THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE FAUNA OF BRITISH INDIA, CEYLON AND BURMA. PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY ot STATE FOR INDIA IN COUNCIL. EDITED BY A. E. SHIPLEY, Sc.l). Cantab., HON. D.Sc. Princeton, F.R.8. ASSISTED BY GTJY A. K. MARSHALL, F.Z.S., F.B.S. ORTHOPTERA. BY W, F. K I R B Y, F.L.S., F.E.S. LONDON: TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, BED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. CALCUTTA: THACKER, SPINK, & CO. BOMBAY : THACKER & CO., LIMITEP. BEELIN: E, FKIEDLANDEB & SOHN, 11 CARLSTRASSE. May, 19H. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RBD LION COURT, FLEKT STREET. 3D? Fa? PREFACE. AT the time of Mr. W. F. Kirby's lamented death the manuscript for the present volume was unfortunately not quite completed. Moreover, there still remained a consider- able amount of undetermined material upon which he was then at work and which doubtless comprised a number of species not enumerated in these pages. It was found impossible to arrange for the inclusion of this matter in the manuscript, and it was therefore decided to include only the species already dealt with by Mr. Kirby, merely adding those previously described species which might have been omitted and filling up various "lacunae." This task was kindly undertaken by Mr. Charles O, Waterhouse, late Assistant-Keeper of Zoology in the British Museum, and involved the compilation of keys to the genera in all the later subfamilies, as well as specific keys for numerous genera often a matter of no little difficulty. Mr. Waterhouse has further been good enough to assist in supervising the preparation of most of the illustrations and also in reading the proofs. Apart from the additions indicated and the correction of certain obvious errors, the text is essentially the work of Mr. Kirby, the portions for which Mr. Waterhouse is responsible being enclosed in square brackets. A. E. SHIPLEY. May, 1914. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Order OHTHOPTERA Page Fam. ACRIDIID^; 10 Subfain. 1. Acrydiincc 11 Group 1. Tripetalocerin i. 11 Tri petal ocera, Westw 12 1 . ferruginea, Westw 12 Birmana, Brunn 13 1. gracilis, Brunn 14 Group 2. Cladonotini .... 14 Fieberiana, Kirby 14 1. pachymerus, Fieb 15 Deltonotus, Hanc 15 1. subcucullatus, Kirby . . 15 2. gibbiceps, Bol 16 Cladonotus, Sauss 17 1. humbertianus, Sauss. . . 17 2. turrifer, Walk 18 3. latiramus, Hanc 19 Mnema, Kirby 19 1. pelops, Walk 20 Group 3. Scelimenini .... 20 Scelimena, Serv 21 1. producta, Serv 22 2. India, Hanc 23 3. harpago, Serv 23 4. gavialis, Sauss 24 5. logani, Hanc 25 6. uncinata, Serv 26 7. birmanica, Brunn 27 Abbasia, Kirby 27 1. subserrata, Kirby 28 Page Gavialidium, Sauss 28 1. crocodilus, Sauss 29 2. alligator, Sauss 29 Eugavialidiuai, Hanc 30 1. hastulatum, Kirby 30 Criotettix, Bol 31 1. spinilobus, Hanc 31 2. maculatus, Kirby 32 3. obscurus, Kirby 32 4. tricarinatus/.Bo/ 33 5. indicus, Bol 33 6. oculatus, Bol 34 7. exsertus, Bol 34 8. subulatus, Bol 35 9. vidali, Bol 35 Acanthalobus, Hanc 36 1. miliarius, Bol 37 2. bispinosus, Dalm 37 3. rufescens, Kirby 38 4. inornatus, Walk 39 5. cuneatus, Hanc 40 6. flavopictus, Bol 41 Loxilobus, Hanc 41 1. acutus, Hanc 42 2. hancocki, Kirby 42 3. assamus, Hanc 43 Group 4. Metrodorini .... 43 Systolederus, Bol 44 1. cinereus, Brunn 44 2. greeni, Bol 45 3. anoinalus, Hanc 46 Hancockia, Kirby 46 1. portentosa, Kirby 46 Apterotettix, Hanc 47 1. obtusus, Hanc 48 Eurymorphopus, Hanc 48 1. latilobus, Hanc 49 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Lamellitettix, Hanc 1. acutus, Hanc 50 Mazarredia, Bol 50 1. sculpta, Bol 51 2. convergeus, Brunn. . . . 3. insularis, Bol 4. cristulata, Bol 5. inaequalis, Brunn. . . . 6. lativertix, Brunn. . . . 7. insiguis, Kirby 8. lugubris, Kirby Xistra, Bol * 55 1. stylata, Hanc 2. dubia, Brunn Group 5. Acrydiini ... Euparatettix, Hanc 1. personatus, Bol. . . . 2. mterruptus, Brunn. . 3. scabripes, Sol 4. parvus, Hanc Paratettix, Sol 1. balteatus, Walk 2. scabs!-, Thunb 3. variabilis, Bol 4. dorsifer, Walk 63 5. cingalensis, Walk. 6. indicus, Bol 7. hirsutus, Brunn 65 8. semihirsutus, Brunn. . . Acrydium, Fubr 1. atypicale, Hanc 2. dilatatum, De Haan . . 3. bipunctatuui, Linn 4. quadriplagiatuin, Walk.. Ergatettix, Kirby 1. tarsalis, Kirby 70 Spadotettix, Hanc 1. fletcheri, Hanc 71 Hedotettix, Bol. 71 1. gracilis, De Haan .... 2. attenuatus, Hanc 3. lineifera, Walk Coptotettix, Bol 1. latifrons, Brunn 2. acuteterminatus, Brunn. 3. fossulatus, Bol 4. capitatus, Bol 76 5. testaceus, Bol 77 6. interruptus, Bol Group 6. Batrachidiini . . Saussurella, Bol 78 1. cucullifera, Walk. 2. decurva, Brunn. . . age 49 50 50 51 52 Subfam. 2. Eumastacince . Group 1. Xiphicerini . Xiphicera, Linn . Page . .. 80 ... 80 80 52 1. rugifrons, Waterh. . 81 52 53 54 2. fenestrata, Serv. . . . Phyllochoreia, Westw 1. uuicolor, Westiv . .. 81 ... 82 82 54 2. equa, Burr 83 55 55 56 3. asina, Burr Scirtotypus, Brunn 1. greeni, Burr .. 83 .. 84 84 56 Orchetypus, Brunn 84 57 57 58 59 59 60 60 61 1. rotundatus, Brunn. . 2. ceylouicus, Karsch . 3. subtruncatus, Brunn. Group 2. E r i a n t h i n i . . . Erianthus, Stal 1. affinis, Westw 2. bifidus, Kirby .. 85 . . 85 . . 85 .. 86 .. 86 .. 87 87 62 3 guttatus, Westw 88 62 63 63 64 65 66 66 4. lugubris, Brunn. . , . 5. defloratus, Brunn. . 6. acutipennis, Sauss. . 7. flavipes, Satiss 8. birmanicus, Sauss. . 9. humbertianus, Sauss. Bennia, Burr .. 89 .. 89 .. 89 .. 90 .. 90 .. 90 91 67 1. innotata, Walk. . . . .. 91 68 68 69 69 70 2. oberthuri, Sol Group 3. Gomphoniast c i n i . .. 92 a - 93 70 71 Gomphoinastax, Brunn. . . . 1. antennatus, Brunn. . .. 93 . . 93 72 73 73 2. constrictus, Brunn. . G roup 4 Eruciini .. 93 94 74 74 Mastacides, Burr . 94 75 76 76 77 78 78 ] . pupseformis, Burr . . 2. pterolepis, Burr . . . . 3. vaginalis, Sauss Subfam. 3. Tryxalince Acrida, StSl .. 94 . . 95 .. 95 . . 95 .. 97 78 98 79 2 gigantea, Hbst. .. 98 79 3. exaltata, Walk. . . 99 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page 4. lugubris, Burr 99 Acridella, Sol. 100 1. nasuta, Linn 100 Aswatthamanus, Kirby 101 1. cylindricus, Kirby .... 101 Phlseoba, St&l 102 1. antennata, Brunn 102 2. infumata, Brunn 103 3. angustidorsis, Bol 104 4. panteli, Bol 104 5. cinctalis, Kirby 105 Zygoplilajoba, Bol 105 1. sinuatocollis, Bol 106 2. truncaticollis, Bol 106 Phlseobida, Bol 107 1. angustipennis, Bol. 107 Paraphlaeoba, Bol 108 1. platyceps, Bol. 108 2. carinata, Bol 108 3. simoni, Bol. . j09 Ceracris, Walk . . . HO 1. nigricornis, Walk 110 2. versicolor, Brunn Ill 3. deflorata, Brunn 112 Mecostethus. Fieb 112 1. faseiatus, Brttnn 113 G/mnobothrus, Bol. 113 1 . indicus, Bol 113 2. simplex, Walk 114 Madurea, Bol 114 1. cephalotes, Bol. 11/5 Ochrilidia, Sf.Sl 115 1. longiceps, Bol llfi Dociostaurus, Fieb lift 1. apicalis, Walk 117 2. turbatus, Walk 118 3 mundus, Walk 119 4. epacromoides. Walk. . . 119 5. decisus, Walk 120 Stenobotbrus, Fisch ; . 120 1. luteipes, Walk 121 ^lolopus, Kirby 121 1 . tamulus. Fabr 122 2. affinis, Bnl 122 Aulacobotbrus, Bol. 1 23 1. strictus. Bol. 124 2. socius, Bol 124 3. infernus, Bol 124 4. treniatus. Bol 1 25 5. physopodp. Nav 125 6. rubripps, Nav 1 26 Stauroderus, Bol. 127 1. bicolor. Charp 127 Chorthbpus, Fieb 128 1, dorsatus, Zett 128 Page Subfam. 4. (Edipodina 128 Chlcebora, Sauss 130 1. grossa, Sauss 130 2. bramina, Sauss 131 3. crassa, Walk 131 Quiroguesia, Bol 132 1. blanchardiana, Sams. . . 133 Pternoscirta, Saitss 134 1. cinctifemur, Walk 134 2. caliginosa, De Haan . . 135 3. bimaculata, Thunb 136 Morphacris, Walk 137 1. citrina, Kirby 137 Lerina, Bol. 138 1. cedipodioides, Bol 138 Dittopternis, Sauss 139 1. ceylonica, Sauss 139 2. venusta, Walk. ...... 140 3. zebrata, Sauss. ^Q Heteropterni,, Stdl ...... ' 14-^ 1. respondens, Walk 141 2. partita, Walk 142 CEdaleus. Fieb 143 1. nigrofasciatus, Sauas. . . 143 2. senegalensis. Krauss . . 143 3. abrnptus, Thimb 144 Gastrimargus, Sauss 144 1. trans versus, Thunb 145 Locusta, Linn 145 1. migratoroides, R.&F.. 146 2. danica, Linn 146 Mecistopteryx, Satt*s 147 1. rotundata, Walk 148 TrilopMdia, StM 148 1. annulata. Thunb 149 2. turpis. Walk 149 3. cristella, Stal 150 Bryodema, Fieb 1.50 1. inda, Sauss 1/51 Acrotylus. Fieb 152 L inficita, Walk 152 2. humbertianus, Sauss. . . 153 Sphingonotus, Fieb 153 1. caerulans, Linn 154 2. rubescens, Walk 155 """ 3. savignyi, Sauss 155 4. indus.' Sauss 15fi 5. bengalensis, Sauss 156 6. long-ipennis. Sauss 156 7. balteatus. Serv 157 8. gigas, Kirby 158 Subfam. 5. Batrachotetrigina . . 158 Eremopeza, Sauss 158 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page 1. granulosa, Walk 159 2. brachycera, Kirby 159 Subfam. 6. Pyrgomorphitue . . . . 160 Chrotogonus, Serv 161 1. pallidus, Blanch 162 2. brevis, Bol 163 8. incertus, Bol 163 4. fuscescens, Kirby 163 5. robertsi, Kirby 164 6. concavus, Kirby 165 7. trachypterus, Blanch. . . 165 8. liaspis, Blanch 165 9. oxypterus, Blanch 166 10. saussurei, Bol. 166 11. brachypterus, Bol 167 12. sordidus, Kirby 167 Aularches, StSl 168 1. miliaris, Linn 168 2. punctatus, Drury .... 169 3. scabiosae, Fabr 170 Pcecilocerus, StSl 170 1. tessellatus, Bol 171 2. sp., Kirby 171 3. pictus, Fabr 172 4. punctiventris, Sere 173 5. ornatus, Burm 173 Chlorizeina, Brunn 174 1. unicolor, Brunn 174 Pyrgomorpha, Serv 174 1. conica, Oliv 175 2. brachycera, Kirby 175 3. bispinosa, Walk 176 Zarytes, Bol 177 1. squalina, Bol. 177 Anarchita, Bol 178 1. aptera, Bol 178 Tagasta, Bol 179 1. notata, Brunn 179 2. indica, Bol. 180 Atractomorpha, Sattxs 180 1. crenulata, Fabr 181 2. scabra, Thunb 182 3. psittacina, l)e Haan . . 182 4. bnrri.Bol 183 5. himalayica, Bol 183 6. blanchardi. Kirby 184 Orthacris, Bol 184 1. filiformis, Bol 18-5 2. maindroni, Bol 185 3. ruticornis, Bol 186 4. elegans,^/ 186 5. acuticeps, Bol 187 6. simulans, Bol. 188 Colemania, Bol 188 Page 1. sphenarioides, Bol 189 Trigonopteryx, Charp 189 1. punctata, Charp 190 Subfam. 7. Pamphagina 190 Aspidophyma, Bol 190 1. indica, Bol 190 Subfam. 8. Catantopintf Euthymia, St&l 1. kirbyi, Fin 2. finoti, Kirby 3. greeni, Kirby Oxya, Sern 1. velox, Fabr 2. vicina, Brunn 3. intricata, StSl Tarbaleus, Brunn 1. cingalensis, Kirby Caryanda, StSl 1. sanguineo - annulata, Brunn Hieroglyphus, Krauss 1. bilineatus, Kirby 2. bettoni, Kirby 3. banian, Fabr 4. con color, Walk 5. citrinolimbatus, Brunn. Racilia, StSl 1. aurora, Brunn Cercina, StSl 1. obtusa, StSl Castetria, Bol. 1. dispar, Bol Spathosternura, Karsch 1. prasiuiferum, Walk. . . 2. venulosum, Still Oxyrrhepes, StSl 1. exteiisa, Walk Leptacris, Walk 1. filiformis, Walk 2. maxima, Karny 3. greeni, Kirby Iscbnacrida, StSl 1 . fusca, Karny 2. convergent, Walk 3. tarsalis, Walk Pseudocarsula, Kirby 1. tenera, Brunn Xenippa, StSl 1. prasina, Bol Gtjlastorrhinus, Brunn 1. filatus, Walk 2. laticornis, Serv 3. semipictus, Walk 191 196 196 197 198 198 199 199 200 200 201 201 201 201 202 203 204 204 205 205 205 206 206 206 207 207 208 209 209 209 210 211 211 211 212 212 212 213 214 214 215 215 216 216 217 217 SYSTEMATIC IIsDEX. Page 4. albolineatus, Brunn. . . 218 5. selache, Burr 218 Lefroya, Kirby 219 1. acutipenuis, Kirby .... 219 Wacata, Kirby 219 1. ceylonica, Kirby 220 Mesambria, StSl 220 1. scabra, Walk 221 2. dubia, Walk 221 3. tarsalis, Walk 222 4. cinctifemur, Walk 222 5. geniculata, St&l 223 6. nepalensis, Walk 224 Orthacanthacris, Karsch 224 1. sjgyptia, Linn 225 2. flavescens, Fabr 225 3. succincta, Linn 227 4. nigricornis, Burm 228 5. vinosa, Walk 228 6. violascens, Walk 229 7. japonica, Bol 229 Cyrtacanthacris, Walk 230 1. rosea, DeG 231 2. ranacea, Moll 231 Schist ocerca, StSl 232 1. tatavica, Linn 232 Pelecinotus, Sol 233 1. brachypterus, Bol. 233 2. cristagalli, Bol 234 Teratodes, Brultt 234 1. monticollis, Gray .... 235 Bibracte, StSl 23o 1 . rugulosa, Bol 235 Bibractoides, Kirby 236 1. punctoria, Walk 236 Alectoroloplms, Brunn 236 1 . bimaculatus, Kirby .... 237 Apalacris, Walk 237 1. varicornis, Walk 238 Coptacra, StSl 238 1. ensifera, Bol 239 Coptacrella, Bol 239 1. martini, .Bo/ 240 Eucoptacrn, Bol. 240 1. pneinorsa, StSl 240 2. ceylonica, Kirby 241 Epistaurus, Bol 242 1. aberrans, Brunn 242 2. sinetyi, Bol. 242 Page Gerenia, StSl 243 1. dorsalis, Walk 243 2. pustulipennis, Walk. . . 244 3. intermedia, Brunn 244 4. abbreviate, Brunn 244 Traulia, StSl 244 1. dimidiata, De Haan . . 245 2. cackara, Kirby 245 Catantops, Schaum 246 1. opkthalmicus, Karny . . 247 2. angustulus, Bol 248 3. acuticercus, Bol 248 4. domiuans, Walk 248 0. consobrinus, Karny. . . . 249 6. splendens, Thb 250 7. kumilis, Sern 250 8. interruptus, Bol 251 9. indicus, Bol. 251 10. karnyi, Kirby 251 11. pinguis, StSl 252 12. pulchellus, Walk 252 13. erubescens, Walk 253 Stenocrobylus, Gerst 254 1. feiiioratus, Bol. 254 Navasia, Kirby 255 1. insularis, Kirby 255 Bracbyxenia, Kirby 256 1. scutifera, Watts 256 Kripa, Kirby 257 1. undulata, Kirby 257 Caloptenopsis, Bol 258 1. insignis, Walk 258 2. glaucopis, Walk 259 3. liturifer, Walk 259 4. punctata, Kirby 260 Peripolus, Mart 261 1. pedaritis, StSl 261 Heteracris, Walk 262 1. robu8ta,/Sfer 262 2. illustris, Walk 263 3. capensis, Thb 263 4. elegans, Walk 264 Tylotropidius, StSl 626 1. varicomis, Walk 255 Paraeuprepocnemis, Brunn. . . 266 1. pictipes, Bol 266 Euprepocnemis, StSl 267 1. alacris, Serv 267 2. pnlckra, Bol 268 ORTHOPTERA. THE Orthoptera are insects of moderate or large size, undergoing- an imperfect metamorphosis, the larva and pupa being of the same form as the perfect insect, and the pupa (or nymph, as it is often called) being active, and generally differing from the larva in the possession of rudimentary wings.* Fig. 1. (A) Nymph of Locusta danica, L.: a, costa of wing ; (B) adult Hieroglyphus : b, costa of front wing. The Orthoptera are always provided with strong mandibles, and are almost exclusively vegetable feeders, except the MANTID.E and many PHASGONUUID^, The front pair of wings are called tegmina, or by some authors elytra, and are nearly always of a parchment-like texture (rarely horny, as in the majority of Coleoptera), while the hind wings are membranous. They are most nearly allied to the typical Neuroptera of Linnaeus (the Dragonflies), the Odonata of Fabriciua, which some authors have * [These nymph forms can be distinguished from semi-apterous adults by the wings being inverted, i.e., the costa is uppermost,] 2 INTBODUCTION. proposed to include in the Orthoptera under the title of Pseudo- neuroptera ; the Dragonflies, however, have four membranous wings, generally resembling each other closely, and covered by a network of veins. There are a few small groups of insects which are sometimes included in the Orthoptera, which are now more usually regarded as aberrant Neuroptera, or else as independent Orders. These are the Thysanoptera, Aiioplura, Mallophaga, Thysanura, and Collembola. The Orthoptera proper are divided into seven principal families, of which the first four have the hind legs fitted for walking. They comprise the FOEFICULID^E or Earwigs, the BLATTID^E or Cock- roaches, the MAKiiDvE or Praying Insects, and the PHASMiDyE or Stick Insects (sometimes called Spectre Insects). The Leaping Orthoptera have the hind legs strongly developed, and the hind femora much thickened ; they comprise the GRYL- LLD;E or Crickets, the PHASGO^ URIM: or Long-horned Grasshoppers (often improperly called LOCUSTIDJE), and the ACRIDIIDJE, the Short-horned Grasshoppers or Locusts. The last family, the one with which alone we are here concerned, may generally be recognized at a glance by the short antenna? and the 3-jointed tarsi. General Observations. The Order Orthoptera is the least numerous of the great Orders of Insects, with the possible exception of the Neuroptera, and is very poorly represented in England. In the Indian Region the species are far more numerous, and sometimes occur in devastating swarms, especially in the north-western regions, which are exposed to the attacks of various species of Migratory Locusts. [Some species are only found in woods, others only in open grass land, and some prefer very rough ground. They deposit their eggs in the ground in masses, covered with a glutinous secretion. A detailed account of the migratory species and their allies, by Mr. H. Maxwell Lefroy, will be found in the ' Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in India, 1906, Entomological Series,' vol. i, No. 1, with numerous illustrations. The species referred to are : Aci'idium peregrinum, Ol. (ScJiistocerca tatarica, L., of this work), the North-West migratory locust. Acridium succinctum, L. (Orthacanthacris of this work), the Bombay locust. Acridium ceruc/inosum, Burm. (Cyrtacanthacris ranacea, Stoll, of this work). Acridium melanocorne, Serv. (Orthacanthacris niyricornis, Burm., of this work). Poecilocera picta, F. Demodocus robustus, Serv. (Heteracris of this work). Hieroylyphus furcifer, Serv. (H. banian, F., of this work). STBUCTUEE. These are species of large or moderate size, but many of the smaller kinds sometimes occur in large numbers and do great harm to crops and vegetation ; some preferring particular food- plants, whilst others are almost omnivorous.] Structure. In the ACEIDIID^E the head is usually short and broad. The compound eyes are placed one on each side, arid sometimes approximate very closely above. More frequently they are separated by a space as great or greater than their diameter ; and they are sometimes raised above the level of the rest of the Face of Locusta. Head of Atractomorj)ha.] Fig. 2. (A) Face of Locusta : a, eye, b, b, ocelli, c, frontal ridge, d, d, lateral carinae, e, e, tempora, or foveolce, f, clypeus, ff, labruin ; (B) head of Atractomorphus: h, fastigiutn, i, i, foveolae. head. The head is usually horizontal, but is occasionally obliquely raised. The extremity curves into the face, or is separated from it by a transverse carina ; not unfrequently it is more or less produced between and beyond the antennae, and this prolongation is called the fastigium. [The extreme apex of the fastigium is sometimes called the scutellum of vertex.^ The antennae are generally placed between or below the eyes. There are usually three ocelli, or simple eyes, the lateral ones u2 placed between the eyes and the antennae, and the middle one on the frontal ridge. The frontal ridge is the central part of the face. It is generally raised, and bounded by a carina on each side. These carina? often curve outwards above each eye, and below the antennae they may either run parallel as far as the extremity of the lower part of the face (the clypeus) or they may become obsolete below the level of the antennae, or may diverge, leaving a more or less triangular space. The middle of the frontal ridge is often more or less thickly punctured, and is often deeply grooved; sometimes, however, it is flattened throughout, with the carinae scarcely marked. Under each eye there is frequently another straight or oblique carina, the lateral carina. [On each side, above the antennal socket and between the eye and the fastigium, there is a space, generally more or less tri- angular, called the tempora, lateral fovece or foreclos.] Fig. 3. Mouth part* ot Locust a : (A) labrum ; (B) mandible ; (C) maxilla ; (D) labiuiii : a, galea, b, lacinia, d, paraglossa. The mandibles are strong, pointed or bifid at the extremity, occasionally with a tooth, or several teeth, on the inner edge. [The maxillce have a fleshy galea, which more or less wraps round the lacinia ; this latter is curved and bifid, or may have three teeth at the apex. ThepaZpi are of moderate length, with five joints. The labium, which in the MANTID^E is extremely primitive and shows the maxilla-like structure most distinctly, is much modified in the ACRIDIHXS;, the paraylossce being greatly developed and the ligula much reduced. The intermediate form is seen in Agroecia, one of the PHASGONOIUJXE. The labial palpi are simple, and three- jointed. The labrum is leathery in texture and to a considerable extent shuts in the mouth parts.] STRUCTURE. [For comparison figures of the labiuin of a Mantis (Hieroduld) and of a Phasgonurid (Agrcecia) are here given.] Fig. 4. (A) Labiura of Hierodula ; (B) labium of Agnxcia. The antennae are comparatively short, with not more than twenty-four joints. The first joint, or scape, is generally stouter and longer than the second, which is often more or less globular, and is sometimes called the ring-joint. The remaining joints form the flagellum ; they are sometimes long Fig. 5. Antennae of (A) Locusta, (B) Gomphocerus, (C) Acrida. and uniformly cylindrical ; sometimes the flagellum is much thickened towards the base and tapers more or less towards the extremity ; and more rarely the joints of the flagellum are tiattened ; or some of the terminal joints are expanded or even form a club. The prouotum is generally as broad as the head, and its front edge slightly overlaps it. It is usually truncated or rounded behind, but is sometimes continued into a long process posteriorly, especially in the ACRYDIINJE, in which it frequently extends not only beyond the abdomen, but even covers the whole of the wings. The pronotuni above is sometimes flattened, in which case there is generally a central carina and two lateral carina?. En other cases the prouotum is cylindrical and arched above, when the IM'EODUCT I ON. lateral and sometimes the central carina are absent. Occasionally the central carina is raised into a ridge, or humped, and spines project from the front angles, or from the sides. On the upper surface of the pronotum we frequently meet with three or four transverse depressions or grooves, the position and extent of Fig. 6. Side view of the pronotnm of Criotettix : a, pronotum, l>, tegmen, c, costa of wing. which is of some importance in classification ; as is also the shape of the deflexed lobes on the sides of the pronotum. [When there is a central carina it is sometimes complete, sometimes it is cut by one of the transverse grooves, and in some cases by two of the grooves]. Behind the pronotum we find the mesonotum and metanotum, followed by the nine segments of the abdomen. The first segment Fig. 7. Side view of pronotum of: (A) Gastrimargus, with central carina cut by one groove ; (B) Bryodema, cut by two grooves. bears a curious structure on each side which is regarded as an organ of hearing. [It consists of a cavity covered by a transparent membrane, filled with liquid, and is connected with a nerve ' Fig. 8. Side view of the base of the abdomen of Scltistocerca, showing : a, the auditory organ. originating in the third thoracic ganglion.] Each segment, except the ninth, is provided with a spiracle on each side. There STRUCTURE. t is frequently a central carina, and sometimes a row of teeth on the upper surface. In the male the 9th ventral segment forms a structure called the subgenital lamina which is often bifid. There are also two terminal appendages called cerci. In the female the last segment bears two upper and two lower lamellae, or valves, which are often dentate, and differ considerably in size and shape. A Fig. 9. Genitalia of Schistocerca : (A) tf , a > supra-anal lamina, b, subgenital lamina, c, c, cerci ; (B) $ , a, supra-anal lamina, b, lower lamellae, c, c, cerci, d, d, upper lamellae. [Characters of importance for purposes of classification are found in the sterna. The prosternum may be simple or provided with a Fig. 10. Meso- and meta-sternum of (A) Hieroglyphus and (B) Lcptacris : a, a, mesosternal lobes. strong spine or tubercle which varies much in form. The uieso- steruuin and metasternum have on each side of the posterior margin, lobes, the shape and extent of which are of importance.] INTRODUCTION. The legs consist of five distinct sections, known as the coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia and tarsus. The front and middle legs Fig. 11. Front leg of Cyrtacantltacris: a, coxa, b, trochanter, c, femur, d, tibia, e, tarsus. are generally much shorter than the hind legs, and much less . -g strongly developed, though their femora are not unfrequently more or less widened or flattened, and are sometimes toothed or spined. The hind femora are generally much thickened at the base, enabling the insect to leap. The tibia3 and tarsi are also some- limes thickened and lamellated, but more rarely. The hind tibiae have nearly always a double row of spines on the upper surface, and two or more spines at the ex- tremity, called calcaria or spurs. In the AeRiuiiDjE the tarsi are three-jointed, and the first joint is generally the longest, and is fre- quently provided with three pads, called pwvilli, on the under surface, -c 'a*' ~ ^ ne ^ as * ii nt terminates in two $JF claws, between which is a pad called /7* A .1 the arolium (wanting in the ACRYDIIN.E), a word of which I have been unable to discover the origin. Fig. 12. (A) Hind tibia and tarsus of Leptacris ; a, tibia, b, outer apical spine, which is absent in many genera, c, c, calcaria ; (B) upper side of tarsus of Locusta, ehowirg the three joints, and d, the arolium ; (C) under side of same, showing three pulvilli on basal joint and one on second. The teymina of the ACRIDIIDJE are generally comparatively long and narrow, of a parchment-like consistency, and are not folded. STRUCTURE. [Many species have them much abbreviated, in which case they are most commonly oval or elliptical ; and in some cases they are J i hk * Fig. 13. Tegmen of Schistocerca : a, mediastinal vein; b, scapular (humeral, or anterior radial) ; c, middle radial (or discoidal) ; d, branch of radial; e, posterior radial (or median); g, intercalate ; A, anterior ulnar ; i, branch of ulnar ; j, posterior ulnar ; k, anal (or dmdens) ; /, axillary (or plicata). 1, mediastinal area ; 2, scapular (or humeral) area ; 3, 4, anterior and posterior intercalate spaces (discoidal of Brunner) ; 3+4, median of Saussure ; 5, ulnar area ; 6, 7, anterior and posterior axillary areas (Saussure) ; 7, anal area (Brunner). absent.] They are usually more or less opaque, especially towards the base. The wings usually almost equal the tegmina in length, but are much broader and are longitudinally folded. In most cases they are hyaline or glassy, with darker nervures, but are sometimes Fig. 14 "Wing of Schistocerca. The lettering as in figure 13. stained with red or yellow, or more rarely with blue or green. The neuration will be better understood from the diagram than from description. 10 SUBFAMILIES OF ACRIDIID^. In Brunner von Wattenvvyl's 'Eevision of the Orthoptera,' published at Geneva in 1893, he admits nine subfamilies of the present group. Of these, the second and fourth (PNEi'iiOEiN^E and PBOSCOPJNJE) are exclusively confined to South Africa and to Tropical America respectively ; while the eighth, the PAMPHAGHTJK, is not yet recorded from India, though it is probable that some representatives may occur in the northern or north-western portions. The other subfamilies are all more or less fully represented. Table of Subfamilies of Indian 1 (2) Claws of the tarsi not provided with an arolium or intermediate pad ; pro- notum always produced backwards over the abdomen ACRYPIIN^E, p. 1 1 . 2 (1) Claws of the tarsi provided with an arolium ; pronotum rarely produced over the abdomen. 3 (4) Antennae shorter than the front femora. EUMASTACIKJE, p. 80. 4 (3) Antennae longer than the front femora. 5 (10) Prostemum unarmed. 6 (7) Fastigium of the vertex horizontally produced, or sloping beneath, and forming an angle with the frontal ridge TRYXALIX^E, p. 95. 7 (6) Fastigium of the vertex rounded towards the fixmt, which is nearly vertical. 8 (9) Frontal costa obtuse ; posterior tibiw with no external apical spine ; second abdominal segment smooth CEoiPODiN-iE, p. 128. 9 (8) Frontal costa compressed and sulcate ; posterior tibiae with an apical spine on outer margin ; second abdominal [p. 158. segment granulated BATKACHOTETRIGIN.*:, 10 (o) Prosternum raised and laminated in front, swollen, spined or hooked. 11 (12) Foveolse of the vertex contiguous, superior, and forming the extremity of the fastigium ; front never [p. 160. sloping PYKGOMORPHIN.S:, 12 (11) Foveolae of the vertex varying in position, but never forming the tip of the fastigium, and often obsolete. 13 (14) Foveoke superior, open behind ; prosternum strumose, but rarely spined PAMPHAGINJE, p. 190. 14 (13) Foveolae lateral or inferior, closed behind, or obsolete: prosternum dis- [p. 191. tinctly spined or tuberculate CATANTOPINJE, 11 Subfamily I. ACRYDIIN^. These insects are amongst the smallest species of the LOCUSTIDJK, and are called Grouse-Locusts in America. They are very numerous in meadows and swampy places and many of the species may almost be regarded as subaquatic. Till recently they have been somewhat neglected by entomologists, but Professor J . L. Hancock, of Chicago, has made a speciality of the subfamily, on which he has published an important series of works, especially in Wytsman's " Genera Insectorum " (family ACRIDIIDJE, sub- family TETRIGINJE), in which he divides the subfamily into nine sections, six of which are represented in the Indian Fauna. Key to the Groups o 1 (2) Antennae much flattened, except at base and apex Tripetalocerini, p. 11. 2 (1) Antenna? filiform. 3 (10) Anterior femora compressed, carinate above. 4 (5) Frontal costa forked between the ocelli, the rami strongly divergent, forming a frontal scuteflum Cladonotini, p. 14. 5 (4) Frontal costa furcillate, but the rami diverging only a little or moderately in front, or parallel, very frequently separated only in a slight degree by a sulcus. 6 (7) Posterior angles of lateral lobes spined; first joint of hind tarsi generally longer than the third Scelimcnini, p. 20. 7 (6) Posterior angles of lateral lobes rarely spined ; first joint of hind tarsi not longer than the third. 8 (9) Posterior angles of lateral lobes slightly produced, obliquely truncate, rarely spined ; first and third joints of hind tarsi nearly equal in length Metrodorini, p. 43. 9 (8) Posterior angles of lateral lobes de- pr-essed, more or less rounded ; third joint of hind tarsi shorter than the first Acrydiini, p. 57. 10 (3) Anterior femora sulcated above Batrachidiini, p. 78. Group I. TRIPETALOCEEINI. Key to the Genera. 1 (2) Front bifid ; tegmina and wings rudimentary ' TRIPETALOCERA, Westw., p. 12. 2 (1) Front acuminate ; tegmina and wings obsolete BIRMAXA, Brunn., p. 13. 12 Genus TRIPETALOCERA. Tripetalocera, Westwood, Vigors' Zoolog. Journ. v, 1834, p. 444 ; Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 190, 190, 310; Hancock, Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetriginse, 1906, p. 4 ; Kirby. Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, p. 1. TYPE, Tmpetdlocera ferruginea, Westw. Range. Oriental Begion. Form long, rather narrow, tapering. Head with a strong bifid projection between the eyes ; eyes very large and prominent. Antennae half as long as the body, 8-jointed, the basal joint short, the second shorter, moniliforin, the rest (except the minute terminal joints) considerably longer than broad, but all broad and flattened and usually broadest at the extremity ; terminal joints very short, filiform. Pronotum covering the whole body, the lateral lobes strongly spined, the upper surface very rugose, with a strong triangular hump before the middle, and a lateral spine between the front and middle legs. All the femora flattened, with triangular teeth on the carina? above and below. Tegrnina (when visible) small, oval. Upper valves of ovipositor dentated above. 1. Tripetalocera ferruginea, Westw. Tripetalocera ferruginea, Westwood, Zool. Journ. v, 1834, p. 444, pi. xxii, tig". 3. Dark ferruginous brown, with a bifid projection between the autennte, which are placed hardly below the level of the prominent eyes, and are 11-jointed. The first two joints are short and broader than the 3rd, which is moniliforin, smooth, Fig. 15. Tripetalocera Jcrruginea. and shining; the 4th and 5th are short, widened at the ex- tremity ; the 6th to the 10th are longer than broad, triquetral, and expanded at the extremities, except the 10th, which is more oval; from it projects the minute joint 11, which is apparently broken off, and perhaps consists of two or three closely-approxf- mating joints. Body very rugose, a strong triangular denticulated hump a little before the middle, and a strong pointed tooth on TRIPETALOCERA. 13 each side between the first two pairs of legs. Legs short and thick, all the femora nodulose. Length 15 mm. MADRAS: Travancore. Type in the Oxford Museum. The type appears to be the only specimen known from India. All other ostensible descriptions are taken from Burmese ex- amples. The British Museum possesses specimens of this genus Fig. 16. Tripetalocera ferruginea. from Penang and Borneo, which present differences in the pro- portions of the antennae, and in the protuberances on the body. I believe them to be distinct species, but the material before me is insufficient to deal with at present. De Haan and Bolivar have described and figured species as ferruginea from Borneo, but 1 doubt if they have figured the same species as "Westwood's. Genus BIRMANA. Birmana, Brunner, Ann. Mus. Genova, xxxiii, 1893, p. 113; Han- cock, Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, p. 4 ; Kirby, Cat, Orth. iii, 1910, p. 1. TYPE, Birmana gracilis, Brunn. Range. Burma. Form long, oval. Head prominent, vertex pointed; antennae inserted before the eyes, "8-jointed, all the joints except the 14 ACKYDIIX.D. basal (terminal ?) ones, smooth, triquetral " (the figure shows eight broad joints the basal one may be concealed and a terminal tiagellum of three small slender joints). Pronotum narrow, not extending to the extremity of the abdomen, viewed from the side subrotund, marginal cariuae parallel in front, lateral lobss appressed, apical process emarginate, with the margin broadly deflexed. Tegmina and wings absent. Front and middle femora compressed ; hind femora rather short, much dilated, with the upper carina projecting in a tooth at the extremity ; front tibise compressed, sulcated ; hind tibia? denticulated ; hind tarsi with the first and third joints of equal length. L. Birmana gracilis, Brunn. Birmana gracilis } Brunner, Ann. Mus. Genova, xxxiii, 1893, p. 114, pi. v, fig. 47. Colour uniform cinereous (male only described). Length 7'5 mm. ; pronotum, 4'5 mm. ; hind femora, 3-5 mm. BURMA : Bharao. Type in the Genoa Museum. Group II. OLADOBOTINL Key to the Genera. \ (4) Pronotum compressed, foliaceous. 2 (3) Tegmina small, triangular FIKBEUIAXA, n. n., p. 14. 3 (2) Tegmina and wings absent DELTONOTUS, Hanc,, p. 15. 4 (1) Pronotum not compressed. o (6) Pronotum with a foliaceous process curving forward over the head . . CLADONOTUS, Sauss., p. 17. '(5) Pronotum almost flat MNEMA, g. n., p. 19. Genus FIEBERIANA, n. n. Playiocephalus, Fieber (nee Macq.), Abh. kb'nigl.-biihni. Ges. Wiss. (5) iii, 1845, p. 407. TYPE, Plagioceplialas pachymerus, Fieb. Range. North India (?) Head short, broad, very slightly narrower above than below ; anteniife distant from the eyes, placed at the lower end of the forked frontal carina near the ocellus. Pronotum high, arched, cultrate, tectiform, wrinkled, as long as the abdomen. Hind femora very large and broad, suddenly contracted at the knee ; middle, legs with lamellated, notched carinae. Thorax arched. (Fieber.) This genus appears to be most nearly related to Piezotetliv, Bd., species of which occur in Borneo and the Philippines, as well as in West Africa, New Guinea, etc.; but differs from it in the possession of rudimentary tegulos. FIEBEKIAXA. JJELTOXOTUS. 1.5 3. Fieberiana pachymerus, Fieb. Playiocephalus pachymerus, Fieber, Abli. konigl.-bohm. Ges. Wiss. (5) iii, 1845, p. 407. Piezotettix pachymerus, Kirby, Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, p. 7. Pronotum with a high arch, laterally tectiform, wrinkled, and finely granulated ; front lateral margin waved, front angle rounded, hinder angle short, lamellated ; sides of the truncated process broad, lamellated, narrowed from front to back. Upper carina of hind femora before and at the knee twice " abgesetzt " (emarginate ?). Tegmina small, triangular, in the concavity of the hinder angle of the pronotum. (Fieber.) Size not stated. INDIA (Heifer). Genus DELTONOTUS. Deltonotus, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 107, 111 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 9, 14. Pcecilotettiv, Bolivar (nee Scudder), Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 580. TYPE. Deltonotus tectiformis, Hanc. Eanye. India, Ceylon. Finely granulated, but not rugose. Head broad, wider below than above, vertex carinated, the branches diverging on the face ; antennae very slender, 12-jointed, widely separated, slightly below the level of the lower margin of the eyes ; eyes large, sessile. Pronotum strongly compressed and carinate above, pointed before and behind, projecting above the head, and about as long as the abdomen behind. Tegmina and wings absent. Hind femora about twice as long as broad, and extending for fully one-third of their length beyond the extremity of the pronotum ; hind tibiae with four or five spines on the back, and with two terminal spines on each side ; first joint of the hind tarsi longer than the second and third together. Key to the Species. 1 (2) No black lateral spot on pronotum . . subcucullatiis, Walk., p. 15. 2 (1) A distinct black spot on each side of pronotum yibbiceps, Bol., p. 16. 4. Deltonotus subcucnllatus, Walk. Tettix subcucuUatus, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, ettc Darker or lighter ferruginous brown ; pronotum, except the carina, darker than the rest of the body. Pronotum thickly 16 ACRYDITNJE. reticulate-punctate, sometimes with obsolete linear markings. Hind femora strongly notched above before the extremity. Valves of ovipositor hairy, dentated, with the tip pointed, and slightly curved. Length 9 mm. CEYLON: (2 J empleton\ Pundaluoya (Green). Types ( 3 , $ ) in the British Museum ; those of D. tectiformis in Prof. Hancock's collection at Chicago. Prof. Hancock states that some of the specimens from Punda- luoya and others from Tantune have the pronotum less produced Fig. 17. Deltonotus subcucullatus. anteriorly. He is in doubt whether to regard them as larval forms, or as a distinct species, for which he suggests the pro- visional name of D. cristatus (Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1907, p. 216). Mr. Green's specimens were taken among fallen leaves. 5. Deltonotus gibbiceps, Bol. Pcecilotettix yibbiceps, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 580. Deltonotus gibbiceps, Hancock, Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1900, p. 14 ; Kirby, Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, p. 7. Ochraceous-bi-own, granulate-rugose. Vertex (viewed from above) obtusely produced before the eyes, carinated in the middle and on the sides ; seen from the side distinctly ascending, with the carina somewhat compressed ; frontal scutellum nearly twice as long as broad. Pronotum acutely tectiform, in front obtusely angulated, behind truncated, middle carina straight, somewhat sloping towards the front margin, with lateral carina slightly indicated in front, with a long wrinkle simulating a carina near the shoulder, next to the lateral carina ; the back with a velvety black spot on each side near the middle ; the deflexed lobes beyond the hinder angle slightly produced, forming a rectangular lobe truncated behind. Front femora with undulating carina, banded with brown ; hind femora with the upper carina minutely granulated, acutely sinuated before the apex ; hind tibiae with the upper margins minutely serrulated and spined, ringed with brown ; CLADONOTUS. 17 first joint of the tarsi with three pulvilli of equal length. Abdo- men varied with brown. J . Length 9 mm. ; prouotum, 5-5 mm. ; hind femur, 5 mm. 2 . Length 10 mm. ; pronotum, 6-5 mm. ; hind femur, 5-5 mm. MADRAS : Madura (Decoly}. Types in the collections of Pantel and Bolivar, in Madrid. Genus CLADONOTUS. Cladonotus, Saussure, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (4) i, 1861, p. 478 ; Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 184, 192, 208; Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 107, 112 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 10, 11; Kirby, Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, p. 9. TYPE, Cladonotus Jiumbertianus, Sauss. Range. The Oriental Kegion ; New Guinea. Body moderately long and broad, set with spiniform tubercles. Face slightly oblique; antennae very slender, wider apart than the distance from them to the eyes ; frontal scutellum concave, the rami subcornpressed, and slightly raised, simple or dentated ; vertex nearly twice as broad as the eyes, subtruncated, with a small tooth on each side. Pronotum very rugose, covering the occiput, with a high compressed dentated process on the back, directed forwards ; truncated and emarginate behind. Tegmina and wings absent. Hind femora dentated and often sublamel- lated ; hind tibiae long and slender, with numerous small spines ; first and third joints of hind tarsi of nearly equal length. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Pronotal process curved forward . . humbertianus, Sauss., p. 17. 2 (1) Pronotal process straight. 3 (4) Pronotal process expanded at extremity latiramus, Hanc., p. 19. 4 (3) Pronotal process not widened at extremity turrifer, Walk., p. 18. 6. Cladonotus humbertianus, Sauss. Cladonotus humbertianus, Saussure, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (4) i r 1861, p. 478 : Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belp. xxxi, 1887, pp. 184, 192, 209 ; Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 107, 113 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 10, 16 ; Kirby, Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, p. 9. Dark brown or blackish, eyes very prominent, wide apart, vertex carinated above the frontal ocellus ; below, diverging rami on the clypeus, just beyond which the slender antennae are inserted on each side ; labrum again with one central cariua. Pronotum with a lower process, dentated above, projecting over the vertex ; behind this is a large flattened process, curving forward over the head and trifid at the extremity, with several teeth on the converging upper carinae ; lateral angles projecting c 18 ACRYDIINJE. in a triangular tooth, with a small tooth behind it; thorax and abdomen above granulated, carinated in the middle and on the Fig. 18. Cladonotus humbertianus. sides ; extremity of abdomen concave. Femora with large lobate teeth ; tibiae with 5 short spines above on each of the upper carinse, and a pair of terminal spines on each side. c? . The type figured by Bolivar has the process of the pro- notum longer and more slender than in the female above described. Length 8-9 mm. ; breadth, 3 mm. ; dorsal appendage, 3-4 mm. CEYLON : Peradeniya, Trincomali (Humbert, Green). Type in the collection of the late cle Saussure. Saussure states that this insect is found in sandy places and in meadows, and on paths ; also that the spines, tubercles and appendages vary considerably in form and size. 7. Cladonotus turrifer, Walk. Cladonotus turrifer, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, p. 843 ; Kirby, Cat. Orih. iii, 1910. p. 9. Dark brown, more strongly granulated and dentated than the last species, which it considerably resembles. The appendage of Fig. 19. Cladonotus turrifer. the pronotum is directed obliquely forward, and is nearly straight CLADOXOTUB. MNEMA. 