THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES MEMOIRS OF THE LATE REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY, M.A. INCLUDING A BRIEF ANALYSIS OF HIS WORKS; TOGETHER WITH ANECDOTES AND LETTERS OF EMINENT PERSONS, HIS FRIENDS AND CORRESPONDENTS : ALSO A GENERAL VIEW OF THE PROGRESS OF THE UNITARIAN DOCTRINE IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA. BY THOMAS BELSHAM, MINISTER OF THE CHAPEL IN ESSEX-STREET. Simulacra vultus, imbecilla ac mortalia; forma mentis, sterna, quam tenere et exprimere tuis ipsernoribus possis. Tatitus. Care .... Vale. At veniet felicius sevum Qnmido iterum tecum, sim modo dignus, ero. Lowth. SECOND EDITION, CORRECTED. LONDON: PRINTED FOR ROWLAND HUNTER, SUCCESSOR TO MR. JOHNSON, NO. 72, ST, PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD. 1820. Richard and Arthur Taylor, Printers, Shoe- Lane, London. BX PREFACE. THE publication of this tribute of respect to the memory of a highly venerated friend has been delayed beyond expectation, partly by a necessary attention to other pub- lications, but chiefly by the time which was occupied in the perusal of letters and other documents, which far ex- ceeded what was antecedently supposed to be requisite. The events which occur in the life of a scholar and a pastor seldom possess novelty and variety sufficient to excite public attention. Those of Mr. Lindsey's life, indeed, were of no common complexion. But the chief design of publishing this Memoir is to exhibit the pic- ture of an eminently virtuous, pious, and disinterested mind in circumstances of great difficulty and perplexity, as an example to others who may find themselves in si- milar difficulties, and as an encouragement to sacrifice every secular consideration in the cause of religious truth, and to prefer the performance of duty and the approbation of conscience to all the honours and emolu- ments which the world can offer. It was also the author's design to mark the progress of that glorious cause which lay nearest to the heart of this venerable man, that of a long-lost and almost-forgotten truth, the proper Unity of God, and the supreme unrivalled undivided homage which is due to the Father alone : a cause for which he A2 IV 1'REFACE. voluntarily sacrificed all his secular possessions and ex- lactations, to the promotion of which he devoted all his labours, and in testimony to which he would, if needful, have cheerfully laid down his life. Happily, he lived in an age which was enlightened and liberal beyond all that preceded it : and though some alarm was excited, and some risk incurred, when he first opened a chapel for Unitarian worship, he met with no real impediment or molestation in the discharge of his official duties : and he lived to see the time, when, in consequence of the in- creasing knowledge and liberality of the age, owing in great measure to his unwearied and successful exertions, the profession of Unitarianisrn ceased to be regarded either as singular or hazardous. It was also the design of the author to communicate some information relative to other generous advocates of the same righteous cause, some of whom were also suf- ferers for truth. Among these are Dr. William Robert- son, Mr. Tayleur of Shrewsbury, and, above all, Dr. Priestley, whose letters cannot be perused by any feeling and intelligent reader without great interest and sympathy with the venerable exile : and it cannot but excite astonish- ment in every serious and reflecting mind, that such a person should not have been allowed to end his days in peace in his native country. But Providence had wise and good ends to answer by permitting this afflicting event, some of which are sufficiently apparent ; so that Dr. Priestley might justly say to his enemies and perse- cutors, as Joseph said to his brethren, i- traordinary generosity upon this occasion, ibid. Mr. L.'s communication to Dr. Toulmin, ibid. Great prosperity of the Unitarian congregation at Bir- mingham, under the care of the Rev. Dr. Toulmin and the Rev. J. Kentish, ibid. note. CHAPTER VI. Mr. Lindsey publishes the Historical View. Some account of Dr. William Robertson. Society for promoting the knowledge of the Scriptures. Mr. L. publishes an Historical View of the Unitarian Doctrine and Wor- ship, p. 117. the execution different from the original plan, ibid. note. to be regretted that he did not accomplish his design of treating on the pleas of Unitarians for attending Trinitarian worship, ibid. note. Design of the work, p. 1 19. Analysis of its contents, ibid. Bishop Law's letter of thank:-, p. 121 . note. sends Mr. L. a present of a new edition of his Theory, purged from prejudices relative to the pre-existence of Christ, ibid. note. Dr. Ro- bertson's death, ibid. interesting account of that venerable confessor, by X CONTENTS. Thomas Ilollis, F,:sq. under tin- .signature of Pierce Driver, ibid. Bishop of Feriis's (afterwards Primate Robinson) remarks \ipon Dr. Robcrtson'i scruples, p. 123. Dr. R. appointed by the Merchant Taylors' Company to the Free Grammar School at Wolverhampton, p. 124. Extraordinary ge- nerosity of a country clergyman, Rev. W. Hopkins, to Dr. 11. ibid. note. Dr. R. applied to by Mr. L. to become his colleague in Essex-street, p. 125. declines it on account of a threatened prosecxition at Wolverhampton, which he determines to brave, p. 126. his admirable letter upon the occasion, ibid. reflections, p. 127- happy termination of the affair, p. 128. Apology for Dr. R.'s violent expressions against the Catholics, which do not apply to present times, p. 130. note. Institution of a Society for promoting the knowledge of the Scriptures, p. 131. Plan drawn up by Dr. Jebb, ibid. does not succeed according to expectation, ibid. publishes two volumes of Commentaries and Essays, p. 132. CHAPTER VII. Controversy with Robert Robinson. Analysis of the Vindiciae Priestleyanae. Misunderstanding and reconciliation with Dr. Price. Rev. Robert Robinson publishes a Plea for the Divinity of Christ, p. 133. plausible and candid, but weak and trivial, ibid. much applauded both by churchmen and dissenters, p. 134. Dr. Furneaux and Dr. Kippis not dazzled by it, p. 135. Archdeacon Blackburne thinks it unanswerable, ibid. Mr. Lindsey urged to reply to it, p. 137. publishes an Examination of Mr. Robinson's Plea, p. 138. analysis of the work, ibid. complete success of the Reply, p. 140. Mr. Robinson stung by the answer, ibid. but con- vinced, and becomes a decided Anti-trinitarian, p. 141. Mr. Robinson no enemy to Scripture criticism, though he sometimes expresses himself un- guardedly, ibid. note. Uncertainty as to Mr. R.'s final sentiments, but pro- bably perfectly Unitarian, p. 142. certainly no Arian, p. 144. note. Mr. R.'s friends do not allow that he was a proper Unitarian, ibid. Mr. Lindsey publishes his Vindiciae Priestleyanae, p. 146. The reasons which induced him, ibid. Analysis of the work, p. 147. Mr. Kirwan's testimony to Dr. P.'s talents, ibid. Mr. L.'s character of P. Courayer, p. 149. and of Bishop Butler, p. 150. Bishop Butler's letter to the Dutchess of Somerset, and Her Grace's remarks, ibid. note. Mr. L.'s testimony to the benevolence of the Creator, p. 152. Offensive remark with respect to Dr. Price, p. 153. Dr. Price's letter, ibid. and Mr. Lindsey's reply and retractation, p. 154. the misunderstanding cleared up, ibid. CHAPTER VIII. Analysis of Mr. Lindsey's second Address. Dr. Watts an Uni- tarian. Mr. Lindsey's alarm at Dr. Priestley's bold assertions, and ultimate conversion to his doctrines. Mr. Lindsey publishes a second Address to the Students of Oxford and Cambridge, p. 156. Analysis of the work, p. 157. proves Justin Martyr to have been the inventor of the commonly-received doctrine of the Logos, p. 158. Catalogue of false readings published separately, p. 160. Dr. Watts believed by many to be a Socinian, p. 161. probably did not believe himself to be one, p. 1(!2. his last papers destroyed contrary to the judge- ment of Dr. Doddridge, ibid. his pathetic address to the Deity, p. 163. Dr. Lardner believed Dr. Watts to be a proper Unitarian, ibid, note. he assigns bis reasons in a letter to the Rev. Samuel Merivalcj ibid. Mr. L, CONTENTS. XI disapproves of Dr. Priestley's language concerning the inspiration of Moses and of Christ, p. 164. his letter to Mr. Cappe, p. 166. Dr. Priestley de- fended, p. 167- and freedom of discussion vindicated, p. 168. Mr. L. fur- ther disapproves of Dr. Priestley's rejection of the Miraculous Conception, p. 171- and repeatedly urges Mr. Cappe to reply, p. 172. Mr. Cappe de- clines the task which he had given reason to expect he would undei take, p. 175. Mr. L., upon further consideration, inclines to Dr. P.'s hypothesis, p. 176. Mr. Cappe's final judgement unknown, ibid. note. C HAPTER IX. Unitarian Liturgy adopted by the congregation at the King's Cha- pel at Boston in New England. Mr. Lindsey corresponds with Dr. Freeman, Mr. Vanderkemp, &c. Progress and present state of the Unitarian churches in America. Mr. Lindsey is informed that an Unitarian Liturgy is adopted at Boston in New England, p. 178. Mr. (now Dr.) Freeman expresses regret that it is not more perfect, ibid. note. a new edition, cleared from exceptionable phrases, printed in 181 1, ibid. Dr. Freeman at a loss for episcopal ordina- tion, p. 179. ordained by his own society after a form recommended by Governor Bowdoin, p. 180. an example of Bishop Seabury's mode of ordi- nation satisfies the scruples of Mr. Freeman's friends, 181. note. Dr. Styles's reply to a claim of precedence by Bishop Seabury, ibid. Mr. Gary associated as a colleague with Dr. Freeman, p. 181. Mr. Gary dies of a de- cline in England, p. 182. note. Mr. L. presents Dr. Priestley's works to Harvard College, p. 182. Men of eminence in America Unitarians in prin- ciple, p. 183. note. Unitarian congregation formed at Portland, under Mr. Oxnard, ibid. and at Saco, under the auspices of Mr. Thacher, a gentle- man cf great respectability, p. 184. Hopes formed which events have not justified, p. 186. Mr. Bentley of Salem a declared Unitarian, p. 187- Progress of the Unitarian doctrine, ibid. Dr. Freeman's excellent letter to Mr. Lindsey upon Mr. L.'s resignation, p. 188. apprehensive that he may have been too sanguine in his expectations, p. 1 90. Unitarianism in North- umberland and Philadelphia, ibid. at Oldenbarneveld under Mr. Vander- kemp and Colonel Mappa, 191. Case of the Rev. J. Sherman, minister of Mansfield in Connecticut, p. 192. becomes an Unitarian, ibid. his reasons for professing his sentiments, ibid. note. is approved by a great ma- jority of his congregation, p. 193. but disowned by the Association of mi- nisters, p. 194. and by a Mutual Council dismissed from his church, p. 195. Form of Independent churches, ibid. note. Reflections, p. 197- Mr. Sherman's friends wish to retain him, p. 200. but he removes to Olden- barneveld, ibid. from which situation he retires in 1810, p. 203. The si- milar case of the Rev. Abiel Abbot, expelled by the Consociation under a charge of heresy in 181 1, p. 198. note. appeals to a Mutual Council, p. 199. Dr. Osgood's just remarks, ibid. the Mutual Council dissolves the con- nexion between Mr. Abbot and his congregation, ibid. Mr. Abbot's pru- dence and moderation, p. 200. State of Unitarianism in the district of Maine, p. 204. Promising state of the University of Cambridge under the direction of Dr. Kirkland, ibid. Griesbach's Greek Testament, published by the Rev. J. E. Buckminster, p. 205. and the Improved Version by Mr. W. \Vclls, ibid. Curious account of the present state of the town of Boston, in a letter from a gentleman in America to his friend in England, p. 205. note. Reflections, p<. 208. note. Appendix to CHAP. IX. -Controversy excited at Boston by the facts stated in the preceding chapter, p. 209. Professed Unitarians in America Xli CONTENTS. disclaim being such in Mr. B.'s sense of the word, p. 210. Mr. B. uses the" word in the sense of Lardner, Lindsey, and Priestley, ibid. Arians in the proper sense of the word maintain a plurality of Cods, p. 211. in express contradiction to Scripture they deny worship to their Maker, p. 212. and confine it to their Maker's maker, a being unknown to the sacred writers, ibid. Extraordinary fact that Arians now deny worship to their Maker, ibid. note. Different feelings of the author when an Arian, ibid. Remarks on practical and doctrinal preaching, p. 212. Success of Unitarianism in America, p. 213. CHAPTER X. Account of the New College at Hackney. The Author's intro- duction to and intimacy with Mr. Lindsey and Dr. Priestley. London Unitarian Society. Western Unitarian Society. Re- verend Timothy Kenrick. Unitarian Fund Society. Origin of the New College at Hackney, p. 214. zealously supported by the Dissenters, p. 215. causes of its failure, p. 216. remaining funds, p. 217. the author of the Memoir becomes connected with the Institution at Hackney, p. 218. brief account of the Institution supported by the be- quest of William Coward, Esq. ibid. note. The author appointed divinity tutor at Daventry, ibid. mode of lecturing on the Unitarian controversy, p. 219. the effect of it upon his pupils, p. 220. and himself, p. 221. becomes an Unitarian, and resigns his office, p. 222. introduces himself to Mr. Lindsey, ibid. appointed a tutor at Hackney, p. 223. becomes intimate with Mr. L., p. 224. Dr. Priestley, driven from Birmingham by the riots, is chosen successor to Dr. Price, p. 225. the author's frequent intercourse with Mr. Lindsey and Dr. Priestley, ibid. Unitarian Society formed, p. 226. disputes concerning the preamble, p. 22/. first annual dinner, p. 229. political toasts, p. 230. animadverted upon by Mr. Burke in the House of Commons, ibid. the Society disavows all political views, p. 231. its growing prosperity, ibid. Western Unitarian Society formed, p. 232. Brief account of the late Rev. Timothy Kenrick, ibid. his zeal and success as a minister, tutor, and an advocate for truth, p. 233. his sud- den and lamented decease, ibid. his family and his posthumous works, p. 234. Southern Unitarian Society, ibid. Unitarian Fund Society, p. 235. its great success, ibid. present state of the London Unitarian Society, p. 236. CHAPTER XI. Analysis of the Conversations upon Christian Idolatry. The Duke of Grafton corresponds with and visits Mr. Lindsey, and attends Unitarian worship. A brief account of the progress of the Duke's opinions, and of his reasons for seceding from the Established Church. Reflections. Circumstances which gave rise to the Conversations upon Christian Ido- latry, p. 237. account of the characters introduced, ibid. Analysis of the work, ibid. Trinitarians acknowledge themselves to be Idolaters, if their doctrine is false, p. 240. note. Remarks upon the conduct of the dialogue, ]). 243. Duke of Grafton attends Mr. Lindsey 's ministry, p. 244. The Duke's reasons for inquiry, ibid. becomes ah Unitarian, and corresponds confidentially with Mr. Lindsey, p. 245. requests permission to visit Mr. L. p. 246. continues firm to his principles to the end of life, ibid. takes memorandums of the progress of his mind, ibid. of which he prints a few CONTENTS. X111 copies for the use of his family and friends, ibid. continues to hold com- munion with the Established Church, p. 247- his reasons for this conduct, p. 248. remarks, ibid. the Duke's humility, p. 249. perplexed about the doctrine of atonement, ibid. believes Christ can hear and help, but disap- proves of prayer to him, p. 250. rejects the perpetual inspiration of the apostles and evangelists, ibid. and the doctrine of original sin, p. 251. God reconciled by repentance, ibid. unintelligible doctrines not essential, ibid. natural arguments for the immortality of the soul unsatisfactory, p. 252. the Duke vindicates his secession from the church, ibid. Reflections upon the fortitude and the strength of principle in the Duke of Grafton, p. 254. CHAPTER XII. Mr. Lindsey publishes a new and reformed edition of his Liturgy; resigns his office in Essex-street Chapel. His Farewell Sermon printed, but not preached. Interests himself for those who suf- fered by unjust prosecutions. Cases of Fyshe Palmer, Muir, and Winterbotham. Mr. Lindsey 's resolution to resign his office at the age of seventy, p. 257. publishes a new edition of his reformed Liturgy, omitting the Apostles' Creed, and the three invocations in the Litany, ibid. preaches and pub- lishes a sermon upon the occasion, vindicating the alterations, ibid. this Liturgy changed for Dr. Disney's, p. 260. but resumed, ibid. Mr. Lind- sey's letter of resignation, ibid. he recommends Dr. Disney as his succes- sor, p. 261. Reply of the Trustees, p. 262. Mr. Lindsey publishes a ser- mon upon the occasion, which his feelings would not permit him to preach, ibid. On the great importance of the Unitarian doctrine, p. 263,-^interest- ing conclusion, p. 265. Mr. L. justified in resigning, though in the vigour of his powers, p. 266. still continues to reside in Essex-House, p. 267- note. Mr. Lindsey interests himself for those who were under State-prosecu- tions, p. 268. Singularly hard case of Mr. Fyshe Palmer and of Mr. Muir, ibid. their sentence reprobated abroad, p. 270. legality of it questioned in. the House of Commons, p. 271. sent among felons to Botany Bay, p. 272. and treated with great rigour, ibid. Mr. Fyshe Palmer dies on his re- turn, p. 273. Rev. W. Winterbotham's unjust sentence, ibid. his suffer- ings mitigated by the kindness of Mr. Lindsey, Mrs. Rayner, and others, p. 274. Mr. W. acknowledges his great obligation to Mr. Lindsey, ibid. note. CHAPTER XIII. Dr. Priestley emigrates to America. His reasons for this mea- sure. Mr. Lindsey's judgement in the case. Dr. Priestley's Farewell Sermon at Hackney. Letters to Mr. Lindsey from Gravesend, Deal, and Falmouth. Arrives at New York. Re- ception in America. Dr. Priestley determines upon emigration to America, p. 275. assigns his reason in the Appendix to his Fast Sermon, ibid. Remarks, p. 278. Dr. Priestley hopes to return to England, ibid. note. Mr. Lindsey approves Dr. P.'s resolution of going to America, p. 2/9. Dr. Priestley takes his passage on board the Sansom, p. 280. delivers an excellent Farewell Dis- course at Hackney, p. 281. Analysis of the discourse, ibid. expresses, in conversation with the author of the Memoir, his firm expectation of the speedy personal appearance of Christ, p. 286. note. passes his last Sunday iij Essex-street, and hears a,n impressive discourse from Dr. Touluiin, p. 286. XIV CONTENTS. Dr. Priestley goes to Gravesend, p. 287. Letter from Gravesend, Hml. fj-om Deal, p. 288. from off Fulinou'li, p. 289. from New York, p. 290. giving an account of his passage, ibid. and his reception in America, p. 29.3. Letter from Mr. Henry Wansey to Mr. Lindsey, giving some ac- count of Dr. Priestley's reception at NYw York, p. 293. note. Dr. Priestley accompanies his son to Philadelphia, p. 296. and to Northumberland, ibid. projected settlement on the Loyalsoc, p. 294. note. Dr. Priestley refuses offers of preferment, and fixes his residence at Northumberland, to the great regret of his friends, p. 296. but with an ultimate beneficial effect to the cause, ibid. he keeps up a regular correspondence with Mr. Lindsey, p. 297- his death, p. 298. CHAFFER XIV. Dr. Priestley's Reply to Paine's Age of Reason ; reprinted in England by Mr. Lindsey, with a Preface in vindication of Dr. Priestley's character. Mr. Lindsey republishes another work of Dr. Priestley's, with a short preface. Dr. Priestley's acknow- ledgement of Mr. Lindsey's kindness. Analysis of Mr. Lind- sey's last publication, entitled Conversations upon the Divine Government. Paine's Age of Reason makes great impression in America, p. 298. Dr. Priestley replies to it immediately after his arrival, p. 299. Mr. Lindsey re- prints the work in England, with a preface in defence of Dr. Priestley, ibid. Analysis of the preface, p. 300. Dr. Priestley esteemed and beloved by many, ibid. hostility to him accounted for, p. 301. Bishop Kurd's illiberal reflections upon the Unitarians censured, p. 302. Mrs. Barbauld's elegant verses addressed to Dr. Priestley, ibid. note. Falsehoods circulated con- cerning him in England, ibid. and America, p. 303. Mr. Lindsey's reflec- tions on the prostituted talents of the editors of The British Critic in giving currency to foul calumnies, p. 304. Dr. Priestley's acknowledgements to his friend, p. 305. note. Mr. L. reprints Dr. Priestley's treatise on the know- ledge which the Hebrews had of a future state ; with a preface, p. 305. Dr. Priestley's thanks, and testimony to the value of religion, ibid. note. Mr.Lindsey publishes his Conversations on the Divine Government, p. 306. dedication, ibid. design of the work, p. 307. First Conversation, ibid. Photinus argues, that miracles result from general laws, p. 308. Re- marks, p. 309. Second Conversation, p. 310. Photinus argues the good- ness of the divine government, ibid. Third Conversation, ibid. Photinus defends the Mosaic history, p. 31 1. The author rather too peremptory on this point, ibid. Extermination of the Canaanites considered, p. 312. Im- perfection of heathen philosophy, p. 314. Superior excellence of the Go- spel, ibid. depraved by Mohammed, who was at first sincere, p. 315. Mo- ral state of the world better than it is sometimes represented, p. 316. Archbishop King's original and valuable observations upon this subject, p. 317. note. Fourth Conversation most important, ibid. Marcellinus wishes to see it proved, that natural and moral evil are of divine appoint- ment, and permitted for goad, p. 318. Photinus undertakes the proof, ibid. Volusian is delighted with the conclusion, and laments the errors of Fre- deric and D'Alembert, p. 320. Photinus endeavours to reconcile this doc- trine with the responsibility of man, ibid. a different solution proposed, p. 322. In the Fifth Conversation Synesius recants his errors concerning the Mosaic history, p. 324. refutes the doctrine of eternal torments, p. 325. and defends the theory of universal salvation, ibid. in which Photinus concurs, ibid. In the Sixth Conversation Synesius argues to the satisfac- CONTENTS. XV tion of his friends against the existence of such a being as the devil, p. 326. The author'* remarks upon Mr. Liudsey's last work, p. 328. CHAPTER XV. Mr. Lindsey suffers a paralytic seizure, but recovers. Dr. Priest- ley's reflections upon the situation of his friend, and upon Mr. Lindsey's last work. Mr. Lindsey interests himself in the ap- pointment of the author to the chapel in Essex-street. En- courages and assists the Improved Version. His gradual decline and death. Conclusion of the Work. Mr. Lindsey is seized first with a slight and afterwards with a violent pa- ralytic affection, p. 330. from which he recovers so far as to he able to finish his last publication, p. 331. Dr. Priestley's feelings upon the occa- sion expressed in a letter to Mrs. Lindsey, ibid. and in another to Mr. L. p. 333. His joy at receiving a letter in Mr. L.'s own hand-writing, p. 335. Reflections of the author upon this correspondence, p. 337. Let- ter from Mr. Jefferson to Dr. Priestley, p. 338. note. Dr. P.'s letter to Mrs. Lindsey, and testimony to the distinguished excellence of that lady's cha- racter, p. 340. Plan of a subscription to defray the expense of Dr. Priest- ley's Church History, and Notes on the Scriptures, p. 341. note. Bishop of Elphin's letter and liberal subscription, p. 342. Letter of thanks from the Rev. C. Wyvill for Mr. L.'s Conversations on the Divine Government, p. 344. Dr. Priestley's death, p. 345. Mr. Lindsey interests himself in the appointment of the writer to Essex-street chapel, on the resignation of Dr. Disney, p. 346. and renews his attendance at the chapel, ibid. Mr. L. takes great interest in the publication of the Improved Version of the New Testament by the Unitarian Society, p. 347. Dr. Priestley's original plan of a continually improving translation of the Scriptures, in 1789, ibid. great progress made in the undertaking, p. 348. stopped by the destruc- tion of Dr. Priestley's papers at the Birmingham riots, p. 349. Unitarian Society take up the design, ibid. resolve, at the General Meeting in 1806, to carry it into immediate execution, ibid. reasons for adopting Archbishop Newcome's Translation as the basis, p. 350. Bishop of Killala's expostula- tion with the author of the Memoir upon this subject, p. 352. note. rea- sons for the introduction of explanatory note?, p. 352. zeal with which this undertaking was supported, p. 354. liberal subscriptions by Mr. Lindsey, the Duke of Grafton, and Mr. Prime, ibid. Mr. William Smith distributes many copies with a judicious preface for the use of students, ibid. note. Ob- jections to the Improved Version, and answers, p. 355. Mr. Lindsey ap- proves the execution of the Work, and takes great pleasure in reading it, p. 359. His health declines rapidly, p. 360. his last sickness, ibid. and death, p. 361 . Brief recapitulation of his character, p. 362. Reflections of the author, ibid. Death of Mrs. Lindsey, p. 363. and of Mrs. Jebb, ibid. CONTENTS. APPENDIX. I. Letters of the Dutchess of Somerset to Mr. Lindsey, p. 365. II. Letters of the Countess (afterwards Dutchess) of Northumberland, p. 374. III. Letters of Archdeacon Blackburne, p. 376. Letter from Thomas Hollis, Esq. p. 380. IV. Letter of Hans Stanley, Esq. refusing to support the Petition of the Clergy, p. 381. Correspondence between Mr. Lindsey and Dr. Markham, then bishop of Chester, on Mr. Lindsey's resignation, p. 384. V. Letters to Mr. Lindsey upon his resignation of the vicarage of Cat- terick, p. 388. VI. Letter* of Thomas Hollis, Esq., under the assumed name of Pierce Delver, p. 391. VII. Letters of the Rev. William Hopkins, p. 392. IX. Letter of P. Courayer, p. 399. X. Letter from William Wells, Esq., with some account of the present state of the Unitarians in New England, p. 401 . XI. Letter of the Rev. Thomas Fyshe Palmer, giving an account of his cruel treatment on board the Surprize, p. 403. XII. Letters from Dr. Priestley to Mr. Lindsey; and from Thomas Jefler- son, Esq., President of the United States, to Dr. Priestley, p. 406. XIII. List of Mr. Lindsey's publications, p. 422. MEMOIRS OF THE LATE REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. CHAPTER I. ACCOUNT OF MR. LINDSEY FROM THE TIME OF HIS BIRTH TO HIS SETTLEMENT AT CATTERICK, IN YORKSHIRE. JL HE Reverend Theophilus Lindsey was born at Mid- * B 2 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [ CH ' l " zealous and liberal patroness of Mr. Whitfield and the Calvinistic Methodists *. Lady Betty and Lady Ann Hastings, the kind friends of Mrs. Lindsey, who had lived with them from their childhood, soon remarked the ingenuous temper, the pro- mising talents, the love of learning, and the serious spirit of her youngest son, and took him under their own im- mediate patronage. From a school in the neighbour- hood of Middlewich, at which he had made considerable proficiency in proportion to the advantages which he en- joyed, they removed him to Leeds, and placed him under the care of the Reverend Mr. Barnard, master of the free grammar school in that town ; a gentleman of great emi- * With this very respectable lady Mr. Lindsey lived many years in habits of friendship. And though after his secession from the established church, and the public avowal of his theological principles, all personal intercourse was for many years suspended, yet when Mr.' and Mrs. Lindsey, in the sum- mer of 1786, called upon Lady Huntingdon at Talgarth, in Wales, they were received, as he expresses it in a letter to a friend, " most graciously, as usual." Not only did she direct that every possible attention should be shown them in their visit to her Academical Institution in the neighbourhood,, but she earnestly pressed them to prolong their stay. With her old and much respected friend she had much serious conversation; and seemed particularly impressed with a hint which Mr. Lindsey threwout, in reference to a dear and only surviving son, of the safety of whose final state her ladyship entertained the most painful apprehensions, that possibly the state of future punishment might be only a process of severer discipline, and that the greatest sinners might ultimately find mercy. And when they parted, she took a most affec- tionate leave of them, and gave them her kind maternal benediction, express- ing atthe same time her hope of meetingthem in a betterworld. "Some good I hope is done," says Mr. L. to his correspondent above referred to, "where much is intended, by this praiseworthy lady, who has, for full forty years, de- voted her fortunes, time, and labours to promote, what she believes to be the truth : though I cannot but hope it will be a place for more rational enquirers after she drops into her grave." This venerable lady was at that time "turned eighty, but hale and sensible for that age." And though she might for a moment be soothed by a glimpse of hope of the ultimate restoration of a darling child, it was not to be expected thatMr.Lindsey's conversation would make any permanent impression upon her mind. He afterwards speaks of his aged friend as " still in the depths of mysticism and methodism, though she was become more moderate towards those who held different opinions." Nor does it appear that any material change ever took place in Lady Hunting- don's, religious views, though the abuse of her generosity by some persons in whom she had placed a confidence which they did not deserve, made it ne- cessary for her, in some measure, to restrain her munificence, and gave rise to a report that she had deserted the methodist connexion. CH. I.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 3 nence both for learning and piety, who devoted himself wholly to the honourable and arduous duties of his pro- fession ; and to whose superior talents and exemplary assiduity his grateful pupil was wont to ascribe, under divine Providence, not only all his literary attainments, but almost all that was honourable and right in his per- sonal character. To the edifying instructions of Mr. Barnard, in concurrence with the impressions of his earlier domestic education, Mr. Lindsey was indebted for that ardent love of truth, that firm integrity, that pu- rity of spirit, that early and deeply rooted principle of piety, by which he was so eminently distinguished. His vacations were usually spent at the mansion of his noble patronesses, in the vicinity of Leeds, during the life of Lady Betty Hastings, and after her decease, at Ashby Place, near Ashby de la Zouch, in Leicestershire, where Lady Ann then fixed her residence. To this house, likewise, Mrs. Lindsey removed, together with her only daughter, at the invitation of Lady Ann Hast- ings, after the decease of her husband in the year 1742, where she continued to reside with her noble and pious friend till her death, which took place A.D. 1/47, after having been gratified by the accomplishment of the first wish of her heart, that of seeing her son in the pulpit. Over the remains of this exemplary lady a neat monu- ment was erected in Ashby churchyard, with an inscrip- tion, purporting that "while a child she had been the play-fellow, and a widow, the friend of Lady Ann Hast- ings, who erected that monument to her memoiy, and was a sincere and affectionate mourner for her death." With these advantages, public and domestic, for im- provement both in learning and piety, in concurrence with a temperament cast in the happiest mould, "having," as he expresses it in the modest account of himself an- B2 4 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. I. nexed to his Apology on resigning the vicarage of Cat- terick, "been impressed from early youth with a love of truth and virtue, a fear of God and desire to approve himself to him, which never left him;" and having been well instructed in classical literature, Mr. Lindsey was well qualified for the university, and was admitted as a student at St. John's College, in Cambridge, May 21, 1741, in the eighteenth year of his age. Here his lite- rary attainments and exemplary conduct soon attracted general notice and admiration. And when the late learn- ed and pious Dr. Reynolds, bishop of Lincoln, being de- sirous of sending his grandson, a promising youth of fifteen, to the university, inquired after some senior stu- dent under whose care he might place him, to assist his studies and to protect his morals at that early age, Mr. Lindsey was the person recommended for the office. This circumstance laid the foundation for a firm and tender friendship, founded upon a thorough knowledge of each other's character, and a consequent mutual affection and esteem, which continued without interruption to the end of Mr. Lindsey' s life; and the recollection of which is cherished by the venerable and grateful survivor as one of the best blessings which heaven bestowed upon him. Mr. Reynolds, after having finished his education at the university, was taken by the late Lord Sandwich as his private secretary to Aix la Chapelle, Where he remained during the negotiation of the celebrated treaty which takes its name from that city. After his return to En- gland, declining the engagements of public life, he retired to his estate at Little Paxton, in Huntingdonshire. There he still resides (1812) ; and amidst the high estimation in which he is universally and deservedly held both for his public and his private virtues, he justly regards it as not the least of his honours to be known as one of the CH. I.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 5 earliest friends and warmest admirers of the venerable Theophilus Lindsey *. Having passed through his academical course and taken his degrees with high reputation, Mr. Lindsey was elected a Fellow of St. John's College in April 1 747 ; and had he chosen to devote himself to literary pursuits, he was well qualified to have attained considerable distinction ; but his chief ambition was to be a minister of the gospel. Accordingly, he relates of himself that, " after the usual time spent at school and in the university, he entered into the ministry of the gospel, out of a free and delibe- rate choice, and with an earnest desire to promote -the great ends of it. And having been educated in the esta- blished church, he did, not at that time feel any scruples either concerning the use of the liturgy, or subscription to the articles." Having been ordained by Dr. Gibson, the learned and exemplary bishop of London, he was in the twenty-third year of his age presented to a chapel in Spital Square by Sir George Wheeler of Otterden Place in Kent, at the recommendation of his noble sister-in-law, the un- wearied friend and benefactress of Mr. Lindsey, Lady Ann Hastings. In a short time after his settlement in London, Alger- non Duke of Somerset being in want of a discreet and pious clergyman to officiate as his domestic chaplain, re- ceived such a character of Mr. Lindsey from Francis Earl of Huntingdon, the nephew of Lady Ann Hastings, that he immediately invited him into his house. To * " I recollect," says this gentleman in a letter with which he favoured the writer of this memoir, " that Mr. Lindsey excelled in college exercises ; that he was singularly pious; that he attended the chapel prayers, and monthly received the sacrament. His manners were mild and gentle, and his conversation was of a serious turn, hut agreeable, and sought by his fel- low students. I have reason to believe that he obtained the highest ho- nours on taking his degree, I mean Wranglership, but this I cannot posi- tively assert." Mr. Reynolds died in 1814. 6 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. I. this amiable nobleman and his accomplished lady, better known as the Countess of Hertford, the honoured patron- ess of genius and virtue, he recommended himself to such a degree, by his prudent and exemplary conduct, and by the suavity of his manners, that he soon acquired the af- fection and confidence of his illustrious patrons ; and du- ring the short remainder of the Duke's life, who expired in his arms, he was treated not with the distance and cold- ness of a dependant, but with the liberality and affection of a friend. After the decease of the Duke of Somerset, Mr. Lindsey continued for some time in the family of the Dutchess. And at her particular and earnest request, he accompanied her grandson, the late Duke of Nor- thumberland, then about nine years of age, and in a de- licate state of health, to the continent, where he conti- nued two years ; at the expiration of which term he brought his noble pupil back, restored in health and im- proved in learning. Of the kind and successful attention of Mr. Lindsey to Lord Warkworth, his illustrious parents entertained a just and grateful sense, and from that time they were set upon advancing his interest in the church*. Nor * See Appendix, No. I. How anxiously these noble personages were bent upon making a comfortable provision in the church for their highly esteemed friend, appears from the following extract of a letter from the late Dutchess, then Countess of Northumberland, to Mr. Lindsey, when he resided at Pid- dletown in Dorsetshire : " I dnre not give you another invitation to come to us, though both my lord and I wish much for the pleasure of seeing you, as you say it may be inconvenient to your affairs. I am truly sorry that it is so, and shall be sin- cerely glad to do any thing in my power to make it otherwise, and find my- self really obliged to you for believing I would do so. You say, dear sir, that if any small matter fell in my way for your service, you are persuaded I would think of you. Of this you may be assured. At the same time, I could wish you would be so good as to hint to me of what kind ; whether in the chuich, or a domestic chaplainship, or a private tutor would be most agreeable to you. At the same tme I must tell you, that I some years ago told my lord that I desired he would give me the next presentation of Hasil- bury Bryan, as 1 hoped its vicinity to Piddletown might make it agreeable to you ; and upon this you may depend whenever it shall become vacant : CH. T.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 7 was his faithful superintendence lost upon the mind of his noble pupil, who, to the latest hour of Mr. Lindsey's life, entertained the highest esteem for his character, and manifested his regard for his venerable preceptor by more than empty professions. Immediately after Mr. Lindsey's return from the con- tinent, he was presented by the Earl of Northumberland to the valuable rectory of Kirkby Whiske, in the north riding of Yorkshire, at first under condition to resign it when the person for whom it was intended came of age ; but this young man dying a short time afterwards, it was given to Mr. Lindsey unconditionally in the usual form. And Mr. Lindsey, declining the proposal of his noble patrons to accompany Lord Warkworth to Eton as his private tutor, hastened down into the north to take pos- session of his living, and to enter upon the office of a parochial minister, which was the highest object of his ambition ; this being, in his judgement, " the way in which he could best serve God and be useful to man ;" and which, therefore, he engaged in, " with an earnest desire that he might promote these great ends of the mi- nistry of the gospel*." In this very retired situation Mr. Lindsey continued but, in the mean while, I beg you will let me know if any of these above would suit you. And if I can be of any service to you in these, or any other "things, it will give me great pleasure. I will not trouble you now any longer than to assure you of the sincere and affectionate friendship with which I am, " Dear sir, " Your most faithful humble servant, "E. NORTHUMBERLAND." It may be proper to mention here, that during his residence at the Dutchess of Somerset's, Mr. Lindsey so recommended himself by his dis- creet and exemplary behaviour, that a worthy and pious lady, Mrs. Pearce, a friend of the Dutchess, bequeathed to him without his knowledge the next presentation to the rectory of Chew Magna, near Bristol. The living be- came vacant after Mr. Lindsey had left the church and was settled in Essex- street. And, honourably resisting all the proposals which were made to him to dispose of it to great advantage, he presentedit to a worthy clergyman, M Hall, the brother-in-law of Mrs. Lindsey, who married Archdeacon Black- burne's youngest daughter, and who is now (1812) the respectable incumbent. * Apology, p. 217. 8 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. I, about three years ; and during his residence in. Yorkshire he was introduced to the acquaintance, and became a visitor in the family, of the celebrated Archdeacon Black- burne, at Richmond, a circumstance to which he was afterwards indebted, under divine Providence, for the most valuable blessing of his life. At the request of the Huntingdon family, who con- sidered themselves as having a prior claim, which they were unwilling to relinquish, to the honour of providing for Mr. Lindsey, he resigned the living of Kirkby Whiske, in the year 1756, in order to succeed Dr. Dawney in the living of Piddletown, in Dorsetshire, which was in the gift of the Earl of Huntingdon. In this place he lived and laboured in his parochial and official duties with high reputation for seven years. While he was minister of this parish, Mr. Lindsey was married, Sept. '29, 176Q, to Miss Hannah Els worth, the stepdaughter of Archdea- con Blackburne*, a lady whose principles and views were congenial to his own; whose superior understanding and exalted virtues were eminently calculated (as her ex;cel- lent consort most cheerfully acknowledged) to aid and second him in all his schemes for the temporal and spi- ritual benefit of his parishioners, and especially of the poor and ignorant ; to go hand in hand with him in his re- searches after divine truth ; to encourage him in every * Archdeacon Blackburne, noticing this event in the memoirs of his own life, prefixed to a new edition of his Works, published by his son, the Reve- rend Francis Blackburne, A.D. 1804, says, "The friendship between Mr. Lindsey and Mr. Blackburne was .not nearly so much cemented by this fa- mily connexion, as by a similarity of sentiment in the cause of Christian ltberty,nnd their aversion to ecclesiastical imposition in matters of conscience. In the warfare on these subjects they went hand in hand." The Archdea- con, who did not, for reasons which were afterwards published, approve of the magnanimous sacrifice which his relation had made, coldly adds, that " when Mr. Lindsey left Yorkshire and settled in London, Mr. Blackburne \wecl to say he had lost his right arm." See Blackburiie's Works, vol. i. p. 48. Upon the subject of Mr. Lindsey's marriage with Miss Elsworth see an entertaining letter of the Countess, afterwards Dutchess of Northumber- land, Appendix, No. II. CH. I,J REVEREND THEQPHILUS LINDSEY. 9 labour, in every profession, and in every sacrifice, to which he might be prompted by a sense of duty ; and. to fortify and console his mind under trials and privations of no common sort, and which it required no ordinary share of fortitude and magnanimity to support with dig- nity and to encounter with success*. It was whjle Mr. Lindsey resided, at Piddletown that he, first began to entertain serious scruples concerning the Scripture warrant for Trinitarian worship, and the lawfulness of his continuing to officiate in the established church. His susceptible and inquisitive mind .had, in- deed, from early youth disapproved of some things in the thirty-nine articles ; and even while he was at the uni- versity, it struck him as .a strange unnecessary entangle- ment, to put young men upon declaring and subscrib- ing their approbation of, such a large heterogeneous mass of positions and doctrines, as are contained in the liturgy, articles, and homilies. "But," he adds,. "I was not under any scruples or great uneasiness on this account. I had hitherto no doubt, or rather I had never much thought of or exarnmed into the doctrine of the Trinity, but supposed all was right there "j." Some years afterwards, many doubts concerning the truth of this doctrine sprang up in his mind, which in- duced him to study t}ie Scriptures with. very close atten- tion, in order to settle his judgement and to relieve him- self from a painful state of suspense upoi} a question, of such high importance. The result of his learned, calm, * Mr. Lindsey, who was deeply sensible of the high value of the inesti- mable treasure which he possessed, in a letter to a friend, when he had it in contemplation to resign his benefice in the church, speaks of Mrs. Lind- sey as one whp was ready-to, run any hazard or loss to promote the cause of truth, and that in every step which he took in this business he had the full concurrence of his wife, "quse quoque currentem incitat." See .Memoirs of the Reverend T. Lindsey, published in the Monthly Magazine for Dec. 1808, drawn up by a friend from original papers in his possession. t Apology, p. 2 17. 10 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. I. and diligent inquiries shall be stated in his own words : "The more I searched, the more I saw the little foun- dation there was for the doctrine commonly received, and interwoven with all the public devotions of the church, and could not but be disturbed at a discovery so ill suit- ing my situation. For, in the end, I became fully per- suaded, to use St. Paul's express words, 1 Cor. viii. 6. * that there is but one God, the Father, and he alone to be worshiped.' This appeared to be the uniform unva- ried language and practice of the Bible throughout: and I found the sentiments and practice of Christians, in the first and best ages, corresponding with it*." The scruples excited in Mr. Lindsey's mind from the result of his inquiries, gradually rose to such a height as to induce him, while he lived in Dorsetshire, to take some previous steps with a design to relieve himself, by quit- ting his preferment in the church. The considerations which chiefly weighed with him to relinquish this design at that time, will be stated hereafter. It may be suffi- cient for the present to observe, that self-interest and worldly considerations were not the motives ; for by these, as he truly observes, and as all who knew him and the whole tenor of his life will testify, " he was never much influenced." Beside which, "he had at that time a pro- spect of not being left entirely destitute of support if he had gone out of the church f." In the year 1762, upon the resignation of the Whig administration, the late Duke of Northumberland was appointed to succeed the Earl of Halifax as Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland. Upon this occasion his illustrious con- sort, eager to testify her regard to distinguished worth, at the Duke's desire wrote immediately to Mr. Lindsey to offer him the place of chaplain to the Lord Lieutenant, * Apology, p. 218. f Ibid. p. 221. CH. I.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 11 accompanied with a request that he and Mrs. Lindsey would reside with them in the vice-regal palace till some preferment should offer worthy of his acceptance ; " at the same time assuring him that the duke and herself should consider his acquiescence as a favour conferred on themselves ; that they should want the society of so kind and faithful a friend in a situation so new and un- tried*." That the acceptance of this offer would have been a prelude to some exalted station in the church of Ireland cannot admit a doubt. f But ambition of high ecclesiastical dignity formed no part of Mr. Lindsey's character. Eminently qualified as he was by learning and piety, by prudence of conduct and politeness of man- ners, to have filled and adorned the most conspicuous station in the church, his humility aspired to no higher preferment than that of a parochial minister. With much gratitude, therefore, but with equal firmness and decision, he declined the splendid offer of his noble friends, and contented himself with remaining for the present in his beautiful retirement in Dorsetshire. Not, indeed, that Mr. Lindsey felt any particular pre- dilection for the situation in which he was now placed, however agreeable or advantageous. It was the secre* wish both of him and of Mrs. Lindsey, to return to the north, and to fix their residence in the vicinity of Rich- * See the Memoir of the late Rev. Theophilus Lindsey, in the Monthly Repository for December 1808, by Mrs. Cappe. This lady, the daughter of Mr. Lindsey's worthy predecessor at Catterick, and the widow of the late learned, pious, and eloquent Newcome Cappe of York, who is also herself well known to the public by various works which equally display the superi- ority of her intellect and the ardour of her piety and benevolence, was the early and faithful friend of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey : and to her great honour be it known, that this lady was one of the very few who remained firmly and affectionately attached to them in the season of severe trial, and who, upon all occasions, came forward as their generous and intrepid advocate, when many who had formerly made great professions, stood aloof, and not a few were disposed to cavil and condemn. f Dr. Dodgsan, who accepted the appointment which Mr. Lindsey de- clined, was soon advanced to the bishopnck of Ossory, from which he was afterwards translated to that of Elphin, where he died a few years ago. 12 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. I mond, where they might enjoy the society of many valu- able friends, and particularly of the venerable Archdea- con Blackburne. An opportunity for effecting this pur- pose occurred in the year following, by the vacancy of the vicarage of Catterick, in Yorkshire, occasioned by the decease of the Rev. Jeremiah Harrison, in July 1763. With the. consent and by the interest of Lord Hunting- don, M,r. Lindsey was permitted to exchange his living in Dorsetshire for the vicarage of Catterick ; a benefice in every respect inferior to that of Piddletovvn, excepting that of its proximity to those learned and virtuous friends whose society he was most anxious to cultivate*. It may appear singular, that Mr. Lindsey, who, while he resided in Dorsetshire, had, in consequence of his more diligent study of the Holy Scriptures, discarded the doctrine of the Trinity, and other doctrines of the esta- blished church which are connected with it; who had even proceeded so far as to have formed a design of resign- ing his preferment in the church, and had taken some steps towards the accomplishment of this purpose, could by any means reconcile his ingenuous mind to that re- newed subscription to the articles and declaration of his assent, which were necessary upon his induction into his new living. And the case appears the more extraordi- nary, as many clergymen, who in consequence of a revo- lution in their opinions had become dissatisfied with the articles, would never, for the sake of obtaining the most valuable preferment, subscribe them again, though, while they were permitted to remain unmolested, they did not perceive it to be their duty to retire from the churchf. With the frankness natural to his liberal mind, Mr. * See Mrs. Cappe's Memoir in the Monthly Repository, ibid. T In the foremost rank of these worthy confessors is the venerable Arch- deacon Blackburne, who, though he has opposed the Unitarian doctrine with much more of acrimony than argument, in a small tract which he left for publication after his decease, entitled An Answer to the Question, Why are CH. I.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 13 Lindsey himself gives the following solution of this diffi- culty. After having stated the considerations which at that time overruled his scruples of remaining in the church, he adds, "My great difficulty was the point of worship. In comparison with this, subscription to the articles, however momentous in itself, gave me then but little concern. For as the devotions of the church are framed in strict agreement With the articles, and corre- spond with them more especially in what relates to reli- gious worship, I looked upon my continuing to officiate in them as a constant virtual repetition of my subscrip- tion : and therefore I needed not nor did decline the actual repetition of it when occasion served; though I Was not forward in seeking such occasions*." It cannot be de- nied that Mr. Lindsey's conduct in this instance has the merit of consistency ; for it seems hard to assign a satis- factory reason, why they who do not hesitate to use the liturgy, should decline subscribing the articles of the church. It would hdwever be the extreme of unchari- tableness, to pass a severe censure upon those who ap- prove their integrity by rejecting preferment, when it could not be obtained but at the price of a renewed sab- you not a Socinian ? has, in the same tract, advanced reasons for the conti- nued conformity of those who disapprove of many th'ings in the doctrine and discipline of the established church, which, if not completely satisfactory, will at least induce a candid reader, who can make allowance for human frailty, to pause before he passes a se'nt^nce of unqualified condemnation upon those serious and inquisitive persons, who retain their official situations in the church so long as they continue unmolested in making those altera- tions which they judge to be necessary in the unscriptural phraseology of the public -liturgy. Upon these principles, Archdeacon Blackburne continued to the end of life an officiating minister of the established church ; while at the same time, though the whole emolument which he derived from his pro- fession amounted to little more than the scanty pittance of a hundred and fifty pounds a-year, he peremptorily and repeatedly refused to accept of bet- ter preferment, which required renewed subscription to the thirty-nine ar- ticles. On the other hand, he declined an offer of more than double that in- come from the numerous and respectable congregation of the Old Jewry, in London, who were desirous of inviting him to be their pastor, in succession to the learned Dr. Chandler. See Memoir of Archdeacon Blackburne's Life prefixed to his Works, pp. 74, /5, and 120. See Appendix, No. III. * Apology, p. 225. 14 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. I. scriptjon to articles, even though (inconsistently as we may think) they may continue to retain their stations in the church, and to officiate in its devotions. Every man has not the firmness of a Luther or a Lindsey, and to his own master must every one stand or fall. It may now therefore be proper to state those conside- rations which reconciled this venerable confessor's own mind, to remaining in the church, and to the regular performance of his official duties, for so many years after that by his own acknowledgement he had abandoned its main doctrines, and regarded its forms of worship as er- roneous and unscriptural. Upon this subject, we are hap- pily not left to vague conjecture; for Mr. Lindsey himself, with all his native modesty and candour, has clearly stated in the last chapter of his Apology on resigning the vicarage of Catterick, the interesting process of his mind upon this trying occasion. I transcribe his own words*. 1 . " Destined early and educated for the ministry, and my heart engaged in the service, when the moment of determination came, I felt a reluctance at casting myself out of rny profession and way of usefulness that quite dis- couraged me. This was probably heightened by my being alone at the time, having no intimate friend to consult or converse with, and my imagination might be shocked by the strangeness and singularity of what I was then going to do ; for such subjects, then upwards of fif- teen years ago, were not so much canvassed or become so familiarized as they have been sincef. " But I did not enough reflect, that when unlawful * Apology, p. 220. f The time alluded to must have been about the year 1/58. This was previous to the resignation of the reverend and learned Dr. William Robert- son, who, in January 1 760, for the sake of a good conscience, gave up a va- luable living in Ireland. So that at the time when Mr. Lindsey first thought of relinquishing his station in the church, he had scarcely any example for nearly a century back, of a similar act of self-denial to encourage and fortify his mind. Those eminent divines of the established church, who, at the CH. I.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. - 15 compliances of any sort are required, the first dictates of conscience, which are generally the rightest, are to be at- tended to; and that the plain road of duty and uprightness will always be found to lead to the truest good in the end, because it is that which is chalked out by God himself. 2. " Many worthy persons whose opinions varied little from mine, could nevertheless satisfy themselves so as to remain in the church and officiate in it. Why then, it often occurred to me, and others did not spare to re- monstrate, why must I alone be so singularly nice and scrupulous, as not to comply with what wiser and better men could accommodate themselves to, but disturb others and distress myself by enthusiastic fancies purely my own, bred in gloomy solitude, which by time, and the free communication and unfolding of them to others, might be dispersed and removed, and give way to a more cheerful and enlarged way of thinking ? It was worth the while at least to try such a method, and not rashly to take a step of which I might long repent. 3. "It was suggested that I was not author or con- triver of the things imposed and complained of. All I did was ministerial only, in submission to civil authority, which is within certain limitations the authority of God, and which had imposed these things only for peace and public good. That I ought not only to leave my bene- fice, but to go out of the world, if I expected a perfect commencement of the eighteenth century, thought and wrote with great freedom upon theological subjects, contented themselves, for the most part, with declining to renew their subscription to the articles in order to obtain further preferment, but did not feel themselves obliged to resign the stations which they held. And though, as the century advanced, much had been said and written in recommendation of greater liberality and latitude in the terms of conformity, the lawfulness of clerical conformity had been but little can- vassed. It is not therefore surprising that Mr. Lindsey should have been at first shocked, and in some degree intimidated, at the prospect of the strange singularity of the measure which he had in contemplation. After the resig- nation of Dr. Robertson, he was much affected and encouraged by the exam- ple of that venerable confessor. 16 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. I. state of things in which there was no flaw or hardship. That if there was a general tendency in what was esta- blished to serve the interest of virtue and true religion, I ought to rest satisfied and wait for a change in other incidental matters that Were grievous to me, but not ge- nerally felt by others. That in the mean time I had it in my power to forward the desired work, by preparing men's minds for it, whenever there should be a disposi- tion in the state to rectify what was amiss. Therefore, if I could in any way of interpretation ?ecoi\k\\ the pre- scribed forms with the scripture in my own mind, and make myself easy, I was not only justified, but to be com- mended." Being influenced by these considerations to regard it as a duty to retain his station in the church, the great difficulty now was, to devise some way of interpretation, by which to reconcile the prescribed form of Trinitarian worship with his own just and scriptural view of the pro- per unity of God, and that the Father alone is to be worshiped. In comparison with this, the objection against subscription to the articles appeared to Mr. Lindsey to be of trivial account: or rather as a less intricate case under the same problem. And the method which he took to satisfy his mind upon this subject, he thus describes. " I brought myself to consider the Trinitarian forms in the liturgy, and the invocations at the entrance of the litany, as a threefold representation of the dne God, the Father, governing all things by himself and by his Son and Spirit ; and as a threefold way of addressing him as a Creator and original benevolent cause of all things, as Redeemer of mankind by his Son, and their Sanctifier by his Holy Spirit*. * This, which is usually called the Sabellian hypothesis, and which differs only in words from the proper Unitarian doctrine, was advanced by the CH. I.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. I/ "I took all opportunities, both in public and privately, to bear my testimony to this great truth of Holy Scrip- ture, that there is but one God the Father, with great plainness and without any reserve. And I hoped I was laying a good foundation to build on for those that come after me, when the time of a further reformation should come; and that I might thus innocently continue in a church where there were many things I disapproved, and wished to have amended, as I knew not where I might be in any degree alike useful." These were the considerations, which, as Mr. Lindsey expresses it, were of weight to divert him then from the thought of quitting his station in the church, and which brought him in time to remain tolerably quiet and easy in it. But however plausible these arguments might be, and whatever real weight some of these considerations might possess, they were not likely to maintain a perma- nent ascendency over the honourable, ingenuous, and inquiring mind of this excellent man; and in his Apology, learned Dr. Wallis, Savilian professor of mathematics at Oxford, and well received by the university, in opposition to the hypothesis of three infinite minds, maintained hy the celebrated Dr. Sherlock, which underwenka pub- lic censure. " This reasoning," says Dr. Wallis, alluding to the objections of the Uni- tarians, " is grounded on this silly mistake, that a divine person is as much as to say a Divinity or a God, when indeed a divine person is only a mode, or respect, or relation of God to his creatures. He beareth to his creatures these three relations, modes, or respects, that he is their Creator, their Re- deemer, their Sanctifier : this is what we mean, and ALL that we mean, when we say God is three persons. He hath those three relations to his creatures, and is thereby no more three Gods than he was three Gods to the Jews be- cause he calleth himself the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." See Considerations on the Explications of the Doctrine of the Trinity, p. 7 1693, apud Lindsey's Apology, p. 227- The learned professor might have spared his supercilious reflection upon the understandings of his Unitarian brethren, whose only error consisted in taking common words in their common acceptation. Is Dr. Wallis's doctrine that which still prevails in the learned university? If so, the pure Unitarian doctrine is much more extensively diffused than many of its most zealous advocates imagine. Happy would it be for the cause of truth, if, when error is detected and discarded, the language of error were discarded with it. C 18 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. 1. he frankly and with great humility acknowledges their invalidity, and his own infirmity in yielding to them. "Not," says he, p. 225, "that I now justify myself therein. Yea, rather I condemn myself. But as I have humble hope of the divine forgiveness, let not men be too rigid in their censures. Let those only blame and fcondemn, who know what it is to doubt, to be in per- plexity about things of the highest importance, to be in fear of causelessly abandoning a station assigned by Providence, and being found idle and unprofitable when the Great Master came to call for the account of the talent received." He must be a very severe moralist whom such a concession does not satisfy. These reflections however occurred at a subsequent period. For the present, Mr. Lindsey had made up his mind to continue as an officiating minister in the esta- blished church; and with those views and in this posture of mind, in the month of November 1763, he took pos- session of his vicarage of Catterick, fully determined to seek out and accept of no other preferment, and expect- ing " here quietly to have ended his days*," though it pleased God in his providence to order it otherwise. No sooner was Mr. Lindsey settled in his new situa- tion than he applied himself with great assiduity, in his extensive and populous parish, to perform the duties of a parochial minister. He regularly officiated twice on the Sunday in his parish church, and in the interval be-, tween the services he catechized young people. He vi- sited the sick, he relieved the poor, he established and supported charity-schools for the children, he spent con- siderable sums of money in feeding the hungry, in cloth- ing the naked, in providing medicines for the diseased, and in purchasing and distributing books for the instruc- * Sec Farewell Address to the Parishioners at Catterick, p. 1. CH. 1.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 19 tion of the ignorant. In his domestic arrangements, the greatest oeconomy was observed, that he and his excel- lent lady might have the greater surplus to expend in li- berality and charity : for it was a rule with him to lay up nothing from the income of his living. " It is a great satisfaction," says he, in his Farewell Address, p. 7, " at this, my departure from you, that I can truly say I have coveted no man's silver, nor gold, nor apparel. In no- thing have I made a gain of you, or sought to enrich my- self; nor am I enriched by you at all; but what was over and above the supply of necessary wants, has been freely expended in what was thought might be most useful for your present benefit and future happiness. I have not sought yours but you." His instructions, public and private, were judiciously adapted to the state of his hearers. "I have endeavour- ed," says he, p. 8, " to teach you the truth which Christ our Lord taught, as far as I was able to learn it by an impartial and diligent search of the Holy Scriptures. And I often reminded you, that you were not to believe any thing because spoken by me, but to examine and compare how far it was agreeable to Holy Scripture, our only rule and guide." His discourses were scriptural and practical, consist- ing, as he says, "altogether of expositions of large por- tions of the New Testament, with such inferences as naturally and plainly flowed from them." In these dis- courses, he adds, "I was led continually to point out to you that religion lay not in outward forms and ordi- nances, even of God's own appointment, though they be helps to it; but in an entire conversion and devotedness of the heart to God, influencing to sobriety, chastity, bro- therly love, kindness, integrity, in all your conversation ; to do every thing out of a sense of duty to God, ever pre- sent with and supporting us in life; and chiefly for his c 2 20 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. It infinite love to us in Christ Jesus our Lord, by whom he hath called us to his eternal glory." Mr. Lindsey often pressed upon his village hearers the duty of family religion. " That every house should be a little church as it were, wherein all the members of it were carefully instructed in the things of God ; and once at least at the close of each day called together to join in a short prayer to God." This he represented as a con- stant check upon parents in their daily conduct; as a means of inducing them to hasten home with pleasure after their labours were over; of making their families orderly and happy; of preventing early depravity and cor- ruption in the youth of both sexes ; and of training them up in habits of piety and virtue. He still more inculcated upon them the necessity of keeping the Lord's day holy. " As many of each family as can be allowed, to attend the public worship of the great Creator and heavenly Father, and to be mindful afterwards of a suitable employment of time at home. For the spending one part of this sacred day in unneces- sary worldly cares, or in sports and diversions, tends to efface every serious impression made on the mind on the other part ; and by degrees leads to spend the whole of it in the same ungodly sort. Not that the service of God is to make us morose, or sad and uncheerful at this or at any time. There are ways of passing this holy day in- walking out and contemplating the works of God, in pleasing charitable offices to our neighbours, and in in- nocent useful conversation, which will cheer and refresh both mind and body far beyond all those noisy and riot- ous games, always accompanied with profane oaths, and generally ending in the alehouse or worse." Ibid. Thus did this truly apostolic man, at the conclusion of his ten years ministerial labours in the parish of Cat- terick, modestly yet firmly appeal to those who had been CH. I.J REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 21 the constant witnesses of his life and doctrine, to bear their testimony to the simplicity, fidelity, and zeal with which he had instructed them in the truths of divine re- velation, and to the unblameableness and the uniform disinterestedness of his conduct. He laments that he had not seen so much of the fruits of his labours among them as he desired. But, he adds, "I would not now complain. Let us all make haste to repent and amend, for the time is short. I would hope that more good may have been done than I know of; and that there are more truly pious than the few that appear to be so ; and that some seed of the word which has been sown, may here- after spring up and bear good fruit." Ibid. p. 1 1. To the exemplary conduct of this venerable man in the discharge of his official duties, and in particular to his interesting and condescending manner of communi- cating instruction to the young and the ignorant, I will- ingly transcribe the eloquent testimony of an early and attentive hearer and witness, who was also a frequent vi- sitor at his house, and through life an ardent and grate- ful admirer, to whose narrative I have before alluded. " Young at the time," says Mrs. Cappe in her elegant Memoir of Mr. Lindsey in the Monthly Repository, " un- informed, and accustomed to the society of those among my general acquaintance who form their estimate of right and wrong in the scale of commonly-received opinion, I was little qualified to comprehend, or duly to appretiate, the full excellence of such a character; yet I was exceed- ingly interested by the amiable unassuming disposition of my new friend ; by the patience with which he endea- voured to set right every mistake or prejudice ; by his to- tal disregard of every personal indulgence; and by his unwearied solicitude to make all around him good and happy, It was the constant subject of his thoughts iu 22 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. I. what way be could most effectually benefit the people committed to his care, whether in their temporal or eter- nal interests. And to this end a plan of great frugality was adopted by himself and Mrs. Lindsey, who perfectly acceded to his views, that they might have the power of distributing books, in aid of personal instruction; of giv- ing medicines to the sick, and food to those who were ready to perish with hunger. But it was on a Sunday evening chiefly, when the labours of the day were over, a day devoted to the public and private instruction of the congregation at large, of the children of those who com- posed it, of servants and others who attended in his own study, that the irradiations of a mind so heavenly were the most striking. Never shall I forget, as he walked across the room with cheerful and animated step, unmind- ful of weariness or fatigue, discoursing, perhaps, on the beauties of creation, the goodness of God every where manifested, the perfect example of Christ, or on the he- roism and virtue of martyrs and confessors gone to their reward, how his eyes would sparkle with delight. When, he would say, will the happy time arrive, that all men will be virtuous and happy ?" In this pleasing manner, and with these promising prospects, did Mr. Lindsey commence his career at Cat- terick. Surrounded with parishioners who idolized him ; in the neighbourhood of friends who loved him, and whose society charmed and edified him ; and engaged in offices most delightful to himself and useful to others, he de- voted himself wholly to the duties of his ministry, and aspired to no other preferment. CH. II.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 23 CHAPTER II. FROM MR. LINDSEY'S SETTLEMENT AT CATTERICK, TO HIS RESIGNATION OF THAT VICARAGE, A. D. 1/73. JJUT this sunshine of felicity did not continue long with- out interruption : Mr. Lindsey's ingenuous mind could not satisfy itself in a compromise with sincerity, A dan- gerous fit of sickness roused his conscience, and he be- came secretly but firmly resolved to seek an opportunity to relinquish a situation which was no longer supportable. The further process of his mind upon this interesting occasion I shall state in his own words *. " I could not now satisfy myself with Dr. Wallis's and the like softenings and qualifications of the Trinitarian forms in the liturgy. I wondered how I had been able to bring myself to imagine that I was worshiping the Father in spirit and in truth, whilst I was addressing two other persons, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, and imploring favours severally of them in terms that implied their personality, and distinct agency and deity, as much as that of the Father f. * Apology, p. 230. f This miserable casuistry, for such it now appeared to the venerable man who had formerly been entangled in its web, silenced the scruples of many of the learned Unitarians at the close of the IJth century, and induced them to acquiesce in conformity to the established form of worship ; while con- trary to the obvious meaning of the words, they interpreted the. language of the liturgy in a Unitarian sense upon the principles of Dr. Wallis s Ex- planation of the Trinity, and of the Oxford Decree. Amongst others, the celebrated Thomas Firmin, the friend of Tillotson and the patron of the poor, who made no secret of his Unitarian principles, from which, at the par- ticular request of Queen Mary, the pious archbishop in vain laboured to re- claim him, was influenced by these considerations to adhere to the commu- nion of the established church, and to dissuade others from separating from it. His friend John Biddle appears to have seen the question in ajuster light ; and rather chose to suffer imprisonment and banishment than to join in worship, the language of which, however he might interpret it to his own satisfaction, must necessarily convey an erroneous sense to the majority of those who use it. See the Life of Firmin, p. 14, ed. 1791. 24 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cil. II. " If invocations so particular, language so express and personal, might be sifted and explained away into prayer to one God only, I might, by the like supposals and in- terpretation, bring myself to deify and pray to the Virgin Mary, and maintain that I was still only praying to the one God, who was thus invoked in his creature that was so nearly united to him. " It appeared to me a blameable duplicity, that whilst I was praying to the one God the Father, the people that heard me were led, by the language I used, to address themselves to two other persons or distinct intelligent agents : for they would never subtilize so far as to fancy the Son and Holy Spirit to be merely two modes, or re- spects, or relations of God to them. " As one great design of our Saviour's mission was to promote the knowledge and worship of the Father, the only true God, as he himself tells us, I could not think it allowable or lawful for me, on any imagined prospect of doing good, to be instrumental in carrying ojn a wor- ship which I believed directly contrary to the mind of Christ, and condemned by him. "If it be a rule in morals, quod dubitas nefeceris., it is still more evident that we are not to do any thing that we know to be evil ; no, not to procure the greatest good. For God does not want my sinful act. It would be im- pious to suppose that he cannot carry on his government, and promote the felicity of his creatures without it. And although in his providence he may bring good out of any evil, he will not let the doer of it go unpunished. And if any thing be evil and odious in his sight, prevarication and falsehood is such ; and most of all an habitual course thereof in the most solemn act a creature can be engaged in, the worship of him, the holy all-seeing God." While these thoughts were passing through Mr. Lind- sey's mind, and probably before he had formed an ahso- CH. II.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 25 lute and final determination upon the subject, he had the happiness to be introduced to the acquaintance of two persons, like-minded with himself, whom he ever after-! wards numbered amongst his most intimate and confi- dential friends, and whose friendship he with reason re- garded as among the greatest consolations and blessings, of his life. These were the Rev. William Turner, the learned, liberal, and pious minister of the Presbyterian congregation at Wakefield in Yorkshire, and the cele- brated Dr. Priestley, then a dissenting minister at Leeds. Early in the summer of the year 1769, these gentlemen met Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey by appointment at the house of Archdeacon Blackburne at Richmond, where they passed some days together in that unreserved and de- lightful interchange of sentiments, and in those free and amicable discussions which would naturally take place among persons of high intellectual attainments, in whose estimation the discoveries of divine revelation held the most honourable place, and who were all equally ani- mated with the same ardent love of truth, and with the same generous zeal for civil and religious liberty. This memorable interview made a favourable and last- ing impression upon the minds of all the parties, and was followed with very important consequences. It gave birth to friendships between the strangers who were then first introduced to each other, which improved rapidly upon further acquaintance, which were ever afterwards a source of the highest mutual satisfaction and improve- ment, which continued unimpaired to the end of life, and will no doubt be resumed under happier auspices, in a better and immortal state. In a letter from the Archdeacon to Mr. Turner, which is now before me, and which was written soon afterwards, he says : "I have had Mr. Lindsey's thanks in form, for bringing him acquainted with two. valuable men. The 26 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. II. company of such worthies as Mr. Turner and Dr. Priest- ley is one of my luxuries ; and the last small taste I had of it, will make me long till another opportunity affords me a second course. And I had the less relish for the dessert, (I mean the rambles,) as it was a kind of inter- ruption of that conversation for which I am always sharp set. Friend Lindsey can talk and even dispute on horse- back. In that situation I am sure to fall into reveries, and often forget both myself and my company ; and for something of that sort which might look like ill manners, I believe I ought to make an apology in our pilgrimage to Master Buncle's cave*." Dr. Priestley, in the interesting Memoir of himself, mentions this introduction to Mr. Lindsey as one of the greatest blessings of his life. Speaking of the connexions he formed during his residence at Leeds, he adds, " Here it was that, in consequence of a visit which in company with Mr. Turner I made to Archdeacon Black-? burne at Richmond, I first met with Mr. Lindsey, then of Catterick, and a correspondence and intimacy coniT menced, which have been the source of more real satis- faction to me than any other circumstance in my whole life. He soon discovered to me that he was uneasy in his situation, and had thoughts of quitting it. At first * Mr. Turner was as eminent for prudence as he was for learning, piety, and liberality of sentiment. An intimate friendship was formed between this gentleman and Mr. Lindsey soon after the interview at Richmond, and an interesting and confidential correspondence took place, which only ter- minated by disability on the part of Mr. Turner from age and infirmity. It was then taken up by his son, the present highly respected minister of the Unitarian congregation at Newcastle upon Tyne, and continued till Mr. Lind- sey himself became disabled by the infirmities of age. To the kindness of this gentleman the author h indebted for a sight of Mr. Lindsey's letters; of which it will be perceived that a liberal, though it is hoped not an improper use has been made in the course of the narrative. It will easily be conceived that Mr. Lindsey was not deficient in expressions of affection and esteem. How' high a value he set upon the friendship of these excellent men, will be seen from various extracts of letters to Mr. Turner, which will be introduced in the sequel of this Memoir. CH. II.