RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE BY W. H. WILLIAMS M Assistant Secretary, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company COPYRIGHT, 1901 Bv W. H. WILLIAMS LIBRARY BUREAU Boston New York Chicago Philadelphia 530 Atlantic av. 377 Broadway 215 Madison st. 112-116 N. Broad st. Washington, D. C. 928-930 F st. N. W. London Manchester 10 Bloomsbury st. W. C. is Exchange st. (gafttmore THE FBIEDENWALD COMPANY BALTIMORE, Ml)., U. 8. A. INDEX PAGE INTRODUCTION ^ 5 PREFACE 7 GENERAL 22 Miscellaneous 22 Employes 23 Material 26 Insurance 33 Relations with Federal, State and Municipal Governments 34 Relations with other Transportation Companies 35 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT ^ 36 FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS 39 Finance (Treasury Department) .. 40 Accounts (Auditing Department) 43 ROADWAY AND STRUCTURES. (M. OF W. DEPT.) 46 Right of Way 47 Crossings and Highways 48 Roadbed 49 Tracks 51 Buildings 54 Tools for M. W. Department 29 Docks, Wharves and Landings 56 EQUIPMENT AND SHOP APPLIANCES. (M. P. DEPT.) 58 Rolling stock 59 Floating Equipment 67 Shops 68 TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE. (C. T. DEPT,) 70 Tracks and Terminals, Working 72 Trains 73 Locomotives, Utilization of 75 Cars, Utilization of 76 Safety Measures, Signals 79 Telegraph and Telephones 80 r Accidents 81 TRAFFIC, RATES, ETC 82 Passenger Traffic 84 Freight Traffic 99 Baggage, Transportation of, Handling, etc 100 Mail, Transportation of, Handling, etc 101 Express, Transportation of, Handling, etc .....-.. 102 LOCAL FACILITIES AND AFFAIRS 103 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SUBJECTS . 107 303920 INTRODUCTION Almost the first work that I did in the railroad service was the overhauling' and re-indexing of the file in the Engineer's office in which I was employed. I have been re-indexing- files ever since. In 1897 and 1898 we placed the files of the Superintendents' and Engineers' offices on the several Divisions of the Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh on a uniform basis of indexing, and the results were so very satisfactory that I endeavored to extend the system to the offices of the General Officers ; it was, however, found incapable of such expansion. I then asked Mr. W. H. Williams to examine the methods in use in the business concerns and railroad offices, both here and abroad, and make a study of the Dewey Decimal System. The result of his studies is the index now put out by him for general use, and which has proven entirely effective in the offices in which it has been introduced. L. F. LOREE, President B. & O. R. R. Co. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE PREFACE Just what the original method of filing- correspondence was, it is difficult to say, but it has often been remarked, for the benefit of the File Clerk, that the best file is a " barrel." You know the corre- spondence you want is there somewhere though it may require a great part of the day to find it. This could possibly be improved upon by threading a needle and stringing the letters when received, thus insur- ing that they would, at least, be in date order. Some of the English Railroads formerly fastened together with a brad all the papers bearing the same file number, attached a backing sheet, and glued the latter to a page in a large invoice book, the volume and page number of the book serving as the file number. The papers are pulled loose each time they are needed, frequently destroying the leaf to which attached and making it necessary to transfer the papers. The books soon fall apart and have to be rebound every few years. This practice has been largely discontinued though there are a few roads in Europe and one or two in this country where such books are being used. With the introduction of typewriters the correspondence has steadily increased so that a receptacle for filing papers is not all that is required. In addition, there must be some method of providing an index to the subject treated in the correspondence, so that it can be readily located. FILE Durability is an important requirement, and experi- BOXES. ence has demonstrated that the cheaper grades of file boxes made of paper are not satisfactory. Document file boxes about Sy^ inches wide, 5 inches high and 10 inches long which are made of wood or metal, while fairly satisfactory, necessitate folding the papers, causing considerable annoyance and inconvenience in handling large batches of correspondence which have been filed for some time. Metal boxes 12 j inches long-, gK wide, 5 inches high, and open on 7 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE the side (as shown by cut below) permitting of filing correspondence without folding have lately been introduced and have proved very satisfactory. Another method, especially adapted to the Decimal Classification, is to file the correspondence vertically flat in drawers, using an envelope for each file number. Guide cards can be used with this system the same as with the card index. PILE Probably less attention has been given this branch NUMBERS. of the subject than any other. The general practice is to number subjects in regular numerical order as they arise. This is further amplified by assigning new numbers to sub-divisions of the subjects and to correspondence of particular importance, and, later, to that relating to two or more of these sub-divisions of the same subject. The File Clerks look upon the several subjects, or sub-divisions, in a different light, and we soon find many duplicate numbers; for instance, instead of having but one number for all correspondence relating to matters affecting but one city or town, as say No. 51 for all correspond- ence relating to Chicago, Illinois, the correspondence relating to sidings at that point is given one number, that relating to depots another num- ber, etc., and then correspondence relating to any two of these subjects is frequently given yet another number until there may be some 300 or 400 file numbers for Chicago. Other File Clerks may give corre- spondence relating to each individual track a distinctive number, and others a new number to correspondence relating to any one track each time the matter comes up for consideration; for example, for a siding built at Chicago in 1880, instead of filing it under No. 51, it is filed under No. 511; if, in 1881, an extension of this siding be requested, the corre- spondence relating thereto is placed in file No. 555, etc. As a result we find in one Superintendent's office 300 numbers, and in another Su- perintendent's office, 25,000 file numbers. The last named method is largely in vogue on the English Railroads, and, in November, 1900, 8 LIBRARY BUREAU CORRESPONDENCE VERTICAL FILE. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE the General Manager's office on one ot the Roads in that Country had 1,360,000 file numbers, though the volume of the correspondence is little, if any, in excess of that handled in the office of General Manager on any of the larger Railroads in this Country. One of the English Roads begins with No. I ,each year and assigns a new number to each matter brought up during the year, and averages from 20,000 to 25,000 file numbers per annum. Another, while en- deavoring to file under one number all correspondence relating to a particular accident, assigns a distinctive number to each, and, assuming there is an average of three accidents a day, they create over 700 file numbers per annum for this subject alone. The creation of so many numbers causes the subject index to become practically useless, necessi- tating frequent revision and increased clerical force. While formerly File Clerks attended to various matters other than filing the corre- spondence, they are now barely able to handle the file alone; and, on the English Railroad, having 1,360,000 file numbers, they have ten file clerks, eight of whom are kept busy locating old correspondence, it frequently requiring from three to four days to locate papers relating to other than current work, while in the United States we should look with suspicion on the File Clerk who required more than five minutes, one or two minutes being considered entirely adequate. If a matter come before the Board of Trade or Parliament, the old files are gone over and all correspondence pertaining to it are placed in a separate file, which requires another index and adds to the confusion. While the English Railroads have too many file numbers, some of the Roads on the Continent have gone to the other extreme in restrict- ing the subjects for each office. For instance, on one Road the officer having charge of the signals and telegraph is permitted to have but eight file numbers, viz: 'Signals at Stations (arranged alphabetically). Signals on Line (according to geographical location). Signals, General. Personal. Material. Supplies fdr Office. Affairs, General. New Schemes. 9 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE The Freight Departments of some of the larger Railroads in the United States, recognizing the necessity for some improvement in the numbering, recently adopted what is known as the Block System the assignment of a " block " or " series " of numbers to a group of subjects or a certain territory. They were particularly fortunate in having an official classification covering practically all commodities handled by freight service some 16,000 and in knowing the points of origin and destination for the bulk of the shipments of each class. They use 470 basic numbers, composed of 250 items in the official classification and 220 subjects relating to Transportation, Accounts, Maintenance of Way, Maintenance of Equipment, Law, etc., arranged in alphabetical order; to each of these they have assigned 100 numbers, indicating points of origin and destination, making a total of 47,000 file numbers. This arrangement separates the correspondence on allied or kin- dred subjects, two or more of which are sometimes included in one letter, as for instance, the products of mines coal, ore, coke, etc. While the mineral traffic may count for but little in the office of one Division Freight Agent it may embrace over one-half of the correspon- dence in the office of another Division Freight Agent. The same is true regarding grains corn, wheat, oats, etc. So that one-half of the correspondence is filed in 500 numbers, leaving 46,500 for the other half. As about two-thirds of the correspondence on any subject is filed in the general number assigned to it, one-third of the total correspondence relating to mineral traffic would be filed in the general number, so that two-ninths of the total correspondence is filed in one number and 46,999 numbers are provided for the other seven-ninths, i. e., 13,428 file num- bers are furnished for filing the same amount of correspondence that is filed in the one general number assigned to mineral traffic on one Division, in the one general number assigned to grain traffic on another Division, etc. While the subdivision of the first forty numbers is the same in all offices, each office makes its own sub-division for the re- maining sixty numbers, and, as the file number is put on all letters and messages, we see " Replying to your letter of the i6th my file 34,650, your file 34,660, etc." Since the inauguration of this system, through billing has been established between points on the Pacific Coast and points on the At- lantic Coast, and should through Trans-continental Routes be estab- 10 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE lished as seems entirely probable difficulty will be experienced in providing proper sub-divisions to show points of origin and destination. The libraries have had an analagous experience in securing a suit- able classification for their books which would not be too narrow and too specialized, but seem now to Have arrived at a satisfactory solution of the problem through the introduction of the Decimal Classification of Melvil Dewey. Before commencing his task, Mr. Dewey read and carefully studied all works bearing upon the subject and was helped by more than a hundred specialists. In 1891 there were in the United States 4,000 libraries with 50,000,000 volumes, and one-fourth of these libraries were affiliated with the Library Association and using the system developed by Mr. Dewey. Ninety per cent of the libraries that have been reclassified and virtually all the new libraries started in the last five years are using the system. He divided human knowledge into ten classes, designated by the figures o to 9 : General Works. 5 Natural Science. 1 Philosophy. 6 Useful Arts. 2 Religion. 7 Fine Arts. 3 Sociology. 8 Literature. 4 Philology. 9 History. Each of these classes has ten divisions, each division has ten sub- divisions, etc. Mr. Weissenbruch, Secretary of the International Railway Con- gress, has used the Decimal Classification of Mr. Dewey as a basis for providing a classification for railway literature, and an International Bibliographical Institute has been established at Brussels, where they probably have the most complete railway reference library in the world. With the decimal classification they are able to find anything desired without a moment's delay. There are several objections to using Mr. Weissenbruch's index in filing correspondence, and many reasons why a new basis should be established. After going over the matter with Mr. Weissenbruch and the International Bibliographical Institute people, the conclusion was reached that the railroad departments ought to be used as a basis, making the sub-divisions in the same manner as Mr. Dewey and Mr. Weissenbruch have done. ii RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE The following has therefore been used : GENERAL. 00 Miscellaneous. 01 Officers and other employes. 02 Material and supplies. 03 Insurance. 07 Relations with Federal, State and Municipal Govern- ments. 08 Relations with other roads. 1 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. 11 Constitution and By-Laws. 12 Charter. 13 Lines Owned. 14 Lines Controlled. 15 Lines Operated. 2 FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS. 21 Finance. 22 Accounts. 3 ROADWAY AND STRUCTURES. 30 Roadway and Structures General. 31 Right of way. 32 Crossings and Highways. 33 Roadbed. 34 Tracks. 35 Buildings. 37 Docks, Wharves and Landings. 4 EQUIPMENT AND SHOPS. 40 Equipment General. 41 Rolling Stock. 42 Floating Equipment. 43 Shops. 12 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 5 TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE. 50 Transportation and Storage General. 51 Tracks and Terminals Working. 52 Trains. 53 Locomotives Utilization of. 54 Cars Utilization of. 56 Safety measures, Signals. 57 Telegraph and telephones. 58 Accidents. 6 TRAFFIC. 60 Traffic General. 61 Passenger traffic. 62 Freight traffic. 63 Baggage, handling and transportation of. 64 Mail, transportation of. 65 Express, transportation of. 9 LOCAL FACILITIES AND AFFAIRS. No. 6, for example, is sub-divided as follows : 60 Traffic, Rates, etc., general. 61 Passenger traffic. 62 Freight traffic. 63 Baggage. 64 Mail. 65 Express. No. 62 is sub-divided as follows: 620 Freight traffic, general. 621 Products of agriculture. 622 Animals and animal products. 623 Products of mines. 624 Products of the forest. 625 Manufacturing. 13 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE No. 621 is sub-divided into: 621.1 Canned and bottled goods. 621.2 Groceries. 621.3 Grain and grain products. 621.4 Fruits and Vegetables. 621.5 Tropical Products. 621.6 Nuts. 621.9 Other. No. 621.3 is sub-divided into: 621.301 Seeds. 621.302 Hay. 621.303 Straw. 621.304 Brooms and broom corn. 621.305 Flax, Hemp and Jute. 621.31 Wheat. 621.32 Corn. 621.33 Oats. 621.34 Rye. 621.39 Other Grains. The Naught is used in all cases to represent general subjects; therefore, 620 Freight Traffic is sub-divided into: 620.1 Freight Rates. 620.2 Weighing and Inspection. 620.3 Routing and Billing. 620.4 Soliciting Freight Traffic. 620.5 Loading and Handling. 620.6 Milling in transit. 620.7 Freight Bills, collection and credit. 620.8 Freight Claims. Each of these classes can be further sub-divided; showing how easily the system can be applied to the most varied of subjects. Owing to the fact that correspondence relating to local matters in any one town almost invariably combines two or more subjects, No. 9 has been used for providing a number for each station on the Lines, the idea being that so far as possible correspondence will be filed according to location. The correspondence in connection with im- provements in the passenger station at Cheboygan, for instance, also covers improvements to the freight station, the opening and closing of public streets, removal of the shops, elevation of tracks, additional crossing watchmen, belt line around the town, entrance of other rail- roads, etc. If is hard to determine just in what way any of these mat- ters will come up in the future and a number could hardly be provided in any other way that would take care of all of them. All topics printed in black-face type in the index are further divided in tables where one may see the sub-heads. These numbers should be looked up in the full tables of sub-sections. *The advantages of the Decimal System as applied to correspondence files are: 1. It can be applied with ease to the most varied subjects and the most minute details can be classified by a few figures which represent their relationship, and show their depend- ence upon or subordination to one another. 2. When any new topic arises it is always closely related to some existing head, and combining it with the nearest head by adding a decimal place makes abundant room for the new comer. The system is thus capable of unlimited expansion, and can never break down for lack of room for growth. 3. Not only are all papers sought bound together but the most nearly allied subjects precede and follow, they in turn being preceded and followed by other allied subjects as far as practicable. 4. Correspondence on allied subjects are sure to be sepa- rated, sooner or later, in every file arranged on the common plan, unless it be frequently re-arranged and re-indexed, and the great amount of labor involved renders this impracti- cable and very undesirable. 5. Our small Arabic numbers are made to tell of each let- ter or batch of correspondence both what it is and where it is. * Decimal Classification. Dewey. 15 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 6. While the total file numbers recommended is quite large, as a matter of fact the file can be said to consist of but ten numbers, viz., o to 9 inclusive; the other numbers being sub-divisions of these ten general heads for the convenience of the File Clerk in placing the papers in the file in a system- atic manner so they can be quickly located when wanted. 7. Correspondence can be readily located without reference to the subject index. SUBJECT The P ract i ce nas been to use a book for providing INDEX. an index to the file numbers, but owing to the crea- tion of so many new numbers making it impossible to ever have an index in perfect condition and making it necessary to frequently re- write it a more elastic index has long been regarded as necessary. With the common systems of numbering, the card index affords the best solution of the difficulty, permitting of the addition of new subjects at any time without in any way distorting the original arrangement of the subjects and file numbers. The card index has now been in use long enough to thoroughly demonstrate its many advantages over other systems. All advantages secured by the decimal classification with re- gard to filing papers apply with equal force to the card system for in- dexing subjects. Its use tends to minimize the imperfections of the old systems of numbering files; for instance, while in one year 1,000 numbers would be created on a road for accidents and it would be practically impossible to group these in a subject book, by the use of the card index all entries covering accidents are brought together, though requiring no less than 100 cards per annum and 1,000 cards for ten years. It would greatly facilitate matters to sub-divide the general subject of accidents by filing together all reports of accidents occurring within certain terri- tory or on one Division, and arranging the same in date order. It is believed the correspondence of any Railroad Office can be filed under the subjects herewith, and that no further index is necessary provided care be exercised to see that cross references are made; for instance, while correspondence relating to legislation in Texas about right-of-way fences would be filed in .07, because correspondence relat- ing to color of signals, number of men per train and other bills before 16 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE the Legislature of that State would be reported on in the same letter, reference to these items should be made in the file numbers assigned to the various subjects. RECORD OF CORRESPONDENCE. Growing out of the imperfections of the present system many roads use what is known as the " Record of Correspondence," being a complete record of every letter passing in and out of the office. Like the " large car," it may be said to have been made to " beat the rule, instead of to meet the rule." Under the present system it is made necessary because A. There is no systematic classification of file numbers, and owing to duplication, etc., spoken of above, some index is needed to determine in which of a dozen or more files a par- ticular batch of correspondence has been placed. B. The book subject index is seldom up-to-date. C. Correspondence is constantly being sent out of the office (either handed to some one or forwarded with pencil nota- tion) without the File Clerk being given an opportunity to secure a record of it. D. Correspondence is held out of the files owing to delay in making reply to letters received. E. Carbon copies of letters forwarded are not filed until an answer to them has been received. These conditions, however, can be eliminated : a and b. By adopting the decimal classification of numbers. c. By writing a letter instead of handing a batch of corre- spondence to some one for his information or for addi- tional data. d. This is only serious when considered in connection with "c," it then being necessary to go over all the papers on the desks in order to determine whether the correspondence is in the file or has been handed to some other Officer. 17 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE e. By making- an additional copy of each letter requiring- an answer. For this a special second sheet should be provided and stamped "Copy" or "Awaiting a Reply." With the introduction of a systematic file system in the Division Superintendents' Offices on one of the more important lines, they dis- continued taking- a record of correspondence, and the taking- of impression copies of out-bound mail. In one of the General Offices where such a record is kept, they have not had occasion to refer to it during the past two years, thus indicating that, with a systematic arrangement of num- bers and a satisfactory index to the subjects, the continuance of the " Record of Correspondence " is not justified. The time now devoted to keeping up the Record of Correspondence can be utilized to advantage in other work. The State Railways in one of the countries on the Continent under- took to keep a record of all correspondence passing between any two or more Departments, or going to or coming from one of the Railway Ministers, and established a bureau for this purpose. Originally but one book was used, but finding considerable difficulty in locating just what was wanted another book was started for " Important Corre- spondence " and afterwards a book for " Very Important Correspond- ence," and so on, until now they have six or eight books, one of them being devoted entirely to correspondence to and from the Railway Ministers. The man in charge of the Record Bureau determines in which book each letter will be recorded. They have given up the idea of recording all correspondence and record only about one-half of it, also determined by the man in charge of the Record Bureau. A number is stamped on each letter as it is recorded but it has no reference to the file number. If a letter be re- ceived today it may be numbered 5,651,420, while if tomorrow a letter on the same subject is received it will be numbered 5,652,000, depending upon the number of letters received in the interim, and if an inquiry be made regarding an entry in the record they go over first one book, then another, and so on until it is located, or failing to find it, they decide it was not of sufficient importance to justify entry in the record. There is little, if any, merit in the system, and it certainly does not warrant the expense of twelve or fifteen clerks. 18 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE The work can be greatly facilitated by dividing the GENERAL. file into two parts a " working file " and a " storage file " the subjects and numbers being the same for both, the corre- spondence on each subject for one year constituting a volume. At the end of, say 1900, the correspondence for the year 1899 in the working file would be transferred to the storage file, a year later the correspondence for the year 1900 would be transferred, and so on all the correspondence for at least the last year being in the working file. In transferring from the working to the storage file, advantage should be taken of the opportunity thus afforded to destroy such papers, docu- ments, correspondence, statements, etc., as have no further value. Officers having charge of construction work will find it possible to destroy from 75 to 90 per cent of the correspondence relating to work after the contracts have been entered into and the work completed and accepted. It is very desirable that so far as practicable each letter be con- fined to a single subject. When two or more subjects are contained in one letter a note should be placed in the file represented by the minor subject indicating in what file the correspondence can be found. If the correspondence be filed flat as recommended, a file wrapper can be provided by folding a sheet of paper twice the size of the ordi- nary letter-head, providing space on the back thereof for the file num- ber and the subject. Care should be exercised in the selection of a File Clerk with a view to securing a competent, intelligent and trustworthy person, and he should be entrusted with the opening of all letters excepting those marked " Personal," " Private " or " Confidential." He should have at least one year's prior experience in the office as Stenographer or Clerk in some capacity which permits of his becoming familiar with the various subjects covered by the current correspondence. The service could be further improved by requiring the various File Clerks to periodically attend meetings for the purpose of discussing any questions which may arise; and, in this connection, it might be well to conduct an examina- tion similar to the examination of Trainmen on the Book of Rules. Where possible to do so, advantage has been taken of the Decimal Classification perfected by Mr. Dewey and the Library Bureau. 10 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Mr. Weissenbruch and the President and Secretary of the Interna- tional Bibliographical Institute have rendered great assistance, and I am also under many obligations to the Officers and Clerks on the Penn- sylvania Lines for their interest, encouragement and help. 20 A DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION FOR INDEXING RAILWAY CORRESPONDENCE AND RECORDS General* J Executive* 2 Finance and Accounts* 3 Roadway and Structures* 4 Equipment and Shops* (Maintenance of Shops, see Section 3.) 5 Transportation and Storage* 6 Traffic* Rates* 7 8 9 Local Facilities and Affairs* 21 000 General. 