19 above, though serrated and dentated; beneatli it throws off a strong pointed projection, directed downwards over the vertex, and deutated above ; the extremity of the upper appendage is not furcate, as in O. hutiibertianus, but is irregularly toothed and somewhat excavated beneath, between the extremity and the lower branch. The lateral abdominal carinae are strongly toothed and serrulated. The tibia? and tarsi are black, banded with yellow ; hind tarsi with 4 or 5 small spines on che upper carinae, and serrulated nearer the base. Length 8 mm. CEYLON (Roberts). Type in the British Museum. 8. Cladonotus latiramus, Hanc. Cladonotus latiramus, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 107, 113, 114, pi. i, fiinrz. 5 (2) Hind femora strongly spined be- neath. 6 (9) Lateral lobes of pronotum with only one spine. 7 (8) Spine nearly straight ; lamellae of hind tibiae and tirst joint of hind tarsi very wide, subhyaline ...... 8 (7) Spine distinctly curved forwards : la Jiarpago, Serr v p. 23. mellae of hind tibiae and first joint of hind tarsi narrower, more gradually formed, and only sub- hyaline at edges ........ .* ..... yavialis, Sauss., p. 24. 9 (6) Lateral lobes of pronotum with two spines, curving forwards ........ logani, Hanc., p. 25. 10 (1) Abdomen scarcely produced beyond the extended hind femora ; pro- notum shorter ................ tmcinata, Serv., p. 26. 11 Species iucertse feedis ............ btrmanica, Brunu., p. 27. 10. Scelimena producta, Serv. Tetrix producta, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 762. Acridium (Tetri.r) productum (a), De Ilaan, Temminck, Verhandl., Orth. p. 168. Scelymena producta, Saussure, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (4) i, 1861, p. 484. Scelimena prodncta, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Bete, xxxi, 1887, p. 216; Brunner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 103. Scelymena extensa, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, p. 841. Brown, the front lateral borders of the pronotum narrowly yellowish. Pronotum slender, very long and tapering, with dorsal and lateral carina?, the latter somewhat indistinct in front ; the front angle with a strong yellowish tooth, and a much longer lateral one, curved for- wards, halfway between them is a well- marked notch ; on the sides of the median carina are one or two slight elevations ; the extremity is obliquely rounded, not indent- ated, as in S. Jiarpago, f/avlalis and loc/ani. Tegmina oval, narrow, rather pointed. Wings ample, much longer than broad, with the costa brown, and the hind margin crenulated, hyaline, with greenish and violet iridescence. Front femora rather uneven above ; hind tibioe and first joint of tarsi with moderately broad laminae. LengtJi, to end of pronotum, 28-30 mm. ; to end of abdomen, 15-16 mm. ; breadth of pronotum from spine to spine, 8-9 mm. ; length of tegmen, 3 mm. ; hind femur, 8 mm. ; expanse of wings, 45-48 mm. ; breadth 13 mm. MADRAS : Trivandrum ; BURMA : Karen Hills, 3000-3700 ft., Dawna Hills, 2000-3000 feet ; JATA ; BORXEO : Sandakan. Fig. 22. Scelimena product a. SCELIMENA. 23- Type in the Paris Museum ; that of S. extensa in the British Museum. Described from Javan specimens. Brunner von "Wattenwyl states that Burmese specimens are rather larger than othera. 11. Scelimena India, Hanc. Scelimena india, Hancock, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1907, p. 219. " Eesembling S. producta, but slightly stouter in stature. Body fuscous, pale variegated, the carinae of dorsum navo-maculate, the tibiae with pale annuli. Vertex subequal in width to one of the eyes, the frontal carinaa on each side little compressed and sub- acute. Pronotum anteriorly somewhat subangulate, posteriorly extended beyond the knees of the hind femora as far as the tibial apices, but not so lengthily attenuate as in producta ; dorsum conspersed with granules, depressed and uneven, between the sulci forwards subfossulate on each side, between the shoulders bearing subclavated longitudinal costate protuberances, humeral angles unarmed, behind the shoulders bifossulate, and presenting a pair of rounded sub-elevated nodules ; again another pair, which are indistinct and somewhat fused together, appear posteriorly opposite the middle of the hind femora ; posterior process stout at the base and acuminate towards the apex ; median carina rather incrassate, unevenly undulate anteriorly at the margin, little protuberant and subtuberculate ; lateral lobes at the anterior margin armed with small tubercles, the posterior margin little laminate outwards, and armed with a distinct acute spine on each side, directed transversely but little curved forward. The posterior femoral margins entire, the posterior tibiae armed with minute denticles, the margins dilated towards the apices ; the first article of the posterior tarsi dilated, but not so widely as in productus. Length of body entire, male, 19*5 mm. ; pronotum, 18 mm. ; posterior femora, 7 mm." ASSAM : Cherrapunji. Type in the Oxford Museum. S. producta, Serv. (=extensa, Walk.) from Java and Borneo (Sandakan), with which this species is compared, is a much more slender and tapering species than any of the following. 12. Scelimena harpago, Serv. Tetrix Jiarpago, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 763 ; Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 216, 217, pi. iv, fig. 13. Dull brownish black, thickly granulated, and with a pale yellowish tomentum. Eyes large, prominent, separated by less than half their diameter ; between them runs a double carina, as described in the characters of the genus. Antennas black, with white incisions ; placed considerably below and in front of the level of the eyes. Pronotum broader than the head, with the front lateral angles obtusely rounded ; hinder angles with a very 24 ACBYDIINJE. strong nearly straight yellow spine : the median and lateral carinae often spotted with yellow ; two short subsidiary carinae. one on each side of the median carina, at the base of the pronotum ; behind the level of the lateral spine the pronotuin is raised, and there are four strong protuberances on each side, two smaller ones near together just behind the level of the spine ; and two larger ones before the middle ; the pronotum then tapers to the extremity, which is slightly indented ; it extends to about one-fourth of its length beyond the abdomen. Front legs black, tibiae and tarsi spotted with yellow ; front femora with two slightly marked teeth above and below, the latter yel- low ; middle legs black, femora scarcely toothed above, but with two strong yellow teeth below ; tibiae and tarsi spotted with yel- low ; hind femora with a varying number of large and small yellow teeth beneath; hind tibiae with a wide yellowish hyaline lateral membrane, except at the base; Fig. 23.- Scelimena harpacfo. nrst j o j nt o f tars i w i t h a similar membrane on the whole of its length, forming a long oval ; second joint of tarsi of equal length, yellow, black at base and tip. Tegmina oval, about twice as long as broad, and slightly narrowed towards the extremity ; wings considerably longer than broad, hyaline, with a slight bluish iridescence, brown along the costa, hind margins crenulated. $ . The valves longer than the terminal segment of the abdo- men, the upper ones turned upwards and the lower ones turned downwards at the tip ; the upper ones denticulated above, and the lower ones below. Length, to end of pronotum, 24-26 mm. ; to end of abdomen, 16-17 mm. ; breadth of pronotum from spine to spine, 9 mm. ; length of tegmen, 3 mm.; of hind femur, 9 mm.; expanse of wings, 36-38 mm, ; breadth, 10 mm. BOMBAY : Bombay, Bandra ; UNITED PROVINCES : Almora ; MADRAS: Coirnbatore. 13. Scelimena gavialis, Sauss. Scelymena gavialis, Saussure, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (4) i, 1861, p. 486. Scelimena ffavialis, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 3904, pp. 107, 117, 154, pi. i, tig. 4. Scelymena nodosa, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, p. 840 (n. yn.). Dull black, thickly granulated, the front and lateral margins of the pronotum narrowly edged with red as far as the lateral spines which are of the same colour, and strongly hooked forwards, SCELIHEXA. Central and lateral carinae well marked, the latter slightly incurved in front, and not extending to the front lobe of the pronotuin. Prouotura with two elevations on each side before the middle, and generally tipped with red. Tegmina grey, twice as long as broad, and obtusely pointed towards the extremity. Wings slightly iridescent hyaline, as long as or somewhat longer than the prothorax, and crenulated on the hind margins ; costa brown. Front and middle femora with two or three small teeth beneath ; hind femora with several small pale teeth beneath ; hind tibiae and first tarsal joint with narrower and less rounded lamellae than in . liarpago. 5 . Anal appendages black or red, nearly as in S. liarpago ; <$ appendages much shorter. Lenyth, to end of pronotum, 21-24 mm. ; to end of abdomen, 11-14 mm. ; breadth of pronotum from spine to spine, 8-10 mm.; length of tegmen, 2 mm. ; of hind femur, 9mm.; expanse of wings, 43 mm. ; breadth, 13 mm. MADKAS: Trivandrum; CEYLON: Peradeniya, Damballa, Mas- keliya, Pundaluoya. Type location unknown ; that of S. nodosa in the British Museum. " One female, Dambella, October, ' from margin of tank ' ; two females, Maskeliya, November and February ; five females and four males, Pundaluoya, March, were taken from rocks in mountain streams ; when disturbed, either takes wing or dives under water and remains submerged for some time; larva in similar situations. Two more males and several nymphs were taken in June from the same locality." (Hancock.') The white tip to the tegmina noted by Walker in his description of IS. nodosa only occurs on one side, and is clearly accidental. This appears to be the species alluded to as Scelimena liarpago by E. E. Green (Entom. M. Mag. xxxviii, 1902, p. 215). Fig. 24. Scelimena gavialis. 14. Scelimena logani, Haw. Scelimena logani, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 107, 164; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, p. 94^ pi. ii, fig. 15. Brown, finely granulated, the front and lateral margins of the pronotum, and the dorsal and lateral carinae generally more or less yellowish. A short intermediate carina on each side between the dorsal and lateral carinae, on the front of the pronotum, and again on the front of the hinder lobe ; before the middle two well-marked longitudinal elevations, the hindermost linear; lateral edges of the pronotum irregularly dentated, as far as two yellow teeth, the hinder one larger, and strongly hooked forward. 26 ACRYDIIXJE. Fig. 25. Scelimena Front and middle femora with two strong yellow teeth, hind femora with four to six; hind tibiae and first joint of tarsi rather more strongly laminated than in S. gavialis. Tegmina oval, obtusely pointed ; wings about as long as pronotum. Anal appen- dages blackish, with pale stripes beneath, shorter than in S. gavialis. Length, to end of pronotum, 22-26 mm. ; to end of abdomen, 8-9 mm.; breadth of pronotum from spine tc spine, 8-10 mm.; length of tegrnen, 3 mm. ; of hind femur, 8-9 mm. CEYLON : Kandy, Haragana, Punda- luoya. Type in the Chicago Museum. Habits similar to those of S. gavialis. 15. Scelimena uncinata, Serv. Tetri.v uncinata, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 763. Scelimena uncinata, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 216, 218. Scelymena contracta, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, p. 841 (n. syn.). Dull black, shape very short and broad. Pronotum hardly extending beyond the hind femora, with the middle carina very strongly marked, and the lateral carinae complete, undulating, and strongly curved inwards and then forwards in front ; surface with 3 or 4 elevations on each side of the median cariua ; lateral front margin of pronotum denticulated, with a projecting angle in front, and a rectangular outer tooth, slightly curved downwards. Wings blackish, rather shorter than the pronotum. Tarsi yellowish at base ; intermediate femora with two or three yellowish teeth ; hind femora with 4 yellow hooked ones ; hind tibiae and first joint of tarsi with mode- rately broad laminae. Antennae short, black. Anal appendages yellow. Length, to end" of pronotum, 11 mm. ; to end of abdomen, 10 mm. ; breadth, 5 mm. ; length of hind femur, 7 mm. BOMBAY. The description given above is taken partly from Serville, and partly from Walker's type of S. contracta, a much damaged and discoloured specimen. Fig. 26. Scelimma uncinata. SCELIMENA. ABBASIA. 27 16. Scelimena (?) birmanica, Srtmn. Gavialidium birmanicum, Erunner von Wattenwy], Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 104, pi. v, fig. 37. Eutjavialidium birmanica, Hancock, Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, p. 25. " Clay-brown, with dark markings. Vertex obtuse, about as broad as the eye. Pronotum with raised tubercles on the disc, parallel with the longitudinal marginal cariuulae ; with the deflexecl lobes obtusely dentated in front, produced behind into a straight triangular lobe, neither pointed nor curved forwards ; humeral angle very finely crenulatecl, with a pale obtuse tubercle ; the process with very acute longitudinal carinae extending to the tip, with pale crenules far apart. Hind femora above very slightly waved, with a nearly entire carina above ; hind tibiae simple. Subgenital lamina of the male roundly produced. "Length, body. ... . Length 13-14-5 mm. ; pronotum, 12-13-5 mm. ; hind femur, 5-5-6 mm. CEYLON : Pundaluoya, Kandy, Kadu- ganawa, Peradeniya (Green). 25. Criotettix indicus, Bol. Criotettix indicus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 581. Eedclish. Vertex slightly narrower than the eye, hardly narrowed in front, the middle c;arina very short, only distinct D 34 in front; eyes globose. Pronotum narrowed on the back, slightly convex, minutely granulated, with a short carina on each side between the shoulders ; lateral carina3 of the anterior section short, not well marked ; middle carina behind the humeral angles slightly, if at all, depressed ; hind projection of the pro- notum long, subulated, but not extending to the tip of the hind tibiae; lateral spine strongly transverse, long, pointed. Tegmina short, ovate. Wings brown, reaching, but not passing, the tip of the pronotum. Carina? of front femora entire, those of the middle tibiae slightly undulating ; hind tibiae beneath varied with brown a,nd testaceous, the upper carina shortly and sharply produced at the tip ; tarsi with the pulvilli of the first joint acutely spiued, the third pulvillus shorter than the first two together. d . Length 7'5 mm. ; pronotum, 11 min. ; hind femur, 6*5 mm. MADRAS : Trichinopoly. 26. Criotettix oculatns, Bol Criotettix ocitlatus, Bolivar, Ann. Mus. Genova, xxxix, 1898, p. 71 ; id., Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx. 1902, p. 584. Testaceous brown. Vertex narrower than the eye, tricarinate, the lateral carinae slightly converging in front, the middle carina obsolete behind ; eyes prominent ; frontal ridge somewhat arched between the antennae, slightly sinuate between the ocelli, sloping towards the vertex. Pronotum truncated in front, subulated behind, somewhat convex above between the shoulders, shortly bicarinate, bifossulate behind the shoulders, with the process more or less obliquely rugose, the middle carina not raised, and obsolete towards the front margin, lateral carinae not prominent ; hinder angle of the lateral lobes with an acute spine. Tegmina small, broadly rounded at the apex, coarsely impresso- punctate. Legs ringed with brown ; front legs long, femora with granulated and slightly undulating carinae; hind femora obliquely banded with grey, minutely serrated above and below ; first joint of the hind tarsi with three obtuse pulvilli of nearly equal length. d $ . Length 9-11 mm.; pronotum, 11-14 mm.; tegmina, 1-8 ram. ; middle femur, 2-2-3 mm. ; posterior femur, 5-6-5 mm. MADRAS: Kodaikanal ; SUMATRA; JAVA. 27. Criotettix exsertus, Bol. Cfiotettix exsertus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902. p. 688. Colour brown above, beneath greenish-yellow varied with brown, hind femora with paler bands. Vertex narrower than the eye, expanded behind, carinated in the middle, with the carina s'ightly projecting in front ; ocelli rounded, moderately prominent, frontal ridge moderately and regularly curved before the eyes. Pronotum CBIOTETTIX. 35 nearly smooth, behind the shoulders slightly depressed and granu- lated, between the shoulders slightly carinulated, with the lateral carinae of the front part nearly parallel ; the median carina con- tinuous, slightly compressed, and (seen later- ally) slightly sinuatecl before the humeral angles ; hind process acute, extending as far as the middle of the hind tibiae ; hinder angle of the lateral lobes with a short oblique spine projecting backwards, and sinuated behind. Tegmina very small, ovate. Wings slightly longer than the tip of the pronotum, iridescent, with the mar- gins smoky. Front and intermediate femora with the carinae entire, slighly crenulated ; hind femora slender, the outer ridges very oblique, dorsal genicular carina serrated ; hind tarsi with the pulvilli of the first joint of nearly equal length. $ . Length 9 mm. 3IADRAS : Kodaikanal. 28. Criotettix subulatus, Bol. Criotettix subulatus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 185, 223, 227. Ferruginous brown. Vertex (seen from above) horizontal, very narrow in front, sub- triangular, broader behind than the eye ; frontal ridge produced, more rounded below the antennae, neither sinuated nor depressed. Back of pronotum with short raised ridges, middle carina continuous, somewhat raised ; hinder pro- cess not extending to the tip of the hind tibiae ; hinder angles of lateral lobes acute, but not very prominent. Femora ridged, sparingly granulate; hind tibiae rather long, very straight; first joint of hind tarsi with the third pulvillus slightly longer than the second. $ . Length 11 mm.; pronotum, 14 mm.; posterior femur, 6'5mm. EAST INDIES (British India ?). Type in the collection of I. Bolivar, Fig. 33. Criotettix exsertiis. 29. Criotettix vidali, Bol. Ci-iotettix vidali, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 185, 223, 227 ; Brunner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 105. Grey or ferruginous brown. Vertex slightly prominent, not broader than the eye, transversely rounded in front, carinated in the middle, and distinctly sinuated on each side ; frontal carina curved between the antennae. Pronotum distinctly transversely * 36 ACBYDTIX.-E. convex on the back, rugulose, the middle carina slender, rather indistinct, and often obsolete between the shoulders ; subulated behind ; lateral spine depressed, pointed, but rather short. Hind femora entire, hind tibiae nearly straight, first joint of hind tarsi rather longer than the third, first and second pulvillus of equal length, the third slightly longer. Length 9 mm. ; pronotum, 14 mm. ; hind femur, 7 mm. BUHMA : Karen Hills ; PHILIPPINES. Genus ACANTHALOBUS. Acanthalobtis, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 131 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 22, 28. TYPE, Criotettix miliarius, Bol. Range. The Oriental Eegion. Body moderately stout, more or less rugose or granulated. Head not elevated ; eyes moderately prominent ; vertex wider than the eye, with a slight middle carina ; frontal carina not prominent. Antennae moderately short, filiform, inserted between the lower margin of the eyes. Pronotum truncate in front, extended backwards beyond the hind femora, flattened above, except between the shoulders, where it is more or less raised or undulated ; lateral spines obliquely directed backwards. Tegmina ovate ; wings about as long as the pronotum. Front femora entire or slightly crenulated, middle femora sometimes sublobate or denticulated. First joint of hind tarsi slightly longer than the third. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Wings more or less abbreviated cuneatus, Hanc., p. 40l 2 (1) Wings approximately as long as the pronotum. 3 (4) Pronotum granulated, but not rugose or tuberculated flavopictus, Bol., p. 41. 4 (3) Pronotum rugose or tuberculated. 5 (10) Lateral spine very prominent and . acute. 6 (7) Back of pronotum deeply impresso- punctate ; lateral spine directed outwards or only slightly back- wards miliarius, Bol., p. 37. 7 (6) Back of pronotum finely granulated. 8 (9) Lateral spine directed outwards or only very slightly inclining back- wards bispinosus, Dalm., p. 37. 9 (8) Lateral spine very obliquely directed backwards inornatus, Walk., p. 39-. 10 (5) Lateral spine not very prominent, with a short acute point rufescens, sp. n., p. 38. ACANTHALOBUS. SO. AcanthaloMs miliarius, Bol. Criotettiv miliarius, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Eut. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 185, 2:23, 226. Acanthalobus miliarius, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 131, 132, loo, pi. ii, rig. 8 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, p. 29, pi. ii, tig. 19. Yellowish or ferruginous brown, with the lateral spines and legs yellow. Vertex at least as broad as one of the eyes and almost on the same level, the bifid carina projecting somewhat in front ; frontal lateral carinae slightly curving inwards below, obsolete above. Front of prouotum above finely granulated, with a very strong middle carina and two lateral ones ; on the outer side of the latter a round tubercle. Hinder lobe of pronotum convex between the shoulders, then flattened, the mediau cariua undulated htndwards ; the surface granulated, with numerous longitudinal wrinkles and small round tubercles ; hinder extremity extending for about two-fifths of its length beyond the hind femora; lateral spines stout, extending obliquely backwards and acute at the extremity. Hind femora rather broad, very finely crenulated below, central area blackish; tibiae yellow, the outer carina with about 12 small spines, the inner with 6 ; first joint of hind tarsi longer than the other two ; the pulvilli rectangular, the second rather shorter than the first, the third the shortest. Tegmina twice as long as broad ; wings about as long as pronotum, clouded iridescent, yellowish externally. The male is smaller and much less strongly rugose. Length 11 mm. ; pronotum, 16'5 ram. ; hind femur, 7 mm. CEYLON : Peradeniya, Kandy, Colombo. Type in the collection of Brunner von Wattenwyl. Found in rice-fields, &c., and comes freely to light. Fig. 34. Acanthalobus miliarius. 31. Acanthalobus bispinosus, Dalm. Acrydium bispinosum, Dalman, Kongl. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 1818, p. 77. Tettix bispinosa, Dalman, Anal. Ent. 1823, p. 86; StSl, Recens. Orth. i, 1873, p. 150. Criotett.ix bispinosus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 185, 223, 220; Brunner, Ann. Mus. Geuova, xxxiii, 1893, p. 105. Acridium (Tetrix) bispinosum, l)e Haan, Temtninck, Verhandel., Orth. 1842, pp. 166, 169. 38 ACEYDIIX.E. Tettiv pallitarsis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, p. 822. Tettix armigera, Walker, /. c. 1871, p. 826. Tettix latispina, Walker, 1. c. 1871, p. 837. Yellowish grey or fusco-ferruginous, finely granulated. Vei'tex rather below the level of the eyes, as broad behind as an eye, but narrowed in front, the bifid carina slightly projecting between the yellowish antennae ; frontal carina not prominent, and obsolete below ; cheeks with carinse only visible below ; mouth black, palpi white. Pronotum finely granulated, nearly flat, the median carina indistinct, nearly obsolete in front ; two slightly marked lateral carinse on the frontal area, beyond which there are no lateral carinse ; lateral spine yellow, acute, straight, or very slightly inclining backwards, sometimes tipped with black. Pronotum subulated behind, the tip obtuse, extending for two-fifths of its length behind the hind femora. Pectus spotted with brown ; abdomen blackish, spotted with white. Tegmina broadly oval, about 1| times as long as broad. Wings as long as the pronotum, iridescent towards the base ; costa and inner margin brown, and hind margin broadly clouded with brown. Hind femora and tibiae black, more or less spotted with white ; tarsi white, tipped with black ; hind tibiae with a strong notch on the upper side before the knee, and with 6 spines on the outer and 8 on the inner carina ; first joint of tarsi about as long as the other two ; pulvilli small, triangular, of about equal length. Length 16-21 mm., to end of ovipositor, 11-12 mm. ; hind femur, 9 mm. ; expanse of wing, 30 mm. BURMA : Karen Hills ; CHINA : Hong Kong ; SUMATRA ; BORNEO. Type in Dalman's collection, now in the Stockholm Museum. Types of Walker's species in the British Museum. A common and well-marked species, but the descriptions, except Dalman's, are very unsatisfactory. Bolivar writes : " inter humeros convexiusculo, rugis linearibus, ab- breviatis, subseriatis " ; the last four words hardly apply to any of the specimens before 32. Acanthalobus rufescens, sp. nov. Uniform reddish brown, hind femora ob- scurely banded with dull yellow, and a broad pale ring at the base of the hind tibia?, but these paler markings very indistinct. Eyes large, slightly approximating in front, sepa- rated by about the width of an e ^ e ; antenna inserted rather below the level of the eyes, long and slender. Head and pronot nn finely granulated above ; ACAXTHALOBUS. median carina continuous, slightly raised behind the shoulders ; lateral carinse slightly marked in front, parallel; lateral angles very acute, hardly spined, and directed slightly backwards ; pro- notal process as long as the wings, much longer than the hind femora, very slightly bifid at the extremity. Tegmina oval, twice as long as broad. Hind tibise slightly waved, with small spines ;. joints of hind tarsi long, the first joint slightly longer than the rest ; pulvilli conspicuous, pointed behind. Length 16-23 mm. SIKKIM: Gantok, 6050 ft., 10. xi. 1900, Kurseong, 5000 ft.,. 14. viii. 1909 ; BENGAL : Calcutta, 28. vii. 1904. 33. Acanthalobus inornatus, Walk. Tettix inornata, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. E.M. v, 1871, p. 834. Crwiettix saginatus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. JBelg. xxxi, 1887,. pp. 185, 223, 225 ; Brunner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893,. p. 104, pi. v, fig. 38. Kather slender, brown, rugulose. Vertex distinctly broader than the eye, the double carina projecting slightly between the antennae. Top of head flattened ; cheeks ,, r , with lateral caririae, obsolete above and ,i[ slightly converging below ; eyes not raised ; ; ; ; \ / \ face varied with tawny. Pronotum with three strong keels on the frontal area, the lateral ones slightly converging and obsolete behind ; as long as the hind wings, subulate, and extending for nearly half its length beyond the hind femora ; lateral spines pale, rather slender at the extremity and slightly hooked backwards ; pronotum rather arched on the back between the shoulders, depressed behind, with numerous raised granules, more or less regularly arranged ; middle carina rather indistinct and irregular, and with some short, raised, incomplete carinse oppo- site the shoulders. Tegmina forming a long oval ; wings dusky along the costa. Middle and hind tibise pale, the latter slightly ex- panded, and with 7 spines on the terminal half of the outer carina and 4 on the inner ; there are also two strong outer and one inner terminal spine, and a small spine on the upper surface of the tibia just beyond the knee ; first joint of hind tarsi rather longer than the rest together; the three pulvilli triangular, of equal length. Valves of ovipositor pale, long and slender, the upper one denticulated above, with the tip slightly hooked upwards ; the lower ones denticulated below, the tip slightly hooked downwards ; at the base of the lower ones is a slight tooth above and another about the middle. Abdomen blackish, spotted with ochreous. Fig. 3.Acantha- inornatus. 40 ACRYDIINyE. Length, to end of ovipositor, 14 mm. ; to end of pronotum, 22mm.; hind femur, 10 mm.; breadth between lateral spines, 6 mm. BURMA : Rangoon ; JAVA. Type in British Museum ; those of C.sayinatusin the collections of Bolivar and Brunner von Wattenwyl. Walker speaks of " three spines on each side," but this appear- ance is evidently an optical illusion. Criotettix sayinatus of authors appears to agree with the species above described, but the dimensions given are slightly smaller. 34. Acanthalobus cuneatus. Hanc. Acanthalobus cuneatus, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, p. 108. Acanthalobus miliarius cuneatus, Hancock, 1. c. 1904, p. 133. Perhaps a brachypterous form of A. miliarius. " The pronotum differs in being more rugose and more cuneate posteriorly, the Fig. 37. Acanthalobus cuneatus. Fig. 38. Acanthalobus cuneatus, "Fig. 39. Acanthalobus cuneatus, apex extending not more than two millimetres beyond the femoral knees, and not a little passing the wings. The median carina of ACANTHALOBUS. LOXILOBUS. 41 pronotum posteriorly irregularly sinuate. AVings more or less abbreviate." CEYLON : Colombo. 35. Acanthalobus flavopictus, Bol. Criotettix Jtavopictus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 582. Greyish brown, with pale markings, abdomen spotted with yellow. Vertex slightly narrower than the eye, carinated in the middle ; frontal ridge between the antennae somewhat compressed. Pronotutn smooth on the back, somewhat raised between the shoulders, behind them bifoveolate, irregularly granulose ; middle carina slender, continuous ; prozona carinated on each side, with the carinae converging behind ; hinder process long and pointed, the deflexed lobes very finely granulated with white, the lateral spine acute. Tegmina oblong-ovate, roundly truncate behind. Wings long, brown towards the margins, with parallel nervures. Four front femora very finely crenulated ; lower carinae of the middle legs rather indistinctly bilobate, upper carina of the hind femora 3- or 4-denticulate, with the upper external and internal areas with rows of obtuse tubercles ; hind tibiae slightly waved, pulvilli of the tarsi acute. Length 12 mm. ; pronotum, 17 mm. ; hind femur, 7'5 mm. MADBAS : Kodaikanal. Resembles A. rniliarius and spinosus. Differs from the former in its narrower vertex and smooth pronotum, and from the latter by the depressions oil the pronotum, which make it resemble a Gavialidium, but that the median carina is straight and not depressed. Genus LOXILOBUS. Loxilobus, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 134 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 22, 29. TYPE, Loxilobus acutus, Hanc. Range. Oriental and Austro-Malayan Eegions. Body slender, scabrous or granulated. Head slightly higher than the eyes, vertex about as wide as the eyes, frontal costa rounded, projecting in front. Pronotum raised between the shoulders, middle carina slightly sinuated, hinder process longer than the hind femora, or abbreviated, lateral lobes produced. Tegmina oblong ; wings more or less developed. Femora with very small spines, hind tibiae spined ; first and third tarsal joints of nearly equal length, the three pulvilli also equal. 42 ACBYDIIN^. Key to the Species. 1 (2) First and second pulvilli of the first joint of the hind tarsi pointed assamus, Hanc. 2 (1) All the pulvilli of the first joint of the hind tarsi flattened. 3 (4) Wings and pronotal process extending backwards beyond the hind femora . . ctcutus, Haiic. 4 (3) Wings and pronotum shorter, not ex- tending to the extremity of the hind femora hancocki, Kirby. 36. Loxilobus acutus, Hanc. Loxilobus acutus, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 134 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, p. 29, pi. ii, fig. 17. Body slender, granulated. Vertex about as wide as an eye, narrowed towards the front, carinated in front in the middle and pitted at the sides, vertex scarcely higher than the eyes, frontal cariua rounded and projecting between the eyes, which are small and rounded. Antennae slender, inserted between the lower third of the eyes. Pronotum truncate in front, extending behind beyond the hind femora, back rugose and granulated, convex between the shoulders, anterior carinae distinct, hardly converging behind, humeral angles distinct, lateral carina not conspicuous, median carina continuous, very slightly waved, lateral angles acute, projecting outwards and backwards. Tegmiua ovate ; wings projecting beyond the pronotum. Front femora unarmed, hind femora with the margins crenulated, and a small tooth before the extremity ; hind tibiae crenulated and spinose ; outer margin with ten spines ; first joint of hind tarsi rather longer than the third ; the third pulvilltis longest, and flat below. Upper blade of ovipositor stout, strongly denticulated. Length 15'8 mm. ; prouotum, 13'8 mm. ; hind femur, 6*2 mm. CEYLON : Pundaluoya (E. E. Green). Taken at light in May. 37. Loxilobus hancocki, Kirby. Loxilobus ruaoms, Hancock (nee Bolivar), Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 134, 135, 155, pi. iii, fig. 17 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 190(5, p. 30. Loxilobus hancocki. Kirby, Syn. Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, p. 18. Body greyish brown, thickly granulated, and somewhat rugose. Vertex scarcely higher than the eyes, LOXILOBUS. 43 with a median carina. Middle carina of pronotum continuous, slightly elevated between the shoulders, lateral cartnse reddish brown. Wings and pronotum scarcely extending as far as the tips of the abdominal appendages, and not nearly so far as the ends of the hind femora. Abdomen with a small tooth above before the base of the abdominal appendage ; the latter is denti- culated beneath, and slightly hooked at the extremity. Four anterior femora unarmed, the front ones flatter and shorter than the middle ones ; hind femora rather stout, and truncated at the extremity, with a row of nodules on the outer upper area ; hind tibiae serrated above, and with long terminal spines ; pulvilli of hind tarsi indistinct. Leiigih 7|-10 mm ; of pronotum, 6^-9 mm. ; hind femur, 5-6 mm. CEYLON: Pundaluoya. Frequents grass-lands and swampv places in March and May. 38. Loxilobus assamus, Hanc. Loxikbus assamus, Hancock, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1907, p. 223. Small ; ashy grey or ferruginous, often varied with brown. Vertex narrowed in front, and longitudinally sulcate on each side. Pronotum truncated in front, produced behind to the extremity of the hind femora ; tuberculose on the back, median carina some- what waved, and slightly elevated in front. First and second pulvilli of the first joint of the hind tarsi pointed. Tegmina long, rounded at the tips ; wings rather shorter than the pronotum. Dimensions not stated. ASSAM : Cherrapunji. Type in the Oxford Museum. Group IV. METRODOEINI. Key to the Genera. 1 (8) Teginina and win7. Coptotettix latifrons, $. antennae slender, inserted between the eyes ; the frontal carinae distinctly converging. Pronotum with the carina ridged and COPTOTETTIX. 75 arching in front, where it is parallel to the two short frontal carinse; pronotum as long as the abdomen, the surface with numerous raised granules. Tegmina and wings obsolete. Legs very hairy, front femora and tibia3 compressed and expanded, and the former strongly carinated ; hind femora denticulated above, with a strong tooth before the extremity ; the upper outer Fig. ^. Coptotettix latifrons, tf. Fig. . Coptotettix latifrons, $. area with a row of large granules, and the middle area trans- versely striated, with another row of tubercles above its lower margin ; hind tihia3 strongly spinose ; hind tarsi reddish, with the first joint longer than the third, and the pulvilli pointed and of nearly equal length. In the male the hind tibia? are dull orange, tipped with black. Length 10 mm. ; hind femur, 6-5 mm. BENGAL : Pusa ; BTJBMA : Pegu. Taken in May and November. 78. Coptotettix acuteterminatus, Brunn. Coptotettix acuteterminatiis, Brunner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 112. A smaller species than the last, and testaceous. Pronotum less strongly granulated, the median carina ridged throughout, the margins of the lateral lobes more arched, and spotted at that place with black ; the pronotum shorter and more pointed at the extremity, and the upper carina of the hind femora continuous, without any antegenicular tooth. Fig. 70. Coptotettix aciitelcrminatus. Lenyili 7 mm.; hind femur, 5 mm. BUBMA : Pegu. 79. Coptotettix fossulatus, Bol. Coptotettix fossulatus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 188, 287, 288 ; Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii. 1904, pp. 108, 153. Pale grey, varied with brown, rugose-tuberculate. Head not prominent, vertex as broad as the eye, slightly pitted on each side, not produced in front, frontal costa between the eyes considerably arched and rounded ; antennae inserted between the eyes. Pronotum tectiform in front, flattened behind, and as long as the abdomen ; disk rugosely tuberculate, concave behind the shoulders ; median carina raised in front, and several times interrupted behind ; hinder process on both sides with a slightlv compressed irregular carina towards the lateral carinae, the deflexed lobes much sinuated beneath ; hinder angle of the lateral lobes broad, with the tip roundly truncate. Tegmina very small, slightly pointed ; wings rudimentary. Intermediate femora rather broad, the upper carina scarcely raised behind the middle ; hind femora broad, hind tibiae slightly spinose ; first joint of hind tarsi much longer than the third ; pulvilli pointed at the tips, the third joint longer than the second. Length 8 mm.; hind femur, 4-5 mm. CEYLON. 80. Coptotettix capitatus, Bol. Coptotettlv capitatus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 188, 287, 289: Brunuer, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 189:3, p.lll. Dull ferruginous, rugose. Head not prominent, vertex con- siderably broader than the eye, flattened, distinctly narrowed in front and produced before the eyes ; frontal costa arched and produced between the eyes ; antenna? inserted almost between the eyes. Pronotum flattened, rugosely tuberculate ; median carina continuous, little raised, and slightly sinuated before the shoulders ; frontal lateral carinae parallel ; disk with two short COPTOTETTIX. 77 oblique ridges between the shoulders, converging behind ; humeral angles obtuse, and within them a nearly straight carina running backwards to the tip of the pronotum, the latter not covering the abdomen ; hinder angle of the lateral lobes narrowly and roundly subtruncate at the tips. Tegmina very small ; wings rudimentary. Front femora very long, with nearly straight carinse, hind femora with the apical half more slender ; pulvilli of the first joint of the hind tarsi pointed, but not spinose at the tip, the third pulvillus rather longer than the second. Length 11 mm. ; hind femur, 7'5 mm. BUBHA : Karen Hills, 4700-5000 ft. ; JAVA. incertce sedis. Acrydium indicum, Oliv. Acrydium indicum, Olivier, Encycl. Me*th., Ins. vi, 1791, p. 234. Uniform blackish. Pronotum smooth, median carina3 not much raised ; produced behind rather beyond the abdomen, but much shorter than the wings, which are transparent, with the outer border brown. Size of T. subiilatus, L. EAST INDIES. [In a note Mr. Kirby suggests that this may be Coptotettix capitatus, Bol.] 81. Coptotettix testaceus, Bol. Coptotettix testaceus, Bolivar, A.nn. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 189, 288,291 ; Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 153. Testaceous yellow, varied with brown and grey. Head not prominent, vertex narrower than the eye, narrowed in front, not produced before the eye when seen from above: frontal costa arched and slightly sinuated before the median ocellus ; antenna? inserted between the eyes. Pronotum produced beyond the abdomen, the disk flattened, rather convex between the shoulders, with round tubercles ; depressed before the shoulders, with the front marginal lateral carina? short ; hind part of pronotum with scattered elongate wrinkles ; hinder angle of the lateral lobes triangular, with the tip narrowly subtruncate. Tegmina oblong, with the tips rounded ; wings fully developed. Femora banded with brown, narrow, long, with the carinae very slightly waved ; hind femora strongly granulose ; first joint of the hind tarsi much longer than the third, and distinctly serrulated above ; third pulvillus shorter than the first two together. Letiytli 10 mm.; pronotum, 12'5 mm. ; hind femur, 7 mm. CEYLOX. Type in the collection of I. Bolivar. 