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 27 I was not forward to encourage him in it, but rather ad- vised him to make what alteration he thought proper in the offices of the church, and leave it to his superiors to dismiss him if they chose. But his better judgement and greater fortitude led him to give up all connexion with the established church of his own accord*." Mr. Turner was not less sensible than Dr. Priestley of the value of Mr. Lindsey's friendship ; and to these two excellent men, of spirits congenial with his own, did this venerable confessor first communicate his intention of resigning his preferment in the church. And that, not to ask their advice upon the subject, for his resolution was already fixed, but to consult with them concerning the proper time and manner of accomplishing this ex- traordinary design, and to derive that support and com- fort which a virtuous mind, in trying circumstances, needs and seeks from the sympathy and kind suggestions of enlightened and generous friends, who having adopted similar principles enter cordially into all its views, feel- ings, and difficulties, and by seasonable counsel, and ten- der expressions of encouragement and approbation, soothe and tranquillize the emotions of an anxious and disquieted spirit. Mr. Lindsey was now in a situation to need all the comfort which his friends could administer. This vene- rable man was no professed ascetic : he was no enthu- siast or visionary. He had ever lived in a station of ease and affluence, and comparatively high consideration. His company had been sought after by the opulent, the learn- ed, and the great. Nor was he insensible to the advan- tages and the comforts of an eminent and respectable station. He had not been at all accustomed to struggle with difficulties, or to endure the privations and the ob- * Dr. Priestley's Memoirs, p. 61, London edition. 28 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. II, acurity of indigence. His delight had been to employ his affluence in doing good, and he had even made con- science of saving nothing for his own use from the reve- nues of his living. He was fully apprized, that if he carried his present virtuous resolution into effect, the scene would soon be changed. " To leave a station of ease and affluence," (he observes in his Farewell Address to his Parishioners at Catterick,) " and to have to combat with various straits and hardships of an uncertain world, affords but a dark prospect." Instead of opulence and high estimation in the world, he clearly foresaw that the step he was about to take would entail poverty, contempt, neglect, and ca- lumny. He could not but be sensible that by the ma- jority of those who either knew him or who might hear of his withdrawing from the church, and who could not or would not duly appreciate his motives, his conduct would be severely censured as rash, fanatical, and absurd. He expected that his means of usefulness, whether in the way of instruction or beneficence, would be exceedingly reduced, if not entirely annihilated. Among the dissent- ers his connexions were very limited, and he had little prospect of encouragement. By the great majority of them his principles and his person would be regarded with horror*. Not many even of those societies which *. They now are deem'd the faithful and are prais'd, Who, constant only in rejecting Thee, Deny thy Godhead with a martyr's zeal, And quit their office for their error's sake. Blind, and in love with darkness ! COWPEK. Such is the language of our admired poet, whose gloomy system of theo-. logy cast a deeper shade upon the natural morbid tendency of his constitu- tion, and involved his innocent and tender spirit in the darkest clouds of re- ligious melancholy, under which he sunk in sad despondency to the grave.. Peace to his hallowed ashes ! When the last trumpet shall summon the sleeping sufferer from the tomb, free from the oppressive chain of ignorance and infirmity, he will rejoice to find the Parent of the human race infinitely more kind and merciful to his erring offspring than his rigid system, so much at war \yith his gentle temper, led him to believe ; and will greet with, CH. It.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 29 call themselves rational and liberal would endure to hear the pure Unitarian doctrine ; and very few indeed, would justly appreciate the sublime principles and the exem- plary character of this faithful servant of Christ. And, as he observes with great feeling, it was a severe aggra- vation of his distress, in the prospect of straits and diffi- culties, that he was not alone involved in them. The person who was most justly the dearest in the world to him must share in his privations and sufferings. And delight on fheir thrones of glory, those whom his rash and misguided zeal had formerly consigned to regions of woe. Let the reader forgive the above almost involuntary effusion of respect to departed genius, combined with high moral worth, but oppressed with melancholy, and entangled in a sy- stem the most sombre and terrific of all that have ever been grafted upon the mild and benevolent doctrine of Jesus. As to the rest, the sentiment expressed in the above quotation was certainly that of the great body of dis- senters at the time when it was written. It is so still ; but not to the same extent. Happily within the last thirty years, owing under God to the la- bours and sacrifices of Mr. Lindsey and others his worthy coadjutors or fol- lowers, " the gospel light of the knowledge of the one true God, and the worship to be paid to him only, as taught by Jesus Christ, has been spread- ing its beautiful ray through the British nation : so that many of all ranks begin to see with concern the striking opposition betwixt our public forms of worship and those laid down in the word of God." (Apology, p. 236.) And among the dissenting churches in particular, where there were formerly only one or two solitary individuals who received the proper Unitarian doc- trine, and who were almost afraid of avowing their belief lest they should be hunted out of society like wild beasts, flourishing congregations of pro- fessed Unitarian Christians have of late sprung up, whose conduct is an or- nament to their profession, and whose enlightened zeal is diffusing the sa- lutary odour of pure evangelical truth with a rapidity and success almost unprecedented. Nevertheless, that all the dissenters who were Mr. Lindsey's contempo- raries, though differing from him in doctrinal principles, were not insensible to his great moral worth, is evident from the correspondence of the late re- verend Job Orton, the able assistant and confidential friend of the late pious and celebrated Dr. Doddridge ; who in one of his letters published by and addressed to the Reverend S. Palmer, of Hackney, expresses himself in these words : " Were I to publish an account of silenced and ejected mini- sters, I should be strongly tempted to insert Mr. Lindsey in the list which he mentions in his Apology with so much veneration. He certainly deserves as much respect and honour as any one of them for the part he has acted. Perhaps few of them exceeded him in learning and piety. I venerate him as I would any of your confessors. As to his particular sentiments, they are -nothing to me. An honest pious man, who makes such a sacrifice to truth and conscience as he has done, is a glorious character, and deserves the respect, esteem, and veneration of every true Christian." Orton's Let- ters, vol. ii. p. 159. 30 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. II. though that excellent person, as soon as his pious and honourable resolution was communicated, expressed the highest approbation of it, animated and encouraged him to pursue it, and urged him on with a zeal almost supe- rior to his own, testifying the utmost readiness to forego ease and comfort, and, what was the most dear of all, the many opportunities of active benevolence, and to ac- company him into the shades of solitude and poverty ; yet Mr. Lindsey did not on that account feel less sensi- bly the hardships and miseries to which his beloved and worthy consort would inevitably be exposed. But none of these things moved him. He fixed his eye upon the line of duty, and determined to adhere closely to it, and to leave the event to God. These were the difficulties which Mr. Lindsey foresaw, and which he made up his mind to encounter. But though the conflict of his feelings must have been inex- pressibly great, the delicacy of his spirit would not per- mit him to disclose them at large even to his most con- fidential friends, that he might not give them unneces- sary pain j and, chiefly lest, if they were acquainted with all the circumstances of the case, they should endeavour to dissuade him from that measure which was now be- come the fixed purpose of his heart. " It was not till long after this," says Dr. Priestley, (Memoir, p. 61,) " that I .was apprized of all the difficulties he had to struggle with before he could accomplish his purpose." It had occurred to himself, and had been suggested by Dr. Priestley and some other friends who knew the embarrassment he was under, that " he might change the public service of the church, and make it such as he could conscientiously officiate in," leaving it to his su- periors to dismiss him if they disapproved his conduct. And there was no ground to suspect that he would ever have met with any molestation from them ; but, as Dr. CH. II.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 31 Priestley observes, " Mr. Lindsey's better judgement and greater fortitude led him to determine the contrary." The foundation of this determination he has explained in his Apology, p. 237. " I could not," says he, " reconcile myself to change the public service of the church, because I looked upon the declaration of conformity and subscription at insti- tution to be such solemnities, that I could not be easy under so great a violation of them. For I must have adopted all Dr. Clarke's amendments, or even more ; which would have been making almost a new service of it*." " But, could I have brought my own mind to it, there were some things in my situation in so large a parish, with three chapels in it, which would have made such a change impracticable. Not to mention also, that when incapacitated by sickness or removed by death, the people in all probability must have returned back to their old forms again. In short, such an attempt would have been likely, in my place, to have produced much confusion and perplexity, to say the least : and I could not see any adequate religious improvement or edification among my people likely to arise from it ; the only justifiable end of making such a change, and staying with them." The venerable writer adds: "Upon the most calm and serious deliberation therefore, and weighing of every circumstance, I am obliged to give up my benefice, xvhat- ever I suffer by it, unless I would lose all inward peace and hope of God's favour and acceptance in the end." * The following is the form of the engagement to conformity at institu- tion to a living before a bishop : " I do declare that I will conform to the liturgy of the church of En- gland as it is now by law established." A. B. " This declaration was made and subscribed before mo by the said A. B. to be admitted and instituted into the rectory or vicarage, &c. in tlie year of our Lord and in the year of our consecration." 3*2 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. 11. Mr. Lindsey was encouraged and fortified in his vir- tuous resolution* by the example of those pious and con- scientious clergymen, who in the year 1662, on the 24th of August, the too memorable Bartholomew day, being the day on which the Act of Uniformity was Carried into effect, to the number of two thousand suffered themselves to be ejected and silenced, rather than submit to the new impositions, and subscribe and conform to the liturgy and articles against their consciences ; " a long list" conti- nues Mr. Lindsey, " that does honour to human nature, and to our own country in particular, which has hitherto taken the lead in the restoration of God's true religion." But the example which if possible pressed with still greater weight upon his thoughts, and which urged, and, if I may so express it, even stung his tender and upright mind to a decisive resolution upon the subject, was the recent and affecting but little noticed case of the Reverend Dr. William Robertson, who in the year 1760, having embraced Unitarian principles, though he had a large family and very slender means of subsistence, for the * Mr. Lindsey was particularly struck with the following pious and af- fecting soliloquy of Mr. Oldfield, an ejected minister of Carsington in Der- byshire, whose private papers fell into Dr. Calamy's hands. " When thou canst no longer continue in thy work without dishonour to God, discredit to religion, foregoing thy integrity, wounding conscience, spoiling thy peace, and hazarding the loss of thy salvation ; in a word, when the conditions upon which thou must continue (if thou wilt continue) in thy employments are sinful and unwarranted by the word of God, thou mayest, yea thou must believe that God will turn thy very silence, suspension, de- privation, and laying aside, to his glory and the advancement of the gospel's interest. When God will not use thee in one kind, yet he will in another. A soul that desires to serve and honour him shall never want opportunity to do it ; nor must thou so limit the Holy One of Israel, as to think he hath but one way in which he can glorify himself by thee. He can do it by thy silence as well as by thy preaching : thy laying aside as well as thy conti- nuance in thy work. It is not pretence of doing God the greatest service, or performing the weightiest duty, that will excuse the least sin, though that sin capacitated or gave us the opportunity for the doing that duty. Thou wilt have little thanks, O my soul, if when thou art charged with corrupting God's worship, falsifying thy voivs, &c. thou pretendest a necessity for it in order to a continuance in the ministry." Calamy's Account of ejected Mi- nisters, vol. ii. p. 1/5. CH. II.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 33 sake of preserving his integrity inviolate, resigned a va- luable preferment and the offer of much better in the diocese of Ferns in Ireland. This venerable confessor, in his affecting epistle to his worthy diocesan Dr. Ro- binson, afterwards the celebrated Primate of Ireland, who was anxious to retain him in the church, expresses himself thus : " In debating this matter with myself, besides the ar- guments directly to the purpose, several strong collateral considerations came in upon the positive side of the ques- tion. The streightness of my circumstances pressed me close ; a numerous family quite unprovided for, pleaded with the most pathetic and moving eloquence. And the infirmities and wants of age, now coming fast upon me, were urged feelingly. But one single consideration pre- vailed over all these That the Creator and Governor of the universe, whom it is my first duty to worship and adore, being the God of truth, it must be disagreeable to him to profess, subscribe, or declare, in any matter relating to his worship and service, what is not believed strictly and simply to be true*." " The example of this worthy person," says Mr. Lindsey, Apology, p. 239, " has been a secret reproach to me ever since I heard of it. For I thought, and perhaps justly, that he might not have all .those reasons of dislike to our established forms of worship that I had : and though myself not without unknown straits and difficulties to struggle with, and not alone involved in them, yet have I not all those dissuasives and discouragements that he paints forth in his affecting letter to the Bishop of Ferns, subjoined to his instructive and learned work." Mr. Lindsey's purpose being now irrevocably fixed * This epistle is annexed to a small publication of Dr. Robertson's, en- titled An Attempt to explain the words Reason, Substance, &c. Of this ex- cellent man some further account will be given hi the sequel of this narrative. D 34 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. II. quietly to retire from the established church, he only waited for a favourable opportunity of carrying his ho- nourable design into effect. In the mean time an event occurred which induced Mr. Lindsey for the present to postpone his intended resignation. This was an Association formed in the year 1771, by some of the clergy of the established church and a few of the laity, for the purpose of making an ap- plication to parliament to obtain relief in the matter of subscription ; that a declaration of assent to the suffi- ciency of the Holy Scriptures might be substituted in lieu of subscription to the thirty-nine articles and the book of Common Prayer. Mr. Lindsey from the be- ginning " entertained very slender hopes of success. Least of all did he expect that reformation in the liturgy Would be carried to such an extent as to make it practi- cable for him, with a safe conscience, to retain his situa- tion in the church. But he was anxious to avoid the charge of precipitancy. He would not leave room for cavillers to allege that he had deserted his post before he knew that such a step would be necessary. And he thought that after having waited the issue of this impor- tant measure, his resignation would be more justifiable in the sight of the world, and would produce a better effect*." This application to parliament originated in the great impression which was made upon the public mind, and especially upon the minds of many of the learned, liberal, * " From the first that I engaged," says Mr. Lindsey, Apology, p. 235, " with the associated clergy for procuring the removal of subscription to formularies of faith and doctrine drawn up by fallible men, I foresaw that if no relief was obtained, nor any prospect opened of a reformation of the liturgy with regard to the great, object of worship, or of a disposition to indulge a latitude to private persons to make discretionary alterations in it for them- selves by the express rule of holy Scripture ; it would certainly terminate, as to myself, in resignation of my office in the church ; and I thought this would be a fitting season for it." -, > CH. II.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 35 and serious clergy, by the celebrated work of Archdeacon Blackburne,, entitled The Confessional. At the desire of some of his brethren the Archdeacon published in the beginning of the year 1771, " Proposals for an applica- tion to parliament for relief in the matter of subscrip- tion, &c. humbly submitted to the consideration of the learned and conscientious clergy." In consequence of these proposals, a meeting of the clergy residing in or near the metropolis was advertised for the 1 7th of July, when it was unanimously agreed to form an Association for the purpose of applying to the legislature for relief. This from the place of meeting was called The Feathers Tavern Association ; and an excellent petition having been drawn up by the Archdeacon, was adopted by the Association and circulated through the country with great industry, in order to obtain signatures previous to the meeting of parliament. It is almost needless to add, that in a cause so right and honourable in itself, and so congenial to his prin- ciples and feelings, Mr. Lindsey exerted himself with more than his usual activity and ardour. He undertook to solicit signatures in the extensive district where he resided; and for the purpose of adding names to this venerable list, he spared neither labour nor expense*. For this end, he travelled upwards of two thousand miles at the worst season of the year, and often through roads which were almost impassable. But his success did not correspond with his labours and his hopes. The majority, * In a letter upon this subject to his confidential friend Mr. afterwards Dr. Jebb, Mr. Lindsey says, " I own to you, sir, I cannot but be greatly in- terested in a cause in which I bless God that I have an opportunity to engage and declare myself; and for which I do not know, with the help of Grod, the pains or sufferings that I would refuse. ! have offered, and if health be permitted will carry the petition to Kendal in Westmoreland, to Newcastle in Northumberland, to York and Wakefield ; all places at a very great di- stance from me, and in which labours I am alone without any assistance what- ever." See Mr, Joyce's excellent Memoir of Mr. Lindsey in the Monthly Magazine for December 1808. D 2 36 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cil. II. as usual, saw no reason for any alteration ; the violent and bigoted expressed their abhorrence of the under- taking, and calumniated the motives of the petitioners ; the cautious and timid were unwilling to commit them- selves, and thought it more prudent to defer the appli- cation*; and some, of whom better hopes were enter- tained, and who were known to be in their judgement friendly to the objects, unexpectedly hesitated and drew back at the critical moment, and instead of their signa- tures they could only proffer their good wishes. " These well-disposed and good sort of men," says Mr. Lindsey in a letter dated November 19, 1771, written just after his return from one of these fruitless circuits, " have done the cause more harm than they in- tended. They may wait long before the season of refor- mation comes, and their brethren of the clergy and the governing powers be more inclined to promote it than they are at present. May they have no regrets in reflect- ing that Providence put it in their power to bring on the desired season, and propagate the requisite dispositions and zeal for relieving the oppressed truth of God by their much-wanted example ! I really never expected success in this our undertaking ; and still less, since I have had cause to observe the desertion of many from whom one might have expected better. And yet I do not give it up for gone ; nor will those worthy persons who have taken an active part in promoting it." In another letter to the same friend, dated Decem- ber 21, 1771, and written soon after his return from a general meeting of the Association in London on the 1 1th, in which it was finally determined to present the petition to parliament during the present session, after stating the violent opposition which was expected from * It has been observed by an elegant writer, that the verb reform wants the present tense. CH. II.} REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 3/ the University of Oxford, from Lord North, from the Methodists and others, Mr. Lindsey adds, "Be the event, however, what it may, still good, much good I am sure has arisen, and more will rise from this shaking of the stagnant waters, and stirring up of better principles. Political statesmen without any principle are afraid of disturbances which may hurt the enjoyment of their ease and emoluments. Political divines, and re- verend unbelievers and half believers, are still more haunted with fears of the like kind. Bigots are enraged at the thought of a free rational examination of the Holy Scriptures. Whilst serious and honest men, for such there are in all places, rejoice at the Christian and Pro- testant undertaking." The petitioners, though comparatively few in number, not amounting to two hundred and fifty, were of high consideration in point of talents, of learning, and of moral worth. The names of Lindsey, of Blackburne, of Wyvill, of Jebb, of Law, of Disney, of Chambers, and many others, are such as would do honour to any cause. The majority were clergymen ; the rest were gentlemen of the professions of law and medicine, who thus entered their protest against the yoke of subscription imposed upon students at the universities who had no view to the clerical office. It being determined by the Association not to defer the petition to another session, the petitioners and their friends were very active in soliciting the support of those members of the House of Commons who might be dis- posed to listen to their arguments. Their reception in general was civil, but not very encouraging. Many re- garded the object of the petition as frivolous ; and many believed, or pretended to believe, that it would be hazard- ous to meddle with the Articles. The prevailing opi- nion was, that the application was ill-timed, and that it 38 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. II. was best to let religion alone. Some, however, who were in the foremost rank for talents, integrity, and elo- quence, took up the cause with great ardour, and pro- mised their most zealous support. The state of the bu- siness is thus represented in a letter from John Lee, Esq. who was afterwards Solicitor General, to a friend in the country, dated January 31, 1772. " It will surprise you who live in the country, and con- sequently have not been informed of the discoveries of the metropolis, to hear that the Christian religion is thought to be an object unworthy of the least attention ; and that it is not only the most prudent; but the most virtuous and benevolent thing in the world to divert men's rninds from such foolish subjects with all the dex- terity that can be. This is ho exaggeration, I assure you : on the contrary, it seems to be the opinion (and their conduct will show it) of nine-tenths of both houses of parliament. On Thursday a committee of petitioners waited upon Lord North to apprize him of the nature of their application, and to inform themselves of his inten- tion concerning this matter. He received them with great courtesy, commended the decency of the petition itself; but before he parted with them, he told them that all with whom he had conversed were of opinion 'that innovations would be very improper. Mr. Pitt, the nephew of Lord Chatham, has undertaken to second the motion, and I am sure he will acquit himself ably. I spoke with him on the subject, and he understands it very well. Lord George Germaine is hearty in the cause, has studied the controversy, and speaks admirably. Mr. Dunning has promised me to attend it ; and as his abi- lities are unequalled by any man's I ever knew, I hope he will do honour to the cause and to himself. Some others there are of less note, who will enter into the de^ bate; yet such a general confederacy is there against the CH. II.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 3D measure, that I do not believe we shall divide forty mem-* bers, perhaps not twenty ; yet the debate will do honour to the petitioners, though at present no good to the cause. Perhaps it may excite an attention to the subject ; and who knows what time may do ? This may cure Dr. Priestley of writing divinity, which, to be sure, hardly any body minds. Yet I do not think our sons are more honest, our daughters more chaste, our liberties more sacred, or our property more secure, than in the days when it was thought no dishonour to read or to believe the Scripture." This able advocate, whose powers were equalled by few, and whose integrity was surpassed by none, the worthy and confidential friend of Mr. Lindsey and Dr. Priestley, and Mr. Turner, was engaged to exert his su- perior abilities and energetic eloquence in pleading the cause which he so well understood, and which he had so much at heart, if the petitioners had been permitted to be heard by counsel at the bar of the House of Commons. ' If I attend at the bar," says he, " I will do my utmost to serve the petitioners ; but I fear counsel will not be permitted." On the Cth of February 1772, agreeably to the reso- lution of the general meeting, the petition was presented to the House of Commons. It was introduced with a very neat and appropriate speech by Sir William Mere- dith, the member for Liverpool ; Lord John Cavendish and Sir George Savile having declined the office, not from any want of zeal for the cause, but because they did not consider themselves as sufficiently masters of the subject. It was intended by the minister that the peti- tion should be treated civilly, be laid upon the table, and the consideration of it adjourned for six months. It was Lord North's policy, if possible, to preclude debate upon so delicate a subject. But the intemperate zeal or the 40 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cil. II. secret instructions of Sir Roger Newdigate, one of the members for the University of Oxford, a gentleman of mild dispositions and exemplary character in private life, happily defeated the artful policy of the noble Lord, and gave rise to one of the most interesting and animated debates that was ever heard in that house; " a debate," as Mr. Lindsey expresses it in a letter to a friend, " which entered gloriously into the whole merits of our cause ; and which was well worth going two hundred and forty miles to hear." It lasted for eight hours. Of this de- bate I will take the liberty to introduce a brief account extracted from a letter of the learned gentleman above mentioned to his friend in the country. " Sir William Meredith in a few words informed the House that he had in his hands a petition of a number of respectable clergy and others, praying relief in the matter of subscription ; and therefore he moved that it might be brought up. Mr. T. Pitt seconded the mo- tion. On this, Sir Roger Newdigate rose up in great anger, and demanded to know what the contents of the petition were, and what the number and names of the men who had subscribed it. Sir William then read the petition in his place, and a few of the names, adding, that the number was about two hundred and fifty. Sir Roger Newdigate then began the debate, and opposed with great Vehemence the bringing up of this petition. In his opinion it aimed at the destruction of the church, whose existence depended upon the continuance of the Articles. Sir Roger spoke contemptuously of the num- ber and quality of the petitioners, and sustained with great fortitude the character of member for Oxford. He was followed by Mr. Hans Stanley, who opposed the bringing up of the petition, as it tended to disturb the peace of the country, which, in his opinion, ought to be the subject of a fortieth article, which would be worth CH. II.] REVEREND THEOFHILUS LINDSEY, 41 all the thirty-nine*. He was succeeded by Mr. Fitz- maurice, who is brother to Lord Shelburne, and spoke on the same side, throwing out some very indecent re- flections on The Confessional and its author, and endea- vouring to prove the petitioners to be a parcel of canting hypocrites, who, under pretence of reformation, meant the ruin of our civil and ecclesiastical government. This conduct roused the resentment of Mr. Pitt, who with great dignity and good sense observed upon the inde- cency of calumniating any persons appearing in the cha- racter of petitioners for redress of grievances, more es- pecially the persons then applying for relief in a matter that highly concerned the purity of religion, the integrity of their own minds, and even the morality of the people. He stated very well the principles of the Reformation, and fairly inferred from them the propriety of the petition." " The motion for bringing up the petition was also supported by Lord George Germaine, Mr. Sawbridge, Mr. Thomas Townshend, Lord John Cavendish, Mr. Dunning, Sir Henry Hoghton, Mr. Solicitor General Wedderburnet, and Sir George Savile. I believe Sir George Savile's speech was one of the best that was ever delivered in that house. I can give you no idea of its excellence, unless by repeating some parts of it when I have the pleasure of seeing you. I cannot help saying, however, that I never was so affected with, or so sensible * Upon this subject see a very curious letter of Mr. Hans Stanley to Mr. Lindsey, Appendix, No. IV. J- The author of this Biographical Memoir is neither inclined nor called upon to vindicate Mr. Wedderburne, afterwards Earl of Rosslyn, and Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, in the whole of his political conduct. But let it be remembered to Lord Rosslyn's praise, that he was always the en- lightened advocate of a liberal toleration ; and that he was the steady zealous friend and disinterested patron of the late learned Edward Evanson, A.M. Vicar of Tewkesbury, whom he carried triumphantly through a mean and savage persecution instituted against him by a few of his parishioners, in opposition to the sense of a decided majority of the inhabitants of the town, under pretence of heresy, and because of a few verbal alterations or omissions in reading the Liturgy. 42 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. II. of the power of pious eloquence as while he was speaking. It was not only an honour to him, but to his age and country*. Mr. Solicitor General spoke very well, and gave a very handsome testimony to the character of Mr. Blackburne as a learned, pious, virtuous, and venerable man, and vindicated his book as an excellent and enter- taining performance. The speakers on the opposite side were Sir Roger Newdigate, Mr. Fitzmaurice, Lord Folk- stone, Mr. Byrne, Lord North, Mr. Charles Fox, Mr. Burke, Mr. Dyson, Mr. Jenkinson, Mr. Stanley, Dr. * The speeches of Sir William Meredith and of Sir George Savile were afterwards written down from memory by Dr. Furneaux, and corrected by Sir \V. Meredith himself. Of these speeches, so corrected, I am in posses- sion of a copy, from which I will trespass upon the indulgence of thy reader by presenting him with a few extracts of the admirable speech of Sir George Savile, which he will easily perceive was well entitled to the high eulogium of Mr. Lee. The earnestness and fervour with which it was delivered ma- nifested how deeply the honourable speaker was impressed with his subject, and the House listened from beginning to end .with silent, astonishment. The honourable speaker, after a few preliminary remarks, in which' he distinguishes between the Church of England and the Church of God and Christ, (with which Sir Roger Newdigate had confounded it,) after having stated that adherence to the Scriptures only, in opposition to human inven- tions, was the grand principle of Protestantism, and having made some, judi- cious and pointed observations upon some of the doctrines which are con- tained in the Articles, proceeds to vindicate the character of the petitioners, and to reply to the objections which had been started in the course of the debate. It may be proper to premise that the zealous member for the Uni- versity of Oxford had in his speech used words to this effect : " Some per- >- haps may ask what is the use of requiring subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles ? All blind as they are, cannot they see that the Articles are bar- riers for the protection of the Church ? " It was also fully understood at the time that the beautiful allegory, in reply to this allegation, though men- tioned as a quotation, was in fact the extemporaneous suggestion of the elo- quent orator's own vivid imagination. " I must now, sir, express my very great concern at the manner in which the petition, and they who signed it, have been treated. They have been, treated in a manner very unparliamentary, in a manner that none should be treated who come to the bar of this House to represent grievances and to solicit redress. Their characters have been aspersed : injurious suspicions have been thrown out against their designs and intentions. I wish many things not to have been said which have been said. The petitioners, sir, are clergymen ; men of respectable characters; I verily believe good and con-; scientious men. We may treat their situation with indifference, because we are strangers to it and feel not their difficulty. But let us for a moment put ourselves in the place of these petitioners, who are required to bring them- selves under a solemn obligation on the one hand to preach according to Scripture, (which, if it means any thing, must mean according to what they apprehend to be the sense of Scripture,) and on the other, are required to CH. II.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 43 Hay, and Mr. Cooper. Nobody but Sir Roger Newdi- gate attempted to defend the Articles. And all the House explicitly declared it was foolish to require sub- scription at the university, and expressed a wish that it might be laid aside there. " After a very fine debate the house divided; the num- bers for not receiving the petition were two hundred and seventeen for receiving it seventy-one, which, consi- dering the influence of the bishops and ministry, and the character and weight of the minority, was thought a very declare their belief of Articles which in their consciences they think contrary to the Scripture, and which few will pretend to believe or to understand This, sir, is a debate in which the honour of God, the interests of religion and virtue, our own consciences, and the consciences of others, are deeply concerned. Let us, then, hear no more of private characters, of Confes- sionals, and Feathers Tavern. I have always thought that the persons of men who petition this House were under our protection. Their characters ought to be still more so. I therefore beseech you I become a humble and ear- nest supplicant to you, by the benevolent spirit of the Gospel, by all that is serious, I beseech you by the bowels of Christ, that this affair be treated, not as a matter of policy, not as a matter of levity, not as a matter of censo- riousncss, but as a matter of religion," " Some gentlemen seem to apprehend that we are to make the doors of the church as narrow and to exclude as many as possible. I think we should make them as wide as -we can to take in as many as possible. Others are apprehensive that, in case the Scriptures are substituted in the room of the Articles, it will be the means of admitting into the church a great number of sectaries. Sectaries ! Sir : had it not been for sectaries, this cause had been tried at Rome. Thank God, it is tried here. "Some gentlemen fear that if we lay aside the Articles and place the Scriptures in their stead, by throwing down all distinctions we shall admit Papists, and together with them their religion too. But they forget that Papists are excluded by the oath of supremacy, and by the declaration against transubstantiation, against the invocation of the Virgin Mary and other saints, and against the sacrifice of the mass. And if any other test be needful, let them be made to acknowledge liberty of conscience and the right of private judgement ; let them abjure persecution that were a truly Protestant test. But can any one seriously think that encouraging free inquiry and the study of the Scriptures will issue in the Romish religion ? When I see a rivulet flow to the top of a high rock, and requiring a strong engine to force it back again, then shall I think that freedom of inquiry will be prejudicial to truth then shall I think that liberty of judgement will be prejudicial to the Protestant religion then shall I think that adhering to the Scriptures only will lead to Rome. " Some gentlemen talk of ' raising barriers about the Church of God, and protecting his honour.' Language that is astonishing, that is shocking, that almost approaches to blasphemy. What ! Man ! a poor vile contemptible reptile, talk of raising barriers about the Church of God ! He might as well talk of protecting Omnipotence, and raising barriers about his throne. Bar- 44 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. 11. great affair. The clergy petitioners were delighted with the debate, all of them that were in town being admitted to hear it. Dr. Hallifax of Cambridge was in the gallery, and seemed disappointed that his violent nonsense had produced so little effect on the House. This scene was acted yesterday, beginning at three and ending at eleven o'clock." " The XXXIX Articles," says Mr. Lindsey in a letter of nearly the same date to the same friend, " underwent such a scrutiny, and had such a just exposition, that the tiers about the Church of God, Sir? about that church, which, if there be any veracity in Scripture, shall continue for ever, and against which the gates of hell shall not prevail ? If I may be allowed on so serious an oc- casion to recollect a fable, it puts me in mind of one which I have met with, of a stately, magnificent, impregnable castle built on a rock, the basis of which was the centre of the earth, the top of it piei'ced the clouds, the thickness of the walls could not be measured by cubits. At the bottom of it a few moles were one day very busy in raising up a little quantity of earth, which when some mice saw, What are you doing, said they, to disturb the tranquillity of the lord of this castle ? We are not disturbing his tranquillity, replied the moles ; all blind as you are, you may see that we are only throw- ing up a rampart to protect his castle. "The Church of God, Sir, can protect itself. Truth needs not be afraid of not obtaining the victory on a fair trial. The lovers of truth will love all sincere inquirers after it, though they may differ from them in various re- ligious sentiments. For it is to impartial and free inquiry only that error owes its ruin and truth its success. Those who are penetrated with the benevolent spirit of the Gospel will not condemn as heretics, will not reject as unworthy of their aflection, any who believe the Christian religion, who search and endeavour to understand the Scriptures, though they may be unable to comply with creeds and articles. " Some gentlemen suppose that the Scriptures are not plain enough to be a rule and centre of union to the Church. They must have articles and creeds to supply its defects. But if the things which are necessary to sal- vation are not plainly revealed, there is no way of salvation revealed to the bulk of mankind at all. Whatever is obscurely revealed will be always obscure notwithstanding our decisions. It can never be authoritatively determined by men. The only authority which can explain it, and make the explanation a test of faith, is the authority of God. As to what he has plainly revealed, it needs no articles to ascertain its meaning. We should not then adopt views and measures which are contracted and narrow. We should not set bars in the way of those who are willing to enter and labour in the Church of God. When the disciples came to Christ and complained that there were some who cast out devils in his name, and said, We forbad them because they followed not us what did our Saviour do ? Did he send them tests and articles to be subscribed ? Did he ask them whether they believed this, or that, or the other doctrine ? whether they were Athanasians, or Ariisns, or Arminians ? No. He delivered that comprehensive maxim He that is not against me is for me. Go ye, and say likewise." CH. II.} REVEREND THEOPHILUS LTNDSEY. 45 civil power must soon be ashamed of imposing what not one of our adversaries defended, except Sir Roger ; and many of them gave them up. " Burke declaimed most violently against us in a long speech, but entirely like a Jesuit, and full of popish ideas ; the multifarious strange compound of the book called the Scriptures ; the uncertainty what were the Scriptures ; the necessity of a priesthood ; of men in society, religious as well as other, giving up their right of private judgement, &c. &c. " Can it be true ?" continued Mr. Lindsey, " I hope not ; but it is said, and suspected, that this man spoke the sentiments of his patron, Lord Rockingham. The persuasion, however, does my Lord Marquis no good in the esteem of judicious men. " Though defeated," adds he, " we sing a victory ; as truth and reason were all for us, and overpowered only by power ; and we are not disheartened, but in high spirits, with thankfulness to the good providence of God so happily disposing things ; and shall certainly not give up the cause, though what steps next are to be taken we cannot say." So little interest did the Dissenters take in this appli- cation of the clergy, that only two of the General Body of dissenting ministers happened to be present at this memorable debate. These were, indeed, gentlemen of the first eminence and respectability among their brethren : the late reverend Edward Pickard*, minister of the con- * Let it be permitted to one who, after an interval of more than thirty years, entertains a grateful and unabated sense of many and important obli- gations, to bear a humble testimony to the distinguished, but retiring and unobtrusive merit of the friend of his youth. The reverend Edward Pickard was born at Alcester, in Warwickshire, A.D. 1714, of reputable and pious parents. He was educated in high Calvinistic principles, and after he had finished his studies under the reverend and learned J. Eames, F.R.S. he settled with a congregation at Stratford upon Avon. The excellence of hi* understanding and the benevolence of his heart, combined with a serious aiii 46 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. 11. gregation at Carter Lane, a gentleman distinguished by benevolence of heart and urbanity of manners, who was afterwards Chairman of the Committee for conducting the application of the Dissenting Ministers to Parliament for relief; and the learned Philip Furneaux, D.D. mi- nister of the congregation at Clapham, well known to the public by his Letters to Mr. Justice Blackstone upon the subject of Toleration, and whose memory was so cor- rect and tenacious, that having taken down from recol- lection the celebrated speech of Lord Mansfield in the House of Peers, in the great dissenting cause, concerning diligent study of the Scriptures, soon led him to discard the gloomy system in which he had been brought up, and to embrace the more rational hypo- thesis of Arianism, which was then in the zenith of its glory, being supported by the great abilities, learning and reputation of Dr. Clarke, Mr. Whiston, Dr. Daniel Scott, and others. To this opinion Mr. Pickard ever afterwards adhered. His deviation from the- orthodox creed having created uneasiness in his situation at Stratford, he removed to London, and was at first settled with a small congregation in the Borough. But his eminent talents were not destined to remain long in obscurity. And in 1 746, upon the accession of Mr. Newman to the pastoral office in the flourishing congregation at Carter Lane in the room of Dr. Wright, Mr. Pickard was chosen afternoon preacher; and, upon the death of Mr. Newman, A.D. 1/59, he was appointed sole pas- tor, and continued in that connexion happy, useful, and beloved, beyond the common lot, till his own decease in Febiuarv \"JTS. Mr. Pickard had great pulpit talents. He was, indeed, no professed orator ; and perhaps he enter- tained too great a prejudice against the artificial helps of public elocution. But his voice was clear and strong : his matter was judicious, well com- posed, interesting, and practical. He spoke as one who deeply felt the power of religious truth. In prayer, he chiefly excelled. In variety of thought, in copiousness of language, in simplicity, in propriety and perti- nence to the occasion, in pathos, and in fervour of devotion, he was un- equalled. No one could hesitate in preferring free prayer to written or pub- lic forms, if all could pray like Mr. Pickard. He riveted the attention and captivated the heart. And it was the same in the more private and family circle as in public. His public services did not indeed attract the crowd, but they delighted the intelligent, the judicious, and the devout ; and have been honoured more than once by the attendance of dignitaries of the highest order in the established church. Mr. Pickard possessed talents which qualified him eminently for conduct- ing business. What he planned with calm and cool deliberation and advice, he executed with promptitude, with vigour, and with perseverance. And his kindness of heart and conciliatory manners made it a pleasure to every one to transact business with him. He was a leading and active member in many important trusts. He was chairman of the committee for that ap-i plication to parliament which originated with him, for the relief of protestant dissenting ministers, tutors, and schoolmasters ; and in this office he con- ducted himself with a degree of prudence aud activity which commanded uni- CH. II. J REVEREND THEOPHILUS LTNDSEY. 47 the liability of dissenters to serve the office of sheriff, and having shown it to the noble and learned Lord for his correction, it was returned by Lord Mansfield with very few alterations, and with his express consent to publish it as his genuine speech : which Dr. Furneaux has ac- cordingly done, in the Appendix to the second edition of his Letters to the learned Judge. In the course of the debate, many of the speakers who opposed the petition of the clergy, and particularly Lord North, who having with his usual good humour observed, that he saw no ground to complain of intolerance in times when every versal approbation. His conduct in this affair was, indeed, severely, not to say rudely attacked, in an anonymous pamphlet, by an author who did not at that time fully appreciate his worth. But at the next general meeting of the three denominations, which was most numerously attended, Mr. Pickard, as chairman, delivered a most excellent speech, which he was strongly so- licited to publish, stating and defending his own conduct and that of his brethren of the committee, and repelling the attack which had been made iipon him and them, with a spirit, truth, and energy, which gave complete satisfaction to the audience, and even to the accuser himself who was pre- sent, and who was ready frankly to acknowledge that he had not formed a just estimate of Mr. Pickard's character and talentsf. Ill the American war, and in the party politics of the time, Mr. Pickard took a side opposite to that of Dr. Price and most of his dissenting brethren. This he did honestly and conscientiously, and without any improper or in- terested bias of mind. He was a man of a truly independent spirit, and dis- dained to be the tool of a party. And when the minister of the crown, know- ing his character, his political principles, and his weight among the dissent- ers, offered him the whole management of the rcgiura donum, he absolutely declined having any concern in it at all, that he might not give the shadow of pretence for the allegation that he was warped in his political principles by court favour. Mr. Pickard died after a short illness, in February 1 778, in the sixty-seventh year of his age. And very few in a similar situation have been more justly, more generally, or more deeply lamented. It is much to be regretted that his great humility and modesty, together with his numerous avocations, did not permit him to instruct and edify the Christian world from the press, as well as from the pulpit. But he has left one splendid and lasting monument of his philanthropy and piety, the Dissenters' Orphan School in the City Road ; of which noble and useful institution, I believe that I am correct in saying, that the idea originated with him ; at least, it will be allowed that he was one of its first founders, and of its most able, most unwearied, and most successful managers and advocates. t The anonymous assailant was Dr. Priestley, who has, to the author himself, acknowledged his error with respect to the qualifications and merits of Mr. Pickard; and the gentleman who requested that the speech might fee published, was Mr. Turner, of Wakefield. 48 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. II. one was permitted to go to heaven in their own way, re- marked, that had a similar application been made by the dissenting clergy, who derived no emoluments from the church whose articles they were compelled to subscribe, he could see no reasonable objection to it. These two reverend gentlemen, talking the matter over with each other after the debate was closed, and consulting with some others of their brethren, summoned the General Body of dissenting ministers of the three denominations, who concurred in an application to parliament the next year, for relief from the obligation to subscribe the arti- cles of the established church, in order to secure the be- nefits of the Toleration Act. And though they were for a time vehemently opposed by bigots both of their own body and of the establishment, and though the bill for their relief, having twice passed the House of Commons, was twice rejected by the Lords ; yet a few years after- wards, A. D. 1778, the times becoming more favourable, the bill for their relief passed both Houses almost una- nimously, and received the royal assent. So that at pre- sent dissenting ministers, tutors, and schoolmasters, are entitled to all the benefits of the Toleration Act, by making a declaration, in addition to the oaths usually required, that they receive the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament as containing a divine revelation. The associated clergy having resolved, notwithstand- ing their late defeat, to renew their application for re- lief the next session of parliament, Mr. Lindsey, though his hopes of success were less than ever, did not deem it expedient at this juncture to carry into effect his resolu- tion of resignation. This, however, he plainly foresaw must soon happen ; and in the mean time he fortified his mind by reading Calamy's Account of the Ministers who were ejected for Non-conformily in the year 1662, and by collecting materials for a history of persons who CH. II.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 49 had suffered for their profession of Unitarian principles. Upon the former subject he thus expresses himself, in a letter to a friend, dated April 12, 1772 : " I never was more affected with any book than with Calamy's History of those worthy confessors that gave up all in the cause of Christ, and for a good conscience, at the Restoration. No time or country ever did furnish at once such a list of Christian heroes ; and I fear our own country now would fall far short of furnishing so large a number upon a like trying occasion. But it was the effect of their Puritan education. They had learned to fear God from their youth, and to fear nothing else." He further adds to the same correspondent, in refe- rence to the plan which he was himself pursuing, of' col- lecting materials for a similar history, " As it was your own obliging offer, I need not ask you, as it falls in your way, to inquire out, and to note down for me, any such good witnesses of our own days. And I will endeavour that their names and example may not be wholly lost." In another letter, dated May 10, 1772, he observes, " If I did not sufficiently in my last, I ought to acknow- ledge myself highly indebted to you for the pains you have taken, and are taking, in the inquiry first started to me by you, though thought of by me, and to which you so willingly lend your aid. Their names have gone up for a memorial before God, who have suffered for the testimony of Jesus, and nobly refused to worship the beast and his image. But surely their memory should live, and be preserved upon earth for the benefit of the present and succeeding times. But such materials are slowly collected, and hardly to be come at by us of the church ; and, to our shame be it said, fall more in your way. Therefore I will beg you, at your utmost leisure, to go on as you have begun." OF THE i^Tfi [cw. H. Mr. Lujdsey, thougli hjs own mind was fully made up as to the &tep which he would take if the application of the Associated Clergy did not succeed, was very cautious of dropping a,uy hint of his intention, even to his most intimate friends, titi the time approached when it would he necessary for him to take public and decisive mea- sures. The allusion which he inakes to his own secret purpose, in his corresp.ond.ence with Mr. Turner, is in a letter dated June 2, 17/2. " What will further be attempted in o.ur affair," says lie, " I know not ; but I trust we shall agree still to do something.- For my own particular, if n,o disposition to reformation appear, and nothing be dojie, I do not kiuwv where things will end." The associated clergy judging it expedient not to re- new their application to parliament at the ensuing sessions in the spring of 177.3, Mr. Lindsey, who never expected any reformation to be introduced which would relieye his scruples with respect to conformity, conceiving that he had now protracted his resignation to the utmost limit that the most cautious prudence could require, and having now an open course before him, determined forthwith to relinquish his preferment at the close of the current year. And in the mean time he employed himself in prepara- tion for this, to him, very important event no, indeed, by hoarding up a purse of money for tlie support of him- self and Mrs. Lindsey while he continued out of office, and unprovided with the means of subsistence : for this was not his chief concern. True to tlie last to the ge- nerous principle, that the income arising from a parish should be employed for tl>e benefit of the parishioners, both he and Mrs. Lindsey, as we are informed by his amiable biographer, who was eye-witness to the fact, continued their accustomed charijties, and had this year the additional expense of inoculajting all the poqr chil- CH. II.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 51 dren in the parish, the small-pox being then very fatal in the neighbourhood. Mrs. Lindsey attended them in person, gave them all their medicines, and was so suc- cessful in her attendance, that she did not lose a single patient*. Mr. Lindsey, in the mean time, employed himself in drawing up and printing a copious and learned Apology to the public, which, in its original state, con- tained a large and comprehensive view of the arguments for the Unitarian doctrine. But upon reconsideration, and by the advice of his friends, he considerably reduced the size of the volume, comprising what was most ma- terial, and what related to himself personally, in a smaller work, which was to be ready for publication immediately upon his resignation ; and judiciously reserving the more elaborate portion of the argument to be published after- wards, at a more convenient season, as a Sequel to the Apology. In the mean time, as opportunity offered, he communicated his purpose without reserve to his confi- dential friends. In the beginning of the year 1 773, some letters in a newspaper appeared under the signature Laelius, which discussed the question concerning the conformity of cler- gymen who, in their judgement and conscience, disap- proved of the doctrine and worship of the established church. Upon this subject Mr. Lindsey thus feelingly expresses himself, in a letter to a friend dated March 2 : " The subject of Laelius's last letter may give one many a pang. I cannot say that I have been, for many years, a day free from uneasiness about itjV' The interesting posture of his mind, as the crisis ap- proached, he thus pathetically describes to his friend Mr. Turner, who seems to have been almost the only person admitted to his entire confidence. The letter is dated * Mrs. Capped Memoir of Mr. Lindsey, Month, Rep. vol. Ui. p. 641. f Monthly Mag. December 1808-, p. 448. E2 3T2 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. tl. June 13, 1773. " It is not possible to describe to you the straits and anxieties of mind which one person daily passeth through not through any doubts of the thing itself, but lest he should have deserved to be laid by, lest there should be any thing to reproach himself with here- after, lest he should suffer unprofitably as to himself; for a man may give all his goods to the poor, and his body to be burned, and yet want charity; may make the greatest sacrifices, and yet want the proper disposition to make them acceptable. What need has one daily to cry with the psalmist, ' Make me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me !' You will hence ob- serve, it was not lightly that the last word said at K. at parting, was * Ora, Orate pro nobis ;' and you gave me comfort in the assurance of this your way of remem- brance. And I would beg another person not to be for- gotten, who has indeed the true spirit of a Christian, and has been more than ready to do every thing ; but who must be exposed to one knows not what, and there must be a great change from what is at present. These things are hinted darkly to you, for which there is a rea- son. But there is a relief in it, and the more, as it is to no one else whatsoever, now Dr. P. is gone." To the same friend, at the same time, he sent his Apology and its Appendix, now finished and ready for ,the press, requesting at the same time his free and im- partial strictures. " You will find it run out," says he, " longer than you would think. But one thing drew on another. And it seemed to me necessary to complete my plan. I will not be ashamed to own to you, that it has cost me some pains. And some things seem to be set in a stronger light than I have seen them ; and some I had not seen observed before. When I have borrowed, I have fairly owned it. You know what severity of judgement, perhaps unkind, it is to pass through ; and CH. II.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LTNDSEY. 53 therefore I beg you will be severe before hand, and also suggest any improvements which may occur to you." And in his next letter, dated June 21, he says, " I beg you will particularly mark any expression or sentiment that savoureth of pride or obstinacy, or contempt of others' opinions, or that is deficient in a proper and humble sense of myself." So solicitous was this excellent man that he might be influenced by none but the purest and most disinterested motives in all he did, or suffered, or wrote, through the whole of this arduous concern. At the latter end of July Mr. Lindsey was invited to preach the Assize Sermon at York ; of which oppor- tunity he availed himself to bear his testimony to the cause of the petitioning clergy. This discourse gave great satisfaction to a liberal and enlightened audience, and the preacher was much solicited to print it. But as the bulk of it had been composed only for his country parishioners, to which a few additions had been made for the purpose of adapting it to the occasion, Mr. Lindsey did not think it worthy the public eye. Had it occurred to him that he might possibly be requested to publish, he would have been better prepared. And he expresses his regret to his friend, that " an oppor- tunity of bearing a more public and useful testimony had been lost by him." Soon after his return from York he made a visit to Alnwick Castle, " the noble owners of it having invited him in such a'way, that in this Juncture he thought it wrong to decline it, however inconvenient." He re- garded it as proper upon this occasion to drop a hint to his illustrious friends of the important measure which he had in contemplation, not without some faint hope that, in some shape or other, some little effort might have been made to serve him, some temporary relief might have been offered. Happily, no such idea entered 54 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [ feel most bitterly tbe inevitable conseqirence 56 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. II. that of tearing from her arms a beloved daughter who was the chief solace and support of her advancing years. This disclosure, so much dreaded, was indeed deferred by Mr. Lindsey perhaps beyond the time which strict pro- priety would justify, of which his friend at Wakefield ap- pears to have given him a gentle hint. In reply to which, upon his return from Alnwick, he writes, " In my next I shall perhaps be able to tell you how the notification is received by one to whom you wished it to be made." This communication was made in the month of Septem- ber ; and the result of it, and the impression it made upon his mind, he thus concisely but feelingly describes in a letter dated September 17. "What 1 said to you then (alluding to his last letter) I can ill recollect ; for I had been then, and was some time after, under such agitations of mind in disclosing a certain important matter to some friends, that I was hardly master of myself to do any thing properly. Some- thing of this kind I could not avoid even at York. But, all such trials are now over. Affliction, great, you will readily believe on the side of a loving mother and justly beloved daughter, on the prospect of so sudden 'a remo- val to such a distance ! But it gives place to better sen- timents, and trust in Providence. I cannot say the matter is so kindly taken by others. But such things are to be expected ; and they may be of service to prepare for cold- ness, neglect, misrepresentation, and unkindness from the world, and to lead to depend only on him who never faileth those who in well doing put their trust in him." It was about the same time that he communicated his intention and his motives in a letter to another respect- able correspondent*. * See the Memoir in the Monthly Magazine, ibid. p. 448. This corre- spondent was the celebrated Dr. John Jebb, so well kno\rn and so honour- ably distinguished by the learned and instructive Critical and Theological CH. II.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LFNDSEY. 57 " I think," says be, " you must have perceived in my letters, perhaps in my conversation, a dissatisfiedness with our ecclesiastical impositions, and a tendency to re- lieve myself from them. This indeed had taken place long before our association was formed, and the execu- tion only suspended and retarded by it, though some pleasing expectation was formed, that Providence might unexpectedly give such a turn to our endeavours as might make me easy, or give me liberty to make myself easy. But as my chief dissatisfaction is with those Trinitarian forms which pervade the whole liturgy, all hope of that kind is entirely cut off. The resolution I have formed of retiring has been absolutely fixed for some time, and will take place in a few months. It was absolutely ne- cessary for my own peace with God, which is to be pre- ferred above all considerations. But I have found great difficulties and opposition already, and expect to find Lectures which he delivered at Cambridge ; by his zealous, active, and in part successful exertions to improve the system of education in the univer- sity, and to excite a laudable spirit of emulation among the students by fre- quent examinations and honorary premiums j and to abolish or to mitigate the yoke ofsubscription to the thirty-nine articles. This gentleman, how- ever, rinding his efforts for reformation in a great measure fruitless, resigned his preferment in the church, and afterwards took his degree in medicine, and entered upon practice in the metropolis with great reputation and suc- cess ; but he died a few years afterwards, in the meridian of life, at the age of fifty-three. See Dr. Disney's interesting Memoir of Dr. Jebb, prefixed to the collection of his works. Dr. Jebb did not actually quit his situation in the church till some time after the resignation of his friend Mr. Lindsey. But it is remarkable that the letters of the two friends, communicating to each other their respective resolutions to that effect, crossed upon the road. Dr. Jebb, as he was the active and energetic coadjutor of Mr. Lindsey in the business of the clerical association, so he was, with Mr. Turner, his confi- dential friend and adviser in all his subsequent proceedings and difficulties, particularly concerning the opening of the chapel in Essex-street, and the alterations in the Liturgy. Mr. Lindsey also submitted his various publica- tions to the revisal of Dr. Jebb, and derived much benefit from his critical remarks upon difficult and disputed texts. It was the earnest d^.iire of Mr. Lindsey that his pious and learned friend should have been associated with him as his colleague in Essex-street. But this Dr. Jebb declined ; though afterwards, when he was settled in London, he was a constant worshiper in Mr, Lindsey's chapel, and a most zealous and decided advocate for Unkarian principles, and supporter of the sole worship and unrivalled supremacy of the Oije God, the Father of our Lord Jesus. Christ, 58 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. II. more. My greatest comfort and support, under God, is my wife, who is a Christian indeed, and worthy of a bet- ter fate in worldly things than we have a prospect of ; for we leave a station of ease and abundance attended with many other agreeable circumstances. But, thanks be to God, we have not given way to ease and indulgence, and can be content with little." In the month of October Mr. Lindsey writes to his friend, " that their courage and trust in God did not re- lax, though difficulties and discouragements increased ; and that, if these produced the effect of bringing them nearer to God, and to more entire reliance upon him, whatever might befall them they would have reason to be thankful." On the twelfth of November Mr. Lindsey wrote to his diocesan Dr. Markham, then bishop of Chester, after- wards archbishop of York, to inform him of his intention to resign his vicarage ; and that in a few days he should wait upon his Lordship with the legal instrument of his resignation. On the same day he wrote a long letter to Dr. Jebb, in which he says, " I have never had the least doubt, from the first moment I resolved on the step I am now about to take, but that it was right, and my duty. I have had some subsequent hope too, that it might serve our cause, and the cause of God's truth. I bless the God of heaven for myself, and my wife, who is destined to bear a great part of the burden, that as difficulties increase, (and they must increase the nearer the time approaches,) our resolution and courage increase. And I have no doubt but the promises made to 1 the faithful servants will fee fulfilled to us ; that we shall have strength propor- tioned to our trial and want of it*." * In artotHer letter to the same friend, dated December 5, 1773, Mr. kimtsey writes, "I have always htid great .satisfaction and ihfoirtisftion'iri your letters, and in your later ufies imich comfort' and- encotiragciut-iit. If I CH. II.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 59 On the same day he wrote a letter to his friend Mr. Turner, who had proposed to recommend him to a con- gregation of liberal dissenters at the Octagon Chapel, Liverpool, which was then in want of a minister. In this letter he expresses his deep sense of his friend's kind- ness, and his own further views and purposes, in the fol- lowing terms: " I must ever say that I have had no such consolation from any one as from you, during the conflict and trial which the providence of God has cast upon me. You have ever been leading to the right point of view, in which to consider it, and suggesting the most animating motives for encouragement under it. And not satisfied with doing this, your last convinces me of your earnest desire to contribute your endeavours to procure me an establishment when I quit this, which may preserve some degree of usefulness which I anxiously wish, and serve for that worldly support which we shall want. But with regard to what you kindly suggest, I believe it will be best to wait, and not lay out for any thing of this kind at present, though no less obliged to you than if you pro- cured me success in it. My reason is, that my design*, which I specify very particularly in my Tract, is to fry to gather a church of Unitarian Christians out of the esta- blished church. My hope is, that it may plase Provi- had been opposed and condemned by all my friends, by all the world, in what I have been long meditating and have now accomplished, I must have done it. The track of duty was so plain and straight, I must Have been abandoned to every moral principle not to have gone in it. I have no doubt I shall have iucreasing joy in what I have done, to the latest day of my life. And I feel mysvlf delivered from a load which has long lain heavy upon me, and at times nearly overwhelmed me. I shall be still more happy if what I thought myself called upon to speak to the public in my own behalf, but more in the cause of oppressed truth, may but serve its interests. The bishop of Ches- ter, my diocesan, has behaved with great friendliness, and kindly wished and sought to have prevented my taking such a step. And the same has been endeavoured by other great friends lately, arid various expedients proposed. But I now only wonder I did not sooner make my retreat ; and I' am per- suaded that will be the general cry of many when they see my book." 60 . MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. II. dence to excite some Philadelphmns in our church to favour such a design. And when I go to town, which will be in the beginning of the winter, I shall do all I can to. forward it; with hope, I said before, not very sanguine however, for serious religion is not the tone and temper of the times. But attempts must be made in such mat- ters oftentimes when there are even greater improbabili- ties of accomplishing them. I could wish, and I think it my duty, to be instrumental in bringing those who are now in the darkness in which I was bred up, to the ac- knowledgement and worship of the One true God, through the mediation and according to the true doctrine of our Saviour Christ, rather than attach myself to those who are already emancipated from that darkness. And we are willing to expend what little we have for that end for a year or two in town, and make the trial. Should it fail, I should be glad to be useful in any congregation where the worship of the true God is allowed and professed. As to future provision, though gloomy thoughts for a mo- jnent have sometimes come across the mind, we have no doubt but our own industry and the friends that Provi- dence will raise will furnish every thing needful for it. " On Sunday last I took my leave of two of the chapels in my parish that lie at a good distance off, near the moors, a poor simple-minded people, who much affected me by the concern they showed and expressed in words at my telling them that I should never more speak to them from that place ; and all desired to have the little Tract which I mentioned I should distribute amongst them, and which would give them an account of the reasons why I left them*." * This excellent and affecting little Tract, from which large extracts have >een made in the preceding part of this Memoir, was originally intended for private circulation only among Mr. Lindsey's parishioners, but by the desire of many judicious friends it was afterwards published. Mr. Turner in a CH. II.