) Deschutes; River, heading in Lava Lake near center of T. 19 S., R. 8. E., Crook County, flowing southerly then north- easterly into Columbia River, Oreg. (Includes West Fork.) Deschutes; River, Thurston County, Wash. (Not De Chute.) Desdemona; Village, Eastland County, Tex. (Not Desdemonia.) Desert; Mountain, Juab County, Utah. Desert Facade; Cliff, Coconino County, Ariz. Desha; Canyon and Creek, near long 110 50 7 , entering San Juan River Canyon from south side San Juan River, north- east base of Navajo Mountain, 5 miles west of Piute Canyon, San Juan County, Utah. Deshler; see Harbor. Desmet; see De Smet. Desota; see De Sota. Despair; Mountain, Flathead County. Mont. Despodo Dagh; see Rhodope. Desterro; see Florianopolis. Detached; Glacier, western shore Harri- man Fiord, at northeastern margin of Surprise Glacier, near lat. 61 05', long. 148 27', Prince William Sound, Alaska. Detroit; Mountains, Juab County, Utah. Deuce; Island, in Khaz Bay, north of Ramp Island, Chicagof Island, Alaska. (Not Bald Head.) Deva Temple; Peak, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Devall Bluff; see De Vails Bluff. Devastation; see Pogromni. Devenport; Creek and Village, Warren County, Tenn. (Not Davenport.) Devil; Peak, Mariposa County, Cal. (Not Devil's nor Signal.) Devil; Peak, near southern end Spring Mountain, Clark County, Nev. (Not Big Devil, Diablo Grande, Lookout, nor Mount Diablo.) Devil; see Tumalt. Devil Water; see Devilwater. v, Of TH. , U. Cfty, Iowa. - _ ^. Don; Rork formation In c. 20, T s K UK. Kern County. al. ^Qa Elbow; Port Light, near Pabtka 8C JdUM River. K Pt Rir. Frfwi Md >- Coonttei (Not DwU' Elbow.) Dm/'* Mono* County, N. Y. (Not Devil's * ) Drito Pulpit; Rock, WhitrfuOl Nwrowa, County, N. Y. (Not Dev- Dail'i SlUt; Tunalt. D^ib Wharf; Po* U^t, Connecticut Rim, Middlwex County, Conn. (Not D^U't Whuf.) Dvvilwaur. Cw*k, flowing northeast- erly thromch north half o( T. 28 8., R. 19 E., Kn County, Cml. (Not Devil Wat DOT* Pood. Hrulol County, Ma. Davob.) Dumy; Mt Daan. Dvvitt; Railroad Station, Carroll County, Mo. (NotDeWr Dvitt Bar. Port Light, Ohi< County, Ohio. (Not De WittV ^ DMA; lifladland, McKinley County, N MM. (NotTwah.) Diablo; Peak, wvtara ride Nuka Bay, Diablo; Ran o< Mountain, in California, lUodinc from Carqninet Strait south- cart lo AntolofM Valley in northweat , " i- ... , Mont Diablo, Rang* nor Siena del MOM* Diablo.) aM Devil. GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. DUna Temple; Mesa, near Mescalero Point, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, CoconinoCounty.Ariz. (NotNoMan's Diartikr, City and District, Asiatic Tur- key (Not Diarbekir nor Kara Amid.) Diaa; Creek and Village, Cape May County, N.J. (Not Dyers.) Diaz; see Big Cottonwood. Dibbloo; Point, about 6 miles east Rainier, Columbia County, Oreg. (Not Dibblees.) Dico; Head, Castine Harbor, Hancock County, Me. (Not Dice's.) Wdr.-seeDix. Dickey, Lake and River.Clallam < minty, Wash.. (Not Dickodochtedar.) Didh'iwon; see Thumb. Dick*; see A venal. DidU; Diek'i; see Dix. Dickson; Gulch, head of South Creek, and Pass, between heads of Recapture Creek and South Creek, San Juan County, Utah. Dickson City; Borough, Lackawanna County, Pa. (Not Dickson.) Diddell; Railroad Station, Dutchess County, N. Y. (Not Didell.) Didi; Point, northern shore East Bay, about longitude 86 31', Bay County, Fla. (NotPiney.) Dieringer; Village, Pierce County.Wash. (Not Derringer.) Difficulty, Creek, Ouray County, Colo. Digwood; Swamp, about half mile be- low Wakefield Wharf, Westmoreland County. Va. (Not Dogwood.) Dike; Ridge, Hinadale County, Colo. Dillard; Wharf, opposite mouth of Chick- ahominy River, James River, Vu. Dollard's.) Dillard; Dillard Mill; see Indian. Dille; Bottom and Village, Belmont County, Ohio. (Not Dillie, Billies, Dillon's, nor Dilly's.) Dillen; Village, Jefferson County, N. Y. 1'illin.) Dilles Bottom; Village, Belmont County, Ohio. (Not lull.-, Dille's, Iilli.-. Dilli.^. nor Dilly's.) Dillingham Hill; Ridge, northeast of North Anhurn Village, Minot Town, Androscoggin County. M.- N'ot Maple 11.11 REPORT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. County, 87 Dimondale; Village, Eaton Mich. (Not Diamondale.) Dinglestadt; Glacier, western slope Kenai Mountains, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Dinne; Mesa, west of Carrizo Mountains, Apache County, Ariz. Dinsmore; see San Ysidro. Dinwiddie; see Dinwoody. Dinwoody; Creek and Lakes, Fremont County, Wyo. (Not Campbells Fork Dinwiddie, nor Dinwoodie.) Dippy; Island, southeast of Port Island, Ogden Passage, Chicagof Island, Alaska. Dirickson; Creek, Sussex County, Del. (Not Herring nor Williams.) Dirt; see Mud. Dirty; Glacier, eastern shore of Harriman Fiord at its head, near lat. 60 55', long. 148 25', Prince William Sound, Alaska. Disappointment; Cape at mouth of Co- lumbia River, Wash. On the 6th of July, 1778, Meares, in the ship Nootka, arrived off the cape and found that a "prodigious easterly swell rolled on the shore," and he had soundings in 16 fathoms over a hard, sandy bottom. "After we had rounded the promontory, a large bay, as we had imagined, opened to our view, that bore a very promising appearance and into which we steered, with every encouraging expectation. As we steered into the bay the water shoaled to 9, 8, and 7 fathoms, where breakers were seen right ahead, and from the masthead they were observed to extend across the bay. We therefore hauled out." The name Cape Disap- pointment was given to the promontory. It was called Cape Hancock by Gray in 1792. He changed this name to Cape Disappointment upon hearing that Meares had so named it. Cape Disap- pointment retained by Vancouver, by Belcher in 1839, and by Ex. Ex. in 1841. Duflot de Mofras, 1844, calls it Cape San Roque or Disappointment. It was called Cape Hancock or Disappoint- ment at the first examination of the en- trance to the river, in 1850, and the name Hancock subsequently in a sec- ondary manner in the Lighthouse List, but the name Disappointment is that used on the official charts and by all navigators. Pacific Coast Pilot, 1889. p. 456. Discovery Bay; see Snug. Discovery; Point, southern side entrance to Snug Harbor, eastern coast of Knight Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Dishroon; Post Light, Mississippi River, Tensas Parish, La. (Not Dishroon's.) Dishwater Pond; see Mirror. Disk; Island, most southerly one of the three in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Divide; see Center. Divide; see Traverse. Dividend; see Dividing. Dividing; Creek, Northumberland Coun- ty, Va. (Not Dividend.) Dividing; see La Trappe. Dix; Point, western side Goose Cove, Mount Desert Island, Hancock County, Me. (Not Dix's, Nutter, nor Nutter's.) Dix; Point, St. Marys River, Mich. (Not Dix's.) Dix; River, Boyle, Garrard, Lincoln, Mercer, and Rockcastle Counties, Ky. (Not Dick, Dick's, Dicks, nor Dyck's.) Dix; Dix's; see Nutter. Dix; see Swinburne. Dix's; see Dix. Dixon; Glacier, western slope Kenai Mountains, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Dlo; Village, 2 miles northwest of Meu- denhall, Simpson County, Miss. (Not De-Laux, De-Lieu, D'Lo, DeLoach, Dlow, DLow.) Dlow; DLow; see Dlo. Djask; see Jask. Dneiper; River, southern Russia, tribu- tary to the Black Sea. (Not Dniepr nor Dnyepr.) Dneister; River, southern Russia, tribu- tary to the Black Sea. (Not Dniestr nor Dnyestr.) Doag; see Dogue. Doane; Point, and Lake, Willamette River near Willbridge, Multnomah County, Oreg. (Not Doanes.) Dobbs Ferry; Village, on Hudson River, Westchester County, N. Y. (Not Dobb's Ferry.) Dobelbower Landing; Post Light, Columbia River, Columbia Ccunty, Oreg. (Not Dobelbower's.) - OF THE County, M )*S aB1 Villas*. Dtckena County, Tex. (Not Dorkum Ran- (land. lo *nd "**>' on CMrt Mftr Point Barrow and ! ar, Northern Alaska. (Not Riwc. llwcaUne County, low*. (Not Dr. Mr- eeBroward seeDodr Dodf* 0T. City. Ford County, Kans. (Net Dodge > Diflisjjar Light and Point, at entrance to Budd Inlet, Pnget Sound, Thunton (Net Dofflemyer's.) Va. t Ihllarvl M Donaldwn Point on couth bank of James Rim. below Cbickahominy Sonvy County, Va (Not Doller's nor Dulkr'a.) Ubwty; Koyuktolik. Ctwk, Fairfax County, (Not Doif .) Creek, wertern side Rim, Cnarie. County, lid. (Hot BOWWUM, Dolly Boamans, Fen- vW-k. nor Fenwika.) DoOy VanUn; Creek, branch of Middle Pork Pktkend River, Flaihead County, Mountain. Doloret County, Colo. (Not Dunn* Peak) Doioree; River, Meea, Montexuma, Men*inii. and San Miguel Counties, Colo , aai Grand County, Utah. PottOM. Railroad Station, Cook County, Dl. < Xot Dalton nor Dolton't Station.) DOOM; Cmnyon, Howe Range, Millard Ototy, Utah. l>eMc, Cal.; aw Balloon Dome. u& Everett. Creek, heading near Joa- <|in Rrk*. draining toutheartern arm ol Raved Valley, and emptying into SnnJeaqnin Valley ,Freno County, Cal . H Dnejiahaii Republic. STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. -Dominican Republic; West Indian Republic, on the island of Haiti. (Not Dominica, St. Domingo, San Domingo, nor Santo Domingo.) Domke; Creek, Lake, and Mountain, ,. hl ., all ,-uuuty, Wash. (Not Crane, Dumkie, Dumpky, nor Round.) Dona. Ann; County, Precinct, and Vil- lage, N. Mex. (Not Dona Ana n..r Donna Ana.) Donalda; Town, and Township, Abbe- ville County, S. C. (Not Donaldsville.) Donaldaon; Creek, Caldwell County, Ky. (Not Dollareon, Dollison, nor Donalson.) Dimavan; see Donivan. Donets; River, the principal affluent of the Don, southern Russia. (Not Donets nor Donez.) Donivan; Creek, tributary to Tombigbee River, Itawamba and Prentiss Coun- ties, Miss. (Not Donavan, Donnivan, Dunavan, nor Meadow.) Donnaha; Railroad Station, !-'->rsyth County, N. C. (Not Donnoha.) Donniron; see Donivan. Donoho Battery; see Fishing Battery. Donohoe; Railroad Station, Westmore- land County, Pa. (Not Donahoe nor Donohue.) Doolth; Mountain, northwest of Klag Bay, about midway between bay and Ogden Passage, Chichagof Island, Alaska. (Not Dulth.) Doornit; see Tournay. Dora; Reef, 1J miles southwest by south from Nagahut Rocks, Alaska. Doran; Mountain, prominent summit south of _ Point Doran, Port Wells, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Doran; Point, Port Wells, Prince Will- iam Sound, Alaska. Dorrance; Township, Luzerne County, Pa. Dorrity; see Dougherty. Dorrity, Creek and Post Light, Missis- sippi River, Scott County, Mo. Dorrity's.) Doraeya; Creek, Anne Arundel County, Md. (Not College, Dorsey, Doreey's, nor Graveyard.) Dortch; see Chaol. Doe Cabezae; Peaks, Cochise County, Ariz. (Not Dos Cabezos.) KEPOET OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 89 Dosped Dagh; see Rhodope. Dossett; Village, Anderson County, Tenn. (Not Dosset nor Dossetts.) Dot Klish; Canyon, between lat. 36, long. 110 and lat. 36 3(K, long. 111, Coconino and Navajo Counties, Ariz. (Not Blue, Boo-koo-dot-klish, nor Boko-hodotlish.) Double; Cove, north shore of Khaz Bay, Chichagof Island, AMska. (Not Por- tage.) Double; Mountain, Flathead County, Mont. * Dougherty; Coulee, branch of Wild Horse Creek, Yellowstone County, Mont. (Not Dorrity.) Dougherty; Township, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa. (Not Daugherty.) Douglas; Bay, indenting south coast of Kupreanof Island, Sumner Strait, Southeastern Alaska. (Not Douglass.) Douglas; Island, just north of Deer Is- land, St. Lawrence River, Jefferson County, N. Y. (Not Picnic.) Douglas; Mountain, near Cape Douglas, Alaska. Douglas; Reef, northwestern part Sheli- kof Strait, 5J miles southward from Cape Douglas, Alaska. (Not Beaver, Bobrof, Bobrovoi, Bobrow, Bohrow, nor Sea Otter.) Douglas; Town and Village, Worcester County, Mass. (Not Douglass.) Douglas; Township, Stafford County, Kans. (Not Douglass.) Douglas; see President. Douro; River of Spain and Portugal. (Not Duero.) Dove; see Yonoha. Dover; see Canal Dover. Doves; Cove, in Bush River, Harford County, Md. (Not Dove nor Dove's.) Dovre; Township, Kandiyohi County, Minn. (Not Dowe.) Downey; Lake, Highland Township, Oakland County, Mich. (Not Haskin nor Haskins.) Downing; Creek, Gilmer County, Ga. (Not Dowing.) Downing, Minn.; see Blackhawk. Downing, N. Y.; see Randall. Dox Castle; Peak, near the mouth of Shinumo Creek, Coconino County, Ariz. Dragon; Creek, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. (Not East Fork.) Dragon Head; Butte, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Dragoon; Dragoon Fork; see Sycamore. Dragston; Town, Cumberland County, N. J. (Not Dragstown.) Drakes; Point, between Putnams Peak and Vacaville, Solano County, Cal. (Not Drakes Peak.) Drakesville; Town and Township, Davis County, Iowa. (Not Drakeville.) Drayton; Island, Lake George, north- eastern Florida. (Not Rembert.) Drew Chute; Poet Lights, Mississippi River, near Burlington, Iowa. (Not Drew's.) Drewry; Bluff, James River, Chester- field County, Va. (Not Drury's.) Drewry Bluff; Village, Chesterfield County, Va. (Not Drewry 's Bluff.) Dripping; Spring, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Drisco; Shoal, in Green Bay, Delta County, Wis. (Not Drisco's.) Drontheim; see Trondhjem. Drover's; see Baggers. Drum; Gulch, Yellowstone County, Mont. Drumming; Creek, branch of Lodgepole Creek, Flathead County, Mont. Drummond; Creek and Light, St. Johns River, near Jacksonville, Fla. (Not Drummond 's.) Drummond; Island, northern part of Lake Huron, Mich. (Not Drum- mond's.) Drummond; see Garnet. Drummond Plateau; lower ridge or ter- race, extending northeast from Monte- zuma Point, Coconino County, Ariz. Drummondtown; see Accomac. Dry Anglais; Dry Anglaise; see Dry Au- glaize. Dry; Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska. Dry; Wash, heading at southern base Mount Linnaeus and draining south into Butler Canyon, San Juan County, Utah. Dry Auglaize; Creek, Camden and clede Counties, Mo. (Not Dry Anglais nor Dry Anglaise.) , Of IB. ~ Aiwyo H-do; Ltoda; Tumey Omkk U-- cCr. O-k. ruing in north- part Twp. IS 8., Rai*e*E, and to*!* Docthwo* toCUarCwek, Grant Cowiy.Oraf. (Not 0.) Dry0M*MGrandgtaise. frfMfc *** Dry PM^ Patr*. between Koeciusko {.bod tad Prince ol WOw Island, - fro. El Canitan to 8hkan AUk* . brmncb * Green Rlver UM wwt in T. 28 N . Lincoln Oooty, Wyo. (Sot Feather nor Dry Point, see Dead Point. Dry Rom*; sse Boner Shoal. Dryad; Creek, email branch of Middle Fork Flathead River, Flathead County, v Ifcjjsii. Pon Light, Mississippi River, near Grand Tower, Jackson County, 111. Drydw'a.) Drynob; Town, Laclede County, Mo. Dry knob.) vrt*r,- see Duchesne. D /'(*. see DupUin DM Vw**.' Duquoin. Dahlia; Pond, Cheshire County, N. H. Dubotstown; Borough , Lycoming Coun- IV. (Not On Boistown.) Daehssm; River, from source to junc- tion with Green River, Duchesne and Utota Counties, Utah. (Not Du i: . ,- . ",.. northwest of Winer Point, Mackinac County, Mich. (Not Muscat- loasje nor Wwoer's.) Dwk; Creek. Kent County, Del OtdDu. . DM* Uaadt. in Quoddy Roads. New BrtMwkk. Canada, near East port, Me DM* see lake Valley; Mackinac. DM* Owe, ese Smyrna BOABD. Duckett; Ridge, east of Dry Wash and .outheast of Mount Linnaeus, San Juan County, Utah. Dud; see Fukwok. )uero; see Douro. Magnolia. Duff Bar; Post Light, on Neville Island, Ohio River, 7 miles below Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa. (Not Duff'i Bar.) * _ifW; see Turner. Dug Hill; Village, Putnam County ,Tenn. (Not Dughill.) Dugway; Range, northern continuation of the Thomas Range, Juab and Tooele Counties, Utah. (Not Thomas.) see Jonquierres. Duller' ; see Dollers. ., seeDoolth. Dome; Point, north head of Santa M->- nica Bay, Loe Angeles County, <'al. (Not Duma nor Dumetz.) Dumtie; Dumky; see Domke. Dumplin; Creek and Village, Jefferson County, Tenn. (Not Dumpling.) Dumpling- Bock; Light, in Buzzards Bay off New Bedford, Bristol County, Mass. (Not Round Hill.) Duna; see Dwina. Dunaron; see Donivan. Duncan; Point, Mississippi River, East Baton Rouge Parish, La. (Not Dun- can's.) Duncan; see McLeod. Dunkirk; Town, Calvert County. Md. (Not Smithville.) Dunlap't Island; see Wawatosa. Dunloup; Creek, Fayette and Raleigh Counties, and Village, Fayette < '< unity, \V. Va. (Not Dun Loup, Dunloop, Upper Loop, nor Wiper Loop.) Dunn; Creek, St. Johns River, near Jack- sonville, Duval County. Fla. (Not Dunn's.) Dunn,- see Crescent; Dunns. Dunns; Peak, jutting into Vaca Valley, on the east side, midway of the valley, Solano County. Cal. (Not Dunn, Parks, nor Smith.) Dunn'*; see < <>i : Dunru; see Dolores. Dunville; Hollow, near Woodford Vil- lage, lloiininjjtoii Cnunty. Vt. (,Not Dunnville.) EEPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 91 Duplain; Town and Township, Clinton County, Mich. (Not Du Plain.) Duquoin; City and Precinct, Perry County, 111. (Not Du Quoin.) Duran; Duran's; Durans; see Durants. Durants; Point, south side Pungo River, opposite Belhaven, Hyde County, N. C. (Not Duran, Duran's, nor Durans.) Durban; Seaport Town of Natal, South Africa. (Not D' Urban nor Port Natal.) Durfee; Post Light, Mississippi River, Monroe County, 111. (Not Durfee's.) Dutch; Creek, La Plata County, Colo. Dutch Lakes; Ponds, at head of Dutch Creek, Flathead County, Mont. Dutton; Canyon, Shinumo quadrangle, Coconino County, Ariz. Dutton; Plateau, and Province, Mc- Kinley County, N. Mex. DuvaU's; see Devalls Bluff. Duwamish; Head, River, and Village near Seattle, King County, Wash. (Not Dwamish.) Duxbury; Point and Reef, coast Marin County, Cal. *Dvina; Gulf and River, northern Russia. (Not Dwina, Duna, nor Northern Dvina.) Dwaas Kill; Creek, Saratoga County, N. Y. (Not D. Waus Kill nor Dwass Kil.) Dyar; Rock, Crater Lake National Park, Klamath County, Oreg. (Not Dyer.) Dwamish, Wash; see Duwamish; Elliott; Washington. Dyck's; see Dix. Dyea; Port of Entry and Town at head of Lynn Canal, Southeastern Alaska. (Not Dayay, Dejah, Taiya, nor Tyya.) Dyer; Island, in Narragansett Bay, R. I. (Not Dyer's.) Dyer; see Dyar. Dyer; see Romanzof. Dyers; see Dias. Dyersville; Town, Dubuque County, Iowa. (Not Dyerville.) Dymer; Light, located at Dymer Creek Flats, Fleets Bay, Lancaster County, Va. (Not Dimer, Dimers, Dimer's, nor Dymer's.) Dysbato; Dysbaton; see Dysvaton. Dysvaton; Islands, lat. 37 40' N., long. 24 58' E., Greece. (Not Dysbato nor Dysbaton.) E E; see Ye. Ead's; see Simmons. Eagan; see Egan. Eagle; Cliff, 750 feet high, Cypress Island, Skagit County, Wash. (Not Bald Peak.) Eagle; Peak, northwest end Tatoosh Range, Mount Rainier National Park, Lewis County, Wash. Eagle; see Wallowa. Eagle; River, flowing into Knik Arm, about 12 miles northeast Anchorage, Alaska. (Not Yukla nor Yuklahitna.) Eagle Cliff; Rocky wall, northern side North Mowich River, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Eagle Craig; Mountain, east of Stikine River, Alaska, near the Alaska-Canada boundary line. (Not Eagle.) Eagle Creek; Village, Overton County, Tenn. (Not Eaglecreek.) Eaglegrove; City and Township, Wright County, Iowa. (Not Eagle Grove Junction.) Eaglehead; Mountain, Flathead, County Mont. East; River, Gunnison County, Colo. (Not Slate.) East; see Cedar Orient. East Amatuli; Island, one of the largest at the eastern end of the Barren Island Group, Alaska. (Not Amatuli.) East Boothbay; Village, Lincoln County, Me. (Not East Booth Bay.) East Branch Chenango; see Sangerfield. East Branch Shepaug; see Bantam; Marshepaug. East Cahaba; see Little Cahaba. East Chenango; see Sangerfield. East Chugach; easternmost of the three Chugach Islands, Alaska. (Not Ulu- gat.) East Douglas; Railroad Station, Wor- cester County, Mass. (Not East Doug- lass.) East Fork; River, tributary to North Fork Kuskokwim River, from east, near its mouth, Alaska. Not Che- dothna.) East Fork; Stream rising in Cascade Mountains, southeastern part T. 26 S., R. 6 E., flowing northeast about 50 miles to Deschutes River, Crook and Klamath Counties, Oreg. OF .. * /br*. Wyo ; * Stockade Beaver E/- MM Little . Blue J>er*o/ !>*. * ***** Mi***. : MM Trout. Batt Oallatin; River, tributary to Gal- Uuo rUvw, Gallaun County, Mont. n*f; MM Geuda Springs. , Creek flowing into Cook _^^Ui.MrlbM* side o? Long- rV w . tn4 trliodlnc nxt irnt* * "" Boulder tad Larimer Counties, Colo. JM Jfartor. MM PUfrr JEM flMMriiff; MM Rock Village. BMt Htlr-*: VUlage, Lewis and Clark County. Mont. (Not EMon nor Prir. ten Bernar- dino County, OU. (Not East High- JEM Oov+JM* MM Uounsfield. JEM lAvmoVrs; MM Lavandera. BMt Hew Market; Election District awl Village, Dorchester County, Md. (Not EM Newmarket nor New Market.) Bart Raaor, Creek, branch of Razor Creek. Yellowstone County, Mont. IBs* ffodJUTT, MM Rockhill 1M Kntr; MM Tung. JEM Semf/UaV MM Shadow. BMt Tintic; Mountains. Juab, Toole, and I' tab Counties, Utah. (Not Tintic Bfc.) Mt Twin; Bay, northern coast Perry Uand. Prince William Sound, Alaska. Ford. Gap, and Township, Transylvania County, N. C., and Creak. Pickeos County. 8. C. (Not Mom; Sea, eM of Asia, between Taiwan Island Md Japan. (Not Ost- Clliiiiiihii Meer. Mer De L'Est, TMfkai,orTgH, MMMaky. Eatem Turtoten; see Hsin Chiang. Baatlake; Town, Jefferson County, Ala. (Not East Lake.) Bastport; Village, Pickett County, T-nn. i Not Spurrier.) Baton; Point, Camden Harbor, Knox County, Me. (Not Easton.) Eaton; see Fish; Niukluk. Batons Neck; Light and Point, Suffolk County. NY. (Not Eaton's Neck.) Euu Claire; City, County, and River in Wisconsin. (Not Clearwater nor Eauclaire.) Bau Pleine; Town, Portage County, Wis. (Not Eau Plaine.) Ebenecook; Harbor, Sheepscot Bay, Lincoln County, Me. (Not Ebeni- cook.) Ebcnaer Station; see Graymont. Eetll; see Ezel. Bcho; Lake, Passaic County, N. J. (Not Macopin.) Bcho; Creek, Lane County, Oreg. Echo; see Calf. Echo Clifls; Rocky Wall south of Cata- ract Creek, Mount Ranier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Echo Bock; Pinnacle, projecting above neve fields west of Carbon Glacier, Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Eckhart Mines; Village, Allegany Coun- ty, Md . (Not Eckart Mines . ) Econijaga; see Egoniaga. Ecorse; River, Township, and \'i!i Wayne County, Mich. (Not Ec< Ecorces, nor River aux Ecorces.) Eden; see Edon. Bdgartown Great; Pond, on Marthas Vineyard, Mass. (Not Herring.) Edgecumbe; see Kruzof. Bdgemont; Township and Village, Delaware County, Pa. (Not Edg- mont.) Edg^water; Railroad Station, Cayuga County. N. Y. (Not Edgwater.) Edina; Village, Hennepin County, Minn. K.lina Mills.) Edion^Railroad Station, Sussex County, (Not Ogden Mine.) Ediaon; Slough, Skagit County, Wash. (Not North Samiah nor Samish.) Edmond; see Edwards. Edmonds; city, Snohomish County, Wash. (Not Edmunds.) REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Edmondson; Mountain, McDowell Coun- ty, N. C. (Not Edmonson nor Ed- mundson.) Edmunds; Glacier, between North and South Mowich Glaciers, western slope Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Edmund's; see Tarrant. Edon; Village, Williams County, Ohio. (Not Eden.) Edwards; C*?ek, Duval County, Fla. (Not Eward's, Samples, nor Starrett's.) Edwards; Point, Galveston Bay, Tex. (Not Edward's.) Edwards; Point, Snohomish County, Wash. (Not Edmond nor Edmunds.) Edwards; Township, Ogemaw County, Mich. (Not Edward.) Edwin; see Kachina. Eelchee; Eelchi; see Khotan. Efate; Island, one of the New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. (Not Sandwich nor Vate.) Egan; Township, Dakota County, Minn. (Not Eagan.) *Egg; Island, near easternmost point of Unalaska, eastern Aleutians, Alaska. (Not Galgalgin, lachnoi, Joitschoi, Kigalgin, Ugalgal, nor Ugalgan.) Egg; see Deranof; Oval. Egg Harbor; City, Atlantic County, N. J. (Not Egg Harbor City.) Egloffstein; Butte, east of Jadito Wash, Navajo County, Ariz. Egoniaga; Creek, Calhoun County, Ala. (Not Davistown nor Econijaga.) Ekaterinburg; Town, in the Ural Moun- tains, Asiatic Russia. (Not lekaterin- bourg, Jekaterinenburg, nor Yekaterin- burg.) Ekuk; Bluff, near Ekuk, Nushagak Bay, Alaska. (Not Eyuk, Cape nor Eyuk Point.) El Capitan; Passage, separating Prince of Wales Island from Kosciusko Island, and extending from Sea Otter Sound to El Capitan, Southeastern Alaska. El Fraile; see Point Fraile. El Hedjas; El Hejas; see Hejaz. El Morro; see Morro. El Paso; City, El Paso County, Tex. (Not Elpaso.) El Pinole; see Pinole. *E1 Reno; City and Township, Canadian County, Okla. (Not Elreno.) 93 El Terremoto de Enmedio; El Terremoto de Guanica; see Enmedio. Elaine Castle; Peak, near the head of Shinumo Creek, Coconino County, Ariz. Elbow; Creek, tributary to South Badger Creek, Teton County, Mont. Elbow; Lake, 4 miles east of mouth of Thunder Bay River, Alpena County, Mich . (Not Carp nor. Crooked . ) Elbow; Lake, at head of South Fork of Nooksak River, Whatcom County Wash. Elbow; Mountain, lat. 48? 11' N., long. 113 07' W., Teton County, Mont. Elbow; Passage, between Klag Bay and Ogden Passage, coast of Chichagof Island, Alaska. Elburz; Mountain in the Caucasus, southern Russia; highest mountain in Europe. (Not Elborus, Elbrooz, nor Elbruz.) Elco; see Elko. Elden; Mountain, Coconino County, Ariz. (Not Elden Mesa nor Mount Elden.) Elden; Township, Dickey County, N. Dak. (Not Eldin.) Elden Mesa; see Elden. Elderado; see Lewisburg. *Elderon; Town and Village, Marathon County, Wis. (Not Eldron.) Eldin; see Elden. Eldon; Lake, arm of Raquette Lake, Hamilton County, N. Y. (Not Eliza- beth nor Ellen.) Eldorado; Mountain (altitude 8,300 feet), SW. i sec. 36, T. 1 S., R. 71 W., 13* miles northeast of Blackhawk on the line between Boulder and Jefferson Counties, Colo. Eldridge; Glacier, southeastern elope Alaska Range, near headwaters Chu- litna River, Alaska. Eldridge Mill; Village, Buckingham County, Va. (Not Eldridges.) Eleanor; Creek, Tuolumne County, Cal. (Not Lake River.) Eleanor; the most northerly island of the three in Prince William Sound, just north of Knight Island, Alaska. Elechee; see Khotan. Electric; Peak, Sangre de Cristo Range, Custer and Saguache Counties, Colo. entrance Columbia PW Moray j the westernmost of lalandi, Abska .-, Town, Elizabeth Town.) eel'-inrhni ; Village, Columbia County Elk <>k U Plata County, Colo. Bk: Hllk. rang* atax* wholly include JOt- ew Bnlkboe; Carelev; Castle; Elk Elk City; < ity, Montgomery County, KM Elk Fall* Ik County, Kans (Not Klk: Elk Point; < ity and Towmhip County. 8. I> Ikpoint.) Ukaaatchee; Cnek, Cooea and Talla- poo* Countiw. Ala (Not Klkehat- :.. tl ' - : } ' dalhilk. Noble County, Ind. ttan. tee Elknart Lake. Bkhart Lake; Village, Sheboygan County, Wia. (Not Elkhart nor Elk- Uh, see Elkhart Lake. IltUa, extending northwesterly .T UN.,R.25W.,S.B.M.,San LukObbpo County, Cal. Okhom; Peak, Jefienon County, Mont. (Hot Baldy, Big Baldy, nor Elkhorn Plrfcfifn Orore; Town and Township, Carroll County, III. (Not Elk Horn , from southeast corner of ; 25 W., northwesterly aero* r,W.,S.B.M.;T.32S., M 1 ,.M, ( andT.32S. ) i: ' * T Ql ; SM Yerimo. Xrrol; Islaad. southerly continuation of the Cttandeleur Islands, La. (Not Oimnd Gosisr.) Irria; Tnwnsk-ip, Howard County, Ind. (XotErwin.) Bracrua; principal city of Armenia. Asiatic Turkey. (Not Anroom.) Bifek4i|e; Mountain chain between Bohemia and Saxony, Germany. (Not En, Er*Gebu|e, nor Enegeberge.) City and Township, Jewell County, Kans. (NotEzbon.) Bscalan'te; Butte, Vishnu quadrangle, Coconino County, Ariz. Etcaui; see ScheMt Bschscholtz; Bay, Kotzebue Sound, Northern Alaska. (Not Escholtz.) Et-cim-en-zeen; see Eskimenzin. Bshamr, Bay, western side of Knight leland Passage, short distance north o! Point Nowell, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska . (Not Eshamey.) Ettimcnzen; Eskimenzene; seel tin. Bskimenzin; Spring, 10 miles east Winkelman, Final County, Ariz. (Not Es-cim-en-zeen, Eskimenzen, nor Es- kiminzene.) Etpana; see Spain. Espejo; Spring, Coconino County, An Bspina; Hill, Nye County, N>v. (Not Sugarloaf.) . Etpirito Santo; see English. Enex Branch; see Danvere. Estaboga; Creek, District, and Town, Talladega County, Ala. (Not Easta- boga.) Ettatee; Ettatoe; see Eastatoe. Estero; Bay, Point, and River, 8an Luis Obispo County, Cal. (Not Esteros nor Estros.) Estero; Pass, between the mainland and northwest end Estero Island, Lee County, Florida. (Not Matanzas.) Bates Cone; Mountain, in sec. 21, T. 4 N., R. 73 W., H miles northwest Longs Peak Village, Larimer County, Colo. Eitevan; see Stephen Aisle. Esther; Point, southwestern part Esther Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Esther; Rock, in Port Wells, about a mile west of Point Esther, Prince Wil- liam Sound, Alaska. Esty; Glen, north of Ithaca, N. Y. (Not Estey.) Etchepuk; River, tributary to Fish Hiver from the east, entering stream short distance north of the canyon, Alaska. Ethan'i; see Willey. Etna; Town and Township, Siskiyou County, Cal. (Not Etna Mills.) Etolin; Island, south of Kupreanof Island, Alexander Archipealgo, Alaska. (Not Etoline.) REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 97 Etorofu; Etoropu; see Yetorofu. Etowah; River, Dawson and Lumpkin Counties, Ga. (Not Etawi, Etowa, nor High tower.) Ettrain; Creek, tributary to Nation River, International boundary (be- tween Alaska amd Canada). Eucebia; see Uceba. Euharlee; Creek, Polk and Bartow Counties, Ga., and Town, Bartow County, Ga. (Not Euharley.) Eunice; Lake, in cirque at head of Mead- ow Creek, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Eureka; Channel, on the east side of Cor- dova Bay, Southeastern Alaska, be- tween Barrier Islands and Prince of Wales Island. (Not Eureka Pass.) Eureka; see Wayanda. Eureka Pass; see Eureka. *Eva; Point at the entrance to Rudyerd Bay, Behm Canal, Southeastern Alaska (Not Slide.) Evans Cross Roads; see Timberridge. Evans Landing; Post Light, Ohio River, and Town, Harrison County, Ind. (Not Evan's Landing.) Everest; Peak in the Himalaya Moun- tains; highest peak in the world. (Not Gaurisankar.) Everett; Mountain, Mount Washington Town, Berkshire County, Mass. (Not Bald Dome, Taughanuc, nor Washing- ton.) Evolution Amphitheater; the head of Copper Canyon, at the lower end of Granite Gorge, Coconino County, Ariz. Ewia; Island in the Aegean Sea and a Province of Greece. (Not Eubosa.) Ewan; Town, Gloucester County, N. J. (Not Ewan's Mills.) Edward's; see Edwards. Excalibur; a sharp, thin ridge of rock, 400 feet high, east side of Shinumo Creek, Coconino County, Ariz. Excelsior; Glacier, east of Seward, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Explorers Monument; Butte, south point of Marcos Terrace, Coconino County, Ariz. (Not Marcos Monu- ment.) 4704916 7 Eyak; Lake and native village, at western edge of the Copper River Delta, Alaska. (NotEyack, Eyuk, Ighiak, nor Ikbiak.) Eyuk; see Ekuk. Ezbon; see Esbon. Ezel; Village, Morgan County, Ky. (Not Ecell nor Ezell.) F. Fackler; Railroad Station, Jackson County, Ala. (Not Flackler.) Factory; Creek, Lawrence and Wayne Counties, Tenn. (Not Factor's nor Factory's.) Fadeyef; one of the New Siberian Is- lands, Arctic Ocean, (Not Faddeefski, Faddeyeff, Faddeyevskii,Faddyeevski, Fadejevskoi, Fadejef, Fadievskpi, Fad- jejew, Fadyeevskoi, Fadyeyef, nor Thaddeus.) Fadievskoi; Fadjejew; Fadyeevskoi; Fadye- yef; see Fadeyef. Faero; Faeroe; see Faroe. Fairbank; Town and Township, Sulli- van County, Ind. (Not Fairbanks.) Fairchild; Mountain, Front Range, Lari- mer County, Colo. Fairchilds; Chute, Creek, and Island Xo. 114, Mississippi River, Adams County, Miss. (Not Fairchild's.) Fairfield; see Salmon Falls. Fairgrove; Town and Township, Tuscola County, Mich. (Not Fair Grove.) Fairhaven; Landing, Chesapeake Bay, Anne Arundel County, Md. (Not Fair Haven.) Fairhaven; see Little Sodus. Fairlee; Creek and Town, Kent County, Md. (Not Farley's nor Forley's.) Fairlie; see Hedges. Fairman; Lake, draining west to Quar Creek, a tributary to Kenai Lake from the north, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Fairplay; Town, Park County, ( (Not Fair Play.) Fairport; Village, Lake County, (Not Fairport Harbor.) Fairview; Lake, Pike County, Pa. Big Pond nor Lake Arthur.) Fairxieic; see Ferrell. BEPOBT OF rSITED STATES GEOOEAPHIC BOABD. ew-ern Porto Rico. < Hawkm) Falcon; Cape, Clat*op County. /Not Fal Tillamook.) Falkner, Wand, L* M** 1 Xw Haven Ctu Discovered by the Dutch captain, Adrien Block, in 1614 and named by him " Valcken Ey- Undi" (Falcon laland). This Dutch MM WM corrupted by the English to Fawkner's Wand, Falkner's Island, and Falkland's Island.!*. Kokl't MS. JWt e Hoback. Fall River ,renwood County, Kww. (Not Fallhver.) railing; Glacier. Port Nellie Juan, Priac* William Sound, Alaska. F*U; Bay, about 1 J mile* south of Main Bay and about 4) miles south of en- trance to Port Nellie Juan, lat. 60 31' 20". eafltorn coast of Kenai Peninsula, Fall*; Creek, tributary to Trail Creek from the east, near ita junction with Kenai Lake, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. t False.) FaQa; Creek, Tuolumne County, Cal. i Fall River.) FaOaburfh; Town and Village, Sullivan Coui KaUaburg.) Fala* Bottom; Creek, Lawrence and Butt* CountMn. $. Dak. (Not False bottom.) >'ol CWhK; we Chilkoot. Mai Liftim't Point; see Bombay Hook. Jfunon; see Mission. ase Falucho. Falucho; Past, between Media Luna Reaf on the west, and Corrall Cay and Entnadio Reef on the east, Porto Rico. Faloch, La paaa del Medio o del Falocho, nor Middle Pajaage.) Fancher; Railroad Station, OrleanB County, N.Y. (Not Murray.) Fancy Creek; City, Clay County, Kans. Fancycreek.) Fanduco; Reef, extern side, entraa GuayaniUa Harbor, P. R- Fannie; see BaUey. Fanning; southern point of entrance to Greenport Harbor, Suffolk County, Long Island. (Not Farming's.) Fanthit; see Fantiet. Fantiet; Bay and Town, southern cos of Anam, French Indo-China. Fanthit, Phan-thiet, Phan-Thit, Phan- thit, nor Phan-Tiet.) Faraby; Island, North Landing River, Currituck County, N. C. (Not Fara- by 's.) Farallon; Bay, west side of Tlevak Strait, south of Cayman Point, Alaska. (Not South Bay.) FaraUon; Islands, off San Franciaco Bay, Cal. (Not Marallone, Farallonea, nor Farallones de loe Fraylee.) FariU; Railroad Station, Cherokee Coun- ty, Ala. (Not Fan-ill.) FarUy't; see Fairlee. Farlin; see Voorhees\ille. Farmert Valley; see Fannvale. Farmington; River, Hartford County, Conn. (Not Tunkia.) Fannvale; Town, Hamilton County, Nebr. (Not Farmers Valley.) Farnam; Hill and Railroad Station, Berkshire County, Mass. (Not Farn- ham nor Farnums.) Farnham; Rock, Cape Cod Bay, Ply- mouth County, Mass. Farnwm; see Dark. Faroe; Group of Danish Islands north of Scotland. (Not Faer6, Faeroe, nor Faro.) Fassett; Point, Sinepuxent Bay, Wor- cester County, Md. (Not Fassette nor Henrys.) i Fat than; see Fatahan. Fatahan; City, Kwangtung Province, China. (Not Fat shan.) Fattig; Creek, west of Musselshell, Yel- lowstone County, Mont. (NotThaddy.) Faulkner; Village, Charles County, Md. (Not Lothair.) Faulhur'i; see Falkner. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 99 Fawn; Creek, ^emptying into Arctic Ocean near Return Islands, Northern P" Alaska. Fawn; Creek, about 1 mile long, tribu- tary to the north side of Roaring Fork, sec. 2, T. 3 N., R. 73 W., Boulder County, Colo. Fawn; Island, between Mosman Point and Burnett Inlet, Alaska. Fay; Peak, Mother Mountains, over- looking Spray Park, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Fayerweather; Island, near Bridgeport, Fairfield County, Conn. (Not Fair- weather.) Feather; see Dry Piney. February; Village, Washington County, Tenn. (Not Febuary.) Febvre; see Galena. Felton; see Barker. Fen Lake; a muddy sink on Rainbow Plateau, Coconino County, Ariz. (Not Swampy Lake.) FennsPeak; see Heyburn. Fentress; Village, Norfolk County, Va. (Not Centreville.) Fenwick; Island, mouth of South Edisto River, Colleton County, S. C. (Not Fenwick 's.) Fenwick; Island, Lighthouse, and Shoal, Cape Henlopen, Del. (Not Fen- wick's.) Fernandina Entrance; see St. Marys En- trance. Fernbank; Village, Hamilton County, Ohio. (Not Fern Bank.) Ferrell; Town, Gloucester County, N. J. (Not Fairview.) Ferro, Mont.; see Kenvil. Ferry; see Caddo, La., and Tex.; Hurst, Md.; Railroad Station, Albany County, N. Y. (Not Furabush.) Feuri Spruyt; Creek, Coeymans Town, Albany County, N. Y. (Not Sprayt Kill.) Ferer; Fevre; see Galena. Fickett; see John. Fiddler; Ledge, Fox Island Thorofare, Penobscot Bay, Me. (Not Fidler's.) Field; Point, Long Island Sound, near Greenwich, Fairfield County, Conn. (Not Horse Neck.) Fife; Village, Goochland County, Va. (Not Fife's.) Figarok; see Tigara. Fiji; Group of Islands, South Pacific Ocean. (Not Feejee nor Viti.) Filipinos; see Philippine. Filley; Mountain, Otis Town, Berkshire County, Mass. (Not Tilley.) Finch's; see Tweed. Finch's Island; see Red. Figueredo; Creek, 10 miles east of Fort Defiance, McKinley County, N. Mex. Finderne; Railroad Station, Somerset County, N. J. (Not Findern.) Findley; Township, Allegheny County, Pa. (Not Finley.) Finisterre; Cape, the westernmost head- land of Spain. (Not Finistere.) Finley; Landing and Post Light, Missis- sippi River, near Waupeton, Dubuque County, Iowa. (Not Finley 's.) Finley; Run, Cumberland County, N. J. (Not Gaspers, Slump's, Stretche, nor Stretch's.) Finn; Branch of Little Piney Creek, Dent and Phelps Counties, Mo. (Not Nichols.) Finns; Point, Delaware River, Salem County, N. J. (Not Finn's.) Finski; Bay, and Point on eastern side of same, Glacier Island, Prince Wil- liam Sound, Alaska. Fire; Cove, east of Granite Island, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Firebrand; Pass, Teton County, Mont. Firth; River, flowing into the Arctic Ocean opposite Herschel Island. Yukon, Canada. First; see Fish. Firth; see Malcom. Fir-tree; see Elovoi. Fish; Creek, Lincoln County, Wyo. (Not Fishermans.) Fish; Dock, St. Clair River, St. Clair County, Mich. (Not Fish's.) Fish; Lake, Egan Township, Dakota County, Minn. (Not Thompson.) Fish; see Ocquionis. Fish; Lake, Lincoln County, Wyo. Ellis.) Fish; Point, Tuscola County, 1 (Not First.) IM or GEOOEAPH.C BOABD. th* he* of OoWnin Bey,, Ala*.. (Sot Eaton DorSittkluk.) ss* . Boolder, Siukluk. _ Itat k Meadow; Brook, Androecoggin County. V umminsiwrCuin- Plfth Point; Ledge, Portland Harbor, Me. (Not Fates.) Flfther, Island, lllinosi River, Greene Cooaty. 1U. (Not Fisher's.) nahex-, ItH" 1 . Colombia River about 2 Ues'rat of Mount Solo, Wahkiakum County. Wash (Sot Fishers.) Ftahcr. Villajr. on Columbia River, about 8} " tu " above Vancouver, Clarke OMBty.Wash. (Not F when.) Ftahsx; Township and Village, Polk County. Minn. (Sot Fisher Landing.) ftehcr Ork; ViUage, Hawkins County, Tnn (Sot Fkben ( rek.) nahormaa; Point, right bank of In- dka Rivw, near Melbourne, Brevard Conniy. FU. (Not FkhennanV) Itahormaa; Shoal, lake Michigan, 9 yli-* Mt of Washington Uland, Door County, Wk. (Not Fiahennan'.) fWMrmaa laland; Paage, Penobscot Bay, Me. (Sot Fisherman's Island.) Ttsasmsm; see Fish. /isfcsmsn's Psat- see Whitney. Planer* Island. Long Island Sound, SofWk County l Fisher's.) Platen; Town, Clarke County, Wash. Fisher, Fishers Landing, nor Fishers WUH /ytsra, Asasr's; see Fisher Welch. Plehera Point; Range Lights, Delaware River, near Philadelphia, Pa. (Not Fkbsr's.) Ptabinff Battery. Lighthouse, in Chesa- peake Bay. near entrance to Susque- hanna River. (Not Donoho Battery.) Plfthinf Rock; Point, the western head of Munfard Cove, Fsners Island Sound, loon. (Not Bluff.) Jnehv see Bluff, si* High Rork. * ^ * ese FSB.. Plea*; Botte, northeast of Spencer Ter- iat*. Coconino County, Ariz. Fitter; Landing and Point, River. lasaquena County, M. < r'fl.) Pit; Island, mouth of Hirst Cove, C chigof Island, Alaska, plve-flng-er; Rapids in Lewee [liver, Yukon, Canada. (Not Five Finger.) ftotPwntt; see Richwood. Fka; see Nagaura. FlackUr; see Fackler. Flakier; Town, Marion County, Iowa. (Not Flagler's.) Flaetown; Railroad Station and \ illage, Somerset County, X. J- (Not Flagg- town.) Flagtovm; see Frankfort. Flanagan Mills; Village. Cumbetisad County, Va. (Not Flanagans Mill . ) Flat; Bay, eastern coast, Sakhalin Island, Siberia. (Japanese, Karafuto), lat. 49 W N., long. 144 3^ E. (Not Niz- mennaya nor Nizmennoi.) Flat; Creek, branch of Snake River from the east, T. 40 N., Lincoln County, Wyo. (Xot Little Groe Ventre River.) Flat; Cove, opening from Slocum Arm, indenting southwestern shore of Chi- chagof Island, Alaska. (Not Shoal.) Flat; Mountain, Sandwich Rangn, Car- roll County, N. H. Flat; see Manzanita. Flat Top; Mountain, near boundary be- tween Carton and Sweetwater Counties, Wyo. (Not Table nor Washakie.) Flathead; Indian Reservation, Flathead and Missoula Counties, Mont. (Not Jocko.) Flathead; Lake, northwestern Montana. ..t Pend d'Oreille nor Selish.) Flathead; Mountains, rather low, lying east and northeast of the Cabinet Mountains and having a common boundary' with them from mouth of Little Bitterroot Creek to Jennings; bounded on wet by Kootenai River from Jennings to the International Boundary, and on northeast and east by a zone of depression followed by j > . line of Great Northern Railway from Kalispel to Kootenai River. Alaska, and occupied farther south by Flathead Lake and Flathead River. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 10 1 Flathead; River, Flathead County, Mont., and in Canada. (Not Flathead River, North Fork, nor North Fork Flathead.) Flatrock; Township, Henry County, Ohio. (Not Flat Rock.) Flawhill; see Snow Hill. Flax; see Little Colorado. Flechas; Island and Light, at mouth of Para River, Brazil. (Not Das Frecas, Flexas, Frechas, Fresca, Frescas, I. das Frescas, nor Ilha das Flexas.) Fleet; Point, at mouth of Great Wicomico River, Northumberland County, Va. (Not Fleet's.) Flemming; Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska. (Not Gage.) Flemming; see Hoodoo. Flent; Point, western entrance Colum- bia Bay, Prince William Sound, Alaska. (Not Flint.) Fletcher; Landing, Mississippi River, Mississippi County, Ark. (Not Fletch- er's.) Flett; Glacier, northwestern lobe of Russell Glacier; discharging into Spray Creek, northern slope Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Flexas; see Flechas. Flint; Creek, tributary to Los Pinos River, Hinsdale County, Colo. (Not Flint Fork.) Flint; see Flent. Flint Creek Range; Mountains, bounded on the west by a valley which is occupied by Flint and Trout Creeks, on the north and east by the valley of Clark Fork of the Columbia, and on the south by the depression which contains Georgetown Lake and part of Warm Springs Creek, Granite County, Mont. Florence; see Mount Florence. Florianopolis; Capital, State of Santa Catharina, Brazil. (Not Desterro nor Nossa Senhora do Desterro.) Florida River; stream tributary to Animas River, La Plata County, Colo. (Not Rio Florida.) Flotilla; Lake, lat. 48 04' N., long. 113 23' W., Flathead County, Mont. Flour; Creek, Hancock and Schuyler Counties, 111. (Not Flower.) Flower; see Flour. Flourville; Village, Washington County, Tenn. (Not Floursville.) Fluted Rock; Butte, Navajo Indian Reservation, 10 miles northwest of Fort Defiance, Apache County, Ariz. (Not Zilh-Tusayan.) Flye; Point, Blue Hill Bay, Hancock County, Me. (Not Flye'e.) Flye Point; Ledge, Blue Hill Bay, Han- cock County, Me. (Not Flye's Point.) Flynns Knoll; Shoal, in entrance to New York Harbor. (Not Flynn'e Knoll.) Foggy; see Semidi. Fogleman; Chute and Post Light, Mia- sissippi River, Crittenden County, Ark. (Not Fogleman's.) Foki; see Puki. *Foldal; Township and Village, Marshall County, Minn. (Not Foldahl.) Follet; Follets; see Camp. Folsom; Railroad Station, Atlantic County, N. J. (Not Germantown nor New Germany.) Folsom; Railroad Station, Mills County, Iowa. (Not Henton nor Henton's.) Fond de Humacao; see Port Humacao. Fondulac; Township, Tazewell County, 111. (Not Fond du Lac nor Frontenac.) Fonseca; Bay, on west coast of Nicaragua. (Not Conchagua.) *Foochow; treaty Port, Taiwan Strait, China. (Not Fuchau.) Food; see Agamgik. Foo-kien; see Fukien. Foosee; Fooseeyama; see Fuji. Foot; Creek, Brown County, S. Dak. (Not Foote.) Forbes; Bay, Pasquotank River, Pae- quotank County, N . C. (Not Forbes's. ) Ford; Arm, branch of Slocum Arm, in- denting southwestern shore of Chichagof Island, Alaska. Ford; Butte, 2 miles east of Bennett Peak, San Juan County, N. Mex. *Ford; Village, Dinwiddie County, Va. (Not Fords Depot.) Ford Point; Post Light, Mississippi River, Adams County, Mies. (Not Ford's Point.) Fords Depot; see Ford. Fords Ferry; Post Light and Village, Ohio River, Crittenden County, Ky. (Not Ford's Ferry.) , -, N. H. station.) ^,+ atr, Pwcinct, Sarpy County, Nebr. (Not Forest nor Forrest i .. .Ir*.. ** Forrvt i DMde; WatBbed, between and Sulphur Creek*, south- ,lop Mount Baker, Wnatcom County. Wash. Forest Bills; Village, within the city of Boston, Ma. (Not Forest Hill. > F^estport: Town and Village, Oneida County. NY (Not Forrest Port.) ForestYtll.; Township and Villai- ore Court ForostnUe; Village, Chauttuqua Coun- ty. S Y NH Fomstville.) Forge; Rivw.BrookhavenTown. County, Long Island. Mastic.) fork; Rocks, off north end of Prudence bbad, Xanaganwtt Bay, R. 1 ; : Forbd Toiifw; we Tongue. Fork* we Cbeektowaga. For*, of Littlt Sand,; we Little Sandy. Forb of ITsttr; we Strait Creek. Forfrf V we Fairlee. Formosa; we Taiwan. Forrest City. City. St. Francis County, Ark < Not Forest City nor Forrest.) Forrester, Point, St. Johns River, Put- nam County, Fla. (Not Forrester's.) Fort-. Mountain, lat. 48 12' N., long. US' 'Of W.. Flatbead County, Mont. Fort; Islet, nortbeastsminost of th o Isteods, Alaska. Fort; we Fork. Fort Oslhonn; Township and Village, --' Nebr. (Not Cal- ) we Fort Duchene. Fort Duchene; Military Reservation awl Villafe. Uinu County, Utah. (Not Fort l)u Chnoe.) Fort Hanur, Village. Dauphin County, (Not Rockville.) Fort Myer; Military Post, Alexandria , ltv ,Va. (Not Fort Mey.-r., Fort Myers; Town, Lee County, I /Not Mvers.) Fort Mo'nroe; Elizabeth City Coui Va (Not Fortress Monroe.) ' ruarv 8 1882, the Secretary of War or- dered that the works at Old Point O ">i- fort be called Fort Monroe, and not Fortress Monroe. Fort Becovery; Village, Recovery' Tow -hip. Mercer County, Ohio. (Not covery.) Fort Tatat; see Banjermasin. Fort Wcuhatie; see Washakie. Fort Washington; Point, Hudson Ri York City, N. Y. (Not Jeffrey's Hook.) Fort Wool; Hampton Roads, Va. Rip-Raps.) Fort Wnmgel; see Wrangell. Fortescue; Beach, Creek, Landing, and Neck, Cumberland County, N. J. (N"t Forteeque.) Fortune,- see Klokachef. Forum; see Dark. Foster; Gulch, Carbon County, Mont. Foster; Landing and Town, Ohio River, Bracken County, Ky. (Not Foster's.) Fotttr; see Taku. Fou; Fou Point; see Foux. Foul; Bay, midway between Main Hay and entrance to Port Nellie Juan, lat. 60 34' 20", eastern coast of Kenai Pe- ninsula, Alaska. Foulweather; Cape, Lincoln County. Oreg. Sometimes confused with Ya- quina Head, a different point 6 miles distant to the southward. Four Gables; Peak. Inyo County. Cal. Four Mile; see Fourmile. Fourche Maline; Fork of Poteau River. Latimer and Le Flore Counties. Okla. r Fourche Malene nor Malin.) Fourche a Polite; see Frenchman. Fourmile; Creek, emptying into Beaver Creek, International Boundary (be- tween Alaska and Canada.) Fourmile; Island, northern bank < 'a- looaahatchee River. !.<-. c,,unty. Kb. (Not Four Mi Fourth; Glacier, east of mouth of Russell Fiord. Alaska. (Not Beasley.) EEPOET OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 103 Fourth of July; Creek, eastern shore of Resurrection Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. (Not Godwin River.) Fousi; see Fuji. Foux; Cape, northwestern coast of Haiti. (Not Cap a Foux, Fou, nor Fou Point.) Fowl; Portage, from South Fowl Lake to Pigeon River, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, International Boundary (be- tween Minnesota and Ontario.) Fowler; Lake, about 1$ miles southwest of Kelso, Cowlitz County, Wash. (Not Fowler's.) Fox; Creek, Schoharie County, N. Y. (Not Foxe's.) Fox; Peak, on line between Granite and Ravalli Counties, Mont. Fox, Alaska; see Marble; Renard. Fox, 111.; see Pishtaka. Fox; see Busby. Fox Hole; Creek, Talbot County, Md. (Not Fox's Hole.) Francesville; Town, Pulaski County, Ind. (Not Franesville.) Francis; Island, lying in passage be- tween eastern extremity of Wolfe and western extremity of Grindstone Is- lands, St. Lawrence River, Ontario, Canada. (Not Hickory.) Franciscan; Creek, flowing northeast- erly across SE. i T. 26 S., R. 17 E., Kern County, Cal. Frank; Landing and Post Light, Ohio River, Perry County, Ind. (Not Frank's.) Frank; Ledge, New London Harbor, Conn. (Not Frank's.) Frankfort; Township and Village, Will County, 111. (Not Frankfort Station.) Frankfort; Village, Somerset County, N. J. (Not Flagtown.) Frankfort; see Frankfort on the Oder. Frankfort on the Main; City, Hesse- Nassau, Prussia. (Not Frankfort-on- the-Main, Frankfurt, Frankfurt-am- Main, nor Frankfurt on Main.) Frankfort on the Oder; City, capital of Brandenburg, Prussia. (Not Frankfort, Frankfort-on-the-Oder, Frankfurt, nor Frankfurt-an-der-Oder.) Frankfort-on-the-Main; see Frankfort on the Main. Frankfort-on-the-Oder; see Frankfort on the Oder. Frankfurt; see Frankfort on the Main; Frankfurt on the Oder. Frankfurt on Main; Frankfurt-am- Main; see Frankfort on the Main. Frankfurt-an-der-Oder; see Frankfort on the Oder. Franklin; Town, Lee County, Iowa. (Not Franklin Centre.) Franklin; see Davidson. Franklin Furnace; Railroad Station, Sussex County, N. J. (Not Franklin.) Franklintown; Borough, York County, Pa. (Not Franklin.) Franz Josef Land; a designation com- prehending numerous islands and a supposed mainland in the Arctic Ocean, north of Nova Zembla. (Not Franz- Josef Land.) Fraser; Precinct, River, and Village, Grand County, Colo. (Not Frazier nor Frazer.) Frazer; Valley, partly inclosed in hills south of Frazer Springs and lying mostly in sees. 2 and 3, T. 30 S., R. 21 E., Kern County, Cal. Frazier; Mountain, Ventura County, Cal. (Not Cuddy Peak.) Frazier; Point, Winyah Bay, George- town County, S. C. (Not Frazier's.) Frazier; Frazier's; see Freese. Frechas; see Flechas. Frederic; Village, Polk County, Wia. (Not Frederick.) Frederichstaed; Frederichsted; see Freder- iksted. Frederick; see Frederic. Fredericksted; see Frederiksted. Frederika; Town and Township, Bre- mer County, Iowa. (Not Frederica.) Frederiksted; Town, St. Croix Island, Danish West Indies. (Not Frederich- steed, Frederichsted, Fredericksted, Frederikssted, Frederikstaed, Fried- erichstsed, Friederichstaed, nor Fried- erichsted.) Freds; Islands, in Cobscook River, T cott Town, Washington County, Me. (Not Old Fred's, Tread, nor Tred.) Freeman; Rock, at entrance to Mud I Channel, near Great Wass Island, Wash ington County, Me. (Not Freeman 8 ledge nor Freeman's rock.) Freeman; see Strelok. Freemans; see Buffalo peak. ..POET OF THE UNITED STATES OEOGBAPHIC BOABD * *** Freemantle. ; Wanda, Cbandetour Sound, ft. Bernard Parish, U. (Not Free- Gouty, Ark (Not Wo.) Wand, /Not fader, Fmaier'e, Mr Fraeee's.) umwt Town and Township, Steuben Gouty, lad. (Not Fremount raoh4 Creek, thbuury to Icicle Creek boa OTtfc, Chelan County, Wash. (Mot Sooth Fork Icicle.) rvnah: Hill, Peru Town, Berkshire Gouty, Maa*. (Not French '.) tppi River, Fulton Couty, Ky. (Not French's.) Tumti Camp; Village, Chocuw County, MM. (Not French Camps.) TlMMilimen Creek, Ste. Genevieve Couty, Mo. (Not Fourche a Polite or Polite.) Tleaetimen; Greek, tributary to Repub- lican River, Chaw, Hayes, and Hit- h- cock Couties, Xebr., and Phillips County, Goto. (Not Frenchman's, Frenchman*, North Fork, Whitemans, ^*hit0 MaM, nor White Man's.) Vrwichton; Village, Upahur County, W. Va. (Not Beechtown nor French- ) Fmau. tee Flechat. k-ewl Freja Caatle; Peak, Vishnu quadrangle, Coconino County. Ariz. Friar, Head, Long Island Sound, Suffolk County. N.Y. (Not Friar's.) Friar; Point, Miawaippi River. Coahoma Gouty, Mis*. (Not Friars Point.) ** Freder- eeeTonfa. ; Landinr, Kanawha River, Ka- nawha County, W. Va. (Not Friend's.) Frof; Rock. O R dn Pftssage, Chichngof Island. Alaska. Front; HID, eat* of Mayngues, south nWe of Mayafuet River, wert coast of ! i. Front Range; Mountains, Colorado and Wyoming, including on the north the Laramie Range as far as the crossing of the North Platte River in Wyoming, and on the south, the Pikes Peak Group. (Not Colorado.) Fronlenae,- see Fondulac. Frosen; Lake, sec. 2, T. 3 N., R. 74 W., draining north into Black Lake, Boul- der County, Colo. Frozen; see Cold. Fruttum; see Kit Carson Peak. Pryingpan; Cove, Eastern Neck Island, Kent County, Md. (Not Boxes nor Frying Pan.) Fryingpan; Creek, heading in Frying- pan Glacier, tributary to White River, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Fryingpan; Glacier, discharging into Fryingpan Creek, eastern elope Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Fu Kok; Fu Kuok; see Fukwok. Fu Li; see Fuli. Fu ning; see Funing. Fu ningfu; see Funingfu. Fu Quo*; see Fukwok. Fuco; see Juan de Fuca. Fuchau; see Foochow. Fudgea; Creek, Cabell County, W. Ya. (Not Fudger.) Fudges Creek; Village, Cabell County, W. Va. (Not Fudger.) Fugates. Hill; Village, Russell County, Va. (Not Fugate Hill nor Fugate's Hill.) *Fuji; Mountain (san), Island of Honshu, Japan. (Not Foosee, Fooseeyama, Fousi, Fujiyama, Fuji-no-yama, Fujino- yama, Fuji San, Fuji-Ban, Fujiyama, Fuji-yama, Fuji Yama, Fusi, Fusino- yama Fusi Yama, Fusiyama, Fusiya- ma, nor Fusi-yama.) Fuji San; Fuji-yama; Fuji Yama; see Fuji. Fuia; see Nagaura. Fuiov see Fukaye. Fukaye; Island (jima) and Town, Goto Islands, western coast of Kiushu, Japan. (Not Fukai nor Fukue.) .Futv see Puki. Fukien; Province, China. (Not Foo- kien, Fuhkien, Fuh-kien, nor Fukien.) EEPOBT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOABD. 1Q5 Fukok; see Fukwok. Fukue; see Fukaye. Fukwok; Island, off coast of Cambodia, Gulf of Siam. (Not Co Dud, Co Tron, Dud, Fukok, Fu Kok, Fu Kuok, Fu- kwok, Fu-Quok, Koh Dud, Koh Kwak, Koh Tron, Phukok, Phu Kwak, Phu- quoc, nor Phu Quoc.) Full; City, Tonkin, French Indo-China. (Not Fu-li, Fu li, Phu-li, Phuly, nor Phu Ly.) Fulker; Island and Shoal, Croatan Sound, Dare County, N. C. (Not Fulker 's nor Fulkner's.) Fullen; Fullen's; Fullens; see Chuckey. Fuller; Rock, Providence River, R. I. (Not Fuller's.) Funa; Light and Rock (se), lat. 33 56' N., long. 130 52' E., entrance to Shimono seki Strait, Japan. (Not Funaze nor Toridashi.) Funeral; Mountains, part of Amargosa Range, Inyo County, Cal. Funing; Bay, coast of Fukien Province, China. (Not Fu ning.) Funingfu; City, Fukien Province, China. (Not Fu ning fu.) Funyan; Peninsula, southern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Hope Promon- tory.) Fur Seal; see Pribilof . Furabush; see Feurabush. Furgeson Lane; narrow reach in Ohio River, near St. Marys, Pleasants County,W.Va. (Not Furgeson's Lane.) Furnace; see Wonouskopomuc . Fusi Yama; Fusiyama; see Fuji. Fu-thien; Futhuan; see Hue. Fuyen; Province and Town, Anam, French Indo-China. (Not Fu-yen, Phu- Yen, Phu Yen, Phu-yen, nor Phuyen.) Fuyen; see Xuandai. Fu-yen; see Fuyen. Fyen; Danish Island, Baltic Sea. (Not Fuhnen, Funen, nor Fyn.) G. Gabe Bock; Mountain, Precinct, and Springs, Banner County, Nebr. (Not Gabes Rock nor Gate Rock.) Gabilan; Peak and Range, between Mon- terey and San Benito Counties, and Creek in Monterey County, Cal. (Not Fremont nor Gavilan.) Gabimichigami; Lake, Lake County, Minn. (Not Gobbemichigamme, Gob- bemichigomog, nor Michigamme.) Gable; Creek, heading in Four Gables Peak, a south branch of Pine Creek, draining Round Valley, Inyo County, Cal. Gabon; River, coast of French Kongo, Africa. (Not Gaboon nor Gabun.) Gaffney; City, Cherokee County, S. C. (Not Gaffney City.) Gahara; see Yahara. Gai-Dinh- Thanh; see Saigon. Gaillard; Cut, portion of Panama Canal through the Continental Divide, Isth- mus of Panama. (Not Culebra.) Gain; Island, near entrance to Snug Cove, Gambier Bay, Admiralty Island, South- east Alaska. (Not Cain.) Gaines; Township and Village, Genesee County, Mich. (Not Gaines Station nor Gaines Village.) Gaines Landing; Post Light, Mississippi River, and Village, Chicot County, Ark. (Not Gaines's Landing.) Gaite; see Caete. Gakona; River, tributary to Copper River from the west, Alaska. (Not Gako.) Galahad Point; Headland, east of Shi- numo Creek, Coconino County, Ariz. Galankin; Island, and Group of Islands, Sitka Harbor, Alaska. (Not Peschani nor Sandy.) Galatea; see Ozono. Galatia; Township and Village, Saline County, 111. (Not Gallatia.) Galatz; City, Roumania. (Not Galacz nor Galatch.) Galbraith Springs; Village, Hawkins County, Tenn. (Not Galbraith's Springs.) Galena; River, Jo Daviess County, 111., and Lafayette County, Wis. (Not Febvre, Fever, nor Fevre.) Galena Bay; Settlement, head of Galena Bay, Prince William Sound, Alaska. fialena Chain; Lakes, between Slate and Table Mountains, northeastern slope Mount Baker, Whatcom County, Wash. Gales; Ledge and Point, near Salem, Mass. (Not Gale's.) Galesville; Village, Anne Arunde County, Md. (Not Galloways nor \\ es River.) 106 0, TH. GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Ill I'M IjM ii BH wW ' ^^ in u> M^on Rjv County, 'Moot (Not Wert , Ceylon, Indian (Xi Ptoto t de Point* de I- MeGatovilU- e>e Vanderpool. friBirf Borton Harbor, Suffolk County. Ma (Not Galop, Gallops, Gallup, nor Galop.) Oalop; bland. St. Lawrence River, St. Lawrence Count;. N Y i Not Gallop, Oattoap, Galoup. He aux Galops, Isle an Gallop, nor Me au Galop.) Oanblr, Bay and Island, eastern coast o: Anam. Freodi Indochina. (Not Kara Mr) dembrotm; tee Bandarabbas. Oe;Pa*.c.M.T inn lope Twin Sirten Mountains, Larimer County, Colo. Oamof; Cape, wertern side of Peter the Great Bay, Siberia. (Not Garoov Gaaova, nor Ganoveki.) Oanarfna; Creek, Wayne County, N. Y (Not Ganarfwa. Gnargwa, nor Mud.) i; Islet (somn), tet. 34 Zo 7 N., 1IT M' E . southern coast of m< Korea). (Not Bed well.) Gm en tM, ee Sukhodol. eovta ebore of Cape Cod, Ma. (Not Genet nor Gurnet.) Olejr, Villefe, Buffalo County, 8. (Not Gann Valley.) . Town and Township, Sequoyab County. OkU. (Not Gann.) Gerfcr; see Jarre. Oareea. MOSM, Coconino County, Ariz. *-rrae; Spur of lower :. weet from Powell Plateau, Dak. Cocoateo Count > County, Ariz. 27, T. 100 n., ^ 3 ^ V -' ,, e ' Woods, Minn. (Not Cornfield.) Garden City; Finney County, Kan (Not Garden.) Garden Plain; City, Sedgwick County, Katw. (Not Gardenplain.) wdentu: see Cardenas. arSnera; Bay, Island, and Point, east end of Long Island, Suffolk County, N. Y. (Not Gardner's.) Gardiner'*; see Gardner. Gardner; Lake, East Machias. Mai on, and Whiting Towns, Washington Coun- ty, Mo. (Not Gardiner's, Gardners, nor Gardner's.) Oareloi; Island, middle Aleutians, Alaska. (Not Burnt nor Gorely.) Corey; see Carey. Garfleld; Lake, Monterey Town, Berk- shire County, Mass. (Not Brewer.) Garfield; BOO Guilford. Gariep; see Vaal. Garnet; Canyon, opening into Granite Gorge, 2 miles west of Evolution Amphi- theater, Coconino County, Ariz. Garnet; Range, between Blackfoot and Clark Fork Rivers, in Granite, Mi.-- soula, and Powell Counties, Mont. (Not Blackfoot nor Drummond.) Garnet; Ridge, long. 109 40 7 , Apa<-h- County, Ariz., and San Juan County, Utah. Garnet; see Gannet. Garoga; Hamlet, Ephratah Town. Ful- ton County, N. Y. (Not Garoga Ham- let.) Garoga; see Caroga. Garrett; Hill, Middletown Township, M'.nmn-.ith County, N. J. (Not Garret nor Garrett '.) Garrett; Island, at mouth of Susquehun- na. River, a*d Ire COMUM, Cal. cOooty, I (8MB wMMWWM.) i*deof en- Bay Raw, Alpe Cmy, Mira (XotGflrhrittY) :. [nd. (NotGillman-) Creek, Ohio CountyAW. \a :.:'.. ---- ..Clay Oaty, Iowa. (Not Gillett's.) Gfflette; Railroad Station, Morris County X.J. (NotGitette.) Offliortl; Township, Wabashft C Minn. (Not Guilford.) QflUam; Ly~^'"g, Mississippi River, Jef- fcnoB County, Miss. (NotGilliam's.) Gillie; Creek, Henrico County, Va. O^nore; Creek and Town, Wolfe County Ky. vXo* Gilmore.) Oflmanton;"Town and Village, Buffalo County, Wi* (Not Gilmantown.) Gflmore; Railroad Station, Allegany County, Md. (Not Midland Junction nor Tannery.) Gfltner: Railroad Station, Hamilton County, Xebr. (Not Bromfield.) Gizin; see Kirin. Gwca^a; see Gijiginsk. Gutc; seeGneas. Glacier; Gorge, draining north from the west aide of Longs Peak, Boulder and Larimer Counties, Colo. Glacier; Peak, on rim of Crater Lake, Oreg. (Xot Maxwell nor Shag.) Glacier, Cal.; see Johnson. Glacier, Colo.; see Mount Wilson. Glacier; see Placer. Glacier Brook; see Snow. Glacier laland; Rocks, between South Tahoma and Tahoma Glaciers, Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Glacier Wall; Cliff, northern side Mc- Donald Creek, below the bend, Flat- head County, Mont. Olafifranaii; see Glazypeau. Gladstone; Village, Henderson County, 111. (Xot Gladston.) Gisttc;- see Grandglaise; Grandglaize. Gltuby: see Gilleapie. Glaaacoek; leland and Towhead, Missis- sippi River, Adams County, Mias. Glawcock's.) *fflat*nbury; Town, Bennington County, Vt. (Not Glaatonbury.) EEPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOAED. 109 Glastonbury; Town, Hartford County. Conn. (Not Glastenbury.) Glaucophane: Ridge, separating Little Panoche and Panache Valleys, ex- tending from foot of main range at Vasquez Creek to southwest corner Panoche Hills. San Benito County, Cal. Glare; see Kelaall. Glaze: Township, Miller County. Mo. (Not Anglaise.) Glaze; see Grandglaise; Grandglaize, Glazier; see Elk. Glazier Pole; Glazier peau; see Glazypean . *Glazypeau; Creek, a branch of the Ouachita, and Mountain, Garland County, Ark. (Not Gladerpean, Glazier Pole, Glazierpeau. Glazy Pole, Glazypole, nor Glazypool.) Glazy Pole; Glazypole; Glazypool; see Glazypeau. Glen; see Center. den Eyrie; Canyon, and Stream flowing into it, and Locality, El Paso County, Colo. (Not Gleneyrie.) Glen Grouse; City, Gowfcy County, Kans. (Not Glengrouae.) Glen OAorne; see Osborne. Glencaiiyn; Railroad Station, Alexan- dria County, Va. (Not Cartin, CarKn Spring Station, nor Carlin's.) Glendale; Township and Village, Scott County, Minn. (Not Glendale.) Glendomr; see Shandon. Glenhaven: Town and Village, Grant County. WIs. (Not Glen Haven.) Glenmont; Railroad Station, Bethle- hem Town, Albany County, N. Y. (Not The Abbey.) Glenn; Rocks, Ohio River, near Martins- ville, Weteel County, W. Va. (Not Glenn's Rocks.) denndale; Railroad Station, Prince Georges County, Md. (Not Glenn Dale.) Glenns; Run, Ohio County, W. Va. (Not Glen's.) Glenns Bun; Village, Ohio County, W. Va. (Not Glens Run.) Glenatborne; see Osborne. Glenotburn; see Osborne. Glenpark; Railroad Station, Lake County, Ind. (Not Kelley.) Glenview; Railroad Station. Morris County, N. J. (Not Whitehall nor Whitehall Station.; Glenwood; Canyon, Grand River, at Glenwood Springs, Garfield County, Colo. (Not Grand River.) Gloubotoe; see Deep. Gloucester; Harbor. Easex County, Mas. Not Cape Ann.) Gbitpie; see Gillespie. Gaadenhntten; Village. TuacarawM County, Ohio. (Not Gnaden'n.) Gnarywa; see Ganargna. GnoBcm; Township, St. Louis County, Minn. (Not Gueaen.) Goat; Creek, draining Goat Lake, west of Mount Wow, and tributary to KM- qnally River, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Goat; Island, western end Sukkwan Strait, between North and South Fame, near lat. 55 12*; long. 132 W, Alex- ander Archipelago, Southeastern Alaska. (Not Goats nor Goat's.) Goat; Island in San Francisco Bay, CaL (Not Yerba Bnena.) Goat; Lake, in saddle west of Mount Wow, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Goat- see Street. Gobbemiekigamme; Gobbemidoaomog, me Gobi; Desert, Central Asia. (Not Gobi, Shaho, nor Shamo.) Goblin; see Hoodoo. Goeh*; Channel and Island, Group, teL 34 W N., long. 125' W E^ aoutkwwt- em coast of Chosen (Korea). (NotSyi- via.) Godavari; River, in Southern India. (Not Godavery.) Godrika; see Kodrika. Godwin; Glacier, Resurrection Bay, Ke- nai Peninsula, Alaska. Gocfanm- aee Fourth of July. Goff ; eastern point of entrance to Na- peague Harbor, Lg Wand, Suffolk County, N.Y. (NotGofb.) Go/e; see Hicks. Going Snake: Village, Adair County, Okla. (NotGoinganake.) Gold; Flat, west of Quartrite Mountain. Nye County, and Galligan; Lagoon, Sweet Lakes, northeastern , of Wales Island, South- j \V-v* Gold KOI; Railroad Station, Lee County, Ate. (Not Gold Mine, Gold Ridge, nor Goldhill.) Gold Qun; Basin and Gulch, southeai Abajo Peak, draining to South Creek, Ban Juan County, Utah. 110 .SPOT 0, T WM. OEOORAPHI B AED - ^Mrsr-a*; Goose; Pond, Berkshire County, * i Not Lake May.) Goose; see Cranberry. Goose Pond; Brook, Berkshire County, Mass (Not Chanter's nor Chaucer's.) Gooseberry Island; Ledge, entrance to Burnt Coat Harbor, Penobscot Bay, Me. (Not The Bull.) Gooselake; Village, Clinton County, Iowa. (Not Goose Town.) Gooski; Lake and Prairie.Marion County, Fla. (Not Gooskee, Gooskie, nor Goo- sky.) Goosmus; Creek, Ferry County, Wash. (Not Goos nor Koosmus.) Gorder; Lake, Scott Township, Stevens County, Minn. (Not Frog.) Gordon; Ferry, Landing, and Post Light, Mississippi River, Jackson County, Iowa. (Not Gordon's.) Gordon; see Gun; Loon; Wahkeena. Gorely; see Gareloi. Goreville; Town and Township, Johnson County, 111. (Not Goresville.) Gorham; Mountain, Mount Desert Is- land, Hancock County, Me. Gori; Point, southern shore of Raspberry Island, Alaska. (Not Mountain.) Goshen; Town, Rockbridge County, Va. (Not Goehen Bridge.) Goshkevicha; see Chosan. Goteborg; City, in southern Sweden. (Not Goteborg, Gothenburg, Gotten- borg, Gottenburg, nor Gottenburg.) Gothord; see St. Gotthard. Gothenburg; Gottenborg; Gottenburg; see Goteborg. Gothic; Mesa, Province, and Wash, Apache County, Ariz., and San Juan County, Utah. *Goulding; Creek, to the west of Half Breed Creek, Yellowstone County, Mont. (Not Goulden.) Government; Island, east of La Salle Is- land, Mackinac County, Mich. (Not lie William nor lie Williams.) Government; see Lapham. Governors; Island, New York Harbor. (Not Governor's.) Governors; Island, "Winnepesaukee Lake, Belknap County, N. H. (Not Davis, Governor's nor Govr.) ^_ i*e Goulding. Golden Trout; Creek, branch of Kern River, Cul k*n nw whlt ' ig ; Post Light, Mississippi River, Bellevue, Jackson County, Iowa. (NotGokUng's.) Goldman; Town, Tensas Parish, La. t Goldman's.) Ooldaboro; Two Creeks and a Spring, Talbot County, Md. (Not Goldsbo- rongh.) Goleta; Point, southwest of Goleta, Santa Barbara County, Gal. (Not Pelican.) Golotnin; Bay and Sound, off Norton Sound, Alaska. (Not Golofnine nor Goknrin.) GolU; Railroad Station, Kent County, Md. (NotGolt.) Gombrwi; see Bandarabbas. Gomperta; Channel, between East Fore- tend and North Foreland, Cook Inlet, Ateaka. GoodBttr; see Beer. Good Intent; Town, Atchison County, Kans. (Not Goodintent.) Ooodbya; Creek, Duval County, Fla. (Not Goodbys Lake, Goodsby's, nor Mo*y.) Goodnow; Mountain, Pond, and River, ESMX County, N. Y. (Not Goodenow nor Good win.) Goodrich; Pond, near Pittafield, Berk shire County, Mass. (Not Sylvan.) Goodrich; Post Light, Mississippi River East Carroll Parish, La. (Not Good- rich's.) Ooodridfc; Rocks, San Juan 1: miles below Bluff, San Juan County luh. Goodwill; Village. Cumberland County Tenn. (Not Johnson Stand.) EEPOET OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOUUX HI Governor's; Govr.; see Governors. Grace Harbor; Bay, on west side of Tlevak Strait near its junction with Kaigani Strait, Alaska. Gracias a Dios; Cape, easternmost point of Nicaragua, Central America. (Not Gracias nor Gracias-a-Dios.) Gradual; Point, northern side Passage Canal, about 1 mile west of Poe Bay, northwestern part Prince William Sound, Alaska. Graetz; see Gratz. Grafton; see Grayton. Grafts; see Crafts. Graham Land; see Palmer Land. Grama; Point, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Grampian Hills; Mountain range in cen- tral Scotland. (Not Grampians.) Grand; Lake, Aroostook County, Me. (Not Schoodic.) Grand; Park, on table-land between West Fork of White River and Huckle- berry Creek, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Grand; Portage, between Pigeon River and Grand Portage Bay, Cook County, Minn., near International Boundary (between Minnesota and Ontario). Grand; see Neosho. Grand Anglais; Grand Anglaise; Grand Auglaize; see Grandglaize. Grand Canyon; Canyon of the Colorado River, Coconino County, Ariz. Grand Gosier; see Errol. Grand Manitoulin; see Manitoulin. Grand Neuf; see Long. Grand Pacific; Glacier, reaching Reid Inlet from the north, Glacier Bay, Alaska. (Not Johns Hopkins.) Grand Portage; Bay, northern shore Lake Superior, near International Boundary (between Minnesota and Ontario). Grand River; see Glenwood. Grande Pointe au Sable; see Big Sable. *Grandglaise; Village, Jackson County, Ark. (Not Glaize, Glaze, nor Grand Glaize.) Grandglaize; Creek, Miller and Camden Counties, Mo. (Not Auglaize, Dry Glaize, Glaize, Glaze, Grand Anglais, Grand Anglaise, Grand Auglais, Grand Auglaize, nor Wet Glaize.) Grandview; Town and Township, Louisa County, Iowa. (Not Grand View.) Grandview; Town and Township, Wash- ington County, Ohio. (Not Grand View.) Grandview; Township and Village, Ed- gar County, 111. (Not Grand View.) Grandview; Village, Spencer County, Ind. (Not Grand View.) Grange; Village, Fleming County, Ky. (Not Grange City.) Granite; Cape, southern end Granite Island, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Granite; Cove, western side Columbia Bay, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Granite; Creek, branch of Hoback River from the north, Lincoln County, Wyo. (Not Scholing.) Granite; Gorge, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Granite; Group of Hills, Teller County, Colo. (Not Catamount Hills.) Granite; Island, entrance to Harris Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Granite; Lake, ' between Pine and Round Lakes, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, International Boundary (be- tween Minnesota and Ontario). Granite; Mountain, San Bernardino County, Cal. (Not Pilot Knob.) Granite; see Wallowa, West Fork. Granite; Pass, between Mount Lady Washington and Battle Mountain, Larimer County, Colo. Granite Gorge; Canyon, Coconino County, Ariz. Granite Park; Cirque and Hanging Val- ley, Inyo County, Cal. Granny Bun; Post Light, Ohio River, Meigs County, Ohio. (Not Granny's Run.) Grant; Lake, east of Trail Lakes, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Grant; Peak (altitude 10,750 feet), the summit of Mount Baker, forming north rim of Summit Crater, Whatcom County, Wash. Grant; see Culross. Grant Farm; Island, Indian River, near Micco, Brevard County, Fla. (Not Grant's Farm.) Grants Pass; City, Josephine County, Oreg. (Not Grant's Pass.) ^POBT 0, THE D X.