78 82. Coptotettix interruptus, Bol. Coptotettix interruptus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 189, 288, 291. Dull ferruginous-brown. Vertex much narrower than the eye, somewhat narrowed in front, not produced before the eye, with the anterior carinae much interrupted on the inner side ; frontal costa much arched and produced between the eyes, distinctly sinuated before the median ocellus ; antennae inserted between the eyes. Pronotum produced beyond the abdomen, with the disc flattened, nearly smooth, but sometimes finely granulate, rugose, with two short carinae before the shoulders ; median carinae slightly raised and compressed, straight, crested in front, but towards the front margin suddenly depressed and obliterated ; frontal lateral carina diverging in front, hinder angle of the lateral lobes with the tip rounded. Tegraina short, oval ; wings much longer than the pronotum. Femora long, with the carinae crenulated ; first joint of hind tarsi with the third pulvillus scarcely longer than the second. Length 9 mm. ; pronotum, 11 mm. ; hind femur, 6 mm. BURMA : Bhamo, Rangoon, Karen Hills ; JAVA. Group VI. BATRACHIDIIN1. One genus only is represented within the geographical limits of this work. Genus SAUS8URELLA. i " PP- Saussurella, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 3887, pp. 189, 19G, 303; Hancock, Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 67, 72. TTPE, Acridium ( Tettix) cormitum, De Haan. Range. The Indian Region. Body granulose. Vertex broad, convex, but not spiny, shortly carinated on each side near the eyes, face slightly oblique ; frontal costa depressed, slightly raised between the antennae, and suddenly depressed between the eyes, very broadly sulcate, with the carinae nearly parallel ; antennae inserted between the eyes, which are slightly prominent; palpi moderately compressed. Pronotum produced in front above the head, with a straight median carina : produced behind beyond the hind femora, the deflexed lobes Insinuated behind, with the lower sinus arched. Tegmina ovate ; wings perfectly developed. Femora multicarinate ; front femora above sulcated, intermediate femora mucronate at the tip, hind femora slender, with the cnrinse serrulated ; the femoral spine small, the genicular spine moderately produced ; hind tarsi with the carinae nearly parallel and equally spinose, and with the first and third joints of equal length. SAUSSURELLA. 79 Key to the Species. 1 (2) Front of pvonotum straight 2 (1) Front of pronotum ending in a decurved process cucullifera, Walk. decurva, Brunn. 83. Saussurella cucullifera, Walk. Tettix cucullifera, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, p. 829. Saussurella cornuta, Bolivar (nee De Haan), Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 189, 303 ; Brunner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 113, pi. v, fig. 45. Eeddish grey, vertex twice as broad as the eye, but entirely covered by the pronotum, on the sides of which the pro- minent eyes are conspicuous ; antennae rather long and slen- der, filiform, inserted between the eyes ; the frontal carina slightly projecting between the antennae. Pronotum pro- jecting rather beyond the eyes in front, where it is obtusely pointed, and extending be- hind, where it is more gra- dually and acutely pointed, beyond the abdomen and the hind femora ; strongly ridged, and the median carinae con- tinuous and slightly raised between the shoulders, the sides and hind part of the pronotum being somewhat, depressed ; the surface appears finely pubescent. Tegmina black, with pale bands ; wings hyaline, fawn-coloured along the costa. Legs unicolorous, except that the knees of the middle and hind legs, and the terminal joints of the tarsi, are black. Length 13-16 mm. ; hind femur, 6-4-8 mm. ; exp. of wings, 22 mm. BORMA : Pegu, Palon ; CHINA : Amoy, Hong Kong. Type in the British Museum (from Amoy). Confounded by authors with Acridiwn ( Tettix) cornutum, De Haan, from Java and Borneo ; but in that species the frontal pro- jection of the pronotum is longer and more slender than in S. cucullifera, and there is a conspicuous yellow spot on the hind femora. 84. Saussurella decurva, Brunn. Saussurella decurva, Brunner, Ann. Mus. Genova, xxxiii, 1893, p. 113, pi. v, fig. 46. Larger than the last species, with the frontal extremity of the Fig. 71. SaussureUa cucullifera. EUMASTACINjE. pronotum longer, more slender and hooked downwards at the tip, and the lateral lobes more produced externally. Length, pronotum, 19 mm.; hind femur, 8 mm. BURMA : Palon. Subfamily II. EUMASTACIN^. Key to the Groups. 1 (4) Frontal costa between the antennae smooth, more or less dilated. 2 (3) Pronotum tectiform and foliaceous ; hind femora dilated and com- pressed ...................... Xiphicerini, p. 80. 3 (2) Pronotum with the back smooth ; hind femora not dilated ........ Erianthini, p. 86. 4 (1) Frontal costa narrow, subsulcated. 5 (6) Antennae generally long, more or less clavate .................. Gomphomastacini, p. 93. 6 (5) Antenna? shorter than the front femora, not clavate ............ Eruciini, p. 94. Group I. XIPHICERINI. Key to the Genera. (4) Front smooth or granulated. Hind tibia lobate ; wings caudate . . XIPHICERA, p. 80. 3 (2) Hind tibiae not lobate; wings not caudate ...................... PHYLLOCHOREIA, p. 82. 4 (1) Front rugose, with raised tubercles. 5 (6) Pronotum shorter than the height of the head and not covering it; teginina obliquely truncate at ex- tremity ...................... SCIUTOTYPUS, p. 84. 6 (5) Pronotum longer than the height of the head, and covering the fastigium of the vertex ; tegmina lanceolate at extremity .......... ORCHETYPUS, p. 84. 1 (4) 2 (3) Genus XIPHICERA. Xiphicera, Lamarck, Anim. s-ins Vertebres, iv, 1817, p. 243. Xyphicera, Latreille, Cuv. Regne Anim. (ed. 2) v, 1829, p. 186. Chorotypus, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 751. CJioroetypus, De Haan, Temminck, Verhandel. Orth. 1842, p. 164. TYPE, Gryllus gallinaceus, F. Eange. India, Singapore, Java, Borneo. Head perpendicular or slightly oblique ; eyes long, oval, approxi- mating above, front raised above the eyes into an obtuse or slightly bifid point directed forwards ; antennae short, 12-jointed. XIPHICERA. 81 Prothorax greatly compressed and foliaceous, covering the head and a great part of the abdomen. Tegmina coriaceous, pointed at the tip, with the hind margin oblique ; rather shorter than the wings, which are hyaline, with brown tips and margins ; tip pointed, hind margin with a deep concavity below. Abdomen compressed, with a strong middle carina. Legs compressed, carinated, hind femora strongly serrated, hind tibia? laminated and spinose above, and first joint of tarsi serrated beneath. Key to the Species. Pronotum uniform brown rugifrons, sp. n. Pronotum with a vitreous spot feneatrata, Serv. [85. Xiphicera rugifrons, WaterJiouse, sp. nov.* 5 . Bather dark brown, the back of the head, the lateral lobes of the pronotum, and the lower part of the posterior femora some- what paler. Head flat in front, with numerous rugulae, two of which start at a short distance front the front margin and diverge to the anterior angles. Pronotum finely asperate. Tegmina V Fig. 72. Xiphicera rugifrons. narrow, reticulate, obliquely truncate at the apex. Wings ex- tending a short distance beyond the tegmina, transparent smoky- yellow, the costa near the apex and the apex itself dark brown r strongly arcuate towards the apex, and then sinuate, with a deep rectangular incision behind, so that the apex is caudiform. Front femora very broad ; the intermediate ones less so. Posterior femora with seven acute teeth on the upper carina. Length 33 mm. CEYLON. Type in the British Museum.] 86. Xiphicera fenestrata, Serv. Choreotypus fenestratus, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 753. Uniform dead-leaf colour. Thorax with well-marked oblique lateral nervures, its front edge vertical and the upper extremity produced into a point over the head. A perfectly round vitreous spot about the middle of the side of the pronotum. Length 20-22 mm. [*A figure of this species had been prepared by Mr. Kirby, but he had not named or described it. C. O. W.] 82 ETTJIASTACIN^. BENGAL. Type in the Paris Museum. I am very doubtful as to the identification of this species ; and I should not be surprised if Choreotypus fenestratus proved to be a species of Phyllochoreia. Genus PHYLLOCHOREIA Phyltochoreia, Westwood, Mag. Nat. Hist. n. s. iii, 1839, p. 495. TYPE, Phyllochoreia unicolor, Westw. Range. India, Ceylon, Borneo. Body greatly compressed. Face perpendicular, pointed and sometimes slightly curved forward above, broader below than above. Antennae short and slender, with distinct joints, the t\vo basal joints thicker. Pronotum raised into a high leaf-like expansion, truncated in front, or slightly curved forward over the head, triangularly produced behind, and overshadowing more or less of the abdomen. Tegmina and wings more or less abbre- viated, not caudate. Prosternum not spined. Legs long, simple ; hind femora thickened, hind tibiae curved, hind tarsi 3-jointed, the first joint undulated beneath ; arolium between the claws very large. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Dorsal carina of pronotum nearly straight, slightly depressed beyond the middle unicolor. Westw., p. 82. 2 (1) Dorsal carina of pronotum regularly arched. 3 (4) Tegmina rather broad, lanceolate . . equa, Burr, p. 83. 4 (3) Tegmina very narrow, obliquely truncated at the extremities asina, Burr, p. 83. 87. Phyllochoreia unicolor, Westw. Phyllochoreia unicolor, Westwood, Mag. Nat. Hist. n. s. iii, 1839, p. 495, and p. 492, fig. 6 ; Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. xi, 1903, pp. 55, 58, Phyllochoreia sulcata, Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool, xi, 1903, pp. 55, 59. Browu. Antennas 14-jointed ; head finely granulated, the Fig. 73. Phyllochoreia unicolor. summit pointed, when seen in profile ; a slender black line PHYLLOCHOBEIA. 83 running from the eyes to the mandihle. Pronotum finely granu- lated, the dorsal carina nearly straight and slightly depressed beyond the middle, extending nearly to the apex of the abdomen. Tegmina and wings moderately broad, slightly pointed at the extremity, and about as long as the pronotura, which is only slightly shorter than the abdomen. Hind tibiae greenish. Length 29-32 mm. MADRAS : Malabar. Type in the Oxford Museum ; that of P. sulcata in the British Museum. 88. Phyllochoreia equa, Burr. Phyttochoreia equa, Burr, Ann. Soc. Espaii. xxviii, 1899, p. 301. Phyllochoreia cequa, Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. xi, 1903, pp. 55, 56, pi. iii, fig. 2. Green or ochreous. Antennas 10-jointed ; head narrowed and rather pointed above, very broad below the eyes, with a short: black line on each side near the lower end of the face. Pronotal crest more or less projecting roundly over the head, regularly arched above, and extending nearly to the middle of the abdomen. Tegmina rather broadly pointed at the extremity, with a row of 6-8 long black spots in the discoidal area. Wings subhyaline, Fig. 74. Phyllochoreia equa. straight, parallel, rounded at the extremity. Hind femora broad, much compressed, denticulated above; hind tibiae slender, with the upper carinae closely denticulated. Length : $ 26-44 mm., <$ 16 mm. CEYLON. Type in the Oxford Museum. 89. Phyllochoreia asina, Burr. Phyllochoreia asina, Burr, Ann. Soc. Espan. xxviii, 1899, pp. 301, 302. Pale testaceous. Front smooth. Pronotum with the front angles rounded, the crest not much arched, its hinder angle acute, with the hind margin obliquely truncated. Hind femora much G2 84 . EUMASTACIX.E. compressed. Tegmina rather narrow, projecting beyond the hind femora, and dark at the tip. Length 13 mm. CEYLOX: Hambantota. Type in the Oxford Museum. Genus SCIRTOTYPUS. Scirtotypus, Brunner von "Wattenwyl, Abb. Senckenb. Ges. xxiv, 1898, pp. 216, 220 ; Burr, Gen. Ins., Orth. Eumast. 1903, pp. 3, 4. TrPE, Scirtotypus aberrans, Brunn. Range. Ceylon, Borneo, ~\V. Africa. Fastigium of the vertex obtuse, but the occiput raised behind it, and obtusely pointed and carinated. Prouotum closely granu lated, shorter than the height of the head, with the crest raised and serrulated. Tegmina broader towards the extremity, and obliquely truncated ; wings shorter than the tegmina. All the femora much compressed and dilated, with the hind pair serrated above ; hind tibiae armed above with large spines, and with a large triangular lobe near the base. Valves of the ovipositor smooth. 90. Scirtotypus greeni, Burr. Scirtotypus greeni, Burr, Ann. Soc. Espaii. xxviii, 1899, pp. 99, 100. cf . Brown. Fastigium of the vertex perpendicular, truncated at the tip. Pronotum compressed, strongly crested, with the dorsal carina oblique in front, and strongly excavated behind, with the hind margin acuminate, with the point in the form of a hook. Tegmina narrow, parallel-sided, obtusely truncated, brown at the base, then hyaline; tip brown, with a hyaline spot towards the extremity of the inner margin. Wings longer than the tegmina, with the tips brown and caudate. All the femora much compressed, with the upper carina denticulated ; hind tibiae sub- sinuate, lobate, with the lobes not denticulated, brown, with indistinct pale rings, and the spines with pale markings. Abdomen compressed, carinated ; cerci short, conical, incurved ; subgenital lamina short. Length 9'75 mm. ; pronotum, 2*75 mm. ; tegmina, 10 mm. ; hind femur, 9 mm. CEYLON: Pundaluoya. Type in the Oxford Museum. Genus ORCHETYPUS. Orchetyirus, Brunner, Abb. Senckenb. Ges. xxiv, 1898, pp. 216, 220'; Burr, Gen. Ins., Orth. Eumast. 1903, pp. 3, 5. TYPE, Orchetypus subti-uncatus, Bruun. ORCHETYPUS. 85 Range. Ceylon, Congo. Characters of Scirtotypus, but the front rugose and the pro- noturn less strongly so, and with some obsolete nervures ; tegmina lanceolate, shorter than the wings. Ovipositor with the lower valves serrulated. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Dorsal carina strongly excavated before the extremity .* subtnmcatus, Bruiiu. 2 (1) Dorsal carina not strongly excavated before the extremity. 3 (4) Dorsal carina regularly rounded rotundatus, Brunn. 4 (3) Dorsal carina arched in front and depressed behind ceylonicus, Karsch. 91. Orchetypus rotundatus, Brunn. Orchetypus rotundatus, Brunner, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. xxiv, 1898, pp. 216, 220. Crest of the pronotum regularly rounded. Length 30 mm. ; prouotum, 13 mm. CEYLON. Type in the collection of Brunner von Wattemvyl. 92. Orchetypus ceylonicus, Karsch. Choroetypus ceylonicus, Karsch, Ent. Nadir, xv, 1889, p. 8 ; Burr, Ann. Soc. Espan. xxviii, 1899, p. 300. Orchetypus ceylonicus, Saussure, Kev. Suisse Zool. xi, 1903, p. 73, pi. iii, fig. 6. Yellowish green, with brown markings. Antennae filiform, with the joints longer than broad ; front very rugose ; fastigium of the vertex truncated at the extremity. Dorsal carina of the pronotum arched in front, and depressed behind, with the hind margin sinuated. Tegmina rounded behind, not extending beyond the abdomen. All the femora strongly foliaceously dilated ; hind tibiae Avith a terminal foliaceous lobe. Terminal appendages with the tips hooked in opposite directions ; the upper valves strongly dentated above, and the lower ones below. Length 26-28 mm. ; tegmina, 19 mm. ; hind femur, 13 mm. ; height of pronotum, 11*5 mm. ; greatest breadth of tegmina, 5 mm. CEYLON. Type in the Berlin Museum. 93. Orchetypus subtruncatus, Brunn. Orchetypus subtnmcatus, Brunner, Abh. Senckeub. Ges. xxiv, 1899, p. 221, pi. xvii, fig. 28. Crest of prouotum rounded and almost pointed in front, with the apical third deeply excavated. 86 EOI A STAGING. Length 32 inm. ; prouotum, 12 mm. CEYLON. Type in the collection of Brunner von Wattenwyl. Group II. ERIANTHINL Key to Hie Genera. Fastigium of the vertex raised; vertex viewed from the front acuminate or bifid ERIAXTHUS, p. 86. Fastigium of the vertex horizontal ; vertex viewed from the front truncate BENMA, p. 91 . Genus ERIANTHUS. Erianthus, StSl, Bih. Svensk. Akad. Handl. iii (14), 1875, p. 36 ; Brunner, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. xxiv, 1898, p. 221 ; Burr, Gen. Ins., Orth. Eumast. 1903, pp. 6, 7 ; Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. xi, 1903, pp. 75, 77. TYPE, Mastax guttata, Westw. Range. The Indo-Malayan Region. Fastigium of the vertex erect, tapering, with the tip straight or slightly reflexed, and obtuse ; front flattened, rugose, with a smooth dilated ridge between the antennae. Pronotum smooth, slightly raised, truncated in front, obtusely produced behind, and longitudinally carinated. Tegmina narrow, broader toAvards the extremity, with a few veins, and more or less subhyaline. "Wings triangular, subhyaline, not longer than the tegmina. Femora slightly compressed, carinated above, and produced into a tooth behind ; hind femora slender, serrated above ; hind tibiae with from 20-25 equal spines on the inner carina, and 25 on the outer ; first joint of hind tarsi sulcated above, and dentated on the outer carina. Abdomen with the eighth segment expanded in the male, and the anal appendages very large ; in the female bifid at the extremity, and grooved on each side ; lower valves with the basal plates smooth and punctured, and the upper border dilated. Key to the Species. 1 (4) Vertex bifid or (in a supposed variety of the male) truncate. 2 (3) Wings of ordinary form affinis, "Westw., p. 87. 3 (2) Wings strongly sinuated apically, the apex itself very acute bifidus, sp. n., p. 87. 4 (1) Vertex not bifid. 5 (8) Vertex pointed, subreflexed. [p. 89. 6 (7) Tegmina acutely pointed acutipennis, Snuss., 7 (6) Tegmina obtuse'ly pointed yuttatus, Westw., p. 88. 8 (5) Vertex more or less rounded. 9 (10) Wings brown lut/ubris, Brunn., p. 89. 10 (9) Wings more or less yellowish hyaline. EBIANTHUS. 87 11 (12) Tegmina brown, with or without whitish spots defioratm, Brunn., p. 89. 1-2 (13) Tegmina pale. [p. 90. 13 (14) Tegmina hyaline, unspotted fa tae e >' es lon g> oval 5 the foveolae of the vertex small, triangular, and inferior. Pronotum tricarinate above, and with obscure carinse on the sides ; lateral carinae straight, at least on the front area, the upper carina of the lateral lobes parallel to 98 TRYXALINyE. the dorso-lateral carina, or slightly diverging from it towards the front border. Tegmina and wings long, narrow, and pointed ; tegmina similar in both sexes, with the mediastinal and scapular areas not expanded and irregularly reticulated and coloured ; the third radial nervure of the tegmina and the first branch of the radial nervure of the wings branching at or before the middle. Front legs short, hind legs arid abdomen long ; hind tibiae with the upper interior spur nearly one-half shorter than the lower one ; claws of the tarsi short ; arolium large. Key to tlie Species. 1 (4) Wing-cells not centred with fuscous. 2 (3) Body and tegmina without pinlush markings; pronotum without black lines turrita, L., p. 98. 3 (2) Body and tegmina with pinkish mark- ings yigantea, Hbst., p. 98. 4 (1) Wing-cells centred with fuscous. 5 (6) Tegmina very narrowly edged with pink- ish-brown ; length of body 30 mm. . . lugubris, Burr, p. 99. 6 (5) Tegmina without distinct coloured mar- gin ; length of body 50 mm , . . exaltata, Walk., p. 99. 110. Acrida turrita, L. Gryttus Acrida turritus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. (ed. x) 1758, p. 427. Gryllus Acrida nasutus, pt., Linnaeus, Mus. Ludov. Ulric. 1764, p. 118. Truxalis nasutus, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, p. 279. Green; tegmina long, narrow and pointed, extending when closed beyond the abdomen ; head slender, longer than the pro- notum by the length of the fastigium in front of the eyes ; wings hyaline, pointed at the extremity. S. EUROPE " AFRICA ; ASIA.. 111. Acrida gigantea, Hbst. Truxalis giganteus, Herbst, Fuessly, Archiv. Ins. 1794, p. 191, pi. Hi, fig. 6. Head slightly, if at all, longer than the pronotum, and often shorter. Green ; head and pronotum with 2 or 3 pale pink bands on each side; tegmina with two broad pink longitudinal bands, between which is often a whitish line, generally broken into long spots, bordered with blackish ; wings hyaline. Lateral carinae of pronotum edged within with a black line. In one specimen the wings are tessellated with brown, almost as in A. lugubris. Lengtfi 50-60 mm. NEPAL; A.FRICA. ACRIDA. 112. Acrida exaltata, Walk: Truxalis exaltata, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. (3) iv, 1859, p. 222. Try.valis brevicollis, Bolivar, Feuille Jeunes Nat. xxiii, 1893, pp. 102, 164 ; id., Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1892, p. 588. Acrida brevicollis, Burr, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1902, pp. 157, 170. Green ; the head and pronotum of about equal length ; tegraiua obtusely pointed, scarcely longer than the hind femora ; wings yellowish hyaline, the cells in the posterior part cloudy in the middle. Length 53 mm. CEYLON. \ Fig. 81 Acrida litgubris. ). Acrida exaltata. 113. Acrida lugubris, Burr. Acrida lugubris, Burr, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1902, pp. 157, 170. Green ; head only slightly longer than the pronotum, and the antenna about as long as the head and pronotum together. Tegmina green, hardly longer than the wings, and moderately pointed; often narrowly bordered with pink, and with - ~~ H2 few 100 TRYXALIX^E. dusky spots towards the extremity. Wings byaline, tessellated with brown. Length 33 mm. KASHMIR : Hunza ; MADRAS. Genus ACRIDELLA. Acridella, Bolivar, Feuille Jeunes Nat. xxiii, 1893, p. 163. TYPE, (Truxalis unguiculala, Eamb. = ) Acrida nasnta, L. Range. S. Europe, Africa, Southern and Western Asia. General characters of Acrida, but the tegmina are differently formed in the sexes. In the males the mediastinal and scapular areas are enlarged towards the middle of the tegmina, and their spaces are usually transparent, and traversed by more or less regular nervures ; the third radial uervure of the tegmina and the first branch of the radial nervure of the wings branch beyond the middle of the tegmina and the wings respectively. The lateral carinae of the pronotum are flexuous, and curve upwards in front, being convex and divergent towards the metanotum. The upper inner terminal spur of the hind tibioe is one-half shorter than the lower inner spur; claws of the tarsi sometimes half as long as the third joint of the tarsi ; arolium small. Wings generally brightly coloured ; always with the transverse nervures thickened. 114. Acridella nasuta, L. Gryllus Acrida nasutus, Linnseus, Syst. Nat. (ed. x) i. 1758, p. 427. Truxalis scalaris, Klug, Symb. Phys. 1830, pi. xv, figs. 2-4. Truxalis miniata, Klug, "Symb. Phys. 1830, pi. xviii, figs. 3, 4 (nee I, 2). Truxalis variabilis, Klug, Symb. Phys. 1830, pi. xvii, figs. 3-6. Truxalis procer a, King, Symb. Phys. 1830, pi. xvi, figs. 2, 3. Truxalis conspnrcata, Klug, Symb. Phys. 1830, pi. xvii, fig. 1. Truxalis unyuiculata, Rambur, Faune Andal. ii, 1839, p. 72. Acrida nasuta, Stgl, Recens. Orth. i, 1873, p. 99. A rather slender species. Colour greenish brown, head and pronotum darker above than on the sides. Head as long as or longer than the pronotum, fastigium above with a central ridge. Pronotum considerably raised behind, with lateral carinae edged with black ; median carina almost obsolete ; seen laterally there are two waved carinse on the upper part of the pleura, and on the hinder half an oblique white one below them. Antennae broadly flattened, tapering at the extremity. Tegmina narrow, pointed, longer than the wings, green, with the costal area subhyaline, especially in the male ; a brown bar, undulated above, and followed by detached spots, runs longitudinally through the middle of the wing ; the inner marginal area is often reticulated with reddish in the male. Wings moderately broad, pointed at the tips, hyaline, or yellowish hyaline, with all the oblique nervures tessel- lated with black ; the basal half is red in the female, and often in the male, the extreme base being marked with bluish. ASWATTHAMA^US. 101 Length, body, 35-70 mm.; expanse of tegmina, 60-121 mm. SOUTH EUROPE ; AFRICA ; WESTERN ASIA ; BALUCHISTAX; IXDIA ; CEYLON ; BURMA. Geuus ASWATTHAMANUS, nov. TYPE, Asivattliamanus cylindricus, sp. nov. Range. India. Head and pronotum smooth, cylindrical ; eyes large, oval ; head not raised ; fastigium of the vertex very long, extending as far beyond the eye as the length of the prouoturn, and narrowed and obtusely rounded at the apex; frontal ridge narrow, sulcated, obsolete towards the mouth, lateral carina not strongly marked, but distinct, and continuous with the lower lateral border of the pronotum ; frontal tubercle very small. Antennae much widened and flattened towards the base, and tapering to a point at the extremity, about as long as the head and pronotum together ; inserted on the lower surface, just before the tip of the fastigium. Tegmina and wings very long, narrow, and pointed. Front and middle legs very short, hind legs very long and slender, hind tibiae with 10-11 spines on the outer (terminal spine absent) and 12 on the inner edge. 115. Aswatthamanus cylindricns, sp. nov. Light brown, inclining to reddish ; tegmina very long, narrow, and pointed, subhyaline, with rufous nervures ; wings hyaline, Fig. 82. Aswatthamanus cylindricus, C J . Fig. 83. Aswatthamanus cylindricus, $ . long, narrow, and pointed, but much shorter than the tegmina ; hind tibiae red. 102 TRYXALIN.E. Length 40-50 mm.; head, 14 mm.; pronotum, 8 mm.; antenna?, 20 mm. ; tegmina, 40 mm. ; wings, 35 mm. BENGAL : Pusa. Common on grass from July to November. Genus PHUEOBA. Phlaoba, Stil, Eugenie's Resa, Orth. 1860, p. 360. TYPE, Gomphocews (Phlceoba) rusticus, Stl. Range. The Oriental Eegion. Head as long as, or shorter than, the pronotum, and equally broad ; face somewhat oblique, fastigium produced as far before the eye as the head behind the eye, as broad as the length of the eye, and obtusely rounded at the extremity; the branching lateral carinse run within each eye, often continuous on the head, and a continuous median carina traverses the head and pronotum ; face with a double median carina, diverging below, and with carinse within the eyes, also curving outwards. Antennae ensiform, as long as or longer than the head and pronotum together, with the basal half widened and flattened. Wings and tegmina of equal length, perfectly developed, and as long as or rather longer than the abdomen. Legs moderately long, without special arma- ture ; hind femora moderately thickened at the base and as long as the abdomen ; hind tibiae spinose. Key to the Species. [1 (6) Wings more or less fuscous at apex. 2 (3) Antennae unicolorous infitmaia, Brunn., p. 103. 3 (2) Antennae ringed or tipped with obscure yellow. 4 (5) Posterior tibiae sordid blue or reddish . antemiata, Brunn., p. 102. 5 (4) Posterior tibiae testaceous aiioustidorsis, Bol., p. 104. 6 (1) Wings hyaline. 7 (8) Posterior tibiae unicolorous ; pro- notum very rugulose panteli, Bol., p. 104. 8 (7) Posterior tibiae with a distinct yellow ring near the base ; pronotum com- paratively smooth cinctalis, sp. n., p. 105.] 116. Phlaeoba antennata, Brunn. Phlaoba attennata, Brunner, Ann. Mus. Genova, xxxiii, 1893, p. 125, pi. v, fig. 49. Olive-brown, with a broad yellow band running from the vertex to the end of the tegmina, at least in the male. Antennae ensiform, half as long again as the head and pronotum together (shorter in the female) ; black, generally tipped with yellow. PHL^EOBA. 103 Pronotum smooth, with the three carinae well marked, and the hind border only slightly convex. Tegmina narrow, the costa slightly expanded near the base, especially in the female ; the extremity obtusely rounded off. Wings bluish hyaline, some- times with the dividing line yellow ; infuscated towards the tips. Legs reddish in the male ; the hind legs with the knees and base Fig. 84.Phl(eoba antennata, Fig. 8o.Phl(soba antennata, $>. and tip of the tibiae blackish ; hind legs uniform blackish in the female ; sometimes the hind tibiae are bluish instead of reddish, as described by Brunner. Length, body, 18-32 mm. ; antennae, 10-13 mm. ; pronotum, 3'5-6-5 mm. ; tegmina, 13-23 mm. ; hind femur, 12-19 mm. ASSAM : Sylhet ; BURMA ; MALAY PENINSULA ; SUMATRA ; BORNEO, oczoste?M-Ms * This genus is unknown to me. The author says that it differs from Dittopternis and Heteropternis in having the calcaria normal. C. O. W. (EDIPODIN-E. 129 8 (7) Internal calcaria of posterior tibiae greatly unequal, the lower one much longer than the other, abruptly hooked at apex, very acute 9 (6) Tegniiua relatively broad, with square or oblong cells ; body 10 (5) Wings with well-marked fascia. 11 (12) Pronotum without colour marks . . 12 (11) Pronotum with pale marks arranged so as to form an x 13 (4) Transverse veins of apical part of tegmina oblique, arranged zig-zag. 14 (2) Thorax long. ]"> (16) Pronotum with strong crest or acutely tectiform, without rugae ; wings without black at apex .... 10 (15) Pronotum with well-marked median carina, and Avith numerous longi- tudinal rugae 17 (3) Basal and apical portions of tegmina both subhyaline 18 (1) Dorsum of pronotum or its carina cut by two grooves. 19 (26) Pronotum without very distinct crest. 20 (21) Tegmiua of male rather short and dilated, the apical third strongly curved backwards ; antennae acu- minate at apex 21 (20) Tegmina normal ; antennae filiform. 22 (23) Body very robust ; tegmina rather broad ; radial veins of wings some- what thickened, especially in the male, and then attenuated at apex. 23 (22) Body normal; tegmina long and narrow. 24 (25) Pronotum short, broadly rounded behind, or very slightly angular. . 25 (24) Pronotum distinctly angular behind; basal third of tegmina generally opaque 26 (19) Pronotum with well-marked crest, which, when viewed sideways, is strongly bilobed in front ........ [p. 141. HETEROPTERNIS, StSl, [p. 130. CHL2. ACROTYLUS, Fieb., [p. 153. SPHINGONOTUS, lieb., TRILOPHIDIA, StSl, [p. 148. Fig. 94. Side view of head of Locus/a danica. 1 30 (EDIPODIN.5;. Genus CHLffiBORA, Sauss. Chtebora, Saussure, Me"m. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9). 1884,' pp. 54. 132; xxx (1), 1888, pp. 18, 19, 33. TYPE, Chlosbora grossa, Sauss. Range. India, Madagascar. Body stout. Antenme filiform, moderately thick, as long as the head and pronotum together in the female, and rather longer in the male. Vertex sloping into the clypeus, with scarcely an indication of a division ; face quadricarinate, the central pair commencing on the inner side of the upper surface of the eyes, curving inwards within the antennae, and then running down- wards, but not quite extending to the end of the clypeus; the outer carinae running from the eyes opposite the antennae, and curving forwards and then backwards to the outer lower corner of the clypeus. Pronotum with a strongly-raised median carina, not divided by the slightly-indicated sulci, with the hinder extremity subtriangular and obtusely truncated at the end ; lateral lobes higher than long, with the front and hind borders nearly parallel and the lower margin convex. Tegmina long, nearly parallel- sided, slightly expanded on the costa near the base, opaque and very thickly reticulated to beyond the middle, the outer area sub- hvaline, more or less closely reticulated. Wings ample, rather shorter than the tegmina, opaque at the base and hyaline on the margins. Hind femora thick, moderately long, very slightly serrulated on the upper carina? ; hind tibiae spinose, pubescent. Mesosternal lobes separated by a wide oval space between the narrow curved foveolae at the extremity of the mesosternum. Key to the Species. 1 (4) Wings yellow at base. "2 (3) Crest of pronotum arched, tectiform in front grossa, Sauss., p. 130. 3 ('2) Crest of pronotum nearly straight, more laniellated bramina, Sauss.. p. 131. 4 (1) Wings red at base crtusa, Walk., p. 181. 151. Chlcebora grossa, Sauss. Chlosbora grossa, Saussure, Me"m. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, p. 132; xxx (1), 1888, p. 33; Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 604. Yellowish grey; head large, rather smooth, especially at the sides, which are ashy ; face vertical, slightly arched ; vertex broad between the eyes, carinulated at the base of its scutellum, which is smooth, broad, rather short, and broadly truncated in front ; facial ridge punctate, rugulose, subparallel-sided, and CHLCEBORA. 131 slightly narrowest by the vertex ; tempora trigonal and lanceolate. Pronotum above indistinctly tuberculate in the front and middle of the central area, obtusely angulated anteriorly, behind bluntly rectangular ; median crest continuous, subarcuate (seen laterally), tectiform in the front area, very slightly intersected by the principal sulcus ; lateral lobes between the sulci smooth, sparingly punctured, but elsewhere thickly ; the lower margin arched, the front margin oblique or slightly sinuated. Tegmina extending as far as the middle tibiae, coriaceous and mottled with black towards the base, with the apical third hyaline and reticulated ; iilnar area much broader than the median area, with an incom- plete arched intercalated nervure. AVings yellow (?) at the base, hyaline beyond, with a narrow brown marginal border. Hind legs long, hind femora obsoletely banded with brown, the carinae dotted with black, the lower margin arched, the upper very finely serrulated and the basal half dilated ; hind tibiae red, with a pale ring at the base ; arolia small, membranous ; hind tibiae with 10 spines in the outer row 5 large and 5 rudimentary. Length 42 mm. ; tegmiua, 38 mm. ; hind femur, 20*5-24 mm. N. INDIA : Himalayas ; MADRAS : Trichinopoly. 152. Chlcebora bramina, Sams. Chlwbora bramina, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, p. 132 xxx (1), 1888, p. 33. Thick, rufo-testaceous, dotted with black. Head with the front rather augulated, facial ridge sulcated at the ocellus and punctate at the vertex ; scutellum of the vertex truncated in front and very shortly carinated behind ; tempora trigonal. Pronotum punctate and slightly granulated, the crest compressed, nearly straight, rectangularly produced behind. Tegmina brown, with two narrow pale fasciae, the basal half coriaceous beyond the middle, with irregular polygonal reticulations, the apical half spotted or tessellated with grey. Wings sulphur-yellow, with a rather broad transverse brown band, extending to the crenate hind margin ; tip brown. Hind tibiae red, with a pale ring at the 'base. Length 23 mm. ; tegmina, 25 mm. INDIA. Type in the collection of Brunner von Wattenwyl. 15J3. Chloebora crassa, Wall: (Edipoda crassa, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 741. Chlcebora crassa, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxx (1), 1888, p. 33. Brown, very stout, finely pubescent, sides of head and pronotum jinore or less varied with whitish. Head large, rounded, scutellum 132 (EDIPODIX.i:. of the vertex obsolete, very shortly carinulated at the base, and slightly arched at the tip, longer than broad in the female, and broader than long in the male; carinae bordering the costal ridge broadest above, converging below the ocellus, and then subparallel, but not extending to the end of the clypeus; outer carinae curved, complete; vertex with two in- distinct brown curved lines; eyes large, oval, but not very prominent. Pronotum sca- brous, with black markings, the carina very slightly arched, the hind border pro- duced and obtusely rounded. Abdomen dark red, with a median carina. Tegmina opaque and nearly covered with brown blotches (with some paler spaces in the male) on the basal half ; terminal half subhyaline, quadrately reticulated with rather thick brown nervures. AVings red in the basal half and hyaline beyond ; in the male the red is bordered by traces of an indistinct brown band. Hind femora broad, grey, with small black spots on the outside, and black, with two yellow bands, towards the tip, on the inside ; yellow above, indistincty banded with black ; hind tibiae red, with 10 black-tipped spines on the outer carina. Length 25-40 mm.; pronotum, 7'5-9 mm. ; tegmina, 25-33 mm. ; hind femur, 15-21-5 mm. Is. BENGAL. Types in the collection of the British Museum. Fig. 95. Chlcebora crassa. Genus dUIROGUESIA. Quiroguesia, Bolivar, An. Soc. Espan. xv, 1886, p. 515; Saussuiv,. M&n. Soc. Geneve, xxx (1), 1888, pp. 18, 84. TYPE, Acridium miniatum, Brulle. Range. Mediterranean Kegion to India. Pastigium of the vertex ovate, elongated, more than twice as long as broad, truncated in front; tempora indistinct, trigonal^ lateral, separated from the vertex; frontal ridge between the QUJEOGUESIA. 133 antennae only half as broad as between the eyes above, arched, punctured on the vertex. Pronotuin with a raised continuous carina, slightly intersected by the principal sulcus about the middle, expanded behind the sulcus, with the hinder extremity obtusely angulated and the tip rounded. Tegmina long, narrow, slightly expanded on the costa near the base, the hind margin slightly oblique and rounded off into the inner margin ; coriaceous to the middle, then subhyaline, regularly reticulated, with scattered dusky markings, the division between the two halves being almost perpendicular ; wings coloured, with the outer third hyaline, tipped with dusky. Hind femora not serrated. 154. Quiroguesia blanchardiana, Sauss. Quirof/iiesia brullei, var. blanchardiana, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxx (1), 1888, p. 35 ; Biaiichi, Pram. Loz. Ross. Imp. 1902, p. 252. Head bluish grey, with obscure reddish markings, of which the most constant are two stripes on the vertex. Pronotuin brown, generally with reddish mark- ings at the base and whitish blotches on the pleura ; median carinanearly straight, very slightly arched and not much raised. Abdomen black IBBifc^ above, carinated, more or - ? " ^ ess P a ^ e towards the tip. Tegmina with the basal half Egwp more or less varied with giS^ lighter and darker brown ~';Jr and grey, apical half hyaline, with patches of the nervures more or less broadly black and the cells slightly in- fuscated. Wings greenish yellow or red in the basal half, bordered outside by a nearly straight black band, which then curves inwards round the hind margin to the anal angle ; beyond this is a broad hyaline band, the tip of the wings being black, Fig. 96. Quiroguesia blanchardiana. except that the cells of the terminal row are hyaline. Hind femora black, with pale bands, sometimes almost entirely pale on the outer side ; knees black ; hind tibiae reddish or yellowish, the extreme base black, often followed by a pale band ; with about 10 small regular black-tipped spines on each side. 134 (EDIPODINJE. Length 23-43 mm. ; expanse of wings, 4878 mm. SOMALILAND ; ARABIA ; PALESTINE ; N.W INDIA ; BOMBAY. Types in the Paris and British Museums. Appears to be distinct from Q. notabilif. Walk. (= brulhi\ Sauss.) from the Canaries. Spain and Algeria. The only specimens of Q. blanchardiana at present in the British Museum from India arid East Africa belong to the red form. Those from Aden are of both colours. Genus PTERNOSCIRTA. Pternoscirta, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 52 127; xxx (1), 1888, p. 18. Prionidia, StSl (nee Leach), Recens. Orth. i, 1873, pp. 116, 127. TYPE, (Edipoda saturata, Walk. Range. The Oriental Region. Head short, somewhat rugose, the carinaj bounding the fronlal ridge not very prominent, strongly approximating between the antennae. Tegmina brown, varied "with paler markings on the basal half, then with a large subhyaline patch, and more or less varied with brown and subhyaline beyond, the cells being arranged in oblique quadrilaterals, angulated towards each other at the longitudinal nervures ; wings often coloured at the base, with no central black band ; hyaline beyond the middle, with the tip dusky. Legs and under surface pilose. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Wings red at base cinctifemur, Walk., 2 (1) Wings yellow at base. [p. 1.34. 3 (4) Length of body 27 mm. ; tegmina with the whole of the apical half spotted [p. 1 35. with brown caliyino&a, De Haan, 4 (3) Length 21 mm. ; tegmina with apical half with only a row of brown spots [p. 1 36. near front margin bimaeulatus, Thunb., 155. Pternoscirta cinctifemur, Walk. Acridium cinctifemur, Walker, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) iv, 1859, p. 223. (Edipoda saturata, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 740. Pternoscirta saturata, Saussure, Me"m. Soc. Geneve, xxx (1). 1888, p. 36. Pternoscirta humbertiana, Saussure, Me"m. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, p. 127. Head and pronotum granulose, brown, mottled with pale markings ; abdomen shining black ; pronotum and abdomen with PTEKyOSCIRTA. 135 a continuous median carina, pronotum slightly produced and obtusely rounded behind. Tegtuina narrow, brown, slightly ex- panded on the costa near the base and rounded at the extremity ; two large pale spaces, one just beyond the costal expansion, and the other, paler, just beyond the middle ; the basal area is very closely reticulated and speckled with grey ; the outer area is brown, varied with subhyaline spaces, often forming short trans- verse lines and obliquely reticu- lated. Wings rose-colour on the basal half, then clouded hyaline, darkest towards the margins, which become brown towards the apex, sometimes forming two ir- regular spots. Hind femora buff or bluish grey outside, with black spots ; banded with black above and black on the inner side, with two pale bands before the black knees ; hind tibiae black, banded with yellow at the base and blue beyond, with 9 or 10 black spines ; hind tarsi yellow. Length 22-30 mm.; expanse of tegmiua, 46-58 mm. CBYLOX. Types in the British Museum. [The illustration is taken from the type of P. satumta, Walk.] Fig. 97. Pternoscirta cinctifem ur. 156. Pternoscirta caliginosa, De Haan. Acridium ((Edipoda) calif/inosum, DeHaan, Tetnminck, Verhandel., Orth. 1842, p. 161, pl.'xxi, tig. 11. Pternoscirta caliginosa, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 127, 128. Rugose and granulated, reddish, irregularly marked with blackish. Head with the scutellum of the vertex strongly con- tracted above the antennae, the carinse then gradually diverging ; the lateral curved carinse running from between the eyes and antennae to the end of the clypeus well marked ; a pale spot within each eye, and another, bordered above and below with black, on the pleura. Pronotum with the median carina strongly marked, but nearly straight, cut by the principal sulcus distinctly before the middle ; hind border obtusely angulated. Abdomen yellowish, carinated above. Tegmina long, narrow, brown, mottled with yellowish grey, often with two pale spaces as in the last species. AVings much longer than broad, hyaline, yellow towards 136 (EUIPODl^.E. the base and brown towards the tips. Hind femora yellowish, banded with brown ; hind tibia? black, banded with yellow at the base and blue bevond ; about 8 spines on each side, tipped with black. Length 27-29 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 50-60 mm. INI>IA ; MALACCA. Type in the Leyden Museum. 157. Pternoscirta bimaculata, Thwih. Gryllus bimaculatus, Thunberg, MtSm. A cad. Petersb. v. 1815, p. 239. Epacromia turbata, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 776. Acrotylus humbertianus, Saussure, Me"m. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 187, 189. Greyish-tawny, whitish beneath, pubescent. Scutellum of the vertex with black carinae and terminating in a transverse carina ; frontal ridge sulcated, punctured, cheeks granulated. Pronotuui short, with a blackish band behind the eye, extending over a great part of the pleura, but divided by a large tri- angular pale spot in front and a large round one in the middle ; de- flexed lobes much higher than long. Abdomen mostly black above. Teg- mina brown, with two transverse whitish bands or spots, and the discoidal area hyaline beyond the middle. Wings subhyaline, with the base yellow, the costa beyond the middle brown, and the marginal half clouded with brown, except below the dark costal line. Front legs yellowish, ringed with black ; hind femora banded with black and yellowish ; hind tibia) black at the base, followed by a white and a black band; the rest blue, with 8 or 9 black-tipped spines. Length 21 mm.; tegmina, 19 mm. CEYLON. Type of P. turbata in the British Museum. [The description is taken from the type of P. tw'lata, Walk.] Fig. 98. Pternoscirta bimaculata. a. Apical half of tegmen. MORPHACRIS. 137 Genus MORPHACKIS. Morphacris, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. H.M. iv, 1870, p. 790. Cosmorhyssrt, Stal, Recens. Orth. i, 1873, pp. 116, 121 ; Sau<*sure, Me"m. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. f>0, l'J3 ; xxx (1), 1888, pp. 18, 37. TYPE, Morphacris adusta, Walk. ( = Gryllas sanguiueus, Thunb., immature). Range. Africa, W. Asia, India, Greece (?). Bodf long and slender. Sciitellum of the vertex depressed, with a median carina, terminating in front in a slight ridge between the antennae ; costal ridge slightly prominent, sulcated ; lateral ca rinse obsolete. Pronotuin with the median carina strongly marked ; the principal sulcus is indistinct and placed considerably before the middle, and behind it are several strong continuous carinae on each side. Tegmina long, narrow, slightly expanded on the costa towards the base, the postradial area extending to the middle. Wings yellow or red at the base, separated by a dark band from the outer hyaline area. Femora long, rather slender, not serrulated. 158. Morphacris citrina, Kirby. Morphacris citrina, Kirby, Syn. Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, p. 219. Cosmorhyssa xulcata, Saussure (nee Thunb.), Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, p. 124 ; xxx (1), 1888, p. 37. Head brown, darker above and along the frontal ridge ; upper part of the sides of the face below the eyes yellowish to the end of the clypeus beside the costal ridge. Pro- notum brown, with a black band on the pleura, marked below with a raised yellowish line. Abdomen yellowish, with a shining black spot above near the base. Legs brown, hind femora within with two longi- tudinal black bands covering much of the surface ; hind tibiae yellow, with a dark band near the base. Tegmina brown, paler towards the inner margin, on which a few dark dots are visible ; outer area subhyaline, slightly shining, and reticulated with square cells. Wings light sulphur- yellow at the base, bordered by a broad blackish band ; outer , area hyaline, somewhat clouded towards the extremity. Length 20-27 mm. ; expanse of wings, 42-45 mm. INDIA ; CEYLON ; SYBIA ; ABYSSINIA. The South-African M. sulcata, Thunb., is darker and more heavily marked. Fig. 99. Morphacris citrina. 138 (KDIPODIN.i:. Genus LERINA. Lerina, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 602. TYPE, Lerina cedipodioides, Bol. Range. IS. India. Body very slender. Head smooth, front shining, frontal ridge sulcated ; tempera trigonal, lanceolate, extending to the tip of the vertex, with the ridges acute ; scutellum of the vertex sub- transverse, carinated on the sides next to the eyes, distinctly narrowed in front, and truncated; ocelli distant from the margin of the vertex ; antennae filiform. Pronotum truncated in front, rectangular behind, smooth above, and carinated, the carina inter- sected before the middle by the principal sulcus. Pronotum sinuous in front, the lateral carina? being compressed before the sulcus, with smooth rounded lobes ; the deflexed lobes higher than long, with the hinder angles rectangularly rounded. Tegmina longer than the hind femora, narrow, subparallel-sided. with the discoidal area membranous from the central stigma to the tip, regularly reticu- lated with long rectangular cells, the spurious nervures complete ; the basal half submembranous and irregularly reticulated ; an intercalated nervure approximating to the median nervure, axillary nervure free. Wings with the discoidal nervure emitting two branches, the second closely approximating to the front ulnar vein, disk hyaline, with a curved brown band. Space between the metasternal lobes very narrow in the male, half as narrow as the space between the mesosternal lobes. Hind femora short, very broad at the base, with the upper carina very slightly serrulated ; tibia? with eight outer and nine inner spines, outer spurs rather shorter than the inner, and not pilose. Sub- genital lamina? conical, very short. 159. Lerina oedipodioides, Bol. Lcrina tedipodioides, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. (508. Pale yellowish, varied with brown, and head and prouotuii) spotted with brown. Tegmina with three brown bands. Wings hyaline, pale yellow at the extreme base, behind with a suffused brown marginal band, not extending to the tip. Hind femora brown, broadly pale at the base, and with a narrow pale ring before the tip ; hind tibia? brown, with a narrow space near the base, and a broad one near the tip, pale. Length, <3 , 16 mm. ; pronotum, 3 mm. ; tegmina, 17 mm. ; hind femur, 9 mm. MADIIAS: Madura. Type in the collection of M. Pantel. B1TTOPTERXIS. 139 Genus DITTOPTERNIS. Dittoptemis, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 52, 125 ; xxx (1), 1888, pp. 19, 44. TYPE, Dittopternis ceylonica, Sauss. Ramje. India, Ceylon, Australia, S. Africa. Head broad, granulated ; scutellum of the vertex 5-sided, longer than broad, truncated in front, and the lateral carinse not extending behind the ej*es ; frontal ridge broadly sulcated, parallel-sided, continuous ; antennae longer lhan the head and pronotum. Pronotum granulose, the median carinse bituber- culate in front, and deeply cut by the principal sulcus before the middle ; the front border truncated, behind this somewhat constricted to the principal sulcus ; hind border rectangular, with the tip rounded off ; deflexed lobes nearly square, with the borders slightly sinuated. Tegmina long, narrow, densely reticulate, and opaque to beyond the middle, then membranous and subhyaline, with complete intercalated nervures. Wings hyaline, with the base coloured, and a curved black band beyond. Hind femora denticulated, hind tibire with nine or ten spines. Key to tlie Species. 1 (2) Head and pronotum slightly granular. . ccylonica, Sauss., p. 139. 2 (1) Head and pronotum strongly granular. 3 (4) Lateral lobes of pronotum rectangular behind vemista, Walk., p. 140. 4 (8) Lateral lobes of pronotum oblique and rounded behind zebrata, Sauss., p. 140. 160. Dittopternis ceylonica, Sauss. Dittopternis ceylonica, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 125, 126 ; xxx (1), 1888, pp. 19, 44. Reddish grey, marbled with brown. Head rather smooth, vertex between the eyes very slightly carinulated, with a few granules on the occiput ; frontal ridge sulcated, much narrowed between the antennae, and truncated above. Pronotum with the principal sulcus slightly before the middle, somewhat constricted before the sulcus, granulated in front, the carina raised, and well marked, the hind border forming less than a right angle, and rounded at the tip ; deflexed lobes rectangular behind. Tegmina long, brown or ferruginous, the basal half with two chestnut bands, then narrowly dotted with grey, the hinder portion concolorous ; the discoidal area beyond the middle- sub- hyaline, with ferruginous nervures. Wings hyaline, base bright yellow, followed by a more or less extensive brown band ; uervures of the costa brown ; the rest hyaline, more or less clouded before the tip. Hind femora yellowish with three brown 140 bands, the last just before the tip ; sometimes the inner surface is bluish ; hind tibiae blue, with a pale ring at the base. Lenytli 17-24 mm.: tegmina, 18-23 mm. ; hind femur, 7- 13 mm. CBTLOX. Type in the Geneva Museum. 161. Dittopternis venusta, Wall. (Edipoda venusta, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 740. Dittopternis venusta, Saussuve, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxx (.1), 1888, p. 40. Brown, paler beneath. Vertex with four diverging rows of pale granules running backwards from between the eyes : those in the two middle rows largest; a blackish band runs backwards from each eye over the occiput and part of the pronotum, bordered above and below by a slight yellow line ; antennae very long, tawny at the base, then banded with black and white, with a long white space not extending to the tip. Pronotum rugose, granulated and strongly carinated, cut by the principal sulcus before the middle, obtusely angulated behind, with the tip rounded ; deftexed lobes quadran- gular behind. Tegmina long, narrow, with the basal half and costa brown, with a large yellow blotch at one- fourth of the length extending half across the tegmina, and smaller yellowish spots along the costa and middle ; the outer area subhyaline. Wings hyaline, yellow at the base, Avith a broad suffused blackish band beyond. Abdomen yellow, carinated, Avith a black tapering median band above, not ex- tending to the tip. Hind femora tawny, with black transverse bands ; hind tibiae black at base, followed by a light yellow band, then blue ; spines yellow, tipped Avith black'; terminal spines and tarsi reddish. Length 25 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 53 mm. S. INDIA. Type in the British Museum. 1(52. Dittopternis zebrata, Saws. Dittopternis zebrata, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884. pp. 125,126; xxx (1), 1888, p. 44. Fulvous, irrorated with brown, strongly rugose and granulated. Fig. 100. Dittopternis venusti HETEROPTERNIS. 141 Occiput with two oblique lines of granules. Pronotura with the tip not very acute, the margins slightly waved, the hinder angle of the hinder lobes rather narrow, extending obliquely backwards with the hinder margin slightly concave. Teginina dotted and spotted with black, and dotted with grey at the tip. Wings hyaline, with longitudinal brown nervures, yellow at the base, followed by a suffused brown band, and with the margin brown, streaked with hyaline in the male. Hind tibiae blue. Length 20-25 mm.; tegmina, 20-26 mm. INDIA ; BURMA. Genus HETEROPTERNIS. Heteropternis, St8l, Recens. Orth. i, 1873, pp. 117, 128; Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, p. 129; xxx (1), 1888, pp. 19, 45. TTPE, Aery dium respondens, AValk. Range. Oriental Eegion, Africa. Body rather slender. Head smooth or slightly granulated ; vertex of the scutellum broad behind, narrowed and truncated in front, costal ridge sulcated, tempora oblong. Pronotum not much longer than broad, slightly compressed in front, and with the typical sulcus placed somewhat before the middle ; hind border rectangular. Tegmina long, narrow, brown, speckled arid blotched with subhyaline; wings hyaline, often more or less clouded, but with no dark curved band. Hind tibiae red, claws verv unequal, incurved. Key to the Species. Pronotum unicolorous respondens, Walk. Pronotum paler behind partita, Walk. 163. Heteropternis respondens, Walk. Acrydium respondens, Walker, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) iv, 1859, p. 223. Heteropternis pyrrhoscelis, Stal, Recens. Orth. i, 1873. p. 128 ; Saussure, Mem. Sue. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 129, 130; xxx (1), 1888, p. 46. Hufo-testaceous, varied with black. Head rather smooth, lateral carina? slender, frontal ridge punctured ; antennae brown, paler at the base, filiform, longer than the head and pronolum. Pronotum velvety, paler or darker above, with a continuous median carina, cut by the principal sulcus before the middle ; the front somewhat constricted, and the pleura marked with a large square black spot, behind which is a round white callous one ; deflexed lobes higher than broad, curving backwards and upwards ; hind border of pronotum nearly rectangular, rounded at the extremity. Tegmina 142 Fig. 101. Hcteroptcrnis respondens. i. Apex of tibia with spurs. longer than the abdomen, with large subhyaline spots and blotches along the costa, and a longitudinal row of subhyaliue spots about the middle. Wings hyaline, more or less clouded to- wards the tips, and more or less tinged with red or yellow at the base. Hind femora yellowish, irregularly spotted and mottled with black above and on the outer side ; red on the inner side and beneath ; hind tibiae red, with nine or ten small black-tipped spines, with the upper spine of the inner terminal pair much shorter and more slender than the lower ones. Under surface and legs with long white hairs. Length 19-22 mm.; tegmina, 19- 22 mm. ; CEYLOX; BUBMA; CHINA; MALACCA; JAVA; STJMATEA. 1G4. Heteropternis partita, Walk. Epacromia partita, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 780. Dark brown, mottled with grey, antennae reddish. Pronotum strongly angulated behind, and the hinder third reddish, the dark ground-colour cutting into this triangularly in front; median carina and hind border of the reddish portion narrowly bordered with black. Abdomen reddish brown above, blackish beneath. Tegmina brown at the base with a few pale spots ; beyond sub- hyaline, reticulated with brown ; wings hyaline, with brown nervures, except at the base, where the longitudinal nervures are bright yellow. Hind femora brown outside, lined with grey ; lower outer space reddish, spotted with black ; under and inner surface, and hind tibiae and tarsi red; spines of hind tibiae short, black. Lewjili 28 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 55 mm. CEYLOX ; Hakgala. Type in the British Museum. Genus (EDALEUS. (Edaleus, Fieber, Lotos, iii, 1853, p. 120. TYPE, Acrydium nigrofasciatum, De Geer. Range. Old World. Head large, frontal scutellum longer than broad, and truncated in front, with a slight median farina continued backwards over the vertex ; frontal ridge parallel-sided, sulcated ; tempora small, trigonal. Pronotum short, green or luteous, with incomplete (EDALEUS. 143 white cruciform marks ; strongly carinated, and entire, the median sulcus visible on the sides of the pronotuin before the middle ; the hind border rectangular or obtusely angulated. Tegmina long, narrow, brown on the basal half, with white markings, then subhyaline with brown markings, intercalated areas subequal ; wings yellowish at the base, Avith a broad dark central band. Hind femora with the upper margin generally entire. Key to tJie Species. 1 (4) Proiiotum more or less pointed behind. [p. 143. 2 (3) Size moderate ...................... nigrofasciatus, De Geer, 3 (2) Size small ....................... abruptus, r hmi\).,y. 144. 4 (1) Pronotum rounded behind ............ seneyalensis, Krauss, [p. 143. 165. (Edaleus nigrofasciatus, Sauss. Acrydium iiigrofasciatnm, De Geer, Me"m. Ins. iii, 1773, p. 493, pi. xli, fig. 5. (Edalens ni(/rofasciatus, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp.'llO, 116 ; xxx (1), 1888, p. 40. Gryllus fianttt. pt., Fabricius (nee Linnaeus), Syst. Ent. 1775, p. 292. Green or testaceous, banded with brown. Pronotuin brown, with white markings above, forming an imperfect cross, and white markings on the pleura; central carina strongly marked, nearly straight, not usually cut by the principal sulcus, which is placed before the middle ; hind border more or less angulated. Tegmiua brown at the base, more or less varied with pale blotches ; some- times green along the inner margin ; outer half subhyaline, more or less varied with brown blotches ; wings greenish subhyaline at the base, with a broad black transverse band, curving inwards to the ai:al angle ; tip clear hyaline, sometimes with a few blackish spots at the extremity. Hind femora pale, banded with black ; hind tibia) Length 18-38 mm.; pronotum, 4-8 mm. ; tegmina, 16-24 mm. S. EUROPE ; W. ASIA. ; IXDIA ; CEILOX. 166. (Edaleus senegalensis, Krauss. Pachiftylus senegalensis, Krauss, Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.- nat. Cl. Ixxvi (1), 1877, p. 56, pi. i, tig. 9. (Edaleus senegalensis, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. llO, 117 ; xxx (1), 1888, pp. 40, 42. Very similar to the last species, but the pronotum is much 144 (EDIPODlNyE. shorter, the white lines are more slender, the principal sulcus is placed at or behind the middle, and the hinder edge of the pronotum is rounded. The tegmina are long and narrow, sub- hyaline, with the base varied with light brown, two larger blotches being more conspicuous than the others. Wings greenish hyaline towards the base, with the black transverse band rather narrow, not extending to the margin, and slightly interrupted towards the costa ; apical area hyaline, the veins often broader and browner towards the extreme tip. Hind tibiae darker red than in (E. nigrofasciatvs, fading to yellowish. Length 26-31 mm. ; tegmina, 20-30 mm. Generally distributed in Asia and Africa. 167. (Edaleus abruptus, Tlmnb. Gryllus alrvvtus, Thunberg, Mem. Acad. Petersb. v. 1815, p. 233: ix, 1884, pp. 396, 412, pi. xiv, fijr. 5. Pactiyh/lus ((Eda/eus) abruptus, Stal, liecens. Orth. i, 1873, p. 127. (Edalem abruptus, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 110, 117 ; xxx (1), 1888, p. 40. Green or testaceous, with brown and white markings. Scu- tellum of the vertex long, narrow, subtriangular, and pointed. Pronotum brown with white cross-marks above, and white and brown oblique stripes on the sides of the head and pronotum ; angulated behind, with the principal sulcus placed much before the middle. Tegmina brown, with three pale bands before the middle ; beyond the middle subhyaline, sometimes with the axillary area green. Wings very pale greenish yellow towards the base, with a brownish central fascia, more or less extended: outer area hyaline, more or less marked with brown. Tibiae reddish, or glaucous, paler towards the base. Length 13-20 mm. ; tegmina, 15-19 mm. INDIA ; CEYLON ; CHINA. Genus GASTRIMARGUS. Gastrimargus, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 109, 110 ; xxx (1), 1888, p. 37. TYPE, Gryllus virescens, Thunb. Range. Old World. General characters of (Edaleus, but these are insects of large size, with the pronotum long, pointed behind, and longitudinally or obliquely striped with green, brown, and whitish. Femora generally serrulated above. Tegmina with the costal space above the intercalated area narrower than the lower one ; wings gene- rally yellow or blue, with a broad central band, and the apical area hyaline. GASTRIMARGUS. LOCUSTA. 145 168. Gastrimargus transversus, Thunb. Gryllus transversns, Thunberg, Mem. Acad. Petorsb. v, 181 5 r p. 233 ; ix, 1824, pp. 396, 412. (Edipoda citrina, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. ii, 1838, p. 645. CEdaleus marmoralus. var. minor, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxx (1), 1888, p. 39. Green, antennae reddish. Behind each eye a pale spot runs to the back of the head, bordered above and below with black, which is generally continuous on the front of the pro- notum ; in the most brightly coloured specimens there is an ill- defined pale band below the black, and below this again a black patch from the back of the head to the middle of the pleura, with a pale spot in front and behind. Pronotum acutely angulaled behind, with a strong pale f median carina, sometimes I bordered with black, or with a black spot on each side at the extremity. Abdomen greenish. Tegmtna long and narrow, the inner margin green, the rest of the tegmina brown to the middle, with whitish markings, especially a transverse one near the base ; the outer half of the tegmina hyaline, generally more or less blotched with brown. Wings shorter than the tegmina, bright sulphur-yellow at the base, with a black centi-al band curving round to the anal angle ; beyond this, the wing is hyaline, more or less blackish at the tip. Hind femora long and slender, greenish or yellowish, spotted and dotted with black, and serrulated above ; hind tibiae red, often shading into greenish at the base, with the spines tipped with black. Length, body, 30-45 mm. ; hind femora, 19-25 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 70-85 mm. KASHMIR : Baltistan ; NEPAL ; UNITED PROVINCES : Garhwal ; ASSAM : Sylhet ; BENGAL ; MADRAS : Shevaroy Hills ; JAVA ; CELEBES. Fig. 103. Gastrimargus transversus. Genus LOCUSTA. Locusta, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. (ed. x.) i, 1758, p. 431 ; Schrank, Enum. Ins. Austr. 1781, p. 246, Gryllus, Fabricius, Syst, Ent. 1775, p. 287. 146 CEDIPODIXJE. Acrydium, Latreille (nee Geoffroy), Hist. Nat. Crust. Ins. iii, 1802, p. 282 ; xii, 1804, p. 149. Pachytyhts, Fieber, Kelch, Grundl. Kenntn. Orthopt, 1852, p. 5. TYPE, Gryllus Locusta migratoritis, L. Range. Old World. Size large. Antennae longer than the head and pronotum. Fastigium of the vertex broad, not depressed, subcarinated, passing over into the frontal ridge, which is broad and hardly sulcated. Pronoturn more or less constricted in front, strongly ridged ; the carinae hardly intersected by the principal sulcus, which is placed about the middle and angulated behind ; deflexed lobes with the hinder edge very slightly sloping. Tegrnina very long, subhyaline, more or less stippled with brown ; wings hyaline, with no dark central band. All the tibiae spinose, hind femora hardly serrulated. Pectus broad, pilose, mesosternal lobes with the inner margins nearly straight, metasternal lobes widely sepa- rated. First segment of the abdomen with the tympanum slightly exposed. Key to the Species. Hind femora very slender migratoroides, R. & F. Hind femora rather stout danica, L. 169. Locusta migratoroides, R. 4" F. (Edipoda migratoroides, Reiclie & Fairmaire, Ferret & Galinier, Voy. Abyssinie, iii. 1847, p. 430, pi. xxviii, fig-. 12. Paclu/tylus migratoroides, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 119, 120. Greenish brown, or reddish brown ; head generally with a slender pale line behind the eyes, bordered with reddish brown, and con- tinuous with a broad parallel- sided reddish-brown band on each side of the pronotum. Pronotum granulated, constricted from a little behind the head to the middle. Tegmina mottled and reticu- lated with brown ; wings hyaline. Hind femora rather long, not much thickened at the base, and regularly tapering. Hind legs brownish yellow, with the lower, and sometimes the upper, part of the femora reddish. Length 42-46 mm. ; tegmina, 46-60 mm. Widely distributed throughout the Old World, except Europe. 170. Locusta danica, L. Gryllus Locusta danicus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. (ed. xii.) i (2), 1767, p. 702. Pachytylus danicus, Aurivillius, Ent. Tidskr. xxi, 1900, pp. 246, Gryllus cinerascens, Fa'bricius, Spec. Ins. i, 1781, p. 369. Green or brown, banded with brown. Behind the eye runs a brown stripe, generally intersected by a white line on the head, LOCUST A. MECISTOPTERYX. 147 across the head and pronotum ; these stripes are narrower than in L. migratoroides, slightly converge behind, and do not ex- tend to the extremity of the pronotum, which is smoother and less con- stricted than in L. migratoroides. Tegmina subhyaline, more or less extensively blotched and reticulated with brown, the dark blotches often showing a tendency to coalesce into transverse bands ; wings greenish or yellowish hyaline. Hind femora green, thicker and less tapering than in L. migratoroides ; black on the inside to the middle, and with a large black patch be- yond ; upper surface ser- rulated ; hind tibiae red. Male much smaller than the female. Length 32-60 mm. ; Fig. 104. Locusta danica. pronotum, 7'5-14 mm. ; tegmina, 35-58 mm. Found almost throughout the Old World. Genus MECISTOPTERYX. Mecistopteryx, Saussure, Me"m. Soc. Geneve, xxx (1), 1888, pp. 20, 52. TYPE, (Edipoda rotundata, Walk. Range. India. Size small. Antennae filiform, rather thickened in the middle and pointed at the tip. Eyes rounded, large, and prominent ; within each a cariua runs from the vertex, nearly straight, but rather irregular below, and curving a little outwards to the end of the clypeus; on the vertex two other carinae curve inwards to form the scutellum of the vertex, and the sulcation of 'the frontal ridge, which is divided by a transverse carina in its narrowest part above the antennae ; occiput rugose. Pronotum strongly crested, with the three sulci very strongly marked, the first and last intersecting the median carina ; the lateral carinae slightly marked ; the hind border obtusely rounded ; deflexed lobes nearly square, but the hinder angle rounded off. Tegmiua narrow at the base, much widened before the extremity, with the L2 148 (EDIPODIXJE. costa arched ; costal area very broad, with several intercalated nervures ; wings short and broadly subhyaline, with clouded border, widely meshed on the front half, very closely on the hinder half. Hind femora moderately stout, somewhat constricted before the extremity. 171. Mecistopteryx rotundata, Wall: (Edipoda rotundata, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870,. p. 743. Mecistopteryx rotundata, Saussure, Me"m. Soc. Geneve, xxx (1),. 1888, p. 53, pi. ii, fig. 3. Head and pronotum brown, antennae reddish, paler towards the- base beneath, abdomen blackish. Tegmina light brown for two- thirds of their length, with whitish subhyaliue marks ; a streak below the median nervure near the base ; a large blotch ex- tending neai'ly across the wing from the costa, and an irregular band be- yond, spreading out half-way to the base above the submedian nervure, and below it along the inner margin nearly to the base ; outer third of the tegmina subhyaline, indistinctly clouded, and with some darker spots along the costa. Wings bluish hya- line, with the border clouded, the upper half almost as widely meshed as in the American Tryxaline genus Hyalopleryx, and the hinder half very Fig. 105. closely reticulated with pale nervures,. Mecistopteryx rotundata. almost as in the Neuropterous genus Neurotliemis. Hind femora yellowish, inner and lower surface black, with three yellowish bands, the first incomplete above, before the extremity ; knees wholly black above ; hind tibiae black, with a white streak towards the base, and two broad white bands, eight rather irregular black spines- on each side, and whitish tarsi. Length 15 mm.; hind femur, 9 mm.; expanse of tegmina,. 32 mm NORTH BENGAL. Type in the British Museum. Genus TEILOPHIDIA. Trilophidia, StSl, Recens. Orth. i, 1873, pp. 117, 131 ; Saussure,. Me"m. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 56, 157 - r xxx (1), 1888,, pp. 21, 54. TYPE, (Edipoda cristella, Stll. Range. Oriental Eegion, Africa. Bather slender, pubescent. Antennae slightly thickened to- wards the tip. Scutellum of the vertex broad, sloping, truncated TRILOPHIDIA. 149 at the extremity, frontal ridge imperfectly sulcated ; lateral cariuae starting from near the lower extremity of the eyes, and angulated. Pronotum with a nearly straight carina, cut by the principal sulcus before the middle, and angulated behind ; deflexed lobes higher than broad. Tegmiua long and narrow, brown, the costal area almost equally divided by the principal intercalated nervure ; wings long, narrow. Hind femora moderately broad. Several of the species curiously resemble the Noctuid genus Ayrotis. Key to the Species. 1 (4) Crest of the proiiotum deeply cut by two sulci. 2 (3) Wings not yellow at the base annulata, Tlib., p. 149. 3 (2) Wings yellow at the base turpis, Walk., p. 140. 4 (1) Crest of the pronotum only slightly indented by the sulci cristella, StSl, p. 150. 172. Trilophidia annulata, Thunb. Grylhis muuilatus, Thunberg, Mem. Acad. Petersb. v, 1815, p. 234 ; ix, 1824, pp. 395, 409. Gryllus bidens, Tlmnbevg, Mem. Acad. Petersb. v, 1815, p. 235 ; ix, 1824, pp. 398, 422. Trilophidia annulata, var. &., StSl, Recens. Orth. i, 1873, p. 132. Brown or grey, with black markings, pubescent beneath. Antennae slightly thickened, pale at the base. Pronotum rugose, with a high median carina, forming two teeth in front, and with lateral carinse. Tegmina grey, sometimes with two indistinct brown bauds, the extremity brownish hyaline ; wings yellow at the base, and brown or black beyond. Femora and tibise marked as in T. cristella, but the femora are thicker. Length 18-16 mm. ; tegmina, 12-5-16 mm. CEYLOX. Saussure's description of T. annulata agrees neither with Tlmnberg's nor with Walker's T. aspera, but with T. vulnerata, De Haan (Orth. pp. 161, 162, pi. xxi, fig. 13). T. annulata is either a very variable species or (which is more probable) there are a number of closely allied species in different parts of the Oriental Kegion. 173. Trilophidia turpis, Wall: Epacromia turpis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 775. Trilophidia annulata, var. ceylonica, Saussuve, Meui. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, p. 158. Brown, granulated; scutellum of the vertex passing into the frontal ridge ; antennae ringed with black and tawny. Pronotum rectangular behind ; abdomen blackish in the middle above. Teg- 150 mina brown, with two large pale spots on the costa before the middle, the outer half dusky subhyaline, with rather indistinct alternate brown and subhyaline spots running round the apex ; wings iridescent hyaline, clouded towards the apex, and stained with yellow at the base and inner margin. Front legs banded with black and grey : hind femora yellowish grey externally, with blackish spots on the carinse, and black on the inside, with a large square white spot before the tip; hind tibiaB black, with two white bands and with about eight mostly black-tipped spines, the terminal ones rather long. Length 14 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 32 mm. INDIA ; CEYLOX. Type in the British Museum. 174. Trilophidia cristella, Stdl. (Edipoda cristella, Stal, Eugenie's liesa, Orth. 1860, p. 344. Trilophidia cristella, Stal, Kecens. Orth. i, 1873, p. 344 ; Sauesure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 157, 158. Trilophidia anmtlata, var. a, Stal (nee Thunb.), Ilecens. Orth. i, 1873, p. 131. Epacromia aspera, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. IJ.M. iv, 1870, p. 775. Testaceous yellow, scarcely granulated, with the carinula3 of the cciput only slightly marked. Pronotum with the crest serrated rather than dentated, with a black median stripe, and black marks on the pleura ; lateral lobes brown, pale below. Pectus brown on the sides, with two pale spots. Teg- mina brown, not spotted ; wings brown, paler at the base. Front legs indistinctly spotted with brown, hind femora pale outside, spotted above with brown, inside black, with a pale band before the Fig. 106. extremity ; hind tibia? brown, Trilophidia cristella. w jth a pale band towards the base, and with a slight pale baud beyond the middle ; spines pale at the base. INDIA ; JAVA ; PHILIPPINES, etc. Genus BRYODEMA. Bryodema, Fieber, Lotos, iii, 1853, p. 129. TYPE, (Kdipoda gebleri, Fisch.-Waldh., from Siberia. Range. Europe, Asia, south to Hongkong and North India. Large, stout, granulated insects. Vertex broad, bordered by shallow lateral carina? curving backwards within each eye to the BKYODEMA. 151 occiput; the space between punctured, hardly depressed, not carinated, and passing over into the sulcation between the frontal carinae ; the carinae of the vertex pass just within the eyes, and are continued as well-marked lateral facial carinae,. but do not quite extend to the extremity of the clypeus. Antennae short, filiform. Pronotum short, broad, granulated, arigulated behind, very slightly raised, with the median carina and the sutures slightly marked ; the principal suture placed about the middle ; depressed lobes higher than broad, nearly rectangular behind. Tegmina long, roundly truncate at the extremity, closely reticulated, with the intercalated nervure equidistant from the costa and the radial nervure. Wings shorter than the tegmina and not much longer than broad, with the principal longitudinal nervures thickened, and between them branching accessory nervures ; towards the base with numerous parallel transverse nervures, and irregularly reticulated towards the margins. Tegmina and wings sometimes abbreviated in the female. Legs short, hind tibiae with nine or ten spines. 175. Bryodema inda, Sauss. Bryodema inda, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 179, 181. Head shading into grey; antennae and legs reddish. Pronotum granulated, nearly rectangular behind, with the apex rounded off. Abdomen black, shining, cerci red. Tegmina brownish grey, with reddish nervures ; wings black to beyond the middle, but lighter in the middle of the dark area, and subhyaline beyond ; the principal longitudinal ner- vures in the dark area are much thickened, and deep black. Front and middle tibiae with small spines ; hind femora brown outside, and black inside and be- neath, with a pale band before the extremity; hind tibiae bright red, with black- tipped spines. The female is described by Saussure as large and stout, with tegmina shorter Fig. Wt.-Bryodcma inda. than the abdomen, and with small wings. Length 27-39 mm. ; tegmina, 20-38 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 83-87 mm. 152 (EDIPODINJE. INDIA (teste Saussure) ; TIBET : Dakar. The Tibetan specimens are not so dark in the wings as Saussure's description suggests the Indian specimens to be. Bianchi rightly observes that the Indian examples are probably Himalavau. Genus ACKOTYLUS. AcrotyluS) Fieber, Lotos, iii, 1853, p. 125. TYPE, Gryllus insiibricus, Scop. Range. S. Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia. Size rather small. Body pubescent, prouotum stouter than the abdomen. Antennae filiform, variable in length. Head short, rather large ; eyes rounded, prominent ; costal ridge rather broadly sulcated, becoming narrower in front, and frequently acuminated or constricted on the vertex ; scutelltim of the vertex triangular, concave. Pronotum short, more or less constricted in front, with the hind margin rounded or obtusely triangular, distinctly cari- nated throughout, with the carina generally intersected by the front sulcus, and also by the typical sulcus at or before the middle ; deflexed lobes much higher than long, with the hinder angle rounded off, not produced, and the hind margin nearly straight. Tegmina narrow, with the apical area subhyaline ; the costa expanded near the base, and the costal area divided almost equally longitudinally by the intercalated nervure ; the outer intercalated nervures frequently obsolete ; median nervure absent. Wings hyaline, generally red or yellow at the base, with a dark curved central band. Hind femora generally yellowish, with blackish bands or spots above, and black on the inner side ; hind tibiae more or less blue, with the terminal spurs unequal. Key to the Species. [Wings red at the base inficita, Walk. Wings yellow at the base humbertianus, Saus,=.] 176. Acrotylus inficita, Wall: (Edipoda inficita, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 742. [Light brown, testaceous beneath. Head short ; tip of the vertex conical, concave, with a carina on each side; the four carinae of the front well defined, the lateral ones diverging much towards the clypeus ; eyes elliptical ; antennae blackish towards the tips. Pronotum short, with a distinct carina ; on each side a black subquadrate patch, bordered with testaceous, and in- cluding a callus of that colour ; hind border rounded, not elongated. Abdomen testaceous, as long as the hind femora. ACROTYLUS. SPHINGONOXUS. 153 Hind femora testaceous on the inner side, where there are two black patches ; hind knees black, hind tibia? yellow, much shorter than the hind femora, the spines tipped with black. Tegmina with the basal half light brown, except a brown costal stripe and a middle stripe of darker brown spots and dots ; this stripe extends along the apical half, which is hyaline ; there is a triangular testaceous spot in the front margin about one-third from the base. Hind wings hyaline bright reddish-rose at the base, with a rather broad, lunate, brown spot on the disk ; there are a few small brown spots along the costal margin and two at the apex. Length 23 mm. ; tegmina, 22 mm. N. BENGAL : CEYLOX. Type in the British Museum.] 177. Acrotylus humbertianus, Sauss. Acroti/lus humbertianus, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, p. 189. (Edipoda injicita, var. P, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 742. [Fulvous grey, whitish beneath, pubescent. Body somewhat smooth ; vertex a little prominent. Pro- notuin finely cai'inate ; prozona with two fuscous fasciae, the lateral margin white below. Tegmina with two oblique white fasciae or spots, the discoidal area hyaline beyond the middle in front, the trans- verse nervures somewhat tinted with fuscous ; no spurious veins ; the areoles large ; the posterior intercalate space with a line of fuscous spots. Wings hyaline, yellow at the base ; the radial area with a semiluuar fuscous fascia. The posterior femora fasciate. Length, $ , 18 mm., tf , 14 mm. ; Fig. 108. tegmina, $ , 10 mm., 6" , 16 mm. Acrotylus humhertianus. Genus SPHINGONOTUS. Sphingonotw, Fieber, Kelch, Orthopt. Oberschles., 1852, p. 2. Sphingonotus, Fieber, Lotos, iii, 1853, p. 1 24. Sphmctonotus, Fischer, Orth. Eur. 1853, pp. 52, 297. TYPE, Gryllus Locusta ccerulans, L. liange. Cosmopolitan. Body slender, punctured ; colour grey, pale beneath. Scutellum of the vertex ovate, sloping, concave, subcarinated ; antennse longer than the head and pronotum together ; frontal ridge frequently sulcated. Pronotum constricted in front, rectangular 154 or obtusely angulated behind, the deflexed lobes bigher than long, tbe hinder angle obtuse, produced, the median carina only slightly indicated, and cut by the principal sulcus much before the middle. Tegmina grey, with darker markings, membranous almost throughout ; Avings bluish hyaline, or brightly coloured, with a curved black band. Hind femora generally black on the inner side, hind tibite generally blue. Key to the Species. [1 (4) Wings with no dark band. 2 (3) Tegmina brown, distinctly banded ; wings tinted with pale blue .... cainilana, L., p. 154. 3 (2) Tegmiua brownish-testaceous; more vaguely banded ; wings with very little trace of blue rubescens, Walk., p. loo. 4 (1) Wings with a curved transverse baud. 5 (6) Wings with baud confined to pos- terior half beiiffiilensis, Sauss., p. 156. 6 (5) Wings with band extending from costa to anal angle. 7 (14) Wings without dark spot at the apex. 8 (11) Wings with narrow light brown baud. 9 (10) Tegmina with intercalate vein strong, touching the apex of the mediau vein saviynyi, Sauss., p. 155. 10 (9) Tegmina with intercalate vein not touching the apex of the median vein , indus, Sauss., p. 156. 11 (8) Wings with broad dark baud. 12 (13) Smaller ; base of wings scarcely blue batteatus, Serv., p. 157. 13 (12) Larger; base of wings blue lonyipennis, Sauss., p. 156. 14 (7) Wings with a broad dark spot at apex ffiffas, sp. n., p. 158.] 178. Sphingonotus caerulans. L. Gryllus Locustu c&mlans, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. (ed. xii.) i (2), 1767, p. 701. Grey or light reddish-brown, the head and sides of pronotum often largely white or bluish-white. Antennae ringed with reddish-brown and yellowish-white. Pronotum with the median carina very slightly marked, hind border rectangular. Tegmina light brown on tbe basal third, then subhyaline, with more or less numerous light brown spots and irregular transverse bands ; wings hyaline, unspotted, generally light blue. Legs brown, with pale rings ; hind femora generally black on the inside, with SPHIXGOXOTUS. 155 a yellow band before the tip ; hind tibiae blue, with a yellow band towards the base, marked before and behind with black. Lenytli 18-27 mm. ; tegmina, 17-30 mm. EUROPE ; NORTH AFRICA ; WESTERN & CENTRAL ASIA ; INDIA : Himalayas. Pound on stony, sunny hill-sides, near rivers and brooks. 179. Sphingonotus rubescens, Watt: (Edipoda rubescens, AValker, Zoologist, (2) v, 1870, p. 2301. Sphinyonotus cai-ulans var. ctindidus, Costa, Atti Accad. Nap. (2) i (9), 1888, p. 50. ? Sphingonotus savignyi, Savignv, Descr. de 1'Egvpte, Ins. Orth. pi. vii, % 13,1$. Yery similar to the last species, but paler, with longer tegmina and wings. Wings iridescent hyaline, very slightly, if at all, tinged with blue. Hind femora black inside, often with two yellow bands ; hind tibi3 blue, black at the base, followed by a yellow band. Length 22-23 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 50-65 mm. SARDINIA ; GREECE ; MADEIRA ; EGYPT ; ARABIA ; BALU- CHISTAX. Sphingonotus savignyi, Sauss. Sphinqonotus savif/nyi and stirps apicalia, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 198, 208 ; xxx (1), 1888, p. 78 ; Savigny, Descr. de 1'Egypte, Ins. Orth. pi. vii, fig. 13, 2 $ . Slender ; grey or reddish, head and under surface varied with white ; head prominent, vertex convex, finely carinated, antenna? ringed with whitish. Pronotum constricted in front, obtusely rounded off behind, sometimes with two diverging whitish dorsal fascia, and a whitish stripe and spot on the sides ; upper surface thickly punctured, median carina slender ; deflexed lobes with the lower margin oblique or irregular, distinctly angulated behind. Tegmina with the basal third opaque, light reddish brown, very thickly reticulated; the rest subhyaline, more widely meshed, especially towards the extremity, generally with two slightly-indicated transverse light brown bands, and scattered brown spots beyond ; intercalated nervure waved, united with the median nervure at its extremity, and occupying a space resembling the discoidal cell on a butterfly's wing. Wings greenish hyaline, with a curved dark brown band, narrow or moderately broad, and in the former case sometimes subinterrupted on the upper part of the wing-covering from the middle of the costa to above the anal angle, but not extending to the hind margin ; nervures of the wings colourless, except some of the longitudinal nervures, and those on the dark band, which are oftened blackish. 156 Hind femora pale, with three blackish bands above, the last extending more or less on the sides. Length, 20-33 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 46-73 mm. KASHMIR: Ladak ; SIXD : Karachi; CENTRAL & WESTERX ASIA ; N. AFRICA. 