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 61 "With such deliberate and cheerful resolution," says his worthy correspondent in a letter to a friend dated a few days afterwards, "does this confessor to what he con- ceives to be the truth of the gospel resign a certain esta- blishment for dependence and poverty. The glorious letter to a friend (Mr. Astley of Chesterfield) to whom he sent a copy of this Farewell Address, says, " I think you will be ple.ased with the simplicity of the composition, as well as with the integrity and goodness of heart mani- fested in it. In short, it bears the very spirit and character of the man." Of the effect produced by it in the district where it was first circulated Mr. Lind- $ey thus himself in a letter to Dr. Jebb, dated December 5, 1773: " I may not omit to mention, though I ought not perhaps to do it, but you will be glad to know that my resignation has excited a spirit of serious in- quiry not only in this parish but in this neighbourhood to a pretty wide ex- tent. The little sheet I gave away is much sought for, and all seem to think it a sore thing that we should not be ruled by the Bible alone, and that their ministers should be put on praying to any but the true God whom the holy prophets prayed to, and our Saviour Christ not only prayed to himself, but ordered us to pray to the Heavenly Father and no other." He adds : " To my great surprise I have found, at this trial of them, all my large parish, even the honest and serious day labourers, not only petitioners, but Unitarians." It may perhaps be doubted whether this excellent man was not somewhat too sanguine in the credit he gave to the effect produced by his doctrine and ex- ample upon the mass of his parishioners. At any rate, it is to be feared that the valuable impression is now almost if not altogether effaced. The good seed fell by the way side and the fowls of the air devoured it, or among thorns which grew up and choked it, or on stony ground where it soon withered. Haply some may have fallen on good ground, where in the shade of obscurity, unknown and unnoticed by the world-, but not unobserved by that eye to which all things are open, it may still diffuse a refreshing fragrance and bring forth abundant fruit. How much the parishioners were affected by their separation from their beloved and venerated pastor, may be learned from the following testimony of one who was present at his valedictory discourse. " Indeed," says the writer, " I think no one could hear that sermon without being struck and affected. The whole congregation was dissolved in tears ; even children caught the infection ; and the old men crowded about the church door when the preacher passed along, as if the peace of their few remaining days de- pended on a farewell benediction." " His life," says one of his near neigh- bours, a man of sense and education, in reply to some foolish and anonymous calumnies in the York Chronicle, " and conversation have been uniform and consistent, without spot or blemish, and his active and devout disposition of mind has rendered him no less eminently great than useful. Those who knew him best admired him most. He did not, like too many of his profes- sion, merely preach, but he practised virtue. His example was as worthy imitation as his precepts. Most assiduous and attentive in every department of his holy function, he was an ornament to the church, and the most rare ex- ample of disinterested integrity which this age or perhaps this country has produced. Far unlike our modern churchmen, whose views are all directed* on preferments, the kingdom that he sought was not of this world. HQ yearly expended in acts of noble benevolence the whole revenue of his vicar- 62 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. II. triumvirate, Robertson, Chambers*, and Lindsey, do ho- nour to Christianity and the present age. You will be surprised and grieved at the following particulars which Mr. of lately gave me in a letter. Archdea- age, which he reluctantly resigned because he could not reconcile himself to the glaring inconsistencies ot'a liturgy to which, while he continued in the church, he found himself obliged to conform." See a letter in the York Chronicle for February 1 774, signed A Layman, written by Mr. Metcalfe, no- tary public, of Richmond, who received Mr. Lindsey's resignation. In a let- ter to a friend at York, dated December 3, 1 773, Mr. Lindsey with his usual humility and kindness of heart expresses himself thus : " Great are their la- mentations at our leaving them, far more than we expected. But I attribute it chiefly to the great loss they will have in my wife, who will not soon be re- placed." * William Chambers, D.D. Rector of Achurch near Oundle in North- amptonshire, formerly of St. John's College in the university of Cambridge, where Mr. Lindsey commenced a friendship with him which continued un- abated through life. Dr. C. is described by his friend as having a mind above all sordid love of gain, who knew no other use of his fortune than to make others happy. He was remarkable for a constant cheerfulness and innocent pleasantry which much enlivened conversation. His mind was al- ways open to conviction ; he had a thirst after all useful knowledge, and spared no pains nor cost to attain it. Yet still he was most concerned about what related to God, how best to serve and make him known. He was deeply impressed with a sense of the truth and importance of the doctrine of the divine Unity ; and was zealous to diffuse and impart his light and knowledge to others. He had long determined never to renew his sub- scription to the articles, and upon this ground had declined considerable Ereferment in London, which had been offered him by a noble Earl his re- ition. He did not, however, think it necessary to follow his venerable friend's example of resigning his living ; but he altered the liturgy in accom- modation to his own views of scriptural worship, and he made it so perfectly Unitarian that Mr.'Lindsey professes that the only time that he visited his friend after his own settlement in London, he attended public worship in his church with great satisfaction. If these innovations had been officially no- ticed, Dr. Chambers was fully prepared to have given up his living rather than have violated his conscience. But such were the popularity of his ch.a- racter and the moderation of his worthy diocesan Dr. Hinchcliffe, that he met with no molestation. This excellent man died of an apoplexy September 4, 1777- He left a widow who survived him upwards of thirty years, and three children, two sons and a daughter, who inherit his virtues. Dr. Cham- bers had a near relation who was a merchant in London, who had a country house at Morden in Surry, where he lived with two unmarried sisters, ladies possessed of uncommon intellectual attainments, and whose characters were most exemplary. In this family Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey were accustomed to pass the greater part of the summer ; and to these ladies Mr. Lindsey de- dicated his last work, Conversations upon the Divine Government, " in gra- titude," as he expresses it, " for unwearied offices of the most disinterested friendship f r near thirty years to himself and Mrs. Lindsey, and in testimony for theiv enlightened zeal for the worship qf the one true Gpd, and a constant unostentatious readiness to do good." SeeM.r. Lindse/s Historical p. 486. CK. II.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 63 con Blackburne thinks Mr. Lindsey wrong ; that his re* signation will not benefit the common cause; that he should have made it sooner ; that the public has nothing to do with his reasons and apologies ; and says, that when he has quitted Catterick he and his wife will have no more than twenty pounds a-year, and the interest of a very small sum of money." This is a noble testimony from the best authority to the disinterestedness of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey, and to the difficulties which they had to struggle with ; but for a good conscience they left all, and for the sake of Christ and his word they forsook father and mother. And hap- pily the learned archdeacon himself, who now so much dis- approved their conduct, afterwards saw reason to retract his judgement, and if he could not altogether approve, at least he ceased to condemn and learned to acquiesce. The venerable diocesan received the intelligence of Mr. Lindsey's intended resignation with much regret, a,n,d endeavoured, by every argument and motive which zeal and friendship could suggest, to retain in the church so bright an ornament to the established priesthood. But his efforts, though well intended, were unavailing. Mr. Lindsey's resolijtion had been formed upon deliberation too mature, and uppn principles too sacred and too firmly riveted, to be in the least degree shaken by the argu- ments or expostulations of the worthy prelate ; who franjdy and Uonpurably acknowledged, when the deed of resignation was at last delivered in at the end of the month, that he had lost the most exemplary parochial minister in his diocese*. Thus did Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey, in obedience to the voice of enlightened conscience, resign their beloved re- sidenpe at Catterick, with all its secular advantages and comforts, and with their little pittance of private property * N. B. For the interesting correspondence between Mr. Lindsey and his worthy diocesan, see Appendix, No. IV. 64 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. III. set out in the bleak month of December in search of a resting-place where they might be able to maintain them- selves by honourable industryv and might best promote the great doctrine of the Divine Unity and the sole un- rivalled supremacy of the Father. The world was all before them, where to choose Their place of rest, and Providence their guide. CHAPTER III. FROM MR. LINDSEY'S RESIGNATION OF CATTERICK, TO THE OPENING OF THE CHAPEL IN ESSEX-STREET. INDEED they soon found that the diminution of income was not the only difficulty with which they had to con- tend. In the days of their prosperity, and while they continued in connexion with the established church, they had many warm friends who gladly received them at all times into their houses, and entertained them hospitably, and many of whom concurred with Mr. Lindsey in the application to parliament for relief from subscription. But now the case was quite altered. Former friends looked coldly upon them ; and some, of whom better things might have been expected, whose conduct was silently reproved by the magnanimous example of Mr. Lindsey, were not sparing in loud and strong expressions of disapprobation of what they were pleased to term the precipitancy and imprudence of his conduct in aban- doning a situation of respectability and usefulness in the church ; and not a few were willing to leave them to their fate. Some indeed of Mrs. Lindsey's more opu- lent relations offered to provide for her an asylum and competence, if she would abandon the society and the fortunes of her husband. It is needless to say that such a proposal was rejected with the indignation it deserved. CH. III.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 65 From Catterick "the pilgrims" first went to Bedale to Mrs. Harrison's, and the next day to Wakefield, ac- companied by their accomplished friend who had drank deeply into the same spirit, Miss Harrison, now Mrs. Cappe, to pass a day or two in the society of the venera- ble Mr. Turner, to enjoy the benefit of his sympathy, his counsels, his consolations, and his prayers. Of this delightful and instructive visit this excellent man gives the following account in a letter to an intimate friend : "Since I wrote to you last I had the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey's company one whole day and part of another. They both appeared very cheerful, consider- ing that they were launching into untried scenes of an uncertain world, with hopes far from sanguine of the success of the scheme they had proposed, and conse- quently of obtaining the very means of subsistence. But confiding in the care of him who promised, * Whosoever shall confess me before men, him will I also confess,' &c. they both, and particularly Mrs. Lindsey, seemed to exult in having broke loose from ecclesiastical thral- dom and gained mental liberty, and expressed much in- dignation against those who, having been educated in liberty of inquiry, and instructed in the value of it, have for the sordid considerations of this world submitted to shackles and to servitude." From their hospitable friends at Wakefield, where they took an affectionate leave of their amiable fellow-traveller, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey proceeded to Aston, near York, the residence of the reverend William Mason, the cele- brated poet, the friend and biographer of Gray, who entertained them for a week at his house with great cor- diality ; though the conduct of Mr. Lindsey in resign- ing his living was much canvassed at York, where Mr. Mason was precentor of the cathedral, and was much condemned by some who were in repute for wisdom, who 66 - MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. III. spoke of him " as a well-meaning person, who would have done much less harm to society if he had never gone into the church at all*." To York Mr. Lindsey had sent his library, which he consigned to the care of his friend Mr. Cappe, to be sold in order to raise a temporary supply for the support of himself and Mrs. Lindsey ; having reserved for himself a small number of books only for immediate use^." * Whatever might be the language of these wise judges in their select parties concerning Mr. Lindsey, none of them were so indiscreet as to pub- lish their censures of his character and conduct excepting one, Dr. William Cooper, a dignitary of the cathedral at York, and brother to Grey Cooper, Esq. M.P. who had also been a college friend of Mr. Lindsey. This Dr. Cooper, amongst others, made great interest to obtain the vicarage of Cat- terick upon Mr. Lindsey's resignation. But not being successful in his suit, the living being given to Dr. Chaytor, the brother-in-law of Mr. Robinson, Lord North's private secretary, this worthy dignitary grew very angry that the living was resigned at all : and in the York Chronicle of Ja- nuary 28, 1774, under the signature of Erasmus, he published a most foolish and furious invective against Mr. Lindsey. It begins thus : " Before you attempt to amend the liturgy, amend the articles, or amend any thing else, you would do well, in the judgement of all rational beings, to amend your mode of writing, and, what is of more consequence, to amend your mode of thinking. But I cry your mercy. You cannot err, illuminated sir ; you have had a divine impulse," c. And again : " If you had either the courage, or the goodness of heart, to let us know what your real sentiments are, tis more than probable that we should deservedly hold you in extreme con- tempt," &c. Such despicable and outrageous rant merited nothing but " extreme con- tempt." However, it had its use. It brought forward a host of advocates in defence of the fair fame of the absent and calumniated confessor. In the foremost rank of these were the reverend N. Cappe, of York, and the re- verend W. Turner, of Wakefield. To the credit of the order, and the still greater credit of Mr. Lindsey's unimpeachable and spotless character, not one of the clergy of the established church, how much soever they might be offended with Mr. Lindsey's doctrine or his secession, stood forward to join in the attack, or to assist a distressed brother. They prudently and silently left him to his fate. And the miserable assailant, having in vain attempted under different signatures to maintain his ground and to defend his charge, after being detected, defeated, and exposed in every shape that he assumed, was in the end'compelled to retire from the field, humbled, confounded, and disgraced. Nor does it appear that this officious, and malignant, zeal for the church was at that time thought worthy of additional preferment. That every body did not entertain the same opinion of Mr. Lindsey's con- duct as Dr. Cooper and his associates at York, appears from some letters written to Mr. Lindsey upon this interesting occasion, which are inserted in the Appendix ; one of which is from Mr. Grey Cooper himself, the brother of Dr. C. and the friend of Lord North. App. No. V. t This, no doubt, select and valuable collection, at that time produced no more than the scanty pittance of 38. CH. III.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. (>7 From Aston, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey went to Swinder- by, near Newark, where they made a transient visit to Mr. afterwards Dr. Disney, a clergyman of great learn- ing and respectability, who was an active member of the Association at the Feathers Tavern. He shortly after- wards married Miss Blackburne, the daughter of the learned Archdeacon of Cleveland, and half-sister to Mrs. Lindsey, who, much to her honour, expressed upon all occasions her high approbation of the step which Mr. Lindsey had taken ; and with the generosity and ardour which belonged to her character, she defended the prin- ciples and the conduct of her calumniated friends. Dr. Disney himself was at that time much dissatisfied with many things in the established liturgy ; but he contented himself with making the alterations which he thought necessary, leaving it to his ecclesiastical superiors to ani- madvert upon him as they might think fit. This con- duct, however, did not prove ultimately satisfactory to his ingenuous mind, and a few years afterwards he bore his faithful testimony to Christian truth by following the shining example of Mr. Lindsey, in resigning his prefer- ments and prospects in the established church. Of the process of mind which led to this honourable conclusion, Dr. Disney has given an interesting narrative in a small tract which he published upon the occasion*. While Mr. Lindsey continued at Swinderby he met with and transcribed the alterations proposed by Dr. Clarke in the established liturgy, which he at that time intended to print, but which he afterwards made the foundation of the improvements in the reformed liturgy which he introduced at Essex- Street. From Swinderby the travellers directed their steps to Achurch, in Northamptonshire, the rectory and residence * This tract is in the Catalogue of those which are circulated by the Lon- don Unitarian Society. F2 68 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. III. of their highly valued friend Dr. Chambers. In their road, they passed one day with Mr. Lindsey's sister, who was married to Mr. Harrison, an eminent grazier in Leicestershire. This venerable lady, three years ol'der than her brother, and the exact model of him in piety and benevolence, is still living, (A. D. 1810,) meekly and with humble resignation bending under the infirmi- ties of ninety years. . From Achurch, he writes to Dr. Jebb in a letter dated January 1, 1774, " I cannot but rejoice in your full ap- probation of my conduct hitherto, and future plan, and feel myself continually encouraged by it. I have from the first entertained a feeble imagination that, perhaps, I might have an honourable coadjutor in the friend I am writing to for an Unitarian chapel, if it should meet with the patronage which some promise it." He adds, " Our common friend and present host is most heartily with us in every thing." The patronage to which Mr. Lindsey alludes, was probably that of which he received intelli- gence from Dr. Priestley, who was then in London with Lord Shelburne, and indefatigable in his exertions to serve his friend, and to promote his design of opening a chapel in London, and whose sanguine spirit led him, perhaps, to rely rather too much upon the promises of the great. In a letter to Mr. Turner he writes : " All my friends are very sanguine in favour of Mr. Lindsey's Unitarian Chapel. Dr. Franklin says he knows several persons of distinction who will wish to encourage it, and several have proposed to subscribe to it. His Farewell Address I have just read, and was much affected with it: and so was Lord Shelburne, to whom I showed it. He is very desirous to see him as soon as he comes to Lon- don." This, no doubt, was encouraging. But it will appear in the sequel that the persons to whom Dr. Priestley alludes, were not those to whose exertions and CH. III.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 69 support Mr. Lindsey was most indebted fqr the execu- tion of the scheme which he had so much at heart. At Achurch Mr. Lindsey finished the revisal of the last sheet of his Apology, which was published the be- ginning of January, notwithstanding the remonstrances of Archdeacon Blackburne, who was apprehensive that it might be of disservice to the cause of the petitioning clergy. To this objection Mr. Lindsey paid no atten- tion, justly remarking, that if the Apology was to pro- duce any effect, its publication must be immediate, while the occasion of it was fresh in memory. " To suspend it now," says he in a letter to a friend, " would be to sink it for ever." And as he conceived that such a work was- necessary for his own vindication, and, what in his estimation was of far greater moment, that it would be of use for the promulgation of truth, he also hoped that it would contribute to promote, rather than obstruct, the object of the associated clergy. The design of this excellent treatise, as set forth in the preface, " was not barely to offer a vindication of the motives, conduct, and sentiments of a private person upon the subject of it, however important to him, but to promote that charity without which a faith that can remove mountains is nothing, and to excite some to piety, virtue, and integrity." It begins with some strictures upon the origin of the doctrine of the Trinity, and the opposition it met with to the time of the Reformation. It then treats of the state of the Unitarian doctrine, in our own country more especially, from the sera of the Reformation, with an ac- count of those Christians who have professed it; and proceeds to prove that there is but One God, the Father, and that religious worship is to be offered to this One God, the Father, only. In the next chapter it states the causes of this unhappy defection among Christians, from 70 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [til. III. the simplicity of religious worship prescribed in the scrip- tures of the New Testament. It then shows how union in God's true worship is to be attained, and concludes with a modest and concise but affecting detail of the writer's particular case and difficulties. The work, the first in which the venerable author publicly adventured to defend his unpopular tenets, is drawn up with great care, and with much simplicity and candour. It breathes throughout an excellent spirit of piety and benevolence. It was revised with great attention by Mr. Turner ; and in the judgement of every serious and impartial person, whether agreeing or disagreeing with the writer in his peculiar principles, it contains a complete and masterly vindication of his conduct in withdrawing from his si- tuation in the established church. This Apology, in less than ten years, passed through four editions. On the 10th of January, 1774, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey arrived at London, having spent a day or two in their way at Paxton with Mr. Lindsey 's old college friend, Richard Reynolds, Esq. who having imbibed the prin- ciples and the spirit of the virtuous protector of his youth, and his esteem and affection for his venerable friend having been if possible increased by his late noble act of disinterested virtue, received him and his fellow-traveller, and fellow-sufferer upon the present occasion, with re- doubled satisfaction*. * While he was at Paxton, Mr. Lindsey received intelligence of the sudden decease of Thomas Hollis, Esq. the celebrated and zealous friend to liberty, civil and religious. Of this gentleman Archdeacon Blackburne published an interesting Memoir in two volumes in quarto. lie was the friend and con- fidential correspondent of Mr. Lindsey, under the assumed title of Pierce Delver. He was the ready and liberal patron of all who were in distress, and particularly of those who suffered in the cause of civil and religious li- berty, or for the sake of truth and a good conscience. It cannot be doubted that, had his life been continued, he would have extended a liberal patron- age to Mr. Lindscy. Happily the venerable confessor did not stand in need of it. Some curious extracts from the correspondence of this virtuous and honourable man are cited in the notes to this work, and a specimen or two in the Appendix, No. VI. CH. III.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 7\ Upon their arrival at London they proceeded by par- ticular invitation to Dr. Ramsden's, then in an inferior situation, afterwards the worthy Master of the Charter House, a gentleman of great learning and probity, and of the most liberal principles ; who rose to the honour- able office which he occupied by no other interest than that of personal merit, and who was not afraid of ha- zarding his reputation and his preferment by affording an asylum to his ex-beneficed friend. Here they were very hospitably entertained for ten days or a fortnight, till they had provided themselves with decent but humble lodgings, being two rooms on a ground-floor, in Fea- therstone Buildings, Holborn, where they now fixed their abode, and sold the plate which they had brought with them to London to purchase necessaries for present sub- sistence. But the scene soon began to brighten. Though few comparatively of Mr. Lindsey's former friends visited or noticed him in his voluntary retirement ; though some, whose principles nearly coincided with his own, but whose timidity and half-measures were condemned, not by his language, for he was the humblest and most candid of mankind, and very far indeed from making his own conduct a law to others, but by his bright and edi- fying example, not only gave no encouragement to the plan he had in contemplation, but openly and without reserve expressed their disapprobation of it : he neverthe- less met with great approbation and support from quarters where it was least expected. Many persons both of the establishment and among the dissenters, perfect strangers to Mr. Lindsey, deeply impressed with veneration for his character, and admiration of the noble sacrifice which Tie had made for the sake of truth and conscience, vi- sited him in his humble lodgings to testify their regard to him, and to offer their services in any way in which 7*2 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. III. they might be of use. And when they heard of Mr. Lindsey's design of opening a chapel for the worship of the one God, the Father of Jesus Christ, many expressed their warm approbation and their active hearty concur- rence in the execution of the design. Some promised to indemnify Mr. Lindsey in making the experiment. Others, and chiefly among the rational dissenters, sub- scribed liberally towards the design. Dr. Priestley and Dr. Price were active and zealous friends. Samuel Shore, Esq. then of Norton Hall, now of Meersbrook, in York- shire, whose name ranks high among the advocates for civil and religious liberty, the patrons of truth and sci- ence, and the friends of pure and practical Christianity, called upon Mr. Lindsey with a present of a hundred pounds from a friend whose name was then concealed, but since known to have been Robert Newton, Esq. of Norton House*, whose delight was to spend the income of a large estate in doing good in the most private manner possible, and from the shade of retirement to * Robert Newton, Esq. of Norton House : of the character of this emi- nently benevolent man, the following interesting sketch is given by his in- timate acquaintance the reverend W. Turner, of VVakefield, to Mr. Lindsey, in a letter dated June 14, 1/77 : " Robert Newton, Esq. is a near neighbour to Mr. Shore in the same village, aged about sixty-six or sixty-seven, and a bachelor of large fortune. I have known him since the year 173-, when, and for two or three years afterwards, we were fellow-pupils under Dr. Latham, at Findern, near Derby. His mother lost her husband when she was pregnant of this son, and gave so much way to grief for that event, as was supposed to have an ill effect on the constitution of her child. He has always had very weak nerves and uneven spirits, but generally a prevailing hypochondria. For many years past he has been telling his friends that he should soon give them the slip : but in the mean time he has looked well and grown bulky. When any ex- traordinary case, particularly for the service of his friends, called for it, he could exert as much vigour, activity, and resolution as any man. To an ex- ertion of this kind the two Miss owed their fortunes. They had an un- happy brother, of ekher defective understanding or capricious or bad tem- per, or both, who being passed his majority, and a student at Edinburgh, died there. Immediately an episcopal clergyman, in whose house he had boarded, pretended that Mr. had married his daughter, and made a will by which he had bequeathed all his fortune to her absolutely. When the tai:,Hy was informed of this, Mr. Newton, having furnished himself with proper power, and being also a guardian and trustee, set off express, met CH. III.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 73 scatter blessings upon his fellow creatures. To this princely donation of Mr. Newton, Mr. Shore generously added a very liberal present of his own ; and to the end of Mr. Lindsey's life he continued the warm personal friend, and the firm and liberal supporter of him and his cause. In this way a sum was very soon subscribed adequate to every purpose which Mr. Lindsey had in view. And by the exertions of the late Mr. Joseph Johnson of St. Paul's Churchyard^ a room was soon found and taken in Essex House, Essex-street, which having before been used as an auction -room might at a moderate expense be fitted up as a temporary chapel. In a letter to Mr. Turner dated February 9, 1774, Mr. Lindsey thus expresses himself: " Dr. Priestley is indefatigable in his endeavours ; and to him, Dr. Price, and other friends of theirs, it will be owing that the matter is brought to bear at last, as they kindly offer by subscription of their friends to indemnify the corpse on the road which they were bringing to be deposited in the fa- mily burying-place, arrested and secured it ; went forward to Edinburgh, made diligent inquiry, discovered many suspicious circumstances, and partly by remonstrances, and partly by threats of a legal discussion at the expense of his own whole fortune, prevailed upon the Scotch pretenders, in consi- deration of a few ready thousands, to relinquish their whole claim. He then returned with great satisfaction and honour, and ordered the corpse to pro- ceed to the family burial place. For such a service, all the connexions of the family owe and pay him great esteem and gratitude. Mr. S. says, Na- ture formed him for a soldier ; and that as a commander, and especially as a partisan, he would certainly have distinguished himself. When younger, he made little of riding from his own house to Scarborough in one day ; supping, and perhaps dancing there till midnight with a party of his friends, and would then remount and return next day. Like sudden excursions and returns, to and from London, Bath, Bristol, and even abroad, were common with him, and all the while he was dying. From all the above circumstances you will easily conclude he must have had some humours, and even whims ; but they have always been very innocent, and only laughable. He has al- ways been very steady in his friendships, of which Mr. H. a dissenting mi- nister at Mansfield, who for many years has been his most familiar friend and companion both when at home and in many of his excursions, has had, I doubt not, ample experience. So much for your generous back-friend Mr. Newton, who, as a friend of mine said of another person, delights to do such extraordinary good deeds and nobody must know ! I need not caution you not to draw the curtain behind which he chooses to conceal himself." 74 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. III. me on the first outset. If it be of God, as I trust it is, it will succeed. But should it fail, some good I still persuade myself will result, and others will easier take it up and proceed better. I desire the help of your prayers for illumination and direction now and always." In another letter dated March 17, to the same friend in re- ference to his Apology, he writes, " Your earnest prayers are desired for the writer, that he may persevere to the end and be found faithful unto death : and with him one other also to be joined, whose trial has been and is the same or greater." And in the same letter, after ac- knowledging Mr. Turner's kind and successful recom- mendation of his undertaking to some generous friends at Wakefield and elsewhere, he adds, " I have reason to say, and have said it to more persons than one of late, that I have had the gospel promise of the hundred fold in the number of friends increased in this world ; and should an evil day of persecution come, they would be a great consolation in it. This, indeed, is what some forebode, especially when our new form of worship is set up." In his next letter dated April 5, after acknow- ledging the liberality of Mr. Milnes, and relating the munificence of the gentlemen of Norton, he writes, " We compute that two hundred pounds will nearly fit up and pay the rent of our chapel for two years. Behold then this sum nearly supplied by a few generous hands. I am thankful. But I am sorry to say they are all, one ex- cepted, not of the established church." In this letter Mr. Lindsey notices to his friend a very honourable invitation which he had lately received to settle with a dissenting congregation at Norwich, which, however, it did not comport with his present plans and purposes to accept. As soon as Mr. Lindsey was settled, and especially after he had met with such great encouragement to pur- CII. III.] REVEREND TIIEOPHIhUS LINDSEY. 7^> sue his primary purpose, he began in good earnest to draw up his Reformed Liturgy, very much upon the plan of Dr. Clarke's, but with considerable variations and im- provements adapted to his own more correct and ex- tended views of Christian doctrine, and of the mode of conducting Christian worship. Many of his timid and lukewarm brethren earnestly recommended to him to adhere without any variation to Dr. Clarke's copy, that every innovation might be introduced under the sanction of the venerable name of that learned and eminent theo- logian. But Mr. Lindsey had advanced too far to be de- terred by the fear of calumny, or to adopt error because it was supported by a great name. Indeed, though he was far from wishing to introduce any unnecessary change in the public service, he justly thought that it would be very inconsistent in him, who had resigned a lucrative situation in the established church principally because of his objections to the public liturgy, now that he was at full liberty to choose for himself, to compromise his principles by adopting a form which was open to many objections, solely because it was the work of Dr. Samuel Clarke. Rejecting therefore every proposal of this na- ture, and judiciously resolving upon carrying Dr. Clarke's own principle of reform to what appeared to him to be its proper extent, he requested the assistance of his friend Mr. Turner in this important undertaking; but he chiefly relied upon the able cooperation and prudent advice of his friends Dr. Jebb, Mr. Tyrwhit, and a few other learned and liberal members of the university of Cambridge; and with their aid, in conjunction with his own indefatigable exertions, the Reformed Liturgy was compiled and printed ready for use by the middle of April 1774. When it came to be generally known that it was Mr. Lindsey's intention to open a chapel upon principles strictly Unitarian, with a reformed liturgy, great offence /6 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. III. was taken by many, and means used but without effect to intimidate this magnanimous confessor from the exe- cution of his purpose. It was even intimated to him that the civil power would interpose to frustrate his de- sign. But none of these things moved him ; nor could any worldly consideration induce him to abandon what he regarded as the line of duty. " Our church -superiors," says he in a letter to Mr. Turner dated February 9, " are said to glory in laying every thing to sleep. I doubt not but it will appear that their policy is as much mistaken as their Christian principle is certainly defective in this respect. Our design of a reformed liturgy is much spoken against by them, arid highly condemned as forward, schis- matical, and I know not what, and intimations given as if such an attempt would not be suffered. But these things deter not one person, and I hope they will not others." Of the methods which were used to intimidate and di- vert him from his purpose Mr. Lindsey mentions an ex- ample in a letter to Dr. Jebb, dated February 28 : "If it were not making an obscure man of too much import- ance, I might tell you that two of the Commons' House have desired to see me, and to divert me from a design which will turn that general compassion now shown to- wards me, into open hostility and hatred. I wish no other situation but that in which I may be made instru- mental in removing the shocking snares that are in the way of conscientious men, and the impure idolatries of Christian worship." That many of the friends of the established hierarchy, and that some persons who were of great consideration in the government, entertained no small anxiety with re- spect to the consequences of Mr. Lindsey's public se- cession from the church, there is great reason to believe. The spirit of inquiry and of reformation was then abroad, and it could not be foreseen how far the generous con- CH. III.J REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 77 tagion would spread. And who could say that another glorious Bartholomew day might not be added to the ca- lendar of English martyrology, and that hundreds might not be stimulated by the noble example of this truly pri- mitive confessor to resign their preferment, like their pre- decessors in the preceding century, for the sake of a good conscience ! The time however was not yet come. And there is no reason to believe that there ever existed in the minds of men in power a design or a wish to molest Mr. Lindsey. They had too much understanding, and too accurate a knowledge of human nature and of hrs- tory, not to be aware that persecution, if it does not ex- tend to extermination, promotes the interest of the per- secuted sect. And in fact Lord North, who was then at the head of the administration, and the rigour of whose high-church principles was counterbalanced by the sua- vity of his temper, avowed his wish without hesitation that every one should be permitted to go to heaven in his own way, provided that the public peace was not dis- turbed. And though, upon the opening of the chapel in Essex-street, an emissary of Government was known for some time to attend the public service regularly, in order to communicate information to persons in power ; yet when it was discovered that nothing was either taught or done contrary to the allegiance due to the state, and likewise that few of the dissatisfied clergy were disposed to follow Mr. Lindsey's example, and that the obnoxious principles were not likely to gain over many proselytes, ministers of state wisely ceased to trouble themselves about Essex Chapel, and suffered the new sect quietly to immerge and to find its level in the vast mass of religious dissentients. Nor indeed, if the governing party had been so unwise as to have urged a prosecution, can it be with reason supposed that a sovereign who began his reign with the memorable declaration that he would 78 MEMOIRS OK THE LATE [dl. III. " maintain the toleration inviolable ;" and who in the course of a long, an agitated, and an eventful admini- stration has never in a single instance violated liis pro- mise, would for a moment have lent his countenance to so unjust and cruel a procedure. But though the tolerant spirit of the ti; "ther with the wisdom and lenity of the superior and more enlightened functionaries of the state, imposed a re- straint upon the spirit of persecution, there were not wanting some busy ignorant people in the inferior de- partments of magistracy, who, "dressed in a little brief authority," were anxious to show their zeal for the church, their loyalty to the crown, and their own official conse- quence, by crushing Mr. Lind.sey's design at the moment of its execution, and by attempting with equal malignity and folly to nullify the provisions of an Act of Parliament by the decrees of a petty sessions. The Westminster Jus- tices hesitated to grant a license for opening the chapel. The place was fitted up, the Liturgy was printed, and all was in readiness for performing divine service early in the month of April ; but as the Justices did not meet till Easter Tuesday, April 5th, the place could not be legally registered till that day, and it was necessary to defer opening the chapel till the Sunday following. On the day of meeting, application was made in due form to the Ju-.tir.-- ;i~-.< mbled at Hicks's Hall to register the chapel as a place of dissenting worship. But these gen- tlemen returned for answer, that they were holding a ses- sions for the county of Middlesex, and that, the chapel being situated in Westminster, the application for a license must be made to the Westminster magistrates, who would not sit till Monday. This was a great dis- appointment; and many of Mr. Lindsey's friends urged him to open the chapel without waiting for the license. But his great legal adviser John Lee, Esq. warmly re- CH. III.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 79 monstrated against it, as giving his opponents an undue advantage, and earnestly recommended to him to keep as closely as possible within the limits of the law. It was therefore agreed to defer performing divine service in the chapel till the Sunday following. On the day appointed, application was made to the Bench of Justices holding their session for Westminster, at Hicks's Hall, for a license to open the chapel in Essex- street as a place of worship. What passed upon that occasion was so remarkable and instructive, that I shall set it down as it is detailed in a letter from Mr. Lindsey to Dr. Jebb, dated the very day that the license was promised. " I have the pleasure of assuring you that our difficul- ties are over, and we certainly begin (may it be with the divine blessing upon us!) on Sunday next. But we have not succeeded without striking with the great ham- mer, if I may so speak. For this morning Mr. Johnson the bookseller went, according as he was appointed, to Hicks's Hall, and was there at the opening of the court. He got the clerk to move for him that he was waiting to have our entry recorded as the court had given him rea- son to expect. But Lord Ward, who was that day in the chair, said it was a matter of some deliberation, and must be set over till the next meeting, i. e. Saturday. It appeared from hence that they would put us off civilly, and leave us in the lurch at last. I met Johnson com- ing out of the court, and took him with me to Mr. Lee, who was engaged at Guildhall, where I found him plead- ing before Chief Justice De Grey. I got to him, how- ever, and told him our situation. He said it did not look well ; but that the Chief Justice's Court would soon be up, and he would go immediately to Hicks's Hall and see what was to be done. He came like a lion soon ; ' desired to see the entry that had been given in to the ,' court to license a place of worship for a society of dis- SO MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. III. * senters ; was sorry such unusual obstructions had been * put to so legal a demand ; that he understood it was ' said by some that the Justices had a discretionary power * in such cases ; that they were mistaken ; that, on the * contrary, they were merely official ; and if they refused, ' a Mandamus from the King's Bench would compel ' them ; that he hoped the great Magna Charta of the * religious liberty of Englishmen was not now going to * be attacked.' Upon this one or two of the Justices said it was their opinion, and always had been, as Mr. Lee's, that they had no discretionary powers. On some- thing being said concerning the doctrine to be preached, and the officiating minister, that some inquiry was to be made about them, he told them that ' those were sub- ' sequent facts and matters of inquiry ; that the house of ' worship was the object before them, and they were ' bound to make record of it as desired.' After this, on a pause being made, he desired to know ' whether the court ' would give him the trouble to come again the next day * and move the matter and argue it before them, or would * now grant it.' The latter was conceded, and our certifi- cate it was said should be ready next court-day. We begin however without it on the authority of our counsel*." Such was the triumph of firmness and good sense over the narrow spirit of bigotry and persecution. And much to the credit of the improved liberality of the times, and of the government, this was the only obstruction which Mr. Lindsey ever met with from the civil power during the whole course of his ministry. All difficulties were now surmounted. The vessel was afloat, and commenced its voyage under the happiest auspices and with the most propitious gales. * The fact however was, that the certificate was never granted, nor was the chapel registered or licensed as a place of worship till after the defect had been noticed by Dr. Horsley in his Letters to Dr. Priestley ; after which the neglect was immediately and without any difficulty rectified. CH. IV. J REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 81 CHAPTER IV. FROM THE FIRST OPENING OF THE CHAPEL TO THE PUR- CHASE OF THE PREMISES AND THE ERECTION OF THE PRESENT BUILDING IN ESSEX-STREET. ON Sunday April 17, 1774, the chapel was opened, and divine service was performed before an audience as nume- rous as could in reason be expected, and as respectable for rank and character as were ever collected together upon a similar occasion. In a letter to his friend Dr. Jebb, dated the next day*, Mr. Lindsey writes : " You will be pleased to hear that every thing passed very well yesterday ; a larger and much more respectable audience than I could have expected, who behaved with great de- cency, and in general appeared, and many of them ex- pressed themselves, to be much satisfied with the whole of the service. Some disturbance was apprehended, and * It will not be uninteresting to compare Mr. Lindsey 's account of this memorable event with that of his warm friend and supporter the late John Lee, Esq. in a letter of the same date to Mr. Cappe at York. " After a little difficulty in getting his chapel registered at the Quarter Sessions, which I had the good luck to remove, he entered upon his ministry yesterday. His chapel is a large upper room in Essex House, Essex-street, in a very central part of London, and in my neighbourhood. The place is convenient for the purpose of containing about 300 persons ; a greater num- ber would crowd it. He was well attended, considering that no public notice was given of the intended service. There were about ten coaches at the door ; which I was glad of, because it gave a degree of respectableness to the con- gregation in the eyes of the people living thereabouts. Of those that I knew and remember were Lord Despenser, Dr. Franklin, Dr. Priestley, Dr. Calder, Mr. Shore, jun., Mrs. Shore, Mrs. Robert Milnes, Miss Milnes, and Miss Shore ; Dr. Hinckley, Dr. Chambers, Dr. Primatt, and two or three other clergymen, with a few barristers whom you do not know. All the rest were to all appearance persons of condition, and in the whole were I think near two hundred, and mostly of the Establishment. We were all pleased with the service and with his manner of . performing it. His sermon, which I thought very good, will be printed, and you will of course see it. I begin to conceive hopes that his scheme will be patronized, so far at least as to produce him a comfortable subsistence. Indeed, I hope it will teach those who ought not to have needed such teachings, that Reformation is both a safe and an easy work.'* 82 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. IV. foreboded to me by great names, but not the least move- ment of the kind. The only fault found with it was, that it was too small. From the impressions that seemed to be made, and the general seriousness and satisfaction, I am persuaded that this attempt will, through the divine blessing, be of singular usefulness. The contrast be- tween ours and the church-service strikes every one. For- give me for saying, that I should have blushed to have appeared in a white garment. No one seemed in the least to want it. I ain happy not to be hampered with any thing, but entirely easy and satisfied with the whole of the service: a satisfaction never before known. I must again say it, and bless God for it, that we were enabled to begin well. And we only desire to go on as through his blessing we have begun. I must mention one circumstance of yesterday to you and Mrs. J. and confidential friends : that Lord Le Despenser was at our chapel yesterday : whether he will come again we cannot say : but he has subscribed handsomely towards indem- nifying us for the expenses of the chapel*, &c." As Mr. Lindsey's professed design was to gather a con- gregation from the members of the established church, it was his desire and endeavour that the form of worship should recede no further from that of the establishment than was necessary to edification, and to reconcile it to the pure scriptural doctrine concerning the supremacy and the sole worship of the Father. The clerical dress * This nobleman, as might naturally be expected, soon discontinued his attendance. But it was considerate and liberal in him to contribute to the expenses of the chapel at a time when assistance was particularly needed. Other noblemen of still higher rank attended much longer and professed great approbation, but contributed nothing. Not that the late Duke of Richmond, or the present Duke of Norfolk, would have hesitated to have given whatever was right and liberal, if the idea had occurred, or if applica- tion had been made to them. But to attend a place of .worship supported by voluntary contribution, was to them a novelty ; and delicacy, perhaps misplaced, prevented the friends of the new sanctuary from suggesting a hint to the illustrious visitors. Such hints have not always been needful : and liberality unsolicited has been sometimes as ample a's it was unexpected. CH. IV.] REVEREND TIIEOPH1LUS LINDSEY. 83 was retained with the exception of the surplice only. By the recommendation of his friend Mr. Turner, a prayer was introduced before and after the sermon *. And upon this memorable occasion Mr. Lindsey composed an ap- propriate discourse, which was immediately published together with the prayers. The Liturgy also was pub- lished at the same time. Both these works, as well as the Apology, had a rapid and extensive salef. The subject of the discourse was Ephes. iv. 3. "Endea- vouring to keep the unity of trig-spirit in the bond of peace ;" and the preacher shows, that by unity of spirit is intended, " the kind affection, good order, and atten- tion to mutual edification, which ought to subsist among those who profess the doctrine of Christ. The way in which this is to be preserved, is * in the bond of peace.' To illustrate which principle it is observed, that it is a maxim of undoubted truth, that in their religious capa- city, mankind are subject only to the authority of God and of their own consciences, that it has nevertheless been the doctrine of too many in all periods of the church, that peace and unity are not to be attained unless you bring all Christians to be of one opinion in religion, that when other arguments have failed, the Scripture has been pressed into the hard service of enslaving mankind to one system of religious opinions, though such system has been oft in direct opposition to it, that God never designed that Christians should be all of one sentiment, but that there should be different sects of Christians and * In a letter to Mr. Turner, dated April 5, Mr. Lindsey says, " I am highly obliged to you for your hint about prayers before ana after sermon. The latter I have practised for some years, and shall attend to the other." In a letter dated June 13, he writes : " I am happy that I adopted the idea which you suggested, of introducing a short prayer of my own before and after sermon. And I am more happy to find that it is not only approved by, but seems to have a good effect in solemnizing the minds of the hearers." f Of the Sermon five hundred copies were disposed of in four days, and of the Liturgy seven hundred copies were sold in six weeks, The Apology passed through four editions. 84 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. IV. different churches, that while a friendly benevolent tem- per is cultivated towards each other, the different sects and churches among Christians, far from being a hurt or discredit to religion, are an honour, and of singular ser- vice to it : nor can it with truth be said, that different sects of religion in a country have a tendency to disturb the public peace and quiet. And though it must not be dissembled, that the disputes and contentions of Chris- tians with each other have caused great miseries and dis- turbance in the world, yet the blame lies not on the mild and gentle doctrine of the gospel, but on the civil powers who have given life and importance to these disputes by interfering with them. But that wise experience has now taught them a better lesson." The sermon concludes with stating, that "the peculiar reason of forming a sepa- rate congregation distinct from the national church is, that we may be at liberty to worship. God alone, after the command and example of our Saviour Christ. So that if any ask what we are, or for what purpose we are joined together in a Christian Society, our answer is with the apostle, * we are a people that worship God in the spirit, and make our boast in Christ Jesus.'" Phil. iii. 3. To this discourse is annexed a Summary account of the Reformed Liturgy used in the chapel in Essex-Street: the principal object of which is to vindicate the devia- tions of this liturgy from that of Dr. Samuel Clarke, to which many respectable friends of the author wished him to have strictly confined himself, but which advice Mr. Lindsey with his usual correctness of judgement and firm- ness of spirit declined to follow. Upon this occasion Mr. Lindsey, by the advice of Dr. Jebb and his Cambridge friends, but as he soon dis- covered without due consideration of the subject, pledged himself in pretty strong language not to introduce dis- puted points into his public discourses. " Far will it be CH. IV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 85 from my purpose," says he, " ever to treat of controversial matters from this place." But if popular and pernicious errors are not to be combated, and if the plain simple doctrine of Christianity is not to be taught from the pul- pit, it is difficult to say how public attention is to be ex- cited: how the mass of hearers are to be instructed, and how truth is to make its way. In fact it appears, that where public teachers have confined themselves to mere moral instruction, and have either not touched at all upon Christian doctrine or have veiled their real opinions under ambiguous language, the consequence has often been, that the teacher by reading and reflection has become enlightened while the hearer has been left in darkness ; the preacher has reformed his speculative creed while the hearers have retained all the erroneous and unscriptural notions which their pastor has long ago renounced. And as a natural consequence, when a vacancy has occurred, a successor has not unfrequently been appointed whose system has been directly opposite to that of the person who immediately preceded him*. Those who hold sen- * Dr. Doddridge's congregation refused to invite Dr. Ashvvorth, whom be recommended as his successor both in the pulpit and in the academy, and whose sentiments were in perfect unison with his own, and chose a gentle- man, a very worthy person, but whose orthodoxy was of a much higher tone than that of his predecessor. A late minister, well remembered by many, made his boast, that though he had officiated twenty years at the same cha- pel, he defied any of his hearers to know what he believed concerning the person of Christ. And it is a fact of sufficient notoriety, that a flourishing congregation in the metropolis, in appointing a colleague to their respected pastor, who had officiated among them with great acceptance for more than thirty years, fixed their choice upon a person so opposite in sentiment that he would not even hear his colleague preach, or ever join in communion with him. Could such a case have happened had the hearers been properly in- structed in their religious principles, and rationally grounded in their Chris- tian faith ? It is absurd to say, that if these people had been better in- structed they would not have been equally serious. How does it appear that they would have been less virtuous if they had been more consistent ? The writer of this note can bear testimony, from his own experience, to the very opposite effects of different modes of public instruction. While he resided in the country as minister of a congregation and divir,ity tutor in the academy upon Mr. Coward's foundation, he gradually changed his theolo- gical views from an affinity to those of Dr. Doddridge, to perfect Unitariaiiism, 86 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. IV. timents to which they give the pompous name of ortho- dox or evangelical, never decline to avow their systems in the most manly and explicit manner. And they do right while they believe those sentiments to be true and important. How unbecoming then is it for those who hold a better and a purer faith to shrink from the public profession and defence of it, and to leave the adversary master of the field ! It is a silly objection which is urged by some weak, or timid, or indolent, I will not say in- terested persons, that speculative preaching, as they call it, tends to diminish a serious and pious disposition, and promote a sectarian spirit. As to the latter part of the objection, let them read Sir George Savile's remark upon the subject of sectaries: and with respect to the former, I and a belief in the proper humanity of Jesus Christ. But not being at that time so clearly convinced as he was afterwards of the duty of an explicit avowal of important truth, he, like many others, satisfied himself with using language, which though not contradictory to, was certainly not explanatory of his new opinions. The consequence was, that when he thought it his duty to resign the connexion, a successor was chosen, a worthy young man, one of his own pupils, but one who in Trinitarian orthodoxy far exceeded all his predecessors from the first foundation of the chapel. Not so when he re- signed his place at Hackney to succeed at Essex Street. That intelligent Society, trained up under the candid and liberal instructions of Dr. Price and the enlightened zeal of Dr. Priestley, to which his own humble efforts for ten years in the same good cause had not been wanting, when a vacancy was declared, acted in a manner worthy of themselves and of their teachers. To them it was an object of the first consideration, to look out for a minister who should be disposed and qualified to support the doctrines in which they had been instructed, and which from conviction they embraced and cherished. Happily divine Providence directed them to a choice which fulfilled their ut- most wishes and hopes. And the very prosperous state of the congregation, which required a larger chapel to accommodate the increasing number of worshipers, demonstrates the energy and, if I may so express it, the omni- potence of plain, simple, uncorrupted truth, when taught with openness, with firmness, with ability, and real. May this glorious cause continue to pro- sper among the rising generation there and elsewhere, under the same or a similar able, active, and eloquent ministry, when those who are now past the burden and the heat of the day, and upon whom the shadows of the evening are fast lengthening themselves out, shall be at rest with their fathers in the land of silence and oblivion. And may the conduct of all who profess to hold the pure and uncorrupted doctrine of Christ, at all times, silently, but power- fully and irresistibly, repel the unfounded and ungenerous charge, so trium- phantly advanced by ignorance or malignity, that Unitarian principles and a zeal for truth are inconsistent with seriousness of spirit, with fervour of devotion, and with holiness of life. CH. IV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS L1NDSEY. 87 confess I could never see how the increase of knowledge had a tendency to produce deterioration of practice; and he would be a very injudicious teacher who did not com- bine practical exhortation with doctrinal instruction. 11 Yesterday," says Mr. Lindsey, in a letter to Dr. Jebb dated May 23, "I ventured to deviate from the idea which you and my friends with you seemed to entertain as right, of preaching merely practical discourses, and enlarged with much earnestness on John xvii. 3. I find it was acceptable to many, and that it was even looked for, that I should sometimes treat upon the great object and principle on which our new church is formed, in order to confirm some that are already come out, and awaken others to come out of Babylon. But I expect the greatest effects by and by through the nation, from the thunder of your's, of Mr. 's, and Mr. 's apologies, for you can never go out in mute silence and without bearing your testimonies against her witchcraft and idolatries." Among the earliest hearers of M r. Lindsey was Mrs. Rayner, a near relation of the Dutchess of Northumber- land, and of Lord Gwydir. This lady was married te a gentleman of large fortune, and was attracted by curiosity and the invitation of a friend to hear the new doctrine at Essex Street, on the day when the chapel was first opened. Through the whole service her eyes were fixed, and her attention riveted upon the preacher; and when it was over she and Mr. Rayner introduced themselves to Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey, and from that time to the end of life she became a constant hearer at the chapel, and a firm and generous friend to Mr. Lindsey, and to the cause which he supported and for which he suffered. Mrs. Rayner was a lady of open and unaffected manners, of su- perior intellect, and of a well-informed mind. She pos- sessed unbounded generosity of spirit, and especially after the death of Mr. Rayner denied herself almost what was 88 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. IV. necessary to support her rank and station in life, that she might spend her money in acts of great but not indis- criminate munificence. She became a liberal and power- ful patroness of the cause of truth. And to this lady the Christian world is indebted for the publication of one of the most learned and most useful theological works which the age has produced : Dr. Priestley's History of Early Opinions concerning Christ : a work which demon- strates in a manner which never has been and never can be confuted, that from the earliest age of the Christian religion down to the fourth century, and to the time of Athanasius himself, the great body of unlearned Chris- tians were strictly Unitarians, and consequently that this was the original doctrine concerning the person of Christ. This most valuable treatise was a work of great labour and expense, the demand for which would by no means have defrayed the charge of the publication. But Mrs. Rayner, with exemplary generosity, supplied the money, and to her the work is with great propriety dedicated. Many other acts of this lady's princely munificence might be mentioned which almost exceed belief in a selfish and irreligious age. But she sought not worldly applause; and she is now gone where her works and virtues will follow her to receive their appropriate and everlasting reward*. The cause now began to flourish beyond all expecta- tion. The chapel was always crowded with attentive * One instance out of many, and that by no means the greatest, of this benevolent lady's extraordinary .munificence is related by Dr. Priestley in his Memoirs, p. 77, London edition. The Doctor mentions, that upon his separation from Lord Shelburne he was barely able to support the expense of removal. He adds, " But my situation being intimated to Mrs. Rayner, besides smaller sums with which she occasionally assisted me, she gave me a hundred gu'neas to defray the expenses of my removal ; and deposited with Mrs. Lindsey, which she soon after gave up to me, four hundred guineas, and to this day ha> never faili-d giving me every year marks of her friend- ship. Hers is, indeed, I seriously think, one of the first Christian charac- ters I was ever acqua ntfd with, having a cultivated comprehensive mind, equal to any subject of theology, or metaphysics, intrepid in the cause of truth, and most rationally pious," CH. 1V.J REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 80 hearers, so that many who came late were obliged to go away for want of room. Considerable numbers of very respectable names were continually given in as subscri- bers to the expense of the chapel and to the support of the minister. Among the rest were the late distinguished patriot Sir George Savile, member for Yorkshire; Mr. Serjeant Adair, with his father and mother; the late learned and eminent scripture-critic Mr. Dodson, the translator of the book of Isaiah; and the present Sir Thomas Bernard, the benevolent treasurer of the Found- ling Hospital. Nor must I omit to mention the name of my respected friend Robert Martin Leake, Esq. the present worthy Master of the Report Office in the Court of Chancery ; who being then a young man, and having by reading and reflection emancipated himself from the Trinitarian and high-church prejudices in which he had been educated in his father's house, the late Garter king at Arms, was one of the first who called upon Mr. Lind- sey at his lodgings in Featherstone Buildings, and en- couraged him to persist in his design of opening a chapel for Unitarian worship; and though not then in affluent circumstances, offered a liberal contribution to the ob- ject, and has ever since remained a firm and enlightened advocate of the cause : he is now senior Trustee of the chapel, and one of the few surviving original founders and supporters of the place. But nothing of this kind gave Mr. Lindsey more plea- sure than a letter which he received in the beginning of June from the late Sir Barnard Turner, who afterwards distinguished himself so much in quelling the riots in London in 1780, at the head of the London Association. Of this letter the following is an extract communicated by Mr. Lindsey to his friend Mr. Turner, to whom he knew that it would give the same satisfaction which it gave to himself. 90 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. IV " I have long been held from associating with any sect of Christians with that sincerity which my conscience and gratitude to the Supreme Being tell me are needful in religion, from a thorough conviction that the adora- tion of any but the one true God was highly sinful. It is therefore with the utmost earnestness that I beg to be considered as one of your congregation, and also that you will do me the favour of accepting my annual sub- scription of five guineas towards the welfare of the so- ciety and the making you some amends for the loss and expense to which your love of truth will make you liable. I- shall, besides, be always ready with cheerfulness to bear a reasonable share of any further expense that the future exigencies of the society may make necessary." In reference to this application from Sir Barnard Tur- ner, Mr. Lindsey expresses himself thus in a letter to Dr. Jebb : "I have found this institution a means of drawing out, and I hope will be of encouraging and per- fecting many excellent characters. Your heart would rejoice in reading a letter I received this very week from one of these desiring to become a member of our church. We are still crowded on Sundays." The satisfaction and comfort which this excellent man experienced upon his deliverance from the galling yoke of an establishment which he disapproved, in the perfect liberty which he enjoyed of conducting the services of religion in the manner which best approved itself to his understanding and to his heart, and in the success of a scheme for the accomplishment of which he had made such strenuous exertions and such great and costly sacrifices, a success so far beyond his most sanguine expectations, may be more easily conceived than described. He often gives vent to the pious and grateful emotions of his heart in his communications to his confidential friends. In a letter to Dr. Jebb dated March 3 1 , a week before CH. IV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 91 he expected to open the chapel, he writes, " No one has more fears or diffidences, and I think justly, of what I do. I sometimes wonder how I came into the service in which I am embarked. But I have met with such friends and encouragement that I go on cheerfully and without fear." In another letter to the. same friend, dated July 24, three months after the grand experiment had been tried, and the success of it was complete, he thus expresses him- self : " I have not known what entire quiet of mind and perfect peace with God was for many many years, till now; and I would not exchange it for a thousand worlds. En- couraged also as I am that good, extensive good to glo- rious Truth does arise and will arise from it. I must have died much in the dark had I been called away before this. How thankful ought I to be for that good Providence which has conducted and preserved me ! You will be glad to hear that last Sunday we had a more respectable audience at the chapel than I ever saw, except the first day. And to-day quite full." So mightily did the word of God, and the cause of pure and uncorrupted Christia- nity grow and prevail under the ministration of this ve- nerable confessor, and so abundantly did his heart over- flow with consolation and delight in the success of his, benevolent and pious exertions. It is not however to be concluded, that all was now sunshine with Mr. Lindsey, and that the season of clouds and darkness was completely over. The tide of preju- dice at that time set so strongly against the Unitarian doctrine, that there was some reason to apprehend, at least, many of Mr. Lindsey's friends did apprehend, that some popular disturbance might take place at the open- ing of a chapel professedly upon Unitarian principles, and that some personal insult might be offered to the minister, or some interruption attempted in the service. This, however, gave Mr. Lindsey little concern. He 92 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. IV. did not indeed court, but neither did he shun persecu- tion in the performance of duty. But in truth, though he had received many anonymous libels in the form of letters, he had no considerable apprehension of personal violence. Happily, under the mild administration of the House of Brunswick, religious toleration was the wise and liberal principle of government, and lawless outrage was kept under severe restraint. It gave Mr. Lindsey more concern that his motives should be mistaken by some of his associated brethren, who regarded the decisive step which he had taken as in- jurious to the object of their petition, a reformation in the subscription and in the service of the established church. Mr. Lindsey, though he much regretted that offence was taken where none had been intended, con- soled himself with the conviction which he felt that his brethren had formed an erroneous judgement in the case, and that his secession from the establishment, so far from being of disservice, would eventually be very bene- ficial to the cause of the petitioning clergy, by exciting attention to it, and by interesting many in their favour. " You and Jebb," says an eminent leader among the as- sociated clergy, in a letter to Mr. Lindsey, " have obliged the Balguys and Randolphs by your integrity, but none else, though more may commend. It has been the utter ruin of the plan of the petitioners." Mr. Lindsey thought far otherwise. "A few," says he to his friend Dr. Jebb, " of our petitioning friends, and but a few, will have it that my retreat has hurt our cause. But I am embold- ened to say from fact and knowledge in this great city and a wide range elsewhere, that it has and does serve it greatly nay, has been a great means of keeping it from dying entirely." And upon another occasion, alluding to the same misconception of some of his petitioning friends, he says, " These things must not move us. I hope to CH. IV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 93 be enabled to go on in a way which promises to be of some present use, nay, actually is so already, in removing prejudices and enlarging the minds of some, and rnay be of unknown benefit." But nothing appears to have hurt Mr. Lindsey's mind so much as the malignant reports which were industri- ously circulated by some that he had been influenced throughout by mercenary views, that he was now in a better situation than that which he had left, and that he had a promise of this before he resigned his benefice. Mr. Lindsey could not but feel indignant at the impu- tation of motives which his soul abhorred, of which his conscience entirely acquitted him, and, to which the whole tenor of his life was a palpable contradiction. Upon this subject he expresses himself with a very becoming and a truly Christian spirit in a letter to his kind friend at Wakefield, dated June 13, 1774. " We have about thirty names upon the list of our society as members, who have signified their intentions, and some of them what they shall contribute. This gen- tleman's (Sir Barnard Turner's) is much the largest. I mention this not as if I had any doubt of a sufficient provision for myself and the society, but that you may know in a general way the whole of our state : because, I find that it is said I have already an establishment of four hundred pounds a year, and that I knew what a good exchange I should make when I left Catterick. Such reports we must expect. It is here spread about, and be- lieved by many, that my wife's uncle at our quitting Catte- rick, settled 200 pounds a year on me, though he has never seen us, nor admitted us to write a letter to him from that time to this. I believe that with Mr. Shore's and his friend's benefaction, and those of other friends, I have received upwards of four hundred pounds. But upwards of two hundred out of this was given purely ,to 94 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. IV. indemnify me for the expenses of fitting up the chapel ; its rent, fifty pounds a year ; clerk's wages, &c. I am a little sorry I have blotted so much paper and taken up so much of your time on such a subject, but I was de- sirous you should be acquainted with it. And as I have hitherto done, I desire to keep my hands and heart clear of all mercenary views, though I cannot bind others from imputing them to me." Mr. Lindsey alludes feelingly to the same reports in his correspondence with Dr. Jebb*. How little founda- tion there was for them is manifest from the following extract of a letter from a friend, who about that time visited them at their lodgings : "I had the satisfaction of finding our worthy friends in pretty good health and spirits : but by no means in the affluent situation in which common fame in Yorkshire had placed them. The lodgings they are in at present are close, inconve- nient, and expensive : nor have they yet been able to meet with any thing more suitable to them. But the cause in which Mr. Lindsey is engaged has power to soften every difficulty, and he has need of such support." It became now incumbent upon Mr. Lindsey to de- fend his principles from the press as well as from the pulpit. The Apology was not permitted to pass without animadversion and attempts at refutation. The first who entered the lists was Mr. Burgh of York, a member of the Irish parliament, a young man of some talents, of estimable character, and of liberal political principles, * " Nothing," says Mr. Lindsey in a letter to Dr. Jebb, dated May 22d, " is yet settled with regard to those who are or will be members of our church, and their contributions, though several of them have spoken to me about it. But I am in no hurry on that account. And I wish ever to keep at a distance from the suspicion of attention to money; though such sus- picions have been, are, and will be imputed by those who judge of others by themselves." In another letter dated June 7th, he writes : '\Yoii shall know every thing when I see you, how we go on. In the mean time though I have the highest cause to be thankful to God's good providence, there is no foundation for reports which some put about with no good design." CH. IV.] REVEREND THEOFHILUS LINDSEY. 