> m OEOOBAPH.C BOAKT, , 1 Tl ,,',:.-- .1 ; ': Canyon; Paw, _jBraHr and Nye Counties, '(So* Bethune Pass.) pjriBs; Cn*k. Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Aru. Orspsrins; Mountains, prt of Amargosa Rsnis, north of Boundary Canyon, Inyo County, u t y Pa (Not Green Lane.) Qiesnleaf: Point, bt. 38 W N., long. 7701' W.. Dirtrirt of Columbia. (Not Arsenal nor Greenleafs.) GrwunVffv see Green River. Omn'v see Greens. Ontn'i Ltkt; see Greens. Or~ns; Bayou or Lake, West Bay, Gal- vsston County, Tex. (Not Green's nor Green's Lake. ) Or*n ulson River, Westchea- ter< *> i Not Green's.) Or*ns; Ix^dge off Sheffield IsUnd, Nor- walk Harbor. Conn. (Not Green's.) Qrsmy see Griers. Oi^ens Store; Post Light, Mississippi ncordia Pariah, La. (Not Green Store ' Oreenafork; Township, Randolph Coun- Greens Fork.) OrnaTille; Cnunty. Va. ( Xot Greenes- norGreen\ilJe.) Township, Dakota County, Minn. (Not Green Vale.) Qrnnn'Msff,' see Green Village. OrMttrflU; Town, Meriwether County, Ga. (Not Greeneville.) J.jseeMarcella. r. Pa.; seeGreble. Onmtittt, Turn.; tee Greeneville. Va ; see Greensville. f, branch of Narraganaett Bay, Kent County, R. I. (Not Cowe- Hk) iTMttwood; Town, Taylor County, Wis. Greenwood.) if, .. . i ,, >rr. Town, Greenville County, 8. C. (Not Greor'i Depot.) ff^off: see Arago. rs4r. Cmpe. north shore of Alaska Pen- hwula, Alaska. (Not Creigh nor Grey. Orenell; Island, in St. Lawrence River, and Village on same, Jefferson County, X. V (Not Grennell, Grinnell, nor Stuart.) Grey Bull; seeGreybull. Orey Horse HiU; Ridge, dividing Buck- horn and Quicksand Creeks, Breathitt and Knott Counties, Ky. Grey Town; see San Juan del Nortr. OreybuU; River, Bighorn and Park Counties, Wyo. (Not Gray Bull nor Grey Bull.) Greys; Creek, Worcester County, A and Suaeex County, Del. (Not Gray's, Grey's, nor Rileys.) *Orey; River, Lincoln County, western Wyoming. (Not John Day, John Days, John Day's, nor John Grays.) Greytoum; see San Juan del Norte. Gridley; Creek, east of Virgil Creek, and flowing east into Tioughnioga River at Meaeengerville, Cortland County, N.Y. (Not East Virgil nor Gridley Hollow.) Gridley Hollow; see Gridley. Orders; Hollow, Franklin County, Pa. (Not Green, Greens, nor Greers.) *Orijalva; River, State of Tabasco, Mexico. (Not Tabasco.) Grijota; see Tabasco. GrimetvilU; see Oxon. Grimms Landing; Village, Mason County, W. Va. (Not Grim.) Grindel; Point, South Islesboro, Penob- scot Bay, Me. (Not Grindel's.) Grindle; Creek and Pocosin, Pitt County, N. C. (Not Grindell nor Grindool.) Grindool; Railroad Station, Pitt County, N. C. (Not Grindell nor Grindle.) Griswold; Canyon and Creek, connect- ing western end of the Vallecitos with Panoche Valley, San Benito County, Cal. Griswold; Hills, separating the Val- lecitos from Panoche Valley, extend- ing from Griswold Canyon eastward to Canyon of Silver Creek, San Benito County, Cal. Gross; Point, the west point of entranc to Orland River, Hancock County, Me. (Not Gross's, Leach's, nor Spark's.) Grease; Point, on Canadian shore near outlet of Lake Superior. (Not Grosse- point.) Grow* Caillt; see Grosse Caye. REPOET OF THE UXITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. H5 Grosse Cay; see Grosse Caye. Grosse Caye; Island, southwestern por- tion of Haiti. (Not Aquin Cay, Grosse Caille, nor Grosse Cay.) *Grosse Pointe; Township and Village, Wayne County, Mich. (Not Grosse Point, Grossepoint, nor Grosse-pointe. Gross-Riu-Kiu-Gruppe; see Nansei. Groundhog; see Porcupine. Grouse; Creek and Ridge, northwestern slope Mount Baker, Whatcom County, Wash. Grove; Neck, between Sassafras River and Pond Creek, Cecil County, Md. (Not Rich.) Grove; Township, Stearns County, Minn. (Not Grave.) Grove City; Village, Franklin County, Ohio. (Not Grove.) Graver's; see Baggers. Grubb Towhead; Post Light, Tennessee River, Marshall County, Tenn. (Not Grubb 's Towhead.) Guadalcanal; Island, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. (Not Guadalcanar nor Guambata.) Guadalajara; City in Mexico; also City and Province in Spain. (Not Guada- laxara.) Guadalajara; see Jalisco. Guadalupe; County, New Mexico. (Not Guadaloupe.) Guadalupe; Lagoon, Land Grant, Vil- lage and River, Santa Barbara County, Cal. (Not Gaudalupe, Guadaloupe, nor Guadelupe.) Guadalupe; River, emptying into San Antonio Bay, Tex. (Not Guadeloupe.) Guadalupe; see Shelikof. Guadeloupe; Island and French Colony, West Indies. (Not Guadalupe.) Guainia; see Rio Negro. Guajatoyan; Creek, Las Animas County, Colo. (Not Guayatolla nor Wahatoya.) Gualala; River and Village, Mendocino County, Cal. (Not Wallholla.) Guanajibo; Channel, along western coast, inside outlying shoals from Point Aguila to Mayaguez Bay, P. R. Guanajuato; City and State in Mexico. (Not Guanaxuato.) Guard; see Hive. Guardaf ui; Cape, at entrance of the Gulf of Aden, lat. 11 47' N., long. 51 21' E., Africa. (Not Gardafui.) Guatemala; Capitol City and State, Cen- tral America. (Not Guatimala.) Guaxaca; see Oaxaca. Guayama; Reef, south and southeast of Point Figuras, P. R. Guayanabo; River, west of San Juan, P. R. (Not Rio de la Plata.) Guayanilla; Reef, western side, entrance to Guayanilla Harbor, P. R. Guaymas; Seaport Town, Gulf of Cali- fornia, Mexico. (Not Guayamas.) Guaymas; see San Antonio. Guerin; see Ochon. Guesen; see Gnesen. Guess; Creek, Sevier County, Tenn. (Not Cross nor Gists.) Guide; Island, Tlevak Strait, nearly mid- way between Cayman Point and Hali- but Nose, Alaska. Guide; Rock, just south of Twin Island, Khaz Bay, Chichagof Island, Alaska. Guijarral; Group of low hills, between Anticline Ridge and Kettleman Hills, Fresno County, Cal. Guilarte; Shoal, Port Patillas, off Point Guilarte, P. R. *Guild; Lake, western side Willamette River, about a mile below Portland, Multnomah County, Oreg. (Not Guilds.) Guilder; Brook and Pond, Berkshire County, Mass. (Not Undine.) Guilford; Township, Hendricks County, Ind. (Not Garfield.) Guilford; see Gillford. Guinevere Castle; Peak, on the east side of Shinumo Creek, Coconino County, Ariz. Gulf of Georgia; see Georgia. GulfofOzaka; see Izumi. Gull; Brook, Cattaraugus County, N. Y. (Not Guile,) Gull; Islands, near Isle Royal, Lake Su- perior. (Not Chapeau.) Gull; see Baby. Gun; Island, eastern one of two west of Melvin Village, Carroll County, N. H. (Not Gordon, Loon, nor Twin.) Gun; see Loon. Gunflint; Lake, second below "Height of Land," Thunder Bay District, On- tario, International Boundary (be- tween Minnesota and Ontario). (Not Gun Flint.) 116 OF THE UNITED STATES OEOGBAPHIC , Coconino County, Arii. aM Grle. , Point and Rock, Plymouth Harbor, Ma Gannet. see Gurupy. . Ckp od River, State ol Para, (Not Gompi.) tee Boulder. Ottunbr, aty, Clayton County, Iowa. (Not Guturoburg.) Outt.nb.rf ; Town, Hudton County, N J Not Gutsenbarg.) Gvttrw. we Cabin. Ovjaadot; Mountain and River, W. Va., and District and Town in Oabell Cbvntv, ^ 'i Guyandotte.) OtjmtMt; we Indian Guyan. Owadar, Bay, Head, and Town, poases- oo of the Sultan of Maskat, coast of Balochuttn. (Not Gwadur.) GvttW; we Gwadar. Gypsy; IUnd. one-fourth mile north* ea* ol Vivian Point, opposite Well* bland. St. Lawrence River, N. Y. Ha; (had (to), lat. 38 W N., long. US* 18' E . wertern coast of Chosen (Karat). (Not Hwm.) Habaaa; Principal City of Cuba. (Not Havana.) Wahnrtii; Rock (iaw), lat. 34 21' N., loon 133' \~ E., Inland Sea, Japan. t Ten feet nor Ten Feet.) Waabo; Island (to), lat. S4 18" N., long. UK* W E., wuihwestern coast of i (Korea). (Not Won.) Bead, Mieaavppi River, Alex- ander County, 111. (Not Hacker's.) H*ekett; Point, Annapolis Roads, Anne Arnde! Comity, Md. (Not Hackett's.) Kadd; Cape (ns), Oman, Arabian Penin- mk. Cowty.Md. (NotAahland.) see Gray. ate Mount Haley. Village, Brunswick Town, County. NY. (Not Hay- Hay* Stream, tributary to Big Black River. Carroll and Montgomery Coun- tia*. Htm. (Not Bogue-Hays, Phila- OMO Hays, nor Pbilimon Hays.) Hay; Township, York County, Nebr. (Not Haye.) fhytv see Haiti Harvard; Township and Village, Free- born County, Minn. (NotHaward.) Hayward; Strait between Salisbury and Sitka Sound., Alaska. (Not Dry, Souk- koi.norSoukoi.) Haywards; Town, Alameda County, Cal. Haywaid, Hayward's, Haywards Station, nor Baywood.) Haaei; Township, Lucerne County, Pa. Hade.) Haael DU; Township, Pottawattamie County, Iowa. (Not Hazle Dell.) Has*! Green; Creek, Toulumne ' Cal (Not Big.) Haael Green; Township and Village, Delaware County, Iowa. (Not Hazle am.) Watelpatch; Creek and Railroad Station, Laurel County, Ky. (Not Hazle Patch nor Hat le- Patch.) HaMltnn; Town and Township, Buch- anan County, Iowa. (NotHatleton.) Raaeiton; City and Township, Barber County. Kans. (Not Hazleton.) "aaelwood; Town, Hamilton County Ohio. (Not Hatlewood.) ^^^^b ^9 BOW Haalehorat; City and District, Jeff Davis Oowty.Oa. (Not Hawthorn.) V..I_A _ %. City, Luserne County, Pa, (Not Hawlton ) Bmi a/ JhrsowM; see Bee du Marsouin. Head of Paases; Lighthouse, Delta of the Mississippi River, La. (Not Head of the Passes.) End of Tranquility; see Little Hauken. Heady; Creek, forming boundary be- tween Southampton Village and the Shinnecock Indian Reservation, Suf- folk County, N. Y. (Not Header.) Heagan; Mountain, Waldo County, Me. (NotHeagen.) Heart; Island in St. Lawrence River, Jefferson County, N. Y. (Not Hart nor Hemlock.) Heart; Lake, Hinsdale County, Colo. Heart; Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Wyo. (Not Hart.) Heart; Peak, 8 miles north of Cody, Park County, Wyo. (Not Hart . ) Heather Wash; Watercourse, Coconino Plateau, Coconino County, Ariz. Heaven; Heavens; see Long. Hecha Wapka; see Owl. Heckman; Island, Missouri River, Mo. (Not Heckman's.) Heddrick; see Grassy. Hedgehog; Hill, Androscoggin County, Me. (Not North Mountain.) Hedges; Village, Clark County, Ky. (Not Fairlie, K. U. Junction, norL. E. Junction. Hedjaz; see Hejaz. Hehlungkiang; see Heilungkiang. Height of Land; Mountain, Warren County, N. Y. (Not Hight of Land.) Hei-lung-kiang; see Heilungkiang. Heilungkiang; Province, Manchuria, China. (Not Hehlungkiang, Hei-lung- kiang, He-lung-kiang, Helungkiang, Hilung-chiang, nor Tsitsikhar.) Hejat; see Hejaz. Hejaz; Government (vilayet), Arabia. (Not El Hedjas, El Hejas, El Hejaz, Hedjaz, nor Hejas.) Hekla; Volcano, Iceland. (Not Hecla.) Helderberg; Village, Albany County, N. Y. (Not Helderburg.) Helen; Lake, head of Santa Anna Inlet, northern part of Cleveland Peninsula, Southeastern Alaska. Helen; Lake, at head of south Fork of Belly River, Teton County, Mont. Helen; Mountain, Flathead and Teton < '"unties, Mont. KEPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 121 Helen; see Yon. Helgoland; Island in the North Sea; (Not Heligoland.) Helio; see Watchman. Heliotrope; Ridge, between Bastile and Grouse Ridges, northwestern slope Mount Baker, Whatcom County, Wash. Hell Gate; Channel in Hudson River, opposite Coeyman, between Upper and Lower Schodack Island, N. Y. (Not Hallegate nor Schodack.) Hell Gate; Narrow Passage in East River, N. Y. Hell Gate; see Clark Fork. Hellam; Borough and Township, York County, Pa. (Not Hallam.) Hells Half Acre; Niagara River, N. Y. (Not Hell's Half Acre.) Helms; see William. Heloun; see Heluan. Heluan; City, Egypt. (Not Helouan nor Helwan.) Helvetic Confederation; see Switzerland. Hemlock; see Heart. Helungkiang; He-lung-kiang; see Heilung- kiang. Helwan; see Heluan. Hempun; Island (to), lat. 34 09 7 N., lon'g. 125 56' E., southwestern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Lyra.) Henamu; Bay, lat. 35 08' N., long. 128 41/ E., southern coast of Chosen (Korea) (Not Anguk.) Hen; see North Fowl. Henderson; Bay, Lake Ontario, Jeffer- son County, N. Y. (Not Henderson's.) Henderson; Precinct and Village, Adams County, Colo. (Not Island Station.) Hendley; Railroad Station, Furnas County, Nebr. (Not Hendly.) Hendricks; Head and Light, Sheepscot River, Lincoln County, Me. (Not Hendrick's.) Hendricks; Point opposite Jacksonville, St. Johns River, Fla. (Not Grassy.) Hendrick'^; see Kendrick. Hendricks peak; see Green Mountain. Hennercroix; see Hannacrois. Henness; Branch, Mariposa County, Cal. (Not Hennessy, Hennessy's, Ward's, nor Wilsons.) Henrici Landing; Post Light on Sauvie Island, Columbia River, 3 miles above St. Helens, Oreg. (Not Henrici's.) Henry; see Winter. Henrys; see Fassett. Henrys Fork; River, rising in Henrys Lake, emptying into Snake River, in T. 5 N., R. 38 E., Fremont and Madi- son Counties, Idaho. (Not Henry Fork nor North Fork of Snake River.) Henrys Hunting Ground; see Indian Henrys Hunting Grounds. Henson; Creek and Village, Hinadale County, Colo. (Not Hansen, Hanson, Hensen, nor Honsen.) Henton; Henton's; see Folsom. Herat; City, Afghanistan. (Not Herath, Heraut, nor Heri.) Heriman; see Herriman. Herbosnjak; see Hrbosnjak. Herington; City, Dickinson County, Kans. (Not Herrington.) Hermagos; Islets, within less than 3 miles of the Hermanos Islets, Alaska. (Not Brothers nor Los Hermagos.) Herman; Creek, tributary to Columbia River above Cascade Locks, Hood River County, Oreg. (Not Hermann.) Hermanos; Islets, in the middle of the eastern end of San Christoval Channel, Bucareli Bay, Alaska. (Not The Brothers.) Heramina; see Hramina. Hermit; Basin and Creek, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Hermogenes; see Chiniak. Hermosa; Cliffs, La Plata County, Colo. Herni; see Hamai. Herod; Point, north shore of Long Island, Suffolk County, N. Y. (Not Herod's.) Herriman; Village, Salt Lake County, Utah. (Not Heriman.) Herring; Point, on the west side of Her- ring Bay, northwest end of Knight Is- land, Alaska. Herring, Del. ; see Dirickson. Herring, Md.; see Honeygo. Herring, Mass. ; see Edgartown Great. Herring Gut; see Port Clyde. Herrington; Run, Garrett County, Md. (Not Harrington's.) Herschel; Island in Arctic Ocean, north coast of Canada, near Alaska boundary. (Not Hershel.) Herschell; see Backhouse. 1-J-J Of THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Hehy Chut.; Po* Ug*. Mi-PP M-c*tine Coun- .w*. (NotHenbey'e.) (Not Uem*. Herwk, nor Henegowina.) tee Hartwok. Mountain. between U Plata teiuma Countie*. southwestern OBltmd \ n.-i- r '- Ketch Hetchy; Valley, Tuolumi Hetchy.nori 11 ' ! Hew*.; Point and Ledge, laleeboro Bar- bor, Penobecot Bay. Me. (Not Hughes.) Hewlett; Point, on Columbia bout 6 mike below Vancouver, Clarke County. Wafa (Not Hewlett*.) Hewlett; Villa**. Hanover County, Va Hewlett; the weetern point of entrance to Minhatrrt Bay, Nawau County, Long i.-wlett'i.) Mountain (altitude 10,880 feet). Sawtooth Range, near Redfish Lake. Cutter County, Idaho. (Not Penns Peak nor Tower Rock.) fiteftfi; ee Yaqui Hiawatha; Lake, Minnetriata Township, Heanepin County, Minn. ( Not Whale Tail nor Whaletail.) Ribriten; Mountain. 6 miles from Lenoir, (aldweU Count High Brighton nor Turkey Cock.) a*9cotPowt; Me Point Icacos. HitalalaMa. tee Hickahala. khala; Creek, tributary to Cold water River, Tat* County, Mia. (Xot Hica- ilicaholahia, Hickahall, nor >) ee Hickahala. aa; Landing, Mkrierippi River, County, Ark. (Not Hick- Suffolk Jayne's nor Wand at entrance to Napeague Hbor, Long I.Un (Not Qo8a.) Mm; Bejr, eaetern coaet of Culroej I- land. Prince William Sound, Alaska M; Biwk, tec* 2. 3. nd 4, T. 3 X., "nptying into Cabin Creek 4 Miha MthMM of Long. Peak, Boul < County, Colo. Hidden; Cove, opening from eastern end ,,f Slocum Arm, indenting southwestern shore of Chichagof Island, Alaska. Higbee; Canyon, Otero County, ( (Not Reilly's.) Hi'ggon; Cape, Marthas Vineyard, Ma* (Not Kiphiggon nor Tilton's.) High; Hill in Huntington town, C<,unty, X. Y. (Not We*.) High; eee St. Margarettes. High Brighton; flee Hibriten. Highland; Lake, Winchester town, I.itrhtiold < nunty. Conn. (Not Long.) Highlanda; Village, San Bernardino County, Cal. (Not Highland.) Highrock; Mountain, Douglas County, Oif. Higkt of Land; see Height of Land. Hightower; see Etowah. Hiko-Bukta; see Koyuktolik. Hhum; Village, Overton County, Tenn. (Xot Hillham.) HiU; City, Graham County, Kans. (Not llilK iiy ' HiU City, Precinct and Town, Penning- ton County, S. Dak. (Not Hill.) Hilland; see Holland. Ililler; see Hilliar. Hillerman; Floating Light and Rock, Ohio River, Maseac County, 111. (Not Hillerman's.) Hillery; Village. \'ormilion County, 111. (Not Hillary nor Hilliary.) Hilliar; Township, Knox County. Ohio. (Xot Hiller, Billiard, nor Hillier.) Hilliard; Village, Franklin County, Ohio. (Not Billiards.) Hilliarda; Village, Washington Town- ship, Butler County, Pa. (Not Hil- liard nor Hilliard *s.) Hilliard; see Hilliar. Hilliard; see Billiards. Hillier; see Hilliar. HiUa; Point, Sturgeon Bay, Door County, Wis. (Not Hill's.) HilUboro; see Hillsborough. Hillaborough; County, Fla. (Not Hills- boro.) Hillaborough; County and Town, N. H. Hillsboro.) Hillsgrove; Town and Township, Sul- livan County, Pa. (Xot Hills Grove.) Hilltonia; Village, Screven County, Ga. (.NotHiltonia.) BEPOET OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOABD. 123 Hobolo Chitto; see Hobolochitto. Hobolochitto; Stream, tributary to Pearl River, Pearl River County, Miss. (Not Abolo Chitto, Abolochitto, Bola Chitto, Bolla Chico, nor Hobolo Chitto.) Hobomoc; Pond in Plymouth County, Mass. (Not Hobomack.) Hocomonco; Pond in Worcester County, Mass. (Not Hobomoco.) Hodgdon; Ranch, Tuolumne County, Cal. (Not Hodgeson nor Hodgdons.) Hodges; Rock in Centerville Harbor, Mass. (Not Hodge.) Hodzana; River, tributary to the Yukon River, on right bank, between Chanda- lar and Dall Rivers, Alaska. (Not Ho- siana.) Hoffler; Creek, Nansemond and Norfolk Counties, Va. (Not Bullock nor Hof- lar's.) Hoffman; Island, Lower Bay, Richmond Borough, N. Y. (Not Hoffman.) Hoffman; Landing, Columbia River, near Kalama, Cowlitz County, Wash. (Not Hoffman's.) Ho/man, Ala.; see Huffman. Ho/man, Cal.; see Snow. Hoffmann; Peak, in Sierra Nevada, Mari- posa County, Cal. (Not Hoffman.) Hoffmann; see Hoffman. Hofstad; Creek, emptying into Vixen Inlet from east, northwestern coast Cleveland Peninsula, Southeastern Alaska. Hog; Island, San Jacinto Bay, Harris County, Tex. Hog; Point, at mouth of Patuxet River, St. Marys County, Md. (Not Hog Island.) Hog, Conn.; see South Branch. Hog, Me.; see Appledore. Hog, N. Y.; see Center. Hog, Vt.; see Queneska. Hog Back; see Sunset. Hog Island; see Chappaquoit; West Fal- mouth. Hog Neck; see North Haven. Hog Point; Post Light, Ohio River, Perry County, Ind. (Not Hog's.) Hog Bun; Post Light, Ohio River, Mar- shall County, W. Va. (Not Hog's.) Hogan; Bay, on east side of Knight Island, 2J miles northward of 1 Helen, Alaska. Hilung-chiaJig; see Heilungkiang. Himalaya; Mountains, northern India. (Not Himmaleh.) Hinchinbrook; Cape and Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska. (Not Hinch- ingbroke.) Hinchinbrook; Lighthouse, on Cape Hin- j chinbrook, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Hinchinbrook; principal entrance to Prince William Sound, Alaska. (Not Meiklejohn.) Hinckley; Bend, Missouri River, Frank- lin County, Mo. (Not Hinckley's nor Hinkle.) Hinckley; Lake, Wilmurt Town, Her- j kimer County, N. Y. (Not Butler.) Hindu Amphitheater; Basin, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino , County, Ariz. Hindu Kush; Mountains, Central Asia. (Not Hindoo-Coosh, Hindoo Koosh, Hindoo-Koosh, nor Hindo-Kush.) Hinghwa; Channel, City, and Sound, Fukien Province, China. (Not Hsingh- wa nor Hunghwa.) Hinkle; Village, Upshur County, W. Va. (Not Hinkles Mills nor Hinkleville.) Hinyan Kaga; see Owl. Hirst; see Mine. Hitchcock; Landing, Ohio River, Scioto County, Ohio. (Not Hitchcock's.) Hitchcock; see Mount Hitchcock. Hive; Island, Resurrection Bay, Alaska. (Not Guard nor Sugar Loaf.) Hiwassee; Town, Towns County, Ga. (Not Hiawassee.) Hiwassee; Island in Tennessee River at mouth of Hiwassee River, Meigs County, Tenn., and River in Eastern Tennessee, Western North Carolina, and Northern Georgia. (Not Hiawassee.) Hiwassee; Village, Cherokee County, N. C. (Not Hiawassee.) H'Lassa; see Lassa. Hlohahle; Hhohah le; see Lohali. Hoa;>land (somu), lat. 39 W N., long. 127 34 X E., eastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Khodo.) Hoang Ho; see Hwang. *Hoback; Canyon and River, Lincoln County, Wyo. (Not Fall.) Hobadijah; see Cohobadiah. Hobokenville; see Lenox. BEPOBT OF UWTED STATES OEOOBAPHIC BOABD. . Aru. aw Wamelo Bock. . branch of Koyukuk (Not HoiraMa-ka-kat oorHokuchani*.) M HaUbeck. Heed, Jeon (Sol Hooch.) 'River, eaet branch of Ho- ~ River, principal tributary to Kuekokwim River from south, Western Alaska. (Not Agaiitnak, Hanknuk. nor Ho-boliknuk. ) Kwangtung Province, (Not Hai fung, Hai ping, nor r, Treaty Port of Kiungchow, Hai nan laland. Kwangtung Province, China. (Not Hoi-Hau. nor Kiungchow.) to see Hokushu. Fall* and River, Clallam County. t Okho.) i _. neWiM Hoktehe*a; Cove, in the northwest part of the coast of Yakobi Island, seven- eighUu of a mile southeast of Yakobi Rock. Alaska. (Not Hocktaheen nor flbhcawAmmixu. JTiiBJii Aoftv * Amami. It-frT-K.,. i Jand. Japan, between lat 41 24' and 45 s SIK X.. and long. 140 and 146 Hokkaido, leeo, Jea*>, Yam, nor Yeso.) Hotbrook; L0dg, Linekin Bay, Lincoln County. He (Not Holland's.) JM* at* Halle*. Bolenmli: labnd and Town, Dunklin County. Mo (Xot Halcomb.) ffoUr; M Quebec. Koldrefe; City, Pherpe County, Nebr. (NotHoldndge.) Hole in the Wall; a hole in the rock on the east ttd of Great Abaco Island, Behame^ (Not Hole in the Rock nor Hole in Wall.) Holffto; Am of Aialik Bey, into which Holgali Gkcier flowi, Kenai Penin- HoJfte; Glacier. Aialik Bay, Kenai PeaioMk, Alaaka. o nee Holitna. Holitna; River, principal tributary to Ku-kokwim River from south about lat. 61 35' long- 156 3.--ision Point and Neptune Point, and west of Squirrel Point, northwestern part Prince William Sound, Alaska. Holmes; Railroad Station, Dutchess Count y . N . Y . (Not Reynoldsville nor Reynoldsville Station.) Holt Bar; Post Light, Ohio River, 3 miles below Rome, Perry County, Ind . Holt's Bar.) Holton; Town, Marathon County, Wis. (Not Ilalton.) Holy Grail Temple; Peak, on the west side of Shinumo Creek, Coconino Coun- ty, Ariz. (Not Bass's Tomb.) Holy Sea; see Lake Baikal. Holy Trail; see Troitea. Holyoke; Glacier, western shore College Fiord, south of Barnard Glacier, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Hombagu; Point, entrance to Pingyang Inlet, western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Hon bagu nor Humbug.) Home; see Afton. Uommuku Bana; see Treaty. Honan; Point, Vishnu quadrangle, Coco- nino County, Ariz. Honan; Province, China. (Not Ho-nan.) Hondo; see Honshu. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 125 Honeybrook; Borough and Township, Chester County, Pa. (Not Honey Brook.) Honeycomb; Creek, Marshall County, Ala. (Not Honey.) Honeygo; Stream, branch of Whitemarsh Run, Baltimore County, Md. (Not Her- ring nor Horning.) Hongkong; City and Island, China. (Not Hong-Kong.) Honjima; Honjiu; see Honshu. Homnuku Bana; see Treaty. Honsen; see Hensen. Honshu; largest Island of Japan, ex- tending from the Strait of Sangar (Tsu- garu) southwestward for 900 miles to the narrow channels which separate it from the islands of Kiushu and Shikoku. (Not Hondo, Hondu, Honjima, Honjiu, Niphon, Nipon, nor Nippon.) Hooch; see Hoh. Hoochinoo; see Kootznahoo. Hood; Bay, west coast of Admiralty Island, Alexander Archipelago, South- eastern Alaska. (Not Hootz.) Hood; Canal, Jefferson, Kitsap, and Ma- son Counties, Wash. (Not Hood's.) Hoodoo; Basin, Creek, and Peak, Park County, Wyo. (Not Goblin.) Hoodoo; Large Island, southwestern part of Prince William Sound, lying be- tween Elrington and Flemming Is- lands, Alaska. (Not Flemming.) Hoodoo Cascades; Falls, on Cascade Creek, Gallatin County, Mont. Hoolethlocco Hoolethloces, Hootethloco; see Chatahospee; Little Chatahospee. Hoo-nan; see Hunan. Hoopa; Hoopah; see Hupa. Hoopa Valley; see Hupa Valley. Hoo-pe; see Hupeh. Hooper; Creek, tributary from the east to South Fork San Joaquin River, at lat. 37 28' 30", Fresno County, Cal. Hooper; Island and Strait, Chesapeake Bay, Dorchester County, Md. (Not Hooper's.) Hooper; Peak (altitude 12,322 feet), Fresno County, Cal. Hoosatonic; see Houeatonic. Hoosic; River in Massachusetts, New York, and Vermont, tributary to the Hudson. (Not Hoosac, Heosack, nor Hoosick.) Hoosnoff; see Kootznahoo. Hootalinqua; see Teslin. Hootethlocco; see Chatahoepee; Little Chatahospee. Hoover Field; Post Light, Illinois River, Pike County, 111. (Not Hoover's.) Hop; Creek, Yellowstone County, Mont. Hopah; see Hupa. Hopewell; see Spencers Wharf. Hopi; Buttes and Province, Hopi In- dian Reservation, Navajo County, Ariz. (Not Rabbit Ear Mountain.) Hopi; Point, Grand Canyon of the Colo- rado, Coconino County, Ariz. (Not Rowes.) Hopkins; Creek, branch of Mono Creek, Fresno County, Cal. Hopkins; Peak (altitude 12,300 feet), Fresno County, Cal. Hopkins; see Berlin. Hoquiam; River, tributary to Grays Harbor, Grays Harbor County, Wash. (Not Hoquiamts.) Horlbach; see II all back. Horn; Creek, Grand Canyon of the Colo- rado, Coconino County, Ariz. *Horniblow; Point, Chowan County, N. C. (Not Hornblower, Horniblow's, nor Skinners.) Horning; see Honeygo. Horrell; Precinct, Frontier County, Nebr. (Not Howell.) Horse; Creek, emptying into north side North St. Vrain Creek, sec. 13, T. 3 N., R. 73 W., about 6 miles southeast of Longs Peak, Boulder County, Colo. Horse, Alaska; see Cheval. Horse, Mass.; see Lieutenant. Horse; see Harbor. Horse; see Grassy Glade. Horse Island; Creek, Phillips Island, Beaufort County, S. C. (Not Moss.) Horse Island; see Sebasco. Horse Neck; see Field. Horsefly; Creek, Montrose County, Colo. (NotMuache.) Horsehead; Peak, between Harts Draw Wash and North Canyon, San Juan County, Utah. Horseshoe; Peak, lat, 48 04' N., long. 113 25' W., Flathead County, Mont. Horseshoe; Range Lights, mouth of Schuylkill River, Philadelphia County, Pa. (Not Horse Shoe.) IM OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. ^i- *; n^* ' v * luadranffl*, Coconino County, Ari*. 'Trail, <>uray quadr^g 16 ' Chesapeake Bay, a - (Not Horse 6 ' ">,400 Inyak. M St. Inigoe*. Bay, north ahore Kamiflhak Bay, wt Aore Cook Inlet, Alaska. Enorhkin, Inerakin, Iniachen, Iniukin. Innenkin, nor Inniakin.) IBB; Brook, tributary to Cow Creek, from UM wwt at Longa Peak Village, Lari- aer County, Colo. I&nr, Point, aoutheaatern ahore of Knuof laland, Sitka Sound, Southeast- ern Alaaka. (Not Rocky nor Second.) ImiTT lfancha; Coral Reef or Bank, on north aide of entrance to Mayaguez Bay, P. R. (Not Inner Machoa.) Auftwp Bmnea; aee Great Egg Harbor. Inter, Glacier, discharging into Inter Fork Creek, northeaatern dope Mount Rainkr, Pierce County, Waah. >-ek, tributary to White Riw, draining Inter Glacier, Mount Ratnfar National Park, Pierce County, Waak. (Not Inter.) iBtatWr. P*niaula, between Hillaboro and Old Tampa Bays, Fla. ; Town, Putnam County, (Not Inter Lachen nor Inter- I Invergrove; Township and Village, Dakota County, Minn. (Not Inver Grove.) Inyak; Cape, Island, and Peninsula, Delagoa Bay, southeast coast of Africa. (Not Inhuca nor Unhaca.) InyanKara; Creek, Mountain, and Pre- cinct, Crook County, Wyo. (Not In- yankara.) Ionia; Town and Township, Jewell Coun- ty, Kans. (Not lona.) Ionia; Village, Dixon County, Nebr. (Not lona.) Ionia; Village, Ontario County, N. Y. (Not Millers Corners.) lotla; Creek, Macon County, N. C. (Not Tola.) Iowa; aee North Aowa. Iowa Hill; Village, Placer County, Cal. (Not Iowa City.) loway; see North Aowa. Ipsut; Creek, tributary to Carbon River from southwest, north of Mother Moun- tains, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Ipsut; Saddle, northwest of Castle Peak, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Irawaddy; Iraioadi; Iraumdy; see Irra- waddy. Ireland; see Island. Irgai; see Ningsiafu. Irikobari; Island (somu), hit. 34 47' N., long. 125 47' E., southwestern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Pinnacle.) Irish; Cove, southern shore Port Hidalgo, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Irkutsk; City and Government, Siberia. (Not Irkootsk nor Irkoutsk.) Iron; Lake, west of Crooked Lake, Rainy River District, Ontario, International Boundary (between Minnesota and Ontario). Iron; aee Triple. Iron Creek; see Miniatulik. Iron Knoll; Iron Mountain; see Trachyte Knob. Ironwork; Brook, Sheffield Town, Berk- shire County, Mass. (Not Iron Work.) Irrawaddy; River, Burma, British India. (Not Irawaddy, Irawadi, Irawady, nor Irrawadi.) KEPOKT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOABD. 131 Irrawadi; see Irrawaddy. Irwia; Township, Venango County, Pa. (Not Irvin.) Isaac; Branch, of St. Jones Creek, Kent County, Del. (Not Isaacs.) Isaacs Point; see Bald Head. Isabel; Creek, Mountain, and Valley, Santa Clara County, Cal. (Not San Isabel nor Santa Ysabel.) Isabel; Lake, Flathead County, Mont. Isabel; Point, San Francisco Bay, Contra Costa County, Cal. (Not Izabel nor Potrero.) Isabella; see McCays. IsanotsH; see Bechevin; Pogromni. Isfahan; see Ispahan. Ishawooa; Creek and Mesa, Park Coun- ty, Wyo. (Not Isha-wood.) Ishoot; see Izhut. Ishtula; see Vistula. Isis Temple; Peak, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Iskagan; see Tkachen. Iskudar; Iskuder; see Skutari. Iskut; Mountain and River, tributary to the Stikine, Southeastern Alaska. (Not Iskoot nor Skoot.) Isla de la Reunion; see Reunion. Isla de Pinos; Island, West Indies, near west end of Cuba. (Not Isle of Pines nor Pinos.) Isla del Puerco; see Puerca. Islais; Creek, San Francisco County, Cal. (Not De Vree's.) Island; Cove, opening from Slocum Arm, indenting southwestern shore of Chicha- gof Island, Alaska. Island; Creek, emptying into Fishing Bay, about 4 miles northeast of Elliott, Dorchester County, Md. (Not Ire- land.) Island No. 8; north of Government Is- land, Mackinac County, Mich. (Not He Isidore.) Island Portage; see Pine. Island Station; see Henderson. Islas de Revillagigedo; see Revillagigedo. Isle; Point, eastern entrance Burnett Inlet, Etolin Island, Alaska. Isle a la Crosse; see Lime. Isle au Breton; see Breton. Isle au Gallop; Isle au Galop; see Galop. Isle aux Chats; see Cat. Isle Derniere; Island, Gulf Coast, Ter- rebonne Parish, La. (Not Last.) Isle of France; see Mauritius. Isle of Springs; see Sweet. Isle Mary; see Mary. Isle Royal; Island in Lake Superior, Keewenaw County, Mich. (Not Isle Royale.) Isle Ste. Therese; Island, St. Lawrence River, below Montreal, Canada. (Not He Ste. Therese, He Ste. Therese, He St. The'rese, Isle St. Therese, nor Isle Ste. Therese.) Isle Ste. Therese; see Isle Ste. Therese. Isleford; Village, Warren County, Tenn. (Not Island Ford.) Islesboro; Town, Waldo County, Me. (Not Islesborough.) Ismfr; see Smyrna. Ispahan; Capital City, Persia. (Not Isfahan nor Spahawn.) Issannakh; see Bechevin. Issaquah; Creek and Town, King County, Wash. (Not Isquah nor Iss- quah.) Istaccihuatl; see Iztaccihuatl. v Isthmian Canal; see Panama. Isumi; see Izumi. Itajahi; see Itajahy. Itajahy; Harbor, River, and Town, State of Santa Catharina, Brazil. (Not Ita- jahi.) Itapacarohy; Itapocoroya; see Itapocoroy. Itapoan; Point and Town, State of Bahia, Brazil. (Not Itapuan.) Itapocoroy; Bay, Point, and Town, State of Santa Catharina, coast of Brazil. (Not Itapacarohy, Itapacaroya, nor Itapocoroya.) Itapuan; see Itapoan. Itasca; Lake, Clearwater County, Minn. Itkhi; see Ikti. Itkillik; River, tributary to Colville River from east at head of the Delta, Northern Alaska. Itsami; Ledge, Puget Sound, near Olym- pia, Thurston County, Wash. (Not Itsania.) Iturup; see Yetorofu. Ives; Mesa, outside Reservation lines , Navajo County, Ariz. Ives Point; a western promontory of Powell Plateau, Coconino County, Ariz. 15S ^OK OF TH* UKITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Rim, Arctic *r.. J?Wf /S a f T owl a '(seaport) of Palestine, on the Mediterranean. (Not Jafa, Joppa, Joppe, Yafa, nor Yaffa.) Jaflrey, Point, the southern point entrance to Portsmouth Harbor, N. H. (Not Jaffray nor Jerry's.) Jaik; see Ural. Jaiuchoi: see Ugalgan. Jakoutsk; Jakutat; see Yakutat. Jalapa; City, Vera Cruz State, Mexico. (Not Xalapa.) Jalapa; Village, Monroe County, Tenn. (Not Jallappa.) Jalisco; State, Mexico. (Not Guadala- jara nor Xalisco.) Jamacho; Land Grant and Village, San Diego County, Cal. (Not Jamacha.) James; Creek, Jamestown, Boulder County, Colo. (Not Jim.) James; Island, eastern shore of Chesa- peake Bay, at south point of entrance to Little Choptank River, Dorchester County, Md. (Not St. James'.) James; Lagoon, west of McCarty Gla cier, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. James; River, tributary to Missouri River, N. Dak. and S. Dak. (Not Da- kota.) James, Me. ; see Jims. Jamestown; see Ponape. Jamez; see Pajarito. Jamony; see lamonia. Jan Mayen; Island, north of Iceland, Arctic Ocean. (Not Jan-Mayen, Jan Mayen's Land, nor Jean-Mayen.) Janes; Island and Lighthouse, Tangier Sound, Somerset County, Md. (Not Janes's.) Janesville; Mountain, on Annette Island, northeast from Port Chester, South- eastern Alaska. (Not Janeville.) Japan; Empire, Asia. (Not Dai Nippon, Nihon, Niphon, Nipon, nor Nippon.) Japura; see Yapura. Jaragua; Village, on coast, State of Ala- goaa, Brazil. (Not JaraguA nor Jaru- gua.) Jaragua; see Jaragua. Jardines; Bank, off south coaet of Cuba. (Not Jardinillos.) Jarelds; Jariolds; see Jarrels. Jarosa; Canyon and Creek, Las Animas County, Colo. (Not Jaroso.) (Not Ibiaa, Ibiza, Mrlfkft.) htocrA**tl: *M Iitaccihuatl. /*,/; SM label. lahut; Bay and Cape, southeastern shore ol Afognak Wand, Alaska. (Not Ijoot. Isboot, Pentecost, Shariepof, nor Whiuuntide.) /:Aw/: MuUkaia; see Ring. Istaedhuatl; Volcano, near the city of Mexico. (Not Istaccihuatl nor Ix- urrihuatl.) frn-t; sea (nada), part of the Inland Sea, Japan. (Not Gulf of Ozaka nor I Mini.) J. see Yavari. , eeStanovoi. Jaeaiitos; Crock, western Fresno County, south of Jacalitos Hill-. California. Jaealitos; 1 1 ill*, south of Coalinga, be- tween Jacalitoa and Waltham Creeks, Fresno County, Cal. Jack: Creek, Lincoln County, branch of Hob* k Uivor from the east, T. 38 N., Wyo. (Not Lynx.) Jack; see Atlantis; Jacks; Thacker. Jacks; (Yeek, Dorchester County, Md. (Not Jack nor Jack's.) Jacks Point; Post Light, Ohio River, Hardin County, 111. (Not Jack's.) Jackson; Camp, Abajo Mountains, near bead of Recapture Creek, on west side, San Juan County, Utah. Jackson; Hole (Valley), Lake, and Vil- lage, Lincoln County, Wyo. (Not Teton.) Jackson; Ridge, extending from Cooley Pass on the east to Mount Linnaeus on the west, San Juan County, Utah. Jfcfaoii; see Howkan. eeEnden. Lake, Flathead County, Jacobs; Creek, Cumberland County, (Not Jacob nor Jacob's.) Jadito; Canyon, and Spring, Hopi Indian Reservation, Navajo County Arit. (Not Jetty-to.) REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 133 Jaroslaw; Town, Austrian Galicia. (Not Jaroslau.) Jarre; Creek, Douglas County, Colo. (Not Garber nor Jug.) Jarrell's; JarreVs Valley; see Jarrolds. Jarrels; Creek, Muhlenberg County, Ky. (Not Jarelds, Jariolds, Jarrolds, Jary- lies, nor Jerreles.) Jarrolds; Ridge and Stream, Boone County, W. Va. (Not Jarrell's nor Jar- rel's Valley.) Jarrolds; see Jarrels. Jarylies; see Jarrela. Jashak; Jashk; see Jask. Jask; Bay, Cape, and Village, Gulf of Oman, Persia. (Not Djask, Jashak, nor Jashk.) Jassy; City of Moldavia, Roumania. (Not lasi, Jasch, Jash, nor Yassy.) Javari; Javary; see Yavari. Jawbone; Creek, Tuolumne County, Cal. (Not Pile.) Jaybird; Lake, western coast Latouche Island, near lat. 60, long. 147 58', Prince William Sound, Alaska. Jayne's; see High. Jean-Mayen; see Jan May en. Jebel-Moosa; see Sinai. Jedda; see Jidda. Jeddo; see Tokyo. Jeffers; Village, Scott County, Tenn. (Not Jeffries.) Jefferson; Township, Madison County, Ohio. Jefferson; see Germano. Jefferson Range; see Tobacco Root. Jeffrey; eastern Point of entrance to Branford Harbor, New Haven County, Conn. (Not Jeffrey's.) Jeffrey's Hook; see Fort Washington. Jekaterinenburg; see Ekaterinburg. Jellison; Cape, Penobscot Bay, Waldo County, Me. (Not Gellison.) Jemes; see Jemez; Pajarito. Jemes Hot Springs; see Jemez Springs. Jemez; Pueblo, Sandoval County, N. Mex. (Not Jemes.) Jemez; Stream, branch of the Rio Grande, Sandoval County, N. Mex. (Not Jemes, Rio de Jemes, Rio Jamez, Rio Jemez, nor San Diego.) Jemez; see Pajarito. Jemez Hot Springs; see Jemez Springe. Jemez Springs; Precinct and Village, Sandoval County, N. Mex. (Not Ar- chuleta, Jemes Hot Springs, nor Jemez Hot Springs.) Jenisei; Jenisey; see Yenisei. Jenkins; Lake or Pond, Altamont Town, Franklin County, N. Y. (Not Lake Madeleine.) Jenkins; Rock, St. Marys River, below St. Mary Falls, Ontario. (Not Jen- kins's.) Jenkins; Town, Burlington County, N. J. (Not Harrisville nor Jenkins Neck.) Jennertown; Borough, Somerset Coun- ty, Pa. (Not Jennerstown.) Jennie; Jennie M.; see Deadman. Jennings; northwest point of Shelter Is- land, Suffolk County, N. Y. (Not Rocky nor Stearns.) Jenning's; see Spilmans. Jennis; see Iceberg. Jenny Lind; see Big Arroyo. *Jerico Springs; City, Cedar County, Mo. (Not Jerico nor Jericho.) Jeromeville; Village, Ashland County, Ohio. (Not Jeromesville.) Jerreles; see Jarrels. Jerry's; see Jaffrey. Jesso; see Mokushu. Jesup; Town, Wayne County, Ga. (Not Jessup.) Jesus Maria River; see San Antonio. Jetty-to; see Jadito. Jewett; Hill, Cayuga County, N. Y. (Not Jewitt.) Jewett; see Jouett. Jezirat-el- Maghreb; see Tunis. Jicalango; see Xicalango. Jicarilla Point; Headland, on the south rim of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 6 miles southeast of Bass Camp, Coco- nino County, Ariz. Jidda; Seaport Town of Arabia, on the Red Sea. (Not Jedda nor Jiddah.) Jiddah; see Jidda. Jihoon; see Amu. Jim; see James. Jims; the eastern head of Baileys Mis- take Harbor, Washington County, Me. (Not James.) Jinnampho; see Chinnampo. LS4 OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Township, Faribault ty. Minn (Not Jo Daviee.) Jo C /(MUM. we Teyabalee. Joftnta; RMf, 8pr of Diablo Range, b*wt Village, Sbelikof Strait, (NotKaya- Kahilta*; Glader and River, tributary to Yntna River, Mount McKinley re- jrwo. Aladia (Not Carilt-nu. Kahi- tttna, Kahlitna, Kalidtoa, nor Kar- iltaa.) JMKf-rr we Kahiltna. raAMv aw Katote. JUbwMovawKekuraoi. aw Cowiche. Battery. Plateau, Coconino Count Kaibito; PbtMU. Province, and Spring, Ntvajo Indian Raawvation, Coconino Tounty. Aric (Not Kai Peto.) Kaifoc; Subposul District of Peking, China. Peak, a mimmit of Kaipa- Plateau, I ta! ilparo- wtt Kaiparowlta; Plateau, a broad tableland wwt of the Colorado River, between Earabote and Paria Rivera, Colo. (Not Kaiparo Kairai; K.. k iwa>. lat. 34 04' X , long. 133 o: K Inland Sea. Japan ka.) Kiukpalik. aw Baaket. *Takhonak; Bay, Lake, River, and Vil- la**; Bay, aouth Acre of Iliamna Lake; River, tributary to same; Lake, drained by river; Village, math *ore of Iliamna Lake. Abaka. (Not Kakonak nor aw Kenai. Kakal; Point, vertem entrance to Peril fcait. Southewtam Alaska. (Not Keknl.) Cariton County, Minn. (Xot Kalevak.) *; w Kalkrichuk. aw Kaiavala. Kaligagan; Island, one of the Krenitzin group, eastern Aleutians, Alaska. (Xot Seaiion.) Kalinin; Bay, south shore of Salisbury Sound, Southeastern Alaska. (Xot Kalinina.) Kalinjar; Hill and Town, in Bandasa, Banda District, Bundelkand, British India. (Not Callinjer nor Kalleenjur.) Kalvptl; see Kalispell. Kalispell; Town, Flathead County, Mont. (Not Calispel nor Kalispel.) Kallarichuk; River, first large tributary to Kobuk River from the north above Squirrel River, in long. 159 5XK W., Alaska. (Not Kal-e-gu-ri-che-ark nor Reed.) Kamakku; Bay (patan), lat. 34 39' N., long. 127 4(K E., southern coast of Cho- sen (Korea). (Not Gamaku.) Kambv; see Gambir. Kambodja; see Cambodia. Kamchatka; Peninsula, east coast of Siberia. (Not Kamtschatka.) Kamchatka; see Bering. Kamerun; Mountains and River, \\Vst Africa. (Not Cameroons.) Kampong; Malay prefix to names of villages in Indo-China, meaning vil- lage or inclosure. (Not Kompong.) Kamranh; Bay, coast of Anam, French Indo-China. (Not Camraigne, Cam- ranh, nor Kam ranh.) Kana; Point (saki), Ohama Harbor, lat. 35 StK N., long. 135 37' E., Honshu Island, Japan. (Not Kane.) Kanawha; River in West Virginia. (Not Great Kanawha.) Kanchanjanga; Peak, Himalaya Moun- tains, Nepal, India. (Not Kanrhau- jinga, Kanchinjunga, Kinchin-Jinga, Kinchinjunga, Kunchain-Junga, Kun- chin-Ginga, Kunchinjinga, nor Kun- chinjunga.) Kandahar; Capital City of central Af- ghanistan. (Not Ahmed-Shahee nor Candahar.) Kane; Group of Islets, Neva Strait, near Sitka, Alaska. (Not Kan.) Kant; see Keenee. KaneviUe; Town and Township, Kane County, 111. (Not Kanesville.) Kangouza; see Sukhodol. Kangozima; see Kagoshima. Kang-tung; see Kwangtung. ' Kanjari; Cape (kutsu), lat. 35 21' N., long. 129 21' E., southeastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Izylnova.) Kannon; Light and Point, western en- trance to Gulf of Tokyo, Japan. (Not Kwanon.) Kanomika; Island, Tisbury Great Pond, Marthas Vineyard, Mass. (Not Canon- icut nor Qua-nom-I-ca.) Kansas; River, formed by Smoky Hill and Republican Rivers, Kansas. (Not Kanzas nor Kaw.) Kansu; Province, China. (Not Kan-su, Kansuh, nor Kan-soo.) Kanyo; Rock, lat. 34 18' N., long. 127 51' E., southern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Encounter.) Kaomi; City (near Kiaochow), Shantung Province, China. (Not Kao-mi-hsien, Kaomih hsien, nor Kaumi.) Kao-mi-hsien; see Kaomi. Kaori; Islet, lat. 36 37' N., long. 125 35' E., western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not E. Clifford.) Kara Amid; see Diarbekr. Kara Dagh; see Montenegro. Karakoram; Mountains in Tibet, Cen- tral Asia. (Not Karakorum, Mustag, Mustagh Range, nor Tsung-Ling.) Karamin; Karamip; see Curlew. Karankawa; Bay, north side Matagorda Bay, Calhoun and Jcakson Counties, Tex. (Not Caranchahua nor Caranka- way.) *Karankawa; Bayou or Lake, Galveston Bay, Tex. (Not Calairns nor Caronka- way.) Karankawa; Point and Reef, near Gal- veston, Tex. (Not Carankaway.) Kargilak; Cape, southern shore St. Law- cence Bay, lat. 65 35' N., long. 171 W., eastern coast of Siberia. (Not Chargilach nor Khargilakh.) Karikal; French Settlement, coast of Coromandel, India. (Not Carrical.) Kariltna; see Kahiltna. Karlsruhe; Capital of Baden, Germany. (Not Carlsruhe.) Karluk; see Kupreanof. Karlzeez; see Kachess. Karner; Brook, Egremont Town, Berk- shire County, Mass. (Not Rarner.) 137 Karpa; Island, one of the Shumagin Group, Alaska. (Not Boulder nor Buldyr.) Karpathian; Mountains of Austria-Hun- gary. (Not Carpathian.) Karquenas; Karquines; see Carquinez. Karrsville; Town, Warren County, N. J. (Not Karrville.) Karthaus; Township and Village, Clear- field County, Pa. (Not Kerthaus.) Karu; Point (kutchi), lat. 41 54' N., long. 129 57' E., northeastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Enkvista.) Karu; Rock (paui), lat. 42 04' N., long. 130 09' E., northeastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Kruglaya.) Karumappo; Light and Point, Yunghing Bay, eastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Karumappo, Korumappo, Kuru Mappo, Muravev, nor Muraveva.) Kasaan; Bay, Baranof Island, west side of Chatham Strait, Alexander Archipelago, Alaska. (Not Casaan, Karta, Kasa-an, nor Kazarn.) Kasamanze; River of Senegambia, west coast of Africa. (Not Casamanze.) Kaseiganah; see Saganaga. Kashaway; see Kawishiwi. Kashega; Bay and Cape, Unalaska Is- land, Eastern Aleutians, Alaska. (Not Kashuga.) Kashgaria; see Hsin chiang; Tinkiang. Kashmir; native State of India, North- western Hindustan . (Not Cashmere . ) Kasiana; Group of Islets, Sitka Sound, Alaska. (Not Apple.) Kaskanak; Village, north bank of Kvi- chak River, 10 miles below outlet of Iliamna Lake, Alaska. (Not Kaska- nakh, Kaskinakh, nor Koskanok.) Kassel; see Kotelni. Kata; see Kataura. Katahdin; Mountain, Piscataquis Coun- ty, Me. (Not Ktaadn.) Kataka; Mountain (altitude 12,430 feet), sec. 22, T. 6 S., R. 74 W., Park County, Colo. Katalla; Bay, River, Slough, and Town, near Controller Bay, Gulf of Alaska, Southeastern Alaska. (Not Catolla n Catella.) 138 KBPOBT OF TH1 UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Vino " Kauma; Bay and yard. Ma* (Not Cotamy.) ^ (van) and Town, Ut. 31 loo* 130 Mr* K., Kiuahu Island, ! (Not Kata nor Kata ura.) M KMdwpednkee. - N sse Cochin. Eat* Ndl; Mountain, near Stikine Hirer, Ahska. (Not Kates Needles.) Katt; Rivr, tributary to Stikine River, from the east. Southeastern AWU (Not Kahtet nor Kwahtee- tak.) Katlian; Bay, Baranof bland, near jttka. Abate. (Not Kat liana, Katlia- nda, DOT KoUeana.) Xatoka; Into and Island (to), lat. 35 N., loi. 128* 4? E , southern coast of Cbojso (Korea). (Not Douglae nor Yoadaisan.) Kstsbssn; Village, Ulster County, N. V < Not Caatsban.) aM Cochin, aee Haihira. Xatt^at; Arm of North Sea, between Jutland and Sweden. (Not Cattegat.) gffr+htn: River, tributary to Chilkoot Inlet, from the east, Southeastern Abuka. (Not Chkaxhin nor Katse- Kauta; Qraek, heading in KauU Glacier; tributary to Nuqually River from north, Mount Rainier National Park, Pic* County, WMh. (Not East Fork of Nitqually River nor KauU Fork.) Kaata; Glacier, discharging into Kautz Creek, southern slope Mount Rainier, PSwce County, Wash. JTiiBHSiiaV see Cavanal. JTav; see ffsnssi. see Ilaneda. Shoal (iu), lat. 34 21' N., 1S3 4V E., Inland Sea, Japan. (Not Kawmru nor North.) Zawfehiark; River, tributary to Selawik W^r.Northwwtera Alaska. (NotKa- o^dnxrk ) KawlsMwi; Rmr, Lake County, Minn. (Not Ctshaway nor Kashaway.) District, Kbunath Indian County, Oreg. Kay; Branch, Camden County, N. J. (Not Key nor Key's.) Kayak; Entrance, between Kayak and Wingham Islands, Alaska. Kayak; Island, off mouth of Copper River, Alaska. (Not Kayes.) Kayayak; see Kaguyak. Kayenta; eee Tyende. Kay-i-you; see Marias. KayaviUe; City and Precinct, Davis County, Utah. (Not Maysville.) Kazan; see Kasaan. Ke lung; see Kiirum. Ktag; see Weskeag. Keang-ning; see Nanking. Keam; Canyon and Settlement, Navajo Indian Reservation, Coconino County, Ariz. (Not Keams.) Kearny; Town, Hudson County, N. J. (Not Kearney.) Kearsarge; Mountain, Warner Town, Menimack County, N. H. (Not Kyar Sarga Mount.) Keanarge; see Pequawket. Ktawemoe; see Alia. Kechceachy; Kecheacky; see Cocheco. Kechetataumon; see Cube. Ked; Bay, northern part of Providence Bay, lat. 64 3, , . . K.tUe Falla; Falls and Portage, be- tween Nemakan and Rainy Lakes, Rainy River District. International Boundary (between Minnesota and Ontario). (Not Bare Portage nor Chaodiero.) Kettleman; HilU and Plain, between KetUeman Plain and Tulare Lake, Fresno and Kings Counties, Cal. (Not tlMJMO.) KtndiJk; see Ki>-alina. Key Wt; City, Monroe County, Fla. byvML) AVjw />U; we Keyapaha. Kyapalut; County and Precinct, Keya- paha County. Nebr, and River, Nebr. and 8. Dak. (Not Keya Paha.) M Keya. Me Nikhkak. KoU; PMB, between Longa Peak and Storm Peak, Boulder and Larimer Count**, Colo. Kajport; Town, Monmouth County, ^ot Key Port.) M*. Pond, Sweden, Oxford County, -yea.) Cwtk, central part of Butler .emptying into Big Blue 1 to smitktrn part of county, Bte* River, Little Blue River, nor * Fork of Blue River.) y*MM; Bay and Point, on Keweenaw SE^r w ^^ ** Kharkof; Capital City and District in European Russia. (Not Charkov, Char- kow, Kharkoff, Kharkov, Kharkow, nor Ukraine.) Khartum; Capital, Egyptian-Sudan (Not Khartoum.) ; Bay, indenting south western shore of Chichagof Island, Alexander Archi- pelago, near lat. 57 3(X, long. 136, Alaska. ; Breaker, on a reef bare at low water, lying 3} miles west by south from Kbaz Point, Alaska. (Not Breaker N . 3.) Head, southwestern shore of < hi- chagof Island, bluff headland about 1,400 feet high, between Slocum Arm of Khaz Bay and the sea, Alaska. Khelat; Capital City and Province of Baluchistan, Asia. (Not Kalat nor Kelat.) Khinghan; Mountains between Manchu- ria and Mongolia, Asia. (Not Khin- gan, Khin Gan, Khin-Gan, King-Gan- Oola, nor Khing-Gan Oula.) Khiva; Capital City and Country of Asia, south of Sea of Aral. (Not Kharerm, Kharesm, Kheeva, Khiewa, nor Khwar- erm.) Khorya Morya; Group of Islands, eouthesistern coast of Arabia, Indian Ocean. (Not Curia Maria nor Kuria Maria.) Khotan; City and River, Chinese Tur- kestan. (Not Eelchee, Eelchi, Ele- chee, Ilchi, Ilitai, Khoten, nor Yutien.) Khutz-n'hu; see Kootznahoo. Khwostof; Island, western Aleutians, Alaska. (Not Khvoetoff.) Kiakhta; Town, east Siberia, on the Chinese frontier. (Not Kiachta.) Kialag-vik; Bay, east side Alaska Penin- sula, near Mount Becharof, Alaska. (Not Kialagvit.) Kiamichi; Mountains, Le Flore County; River, Choctaw, Le Flore, and Pushma- taha Counties; and Township, Push- mataha County, Okla. (Not Kiamitia nor Kimishi.) Kiang Mai; see Chiengmai. Kvmg-mtn; see Kongmoon. Kiang-ning; eee Nankin. Kiangsi; Province, China. (Not Kiang- i nor Kkng-se.) Kiangsu; Province, China. (Not Kiang- su.) REPOET OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Kiaochow; Bay, City, and German Pro- tectorate, Shantung Province, China. (Not Chiao Chou, Kiao chau, Kiao Chow, Kiau-Chau, Kiautschou, nor Kyau chau.) Kiaochow; Postal District, China. Kiarsarge; see Pequawket. Kichenef; Kichenev; see Kishenef. Kichick; see Nikhkak. Kickapoo; Township and Village, Leav- enworth County, Kans. Kidds Humbug; Point, Hudson River, Rockland County, N. Y. (Not Kidd'e Humbug.) Kief; Capital City and District, south- eastern Russia. (Not Kieff, Kiev, nor Kiew.) Kienstra; Landing and Town, Missis- sippi River, Adams County, Miss. (Not Kienstra's.) Kiirun; City, Harbor (ko), and Island (to), northern coast of Taiwan Island, China Sea. (Not Ke lung, Kelung, nor Kilung.) Kikitak; see Kikitaruk. Kikitaruk; Village, Kotzebue Sound, Alaska. (Nbt Kikitak, Kikiktak, Kikiktaruk, nor Kigaktowruk.) Kilbourne; Township and Village, Mason County, 111. (Not Kilbourn.) Killoil; Township, Custer County, Nebr. (Not Kilfail.) Kilimanjaro; Mountain, near the Equa- tor, East Africa. (Not Kilima Njaro.) Kilinyaga; see Kenia. Kilkenny; Township and Village, Le Sueur County, Minn. (Not Kilkeny.) Kill Van Kull; Channel, north of Staten Island, Hudson County, N. J., and Richmond County, N. Y. (Not Kill von Kull.) KiUdevil; Hills, Currituck County, N. C. (Not Kill Devil.) Kilung; see Kiirun. Kimana; see Tanganyika. Kimbal; City, Neosho County, Kans. (Not Kimball.) Kimball; see Laurel. Kimballs; see Black. Kimberley; Reef, east of Falkner Island, Long Island Sound, Conn. (Not Kim- berley 's.) Kimishi; see Kiamichi. Kimmundy; see Kinmundy. Kincaid; Railroad Station, Chattooga County, Ga. (Not Holland Station.) Kinchafoonee; River, Lee and Sumter Counties, Ga. (Not Kenchafoonee, Kinchatoonee, nor Kinchefoonee.) Kinchin- Jinga; Kinchinjunga; see Kan- chanjanga. Kinderhook; see Wyomanock. King; Cove, indenting northern part of the eastern coast of Afognak Island, abreast of Marmot Island, Alaska. (Not Izhut, Izhutekaia, Ujut, nor Uyut.) King; Island, Bering Strait, Alaska. (Not Kings, Ooghe-a-book, nor Ukivok.) King; Landing, Ohio River, Clark Coun- ty, Ind. (Not King's.) King Arthur Castle; Peak, on the east side of Shinumo Creek, Coconino Coun- ty, Ariz. King Crest; short Ridge, extending south from Powell Plateau, Coconino County, Ariz. King-Gan-Oola; see Khinghan. King-Ki-Tao; King-ki-too; see Seoul. Kingegan; Village, Cape Prince of Wales, Bering Strait, Alaska. (Not King-a-ghe.) Kingfisher; see Ogishkemuncie. Kings; Glacier, near head of Port Nellie Juan, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Kings; Mountain, east bank of Matanuska River, 40 miles northeast of Knik Arm of Cook Inlet, Alaska. (Not House.) Kings; River, head of Port Nellie Juan, Prince William Sound, Alaska. *Kings; River, Fresno County, Cal. (Not King nor King's.) King's; Kings, Cal. and Fla.; see Philips; Ryer; Teyahalee. Kingsland; Point, Hudson River near Tarry town, Westchester County, N. Y. (Not Kingsland's.) Kingsland; Reach, James River, Va. (Not Graveyard.) Kingston; Mountains, California and Navada. (Not Chung Up nor Resting Spring.) Kinkasan; Channel, Island, and Light, lat. 38 IT N., long. 141 35' E., eastern coast of Honshu Island, Japan. (Not Kingkasan, Kinka San,' Kinkuwasan, nor Kinkwasan.) L4J Cooatv. Ill Toirn *i p ' (XotKimmundy -. W Rivsr, 8t. Croix County, (Not' Kinnirkinnk, Kinnickin- Kinnikink.) Creek Md Village, Ro- Goaty, Ohio. (Not Kinnickinnick.) ii/. MS Conimirut Villa**, Westmoreland County, \ -ate.) Xtettrv; Township, Redwood County, Mian. (NotKnitire.) Kioto; Crssk, Do^berty County, Ga. Kioto.) wjnlfi" younuin Range* between Swe- ds0 and Norway. (Not Kioel, Kjolen, Mr *Mim) JTiota. we Kyoto. Xiowa; Peak (altitude, 13,101 feet), about a mile ea*t of Continental Divide, 14) mil uih of Longs Peak, Boulder County. Colo. t^k. mall tributary to North Bad- ger Cwek, Teton County, Mont. Kip: tM Maple. Hifflon. A-ipniui; Me Black. , Creek, we*ern channel of Eagle Creek, we* of Richland, Baker County, Oref. (Not Little Eagle.) Kirfbic; Stoppea, northeast of Sea of Aral. Aa (Not Kiigheex, Kirguia, narKirri Fann; Province of Manchuria, Asia. I nor Ula.) Kirker, landin. Maaon County, Ky. (Not KirkerV) Biter; Pae^ Contra Costa County, Cal. (Not Kirken, Quercoa, nor Quereua.) Me Keehequa. Capital of BeMarabia, in Eu- ropean Ruwa. (Not Kkhenef, Kich- inev. Kinrhenew, Kkhenev, Kiahineff, KJehinev. nor Kkhlanou.) hka; leiand, one of the western Aleu- tian*. Alaska. (NotKyska.) iskiminlUs; River, from the junction of the Coasmaugh River and Loyal- kMna Creek to the Allegheny River, Pa. MdadBitas; Township, Armstrong Ooty,Pa. (NotKiskiminetsa.) BOARD. Kisselen; Bay, at the head of Beaver Bay, Unalaska, eastern Aleutians, Alaska. (Not Kissialiak nor Worsham.) Kistna; River in the Dekkan, Southern India. (Not Kiatnah nor Krishna.) Kit Carson; Peak, Sangre de Cristo Range, Custer and Saguache Counties, Colo. (Not Frustum.) Kit til; see Keet Seel. Kita Nakane; see Kitanaka. Kitanaka; Shoal (ne), lat. 35 19' N., long. 139 W E., Gulf of Tokyo, Japan. (Not Kita Nakane, Kitanaka-ne, nor Naka ne.) KHch-e-lu; see Keechelus. Kitchen; Brook, Cheshire Town, Berk- shire County, Maes. (Not West.) Kitchikan; see Ketchikan. Kittatinny; Mountains, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. (Not Kitatinny.) Kittiuakc; see Whale. Kittredge; Lake, western side Willam- ette River, below Guild Lake, and 2$ miles below Portland, Multnomah County, Oreg. (Not Kittredges.) Kitts Hummock; sandy Hillock, shore of Delaware Bay, Kent County, Del. (Not Kitt's Hammock nor Kitteham- mock.) Kittyhawk; Bay, Albemarle Sound, Cur- rituck County, N. C. (Not Kitty Hawk.) KiuMang; Foetal District, China. Kiukpalik; Island, Shelikof Strait, Alaska. (Not Kaiukhlipalik.) Kiulung; see Kowloon. Kiung Chowfoo; see Kiungchow. Kiungchow; City, Hainan Island, China. (Not Kien Chow, Kioung- tcheou, Kiung Chau, Kiung Chow foo, Kiungchau, Kiung techeu, Kiung tschou, Kiung tschow, nor Ksingtsu.) Kiungehow; see Hoihow. Kiushu; Island, Japan. (Not Kyushu.) Kivalina; River, Arctic coast of Alaska. (Not Kevuleek, Kevulik, Kivalena, Kivalinagmiut, Kiv-a-linyah, Kive- leena, Kivelow, Kivilenya, nor Kuve- leek.) Kiwanda; Cape, Tillamook County, Oreg. (Not Sand Cape.) Kiwaasa; Lake, Franklin County, N. Y. t Lonesome Pond.) Kjdltn; see Kiolen. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 143 Klag; Bay, north of Khaz Bay and west of Anna Lake, southwestern shore of Chichagof Island, connected with Khaz Bay by Coleman Passage and The Gate, Alaska. (Not Klagh.) Klag; Island, south of Klag Bay, between bay and Coleman Passage, Chichagof Island, Alaska. (Not De Groff.) Klaheela; see Klehini. Klahini; River, tributary to Burroughs Bay, Behm Canal, Southeastern Alaska. (Not Clahona nor Klaheena.) Klahostah; see Sail. Klamath; see Link. Klaskain; Klaskania; Klaskonine; see Clatskanie. Klaicak; see Dry Pass. Kle-al-um; see Clealum. Klebiate Spring; see Cottaquilla. Kleheena; see Klehini. Klehini; River, tributary to Chilkat River, British Columbia and Southeast- ern Alaska, flowing southeast across the International Boundary Line, near lat. 59 24 X . (Not Klaheela, Kleheena, Klu- heena, Kluheeny, Kluheny, Kluhini, nor Tlehini.) Klein; see Kline. Klethla; Valley, Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservations, Coconino and Navajo Counties, Ariz. (Not Kle-thla.) Kletsai; Creek, flowing northward to White River, about long. 141 W., Alaska, near International Boundary (between Alaska and Canada). ,(Not Copper, Klet-san-dek, nor Klutson.) Kletsan; see Natazhat. Klika Killah; see Tlikakila. Kline; Gap, Grant County, W. Va. (Not Klein.) Kline; Township, Schuylkill County, Pa. (Not Klein.) Kloche/skaia; see Kluchef. Klokachef; Cape and Island, entrance to Salisbury Sound, Southeastern Alas- ka. (Not Fortuna, Klokatcheff, nor Vincent.) Klokacheff; see Salisbury. Klondike; River, tributary to Yukon River, and Village, Yukon, Canada, near the International Boundary Line. (Not Chandik, Chandike, Chandindu, Deer, Klondyke, nor Reindeer.) Klondike; Village, Jefferson County, N.Y. (Not Klondyke nor Worthville.) Klosterkamp; southern Point of Castries Bay, lat. 50 3(X N., eastern Siberia. (Not Klester Kamp, Klester kamp, Kloster Camp, Kloster Kamp, nor Quoin.) Kluchef; Volcano, eastern part of Kam- chatka, Siberia. (Not Kliuchef, Klo- cheffskaia, Klotchevsky, Kluchevska- ya, Kluchevskaia, Klutschew, Klyu- chev, Klyutchev, nor Klyutchevskaya.) Kluheena; Kluheeny; Kluheny; Kluhini; see Klehini. Klumma Gutta; Klumn Gutta; see Taku. Klutson; see Kletsan; Natazhat. Knapp; Landing, Columbia River, Clarke County, Wash. (Not Knapp 's.) Knapp; see Manzanita. Knife; Lake, between Carp and Cypress Lakes, Rainy River District, Ontario, International Boundary (between Min- nesota and Ontario). Knitire; see Kin tire. Knobly; Mountain, Grant and Mineral Counties, W. Va. (Not Knobley.) Knobnoster; Town, Johnson County, Mo. (Not Knob Noster.) Knox; Post Light, Illinois River, Scott County, 111. (Not Knox's.) Knox Bar; Post Light, Ohio River, Beaver County, Pa. (Not Knox'& Bar.) Knox Land; Long. 103 to 108 E., lat. 66 30 7 S., Antarctic Continent. Dis- covered and named by Capt. Wilkes in 1840. Knubble; Bay, Sagadahoc County, Me. (Not Nubble.) Ko hasari; see Konasami. Kobuk; River, tributary to Hotham Inlet, Northwestern Alaska. (Not Kowak, Putnam, Kooak, Kubuk, nor Kuvuk.) Kochtaheene; see Hoktaheen. *Kodiak; Island, near Cook Inlet, Alaska. (Not Kadiak.) Kodorika; Kodrika; see Annyon. Kodu; Cape (kuteu), lat. 35 04' N., long. 129 11' E., southern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Young.) Koelen; see Kiolen. Koenigsberg; see Konigsberg. Koggiung; Village, at mouth of Kvichak River, Alaska. (Not Kogiung.) 144 .RPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. JToA /IbaV ea . Bate; FMk and Wdge, on boundary be- Htmi Mono and Tuolumne Counties, rd (NotKo^U) Koj; Wand. southern coast ol Cno* (Korea). (Not Cargodo nor KO-je.) gri^. paint (knlcbi), Ut. 42 W N., long. 130" MK E., northeastern coast of (Korea). (Not Linden.) Kakhonak. River, Coehocton and Knox Counties, Ohio. (Not Kokoahing, Owl Creek, nor Vernoo.) ** Caaadepaga. bland (to), Ut. 34 27' N., 127* Kr* E , southern coast of CboM>( Korea u-kland.) r ^.^^^ ; Group of Island*, Ut. 35 4^ N . lot*. 126 25' E., western coast of ChoMi (Korea). (Not Kokuntau.) KoUtanook; Lake, Springtu-lil, Sulli- van County, N. H. (Not Station Fond.) fbt^fm'a; tee Meade. Eomaruaan; Point (kutchi), Ut. 41 46' long. 129 51' E., northeastern coaat of Choaeo (Korea). (Not Kolo- kolteet) see Cambodia. lUnd and Urgest Island, lat. J4 SIX N., long. 127 45' E., southern COM of Chosen (Korea). (Not North or Seen.) Komo; Point, Grand Canyon of the Colo- radii. Coconino County, Ariz. Wonaaami; Idand and Light, Hiro- abima Bay, Inland Sea, Japan Chikiri. Ko haaari, Ko nasami, nor Ko M Notoro. Treaty Port, West River, KwangtnBf Province, China. (Not nor Kong Mun.) Riv and State, West Africa. (Not Congo.) Oapital City and District, (Not Koenigsberg, Konigs- barg. nor Krotewiea.) oBtaJM Wand, near Atka Island, mid- Alaiitiana,Alaaka. (Not Koniougi.) River, Berkshire County, Kontaku; Island (somu), lat. 38 44 X N., long. 125 28' E., western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Gumjug.) Kontraahibuna; Lake, east of Clark Lake, drained by Tanalian Hiv.-r, Alaska. (Not Brooks, Contlechebna, Kontlalhevena, Kontlechebna, Kum- thraahibuna, Kunthrashiboona, nor Kunthraahibuna.) Kontrcuhibuna; see Tanalian. Konwakiton; Glacier, Mount Shasta, Siskiyou C'ounty, C'al. (Not McCloud.) Kooak; see Kobuk. Koochiching; County, Minn. (Formed December, 1906, from part of Itasca County.) Koochiching; Falls, Rainy River, near Fort Frances, Rainy River District, Ontario, International Boundary (be- tween Minnesota and Ontario). (.Not Chaudiere.) Koogrock; see Kougarok. Koogrook; see Kugrupaga. Kook; see Basket. Kook-pow-rook; see Kukpowruk. Koolkoon; see Kuenlun. Koonthrashiboona; see Tanalian. Koopowra; see Kuparuk. Kooril; see Kuril. Koos; see Coos. Koosmus; see Goosmus Kootenai; Lake, British Columbia, and River, British Columbia and Montana. (Not Kootanie, Kootenie, Kootienay, nor Swan.) Kootenai; Pass, over Continental Divi. Ut. 48 5V, long. 113 54', Gla -i.-r National Park, Flathead and Teton Counties, Mont. (Not Haines.) Kootenai; see Mission. Koo-to-ark; Kootoark; see Kutuk. Kootznahoo; Inlet, Admiralty Island, Alaska. (Not Hoochinoo, Hoosnoff, Houchnou, Hudsunoo, Khutz-n'hu, Kootenoo, Koutsnou, nor Kutznou. Korea,- see Chosen. (Not Cores.) Korelock; Village, Ontonagon County, Mi'-h. (Not Ballentine nor Lake Go- gebir.) Kornilof; see Najin. Korovin; Bay, Atka Island, middle Aleu- tiuis, Alaska. (Not Korovinski.) Konakov; see Otoraari. Kotmina; see Kozmin. Kotelni; Island, one of the New Siberian Islands, Arctic Ocean. (Not Kassel, Kotelnoi, Kotelny, nor Kotelnyi.) Kotleana; see Katlian. Kotschin; see Cochin. Kotsu; see Okino. Kou; see Kuiu. Kouara; see Niger. Kouen Lun; see Kuenlun. Kougarok; River, tributary to the Kuzi- trin; Mountain, Mining District, and Mining Town, Seward Peninsula, Alaska. (Not Koogrock, Kougrok, Ku- grock, Kugruk, nor Kugruk City.) Kougukuk; see Turner. Koujulik; see Kujulik. Koulkoun; see Kuenlun. Kouloulak; see Kulukak. Koumloun; see Kumliun. Kouril; see Kuril. Kowak; see Kobuk. Kowara; see Niger. Kowloon; Bay, City, Peak, Peninsula, and Point, Kwangtung Province, China (Not Kaulun, Kau lung, Kau-lung, Kaulung, Kiulung, Kow-lung, nor Kow- lung.) Koyuktolik; Bay, about 3 miles westward of Port Chatham, Alaska. (Not Dogfish nor Hiko-Bukta.) Koyukuk; Mountain, and River, tribu- tary to the Yukon, Alaska. (Not Koy- oukut.) Kozian; see Cozian. Kozmin; Bay, north of Kruilof Point, lat. 42 43' N., long. 133 E., Siberia. (Not Kosmin nor Kosmina.) Kragness; Township, Clay County, Minn. (Not Kragnes.) Krakow; Ancient Capital of Poland, in Austrian Galacia. (Not Cracow nor Krakau.) Kregugin; see Novosilski. Kreiser; see Choncho. Kresson; Town, Camden County, N. J. (Not Milford.) Krestof; Island, north end of Sitka Sound, Alaska. (Not Cross, Krestoff, nor Krestov.) Krestof ; Sound or Strait, between Kres- tof and Kruzof Islands, Southeastern Alaska. (Not Cross, Krestoff, nor Krestov.) 