001 Associations, miscellaneous. 002 Statistics, general. 003 Books and periodicals, newspapers, etc. 003.1 Information for publication. 004 Correspondence. 004.1 Manner of handling. 004.2 Bequests for replies. 004.3 Filing. 005 Addresses. 007 Meteorology. 007.1 Weather Reports. 008 Bacteriology. oio Officers and other Employes. 020 Material and Supplies. 030 Insurance. 040 050 060 070 Relations with Federal, State and Municipal Governments. 080 Relations with other Railroads. 090 2.2 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 030 070 010 Officers and Employes. 080 010.01 Letters of introduction. 100 010.1 Meetings of Staff. 120 010.2 Classification of employes. 200 010.3 Gratuities for families of employes killed. 010.4 Committees Reports, appointments, etc. 210 01 1 Relations between officers and other employes. 011.1 Employment and promotions, appointments, etc. J-JQ 011.11 Applications, employment, promotions. on.iii Employment for injured employes. '^ 011.12 Rules Governing the Employment of men. 011. 121 Age requirements for various positions. 340 011. 122 Physical requirements of men. -_~ 011.122.1 Requirements with respect to sense of sight, hearing, etc. 011.2 Office and shop regulations, Fines, Punishments, etc. J70 011.201 Arrangement of clerical force. rOO 011.202 Duties of employes. 410 011.21 Book of Rules. ^Q 011.211 Examinations of employes. 011.22 Staff and Discipline Record. 430 011.221 Records of employes. ^QQ 01 1.222 Discipline. JT:: 011.222.1 Standard Discipline Supervision, etc. ___ 011.222.2 Book, or Brown System. 011.223 Issue of credentials, clearance cards or congratulatory 530 letters. jjQ~~ oil. 227 Failure of employes to pay debts. 60 011.3 Institutions founded by Kail way Company for Benefit of Employes. 011.31 Voluntary Relief Association. 011.32 Pension Fund. 011.33 Railway and Y. M. C. A. reading rooms. 011.34 Railway Libraries. 011.35 Railway Schools. >u\t 23 340 50 00 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 012 Wages and salaries. 012.01 Monthly allowance for expenditures for wages and sal- aries. 012.02 Piece work. 012.1 Salaries of employes. 012.11 Salaries of officers. 012.12 Salaries of clerks to officers. 012.13 Salaries of other monthly men. 012.2 Daily, hourly and trip rates. 012.21 Wages, Station labor. 012.22 Wages, M. of W. employes. 012.23 Wages of shop and ether M. of E. employes. 012.25 Wages of men in train and yard service. 012.29 Wages of other men. 012.3 Hours of labor. 012.31 Overtime. 012.32 Leave of absence, vacations. 012.33 Night work. 012.34 Holidays, Observance of. 012.35 Sundays, Working on. 012.37 Laws regulating hours of labor. 013 Labor organizations, strikes, grievances. 013.1 Strikes Miscellaneous. 013.101 Strikes as a problem, opinions on, etc. 013.102 Boycotts. 013.103 Injunctions. 013.2 Labor organizations. 013.201 Number of employes members of orders. 013.202 Employes wearing 1 lodge badges. 013.21 Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. 013.22 Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. 013.23 Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. 013.24 Order of Railroad Conductors. 013.25 Order Railway Telegraphers. 013.26 American Railway Union. 013.27 American Railway League. 013.28 Association of Station Agents. 013.29 Other Labor Organizations. 013.291 Railway Loyal League. 013.292 Railway and Telegraph Employes Political League. 013.293 Trackmen's Union. 24 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 014 Minors and women Employment of. 014.1 Minors' release. 018 General matters. 018.1 Morals. 018.11 Use of intoxicating liquors. 018.2 Appearance of employes. 018.21 Uniforms for employes. 018.3 Hygiene. 018.31 Vaccination of employes. 300 310^ 320 330 340^ 350 370 WO 430 500 510~ 520 10 45 640 150 100 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 020 Material and Supplies General. 020.01 Catalogues. * 020.1 Specifications. 020.11 Inspections, tests, analyses, etc. 020.2 Material and supplies on hand. 020.21 Inventory of material and supplies. 020.22 Depreciation of value of stock. 020.23 Surplus material disposition of. 020.24 Scrap. 020.3 Stock account (classification of materials). 020.4 Methods of handling and storing material. 020.5 Orders, requisitions, manner of handling, etc. 020.51 Rebates on material. 020.6 Material for other Companies and individuals, orders for, etc. 021 Building material and supplies, 021.1 Lumber. 021.2 3rick, stone, sand, etc. 021.3 Lime and cement. 021.4 Faints and varnishes. 021.5 Glass. 021.6 Hardware. 021.7 Tile. 021.9 Other building material. 022 Heating and lighting material. 022.1 Heating material. 022.11 Stoves and stove material. 022.12 Steam heat apparatus and supplies. 022.13 Water heating apparatus and supplies, 022.14 Electrical heating apparatus and supplies. 022.19 Other heating materials. 022.2 Lighting material. 022.21 Lamps. 022.211 Electric. 022.212 Oil. *When relating 1 to any particular material, correspondence should be filed under number assigned to it. 26 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 022.213 Gas. 022.214 Carburettor. 022.219 Other lamps. 022.22 Lanterns. 022.23 Illuminants. 022.231 Gas. 022.232 Oil. 022.233 Gasoline. 022.24 Lamp and lantern supplies. 022.241 Burners. 022.242 Wicks. 022.243 Chimneys. 022.244 Shades. 022.245 Globes. 022.246 Frames. 022.247 Lenses. 022.249 Other lamp and lantern supplies. 023 Fuel for Company use. 023.01 Tests. 023.02 Quality. 023.03 Supply. 023.031 Confiscation of. 023.032 Orders and contracts. 023.1 Bituminous coal. 023.2 Anthracite coal. 023.3 Wood and charcoal. 023.4 Coke. 023.5 Gas. 023.6 Oil. 023.9 Other (Miscellaneous). 024 Metals. 024.1 Cast iron. 024.11 Iron castings. 024.2 Wrought iron. 024.21 Wrought iron forgings. 030 070 080 100 120 200 210 ZZU 300 310_ 320 330 340 350 370 W0_ 410 420 430 500 510~~ 520 530" 54CT" 60 620" JUU 540 50 00 024.3 Steel. 024.31 Steel castings. 024.32 Steel forgings. 024.4 Springs. 024.5 Alloys. 024.51 Brass. 024.52 Bronze. 024.53 Solder. 024.54 Bearing material. 024.6 Minor metals, copper, tin, lead, zinc, antimony, etc. 024.7 Bolts, nuts, rivets, screws, cotters, nails, 024.8 Forgings. 024.9 Other. 024.91 Wire. 024.91 1 Iron wire. 024.912 Copper wire. 024.913 Cables. 024.92 Chain. 025 Office supplies. 025.1 Furniture. 025.11 Desks. 025.12 Chairs. 025.13 Sofas. 025.14 Tables. 025.15 Piling cabinets. 025.16 Book cases. 025.17 Safes. 025.19 Other office furniture. 025.2 Stationery. 025.21 Blank forms and blank books. 025.211 Printing. 025.212 Numbering. 025.213 Binding books. 025.22 Circulars and miscellaneous printing. 025.221 Passenger tariffs Printing. 025.222 Freight tariffs Printing. 025.223 Stock, bonds and mortgages Printing. 025.224 Tickets and cash fare checks Printing. 025.225 Time Tables Printing. 28 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 025.23 Duplicating apparatus and material. 025.231 Typewriters and typewriter supplies. 025.232 Carbon paper. 025.233 Mimeograph, hektograph, stylograph, clausacme, neostyle, etc. 025.234 Copying presses. 025.235 Photographic supplies. 025.24 Stationery supplies. 025.241 Drawing material. 025.242 Stamps, postage. 025.243 Stamps Rubber and dating. 025.5 Office decorations and fittings. 025.51 Carpets, matting, oil cloth, etc. 025.52 Wall paper. 025.53 Photographs and pictures. 025.9 Other office material. 026 Machinery and tools. (See also 361 and 431.) 026.1 Engines. 026.11 Stationary. 026.12 Hoisting. 026.19 Other engines. 026.2 Boilers. 026.3 Track tools. 026.31 Ballast forks. 026.32 Ballast unloaders. 026.33 Picks. 026.34 Rail benders. 026.35 B/ail tongs. 026.39 Other track tools. 026.4 Hand Tools. 026.41 Hatchets, hammers, etc. 026.42 Saws. 026.43 Shovels. 026.44 Handles. 026.45 Vises. 026.46 Files. O26.49 Other hand tools. 300 310^ 320 330 340^ 350 370 400 430 500 5lF 520 53(f 540~ >60~ 640 550 MX) RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 026.5 Drills. 026.51 Twist. 026.52 Track. 026.53 Upright. 026.54 Pneumatic. 026.55 Bits. 036.551 Auger. 026.552 Machine. 026.56 Braces. 027 Conducting transportation, material and supplies. 027.01 Ice. 027.1 Dining cars and restaurants. 027.11 Culinary supplies. 027.12 Knives and forks. 027.13 Dishes. 027.131 China and glassware. 027.14 Groceries, meats, etc. 027.19 Other dining car supplies. 027.2 Telegraph and Telephone supplies. 027.21 Telegraph and telephone wire. 027.22 Battery Material. 027.221 Blue vitriol. 027.222 Sulphate of copper. 027.223 Zinc. 027.224 Battery jars. 027.229 Other battery material. 027.23 Telegraph instruments. 027.24 Telephone instruments. 027.3 Train supplies. 027.31 Fusees and torpedoes. 027.9 Other C. T. material and supplies. 029 Other material and supplies. 029.1 Car and Locomotive trimmings and fixtures, fittings. 029.11 Car Trimmings. 029.111 Basket racks. (See also 412.45.) 029.112 Bell cord. 029.113 Upholstering material. 30 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 029.12 "Window Fittings. (See also 412.3). 029.121 Sash lifts. 029.122 Sash balances. 029.123 Sash stops. 029.124 Curtains. 029.125 Screens. 029.13 Door fittings. 029.14 Locomotive fittings. 029.19 Other locomotive and car material. 029.2 Cleaning compounds and appliances. 029.21 Soap. 029.22 Modoc and other compounds. 029.23 Brooms. 029.24 Dusters. 029.25 Wiping cloths. 029.26 Sponges. 029.29 Other cleaning material. 029.3 Leather and rubber goods. 029.31 Leather goods. 029.32 Belting. 029.321 Belt lace. 029.33 Rubber goods. 029.34 Hose. 029.341 Air. 029.342 Tank. 029.343 Steam heat. 029.344 Signal. 029.345 Fire. 029.346 Garden. 029.349 Other. 029.5 Dry goods. 029.51 Duck. 029.52 Bunting. 029.7 Lubricants, packing and waste. 029.701 Handling of. 029.71 Packing. 029.72 Waste. 029.73 Lubricants Supply of. 029.731 Orders and contracts. 31 300 310^ 320 330 340^ 350 370 400 430 500 510" 520 530" 540~ 560~ 640 550 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 029.8 Plumbing supplies, pipe, etc. 029.81 Pipe. 029.811 Wrought iron pipe. 029.812 Cast iron pipe. 029.813 Sewer pipe. 029.82 Fittings. 029.83 Coverings. 029.84 Tools plumbers'. 029.89 Other plumbing material, 029.9 Other material (Miscellaneous). 029.91 Rope and cordage. 029.92 Baskets. 029.93 Seeds. 029.94 Pumps. 029.95 Pulleys. 029.96 Chemicals and drugs. 029.961 Acids. 029.962 Disinfectants. 029.963 Laboratory supplies. 029.97 iFire extinguishers. 029.99 Miscellaneous. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 030 030.1 030.2 030.3 030.4 033 034 034.1 034.2 035 035.1 035.2 038 038.1 038.2 039 Insurance. Fire protection. Inspection by Insurance Department. Rates. Insurance schedule. Insurance, Roadway and Structures. Insurance, Equipment. Insurance, Locomotives and cars. Insurance, Marine. Insurance, Freight stored and in transit. Insurance, Freight in warehouses. Insurance, Freight in cars. Relations with Insurance Companies. Board of Fire Underwriters. Salvage Corps. Losses by fire. NOTE. Papers relating to losses by fire should be filed geographically, using box for each Division or System and file wrapper for each town or city. 300 310^ 320 330 340 *~ 350 370 400 430^ 500 510~ 520 33 350 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 070 Relations with Federal, State and Municipal Govern- ments. 070.1 Government control of Railways. 070.2 Interstate Commerce Commission. 070.21 Jurisdiction. 070.22 Reports. 070.3 Court Calendars. 070.4 Witnesses. 070.41 . Witness fees. 070.5 Juries. 070.6 Summonses. 070.7 Injunctions. 071 Laws Federal and State. 071.1 Enforcement of. 071.11 Police service. 072 Ordinances City. (Correspondence regarding ordinances in any particular town or city should be filed in Section 9.) 073 Taxes and Assessments. 073.1 State Boards of Equalization. 073.2 Appraisement of Property for Taxation. (File geographically.) 074 Patents and Copyrights. 075 Claims and Complaints Miscellaneous. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 300 310 320 330 080 Relations with other Transportation Companies. 080.1 Competition of. 081 Steam Railroads (other Lines). 370 082 Car Ferries and Steamboat Lines. 400 083 Traction, Trolley and Street Railways. 500 560 35 350 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE JOO Executive Department. 1 10 Constitution and By-Laws. 120 Charter and Letters-patent. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE 11LE __*. xflil 100 Executive Department* 310 no Constitution and By-Laws. 320 330 110.1 Jurisdiction, duties, etc., of officers. 110.1 Execution, of agreements. 110.2 Corporate Seal. 1 1 1 Stockholders. 370 111.01 Meetings. 4-00^ 112 Board of Directors. 112.01 Meetings. 112.1 Executive Committee. 112.2 Finance Committee. 500 112.9 Other Committees. cTn" 520 37 640 350 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 120 Charter and Letters-patent. 130 Lines owned. 140 Lines controlled. 1 50 Lines operated. NOTE. Separate wrapper should be used for each road, and arranged in alphabetical order. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 310 320 330 200 Finance and Accounts* 210 Finance. 220 Accounts. 400 500^ 510" 520 39 640 350 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 200 Finance and Accounts General* 200.01 Statistics Treasury and Auditing Departments. 2OO.O2' Associations Treasury and Auditing Departments. 200.1 Drafts. 200.101 Manner of drawing. 200.11 Foreign Lines vs. Home Lines. 200. 1 2 Home Lines vs. Foreign Lines. 200.2 Receiverships. 200.3 Mercantile Agencies. 200.4 Annual reports. 210 Finance (Treasury Department.) 211 Capital Stock. 211.01 Record of stock transfers. 211.02 Stock register. 211.03 Listing stock on Stock Exchange. 211.04 Retiring. 211.1 Common. 211.2 Preferred. 211.3 Voting Trust Certificates. 211.9 Other. 211.91 Subsidiary Companies Stock of. 2 1 1 . 92 Other Railroads Stock of. 211.94 Miscellaneous Corporations Stock of. 212 Bonds and Mortgages. 212.01 Record of transfer. 212.02 Bond register. 212.03 Listing on Stock Exchanges. 212.04 Retiring. 212.05 Redemption. 212.06 Interest. 212.1 Mortgages and Mortgage Bonds. 212.11 Prior Lien. 212.12 First mortgage. 212.13 Second mortgage. 212.14 Third mortgage. 40 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 212.2 Collateral Bonds. 212.3 Debenture Bonds. 212.4 Equipment Bonds. 212.5 Income Bonds. 212.8 Indemnity and Surety Bonds. 212.81 Indemnity Bonds given by Company. 212.811 Bonds filed with U. S. covering bonded freight. 212.812 Bonds filed in condemnation proceedings. 212.82 Surety Bonds. 212.821 Employes Bonds. 212.821.1 Premiums on. oin 212.822 Bonds from Grain Elevators. 212.9 Other. 320 212.91 Subsidiary Companies Bonds of. 330 212.92 Bonds of other B. B/. Companies. 212.93 Bonds Federal and Municipal. 212.94 Bonds Miscellaneous Corporations. 213 Floating debt. 370 214 Sinking fund. 215 Interest-bearing securities. 216 Loans. 217 Banks and Banking. 217.01 List of officers. 217.1 Depositories. 217.2 Deposits. 217.201 Interest on. 560 217.21 Special cash deposits. 217.3 Balances. 217.31 Signature to statement of balance. 217.4 Remittances. 217.401 Express rates on. 1217.41 Agents depositing money. 217.42 Failure to make remittances promptly. 650 900 218 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Employes' Accounts, Wages, etc. 218.1 Personal expenses (Personal expense bills, see 220.122), 218.2 Board bills. 218.3 Shortages Forgeries. 218.31 Agents. 218.32 Conductors. 218.39 Others. 218.4 Examination of Employes' Accounts. 18.41 Agents. 218.42 Conductors. 218.49 Others. 218.6 Wages of Employes. 218.61 Methods of Paying Employes. 218.611 Identification of employes while paying. 218.62 Employes assigning wages. 218.63 Deductions on Pay Boll. 218.631 Deductions account of Insurance. 218.632 Deductions account of Uniforms. 218.633 Deductions account of Board. 218.634 Deductions account of Educational Societies. 218.635 Deductions account of Lodge and other Dues. 218.639 Other Deductions. 218.68 Claims for wages due. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 220 Accounts General. 220.01 Auditing accounts. 220.011 Auditing committee. 220.02 Accounts distribution of rulings. 220.1 Bills and Vouchers. 220.101 Manner of handling and preparing. 220.102 Approval of. 220.11 Bills Receivable, 22( 22o.ui Distribution of credit. 3QO 220.12 Bills Payable Vouchers. 220.120.1 Lost. 310 220.121 Distribution of charge. 220.122 Personal expense bills. 220.123 Check rolls. 220.123.1 Method of compiling, approval of, etc. 220.123.2 Eolls on which to carry employes. 220.123.3 Method of computing and keeping time. 221 Classifications of Accounts. 221.1 Working Expense Accounts. * 221.11 Maintenance of "Way and Structures accounts. * 221. 12 Maintenance of equipment accounts. "221.13 Conducting transportation accounts. 430 * 221.2 General Expense Accounts. cnn * 221.3 Open Accounts. 510 * 221.4 General Ledger Accounts. ^ ' I 520 221.5 Construction Accounts. 221.7 Real Estate Accounts. NOTE. Where desired, correspondence relating to sub-accounts can be sepa- rated by enclosing in brackets, the number assigned the same in the Book of Disbursement Accounts issued by the Accounting Department viz., 221.11 (1 Kepairs of Roadway, 212.13 (26 Train Service, etc. 230 Expenses. 230.1 Reduction in. 231 Expenses of Executive Department. 231.1 General Office expenses. 43 1|40 550 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 232 Expenses of Treasury and Auditing Departments. 233 Expenses of Maintenance of Way Department. 234 Expenses of Maintenance of Equipment Department. 234.1 Locomotive expenses. 234.2 Passenger car expenses. 234.21 Clearing house for passenger car expenses. 234.3 Freight car expenses. 234.31 [Freight car repair pool. Expenses of Transportation Department. Expenses of Traffic Department. 44 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 300 Roadway and Structures* 310 Right of Way. ; ' 320 Crossings. Roadbed. Tracks. 400 Buildings. Docks, Wharves, Landings. J^ 5H)" 520 45 640 350 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 300 Roadway and Structures* 300.01 Maps, Drawings, Plans. 300.011 Uniformity in coloring maps and drawings. 300.012 Property maps. 300.013 Profiles. 300.019 Other maps. 300.1 Associations. 300.12 National. 300.121 American Society Civil Engineers. 300.13 Associations formed by Company for benefit of M. W. Employes. 300.131 Association Engineers Maintenance of Way. (Division Engineers.) 300.2 Statistics. 300.3 Condition of Roadbed and Structures Programs for renew- als, etc. 300.31 Cleaning shops, yards, right of way, etc. 300.32 Painting. 300.321 Painting instructions, standard colors, etc. 300.33 Repairs of shops, etc. 301 Fences. 301.01 Specifications for fencing. 301.03 Pence program. 302 Signs. 302.1 Mile Posts. 302.9 Other Signs. 46 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 310 Right of Way. 310.1 Surveys He-surveys Reconnaissance. 31 1 Purchase and Sale of Right of Way. 311.1 Purchase of Eight of Way. 311.11 Incur no obligation when purchasing property. 311.2 Sale of property. 310 312 Lease of Right of Way. 320 330 312.01 Leases and licenses. 312.1 Leases. 312.11 Oil and gas privileges and leases. 312.12 Other leases. 312.2 Licenses. 312.21 Oil, gas, steam, water and other pipe line crossings. 312.22 Telegraph, telephone, electric light and other wire line cross- ings. 313 Encroachments on Right of Way. 430 313.1 Fencing property to prevent adverse possession. 313.2 Ejecting encroachers, squatters. 510 314 Drainage. 520 314.1 Ditches. 314.2 Embankments, Sodding, Sloping, Planting Trees. 314.23 Trees, planting along right of way. 314.3 Drainage of abutting property. 560 640 650 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 320 Crossings. 321 Protection of Crossings at Grade. 321.1 Cattle guards 321.2 Crossing bells. 321.3 Crossing signs and whistle posts. 321.4 Crossing gates and watchmen. 321.5 Lighting of. 321.6 Interlockings. 321.601 Standards, specifications, etc. 321.602 Condition', inspection, etc. 321.603 Maintenance. 321.607 Standard agreement. 321.61 Mechanism. 321.611 Tower. 321.612 Semaphore posts and arms. 321.613 Levers. 322 Abolition of crossings at gradeOverhead and under- grade crossings. 323 Highway crossings. 323.1 Standard highway crossing. 323.2 Street and sidewalk improvements, paving, etc. 323.3 Opening and closing streets across right-of-way. 323.4 Private road crossings. 323.5 Stopping trains on crossings. 323.6 Bights of funerals at crossings. 324 Steam Railroad crossings. 324.1 Standard Railroad crossings. 325 Electric and Street Railway crossings. NOTE. Correspondence relating to a particular crossing should be filed under Section 9. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 330 Roadbed. 330.1 Standard roadbed. 330.2 Condition of. 331 Roadbed Structures. 331.01 Specifications. 331.02 Clearance dimensions. 331.03 Renewal and sale of. 331.04 Inspection and preservation. 331.05 Protection. 331.06 Masonry. 331.061 Specifications. 32Q 331.062 Inspection. 33Q 331.063 Maintenance. 331.064 Design. 331.1 Bridges. 331.101 Amount and length of bridging on American roads. 331.102 Bridges Numbering. Q7O 331.11 Specifications. AfiH 331.12 Inspection. 331.121 Mill inspection. 331.122 Shop inspection. 331.123 Field inspection. 331.13 Bridge program, renewals, repairs, etc. 331.131 Bids. 500 331.132 Contracts. ^TT 331.14 Design. con 331.140.1 Guard Rails. 331.141 Stresses. 331.142 Loading capacity. 331.143 Length of span. 331.144 Movable bridges Draw, rolling, etc. 331.145 Overhead and subgrade. 331.15 Erection and removal. 331.16 Shipment and delivery. 331.2 Culverts. 331.21 Pipe Culverts. 331.22 Brick Culverts. 331.23 Stone Culverts. 331.29 Other Culverts. 49 650 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 331.3 Tunnels. 331.31 Cross-section. 331.311 Enlarging. 331.32 Inspection. 331.33 Repairing. 331.34 Lining. 331.35 Centers and falsework. 331.36 Ventilation. 332 Ballast. 332.01 Specifications. 332.02 Ballast, where to purchase, cost of, etc. 332.03 Removal of dust, weeds, etc. use of oil. 332.04 Ballast program. 332.1 Crushed stone ballast. 332.2 Gravel ballast. 332.3 Furnace cinders, slag, etc. TJse as ballast. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 340 Tracks. 340.1 Track Specifications. 340.2 Track Labor. 340.3 Renewal and maintenance. 340.35 Line and surface. 340.4 Track Inspection. 340.401 Prizes for best section of track. 340.41 Track inspection by President. 340.42 Track inspection by General Manager. 340.49 Other track inspections. 340.5 Longitudinal Section. 340.51 Gradients. 340.52 Curves alignment. 340.6 Cross Section. 340.61 Gage. 340.611 Gage on curves. 340.7 Track elevation. 341 Ties. 341.01 Specifications, dimensions, etc. 341.02 Inspection. 341.03 Program for renewals. 341.04 Life of ties. 341.041 Tie plates. 341.042 Preservation of ties. 341.043 Marking ties. 341.05 Laying number per rail, etc. 341.1 Bridge ties. 341.2 Switch Ties. 342 Rails and their Fastenings. 342.01 Rail specifications: 342.011 Section of rails, weight. 342.012 Eail lengths. 342.013 Kail tests. 342.02 Inspection. 342.03 Program for renewals, etc. 370 400 500 560 640 650 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 342.1 Wear and Breakage of Rails. 342.11 Broken rails. 342.12 Life of Bails. 342.121 Rails re-sawing. 342.122 Rails re-rolling. 342.123 Lubricating Rail on curves. 342.2 Laying Bails. 342.21 Practice, rules for and cost of laying rails. 342.22 Balls, spacing at joints. 342.4 Bail Fastenings. 342.41 Bail Joints. 342.411 Joints, effect on cost of maintenance of track. 342.42 Bolts, nuts and nut-locks. 342.4S Bail braces. 342.44 Creeping of track, anchoring. 342.45 Track spikes. 342.5 Frogs and Switches. 342.501 Specifications. 342.51 Frogs. 342.511 Wear of frogs. 342.512 Blocking and filling frogs. 342.52 Switches. 342.521 Switch stands. 342.522 Switch locks, keys, etc. 342.523 Derails and derail switches. 345 Obstructions to Tracks. 345.1 Landslides and washouts. 345.2 Snow and ice. 345.3 Emergency force. 346 Main and passing tracks. (See also location Nos.) 347 Yards. 347.001 Plans for yards. 347.01 Appliances for stopping cars. 347.011 Bumping posts. 347.012 Sand track to check cars in yards. 347.013 Track skates for stopping cars. 347.02 Turntables, installing and taking out. 52 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 347.2 Gravity yards. 347.9 Other yards. 348 Branch Lines. 349 Private Sidings Agreements, Division of Cost, etc. 349.1 Sidings to Mines, Policy regarding construction and main- tenance. S3 370 400 500 560 650 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 350 Buildings. 350.01 Specifications and plans of buildings. 350.02 Inspection. 350.1 Repairs to buildings. 350.2 Painting buildings. 350.3 Heating and ventilation of buildings. 350.4 Lighting of Buildings. 350.41 Oil lights. 350.42 Gas lights. 350.43 Electric lights. 351 Station Buildings and Arrangements. 351.01 Station layout standard. 351.02 Station platforms and sheds. 351.03 Ornamentation of station grounds. 351.031 Greenhouses. 351.04 Station signs. 351.1 Freight House Arrangements. 351.11 Stock pens and chutes. 351.12 Scales and Loading gages. 351.120.1 Scale program. 351.120.2 Testing. 351.120.3 Kepairing. 351.120.4 Renewal. 351.120.5 Re-locating. 351.121 Loading gages. 351.122 Track scales. 351.123 Platform scales. 351.124 Scales for cars. 351.2 Passenger Station Arrangements. 351.21 Mail cranes. 352 Engine Houses and Shops. 352.01 Maintenance of engine houses and shops. 352.1 Industrial or Shop Railways. 352.2 Ash pits. 54 353 Fuel and Water Stations. 353.1 Fuel Stations. 353.11 Machinery for fuel stations. 353.2 Water Stations. 353.21 Stand pipes. 353.22 Tanks and Tubs. 353.221 Track tanks. 353.23 Machinery, Pumps, etc. 353.231 Wind pumps for. 353.232 Gas engines for. 353.24 Water-Supply. 353.241 Purification of water, filters, analysis, etc. 354 Offices Buildings, rooms, etc. 359 Other Buildings. 359.1 Dwelling houses. 350 359.2 Power houses. 359.3 Signal houses. 370 359.31 Standard telegraph tower. 4-00^ 359.5 Watch houses. 359.6 Tool houses. 359.7 Closets and outhouses. /on 500 510" 520 560 35 640 650 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 370 Docks, Wharves and Landings. 372 .: . 373 Harbor Improvements. 373.1 Widening and deepening channel. 374 Machinery. 374.1 Coal unloaders. 374.2 Ore unloaders. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 400 Maintenance of Equipment* 410 Rolling Stock. 420 Floating Equipment. 400 430 Shops. 500 510" 520 650 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 400 Equipment General* 400.01 Drawings, plans, blue prints, etc. 400.1 Associations. 400.11 American Society Mechanical Engineers. 400.12 American Railway Master Mechanics Association. 400.13 Master Car Builders' Association. 400.14 Car Foreman's Association. 400.19 Minor Associations and Clubs. 400.2 Statistics. 400.21 Equipment records and statements. 400.3 Tests of equipment. 401 Lubrication. 401.01 Failures of lubricants (Hot journals and pins). 401.1 Lubrication of rolling stock (Methods, etc.) 401.2 Lubrication of machinery and tools (Methods, etc.) 401.3 Lubricating Appliances. 401.31 Oil cups. 401.32 Oil cans. 401.33 Lubricators and tallow pipes. 401.34 Tools for packing boxes. 401.9 Other (Lubrication miscellaneous). Lubricants. See 029.7. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 410 Rolling Stock General. 410.01 Lettering, marking and numbering. 410.011 Lettering, marking and numbering locomotives. 410.012 Lettering, marking and numbering cars. 410.02 Inspection of Rolling Stock. 410.021 Inspection of locomotives. 410.022 Inspection of cars. 410.022.1 Joint Inspection bureaus. 410.04 Authorized equipment, program for filling vacancies in, adding to, etc. 410.041 Locomotive program. 410.042 Car program. 410.043 Building. 410.043.1 Locomotives building. 410.043.2 Cars building. 410.044 Condemned and Cut up. 410.044.1 Locomotives condemned and cut up. 410.044.2 Cars condemned and cut up. 410.045 Sale of (including Transfer of Ownership from one Com- pany to another of our own Lines). 