95 but little versed in theological controversy. He published so early as the month of June 1774, a work entitled A Scriptural Confutation of the Arguments against the One Godhead of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, pro- duced by the Rev. Mr. Lindsey in his late Apology. This treatise as an argumentative work was trifling in the extreme, and must immediately have passed into the oblivion to which it has long been consigned, had it not been supported and puffed off by some persons of note, who no doubt thought it was calculated to make an im- pression upon the numerous class of readers to whom sounds are a ready substitute for sense*. Of this work Mr. Lindsey thought it quite sufficient to take a slight notice in the preface to the Sequel to his Apology. In the same preface he also replied, as far as it was judged * Of Mr. Burgh's argument the following are curious specimens. Because we read in Scripture of the grace of God, and also of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ ; because Paul calls himself a servant of God, and also of Jesus Christ ; and because the gospel is called the gospel of God, and also the go- spel of CkrJst ; and "that which is God's is not another's," as the author sagaciously remarks, " therefore Christ is God, one with the Father." Se- quel. Prep. p. x. xi. To attempt a refutation of such arguments would be a prostitution of reason. Mr. Lindsey in a letter to Mr. Turner, dated June 13, 1774, mentions that the pamphlet, then anonymous, had been sent him by the author ten days before. " I really took the book," says he, "to be the work of some methodist at first perusing it, and nothing in it solid or that might require an answer. But I was much surprised the other day in con- versing with Mr. Mason, to find that he had been privy to the publication! had revised some of the proof sheets, and approved the doctrine in the highest degree. Nay, he told me that Dr. Hurd had just then told him that the writer expressed his own sentiments upon the Trinity. But I could not help telling Mr. Mason that he and his friend were easily pleased. That he boasted too much of the author's freedom from prejudice as being a young man who had never read any controversy on the Trinity : as if we received no prejudices but from reading. Mr. Mason added, ' the book must make a great noise,' which I would easily believe if they cried it up." In a letter to Dr. Jebb, dated June 1 7th, he writes : " The zeal to propagate the Lay- mans (Mr. Burgh's) pamphlet is most extraordinary. A friend of mine on Sunday, dining with a very high personage, found the book brought to the Lady of the house by a noble Lord of the company, a friend of Mr. Mason. With regard to the two origina Icommenders of it, I declare 1 am amazed they can find no better salvo for their consciences in the use of our Trinitarian forms. And it has much lessened them both in my estimation. If \ipon perusal of it you should put a few thoughts together, and be disposed to let them be printed, 1 should be very glad : not for the importance of the piece itself, but for the vogue which it is to have given to it." 96 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. IV. needful, to two other pamphlets which had been pub- lished against his Apology ; one of which, by Mr. B ing- ham, of Dorsetshire, was .entitled A Vindication of the Doctrine and Liturgy of the Church of England, occa- sioned by the Apology of Theophilus Lindsey, M. A. : the other by Dr. Randolph, Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity in the University of Oxford. These treatises were written with more knowledge of the subject than Mr. Burgh's, but their arguments contained nothing of novelty which required particular attention*. The pas- sages of scripture which were alleged by these writers in favour of Trinitarian doctrine and worship, and which had not been adverted to in the Apology, were explained in the Sequel. This able and learned work appeared early in the year 1776. It is much more copious than was originally in- tended, and contains, as the author expresses it, " a full inquiry into the questions concerning the nature and person of Christ, and what is the worship due to him ;" also, " a further illustration of some things advanced in the Apology to which objections had been made." In his preface Mr. Lindsey acknowledges his obligations to Dr. Jebb, who had lately resigned his situation and pro- spects in the church, for his trouble and assistance in re- vising the greater part of the work. In this volume, the most elaborate of all Mr. Lindsey's publications, the learned author in his first chapter states the design of his work, and relates the sufferings and the testimony of Mr. Elwall, who was tried for heresy and * Save that Mr. Bingham discovered that the word Father, when used by our blessed Saviour in prayer, signifies the first person of the godhead, but when used by us it signifies the same first person, together with two other equal persons, the Son and the Holy Ghost. And that the learned Margaret Professor found out that every thing which the candid VVhitby had to say in his " Disquisitiones modestae," in reply to Bishop Bull, had been " fully an- swered by Dr. Waterland," though he acknowledges that he had never been able " to obtain a sight of the book." See preface to the Seq. p. xvi. xxi. OH. IV.] REVEREND TIIEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 97 blasphemy before Judge Denton at the Stafford Assizes, in the reign of George the First ; and gives an account of Hopton Haynes, a zealous and learned Unitarian, the friend of Sir Isaac Newton, with copious extracts from Mr. Haynes's excellent treatise on the attributes of God, which was then very scarce, but which has since been published and very widely circulated by the Unitarian Society, c. ii. The author treats at large of the Arian and Socinian worship of Christ, and shows that it has no foundation in the New Testament, c. iii. He argues, that the Logos or word is not a divine person or intelli- gent agent, but that it is the wisdom and power of the Father by which the world was made, and by which Christ and his apostles were inspired and were enabled to per- form their mighty works, c. iv. This doctrine, concern- ing the divine Logos, word, or wisdom, is further illus- trated by comparing it with various passages in the New Testament, in which Christ is represented as being guided and assisted by the spirit of God, which the learned writer assumes to be the same as the Logos, c. v. He examines distinctly and critically those passages in the New Tes- tament which have been supposed to favour the pre-ex- istence of Christ, and particularly those in St. John's gospel, c. vi. He argues very forcibly and successfully against the strange and unscriptural doctrine of two Je- hovahs, the one supreme, the other subordinate: the latter a great angel who personated the character and assumed the name of the Supreme, who was the medium of all the divine dispensations to mankind, and the im- mediate object of religious worship to the Jewish church : which angel animated the body of Christ. This hypo- thesis, which had always been maintained by learned Arians, ancient and modern, had lately been very plau- sibly stated, and very ably defended, in a learned work by the reverend Henry Taylor, the rector of Crawley, H 1)8 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. IV. under the assumed character of Benjamin Ben Morde- cai, a converted Jew. To this treatise Mr. Lindsey makes a calm, detailed, and satisfactory reply, c. vii. The work goes on further to plead from the language of Moses and the prophets, and from the explicit declarations of the apostles and evangelists and even of Christ himself, that he was really a man, and that the truth of this doc- trine is not impeached by the great and lasting errors of Christians concerning it. c. viii. The author comments upon the testimony of the Apostolical Fathers concern- ing the nature and person of Christ ; and, Lastly, he concludes with a critical examination of those passages in St. Paul's epistles, in which creation is supposed to be ascribed to Christ, and clearly shows that creation is the proper work of God himself without any instrument or deputy ; that this is the uniform doctrine of the scrip- tures, and that those expressions of Paul which are thought by many to teach a different doctrine, are to be understood of the new creation, and of the renovation of the moral world by the gospel of Christ. In his interpretation of some of the controverted texts all may not be entirely agreed, who nevertheless coincide with the learned and worthy author in his views of the person of Christ. But as long as that important con- troversy shall continue, Mr. Lindsey's Sequel must al- ways be regarded as a standard work, and as a bright example of free and fearless discussion, blending itself with that amiable spirit of Christianity which softens the asperities of theological controversy, and which allows to all the equal right of private judgement. From the commencement of his arduous undertaking, and especially from the time when success appeared pro- bable, Mr. Lindsey, modestly diffident of his own powers and qualifications both of body and mind, was anxiously CH. IV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 99 solicitous to secure the aid of an able coadjutor. The first person upon whom he cast his eye was Dr. Jebb, to whom he suggested a hint of the business before he left Yorkshire. But afterwards, when the prospect bright- ened at Essex-Street, and Mr. Lindsey was assured that his friend intended speedily to execute his long-formed determination of resigning his preferment and his pro- spects in the church, he made the proposal to him in more direct terms*. "I must not forget to add," so he writes in a letter dated October 20, 1775, "as it need be said to yourself alone, that with Mr. Tayleur's, Sir George Savile's and Mr. Smith's subscriptions, our amount, all things paid, is one hundred pounds f, which I should be most glad to share annually, and more that I am sure would accrue with such a coadjutor. I men- tioned this formerly, but your plan did not lead to the pastoral line in London ; but I thought I would name it again." Dr. Jebb, however, rather chose the profession of medicine ; and though, after he had retired from the * In the mean time Mr. Lindsey, probably in consequence of Dr. Jebb's delay to secede from the church, appears to have made an overture to Dr. Robertson of Wolverhampton. This is hinted at in a letter to Dv. Jebb, written in May 1775. f* This was but a very moderate income, even \vh~ en" the necessaries of liffe were at less than half the price which they bear at present, and far short of what Mr. Lindsey relinquished at Catterick. His willingness to divide this pittance with his colleague is an ample confutation, if such were needful, of the calumnies which represented him as acting from mercenary motives. But the tenor of his whole life demonstrated that his soul disdained the im- putation. It is but justice to the liberality of Mr. Lindsey's friends and sup- porters to add, thafhis income was rapidly increased, and that he was soon placed in a situation, not only to live with comfort, but in which both he and Mrs. Lindsey could gratify to a considerable extent the favourite wish of their hearts, to do good to others. The third name in Mr. Lindsey's list, Mr. Smith, is probably that of Lord Carrington, who continued his liberal but unostentatious patronage of Mr. Lindsey as long as Mr. Lindsey lived. And it may now, March 1812, be added, that his lordship's bounty was con- tinued to the widow of the deceased confessor, by contributing largely to an annuity of 100, which was settled upon her for life, to enable that ex- cellent lady to continue her extensive and judicious charities, in which his lordship was joined by a few other friends of Mr. Lindsey, whose names were never made known to Mrs. L. H2 100 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. IV. church he was regular in his attendance at the chapel, and retained all his zeal and his activity in the cause of Christian truth, he declined to officiate as a nonconfor- mist minister. Mr. Lindsey was also disappointed in his application to another most truly excellent and learned person, emi- nent for his piety, benevolence, and zeal for truth, whose assistance would have been most acceptable to Mr. Lindsey and to his friends, but who declined the office from prin- ciples most honourable to his feelings, and no doubt per- fectly satisfactory to his own ingenuous and enlightened mind. Thus this venerable confessor was left to sustain the conflict, and to fight the battle alone. But his God was with him : a good conscience and a good cause bore him up and carried him through, and " his strength was equal to his day." For ten years he continued the sole pastor of a numerous and flourishing congregation, all the members of which held their revered instructor in the highest estimation, and many of them gladdened his heart by their visible improvement in Christian know- ledge and virtuous practice. CHAPTER V. FROM THE ERECTION OF THE BUILDING IN ESSEX-STREET TO THE APPOINTMENT OF DR. DISNEY TO BE THE COL- LEAGUE OF MR. LINDSEY, 1783. As the congregation increased, and the interest appeared likely to be permanent, it became necessary to provide a suitable place of worship ; and after much inquiry and deliberation, it was agreed to purchase the premises in Essex-Street, which by the liberal contributions of the CH. V.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 101 friends of the cause* Mr. Lindsey was enabled to ac- complish, and to repair and fit them up in their present commodious form for the purpose of a chapel, and for a residence for himself and Mrs. Lindsey. This great work was completed early in the spring of 1778, and the new chapel was opened March 29. Upon this occasion Mr. Lindsey delivered an excellent discourse from John iv. 23, 24, upon the unity of God and the spirituality of divine worship, which, with the prayers before and after the sermon, were immediately published. Among the most zealous advocates of the divine unity, and for the erection of a place of worship upon the avowed principle that the Father alone is to be worshiped as God, the late William Tayleur, Esq. of Shrewsbury, holds a distinguished place. This gentleman, who by a careful study of the scriptures had become a decided Unitarian forty years before, who had in vain attempted to form a society for Unitarian worship in his own vicinage, and who began to despair that he should ever live to see the accomplishment of his favourite object, concurred most cordially in Mr. Lindsey's design ; and though from the remoteness of his residence it was impossible that he should derive any personal benefit, he was nevertheless * In the foremost rank of these were the generous inhabitants of Norton Hall and Norton House, whose great and unexpected liberality to Mr. Lindsey upon his first coming to town has been before mentioned. Upon the present occasion, having communicated the intelligence to a friend, to whose kind offices he thought himself much indebted for "the friendly disposition of these worthy persons," he adds, " I cannot describe the feelings I had on such an unexpected instance of generous and public spirit, especially when contrasted with some from whom much might have been expected, but who are too poor to do any thing." In a letter to the same friend, dated May 14, 1778, after having mentioned Mrs. Lindsey's frequent indispositions, he adds, " but nothing hinders her indefatigable attention to what she takes in hand. It was owing to her that our new chapel was ready so soon. And she is now no less busily engaged in the habitation underneath, which we are to inhabit, and which requires much more to be done at it than we expected ; in short, a new house and chapel might have been built for much less expense. But it was convenient to have one place to assemble in while the other was building : and we had no idea that the house was in such a ruinous way aa. we have found it." 102 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. V. extremely solicitous that the affairs of the chapel in Es- sex-Street should be placed upon a respectable and per- manent foundation. He hoped that the honourable ex- ample would be followed by many others both in the metropolis and in the country, and that houses for the worship of the One God would be multiplied through the nation. To this end he contributed very liberally upon the present occasion ; and a few years afterwards he had the satisfaction to see his pious and benevolent expectation in some measure realised. A congregation of Unitarian dissenters at Shrewsbury were induced by his exhortations and encouragement to adopt a reformed liturgy ; and the last years of the life of this exemplary Christian were consoled and delighted by the quiet pos- session of a privilege, the hope of which he had hardly permitted himself to indulge, that of joining at stated seasons in the public worship of the One God, the Father of all, in the way that his conscience dictated as most rational, scriptural, and edifying*. * " It is now forty years," writes this excellent man in a letter to Mr. Lindsey, dated May 1777, "since I was clearly convinced that the Father alone ought to be worshiped as the only true God. Had any one then told me lhat I should live to see a society of Christians openly professing that doctrine, meeting together in a chapel of their own, and using a form of prayer avowedly drawn up to perpetuate the honour due to the only true God, I should have treated such a person as a well meaning visionary. Much yet remains to he done, but what may not be expected from so prosperous a beginning ?" In another letter, dated November 13, after having made over ,500 in the 3 percent. Stock towaids building the chapel, Mr. Tayleur adds, " I have many opportunities of declaring that I cannot give my assent to the Atlianasian forms of worship, or join in the use of them ; but still it is very disagreeable to appear to do this by frequenting the service of the church. I have long sought a remedy against this inconvenience, but hitherto I can find none ; for there is no dissenting congregation here, or here-about, who profess to worship the Father as the only true God, or who would not be offended if any of their members should make such a declaration. Could such a congregation be found, I should think it ny duty to join them, though I think it too much, at least for an old man, to hear, judge, and pray, at the same time : and there ore wish for a form of prayer on the Unitarian plan. I have endeavoured to prevail on some few persons, laymen, who think as I do, to meet one Sunday at least in a month, to read together your liturgy, and to declare openly, without blaming those who are otherwise minded, our reasons for doing this j but hitherto I have met with no success, nor have I CH. V.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 103 Of this excellent person Mr. Lindsey gives the follow- ing interesting account in a letter to a friend, dated Sep- tember 1, 1783, immediately after his return from making him a visit : " We took a long flight, you will call it, thence, (. give credit to his extravagant reveries, and to profess themselves his dis- ciples, is a problem of very difficult solution. It 13 not, however, more won~ CH. VIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEV. 161 logue of False Readings and Mistranslations in the En- glish Bible which countenance the doctrine of the divi- nity of Christ ; in the room of which the learned writer substitutes those readings which are supported by the best authorities, and the translations which appear to him to be the most correct. This very valuable portion of his work was afterwards republished in a separate pamphlet, in order to give it a more extensive circulation. In the First Part of this Second Address to the Youth of the two Universities, Mr. Lindsey introduces some curious and affecting passages from Dr. Watts's " So- lemn Address to the great and ever -blessed God, on a re- view of what he had written in the Trinitarian Contro- versy." It is well known that this learned and pious writer, (who paid very great attention to the ques- tion,) in the latter part of his life receded very far from those mystical opinions concerning the doctrine of the Trinity, and particularly the person of Christ, which he held in his youth. His well-known volume of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, so much used in Calvinistic con- gregations, was published when he was very young, and contains many expressions and many sentiments from which, though regarded by great numbers as the standard of Christian verity, his judgement revolted in maturer years, and which he would gladly have altered if he had been permitted by the proprietors of the copyright, who knew their own interest too well to admit the proposed improvements. His sentiments concerning the person of Christ were believed by many to approximate very nearly to those of derful than the .confidence which has been placed of late years in the inspira- tion of Richard Brothers and Johanna Southcote, and that not only by per- sons of the lowest rank in society, but by men of sense and education. How lamentable is it that religion, which is the most rational thing in the world, should thus, by the errors and weaknesses of its friends and advocates, be brought into contempt and made the laughing-stock of unbelievers ! M 162 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. VIII. the old Socinians. But it is not certain that Dr. Watts ever regarded himself as a Socinian. On the contrary, there can be little doubt that, owing to early prejudice, he would to the latest day of his life have started from the imputation with horror. How nearly soever his opinions might really approach to the Socinian scheme, possibly he himself apprehended that he still kept at an inaccessible distance from them, by contending for a mystical personal union by which a true and proper deity was communicated to the human na- ture of Christ. Absurd as this supposition is in itself, and as it must be viewed by all unprejudiced minds, it did not appear in that light to Dr. Watts, nor to many others who, influenced by his authority, have since em- braced the same strange hypothesis. He and they were serious believers in this modern notion, and have thought that they have discovered in it a salvo for their falling orthodoxy. And they have no doubt as good a right as others to retain and to defend their own system. Dr. Watts's latest opinions concerning the Trinity are sup- posed to have been contained in some papers prepared for the press, which were left to the discretion of Dr. Jennings and Dr. Doddridge, and which were committed to the flames, (very much, as the author of this Memoir has been credibly informed, against the judgement and inclination of the latter,) probably because it was sus- pected that they would give offence to the zealots of or- thodoxy. At any rate, Dr. Watts's last sentiments con- cerning the person of Christ cannot, perhaps, now be absolutely ascertained ; but the feelings of his humble, pious, and inquisitive mind are beautifully exhibited in that devout Address to the Deity from which Mr. Lind- sey has made some copious extracts, of which the follow- ing are an interesting specimen : " Hadst thou informed me, gracious Father, in any Crt. VIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 163 place of thy word that this divine doctrine is not to be un- derstood by men, and yet they were required to believe it, I would have subdued all my curiosity to faith. But I cannot find thou hast any where forbid me to under- stand it, or make these inquiries. I have, therefore, been long searching into this divine doctrine, that I may pay thee due honour with understanding. Surely I ought to know the God whom I worship, whether he be one pure and simple being, or whether thou art a threefold deity, consisting of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.'* " Thou hast called the poor and the ignorant, the mean and foolish things of this world, to the knowledge of thyself and thy Son. But how can such weak creatures ever take in so strange, so difficult, and so abstruse a doctrine as this, in the explication and defence whereof, multitudes of men, even men of learning and piety, have lost themselves in infinite subtilties of disputes and end- less mazes of darkness? And can this strange and per- plexing notion of three real persons going to make up one true God be so necessary and so important a part of that Christian doctrine which, in the Old Testament and the New, is represented as so plain and easy even to the meanest understandings*?" * See Mr. Lindsey's Second Address, p. 5, 6. The extracts are taken from a work published in 1785, entitled " The Life of the Rev. Isaac Watts, D.D. by Samuel Johnson, LL.D. with Notes, containing Animadversions and Additions." The following extract from a letter written by the late reverend and learned Samuel Merivale of Exeter, to Dr. Priestley at Leeds, exhibits the most authentic account of Dr. Watts's last sentiments concerning the person of Christ ; from which it appears that, in Dr. Lardner's estimation, Dr. Watts became in the strict and proper sense of the word an Unitarian. " What I mentioned to Mr. Aikin," (the late Rev. Dr. Aikin, Professor of Divinity at Warn ngton,) " concerning Dr. Watts, I had from Dr. Lardner, who told it me as a thing known to few, though without enjoining me se- crecy. Having mentioned in the course of my correspondence with the lat- ter the difficulty of fixing my sentiments with regard to the person of Christ, though I had formerly thought the doctrine of his preexistence sufficiently proved by Dr. Clarke, Dr. Watts, and others, he replies, ' I think Dr. Watts never was an Arian, to his honour be it spoken. When he first wrote of the Trinity, I reckoned he believed three equal divine persons. But in the latter M2 164 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. VIII. Dr. Priestley, who was very sensible that his ardent spirit, his haste in writing, and his reluctance to revise and to correct, occasionally betrayed him into inaccu- racy in his reasonings and sometimes in his facts, and into an unguardedness of language of which his enemies were glad to avail themselves to the utmost, was accus- tomed to submit his more important publications to the cooler judgement of his calm and prudent friend, and part of his life, for several years before his death, and before he was seized with an imbecility of his faculties, he was an (Jnitariavt. How he came to be 80 I cannot certainly say, but I think it was the result of his own medita- tions on the Scriptures. He was very desirous to promote that opinion, and wrote a great deal upon the subject. But his papers fell into good hands, (meaning Mr. Neal's,) and they did not think them fit for publication. I also saw some of them." " "As there seemed some ambiguity in the word Unitarian, though I knew very well in how strict a sense the Doctor generally used it, and being. aware that Dr. Watts in his later publications quite gave up the notion of a three- fqld Deity, though he contended earnestly for the preexistence of. Christ's human soul, originally possessed of powers superangelical, on which how- ever he i silent in his solemn Address to the Deity, printed in-, tire quarto edition of his Works, I begged leave to be informed, whether in his unpub- lished papers he had appeared to have giveh up that point ; in answer to which Dr. Lavdner wrote : . " 1 question whether you have any where in print Dr. Watts's last Thoughts upon the Trinity. They were known to very few. My nepfrew Neal, an understanding gentleman, was intimate with Dr. Watts, artd often, with the family where he lived. Sometimes in an evening when they were akme, he would talk to his friends in the family of his new thoughts con- cerning the person of Christ, and their great importance ; and that, if he should be able to recommend them to the world, it would be the most con- siderable thing that ever he performed. My nephew, therefore, came to me and told me of it, and that the family was greatly concerned to hear him talk so much of the importance of these sentiments. I told my nephew that Dr. Watts was in the right in saying they were important, but I was of opi- nion that he was unable to recommend them to the public, because he had never been used to a proper way of reasoning on such a subject. So it proved. My nephew being executor had the papers, and showed me some of them. Dr. Watts had written a good deal, but they were not fit to be published. DR. WATTS'S LWT THOUGHTS WERE COMPLETELY UNITARIAN.' " One cannot help regretting that such should have been the judgement of Dr. Lardner, and such the decision of the executors with respect to the pub- lication of Dr. Watts's last essays upon a subject on which he had thought and written so much. The judgement of Dr. Doddridge, one of the trustees for Dr. Watts's papers, himself a professed Trinitarian, but a lover of truth and a friend to inquiry, was, as I have mentioned above, very different, and, as many think, more correct. How interesting and instructive would it have been to have traced the mind of this great and good man through the various steps of his progress, from the darkest shades of error to the clear light of rational and evangelical truth! CH. VIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 165 very frequently he yielded at discretion to every erasure or alteration which Mr. Lindsey recommended. But he- was not always equally passive. Where he believed the cause of truth to be at stake, no advice of friends, no- earnest expostulation, no serious representation of the offence which would be taken, or the supposed injury which might accrue to himself or to the cause, could de- ter the learned, zealous, and inflexible detector of the Corruptions of Christianity from exhibiting what he be- lieved to be important truth, and from exposing what he thought gross and pernicious error, in language the most direct and explicit, without giving himself the least conpern about personal consequences, or the offence which might be taken by the political supporters of corrupt systems or the partisans of orthodox creeds. And it is happy for the interest of rational Chris- tianity, that this intrepid champion of truth had the resolution at times to persist in his own judgement, in opposition to the remonstrances of his less informed and more timid friends. In the year 1784 Dr. Priest- ley, then residing at Birmingham, resumed the Theolo- gical Repository, a work which had been discontinued for upwards of twelve years, chiefly it should seem with a view to bring forward for open discussion some origi- nal ideas which he had long entertained concerning in- spiration, the gradual formation and improvement of the character of Christ, and the history of the miraculous conception. These papers, as usual, he put into the hands of Mr. Lindsey for his perusal and correction. And it is amusing to see how anxious this venerable confessor, who had exposed himself to so much hazard by the frank and unreserved avowal of the proper huma- nity of Jesus Christ, was, to warn his friend, and to save him from the odium which he apprehended would 166 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. Vlll. accrue from pursuing this principle to its just con- sequences, which at any rate could not be so obnoxious as the principle itself. For, if Jesus Christ be in truth one of the human race, can any thing be more reason- able than to admit that his character, however exalted, was the result of the discipline through which he passed; and that his inspiration, how superior soever to that of other prophets and messengers of God, did not extend beyond the purposes of his mission, and might leave him involved in the common misapprehensions of his contemporaries and countrymen upon physiological or philosophical subjects ? And as to the case of the mira- culous conception, which is a mere insulated fact upon which no one important conclusion depends, it is surely a very fair question of historical research. These questions, however, were at that time quite new, and the discussion of them alarmed Mr. Lindsey lest it should be attended with ill consequences to his friend, by creating enemies, injuring his character, or impeding his usefulness. In a letter to Mr. Cappe, dated Dec. 2, 1784, in reference to the papers in the Theological Repository concerning the Inspiration of Moses and of Christ, he adds : " He was so good as to send me the whole; but I expressed myself so vehe- mently against the latter part, that he yielded to defer the publication in the first Number, but I apprehend it will be brought forward in the next." "Concerning it I would first say, in general, that granting him to have proved his fact, that our Saviour was as much in the dark as the most vulgar among the Jews about possessions, and believed them in the gross literal sense ; and if also he was in ignorance of the Scriptures of the Old Testament and misapplied them : " Yet our friend has no call whatever to tell this to CH. VIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 167 the world, because it would increase the prejudices of multitudes against him, and hinder others less indis- posed from reading his works." " I do not, moreover, apprehend that the persuasion of Christ being an infallible teacher, and perfectly sin- less, does now stand in the way of any one's embracing Christianity. If our friend had been pushed upon this point in the way of controversy, I should have said nothing against his delivering the sense of his own mind; but as things now stand, to go on to attack a character held in such different universal estimation, unprovoked, seems to me likely to do harm and no good." " But still more will the outcry be increased against him, if it should appear that he has not proved his facts, and made good his accusation; which may be reason- ably questioned in some instances. And not only my- self, but Dr. Jebb, and one other whom I have con- sulted, are persuaded that his chief argument fails him, when he would prove Christ's mistaken imperfect cita- tion of the Old Testament similar to that of the rest of his countrymen, from Luke xxiv. 27." " I own I am unwilling that he should let any thing fall from his pen that might cooperate with the endea- vours of many to prevent the reading of his works, which are so calculated to open the eyes of many, and have had and have that effect with all that can be brought to read them." These animadversions, which are tinged with some- thing which appears more like asperity than was usual with Mr. Lindsey, prove at least, that if he was partial to the merits of his inquisitive and learned friend, he was not blind to his failings, and that he did not hastily adopt all his opinions. Nor was he deficient in that sure criterion of true and virtuous friendship, faithful 168 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. VIII. reproof, where he thought it needful ; for there can be no doubt that the sentiments which he here expresses to Mr. Cappe he had previously expressed in language at least equally strong to Dr. Priestley himself. Yet, after all, it may be doubted whether the over- cautious spirit of the friendly monitor, and his anxious apprehension lest the uncommon boldness of his friend's remarks should swell the tide of popular prejudice against him, have not induced him to overcharge the picture. Dr. Priestley was as far as his friend could be from desiring to make an unprovoked attack upon the character of Christ. But holding the character of Jesus perhaps in as high estimation as Mr. Lindsey himself, he did not think it necessary to presume, nor did he find evidence to prove, that our Lord, being in all other re* spects a man like other men, was born into the world a perfect character, or that his character was miraculously superinduced. On the contrary, believing that Jesus was in all respects like unto his brethren, and pursuing his principles to their just consequences, he argued that our Saviour came into the world with the frailties and infirmities of a human being, moral as well as physical, and that, by the peculiar process of mental discipline to which he was subjected, he grew up to that consummate dignity and elevation of character under which he ajn pears in the writings of the evangelists. And this truly Christian philosopher believed it to be not only a more rational way of accounting for the excellence of our Lord's character, and more agreeable to the language of the New Testament, which represents him as growing in wisdom and in favour with God and man, but, in truth, more honourable to our Lord himself, that his perfect moral excellence should be the result of his own exertion, vigilance, and fortitude, rather than of a su* pernatural operation. And upon this supposition, the CH. VIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 160 example of Jesus becomes far more interesting and efficacious than upon the common hypothesis. Dr. Priestley's doctrine was new and original, and at first very obnoxious and startling even to those who thought with him upon most subjects. And as his generous mind was above courting popularity, he took no pains to avoid offensive language in expressing his ideas : but in the present day, the alarm having subsided, and a cooler examination of the subject having taken place, it would I believe be hard to find any considerate and con- sistent Unitarian who does not adopt Dr. Priestley's ideas concerning the formation of our Lord's moral cha- racter, and who does not rejoice that he did not yield to \\\e prudent timidity of his worthy but less adventurous friends. Mr. Lindsey acknowledges to his learned cor- respondent that " he had not then paid much attention to the subject." Afterwards, when he reflected more deliberately upon it, there is reason to believe that his alarm ceased, and that he became convinced that his difference with his friend was more nominal than real. Whether, as Dr. Priestley apprehends, our Lord was mistaken with respect to the cause of epilepsy and insa- nity, or whether, as Mr. Farmer maintains, knowing the falsehood of the popular opinion, he still thought fit, and indeed found it necessary, to use the popular lan- guage, is a more doubtful question than that concerning the natural perfection of our Lord's character. But surely it is a question highly worthy of public discussion among those who are desirous of obviating objections to the credibility of the New Testament. The language of Jesus to those who were believed to be possessed by demons, that is, by human ghosts, and especially in the case of the Gadarene demoniac, Luke viii. is hardly re- concileable to the simplicity and sincerity of our Lord's character, if he at the same time knew that the sym- 170 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. VIII. ptoms were occasioned by natural disorder, not by demo- niacal possession ; nor can it be regarded as any objec- tion to his prophetic authority, or to the reality of the miracle, that his inspiration did not extend to the know- ledge of the nature and causes of the diseases which he o was empowered to heal. On the contrary, it may be urged with great appearance of truth, that it cannot with any reason be admitted that our Lord was so grossly ignorant of the state of the dead, as to believe that the souls of bad men were permitted to enter into the bodies of living men and to torment them. Upon the whole, with the exception of the case of the Gadarene demoniac, it seems more easy to admit that our Lord used the popular language without adopting the popular philosophy, than to suppose him chargeable with such an egregious error upon a subject so closely connected with the proper object of his mission. The contrary hypothesis is, however, more generally adopted by those who inquire freely into the subject, as I believe I am warranted to say it certainly was by Mr. Lindsey, not- withstanding the alarm he expresses at his friend's insi- nuation, that " our Saviour was as much in the dark as the most vulgar among the Jews, about possessions ; and believed them in the gross literal sense." That our Lord misunderstood and misapplied the prophecies of the Old Testament, relating to the Mes- siah, is a position maintained by Dr. Priestley, which did not meet with the general concurrence of those who were disposed to think with him upon other subjects. Dr. Jebb and Mr. Lindsey had some reason to say that " here his main argument failed him." Our Lord so expressly asserts his knowledge of the true sense and application of the prophetic scriptures ; he so frequently interprets without the least hesitation, and with the highest tone of authority, those prophecies which relate CH. VIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. to the Messiah ; he so gravely rebukes his disciples for not understanding what he had so plainly and repeatedly taught ; and after his resurrection he so explicitly as- sumes an authority to " open their understandings that they might understand the Scriptures ; " that to deny to Jesus a power which he so directly challenges, looks like an attack upon his veracity, and is little less than charging him with vanity and arrogance. Nor are we by the necessity of the case driven to this conclusion. For it is not allowed that Dr. Priestley, though he has attempted it, as indeed his argument required, has suc- ceeded in any one instance in proving that our Lord has actually fallen into error, in his explanation and applica- tion of the prophetic scriptures. This however is a fair and interesting topic of discussion ; and the friends of scriptural knowledge will rejoice to have the question set in a satisfactory light. Dr. Priestley, unawed by the remonstrances of his friends, and fearless of personal consequences in the pur- suit of Christian truth, and in the detection and expo- sure of the corruptions of the Christian doctrine, or of the sacred text, and justly thinking that nothing would prove more favourable to the discovery of truth than fair and animated discussion, proceeded in his open and manly way, under the signature of Ebionita in the Theological Repository, to urge his objections against the narrative of the Miraculous Conception in the introductory chap- ters to the gospels of Matthew and Luke. This bold at- tack upon an article of faith which had maintained its ground undisputed for upwards of a thousand years, not only renewed the clamours of bigots against the insolence and impiety of the hardy assailant, but excited consider- able apprehensions among.many professed friends to free inquiry, who -not only feared that the author's own re- 172 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. VIII. putation might suffer, and his writings be brought into discredit, and that his usefulness might thereby be greatly impeded, but that the credibility of the Gospel history itself might be impeached, if so large a portion of it should be regarded as spurious. Nor were the apprehensions of any one upon this occasion more vivid than those of the venerable subject of the present Memoir; who thus ex- presses his feelings and his fears, in confidence, to his learned and estimable friend the Rev. Newcome Cappe, at York. April 30, 1 785. " I wish some able hand would send him some remarks on his account of the miraculous con- ception; for no one I believe would sooner relinquish any opinion, was he made to see cause for it. A friend told me that he thought the Doctor seemed somewhat moved, when he remarked to him that an extraordinary event of that kind might be most important in forming the character of Christ, by inducing his parents to pay particular attention to him in this respect, and by the early impressions it might make upon his own mind ; neither of which had occurred to him. However, whether he or any one retains or rejects the notion, is of little con- sequence. A man may be most fully persuaded that Jesus is the Christ, whether he holds him as the son of Mary, orof Joseph also. Only, I have much wishedDr. Priestley could restrain himself from appearing the patron of the latter, opinion, lest it might hurt his usefulness in pre- venting the reading of his many valuable theological writings." These are the natural and liberal reflections of Mr. Lindsey's candid mind upon the first proposal of the sub- ject. But his own correct feelings appear to have been in some degree aggravated, and, if I may so express it, acidified, by the less candid observations which he oc- CH VIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEV. casionally heard from others. He thus expresses him- self in a letter to his friend at York, dated December 8, 1785. " I am exceedingly gratified by your leaving your let- ter to Dr ; Priestley unsealed, and permitting me the perusal of it* When you but barely intimated your senti- ment at York, but now much more from your further enlargement upon it, I think I see a new light thrown upon our Saviour's language and manner of address to Almighty God throughout the gospels, though I have not considered yet at all, how the idea of his extraordi- nary birth at times pervades the language of his apostles concerning him. I shall, however, most earnestly long for your full discussion of the subject, and I hope it will please Providence that nothing will prevent your going on to finish this disquisition in the manner in which you have planned it. I do not however imagine, as you for- merly expressed yourself, that the suggestion of any ar- gument of this kind will have such an effect on our friend as to work any change in his sentiments ; though I hope, if he attends to it, as I trust he will, the remarks on Ebionita pointing out so many mistakes, and several less fair (however undesigned) methods of application to his readers, will prevent him exhibiting his opinion in such a disgusting form, and with so wrong a spirit, in his greater work now printing." " Besides the ardour of his own natural temper, I am sure that he has been hurried on further than that would have carried his judicious mind, by the vehemence of some persons about him, so as to look upon the mira- culous conception as one of the great corruptions of Christianity. So that he set out without weighing the consequences ; and as his method of treating the subject did not affect himself nor disturb him, he thought it would be the same with others. And having happily got 174 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. VIII. over the outcries raised against him on other like points, as he conceived, he believed it would be the same here. I will, however, entertain hope that your most candid but strong manner, at the conclusion of your letter, of representing to him your own and the opinions of others concerning his treating the subject, will prevail with him to treat the matter with a better temper, as not a day passes but I meet with one or other friends that earnestly wish it for his own, and for the truth's sake." Dr. Priestley, in his Essay upon the Miraculous Con- ception, in the Repository, expresses his sentiments upon this subject, as upon all others, unequivocally, and with- out disguise ; and certainly, though not with intention to give offence, yet without any precaution to guard against it. But surely his language, and his manner of treating the subject, hardly deserve the severe censure of making "unfair applications to his readers, and of exhibit- ing his opinion in a disgusting form, and with a wrong spirit." In an argument so novel, the prejudices of some would undoubtedly be shocked. But there were many who, though not converted to his opinion, were by no means offended with the argument or the spirit of the writer, but rather admired the ingenuity which could give plausibility to an hypothesis in their apprehension so unfounded, and so inconsistent with what they judged to be the plain declaration of the New Testament. Such was unquestionably the first impression upon the in* genuous mind of Mr. Lindsey ; and nothing but a too great facility in yielding his own judgement to that of his friends, could have induced him to think and to ex- press himself with such unusual asperity upon the temper and spirit of his honest and able fellow-labourer in the field of truth. It is, however, of more consequence to remark, how widely Mr. Lindsey differed from his inquisitive friend CH. VIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS UNDSEY. 175 upon the subject of the miraculous conception, and how unlikely he was at that time ever to be reconciled to his sentiments. But an upright inquirer will never think it too late to learn, and will be always ready to embrace doc- trines the most opposite to his preconceived opinions, if after mature examination he sees reason to believe that they are founded in truth. Such was the character of the venerable subject of this Memoir ; and in the following extract from a letter to his friend Mr. Cappe, he ex- presses himself in a more hesitating tone. April 10, 1787. " I am much concerned to find you have such a multiplicity of business and of avocations ; but I hope you will steal time to give us your arguments for the miraculous conception, which I have not hitherto seen any cause to give up, though some inconsistencies with which the evidence for it is encumbered have dis- turbed me a little ; and I should be happy to see your further positive scriptural proofs for it made out at full length." In a letter dated nine months before, in July 1786, Mr. Lindsey had importunately urged the same request : " I cannot conclude without entreating you, my most worthy friend, to give us, and give the public, your valuable thoughts on the miraculous conception. If Dr. Jebb had been alive, he would have joined with me, and would have told you it was a duty for you to do it. He had not attended much to the argument ; but he had no doubt about the fact, or the genuineness of those scrip- tures which relate to it, any more than you have. Adieu, But I beg you will think of this seriously and in earnest." Notwithstanding, however, these repeated and urgent calls, the oracle remained silent. Whatever might be the reason, whether, upon further inquiry, he found that, when he first promised the answer, like his precursor Dr. Jebb, he had not attended much to the argument ', or from some other unknown cause, this truly learned and acute theolo- 176 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. VIII, gian, who was looked up to as the only person competent to advocate the sinking cause of the suspected narrative* declined to enter the lists *, and the historian and detector of the corruptions of Christianity was left the undisputed master of the field. His venerable friend, thus deserted by his principal ally, after a few more inef- fectual struggles, found himself compelled, by the power of truth and the irresistible force of argument, to lay down his arms and surrender at discretion ; and, like the man of Tarsus, to become the champion of the faith which he once disapproved. In other words, Mr. Lind- sey, upon further consideration of the subject, and seeing no satisfactory reply to his friend's arguments, gave up, though not without some reluctance, his belief in the miraculous conception : and in the next edition of his Liturgy, in the year 1789, he omitted that creed, erro- neously called the creed of the apostles, which contains this unscriptural article. This doctrine, that Jesus of Nazareth, the great prophet of th.e Most High, was the son of Joseph and Mary, which was so alarming when it was first asserted by Dr. Priestley, is now perfectly familiar- ised, and is I believe generally received by those who maintain the proper humanity of Jesus Christ. In- deed the direct assertion of Luke, which can by no fair and legitimate criticism be set aside, that our Lord had just completed his thirtieth year f, in the fifteenth * Mr. Cappe's first remarks upon Dr. Priestley were published in the fifth volume of the Theological Repository, under the signature of Nazaraeus. The principal object was to prove that the miracle, though in its own na- ture necessarily private, might nevertheless have its use. Dr. Priestley in the same volume adverts to this objection, in a paper signed Nazarenus. Whether Mr. Cappe, like his ingenuous correspondent, ever abandoned the miraculous conception, does not appear from any of his posthumous publica- tions. The " Connected History of the Life of Christ," published by his excellent widow, leaves the fact in a state of considerable doubt. f- Aj*|K( at tra Tfi*T, est iticlpio jam csse triccnariut, quod non dici- tur nisi, post impletuin annum tricessiomni. Grotius. CH; VIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 177 year of Tiberius, fixes the birth of Christ at least two years after Herod's death. This single undeniable chro- nological fact at once invalidates the introductory narrar tive to Matthew and Luke. And the uselessness of the who had lately been consecrated by the non-juring bishops of Scotland, and who exercised his jurisdiction over the episcopal churches in Connecticut. But this prelate, being a rigid Calvinist, would not lay hands The writer of this Memoir is happy to add, that the day of increased light and liberality, foretold by this enlightened reformer, is now arrived, and that Dr. Freeman has himself lived to see his own prediction verified. In anew edition of the Boston Liturgy, printed in the year 1811, a copy of which the writer has had the honour to receive as a present from the Ministers, Wardens, and Vestry of the King's Chapel, nothing Is to be found which, is inconsistent with the purest principles of Unitarian worship as such, and with a very few alterations, chiefly verbal, it might be made perfectly unoJ>- jectionable. May it long be the efficacious means of supporting the purity and simplicity of Christian worship, and diffusing a spirit of rational piety \ Mr. Freeman further proceeds to state the progress which Unitarian prirt- ciples were making in the United States, and particularly in New England. Tbis he imputes to the many excellent books published in England, and to Mr. Lindsey's Works in particular, which weve much read and, with, greajt effect. The sermons and conversation of some clergymen in New England also contributed their share : and amongst these he mentions the Rev. Mr. Hazlitt, a pious, zealous, and intelligent English minister, who after his rer turn to England settled at Wem in Shropshire. Mr. Freeman speaks of himself as particularly indebted to the instructions and conversation o!f this respectable person. " I bless the day," says he, "when that honest man fii-st landed in this country." In another letter, dated June 1/89, Mr. Free- man \yrites, " Before Mr. Hazlitt came to Boston, the Trinitarian doxology was almost universally used. That honest good man prevailed upon several respectableministers to omit it. Since his departure, the number of those who. repeat only scriptural doxolo^ies has greatly increased, so tha,t th establishment to oppose, the same zeal which is felt in England cannot be expected in this country ; but rational Christianity will, I doubt net, make a, rapid though not very visible progress." This letter was written in 184 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CM. IX. nkm in this country ; which must afford great pleasure to those good men Mr. Lindsey and Dr. Priestley. Three years ago I did not know a single Unitarian in this part of the country besides myself : and now, entirely from the various publications you have furnished, a decent so- ciety might be collected from this and the neighbouring towns. When you again write to Mr. Lindsey, you may assure him in the most positive terms that his and Dr. Priestley's publications have had, and probably will have, great effects in this part of the country ; which I am sure must afford him great satisfaction." Agreeably to this account, the doctrine of the proper Unity of God made a progress so rapid in the town and vicinage of Portland, that in the beginning of the year 1792 an effort was made to introduce a reformed Liturgy into the episcopal church ; whicli being resisted by one or two leading members of the congregation, the Uni- tarians, who constituted a considerable majority of the society, seceded from the rest ; and forming themselves into a separate church, they chose the Reverend Mr. Oxnard to be their minister ; and being denied the use of the episcopal chapel, they assembled for religious wor- ship at one of the public school-houses which was large and commodious, and where they carried on the worship of the One God with increasing popularity and success. About the same time another society for Unitarian worship was formed at Saco, a populous village about twenty miles distant from Portland, under the auspices of Mr. Thatcher, a gentleman of considerable property and of excellent character, who was repeatedly returned as representative in Congress for the northern district of the State of Massachusetts. Mr. Thatcher it is said was originally an unbeliever; but possessing a candid and inquisitive mind, he became a very sincere and rational Christian in consequence of. reading Dr. Priestley's (JH. IX.] REVEREND TBEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 185 Works ; and, as Mr. Lindsey's correspondent expresses it, " the influence of our divine religion became very evident in his life and manners." This gentleman, by his conversation, his occasional publications, by lending Unitarian books, and by the great influence of his moral and religious character, contributed much to diffuse ra- tional and pure Christianity in the vicinity of his resi- dence, and formed at Saco a congregation of Unitarian Christians which was for some time connected with that at Portland, but afterwards became sufficiently numerous and respectable to maintain a separate minister. In England the spirit of the times is more liberal than the spirit of the laws. In America it is the reverse ; and the bigotry of individuals sometimes labours to counteract the unlimited freedom of faith and worship, which is the glory of the Constitution of the United States. The active zeal of Mr. Thatcher, in promoting the worship of One God in opposition to unscriptural formularies and creeds, excited the malignant efforts of some of his bigoted neighbours to oppose his re-election to a seat in Congress. But the high character, the approved pa- triotism, and the distinguished talents of that honour- able gentleman secured him an easy triumph over the mean attacks of ignorance and envy, and he was again returned by a great majority. Upon the formation of the first Unitarian Society in the district of Maine, Mr. Lindsey's intelligent corre- spondent makes the following just and important obser- vations, in a letter dated May 21, 1792 : "I consider the establishment of this society as an event peculiarly favourable to the progress of Unitarian- ism in this country. The eastern division of this State, commonly called the province of Maine, of which Port- land is the capital, is one of the most flourishing parts of the United States. It is rapidly increasing in population 186 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [en. IX. and in wealth. Portland, which under the name of Fal- mouth was almost totally destroyed during the last war, has now become a large and respectable town, and bids fair in the course of half a century to rival Boston. Like other capital towns, it will probably influence the opi- nions of the surrounding country. It may be expected, therefore, that Unitarianism will grow with its growth, and be widely diffused. What favours this expectation is, that one of the ministers of the town, a very liberal and enlightened man, is upon very good terms with the Unitarian Society, and not disposed to discountenance them. In sentiment he professes to be a Sabellian. The other ministers in the neighbourhood are in general ig- norant, and some of them vicious. The consequence is, that there is less appearance of religion in the province of Maine than in any other part of New England. I have no doubt, therefore, that a number of Unitarians pos- sessing that purity of morals for which they are generally distinguished will have a great effect, not only in dif- fusing rational sentiments, but also in reforming the practice of their fellow-citizens. I give this not merely as my own opinion, but as the opinion of some gentle- men who are best informed in the State of the province of Maine. The establishment of a rational Christian society, and the happy changes which are to be expected in future, must, sir, in a great measure be ascribed to the books which you have sent over. What, therefore, must be your triumph when you reflect that you have en- lightened the minds of your fellow-christians, and that you will probably be the means of turning many to righteousness !" How far this worthy and ardent correspondent of Mr. Lindsey was warranted in the sanguine expectations he expresses of the success and beneficial effects of the Unitarian doctrine in the New England States, does not CH. IX.] REVEREND 4TBEOPHELUS LINDSEY. very distinctly appear. In 17-88 he states to his venerable friend, that the Socinian scheme is less frightful than it was some years ago, and begins to have some public ad- vocates. The only minister, however, who then preached in favour of it was Mr. Bentley, of Salem, a fellow- collegian and intimate friend of the writer, who describes him as " a young man of a bold independent mind,' of strong natural powers, and of more skill in the learned languages than any person of his years in the State." This gentleman had the good fortune to be connected with a congregation uncommonly liberal, who were not alarmed at any improvements, and who were pleased with the introduction of Bishop Lowth's translation of Isaiah, and of other improved translations of the prophetic Scriptures, in preference to the common English version, which was a liberty that few of the ministers in New England would be allowed to take. In 1793, Unitarianism remained at Portland in the state in which it had been settled the preceding year : but the clergy in the neigh- bourhood of Saco having passed a censure upon these opinions as unsound and heretical, the consequence of this attack was an able defence of the doctrine by its ad- vocates in that vicinage, and a subscription for building an Unitarian church. In the year 1794, the same re- spectable correspondent communicates to his venerable friend the progress which the doctrine and worship of the One true God, the Father, were making in the southern districts of the State of Massachusetts. " The counties of Plymouth, Barnstable, and Bristol, were the first part of New England settled by the English ; and till the year 1692, when they were annexed to Massachusetts, constituted a distinct province. The first settlers were a religious and industrious people, of more candid minds ;md less disposed to persecution than the settlers of Massachusetts. Though the country is barren, yet it 188 MEMOIRS OF IRE LATE [cH. IX. has become one of the most populous districts of the United States. The inhabitants are enlightened and vir- tuous. Crimes are unknown ; and there has not been a capital execution for upwards of sixty years. Such cha- racters are valuable acquisitions to the cause of truth. It must give you pleasure, therefore, to learn that two ministers, one in the county of Plymouth, and the other in the county of Barnstable, have lately come forward and openly opposed the doctrine of the Trinity. Their preaching has made a deep impression, and converts have been multiplied. In Barnstable county in particular, there is a very large body of Unitarians." This letter was written not long after the worthy writer had received intelligence of Mr. Lindsey's resignation of the pastoral office on account, not of declining health, but of advanced age ; and I cannot deny myself the grati- fication of transcribing Dr. Freeman's excellent and ju- dicious reflections upon that occasion: " I fervently pray, dear sir, that your health may long be preserved, and that your old age may be as happy as the meridian of your life has been active and useful. You now enjoy the fruits of your labours. You have reclaimed many from the errors of idolatry and superstition. You have diffused knowledge and truth not only in England but in America. But what is most to your honour, though you have displayed all the zeal of a reformer, yet you have pos- sessed none of that bitterness of spirit with which re- formers are too often infected. In your numerous works I find no harsh expressions or malignant censures. I con- template this part of your character with peculiar pleasure ; and though I am conscious I am frequently more angry with error and bigotry than a Christian ought to be, yet I ardently desire to imitate your candour and mildness of temper. Excuse this praise ; it is suggested to me by your two last excellent discourses." This is a high and OH. IX.] REVEREND THEOFHILUS- LINDSEY. 18i) at the same time a discriminating and justly merited eulogy, and must no doubt have been gratifying to the venerable person to whom it was addressed ; whose great humility would, however, lead him to disclaim in part, at least, his title to it. In a letter dated May 24, 1796, the amiable and can- did writer expresses some little doubt, whether his zeal may not have induced him inadvertently to exaggerate the success of Unitarian principles in the United States ; and he endeavours to give a correct account of the actual state of the public mind upon this subject. As this is the last of Dr. Freeman's letters upon the state of Uni- tarianism in America which is in my possession, and as it contains a more general view of the case than he had before exhibited, I shall make no apology for the length of the extract : " I consider it," says this intelligent correspondent to his venerable friend, " as one of the most happy effects which have resulted from my feeble exertions in the Unitarian cause, that they have introduced me to the knowledge and friendship of some of the most valuable characters of the present age ; men of enlightened heads, of pious and benevolent hearts ; ' quibuscum vivere amem, quibuscum obire libens.' " Though it is a standing article of most of our social libraries, that nothing of a controversial nature should be purchased, yet any book which is presented is freely accepted. I have found means, therefore, of introducing into them some of the Unitarian Tracts with which you have kindly furnished me. There are few persons who have not read them with avidity ; and when read, they cannot fail to make an impression upon the minds of many. From these and other causes, the Unitarian doc- trine appears to be still upon the increase. I am ac- quainted with a number of ministers, particularly in the MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cif. IX. southern part of this State; who avow and publicly preach this sentiment. There are others more cautious, who content themselves with leading their hearers by a course of rational but prudent sermons gradually and in- sensibly to embrace it. Though this latter mode is not what I entirely approve, yet it produces good effects. For the people are thus kept out of the reach of false opi- nions, and are prepared for the impressions which will be made on them by more bold and ardent successors, who will probably be raised up when these timid characters are removed off the stage. In the eastern part of this State, or what is called the district of Maine, the Uni- tarian doctrine also makes progress, as I have just been informed by a worthy and judicious minister from that quarter. Trie clergy are generally the first who begin to speculate : but the people soon follow, where they are so much accustomed to read and inquire. " In the accounts which I give you of the state of re- ligious opinions in this country, I always endeavour not to exaggerate, sensible that every zealous man (and I confess that I am zealous) is naturally disposed to rate his own party as highly as he can. It is possible thai Unitarianism may be losing ground in one quarter while it is gaining it in another, and that I may not perceive or may not attend to the former. Indeed, I confess and lament that the opinion is scarcely known in the largest part of this vast republic. It flourishes chiefly in New England ; but not much in Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and the western counties of Massa- chusetts. A few seeds have been sown in Vermont, and an abundant harvest has been produced in the vicinity of Boston and the counties directly south of it. In Pennsylvania, much may be expected from the labours of Dr. Priestley." It was in the year 1796 that this ktter was written ; CH. IX.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 191 and though it cannot reasonably be doubted that the im- portant doctrines of the unrivalled supremacy and sole worship of the Father, and of the proper humanity of Jesus Christ, have since that time been gradually ad- vancing in a country so favourable to freedom of inquiry; yet it may justly be questioned whether the progress of truth has been quite so rapid, visible, or extensive, as the zeal of this ingenuous and ardent lover of truth prompted him to expect. Dr. Priestley's personal mi- nistry in the United States was attended with very lit- tle apparent success. In Northumberland, where he re- sided, he collected but few proselytes ; and in Philadel- phia, where the chapel in which he preached was at first crowded with the principal characters in the United States, he was afterwards for some reason or other al- most deserted. Yet here his labours were not wholly ineffectual. Since Dr. Priestley's decease a small but highly respectable congregation has been formed, in which, till a regular minister can be procured, a few of the most intelligent and best informed members conduct the service by turns ; and the society, upon the whole, is increasing, though some who once professed zeal in the cause have turned their backs upon it. The Uni- tarians in Philadelphia have erected a chapel for religious worship, to which many of different persuasions contri- buted liberally. Another Unitarian congregation has been formed at Oldenbarneveld, a new settlement in the back country of the State of New York, under the patronage of Co- lonel Mappa, a gentleman of a truly respectable cha- racter, and of considerable property and influence in that district, aided by the exertions of the Rev. Frederic Adrian Vanderkemp, a learned and pious emigrant from Holland, whose zeal for the doctrine of the Divine Unity has exposed him to many difficulties and priva- 19'2 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. IX. tioris. This chiirch was, for a few years, under the pastoral inspection of the ReverendJohn Sherman, who in the year 1805 was dismissed, on account of his Uni- tarian principles, from his office as minister of the first church at Mansfield in Connecticut, where he had offi- ciated upwards of eight years with great and increasing acceptance and success. Of the circumstances which led to this separation, and of the inquisitorial spirit which was exerted against him by the bigoted clergy in his neighbourhood, he published a plain and affect- ing account, a copy of which now lies before me. And if some expressions of irritation have escaped him, which it would perhaps have been better to omit, it requires but little charity to make allowance for them where the provocation was so great and unmerited. This gentleman, in consequence of an attentive per- usal of the works of Mr. Lindsey and Dr. Priestley, be- came a sincere and zealous convert to the doctrine of the proper Unity and sole Supremacy of God, to the simple humanity of Jesus Christ, and to the appropriation of religious worship to the Father only. A doctrine of such high importance, and so materially differing from the popular creed, he justly conceived it to be his duty to avow and teach*. And in the first place, he commnni- * This worthy confessor's plain and artless narrative of the feelings of his mina upon this occasion is well deserving of being here transcribed, and may jt make a due impression upon all who are placed in similar circumstances and called out to similar trials ! " Settled," says he, " in the sentiment that God is one person only, and that Jesus Christ is a being distinct from God, dependent upon him for his existence and all his powers, I was involved in much trial and perplexity of mind with respect to the course which duty required me to pursue. I was aware of the prejudices of my brethren in the ministry, and foresaw that, should my sentiments be made public, they would certainly exert themselves to destroy my ministerial and Christian standing ; that my standing with the people of my charge, whose confidence I was so happy as to possess, would be endangered, if not by their own prejudices, yet by the influence and exer- tions of others ; and, considering the state of the American churches, that I could hardly expect an invitation to -minister to any people on this side of the CH. IX.] REVEREND THEOPH1LUS LINDSEY. 193 cated his change of sentiments to the congregation with which he was connected; when, to his great surprise and satisfaction, he found that, with a single exception, they were all earnestly desirous that he should continue his connexion with them, and that each should quietly allow to others the right of private judgement in this and every other case. This however did not satisfy his clerical brethren, with whom, as residing in the neighbourhood, he had joined in a voluntary association. Being duly in- formed by Deacon Southworth, the dissatisfied member before alluded to, of his reverend pastor's departure from the faith, they first in a formal session, held in October 1 804, excluded him from their society, and disavowed ministerial connexion with him. And in this measure was no injustice; for the associated ministers had as good Atlantic. Poverty, a diminution of my usefulness, and the unhappy condi- tion of my beloved family, stared me in the face, and conjured me to be si- lent respecting my opinions. " On the other hand I considered that, having avowed different sentiments at my Ordination, it could not be reconciled to a frank and open honesty to allow the world to be deceived as to my real belief; that it is the duty of the minister of the Gospel to instruct men in the knowledge of its important doctrines ; that I was accountable to God for my conduct in this matter, who requires of stewards that a man be found faithful, and who certainly must desire his people to be acquainted with the truth, or he would never have revealed it; that no reformation from prevailing errors could take place, if those who are acquainted with the truth should, through the fear of persecution, conceal it from public view ; and, finally, that it is base, and unbecoming the dignity of man, in this 19th century of the Christian sera, in thia land of liberty and free inquiry, to bow down to popular absurdities and superstitions, and quietly to abandon the unalienable right of private judge- ment. These considerations determined me to put all temporal things at hazard, and to place my trust in that wise Providence which had always been kind, and which will either deliver us from the evil, or inspire us with forti- tude to endure it." Upon these generous and pious principles did this Chris- tian confessor act throughout the whole of this arduous conflict ; and how. ever his ignorant and caaUgnant persecutors might injure his good name, ami deprive him and his family of the comforts of society, and leave them desti- tute of the necessaries of life, they could not rob him of the inestimable trea- sure of an approving conscience. How rapidly and extensively must the cause of Christian truth prevail, if all v/ho were convinced of it possessed the fortitude and zeal of Mr. Sherman! But this is an elevation of character to which every one cannot attain. Different persons have different gifts, and ar? called to different duties. Let every one judge impartially for a;vi candidly foi 194 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. IX. a right to judge of the truth and importance of their opi- nions as Mr. Sherman of his. But the zeal of these pious inquisitors did not stop here : they wrote an official let- ter to the church at Mansfield, stating, that they had judged it to be their duty to withdraw from their hereti- cal brother their own ministerial connexion, and pretty plainly intimating their expectation that the society would follow their example, and dismiss their pastor, who stood convicted by his own confession of many capital errors. This advice, though treated with merited neglect by a majority of the church, nevertheless made a considerable impression upon a small number of feeble-minded mem- bers, who in April 1 805 addressed a letter to the vene- rable Association, expressing their dissatisfaction with their worthy pastor for denying, as they express it, that "the man Christ Jesus is truly and properly GOD ;" which, say they, "is a doctrine which we cannot be persuaded to give up but with the Bible which contains it." And they further profess that " the doctrine of a trinity of persons in the Godhead, as held by Calvinistic divines for ages, is a doctrine clearly taught in the holy Scrip- tures;" and that, "however mysterious and incompre- hensible, it lies at the very basis of Christianity." Under these difficulties they implore the advice of the reverend Association. But notwithstanding all the activity of Deacon Southworth, and the artifices and intrigues of some bigots in the neighbourhood, only ten signatures could be procured to this address. Such however was the eagerness of the venerable body, and such their zeal to exterminate heresy, that they immediately directed an answer to be sent to the complainants, advising them to have recourse to a Council or Consociation, which is an ecclesiastical court consisting of ministers and messen- gers, and invested by law with great and indefinite powers. But as the Consociation was to consist in a great mea- til. UC.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LJNDSEY. 195 sure of the same ministers of whom the Association was formed, who had already prejudged the cause, and as the congregation at Mansfield had never acknowledged the jurisdiction of this court, they rejected the advice with the contempt it deserved. Nevertheless, as this worthy confessor saw that his unrelenting adversaries were de- termined to pursue every possible method to disturb the peace of the society, and to accomplish his ruin,, and be- ing desirous of preventing the disastrous consequences of religious discord, he came to the resolution of resign- ing his pastoral office. This resolution he communi- cated to his friends ; and at his desire the church and con- gregation concurred with him in inviting, according to the custom of the country, a Mutual Council of respect- able ministers to give their advice in the case, and, if they should judge it expedient, to grant Mr. Sherman an honourable dismission and recommendation. This council assembled in October 1805, and Mr. Sherman first stated his case, and the reasons which led him to wish to resign his connexion with the congrega- tion at Mansfield. After which a deputation from the church, that is, from the communicants*, were heard oa * It may not perhaps he known to the generality of readers, that in the strict independent form of church government, the whole power of ecclesi- astical discipline, the entire management of the property, and the sole right of choosing or dismissing a minister, is vested in the church, that is, in the body of communicants, of those who have been admitted into the communion of that church in particular, according to its prescribed forms, or who have been received by regular dismission from other churches. Mere subscribers have no vote, however numerous and opulent. Mr. Howard the celebrated philanthropist was the richest member and the most liberal supporter of the congregation at Bedford ; he also joined statedly in communion with the church : but not having been regularly admitted into the church, he was only regarded as an occasional communicant ; and in the choice of a minister not the least attention was paid to his expressed opinion and desire, and a minister was chosen who was by no means acceptable to him. In Northamptonshire I recollect another instance in which a venerable minister of irreproachable character, of most amiable manners and unim- peached orthodoxy, was dismissed from his office by the church Tinder some trifling pretence, in opposition to the sense of by far the most respectable part of the congregation. His friends appealed to a court of law to reinstate their respected minister in his office. But Lord Mansfield, who, whatever o 2 196 MEMOIRS 01 THE LATE [_CH. IX. their own behalf; who stated, that though the discon- tented party did not constitute more than one third of the church, yet they plainly perceived that their design was first to exclude their pastor, and then to excommu- nicate their brethren. That, in order to prevent this schism, they had offered to the complainants either that they should remain unmolested with the majority ; or, that the majority, for the sake of peace, should dismiss their pastor, in order to remain unmolested with them ; or, if this would not satisfy their opponents, Mr. Sher- man's friends would retain and maintain their own mi- nister, and let the discontented party have theirs. This concession however, liberal as it was, did not satisfy the dissidents. Lastly, a deputation from the congregation were heard before the Council, who stated, that not less than nine-tenths of the society were well satisfied with their minister, and had no desire to part with him, or to restrain him in his inquiries. "Being," as they express it, " tenacious of the right of private judgement, they wish to indulge their minister in the same: neither would might be his political delinquencies, was a most liberal and impartial judge in all cases in which the rights of Protestant Dissenters were concerned, de- manded to see the writings of the place ; and finding that they vested the communicants with the discretionary power of choosing aud deposing a mi- nister, he dismissed the cause immediately, and the worthy veteran was obliged to resign his claims. Another chapel however was provided for him, where he continued to officiate, and was supported by his friends as long as he lived. In America, it is presumed that where the Independent form of church government prevails this principle is in general maintained. But in Connec- ticut they have strangely deviated from the original freedom of the separate churches, by the institution of what is called the Consociation, a sort of spi- ritual court, which was established in Connecticut in the beginning of the last century. This court has power to interfere " upon all occasions eccle- siastical," and its censures are authorised and supported by the civil power. Ivtdi Consociation consists of ministers and messengers from every congre- gation which belongs to it. But no congregation is compelled to join it. As far as its power extends it is properly a court of inquisition ; p.nd in some cases the members have discovered too much of an inquisitorial spirit. N.B. 1820, it is said that in consequence of the popular party having gained the ascendancy jja the State of Connecticut, these inquisitorial courts have been put down. UH. IX.