4704916 10 145 Kreyenhagen; Foothills, west side of Kettleman Plain, western Fresno and Kings Counties, Cal. Krilon; see Notoro. Krishna; see Kistna. Krishna Shrine; Peak, Coconino County, Ariz. Kristiania; see Christiania. Krleougoune; see Novosilski. Krolewiecz; see Konigsberg. Kronstadt; Town, Kotlin Island, Gulf of Finland, Russia. (Not Cronetadt.) Krugloi; Point, southernmost one of Halleck Island, near Sitka, Alaska. (Not Round.) Krung Kao; see Ayuthia. Krusenstern; Cape, Kotzebue Sound, Northern Alaska. (Not Kruzenstern.) Krusenstern; see Ailuk. Kruzof; Island, west of Baranof Island, Alexander Archipelago, Southern Alaska. (Not Croose, Edgecumbe, Pitt, San Jacinto, St. Lazaria, Sitka, nor Tleekh.) Ksingtsu; see Kiungchow. Ktaadn; see Katahdin. Kuang Tsheou-Wan; see Kwangchow. Kuangsi; see Kwangsi. Kuangtung; see Kwangtung. Kubuk; see Kobuk. Kue-ga-rack; see Kugarak. Kueichou; see Kweichow. Kuenlun; Mountain Range, Central Asia. (Not Koolkoon, Kouen Lun, Koulkoun, Kuen Lun, Kwan lun, Kwen Lun, nor Kwun lun.) Kugarak; River, tributary to Selawik River, northwestern Alaska. (Not Kue-ga-rack.) Kugidach; see Pogromni. Kugrock; see Kougarok. Kugruk; River, flowing into Kotzebue Sound, just east of Cape Deceit, Alaska. (Not Swan.) Kugruk; Kugruk City; see Kougarok. Kugrupaga; River, flowing into the Arctic Ocean at long. 166 45', Seward Peninsula, Alaska. (Not Koogrook nor Kugruk.) Kuiu; Island, west of Kupreanof Isla: Alexander Archipelago, Southeastern Alaska. (Not Kou.) 146 1BPOBT OF THE UKITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOAED. Kunahi; Island (to), lat. 36 4v see Chigan. Kumlion; Cape, south shore of Alaska rfcriamla, Alaska. (Not Koumloun nor Komtiak.) fun. ; see Kanchan- Bay, northern part of Chosen ** coast of Chosen >t North Bay.) wBuckland. Ok, Hamilton County, (Not Cogaminck, Congamunck , ^rnfuuiock, nor Kunjamuc.) "; Harbor (po) and Town, a treaty * coa* of Chosen (Korea). ' ' K -- ' ' Ku^n REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 147 Kvikhpak; see Yukon. Kwagunt; Butte and Creek, Coconino County, Ariz. Kwahteetah; see Katete. Kwan lun; see Kuenlun. Kwanchengtze; Sub-postal District of Mukden, China. Kwang Chau Wan; see Kwangchow. Kwangan; see Note. Kwangchow; Bay and French Territory, Kwangtung Province, China. (Not Baie de Quang Tcheou, Kouang- Tcheou, Kuang Tsheou-Wan, Kwang Chau Wan, Kwang chau wan, Kwang chow, Kwang-chow-wan, nor Territorie de Kouang-Tcheou.) Kwang-chow; see Canton. Kwangngai; City, Anam, French Indo- China. (Not Kwang-ngai, Kwang Ngai, Kwang-Ngai, Quang Ngai, Quang-Ngai, Quang ngai, nor Quang-ngai.) *Kwangsi; Province, China. (Not Kuangsi, Kwang-si, nor Quang-ee.) Kwang-tchu-fu; see Canton. Kwangtri; City, Anam, French Indo- China. (Not Kuang tri, Kwang-tri- Kwang Tri, Quangtri, nor Quang Tri.) *Kwangtung; Province, China. (Not Kang-tung, Kuangtung, Kwang-tung, Kwantung, nor Quang-tung.) *Kweichow; Province, China. (Not Kueichou, Kui-chau, Kweichau, Kwei-chow, nor Quei-chow.) Kweiyang; Postal District, China. Kwen Lun; see Kuenlun. Kwichpack; Kwichpak; see Yukon. Kwikpak; Channel or Pass, Yukon Delta, Alaska. (Not Kwikhpak.) Kwikpuk; River, Kuskokwim District, Alaska. (Not Big River nor Kwik- pukna.) Kwikpulma; see Kwikpuk. Kwinak; Village, eastern shore of Kus- kokwin Bay, mouth of Kanektok River, Alaska. (Not Kwinhagamut nor Quin- hagak.) Kwinhagamut; see Kwinak. ^ ^ Kwinlion.; City and Harbor, Anam, French Indo-China. (Not Kin hon, Kin-hon, Kwi nhon, Qui nhon, Qui Nhon, Quinhon, Quin-Hone, Quin- hone, nor Thi-nai.) Kworra; see Niger. Kwun lun; see Kuenlun. Ky Gariep; see Vaal. Kyar Sarga Mount; see Kearsarge. Kyongusogu; Bay and Town, northeast- ern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Ki- onsen, Kj8ng-song, nor Ky6ng-eyong.) Kyoto; City, Japan. (Not Kioto, Meaco, Miako, Miyako, nor Saikio.) Kysla; see Kiska. Kyushu; see Kiushu. L. La Boca; see Balboa. La Carpe; see Lacarpe. La Cholla; see Las Choyas. La Creole River; see Rickreall. La Crosse; City and County, Wisconsin. (Not Lacrosse.) La Cygne; ee Lacygne. La Du; Post Light, Columbia River, and Village, Cowlitz County, Wash. (Not La Du's.) La Due; see Ladue. La Fayette; see Lafayette. La Grange; see Lagrange. La Grange; District and Town, Oldham County, Ky. (Not Lagrange.) La Grasse; see Grass. La Guaira; Seaport, Venezuela, South America. (Not La Guayra.) La Harpe; see Laharpe. La Mine; see Lamine. La Monte; see Lamonte. La Motte; see Lamotte. *La Moure; County, Township, and Village, La Moure County, N. Dak. (Not L'Moure nor Lamoure.) La pasa del Media o del Falucho; see Falucho. La Plata; River, tributary to San Juan River, southwestern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico. (Not Plata nor Rio la Plata.) La Plata; see Laplata; Sucre. La Platte; River, tributary to Lake Champlain from east, at Shelburne, Chittenden County, Vt. (Not La Platt, La Plotte, Laplatte, Laplop, Laplot, La- plotte, Platt, nor The Plot.) La Pointe-a-Pitre; see Pointe a Pitre. La Porte; see Laporte. *La Porte City; Town, Blackhawk County, Iowa. (Not Laporte.) La Pray; see Laprey. 148 1POET OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Lackawaxen; River. Pike County, Pa. Grant Not Lackawaxen Creek.) L* ,bip, ;n ty. and Town- U Sail* County, 111. (Not LaTrappe; <>wk. Talbot County, Md. La Valla; T..wn and Village, Sauk Cbunty. V 1-iv.ilk < La Varkin; Crwk, WaAington County, Utah (Not Le Varkeo.) La Vata; Peak, Sangre de Cristo Range, Iloecfaao County, Colo. (Not Veta.) La Viat*; P-int. 8l John* River, Duval County. Fla. (Not Philips nor Phil- lip'*) Labadia; (Yeek and Railroad Station, Franklin County. Mo (Not Labaddie.) Labarg*; Lake, Yukon District ada. < Not Ubarge nor Lebarge.) Labouchara; Island, entrance to La- bourhrr* Bay. Sumner Strait, South- aartcro Alaak ip.) Lac DM Boil Blanc Me Basswood. Lac LaCroix; Lake, between Iron and Loon Lakes, Rainy River District, On- tario, International Boundary (be- tween MinneaoU and Ontario). (Not Croat, Kekwakwan, Lake LaCroix, Nameukan, Namoukan, Ne-qua-kaun, Ncquaquon, nor Nequawkaun.) Le (a rii'nr; aw Rainy. Lft Majnar; we Maggiore. Lac qui Parla; Township and Village, Lar qui Parle County. Minn. (Not Lar-qui-parie ) Lac Svptnmr; aw Lake Sup- Lacarpa; Creek, Ottawa County, Ohio, t LaCarpenorLacarne.) Laceadhra; IsUndii, Indian Ocean, south- e* from India. (Not Lakaradeevh, Ukkadiv, oor Ukkadiwa.) Lay Lana; Port Light, Ohio River, OabeU County, W Va. (Not Lacey's.) l^chbon*; Lake, went ride of Clark Lake and tributary to it, Alaska. (Not nor LawBbiaa.) Bar.) Lacraif; see Grays. Laarotte; see La Crosse. Lacygne; City, Linn County, Kans. (Not La Cygne.) Ladrone; Ladronet; see Marianas. Ladue; River, tributary to White Riv.-r from the west, about long. 140 W., near International Boundary (between Alaska and Canada). (Not La Due.) Lady; Island, Columbia River, abreast of Camas Town, 14 miles above Van- couver, Clark County, Wash. (Not Ladys.) Lady Washington; see Mount Lady Wash- ington. Lafayette; Town, Chambers County, Ala. (Not La Fayette.) Lafayette; Town, Chippewa County, Win. (Not La Fayette.) Lafayette; Township, Bremer County, Iowa. (Not La Fayette.) Lafayette; Village, Christian County, Ky. (Not La Fayette.) Laferty; Railroad Station, Belmont C.mnty, Ohio. (Not Lafferty.) Laffingal; Hamlet, Cherokee County, Ga. (Not Laffing Gal nor Laughing Gal.) Lago Maggiore; see Maggiore. Lagoa; see Delagoa. Lagoa dos Patos; Lagoon, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. (Not Lago de los Patos.) Lagrange; Town, Lagrange County, Ind. (Not La Grange.) Lagrange; Town, Penobscot County, Me. (Not La Grange.) Lagrange; see La Grange. Laguna; Stream, Amador and Sacra- mento Counties, Cal. (Not The Laguna nor Willow Creek.) Laguna; Village, Orange County, Cul. (Not Lagona.) Laguna de la Merced; see Merced. Lagunda Madre; Lagoon, in southern Texas. (Not Laguna Del Madre.) REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 149 Laguna Seca; Creek, Merced County, Cal., heading in center of T. 12 S., R 10 E., draining foothills between Ortiga- lito and Little Panoche Creeks, and emptying into the San Joaquin Valley. (Not Salt nor Wildcat.) Laharpe; City, Allen County, Kans. (Not La Harpe.) Laichow; Bay (wan) and City, Shan- tung Province, China. (Not Lai chau, Laichau, Laichau Bight, Lai-chou Fu, nor Lai chou Wan.) Laird; see Bayou Grand Liard. Lairey; see Cedar. Laireys; Island, northern one of White Islands Group, West Penobscot Bay, Me. (Not Pole nor Lairey 's.) Lakaradeevh; see Laccadive. Lake; Creek, in the Mount McKinley re- gion, tributary to Yentna River from the north, 10 miles below Skwentna River, Alaska. (Not Mentalik.) Lake; Creek, tributary to Los Pinos River, Hinsdale and La Plata Counties, Colo. (Not Lake Fork.) Lake; Valley, east of Schell Creek and Ely Ranges, extending northward from Pioche to Geyser, Lincoln County, Nev. (Not Duck nor Patterson Wash.) Lake; see Lake City; Leake; Middle Piney. Lake Arthur; see Fairview. Lake Austin; see St. Catherine. Lake Baikal; the largest lake of Asia, in Siberia, its basin being inclosed by the Baikal Mountains. (Not Baikal Lake nor Holy Sea.) Lake Bay; Creek, southeast of Stevenson Island, connecting Barnes Lake with Lake Bay, northeastern part Prince of Wales Island, Southeastern Alaska. *Lake City; Township and Village, Bar- ber County, Kans. (Not Lake.) Lake Clear; Lake or Pond, Harrietstown Town, Franklin County, N. Y. (Not Big Clear Pond nor Clear Pond.) Lake Gogebic; see Korelock. Lake Juvet; see Crosset. Lake La Croix; see Lac La Croix. Lake Madeleine; see Jenkins. Lake May; see Goose. Lake of the Isles; Lake, Wells Island, St. Lawrence River, Jefferson County, N. Y. (Not Waterloo.) Lake of the Sun; see Ozette. Lake of the Woods; on International Boundary (between Minnesota and On- tario), Kenora and Rainy River Db- tricts, Ontario. Lake Opechee; see Opechee. Lake Park; Village, Pierce County, Wash. (NotLakepark.) LakePaugus; see Paugus. Lake River; see Eleanor. Lake St. Marys; artificial Lake, Au- glaize and Mercer Counties, Ohio. (Not Celina Grand Reservoir, Grand Reservoir, Lake Mercer, Lake St. Mary's, Mercer County Reservoir, Mer- cer Reservoir, nor St. Marys Reservoir.) Lake Superior; the largest body of fresh water in the world and highest of the five great lakes of the St. Lawrence sys- tem. (Not Lac Superieur.) Lake Wilbert; see Little Simon. Lake Winnesquam, Lake Winnwquam; see Winnisquam. Lakeport; Town and Township, Wood- bury County, Iowa. (Not Lake Port.) Lakeside; Roadhouse, north of Seward, on Alaska Northern Railroad, Alaska. Laketown; Township, Carver County, Minn. (Not Lake Town.) Lakeview; Village, Covington County, Ala. (Not Lake View.) Lakeview; see Black. Lakeville; Township and Village, t)a- kota County, Minn. (Not Lake Ville.) Lakhnau; see Lucknow. Lakkadiv; Lakkadiwa; see Laccadive. Laniar; River, Yellowstone National Park and Park County, Wyo. (Not East Fork of the Yellowstone.) Lamarck; Creek, a headwater of Bishop Creek, heading in Lamarck Mountain, Inyo County, Cal. Lamarck; Mountain, Inyo County, Cal. Lambert; Point, Elizabeth River, Nor- folk County, Va. (Not Lambert's.) Lamberts; Cove, Vineyard Sound, Mar- thas Vineyard, Mass. (Not Lombards nor Lumbards.) Lamine; Township and Village, Cooper County, Mo. (Not La Mine.) Lamington; River and Town, Somerset County, N. J. (Not Lammington.) Lamitar; Lamitas; see Lemitar. Lamonte; Town and Township, Pettis County, Mo. (Not La Monte.) BEFOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 150 Hmo* Coulee, bimnch ol Ooulding Creek, YeltowpWie County, Mont. LeaotU; Town, Jackson County, It (Mot La Moua.) Dock; Port Light, Hudson N Y (Not flb; M Lwrnn. fe. nenf- * "-"" * Mekong. Lmt**tr weWr Laaoelot Point; Haadland. nar the head ol Shinumo Creek, Ooconino County, Landenberr. Vilhe. (>hoBt " r ( '" unt > Pfc. (Not Undenburg.) LamAr; we Cotton wood. we Lauderdalo. we Moaner. Laaford Station; Town, laurens County. 8.C. . Not I*ngford's Station.) eeLanganes. northwestern Point of Ice- __ (Not Langanaee.) t^f^on; Glacier. near head of Port Nel- lie Juan, I'm*. William Sound, Alaska. Laacford; Creek and Town, Kent County, Md (Not Lankford'a.) we Laugher)'. we Miquelon. bland, Hingham Harbor, Mass. (Not Cheadfcr't nor Langley.) Ltmjttf: we Miquelon. LeAffrdto; Creek, 4 miles east of Elliott, tributary to Nanticoke River, Dor- dkeater County, Md. (Not Langrell's, Longrell, nor LongrelU.) LanftPond; we Mirror. Lanham; Railroad Station, Prince Georgea County, Md. (Not Lanhama.) Leaadowne; Railroad Station, Hunter- don County, N. J. (Not Landsdown nor Laaadown.) lAo-me* Ih; we Lwan. LaotUh; Mountain, near southern end of Kwaagtung Peninsula, China. (Not UM Cha el and Promontory, northern aide of Pechili Strait, China. (Mot Lao teei shan, Lao-ti-chan, Lao- Lao-tieh Shan, Liao tieh shan, , Liao-ti^ban, LiaotiAan, nor Liau ti * apbam; Hill, Debfteld Town, T. 7 N., W B.. WMtkeaha County \\,, Laplata; Village, Deaf Smith County, Tex. (Not La Plata.) Laporte; Borough and Township, Sul- livan County, Pa. (Not La Porte.) LaporU; see La Porte City. Lapray; see Laprey. Laprey; Precinct, Lincoln County, Wash. (Not La Pray, Lapray, Le Pray, nor Lepray.) Large; see Bolshoi. Large Bridge; see Sipapu. LarkinB Ferry; Poet Light, Ohio River, Owenflboro, Ky. (Not Larkena' Ferry.) Lame; Village, Marion County, Ohio. (Not La Rue.) Larzatita; Island, westernmost island in San Christoval Channel, Alaska. La Animas; see Animas; Purgatoire. Las Casetas; Village, Los Angeles County, Cal. (Not Las Casitas nor Los Casitos.) Las Choyas; Valley, near San Diego, San Diego County, Cal. (Not Chollas, La Cholla, nor Las Chollas.) Lot Garzas; see Garza. Lot Neuvilas del Principe; see Nuevitas. Lot Penatquitas; see Los Penasquitos. Lot Pulgat; see Pulgas. Lot Rocas; see As Rocas. Lot Tiendas; see Tent Hills. Laa Trampas; Creek, Peak, and Rid/--. Contra Costa County, Cal. (Not Las Tampas nor Sugarloaf.) Lasiocarpa; Ridge, northern slope Mount Baker, Whatcom County, Wash. Laasa; Capital of Tibet. (Not H'Lassa, Lhasa, nor Lhassa.) Lasaen; Peak, southeastern part Shasta County, Cal. (Not Mt. Lassen.) Latt; see Isle Derniere. Last Chance; Creek, tributary to Yukon River from the east, near Eagle, Alaska International Boundary (between Alaska and Canada). Latah; Creek (tributary to Spokane River from southeast, at Spokane), Spo- kane and Whitman Counties, Wash., and Benewah County, Idaho. (Not Camas Prairie, Hangman, Ilangmans, Hangman's, nor Lau-taw.) Latakia; Seaport, Coast of Syria. (Not Ladikiyeh, I^atakii'', Laiakich, Lata- kiya, Latakiyah, Latakiych. Lattaqui^, nor Lazkie\) Latakieh; Latakiya; Latakiyah; Latakiyeh; see Latakia. Latimer; Reef, near Fishers Island, Long Island Sound, N. Y. (Not Latimer's.) Latintown; see Lattintown. Latir; Peak (altitude 12,467 feet), north- east of Venado Peak, Sangre de Cristo Range, Taos County, N. Mex. Latis Langua; see Terlingua. Latona; Village, King County, Wash. (Not Loosna.) Latouche; Island and Passage between Elrington and Latouche Islands, south- western part of Prince William Sound, Alaska. (Not Foot Island, Klikaklik, nor Klikalit.) Latourell; Falls and Prairie, Multnomah County, Oreg. (Not Latourelle.) Lattaquie; see Latakia. Lattintown; Village, Marlboro Town, Ulster County, N. Y. (Not Latting- town nor Latintown.) Lauderdale; Town, St. James Parish, La. (Not Landerdale.) Lauderick; Creek, Harford County, Md. (Not Loderick, Luckwick, nor Lud- wig.) Lauderick; see Swaderick. Laughery; Township, Ripley County, Ind. (Not Langhery.) Laughing Gal; see Laffingal. Laughton's Bayou; see Callaway. Lau-mu-Ho; see Lwan. Lauramie; Township, Tippecanoe Coun- ty, Ind. (Not Laurance.) Laurel; Canyon, Los Angeles County, Gal. (Not Kimball.) Laurel; Run, Garrett County, Md. (Not Little Laurel Run.) Laurel Gap; see Bailey ton. Laurenco Marques; see Lourenco Marques. Laurentian; Range of Mountains, Can- ada, extending from Labrador to the Arctic Ocean, and forming the water- shed which separates the tributaries of the St. Lawrence River from those of Hudson Bay. (Not Laurentides.) Laur entities; see Laurentian. Lau-ting-hyen; see Lotinghsien. Lava; Butte and Canyon, Coconino Coun- ty, Ariz. Lava; Lake, head of Cascade Creek, Gal- latin County, Mont. 151 Lava Divide; Watershed, between Park and Rainbow Creeks, southeastern slope Mount Baker, Whatcom County, Wash. Lavalle; see La Valle. Lavandera; Rocks (two), between Ca- beza de Perro and Inner Piraguas Rock P. R. Lavisa; see Levisa. Lawrence; Point, north shore of Long Island, near Astoria, Queens County, N. Y. (Not Lawrence's.) Lawrence; see Crysler. Lawsbina; see Lachbuna. Lawson; Lake, Coeymans Town, Albany County, N. Y. (Not Lawton.) Lawsons Run; see Lostmans. Lazkie; see Latakia. Lazy Lady; Island, St. Albans Bay, Lake Champlain, Vt. (Not Ram.) *Le Boeuf; Township, Erie County, Pa. (Not Leboeuf.) Le Conte; Bay and Glacier, east of Mitkof Island, Frederick Sound, Alaska. (Not Hulti, Hutli, nor Thunder.) Le Conte Plateau; Point, above left wall of Granite Gorge, Coconino County Ariz. Le May; see Lemay. LePray; see Laprey. Le Roux; see Leroux. Le Roy, N. Y. and Mich.; see Leroy. Le Verken; see La Verkin. Lea; River, chiefly in Hertfordshire and Middlesex, England. (Not Lee.) Lead (Creek); see Middle Beaver. Leah; see Red Buttes. Leak; see Thwart way. Leake; Township, Nevada County, Ark. (Not Lake.) Leamington; Precinct and Town, Mil- lard County, Utah. (Not Lemington.) Leantavitch; see Leontovich. Leao-tong; see Liaotung. i L'Eau qui Court; see Niobrara. ' Lebanon, Ga.; see Toonigh. ; Lebanon, N. Y.; see Wyomanock. | Lebarge; see Laberge. | Leboeuf; see Le Boeuf. 1 Lecair; see American. Lechner; Glacier, eastern si Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Leconte; Canyon, on upper waters o Middle Fork, Kings River, Fresi County, Cal. 152 OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGKAPHIC BOARD. Divide, separating upper wa- M of 8aa Joaquin River from King" River, Fiwno County, Cal. L; Pwt Light, MiiJppi River, Uke t Lee's.) Ut, England; we Let. L* CnUr; Townnhip and Ullage, La County. Ill Not Lee.) L*chville; Village, Beaufort County, X C .Not Leach ville.) L* Liakhof; Liakhov; Liakov; see Great Liakof, New Siberian. Liao tieh shan; Liao-tie-shan; Liaotishan; see Laotiehshan. Liaotung; Gulf, an arm of the Yellow Sea, China. (Not Leao-tong.) Liaoyang; City, China. (Not Liaoyan, Liao-yang, nor Liau-yang.) Liau ti; see Lao tieh. Liau ti shan; see Laotiehshan. Libby; Islands, Machias Bay, Washington County, Me. (Not Libbey.) Liberty; Bay, northwestern arm Port T)rchard, Puget Sound, Kitsap County, Wash. (Not Dogfish.) Liberty Cap; sharp, snow-covered emi- nence (altitude about 14,000 feet) on northwestern side of summit platform, Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Liberty Cap; see Battery. Liberty Hill; Village, Grainger County, Tenn. (Not Libertyhill.) *Libia; Italian colony in Northern Africa. (Not Libya nor Tripoli.) Libya; see Libia. Lickinghole; Creek, Hanover County, Va. (Not Lickenhole.) Lidel; see Lytle. Liege; City and Province, Belgium. (Not Luik nor Liittich.) Lieou Khieou; see Nansei. Lieukhieu; see Nansei. Lieutenant; Island, Wellfleet Harbor, Cape Cod Bay, Mass. (Not Horse.) Light House; see Pilot. Lignite; see Hoseanna. Likes; Creek, Thumb Cove, Resurrection Bay, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Liliput; Creek, tributary to Cape Fear River, Brunswick County, N. C. (Not Lilyput.) *Lille; City, capital of Department of Nord, France, situated on the Deule. (Not Lisle, L'Isle, nor Ryssel.) Lillie; see Twin Sisters. Lilly; Pond, Rockport Town, Knox County, Me. (Not Fresh nor Lily.) Lilly; Town, in Illinois, Ohio, Missouri. (Not Lily.) Lilly; Borough, Cambria County, Pa. Lillydale; Railroad Station, Chautau- qua County, N. Y. (Not Lily Dale.) Lily; Lake, sec. 14, T. 4 N., R. 73 W., at south foot of Lily Mountains, 5 miles northeast of Long Peak, Larimer Coun- ty, Colo. Lily; Lakes, between Moose and Moun- tain Lakes, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, International Boundary (be- tween Minnesota and Ontario). Lily; Mountain, sees. 13 and 14, T. 4 N., R. 73 W., 6 miles northeast of Longs Peak, Larimer County, Colo. Lima; Reef, \ mile east by south from Point Lima, P. R. Lime; Island, St. Marys River, Mich. (Not Isle a la Crosse.) , Lime Mountain; Peak, prominent land- mark, T. 20 N., R. 23 E., Navajo County, Ariz. Limesprings; Village, Howard County, Iowa. t Not Lime Spring.) Limestone Hill; see West Seneca. Limitar; see Lemitar. Limon; Bay, .Atlantic end of Panama Canal. (Not Colon Harbor.) Lincoln; Creek, northern part of Hamil- ton, Seward, and York Counties, Nebr. (Not North Fork of Big Blue River, West Branch of Big Blue River, nor West Fork of Big Blue River.) Lincoln; City, Lincoln County, Kans. (Not Lincoln Center City.) Lincoln; Peak, one of Black Buttes Group, southwestern slope Mount Ba- ker, Whatcom County, Wash. Lincolnville; see Megunticook. Linda; Creek, Rancho del Paso, Sacra- mento County, Cal. (Not Dry.) l.M nn'KKT Or THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Jt Uwrence River, 2J northwest of St. Lawrence Vil- ho Cpe Vincent Township, Jeffer- ,1, Count N V ( Not Britton'e.) m4nAa; Uke, w"" * headwaters of in* Yukon, Abi. (Not Undemann, .. . ! ; , McPherson County, >nd*burg< Ltak; River, connecting Upper and Lower Kbmath Lakes, Oreg. (Not KfaMth.) Una; lUilnaul Station, Jefferson County, Ak. N"t I-'"""- I - inn ' < Crossing, nor ing.) I.tnnanu; see Mount Linnaeus. Lfamfcm; Precinct and Village, west- ern side Willianwtt*- Itiv.-r. about 7 m \^ below Portland, Multnomah County, Oreg. < Not Linton.) LuUon; see Linnton. Lion; Gulch, sec. 27, T. 4 N., R. 73 W., southeMlern slope Eetes Cone, Larimer County, Colo. L*>*t; see Lyon. Uone Head; Mountain, Litchfiold County, Conn. (Not Lyons Head.) Ltpan; Point, VUhnu quadrangle, Coco- mi- \riz. Ltebon ;>iul of Portugal. (Not Lisabona, Ltuboa, Lasbonne, nor Lissa- bon.) TAri'ntlr 4 : Inlet, strait arm running 21 mile* southeast, one-half mile east, di- rection from Cross Sound, Alaska. Lisle; Town. Vaucluse, Franco, 14 miles east of Avignon, situated on an inland formed by the Sorgue. (Not 1'Isle, Lisle sui Ooigue, nor 1' Isles Sorgue.) L'*lt-tr-Sory*t; l'I$U; Villa Sorgue; see *, Uthi* Spring*; Town, Douglas County, G*. (Not Salt Springs.) Lithodendron; Wash, Apache, and Narmjo Counties, Aris., and Station, T. W N., R. 23 B., Navajo County, Arii. Ovriso nor Carriio.) Uttie; Creek, tributary to Glacier Creek, HM .' .-.-.. \\,--. UttU; Spring, Coconino Countv, Ariz. tStokei.) LMt t Cora.; see Mattebesset; Park. Little. Mass.; see Cha.lwick. Little Amicalola; Creek, tributary to Amicalola Creek about a mile southeast of Emma, Dawson County, Ga. (Not Little Amicolola nor Little Armacolola.) Little Annemessex; River, Somerset County, Md. (Not Little Amiemesaic.) Little Applegate; River, tributary to Applegate River, Jackson County, Oreg. (Not North Fork Applegate.) Little Barren; River, tributary to Green River, Green County, Ky. (Not Bar- ren.) Little Bay de Noc; Bay, Delta Count y , Mich. (Not Little Bay d'Enoc, Littlo Bay de Noque, Little Bay des Noquete, Little Bay des Noquet, Little Bay de Noquette, Little Bay de Nocquet, nor Little Bay d'Enoquet.) Little Bear; Creek, tributary to the In- glutalik from the east, south of Big B.-ur Creek, Alaska. Little Bear; see Vance. Little Beaver; Creek, Columbiana County, Ohio, and Beaver County, Pa. Little Beavtr, S. Dak.; see South Beaver. Little Beaver, Wyo. ; see Stockade Beaver. Little Bighorn; River in Montana and Wyoming, tributary to the Bighorn. (Not Little Big Horn nor Little Horn.) Little Blue River; see Keysor. Little Bridge; see Kachina. Little Bustina; Island, southwest of Bustins Island, Caaco Bay, Cumber- land County, Me. (Not Bustings.) Little Cacapon; River, Hampshire County, W. Va. Little Cahaba; Stream, branch of Ca- haba River, Jefferson and Shelby Counties, Ala. (Not East Cahaba, East Fork, nor Mill Creek.) Little Captain's Island; see Captain. Little Cascade; Creek, La Plata County, Colo. Little Catawba; see South Fork. Little Champion; Creek, tributary to Champion ( 'reek from the east, Alaska. Little Chandz; see Ma. Little Chatahospee; Creek, tributary to Chatahospee Creek, Chambers County, Ala. (Not Little Chattahos- pee, Little Hoolethlocco, Little Hoo- lethlocee, Little Hoolethloco, nor Little Hootethlocco.) EEPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 155 Little Choptank; River, Dorchester County, Md. (Not Hudson.) Little Colorado; River, tributary to the Colorado River, Apache, Coconino, and Navajo Counties, Ariz. (Not Colorada, Chiquito, nor Flax.) Little Cultus; Lake, southwestern part of Crook County, Oreg. Little Diamond; Island, Portland Har- bor, Me. (Not Little Hog.) Little Diomede; Island, Bering Strait, Alaska. (Not Ignalook nor Ratma- noff.) Little Dog; Mountain, Flathead County, Mont. Little Dragon; Plateau, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Little Duck Creek; see Leipsic. Little Eagle; Creek, rising in south- eastern part T.6S.,R. 44 E., and flow- ing south to Eagle Creek in T. 8 S., R. 45 E., Baker County, Oreg. (Not Little Fork.) Little Eagle; see Kirby. Little Egg; Inlet, Burlington County, coast of New Jersey. (Not Little Egg Harbor, New, nor Tucker's Cove.) Little Elk; Creek, La Plata County, Colo. Little Falls; City and Town, Herkimer County, N. Y. (Not Littlefalls.) Little Fork; see Little Eagle. Little Grays; see Little Greys. Little Greys; River, Lincoln County, Wyo. (Not Little Grays nor Little John Days.) Little Gros Ventre; see Flat. Little Hauken; Branch, Burlington County, N. J. (Not Head of Tran- quility nor Tranquility.) Little Hog; see Little Diamond. Little Hog Neck; see Nassau. Little John Days; see Little Greys. Little Knife; Portage, between Cypress and Knife Lakes, Rainy River Dis- trict, Ontario, International Boundary (between Minnesota and Ontario). Little Lakes; Valley, drained north- ward by Rock Creek, Inyo County, Cal. Little Klamath; see Lower Klamath. Little Liakof; Island, one of the New Siberian Islands, Arctic Ocean. (Not Mali nor Maloi.) Little Laurel Run; see Laurel. Little Manitou; see Cockburn. Little Mark; see Littlemark. Little Menan; see Petit Manan. Little Mink; see Littlemark. Little Minam; River, flowing in a northerly direction and emptying into Minam River in T. 2 S., R. 41 E., Union County, Oreg. (Not Little Minum.) Little Minum; see Big Canyon. Little Naked; see Storey. Little Nelchina; River, tributary to Nelchina River from north, about lat. 62, long. 147, west side Copper River Valley, Alaska. (Not Bubb, Nelchina, nor Taiklano.) Little Nesenkeag; Brook, tributary to Merrimack River from the east, Hills- borough County, N. H. (Not Chase's, Chases, Massenteean, Mossenteean, nor Reed's.) Little Noquashinski; see Nakwasina. Little Ocmulgee; Stream, between Tel- fair and Wheeler Counties, Ga. (Not Aucnee Hatchee nor Gum Swamp.) Little Panoche; Creek and Valley, draining east flank Diablo Range north of Panoche Valley, Fresno and San Benito Counties, Cal. (Not Pano- chita.) Little Pine Island; see Piney. Little Platte; Stream, Clay, Clinton, and Platte Counties, Mo. (Not Smiths, Smith Fork Platte River, nor South Fork Platte River.) Little Rattle Snake; Little Rattlesnake; see Sleepers. *Little Bedfish; Lake, northeast of Heyburn Mountain, between Redfish Lake and Salmon River, draining into Salmon River, Ouster County, Idaho. (Not Squaw.) Little Rock; City, Pulaski County, Ark. (Not Littlerock.) Little Sable; Lake, Lighthouse, and Point, Oceana County, Mich. (Not Pe- tite Pointe au Sable.) Little Salmon; Stream, Oswego County, N. Y. (Not Salmon.) OF THE UNITED 8TATE8 GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 156 County, ^^ ,'a. (Not Gibbon* nor Gibbons Glade.) Little Sdoto; River, heading in Jackson County and flowing into Ohio River, Sctoto County, Ohio. (Not Brushy rk.) Uuk Skip Rock; see Mitten Rock. LittU Seioto; we Holland Fork. Little Simon; Pond or Uke, Altamont Town, Franklin County, N. Y. (Not lak' WilllxTt i>'r I.ittlf Simons.) Little 8odu; Bay, Uke Ontario, Cayu- e County. X Y (Xot Fairhaven.) Little Sunapee; Uke, Merrimack Coun- ty. X H 'X"t Twin Ukes.) Little Tahom*; high castellated peak eparaling Emmons and Ingraham Gla- ciers, eastern flank Mount Rainier, .nty. Wah. Little Tahunga; Canyon, northeastern part San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles County, Cal. Little Tobehanna; Creek, Schuyler County, X Y i Xot Little Tobyhanna.) Little Vermilion; Uke, between Loon and Sand Point Ukes, Rainy River District, Ontario, International Boun- dary (between Minnesota and Ontario), i Vormillion.) Little Wenatchee; River, rising in T. 29 N., R. 14 E.. flowing into Wenatchee Uk*. Chelan County. Wash. (Not Wenat- hee nor Wenatchee Creek.) Little Wilson; Pond, Auburn and Tur- ner Towns, Androscoggin County, Me. i. h nor Ramsdell.) Little Winnipeg; see Winnipegosis. LitilefalU; t#e Little Falls. Lutlf field; see Beaverdam. Littlemark; Island, Winnepesaukee Lake, entrance to Alton Bay, Belknap County, N. H. (Not Little Mark nor Little Mink.) Littleton; Railroad Station, Jefferson nty. Ala. (Not De Berniere.) Liu Kiu; Liutiu; see Nansei; Okinawa. Lhrinfton; Creek, Columbia County, (Xot Livingston's nor Roeliff Janwn Kill.) Lwtw Pond; ne Mirror. Lfewd; Spring, 3 miles west of Fort De- **, Apache County, An*. Ljachof; see Great Liakof . Llano Estacado; Plateau in Texas. (Not Staked Plain.) Llao; Rock, rim of Crater Lake, Klamath County, Oreg. (Not Mount Jackson.) Lloyd; Harbor and Neck, Huntington Bay, Long Island Sound, N. Y. (Not Lloyd's.) Lloyd; Township and Village, Ulster County, N. Y. (Not Loyd.) Loanda; Seaport Town, west coast of Africa. (Not St. Paul de Loanda.) Lobitos; Creek, San Mateo County, Cal. (Not Lobatos, Lobitas, nor Lobitus.) Loblockee; Creek, Lee County, Ala. (Not Big Loblockee, White's, nor WTiites.) Lobutcha; Creek, tributary to Pearl River, Attala, Choctaw, Leake, and Winston Counties, Miss. (Not Butcha, Lobutchy, Yalabutch, Yellow, nor Yel- low Butcha.) Lobutchy; see Lobutcha. Locarno; see Maggiore. Lochloy; Village, Snohomish County, Wash. (Not Lochsloy.) Locke; Lockes; see Locks. Lockhart; Landing and Post Light, Ohio River, Adams County, Ohio. (Not Lockart's.) Lockhart; Township, Pike County, Ind. (Not Loackhart.) Locke; Mountain, Bethel Town, Oxford County, Me. (Not Besse.) Locks; . Island, Winnepesaukee Lake, one-half mile northwest of Belknap Point, Belknap County, N. H. (Not Locke, Lockes, Lock's, nor Thomp- sons.) Lock's; see Locks. *Lockspring; Village, Daviess County, Mo. (Not Lock Springs.) Lockwood Folly; Inlet and River, Brunswick County, N. C. (Not Lock- wood's Folly.) Locus; see Mink. Locust; see Middle. Loderick; see Lauderick. Lodge; Creek, southern Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada, and Montana, United States, flowing into Milk River near Chinook, Mont. (Not West Fork nor West Fork Milk River.) REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 157 Iiodgepole; Creek, tributary to Morrison Creek, Flathead County, Mont. Lodgepole; Mountain, between Middle Fork Flathead River and Lodgepole Creek, Flathead County, Mont. Lodgepole; Precinct and Village, Chey- enne County, Nebr.; also Creek, south- western Nebraska. (Not Lodge Pole.) Lofka; Indian Hut, Yukon River, Alaska. (Not Lofka 's.) Log; Meadow, Giant Forest, Tulare County, Cal. (Not Tharpe, Tharpe's Log, nor Wolverton.) Logan; Creek, heading in Haystack Butte and Logan Pass, and flowing west to McDonald Creek, at its bend, Glacier National Park, Flathead County, Mont. Logan; Mountain, lat. 48 37' N., long. 113 39' W., 2 miles northeast of Black- feet Mountain, Glacier National Park, Teton County, Mont. Logan Gap; Post Light, Ohio River, Brown County, Ohio. (Not Logan's Gap.) Loganville; Borough, York County, Pa. (Not Logansville.) Logging; Ridge, between Quartz Creek on the north and Logging Creek and Lake on the south, Flathead County, Mont. Logging Camp; Bay, northern side Passage Canal about midway be- tween Pigot Point and Poe Bay, near lat. 60 5 Dis- appointment, Pacific County, ^arfi. (Not McKeniie's Head.) JfeXmiw IWdfc; see McKenzie Bridge. MeBttrick; Valley, extending north- westerly through T. 30 3., R. 22 E., in which locatsd the town of McKittrick Kern County, >al. McKittrick Summit; Point, 4,323 feet high, in north half of see. 30, T. 30 S., R. Jl E-, Kern County, Gal. MeXnifht; Port Light, Mississippi River, Dubuque County, low*. (Not Mc- M(Lf*ffkKn- we McLoughlin. McLm; ee Carneros. MeLod; Bay, Cheboygan County, Mich. (Not Cheboygan nor Duncan. MeLtod; Peak, MiflBoula County, Mont. (Not Ariee, Jocko, McGoud, nor Mc- Leoud.) McLoughlin; Peak, Cascade Range, Ul. 42* 2T N., J*ckson, Oreg. (Not McLaughlin nor Pitt.) McLure; Valley, in southwest corner Kingi County, Cal. (Not McGuree, Me Lures, nor Sunflower.) see McLure. n; Creek, Belmont County, Ohio. (Not McMahans, McMahan's, McMabon's, nor M'Mahon's.) MeB; Light Station, Pensacola Bay, FU. (NolMcRae.) Ma; bland, mouth of Yalu River, Korea Bay, Asia. (Not Little Chandz.) \l ... BSJ M. .- McAdoo. Light and Town, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. (Not Macao, Macau, nor Macau.) ee Makassar. see Macao. Maclenny. Spring Village, Scott County, (Not Mace Springs.) McFarland. V* THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Mochiasport; Village, Washington County, Me. (Not Machias Port.) Machir; Landing, Ohio River, Mason County, W. Va. (Not Machir's.) Machos Ckicot; see Manchas Chicas. Machos Orandes; coral reef or bank, on south side of entrance to Mayaguez Bay, P. R. (Not Allart, Great Man- chas, nor Machos.) Machump; see Mechumps. Mack; Arch and Reef, near Rogue River, Curry County, Oreg. (Not Mack's.) Mackay; Creek, Ferry, and Island at north point of entrance to New Landing River, Currituck Sound, Washington County, N. C. (Not Mackeys.) Mackay' s; see Mackworth. Mackenzie; River, rising in Great Slave Lake and emptying into the Arctic Ocean, N. W. T. (Mackenzie), Canada. Mackey; Point, Savannah River, Chat- ham County, Ga. (Not Mackey's.) Mackeys; see Mackworth. MackikiJiock; see Muchakinock. Mackinac; Bay, east of Hessel, between south shore of Upper Peninsula and Marquette Island, Macinac County, Mich. (Not Duck nor Mackinaw.) Mackinac; County and Island, Michigan, and Strait connecting Lakes Huron and Michigan. (Not Mackinaw nor Michi- limackinac.) Macklins; see Manklin. Mackoy; Landing and Town, Ohio River, Greenup County, Ky. (Not Mackoy 's.) Macks, Alaska; see Tanaskan. Macks, N. Y.; see Cat. Mackworth; Island and Point, Casco Bay, Falmouth Town, Cumberland County, Me. (Not Maackworths, Mac- kay 's, Mackey, Mackeys, nor Mac- key's.) Mackworth; see Halfway. Maclenny; Town, Baker County, Fla. (Not Macclenny.) Macnair; Island, St. Lawrence River, JCanada, near Morristown, St. Lawrence County, N. Y. (Not Macnair 's.) Macomb; see South River. Macopin; see Echo. Macsville; Township, Grant County, Minn. (Not Maesville.) Macu; see Macao. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 163 Macum; Creek, Kent Island, Queen Annes County, Md. (Not Macums.) Mad River; Town and Township, Clark County, Ohio. (Not Madriver.) Madcap; Falls, Paradise River, Mount Rainier National Park, Lewis County, Wash. Maddaket; Harbor, Nantucket Island, Mass. (Not Matacut.) Madeira; River of western Brazil, South America. (Not Cayari nor Madera.) Madison; Mountain, western bank Trail Lakes, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Madison, Me.; see Hayden. Madison, W. Va. ; see Wheeling. Madrid; see Tijeras. Maelar; Maelaren; see Malar. Maese; see Meuse. Magdalen; Island, Hudson River, Dutchess County, N. Y. (Not Slippe Stein.) Magdalena; Bay, Lower California. (Not Bahia de la Magdalena.) Magellan; Strait, Patagonia, South America. (Not Magalhaens.) Maggiore; Lake, Northern Italy. (Not Lac Majeur, Lago Maggiore, nor Lake of Locarno.) Magloire Delande; Magloire Delonde; see Delonde. Magnet; Rock, a prominent black rock about three-eighths of a mile from the shore near Point Bede, and 1| miles south by east from Flat Islets, Alaska. Magnetic; Lake, west of Gunflint Lake, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, Inter- national Boundary (between Minne- sota and Ontario.) Magnolia; Railroad Station, Adams County, Colo. (Not Duff nor Schuy- ler.) Magnusons; Island, in sees. 23 and 24, T. 168 N., R. 34 W., Lake of the Woods, Minn. (Not American Point.) Magruder; Railroad Station, Prince Georges County, Md. (Not Tuxedo.) Maguayo; see Mariquita. Mahan; Post Light, Ohio River, Han- cock County, W. Va. (Not Mahan's.) Mahantongo; see Upper Mahantango. Mohawk Brook; see Morgan River. Mahkeenac; see Stockbridge Bowl. Mahon; Port and River, Delaware Bay, Kent County, Del. (Not Mahon's.) Mai; see Maito. Mai bu; see Memura. *Maiden Creek; Township and Village, Berks County, Pa. (Not Maidencreek.) Mailand; see Milan. Main; Bay, about 3 miles south of en- trance to Port Nellie Juan, lat. 60 33', northeastern coast of Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Main; Township, Columbia County, Pa. (Not Maine.) Maineville; Village, Warren County, Ohio. (Not Mainville.) Mainz; City, Germany. (Not Mayence.) Maito; Spring, Navajo Indian Reserva- tion, 10 miles northwest of Chinle, Apache County, Ariz. (Not Mai to.) Major; Run, Salem County, N. J. (Not Major's.) Majorca; the largest of the Balearic Islands, Mediterranean Sea. (Not Ma- jorque nor Mallorca.) Majunga; Town, northwestern roast of Madagascar. (Not Majunga nor Mo- janga.) Makassar; City and Native State of Celebes. (Not Macassar, Mangkasar, Mankasser, nor Vlaardingen.) Makassar; Reefs, western coast of Su- matra, Malay Archipelago. (Not Ma- cassar nor Makasser.) Makassar; Strait between Borneo and Celebes. (Not Macassar.) Makasser; see Makassar. Makhnati; Island and Group of Islets, Sitka Harbor, Alaska. (Not Mokhna- toi, Rough, Rugged, nor \Vooded.) Makran; see Mekran. Makushin; Bay, Cape, Valley, Village, and Volcano, Unalaska Island, eastern Aleutians, Alaska. (Not Makouchin- skoy.) Malacca; see Malakka. *Malad; Precinct and Village, Oneida County, Idaho. (Not Malade.) Malad; River, rising in Oneida County, Idaho, tributary to Bear River in Box Elder County, Utah. (Not Malade.) Malade; see Big Wood; Camas; Malad. Maladetta; Mountain Peak, Pyrenees. (Not Monts Maudits.) Malaga; see Malibu. Malaka; see Malakka. K.I OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. bya, nor , btwn Sumatra and at northweUrn end of . Malay Archipelago. (Not Malacca nor Malaka.) tfiliiti Maplau. M*lr, Uke. Sweden. (Not Maelar, Hahren, Malar, Malaren, nor Malarn.) lUUy, Archipelago, Indian Ocean. (Not Aaur. Eairtern, Indian, Malaima, nor Malav^a.) Xatori Pniivula. Ana. (Not Malacca or Malaya) Jfofco. Marco ywj^ r River, flowing northeasterly into Arctic Ocean, International Bound- try (between Alaska and Canada). Kaldive; Islands, Indian Ocean. (Not Maldivh, Malwliva, nor Malediven.) Malgoca Greet; Peak, Vinhnu quadran- gle, Coconino County, Ariz. Malheur: KI\T. n-ing in Strawberry Mountains. Grant County, and empty- ing into Snake River, Oreg. (Not Mid- dle Fork Malheur Ri Jfa/i; we Little Liak..f Mahbu; Creek, Land Grant, and Point, lx Angeles County, Cal. (Not Ma- laga, Malibo, Maliba Sequit, nor To- panga Malibu Sequit.) Ifaltn; ne Fourche Maline. Malina; Bay, indenting northwestern bore Afognak Island, Kodiak Group, Alaka. (Not Alimvoak.) MaJirm; Point, southern aide of Rasp- berry laland, 20 miles southeast of Rasp- berry Gape, Alaska. JfrJferat; see Majorca. Malmo; Seaport Town, Southern Swe- dan. (Sot Malmo nor Malmoe.) Jfotoi. see Little Liakof . Malpais; Mem, Goldfield quadrangle, Es- meralda County, Nev. (Not Malapai.) Xamaeoak; Creek, New London County, Conn. (Not Pattaguansett River.) Mamajuda; bland and Lighthouse, De- troit River, Mich. (Not Mammy Judv ) MiovmlfaMlooM. u, see Mattituck. lni|*; laland (shima) or rock, lat. long. 138 07' E., southern Honshu Island, Japan. (Not nor Marmurika). Man; see Mann. Manatick; Manatuck; see Manitick. Manby, Point, entrance to Yakutat Bay, Alaska. (Not Bolshoi, Boussole, nor St. Elias.) Manchaa; Coral Reef or Bank, north side of entrance to Mayaguez Bay, P. R. (Not Manchos Grandee.) Manchas Chicas; Coral Reef or Bank, on north side of entrance to Mayaguez Bay, P. R. (Not Machos Chicos.) Manchas Grandes; see Manchas. Manchester; Manchtsters; see Long. Manchuria; grand division of the Chinese Empire. (Not Manchooria, Mandchou- ria, Mantchooria, Mantohuria, Mand- ahooria, Shingking, nor Tungsansheng.) Mandalay; former capital of Burma. (Not Mandele.) Mandata; see Bull Run. Mcmgkasar; see Makassar. Manhasset; Bay, Neck, and Village, north shore of Long Island, Queens County, N. Y. (Not Cow Neck nor Sint Sink.) Manipur; see Munjpur. Manistique; River and Town, School- craft County, Mich. (Not Monistique.) Manistique; see Indian. Manitick; Mountain, Granby Town, Hart- ford County, Conn. (Not Manatick, Manatuck, Manitake, Manitook, Mani- tuck, Mannatuck, nor Mantick.) Manitou; Rapids, Rainy River, Rainy River District, Ontario, International Boundary (between Minnesota and On- taria). Manitou; Lake, Fulton County, Ind. (Not Manitu.) Manitou; Precinct and Town, El Paso County, Colo. (Not Manitou Springs.) Manitou; see Manitowish. Manitoulin; Island, northern part of Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada. (Not Grand Manitoulin.) Manitowiah; River, headwater branch of Flambeau River, Iron and Vilas Coun- ties, Wis. (Not Manitou nor Manu- wish.) Mankasser; see Makassar. Manklin; Creek, Worcester County, Md. (Not Macklins nor Manklins.) Manly; Village, Moore County, N. C. (Not Manly Station.) 165 Mann; Creek, Washington County, Idaho. (Not Man.) Mannford; Township and Village, Creek County, Okla. (Not Manford.) Manning; Sunken Rock, off the Bay of Isles, Alaska. Manomet; Hill, Point, and Village, Ply- mouth County, Mass. Manoru; Islet, lat. 36 37' N., long. 125 33 X E., western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not W. Clifford.) Mansfield; Cape, northern shore of Bly- ing Sound , immediately east of entrance to Day Harbor, lat. 59 55', long. 149, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, Mansker; Post Light, Mississippi River, Randolph County, 111. (Not Mans- ker's.) Mantua; see Geneva. Manu Temple; Butte, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Manuelito; Spring, and Province, N. Mex. Manuwish; see Manitowish. Manzanilla; see Manzanillo. Manzanillo; Bay and City, southwestern coast of Mexico. (Not Manzanilla.) Manzanita; Island, St. Lawrence River, St. Lawrence -County, N. Y. (Not Flat, Knapp, nor Manzenita.) Manzenita; see Manzanita. Maple; Island, St. Lawrence River, Jefferson County, N. Y. (Not Kip.) Maple; see Idlewild; Maple City. Maple City; Village, Cowley County, Kans. (Not Maple.) Maple Valley; Village, King County, Wash. (Not Maple valley.) Marabai; see Nyassa. Maracaibo; City, Gulf, and Lake, Vene- zuela. (Not Maracaybo.) Marais des Cygnes; see Osage. Marais d' Ogee; see Meredosia. Maranhao; Bay, City, Island, and State, north coast of Brazil. (Not Maranham.) Maranon; see Amazon. Maratooker; see Mattituck. Maravi; see Nyassa. Marble; Canyon, Vishnu Quadrangle, Coconino County, Ariz. Marble; Canyon, Panamint Range, Inyo County, Cal. Marble; Island, Sea Otter Sound, South- eastern Alaska. (Not Fox.) Marble; see Burntbridge. Marbury; Landing and Point, Prince Georges County, Md. (Not Marberry.) Marcella; Town, Morris County, N. J. (Not Greenville.) March; River, , Austria. (Not Morava nor Morawa.) Marchand; Rock, St. Marys River, Mich. (Not Marchand's.) Marco; Town and Pass, Lee County, Fla. (NotMalco.) Marcos Monument; see Explorers Monu- ment. Marcos Terrace; a spur of lower altitude extending south from Powell Plateau, Coconino County, Ariz. (Not Coro- nado Plateau.) Marcou; Mesa, between Cottonwood and Leroux Washes, Navajo County, Ariz. Marcy; Mountain Peak, the highest point in the Adirondacks, Essex County, N. Y. (Not Tahawus.) Marganza; see Morganza. Margaret; Lake, near head of Middle Fork of Belly River, Teton County, Mont. Margaretsville; Village, Northampton County, N. C. (Not Margarettsville.) Margarita; Pass, southern coast, 2$ miles southwest by south from Par- guera, P. R. Maria Langa; Island, southward of Point Guayanilla, P. R. (Not Maria Langua nor Maria Langura.) Maria Langua; Maria Langura; see Maria Langa. *Marianas; Islands in the Pacific Ocean. (Not Ladrone, Ladrones, Mariana, nor Marianne.) Marias; River in Montana. (Not Bear's, Kay-i-you, nor Maria's.) Maricopa; Point, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. (Not Sentinel.) Maricopa; see Sunset. Marie; Lake, Fresno County, Cal. Mariguana; one of the Bahama Islands. (Not Mayaguana.) Marinavo; Creek, north coast of Cuba. (Not Maria Navo.) OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. ; Towi-hip and Village, Wash- County, Minn. (Not Marine Mills- > Marion; C*ek, tribuury to Canyon from we* in Fortymile region, (Not Mariner nor Merriam.) Mariqoita; Hill (2 meters), 6 miles atJlfc,^ by one-half mile east from Ope Rojo Lighthouse, P. R. (Not M. , .1. Marjum; Pass, House Range, Millard i lah Hark. seeRsolu Marlboro; Township, Delaware County, Ohio. (Not Marlborough.) Marmot; prominent high rape, southern head of Marmot bland, Alaska. Marmot; Ridge, between Grouse Ridgo and Blark Buttes, western slope Mount Baker. Whatcom County, \Va*h. Jfaswiys Marmurika; see Mamiruga. Mont: Jfarooo; Marotto: see Morocco. MaroUet; see Sohoni. Marquam; \A\U\ 2\ miles below mouth of Willamette Ri\ -r. Multnomah Coun- ty, Oref. (Not Marquam 's.) Marr Field; Bar, Missurippi River, New Madrid County, Mo. (Not Marr's Reid) Jfcrratoolu. see Mattituck. Mam Hill; Township, Washington Coun- ty. Ark. (Not Mars Hill.) Marseille; City, Southern France. (Not Marseilles.) Marah; Hut to. Urand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County. Ariz. Manh; Cnvk. Klamath County, Oreg. Manh; Pond, in Egremont Town shire County, Mass. (Not Joynere nor Jejrner Marsh.) Ifdralv see Cottonwood.. Manh Fork; Stream, Raleigh County. W. Va. (Not Manh Fork of Coal River.) Marsha; Bay, on the east side of Knight bland, 5 miles southward from the Bay of Isles, Alaska. Marshall; Point, Potomac River, Prince Georges County, Md. (Not Marshal.) Manhatt; Point, West Penobscot Bay, Me. (Not Marshall's.) Marshall; Pond, on the boundary be- tween Hebron and Oxford Towns, Ox- ford County, Me. (Not Mathews, Mathew's, nor Matthews.) Marshalltown; City and Township, Marshall County, Iowa. (Not Marshall.) Marthapauge; see Tyler. Marahelder; Channel southwest of Story Island, Burlington County; and Creek and Islands in Ocean County, N. J. (Not Marsh Elder.) Marahepaug; River, branch of Shepaug River from Tyler Pond, Litchfield County, Conn. (Not East Branch She- paug, Marshapogge, nor Mashepaug.) Martha; see Trap Hill. Marah yhope; Creek, a branch of the Nanticoke River, Dorchester and Caro- line Counties, Md., and Kent and Sus- sex Counties, Del. (Not Marshy Hope, Marsh Hope, West Branch of Nanticoke River, West or Northwest Fork of Nan- ticoke, nor Northwest Prong of Nanti- coke.) Marsivan; City, Asia Minor. (Not Mar- sovan, Mereifun, Mersivan, Morzifoun, nor Merzifun.) Martoin Pen'a; see Marsouin. Marsouin; Peninsula, southwestern por- tion of Haiti. (Not Baraderes Pen 'a, Bee & Maraoin Pen'a, Bee a Marsouin (Presquile du), nor Maraoin Pen'a. Maraovan; see Marsivan. Mart el; Railroad Station, Lancaster County, Nebr. (Not Martell.) Martell; Town and Village, Pierce Coun- ty. \Vis. (Not Martel.) Martha; Lake, lat. 37 06', long. 118 44', Fresno County, Cal. Martha; Lake, Snohomish County, Wash. (Not Martha's nor Marthen's.) Martha; see Santa Marta. Marthas Basin; Valley, Flathead County, Mont. Marthas Vineyard; Island, Massachu- setts. (Not Martha's Vineyard.) *Martic; Township, Lancaster County, Pa. (Not Marticville.) Martin; Bay, Chincoteague Bay, Wor- cester County, Md. (Not Martin's nor Selby's.) Martin; Island, low and sandy, next east of Cooper Island, Arctic Coast, near long. 156 2(X, Northern Alaska. KEPOET OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 167 Martin; Island, Columbia River, near < Kalama, Wash. (Not Martin's.) Martin; Reef, north end of Lake Huron, Chippewa County, Mich. (Not Mar- tin's.) Martin; see Doctor. Martineau; Hill (181 meters), 1\ miles southwest by west from Point Mulas Lighthouse, P. R. (Not Point Martino.) Martins; see St. Martin. Martins Industry; Light Vessel and Shoal off Port Royal Sound , S . C . (Not Martin's Industry.) Marugami; Island (jima), lat. 34 09' N., long. 133 27' E., Inland Sea, Japan. (Not Marugomi nor Mata.) Marugomi; see Marugami. Marvin; Island, Portsmouth Harbor, Rockingham County, N. H. (Not Marvin's, Shapely, Shapleigh's, Shap- ley, nor Shapleys.) Marvin's; see Marvin. Mary; Island, southwest of Excelsior Group, 2J miles northwest of Alexan- dria Bay, St. Lawrence River, N. Y. (Not Isle Mary.) Mary; see Shelikof. Marydel; Railroad Station on boundary line between Delaware and Maryland. (Not Marydell.) Marys River; Post Light, Mississippi River, Randolph County, 111. (Not St. Marys nor Wabash.) Maryville; Town, Blount County, Tenn. (NotMarysville.) Masab; see Mesabi. Masampho; see Masampo. Masampo; Treaty Port, southern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Masampho, Masanpho, Masan-pho, Ma-san-p-ho, nor Masanpo.) Masanpho; Ma-san-p-ho; Masanpo; see Masampo. Mascarene; Islands, Indian Ocean. (Not Mascarenhas.) Mascat; see Maskat. Mascoma; Lake and River, Grafton County, N. H. (Not Mascomey, Mas- commey, nor Mascomy.) Mascomey; Mascommey; Mascomy; see Mascoma. Mashad; Mashhad; see Meshed. Mashah; see Musha. Mashepaug; see Marshepaug. Mashomack; southeast point of Shelter Island, Suffolk County, N. Y. (Not Mashomuck, Meshomac, nor Mesho- muck.) Mashongnivi; see Meshongnovi. Maskalonge; see Muskalonge. Maskat; Seaport of Arabia, Indian Ocean. (Not Mascat nor Muscat.) Mason; Island and Point, entrance to Mystic River, Conn. (Not Mason's.) Mason; Island, junction of Illinois and Mississippi Rivers, 111. (Not Ma- son's.) Masonic; Creek, emptying into Wallkill River, Wallkill Town, Orange County, N. Y. Masonic Temple; Butte, 1 mile south- east of Dutton Point, Coconino County, Ariz. Massaua; Island and Town thereon, Red Sea. (Not Massowah nor Mussawwa.) Massenteean; see Little Nesenkeag. Massn-pho; see Masampo. Mastic; see Forge. Mata; see Marugami. Mata Caballos; Reef, extends one-fourth mile southwest by south from Zancudo Cay, P. R. Matacut; see Maddaket. Matadequin; Creek, Hanover County, Va. (Not Matade Queen.) Matagusu; Rock, entrance to Kagoshima Gulf, Kiushu Island, Japan. (Not Arch, Arched, nor Matahisomu.) Matahisomu; see Matagusu. Matakessett; see Mattakeset. Matamoras; see New Matamoras. Matamoros; Town, near mouth of Rio Grande, State of Tamaulipas, Mexico. (Not Matamoras.) Matapan; Cape, southernmost point of Greece. (NotTaenarumnorTainaron.) Mata Seca Cay, southwestern side of Matei Island, P. R. Matanzas; see Estero. Matau; see Matsuwa. Matawan; Creek, Point, and Town, Monmouth County, N. J. (Not Matte wan, Matayan, nor Middletown.) Mateawan; see Matteawan. Mathews; Village, Mathews County, V (Not Matthews.) OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 168 JUthwm; Point, Columbia River, 4 miles bdow Vancouver, Clarke County, Wash. (Not Matthew's.) Xftthm; Township, Kingsbury County, 8. Dak. (Not Matthews.) Mat)***; JteW* see Marshall. gnynAMn; Strait, separating Nova Zem- bla into two parts, Arctic Ocean. (Not Matthew.) see Metomkin. Island, Kuril Islands, Japan. (SotMaUu.) Mattanssatt; River, Hartford and Mid- dlasex Counties, Conn. (Not Little, Ms(ISlt Mattabessett, nor Sebethe.) Matuket; Bay, Marthas Vineyard, Mass. (Not Matakeasett.) MatUmuskeet; Lake, Hyde County, N C. (Not Mattamuskett.) Mawmuuktu; see Mattamuskeet. Matupouett; Harbor and Village, Buz- sarda Bay, Mass. (Not Mattapoiset.) Mattaponi; River, in Eastern Virginia. i Mattapony.) Matteawan; Village, Dutchess County, N ^ l.iteawan.) Mattktm; sse Matochkin. Matthews; Peak, Tunitcha Mountains, Apache County, Ariz. Matthevt; see Marshall. Mattituck; Pond, Southold Town, Suf- folk County, Long Island, N. Y. (Not Maratooker, Marratooka, nor Mame- I see Amur. Maopin; Landing, Kanawha River, Ma- son County, W. Va. (Not Maupin's.) MmtnlTt; sse Murrell. Mauritius; Island, Indian Ocean. (Not Isle of France.) Maory; Island, Puget Sound, King Coun- ty, Wash. (Not Maury's.) Maxey, Pond, Nantucket, Mass. (Not Maxcy.) Martlald; Point, Lake Memphremagog, Orleans County, Vt. (Not Maxfield's.) > Glacier, see Mariguana. l(to),lat40N.,long.l28 5., eastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Gontcharof nor Ma-yang Do.) laytUy, Township and Village, Riley County, Kans. (Not May Day.) Mayence; see Mainz. Mayesville; Town and Township, Sum- ter County, S. C. (Not Maysville.) Mayhew; Village, Lowndes County, Miss. (Not Mayhew's Station.) Maytiang; see Mekong. Maylor Spit; Post Light, \\Tiidbey Island, Island County, Wash. (Not Maylor's.) Mayo; Beach, Wellfleet Harbor, Cape Cod Bay, Mass. (Not Mayo's.) Mayo's; see Long. Mays; Gap, Grant County, W. Va. (Not Comers.) Maysville; see Kaysville. Maywood; Ridge, about 3 miles long, west of Princeton, Granite County, Mont. Mazama; Falls, foot of Lasiocarpa Ridge, northern slope Mount Baker, Whatcom County, Wash. Mazama; Glacier (out of which flows main tributary of Wells Creek), north- ern slope of Mount Baker, Whatcom County, Wash. Mazama; Park, southern slope Mount Baker, Whatcom County, Wash. Mizama; Ridge, between Paradise Val- ley and Stevens Canyon, Mount Rai- nier National Park, Pierce and Lewis Counties, Wash. Mazomanie; Town and Village, Dane County, Wis. (Not Mazo Manie.) Me; see Bono. Me-Kong; see Mekong. Meaco; see Kyoto. Mead; see Hardya. Meade; City, Meade County, Kans. (Not Meade Center.) Meade; Peak, Preuss Range, one-half mile south of corner of Ts. 10 and US., Rs. 44 and 45 E., Bannock and Bear Lake Counties, Idaho. (Not Mead's, Mt. Preuss, nor Preuss.) Meade; River, Northern Alaska. (Not Cogtua nor Kol-u-gru'a.) Meadow; Creek, south of Rock Creek, T. 27 S., R. 6 E., Jackson County, Oreg. Meadow; Creek, flowing southwest from Tolmie Peak, into Mowich River, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGBAPHIC BOARD. 169 Meadow; Mountain (altitude 11,634 feet), sec. 33, T. 3N., R. 73 W., 2J miles southwest Aliens Park village and 6 miles southeast of Longs Peak, Boulder County, Colo. Meadow; Mountain, Warren Town, Knox County, Me. (Not Congress.) Meadow; Point, southwestern slope Mount Baker, near Deming Glacier, Whatcom County, Wash. Meadow, Colo.; see Arena. Meadow, Me.; see New Meadow. Meadow; see Donivan. Meadows; Town, Prince Georges County, Md. (Not Centerville.) Means; see Hardys. Meares; Glacier, terminating in the head of Unakwik Inlet, near lat. 61 W, long. 147 30 X , northern coast Prince William Sound, Alaska. Meares; Island (largest), in the northern part of Meares Passage, and on the south side of Ulloa Channel, Alaska. Mecan; River, entering Fox River at eastern boundary Mecan Town, Mar- quette County. Wis. (Not Mechan.) Mecca; see Mekka. Mechan; see Mecan. Mechanic Valley; Town, Cecil County, Md. (Not Mechanics Valley.) *Mechanicville; Village, Saratoga County, N. Y. (Not Mechanicsville ) Mechescatauxm; see Sleeper. Mechoacan; see Michoacan. Mechum; Creek, Albemarle and Flu- vanna Counties, Va. (Not Mechunk nor Merchant.) Mechumps; Creek, Hanover County, Va. (Not Mediums nor Mechump.) Meda; Pass, Goldneld quadrangle, Es- meralda County, Nev. Media Agua; Creek, flowing approxi- mately north through central part of T. 28 S., R. 19 E., Kern County, Cal. Media Luna; Reef, entrance to Rincon Bay, P. R, Medio Mundo; Passage, between Pineros Island and the shore, from Point Medio Mundo to Point Puerca, P. R. (Not Pasaje de Medio Mundo.) Meechuek; see Miniatulik. Meeker; Ridge, extending 2 miles south- east from Mount Meeker to Lookout Mountain, southeast of Longs Peak, Boulder County, Colo. Meeker; see Mount Meeker. Meekins; Neck, between Tar Bay and Honga River, Dorchester County, Md. (Not Meekin nor Meekin's.) Megi; Island, Inland Sea, Japan. (Not Megi Sa, Megi Shima, Meki Sima, nor Miki Simi.) Megi Jima; Megi Sa; Megi Shima; see Megi. Megico; see Mexico. Megunticook; Lake, Camden Town, Knox County, Me. (Not Canaan nor Lincoln ville.) Mehollan; see Mulholland. Meiaco-sima; see Sakishima. Meikkjohn; see Hinchinbrook. Mejico; see Mexico. Meki Sima; see Megi. Mekinez; Town in Morocco, Africa. (Not Mequinez, Mekines, Meknas, Meknes, nor Mekne.) Mekka; City, Arabia. (Not Mecca nor Mekkeh.) Mekong; River in southeast Asia. (Not Cambodia, Lan-Thsang-Kiang, Lan- tsan, Maykiang, Menam-Kong, Menam- Kong, Meikong, nor Mekhong.) Mekran; Coast and Province, Baluchis- tan. (Not Makran nor Mukran.) Me-kwah-mooks; see Alki. Mellen; see Millen. Melon; Lake, between Knife and Carp Lakes, Rainy River District, Ontario, International Boundary (between Min- nesota and Ontario). Melozi; Melozikakat; Melozikaket;seeM.e\o- zitna. Melozitna; River, between Tanana and Koyukuk Rivers, tributary to the Yu- kon River, Alaska. (Not Melozi, Melo- zikakat, nor Melozikaket.) Melton; Ledge, New London Harbor, Conn. (Not Melton's.) Memaloose; Island, Pend Oreille Lake, T 56, R. 1 E., near the mouth of Clark Fork,' Bonner County, Idaho. (Not Mamaloos, Mamaloose, Mamaloa, nor Mamalose.) Memaloose; Islands, Columbia River, UmatiUaand Wasco Counties, and Lake, Clackamas County, Oreg. (Not Mama- losnorMimaloose.) Memura; Island (somu), lat. 3^ Ion" 128 34' E., southern coast o BOH (Korea). (Not Mai bu nor Split.) OF TBOS UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 170 REPORT Xeodtu Tempi*; Butte, one of Twin Butte*, Gind Canyon of the Colorado, t\, Ant. XtmiT"*** 11 ; Cape, the iMrttaHM point of Nunivak Island, Bering Sea, Alaska. (Notlgnati jtWrnrt Wdfcr see Cathedral. awMuang. Dtttrie-t of Yunnan- fu. China *,IT.; see Menomonie. iee; City and County, Michi- gan. (Not Menomonee.) Menomonee; River, in Milwaukee, Waukeha, and Waahington Counties, and Town, Waukesha County, Wis. (Not Menominee.) lfav>MOft. Wit.; t**> Menomonie. Menomonee Falls; Village, Waukeaha County, Wit. Menomonie; City and Town, Dunn County, Wto. (Not Menominee nor JTmorra.- we Minorca. we Lake. Me- Paint. Mr Dt L'Ett; see Eastern. Merail; Shoal. Corona Reef, P. R. (Not Piedra Almirall.) Merced; Lake, San Francisco County, uray Peak. Mount Pierce; Mountain, Presidential Range of White Mountains, Coos Mount Clinton.) Mo*nt I'louant, see Blueberry MomtPovtU; we Racetrack. Mount Princeton; Peak, in Sawatche BMg*, Chaffee County, Colo. (Not Ckatt) Mount Bainier; Peak, Cascade Range, Phfw County, Wash. (Not Ranier nor Takoma.) JtowK R** we Wachocastinook. t Bus>ell; Peak, in the Sierra Ne- da, between Inyo and Tulare 1 : ' ft] M*mt Scott. Me Scott, jbwl Sknano; we Shavano Peak. M; Peak, in San Juan l ! 0urmy County, Colo. (Not! *< 9ttlemtm,- we Solomon Hilla. Mount Spokane; Mountain, Spokane County, Waah. (Not Bald Peak, Baldy Mount, Carleton, nor Old Baldy.) Mount Sutro; Mountain, San Miguel Hills, San Francisco, Cal. (Not Blue Mountain nor Sutro Crest.) Mount Tabor; see Tabor. Mount Trumbull; see Trumbull. Mount Ushtr; see Shavano Peak. Mount Vaca; Peak, highest point, Vaca Mountains, opposite head of Gates Can- yon, Solano County, Cal. (Not Blue Mountain nor Vaca.) Mount Vernon; Town and Village, Hills- boro County, N. H. (Not Mont Ver- non.) Mount Whitney No. 1; see Corcoran. Mount Wiesaner; Mountain, Shoshone County, Idaho. (Not Mount Wiesner, Old Baldy, Wessner's Peak, Wiesner's Peak, nor Wieasners Peak.) Mount Wilson; Peak, San Juan Moun- tains, San Miguel County, Colo. (Xot Glacier.) Mount Wow; Ridge, southwest of Mount Rainier, between Tahoma and Goat Creeks, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Waah. Mount Wnghtnon; see Old Baldy. Mount Young; Mountain, 2 miles west of Mount Whitney, Tulare County, < al. Mountain; Lake, between Watap Port- age and Lily Lakes, Thunder Bay Dis- trict, Ontario, International Boundary (between Minnesota and Ontario). Mountain; Point, Anne Arundel County, Md. (Not Stony.) Mountain; see Gori. Mountain Mirror; see Averic. Mountain View; Lake, Newbury Town, N. H. (Not Spectacle Pond.) Mountaingrove; Village, Bath County, Va. (Not Mountain Grove.) Mountjoy; Township, Adams County, Pa. (Not Mount Joy.) Mounout; see Murzuk. Moute; see Meuse. Movers; see Mower. Moweaqua; Township and Village, Shelby County, 111. (Not Mowequa.) Mower; Railroad Station, Salem County, N. J. (Not Movers nor Mowers.) Mowich; Creek and Park, Douglas County, Oreg. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 179 Mowich; River, below junction North Mowich and South Mowich Rivers, northwestern elope Mount Rainier, emptying into Puyallup River, Pierce County, Wash. Moyea; see Moyie. *Moyie; Falls, Mine, Precinct, River, and Village, Bonner County, Idaho. (Not Methow, Mooya, Mooyie, nor Mo- yea River.) Mozambique; Channel, City, and Ter- ritory, East Africa. (Not Mosambique. Msaga; see Tanganyika. Mu; see Teibui. Muache; see Horsefly. Muang; Siamese prefix to names of towns, meaning town or township. (Not Meng, Mong, nor Mong.) Muav Saddle; topographic feature, Shinumo quadrangle, Coconino County, Ariz. Muchackinoc; Muchackinock; Muchakia- nock; see Muchakinock. Muchakinock; Creek, Mahaska County, Iowa. (Not Mackikinock, Missakianu, Mitchakianack, Muchachinock, Much- ackinoc, nor Muchakianock.) Muckilteo; Muckleteo; Muckiltoe; see Mu- kilteo. Muckinipattis; Creek, Delaware County, Pa. (Not Munckinipattus nor Muskin- ipates.) Mud; Glacier, west bank of the Stikine River, Alaska, near the International Boundary line. (Not Dirt.) Mud; Lake, an expansion of St. Marys River, Mich. (Not Muddy.) Mud; Lake, Jefferson County, N. Y. (Not Edmonds nor Edmund.) Mud; see Ganargua; Harrisburg; Mirror; Rose. Mud Lake; Ridge, Flathead County, Mont. Mudds; Landing, Mississippi River, Ran- dolph County, 111. (Not Mudd's.) Muddy; see Mirey. Muddy Creek; see Paradise Dry. Muddycreek; Township, Butler County, Pa. (Not Muddy Creek.) Muddy Fork; western branch Cowlitz River, rising on eastern slope Mount Rainier and joining Cowlitz River in T. 14 N., R. 10 E., Lewis and Pierce Counties, Wash. (Not Cowlitz.) Muir; Creek, draining into Rogue River, from the northwest, Jackson County' Oreg. Muir; Pass, Fresno County, Cal. Muir; see Mount Muir. Muir Butte; see Cone. Mukden; City, China. (Not Mookden nor Moukden.) *Mukilteo; Precinct and Village, Sno- homish County, Wash. (Not Muckil- teo, Muckleteo, nor Muckiltoe.) Mukluktulik; River, entering Norton Bay, southwest of Koyuk River, Alaska. Mulcran; see Mekran. Mulchi; see Mutchi, Mule; Mountains, Cochise County, Ariz. (Not Mule Pass.) Mulhockaway; Creek, Union Township, Hunterdon County, N. J. (Not Big Brook nor Mullackaway.) Mulholland; Point, Campobello Island, New Brunswick. (Not Mehollan.) Mull Dike; Post Lights, Hudson River, near Coeymans, Albany County, N. Y. (Not Mull's Dike.) Mull Plaat; Island, Hudson River, Rensselaer County, N. Y. (Not Mull's Plaat.) Mullally; Township, Harlan County, Nebr. (Not Mullalley.) Mullica; River in central New Jersey. (Not Atsion nor Mullicas.) Mullikin; Railroad Station, Prince Georges County, Md. (Not Mitchell- ville.) Mullin; Creek and Village, Mills County, Tex. (Not Mullen.) Mullinville; City, Kiowa County, Kans. (Not Mullenville.) Multnomah Channel; that portion of Willamette River on west side Sauvie Island, Multnomah County, Oreg. Munckinipattus; see Muckinipattie. Mundale; see West Parish. Mundy; Landing, Mississippi River, 14 miles below Hannibal, Mo. (Not Mundy's.) Munich; City, Bavaria. (Not Munchen nor Munchen.) Munin Shima; see Ogasawara. Munjpur; City and State, British India. (Not Manipur nor Munnepoor.) Munnasca; see Munuscong. 180 OF THE U*ID STATES OEOOEAPHIC BOARD. point, south diflb Columbia Go*. between Moffett and Oeeto, Multnomah County, (NotMciintMunra.) Jforw, Me se Monroe. , Bay, northwestern exten- Mud Lake, St. Marys River, County, Mich. (Not Mun- tee Karoinappo. Jfr*wr'; we Moodna. Mori*!; Uk*. Fresno County, Cal. Murphrees; Valley, Blount County, Ala. (Not Murphrey's.) Murphy, ll*n ity in Fczzan, Northern Africa. (NotMoorzooknorMourzouk.) Muaeallonf*; Bay, between Connera and Wisners Points, Mackinac County, (Not Big Muscallonge.) see Duck. see Maakat. Hutclt Btd; see Mussel. Jfocfe Fort, see Mussel Fork. Muscle Shoala; series of Rapids in Ten- nessee River, south border of louder- dale County, Ala (Not Mussel Shoals.) Mich. . see Muskogee. MueooraUey; Port Light, Mississippi River, Hickman County, Ky. (Not Muscavedder.) see Russia. M \!