181. Sphingonotus indus, Sauss. Sphingonotus indus, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, p. 204. Slender, pale reddish brown or grey, whitish beneath. Head punctured, costal ridge parallel-sided. Pronotum thickly punctured behind and on the sides, median carina slender, hind border rectangular; deflexed lobes rounded behind. Tegmina thickly and irregularly reticulated at the base, with pale brown bands beyond, and pale blotches towards the apex ; the inter- calated nervure not contiguous to the median nervure. Wings hyaline, with a rather narrow brown band, arched behind, and extending to above the anal angle, but not to the hind margin. Length 25-30 mm.; tegmina, 29-37 mm. HIMALAYAS. Type in Saussure's collection. 182. Sphingonotus bengalensis, Sauss. Sphingonotus benqalensis, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxx (i), 1888, pp. 77, 80, n. 7. Stout, rugose, brown, often mottled and spotted with black. Head very broad, blackish above, and varied with bluish grey and reddish behind and below the eyes ; antenna? reddish. Pronotum very rugose, with no distinct median carina, rectangular or acutely angulated behind. Tegmina with the anal third brown, densely reticulated, and terminated by a darker transverse band ; the rest subhyaline, with two transverse brown bands, and some large brown spots on the outer third of the wing, which is clearer hyaline than the rest, chiefly in the lower margin. AVings light hyaline blue, with an incomplete brown baud on the lower half of the wing, not extending nearly to the anal angle, nor the hind margin. Hind femora yellow, with a black band on the inner side before the tip, and the knees and base of the hind tibia? black on the inside ; hind tibiae blue. Length, 22 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 45 mm. NORTH BENGAL. 183. Sphingonotus longipennis, Sauss. Sphinyonotus longipennis, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Gene.-e, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 197, 203 ; xxx (1), 1888, pp. 78, 85. Greyish brown, punctured. Head and sides of pronotum some- SPHINGONOTUS. 157 times whitish ; central ridge parallel-sided, constricted below the eyes. Pronotum regularly recurved in front, rectangular behind, with no median carina ; deflexed lobes oblique beneath. Tegmina and wings rather long ; tegmina light brown at the base, thickly reticulated, followed by a wide pale space, and a rather ill-defined broad brown transverse band. Wings blue to the middle, followed by a black baud, varying in width, curving from the middle of the costa to above the anal angle, but not extending to the hind margin, which, as well as the whole area beyond the band, is clear hyaline. Hind femora blue, inner surface black with a pale band before the tip, and with black bands above ; tibia? Length 32-35 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 62-79 mm. PUNJAB : Malakand ; ASSAM : Sylhet. In the specimen from Malakand, the wings are rather paler blue, and the black band is narrower than in those from Sylhet. 184. Sphingonotus balteatus, Se-rv. (Edipoda balteata, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 734. Sphingonotus balteatus, pt., Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxx (i), 1888, pp. 78, 86. Grey, or reddish-grey, thickly punctured. A very slight median carina on the vertex and pronotum. Prouotum obtusely rounded behind, deflexed lobes with the lower border slightly concave, and the angles before and behind well-marked ; abdomen mostly blackish above. Tegmina with the basal third opaque, greyish brown or reddish, densely reticulated ; beyond this is a pale space, followed by a transverse brown band, the rest of the wing is subhyaline, with numerous dusky transverse nervures, some being clustered together to form a second ill-defined band. Wings with the whole centre filled up by a very broad black band, the base of the wing being narrowly blue, and a narrow blue edging runs from this along the inner and lower part of the hind margins till it fades into the apical third of the wing, which is clear hyaline ; the upper part of the band is sometimes subiuterrupted towards the costa. Hind femora reddish grey, the inner side blue-black, with a pale band before the extremity ; 1 58 (EDIPODIX^E. BATRACOTETRIGIN.E. hind tibiae blue, varied with white, the spines tipped with black ; hind tarsi whitish. Length 34-35 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 70-S8 mm. BOMBAY ; KASHMIR : Baltistan. Type in the Paris Museum. 185. Sphingonotus gigas, sp. nov. Buff, with a double row of black spots on the middle segments of the abdomen. Pronotum finely rugose, cariuated throughout, and with scattered raised nodules. Legs rather short, pubescent, with 9 outer and 10 inner rather stout black-tipped spines on the hind tibiae. Tegmina very long, and obtusely rounded at the extremity, as are also the wings. Wings white (possibly blue or red in life), with a broad black rectangular band running from the middle of the costa nearly to the inner margin, bub not extending either to the inner or hind margin ; apex of wing rather broadly black. Length 53 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 115 mm. BALUCHISTAN: Quetta. Type in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Subfamily V. BATRACOTETRIGIN^. Genus EREMOPEZA. Eremopeza, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxx (1), 1888, p. IBS. Eremoplava, Saussure (nee Stal), M6tu. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 62, 232. TYPE, Eremobia cinerascens, Stal, from Persia. Range. Persia, Baluchistan. Very stout and rugose ; front and vertex not areolated ; scutellum of the vertex rather flat, slightly oblique, granulated ; frontal ridge narrow, very narrowly sulcated. Pronotum slightly raised in front, but hardly ridged, very slightly carinated in the middle, hind border acutely angulated. Abdomen slightly carinated at the base. Tegmina rather short, subparallel-sided with the hind margin obliquely rounded ; wings hyaline, with a dusky curved band. Hind femora strongly serrated and granulated ; hind tibiae short ; arolia very small. Key to tlte Species. Pronotum studded with raised yellow granules grunulosa, Walk. Pronotum without raised granules brachycera, sp. n. EREMOPEZA. 159 186.^Eremopeza granulosa, Walk. (Edipoda granulosa, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, Suppl., 1871, p. 76. Eremocharis granulosa, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxy (1), 1888, p. 134. Grey or whitish, with darker markings. Strongly granulated over the pronotum, and to a less extent on the head, especially on the sides, but also on the scutellum of the vertex, which slopes down to the frontal ridge, which is formed of three approximating parallel carinae to the level of the antenna ; back of head cariuated, and bordered on each side by transverse striae. The carina is continued over the pronotum, but is only slightly raised, and is very finely sulcated through most of its length ; the pronotum shows traces in the female of numerous black spots and bands on the back and sides ; and the hind lobe is probably blackish in life. Abdomen slightly carinated at the base, and probably with black transverse bands. Tegmina rufo-testaceous, with numerous dark blotches in the female. AVings hyaline, more or less yellow towards the base, and with an interrupted brown band beyond the middle. Hind femora pubescent, white inside and grey outside, with a row of large black spots in the female on at least the lower outer area, and probably also on the upper ; hind tibiae blue in the male, with 8 or 9 whitish black-tipped spines. Length 38-50 mm. ; tegmina, 30-35 mm. BALUCHISTAN ; BOMBAY. The specimens appear to be much discoloured by spirit, so that the description is only provisional. Possibly they are not sexes of the same species, but distinct. Type in the British Museum. 187. Eremopeza brachycera, sp. nov. Very similar to the last species, but much less rugose. Fig. 110. Eremopeza brachycera. Frontal costa not granulated; small raised ridges radiating round the eyes. Pronotum with the front arched, trilobate, the carina continuous, but only slightly prominent, and narrowly sulcated throughout. Antennae hardly longer than the head and 160 PYBGOHORPHIKJE. pronotum, the terminal joint twice as long as the preceding joint, tapering, but rather obtusely pointed. Pronotum rectangular behind, and fringed with hairs. Tegmina rufo -testaceous, hardly as long as the abdomen, and rounded at the extremity. Wings subhyaline with brown nervures, yellowish towards the base, followed by a brown band curving round to above the inner margin. Abdomen and legs reddish, clothed with whitish pile; hind femora crenate above, and tuberculate on the outer side ; hind tibia} with 8 or 9 black-tipped spines. Length, 44 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, GG mm. BALUCHISTAN : Quetta. Type in the British Museum. Subfamily VI. PYRGOMORPHIN^E. Key to tlie Genera. [1 (22) Tegmina of ordinary elon- gate form. "1 (3) Anterior margin of pro- sternum strongly reflexed and dilated CHROTOGONUS, Serv., p. 161. 3 (2) Anterior margin of pro- sternum neither reflexed nor dilated. 4 (7) Antennae remote from the eyes, placed in front of the ocelli. 5 (6) Tegmina long and narrow, body moderately slender. ATRACTOMORPHA, Sauss., p. 180. 6 (5) Tegmina rather short and broader; body very robust TAGASTA, Bol.,* p. 179. 7 (4) AntennaB near the eyes and inserted below the ocelli. 8 (21) Posterior lobe of pronotum level ; abdomen without callosities ; the sternal lamina margined in front. 9 (14) Outer apical spine of pos- terior tibia3 absent or difficult to detect. 10 (13) Posterior angle of lateral lobes rounded or truncate. 11 (12) Tegmina developed PYRGOMORPHA, Serv., p. 174. 12 (11) Tegmina absent ANARCHITA, Bol.,* p. 178. 13 (10) Posterior angle of lateral lobes rectangular ; pro- notum compressed ; teg- mina short, not reaching to middle of abdomen . . ZARYTES, Bol.,* p. 177. These genera are only known from description. CHBOTOGONUS. 161 14 (9) 15 (16) 17 (18) 18 (17) 19 (20) 20 (19) 21 (8) Outer apical spine of pos- terior tibise very distinct. Posterior sulcus of pro- notum scarcely behind the middle ; body robust ; tegmiua and wings fully developed Posterior sulcus of pro- notum placed some dis- tance behind the middle. Tegmina and wings absent. Tegmiua abbreviated. Tegmina elliptical ovate, about the same length as the pronotum ; body .slender Tegrnina very narrow, linear, longer than the pronotum Posterior lobe of pronotum convex, raised above the level of the anterior lobes, with strong rugae ; abdo- men with dorsal callosity. Tegmina much dilated to- wards the apex, obliquely truncate, more or less leaf-like PCECILOCERUS, Serv., p. ORTHACRIS, Bol., p. 184. CHLORIZEINA, Brunn.,* p. 174. COLEMANIA, Bol.,* p. 188. AULARCHES, StSl, p. 168. TRIGONOPTERYX, Charp., p. 189.] Genus CHROTOGONUS. Cfirotogonua, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 702. TYPE, Ommexycha luyubre, Blanch., from Egypt. Jtanc/e. Africa, Asia, Australia. Size small, body short and stout. Head small, narrowed towards the front ; antenna? short, filiform, inserted close together between the eyes. Pronotum more or less rugose, much widened behind ; hind border obtusely angulated or rounded. Tegrnina generally shorter than the abdomen, and nodose ; wings often abbreviated. Hind femora moderately stout ; hind tibia? slightly thickened towards the extremity, with no terminal spine on the upper outer cariua ; the other terminal spines of nearly equal length. Key to the Species. (6) Wings well developed, longer or scarcely shorter than the tegrnina. (3) Tegmina not extending to the apex of the hind femora .... (2) Tegmina extending to apex of hind femora. (5) Pronotum with the posterior angles projecting, very acute . robertsi, sp. n., p. 164. pallidus, Blanch., p. 162, 162 PIBGOMOBPHIITS. 5 (4) Pronotum with the posterior angles less projecting, slightly ' ODIUS6 . . \ f\ T W i -t ?La j ? oreru, Bol., p. 163. 6 (1) Wings distinctly shorter than the tegmina. 7 (10) Wings extending at least to the middle of the hind femora. 8 (9) Tegmina almost covering the abdomen 9 (8) Tegraina storter than the abdomen 10 (7) Wings very short or wanting. 11 (12) Tegmina aslong as the abdomen, fiaspis, Blanch., p. 165. 12 (11) Tegmina scarcely extending beyond the middle of the abdomen. 13 (20) Tegmina half as long as the abdomen. 14 (15) Size small 15 (14) Size larger. 16 (19) Tegmina gradually and much acuminate. 17 (18) Hind femora with a distinct black spot above 18 (17) Hind femora without dark spot . 19 (15) Tegmina subparallel-sided in the middle, arcuately acumi- nate at apex 20 (13) Tegmina quite rudimentary . . incertm, Bol., p. 163. trachyptenis, Blanch., p. 165. oxypterus, Blanch., p. 166. samsurei, Bol., p. 166. concams, sp. u., p. 165. sordidus, sp. n., p. 167. brachyptttrus, Bol., p. 167. [The foregoing was left uncompleted. It has been finished from Bolivar's Key (Bol. Soc. Espan. iv, 1904, p. 92) and the new species added in their places, so far as the scanty materials permit ; but it should be borne in mind that the males are generally narrow and have longer tegmina than the females, and individuals of the same sex and species vary considerably in the length of the tegmina and wings.] 188. Chrotogonus paliidus, BlancJi. Ommexycha pallidum, Blanchard, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, v, 1836, p. 623, pi. xxii, tig. 10. Dull pale yellow. Head short, with short longitudinal black lines behind the eyes. Antennae yellow, tipped with blackish. Eyes pale, round, prominent. Pronotum short, broad, ridged above, hind border not festooned, the edges rather paler, with a brown spot on each side ; two approximating black granules in front, and a row of large black tubercles behind. Sternum yellow, spotted with black. Tegmina as long as the abdomen in the male, shorter in the female; with numerous indistinct small black dots, in longitudinal rows, the central row marked with white in the male. Wings completely hyaline, and rather longer than the tegmina in the male, shorter in the female. Abdomen smooth, yellow, spotted with black beneath. Four front legs pale yellow, CHUOTOGONUS. 163 with some darker spots ; hind legs slender ; hind femora with two- blackish spots above and rows of small dots beneath ; tibiae slender, with short and slender spines. Length 13 mm. ; tegrnina, 8 mm. BOMBAY. Type in the Paris Museum. 189. Chrotogonus brevis, Bol. Chrotogonus brevis, Bolivar, Bol. Soc. EspaS. iv, 1904, pp. 92, 99. Pale ochreous, spotted with black beneath. Head granulose above, vertex concave between the eyes, slightly produced before them, and roundly subangular ; antennas short, brownish at the tips ; front (seen from the side) sinuated and granulated. Pro- notum scabrous and sparingly granulose, with no lateral carinse, the median cariua complete on the metazona, the front margin with black granules, the hind border obtuse-angular, almost quadri- plicate, lateral lobes rather concave behind the sulcus, and strongly granulose, the lower margin slightly sinuated, subreflexed in front, and produced chiefly towards the hinder angle, the hind margin rounded near the angle. Tegmina longer than the abdomen, the ulnar nervure with white raised nodules adjoining small black dots, the mediastinal area expanded beyond the base. Wings rather shorter than the tegmina, hyaline. Space between the mesosternal lobes as long as broad, with the lateral borders obtusely angulated before the middle. Femora with grey pubescence, the carina marked with black. Length 18 mm.; tegmina, 15 mm. SIND : Karachi. Type in the Paris Museum. 190. Chrotogonus incertus, Bol. Chrotogonus incertus. Bolivar. Ann. Soc. Espaii. xiii, 1884, pp. 38, 45, 494. Reddish brown, pale beneath, spotted with brown. Head short, tuberculate in front, vertex concave. Pronotum rugose- tuberculate, behind acutely angulate, with the outer margin yellow. Tegmina nearly as long as the abdomen, with one row of small tubercles, the nervures reddish. "Wings in the female one- fifth shorter than the tegmina, slightly brown. Hind femora granulate, pubescent, with rather indistinct brown spots. Ab- domen brownish on the back. Length 20 mm. ; tegmina, 12 mm. ASSAM : Sylhet ; CHINA. Type in the collection of Brunner von Watteuwyl. 191. Chrotogonus fuscescens, sp. nov. Brown above, pale beneath. Scutellum of the vertex obtusely pointed in front ; vertex within the eyes bordered by a row of M2 164 PYBGOMOBPHIKS. granules ; occiput in the male with two black dashes in the middle, and one behind each eye ; face below the antennae and eyes pale yellowish on the whole front and sides, this colour extending to the lower border of the deflexed lobe of thepronotum ; lower part of face strongly granulose, especially on the sides. Pronotum rufous brown, granulose, with an interrupted and rudimentary carina, hardly visible at all in the male ; the area before the principal sulcus irregularly trilobate on the margins, the hind border rounded with a row of large black-marked tubercles. Abdomen greyish brown above, indistinctly varied with black, and carinated in the female. Pronotum and abdomen pale yellowish beneath, spotted with black, most strongly in the male. Tegmina rather narrow and pointed, longer than the abdomen, rufous-brown, with a longitudinal row of indistinct white dots adjacent to darker ones in the male, these being almost obsolete in the female. Wings as long as the tegmina, brown subhyaline. Femora yellowish, hind femora banded above with brown and dotted with black on the sides ; tibiae and tarsi reddish. Length 15-22 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 29-39 mm. BOMBAY : Bandra. Types in the British Museum. 192. Chrotogonus robertsi, sp. nov. Uniform brownish grey, strongly tuberculate. Scutellum of the vertex slightly pointed in the male, obtusely rounded in the female; vertex and pro- notum with an indistinct median cariua, more visible in the male ; sides of pro- notum irregularly trilobate before the principal sulcus ; hind border indistinctly trilobate and subrotund, lower border of the deflexed lobes concave in front, and produced and angulated be- hind. Abdomen smooth, with a double row of brown spots above ; pronotum and abdomen pale beneath, with light brown spots. Tegmina grey, with a longitudinal Fig. 111. Chrotogonus robertsi. row of pale black-marked tubercles, and traces of similar rows on the principal longitudinal nervures. Wings distinctly shorter than the tegmina, clear hyaline. Legs pale yellowish, terminal spines of the hind tarsi tipped with black. Length 16-19 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 27-31 mm. ; of wings, 26-28 mm. BALUCHISTAN : Quetta. Types in the British Museum. CHROTOGONUS. - - 165 193. Chrotogonus concavus, sp. nov. Uniform reddish grey (sand-colour), hardly paler beneath, strongly granulose. Scutellum of the vertex depressed, obtusely pointed in front; median carina of head and pronotum nearly obsolete ; sides of pronotum strongly tridentate before the principal sulcus, hind border obtusely rounded, with black mar- ginal tubercles ; deflexed lobes with the lower border yellowish, twice concave, and angulated behind. Tegmina about as long as the abdomen, tapering, rather pointed, with a median row of small pale dark-marked tubercles ; wings two-fifths as long as the teg- mina, hyaline. Legs yellowish, hind femora with black dots on the outer carinse, terminal spines of the hind tibiae tipped with black. Abdomen rather obscurely pointed with brown. Length 24 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 28 mm. BALUCHISTAN: Quetta. Type in the British Museum. 194. Chrotogonus trachypterus, Blanch. Ommexycha trachypterus, Blanchard, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, v, 1836, p. 618, pi. xxii, fig. 6. Brown, rugose and tuberculate. Head short, broad, rugose ; antennae fulvous, ringed with black; eyes very prominent, brown, shining, occupying three-quarters the length of the head. Pro- notum short, broad, with a great number of small crowded tubercles ; seven lobes on the hind border ; front and lateral borders not indented. Sternum yellowish, spotted with blackish. Tegmina rather shorter than the abdomen, brown, considerably humped, nervures and numerous tubercles very prominent ; wing.s hyaline, nearly as long as the tegmina. Abdomen brown above, paler beneath, with brown spots. Pour front legs short, sleuder, rugose, yellow, with bro\^n spots. Hind legs short, femora as long as the abdomen, outer surface very rugose, with two black spots, one at the base and the other at the extremity ; tibiae, with short pale spines. Length 17-19 mm.; tegmina, 12 mm.; wings, 9 mm.; hind femur, 8*5 mm. BOMBAY. Type in the Paris Museum. [Mr. Kirby suggests in a memorandum that this may be the female of C. pallidus.~\ 195. Chrotogonus liaspis, Blanch. Ommexycha liaspis, Blanchard, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, v, 1836, p. 620, pi. xxii, fig. 8. Brownish yellow, smooth. Head rather broad at the base, and pointed at the extremity ; antennae brownish, shading into black 166 PTRGOMOBPHIKjE. towards the tip; eyes ovoid, dark brown. Pronotum greyish, smooth, slightly ridged in front, with three black tubercles on the hinder edge and some smaller ones beyond them ; three small tubercles, and a black spot on the sides, and a yellowish-white marginal line from the front to the hind border. Sternum pale yellow, smooth, with ten black spots. Tegmina rather shorter than the abdomen, nervures scarcely visible, and only a single row of inconspicuous tubercles. Wings hyaline, half as long as the tegmina. Abdomen smooth, brown above, and yellow spotted with black beneath. Legs rather short, yellowish, with darker spots, and finely striated ; hind femora broad and flattened, with some brownish spots on the outer surface ; tibiae smooth, with pointed spines. Length 20-21 mm. ; tegmina, 11-5 mm. ; hind femur, 10 mm. BOMBAY. Type in the Paris Museum. 196. Chrotogonus oxypterus, Blanch. Omtnexycha, Blanchard, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, v, 1836, p. 622, pi. xxii, fig. 9. Yellowish brown, short, rugose, subapterous. Head reddish ; antennae yellow, with small black transverse streaks ; eyes very large and prominent, covering the sides of the head. Pronotum short and broad, humped, with some small black dots in front ; hind border hardly festooned, sides brown, with a black spot, and bordered by a white line extending to the lateral border of the head. Sternum spotted with black ; tegmina only half as long as the abdomen ; brownish yellow, with darker spots ; wings obsolete. Abdomen yellow above, with small and rather indistinct transverse black lines ; under surface spotted with black. Legs rather short and slender, yellow, with darker spots ; hind femora with two brown spots ; spines of hind tibiae small. Lenyth 13-19 mm. MADKAS : Malabar. Types in the Paris Museum. J97. Chrotogonus saussurei, Bol. Chrotoyonus sausmrei, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Espafi. xiii, 1884, pp. 39, 47, 494 ; id., Bol. Soc. Espan. iv, 1904. pp. 93, 104. Chrotof/ontts oxypterus, Bolivar (nee Blanch.), Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixv, 1902, p. 605. Ferruginous brown, spotted with red ; wings rudimentary. Head pointed, tuberculate, generally orange, with a pale oblique fascia on the front, and with four black spots behind, the outer- most behind the eyes ; fastigium subacute, concave ; antennae blackish towards the tips. Pronotum rugose, hind lobe with a few granules, and a short carinula on each side: hind border obtusely angulated, with pliciform tubercles ; lateral lobes with CHEOTOGONUS. 167 black granules, the outer margin pale, the hinder angle acute. Tegmiua lanceolate, variable, but in the type extending to the middle of the hind femora, with brown or reddish spots adjoining the numerous small white tubercles on the principal nervures ; wings rudimentary, brown. Legs varied with brown, and with grey pubescence ; hind femora sparingly granulated, upper carina compressed ; three black spots above, the middle one obliquely extended ; lower carinae spotted with black. Length 14-22 mm. ; tegmina, 5-8-8 mm. ; hind femur, 7-5- 10 mm. MA DBAS : Trichinopoly, Bellary. Types in the collections of Brunner von Wattenwyl and Bolivar. 198. Chrotogonus brachypterns, Bol. Chrotogonus brachyptems, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 190:?, p. 605 ; id., Bol. Soc. Espaii. iv, 1904, pp. 95, 109. Brown, pale below, spotted with black, wings rudimentary. Vertex about as long as broad, slightly produced before the eyes, and carinated between them ; lower part of face with cruciform granulae. Tegmina very short, the nervures only slightly curved, and the tip truncated. fyngtJi 15-23 mm. ; tegmina, 2-5 mm. ; hind femur, 8 mm. MADE AS : Madura. Types in the collections of Pantel and Bolivar. 199. Chrotogonus sordidus, sp. n. Brown, only slightly paler beneath, which renders the black spots inconspicuous. Scutellum of the vertex angulated in front, frontal ridge narrow between the antennae, the median carinae slightly diverging on the lower part of the face, and the lateral carinse well marked; head finely granulose. Front of pronotum transversely ridged, otherwise with large longitudinal and trans- verse mostly oblong wrinkles, the hind border slightly rounded, the deflexed lobes almost rectangular behind. Tegmina lighter brown than the body, nearly as long as the hind femora, but much shorter than the abdomen, narrow, linear, with a central row of large black tubercles marked with white dots within, and numerous smaller black dots and specks on the longitudinal nervures. Wings black, narrow, less than half as long as the tegmina. Legs rather short, four front femora rather stout, hind femora but slightly thickened. Length 22 mm. ; tegmiua, 13 mm. BOMBAY. The specimen is probably discoloured ; and but for the com- paratively stout legs, I should have referred it, with doubt, to C. oxypteniSj Blanch. Type in the British Museum. 168 PYRGOMORPHIX.E. Genus AULARCHES. Aularchea, StSl, (Efv. Vet.-Akad. Fork, xxx (4), 1873, p. 51. TYPE, Gryllus (Locusta) miliaris, L. Range. Indian Region. Size large, body stout, pronotum tuberculate, wings large, coloured. Head large, smooth ; scutellum of the vertex very short, triangular, contracting uninterruptedly into a narrow sulcated frontal ridge ceasing below the antennae ; lateral cariuae very distinct, running within the eyes, and slightly divergent to the extremity of the clypeus, which is broad and truncated. Antennae rather long, placed between the eyes, and composed of a number of long joints. Pronotum strongly tuberculate above, with two large contiguous humps in front, cut by the three sulci, the last sulcus placed about the middle, the hinder area rugose and deeply pitted at the sides ; cleflexed lobes rounded behind. Tegmiua long, moderately broad, subparallel- sided, obtusely rounded behind, with callous spots ; wings membranous, opaque, as long as the tegrnimi, and moderately broad. Abdomen slightly compressed, legs long and slender. Hind femora unarmed, and only slightly thickened. The forms below are regarded by some authors as varieties of one species. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Head pale ........................ miliaris, L., p. 168. 2 (1) Head black. 3 (4) Front humps of pronotum black .... ptmc^aflM, Drury, p. 169. 4 (3) Front humps of pronotum yellow .... scabiosfc, F., p. 170. 200. Aularches miliaris, L. Gryllus (Locusta) miliaris, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. (ed. x.) i, 1758, p. 432 ; Linnaeus, Mus. Lud. Ulric. 1764, p. 142. Acrydiwn verrucosum, DeGeer, Meui. Ins. iii, 1773, p. 486, pi. xl, tig. 6. Gryllus (Locusta} scabiosus, Stoll (nee Fabr.), Spectres, Saut. 1813, p. 18, pi. 76, tig. 24. Gryllus (Locttsta) conspercus, Stoll, op. cit. 1813, p. 40, pi. 220, tig, 85. Aularches miliaris, StSl, llecens. Orth. i, 1873, p. 18. Head yellowish, or more or less mottled with brown above ; pronotum yellow on the sides, generally with at least the spines and hinder area black. Frontal lobe with two large rounded contiguous elevations in front, black, or rarely pale ; the space between the sulci with several strong pointed conical tubercles on each side ; the hinder lobe very rugose, deeply pitted, and rounded behind, with a row of short spines on the margin, not close together. Tegmina light brown, very thickly reticulated with yellow nervures, and with a variable number of large and small Al'LARCHJiS. 169 callous yellow spots ; wings purplish brown, darkest towards the base. Legs yellowish, slightly mottled with darker or veined with black ; hind knees marked with black on the sides. Abdomen black, with narrow yellow incisions, and a row of yellow spots on the back before the incisions, and the apex yellow ; on the under surface the transverse bands are small, but there are no yellow spots in addition. Length 35-52 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 68-100 mm. NEPAL; SIKKIJI ; MADRAS: Coonoor; CEYLON; JATA. 201. Aularches punctatus, Drury. Gryllus (Locusta) punctatus, Drury, 111. Exot. Ent. ii, 1773, pi. xli, fig. 4. Body almost entirely shining black above ; a broad yellow band running across the face below the antennae and across the sides of Fig. 112. Aularcltcs puiictalus. the pronotum ; abdomen more or less banded with yellow or reddish, at least towards the extremity and on the sides, and the sternum and abdomen beneath mostly red ; abdomen and legs 170 PYBGOMOBPHIN*:. black, hind femora sometimes yellowish ; tegmina light brown or olive-brown, thickly reticulated with yellow, with numerous yellow callous spots ; wings purplish brown, subhyaline, darkest towards the base. Tubercles of pronotum less prominent than in A. miliaris. Lenqih 42-60 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 64-110 mm. TIBET; KASHMIR; NEPAL; UNITED PROVINCES: Garhwal; MALAY STATES ; JAVA. The immature insect has short yellow wings. 202. Aularches scabiosa, F. Gryllus scabiosce, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. ii, 1793, p. 51. Shining black, with a broad yellow band across the head and sides of the pronotum, as in the last species. Pronotum with the front, including the large rounded tubercles, yellow, and the hind border, which is not very strongly dentated, also yellow. Abdomen broadly banded with red both above and below, except some- times on the basal half above. Tegmina brown or greenish, with numerous yellow callous spots. Wings purplish brown, sub- hyaline towards the extremity ; sometimes with a few indistinct yellow spots. Lenytli 44-60 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 80-100 mm. BENGAL : Orissa ; BOMBAY ; CEYLON ; CAMBODIA. Genus PffiCILOCERUS. Pcekilocerus, Serville, Ann. Sci. Nat. xxii, 1831, p. L>75 ; id., Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 595. Pfvcilocerus, St&l, CEfv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. xxx (4), 1873, p. 51. TYPE, Gryllus pictus, F. Range. Indian Eegion, Western Asia, North and East Africa. Size large ; body stout, subtusiform ; wings opaque, coloured. Head and pronotum very slightly carinated, fustigium of the vertex convex, obtusely rounded in front, and distinctly sulcated, passing into the frontal ridge, which is sulcated throughout ; lateral carina? only slightly divergent ; antenna short and thick, with long joints. Pronotum gradually widened behind, the sulci well marked, the hind sulcus placed about the middle, the hinder lobe raised, and rounded behind ; deflexed lobes narrowed below. Abdomen slightly carinated above. Tegmina and wings coloured, about as long as the abdomen. Legs rather stout, the four front tibia? spined beneath at the extremity ; hind femora slender, nearly as long as the abdomen, unarmed ; hind tibiae spined above, with nearly equal terminal spines above and below. PCECILOCEEUS. 171 Key to the Species. 1 (2) Abdomen with red spots tessellatus, Bol., p. 171. 2 (1) Abdomen with no red spots. 3 (6) Antennae not red at the base. 4 (5) Antennae ringed with black and yellow, pictus, F., p. 172. 5 (4) Antennae green puncth'entris,SeTV.,y.l73. 6 (3) Antennae red at base ornatus, Burm., p. 173. 203. Pcecilocerus tessellatus, Bol. Pcecilocerus tessellatus, Bolivar, Bol. Soc. Espau. Hist. Nat. iv, 1904, pp. 432, 433. Violet-brown, thickly tessellated with yellow ; antennae yellow, ringed with blue-black ; head, pronotum, and abdomen regularly tessellated with small yellow callosities. Head above with an oblique yellow band on each side, and below the eyes a yellow- baud running through the lower border or the pronotum ; fastigium transverse. Pronotum not constricted, subcylindrical, expanded behind, the sulci not strongly marked, and the hinder sulcus placed scarcely behind the middle ; the metazona slightly carinated in the middle, and very narrowly bordered with yellow behind. Legs striped with blue-black. Length ( nymph), 44mm. ; pronotum, 21'5 mm. ; hind femur, 20 mm. MADRAS: Bellary. Type in the Paris Museum. [The immature specimen upon which the following description is based, was treated by the author as a new species, but as it is probable that the insect is only the nymph of P. pictus, it seems undesirable to propose a new name for it.] 204. Pcecilocerus sp. Blue-black, thickly tessellated with yellow, and spotted with red ; aiitennae ringed with black and yellow, narrowly towards the base, and broadly beyond ; head, pronotum, and abdomen regularly tessellated with small yellow callosities. Head and pronotum with a very tine median carina ; head with a diverging yellow band within each eye, extending to the front of the pronotum, and another below 7 the eye extending over the lower border of the pronotum to the middle COXOB ; fastigium broader than long. Pronotum gradually widened but not raised behind, with the sulci only slightly marked, with three red spots on each side arranged in a triangle, one between the two hinder sulci, and two on the hinder lobe ; there is also a trace of another on each side behind the upper yellow band of the head. Abdomen 172 PYKGOMOEPHlXjE. slightly carinated, with three rows of red spots, one on the earina, and the others lateral. Legs yellow, tessellated above and on the sides with blackish, hind femora also with black spots on the inside ; hind tibiae yellow, with black spines placed on black spots. Length (nymph), 38 mm. INDIA. 205. Pcecilocerus pictus, F. Gryllus pictus, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, p. 289. Poakilocerus sonneratii, Serville, Ann. Sci. Nat. xxxii, 1831, p. 276. Blue-black or greenish, with yellow markings and red wings. Antennas blue-black, ringed with yellow beyond the basal third of Fig. 113. Pcedlcctmt pictus. their length. Head and pronotum with a slight median earina ; head with a broad yellow band within each eye, running back on the pronotum to the middle sulcus, behind which are two broad P"TOPINA\ 236. Oxya intricata, Still. Acridium (Oxya)intricahim, Stai, Eugenie's liesa,0rth. 1860,p.33o. Olive-green or yellowish, slightly pubescent, shining. .Fas- tigium of the vertex obtuse ; vertex smooth, sometimes excavated in. front of the eyes, shorter than broad ; a dark brown or brownish testaceous stripe behind the eyes, extending over the pronotum and pectus ; antennae filiform, one-fourth longer than the head and pronotum together. Pronotum thickly punctured, truncated in front and obtusely and roundly angulate behind, with a slight median carina, which is obsolete in front ; two of the transverse sulci well marked. Tegmina rather longer than the hind femora r slightly narrowed towards the tips, the costa expanded towards the base ; subhyaline, with brownish nervures, the inner margin sometimes green ; wings brownish hyaline, with brown nervures. Prosternal tubercle conical, pointed. Hind femora rather longer than the abdomen, moderately thickened, testaceous, at least at the tip, with the upper carina entire; spines of the hind tibia> tipped with black. Male with the infra-anal segment triangular, obtuse ; female with the last ventral segment smooth, with the hind margin entire. Length 18-35 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 31-64 mm. CEYLON; CHINA; MALACCA; JAVA, &<.-. Genus TARBALEUS. Tarbafeu*, Brumier, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. xxiv, 1898, p. 234. TYPE, Tarbaleits pilosus, Bruun., from Gilolo. fianr/e. Ceylon, Moluccas. Head short, broad, rugose in front ; eyes oblique, oval, closely approximating ; vertex passing into the front, frontal ridge shallowly silicate, bronder above than below ; antennae filiform, longer than the head and pronotum. Pronotum short, transverse, with four transverse sul- cations, truncated before and behind ; pronotum and abdomen finely punc- tured. Tegmina and wings absent. Front and middle legs rather short, hind legs long, pilose ; hind tibia? with a variable number of short spines, and with an outer terminal spine. Pro- sternal tubercle short, broad, obtuse, and indented; supra-anal lamina of female large, produced beyond the short ovipositor. Fig. 117. Tarbaleus TABBALEUS. HIEKOGLYPHUS. 201 237. Tarbaleus cingalensis, sp. nov. Apterous, uniform olive-green or rusty brown ; legs pilose, hind tibiae with 7 small black-tipped spines on each side, and with an outer apical spine. Length 28-45 mm. CEYLOX. Type in the British Museum. Genus CARYANDA. Caryanda, Stal, Bill. Svensk. Akad. Hand), v (4), 1878, p. 47. TYPE, Acridmm (Occtja) spurium, Stal. fianrje. Ceylon, Burma, Java, China, West Africa. Head and eyes large, prominent ; antenna as long as head and pronotuin together ; teginina lobiform ; hind femora with the upper carina denticulate, hind tibiae not expanded, with 8 spines on the inner carina besides the apical one, at regular distances ; cerci of the male pointed; last ventral segment of female smooth, not denticulated. 238. Caryanda sanguineo-annulata, Bnmn. Cftrt/anda smu/uineo-annulata, Brunner, Ann. Mas. Geneva, xxiii, 1893, p. 154, pi. v, fig. 52. Olivaceous, with a black stripe running on each side from the eyes to the extremity of the abdomen. Front somewhat sloping, coarsely punctured. Pronofcum cylindrical, with the hind margin truncated. Tegmina lobiform, lateral, half black and half olive. Hind femora olivaceous, ringed with red before the knees, which are black, the upper carina with a projecting tooth ; hind tibia? and tarsi dull bluish, with a white ring at the base ; spines of the tibiae white, tipped with black. Length 20-25 mm.; tegmina, 3'5-4 mm. BUKMA : Pegu. Type in the Genoa Museum. Genus HIEROGLYPH US. Hieroyluphus, Krauss, Sitz. Akad. Wiss. "\Vien, Math.-nat. Cl. Ixxvi'(l), 1877, p. 41. TYPE, Hieroylyplius daganensis, Krauss. Range. China, India, Burma, Senegal. Size large, head very large, eyes wide apart ; fastigium of the vertex short, convex, rounded in front ; costal ridge broad, entire, slightly sloping ; antenna? slender, filiform, much longer than the 202 CATAKTOPIXJE. liead and pronotuin together in the male, and as long or longer in the female. Pronotum as broad as the head, with the sulei very strongly marked, usually with black lines. Prosteriial tubercle acute ; meso- and meta-sternal lobes more or less widely separated, or contiguous in the male. Geuicular lobes of hind femora pointed, or rounded ; hind tibiae with 8 or 10 spines on the outer carina, and 10 on the inner. Tegmina subhyaline, very thickly reticu- lated towards the base, and with the costa only slightly expanded ; wings hyaline, rather long, narrow and pointed. Male with the cerci long, pointed or obtuse, with a tooth on the inner side ; sub- genital lamina long, conical, pointed; female with the genital valves short, thick, curved, the upper ones very broad, with the outer margin crenulated, the lower pointed, and armed with a tooth beyond the middle. Key to tlie Species. 1 (6) Pronotuin unicolorous. '2 (5) Pronotum with a longitudinal dorsal black line on each side. 3 (4) Black line straight, narrow ; epi- sterna with a small black line, bilineatus, sp. n., p. 202. 4 (3) Black line broad, emitting broad lines down the sides ; episterna broadly bordered with black. . bettoni, sp. n., p. 203. 5 (2) Pronotum with narrow black lines in the transverse grooves banian, F., p. 204, concolor, Q (1) Pronotum yellowish green, with [Walk., p. 204. the front and hind margins yellow citrinolimbatus, Brunn., p. 205. 239. Hieroglyphus bilineatus, sp. nov. Hierogtyphus bilineatus, Saussure MS. Yellowish brown (probably green in life). Scutellum of the vertex short, transverse, obtusely rounded and almost ridged in front ; costal ridge sulcated throughout, incurved below the ocellus, lateral carime incurved below the antennae, and then divergent. Pronotum closely punctured, with four sulci, the front one lateral, and from its upper extremity runs a black line back- wards to two-thirds of the length of the tegmina ; there is also a black rectangle on the lower part of the second suture, with a branch projecting forwai'd, and an oblique black line above the middle pair of legs. Tegmina about one-third of the length of the abdomen in the female, and about half as long in the male. Hind femora with a black spot on each side above before the extremity ; hind tibiae black at the base, at least on the sides, and with 9 or 10 black spines on each carina. Male with the cerci obtuse ; female with the appendages bordered and tipped with HIEROGLYPHUS. 203 black, the lower ones pointed, and armed with a tooth below before the extremity. Length 22-36 mm. ; tegmina, 9-11 mm. BENGAL. Types in the British Museum. Mr. H. Maxwell Lefroy suggests that this is a micropterous form of H. banian. 240. Hieroglyphus bettoni, sp. nov. Green or testaceous. Fastigium of the vertex short, trans- verse, slightly convex and rounded in front, costal ridge sulcated throughout, the lateral carinae only slightly divergent below. Pronotum finely punctured, with four sutures, the first lateral, the Fig. 118. Hieroglyphus bettoni, Fig. 119. Hieroglyphus bettoni (brachypterous c). second only dorsal, and the third and fourth continuous ; median carina slightly marked, most distinct on the hinder lobe ; the lateral sutures heavily marked with black, and connected above by a black line running from the upper end of the first to the tegmina, and below by a black line connecting the first and third sutures ; the space enclosed is often white or yellow ; the spaces 204 CATANTOPItfjE. above the middle and hind legs are also streaked with black, and there is a double row of black spots on the abdomen above. Femora black at the tips ; hind tibiae blue, black at the base, and with 9 or 10 white black-tipped spines. Tegmina subhyaline, greenish at the base, longer than the abdotnen, or abbreviated, with the principal nervures black ; wings hyaline, with brown or black nervures. Length 38-44 mm. ; wings, 18-40 mm. ASSAM : Cachar ; BOMBAY : Moghal Sarai. Types in the British Museum. 