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 197 they wish that he should act the hypocrite to gain the approbation of any man : and they apprehend that, in case Mr. Sherman is dismissed, the society will soon be found in a most unhappy situation, not likely to be set- tled with another minister for many years." Notwithstanding however these strong facts, this noble profession, and this conciliatory spirit, the prudent Council proceed, as a matter of expediency, to dismiss Mr. Sherman from his connexion with the society : and xvhile they bear honourable testimony to his character and talents, and "recommend him to the kind reception of those who may see fit to employ him," they cautiously subjoin, that they " do not consider themselves as giving their approbation of Mr. Sherman's peculiar phraseology or circumstantial difference of sentiment on the subject of the Trinity." And in their subsequent advice to Mr. Sherman they admonish him to " guard against a bold spirit of speculation, and an inordinate love of novelty." It is not a little curious to contrast those differences of opinion which this venerable Council coolly describes under the soft expressions of peculiar phraseology and a circumstantial difference of sentiment. The man whom they gravely caution against a bold spirit of speculation and inordinate love of novelty, asserts the doctrine, that there is One God, the sole object of religious worship, and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, who is the prophet and messenger of God. While his orthodox opponents, to accommodate whom the Council think it expedient to dismiss their exemplary pastor, maintain as a doctrine essential to salvation, and which they " can never give up but with the Bible which contains it," that " the man Jesus is truly and properly God." Is the venerable Council serious in stating dif- ferences so glaring and so substantial as these, as nothing more than a " peculiar phraseology," and a " circum- 198 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. IX. stantial difference of sentiment? No! No! Opinions such as these can no more harmonize with each other than light and darkness, than Christ and Belial. They who hold doctrines so diametrically opposite cannot be fellow-worshipers in the same temple. It was expedient that they should separate. So far the Council judged right. But the difficulty lies in discovering the expedi- ence, the justicej the common sense of making the greater submit to the less ; in deciding in opposition to the 'declared principles and wishes of two-thirds of the church and nine-tenths of the congregation. It is not to be doubted that the members of this Council were upright and honourable men. But as the case now stands it is impossible to approve of their decision. Why is the majority to be sacrificed to the minority? Why is the upright conscientious inquirer after truth to fall a victim to bigotry, ignorance, and intolerance? This surely is a miserable way of promoting either truth or peace. So the members of this truly respectable but too timid and cautious Council have themselves seen reason to acknowledge ; and one of them at least has amply redeemed his character, and has himself very lately become a fellow-sufferer in the cause of truth*. * This gentleman is the Rev. Abiel Abbot, late pastor of the first church in Coventry in the state of Connecticut, where he was settled in February 1795, and continued to exercise his ministry peaceably and acceptably for fifteen years. In February 1810 some of the membersof his church disco- vered in their worthy pastor symptoms of heresy, anil after some discussion the church applied for advice to the Association which assembled in October, who again referred them to the Consociation which assembled in April 181 1. The Consociation summoned the worthy pastor to reply to the charge: but Mr. Abbot protested against their jurisdiction; neither himself, nor the church of which he was pastor, .nor the congregation having ever joined the Consociation, or acknowledged its authority. The society likewise entered a similar protest. The Consociation however, nothing daunted, voted its own competency and authority, and in their way proceeded to examine the merits of the case ; the result of which was, that the Hev. Abiel Abbot does neither preach nor believe the doctrine of the sacred Trinity; that he does neither preach nor believe, the divinity of Jesus Christ ; that he does neither preach nor believe the doctrine of the atonement by the blood of CH. IX.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 199 Mr. Sherman being thus dismissed from a con- !gregation where he had passed eight years in harmony and usefulness, now found himself east out upon the world destitute almost of the necessaries of life, and Christ, nor of justification by his imputed righteousness; and that doctrines contrary to these, and subversive of the Christian's faith and hope, are by him taught and inculcated. Voted, That the man who neither believes nor preaches the doctrine specified, is disqualified for the office of the Gospel ministry; for he has essentially renounced the Scriptures, has made ship- wreck of faith, has denied the Messiah, &c. The Council therefore feel themselves required by Jesus Christ, the great God and Saviour, &c. to de- clare, and they hereby do declare, that the ministerial relation between the .Rev. A. A. and the first church at Coventry ought to be and is dissolved, &c. Such at the commencement of the nineteenth century was the language, and such were the extravagant claims, of an assembly of Protestant Christian ministers assuming the title of the Consociation of the county of Tolland in the State of Connecticut. Neither the Fathers of the Council of Trent, nor those of Nice, nor of any intervening Council, whether General or Special, ever pretended to higher authority, nor made a bolder claim to mspiratioa or infallibility. Mr. Abbot however, and his friends, the great majprity of his society, not feeling themselves inclined to submit to the dictates of the inspired Council, resolved that the unwarranted censure of the Consociation should have no effect upon their mutual connexion; and he still continued to officiate among them as before. Nevertheless, to guard on the one hand against the inter- position of the secular arm, and on the other to testify his respect to the Council itself, the members of which were individually respectable, this amiable and persecuted confessor thought it advisable to invite a mutual Council of grave and learned divines from the State of Massachusetts to deliberate how far it was his duty to respect the decision of the Tolland Consociation. The very sensible and pious answer of Dr. Osgood, who de- clined attending, contains many very just and pertinent observations. "For myself," says he, " I have little faith in, or respect for, Ecclesiastical Councils. I have long thought them unauthorised in Scripture, and for the most part worse than useless, excepting as mere referees or arbiters mutu- ally chosen by parties at variance to settle their disputes." Speaking of the censure of the Consociation, he adds, " It is indeed a most extraordinary procedure in this land of republican liberty, where all Ecclesiastical Esta- blishments are explicitly disclaimed. This consideration, however, assures you, that though the tongues and pens of Ecclesiastical Councils be as free and unrestrained as those of any other description of citizens, yet they have no power to execute their decrees ; and you have no more reason to tremble at the anathema of the Consociation of Tolland county, than at a bull of the Roman Pontiff. It might therefore, perhaps, be advisable to let it pass with as little notice ; suffering it to have no other effect than to render you p. better Christian and a better man." These are the observations and advice of a wise and good man; which perhaps it would have been most prudent to have followed. The Mutual Council, however, convened by Mr. Abbot and his friends, assembled at Coventry on the 5th of June 1811, the venerable Dr. Lathrop in the chair; and after due deliberation they conclude that " the Consociation had no right to dissolve the connexion between the pastor and the society, the great ma- 200 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. IX. under the ban of a powerful party, who were determined to the utmost to obstruct his future exertions, and to drive him from the ministry. Happily, though the will was good, the power was wanting. The pastor and the congregation appear to have regarded it as their duty to acquiesce in the decision of the Council, however pain- ful : and in an affecting address which was presented by the society to Mr. Sherman, they express their deep regret at the unexpected dissolution of their connexion, when they most wished for its continuance, when they most wanted his ministerial services and friendly counsels, and when he stood highest in their esteem, and had engaged their warmest affections. This address was voted November 12, 1805, and the answer to it is dated from Oldenbarneveld, January 1, 1806. Mr. Sherman's talents were not suffered to remain long unemployed ; and he appears almost immediately after his dismission to have been invited to undertake the pastoral charge of the small congregation which had been collected chiefly by the labours of the excellent Adrian Vanderkemp. And to enable him to remove his family to this distance jority of whom manifest a warm attachment to his person and ministry; bat that from considerations of expediency they do dissolve it, and declare that it is dissolved accordingly." Thus again we see the sacred cause of Christian truth sacrificed to a mean and temporizing policy; and the faithful champion cf truth, the amiable, useful, and beloved pastor torn from his weeping ock, and consigned to poverty and solitude for the sake of preserving a hollow, deceitful, temporary peace. But this cannot last long ; nor can such a measure be approved by the great Head of the Church. Of this strange event the virtuous sufferer has published a fair aud interesting narrative, which is written with a temper and spirit truly Christian. " I will bring," says he, " no railing accusation. The men from whom I have differed, I have loved: the men from whom I have suffered, I have respected; and to none am I conscious, to this hour, of feeling an unfriendly sentiment. From the heart I wish them grace, mercy, and peace." It is however but justice to the members of this perhaps too cautious Council, to add, that they do not presume to judge of the faith of their unfortunate brother; that they express the highest respect for his moral character, and that they cordially recommend him to the pastoral office in some other church. And if there be, as I am sure there is, a love of truth, virtue, and liberty, in the New England States, this able, honest, and pious sufferer for truth will not be suffered to remain long in silence and occlusion. CH. IX.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS UNBSEY. 201 he received a very handsome pecuniary present from his friends at Mansfield, which he acknowledges with warm gratitude. At last this respectable society seems to have roused itself from its slumber, and to have taken the step which it might have been expected that their affec- tion would have dictated immediately upon their worthy pastor's dismission. The church and the congregation invite him to resume the pastoral office at Mansfield. This invitation was dated December 19, but it was then too late. A scene of greater usefulness had, in his esti- mation, opened before him, and to this consideration he regarded it as his duty to sacrifice personal gratifica- tion and social enjoyment. But, in his reply to this ap- plication, he introduces a very judicious summary of the evidence of the Unitarian doctrine, and concludes with expressing his grateful sense of the kindness of his friends, and with a very impressive address to the youth of the congregation*. For some years afterwards Mr. Sherman remained at Oldenbarneveld; and in a letter to Mrs. Lindsey, dated Novembers, 1807, the worthy Mr. Van- derkemp expresses himself thus favourably of the exer- tions and success of his respected coadjutor: * The conclusion of this worthy confessor's address to the youth of his late congregation at Mansfield is so excellent, that no apology can be necessary for inserting it. " To the great question in dispute undoubtedly your minds are also directed. The subject is of primary importance, and demands your serious and attentive consideration. Surely you ought to know whether you are to be the worshipers of Three Gods, or of One God only. Let me exhort you to search the Scriptures diligently on this point, and see whether they teach you that three divine persons, three distinct moral agents, make, when added together, only one individual being. Should the result of your investigation comport with the doctrine which I have taught you from the Scriptures, I wish you may be duly impressed with the importance of openly avowing it, and appearing as its advocates ; that as you rise into public life you will never be ashamed of the interesting truth, but boldly and faithfully stand in its defence, though the multitude should be against you. Let your zeal, however, be well tempered with Christian charity. Be moderate and can- did, liberal and catholic, in your treatment of those who may differ. Above all, always remember that the best orthodoxy is a faithful observance of the sacred precepts of that One God, whom you profess and acknowledge." 202 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [c'H. IX. " It must fill Mr. Lindsey's heart with gladness that his labours are blessed here in the wilderness, through the means of those whom he enlightened and confirmed in the gospel doctrine by his writings. Our pastor with his amiable and worthy wife has the greatest reason for gratitude to the Divine Being, being beloved, respected, and useful in spreading religious knowledge far and wide. Our situation, in a religious point of view, is very gratifying. Notwithstanding, our pastor has to struggle with furious bigotry and ignorant superstition, which blacken his character and slander his innocence, while infidelity has her adherents through the whole country. That kind of writings are spread every where, and peddled round the country by hawkers in the wil- derness, sometimes under spurious titles. Volney and Paine and Hollis are found in miserable cots and hovels, while it is often difficult to meet the sacred Scriptures. This evil has been nursed through the misconduct of high-flying Calvinist teachers in New England, in choos- ing their missionaries from the most stupid andbigoted; -perhaps from necessity: while men of talents among them decline the task. It is therefore not surprising that our pastor is heard with delight wherever there re- mains any claim to virtue and religion. His plain affa- ble manners, his energetic manner of preaching, his vast superiority over his antagonists in disputes whenever they attack him, increase his influence every day. He preaches in the week twenty miles round, and is sanguine in his expectations that he shall form another society twelve miles from hence. Few weeks are passing in which some one or other of the vicinity do not join our church, and those by far the most respectable among them. Disney's Tracts and Seddon's Sermons have ope- rated a great deal of good : so too have the works of my worthy friend, who now ere long shall receive the glo- CH. IX.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 203 rious reward of his labours. Our minister has instituted a school of moral instruction, in which every subject of natural and revealed religion is discussed freely." In a letter dated April 1 809, Mr. Vande.-kemp writes in a less sanguine, yet not altogether discouraging strain. " The Gospel cause gains slowly here and at Philadel- phia. We have at length succeeded to re-engage our worthy minister," who it should seem was about to leave them for want of necessary support for his family. " His ministerial labours are not in vain. Well supplied with a tolerable library, he has seen it enlarged, by Mr. J. Priestley and Mr. J. Taylor from Philadelphia, by some valuable additions. He deserves fully this encourage- ment. His talents are bright : his sermons are plain and persuasive ; his prayers devout and ardent ; and his con- duct struck his slanderers dumb." Unfortunately, whether it were owing to the inability of the congregation at Oldenbarneveld to raise an ade- quate income for the support of their worthy pastor ; or whether, as is often the case with persons of genius, and whose minds are devoted to intellectual pursuits, there might be on his part too little attention paid to cecono- mical arrangements ; in the next account we learn that Mr. Sherman was under the necessity of dissolving his connexion with this society, and that the flock was at that time left without a shepherd, and in a state by no means encouraging. " The best that I can say about our situation is," says the excellent Mr. Vanderkemp, in a letter to Mrs. Lindsey, dated August 1810, " that we are in a very torpid state. Since March we have no minister. Though a few doubled their subscriptions, though twice we took the defalcations of others on our account, we could not raise a sum adequate to his sala- ry : so the connexion was dissolved, to our gteat grief and the irreparable loss of this community. We have 204 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. IX. resolved, however, and continue steadfastly our religious meetings. Some of us have engaged to read in turns ; so that we are edified sometimes by Clarke and Tillot- son, sometimes by Blair, and sometimes by Lindsey, Priestley, Price, and Toulmin."* Of the present state of the Unitarian doctrine in the district (now the state) of Maine, the author of this Me- moir is not informed. Whether the congregation at Portland collected by the worthy Mr. Oxnard, or that at Saco, under the patronage of the truly excellent Mr. Thatcher, still exist, or in what state they now are, he has not heard. At Hallowell the first families in the place are in their principles decidedly Unitarian ; and it is hoped that they will find some opportunity of erect- ing an altar to the ONE GOD, and that by the powerful influence of instruction and example they will diffuse the blessings of rational religion in a district which, under their auspices, is rapidly rising into opulence and distinction. In the State of Massachusetts, and particularly in the environs of Boston, the great cause of Christian truth is making a silent but rapid and irresistible progress. From the inquisitive and liberal spirit which prevails in the University of Cambridge, which has never been checked at any time, but which there is reason to expect will receive every requisite aid and encouragement from the present learned and accomplished Principal Dr. Kirkland, the happiest consequences may be expected to ensue. * In a letter which I received from Mr. Sherman, dated Oldenbarneveld, August 25, 1818, he states that his sole reason for resigning his connexion with the congregation, was the necessity of providing for a large and grow- ing family. He now keeps a flourishing academical school, by the profits of which his circumstances have been retrieved ^ and he expresses a hope that, if life be spared, he may again be called to preach the Gospel of the grace of God. Mr. S. likewise states, in justification of the Council at Mans- field, that it was at his own desire that he was dismissed ; this fact, how- ever, bhould have been more clearly stated in his publication. CH. IX.] REVEREND THEOPHIIAJS LINDSEY. 205 The edition of Griesbach's Greek Testament with se- lect various readings, and with the accurate and laborious author's latest corrections, a copy of which was procured in Germany by the late reverend, learned, and eloquent Joseph S. Buckminster, which under his inspection was elegantly and correctly reprinted in America as a text- book for the students of Harvard College, cannot feil to contribute essentially to the true interpretation of the Sacred Oracles. And a large and beautiful impression of the Improved Version with the Notes, published by my intelligent, learned, and valuable friend and correspondent Mr. W. Wells, of Boston, whose zeal for truth is be- yond all praise, will, it is hoped, contribute to the better understanding of difficult and doubtful passages in holy writ. The Monthly Anthology, the General Repository, and of late the Christian Disciple, and other valuable periodical publications conducted by gentlemen of di- stinguished talents and liberality, tend very much to dif- fuse a spirit of inquiry. Bigotry is discountenanced ; and divine worship in many of the principal churches at Boston is carried on upon principles strictly, if not avowedly Unitarian*. Being myself a friend to inge- * A very correct, certainly, not a partial account of the present state of professed Unitarianism in the State of the Massachusetts, and particularly in Boston, has lately been published in the Monthly Repository for March and April 1812, in a letter addressed by my highly esteemed friend the Reverend Francis Parkman, of Boston, to the Reverend John Grundy, in reply to a flattering account of the state of Unitarianism in Boston and its vicinfty, contained in the Appendix to Mr.Grundy's eloquent Discourse at the opening of a new place of worship at Liverpool. This account appears to have been communicated to my worthy friend by some person whose zeal in a good ca;;se led him to see the objects of his wish in rather too favourable a light. See Appendix, No. X. The following extract from a letter written by a minister in America to his friend in England, dated October 1810, though somewhat long, will, it is hoped, be found both entertaining and important ; it will throw much light upon the state of religion in Boston, and may give rise to some, useful re- flections. " In ray return home I spent the Sabbath at Templeton, and I preachf d twice. There are not more than forty or fifty families near the meeting ; .but they come in all directions from the woods and mountain;, in sucU nuin- 4 2()() ML.U01K3 OF TOE LATB [cil. IX. nuousuess and candaur, I could wish to see all who are truly Unitarians openly such, and to teach the doctrine bers, as to make all together a goodly company. There being in almost every parish, especially in Massachusetts and Connecticut, a settled minister always of good morals, and generally of real piety, to administer divine or- dinances to them and lead them in the way of truth and duty, can scarcely fail having a good influence upon the people at large, in preserving them; from that gross ignorance and grievous profligacy so prevalent in many coun- tries that are called Christian. Nothing would satisfy my son but I must, whilst in Boston, have my picture drawn : this cut up my time so very much that. I could not attend so many of their private meetings as I otherwise should. It was the genera! election for the State ; the Democrats gained the ascendancy. I heard the Election Sermon preached by Dr. P., a very warm Federalist. He made it his business to expose the nefarious proceedings of the opposite party, in truth, a most copious, subject ; and was heard by the people in the galleries with high approbation, and almost clapping. The Convention Sermon (i. e. the sermon preached before the general Assembly ef< Ministers) was preached by Dr. Porter. Full two hundred ministers were in town. Their public business is transacted in the Court House. The Convention has no ecclesiastical authority. Their proceedings and resolu- tions are merely advisory, but are not without coasiderablc effect. The principal thing that came before them was a. complaint against some Mission- aries for going into parishes where there were settled ministers, holding meetings without their knowledge, and even in opposition to their advice. The conduct of the Missionaries was highly disapproved. The Monday after the General Election for the State, there is always a sermon preached to the Artillery Company. Mr. L., I vvas informed, gave them an excellent dis- course, but I did not hear it. I went to the Meeting door, but the crowd was so great that I did not go in. The two Legislative Bodies, the Go- vernor, and a number of the principal Gentlemen and Clergy, after the ser- vice: WHS over, dined at Fanuel Hall, a large building over the market-house, where they have their town meetings and transact their town business. Mr. Jackson the late British minister was there. I was invited to dine with them, but declined it. I was, however, introduced to Mr. Jackson at his lodgings, and once dined with him at Mr. B.'s. Mrs. Jackson with four other ladies were there, the rest of the party were gentlemen, about thirty in all. We had a splendid entertainment. Two courses of all the delicacies money could procure. Among the rest a dish of green pea.i, the first brought to market, which, the papers said, cost four dollars a bushel. The Bosto- nians paid Mr. Jackson great attention, and were much pleased with his behaviour while among them. I preached for Dr. E. Mr. B. Mr. L. and Mr. F. at the Stone chapel. The last-mentioned gentleman was never epi-> scopally ordained ; of course, the ministers who have been so never exchange with him. In his place the Governor used to worship when the State was a British colony. It is a large stone building, just like an English church. The other three are large and costly buildings, and have numerous assem- blies meet in them. The galleries were designed principally for Negroes ; but there is now a meeting built for the Africans to worship in by them- selves. A mulatto minister preaches to them. There are said to be eleren or twelve hundred people of colour in the town. It was Communion day at Mr. B.'s ; there were about one hundred and fifty communicants. At Dr. E.'.* there must have been two hundred. Never did I see such a display of plate on the Communion Table. At Dr. E.'s there were five or six flagons which held from three to four quarts each ; six toakurds, each containing a full Cft. IX. ] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. of the simple indivisible Unity of God as well as to prac- tise the rites of Unitarian worship. But I would not quart; two dozen of cups of various sizes and forms, with six large plates for the bread ; all handsome, and as bright as silver can be made. No per- son of a grain of sense can suppose these things to be of any importance. But as many of these people display great opulence in their own houses, I see nothing improper in their expending a portion of their superfluous wealth upon the house of God. A Chanty Sermon is preached once a quarter for the benefit of the poor belonging to the congregational Societies in this town. The ministers of that denomination preach it in their turns, and the money is equally divided among the Societies for distiibution. About four- teen hundred dollars are collected in this way in the year. Mr. C. preached an excellent discourse, and is in truth a charming preacher ; being remark- ably serious and sensible, and universally liked. The place was quite full, though it will accommodate upwards of two thousand people. There is al- ways a collection at the Convention Sermon for the relief of poor ministers and their families. About six hundred dollars were collected on that occa- sion. Though the people in Boston have lost much of their ancient rigidity respecting the Sabbath, great attention is paid to that day. Few resort into the country, and those who do, go early in the morning that they may not be noticed. Very few visit on that day, and but few are to be seen in the streets, except when going- to or from public worship, and then the streets are crowded. At sun-set their Sabbath is considered as ended ; the gentle- men often visit their friends, and the ladies sometimes take their work. In 1 religious families the Saturday evenings are observed with strictness; but some, as might be expected, under pretence of keeping Saturday evening in preference to the other, keep neither. It is customary in the gayest, and even the most profligate, to connect themselves with some religious Society, so far as' to contribute to its support, and occasionally to attend. This is ne- cessary if they would be thought of any consequence in society, and even to preserve themselves from ridicule and reproach. Dr. E., who has been a minister at Boston above thirty years, tells me, he never knew a greater re- gard'paid to religion in that town than now, nor does he think there ever was in his time more real goodness among them. On Election day I dined with about thirty gentlemen at Mr. P.'s, one of the deacons of Dr. E.'s church. We had a most sumptuous entertainment. When they had drunk two or three glasses of wine after dinner the company dispersed. This I find is a pretty general practice, and thus all temptation to drink to excess is avoided. Their graces before and after meals are generally longer than with you. That office is assigned to the minister of the host, or to the oldest minister present. Episcopalianism is at most only upon- a level with other denomi- nations. The Bostonians are very commendable for keeping veiy much to* their own places of worship, and for speaking of their own minister as one of the best preachers in the town. The clergy seem to be comfortably sup- ported, their salaries being from 1500 to 2000 dollars a yt-ar, and they are constantly receiving handsome presents. They very generally wear in the Summer a silk gown andcassock, with a band; in the winter a cloth one ; and altogether their worship is kept up in a 1 splendid style. The pulpits through- out the country will hold from four to six ministers ; and in Boston their rich cushions and curtains, or Venetian blinds, ornamental pillars and splen- did chandeliers, give their Meetings a magnificent appearance. . I think those which have been lately built are too large ; a minister iinust have a. good voice to fill them. Boston is said to contain 30,000 people, and is in- creasing very fast. The ground on which the town stands is greatly elevated 208 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. IX. presume to judge for another. There may possibly be reasons for caution which do not occur to me, and of on the south-west. It makes a noble appearance from the country. The State House on Beacon Hill is a magnificent structure. AH their Meetings have steeples with one bell. That to the new Meeting in Park-street is very lofty, and one of the handsomest I ever saw. It stands on high ground at the top of the Mall, is seen all round the country, and indeed beyond the Light-house far into Massachusetts Bay. The High Calvinists who built this Meeting expected to have lessened the other congregations, but I am told they have not yet done it. Should they get a popular minister, I have no doubt there wiil be a large Society : the disposition of the people for *t- tending public worship being such, that I expect all their Meetings will be well attended. In the old part of the town the streets are narrow and crook- ed, but are much improved and improving in that respect. Formerly they were much exposed to depredations from fire, the houses being mostly built of wood. The danger from this quarter is lessening daily, as no buildings higher than fourteen feet are permitted to be erected of wood now. The town stands on a peninsula, joining to the main land only by a narrow neck on the south. They were, therefore, obliged to make use of boats to get to and from town. But since the war, five bridges have been built over the different waters that surround Boston and Charleston, which are a vast convenience to the inhabitants. These bridges are all built of wood, and some of them are above a mile in length. The ministers of Boston and that vicinity discover considerable accuracy and taste in their compositions, and, generally speak- ing, may be considered as well furnished divines. Dr. O. is a man of very strong powers of mind ; and though he distinguishes himself upon all public occasions, and especially those of a political nature, his general manner of preaching is very pious and edifying. The clergy are invited to a great many good dinners. A Boston merchant would hardly think of making a dinner for his friends without inviting three or four clergymen. Some that I once knew I believe injured their health and shortened their days by eating and drinking too much. Those now on the stage do not give into any excess." For this long, but curious and interesting extract, I trust that the reader will require no apology. I will only add two brief reflections : First, that the ministers of the church of England are not the only persons who dislike itinerant intruders into parishes which are served by regular clergymen. The spirit of all establishments is the same, whether the favoured sect be episcopalian, presbyterian, or congregational. Secondly, May it be per- mitted to put the question without offence : Can it upon the common prin- ciples of human nature be reasonably expected of a body of clergy, nursed in the lap of ease and affluence, and placed in a statien of such high secular consideration and comfort as that of the ministers of Boston, that they should come forward and by an open profession of unpopular truth volunta- rily risk the loss of all their temporal dignity and comfort, and incur th2 contempt and enmity of many who are now their warmest admirers and friends ? I say not this by way of disparagement to the present body of mi- nisters in Boston and 5 Is neighbourhood. Some of these I have the pleasure to call my friends, and know them to be possessed of talents the most di- stinguished, of piety the most fervent, and of benevolence and zeal the most ardent, active, and laudable ; and of the rest I have heard a most favourable character. It is the situation, not the men, which excites my apprehension. And who will venture to say of himself, that his virtue would be equal to the trial ? Yet still it cannot reasonably be hoped that Truth will make any risible and rapid progress till her advocates rise above the fear of man and CH. IX.J REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 209 which I am not competent to judge. The time must however come, perhaps it is near, when Truth will no longer endure confinement, but will burst forth in all her glory. The dull hollow rumbling at the bottom of the sea, which is scarcely noticed by the inattentive traveller who is gliding carelessly over the solid plate of ice which encrusts the surface, is, to the wary and experienced ob- server, a sure presage of the speedy and sudden explosion of the immense superincumbent mass, and of the resto- ration of the imprisoned waves to their native freedom, to the consternation and often to the utter destruction of those who refuse to listen to the friendly premonition*. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER IX. I HAVE republished this chapter without any material alterations; though I ,have learned with regret, that some worthy persons have taken offence at it, and that it has given birth to a warm, not to say an angry controversy on the other side of the Atlantic. It should seem that many who claim the honourable title of Unitarians in the American States, are very desirous to have it known that they are not " Unitarians in Mr. Belsham's sense of the word." Of this I have no right to complain: I never desired to set myself up as the head of u party : nor have I the slightest pretensions to it ; being nothing more than a humble disciple in the school of Lardner, of Lindsey, and of Priestley ; having learned of them and of a few others, particularly Locke, how to read and examine the Scriptures, and being a follower of them the love of ease, and are willing, with the apostles of Christ and the re- formers of every age, to forsake all and to sacrifice their dearest interests in her glorious cause. The encouragement and success which such faith- ful confessors would meet with in that populous and opulent city would, I doubt not, be very great. The harvest truly is plenteous, it is ripe and ready to be gathered in. Highly honoured will that servant be to whom the great Master of the field shall communicate a portion of his energetic spirit, and shall say, " Put in thy sickle and reap. " * See the interesting narrative of the very narrow escape of two Mora- vian missionaries in travelling over the ice, in consequence of neglecting the advice of some friendly Esquimaux, in the History of the Mission of the United Brethren to Labrador. 210 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. IX. so far as they appear to me to be followers of Christ and his apostles. But I do complain of palpable misrepresentation of my. opinions, and of an exaggerated account of my sentiments concerning the person of Christ, to which I am by no means disposed to subscribe. In perfect concurrence with the three first-named venerable men, I believe that Jesus of Nazareth was a human being, in all respects like unto his brethren, only distinguished from the rest of mankind as the greatest of all the prophets of God, chosen by the Most High to be the founder of a new and universal dispen- sation, the prince and the leader of life, the first begotten from the dead, to whom the spirit was communicated without measure. By which I mean, that he was fully instructed in the nature, ob- ject, and extent of his divine mission, and that he was endowed with a voluntary power of working those miracles which were necessary to excite attention, and to demonstrate the divinity of his mission. In this definition of Unitarianism I perfectly harmonize with Dr. Lardner, Mr. Lindsey, and Dr. Priestley: it is no more my definition than it is theirs : and I have no right to the honour of being represented as its author. They who disclaim Unitariauism according to my definition, disclaim the Unitarianism of Lardner, Liudseyj and Priestley men of the greatest distinction for t'oeo logical learning, for their researches into the Scripture, and for the unblemished sanctity of their character. I agree with Mr. Lindsey and Dr. Priestley in rejecting upon critical grounds the story of the miraculous conception, and in believing that Jesus Christ was the son of Joseph and Marv. And being in all respects like other men, he must originally have been a peccable, or he could not have been a moral agent : and the perfection of his characterwas owing to moral discipline. Though he was a Son, he learned obedience by the things he suffered ; and he grew in wisdom as he grew in stature. And though in- spired with a perfect knowledge of every thing relating to his divine mission, it would be absurd to suppose that a human being was inspired with omniscience. In those philosophical, histori- cal, and other topics which were not immediately connected with the objects of his mission he probably entertained opinions siir.i'a: to those of his countrymen in similar circumstances. This is all that is meant, when it is said that Jesus was fallible: and in this conclusion all consistent believers in the proper humanity of Jesus Christ must agree. Dr. Priestley thought that Jesus had erred in the interpretation of Scripture prophecy, and in the case of the Gospel demoniacs. I do not completely agree with my late learned and pious friend in all his conclusions upon these subjects : but if they were true, they would not at all affect the authority CH. IX.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 21 1 of Christ in those points to which his divine mission properly ex- tended. If Unitarianism is a belief in the existence of one God only, in opposition to a plurality of deities, I am decidedly of opinion, with Dr. Lardner, Mr. Lindsey, and Dr. Priestley, that genuine Arians have no claim to the title of Unitarians. Dr. Lardner, with all his mildness, had such a dislike to Arianism that he could hardly speak of it with temper. " Dr. Watts," says he, " to his honour be it spoken, never was an Arian." And though he lived in an age when Arianism was triumphant, so profound was his know- ledge of Christian antiquity, and so clear his discernment of Scrip- ture theology, that it was a well known maxim with him, ' The pride of Arianism will have a fall.' ' Mr. Lindsey, " to his ho- nour be it spoken," never was an Arian. Dr. Priestley and others descended from the heights of orthodoxy to the plains of Unita- rianism through the medium of Arianism. I am therefore very far from intending the slightest disparagement to those who hold the Arian doctrine, as 1 myself for many years very honestly did, with perhaps a slight modification of what is now called the in- dwelling scheme, in whatever language I may now think it right to enter my protest against it. No one surely who thinks rightly concerning the Unity of God will ever admit that Dr. Clarke's scheme, of an eternally begotten Logos, or the proper Arian doctrine of a created Logos, who is the sole former, preserver and governor of the whole created universe, which completely ex- cludes God from all concern in his works, is consistent with just notions of the Unity of the Supreme Being. Upon both these hypotheses, if the Father is nominally God, the Logos is really and the only God. And as to modern Arianism, such as that of Dr. Price, which supposes the Logos to be only the former, supporter, governor and judge of this world, or of the planetary system, if ever polytheism existed in the world, this doctrine is such. For not only does it exclude God from his works, like the theories of Arius and Dr. Clarke, so far as this world is concerned ; but it naturally and necessarily leads to the conclusion that there are as many Logi as there are systems, and that each Logos is endowed with infinitely more power than all the gods and goddesses of the heathen world put together ; who yet were also subject to one great Supreme. Arianism therefore is polytheism in its strictest sense. But modern Arians, as if they were determined to recede as far as possible from the letter of Scripture, having thus deified their Lord and Master, and raised him into the situation of a substitute for the Supreme Being, strangely, and in direct opposition to the dictates of common sense and to the plainest language of Scripture, deny him the worship and homage due to the rank and character to which they P2 212 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. IX. have elevated him. For while the Scripture expressly requires that we shall worship and bow down and kneel before the Lord our Maker, for HE is OUR GOD ; the modern Arian replies " No, \ve will not worship the Lord our Maker, for he is not our God; and to worship him would be an act of downright idolatry: but we will worship our Maker's Maker, for he alone is our God :" a strange doctrine; for which if any one can find any foundation in the Scripture, he must read with very different eyes from mine. It is indeed astonishing that so many wise and good men should be so blind to the plain consequences of their own opinions, and should fancy that they are Unitarians, when they believe not only in two, but in two hundred thousand gods. But, as Dr. Price says, we are apt to wonder at one another : and it is almost im- possible to make sufficient allowance for the strength of early prejudice and the influence of fixed principles. But at least I think it will he allowed me that, while I entertain these sentiments of the Arian hypothesis, I cannot very consistently class Arians with Unitarians*. As to the very modern doctrine of the simple pre-existence of Christ, the abettors of it have certainly no claim to the title of Arians, but have a very good right to be num- bered with Unitarians, though, as I think, under a cloud of error. No small share of credit is claimed by many on both sides the Atlantic for being what they call practical preachers, and for not troubling their hearers with what they represent as speculative no- tions. And not unfrequently, a sarcasm or an innuendo is thrown out against those of their brethren who think it their duty to in- struct, as well as to exhort. If such practical teachers satisfy their own consciences, and are useful to others, it is well. Happy is * Nothing can be more extraordinary and unaccountable than the zeal with which modern Arians explode the worship of Jesus Christ. For up- wards of twenty years of my life I was an Arian, or a Clarkist. I believed that the spirit, the Logos which animated the body of Christ, was the maker of heaven and earth and sea, and all things therein : I believed that he was my maker, supporter, benefactor and governor, in whom I lived and moved and existed : I believed that he descended from his celestial glories ; that he became incarnate ; that he took the form of a servant ; and that by under- going the severest pains of body and mind he satisfied Divine justice and expiated the sins of men. I believed that after his resurrection he ascended into heaven ; that he resumed his original glory ; and that he ever lives to make intercession for us, in the usual sense of the words. I believed that the first duty of a Christian was to commit his immortal interests into the hands of Christ, who wa.s ever willing to take the charge of them ; and who was always at hand to sympathize, to strengthen, to console, to advise, and to keep what was committed to him to that day. With these views of Christ, was it possible to suppress the feelings of veneration, of gratitude, of hope, of confidence, of joy and the like; or to restrain the natural ex- pressions of those feelings, in the language of prayer and praise ? It was utterly impossible. And never shall I forget the delight with which I have Ctf.-lX.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDEY. 213 he who condemned! not himself in the thing that he alloweth. Theirs is comparatively an easy task. Others are placed in cir- cumstances of greater difficulty and severer trial. Enlightened by a serious, long, and painful study of the Scriptures in the know- ledge of the truth as it is in Jesus, they feel themselves not only called to resign their most cherished prejudices, but to abandon their dearest connexions, to exchange affluence for poverty, and reputation for contempt. Being themselves happily possessed of the simplicity of evangelical truth, discerning its inestimable value, and feeling its enlivening arid consolatory power, they be- lieve it to be their duty to enter their solemn protest against popular and prevailing errors, and to be as explicit in teaching God's sacred truth, as others are in publishing their unscriptural and pernicious errors. In thus fearlessly obeying the dictates of conscience they often incur severe privations, and are censured and even abandoned by some from whom they would have ex- pected more liberal treatment. It is however enough for them that God knows their heart j and that his approbation will make am- ple amends for every loss which they may sustain, for every pang which they endure, for all the calumny and reproach which they encounter from the world, and from the unkind cen- sures of their mistaken brethren. If they are honoured as the humblest instruments of promoting the truth of God and the purity of the Gospel, none of these things move them. As to the rest, I trust that this discussion has been the happy means of promoting the great cause of the proper Unity and the sole unrivalled glory of God in the United States. I am happy to a thousand and a thousand times repeated the language of Grove's Sacra- mental Meditations : " Do I not love thee, O my Saviour ! thou knowest all ihings, thou kuowest that I love thee. I love thee, O Jesus ! but not as I would, not as I ought to love thee," &c. Or of that beautiful hymn of Dr. Doddridge : " Do I not love thee, O my Lord ! Then let me nothing love ; Be dead, my heart, to every joy, If Jesus cannot move." And even now I hardly dare trust my feelings with those recollections ; c\en though, in consequence of having acquired corrector notions of the person of Christ, I am fully convinced that our exalted Master would not think himself honoured by those affections and addresses which are alone due to his Father and our Father, to his God and our God. But how it is that modern Arians can possibly entertain these sentiments of Jesus Christ, and yet refuse him the correspondent homage ; and not only so, but make their boast of it, and glory in it as a circumstance which entitles them to the honourable title of Unitarians, is utterly beyond my comprehension. When I entertained their sentiments concerning the person and offices of Christ, I should rather have said, " Perish Unitiu ianism ! if it requires a sa- crifice so costly as that of the affection and homage which are due to the Redeemer." 214 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [tH. IX. learn that ministers both of the Arian and Unitarian persuasions are now in the habit of openly professing the doctrines which they believe: and I do not wonder that, in consequence of this fearless integrity in a land of perfect religious liberty, Christian truth is flashing like lightning through that highly favoured empire, from Boston to Baltimore, and from Philadelphia to the Illinois. And I doubt not that in less than a century the belief of one God even the Father, and of one Mediator between God and man, the MAN Christ Jesus, will become the prevailing religion of the Western world*. CHAPTER X. ACCOUNT OF THE NEW COLLEGE AT HACKNEY. THE AUTHOR'S INTRODUCTION TO, AND INTIMACY WITH, MR. LINDSEY AND DR. PRIESTLEY. LONDON UNITA- RIAN SOCIETY. WESTERN UNITARIAN SOCIETY. REV. TIMOTHY KEN RICK. UNITARIAN FUND SOCIETY. .TROM this long but I trust not irrelevant nor unin- teresting digression, concerning the present state of the Unitarian doctrine in America, it is now time to return to the venerable subject of the present Memoir. In the year 1786, the Dissenting Academical Insti- tutions at Exeter, Warrington, and Hoxton, having been lately dissolved, and no place of education for dis- senting ministers remaining where freedom of inquiry upon theological questions was allowed, excepting that at Daventry, which was by no means equal to supply the demands of the nonconformist churches, some gentle- men in London formed a plan for erecting an Acade- * The admirable discourse of the Rev. W. E. Charming, delivered at the Ordination of the Rev. Jared Sparks, the respectable minister of the new Unitarian church at Baltimore, in May 1819, and the explicit language used upon that occasion, are amply sufficient to redeem the liberal theologians in America from the censure of concealing what they believe to be the truth : and the discussion excited by this eloquent address cannot fail to be greatly conducive to the cause of free inquiry and the propagation of Christian knowledge. CH. X.] REVEREND THEOPHTLUS LINDSEY. 215 mical Institution in the vicinity of London for the pur- poses of general eo &a!t?6n, and to supersede the necessity of sending the sonV ^dissenting parents to the English Universities, where they are under an obligation of sub- scribing to articles which they do not believe, and of at- tending upon forms of worship which they do not ap- prove. The design was generous and noble ; and it could not have failed to produce the most beneficial and permanent effects, had the wisdom of the execution been proportionate to the beneficence of the plan, and to the disinterested liberality, the zeal, and the public spirit of the original founders. The Dissenters through the coun- try took up the case most warmly, and subscribed most liberally; so that, if the sums raised had been judiciously applied, an Institution might have been founded and endowed which would have bid defiance to opposition and calumny, and the duration of which would have been equal with that of the nation. Some have objected to its vicinity to London : but the true and conclusive answer to this is, that other very flourishing Academical Insti- tutions have existed, and do exist, in the vicinity of the metropolis : there is, therefore, no impossibility, phy- sical or moral, why an Institution of this kind, established upon liberal principles and aided by a vigorous system of discipline, might not have been equally successful. And the advantages of the vicinity of London are obvious and numerous, particularly as it affords the greatest fa- cility of obtaining the best means of instruction in every art and science. If the funds of the Institution had been permanently established and oeconomically applied, any error, however great, in the internal management might have been corrected without affecting its existence. It was a grand experiment; in the conduct of which it might reasonably be expected that, from the want of 21(5 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. X. experience, errors would arise witjiput any imputation of blame to individuals. And&oityefly own knowledge of the case, having been persona%^'6nnected with the Institution for the last seven years of its existence, I will presume to say, that it did not fail from any deficiency in attention or zeal, either on the part of the committees or the tutors. The spirit of the times was against the In- stitution. And the mania of the French Revolution, which began so well and ended so ill, pervaded all ranks of society, and produced a general spirit of insubordi- nation. The ferment of the times gave birth to insi- dious and even to daring attacks upon natural and re- vealed religion, which produced mischievous effects upon uninformed and undisciplined minds. And the founders of the Institution, with the best intentions in the world, introduced a principle which they held up to the public as the peculiar and distinguishing excellence of the plan, and which was to render this Institution paramount in discipline and order to all others ; but which, in fact, sapped the very foundation of all discipline, and was the bane of all salutary authority, viz. that a superintending committee should be always at hand to watch over the conduct of the students, and to support the authority of the tutors. This regulation, in fact, left the tutors totally destitute of all authority ; for whatever happened amiss, they had no other power to rectify but by an appeal to this committee. Every one who is in the least degree acquainted with the dispositions of young men, must see at once that such a constitution is directly and neces- sarily productive of anarchy. And in fact it did produce it to a considerable degree ; and it was owing to the good principles and habits which many of the students brought with them to the college, that this spirit was not more prevalent. CH.-X.] REVEREND THEOFHILUS LINDSEY. 217 Yet, after all, every thing might have been rectified had the funds been properly managed. The principal and in truth the only cause of the failure of the Insti- tution was the unfortunate purchase of the estate at Hackney, which involved the committee in an expense of building and a load of debt which the funds of the In- stitution never were nor could have been able to support. The creditors became clamorous, and it was necessary to sell the estate to great disadvantage in order to pay off the debt. The principal of this debt has been long since dis- charged ; and by the accumulating interest of the resi- duary funds, during the suspension of the Institution, under the management of the worthy and respectable treasurer John Towgood, Esq., a sum has been raised sufficient to discharge the interest of the debts, and to relieve the College honourably and faithfully from every just demand upon its assets. A considerable permanent fund still remains, agreeably to the Resolution of the General Meeting, July 1, 1786 *, which is now vested * The Resolution is expressed in the following words, extracted from the Minutes annexed to the Discourse delivered by Dr. Price in April 1/87 before the Supporters of the College : viz. " That one-third of the present and future donations, benefactions, and bequests to the New Academical In- stitution in the neighbourhood of London, the same not being annual subr scriptions, shall go to create a Permanent Fund, the capital whereof shall be preserved for ever INVIOLABLE and UNALIENABLK, in the hands of Trustees." A subsequent Resolution purports, " That the annual income arising from the Permanent Fund shall ALONK be paid from time to time as it arises towards the support of the said Institution, in such manner as the General Committee shall direct. Or if the said Institution shall at any time hereafter be dissolved, or be discontinued for the space of three years, to theTounding or to the support of any other Academical Institution, or of any Institution preparatory to such among the Protestant Dissenters for the liberal education of youth in any part of England or Wales ; or in giving ex- hibitions to students for the ministry, or in supporting one or more tutors at any such Institution or Institutions within the same limits as the, General Committee shall direct." As the annual subscriptions have been discontinued for many years, the only persons who now have any interest in or control over the hinds of the Institution are the Life-Governors, out of whose donations the Permanent fund has been formed. MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. X. in public securities in the names of four trustees : the dividends upon which are applied by them to the pur- poses for which that fund was appropriated. Of this Institution Mr. Lindsey was from the begin- ning a sincere well-wisher, and an active and liberal sup- porter : no one more ardently desired its success, nor did any one more sincerely lament the circumstances which led to its suspension. It was his connexion with this Institution which first introduced the writer of this Memoir into an intimacy with the revered friend who is the subject of it. As a minister whose principles were known to be what is com- monly called evangelical, the author of this Memoir had been appointed in the year 1781, Theological Tutor in the academy at Daventry, which was a continuation of the .academy under the late pious and celebrated Dr. Doddridge at Northampton, and was supported by the trustees of the late William Coward, Esq., who be- queathed a considerable estate for the education of dis-< senting ministers, and for other religious purposes *. The office of pastor of the independent congregation at Daventry was at that time held in connexion with the * William Coward, Esq. was a merchant in London, a man of large pro- perty, and a zealous Calvinist. He left his great fortune to pious purposes, intending however that it should be limited to the support of the Calvinistio doctrine. But the professional gentleman who drew up the will, who was a man of great talent and liberality, expressed it in such terms as to leave the trustees at full liberty to apply it to the support of whatever they might judge to be the cause of Christ among Protestant Dissenters. The trustees consist of three dissenting ministers and one lay-gentleman j and when a vacancy occurs the survivors appoint a successor, and this important trust has always hitherto been filled by persons of high respectability. For many years this fund supported two very respectable and flourishing institutions for the education of dissenting ministers ; one in the vicinity of London, trst under the direction of Dr. David Jennings, and afterwards of Dr. Savage, and Dr. Kippis, and Dr. Rees ; the other in the country, first at Northamp- ton, under the care of Dr. Doddridge, and afterwards at Daventry, under Dr. Ashworth, the Rev. T. Robins, and finally the writer of this Memoir. And it was during this interval that Mr. Coward's trust was in the meridian of its glory. To them the whole dissenting interest looked up as its patrons and benefactors ; and from one or other of their institutions most of the ro CH. X.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 219 office of divinity tutor, and to this he was also invited. The Unitarian controversy, revived with so much ani- mation by the writings of Mr. Lindsey and Dr. Priestley, and brought home so closely to the feelings by the truly Christian and disinterested conduct of the former, in the resignation of his vicarage, was at that time in its zenith. And the tutor regarding it as a question of the highest importance, conceiving it to be his duty to state it fairly before the theological students, and observing that the question concerning the simple humanity of Christ, which was now become the great controversy of the age, was scarcely glanced at in Dr. Doddridge's Lectures, which were the text-book of the Institution, he deter- mined to draw up a new course of lectures upon the sub- ject. And to this he was impelled by an additional motive, namely, the hope of putting a speedy termi- nation to this newly revived controversy ; since, what- ever respect he entertained for the abilities, the learning, and the character of the great champions of the Uni- tarian faith, he felt a perfect confidence that their argu- ments would be found capable of an easy and satisfactory spectable congregations were supplied with well-educated ministers. Indeed it may be questioned whether more good has ever been done for so great a length of time at so moderate an expense. For though they exerted them- selves to the utmost of the powers with which they were vested, the allow- ance which they were able to make to the tutors was never such as to enable them to make any considerable provision for their families, never amounting, I believe, upon an average, including board, tutors' salaries, house-rent, &c. to more than 30/. a head for each pupil, and in the country not so much. But there was no complaint, and the tutors performed the duties of their office with cheerfulness, looking for remuneration of a dif- ferent kind, having never entered upon the dissenting ministry with the ex- pectation of aggrandizing their fortune. In the year 1785, upon the resig- nation of the tutors of the Hoxton Academy, Mr. Coward's trustees, feeling the support of two institutions as a burden too oppressive, determined upon uniting them together at Daventry, under the charge of the writer of this Memoir, under whose direction the United Institution remained till his re- signation in 1789 ; after which it was placed for some years under the care of the Rev. John Horsey at Northampton ; and upon his resignation it was removed to Wymondely in Hertfordshire. 220 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. X. reply ; and whatever might be the errors of his own edu- cation, he had been happily instructed and firmly fixed in the grand principle, that freedom of investigation must ultimately be favourable to truth. The method which he pursued in instituting this inquiry he has de- tailed at large in another place. It is therefore suffi- cient at present to mention, that he first selected all the texts of the New Testament upon which the controversy is allowed to depend ; most certainly not omitting any which appeared to him favourable to the pre-existence and divinity of Jesus Christ. These he arranged under distinct heads ; and under each text he introduced the explanations of the most approved commentators of the Trinitarian, Arian, Socinian, and Unitarian hypotheses, very rarely introducing any theological comments of his own, choosing rather to leave the remarks of the different expositors to make their own impression upon the minds of his pupils. The labour was considerable ; but it was not thought burthensome either by the teacher or the learner ; the consciousness of honest unbiassed inquiry, and the gradual opening of light, was ampli 1 compensation for all. But the result was widely dif- ferent from what had been expected. First, the pupils, whose ingenuous minds not so firmly bound by preju- dice were more open to conviction, began to discard the errors of education ; and some of them, much to the regret of their worthy friends, and not least to that, of their tutor, became decided Unitarians. The tutor's habits of thinking were more firmly riveted ; and though from the beginning of the inquiry he was a little sur- prised at discovering so few direct, and, as he thought, unequivocal, assertions of his favourite doctrine, and though in the process of his labours he found himself obliged to abandon one text because it was spurious, CH X.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 221 another because it admitted of a different and more pro- bable interpretation, and so on, and was thus driven by degrees out of his strong holds ; yet such was the as- cendancy which the associations of education had ob- tained over his mind, that he does not believe it would have been in the power of argument to have subdued it, had not the nature of his office, which made it neces- sary for him to repeat the lectures to successive classes, and which thereby compelled his attention again and again to the subject, eventually, and almost imperceptibly over-ruled his original prepossessions, and brought him over to the faith to which he had certainly no previous partiality, to the profession of which he had no interest to induce him, and which he had fondly flattered him- self that he should without much difficulty have over- thrown. Those who have never changed their opinions, who are not much in the habits of inquiiy, or who have not watched the vacillations of the mind when it is deli- berating upon subjects of high importance, when it is anxious to form a correct judgement, when much de- pends upon the decision, and when it once begins to suspect as erroneous what it has long regarded as sacred and essential truth, may wonder that the teacher should be so long in making up his own mind, and that he should not be able to mark the day and the hour of his conversion. The fact is, that he was not himself aware of it, till, upon the repetition of a sermon which he had preached a few years before, and in which the pre- existence of Christ and its concomitant doctrines were assumed as facts, he found himself so embarrassed from beginning to end, by his sceptical doubts, that he deter- mined from that time to desist from teaching, what he now first discovered that he no longer believed. This was in the autumn of 1788. And conceiving that, his 222 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. X. mind being now made up upon the subject, it was his duty no longer to hold his peace, but to bear his public testimony to the truth ; and at the same time being conscious that he no longer possessed the qualifications which were deemed essential to the offices he sustained, and regarding it as both unhandsome and unjust to put his friends under the disagreeable necessity of dismissing him from his office, which they probably would have thought it their duty to do ; at least, being fully per- suaded that it was right to give them their option in the case, he determined to resign both the Academy and the congregation. His resignation of the former he sent into the trustees in January 1789, requesting them to keep it concealed till March, as it would be impos- sible for him to quit his situation till midsummer ; and he had no desire to make himself the topic of conver- sation till it became absolutely necessary. The trustees with great propriety expressed their acceptance of the resignation, in a respectful letter of form by the late ex- cellent and benevolent Joseph Paice, Esq. the lay trustee, accompanied with a kind, affectionate, sympathetic let- ter of his own, like himself *. Nor were the rest of the trustees deficient in expressions of sympathy and friendship. In March 1789 the writer of this Memoir went up to * Of this gentleman, so long and so well known in London, and so highiy esteemed for his amiable manners, his unimpeachable integrity, and his un- bounded, disinterested, and almost romantic benevolence, an elegant memoir was printed by his intimate friend and executor James Gibson, Esq. address- ed to Mr. Gibson's only child. Mr. Paice was a dissenter upon principle ; and for many years a distinguished ornament of the highly respectable con- gregation at Carter-lane, under the pastoral care of Mr. Pickatd and Mr. Tayler, and now of the Rev. Joseph Barrett. He was eminently pious, and of a truly catholic spirit. He died on the fourth of September 1810, and on the 16th of the same month an excellent and impressive discourse was delivered upon the occasion, by the Rev. T. Tayler, at Carter-lane, before a numerous, respectable, and much-affected auditory, at whose request it was given to the public. CH % X.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 223 London to officiate at the ordination of his friend and pupil the Rev. Edmund Butcher*, at Leather Lane, and for a few days he resided in lodgings in Essex-street. It was upon this occasion that he took the liberty of intro- ducing himself to the venerable patriarch of the Unita- rian church. His visit was short : as a stranger he was received With the politeness and benignity which were inseparable from Mr. Lindsey ; but nothing confidential passed. It was a visit of form, perhaps it may be said of curiosity, not, it is hoped, wholly unwarrantable, in the nevy proselyte, to see the holy confessor and cham- pion of truth, whose doctrine he had embraced^ and whose dignified example he had endeavoured, in his hum- ble measure, to follow. But his intended resignation was not then known ; and he did not choose to be the first notifier of it to this excellent man. While he con- tinued with Mr. Lindsey a gentleman came in, who, without knowing the stranger present, announced to Mr. Lindsey that the ordination was to take place at which that stranger was to officiate. Upon this solemnity Mr. Lindsey attended : hut no further personal intercourse passed between them while the writer of this Memoir con- tinued in town ; and he returned into the country gratified with the opportunity which he had enjoyed of visiting Essex House, but little expecting that this interview would be introductory to the happy intimacy with which he was afterwards honoured by its distinguished inhabitants. For at that time Unitarianism was far from being a popular doctrine; and the highest ambition of the tutor, * This gentleman in the course of a fevr years was obliged to resign bis office on account of ill health, and the weakness of his voice. Happily, by the blessing of Divine Providence, on the use of proper means, he gradually recovered both. He is now the respected and useful minister of a congre- gation of liberal dissenters at Sidmouth ; and having upon more mature in- vestigation seen reason to abandon the system of Arianism, to which he was formerly much attached, he very honourably made a public profession of his conversion to the pure Unitamn doctrine, m a sermon preached before the Western Unitarian Society two years ago, 1810. 224 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. X. when he quitted a connexion which had existed for eight years with great harmony and comfort, and to which from principle and from habit he was fondly attached, was to reside in a cottage in the vicinity of Birmingham, where he had many kind and excellent friends, and where he flattered himself that he should enjoy the society and the interesting and instructive conversation of Dr. Priest- ley. But Divine Providence ruled otherwise. It was thought by many of the respectable friends and sup- porters of the New College at Hackney that his labours might be of use to that rising Institution. Some, in- deed, of the old school objected to the new proselyte ; and his own expectations of usefulness or of comfort, in a situation so materially different from that which he had left, were not sanguine. But being now in an uncon- nected and insulated state, he had nothing to lose, and he sacrificed nothing, though his labours might be in vain. He was urged by many respectable persons to em- bark in the undertaking. Many objections were obvi- ated, sacrifices made, and difficulties removed, to make room for him. Dr. Priestley and Mr. Lindsey both con- curred in pressing his acceptance ; and what perhaps weighed more than all the rest, a prospect was opened, by residing in the neighbourhood of London, of culti- vating the friendship of Mr. Lindsey. This, it must be confessed, was the favourite wish of his heart ; and in the accomplishment of this wish his mind was completely gratified, and every sacrifice which he had been called upon to offer upon the altar of truth and integrity was compensated a hundred-fold. He settled at the College in August 1789 ; and from that time his intimacy with the venerable subject of this Memoir commenced, and continued without interruption or abatement till the end of his days. Two years afterwards, in the year 179-1, Dr. Priestley, the most spotless and innocent of men, as CH. X.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 225 well as the most sagacious of philosophers, and the most laborious and ingenuous of theologians, having been driven from his home by the insane riots at Bir- mingham, and having been invited to succeed his learned and virtuous friend Dr. Price in the pastoral care of the congregation at Hackney, he voluntarily and gra- tuitously undertook to deliver to the students at the Col- lege his admirable lectures upon history and chemistry. This was the consummation of every wish which the writer of this Memoir could form for intellectual, moral, and social felicity and improvement. To be received into the familiar intercourse and admitted to share the confi- dence of these venerable men, whose honourable exertions and generous sacrifices in the cause of truth had placed them so much above the level of ordinary characters, and even of celebrated divines, was a blessing to which he had indeed earnestly aspired, but the enjoyment of which he had never ventured to anticipate. Few days passed with- out some personal intercourse with one or other of these estimable men, and often with both. And the usual to- pics of conversation, besides the great events of the time which arrested every one's attention, were some subject in theology, some passage of Scripture, the elucidation of some point of doctrine, the solution of some objection, the present slow progress of Christian truth, the antici- pation of a day of greater light and knowledge, and hap- piness and peace. The friends did not entirely agree in opinion upon all points ; but the discussions, sometimes animated, were always amicable, for all were lovers of truth, and they sought after no other object. To dist-o- ver truth was to gain the victory. How oft did they talk down the summer's sun ! How often thawed and shortened winter's eve, By conflict kind, that struck out latent truth* ! * It is pleasing to see that the society which wa? s truly interesting to 2-20 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. X. . -But tins felicity was too pure to last : and in a short time these two eminent veterans in the service, whose friendship had heen the growth of thirty years, and whose writings had, for the greater part of that time, been the food and sustenance of the revived primitive Unitarian church, were destined to be separated, never to see each other's face again. But of this more hereafter. In the year 1791 was formed the Unitarian Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, and the Practice of Virtue, by the Distribution of Books. The object of this society was two-fold : the first was, that the few who th 1796, the noble writer ex- presses his decided conviction, that if doctrines are un- intelligible, the belief of them cannot be necessary to sal- 252 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. XI. ration. " Arrogant indeed," says he, " is the theology of those who would inforce the belief of superstitious, or inexplicable, opinions as divine truths, annexing the hard alternative of eternal punishment. Far otherwise, I be- lieve, speaks the conciliating language of the gospel of our benevolent Lord and Master." The paper dated March 14, 1/97, represents the ex- pectation of a future life, founded on the natural immor- tality of the soul, as involved in inextricable difficulties ; "whereas he who believes in the truth of Christianity, and who confides in the assurances of the gospel, has no occasion to fly to any metaphysical disquisitions; for he feels at once that God, who was able to create him origi- nally, has promised through Jesus Christ to raise him again to life at the last day ; that he who has done the first has equally power to perform the second, and has given an irrefragable proof of it by the resurrection of Jesus himself from the dead." The conclusion, which, though it has no date, appears to have been written in the year 1797, begins with a most ingenuous and affecting apology to the noble writer's friends, acquaintance, and to the ivorld in general, for embracing a form of public worship differing essentially from that of the church in which he was bred; expressing his deep sense of the responsibility which he incurred by it, his entire satisfaction in the choice which he had made, his earnest regret that he had not turned his serious at- tention to the subjects of religion earlier in life, and his ardent desire that what he writes may be instrumental in rousing others to an earlier attachment to the pure reli- gion of the gospel. As this introduction has been cited at length in the discourse which was published by the author of this Memoir upon occasion of the lamented decease of the noble Duke, it is unnecessary to repeat it here. CH. XI.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. The noble writer goes on to animadvert upon the egre- gious error of those who, regarding religion chiefly as an engine of state, expect to establish good order by the help of it, without "reviewing the Articles and Liturgy, and presenting to the people a purer Christianity not liable to the formidable attacks which are daily made upon the present system." The remainder of this paper is taken up in commenting upon the first article in the Church of England, which teaches that "in the Unity of the Godhead there be three persons of one substance, power, and eternity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost;" and in showing how repugnant this doctrine is to the de- claration of the apostle that "there is One God, and one mediator between God and man, the MAN Christ Jesus." After this the noble writer severely condemns the dam- natory clauses of the Athanasian creed, which, though it still remains as a creed required from those who profess to be of the Church of England, had no existence till , a hundred years after the Council of Nice, and was not admitted even into the Church of Rome till the tenth century. Having expatiated somewhat at large upon these sub- jects, he adds : " My objections are weighty against the Article of the church on original or birth sin, against the doctrine maintained relative to good works done before, justification having the nature of sin, against that on pre- destination, and some others. But I trust I have said enough, without now entering on these, to prove that, if I be in the wrong, it is with an honest and firm desire of searching for the truth." "It is from the Scriptures alone," continues this illustrious inquirer after truth, and with these remarks he closes his interesting volume, "it is from the Scriptures alone that we can know the re- vealed will of God ; and it is from thence I venture to draw my justification for wishing to join in communion 254 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XI / with a church which will admit of no article of faith that is not expressed in the very words of Scripture ; no creed which disclaims the right of private judgement in the concern of religion, and still more, which allows the right of persecuting any human creature for conscience sake." As there is little reason to expect that these interest- ing papers will be soon published, the writer of this Me- moir thought that it would be acceptable to his readers to exhibit this brief abstract of their contents, accompa- nied with a few specimens of the observations them- selves ; and in so doing he is convinced that he complies with the expressed desire of the noble writer, that " not only his friends and acquaintance, but THE WORLD IN GE- NERAL, might know that he embraced a form of public worship essentially different from that of the church in which he was bred, not hastily and through levity, but with all the consideration and investigation which so aw- ful a decision required ;" and that what he wrote " might be instrumental in rousing others to an earlier attachment to the pure religion of the gospel, and to remember their Creator in the days of their youth." And it cannot be doubted that the noble writer's vindication of his conduct must be perfectly satisfactory to every serious, liberal, and enlightened mind, how strange and unaccountable soever such conduct and such reasoning may appear to a gay and a thoughtless world. Indeed, that a person of the Duke of Grafton's elevated rank in society, who had filled the principal offices of the state, and who was allied by birth, and associated by habits of familiar intercourse, with the first nobility of the land, should, in the vigour of life, sit down calmly to study the Scriptures ; that, in consequence of this, he should embrace a system of Christianity widely different from the popular creed ; that, impelled by a commanding sense of duty, he should secede from the church esta- CH. XI.