->-..l Gulf of Aden, French Sopali Coast, Africa. (Not Mashah, Moschah, nor Mushah.) Mushed; see Meshed: Music; Pass, Sangre de Cristo Range, Ouster, Huerfano, and Saguache Coun- ties, Colo. Muskalonge; Bay and Creek, Jefferson County, N. Y. (Not Maskalpnge.) Mustinipatet; see Muckinipattifl. Muskogee; District and Town, Musko- gee County, Okla. (Not Muscogee.) Muskrat; Creek, small branch of Elbow Creek, Teton County, Mont. Muskrat; Pass, Continental Divide, lat. 48 08' N., long. 113 04' W., Flathead and Teton Counties, Mont. Mutquito; see Mosquito. Musquiz; Canyon, Brewster and Jeff Da- vis Counties, Tex. (Not Musquis.) Mutsawwa; see Massaua. Mussel; Light Station, Narragansett Bay, R. I. (Not Muscle Bed nor Mussel- bed.) Mussel; Point, Bolivar Peninsula, Gal- veston County, Tex. (Not Muscle.) *Musselfork; Township and village, Chariton County, Mo. (Not Muscle Fork.) Mustag; Mustagh Range; see Karakoram. Muta; Muta Nzige; see Albert Nyanza. Mutchi; Island (to), near Chemulpo, western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Mulchi nor Mutehi.) Muther; see Mother. W Woolen N'zige; Wwutan N'zige; Mwuta- Nzige; see Albert Nyanza. Myang-oru; Channel, Group, and Island (to), lat. 34 13' N., long. 125 5(X E., southwestern coast of 'Chosen (Korea). (Not Craig Harriet.) Myers; Creek, Okanogan County, Wash., and British Columbia. (Not Meyer nor Meyers.) Myers; Village, Greene County, Tenn. (Not Rader.) Myers; see Fort Myers. Myrtle Point; City and Precinct, Coos County, Oreg. (Not Myrtlepoint.) Mystic; see Ram. Mystic Spring Plateau; see Spencer Ter- race. Mytilene; Mytilini; see Mitylene. REPORT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. N. Naasan; Bay and Village, lat. 41 57' N long. 129 59' E., northeastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Stepanov.) Nachalni; Point, southern end of island off the southeast end of Raspberry Is- land, Alaska. (Not Entrance.) Nachamik; see Nakchamik. Naches; Pass and River, Yakima County, and forming part of boundary between Kittitas and Yakima Counties, Wash. (Not Nah-che"eze, Natchess, Natchez, nor Nathess.) Nachikinski; Cape, lat. 58 N., long. 162 35' E., coast of Siberia. (Not Nagi- kinski nor Natchikinki.) Nacicle; see Icicle. Nacimiento; River, Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties, Cal. (Not Naci- mento nor Sierra.) Nadejda; Point, lat. 49 15' N., long. 142 03 / E., western coast, Sakhalin Is- land (Japanese Karafuto). (Not Na- dejdi, Nadejdui, nor Nadezhdi.) Nadezhdi; see Nadejda. Nadvodni; see Podvodni. Nagahut Bocks; three large rocks lying 1 miles southwest from the southwest end of Pearl Island, Alaska. Nagai; Island, one of the Shumagin Is- lands, Alaska. (Not Nagay.) Nagasaki; Seaport Town, Japan. (Not Naugasaki.) Naguara; Harbor (ko) and Town, Gulf of Tokyo, Japan. (Not F'ka nor Fuka.) Na gg; Island, Maumee Bay, Lake Erie, near Toledo, Ohio. (Not Nagg's.) Nags Head; Town, Dare County, N. C. (Not Nag's Head.) Nahahum; Canyon, T. 24 N., R. 19 E., north side Wenatchee River at Cash- mere, Chelan County, Wash. (Not Nehockum.) Nahtuk; River, tributary to Alatna River, Alaska. (Not Nuhluk nor Nu- luk.) Nahunta; Falls, mile east of Christine Falls, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. (Not Na Hunta). Nah-wah; see Lolo. Nail; Creek, Sawyer County, Wis. (Not Neil.) 181 Nails; Creek, Blount County, Tenn (Not Devil's nor Nale.) Naisnulho; Na-is-nu-loh; Nais-nu-loh- Naisnuloh; see Ashnola. Naji; Point, Vishnu quadrangle, Coco- nino County, Ariz. Najin; Bay, lat. 42 W N., long. 130 18' E., northeastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Kornilof nor Kornilov.) Naka ne; see Kitanaka. Nakchamik; Island, one of the Semidi Islands, Alaska. (Not Nachamik.) Naknek; Lake, River, and Village, near Bristol Bay, Alaska. (Not Nagnek.) Naknek; see Suworof . Nakusan; Bay and Village, lat. 42 06' N., long. 130 10" E., northeastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Anna.) Nakwasina; Passage, separating Halleck Island from Baranof Island, Southeast- ern Alaska. (Not Little Noquashinski, Nakvasina, Nakwasinskaia, nor No- quashinski.) Namakan; .Lake, southeast of Rainy Lake, Rainy River District, Ontario, International Boundary (between Min- nesota and Ontario). (Not Namecan nor Nameukan.) Namecan; see Namakan. Nameukan; see Lac La Croix; Namakan. Namhai; Island (to), lat. 34 5< VMMlroad; Village, Jackson County, W. Va. (Not Neawlrode.) tfmmpiry* we Niawquogue. MesUr; Village, Carroll County, Va. (Not Nestor.) Jfamffa; Netvyyak; we Neatucca. Hestoec*; River, Tillamook County, Onf., emptying into Nestucca Bay. (Not Nectugga nor Nestuggah.) Netherlands; Country, Europe. (Not HoUand, Low Countries, Nederlanden, Niedwlande, nor Pays Bas.) NttlCrek; Township, Randolph Coun- ty, Ind. (Not Nettle.) Heu Mecklenburg; Island, Bismarck Archipelago, South Pacific Ocean. (Not New Ireland nor New Mecklen- burg.) Neu Pommern; Island, Bismarck Archi- pelago, South Pacific Ocean. (Not New Britain nor New Pomerania.) JVaieav we Nuecea. Veoehatel; Canyon, Lake, and Town, Switzerland. (Not Neuenburg nor Neufohatel.) ffeuklut; aee Niukluk. we New Siberian. Venskahl; Creek, Grays Harbor County, Ntwntlt; see Nieuwvelt. Nvra; River, connecting Lake Lagoda with the Gulf of Finland, Russia. #*** ValUy: tee Avon Valley. JVemb dt Sakarna: see Sahama. Nntnwt; ate Naveaink. M**ffl; Island. Ohio River, Allegheny wnty, Pa. (Not Long nor Seven Merino Township, Vigo County, Ind. (Hot Nevino.) **. >*; " Cwtorville. New, N.J.; see Little Egg. New; see Note. New Archangel; see Sitka. New Ark; see Newark. *New Bern; City, Craven County, N. C. (Not Newbern.) New Bore; see Bajo Nuevo. New Britain; see Neu Pommern. New Brooklyn; see South Plainfield. New Castle; City and County, Del. (Not Newcastle.) New Castle, Me., Neb., and Pa.; eee Newcastle. New-Chwang; see Newchwang. New Columbia; see Nesco. New Comerstown; see Newcomerstown. New Cut Of; see Cutoff. New Djigit; New fizhigit; see New Jijit. New Fane; see Newfane. New Flat Creek; Village, Union County, Tenn. (Not New Flatcreek.) New Germany; see Folsom. New Glario; see New Glarus. New Glarus; Town and Village, Green County, Wis. (Not New Glaris.) New Guinea; Island, Malay Archipelago. (Not Papua nor Papualand.) New Ireland; see Neu Mecklenburg. New Jigdt; Bay, lat. 42 57' N., long. 131 5FE., coast of Siberia. (Not.New Djigit nor New Dzhigit.) New Kingstown; Village, Cumberland County, Pa. (Not New Kingston.) New Leon; see Nuevo Leon. New London; see Shandon. New Market; see East New Market. New Matamoras; Village, Washington, County, Ohio. (Not Matamoras.) New Meadows; River, between Cumber- land and Sagadahoc Counties.^Me. (Not Meadow nor Stevens.) NewPeltz; see Newpaltz. New Philadelphia; Railroad Station, Schuylkill County, Pa. (Not Silver Creek.) New Philadelphia; see Philadelphia. New Pomerania; see Neu Pommern. New Port; see Newport. New Prague; Village, Scott County, Minn. (Not Prague.) New Redding; see Redding. New Riegel; Village, Seneca County, Ohio. (Not New Reigel nor New Riegle.) REPORT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 185 New River; Village, Scott County, Tenn. (Not Newriver.) New Santander; see Tamaulipas. New Siberia; one of the New Siberian Islands, Arctic Ocean. (Not Nova Si- bir nor Novaya Sibir.) New Siberia; see New Siberian. New Siberian; Islands, north of Siberia, Arctic Ocean. (Not Anjou, Liakhov, Neusibirischen, nor New Siberia.) New South; see Davis South. New Sweden; Village, Travis County, Tex. (Not New Sweeden.) New Windsor; see Windsor. New Year; see Ano Nuevo. Newark; Village, Independence County, Ark. (Not New Ark.) Newaukum; Creek, King County, Wash. (Not Newauken.) Newbern; Precinct and Village, Hale County, Ala. (Not New Berne.) Newbern; Township, Dickinson County, Kans. (Not Newburn.) Newbern; see New Bern. Newberry; Butte, Vishnu quadrangle, Coconino County, Ariz. Newberry; Village, Luce County, Mich. (Not Newburg.) Newberry Point; Promontory, northwest margin of Powell Plateau, Coconino County, Ariz. Newbold; Island, Delaware River, Bur- lington County, N. J. (Not Newbold 's.) Newburn; See Newbern. Newcastle; Town and Village, Lincoln County, Me. (Not New Castle.) Newcastle; Township and Village, Dixon County, Nebr. (Not New Castle.) Newcastle; Township, Schuylkill County, Pa. (Not New Castle.) Newcastle, Del.; see New Castle^ *Newchwang; Treaty Port, Liaotung Peninsula, Province of Shengking, China. (Not New-Chwang, Niew- chwang, Niu - Chwang, Niu - chuang, Niuchwang, nor Niutschuan.) Newcomers; see Newcomerstown. *Newcomerstown; Village, Oxford Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio. (Not Newcomers nor New Comerstown.) Newfane; Village and Town, Niagara County, N. Y. (Not New Fane.) Newhalen; River draining Clark Lake, and Village, near mouth of same, Alaska. (Not New-railing, Newwhalin, New- whraling, Noghelin, Nogheling, Nogho- lem, nor Nuwhalen.) Newlan; see Newlin. Newland; see Newlin. Newlin; Creek, tributary from west to Hardscrabble Creek, Fremont County, Colo. (Not Newlan, Newland, New- ton, nor Woodland.) Newman Grove; Village, Madison County, Nebr. (Not Newman's.) *Newpaltz; Town and Village, Ulster County, N. Y. (Not New Peltz.) Newport; Beat and Village, Attala County, Miss. (Not New Port.) Newport; Township, Johnson County,. Iowa. (Not New Port.) Newport; see Sebasticook. Newr ailing; see Newhalen. Newriver; see New River. Newsom; Landing, Mississippi River,. New Madrid County, Mo. (Not New- som 's.) Newton; Butte, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Newton; see Newlin; Pine. Newton Hook; see Nutten Hook. Newtown; see Whitehall. Newwhalin; New-whraling; see New- halen. *Nez Perce; County in Idaho. (Not Nez Perces.) Nezinscot; River, tributary to Andros- coggin River, from the west, Andros- coggin and Oxford Counties, Me. (Not Nerinscot, Twenty Mile, Twenty-Mile, Twenty-mile, Twentymile, nor Twenty Miles.) Nezqually; see Nisqually. Ngan; see Singan Fu. Ngan-ching; Nganch'ing-fu; Ngan-k'ing- fou; Ngan-king-fu; Ngan-king; Ngan- king; see Anking. Ngan-hoei; Ngan-hui; Nganhwei; Ngan- hwei; Ngan-hwuy; Ngan-Hwuy; see Anhwei. Niagara; Village, Marion County, Oreg. (Not Niagora.) Niassa; see Nyasa. Nicatous; Lake and Stream, Hancock County, Me. (Not Nickatous.) 186 BBPOBT OF THB UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Shod between Qrmnd laland and Wand, Niagara River, N. Hand. Sufiolk County, N. Y. (Not Nkolk Ntehol, Nichol's, nor Rocky.) Vkhob; Villa*e, Muscatine County, lowm. (XotNicbol.) A'WAob. Me.; Me Blackman; Chemo. JVMoii; if* Finn. Nick* jack; Creek and Town, Cobb Coun- Nicojack.) .NVhiloiu; He Nicatoua. Nicks; Cieek, McDoweU County, N. C. AVfa Jfo/* we Nixes Mate. Hickwall; Creek, Dawson County, Mont. \nt*lope.) Vieobar, lalands. northwest from Suma- tra, Indian Ocean. (Not Nikobar.) Vtool; Railroad Station, Egan Town- rfiip, Dakota County, Minn. (Not hols. Mletheroy; City, Rio de Janeiro Harbor, Braiil. (Not Nitheroy.) ffitdtrlarutt; Me Netherlands. !ly; see Neily. Vtoawrelt; Mountain Range, Cape Colony, South Africa. (Not Neuwe- velt nor Xeuwveld.) Nittr-dtwtng; Me Newchwang. Xiga To; Me Yukon. Hifer, River, Western Africa. (Not Joliba, Kouara, Kowara, Kwara, Kwor- im, norQuonra.) Xiyritia; tee Sudan. A'iAon; Me Japan. Nij*i; Xijnii; \\jniy; see Nizhni. Opaeoost. Lake, on Chulitna River, about 30 miles west of Clark Lake, kt 80 W, long. 155 3H'* n River near Eufaula, Mcln- toflh County, Okla. (Not Beaver Creek, Beaver River, nor North Fork of Canadian River.) Horth Caney; Creek, rising in south- western corner of Elk. Falls Township, Elk County, Kans., and flowing a gen- eral southeasterly course into Washing- ton Township, Chautauqua County, Kans., where it unites with Caney Mk. Horth Chuctanunda; Creek, Fulton, Montgomery, and Saratoga Counties, N Y Not North Chaughtanoonda nor North Chuctenunda.) Horth Baat; Borough and Township, Eri County, Pa. (Not Northeast.) A'ort* * m Northeast. North Fork; Branch of Ladue River, Yukon, Canada, near International Boundary (between Alaska and Can- ada). North Fork; River, rising in Missouri and emptying into White River in Baxter County, Ark. (Not North Fork of White River.) North Fork Malheur; River, rising in Baker County, and entering the Mal- heur River near Juntara, Malheur County, Oreg. (Not Malheur.) North Fork; see Chewack; Frenchman; Minam. North Fork Applegate; see Little Apple- gate. North Fork Big Blue River; see Keysor. North Fork Flathead; see Flathead. North Fork of the Arkansas; see Cache la Poudre. North Fork of Big Blue River; see Big Blue. North Fork of Cheyenne; see Belle Fourche. North Fork of Coos; see Millicoma. North Fork of Minam; see North Minam. North Fork of Montezuma; see North. North Fork of Snake River; see Henrys Fork. North Fork Rogue; see Rogue. North Fork of Tuolumne; River, Tuolumne County, Cal. (Not North Fork nor Return Creek.) North Fork Twelvemile; see Twelvemile. North Fork of White River; see North Fork. North Fowl; Lake, first north of South Fowl Lake, Thunder Bay District, On- tario, International Boundary (between Minnesota and Ontario). (Not Hen.) North Framingham; see Nobscot. North Gabouri; Creek, Ste. Gene vie ve County, Mo. (Not North Gabor nor North Gabori.) North Haven; Peninsula, near Sag Har- bor, Suffolk County, Long Island, N. Y. (Not Hog Neck.) *North Head; Cape, Akutan Island, eastern Aleutians, Alaska. (Not Sigak.) North Islesboro; Village, Islesboro Town, Waldo County, Me. (Not North Isleborough.) North Keys; see North. North Lakes; Group, of three glacial Ponds, drained by Boundary Creek, Flathead County, Mont. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 189 North. Minam; River, flowing into Minam River in sec. 26, -T. 3 S., R. 42 E., Wallowa County, Oreg. (Not North Fork of Minam nor North Fork.) North Mountain; see Hedgehog. *North Mowich; Glacier, discharging into North Mowich River, northwestern slope Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. (Not North Puyallup, Tyler, nor Willis.) North Mowich; River, heading in North Mowich Glacier; tributary to Mowich River, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. (Not North Fork of Mowich River.) North Piney; Creek, branch of Green River from the west, T. 29, Lincoln County, Wyo. (Not Bitterroot.) North Portland Harbor; Waterway, North Portland, Multnomah County, Oreg. (Not Oregon Slough.) North Powder; see Anthony. North Red; see Otter Tail. North River; see Hudson. North Samish; see Edison. North St. Vrain; Creek, heading near Continental Divide about 3 miles south- west of Longs Peak, Boulder County, Colo. North Tenmile; Lake, Coos and Douglas Counties, Oreg. (Not North.) North Toe; River, branch of the Noli- chucky River, Mitchell County, N. C. (Not Toe nor Tow.) North Yallo Bally; see North Yolla Bolly, South Yolla Bolly. *North Yolla Bolly; Mountains, north- ern Coast Ranges, Trinity County, Cal. (Not North Yallo Bally, Yalla Bailey, Yallo Bally, Yolla Bally, nor Yola Buli. Northeast; see North East. Northeast; Town, Dutchess County, N. Y. (Not North East.) Northern; see Kupreanof. Northmoreland; Township, Wyoming County, Pa. (Not North Moreland.) Norths Landing; see North. Northwest; Harbor, Easthampton Town, Suffolk County, N. Y. (Not West.) Northwest; Township and Village, Wil- liams County, Ohio. (Not North West.) Northwest Angle; angle of Lake of the Woods from which International Boun- dary line (between Minnesota and On- tario) starts south to 49th Parallel. Northwest Angle; Inlet, at Northwest Angle, Lake of the Woods, Interna- tional Boundary (between Minnesota and Ontario.) Northwest Angle; Stream, Canadian side Northwest Angle Inlet, flowing in southerly direction with its mouth at western boundary of Indian Reserve No. 33B, Ontario, Canada. Northwest Arm Death Valley; see Mes- quite. Northwest Prong of Nanticoke; see Marshy- hope. Northwest Yeocomico River; see White Point. Northwestern;. Glacier, at the head of Harris Bay, and north of Two Arm Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Norton; Island, about 5 miles from South Thomaston, Knox County, Me. (Not Norton's.) Norton; Island, Pleasant Bay, Washing- ton County, Me. (Not Norton's.) Norton Island; Ledge, near Norton Is- land, Penobscot Bay, Knox County, Me. (Not Norton's Island.) Norton Island; Ledge, near Norton Is- land, Pleasant Bay, Washington County, Me. (Not Norton's Island.) Nosei; Point (kutchi), lat. 42 06' N., long. 130 ir E., northeastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Geka.) I Nosowskoj; see Pogromni. ! Nossa Senhora de Desteno; see Florianop- olis. ! Nossi Burrah; see Ste. Marie. Nossuk; Bay, western coast Prince of Wales Island, lat. 55 42', long. 133 near eastern end Heceta Island, Alaska. Nossuk Anchorage; Bay, eastern side Nossuk Bay, Prince of Wales Island, lat. 55 41', long. 133 20', Alaska Notch; Peak, House Range, Mil] County, Utah. Note; Group of Islands and largest land, lat. 34 4(XN, long. 128 15' E Bouthern coast of Chosen (Korea). ( Kwanzan nor New.) 190 ol Sakhalin Island (Japaneee, Karafuto). Japan, (Not Ido, Krilon, NiAi, nor No- Bopi Indian County, Ariz. I N,,..tah.- ; t; Spring, Savajo Not-tahn-de-lH.) Nottly-. River, Union County, Ga., and CherokM County, N. C. (Not Notely, XottoUey, nor Nottla.) tee Tikchik. M* Nunivak. JfeM *; Mwaya see New Si- Nora ZmbU; Group of Large Islands, Arctic Ocean. (Not Xovaya Zemlya.) Wovforod; City, Russia, capital of a Government of same name on Volkhow River near point where it issues from Lake Urn. ; .ovogorod.) Movoailaki; Cape, northeastern coast of Bering Strait. (Not Kregugin, Krieougoune, Krleugun, nor Novoeil- Vowadaga; Creek, Herkimer County, N Y Not Indian Castle nor Noua- daja.) Vowat; River, tributary to Kuskokwim River from north, near long. 158, Alanka. (Not Knowat nor Yukwonil- nuk) Hovata; City, Nowata County, Okla. (Mot Noweta.) Mowitna; River, between Koyukuk and Tanana Riven, tributary to the Yukon River, Alaska. (Not Novi- kakat, Nowi, Nowikakat, nor Nowi- kaket) Vojw; Rock, entrance to Stonington Harbor, Fiahere Island Sound, Conn. (Not Noyes's.) Voxub; River running southeastward through Noxubee County, Miss., into Atahama, and emptying into the Tom- H|be River near Gainesville. (Not Oaknoxubee nor Okanoxubee.) we Knubble. River, Southern Texas. (Not Htwm) VMTitaa, Seaport Town, northeast coast ol Cuba. (Not Las Neuvitas del Prin- cipe.) REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. at the southwest- Nuevo Leon; State, northern Mexico. (Not New Leon.) Nuittchuan; see Newchwang. Nuh-luk; see Nahtuk. Nuka; Island, near southern coast of Kenai Peninsula, adjacent to Nuka Bay, Alaska. Nuklukayet; Village, on the middle Yukon, near the mouth of Tanana River, Alaska. (Not Nuklukahyet, Nuklukyet, nor Tuklukyet.) Nulhutno; see Tazimina. Nuluk; see Nahtuk. Nunivak; Island, Bering Sea, Alaska. (Not Nounivak.) Nunyagmo; Cape, shore of Bering Strait, Siberia. (Not Nuniagmo, Nuniamo, nor Nunyamo.) Nuremberg; City, Bavaria, Germany. (Not Nurnberg nor Nurenberg.) Nurnberg; Nurnberg; see Nuremberg. Nushagak; Point, at the village of Nu- shagak, Alaska. (Not Cape Nushagak.) Nushagak; see Tikchik. Nutten Hook; Village, Columbia County, N. Y. (Not Coxsackie, New- ton Hook, nor Nuttenhook.) Nutter; Point, western side Duck Cove, Mount Desert Island. Hancock County, Me. (Not Clark's, Clarks, Dix.Dix's, nor Nutter's.) Nutter; Nutter's; see Dix. Nutter's; see Nutter. Nuwhalen; see Newhalen. Nuwuk; Eskimo Village at Point Barrow, Alaska. (Not Noo-wook.) *Nyasa; Lake, Southeastern Africa. (Not Marabai, Msravi, Neassa, Nyanja, Ny- anza, Nyassa, nor N'yassa.) Nyaaaland; British Protectorate, Central Africa. (Not British Central Africa nor Nyassaland.) Nye; Sunken Ledge, Buzzards Bay, Mass. (NotNye's.) Nye's; see Connett. Nyudo; Light and Point, lat. 40 N., long. 139 41/ E., western coast of Honshu Island, ' Japan. (Not Hata- mura, Niudo, Nyudo, nor Nyudo.) O. Kassa War a Shima; see Ogasawara. Oajaca; see Oaxaca. Oak; Canyon, and Creek, south bank Colorado River, near long. 110 55', San Juan County, Utah. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 191 Ochlockonee; Militia District and Vil- lage, Thomas County, Ga. (Not Och- lochnee.) Ochon; Island (to), lat. 36 07' N., long. 126 E., western coast of Chosen (Ko- rea). (Not Guerin nor Guerin.) Ochonto; Anchorage, southern side of Ochon Island, western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Ochon To nor Palos.) Och-sa-ki-een; see Oksa. Ocilla; see Aucilla. Ockanagan; see Okanogan. Qckmulgee; see Okmulgee. Ockoocanganset; Hill, Marlboro, Mid- dlesex County, Mass. (Not Ockcooan- ganset.) Oclawaha; see Oklawaha. *Ocoee^ River, in Tennessee. The part in Georgia is called Toccoa. (Not Okoee.) Ocoee; see Toccoa. Oconalufty; River and Township, Swain County, N. C. (Not Ocona Lufty.) Ocopilco; see Okapilco. Ocquionis; Creek, Oteego and Herkimer Counties, N. Y. (Not Fish.) Odell; Creek, rising in Odell Lake, see. 31, T. 23 S., R. 6 E., flowing northeast- ward about 8 miles into Davis Lake, Klamath County, Oreg. Oder; River, Germany. (Not Vjodr.) Odessa; Town, New Castle County, Del. (Not Odessey.) Odomari; see Otomari. O'Donnel; Landing, Mississippi River, Mississippi County, Ark. (Not O'Don- nell's.) Oelrichs; Precinct and Town, Fall River County, S. Dak. (Not Oehlrichs.) Offutt; Village, Anderson County, Tenn. (Not Cane Creek.) *Ogalalla; Village, Keith County, Nebr. (Not Ogallala.) OgalaUa; Peak (altitude 13,147 feet), on the Continental Divide, 7 miles south- west of Longs Peak, in sec. 3, T. 2 N., R. 74 W., west of Copeland Mountain, Boulder and Grand Counties, Colo. (Not Oglala nor Ogallala.) Oganse; see Pipe. Ogasawara; Islands, Pacific Ocean, southeast of Japan. (Not Arzobispo, Bonin, Bonin Shima, Coffin's Group, Munin Shima, nor Kasa Wara Shima.) Oak; Point, Huron County, Mich. (Not Oat.) Oak; Point, 7 miles southwest of Mor- ristown, St. Lawrence County, N. Y. Oak Bluffs; Light Station, entrance to Lake Anthony, Mass. (Not Cottage City.) Oakdale; Town and Village, Monroe County, Wis. (Not Oak Dale.) Oakes; Landing, Ohio River, Washing- ton County, Ohio. (Not Oakes's.) Oakpoint; see Oak. Oaktazaza; see South Sandy. Oakwood; Railroad Station, Cayuga County, N. Y. (Not Springport.) Oat; see Oak. Oaxaca; Capital City and State, Southern Mexico. (Not Guaxaca nor Oajaca.) Ob; Gulf and River, Northern Siberia. (Not As, Obe, Obi, Oby, Omar, nor Yag.) Oban; Creek, Ouray County, Colo. Oberlin; Peak, northeast of Cannon Mountain, Glacier National Park, Flat- head County, Mont. Obey; River, northern Tennessee, tribu- tary to the Cumberland. (NotObie's.) Obi; Point, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Obligation; see Butlers. Obok; Town, Gulf of Aden, French Somali Coast, Africa. (Not Obock nor Obokh.) Observation; Rock, on ridge separating Russell Glacier from North Mowich Glacier, Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Observatory; see Pyramid; Yokuchi. Obsidian; Butte, on Pahute Mesa, Nye County, Nev. Ocala; City and Lake, Marion County, Fla. (Not Ocola.) Ocapilco; see Okapilco. Occahanican; see Parks. Occohannock; see Okahanikan. Oceanic; Village, Monmouth County, N. J. (Not Oceania nor Port Washing- ton.) Ochlochnee; Ochlocknee; Ocklocknee; Ock- lockonee; see Ochlockonee. Ochlockonee; Bay, Franklin and Wa- kulla Counties, Fla.; River, Fla. and Ga.; and Village, Leon County, Fla. (Not Ochlocknee, Oklocknee, nor Ock- lockonee.) HSPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 4 Landtag and Town, Ohio River, id County, Ky. (NotOgdens.) BalUrd County, ~/ Ofd6li; I ^^d^eS e fromOrook , Channel to Portlock Harbor, Alaska ; see Edison. River, tributary to Ossabaw iGeofgia. (NotBigOgee- chee ) Ofi; Wand (j"n). Inland 8ea ' Jftpan : (Sot Ogi Shima, Ogi Sima, nor Oki Sima.) Ogier; Point, Penobscot Bay, near Cam- den, Knox County, Me. (NotOjier.) Ogimhkemunde; Lake, Lake County, Minn. (Not Kingfisher nor Ogishki Muncie.) Ogleton; Lake, Anne Arundel County, ltd. (Not Cat Fish Hole nor Cat Hole Creek.) Oyonu; see Pipe. OfrU; Town, Cherokee County, N. C. (NotOgreta.) Ohanapecosh; Glacier, heading Ohana- pecoah River, eastern slope Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Ohanapeco&h; River, heading in Ohana- pecosh Glacier, tributary to Cowlitz River, Mount Rainier National Park, Lewis and Pierce Counties, Wash. Ohatchee; Creek, District, and Village, Calhoun County, Ala. (Not OhatchieO Ohio; Peak, Elk Mountains, Gunnison County, Goto. (Not Anthracite.) Okjai; see Otay. Oil; Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska. Oil; Canyon, leading southerly from Oil about 10 miles due north of Coa- ling*, Fresno County, Cal. Oji*r; see Ogier. Okahanikan; Cove, Bloodsworth Island, Dorchester County, Md. (Not Hani- kan, Hannican, Occahanican, Occohan- nock, nor Onkanikan.) Okanogan; County, Precinct, Town, and River tributary to the Columbia, Wash. (Not Okinakane.) Okanogan; Lake and Town, British Co- lumbia, Canada. (Not Ockanagan.) Okapilco; Creek, Brooks and Colquitt Counties, Ga. (Not Ocapilco nor Oco- Okatoma; Creek, tributary to Bowie Creek, Covington County, Miss. (Not Okatomy nor Sun.) Okatomy; see Okatoma. Okechobee; Lake, Southern Florida. (Not Okeechobee.) Okefenokee; Swamp, Florida and Geor- gia. (Not Akenfonogo, E-cun fino-cau, Ekanfinaka, Eokenfonooka, Okeefeno- kee, Okeefinokee, Okefenoke, Okefino- cau, Okefinoke, Okefinokee, nor Oqua- fanoka.) Okho; see Hoko. Okhotsk; Sea, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean, having on the east Kamchatka, and on the west Sakhalin Island and eastern Siberia. (Not More Okhot- skoe.) Old; see Uo. OK -Sima; see Ogi. Okinawa; Group (gunto), part of the Nan- sei Chain and Island (shima) off the Chinese coast. (Not Liu Kiu, Liukiu, Riukiu, nor Tsubu Shoto.) Okino; Island (shima), in Korea Strait, lat. 34 1^ N., long. 130 06 X E., Japan. (Not Kotsu nor Oki no.) Okino; Shoal (su), lat. 34 21' N., long. 133 4^ E., Inland Sea, Japan. (Not Conqueror nor Oki no.) Oklahoma City; City, Oklahoma County, Okla. Oklashok; see Alatna. Oklawaha; River, Marion and Putnam Counties, Fla. (Not Oclawaha.) *Okmulgee; City and Creek, Okmulgee County, Okla. (Not Ockmulgee nor Okmulkee.) Okoee; see Ocoee. *Oksa; Creek, tributary to the Stikine River, from the east, Alaska, near the International Boundary line. (Not Och-sa-ki-een, Oksaklin, nor Oksakine.) Oktaha; Town, Muskogee County, Okla. Okui-okami; Island (shima), Hiroshima Bay, Inland^ea, Japan. (Not Daiku- kozin, Kurokami, nor Kurokami.) Ola; Rock, Sucia Bay, P. R. Olallie; Butte, summit of Cascade Range, west boundary of Wasco County, Oreg. (Not Olay, Ollalie, nor Ollallie.) Olallie; Canyon, T. 24 N., R. 18 E., Chelan County, Wash. (Not Ollala.) REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 193 Olay; see Olallie. Old Baldy; Peak, Santa Rita Mountains, Santa Cruz County, Ariz. (Not Baldy, Mount Wrightson, nor Santa Rita.) Old Baldy; Peak, Sangre de Cristo Range, Costilla County, Colo. (Not Baldy.) Old Baldy, Cal.; see San Antonio. Old Baldy, Idaho; see Mount Wiessner. Old Baldy, Wash.; see Mount Spokane. Old Duck; see Duck. Old Fred's; see Freds. Old Harbor; Island, Chandeleur Sound, La. (Not Old Harbor Keys.) Old Harbor; see Starrigavan. Old Maid Crossing; Post Light, Ohio River, Livingston County, Ky. (Not Old Maid's Crossing.) Old Maid Place; Lighthouse, Whitehall Narrows, Lake Champlain, Vt. (Not Old Maid's Place.) Old Mount Whitney; see Corcoran. Old Town; City and Town, Penobscot County, Maine. (Not Indian Old- town nor Old town.) Old Town; Village, near Charleston, S. C. (Not St. Mary's nor Old Town Landing.) Old Town; see St. Francis. Oldmans; Creek, Point, and Township, Salem County, N. J. (Not Oldman, Oldman Creek, nor Old Man's Point.) Oldtown, Me.; see Old Town. Ole Olson; see Cascade. Olentangy; River, including western branch, Crawford, Delaware, Franklin, and Marion Counties, Ohio. (Not Whetstone Creek.) Oliver; Reef, north side of Hatteras Inlet, N. C. (Not Oliver's.) Oljeto; Creek, tributary to San Juan River, San Juan County, Utah. (Not Oljato nor Moonlight.) Oljeto; Settlement, and Ranch near Arizona line, San Juan County, Utah. (Not Oljato, Olje To, nor Moonlight.) Ollala; Ollalie; Ollallie; see Olallie. Olsburg; Village, Pottawatomie County, Kans. (Not Olesburg.) Omar; see Ob. Omalilc; see Omilak. Omeira; Lagoon (khor), southern coast of Aden, Gulf of Aden. (Not Amran, Imran, nor Umera.) *Omilak; Creek, east branch of Fish River, Alaska. (Not Omalik nor Uma- lik.) 4704916 13 Omoi; see Omoe. On shan tin; see Gensan. Onaqui; Mountain range, extending south from Johnsons Pass to Cherry Creek Valley, Tooele County, Utah. (Not Aqui.) Onasami; Island (shima), Hiroshima Bay, Inland Sea, Japan. (Not Nasai nor O Nasami.) Onawa; Lake, Elliotteville Plantation, Piscataquis County, Me. (Not Onaway nor Ship Pond.) Onaway; see Onawa. O'Neill; Butte, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. One Leg; see Conotton. Oneota; see Upper Iowa. Ong; Run, Burlington County, N. J. (Not Ong's nor Oreg.) Ong; Village, Burlington County, N. J. (Not Ong Hat nor Ong's Hat.) Ongei; Bay, Mountain (san), and Village, lat. 42 19' N., long. 130 25' E., north- eastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Audacious Sound nor West Bay.) Onion; Bay, southern side of Raspberry Island, Alaska. Onion; see Winooski. Onkanikan; see Okahanikan. Onsan; Island (to), lat. 36 22' N., west- ern coast of Chosen (Korea), (Not Wonsan.) Ontario; Province, Dominion of Canada. (Not Canada West nor Upper Canada.) Onteora; Mountain and Park, Catekills, Greene County, N. Y. (Not Ontiora.) Oogahik; see Ugashik. Ooghe-a-book; see King. Oolenoy; Creek, Pickens County, S. C. (Not Illinois nor Oolenoe.) Oologah; Town, Rogers County, Okla. (Not Oolagah.) Oondogu; Anchorage and Town, south side of Pingyang Inlet, western Chosen (Korea). (Not O on dogu, 0-on-dogu, nor Undong. Oorga; see Urga. Oostanaula; Creek, McMinn County, Tenn. (Not Eastanaula.) Oothkalooga; Creek, Gordon and Bar- tow Counties, Ga. (Not Oothcalooga.) Ootkeavie; see Utkiavi. Oozbekistan; see Bokhara. 194 REPORT 01 OMMii; Point, -** 11 ** d * e I8 ~ land. AUwka. (Not Danger.) Op^nort; Rock, La Perouw Strait, lat. l J *>** 1 1' P JftDftD (Not Duflvottfl nor Nijogan.) Op****; Bay,Laconia,Belknap County, X II. .Not lake Opechee nor Round By.) Qftmwn; we Powum. Offontt; weShumi. Onibi; Village, H-pi Indian Reeerva- Uon, Navaj" County, Ariz. (Not Ora- Orang; Crwk, tributary to Black River (torn the foutb, Alaska, International Boundary (between Alaska and Can- ada). (Not Orange Fork.) Ormyt Mound; we Bear. Oraogchome; Railroad Station, Sumter County, Ha. (Not Orange Home.) Oranoken; Creek, Cumberland County, X J .moaken.) Orarille; Village, Jackson County, 111. Ore*; Bay, Prince William Sound, Alaska. 'va.) Orchard; Peak, in sec. 22, T. 25 S., R. 17 K . K.-rn < ounty, Cal. Ortg; we Ong. Ortyon SUmgk; we North Portland Har- bor. OrcUcfM. we Amazon. Orttuie; see Hadweenzic. Orford; we Blanco; Orfordville. Orfordville; Village, Rock County, \\'is. Orford.) Orient; Point, Whale Island, Alaska. East nor Voatochni.) Orient; Point, Gardiners Bay, Suffolk County, N. Y. (Not Oyster.) Ormkt; we Ugalgan. OriwU; Village, Contra Coata County, Cal. (Not Orinda Park.) Orart; Head and Village, coast of Balu- chkttn. (NotOnnaranorOrmarah.) Orowoe; Cove and Creek, Islip, Suffolk County, N. Y. (Not Oriwic, Oriwoc, nor Twn'i.) Otr; Ridge. House Range, Millard Coumty, Utah CVriufiuu Great; we Brewer. Orton; Point, Cape Fear River, Bruns- wick County, N. C. (Not Orton's.) GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Orton; see Mount Orton. Oruba; see Aruba. Oruidei; Point (kutchi), lat. 38 46' X , long. 128 16' E., eastern coast of elm- sen (Korea). (Not Geshi lai nor Pes- churova.) Orysa; A'illage, Lauderdale County, Tenn. (Not Oryza.) Osag-e; City, Osage County, Kans. (Not OsageCity.) Osage; River in Kansas and Missouri. (Not Marais des Cygnes.) Osahatchee; Creek, tributary to Mul- berry Creek, Harris County, Ga. Oea Hachi, Osahatchi, Ossahatchee, Ossahatchie, Sawhatchee, Sowachee, nor Sowahachee.) Osaka; C'ity, Japan. (Not Naniwa nor Ozaka.) Osawkie; see Ozawkie. Osborn; Island, Manasquan River, Mon- mouth County, N. J. (Not Osborne.) Osborn; Railroad Station, Rock Island County, 111. (Not Osborne.) Osborn; Township, Sumner County, Kans. {Not Osborne.) Osborne; Borough, Allegheny County, Pa. (Not Glenosborne, Glen Osborne, Glenoeburn, Osborn, Osburn, nor Os- burn.) Osborne; Township, Pipeetone County, Minn. (Not Osborn.) Osborne; see Townsheiid. Osbrooh; see Pawcatuck. Osburn; Precinct and Village, Shoshone County, Idaho. (Not Osborne.) Osceola; Borough, Clearfield County, Pa. (Not Osceola Mills.) Osceola; Town and Village, Polk County, Wis. (Not Osceola Mills.) Oseetah; Lake, Franklin County, N. Y. (Not Miller Pond.) Oiett; see Ozette. Osiris Temple; Peak, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Ow; see Mount Oso. Oit-Chinesesches Meer; see Eastern. Osterville Grand; Island, Osterville Harbor, Barnstable County, Mass. (Not Osterville.) Ottolopof; see Chaho. Oswayo; Creek, Cattaraugus County, N. Y. (Not Oswaya, Oswaye, nor Oswego.) Oswego; Lake, Clackamas County, Oreg. (Not Sucker nor Tualatin.) Otaka; see Hotaka. Otapasso; see Topisaw. Otay; Valley, San Diego County, Cal. (Not Ohjai.) Otis; Village, Hawkins County, Tenn. (Not Otes.) Otmeloi; Point, southern shore of Nar- row Strait, Alaska. (Not Shoal.) Otmeloi; see Shoals. Otomari; Town, at head of Aniwa Bay, southern coast Sakhalin Island (Japa- nese, Karafuto), lat. 46 40' N., long. 142 45' E. (Not Koreakov, Korsa- kovsk, Kushun Kotan, Kushunkotan, nor Odomari.) Otrubistoi; see Crag. Otsgaragee; see Howes. Otsquago; Creek, Herkimer and Mont- gomery Counties, N. Y. (Not Ots- quaga.) Ottauquechee; River, Rutland and Windsor Counties, Vt. (Not Ottaque- chee, Otta Quechee, Ottaqueeche, Otta- queechy, Quechee, Queechy, Water- chuichi, Water Quechee, nor Water- queechy.) Ottawa; City, Capital of the Dominion of Canada. (Not Bytown.) Ottawa; see Tawas. Otter; township, Cowley County, Kane. (Not Otto.) Otter Creek; Township, Vigo County, Ind. (Not Otter.) Otter Track; see Cypress. *Otter Tail; River, Otter Tail and Wil- kin Counties, Minn. (Not Otter-tail, Ottertail, Red, North Red, nor Red River of the North.) Ottoman Amphitheater; Basin, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Ouachita; County, Ark.; River, Ark. and La.; and Parish, La. (Not Waah- ita.) Ouachita Mountains; is applied to the ridges of western Arkansas south of Arkansas River, Okla. Ouallamet; see Willamette. Oudh; ancient Capital and State, British India. (Not Oude.) Ouisconsin; see Wisconsin. Oumakh; see Umak. 195 Oumnakh; see Umnak. Ounalashka; see Unalaska. Ounimakh; see Unimak. Oural; see Ural. Ouray Peak; Mountain, Sawatch Range, Chaffee County, Colo. (Not Hump Mountain, Mount Ouray, nor Ouray Mount.) Ourga; see Urga. Ouro Preto; City, Brazil. (Not Villa Rica nor Villa Rica de Ouro Preto.) Ousatonic; see Housatonic. Oushouaia; see Ushuaia. Ousouri; see Usuri. Outer Manchas; Coral Reef or Bank, on northern side of entrance to Mayaguez. Bay, P. R. (Not Outer Machos.) Outer Point of Shoals; see Shoals. Outer Bocks; Islets, southwest of Khaz Bay, Alaska. (Not Outer Rock.) Outlet; Canyon and Spring, Grand Can- yon of the Colorado, CoconLno County, Ariz. Outlet; see Viekoda. Outlook; see Hoyt. Outward Tump; Island, Chincoteague Bay, Worcester County, Md . (Not West Clump.) Ouzel; Creek, tributary, in sec. 19, T. 3 N., R. 73 W., to south side of North St. Vrain Creek and Lake, Boulder Coun- ty, Colo. Ouzel; Peak (altitude 12,600 feet), on Continental Divide, at head of Ouzel Creek, sees. 28, 33, and 34, T. 3 N., R. 74 W., about 6 miles southwest Longs Peak, Boulder and Grant Counties, Colo. Oval; Rock, western part of Khaz Bay, Chichagof Island, Alaska. (Not Egg.) Overisel; Township and Village, Allegan County, Mich. (Not Overeisel.) Owachomo; middle Natural Bridge, White Canyon, San Juan County, Utah. (Not Caroline Bridge nor Middle Bridge.) Owasco Lake; see Wyckoff . Owens; Lake, River, and Valley, Inyo County, Cal. (Not Owen.) Owensville; see West River. Owl; see Moreau. Owlshead; Lighthouse, Rockland bor Penobscot Bay, Me.; also Village, Knox County, Me. (Not Owl's Head.) BEPOBT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC I 1 "', Oxford; TownAip *nd Village, Warren Coaniy, N. J. (Not Oxford Furnace.) Oxon; Creek. Prince George. County, ||d. (Not Oxen.) Oam; Town, Prince Georges County, Md. (Sot Grimesville norOxon DDL] Onu; see Amu. OftUr; see Long; Orient. Oca; Butt*, Grand Canyon of the (. rmdo, Coconino County, Ariz. Osatn: e Osaka. (Hark PlaUau; is applied to the plateau in northwestern Arkansas and southern Mi-otm. Oaawtie; Township an Nisqually River, Mount Rainier National Park, Lewis and Pierce Counties, Wash. Paradise; Valley, of Paradise River, above Narada Fall*, Mount Rainier National Park, I^ewis and Pierce Coun- Paradise Creek; Stream, 6owing from outh into Two Medicine Lake, Teton County, Mont. Paradise Dry; Canyon, east of Paradise, in Cache Valley, Cache County, Utah, i Eart Fork nor Muildy Creek.) Paradise Park; Valley, near head of Paradise Creek, Teton < onnty, Mont. Paraguay; Republic and River, South America. (Not Paraguaya.) Parahiba; City, Province, and River, Brazil. (Not Parahyba nor Paraiba.) Panmort'$; see Parramore. Parana; River, tributary to the Plata, South America. (Not Rio Negro.) Parana; see Rio Negro. Paranahiba; River of Brazil, joins the Cu rumba to form the Parana. (Not Paranahyba nor Parana-Iba.) Pomfv see Paraty. Paraty; Bay and Village, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Not Parati.) Pardas; Hay, northeastern aide of Point Brea, P. R. (Not Ensenada las Pardas.) Pardee; Bar, part of West Haven Flats, extending eastward from Sandy Point, New Haven Harbor, Long Island Sound, Conn. (Not Party.) Parg< -?ward Peninsula, tribu- tary of Fish River from the west, about 20 miles above mouth of Niukluk River, Alaska. (Not Anaconda, Papan.Papin, Paran, Pargan, Paragon, nor Parantu- Parguera; 't of Quartzite Moun- tain. X\- County, Xev. Pittar; ace Kekur; Sail; Stripe. Pilot; Uo, k, Resurrection Bay, Alaska. : HCIUM.) Pflot Harbor; Anchorage, on the east side near the head of the northwest arm of N'uka Bay, Alaska. Pilot Island; Light, island at entrance rte dee Morts Passage into Green Bay from Lake Michigan, Wis. (Not Porto des Morts.) Pilot Knob; see Granite. Pilot Rock; Peak, prominent landmark, R. 22 E., Apache County, Aril. (Not Mitten Peak.) Pima; Point, Grand Canyon of the Col- orado, Coconino County, Ariz. Pimental; Valley, small one, forming westward continuation of the Vallecitos; and Creak, draining Pimental Valley, flowing southeasterly, joining Griswold Greek, San Benito County, Cal. (Not The Pimental.) Ptmnya; Point, Xantucket Harbor, Mass. (Not Pimney's.) Pinal; Point, Vishnu quadrangle, Coco- nino County, Aru. ^*MHf; see Penang. Ptaehan; Point (kutsu), lat. 36 47' N., long. 1 2y E., southeastern coast of Cbosen (Korea). (Not Krudner.) Pine; Creek, Douglas County, Colo. (Not Piney.) Pine; Creek, Atlantic County, N. J. (Not Newton.) Pine; Knob, South Union Township, Fayette County, Pa. (Not Piney.) Pine; Lake, northwest of Gunflint Lake, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, Inter- national Boundary (between Minne- sota and Ontario). (Not Island Por- tage.) Pine; Ridge, extending from Battle Mountain southeast about 2 miles be- tween Inn and Alpine Brooks, Larimer County, Colo. Pine; see Wyanoke. *Pine Grove; Borough and Township, Schuylkill County, Pa. (Not Pine- grove.) Pinecreek; Township, Jefferson County, Pa. (Not Pine Creek.) Pines; River, forming boundary between Essex and Suffolk Counties, Mass. (Not Bear nor Chelsea.) Piney; Creek, right-hand branch Cherry Creek, Arapahoe County, Colo. (Not Pine.) - Piney; Point, near mouth Calooeahatchee River, north side, Lee County, Fla. (Not Little Pine Island.) Piney; see Dry Pine; South Piney. Piney Island; Cove, Bloods worth Island, Dorchester County, Md. (Not Piny.) Piney Swamp; Run, Mineral County, W. Va. (Not Pine Swamp.) Ping Yang; see Pingyang. Pingaluk; River, tributary to head- waters of Alatna River from the north , near lat. 67 3(K N., long. 154 W., Alaska. (NotPing-ing-a-look, Pinging- alook, Pingingaluk, nor Ringingalook.) Ping-ing-a-look; Pingingalook; Pinginga- luk; see Pingaluk. Pingyang; City and River, western part of Chosen (Korea). (Not Phyongyang, Ping Yang, Taidong, Tai tong, nor Ta- tung.) Ptntt; see Punuk. Pinmaquan; see Pennamaquan. Pinnacle; Mountain, South Carolina. (Not Bald Knob.) Pinnacle; Peak, middle and highest of Tatoosh Range, Mount Rainier National Park, Lewis County, Wash. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. ' 205 Piute; Canyon, NavajoCounty,Ariz., and San Juan County, Utah. (NotPahUte.) Piute; Peak and Village, Kern County, Cal. NotPah-ute,Pahute,norPaiute.) Piute Point; Headland, on south rim of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 5 miles southeast of Bass Camp, Coconino County, Ariz. Plaat Clove; Village, Greene County, N.Y. (Not Platt Clove.) Plaaterkill; Plaaterskill; see Plattekill. Placer; River, tributary to head of Turn- again Arm, Cook Inlet, Alaska. (Not Glacier.) *Plain Grove; Town and Township, Law- rence County, Pa. (Not Plaingrove.) Plainfield;-see Plainville. Plainville; Village, Adams County, Wia. (Not Plainfield.) Plains; City, Meade County, Kans. (Not West Plains.) Plantain; Mountain and Pond, Mount Washington Town, Berkshire County, Mass. (Not Plantin.) Plata; River, South America. (Not Plate nor Rio de la Plata.) Plata; see La Plata. Plateau of Arizona; area bounded on the north by the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, on the east by the desert of the Little Colorado, on the south by the Mogollon Escarpment, and on the west by Aubrey Cliffs, and includes several minor plateaus, whose names have become fixed by local usage, as follows: Coconino Plateau, in the north- eastern corner immediately south of the Grand Canyon; San Francisco Moun- tain Plateau, in the center of the area; and the Mogollon Mesa, which extends along the southern edge of the plateau rim from northwest to southeast as far as the Arizona-New Mexico boundary. Plateau Region; the plateaus of the Col- orado River and ita branches, limited on the east by the Rocky Mountains, on the west by the Wasatch Range, and extending from the south end of the Wasatch southwestward to Virgin River and down that river to ita mouth; thence southeastward and eastward t the east boundary of Arizona, following the escarpment of the Colorado Plateau, and including on the north the Green River Basin. Pinnacle; Ridge, Ouray Quadrangle, Gunnison and Hinsdale Counties, Colo. Pinnacles; three sharp Peaks, one-half mile southwest of Clouds Rest near the head of the Yosemite Valley, Mariposa County, Cal. Pinnang; see Penang. Pinole; Land Grant, Point and Town, Contra Costa County, Cal. (Not El Pi- nole nor Penole.) Pinos; Mountain, Ventura County, Cal. (Not McGill.) Pinos, Colo.; see Los Pinos. Pinos, Cuba; see Isla de Pinos. Pintada; see Del Norte Peak. Pinto Gallo; see Galle. Pinyon; Creek and Village, Pueblo County, Colo. (Not Pinon.) Pinyon; Flat, Riverside County, Cal. (Not Pinon nor Pinon.) Pio; see Pyo. Pioneer Basin; Valley, on headwaters of Mono Creek, Fresno County, Cal. Pipe; Creek, Erie County, Ohio. (Not Oganse, Ogontz, nor Pike.) Pipit; Lake, sec. 27, T. 3 N., R. 74 W., just east of Continental Divide, 5 miles southwest of Longs Peak, draining east through Bluebird Lake and Onzel Creek to south side North St. Vrain Creek, Boulder County, Colo. Pint; see Peru. Pisht; see Pysht. Pishtaka; Lake, McHenry County, 111. (Not Fox, Pishaqua, Pishtaqua, Pista- kee, nor Pistaqua.) Pit; River, Modoc, Lassen, and Shasta Counties, Cal. (Not Pitt.) Pitchahala; see Peachahala. Pitchi; Islands (to), lat. 35 14' N., long. 125 55' E., southwestern coast of Cho- sen (Korea). (Not Double.) Pitman; Railroad Station, Gloucester County, N. J. (Not Pitman Grove.) Pitmegea; River, east of Cape Lisburne, Northern Alaska. (Not Pet-meg-e'a nor Pitmigea.) Pitsehytso; see Bitsihuitsos. Pitt; see Kruzof. Pitticfaw; Pittiefaw; see Pawticfaw. Plttsburg; see Pittsburgh. *Pittsburgh; City in Pennsylvania. (Not Pittsburg.) Pittsgrove; Town and Township, Salem, County, N. J. (Not Pitt's Grove.) 206 REPORT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. see La Platte. Plati Clwv PUtt.; Mountain, tat. 39' IV N., long. 106 07' W., Douglas County, Colo. (Not Camel's Back, Devil's Head, nor Warren* Crag.) Plane Junftion; see Wolhuret. FUtUkffl; Clove and Creek, Ulster and Gwene Counties, N.Y. (NotPlaater- k.ll Plattekill; Town, Ulster County, N. Y. Plaaterekill.) PUUford; Precinct, Sarpy County, Nebr. Pbtford.) PUttrUle; Township, Mills County, Iowa. (Not Plattoville.) . Ptoaaant; Valley, western Fresno County, Cal. (The valley or basin in which Coalinga is situated.) Pleasant Mound; Township, Blue Earth County. Minn. (Not Pleasant Mounds.) Pltiuant ValUy; see Pleasant*. Plsasantdale; Railroad Station, Seward County, Ncbr. (Not Pleasant Dale.) Pleatanton; see Loop. Pleasant*; Creek, flowing through Pleas- ants Valley, Solano County, Cal. (Not Pleasant Valley.) Pleasants; Valley, west of Putnam Peak, Solano County, Cal. PlnuanU; see Miller. Pleiades; Group of Islands in Knight Island Passage, off the southwest end of Knight Island, Alaska. (Not Seven Sis- ters nor Sisters.) Pleito; Creek, Kern County, Cal. (Not Plata, Plato, nor Pie to.) Pluckemin; Town, Somerset County, N J Vot Pluckamin.) Plum; Creek, Fall River County, S. Dak. (Not Plumb.) Plum; Township and Village, Venango County, Pa. (Not Plummer.) Phmb; see Prairie. Plummar, Peak, sec. 9, T. 7 N., R. 12 E., Boise and Elmore Counties, Idaho. Plttmmsr; Peak, Tatoosh Range near southern boundary Mount Rainier Na- tional Park, immediately west of Pin- nacle Peak, Lewis County, Wash. e Plumsted. Plumsted; Township, Ocean County, N. J. (Not Plumstead.) Pnaougoune; eee Pnaugun. Pnaugun; Cape, St. Lawrence Bay, lat. 65 38 X N., long. 170 38 X W., eastern coast of Siberia. (Not Pnaougoune . ) Pnum Penh; Capital of Cambodia, Indo- China. (NotPnom-peigne, Pnompeng, nor Pnompenh.) Poadpis; see Polpis. Poca; see Pocatalico. Pocasset; Harbor, Buzzards Bay, Mass. (Not Pocassett.) Pocasset; Lake, Kennebec County, Me (Not Wings.) Pocatalico; River, Kanawha, Putnam, and Roane Counties, W. Va. (Not Poca , Pocotalico, nor Pocotaligo.) Pocatoes; Poccatoes; see Pucketa. Pocket; Lake, in niche on cliff near Park Butte, southern slope Mount Baker, Whatcom County, Wash. Pocket; Lake, lat. 48 57 X , long. 114 06', Flathead County, Mont. Pocomoke; River, Sound, and Town, Worcester County, Md. (Not Poko- moke.) Pocosin; Pocoson; see Poquoson. Pocotalico; Pocotaligo; see Pocatalico. Pocotopaug; Creek and Lake, Chatham. Middlesex County, Conn. (Not Poka- tapaug.) Pocumcus; Lake, Washington County, Me. (Not Pocumpus.) Pocumpus; see Pocumcus. Podpis; see Polpis. Podurik; see Quaboag; Quacumquasit. Podvodni; Rock, northern side of Bering Island, Komandorski Islands, off the eastern coast of Kamchatka, Russia. (Not Emilianovski nor Nadvodni.) Poe; Bay, northern side Passage Canal midway between its head and Pigot Point, about lat. 60 5(K, long. 148 3(X, northwestern part Prince William Sound, Alaska. Poe; Glacier, about 1J miles northwest of head of Poe Bay, northern side Pas- sage Canal, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Poe; Reef, Mackinac Strait, Mich. (Not Poe's.) REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 207 Pogibshi; Point, Baranof Island, Peril Strait, Alaska. (Not Danger nor Peril.) Pogromni; Volcano, Unimak Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. (Not Da- vastation, Isanotski, Jogutscha, Kugi- dach, Nosowskoj, Pogromnoi, nor Po- gromnoj.) Pohick; Bay and Creek, Potomac River, Fairfax County, Va. (Not Poheick.) Point; see Sorrento. Point Adam; Point, 6 miles northwest from Cape Elizabeth, Alaska. Point Algodones; Point, 3 miles east- northeast from Point Lima, P. R. (Not Algodon nor Algodonos.) Point Arena; City, Mendocino County, Cal. (Not Puntas Arenas.) Point Arenas; see Arenas. Point au Roche; Village, Clinton County, N. Y. (Not Point au Rock.) Point au Sable; see Au Sable. Point aux Frenes; Point, American shore St. Marys River, Little Mud Lake, Chippewa County, Mich. (Not Point au Frene nor Pointe aux Frenes.) Point Bateria; Point, on eastern coast, near Fajardo, P. R. (Not Punta de la Bateria.) Point Carenero; eastern point, entrance to Ponce Harbor, P. R. (Not Care- naro.) Point Carenero; northern point, at en- trance to Port Real, P. R. (Not Cali- nero.) Point Centeotl; Headland, the south rim of the Grand Canyon of the Colo- rado, on the south side of Aztec Am- phitheater, Coconino County, Ariz. Point Comfort; Beacon, New York Lower Bay, N. J. (Not Bayside.) Point de Galle; see Galle. Point Ennis; see Bald Head. Point Fajardo; Point, on eastern coast off Fajardo, P. R. (Not Punta de Fajardo.) Pt. Feliciana; see Point Icacos. Point Fraile; Point, five-eighths of a mile north of Point Icacos, P. R. (Not El Fraile.) Point Gorda; Point, on eastern coast, P. R. (Not Punta Gorda.) Point Guilarte; Point, Port Patillas, nearly 1 mile northeast of Point Fig- uras, P. R. Point Huitzil; Headland, south rim of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, southeastern side of Aztec Amphi- theater, Coconino County, Ariz. Point Icacos; Point, 1 mile north of Point Guayanes, P. R. (Not Hicacos Point nor Pt. Feliciana.) Point Inglestat; see Bald Head. Point Martino; see Martineau. Point May; Point, Brant Island, Buz- zards Bay, Plymouth County, Mass. Point Morrillos; eastern point of Port Arecibo, P. R. (Not Morrillo de Are- cibo, Morrillos de Arecibo, Punta de los Morrillos, nor Punta Morrillo.) Point Nashkowhak; western point, at the entrance to Seldovia Harbor, Alaska. Point No Point; Point, Puget Sound, Kitsap County, Wash. (Not Point- no-point.) Point of Rocks; end of a reef, extending three-eighths of a mile westward from the two islands close to the west side of Squire Island in Knight Island Passage, Alaska. Point Ola Grande; Point, 5J miles west of Arroyo, P. R. (Not Punta de Olas Grandes.) Point Penoncillo; Point, eastern side Ponce Harbor, P. R. Point Pepillo; Point, northeast side of Guayanilla Harbor, P. R. Point Potrero; see Shoal. Point Quebrada Honda; southern point, Port Yabucoa, P. R. (Not Point Que- brada-honda.) Point Quebrada-honda; see Point Quebrada Honda. Point Quetzal; Headland, the south rim of the Grand Canyon of the Colo- rado, on the west side of Aztec Amphi- theater, Coconino County Ariz. Point Resuella; see Resuello. Point Sal Ridge; see Casmalia. Point Sank; see Sauk. Point Success; sharp snow-covered crest (altitude 14,182 feet), on south- western side of summit platform, Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Point William,- see William. Pointe a Pitre; principal town in Grande Terre, Guadeloupe Island, West Indies. (Not LaPointe-a-Pitre.) 208 BEPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. M Tovrtrt: Thunder. Pigeon. PoJ; Point. Ewt Greenwicl ft* B. I. Adirondack E* County, N.Y. (Not wePuckeU. we Pocomoke. Reef (yo), Ut. 34 06' N., long. 126* WE.. wuthern coast of Chosen (Korea). (NotLeven.) Poland; Ledgei, Muacongus Sound, Lin- coln County, Me. (Not Poland's.) Pole; Creek, northeast of Abajo Peak, flowing * into South Creek, San Juan County, Uuh. Pol* e Laireyr PoUnt Rtiye; ee Coldwater. Polina; Ledge, entrance to Medomac River, Lincoln County, Me. (Not Poland'*) PoKU; tee Frenchman. Polk; Landing, Mississippi River, Tunica County, Mi. (Not Folk's.) Polk; Town, Polk County, Iowa. (Not Polk' Pollokaville; Village, Jones County, N. . Not Pollocksville.) PoUy; Creek, tributary to Tuscumbia Rirer, Prenties County, Miss. (Not Baker, Baker's, nor Polly's.) Polly'i; see Pollys. Polonio; Pass, head of Antelope Valley, lying mostly within T. 25 8., R. 17 E., Earn County, Cal. Polpia; Harbor and Village, Nantucket, Mam. (Not Poadpis nor Podpis.) Polvadero; Gap, between Guijarral Hills and Kettleman Hills, southwest Fresno County, Cal. Pokodtro; see Los Gatoe. PoMotic see Tuamotu. Ponp; Harbor, Island, and Village, Caroline Islands. (Not Ascension, Bonebey, Jamestown, Ponapl, Ponapi, Pouynepet, Puynepet, nor Santiago.) fonnpt: Ponapi; see Pooape. Ftmem; Creek, Boyd County, Nebr., and Gregory County, 8. Dak. (NotPonka.) Pooea Cit ; Kay County, Okla. (Not Ponca nor Ponka.) Ponce de Leon; Bay. Lee County, near southwestern end of Florida. (Not Gallivans.) Poncha Springs; Village, Chaffee Coun- ty, Colo. (Not Poncho Springs.) Pond; Meadow, northerly part of Sequoias National Park, Tulare County, Cal. (Not Tamarack.) Pond Orrilles; see Fend Oreille. Pone; Island, southwestern corner of Bloodsworth Island, Dorchester Coun- ty, Md. (Not Billy, Billy's, nor The Pone.) Pongoteagye; see Pungoteague. Ponpon; see Pawpaw. Ponta Delgada; Town, island of San Miguel, Azores. (Not Ponta Delgado.) Pontiac; Village, King County, Wash. (Not Keith.) Pontoosuc; Lake, River, and Village, Berkshire County, Mass. (Not Pon- toosic nor Pontoosuck.) Pony; Creek, Hanover County, Va. (Not Poney.) Pookookapog; see Alum. Pool; Creek, tributary to North Badger Creek, Teton County, Mont. Pooles; Island, near head of Chesapeake Bay, Harford County, Md. (Not Pools.) Poopenaut; Valley, Toulumne County, Cal. (Not Poo Poo nor Poopenant.) Pop; Mountain, central part of Annette Island, Southeastern Alaska. (Not Top.) Pope; Bay, Chincoteague Bay, Worces- ter County, Md., and Accomac County, Va. (Not Pope's, Popes, nor Popes Island.) Pope; Village, Panola County, Miss. (Not Pope's Depot.) Poperechni; see Broad. Poplar; Creek, sees. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, and 35, T. 168 N., R. 35 W., Min- nesota, lying east of Bear Creek, and flowing into Lake of the Woods at the Northwest Angle Inlet. Poplar; River, branch of Black River, Clark County, Wis. (Not Popple.) Poplar; see Black. Popocatepetl; Volcano, Mexico. (Not Volcan Grande.) Popof ; Island, Shumagin Islands, Alaska. (Not Popoff.) REPORT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 209 Poponesset; Bay, Beach, and Island, Nantucket Sound, Mass. (Not Pop- ponessett.) Popple; see Poplar. Poquetanuck; Cove and Village, Thames River, New London County, Conn. (Not Paquatannock.) Poquoiiock; Lake, Plains, Village, and River, New London County, Conn.; River, Fairfield County, Conn. ; Village, - Hartford County, Conn. (Not Pe- quannock, Pequonnoc, Pequonnock, Poquannoc, Poquonnock, nor Poqxio- noc.) Poquonock Bridge; Village, New Lon- don County, Conn. Poquoson; River, emptying into Chesa- peake Bay, Va. (Not Pocosin, Poco- son, nor Poquosin.) Porcupine; Bay, near Ilin Bay, Alaska. Porcupine; Glacier, east of Thumb Cove, Resurrection Bay, Alaska. Porcupine; Islands, in the bight of the coast southeastward of Point Urey, Alaska. (Not Groundhog.) Porcupine; Ridge, between Valentine and Olson Creeks, Teton County, Mont. Porcupine; Rock, near Porcupine Is- lands, Alaska. Pori; Village, Houghton County, Mich. (Not Plato.) Porii; Island (somu), lat. 37 13' N., long. 126 II 7 E., western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Pirie.) Porima; Island (to), lat. 34 W N., long. 126 03' E., southwestern coast of Chosen (Korea). (NotN imrod . ) Poropotank; Creek, between King and Queen County and Gloucester County, Va. (Not Potopotank.) Porras; Dikes, east of Kayenta, Navajo County, Ariz. Port; Island, Ogden Passage, at mouth of entrance to Portlock Harbor, Chi- chagof Island, Alaska. Port Apra; Harbor, island of Gaum. (Not Harbor of Apra, Harbor of San Luis d'Apra, Port of Apra, Port San Luis d'Apra, P. San Luis d'Apra, Pto. de San Luis de Apra, nor San Luis d'Apra Harbor.) Port Arecibo; Port, northern coast, P. R. 470491614 Port au Prince; Capital of the Republic of Haiti. (Not Port-au-Prince.) Port aux Basques; Port, southwestern part of Newfoundland. (Not Port-aux- Basques nor Port Basque.) Port Bainbridge; at extreme southwest corner of Prince William Sound, Alaska. Port Basque; see Port aux Basques. Port Chester; Harbor, mouth of Byram River, Long Island Sound. (Not Byram.) * Port Clyde; Harbor, Lincoln County, Me. (Not Herring Gut.) Port Dick; Creek, entering Port Dick, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Port Douglass; Railroad Station, Ches- terfield, Essex County, N. Y. (Not Port Douglas.) Port Hartford; see Port San Luis. Port Humacao; Port, southeast coast, inside Santiago Cay, P. R. (Not Fond, de Humacao.) Port Levashef; Port, at head of Una- laska Bay, Alaska. (Not Captains Harbor nor St. Paul.) Port Murray; Railroad Station, Warren County, N. J. (Not Port Murry.) Port Natal; see Durban. Port of Apra; see Port Apra. Port of Spain; Town and Seaport, Trini- dad, West Indies. (Not Port-of -Spain.) Port Phillip District; see Victoria. Port Quijano; Port, north of Ehmedio and Romero Reefs, P. R. Port San Luis; Village, 12 miles from San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo County, Cal. (Not Port Harford.) P. San Luis d'Apra; see Port Apra. Port San Luis d'Apra; see Port Apra. Port Sudan; Seaport Town, Egyptian Sudan, on the Red Sea. (Not Barud, Mersa Sheikh Barud, nor Sheikh el Barghut.) Port Townsend; City and Precinct, Jefferson County, Wash. (Not Port Townshend.) Port Valdez; Body of water lying be- tween Valdez Narrows and head of bay at Valdez Town, Alaska. Port Washington; see Oceanic. Port William; Village, Clinton County, Ohio. (Not Port Williams.) ; Port Woodrow; see Woodrow. 210 BEPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Yabueoa; Port, southeast coast RkT%ot Puerto de Yabucoa nor Yabucoa Harbor. 1 ForUf; Creek, tributary to Clark Lake *^rtbeW*.AU-ka. (Not Achtee- dVcdung nor Akbtiduog.) PorUg; Lake, we* of Knife Lake, Rainy Hirer District, Ontario, Inter- MUooal Boundary (between Minne- sota and Ontario). Parlagt; we Balboa; Doubl* Portage Bay, that portion of Lake Union Seattle lying eastward of the Utona Bridge, King County, Wash. Portayt da Flacont; see^Bottle. Portage dea Sioux; Township and Vil- lage, St. Charles County, Mo. (Not Portage.) Port-fux-Botquft; see Port aux Basques. Port* dM Mort; Strait, between Green Bay and Lake Michigan. Door County, Wis. (Not Porte des Mortes.) Portenrille; Gap, Precinct, and Rail- road Station, Dekalb County, Ala. t Porterville.) Portlock; Glacier, western slope Kenai Mountains, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Porto Cabtllo; see Puerto Cabello. Porto Rico; Island, in West Indies, acquired by the United States in 1898. Puerto Rico.) Poaiet; Bay or Gulf, near (Tic-Sen boundary, southeastern coast of Siberia. (Not Porieta, Posiette, Poasiet, nor Pojt.) Potieta; Potittte; see Poeiet. Poo Ortega; Pond, center of sec. 1, T, 8., R. 17 E., San Luis Obispo County, Cal Pouitt; Pottjet; see Poriet. POMUOX; Creek, Hanover County, Va. (Not Opossum.) Post Mills; Village, Orange County, Vt. Not Post Mill.) Pott o/Arkantat; aee Arkansas Post. Potagannisaing; Bay, Chippewa County, Mich. (Not Potogannissing.) Potato; Lake, Rusk County, Wis. (Not Potatoe.) Potato*, we Potato. Potlach; River, Latah and Nez Perce Counties, Idaho. (Not Potlach nor Pot- bche.) Potogannissing; see Potagannissing. Potrero; see Isabel; Shoal. Pottawatomie; County, Kansas. Pottawattamie; County, Iowa. Pottersville; Falls, Lamington River, Morris County, N. J. (Not Allama- tona, Allimatona, nor Potters.) Potunk; Life-Saving Station, Locality, and Point, Southampton, Suffolk County, N. Y. (Not Petunk.) Pouynepet; see Ponape. Poverty; Point, Dorchester County, Md. (Not Brockman, Brokman, nor Bro- hawn.) *Povorotni; Island, Peril Strait, South- eastern Alaska. (Not Canoe, Povero, Poverotni, Return, nor^ Turnabout. Povorotni; Point, southeast of America Bay, lat. 42 4(X N., long. 133 E., Sibe- ria. (Not Povorotnui nor Povorotny.) Povorotnui; Povorotny; see Povorotni. Powatka; see Powwatka. Powder; see Cache la Poudre. Powder River Mountains; see Wallowa. Powell; Mountain (altitude 13,361 feet), Inyo County, Cal. Powell; Point, Lake Superior, Alger County, Mich. (Not Powell's.) Powell; Village, Knox County, Tenn. (Not Powell Station.) Powell; Village, Jefferson County, Nebr. (Not Powel.) Powell Valley; Village, Dauphin County, Pa. (Not Powl Valley.) Powells; Village, Marion County, W. Va. (Not Powell.) Power; see Rowan. Powhatan; City and Township, Brown County, Kans. (Not Powhattan.) Powwatka; Precinct and Village, Wal- lowa County, Oreg. (Not Powatka.) Poysippi; Town and Village, Waushara County, Wis. (Not Poy Sippi.) Pozo; Canyon, Goldfield quadrangle, Es- meralda County, Nev. Pra ga zo; Pragaatzo; see Bekihateo. Prague; Capital of Bohemia, Austria. (Not Prag, Praga, nor Praha.) Prague; see New Prague. Prairie; Creek, Prairie Creek Township, Dubuque County, Iowa. (Not Plumb.) Prairie Wash; Water Course, Coconino Plateau, Coconino County, Ariz. Prairieview; Township, Wilkin County, Minn. (Not Prairie View.) BEPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 211 Pratt City; Town, Jefferson County, Ala. (Not Pratt Mines.) Preisar; see Peisar. Preobrajenia; Preobrazhenya; see Preobra- jenya. Preobrajenya; Bay, lat. 42 53' N., long. 133 5(X E., southeastern coast of Sibe- ria. (Not Preobrajenia, Preobrazhenya, St. Preobrajeniya, Siau-wuhu, Siau wu-hu, Siauwuhu, nor Siau wu hu. President; Channel, between Orcaa and Waldron Islands, Washington Sound, San Juan County, Wash. (Not Douglas nor Presidents.) Presidents Island; Post Light, Missis- sippi River, Crittenden County, Ark. (Not President's Island.) Presque Isle; Bay, Lighthouse, and Pe- ninsula, Erie County, Pa. (Not Presque lie nor Presqu'ile.) *Presque Isle; County in Michigan, Is- land and Lighthouses, Lake Erie Mich. (Not Presqu' Isle.) Prestonsburg; Magisterial District and Town, Floyd County, Ky. (Not Pres- tonburg.) Preuss Creek; Stream, about 15 miles long, flowing southeasterly to Thomas Fork, Bear Lake County, Idaho. (Not Muddy nor West Fork.) Preussen; see Prussia. Pribilof; Islands, Bering Sea, Alaska. (Not Fur Seal nor Prybiloff.) Price; Creek, Cape Fear River, near Southport, Brunswick County, N. C. (Not Price's.) Price; Creek, Yancey County, N. C. (Not Prices.) Price; Island, east side Columbia River, at mouth of Skamakowa Creek, Wahki- akum County, Wash. (Not Prices.) Price; Post Light, Mississippi River, Randolph County, 111. (Not Price's.) Price; Railroad Station, Queen Annes County, Md. (Not Prices nor Price's Station.) Price; see Chuppo. Price Creek; Town and Township, Yan- cey County, N. C. (Not Price's Creek.) Prickly; see East Helena. Prides; Town, Colbert County, Ala. (Not Pride's Station.) Priests; Point, St. Marys Creek, St. Ma- rys County, Md. (Not Priest's.) Prince; see Chuppo. Prince Frederick; Town, Calvert County, Md. (Not Prince Frederick- town.) *Prince Georges; County, Md. (Not Prince George nor Prince George's.) Prince of Wales; Passage, between Hoo- doo and Bainbridge Islands, Prince of Wales Sound, Alaska. (Not Flemming.) Prince of Wales; see Penang. Prince William; Sound, southern coast of Alaska. (Not Chugatch nor Prince Wil- liam's.) Princess; Bay, south coast of Staten Is- land, Richmond County, N. Y. (Not Prince's.) Princeton; Glacier, north of Tiger Gla- cier, Icy Bay, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Princeton; see Mount Princeton. Prior; Island, Ohio River, Pope County, 111. (Not Prior's.) Priors; Railroad Station, Polk County, Ga. (Not Prior.) Probasco; Landing, Skipton Creek, Talbot County, Md. (Not Probascos.) Proctor; Landing, Ohio River, at west end of Mason and Dixon's line, between Marshall and Taylor Counties, W. Va. (Not Procter's.) Proctor; see Huge not. Prokoda; Island, between Spruce and Kodiak Islands, Alaska. (Not Passage.) Prospect; Creek, rising in Square Lake eastern slope Cascade Range, tributary to Leland Creek from west, Chelan County, Wash. Prospect; Glacier, east of Thumb Cove, Resurrection Bay, Alaska. Prospect; Lake, Egremont Town, Berk- shire County, Mass. (Not Winchel nor Winchell.) Provens; Hill, Westfield Town, Hamp- den County, Mass. (Not Proven's.) Provo; City and Precinct, Utah County, Utah. (Not Provo City.) Provo; River, Utah. (Not Timpanogos.) Prussia; State of Germany. (Not Preus- sen.) Prybiloff; see Pribilof. Psyche; see Pysht. Ptarmigan; Creek, tributary to Beaver Creek, Alaska, near International Boun- dary (between Alaska and Canada). !. pon ,,. , -N.TKD STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOABD. oulder County, Colo. R .".- *-' Uta-i-r d North Q,,, Rainier, Pierce < S'Mh. i,** Ridg*. between Rainbow Table Mountain Glaciers, Mount r. \Vhaleom County, Waah. Buffalo Gap. San Z-ui. uthw<*t of Point Cole-hones, |> ! ladol Puerco.) Puerto Cabello; Seaport Town, Gulf of Triste, Venezuela. (Not Porto Ca- bell Puerto Cort; Seaport Town, north- wwtera coact of Honduras, Central America, i Not Cortez, Puerto Cortes, nor Puerto Cortex.) Pwrto Corth; Puerto Cortez; see Puerto -tea. Puerto Kico; see Porto Rico. Pugvt; Bay, east of Resurrection Bay, long. 148 W, between Capes Jimken and Puget, and Glacier, at head of Puget May, K-nai Peninsula, Alaska. Puki; Point (kuku), the most northerly .liwan Island, Japan. (Not Foki, Fuki, nor Tapien.) PulC**; I-and Grant, San Mateo County, De Las Pulgas, Las Pulgae, nor Rancho de las Pulgas.) Pullman; Island and Shoal, St. Law- r, near Alexandria Bay, Jef- fcnon County, N. Y. (Not Pull- man's.) Pttfljr. Point. Piutet Sound, King County PuloPenang; see Penang. Pumpkin; Creek, Banner and Cheyenne Countiea, Nebr. (Not Pumpkinseed.) /Swiphn; see Bumkin. l*nn*n; Group and Island (to), lat 35 ,, long. 126 56> E., southwestern eout of Chosen (Korea). (NotClump) Puncheon; Branch, St. Jones Cn-.-k. K-iit County, Del. (Not Walkers.) Pungotea^ue; Creek and Village, A mac County, Va. (Not PonROteagu.-.) Punjab; Province, Britiah India. (Not Panjab nor Punjaub.) Punta Arenas; Town, Magellan Strait, South America. (Not Sandy Point.) Punta Blanco; see Sword. Punta de Fajardo; see Point Fajardo. Punta de la Bateria; see Point Bateria. Punta de lot Morrillos; see Point Mor- rillos. Punta de Olas Grande*; see Point Ola Grande. Punta Gorda; see Point Gorda. Punta Morrillo; see Point Morrillos. *Punta Basa; Precinct and Town, on Gulf of Mexico, near mouth of Caloosa- hatchee River, Lee County, Fla. (Not Punta Rassa, Puntarasa, nor Punta- rassa.) Punta Rassa; Puntarasa; Puntarassa; see Punta Rasa. Puntas Arenas; see Point Arena. Punto Gallo; see Galle. Punuk; Islands, off east end St. Lawrence Island, Bering Sea, Alaska. (Not Pinik.) Purcell; Mountains, lyimr within the bend of Kootenai River, northern Idaho and northwestern Montana. Purcell Trench; a long, relatively narrow depression extending southward from Canada into the United States, and occupied south of the forty-ninth parallel by Kootenai River, Sandpoint Creek, Cocollala Lake, and Lake Coeur d'Alene. Purgatoire; River, Bent, Otero, and Las Animas Counties, Colo. (Not Las Animas, Picket-wire, Picket wire, nor Purgatory. Purgatory; see Purgatoire. Purgatory; Flat, La Plata County, Colo. Purisima; Creek and Villairc, San Mateo County, Cal. (Not Purissima.) Purisima; Hills, extending from Alamo Pintado Creek and Santa Ynez Mission on the east to the coast between Los Alamos Valley on the north and Santa Ynez and Santa Rita Valleys on the south, Santa Barbara County, Cal. REPORT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Purnell; Bay, Chincoteague Bay, Worcester County, Md. (Not Colonels Parkers, Purnell 's, nor Purnells. Purple Mountain; Peak, Elk Moun- tains, Gunnison County, Colo. Purslane; Mountain, Morgan County W. Va. (Not Pursley.) Purslane; Run, branch of Potomac River, Allegany County, Md. (Not Pusley.) Purus; River, South America, tributary to the Amazon. (Not Cuchivara nor Puru.) Puscuss; see Puskus. Puskus; Creek, tributary to Tallahatchie River, Lafayette County, Miss. (Not Paskus nor Puscuss.) Put in; Bay in South Bass Island, Lake Erie, Ottawa County, Ohio. (Not Put- in nor Putin. Put in Bay; Township and Village, Ottawa County, Ohio. (Not Put-in- Bay nor Put-in Bay.) Putah; Creek, Lake, Napa, and Yolo Counties, and Township, Yolo County, Cal. (Not Puta.) Putnam; Creek and Pond, Essex County, N. Y. (Not Putnams, Putnam's, nor Puts.) Putnam; Peak, located east of Pleasant Creek, opposite eastern end of Miller Canyon, Solano County, Cal. (Not Millers nor Putnams.) Putnam; see Kobuk. Putnams; see Putnam. Puto; Channel, entrance to Masampo Treaty Port, southern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Sir Harry Parkes Sound.) Puttock; see Peddocks. Puy de Dome; Department and Moun- tain, Central France. (Not Puy-de- D6me.) Puyallup; Glacier, discharging into North Puyallup River, western slope Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Puyallup; River, rising near western base Mount Rainier, and emptying into Puget Sound, Pierce County, Wash. (Not Puyallop.) Puyallup Cleaver; Ridge between Puy- allup and Tahoma Glaciers, Mount ^Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. 