410.045.1 . Sale of locomotives 410.045.2 Sale of cars. Safety appliances. Inspection of. U. S. laws. 410.05 410.051 410.057 410.1 410.101 410.11 410.12 410.13 4IO.I4 410.2 410.200.1 410.200.2 410.201 410.202 410.203 410.21 410.211 410.212 Draft Appliances. Performance of. Couplers. Draft rigging. Buffers. Safety chains. Brakes. Design. Performance Brake shoes. Brake levers. Brake beams. Hand brakes. Brake wheels. Brake clubs. 59 500 560 650 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 410.22 Air brakes. 410.220.1 Car brakes. 410.220.2 Locomotive Brakes. 410.220.21 Driver brakes. 410.220.22 Truck brakes. 410.221 Air pump. 410.222 Air pipes. 410.223 Air reservoirs. 410.224 Engineer brake valve. 410.225 Triple valve. 410.226 Brake cylinders. 410.23 Electric. 410.29 Other (Brakes, miscellaneous). 410.3 Trucks. 410.301 Passenger car trucks. 410.302 Freight car trucks. 410.31 Wheels. 410.311 Passenger wheels. 410.312 Freight wheels. 410.32 Axles. 410.321 Passenger axles. 410.322 Freight axles. 4 IO -33 Journal boxes, dust guards, bearings, wedges, etc. 410.34 Truck bolsters. 410.35 Truck springs. 410.36 Arch bars and channels. 410.39 Other (Trucks, miscellaneous). 41 1 Locomotives. 411.001 Locomotive dimensions, designs and weight. 411.002 Inspection. 411.003 Locomotives, change in construction. 411.009 Locomotives of other lines, reports on, etc. 411.01 Theory of Locomotive. 411.011 Conditions controlling design. 411.012 Adhesion, ratio of tractive power to weight on drivers. 411.013 Theory of Production of Steam. 411.013.1 Economy in use of steam. Advantages of nigh pressure. Saving due to early cut off. 411.014 Combustion in fireboxes. 411.015 Theory of draft appliances. 411.016 Internal disturbing forces in locomotives. 60 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 411.02 Class of Locomotive. 411.020.1 Classification register. 411.021 Passenger locomotives. 411.022 Freight locomotives. 411.023 Shifting locomotives. 411.024 Locomotives for special service. 411.03 Locomotive failures. 411.031 Sketches of broken parts. 411.04 Locomotives, condition of. 411.040.1 Locomotive condition boards. 411.041 Locomotives cleaning. 411.042 Locomotives painting. 411.043 Locomotives, repairs of. 411.05 Performance of locomotives. 411.051 Fuel consumption. 411.052 Fuel premium system. 411.1 Locomotive Boiler. 411.101 Lagging. 411.11 Locomotive Firebox. 411.111 Grate and ash-pan. 411.112 Crown sheet. 411.113 Side sheet. 411.114 Flue sheet. 411.115 Stay-bolts. "420 411.12 Locomotive boiler barrel. 411.13 Locomotive flues. 430 411.14 Locomotive Smoke Box, Stack and Draft Appliances. 411.141 Smoke consumers. 411.15 Locomotive Throttle and steam pipes. 510 411.16 Dome. R90 411.161 Safety valve. 411.2 Valve Motion. 411.21 Reverse lever, latch and quadrant. 411.22 Beach rod. 411.23 Tumbling shaft. 411.24 Link and block, link hangers. 411.25 Rocker arm and box and valve rod. 411.26 Valves. 411.27 Eccentrics, eccentric rods and straps. 411.3 Cylinders. 411.31 Cylinder castings and heads 411.32 Steam chest. 411.33 Guides and guide yoke. 61 640^ 650 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 411.4 Running Gear. 411.41 Locomotive Wheels and Tires. 411.411 Counterbalances. 411.42 Locomotive axles. 411.43 Locomotive trucks. 411.44 Crank, side and main pins. 411.45 Side and main rods. 411.46 Locomotive driving boxes and cellars. 411.47 Cross heads. 411.48 Piston and piston rods. 411.5 Locomotive Frames. 411.51 Frames, frame keys and bolts. 411.52 Springs and equalizing rigging. 411.53 Shoes and wedges. 411.54 Pedestal caps. 411.6 Appliances and Accessories. 411.601 Furniture and fixtures. 411.602 Tools. 411.61 Gages: steam, air, steam heat and water. 411.62 Cocks and valves, gage cocks, cylinder cocks, blowoff cocks, blower valves. 411.63 Sander, sanding appliances. 411.64 Injectors, injector pipes, and check valves, 411.65 Lamps, cab, waterglass, gage and headlight. 411.66 Bell and whistle. 411.67 Cabs, running boards, handrails and steps. 411.68 Pilot. 411.7 Locomotive Tender. 411.701 Classification. 411.702 Capacity. Numbering (see 410.01). Condition, repairs, etc. (see 411.04). 411.71 Locomotive Tender Frames. 411.711 Trucks. 411.72 Tanks. 411.721 Manholes. 411.722 Track water-scoop. 411.723 Tank valves and cocks. 411.9 Other. 62 412 Passenger Equipment Cars- 412.001 Design, dimensions, weight, capacity, etc, 412.002 Inspection. 412.003 Passenger equipment cars Change in construction. Kind of Car (Passenger). Coaches. Sleeping, parlor, observation. Dining, cafe, buffet. Baggage, Mail, Express. Horse express cars. Combination. Business and private. Hunting car. Other passenger equipment cars. Heating and Ventilating Passenger Equipment Cars. Stoves and hot water heaters. Steam heat. Ventilators, fans, etc. Lighting Passenger Equipment Cars. Oil lights. Gas lights. Electric lights. Condition Passenger Equipment Cars Cleaning and sanitation. Painting and varnishing. Eepairs. Damaged and destroyed. Passenger Car Body. Floors. Stringers and sills. Center and striking plates. Siding. Panels and battons. Copper sheathing. Hoofs. Body bolsters. 412.01 412.011 412.012 412.013 412.014 412.014.1 412.015 412.016 412.017 412.019 4I2.O2 412.021 412.022 412.023 412.03 412.031 412.032 412.033 4I2.O4 412.041 412.042 412.043 412.044 412.1 412.11 4I2.III 4I2.II2 412.12 4I2.I2I 412.122 412.13 412.14 412.2 Exterior Fixtures and Fastenings. 412.21 Vestibules and hood. 412.22 Passenger car platforms, steps and gates. 63 500 520 WO" 540~" 560~ 310 1J20" . uuu 640 650 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 412.3 Doors and Windows. 412.31 Door locks and fasteners. 12.32 Blinds and shades. 412.33 Sash balances. 412.34 Window guards and screens. 412.4 Interior Furniture and Fixtures. 412.41 Passenger car seats. 412.42 Toilet. 412.421 Closet, hopper, urinals, toilet paper and holders, etc. 412.422 Wash stands, soap, towels, etc. 412.43 Carpets and drapery. 412.44 Headlining. 412.45 Backs. 412.46 "Water coolers and tanks. 412.47 Emergency Tools and Appliances. 412.9 Other (Passenger car miscellaneous). 413 Freight Equipment Cars. 413.001 Dimensions, design, weight, capacity, etc. 413.002 Inspection. 413.003 Freight equipment cars Change in construction. 413.01 Kind of Car (Freight). 413.011 Flat car. 413.012 Gondolas, hopper, side dump. 413.013 Live Stock, Horse Stock, Poultry, etc. 413.013.01 Decking. 413.014 Box, furniture, carriage. 413.015 Refrigerator, Vegetable, Frost-proof Car. 413.015.01 Meat hooks. 413.015.02 Insulation. 413.016 Heater cars. 413.017 Tank cars. 413.018 Cabin and caboose. 413.019 Other. 413.019.1 Gun cars. 413.019.2 Cable cars. 413.019.3 Plate glass cars. 413.019.4 Fly wheel cars. 413.019.5 Coke cars. 64 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 413.02 4I3-03 413.04 413.041 413.042 413.043 413.043.1 413.043.2 413.043.3 413.043.4 413.043.5 413.043.6 Heating and ventilating- freight equipment cars. Condition of freight equipment cars. Cleaning and sanitation. Painting. Repairs. Freight car pool. " Bad Order " statements. Rules for repairs. Defect, home and repair cards. Cars destroyed. Damaged. 413.1 Freight Car Body. 413.11 Floor. 413.111 Stringers and sills. 413.112 Center and striking plates. 413.113 Side bearings, 413.114 Truss rods. 413.12 Stake pockets and stakes. 413.13 Siding. 413.14 Hoof. 413.15 Body bolsters. 413.2 Exterior Fixtures and Appliances. 413.21 Handholds and grab irons. 413.22 Ladders and steps. 413.23 Chains and other appliances for fastening double loads. 413.3 Doors and other Openings. 413.31 Grain doors. 413.32 Door seals and sealing. 413.33 Cleating doors. 413.34 Locks and other fastenings. 413.4 Interior Furnishings. 413.41 Lining. 413.9 Other (Freight cars miscellaneous). 414 Work Cars. 414.001 Dimensions, design, weight, capacity of work cars. 65 500 650 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 414.01 Kind of Car. 414.011 Test car. 414.011.1 Scale car. 414.011.2 Dynamometer car. 414.011.3 Track indicating cars. 414.011.4 Track inspection cars. 414.012 Supply car. 414.013 Roadway Cars. 414.013.1 Hand, push, velocipede, etc. 414.013.2 Ballast cars. 414.013.3 Grader and dirt spreader. 414.013.4 Steam shovel, pile driver, etc. 414.013.5 M. W. flat cars. 414.014 Hotel cars (cars for telegraph men, signal men, etc.). 414.015 Poling car. 414.018 Emergency cars. 414.018.1 Wrecking derricks. 414.018.2 Wreck tool cars. 414.018.3 Snow plows and flangcrs. 414.019 Other Work Cars. 414.019.1 Whitewash car. 414.019.2 Grain transfer car. 415 Motor Cars. 416 Electric Locomotives. 66 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 420 Floating Equipment. 420.1 Steamboats and tugboats. 420.2 Barges, car floats and canal boats. 420.3 Ferries. 500 510" 520 67 640 650 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 430 Shops. 430.01 Plans. 430.02 . Classification. 430.03 Location. 430.09 Foreign shops. 430.1 Output of Shops. 430.11 Condition of work under way. 430.12 Movement of locomotives through engine houses. 430.2 430.3 Heating and ventilating of. 430.4 Lighting of. 431 Machinery and Tools. 431.01 Lettering and numbering for tools, etc. 431.04 Tool program. 431.05 Painting tools. 431.1 Metal working. 431.2 Wood working. 431.3 Casting and Moulding Tools. 431.31 Patterns, 431.4 Forges and blacksmith furnaces. 431.5 Ash-pits. 431.6 Drop-pits. 431.7 Cranes and hoists. 431.9 Other. 432 Boilers and Furnaces. 433 Stationary Engines. 433.1 Steam. 433.2 Gas. 433.3 Oil. 433.4 Air, Wind Mills. 433.5 Water, Turbines, Hydraulic, Rams. 433.6 Gasoline. 433.9 Solar. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 434 Power Plants. 434.01 Plans. 434.02 Location. 434.1 Power transmission. 434.2 Electric Power and Lighting Plants. 434.201 Electric switchboards and switches. 434.202 Armatures. 434.203 Electric wiring, poles, etc. 434.203.1 Insulators. 434.203.2 Lightning arresters. 434.204 Meters. 434.204.1 Voltmeters. 434.204.2 Ammeters. 434.204.3 Wattmeters. 434.205 Storage batteries. 434.206 Electric motors. 434.21 Power generators. 434.2 1 1 Generators. 434.212 Boosters. 434.22 Electric lighting. 434.221 Dynamos. 434.222 Electric lamps. 434.224 Electric converters and transformers. 434.3 Pneumatic Plants. ___ OUU 434.31 Air compressors. 434.4 Hydraulic Plants. 439 Other (Maintenance of equipment, miscellaneous). 650 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 500 Transportation and Storage* 510 Tracks and Terminals Working. 520 Trains. 530 Locomotives Utilization of. 540 Cars Utilization of. 550 560 Safety Measures Signals. 570 Telegraph and Telephones. 580 Accidents. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 500 Transportation and Storage General* 500.1 Statistics. 500.2 Associations. 500.21 International. 500.211 International Kailway Congress. 500.22 National. 500.221 American Railway Association. 500.222 Association of Railroad Superintendents. 500.223 Association of Superintendents of Telegraph. 500.224 Train Dispatchers Association. 500.23 Association formed by Company for Advancement of Em- ployes. 500.231 Association of Transportation Officers. 500 510" 520 640 650 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 510 Tracks and Terminals Working. 510.4 Lease of. 510.5 Joint use of, etc. 51 1 Tracks Working. 511.1 Operation of single track line, capacity, etc. 511.2 Operation of two or more tracks, capacity, etc. 512 Yards Working. 512.01 Rules for operation of. 512.1 Condition of. 512.2 Cost of handling cars in. 512.3 Switching service (For rates, etc., see 620.131). 512.4 Lighting yards. 513 Stations Working. 513.01 Station names. 513.02 Receipts and expenditures. 513.1 Passenger Stations Working. 513.101 Carriages, omnibus, etc. 513.102 Hotels and restaurants. 513.103 Barber shops. 513.11 Union and large terminal passenger stations. 513.12 Suburban stations. 513.19 Other passenger stations. 513.2 Freight Stations Working. 513.201 Capacity. 513.202 Tonnage system. 513.2^3 Ballot system. 513.204 Cooperage. 513.205 Labor-saving appliances. 513.21 Transfer Stations working. 513.211 Grain elevators. 513.22 Storage Warehouses. 513.221 Cold Storage Plants. 513.23 Bonded warehouses. 514 Docks Working. 514.1 Lake ports. 514.2 Handling coal and ore Machinery. 72 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 520 Trains. 520.01 Train Crews. 520.011 Calling trainmen. 520.012 Number of men in train crew. 520.013 Crewing relatives together. 520.014 First in, first out. 520.1 Train earnings, mileage and expenses. 520.2 Weight of trains. 520.3 Bunning of Trains. 520.301 Standard Time. 520.301.1 Clocks. 620.301.2 Watches. 520.302 Registering of trains. 520.31 Time Tables, Schedules. 520.310.1 Notice of changes In. 520.311 Special stops, flag stops, etc. 520.312 Speed of Trains, Fast Runs, etc. 520.312.1 Speed recorders. 520.32 Dispatching. 520.321 Dispatching methods. 520.322 Use of telephone in dispatching. 520.323 General Orders and General Notices. 520.323.1 General order boards. 520.34 Sunday train service. 520.38 Detour service. 520.381 Detour charts and books. 520.382 Responsibility for accidents while detouring. 520.383 Rates for detour service. 510 521 Passenger Trains. 521.1 Make Up of Passenger Trains. 521.11 Position of cars in passenger trains. 521.12 Practice of splitting and consolidating passenger trains. 521.2 Movement of Passenger Trains. 521.21 Delays and Detentions of passenger trains. 521.211 Failure to make schedule time. 521.212 Holding for connections. 521.3 Passenger Train Service. 521.301 Accessory Service Sale of Newspapers, Tobacco, Candy, etc. 521.301.1 Contract with News Co. 73 640 650 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 521.31 Through. Fast Express Train Service. 521.311 Limited excess fare train service, 521.32 Mail train service. 521.33 Accomodation train service. 521.34 Suburban train service. 521.39 Other train service. 522 Freight Trains. 522.1 Make Tip of Freight Trains. 522.12 Position of cars in freight trains. 522.2 Movement of Freight Trains. 522.21 Delays and detentions of freight trains. 522.211 Complaints, slow time and movement 522.3 Freight Train Service. 522.31 Fast freight train service. 529 Special Trains. 529.01 Charge per mile for use ot 529.1 Newspaper trains. 529.2 Advertising trains for manufacturers. 529.9 Other. 74 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 530 Locomotives Utilization of. 530.1 Lease of Locomotives. 530.11 Rental charge for use of. 530.12 Hire of, as between our own and affiliated lines. 530.2 Assignment and transfer. 531 Loading of Locomotives. 531.1 Tonnage rating. 532 Movement of Locomotives. 532.101 Mileage of locomotives. 532.1 Economies in Handling Locomotives. 532.11 Length of locomotive runs. 532.12 Double heading. 532.13 Link system of running. 532.2 Delays and detentions to locomotives. 530 540" 560~ 75 650 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 540 Cars Utilization of. 540.1 Lease of. 541 Passenger Cars, Operation of. 541.01 Assignment and transfer. 541.1 Supply of Passenger Cars. 541.11 Orders for. 541.111 Coaches. 541.112 Sleeping, parlor, observation. 541.113 Dining, cafe, buffet. 541.114 Baggage, mail, express, horse express. 541.115 Combination. 541.116 Business and private. 541.117 Hunting. 541.119 Other Passenger cars. 541.2 Movements of Passenger Cars. 541.201 Mileage of passenger equipment cars. 541.21 Special cars of home lines. 541.22 Special cars of foreign lines. 541.23 Private cars. 541.24 Advertising and exhibit cars. 541.25 Pish commission cars. 541.29 Movement of other cars. 541.3 Sleeping, Parlor and Observation Car Line Service. 541.31 Reservation of space. 541.32 Complaints regarding service. 541.321 Porters sleeping. 541.33 Use of as hotels during conventions, etc. 541.4 Dining Car Service. 541.401 Cost of operation. 541.402 Inspection of service. 541.403 Sale of liquors. 541.41 Meals, Dining Cars. 541.411 Bills of fare. 541.412 Hours of serving. 541.413 Price of meals. 541.414 Complaints of passengers. Supplies See 027.1 76 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 542 Freight Cars, Operation of. 542.01 Weighing. 542.011 Light weighing. 542.012 Charges for. 542.02 Car cards, card holders, method of holding. 542.1 Freight Cars Supply of. 542.11 Orders for and Distribution of Cars. 542.111 Flat cars. 542.112 Gondolas, hopper, side dump, ore. 542.113 Live stock, horse stock, poultry, etc. 542.114 Box, furniture and carriage. 542.115 Refrigerator, vegetable, frost proof car. 542.116 Tank cars. 542.117 Heater cars. 542.118 Cabin and cabooses. 542.119 Other. 542.2 Freight Cars Movement of. 542.201 Mileage of freight cars. 542.203 Location statements. 542.204 Tracing. 542.21 Delays to Cars at Stations and Terminals. 542.211 Reports of. 542.212 Storage of cars. 542.213 Misuse of cars. 542.22 Picking up and setting off. 542.23 Complaints slow time. 542.3 Loading and Unloading. 542.31 Rules for loading and unloading. 542.32 Stopping cars en route for partial loading and unloading. 542.33 Loading for cars en route home. 540 542.34 Underloading and overloading. 542.4 Interchange of Freight Cars. 542.401 Kules. gJQ 542.401.1 Delivery of car what constitutes. 580 542.402 Relations with water lines (car ferries). hUD 542.41 Charge for use of. 542.411 Per diem charge. 542.412 Mileage rate. ' gr 542.413 Pay interest or valuation for use of. 77 640 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 542.414 Car service charges. 542.415 Improper returns made by ioreign companies. 542.42 Returning- Cars Home. 542.421 Home route cards. 542.422 Junction reports. 542.48 Individual Cars Movements of, etc. 542.480.1 Relations with individual car lines. 542.481 Fruit and Vegetable Car Lines. 542.481.1 Merchants Fruit Despatch. 542.481.2 Eastman Heater cars. 542.482 Live Stock and Refrigerator Car Lines. 542.482.1 Armour Car Lines. 542.482.2 Swift Car Lines. 542.483 Coal, Ore and Coke Car Lines. 542.483.1 H. C. Frick Coke Co. 542.483.2 Illinois Steel Co. 542.483.3 J. W. Ellsworth & Co. 542.484 Carriage and Furniture Car Lines. 542.489 Other Individual Car Lines. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 560 Safety Measures Signals. 560.01 Signals in general, forms, colors, sounds. 560.1 Supervision of signals. 560.2 Signal rules. 560.3 Oil Kind to use in Signals. 560.31 Oil tanks for stations, towers, etc. 561 Station Signals. 561.1 Station Flags. 562 Train Signals. 562.1 Classification Signals. 562.11 Classification flags. 562.12 Classification lamps. 562.2 Intercommunication. 562.21 Signal apparatus for trains. 562.22 Air whistle signals. 562.23 Bell cords. 563 Block Signals Operation. 563.1 Manual Block Signals. 563.2 Automatic Block Signals Semaphore Electric. 563.3 Automatic Block Signals Disc Electric. 563.4 Automatic Block Signals Semaphore Pneumatic. 563.5 Automatic Block Signals Semaphore Gas. 564- Interlockings Operation (Correspondence relative to particular interlockings to be filed by location). Maintenance See 359.4. 569 Signals Other. 569.1 Lanterns. 569.11 Broken globes. 569.2 Car Inspector's Signals. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 570 Telegraph and Telephones. 570.01 Franks and Passes of Conrl Tel. Companies. 570.02 Use of wires for other than R. R. business. 570.1 Instructions to operators. 570.2 Expenses. 570.3 Benewal and Extensions. 570.31 Estimates, diagrams, etc. 570.32 Program. 57-33 Authorities. 571 Construction. 571.1 Poles and Fixtures. 571.11 Poles Telegraph. 571.13 Cross arms. 571.2 Line. 571.21 Wire. 571.22 Cable, 571.23 Insulators. 571.3 Instruments. 571.4 Battery material. 572 Telegraph Service. 572.01 Complaints regarding. 572.02 Wire reports. 572.1 Contracts. 572.2 Bates. 572.21 Free service. 572.3 Revenue. 572.31 Remittances. 572.311 Error sheets. 572.312 Reports. 572.4 Special service (acct. elections, etc.). 572.5 Telegraph offices Opening and closing, etc. 573 Telephone Service. 573.01 Complaints regarding. 573.1 Contracts. 573.2 Rates. 573.3 Branch exchanges. 80 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 580 Accidents. 580.1 Charts showing location of. 580.2 Causes of. 581 Train Accidents. (File in geographical and date order. If desired, character of accident can be indicated in following manner: Derailments, 1; Collisions, 2; condition of track, 3; condition of equipment, 4; train orders, 5; other, 9; etc.) 581.01 Wrecks, clearing. 581.011 Wreck trains, movements of. 581.07 Attempts to wreck trains. 582 Personal Injuries. (File in geographical and date order, keeping card index to in- dividual cases, showing name, place, date, amount of claim, amount of settlement, etc.) 582.01 Stretchers. 582.02 Medicine cases. 582.1 Medical attendance. 582.2 Hospitals, relationship with. 582.3 582.7 Attempts to defraud company. 81 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 600 Traffic, Rates, etc* 610 Passenger Traffic. 620 Freight Traffic. 630 Baggage, Transportation of, Handling, etc. 640 Mail, Transportation of, etc. 650 Express, Transportation of, etc. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 600 Traffic-Rates. 600.1 Statistics. 600. 1 1 Passenger statistics. 600.12 Freight statistics. 600.2 Traffic Associations. 600.201 Trunk line. 600.202 Central traffic. 600.21 Passenger. 600.22 Freight. 601 Tolls and Rates in General Zone Rates, etc. 601.1 Hates, basis for making, quotations, division of, percentages, commissions, agreements for maintenance. 601.2 Tariffs. 601.201 Methods of issuing. 601.202 Posting. 601.203 Eequests made for. 601.204 Requests received for. 601.2 1 Tariffs Interstate. 601.211 Filing with Interstate Commerce Commission. 602 Advertising. 602.1 Relations with newspapers and periodicals. 602.2 Contributions, donations, subscriptions. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 610 Passenger Traffic. Where desired, any of the Passenger Traffic Piles can be sub-divided by affixing to such numbers the following: 1 Rates. 2 Tickets. 3 Passes. (01 Northeastern or North Atlantic States. (Oil Maine; (012 New Hamp- shire; (013 Vermont; (014 Massachusetts; (015 Rhode Island; (016 Connecticut; (017 New York; (018 Pennsylvania; (019 New Jersey. (02 Southeastern or South Atlantic States. (021 Delaware; (022 Maryland; (023 District of Columbia; (024 West Virginia; (025 Virginia; (026 North Caro- lina; (027 South Carolina; (028 Georgia; (029 Florida. (03 South Central or Gulf States. (031 Alabama; (032 Mississippi; (033 Louisiana; (034 Texas; (036 Indian Territory-Oklahoma; (037 Arkansas; (038 Tennessee; (039 Kentucky. (04 North Central or Lake States. (041 Ohio; (042 Indiana; (043 Illinois; (044 Michigan; (045 Wisconsin; (046 Minnesota; (047 Iowa; (048 Missouri. (05 Western or Mountain States. (051 Kansas; (052 Nebraska; (053 South Dakota; (054 North Dakota; (056 Montana; (057 Wyoming; (058 Colorado; (059 New Mexico. (06 Pacific States. (061 Arizona; (062 Utah; (063 Nevada; (064 California; (065 Oregon; (066 Idaho; (067 Washington; (068 Alaska. (07 Mexico and Central Am erica. (08 Canada. EXAMPLE: The number for the G. A. R. is 612.11; to indicate passenger rates for, affix (1, or 612.11(1; tickets, affix (2, or 612.11(2; etc. To indicate Illinois Division, affix (043, or 612.11(043, etc. 610.1 Passenger Rates. 6io.n Differentials on passenger business. 610.12 Extra or excess fares on certain passenger trains. 610.13 Sleeping and parlor car rates. 610.14 Special Rates. 610.141 Reduced passenger rates for employes. 610.142 Government rates, passenger. 610.143 Suburban or commutation rates. 610.144 Emigrant rates. . 610.145 Clergymen's rates. 610.146 Excursions. 610.146.1 To points on Home Lines. 610.146.2 Home seekers and others to points off Home Lines. 610.147 Rates Laws regulating. 610.149 Other Reduced Rates. 610.149.1 Reduced rates account charity. 84 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 610.2 Tickets. 610.200.1 G10.200.2 G10.200.3 610.201 610.202 610.203 610.204 610.205 610.20G 610.21 610.211 610.212 610.213 610.214 610.215 6lO.22 610.23 610.24 610.29 610.3 610.300.1 6I0.3I 610.311 610.312 610.313 610.315 610.315.1 6IO.32 610.321 6ro.322 610.322.1 610.322.2 610.323 610.324 610.324.1 610.324.2 610.324.3 610.324.4 610.324.5 610.325 610.326 Orders for new supply. Chart of forms. Sale of tickets, instructions regarding. Free tickets furnished various people. Scalping tickets. Forgeries. Lost and stolen tickets, bulletining, etc. Redemption of tickets. Extension time limit of tickets. Reduced Rate Tickets. Employes' family tickets. Mileage books Interchangeable. Suburban tickets. Clergymen's orders. Excursion. Coupon tickets. Interline tickets. Sleeping and parlor car tickets. Other tickets. Passes. Orders for new supply. Instructions regarding passes. Passes Instructions to conductors. Eules as to manner of making out passes. Counter-signature of passes. Passes, restricting, not good on Certain Trains. Passes good on freight trains. Passes, to whom issued. Passes, agreements as to issue of exchange passes. Passes, Issue of to Shippers. Giving passes or furnishing tickets to influence traffic. Live stock drovers transportation. Government and municipal officials and employes. Passes for Employes. Annual and term. Trip passes. Passes for ex-employe s of Veteran Associations, etc. Rules governing requests. Practice as to Issuing to employes and families. Passes account charity. Passes account labor organizations. 85 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 610.327 Honoring identification cards for transportation. 610.328 Passes and sub-postal commissions for mail clerks. 610.329 Other. 610.33 Passes Misuse of, etc. 610.330.1 Bulletining. 610.331 Alterations on. 610.332 Forgeries. 610.333 Lost and stolen. 610.8 Belations with Traveling Public. 610.81 Non-paying passengers seated in Pullman cars when train is crowded. 610.82 Ejecting passengers, rules governing. 610.83 Passengers robbed. 610.84 Gambling on passenger trains. 610.85 Transportation of children without attendants. 610.86 Freight trains carrying passengers, permits to ride on. 610.87 Refund of fares. 610.88 Accident Insurance Sale of tickets. 61 1 Federal and State. 611.1 Army and Navy. 611.2 National Guards (File by states and divide into divisions, brigades, regiments and companies if desired). 611.8 Public Institutions. 611.81 Insane asylums and feeble-minded schools. 611.82 Children's Home (Orphans). 611.83 County Infirmaries. 611.84 Penitentiaries. 611.85 Soldiers' Homes. 611.851 National. 611.852 State. 611.89 Other public institutions. 612 Societies. 612.1 Army and Navy Societies. 612.11 Grand Army of the Republic. 612.12 Loyal Legion. 612.13 Spanish Wax Veterans. 612.14 Sons and Daughters of Revolution. 612.19 Other Army and ITavy societies. 86 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 612.2 Secret Societies. 612.21 Masons. 612.211 Order of Mystic Shrine. 612.212 Knights Templar. 612.213 Scottish Rite Masons. 612.219 Other Masonic societies. 612.22 Odd Fellows. 612.23 Knights of Pythias. 612.24 Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. 612.25 Royal Arcanum. 612.26 "Woodmen of America. 612.27 Ancient Order United Workmen. 612.271 Ladies Auxiliary A. O. U. W. 612.29 Other secret societies. 612.3 Religious Societies. 612.301 Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor. 612.302 Knights of St. Andrew. 612.303 Women's Christian Temperance Union. 612.31 Catholic. 612.311 Knights of St. John. 612.312 Catholic Benevolent Legion. 612.313 Catholic Y. M. C. A. 612.32 Presbyterian. 612.321 Cumberland Presbyterian. 612.322 United Presbyterian. 612.323 Reformed Presbyterian. 612.324 Congregational. 612.33 Baptist. 612.331 Baptist's Young People's Union. 612.34 Methodist. 612.341 Epworth League. 612.35 Jewish. 612.36 Campbellite or Christian Disciples. 612.37 Lutheran. 612.38 Episcopal. 612.39 Other. 612.391 Unitarian. 612.392 Universalist. 612.393 Adventist. 612.394 Quakers Friends. 650 ann RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 612.4 College Societies. 612.41 Glee and Mandolin Clubs. 612.5 Educational Societies. 612.51 National Educational Association. 612.52 Teachers' Associations. 612.6 Political Societies. 612.601 National conventions. 