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 255 blished by law, in which he had been educated, and to the worship and constitution of which he was affection- ately attached ; that he should publicly unite himself to a society of Christians not then tolerated by the state, which existed by connivance only, and the principles of which are held in public disrepute ; whose primary prin- ciple and professed bond is the unrivalled supremacy and the sole worship of God the Father, as revealed and taught by his faithful servant and messenger Jesus Christ, indicates perhaps as pure a principle of integrity, and as high a degree of mental vigour and Christian for* titude, as can be conceived to exist. It may even be questioned, whether the noble sacrifice made by Mr. Lindsey of all his preferments in the church and his pro- spects in life, or the calm and dignified self-possession of Dr. Priestley under calumny and persecution, discovered a more generous and intrepid spirit in the cause of Truth ? In all the changes of their fortune, and amidst the se- verest trials of their constancy, these Christian heroes were encompassed with friends who stood by them, who kept them in countenance, who protected them from, or who shared with them in, the contumely and the insult of their misguided opponents. But the Duke of Grafton stood alone the Abdiel of the sacred cause. He had no one to join him, no one to stand by him, no one to share in the reproach ; and yet he persevered. And though he fully understood, and feelingly describes, the delicacy and responsibility of his situation, he at the same time attests the unspeakable satisfaction which he experienced from a faithful adherence to the dictates of an enlightened conscience. Had the Duke been a religionist only, and without inquiry or discrimination continued a believer in the popular creed and a frequenter of the established wor- ship, his conversion, so far from being a subject of re- 256' MEMOIRS OT THE LATE [cH. XI. proach, would have been blazoned to the world with every mark of honour and applause. Nor would he have wanted associates even among persons of his own rank, who generally, and almost unavoidably, confounding the Christian religion with the creeds and catechisms and other articles of human device to which they are accus- tomed, when they become religious, too often degenerate into narrow bigots to the tenets of their childhood. But the Duke of Grafton disdained to take his religion upon trust. His superior mind examined the Scripture for it- self. And having discovered Truth, he valued it most highly; he held it fast, and would upon no consideration part with it. By an habitual attendance upon a form of public worship addressed exclusively to the One God, even the Father, he calmly but firmly avowed his princi- ples ; and to all who had the happiness of knowing him, he exhibited their powerful and beneficial influence in a virtuous and Christian life. Some have affected to believe that this virtuous noble- man was not thoroughly consistent, and that he did not carry his principles to their proper extent. Suffice it to say, in reply to these ungenerous insinuations, that the Duke of Grafton at all times acted up to his own ideas of consistency and rectitude, though his judgement might not entirely correspond with that of his accusers. Let such persons recollect what this illustrious nobleman did, before they presume to arraign him for what he did not. And it may not be unbecoming those who are so very sharp-sighted in discovering a mote in the eye of ano- ther, to consider well whether there may not at the same time be a beam in their own: HI. XII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. CHAPTER XII. MR. LINDSEY PUBLISHES A NEW AND REFORMED EDI- TION OF HIS LITURGY ; RESIGNS HIS OFFICE AT ESSEX- STREET CHAPEL. HIS FAREWELL SERMON PUBLISHED, BUT NOT PREACHED. INTERESTS HIMSELF IN FAVOUR OF THOSE WHO SUFFERED BY UNJUST STATE PROSE- CUTIONS. CASES OF FYSHE PALMER, MUIR, AND WIN- TERBOTHAM. EARLY in the year 1793, Mr. Lindsey, at that time ap- proaching the term assigned by the sacred writer as the usual limit of human life, or at least of the active and useful portion of it, and being secretly but firmly resolved, though in a high state of health and vigour corporeal and intellectual, to retire from public service in his seventieth year, he revised and printed a fourth edition of the Re- formed Liturgy, that he might bequeath it to his bereav- ed flock, as containing the last corrections, and the most approved sentiments, of their faithful and affectionate pastor. He introduced it with a sermon delivered upon the occasion in the month of April in that year, and which he afterwards published. In this sermon, after giving a judicious account of the duty, the reasonable- ness, and the efficacy of prayer, he proceeds to state the nature and the grounds of the alterations which he had made in this new edition of the Reformed Liturgy. They were indeed not inconsiderable. He had omitted what is called the Apostles' Creed, and the three invocations in the Litany. After stating the preference which the Society in Es- sex-street give to Forms of prayer, he observes that "one capital inconvenience belongs to this mode of worship : viz. that forms of prayer drawn up in one age, through greater improvements made by the study of the sacred 258 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. XII. writings, may become improper to be used ; and things of this nature once established, are too apt on that very account to be held sacred, and by no means to be changed: by which, serious thinking persons are often brought into great difficulties. The proper remedy would be, fre- quently to revise public devotional forms of human in- stitution, and to correct and bring them nearer to the Scripture model." And having glanced at the ineffec- tual attempts which had been made in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries for the reformation of the esta- blished Liturgy, he reminds his readers that Dr. Samuel Clarke's amendments of the Book of Common Prayer had been adopted by the Society in Essex-street chapel*, * Mr. Lindsey observes in a note, that it is very probable that Dr. Clarke's Reformed Liturgy was approved by King George II., certainly by his consort Queen Caroline ; that Dr. Herring, archbishop of Canterbury, gave it the fullest and highest commendations in a letter to the amiable and excellent Dr. Jortin ; and that it also received very signal tokens of approbation from a learned and venerable prelate^ lately deceased, (probably Bishop Law,) the intimate friend of Dr. Jbrtin. " And I cannot suffer myself to doubt," coiw tinues the venerable writer, " that whenever the people of Great Britain shall calmly weigh the reasons offered, they will be earnest to attain such an important alteration in their public form of prayer, so easily accomplished : a circumstance fervently wished for by many of the clergy of the church of England twenty years ago, when I ceased to be one of them, and now much longed for by many of its lay members." May I be permitted to suggest, how much wiser it would be, in the pre- sent critical period, when the church is alarmed, and not without reason, at the rapid growth of nonconformity in various shapes, instead of anxiously devising means to shore up a system of doctrine and worship, which no effort of human ingenuity can support in opposition to the liberal arid inqui- sitive spirit of this enlightened period, to open the doors of the established church to learned and conscientious inquirers, by substituting the Scriptures in the place of the Articles, and reforming the Liturgy upon the plan of Dr. Clarke's, so as to contain nothing unscriptural, or offensive to the judicious and serious worshiper ? The Church of England would then be built upon a rock, and might bid defiance to all assailants^ Nor would it then exhibit the extraordinary phenomenon, of the whole body of the clergy setting them- selves in array against the laudable efforts of a humble individual for the in- struction of the poor, assigning for their conduct this singular reason, that of a system which loathes the Scriptures only, without the aid of the Catechism and Liturgy, "the natural consequence must be to alienate the minds of the people from, or render them indifferent to," the " doctrine and discipline of the established church." Sec the Preamble to the Catalogue of Subscribers to the National Society for the Education of the Poor, in the Morning Chro- uicleforDcc. 23, 1811. CH. XII .1 REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 259 -* but not without " some alterations and improvements in the different editions of the Reformed Liturgy," which had hitherto met with the approbation of the Society, he had no doubt that the same approbation would be ex- tended to the changes introduced into the present edi- tion ; the reasons for which he proceeds to state. " The first omission is that of the Creed, concerning which I would observe to you that I had thought of leav- ing it out when our worship first began in this place ; but it was retained at the suggestion of judicious friends, lest without further examination or inquiry we should on that account be represented as a society of mere Deists, and other Christians be deterred from uniting with us. But I persuade myself that it has been long seen that there are no grounds for such an imputation." The author then proceeds to assign the following rea- sons for not continuing this creed as a part of public worship. " 1. It was not written by the apostles, and therefore is of no authority. 2. It is very wrong and un- warrantable to put persons upon making a profession of their faith in assemblies for Christian worship. 3. No man, or number of men together, have any authority to. make a creed for others. 4. The imposition of creeds ii) all ages has been the cause of great mischief and dissen- sion, and a constant snare to honest minds who are tied down to them." " The other omission is in the beginning of the Li- tany, where the three invocations are changed into one. Many persons of high estimation for learning, judgement, and piety, favourers of Dr. Clarke's Liturgy, have always esteemed it a great oversight and blemish therein, that when that celebrated person rejected the Trinity from the. Liturgy he should so far accommodate himself to the doc- trine he exploded as to retain three different invocations 2f>0 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XII. iii form, which carry to common heedless "persons a sort of appearance of the Trinity." The Liturgy thus amended was gladly accepted by Mr. Lindsey's congregation, and continued to be used in the Chapel till the year 1802, when it was superseded by a Liturgy drawn up and introduced by his successor the Rev. Dr. John Disney. But though this Liturgy was ju- dicious, unexceptionable, and, as many thought, in some respects an improvement upon the former, yet, from the modern style of the language, and other circumstances, and particularly from its wide deviation from the esta- blished Liturgy, it was not so acceptable to the congre- gation, as that of the venerable founder of the Society. And upon the choice of a successor to Dr. Disney, upon that gentleman's resignation in the year 1805, the gene- ral wish of the Trustees and the congregation was ex- pressed to resume Mr. Lindsey's Liturgy ; which was ac- cordingly acceded to ; and a few alterations, chiefly ver- bal, being made, to which that excellent person gave a cordial assent, a new edition was printed, a copy of which was locked up with the writings of the Chapel, and a re- solution passed that no further alteration should be made, nor any new form of worship be introduced, without the express consent of a majority of the Trustees*. Mr. Lindsey having now completely made up his mind upon the subject of his resignation, in the beginning of the summer addressed a circular letter to the Trustees, of which the following is an extract : " Dear Sir, I beg leave to address you in the capa- This cannot with justice be regarded as any infringement upon the rights of conscience; for, as the Trustees have the disposal of the Chapel property, they have a right to annex what terras they please to the grant, consistently with the tenor of the trust with which they are invested. And this condition was approved by the original grantor of the premises, Mr. Lindsey, who was then living. CH. XII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 261 city of a Trustee for the Chapel in Essex-street, and to inform you of my intention of resigning my office of mi- nister of it. " My advanced age and growing infirmities have for some time intimated to me. the lightness and necessity of this step; but as I was enabled to perform the service, I thought it my duty to accomplish two points previous to my retiring from my station." The points to which the writer alludes were a renewal of the Trust, and a complete repair of the whole premises, which had been done in the best manner possible. Hav- ing stated these circumstances for the information of the Trustees, Mr. Lindsey adds, " I have fixed the middle of July next for the time of my resignation : and I am happy in having a candidate as a successor in my col- league, Dr. Disney, whose zeal for the principle upon which the Society was founded, and whose abilities, as- siduity, and acceptableness to you and the congregation, in the discharge of his duty, have been for a long time ascertained." In this simple and unostentatious manner did this pious veteran resign his connexion with a congregation which he had served faithfully for nearly twenty years, during which period he had enjoyed the unintermitted veneration and attachment of every member of the So- ciety, both old and young, and had been witness to the progress of those principles, to the propagation of which his life had been devoted, and for the sake of which he had made the greatest sacrifices, to an extent far exceed- ing his most sanguine expectation, both in his own So- ciety and in the world, and in a great measure by means of his own labours and writings. To Mr. Lindsey's letter of resignation the Trustess of the Chapel returned the following appropriate and re- spectful answer: 262 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CM. XII. " The Trustees for the Chapel in Essex-street at this time in London, having received a circular letter from the reverend Mr. Lindsey declaring his intention to re- sign his office as minister of that Chapel on the fifteenth day of July next, resolve, That together with their sin- cere regret on the occasion, their very affectionate ac- knowledgements, in the names of themselves and the absent Trustees, be presented to him for the rare and noble example which he gave to the professors of genuine Christianity, when he sacrificed the honours and emolu- ments of the Established Church, in compliance with the dictates of his conscience ; for his active zeal in the cause of truth, manifested by the institution of the Re- ligious Society in Essex-street; for the able and disin- terested services by which he has raised it to its present state of prosperity ; for the distinguished spirit of bene- volence and piety which hath uniformly marked his dis- charge of the duties of his office, and endeared him to all under his pastoral care ; and also for his attention to the future prosperity of the Institution by introdu- cing to the Society his worthy colleague the Reverend Dr. Disney." Upon this interesting occasion Mr. Lindsey com- posed a judicious and suitable discourse, which, how- ever, he would not trust himself to deliver from the pulpit, finding himself, as he expresses it, " too tenderly impressed with taking leave of so many indulgent friends to be capable of personally addressing them with any tolerable degree of vigour*." This discourse, there- * In a letter to Dr. Toulmin, dated July 8, 1793, Mr. Lindsey thus ex- presses himself: " I take my final leave of the pulpit in this chapel on Sunday next, in the morning, and shall endeavour to say something suitable, though without any hint of bidding farewell, which my own nenres would not bear ; and many kind friends of those who are not yet gone into the country say, that they must keep away from the chapel if I do any thing of this, kind." CH. XII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 263 fore, was published and distributed among his friends, and to the members of his congregation. In the exor- dium he states, that " having now attained the term of life, when the human faculties naturally lose their vigour, and decay, and being in the twentieth year of his happy services as their minister, it is now time to withdraw, and meet the unavoidable infirmities of nature in a pri- vate station ; " and having assigned his reasons why he declined the pressing solicitations of many of his friends to continue his public services, with any additional as- sistance that he might require, he takes for his text those words in the Lord's Prayer, " Thy kingdom," or rather, " Thy reign come," professing his ardent wish upon this occasion to impress his readers with a sense of the importance of the principle by which we distin- guish ourselves from other Christians, and of the obliga- tions which it lays upon us to the practice of piety and all virtue." In the progress of his discourse the pious and learned writer professes to show that the Gospel being from God it must prevail ; -that its success is to be gradual ; that a principal obstacle to the progress of the Gospel is the making of Jesus Christ the Supreme God, and worshiping him. Here he introduces a brief history of the long and lasting corruption of so funda- mental a doctrine of the Gospel as the Unity of God, and of its revival after a seemingly total extinction of it ; and shows that this corrupt doctrine concerning Christ is the cause of atheism and infidelity among Christians; from which he infers that it is only by the revival and spreading of the strict doctrine of the Divine Unity that the kingdom of God, or the Gospel of Christ, can be fully established in the world : and upon this the vene- rable writer justly and forcibly remarks, that " it is not any religious sentiment, any opinion of our own, which is frequently objected to us, that excites our zeal. In, 264 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XII. contending for the strict Unity of God, and that Jesus, his messenger to us, was a man like ourselves, we con- tend for the gospel itself, as in this enlightened age serious and rational inquirers are not likely to be recon- ciled to any other form of Christianity *." Having thus established the great importance of the Unitarian doctrine, this venerable apostle of primitive truth proceeds to state, that holiness of life is indispen- sably necessary for promoting the success of the Gospel ; and especially, " the most perfect benevolence towards all other Christians, and all men." He laments over the prevalence of an intolerant spirit among Christians in all ages, and particularly alludes to the disgraceful scenes which had been lately acted at Birmingham. " He flatters himself, notwithstanding, that this hostile, bar- barous temper is by no means generally prevalent, but that a spirit of candour and gentle forbearance is gone * Under this head the venerable writer remarks, " You will perceive that your duty to Christ and to truth requires you to do nothing whereby youmay encourage such undue sentiments of him, especially not to frequent the worship of him as God, when you are absolutely convinced that he is not entitled to such regards, and expressly requires you to pay them to God only." In a note the author observes that " the apostle Paul, in his adjudication of a case where any doubt remained upon the mind concerning the lawful- ness of an action, has given it entirely against compliance. Whatever is not of faith is of sin." Rom. xiv. 14, 22, 23. He adds, " It most be owned, however, that there may be peculiar situations in life, which may incline some to doubt whether greater good may not accrue from an Unita- rian Christian sometimes attending Trinitarian worship. The instances can be but rare. But where this is done, the persons should act without dis- guise, and let their real sentiments be known as in the remarkable case of the captain of the army of the king of Syria. 2 Kings v. 17, 18. The safe side, however, is to refrain entirely." The question is indeed of very difficult solution. The case of Naaman, to which the writer alludes, will scarcely be allowed to have much weight in the decision. The Syrian courtier states his own purpose : and the pro^ phet, having no authority over a heathen, dismisses him courteously. But this will by no means amount to a justification of a Unitarian joining habi- tually in Trinitarian worship. How far this may be lawful when no other worship is accessible, is a question of great nicety, of which every one must form a j udgement for himself ; nor has any one a right to arraign the con- duct of another. Happy is he who condemneth not himself in the thing which he alloweth; * .H. XII.] REVEREND THEOFHILUS LINDSEY. 265 forth, and spreading itself silently through the nation;" of which " the place of public worship in which we as- semble is no small proof. Although it is founded upon the principle of the worship of the church established being directed to wrong objects, and such as we cannot conscientiously frequent, there is not perhaps a Christian society in this great city, for its numbers, more respec- table or more respected than ours ; and such it has been from the very first of its institution." The pious writer adds, what it is to be hoped that all his successors in office, and all who do now, or who may hereafter join in the religious services of that society of which he was the founder, will practically remember, " I have no doubt of our going on to be more and more respected, whilst we adhere to the just and liberal principle with which we first set out, and from which I have never knowingly deviated, viz. never to arraign or condemn other churches or Christian societies for their different worship or opir nions, who have a right to judge for themselves as much as you have." The conclusion is interesting and very appropriate. It is too long to be wholly transcribed, but it is hoped that no apology will be thought necessary for inserting a few extracts. " And now, brethren, I bid you finally farewell. And having for many years earnestly desired and endeavoured, however weakly, to serve you in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to promote your virtue and everlasting happiness, I commit you to God and his over-ruling providence ; for, however diligently others may plant and water, the increase and the fruits are to be expected from him. " I can never be sufficiently thankful to the bounty of Divine Providence in raising up a number of serious and generous friends, when alone, and destitute of all 2C6 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. XII means to set on foot this place of worship, to concur in the design, and for all the support continued by them and others to the present day. " Happy, thrice happy, if both they who have been called away before us, and we that are left, may be found worthy objects of the divine mercy, and meet together at the resurrection of the last day, never to be separated more ! And as no energies in the cause of truth and virtue are lost, we may perhaps have the felicity to per- ceive, that we, in our narrow spheres, have been honour- ed with being made instruments of good in the hands of our Maker. And particularly, that our humble and honest testimony against so early and lasting a corrup- tion of the honour and worship due to him alone, had its beneficial effects in the great scheme of his provi- dence, in bringing forward that more perfect state of things which we look for, when knowledge shall increase, and benevolence be universal." Such were the pious and benevolent sentiments which this venerable teacher of truth and righteousness express- ed, and endeavoured to inculcate upon the minds of his congregation when he took his final leave of the pulpit, and closed those public and paternal addresses of which they had so often been the attentive and delighted hearers. Some of Mr. Lindsey's friends who were witnesses to his almost unabated vigour, both of body and mind, could hardly excuse him for thus prematurely, as they thought, withdrawing himself from an office the duties of which he was so fully competent to discharge. But this resignation of his public ministry was no hasty step. It had long been a settled principle with Air. Lindsey and his friend Dr. Priestley, and, to the best of the au- thor's recollection, of their common friend Dr. Price, that at the age of seventy it was expedient for ministers CH. XII.J REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 267 to retire from public service, even though their faculties should appear to be in full vigour, and that they should not wait till resignation became necessary in consequence of bodily or of mental decay. After the age of three- score and ten the faculties cannot long remain unim- paired, and the decline of physical or intellectual capa- city is often more apparent to others than to a person himself. Often were they accustomed to speak with re- gret of ministers whose age and infirmities would have made retirement eligible, but who were necessitated to continue in office for the sake of a scanty subsistence ; and still more did they deplore the case of those whose incapacity and incornpetency to the duties of their office were obvious to every one but themselves. They disap- proved the injudicious partiality of friends who were urging aged ministers to official duties to which their strength was not equal ; and they highly applauded the discretion and firmness of those ministers, who, like their late friend, the learned Hugh Farmer, having once re- signed the pulpit upon account of age and infirmity, re- solutely declined upon any consideration whatever offici- ating again in public. Upon this principle Mr. Lindsey thought proper to act ; and having, for reasons which he judged satisfactory, taken leave of his public charge, he took leave of it for ever, and could never be persuaded to ascend the pulpit again *. * Upon this subject Mr. Lindsey thus expresses himself, in a letter to a friend, dated June 13, 17i$ : " I ought not to keep secret any longer from you what was known to one or two friends a year ago, and lately been sig- nified to the Trustees of the Chapel, that I intend very soon to resign jny office of minister in it. On the first of July I enter into my seventieth year: and though I have cause of all thankfulness for the health and strength I enjoy, being able tolerably to go through the duty, yet I find infirmities coating, and have had some nervous spasms, particularly in my head, that haVe long satisfied me that it is right to retire with a good grace. I have recommended my worthy colleague, and he will certainly be chosen to succeed me. But we shall continue to live on in our present situation. For the whole premises being purchased, and the chapel, &c. built by money collected by me from various friends, with not less than five hundred pounds 268 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. Xtl. The venerable subject of this Memoir, though neither his judgement nor his inclination led him to take a pro- minent part in the politics of the time, was nevertheless a warm advocate for civil and religious liberty, and his ge- nerous feelings and principles upon this most interesting of all subjects he scorned to disguise. He sympathized deeply with those political characters who, whatever in- discretions some of them might be chargeable with, suf- fered, from that which in Mr. Lindsey's estimation was the overstrained rigour of the law both in Scotland and England, penalties far beyond the demerit of any crime which could be proved against them. Among these suf- ferers, the person on whose behalf Mr. Lindsey was in the highest degree interested, was the Reverend Thomas Fyshe Palmer, a gentleman descended from a respecta- ble and opulent family in Bedfordshire, who having been destined to take orders in the established church had been educated at the University of Cambridge, and was a Fellow of Queen's College. This gentleman, in con- sequence of perusing the writings of Dr. Priestley and Mr. Lindsey, became a decided Unitarian : and being a man of an ardent active spirit, he devoted himself to the propagation of those principles which to him appear- ed scriptural and evangelical. In the year 1792 he was preacher of the Unitarian doctrine in Scotland, where his official labours were chiefly employed in the town of of our own, and the accommodations, &c. being much owing to my wife's attention, skill, and daily superintendance, when I gave up the fee of the whole, which was vested in me, and made choice of the Trustees in the trust deed, which perpetuates the premises for the proper uses, they settled the house rent-free to my wife for her life." To the same purpose Mr. Lindsey writes to another friend, September 9, 1793 : " We shall still continue to reside in the house in Essex-street ; for theTrustees of the Chapel would not appoint a successor, but under the li- mitation of my enjoying the house, &c. for life, as was appointed in the original Trust deed for my wife if I had died the minister and she had sur- vived me. This was thought reasonable, as by collections from our friends, with no small sum of our own, we had purchased, built, and furnished the premises." CH. XII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDEY. 269 Dundee, in which a considerable Society of Unitarian worshipers had been formed by the united exertions of himself, Messrs. Christie, Millar, and other respectable inhabitants. Mr. Fyshe Palmer was a man of excellent understanding, unimpeachable morals, and of great sim- plicity of character ; and being a zealous friend to liberty and upon all occasions ardent, he, perhaps inconside- rately, was concerned in the republication of an Address to the People of Scotland concerning the Reform of Parliament; for which, in the autumn of 1793, he was tried by the Circuit Court of Justiciary ; and being con- victed, a sentence of banishment was passed upon him, which was interpreted, and executed, as a sentence of transportation for seven years to Botany Bay. After this inhuman sentence Mr. Palmer experienced very rigorous treatment. He was confined for some weeks in the com- mon gaol of Perth; from which, without any previous no- tice, he was hurried away at four o'clock in the morning in the month of November, and taken on board a cutter which brought him to London ; where he and Mr. Muir, a gentleman of the Faculty of Advocates in Scotland, (who for a similar offence had been subjected to a still severer sentence,) were for some time lodged in Newgate, and were afterwards confined in the hulks at Woolwich, where they were treated by the governor with much hu- manity, and were allowed all the accommodations which their situation would admit *. They were permitted to * " Mr /Muir and Mr. Palmer," says Mr. Lindsey in a letter to Dr. Toul- min, dated December 14, 1793, " are on board the hulks with the felons, and many of my friends have been to see them. I also hear from Mr. Pal- mer, and have sent him some books. Neither of them, I believe, is in want of any thing, the place considered. But the situation is, upon the whole, horrible. Mr. Palmer, however, is most cheerful in the midst of it, and Mr. Muir not otherwise." In another letter to the same friend, dated January 10, 1794, Mr. Lindsey writes: " Since I la,st wrote, opinions have varied about the destiny of Mr. Palmer and Mr. Muir, as the Scotch judges have, xipon revisal, adhered to the sentence pronounced upon them. Mr. Palmer's health and spirits are most cheerful : Mr. Muir far from well in health since 270 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XII. see their friends. Here they were visited by Mr. Lind- sey and Dr. Priestley, and by many other virtuous friends of liberty and reform, who contributed by their sympa- thy to alleviate their sufferings, and who with others raised a very handsome subscription to provide neces- saries for their voyage, and requisites to their future esta- blishment when they had reached the place of their des- tination. The extreme inhumanity of the sentence passed upon these reformers, and the unparalleled severity of the penalty annexed by the barbarous law of North Bri- tain to an offence which, if proved to its utmost extent, was punishable in the South only by a few months im- prisonment, considered in connexion with the excellent characters of the defendants, who could not in reason be regarded as capable of intentionally involving the coun- try in confusion and anarchy, excited general indigna- tion and horror ; and that not only in England, but in foreign countries. " The trial of the Scottish advocate T. Muir," says a respectable writer in the Altona Journal, A.D. 1794, " who, for various endeavours to effect a reform of the Parliament of his country, was condemned to be trans- ported to Botany Bay, must excite in the breast of every German an esteem for his native land. We here see a man sent to Botany Bay on account of an accusation to the cold weather set it : both of them supported by their integrity and fu- ture hopes. Some friends who visited the hulks on Wednesday had a com- mission from some others to offer a purse to Mr. Palmer and Mr, Muir. The former declined taking any thing, but Mr. Muir thankfully accepted it." Mr. Palmer afterwards saw reason to alter his mind, and accepted the prof- fered kindness of his friends. In a subsequent letter Mr. Lindsey informs his friend, that the amount of the contribution was between five and six hundred pounds, and that it was vested in the hands of a Committee of seven for the benefit of Messrs. Palmer, Muir, Skin-ing, and even Margaret, " who, as a joint sufferer, was not to be overlooked, though his general character was not so high as the others." How true this observation of Mr. Lindsey's was, and how justly this person was entitled to participate in the bounty of Mr. Palmer's friends, those who were witnesses to his conduct to that gentleman on board the transport in the passage to South Wales could properly appretiate. CH. XII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 271 which a German court of justice would have been asham- ed to listen." The legality of the sentence was called in question by many distinguished advocates at the Scotch bar; the punishment for leasing-inaking, i. e. libelling, being ex- pressed by the word banishment in the Scotch Statute, not transportation to another country. Upon this ground, when Parliament was assembled in the beginning of 1794, various motions were introduced by an honourable member eminently learned in Scotch jurisprudence, William Adam, Esq. with a view to a revision of the Scottish law relating to sedition; to an inquiry into the legality of the sentence ; and, finally, to the regulation of the justiciary courts of Scotland. These motions were overruled ; but from the interest which many persons of great weight and influence in the country appeared to take in the fate of the prisoners, the sufferers and their friends fondly flattered themselves with the hope that the punishment would be mitigated *. But the Adminis- * " The sentence against Mr. Muir and Mr. Palmer," says Mr. Lindsey in his letter to Dr. Toulmin, dated February 20th, " is so unjust, that I can hardly persuade myself still that it will be executed, at least till their case has undergone the intended parliamentary discussion. My friends say this is hoping against hope. At present they are at Portsmouth, and it is said are to remain there a fortnight." In a letter dated March 8th, Mr. Lindsay writes : " I hear that Mr. Palmer was not quite so well at Portsmouth on board the ship, and that their fare and accommodations were not such as were expected. However, some of my friends still flatter me with hope that Government will not take such a bold step as to send these men away whilst the legality of their sentence is questioned, and its discussion pending in the national legislature." These flattering hopes, however, proved abor- tive. And in a letter to the same friend, dated May 3, 1 794, Mr. Lindsey states, that they had then actually set sail and taken leave of their native ountry, never, alas ! to return again. " A letter from Mr. Scott this day mentions the whole fleet being at length out of sight yesterday morning with a very fair wind down the channel ; and whatever some intend, I trust a good Providence carries some to Botany Bay for most important purposes of human virtue and happiness." The correspondent from whom Mr. Lindsey received this intelligence was the Reverend Russell Scott of Portsmouth, a gentleman of most active be- nevolence, who was indefatigable in offices of kindness to these persecuted reformers while the ship which conveyed them remained at Spithead. "Mr. Scott cannot enough be commended," says Mr. Lindsey to Dr. Toulmin, 2/2 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. XII. tration of that day had determined upon ruling by a sy- stem of terror unprecedented since the accession of the House of Brunswick : and while the conduct of the Scottish courts of justice was under discussion in Par- liament, in the month of March 1794, these two upright and respectable sufferers, and others in the same predica- ment, were hurried on board the Surprize, a government transport, and dispatched to Botany Bay among a crowd of felons of various descriptions, who were for their crimes condemned to the same punishment *. The treatment of Mr. Fyshe Palmer on board this ship was so gross and inhuman, as to excite a suspicion that it was never intended that he should reach the place of their desti- nation alive ; nor would it have been possible for him to have survived the hardships he endured, had it not been for the humane attentions of James Ellis, a young person who, from affection and sympathy, volunteered his ser- vices to Mr. Palmer, and accompanied him to the colony as a free settler. Mr. Palmer's own affecting narrative of the barbarous severities which he encountered on his passage, is contained in a letter to Mr. Lindsey imme- diately after his arrival in New South Wales, and is' in- serted in the Appendix f. " for his exertions to serve those worthy martyrs, and to see them accom- modated with every thing needful." * " The case of men of education and reflection," says Dr. Priestley, " and who act from the best intentions with respect to the community, committing only what state policy requires to be considered as crimes, but which are allowed on all hands to imply no moral turpitude so as to render them unfit for heaven and happiness hereafter, is not to be confounded with that of common felons. There was nothing in the conduct of Lewis XIV. and his ministers that appeared so shocking, so contrary to all ideas of jus- tice, humanity, and decency, and that contributed more to render their me- mory execrated, than sending such men as Mr. Marolles, and other eminent ProtestPJits who are now revered as saints and martyrs, to the galleys, along with the vilest miscreants. Compared with this, the punishment of death would be mercy. I trust that, in time, the Scots in general will think these measures a disgrace to their country." Dr. Priestley's Fast Serin. 1794'. P*ef. p. xviii. Note. f- See Appendix, No. XI. In order to justify the severities used to Mr. Palmer, and even the infliction of capital punishment if that had been re- CH. XH.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. '2/3 This excellent man lived to complete the period as- signed by his sentence for his banishment in this dreary country, enduring many hardships, but highly respected by all who were themselves respectable in this motley community. When the term limited for his residence was expired, he and the faithful companion of his for- tunes, James Ellis, fitted out a small ship to convey them to England, meaning in their way to carry on some ad- vantageous traffic in the islands of the Southern ocean : but their little bark was not equal to the undertaking, and in a gale of wind it was wrecked upon the coast of Golarn, one of the Ladrone islands belonging to Spain, with which this country was then at war. The Spanish governor made prisoners of the ship's crew, and during his imprisonment Mr. Fyshe Palmer fell a victim to a fever. Mr. Lindsey interested himself very feelingly in behalf of many other respectable characters who at this period suffered by the harsh measures of Mr. Pitt's administra- tion. The Reverend William Winterbotham, minister of a Calvinistic congregation at Plymouth Dock, was ac- cused of uttering seditious language in two discourses which he delivered from the pulpit; and upon the slight- est evidence, such was the ferment of the times, he was found guilty, and sentenced to four years imprisonment sorted to, the most infamous calumnies were industriously circulated against that virtuous sufferer, viz. that he was exciting the felons to seize the ship and to take it to America ; a report which, for a time, gained too easy credit, but which, as it afterwards appeared, had not the least foundation in truth. " Serious apprehensions," says Mr. Lindsey in a letter to Dr. Toul- min, dated November 8, " are entertained by Mr. Palmer and Mr- Skir- ving's friends, I am concerned to mention it, that they have been engaged in some mutinous intention of rising and seizing the ship on their parting from the grand fleet and going off to America ; I wish there may be no truth in this report." In a succeeding letter dated December 15, Mr. Lindsey expresses his conviction that these worthy men were wrongfully accused. " There is reason to believe there have been disturbances on board the Surprize, and that Messrs. Palmer and Skirving have been very injuriously accused, as principally concerned in fomenting of them." 2/4 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. XII, in Newgate. "I have not read Mr. Wmterbothafn's trial,*' says Air. Lindsey in a letter to Dr. Toulmin dated Februarys, 1794: "but lawyers, and others whom I have seen, declare that there never was a more iniquitous verdict." It reminded many of the conviction of Mr. Rosewell, a Presbyterian minister in the reign of Charles II., for treasonable words uttered in the pulpit, upon the evidence of two notorious prostitutes; concerning which, a noble Lord who had attended the trial immediately re- ported to the King at the levee, that he had just seen one of his majesty's subjects, a man of learning and piety, convicted of high treason upon evidence on which he would not hang a dog. And when Jefferies came in soon afterwards and bragged to the King of the feat which he had performed in inducing the jury to convict Rosewell, the King ordered him to arrest the judgement, and the prisoner was soon afterwards set at liberty. It was hoped by the friends of liberty and justice, that a sentence so glaringly outraging every feeling of equity and humanity, as that passed upon Mr. Winterbotham, would not have been carried into execution. But Administration were inexorable; not a single day of confinement was remitted; and the innocent sufferer was compelled to drink the cup of bitterness to the very dregs. During his confinement he was visited occasionally by Mr. Lindsey, who, by his kind sympathy and by his own great liberality, and his influence with his good and generous friends, and parti- cularly the excellent Mrs. Rayner, contributed very ma- terially to the mitigation of Mr. Winterbotham's suffer- ings*. * The followiuc extract from a letter of Mr. Winterbotham's, dated Ply- mouth, August 31, 1802, will show the grateful sense which that gentleman entertained of the kindness of Mr. Lindsey and his other benefactors : " Reverend and dear sir Although I am far separated from you, and pos- sess but few opportunities of intercoucse with yon, yet my heart ever con. templates you with affection and .gratitude : nor, indeed, can it be otherwise; CH. XIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 275 CHAPTER XIII. DR. PRIESTLEY EMIGRATES TO AMERICA. HIS REASONS FOR THIS MEASURE. MR. LiNDSEY*S JUDGEMENT IN THE CASE. DR. PRIESTLEY'S FAREWELL SERMON AT HACKNEY. LETTERS TO MR. LINDSEY FROM GRAVES- END, DEAL, AND FALMOUTH. ARRIVES AT NEW YORK. HIS RECEPTION IN AMERICA. JLHE time was now arrived in which the venerable sub- ject of this Memoir was destined to experience the se- verest privation which had ever yet fallen to his lot, by the emigration of the approved friend of his heart, his fellow- labourer and fellow- sufferer in the cause of divine truth, Dr. Priestley, to America. This memorable event took place in the spring of 1794. In the preface to his Fast for while I feel myself surrounded with comforts I cannot, I trust, ever for-, get the man to whose kindness so many of them are owing. Indeed, my dear sir, your name, and that of dear Mrs. Rayner, borne by my two eldest boys, has added pleasure even to the sensations they naturally inspire, and a pa- rent's heart has dared to indulge the hope that they may one day imitate the virtues of those after whom they have been called. ". Permit me here to thank you also for the present of your last. publica- tion. I have perused it with pleasure and profit, although every sentiment therein may not accord with my own. And I feel thankful to the Father of mercy, who thus kindly continues to you the faculties of the mind so entire, while your advanced period of life forbids the more active labours of the house of God. " Whatever differences of opinion may exist between us on religious sub- jects, I hope and trust that I shall be enabled to imitate that sincerity of soul of which you have given me and the world go bright an example. My heart, I can truly say, is alive to the duties and the importance of Christianity, arid I trust that I am not altogether a stranger to its pleasures. I continue my public labours, and my aim amidst my little flock has been to cultivate that mind that was in Christ Jesus, and to promote those dispositions which ren- der obedience to the divine will delightful. I do not labour in vain, although my success is not adequate to my wishes. " I trust I shall yet have an opportunity of seeing you in the flesh : but if this favour is denied, I will cherish and indulge the pleasing hope. of meeting you in the world of spirits, and enjoying your friendship in a state of immor- tality through the ages of an eternal world." It is to be remembered, that Mr. Winterbotham is a minister of the Cal- vinistic persuasion. The letter does great credit to the head and to the heart of the writer; it shows that the spirit of Christianity is not limited to any sect or party of Christians. T 2 276 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. XIII. Sermon preached in February that year, Dr. Priestley states the reasons which induced him to leave his coun- try : the principal of which were, the removal of his sons, the transfer of the greater part of his property to Ame- rica, and the apprehended insecurity of his own person in consequence of the rancorous spirit of the times, and the violent measures of the Administration. Dr. Priestley naturally enough concluded, that the same bitter and ty- rannical spirit which dictated, or enforced, the cruel and unjust sentences upon Muir, Palmer, and Winterbotham, and especially the latter, who was convicted, upon evi- dence the most suspicious, of an offence of which no rea- sonable person could believe him guilty, and condemned to four years confinement in Newgate, might, upon a similar pretext, which could never be wanting if it was sought for, deprive him of his liberty, or expose him to political persecution. It is not indeed probable that the government of the country, who knew his innocence, ever meaned to disgrace itself by the direct prosecution of the most enlightened and most virtuous of its philosophers. It was sufficient for them, that a hireling crew had raised against him a popular hue and cry ; and it cannot be doubted that the men then in power would have been better pleased, if, after having been burned out of his house by a hired mob of ruffians at Birmingham, he had fled the kingdom instead of finding an honourable asylum at Hackney. Warned, however, by the terrible example of 1780, and even by that of the late riots at Birmingham, there is no reason to believe that they would have encou- raged a mob in the vicinity of the metropolis to have pulled down Dr. Priestley's house a second time. And in fact, though the venerable sufferer met with a few per- sonal insults at his first settlement at Clapton from some of the lowest of the rabble, that spirit had entirely sub- sided ; and had he chosen to have remained at Hackney, CH. Xill.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 2/7 it cannot be doubted that he would have lived in equal security and tranquillity with the rest of his fellow-citi- zens ; admired, beloved, and revered, by a numerous, re- spectable, and continually increasing circle of hearers, pupils and friends. But the high spirit of Dr. Priestley could not brook to hold his liberty and security upon what appeared to him to be so precarious a tenure ; and he therefore resolved to seek an asylum in a country where, if civilization has not attained to so high a polish as in older countries, thoughts and words and consciences are free ; and no restraint is laid upon freedom of inquiry, la- titude of disquisition, or openness of profession upon the most important subjects of religion or politics. It was not, however, without much regret that this much-injured man bid adieu to his native country, nor without indul- ging the fond hope that he might eventually return and end his days in peace in the land which gave him birth. But the circumstance which most touched his feelings was the loss of the society of his old, tried and beloved friend, Mr. Lindsey, Vf in whose absence," says he, " I shall for some time at least find all the world a blank* " * The concluding paragraph of this interesting preface is so truly cha- racteristic of Dr. Priestley's amiable, affectionate, and ingenuous mind, that I trust I shall be excused for inserting it here. " The sentence of Mr. Winterbotham for delivering from the pulpit what I am persuaded he never did deliver, and which similar evidence might have drawn upon myself, or any other dissenting minister who was an object of general dislike, has something in it still more alarming. But I trust that conscious innocence would support me, as it does him, under whatever pre- judiced or violent men might do to me, as well as say of me. But I see no occasion to expose myself to danger without any prospect of doing good, or to continue any longer in a country in which I am so unjustly become the object of general dislike, and not retire to another where I have reason to think I shall be better received. And I trust that the same good providence which has attended me hitherto and made me happy in my present situation, and all my former ones, will attend and bless me in what may still lie before me. In all events the will of God be done ! " I cannot refrain from repeating again, that I leave my native country with real regret, never expecting to find any where else society so suited to my disposition and habits ; such friends as I have here, whose attachment has been more than a balance to all the abuse I have met with from others $ 278 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. XIII. But though many of Dr. Priestley's friend?, those es- pecially who resided in the vicinity of Hackney, and who were naturally most anxious to retain him in the coun- try, allowed perhaps too little weight to the arguments for emigration ; there were others, possibly, equally well- informed, and certainly not less interested in the result of his deliberation, who thought him fully justified in the resolution which he adopted of abandoning, at least for the present, a country which no longer knew how to ap- preciate his transcendent merits, and in which his pro- perty, and even his person, was believed to be no longer safe. In the number of these was the venerable subject of this Memoir, to whom the emigration of Dr. Priestley must have been a most afflicting event. He thus ex- presses himself upon the subject in a letter to Dr. Toul- min, dated January 10, 1794, before Dr. Priestley had made up his mind to leave the country : " We have seen Dr. Priestley very frequently of late, as also Airs. Priestley, and they are both very well. If his sons do well in America, I have no doubt of his fol- lowing them, but do not apprehend that he will remove thither at any time but upon some opening or prospect of being provided for, so as to be useful in his own way as a teacher of philosophy. He is now preaching at Hack- and especially to replace one particular Christian friend, in whose absence I shall, for some time at least, find all the world a blank. Still less can I ex- pect to resume my favourite pursuits with any thing like the advantages I enjoy here. In leaving this country I also abandon a source of maintenance which I can but ill bear to lose. I can however truly say, that I leave it without any resentment or ill-will. On the contrary, I sincerely wish my countrymen all happiness ; and when the time for reflection, which my ab- sence may accelerate, shall come, my countrymen I am confident will do me more justice. They will be convinced that every suspicion which they have been led to entertain to my disadvantage has been ill-founded, and that I have even some claims to their. gratitude and esteem. In this case I shall look with satisfaction to the time when, if my life be prolonged, I may visit my friends in this country ; and perhaps I may, notwithstanding my removal for the present, find a grave, as I believe is naturally the wish of eve^y man, in the land that gave me birth." CH. XIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. ney a Course of Lectures on the Evidences of the Mosaic and Christian Revelations, which he intends afterwards to print; and which, from what I have seen of the former, will be most useful and highly seasonable at a period when many in this country, and the greater part upon the con- tinent, count all revealed religion as a fable, which might be well intended at first, but has proved most destructive to the morals and happiness of mankind." In his next letter to the same friend, dated February 8, 1794, he thus communicates the intelligence of Dr. Priestley's final resolution : " I return your son's two let- ters, which I like much, as every thing which comes from him*. They show a good mind, sensible, active, and ever attentive to the proper business of his journeyings. At Dr. Priestley's request I let him take them home with him a day or two since to show to Mrs. Priestley, as they are every day more and more interested in what relates to America; and I now believe, in the course of not many months, will both of them remove thither. This * The Reverend Henry Toulmin, who was settled with a large and re- spectable congregation in Lancashire. This gentleman, when a violent spirit, not discountenanced by the Administration of the day, broke out against the dissenters, and particularly the rational dissenters, soon after the riots at Birmingham, emigrated with his family to America ; and after some time settled at Kentucky, where he was appointed to the high office of Secretary of State, with a salary of about eighty pounds a year ; but this being thought too extravagant, it was reduced to fifty. The Governor of the State was Mr. Toulmin's friend. He had been a Baptist Minister, and a Colonel in the army. His revenues were in proportion to those of the Secretary. The fact is, that he was a man of a liberal and enlightened mind ; and while he con- tinued at the head of the government, he and his Secretary introduced many wise and salutary regulations, and contributed to the utmost of their power to establish order and tranquillity in a state of society which was but few de- grees removed from a state of nature and barbarism. But their patriotic administration was not permitted to continue long. After a few years, hi con- sequence of one of those political revolutions to which empires are liable, another party gained the ascendancy, the administration was changed, and the Governor and Secretary retired to private stations. The President of the United States, however, Mr. Jefferson, to whom the abilities and merits of Mr. Toulmin were well known, soon afterwards appointed him to the office of Judge in a district of the United States upon the river Mohille, which he now fills with great reputation to himself and advantage to the community. 280 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XII*. full decision I have come to the knowledge of since I last wrote, though I have for some time suspected it. It will cut off a great source of the highest satisfaction to me amongst many others. But I hope it will be for his greater good and contentment upon the whole, as his fa- mily have gone before him ; and I have for some time thought that his chief business was done here and we were no longer worthy of him, and that he may be of eminent service to that other country, retaining still in great vi- gour his powers of body and mind ; and there can be no doubt of the intimate friend of Franklin's being there well received." In this manly way does Mr. Lindsey express his appro- bation of his friend's emigration, though mixed with deep regret. In the following extract of a letter to Dr. Toul- min, dated February 20, it appears that other intimate and judicious friends of Dr. Priestley entertained similar sentiments : '* The Doctor has received letters which are very encouraging. The family of V here, who have two sons (that were both the Doctor's pupils) in America, one well settled in Philadelphia, the other in Kennebec, but who is part of the year at Boston, all advise and rather press him to go, though greatly grieved to lose him hence. As to the Doctor, his purpose is certainly fixed to leave England towards April, and he is making preparations for the purpose." In a letter to the same correspondent, dated March 8, Mr. Lindsey states : " You will be pleased to know that our friend, though we cannot think of losing him without deep concern, has taken places for himself, Mrs. Priest- ley, and two servants, in the Sansom, which is to be ready to sail the latter end of this or the very beginning of next month. Happily the other persons, all of them emi- grants, who are going in the same ship, are known to him or his friends." GH. XIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS UNDSEY. 281 On the 21st of February, 1794, Dr. Priestley sent in his letter of resignation to the congregation at Hackney ; to which after some time, when they found all efforts to induce him to remain with them unavailing and hopeless, they returned an answer expressive of their veneration and gratitude for his person and his labours, their poignant re- gret at the dissolution of the connexion, and their affec- tionate good wishes for his future welfare. On the 30th of March he delivered to a crowded auditory a farewell discourse, from Acts xx. 32. The subject of it was the " Use of Christianity, especially in difficult times." It begins with stating " the great design of the gospel to raise the sons of men to the high character and honour of sons of God, and make them heirs of a happy immor- tality;" it represents " the situation of dissenters, and especially of Unitarian dissenters at that time, as calling in a particular manner for the exercise of Christian prin- ciples : and that the insult and outrage to which they were then exposed, though not to be desired, was most fa- vourable to the cultivation of that temper of mind which is most eminently Christian, to the virtues of patience, fortitude, forgiveness, and heavenly-mindedness." The preacher then shows how much superior these virtues are to that courage and zeal which is so generally applauded in heroes and martyrs, and of how much more difficult at- tainment ; and in the true spirit of Christian philosophy he remarks, that " we shall be the less disturbed at the ma- lignity of others, when we consider that our enemies, as well as our friends, are acting the part assigned them by the Supreme Ruler of the Universe: that they are in their proper place as well as we in ours ; though, being insti- gated by their own bad dispositions, this is no apology for their conduct ; and that the plan of the great drama in which we are all actors is so arranged, that good will finally result from the evil which we experience in our- 282 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XIII. selves or see in others." He adds, that " all the oppo- sition we meet with makes part of the useful and neces- sary discipline of life, and no great character could be formed, or any great good be done, without it ; our Sa- viour, the apostles, the reformers from popery, the Puri- tans, and Nonconformists, were equally exposed to it. And shall we complain ? We must not forget that it is only, by discipline, and often very severe discipline too, that great and excellent characters are ever formed ; and there is a source of satisfaction even in adversity, or nearly connected with it, that persons in prosperity and affluence have no idea of." In proof of this observation he cites his own example : " Of this I am myself not without some experience. My violent expulsion from a favourite situation at Birming- ham was to appearance sufficiently disastrous, and I was not without feeling it to be so. Yet I have had more than a recompense, internal and external, so as to make me consider it even now as no evil upon the whole : and I am far from wishing, if it were possible, that it might not have happened." The preacher then proceeds to show, " that a state of suffering is. a state of usefulness ; no less than one of most active exertion."- Also, that " such a state of persecution as that to which we are ex- posed, will tend to purge our Societies of lukewarm and unworthy members ; of men who prefer the world and the things of it, to the cause of truth and a good con- science ; and such are many of the richer sort among us, and in all societies ; men who, by associating with other rich and worldly-minded men, and especially those, who are within the influence of a court and the honours and emoluments derived from it, catch too much of their spi- rit, become assimilated to their manners, and adopt their views. Let all such go to their proper place ; we want them not ; we want not even their wealth. True chrisr CH. XIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 283 tianity does not suppose nor require it. But in all cases of persecution > some of the most wealthy have proved the most zealous." It is further remarked, that " true chris- tians, devoid of superstition, will meet for public worship and edify one another, even without the aid or expense of regular ministers ; in situations in which ministers cannot be had, Christian laymen will, I hope, have the good sense to do themselves every thing which has. been usually done by their ministers : and this excellent lesson will be taught more effectually in a season of adversity than of prosperity." " It is our pride that, as Unitarians, our religion has been so far from being befriended, that it has in all ages been frowned upon by the civil magi- strate : and yet in these seemingly unfavourable circum- stances it has constantly gained ground." As an evidence of their having imbibed the true spirit of Christianity, the preacher recommends that his hearers should " exert themselves in their several spheres to extend the know- ledge of it to others, and not to imagine that this is the business of ministers only. Gladly," continues he, " would unbelievers have it to say, that all men of sense are with them. On the contrary, I am confident that men of real knowledge and reflection, as well as men of virtue and integrity ; men who have given the most se- rious attention to the subject, and men of the most up- right and unbiassed minds, are with us. But to recom- mend Christianity to men of reason and reflection, it must be made to appear a rational thing. Men cannot embrace as sacred truths any thing at which their common sense revolts." Hence he infers that it is our duty, '< if we have any real value for Christianity, to exert ourselves to free it from those great incumbrances which have already done it the greatest injury, and have endangered its very ex- istence." He congratulates the congregation upon its honourable denomination of an Unitarian Society, and au- 284 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [c'H. XIII;' gurs the happiest effects from the public avowal of their Christian principles. " The opinions," says he, " of single persons are often overlooked or disregarded, but a chri- stian church is a city set on a hill that cannot be hid." And the congregation having, chiefly upon his recom- mendation, chosen as his successor the writer of this Memoir, the preacher is pleased to say, '* I cannot con- clude this discourse without expressing my satisfaction in your choice of my successor :" and after expressing, in language which it does not become the writer to repeat, his persuasion that this successor would carry on plans of instruction, public and private, on the same principles with himself, he adds, " by making choice of such a per- son, you have greatly lessened the pain that I shall feel from our separation. It will appear to me that I am still with you in his person. May the connexion be long and happy !" Having thus finished what he had to say to his regular audience, he closes his discourse with addressing a few hints of advice to the numerous strangers which thronged to hear him upon this interesting occasion. The intro- duction to this address is most judicious and conciliatory. " Most of you, I presume, are come hither from an in- nocent curiosity to see and hear a person of whom you have heard much evil, and perhaps some good, and whom you do not expect to see or hear any more. Others, though I hope not many, may have come for some less innocent purpose. These, let them have come whenever they pleased, must have found themselves disappointed, and I hope agreeably so ; as instead of finding any occa- sion of harm to me they may have found some good to themselves. Nothing else can they have heard here ; no- thing but what is calculated to confirm the faith of allchris- tians, and to inculcate those sentiments of the heart, and that conduct in life, which are the proper fruits of that CH. XIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 285 faith." The preacher having said a few words to justify his doctrine, though deemed heretical, defends it briefly from the charge of sedition . " Nothing," says he, " that can by any construction be supposed to have that tendency has ever been delivered from this pulpit, unless it be sedition to teach what the apostles taught before, viz. that we are to obey God rather than man ; and that in what relates to religion and conscience, we disclaim all human autho- rity, even that of king, lords, and commons. In these things we acknowledge only One Father, even God, and one master, even Christ, the messenger or ambassador of God. If any doctrine be really false, being contrary to reason and the Scriptures, it is not an act of parliament that can make it true. Or, if any action be morally wrong, as being contrary to natural justice and equity, it is not an act of parliament that can make it be right. But while we thus * render to God the things that are God's/ we render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's. We are subject to every civil * ordinance of man for the Lord's sake,' though not their ordinances relating to religion. Learn then not to give ear to mere calumny. As to us, I trust that we have learned of Christ to bless them that curse us, and to pray for them that despitefully use and persecute us." The peroration is beautiful and appropriate, and strong- ly indicates the truly Christian spirit of the venerable fu- gitive. " Whether then you come as friends or as ene- mies, whether we shall ever see one another's faces again or not, may God, whose providence is over all, bless, preserve, and keep us ! Above all, may we be preserved in the paths of virtue and piety, that we may have a hap- py meeting in that world, where error and prejudice wtH be no more, where all the ground of the party distinctions which subsist here will be taken away; where every rnis- 286 MEMOIftS OF THE LATE [CH. XII*. understanding will be cleared up, and the rejgn of truth and of virtue will be for ever established !" Such was the posture of mind, such the dignity of spi- rit, of this first of philosophers and of Christians, when taking leave of a country whose reputation he had ex- tended, and to whose intellectual and moral improve- ment he had devoted his superior energies ; but which, too little sensible of his pre-eminent worth, treated him with neglect, and refused redress to his cruel and unme- rited injuries ; and, if she did not absolutely banish from her shores the worthiest of her sons, she at least appeared to withhold from him that protection which he thought essential to his security, and to the peaceable and success- ful pursuit of his professional duties and his philosophical inquiries. But the spirit of Christianity carried him through all ; and Dr. Priestley in the possession of a good conscience, and in the exercise of the mild, forbearing, forgiving spirit of the Gospel, was more truly happy in his mind, and more enviable in his exile, than the most violent of his enemies and persecutors on their couches of preferment, or their thrones of state*. The following Sunday, April 6, Dr. Priestley passed * After Dr. Priestley had given notice of his intention to leave the coun- try, the writer of this Memoir had frequent opportunities of accompanying him in his walks to visit and to take leave of his friends. The conversation upon these occasions usually turned upon some interesting subjects. Upon one occasion the topic of discussion was the second advent of Christ : and Dr. Priestley, who had studied the Apocalypse with great attention, inferred, from the state of the world, compared with the language of prophecy, that the second personal appearance of Christ was very near at hand. "You," says he, " may probably live to see it ; I shall not. It cannot, I think, b'e more than twenty years." Of these twenty years, eighteen are now (1812) elapsed, and the signs of Christ's appearance are not more perceptible now than they were twenty years ago ; and he must be a sturdy believer who now expects the visible appearance of Christ to restore the Jews to their country, and to assume the government of the world within two years. Mr. Eyanson, who did not in all points coincide with Dr. Priestley, agreed with him in ex- pecting the early personal appearance and reign of Christ. But his inter- pretation, with greater prudence, postponed the event for sixty years. I have not however heard that either of these gentlemen was quite so unreasonable CH. XIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 287 with his friends in Essex-street, whose faces he was never more to behold again in this world. Dr. Toulmin that day preached for Dr. Disney a judicious, seasonable, and af- fecting discourse, which made a very deep impression upon a respectable and numerous audience. The next day Dr. Priestley and his family went to Gravesend, from which place he addressed the following short letter to his venerable friend : " Dear friend, We were rather unexpectedly sum- moned by the captain to be with him here at two in the afternoon yesterday ; and here we met him and all the company, expecting to sail that evening. However, we are now actually about to take a boat and go to the ship, which lies at the Hope, about six miles below this place. We spent an agreeable evening, all things considered ; Mr. Russell and Mr. Vaughan being of the party. The morning is fine, but the wind still west. When we get to the Downs it is to be determined whether we go north round Scotland or through the Channel. The Pigou sails at the same time ; and we hope to keep company. " J Poor Sally (Mrs. Finch, his only daughter) is most affected, as Mr. F. seems more determined than ever not to follow us ; but she hopes that circumstances may arise and inconsistent as the celebrated W. Whiston, who having foretold that the world would come to an end in twenty years, asked thirty years purchase for a small estate which he had to sell. I mention these facts to show how grie- vously the most enlightened minds may err when they attempt to apply the language of prophecy to passing events, and to become prophets themselves, instead of waiting till time unfolds the mysterious volume of divine dispen- sations, and points, aut the. true sense of the prophetic vision. Joseph Mede himself is a memorable instance of the egregious mistakes into which learned and inquisitive men are liable to fall upon this subject ; who, having sup- plied the best .key to the mysteries of the Apocalypse, and given the most rational solution of the symbols which are supposed to refer to events which had long been past, interprets two of the symbols as relating to the defeat of the Spanish armada, and to the wars in Germany against the House of Austria ; events which, however important to the British nation, make little figure in the history of the world, and are far beneath the dignity of prophet tic notice. 