213 Puynepet; see Ponape. Puzzle; Creek, small tributary to Big River, Flathead County, Mont Pye Island; Reef, about two miles south of the outer Pye Island, Alaska. Pyo; Island, Pingyang Inlet, western coast of Chosen (Kor/ea). (Not Pe nor Pio.) Pyramid; Creek, heading in Pyramid Glacier and passing Pyramid Peak close to its base; tributary to Kautz Creek, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Pyramid; Glacier, discharging into Pyra- mid Creek, southwestern slope Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Pyramid; Island, head of Chilkat Inlet, Lynn Canal, Alaska. (Not Chlachatsch, Farewell, Observatory, Pestchani, San- dy, Shla-hatch, nor Stony.) Pyramid; Peak, northeast end of Indian Henrys Hunting Ground, Mount Rain- ier National Park, Pierce County Wash. Pyramid, Alaska; see Green. Pyramid, Colo. ; see Topaz Mountain. Pyramid Hills; including ridges and hills between McLure Valley and Ket- tleman Plain, and extending south- easterly from sec. 1, T. 24 S., R. 17 E., to and including Emigrant Hill, Kings and Kern Counties, Cal. (Not Los Piramidos nor The Pyramids.) Pyros; see Burgas. Pysche; Pyschet; see Pysht. *Pysht; Precinct, River, and Village, Clallam County, Wash. (Not Fish, Pisht, Pysche, nor Pyscht.) Q. Quaboag; Pond, Brookfield Town, Worcester County, Mass. (Not North nor Podunk.) Quackenkill; Village, Grafton Town, Rensselaer County, N. Y. (Not Quacken Kill.) Quacumquasit; Pond, Brookfield and Sturbridge Towns, Worcester County, Mass. (Not Podunk nor South.) Quadrate; see Saddle Mountain. Quamquisset; Harbor and Point, Buz- zards Bay, Mass. (Not Quissett.) Quang-chov:-foo; see Canton. REPORT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOAED. .Vyofc see Kwangngai. tee Kwangui. ft* Kwan- Kwangtung. ..; two peak- (the high- t. 8,278 feel), on the south Bide of .*yft Canyon, at the head of unite VaUey, Mariposa County, Cal. Quarto; Ridge, between Bowman and QuarU Creeks, FUthead County, Mont. Quarttite; Canyon, near Fort De- fiance, Apache County, Ariz. (Not Blw, Cuarzo, nor Paquette.) Qubc; Villapp, White County, Tenn. . -,H.|HT. Holder, norQuebeck.) Qutdur; see Ottauquerhee. Queechy; Lake, Canaan Town, Columbia County, N. Y. (Not Whiting's.) Queen; Village, Upehur County, W. Va. Queens.) Queen Anne; see Hardesty. Queen Anne; County, Md. (Not 11 Ann, Queen Anne, Queen Ann- 1 .-. Queen Ann's, nor Queen Anns.) Queets; Rivt-r, Jefferson County, Wash. (Not Quectahee.) Qiifi-chotr; see Kweichow. Quemado; Hill, just north of Mayaguez, ! i: Queneeka; Island, off Shelburne Point, Lake Champlain, Shelburne Town, Chittenden County, Vt. (Not Hog, Whites, nor White's.) Qtuniult; see Quinauk. Qutrcu*; Qucreut; see Kirker. Qui nhon; see Kwihon. Quick* Bun; Post Lights, Ohio River, Adams County, Ohio. (Not Quick's.) Quillayute; Prairie, River, and Village, .ClaUam County, Wash. (Not Quille- hutc nor Quillyhuyte.) Quinault; Indian Reservation, Lake, -. and Village, Grays Harbor County, Wash. (Not Queniult, Qui- naielt, nor Quiniault.) Qvinkigak; see Kwinak. Qwnobin; see Charles. Q*u*tt; see Quamquisset. Quit; pouthern point of the islands divid- ing Rough and Smooth Channels, Klag Bay, AUdca. It lies 1J miles north- westward of Deuce Island Quitman Bluff; Post Light, Mississippi River, Adams County, Miss. (Not Quitman's Bluff.) Quito; see Campbell. Quixes; Ledge, entrance to New Haven Harbor, Conn. (Not Quixe's.) Quochecho; see Cocheco. Quoddy Boads; Strait, Passamaquoddy Bay, Washington County, Me. (Not Quoddy Bay.) Quohquinapassakessamanagnog; see Bea- ver. Quoin; see Kloster Kamp. Quonset; Point and Shoal, Narragansett Bay, R. I. (Not Quonsett.) Quorra; see Niger. R. Wash. Babbit; Creek, Ferry County, (Not Nine Mile Creek.) *Babbit Back Peak; Peninsula, Macki- nac Strait, Emmet County, Mich. (Not Rabbitt'e Back Peak.) Rabbit Ear; see Hopi. Rabonisky; see Razboinski. Raccoon; Mountain, Dekalb County, Alabama. (Not Sand.) Raccoon; Strait, between Angel Island and mainland, San Francisco Bay, Marin County, Cal. (Not Racoon.) Raccoon; see Wolf. , Racetrack; Peak, at the head of Boulder Creek, lat. 46 21 X , long. 113 02', Gran- ite County, Mont. (Not Mount Pow- ell.) Racket; see Raquette. Racket Lake; see Raquette Lake. Bacquet; Creek, tributary to Bern Creek, Alaska, near International Boundary (between Alaska and Canada). Bacy Point; Post Light, St. Johns River, St. Johns County, Fla. (Not Racey's Point.) Radack; Radak; Radik; see Ratak. Rader; see Myers. Bannesque; Mountain, Rensselaer County, N. Y. (Not Bald.) Bagan; Village, Harlan County, Nebr. (Not Reagan.) f Bagged; Mountain, Berkshire County, Not Ravenscrag nor Tanner.) EEPOET OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOABD. 215 Ragged; Valley, extending along north- eastern base Joaquin Ridge, -and south- west side Big Blue Hills, from head of south branch of Domengine Creek to divide between Salt and Cantua Creeks, Fresno County, Cal. Rant; Ferry, Hiwassee River, Bradley and McMinn Counties, Tenn. (Not Wright.) Railroad; Borough, York County, Pa. (Not Rail Road.) Railroad; Township, Starke County, Ind. (Not Rail Road.) Rails Landing; Post Light, Ohio River, Switzerland County, Ind . (Not Rail's). Rainbow; Glacier, eastern slope Mount Baker, near Park Glacier, Whatcom County, Wash. Rainbow; Natural Bridge, on Bridge Canyon, south side Colorado River near long. 110 55', Piute Indian Reserva- tion, Utah. Rainbow; Plateau, Coconino and Navajo Counties, Ariz., and San Juan County, Utah. Rainbow; Valley, House Range, Millard County, Utah. Rainier; see Mount Ranier. Rains; Island, east of Neebish Island, St. Marys River, Mich. (Not Sailors En- campment.) Rainy; Glacier, west of head of Cochrane Bay, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Rainy; Lake and River, Rainy River District, Ontario, International Boun- dary (between Minnesota and Ontario). (Not Lac la Pluie.) Rajputana; Region in northwestern British India. (Not Rajpootana.) Rakwis; see Roquist. Raleigh Courthouse; see Beckley. Ralik; Chain of Islands, part of the Mar- shall Group, Pacific Ocean. (Not Ralick.) Ralston; Railroad Station, Morris Coun- ty, N. J. (Not Roxiticus.) Ralston Buttes; Mountain (altitude 7,800 feet), sec. 30, T. 2 S., R. 70 W., Jefferson County, Colo. (Not Red Hill nor Storm Peak.) Ram; Island, mouth of Mystic River, New London County, Conn. (Not Mystic.) Ram; see Cartwright; Lazy Lady. Rama Shrine; Peak, Vishnu quadran- gle, Coconino County, Ariz. Ramito; Shoal, southern side, Boqueron Bay, P. R. Ramp; Island, one of group between Khaz Bay and Ocean, southwestern shore of Alaska. Rampage; Mountain, Flathead County, Mont. Ramsay; Township, Kossuth County, Iowa. (Not Ramsey.) Ramsaytown; Town and Township, Yancey County, N. C. (Not Ramsey- town.) Ramsdell; see Little Wilson. Ramseur; Village, Randolph County, N. C. (Not Ramsure.) Ramsey; Island and Lake, Multuomah County, Oreg. (Not Ramsay nor Ram- say's.) Rancho de las Pulgas; see Pulgas. Rancocas; Creek and Town, Burlington County, N. J. (Not Rancocus.) Randall; Railroad Station, Montgomery County, N. Y. (Not Downing nor Yatesville.) Randall Wharf; Post Light, Back Creek, Cecil County, Md. (Not Randall's Wharf.) Randolph; Point and Village, Mississippi River, Tipton County, Tenn. (Not Randolph's.) Raneshed; see Bannister. Rangoon; Maritime District, River, and Seaport of British Burma, India. (Not Rangoun nor Rangun.) Ranney; Creek, flowing from Ranney Glacier into Unakwik Bay, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Ranney; Glacier, draining to the head of Unakwik Inlet, on the western side, near lat. 61 10 7 , long. 147 4(X, north- western coast of Prince William Sound, Alaska. Rapid City; City, Pennington County, S. Dak. (Not Rapid.) Rapidan; River, tributary to the Rappa- hannock, central Virginia. (Not Rapid Ann.) Rappahannock; Spit, mouth of Rappa- hannock River at its entrance to Chesa- peake Bay, Lancaster County, Va. (Not Windmill Point.) REPORT OF TH* UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 216 B^uetU; Uke .ml River, Hamilton CMntj N ^ \t Racket.); I'ond, Franklin County, N. Y (Not Rark Raouette Lake; R*ilnd Btatkm, Ham- TC r,*niy, ' ^ cket Uk jfrtin; we llmnli-n. /tarn*; see Karner. /Zo a/ //<**/; seeHadd. Hat Artin; tec Axin. Jtoootiuty; Ratbonitky; see Razboinski. KoWkair; see Rashuwa. Katketd; Ratkid; see Rosetta. Baahuwa; Inland, Kuril Islands, Japan. lUxhau.) Bat; Lake, between Rose and South Ukea, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, International Boundary (between Min- nceota and Ontario). Batfik; Chain of Inlands, part of the Mar- thai! Group, Pacific Ocean. (Not Ra- dack. Radak, nor Radik.) Bathall: Cnn-k. near Charleston, S. C. <, Kat-hall nor Rat Hall.) Bathlatulik; River, tributary to Fish r from the east, entering above the Kt. h'j>uk Kiver, Alaska. Batisbon; City, Bavaria. (Not Regena- burg.) Ratmanof; Ratmano/; see Big Diomede. Battlenake; Hills, Yakima County, Wah. (Not Rattlesnake Ridge nor Rattlesnake Mountains.) Raultton; see Rolaton. Rnandii; see Rowandiz. Baven; Pass, sec. 30, T. 26 8., R. E., Kern County, Cal. Bavenden Springs; Village, Randolph County, Ark. (Not Ravenden.) Ravenna; Township, Dakota County, Minn. (Not Ravanna.) Ratfiucrag; see Ragged. Bawhide; Creek and Village, Dodge County, Nebr. (Not Raw Hide.) Bawles; Township, Mills County, Iowa (Not Rawls.) i; see Rowley. *; Island, one of the Cape Verde Is- (Not Razo.) ki; Settlement, on the lower n, Alaska. (Not Raboniaky, Raa- boiMky, Rasbonisky, Razboiniksky nor Ratboinaky.) . Read; see Reeds. Beads; Township, Wabasha County, Minn. (Not Read's Landing, nor Reed's.) Reads; see Reed. *Beads Landing; Village, Wabasha County, Minn. (Not Read's Landing.) Reagan; see Ragan; Regan. Real Cay; see Cayo Real. Reams; see Reems. Recapture; Creek, heading just west of South Mountain, and flowing south to San Juan River, San Juan County, Utah . Rechnoi; Island and Point, northern part of Amur Bay, lat. 43 2(X N., long. 130 5^ E., Siberia. (Not Riechnoi Riechnoy, Rietchnoi, Rjetechnoi, nor Ryechnoi.) Recife; see Pernambuco. Recovery; see Fort Recovery. Bed; Canyon, Vishnu quadrangle, Coco- nino County, Ariz. Bed; Creek, Fremont and Pueblo Coun- ties, Colo. (Not Bed.) Bed; Mountain, east of Seldovia, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Bed; River, United States and Canada, forming the boundary between Minne- sota and North Dakota north of the junction of Bois de Sioux and Otter Tail Rivers at Wahpeton, and emptying into Lake Winnepeg in Manitoba, Can- ada. (Not Red River of the North.) Bed; Rock, Captain Island Harbor, Long Island Sound, Fairfield County, Conn. (Not Finch's Island nor Tweed's.) 18 j Red; see Otter Tail . Bed Bay; Mountain, northern part of Prince of Wales Island, Southeast Alaska. (Not False Mount Calder.) Bed Bluff; City, Tehama County, Cal. (Not Redbluff.) Bed Buttes; District and Village, Al- bany County, Wyo. (Not Leah.) Red Cedar; see Cedar. Bed Cloud; City and Township, Web- ster County, Nebr. (Not Redcloud.) Bed Crow; Mountain, Flathead County, Mont. Red Hill; see Beartooth Mountain; Ral- ston Buttes. Bed Landing; Post Light, Mississippi River, Calhoun County, 111. (Not Red's Landing.) REPORT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 217 Bed Plume; Mountain, lat. 48 09 / N., long. 113 18' W., Flathead County, Mont. Red River of the North; see Otter Tail; Red. Red Spring; Point, entrance to Hemp- stead Bay, Long Island, Nassau Coun- ty, N. Y. (Not Red Springs nor Red- spring.) Redbatik; Township, Armstrong County, Pa. (Not Red Bank.) Redbarik; Township, Clarion County, Pa. (Not Red Bank.) Redcloud; Peak, Hinsdale County, Colo. (Not Red.) Redde:ns; Run, Indiana County, Pa. (Not Bedding.) Reddicksville; see Riddicksville. Reddie Point; Post Light, St. Johns River, below Jacksonville, Duval Coun- ty. Fla. (Not Reddie's.) Redding; Village, Ringgold County, Iowa. (Not New Redding.) Redfish; Creek, inlet to and outlet of Redfish Lakes, Custer County, Idaho. Redhouse; Hamlet in Garrett County, Md. (Not Red House.) Redkey; Village, Jay County, Ind. (Not Red Key.) *Redoubt; Lake, head of Redoubt Bay, western coast Baranof Islands, South- eastern Alaska. (Not Deep.) Redoubt; Volcano, west side of Cook In- let, Alaska. (Not Burnt.) Redrock; Valley, between Carrizo and Lxikachukai Mountains, Apache Coun- ty, Ariz. Redwall; Canyon, opening into White Creek on the east bank, Coconino Coun- ty, Ariz. Redwood; City, San Mateo County, Cal. (Not Redwood City.) Reed; Village, Henderson County, Ky. (Not Reads.) Reed; Point, west side of St. Joseph Island, St. Mary River, Canada. (Not Reed's.) Reed; Railroad Station, Northumberland County, Pa. (Not Growl.) Reed; see Kallarichuk. Reed Landing; Post Light, Ohio River, Greenup County, Ky. (Not Reed's Landing.) Reeder Point; Post Light, Sauvie Is- land, Columbia River, Multnomah County, Oreg. (Not Reeder'e Point.) Reeds; Creek, Pendleton County, W. Va. (Not Breds nor Reed.) Reeds; Creek, Talbot County, Md. (Not Read.) Reed's, Minn.; see Reads. Reed's, N. H., see Little Nesenkeag. Reeds, Me. ; see Green. Reef; Island, close to the west side of Bligh Island, Alaska. (Not Seal.) Reef; Ridge, spur of Diablo Range, be- tween Jasper Canyon and McLure Val- ley, Cal. *Reems; Creek, Buncombe County, N. C. (Not Reams, Reem, nor Rims.) Rees Tannery; Village, Mineral County, W. Va. (Not Reese's.) Reese; Railroad Station, Etowah Coun- ty, Ala. (Not Reese's nor Reeseville.) Reflection; Lakes, in saddle north of Ta- toosh Range, Mount Rainier National Park, Lewis County, Wash. (Not Re- flexion.) Regan; Railroad Station, Burnsville Township, Dakota County, Minn. (Not Reagan.) Regensburg; see Ratisbon. Reid; Gap, Blount County, Ala. (Not Reid's nor Reids.) Reid Gap; Railroad Station, Blount County, Ala. (Not Reid nor Willow.) Reids Grove; Village, Dorchester Coun- ty, Md. (Not Reed's Grove, Reeds Grove, Reedsgrove, nor Reid's Grove.) Reikiamaes; see Reykjanes. Reikiavik; Reikjavik; see Reykjavik. Reilly's; see Higbee; Riley. Reily; Township and Village, Butler County, Ohio. (Not Riley.) *Reims; City, France. (Not Rheims.) Reindeer; see Klondike. Reinness.-Reinses; Reinse's; see Indian. Reinstein; Peak, Fresno County, Cal. Reisu; Gulf and Peninsula, near long. 127 45' E., southern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not San on me, Sanonme, nor Willes.) Relay; Creek, San Juan County, Colo. Rembert; see Drayton. Renard; Island, Resurrection Bay, Alaska. (Not Fox nor Lowell.) 218 BEPOBTOFTI. S GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. the head of , -outheaatern (NotCbarpci By, Ohio River, 5 miles be- ui, Ohio. (Not Reppert's.) ** Republics Tity. Township and \ il- y, Xobr. (Not Re- publican.) Rettrmv; see Yokum. Resolution; Island, east of Dark Har- bor Iskeboro, East Penobscot Bay, Hancock County, Me. (Not Mark.) BMOOW, Town, Screven County, Ga. (Not Resoorae.) Rating Spring: see Kingston. sjMllft; Rock (awash at high water), about one-fourth of a mfle off town of Arecibo (shallow water between), P. R. Resuella.) IterosJlo; Shoals, western coast, off en- trance to Boqueron Bay, P. R. Rturn; Islands, Arctic Coast, east of mouth of Colville Hivor, Northern Alaska, (Not Return Reef.) Rttttm; see Povorotni. Atom Cntk; see North Fork of Tuo- lomne. JbCKm Reef; see Return Islands. Eubn; Point, east coast of Africa. Vermelha.) Reunion; Island, one of the Mascarene Group, Indian Ocean. (Not Bourbon nor Isla de la Reunion.) Jtmrton; see Riverton. Berillagigedo; Channel and Island, southeastern Alaska. (Not Re villa Gigedo.) BcyilUfifedo; Islands, Pacific Ocean, lat. 19 N., long. 110 W., belonging to Mexico. (Not lies Revilla Gigedo, Islas de Revillagigedo, nor Revilla Gigedo.) Rtytiant*; Reytjanae$; see Reykjanes. Rfjkiank; see Reykjavik. R*ykJ*ne; southwestern point of Ice- land. (Not Reikianaes, Reykianes, nor Reykjanaes.) Reykjavik; Capital of Iceland Reikiavik, Reikjavik, nor Reykjavik.) ^n*le Bain; Village, Niagara County, N. Y. (Not Reynale's Basin.) ReynaldsvilU; Reynoldsville Station; see Holmes. Rha; see Volga. Rheas MiU; Township, Washington County, Ark. (Not Rhea Milla.) Bheatown; Town, Greene C'ounty, Tenn. (Not Rhettown.) Rheinu; see Reims. Rhett; see Tule. Rhine; River in Europe. (Not Rhoin nor Rhin.) Rhodope; Mountain range in European Turkey. (Not Despoto Dagh im, Dosped Dagh.) Rhome; Village, Wise County, Tex. (Not Rome.) Riad; City, Central Arabia. (Not Ab-> ruad, Er Riad, Er-Riad, nor Riyad.) Ribbon; Falls, Grand Canyon of the Colo- rado, Coconino County, Ariz. Ribbon Meadow; Swamp or Marsh on a tributary of Ribbon Creek, north side of Yoeemite Valley, Maripoea County, Cal. Ribeyre; Island, Wabash River, Poeey County, Ind. (Not Cut-off.) Rice; Mountain, Rensaelaer County, N. Y. (Not Bald nor Rice's.) Rich; see Grove. Richardson Landing; Post Light and Town, Ohio River, Meade County, Ky. (Not Richardson's Landing.) Richelieu; Town, Logan County. Ky. (Not Rich Lieu.) Richelieu; River flowing from Lake Champlain to the St. Lawrence River. (Not Chambly, St. John, nor Sorel.) Richfield; Railroad Station, Sarpy Coun- ty, Nebr. (Not Richland.) Richs; see Simmons. Richs Corners; Village, Orleans County, N. Y. (Not Riches Corners nor Rich's Corners.) Richwood; Railroad Station, Gloucester, County, N. J. (Not Five Points.) Rich-woods; Township, Peoria County, 111. (Not Richwood.) Richy; see Teibui. Rickreall; Creek, rising on eastern slope Coast Range, Polk County, Oreg., and flowing into Willamette River, near Eola, Oreg. (Not La Creole River nor Rickreal.) REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 219 Hicks; Point, Chincoteague Bay, Worces- ter County, Md. (Not Rich, Rich's, nor Rick's.) Ricksecker; Point, between Nisqually and Paradise Rivers, on road to Para- dise Valley, Mount Rainier National Park, Lewis County, Wash. Rico; Mountains, Dolores and San Miguel Counties, Colo. Riddicksville; Town, Hertford County, N. C. (Not Reddicksville.) Riddle; Precinct and Town, Douglas County, Oreg. (Not Riddles.) Ridgebury; Township and Village, Bradford County, Pa. (Not Ridg- bury.) Ridgely; Township, Nicollet County, Minn. (Not Ridgley.) Ridgway; Precinct and Village, Galla- tin County, 111. (Not Ridgeway.) Riga; Seaport Town of Russia. (Not Rialiu.) Rigolets; Passage between Lakes Borgne and Pontchartrain, La. (Not Bayou Rigolettes.) Rikers; Island, East River, N. Y. (Not Riker's.) Riley; Landing, Mississippi River, Lake County, Tenn. (Not Riley 's.) Riley; Peak, lat. 39 29' N., long. 105 16' W., Jefferson County, Colo. (Not Brilby nor Reilly's.) Riley; Town and Township, Vigo County, Ind. (Not Ripley.) Riley; see Reily. Riley s; see Greys. Rillito; Creek, 4 miles north of Tucson, Pima County, Ariz. (Not Rita.) Rima; Hill (san), northern side of en- trance to Pingyang Inlet, western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Immo nor Rinmo.) Rimersburg; Borough, Clarion County, Pa. (Not Reimersburg.) Rin mo; see Rima. Rinearson; Point and Slough, Columbia River, near Mayger, Columbia County, Oreg. (Not Rinearson's.) Ringer; Mountain, lat. 48 01' N., long. 113 08' W., Flathead County, Mont. Ringingalook; see Pingaluk. Rio Blanco; River, Archuleta County, Colo. (Not Rio Blanca nor White.) Rio Chaco; see Chaco. Rio Colorado; see Colorado. Rio Contrario; see Crystal. Rio de Arenas; Stream, heading in T. 17 S., R. 13 W., flowing through Ta. 17, 18, and 19 S., R. 13 W., and em- ptying into Silver City Draw in T. 19 S., R. 13 W., Grant County, N. Mex. (Not Whiskey Creek.) Rio de Janeiro; Capital of Brazil. (Not Rio Janeiro.) Rio de Jemes; see Jemez. Rio de la Plata; see Plata. Rio de las Animas; see Animas. Rio de los Pinos; see Los Pinos. Rio Florida; see Florida. Rio Grande; River forming the boundary between Texas and Mexico, and in New Mexico and Colorado. (Not Rio Bravo del Norte.) Rio Grande; see Vermejo. Rio Grande Pyramid; Peak, San Juan Mountains, Hinsdale County, Colo. (Not Simpson.) Rio Jamez; see Jemez. Rio la Plata; see La Plata. Rio Las Animas; see Animas. Rio Matasnillo; River, southern coast Canal Zone. (Not Rio Matisnilla.) Rio Negro; River, tributary to the Ama- zon, Brazil. (Not Guainia nor Parana.) Rio Negro; see Parana. Rio Pedra; Rio Piedra; see Piedra. Riou Kiou; see Nansei. Ripley; District, and Town, Jackson ' County, W. Va. (Not Ripley's.) Rippowam; River, Stamford Town, Fair- field County, Conn. (Not Mill nor Rip- powan.) Rip-Raps; see Fort Wood. Rise of Crab Creek; see Rocky Ford. Rist; Canyon, T. 8 N., R. 70 W., Larimer County, Colo. (Not Wrist.) Rito Arena; see Arena. Riu-Kiu; see Okinawa. River; Shoal, off Point Fajardo and Far- jardo River, P. R. (Not Bajo del Rio.) River aux Ecorces; see Ecorse. Rivers; Landing, Mississippi River, Con- cordia Parish, La. (Not River's.) Riverton; Township, Clay County, Minn . (Not Reverton.) Rivervie-w; Mountain, Flathead County, Mont. no ft.yoJ. REPORT OF Til D STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. R* Carter County, Tenn. t Roane.) Boanoke; Wvr, North Carolina and Bock; Creek, Meagher County, Mont. Rock; Creek, emptying into Muir Cn-k, from the west, Jackson County, Oreg. Bock; Mountain, near southern end Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. ^E SinU-kc-Suu,,,,.) ^- v B e !" TowlliUp9hur0oan , Bearing; Creek. mall tributary to Big giw siihi*ai Feints, Coconino County, Am.. Ruby; see Passamari. Ruck el; Creek, tributary to Columbia River east of Hood River, Multnomah County line, Hood River County, Oreg. t Deadman.) EEPORT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 223 Bugged; Island, Resurrection Bay, Alaska, (Not Baker.) Rugged; see Makhnati. Ruin; River, branch of Mississippi River at Anoka, Anoka County, Minn. (Not Run.) Rumania; Rumenia; see Romania. Rumely; Village, Alger County, Mich. (Not Rumley.) Rumiantzoff; see Romanzof. Rumley, see Rumely. Rumney; see Roinney. Run; see Rum. Runkel; Village, Meade County, S. Dak. (Not Runkles.) Running Crane; Mountain, lat. 48 15 X N., long. 113 16' W., Flathead and Teton Counties, Mont. Running Owl; Mountain, lat. 48 14' N., long, 113 12' W., Teton County, Mont. Running Rabbit; Mountain, Flathead County, Mont. Runnymede; Town, Harper County, Kans. (Not Runnamede.) Runt; Creek, tributary to Orange Creek, Alaska, near International Boundary (between Alaska and Canada.) Rush; Lake, Tooele County, Utah. (Not Stockton.) Rush Center; City, Rush County, Kans. (Not Rushcenter.) Russell; Glacier, tributary to Carbon Glacier from west, Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. RusseU; Island, St. Glair River, Mich. (Not Russell's.) Russell; see Mount Russell. RusseWs; see Barcelona. Russia; Country, Europe and Asia. (Not Muscovy nor Rossiya.) Rutherford; Rutherfords; Rutherford's; see Weatherford. Ryan; Point, on Columbia River, about 1 miles above Vancouver, Clarke County, Wash. (Not Ryans.) Ryan; Township, Schuylkill County, Pa. (Not Ryon.) Ryankou; Island (to), lat. 37 15' N., long. 126 19' E., western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Ryanku, Yong- hung, Yongjong, Young hung, nor Yung hung.) Ryanku; see Ryankou. Ryechnoi; see Rechnoi. Ryer; Island, Suisun Bay, Solano Coun- ty, Gal. (Not King's, Long Point, nor Ryer's.) Ryssel; see Lille. Ryu Kyu; Ryukyu; see Nansei. S. Sa jini; see Sezhini. Sa La Kai; Salahkai. Saa; Island (to), lat. 37 08' N., long. 126 16' E. , western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Ernest.) Sabattos; see Sabattus. Sabattus; Mountain and Village, An- droscoggin County, Me. (Not Sebat- tis.) Sabattus; Mountain, Lovell Town, Ox- ford County, Me. (Not Sabattos nor Sebatos.) Sabine; Point, Providence River, near Providence, R. I. (Not Sabin's.) Sabola; Saboiigala; Sabougalahatchie; see Sabougla. Sabougla; Creek, tributary to Yalobuaha River, Calhoun and Webster Counties, Miss. (Not Sabola, Sabougala, Sabou- galahatchie, Sabula Hatchie, nor So- bola.) Sacandaga; River, Adirondack region, N. Y. (Not Sacandago, Sacondaga, nor Sacondago.) Saccatoo; see Sokoto. Sachacha; see Sesachacha. Sachalin; see Sakhalin. Sachem Head; Harbor, Long Islam Sound, New Haven County, Conn. (Not Sachem's Head.) Sachsen; see Saxony. Sadatoo; Sackatou; see Sokoto. Sacketts Harbor; Village, Lake Ontario, Jefferson County, N. Y. (Not Sacket Harbor.) Sacramento Mountains; includes t groups known as Jicarilla, Sierra Blan- ca, Sacramento, and Guadalupe, i Chaves, Eddy, Lincoln, and Counties, N. Mex. Saddle; Mountain, Park County, C (Not Quadrate.) Saddleback; Ledge, East Penobscot Me. (Not Saddle Back.) REPORT ,E UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. B. Saddlerock; <'rk, Lincoln County Dak. (Sot Saddle.) ga^wtown; Borough, Crawford Coun- ty, Pa. (SotSaegertown.) Satltto: see Setoiltso. g^.tv .> Harbor, Pnnce Wil- liam Sound, Alaska. SaffortlvillejTown, Chase County, Kans. rd.) Saffron; Valley, Rainbow Plateau, Co- conino County, Ariz. Bag &; Uke, between Swamp and Gmnite Lakes, Rainy River and Thun- der Hay Districts, Ontario, Interna- tional Boundary (between Minnesota and Ontario). (Not Kaseiganah, Sai- aaginaga, Seiganaga, Seiganagah, Sei- ginagan, Seiganagaw, nor Seigana- Sofong- see Zagazig. Sagavanirktok; River, debouching on Arctic Coast 60 miles east of Colville rthern Alaska. (Not Sawa- nukto, Shagavanuktok, Sharavanak- tok. nor Suwanukto.) 6frfM-fci; aee Segeke. SofAafcn; see Sakhalin. Sagittarius; Ridge, between Flint and Tuna Creeks and Colorado River, Coco- ru'no County, Ariz. Saguache; County; Creek, Precinct, and Town, Saguache County, Colorado. (Not Si watch nor Siwatche.) Soyuodtt; see Sawatch. Bahama; Peak, Andes Mountains, Bo- livia. (Not Nevado de Sahama nor Sajama.) Sahara; great Desert, Africa. (Not Cahra. Great Desert, Sahhra, Sahra, nor Zahara.) 8a-kten; aee Sarheen. BahoUoidbeazhe; Canyon, Navajo In- dian Reservation, northwest corner of Aparhe County, Ariz. (Not 8a hot oid be azh e.) Sot nti; see Sainei. Said*; Maritime City of Palestine, the ancient Sidon. (Not Sidon nor Zidon.) Saigon; Capital of French Cochin China. Gai-Dinh -Thanh, Looknooee, Louknoui, nor Sai-Gun.) Smkan; aee Sycan. Smtio; aee Kyoto. Sail; Island, off False Point Pybus, Fred- erick Sound, Alexander Archipelago, Alaska. (Not Ship.) Sail; Rock, off Pillar Point, San Mateo County, Cal. (Not Pillar, Seal, nor Steeple.) Sail; Rock, Juan de Fuca Strait, near Neah Bay, Wash. (Not Klahostah nor Seal.) Sailor; Island, Hingham Harbor, Mass. (Not Sarah's.) Sailors Encampment; see Rains. Sainei; River, flowing into Pingyang In- let, Western Chosen (Korea). (Not Sai nei nor Woldang.) St. Andrew; Sound, Camden County, Ga. (Not St. Andrew's.) St. Andrews; Park, between Puyal- lup and Tahoma Glaciers. Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. St. Andrews Bock; prominent one on Puyallup Cleaver, Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. S. Anthony; St. Anthony; see Anthony. St. Augustine; see Augustine. *St. Catharine; Bend and Creek, Missis- sippi River, Adams County, Miss. (Not St. Catherine's.) St. Catharine; Lake and Mountain, Rut- land County, Vt. (Not Lake Austin, St. Catherine, nor Wells Pond.) St. Catherines; Island and Sound, Liberty County, Ga. (Not St. Cath- erine nor St. Catherine's.) St. Charles; Village, Pueblo County, Colo. (Not San Carlos.) St. Clair; see Sinclair. St. Clairsville; Borough, Bedford Coun- ty, Pa. (Not St. Clairville.) St. Clement; Bay, Potomac River, St. Marys County, Md. (Not St. Clem- ent's.) St. Croix; Island, one of the Virgin Is- lands, West Indies. (Not Santa Cruz.) St. Croix; River, between Maine and New Brunswick. (Not Ste. Croix.) St. Croix; see Dochet; Upper St. Croix. St. Denis; see Bayou Petit Liard. St. Domingo; see Dominican Republic. St. Elias; see Manby. St. Elmo Pass; Saddle, in ridge be- tween Inter and Winthrop Glaciers, Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. EEPOET OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. St. Francis; River, southeastern Mis- souri. (Not St. Francois.) St. Francis; Village, St. Johns River, Lake County, Fla. (Not Old Town.) St. Frangois; Township, Madison Coun- ty, Mo. (Xot St. Francis.) St. Gabriel Church; Post Light, Missis- sippi River, Iberville Parish, La. (Not St. Gabriel's Church.) St. Gallen; Canton and Town, Switzer- land. (Not St. Gall nor Sankt Gallen.) St. George; Fort, St. George River, Lin- coln County, Me. (Not George.) St. George; Harbor, River, and Town, Knox County, Me. (Not St. George's.) St. George; Island, St. Marys County, Md. (Not St. George's nor St. Georges.) St. George; Point and Reef, Del Norte County, Cal. (Not St. George's.) St. George; Sound, near Apalachicola, Franklin County, Fla. (Not St. George's.) St. George; see San Jorge. St. George, Mass.; see Georges. St. George; see George. St. George Island; Election Precinct, St. Mary's County, Md. (Not St. George's Island nor St. Georges Island.) St. George's, Me.; see Georges. St. Gotthard; Mountain and Pass, Swit- zerland. (Not Gothard, St. Gothard, nor Sankt Gotthard.) St. Helens; Mountain, Skamania County, Wash. (Not S. Helen.) St. Helens Bar; Post Lights, Columbia, River, Columbia County, Oreg. (Not St. Helen's.) St. Hilaire; Village, Polk County, Minn. (Not St. Hiliare.) St. lago de Cuba; see Santiago de Cuba. St. Inigoes; Creek, District, and Town, St. Marys County, Md. (Not St. Inigo, St. Inigoe, St. Inigo's, Inigos, nor St. Inigoas.) St. Jame's; see James. St. Joe; River, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Idaho. (Not St. Joseph, St. Joseph's, nor St Josephs.) St. John; see Richelieu; St. Johns; St. Thomas. St. John Bogoslov; see Bogoslof . St. Johns; City, Clinton County, Mich. , (Not St. John's.) 4704916 15 225 *St. Johns; City, eastern shore Willam- ette River, about 5 miles below Port- land, and Precinct, Multnomah County Oreg. (Not St, John.) St. Johns; County and River, Fla (Not St. John's.) St. Johns; see Steamboat. St. Jones; River, Kent County, Del. (Not Jones'.) St. Lawrence; Bay, near East Cape, Bering Strait, Siberia. (Not St. Lau- rence.) St. Lawrence; Island, Bering Sea, Alaska. (Not St. Laurence.) St. Lazaria; see Kruzof. St. Louis; Capital of French Senagal, West Africa. (Not Louis, Ndar, nor St. Louis-du-Senagal.) St. Lucia; Island, one of the Windward Islands, West Indies. (Not San Lucia nor Santa Lucia.) St. Margarettes; Island, St. Lawrence River, St. Lawrence County, N. Y. (Not High.) St. Marks; Precinct and Town, Wakulla County, Fla. (Not St. Mark's.) St. Martin; Bay, Islands, and Point, Mackinac Strait, Mackinac County, Mich. (Not St. Martin's.) St. Martin; Town, Worcester County, Md. (Not Martins.) St. Martinsville; Village. St. Martin Parish, La. (Not St. Martinville.) St. Mary; Lake and River, Teton County. Mont. (Not Chief Mountain.) St. Marys; Bend and Town, Mississippi River, Ste. Genevieve County, Mo. (Not St. Mary's.) *St. Marys; City, County, and Creek, St. Marys County, Md. (Not St. Mary nor St. Mary's.) St. Marys; Falls, St. Marys River, op- posite Sault Ste. Marie City, in Chip- pewa County, Mich. (Xot St. Mary's.) St. Marys; River, Cumberland Sound, Fla. (Not. St. Mary's.) St. Marys; River, International Bound- ary (between Michigan and Ontario). Denning the limits of the river. The head is at a line drawn between Point Iroquis and Groa Cap, and the mouth of the south branch is at a line drawn from Old Fort St. Joe to Sweet Point. (Not St. Mary's Strait.) REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOABD. St M4W River, rii-ing in Ohio, unitimr wi lh,h,S< -.ral--.,tWayn, 1,,,| , forming Uie Maumee. (Not St. MMI 8t Mary* Entrance; Sound, mouth of 81. Uwrence River, Nassau County, Cumberland Entrance nor -tiandina Entrance.) i/rf; see Lake St. Marys. Si. Maryt, 111.; see Marys Riv.-r. l ifory*. S. ('.; Old Town. ysfofb; see Sault Ste. Mari- < n y. 8t. Matthew; Maud, luring Sea, Alas- Im \lalhew.) 8t Michael; I eland. Norton Sound, Ber- ing Sea, Alaska (Not St. Machael'B.) St. JficAorb; see Miles. St. /W; see Port Levashef. . .i\lltp'; *> 1'hillipf. St. Pierre; Island, 15 miles off southern coam .midland, and Town, .il f Frenrh colony of St. Pierre and Miquelon. St. Pierre and Miquelon; French Col- ony, off southern coast of Newfound- land. 8t I'nobmjenuya; see Preobrajenya. St. Simon; Beacon, Island, and Sound, .n County. (Ja. (Not St. Simon's.) St. Tammany: see Neebish. St. Thomaa; Creek, tributary to Patux- ent River at Captain Point; St. Marys ;ty. M<1 \..t St. John.) St. Vincent; Inland, Hritiah West Indies. St. Vineent; see Sao Vincent. St. Vrain; n-ok, Boulder and Weld Ooonties, and Precinct, Weld County, Colo. (Not St. V rains.) St, Vrain; Mountain (altitude 12,162 teet), sec 5, T. 2 N., R. 73 W.. 4 milw southeast Longs Peak, 4 miles outhweet Aliens Park Village, Boulder f> , Colo. 8U. Marie; Inland, off east coast of Mada- fMra i Burrah, Ste.-Marie, nor 8te.-Mari(Hie-Madagascar.) 8t. Marie; Township and Village, Jas- per County, III ( Not St. Marie.) Saisaginaga; see Saganaga. Sajama; see Sahama. Sajan; Gulf (kaye), western coast of Cho- sen (Korea), lat. 36 30' N. (Not Shoal.) Sajin; Bay, Village, and Point (kutohi), lat. 42 N., long. 130 E., northeastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Sivuch Bay nor Mojaiski Point.) Sa-jini; see Sez-hini. Sa-kaa; see Sarkar. Sakai; see Mikuni. Sakatu; see Sokoto. Sakhalin; Island, Okhotsk Sea, Siberia. (Not Sachalin nor Saghalien.) Sakhalin; see Amur. Saki shima; see Sakishima. Sakishima; Group of Islands, east of Tai- wan, comprising the Miyako and Yaye- yaiiia Groups, the southern part of the Nansei Chain. (Not Meiacosima, Mi- yako, Miyako jima, Saki shima, nor Sakisima.) Sakitima; see Sakishima. Sakonnet; Point and River, Newport County, R. I. (Not Saugkonnet nor Seaconnet.) Salahkai; Mesa, Hopi Indian Reserva- tion, Navajo County, and Navajo In- dian Reservation, Apache County, Ariz. (Not Sa La Kai.) Salamonie; Township, Huntington Coun- ty, Ind. (Not Salamonia.) Salaniki; see Salonika. Sa-la-wik; see Selawik. Salina; Creek and Town, Mayes County, Okla. (Not Saline.) Salisaw; see Sallisaw. Salisbury; Sound, between Chichagof and Kruzof Islands, Alaska. (Not Kloka- cheff.) Salisbury; Township, Lehigh County, Pa. (Not Salsberg, Salsburg, nor Sals- bury.) Salitrillo; Creek, Bexar County, Tex. (Not Salatrillo.) Sallacoa; Creek, Gordon, Bartow, and Cherokee Counties, Ga.; Hamlet, Bar- tow, County, Ga.; Town, Cherokee County, Ga. (Not Calicoe nor Sale- quoah.) Salle; see Bayou Sale. Bailee; Creek, Powhatan County, Va. (Not Sally nor Salley'e.) SalUy; see Sally. BEPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 227 Sallisaw; Creek, Adair and Sequoyah Counties; Town and Township, Sequo- yah County, Okla. (Not Salisaw nor Salaiseau.) *Sally; Town, Aiken County, S. C. (Not Salley nor Sallys.) Sally; see Bayou Sale. Sallys; see Sally. Salmo; Rock, off mouth of Kenai River, Alaska. Salmon; Bay, inner part of Shilshole Bay, near Seattle, King County, Wash. (Not Shilshole.) Salmon; Creek, tributary to Okanogan River from north, Okanogan County, Wash. (Not Conconully, Concunully, nor White Salmon.) Salmon, N. Y.; see Little Salmon. Salmon, Wash.; see Conconully, Shils- hole. Salmon; see Bear; Salmon Falls. Salmon Falls; Creek, rising in Nevada and flowing in northerly direction, en- tering Snake River near River Road Post Office, Twin Falls County, Idaho. (Not Salmon Falls River, Salmon Creek, nor Salmon River.) Salmon Falls; Village, on Westfield River, Hampden County, Mass. (Not Fairfield.) Salmon River Mountains; include the group in central Idaho lying in big bend of main Salmon River, west of Lemhi Range. Salonika; City and Gulf, Turkey. (Not Salaniki, Salonica, Salonika, Selanik, Selonica, nor Thessalonica.) Salary's; see Solary. Salt; Creek, Grand Canyon of the Colo- rado, Coconino County, Ariz. Salt; Creek, flowing through a cretaceous area in south half of T. 29 S., R. 20 E., Kern County, Cal. Salt; Spring, north line of sec. 25, T. 25 S., R. 18 E., Kern County, Cal. Salt; see Laguna Seca; Soda. Salt Lake; Bay, indenting western coast Prince of Wales Island, near lat. 55 4(X, long. 133 21', Alaska. Salt Lake City; Capital of Utah. (Not Salt Lake.) Salt Petre Cave; see Saltpetre Cave. Salt Springs; see Lithia Springs. Saltpeter Cave; see Saltpetre Cave. Saltpetre Cave; Village, Botetourt County, Va. (Not Saltpeter Cave nor Salt Petre Cave.) Salubrious; Point, Lake Ontario, Jeffer- son County, N. Y. (Not Vesuvius.) Saluen; Salween; Salwen; see Sal win. Salvador; one of the Central American States. (Not San Salvador.) Salvage; Mountain, Flathead County, Mont. Salwin; River, British Burma, rising near the border of Tibet, flowing south into the Gulf of Martaban. (Not Saluen, Salween, Salwen, Thanlweng, nor Thanlyeng.) Sam Patch; Creek, tributary to Forty- mile River from the north, Alaska, near International Boundary (between Alaska and Canada). (Not Patch.) Sam sa; Sam sa (San-cha); Sam sah; Sam Sah; see Samsa. Samganuda; see English. Samish; see Edison. Sammarino; see San Marino. Sammirupo; Village, on Yonguzei Bay, lat. 41 W N., long. 129 58' E., north- eastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Samilpo.) Samoa; group of Islands, south Pacific Ocean. (Not Navigators nor Samoan.) Samoilof; see Scraggy. Samples; Creek, Duval County, Fla. (Not Starrett's.) Samples; see Edwards. Sampsell; Township and Village, Liv- ingston County, Mo. (Not Sampsel.) Sampson; Peak (altitude 4,631 feet), 2 miles southwest of New Idria, San Benito County, Cal. (Not Venado.) Samsa; Basin, Inlet, and Point, Fukien Province, eastern coast of China. (Not Sam sa, Sam-sah, Sam sah, Sam Sah, San-cha, San sa, nor Sansha.) Samsah; see Samsa. Samsoun; see Samsun. Samsun; City, on the Black Sea, Asiatic Turkey. (Not Samsoun.) San Alberto; Bay, an arm of Bucareli Bay Prince of Wales Archipelago, Southeastern Alaska. (Not Seno de San Alverto.) San Ambrosio; Island, off the coast < Chile, lat. 26 18' S.,long. 79 W W., Pacific Ocean. (Not St. Ambroee.) U ,-xiTKD STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOABD. ten Andw**; Lake, San Mateo County, CM. (Not San Andr.) So ^infrw; 8an Andrew. SaL Antonio; Creek, SanU Barbara County, Cal. (S GwymM River, Ju Maria River, nor Las Alamos.) gan Antonio; Mountain, Los Angles County. . .ildy, North Bald, nor 01.1 I!.' Ban Antonio; Tmace, Santa Barbara County. Cal. 8m Antonio; ** San Matiae. San Benito; Mountain (altitude 5,258 feet), dome^haped summit of the San QH\,, .-{ i ho Diablo Range, about S$ milw aouthoart of New Idria, SanBenitn County. Cal. Son Bou; we Sanabou. Sw Bumartnturo; toe Ventura. 8m Carlot; see St. Charles. San Carlos Bolsa; Basin, about 2 miles at of New Idria, at northeast foot San Carlo* Peak. Diablo Range, San Benito County, San Clemente; Canyon, near La Jolla, San Diapi County, Cal. (Not Cle- mente nor San Clemonto.) San Clemente; Island, southern coast of California ( Not San Clements.) San Cristobal; l.ak-. Hinsdale County, Colo. (Not San Crwtopal nor San Cmto\-*l.) Son Diego; see Jomez; Sandiego. San Dieguito; l.;iu f>nn the San Dieguito Rim, San Diego County, Cal San Paqual nor San Yambell.) Santa YmM; tee It 1 Santafee; Village, Summers County, W. Va. -e.) Santaluca; Village, Gilmer County, Ga. a Luca nor Santa Lucah.) Sante*Uah; Cn^k and Town, Graham >anteetla nor San- tuluh.) Santiago; Peak (altitude 5,680 feet), Santa Ana Mountain*, on boundary line between Orange and Riverside <' .un- tie*. Cal. Santiago; we Ponape. Santiago de Cuba; Seaport, southeast- ern roait of Cuba. (Not St. lago de gafi7h; *w Satilla. Santo; Group of Inland.*, lat 34 N., long, i them coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Nan How nor San To.) 8mto Dominyo. see Dominican Republic. Santo* Mowing northeasterly through n>ut hcat quarter of T. 28 S., K , 19 E.. to Jan Joaquin Valley, Kern My. Cal. Santai; Island (to), lat. 34 W N., long., 127 E.. southern coast of Chosen (Korea). (NotGoalen.) Santu; *ee Santuao. Santoao; treaty Port, Fukien Province --in-tu-ao nor Santu.) S"M-o; *ee Santuao. Santuit; *e Cotuit Saatare*; Barrio, eastward of San, Juan PR. (Not San Turce.) Sao Paulo; Capital City and State, Bra- zil, South America. (Not San Paulo.) *8ao Vicente; Island and Town, Cape Verde Islands. (Not St. Vincent.) Saook; Bay and Point, Peril Strait, Alaska. (Not Sa-ook.) Sapinero; Creek, Gunnison County, Colo. (Not Indian nor Indiana.) Sapphire; Canyon, Coconino County, Ariz. Sapphire; Mountains, limited on the south by the Anaconda Range and bounded on the east by the valleys of Trout and Flint Creeks, on the north by Clark Fork of Columbia River, and on the west byBitterroot Valley. Mont. Saquel; see Soquel. Saragoasa; Capital City and Province, Spain. (Not Caesaraugusta, Saragosee, nor Zaragoza.) Sarah; I/edge, entrance to New London, Harbor, Conn. (Not Sarah's.) Sarah's; see Sailor. Sarajevo; see Serajevo. Sar-car; see Sarkar. Sarcobatus; Flat, north of Amargosa Range, Nye County, Nev. Mirage.) Sardinia; Island, Mediterranean (Not Sardegna.) Sargent! see Sergeant. Sarheen; Cove, east side of El Cajiitan Passage, about 11 miles from Sea Otter Sound, Alaska. (Not Sa-heen, Sar- Hene, nor Sarhini.) Sar-Hene; Sarhini; see Sarheen. Sarkar; Cove, east side of El Capitan Passage, 6 miles from Sea Otter Smind. Alaska. (Not Sa-kaa, Sar-rar, nor Sar-Kar.) Sar-Kar; see Sarkar. Sartilla; Sarsillo; see Zarcillo. S arson; Island, Sengekontacket Pond, Marthas Vineyard, Mass. (Not Sasan, Sason, nor Sirson.) Sartartia; Village, Fort Bend 'unity, Tex. (Not Sartalla.) Satacaeheh; see Sesachacha. Sasakwa; Village, Seminole County, Okla. (Not Sa-sak-wa nor Wild Goose.) Satat; Solas Creek; Satas River; see Sams. Satchrun; Point, eastern side of the entrance to Takanis Bay, Alaska. Satilla; River, southeastern Georgia. (Not Santilla.) REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 231 Sawanukto; see Sagavanirktok. Sawatch; Mountains, Colo. (Not Sa- guache, Siwatch, nor Siwatche.) Sawhatchee; see Osahatchee. Sawlog; Township, Hodgeman County, Kans. (Not Saw Log.) Sawteeth; steep Bluff, 700 feet high, near Grand Marais, Cook County, Minn. (Not Sawtooth.) Sawtooth; Peak, Tulare County, Cal. (Not Miner's.) Sawtooth; Ridge, lying mostly in sec. 1, T. 26 S., R. 17 E., Kern County, Cal. Sawtooth Range; see Anaconda Range. Sawyer; Village, Carlton Town, Orleans County, N. Y. (Not Sawyers.) Sawyer Bend; Post Light, Mississippi River, near St. Louis, Mo. (Not Saw- yer's Bend.) Sawyerville; Village, Mount Olive Township, Macoupin County, 111. (Not Sawyersville.) Saxeville; Town and Village, Waushara County, Wis. (Not Saxville.) Saxony; Kingdom, Germany. (Not Sachsen.) Sayres; Neck, Lawrence Township, Cumberland County, N.J. (NotSayre nor Sayre's.) Scajaquada; Creek, Buffalo, Erie Coun- ty, N. Y. (Not Seajaquada nor Scaja- quady.) % Scalplock; Mountain, Flathead County, Mont. Scammon; City, Cherokee County, Kans. (Not Scammonville.) Scammon; Cove, north end Lake Huron, Mackinac County, Mich. (Not Scam- mon's.) Scandia; see Skandia. Scanlan; Town, Mississippi River, Crit- tenden County, Ark. (Not Scanlan's.) Scapin; see Squapan. Scarbcro; Creek and Village, Worcester County, Md. (Not Scarborough's.) Scarecorn; Creek and Town, Pickens County, Ga. (Not Scearcorn.) Scarface; Mountain, lat. 48 11' 113 01' W., Teton County, Mont. Scarham; Creek, Dekalb County, Ala. (Not Skirum.) Scatari; Island, at the eastern extremity of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. (Not Scatarie, Scatary, nor Scattarie.) Satterley; see Sotterley. Satulah; Mountain, Macon County, N. C. (Not Stuley.) Satus; Creek, tributary to Yakima River from west, Yakima County, Wash. (Not Satas River.) Satus; Village, Yakima County, Wash. (Not Satas.) Sau; see Save. Sauble; see Hamlin. Saugkonnet; see Sakonnet. Sauk; Point, near Baraboo, Sauk County, Wis. (Not Point Sauk nor Sauk Sum- mit.) Saulen; see Stolbovoi. Saulston; Township and Village, Wayne County, N. C. (Not Saul's Cross Roads.) Sault Ste. Marie; City, Ch'ippewa County, Mich. (Not St. Marys Falls.) Saunders; Point, Little Bay de Noc, Delta County, Mich. (Not Saunder's.) Saunders; see Sanders. Sauquel; see Soquel. Sausalito; Town and Township, Marin County, Cal. (Not Saucelito.) Sauvie; Island, Columbia River, Colum- bia and Multnomah Counties, Oreg. (Not Sauvie's.) Savage; Landing, Ohio River, Lawrence County, Ohio. (Not Savage's.) Savage; River, Garrett County, Md. (Not Savay.) Savanna; Township and Village, Pitts- burg County, Okla. (Not Savannah.) Savannah; Lake, about 8 miles north- east of Elliott, Dorchester County, Md. (Not The Savannah nor The Savannah Lake.) Savannah; Township, Butler County, Nebr. (Not Savanah.) Savannah; Village, Los Angeles County, Cal. (Not Savanna.) Savaovik; see Shaviovik. Save; River, in Austria. (Not Sau nor Sava.) Savilton; Village, Newburgh Town, Orange County, N . Y. (Not Savil, Sa- vill, nor Saville.) Saviovic; see Shaviovik. Savoy; Town and Village, Berkshire County, Mass. (Not Savoy Hollow.) Sawakin; see Suakin. 232 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. m fctt*r. Cwek, tributary to Cle Khun River 'from east, J mile south of Fish Lake, Kittiws County, Wash. &*; see Sotanon Bce.iic; Bay. t iwuthern extremity Pend Oreilie Lake, south of Cape Horn Peak. Koolenni County, Idaho. (Not Squaw ) Sttaikum; Schakhun; see Shakun. ehaumberg; Township and Village, Cook County. Ill (Not Sohaumburg.) Scheldt; 1'. ''urn nd France. Koeaut nor Schelde.) SrlxHb*!; see Schellflburg. fohelkbuTg; Borough, Bedford County, Pa. ii.un: n..r Shellburg.) Schenck; Creek, Knox County, Ohio. I, Schenk's, Shencks, norSkenlu.) 8ehnob; Brook, chiefly in Sheffield, Berkshire County, Uaaa. (Not Sker- rob) SAManartf; see Shuhmaref. SeUuyue; see Skagway. Sehleialngerville; Village, Washington County , Wi.*. ( Not Schleighringerville.) Schlippeiibach; Cape, lat. 40 29' N., long. 129 07' E., eastern coast of Cho- sen (Korea). (Not Shlipenbakha.) Schodafk; see Hell Gate. Stealing; see Granite. Stkoodie; see Grand. Sdtoona; Schooner; see Shooner. Sduxmboten; Seboonoten; see Boulder. > ..-,,' Sehuyler; Sunken Ledge off Sakonnet Point. R. I. (Not Schuyler'a.) Srkuylrr, 'olo.; see Duff; Magnolia. Srtuyltr, X. Y., nee Canadarago. SchuylenriUe; Village, Saratoga County, N. Y. (Not Schuyleraville.) Sekitok; see Swauk. SeiiMfc; see Sindhia. MrclevQle; Town, Clinton County, Ind. (Not Circleville.) Statute see Siasconset. fiewmev see Shooner. oorpUm; BJdge, a southwestern spur of 8sittarius BJdge, Coconino County, Arii. ootUnd; Light Veswl at entrance to New York Bay. (Not Scottland.) Scott; Bluffs, Mississippi River, East Baton Rouge Parish, La. (Not Scott's.) Scott; Creek, Cattaraugus Coanty, N. Y. (Not Scotts.) Scott; Peak (altitude 8,938 feet), Crater Lake National Park, Klamath County, Scott; Point, on Catawba Island, Lake Erie, Ottawa County, Ohio. (Not Scott's.) Scott; Village, Cattaraugus County, N .Y. (Not Scotts Corners.) Scott Middle Ground; Shoal, between Belle Isle and water front of Detroit, Detroit River, Mich. (Not Scott's Mid- dle Ground.) Scottie; Creek; tributary to Tanana River from the east, Alaska, Interna- tional Boundary (between Alaska and Canada). (Not Scotty.) Scottland; Village, Edgar County, 111. (Not Scott Land.) Scotts Flat; Village, Nevada County. Cal. (Not Scots Flat nor Scott Flat.) Scottsbluff; City, Scotte Bluff County, Nebr. (Not Scotts Bluff.) Scotty; see Scottie. Scovill; Rock, Connecticut River, near, Higganum, Middlesex County, Conn. (Not Scovill's.) Scrag; Islands, South Pass, between Goat and Sukkwan Islands, Alexander Archipelago, Southeast Alaska. Scraggy; Islet, Salisbury Sound, south- eastern Alaska. (Not Samoilof.) Scrogum; Island, Mississippi River, near Prairie du Chien, Wis. (Not Scro- gum's.) Scull; Islet, Young Bay, Stephens Pas- sage, Southeast Alaska. (Not Skull.) Scuppernong; Creek, Waukesha (.'ounty, and River, Jefferson and Waukesha Counties, both tributary to Bark River from east, Wis. (Not Schupernong nor Scupernong.) Scuaset; Beach and Harbor, near Ply- mouth, Mass. (Not Scussett.) Scutari; see Skutri. Scylla; Butte, above the south wall of Granite Gorge at the mouth of Slate Creek, Coconino County, Ariz. Sea; Breaker, Island, Reef or Rock, near southern entrance to Salisbury Sound, Southeast Alaska. (Not Morskoi.) EEPOET OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 233 See All; Mountain, Pocahontas County, W. Va. (Not See-all nor Seeall.) See Ngan; see Sianfu. Seechelt; Inlet and Peninsula, north of Nanaimo, British Columbia. (Not Sechelt.) Seed; Lake, east of Carp Lake, Rainy River District, Ontario, International Boundary (between Minnesota and Ontario). Seedskeedee; see Tunp. Seehorn; Creek, Jefferson County, Tenn. (Not Schorns nor Sohorn.) Seekonk; River, between Pawtucket and Providence, R. I. (Not Pawtucket.) Seeland; see Zealand. Seeley; Creek, Sauk County, Wis. (Not Seely.) Seeley; Town, Cumberland County, N. J. (Not Cedar Grove.) Seely; Township, Guthrie County, Iowa. (Not Seeley.) Seen; see Kommo. Seep; Spring, south rim of the Grand Can- yon of the Colorado, between Cheme- huevi and Toltec Points, Coconino County, Ariz. Seganfu; see Sianfu. Segeke; Butte, Navajo County, Ariz. (Not Sa-gee-ka.) Segetoa; Spring, 15 miles northwest of Fort Defiance, Apache County, Ariz. Segi; Mesas, Geographic Province, Na- vajo County, Ariz., north of Marsh Pass. (Not Tsegi Mesas.) Segihatsosi; Canyon, 10 miles north of Tyende, Navajo County, Ariz. i. N'ot Sagi ot sosi, Sagy at sosi, Taegihatsosi, nor Tseyi Hatsosi.) Segloch; Run, Lancaster and Lebanon Counties, Pa. (Not Seclock, Seelock, Seelock's, Seglock, nor Zelock.) Segreganset; River and Village, Bristol County, Mass. (Not Sweganset.) Seguam; Island, middle Aleutians, Alaska. (Not Siguam.) Sehili; Settlement, Spruce Brook, near head of Canyon del Muerto, Apache County, Ariz. Seiganaga; Seiganagah; Seiganagan; Sei- ganagaw; Seiganagooh; see Saganoga. ein; Cape (kutsu), lat. 35 03' N., long. Sea Grove; see Cape May Point. Sea Gull; see Baby. Sea Otter; see Augustine; Douglas. Sea Banger; Reef, about 2 miles off the western coast of Kayak Island and 3J miles northward of Cape St. Elias, Alaska. Seaconnet; see Sakonnet. Seaford; Town, Sussex County, Del. (Not Seford.) Seahorse; Key, west coast of Florida, near Cedar Keys. (Not Sea-Horse.) Seajaquada; see Scajaquada. Seal; see Reef; Sail. Seal Island; Rocks, Seal Island, Buz- zards Bay, Plymouth County, Mass. Sealand; see Zealand. Sealion; see Kaligagan. Searle; Rock, entrance to Salem Harbor, Essex County, Mass. (Not Searl's.) Sears; Island and Ledge, Penobscot Bay, Me. (Not Brigadier's nor Sear's!) SeawelVs; see Sewall. Sebasco; Harbor, Casco Bay, Phipps- burg Town, Sagadahoc County, Me. (Not Horse Island.) Sebascodegan; Island, Cumberland County, Me. (Not Great nor Sebas- codiggin.) Sebasticook; Lake, draining into Se- basticook River, Newport Town, Pe- nobscot County, Me. (Not Newport Pond.) Sebattis; Sebatos; see Sabattus. Sebethe; see Mattabesset. *Seboeis; Lake, Plantation, River, and Village, Penobscot County, Me. (Not Seboois.) Seboois; Lake, T. 4, R. 9, N. W. P. Pis- cataquis County, Me. (Not Seboeis.) Sebonac; Neck, Southampton Town, Suffolk County, N. Y. (Not Sebonack nor Seponack.) Seboeis; see Seboois. Sechacha; see Sesachacha. Sechelt; see Seechelt. Seclock; see Segloch. Second; see Inner. Section; Point, San Juan County, Colo. Seddon; see Bland. Sedgeunkedunk; Stream, Penobscot County, Me. (Not Segeunkedunk.) Sedro Woolley; Town, Skagit County, Wash. (Not Sedro Wolley nor Sedro Woolly.) Sein 129 06' E., southern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Vashon.) 234 BEPOBT OF TllK STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. .Jon; Wand (to), lat 34 3(K N 1 -IUT- fi^W E., southern cowt of Choeen (Korea). /* Stein; see Magdalen. Slippery Rock; Borough and Township, Butler County, Pa. (Not Slippery- rock ) Bippery Rock; Township, Lawrence ;uty, Pa. (Xot Slipperyrock.) H i; Arm of Khaz Bay, Chichagof Island, Alaska. Slope; Point. northern side Passage Ca- nal, about 1 mile west of Pigot Point, northwestern part Prince William Souad, Alaska . ; Point, southeastern extremity of ialand, between Khaz Bay and Ogden Page, Chichagof Island, Alaska. ; Creek, about 15 miles long, the ooth fork of Blackfcx inuock County, Idaho. (Not South Fork of BlKkloot River.) Sluiakin; Falls, on Paradise River just below Paradise Glacier, southeastern slope Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Sluiflkin; Mountains, range north of Mount Rainier, between Carbon River and West Fork of White River, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Smartt; Village, Warren County, Tenn. (Not Smart's.) Smith; Island, Brunswick County, N. C. (Not Palmetto nor Smiths.) Smith; Island, mouth of Cape Fear River, New Hanover County, N. C. (Not Smith's.) Smith; Island, north point of entrance to Chesapeake Bay, Northampton County, Va. (Not Smith's.) Smith; Island, Juan de Fuca Strait, Is- land County, Wash. (Not Blunts, Bonilla, nor Smith's.) Smith; Landing, Ohio River, Clermont County, Ohio. (Not Smith's.) Smith; Landing, Mississippi River, Pierce County, Wis. (Not Smith's.) Smith; Peak, south of Hetch Hctchy Valley, Tuolumne County, Cal. (Not Cottonwood nor Smith's.) Smith; Point, about 1 mile west of As- toria, Clateop County, Oreg. (Not Smith's nor Smiths.) Smith; River. Meagher County. Mont. (Not Deep Creek.) Smith; Rock, Long Island Sound, near mouth of Darien River, Fairfield Coun- ty, Conn. (Not Smith's.) Smith; see Dunns; Palomar. Smith Bar; Post Light, Mississippi River, 5 miles below mouth of St. Croix River, Minn. (Not Smith's Bar.) Smithers; Creek, Fayette County, W. Va. (Not Smothers nor Smythers.) Smith's; see Paradise; Round. Smiths; see Round; Smith. Smiths Crossroads; Locality, Pow- hatan County, Va. (Not Smith Roads, Smithfield, nor Smithville.) Smithsburg; Village, Washington Coun- ty, Md. (Not Smithburgh.) Smithville; see Dunkirk. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 243 Smoke; Greek, south of Buffalo, Erie County, N. Y. (Not Smokes.) Smoky; Range, between Big and Can- yon Creeks, Flathead County. Mont. Smooth; Channel or Pass, between Og- den Passage and Khaz Bay, southwest coast of Chichagof Island. Alaska. Smyrna; Chief Seaport of Asia Minor. (Not Aidin, Ismir, Izmir, nor Smyrne.) Smyrna; River, boundary between Kent and Newcastle Counties, Del. (Not Duck Creek.) Snag; River, tributary to White River from the west, near long. 140 3(X W., Alaska, International Boundary (be- tween Alaska and Canada). Snake; River, rising in northern part of Uinta County, Wyo., in Ocean Plateau, traversing Jackson Lake, emptying into Columbia River near Pasco, Wash. (Not Lewis Fork nor South Fork of Snake River.) Snake; see Bass. Snake; see Lewis River. Snake; see Sucker. Snakespring; Creek and Township, Bedford County, Pa. (Not Snake Spring.) Sneden; Landing, Hudson River, Rock- land County, N. Y. (Not Sneden's.) Sneffels; see Mount Sneffels. Snehatten; Mountain Peak, Norway. (Not Snsehatten, Sneehaettan, Snee- haetten, nor Sneehattan.) Snipe; Rock, Ogden Passage, Chichagof Island, Alaska. Snipe; see Kulichkof. Snody Dock; Lighthouse, Whitehall Nar- rows, Lake Champlain, Rutland Coun- ty, Vt. (Not Snoddy's Dock.) Snoqualmie; Pass, River, and Town, King County, Wash. (Not Snoqual- me.) Snow; Creek, tributary to Tenaya Creek, Mariposa County, Cal. (Not Glacier Brook, Hoffman, nor Hoffmann.) Snow; see Absaroka. Snoiv Creek; see Darrah. Snow Hill; Town, Worcester County, Md. (Not Flawhill.) Snow Marsh: Post Lights, Cape Fear River, New Hanover County, N. C. (Not Snow's Marsh.) Snowslip; Mountain, Flathead County, Mont. Snowy; Lake, western slope Latouche Island, at head of Wilson River, near lat. 60 01', long. 147 54', Prince Wil- liam Sound, Alaska. Snowyside; Peak (altitude 10,646 feet), T. 7 N., R. 12 E., near boundary line between Elaine, Custer, and Elmore Counties, Idaho.) Snug; Harbor, east side of Knight Island, 6J miles northward of Point Helen, Alaska. (Not Discovery Bay.) Snug; see Tuxedni. Snyder; Mountain, northeast of Cordova, Alaska. So; Island, the larger island of the Santo Group, southern coast of Chosen (Korea), Not San To nor Sodo.) Soadabscook; see Souadabscook. Sobola; see Sabougla. Socapatoy; Creek, Precinct, and Village, Coosa County, Ala. (Not Socapartoy, Soccopotoy, nor Sucapatova. Sockeye; Creek, draining Hugh Smith Lake into Boca de Quadra, Southeastern Alaska. Sockeye; Falls, 4 miles above mouth of Lyman Creek, northeastern part Prince of Wales Island, Southeastern Alaska. Soda; Lake, T. 31 S., R. 19 E., San Luis Obispo County, Cal. (Not Salt.) Soda Spring; Lakes, on headwaters of North Fork of Kern River, Tulare County, Cal. (Not Kern.) So'da Spring Dome; Soda Springs Butte; see Fairview Dome. Sodein; Island, lat. 36 38' N., long. 125 43' E., western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Chok, Cone, nor Soden.) Soden; see Sodein. Sodo; see So. Sodus; Bay, southern shore Lake On- tario, Wayne Comity, N. Y. (Not Big Sodus, nor Great Sodus.) Soembawa; see Sumbawa. Soerabaya; see Surabaya. Sohorn; see Seehorn. Sohoru; Island (to), lat. 37 15' N- 126 20 X E., western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Chaul, Marollee, nor Tchaoul.) > 1 I BBPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Sokot< , r , and S.iluiur Uml Africa. (Not Saccttoo, Sackaton, Jtaclatno. nor Skatu/l SoUry, Wharf, Jessup Lake, Orange lty . KU -( flrk.) Solem; Townhip. OouglaB County, Minn S-ilum.- Sotimotni; Solimoet; see Amazon. Boilers; Point awl Village, Patapsco r. Baltimore County, Md. (Not lan nor Soil Sellers; Town, Calvcrt County, Md. Solomon; Creek, ruing on eastern elope Cascade Range, tributary to Jack Creek about 14 miles west of Leavenworth, Chelan County, Wash. (Not Scatter.) Solomon; Hill*, between Harris Canyon and U Jfcra Creek, Santa Barbara .1 < Not Mount Solomon.) Solomon Temple; Peak, Vishnu quad- tsflgl' . ' ( "iinty. Ariz. Solomons; Inland and Town, Calvert Mty, M'l. (Nut Solomon.) Solomons Lamp; l.i_'hth<.i:-,.. Kedge hesapeake Hay, Md. (Not Solomon's Lump.) iomali; Country. Africa. (Xot Adel nor Sowuuift; see Meahomasic. Some-ford: neeSumtnorfonl. Somr; c,,v.-. I. in I.-. \iin.-mesBex River, Somerset County, Md. (Not Somer's.) >m; see Bermuda. Somersyffle; Town, Contra Costa .il. (Not Sommerville nor Summerville.) Sommerton; Village, Nansemond County, Va. (Not Somerton.) Sonjin; Anchorage (po) and treaty Port, eMterncoaat of Chosen (Korea). (Not Sioag-tarhin, Song Chin, nor SySmr- Sonjon; Point (kutrhi), lat. 42 11' N., long. 130 18' E., northeastern coast of Choswi( Korea). (Not Rodionov.) ; Sontnemi; see Sonmiani. Sonmiani; Bay and Seaport, coast of Baluchistan. (Not Sonmeanee, Son- meani, Sonmiani, Sonmiy&ni, Sunmi- ani, nor Sunmiyani.) Sonmiani; Sonmiydni; see Sonmiani. Sonneberg; Town, Saxe Meiniir_"'n, Germany. Sonnenburg; Town, Prussia. Sonora; Town, Gordon County, Ga. (Not Sonoraville.) Sonsela; Volcanic Buttes, 24 miles north of Fort Defiance, Navajo Indian Re- servation, Apache County, Ariz. Sonsala.) Soochow; City, China. (Not Soo-Chow- Foo, Soo-Tchoo, Sou-Tcheou-Fou, Su- chau, Su-Chew, Su-Chow, nor Suchow.) Soodan; see Sudan. Sooes, River, emptying into Pacific Ocean near Portage Head, Clallam County, Wash. (Not Suez, Tsoo-e-ez, nor Tzues.) Sookanaichie; see Sucarnoochee. Sooloo; see Sulu. Soorabaya; see Surabaya. Soosacoona; see Shooner. Soque; River and Town, Habersham County, Ga. (Not Sookee nor Soquee.) Soquel; Cove, Creek, Landing, Point, and Village, Santa Cruz County, Cal. (Not Saquel, Sauquel, Shoque, Sho- quel, Soqual, nor Soque.) Sorel; see Richelieu. Sori; Island, one of the Kommo Islands, lat. 34 27' N., long. 127 48' E., south- ern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not South.) Soro Sjeland; see Zealand. Sorrento; Harbor and Town, Hancock County, Me. (Not Point.) Soru; Islet (somu), lat. 42 10' N., long. 130 13' E., northeastern coast of Clio- sen (Korea). (Not Mosquito.) Sothell; see Bothell. *Sotterley; Point and Wharf, Patuxent River, St. Marys County, Md. (Xot Satterley, Setterly, nor Sotterly.) Souadabscook; Rivor, Penobscot County, Me. (Not Soadabscook nor Sowadabscook.) Soudan; see Sudan. Soutys; Souez; see Suez. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 245 Soukhoi; Soukoi; see Hay ward. Soundon; see Sumdum. Sourabaya; see Surabaya. South; Creek heading south of Abajo Peak and flowing east to Montezuma Creek at Monticello, San Juan County, Utah. (Not South Fork of Montezuma.) South; Island, one of the Semidi Islands, Alaska. (Not Kutloot.) South; Lake, first south of "Height of Land," Thunder Bay District, Ontario, International Boundary (between Min- nesota and Ontario.) South; Pass, western end' Sukkwan Strait, between Goat and Sukkwan Islands, Alexander Archipelago, South- eastern Alaska. South; Peak, most southerly part of Abajo Mountains (southeast corner), San Juan County, Utah. (Not Abajo Peak.) South; see Aowa; Quacumquasit; Sori; South Tenmile. South African Republic; see Transvaal. South Bay; see Farallon. South Beaver; Creek, Lincoln County, S. Dak. (Not Little Beaver.) South Bell Isle; see Bell. *South Bend; Precinct and Village, Cass County, Nebr. (Not Southbend.) South Bloomfield; Village, Pickaway County, Ohio. (Not Bloomfield.) South Boulder; see Tobacco Root. South Boundary; Creek, tributary to Forty mile River from the north, Yukon, Canada, near International Boundary (between Alaska and Canada). (Not Boundary.) South Boundbrook; Village, Somerset County, N. J. (Not Bloomington.) South Branch; River, Hartford County, Conn. (Not Hog.) South Bunker; Ledge, approach to Southwest Harbor, Mount Desert, Me. (Not South Bunker's.) South Canyon Creek; see Illilouette. South Channel; Channel, Boqueron Bay, P. R. South Chuctanunda; Creek, Montgom ery and Schenectady Counties, N. Y (Not South Chaugtanoonda nor South Chuctenunda.) * South Dartmouth; Village, Dart- mouth Town, Bristol County, Mass. (Not Padanaram.) South Fork; Branch, Valentine Creek, Teton County, Mont. South Fork; River, Catawba, Lincoln, and Gaston Counties, N . C. (Not Clarke, Little Catawba, nor South Fork Ca- tawba.) South Fork; see Mill. South Fork Bear; see Roeder. South Fork Bear Creek; see Indian. South Fork of Cabin Creek; see Cabin. South Fork Catawba River; see South Fork. South Fork Divide; Watershed, be- tween Loomis Mountain and Mount Ba- ker, Whatcom County, Wash. South Fork Dolores; see Bear. South Fork Icicle; see French. South Fork Malheur; River, rising in Harney County, Oreg., and entering the Malheur River in Malheur County, at Riverside, Oreg. South Fork of Potomac; see Moorefield. South Fork of Snake River; see Snake. South Fork Wallowa; see Lostine. South Fowl; Lake, first above Fowl Portage, Thunder Bay District, Onta- rio, International Boundary (between Minnesota and Ontario.) South Gabouri; Creek, Ste. Genevieve County, Mo. (Not South Fork Gabori nor South Gabori.) South Head; see Battery. South Horse; Creek, south branch of Horse Creek, T. 34 N., R. 114 W., Lin- coln County, Wyo. (Not Lynx.) * South Mowich; Glacier, discharging into South Mowich River, western slope Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. (Not Edmunds.) South Mowich; River, heading in South Mowich Glacier, tributary to Mowich River, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. (Not South Fork Mowich River.) South Park; Town, Burlington County, N. J. (Not White Horse.) South Piney; Creek, branch of Green River from the west, Lincoln County, Wvo. (Not Piney.) South Plainfield; Village, Middlesex County, N. J. ^*ot New Brooklyn. , ' South Port; see Southport. BEPOBT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 246 gouth BiTr; Peak, San Juan Moun- tain., Mineral c,.unty. Colo. (Not! CQ. , _, * South Sandy; < nt-k, Chambers and Tal- UpnuX',' tOakUzaza ; . r had] South Show; Town, Codington ounty.S 1>A . .Not Southnhore.) South Tahoma; Glarier, discharging into Tahoma Cn*'k, M.uthwestern slope Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Wilmn.) South Tenmile; Lake, northern part Cooe County, Greg. (Not Johnson, Ten Mile, nor Tenmile.) Sou* Water* Mandt; see Nansei. Sou* Yallo Bally; *> North Yolla Bolly, South Yolla Holly. South Yolla Bolly, Mountains, north- ern Coast Ranges, Trinity County, Cal. South Yallo Bally, Yalla Bailey, Yallo Bally, Yolla, Yolla Bally, nor Yola Buli.) SoutUxnd; Me South Bend. SoutMovn; we Cedar. Souttuait; we Southwest. Southeast Farallon; Inland, off en trance to San Francisco Bay, Cal. (Not South Farul Souiherland; we Sutherland. Sovtlurn District of Kew South Wales; see tori*, Southmayd; Village, Grayson County, Tex. (N>t Southmayde.) Southold; Hay and Town, Suffolk Coun- ty, Long Island, X. Y. South port; Town, Marion County, Ind. t South Port.) SoHtktkort; see South Shore. Southwest; Breaker, lying about 4 mile* westward from Cape Suckling, Alaska. (Not Southeast.) Southwest, Township, Warren County, Pa .-hWest.) Southwest; Village, McDonald County, Mo. (Not South West City.) Soul****, Me Cleare. &WMTO/, Me Suworof . Sowahachet; Sowhatchee; see Me Souadabecook. SowanUun; Island, lat. 35 W N., long. 126* 07' E. f western coast of Chosen (Korea.) (Not So-Wantsun, So Wan- na, nor Sawaogding.) Spa; Creek, south side of Annapoli.-, Anne Arundel County, Md. (N>t Spar nor Spaw.) Spahawn; see Ispahan. Spain; Kingdom, Europe. (Not Espana) Spotting; see Spaulding Spangle; Lakes, sec. 3, T. 7 N., R. !:> K , at head South Fork Payette River, western side Sawtooth Mountains, Boise County, Idaho. Spark's; see Gross. "Sparrows; Point, Patapeco River, Bal- timore County, Md. (Not Sparrow nor Sparrow's.) "Sparrows Point; Railroad Station, Bal- timore County, Md. (Not Sparrow Point nor Steelton.) Sparta; Mountains, Byram and Sparta Townships, Sussex County, N. J. (Not Wallkill.) Spaulding; Town and Township, l'niu County, Iowa. (Not Spalding.) Spa\inaw; Creek, Benton County. Ark. and Delaware and Mayes Counties, Okla. ; and Town, Mayes County, Okla. (Not Spavina.) Spearhead; Mountain (altitude 11,200 feet), sec. 28, T. 6 S., R. 74 W., Park County, Colo. Spearhead; point, Goldfield Quadrangle, Esmeralda County, Nov. Spears; Rock, Rockland Harbor, Knox County, Me. (Not Spear's.) Spearville; Town and Township, Ford County, Kans. (Not Speareville. *Spechts Ferry; Post Light and Town. Mississippi River, Dubuque County, Iowa. (Not Specht's Ferry.) Spectacle; Island, west of Crane Island, West Penobscot Bay, Me . Spectacle Pond; see Mountain View. Specter; Range, Nye County. Nov. Specter Chasm.; Canyon, on the left bank of the Colorado in the lower end of Granite Gorge, Coconino County, Ariz. Spellacy; Hill, lying mostly in sees. 