612.602 Congressional conventions. 612.603 Judicial conventions. 612.604 State conventions. 612.61 Republican. 612.62 Democratic. 612.63 Prohibition. 612.64 Populist. 612.65 Socialistic or Labor. . 612.69 Other. 612.7 Labor Organizations. 612.71 National Federation of Labor. 612.8 Social Clubs. 612.81 National Federation of Women's Clubs. 612.9 Other. 613 Shows and Circuses. 613.1 Wild West Shows. 613.2 Circuses. 613.9 Other. 614 Theatrical. 614.01 Theatrical baggage and scenery. 614.1 Opera. 614.2 Dramatic. 614.3 Vaudeville. 614.4 Minstrel. 614.9 Other. 615 Sports. 615.1 Athletic Associations. 615.2 Aquatic. 615.21 Yacht races. 615.22 Fishing. 88 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 615.3 Hunting. 615.4 Base Ball. 615.41 National base ball league. 615.42 American base ball league. 615.43 Western base ball association. 615.49 Minor base ball leagues. 6l5 491 Amateur baseball leagues. 615.5 Foot Ball. 615.6 Prize Fights. 616 Fairs, Expositions and Assemblies, 616.1 Assemblies. 616.2 Expositions and Centennials. 616.3 Fairs. 616.31 World's Fairs. 616.32 State Fairs. 616.33 County Fairs. 617 Health and Pleasure Resorts. 617.1 Health Resorts. 617.2 Pleasure Resorts. 617.21 Seashore resorts. 617.22 Lake resorts. 617.23 Picnics. 619 Other. 650 900 620 Freight Traffic. Where desired, any of the Freight Traffic Files can be sub-divided by affix- ing- to such number the following: 1 Eates. 2 Weighing and Inspection. 3 Eouting and billing. 4. Soliciting. 8 Claims. (01 Northeastern or North Atlantic States. (Oil Maine; (012 New Hamp- shire; (013 Vermont; (014 Massachusetts; (015 Khode Island; (016 Connecticut; (017 New York; (018 Pennsylvania; (019 New Jersey. (02 Southeastern or South Atlantic States. (021 Delaware; (022 Maryland; (023 District of Columbia; (024 West Virginia; (025 Virginia; (026 North Caro- lina; (027 South Carolina; (028 Georgia; (029 Florida. (03 South Central or Gulf States. (031 Alabama; (032 Mississippi; (033 Louisiana; (034 Texas; (036 Indian Territory-Oklahoma; (037 Arkansas; (038 Tennessee; (039 Kentucky. (04 North Central or Lake States. (041 Ohio; (042 Indiana; (043 Illinois; (044 Michigan; (045 Wisconsin; (046 Minnesota; (047 Iowa; (048 Missouri. (05 Western or Mountain States. (051 Kansas; (052 Nebraska; (053 South Dakota; (054 North Dakota; (056 Montana; (057 Wyoming; (058 Colorado; (059 New Mexico. (06 Pacific States. (061 Arizona; (062 Utah; (063 Nevada; (064 California; (065 Oregon; (066 Idaho; (067 Washington; (068 Alaska. (O7 Mexico and Central America, (08 Canada. (09 Export. EXAMPLE: The number for wheat is 621.31; to indicate rates on wheat, affix (1, or 621.31(1; weighing and inspection, affix (2, or 621.31(2. As commodities from all points of the line have usually a common destina- tion, only such sub-division is desired, as will show destination, viz.: The number for corn is 621.32. To indicate corn for Baltimore or other points in Maryland, affix 022, or 621.32(022. Ordinarily, however, it will be found un- necessary to show the state, as the territory will suffice, i. e., instead of 621.32(022, use 621.32(02, which would indicate papers relative to corn destined to some point in Southeastern or South Atlantic States. Numbers for several states are given as they may at times be found useful for traffic to points on the home lines. 620.001 Export freight. 620.01 Freight Claim Associations. 620.02 Freight Classifications. 620.03 Freight charges. 620.031 Collect on delivery. 620.032 Commissions. 620.033 Prepay. 620.04 Car load. 620.041 Charge for use of idlers. 620.05 Less than car load. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 620.1 620.101 620.11 62O.I2 620.121 620.122 620.123 620.13 620.14 620. 1 5 620.151 620.151.1 620.151.2 620.151.3 620.152 620.152.1 620.153 620.154 620.155 620.156 620.157 62O.l6 620.161 620.162 620.163 620.164 620.165 820.2 620.201 62O.2I 62O.22 620.23 620.3 620.301 620.301.1 020.301.2 Freight Bates. Basis for. Local. Joint. Percentages or Divisions. Proportional. Eail and Lake. Export rates. Import rates. Terminal Charges. Switching 1 Rates and Agreements Payment of. Pro-rating. Absorbing. Refund. Cartage and Drayage. Transfer between depots. Lighterers charges. Floating charges. Storage charges. Bridge tolls. Terminal or belt railroad charges. Reduced Freight Rates. Government rates. Company material and supplies. Railroad employes. Charity. Contractor's material. "Weighing and Inspection. Board of Trade certificates, receipts, etc. Weights estimated. Weights, minimum car load. Weights shippers. Bouting and Billing. Instructions, Methods, etc. Routing and Billing. Arrangements. Billing irregularities. 620.301.21 620.301.3 620.301.4 C20.301.5 620.301.6 Loaded cars billed as empty and vice versa. Errors, return of mlssent freight. Billing to prepay stations. Through billing. Re-billing. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 620.31 Bills of Lading 620.310.1 Issue of bill of lading before freight Is delivered. 620.310.2 Order, delivery of freight without surrender of bill of lading. 620.310.3 Fictitious bill of lading. 620.310.4 Protection of bill of lading. 620.310.5 Issuing clear bill of lading. 620.310.6 Changing straight bill of lading to order. 620.310.7 Car numbers on bill of lading. 620.310.8 Abstracts of freight on bill of lading. 620.310.9 Other bills of lading. 620.311 Private bills of lading. 620.312 Export bills of lading-. 620.313 Inland bills of lading. 620.314 Fast freight lines Bills of lading. 620.315 L. C. E. freight. 620.316 Way Bills. 620.316.1 Manifests, duplicate copies of. 620.316.2 Card way bills. 620.316.3 Delays in forwarding way bills. 620.316.4 Showing weights on way bills. 620.316.5 Conductors cards (mem. billing). 620.319 Other bills of lading. 620.32 Changing destination of freight. 620.33 Diversions and loss of shipments. 620.34 Tracers for freight 620.35 Routing freight. 620.351 Routing via Home Lines. 620.352 Routing via other lines. 620.353 Eouting orders of patrons. 620.36 Shippers' marks. 620.4 Soliciting Traffic. 620.41 Industries locating. 620.42 Relations with patrons. 620.421 Purchases from. 620.422 Shipments received 1'rom various firms. 620.8 Freight Claims. 620.81 Carriers risk. 620.82 Overcharge Refund, etc. 620.83 Refused and unclaimed freight. 620.8S1 Storage and freight charges on. 92 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 620.84 Over and short Freight. 620.85 Loss and damage Freight. 620.851 Per cent loss and damage to revenue. 620.852 Pro-rating with other lines. 620.853 Reclamation of freight on loss and damage claims. 620.854 Responsibility for. 620.854.1 Responsibility for stolen freight. C20.854.2 Responsibility for loss and damage In transferring or Inter- changing. 621 Agriculture. 621.001 Crop reports and prospects. 621.02 Fertilizers and fertilizing material. 621.1 Canned and Bottled Goods. 621.11 Cider, vinegar and pickles. 621.12 Preserves, catsup, etc. 621.13 Food preparations. 621.14 Extracts. 621.19 Other canned and bottled goods. 621.2 Groceries. 621.3 Grain and Grain Products. 621.300.1 Grain Inspection. 621.301 Seeds. 621.302 Hay. 621.303 Straw. 621.303.1 Strawboard. 621.304 Brooms and broom corn. 621.305 Flax, Hemp and Jute. 621.305.1 Cordage. 621.309 Other grain products. 621.31 Wheat. 621.311 Flour. 621.32 Corn. 621.33 Oats. 621.34 Bye. 621.39 Other grains. 621.4 Fruits and Vegetables. 621.400.1 Care of in cold weather, attendants with. etc. 621.401 Fruits. 621.401.1 Green. 621.401.2 621.402 Dried. Nursery products. 93 640 650 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 621.41 Domestic Fruits. 621.411 Apples. 621.412 Peaches. 621.413 Pears. 621.414 Plums. 621.415 Grapes. 621.419 Other domestic fruits. 621.42 Berries. 621.421 Strawberries. 621.429 Other berries. 621.43 Tropical Fruit. 621.431 Bananas. 621.432 Oranges. 621.433 Lemons. 621.439 Other. 621.48 Vegetables. 621.481 Onions. 621.482 Potatoes. 621.483 Cabbage. 621.489 Other. 621.5 Tropical Products. 621.51 Tobacco. 621.52 Sugar, molasses and syrup. 621.53 Coffee, tea and cocoa. 621.54 Cotton. 621.541 Cotton factory products. 621.542 Linters. 621.6 Nuts. 621.9 Other Products of Agriculture. 621.91 Hops. 621.92 Melons. 622 Animals and Animal Products. 622.001 Abattoirs. 622.O1 Hides, Skins, Pelts, Furs, etc. 622.011 Leather. 622.011.1 Harness and saddlery. 622.011.2 Belting. 622.011.3 Boots and shoes. 622.011.4 Trunks and satchels. 94 622.012 Feathers. 622.013 Wool. 622.013.1 Yarn. 622.02 Glue and glue stock. 622.03 Soap, candles and soap stock. 622.04 Lard. 622.05 Dairy Products. 622.051 Butter. 622.052 Eggs. 622.053 Cheese. 622.1 Live Stock. 622.101 Attendants with. 622.102 Shrinkage. 622.103 Yardage charges, bedding, watering. 622.11 Horses and mules. 622.12 Cattle. 622.13 Hogs. 622.14 Sheep. 622.19 Other. 622.2 Poultry, game and fish. 622.3 Packing House Products. 622.31 Dressed meats. 623 Mines. 623.01 Coal, ore and coke statistics. 623.1 Goal. 623.11 Anthracite. 623.12 Bituminous. 623.13 Cannel. 623.14 Blacksmith. 623.15 Facings and sea coal. 623.16 Coke. 623.18 Lake cargo and fuel coal. 623.19 Other. 623.2 Ores. 623.201 Spelter. 623.202 Phosphate rock. 623.203 Mineral wool. 623.204 Asbestos and products. 623.21 Iron ore. 95 640 650 900 623.22 Copper ore. 623.211 Copper ingots and slabs. 623.23 Lead. 623.231 Lead bars, pigs, etc. 623.24 Zinc. 623.25 Tin. 623.251 Pig bar or slab. 623.252 Plate. 623.253 Tinware. 623.258 Scrap tin. 623.26 Aluminum. 623.29 Other. 623.291 Fluor and feldspar. 623.3 Stone, Sand, Clay, etc., and their Products. 623.301 Cement, lime and plaster rock. 623.302 Brick. 623.303 Mantels and grates. 623.304 Slate and roofing material. 623.305 Earthenware, jugware, pottery, stoneware. 623.306 Sewer and drain tile pipe. 623.307 Asphaltum and products. 623.31 Stone. 623.3 1 1 Grindstones. 623.32 Sand and gravel. 623.33 Marble and Granite. 623.331 Statuary and monuments. 623.34 Clay. 623.35 Glass and glassware. 623.9 Other Mine Products. 623.91 Salt. 623.92 Soda and soda ash. 623.93 Alum. 624 Forest. 624.01 624.02 624.03 624.04 624.1 624.2 624.5 Resin. Gum and wax. Tar and pitch. Bark. Holly and evergreens. Cork. Manufactured Articles (Wood). 96 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 625 Manufactures Iron and Steel Mills and Furnaces. 625.01 Furnace cinders, slag, ashes, etc. 625.02 Junk and scrap. 625.1 Foundries and Products. 625.11 furnaces, heaters and radiators. 625.12 Boilers and tanks. 625.13 Safes, vaults and prison work. 625.14 Hardware and stoves. 625.15 Pipe, iron, cast or wrought. 625.16 Pumps and pump material. 625.17 Fountains. 625.2 Machine Shops. 625.201 Machinery. 25.21 Locomotives for shipment. 625.22 Sewing machines. 625.23 Guns and gun carriages. 625.24 .Firearms. 625.25 Tools and instruments. 625.26 Musical, nautical and surgical tools. 625.3 Iron and Steel Works. 625.301 Billets. 625.302 Pig iron, cinder and scale. 625.303 Ties and bands. 625.31 Mails, wire and rods. 625.32 Bridges and bridge material. 625.33 Bails and fastenings. 625.34 Sheet and tin plate bars. 625.39 Other steel and iron products. 626 Manufactures Other Mills and Factories. 626.1 Textile Factories or Mills. 626.101 Rags. 626.11 Dry goods and notions. 626.12 Hats and caps. 626.13 Silk. 626.2 Carriage and Car Factories Vehicles. 626.21 Vehicles and parts. 626.22 Trucks and wheelbarrows. 626.23 Bicycles. 626.24 Cars New for shipment. 07 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 626.3 Electric Manufacture. 626.31 Dynamos and other machinery. 626.39 Other electrical apparatus. 626.4 Paper mills and their products. 626.5 Military Accoutrements, Ammunition, etc. 626.51 Ammunition, fixed. 626.52 Military accoutrements. 626.53 Shot. 626.54 Fire works. 626.56 Powder and high explosives. 626.6 Minor Products. 626.61 Agricultural implements. 626.62 Stationery, ink, etc. 626.63 Sporting goods. 626.64 School supplies. 626.65 Bags, bagging, burlaps. 626.66 Dental goods. 626.67 Dye stuffs. 626.68 Household Goods and Emigrants' Movables. 626.681 Carpets, matting and window shades. 626.682 Mattresses. 626.689 Other household goods. 626.9 Other Products. 626.91 Toys. 626.92 Merry-go-rounds. 626.93 Fire proofing. 626.94 Confectionery, cakes, candy, etc. 626.95 Ice. 627 Manufactures Other. 627.1 Oil, Paints, etc. 627.11 Petroleum and other oils. 627.12 Turpentine. 627.13 Paint, Putty and White I*ead. 627.14 Naphtha. 627.15 Gasoline. RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 627.2 Chemical Works, Breweries, Distilleries. 627.21 Chemicals and acids. 627.211 Ammonia and products. 627.212 Drugs and druggist supplies. 627.22 Alcoholic Liquors, ale, beer, porter, etc. 627.23 Mineral waters. 99 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 630 Baggage, Transportation of, Handling, etc. 630.1 Checking baggage. 630.2 Baggage, storage charges. 630.3 Baggage Bates. 630.31 Excess baggage rate. 632 Baggage service Complaints, etc. 635 Transportation of other than Personal Baggage. 635.1 Dogs, Transportation of in baggage cars. 635.2 Bicycles, baby carriages, etc., Transportation of in baggage cars. 635.3 Corpses, Transportation of in baggage cars. 635.4 Milk, Transportation of in baggage cars. 638 Loss and damage, baggage. 100 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 640 Mail, U. S. and Company Transportation ol. 640.1 Company mail. 641 Mail, Contract for. 641.1 Mail routes, rates, etc. 641.2 Mail, Compensation for Handling. 641.21 Pines and deductions. 643 Mail service, various points. 644 Mail weighing. 645 Mail, Transportation, 645.1 Transportation of mail on limited trains. 645.2 Mail, thrown from trains, practice. 645.3 Mail, handling in baggage cars. 645.4 Mail detentions. 630 640^ 650 900 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 650 Express Goods, Transportation of. 650.1 Contract with Express Company. 650.11 " Pony " Express Service. 650.12 Express Franks. 651 Freight diverted to Express Co. 652 Express service. 653 Express charges, refunds, etc. 102 900 Local Facilities and Affairs. As previously stated, the correspondence relating to local matters in any one town almost invariably combines two or more subjects, and No. 9 is used for providing a number for each station on the Lines, the idea being that so far as possible correspondence will be filed according to location. The correspondence in connection with improvements in the passenger station at Cheboygan, for instance, also covers improve- ments to the freight station, the opening and closing of public streets, removal of the shops, elevation of tracks, additional crossing watch- men, belt line around the town, entrance of other railroads, etc. It is hard to determine just in what way any of these matters will come up in the future and a number could hardly be provided in any other way which would take care of all of them. Correspondence relating to local matters other than Traffic and Accounts in any town should be filed in this series. Example, Main Tracks and Passing Sidings, Branches, etc., should be filed under gen- eral numbers assigned to the respective divisions; and Sidings, Yards, Stations, Ordinances, etc., for any particular town should be filed under the number assigned to it. While correspondence relating to general policy of Company re- garding abolition of grade crossings would be filed under 322, that relating to elevation of tracks at Chicago should be filed under number for Chicago. The General numbers under Series 9 have been used to provide numbers for each state in the United States, and for foreign countries, for filing correspondence relating to local matters at points off the Home Lines. See page 105. The grand sub-division numbers of this series (i. e., 910, 920, 930, 940, 950, 960, 970, 980, and 990) have been left vacant, it being impossible to include in this volume a number for each station on every road in the United States. Every Company has assigned numbers to each Division and station on its road, for use in connection with wheel reports of freight con- 103 65( Qnn RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE ductors, ticket reports of passenger conductors, etc. These numbers can readily be used, without conflict with the remainder of the Decimal Classification, by prefixing the figure 9 to such numbers. Example: If the number assigned Chicago is 416, the file number would be 9416, etc., etc. Or, if desired, decimal numbers can be used, by using the numbers 910, 920, 930, 940, 950, 960, 970, 980 and 990 for the respective systems, then sub-dividing each into Divisions, i. e., 910 into 911, 912, 913, 914, etc. Each Division can then be sub-divided into sections, and the sec- tions into stations. For sub-dividing the correspondence relating to any one division or town the following are suggested: (0 General. (01 Employes. (07 Ordinances, etc. (2 Accounts. (3 .Roadway and Structures. (31 Right of Way. (32 Crossings. (33 Eoadbed. (34 Tracks. (346 Main and passing tracks. (347 Yards. (349 Private sidings (file alphabetically.) (35 Buildings. (351 Station buildings. (352 Engine houses and shops. (353 Fuel and water stations. (37 Docks, wharres and landings. If but half the time now required for the Record of Correspondence be used for properly assorting the papers in the various files arrang- ing some alphabetically, others geographically, others in date order, etc., the files will be greatly improved. The following numbers are suggested for such correspondence re- lating to matters off the line, as it may be desired to file geographically: 104 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 900 Local Facilities and Affairs General* 900.1 Canada, British America. 900.2 Mexico, Central America. 900.3 United States and Territories. (General.) 900.4 South America. 900.5 Europe. 900.6 Asia. 900.7 Africa. 900.9 Other Foreign Countries. 901 North-eastern or North Atlantic, New England. 901.1 Maine. (File in alphabetical order, according to name of town.) 901.2 New Hampshire. 901.3 -Vermont. 901.4 Massachusetts. 901.5 Rhode Island. 901.6 Connecticut. 901.7 New York. 901.8 Pennsylvania. 901.9 New Jersey. ~t> 902 South-eastern or South Atlantic. 902.1 Delaware. 802.2 Maryland. 902.3 District of Columbia. 902.4 West Virginia. 902.5 Virginia. 902.6 North Carolina. 902.7 South Carolina. 902.8 Georgia. 902.9 Florida. 4b 903 South Central or Gulf. 903.1 Alabama. 903.2 Mississippi. 903.3 Louisiana. if '5 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE 903.4 Texas. 903.5 903.6 Indian Territory. (Oklahoma.) 903.7 Arkansas. 903.8 Tennessee. 903.9 Kentucky. 904 North Central or Lake. 904.1 Ohio. 904.2 Indiana. 904.3 Illinois. 904.4 Michigan. 904.5 Wisconsin. 904.6 Minnesota. 904.7 Iowa. 904.8 Missouri. 904.9 o 905 Western or Mountain. 905.1 Kansas. 905.2 Nebraska. 905.3 South Dakota. 905.4 North Dakota. 905.5 905.6 Montana. 905.7 Wyoming. 905.8 Colorado. 905.9 New Mexico. 906 Pacific. 906.1 Arizona. 906.2 Utah. 906.3 Nevada. 906.4 California. 906.5 Oregon. 906.6 Idaho. 906.7 Washington. 906.8 Alaska. 106 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SUBJECTS, Giving numbers used in the Railroad Correspondence File. Subjects in bold-faced type are sub-divided in the preceding Decimal Classification. A B C E F Abattoirs. 622.001 Absence Leave of. 012.32 Absorbing terminal charges and switching. 620.151.2 Accident Insurance. (See Insurance.) 610.88 Accidents. 580 and Wrecks Trains. (See Wrecks.) 581 Causes of. 580.2 Charts showing location of. 580.1 while detouring Kesponsibility for. 520.382 Accounts Auditing-. 220.01 Auditing committees. 220.011 Classification of. 221 Construction. 221.5 Distribution of, Kulings, 220.02 Employes, Board bills. 218.2 Examination of. 218.4 Examination of Agents. 218.41 Examination of Conductors. 218.42 Examination of other employes. 218.49 Equipment. 221.6 Finance. 200 General. 220 General Expense. 221.2 General I/edger. 221.4 Open. 221.3 Personal expenses (for personal expense bills, see 220.122). 218.1 Real Estate. 221.7 Shortages and Forgeries. 218.3 Shortages and forgeries Agents. 218.31 107 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Accounts Shortages and Forgeries Conductors. 218.32 Shortages and forgeries Other. 218.39 Statistics. 200.01 Wages, etc. 218 Wages of Employes. (See Employes.) 218.6 Working Expense. 221.1 Conducting Transportation. 221.13 Maintenance of equipment. 221.12 Maintenance of Way and Structure. 221.11 Acids, Orders for, Supply, etc. 029.961 Acids and chemicals Rates, movement, etc. 627.21 Addresses. 005 Advertising. 602 Advertising and exhibit cars Movement of. 541.24 Relations with newspapers and periodicals. 602.1 trains. 529.2 Traffic, Contributions, Donations, etc. 602.2 Adventist societies Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.392 Agents (Station) Association. 013.28 Agreements Execution of. 110.11 Agreement Standard interlocking. 321.607 Agreements Terminal and switching. 620.151 Agricultural implements Bates, movement, etc. 626.61 Agriculture Products of, rates, movement, etc. 621 Other products of, rates, movement, etc. 621.9 Air brakes. (See brakes.) 410.22 Air compressors. 434.31 Air whistles. 562.22 Alcoholic liquors, Ale, Beer, Porter, etc. Eates, movement, etc. 627.22 Ale Eates, movement, etc. 627.22 Alignment Tracks. (General.) 340.52 Alloys for Co. use, orders for supply. 024.5 Alum Eates, movement, etc. 623.93 Aluminum Eates, movement, etc. 623.26 Amateur baseball leagues Passenger rates, movement, etc. 615.491 American Baseball League Passenger rates, movement, etc. 615.42 Railway Association. 500,221 Railway League. 013.27 Eailway Master Mechanics Association. 400.12 Eailway Union. 013.26 Roads Amount and length of Bridging. 331.101 Society Civil Engineers. 300.121 Society Mechanical Engineers. 400.11 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Ammeters. 434.204.2 Ammonia and products Kates, movement, etc. 627.211 Ammunition, Fixed Rates, movement, etc. 626.51 Analyses, Material and Supplies. 0120.2 Anchoring- rails in track. 342.44 Animals and Animal products Bates, movement, etc. 622 Annual reports. 200.4 Antimony For Co. use. (See metals Minor.) 024.6 Apples Rates, movement, etc. 621.411 Appliances Draft. 410.1 Safety. 410.05 Applications. (See Employes.) Appointment of committees. 010.4 Appraisement of Property for taxation. 073.2 Aquatic Passenger rates, movement, etc. 615.2 Arch bars. (See trucks.) 410.36 Armatures, Electric. 434.202 Armour Car Lines. 542.482.1 Army and Navy Passenger rates, movement, etc. 611.1 Army and Navy Societies Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.1 Other Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.19 Arrangement of Clerical force. 011.201 Arresters, Lightning. 434.203.2 Asbestos and products Rates, movement, etc. 623.204 Ash pan Locomotives. 411.111 Ash Pits. 352.2 Ash pits Machinery and tools. 431.5 Ashes Rates, etc. 625.01 Asphaltum and products Rates, movement, etc. 623.307 Assemblies Passenger rates for, etc. 616.1 Assessments and Taxes. 073 Assignment of Locomotives. (See Locomotives.) 530.2 Assignment of passenger cars. (See Passenger cars.) 541.01 Association Railroad Superintendents. 500.222 Station Agents. 013.28 Superintendents of Telegraph. 500.223 Train Dispatchers. 500.224 Associations American Railway Association. 500.221 American Railway Master Mechanics Association. 400.12 American Society Civil Engineers. 300.121 American Society Mechanical Engineers. 400.11 Car Foremen's Association. 400.14 B C E F G M 109 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Associations Central Traffic. 600.202 Freight claim. (See Freight.) 620.01 Engineers Maintenance of Way. (Division Engineers.) 300.131 International Railway Congress. 500.211 (See Labor Organizations.) Maintenance of Equipment. 400.1 Maintenance of "Way. 300.1 Maintenance of Way, National. 300.12 Formed by Company for benefit of M. of W. Employes. 300.13 Master Car Builders' Association. 400.13 Miscellaneous. 001 Traffic. 600.2 Freight. 600.22 Passenger. 600.21 Transportation and Storage. 500.2 Transportation Officers. 500.231 Transportation, formed by Co. for advancement of employes. 500.23 International. 500.21 National. 500.22 Treasury and Auditing Departments. 200.02 Trunk Line. 600.201 Voluntary Relief. 011.31 Athletic Associations Passenger rates, movement, etc. 615.1 Attempts to defraud Company. 582.7 Attempts to wreck trains. 581.07 Auditing Dept. Expenses. 232 Authorized equipment. 410.04 Axles. 410.32 Freight Car. 410.322 Locomotives. (See Locomotives.) 411.42 Passenger car. 410.321 B. Baby carriages Transportation in Baggage cars. (See Baggage.) 635.2 Bacteriology. 008 Baggage and scenery, Theatrical Transportation of. 614.01 Bicycles, baby carriages, etc., Transportation of. 635.2 Car. 412.014 Checking. C30.1 Corpses, Transportation of. 635.3 Dogs, Transportation of. 635.1 Loss and damage. 638 1 10 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Baggage Milk, Transportation of. 635.4 Other than personal Transportation of. 635 rates. 630.3 rates Excess. 630.31 service Complaints, etc. 632 Storage charges. 630.2 Transportation of Handling, etc. 630 Bags, bagging, burlaps Kates, movement, etc. 626.65 Balances. (See Banks.) 217.3 Ballast. 332 Car. 414.013.2 Crushed stone. 332.1 Forks. 026.31 Furnace cinder, slag, etc., use as ballast. 332.3 Gravel. 332.2 program. 332.04 Purchase of, cost, etc. 332.02 Kemoval of dust, weeds, etc., use of oil. 332.03 Specifications. 332.01 unloader. 026.32 Ballot system for freight stations. 513.203 Bananas Kates, movement, etc. 621.431 Bank balances. 217.3 Signature to statement of. 217.31 Banks and Banking. 217 Deposits. 217.2 List of officers. 217.01 Baptist Societies Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.33 Barber shops. (See Stations, Passenger.) 513.103 Barges. (See Equipment, floating.) 420.2 Bark Kates, movement, etc. 624.04 Baseball Associations, Passenger rates, movement, etc. 615.4 Baseball Leagues, Minor Passenger rates, movement, etc. 615.49 Basis for Freight Kates. . 620.101 Baskets for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.92 Basket racks for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.111 Batteries Electric Storage. 434.205 Battery Material for telegraph and telephone. 571.4 Battery Material for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 027.22 Battery material for Company use Other, Orders for, Supply, etc. 027.229 Battons for passenger cars. 412.121 Bearings and wedges. 410.33 for Company's use. 024.54 ill c F RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Beer Rates, movement, etc. 627.22 Bell cord for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.112 Bell cords Signals. 562.23 Bella Crossing. 321.2 Bells Locomotive. 411.66 Belting for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.32 Belting, Kates, movement, etc. 622.011.2 Belt lacing for Company use Orders for, Supply, etc. 029.321 Belt Railway charges. (See Terminal charges.) 620.157 Beneficiary Institutions for railroad employes. 011.3 Berries Bates, movement, etc. 621.42 Bicycles and baby carriages Transportation of in baggage cars. 635.2 Bicycles Rates, movement, etc. Freight. 626.23 Bids on Bridges. 331.131 Billets Rates, movement, etc. 625.301 Billing. (See routing and billing.) 620.3 Bills and Vouchers. 220.1 Bills and vouchers Approval of. 220.102 Manner of handling and preparing. 220.101 Bills of fare Dining cars. 541.411 Bills of Lading. 620.31 Bills of Lading Abstracts of freight on. 620.310.8 Car numbers on. 620.310.7 Changing straight B. of L. to order. 620.310.6 Export. 620.313 Fast freight lines. 6 r . 1.314 Fictitious. 620.310.3 Inland. 620.313 Issue of before freight is delivered. 620.310.1 Issuing clear. 620.310.5 L. C, L. 620.315 Order, Delivery $2 freight without surrender of B. of L. 620.310.2 Other. 620.319 Private. 620.311 Protection of. 620.310.4 Way-bills. (See Way-bills.) 620.316 Bills payable Distribution of charge. 220.121 Lost. 220.120.1 Personal expense bills. 220.122 Bills payable Vouchers. 220.12 Bills receivable. 220.11 Bills receivable Distribution of credit. 220.111 Bindinp- books. 