241. Hieroglyphus banian, F. Gryllus banian, Fabricius, Ent. Syst., Suppl. 1798, p. 194. Acridium furcifer, Serville, Ins. Orth. 18S9, p. 677, pi. xiv, fig. 12. Green, including the antennae. Pronotum smooth, with four sulci, narrowly lined with black, the first obsolete above, the second on the sides, and the last two continuous. Tegmina subhyaline, densely reticulated and greenish at the base, with green nervures ; wings as long as the tegmina, greenish hyaline. The three sub- terminal ventral segments with silky tufts of hair on the middle- Hind tibiae blue, with black-tipped spines. Antennae with the basal joint yellowish green, the rest dark green, tipped with yellow. Subgenital lamina of male moderately long. Length 43 mm. BOMBAY : Kaphot ; CENTRAL PROVINCES : Bilaspur ; BURMA : Bhamo. Type in the Paris Museum. Said to be destructive to rice in the Central Provinces, and to crops in general in Guzerat and Kattiawar. 242. Hieroglyphus concolor. Walk. Oxya concolor, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 646. Hieroglyphus tarsalis, Stal, Bill. Svensk. Akad. Handl. v (4), 1878, p. 94. Very similar to the last species. Antennae black, pale at the base, and at the ends of the joints. Pronotum finely punctured, the sulci narrowly lined with black. Hind femora with a black spot on each side at the base of the knees, or with a black crescent on each side of the knees ; hind tibiae blue, with the base black, or narrowly ringed with black, and the tip, as well as the base of the first joint of the tarsi, black. Abdomen beneath pubescent in the middle, at least in the male ; subgenital lamina of male rather short. Length 41-02 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 48-75 mm. BOMBAY : Kanara ; ASSAM : Sylhet ; CHINA. HIEROGLYPHIC. EACILIA. 205 Type ill the British Museum. Appears to be commoner than the last species, with which it is probably often confounded. 243. Hieroglyphus citrinolimbatus, Brunn. Hieroreen . laticornis, Serv., p. 217. 4 (3) Tegmina not uniform yellowish green. 5 (6) Rostrum separated from vertex by a triangular sulcus ; antennae as long as head and pronotum together senripictus, Walk., p. 217. 6 (5) Rostrum separated from vertex by an arched sulcus ; antennae longer than head and pronotum to- gether. 7 (8) Tegmina lined with white ulbolineattts, Brunn., p. 218. 8 (7) Tegmina not lined with white selache, Burr, p. 218. 258. Gelastorrhinus (?) filatus, Walk. Mesopsjilatus, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iii, 1870, p. 502. Rufo-testaceous above, and the sides probably yellowish green. Eastigiuin of the vertex rather long, obtusely angulated at the extremity, separated from the vertex by a curved sulcus ; antennae more than half the length of the body, long and slender, narrowly ensiform towards the base; head about as long as the pronotum, frontal ridge sulcated, the carinae diverging towards the extremity. Pronotum with two distinct carinae, the first about the middle, the second at three-fourths of its length ; hind border obtusely rounded, GELASTORRHINUS. 217 hind lobe finely granulated; lateral cariuae parallel, with a straight dark line running backwards from the eye bordering the lateral carinae on the outer side. Tegmina long and very acute, hvaline, with rufous nervures, costa probably greenish, hind border (perhaps) whitish; wings hyaline, considerably shorter than the tegmina. Legs apparently green, varied with reddish, hind tibiae with about 15 small black-tipped spines. Length 25-20 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 51-53 mm. NORTH INDIA. Type in the British Museum. Described from two poor male specimens, bleached by spirits. 259. Gelastorrhinus (?) laticornis, Serv. Opomala laticornis, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 390. Body, head, and legs delicate green. Head large, conical, the four frontal carinae prominent ; frontal ridge broad, carinated laterally and in front, the front obtusely rounded. Pronotum tricarinate ; a dark lateral stripe runs behind each antenna, interrupted by the eye, but beyond to the pronotum, and below the lateral carinae. Tegmina longer than the abdomen, narrow, linear, subhyaline, and obtusely pointed at the tips, uniform yellowish green ; wings hyaline, as long as the tegmina. Antennae ensiform, long and flattened from the 4th joint to the 12th, beyond that rapidly attenuated, reddish, with the two basal joints and the front of joints tf-12 green. Length 20-22 mm. BOMBAY. Type in the Paris Museum. 260. Gelastorrhinus semipictus, Walk. Opomala femipicta, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iii, 1870, p. 512. Gelastorhinus tryxaloides, Bolivar, Ami. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902. p. 617, pi. ix, fig. 34. ? Gelastorrhinus eda.v, pt., Burr, Traus. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1902, p. 181. Antennae, head, and pronotum rufous brown above, this colour extending in a band behind the eyes, and below the lateral carinae ; the face and the sides of the body yellowish green. Head smooth, rather shorter than the pronotum ; antennae about 17-jointed, half as long as the body in the male, rather longer than the head and pronotum in the female, ensiform ; frontal ridge sulcated, diverging below ; vertex and rostrum separated by a depression roundly subangulate in front. Pronotum tricarinate, the lateral carinae slightly divergent behind, cut by two distinct sulci, the first about the middle, the second at about two-thirds of its length ; hind border obtusely rounded, space behind the last sulcus rather finely punctured. Tegmina long, pointed, hyaline, the nervures rufous, 218 CATANTOPIN-E. the costal area yellowish green; Mings hyaline, with browi> nervures, the nervures ia the costal area rufous ; wings pointed, rather shorter than the tegmina. Abdomen blackish brown, or towards the extremity reddish brown ; sides and under surface yellowish green, with three dark transverse bands near the base before the incisions. Front legs brown, hind legs mostly green ; hind tibia) green or red, with 17-20 spines. Male with the supra-anal lamina oblong lanceolate, and the cerci compressed ; the subgenital lamina small, obtusely pointed. Length 20-46 mm. ; tegmina, 20-3'J mm. MADRAS : Madura, Kodaikanal ; CEYLON. Type in the British Museum. 261. Gelastorrhinus alboliueatus, Brunn. Gelastorrhinus albolineaius, Brunuer, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1898, p. 158, pi. v, fig. 54. Pale fulvo-testaceous. Fastigium of the vertex shorter than the eye, separated from the vertex by an arched sulcus ; antenna* inserted somewhat above the eyes, ensiform, as long as the head and pronotum together ; front (viewed laterally) slightly sinnated. Pronotum above smooth, tricarinated, fulvo-testaceous, marked with a browner longitudinal band on each side, the deflexed lobes pale green. Tegmina longer than the abdomen, fulvo-testaceous, distinctly browner towards the radial nervure, which is black at the base, and contiguous to an ivory-white longitudinal stripe. Hind femora above acutely carinated, terminating in two rather long lobes; hind tibiae with from 15 to 20 spines in the outer carina. Length 54 mm. ; tegmiua, 41 mm. BURMA : Bhamo. Tt/pe in the Genoa Museum. 262. Gelastorrhinus selache, Burr. Gelastorrhinus selache, Burr, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 190:2, pp. 181, 182. Green, varied with red. Eostrum separated from the vertex by a curved sulcus, eyes red, a red stripe running from the eyes across the cheeks and along the lateral carinae of the pronotum and the radial area of the tegmina ; antenna) long, much longer than the head and pronotum together. Pronotum smooth, lateral lobes with the front and hind margins oblique and sinuated, the lower border nearly straight. Tegmina long, comparatively broad, hyaline, with the radial nervure reddish towards the base ; wings shorter than the tegmina, hyaline, slightly suffused with fulvous at the base. Length 47-60 mm. ; tegmina, 34-54 mm. SlKKTM. Type in the collection of Brunner von Wattenwyl. LEFBOYA. WACATA. 219 Genus LEFROYA, nov. TYPE, Lefi'oya etcutipennis, sp. nov. Range. Bengal . Head very long, the rostrum in front of the eyes longer than the pronotum ; the hinder part of the head from the front level of the eyes rather shorter than the pronotum ; head and pronotum finely cat-mated throughout, the carina on the head slightly tecti- form ; face very long, frontal ridge narrow, shallowiy sulcated throughout, and slightly expanding towards the extremity, the median ocellus on a level with the front of the eyes, which are large and oval ; antennae with the scape large and rounded, the second joint small and annular, the rest broadly ensiform and flattened towards the base, tapering whip-like towards the tip, and longer than the head and pronotum together ; behind the antennae run straight lateral carinae. below the eyes. Sternal tubercle small, inclining slightly backwards. Tegmina and wings hyaline, long, narrow and pointed ; tegmina longer than the wings, which are as long as or longer than the abdomen. Front and middle legs very short, hind legs slender, hind femora not much thickened at the base; hind tibiae very slender, with about 10 small spines on the outer and 16 on the inner carina ; no terminal spine on the upper outer carina. 263. Lefroya acutipennis, sp. nov. Brown or reddish brown, abdomen and legs reddish ; a yellowish stripe more or less visible from behind each antenna running below the eyes and along the lower lateral borders of the head and pronotum. Hind tibiae and tarsi red; tegmina very long, narrow, and pointed, hyaline with rufous nervures ; wings narrow, pointed, shorter than the tegmina, hyaline, with fuscous nervures, except along the costa, where the nervures are rufous. Length 32-oo mm. ; tegmina, 27-43 mm. ; wings, 23-33 mm. BENGAL: Pusa. Type in the Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa. Genus WACATA, nov. TYPE, Wacata ceylonica, sp. nov. Range. Ceylon. Vertex horizontally produced before the eyes, as long as the eyes, rather longer than broad, subcarinate above, and obtusely rounded at the extremity; face very long and sloping, median carina sulcated throughout, slightly expanding below ; antenna? rather thick, very slightly tapering, longer than the head and pro- notum, and obtuse at the extremity. Body long, slightly com- pressed, apterous ; abdomen slightly carinated above in the female ; prosternal tubercle small. Front and middle legs very short, hind legs long, hind tibiae with no outer terminal spine. 220 CATANTOPIX-E. 264. Wacata ceylonica, sp. nov. Olive - brown, antenna? greenish or yellowish, transversely banded with brown in the female; body long, finely granu- lated ; behind the eye runs a black band clotted with white, nearly to the ex- tremity of the abdomen ; legs green. CEYLOX: Maha Illupulana, 31.viii.1910, Trincoinali, ix. 1911. Tf/pe in the British Museum. Fig. 123. Wacata ceylonica. Genus MESAMBKIA. Mesambria, Stffl, Bih. Svensk. Akad. Handl. v (4), 1878, pp. 28, 72. TYPE, Mesambria yenictdata, St8.1. Range. India, Ceylon, Celebes, Madagascar. Head as broad as the pronotum ; eyes very large and promi- nent, frequently projecting beyond the level of the pronotuin ; fastigium smooth, scarcely closed at the extremity, and very slightly carinated; antennae filiform, sometimes slightly thickened beyond the middle, rather longer than the head and pronotum ; frontal ridge sulcated, slightly projecting between the antennae. Pronotum rather longer than the head, generally more or less rugose, the hinder sulcus placed much behind the middle, the hind border truncated ; the middle carina extending over the pronotum and abdomen, and sometimes over the head, lateral carinae obsolete. Tegmina rudimentary, lateral, as long as the first segment of the abdomen. Hind femora thickened, about as long as the abdomen, hind tibiae with 6 to 8 strong spines. Key to the Species. 1 (4) Colour testaceous. 2 (3) Abdomen with a continuous dark unspotted lateral band nepahnsis, Walk., p. 224. 3 '(2) Abdomen with a dark lateral band bearing pale spots above yeniculata, StSl, p. 223. 4 (1) Colour dark brown. 5 (6) Eyes pale yellow behind tartalis, Walk., p. 222. (5 (8) Eyes of nearly uniform colour. 7 (10) A slender yellow line above the eye. 8 (9) A distinct yellow band below the eyes, face above and below blackish dubia, Walk., p. 221. MESAMBKIA. 221 9 (8) Face yellow, mottled with black, dnctifemur, Walk., p. 222. 10 (7) Xo yellow line bordering the eyes scabra, Walk., p. 221. 265. Mesambria scabra, Watt: Caloptenus sealer, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 707. Dark brown, with blackish markings. Head with the carinae between the eyes above parallel, not expanded but truncated at the end of the i'astigium ; frontal ridge sulcated, slightly punctured above, the cariuae and also the lateral carinae nearly straight ; a broad and irregular, but rather indistinct and ill-defined, black stripe running behind the eyes over the sides of the pronotuin and abdomen, and on this, on the middle lobe of the pronotuin, stands a very large round depression. Pronotuin and abdomen with a strongly marked median carina, and with very large and crowded depressed punctures, becoming smaller posteriorly ; sides and under surface of pronotum and abdomen paler than above. Tegmina narrow, parallel-sided, roundly truncate at the extremity, blackish on the costal half, and testaceous behind, extending to the end of the first segment of the abdomen. Hind femora thick, as long as the abdomen, with two indistinct brown trans- verse bands above, and black mottling on the lateral areas ; knees blackish on the sides ; tibia? testaceous, with 7 black spines on the outer and 8 on the inner carina ; prosternal spine short, thick, pyramidal. Length '2\j mm.; tegmina, 4 mm. BENGAL : Bardwan. Type in the British Museum. 2G6. Mesambria dubia, Watt: Acridium diibium, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 63i>. Dark brown, mottled with blackish ; head, pronotuin, and abdomen above with large rugose anastomosing punctures. Fas- tigium of vertex triangularly expanded before the eyes, frontal ridge sulcate, the carinaB approximating above and slightly divergent below, the suture punctured, lateral carinae nearly straight, not prominent ; head blackish above and below, a narrow pale line running from the back of the head round the upper part of each eye to the base of the antennae, a wide testaceous band running below each eye across the front and sides of the head, and the palpi also pale; antennae tawny to the middle, with long blackish spots, and blackish beyond the middle. Prosternal tubercle short, conical. Tegmina blackish, very short 222 CATAXTOPIXJE. and narrow, hardly extending beyond the middle of the first seg- ment of the abdomen. Legs testaceous; hind femora moderately thickened, longer than the abdomen ; hind tibiae curved, pale green, brown at base and tip, with 6 or 7 brown-tipped spines. Length 18 mm.; tegmina, 2 mm. CEYLON. Type in the British Museum. 267. Mesambria tarsalis, Wall.: Acridium tarsale, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 632. Dark brown, thickly punctured over the whole of the upper surface ; median cariua slight on the head, well marked on the pronotum and abdomen. Fastigium of the vertex triangularly expanded in front of the head, frontal ridge sulcated, rather more broadly below than above, lateral carinse nearly straight ; eyes with a yellow crescent- mark behind, and behind this a broad black band hardly extending to the back of the head ; antennae black, with long yellow spines to the middle. Pro- notum with the hinder lobe testaceous. Legs dull green; hind femora moderately thickened, as long as the abdomen, knees blackish ; hind tibia; brighter green, except at the base, which is blackish, with an ivory-white spot above, and with 7 black-tipped spines on the inner and 6 on the outer carina ; hind tarsi blackish, first joint testaceous. Abdo- men blackish, sides with testaceous bands on the incisions ; anal appendages of female very large, hooked upwards and downwards at the tips, aud dentated on both sides within. Tegmina very narrow, linear, extending nearly to the extremity of the first segment of the abdomen. Length 28 mm.; tegmina, 5 mm. CEYLON. Type in the British Museum. This species is not improbably the female of M. dubia. Fig. 124. Mesambria tarsalix. 26S. Mesambria cinctifemur, Walk. Acrydium cinctifemur, Walker. A p. 223. Walker's description reads, " Fawn-colour, varied with black, Acrydium cinctifemur. Walker. Ann. Nat. Hist. (3) iv, 1859, p. L>1>3. MESAMBRIA. 223 tuberculate, testaceous beneath. Head and antennae mostly black. Legs with black bands. Hind femora of the usual structure ; hind tibiae glaucous, black and testaceous towards the base. Fore wings black, varied with testaceous. Hind wings grey. Length of the body 10 lines." The specimen bearing the name, and the ostensible type, is a female, without antennas and with only one perfect middle leg. It is blackish above, with large depressed punctures ; the fastigium triangularly expanded before the eye, and a median carina traversing the head, pronotum, and abdomen. The head below the eyes, a line behind them, and the greater part of the face are testaceous, the latter blackish at the sides above and below, and the spaces between the fore carinae shallow, and much pitted ; palpi yellow. The under surface of the body and middle legs are testaceous ; the back and sides of the abdomen are black, but 3 or 4 of the sutures are yellowish, Avith irregular yellowish markings on the sides between them ; the abdominal appendages of the female are slightly hooked at the tips, but not dentated. The tegmina are brownish hyaline, somewhat expanded towards the extremity, and extend nearly to the end of the first segment of the abdomen. Length 26 mm. ; tegmina, 4 mm. Type (?) in the British Museum. It is very doubtful whether this is the insect described by AValker, but it appears to be distinct from others on our list. :269. Mesambria geniculata, Stdl Mesambria geniculata, Stal, Bill. Sveusk. Akad. Handl. v (4) 1878, p. 73. Lighter or darker olive-brown. Antennae long, more or less black towards the extremity ; fastigium of vertex short, tri- angular, frontal ridge narrow, the suture contracting below the eye, and slightly widening again, the lateral carina3 indistinct; face and sides of head below the eyes yellowish, mouth-parts varied with black, palpi white. Upper surface of body granulose, with a continuous median carina ; abdomen with a more or less distinct black band on each side, sometimes spotted with yellow above. Legs testaceous or reddish, the knees, base, and tips of tibiae blackish ; hind femora in the female blackish on the outer and inner areas ; hind tibiae with 6 or 7 large black-tipped spines. Tegmina brown, linear, extending to the extremity of the first segment of the abdomen. Length 18-29 mm. ; tegmina, 4-5 mm. CEYLON. Type in the Stockholm Museum. 224 CATANTOPINJE. 270. Mesambria nepalensis, Walk. Caloptenus nepalensis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 707. Testaceous, stout. Fastigium of vertex short, triangular, frontal ridge rather broad, hardly sulcated and slightly punctured, vertex very slightly carinated, pronotum and abdomen more dis- tinctly ; behind each eye is a black line extending to the front of the pronotum. On a level with the lower |.art of the eye is an oblique black stripe on the sides of the pronotum, hardly indicated on the hinder lobe, but continued on the pleura below the tegmina : and beyond the first segment of the abdomen is a continuous black lateral stripe. Tegmina hyaline, moderately broad, extending to the end of the first segment of the abdomen. Hind knees marked with black on the sides, hind tibiae with 8 or 9 black-tipped spines. Lenqili 20 mm. ; tegmina, 3| mm. NEPAL. Type in the British Museum. Genus ORTHACANTHACRIS. OrtJiacant/iacris, Karsch, Stettin. Ent. Zeit. Ivii, 1896, p. 303. Locusta, Karny (Linn, pt.), Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-nat. Cl. cxvi, 1907, p. 304 TYPE, Cyrtacantliacrig Jiumilicrus, Karsch, from E. & W. Africa. Range. Europe, Africa, W. Asia, India, Ceylon. Size large. Front perpendicular, vertex depressed, bordered with carinae in front of the eyes, passing insensibly into the suture of the frontal ridge, which is slightly contracted above and below the antennae, and is punctured between them ; antennae longer than the head and pronotum. Pronotum with a strong median carina, cut by the usual transverse sutures, the hind suture placed about the middle, punctured, the hind border rectangular, with the point rounded off, hind lobe thickened; tegmina and wings long or very long ; hind femora thick, rather shorter than the abdomen. Key to the Species. [1 (6) Wings not red at the base. 2 (5) Wings banded with black. 3 (4) Wings hyaline, with a broad black band before the middle (ryyptia, L., p. 225. 4 (3) Wings pale yellow towards the base, with a black band towards the hind border favescens, F., p. 225. 6 (2) Hind wings not bauded with black, violaceous at base violascens, Walk., p. 229. 6 (1) Wings red at the base. ORTHACANTHACBIS. 225 7 (10) Hind femora banded with black and yellow. 8 (9) Antennae black nigricornis, Burm., p. 228. (8) Antennae pale vinosa, Walk., p. 228. 10 (7) Hind femora not banded. 11 (12) Size large ; wings brighter red at base succincta, L., p. 227. 12 (11) Size moderate ; wings dull red at base japonica, Bol., p. 229.] 271. Orthacanthacris segyptia, L. Gryllus Locusta eegyptius, Linnaeus, Mus. Ludov. Ulric. 1764, p. 138. Reddish-grey, tegmina with indistinct brown annular marks towards the base, and short black dashes on the nervures towards the extremity ; slightly subhyaline, especially towards the tips ; wings nearly as long as the tegmina, at least twice as long as broad, hyaline, with a black semicircular band, varying in width, extending from the base of the costa to about the middle of the wing, and inwardly to the inner margin. Hind femora with more or less distinct transverse black bands above, interrupted black lines on the outer carinae, and the inner surface red ; hind tibiae dull violet with 8-11 large white black- tipped spines. Prosternal tubercle straight, conical. Length 32-06 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 87-130 mm. A common species throughout the Mediterranean Eegion ; and as it occurs at Quetta, it almost certainly crosses the north- western frontiers of India. 272. Orthacanthacris flavescens, F. Gnjllusjlavescens, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. ii, 1793, p. 52. Gn/llus Locusta cmcifer, Stoll, Spectres, Saut. 1813, p. 30, pi. 146, fig. 51. Acridium semifasciatum, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 655. Acridium pardalinum, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iii, 1870, p. 587. Head yellowish above and behind the eyes, with two blackish bauds sloping backwards from between the eyes ; the front depressed, black, with a red mark in the middle, and passing into the frontal ridge, which is blackish, moderately broad, sulcated and punctured, with parallel sides, the face varied with black and red. Antennae black, longer than the head and pro- notum together. Pronotum strongly carinated, black, slightly varied with reddish, and spotted with pale yellow on the sides of the front lobes ; the hind lobe slightly expanded, black, punctured, with longitudinal reddish lines ; the rest of the body greenish brown. Tegmina long, yellowish grey, subhyaline, with brown nervures and a row of spots near the extremity below the costa, and with indistinct dusky markings formed by thickened nervures Q CATANTOPIN^E. into irregular and indistinct transverse bands. Wings pale greenish yellow at the base, brownish hyaline beyond the middle, with scattered black spots towards the upper and outer parts of the wing irregularly arranged in broken longitudinal rows ; towards the hinder angle the yellow part of the wing is bordered Fig. 125. Orthacanthacris flavesccns. by a smoky marginal baud darker than the outer part of the wing. Hind femora whitish, with longitudinal and transverse nervures reddish, the longitudinal ones interrupted by broken black lines ; genicular lobes large, white below ; legs otherwise mostly olive-green ; the hind tibias with 8 outer and 10 inner red black-tipped spines. Length 65 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 140-150 mm. MADEAS ; CEYLON. Fig. 125 is taken from the type of 0. pardalinum, Walk. OETHACANTHACIUS. 227 273. Orthacanthacris succincta, L. Gryllus Locustn succinctly, Linnaeus, Amoen. Acad. vi, 1763, p. 398. Oijrtacanthacris fusilinea, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M.Uii, 1870, p. 564 (bleached). Acridium elonyatum, Walker, op. cit. iii, 1870, p. 636 (bleached). Tegmina and wings very long ; head, pronotum, and abdomen (in fresh specimens) varied with light greenish yellow and brown. Scutellum of the vertex short and expanded in front of the eyes r rendering it sometimes almost circular ; frontal ridge "nearly Fig. 126. Orthacanthacris succincta, straight and moderately broad, sulcated and punctured, the lateral carinae nearly straight and very prominent ; eyes oval ; the face yellow, with brown stripes over the carinse, and below the eyes ; a broad band runs over the vertex within each eye, and curves down along the back of the head ; antenna yellow. Pronotum very coarsely punctured, brown, with a broad median yellow 228 CATANTOPINJi. stripe, continuous with that of the head, over the carina ; it is narrowly bordered with yellow before and behind, and more broadly "below; on the sides are two short parallel yellow stripes on a blackish ground, hardly extending beyond the hind suture. Abdomen brown above, with a row of long yello\vish spots bordering the median carina on each side ; under surface pale. Tegmina subhyaline, with a yellow basal stripe on the costa ; the centre is filled up with brown and yellow quadrangular or oval spots, and on the apical third the nervures are marked with black streaks. Wings smoky hyaline, strongly tinged with purplish red on the basal half. Legs dark brown ; hind femora yellow, obliquely lined with brown on the outer surface ; hind tibiae with 8 to 10 white black-tipped spines. The dark markings of the tegmina vary considerably, and are sometimes nearly obsolete. Lengtli 50-62 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 116-135 mm. INDIA ; CEYLON ; CHINA ; SUMATKA ; JAVA ; BORNEO. 274. Orthacanthacris nigricornis, Burm. Acridium niyricorne, Burmeister, Handb. Ent. ii, 1838, p. 629. Acridium melanocorne, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 659. Body varied with black and yellow ; antennre black. Scutellum of the vertex only slightly depressed, fronfal ridge nearly straight, sulcated, smooth ; head yellow, face with narrow black vertical stripes within the eyes, and behind them runs a broad black band on each side of the median yellow stripe across the head and thorax; behind each eye is an oblique yellow stripe, and towards the extremity of the pronotum the black is bisected on each side with yellowish. Pronotum coarsely punctured, the sides yellow, mai'ked with small black spots. Abdomen dull yellow, more or less suffused with blackish. Tegmina dull yellow, subopaque, more or less blackish towards the base; wings smoky hyaline, with the base tinged with red. Legs blackish, hind femora with broad yellow spaces spotted with black, hind tibiae with 8-11 yellow black-tipped spines, hind tarsi red. Length 43-55 mm.; expanse of tegmina, 90-127 mm. S. INDIA ; MALAY STATES ; JAVA, etc. 275. Orthacanthacris vinosa, Walk. Acridium vinosum, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iii, 1870, p. 588. Almost uniform reddish brown, slightly varied with pale yellow behind the eyes and on the sides of the pronotum ; antennae yellowish. Scutellum of the vertex hardly depressed, frontal ridge only slightly sulcated, comparatively broad, thickly punctured throughout, and slightly narrowed at the ocellus ; lateral cai'inae slightly oblique. Pronotum thickly punctured, narrowly streaked with yellowish on the hind border. Tegmina ORTHACANTHACRIS. 229 brown, subopaque ; wings brownish hyaline, with the base red. Legs brown, hind femora banded with lighter and darker brown, and whitish on the sides ; hind tibiae with 8-11 whitish black- tipped spines. Length 50-64 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 94-120 mm. NORTH BENGAL ; CHINA. Type in the British Museum. 276. Orthacanthacris violascens, Walk. Acridium violascens, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iii, 1870, p. 587. Light brown, with a yellow stripe running from the fastigium of the vertex over the pronotum and the suture of the closed tegmina ; in some specimens this is red. Antennae yellow, or red, and there are also red lines (sometimes obsolete) below the antennae, in the suture of the frontal ridge, and along the hind borders of the head and pronotum. Fastigium of the vertex slightly expanded, and bordered with black lines running to the back of the head ; frontal ridge moderately broad, punctured above, and sulcated and slightly expanded below the ocellus. Pronotum coarsely punctured, sometimes distinctly darker on the sides of the yellow stripe above, and sometimes with one or two indistinct yellow spots on the side. Tegmina brown, with the inner margin yellow ; wings smoky hyaline, tinged towards the base with pale violet. Legs brown, with red tarsi ; hind femora with the outer and inner lobes whitish, with oblique brown lines ; all the carinae spotted with black, knees marked with black, with the lobes large and white, or yellow ; hind tibiae with 8-10 large yellow black- tipped spines. Lengtli 40-56 mm ; expanse of tegmina, 70 110 mm. CEYLON. Type in the British Museum. 277. Orthacanthacris japonica, Bol. Acridiwn juponicum, Bolivar, Ann. Mua. Geneva, xxxix, 1898, p. 98. Light reddish brown ; antennae pale yellow, darker at the tips ; a pale yellow stripe running from the fastigium of the vertex over the pronotum and the suture of the closed tegmina. Frontal ridge rather constricted in the middle, slightly sulcated, and punctured above and below ; a broad blue-black stripe below each eye. Pronotum punctured, the sides bifasciated and bordered below with pale yellow, separated by blackish spaces. Hind knees darker, hind femora with 8-11 pale black-tipped spines. Tegmina subhyaline, brown towards the base, and spotted with brown longitudinally along the middle ; wings brownish hyaline, tinged with red at the base. In many specimens, especially 230 females, the head and pronotum are almost uniform brown, and a curved black line crosses the vertex within each eye. Length 35-45 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 68-90 mm. jS.W. FRONTIER PROVINCE ; SIKKIM : Gantok; JAPAN. Genus CYRTACANTHACRIS. Cyrtacanthacris, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iii, 1870, p. 550. Acrydium, pt., Olivier, Encycl. Meth., Ent. vi, 1791, p. 209. Acridium, Serville, Ann. Sci. Nat. xxxi, 1831, p. 282. TYPE, Gnjllus Locusta ranaceiis, Stoll. Range, Oriental Region. Differs essentially from Ortliacanthacris in the prosternal tubercle being very long and recurved. Fig. 127. Cyrtacanthacris rosca. Key to the Species. Hind wings red at base rosea, De Geer. Hind wings not red at base ranacea, Stoll. CYRTACANTHACniS. 231 278. Cyrtacanthacris rosea, DeG. Acrydium roseum, De Geer, Mem. Ins. iii, 1773, p. 488, n. 3, pi. 41, fig. 1. Gryllusflavicornis, Fabricius, Mant. Ins. i, 1787, p. 237. Cyrtacanthacris lutescens, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B. M. iii, 1870, 'p. 5GC (bleached). Cyrtacanthacris fortis, Walker, 1. c. 1870, p. 567. Green ; antennae yellow. Scutelluni of the vertex hardly depressed ; frontal ridge punctured above, smooth and sulcated below, with parallel sides. Pronotum strongly rugose, witli the median cariua forming a strong ridge. Tegmina green, rather broad, obtusely and roundly truncate at the tips ; wings greenish hyaline, with the basal half tinged with red, Hind femora green, or with the sides yellower; hind tibiae and tarsi purplish red, the former with 9-11 yellowish spines, which have the extreme tips black. Length 45-80 mm. ; expanse of teginina, 105-165 mm. ASSAM : Sylhet ; CHINA ; JAVA ; PHILIPPINES, etc. 279. Cyrtacanthacris ranacea, Stall. Gryllus Locusta ranaceus, Stoll, Spectres, Saut. 1813, p. 30, pi. 11 b, tig. 53. Cyrtacanthacris inficita, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iii, 1870, p. 565 (discoloured). lleddish brown, mixed with yellowish or whitish. Antennae yellow ; head pale, with brown or blackish vertical lines below the eyes and bordering the carinse ; frontal ridge sulcated, with the borders slightly undulating, smooth in the male, punc- tured above and on the sides in the female ; eyes bordered behind with black or brown, a pale median stripe running from the scutellum of the vertex over the pronotum and the suture of the tegmiua. Prouotum with fine scattered raised whitish granules, and the hinder lobe punctured in the female; red, with the median carina and the borders pale, and a pale band on the side, which is much expanded and with dusky punctures on the hinder lobe. Abdomen and legs reddish ; hind femora with the outer central area whitish, the knees marked with black ; hind tibiae with 6-8 whitish spines Avith dusky tips. Tegmina yellowish subhyaline, with a row of dark spots along the costa, and many irregular spaces on the median area bounded and reticulated with brown ; wings dusky hyaline, slightly tinged with yellowish towards the base. Length 45-55 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 82-112 mm. ARABIA ; MADEAS : Conoor, ]Vilgiris ; CEYLON ; SIAM. 232 CATANTOPOyE. Genus SCHISTOCERCA. Schistocerca, StSl, Recens. Orth. i, 1873, p. G4. TYPE, Gryllus Locusta tataricus, L. (Acridium pereyrinum, Oliv.). Ranc/e. America, S. Europe, Africa, Western and Southern Asia. General characters of Orthacanihacrii, but the cerci of the male are rather short, compressed, and laminated, and the subgenital lamina is triangularly emarginate ; in the female the cerci are short and pointed, and the lower valves of the ovipositor are not dentated at the base ; hind tibiae with about 8 spines on the outer and 11 on the inner carina. Fig. l2S.Sc//ii<(ocerca tatarica. 280. Schistocerca tatarica, L. Grylhis Locusta tataricus, Linnjeus, Syst. Nat. (ed. x.} i, 1758, p. 432. Acridium pereyrimtm, Olivier, Voy. Emp. Othom. iv, 1804, p. 388, note. Gryllus mir/mtorim , Thunbergr, Mi!m. Sc. Potersb. v, 1815, p. 244. Gri/llxs rufescens, Thunberg, 1. c.' 1815, p. 245. Acridiumjiaviventre, Burnieister, Ilandb. Ent. ii, 1838, p. 631. Acridium sellatum, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iii, 1870, p. 585. SCHISTOCERCA. PELECINOZl'S. 233 Yellow or red, the face sometimes marked with vertical dusky or blackish lines ; frontal ridge smooth, only slightly sulcated, sometimes a median pale line with a darker border runs from the fastigiurn of the vertex over the pronotum. Pronotum thickly punctured, expanded and rounded behind. Tegmina long, sub- hyaline, covered with irregularly transverse brown reticulate spots ; wings more than twice as long as broad, hyaline, often slightly stained with yellow or red at the extreme base. Hind knees marked with blackish. Length 40-62 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 100-140 mm. SIND ; NEPAL ; ASSAM ; CEYLON ; MEDITERRANEAN KEGION ; WESTERN ASIA ; SOUTH and CENTRAL AMERICA. Linua3us confounded several species under the name tatarica ; but the present species appears to be the best entitled to retain the name. Genus PELECINOTUS. Pelecinotus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 619. TYPE, Pelecinotus brachypterus, Bol. Range. S. India. Vertex very broad, and sloping to the vertical front ; frontal ridge very broad between the antennae, suddenly narrowed before the ocellus, and with the margins subparallel as far as the clypeus ; antennae filiform, rather thick in the male, and slender in the female. Pronotum rather short in front, long and pointed behind, the hinder lobe shorter than the front lobe; the back compressed and cristate throughout its whole length, the crest more or less excavated, not interrupted by the sulci, which are obsolete on the summit of the crest. Tegmina rudimentary, short, broad, lateral, lanceolate ; wings obsolete. Legs thick ; femora with the outer dorsal area very broad, with the carinae spinose ; hind tibiae with the inner and outer rows of spines extending equally far towards the base. Key to the Species. Head rugose ; pronotum with large depressed black punctures laterally brachypterus, Bol. Head smooth ; pi-onotum with the crest more raised and without black punctures cristayalli, Bol. 281. Pelecinotus brachypterus, Bol. Pelecmotus brachypterus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 620, pi. ix, tig. 35. Green. Head rugose, vertex almost perpendicular, slightly sloping ; antennae brown towards the tips. Pronotum sharply tectiform, short in front, pointed behind, the median carina com- pressed, smooth ; viewed laterally, obtusely arched in the male, straight or slightly sinuated in the middle in the female, arched in front, and excavated behind, the sides with large black depressed 234 punctures, the bind sulcus behind the middle of the pronotum, the front area sparingly tuberculate, the hinder area thickly rugose-punctate, the hind border thickened, often yellow. Teg- mina rudimentary, lanceolate, as long as the hind lobe of the pronotum ; wings very short. Hind femora spinose above and below, the outer cariua with obtuse tubercles ; hind tibiae red in the male and yellow in the female, with black-tipped spines. Supra-anal lamina in the male triangularly produced, pointed ; in the female rather compressed, with the tip obtuse; subgenital lamina of the male compressed, carinated, and pointed. Length 20-40 mm.; pronotum, 11'5-20 mm.; tegmina, 6 10 mm. ; hind femur, 13-19 mm.; hind tibiae, 12 mm. MADRAS: Kodaikanal. Types in the collections of Pantel and Bolivar. 282. Pelecinotus cristagalli, Bol. Pdlecinotus cristagalli, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 620, pi. ix, fig. 36. Resembles the last-named species, but the head is smooth, not rugose ; the frontal carinae are scarcely raised and almost inter- rupted at the ocellus. The crest of the pronotum is much raised morswn, Still. Range. The Oriental Region, Australia. Frontal ridge distinctly expanded between the antennae, lateral carinee of the front parallel, sinuous in the middle ; fastigium of the vertex transverse, sloping, arched into the costal ridge ; antennae filiform, not depressed at the base, the third joint distinctly narrower than the second. Tegmina well-developed, the tip oblique, but not sinuated: the costal area of the wings truncated at the tip. Hind femora with the lower outer area black, with a longitudinal carina ; hind tibiae sinuated. Key to the Species. Wings subhyaline, greenish towards the base pramorsa, Stfil. Wings hyaline-yellow ceylonica, sp. n. 2!)0. Eucoptacra praemorsa, Stal. Acridium (Catantops?) prtemorsum, StSl, Eugenie's Resa, Ortli. 1860, p. 330. Acridium saturatum, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 628 (n. syn.). Caloptemis striyifer, Walker, op. cit. v, Suppl. 1871, p. 66. ? Coptacra cyanoptera, Brunner, (or StRl), Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 159. Brownish testaceous. Front thickly punctured, frontal ridge ECCOPTACRA. 241 obtuse, not sulcated, expanded between the antennae, bounded by distinct parallel carinae, cheeks with a well-marked carina below the eyes ; antennae filiform, contracted at the base, hardly longer than the head and pronotura together. Pronotum nar- rowed in front, rather convex, truncated at the extremity, forming an obtuse angle rounded off at the tip, median carina continuous, not interrupted by the sulci, the first and second of which extend far into the lateral lobes, and the third is wholly dorsal. Tegniina extending beyond the hind femora, subparallel-sidecl, truncated at the tips ; beyond the middle subhyaline with oblique obsolete transverse dusky markings ; wings pale brownish hyaline, greenish towards the base, and clouded at the tip. Hind femora extending beyond the abdomen, with a black spot before the tip on the upper inner area, the lower outer area brown, the carina marked with dark brown, the inner surface of the hind femora and the hind tibiae and tarsi red, with the spines tipped with black. Length 23 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 47 mm. BOMBAY : Bandra ; MADRAS : Madura ; BURMA : Bhamo ; TENASSERIM : Maliwon ; CHINA. 291. Eucoptacra ceylonica, sp. nov. Light brown. Antennae filiform, rather longer than the head and pronotum together; frontal ridge hardly sulcated, expanded between the antennae, thickly punc- tured, the carina well marked, as also the lateral carinse commencing between the antennae and the eves. Pronotum rugosely punctate, the three sulci slightly marked, but distinct, and the hindmost placed about the middle; hinder extremity almost rectangular. Tegmina long, rather narrow, obtusely truncated at the extremity, light brown, with indistinct dusky transverse mark- ings ; wings hyaline yellow. Hind fernoi-a greyish brown, with brown spots above, the most distinct being before the tip, and separated by an oblique yellowish space on the upper inner area ; inner and lower surface, as well as the hind tibiae and tarsi red ; 10-11 black-tipped tibial spines. Length 27-30 mm. ; expanse of teg- mina, 48-50 mm. Fig. 131. Eucoptacra ceylonica. CEYLON. Type in the British Museum. 242 CATAIfTOPIlOS. Genus EPISTAURUS. Epistaurus, Bolivar, Jorn. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, 1889, p. 164. TYPE, Epistaurus crutigerus, Bol. Range. Imlia, Burma, Africa. Costal ridge round, arched at the base, very broad between the antennae, and narrowed towards the extremity, hardlv sulcated ; the vertex longitudinally carinated, with a transverse carina between the eyes. Pronotum with the median carina well marked, interrupted only by the hind sulcus. Tegmina well-developed, obliquely truncated at the tips. Key to the Species. Abdomen brown alerrans, Bruun. Abdomen red, spotted on the back sinctyi, Bol. 292. Epistaurus aberrans, Brunn. Epistanrus aberrans, Bmimer, Ann. Mus. Genova, xxxiii, 1893, p. 160, pi. v, fig. 55. Brownish testaceous, very hairy. Tegmina obtusely and obliquely truncated at the tips ; wings yellowish, with the borders infuscated. Hind femora with the outer side indistinctly bi- fasciated with brown, the inner side red ; hind tibiae pale in the male, and red in the female. Last dorsal segment in the male bilobate at the extremity ; supra-anal lamina in the male quadrate, slightly suh-ated ; cerci curved, deflexed and pointed at the tips. Length 12-5-18'5 mm.; pronotum, 3'7-4 mm.; tegmina, 14- 15 mm. ; hind femur, 10-11 mm. BTJBMA: Bliamo. Type in the Genoa Museum. 