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 of T. 32 S., R. 23 E. f Kern County, Cal. Spencer; Township, Jennings County, Ind. (Not Spence.) Spencer Terrace; Plateau, on the south side of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado near the lower end of Granite Gorge, Coconino County, Ariz. (Not Mystic Spring Plateau.) BEPOET OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 247 Spencers Wharf; Town, St. Marys County, Md. (Not Hope well.) Sperlin; Sperlin's; see Spurling. Spesutie; Island and Narrows, Harford County, Md. (Not Spesutia.) Sphinx; Mountain, Madison County, Mont. (Not Sphynx.) Spice; see Molukka. Spicer; Peak, near junction Arapahoe and Grizzly Creeks, Jackson County, Colo. (Not Arapahoe.) Spile; see Pile. Spillmans; Spilman's; see Spilmans. Spilmans; Island, San Jacinto Bay, Harris County, Tex. (Not Jenning's, Spilman's, nor Spillmans.) Spindle; see Sejon. Split; see Memura. Spofford, Village, Cheshire County, N.H. (Not Chesterfield Factory.) Spokane; City, Spokane County, Wash. (Not Spokane Falls.) Spokane; see Mount Spokane. Spoon; Glacier, east of Thumb Cove, Resurrection Bay, Alaska. *Spotsyivania; County, and Village in same, Virginia. (Not Spottsylvania.) Spotted Eagle; Mountain, lat. 48 ll/ N., long. 113 04' W., Teton County, Mont. Spray; Creek, heading in Flett Glacier, tributary to North Mowich River, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Spray; Falls, Spray Creek, southwestern boundary Spray Park, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Spray; Park, northwestern slope Mount Rainier, between Carbon and North Mowich Glaciers, Mount Rainier Na- tional Park, Pierce County, Wash. Sprayt Kill; see Feuri Spruyt. Spring; Creek, in Yellowstone County, Mont. Spring; Creek, northeast of Abajo Mountains, emptying into Montezuma Creek, San Juan County, Utah. Spring; Lake, Millard County, Utah. (Not Clear.) Spring; Mountains, Clarke County, Ne- vada, (Not Charleston.) Spring; see Taylor. Spring Garden; Township, York Coun- ty, Pa. (Not Springarden.) Spring Mill; see William Penn. Springbank; Township, Dixon County, Nebr. (Not Spring Bank.) Springboro; Borough, Crawford County, Pa. (Not Spring Borough.) Springdale; Town, Hamilton County, Ohio. (Not Spring Dale.) Springdale; Town, Dane County, Wis. (Not Spring Dale.) Springhill; Township, Johnson County, Kans. (Not Spring nor Spring Hill.) Springhills; Village, Champaign County, Ohio. (Not Spring Hills.) Springport; see Oakwood. Spromberg; Canyon, T. 25 N., R. 17 E., west side Chumstick Creek 3 miles north of Leavenworth, Chelan County, Wash. (Not Stromberg.) Spruce; Brook, southwest from Tunitcha Mountains flowing to head of Canyon del Muerto, Apache County, Ariz. Spruce; Creek, emptying into west ride Cow Creek, in sec. 1, T. 3 N., R. 73 W., Boulder and Larimer Counties, Colo. Spruce; Island, off PybusBay, Frederick Sound, Alaska. (Not Yelowy nor Yel- lowy.) Spruce; see Elovoi; Uzinki. Spukwush; Creek, emptying into Car- bon River from east, north of Sluiskin Mountains, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Spurling; Cove, Point, and Rock, Great Cranberry Island, Hancock County, Me. (Not Sperlin, Sperlin's, nor Spur- ling's.) Spurling 's; see Spurling. Spurr; Lake, Sheffield Town, Berkshire County, Mass. (Not Spur.) Spurrier; see Eastport. Squab; Island, near head of Aialik Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Squaib; Bay, northwest corner Port Madison, Puget Sound, Kitsap County, Wash. Squam; see Sankaty. Squankum; Branch, Gloucester County, N. J. (Not Squancum.) Squa-Pan; Squa Pan; see Squapan. Squapan; Lake and Village, Aroostook County, Me. (Not Scapin, Squa-Pan, Squa Pan, Squatpan, nor Squawpan.) Square; Mountain, lat. 48 13' N., long. 113 18' W., Flathead County, Mont. 248 BEPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. northwert of China Cap and J^k .outh to Middle Fork Catherine O^ekT Union County, Oreg. (Not Middle Pork Catherine.) 8m**; see Buck; Little Redfish; Seimc. JMteocket; Beach, Point, Pond, and Ridge, Marthas Vineyard, Mass. (Not Souipnorket.) Squid; Ledge, west of Point Judith, R. I. (Not Squid's.) quire- Island, 3 miles long, at the soutn- wert end of Knight Island, Alaska. (Not Long.) Squirrel; Cove, east of Squirrel Point, outhern side Passage Canal, north western part Prince William Sound, Alaska. Squirrel; Island, St. Marys River, Canada. (Not Jonas.) Squirrel; Point, southern side Passage Canal, about 1 mile west of Decision Point, lat. 60 48', long. 148 3(X, north- western part Prince William Sound, Alaska. Srbfv see Serbia. Sndni; see Apple. Snuh'uan; see Szechwan. Staat Point; Post Light, Hudson River, Rensselaer County, N.Y. (Not Staat 's Point.) Stactr; Staceri; see Staser. Stag; Bay, 5 miles eastward from Liaian- ki Strait, Alaska. (Not Deer.) Staked Plain; see Llano Estacado. Slaken, see Stikine. 8ta-lu-taka-muk; see Stilaguamish. Stampers Creek; Town and Township, Orange County, Ind. (Not Stampus Creek.) Stanaford; Stream, tributary to Piney Creek, between Fayette and Raleigh |.-. W \Y (Not Standfords.) Stanbro; Village, Chenango County, N. Y. (Not Stambro.) Stanmt; see Los francos. Standing Bedrock; Creek, heading be- tween Tunitcha and Lukachukai Mountains, Apache County, Ariz. (Not Standing Red Rock.) Stanford; Peak (altitude 12,826 feet), Mono County, Cal. Stanley; Island, Missouri River, Cole County, Mo. (Not Stanley's.) Stanley; see Long. Stannard; Light and Rock, Lake Supe- rior, Mich. (Not Stannard 's.) Stanovoi; Mountains, Siberia. (Not Jablonoi, Stannovoi, Yablonoi, nor Yablonovoi.) Stansbury; Creek and Point, Baltimore County, Md. (Not Stansberry.) Stanton Station; see Sunnyside. Staplehurst; Village, Seward County, Nebr. (Not Stapplehurst.) Star; Township, Clay County, S. Dak. (Not Starr.) Starr; Mountain, Monroe and Polk Counties, Term. (Not Star's.) Starr Hill; Township, Washington Coun- ty, Ark. (NotStarhill.) Starrett; Creek, Duval County, Fla. (Not Sterrette.) Starretfs, Fla.; see Edwards; Samples. Starrigavan; Bay, Sitka Sound, Alaska. (Not Old Harbor nor Starri- Gavan.) Starrucca; Borough, Wayne County, Pa. (Not Starucca.) Starts; see Cliffs. Starvation; Ridge, north of Kintla Lakes, Flathead County, Mont. Starvout; Creek and Settlement, Doug- las County, Oreg. (Not Starve Out, Starve out, nor Starveout.) Staser; Railroad Station, Vanderburg County, Ind. (Not Stacer, Stacers, nor Stasers.) Stolen; see Yetorofu. Station Po.nd; see Kolelemook. Statuary; Mountain, Flathead County, Mont. Steamboat; Canyon, near Fort Defiance, on western side, Apache County, Ariz. Steamboat; Island, Winnepesaukee Lake, one-fourth mile north of Jolly Island, Belknap County, N. H. (Not Birch.) Steamboat; Island, St. Lawrence River, Jefferson County, N. Y. (Not St. Johns.) Steamboat; Mountain, Lewis and Clark County, Mont. (Not Dearborn.) SUarns; see Jennings. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 249 Steel; Creek, tributary to Fortymile Creek from south, lat. 64 15 7 , long. 141 2(X, Alaska. (Not Steele.) Steel; Mountain, in the Olympic Group, Jefferson County, Wash. (Not Steele nor Stone.) Steele; Bayou, Yazoo River, Miss. (Not Steels.) Steele; Point, innermost point of Hin- chinbrook Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska. (Not Bentinck nor Steel.) *Steele City; Village, Newton Precinct, Jefferson County, Nebr. (Not Steele). Steeleville; Precinct and Village, Ran- dolph County, 111. (Not Steelesville.) Steelton; see Sparrow Point. Steen; Township, Knox County, Ind. (Not Stien.) Steen's; see Steena. Steens; Mountains, Harney County, Oreg. (Not Steen's, Stein, nor Steins.) Steep; Island, northern part of Ogden Passage, Chichagof Island, Alaska. Steeple; see Sail. Stein; Steins; see Steens. Stekoah; Creek and Town, Graham County, N. C. (Not Stecoah.) Stephen; Butte, Navajo County, Ariz. Stephen Aisle; a stretch of the inner canyon, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, west side of Marcos Terrace, Coconino County, Ariz. (Not Estevan.) Stephens; see Stevens; Tee. Stephens Creek; see Stevens Creek. Stephenson; Stephenston; see Stevenston. Stepovak; Bay, south side of Alaska Peninsula, near the Shumagin Islands, Alaska. (Not Stepovakho.) Sterling; Hill, Sparta Township, Sussex County, N. J. (Not Stirling.) Sterling; Shoal, 6 miles southeastward of Cape Constantine, Bristol Bay, Be- ring Sea. Sterling; Town, Vernon County, Wis. (Not Stirling.) Stevens; Branch, tributary to Wmooski River, Orange and Washington Coun- ties, Vt. (Not Stephens nor Steven's.) Stevens; Creek, Santa Clara County, Cal. (Not Cupertino nor Steven's.) Stevens; Creek, emptying into Dead- wood River, T. 9 N., R. 7 E., Payette National Forest, Boise County, Idaho. Stevens; Creek, heading in Stevens Gla- cier, tributary to Muddy Fork, Cowlitz River, Mount Rainier National Park, Lewis and Pierce Counties, Waah. Stevens; Glacier, lobe of Paradise Gla- cier at head of Stevens Canyon, dis- charging into Stevens Creek, southern slope Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Stevens; Ridge, east of Stevens Canyon, Mount Rainier National Park, Lewis County, Wash. Stevens; see New Meadows. Stevens Peak; Triple Summit at east end Tatoosh Range, Mount Rainier National Park, Lewis County, Wash. Stevens Creek; Township, Lancaster County, Nebr. (Not Stephens Creek.) Stevenson; Creek, near Kenai Lake, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Stevenson; Creek, Fresno County, Cal. (Not Stevens nor Stevensons.) Stevenston; Village, Warrick County, Ind. (Not Stephenson, Stephenston, Stevans, nor Stevens.) Steward; see Seward; Stewart. Stewart; Island, Ohio River, near Birds- ville, Livingston County, Ky. (Not Stewart's.) Stewart; Village, Green County, Wi* (Not Steward.) Stickel; Hollow, Perry Township, Fay- ette County, Pa. (Not Stickle.) Stiernfield; see Turner. Stikine; River and Strait, Alaska. (Not Stakeen.) Stilaguamish; Lake and River, Snoho- mish County, Wash. (Not Sta-lu-kaha- mish, Steilaguamish, Stillaquamish, nor Tuxpam.) Stillpond; Creek, Neck, and Town, Kent County, Md. (Not Still Pond.) Stimpson's; see Stimpsons. Stimpsons; Island, North Haven, E Penobscot Bay, Knox County, Me. (Not Birthday nor Stimpson's.) Stinting Water, Wyo.; see Shoshone. Stinkingwater, Mont.; see Paasaman. Stirling; Railroad Station, Moms Coun- ty, N. J. (Not Sterling.) Stirling; see Sterling. Stockade; Gulch, Meagher County, Mont. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC 250 Stockade BW Creek, Weston Coun- ly, \\ ' E*- K " rk nor Utt " Beaver.) Stockbridge Bowl; Lake, Berkshire County, Ma. (Not Lake Mahkeenac.) Suxbo*; see Rush. Stolbovoi; Cape, west shore of Nova Zambia. (Xot Column nor Saulen.) ton*; Canyon, lx* Angeles County, Cal. Beach.) Stone; Mountains, Johnson County, . and Watauga County, N. C. t Stoney.) Stone; River, Davidson and Rutherford tributary to Cumberland -r. T-UII (Not Stone's.) Stone; see Steel. Stone Slough; Poet Liht. Mississippi r, Jo Daviess County, 111. (Not Stone's Slough.) Stonefort; Township and Village, Saline Count) . 111. N"t Stone Fort.) Stonelick; Township and Village, Cler- mont County. < >hio. i Not Stone Lick.) Stoney; Cnt-k in western Montana. (Not Bnponay nor Rocky.) Stony; Kiv.-r. Grant County, W. Va. Stoney.) Stony; Run, Hanover County, Va. (Not Btoney.) Stony; see Mountain; Pyramid; Stone. Stony Ledge; Spur, Greylock Moun- tain. Berkshire County, Mass. (Not The lUuftV) Stonycreek; Township, Somerset Coun- y Creek.) Stonycreek; Township, Henry County, Ind (Not Stoney Creek.) Storey; Inland, Prince William Sound, Alaska (Xot Little Naked nor Story.) Storey, Slough, one of the outlets of the Copper River, Copper River Delta, Alaska. (Not Story.) Storm; Pass, 3 miles northeast of Longs Peak, in sec. 21, T. 4 N., R. 73 W., be- tween Betas Cone and Battle Mountain, Larimer County, Colo. Storm; Peak, tec. 36, T. 4 N., R. 74 W., bout a mile north of Longs Peak, Lari- r County, Colo. Storm Peak; Mountain, east of Platte Mountain, Douglas County, Cal. (Not Stormy Peak.) BOARD. Storm Peat; see Ralston Duties. Stormy Peak; see Storm Peak. Stout; Run and Village, Green Town- ship, Adams County, Ohio. (Not Stout's.) Stoystown; Borough, Somerset County, Pa. (Not Stoyestown.) Straban; Township, Adams County, Pa. (Not Strabane.) Strabaru; see Straban. Straight; Canyon, Vishnu Quadrangle, Coconino County, Ariz. Straight; Creek, Dolores County, Colo. Straight; Creek, rising in Sec. 25, T. 5 S., R. 11 E., and draining northeast through T. 5 S., R. 12 E., Bryan County, Okla. (Not Bois d'Arc.) Strait of Constantinople; see Bosporus. Strait Creek; Village, Highland County, Va. (Not Forks of Water nor Straight Creek.) Strait ofFuca; see Juan de Fuca. Strassburg; Capital of Alsace-Lorraine, Germany. (Not Strasbourg nor Stras- burg.) Strattanville; Borough, Clarion County, Pa. (Not Strattonville.) Strattonport; see College Point. Straub; Post Light, Missouri River, Mont- gomery County, Mo. (Not Straub J s.) Strawberry; Creek, headwater branch of Middle Fork Flathead River, Flat- head County, Mont. Street; Creek, eastern affluent of Wa- terton Lake, Teton County, Mont. (Not Goat.) Streeter; Creek, Nansemond County , Y;i. (Not Milldam, Skeeters, nor Striker's.) Strelok; Bay, lat. 42 5t Rose nor Surveyor's.) SurratsvilU; see Clinton. Sursuit; see Sesuit. *Susitna; Mountain, lat. 61 3CK, long. 151 45 X ; River, tributary from the north to Cook Inlet, and Village, Alaska. (Not Sushetna nor Sushitna. 1 ) Susquehanna; Borough, Susquehanna County,Pa. (Not Susquehanna Depot.) Susquehanna; River, New York, Penn- sylvania, and Maryland. (Not North Branch from junction with West Branch.) Sutallee; Village, Cherokee County, Ga. (Not Sutalleo.) Sutherland; Village, O'Brien County, Iowa. (Not Southerland.) Sutkhwik; see Sutwik. Sutro; Sutro Crest; see Mount Sutro. EEPOET OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 253 Suttle; Lake, in T. 13 S., R.8 E., Jeffer- son County, Oreg. (Not Suttle's nor Suttles.) Suttlers; see Settlers. Sutton; Bay and Point, Bingham Town- ship, Leelanau County, Mich. (Not Suttons.) Sutwik; Island, off southern shore Alaska Peninsula, north of Semidi Islands, near long. 157, Alaska. (Not Sutkhwik. Suwanee; Village, Gwinnett County, Ga. (Not Suwannee.) Suwanee; see Suwannee. * Suwannee; County, and Precinct and Village in same, and River, Fla. and Ga. (Not Suwanee.) Suwanukto; see Sagavanirktok. Suworof; Cape, Bristol Bay, Alaska. (Not Naknek nor Souvoroff.) Sverdrup; Township, Otter Tail County, Minn. (Not Swerdrup.) Swaderick; Creek, Harford County, Md. (Not Lauderick, Ludowick, nor Sun- dricks.) Swahn; see Tuttle. Swaiteey Troitsa; see Troitsa. Swamp; Creek, small tributary to Yel- low Water Creek from northeast, Inter- national Boundary (between Alaska and Canada). Swamp; Lake and Portage, southwest of Saganaga Lake, Rainy River District, Ontario, International Boundary (be- tween Minnesota and Ontario). Swampy Lake; see Fen Lake. Swampy Point; see Tulip Point. Swan; Lake, Swanville, Waldo County, Me. (Not Goose.) Swan; River, rising in Mission Range, Flathead and Missoula Counties, and emptying into Flathead Lake below Swan Lake, Flathead County, Mont. (Not Sweathouse.) Swan, Alaska; see Kugruk. Swan, Mont,; see Kootenai. Swan, Wash.; see Ozette. *Swans; Island, Hancock County, Me. (Not Burnt Coat, Swan, nor Swan's.) Swansea; Village, Blount County, Ala. (Not Viola.) Swarte; Kill, Ulster County, N. Y. (Not Black, Crosier's, Swarts, nor Swartz.) Swasey; Peak and Spring, House Range, Millard County, Utah. ?rov- Swatau; see Swatow. Swatow; Treaty Port, Kwangtung Pr ince, China. (Not Swatau.) Swauk; Creek, Kittitas County, Wash. (Not Schwak nor Swauck.) Sweathouse; see Swan. Sweden; Village, Sweden Town, Monroe County, N. Y. (Not West Sweden.) Sweden Center; Village, 3 miles north- - east of Sweden, Sweden Town, Monroe County, N. Y. (Not Sweden.) Sweedlin; Village, Pendleton County, W. Va. (Not Sweedlin Hill.) Sweet; Island, Sheepacot River, Lin- coln County, Me. (Not Isle of Springs.) Sweet Grass; County, Mont. Sweetwater; Town, Nolan County, Tex. (Not Sweet Water.) Sweganset; see Segreganset. Swerdrup; see Sverdrup. Sweseckechi; see Sankaty. Swimming Pen; Creek, Clay County, Fla. (Not Swimming Pan.) Swimming Woman; see Careless. Swinborn; Swinburn; see Swinburne. Swinburne; Island, Lower Bay, Rich- mond Borough, New York City, N. Y. (Not Dix, Swinborn, nor Swinbum.) Swinomish; Slough, Skagit County, Wash. (Not Swiwomish.) Switzerland; Republic, Europe. (Not Helvetic Confederation nor Swiss Con- federation.) Sword; Point, east side San Carlos Bay, at north side of mouth of Caloosahatchie River, Lee County, Fla. (Not Cape Blanco nor Punta, Blanco.) Sycamore; Creek, Yavapai County, Ariz. (Not Dragoon nor Dragoon Fork.) *Sycan; River, tributary to Sprague River from the north, Klamath Indian Reservation, Klamath County, Oreg. (Not Saikan nor Sykan.) Sycuan; Syenan; see Sequan. Sykan; see Sycan. Sylvan; see Goodrich. Sylvia Basin; see Chinkai. Symrnes; Creek, Gallia and Lawrence Counties, Ohio. (Not Simms.) Symonds; Bay, Biorka Island Sound, Alaska. (Not Symond.) Syncline; Hill, prominent feat ^utheak quarter of T. 29 SR. 17 E, San Luis Obispo County, Cal. '-, I BBPOBT OF THi: r.MTED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Bjnne*; Township, Steven* County, Minn. (NotSymei.) Syoohuot; see Pile. ** we Seoul. SyncuM; City, Sicily. (Not Suacusa.) Syria; grand division of Asiatic Turkey. tSuiia.) SyaUdobcis; Lake, Penobscot and Wash- ington t'ountiM, Me. (Not Sisladobsis nor Syaledobms.) 'lnohTr^n; Province, China. (Not 8urh'-uan, Sze-chuan, Sze-chuen, nor Sserhuen.) 8*em*o; Sub-postal District of Yuu- nanfu, China. T. Ta Yu Ling; see Tayuling. Taaijaku; Island (to), lat. 37 11' X-, long. 126 14' E., western coast of Cho- wn (Korea). (Not Simpson.) ;V : :; - | !' i..i ' Tabaaoo; River and State, Mexico. (Not la.) Tabatfo; see Grijalva. Tabernacle; Town, Coffee County, Ala. t Tabanacle.) Table; Mountain, lat. 37 12', long. 118 37', Iny<> County, Cal. Table; Mountain, sec. 35, T. 14 S., R. 32 E . w*t N"i C.reat Tishury nor ft.) futAipon; we Tichigan. Tudel Towhead; Post Light, MiawflBippi .nty. M.I. (NotTisdale ' Tow-Head.) Tithigan; Ti*h-shar-gan; Bee Tianasba*; "anycn, wivtcrn ."lojH? Carrizo M..tinuim, and Settlement, nty. Ari/.. Tia; KJMT. Hungan". (Not Theiflfl.) iMt; see Delnazini. btnmtttt; Tittabaicattinl:; sec Titta- bawaoee. TitUbawaaaee; Rivor, Gladwin, Mid- land, and Saginaw Counties, Mich. Titabawamee, Tittabawaeeink, nor ibawMwe.) Tip I'.'ini. (irand Canyon of the Colo- rada, lOcuniixi t 'minty, Ariz. Tkachen; Bay, lat. 64 27' X., long. 172 W V ut, Siberia. (Not Admiral Butakov, Ixkagan, Rtkachin, Skagen, Tkarhin, nor Tekagen.) TUt-al-itm; aee Clealum. TUfiatttla; aee Tlikakila. Tlttlh; we Km Tlikakila; River, tributary to head of Clark Lake from northeast near lat. fil, long. 153 .W, Alaeka. (Not Big r. Buldii River, ( hicakaclachno, Klikakiljah, nor Tleekakeela.) T N., long. 131 / E., southeastern coast of Siberia. (Not Holy Trinity, Swaiteey Troitea, Trinity, nor Troitiui.) Trombly; see Trembleau. Trondhjem; City, ancient capital, Nor- way. (Not Prontheim norThrondjem.) Troto; Hill*, Nantucket, Nantucket County, Mass. (Not Trott's.) Trotter; Unding, Mississippi River, Tunica County, Miss. (Not Trotter's.) Troupe; Town, Smith County, Tex. (NotTroup.) Troups; Creek, Steuben County, N. Y., and Tioga County, Pa. (Not Troop's.) Trout; Creek, flowing in a northwesterly direction and emptying into Minam River, T. 1 S., R. 41 E., Wallowa Coun- ' >reg. (Not East Fork Minam.) Trout; Lake, San Miguel County, Colo. (Not San Miguel.) Trmit; see Barrett; Wingate. Trout Creek; Pass, Trout Creek Hills, between Chaffeo and Park Counties, Colo. (Not Bath, Summit, nor Trout.) TTOT; Township, Pipestone County, Minn. Tracy.) Trueman; Point. Patuxent River, Prince Georges County, Md. (Not Truman.) Trujilio; Bay and Town, coast of Hon- duras. (Not Truxillo.) Trumbull; Mountain Peak, Maripoea Coui; \otCranborryPeaknor Mount Trumbull.) Trump; see Tramp. Tnd; see Chad. Twiaka; see Moose. Tiattamuta; see Tackawaskk. Tiekad; see Chad. Ttck'a lien; see Chalien. Tteki-ju,' see Chefoo. 7Ai-/v see Pechili. TiekHttt; SIK K]g*\\. TitHng Tu Fu; see Chengtu. Tit lagmdfu; see Seklagaideea. San Juan County, N. Mex. see Setailtso. see Mishongnovi. TseMogai-dcza; see Seklagaidesa. Tsenakahn; see Round Rock. Tain; Range of Mountains, western China. (Not Tsin Ling, Tsin-ling-schan, Tsin- ling-shan, nor Tsinling Shan.) *Tsinan; Capital City, Shantung Prov- ince, China. (Not Tsee-nan, Tsi-Nan, Tsi nan, Tsi-nan-fu, nor Tsinanfu.) Tsingtau; City, German protectorate of Kiaochow, Shangtung Province, China. (Not Tsing tau nor Ts'ingtao.) Trin-ling-chan; see Treaty. Trin-Kng-shan; see Tsin. Tsisia; City, Shantung Province, China. (Not Ch'i-hsia-hsien, Sihsia hsien, nor Tsi Hia.) Tsitsihar; City, Heilungkiang Province, Manchuria, China. (Not Tsiteikar, Tsitaikhar, nor Zitzikar.) Tsitsikhar; see Heilungkiang. Ttiuen-Tchoo; see Chuanchow. Tsl-kaht; see Chilkat. Tsoo-e-ez; see Sooes. Tsubu Shoto; see Okinawa; Nansei. Tsung Ling; see Karakoram. Tsushima; Island, Korea Strait, Japan. (Not Tsu Shima, Tsu shima, nor Tsu sima.) Tswanchoivfoo; see Chaunchow. Tu; see Tibesti. Tualatin; Precinct, Clackamas County; River, Clackamas and Washington Counties, and Village, Washington County, Oreg. (Not Tualitin nor Tualtin.) Tualatin; see Oswego. J'ualtin; see Tualatin. Tuamotu; Archipelago, in the South Pacific Ocean. (Not Dangerous, Low Archipelago, Paumota, Pauraotu, nor Porno tu.) Tuba; Settlement, Navajo Indian Res- ervation, Ariz. Tucannon; River, rising in Blue Moun- tains and emptying into Snake River near Starbuck, Wash. (Not Tucanon, Tucanyon, Tukanon, nor Twocanyon.) Tuckaleechee; Village, lUount County, Tenn. (Not Turhaleorhe nor Tucka- leeche.) Tuckasegee; Kivn, North Carolina. (Not Tuckaseegee nor Tuckaseigee.) REPORT OF THE UNITED STATKS GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 267 Tucker Beach; Lighthouse, near en- trance to Little Egg Harbor, below Bar- negat Inlet, Ocean County, N. J. (Not Tucker's Beach.) Tucker's Cove; see Little Egg. Tuck's; Tucks; see Tuxis. Tue; Point, Chesapeake Bay, York County, Va. (Not Toes nor TOO'B.) Tuftonboro Bay; see Winter Harbor. Tugaloo; River, forming part of the boundary between Georgia and South Carolina; also Villages in Habersham County, Ga., and Oconee County, S. C. (Not Tugalo.) Tuklukyet; see Nuklukayet. Tule; Lake, Modoc and Siskiyou Coun- ties, Cal., and Klamath County, Oreg. (Not Rhett.) Tule; River, Kings and Tulare Counties, Cal. (Not Tulare.) Tulip Point; Headland , northwest mar- gin of Rainbow Plateau, Coconino County, Ariz. (Not Swampy Point.) *Tuliumnit; Point, western point of en- trance to C'hignik Bay, Alaska Penin- sula, Alaska. (Not Castle, Tulioum- nint, nor Tutiumnik.) Tulpehocken; Creek, Burlington County, N. J. (Not Tulepehauken nor Tulipe- haukin.) Tulula; Creek, tributary to head of Cheoah River, and Town, Graham County, N. C. (Not Tallulah.) Tu-lu-la-wi-ak; see I'lilouette. Tumalt; Creek, tributary to Columbia River, 1 mile below Warrendale, Mult- nomah County, Oreg. (Not Devil nor Devil's Slide.) Tumey; Hills, Diablo Range, extend- ing north and south between Tumey Gulch on the east and Silver Creek on the west, Fresno and San Benito Counties, Cal. Tumey Gulch; Arroyo, Fresno, and San Benito Counties, Cal., crossing foothill belt between Ciervo Mountain and Silver Creek, opening into San Joaquin Valley, about 5 miles south of mouth of Panoche Creek. (Not Dry Creek nor Tooniey.) Tumtum; Peak, isolated mountain, be- tween Nisqually River, Kautz and Tahoma Creeks, Mount Rainier Na- tional Park, Pierce County, Wash. Tuna; Creek, Grand Canyon of the Colo- rado, Coconino County, Ariz. Tung; River (kiang), Southern China. (Not East River, Tung kiang, nor Tungkiang.) Tung Hai; see Eastern. Tung kiang; see Tung. Tungking; see Tonkin. Tungsansheng; see Manchuria. Tungshan; Bay or Harbor, southeastern coast of China. (Not Tongsang.) Tungting; Lake, Province of Hunan, China. (Not Toug-ting.) Tunicha; Tunitcha; see Tuntsa. Tunis; Seaport and one of the Barbary States, Africa. (Not Afrikia, Jezirat- el-Maghreb, Tunisia, nor Tunisee.) Tunk; Creek and Mountain, Okanogan County, Wash. (Not Tonk.) Tunkis; see Farmington. Tunnelhill; Borough, Cambria County, Pa. (Not Tunnel Hill.) TunnelhiU; Village, Whitfield County, Ga, (Not Tunnel Hill.) Tunp; Mountain Range, above Rock Creek, west of Hams Fork Plateau, east of Sublets Range. Lincoln County, Wyo. (Not Campbell, Seedskeedee, nor Tetlick.) Tuntsa; Mountain Stream, heading in Tunitcha Mountains, Navajo Indian Reservation, Apache County. Ariz. (Not Tunicha nor Tunitcha.) Turning-want; Creek, Cattaraugus County, N. Y.. and McKean County, Pa. (Not Tunangwant. Tunaunguant, nor Tunegawant.) Tupashaw; see Topashaw. *Turbotville; Borough, Northumberland County, Pa. (Not Turbutville.) Turbut; Township, Northumberland County, Pa. (Not Turbot.) Turin; City and Province, Italy. (Not Torino.) Turkestan; great region in Central Asia. (Not Toorkistan nor Ttirkistan.) Turkey; Creek, branch of Akansas River, El Paso and Pueblo Counties, Colo. (Not Big Turkey.) Turkey; see Bear. Turkey Cock; see Hibriten. Turkey's Head; see Tiirkshead. Turks; Islands, easternmost group of the Bahamas. (Not Turk's.) in- i-viTFD STATES GEOiiH.MMIIC HOA!M>. REPORT OF I 1 1 ! ' N ' ' Tuskahoma; Township, Pushmataha TW*'; Tuxi Turkt Htad; tee Turkshead. Turfehead; Peak. Front Range, Jef- tewn co..- ( Not Turke y Hd. Turkeyhead. nor Turks Head.) Tw*bout; tee Povorotni. 4a e; Port Light, Miaswippi River, MtoWpi" Turn " TumbttU; Inland. ll-l Hivor, Pointe . Pariah. La. (Not Turnbttll's.) Turier; (Jhwu-r. Yakutat Hay, Alaska. Dalti.n nor lMilIn-1.1 Turner; Inland, l-.-tw n Hie Kouiujiand Naci IclandK. Shumagin Group, Alaska. (Not Stieru Turner; Island and landing. Mississippi ...Ihoun County, 111. (NotTur- Turner; UIMT, Alaska, debouching on the Arctic Coat, at the International Boundary (between Alaska and Can- ada ugukuk.) Turner Ceiter; Village, Turner Town, Aodroacoggin County, Mo. (Not Brad- ford.) Turney, Village. Clinton County, Mo. (NotTur -!"U.) Turquoise; Canyon, south wall of the f the Colorado, between Ptute and Montezuma Points, Coconino .nty. Ariz. Turret; Hidge, Ouray Quadrangle, Gun- nuon County. < Turtle Back Dome; Domed Platform on the south aide of Yoeemite Valley, near iu lower entrance, Mariposa County, Cal. T*rtl Dove; ee Tortola. Tunrille; (reek. Worcester County, Md. (Hot Taylors, Turval's, nor Turvill.) Tuyan; Province, Hopi Indian Res- ervation. Navajo County, Ariz. Tuttulameta: Tutralnmita; see Tuscola- M TuMawOla; I^ke. Alachua County, Fla. (XotTaorawilla.) Tuecolanieta; Creek, tributary- to Pearl Leake, Newton, and Scott Mi. (Not Tuscalameta, , Tushalamita, Yazoo Mon- |on, nor Young Warrior.) County, Okla. (Not Tuslikahomma.) Tuskeegee; Creek and Town, (iraham County. N. C. (Not Tuskeega nor Tus- keege.) Tusquitee; Creek, Gap, Mountains, and Town, Clay County, N. C. (Not TUB- quittah.) Tutiumnik; see Tuliumnit. Tutlut; see Nenana. Tutoya; Coast Town, State of Maranhao, Brazil. (Not Tutoia.) Tuttle; Lake, Polk County, Wis. (Not Swahn.) Tutuila; Island, one of the Samoa Islands. Tutuksuk; River, tributary to Kobuk River, Northwestern Alaska. (Not Too-look-sook nor Tootooksook.) Tuxedni; Harbor, Cook Inlet, Alaska. (Not Snug.) Tuxedo; see Magruder. Tuxis; Island, Long Island Sound, about 4 miles east of Guilford; also Pond and Brook, Madison Town, New Haven County, Conn. (Not Tuck's, Tucks, nor Turk's.) Tuxpam; Reef, River, and Town, State of Veracruz, Mexico. (Not Tuspan, Tuxpam, nor Tuxpan.) Tuxpam; see Stilaguamish. Tuye; Spring, 18 miles northwest of Ganado, on road from Ganado to Reams Canyon, Apache County, Ariz. (Not Togai, Togay, nor Tuyay.) Tweed; Island, near entrance to Coscob Harbor, Fairfield County, Conn. (Not Finch's.) Tweed's; see Red. Twelvemile; Creek, Davison, Hanson, and Hutchinson Counties, S. Dak. (Not North Fork Twelvemile nor Tre- main.) Twelvemile; Town and Township, Madi- son County, Mo. (Not Twelve-Mile.) Twenty Mile; see Nezinscot. Twin; Island, northern part of Khaz Bay, < hichagof Island, Alaska. Twin; Islands, entrance to Aialik Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Twin; Lakes, Teton County, Mont. *Twin; Mesas, Navajo Indian Reserva- tion, Ari/. (Not Zuni.) REPOET OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Twin; Peaks, due south of North Peak, northern side Indian Creek, San Juan County, Utah. Twin; see Gun; Loon. Twin Falls; County, formed February, 1907, from part of Cassia. County, Idaho. Twin Lakes; see Little Sunapee. Twin Lakes; Village, near Twin Lakes, Lake County, Colo. (Not Dayton.) Twin Lakes; Township, Calhoun Coun- ty, Iowa. (Not Twin Lake.) Twin Sisters; Mountains (altitude 11,400 feet), about 5 miles northeast of Longs Peak, and 1 mile east Longs Peak Vil- lage, Front Range, Larimer Cotmty, Colo. (NotLillie.) Twin Sisters; two high peaks, visible from Bellingham, southwest of Mount Baker, Whatcom County, Wash. Twining; suburb of Washington. D. C. (Not Twining City.) Twins; see Sisters. Two-Gwo-Tee-e; see Togwotee. Two Lick; Creek, and Village. Indiana County, Pa. (Not Two-Licks nor Twolick.) Two Moon; Bay, southern shore Port Fi- dalgo, Prince William Sound, Alaska. (Not Bowie.) Two Sisters; see Sisters. Twocrack; Island, lying three-fourths mile off northwest end of Anguilla Is- land, Bocas de Finas, Alaska. Tu'ogwotee; see Togwotee. Tyende; Creek, Mesa, and School, Navajo National Monument, Navajo County, Ariz. (Not Kayenta, Ke-en-ta, nor Te-en-ta.) Tyers; see Tiah. Tygart; River, Barbour, Marion, Ran- dolph, and Taylor Counties, W. Va. (Not Tygarts Valley nor Valley.) Tyler; Pond, Goshen Town, Litchfield County, Conn. (Not Marshapauge, Tyler's, nor West Side.). Tyler; see Willis. Tyndall; see Copeland. Tyndall Dome; Peak, northeast of Wal- lace Butte. Coconino County, Ariz. (Not Temple of Om.) Tyonek; Village, near head of Cook Inlet, Alaska. (Not Toyonok nor Tyoniek.) Tyres; see Tiah. 269 Tyrrhenian; Sea, that part of the Medi- terranean which extends between the coast of Italy and the islands of Corsica, Sardinia, and Sicily. (Not Tyrrhene.) Tyya; see Dyea. Tzeriiogora; see Montenegro. Tzues; see Sooes. TJ. 17; Island (to), eastward of Quelpart Is- land, southern coast of Chosen (K'-r.-a). (Not Beaufort.) TJbera; Anchorage, southern side of Mona Island, 1 mile westward of Caigo o no Caigo Point, P. R. (Not Ensenada de Santa Isabel o del Uvero.) Ucayali; River, Peru. (Not Paro nor Uca- yale.) TTceba; Creek, Blount County, Term. (Not Eucebia.) Ugaiushak; Island, south shore of Alaska Peninsula, north of Semidi Islands, Alaska. (Not Ugaluschak.) Ugalgal; Ugalgan; see Egg. Ugamok; see Chirikof . TJganik; Passage, separating Uganik Is- land from Kodiak Island, and adjoining Viekoda Bay and Uganik Bay, Alaska. tTgashik; River and Village, north coast Alaska Peninsula, Alaska. (Not Oogahik nor Sulima.) Ugrische; see Yugor. TJharie; Mountains and River, Montgom- ery County, N. C. (Not Uwharrie.) TTi; Group, Island, and Bay, lat. 34 63' N., long. 125 5(y E., southwestern coast of Chosen (Korea) . (Not Windsor Cas- tle Anchorage.) TTi; Island (to), lat. 35 36' N., long. 126 IT E., western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Te Do.) TTinta; County; River, Duchesne and Uinta Counties; Valley, Uinta County; and Village, Weber County, Utah. (Not Uintah.) TJinta; Mountains, northeastern Utah and southwestern Wyoming. (Not Uintah.) Ujut; see King. Vtiesa, Mass.; see Black Point; Tisbury Great. Ukivok; see King. Ukraine; see Kharkof. Ula; see Kirin. Mm . STATBB GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. ..... i, r-ai Sitkin Maiul, middle Aleutian*. Alaska. (NotUlakh.) Ul>ti; Creek, flowing down Weldon Can- yon ,al. (NotUaltis.) fjWotiAdeAtt.- we Alcovy. UUn; Township and Village, Clay Coun- ty, Minn iN'ott'hlen.) UUo'a xtendins fn.m Bucareli Bay toTlevak Strait, and includes Tle- vak Narrow*, Alaska. (Not Ulloa Ca- nal. > Ulloa; Maud, in I'll-st Channel, one-half mile eastward of Meares Island, and three-fourths mile northwest of Turn Point, Alaska. UUoa Canal; see Ulloa. Ulmateada; Point. s'Uth side of Magothy Anne Arundel County, Md. lluddek Huddle. Huddle's, Um- freys, nor I'mphreys.) Ultramarine: il:i' ier. I'<>rt Nellie Juan, Prince William Sound, Alaska. iiuoat; see Eart Chugach. Umak; Island, near Adak Island, middle i liana, Alaska. (NotOumakh.) I'malit; - Omilak. Umbatoottu; see Umbazooksus. Umbazookaua; Lake, Piscataquifl Coun- rmbazooksis.) t'auro; see Omeira. Umnak: I -land, eastern Aleutians, Alas- ka. (Not Oumnakh.) Umpqua; River, Douglas County, Oreg. pqoah.) Umtanum; Creek and Ridge, Kittitas and Yakima Counties, and Village, Kittita* County, Wash. (Not Ump- tanum ) Vnoktrrmr; see Unakserak. Unakserak; River, tributary to Alatna r. Northwestern Alaska. (Not Un- aksenur.) Um-ta-lah; see Uuni|ituli]i!>. Unakwik; Peak, n<.rthern coast Prince William Sound, heiw.-en Cnakwik Inlet and Port Well.-, near lat.. 61 long 147 W, Alaska. TJoaUaka; Ilay and l,land. stern Aleu- tians, Alaska. ,,,,. nor Q U - nalashka ) Vmhika; WH> Iliuliuk. Unaliahagvak; < ape, west shore Shelikof ; iit. Alaska Peninsula, Alaska. (Not Unalkuyuk; see Woeneeenski. Uncanoonuc; Mountainp, Goffstown Town, Hillsborough County, N. H. (Not Uncanodnuck, Uncanoonuck, nor Unkonoonuc.) TJnchechewhaton; Pond, Worcester County, Mass. (NotUnchechewalunk). TJncompahgre; Mountain, Hinsdale County; River, Delta, Montrose, and Ouray Counties; and Village, Montrose County, Cold. (Not Unca-pah-gre.) Underground Passage of White River; see Whitewater. Undine; see Guilder. Undong; see Oondogu. Unhaca; see Inyak. Unicoi; Gap and Turnpike, ^Tiite and Towns Counties, Ga. (Not Unicoy.) Unicorn; massive summit with rock chimney at northern end, on Tatoosh Range, Mount Rainier National Park, Lewis County, Wash. Unimak; Island and Pass, eastern Aleu- tians, Alaska. (Not Ounimak.) Union; Mountain, lat. 48 04 X N., long. 113 17' VV., Flathead County, Mont. Union; see Keystone. Uniontown; Borough, Fayette County, Pa. (Not Union Boro.) Uniontown; Town, Union County, Ky. (Not Union Town.) Unionville; see Parker. Unionville Center; Town, Union Coun- ty, Ohio. (Not Union.) Unitas; Reef, west side entrance to Guayanilla Harbor, and northeast of Guayanilla Reef, P. R. Unkar; Creek, Vishnu Quadrangle, Coco- nino County, Ariz. Unkety; Brook, Middlesex County, Mass. (Not Unquetenassett.) Untsvillc; see Runts ville. Uo; Island (shima), lat. 34 ll r N., long. 133 W E., Inland Sea, Japan. (Not Oki.) Upatoi; Creek, Muscogeo and Talbot Counties, and Precinct and Village, Muscogee County, Ga. (Not Upatoie.) Uphoon; see Apoon. Upper; Passage, between Eleanor Island, of which Point Eleanor is the north end, and Ingot Inland, lat. 60 3(X N., long. 147 4yfa; we Vandyke. Van Etten; Town and Village, Ohemung County X V X -i Vanetten.) Van Horn; oe Vanhorn. Van Sickle; Inland, junction of Sacra- mento and San Joa<]uin Rivers, Cal. (Nol Van Si. kle's.) Van Trump; Creek, heading in Van Trump GlaritT, tributary to Nisqually - Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Van Trump; Glacier, discharging into Van Trump Cn-vk. southern slope Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Van Trump; Park, below Van Trump Glacier, between Kautz and Nisqually Glacier*. Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Van Wiee; Point, Hudson River, 3 miles below Albany, N.Y. (Not Van Wies's.) Vanada; Landing, Ohio River, near Scuffletown, Henderson County, Ky. (Not Vannada's.) Vane*; Creek, Clear Creek County, Colo. (Not Little Boar.) Vance; \ ill:i.--. Sullivan County, T<-im. (Not Vanr..'n Tank.) Foneourcr; aoe Hayd<-n Vaodali*; Village, Lewis County, W. Va. Vanderpool, Village, Highland County, Va. (NotGalUown.) Vanderwhacker; Creek, Mountain, and Pond, Etoex County, N. Y. (Not Van de Whacker nor Vander Whacken.) Vandeusen; see Van Deusenville. Vanduzer; Railroad Station, Ouachita County, Ark. (Not Van Duzer nor Vanduser.) Vandyke; Village, New Castle County, Del. (Not Van Dyke.) Vanetten; see Van Etten. Vanhorn; Village, Benton County, Iowa. (Not Van Horn.) Vankarem; Cape and River, in longitude about 177 W. northern coast of Siberia. (Not Wankarem nor Wankarema.) Vannatta; see Kenvil. Varela; Cape, eastern coast of Anam, French Indo-China. (N<.t \'arolla.) Vaailief; Shoal Chiniak Bay, Kodiak Island, lying between the south ends of Long and Woody Islands, Alaska. Vasilief; see Corwin; Williams. Vote; see Efate. Vaughn; Hill. Worcester County, Mass. (Not Vaughen.) Velasquez; Rock, near Boqueron, Bo- queron Bay, P. R. Veiable;. Creek, Flu vanna County, Va. (Not Venobies.) Venada; see Sampson. Veaado; Island, Panama Bay. Venada.) Venado; Peak (altitude 12,800 feet), Sangre de Cristo Range, Taos County, N. Mcx. Venado; Village, southern coast Canal Zone. Venado; see Sampson. Venern; see Wenner. Venice; City and Province, Italy. (Not Venedig, Venetia, nor Venezia.) Venita; see Vinita. Ventana; Mesa, 10 miles southwest of Chinle, Apache County, Ariz. Ventura; City, Ventura County, Cal. (Not San Buenaventura.) Veaus Needle; Erosion Column, To- dilto Pu;k, Ariz. Ve lus Temple; Peak, Vishnu Quad- rangle, Coconino County, Ariz. Vera Cruz; City. Mexiro. (Not Vera- cruz.) Verde; Cape, the westernmost cape of Africa. (NotVerd.) Verdery; Village, Abbeville County, 8. C. (Not Verdrey.) REPORT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 273 Verdigre; Township and Village, Knox County, Nebr. (Not Verdigris.) Verdure; Creek, east of South Mountain, flowing east into Montezuma Creek, San Juan County, Utah. Verdure; Village, on Verdure Creek, due south of Monticello, San Juan County Utah. Verkoturof; Island, lat. 58 40' N., long. 164 40' E., coast of Siberia. (Not Verkhoturof, Verkhoturoff, nor Wercho- turo.) Vermejo; River, Argentina. (Not Ber- mejo nor Rio Grande.) Vermelha; see Reuben. Vermilion; Bay, Parish, and River, Louisiana; City and Township, Clay County, and River, Clay and Turner Counties, S. Dak. ; Counties, River, and Townships in Illinois and Indiana; Lighthouse, River, and Town, Erie County, Ohio; Village, Edgar County, 111. (Not Vermillion.) Vermillion; see Little Vermilion. Verplanck; Point, Hudson River, West- chester County, N. Y. (Not Ver- planck's.) Verstovia; Mountain, nearSitka, Alaska. (Not Verstova nor Verstovaia.) Vesta; Bay, on west-side of Tlevak Strait, near its junction with Kaigani Strait, Alaska. Vesta Temple; Peak, on west side of Boucher Creek, near Membreno Point, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coco- nino County, Ariz. Vesuvius; see Salubrious. Veta; see La Veta. Vettern; see Wetter. Vicory; Victory; see Victor. Victor; Creek, tributary to Kenai Lake, from the east, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. (Not Vicory nor Victory.) Victor; Township, Osborne County, Kans. (Not Victory.) Victoria; Colony in Australia. (Not Port Phillip District nor Southern District of New South Wales.) Victory Mills; Village, Saratoga County, N. Y. (Not Victory.) Vidae; Cliff, rim of Crater Lake, Oreg. (Not Applegate Peak.) Vidal; Shoals, just above St. Marys Falls, St. Marys River, Mich. (Not Vidal's.) 4704916 18 Viekoda; Bay, northeastern side of Uga- nik Island, between it and Kodiak Is- land, Alaska. (Not Outlet.) Vienna; Capital of Austria-Hungary. (Not Vienne nor Wien.) Vieques; Island, off eastern end of Porto Rico. (Not Biequi, Crab, nor Viequez.) View Point; Peak, prominent headland north edge Lukachukai Mountains, Navajo Indian Reservation, Apache County, Ariz. Vigil; Peak, Flathead County, Mont. Villa Rica; Villa Rica do Ouro Preto; see Ouro Preto! Vinalhaven; Town and Village, Knox County, Me. (Not Vinal Haven.) Vincennes; see Curecanti. Vincent; see Klokachef. * Vine; Village, Ottawa County, Kans. (Not Vine Creek.) Vine; see Wine. Vine Island; see Wine Island. Vineyard; Sound, in southeastern part of Massachusetts, separating Marthas Vineyard from Elizabeth Islands and the mainland, and extending eastward to the line joining Succonnesset Point and East Chop. Vining; see Leevining. Vinita; Township, Kingman County, Kans. (Not Venita.) Vinland; Town, Winnebago County, Wis. (Not Vineland.) Viola; Railroad Station, Sedgwick Coun- ty, Kans. (Not Peotone.) Viola; see Swansea. Violet Point; Headland, on southeast margin of Rainbow Plateau, Coconino County, Ariz. Vique; Bay, southern coast Panama, near Canal Zone. (Not Bique.) Virgin; Canyon, Mountains, River, and Valley, southeastern Nevada. (Not Virgen.) Virginia; Peak, Front Range, Jefferson County, Colo. (Not Craigs.) Virginia; Lake, into which Porterfield Creek empties; drained into Eastern Passage by Mill Creek. \vc.-i.-rn coast mainland, north of Wrangell Island, Southeastern Alaska. (Not Lake Vir- ginia.) Virginia City; City, Madison County, Mont. (Not Virginia.) BBPOBT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 274 ViwrlrU; Pak (altitude 12,455 feet), northo? Venado Peak, Sangre de Criato Range, Tao* County, N. Mex. Viahnu; Cn,.k, Vwhnu Quadrangle, C inly, Ariz. Viahnu Temple; Peak, \ i*hnu Quad- nn,...!,.. l '.-..nine County. Ariz. VWUtion; Point and Valley, San Mateo County. Cal (.Not VL-itarion.) VtotuU; Rivt-r, Europe. (Not Ishtula, Wnrhwl. norWwto.) I'm. * KM; Me Oder. Pfoorrinfm; ee Makassar. KWimir; we Vnadnik. Vlom*n; Kill, < reek, in Bethlehem Town, Albany County, X. Y. (Not Vlamana Kil nor Vlauman Kill.; Vodnaay; Village, Bon llomme County, 8. Dak. (N.-t Vinlney.) Volcan; Mountains, San Diego County, CW. (Xot Balran nor Bolcan.) Volam Grande; fee Popocatepetl. Volcano; we Golden Trout. Volchok; 1'lace in Russia, near the mouth of the Danube, coast of the Black Sea. (Not Valchok, Volchek, nor Y,,lu-hok.) Volga; River, European Russia. (Not RhanorWolpa.,1 Voorheecville; Railroad Station, Albany County, X. Y. (Xot Farlin.) KotfocAni. see Orient. VottnttfHtky; Vozoychtntki; see Wosnes- Vaadnik; Bay, northern pan of Provi- dence Bay, lat. 64 W X., long. 173 15 7 W., coast of Siberia. (Xot Vladimir.) Vaevidof; Volcano, I nimak Island, east- ern Aleutians, Alaska. (Not Vseri- d .: W. Waackaack; Beacon and Creek, New York Ixiwer liay, Monmouth County, uycake.) WM!;!'.. .rlands. (NotWahl.) Wabaik; see Man a Ri\-r Wabttpinieon; we Wapsipinicon. Waccamaw; River, Georgetown County, 8. C. (Not Waucimaw.) Wchocatinook; Creek, Salisbury Town, Litchfield County, Conn. (Not Mount Riga nor WaAinee.) Wade; Point, Albemarle Sound, Paaquo- tank County, N. C. (Not Wade's.) Wade Hampton; Post Light, Mississippi River, Ascension Parish, La. (Not Wade Hampton's.) Wades; Point, Eastern Bay, Talbot County, Md. (Xot Wade.) Wadleigh; Rock, lying near and to the eastward of the south point of Alberto Island, Alaska. Wade't; see Bald. Wad Medani; Town, Blue Nile River, Egyptian Sudan. (Xot \\ ad-Modani, Wold Medina, nor Wold-MMim -h. Wahatoya; see Guajatoyan. Wahkeena; Falls, near Bridal Veil, Mult- nomah County, Oreg. (Not Gordon.) Wahlahmath; see Willamette. Wahoo; see Oahu. Wahpugai&see; Wahugaissee; see Wapo- gasset. Wahsatch; see Wasatch. Waids; see Waud. Waigatch; see Vaigach. Waigeol; see Waigeu. Waigeu; Island, northwest of New Guinea, Malay Archipelago. Waigeoe, Waigiou, Waigiu, nor Way- giu.) Waigiou; Waigiu; see Waigeu. Wakely; Dam and Pond, Hamilton Coun- ty, N. Y. (Not Wakeley.) Wakpa Shicka; Wak-pa-chicha; see Bal. Walaka; see Welaka. Walapai Point; see Montezuma Point. Walcott; Township and Village, Rice County, Minn. (Not Wolcot Walden; Mountain Ridizc. AmU-rson, Campbell, Morgan, and Roane ( ounties, Tenn. (Not Walden's.) Wales; see San Pitch. Waleska; Town, Cherokee County, Ga. (Not Walesca nor Waluska.) Walflsch; Bay, southwest coast of Africa. (NotWalvisch.) Walhalla; Glades and Plateau, Vishnu quadrangle, Coconino Cminty, Ariz. (Not Greenland nor Valhalla.) Walk-in-the- Water; see Weohyakapka. Walke; Point, North Landing River, Princess Anne County, Va. Wauk.) KEPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 275 Walker; Bar, Ohio River, Crittenden County, Ky. (Not Walker's.) Walker; Creek, west of Carrizo Moun- tains, northern part of Apache County, Ariz. (Not Gothic Wash.) Walker; Island, Columbia River, Co- I lumbia County, Oreg. (Not Walker's.) Walker; Landing, Ohio River, Scioto County, Ohio. (Not Walker's.) Walker; Pass, Lake, and River, western Nevada. (Not Walker's,) Walker; Railroad Station, Baltimore County, Md. (Not Walkers Station nor Walkers Switch.) Walker; see Howlock. Walker Island; Bar and Post Light, Columbia River, Columbia County, Oreg. (Not Walker's Island.) Walkers; see Puncheon. Walkerville; Village, Lewis County, W. Va. (Not Walkersville.) Walla; Valley, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Walla Walla; City and County, Wash- ington. (Not Wallawalla.) Walla Walla; Creek entering Norton Bay, south of Mount Kwiniuk, Alaska. Wallace; Butte, northeast of Huxley Ter- race, Coconino County, Ariz. (Not Thursch) Wallace; Island, 2| miles long in Co- lumbia River, Columbia County, about 3 miles east of Westport, Clatsop County, Oreg. (Not Wallaces.) Wallace; Run, Boggs and Union Town- ships, Center County, Pa. (Not Walis nor Wallis.) Wallace; Slough, about 450 yards wide, lying between Wallace Island, Colum- bia County, Oreg., and the Oregon shore. (Not Wallaces.) Wallaceton; Village, Norfolk County, Va. (Not Wallacetown.) Wallholla; see Gualala. Wallkill; River, Orange and Ulster Counties, N. Y., and Sussex County, N.J. (Not Wall Kill.) Wallkill; see Sparta. Walloomsac; River, Rensselaer County, N. Y., and Bennington County, Vt., and Village, Rensselaer County, N. Y. (Not Wallumshack.) Wallory; Bar, in the Ohio River, Bea- ver County, Pa. (Not Waller's.) Wallowa; Mountains, eastern Oregon, between Baker, Union, and Wallowa Counties. (Not Cornucopia, Eagle, Granite, nor Powder River.) Wallowa; River, rising in Wallowa Mountains, flowing north through Wal- lowa Lake, thence northwest, entering the Minam River in T. 2 N., R. 41 E.. Wallowa County, Oreg. Walpi; Settlement, Province of Tuea- yan, Hopi Indian Reservation, Navajo County, Ariz. Walmouth Head; see Watmough Head. Walsenburg; Town, Huerfano County, Colo. (Not Walsen.) Walters; Town, Cotton County, Okla. (Not Walter.) Walters; see Carlisle. Waltham; Creek, South Fork of Lop Gatos Creek, passing Coalinga City, Fresno County, Cal. (Not Alcalde, Can- too-oa, Cantua, Wartham, nor War- than.) Walthenberg; Canyon, Shinumo quad- rangle, Coconino County, Ariz. Walton; see Lotus. Wamelo Bock; Mountain, Maripoea County, Cal. (Not Hogan's Dome, Wa- meloo, nor Walemo.) Wan; Island (to), lat. 34 21' N., long. 126 42' E., southern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Selby.) Wangum; Lake, Canaan Town, Litch- field County, Conn. (Not Wangem, Waugum, nor Wungum.) WaTihsien; Subpostal District of Chengtu, China. Wankarem; Wankarema; see Vankarem. Wannacut; Lake, T. 39 N., R. 5 Okanogan County, Wash. (Not Wana- cott, Wanicot, Wannacott, Wannicut, Waimicutt, Waunakee, Wennacut, nor Wonacot.) Wanompakook; see Wononpakook. Wapagess-i; see Wapogasset. Wapecket; see Weepecket. Wapogasset; Lake, Garfield and Lincoln Towns, Polk County, Wifl. Sucker, Wahpugaissee, Wahugaissee, Wapagessi, Wappagaasett, Wapugai sett, nor Wopogasset.) 276 BEPOBT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. ,_, Creek. Dutrhew County, V \Sot Wappinger's.) Wapatpinieon; River, eastern Iowa ^s7t Wabespinicon, Wapne, nor Wap- riepinnecon.) Waptus; River, riring eastern slope Ca* ode Range, and flowing through Wap- tw. Lake, tributary to Cle Elum River Iran west, Kinitas County, Wash. (Mot Middle Fork.) Ward; Landing, Ohio River, Scioto County, ('hi.. (Not Ward's.) War Staten Island, New York Lower Bay, Richmond Borough. N<-w York City, N. Y. (Not Ward's.) Ward; Terrace near Little Colorado River. Coconino County, Ariz. Waraout; we Brightman. Wards; Island. East River, New York V .Not Ward's.) Worth. Cal.; see Henness. Wardt. R. I.; see Brightman. Ware; see County Line. Warfleld; Point. Miwiwippi River, Wash- ington County. Miss. (Not Warfield's.) Waring; Waring-Sinlthegan; see Sinlahe- kin.) Warm Chuck; Inlet, northeast portion of Tonowek Bay, southern side of He- ceta Island, Alaska. Warner, Post Light, Mississippi River, Houston County, Minn. (Not War- ner's.) Warrfr; see Deep. Waraer Lakes; series of lakes and p lavas in Lake County, Oreg., in the Warner Valley (including Anderson Lake and Mugwump Lake). (Not Warner Lake.) Worniek't Knob; Warnoctt Knob; see Wornock. Waromontogut; see Togus. Warren; Mountain (altitude 13,300 feet), 1 mile northeast of Mount Evans, miles southeast of Georgetown, east middle of T. 5 S., R. 74 W., Clear Creek County. Colo. Warren; see Kunahi. Warrou OB?; gee Platte. Warrior, Light, Point, and Rock, Co- hunbia River, about 1 mile above St Helens, Columbia County, Oreg. (Not Warrior's.) Warriorsmark; Township and Villapo, Huntingdon County. Pa. (Not War- rior's Mark.) Warsaw; Town, Chatham County, Ga. (Not Wassaw.) Warton'*; see Wharton. Warwick; Ridge, Bath County, and Run, Highland County, Va. (Not Warrick.) Wasatch Range; Mountains. Utah and Idaho, extending from the bend of Bear River at Soda Springs, Bannock County, Idaho, south to the mouth of San Pitch River in San Pete County, Utah, including the Bear River Range. (Not Wahsatch.) Washakie; Fort, Fremont County. Wyo. (Not Wash-a-Kie.) Washakie; see Flat Top. Washinee; see Wachocastinook. Washington; Cascades, Paradise River below outlet of Paradise Valley, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. Washington; Lake, near Seattle. King County, Wash. (Not Pwamish.) Washington; Pass, Boundary Mountains, 6 miles east of Crystal, San Juan County, N. Mex. (Not Cottonwood.) Washington; see Everett. Washington Mountain; Brook, Berk- shire County, Mass. (Not Basin nor Basin Pond.) Washita; see Ouachita. Wasiluf; see Williams. Wassamma; Stage Station, Mad era Coun- ty, Cal.; original Indian name. (Not Ahwahnee.) Wassaw; Island and Sound, Chatham County, Ga. (Not Warsaw.) Wassaw; see Warsaw. Watap; Lake, between Long and Watap Portages, Thunder Bay Pi^trict, On- tario, International Boundary (between Minnesota and Ontario.) Watch; Point, eastern shore of Seldo- via Harbor, one-half mile southward of Gray Cliff, and one-fourth mile north- ward of Seldovia, Alaska. (Not Look- out.) Watchman; Peak, near Crater Lake, Oreg. (Not Bentley nor Helio.) WatejMjuin; see Wetipquin. Water Cay; see Cayo Real. Water Quebec; Waterchuichi; see Ottau- quechee. EEPOET OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 277 Waterfall; Cove, of Slocum Arm, indent- ing southwestern shore of Chichagof Island, Alaska. Waterford; see Jordan. Waterford Works; Railroad Station, Camden County, N. J. (Not Water- ford.) Waterloo; see Lake of the Isles. Waters Point; Post Light, Mississippi River, Randolph County, 111. (Not Water. *Waterton; Lake, Teton County, Mont., International Boundary (between Al- berta and Montana) . (Not Chief Moun- tain nor Kutanie.) Watkins; Village, Adams County, Colo. (Not Box Elder.) Watmough Head; Hill, southeastern part of Lopez Island, San Juan County, Wash. (Not Walmouth Head.) Watson; Creek, east side of Gunpowder River, Harford County, Md. (Not Waterson, Waterton, nor Watsons.) Watson; see Garrett. Watterstown; Town, Grant County, Wis. (Not Watertown.) Watts; Island, Tangier Sound, Chesa- peake Bay , Accomac County, Va. (Not Watt's.) Waucimaw; see Waccamaw. Waud; Bluff, eastern side Williamette River, about 3 miles below Portland, Multnomah County, Oreg. , (Not Waids.) Waugoshance; see Rose. Waugum; see Wangum. Wauhillau; Township, Adair County, Okla. (Not Wau-hil-lau.) Wauk; see Walke. Waukechon; Town, Shawano County, Wis. (Not Wauketchon.) Wauna; High Point, south cliff s Columbia River Gorge, between Eagle and Tanner Creeks, Multnomah County, Oreg. Wauneka; High Point, south cliffs Columbia River Gorge, between Mc- Cord and Moffett Creeks, Multnomah County, Oreg. Waunakee; see Wannacut. Waushaccum; Ponds, Worcester County, Mass. (Not Washacum.) Waushakum; see Shakum. Waverly; see Tangik. Wawatosa; Island, Minnetonka Luke, Hennepin County, Minn. (Not Dun- lap's Island.) Wayah; Creek, tributary to Cartoogechaye Creek, Macon County, N. C. (Not Cartoogechaye.) Wayanda; Sunken Ledge, Peril Strait, Southeastern Alaska. (Not Eureka nor Wyanda.) Way cake; see Waackaack. Way gin; see Waigen. Weakeyever; see Wekiva. Weare; see Weir. Weatherford; Creek, Wayne County, Tenn. (Not Rutherford, Rutherforda, nor Rutherford's.) Weaver; Mountain, Douglas County, Oreg. Weavers; Creek and Village, Calhoun County, Ala. (Not Weaver's Station.) Webb Landing; Post Light, Kanawha River, Putnam County, W. Va. (Not Webb's Landing.) Webster Station; Village, Madison County, N. Y. (Not Ballina.) Weedweeder; see Weweeder. Weeks; Canyon, House Range, Millard County, Utah. Weepecket; Island and Shoal, near Woods Hole, Buzzards Bay, Mass. (Not Wapecket nor Wepecket.) Weeping Child; Creek and Hot Springe, Ravalli County, Mont. (Not Sleeping Child.) Weeset; Village, Barnstable County, Mass. (Not Weset.) Weeweder; see Weweeder. Weichsel; see Vistula. Weimar; Village, Placer County, Cal. (Not Weimer.) Weir; River, Boston Bay, Plymouth County, Mass. (Not Weare.) Weisenberg; Township and Village, Le- high County, Pa. (Not Weissenburg.) Wekepeke; Brook, Worcester County, Mass. (Not Wickapekit nor Wicket Picket.) Wekiva; River, Orange County, I (Not Weakeyever.) Weleka; City, Putnam County, 1 (Not Walaka.) Welch; Island, Winnepesaukee Belknap County, N.H. (NotFishers, Fishers, nor Witch.) 278 RBPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. One (Not Welch's nor Welchs.) Weldor.; Brook. Morris County. > (Not Hurd.) Weldoa; Canyon. Vaa Mountains, first be canyon south of Miller Canyon, on btadwatan of I'laus Creek, Solano County, Cal. (Not Bucks nor Mixs.) WWlfleet; Harbor, Cape Cod, Barnatable County. Maw. (Not Wellfleet Bay.) Welfc; I-*"" 1 Ohio River, near Center- virw, Monroe County, ohi Wells'*-) WeOs; Island. St. Lawrence River. Jeffer- DO Count > N ot Wellesley . 1 Wells; Pa-sge, between Perry Island and Esther Island, leading to Port Wells, Prince William Sound. Alaska. Wettt. see Wills. WWfc/W. see St. Catharine. Welsh; Railroad Station. Chambers County. Ala. I Not Welch ) We :as; Creek. Kittitas and Yakima Oountie* and Precinct, Yakima Couu- .VMO. Weiatehee; City. Lake, Precinct, and River, Chelan County, and Mountains, between Cbelan and Kittitas Counties, Wash. (Not Wenache nor Wenatche.) Wenatrlift; Wenatdu* Creek; see Little Wenatchee. Weichow, Treaty Port, Chekiang Prov- ince, China. (Not Wen chau fu, Wen- chau. nor Wenchau fu.) Wennacut; see Wannacut. Wevier, Urge lake in south Sweden. (Hot Venern. Wener, nor Wenern.) Weate -f t City. Shantung Province, China. ( Not Wetting hsien nor Wunn - Weohyakapka (Lake Walk in the Water), lake, Twps. 90 and 31 S., B, 29 E.. Polk County. Fla. (Not Walk -in -the -Water, nor Weoh-ya- kapka.) Weoka; Creek, Precinct, and Village, Elmore County, Ala. (Not Wewoka, Wewokee. nor Wiwoka.) Wepawanf, River, Miliord. Orange, and Woodbridge Towns, New Haven Coun- t Wepowage, Wepo- g, Wopooauf . nor Wopowaug.) County, Ariz. Wepowoge; Wepowaug; see Wepawaug. Wequetequock; Cove and River, Ston- ington Town, New London County, Conn. (Not Wicketequock.) Wcrthoturo; see Yerkoturof . Wescott; Point, near Cape Charles Town, Chesapeake Bay, Northampton Coun- ty, Va. ( Not Westcott's.) Wetet; see Weeset. Weskeag: River, South Thomaston Town, Knox County, Me. (Not Geag, Gig, Wessawakeag, Wessaweskeag, nor West, keag.) Wetsner't Peak; see Mount Wie- Wesson; City, Copiah County, Miss. \Vessen.) West; Bay, indenting northwestern shore Bligh Island, northwestern coast Prince William Sound, near lat. 60 52', long. 146 44 X , Alaska. (Not Busby.) West; Cape, west end St. Lawrence Is- land, Bering Sea, Alaska. (Not Sa- nachno.) West; Point, Puget Sound, near Seattle, King County, Wash. (Not Sandy.) West; River, Kwangsi and Kwanetung Provinces, China. (Not Si Kiang nor Sikian^.j Wett, Mass.; see Clapp; Kitchen. Wett, N. Y.; see High: Northwest. Wet'; see Debauch Mountain. Wet'.; see Mount Linnaeus. West Amatuli; Island, one of the two largest at the eastern end of the Barren Island Group, Alaska. Wett Bonk; see Westbank. West Bay; Point, southern point of en- trance to West Bay, Bay County, Fla. (Not Shell.) Wett Bay; see North Bay. Wett Branch of Nan'.icokt River; see Marsh yhope. Wett Branch Wolf; see Wolf. West Cady; Creek, rising on western slope Cascade Range, tributary to Skykomish River from east, Snohomish County, Wash. (Not Cady.) Wat Chettar; see Westchester. Wett Cliff; see Westcliffe. Wett Clump; see Outward Tump. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOABD. 279 West Elk; Creek, branch of Taylor River, Gunnison County, Colo. (Not Illinois.) West Falmouth; Harbor, near West Fal- mouth Village, Barnstable County, Mass. (Not Hog Island.) West Fork; River, Marion, Harrison, and Lewis Counties, W. Va. (Not West Fork of Monongahela.) West Fork; see Crooked; Crystal; Phan- tom. West Fork of Deschutes; see Deschutes. West Fork Big Blue River; Stream, southern part Hamilton, Seward, and York Counties, and northern part of Clay County, Nebr. (Not Big Blue, Blue, South Branch of Big Blue River, nor West Blue River.) West Fork of Chilkat; see Kelsall. West Fork- or Northwest Fork of Nantwoke; see Marshyhope. West Fork of White River; Stream, draining Winthrop Glacier and tribu- tary to White River, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Wash. West Fork Winnemucca; see Tongue. West Gallatin; see Gallatin. West Glacier; Creek, flowing into Cook Inlet, Alaska. West Gloucester; see West Glocester. West Hanover; see Shellville. West Lake; see Abamgamook. West Lavandera; see Lavandera. West Mill Stream; see Nesochaque. *West Millgrove; Village, Wood County, Ohio. (Not West Mill Grove.) West Minneapolis; Village, Minnetonka Township, Hennepin County, Minn. (Not Bushnell.) West Monistique; see Indian. West Parish; Village, Hampden County, Mass. (Not Mundale.) West Plains; see Plains. West Point; City and Militia District Troup County, Ga. (Not Westpomt.) West Point; District and Town, King William County, Va. (Not Westpoint.) West Point; United States Military Academy, N. Y. (Not Westpomt.) West Point; see Lone Cone. West Razor; Creek, branch of Razor Creek, Yellowstone County, Cal. West River; Village, Anne Arundel County, Md. (Not Owensville.) West River; see Galesville. West Rockhill; see Rockhill. West Rome; Village, Floyd County, Ga. (Not De Soto.) West Salisbury; see Elklick. West Seattle; Village, near Seattle, King County, Wash. (Not Freeport.) West Seneca; Village, Erie County, N. Y. (Not limestone Hill.) West Side; see Tyler. West Sweden; see Sweden. West Ttntic; Mountain Range, Juab and Tooele Counties, Utah. (Not Champ- lin, Guyot, nor Tintic Mountains.) West Twia; Bay, western one of two bays northern coast Perry Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Westbank; Township, Swift County, Minn. (Not West Bank.) Westburg; Township, Buchanan Coun- ty, Iowa. (Not Westbury.) Westchester; Village, Butler County, Ohio. (Not West Chester. ) Westcliffe; Town, Custer County, Colo. (Not West Cliff.) Westcott's; see Wescott. Western; see Azores. Western Way; Strait, on western side of Great Cranberry Island, separating it from Mount Desert Island, Me. (Not Cranberry Island Passage.) Westons Mills; Railroad Station, Catta- raugus County, N. Y. (Not Weston Mills, Westons, nor Westonville.) Westport; Harbor and River, Bristol County, Mass. (Not Acoakset.) Westside; Township and Town, Craw- ford County, Iowa. (Not West Side.) Wet; Mountains, Custer, Fremont, H fano, and Pueblo Counties, Colo. Cuerno Verde nor Greenhorn.) short range was originally known whi the country was under Spam* minion as Cuerno Verde. Subsequent to the treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo the translation of the name came int- The origin of the name Wet Mountain, is not known, but in local u^gei nearly supplanted the name Greenhon SpeaLpon the Land Office maps and the Haydeii atlas. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGEAPHIC BOARD. 280 Wet Olaie; Creek, Camden County, Mo. (Not \\>t Anglais.) Wetipquin; Creek and Town, Wicomico County. Md. (Not Watepquin.) Wetter;" Uke. Sweden. (Not Vett nor Wet tern. ) Wetterhorn; Creek, Ouray Quadrangle, Ouray County, Colo. Wetumta: we Wetumpka. Wetumpka; Town, Hughee County, Ok la i Not Wetumka.) Wettunpka; City and Precinct, Elmore County, Ala. (Not Wetumka.) Weweeder; Fonda, Nantucket Town, Nantucket County, Maes. (Not Weed- weeder nor Weeweder.) Wewoka; Town, Seminole County, and Creek, Hughe* and Seminole Counties, . ml empty inn into the Potomac : near Bla-kintone Island, Md. Wide Ru. .. Vjllt-y. and Wash, tributary to I.i-rc.ux Wash, Apache County. Ariz. Widow Bey olda Bar; Post Light , Ten- IWWK* Htv.-r. Tri-K County, Ky. (Not ...* Hc-vnolds's Bar.) Widuti'i: nee Bolivar. Wit*; M>e Vienna. Winner'* Peat; Wiettnert Peak; see Mount WwHoer. Wigwam; Pond, Nantucket Town, Nan- tucket County. Man. (Not Toochka norT WUbr; Point, on the eastern shore of Cobtcook River, Treacott Town, Wash- ington County. Me. (Not WilberV. Wil- .!l>ur. Wilburs, nor Willber.) Wfld; River. large affluent on the north d* of Kuyukiik River, m-ar long .!'. Northern Ala-ska. (NotHoka- tena. Totoenbet, ToUenbetna, Totzun betna, nor Totzunbitna.) wHd Basin; a drainage basin, just east o ental Divide and south of Longs P*k, containing headwaters of North rain Creek, northwestern part Boulder County, Colo. BOARD. Wild Goose; see Sasakwa. Wild Horse; see Halfbreed; Rose. Wild Rote; see Brier; Rose. Wildcat; Volcanic Peak, Coconino Coun- ty, Ariz. Wildcat; see Laguna Seca. Wildcherry; see Cottonwood. Wildhorne; Creek, Ouray County, Colo. Wildrose; Mountain, lat. 4806 X N., long. 113 21' W., Flathead County, Mont. Wilds Island; Poet Li-ht, Mississippi River, near Winona, Minn. Wild's.) Wilhelmshaven; Seaport Town of Ger- many. (Not Wilhelmshafen.) Will; see Weli. Wilkes Land; between long. 155 E. ami 96 E., Antarctic Continent. Discov- ered, coasted along, and roughly charted by Capt. Wilkes in 1840. * Wilkes-Barre; City, Luzerne County. Pa. (Not Wilkes Barre nor Wilkes- barre.) Wilkinson; Island, Mississippi Kivrr, Jackson County, 111. (Not Wilkin- son's.) Will; see Wills. Will Creek; Post Light, Ohio River. Brooke County, W. Va. (Not Will's.) Willamette; River, northern Oregon. (Not Ouallamet, Wahlahmath, nor Wil- liamotte.) Willapa; Bay, River, and Village, Pacific ( ounty, Wash, (Not Shoalwx?ter.) Willes; see Reisu. Willet; Town and Village, Cortland County, N. Y. (Not Willett.) Willets; Point, Little Neck Bay, Long Island, Queens County, N. Y. (Not Wi llet's.) Willey; Pond, Bethlehem Town, Graf ton, (ounty, N. H. (Not Ethan's.) William.; Point, entrance to Samish Bay, Skagit (ounty, Wash. (Not Point Wil- liam.) William; Village, Tucker County, W. Vu. ^Not Helms.) William Penn; Village, Montgomery County, Pa. (Not Spring Mill.) Williams; Glacier, eastern side College Fiord, just north of Amherst Glacier, Prince William Sound, Alaska. Williams; Island, landing, and Shoal, I>ake Superior, Alger County, Mich. (Not Williams'.) REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 283 Williams; River, tributary to Colorado River, Mohave and Yuma Counties, Arizona. (Not Bill Williams.) Williams; Sunken Reef, entrance to Chiniak Bay, Kodiak Island, Alaska. (Not Vasilief nor Wasilieff.) Williams; Township, Dauphin County, Pa. (Not William's.) Williams, Del.; see Dirickson. Williams, Mass. ; see Millham. Williamsbridge; Station, Bronx County, N. Y. (Not Williams Bridge.) Wellington's; see Whittington. Willis; see Hatcher. Willis Wall; Cliffs, head of Carbon Gla- cier, Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash." Williwakas; Creek, heading in Williwa- kas Glacier; tributary to Muddy Fork of Cowlitz River, Mount Rainier National Park, Lewis and Pierce Counties, Wash. (Not Little Cowlitz.) Williwakas; Glacier, between Cowlitz and Paradise Glaciers, discharging into Williwakas Creek, southeastern slope Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. Willmont; Township, Nobles County, Minn. (Not Wilmont.) Willoughby; Bay and Point, Norfolk County, Va. (Not Willowbys.) Willow; Creek, Lincoln County, Wyo. (Not Crow.) Willow; see Reid Gap. Willow Creek; see Laguna. Willow Glen; Village, Santa Clara Coun- ty, Cal. (Not Willowglen.) Willow Island; Precinct and Village, Dawson County, Nebr. (Not Willow.) Willowgrove;Village,Gloucester County, N. J. (Not Willow Grove.) Willows; Town, Glenn County, Cal. (Not Willow.) Wills; Creek, Allegany County, Md., and Bedford and Somerset Counties, Pa.; and Mountain, Allegany County, Md., and Bedford County, Pa. (Not Will's.) Wills; Creek, Jefferson County, Ohio. (Not Will, Willis, nor Will's.) Wills; Township, Laporte County, Ind. (Not Wells.) Willy; see Hambleton. Wilscot; Creek, Gap, Mountain, and Town/Fannin County, Ga. (Not Wells- cott nor Willscot.) Wilson; Glacier, discharging into Nia- qually Glacier from west, southern slope Mount Rainier, Pierce County, Wash. (Not Stevens.) Wilson; Island and Point, Mississippi River, St. Louis County, Mo. ; Landing and Town, Mississippi River, East Car- roll Parish, La. (Not Wilson's.) Wilson; Mountains, extending from Wa- terton Lakes, southern Alberta, Canada, to North Fork of Belly River, Glacier National Park, Teton County, Mont. Wilson; Point, near entrance to Norwalk Harbor, Fairfield County, Conn. (Not Wilson's.) Wilson; Village, Anderson County, Tenn. (Not Wilsons.) Wilson; see Mount Wilson. Wilson Landing; Post Light, Mississippi River, Pike County, Mo. (Not Wilson's Landing.) Wilsons; see Henness. Wilton; Town and Township, Muscatine County , I owa . ( Not Wilton J unc tion . ) Wilton; see Cornelius. Wimelka; see Winnetka. Winchel; Winchell; see Prospect. Winchester; Village, Litchfield County, Conn. (Not Winchester Center.) Winchester; Village, Queen Annes Coun- ty, Md. (Not Fords Store.) Winchester; see Canal Winchester. Wind Kiver; Trail, along Aspen Brook, from mouth of Wind River, at south- western end of Estes Park, up Aspen Brook to Cow Creek Divide, Larimer County, Colo. Wind River; see Shoshone. Winder; Town, Jackson County, Ga. (Not Jug Tavern.) Windom; see Norris. Windmill Point; see Rappahannock. *Windsor; Town, Weld County, Colo. (Not New Windsor.) Windsor; Village, Berkshire County, Mass. (Not Windsor Hill.) Windsor; see New Windsor. Wine; Island, near entrance to Terrebonne Bay, Terrebonne County, La. (Not Vine.) Wine Island; Pass, Terrebonne 1 coast of Louisiana. (Not Vine Island. Winfall; Town, Perquimans County, N. C. (Not Winfield.) OF THE V SITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 164 Vtefftte: Brook. Tufumboro Town, Car- .. x- . . ._.