025.213 113 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Bits for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 026.55 Bits for Company use, Auger Orders for, supply, etc. 026.551 Machine Orders for, supply, etc. 026.552 Blank Forms and Blank Books for Company use Orders for, sup- ply, etc. 025.21 Binding books. 025.213 Numbering of. 025.212 Printing of. 025.211 Blinds for passenger cars. 412.32 Block signals. 563 Blocking for frogs. 342.512 Blue prints M. of E. 400.01 Blue vitriol for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 027.221 Board Deductions on pay rolls. 218.633 Board of Directors. 112 Board of Fire Underwriters. 038.1 Board of Trade certificates Keceipts for freight. 620.201 Boat Lines and Car Ferries. 082 Boilers and furnaces Stationary. 432 Boilers and tanks Rates, movement. 625.12 Boilers Locomotives. (See Locomotives.) 411.1 Boilers for Company use, Stationary Orders for, supply, etc. 026.2 Bolsters, Body For freight cars. 413.15 For passenger cars. 412.14 Truck. 410.34 Bolts, nuts and nut locks for rail joints. 342.42 Bolts, nuts, rivets, screws, cotters, nails for Co. use Orders for, etc. 024.7 Bonded warehouse. (See warehouses.) 513.23 Bond register. 212.02 Bonds and Mortgages. 212 Bonds Collateral. 212.2 Condemnation. 212.812 Debenture. 212.3 Employes. 212.821 Premium on. 212.821.1 Equipment. 212.4 Federal and Municipal. 212.93 Filed in condemnation proceedings. 212.812 Filed with U. S. covering- bonded freight. 212.811 from grain elevators. 212.822 Income. 212.5 Indemnity given by Company. 212.81 Listing on stock exchanges. 212.03 c _MMMHP D E F G H J K M "3 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Bonds Miscellaneous Corporations. Mortgage. Prior Lien. First Mortgage. Second Mortgage. Third Mortgage. Other. Other Railroad Companies. Printing. Record of transfer. Redemption. Retiring. Subsidiary companies. Surety and indemnity. Surety. Book cases for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Book of Rules. Books and periodicals, newspapers, etc. Books, Binding. Boosters Electric. Boots and shoes Rates, movement, etc. Box car. Boxes Tools for packing. Boycotts. (See employes.) Braces for Company use Orders for, s\ipply, elc. Brake Beams. Clubs. Levers. Shoes. Wheels. Brakes. Air. air Car. air-Cylinders. air Engineer's brake valve. A.ir Locomotive. Air pipes. Air pump. Air reservoir. Air, Triple valve. Design. Electric. Hand. 212.94 212.1 212.11 212.12 212.13 212.14 212.9 212.92 025.223 212.01 212.05 212.04 212.91 212.8 212.82 025.16 011.211 003 025.213 434.212 622.011.3 413.014 401.34 013.102 026.56 410.203 410.212 410.202 410.201 410.211 410.2 410.22 410.220.1 410.226 410.224 410.220.2 410.222 410.221 410.223 410.225 410.200.1 410.23 410.81 114 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE *ILE Brakes Locomotive Driver. 410.220.21 Truck. 410.220.22 Miscellaneous. 410.29 Performance of. 410.200.2 Branch lines. 348 Brass for Company use. 024.5 Breweries, Distilleries and Chemical Works Rates, movement, etc. 627.2 Brick Bales, movement of, etc. 623.302 Brick, stone, sand, etc., for Company use, Orders for, supply, etc. 021.2 Bridge tolls. (See terminal charges.) 620.156 Bridge program, Renewals, Repairs, etc. 331.13 Shipment and delivery. 331.16 Shop Inspection. 331.122 Stresses. 331.141 ties. 341.1 Bridges. 331.1 Amount and length of on American roads. 331.101 and bridge material, Bates, movement, etc. 625.32 Bids for construction of. 331.131 Contracts. 331.13S Design. 331.14 Erection and removal . 331.15 Field Inspection. 331.123 guard rails. 331.140.1 Inspection. 331.12 Length of span. 331.143 Loading capacity. 331.142 Mill Inspection. 331.121 Movable, Draw, Boiling, etc. 331.144 Numbering. (See Roadbed structures.) 331.102 Overhead and sub-grade. 331.145 Protection of. 331.07 Paints and painting. 331.05 Specifications. 331.11 Bridges, tunnels, etc. Clearance dimensions. 331.02 Bronze for Company's Use. 024.52 Brooms and broom corn Rates, movement, etc. 621.304 Brooms for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.23 Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. 013.21 Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. 013.22 Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. 013.23 Buffers. 410.13 Buffet cars. 412.013 c r> E *!_ G H I J K M O P RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Building Cars and locomotives. 410.043 Building' material for Co. use Orders for, supply, etc. 021 Building- material for Co. use Miscellaneous, Orders for, supply, etc. 021.9 Buildings. 350 Electric lights. 350.43 Gas lights. 350.42 Heating and ventilation. 350.3 Inspection. 350.02 Lighting. 350.4 Oil lights. 350.41 Other. 359 Painting. 350.2 Kepairs to. 350.1 Specifications and plans. 350.01 Bulletining lost and stolen tickets. 610.204 passes. 610.330,1 Bumping posts. 347.011 Bunting for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.52 Burners, Lamp and lantern for Co. use Orders for, supply, etc. 022.241 Business car. 412.016 Butter Kates, movement, etc. 622.051 By-Iaws of Company Constitution, etc. 110 C. Cabin and caboose cars. 413.018 Cabbage Eates, movement, etc. 621.483 Cable ear. 413.019.2 Cables. 024.913 Cable Telegraph. 571.22 Cabs Locomotives. 411.67 Cafe cars. 412.013 Calendars Court. 070.3 Calling trainmen. 520.011 Campbellite Christian Societies Pass, rates, movement, conven- tions, etc. 612.36 Canal boats. (See equipment, floating.) 420.2 Candy Sale of on trains. 521.301 Canned and bottled goods Rates, movement, etc. G21.1 Canned and bottled goods, Other Kates, movement, etc. 621.19 Capacity of Bridges. 331.142 Capacity of freight cars. 413.001 Capacity of freight stations. 513.201 116 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Capacity of passenger cars. 412.001 Capacity of tenders on locomotives. 411.702 Capacity of work cars. 414.001 Capital Stock. 211 Capital Stock Common. 211.1 Preferred. 211.2 Carbon paper, Orders for, supply, etc. 025.232 Cards Defect, home, and repair. 413.043.4 Cards for cars Holders, method of handling, etc. 542.02 Carpets for passenger cars. 412.43 Carpets, mattings and window shades Rates, movement, etc. 626.681 Carpets, matting, oil cloth, etc., for Co. use Orders for, supply, etc. 025.51 Carriage and car factory products Vehicles, Bates, movement, etc. 626.2 Carriage car. 413.014 Carriages, omnibus, etc. (See Stations Passenger.) 513.101 Carrier's risk. 620.81 Car and locomotive trimmings, fixtures and fittings for Co. use. 029.1 Car ferries and boat lines. 082 Car floats. (See equipment, floating.) 420.2 Car Foremen's Association. 400.14 Car inspector's signals. 569.2 Car lines Fruit and vegetable. 542.481 Car program. 410.042 Car service charges. 542.414 Car trimmings for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.11 Cars Appliances for stopping in yards. (See Yards.) 347.01 Arch bars. (See trucks.) 410.36 Bad order statements. 413.043.2 Brakes, (See brakes.) 410.2 Building. 410.043.2 Condemned and cut up. (See equipment, condemned and cut up.) 410.0 14.2 Cost of handling in yards. 512.2 Couplers. (See draft appliances.) 410.11 Draft appliances. (See draft appliances.) Freight, axles. 410.322 Freight, Expenses. 234.3 Freight, Eepair Pool. 234.31 Freight Body. 413.1 Body bolsters. 413.15 Box, furniture, carriage. 413.014 Cabin and caboose. 413.013 Cable. 413.019.2 c D E G H I J K M O P M^^H- Q W RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Cars Freight Car cards, card holders, method of holding. 542.02 Center and striking plates. 413.112 Chains and other appliances for fastening double loads. 413.23 Change in Construction. 413.003 Charge for use of. 542.41 Cleaning and sanitation. 413.041 Coke. 413.019.5 Condition of. 413.04 Damaged. 413.043.6 Defect, home and repair card. 413.043.4 Delays to cars at terminals and stations. 542.21 Delays, reports of. 542.211 Destroyed. 413.043.5 Dimensions, design, weight, capacity, etc. 413.001 Door locks and other fastenings. 413.34 Doors, cleating. 413.33 Doors, grain. 413.31 Doors seals and sealing. 413.32 Doors and other openings. 413.3 Equipment. 413 Exterior fixtures and appliances. 413.2 Flat. 413.011 Floor. 413.11 Flywheel. 413.019.1 Gondolas, hopper, side dump, ore. 413.012 Gun. 413.019.1 Handholds and grab irons. 413.21 Heater. 413.01G Heating and ventilating. 413.02 Individual Movements of. 542.48 Movements of, Armour Car Lines. 542.482.1 Movements of, Carriage and Furniture Car Lines. 542.484 Movements of, Coal, Ore and Coke Car Lines. 542.483 Movements of, Eastman Heater cars. 542.481.2 llovements of, Fruit and Vegetable Lines. 542.48 H. C. Frick Coke Co 542.483.1 Illinois Steel Co. 542.483.2 J. W. Ellsworth & Co. 542.483.3 Live Stock and Refrigerator Car Lines. 542.482 Merchants Fruit Despatch. 542.481.1 Movements of, Other individual car lines. 542.489 Swift Refrigerator Car Lines. 542.482.2 Car Lines Relations with. 542.480.1 118 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Cars Freight Inspection of. 413.002 Interchange of. 342.4 Interchange Charge for use of. 542.41 Car Service Charges. 542.414 Delivery of car, what constitutes. 542.401.1 Improper returns made by foreign companies. 542.415 Interchange rules for. 542.401 Mileage Rate. 542.412 Pay interest on valuation. 542.413 Per diem charge for use of. 542.411 Relations with water lines. (Car ferries.) 542.402 Interlocking. 414.014 Interior Furnishings. 413.4 Kind of. 413.01 Ladders and steps 413.22 Light weighing. 542.011 Lining. 413.41 Live stock, decking for. 413.013.01 Live Stock, Horse Stock, Poultry, etc. 413.013 Loading and unloading. 542.3 Loading and unloading, underloading and overloading. 542.34 Loading and unloading, stopping cars en route for par- tial loading and unloading. 542.32 Loading and unloading Rules for. 542.31 Loading for cars en route home. 542.33 Location statements. 542.203 Mileage of. 542.201 Mileage Rates. 542.412 Miscellaneous. 413.9 Misuse of. 542.213 Movement of. 542.2 Movement of, complaints, slow time. 542.23 picking up and setting up. 542.22 Operation of. 542 Orders for and distribution of. 542.11 Orders for and distribution of, box, furniture and car- riage. 542.114 cabin and cabooses. 542.118 flat. 542.111 gondolas, hopper, side dump, ore. 542.112 Heater. 542.117 Live stock, horse stock, poultry, etc. 542.113 Other. 542.119 H9 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Cars freight Refrigerator, vegetable, frost proof. Tank. Other. Painting. Plate glass. Pool. Refrigerator, Vegetable, frost proof. Insulation for. Meat hooks. Repairs. Repairs, Rules for. Returning Home. junction reports. Home cards. roof. Rules for loading and unloading. side bearings. siding. stake pockets and stakes. storage of. stringers and sills. Supply of. Tank. Tracing. Truss rods. Weighing. Weighing, charges for. Inspection of. (See inspection.) Insurance. Journal boxes, dust guards, bearings. Lease of. Lettering, marking and numbering. Motor. New, for shipment, Rates, movement, etc. Passenger Inspection. Assignment and transfer. axles. Baggage, Mail, Express. Blinds and shades. Body. Body bolsters. Business and private. Carpets and drapery. 542.115 542.116 413.019 413.042 413.019.3 413.043.1 413.015 413.015.02 413.015.01 413.043 413.043.3 542.42 542.422 542.421 413.14 542.31 413.113 413.13 413.12 542.212 413.111 542.1 413.017 542.201 413.114 542.01 542.012 410.022 034.1 410.33 540.1 410.12 415 626.24 412.002 541.01 410.321 412.014 412.32 412.1 412.14 412.016 412.43 120 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Cars Passenger Center and striking plates. 412.112 Change in construction. 412.003 Cleaning and sanitation. 412.041 Closet, hopper, urinals, toilet paper and holders, etc. 412.421 Coaches. 412.011 Combination. 412.015 Condition of. 412.04 Copper sheathing. 412.122 Damaged and destroyed. 412.044 Design, dimensions, weight, capacity, etc. 412.001 Dining cafe buffet. 412.013 Dining Car Service. 541.4 bills of fare. 541.411 Meals. 541.41 meals, complaints. 541.414 meals, hours of serving. 541.412 meals, price of. 541.413 Sale of liquors. 541.403 Supplies for. (See 027.1.) Door locks and fasteners. 412.31 Doors and "Windows. 412.3 Emergency Tools and Appliances. 412.47 Equipment. 412 Expenses. 234.2 Clearing House for. 234.21 Exterior Fixtures and Fastenings. 412.2 Floors. 412.11 Headlining. 412.44 Heating and Ventilating. 412.02 Horse, express car. 412.014.1 Hunting. 412.017 Inspection. 412.002 Interior Furniture and Fixtures. 412.4 Kind of. 412.01 Lighting. 412.03 electric 412.033 gas. 412.032 oil. 412.031 Mileage. 541.201 Miscellaneous. 412.9 Movements of. 541.2 Movement of, Advertising ana exhibit. 541.24 Fish Commission cars. 541.25 D E F J K L, M Q R 121 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Cars Passenger Movement of, etc. Other. 541.29 Private cars. 541.23 Special cars of foreign lines. 541.22 Special cars of home lines. 541.21 Operation of. 541 Orders for supply. 541.11 Baggage, Mail, Express, Horse Express. 541.114 Business and private. 541.116 Coaches. 541.111 Combination. 541.115 Dining, cafe, buffet. 541.113 Hunting. 541.117 Other. 541.119 Sleeping, parlor, observation. 541.112 Painting and varnishing. 414.042 Panels and battons. 412.121 Platforms, steps, gates. 412.22 Hacks. 412.45 Eepairs of. 412.043 Eoofs. 412.13 Sash balances. 412.33 Seats. 412.41 Siding. 412.12 Sleeping, parlor, observation. 412.012 Sleeping, Parlor and Observation car line service. 541.3 Complaints regarding. 541.32 Reservation of space. 541.31 Use of as hotels during conventions, etc. 541.33 Steam heat. 412.022 Stoves and hot water heaters. 412.021 Stringers and sills. 412.111 Supply of. 541.1 Toilet. 412.42 Ventilators, fans, etc. 412.023 Vestibules and hoods. 412.21 Wash stand, soap, towels, etc. 412.422 Water coolers and tanks. 412.46 Window guards and screens. 412.34 Position of in freight trains. 522.12 passenger trains. 521.11 Sale of. 410.045.2 Scales for weighing. 351.124 Truck bolsters. (See bolsters.) 122 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Cars Truck springs. (See springs.) 410.35 Trucks. (See trucks.) 410.3 Utilization of. 540 Wheels. (See wheels.) 410.31 Work. 414 Dimensions, design, weight, capacity. 414.001 Emergency. 414.018 Grain transfer. 414.019.2 Hotel cars. 414.014 Kind of. 414.01 Poling. 414.015 Roadway. 414.013 Eoadway, Ballast. 414.013.2 Grader and dirt spreader. 414.013.3 Hand, push and velocipede. 414.013.1 M. W. flat. 414.013.5 Snow plows and Gangers. 414.018.3 Steam shovel, pile driver, etc. 414.013.4 Supply. 414.012 Test cars. 414.011 Test, Dynamometer car. 414.011.2 Scale car. 414.011.1 Track indicating car. 414.011.3 Track inspection cars. 414.011.4 Wreck tool cars. 414.018.2 Wrecking derricks. 414.018.1 Whitewash. 414.019.1 Cartage and drayage. (See Terminal charges.) 620.152 Castings for Company use. (See iron and steel.) Cast Iron Orders for, supply, etc. 024.1 Catalogues Material. 020.01 Catholic Societies Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.31 Cattle guards. (See crossings.) 321.1 Cattle Rates, movement, etc. 622.12 Cellars Locomotive. 411.46 Cement for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 021.3 Cement, lime and plaster rock Eates, movement, etc. 623.301 Center plates Freight car. 413.112 Passenger car. 412.112 Central Traffic Association. 600.202 Certificates Voting Trust. 211.3 Chain for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 024.92 Chains for double load. 413.23 123 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Chains Safety. 410.14 Chain for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 024.92 Channel Widening- and deepening. 373.1 Charcoal for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. (See Fuel.) 023.032 Charges for use of Idlers. 620.041 Car Service. 542.414 Freight. 620.03 Charges Kefund of express. 653 Terminal. (See Terminal charges.) 620.15 Charity Passes account of. 610.325 Eeduced freight rates account of. 620.164 Reduced passenger rates account of. 610.149.1 Chart of forms for tickets. 610.200.2 Charter and Letters patent. 120 Charts Detour. 520.381 Charts showing location of accidents. 580.1 Check rolls. 220.123 Check rolls Method of compiling, approval of, etc. 220.123.1 Method of computing and keeping time. 220.123.3 Rolls on which to carry employes. 220.123.2 Check valves Locomotive. 411.64 Checking baggage. 630.1 Cheese Eates, movement, etc. 622.053 Chemical "Works, Breweries, Distilleries Bates movement, etc. 627.2 Chemicals and Acids Rates, movement, etc. 627.21 Chemicals and Drugs Orders for, supply, etc. 029.96 Children, Transportation of without attendants. 610.85 Childrens Home (Orphans) Passenger rates, etc. 611.82 Chimneys, Lamp and Lantern for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 022.243 China and glassware for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 027.131 Cider, vinegar and pickles Eates, movement, etc. 621.11 Cinder pits. 352.2 Cinders (Furnace) Slag, Ashes, etc. Eates, movement, etc. 625.01 Circulars and Miscellaneous Printing. 025.22 Circuses, Passenger rates, movement, etc. 613.2 City Ordinances. 072 Claims Freight. (See Freight Claims.) 620.8 Claims Miscellaneous. 075 Classification of employes. (See employes.) 010.2 of accounts. 221 of materials. (See materials.) 020.3 of shops. 430.02 of tenders. 411.701 124 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Classification Kegister. 411.020.1 signals. 562.1 Classifications Freight. (See freight.) 620.02 Clay Eates, movement, etc. 623.34 Cleaning compounds and appliances for Co. use, Orders for, sup- ply, etc. 029.2 Cleaning freight cars. 413.041 Cleaning Locomotives. 411.041 material for Co. use Miscellaneous, Orders for, supply, etc. 029.29 passenger cars. 412.041 shops, yards, right-of-way, etc. (See Roadway and structures, Condition of.) 300.31 Clearance cards. (See employes.) 011.223 Clearance dimensions. 331.02 Clearing wrecks. 581.01 Cleating doors. 413.33 Clergymen's orders. (See tickets.) 610.214 Clergymen's rates. 610.145 Clerical force, Arrangement of. 011.201 Clerks. (See Accounts.) Clocks Standard. 520.301.1 Closet for passenger cars. 412.421 Closets and outhouses. 359.7 Clubs Brake. 410.212 Glee and mandolin Passenger rates, movement, etc. 612.41 Coaches. 412.011 Coal Anthracite for Company use. 023.2 Anthracite, Kates, movement, etc. 623.11 Bituminous for Company use. 023.1 Bituminous, Eates, movement, etc. 623.12 Blacksmith, Eates, movement, etc. 623.14 Cannel, Eates, movement, etc. 623.13 Confiscation of for Company use. (See fuel.) 023.031 Facings and sea Eates, movement, etc. 623.15 Coal for Company use Orders, etc. (See fuel.) Coal handling machinery. 514.2 Coal Lake cargo and fuel, Eates, movement, etc. 623.18 ore and coke statistics. 623.01 Other, Eates, movement, etc. 623.19 Premiums. (See Fuel.) 411.052 Hates, movement, etc. 623.1 Unloaders. 374.1 Coaling stations. (See Stations.) 353.1 E F_ G H I J K L. M IN 7 O Q R 125 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Cocks Locomotive. 411.62 Tender. 411.723 Coffee, tea and cocoa Eates, movement, etc. 621.53 Coke car. 413.019.5 for Company use, Orders for, etc. (See Fuel.) 023.032 Kates, movement, etc. 623.16 Coke Use of as fuel. (See fuel.) Cold storage plants. (See Warehouses.) 513.221 Collateral Bonds. 212.2 College Societies Passenger rates, movement, etc. 612.4 Color sense Examination of employes. 011.122.1 Combination car. 412.015 Commissions Freight. (See Eates, Freight.) 620.032 Committees Auditing. (See Accounts Auditing.) 220.011 Executive. 112.1 Finance. 112.2 Other. 112.9 Eeports, appointments, etc. 010.4 Commutation rates. 610.143 Company mail. 640.1 iraterial and supplies Eeduced freight rates. 620.162 Compensation for handling mail. 641.2 Competition of other railroads. 080.1 Complaints Baggage service. 632 Dining car service. 541.414 Miscellaneous. 075 Sleeping, Parlor and Observation Line service. 541.32 Slow time of freight trains. 522.211 Telegraph service. 572.01 Telephone service. 573.01 Condemnation Bonds. 212.812 Condition board Locomotives. 411.040.1 of Freight cars. 413.04 of Interlocking. 321.602 of Locomotives. 411.04 of Passenger cars. 412.04 of work under way at shops. (See Shops, output of.) 430.11 Conducting Transportation Accounts. (See Accounts.) 221.13 Conductors Order of Eailroad Conductors. 013.24 Confectionery, cakes, etc. Eates, movement, etc. 626.94 Confiscation of fuel. 023.031 Congregational Societies Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.324 Congressional Conventions. 612.602 126 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Consolidating Passenger trains 521.12 Constitution and By-Laws of Company. 110 Construction Accounts. 221.5 Construction Telegraph. 571 Contracts Express. (See Express.) 650.1 Bridge. 331.132 Mail. (See Mail.) 641 Telegraph service. 572.1 Telephone. 573.1 Contractors Material Rates, etc. 620.165 Contributions, Donations, Subscriptions. 602.2 Controlled Lines. 140 Converters Electric. 434.224 Cooperage Freight Stations. 513.204 Copper for Company use. (See Metals, Minor.) 024.6 ingots and slabs Rates, movement, etc. 623.211 ore Rates, movement, etc. 623.22 Wire for Company use. 024.912 Copying Presses. 025.234 Copyrights. 074 Cordage for Company use. (See Rope and Cordage.) 029.91 Rates, movement, etc. 621.305.1 Cork Rates, movement, etc. 624.2 Corn Rates, movement, etc. 621.32 Corporate Seal. 110.2 Corpses Transportation of in baggage cars. (See Baggage.) 635.3 Correspondence. 004 Filing. 004.3 manner of handling. 004.1 Requests for replies to. 004.2 Cost of operating Dining cars. 541.401 Cotters for Company use. (See Bolts, Nuts, etc.) 024.7 Cotton factory products Rates, movement, etc. 621.541 Cotton Bates, movement, etc. 621.54 Counterbalance Locomotives. 411.411 County Fairs Passenger rates for, etc. 616.33 Infirmaries Passenger rates, etc. 611.83 Roads Crossing. (See Crossing.) Couplers. 410.11 Coupon tickets. 610.22 Court Calendars. 070.3 Coverings for Company use, plumbers. (See Plumbers' coverings.) 029.83 Cranes. 431.7 127 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Credentials. (See Employes.) 011.223 Creeping of track. 342.44 Crewing relatives together. 520.013 Crews train. (See Train crews.) 520.0T Crop reports and prospects. 621.001 Cross arms Telegraph. 571.13 Cross heads Locomotive. 411.47 Cross section of tracks. 340.6 Cross ties. (See Ties.) Crossing bells. 321.2 Crossing gates and watchmen. 321.4 Crossing signs and Whistle Posts. 321.3 Crossings. 320 Cattle guards. 321.1 Grade Abolition of, Overhead and undergrade crossings. 322 Grade Protection of. 321 Highway. 323 Lighting of. 321.5 Private road. 323.4 Eights of funerals at. 323.6 Standard Highway. 323.1 Standard railroad. 324.1 Steam railroad. 324 Stopping trains on. 323.5 Street and Electric Ey. 325 Culinary supplies Orders for, supply, etc. 027.11 Culverts. 331.2 Brick. 331.22 Pipe. 331.21 Stone. 331.23 Cumberland Presbyterian Societies Pass. Eates, movement, conven- tions. 612.321 Curtains for Company use. 029.124 Curves Elimination of. (General.) 340.52 Lubricating rails on. 342.123 Cylinders Air brake. 410.226 for Locomotives. (See Locomotives.) 411.3 D. Dairy products Bates, movement, etc. 622.05 Damaged Freight cars. 413.043.6 Passenger cars. 412.044 Dating Stamps. 025.243 128 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Dausacme Material Orders for, supply, etc. 025.233 Debenture Bonds. 212.3 Debt Floating. 213 Sinking. 214 Debts Failure of employes to pay. 011.227 Decking for cars. (See Freight cars.) 413.013.01 Deductions on Pay Bolls, 218.63 account of Board 218.633 account of Educational Societies. 218.634 account of Insurance. 218.631 account of Lodge and other dues. 218.635 account of Uniforms. 218.633 Other. 218.639 Defect cards. 413.043.4 Delays to freight cars. 542.211 to Freight trains. (See Trains, Freight.) 522.21 to Locomotives. (See Locomotives.) . 532.2 to Mail. (See Mail.) 645.4 to Passenger trains. (See Trains, Passenger.) 521.21 Dental goods Eates, movement, etc. 626.66 Depositories. 217.1 Deposits. 217.2 Interest on. 217.201 Special, cash. 217.21 Depreciation in value of Stock material. 020.22 Derail switches. 342.523 Design of freight cars. 413.001 of Locomotives. 411.001 of Passenger cars. 412.001 of work cars. 414.001 Desks for Company use Orders for, supply of, etc. 025.11 Destination of freight Changing. 620.32 Destroyed freight cars. 413.043.5 Passenger cars. 412.044 Detour Charts and books. 520.381 Eates for. 520.383 Eesponsibility for accidents. 520.382 Service. 520.38 Differentials on Passenger business. (See Eates, Passenger.) 610.11 Dimensions of freight cars. 413.001 of Locomotives. 411.001 of Passenger car.3 412.001 of work cars. 414.001 D E .?_ G H I J K L, M 129 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Dining cars. 412.013 Cost of operating. 541.401 Operation. (See Cars, Passenger.) Price of meals. 541.413 Dining Car Service. 541.4 Complaints. 541.414 Inspection. 541.402 and Restaurant Supplies Orders for, supply, etc. 027.1 Other Orders for, Supply, etc. 027.19 Directors Board of. 112 Meetings. 112.01 Discipline. 011.222 Book, or Brown, System. 011.222.2 Standard, Supervision, etc. 011.222.1 Discipline Staff and Discipline record. 011.22 Dishes for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 027.13 Disinfectants Orders for, supply, etc. 029.962 Dispatching. 520.32 General orders and general notices. 520.323 General order boards. 520.323.1 Methods of. 520.321 Use of telephone in. 520.322 Distribution of Accounts. (See Accounts.) 220.02 Ditches. 314.1 Diversions and loss of freight. 620.33 Docks, wharves and landings. 370 Docks, Wharves and Landings Machinery. 374 Docks Working. 514 Working, coal and ore handling machinery. 514.2 Working, Lake ports. 514.1 Dogs Transportation of in Baggage cars. (See Baggage.) 635.1 Dome Locomotive. 411.16 Donations, Subscriptions, Contributions. 602.2 Door fittings for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.13 locks and fasteners for passenger cars. 412.31 seals and sealing. 413.32 Doors Cleating. 413.33 Freight car. 413.3 Grain. 413.31 Passenger cars. 412.3 Double heading. (See Locomotives.) 532.12 Draft appliances. 410.1 Buffers. 410.13 130 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Draft appliances Couplers. 410.11 Draft rigging. * 410.12 Performance of. 410.101 Safety chains. 410.14 Draft rigging. 410.12 Drafts. 200.1 Foreign Lines vs. Home Lines. 200.11 Home Lines vs. Foreign Lines. 200.12 Manner of drawing. 200.101 Drainage. 314 Drainage of property abutting right-of-way. 314.3 Dramatic Companies Passenger rates, movement, etc. 614.2 Drapery for Passenger cars. 412.43 Draw Bridges. 331.144 Drawing material. 025.241 Drawings. (See Maps.) 300.01 Drawings, plans, blue prints M. of E. 400.01 Dressed meats Eates, movement, etc. 622.31 Drills for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 026.5 Pneumatic, Orders for, supply, etc. 026.54 Track, Orders for, supply, etc. 026.52 Twist, Orders for, supply, etc. 026.51 Upright, Orders for, supply, etc. 086.53 Driver brakes. 410.220.21 Driving boxes and cellars Locomotive. 411.46 Drop pits. (See Machinery and tools.) 431.6 Drugs and Chemicals. 029.96 Drugs and Druggist Supplies Eates, movement, ete. 627.212 Dry goods and notions Eates, movement, etc. 626.11 Dry Goods for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.5 Duck for Company use Orders for, Supply, etc. 029.51 Duplicating Apparatus and Material for Co. use Orders for, sup- ply, etc. 025.23 Dust guards. 410.33 Dust Eemoval of from ballast. 332.03 Dusters for Company use Orders for, supply, etc, 029.24 Duties of Employes. 011.202 Duties of Officers. 110.1 Dwelling houses Plans, specifications, etc. 359.1 Dye stuffs Eates, movement, etc. 626.67 Dynamometer car. 414.011.2 Dynamos. (See Electric power and lighting plants.) 434.221 Dynamos and other electrical machinery Eates, movement, etc. 626.31 E F G H I RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Earnings Train. 520.1 Earthenware, jugware, pottery, stoneware Rates, moTement, etc. 623.305 Eccentrics, eccentric rods and straps Locomotives. 411.27 Economies in Handling Locomotives. 