288 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [t'H. XIII* which will change his resolution. However, that resolu- tion will be guided by a will wiser than his or ours ; and this is my greatest consolation, especially in parting with you and Mrs. Lindsey. " Trusting to Mr. J. who said he would take my ther- mometer to Gravesend himself, I shall be obliged to go without it. I wish however you would see him, and de- sire him to send it by Johnson's package, if it will bear that conveyance. Take also any number you please of any of my publications, and dispose of them as you think proper. " I will write again from Deal, where the pilot leaves us. Yours and Mrs. Lindsey's most affectionately, Gravesend, April 8, 1704. " J. PRIESTLEY." The next day, April 9, Dr. Priestley wrote to Mr. Lindsey, as he promised, from Deal. " Dear friend, This I hope will be the last time I shall write to you from Old England. Yesterday we had a fair wind to carry us off Margate. We lay lo, the greatest part of the night, when a fair wind sprung up to cany us, they say, within an hour of Deal, by half-past eight, which it now is. Most of the passengers yesterday were ill ; my wife most of the day ; and J did not wholly escape, though I am better than most of them. To-day we seem to be all pretty well, just ready for breakfast. " The cabin passengers are only nine, and promise to be sufficiently agreeable, though almost all unknown to each other. I have barely learned their names. " Mr. Lyon, who had but little time to speak to Mr. Russell on the subject of our purchase of land, desires to have one share with us, if the subscription be not full. He will be a valuable associate, on account of his being an excellent farmer. CH. XIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 289 "Our captain has just informed us, that if he falls in with the fleet of merchantmen at Portsmouth he will join them for the sake of the convoy : if so, I will write from that place. "With my best wishes and prayers, for our reunion here, or hereafter, yours and Mrs. Lindsey's, in which my wife joins me, most affectionately, " J. PRIESTLEY." The next letter is dated off Falmouth, on Friday even- ing, April 1 1 . "Dear friend, We came in a very short time oppo- site to the Start, but then, which was last night, the wind changed, and turned west ; so that on this account, and likewise apprehending a storm from that quarter, we have just dropped anchor in Falmouth Road, where we shall stay till to-morrow morning, and then sail or not accord- ing as the wind shall be. " On Wednesday evening we had a strong gale, which continued all night and part of the next day. This made all the passengers very sick, and my wife and myself among them. I could eat nothing till supper. But the next night was calm, and we rose recruited, and all this day have been in very good spirits, but much disappointed at not being able to proceed .on our voyage, when we had got further in three days than the captain says he got in three weeks and five days the last voyage. We begin to be acquainted with all our cabin, and many of the steer- age passengers, and like them very well. They are all well-behaved, and good company. The only woman cabin passenger is come from France; knows our friends there, and seems well acquainted with the politics of the coun- try. " On the whole, I think we shall pass our time pretty u 290 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE | CH. XIII. well during the voyage. I have much time for reading, and shall be able to write. I am meditating a discourse on the causes of infidelity, led to it by reflections on that of Mr. C. and other intelligent men. " I think I shall nearly read my Greek Testament through before I get to New York ; and I think I read it with more satisfaction than ever. Unbelievers, I am con- fident, do not read it except with a predisposition to ca- vil. A person waits for our letters, and therefore I am in haste yours and Mrs. Lindsey's most affectionately, " J. PRIESTLEY." Here we see what was uppermost in the mind of this truly apostolic man. An exile from his country, to which he was never more to return, writing in confidence to his most intimate friend, whose face he was never to see again, instead of giving vent to his feelings in effeminate and unavailing lamentations, he thinks of nothing but how he may best fortify his own mind, and confirm the minds of others in the grounds and principles of the Christian faith as the only solid foundation of virtue and peace. Nothing further was heard of Dr. Priestley till his arrival at New York. The following is the first let- ter addressed to his venerable friend from the shores of the western continent. Its contents are too interesting to require an apology for its length. "New York, June 6, I7p4. " Dear friend, I hope you received the letters I wrote from Gravesend, Deal, and Falmouth. I now write from New York, where we are safely arrived, after a passage of eight weeks and a day, owing to our having had none but westerly winds after we got clear of the Channel till the last fortnight. We also found the coast covered with a thick fog, very unusual at this time of the year, so that we were three days before we could get into the bay after we Reached the coast. CH. XIII. j REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 291 " We had an excellent ship ; but the captain was not the man he had been represented to me. He swore much, and was given to liquor ; and the crew very disorderly. However, he made a point of behaving in his best man- ner to us ; and is naturally very generous and good-na- tured. Unfortunately the mate and he did not agree ; and no care had been taken of the water-casks, so that the steerage passengers suffered much in consequence of it ; and we had many complaints : and if the voyage had been much longer, the consequence might have been se- rious. "Our society in the cabin was agreeable enough, though the majority were aristocratically inclined ; but all in the steerage were zealous republicans, and persons of good character, and several of good property. In the steerage also was more religion than in the cabin ; but they were universally Calvinists, though the majority very mode- rate, as you will suppose, from their applying to me to perform divine service to them ; which I did with much satisfaction when the weather and other circumstances would permit, several in the cabin joining us, though some of them were unbelievers but for want of infor- mation. This is the case with Mr. L., a most excellent man, who is now reading my sermons on the evidences of revelation, and I hope to good purpose. He, like thousands of others, told me, that he was so much dis- gusted with the doctrines of the church of England, es- pecially the Trinity, that he considered the whole busi- ness as an imposition, without further inquiry. " The confinement in the ship would not have been disagreeable if I could have written with convenience. But I could do little more than read. I read the whole of the Greek Testament, and the Hebrew Bible as far as the first book of Samuel, and I think with more satisfac- tion than ever. I also read through Hartley's second vo- u 2 292 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XT II. lume; and for amusement I had several books of voy- ages, and Ovid's Metamorphoses, which I read through. I always admired his Latin versification. If I had a Vir- gil, I should have read him through too. I read a great deal of Buchanan's Poems, and some of Petrarch's and Erasmus's Dialogues. All Peter Pindar's poems, which Mr. L. had with him, and which pleased me much more than I expected. He is Paine in verse. " Though it was particularly inconvenient to write long hand, I composed about as much as will make two ser- mons, on the causes of infidelity, which will make a pro- per addition to the volume of my discourses. If I do not print them here I will send you a copy. Now that I have access to the first volume of Hartley, in the fine edition Mrs. Lindsey gave me, I think I can improve what I wrote. The second volume I had in the ship was an odd volume of the set that was destroyed in the riots. " We had many things to amuse us in the passage, as the sight of some fine mountains of ice, water-spouts, which are very uncommon in those seas, flying fishes, porpoises, whales, and sharks, of which we caught one, luminous sea-water, &c. I also amused myself with try- ing the heat of the water at different depths, and made other observations which suggest various experiments,, which I shall prosecute whenever I get my apparatus at liberty. " We had some very stormy weather ; and one gust of wind as sudden and violent as perhaps ever was known. If it had not been for the passengers, many of the sails had been lost. " I had not much sea-sickness ; but owing to our wretched cookery had no appetite for any thing till within a fortnight or three weeks of our landing; but then I was perfectly reconciled to every thing. My wife was really very ill a great part of the time ; but at last grew very Clf. XIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. well, and looks better almost than ever. On the whole the voyage has done us no harm, but good. " J and his wife had been waiting for us some time. They and their brothers are well ; which is a great satis- faction to us. We shall probably go with them to Phi- ladelphia before we go any where else, as I hear there are proposals to be made to me about establishing a new col- lege in some part of Pennsylvania, about which you shall know more when I know more. "I never saw any place that I liked so well as New York ; it far exceeds my expectation, and my reception is too flattering ; no form of respect being omitted. I have received two formal addresses, to which I have given answers. More, I hear, are coming, and almost every person of the least consequence in the place has been or is coming to call upon me. This is rather troublesome, but it shows the difference of the two countries. I am lodged in the house which was the head-quarters of Ge- nerals Howe and Clinton, in view of the Bay, which is the finest prospect that I remember ever to have seen. " This must be a glorious country ; and I doubt not of finding a peaceable and useful establishment in it. When that is accomplished, my only wish will be to have you and a few other Christian friends to come and end their days with us. But we must not promise ourselves too much in this world. " Say for me every thing that a grateful heart can dic- tate, both from myself, my wife, and my son, to Mrs, Rayner. " Yours and Mrs. Lindsey's most affectionately, "J. PRIESTLEY.'* Dr. Priestley made but a short stay at New York*, * It will not perhaps be uninteresting to read the account of Dr. Priestley's reception at New York, by a gentleman who was prcscot at the time, and 294 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XIII. where, notwithstanding all the respect shown him by the laity, there was not one clergyman who offered him his pulpit, and some thought it their duty to caution their hearers against Unitarian errors. Many persons were, who soon afterwards returned to England, Mr. Henry Wansey, who wrote the following letter to Mr. Lindsey from Salisbury, August 28, 1 794 : "Dear Sir, A packet was given me by Dr. Priestley to deliver to you, and I fully intended calling upon you with it, but could not get my boxes and baggage passed through the custom-house, and was obliged to leave London at last without accomplishing it ; your parcel, from over care, having been put into it. I lodged at the same house with the Doctor and family at New York, Mrs. Loring's, where you have, no doubt, heard how well and respect- ably he was received. All the families of consequence, even some of the clergy, called to pay their respects, though the latter did not carry their ci- vility so far as to offer any pulpit to him during the two Sundays he was there. Dr. Rodgers from his pulpit declared his abhorrence of all those who denied the divinity of Christ, and he hoped none such would come to his admini- stration of the Lord's supper. Yet Dr. Priestley was not prevented attending divine service there the Sunday after he arrived. The violence of the clergy against this doctrine, particularly on Trinity Sunday last, has been of as great service as a persecution; for many principal families of New York, chiefly English, have stepped forward, and determined to have an Unitarian chapel there. That at Boston, under the care of Mr. Freeman, I observed was well attended, and Mr. Freeman told me, considerably increased. He (Dr. P.) requests you will get a minister of pleasing address and a good delivery to come to New York immediately. The Doctor, whom I accompanied out of New York, across Hudson's river, in his way to Philadelphia, assured me re- peatedly he was perfectly satisfied with the change he had made. His re- ception far exceeded his expectation ; his health and spirits were good ; but, however, that he should not enter into public life. At Princeton College, I learned from Dr. Smith, the Vice-president, that he would be offered the Presidency of a new college erecting in North Carolina ; but he told me he should positively decline it, and, after a very short stay at Philadelphia, go up the Susquehanua to Northumberland, while his sons went on about forty miles further to put forward the new settlement of which I have so good an opinion that I have taken two shares. Many families of my acquaintance are going to the Loyalsoc, and my only fear is that they do not proceed with clearing and building till next spring, which is certainly losing time. For though the settlement will be rapid after a beginning is made, yet losing this season may induce some of those respectable families now going out to fix elsewhere. " It is a pleasant country; and the people I found every where friendly and hospitable ; a great sobriety of manners ; equality exemplified in its true sense ; nor do I once remember to have seen either a beggar or a ragged person. Adieu, Dear Sir, and believe me, &c. &c." This settlement upon the Loyalsoc did not answer expectation, and upon further inquiry it was given up. The State prosecutions commenced soon after Dr. Priestley left England; and many of his friends were the more re- conciled to his emigration, as thinking that he might have been some way or other involved in them. But this was not probable. A man who joined no political society, who attended no public meetings, and who wrote no politi- cal books or pamphlets, was not likely to be the object of the vindictive ani- CH. XIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 295 however, much displeased at the bigotry of their mini- sters ; and the venerable exile was given to understand, that if he would fix his residence in New York a chapel and a congregation would not be wanting. But his de- madversion of an attorney-general. Even Mr. Lindsey's fears seem to have been needlessly alarmed upon this subject. In a letter to the Rev. William Turner of Newcastle, dated June 10, 1794, he writes, " Nothing has been known of or from Dr. Priestley since his being off Falmouth ; between seven and eight weeks since. But under the protection of a good Providence we persuade ourselves that he has ere this touched the American shores. And such have been the changes since, that some of his best friends who sought to detain him here are now glad at his departure. For the prejudices against dissenters, especially of the more liberal sort, as enemies to their country be- cause they are against the present war, are so violent, and would have been so much heightened against him, tjiat it might made his Jife unpleasant, though I hope not insecure." I shall add but one extract more upon this subject from Mr. Lindsey to the same excellent person, the son of his old revered confidential adviser and friend at Wakefield. The letter is dated November 9, 1 794, and strongly ex- presses the affectionate feelings of the venerable writer's heart : " I rejoice to hear that you have so favourable an opportunity of bearing testimony to such injured worth in exile from our unworthy country, and of recording that intimate friendship and union of studies and pursuits, which subsisted between that excellent person and your most worthy father. To have any place in the niche with two such eminent characters is a real ho- nour. No satisfaction do I know beyond that of recollecting the hours passed and benefit received in friendly communications with both. For some years, particularly when I resigned Catterick, there was no step of importance which I took without consulting both ; and the sketch of the Apology, soon after published, they were so good as to take the trouble of meeting, and. passing a day with me at an inn in Knaresborough, when I read it to them. " 1 have been made happy by several letters received from Dr. Priestley since his arrival in America. In his last he mentions a very important mat- ter : the large purchase of lands on the Susquehanna was all over. They had been deceived by the proprietors, and by evidence which did not turn out sa- tisfactory, and thus after much delay, and some expense, many will he dis- appointed. " In the same letter he says he had an invitation from New York, to read lectures philosophical, and to open an Unitarian congregation. But he had declined on account of the distance from the place where his sons would be likely to settle. I am grieved at it, because New York was the place for him, the English American metropolis, the inhabitants more cultivated, of most easy access from Europe, &c. &c. This concern, however, was a little abated by the subsequent paragraph of his letter, relating that the Chemical Pro- fessor of the College in Philadelphia was believed to be on his death-bed, and that Dr. Rush had told him that he believed he would be invited to succeed him. This he adds will oblige him to four or five months residence in Phila- delphia. And as there is a certain prospect of being able to establish an Uni- tarian congregation in the place, he shall not hesitate to accept the offer." This offer was made and declined much to the regret of many of Dr. Priest* ley's friends at the time ; but, as there is now reason to believe, not with any eventual detriment to the cause of Christian truth. 290 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XIII. stination was otherwise. He accompanied his son, who met him at New York, to Philadelphia, where he met with the same flattering attention from the laity, and the same repulsive spirit from the clergy ; and after remain- ing there a few weeks, he went with Mrs. Priestley to Northumberland, a small settlement upon the banks of the Susquehanna, near the western boundary of Pennsyl- vania ; and here, to the great disappointment and ex- treme regret of all his friends, both in Europe and Ame- rica, he determined to fix his residence. Nor could the inconvenience of a new settlement, the want of literary and polished society, the many and great obstructions to epistolary intercourse with his philosophical and theolo- gical correspondents, the difficulty of obtaining books and philosophical instruments, nor even the offer of the che- mical professorship, and ultimately of the presidency of the College of Philadelphia, prevail with him to change his resolution. The reasons upon which a choice so ex- traordinary and unexpected, and so universally regretted, was founded, were never made known to the public. But whatever these might be, and though Dr. Priestley's reso- lution to fix his residence at Northumberland was at that time generally disapproved and lamented, the event has shown that it was a most beneficial choice. In no other situation would it have been possible for him to have commanded the leisure which was necessary for drawing up those important, learned, and instructive works which occupied his attention to the last hour of his life, and by which being dead he yet speaketh, and will probably con- tinue to speak, and to promote the great cause of Chris- tian truth, and particularly the glorious long lost doctrine of the divine Unity, for ages to come. I particularly re- fer to his excellent Ecclesiastical History, and his judi- cious and valuable Notes upon the whole Bible, which are the result of much reading and reflection, though he CH. XIII.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 297 makes no parade of authorities, a species of ostentation which he always despised, and the neglect of which, to a proper extent, may be regarded as a defect in his work much to be regretted. In this sequestered wilderness the venerable exile main- tained a regular correspondence with his revered and be- loved friend the subject of this memoir, which continued with little or no interruption till within a fortnight of his decease. He numbered his letters : there are one hun- dred and four; all of them now in possession of the wri- ter of this work. They are interesting to those who knew and admired and loved the writer, but few of them would be interesting to the public. Dr. Priestley thought little of himself. He seldom touches upon personal concerns ; and gives little account of what it would have been par- ticularly interesting to know, the mode of life, in a situa- tion so remote from, and so unlike to, that of civilized and polished Europe. His great mind was occupied in greater things. His whole soul was absorbed in the ac- quisition of knowledge, in the search after truth, and in devising and executing the best means of communicating information to others. And his letters are chiefly occu- pied in stating what he has done, is doing, and further intends to do, for promoting this great object : they breathe throughout a spirit of ardent zeal, of rational piety, and of active and disinterested benevolence. In the Appendix a few are given, as a specimen of his ge- neral manner, and of the style and spirit of his corre- spondence*. Dr. Priestley, who had originally an excel- lent constitution, and who generally enjoyed uninterrupt- ed health, and an uniform flow of good spirits, naturally and reasonably expected to outlive his aged friend, who was ten years further advanced in life than himself. But * Appendix, No. XII. 208 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XIII. Divine Providence ordered otherwise. This great man gradually declined in health, after a severe fever which attacked him in Philadelphia, in the spring of 1801, and from which he was by copious bleeding with much dif- ficulty recovered. He expired in the bosom of his family on the 6th of February 1804. A most interesting ac- count of his last sickness was written by his son Mr. Joseph Priestley, in a letter to Mr. Lindsey, which by some means found its way into the public papers, and was, it is believed, copied and circulated in all the pe- riodical publications in Europe, Asia, and America, to testify to the world how a well-informed philosophic Christian can die. His aged friend bore the intelligence with the calm dignity and pious resignation of one who placed entire confidence in the hopes and promises of the Gospel ; and who, feeling the infirmities of age advancing fast upon him, expected soon to rejoin his beloved fellow-labourer in happier circumstances, and in an improved and per- manent state of existence, where virtue that has been tried and perfected shall receive its appropriate reward. CHAPTER XIV. DR. PRIESTLEY'S REPLY TO PAINE'S AGE OF REASON RE- PRINTED IN ENGLAND BY MR. LINDSEY, WITH A PRE- FACE IN VINDICATION OF DR. PRIESTLEY'S CHARACTER. MR. LINDSEY REPUBLISHES ANOTHER WORK OF DR. PRIESTLEY'S, WITH A SHORT PREFACE. DR. PRIEST- LEY'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF MR. LINDSEY's KIND- NESS. ANALYSIS OF MR. LINDSEY's LAST PUBLICA- TION, ENTITLED, CONVERSATIONS ON THE DIVINE GO- VERNMENT. \Y HEN Dr. Priestley arrived in America he found that Paine's Age of Reason had been lately imported into that CH. XIV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 299 continent, and that by its bold dogmatical spirit, and by its successful attack upon those corruptions of the Chris- tian doctrine which usually pass for Christianity, and which in this treatise were assumed as such, a deep impression had been made upon the minds of the unthinking and the unwary ; and that many were seduced by this plau- sible and popular performance from the Christian faith. No sooner, therefore, was this zealous advocate for reveal- ed truth settled at Northumberland, than he published an answer to Paine's work in the form of Letters to a Phi- losophical Unbeliever, in October 1794, a copy of which he sent over to Mr. Lindsey, who reprinted it in England, in the beginning of the year 1795, with a preface, the chief design of which was to vindicate the character of his absent and much-injured friend. " As every event whatever," says this able advocate of exiled merit, "every circumstance of the life of every man, is ordained and over-ruled by the infinitely wise and good Creator, for the virtuous improvement and present and final happiness of the universe, and of each individual in it, we may be fully persuaded, that where man intends evil, God intends and brings forth good, and that the best purposes of the divine government will be promoted by the means of those unworthy passions which compelled this eminent person to take refuge in America." He adds, that " they have begun to show themselves in the reception which has been given to Dr. Priestley, and in the general estimation in which he is held, notwithstand- ing the base arts which have been used to poison that people's minds, and to turn them against him." Mr. Lindsey then states, that it was desired and ex- pected by the friends of divine revelation in America, that he should reply to Paine's Age of Reason, and un- dertake a cause he was so well able to defend ; and he flutters himself that the republication of it in England 300 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. XIV. may contribute to rescue some who are " hastening to the dreary gulf of infidelity. He puts the question, " What could raise up such a storm against so respectable a character as to constrain him to retire a voluntary exile from his country, where he was so justly loved and esteemed by some of the most exalted characters ?" He instances in Dr. Price, Sir George Savile, and Mr. Lee, the late solicitor-general, who particularly admired his Letters to Mr. Burke, and at whose house " in Lincoln's-inn-fields for near twenty years the friends were wont to spend their Sunday even- ings together, whenever they were in town, in cheerful pleasantry, and free discussion of all subjects, for two men more formed and furnished for social converse than Dr. Priestley and Mr. Lee are rarely found." To the cata- logue.of Dr. Priestley's friends he also adds the respected names of Dr. Shipley, bishop of St. Asaph, and Dr. Law, bishop of Carlisle, "who was in perfect accord with him in his sentiments on most subjects." He concludes with the name of Dr. Jebb, to whom Dr. P. dedicates his Treatise upon Philosophical Necessity. "In that beau- tiful and luminous composition," says Mr. Lindsey, " pro- ceeding from the fulness of the heart, and conviction of the truth of that glorious principle in which they both agreed, you read the true character of the men, and what all may become who are under the like influences." It is obvious to remark here how cordially Mr. Lind- sey concurs with his learned and virtuous friends in the belief of the truth and importance of what he calls the "glorious principle" of philosophical necessity, and in admitting those grand and consolatory consequences which flow from it, " that every circumstance of the life of every man is ordained and over-ruled by the infinitely wise and- gopd Creator," for the best purposes. What childish simplicity and ignorance does it betray in some CH. XIV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 301 to feign or to feel alarmed at the tendency of those doc- trines which are avowed by such men as Lindsey, Priest- ley, Hartley, and Jebb, and which are represented by them as lying at the foundation of all right views of the divine government, of all rational piety and virtuous practice, and of all rational and substantial consolation ! And yet such persons feel no alarm at the vulgar notion of philo- sophical liberty, or the power of acting differently in cir- cumstances precisely similar ; a notion, the fond persua- sion of which encourages men to venture into circum- stances of moral danger, and to which thousands of the young and inexperienced, especially, are daily falling vic- tims. To account for the hostility against Dr. Priestley, which eventually compelled that great and good man to seek an asylum in America, his friendly advocate states most truly, that "Dr. Priestley had an ardent active zeal for reformation ; that penetrated with the most absolute con- viction of the reality of the Divine Unity, and of the con- nexion which the belief of it had with the peace, the vir- tue, and happiness of mankind, he hesitated not in his immortal writings from the press in the smallest size, and to the level of the lowest capacities, as also in larger and more learned volumes ; from the pulpit also, on pub- lic and proper occasions, to maintain and defend that there was no God but the Father; and that the worship of Jesus by protestants was equally idolatrous with the worship of his mother Mary by the papists." He adds, that " in nothing did Dr. Priestley give more offence, or more excite the ill-will of many against him, than by those freedoms in censuring the interference of the civil power in things of religion, all usurpation upon consci- ence, wherever lodged, or by whomsoever exercised." And he instances particularly in the Doctor's Familiar Letters to the Inhabitants of Birmingham. 302 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XIV,' Mr. Lindsey then introduces some just strictures upon the illiberal reflections cast upon the Unitarians by Bishop Hurd in his Life of his friend and patron Bishop War- burton. Such obloquy, however, so far as Dr. Priestley was the object of it, he states as abundantly compensated by the grateful and admiring testimony of numbers, both in and out of the established church, " to his exalted character and extraordinary merits." As a specimen he introduces some beautiful lines addressed to Dr. Priest- ley by Mrs. Barbauld, whom he justly styles "a genius of superior order, and the strains such as Milton himself might have been proud to own." The reader, and I trust the elegant and accomplished writer will excuse me for inserting them at the bottom of the page. They were written when a panic was for party purposes spread through the country, of a plot to overturn the government, and when many fulsome addresses were carried up to the throne, and many foul and unfounded calumnies were circulated against the dissenters, as conspiring to over- turn the government, though they have always shown themselves firm friends to the illustrious family upon the throne*. The friendly advocate next animadverts upon the in- famous paragraphs circulated in The Times and other ministerial papers, charging Dr. Priestley, who was not present at the dinner, with having given as a toast at the hotel at Birmingham, on the 14th of July, "Destruc- * Stirs not thy spirit, Priestley, as the train With low obeisance and with servile phrase File behind file advance with supple knee, And lay their necks beneath the foot of power? Burns not thy cheek indignant when thy name, On which delighted science loved to dwell, Becomes the bandied theme of hooting crowds ? With timid caution, or with cool reserve When e'en each reverend brother keeps aloof, Eyes the struck deer, and leaves thy naked side, A mark for power to shoot at ? Let it be, Crt. XtV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 303 tion to the present government, and the King's head in a charger ;" which, though it could neither be given nor received by any persons who were not insane, was never- theless currently believed, and contributed to inflame the phrensy of the day. Another paragraph inserted in The True Briton and The Sun, replete with falsehood and calumny respecting Dr. Priestley's reception in America, is cited by Mr. Lindsey, who also introduces Mr. Lyon's distinct contradiction and confutation of it. The generous and spirited advocate then proceeds to notice a cruel attack upon Dr. Priestley, published in America soon after his arrival there, entitled, Observa- tions on the Emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley, &c. the design of which was to represent Dr. Priestley as a fire- brand, an open and avowed enemy to the constitution of his country, &c. It was doubtful whether this scurrilous libel was the production of an author on this or the other side of the Atlantic. Mr. Lindsey justly remarks, that " from whatever quarter it issued, it is the work of a man ' On evil days though fall'n and evil tongues,' To thee the slander of a passing age Imports not. Scenes like these hold little space In his large mind, whose ample stretch of thought Grasps future periods. Well canst thou afford To give large credit for that debt of fame Thy country owes thee. Calm thou canst consign it To the slow payment of that distant day, If distant, when thy name to Freedom's join'd Shall meet the thanks of a regenerate land. December 1/92. It is truly gratifying to all the admirers of taste and genius to find that this lady's muse, though long silent, has not deserted her. The same genius which inspired the strains which immortalised the patriots of Corsica in their struggles with their French and Genoese tyrants shines forth resplendently in the beautiful and sublime poem of " Eighteen Hundred and Eleven." But as in the former case, the muse, too sanguine in her expectations of success, apologized for having "read the book of destiny amiss," so may it prove with regard to the gloomy forebodings of the latter poem ! And may centuries after centuries elapse, as we trust they will, before the traveller from the western continent shall have occasion to inquire, Where once stood, the rt- nowned seats of the Muses, the opulent emporiums of Commerce, or the proud Metropolis of the world ? 304 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. XIV. who showed himself void of truth and of every moral principle, if he were an Englishman ; if an American, a gross and ignorant calumniator." This pamphlet, by the falsehood of its assertions and the foulness of its abuse, was rather of use than otherwise to Dr. Priestley, in America : and upon this side of the Atlantic it could do him no harm. The British Critic, indeed, with its wonted malignity, gave it all the currency it could, by a formal review of this " atrocious attack on the most virtuous of men," in the month of November 1794. Mr. Lindsey ably exposes the disingenuous and immoral conduct of this band of critics in " deliberately adopting and recom- mending what they could not but know to be a tissue of abominable calumnies." And it being understood that some persons of literary eminence were then concerned in the conduct of that monthly journal, the author spiri- tedly expostulates with them upon the baseness of their conduct, so unworthy the estimation in which upon other accounts they were held. " O moral degradation ! O shame to science ! when its votaries can lend their rare abilities, Heaven's gift for better purposes, to please the great, and gain their favour, and to lower arid depress eminent virtue, and hinder others from reaping advan- tage from that example and those writings by which they might be formed to goodness, and excellence, and hap- piness for ever !" As to the work to which this defence of absent and injured merit is a preface, Mr. Lindsey says that " a copy of it having been put into his hands, he resolved to re- print it immediately." He adds, " it soon occurred, that it would be desirable and proper for me, if I could ac- quit myself in it in any tolerable manner 3 to take the opportunity that offered, of saying something in behalf of an honoured and beloved friend, that might remove or soften the violent prejudices entertained against him CH. XIV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS UNDSEY. 305 in this country and in this country only: for in all others his fame is great, and his character revered." And hav- ing justly animadverted upon the mean unmanly conduct of his enemies and slanderers, he adds, with much truth and pertinence, "Dr. Priestley's enemies, however, by their ignorant malevolent detraction, cannot make him unhappy, but only hurt themselves. Changing his coun- try, he changes not those habits which form the virtuous, the holy, the benevolent, the upright character. These constitute happiness ; these accompany a man wherever he goes, of which no malice or violence can deprive him*." In the year 1800 Dr. Priestley published in America a treatise upon the knowledge which the ancient Hebrews had of a future state, which Mr. Lindsey republished in England with a short preface, in which he notices with high satisfaction his honoured friend's continued activity, as the advocate of true religion ; and augurs that " his writings will continue to promote this great end in his native country and America, and wherever the English * It will not be uninteresting to the reader to see what Dr. Priestley writes to his friend upon the subject of his own work and Mr. Lindsey's preface. In a letter to Mr. Lindsey, dated Northumberland, October 16, 1794, Dr. Priestley says, " I have nearly printed the Continuation of my Letters to the Philosophers of France, and to a Philosophical Unbeliever ; the latter in an- swer to Mr. Paine's Age of Reason, which is much read, and has made great impression here. Nor will you wonder at it when you consider what kind of Christianity is preached here. I am told that the Quakers read it with great avidity; and they have no knowledge at all of the proper evidence of Christi- anity, or the doctrines of it. Many of them, therefore, in this countiy either actually are, or are easily made, unbelievers. There are great expecta- tions, I am told, from my Answer to Paine, and I hope it will do good." July 12, 1795, Dr. Priestley writes, "I am exceedingly glad that you have at last got my Answer to Mr. Paine, and that you like it. I wish to see your Preface. It cannot give more pleasure to you than it does to me to have our names connected in every possible method. I hope they will be for ever inseparable. One of my greatest mortifications is, that I cannot show you what I write, and be directed by you as usual." Dr. Priestley's modest and grateful acknowledgement of his venerable friend's kind and zealous vindication of his injured character is thus ex- pressed in a letter dated Northumberland, December 6, 1795 : "It is not long since I received the copy of your edition of my Answer to Paine. I read the Preface with much emotion, from a sense of the friendship to me expressed in it. If I had laboured ten times more than I have, I should notliave thought it too much for such a reward," 300 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. XIV. language shall prevail, when he shall be no more. A rare privilege of Heaven's chosen favourites, and the truly good !" Dr. Priestley was highly delighted with this kind testimony of his venerable friend, and in a letter dated June 11, 1801, he thus expresses his grateful sense of Mr. Lindsey's friendship : " I thank you for your very friendly preface. When shall I acknowledge my many obligations to you in per- son ? Not, I now fear, on this side the grave. I there- fore think the more of the state beyond it. But while I remain here I am thankful that you continue here too. I sometimes think, and not without pain, how I shall feel when you are gone ; though our separation cannot be of long continuance, the difference in our ages not being quite ten years ; and I do not expect to survive you so long as that, if indeed at all. Of what unspeakable value is religion in circumstances like mine ! Without this I think I should hardly have been able to support myself; but with it all difficulties, troubles, and disappointments are as nothing, being enabled to look beyond them." Such was the Christian spirit which animated the cor- respondence of these virtuous friends, who were equally distinguished as lovers of truth, and examples of piety. Mr. Lindsey now declining far into the vale of years, being upon the verge of fourscore, but in the enjoyment of perfect health, and the full possession of his intellec- tual and active powers, seems to have taken up the de- sign of his old friend Dr. Courayer, and to have come to a resolution of laying before the public his last thoughts concerning the doctrines of revelation, and particularly concerning the wisdom and goodness of the divine ad- ministration ; and with this view, in the year 1 802 he published a small volume, entitled " Conversations on theDivine Government; showing that every thing is from and for Good to all." This volume is dedicated to CH. XIV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 307 Mrs. Sophia and Mrs. Frances Chambers, the sisters of the late Dr. Chambers, rector of Achurch in Northamp- tonshire, Mr. Lindsey's early friend, of whom mention has been made in a former part of this Memoir. An- other brother was an eminent merchant in London, who had a country house at Morden, where these ladies re* sided ; and in this house Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey found a quiet and hospitable retreat during the summer season, when they did not take any considerable journey. In the repose and leisure of this delightful mansion, Mr. Lind- sey appears to have composed and written this his last present to the public ; and he inscribes it to his worthy friends, " in gratitude for unwearied offices of the most disinterested friendship for near thirty years, to himself and Mrs. Lindsey, from them and their worthy brother ; and in testimony for their enlightened zeal for the wor- ship of the one true God, and a constant unostentatious readiness to do good." In his preface he observes, that the following work re- sults from the study and experience of a long life ; and he apologizes for the introduction of some repetitions by the remark, that " till a full conviction is wrought in the mind, that the government of this world is the wisest that could have been adopted, and that the evils and distresses of life are not permitted but for the good of all, the at- tention of the public cannot be too often solicited for the vindication of our Creator. Under the hope of promot- ing, in some degree, the interest of his fellow-creatures in so noble a cause, and of leading them to their hap- piest state, a full confidence and satisfaction in the ne- ver-ceasing love of their maker and God, the following remarks, imperfect as they are, are committed to the can- dour and serious attention of the benevolent reader." The Conversations are supposed to be held at the same place, and conducted by the same parties, as those upon x 2 308 .- MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH.X1V. Christian idolatry, published ten years before. Victor! n, in a letter to his friend Volusian, requests him to give some account of a very curious and interesting question, upon which they had come to an unanimous resolution, viz. " That there is nothing really and ultimately ill, in the state of man, but every thing ordered for the best for all." Volusian's reply contains an account of each day's conversation. Though this incident seems to be lost sight of in the course of the work. Volusian informs his friend, that the company "having fallen into conversation upon the very low repute in which the religion of Christ was every where held, at home and abroad," one of the party mentioned, that " in Holland and other parts of the continent, a little before the French Revolution, a general persuasion prevailed, that the Chris- tian religion would soon be at an end." And he imputes that indisposition to Christianity which appeared to be rapidly increasing, to the corruption of the Christian doc- trine. Photinus, in reply, expresses his confidence that Chris- tianity would maintain its ground ; and ascribes the ha- tred which the philosophers upon the continent bore to revelation, to the interference of the civil power in sup- porting it by pains and penalties, which led them to con- ceive that all means, however dishonest, were lawful to overthrow a sanguinary and pernicious superstition. Pho- tinus however maintains, that the religion of Jesus will remain unshaken, being confirmed by miracles. He af- firms the same of the Mosaic revelation, which also rests upon the basis of miracles, and of prophecy which is even now receiving its accomplishment. He makes some just observations on the nature, use, and proveableness of mi- racles. He then briefly states, what he calls " the plain old argument for a Deity : viz. that otherwise, the world we live in, with all its furniture and inhabitants, must CH. XIV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 309 have come into being of itself, without any original de- signing mind." He adds, that the most serious diffi- culty with relation to the divine existence, arises from the existence and prevalence of vice and misery in the world ; and that if this state of things could by any means be reconciled to perfect goodness, it would provide the best remedy against scepticism. Marcellinus, in the name of the company, requests Photinus to undertake this task ; to which he consents, and the conversation is adjourned. In the process of the preceding Conversation the au- thor, under the character of Photinus, obviates the ob- jection against miracles as inconsistent with the divine immutability, by the supposition that "those events which we call supernatural, may be the result of esta- blished laws, and a more comprehensive plan of things, though unperceived by us ; so that those operations call- ed miraculous, are as much the result of general laws as the most ordinary events." But the learned writer does not seem to have adverted to the fact, that this supposi- tion destroys the very existence of miracles, and subverts the argument founded upon them. The resurrection of Lazarus, upon this hypothesis, is no more miraculous than an eclipse of the sun ; and the prediction of the for- mer, which, according to this theory, would have hap- pened whether foretold or not, no more proves the divine mission of Christ, than foretelling an eclipse proved the inspiration of Thales. This hypothesis is in the high- est degree arbitrary and incredible. The essence of a miracle consists in its being a deviation from the esta- blished course of nature ; and the existence of a miracle proves a divine interposition, because no being but the Author of Nature himself could control its laws ; and this violation of the law and course of nature in any given case, is perfectly consistent with the divine immutability; 310 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. XIV. because, at the instant when the laws of nature were fixed, the Supreme Being foresaw and determined that in this instance he would, for just and sufficient reasons, deviate from that rule of conduct to which it was his pleasure generally to adhere, The second Conversation begins with a vindication by Photinus of the character of Lord Shaftesbury, the au- thor of the Characteristics, as a believer in revelation ; though his Lordship speaks lightly of the characters of Abraham, Moses, and others of the Old Testament Saints, expresses doubts concerning some of the narratives con- tained in the Pentateuch, and hesitates to admit the ex- istence of miracles. This is advanced in reply to Volu- aian, who represents Lord Shaftesbury as one of those infidels who entertain right views of the character and government of God. How far the candid writer, under the character of Photinus, has succeeded in his chari- table purpose, is not material to inquire. The remain- der of the Conversation is employed in a very pleasing dissertation by Photinus upon the great goodness of God, as manifested in the wise and kind provision which he has made for the preservation, support, and enjoyment of animal and rational beings ; at the conclusion of which Marcellinus, after expressing his high approbation of his friend's doctrine, intimates his apprehension that " it would all be regarded merely as a beautiful theory, and these fine capacities of the rational nature to be bestowed in vain, and never likely to be brought to maturity, when we take a survey of the world at large, and scan what mankind have been, and still are, in a moral view;" and he concludes with expressing his hope, that Photinus will coutinue to give his kind help in " exploring this mo- mentous subject." In the third Conversation Marcellinus begins with making some remarks upon the account of the Creation CH. XIV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LIN0SEY. 311 and the Fall, in the Book of Genesis, much of which he acknowledges to be " undoubtedly couched in allegory;'* while it is " to be taken literally in other parts, which are at the foundation :" the moral instruction intended, is, however, " not difficult to be understood." Photinus, who is the chief speaker in these Conversations, having expressed his high satisfaction in the suggestions of his friend, proceeds to inquire what the history of man teaches concerning his attainment of that virtue and hap- piness for which he is intended. To this end, he enters iiito a brief detail of the dispensations of God to mankind, as they are related in the Jewish scriptures, first offering remarks upon the incidents which occur from the crea- tion to the deluge, by which " the almighty and mer- ciful Being judged it expedient to destroy the whole race of men from off the earth, all, except one righteous man and his family." The venerable writer then proceeds to comment upon the divine communications to Noah, to Abraham, and to Moses, and the effect which they produced in restrain- ing the vices of mankind, and in promoting virtue and piety. He contends earnestly for the excellency of the character of the Jewish legislator, the credibility of his history, and the divine authority of his institute, and re- presents those persons as " true objects of pity who, through some unfortunate bias on their minds, are led to reject a history of facts so well authenticated as those which have Moses for their author." He adds, not alto- gether in that spirit of candour which was habitual to Mr. Lindsey, that " one is the more concerned for this incre- dulity, because the rejection of the important truths con- veyed in these books, most commonly springs from a fixed determination not to admit any accounts, however well attested, of divine extraordinary communications and revelations to mankind." But, surely, if the venerable 31*2 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XIV. writer had for a moment reconsidered the case with his usual calmness and impartiality, he would have seen that a person may he a very firm believer in the divine mission and doctrine of Christ, and be well satisfied with the general evidence of the divine legation of Moses, while he at the same time may entertain very serious doubts, whether the books commonly attributed to Moses were really throughout written by him, and whether either the narrative or the institute exist at present ex- actly in the form in which he delivered them. And these doubts may be so far from springing " from a fixed deter- mination to admit no doctrine as revealed," that they may originate in an anxious concern to extricate revealed truth from those human additions by which it is cor- rupted and disgraced. The respectable writer, therefore, may perhaps be regarded as not quite correct when he adds, in a tone of sarcasm unwonted with him, that " so long as such a person cannot be brought to see his error by the arguments laid before him, you can only be sorry for him, and wish him a mind more teachable and better informed." Photinus next goes on to justify the extermination of the Canaanites by the Israelites as an act of obedience to a divine command, and makes light of an argument sometimes offered in defence of this command, as being analogous to events which take place under the natural government of God, where human beings are " destroyed promiscuously by earthquakes and the like : as this is a defence which some are dissatisfied with, not holding the cases to be parallel." And it cannot be doubted, that if a divine command is proved, all objections must give way. If God required this great public execution, it must be consistent with the divine character to issue this de- cree ; and if he manifested his pleasure by repeated mi- raculous interpositions, the conduct of these chosen ex- CH. XIV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS T.TNDSEY. 313 cautioners of the divine will must be justified to them- selves, to the world, and even to the miserable sufferers, by the terrific mandate. So that the history is consist- ent. God does what he has a right to do ; and the Is- raelites are the innocent, and even meritorious, instru- ments of executing his sovereign pleasure. The case, however, is attended with difficulty ; and it must be al- lowed to be a very alleviating circumstance, if it can be shown that the order thus issued is analogous to what happens frequently under the divine government. He that made, has a right to destroy ; and the wise and just Being, who makes use of natural calamities for the pro- miscuous extermination of myriads, has an equal right to use voluntary agents as the instruments of inflicting similar calamities. But the fact which applies still more closely to the case in question is, that the righteous Go- vernor of the world does continually employ voluntary agents as the executioners of his will in the promiscuous destruction of their fellow creatures. Nebuchadnezzar is the rod in the divine hand to execute his vengeance upon Tyre and Egypt ; and a Caesar, or a Napoleon, are equally the instruments of spreading desolation and de- struction among the human race, as a Joshua or a David, though not equally innocent : one, if we credit the his- tory, acting under a divine commission ; the other; prompted by bad passions and sanguinary ambition. The purposes of infinite wisdom are fulfilled as well by the evil actions of evil men, as by the good actions of the vir- tuous. And this, without any diminution of the respon- sibility of the agent. Such is the express doctrine of the Scripture, in perfect harmony with the true philosophy of the human mind. The venerable author supports his own assertions and views of the institutes of Moses and the conduct of the Hebrew nation, by an appeal to the authority of Dr. 14 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cil. XIV. Priestley. " See," says he, ** that last and most in- valuable "wqrk, his Comparison of the Institutions of Moses with those of the Hindoos, of my most beloved friend Dr. Priestley. Although now far separated du- ring this transitory life, on the verge of which we both stand, there is humble hope of meeting again when the sleep of death is over. His numerous works will con- tinue to enlighten the world till the only true God will be more universally known, and the pure gospel of Jesus, his messenger, have its natural influence." Photinus next proceeds to state the great moral benefit which the heathen world derived from its enlightened philosophers and legislators, particularly Socrates and Cicero, the distinguished moralists and instructors of Greece and Rome in the ages in which they flourished ; at the same time acknowledging, that the fairest charac- ters in heathen story were clouded with many inconsist- encies and imperfections, and that their instructions were ineffectual for the reformation of mankind : " no- thing was done to recover men to the knowledge of the true God and their obedience to him," nor " to put men upon attending to the inward principle of their actions, and amending their dispositions." This naturally introduces the necessity and advantage of the gospel dispensation which was now introduced into the world, and which was to be made known to the whole human race. " This was the new doctrine pro- mulged from heaven, holding forth the supreme love of God, the common creator and benefactor, manifesting Itself in the love of their fellow creatures and seeking their good as their own, as the sum and substance of all human duty and of all true religion, and leading to the highest perfection and happiness." This divine religion, however, was soon corrupted, " objects of worship were multiplied, the mother of Christ and other dead persons, CH. XIV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS^JLINDSEY. 315 male and female, a trinity of three persons in God, in- stead of the single person of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of all mankind." So that, " to preserve the important doctrine of the Divine Unity from being overwhelmed and lost in Christian idolatry, divine Providence seems to have permitted the impostor Mo- hammed to succeed in spreading his new religion over a great part of the globe." This religion professed to stand upon the great doctrine of the Divine Unity ; in which, as some think, he was at first sincere; but being elated with success he grew ambitious, insolent, and cruel, and propagated his religion by fire and sword. Volusian here interposes, and enlarges upon the folly of ascribing to God " a religion, whose first article is a direct violation of the first law of nature, in compelling by force to acknowledge and worship him." He insists upon the absurdity of persecution in every shape ; and he observes, that Christians cannot, with any decency, " con- demn the Mohammedans for intolerance and cruelty," being themselves equally guilty; and represents it as a very great error, and that which lies at the foundation of all religious bigotry and persecution, to teach that chris* tians only can be saved, much more, " Christians only of this or that particular church or sect;" whereas the truth is, that " all persons will be saved who are made pious and good by their religion, and none else." Photinus in his reply expresses his approbation of Volusian's principles; and, proceeding in his history of divine dispensations, he takes notice of the increased dif* fusion of light and knowledge by the dispersion of Iearne4 Greeks through Europe, after the taking of Constant!* nople by the Turks in the fifteenth century, and by the invention of the art of printing. He adds, that much good had been done ** by the noble efforts of many exr cellent Christians, at the hazard^ and sometimes the loss^ 310 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [fH. XIV. of life, to revive and restore the worship of the true God, and to vindicate the unalienable right of all men to judge for themselves of the things of God." And he expresses himself in terms of high commendation concerning the religious, liberty which had lately been established in France. Photinus concludes his long discourse with the general inference that, though the little effect of genuine virtuous principle, and the defective knowledge of God, too much appears in wars and persecutions, yet, " it would be unfair, and unjust, not to admit that knowledge and virtue have been upon the whole pro- gressive, and that very many eminent examples of both have been formed, and are forming, in every age and country." Photinus, after a pause, expresses his apprehensions, that " the account which had been given of the moral state of the world, might not be acceptable to those who look for perfection all at once in every thing that comes from God. But as we are convinced that a Being of all goodness has, in fact, appointed otherwise, and as we certainly do not love our fellow creatures nor desire their improvement and happiness more earnestly than he that made them, and his wisdom can best judge and direct how to attain that happiness, we may probably find that the methods he has actually chosen are fully suited to answer this end, though we may not immedi- ately see it." He then proceeds to give a brief detail of the disci- pline by which the moral character is usually formed ; the result of which he states to be, that " the bulk of mankind are, and have ever been, employed in useful labours for their families, and in doing good offices to others, their friends, neighbours, and acquaintance, and in giving or procuring relief and assistance where needed, and in a thousand beneficent actions." This favourable CH. XIV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 317 view of the human character he confirms by a curious quotation from Archbishop King, on the Origin of Evil*. And Photinus concludes the Conversation with obser- ving, " that thus the wisdom and goodness of the Creator are vindicated; that he was not disappointed in the noblest work of his creation here below ; and that the world has been from the first, and all along, a nursery for virtuous, noble, and useful characters." The fourth Conversation is short, but by far the most interesting and impressive of the whole. In this the venerable author states and argues, with a warmth of feeling which shows how deeply his own heart was im- pressed with the magnificent speculation, and with a cogency of argument which can never be refuted, that all things are from God; that evil as well as good, moral as well as natural evil, are not only permitted, * The sentiments expressed by the learned prelate are so uncommon, and at the same time so just, and so exactly coincident with those which the writer of this Memoir has offered to the public in a work printed some years ago without any consciousness that they had before met with so able an advocate, that he will take the liberty of transcribing a considerable part of the quotation alluded to above. The Archbishop is replying to an anonymous opponent who had said, " that the prevalence of wickedness or moral evil is a thing so certain, that he waa confident no one could have the least doubt of it, and he durst say the author (the Archbishop) himself believed it." " The author professes himself to be of a quite different opinion," replies the Archbishop. " He firmly believes, and thinks he very well compre- hends, that there is much more moral good in the world than evil. He is sensible there may be more bad men than good, because there are none but do amiss sometimes, and one ill act is sufficient to denominate a man bad. But yet there are ten good acts done by those we call bad men, for one ill one. Even persons of the very worst character may have gotten it by two or three flagrant enormities, which yet bear no proportion to the whole se- ries of their lives. The author must profess, that among such PS he is ac- quainted with, he believes that there are hundreds who would do him good fer one that would do him hurt, and that he has received a thousand good, offices for one ill one. He could never believe the doctrine of Hobbes, that all men are bears, wolves, and tigers, to one another ; that they are born enemies to all others, and all others to them ; that they are naturally false and perfidious ; or, that all the good they do is out of fear, not virtue. Nay, the very authors of that calumny, if their own character were called in ques- tion, would take all possible pains to remove the suspicion from them, and ' declare that they were speaking of the vulgar ; of the bulk of mankind, and 318 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XIV. but appointed by infinite unsearchable wisdom and benevolence. The Conversation is introduced by Marcellinus, who observes, that if evil be the result of the " untractable nature of matter," or of "a powerful evil Being whose interference is unavoidable, we must submit, and make the best of what we cannot avoid or amend. But all gloom would vanish, if it could be shown that the great whole of things is in such sort from God, that natural and moral evil are all of his appointment, and permitted for good." Photinus with great solemnity replies, " Be assured, my friends, that we do not, any of us, deem so highly of the boundless mercy and goodness of the sovereign Creator and parent of all things as his works and deal- ings with us and with all his creatures call for and de- mand, or we should entertain more exalted thoughts of him, arid live under his government with a more un- ot of themselves. Nor, in reality, do they behave in this manner toward their friends and acquaintance; if they did, few would trust them. Observe some of those who exclaim against all mankind for treachery, dishonesty, de- ceit, and cruelty, and you will find them diligently cultivating friendship and discharging the several offices due to their friends, their relations, and their country, with labour, pain, loss of goods, and hazard of life itself: even where there is no fear to drive them to it, nor inconvenience attending the neglect of it. This you will say proceeds from custom and education. Be it so. However, the world then has not so far degenerated from goodness, but the greater part of mankind exercise benevolence : nor is virtue so far exiled as not to be supported and approved, praised and practised, by common con. sent and public suffrage, and vice is still disgraceful. Indeed, we can scarce meet with one, unless pressed by necessity or provoked by injuries, who is so barbarous and hardhearted as not to be moved with compassion and delighted with benevolence to others ; who is not delighted to show good- will and kindness to his friends, neighbours, children, relations, and dili- gence in the discharge of civil duties to all ; who does not profess some re- gard to virtue, and think himself affronted when he is charged with immo- rality. If any one take notice of his own or another's actions for a day toge- ther, he will, perhaps, find one or two blameable, the rest all innocent and inoffensive. Nay, it is doubted whether a Nero or Caligula, a Commodus or Caracalla, though monsters of mankind, and prone to every act of wicked- ness and fury, have done more ill than innocent actions through their whole lives." See Bishop Law's Translation of Archbishop King's Origin of Evil, p. 388, fifth edit. See also Belsham's Elements of the Philos. of Mind, p. CH. XIV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 319 interrupted joy and confidence than we seem to do ; so as not to admit any the least doubt or mistrust, that his goodness will in the end bear down every oppo- sition." After this eloquent exordium, having stated that " we behold every where, and in all things, wise contrivance and intentions of kindness," also, that the rational creation are formed by their great Creator ( ' to be happy with his own happiness," in ' ' .supreme love to him and invincible affection to all our fellow creatures;" he lays it down " as a safe and solid foundation of reasoning, that as the universe and all things in fa are made to pro- duce happiness, and as there was nothing to over -rule him in his operations, such a discordant revolting mix- ture as vice and misery would not have been admitted, but because he saw it necessary for the fulfilment of his benevolent purposes, or rather because those purposes could not be obtained without it." This, which is probable in theory, Photinus proves 9 , to be true in fact ;" for, if there had been no moral evil, mankind would have been destitute of those dis*- positions and affections which are their highest perfec- tion, and the source of their purest happiness. Where would have been patience and forgiveness of injuries, where the godlike disposition of returning good for evil,. .if there had been no fraud, or cruelties, or oppression ? " Had the good and virtuous of mankind been wholly prosperous," says an excellent person, "had goodness never met with opposition, where had been the trial, the victory, the crown of virtue ?" He concludes with the important and sublime inferences, " So that, as it has been justly said of natural evil, pain, diseases, and the like, in vindication of the divine goodness, that there is no useless evil; so must we say of moral evil, sin, and wickedness, that, in the hands of God, every evil of every 320 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XIV. kind is made an instrument of greater good and higher felicity than would otherwise have been enjoyed." Here Volusian, in a kind of ecstasy, interrupts Pho- tinus to express his delight in the satisfactory solution which his friend had given of this most difficult of all problems, the introduction of moral evil. And he la- ments that the great Frederic and his friend D'Alembert, rather than acquiesce in this easy and probable hypo- thesis, should have assumed that the Deity, if he exists at all, is an evil and imperfect Being ; that Christianity is untrue; and that there is no future life in which the difficulties and obliquities of the present state would be solved and rectified; while he applauds the opposite con- duct of M. Turgot, the able and disinterested minister of Louis XVI, who, though, under the influence of in- vincible and inevitable prejudices, he rejected the Chris- tian revelation, entertained just ideas of the divine cha- racter, and was a believer in a future life. Photinus, resuming his discourse after Volusian had finished, observes, " that it is matter of the highest exultation and joy, in which we may justly triumph, to be fully assured that mere arbitrary will and sovereignty, from which we could never know what we were to expect, has no sway in the divine government under which we are placed; and that original love and goodness are the beginning and end, the spring and measure, of all the actions of the Deity, and of all his dealings with us. Hence we conclude, that every evil of every kind is ordained for present or ultimate good. All natural and moral evils are from God, and under his sovereign control." To guard against the abuse of this sublime doctrine, Photinus remarks, that " we frail ignorant creatures arc on no account to transgress the plain rule of moral duty, and to do evil that good may come ; because our under- CH XIV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 321 standings are weak and limited, and we cannot be sure that the good we intend will happen. But our Maker, out of that limited quantity of evil which he judges fitting to appoint or permit, continually produces virtue and every good." And he offers some observations to obvi- ate the common objection, that this doctrine represents God as the author of sin. " We shall avoid," says Photinus, " some of the per- plexity and difficulties in which good minds are wont to be involved, from the idea of the evil actions of men being of divine appointment, as though God himself were the immediate author of sin and wickedness : if we consider that the Almighty Being, if we may so speak, acteth not immediately himself in directing the actions of men and influencing them to good and evil, but by the intervention of second causes ; in other words, it is by the different motives which arise in our minds from our situation and circumstances, which are all of divine ap- pointment, that we are led to evil and to good." Upon this supposition he explains the case of Lydia, whose heart the Lord had opened, and that of Pharaoh, whose heart was hardened. He afterwards adds, that " though we cannot but be persuaded that all the actions of men are under the antecedent appointment and direction of God, (for how could he otherwise govern the world ?) yet mankind are not a mere piece of clock-work, a set of uhconscious machines. They acquire voluntary pow- ers, by which they do what they please, choose for them- selves, and follow their choice ; take blame to, and con- demn, themselves when they do what is wicked; and, more than this, think themselves not unrighteously dealt with in being made to sufler for their evil dispositions and actions in order to correct and amend them; nor, if they continue unreformed, to expect to escape punish- ment in a future state. So that, if God be charged in Y 322 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XIV. any way with being the author of men's sins, it is not in any such sense as to acquit the perpetrators, or to excuse them even in their own estimate from being responsible." Photinus sums up his argument by stating, that " we are conscious that we are not mere puppets acted upon, but agents responsible for what we do. We are also fully persuaded, that all we do is beforehand known to God, and appointed by him. How this divine knowledge and appointment are to be reconciled to the freedom and responsibility of our actions, is beyond our comprehen- sion; nor need we be at all concerned about it." And he pleads Mr. Locke's declaration and example for giving it up as an inexplicable difficulty. The venerable writer's solution of this famous difficulty does not appear to be perfectly satisfactory. The ques- tion may be considered either popularly or philosophi- cally. As a popular question, it is sufficient to state, that vice and wickedness, arising from the bad passions of men, will and ought to be punished here or hereafter; and, which is indeed true, that the foreknowledge of God makes no difference either in the crime or the punish- ment. But if the inquisitive mind, pursuing the inquiry in a philosophical way, is brought to the conclusion, which the venerable writer so clearly and forcibly states, that all evil, natural and moral, proceeds from God, and that vice, as well as misery, is of divine appointment, it becomes a serious question, and appears under the shape of a formidable objection to this sublime doctrine, Does it not make God the author of sin ? And is not God unrighteous in punishing sinners ? Nor will such an in- quirer be satisfied with being told, that God does not act directly upon the will, but through the medium of mo- tives ; and that we are conscious that we are not puppets, but responsible agents, and that guilt is deserving of punishment. For in the first case it will immediately CH. XIV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LTNDSEY. 323 occur, that the cause of the cause is the cause of the foreseen effect; and that to leave a child upon a bank, from which it will inevitably roll into the river, is the same as to push him in. And, in the second case, it is asked, Where is the justice of punishing what was inevitable ? The true solution of the first difficulty, whether God be the author of sin? appears to be this: that God is, strictly speaking, the author of evil ; but that, in the first place, he never ordains or permits evil hut with a view to the production of a greater good, which could not have existed without it. And, secondly, that though God is the author of evil both natural and moral, he is not the approver of evil; he does not delight in it for its own sake; it must be the object of his aversion, and what he would never permit or endure if the good he intends could have been accomplished without it. As to the second question, concerning the justice of punish- ment, the best and only philosophical solution of it is, that under the divine government all punishment is remedial. Moral evil is the disease, punishment is the process of cure, of greater or less intensity, and of longer or shorter duration, in proportion to the malignity and inveteracy of the distemper, but ultimately of sovereign efficacy under the divine government to operate a perfect cure; so that those whose vices have been the means of proving, purifying, and exalting the virtues of others, shall, in the end, share with them in their virtue and their triumph, and the impartial justice and infinite bene- volence of the divine Being will be made known, adored, and celebrated to all eternity, through the whole created universe. But to return to the author: Photinus having finished his discourse, Synesius rose to speak; but the company agreed to defer the Conver- sation to another opportunity. Y 2 324 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. XIV. In the fifth Conversation Synesius takes the lead. This gentleman, a real character it should seem, in the Conversations upon Christian Idolatry is represented as a blunt man, of sound understanding, zealous for the church, though seldom seen within its walls, and not much attached to its peculiar doctrines. He introduces the conversation with a profession of his conversion, and a recantation of his past errors, particularly in his doubts concerning the divine character, his scepticism concern- ing the Mosaic cosmogony, his account of the primitive dispensations of God to the human race, and the destruc- tion of the Canaanites : he expresses his great satisfaction in the " vast care and attention" which the writers of the Old Testament display in " teaching and holding forth" the Unity of God ; and wonders that at this time of day Mr. De Luc should take so much pains to " deprive us of the one true God, and introduce in lieu of him a God consisting of three persons," upon the authority of the ex- ploded text of the heavenly witnesses, which the Bishop of Lincoln, " to the credit of his judgement and integrity," gives up as spurious. Synesius further expresses his satisfaction in the solution given to the great difficulty, that Christianity " should have done so little to reform the world:" and he particularly admires Dr. Adams's judicious and temperate reply to the severe and un- founded sarcasms of Mr. Hume upon the Jewish nation, and their sacred writings, citing at length both the ob- jection and the reply. Synesius then notices the cha- racter of Abraham, and enters into a defence of the ac- count of his offering up his son Isaac, first in the words of Archbishop Tillotson, and afterwards by some obser- vations of his own. In conclusion Synesius observes, that his friends, after all, " had left untouched a main difficulty which Christi- anity puts in their way, by teaching the dpctrine of end- CH. XIV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 325 less punishments." They had indeed shown, that virtue naturally leads to happiness, and vice to misery ; and that in the state after death, as we continue under the same laws and divine moral government, those severe punishments which await evil-doers must, in the pro- gress of infinite ages, produce a return to virtue and goodness." He further submits to their consideration, that " as the Scriptures teach that all the dead shall be raised and judged according to their works, and do there- by implicitly give us hope, may we not rather say, give us humble assurance, that the gloomy sentence of anni- hilation will not pass on any of our species ; for we cannot entertain a thought that our benevolent Creator would bring back his creatures to life to put them on the rack as it were, and make them suffer for a time and then con- sign them to their primitive nothing; we may, therefore, make this inference, that none of the human race will be consigned to fruitless, unavailing suffering and misery for ever, but that, by the discipline to which they will be doomed, all will be brought to repentance and be saved." He further professes, that " the threatenings of eternal punishment in the gospel have long since ceased to make any impression upon his mind, being counterbalanced by contrary declarations that God loveth all his creatures, and would not that any should perish, but that all should have everlasting life;" and he cannot be disappointed in his purposes. Synesius having ended his harangue, Photinus ap- plauds the observations of his friend, and particularly " what he had done to relieve the gospel from the im- putation of holding forth the doctrine of eternal tor- ments, a mill-stone which some mistaken christians had hung about it, and thereby alienated the minds of many." He then proceeds to state, that " the words eternal* ever- lasting, for ever, and the like, generally signify limited 326 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. XIV. periods of duration: so that our Saviour meant only to express, that the sufferings of a future state would be of an exceeding long duration, and thereby to enforce the necessity of attending to the divine laws, and the dreadful danger of violating them ;" and he concludes the Con- versation with a pertinent quotation from Dr. Hartley's Observations on Man, in which that great philosopher, with his usual acuteness and strength of argument, establishes the joyful doctrine of " the ultimate unli- mited happiness of all mankind." In the sixth and last Conversation, Synesius is again almost the only speaker. Having observed to Marcelli- nus, that after having hinted at the existence of an evil spirit as one of the supposed causes of the " great misery and wickedness complained of in the world, he had after- wards been wholly silent about it;" he represents the vindication of the divine goodness as very " lame and defective," unless they can show the insufficiency of the evidence produced to prove " the existence of such a foul malignant fiend," and " begs permission to state his own thoughts upon the subject which he had with some dili- gence put together." The company having expressed high satisfaction, Synesius enters with alacrity upon the interesting argument. He first expresses his surprise that it should be so generally current with the learned as well as the un- learned, that the serpent who tempted Eve was a wicked spirit, when Moses gives no such intimation, and never alludes to the esistence of any such evil being in any of the five books ascribed to him. The word Satan in the Old Testament is only used to signify an adversary, which is its proper meaning. And that the Jewish scriptures contain no revelation of the existence and agency of an evil spirit is evident, be- cause " we perceive not in them any religious exhorta- CH. XIV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY, 327 tions or cautions to beware of the wiles and power of such an evil being from first to last." Synesius further argues, that " as the Christian scrip- tures certainly contain no new revelation of an evil being, and as the Jewish scriptures did not teach it, the Jews must have acquired this notion during the captivity, and probably from the Chaldeans among whom they dwelt." This doctrine was incorporated into their theology, and their language framed and accommodated to it; and this would remain in common use even after the doctrine itself was given up. " And to this language our Saviour and his apostles would conform themselves, though there be no good reason to think that either the one or the other gave credit to the reality of this evil being." The speaker having remarked, that no evil being had any concern in Christ's temptation, proceeds to state our Lord's own sentiments concerning Satan; and shows, 1 . " That Christ very commonly uses the word in its pri- mary sense, as signifying an adversary, as when he said to Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan."" 2. " There is no reason to believe that he ever means to imply that there was in reality any such being :" for example, by the expression I saw Satan as lightning fall from heaven, he means nothing more than selfish worldly desires, hatred of God and goodness, &c.* He then adduces many passages in which the word Satan, devil, &c. are used figuratively to express the principle of evil in ge- neral, or evil habits and affections in particular. And from various citations from the. Acts and the Epistles he draws the conclusion, that " the apostles of Christ, like * Satan, i.e. the enemy, the principle of hostility, the opposing persecu- ting power: Christ, by the spirit of prophecy, foresaw that his Gospel should make a rapid progress in the world, and triumph over all opposition. This interpretation seems better to suit the primary sense of the word and the connexion in which it is introduced, than that of the venerable writer in the character of Synesius. See the Improved Version on Luke x. 17, 18. 