* fviwtm N H __ q Lshthowe, Poca*et Har- bor, Buzzard. Bay. Ma* (Not Wing a Wtan; R*ilnd Station, Dough* County, Wtnaton.) Winn*paauke: Lake. Belknap and CanoU Counties, and River. New Hamp- lot Winnipeeaukee ) Villaee, Cook County. 111. \ Winnibifo*hifc uke - Ca * * nd ItMC * Coni*e,Minn ..Not \Vinnebigoshish.) WfT.tpr < nv Manitoba. Canad.. Wunprv not Winnepeg.) WinnipeffosiB; I>ake, Manitoba and OMJaliliiiBin Canada. 'Not Little Winnipeg, Winnipego.*, Winnipegoose, nor Winnepafooiw. Winniaquam; Lake, Belknap County, X . H Not Great Bay, Lake Winnes- quam. nor Lake Winniaquam.) Winon*; Ridge, between Flathead River and Cyclone Creek, Flathead County, Moat. Winooaki; River, tributary from the east to Lake Cham plain, Chittenden and Waahington Counties, Vt. (Not Onion.) Wauton,- aee Winn. Winston- Salem: < uy, Fonythe County, Winter; Creek, branch of Big River, Flathead County, Mont. Winter Point. St. Johns River, Duval County, Fix (Not Lancaster.) Winter; Point, southern end of Nee- biah Island. St. Marys River, Mich. (Not Her Wooer, Me.; tee Wood bland. Wmttr. Mich ; aee Henry. Winter Harbor; Arm of Winnepesaukee Uke, Canon County. N. H. (Not Tuft..t.t,.r. l'. a y Missiaaippi River, (Not Winter's.) Winthrop; Glacier, dMcharging into Wet Fork of White River, northern dope Mount Rainier, Pierce Countv, Wash (Not White.) Winthrop; Head, Boston Bay, Winthrop Town, Suffolk County, Mass. (Not Great.) WinOtrop; see White. Winyah; Bay, Georgetown County, S. C. (Not Winyaw.) Wiper Loop; see Dunloup. Wvtembtrg; see Wurttemberg. Wisconsin; River, Wisconsin. (NotOuis- consin nor Wiskonsin.) Witla; see Vistula. Wuner't; see Duck. Witek see Welch. Witch Pool; Pond, Mount Trumbull, Coconino County, Ariz. (Not Witches Pool.) Witchcoat; Point, Back River, Balti- more County, Md. (Not Withcoate.) Withers Mill; Railroad Station, Marion County, Mo. (Xot Wither's Mills.) Witten; Post Light, Towhead, and Vil- lage. Ohio River, Monroe County, Ohio. (Not Witten 's.) Wittman; Town, Talbot County, Md. (Not Whitman.) Wittmore Spring; see Whitmore. Witts; Village, Hamblen County, Tenn. (Not Witts Foundry.) Wwata; see Weoka. Wolasatux; Village, lower Yukon River, Alaska. (Not Wolsatux.) Wolcott; see Walcott. Woldang; see Sainei. Wolf; Bar, Ohio River, Mason County, W. Va. (Not Wolf's.) Wolf; Creek, Sandusky and Seneca Coun- ties, Ohio. (Not Raccoon nor West Branch Wolf.) Wolf Trap; Lighthouse and Spit, Chesa- peake Bay, Mathews County, Va. i. Xot Wolf Trap Spit.) Wolfe; Island, St. Lawrence River, Frontenac County, Ontario, Canada, near Clayton, Jefferson County. X. Y. (Not Grand nor Long.) Wolfeboro; Village, Carroll County, N. H. (Not Wolfborough.) WolfonTt; see Woolford. Wolf tail; Mountain. Flathead County, Mont. Wolga; see YoL Wolhurst; Villas. Arapahoe County, Colo. (Not Platte Junction.) REPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 285 Wolsatux; see Wolasatux. Wolsey; Creek and Village, Meagher ; County, Mont. (Not Woolaey.) Walter ton; see Log. Won son chin; see Gensan. Wonacot; see Wannacut. Wong-Poo; see Shanghai. Wononpakook; Pond, Salisbury Town, Litchfield County, Conn. (Not Long. Wanompakook, Wonon Pakok, nor Wo- nonpokok.) *Wononskopomuc; Lake, Salisbury Town, Litchfield County, Conn. (Not I Furnace, Wononsco Pond, Wononscopo- . moc, nor Wononskopomus.) Wonsnn; see Gensan; Onsan. Woo-Sung; see Shanghai. Wood; see Big Wood. Wood Island; Harbor, mouth of Saco River. York County, Me. (Not Win- ter.) Wooded; see Makhnati. Woodgler,; Village, Hunterdon County, N. J. (Not Whitehall.) Woodland; Village. Talbot County, Md. (Not Chapel.) Woodland; see Newlin. Woodlawn; Village, Jefferson County, 111. (Not Wood Lawn.) Woodmere; Village. Nassau County, N. Y. (Not Woodburg nor Woodsburg.) Woodinoor; Village, Prince Georges County, Md. (Not Woodmore.) Woodrow; Creek and Landing, in Knik Arm of Cook Inlet, Alaska. (Not Port Woodrow nor Ship Creek.) Woodruff; Town and Township, Spar- tanburg County, S. C. (Not Wood- ruff's.) Woodruff; Village, Marion County, Ind. (Not Woodruff Place.) Woodrings; Point, northeast point of Sanibel Island, west side of San Carlos Bay, Lee County, Fla. (Not Middle nor Tarpon.) Woods; see Lake of the Woods. Woods, Alaska; see Carroll. Woods, Conn.: see North Branch. Woods Hole; Harbor, Strait, and Village Bamstable County, Massachusetts (Not Woods Holl.) Woolford; Creek and Neck, Dorchester, County, Md. (Not Wolford'e.) Woolford; see Milton. Woolsey; see Wolaey. Woosung; Town, on the Yangtze Eetu- ary, Kiangsu Province, China. (Not Wusung.) Wopogasset; see Wapogaseet. Wopopaug; Wopowaug; see Wepawang. Wornock; Mountain, Blount County, Ala. (Not Wamick's Knob nor War- nocks Knob.) Worsham; see Kisselen. Worthley, Brook and Pond, tributary to Little Androscoggin River, Poland Town, Androscoggin County, Me. (Not Worthly.) Worthville; see Klondike. Wosnesenski; Island, off south shore of Alaska Peninsula and west of Unga Island, Shumagin Group, Alaska. ( Not Crested, Peregrebnoi, Unatkuyuk. Vo- zoychenski, Vossneseneky, nor Woee- nessenski.) Wo tans Throne; Peak.Coconino County, Ariz. Won.'; see Mount Wow. Wrangell; Town, Alaska. (Not Fort Wrangel nor Wrangle.) Wright; Gap and Precinct, Banner County, Nebr. (Not Wrights.) Wright; see Raht. Wrist; see Rist. Wuchang; City. Hupeh Province, central China. (Not Wu-techang.) Wuchow; Subpostal District of Canton, China. Wuhu; Postal District, China. Wungum; see Wangum. Wunntung Hsien; see Wenteng. Wurttemberg; Kingdom, Germany (Not Wirtemberg, Wurtemberg, nor Wurtemburg.) Wurzburg; City, Bavaria. burg.) Wyanda; see Wayanda. Wyanett; Township and Milage, Isant County, Minn. (Xt Wyanett. Wyanoke; Island, St. Lawrence St. Lawrence County. V V Pine.) $86 Wy.; River, flowing from a point east of QneeMtown and emptying into Baal- em Bay, Md. (Not Back Wye nor Front Wye.) Wy* Ba*t; Kiver. eastern fork of ^ye River, forming part of the boundary line between Queen Annes and lal- bot Countier, Md. (Not Bark Wye nor Front Wye.) WynnvUle; 'rwk. Blount County, Ala. Whippoorwill.) Wyomanock; < rwk, Columbia County, N V (Not Kinderhook nor Lebanon.) X. Xobary; we Yavah. Xatapa; M* Jalapa. .Vo/uoo; we Jalisco. Xicalango; Point and Village, State of Campecho, Mexico. (Not Jicalango.) Xitng Uai; see Chiengmai. Xingu; Kiver, tributary to the Amazon, Central Brazil. iN..t chingu.) Xny*i; Hay and Point, coast of Anam, Frenrh Inl.. -< hina. (Not Fuyen, Phu >!!. nr Xuanday.) Y Yaak; Kiver, northwestern Montana. t Yaac, Yahk, nor Yak.) YaUonoi; Yabtonovoi; see Stanovoi. Yabufoa Harbor; see Port Yabucoa. Yaeyama; see Yayeyama. r/o.- Fo/a. see Jaffa. Yog; see Ob. Yahara; Hivor, Dane and Rock Coun- ties, Wis. i \..t < attmh nor Gahara.) YahUe; Uiver, Icy Bay, Alaska. (Not Jooea.) YaiJt; see I'ral. Yataw; see YakaUga. YaJtama; see Yakima. YakaUga; Cape and River, Southeast- ern Alaska. (Not Yakaio, Yakiao, Yak tag, nor Yaktaga.) TsJd; Point, Grand Canyon of the Colo- rado, c.i,-.,iiino County, Ariz. Yakima; County, River, and Valley, Washington. (Not Yakama.) Yaklma City, Precinct and Town, Ya- kiina County, Wash. (Not Yakima.) Yakoba; :tm i Africa. (Not Yakubu.) Yaktag; see Yakataga. Yakutat; Bay, southeastern coast of Alaska. (Not Admiralty, Bale de Monti, Behring, nor Jakutat.) Yakutsk; City and Province, eastern Siberia. (Not Jakoutak nor Yakoutek . ) Yalabutch; see Lobutcha. Yalaha; Precinct and Village, Lake County, Fla. (Not Yallaha.) Yalaka; Creek and Mountains, Swain County, N. C. (Not Alarka nor Yalagi.) Yale Point; Headland, west of Chinle Valley, 20 miles northwest of Chinle, Apache County, Ariz. Yalik; Bay and Glacier, western side Nuka Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Yalta Bailey; Yallo Bally; see North Yolla Bolly; South Yolla Bolly. Yalobusha; River, northwestern Mis- sissippi. (Not Yallabusha.) Yampa; River, Garfield. Moffat, and Routt Counties, Colo. (Not Bear.) Yamsay; Mountain (altitude 8,248 feet), Klamath and Lake Counties, Oreg. (Not Yam Say.) Yan; Islands (to), lat. 40 45" N. long. 129 32 X E., northeastern coast of Cho- sen (Korea). (Not Arefief.) Yanfa; Bay, lat. 40 03' N., long. 128 IV E., eastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Monomakh.) Yangtze; River, China. (Not Yangtai- Kiang.) Yankee; see Indian. Yapura; River, tributary to the Amazon, Northern Brazil. (Not Caqueta, Co- queta, Hyapura, Japura, nor Yupura.) Yaqui; River, Sonora, Mexico. (Not Iliaqui nor Huaqui.) Yaquina; Bay, Head, Precinct, River, and Village, Lincoln County, Oreg. (Not Yaquinna.) Yaquina; see Foulweather. Yarkand; City and River, Turkestan, Central Asia. (Not Yarkend nor Yar- kund.) Yassy; seeJassy. * Yatesville; Borough, Luzerne County, Pa. (Not Yates.) Yatesville; see Randall. Yavapai; Point, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 287 Yavari; River, tributary to the Amazon, between Brazil and Peru. (Not Hya- bary, Jabary, Javari, Javary Xabary, nor Yavary.) Yayeyama; Islands, east of Taiwan, the western one of the two groups forming the Sakishima Group, southern part of the Nansei Chain, Japan. (Not Yae- yama.) Yazoo Mongen; see Tuscolameta. Ye; northern point of Awaji Island, Inland Sea, Japan. (Not E nor Ye- saki.) Yeager; Landing, Missouri River, Warren County, Mo. (Not Yeager's.) Yeates; Mountain, Yancey and Madison Counties, N. C. (Not Yates.) Yedo; Yeddo; see Tokyo. Yegua; Cove, western side of Cape San Juan, P. R. (Not Ensenada la Yegua.) Yeguas; Creek, heading in sec. 33, T. 28 S., R. 19 E., and flowing northwesterly into Bitterwater Creek, San Luis Obispo County, Cal. (Not Los Ye- guas.) Yekaterinburg; see Ekaterinburg. Yelenina; Spit, eastern entrance of the Sea of Azof, Russia. (Not Elenia nor Elenina.) Yellow; Point, eastern shore of Tamgas Harbor, Annette Island, Alaska. (Not Signal.) Yellow; Yellow Butcha; see Lobutcha. Yellow Water; Creek, tributary to Scotty Creek, Alaska, International Bound- ary (between Alaska and Canada). Yellowstone; see Absaroka. Yelowoi; see Elovoi. Yemba; see Tanganyika. Yenisei; Estuary and River, Asiatic Russia. (Not Enisei, lenisei, Jenisei, nor Jenisey.) YerbaBuena; see Goat. Yerimo; Cape (saki), southeastern point of Hokushu Island, Japan. (Not Erimo.) Yes; Bay and Village, mainland coast, northwestern part of Behm Canal, Alaska. (Not McDonald nor Yess.) Yesaki; see Ye. Yesso; see Hokushu. Yetorofu; Island (jima) and Strait (ka kyo), Kuril Islands, Japan. (Not Etorofu, Etoropu, Etorufu, Iturup, Staten, nor Yetorup.) Yetorup; see Yetorofu. Yezo; see Hokushu. Yo; Island and Light, entrance to Yung- hing Bay, eastern coast of Chosen (Ko- rea). (Not Nikolskago, Nikolski, nor Y6.) Yochow (Changteh); Sub-postal Dis- trict of Hankow, China. Yocona; River, tributary to Tallahatchie River, Lafayette, Panda, Pontotoc, Quitman, and Yalobusha Counties, Miss. (Not Yohnapotawpha, Yok-na- pata-fa, Yoknapatawpha, nor Yokna- potawpha.) Yogo; Peak, Little Belt Mountains, Cas- cade, Fergus, and Meagher Counties, Mont. (Not Yogo Baldy.) Yoguchon; island (to), lat. 37 3(X N., long. 126. 32' E., western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Yongjong nor Yong jong.) Yohnapolawpha; see Yocona. Yoi-ya-be; see Toyabe. Yoji; Bay, lat. 34 43' N., long. 127 W E., southern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Otchobi.) Yok-na-pata-fa; Yoknapatawpha; Yok- napotawpha; see Tocana. Yokosha; see Yokosuka. Yokosuka; Harbor (ko) and Town, southward of Yokohama, Gulf of Tokyo, Japan. (Not Yokoska.) Yokuchi; Island (to), lat. 34 38' N., long. 128 15' E., southern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Observatory.) Yokum; Pond, Becket Town, Berkshire County, Mass. (Not Reservoir.) Yokun Seat; Mountain, Berkshire County, Mass. (Not Yoken's Seat ) Yola Buli; Yolla Bally; see North Yolla Bolly; South Yolla Bolly. Yon; Island (to), lat. 36 W N., lc 126 26' E., western coast of C (Korea). (Not Chong hong, Choh- ghong, nor Helen.) Yongampo; Town (Treaty Port), near mouth of Yalu River, Chosen (Kor< (Not Nombau, Yong Am Po, Yong ai Po, nor Yoom Po.) Yonghung; Yongjong; see Ryanko^ Yonguzei; Bay and Village, lat. N long. 129 5!X E., northeastern coast of Chosen (Korea). I zenko.) BEPOBT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 288 Yonhai; River and Village, lat. 36 33' N long 129 24' E., southeastern coart of Chosen (Korea). (Not Y6ng- hii nor Yonghai.) Yoniro; Bay and Village, lat. 36 03' N., long. 129 28' E., southeastern coast of OMMO (Korea). (Not Yong-il, Y6ng U, oor Unkofaki.) Yono; Point (kutchi), lat. 39 38' N., long. 127 33' E., eastern coast of Chown (Korea). (Not Loeeva.) Yonoha; Islands and largest Island, lat. 34 S9 7 N., long. 128 34' E., southern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Dove.) Yonpyon; Islands, lat. 37 38' N., long. 13' E., western coast of Chosen (Korea). (NotTsia tung.) Yonyo; Island (to), lat. 37 27' N., long. 126 2y E., western coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Jacquinot.) York; Precinct and Town, Sumter Coun- Vla. (Not York Station.) York Nubble; see Cape Neddick. Youghiogheny, River.westernMaryland and Pennsylvania, (Not Youghiogeny.) Yougar; see Yugor. Yountukn; see Yunaeka. Young; Mountain, Sandwich Range, Carroll County, N. H. Young; see Mount Young. Ynung hung; -flee Ryankou. Ynung Warrior; see Tuscolameta. You igs; eastern point of entrance to Stir- ling Basin, Greenport Harbor, Suffolk !>. I-ong Island, N. Y. (Not Young's.) Young*; Township and Village, Laurena County, S. C. (Not Young's Store.) Young* Point; Landing, Mississippi River, Madison Parish, La. (Not Yminj's Point.) Y$la de Piedrat; see Piedras. Yucaipa; Creek and Valley, San Ber- nardino County, Cal. (Not Yucaipe.) Yucatan; Peninsula, State, and Strait, Mexico. (Not Merida nor Island of Santa Maria de los Remedies.) Yueca; Mountain, west of Fortymile Can- v. (Not Joshua.) Yugor; Strait, separating Vaigach Island from the mainland of Russia, Ar.-ii.- Ocean. (Not Jugor, Jugoreche, Pet, Ugrurhe, nor Yougor.) Yujin; Point (kutchi), lat. 40 40' N., long. 129 13' E., northeastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Blagovyeah- chenskago.) Yukla; Yukla-hitna; see Eagle. Yukon; River, Alaska and Canada. (Not Jukchana, Juna, Kvikhpak, Kwichpack, Kwichpak, Niga To, Youcon, nor Youkon.) Yukwonilnuk; see George. Yuma; Point, Grand Canyon of the Colo- rado, Coconino County, Ariz. Yunaska; Island, west of Umnak Island, eastern Aleutians, Alaska. (Not You- naska.) Yunchenghaien; City, Tainan District, Shantung Province, China. (Not Yiin- ch'fing Hsien, Ytinch'e'ng hsien, nor Yuncheng-hsien.) Yung hung; see Ryankou. Yunghing; Bay, eastern coast of Chosen (Korea). (Not Yung hing nor Yung Hing.) Yungpingfu; City, Chihli Province, China. (Not Yun-fing-i'u nor Yung- p'ing Fu.) Yunnan; Province, China. (Not Yun nan, Yun-nan, nor Yunnan.) Yunnanlu; Postal District, China. (Not Yunnanfu.) Yunsiao; City, Fukien Province, China. (Not Jun-hsiau nor Yunsiao.) Yurrkra; see Jugra. Yuthia; see Ayuthia. Yutien; see Khotan. Z. Zachar; Bay, eastern arm of Uyak Bay, western coast of Kodiak Island, 2J miles northward of Amook Island, Alaska. Zagazig; City, in the Nile Delta region, Egypt. (Not Sagasig, Zagazeeg, nor Zakazik.) Zahara; see Sahara. Zambezi; River, Southeastern Africa. (Not Ambezi, Cuama, Luambezi, Mo- lonko, Zambere, Zambesi, nor Zam- beze.) Zambre; see Zumbro. Zones; see Wheeling. Zanzibar; City and Island, off eastern coast of Africa. (Not Sanaibar nor Zan- guebar.) REPORT OF THE UXITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC RoAKD. 289 Zapato; Creek, flowing easterly down to the northern end of Kettleman Plain, Fresno County, Cal. (Not Zapato Chino nor Zapatos.) Zapato Chino; Zapatoe; see Zapato. Zaragoza; see Saragossa. Zarcillo; Canyon, Las Animas County, Colo. (N.ot Sarcilla nor Sarcillo.) Zealand; Island, Denmark. (Not Sea- land, Seeland, Sieland, Sjaelland, Sje- land, Soro Sjeland, nor Zeeland.) Zeeland; Province, Holland. (Not Zea- land.) Zeeland; see Zealand. Z clock; see Segloch. Zelonoi; Zelony; see Green. Zetinje; see Cetinje. Zeto Yeito; see Choragu. Zhonkier (Due); Zhonkier (skii); see Jon- quieres. Zidon; see Saida. Zilbetod; Peak, Carrizo Mountains, Apache County, Ariz. Zilditloi; Mountain, McKinley County, N. Mex. (Not Baigaichi.) Zilh-in-Sah; see Zilleea. Zilh-le-jini; see Black. Zilh-nez; see Zilnez. Zilh-Twayan; see Fluted Rock. Zillesa; Mesa, Navajo County, Ariz. (Not Zilh-in-Sah.) Zilnez; Mesa, Navajo National Monu- ment, Navajo County, Ariz. (Not Zilh-nez.) Zilth-le-jini; see BJack. Zimme; see Chiengmai. Zitzikar; see Tsitsihar. Zoroaster Temple; Peak, Grand Can- yon of the Colorado, Coconino County, Ariz. Zuider Zee; Gulf, Netherlands. (Not Zuyder Zee.) Zumbro; River, Wabaeha County, Minn. (Not Embarras, Zambre, nor Zumbro- to.) Zuni; Point, Vishnu Quadrangle, Coco- nino County, Ariz. Zuni; see Twin. The Board also approved a conventional sign or symbol to be used on United States Military Maps to indicate dense woods or heavy undergrowth. 4704916 19 APPROVED BY THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD lHE RECOMMENDATION OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON HAWAIIAN GEOGRAPHIC NAMES. Aahoaka; Hill. i-U-Miti-n M)0 -ct. be- tween North and South Fork* of Wailua Ki\-r. l.ihu-di.*tri< t, Kauai. Aaka: Ridjre, south aide of Honuuula Val- ley, m*r lat. ->! 58' 45", long- 159 35', Muthwertent tl>\*> -i Kauai. Aakukui; Giilrh. Waimea District, Kauai Ah Mountain, flowing outhward into sea west of Kipahulu. Mana Dirtriot, Mani Alenuihaha; Channel, 26 sea miles wide, l)t-t\vccn Maui and Hawaii Islands. Alia; l.i-.'ht, om'-sixth mile south of Alia Point, northeastern coast of Hawaii Island. (Nt Keaweraoe, Makahaaaloft, nor Pepeekeo. ) Aliapaakai; see Salt I.akf. Aliomanu; I^nd Division, partly in Government ownership. Kawaihau District, Kauai. Alo; Stream, rising on northern slope of Haleakala Mountain, flowing northeast- ward into Waikamoi Stream from the east; water taken into Spreckela ditrh at Alo division \vcir. Hana Distrii-t. Maui. Amalu; Stream, rising on nortlnv. slope of west Maui, tributary to Hono- kawai Stream from the north, Lahaina District, Maui. Anahola; Bay, at mouth of Anahola Stream, northeast-Kauai. Anahola; Land Division, in Government ownership, Kawaihau District, Kauai. Anahola; Stream, rising on northern slope of Pueo Peak, flowing eastward into Anahola Bay, Kawaihau District, Kauai. Anahola; Village, Anahola Bay, Ka- waihau District, Kauai. Anahulu; Stream, rising in northern Ko<>- lau Mountains, flowing northwestward into Waialua Harbor. "\Vaialua District. Oahu. Anini; Stream, about 1 mile east of Hana- lei River, in long. 159 28' X ., northern coast of Kauai. Apua; Land Division, in Government ownership, Puna District, Hawaii. Auau; Channel, 7 si>a miles wide, between Lanai and Maui Islands. Auwahi; Land Division, Hana District, Maui. see Nualolo. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 291 Awaawapuhi; Stream and Valley, near long. 159 40' 30", northwestern coast of Kauai. (Not Awapuhi.) Awapuhi; see Awaawapuhi. Awawaloa; see Olympus. Awehi; Stream, rising on southeastern slope of Mauna Kea, flowing southeast- ward, entering Wailuku Stream from the north, South Hilo District, Hawaii. Awini; Stream, rising on northern slope of Kohala Mountains, flowing northward into sea east of Honokane Gulch, Kohala District, Hawaii. B. Barbers Point; Area, south west corner of Oahu. (Not Laeloa.) Barking Sands; Range of sand hills ex- tending half a mile northward from Nohili Point, west Kauai. When thor- oughly dry these sands emit a variety of resonant sounds whenever the grains are disturbed ; this phenomenon is a rare one, said to be common to only a few places in the world. C. Center; Ditch, diversion from Puoha- kamoa Stream, east Maui, extending westward across country on a gentle grade to Nailiilihaele Stream at the in- take of Haiku and Lowrie Ditches. China; Ditch, diverting water from the west side of Hanalei River, Hanalei District, Kauai. D. Diamond Head; Tufa-cone Crater, form- ing most southern point of Oahu, just east of the city of Honolulu; the rim of the crater is a complete circle, with the highest point on the south side (eleva- tion, 761 feet); Lighthouse and Military Reservation from which firing of all forts on Oahu can be directed. (NotLeahi.) E. Eahua; see Kahua. Eehui; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, entering sea near Honohina. Eke; Crater Peak elevation, a few miles north of Puu Kukui, west Maui. Eleele; Ditch, diverting water from the west side of Wahiawa Stream for cane irrigation, Koloa District, Kauai. Eleele; Landing, Hanapepe Bay, South Kauai. Eleele; Village, Koloa District, Kauai. Ewa; District, in city and county of Honolulu; political subdivision in south-central Oahu. Ewa Mill; Town, Ewa District, Oahu, G. Glen-wood; Village and Terminus of Volcano branch of Hilo Railroad, about 9 miles from Kilauea Volcano. H. Haaeleele; see Haeleele. Haeleele; Ridge and Valley, lat. 22 05' SO", near northwestern coast of Kauai (Not Haaeleele.) Haena; Caves, in cliff on Haena coast, north Kauai; large unexplored caves at sea level filled with sweet water; visited by tourists. Haena; Land Division, llaualei District, Kauai. Haena; Point, most northerly point to the west of Hanalei, near leng. 159 34', northern coast of Kauai. (Not Kaau- lamapoko.) Hahalawe ; Stream, rising on southeastern slope of Haleakala Mountain, flowing southeastward into sea east of Kipa- hulu, Hana District, Maui. Haiku; Land Division, Makawao District. Maui. Haiku; Land Division, Lihue District, Kauai. Haiku; Ditch, about 30 miles long, head' ing in Nailiilihaele Stream near Kailua, extending westward across country on a rather steep grade to cane lands in the vicinity of Spreckelsville and Puunene, intercepting all streams on the way, east Maui. Haiku; Village, just east of Malik Maui. Haipuaena; Stream, rising on northen slope of Haleakala Mountain, flowing northeastward into sea, Hana I) Maui. Hakalau; Land Division. District, Hawaii. REPORT OF Ttl '- 8TATES GEOGRAPHIC BoM:i>. 292 gakalau; Bay, t mouth of Hakalau C.ul.-h. .-x-t Hawaii. ff .w.u.v stream, rising on eastern elope ot Mauna Kea, flowing northeastward into P.* at Hakalau, South Ililo Dis- irict. Hawaii. HakaUu; Village, South Hilo District, Hawaii. we Ilalaula. Locality, lat. 22 07' N., near eMterncottt of Kauai. (NotHalahula.) Halawa; land Pivi-i-.n. K\vu District, Oahu. Halawa; land l>i\ i.-i'-n. oaf'tern NMokai. Halawa;' Stream, rising at about 3,000 feet elevation, flowing northeastward toto wa through Hawala Gulch, eastern Molokai . Water used for taro irrigation. Halawa; Stream, rising in Koolau Moun- tain*, flowing southwestward through Halawa (iulch to East Loch of Pearl Harbor. Ewa District, Oahu. Haleakala; Crater, east Maui; largest extinct crater in the world; area, 19 ]uare miles; circumference, 20 miles; extreme length, 7.18 miles; extreme width, 2.37 miles; elevation of summit, 10,032 feet; depth, 2,000 feet. Haleakala; Extinct Vulcanic Mountain of east Maui; elevation highest point, 10,032 feet; has largest crater in the world. Halehaku; Land Division, Makawao Dis- trict. Maui. Halehaku; Stream, rising on northern slope of Haleakala Mountain, flowing northward into sea through a deep gulch, Makawao District, Maui. Haleiwa; Village, Waialua District, Oahu. Halemanu; Peak, elevation, 3,700 feet at upper end of Waimea Canyon, Kauai. Halemanu; Stream, westernmost tribu- Ury to Waimea River, upper Waimea Urin, Kauai. IfaJemaumau; Pit and lake of Fire in floor of Kilauea Crater, Hawaii; level and dimensions of lake vary from time to time; ordinarily, level is about 250 feet below the rim of the pit, and the dimeneioM, 250 by 400 feet. Bamako*; Dirtrict, Hawaii County; political subdivision in northern Hawaii. Hamakua (New); Ditch. i vitro, Kau Di-trurt. Honokaia; Land Division in Govern- ment ownership, Hamakua District^ Hawaii. Honokane; Land Division. North Kohala District, Hawaii. Honokane; Stream, rising on northern slope of Kohala Mountains, flowing northward into sea through Honokane Gulch, Kohala District, Hawaii. Honokohau; Ditch, 13 miles long, di- verting water from Honokohau and Honolua streams, West Maui. (Not Houokahau.) Honokohau; Land Division. Lahaina District, Maui. (Not Honokahau.) Honokohau; Land Division, North Kona District, Hawaii. (Not ITonokahau.) Hilea; Village, Kau District, Hawaii HUo; Bay, at mouth of Wailuku River, at* Hawaii. fflo; Harbor. Hawaii Island. Hilo; Town. HUo Bay, Hawaii. Hilo. North; District, Hawaii County, political fcubdiviriuii in central Hawaii. gUo, South; District. Hawaii County; political ubdi vision in eastern Hawaii. KUoa; Stream, tributary to Hanapepe Stream from the west, below Hanapepe Talk Wumu-.i l>i"trict. Kauai JKno/no.- see Makaokahai. goaeae; Land Divi^jn Kwa District. Oahu. Boalua; Stream, ruing on northern slope of Hateakala Mountain, flowing north- : Honokohau; Stream, rising on northern ward into aea. Makawao District, Maui. Hokukano; Laud Division, partly in Government ownership. Kau District. Hawaii. Hoknmahoe; Stream, on lower eastern slope of West Maui near the summit and flowing northward into sea, Lahuina District, Maui. (Not Honokahau.) Honokohau; Village, north coast of went Maui. dope of Mauna Kea, entering sea north i Honokowai; Ditch diverting wau . r from of Papaaloa. Hawaii Holualoa; Village. North Koua District, Hawaii ff(Mttitau.i; 0ee Homaikawaa. Homaikawaa; Stream, debouching on MStom coast of Kauai, near lat. 22 07'. Not H'.maikaua.) Homestead; Village. Koloa District. Kauai. Hoaaunau; Land Division, South Kona District, Hawaii. Hoaauiau; Bay, South Kona District, Hawaii. HoTumi&u; Village. South Kona Dis- . Hawaii. Honohina; Land Division. North Hilo District, Hawaii. Hoaohiaa; Village, North Hilo District, Hawaii. Honoipu; Landing, Notth Kohala Dis- trict, Hawaii. Bonokaa; Town. Hamakua District, Ha- waii. Honokahua; Land Division, I^Jiaina DiMnrt, Maui. Eonokahua; Stream, rising on north- alope of west Maui, flowing Dorthwertward, Lahaina District, Maui. south side of Honokowai Stream, Maui . ( N ot Honokawai . ) Honokowai; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, Lahaina District, Maui. (Not Honokawai.) Honokowai; Stream, rising on north- western elope of west Maui. flowing northwestward into sea. receiving the flow of Amalu Stream from the north. Lahaina District, Maui Hono- kawai.) Honokua; Land Division. South Kistrict. Maui. REPORT OP THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC HOARD. 295 Honolulu; City (capital and metropolis of Hawaiian Islands); County in Terri- tory of Hawaii, including only the is- land of Oahu; District, in city and county of Honolulu; and Harbor on south coast of Oahu. Honomalino; Land Division, partly in Government ownership, South Kona District, Hawaii. (Not Honomilino.) Honomanu; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, Hana District, Maui. Honomanu; Stream, rising high up on northern slope of Haleakala, flowing northeastward into sea through a very deep gulch, Hana District, Maui. Honomu; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering the sea south of Honomu post office, Hawaii. Honomu; Village, South Hilo District, Hawaii. Honopou; Stream, rising on the northern slope of Haleakala, flowing northward into sea, Makawao District, Maui. Honouliuli; Land Division, Ewa Dis- trict, Oahu. Honouliwai; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, southeastern Molokai. Honuapo; Village, Kau District, Hawaii. Honuaula; Homestead Section, North Kona District, Hawaii. Honuaula; old District, in the southwest- ern part of east Maui; now included in Makawao district. Hookena; Land Division and Village, South Kona District, Hawaii. Hoolawa; Stream, rising on the northern slope of Haleakala Mountain, flowing northward into sea, Makawao District, Maui. Hoolehua; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, northern Molokai. Hoopuloa; Village, South Kona District, Hawaii. Hualalai; Mountain, elevation, 8,275 feet, western Hawaii. Like Mauna Kea, it has no crater on its summit. Huali; see Koheo. Huehue; Village, North Kona District, Hawaii. Huelo; Stream, rising on northern slope of Haleakala Mountain, flowing north- ward into sea, west of Huelo Village, Makawao District, Maui. Huelo; Village, east Maui Huleia; Stream, rising on eastern elope of main divide, flowing southeastward 1o Nawiliwili Bay, Lihue District, Kauai. Huliilii; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering sea near Maulua Gulch, Hawaii. Humuula; Land Division, in Government ownership, North Hilo District, Hawaii. I. lao; Stream, rising near summit of east Maui, flowing eastward through deep canyon and valley into sea, Wailuku District, Maui. lao; Valley, west Maui; length (above Wailuku), about 5 miles; width, 1 to 2 miles; depth, near head, about 4,000 feet; elevation of Puu Kukui, over- looking valley, 5,790 feet; called th "Yosemitfi of Hawaii." Ka Lae; extreme southern point of Hawaii. 1 Ka Lae o Kailw; Ka Lair o Kailio; aee Kailiu. Kaahakini; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering the sea just south of Hakalau post office, Hawaii. Kaahukuula; Hill, near lat. 21 58" N., long. 159 2%' W., southeastern Kauai. (Not Kauhuula.) Kaakaaniu; Land Grant, long. 159 2V 30" W., northern coast of Kauai. (Not Kaakaanui.) Knnkaanui; see Kaakaaniu. Kaala; Peak, elevation, 4,030 feet, Waia- nae Range, west Oahu; highest point on island of Oahu. Kaalaea; Land Division, Koolaupoko District, Oahu. Kaalaea; Stream, rising in Koolau Mountains, flowing eastward into Kane oheBay, Koolaupoko District, O | Kaanapali; Landing, west coast of weet Maui. Kaanapali; old District, north ,id west Maui. now included in Lahama and Wailuku Districts. Kaapahu; Homestead Section. Ilamak , Hawaii. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES OEOGBAPHIC m K**pun; Land Division, South Kona District, Hawaii. Kiaulamapoko; see Haona. Kaawalii; Strewn, in large deep gulch on Mtaro elopo o( Mauna Kea; moat north- permanent stream running coin mu- in ilil.. district, south of Waipio Stream. Hawaii. Kaawaloa; Land Division, South Kona 1'i.itrict, Hawaii. Kaehulua; Stream, flowing eastward into tea, Kawaihau District, Kauai. K*T*; Land Division, in Government ownership, Waialua District, Oahu. Kaena; Point, western end of Oahu. Kahakuloa; I^and Division, in Govern- ment ownership, Wailuku District, Maui Kahakuloa; Point, at mouth of Kahaku- loa Valley, northeast coast of west Maui. Kahakuloa; Stream, rising on northern lope of west Maui, flowing northeast- ward into sea. Wailuku District, Maui. Kahakuloa; Village, at mouth of Kaha- kuloa Valley, east Maui. Kahaluu; Land Division. Koolaupoko District, Oahu. Kh"*; Hay, at mouth of Kahana Stream, east Oahu. (Not Kehana.) Kahana; Land Division, Koolauloa Dis- trict, Oahu. Kahana; Stream, tributary to Olokele River from the north, in central Wai- mea basin, Kauai. Kahana; Stream, rising in Koolau Moun- tain.*. flowing northeastward into Ka- hana Bay. Koolauloa District, Oahu. Kahana; Village, Koolauloa District, Oahu. Kahanahaikl; I .and Division, in Govern- ment ownership, Waianao District, Oahu Kahanui; Land Division. . .-ntral Molo- kai. Kahaualea; Land Division, Puna Dis- trict, Hawaii. Tahaniki; Land Division, Honolulu Dis- <>ahu, IS. Military Keeerva- ; BOARD. tee Kapaula. Kahauloa; Land Division, South Kona Kahawaihapapa; Gulch^east of Nahiku, east Maui. Kahikinui; old district, on the south- eastern elope of Haleakala Mountain, east Maui, now includexl in Hana Dis- trict. Kahili; Land Division, Hanalei District, Kauai. Kahili; Peak, elevation, 3,016 feet, on the main divide at the head of Huleia River, Kauai. Kahina Pokii; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering sea south of Maulua Gulch, Hawaii. (Not Ka- hina Pukii.) Kahoma; Ditch, diverting water from north side of Kahoma Stream, west Maui. Kahoma; Stream, rising on western slope of west Maui, flowing westward into sea, Lahaina District. Maui. Kahoolawe; Island, in public ownersliip south of Maui and 6 sea miles distant ; highest point, 1,472 feet; area, 44 square miles; included in Makawao District, Maui County. Kahua; Land Division, North Kohala " District, Hawaii. Kahuku; Land Division, Koolauloa Dis- trict, Oahu. Kahuku; Point, northern end of Oahu. Kahuku; Land Division, extending from sea to summit of Mauna Loa, Kau Dis- trict, Hawaii. Kahuku; Village, Koolauloa District, Oahu. Northern terminus of Oahu Railroad, 69 J miles from Honolulu by rail. Kahului; Bay and Harbor, northern coast of Maui. Kahului; Town, on Kahului Harbor, Maui. Kai o Kalohi; Channel, 7 sea miles witl-, between Lanai and Molokai Islands. Kaiaka; Bay, at mouth of Kaukonahua Stream, northwest Oahu. Kaieie; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering the sea near Pa- paikou, Hawaii. Kaieieu-aho; see Kauai. Kaihole.ia; Land Division. North Ko- hala District, Hawaii. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Kaili; Stream, rising on. southeastern slope of Ilaleakala, flowing southeast- ward into sea, Hana District, Maui. *Kailiu; Cape, near long. 159 35' W., northwestern coast of Kauai. (Not Ka Lae o Kailio, Kalaeokailio, Lae Kailiu, nor Lae Kalioi. Kailua; Bay, North Kona District, Ha- waii. Kailua; Bay, mouth of Kailua Stream, east Oahu. Kailua; Land Division, Koolaupoko District, Oahu. Kailua; Settlement, east of Huelo, east Maui. Kailua; Stream, rising high up on north- ern slope of Haleakala, flowing north- eastward into sea, Makawao District, Maui. Kailua; Stream, rising in sou them Koo- lau Mountains, flowing northeastward into Kawainui Swamp, and thence into the sea, Koolaupoko District, Oahu. Kailua; Village, on Kailua Bay, North Kona District, Hawaii. KaimuM; Hill, elevation, 291 feet, and residential section of Honolulu, Oahu, just back of Diamond Head. Kainaliu; Village, North Kona District, Hawaii. Kaipapau; Land Division, partly in Gov- ernment ownership, Koolauloa Dis- trict, Oahu. Kaipapau; Stream, rising in northern Koolau Mountains, flowing northeast- ward into sea, Koolauloa District, Oahu. Kaiwi; Channel, 23 sea miles wide, be- tween Molokai and Oahu Islands. Kaiwiki; Land Division, in Government ownership, South Hilo District, Hawaii. Kakaako; Section of Honolulu on the water front, east of harbor, Oahu. Kalaeokailio; see Kailiu. Kalaheo; Gulch, near long. 159 32' 30" W., southern coast of Kauai. (Not Kawaihuka.) Kalaheo; Land Division, partly in Government ownership, Koloa Dis- trict, Kauai. KalahiW; Laud Division, South Kona District, Hawaii. 297 Kalala; Land Division, in Government ownership, North Kohala District, Hawaii. Kalalau; Stream, flowing northward into sea through the deep and narrow can- yon of the same name, Napali Section, Hanalei District, Kauai. Kalamaula; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, south central Molokai. Kalaoa; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauua Kea, entering the sea north of Papaikou, Hawaii. Kalapaki; Land Division, Lihue Dis- trict, Kauai. Kalapana; Village, Puna District, Hawaii. Kalauao; .Land Division, Ewa District, Oahu. Kalauao; Stream, rising in Koolau Moun- tains, flowing southwestward into East Loch of Pearl Harbor, Ewa District, Oahu. Kalaupapa; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, northern Molokai. Kalaupapa; Town, leper settlement, northern Molokai. Kalawao; County, Territory of Hawaii, including only the leper settlement on the peninsula, north coast of Molokai. Kalawao; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, northern Molokai. Kalaicokailo: see Kailiu. Kalehuahakihaki; Peak, elevation, 3,548 feet, Waimea River basin, Kauai. Kalena; Peak, elevation, 3,507 feet, Waianae Range, west Oahu. Kalepa; Ridge, elevation, 700 feet, near the sea, eastern Kauai. Kalialinui; Land Division, Makawao and Wailuku District?, Maui. (Not Kaliali.) Kalihi; Arm of the ocean on south coast of Oahu. Kalihi; Land Division, Honolulu Dis- trict, Oahu. Kalihi; Section, Honolulu City, Oahu. Kalihi; Stream, rising in Koolau Moun- tains, flowing south \\v.-t\vard into Kalihi Inlet, Honolulu District, Oahu. Knlihibi; see Kalihikai. Kalihikai; Land Grant, loi, Hanalei District, northern coast Kauai. (Not Kalihika . K UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 298 Kalihiwai; By, mouth "t Kalihiwai Stream, north Kauai Kalihiwai; Und ttvfafea tri< t, Kauai. Kalihiwai; Stream, ru-in* on wet dope of Pueo Peak, flowing northward into Kalihiwai Hay. Haualei District, Kauai. Kalihiwai; Villas, Kalihiwai Bay, Ha- tulei I>Ltri< t. Kauai. Kaloko; Und Division. N'-rth Kona Dis- trict, Hawaii. Kaluakoi; I-and Pivi-imi. w*t'rii Mol.i- kai Kaiuanui; Pitch, heading i Opana Strram. well up tin- mountain slope, OTm^tiig westward across country to junction with N-w Hatnakua Ditch al*>v> Hamaku:i|x'k". a-t Maui. Kaiuanui; I ainl Ir.i-i"ii. K(M>lauloa Dwtrii t. Oalni. Kaiuanui; Stn-ain. ri-iii'/ in Koolau Mount liu- il.iMiir.- MWtlMMtWWd into sea. Koolaulna l>i-:ri< t. Oahu. ; Auuai. or old Hawaiian iith side of lao un. weet Maui. Kanain; see Kamalo. Kamakou; I iii<>n, 4,958 feet, at the head of IVlekunu and \Vailau Qulchea, Molokai. Kamalo; Luid Ii\i-i"i, >uthcrn Molo- kai. i.Not Kan Kamolomal'>. k'i-tri. i Hawaii. Kamaole; Land I)ivi-i.,n. Makawao Dis- trict, Maui Kamenehune; Ditrh. diverting water 410111 ' i" of \\'aiiiu>a River, Waimea I- ,, a j. Kamlloloa; Land Hhi.i,,,,. m (, () \,. ni . meat ownership, M.,l.,kai Kamoamoa;, I^ind Division. 1'una I'i- trict, Hawaii. Kamoku; I^and Division, in Government owner-hip. Hamakua District, Hawaii Knmooloa; Ditch, diverting water fnun the south side of Kamooloa Stream. Koloa District, Kauai. Kamooloa; Stream, tributary to Huleia Stream from the north, Lihue District, Kauai. Kanaha; Ditch, diverting \\ from the south side of North Fork of Wailua River, Lihue District, Kauai. Kanaio; Land Division, in Government ownership, Makawao^District, Maui. Kaneha; Ditch, diverting water from the north side of Kealia Stream. Kawaihau District, Kauai. Kaneohe; Bay, on east coast of Oahu; re- ceiving drainage from Ileeia, Kuhalmi, Kalaea, Kaneohe, \\aiahole, \Vuihee. and Waikane Streams. This bay is full of coral growth, allowing only smallest craft to enter. Kaneohe; Land Division, Koolaupoko District, Oahu. Kaneohe; Stream, rising in Koolau Mountains, flowing northeastward into Kaneohe Bay. IvH.laupoko District, Oahu. Kaneohe; Village, Koolaupoko District, Oahu. Kaohe; Land Division, in Government ownership, Hamakua District. Hawaii; includes summit of Mauna Kea and land westward to summit of Mauna Loa. Kaoheiki; Stream, on lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering sea north of Waikaumalo Stream, Hawaii. Kaonoulu; I^nd Division. Makawao and Wailuku Districts, Maui. Kaowahi; see Lae o Kaonohi. Kapaa; Land Division, in Government ownership, Kawaihau District, Kauai. Kapaa; Stream, rising on eastern slope of Kapehuala Peak, flowing eastward into sea, Kawaihau District, Kauai. Kapaa; Village, Kawaihau District, Kauai. Kapaakea; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership. s"Uth-central Molokai. 299 Kapaa; see Kealia. Kapaau; Village, North Kohala District, Hawaii.; Stream, on lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering the sea north of Honomu post office, Hawaii. (Not Kapahehe.) Kapahi; Ditch, diverting water from the south side of Kapaa Stream, Kawaihau District, Kauai. Kapahulu; Land Division, Honolulu Di?T rift. Oahu. Kapaia; Village, Lihue District, Kauai. | Kapaia Stream; see Hanamaulu. Kapalaalaea; Stream, rising on north- ! ern slope of Haleakala, flowing north- | ward into sea east of Halehaku Gulch, j Makawao District, Maui. (Not Kapa- alalaea.) Kapahdc; KnpaMea; Kapakkea; see Kapalikoa. Kapalama; Land Division, Honolulu j District, Oahu. Kapalama; Section. Honolulu City, Oahu. Kapalaoa; Peak, elevation, 3,436 feet, on main divide east of Hanapepe Falls and west of Kilohana Crater, near lat. 22 N., long. 159 30' W., Kauai. (Not Kapaloa.) Kapalikea; Mill, near lat. 22 11' N., long. 159 31' W., northern slope of Kauai. (Not Kapalake nor Kapalakea. ) Kapaloa; see Kapalaoa. Kapapala; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, Kau District, Hawaii. Kapaula; Stream, rising on eastern slope of Haleakala. flowing northeastward into sea. Hana District. Maui. Kapehu; Stream.'on lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering the sea just north of Pepeekeo post office, Hawaii. (Not Kapeha.) Kapehu; Stream, on lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering sea just north of Maulua Gulch, Hawaii. Kapehu; Stream, rising on southeaste] slope of Mauna Kea, flowing southeast ward into Wailuku Stream from the iv, rth. South II ilo District, Hawaii. Kapehuaala; Peak, elevation, 3,130 feet, on Kapaa-Kalihiwai Divide, near h 22 07' N.. long. 159 25' W., Kauai. (Not Kapehuala.) Kapehuala; see Kapehuaala. Kapoho; Land Division and Village, Puna District, Hawaii. Kapua; Land Division. South Kona Dis- trict, Hawaii. Kapuai; see Nohili. Kapue; Stream, rising on eastern slope of Mauna Kea; flowing southeastward into sea at Papaikou. South Hilo Dis- trict, Hawaii. Kapuhi; see Kepuhi. Kau; Desert Section, south of Kilauea Volcano, Kapapala Land Division, Kau District, Hawaii. Kau; District, Hawaii County; political subdivision in southern Hawai. Kau-Hilo; Ditch, proposed for taking water from Hilo District around by the volcano into Kau District ; approximate length, 100 miles. Kauai; Channel, 63 sea miles wide, be- tween Kauai and Oahu Islands. (Not Kaieiewaho Channel. > Kauai; County. Territory of Hawaii, at northwest end of main group; includes Kauai and Niihau islands and a few small islets. Kauai; Island, northwest end of main group, 98 sea miles from Honolulu; sin- gle mountain, highest point, 5,170 feet; nearly circular, 25 to 30 miles across; area, 547 square miles; called the "Garden Island.'! Kauaikanana; Kauaikanane; see Kauai- kinana. Kauaikinana; Stream, tributary to Poo- mau River from the north,upperWaimea basin, Kauai. (Not Kauaikanana n Kauaikanane.) Kauaula; Ditch, diverting water from north side of Kauaula Stream, Maui. Kauaula; Stream, rising on western slope of west Maui, flowing westward into Lahaina District, Maui. Kauhola; Point. North Kohala D Hawaii. Kauhuuhuula; Land Division, Kau trict, Hawaii. (Not Kauhuuhuulu Kauhuula; see Kaahukuula. Kauiki Head; Point, south of] east coast of Maui. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Kaukonahua: Stream, formed by junc- tion of North and South Forks of Kau- konahua Stream, flowing northwest- ward into Kaiaka Bay, Waialua District, Oahu. Kaukonahua, North Fork; ; .1 rising in ivu'nil K"lau Mountains, flowing south westward, joining South Fork of Kaukonahua Stream to form Kauk-marr Waialua District. Qata. Kaukonahua, South Fork; Stream, ris- ing in rt-ntral Koolau Mountains, flowing VMtwanl. joining' North Fork of Kau- konahua Stream to form Kaukonahua Stream, Waialua District, Oahu. KanlftV**"; < hannel. 1"> sea miles wide. between Kauai and Niihau Islands. Kumuk.r Kaulanamauna; l'i\i-i"ii. in Gov- ernment ownership. South Kona Dis- trict, Hawaii. y^oirlri; Harbor, south-central coa.t -if Mill"!-., Kaunakakai; I .and l)i\L-ion, south- central Molokai. Kaunamano; I .and Pivision, Kau Dis- trict, Hawaii. Kaunuohua; Peak, elevation, 4.535 feet, at head of Pelekunu Gulch. Molokai. Kaunuohua; Ridge, forming northern idary of Waimea Basin, Kauai. Kaupo; Gap, in the southeastern end of Haleakala Crater. \\>M Maui. Kaupo; old District, southern slope of Haleakala, east Maui: now included in Hana District. Kaupo; Village, southern coast <>f ea -nil I ' . .* Waiel i . Kawaihae; Bay. South Kohala Pistrict, Hawaii. Kawaihae; Land I>ivisi.-n. partly in Government ownership, and Village, ila District, Hawaii. A'auo.Adhj. see Kalaheo. Kawaihapai; Und Divinion, Waialua District. Oahu. Kawaihau; i Kauai County, political ubdi\iion in northeastern : Kawaikini; Peak, elevation, 5.170 south of Waialeale Peak, Kauai. Kawaikoi; Stream, tributary to Wuimea River, rising in Alakai Swamp, in- south westward to Poomau River, upper Waimea Basin, Kauai. Kawailoa; Land Division. Waialua !>:-- trict, Oahu. Kawainui; Stream, tributary t<> Waipio River, rising on northeastern slope of Kohala Mountains, Hamakua District, Hawaii. Kawainui; Stream, rising on upper east- ern slojw of Mauna Kea, flowing east- ward into sea, south of Pepeekeo, South Hilo District, Hawaii. Kawainui; Swamp, in Kailua St Basin, draining into Kailua Oahu. Kawaipapa; Gulch near liana. Maui. Kawaipapa; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, Hana District. Maui. Kauaipuiia; see Kawaipuua. Kawaipuua; Stream, near la N .. long. 159 33' 30" W., southern si Kauai. (Not Kawaipuiia.) Kmralii; see Kaawalii. Kawela; Land Division, south central Molokai. Kawi; Stream, tributary to North Fork Wailua River from the north. I.ihue District, Kauai. Ke Ana /'u/;a; see Keanapuka. Keaalau; Stream, rising on eastern sl->pe of Mauna Kea, flowing northeastward into sea, South Hilo District, Hawaii. Keaau; Land Division, Puna District. Hawaii. Keaau; Land Division, in Government ownership, Waianac District, Oahu. Keaau (Nine Miles); Village, several miles south of Hilo. Hawaii. Keahialaka; Land Division, Puna Pi~- trict, Hawaii. (Not Keahalaka.) Keahole; western point of Hawaii. Keahua; Stream, tributary to North Fork of Wailua River from the north. I.ihue District, Kauai. Keahuolu; Land Division. North K<>na District. Hawaii. Kealaikahiki; Channel, 16 sea miles wide, between Lanai and Kahoolawe Islands EEPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOAKD. 301 Kealakekua; Bay and Land Division, South Kona District, Hawaii. Kealakekua; Village, near Kealakekua Bay, North Kona District, Hawaii. Kealia; Land Division, South Kona Dis- trict, Hawaii. Kealia; Land Division, Kawaihau Dis- trict, Kauai. *Kealia; River, near lat. 22 06' N., ris- ing on eastern slope of Peueo Peak, flowing eastward and entering Kapaa River from the north, Kawaihau Dis- trict, Kauai. (Not Kapaa.) Kealia; Village, Kawaihau District, Kauai. Keanae; Land Division, in Government ownership, Hana District, Maui. Keanae; Stream, formed by East and West Branches, rising high up on north- eastern slope of Haleakala Mountain; flowing northeastward into sea near Keanae Village, Hana District, Maui. Keanae; Village, northern coast east Maui. Keanapuka; Hill, near lat. 22 1(X N., long. 159 37' W., northwestern slope of Kauai. (Not.Ke Ana Puka.) Keaoopu; Stream, tributary to Anahola Stream from the north, Kawaihau Dis- trict, Kauai. Keauhou; Bay, North Kona District, Hawaii. Keauhou; Land Division, including larger part of Kilauea Crater, Kau Dis- trict, Hawaii. Keauhou; Land Division, North and South Kona Districts, Hawaii. Keauhou; Village, North Kona District, Hawaii. Keei; Land Division, South Kona Dis- trict, Hawaii. Kehana; see Kahana. Kekaha; Ditch, diverting water from the east side of Waimea River, Waimea Dis- trict, Kauai. Kekaha; Village, Waimea District, Kauai. Kelana; Ditch, diverting water from north side of Jao Stream, west Maui. Keokea; Land Division, in Government ownership, Makawao District, Maui. Keokea; Point, southern side of Hilo Bay, Hawaii. Kepuhi; Point, western shore of Wainiha Bay, northern coast of Kauai. (Not Kapuhi.) Kiaiakua; Stream, flowing northward into sea, Hanalei District, Kauai. Kihalani; Stream, lower eastern elope of Mauna Kea, entering sea north of Pa- paaloa, Hawaii. Kihei; Village, south of Kahului Harbor, west coast of east Maui. Kiholo; Bay, North Kona District, Hawaii. Kikala; Stream, tributary to Honolii Stream, near Hilo, Hawaii. (Xot Ki- kola.) Kilau; Stream, eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering sea south of Laupahoehoe Gulch, Hawaii. Kilauea; Bay, at mouth of Kilauea Stream, northeast Kauai. Kilauea; Crater, southeastern slope of Mauna Loa, elevation, nearly 4,000 feet; largest active crater in the world, con- taining the Pit, Halemaumau, with its lake of fire, south-central Hawaii. (Not Kilaua.) Kilauea; Land Division, Hanalei Dis- trict, Kauai. Kilauea; Stream, rising on northern slope of Namahana Peak, flowing northward into Kilauea Bay, Hanalei District, Kauai. Kilauea; Village, Hanalei District, Kauai. Kilohana; Point, elevation, 4,023 feet, northern edge of Alakai Swamp over-' looking Wainiha Canyon, Kauai. Kilohana; Tufa Crater, elevation, 1,100 feet, Lihue District, Kauai. Kiolakaa; Land Division partly in Government ownership, Kau District, Hawaii. (Not Kiomakaa.) Kipahoehoe; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, South Kona District, Hawaii. Kipahulu; old District, southeastern slope of Haleakala Mountain, east Maui; now included in Hana District. Kipahulu; Village, southern coast of east Maui. Kipapa; Ditch, diverting freshet I from east side of Kipapa Stream, Oahu. OK THK r-MTED STATES GEOGEAPHIC BOARD. Mmin- ' Kolekole; Pass, between Lcilehua Mili- tary Reservation and Lualualei Valley on the south. Waiamu- \\-.\w. w.-st hiliu. Kolekole; Stream, rising on eastern slope of Mauna Kea, flowing eastward into sea a short distance north of Honomu post office, South Hilo District. Hawaii. Koloa; District, Kauai County; political subdivision in southern Kauai east of Hanapepe River and south of Haupu Ridge. Koloa; Land Division, Landing, :nid Village, Koloa District, south Kauai. Koloa; Stream, rising on southern slope of main divide, flowing southward into sea, Koloa District, Kausii. Kona, North; District, Hawaii County; political subdivision in western Hawaii. Kona, South; District, Hawaii County: political subdivision in southwestern Hawaii. Konahuanui; Peak, elevation, 3,105 feet, south of >> uuanu Pali Pass, Koolau Range, east Oahu. Konohilri; Stream, flowing eastward into ; sea, Kawaihau District, Kauai. at a high elevation from Honokane Koolau; Ditch, beginning at weir near Strcam t.. form Waipahu ,anv Kwa ! '" K>pu; Land Mivifion. l.ihm- Di.-irict. Kauai Koaie; Stniim, rwing on western slope of m.. rl'.vnm: .noiithw. iin, . Ht\ r. thr.iiirh a deep, pic- . ,vhi h ox lends nearly . 'niral Wainn-a K.iuai. Inn-h. li\-ruiu- W.HT iroin the We0t . \wiiu and Honokane K<>hul*> I'iitrift, Hawaii. Mountain.-. d--jly eroded on north \ation, 5, 489 feet. n.rih-rn Hawaii. Kohala: \ i!lat'-. North K"hala District, Hawaii. Kohala, North; 1'i-tri- ', ILiwaiiCnuity; political uMi\ii*in in nnrihern Ha- waii Kohala, South; I'i-iri ' Hawaii County; |K|itii-a! "ubli\i-i"n in north v. Hawaii. t upper ; I'm h, diverting water Stream, Kohala District, Hawaii. Koheanu; .Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering sea just north of Mauluai i'il< ii. Hawaii i Not Koheaka.) Koheo; Point, near long. 159 34', south- ern coat of Kauai (Not Huali.) Koholalele; Land Division and Land- ing. Hanukua District, Hawaii. Koiawe; Stream tributary to Waipio River, rising on northern slope of Kohala Mountains, entering Waipio River from the we*, Hamakua District, Hawaii. Kokee; Stream, tributary to Waimea River from the north, upper Waimea Basin. Kauai. Koko Head; two tufa craters, elevation of higher, 1,205 feet; elevation of lower, 644 feet, southeast Oahu. Kola; Stream, riring on northern slope Mountain, flowing north- *ward into wa. Hana Distri. i. M :m i Kopiliula, at mouth of Nahiku Ditch, extending westward across country to division weir at Alo Stream, intercept- ing the streams east of Honomanu Stream, east Maui. Koolau; Gap, north rim of Haleak;ila Crater, west Maui, through which later lava streams poured into Keanae Valley. Koolau; old District, northeastern slope of Haleakala Mountain, east Maui; now included in Hana District. Koolauloa; District, in city and county of Honolulu; political subdivision in northeastern Oahu. Koolaupoko; District, in city and county of Honolulu; political subdivision in southeastern Oahu. Kopiliula; Stream, rising on northeastern slope of llaleakala Mountain, flowing northeastward into sea, liana District, Maui. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 303 Koukouai; Stream, rising on southwest- ern slope of Haleakala Mountain, flow- ing southeastward into sea near Kipa- hulu, Hana District, Maui. Kuiaha; Stream, rising on northwestern slope of Haleakala Mountain, flowing into sea east of Maliko Gulch, Makawao District, Maui. Kukaiau; Land Division and Village, Hamakua District, Hawaii. Kukuihaele; Village, Hamakua District, Hawaii. Kukuipahu; Land Division, North Ko- hala District, Hawaii. Kukuiula; Stream, rising on southeastern slope of Haleakala Mountain, flowing southeastward into sea west of Kipahulu, Hana District, Maui. (Not Kuikuiula). Kula; old District, western slope of Halea- kala Mountain, east Maui; now included in Makawao District. Kula pipe line; domestic water-supply ' system for upper, western, and southern slopes of Haleakala Mountain, Maui; intake at Puohakamoa Stream at about 4,500 feet elevation; length of main line, 25 to 30 miles. Kulanakii; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, Hawaii; entering sea near Maulua Gulch. (Not Papoa.) Kuliouou; Land Division, partly in Government ownership, Honolulu Dis- trict, Oahu. Kurnukahi; Cape, extreme eastern point of Hawaii. Kumukahi; see Kaulakahi. Kumunuiakea; Stream, on lower south- eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering the sea near Papaikou, Hawaii. Kuna; Ditch, diverting water from the east side of Hanalei River, Hanelei District, Kauai. Kunakaiole; see Kuumakaiole. Kurtistown; see Olaa. Kuunakaiole; Point, near long. 159 36' 30 // , southern coast of Kauai. (Not Kunakaiole.) L. Laauokala; eastern point of entrance to Waimea River, near long. 159 4(X, Kauai. Lae Kailiu; Lae Kalioi; see Kailiu. Lae Kaonohi; see Lae o Kaonohi. Lae Lipoa; Point, near lat. 22 08 7 , eastern coast of Kauai. (Not Lae o Makalea nor Papaloa.) Lae o Kaonohi; Cape, near long. 159 33' 20 // , northern coast of Kauai. (Not Lae Kaonohi nor Kaowahi.) Lae o Makahoa; see Makahoa. Lae o Makaka; see Lae Lipoa. Lae Oniea; see Pohakuloa. Laeloa; see Barbers PoinJ. Lahaina; District, Maui County; po- litical subdivision in west Maui, includ- ing Lanai Island. Lahaina; Roadstead and Village, on west coast of west Maui; formerly the old capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Lahainaluna; Stream, rising on western slope of west Maui, flowing westward into Kahoma Stream from the south, Lahaina District, Maui. Laie; Land Division and Village, Koo- lauloa District, Oahu. Laie; Bay, northeast coast of Oahu. Lalakea; Land Division, Hamakua Dis- trict, Hawaii. Lalamilo; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, South Kohala Dis- trict, Hawaii. Lamaloloa; Land Division, partly in Government ownership, North Kohala District, Hawaii. Lanai; Island, in private ownership south of Molokai, west of Maui, more than 50 sea miles southeast of Hono- lulu; 18 miles long, 10 miles wide; high- est point, 3,400 feet; area, 139 square miles included in Lahaina District, Maui County. Lanihuli; Peak, elevation, 2,781 feet, north of Nuuanu Pali Pali Pass, Koolau Range, east Oahu. Launiupoko; Ditch, diverting water from north side of Launiupoko Stream, west Maui. Launiupoko; Land Division, privately owned, Lahaina District, Maui. Launiupoko; Stream, rising on south- western slope of west Maui, flowing southwestward into sea, Lahaina Dis- trict, Maui. Laupahoehoe; Land Division, in Gov- ernment ownership, Hamakua Dis- trict, Hawaii. ,,,,.. UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 304 Leupahoehoe; Land Division, partly in < J.wernment ownership, and V illage, North Hil Di.-tri.-t, Hawaii. Laupahoehoe; Stream, entering through a deep gulch of the same name at Uupahoehoe. eastern slope of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Lawai; Land Division, Stream, flowing outhward into sea, and Village, Koloa i, Kauai. Leahi; see Diamond Head. Leleiwi; Point, east of Hilo Bay, Hawaii. Lepeuli; Land Division, Hanalei Dis- trict. Kauai. Lihue; District. Kauai County, political subdivision in southeastern Kauai. Lihue; I >it-h, divert ing water from south side of Waiahi Stream, Lihue District, Kauai. Lihue; Town, Lihue District, Kauai; county seat of Kauai County. Limahuli; Stream, flowing northward into sea, near long. 159 35', Hanalei District, Kauai. (Not Limaluli.) T.imaluli; see Limahuli. Lowrie; Ditch, heading in Nailiilihaele Stream, near Kailua at about the same elevation as Haiku Ditch, extending westward across country near Hama- kuapoko. east Maui. Lualailua; Laud Division, in Govern- ment ownership, Bana District, Maui. Lualualei; Land Division, partly in Gov- ernment ownership, Waianae District, Oahu. Lumahai; Land Division, Hanalei Dis- trict, Kauai. Lumahai; Stream, rising on northern slope of Waialeale Peak, flowing north- ward into sea. Hanalei District, Kauai. Kaalaea; Bay, southern side of penin- sula, Maui. McGregors; Landing, on Maalaea Bay, southern aide of peninsula, Maui. Mahaulepu; Land Division, Koloa Dis- trict, Kauai. Mahenauli; see Mahinauli. Mahto; see Puu Maheu. Mahinauli; Gulch, near lat. 21 56', long. 159 38',Waimea District, Kauai! (Not Mahenauli.) Mahukona; Village, North Kohala Dis- trict, Hawaii. Mailepai; Stream, rising on northwestern slope of west Maui, flowing northwest- ward, Lahaina District, Maui. Maili; Stream, tributary to Honolii Stream from the south, southeastern slope of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Makaha; Land Division, Waianae Dis- trict, Oahu. Makahanaloa; Land Division, South Hilo District, Hawaii. Makahanaloa; see Alia. Makahoa; western point of entrance to Hanalei Bay, Kauai. (Not Black Head nor Lae o Makahoa.) Makaihuaa; see Makaihuwaa. Makaihuwaa; Hill, near southern shore of Hanalei Bay, lat. 22 12', long. 159 31', Kauai. (Not Makaihuaa nor Peapea.) Makaka; Land Division, partly in Gov- ernment ownership, Kau District, Ha- waii. Makakahai; see Makaokahai. Makana; Hill, near lat. 22 13', long. 159 35', northern coast of Kauai. (Not Makano.) Makanalua; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, northern Molokai. Makano; see Makana. Makaokahai; Point, near long. 159 31/, southern coast of Kauai. (Not Hinalua nor Makakahai.) Makapala; Village, North Kohala Dis- trict, Hawaii. Makapipi; Stream, rising on eastern slope of Haleakala Mountain, flowing northeastward into sea near Nahiku, Hana District, Maui. Makapuu; Point, at southeastern end of Oahu; site of lighthouse. Makawao; District, Maui County; polit- ical subdivision in central east Maui, including Kahoolawe Island. Makawao; Land Division, Makawao District, Maui. Makawao; Village, northwestern slope of Haleakala Mountain, Maui. Makaweli; Land Division, Waimea Dis- trict, Kauai. EEPOET OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 3Q5 Makaweli; River, formed by Olokele and Mokuone streams, flowing south- westward, entering Waimea River from the east about a mile from the sea, southern Waimea Basin, Kauai. Makaweli; Village. Waimea District, Kauai. Makea; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering the sea north of Pepeekeo post office, Hawaii. Make~ia; Village, western coast of east Maui. Makiki; Land Division, in Government ownership. Honolulu District, Oahu. Makiki; Residential Section, and Valley, Honolulu, Oahu. Makiki; Stream, rising on the southern slope of Tantalus Hill, Koolau Range, flowing southward into sea, Honolulu District. Oahu. Makoewai; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering the sea north of Pepeekeo post office, Hawaii. Makua; Land Division, in Government ownership, Waianae District. Oahu. Makuaeae; see Mokuaeae. Makuone; see Mokuone. Malaekahana; Land Division, Koolau- loa District, Oahu. Maliko; Stream, rising on northwestern slope of Haleakala Mountain, flowing northwestward through a deep gulch into sea, Makawao District, Maui. Mamaloa; see Manoloa. Mamolokama; see Namolokama. Mana; Swamp, west end of Kauai. Mana; Manoa; see Nohili. Manana; Land Division, Ewa District, Oahu. Manawaiiao; Stream, rising on north- western slope of Haleakala Mountain, flowing northwestward into sea east of Maliko Gulch, Makawao District, Maui. Manawainui; Stream, rising on southern slope of Haleakala Mountain, flowing southward into sea west of Kipahulu, Hana District, Maui. Maniania; Ditch, diverting water from north side of lao Stream, west Maui. Manianiaula; see Manienieula. Matiienieula; Hill, near lat, 21 56' 30" long. 159 36 / 30", southwestern slope of Kauai. (Not Manianiaula.) 4704916 20 Manoa; Land Division and Stream, on southern slope of Konahuanui Peak, Koolau Range, flowing southward into sea, Honolulu District, Oahu. Ma-noa; Residential Section of Honolulu , in Manoa Valley, Oahu. Manoloa; Point, near long. 159 30 / 30", southern roast of Kauai. (Not Mama- loa.) Manoloa; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering sea south of Maulua Gulch, Hawaii. Manowaialee; Land Division, partly in government ownership, Hamakua Dis- trict, Hawaii. Matiowaiopae; Stream, entering sea south of Laupahoehoe Gulrh, South Hilo District, Hawaii. Mariuahi; Stream, tributary to Waimea River from the west, Waimea District, Kauai. Manuka; Land Division, in Government ownership, Kau District, Hawaii. Mapulehu; Land Division, southeastern Molokai. Maui; County, Territory of Hawaii, in- cluding the islands of Maui, Molokai, Lanai,-and Kahoolawe. Maui; Island, southeast of Oahu and 72 sea miles from Honolulu, consisting of two high mountains connected by low pen- insula 8 miles in width; highest point, 10,032 feet, in east Maui; irregular in shape. 48 miles long, 30 miles wide; area. 728 square miles; called the "Val- ley Isle." Maulua; Bay, mouth of Maulua Gulch, east Hawaii. Maulua; Land Division, North Hilo Dis- trict, Hawaii. Maulua; Stream, rising on eastern slope of Mauna Kea, flowing northeastward through a very deep gulch into sea, South Hilo District, Hawaii. Mauna Hau; Jfaunc Sou; see Mauuahou. Mauna Kea; Mountain, northeastern Hawaii; elevation, 13,825 feet; highest island mountain in the world; does i culminate in a single prominent peak, but has a summit platform upon w rise many hug* finder rorw*. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 806 Maun* Loa; Mountain, south--i,tral Hawaii elevation, 13,675 feet; unique in having a crater, Mokuaweoweo the second largest active volcano in the vorid-wnk in it summit platform. (Not Mauna Roa.) Maona Loa; Peak, elevation, 1,382 feet, ve*t Molokai. lUunahou; Mountain, near Ut. 22 13', Ion*. 159 35', northwestern roast of Run Mauna Ilau nor Mauna Boa.) Maanalua; Bay, between Diamond Head Cud Koko Head, on *mth coast of Oahu. Ktvn*!"*; Land Division, Honolulu District, Oahu. Maunawili; Land I>i\iein. Koolaupoko District, Oahu. Milolii: (Julch, Napali Section, Waimea Dutrict, Kauai. Milolii; Land Section, in Government ownership, western Kauai. Moanalua; Land Division, Honolulu District, Oahu. , Nut Moanualua.) Moanalua; Stream, rising in Koolau Mountains, (lowing south westward into Kalihi Inlet, Hololulu District, Oahu. Moanaiulu: Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering sea south of Papaaloa, Hawaii. Momla; Land Division, partly inGovern- Mokuieia; Land Division, partly in Government ownership, Waialua Dis- trict, Oahu. Mokuone; Stream, rising on westein slope of Waialeale Peak, flowing south- westward to junction with Olokele River to form Makaweli River, tral Waimea Basin, Kauai. Mokuone; Valley, near lat. 22 02', l-m-. 159 36', southwestern part of Kauai. (Not Makuone.) Moloaa; Land Division, partly in Gov- ernment ownership, Kawaihau Dis- trict. Kauai. Moloaa; Stream, flowing northeastward into Moloaa Ray, Kawaihau District, Kauai. Molokai; District, Maui County, polit i<-al subdivision including Molokai Island. Molokai; Island, southeast of Oahu, 52 sea miles from Honolulu; lies east and west, 40 miles long, 9 miles wide; highest point, 4,958 feet; area, 261 square miles. Mount Para; see Puu Pane. Mountain View; Village, Puna District, Hawaii. Muliwai; Land Division, in Government ownership, Hamakua Distrct. Hawaii. N. Naalehu; Village, Kau District. Hawaii. ment ownership, Kau District, Hawaii. Nahiku; Ditch, heading in Makapipi Mohihi; Stream, tributary frum the east to Poomau River, upper Waimea basin, Kauai. Mokapu; P..irit, or headland, off Ka- Mohe Bay, east Oahu. Mokihana; Sin-am, rising east of Kale- huahakihaki Peak, flowing southwest- wanl to Waimea River, south-central Waimea Basin, Kauai. Mokuaea*; Island. !.,!,.. iv.i _'!' \V ? ,,ff oorthemcoaflt Kauai. ( .V..t Mukuaeae.) Mokuaweoweo; Orator, on the summit of Mauna Loa, Hawaii; elevation/about 13,600 feet; second largest active ( rater in th- w,,rld; area, 3.70 square miles; irt-umf.