532.1 Eggs Rates, movement, etc. 622.052 Ejecting passengers. (See passengers.) 610.82 Electric brakes. 410.23 Manufacturing, Bates, movement, etc. 626.3 light line crossings. 312.22 Lighting. 434.22 lighting for cars. 412.033 lights for buildings. 350.43 Locomotives. 416 Power and Lighting Plants. 434.2 Ammeters. 434.204.2 Armatures. 434.202 Boosters. 434.212 Converters and Transformers. 434.224 Dynamos. 434.221 Generators. 434.211 Insulators. 434.203.1 Lamps. 434.222 Lighting. 434.22 Lightning arresters. 434.203.2 Meters. 434.204 Motors. 434.206 Power Generation. 434.21 Storage Batteries. 434.205 Switch boards and Switches. 434.201 Voltmeters. 434.204.1 Wattmeters. 434.204.3 Wiring, Poles, etc. 434.203 Railway crossings. 325 Electrical apparatus Other, Rates, movement, etc. 626.39 heating apparatus and supplies for Company use, Orders for, supply, etc. 022.14 Elevators, Grain. (See Stations Transfer.) 513.211 Ellsworth & Co. Car Lines. 542.483.3 Embankments, sodding, sloping, planting trees. 314.2 Emergency cars. 414.018 force Cars and materials. 345.3 tools and appliances for passenger cars. 412.47 132 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Emigrant passenger rates. Employes. (See Trains for length of runs, etc.) Absence, Leave of. accounts. (See Accounts.) Age requirement for various positions. Appearance of. Appearance of, Uniforms for. Applications, employment, promotion. Arrangement of Clerical force. Board bills. Bonds. (See Bonds.) Book of rules. Boycotts. Calling. Classification of. Clerical force Arrangement of. Committees, Reports, appointments, etc. Crewing relatives together. Discipline. Discipline record. Duties of. Emergency force. Employment and promotion, appointments, etc. Examination of, on Book of Eules. Expense bills. Failure to pay debts. Family tickets. Fines, punishments, etc. General matters. Giving congratulatory letters on leaving service. Gratuities for families of employes killed. Grievances. Hearing Examination, etc. Hours of labor. Holidays Observance of. Laws regulating Leave of absence Vacations. Night work. Sundays Working on. Hygiene. Injunctions. Injured Employment for. 610.144 010 012.32 011.121 018.2 018.21 011.1 011.201 218.2 212.821 011.21 013.102 520.011 010.2 011.201 010.4 520.013 011.222 011.22 011.202 345.3 011.1 011.211 220.122 011.227 610.211 011.2 018 011.223 010.3 013 011.122.1 012.3 012.34 012.37 012.32 012.33 012.35 018.3 013.103 011.111 E 133 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Employes Institution for benefit of Eailway Libraries. Railway schools. Eailway and Y. M. C. A. Eeading Eooms. Institutions founded by Railway Co. for benefit of. Intoxicating Liquors Use of. Issue of credentials, clearance cards or letters. Issue of Passes to. (See Passes.) Jurisdiction, duties, etc., of Officers. Labor Organizations. (See Labor Organizations.) Laws regulating hours of labor. Letters of introduction. Liquors, Intoxicating Use of. Meetings of staff. Members of Labor Organizations. (See Labor Organizations.) Minors and women in employ of Company. Minor's Release. Morals. Morals, Use of intoxicating liquors. Night work. Number of men in train crew. Office and shop regulations, fines, punishments, etc. Orders for wages. Overtime. Pension Fund. Personal expense bills. Physical requirements of. Piece work. Promotion. Record of. Reduced freight rates. Reduced rates for (Passenger), Relations with Officers. Relatives Crewing together. Rules governing employment of. Requirements Sight, Hearing, etc. Salaries. Clerks to Officers. Officers. Other monthly men. Shop employes Wages. Sight Examination, etc. Staff and discipline record. Station labor wages. 011.35 011.34 011.33 011.3 018.11 011.223 610.324 110.1 013.2 012.37 010.01 018.11 010.1 013.201 014 014.1 018.1 018.11 012.33 520.012 011.2 218.635 012.31 011.32 220.122 011.122 012.02 011.1 011.221 620.163 610.141 Oil 520.013 011.12 011.122.1 012.1 012.12 012.11 012.13 012.23 011.122.1 011.22 012.21 134 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Employes Strikes, as a problem, opinion, etc. 013.101 Sunday work. 012.35 Surety Bonds. 212.821 Train and yard service wages. 012.25 Trainmen, Calling. 520.011 Traveling expenses. 220.122 Uniforms for. 018.21 Vacations. 012.32 Vaccination of. 018.31 Voluntary Relief Association. 011.31 Wages and Salaries. 012 Monthly allowances for expenditures. 012.01 Overtime. 012.31 Piece work. 012.02 Wages, Assigning. 218.62 Claims for. 218.68 Daily, hourly and trip rates. 012.2 Identification of while paying. 218.611 Maintenance of Way Department. 012:22 Method of paying. 218.61 Miscellaneous. 012.29 Orders on Paymaster for Lodge, Y. M. C. A. and other dues. 218.635 Shop and other M. of E. men. 012.23 Station labor. 012.21 Train and yard service. 012.25 Watches. 520.301.3 Watchmen for crossings. 321.4 Wearing lodge badges. (See Labor Organizations.) 013.202 Women Employment of. 014 Employment. (See Employes.) Encroachments on Bight-of-way. (See Right-of-way.) Enforcement of Laws. 071.1 Engine Houses and Shops. 352 Maintenance of. 352.01 Engines, (See also Locomotives.) Engines for Company use-^Orders for, supply, etc. 026.1 Hoisting, Orders, Orders for, supply, etc. 026.12 Other, Orders for, supply, etc. 026.19 Engines Statiorary. 433 Air (Wind mills, etc.). 433.4 Gas. 433.2 Gasoline. 433.6 135 F RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Engines Oil. 433.3 Orders for supply. 026.11 Solar. 433.9 Steam. 433.1 Water. (Turbines, Hydraulic Earns, etc.) 433.5 Equalization, State Board of Taxes. 073.1 Equalizing rigging Locomotive. 411.52 Equipment. 400 Accounts. (See Accounts.) 221.12 Authorized Program for filling vacancies in, adding to, etc. 410.04 Building. 410.043 Condemned and cut up. 410.044 Pleating. 420 Barges, car floats and canal boats. 420.2 Steamboats and tugboats. 420.1 Insurance. 034 records and statements. (See Statistics.) 400.21 Sale of (including transfer of ownership from one Company to another of our own lines.) 410.045 tests. 400.3 Error sheets Telegraph service. 572.311 Evergreens Rates, movement, etc. 624.1 Examination of employes. (See Employes.) Excess Baggage Rates. 630.31 Excess Fare trains. 521.311 Excursion rates. (See Rates Passenger.) 610.146 Excursion Tickets. 610.215 Executive Department. 100 Expenses. 231 Execution of Agreements. 110.11 Executive Committee. 112.1 Exhibit cars Movement of. 541.24 Expenditures for labor Monthly allowances. 012.01 Expenses. 230 Executive Department. 231 Freight Car. 234.3 Repair Pool. 234.31 General Office. 231.1 Locomotive. 234.1 Maint. of Equipment Dept. 234 Maint. of Way Dept. 233 Passenger Car. 234.2 Passenger Car Clearing House for. 234.21 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Expenses Eeduction in. 230.1 Telegraph and telephone. (See Telegraph.) 570.2 Traffic Dept. 236 Train. 520.1 Transportation Dept. 235 Treasury and Auditing Depts. 232 Export Freight. (See Freight.) 620.001 Rates. 620.13 Expositions and Centennials Passenger rates, etc. 616.2 Express car. 412.014 Companies Contract with. 650.1 Franks. 650.12 Freight diverted to. 651 Refunds, etc. 653 Goods Transportation of. 650 Service. 652 Pony. 650.11 Extinguishers Fire Orders for, etc. 029.97 Extracts Rates, movement, etc. 621.14 F. Failures Locomotive. 411.03 Lubricants. 401.01 Fairs, Expositions and Assemblies Passenger rates for, etc. 616 Pairs Passenger rates for, etc. 616.3 Fans for Passenger cars. 412.023 Fares Extra on certain trains. (See Rates Passenger.) 610.12 Refund of. 610.87 Fast runs of trains. 520.312 Feathers Rates, movement, etc. 622.012 Federal and State Governments Pass, rates, movement, conven- tions, etc. 611 Feeble Minded Schools. (See Insane Asylums.) 611.81 Fence program. 301.03 Fences. 301 Fencing Specifications. 301.01 Fertilizers and fertilizing material Rates, movement, etc. 621.02 Ferries. 420.3 Ferry and Boat lines. 082 Files for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 026.46 Filing cabinets for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 025.15 Filing correspondence. 004.3 Finance. 210 137 H I M . RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Finance and accounts. 200 Finance Committee. 112.2 Fines and deductions Mail. 641.21 Fines Employes. 011.2 Fire arms Rates, movement, etc. 625.24 Firebox Locomotive. (See Locomotives.) 411.11 Fire extinguishers. 029.97 losses. 039 proofing Rates, movement, etc. 626.93 protection. 030.1 Underwriters Board of. 038.1 works Rates, movement, etc. 626.54 " First in First out." (See Train Crews.) 520.014 Fish. Commission cars Movement of. 541.25 Fishing Passenger rates, etc. 615.22 Fittings for Company use Plumbers. (See Plumbers' fittings.) 029.82 Flags Classification. (See Signals.) 562.11 Station. (See Signals.) 561.1 Flat car. 413.011 Flat car for M. W. work. 414.013.5 Flax, Hemp, Jute Bates, movement, etc. 621.305 Floating charges. (See Terminal charges.) 620.154 Floating equipment. (See Equipment.) 420 Insurance. 034.2 Floors Freight car. 413.11 Passenger car. 412.11 Flour Rates, movement, etc. 621.311 Flues Locomotive. 411.13 Fluor and feldspar Rates, movement* etc. 623.291 Fly wheel car. 413.019.4 Food preparations Rates, movement, etc. 621.13 Foot ball Passenger rates for, etc. 615.5 Force Emergency. (See Tracks Obstructions to.) 345.3 Forest Products of, rates, movement etc. 624 Forgeries Passes. 610.332 Tickets. 610.203 Forges. 431.4 Forgings for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 024.8 Forms and Blank Books. 025.21 foundries Products of, rates, movement, etc. 625.1 Fountains Rates, movement, etc. 625.17 Frames, Lamp and lantern, for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 022.246 Frames Locomotive. (See Locomotives.) 411.5 138 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Frames Tender. 411.71 Free Tickets. 610.201 Freight Bills of Lading. (See Bills of Lading.) Bonded. 211.811 Car Expenses. 234.3 Car Load. 620.04 Car Eepair Pool. 234.31 Carrier's risk. 620.81 Charge for use of idlers. 620.041 Charges. 620.03 Claim Associations. 620.01 Claims. 620.8 Classifications. 620.02 Collect on Delivery. 620.032 Commissions. 620.031 Diverted to Express Companies. (See Express.) 651 Equipment Cars. 413 Export. 620.001 Less than Car load. 620.05 Loss and Damage. 620.85 Loss and damage in transferring or interchanging, Responsi- bility for. 620.854.2 Loss and damage, Per cent loss and damage to revenue. 620.851 Prorating with other lines. 620.852 Reclamation of freight on claims. 620.853 Loss and Damage, Responsibility for. 620.854 Loss and damage, Responsibility for stolen freight. 620.854.1 Loss of shipments. (See Routing and billing.) 620.33 Over and short. 620.84 Overcharge, Refund. 620.82 Prepay. 620.033 Refused and unclaimed. 620.83 Storage and freight charges on. 620.831 Rates. 620.1 Rates, Basis for. 620.101 Routing. 620.35 Routing and Billing. 620.3 Stations. (See Stations.) Stored and in transit Insurance, 035 in warehouses Insurance. 035.1 in cars Insurance. 035.2 Statistics. . 600.12 Tariffs Printing. 025.222 139 G H I J K L M RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Freight Tracers. Traffic. (See Traffic.) Associations. Trains. (See Trains Freight.) Make up of. Make up of, Position of cars in. Weighing. (See Weighing and inspection.) Friek Coke Co. Car Line, Progs. Progs and Switches. Specifications. Frogs Blocking and filling. Wear of. Frost proof car. Fruit, Tropical Bates, movement, etc. Trait and Vegetable car lines. Fruits and Vegetables Care of in cold weather, attendants with, etc. Fruits and Vegetables Bates, movement, etc* Fruits, Domestic Rates, movement, etc. Dried Bates, movement, etc. Green Bates, movement, etc. Fuel, Coal Anthracite. Bituminous. Coke. Confiscation of. Consumption. for Company use. Gas. Inventory of. Miscellaneous. Oil. Orders and contracts for. Premium system. Quality of. Supply. tests. Wood and charcoal. Fueling Stations. (See Stations.) Machinery for. Funerals Bights of at Pablic crossings. Furnace cinder, slag, ashet, Eates, movement, etc. Use as ballast, etc. Blacksmith. 600.22 522.1 522.12 620.2 542.483.1 342.51 342.5 342.501 342.512 342.511 413.015 621.43 542.481 621.400.1 621.4 621.41 621.401.2 621.401.1 023.2 023.1 023.4 023.031 411.051 023 023.5 020.21 023.9 023.6 023.032 411.053 023.02 023.03 023.01 023.3 353.1 353.11 323.6 625.01 332.3 431.4 140 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Furnaces for stationary boilers. (See Boilers.) 432 heaters and radiators Bates, movement, etc. 625.11 Furniture and fixtures Locomotive. 411.601 Passenger cars. 412.4 car. 413.014 for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 025.1 Fusees. 027.31 a. Gage of Tracks. 340.61 on curves. 340.611 Locomotive. 411.61 Gambling on trains. (See Passengers.) 610.84 Gas Engines Use of at Water Stations, etc. 353.232 Gas for fuel for locomotives. 023.5 for lighting Orders for, supply, etc. 022.231 for lighting buildings. 350.42 Lighting for cars. 412.032 Bights Lease of. 312.11 Gasoline Bates, movement, etc. 627.15 engines. 433.6 Use at Water Stations, etc. 353.232 for Company use Orders for, supply, etc, 022.233 Gates for crossings. 321.4 for passenger cars. 412.22 General Expense Accounts. 221.2 General Ledger Accounts. 221.4 General Office Expenses. 231.1 General Order Boards. 520.323.1 General Orders and Notices. (See Dispatching.) 520.323 Generation, Electric Power. 434.21 Generators Electric. 434.211 Glass and glassware Bates, movements, etc. 623.35 Glass for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 021.5 Glassware for Company use. (See China and Glassware.) 027.131 Globes for Company use Lamp and lantern, Orders for, supply, etc. 022.245 Glue and glue stock Bates, movement, etc. 622.02 Gondola car. 413.012 Government control of Bailways. 070.1 rates Passenger. 610.142 reduced freight rates. 620.161 Governments Relations with. 07 Grab irons Freight cars. 413.21 G H J K M ' I 141 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Grade Crossings. (See " Crossings," 321.) Graders and dirt spreaders. Grades. (General.) Grain and Grain Products Bates, movement, etc. doors. elevators. (See also Stations Transfer.) inspection. Other, Rates, movement, etc. transfer car. Grand Army of the Republic Pass. Rates, movement, conventions, etc. Grapes Rates, movement, etc. Grates Locomotive. Gravel Rates, movement, etc. Gravel ballast. Greenhouses. Grindstones Rates, movement, etc. Groceries, meats, etc., for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Groceries Rates, movement, etc. Guard rails on Bridges. Guides and guide yokes Locomotive. Gum and wax Rates, movement, etc. Gun car. Guns and gun carriages Rates, movement, etc. 414.013.3 340.51 621.3 413.31 513.211 621.300.1 621.309 414.019.2 612.11 621.415 411.111 623.32 332.2 351.031 633.311 027.14 621.2 331.140.1 411.33 624.02 413.019.1 625.23 Hammers for Company use. (See Hatchets.) 026.41 Hand brakes. 410.21 Hand car. 414.013.1 Handholds Freight cars. 413.21 Handles for tools for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 026.44 Handling baggage. 630 Trm.il Compensation. 641.2 Handling Correspondence, Manner of. 004.1 Handrails Locomotive. 411.67 Harbor Improvements. 373 Hardware and stoves Rates, movement, etc. 625.14 Hardware for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 021.6 Harness and saddlery Rates, movement, etc. 622.011.1 Hatchets, hammers, etc. Orders for, supply, etc. 026.41 Hats and caps Rates, movement, etc. 626.12 Hay Rates, movement, etc. 621.302 142 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE H. C. Frick Coke Co. Car Line. 542.483.1 Headlining for Passenger cars. 412.44 Health and Pleasure Resorts Passenger rates, etc. 617 Health resorts Passenger rates, etc. 617.1 Hearing Eequirements of Employes. 011.122.1 Heater cars. 413.016 Heaters. (See Furnaces and heaters.) 625.11 Heating and Lighting Material for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 022 Heating and ventilation of buildings. 350.3 Heating cars. (See Cars.) 412.02 Freight cars. (See Cars Freight.) 413.02 Material for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 022.1 material Other, Orders for, supply, etc. 022.19 shops. 430.3 Hektograph material for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 025.233 Hides, Skins, Telts, Furs, etc. Bates, movement, etc. 622.01 Highway Crossings. (See Crossings.) 323 Hire of locomotives. 530.12 Hogs Eates, Movement, etc. 622.13 Hoists. 431.7 Holding Passenger trains for connections. 521.212 Holidays Observation of, etc. 012.34 Holly and evergreens Eates, movement, etc. 624.1 Home cards. 413.043.4 Home-seekers Passenger rates. 610.146.2 Hoods. (See Passenger cars.) 412.21 Hopper car. 413.012 Hopper Saloon, Passenger cars. 412.421 Hops Eates, movement, etc. 621.91 Horse Express car. 412.014.1 stock car. 413.013 Horses and mules Eates, movement, etc. 622.11 Hose, Air for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.341 Fire for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.345 for Company use Orders for, supply, etc 029.34 Garden for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.346 Other for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.349 Signal for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.344 Steam for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.343 Tank for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.342 Hospitals Eelationship with. 582.2 Hot journals and pins. (See Lubricants Failure of.) 401.01 143 J K RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Hot water heaters for Passenger cars. 412.021 Hotel car. 414.014 Hotels. (See Stations Passenger.) 513.102 Hours of Labor Employes. 012.3 Hours of Labor Laws regulating. 012.37 Household Goods and Emigrants Movables Rates, movement, etc. 626.68 Household goods, Other Rates, movement, etc. 626.689 Houses Other. 359 Closets and outhouses. 359.7 Dwelling Specifications, plans, etc. 359.1 Power. 359.2 Signal. 359.3 Signal Standard telegraph tower. 359.31 Tool. 359.6 Watch. 359.5 Hunting car. 412.017 Hunting Passenger rates etc. 615.3 Hydraulic plants and machinery. 434.4 Hydraulic Rams. 433.5 Hygiene. (See Employes.) 018.3 Ice Company's use. 027.01 Ice Rates, movement, etc. 626.95 Identification cards Honoring for Transportation. 610.327 Idlers Charge for. (See Rates Freight.) 620.041 Illinois Steel Co. Cars Movement, etc. 542.483.2 Illuminants for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 022.23 Import Freight rates. 620.14 Improvements Harbor. 373 Income Bonds. 212.5 Indemnity and Surety Bonds. 212.8 Individual cars. (See Cars Freight.) Individuals Materials for. 020.6 Industrial or Shop Railways. 352.1 Industries Locating. 620.41 Information for publication. 003.1 Injectors and pipes Locomotive. 411.64 Injunctions acct. strikes and boycotts. (See Employes.) 013.103 Injunctions Court. 070.7 Injuries Personal. (File in alphabetical order.) 582 Insane asylums and feeble-minded schools Pass, rates, movements, 011.81 etc. 144 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Inspection by Insurance Department. (See Insurance.) car For track inspection Field. Mill. of Bridge. of Buildings. of Cars. of cars Joint inspection bureaus. of Dining Car Service. of freight. (See weighing and inspection.) of Freight Cars. of Grain. (See grain inspection.) of interlockings. (See Interlockings.) of Locomotives. of Masonry of Material and Supplies. of Passenger Cars. of Rails. of roadbed and structures. (See Structures.) of rolling stock. of safety appliances. of Ties. of tracks. (See Track Inspection.) of Tunnels. Shop. Instructions regarding passes. regarding sale of tickets. Bouting and billing freight. Telegraph and telephone. Instruments Telegraph. Insulation for cars. (See Cars Freight.) Insulators Electric Plants. Insulators. (See Telegraph.) Insurance. Accident Sale of tickets. Companies Eelations with. Deductions Pay Eolls. Equipment. Fire. Floating Equipment. Freight Stored and in Transit. Freight in warehouses. Freight in cars. 145 030.2 414.011.4 331.123 331.121 331.12 350.02 410.022 410.022.1 541.402 620.2 413.002 321.602 410.021 331.062 020.11 412.002 342.02 331.04 410.02 410.051 341.02 340.4 331.32 331.122 610.31 610.200.3 620.301 570.1 571.3 413.015.02 434.203.1 571.23 030 610.88 038 218.631 034 030.1 034.2 035 035.1 035.2 J K N O Q R RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Insurance Inspection by Insurance Department. 030.2 Marine. 034.2 Eates. 030.3 Eoadway and structures. 033 Schedules. 030.4 Interchange of Freight cars. (See Cars Freight.) 542.4 Interest Bonds and Mortgages. 212.06 on Deposits. 217.201 Interline tickets. 610.23 Interlocking Cars. 414.014 Interlockings Operation. (Correspondence relative to particular interlockings to be filed by location.) 564 Interlockings. 321.6 Condition, Inspection, etc. 321.602 Levers. 321.613 Maintenance. 321.603 Mechanism. 321.61 Semaphore Posts and Arms. 321.612 Standards, Specifications, etc. 321.601 Standard Agreement. 321.607 Tower. 321.611 International Kailway Congress. 500.211 Interstate Commerce Commission. 070.2 Jurisdiction. 070.21 Eeports. 070.22 Interstate Tariffs. 601.21 Introduction Letters of. 010.01 Inventory of Fuel. (See Inventory of material and supplies.) 020.21 of material and supplies. (See Material.) 020.21 Iron and steel products, Other Eates, movement, etc. 625.39 and Steel "Works Products of, rates, movement, etc. 625.3 castings for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 024.11 ore Eates, movement, etc. 623.21 ties and bands Eates, movement, etc. 625.303 wire for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 024.911 Wrought for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 024.2 Wrought forgings for Company use Orders, siipply, etc. 024.21 Irregularities Routing and billing freight. 620.310.2 J. Jars Battery. 027.224 Joint Freight Eates. 620.12 Joint inspection bureaus. (See Inspection.) 410.022.1 146 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Journal boxes, dust guards, wedges, bearings. (See Cars.) 410.33 Judicial Conventions. 612.603 Jugware. (See Earthenware.) Junction reports Freight cars. 542.422 Junk and scrap Rates, movement, etc. 625.02 Jurisdiction of Interstate Commerce Commission. 070.21 Jurisdiction, duties, etc., of officers. 110.1 Juries. 070.5 Keys Switch. 342.522 Knights of Pythias Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.23 Knights Templar Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.212 Knives and forks for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 027.12 Labor Hours of. 012.3 Monthly allowances. 012.01 Organizations. (See also Employes.) 013.2 American Railway League. 013.27 American Railway Union. 013.26 Association Station Agents. 013.28 Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. 013.21 Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. 013.22 Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. 013.23 Employes wearing lodge badges. 013.202 Minor. 013.29 Number of employes members of. 013.201 Order of Railroad Conductors. 013.24 Order Railway Telegraphers. 013.25 Passenger Hates, etc. 612.7 Passes account of. 610.326 Railway and Telegraph Employes Political League 013.292 Railway Loyal League. 013.291 Strikes and Grievances of Employes. 013 Trackmen's Union. 013.293 Labor saving appliances for Freight stations. 513.205 Laboratory Supplies, Orders for, etc. 029.963 Ladders Freight car. 413.22 Lagging Locomotive. 411.101 Lake ports. (See Docks.) 514.1 Lake resorts Passenger rates, etc. 617.22 147 J K M o Q R RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Lamp and lantern supplies for Company use Orders for, sup- ply, etc. 022.24 Lamp and lantern supplies for Company use Miscellaneous Orders for, etc. 024.249 Lamps Carburettor for Company use Orders for, Supply, etc. 022.214 Lamps Classification. 562.12 Electric for Company use, Orders for, supply, etc. 022.211 Electric. (See Electric power and lighting appliances.) 404.222 Gas for Company use, Orders for, supply, etc. 022.213 Lighting Material. 022.21 Locomotive. 411.65 Oil, for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 022.212 Other Orders for, supply, etc. 022.219 Switch. (See Signals.) 561.4 Landings. (See Docks, wharves and landings.) 370 Landslides. 345.1 Lanterns for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 022.22 Broken Globes. 569.11 Signal. (See Signals.) 569.1 Lard Rates, movement, etc. 622.04 laws Enforcement of. 071.1 Pederal, State and Municipal. 071 Regulating- hours of work. 012.37 regulating Passenger rates. 610.147 U. S. Safety appliances. 410.057 Lead bars, pig, etc. Rates, movement, etc. 623.231 for Company use. (See Metals Minor.) 024.6 Kates, movement, etc. 623.23 Lease of cars. (See Cars.) 540.1 of Iiocomotives. (See Locomotives.) 530.1 of right-of-way. 312 of tracks and terminals. (See Tracks and terminals.) 510.4 Leases. 312.1 Oil and gas privileges. 312.11 Leases and licenses. 312.01 leather and Rubber Goods for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.3 Leather goods for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.31 leather Rates, movement, etc. 622.011 Leave of absence. 012.32 Lemons Rates, movement, etc. 621.413 Length of Locomotive runs. 532.11 Lenses for Lamps and Lanterns. 022.247 148 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Less-than-car-load Freight. 620.05 Lettering and numbering for tools. (See Machinery and tools.) 431.01 marking and numbering of rolling stock. (See Rolling stock; also Locomotives, Cars.) 410.01 Letters Issue of to Ex-employes. (See Employes.) 011.223 of introduction. 010.01 Letters patent Charters. 120 Levers Brake. 410.202 Interlocking. 321.613 Libraries Eailroad. 011.34 Licenses. 312.2 Oil, gas, steam, water and other pipe line crossings. 312.21 Telegraph, telephone, electric light and other wire line cross- ings. 312.22 Lighterage charges. (See Terminal charges.) 620.153 Lighting Buildings. (See Buildings.) 350.4 cars. (See Cars.) 412.03 Crossings. (See Crossings.) 321.5 Electric. 434.22 Material Orders for, supply, etc. 022.2 Shops. 430.4 Yards. (See Yards.) 512.4 Lightning Arresters. 434.203.2 Lightweighing of Freight cars. 542.011 Lime. (See Cement.) Lime and cement for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 021.3 Limited Express. 521.311 Lines Branch. 348 Lines Controlled. 140 Operated. 150 Owned. 130 Lining for freight cars. 413.41 Link hangers, links and block Locomotives. 411.24 Link system of operating locomotives. (See Locomotives.) 532.13 Linters Rates, movement, etc. 621.542 Liquors Rates, movement, etc. 627.22 Sale of on Dining cars. (See Cars Passenger.) 541.403 Use by employes. 018.11 Listing Stock on Stock Exchange. 211.03 Live stock Attendants with. 621.101 car. 410.013 Other Rates, movement, etc. 622.19 Bates, movement, etc. 622.1 149 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Live stock Shrinkage. 622.102 Yardage charges, bed'ding, watering. 622.103 Loading and unloading freight cars. (See Cars Freight.) 542.3 Loading and unloading Kules for. 542.31 Loading gages. 351.121 of Locomotives. 531 Loans. 316 Local Freight Bates. 620.11 Locating industries. 620.41 Location of power plants. 434.02 of shops. 430.03 statements Freight cars. 542.203 Locks Door, Freight car. 413.34 Switch. 342.522 Locomotive. (See Locomotives.) Locomotive and Car material for Company use Other. 029.19 Locomotive 411 Appliances and accessories. 411.6 Axles. 411.42 Bell and whistle. 411.66 Boiler barrel. 411.12 Boiler. 411.1 Brakes. (See Brakes.) 410.2 Building. 410.043.1 Cabs, running boards, hand rails and steps. 411.67 Classification register. 411.020.1 Cocks and valves, gage cocks, cylinder cocks, blow-off cocks, blower valves. 411.62 Couplers. (See draft appliances.) 410.11 Crossheads. 411.47 Cylinders. 411.3 Cylinder Castings and heads. 411.31 Dome. 411.16 Driving boxes and cellars. 411.46 Eccentrics, eccentric rods and straps. 411.27 Expenses. 234.1 failures. 411.03 Firebox. 411.11 Crown sheet. 411.112 Flue sheet. 411.114 Grate and ash pan. 411.111 Side sheet. 411.113 Stay bolts. 