293. Epistaurus sinetyi, Bol. Epistaurus sinefyi, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 623. Pale reddish. Median carina of the vertex very indistinct. Wings yellow ish hyaline. Hind femora obliquely trifasciate with brown, lower outer area brown, interrupted in the middle, on the inside red at the base, and bifasciate with brown ; tibiae clothed with long grey hairs, brown at the base, ringed with pale, and then red, with 9 outer and 11 inner spines. Abdomen red, with a row of spots on the back interrupted by the median line ; male with the supra-anal lamina smooth, transversely and rather indistinctly impressed in the middle, with the tip acutely angulated ; cerci short, slightly compressed, incurved towards the tips ; subgenital EPISTAURUS. GERENIA. 243 lamina obtuse, slightly produced ; female with the valves of the ovipositor coarsely impress-punctate. Length 12-15 mm. ; pronotum, 3-4 nim. ; tegmina, 9-12 mm. ; .hind femur, 7*5-10 mm. MADRAS : Madura. Types in the collection of I. Bolivar. Genus GERENIA. Gerenia, Stal, Bih. Svensk. Akad. Ilandl. v (4), 1878, pp. 28, 73. TYPE, Acridium dorsale, Walk. (Gerenia obliquenervis, Stal). lianr/e. India, Burma, Australia. Head broad, space between the eyes broad ; fastigium of the vertex short, rounded into the costal ridge, which is almost obsolete below the antennae ; antennae rather short, filiform, Pronotum with the median car inatecti form, cut by three sulci, the latter placed about the middle, bind border obtusely angu- lated ; prosternal tubercle pointed. Tegmina and wings usually well-developed, the former with a shining black spot in the radial .area. Hind femora thickened, with the carinse denticulated ; hind tibia? with from 8 to 11 spines. Key to the Species. 1 (4) Tegmina as long as or longer than the abdomen. 2 (3) Black spot of tegmina subrotund . . dorsalis, Walk., p. 243. 3 (2) Black spot of tegmina longer than broad intermedia, Brunn., p. 244. 4 (1) Tegmina shorter than the abdomen. 5 (6) Black spot of tegmina linear pusttilipennis, Walk., p. 244. (6) Black spot of tegmina oval abbreviata, Brunn., p. 244. 294. Gerenia dorsalis, Walk. Acridium dorsale, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 630. Gerenia obliquenervis, Stal, Bih. Svensk. Akad. Ilandl. v (4), 1878, p. 73 (n. syn.). Brown or yellowish brown. Front punctured, frontal ridge not sulcated, obsolete below the ocellus. Pronotum thickly and rugosely punctate, with raised granules. Hind femora with the carinse denticulated and dotted with black, violaceous beneath ; hind tibise and tarsi dull violaceous or sanguineous, spines tipped with brown. Tegmina with a subrotund black spot in the radial .area, sometimes followed by a black dot ; wings hyaline, slightly bluish at the base. Length 32-41 mm. ; tegmina, 27-34 mm. S. INDIA. Type in the British Museum. R 244 CATANTOP1NJE. 295. Gerenia pustulipennis, Walk. Caloptemts pustulipennis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, Suppl. 1871, p. 68. Very similar to the last species, but more reddish brown, and the hind legs almost entirely reddish. Tegmina much shorter than the abdomen (?), with a linear black streak and a small black spot on the right tegmen, and on the left two contiguous spots, the upper rounded, and the lower small and oblong ; wings hyaline. Length 35 aim.; tegmina much damaged. Type in the British Museum. 296. Gerenia intermedia, Brvnn. Gerenia intermedia, Brunner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 161, pi. v, tigs. 5, 6. Eesembles G. dorsalis; the space between the eyes is rather narrower, the black spot on the tegmina is longer than broad, and the hind femora are smooth above, less strongly denticulated, and not dark coloured beneath. Length 32 mm.; pronotum, 9 mm.; tegmina, 28 mm.; hind femur. 20 mm. Type in the Genoa Museum. 297. Gerenia abbreviata, Brunn. Gerenia abbreviata, Brunner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 16:?. Differs from the last species in the short pointed tegmina, which are considerably shorter than the abdomen. The hind femora are smooth, with the carinse slightly denticulated, and the lower outer area brownish ; hind tibia? reddish towards the tips in the male, and dull fulvous iu the female. Supra-anal lamina of the male triangular, sulca'ted; cerci straight and pointed ; sub- genital lamina compressed, short and pointed. Length 23-34 mm. ; pronotum, 7-10 mm. ; tegmina, 12-15 mm. ; hind femur, 15-20 mm. BURMA : Prome. Type in the Genoa Museum. Genus TRAULIA. Traulia, Stai, Recens. Orth. i, 1873, pp. 37, 58. TYPE, Acridium flavoannulatum. Range. India, Burma, Malay Peninsula and Islands. Antenna? half as long again as the head and pronotum together, black with pale tips ; fastigium of the vertex produced and sulcated, passing into the frontal ridge, without a transverse TRATJLIA. 245 carinula, frontal ridge sinuatecl below the antennae, and con- tinued to the labruni ; palpi pale, sometimes white. Pronotuui thickly punctured, cylindrical, slightly flattened above, the median carina almost obsolete in front. Tegmina narrow, hardly dilated in the middle, rounded at the tips, sometimes lateral and lobi- form ; wings rounded, with the hind margin crenate. Front and middle femora slender, hind femora thicker, denticulated ; hind tibite pilose, with 7 outer and 8 inner spines. Prosternal tubercle pointed ; pectus broad, with the lobes of the meso- and rneta- sternum not contiguous. Supra-anal lamina of the male triangular, sulcated ; cerci deflexed at the tips, and dilated at the apex in the subapterous species ; ovipositor smooth, with the tips slightly incurved. Key to tlie Species. Tegniina and wings well developed dimidiata, De Haan. Tegmina and wings rudimentary cachara, sp. n. 298. Traulia dimidiata, De Haan. Acridinm (Oxya\ dimidiatum, De Haan, Temminck's Verhandel., Orth. 1842, pp. 156, 157, pi. xxi, fig. 4. Black, with a transverse yellow band, narrowed in front below, running across the face backwards along the lower border of the pronotum ; within each eye above runs another yellow band bordering the sides of the pronotum. Hind femora with an oblique yellow stripe outside towards the base, a yellow mark beneath just beyond the middle, and a yellow ring before the extremity ; tibiae with a yellow ring near the base, and a long red space before the extremity. Tegmina light brown, with a yellow line along the fold ; wings hyaline blue, with the tips clouded. In the female the yellow markings are much less distinct, and the black band on the pronotum above is widely inter- rupted in the middle. Length 20-37 mm.; expanse of tegmina, 35-45 mm. TENASSERIM : Thagata ; MALAY STATES ; JAVA ; BORNEO. Type in the Leyden Museum. 299. Traulia cachara, sp. nov. Head in front and head and pronotum above, green ; a wide black stripe runs behind each eye. covering the sides as far as the base of the hind femora ; it is divided by large pale yellow spots, one on the head, two on the sides of the prouotum, and two smaller ones below the tegmina. Abdomen brown, with 246 CATAXTOPIXJE. three yellowish longitudinal lines, one on the median carina, and the lateral ones bordering a broad black stripe that runs along the sides of the abdomen nearly to the tip. Tegmina black, bordered within with green, oval, lateral, extending as far as the third segment of the abdomen. Legs green, the front and middle tibiae and tarsi blackish ; hind femora red towards the extremity, with the knees black ; hind tibiae green, with an ivory white spot at the base, bordered before and behind with black. Length 23 mm. ; tegmina, 5 rnm. ASSAM: Cachar. Type in the British Museum. Genus CATANTOPS. Catantops, Schaum, Bericht. Aknd. Berlin, 1853, p. 779. TYPE, Catantops melanostictus, Schaum. Range. Africa, Oriental and Australian Eegions. Head considerably produced between the antenna;, vertex gradually sloping into the frontal ridge, which is nearly parallel - sided, and hardly sulcated, face oblique ; eyes oval, oblique, approximating above ; antennae filiform. Pronotum carinated in the middle, the sulci rather indistinct, the hindmost placed about the middle, the hind border obtusely angulated. Prosternal tubercle stout, obtuse ; mesosternal lobes transverse, metasternal lobes contiguous. Tegmina and wings usually well developed. Hind femora moderately thickened, serrated above, often with black markings. Key to tlie Species.* [1 (18) Wings uniform yellowish tes- taceous, 2 (17) Hind tibire red or testaceous. 3 (16) Tegmina light brown or yellowish. 4 (7) Hind femora with two dark brown oblique fasciae on the outer side, extending from the upper part to the lower carina. f> (6) Pronotum dark brown, with a dis- tinct yellow vitta on each side, extending forwards to the eyes. . dommans, Walk., p. 248. 6 (">) Pronotum lijrht brown, with ill- defined yellowish vitta on each side ncuticerctis, Bol., p. 248. 7 (4) Hind femora with the dark fascia? confined to the upper part. 8 (13) Mfctasternal episterna with a dis- tinct oblique yellowish vitta. 9 (10) Posterior femora with a row of black dots on the lower outer carina for the whole length .... karnyi, Kirby, p. 251 . * C. coJixaliriiiiis and pinyuis are known only from descriptions which do- not gire sufficient data to enable them to be located in this key. CATAKTOl'S. 247 10 (9) Posterior femora with two or three black dots on the carina close to apex. 11 (12) Frontal ridge parallel, only slightly impressed in the middle 12 (11) Frontal ridge parallel, rather deep- ly chanelled in the middle .... 13 (8) Metasternal episterna without yellow vitta. 14 (15) Frontal ridge parallel, only im- pressed just below the ocellus, scarcely continued to clypeus, faintly punctured 15 (14) Frontal ridge parallel, impressed for its whole length, closely and very distinctly punctured 16 (3) Tegmina rather dark fuscous brown, especially anteriorly ; wings yellowish fuscous 17 (2) Hind tibiae blue 18 (1) Wings red at the base. 19 (20) Wings rose-red at the base 20 (19) Wings scarlet at the base; size larger indicus, Bol., p. 251. \huntilis, Serv., p. 250. I interruptus, 13ol.,* p. 251 . ferrw/inea, Walk.f innotabili', Walk.f splendens, Thb., p. 250. j 6/?/^7m/?/'cMs,Karny,Jp.247. | angtistulus, Bol.,J p. 248. erubescens, Walk., p. 253. 2)ulchellus, Walk., p. 252.] 300. Catantops ophthalmicus, Karny. Catantops ophthalmicus, Karny, Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-nat. Cl. cxvi, 1907, pp. 313, 330. Brownish testaceous. Eyes rounded, subcontiguous, the inter- vening space not broader than the antennae. Pronotum slightly constricted behind the middle, with the transverse sulci distinct, the lateral lobes unicolorous in the female ; the lower half pale, with the margins whitish, and varied with black, in the male. Tegmina uniform greyish testaceous, scarcely extending beyond the hind knees. Prosternum with the tubercle straight, conical, pointed ; mesosternal lobes rather wide apart, metasternal lobes contiguous. Front and middle femora spotted with black ; hind femora testaceous, concolorous, or suffused with brown, the longi- tudinal carinae varied with black; hind tibia? dull bluish, with black spines. Cerci of the male slender, incurved, tapering towards the tip, pointed and not bifid ; subgenital lamina of the male sharply boat-shaped, distinctly longer than the cerci. Lenyth 19-28 mm, ; pronotum, 4-6 mm. ; tegmina, 15-12*5 [? 22-5] mm. ; hind femur, 11-16 mm. N. CEYLON. [* C. interruptus is a variety of C. hnmilis distinguished by the long slender cerci of the male. t Considered to be varieties of humilis by Mr. Kirby (see p. 250). J These species are possibly identical.] 248 CATANTOPIS.E. 301. Catantops angustulus, Bol. Catantops angitstulus, Bolivar, Ann. Soe. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 627. Reddish brown, varied with brown. Space between the eves very narrow, not broader than the width of the antennae, fastigium of the vertex rather pointed : frontal ridge parallel-sided, not arched at the base, narrowed and rather concave before the ocelli, raised between the antennae, impress-punctate. Pronotum hardly punctured in front, but. thickly and closely punctured behind, with the front margin slightly indented in the middle, rounded or very obtusely angulated behind, the median carina nearly obsolete in front, and the lateral lobes with a longitudinal brown, fascia in the male. Tegmina extending much beyond the abdomen, varied with brown, and with crowded pale nervures. Hind tibiae blue. Cerci narrowed towards the tip, which is bifid. Length 16-21 mm. ; pronotum, 3-5-4-5 mm.; tegmina, 17-20 mm. : hind fnmur, 10-11-5 mm. MADRAS: Madura. Types in the collections of Pantel and Bolivar. 302. Catantops acuticercu?, Bol. Catantops acwticercus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1002, p. 626. Ferruginous brown, or pale ochraceous. Fastigium of the vertex rather pointed, frontal ridge arched at the base, then nearly parallel-sided, punctured, slightly concave before the ocellus. Pro- notum thickly punctured, median carina slight, but continuous, hind border rectangular ; lateral lobes above with a brown band, arched across the metapleura to the hind coxae ; metanotum with an oblique pale band on each side. Tegmina longer than the abdomen, brown in front, with the radial area spotted with brown. Prosternal tubercle thick. Hind femora with two black trans- verse bands above, obliquely produced into the outer median area, lower outer area brown, inner area red; hind tibiae red. Cerci of the male pointed, slightly incurved. Length 19-26 mm. ; pronotum, 4-7 mm. ; tegmina, 18-25 mm. ; hind femur, 12-16-5 mm. MADRAS: Madura. Types in the collections of Pantel and Bolivar. 303. Catantops doniinans, Walk. Caloutenus dominant, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 705. Head light brown in front ; antennae reddish, rather longer than the head and pronotum ; fastigium of the vertex rather CATAXTOPS. 249 obtuse, widened in front of the eyes, face punctured, frontal ridge sulcatecl, very slightly widened below the ocellus, the carinae slightly black-spotted ; a dark stripe runs from the fastigiuin over the vertex (where it is lightest) and the pronotum ; it is bordered on each side by a yellow stripe, broader and less defined on the nietanotum. Pronotum thickly punctured above, the median carina slightly developed and almost obsolete in front, the transverse sulci slightly marked, the hindmost placed about the middle ; the hind border forming a very obtuse angle, with the tip truncated ; at the lower end of the eye is a whitish spot, above which is a second, and between this and the yellow lateral stripes above is a brown stripe, running backwards from the eye and expanding over the whole of the deflexed lobes, except tor a slight yellow border in front; lower border of deflexed lobes nearly straight. Abdomen yellowish brown, with a black median stripe above becoming macular hindwards, and with some slight yellow spots on the sides. Prosternal tubercle conical, rounded at the tip; mesosternal lobes small, separate ; metasternal lobes contiguous. Tegmina long, light brown, speckled with brown in the costal area, and subhyaline towards the tips ; wings hyaline, slightly brownish towards the borders. Front and middle legs light brown ; hind femora yellowish, the outer area with two broad oblique brown bands, continued more narrowly on the upper surface and to the middle of the inner surface ; inner surface red, lower surface light brown, knees brown : hind tibia3 red, with 8-9 black-tipped spines on each side ; the two basal joints of the tarsi red, terminal joint brown. Length 31 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 62 mm. ASSAM : Sylhet. Type in the British Museum. 304. Catantops consobrinus, Karny. Catantops consobrinus, Karuy, Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-nat. 01. cxvi, 1907, pp. 319, 341. Testaceous, lateral lobes of the pronotum uuicolorous. Teg- mina extending much beyond the hind knees, testaceous, mottled with grey at the base and grey at the tip. Prosternal tubercle short, very obtuse ; mesosternal lobes not wide apart, metasternal lobes contiguous ; metathorax with an oblique pale stripe on the sides. Hind femora above with transverse dusky bands, a stripe in front very slightly extending into the externo-median area, and all the carinae, especially the lower ones, spotted with black ; hind tibiae dull testaceous. Male cerci slender, pointed, incurved ; subgenital lamina of male slightly compressed. Length 23 mm.; prouotum, 5 mm.; tegmina, 22 mm.; hind femur, 13 mm. INDIA (?). Type in the collection of Brunuer von "Wattenwyl. 250 CAT.VNTOPIV.E. 305. Catantops splendens, Thunl. Gryllus splendens, Thunberg, Mem. Acad. Petersb. v, 1815, p. 2-36, ix, 1824, pp. 395, 408. Acridium lutcolum, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 661. Acrydium nifitibia, Walker, Ann. & Mag. Xat. Hist. (3j iv, 1859, p. 223. Greenish brown. Frontal ridge sulcated, rather broad, punc- tured, with parallel sides. Pronotum thickly punctured, the carina and transverse sulci slightly marked, the deflexed lobes sometimes pale beneath, the hind border very obtusely angulated, subrotuud. Prosternal tubercle long, obtuse. Tegmina long and narrow, rounded at the end, testaceous subhyaline, more or less mottled with blackish ; wings yellowish hyaline, rarely hyaline. Hind femora with the outer area yellowish, generally with a longi- tudinal stripe, double towards the base, on its upper portion, and another on the lower side : inner surface black above, and red below; hind tibiae red (rarely yellowish) with 10-11 black-tipped spines. Male with the cerci slender, pointed, incurved ; supra- anal lamina long, pointed, compressed. Lenytli 33 mm. INDIA ; CEYLON ; ANDAMANS ; NICOBARS ; BURMA ; JAVA, &c. 306. Catantops humilis, Serv. Acridium hnmile, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. G62. Acridium innotabilc, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 629. Caloptenus ferruf/inens, Walker, op. cit. 1870, p. 705. Culojftenw immwn's, Walker, op. cit. v, Suppl. 1871, p. (57. Dull greenish brown. Frontal ridge moderately sulcated, punc- tured, with parallel carirue ; eyes large. Pronotum thickly and finely punctured, with the median carina slightly, and the transverse sulci still more slightly, marked ; the hind border obtusely angu- lated, or subrotund. Prosternal tubercle thick, obtuse. Tegmina rather long, often with dusky mottling; wings clear hyaline. Abdomen shining, yellowish, darker 011 the back. Hind femora yellowish, Avith two transverse blackish bands above ; inner siu 1 - face and hind tibia? and tarsi red ; tibiae with 10-11 black-tipped spines. Cerci of male slender, pointed, slightly incurved ; sub- genital lamina pointed at tip. Length 22-30 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 42-55 mm. BENGAL: Calcutta; BOMBAY; Fig. 133. Catantops humilis. Sylhet SiKKIM ; CEYLON. ASSAM CATAXTOPS. 251 307. Catantops interruptus, Bol. Catantops hinnilis var. interntatus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 02-"). Catantops intermptus, Karny, Sitz. Akad. Wis.s. "\Vien, Math.-nat. 01. cxvi, 1907, pp. 317, 339. Pale ochreous, sparingly mottled with brown. Frontal ridge slightly widened between the antenna), punctured ; fastigium rather pointed, longer than broad in front of the eye. Pro- uotuin slightly compressed, rugosely punctate, with the median carina slight, but continuous, the hind border almost rectangular ; the lateral lobes concolorous, or slightly darker in front above. Tegmina longer than the abdomen, varied with brown, with numerous pale transverse nervures. Prosternal tubercle thickened at the tip. Hind femora pale, with two brown transverse bands above, the first slightly interrupted below, the lower outer area and extremity brown ; hind tibiae brown, with a pale ring at the base. Cerci of the male long and slender, slightly compressed at the tip. Length 27-39 mm. ; pronotum, 7-8'5 mm. ; tegmina, 2~>-32 mm. ; hind femur, 10-21 mm. MADRAS: Madura. Type in the collection of I. Bolivar. 308. Catantops indictis, Bol. Catantops indicus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 62. Testaceous brown, or ferruginous. Frontal ridge very slightly narrowed towards the extremity, punctured, projecting somewhat before the ocellus ; fastigium of the vertex nearly transverse in front of the eyes. Pronotum thickly and finely rugose-punctate, with a slight continuous median carina; hind border obtusely angulated, lateral lobes above indistinctly brownish. Tegmina longer than the abdomen, finely mottled with brown, radial area with pale spots ; metathorax with an oblique pale streak. Hind femora transversely banded with brown above the middle and before the tip, with the bands very slightly, if at all, produced into the externo-median area, which is yellow as far as the lower margin ; the lower outer area brown ; hind tibia) red. Cerci expanded at the tips. Length 24-30 mm. ; prouotum, 5-6*8 mm.; tegmina, 22-28 mm. ; hind lemur, 12-5-16 mm. MADRAS: Kodaikanal; CEYLOX; COREA ; CHIXA. Type in the British Museum. 309. Catantops karnyi, Kirby. Catantops karnyi, Kirby, Syn. Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, p. 483. Catantops pulchellus, Karny (nee Walker), Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-nat. Cl. cxvi, 190'7, pp. 317, 339. Eeddish brown. Eyes almost touching above, fastigium rounded 252 CATAXTOPIX.B. between the antennae ; frontal ridge rather broad, finely punc- tured, slightly contracted at the ocellus. Pronotum broad, especially behind, an irregular dark brown band behind the eyes, slightly bordered with yellow above and below, and very faintly indicated on the metapleura ; pronotuin thickly punctured, finely above, but much more coarsely on the metapleura ; under the wings is a broad yellowish white oblique band, preceded by a dot of the same colour ; hind border of pronotum obtusely angulated. Prosternal tubercle stout, obtuse at the extremity. Legs tes- taceous ; hind femora with two oblique black bands on the sides, paler on the upper surface, but obsolete below, the lower outer carina spotted with black ; hind tibiae with 8 or 9 black-tipped spines, and one or two black spots near the base. Tegmina greyish brown, subhyaline, with indistinct darker mottling ; wings hyaline. Lenytli 23-25-5 mm. ; pronotum, 5 mm. ; tegmiua, 20-22 mm. ; hind femur, 14-14-5. NEPAL: Ternani. Type in the collection of Brunuer von AVattenwyl ; co-type in the British Museum. 310. Catantops pinguis, St&l. Acridium (Catantops) pingue, St&l, Eugenie's llesa, Orth. 1860, p. 330. Eeddish brown, rather stout. Frontal ridge finely punctured, slightly expanded between the antennae, lateral carina} distinct, slightly divergent ; eyes approximating ; antenna; filiform, about as long as the head and pronotum together. Pronotum closely punctured, obtusely angulated behind ; carina slight, continuous, with the sulci well marked. Tegmiua extending beyond the abdo- men, slightly narrowed at the tip, which is rounded, darker towards the base, and subhyaline towards the tip ; wings dull hyaline, or slightly greenish towards the base, with brown ner- vures, and slightly clouded towards the tip. Under surface of body and legs pale ; prosternal tubercle thick, obtuse. Abdomen with a short narrow dorsal stripe behind. Hind femora stout, with two transverse black spots above, the first extending into the externo-median area, the lower outer area blackish brown, and the upper carina? slightly serrated ; hind tibia? and tarsi red, the former with black-tipped spines. Cerci of the male slightly expanded at the tips. Length 27-34 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 40-01 mm. SIKKIM : CEYLOX ; BURMA : Karen Hills ; CAMBoniA ; CHINA ; JAPAN, &c. 311. Catantops pulchellus, Walk. Curfocanthacris nulchellus, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iii, 1870, p. 574. Light brown. Face finely punctured, with parallel inner CATANTOPS. 253 cariua3, the outer slightly divergent below : frontal ridge uniform in width, shallowly sulcated. Pronotum finely punctured, with the sulci fairly well-marked ; the last placed about the middle, hinder edge obtusely rounded : a moderately broad blackish band runs behind the eye to the extremity of the deflexed lobes. Prosternal spine thick, obtusely rounded at the extremity ; abdo- men reddish. Tegmina greyish subhyaline, mottled with brown, especially towards the middle, hinder area pale, perhaps greenish or reddish in life ; wings iridescent hyaline, brick-red towards the base along the veins. Hind femora yellowish outside and above, and reddish within, with two black streaks iu the outer upper carina; opposite them, on the inner side above, and slightly extending to the inner area, are two transverse black bands ; the knees are also marked with black on each side ; hind tibia3 and tarsi red with black-tipped spines, the tibise with 9 or 10 on each side. Lenc/tJi 37 mm.; expanse of tegmina, 78 mm. INDIA (?). Type in the British Museum. 312. Catantops erubescens, Walk. Caloptemts erulescens, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. J3.M. iv, 1870, p. 703. Eeddish broAvn, finely punctured. .Frontal ridge very slightly depressed in the male, and flattened in the female, subparallel- sided ; antenna? yellowish, mode- rately stout, filiform, about as long as the head and pronotum together. Pronotum with the median carina and sulci only slightly marked, the hind sulcus placed just behind the middle, the hinder border obtusely rounded ; a blackish stripe runs behind each eye, which is paler and broader on the metapleura. Prosternal tubercle thick, obtuse; abdomen light brown, rather shining. Tegmina subhyaline, brown towards the base, and mottled with brown beyond, the hinder area pale, perhaps reddish in life, with some scattered black spots ; wings hyaline, rose-red towards the base. Hind femora reddish, inclining to yellow out- side, with a broad black stripe on the outer upper area, obsolete at the base and towards the extremity ; and another extending Fig. \3.-Catantops erubescens. 254 CATAXXOPIXJE. to the knees below the upper outer cariua ; on the inner upper surface are several large black spots; tibiae and tarsi red, the tibite with 8 or 9 black-tipped spines. Length 2^-33 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 48-60 mm. NORTH BENGAL. Type in tbe British Museum. Genus STENOCROBYLUS. Stenocrobylus, Gerstaecker, Arch. Xaturg. xxxv, 1869, p. 219. TYPE, Stenocro'jylus cervimts, Gerst., from Zanzibar. Range. Africa, India. Eyes (in the type at least) closely approximating, vertex very narrow ; pronotum with a slight median carina ; prosternal tubercle compressed, almost bilobate ; tegmina and wings well -developed; hind legs stout, rather long, hind tibiae with 8 spines on the outer carina ; metasternal lobes of female rather widely separated. 313. Stenocrobylus feinoratus, .BoZ. Stenocrolylus femoratm, Bolivar, Ann. So?. ICnt. France, Ixx, 190:?, p. (523. Reddish above, greenish below, pilose. Vertex very narrow between the eyes, hardly broader than the width of the antennas fastigium concave ; front slightly sloping, coarsely punctured towards the clypeus, with many green spots ; frontal ridge smooth, punctured in the middle, arched near the vertex, and slightly narrowed towards the extremity ; antennre greenish. Pronotum punctured, slightly hairy in front, and smoother and obtusely augulated behind, with a slight median carina, and the hinder sulcus placed rather behind the middle ; the deflexed lobes higher than long, narrowly rounded behind, with a broad red band traversing the lower part of the lobes. Tegmina green, distinctly narrowed towards the tips, extending for half their length beyond the abdomen. Anterior legs green ; hind femora thick, reddish, with the carime of the outer area spotted with black, knees with a black curve on both sides ; hind tibiae green, with long grey pile. Prosternal tubercle subcuneiform, slightly transverse ; metasterual lobes moderately distant behind the foveolse in the female. Length 20 mm. ; pronotum, 4 mm. ; tegmiua, 8*5 mm. ; hind femur, 12 mm. MADRAS: Madura. Type in the collection of M. Pantel. 255 Genus NAVASIA, nov. TYPE, Navasia insularis, sp. nov. Ranyc. India. Eyes large, oval, separated by a space as broad as the lower part of the frontal ridge ; fastigiuin of the vertex slightly narrowed in front, and sloping into the frontal ridge, which is narrowed above, slightly widened below, sulcated and strongly punctured, but not much produced, nor oblique ; vertex nearly smooth. Pronotum rather flattened, very slightly rounded behind, with four sulci, the lirst lateral, the second dorsal, and the two hinder ones complete, the median carina cut by the three hinder ones, and nearly obsolete between them, the hindmost placed rather behind the middle ; pronotuin punctured most strongly behind and on the sides, a broad punctured indistinct carina on each side, not con- tinued on the hinder lobe. Antennae with long joints, and nearly twice as long as the head and pro- notum together. Prosternal tubercle conical, rather pointed, but rounded off at the tip. Tegmina long and narrow, longer than the abdomen ; wings hyaline, rather narrow, nearly :is long as the tegmina. Hind femora moderately thickened at the base, longer than the abdomen ; hind tibiae with 8 or 9 spines. Differs from Coptacra in the flat- tened proiiotum with indistinct lateral carinse in front. 314. Navasia insularis, sp. nov. Light brown, tegmina thickly veined, otherwise subhyaline; wings hyaline, with brown nervures, a broad reddish stripe on the costa beyond the middle for a short dis- tance, tips inf uscated. Hind femora yellowish, with a slight reddish shade, with two transverse black 'bands, paler above, the first oblique in the upper outer part of the -sides, but not extending to the lower carina, either on the outer ot- inner surface ; the second smaller, but extending to both ; knees with a black baud on each side, connected by a transverse black hand beneath ; lower outer carina spotted with black ; hind tibiae pubescent, yellow, red at the base, followed by two black rings (the second the broader) separated by a yellow space ; hind tibiae with 8 or 9 black-tipped spines on each side. Length 30-32 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 60-65 mm. INDIA : Naraudam Island. Type in the British Museum. Pig. 135. Xavasia insularis. 256 CATAXTOPIXJE, Genus BRACHYXENIA, nov. Ti'PE, CaUptenus scutifer, Walk. Range. India. Body very broad. Head very broad ; eyes prominent, slightly oval; fastigium of the vertex not depressed, with a slight carina within each eye above, passing into the frontal ridge without a break ; frontal ridge flattened, slightly sloping, the carinae very slightly indicated between the antennae, lateral cariuae obsolete ; face thickly and rather coarsely, but not distinctly punctured, vertex and back of head smooth ; antennas filiform, shorter than the head and pronotum together. Pronotum broader than the head, strongly punctured and granulated, with the median carina well marked in front, but evanescent beyond the middle ; lateral carina? absent, hinder edge produced into an acute angle ; sulci very slightly marked and undulated, the hind sulcus placed considerably before the middle. Prosternal tubercle forming a transverse flattened lamina ; mesosternal lobes separated by a space equal to their own breadth ; metasternal lobes separated by the fossa?. Tegminaas long as the abdomen, with nearly parallel sides, slightly expanded on the costa near the base, and with the extremity obtusely rounded; wings as long as the tegmina, rounded and scalloped. Hind femora vei\v stout, strongly ridged and granulated, and pubescent be- neath ; hind tibia? as long as the femora, with 7-9 spines on the carina. This curious genus has a. superficial resemblance to Tniethis. At present I place it provisionally near Catantops. 315. Brachyxenia scutifera, Walk. Caloptenus scutifer, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 704, n. 56. Light brownish grey (dis- coloured?). Head, abdomen, and hind femora whitish, the granules on the pronotum and the raised strise on the hind femora yellowish, the carinfe, knees, and lower area of the femora with black speckles ; tegmina with traces of dusky markings towards the base and before the tip, and also of a longitudinal row of whitish spots ; there are also traces of blackish spaces on the mesopleura, towards the tips of the femora, and on the knees ; the tibial spines and abdominal appendages are tipped with black. Fig. iyO. liracliyxcma sculifera. (a) hind leg. BllACHYXEXIA. KRIPA. 257 Length 30-32 mm. ; hind femur, 18 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 48 mm. SOUTH INDIA. Type in the British Museum. Genus KRIPA, nov. TYPE, Kripa undulata, sp. uov. Range. NVW. India. Head large, smooth above ; antennae filiform, as long as the head and pronotum together ; space between the eyes about as broad as half their diameter, fastigiuni of the vertex longer than broad, concave, and gradually passing into the costal ridge, which is nearly perpendicular, flattened, and distinctly widened below; sparingly punctured, cheeks more thickly, the lateral carinae very slightly indicated. Pronotum broad, tricarinate, the lateral carinae undulating, and nearly obsolete behind ; hinder area thickly and coarsely punctured on the sides, less strongly above, the sutures slightly marked, the hindmost placed about the middle, hind border rectangular with the tip rounded. Tegmina about as long as the abdomen, subhyaline, light brown towards the base, and mottled with light brown beyond, the markings towards the apex irregularly transverse ; wings hyaline, stained with red, and with the nervures of all the lower part red. Hind femora rather thick, strongly serrated above ; hind tibiae with 7-9 spines, inner spurs of nearly equal length. 316. Kripa undulata, sp. nov. Light greyish brown, shading into yel- lowish beneath. Lower mouth-parts varied with black. Tegmina subhyaline. mottled with pale brown ; wings hyaline, stained with red, nervures brown towards the costa, otherwise red. Hind femur yellowish (or red beneath in life ?), the outer area white, with longitudinal black lines below the bounding carinae, and a central longitudinal black line, and with irregular longitudinal rows of black spots between ; inner area black Fig. 13,. -Knpa undulata. ^^ the bounding C arina3, except towards the extremities; hind femora red, with 7 to 9 black- tipped spines. Length 35 mm. : expanse of tegmina, 53 mm. PUNJAB : Campbellpur. Type in the British Museum. 258 CATANTOP1XJE. Genus CALOPTENOPSIS. Caloptenopsis, Bolivar, Jorn. Sci. Lisb. (2)i, 1889, p. 173. TYPE, Caloptenus vittatus, Bol., from W. Africa. Range. India, Africa. Fastigium of the vertex concave and passing into the frontal ridge, which is moderately broad and flattened, sparingly punctured, and not expanded below; lateral carinse very slightly marked. Pronotum rather short and broad, with three carina?, the hinder area generally longer and broader than the fore part, transverse sutures very slightly marked, the hindmost generally placed before the middle. Tegmiua and wings well developed : the wings hyaline, generally stained with red. Hind femora much thickened, generally rather shorter than the abdomen and serrated above ; hind tibiaB with 7-9 spines on each side, and the lower terminal spine on the inner side generally much longer than the upper one. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Dusky markings of the middle of the tegmina distinctly transverse iiisiynis, Walk., p. 258. 2 (1) Dusky markings of tegmina not transverse. '.} (4) Hind femora with the outer carinse distinctly spotted with black punctate, sp. n., p. 260. 4 (3) Hind femora with the outer carinae not distinctly spotted with black. 5 (6) Hind femora with the lower outer carina marked with an interrupted black line glaucopis, Walk., p. 259. (5 (5) Hind femora with the lower outer carina pale liturifer, Walk., p. 259. 31 7. Caloptenopsis insignis, Walk. Caloptenus insignis^ Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1873, p. 701. Caloptenus spissus, Walker, op. cit. v, Suppl. 1871, p. 70. Var. Caloptenus dams, Walker, op. cit. iv, 1870, p. 711. Caloptenopsis saussurei, Martinez, An. Soc. Espaii. 1896, p. 11. Brown above, and mostly white beneath. Head brown above, and over the frontal ridge, and below the eyes ; there is also a white band dotted with black, and separated by a black line from the white hind border of the head, running down behind the eyes. Pronotum brown, rather short, obtusely angulated behind, with the tip rounded; the sides are very coarsely punctured, the lower part being yellowish, obscurely spotted with black ; on the sides is a broad oblique white stripe, not extending to the hinder area, and bordered above with blackish. Tegmina rather long and narrow, subhyaline, with numerous brown spots and markings, especially towards the base, and those towards the middle irregu- larly transverse ; wings hyaline, strongly tinged with red (in the CALOFTENOPSIS. 259 type) towards the base and along the nervures of: the lower part of the wing ; hyaline in var. clarus. Hind femora moderately long and broad, the outer area white, the cariuse spotted with black, and with several longitudinal brown lines ; the upper surface brownish ; with transverse black bands, extending to the inner surface, which is yellowish, filled up largely with black ; lower surface yellowish ; pectus and base of femora white, speckled with black ; hind tibiae yellow, with 7-9 black-tipped spines, the lower inner claw hooked, bifid, and thrice the length of the upper one. Prosternal tubercle conical. Length 34 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 66 mm. INDIA. Type in the British Museum. 318. Caloptenopsis glaucopis, Walk. Caloptenus glaucopis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 702. Reddish brown. The fastigium of the vertex longer than broad, concave, with a slight median cariua at the base, in addition to the usual ones within the eyes; face with a narrow white band before the eyes, and a wider one behind extending to the back of the head ; the space below the antennae is also whitish on each side of the frontal ridge ; antennae rather longer than the head and pro- notum together. Pronotum with the sutures slightly marked, the hindmost placed just before the middle; hinder area thickly punctured, especially on the sides, hind border obtusely rounded ; three pale marks on each side, the uppermost short, oblique, yellowish; the second slightly oblique, white, broad, extending to the hinder suture ; the lowest white, broad, on the lower margin. Abdomen yellowish, spotted with black on the sides. Hind femora white outside, the serrations black, the surface with three suffused longitudinal submacular stripes, and a broken black line along the lower inner carina ; the lower surface blackish outside and yellow inside, the upper area yellowish, with transverse black streaks passing into the inner surface, which is mostly black ; hind tibiae yellow, with 7-9 black-tipped spines ; the lower inner ter- minal spine nearly twice as long as the upper. Prosternal tubercle thick, obtuse, slightly transverse, Length 35 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 55 mm. NORTH INDIA. Type in the British Museum. 319. Caloptenopsis liturifer, Walk. Caloptenus liturifer, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 703. Caloptenopsis crassiusculus, Martinez, An. Soc. EspaQ. 1896, p. 11 ^n. syii.). Brown. Scutellum of the vertex concave, longer than broad, rounded in front, and passing into the frontal ridge, which is 32 260 CATANTOP1NJE. slightly narrowed between the antennae ; beneath each eye is a black band divided by a narrow yellow line, and the hind part of the head is white behind this. Pronotum short, slightly produced and truncated behind, with the three carinae pale, and two more or less distinct triangular black spots on the front of the median carina : the transverse sutures fairly distinct, the hindmost placed about the middle; below the lateral carinae the deflexed lobes are marked with a quadrangular black spot, on which stands an oblique yellowish callous spot, and some clots of the same colour ; beneath, the lobes are yellow, intersected by a blackish streak, but these markings scarcely extend beyond the hind suture. Tegmina yellowish brown towards the base, and subhyaline beyond, with brown markings separated by pale ones, the most distinct being a longitudinal row of pale spots ; wings hyaline, with the inner and lower half red. Legs ochreous yellow ; hind femora mottled out- side with blackish, and with two transverse black bands above, the inner surface mostly black; hind tibiae with 7-9 black-tipped spines, lower inner spine distinctly longer than the upper. Pro- sternal tubercle rather small, conical. Length 21-30 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 30-50 mm. KASHMIR : Baltistan ; MADRAS : Madura. Type in the British Museum. 320. Caloptenopsis punctata, sp. nov. Brown. Fastigium of the vertex con- cave, hardly longer than broad, face and sides of head irregularly mottled with white and brown ; antennae rather longer than the head and pronotum together. Pronotum obtusely rounded behind, the sutures slightly marked, the hindmost placed about the middle ; the deflexed lobes before the hind suture blackish, with white markings, the hind lobe often paler, especially at the sides. Tegmin subhyaline, irregularly spotted with brown, especially at the base ; wings hyaline, with the lower inner half stained with red. Hind femora with the outer area whitish, with large black spots on the bounding carinae, the longitudinal median and the short oblique ridges reddish, often more or less marked with dusky ; hind tibiae red, with 8-9 spines on each side, lower inner spine one-third longer than the upper. Prosterual spine rather lar^e, conical. Lenfjtli 25-27 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 42-45 mm. Fig. 138. Caloptenopsis punctata. PERIPOLUS. 