-rvnca, 9.47 miles; length, 3.7 milea; widtn, 1.74 miles; intermittently active, the activity usually lasting only tew days, when tho lava forces ita way thioogfa th<- *id- .,f th- mountain, in a lava flow, after whi. h the eruption in the crater <-ea*. Gulch, above Nahiku, extending west- ward across country t > weir near Kopi- liula, where it terminati -tern end of Koolau Ditch, east Maui. Nahiku; Village, northern coast of east Maui; center of rubber distp< i. Naholoku; Land Division, liana l>is- trict. Maui. Nailiilihaele; Stream, rising high up on northern slope of Haleakala Mountain, flowing northeastward int- M- ; I . Mak District, Maui. Naiwa; Land Division, central Molokai. Namahana; Peak, elevation, 2,650 feet. at head of Anahla Stream. Kauai. Namalokama; sec Nainlnkaina. Namolokama; Peak, near lat. 22 08' N., long. 159 SO' W., south of Hanalei Bay, Kauai. (Not Mamolokama, Mt. Namalokama. n<>r Namalokama.) Nanakuli; Land Division. Waianae Dis- trict. Oahu. EEPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 307 Nanue; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering the sea just north of Honohina, Hawaii. Napali; old district, in Government ownership in northwestern Kauai; now included in Hanalei District. Napoopoo; Village, on Kealakekua Bay, South Kona District, Hawaii. Nawiliwili; Bay, at mouths of Huleia and Nawiliwili Streams, southeast Kauai. Nawiliwili; Land Division, Lihue Dis- trict, Kauai. Nawiliwili; Stream, rising on eastern slope of Kilohana Crater, flowing south- eastward into Nawiliwili Bay, Lihue District, Kauai. Nawiliwili; Village, on Nawiliwili Bay, Kauai; nearest landing from Honolulu. Nienie; Land Division, in Government ownership, Hamakua District, Hawaii. ; Niihau; Island, southwest of Kauai in private ownership; area, 73 square miles; included in Waimea District, Kauai County. Nine Miles; see Keaau. Ninole; Stream, on lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering sea south of Mau- lua Gulch, Hawaii. Niu; Land Division, Honolulu District, Oahu. Niumalu; Land Division, Lihue Dis- trict, Kauai. Nohili; Point, near lat. 22 04' N., west- ern coast of Kauai. (Not Kapuai, Mana, nor Manaa. Nonopahu; Ridge, southern side of Olo- kele River, near lat. 22 01' N., long. 159 35' W., Kauai. North Fork Kaukonahua; see Kaukona- hua, North Fork. North Fork Wailua; see Wailua, North Fork. North Eilo; see Hilo. North Kohala; see Kohala, North. North Kona; see Kona, North. North Waiehu; see Waiehu. Nuaailua; Stream, flowing northeast- ward into sea, supplying water to Koo- lau Ditch through its branches, Hana District, Maui. Nualolo; Gulch, Napali Section, Waimea District, Kauai. (Not Nuulolo.) Nualolo; Stream, Nualolo Valley, de- bouching on northwestern coast of Kauai, near long. 159 43' W. (Not Awaawa River.) Nuu; Land Division, Hana District, Maui. Nuuanu; Stream, rising at Nuuanu Pali Pass, Koolau Range, flowing southwest- ward through Nuuanu Valley into Honolulu Harbor, receiving the flow of Pauoa Stream near ite mouth, Honolulu District, Oahu. Nuuanu; Land Division, partly in Gov eminent ownership, Honolulu District^ Oahu. Nuuanu; Residential Section of Hono lulu, at the lower end of Nuuaml Val* ley, Oahu. Nuuanu Pali; Cliff and Pass, Koolaft Range, east Oahu; elevation, 1,207 feet; one of the historic and scenic places of Honolulu, only 6 miles distant. O. Oahu; Island, near center of main group, lat. 21 3. mvn - 1 Diul. ,du. -rung wafr from tin- outhsideof Olokele Stream for -me irrigation, Waimea District, Kauai. Olokl; River, rising on western slope of Waiatoale Peak, flowing southweat- ward t.jum-ti"Ti witli Mokuone Stream to form Makaweli Kiver. receiving the flow of Kahana Stream from the north, eastern Waimea Basin, Kauai. Olowalu; Land Division, in Government ownership, Lahaina District. Maui. Olowalu; Stream, rwin-4 in southern slope of wwt Maui, flowing south westward into sea. Lahainu District, Maui. Olowalu; Village, southwestern coast, weft Maui. Oljmpua; Peak, elevation, 2,447 feet, at the head of Manoa Valley. Koolau Range, east < >ahn \"t Awawaloa.) Omoe; Peak, near lat L'l ": -V, long. 180 1': .'" \V., southeastern slope of Kauai v Omoi.) Onomea; Bay, South Hilo coast, Hawaii. Onomea; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Key, entering the sea south of Onomea Arch, Hawaii. Onomea; Village, on Onomea Bay, South Ilil ! ' iwaii. Ookala; Village, North Hilo District. Ha- waii. Oopuola; Stream. ,,n boundary between Makawao and Hana Districts, flowing northeastward into sea. east Maui. Opaakaa; Stream, tributary to Wailua - from the north. Lihue District, Kauai. .\ot Opaikaa.) Opaeula; Ditch, diverting water from north aide Opaeula Stream, Oahu. Opaeula; Stream, rising in northern Koo- lau Mountains, flowing northeastward into Kaiaka Bay. Waialua District, Oahu Opana; Und Division. Makawao Dis- trict, Maui Opana; Stream, rising on the northern alope of Ilaleakala Mountain, flowing northwestward, entering Halehaku Stream from the west. Makawao Dis- " Op*; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering the sea just south nohina. Hawaii. P. Paa; Land Division, K>loa District, Kauai. Paakea; Stream, rising on eastern *\\n> of Ilaleakala Mountain, flowing north- eastward into sea, liana District. Maui. Paalaa; Land Division, \Vaialua Dis- trict, Oahu. Paauhau; Land Division and Village-, Hamakua District, Hawaii. Paauilo; Village, Hamakua District. Ha- waii. Paeahu; Land Division, Makawao Dis- trict, Maui. Pahala; Village, Kau District, Hawaii. Pahoa; Village, Puna District, Hawaii. Paia; Town, 10 miles east of Kahului Harbor, Maui. Paiele; see Palikea. Pailolo; Channel, 8 sea miles wide, l.e- tween Maui and Molokai Islands. Palaau; I>and Division, in is- trict, Hawaii. (Not Panaunui.) Papa; Village, South Kona District. Hawaii. Papaa; I>and Division, partly in (iov- ernment ownership, Kawaihau Dis- trict, Kauai. Papaa; Stream, flowing eastward into Papaa Bay. Kawaihau District. Kauai. Papaaea; Stream, flowing northeastward into reservoir near Kailua. Makawao District. Maui. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 309 Papaaloa; Stream, lower eastern slope of ' Mauna Kea, entering sea south of Papaaloa, Hawaii. Papaaloa; Village, North Hilo District, Hawaii. Papaikou; Land Division and Village, South Hilo District, Hawaii. Papaloa; see Lae Lipoa. Paukaa; Land Division, South Hilo Dis- trict, Hawaii. Paumalu; Land Division, Koolauloa Dis- trict, Oahu. Pauoa; Stream, rising in Koolau Moun- tains, flowing southwestward into Nuu- anu Stream from the east, Honolulu District, Oahu. Pauwela; Land Division and Village near Haiku, Makawao District, Maui. Peahi; Village, just west of Halehaku Gulch, Maui. Peapea; see Makaihuwaa. Pearl City; Town, near East Loch, Pearl Harbor, Oahu. Pearl Harbor; landlocked arm of the Pacific Ocean, southern coast of Oahu, about 6 miles west of Honolulu; con- sists of East, Middle, and West Lochs; principal affluents, Halawa, Kalauao, Waimalu, Waiawa, and Waipahu Streams, also numerous springs near sea level; contains Fords Island. Site of United States naval base and dry dock. Pehea; see Pihea. Pelekunu; Land Division, partly in Government ownership, northern Molokai. Pelekunu; Stream, rising at 4,500 feet elevation, flowing northward into sea through Pelekunu Gulch, northern Molokai. Pepeekeo; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering the sea just south of Peepeekeo post office, Hawaii. Pepeekeo; Village, South Hilo District, Hawaii. Pepeekeo; see Alia. Piha; Land Division, in Government ownership, North Hilo District, Hawaii. Pihea; Peak, elevation, 4,150 feet, near lat. 22 09' N., long. 159 37' W. high- est point on Kaunuohua Kidge, north- western part of Kauai. (Not Pehea n Puu Pihea.) Piihonua; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, South Hilo District,. Hawaii. Piilani; Ditch, diverting water from north side of Kauaula Stream, West Maui. Pilaa; Land Division, Hanalei District, Kauai. Pili; see Puu Pilo. Poamoho; Stream, rising in central Koo lau Mountains, flowing northwestward into Kaukonahua Stream from the east, Waialua District, Oaku. Pohakea; Homestead Section, Kama- kua District, Hawaii. (Not Pohokea.) P oh aku Hanalei; Peak, elevation, 12,310 feet, northeastern slope of Mauna Loa, Hawaii. Pohaku o Kane; Pohuku o Kane; see Pohakuokane. Pohakuao; Land Section, near long. 159* 38' W., northwestern coast of Kauai. (Not Pohakuau.) Pohakuau; see Pohakuao. Pohakuawaawa; see Pohaku waawaa. Pohakuloa; Cape, near lat. 22 08' N., eastern coast of Kauai. (Not Lae Oniea.) Pohakunanaka; Stream, lower south- eastern slope of Maua Kea, entering the sea near Hilo, Hawaii. Pohakuokane; Hill, near lat. 22 W 30" N., long. 159 34' W., northern slope of Kauai. (Not Pohaku o Kane nor Pohuku o Kane.) Pohakupili; Peak, elevation, 2,589 feet, Kealia-Kapaa Divide, Kauai. Pohakupuka; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering sea near Maulua Gulch, Hawaii. Pohakuwaawaa; Summit, near lat. 2 08' N., long. 159 W W., northwestern part of Kaua. (Not Pohakuawaawa.) Pokai; Bay, at mouth of Waianae Stream, southwest Oahu. Poliahu; Peak, elevation, 13,04 near summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Pololu; Land Division, in Government ownership, North Kohala istnct, Hawaii. Pololu; Stream, rising on northen of Kohala Mountains, flowing norl ward into sea west of Honokane Gulch, Kohala District, Hawaii. BRPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC 510 ponahatnU; Und Division, South Hilo Dfctrict, Hawaii. Poomau; River, rising in Alakai Swamp, flowing southwettward to Waimea |Uvr, Us tower portion being in a deep Canyon, upper Waimea Basin, Kauai. foopoo; M Poupou. poowaiomahaihai; Ditch, diverting water from the south side of Makaweli River, Waimea District, Kauai. Poupou; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering sea south of Maulua Gulch, Hawaii. (Not Poopoo.) Poako; Village (post oflico, Lalamilo), on Puako Bay, South Kohala District, Hawaii. we Puaaaiea. ; Point, near long. 159 41' 30", W., northwestern coast of Kauai. (Not Puanaaiea.) Pukele; Stream, rising on southern slope of Kaau Crater, flowing southward to junction with Waiamao Stream to form Palolo Stream, Honolulu District, Oahu. Pukihae; Stream, rising on lower south- eastern slope of Mauna Kea, flowing southeastward into sea north of Hilo, South Hilo District, Hawaii. Pukoo, Harbor and Landing, southeast- ern coast of Molokai. Puiumu, see Puukumu. Pulehu; Ridge, near lat. 22 01' N., long. 159 43' W., southwestern part of Kauai. (Not Puu Lehu.) Pulehunui; Land Division, Makawaoand Wailuku Districts, Maui. Polili; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, formed by junction of Katoiiki and Kapena streams, entering the sea a short distance north of Hono- hina, Hawaii. Puna; District, Hawaii County; political subdivision in eastern Hawaii. Punahoa; I^nd Division, South Hilo District, Hawaii. Punahou; main Residential Section of Honolulu, adjoining grounds of Oahu College, Oahu. Punakou; Land Division, southweetern Molokai. Punaluu; Land Diviabn and Landing Kau District, Hawau. BOARD. Punaluu; Land Division, Koolualoa 1'is trict, Oahu. Punaluu; Stream, rising in Koolau Moun- tains, flowing northeastward into sea, Koolauloa District, Oahu. Punaluu; Village, Koolauloa district. Oahu. Punchbowl Hill; Tufa Crater, elevation , 498 feet, just back of Honolulu, Oahu. Puohokamoa; Stream, rising on north- ern slope of Haleakala Mountain, flow- ing northeastward into sea, Hana Dis- trict, Maui. (Not Puohakamoa.) Puolo; Point, western side of Hanapepe Bay, near long. 159 3^ 40" \V., Kauai. (Not Ukula.) Puowaina; see Punchbowl Hill. Pupukea; Land Division, Koolauloa Dis- trict, Oahu. Puu Alaea; Stream, eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering sea south of pahoehoe Gulch, Hawaii. Puu Alani; see Puulani. Puu Alua; Puu Elua; see Puu Lua. Puu Ehu; Peak, elevation, 1,939 feet, Anahola Mountains, Kauai. Puu Eu; Peak, elevation, 2,747 feet, Kealia-Kalihiwai Divide, Kauai. Puu Ka Manu; Hill, near long. 159 31' 30" W., northern coast of Kauai. (Not Puu Kamanu.) Puu Ka Pele; see Puukapele. PUU Kamanu; see Puu Ka Manu. Puu Kukui: Summit, elevation, 5,790 feet, west Maui. Puu Lani; see Puulani. Puu Lehu; See Pulehu. Puu Lua; Peak, near lat. 22 05' 30" N., long. 159 41' W., western slope of Kauai. (Not Puu Alua nor Puu Elua.) Puu Maheu; Hill, elevation, 858 feet, on ridge between Hanalei and Kalihiwai Rivers, near lat. 22 11' N., long. 159 27' W., northern slope of Kauai. (Not Maheo.) PuunoPili; see Puu Nopili. Puu Nopili; Hill, near lat. 22 13' N., long. 159 34' W., northern coast of Kauai. (Not Puu no Pili nor Puunopili.) Puu o Pae; see Puu Opae. Puu Ohio; see Tantalus. Puu Olii; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering sea near Maulua Gulch, Hawaii. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. .311 Puu Opae; Hill, near lat. 22 02' N., long. 159 42' 30" W., western slope of Kauai. (Not Puu o Pae.) Puu Pane; Hill, 552 feet high, 2 miles southeast of Kilauea, lat. 22 11' N. long. 159 24' W., northern slope of Kauai. (Not Mt. Para.) Puu Pehu; see Puu Poa. Puu Pihea; see Pihea. Puu Pilo; Hill, northern bank Wailua River, near lat. 22 03' N., long. 159 24' W., Kauai. (Not Pili.) Puu Poa; Headland, eastern entrance Hanalei Bay, northern coast Kauai. (Not Puu Pehu.) Puu Waawaa; Peak, elevation, 3,824 feet, north of Hualalai, North Kona District, Hawaii. Puuanahulu; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, North Kona District, Hawaii. Puueo; Land Division, South Hilo Dis- trict, Hawaii. Puukapele; Peak, elevation, 3,657 feet, western edge of Waimea Canyon , Kauai . (Not Puu Ka Pele.) Puukapu; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, South Kohala Dis- trict, Hawaii. Puukumu; Stream, emptying into Kali- hiwai Bay, long. 159 25' 30" W., northern coast of Kauai. (Not Puku- mu.) Puulani; Hill, near lat. 21 57' N., long. 159 35' W., southern slope of Kauai. (Not Puu Alani nor Puu Lani.) Puuloa; Land Division, just west of en- trance to Pearl Harbor, Ewa District, Oahu. Puuloa; Village, east of Pearl Harbor, Ewa District, Oahu. Puumakaa; Land Division, Kau Dis- trict, Hawaii. Puunene; Town, a few miles south of Kahului Harbor, Maui. Puunopili; see Puu Nopili. Puuohua; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering sea south of Mau- lua Gulch, Hawaii. Puupehu; Land Division, Hanalei Dis- trict, Kauai. Puuwaawaa; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, North Kona District, Hawaii. B. Bound Top; Hill, elevation, 1,049 feet, back of Honolulu, Oahu. 3. Salt Lake; Lake, near sea level, in crater west of Honolulu, Oahu. (Not Alia- Scofield Barracks; Cantonment of the United States Army at Leilehua, near the center of Oahu. Sisal; Railway Station, west of Ewa mill, in center of the sisal district, Ewa Dia- trict, Oahu. South Fork Kaukonahua; see Kaukouahua, South Fork. South Fork Waiiua; see Wailua, South Fork. South Hilo; see Hilo. South Kohala; see Kohala, South. South Kona; see Kona, South. South Waiehu; see Waiehu. Spreckels Ditch; Diversion from Hono- manu Stream, east Maui, at about 1,500 feet elevation; extends westward across country, dropping successively into the various streams and taking out again at a lower elevation until it reaches Nailii- lihaele Stream at the intake of Haiku and Lowrie ditches. Spreckels Ditch; Diverts water from south side of Waihee Stream, west Maui . Sprecklesville; Village, a few milee east of Kahului Harbor, Maui. T. Tantalus (or Puu Ohia); Hill, elevation, 2,013 feet, northeast of Honolulu, Koo- lau Range, East Oahu. TJ. Ualakaa; see Round Top. TJhau lole; Stream, tributary to North Fork Wailua River from the north, Lihue District, Kauai. Ukula; see Puola. TJkumehame; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, Lahainai District, Maui. Ukumehame; Stream, rising on southern slope of west Maui, flowing southwest- ward into sea, Lahaina District, Maul. MM 1 1C BOARD. Ulup*Uku; SetUemt- nt near Makena, 7wteratop* of Haleakala Mountain, M . Umauma; Stream, formed by the junc tioa of Wailua and Haunapueo Streams, rMnf on extern slope of Mauna Kea, flowing northea*tward into aea near H*k*lau, South Hilo District, Hawaii. Upolu; extreme northern Point of Ha- waii L'ppfT Hamatva; see Hamakua (Upper). < Kohala (Upper). V. Volcano House; Hotel, uii brink ui ki- lauea Crater. Hawaii: flevation, 3,971 W. Wahiawa; Land Divir-iun. Koloa Dis- trict, Kauai Wahiawa; Land Division, partly in Gov- ernment ownership, Waialua District, Oahu Wahiawa; Reservoir Ditch, diverting water from North and South Forks of Kaukonohuu Stream, below Wahiawa Dam, Oahu Wahiawa; Reservoir, cm Kaukouahua Stream, central Oahu Wahiawa; Stream, rising on western lope of main divide, flowing south- westward into sea. Koloa District, Kauai. Wahiawa; Village, oit plateau in pine- apple district near center of Oahu; reached by branch line of Oahu Rail- way from Waipahu. Wahiknli; Gulch, heading on western lope of West Maui, Lahaina District, Maui. Hood waters flow westward in to sea. Wahiknli; Land Division, in Government ownership. Lahaina District, Maui. Wahiuli.) Waiaaka; Stream, rising on eastern slope of Halfakala Mountain, flowing north- eastward into aea, Hana District, Maui. Waiaama; Stream, lower eastern elope M*ma Kea, entering the sea north Kawainui Stream, Hawaii. Waiahi; Stream, tributary to South Fork ulua Rivt-r. Lihue Pfetrict, Kauai Waiohole; Hitch, proposed for bringing water from the windward side of Oahu through the main Koolau Range north of Pearl Harbor; approximate length, 15 miles; length of main tunnel, about 14,000 feet X>t Oahti-Koolau.) Waiahole; Land Division, partly in Gov- ernment ownership, Koolaupoko Dis- trict, Oahu. Waiahole; Stream, rising in central Koolau Mountains, flowing southeast- ward into Kaneohe Bay, receiving Waianu Stream from the north, Koo- huij)ok() District. Oahu. Waiahole; Village, Koolaupoko District, Oahu. Waiahulu; Stream (from Halemanu Stream to Koaie Stream), near lat. 22 06' N., long. 159 W W., northwestern part of Kauai. Waiakalua; Land Division, Hanalei Dis- trict, Kauai. Waiakamoi; Stream, rising on northern slope of Haleakala Mountain, flowing northeastward into sea, Hana District, Maui. ( Not Waikamoi.) Waiakea; Land Division, in Government ownership, South Hilo District, Hawaii. Waiakea; Village, suburb of Hilo, on Ililo Bay, Hawaii. Waiakoa; Land Division, in Government ownership, Makawao and Wailuku Dis- tricts, Maui. (Not Waiakaa.) Waiakoa; Post Office, in Kula Section, west Maui. Waiakoali; Stream, tributary to Kawai- koi Stream from the east, upper Waimea Basin, Kauai. Waialae; Land Division, Honolulu Dis- trict, Oahu. Waialae; Stream in Central Waimea Ba- sin, Kauai; rising on western slope of Waialeale. flowing westward and south- westward to Waimea River, with a fall of about 2,500 feet within a short distance from its mouth. Waialeale; Peak, elevation, 5,080 feet, in central mountain mass of Kauai. Waialee; Land Division, in Government ownership, Koolauloa District, Oahu. Waialua; Bay. at mouth of Anahula im, northwest Oahu. Waialua; District, in city and county of Honolulu; political subdivision in north-central Oahu. Waialua; Land Division, southeastern Molokai. Waialua; Village, Waialua District, Oahu. Waianae; District, in city and county of Honolulu; political subdivision in southwestern Oahu. Waianae; Land Division, partly in Gov- ernment ownership, Waianae District, Oahu. Waianae; Stream, rising on south slope of Kaala Peak, Waianae Range, flowing douthwestward through Waianae Valley into sea, Waianae District, Oahu. Waianae; Village, at mouth of Waianae Valley, Waianae District, Oahu. Waianae TJka; Land Division, Waialua District, Oahu. (Not Waianae Uku.) Waianu; Stream, rising in central Koolau Mountains, flowing southeastward, en- tering Waiahole Stream from the north, Koolaupoko District, Oahu. Waiau; Lake, elevation 13,041 feet, near summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Waiau; Land Division, Ewa District, Oahu. Waiawa; Ditch, diverting freshet water from Waiawa Stream, Oahu. Waiawa; Land Division, Ewa District, Oahu. Waiawa; Stream, rising in Koolau Moun- tains, flowing southwestward through Waiawa Gulch into Middle Loch of Pearl Harbor, receiving Manana Stream from the east, Ewa District, Oahu. Waiea; Land Division, partly in Govern- ment ownership, South Kona District, Hawaii. Waiehu; Land Division, Wailuku Dis- trict, Maui. Waiehu; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering sea jorth of Hono- hina, Hawaii. Waiehu; Stream, consisting of two branches, North and South Waiehu streams, rising on eastern slope of west Maui, and flowing eastward into sea, Wailuku District, Maui. Waieli; Locality, near lat. 22 01' N., western coast of Kauai. (Not Kawaiele, Kawaieli, nor Waiele.) 313 Waieli; Stream, rising on southeastern slope of Haleakala. flowing southeast- ward into sea, Hana District, Maui. Waieli; Stream, tributary to Waikakalaua Stream from the west, Ewa District, Oahu. Waihee; Canal, diverting water from south side of Waihee Stream, west Maui. Waihee; Land Division, Koolaupoko Dis- trict, Oahu. Waihee; Land Division, Wailuku Dis- trict, Maui. Waihee; Stream, rising on northeastern slope of west Maui near the summit, flowing northeastward through a deep picturesque canyon into sea, Wailuku District, Maui. Waihee; Stream, rising in Koolau Moun- tains, flowing eastward into Kaneohe Bay, Koolaupoko District, Oahu. Waihee; Village near mouth of Waihee Stream, east Maui. Waikakalaua; Ditch diverting water from south side of Waikakalaua Stream, Oahu. Waikakalaua; Stream, rising in Koolau Mountains, flowing southward, joining Kipapa Stream from the west to form Waipahu Stream, Ewa District, Oahu. Waikamoi; see Waiakamoi. Waikane; Land Division, Koolaupoko District, Oahu. Waikane; Stream, rising in central Koo- lau Mountains, flowing southeastward into Kaneohe Bay, Koolaupoko Dis- trict, Oahu. Waikane; Village, Koolaupoko District, Oahu. Waikapu; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, Hamakua District, Hawaii. Waikapu; Land Division, Wailuku I trict, Maui. Waikapu; Stream, rising on eastern i of west Maui, and flowing eastward and southward, Wailuku District, Maui. Waikapu; Village, a few miles south Wailuku, Maui. Waikapu, South Side Ditch; Diversion from south side of Waikapu Stream, west Maui. Waikaumalo; Land Dh District, Hawaii. 314 REPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. WaJkftumalo; Stream, lower eastern elope of Maun- rin * ** north of Hooohina, Hawaii. Waxkele; I-and Division, Ewa District, Oahu Waikiki; Beach and bathing section o Honolulu City. Oahu. Waikoko; I -d Division, Hamakua District, Hawaii. Waikoko; Und I>i\i->..n. Hanalei Dis- v Kauai WaJcoloa; I .and Division, South Kohala District, Hawaii. Waikolu; I^nd I >i vision, in Government ownership, northern Molokai. Waikolu; Stream, lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, entering the sea north of U'aikaumalo Stream, Hawaii. (Not Waikola.) Waikolu; Slream.'flowing northwestward into tea through Waikolu Gulch and Valley, northern Molokai. Wailau; Land Division, in Government ownership, northwestern Molokai. Wailau; Stream, rising at 4, 900 feet eleva- tion, flowing northeastward and north- ward into sea through Wailau Gulch, northeastern Molokai. WaUau; Peak, elevation, 4,547 feet, at head of Wailau Gulch, Molokai. Wailua; Land Division, in Government ownership, Lihue District, Kauai. Wailua; Stream, formed by junction of North and South Forks of Wialua River, flowing eastward into sea, Lihue Dis- -, Kauai. Wftilua; Stream, tributary to Umauma Stream on eastern slope of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Wailua, North Fork; Stream, rising on eastern slope of Waialeale, flowing eastward to junction with South Fork to form main stream, Lihue District, Kauai. Waflua, South Pork; Stream, rising on southeastern slope of Kawaikini Peak, flowing eastward to junction with North Pork to form main stream, Lihue Dis- trict, Kauai. Wafluaiki; Stream, rising on the north- **n slope of Haleakala Mountain win* northeastward into sea near wailua. Hana District. Maui Wailuanui; Stream, rising on northeast- ern slope of Haleakala Mountain, flow- ing northeastward into ---a. I-UM <>f Keanae Valley, Hana District, Maui. Wailuku; District, Maui County, political subdivision in windward west Maui. Wailuku; Land Division, Wailuku Dis- trict, Maui. Wailuku; River, rising high up on south- eastern slope of Mauna Kea, flowing eastward into Hilo Bay, South Ililo District, Hawaii. Wailuku; Town, about 3 miles west of Kali ul ui Harbor, east Maui; county seat of Maui County. Wailupe; Land Division, Honolulu lu- trict, Oahu. Waima; Stream, rising on northern slope of Kohala Mountains, entering Waipio River from the west, Hamakua District, Hawaii. Waimalu; Land Division, Ewa District, Oahu. Waimalu; Stream, rising in Koolau Moun- tains, flowing southwestward through Waimalu Gulch into East Loch of IVarl Harbor, Ewa District, Oahu. Waimanalo; Ditch, diverting water from various tributaries of Kailua Stream, Oahu. Waimanalo; Land Division, Ewa Dis- trict, Oahu. Waimanalo; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, Koolaupoko District, Oahu. Waimanalo; Bay, on southeast coast of Oahu. Waimanalo; Stream, rising in southern Koolau Mountains, flowing northeast- ward into Waimanalo Bay, Koolaupoko District, Oahu. Waimanalo; Village, Koolaupoko Dis- trict, Oahu. Waimano; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, Ewa District, Oahu. Waimanu; Land Division, in Govern- ment ownership, Hamakua District. Hawaii. Waimanu; Stream, heading in Waimanu Gulch north of Waipio River, flowing northward into sea, through Waimanu Valley, Hamakua District, Hawaii. Waimea; Bay, at mouth of Waimea River, southwest Kauai. REPOKT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 315 Waimea; Bay, at mouth of Waimea Stream, northwest Oahu. Waimea; Canyon, 2,000 to 3,000 feet deep, i to 1^ miles wide, about 10 miles long, called ' ' Miniature Grand Canyon, ' ' Kauai. Waimea; District, Kauai County, politi- cal subdivision in southwestern Kauai. Waimea; Ditch, diverting water from Waimea River, about 4 miles above its mouth, Kauai. Waimea; Ditch, diverting water from the west side of Waimea River for cane irri- gation, Waimea District, Kauai. Waimea; Land Division, in Government ownership, comprising about one-fifth of total area of island, Waimea District, Kauai. Waimea; Land Division, South Kohala District, Hawaii. Waimea; Land Division, in Wailua Dis- trict, Oahu. Waimea; River, rising in Alakai Swamp northwest of Waialeale Peak, flowing southward through deep, picturesque canyon to Waimea Bay; length, about 15 miles. Waimea Land Division, Kauai Waimea; Stream, rising in northern Koolau Mountains, flowing northwest- ward into Waimea Bay, Waialua Dis- trict, Oahu. Waimea; Town, at mouth of Waimea River, Waimea District, Kauai. Waimea; Village (post office, Kamuela), on Waimea Plains, southeast of Kohala Mountains, Hawaii. Waimea; westernmost Landing for freight and passengers on southern coast of Kauai. Wainaku; Suburb of Hilo and freight landing, South Hilo District, Hawaii. Wainiha; Canal, diverting water from the west side of Wainiha River, Hanelia District. Kauai. Wainiha; Land Division, Hanalei I trict, Kauai. Wainiha; Streair, rising on northern slope of Waialeale Peak, flowing northward to Wainiha Bay, Hanalei District, Kauai. Wainiha; Landing, Hanalei District, Kauai. Wainiha; River, debouching in Wainiha Bay near long. 159 32' 30" W., Kauai. (Not Wainike, Waipake, nor Warniho.) Wainike; see Wainiha. Waioa; see Waipa. Waiobinu; Land, Division, in Govern- ment ownership, and Village, Kau Dis- trict, Hawaii. Waiohue; Stream, rising on northeastern slope of Haleakala Mountain, flowing northeastward into sea, Hana District, Maui. Waiohuli; Land Division, in Government ownership, Makawao and Wailuku Dis- tricts, Maui. Waioli; Land Division, partly in Govern- ment ownership, Hanalei District, Kauai. Waioli; Stream, flowing northward into Hanalei Bay, Hanalei District, Kauai. Waiomao; Stream, rising on southern slope of Olympus Peak, Koolau Range, flowing southward to junction with Pukele Stream to form Palolo Stream, Honolulu District, Oahu. Waipa; Land Division, Hanalei District, Kauai. Waipa; Stream, flowing northward into Hanalei Bay, Hanalei District, Kauai. (Not Waioa.) Waipahoehoe; Stream, rising on eastern slope of Mauna Kea, flowing southeast- ward into sea south of Papaikou, Hilo District, Hawaii. Waipahu; Stream, formed by junction of Kipapa and Waikahalaua Streams, flow- ing southward into West Loch of Pearl Harbor, Ewa District, Oahu. Waipahu; Town, on West Loch of Pearl Harbor, Oahu. Waipake; Land Division, Hanalei trict, Kauai. Waipake; Stream, in \\aipake Land Grant, long. 159 2V W., northern coast of Kauai. Waipake; see Wainiha. Waipao; Gulch, Waimea District, Kaua (Not Waipau.) Waipio; Land Division, Hamaku trict, Hawaii. Waipio; Land Division. Ewa I Oahu. .:PORT OF THE I-XITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Ill Waipio; River, on northeastern Speof Kobal* Mountains, flowing eart- rarfandoortha-twaidinto sea through Waipio Valtey, receiving the flow of Kawainm, Alakahi, Koiawe, and Waima Stma* Uamakua District, Hawaii. Waipio; Village, at mouth of Waipio \ al- kv. Hamakua District, Hawaii. Waipooli; IJUK! Hivi^' 111 KawaihauDis- . Kauai. Waipanalei; Stream, on eastern Blop< Mauna Kea. entering sea north of Uupahoeboe, Hawaii. Walbridg*; Ditch, diverting water from oath de of lao Stream, west Maui. i Wnrniho; see Wainiha. Watertown; Village, entrance i<. i'-;irl Harbor, Oahu. Well; Point, eastern one at entrance to Wahiawa Bay, near long. 159 34' 30", Kauai. Weliweli; Land Division, Koloa District, Kauai. Weloka; Stream, entering sea just north of Maulua Gulch, on lower eastern slope of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Wilcox; Ditch, diverting water from the south side of Huleia Stream, Koloa'Dis- trict, Kauai. Woods; Ditch Kohala District, JHaw;iii. DECISIONS OF THE PHILIPPINE COMMITTEE ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES. (APPROVED BY THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOAED.) A. Abatan; River, southwest part of Bohol, discharging into Maribojoc Bay. (Not Abalan nor Abalon.) Abra de Hog; Township, Mindoro Prov- Alo &uinsan; Municipality, Cebu Prov- Allen; Municipality, Samar Province, Samar. Almagro; Municipality, Samar Prov- ince, Talajib. ince, Mindoro. Abucay; Municipality, Bataan Province, Luzon. ince, Cebu. Alulayan; see Atulayan. Ampusungan; Township. Mountain Abulug; Municipality, Cagayan Prov- ; Province (subprovince Lepanto), Lu- ince, Luzon. zon - Abuyog; Municipality, Leyte Province, Amulun &; Municipality, Cagayan Prov- Leyte. * nce i Luzon. Agno; Municipality, Pangasinan Prov- AmuT1 gaTi; Barrio. Iba Municipality, ince, Luzon. Zambales Province. Luzon. Agoo; Municipality, La Union Province, Ana 5 Municipality, Tarlac Province, Luzon. Luzon. Aguilar; Municipality, Pangasinan Prov- An da; Municipality. Bohol Province, ince, Luzon. Bohol. Alabat; Municipality, Tayabas Province, Anda; Municipality, Pangasinan Prov- Alabat. ince, Cabarruyan. Alaminos; Municipality, Laguna Prov- Angaki; Township, Mountain Province ince, Luzon. (subprovince Lepanto), Luzon. (Not Alaminos; Municipality, Pangasinan Angaqui.) Province, Luzon. Angat; Municipality. Bulacan Province, Alangalang; Municipality, Leyte Prov- Luzon. ince, Leyte. Angeles; Municipality. Pampanga, Alava; Municipality, Pangasinan Prov- Province, Luzon. ince, Luzon. Antamok; Barrio and Creek, about 5 Albay; Municipality, Provincial Capital, miles east of Baguio, Mountain Province Albay Province, Luzon. Luzon. (Not Atimok nor Antomock.) Alburquerque; Municipality, Bohol Antequera; Municipality. Bohol Prov- Province, Bohol. ince, Bohol. Alcala; Municipality, Cagayan Province, Antomock; see Antamok. Luzon. Antipole; Municipality. Rizal Province. Alcala; Municipality, Pangasinan Prov- I Luzon. ince, Luzon. , Apalit; Municipality. Pampanga Prov- Alegria; Municipality, Cebu Province, ince, Luzon. Aparri; Municipality. Cagayan Prov- Alfonso; Municipality, Cavite Province, j ince, Luzon. Luzon - ! Arayat; Municipality, Pampanga Prov- Aliaga; Municipality, Nueva Ecija Prov- ince, Luzon. ince, Luzon. Alilem; Township, Mountain Province | Arevalo; Municipality. ] (subprovince Amburayan), Luzon. Alitagtag; Municipality, Batangas Prov- Argao; Municipality, Cebu Province, ince, Luzon. Cebu. BEPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 318 AriJ*r Mumcipauty. U Union Prov- Badajoz; Municipality, Capiz Province, Tablas. Badian; Municipality, Cebu Province, Cebu. IDC*. Luzon. Aroroy; Mnm.-ipuhty. s.rongon Prov- Masbate. Aaingan Muni, ij-aliiy. I'anpaainan Badoc; Municipality, Ilocos Norte J r.,v- Provinee. Lu, ince Luzon. Asturiaj; Muni'-ipalify ' Vbu Province, Bagabag; Township, Nueva \; Province, Luzon. Bagac; Municipality, Bataan Province, - \-amok. Atimoaan; Muni- -ipality.Tayabac Prov- Luzon. inc*. Luzon. liayacay; see Bacacay. Atalaya; Malayan; *< Atulauin. Bagalumbi; see Magalumbi. Atok; 'township. Mr.untain Province Baganga; Municipality, Moro Pro\ ^bj, |, Luzon. Havao District, Mindanao. Atulayan; Island, in Lagonoy Gulf, Lu- Baggao; Municipality. Cagayan Prov- on. iN"'t Alulayan. Atalaya, nor Ata- ince, Luzon. la>-an.) Ayuquitan; Municipality. Oriental Ne- Bagnen; Barrio, Bauko Municipality, Mountain Province (subprovincp Lepanto), Luzon. Bago; Municipality. Ocridcntul N Province, Negros. Baao; Municipality. A mix* Camarinee Baguio; Barrio, Tayabas Municipality, Province, Luzon. Tayabas Province, Luzon. Babatugon; Babalungon; .-ec Babatngon. Baguio; City, Mountain Province (eub- Babatngon; Municipality and River, province Benguet), Luzon, northern coast of Leyte (Not Baba- Bagulin; Township, Mountain Province tugoD nor Babatungon.) (subprovince Benguet), Luzon. Babuyan; Channel, Betwr-n Babuyan ' Bai Lake; see Laguna de Bay. Islands and Luzon. Bais; Municipality, Oriental Negros Bacacay; Municipality, Albay Prov- Province, Negroe. Bakun; Township, Mountain Province (aub province Amburayan), Luzon. (Not Bacun.) ince, Luzon. (Not Bagacay.) Bacarra; Municipality. Ilocos Xorte Province, Luzon. Baclayon; Municipality IJohol Prov- Balamban; Municipality, Cebu Province ince, Rohol. Bacaotan; Municipality. La t'nion Province. Luzon. Bacolod: Proxincial Capital. Occidental Negros Province, Negro?. Baeolor; Municipality. Parnpanga Prov- ince. Luzon. Bacon; Municipality, Sorpou'on Province, Luson. Baron; see Bacong. Beong; Municipality, Oriental Pronnce, Xegroe. (Not Bacon.) Bcoor; Municipality. Cavite Province. Luzon. Baeuit; Settlement. Palawan Pro\ inco Palawan. , we Bakun. ; Barrio, Pai Iloilo Prov- Panay. (Not Bauiranan nor Baoranan Cebu. Balanga; Municipality, Provincial Cap- ital, Bataan Province, Luzon. Balangiga; Municipality, Samar, Prov- ince, Samar. Balaoan; Municipality, La Union Prov- ince, Luzon. Balasan; Municipality, Iloilo Pro\ince. Panay. Balayan; Municipality, Hatangas Prov- ince, Luzon. Baler; Municipality, Tayabas Province. Luzon. Baliaigao; Municipality, Misamis Prov- ince, Mindanao. Balilihan; Municipality, Bohol Prov- ince, Bohol. (Not Balilijan.) Balincaguin; Municipality, Pangasinan Province, Luzon. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 319 Balingasag; Municipality, Misamis Prov- ince, Mindanao. Balingtan; see Balingtang. Balintang; Channel and Island, north of Luzon. (Not Balingtan.) Baliuag; Municipality, Bulacan Prov- ince, Luzon. Ballesteros; Municipality, Cagayan Province, Luzon. Balungao; Municipality, Pangasinan Province, Luzon. Bamban; Municipality, Tarlac Province, Luzon. Bambang; Township, Neuva Vizcaya Province, Luzon. Barnu; see Gamu. Banaao; Township, Mountain Province (subprovince Lepanto), Luzon. Banagan; Point, east coast of Pagbilao Grande Island, Tayabas Province, Luzon. Banate; Municipality, Iloilo Province, Panay. Banaue; Settlement, Mountain, Prov- ince (subprovince Ifugao), Luzon. JJanayoyo; Township, Ilocos Sur Prov- ince, Luzon. Banga; Municipality, Capiz Province, Panay. Bangar; Municipality, La Union Prov- ince, Luzon. Bangued; Municipality, Ilocoa Sur Province (subprovince Abra), Luzon. Bangui; Municipality, Ilocos Norte Province, Luzon. Bantaranan; see Butauanan. Bani; Municipality, Pangasinan Prov- ince, Luzon. Bantaranan; see Butauanan. Bantay; Municipality, Ilocos Sur Prov- ince, Luzon. Bantayan; Municipality, Cebu Prov- ince, Bantayan. Barcelona; Municipality, Sorsogon Prov- ince, Luzon. Barili; Municipality, Cebu Province, Cebu. Barotac Nueva; Municipality, Iloilo Province, Panay. Barugo; Municipality, Leyte Province, Leyte. Basco; Township, Batanes Province, Batan. Basey; Municipality, Samar Province, Samar. Basod; see Basud. Basud; Municipality, Ambos Camarinee Province, Luzon. (Not Basod.) Batac; Municipality, Ilocoa Norte Prov- ince, Luzon. Batangas; Municipality, provincial capital, Batangas Province, Luzon. Batauanan; see Butananan. Bato; Municipality, Albay Province (subprovince Catanduanee), Catan- duanes. Bato; Municipality, Ambos Camarinee Province, Luzon. Bato; Municipality, Leyte Province, Leyte. Bato; Township, Ilocos Sur Province (subprovince Abra), Luzon. Batuan; Municipality, Bohol Province, Bohol. Batulao; Mountain, about 13 kilometers (8 miles) northwest of Balayan, Batan- gas Province, Luzon. (Not Tanaun Peak.) Bauan; Municipality, Batangas Prov- ince, Luzon. Bauang; Municipality, La L T nion Prov- ince, Luzon. Banco; see Bauko. Bauguen; Township, Ilocos Sur Prov- ince, Luzon. Bauko; Township, Mountain Province (subprovince Lepanto), Luzon. (Not Bauco.) Bauiranan; Bauranan; see Bacuranan. Bautista; Municipality, Pangaeinan Province, Luzon. Bay; Municipality, Laguna Province, Luzon. Bayambang; Municipality, Pangasinan Province, Luzon. Baybay; Municipality, Leyte Province, Leyte. Bayombong; Township, Provincial Cap- ital, Nueva Vizcaya Province, Luzon. Besao^Township, Mountain Province (subprovince Lepanto), Luzon. Bigaa; Municipality, Bulacan Province, Luzon. Bilar; Municipality, Bohol Province, Bohol. Biliran; Municipality, Leyte Province, Biliran. Bitialbagaii; Municipality, Occidental Negros Province, Negros. 320 REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Binalonan; Municipality. Pangaanan Province, Luzon. Binan; Municipality. Laguna Province, Luzon. Binangonan; Municipality, Rizal I ince, Luzon. Binangonan; Binangonan de Lampon; se Infanta. Birunaley; Municipality. Pangasinan Province, Luzon. Boac; Municipality, Tayabas Province, Marinduque. Bobon; Municipality, Samar Province, Samar. Bocaue; Municipality. Bulacan Prov- ince, Luzon. Bogo; Municipality. Cebu Province, Cebu. Bohol; Strait, between Bohol and Cebu. Bokod; Township, Mountain Province (subprovince Benguet), Luzon. B o 1 i n a o ; Municipality, Pangasinan Province. Luzon. Rondo; see Bondoc. Boadoc; Point and Town, southern part of Tayabas Province, Luzon. (Not Bondo nor Bondog.'i Bondog; see Bondoc. Bongabon; Barrio. Point and River, east coast of Mindoro. Bongabon; Municipality, Nueva Ecija Province. Luzon. Boro igan; Port and Town, east coast of Samar. (Not Borongon.) Borongon; see Borongan. Bontoc; Township. Provincial Capital, Mountain Province (subprovince Ben- guet), Luzon. Borbon; Municipality, Cebu Province, t'ebu. Botolan; Municipality. Zambales Prov- ince, Luzon. Bucay; Municipality. Ilocos Sur Prov- ince (subprovince Abra\ Luzon. Buenavista; Municipality, Iloilo Prov- ince, Guimaras. Bvyaton; see Bugapoiu:. Bugaaong; Municipality. Antique Prov- ince, Panay. (Not Bugason.) Buguiaa; Township, Mountain Province (subprovince Benguet), Luzon. BuM; Municipality. Ambos Camarines Province. Luzon. Bula; Municipality. Ainbos Camarines Province, Luzon. Bulacau; Municipality. Bulacan Prov- ince, Luzon. Bulalacao; Township, Mindora Prov- ince, Mindoro. Bulan; Municipality, Sorsogon Province, Luzon. Bulusan; Municipality, Sorsogon Prov- ince, Luzon. Bungul; Bungus; see Rungus. Buxauen; Municipality, Leyte Province, Leyte. Burias; Pass, between Burias Island and Luzon. Buruanga; Municipality, Capiz Prov- ince, Panay. Butauanan; Island, off the east coast of Luzon. (Not Bantaranan nor Batau- anan.) Butuan; Municipality, Provincial Capi- tal, Agusan Province (subprovince Butuan), Mindanao. C. Caba; Municipality, La Union Prov- ince, Luzon. Cabadbaran; Municipality, Surigao, Mindanao. Cabalian; Municipality, Leyte Province, Leyte. (Not Cabilian.) Caballo; Bay, on south shore Corregidor Island. Cabanatuan; Municipality, Nueva Ecija Province, Luzon. Cabancalan; see Kabankalan. Cabangan; Municipality, Zambales Province, Luzon. Cabatuan; Municipality, Iloilo Prov- ince, Panay. Cabiao; Municipality, Nueva Ecija Province, Luzon. Cabugao; Municipality, Ilocos Sur Prov- ince, Luzon. Cabusao; Municipality, Ambos Cama- rines Province, Luzon. Cabuyao; Municipality, Laguna Prov- ince, Luzon. , Cadiz; Municipality, Occidental Negros Province, Negros. Cagayan; Municipality, Provincial Capital, Misamis Province, Mindanao. Cagayan Sulu; Island, in Sulu Sea. (Not Cagayan Jolo.) Cagayancillo; Settlement, Palawan Province, Cagayan. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 321 Caibiran; Municipality, Leyte Prov- ince, Biliran. (Not Caybiran.) Cajidiocan; Municipality, Capiz Prov- ince, Sibuyan. Calabaza; see Lusaran. Calabanga; Municipality, Ambos Cama- rines Province, Luzon. Calaca; Municipality, Batangas Prov- ince, Luzon. Calamba; Municipality, Laguna Prov- ince, Luzon. Calapan; Township, Provincial Capital, Mindoro Province, Mindoro. Calape; Municipality, Bohol Province, Bohol. Calasiao; Municipality, Pangasinan Province, Luzon. Calauag; Municipality, Tayabas Prov- ince, Luzon. Calayan; Barrio, Aparri Municipality, Cagayan Province, Luzon. Calbayog; Town and River, Samar Prov- ince, west coast of Samar. (Not Cal- bayoc, Calbayok, nor Kalbayok.) Calbiga; Municipality, Samar Prov- ince, Samar. Calivo; Municipality, Capiz Province, Panay. (Not Calibo nor Kalibu.) Calolbon; Municipality, Albay Prov- ince, Catanduanes. Caloocan; Municipality, Rizal Province, Luzon. Calumpit; Municipality, Bulacan Prov- ince, Luzon. Caluya; Township, Mindoro Province Caluya. Camalaniugan; Municipality, Cagayan Province, Luzon. Camalig; Municipality, Albay Province Luzon. Camaligan; Municipality, Ambos Cama rines Province, Luzon. Camiling; Municipality, Tarlac Prov ince, Luzon. Camotes; Sea, between Leyte, Bohol and Cebu. Canaman; Municipality, Ambos Cama rines Province, Luzon. Canauay; Island and Light, Janabatas Channel, north coast of Leyte. (Not Cananay.) Candaba; Municipality, Pampanga Prov- ince, Luzon. 4704916 21 Candelaria; Municipality, Tayabas Province, Luzon. andelaria; Municipality, Zambalee Province, Luzon. landijay; MunicipaUty, Bohol Province, Bohol. !andon; Municipality, Ilocos Sur Prov- ince, Luzon. iantilan; Municipality, Surigao Prov- ince, Mindanao. Jaoayan; Municipality, Ilocos Sur Prov- ince, Luzon. Capalonga; Municipality, Ambos Cama- rines Province, Luzon. Capangan; see Kapangan. Capas; Municipality, Tarlac Province, Luzon. Capiz; MunicipaUty, Province, and River, on north shore of Panay Island. (Not Capis nor Kapiz.) Capul; Municipality, Sumar Province, Capul. Caraga; MunicipaUty, Moro Province, Davao District, Mindanao. Caramoan; Municipality, Amboa Camarines Province, Luzon. Carcar; Municipality, Cebu Province, Cebu. Carigara; Municipality, Leyte Prov- ince, Leyte. Carmen; MunicipaUty, Bohol Province, Bohol. Carmen; Municipality, Cebu Province, Cebu. Carmona; MunicipaUty, Cavite Prov- ince, Luzon. Carranglan; Municipality, Nueva Ecija Province, Luzon. Casiguran; Municipality, Sorsogon, Luzon. Casiguran; Municipality, Tayabas Province, Luzon. Castilla; Municipality, Sorsogon I ince, Luzon. Castillejos; Municipality, Zambalefi Province, Luzon. Cataingan; Municipality, Sorsogon Province (subprovince Masbate), M ) Catanauan; Municipality, Tayaba Province, Luzon. Catarman; Municipality, Samar . ince, Samar. fff BEPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Municipality, Provincial Samar Province, Samar. Dv*> PiMrict, Mindano. hf"; Municipality, Cebu Province, ,-: ; Reef, in AJbay Gulf, eastern of Luxon. (Not Catubigjior Katubef.) Ce-tubig; Municipality, Samar Province, Samar frhtbig; see Catubeg. Cauayan; Municipality, Isabel* Prov- ince, Luzon. Cauayan; MunicipaUty, Occidental Ne- gro* Province, Negros. Cnimmlan see Kabankalan. Carite; Municipality, Provincial Capi- tal, Cavite Province, Luzon. CSsyon. see Kayan. Cnyainn; see C libiran. Cebu; Municipality, Provincial Capital, Cebu Province. Tebu. Cervantes; Settlement, Mountain Prov- ince ((ubprovince Lepanto). Luzon. Obwraro. see Semirara. CUveria; Municipality, Cagayan Prov- ince, Luzon. Colaii:; see Kulasi. Conception; Municipality, Tarlac Prov- ince, Luzon. Conception; Township, Mindoro Prov- ince, Maestre de Campo. Conception; Township, Mountain Prov- ince (subprovince Lepanto), Luzon. Oorella; Municipality, Bohol Province, Bohol.. Coron; Township, Palawan Province, ; Cove, on north shore of Cor- regidor Island. Garten; Municipality, Bohol Province, Bohol. CoUbmto; Town, near mouth of Min- ^nao River, Moro Province, Min- *o. (NotCottabatonorKota-Bato.) 0bi; Point and Shoal, Subic Un i Bay, uby. Kuby, nor Kubi.) Municipality, Batangas Prov- *nce,Luxon. OlMl; Municipality, Antique Province. Panay. yapo: Municipality, Province, Luzon. Nuev-a Ecija Cuyo; Township, Palawan Province, < 'uyo. Cuyo East; Pass, between Cuyo Islands and Panay. Cuyo West; Pass, between northeastern Palawan and Cuyo Islands. D. Daanbantayan; Municipality, Cebu Province, Cebu. (Not Daan Banta- yan.) Daet; Municipality, Ambos Camarines Province, Luzon. Dagami: Municipality, Leyte Province, Leyte. Dagupan; Municipality, Pangasinan Province, Luzon. Dahikan; Islands, off Mambulao, east coast of Luzon. (Not Dajican nor Dajikan.) Dajican; Dijikan; see Dahikan. Dalaguete; Municipality, Cebu Prov- ince, Cebu. Daliaun; Bank and Town, Davao Gulf southeastern coast of Mindanao. Daliao, Daliaon, nor Deliaon.) Danao; Municipality, Cebu Province, Cebu. Dangles; Township, Ilocos Sur Prov- ince, Luzon. Dansalan; Municipality, Moro Province, Lanao District, Mindanao. Dao; Municipality, Antique Province, Panay. Dao; Municipality, Capiz Province, Panay. Dapa; Municipality, Surigao Province, Siargao. Dapitan; Municipality, Moro Province, Zarabonga District, Mindanao. Dasol; Municipality, Pangasinan Prov- ince, Luzon. Dauin; Municipality, Oriental Negros Province, Negros. Dauis; Municipality, Bohol Province, Panglao. Davao; Municipality. Moro Province, Davao District, Mindanao. Ddiaon; see Daliaun. Dimasagua; see Limasawa. Dimasalang; Municipality, on eastern shore of Masbate Island. Dimasana; Dimasaua; see Limaswa. Dimiao; Municipality, Bohol Province, Bohol. KEPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 323 Dinagat; Municipality, Surigao Prov- ince, Dinagat. Dinagat; Sound, between Dinagat and Siargao Islands. Dinalupihan; Pueblo, Bataan Province, Luzon. Dingle; Municipality, Iloilo Province, Panay. Dingras; Municipality, Ilocos Norte Province, Luzon. Disdis; Township, Mountain Province (subprovince Benguet), Luzon. Dolores; Municipality, Ilocos Sur Prov- , ince (subprovince Abra), Luzon. Dolores; Municipality, Samar Province, | Samar. Dolores; Municipality, Tayabas Prov- ince, Luzon. Dolores; see Lusaran. Donsol; Municipality, Sorsogon Prov- ince, Luzon. Duero; Municipality, Bohol Province, Bohol. Dulag; Municipality, Leyte Province, Leyte. Dumaguete; Municipality, Provincial Capital, Oriental Negros Province, Negros. Dumalag; Municipality, Capiz Prov- ince, Panay. Dumangas; Municipality, Iloilo Prov- ince, Panay. Dumanjug; Municipality, Cebu Prov- ince, Cebu. Dumaran; Settlement, Palawan Prov- ince, Dumaran. Dumarao; Municipality, Capiz Prov- ince, Panay. Dupax; Township, Nueva \izcaya Prov- ince, Luzon. E. Fifteenth Cavalry; Pass, in Butig Mountains, about 124 18' east longitude and 7 4(X north latitude, Mindanao, Floridablanca; Municipality. Pam- panga Province, Luzon. G. Echague; Municipality, Isabela Prov- ince, Luzon. Enrile; Municipality, Cagayjm Province, Luzon. , , Escalante; Municipality, Occidental Nea*n; Municipality, Batangas Province, Luxon. Ibajay; Municipality, Capiz Province, Panay. liana: Ibang; see Ivana. lyuait: Me Iwahig. Iguir MunicipaUty, Oagayan Province, Luson. tal, , Luzon. nog; Municipality, Occidental Negroa Province, Negroe. noilo; Municipality, Provincial Capital, Iloilo, Panay. Imugan; Township, Nueva Vizcaya Province, Luzon. Imus; Municipality, Cavite Province, Luzon. Inabanga; Municipality, Bohol Prov- ince, Bohol. Indan; Municipality, Ambos Camarines Province, Luzon. Indang; Municipality, Cavite Province, Luzon. Indies Espanolas; see Philippine. Infanta; Municipality, Pangasinan Prov- ince, Luzon. Infanta; Municipality, Tayabas Prov- ince, Luzon. (NotBinangonan nor Bin- angonan de Lampon.) Initao; Municipality, Misamis Province, Mindanao. Inopacan; Municipality, Leyte Prov- ince, Leyte. Iriga; Municipality, Ambos Camarines Province, Luzon. Irosin; Municipality, Sorsogon Province, Luzon. (Not Irocin.) Isabela; Municipality, Occidental Negroe Province, Negros. Itbayat; Municipality, Batanes Prov- ince, Itbayat. (Not Isbayat.) Itogon; Township, Mountain Province (subprovince Benguet), Luzon. luahit; luhuit; lualit; see Iwahig. luisan; Municipality, Capiz Province, Panay. (Not Ivisan.) Ivana; Township, Batanes Province, Baton. (Not Ibana, Ibang, nor San Jose de Ibana.) Ivisan; see luisan. Iwahig; River and Town, near Puerto Princesa, Palawan Island. (Not Yua- hit, Iguait, luahit, luhuit, lualit, nor Ihuahig.) . J. Jaen; Municipality, Nueva Ecija Prov- ince, Luzon. Jagna; Municipality, Bohol Province, Bohol. Jalajala; Municipality, Rizal Province, Luzon. . icipality Moro Province, Jamindan; Municipality, Capiz Prov- Dwtnct, Mindanao. ince, Panay. Janiuay; Municipality, Iloilo Province Panay. Jaro; Municipality, Leyte Province Leyte. Jaro; Municipality, Iloilo Province Panay. Jetafe; Municipality, Bohol Province Bohol. Jimamailan; Jimamaylan; see Hima- maylan. Jimenez; Municipality, Misamis Prov- ince, Mindanao. Jipapad; Settlement, Samar Province, Samar. Jolo; Bay, Islands, and Town, Philip- pine Islands. (Not Jol6, Sug, Sulu, nor Suluk.) Jolo; see Jolo. Jovellar; Municipality, Albay Province, Luzon. Juban; Municipality, Sorsogon Province, Luzon. Jurata; Lake, south coast of Cagayan Sulu Island. (Not Jiwata.) K. Kabankalan; Municipality, Occidental Negros Province, Negros. (Not Ga- bancalan nor Cavancalan.) Kabayan; Township, Mountain Prov- ince (sub province Benguet), Luzon. (Not Cabayan.) Kahumayhumayan; Barrio, Danao Mu- nicipality, Cebu Province, Cebu. Kalbayok; see Calbayog. Kalibu; see Calivio. Kapangan; Township, Mountain Prov- ince (subprovince Benguet), Luzon. (Not Capangan.) Kapiz; see Capiz. Kapungan; see Kibungan. Katubeg; see Catubeg. Kawayan; Municipality, Leyte Prov- ince, Biliran. Kawit; Municipality, Cavite Province, Luzon. Kayan; Township, Mountain Province (subprovince Lepanto), Luzon. (Not Cay an.) Kayapa; Township, Mountain Prov- ince (subprovince Benguet), Luzon. Kiangan; Settlement, Mountain Prov- ince (subprovince Ifuago), Luzon. (Not Quiangan.) STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOABD. 325 Kibungan; Township, Mountain Prov- ince (subprovince Benguet), Luzon. (JNot Kapungan.) Kota-Bato; see Catabato. Kubi Kuby; see Cubi. Kulasi; Barrio, Capiz Municipality, Capiz Province, Panay. (Not Colasi' Culasi, nor Kolasi.) L. La Carlota; Municipality, Occidental Negros Province, Negros. La Paz; Municipality, Ilocos Sur Prov- ince (subprovince Abra), Luzon. La Laguna; see Laguna. La Paz; Municipality, Tarlac Province, Luzon. La Trinidad; Township, Mountain Prov- ince (subprovince Benguet), Luzon. Labayug; Township, Pangasinan Prov- ince, Luzon. Labo; Municipality, Ambos Camarines Province, Luzon. Lagangilang; Township, Ilocoe Sur Province, Luzon. Lagayan; Township, Ilocos Sur Prov- ince, Luzon. Lagonoy; Municipality, Ambos Cama- rines Province, Luzon. Laguan; Lagugan; see Laoang. Laguna; Province, central Luzon. (Not La Laguna.) Laguna de Bay; Lake, Laguna Prov- ince, Luzon. (Not Bai Lake.) Lal-lo; Municipality, Cagayan Province, Luzon. (Not Lalloc.) Langaran; Municipality, Misamia Prov- ince, Mindanao. Langiden; Township, Ilocoe Sur Prov- ince, Luzon. Laoag; Municipality, Provincial Capital, Ilocos Noite Province, Luzon. Laoang; Bay, Island, and Town, north- ern coast of Samar. (Not Laguan nor Lagugan.) Lapog; Bay, Municipality and Ilocoa Sur Province, Luzon. (Not Lano.) Larena; Municipality, Oriental Negros Province (subprovince Siquijor quijor. Las Pinas; Municipality, Rizal Prov- ince, Luzon. Laua-an; Municipality. Antique Prov- ince, Panay. 326 EEPOBT op Tlil ; ,- xiTED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Prov- Loboc; Municipality, Bohol Province, Bohol. Negros Laboo; see Labo. Si- Longos; Municipality, Laguna Province, Luzon. .pality, Batangau Prov- Looc; Barrio. Cebu; Bay, Batangas Prov- ince, Luzon; Bay, Lubaug Island; Buy ''Municipality, lloilo Province, and Point, Samar; Inlet, Masbate. (Not Loog.) Panay L*yt; Gulf, uth of Samar and east of L* L,yU; Municipality, Leyte Province, I. . ; Municipality, Capiz Province, Panay. Liang*; Bay and Town, Surigao Prov- ince, eart coaot of Mindanao. (Not Liangan.) Ltbacao; Municipality, Capiz Province, Panay. Ubmaian; Municipality, Arabos Cama- rinee Province, Luzon. Libog; Municipality, Albay Province, Luzon. Libon; Municipality, Albay Province, Luson. Ltcab; Municipality, Nueva Ecija Prov- ince, Luzon. Township. Iloros Sur Province, Luion. Ligao; Municipality, Albay Province, Luzon. Ulio; Municipality, Laguna Province, Luzon. Liloan; Municipality, Cebu Pronnce, ; Municipality, Leyte Province, Panaon. Umaaawa; Island, south of Leyte. 1 >imaaagua, Dimasana, Dimasaua, Limaaagna. Limaaagua, Limaeana, Li- Limaaaua, Maaagna, nor Ma- limit; Point. < avite Province, extreme Uogayei; Municipality, Provincial Capital, Pangaainan Province, Luzon. Upa; Municiiwlity, Batangas Province, Luxoo. Uorit; Municipality, Samar Prov- IV. v,- , Looc; Municipality, Capiz Province (Bubprovince Romblon), and Port, Tablas. Loog; see Looc. Loon; Municipality, Bohol Province, Bohol. Lopez; Municipality, Tayabas Province, Luzon. Los Banos; Municipality, Laguna Prov- ince, Luzon. Lubaug; Township, Mindoro Province, Lubang. Lubao; Municipality, Pampanga Prov- ince, Luzon. Lubuagan; Settlement, Mountain Prov- ince (subprovince Kalinga), Luzon. Lucban; Municipality, Tayabaa Prov- ince, Luzon. Lucena; Municipality, Provincial digi- tal, Tayabas Province, Luzon. Lucon; see Luzon. Luisiana; Municipality, Laguna Prov- ince, Luzon. Lumban; Municipality, Laguna Prov- ince, Luzon. Luna; Municipality, La Union Province, Luzon. (Not Namacpacan nor Namag- pacan.) Lupi; Municipality, Ambos Camarines Province, Luzon. Lusaxan; Point, on which Lusaran Light - is situated, Guimaras Island. (Not Calabaza, Dolores, nor Guisi.) Lusaran; Luzaran; see South Point. Luzon; Largest of the Philippine Islands. (Not Lucon.) Luzuriaga; Municipality, Oriental Ne- gros Province, Negros. M. Mabalacat; Municipality, Pampanga Province, Luzon. _ _ I I" 4111' I", 1>I|/.III1. icipality, Bohol Proviiw -p. Mabini; Municipality, Bohol Province, Bohol. Mabitac; Municipality, Laguna Prov- ince, Luzon. ; Munici{*Utv. Batangaa Province, Lu " : ixx>.) REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 327 MacCrohon; see Macrohon. Macabebe; Municipality, Pampanga Province, Luzon. Macalelon; Municipality, Tayaba Prov- ince, Luzon. Macrohon; Municipality, I^eyte Prov- ince, Leyte. (Not MacCrohon.) Magalai; Municipality, Pampanga Province, Luzon. (Not Magalang.) Magaldan; see Mangaldan. Magallaaes; Municipality, Sorsogon Province, Luzon. Magallania; see Pliilippine. Magalumbi; Island, off east coast of Panay. (Not Bagalumbi, Magatumbi, Nogalumbio, nor Ragalumbi. Magarao; Municipality, Ambos Cama- rines Province, Luzon. Magatumbi; see Magalumbi. Magdalena; Municipality, Laguna Prov- ince, Luzon. Magindanao; see Mindanao. Magsingal; Municipality, Ilocos Su Province, Luzon. Mahatao; Municipality, Batanes Prov ince, Bataan. Majayjay; Municipality, Laguna Prov- ince, Luzon. Makar; Municipality, Moro Province, Gotabato District, Mindanao. Malabang; Municipality, Moro Prov- ince, Lanao District, Mindanao, Malabon; Municipality, Rizal Province, Luzon. Malabuyoc; Municipality, Cebu I ince, Cebu. Malaraya; Mountain, on boundary I tween Batangas and Laguna Provinces, Luzon, and about 8 kilometers (5 miles northeast of Lipa. (Not Malarayat nor Farallon.) Malasigui; Municipality, Pangasinan Province, Luzon. Malilipot; Municipality, Albay ince, Luzon. Maliiao; Municipality, Albay Province, Luzon. Maliaao; MunicipaUty, Capiz Province, Panay. Malitbog; Municipality, Leyte M^olosjlunicipahty, Provincial Cap- ital, Bulacan Province, Luzon. Mambajao; Municipality, Misami* Province, Camiguin. (Not Manhajao.} Mambulao; Municipality, Amboe Caim- rines Province, Luzon. Mamburao; Township, Mindoro Prov- ince, Mindoro. Mambusao; Municipality, Capiz Prov- ince, Panay. Manabo; Township, Ilocoe Sur Prov- ince (eubprovince Abra), Luzon. Manaoag; Municipality, Pangasinan Province, Luzon. Manapla; Municipality, Occidental Ne- gros Province, Negros. Manbajao; see Mambajio. Manbajao; see Mankayan. Mandaue; Municipality, Cebu Prov- ince, Cebu. Mangaldan; Municipality, Pangaainan Province, Luzon. (Not Magaldan.) Ma-igatarem; Municipality, Pangaai- nan Province, Luzon. Manila; Bay, City, and Strait, Luzon. (Not Manilla.) Manito; Municipality, Albay Province, Luzon . Manjuyod; Municipality, Oriental Ne- gros Province, Negros. Mankayan; Township, Mountain P.TOV ince (subprovince Lepanto), Luzon. (Not Mancayan.) Mapandam; Municipality, Pangaa Province, Luzon. Maragondon; Municipality, CaviU ince, Luzon. (Not Maragondong.) Maria; Municipality, Oriental Negro Province (subprovince Siquijor), fi quijor. Maribojoc; Municipality, Bohol inc e, Bohol. Mariquina; Municipality, I ince, Luzon. Mariquina; River, Rizal Province, Z0 n (Not San Mateo.) Mariveles; Municipality, Batat ince, Luzon. Masagna; see Limasawa Ma8antol;Muiuoi P ality,Pam P aD ince, Luzon. : see Limassawa. (Not Palanog nor Palanoc.) 828 OF Nil. ' N.TKD STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. ; Municipality, Zambaleu Prov- jli.-r. I.UIOO. . , Settlement, Samar Province, Municipality, Leyte Province, MaUlom; Municipality, Leyte Province, I/tyte. Hati; Town, at head of Pujada Bay, lloro Province. Mindanao. (NotMatti.) Mataor, Municipality, Soreogon Prov- ince, Luzon. nee Matti. Municipality, f'agayan Prov- ince, Luzon. Mauban; Municipality, Tayabas Prov- ince, Luion. Mayoyao; Settlement, Mountain Prov- ince (tubprovince Ifugao), Luzon. Medellin; Municipality, febu Province, Cebu Merida; Municipality, Leyte Province, Ley Mexico; Municipality, Pampanga Prov- ince, Luzon. Meycauayan; Municipality, Bulacan Province, Luzon. MUgao; Municipality, Iloilo Province, Panay. MUagroc; Municipality, Soreogon Prov- ince (mibprovince Masbate), Masbate. Milaor, Municipality, Ambos Camarines Province, Luzon. Minnlabac; Municipality, Ambos Cama- dw Pro\-ince. Luzon. (Not Minala- k*) Minalin; Municipality, Pampanga Prov- ince, Luzon. ; One of the Philippine Is- (NotMagindanao.) ; aee Sulu. ; Sea, between Mindanao, Negro*, Bohol, and Leyte Islands. C^Unilla; Muniripality, Cebu Prov- ince, Cebu. ; Municipality, Misamis Prov- ince, Mindanao. *olbol; Municipality, Obu Province, Cbu. (Not Moalbual.) Mfpor, Municipality, Tayabas Prov- ince, Marinduque. Moncmda; Municipality, Tarlac Prov- ince, Luzon. Hondrm^on; Municipality, Samar Prov- , Samar. Montalban; Municipality, Rizal Prov- ince, Luzon. Moro; Gulf, between Samales Group and Tinaca Point, southern coast of Mindanao, Moron; Municipality, Bataan Province, Luzon. Morong; Municipality, Rizal Province, Luzon. Mulanay; Municipality, Tayabas Prov- ince, Luzon. Murcia; Municipality, Occidental Ne- gros Province, Negros. N. Nabas; Municipality, Capiz Province, Panay. Nabua; Municipality, Ambos Cama- rines Province, Luzon. Naga; Municipality, Cebu Province, Cebu. Nagbukel; Township, Ilocos Sur Prov- ince, Luzon. (Not Nagbuquel.) Nagcarlan; Municipality, Laguna Prov- ince, Luzon. Naghilo; Point, eastern coast Port Lagui- manoc, Tayabas Province, Luzon. Naguilian; Municipality, Isabela Prov- ince, Luzon. Naguilian; Municipality, La Union Province, Luzon. Naic; Municipality, Cavite Province, Luzon. Namacpacan; Namag paean; see Luna. Nampicuan; Municipality, Nueva Ecija Province, Luzon. Narvacan; Municipality, Ilocos Sur Province, Luzon. Nasugbu; Municipality, Batangas Prov- ince, Luzon. Natividad; Municipality, Pangasinan Province, Luzon. Naujan; Township, Mindoro Province, Miiuloro. Naval; Municipality, Leyte Province, Biliran. Navotas; Municipality, Rizal Province, Luzon. New Washington; Municipality, Capiz Province, Panay. Nogalumbio; see Magalumbi. Norzagaray; Municipality, Bulacan Province, Luzon. Noveleta; Municipality, Cavite Prov- ince, Luzon. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 329 Nueva Caceres; Municipality, Provin- cial Capital, Ambos Camarines Prov- ince, Luzon. Nueva Coveta; Township, Ilocos Sur Province, Luzon. O. Oas; Municipality, Albay Province, Luzon. Obando; Municipality, Bulacan Prov- ince, Luzon. Odiongan; Bay and Town, Capiz Prov- ince, Tablas, and Village, Misamis Province, Mindanao. (Not Odiungan.) Olongapo; Barrio, Subic Municipality, Zambales Province, Luzon. Opon; Municipality, Cebu Province, Mac tan. Oquendo; Municipality, Samar Prov- ince, Samar. Orani; Municipality, Bataan Province, Luzon. Oras; Municipality, Samar Province, Samar. Orion; Municipality, Bataan Province, Luzon. Ormoc; Municipality, Leyte Province, Leyte. Oroquieta; Municipality, Misamis Prov- ince, Mindanao. Oslob; Municipality, Cebu Province, Cebu. Oton; Municipality, Iloilo Province, Panay. Paete; Municipality, Laguna Province, Luzon. Pagbilao; Municipality, Tayabas 1 ince, Luzon. Pagsangan; Municipality, Laguna Pi ince, Luzon. Palanan; Municipality, Isabela 1 ince, Luzon. Palanco; Palanog: see Masbate. Palapag; Municipality, Samar, I PaCig;Tlunicipality, Zambales Prov- and a passage west of ; Palompon; Municipality, Leyte Prov- ince, Leyte. Paluan; Township, Mindoro Province, Mindoro. Pambujan; Municipality, Samar Prov- ince, Samar. Pamplona; Municipality, Amboe Cama- rines Province, Luzon. Pamplona; Municipality, Cagayan Prov- ince, Luzon. Panay; Gulf, south of Panay and weat of Negros, between Naeo Point, Panay, and Sojotan Point, Negros. Panay; Municipality, Capiz Province, Panay. Pandan; Municipality, Albay Province, Catanduanes. Pandan; Municipality, Antique Prov- ince, Panay. Pangil; Municipality, Laguna Province, Luzon. Panglao; Municipality, Bohol Province, Panglao. Paniqui; Municipality, Tarlac Province, Luzon. Panitan; Municipality, Capiz Province, Panay. Pantabangan; Municipality, Nuev* Ecija Province, Luzon. Paoay; Municipality, Ilocoe Norte Prov- ince, Luzon. Paombong; Municipality, Bulacan Province, Luzon. Paracale; Municipality, Ambos Cama- rines Province, Luzon. Paragua; see Palawan. Paranaque; Municipality, Rizal ] ince, Luzon. Parang; Municipality, Moro Province, Cotabato District, Mindanao. Pasacao; Municipality, Ambo rines Province, Luzon. Pasay; Municipality, Ril P Pas*; Municipality, Provincial Capital, Rizal Province, Luzon. Passi; Municipality, Iloilo Province, ; Municipality, Leyte Prov- part of %'an Pedro Bay, part of Leyte. (Not Palos.) unicipality, Ilocoe Norte Province, Luzon. BEPOBT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. 330 Pauro.; Municipality, Ri*l Province, Lnoa. Ptnonty. Taft; Municipality, Samar Province, Samar. Tagaalian; Settlement, Samar Province, Samar. Tagbilaran; Municipality, Provincial Capital, Bohol Province, Bohol. Tagig; Municipality, Rizal JProvince, Luzon. (Not Taguiig nor Taguig.) Tagoloan; Municipality, Misamis Prov- ince, Mindanao. Tagudin; Municipality, Mountain Prov- ince (sub province Amburayan), Luzon. Talacogon; Municipality, Agusan Prov- ince (subprovince Butuan), Mindanao. Talacogan nor TalakogOn.) Talavera; Municipality, Nueva Ecija Province, Luzon. Talibon; Municipality, Bohol Province, Bohol. Taliaay; Municipality, Ambos Camarines Province, Luzon. Taliaay; Municipality, Batangas Prov- inrp, LUZ-III. Talisay; Municipality, Cebu Province, Cebu. TaHtay; Miiiiici,>ality, Occidental Ne- grw Province, Negroe. ^ajan; Municipality, Misamis Prov- inw, Mindanao. Tanauan; Municipality, Leyte Province, TauAu*n; Municipality, Batangaa Prov- 1 nre, Luzon. ; see Batulao. Tanay; Municipality, Rizal Province, Luzon. Tandag; ^^unicipality, Surigao Prov- ince, Mindanao. Tanjay; Municipality, Oriental Negroa Province, Negros. Tankulan; Settlement, Agusan Prov- ince (subprovince Bukidnon), Minda- nao. (Not Tanculan.) Tapas; Municipality, Capiz Province, Panay. Tarangnan; Municipality and Point, Sa- mar Province, west coast of Samar. Tarlac; Municipality, Provincial Capital, Tarlac Province, Luzon. Tatalan; Island, southwest of Basilan Is- land. (Not Talaran.) Tauit; Settlement, Mountain Province (subprovince Apayao), Luzon. Tayabas; Municipality, Tayabas Prov- ince, Luzon. Tayaaan; Municipality, Oriental Negros Province, Negros. Taytay; Municipality, Rizal Province, Luzon. Taytay; Settlement, Palawan Province, Palawan. Tayug: Municipality, Pangasinan Prov- ince, l.n/t'ii. (Not Tayup.) Tayum; Municipality, Ilocos Sur Prov- ince (subprovince Abra), Luzon. Tibiao; Municipality, Antique Province, Panay. Ticao; Pass, between Ticao Inland and Luzon. Tigaon; Municipality, Ambos Camarines Province, Luzon. Tigbauan; Municipality, Iloilo Prov- ince, Panay. Tinambac; Municipality, Amboe Cama- rines Province, Luzon. Tinambacan; Municipality, Samar Prov- ince, Samar. Tineg; Sottlemont, Ilocos Sur Province (subprovince Abra), Luzon. Tiwi; Municipality and Point, Albay Province, Luzon. Toledo; Municipality, Cebu Province, Cebu. Tolong; Municipality, Oriental Negros Province, Negro.-. Tolosa; Municipality, Leyte Province, Leyte. REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOAKD. 335 Torrijos; Municipality, Tayabas Prov- ince, Marinduque. Tuao; Municipality, Cagayan Province, Luzon. Valladolid; Municipality, Occidental Negros Province, Negroe. Victoria; Municipality, Tarlac Prov- ince, Luzon. Tuba; Township, Mountain Province ! Victorias; Municipality, Occidental Ne- (subprovince Benguet), Luzon. gros Province, Negroe. Tubao; Municipality, La Union Prov- | Viga; Municipality, Albay Province ince, Luzon. Tubigon; Municipality, Bohol Province, Bohol. Tublay; Township, Mountain Province (subprovince Benguet), Luzon. Tubo; Township, Ilocos Sur Province (subprovince Abra), Luzon. (Not Tu- bu.) Tuburan; Municipality, Cebu Province, Cebu. Tudela; Municipality, Cebu Province, Poro. Tuguegarao; Municipality, Provincial Capital, Cagayan Province, Luzon. Tumauini; Municipality, Isabela Prov- ince, Luzon. (Not Tamaumi.) Tuy; Municipality, Batangas Province, Luzon. U. TTbay; Municipality, Bohol Province, Bohol. TJmingan; Municipality, Pangasinan Province, Luzon. TJnisan; Municipality, Tayabas Prov- ince, Luzon. TJrbiztondo; Municipality, Pangasinan Province, Luzon. TJrdaneta; Municipality, Pangasinan Province, Luzon. TTyugan; Township, Batanes Province, Batan. V. Valderrama; Municipality, Antique Province, Panay. Valencia; Municipality, Bohol Province, Bohol. (subprovince Catanduanea), Catan- duanes. Vigan; Municipality, Provincial Capi- tal, Ilocos Sur Province, Luzon. Villaba; Municipality, Leyte Province, Leyte. Villareal; Municipality, Samar Prov- ince, Samar. Villasis; Municipality, Pangasinan Province, Luzon* Villaviciosa; Township, Ilocoe Sur Prov- ince, Luzon. Vintar; Municipality, Ilocos Norte Prov- ince, Luzon. Virac; Municipality, Albay Province (subprovince Catanduanes), Catan- duanes. Visayan; Sea, bounded by Masbate, Leyte, northern Cebu, Negroe, and northeastern Panay. W. Wright; Municipality, Samar Province, Samar. Y. Yuahit; see Iwahig. Z. Zamboanga; Municipality, Provincial Capital, Moro Province, Zambanga District, Mindanao. Zamboanguita; Municipality, Oriental Negroe Province, Negroe. Zaragoza; Municipality, Nueva Province, Luzon. Zumarraga; Municipality, Samar ince, Buad. 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