411.115 ISO RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Locomotive Fittings for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Flues. Frames. Frames, frame keys and bolts. Frames Shoes and wedges. Fuel Consumption, furniture and fixtures. Gages, steam air, steam heat and water. Guides and guide yokes. Injectors, injector pipes and check valves. Insurance. Lagging. Lamps Cab, water, glass, gage and headlight. Link and block, link hangers. Pedestal caps. Pilot. Pins, crank, side and main. Piston and piston rods. Program. Eeach rod. Reverse lever, latch and quadrant, llocker arm and Box, and valve rod. Running gear. Sanders, sanding appliances. Side and main rods. Smoke box, stack and draft appliances, smoke consumers. Springs and equalizing rigging. Steam chest, tender, tenders capacity. Classification of. Frames. manholes. tenders. (Miscellaneous.) tender Tank valves and cocks, tender Tanks, tender Track water scoops, tender trucks. Throttle and steam pipes, tires. Tools. Trucks. 029.14 411.13 411.5 411.51 411.53 411.051 411.601 411.61 411.33 411.64 034.1 411.101 411.65 411.24 411.54 411.68 411.44 411.48 410.041 411.22 411.21 411.25 411.4 411.63 411.45 411.14 411.141 411.52 411.32 411.7 411.702 411.701 411.71 411.721 411.9 411.723 411.72 411.722 411.711 411.15 411.41 411.602 411.43 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Locomotive Tumbling shaft. 411.23 Valves. 411.26 Valves, safety. 411.161 Wheels Counterbalances. 411.411 Wheels and tires. 411.41 Locomotives 411.01 Assignment and transfer. 530.2 Change in Construction. 411.003 Class of. 411.02 for special service. 411.024 Freight. 411.022 Passenger. 411.021 Shifting. 411.023 Cleaning. 411.041 Condemned and cut up. 410.044.1 Condition of. 411.04 Condition board. 411.040.1 Delays and detentions to. 532.2 Dimensions, design, weight. 411.001 Double heading. 532.12 Economies in handling. 532.1 Electric. 416 for shipment Eates, movement, etc. 625.21 Hire of, as between our ov>n and affiliated lines. 530.12 Inspection of. (See Inspection.) 410.021 Lease of. 530.1 Length of runs. 532.11 Lettering, marking and numbering. 410.011 Link system of running. 532.13 Loading of. 531 Mileage. 532.101 Movement of. 532 Movement of through engine house. (See shops Output of.) 430.12 of other lines Eeports on, etc. 411.009 tainting. 411.042 Performance of. 411.05 Rental charge for use of. 530.11 Repairs of. 411.043 Sale of. 410.045.1 Sketches of broken parts. 411.031 Theory of. 411.01 adhesion, ratio of traction power to weight on drivers. 411.012 Change in construction. 411.003 IS2 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Locomotives Theory of combustion in fireboxes, conditions controlling design, draft appliances, economy in use of steam Advantages of high pressure Saving due to early cut-off. Electric. Inspection. internal disturbing forces. Theory of production of steam. Tonnage rating. Utilization of. Valve motion. ZLoss and damage Freight. (See Freight Claims.) Loss and damage to Baggage. (See Baggage.) Losses by Fire. Loyal Legion Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. Lubricants. (See 029.7.) Contracts. Failure of. (Hot journals and pins.) for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Packing waste Manner of handling. Packing and waste for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Lubricating appliances. Oil cans. Oil cups. Lubrication. of machinery and tools (method, etc.) of rails on curves, of rolling stock (methods, etc.) Miscellaneous. Lubricators and tallow pipes. Lumber for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. X. OMachine Shops Products of Bates, movement, etc. Machinery and tools Ash pits. For shops. for shops Boilers. (See Boilers.) Casting and moulding tools. Coal and ore handling. (See Docks.) Cranes and hoists. Drop pits. Electric. (See electric power and lighting appliances.) 153 411.014 411.011 411.015 625.2 431.5 431 432 431.3 514.2 431.7 431.6 434.2 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Machinery and tools Engines. (See Engines.) for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 026 Forges and blacksmith furnaces. 431.4 Hydraulic. (See Hydraulic plants.) Lettering and numbering. 431.01 Lubrication of (methods etc.). 401.2 for Docks, wharves, etc. 374 Metal working. 431.1 Miscellaneous. 431.9 Painting of. 431.05 Patterns. 431.31 Pneumatic. (See pneumatic plants.) 434.3 Program. 431.04 Kates, movement, etc. 625.201 Wood working. 431.2 Water Stations. 353.23 Mail car. 412.014 Car detentions. 645.4 Company. 640.1 Compensation for handling. 641.2 Compensation for handling, Fines and deductions. 641.21 Contract for. 641 cranes. 351.21 Handling in baggage cars. 645.3 Eoutes, rates, etc. 641.1 service Various points. 643 Thrown from trains, Practice. 645.2 trains. 531.32 Transportation of. 645 Transportation on limited trains. 645.1 "U. S. and Company, Transportation of. 640 Weighing. 644 Main and Passing tracks. (General.) 346 Maintenance of Equipment Accounts. 221.12 Expenses. 234 Miscellaneous. 439 Maintenance of Interlocking. 321.603 Maintenance of Way and Structure Accounts. 221.11 Expenses. 233 Statistics. 300.2 Make up of Freight trains. 522.1 of Passenger trains. 521.1 Manholes Tender. 411.721 154 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Manifests. (See Way bills.) 620.316.1 Manner of handling correspondence. 004.1 Mantels and grates Kates, movement, etc. 623.303 Manufactured Articles (Wood) Rates, movement, etc. G24.5 Products (Minor) Rates, movement, etc. 626.6 (Other) Rates, movement, etc. 626.9 Manufactures Iron and Steel Mills and Furnaces Products Rates, movement, etc. 625 Other Mills and Factories. 626 Rates, movement, etc. 627 Maps and drawings Uniformity in coloring. 300.011 Maps, drawings and plans Eoadway and structures. 300.01 Profiles. 300.013 Property. 300.012 Marble and Granite Rates, movement, etc. 623.33 Marine Insurance. 034.2 Marking for Boiling stock. 410.01 Masonic Societies Other Pass, rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.219 Masonry. 331.06 Design. 331.064 Inspection. 331.062 Maintenance. 331.063 Specifications. 331.061 Masons Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.21 Master Car Builders' Association. 400.13 Material and Supplies Conducting Transportation. 027 Catalogues. 020.01 for Company use. 020 Inventory of. 020.21 Miscellaneous. 029.9 On Hand. 020.2 Other C. T. material. 027.9 Telegraph and Telephone. 027.2 Building for Company use. (See Building Material.) 021 Catalogues. 020.01 Depreciation of value of stock. 020.22 for other Companies and Individuals Orders for, etc. 020.6 Inspection. 020.11 for Lighting. 022.2 Machinery and tools. (See Machinery.) Metals, order for, supply, etc. 024 Methods of handling. 020.4 Miscellaneous. 029.99 155 ' I RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Material and Supplies Orders, requisitions, manner of handling. 020.5 Eebates on. 020.51 Scrap, disposition of Orders for, etc. 020.24 Specifications. 020.1 Stock Account. (Classification of materials.) 020.3 Surplus, disposition for. 020.23 Mattresses Rates, movement, etc. 626.682 Meals Dining cars. (See Cars Passenger.) 541.41 Hours of serving. 541.112 Price of. 541.413 Meat hooks for refrigerator cars. 413.015.01 Measuring instruments Electric. (See electric power and lighting appliances.) 434.204 Mechanism of Interlocking. 321.61 Medical Attendance. 582.1 Medicine Cases. 582.02 Meetings of staff. 010.1 Directors. 112.01 Stockholders. 111.01 Melons Rates, movement, etc. 621.92 Menus Dining cars. 541.411 Mercantile Agencies. 200.3 Merry-go-rounds Rates, movement, etc. 626.92 Metals Cast Iron. 024.1 Copper Wire. 024.912 Iron Castings. 024.11 Iron Wire. 024.911 Minor Copper, tin, lead, zinc, antimony, etc., for Company use, Orders for, supply, etc. 024.6 Orders for, supply, etc. 024 Meteorology. 007 Weather Reports. 007.1 Meters Electric. 434.204 Methodist Societies Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.34 Methods of issuing tariffs. 601.201 of Routing and billing freight. 620.301 Mileage books. (See Tickets.) 610.212 of Freight cars. 542.201 of Locomotives. 532.101 of Passenger cars. 541.201 Rate Freight cart. 542.412 Train. (See Train earnings, mileage and expenses.) 520.1 Mile posts. (See Signs.) 302.1 156 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Military Accoutrements, Ammunition, etc. Bates, movement, etc. 626.5 Military Accoutrements Rates, movement, etc. 626.52 Milk Transportation of in baggage cars. (See Baggage.) 635.4 Mills or Factories, Textile Bates, movement, etc. 626.1 Mimeograph for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 025.233 Mineral Waters Rates, movement, etc. 627.23 Mineral wool Rates, movement, etc. 623.203 Mine Products Other. 623.9 Mines Products of Bates, movement, etc. 623 Other Ores Bates, movement, etc. 623.29 Sidings to Policy regarding construction, maintenance, etc. 349.1 Minors Employment of. 014 Release. 014.1 Minstrel Companies Passenger rates, movement, etc. 614.4 Misuse of Freight cars. 542.213 Misuse of Passes. 610.33 Modoc and other compounds for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.22 Monuments Rates, movement, etc. (See Statuary and monuments.) 623.331 Morals. (See Employes.) 018.1 Mortgages and Bonds. 212 Mortgages Interest on. 212.06 and Mortgage Bonds. 212.1 Collateral 212.2 Debenture. 212.3 Equipment. 212.4 First Mortgage. 212.12 Income. 212.5 Prior Lien. 212.11 Second Mortgage. 212.13 Surety. 212.82 Third Mortgage. 212.14 Printing. 025.223 Motor cars. 415 Motors Electric. (See Electric power and lighting appliances.) 434.206 Movable Bridges. 331.144 Movement of engines through engine houses. 430.12 of Freight cars. (See Cars Freight.) 542.48 of Freight trains. 522.2 of Locomotives. 532 of Passenger cars. 541.2 of Passenger trains. 521.2 of Wreck trains. 581.011 N O 157 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Musical instruments Nautical and surgical tools Rates, move- ment, etc. 625.26 m. Nails for Company use. (See Bolts, nuts, etc.) 024.7 Nails, wire and rods Rates, movement, etc. 625.31 Naphtha liates, movement, etc. 627.14 National Baseball League Passenger rates, movement, etc. 615.41 National Conventions Kates, etc. 612.601 National Educational Associations Kates, etc. 612.51 National Federation of Labor Kates, etc. 612.71 National Guards Passenger rates, movement, etc. (File by States, and divide into Divisions, Brigades, Regiments and Companies, if desired.) 611.2 Nautical Tools. (See Musical instruments and nautical tools.) 625.26 Neostyle Supplies, orders for, etc. 025.233 Newspaper trains. 529.1 Newspapers and periodicals Relations with. (See Advertising.) 602.1 books, periodicals. 003 Sale of on trains. (See Trains Passenger.) 521.301 Night Work Employes. 012.33 Numbering blank forms and books. 025.212 bridges and structures. 331.102 Boiling Stock. (See lettering, marking and numbering of Roll- ing Stock, also Locomotives Cars.) 410.01 Tools. (See Machinery and tools.) 431.01 Nursery Products Rates, movement, etc. 621.402 Nuts and nut locks for Rail joints. 342.42 Nuts for Company use. (See Bolts, nuts, etc.) 024.7 Nuts Rates, movement, etc. 621.6 Oats Bates, movement, etc. 621.33 Observation cars. 412.012 Observation Line Car Service. (See Cars Passenger.) 541.3 Obstructions to Trn^V Snow and Ice. 345.2 Odd Fellows Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.22 Office and shop regulations. (See Employes.) 011.2 Decorations and Fittings Orders for, supply, etc. 025.5 Furniture for Company use Other Orders for, supply, etc. 025.19 Material for Company use Other. 025.9 Supplies for Company use. 025 IS8 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Officers and other Employes. 010 Jurisdiction, duties and authority of. 110.1 ^Relations between Officers and other Employes. Oil Offices Buildings, rooms, etc. 354 Telegraph. (See Telegraph.) 572.5 Oil cans. (See Lubricating appliances.) 401.32 cups. (See Lubricating appliances.) 401.31 for Fuel. 023.6 for Signals. (See Signals.) 560.3 Illuminating for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 022.232 Lights for buildings. 350.41 Lighting For cars. 412.031 Paint, etc. Rates, movement etc. 627.1 Eights Lease of., 312.11 tanks for Stations, Towers, etc. 560.31 Use of on ballast. 332.03 Omnibuses and carriages Passenger Stations. 513.101 Onions Bates, movement, etc. 621.481 Opera Companies Passenger rates, movement, etc. 614.1 Operated Lines. 150 Operation of Dining cars Cost of. 541.401 of Freight cars. 542 of Passenger cars. 541 Oranges Rates, movement, etc. 621.432 Order of Railroad Conductors. 013.24 of Railway Telegraphers. 013.25 Orders and. Distribution for Freight cars. (See also Freight cars.) 542.11 Ore cars. 413.012 Ore handling machinery. 514.2 Ore Unloaders. 374.2 Ores Hates, movement, etc. 623.2 Ordinances City. 072 Organization of Company. 130 Orphan Asylums. (See Children's Home,,) 611.82 Outhouses and Closets. 359.7 Overcharges Freight. (See Freight Claims.) 620.82 Overhead and Subgrade Bridges. (See Bridges.) 331.145 Overloading of Freight cars. 542.34 Overtime. 012.31 Owned Lines. 130 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE p. Tacking 1 boxes Tools for. 401.34 Packing for Company uce Orders for, supply, etc. 029.71 Packing- House Products Hates, movement, etc. 622.3 Packing, Waste, etc., for Company use Orders, supply, etc. 029.7 Painting. 300.32 buildings. 350.2 Freight cars. 413.042 instructions, standard colors, etc. 300.321 Locomotives. 411.042 Passenger cars. (See Cars.) 412.042 tools. 431.05 Paints, Oils, etc. Hates, movement, etc. 627.1 Paints, varnishes, oils for Company use Orders for, sv.pply, etc. 021.4 Panels for Passenger cars. 412.121 Paper Mills and their products Kates, movement, etc. 626.4 Parlor Car Line Service. (See Cars Passenger.) 541.3 Parlor Car Kates. (See Kates Passenger.) 610.13 Tickets. 610.24 Parlor Cars. 412.012 Passenger Cars. 412 Passenger Car Expenses. 234.2 Clearing House for. 234.21 Stations. (See Stations.) Statistics. 600.11 Tariffs Printing. 025.221 Traffic. (See Traffic.) 610 Traffic Associations. 600.21 Trains. (See Trains.) Passengers Carrying on Freight trains. (See Trains Freight.) 610.86 Ejecting Rules governing. 610.82 gambling on trains. 610.84 Non-paying seated in Pullman cars when train is crowded. 610.81 robbed. 610.83 Passes. 610.3 Account charity. 610.325 Account Labor Organizations. 610.326 Agreements as to issue of exchange passes. 610.321 Alterations on. 610.331 and postal commissions for mail clerks. 610.328 Bulletining. 610.330.1 Counter-signature of. 610.313 100 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Passes Employes. Annual and term. Practice as to issuing to employes and families. Rules governing requests. Trip. Express. Ex-employes of Veteran Associations, etc. Forgeries. Giving shippers to influence traffic. Good on freight trains. Government and Municipal officials and employes. Honoring identification cards for Transportation. Instructions regarding. Instructions regarding to Conductors. Issue of to Shippers. Live stock drovers transportation. Lost and stolen. Misuse of. Orders for new supply. Other. Restricting-, not good on certain trains. Rules for making out. Telephone and Telegraph Franks. to whom issued. Patents and Copyrights. Patterns. (See Machinery and tools.) Paving of Streets in Cities and Towns. Pay Rolls Deductions on. Peaches Rates, movement, etc. Peanuts. (See Nuts.) Peanuts Sale of on trains. Pears Rates, movement, etc. Pedestal caps Locomotives. Penitentiaries Passenger rates, etc. Pension Fund. (See Employes.) Percentages. (See Rates Freight.) Per Diem charge for use of cars. Performance of Locomotives. Periodicals, books, newspapers, etc. Permits to ride on Freight trains. Personal expense bills. Personal injuries. Attempts to defraud Company. 610.324 610.324.1 610.324.5 610.324.4 610.324.2 650.13 610.324.3 610.332 610.322.1 610.315.1 610.323 610.327 610.31 610.311 610.322 610.322.3 610.333 610.33 610.300.1 610.329 610.315 610.313 570.01 610.33 074 431.31 323.2 218.63 621.412 521.301 621.413 411.54 611.34 011.32 620.121 542.411 411.05 003 610.86 220.123 582 582.7 i6z RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Personal Injuries Medical attendance. 582.1 Petroleum and other oils Eates, movement, etc. 627.11 Phosphate rock Eates, movement, etc. 623.202 Phosphor bronze for Company use. (See Alloys.) 024.52 Photographic Supplies. 025.235 Photographs and pictures for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 025.53 Physical Requirements, Employes. 011.122 Pickles. (See Cider, Vinegar and pickles.) 621.11 Picks for Company's use. 026.33 Picnics Passenger rates for, etc. 617.23 Piece-work system. (See Employes.) 012.02 Pig- iron, cinder, scale Eates, movement, etc. 625.302 Pile driver. 414.013.4 Pilot Locomotive. 411.68 Pins Crank, side and main, Locomotive. 411.44 Pipe for Company use Orders for, Contracts, etc. 029.81 Cast iron Orders for, supply, etc. 029.812 Iron, Cast or wrought Eates, movement, etc. 625.15 for Company use Sewer, Orders for, supply, etc. 029.813 Wrought iron, Orders for, supply, etc. 029.811 Line Crossings. (See Licenses.) 312.21 Pipes Air brake. 410.222 Steam, Locomotive. 411.15 Piston and piston rods Locomotive. 411.48 Plans of power plants. 434.01 of shops. 430.01 M. of E. 400.01 M. of W. (See Maps.) 300.01 Plants Electric. 434.3 Hydraulic. 434.4 Pneumatic. 434.3 Plaster rock. (See Cement.) 623.301 Plate glass car. 413.019.3 Platform scales. 351.123 Platforms for passenger cars. 412.22 Station. 351.02 Pleasure resorts Passeng'er rates, etc. 617.2 Plumbers' coverings for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.83 fittings for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.82 material for Company use Other, Orders for, supply, etc. 029.89 tools for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.84 Plumbing supplies, pipe, etc., for Co. use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.8 Plums Kates,- movement, etc. 621.414 162 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Pneumatic plants. Air compressors. for electric power and lighting-. Telegraph. (See Telegraph.) Police service; Poling car. Political League Railway and Telegraph Employes. Pony express service Pool Freight car. (See 234.31.) Porter (alcoholic liquors) Rates, movement, etc. Porters sleeping. Position of cars in Freight trains. Passenger trains. Postage stamps. Postal Commissions Honoring for Transportation. Potatoes Rates, movement, etc. Pottery. (See Earthenware.) Poultry car. game and fish Rates, movement, etc. Powder and high explosives Rates, movement, etc. Power Generators Electric. Houses Specifications, plans, etc. Location. Plans. Plants. Power transmission. Premiums Coal consumption. Prepay Freight. Presbyterian. Societies Passenger rates, movement, etc. Preserves, catsup, etc. Rates, movement, etc. Presses, Letter, for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Printing blank forms and books. Printing-, Circulars and Miscellaneous. Freight Tariffs. Passenger Tariffs. Stock, Bonds and Mortgages. Tickets and Cash Fare Checks. Time Tables. Private cars. Movement of. Private Freight cars. (See Cars Freight.) Prize fights Passenger rates for, etc. Profiles. (See Maps.) 434.3 434.31 434.203 571.11 071.11 414.015 013.292 650.11 413.043.1 627.22 541.321 522.12 521.11 025.242 610.328 621.482 623.305 413.013 622.2 626.56 434.21 359.2 434.02 434.01 434 434.1 411.052 620.033 612.32 621.12 025.234 025.211 025.22 025.222 025.221 025.223 025.224 025.225 412.016 541.23 615.6 300.013 Q R 163 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Program Bridge Repairs, Renewals, etc. Car. Fencing. Locomotive. Renewals of Roadbed, etc. Renewals of Rails. Scale. Telegraph and telephone. Tie. Tool. Property Appraisement of, for Taxation. Purchase and sale of. (See Right-of-way.) Pro-rating loss and damage on freight with other lines. terminal charges and switching rates. Protection of Roadbed Structures. Publication, Information for. Public Institutions Passenger rates, movement, etc. Other Passenger rates, etc. Pulleys for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Pullman Cars. (See Sleeping cars.) Pumps Air brake. and pump material Rates, movement, etc. for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. for water Stations. Push car. Putty and white lead Rates, movement, etc. 331.13 410.042 301.03 410.041 300.3 342.03 351.120.1 570.32 341.03 431.04 073.2 311.2 620.852 620.151.1 331.05 003.1 611.8 611.89 029.95 410.221 625.16 029.94 353.23 414.013.1 627.13 Q. Quakers and Friends Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.394 Racks for Passenger cars. Radiators. (See Furnaces, heaters and radiators.) Rags Rates, movement, etc. Rail and Lake Freight rates. Rail. (See Rails.) Rail benders. braces. Broken. creeping of Track Anchoring. Fastenings. Inspection. 412.45 625.11 626.101 620.123 026.34 342.43 342.11 342.44 342.4 342.02 164 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Bail Joints. 342.41 joints Effect on cost of maintenance of track. 342.411 Laying. 342.2 Laying Practice, Rules for, cost of. 342.21 Lengths. 342.012 Life of. 342.12 Lubricating on curves. 342.123 Number of ties per rail. 341.05 Program for renewals, etc. 342.03 Re-rolling. 342.122 Re-sawing. 342.121 Section of, Weight. 342.011 Spacing at joints. 342.22 Specifications. 342.01 Tests. 342.013 tongs. 026.35 Wear and breakage of. 342.1 Rails. (See Rail.) Rails and fastenings Rates, movement, etc. 625.33 and their fastenings. 342 Railroad crossings. 324 Railroads, Other than Home Lines Competition with. 080.1 Railroads Other Capital Stock of. 211.92 Relations with. 08 Steam. 081 Railway and Telegraph Employes' Political Leagtie. 013.292 Loyal League. 013.291 Railways Government control of. 070.1 Industrial, or Shop. 352.1 Street, Traction, Trolley. 081 Rams Hydraulic. 433.5 Bates Baggage. 630.3 Basis for making quotations, divisions of, percentages, com- missions, agreements for maintenance. 601.1 for detouring. 520.383 Freight. 620.1 Charge for use of idlers. 620.041 C. O. D. (Collect on Delivery.) 620.032 Commissions. 620.031 Export. 620.13 Import. 620.14 Joint. 620.12 Iiocal. 620.11 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Fates Freight Percentage or Divisions. 620.121 Prepay. 620.033 Proportional. 620.122 Rail and Lake. 620.123 Reduced. 620.16 Eeduced account Charity. 620.164 Reduced, Contractor's Material. 620.165 Reduced, Company material and supplies. 620.162 Reduced, Government. 620.161 Re3uced, Railroad employes. 620.163 General Zone rates, etc. 601 Insurance. 030.3 Mail. 641.1 Passenger. 610.1 Clergymen's. 610.145 Differentials. 610.11 Emigrant. 610.144 Employes reduced. 610.141 Excursion. 610.146 Extra or excess fare on certain trains. 610.12 Home-seekers and others to point off Home Lines, 610.146.2 To points on Home Lines. 610.146.1 Government. 610.142 Laws regulating. 610.147 Other reduced. 610.149 Reduced account charity. 610.149.1 Sleeping and parlor car. 610.13 Special. 610.14 Suburban or commutation. 610.143 Switching. (See Terminal charges.) 620.151 Telegraph service. 572.2 Telephone service. 573.2 Reach rod Locomotive. 411.22 Reading rooms Railway and Y. M. C. A. 011.33 Real Estate. (See Right-of-way.) Real Estate Accounts. 221.7 Rebate on Material. 020.51 Receiverships. 200.2 Reclamation of freight on claims. 620.853 Reconnaissance. (See Surveys.) 310.1 Record of Employes. 011.221 Hecord Staff and discipline, 011.22 Stock transfers. 211.01 166 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Records and statements Equipment. (See Statistics.) 400.21 Redemption of tickets. 610.205 Reduction in Expenses. 230.1 Seduced freight rates. (See Rates.) 620.16 Reformed Presbyterian Societies Pass, rates, movement, conven- tions, etc. 612.323 Refrigerator car. 413.015 Refund Express charges. 653 Freight. (See Freight Claims.) 620.S* of fares. 610.87 Terminal charges and switching rates. 620.151.3 Register Locomotive classification. 411.020.1 Register Stock. 211.02 Registering trains. 520.302 Relations with Federal, State and Municipal Governments. 07 with Individual car lines. (See Cars Freight.) 542.480.1 with Insurance Companies. 038 with other Transportation Companies. 08 with traveling public. 610.8 Release, Minors. 014.1 Relief Association for Employes. 011.31 Remittances. 217.4 Agents depositing money. 217.41 Express rates on. 217.401 Failure to make promptly. 217.42 Telegraph service. 572.31 Rental of Locomotives. (See Locomotives Lease of.) 530.11 Repair cards. Maintenance of Equipment. 413.043.4 Repairs Freight cars. 413.043 Freight car, Rules. 413.043.3 Locomotive. 411.043 Passenger cars. (See Cars.) 412.043 Shops. 300.33 Replies to Correspondence, Requests for. 004.2 Reports Annual. 200.4 of Committees. 010.4 to Interstate Commerce Commission. 070.22 Weather. 007.1 Requests for replies to Correspondence. 004.2 Requirements as to physical condition of men. 011.122 with respect to sense of sight, hearing, etc. 011.122.1 Requisitions. (See Material.) 020.5 for lumber. 021.1 Reservation of space Sleeping, parlor and observation cars. 541.31 167 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Reservoir Brake. Resin Rates, movement, etc. Responsibility for accidents while detouring. for loss and damage of freight, in transferring freight. for stolen freight. Restaurants. (See Stations Passenger.) Restaurants Supplies. (See Dining cars and restaurants. Re-surveys. (See Surveys.) Retiring stock. Revenue Telegraph Service. Right-of-Way. Conditions. Encroachments. Ejecting encroachers and squatters. Fencing property to prevent adverse possession. Incur no obligation when purchasing property. Lease of. (See Leases.) Opening streets across. Planting trees along. Purchase and sale of. Purchase of. Sale of. Rivets for Company use. (See Bolts, nuts, etc.) Roadbed. Condition of. Protection of. Standard. Roadway and Structures. Condition, of. Condition of Cleaning shops, yards, right-of-way, etc. Roadway Cars. (See Work Cars.) Robberies. (See Police Service.) Rocker arm and box Locomotive. Rods. (See Nails, wire and rods.) Side and main for Locomotives. Rolling Bridges. Rolling Stock General. Inspection of. (See Inspection.) Insurance. Lettering, marking and numbering. Lubrication of. Roof Freight cars. Roofs for Passenger cars. 410.223 624.01 520.382 620.854 620.854.2 620.854.1 513.102 027.1 310.1 211.04 572.3 310 300.31 313 313.2 313.1 311.11 312 323.3 314.23 311 311.1 311.2 024.7 330 330.2 331.05 330.1 300 300.3 300.31 414.013 411.25 625.31 411.45 331.144 410 410.02 034 410.01 401.1 413.14 412.13 168 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Rope and cordage for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.91 Eoutes Mail. 641.1 Routing 1 and Billing Billing irregularities. 620.301.2 Billing irregularities Loaded cars billed as empty and vice versa. 520.301.21 Changing destination of freight. 620.32 Diversions and loss of shipments. 620.33 Errors, return of missent freight. 620.301.3 Freight. 620.3 Freight arrangements. 620.301.1 Instructions, methods, etc. 620.301 Re-billing. 620.301.6 Shippers' marks. 620.36 Through billing. 620.301.5 To prepay stations. 620.301.4 Routing freight. 620.35 Orders of patrons. 620.353 via Home lines. 620.351 via other lines. 620.352 Eubber and Dating Stamps. 025.243 Eubber bands for Company use Orders for, supply etc. 025.26 Rubber goods for Company use. Orders for, supply, etc. 029.33 Rules Book of. (See Employes.) 011.21 for Interchange of Freight cars. 542.401 for loading and unloading. 542.31 for making out passes. 610.312 for operation of yards. (See Yards.) 512.01 for repairs to Freight cars. 413.043.3 governing employment of men. (See Employes.) 011.12 Signal. 560.3 Running boards Locomotive. 411.67 Running gear locomotive. 411.4 Running of trains. 520.3 Rye Rates, movement, etc. 621.34 8. Safes for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 025.17 Safes, vaults and prison work Rates, movement, etc. 625.13 Safety Appliances. 410.05 Inspection of. 410.051 U. S. Laws. 410.057 Safety chains. 410.14 Safety Measures Signals. (See Signals.) 