261 Genus PERIPOLUS. Peripohis, Martinez, An. Soc. Espafi. xxx, 1902, p. 303. TYPE, Callijptamus pedarius, Stal. Range. India. Fastigium of the vertex sloping, forming an obtuse angle with the frontal ridge ; antennae filiform. Pronotum obtusely angu- lated before and behind, median carinae distinct, lateral carinae straight, diverging behind, or parallel, the prozona longer than the metazona. Tegmina short, lateral, rudimentary, with the rnedia- stinal and anal areas very broad, especially the apical half of the tegmina ; discoidal area narrow. Hind femora large, very stout, serrated above ; hind tibiae with 8 spines on the outer and 9 on the inner carina, no apical spines on the outer carina. Prosternal tubercle cylindro-conical ; mesosternal lobes as broad as the intermediate space, with the inner border obtusely angulate, inter- lobular space very narrow behind ; metasternal lobes widely separated, but rather less so than the mesosternals. Upper part of the last anal segment of the male very large; cerci of the male large, compressed, with a deep concavity at the tip ; supra-anal plate of the male with three fine longitudinal furrows, the lateral ones converging behind, all terminating in the middle of the plate in a transverse furrow ; infra-anal plate in the male forming a short obtuse pubescent triangle ; supra-anal plate of the female triangular, divided by a transverse furrow, and with another longitudinal one at the base ; lower valves sinuated. 321. Peripolus pedarius, Stal Calliptamus pedarius, Stal, Bill. Svensk. Akad. Handl. v (4), 1878, p. 75. Yellowish ferruginous. Cheeks below, front and sides of pro- no! um distinctly punctured; pronotum above depressed, rather smooth, obsoletely punctured on the hinder lobe, opaque, with a very distinct median carina, and distinct obtuse shiny carinae traversing the lateral margins ; cheeks with a narrow postocular band, and a band on the vertex, continued to the extremity of the pronotum, and a lateral band on the sides of the abdomen above. A lateral curve on the sides of the apex of the hind femora, the base of the hind femora and the greater part of the outer side of the cerci all black ; hind tibiae with 8 or 9 black-tipped spines. Tegmina broadly elliptical, rudimentary, extending rather beyond the median segment, with grey nervures, and a black longitudinal band traversing the discoidal area. Length 30-50 mm. ; pronotum, 8-11 mm. ; tegmina, 6-8 r o mm. ; hind femur, 19-29 mm. SIKKIM : Kurseong ; ASSAM. Type in the collection of Brunner von Wattenwyl. 262 CATANTOPINJE. Genus HETERACRIS. Heteracris, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 660. Demodocus, Stal (nee Guerin), Bih. Svensk. Akad. Ilnndl. v (4),. 1878, p. 7o. TYPE, Acridium Jierbaceum, Serv. Range. Africa, Oriental Begion, Australia. Body long, stout. Fastigium of the vertex slightly or not at all depressed, and rounded into the frontal ridge, which is broad and flattened, not sulcated ; antennae filiform. Proiiotinn with a distinct median carina, cut by three shallow sulci, the lateral carina3 slightly indicated, obsolete behind. Prostemal spine stout, more or less pointed, directed backwards ; space between the mesosternal lobes narrow, longer than broad. Tegmina and wings long and narrow. Legs very long ; hind femora mode- rately thickened at the base, and tapering beyond the middle, extending beyond the abdomen; hind tibia? with from 12 to 14 spines. Anal segment of the male large ; cerci stout. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Tegmina unspotted robmtu, Serv., p. 262 2 (1) Tegmina spotted. 3 (4) Tegmina with small scattered black spots. ifftttfrt,Walk.,p. '26:> 4 (3) Tegmina with larger brown spots, ha v ins pale centres, and tending to become confluent. 5 (6) Fastigium of the vertex smooth, not depressed towards the extremity eleyans, AYalk., p. 2(J4. 6 (5) Fastigium of the vertex depressed towards [p. '2('i'-j. the extremity capensis, Thunb., 322. Heteracris robusta, Sen: Acridivm robustum, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1830, p. 647. Heteracri* dnculis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, pp. 663, 665. Greenish brown, varied with darker brown and with yellow stripes. Antenna? reddish, longer than the head and pronotuin ; head greenish brown, with a broad brown band running down beneath the eyes, bordered in front by a yellow stripe ; some- times the whole front of the head between these stripes is dark brown ; fastigium of the vertex short, slightly concave, and obtusely rounded in front, curving into the frontal ridge, which is narrowest between the antenna?, and gradually widened below; vertex dark brown, bordered with yellow on each side. Pro- notum dark brown, closely and rather finely rugose-punctate, the upper part with the brown yellow-bordered band of the vertex continued to the extremity, the sides usually with some obscure greenish spots, the last sulcus placed slightly behind the middle. Abdomen greenish brown, sometimes with some yellowish lateral HETEEACRIS. 263 spots towards the extremity. Tegmina yellowish subhyaline, closely reticulated towards the base with rufous nervures ; wings hyaline, with a bluish iridescence towards the base. Hind femora longer than the abdomen, greenish yellow, darker above, and not serrated ; hind tibiae and tarsi red, tibiae with the extreme base blackish, shining, and with 12 to 14 yellow black-tipped spines. Length 58-65 mm. ; hind femora, 40-42 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 115-120 mm. ASSAM : Sylhet. Type in the Paris Museum. 323. Heteracris illustris, Walk. Hfteracris illustris, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, pp. 663, 664. Head almost uniform yellowish, with a brown stripe nearly uniform in width, broadly bordered on each side with yellow, extending over the vertex and upper part of the pronotum ; vertex carinated ; fastigium depressed, obtusely aud roundly angulate in front ; frontal ridge not much expanded below, punctured ; the face probably brownish in fresh specimens, a moderately narrow blue-black stripe beneath each eye. Pro- notum coarsely punctured, the sides brownish, with whitish depressions above, and yellowish spots below. Tegmina sub- hyaline, with reddish nervures, and with small scattered black spots on the disk, not extending to the costal or inner marginal areas. Hind femora yellowish, streaked with reddish ; hind tibiae and tarsi purplish blue, the former with from 11 to 13 white black-tipped spines. Length 70 mm. ; hind femur, 43 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 116 mm. SOUTH INDIA. Tyjte in the British Museum. 324. Heteracris capensis, Thunb. Gn/llus capensis, Thunberg, Mem. Acad. Petersb. v, 1815, p. 240, ix, 1824, pp. 399, 423, pi. xiv, fig. 6. Heteracris insignis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, pp. 663, 664 (n. syn.). Dull yellowish. Fastigium of the vertex depressed, short, rounded, a narrow black line below the eyes, frontal ridge sparingly punctured, like the rest of the face, and not much expanded ; vertex and back of pronotum with a uniformly broad brown longitudinal stripe, broadly bordered with yellow ou^both sides. Pronotum thickly punctured, with large punctures on the ridge behind the imperfect lateral carina3, sides brownish, with two large whitish pits above on the anterior lobes. Abdomen reddish. Hind femora reddish above and yellowish below ; hind tibiae yellowish, with from 11 to 13 black-tipped spines. Tegmina 264 CATAK TOPING. subhyaline, with reddish nervures, and numerous brown spots on the disk, the outer ones with paler centres, and sometimes showing a tendency to become confluent ; wings greyish hyaline. Length 57 mm. ; hind femur, 35 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 92 mm. HIMALAYAS ; BENGAL : Calcutta ; MADRAS : Coromandel Coast ; CEYLON ; BUBMA : Bhamo ; CHINA : S. AFRICA, &c. 325. Heteracris elegans, Walk. Hetei-acris elegans, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M, iv, 1870, pp. 602, 663. Yellow, rastigimn of the vertex not depressed, but with some large punctures on each side near the extremity, and passing into the frontal ridge, which is equally broad throughout, and bordered by narrow black lines on each side, outside which are light brownish bands ; a brown band, expanded behind, runs over the vertex and frontal ridge ; on the latter, the centre is yellowish ; there is also a short blackish streak under each eye; median carina of the vertex obsolete. Pronotum thickly punctured, with a red- dish brown longitudinal band above, bordered on each side by broad yellow ones ; the sides reddish brown, bordered all round with yellow, and with four yellow spaces, the two uppermost largest, the lower hind space linear. Femora yellow, the upper carinre im- perfectly lined with black towards the base; tibiae and tarsi dull green, the tibiae with 12 to 13 white black-tipped spines, and the terminal spurs yellow. Tegmina subhyaline, with two longitudinal greenish- yellow spaces, and numerous brown pale-centred spots on the disk, with a tendency to become confluent and trans- verse ; there are also rows of dark spots on the costal area, and towards the base on the inner marginal area ; wings hyaline. Fig. 139. Heteracris elegans. HETEEACEIS. TYLOTHOPIDIUS. Length 50 mm. ; hind femur, 34 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 77 mm. NOBTII INDIA. Type in the British Museum. Genus TYLOTROPIDIUS. Tylotropidius, StSl, Kecens. Orth. i, 1873, p. 74. TYPE, Pezotettix (Tylotropidius) didymus, Stal, from Sierra Leone. Range. Africa, Burma, Ceylon. Fastigium of the vertex with two depressions at the base ; front very oblique. Pronotum with the front and hind lobes of equal length, with the lateral margins smooth and callous, more or less converging. Tegmina and wings well developed, the former densely reticulate in the postradial area, with no intercalated nervure. Hind tibiae with from 9 to 18 spines; hind tarsi very long, the second joint half as long as the first. Anal segment of the male not enlarged, the cerci narrow and compressed. Prosternal tubercle bifid; metasternal lobes of the female trun- cated on the inner side, and connected by a straight suture. 326. Tylotropidius varicornis, Walk. Heteracris varicornis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 667. Tylotropidius ceylonicus, Branner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, I< p. 164, pi. v, fig. 57 (n. syn.). Pronotum brown, with the lateral carinae pale, curving hindwards, where they become evanescent, hind border somewhat roundly angulate. Pro- sternal tubercle compressed, truncated, and slightly bituberculate at the ex- tremity. Tegmina castaneous, with a row of triangular whitish spots upon the radial nervure and a pale longi- tudinal stripe in the costal area ; wings bluish hvalirie. Hind femora thickened at the base, vry slender towards the tips, the upper carinae sparsely serrated, with the sulci of the outer area marked with brown, two spots on the inner surface ; hind tibiae towards the extremity dull blue, with from 12 to 15 spines on the outer carina ; tarsi dull blue ; tibiae and tarsi very pilose. Tylotropidius varicornis. 266 CATANTOPIN.E. Supra-anal lamina of the male elongate-triangular, sulcated ; cerci straight, rounded, or slightly compressed, acuminate. Length 28-48 mm. ; pronotum, 5*8-8 mm. ; tegmina, 23- 36 mm. ; hind femur, 2332 mm. S. INDIA ; CJSYLON ; BURMA : Karen Hills. Type in the British Museum. Genus PARAEUPREPOCNEMIS. Paraeuprepootemis. Brunner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893. p. 151. Pareuprepocttemit, Bianchi, Preni. Loz. Ross. Imp. 1902, pp. 174. 205, 320. TYPE, Pezotettiv syriaca, Brunn. Range. Egypt, Arabia, E. Africa, "VV. Asia, India. Allied to Euprepocnemis ; pronotum truncated behind ; tegmina lobiform, wings rudimentary ; hind tibia? with from 8 to 12 spines ; male with the cerci compressed, sulcated above. 327. Paraeuprepocnemis pictipes, Bol. Parcteitprepocneiiris pictipes, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx. 1902, p. 631. Eeddish yellow, varied with chestnut-brown. Fastigium of the vertex obtusely and slightly produced, regularly curving into the frontal ridge, which is marked with rows of compressed points, and is expanded towards the tip ; antenna? red, paler at the base. Pronotum opaque brown above, with the carina* more shining, hind border roundly truncate ; upper part of lateral lobes with a large oblique shining black blotch, bordered with pale above and below, and with large impressed punctures on the lower and hind margins. Prosternal tubercle thick, rather smooth behind. Tegmina short, lanceolate, not longer than the pronotum. Front femora thickened in the male, and linear in the female ; hind femora shining red beneath, the outer area brown, with an oblique yellow band at the base, and a yellow spot just beyond the middle ; hind tibitc red, with the base more or less brown, with a pale ring. Abdomen varied with brown ; supra-anal lamina of male broadly lanceolate, with a short sulcus at the base and middle ; cerci short, pointed. Length 16-23 mm. ; pronotum, 3'8-5'3 mm. ; tegmina, 4- 6 mm. ; hind femur, 11-15 mm. MADRAS : Madura. Types in the collections of Pantel and Bolivar. EUPREPOCXEMIS. 267 Genus EUPREPOCNEMIS. p. 9. u-enus JLurxtJLjruuiNjLmiB. Eyprepocnemis, Fieber, Lotos, iii, 1853, p. 98 ; iv, 1854 Euprepocnemis, StSl, Eecens. Orth. i, 1873, p. 75. TYPE, Gryllus plorans, Cbarp. Range. S. Europe, Africa, W. Asia, Oriental Begion. Vertex horizontal, impressed, front sloping, frontal ridge rounded, obtuse, not sulcated : antennae filiform, longer than the head and pronotum together. Pronotum truncated in front, rounded and subtruncated behind, the disk smooth in front, punctured behind, with the median carina slightly raised, and intersected only by the third sulcus, the lateral carinse straight, slightly diverging ; the front lobe longer than the hind lobe. Tegmina and wings well developed. Prosternal tubercle obtuse towards the tip, sloping; pectus narrow, the mesosternal lobes approximating, with the inner margin rounded ; metasternal lobes extended behind the foveolse and contiguous. Anal segment of the male not enlarged ; supra-anal lamina triangular, slightly sulcated at the base ; the cerci slender, compressed, pointed or laminated ; the supra-genital lamina slightly produced, obtuse. Key to the Species. Hind femora with a longitudinal black stripe on the outer side alucris, Serv. Hind femora with no black stripe on the outer side . . pulchru, Bol. 328. Euprepocnemis alacris, Serv. Acridium aluci-e, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 682. Acrydium deponens, Walker, Ann. Xat. Hist. (3) iv, 1859, p. 222. Heteracris rudis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, pp. 662, 664. Euprepocnemis plorans, var. intermedia, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 630. Yellowish. A black streak below each eye, a broad velvety black subparallel-sided stripe runs over the vertex and pro- notum ; the median carina narrowly, and the lateral borders rather broadly yellow ; deflexed lobes yellow, with an oblique blackish bar, and suffused pale markings above and below it. Tegmina subhyaline, with numerous brown spots, which towards the base form a linear series divided by pale spaces ; costal area unspotted, inner marginal area slightly spotted towards the base ; wings hyaline, slightly greenish towards the base. Abdomen shining greenish brown. Femora yellowish, with a longitudinal black streak on the outer surface ; tibia? and tarsi purplish brown, the former with two pale bands towards the base, and with 9 or 10 white black-tipped spines. Length 35-38 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 60-66 mm. MADBAS : Madura ; CEYLON. Type in the Paris Museum. 268 CATANTOPINjE. 329. Euprepocnemis pulchra, Sol. Euprepocnemis pulchra, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 630. Olivaceous. Head pale red, broadly banded with black below the eyes ; front slightly oblique, frontal ridge nearly parallel- sided, narrowed towards the clypeus, impress-punctate ; fastigium of the vertex smooth, nearly transverse, slightly sulcated ; antennae pale above, brown below. Pronotum with a broad velvety-black stripe on the back, distinctly expanded and paler in the middle, the borders green, the median carina compressed in front, with the deflexed lobes testaceous brown. Prosternal tubercle sub- cylindrical, compressed in front, and obtuse towards the tip. Tegrnina extending beyond the hind femora in the male, but not in the female, thickly spotted with brown or green, anal area green. Femora pale red or green, obscurely spotted with brown, with a broad pale ring before the extremity, black at the base on the inner side, and with the knees marked with black curves ; hind tibiae brown at the base, with a pale ring, the apical half dull red, the spines white, tipped with black. Cerci compressed, curved. Length 22-25 mm. ; pronotum, 4-5-9 mm. ; tegmina, 20- 36 mm.; hind femur, 13-29 mm. MADRAS : Kodaikanal. Types in the collections of Pantel and Bolivar. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. All names printed in i When more than one italics are synonyms, reference is given, the page on which the description occurs is indicated by thickened numerals. Abbasia. 27. tsqyptius Locust a (Gyl- anomalus (Systolederus), abbreviata (Gerenia), ' Uis), 225. 46. 244. .Eolopus, 121. antennata (Phlfeoba), aberrans (Epistaurus), aqua, (Phyllochoreia), 102. 242. 83. antennatus (Gompho- aberrans (Scirtotvpus), affinis (^Eolopus), 122. uiasiax), 93. 84. affinis (Epacromia), 122. antica (Heteracris), abrupt us ( G ryllus), affinis (Erianthus), 87. 209. 144. affinis (Mastax), 87. Apalacris, 237. abruptus ((Edaleus), Aiolopus, 121. apicalis (Dociostaums), 144. alacrc (Acridium), 267. 117. abruptus (Pachytylus) alacris (Euprepocnemis), apicalis (Stenobothrus), ((Edaleus), 144. 267. 117. Acanthalobus, 36. albolineatus (Gelastor- apta (Heteracris), 199. Acrida, 97. rhintiB), 216, 218. aptera (Anarchita), Acridella, 100. Alectorolophus, 236. 178. Acridium, 66, 230. alligator (Gavialidium), aptera (Pyrgomorpha), Acrotylus, 152. 29. 178. ACRYDIIX.B, 11. alligator (Scelymena), Apterotettix, 47. Acrvdiini, 57. 29. argentcovittata (Capel- Acrydium, 66, 146, americana (Aspido- lea), 211. 230. phyma), 190. armigera ( Tettix), 38. acuteterminatus (Copto- Anarchita, 178. asina (Phyllochoreia), tettix), 75. angustidorsis (Phlaeoba), 83. acuticarinatus (Erian- 104. aspera (Epacromia), thtis), 87. angustipennis (Para- 150. acuticeps (Orthacris), phlaioba), 107. asperatus (Coptotetlix), 187. angustipennis (Phlieo- 74. acuticercus (Catantops), bida), 107. Aspidoph3 r ma, 190. 248. angust,ulus (Catantops), assamus (Loxilobus), acutipennis (Erianthus), 248. 43. 89. annulata (Trilophidia), Aswatthamanus, 101. acutipennis (Lefrova), 149. Atractomorpha, 180. 219. annulata, var. a (Trilo- attenuatus (Hedotettix), acutus (Lair.ellitettix), phidia), 150. 73. 50. annulata, var. b (Trilo- atypicale (Acrydium), acutus (Loxilobus), 42. phidia), 149. 67. adusta (Morphacris\ annulata var. ceylonica atypicale ceylonuna 137. (Trilophidia), 149. (Acrydium), 67. irgvptia (Orthacantha- annul atus (G-ryllus), atypicalis ceylonus (Tet- cris), 225. 149. tix), 67. 270 ALPHABETICAL IXJDEX. atypicalis (Tettix), 67. bispinosus (Criotet/i.r), Ceracris, 110. Aulacobothrus, 123. 37. Cercina, 206. Aularches, 168. blanciiardi (Atraeto- cervinus (Stenocrobj- aurora (llacilia), 205. morpha), 184. lus), 254. blanchardiana (Quiro- ceylonica (Dittopternis), guesia), 133. 139. bait eat a ((Edipoda), brachycera (Eremopeza), ceylouica (Eucoptacra), 157. 159. 241. balteata (Tettix), &\. brachycera (Pyrgoiuor- ceylonica (Wacata), 219, balteatus( Paratettix), 61. pha), 175. '220. balteatus(Sphingonotus), Brachycrotaplnis, 115. ccylonicus ( Choroetypus) , 157. brachypterus (Olirotogo- 85. banian (Gryllus), 204. nus), 167. ceylonicus (Orchetypus), banian (Hieroglyphus), brachypterus (Pelecino- 85. 204. tus), 233. ceylonicus ( Tylotropi- Batrachidiini, 78. Bracbyxenia, 256. dius),265. BATRACHOTETRIGIN.E, 158. brain ina (Ohloebora), chincnsis ( Grt/Uits), bengalensis (Sphingono- 131. 199. tils), 156. brevicollis (Acrida), 99. Chloebora, 130. Beunia, 91. brevicollis (Tryxalis), Ohlorizeina, 174. bettoni (Hieroglyphus), 99. Choroetypus, 80. 203. brevis (Chrotogonus), Chorotypus, 80. Bibracte, 235. 16:3. Chorthippus, 128. Bibractoides, 236. bruttei, var. blanchar- Chrotogonus, 161. bico/or (Gryllus), 127. diana (Quiroquesia), cinctalis (Phljuoba), bicolor (Stauroderus), 133. 105. 127. Brvodema, 150. cinctifcmiir (Acridium) , bidcns (Gri/llus), 149. Utllla, 66. 134. bifid us (Erianthus), 87. burri (Atractomorpha), cincli femur (Acrydium), bilineatus (Hierogly- 183. 222 phus), 202. cinctifeniur(Mesambria), bimaculata (Pteruo- 222. scirta), 136. cachara (Traulia), 245. cinctifemur (Pternoscir- biniaculatus (Alectorolo- ceeriifans (Grylliis Lo- ta), 134. plius), 237. custa), 154. cinerascens (Eremobia), Jiiiiiaculatus (Gryllus), ca^rulans (Sphingonotus), 158. 136. 154. cinerascens ( Gri/llus), bipunctatum (Acry- ceerulans, var. candidus 146. diuin), 68. biputictatus ( Gryllus) (Sphinffonotuit), 155. caliginosa (Pternoscirta), ciiiereus (S3 r stolederus), (Bulla), 68. ' 135. cingalensis (Paratettix), bipuiictatus (Tettix), caliginosum (Acridium) 63. 68. ((Edipoda), 135. cingalensis (Tarbaleus), Biriuana, 13. caliqinosus (Caloptenus), 201. ttirmanica (Etigavia- 208. cingalensis ( Tettix), lidium), 27. Caloptenopsis, 258. 63. birmanica (Scelimena), CapeUea, 210. cinqulata ( Opomala), 27. capensis (Gryllus), 263. 175. biriiuinicum ( Gaviali- capensis (Heteracris), citrina (Morphacris), diiim), 27. 263. 137. birmanieus (Erianthus), capitatus (Ooptotettix), citrina ( (Edipoda), 90. 76. 145. bispiuosa (Pyrgomor- carinata ^Paraphlaeoba), cttrinolimbatus (Hiero- pl.a), 176. 108. glyphus), 205. bispiitosa ( Tettix), 37. Carsula, 214. Cladoiiotiui, 14. bispinosum (Acrydium), Caryanda, 201. Cladonotus, 17. 37. Castetria, 206. clarus (Caloptenus), bifpiitosum ( Tetrix) CATANTOPIN^, 191. 258. (Acridium), 37. Catantops, 246. Colemania, 188. bispinosus (Acanthalo- cephalotes (Madurea), concavus (Ohrotogonus), bus), 37. 115. 165. ALPHABETICAL IXDEX. 271 coneolor (Hieroglypbus), cruciatus (Grryllus), dominans (Catautops), 204. 116. 248. coticolor (Oxya), 204. crucifer (Lscusta Gryl- dorsale (A'-ridtum), conica (Pyrgomorpba), ftw), 225. 243. 175. crucigerus (Epistaurus), dorsalis (Gerenia), 243. conicum (Acridium), 242 dorsalis (Gri/llus), 122. 174. cucullifera (Saussurella), dorsatus (Cliortbipptis), conicum (Acrydium), 79. 128. 175. cucullifera (Tettix), 79. dorsatus (Gryllus), 128. consobriua (Atractomor~ cunctatus ( Amorpbopus), dorsifer (Paratettix), pha), 182. 48. 63. consobrinus (Catantops), cuneatus (Acanthalobus), dorsifera ( Tettix), 249. 40. 63. coiispercus (Locusta) (Gryttus), 168. cyanoptera (Coptacra), 240. dubia (Mesambria), 221. co nspurca ta ( Truxalis) , cylindricus (Aswattba- dubia (Xistra), 56. 100. manus), 101. dubium (Acridium), constrietus (Groniplio- Oyrtaoantbacris, 230. 221. mastax), 93. daganensis (Hierogly- ducidis (Hcteracris), contracta (Scelymena), phus), 201. 2C.2. 26. danica (Locusta), 146. convergens (Ischna- danicus ( Gryllus Locus- crida), 212. fa), 146. cdax ( Gelastorhimis), convergens (Mazarreclia), daiiicus (Pachytylus), 217. 52. 146. elegans (Gryllus), 128. convergent (Opomala), decisus (Dociostaurus), elegans (Heteracris), 212. 120. 264. Coptacra, 238. decisus ( Stenobothrus), elegans (Orthacris), Coptacrella, 239. 120. 186. Coptotettix, 74. decurva (Saussurella), elonqatum (Acridium), cornuta (Saussurella), 79. 227. 79. deflorata (Ceracris), ensif'era (Coptacra), <-ornutum (Acridium) 112. 239. (Tetrix), 78. deflorata (Duronia), 112. Epacromia, 121. ('osriiorhyssa, 137. <-rassa (Cblcebora), 131. defloratus (Eriaiitlnis), 89. epacromoides (Docios- taurus), 119. <-rassa ((Edipoda), 131. Deltonotus, 15. epacromoides (Stenobo- crassiusculus ( Calopteno- Dcmodocus, 262. thrus), 119. psis), 259. deutiumeris (Eugaviali- Epistaurus, 242. cremilata (Atractomor- diuin), 30. equa (Pbylloclioreia), pha), 181. deponens (Acrt/dium), 83. cremilata, var. prasina 267. Ereinopeza, 158. (Atractomorpha), 181. didymus (Tylotropidius) Eremoplava, 158. d-enulatum (Acridium), (Pezotettix), 265. Ergatettix, 69. 182. dilatafum (Acridium) Brian thini, 86. cretmlatus (Tnwalis), (Tef(u'), 68. Erianthus, 86. 180, 181. dilatatum (Acrydium), erubescent (Calopterus), Criotettix, 31. 68. 253. cristagalli (Pelecinotus), dilatalus (Tettix), 68. erubescens (Catantops), 234. diiuidiata (Traulia), 253. cristella COEdipoda), 245. Eruciini, 94. 148, 150. dimidiatum (Otya) Eucoptacra, 240. cristella (Trilophidia), (Acridium), 245. Eiigavinlidium, 30. 150. discalis (Tettix), 72. EUJIASTACIN.E, 80. ci-istulata (Mazarredia), dispar (Castetria), 206, Euparatettix, 67. 52. 207. Euprepocneniis, 267. crocodilus (Gavialidium), Dittopternis, 139. Eurymorpbopus, 48. 29. Dociostaurus, 116. Euthymia, 196. crocodilus (Scelymena), dominant, (Caloptenns), exaltata (Aerida), 99. 29. 248. exaltata ( Truxalis), 99. 272 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. exsertus (Criotettix), fumida (Xiphocerd), Gryllus, 145. 34. 105. Gryllus Acrida, 97. extensa (Oxyrrhepes), furcifer (Acridium), guttuta (A/asta-x), 88. 209. 204. guttatus (Erianthus), exfensa (Scelymena), 22. fusca (Ischnacrida), 212. 88. extensum (Acridium), fuscescens (Chroto- Gymnobothrus, 113. 209. gonus), 163. Eyprepocnemis, 267. fusilinea ( Cyrtacantha- cris), 227. haani (Systolederus), 44. fasciatus (Mecostethus), hagenbacbi (Acridium), 113. 235. femoralis (Racilia), 205. gallinaceus (Gryllus), hancocki (Loxilobus), femorattis (Stenocro- 80. 42. bylus), 254. Gast.rimargus, 144. Hancocki a, 46. fenestrata (Xiphicera), Gavialidium, 28. harpago (Scelimena), 81. gavialis (Scelimena), 24. 23. fenestratus (Ckorco- typus), 81. gavialis(Scelymcna), 24. gebleri ((Edipoda), 150. Jiarpago (Tetrix), 23. hastulatum (Eugavia- ferruginea (Tripetalo- Gelastorrhinus, 216. lidium), 30. cera), 12. eeminella (Mazarredia), Hedotettix, 71. form ff in eus ( Calop- 50. herbaceum (Acridium), temts), 250. geniculata (Mesambria), 262. fostmts (Hedoteltix), 220, 223. Heteracris, 262. 72. Gerenia, 243. Heteropternis, 141. ' Fieberiana, 14. gibbiceps (Deltonotus), Hieroglyphus, 201. Hiatus (Gelastorrhinus), 16. himalayica (Atracto- 216. gibbiceps (Pcecilotettix), morpha), 183. flatus (Mesops), 216. 16. hirsutus (Paratettix), filiformis (Leptacris), gigaiitea (Acrida), 98. 65. 210, 211. oiqanteus ( Truxalis), hoplosterna (Mestra), filiformis (Ortliacris), * 98. 179. 184, 185. gigas (Sphingonofcus), humbertiana (Pterno- fiuoti (Euthymia), 107. 158. scirta), 134. fiavesceiis (Gryllus), glaucopis (Caloptenop- humbertianus (Acro- 225. sis), 259. tylus), 136, 153. flavescens (Orthacantha- glaucopis (Caloptmus), humbertianus (Clado- cris), 225. 259. notus), 17. fla ricoru is ( G ryllus) , gogarzea (Xistra), 55. humbertianus (Eriau- 231. Gomphoiuastacini, 93. thus), 90. flavipes (Erianthus), Gompbomastax, 93. humile (Acridium), 250. 96. gracile (Acridium) humilicrus (Cyrtactm- Jlaviven tre (Acridium ), (Tettix), 72. thacris), 224. 232. gracilis (Birmana), 14. humilis (Catantops), flavoannulatum (Acri- gracilis (Hedotettix), 72. 250. dium), 244. gracilis abortus (Hedo- humilis var. interrupt us flavopictus (Acantha- tettix), 72. (Catantops\, 251. lobuB), 41. granwloita (Eremocharis), hyla (Oxya), 198. flai'opictiis (Criotetlix), 159. 4L granulosa (Eremopeza), flaws (G ryllus), 143. 159. illustris (Heteracris), fletcheri (Spadotettix), granulosa ( (Edipoda), 263. 71. 159. immunis ( Calopten-tis), florans (Gryllus), 267. greeni (Euthymia), 198. 250. floraiis, var. intermedia greeni (Leptacris), 211. inaequalis (Mazarredia), (Euprepocnemis), 267. greeni (Scirtotypus), . 53. fcedatuui (Acridium), 84. incertus (Chrotogonusj, 238. greeni (Systolederus), 103. fort is ( Cyrtacantliacris), 45. in da (Bryodema), 151. 231. grossa (Chlcebora), 130, India (Scelimena), 23. fosMjlat us (Coptotettix), grylloides ( Tmixalis), indica (Aspidophyma), 76. 175. 190. ALPHABETICAL I 273 indica (Pi/rgomorpha), japonica (Orthacantha- luteipes (Stenobothrus\ 176. cris), 229. 121. indica (Tagasta), 180. japonicum (Acridium), lutedum (Acridium), indicuni (Acrydium), 229. 250. 77. lutescens (Cyrtacan- indicus (Catantops), thacris), 231. 251. karnyi (Catantops), indicus (Criotettix), 33. 251. indicus (Gymnobo- kirbyi (Euthymia), 196. maculatus (Criotettix), thrus), 113. Kripa, 257. 32. indicus (Paratettix), Madurea, 114. 64. maindroni (Orthacris), indus (Sphingonotus), Lamellitettix, 49. 185. 156. laticornis (Gelasto- marmoratus, Tar. minor infernus (Aulacobo- rrhinus), 217. (CEdcdeus), 145. thrus), 124. laticornis (Opomala), ruaroccanus (Gryllus), inflcita (Acrotylusl, 217. 116. 152. inficita ( Cyrtacantha- latifrons (Coptotettix), martini (Coptacrella), 239, 240. cris), 231. latilobus (Eurymorpho- Mastacides, 94. inficita ( CEdipoda ) , pus), 49. maxima (Ischnacrida), 152. latiramus (Cladonotus), 211. inficita, var. /3 ((Edi- 19. maxima (Leptacris), poda), 153. Icitispina ( Tettix), 38. 211. int'umata (Phlaeoba), lativertex (Mazarredia), Mazarredia, 50. 103. 54. Mecistopteryx, 147. innotabile (Acridium), Lefroya, 219. Mecostethus, 112. 250. Leptacris, 210. melanocerca (Euthy- innotata (Becnua), 91. Lerina, 138. mia), 196. innotata (Mastax), 91. liaspis (Chrotogonus), melanocorn e (Acridiu m), inornata (Tettix), 39. 165. 228. inornatus (Acantha- liaspis ( Ommexi/cka), melanostictus (Catan- lobus), 39. 165. tops), 246. insignis (Caloptenopsis), linea-alba (Gyuino- bothrus), 113. meridionalis (Tetrix), 60. insignis (Caloptenus), linearis ( Truxalis), 175. Mesambria, 220. 258. lineata (Tettix), 72. Mestra, 179. insignis (Heteracris), lineatitarsis (Opsomala), Metrodoriui, 43. 23. 209. migratorius (Grulliis insiguis (Mazarreclia), lineatus (Gryllus), 120. Locusta), 146. 54. lineifera (Hedotettix), migratorius (Gryllus), insubricus (Grvllus), 73. 232. 152. lineifera (Tettix). 73. migratoroicles (Locusta), insularis (Mazarredia), liturifer (Caloptenop- 146. 52. sis), 259. migratoroides (CEdi- insularis (Navasia), lit urifer (Ca loptenus) , poda), 146. 255. 259. migratoroides (Pachy- intermedia (Gerenia), Locusta, 145, 224. tylus), 146. 244. logani (Sceliniena), 25. miliaris (Aularches), interruptus (Catantops), longiceps (Ochrilidia), 168. 251. 116. miliaris (Locusta) interruptus (Copto- . loiigipennis (Sphingo- (Gryllus), 168. tettix), 78. notus), 156. miliariiis (Acantha- interruptus (Eupara- Loxilobus, 41. lobus), 37. i tettix), 59. lugubre (Ommexycha), miliariiis ( Criotettix), interruptus (Paratettix), 161. 37. 59. lugubris (Acrida), 99. miliariiis cuneatus intricata (Oxya), 200. lugubris (Erianthus), (Acanthalobus), 40. intricatum(0xya) (Acri- 89. miniata (Truxalis), 100. dium), 200. lugubris (Mazarredia), miniatum (Acridium), Iscbnacrida, 212. 55. 132. T 274 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Mnema, 19. ornata (Pcecilocera), pliysopoda (Scyllina), moiiticollis (Gryllus), 173. 125. 234, 235. ornatus (Poeciiocerus), pictipes ( Paraeuprepoc- mouticollis (Teratodes) 173. neuiis), 266. 235. Orthacantbacris, 224. pictus (Gryllus), 170, morii (Stenobothrus), Orthacris, 184. 172. 127. Oxya, 198. pictus (Pcecilocercus), Morpbacris, 137. oxypterum ( Ommexycha), 172. mundus (Dociostaurus), 166. pilosus (Tarbaleus), 200. 119. oxypterus (Cbroto- pingue ( Catantops) mundus (Stenobothrus), gonus), 16(5. (Acridium), 252. 119. Oxyrrhepes, 209. pinguis (Catantops), 252. Plagiocephalus, 14. platyceps (Parapblajoba), nasuta (Acrida), 100. pachymerus (Fieberi- 108. nasuta (Acridella), 100. ana), 15. Pcecilocerus, 170. nasutut ( Gryllus pachymerus (Piezotettix) Paecilotettix, 15. Acrida), 98, 100. 15. Pxkilocerus, 170. nasutus (Truxalis), 98. pachymerus (Plagio- porrecta (Truxalis), 182. Navasia, 255. cephalus), 15. portentosa (llancockia), nepalensis (Caloptenus), Paehytyhus, 146. 46. 224. pallidum (Ommexycha), praemorsa (Eucoptacra), nepalensis (Mesambria), 162. . 240. 524. pallidus (Cbrotogonus), pr&morsum (Catantops) nigricollis (Tettix), 72. 162. (Acridium), 240. nigricorne (Acridium). pallitarsis (Tettix), 38. prasina (Xenippa), 215. _228. PAMPIIAGIN.E, 190. prasinifera (Heteracris), nigricornis (Ceracris), panteli (Phlaeoba), 104. 208. 110. Paraeuprepocneuiis, 266. prasiniferum (Spatbo- nigricornis (Orthacan- Parapblceoba, 108. sternum), 208. tbacris), 228. Parajjleurtts, 112. Prionidia, 134. nigrofasciatum (Acry- parapleurus (Gryllus), procera (Truxalis), 100. dium), 143. 11* producta (Scelimena), nigrofasciatus ((Eda- Paratettix, 60. 22. leus), 143. pardalinum (Acridium), producta (Scelymena), nigrota3niata (Tristria), 225. 22 207. Parerucius, 93. producta (Tetrix), 22. nodosa (Scelymena). 24. Pareuprepocnemis, 266. productum ( Tetrix) notata (Mestra), 179. partita (Epacromia), 142. (Acridium), 22. notata (Tagasta), 179. partita (Heteropternis), Pseudocarsula, 214. 142. psittacina (Atracto- parvus(Euparatettix),60. morpba), 182. obertburi (Bennia), 92. pedarius (Calliptamus), pssittacinum ( Truxalis) obliquenervis ( Gerenia), 261. (Acridium). 182. 243. pedarius (Peripolus), psittacinum (Acridium), obliquifera (Tettix), 72. 261. 181. obscurus (Criotettix), Pelecinotus, 233. Pternoscirta, 134. 32. pelops (Cladonotus), 20. pterolepis (Mastacides), obtusa (Cercina), 206. pelops (Mnema), 20. 95. obtusus (Apterotettix), peregrinum (Acridium), pulchcllus (Catantops), 48. 232. 251, 252. Ocbrilidia, 115. Peripolus, 261. pulchcllus (Cyrtacan- oculatus (Oriotettix), personatus (Eupara- thacris), 252. 34. tettix), 58. pulcbra (Euprepoc- (Edaleus, 142. personatus (Paratettix), nemis), 268. (EDIPODIN.E, 128. 58. punctata (Caloptenopsis), O3dipodioides (Lerina), PhliBobn, 102. 260. 138. Phlrcobida, 107. punctata (Trigono- opbtbalmicus (Catan- Phyllocboreia, 82. teryx), 189, 190. tops), 247. physopoda (Aulaco- punctatus (Aularches), Orclietypus, 84. botbrus), 125, J69, ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 275 punctatus (Locusta) rudis (Heteracris), 267. scutifera (Brachyxenia), (Gryllus), 169. rufescens ( Acanthalobus), 256. punctiventris (Poecilo- 38. selacbe (Gelastorrhinus), cerus), 173. rufescens (Gryllus), 232. 218. punctiventris (P&kilo- ruficornis (Orthacris), sellatum (Acridium), 232, cerus), 173. 186. semifasciatum (Acri- punctoria (Bibractoides), rufitibia (Acrydium), dium), 225. 236. 250. seiuibirsutus (Paratettix), punctorium ( Acridium) , rugifrons (Xiphicera), 66. 236. 81. semipicta (Opomala), 217. pupaefbrmis (Mastacides), rugosus (Loxilobus), 42. semipictus (Gelasto- 94. rugulosa (Bibracte), 235. rrhinus), 217. pustulipennis (Calo- riisticus (Gomphocerus) senegalensis (CEdaleus), ptenus), 244. (Phlffioba), 102. 143. pustulipennis (Gerenia), 244. senegalensis (Pachytylus), 143. Pyrgomorpha, 174. saaiiiatus (Criotettix), simoni (Paraphlaeoba), PYRGOMORPHINjE, 160. 39. 109. pyrrJtoscelis (Hetero- sanguineo - annulata simplex (Gyinnobotbrus), pternis), 141. (Caryanda), 201. 114. sanguineus (Gryllus), simplex (Stenobothrus), 137. 114. guadriplagiata ( Tettix), saturata ((Edipoda), 134. simulans (Orthacris), 69. saturata (Pternoscirta), 188. quadriplagiatum (Acry- 134. simulatrix (Epacromia), dium), 69. saturatum (Acridium), 122. Quiroguesia, 132. 240. sinetyi (Epistaurus), sanssurei ( Caloptenopsis), 242. 258. sinuatocollis ('Zygo- Eacilia, 205. saussurei (Chrotogonus), phteoba), 106. ranacea (Cyrtacan- 166. socius (Aulacobothrus), thacris), 231. Saussurella, 78. 124. ranaceus (Locusta) savignyi (Sphingonotus), sonneratii (Poekilocerus), (Gryllus), 230, 231. 155. 172. respondens (Acridium), scaber (Caloptenus), 221. sordidus (Chrotogonus), 141. scaber (Paratettix), 62. 167. respondens (Hetero- scaber ( Tettix), 62. Spadotettix, 70. pternis), 141. scaber (Truxalis), 182. Spathosternum, 207. rhodoptila ( Truxalis), scabiosfe (Aularches). speciosus (Alectoro- 175. 170. lophus), 236. robertsi (Chrotogonus), scabioste (Gryllus), 170. sphenarioides (Cole- 164. scabiosus (Locusta) mania, 188, 189. robusta (Heteracris), 262. (Gryllus), 168. Sphinctonotus, 153. rolmstum (Acridium), scabra (Atractoinorpha), Sphingonotus, 153. 262. 182. spinilobus (Criotettix), rosea (Cyrtacanthacris), scabra (Mesambria), 220. 31. 231. ' scabripes (Euparatettix) spissus ( Caloptenus), 258. rosea (Truxalis), 175. 59. splendens (Catantops), roseum (Acrydium), 231. scabripes (Paratettix), 250. rotundata " (Mecisto- 59. spl widens (Gryllus), 250. pteryx), 148. rotundata ((Edipoda), scabrum (Acrydium), 62. scaltuia (Truxalis), 100. spurium (Oxva) (Acri- dium), 201." 148. Scelhymena, 21. squalina (Pyrgomorpha), rotundatus (Orchetypus), Scelimena, 21. 177. 85. Scelimenini, 20. squalina (Zarytes), 177. rubescens ((Edipoda), 155. Scelymcna, 21. Stauroderus, 127. rubescens (Sphingo- Schistoeerca, 232. Stauronotus, 116. notus), 155. Scirtotypus, 84. Stenobothrus, 120. rubripes ( Aulacobothr us), sculpta (Mazarredia), 51. Stenocrobylus, 254. 126. scutifer ( Caloptenus), strangulata (Heteracris), rubripes (Scyllina), 126. 256, 209, 276 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. str ictus ( Aulacoboth rus) , tessellatus (Pcecilo- vaginalis (Mastacides), 124. cercus), 17J. 95. strigifer ( Calopteiius), testaceus (Coptotettix), variabilis (Paratettix), 240. 77. 62. strigulatus (Steno- Tetrix, 66. variabilis (Truxalis), 100. bothrus), 208. Tettix, 66. varicornis (Apalacris), stylata (Xistra), 56. thalassinus (Gryllus), 237, 238. subcucullatus (Delto- 121. varicornis (Heteracris), notus), 15. trachypterus (Chroto- 265. subcucullatus (Tettix), gonus), 165. varicornis (Tylotro- 15. trachypterus ( Om- pidius), 265. subserrata (Abbasia), 28. mexi/cha), 165. variegatus (Paratettix), subpustulata (Tettix), 62. transversus (Gastri- 63. subtruncatus (Orcbety- margus), 145. velox (Gryllus), 199. pus), 85. transversus ( Gryllus), velox (Oxya), 199. subulatus (Criotettix), 145. venulosum (Spatho- 35. Traulia, 244. sternum), 209. subulatus (Gryllus), 66. tricarinatus (Criotettix), venusta (Dittopternis), succincta (Ortbacan- 33. 140. tbacris), 227. tricoloripes ( Gompho- venusta (CEdipoda), 140. succincius (Locusta) cerus),122. verrucosum (Acrydium), (Gryllus), 111. sulcata (Cosmorhyssa), Trigonopteryx, 189. Trilophidia, 148. 168. versicolor (Ceracris), 111. 137. Tripetalocera, 12. versicolor (Duronia), 111. sulcata (Phi/llochoreia), Tripetalocerini, 11. versicolor (Erianthus), 88. 82. truncaticollis (Zygo- vicina (Oxya), 199. syriaea (Pezotettix), 266. Systolederus, 44. phheoba), 106. Truxalis, 97. vidali (Criotettix), 35. vinosa (Ortbacantbacris), tryxalicera (Oporaola), 228. 115. vinosum (Acridium), 228. tecniata ( Iscftinacrid'tt) TRYYAlTXyF QT violascens (Acridium), 213. Tryxalis, 97. 229. taniata (Ischnacrida), tryxaloides ( Gelasto- violascens (Ortbacan- 213. rhinus), 217. tbacris), 229. teniatus (Aulaco- turbata (Epacromia), virescens (Gryllus), 144. bothrus), 125. 136. viridula (Xenippa), 215. Tagasta, 179. turbatus (Dociostaurus), vittattis (Caloptenus), taimilus (jEolopus), 122. 118. 258. tamulus (Gryllus), 122. turbatus (Stenobothrus), vittifera (Tettix), 72. Tarbaleus, 200. 118. tarsale (Acridium), 222. turpis (Epacromia), 149. tarsalis (Ergatettix), 70. tarsalis (Hieroqluphus), turpis (Trilophidia), 149. turrifer (Cladonotus), 18. Wacata, 219. 204. turrita (Acrida), 98. walhousci (Phlaoba), 104. tarsalis (Ichnacrida). turritus (Gryllus Acrida), 213. 98. tarsalis (Mesambria), Tylotropidius, 265. 222. Xenippa, 215. tarsalis (Opomala), 213. Xiphicera, 80. tatarica Locusta umbrifera (Tettix}, 72. Xiphicerini, 80. (Gryllus), 232. uncinata (Sceliiuena), 26. Xistra, 55. tatarica (Schistocerca), uncinata (Tetrix), 26. Xyphicera, 80. 232. tectiformis (Deltonotus), 15. undulata (Kripa), 257. unguiculata ( Truxalis), 100. tenera (Carsula), 214. unicolor (Chlorizeina), Zarytes, 177., tenera ( Pseud ocarsula), 174. zebrata (Dittopternis), 214. unicolor (Phyllochoreia), 140. Teratodes, 234. 82. Zygophlajoba, 105. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RKI) LION COURT, FLEET STREET. UNIFORM WITH THE PRESENT VOLUME. The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Mammalia. By W. T. BLANFORD, F.R.S. Numerous illustrations. l. Fishes : Vols. I. & II. By F. DAY, C.I.E., LL.D. 1 ea Birds : Vols. I. & II. By E. W. GATES, F.Z.S. j Vol. I. 1. Vols. Vols. III. & IV. By W. T. BLANFORD, F.R.S. ) II.-IV. 15s. each. Reptilia and Batrachia. By G. A. BOULENGER, F.R.S. 1 . Moths : Vols. I.-IV. By SIR G. F. HAMPSON, BABT. 1 each. Hymenoptera : Vols. I. & II. By Lt.-Col. C.T. BINGHAM. 1 each. and 5 plates. Arachnida. By R. I. POCOCK. Numerous illustrations. 10s. Rhynchota : Vols. I.-V. By W. L. DISTANT. j Butterflies : Vols. I. & II. By Lt.-Col. C. T. BINGHAM. 1 each. and 20 plates. Coleoptera : Vol. I. (Cerambycida). By C. J. GAHAN. Numerous illustrations. 10?. Vol. II. (Chrysomelidce) , By M. JACOBY. \. and 2 plates. (Lamellicornia) . Vol. I. By G. J. ABROW. Numerous illustrations and 2 plates. 10s. Mollusca (Testacellidce and ZonitMee). By the late W. T. BLANFOBD, F.R.S., and Lt.-Col. H. H. GODWIN-AUSTEN, F.R.S. Numerous illustrations. 10s. Dermaptera (Earwigs). By M. BURR, D.Sc, ; M.A., &c. and 1C plates. 10*-. Freshwater Sponges, &c. By N. ANNANDALE, D.Sc. Numercus illustrations and 5 plates. 10s. Coleoptera (GeE. Introcl.. and Cicindelidce and Paussida). By W. W. FOWLER, M.A., D.Sc., &c. Numerous illustrations. 1 Nam atcerous Diptera (excluding the Chironomidce and the Cuiicidai). By E. BBUNETTI. Illustrations in Text and 12 plates. \. JchneumonidaE. By CLAUDE MORLEY, F.Z.S. Numerous illustrations and 1 plate. 1. Fauna of British India. IN the "FAUNA OF BRITISH INDIA" Series the further volumes which the Editor, Dr. A. E. Shipley, with the assistance of Mr. Guy A. K. Marshall, and with the sanction of the Secretary of State for India, has arranged for, are : Volumes on Butter/lies (Lycamidce and Hesperiidai) by Mr/H. H. Druce : on the Curculionidce by Mr. G. A. K. Marshall : on the Longicorn Beetles by Mr. C. J. Gahan : on the Helicidce by Mr. G. K. Gude : on the Ixodidce and Argasidcp, by Mr. C. Warburton : on Leeches by Mr. W. A. Harding : on the Meloidce by Professor Creighton Wellman : on the Bracliyurous Crustacea by Lieut.-Colonel A. Alcock, M.D. : on the Unwnidce, by Mr. H. B. Preston : on the Ilomoptera by Mr. W. L. Distant: on the Apterygota, Termitidce and EmUidce by Mr. A. D. Imms : on the Diptera Brachycera by Mr. E. Brunetti .: and on the Rutelidce by Mr. G. J. Arrow. v .-v > , UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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