169 RAILROAD "CORRESPONDENCE FILE Safety valve. Salaries. (See Employes.) Sale of cars. of Equipment. of Liquors on Dining Cars. of Locomotives. Salt Bates, movement, etc. Salvage Corps Insurance. Sand and gravel Kates, movement, etc. Sand for Company use Orders for, etc. Sand tracks in Yards. Sanders and sanding appliances Locomotive. Sanitation for Freight cars. for Passenger cars. Sash balances for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. for Passenger cars. Sash lifts for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Sash stops for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Saws for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Scale program. Scale test car. Scales and Loading Gages. Scales For cars. Platform. Ee-locating. Renewal. Repairing. Testing. Track. Scalping tickets. Scenery Theatrical. Schedules. (See Time Tables.) Insurance. School supplies Eates, movement, etc. Schools Eaihvay. (See Employes.) Scottish Rite Masons Passenger rates, movement, conventions, Scrap. (See Material.) and Junk Rates, movement, etc. Screens Passenger cars. Window, for company use. (See Window screens.) Screws for Company use. Seal Corporate. Seals Freight car. 411.161 012.1 410.045.2 410.045 541.403 410.045.1 623.91 038.2 623.32 021.2 347.012 411.63 413.041 412.041 029.122 412.33 029.121 029.123 026.42 351.120.1 414.011.1 351.12 351.124 351.123 351.120.5 351.120.4 351.120.3 351.120.2 351.122 610.202 614.01 520.31 030.1 626.64 011.35 etc. 612.213 020.24 625.02 412.34 029.125 024.7 110.2 413.32 170 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Seashore resorts Passenger rates, etc. G17.21 Seats Passenger cars. 412.41 Secret Societies Other Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.29 Securities Interest-bearing. 215 Seeds Rates, movement, etc. 621.301 Seeds for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.93 Semaphore. (See Interlockings.) 563 Sewer and drain tile pipe Eates, movement, etc. 623.306 Sewing Machines Eates, movement, etc. 625.22 Shades for Passenger cars. 412.32 Shades, Lamp and lantern for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 022.244 Sheathing for Passenger cars. 412.122 Sheep Eates, movement, etc. 622.14 Sheet and tin plate bars Eates, movement, etc. 625.34 Shipment and delivery of Bridges. 331.16 Shippers Issue of passes to. 610.322 Shippers' marks. (See Bouting and billing freight.) 620.36 Shoes Brake. 410.201 Shop regulations. (See Employes.) 011.2 Shops. (See also Engine houses and shops.) 430 and Engine Houses. 352 Maintenance. - 352.01 Classification of. 430.02 Cleaning. 300.31 Electric Machinery for. (See Electric power and lighting ap- pliances.) 434.2 Foreign. 430.09 Heating and ventilating of. 430.3 Lighting of. 430.4 Location. 430.03 Output of. 430.1 Condition of work under way. 430.11 Movement of engines through engine houses. 430.12 Plans. 430.01 Power plants. (See Power plants.) 434 Eepairs of. 300.33 Shot Eates, movement, etc. 626.53 Shows and Circuses Passenger rates, movement, etc. 613 Shows, Other Passenger rates, movement, etc. 613.9 Wild West Passenger rates, movement, etc. G13.1 Shovels for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 026.43 Side bearings Freight car. 413.113 171 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Side dump car. 413.012 Sidewalk improvements Assessments account of. 323.2 Siding Freight car. 413.13 Passenger car. 412.12 Sidings Private Agreements, division of cost, etc. 349 to Mines Policy regarding construction and maintenance. 349.1 Sight Eequirements with respect to Ernploj'es. 011.122.1 Signal Houses Plans, specifications, etc. 359.3 Signal Lanterns Broken globes. 569.11 Tower Plans, etc. 359.31 Signals Block Operation. 563 Block Semaphore Electric. 563.2 Gas. 563.5 Pneumatic. 563.4 Disk Electric. 563.3 Manual System. 563.1 Broken parts. 569.11 Car Inspectors'. 569.2 Classification. 562.1 Classification flags. 562.11 Classification lamps. 562.12 for crossings (Other than interlocking). (See Crossings.) Forms, colors, sounds. 560.01 Interlockings. (See Interlockings.) 564 Oil, kind to use. 560.3 Other. 569 Rules. 560.2 Safety measures. 560 Station. 561 Station flags. 561.1 Supervision of. 560.1 Train. 562 Air whistle. 562.22 Apparatus for. 562.21 Bell cords. 562.23 Inter-communication. 562.2 Lanterns. 569.1 Signs. 302 Crossing, and whistle posts. 321.3 Mile posts. 302.1 Station. 351.04 Silk Eates, movement, etc. 626.13 172 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Sills Freight car. 413.111 Passenger car. 412.111 Slag Use of as ballast. 332.3 Rates, movement, etc. 625.01 Slate and roofing material Rates, movement, etc. 623.304 Sleeping- Car Line Service. (See Cars Passenger.) 541.3 Car Rates. (See Rates Passenger.) 610.13 Car Tickets. 610.24 Sleeping cars. 412.012 Non-paying passengers seated in. 610.81 Sloping Embankments. 314.2 Slow time, Freight trains Complaints regarding, etc. 522.211 Smoke box Locomotive. 411.14 Smoke consumers Locomotive. 411.141 Snow and Ice obstructing Tracks. 345.2 Snow flangers. 414.018.3 Snow plows. 414.018.3 Soap, candles and soap stock Rates, movement, etc. 622.03 Soap for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.21 Soap for Passenger cars. 412.422 Societies, Other Church Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.39 Army and Navy. 612.1 College. 612.4 Educational. 612.5 Labor Organizations. 612.7 Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612 Political. 612.6 Religious, passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.3 Secret, passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.2 Social Clubs. 612.8 Soda and soda ash Rates, movement, etc. 623.92 Sodding Embankments. 314.2 Sofas for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 025.13 Solar engines. 433.9 Solder for Company's use. 024.53 Soldiers Homes. 611.85 National. 611.851 State. 611.852 Soliciting traffic. 620.4 Span, Bridge Length of. 331.143 Spanish War Veterans Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.13 173 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Special cars of foreign lines Movement, of. of home lines Movement of. Special trains. Specifications and plans for buildings. and tests of material. Ballast. Bridge. Fence. Frogs and switches. Masonry. Bail. Roadbed structures. Ties. Track. Speed of trains. Speed recorders. (See Trains Speed of.) Spelter Eates, movement, etc. Spikes Track. Splitting Passenger trains. Sponges for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Sporting goods Rates, movement, etc. Sports Passenger rates, meetings, etc. Springs for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Springs Locomotive. Truck. Stack, Smoke I/ocomotive. Staff and discipline record. (See Employes.) Staff Meetings of. Stake pockets and stakes. Stamps Postage. Eubber and dating. Stand pipes. State Boards of Equalization. State Fairs Passenger rates for, etc. State Conventions. Statements, " Bad Order cars." Location of Freight cars. M. of E. Station. (See Stations.) Station Agents Association. arrangements Freight . Passenger. Buildings and arrangement. 541.22 541.21 529 350.01 020.1 332.01 331.11 301.01 342.501 331.061 342.01 331.01 341.01 340.1 520.312 520.312.1 623.201 342.45 521.12 029.26 62G.G3 615 024.4 411.52 410.35 411.14 011.22 010.1 413.12 025.242 025.243 353.21 073.1 616.32 612.604 413.043.2 542.203 400.21 013.28 351.1 351.2 351 174 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Station Agents Association Flags. (See Signals.) 561.1 Grounds Ornamentation of. 351.03 Layouts-Standard. 351.01 Names. 513.01 platforms and sheds. 351.02 Signals. (See Signals.) 561 Signs. 351.04 Stationary boilers and furnaces. 432 engines. 433 Stationery for Companv use Orders for, supply, etc. 025.2 Ink, etc. Bates, movement, etc. 626.62 Stations. (See Station.) Stations Freight, Ballot System. 513.203 Capacity of. 513.201 Cooperage. 513.204 Labor saving appliances. 513.205 Tonnage system. 513.202 Working. 513.2 Fuel. 353.1 Machinery for. 353.11 Passenger Barber shops. 513.103 Carriages, omnibuses, etc. 513.101 Hotels and restaurants. 513.102 Suburban, Operation, etc. 513.12 Union and large Terminal 513.11 "Working of. 513.1 Eeceipts and Expenditures. 513.02 Transfer Grain elevators. 513.211 Working. 513.21 Water. 353.2 machinery, pumps, etc. 353.23 Purification of water for, filters, analysis of, etc. 353.241 Standpipes for. 353.21 Tanks and tubs for. 353.22 Track tanks. 353.221 Water, gas and gasoline engines for. 353.232 Water supply for. 353.24 Wind pumps for. 353.231 Working. 513 Statistics Coal, ore and coke. 623.01 Equipment records and statements. 400.21 General. 002 Interlocking. 562.02 f 175 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Statistics Maintenance of Equipment.. 400.2 Maintenance of Way. 300.2 Traffic freight. 600.12 Passenger. 600.11 Rates, etc. 600.1 Transportation and Storage. (C. T. Dep't.) 500.1 Treasury and Auditing Departments. 200.01 Statuary and Monuments Kates, movement, etc. 623.331 Stay bolts. (See Locomotive firebox.) 411.115 Steamboats. 420.1 Steam chest Locomotive. 411.32 heat apparatus and supplies Orders for, supplies, etc. 022.12 heat for Passenger cars. 412.022 Railroads (Other than Home Lines). 081 shovel. 414.013.4 Steel and Iron Products, Other Eates, movement, etc. 625.39 Steel for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 024.3 Castings. 024.31 forgings. 024.32 Steps Freight car. 413.22 Locomotive. 411.67 Passenger car. 412.22 Stock. (See Capital Stock.) Account. (See Material.) 020.3 Bonds, and Mortgages Printing. 025.223 Cars. 413.014 Exchange Listing stock on. 211.03 of miscellaneous corporations. 211.94 of other railroads. 211.92 of Subsidiary companies. 211.91 pens and chutes. 351.11 Register. 211.02 Retiring. 211.04 Transfers. 211.01 Stockholders' meetings. 111.01 Stone ballast. 332.1 Bates, movement, etc. 623.31 sand, etc., for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 021.2 sand, clay, etc., and their products Rates, movement, etc. 623.3 Stoneware. (See Earthenware.) Storage. (See also Transportation and Storage.) and freight charges on unclaimed and refused freight. 620.831 Batteries, Electric. 434.205 176 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Storage charges Freight. (See also Terminal charges.) 620.155 Baggage. 630.2 of Freight cars. (See Cars Freight.) 542.212 "Warehouses. (See Warehouses.) 513.22 Storing material. 020.4 Stoves. (See Hardware and stoves.) 625.14 and stove supplies for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 022.11 for Passenger cars. 412.021 Straw Rates, movement, etc. 621.303 Strawberries Hates, movement, etc. 621.421 Strawboard Eates, movement, etc. 621.303.1 Street and sidewalk improvements, paving, etc. 323.2 Street Crossings. (See Crossings.) Eailway Crossings. 325 Eailways. 083 Streets Opening and closing across right-of-way. (See Eight-of- Way.) 323.3 Stretchers for Injured Persons. 582.01 Stresses Bridge. 331.141 Strikes. (See Employes.) 013.1 Striking plates Freight car. 413.112 Passenger car. 412.112 Stringers Freight car. 413.111 Passenger car. 412.111 Strip tickets. 610.213 Structures Clearance dimensions. 331.02 Roadbed. 331 Inspection and preservation. 331.04 Masonry. 331.06 Protection. 331.05 Eenewal, Sale of. (Program.) 331.03 Specifications for. 331.01 Stylograph Orders for, supply, etc. 025.233 Subscriptions, Contributions, Donations. 602.2 Subsidiary Companies Stock of. 211.91 Bond of. 212.91 Suburban Passenger Eates. . 610.143 Passenger Stations. 513.12 Tickets. 610.213 train service. 521.34 Sugar, molasses and syrup Eates, movement, etc. 621.52 Sulphate of copper for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 027.222 Summonses Court. 070.6 177 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Sunday train service. 520.34 Sundays Working on. 012.35 Supervision of Signals. 560.1 Supplies for Dining cars. (See 027.1.) Supply car. 414.012 Supply of Freight cars. (See Cars Freight.) 542.1 of Passenger cars. (See Cars Passenger.) 541.1 Surety Bonds. 212.8 Surgical tools. (See Musical instruments and surgical tools.) 625.26 Surplus material Disposition for. 020.23 Surveys, Re-surveys, reconnaissance. 310.1 Swift Refrigerator Car Lines. 542.482.2 Switchboards and switches, Electric. (See Electric power and lighting appliances.) 434.201 Switch Derails. 342.523 locks, keys, etc. 342.522 stands. 342.521 ties. 341.2 Switches. 342.52 Switching rates. (See Terminal charges.) 620.151 service Complaints, etc. 512.3 T. Tables for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Tallow pipes. Tank cars. Tanks. (See Boilers and tanks.) Oil, for Stations. for Water Stations. (See Water Stations.) tender. Tar and pitch Rates, movement, etc. Tariffs. Filing with Interstate Commerce Commission. Freight Printing. Interstate. Methods of issuing. Passenger Printing. Posting. Requests made for. Requests received for. Taxes and assessments. Taxation Appraisement of Property for. 025.14 401.33 413.017 625.12 560.31 411.72 624.03 601.2 601.211 025.222 601.21 601.201 025.221 601.202 601.203 601.204 073 073.2 178 Teachers' Associations Eates, etc. Telegraph and Telephones. Authorities. Estimates, diagrams, etc. Expenses. Franks and passes. Instructions to operators. Program for renewal and extensions. Renewal and extensions. Use of wires for other than K. K. business, and telephone supplies. (See material and supplies.) Telegraph and telephone wire crossing, battery material. Construction. Instruments for. Cable. Contracts. Cross-arms. Error sheet. Free service. instruments for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. insulators, line Construction, line crossing. offices Opening and closing, etc. poles. poles and fixtures. Hates. Remittances. Reports of remittances, etc. Revenue, Service. Complaints regarding. Special (Account elections, etc.) tower Plans, etc. wire. Wire reports. Telephone Service. Branch Exchanges. Complaints. Contracts. instruments for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Bates. 612.52 570 570.33 570.31 570.2 570.01 570.1 570.32 570.3 570.02 027.2 312.22 571.4 571 571.3 571.22 572.1 571.13 572.311 572.21 027.23 571.23 571.2 312.22 572.5 571.11 571.1 572.2 572.31 572.312 572.3 572 572.01 572.4 359.31 571.21 572.02 573 573.3 573.01 573.1 027.24 573.2 179 Telephone Service and Telegraph. 570 Use of in running trains. (See Dispatching.) 52C.322 Tenders. (See Locomotives.) 411.7 Terminal charges. 620.15 Belt or Terminal Railways. 620.157 Bridge tolls. 620.156 Cartage and drayage. 620.152 Floating. 620.154 Lighterage. 620.153 Storage. 620.155 Switching rates and agreements, payment of. 620.151 Switching rates Absorbing. 620.151.2 Switching rates Pro-rating. 620.161.1 Switching rates Refunding. 620.151.3 Transfer between depots. 620.152.1 Terminals Joint use of. 510.5 Lease of. (See Tracks and Terminals.) 510.4 Test cars. (See Cars, Work.) Tests Fuel. (See Fuel.) 023.01 of Equipment. 400.3 of material. (See Material.) 620.2 of Rails. (See Eails.) 342.013 Textile Factories or Mills, Products of Rates, movement, etc. 626.1 Theatrical baggage and scenery. (See Baggage.) Companies Passenger rates, movement, etc. 614 Throttle Locomotives. 411.15 Tickets. 610.2 and Cash Fare Checks Printing. 025.224 Chart of forms. 610.200.2 Clergyman's order. 610.214 Coupon. 610.22 Excursion. 610.215 Extension of time limit. 610.206 Forgeries. 610.203 Furnished free to various people. 610.201 Interline. 610.23 Lost and stolen, Bulletining. 610.204 Mileage books, Interchangeable. 610.212 Order for new supply. 610.200.1 Other. 610.29 Eedemption of. 610.205 Seduced rate. 610.21 Keduced rate, Employe's family. 610.211 180 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Tickets Sale of, Instructions regarding. Scalping. Sleeping and parlor car. Suburban. Tie plates. Tie program for Renewals. Ties. (Iron and Steel) and Bands Rates, movement, etc. for Bridges. Inspection. Laying Number per rail, etc. Life of. Marking. Preservation of. Specifications, dimensions, etc. Switch. Tile for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Time Standard. Timetables and Schedules. Timetables Forms for and printing of. Notice of changes in. Tin for Company use. (See Metals Minor.) pig, bar or slab Rates, movement, etc. plate Rates, movement, etc. Rates, movement, etc. scrap Rates, movement, etc. Tinware Rates, movement, etc. Tires Locomotive. (See Locomotives.) Tobacco Rates, movement, etc. Sale of on trains. Toilet paper and holders for Passenger cars. Toilet Passenger cars. Tolls and rates in general Zone rates, etc. Tolls Bridge. (See Terminal charges.) Tonnage rating of locomotives. system for Freight stations. Tool cars for wreck trains. Tool houses. Tools and instruments B-ates, movement, etc. Tools and Machinery Orders for, supply, etc. Tools for Company use. (See Machinery and tools.) for packing boxes. 610.200.3 610.202 610.24 610.213 341.041 341.03 341 625.303 341.1 341.02 341.05 341.04 341.043 341.042 341.01 341.2 021.7 520.301 520.31 025.225 520.310.1 024.6 623.251 623.252 623.25 623.258 623.253 411.41 621.51 521.301 412.421 412.42 601 620.156 531.1 513.202 414.018.2 359.6 625.25 026 401.34 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Tools for Company Use for shops. (See Machinery and tools.) 431 Hand, for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 026.4 Hand, for Company use, Other Orders for, supply, etc. 026.49 Locomotive. 411.602 Plumbers', for Company use. (See Plumbers' tools.) 029.84 Track Other. 026.39 Torpedoes. 027.31 Towels for Passenger cars. 412.422 Tower Interlocking-. (See Interlockings.) 321.611 Toys Eates, movement, etc. 626.91 Tracers for Freight. 620.34 Tracing Freight cars. (See Cars, Freight.) 542.204 Track. (See Tracks.) Trackmen's Union. 013.293 Track indicating car. 414.011.3 Inspection. 340.4 car. 414.011.4 General Manager's. 340.42 President's. 340.41 Prizes for best section. 340.401 labor. 340.2 scales. 351.122 scoops Tender. 411.722 skates. (See Yards.) 347.013 specifications. 340.1 spikes. 342.45 tanks. 353.221 Tools. 026.3 Tracks. 340 Anchoring. 342.44 and terminals Joint use of. 510.5 Lease of. 510.4 "Working. 510 Branch lines. 348 Creeping of. 342.44 Cross section. 340.6 Curves and alignment. 340.52 Elevation. 340.7 Emergency force. 345.3 Gage. 340.G1 on curves. 340.611 Gradients. 340.51 Landslides and washouts. 345.1 Line and surface. 340.35. 182 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Tracks longitudinal section. 340.5 Main and passing-. (File papers regarding any particular track under No. 900.) 346 Obstruction to. 345 Operation of single track line, capacity, etc. 511.1 Operation of two or more tracks, capacity, etc. 511.2 Eenewal and maintenance. 340.3 Snow and ice. 345.2 Working-. 511 Traction Line Crossings. 325 Traction, Trolley and Street Railways. 083 Traffic Associations. 600.2 Department Expenses. 236 Freight. 620 Passenger. 610 Rates, etc. 600 Relations with patrons. 620.42 Eelations with patrons, Purchases from. 620.421 Shipments received from various firms. 620.422 Soliciting. 620.4 Train. (See Trains.) Train Crews. 520.01 Calling trainmen. 520.011 Crewing relatives together. 520.013 First in, First out. 520.014 Number of men. 520.012 Accidents. 581 Dispatchers' Association. 500.224 earnings Mileage and expenses. 520.1 signals. (See Signals.) 562 Service Freight. 522.3 Freight Fast Freight. 522.31 Passenger. 521.3 Passenger, Accommodation. 521.33 Passenger, Limited and excess fare. 521.311 Passenger, Mail. 521.32 Passenger, Through fast express. 521.31 Suburban. 521.34 Supplies for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 027.3 Trains. 520 Advertising, for Manufacturers. 529.2 Attempts to wreck. (See Wrecks.) 581.07 Detouring. (See Detour service.) 520.38 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Trains Dispatching. 520.32 First in, First out. 520.014 Freight. 522 Carrying passengers, Permits to ride on. 610.86 Complaints of slow time and movement. 522.211 Delays and detentions. 522.21 Movement of. 522.2 Gambling on. (See Passengers.) 610.84 Newspaper. 529.1 Passenger. 521 Accessory Service Contract with News Go's. 521.301.1 Accessory Service Sale of Newspapers, Tobacco, Candy, etc. 521.301 Delays and Detentions. 521.21 Failure to make schedule time. 521.211 Holding for connections. 521.212 Make up of. 521.1 Movement of. 521.2 Position of cars in. 521.11 Splitting and consolidating. 521.12 Registering. 520.302 Running of. 520.3 Special. 529 Charge per mile for use of. 529.01 Special stops, flag stops, etc. 520.311 Speed of, Fast runs, etc. 520.312 Speed recorders. 520.312.1 Stopping on Crossings. 323.5 Sunday service. 520.34 Timetables. (See Timetables.) 520.31 Weight of. 520.2 Transfer of Locomotives. (See Locomotives, Assignment and trans- fer.) 530.2 of Passenger cars. (See Cars Passenger.) 541.01 of Stock Record of. 211.01 Stations "Working. 513.21 Transferring freight between depots Charges. (See Terminal charges.) 620.152.1 Transportation and Storage. 500 of Baggage. 630 of children without attendants. 610.85 of Express goods. 650 of Mail. 640 184 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Transportation Department Expenses. Transformers Electric. Transmission of power. Traveling Public Relations with. Treasury Department Expenses. Trees Planting along Eight-of-Way. (See Eight-of-Way.) Trolley Eailways. Tropical fruit, Other Eates, movement, etc. Tropical Products Bates, movement, etc. Truck brakes. springs. (See Springs.) Trucks. and wheelbarrows Eates, movement, etc. Arch bars and channels. Bolsters. (See Bolsters.) Freight car. Locomotive. (See Locomotives.) Miscellaneous. Passenger car. Tender. Trunk Line Associations. Trunks and satchels Eates, movement, etc. Truss rods Freight car. Trust Certificates, Voting. Tugboats. Tumbling shaft Locomotive. Tunnels. Centers and false work. Clearance dimensions. Cross section. Enlarging. Inspection. Lining. Repairing. Ventilation. Turbines. Turntables Installing and taking ou. Turpentine Eates, movement, etc. Typewriters and supplies for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Unclaimed freight. Underloading of Freight cars. 620.83 542.34 Uniforms, deductions for. 218.632 for employes. 018.21 Union News Company Contract. 521.301.1 Union Stations. (See Stations.) 513.11 Unions. (See Labor Organizations and Employes.) Unitarian Societies Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.391 United Presbyterian Societies Passenger rates, movement, etc. 612.322 Universalist Societies Passenger rates, movement, conventions, etc. 612.392 Unloaders Coal. (For docks and wharves.) 374.1 Ore. (For docks and wharves.) 374.2 Upholstering material for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.113 Urinals for Passenger cars. 413.421 Vacations. (See Employes.) Vaccination. (See Employes.) Value of stock material. Valve motion, Locomotive. rod Locomotive. Valves Air brake. (See Brakes.) Locomotive. (See Locomotives.) Locomotive Safety. Tender. Varnishes for Company use, (See Paints, varnishes, oils.) Varnishing Passenger cars. Vaudeville Companies Passenger rates, movement, etc. Vaults. (See Safes, etc.) Vegetable car. Vegetables, Other Rates, movement, etc. Bates, movement, etc. Vehicles and parts Rates, movement, etc. Velocipede car. Ventilation and heating of buildings. Ventilating cars. (See Cars.) Freight cars. (See Cars Freight.) shops. Ventilation of tunnels. (See Tunnels.) Ventilators for Passenger cars. Vestibules. (See Cars Passenger.) Vises Orders for, supply, etc. For Company use. Voltmeters. Voluntary Relief Department. 012.32 018.31 020.22 411.2 411.25 410.224 411.26 411.161 411.723 021.4 412.042 614.3 625.13 413.016 621.489 621.48 626.21 414.013.1 350.3 412.08 413.it 430.3 331.36 412.0J8 412.21 026.45 434.204J RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Voting- Trust Certificates. Vouchers. (See Bills and Vouchers.) 211.3 W. Wages and Salaries. (See Employes.) Monthly allowances for expenditures. (See Employes.) of employes. (See Employes.) Wall paper for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Warehouses Bonded. Storage. Cold storage plants. Washouts. Wash stands for Passenger cars. Waste for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Waste, Lubricants, etc. Watchhouses. (See Houses.) Watchmen for Crossings. Watches Examination of, etc. Water coolers and tanks for Passenger cars. Engines and mills Turbine. heating apparatus for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. Purification of. Stations. (See Stations.) supply for Water stations. (See Stations.) tubs and tanks. Waters, Mineral Rates, movement, etc. Wattmeters. Way-bills. Card. Conductors' cards. (Memo, bill.) Delays in forwarding. Manifests, duplicate copies of. Showing weight on. Weather Reports. Weeds Removal of from ballast. Weighing and Inspection Freight. Freight, Board of Trade certificates, receipts, etc. Freight, Weights Estimated. Freight, Weights Minimum car load. Freight, Weights Shippers. Freight cars. Charges for. mail. 187 353.22 627.23 434.204.3 620.316 620.316.3 620.316.5 620.316.3 620.316.1 620.316.4 007.1 332.03 620.2 620.201 620.21 620.22 620.23 542.01 542.012 644 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Weight of Freight cars. 413.001 of Locomotives. 411.001 of Passenger cars. 412.001 of trains. (See Trains.) 520.2 of Work cars. 414.001 Western Baseball Association Passenger rates, movement, etc. 615.43 Wharves. (See Docks, wharves and landings.) 370 Machinery for. 374 Wheat Rates, movement, etc. 621.31 Wheelbarrows. 626.22 Wheels. 410.31 Brake. 410.211 Freight car. 410.312 Locomotive. (See Locomotive*.) 411.41 Passenger car. 410.311 Whistle Locomotive. 411.66 Posts and crossing signs. 321.3 Whitewash car. 414.019.1 Wicks, Lamp and lantern, for Co. use Orders for, supply, etc. 022.242 Widening and deepening channel. 373.1 Wind mills 433.4 Wind pumps for Water stations, etc. 353.231 Window curtains for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.124 Window fltting-s for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.12 Window guards for Passenger cars. 412.34 Window screens for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.125 Windows for Passenger cars. 412.3 Wiping cloths for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 029.25 Wire. (See Nails, wire and rods.) 625.31 Wire Reports. 572.02 Wire for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 024.91 Cable. 024.913 Copper. 024.912 Iron. 024.911 line crossings. 312.22 Telegraph and telephone for Company use Orders for, sup- ply, etc. 027.21 Wiring Electric, power and lighting. 434.203 Witnesses Court. 070.4 Witness fees. 070.41 Wood for Company use Orders for, etc. (See Fuel.) 023.032 and Charcoal. 023.3 Wool Rates, movement, etc. 622.013 1 88 RAILROAD CORRESPONDENCE FILE Women Employment of. 014 Work Employes working at night. 012.33 Work cars. (See Cars Work.) Working- Expense Accounts. (See Accounts.) 221.1 Worlds Fairs Passenger rates for, etc. 616.31 Wreck tool cars. 414.018.2 Wreck trains Movement of, etc. 581.011 Wrecking derricks. 414.018.1 Wrecks and train accidents. (File in geographical and date order.) 581 Wrecks Attempts to wreck trains. 581.07 Clearing-. 581.01 Wrought Iron forgings. 024.21 T. Yacht races Passenger rates, etc. 615.21 Yards. (Correspondence relating to a particular yard should be filed under Section 9.) 347 Appliances for stopping cars in. 347.01 Cleaning. 300.31 Condition of. 512.1 Cost of handling cars in. 512.2 Gravity. 347.2 Lighting of. 512.4 Operation of, etc. 512 Plans for. 347.001 Eules for operation of. 512.01 Switching service. (For rates, etc., See 620.131.) 512.3 Track skates. 347.013 Yarn Rates, movement, etc. 622.013.1 Young Men's Christian Association. 011.32 Zinc for batteries for Company use Orders for, supply, etc. 027.223 for Company use. (See Metals Minor.) 024.6 Rates, movement, etc. 623.24 Zone rates. 601 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Fine schedule: 25 cents on first day overdue 50 cents on fourth day overdue One dollar on seventh day overdue. 116 1847 29 1947 CO LU S 00 03 cn ac.