328 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [CH. XIV, their great master, seem not to have understood that there was any devil or evil being without them whom men need to be afraid of." " The sum of all is this: There is no evil in the world but what takes its rise from men themselves ; nor any devils, but so far as men extremely wicked and aban- doned may deserve the name. And to uphold such evil beings is to engraft heathenism on Christianity*." " To these conclusions of Synesius the whole company gave their hearty concurrence; and after these friendly conferences, they returned to their respective homes and duties, more fully impressed with their obligation as Christians to study the word and works of God, to add practice to knowledge, and to communicate to others that light and truth which lead to eternal life." The " Conversations upon the Divine Government'* are not, perhaps, equal, as a composition, to those upon Christian Idolatry, which were published ten years before. The speeches are rather too long, and too formal ; and the sentiments of. the speakers are not sufficiently con- trasted to keep up the spirit of the dialogue. Also, the arguments and criticisms are such as will not in every case satisfy the critical reader. And the venerable writer has needlessly encumbered his work, and in some degree * The venerable author in a note, highly gratifying, though too partial to the writer of this Memoir, has referred to a passage upon the subject of this Conversation in his Review of Mr. Wilberforce's Treatise. A more complete and accurate view of the subject may be found in the Rev. John Simpson's Dissertations on the Language of Scripture. The writer of this Memoir has also treated the subject much more at large in a series of Dis- courses delivered from the pulpit, which may perhaps at some future time be offered to the public. In the mean time, may he be permitted to express the high gratification he feels at the recollection that when his venerable friend, bending under the weight of years, was taking his final leave of the public, almost the last sentence that he penned should be a public testimony of affection and friendship to the writer of this Memoir, which that writer esteems as the highest honour and happiness of.his life, and an ample com- pensation for all his exertions and sacrifices, whatever they may have been, in the cause of truth and undefiled Christianity, even (as Dr. Priestley ex- presses it on another occasion ? ) had they been ten times more and greater than they were. CH. XIV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 329 weakened his argument, by assuming, and that in rather too lofty a tone, the credibility of the whole, or at least of too great a proportion, of what is commonly called the Mosaic history. But the work is curious and interesting as containing the last thoughts of an eminently pious, benevolent, and inquisitive mind upon a variety of sub- jects of great practical importance. Much of the philo- sophical part of the work is admirable, and the arguments are irresistible. In his conclusions he sometimes falters by adopting popular rather than philosophical language. But in the grand conclusion of all, the assertion of the great and sublime doctrine of the ultimate unlimited virtue and happiness of all mankind as the glorious con- summation of the divine government, and the illustrious and magnificent display of infinite and impartial good- ness over-ruling, absorbing, and extinguishing all vice and misery in the creation, the venerable author is ex- plicit and decided . The work exhibits a most interesting view of the aged patriarch's pious, candid, benevolent, and cheerful mind, of his humble and devotional spirit, and of the happy influence of that rare combination of the principles of a sublime philosophy with the doctrines of a pure and unsophisticated Christianity, which, when they become the ruling principles of conduct, elevate the human character to its highest dignity, and ensure the most substantial, exalted, and permanent felicity. Thus gently, thus usefully, did this eminent servant and minister of Christ pursue his way to that quiet abode which is the house appointed for all the living. 330 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XV. CHAPTER XV. MR. LINDSEY SUFFERS A PARALYTIC SEIZURE, BUT RECOVERS. DR. PRIESTLEY'S REFLECTIONS UPON THE SITUATION OF HIS FRIEND, AND UPON MR. LINDSEY'S LAST WORK. MR. LINDSEY INTERESTS HIMSELF IN THE APPOINTMENT OF THE AUTHOR TO THE CHAPEL IN ESSEX STREET. ENCOURAGES AND ASSISTS THE IMPROVED VERSION. HIS GRA- DUAL DECLINE AND DEATH. CONCLUSION OF THE WORK. MR. LINDSEY, after the resignation of his office in 1793, continued for some years to enjoy an uncommon portion of health, vigour, and activity, and that uniform flow of cheerfulness which is the natural result of a good constitution, and the recollections of a well-spent life. His retrospects were most gratifying ; his antici- pations delightful, his principles most rational and consolatory, his circumstances easy. He was happy in the affection and attention of the best of women, in the society of chosen and virtuous friends of principles and spirit similar to his own, in frequent correspondence with the man after his own heart, in an ardent but unostentatious piety and confidence in God, in unli- mited resignation to the divine will, and in the growing success of the great cause which was nearest to his heart, the cause of Christian truth and Christian virtue, fo the revival of which he could not but know that his own exertions and example had in a considerable degree contributed : he possessed his faculties entire, bodily and mental, and seemed to be in a degree privileged with exemption from the infirmities of age. The first alarm was excited in the spring of 1801, when Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey were upon a visit for a few days at Rei- CH. XV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 331 gate, the residence is com- monly attacked : "Reverend Sir, Bath, Aug. 7, 1809. "I shall with pleasure avail myself, when occasion offers, of your kind invitation to call on you at Hackney. I may then, perhaps, be allowed to expostulate with you, not on the religious opinions you maintain, for these I leave to every man's own conscience, but on the covert, I had almost said, the unfair manner in which your Society have endeavoured, by the means of the New Translation, to instill those opinions into the minds of the common people. Two things I mainly object to you ; the name your Society has as- sumed, which is calculated to deceive by its resemblance in sound to that of another and more ancient Society in London, whose Labours have been con- fined to the spreading of Gospel truths without any mixture of opinions dis- puted among Christians. And, secondly, your adopting through 'the great- er part tof your work the Version of Archbishop Newcome, while, by al- terations of your own, and by your comments, you endeavour to lead the reader into opinions which that respected Father of our church entertained no more than I do. It is true you have sought to obviate this charge, by mark- CH. XV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 35.') own words ; and, at any rate, without any asperity of censure upon Christians of different sentiments who in- terpret the Scriptures in a different manner By the introduction of these Notes, in which brevity was to be consulted as far as was consistent with perspicuity, it was intended that Unitarian Christians who might be in possession of the Improved Version, might at all times be able to recur to the most approved interpretations of difficult and disputed texts, especially those which are of the greatest importance for establishing the doctrine of the Unity and unrivalled supremacy of God, and of the proper humanity of Jesus Christ ; and others who wish- ed to know what the real sentiments of the Unitarians are, and how they explain those texts which are com- monly understood as contradicting their opinions, might gain the information which they desire. It was determined to publish two large editions at ing in your Notes the difference between your interpretation and our Pri- mate's : but common readers will not be ready to advert to such distinctions; lieither can the friends to Primate Newcome's reputation be pleased to see his name coupled, as it was sometimes most untruly in his lifetime/with those of the Unitarians and Socinians. I have the honour to be, with respect, Re- verend Sir, your most obedient humble servant, "JOSEPH KJLLALA." The author of this Memoir wrote an answer to the venerable and liberal prelate, which, he trusts, satisfied his Lordship that the editors, even if they erred in their judgement, intended nothing disingenuous or unfair. He hoped to have had an opportunity by personal intercourse to have effaced every remaining unfavourable impression. But his Lordship's infirm health, and liis professional avocations, did not admit of his return to the metropolis. ' The reader will judge how far the Bartlett's Buildings Society, who do not venture to circulate the Bible itself but in connexion with the Common Prayer Book, are entitled to the worthy Prelate's encomium, of "confining themselves to spreading gospel truths without any mixture of disputed opj- nions." And as to the rumour that the late learned Primate favoured the Unitarian principles, it is a certainfact that the Primate's own brother, who was a worthy tradesmanin London, not perhaps deeply versed in theological lore, did assure Dr. Priestley that his brother's opinions coincided with Dr. Priest- ley's, and that lie had heard the Primate say it. The Primate's Works, and nc, and the God of .f;;cr>1) ; vhich is, in fact, the purest Unitarianism. 2 A MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XV. the same time ; one in royal octavo, the other for com- mon use in royal duodecimo. And as some expressed a wish lor the Version without the explanatory Notes, a numerous edition in a smaller form was printed for their satisfaction. It was also resolved, that a subscription should he opened to defray the expense of the undertak- ing, and that the money should be paid in advance ; that the Committee, who were appointed to superintend the publication, might be in possession of ready money to enable them to go to the best market. This plan of an Improved Version with explanatory Notes was adopted by the Unitarians and their friends with the greatest ardour. The subscription was filled ra- pidly. The venerable patriarch, who is the subject of this Memoir, delighted and grateful to divine Providence that he had lived to see the accomplishment of the fer- vent and favourite wish of his heart, approving most heartily, in concurrence with his intelligent and zealous consort, of every part of the plan, was eager to open the subscription with a liberal donation of fifty pounds ; the Duke of Grafton gave fifty guineas, and a second dona- tion of fifty pounds. Samuel Prime, Esq. in whom every scheme for the improvement and happiness of mankind found an enlightened and munificent patron, gave fifty guineas to the first and twenty to the second subscription*. The example of liberality set by these *The laudable example of William Smith, Esq. (whose manly, indepen- dent, and persevering exertions in the cause of civil and religious liberty, in that honourable house of which he is now a veteran member, are universally acknowledged and admired,) ought not to be passed over in silence ; who, in addition to his own liberal subscription to the Improved Version, purchased a considerable number of copies, which he sent down to the tutors of the col- leges at York and Wymondely, to be distributed as presents among the candi- dates for the ministry in those respectable institutions j to which copies were prefixed the following judicious remarks : " Search the Scriptures ; for in them ye think that 5/2 have everlasting life : and they bear witness qfr.n^." IT havingbeentlioMght expedient to attempt an Improved Version of the New- Testament, for the reason stated in the Introduction to the following work. CH. XV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 355 eminent characters was followed by many others equally willing, if not equally able to contribute ; and in a short time the sum requisite for the commencement of the un- dertaking was raised, and the press was not delayed for an hour by the want of necessary funds. In two years the work was complete; and the several parts, as they were printed, were placed in Mr. Lindsey's hands, who was pleased to express his high approbation both of the plan and of the execution ; and it may truly be said, that the perusal of the Improved Version, reading it himself or hearing it read by others, constituted the principal part of Mr. Lindsey's enjoyment during the remainder of his life. Of a work in which many are so deeply interested, and of which every one thinks himself competent to judge, it is impossible that there should not be a great this copy of it is presented to the student, not with any view or wish unduly to influence his opinion by authority, or to entrap him by the charm of no- velty into any change ; but merely to afford him additional motives and fa- cilities for the careful and anxious study of the Sacred writings. This, in proportion to his opportunities, is allowed to be the duty of every Christian ; but more especially of those dedicated to the ministry, who, before they commence teachers of others, should themselves be diligent to learn ; and should resolve not to rest satisfied with any system which, from education, connection, example, or authority, may have been their early creed, unless by serious, and, as far is permitted to human frailty, impartial inquiry, they shall have acquired for themselves a conviction of its truth. The writer of this notice may be supposed himself to have settled opi- nions ; but he has ever been adverse to the practice, too prevalent among all sects, of usurping to themselves epithets, in their very terms decisive of all controversy. Who but the infallible shall presume to arrogate to himself alone the title of orthodox or evangelical ? who, duly conscious of the weakness of his reason and the strength of his prejudices, shall claim to be exclusively rational and liberal ? The question still remains, as in our Sa- viour's time, "What is the truth?" i. e. the true doctrine of the Gospel. That which is not such cannot be either orthodox or evangelical. Nor is it pos- sible that this truth of God as it is in Jesus, when ascertained, should not be found sufficiently rational and liberal for his creature man : rational, for, "He that giveth understanding, shall not he know?" and liberal, (if in- deed in such a connection the word be at all allovVabie) for it is of the essence of that truth to "make us free," free from error free from prejudice free from uncharitablcness. While then to the Gospel all Christians equally appeal, it is surely equally incumbent on all to scrutinize its contents, with patience and reverence indeed, but without that servile fear which, as it pa- ralyses man's intellect, can surely never be pleasing to God who gave it, commanding us therewith to "search the Scriptures" "that we may know Him and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent." 2 A 2 356 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cH. XV. diversity of opinion, both as to the design and execution. Accordingly, when the Improved Version made its ap- pearance, it soon became an object of rigid criticism and severe animadversion. The " Title" was objected to as arrogant and assum- ing. The editors, however, are not conscious of being influenced by an improper spirit. They called it an Im- proved Version, because they regarded Archbishop New- come's translation as a veiy great improvement upon the public Versibn, and they conceived their own alterations to be an improvement upon the Version of the learned prelate. Nor did they see that there was greater arro- gance in Calling their work, or rather, thai of the Primate, an Improved Version, than in calling Dr. Clarke's Litur- gy, a Reformed Liturgy, or the Protestant Church, a Re- formed Church. The editors are also blamed for stating that their Ver- sion is " upon the basis of Archbishop Newcome's," as though they intended to impose upon their readers, and to make the Archbishop responsible for their opinions. But the reasons which induced them to adopt the learned Primate's Version have been assigned already : and not to have acknowledged the obligation, would have justly exposed them to the charge of fraud and plagiarism. That they intended to shelter their own peculiar opinions under the authority of the Primate's name, cannot be be- lieved for a moment hy any person of common under- standing who reads beyond the title page*. It has even been surmised, that the editors, professing that the Improved Version is " published by a Society *The enemies of the Improved Version may well be angry with the editors for having assumed the Archbishop's Translation as the basis of their own, for it has been the means of leading unwary critics into some egregious mis- takes. Grievous have been the wounds which the unfortunate Primate bus received from the hands of his undiscerning friends through the sides of hi? heretical editors. One accomplished critic wonders, forsooth, that a Uni- tarian Version should not be move elegant and classical : not adverting to CJl. XV. J REVEREND THEOPHH.US LINDSEY. 357 for promoting Christian knowledge and the practice of vir- tue by the distribution of books," intended to insinuate, that they published under the patronage of the Society at Bartlett's Buildings for distributing Bibles and Com- mon Prayer Books. But the venerable Society may rest assured that it- was an object the most remote from the thoughts of the editors to take shelter under their fos.- tering wing. They did not even know that the title of the Society, under whose direction they acted,, so nearly accorded with that of any other Society. In fact, they thought it needless to insert the word Unitarian in the title page, which would deter some ignorant and preju- diced people from looking into a work from which they might otherwise derive instruction. The learned and the honest Whitby did not think it necessary to write Arrni- nian in his title page ; nor Guyse, nor Doddridge, Cal- vinist in theirs ; but each of those pious and laborious ex- positors explained the sacred text to the best of his own judgement: so do the editors of the Improved Version. It has been alleged as a great offence, that these edi- tors have " given up the authenticity of the prefaces of Matthew and Luke." But they have assigned their rea- sons for this conclusion, and let their adversaries refute them if they can. It is further objected, that " they appeal to Lardner as favourable to their hypothesis," though he decides directly against them. But all which they appeal to Lardner for, is, to prove, which he has done most abundantly, that Herod died at least seventeen years before Augustus ; but . . . - the fact that the Version, in the main, is not theirs, hut the Primate's. An- other learned and sagacious opponent cites the Archbishop's own words, as a proof how the Unitarians pervert the Scriptures to support their own un- scriptural tenets. Some future opportunity may perhaps be taken to ani- madvert upon these and other misrepresentations. In the mean time it may be sufficient to remark, that these pitiable and ludicrous blunders cannot fail forcibly to remind the reader of the wisdom of those discriminating judges in the fable, who hissed the pig itself. 358 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [tH. XV. Luke himself informs us, that Jesus was but lately turned of thirty in the fifteenth year of Tiberius * : and conse- quently he must have been born two years after Herod's death. And as to the idle fiction of the double date of Tiberius's reign, it is well known to all who are conversant with Roman history, that this is a distinction which ne- ver existed till the time of the Lower Empire. It is further charged upon these daring editors, that they have presumed to "print the suspected chapters in a different type." Had they, indeed, left out a passage that is found in all manuscripts which are now extant, how- ever suspicious in itself, there might have been some rea- son for charging them with indiscretion. But it was their fixed rule not to remove from the text any passage which was supported by the consent of manuscripts, however doubtful upon other grounds, and whatever proof there might be of its omission in copies of greater antiquity, But being convinced by the evidence alleged that these chapters are a palpable forgery, they considered them- selves as fully justified in fixing the mark of reprobation upon them, though they would not wholly omit them. Some have objected to the introduction of any " theo- logical Notes" whatever, as savouring too much of a sec- tarian spirit, and of dogmatism. But it has been already observed, that the main object of the Society in publish- ing the Improved Version, was to represent what they believed to be the genuine sense of the sacred writings, and to guard against popular delusions. And of course the editors, being from inquiry and conviction Unitarians, would interpret the text in the Unitarian sense. And what should hinder them from doing so ? It is a practice in use among all parties, and laudably so. Had they, in- deed, distorted the Scriptures, or forged texts to support * See Grotius in Luc. iii. 23. Clf. XV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 359 their doctrines, they would have been justly liahle to cen- sure ; but of this they are either not accused, or not con- victed. The editors of the Improved Version are further ac- cused of not having " strictly adhered to Griesbach's text, and of not adopting all the improvements of his second edition." But every one who is acquainted with Gries- bach knows that more than nine tenths of his various readings are of the most trivial kind, and make not the least alteration in the sense. But to have introduced every trifling variation into the text, and to have support- ed it by notes and references in the margin, would have wasted much time ; would have answered no one valuable end ; and would either have swelled the work to too large a size, or would have occupied the space of more useful exegetical Notes. The design of the editors was to in- troduce the variations of Griesbach's interior margin : and if they have omitted even one which would make a difference in the sense of the text, it was on their part wholly unintentional, and they will feel obliged to any friendly critic who will point cut the error that it may be corrected in succeeding editions. As to various readr ings by which the sense is not affected, a very minute attention to these was not within the scope of their de* sign. Yet they do not deny that where gentlemen have leisure and inclination to undertake the task, a transla- tion including all Griesbach's preferable readings, sup- ported by his authorities, would be a gratification to the curious*. The exertions, however feeble, which Mr. Lindsey made in concurrence with the more active energies of * In the fourth edition of the Improved Version a very minute attention has been paid to all the various reading? of Griesbach's second edition, by the late revcicnd and much to be lamented T. B. Broad'ocnt. 360 "MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [tH. XV. Mrs. Lindsey to encourage the progress and to extend the circulation of the Improved Version, may be regarded as the last, public act of Mr. Lindsey's life ; as the peru- sal of that work, when it was complete, was his last and greatest delight. To its composition it was too late for him personally to contribute. But to his valuable writ- ings and comments upon the Scriptures, the Notes of the Improved Version are deeply indebted. And to the aged saint it was an exquisite gratification to see, that though he was now about to obtain his dismission from the world, his writings, and particularly his accurate and learned observations upon the Scriptures, would continue to support Christian truth after he was gone. This bright star, which had so long diffused its mild and benignant influence, was now rapidly hastening to its horizon. Mr. Lindsey's strength declined apace, and his infirmities vi- sibly increased. But though at times he suffered much ; yet through the constant attention and great professional skill of Dr. Blackburne, (who had thoroughly studied his case, and who watched and prescribed for his revered re- lative with filial solicitude,) and by the tender, judicious, and umvearied care of Mrs. Lindsey, his sufferings were greatly mitigated, so that he continued upon the whole in a comfortable state ; and to the last week of his life he enjoyed the company of his friends, though he was not able to support much conversation with them. Mr. Lind- sey's strength declined so fast through the summer of 1808, as to allow little hope that he would be able to struggle through the severity of the winter. But no sym- ptom of immediate danger appeared till the latter end of October, when he was attacked with a complaint which was judged to be a pressure upon the brain : and though the disorder appeared to yield in part to the usual appli- cations, it was nevertheless attended with a very consider- able degree of fever, which made it necessary for him to CH. XV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 361 take to his bed on Thursday the twenty-seventh. The fever now increased rapidly, and it soon became evident how it would terminate. After Monday he lay in a state approaching to stupor and insensibility; he took little no- tice of any thing, and spoke little or nothing. Thus he was prevented from bearing that testimony to the truth and power of Christian principles in his last hours, which his friend Dr. Priestley had done, and which Mr. Lindsey himself, notwithstanding his great natural reserve, and his abhorrence of a loquacious and ostentatious piety, would no doubt have been glad to do. It is however aid, that some of the last rational expressions which he was heard to utter, were, " God's will is best ;" but whe- ther he spoke these words or not, we are sure that the principle was uppermost in his thoughts as long as reason :uul thought remained ; for a mind more resigned and more devoted to the will of God, more desirous and dis- posed to sacrifice all its fondest wishes and views to the decrees of all- governing wisdom and goodness, never ex- isted*. He appeared to suffer little bodily pain ; but his respiration grew gradually shorter, till at six o'clock in the evening of Thursday the third of November he ceased, to breathe ; and left the world destitute of one of the most upright, consistent, and eminently virtuous characters which ever adorned human nature. Mr. Lindsey died in the eighty-sixth year of his age. He was buried in Bun- hill-nelds on Friday the eleventh of November, agreeably to his own request, in the most private manner, in a vault the property of which he had purchased twenty years be- fore, and where the remains of his kind and generous * When Mr. Lindsey was a little recovered after his severe paralytic seiz- ure in the beginning. of the year 1802, Mrs. Lindsey thus expresses herself in a letter to the author, who was then upon a visit to a frind in the coun- ti-y : " He said this morning, after reading family prayer in his usual good manner, *! wish, if it is the will of God j to be enabled to finish my little work ; but should' be sorry any moment, that the will of God should not take place of mine, either by incapacity or by death.'" K5*2 MEMOIRS OF THE LATE [cjl. XV. friend Mrs. Rayner had, by her express desire, been al- ready deposited ; and in the vicinity of which reposed his learned and venerable associate in labours and in 'self- denial, Dr. John Jebb. A sermon upon the occasion was preached at Essex-street on the following Sunday to a crowded audience of attentive and deeply-affected mourn- ers, which was afterwards published*. Of the character of Mr. Lindsey, if the writer of this Memoir has succeeded in giving a faithful exhibition of his mind and of his works, no large recapitulation is ne- cessary. Disinterested glowing benevolence, springing from rational, ardent, and deeply-rooted piety ; supreme solicitude to discover truth ; unwearied pains in search- ing after it ; and inflexible firm ness in what, after due in- quiry, he believed to be right; just views of revealed re- ligion, combined with earnest but not obtrusive zeal for their promulgation, and blended with the most unaffect- ed humility, and a singular courteousness of manners, formed by early and familiar intercourse with the great ; finally and eminently, a commanding sense of God and duty, constituted the principal lineaments in the charac- ter of this excellent and truly venerable man. To have beenliis coadjutor in the cause of divine truth, his friend, his successor, and his biographer, is a privilege of no com- mon value : and to be admitted hereafter into the society of such men as Lindsey, Priestley, Price, and Jebb, and of other eminent lovers of truth, and confessors in the glorious cause, and to share in their lot, whatever it be, is the highest felicity of which the writer of this Memoir can form a conception, or to which he presumes to aspire. * Discourses were delivered upon the same mournful occasion by many other ministers, friends and admirers of Mr. Lindsey, some of which were published ; particularly by the Rev. Robert Aspland, at Hackney ; the Rev. Dr. Toulmin, and Rev. John Kentish, at Birmingham; and the Rev. J. H. Bransby, at Dudley : and Memoirs of Mr. Lindsey were published by Mrs. Cappe in The Monthly Repository, Mi. Joyce in The Monthly Maga- zine, and by Mr. Frcnd. CH. XV.] REVEREND THEOPHILUS LINDSEY. 363 And happy will he think himself, and amply rewarded for all his labour, if this imperfect delineation of the character of his venerable friend shall excite the ambition of any of his readers, and especially among the rising generation of ministers, to emulate the spirit of the departed prophet, and like him to be ready, when duty calls, to sacrifice every secular consideration upon the altar of truth and in- tegrity, leaving consequences without dismay in the hands of governing wisdom and goodness ; which, if their fu- ture services be needful, will open a different and perhaps a more extensive sphere of usefulness ; or, if that should be denied, will not forget in the day of final remuneration the generous self-denial, the dutiful submission, nor the virtuous purpose, of the pious and upright heart. Mrs. Lindsey survived her venerable husband three years and two months. The health of this excellent lady was completely broken up by her close and anxious at- tendance upon Mr. Lindsey during his long illness and growing infirmities : so that had he lived a few months longer he would probably have been the survivor. And though her constitution seemed for a time to recover it- self, and gave reason to hope for continued life, yet the stamina appear to have been worn out ; and a gradual decay both of corporeal and mental vigour soon began to take place, till after a short illness she expired January 18, J812, in the seventy-second year of her age, and was buried the week following in the same vault with Mr. Lindsey and Mrs. Rayner. A funeral discourse bearing testimony to the uncommon merits of this admirable wo- man, was delivered to a numerous and sympathizing au- dience on the Sunday after the funeral, and has since been published. It may be added, that Mrs. Lindsey's intimate friend. Mrs. Jebb, the relict of the celebrated Dr. John 384 MEMOIRS or rut LATE THEOPUILU& LJNDEY. Jcbb a lady of the highest intellectual attainments and ffflHrftgrtpJbmfnHj a fellow labourer and fellow sufferer in the same righteous cause, died two or three days after Mrs. Lindsay, and was buried with her husband in the TUE APPENDIX. No. I. p. 6. The following letters exhibit a specimen of the terms upon which Mr. Lindsey stood with his noble patron- esses, and of the high estimation in which he was held by them : they also contain no mean illustration of the piety and virtue of the illustrious writers. FROM THE DUTCHESS OF SOMERSET. SIR, Percy Lodge, July the 9th, O. S. 1751. 1 RECEIVED your letter last week, and intended writing on Sun- day as usual, but when that day came I found it impracticable ; Mr. Saunders having found it more employment than I chose, by sending a long letter of business which I was obliged to answer. I hope your little pupil is well, though you did not name him in your last. Mrs. Pearse * dined here yesterday, in her way to the Forest; she looks thin, but otherwise well, and in pretty good spirits. She owns that Mrs. Scot has done more for her than she could have expected from the best daughter, and has taken the whole trouble and business off her hands. I find she thinks her circumstances will be easy, though not great ; the house in the Forest is to be sold ; she is not yet resolved about that in London. As things generally happen crossly, Lord Bateman and Mr. Bateman came in a little before three, and old Saunders just at twelve, but we left him to himself: however, he chose to stay din- ner. Mr. Cowslad says you write to us because you think it civil, when you are not a bit inclined to it : he is a good deal better, and so am I, but we can neither of us yet boast of our activity. My domesticks go on pretty peaceably, though Edward met with a trial of his patience last Saturday, which would have stag- gered yours or mine. He was almost mad with the pain of a hol- low tooth, and went to Colebrook to get it drawn ; but the cruel operator, instead of it, drew the only sound one in his head. I do not know what you will think of me when I tell you I am going to try the Glastonbury water here, and own to you that I am 5n- * This is the lady referred to in p. C, who bequeathed to Mr. Liiidsey the uext presentation to the rectory of Che^r Majn:t. 366 APPENDIX. [NO. i. duced to it by a persuasion that the discovery of it is in some de- gree miraculous ; and if one may believe affidavits, witnessed by- ministers of parishes and churchwardens, the cures it has perform- ed are sb too, in scorbutic cases, king's evil, and asthmas, of many years standing, as it is witnessed by their nearest neighbours. I have had no letter from Lady Huntingdon, but I hear she is at Cheltenham, and pretty well. Clavering has done plaguing me, but I have sent his son ten guineas this morning. I have heard but twice from Lady Northumberland since she left London, by which I conclude, she finds diversions and company are not con- fined to the town. You judge very rightly that a little spirit and resolution would contribute greatly to my tranquillity; and I often lament the want of it, not only as a misfortune, but as a fault, since it is often necessary, to enable one to support one's inte- grity through a wayward and designing world, where lew are what they appear to be : yet even that would be of little consequence, was one perfectly assured of being in the right one's self. My gentlemen send you their compliments ; and I desire my compliments to little H. who, I hope, improves in more things than his French ; for, though that is a very proper accomplish- ment of a gentleman, there are yet higher titles to be aimed at, those of an humble Christian, and lover of all mankind. I am glad you find the air you are in agrees with your health. Lord Albe- marle is made groom of the stole, and Lord Rockingham lord of the bedchamber. I am, Sir, Your affectionate friend and humble servant, F. SOMERSET. A Monsieur Monsieur Lindsey, chez Monsieur Pillard, k Blois. FROM THE SAME. SIR, WE were all very sorry to find by your last letter that you hav ?. had so violent a cold ; but if your weather has been (as I think by your letter it has) like ours in England, it is no wonder that you have suffered from it, for I never remember so cold and wet a sum- mer. You may depend upon my silence, in regard to your ob- servations on Lord W 's constitution, as I know the ticklishness of treating some subjects without giving offence, which I am sure neither you or I intend to do. I am so far from thinking you oddly employed, when you were contemplating the storm of thun- der and lightning, that I rather envy you for the fortitude which i> necessary to be" a calm spectator of so awful and noble a scene. My own want of that virtue often makes me apprehensive that I am in the number of the wicked, who flee when no man pursueth, NC. i.] APPENDIX:. 307 while the righteous are bold as a lion ; yet I do not despair of be- coming better, and consequently more courageous, as I can with truth afu'nn it is the only point I have in view; and my most ear- nest desire, to keep God in all my thoughts. Yet how apt are the cares, and even the amusements of life, to displace his image, and obtrude their own vexatious impertinence in his room ! Poor Lady Thanet is dead. I am told that when Lady Huntingdon heard of her illness, she sent to offer her to come and prepare her for that solemn hour : but Lady Thanet sent her word it was in vain, for she could neither be prepared to live or die. Her great care upon her death-bed was the fear of being buried alive ; to prevent which, she ordered herself not to be taken out of her bed for twelve days. She has left her daughters ten thousand pounds a-piece. The last we heard of the Dutchess of Richmond was, that her doctors had little or no hopes of her. The mortality which within two years and a half has been so remarkable amongst men of the first rank, seems beginning amongst the ladies, but still the same eternal round of dissipation is pursued ; cards and gay parties are the great business of the modish world. The Duke of St. Albans died last Saturday se'nnight, and I am afraid has left his family in very indifferent circumstances. If going abroad is a preservative for health, I may expect to be very well ; for within these last three weeks I have been at London, twice at Sion, dined with Mrs. Mordaunt, been at Thorpe with Mrs. Fo- ley, visited at Bulstrode, and, in short, tired myself and my horses sufficiently. To-morrow Lord and Lady Brooke, Lady Archi-* bald and Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Mordaunt, and Mr. Hamilton, are all to dine here ; and on Thursday Lord Guernsey and Lady Charlotte. I dined last week at Isleworth with the Dutchess of Somerset, and saw my little nephew, who is a fine child. Mr. Bernard spoke of you in a very friendly manner ; 1 think he ap- pears a modest pretty kind of man. A sermon of his is much talked of at Isleworth for the singularity of the text, which was " Re- member Lot's wife;" and his discourse greatly admired for the piety and good sense of it. I am with very sincere friendship, r Sir, Your most faithful humble servant, F. SOMERSET. To the Reverend Mr. Lindsey. FROM THE SAME. SIR, Michaelmas Day, O.S. Sunday, 1751- I PULLY intended writing to you, either by Sunday or Tues- day's post, but was prevented by a swelled face and pain in my head, which put me extremely out of order : it is not yet quite gone; but as it is something better, 1 would no longer defer tell- 368 AITENDIX. [NO. i. ing you that I am veiy glad to see Lord and Lady Northumber- land lay hold of the first opportunity in their povyer of showing their regard for you. I only wish that the living of Chatton were of greater value, or that in Yorkshire were entirely free, whichever you choose ; they have had the kindness to tell me they will not think of your leaving my family; but I know your thoughts in re- lation to the duty of a parish too well to reckon upon keeping you in it ; for which reason I must apply to you whenever it be- comes necessary for you to change your situation, that you will be so good as to choose a successor who will conduct himself as nearly like you as possible, for I am as little fond of a pretty gen- tleman in a gown as out of one. I opened Mr. Comber's. letter because you desired me ; it did not contain above eight lines, com- plaining of not hearing from you, begging to do it soon to relieve hi$. fears for your health ; and telling you he had met with many mortifications, that he feared he had lost Almini's correspondence, by no fault of his, but her over delicacy. The huge paper en- closed was two or three hundred lines, on the immensity of the Divine Being, which appeared to me unequal to a much humbler subject. I had a very agreeable letter last week from Dr. Oliver, who tells me that Lady Huntingdon is pretty well, and much employed in attending Dr, Doddridge, who is in a deep consumption at Bath, but is to set .out in a few days in order to embark at Fal- raouth for Lisbon, from wlu?nce, it is Dr. Oliver's opinion, he wiH never return. Lady F. Shirley was with me two days ago ; she told me that Mr. Hervey is quite recovered: but Lady Pembroke's marriage with a man of no birth or money (though, it is said, a very serai We agreeable man,) pinned us down to mere worldly conversation ; and to tell you the truth in a whisper only for your own ear, her ladyship seemed to think, that as Lady Pembroke could not be easy to live without him, he had acted more pru- dently if she had taken him on any other terms! You will easily believe this doctrine amazed me in the mouth of so pious a person, and that I have not thought fit to mention it to one of my com- pany, as he needs no new motives to censure whatever he fancies aims at being more serious than the fine world in general. Mr. Wiikins writes me word that Mrs. Wilkins is almost well, and pro- poses being here himself a few days after Michadmas. A. C. is ill at Oxford, and his wise father has wrote to desire he may come hither 1o be taken care of and drink asses milk, and desires me to send for Dr. Hayes as often as is necessary. This I must'beg to be excused from, as Lord and Lady N. will be here this week, and I expect Mrs. Pearse and Mr. Scot very soon. 1 have only one milch as?, of which my poor gardener is drinking the milk, though I doubt to very little purpose, for he appears NO. r.] APPEKPIX. 369 quite spent in a consumption, though James's powder did cure his fever. I thank you for the epigram, which I read without blushing. I should have been glad to see the young nun take the veil, but at the same time have felt some concern lest, in so ten- der au age, she might have been influenced or awed into it by her friends ; or supposing it were her inclination at present, how little it could be depended upon to last fifty or sixty years, which she may probably live. I saw Lady Fomfret last Saturday, and said all I could think of to express your gratitude and my own, both to her and the Bishop of Blois, for his civility to you and your little charge, to whom I desire my blessing. I think the King of France disposes of his money in giving portions to young women much better than if it were to procure fire-works, mas- querades, &c. I had left all the space betwixt these two lines to direct my let- ter, that it might not be a double one; but Lord and Lady N. came in just as I was finishing it on Thursday and staid till eleven o'clock this day : they bid me make their compliments to you, and send Lord W. their blessing. Lady Pomfret sent us a let- ter in English, which she has received from the Bishop of Blois, where he expresses himself so kindly on Lord W.'s account, that his father and mother as well as myself are extremely obliged by the notice he takes in it both of him and you. The Duke of Bolton I fancy will find a stronger restorative in his Dutchess's death than from all the air in France; she died last Monday was se'nnight. How widely do the great and little folks differ in sentiments ! Poor Obadiah is in the deepest afflic- tion for the loss of his wife. They tell me you will be obliged to come over, if you accept either of the livings, in which case I hope you will find a few hours, if not days, to let us see you at Percy Lodge, where you may always be assured of a most friendly and sincere welcome from, Sir, Your most faithful humble servant, F. SOMERSET. FROM THE SAME. SIR, Downing Street, March 14th O.8. 1 762. I HEARTILY wish my constitution would as readily enable me to comply with the desires of my friends as my inclination sub- mits to what they prescribe, but I am afraid I have little reason to indulge so flattering a hope ; I have hardly enjoyed an h6uv's health since I came hither, and though I have been out four or five times I am now confined again with great pain an.d lameness : a great inflammation upon my leg cannot be produced by fancy ! 2u 370 APPENDIX. [NO. i. and sitting continually in one place has brought an almost con- stant pain in my stomach, attended with great oppression and shortness of breath : these are not good ingredients to give me spirits for mixing with the beau monde ; and indeed were I in better health, I believe I should as easily enter into the manners of the fine folks in the moon, as into the present fashionable way of life in London, so different it is from what it was when I left it three years ago. I have had a letter from Lady Huntingdon, who seems very much pleased with Lady Rawdon's marriage, and says that Lady Selina is much better. Lord Coventry was mar- ried to Miss Gunning this day se'nnight, and Lady Charlotte Capel is to be so very soon to Mr. Villiers, Lord Jersey's brother, and Lady Di. Egerton to Mr. Seymour's son by Lady Hinch- inbrooke. The Chapter is to be held on Friday for giving away the gaiters, the new knights are declared, and they are not all those who were first talked of: they are Prince Edward the little Stadt- holder, Lord Lincoln, Lord Winchelsea ? and Lord Cardigan. The constant good accounts you send us of Lord VV. are very encouraging ; pray assure him of my blessing, and tell him his papa has won the service of Dresden china, which was raffled for at White's, and valued at 400/. I see by the advertisement that Mr. Mason is going to publish a poem called Elfrida, which I shall certainly buy if I am alive at the time it comes out. Miss Blandy is condemned for the barbarous murder of her father, and you will wonder at me for being discontented that she is only to be hanged. H. is marched off at last, though I could not get her out of my house till the new housekeeper had been two days in it. I hope she will prove more peaceable. It signifies little what out- ward appearances and ceremonies are observed, if the heart and intentions remain inflexible ; and yet some shadow of regard to the mere observances of religion, may serve to renew the remem- brance that there is the reality of such a thing in nature, though laid aside for the present j but here the names of times or seasons are never thought of, unless when the fine ladies are expressing their gratitude to Lady Cobham for comforting them in the Dut- chess of Dorset's absence by having an assembly on Sundays. The Dutchess of Somerset, my mother-in-law, did me the ho- nour of a visit yesterday morning j she is not well, and is to go to Bristol as soon as Lady Charlotte is brought to bed, which is expected about the beginning of May. I am with sincere friendship, Sir, Your most faithful humble servant, F. SOMERSET. A Monsieur Monsieur Liudsey, a Oilcans. NO . I.] APPENDIX. 371 FROM THE SAME. SIR, Downing Street, March 19, 1752. As I do not love to have any of my bright actions pass unob- served by my friends, and as I am afraid they may be neglected by the foreign news-writers, I had a mind to let you know under my own hand, that I was last night at a ball at Northumberland House, where all the people who are famed for beauty, youth, gaiety, and grandeur, were assembled ; the house and suppers in three rooms were truly magnificent, and the owners did the ho- nours with a politeness and cheerfulness which I think could not fail to please, at least it ought not, for it must have given them infinite trouble as well as great expense, and poor Lady Northum- berland had a violent cold. I saw Lady Coventry there, who is certainly very handsome, but appears rather too tall to he gen- teel, and her face rather smaller than one would wish, consider- ing the height it is placed, and her dress appeared more in the style of an opera dancer than an English lady of quality. Lady Di. Egerton and Mrs. Selwyn's grandaughter, Miss Tovvnshend, appeared either of them full as pretty in my eyes with the addi- tion of great modesty. The pure and eloquent blood spoke in their cheeks : which it could do in very few there, for ,they cannot paint more in France than our ladies do here ; and as we always run into ex- tremes, white is as liberally laid on as rouge : poor Lady Mary Capel had, I believe, only the latter, but that in such abundance that it made her look older and plainer than ever I saw her. Now I must tell you, under the seal of confession, that from some civi- lities I had received from Lady Lincoln, I thought it proper to make her some compliment ; but when I came near her with that design, she was so very immodestly stripped that I was ashamed to look toward her and forced to drop my speech. The wind last Sunday alarmed me extremely here, but did me much greater in- jury at Percy Lodge, where it blew down the high elm behind King Edward's bench, turned the bench itself topsy-turvy and broke it all to pieces, blew down several rod of paling, and some of the best trees in my fields ; it broke a very tall fir-tree near the Gothic bench, above fourteen feet above the ground, and carried it over the wood into the Abbey walk, where it set it upright. Here some bricks were blown off Payne's chimney, who was dressing me, and rolled along the room over our heads ; and at that in- stant we heard the most dreadful yell below stairs that you can conceive : but what was our amaze when, upon running out, we found the staircase so filled with smoke and soot that we could scarce see one another or breathe ! and Lady C. Petersham, with her hair about her ears, four children, and five or six maids with 2 B2 Ai-rENDix. [NO. i. another woman whom I did not know, all screaming as if they were bewitched ! A stack of chimneys had fallen there, and the fire catched in two or three places ; but by the mercy of God no- body was hurt, and the fire soon stopped. The woman I did not know was Mrs. Cibber, who was reading a new farce to Lady C. when this accident happened. I meant to have dined alone that day, so my meal was slender j but I could not help asking Lord Petersham and Lady Caroline to partake of it, as they could have nothing dressed at home, and none of their acquaintance (though Lady Lincoln lives but two doors off and was alarmed at the noise) had the humanity to invite them, which Lady C. seemed to re- sent, and I thought with reason. As I have now wrote sooner than my usual time, perhaps I shall exceed it before I write again; and if the date of my next should not happen to please you, 1 hope you will not tear the letter before you read it. Pray assure your little charge of my blessing, and Kir. Thierchen of my remem- brance. I am, Sir, Your very sincere and faithful humble sen-ant, F. SOMERSET. A Monsieur Monsieur Lindsey, a Orleans. FROM THE SAME. SIR, Percy Lodge, March 5th, 1 754. I FEEL myself extremely obliged to you for both your last let- ters, and would have told you so sooner if I could have resolved to send you half a side of paper with nothing but formal thanks, which I think is not an obliging way of corresponding with one's friends. I was surprised to meet Lady Huntingdon upon the road last Saturday was fortnight ; she was on her way to London, but her coach drove by so fast that I had only time to send Lomas after her with my compliments ; she seemed to me to look as well as ever I saw her. Poor Mr. Thierchen has been laid up with the gout almost these three weeks, but insists it is only the effect of having worn too short a stocking, in spite of the apothecary. A. has passed a month with me since Christmas : if he is not quite so droll as he was, he makes amends by displaying the seeds of every virtuous and generous disposition, with the most docile temper I ever knexv : he would not tell a lye to avoid the severest punishment that he can have a notion of, and has no peace if he thinks he has offend- ed the lowest person about the house. Poor Lord G. is the me- lancholy reverse of all these amiable qualities : with the face of a cherub, he is one of the most perverse, obstinate, ill-disposed, NO. I.] APPENDIX. 373 children that ever was born. He is severely and constantly whip- ped, at least once a week, but discovers no fear of punishment, and (what is much worse) no sense of shame when he is detected in lies that he has stood in for a week together, or for taking other people's things unknown to them ; and this last week he even ventured to sell a reading-glass for two shillings, and there is no making him confess how he came by it. I am yet far from being in a good state of health, though, I bless God, in a much less painful one than I was some months ago ; I have now no remains of lameness, but I am, from the shortness of my breath, obliged to be always carried up stairs and often down; yet this is not to excuse me from a London journey. I have promised to make my appearance there next Friday se'n- night, if no unforeseen accident happens ; but hope not to make a longer stay than I did last year, unless I am detained in West- minster Abbey. I was much obliged to you for sending that fragment of Milton, which pleased me much, and I took the liberty to copy and con- vey it to Miss Talbot, who was delighted with it, but made the same objection with yours, that he was wrong in regard to that part of the Bible account of David's misfortunes and their source ! I must now, under the seal of confession, own to you, that after reading the Bible every day of my life for forty years together, I always understood it as Milton seems to have done. But since I received your letter I have read the history of David in Samuel, with all the attention I am mistress of, to find some other cause, and rummaged the library to find some commentator who would explain it but they all seem to be in Milton's error and even consulted the only divine in my reach (Clavering), who stared, and said he had always thought as Milton did. i hope you have some neighbours that you can converse with ; for, as partial as I am to retirement, I think absolute solitude is too melancholy a way of life for creatures intended by the wise ruler of all things for society, Our excellent friend Dr. Courayer has been very ill, but is got quite well again, and I had a very good and cheerful letter from him on Sunday morning. Indeed he has the only true for cheerfulness, the reflection on a well spent life, and having pre- pared himself to leave it whenever its great Author shall call him from hence. This preparation 1 hope I have been seriously en- deavouring after for many months and some years past ; but we are so apt to flatter and deceive ourselves, that I dare not trust myself too far, and find such continual defects in my best meant actions, as would take away all hopes of their efficacy if I did not trust in the merits and sufferings of our ever blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I have told you I am better, and -to outward appearances I am 3/4 APPENDIX. [NO. i. &o ; yet I should not be surprised myself, nor would have my friends be so, if I should be dead before this letter reaches you. Dr. Hayes calls my disease a nervous asthma, in which case I may possibly suffer on some years longer ; but by my own feelings, epeciallythe violent beating of my heart and jugular veins, I should suppose it some great obstruction in my blood. I have hardly left room to subscribe myself, Sir, Your very sincere friend, &c. F. SOMERSET. No. II. p. 8. FROM THE COUNTESS OF NORTHUMBERLAND. DEAR SIR, Stamvick, June 1 7- I KNOW your friendship for me will prevent your thinking a letter troublesome, though it comes fraught with no other news but that of my safe arrival at this place, which happened on Wed- nesday last, after I cannot say a pleasant (for the first day we werechoakedwith dust, and thesecond deluged with rain) journey of three days, one of which we spent at York with Mrs. Stnithson, where we have deposited Elizabeth. I find the whole country here in an uproar, as they say their former Archbishop (the late Metropolitan) Hutton died an Arian ; they own they do not know what that is, but are sure it is something that is not the right religion. We are impatient to hear of the taking of St. Male's ; which good news I hope a few days more will bring us. We leave this place for Newcastle to-morrow, where we shall stay a week and then proceed to Alnwick. I had the ill luck to sprain my knee in such a manner at York, that I am not able to stir a step without a stick, which confines me from walking ; which, how- ever, I the less regret, as the weather is thoroughly disagreeable, being both damp and cold. As I am in some doubt about your direction, I shall send this to Northumberland House, and order them to carry it to Lord Huntingdon, where, I conclude, they will be able to learn how to convey it safely to you. My Lord desires his compliments to you, and I beg to trouble you with mine to Lady Huntingdon, Lady Selina, and Mrs. Hastings. J am with the truest friendship, Dear Sir, Your most affectionate humble servant, E. NORTHUMBERLAND. To the Rev. Mr. Lindsey. FROM THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Almvick Castle, July 25th. I AM very much mortified to find that you have entirely forgot iji e, for I verily think that if you had not, you would have let me NO. II.] APPENDIX. 3/J have had the pleasure of hearing from you before now ; to no other cause can I assign it but your being in loVe, and to that account will I place it, as I think love the only justifiable excuse for for- getting one's friends; and where that passion is divested of some of its sensual attributes, I think such an oblivion far from blame- able, highly praise-worthy, as I am convinced no passion exalts the soul so much as it does, nay, even in great measure, spiritua- lizes it ; but this being a subject I am much more versed in the theory than the practice of, I am liable, like other theoretical and aerial castle-builders, to have no foundation for my sparkling edi- fices ; but as they in beauty resemble the bubbles blown by chil- dren, they probably do the same in fragility and short duration. Thus far had I talked wisely without meaning (as many wise peo- ple do), when I received the favour of your letter, for which I heartily thank you, and assure you, your letters are always truly welcome to me, come they often or seldom ; and though I am always glad to hear from you when you have nothing else to do, yet I am far from wishing you to write when you have either busi- ness, company, or what you allow me to guess at to prevent you. I was, as you observe, at Stanwick for two nights only; but not- withstanding the shortness of the stay, I had time enough to hear a most admirable character of Mrs. Lindsey elect, which gave me extreme great pleasure ; and I also heard of a chance for a certain four thousand pounds, which (though I assure you, in an inferior degree) gave me great pleasure also. We set out for Scotland the sixth day of next month, but of how long a duration our stay there will be I know not. We go from Berwick by Haddingtoun to Edin- burgh, and from thence by Stirling and Glasgow to Air, so that we shall entirely cross that part of the island from east to west ; but as we do not proceed to the Isle of Skey, I fear I shall return without the gift of second-sight. Something of after-sight I be- lieve I have mentioned to you that I really think I have of a night when I go to bed, a very odd instance of which I had lately; but the story is not interesting, and is besides too long for a letter. The last accounts we had of Lord Warkworth were from Minden, where he arrived July the 16th, after a most tedious march of twenty-five days, (through miserable roads, in wretched weather,) in perfect good health and spirits, and hoped to join the army the 18th or 19th. You may believe I am under the greatest an- xiety for a son so deservedly dear to me ; but to the care of the Almighty I commit him, who, I hope, will cover his head in the day of battle, and afford me the unspeakable pleasure of receiving him again after the campaign safe and with honor. I am sure he has not only my daily but hourly prayers, and I also beg to recommend him to yours. You are very good to have wrote to him ; I have sent him your letter, the receipt of which I am sure 376 AITENDHC. [NO. ii. will make him very happy. I am very sorry any company I had deprived nae of the satisfaction of seeing you, or wishing you a good journey, before you left London. Lord Ilchester's estate is a noble one, and I hope he bestows it nobly ; otherwise I am sure he does not deserve it. You have no notion how glad I was to hear of Sir Harry Heron ; I was very desirous to know if any of that family (one of the most ancient in this county) were yet in being. If ever you, Sir Harry, and myself are in London at the same time, I desire you will present me to him. I have often heard Mr. Delaval (the member for this county) say, that his mother frequently told him that in her memory nothing but tren- chers were in use in Northumberland, and that his grandfather had seventeen dozen of them ; and that in all the gentlemen's fa- milies an officer called a trencher-scraper (for they were not to be washed) was kept for that purpose only : and that Seaton De- laval (the seat of Long Delaval) and Chipehase (the seat of the Herons) were the only houses where they had pewter (and theirs was only dishes, and but few of them), which was only used on high days and holidays, and was admired by the whole country as an unusual piece of magnificence. This anecdote of his ances- tors' grandeur I dare say Sir Harry never heard. Supper bell rings ; so I have only time to add my lord's compliments, and that I am ever, Dear Sir, Your faithful friend and humble servant, ELIZABETH NORTHUMBERLAND. No. III. p. 13. FROM ARCHDEACON BLACKBURNE. MY DEAR FRIEND, March 1, 1/56. I AM much obliged to you for your last kind remembrance of me from Bristol ; and if you had not made me a sort of promise that it would be followed presently by another, you would pro- bably have had this acknowledgement a post or two sooner. A gentleman, whose correspondence does me honour, lately trans- mitted to me a most curious case of a British dissenting clergy- man, who went to Geneva to be ordained, that he might avoid subscription to the Westminster Confession, or any such tests of human orthodoxy. He was chaplain to the Scots Greys (being yet unordained), travelled as tutor to two young gentlemen of the first rank, was himself a fine gentleman and excellent scholar, and yet, when, after having made the tour of Europe, and displayed his ministerial talents in Holland with the greatest applause, he NO. III.] APPENDIX. 377 came to settle in a congregation in Ireland, he met with rather worse treatment than Mr. Emlyn, being, as I understand him, persecuted and put to flight for opinions which he really held not, merely because he would not subscribe to those he did hold. By the way, this account (if I mistake not) was sent me upon a chi- merical suspicion which myfriend, himself a dissenter of eminence, has entertained that I am secretly pushing for a settlement among his brethren ; among whom he finds himself as uneasy as we find ourselves in the church of England. And lest you should think I have any such aim, it may not be amiss to inform you, that all these surmises have arose from a letter I wrote to a loquacious man, to enquire after the character of a dissenting academy in his neighbourhood, with a view of furnishing a young man for whom I am concerned, with a little mathematical learning. You must not expect long letters from me from hence to the other side of Easter, as 1 have not only additional sermons weekly, during Lent, -nnd catechising, &c. but am pressed on all hands to dispatch the Confessional, the plan after much debate, ah inlus el extra, being now settled, and all occasions cut of squibbing at the fun- gose Doctor, otherwise than as his solutions are considered in form among those of other men. March 2. No letter but one from Watson, announcing his safe arrival, and transmitting a curious MS. (wrote by a lady) and tending to prove an indispensable obligation upon Christians to keep two Sabbaths in the week. When one sees what different opinions are founded upon the Scriptures, by different heads, and none of them void of plausibility, 1 am strongly tempted to parody a striking passage in the Gospels thus : Except your charity ex- ceed the charity of the Athanasians, methc/dists, mystics, and zealots of every sect, ye shall in nowise enter into the kingdom of heaven. O my friend, what shall we do to unlade our hearts of the world, and to fill them with God, so as to do, think, and say all to his glory ?. I am so far a mystic as to think this attainable, and am miserable, wretchedly miserable, in finding myself so far behind those who have already attained hitherto. Pray for me, dear Mr. Lindscy, as I do daily for you, that we may be really in- strumental in doing some of that good which is well-pleasing to God ; and, at least, that this euSoxia may receive no let, either from our indolence, or the incongruity of our doctrine or manners. O, what a glory to carry with us one soul to heaven for seraphs to rejoice over, and to raise the exultations of the heavenly host ! What are all the cares, riches, pleasures, or anxieties in the world, compared to this ? Teach me, for 1 know you can, how that frame of mind 13 to be put on which must carry us to our utmost perfec- tion in Christ. I am, with unabated love for you, the unworthiest of all your fellow servants, F. B. APPENDIX. [NO. in. FROM THE SAME. Richmond, Nov. 15th, 1/57. THE choicest blessings of heaven on your noble and thrice worthy patroness for espousing, and on my dear good friend for recommending, the cause of the fatherless. If any thing farther remains to be done on our part towards forwarding the relief of these orphans you will let me know, and in the mean time I beg you would, with all humility, tender my sincerest acknowledge- ments to her good ladyship, to whose humanity and Christian charity I hold myself the more obliged, as some other would-be - good ladies were applied to without success. Lady Northum- berland indeed would have delivered our petition, but that was to the other court, which we thought not so expedient as at Lei- cester House. My lord, too, has done an act of humanity and gratitude to a poor shoe-maker of this town, who was his school- fellow, and often assisted him in his exercises at Richmond school, which will make me love him as fong as I live. How shall I ex- press the sense I have of the parental feelings of the good lady for her afflicted son ! Would to God my poor intercessions might take place, either towards removing, or alleviating what cannot be removed ! I was lately in company with a physician who told me he had been so fortunate as to prevent guttse serenae in two ladies (one of them his own wife) by gentle and seasonable mer- curial purges^ at proper intervals. He says the sight of both is weak in general, and they have returns of the visual obstructions ; but the cinnabar pills have as yet never failed to remove them, and they pass their time very comfortably, so comfortably, that if he had not told me this circumstance I should never have sus- pected his lady (whom I sec very often) of any such infirmity. He added, that in some other cases he had known this malady at- tended with a defluxion, in which case a solution of camphire in French brandy, softened with an emulsion of almonds, has done service, by way of outward application. He adds, that he knew an infirmity of this kind brought upon a young lady by over- bathing in Harrowgate waters. If any farther information I can get about these cases will be of use, let me know, and depend upon my utmost endeavours. Be ingenuous, my good friend : were any of the noble family with which you are connected, to be opposed in a borough, where your situation were the same as mine, could you be an indifferent spectator ? I wish I had time to tell you the beginning and whole progress of my engagements ; but Heaven has heard my prayers, and I trust the disagreeable contest is now at an end for this time. For such has been the firmness and unanimity of Mr. Yorke's friend 1 -, that Sir Conyers Darcy thought proper the other day to NO. III.] APPENDIX. 3/9 send a message to the corporation, that, " in consideration of the peace of ' the lown,\ie would acquiesce in any person the burgesses should make choice of." This has amazed some people, who knew not our preparations, of which the old knight had some in- timations from London. Though, indeed, as he had secured the returning officer, I for my part expected he would have put us to our petition. Yesterday it was reported that the borough was sold to a young baronet, \vho has made some purchases of that sort in his own county. But this is so very dishonourable to a certain principal officer of state, that I cannot tell how to believe it, though apart from the circumstance of honour, it might not per- haps be improbable. My good friend will be cautious of men- tioning these matters as from me. However, take notice, all I have been concerned in has been fair and upright, and void of all corruption, which our worthy candidate abhors so much that he could not be brought into some measures recommended to him by some very honest friends as merely prudential, which if he had taken, he might have secured his seat beyond all dispute ; but his answer was, " That he had lived to the seventy-first year of his life without one reproach from his heart of contributing to the public corruption, and he would not sow the seeds of those thorns at this time of life." You will now collect perhaps an apology for me, without taking in my particular obligations and alliance to this family. But after all, alas ! I find too feelingly, that al! this is but to busy ourselves about burying the dead, when we should be preaching the kingdom of God ; and it is impossible to tell you the oppressions of my heart under a load of trash, which my soul abhors, and from which it shall ever be my study for the future to escape, if possible. I have not time to collect all the scraps I have of David Hart- ley's meditations, which are chiefly dispersed in M. P. H.'s letters to me. But you rnay expect a summary of them from me within a very few posts. What good may be done in our parishes, and by whom the most, is a problem that I cannot undertake to solve for myself, much less for you. Pray God direct you in every- thing ; your present avocation is not to be found fault with, and if Heaven had given me talents such as yours for consolation, I should surely have dispensed with my public province (at least for a time) when the occasion called me to the relief of such suf- ferers. For the rest, you know I put the whole upon a prior obli- gation to him who called me; an obligation I mean prior to all engagements, to church-modes and church nonsense in support of them. My principle of attachment to the Scriptures would make me uneasy in any other church I know of. If I can be of any service in this, God have the praise, it is a reason why I should press forward. He will reform all in his good time, and 380 APPENDIX. [NO. in. will not impute a failure in duty to those who would but cannot. In the mean time, I trust as to sincerity we have a good con- science. We fail not on all proper occasions to bear our tes- timony. We scruple not to acknowledge our own weakness in being drawn in to subscribe, especially the last time, when we fear the good opinion we had of a dear friend, and the regard we paid to his judgement, prevailed more with us than any convic- tion from the weight of his arguments, which we have since found to be feeble and insufficient. In the mean time, this we know, if we know any thing of ourselves, that though we labour under manifold difficulties, arising from a large family, and a scanty in- come, and the necessity upon us of spending every shilling of it to answer the expectations of the world in our station, and to avoid the least suspicions of avarice, yet would we not repeat our subscription, to gain the wealth of the Indies, or the honour and power of a popedom. Some people, my dear friend, would be much mortified that they could not give their children that polish of education which is necessary to recommend to respectable con- nexions with the world. I do not boast when I say that I am got above all this. My endeavours shall not be wanting to create them the most important connexions with God : if I succeed there, I and they are happy ; happy in our obscurity and disen- gagements from many temptations ; happy in seeing our own in- firmities, and ten times happy in the protection of a wise and gra- cious Providence, who will never leave us nor forsake us. Here come three of them to call me to dinner. Grace and peace from the fountain of both be with you. The following letter from Thomas Holiis, Esq. under the fictitious name of Pierce Delver, throws some light upon the reported invitation of the Archdeacon to suc- ceed Dr. Chandler at the Old Jewry. DEAR SIR, Saturday morning, Oct. 18, 1/66. IT gives me great pleasure to hear of the perfect recovery of the excellent A. D. (Archdeacon.) I fear he studies, labours too in- tensely, though to such noble purposes and great effects ; and the human machine though a very fine is yet a very delicate one. Let us applaud his magnanimity, however, and wish him every good ! At my visit to worthy Mr. Fleming, he told me, that he had been assured the people of the Old Jewry were inclined to invite the excellent A. D. B. to their chair, in the room of the late Dr. C. if they thought he would accept it. The same was told me more generally afterwards in mixt company. September 27. Worthy Dr. H, (Dr. W. Harris) wrote me as .NO. IV.] APPENDIX. 381 follows : " What think you of A. D. B.'s succeeding the late Dr. C. at the Old Jewry ? I sa\v Mr. Amory atTaunton, and he tells me it is talked of by that society. The Confessional is much read and admired." To this I replied generally, as I remember, for I cannot copy every thing, as follows : That I had avoided writing to you on the subject. That I knew the incomparable A. D. had a real and high esteem for the body of Protestant Dissenters. That whatever his resolution might be, I was confident the pro- position, if made, would be treated by him with perfect civility and respect. That for my own part, I should be sorry the A. D. should ac- cept the proposition, however handsomely tendered, for his own sake and the public ; as I was persuaded it would render uncom- fortable, and shorten his valuable life by town air and customs ; and lessen his power of doing great public good, by taking him out of the alone, precise situation in which, with his powers and magnanimity to effect it, he " Rides in the whirlwind and directs the storm." From Dr. H. I have not since heard. For the rest. The Dissenters are, it may be, best seen in their principles and not individually ; though the people of the Old Jewry rank, not only in point of wealth, but of sense and polite- ness, among the first of them. I am, with highest respect to two gentlemen, Dear Sir, Your affectionate friend and most obedient servant, To the Rev. T. Lindsey, Catterick. PlERCE DELVER. No. IV. p. 41. A LETTER FROM HANS STANLEY, ESQ. TO MR. LINDSEY, ASSIGN- ING HIS REASONS FOR DECLINING TO SUPPORT THE CLERICAL PETITION. DEAR SIR, Paultons, Nov. 12, You certainly need no apology for addressing yourself to me upon any subject; your own merit and our long acquaintance entitle you to my attention, and give you a right to expect that answer, which you are pleased to ask as a favour. You will give me leave to follow your introduction of this mat- ter, by assuring you on my part, that if your request related to any private interest of your own within my small power, I should heartily wish to serve you; but in the present case it cannot weigh with me to promote innovations in the law, which I think not only unnecessary, but extremely mischievous. . 382 APPENDIX. [NO. iv. The peace of mankind is a fortieth article of my religion, which 1 hold to be much more important than any of the thirty-nine objected to by those who with a very blameable indiscretion (and MO me, I believe, from worse motives) are willing to disturb it. I shall not easily concede that any alteration either in these or the Liturgy is necessary, unless they contain doctrines contrary to sound morality and civil obedience, but even then I should by no means concur in the prayer of your petition : I should rather be led to a conclusion totally different, for I should think that the specific article ought to be amended, and not the whole set aside ; but this is a work in the first instance for synods and convocations: many preparatory steps, which 1 have not wisdom enough to in- dicate, ought to precede the parliamentary consideration. I deny that any of the Reformers whose names are transmitted r.o posterity with respect, ever adopted so wild an idea as that of a Christian society without an established church holding certain defined tenets. The liberty of judging for yourselves of the sense of Scripture is a possession, which, you say, all men have a right to enjoy; I not only agree with you in this proposition, but I will add, that you have a right to teach and inform others ac- cording to your own sense of Scripture, provided your lessons are conducive, or at least indifferent, to the happiness of mankind and the tranquillity of the state ; but these concessions do not exclude every govefnment from giving the preference to such forms, or to such doctrines, which appear most eligible in their united public sense, which constitutes the law. Therefore the ministers of Separatists are maintained at the expense of their congregations ; dignities and preferment belong exclusively to the established church alone j this has been, is, and ever must be the rule in the most tolerant states, and even in the freest republics. The wisdom of Providence seems in its dispensations to have reserved this authority for the future succession of Christian churches: it never could be supposed that the poor, and the ig- norant, who compose the greater number of the laity, could give up their labour for, and pass their lives in, the investigation of this divine system. It may perhaps be asserted, that the Scrip- ture is so clear, and so full, that it wants no interpretation, nor any supplementary addition. If this be true, how happens it, that we are hitherto not better agreed ? Why has the world been disturbed by so many leaders of sects and heresiarchs, who (if they were all now alive upon the face of the earth) might com- pose as large an army as that with which Alexander the Great conquered the Persian empire? Yet, all these men were convinced and maintained that their opinions were founded in, or derived from, Holy Writ. NO, IV.] APPENDIX. 383 If the Scripture needs no explanation, I will turn Quaker, and join in any measure which tends to set aside your whole order as an useless expense. But if it does require explanation, I chuse to trust that task rather to the well digested and mature studies of our venerable Hierarchy, than to the crude transient notions, which caprice, vanity, self-conceit, and folly may suggest to every idle coxcomb, who wants to be taken notice of for his singulari- ty. I am therefore (within the bounds of toleration which I have laid down) an advocate not only for strict subordination, to over- awe and coerce such dangerous impertinences, but for written ca- nons, creeds, and articles to warn rash unthinking men of the future censure and punishment they may incur ; for it is essen- tial to justice to mark out plainly offences of every kind, and it is an arbitrary exertion of power to inflict penalties without such notice. I should at the same time strenuously oppose the com- pelling any individual to sign any article of faith whatever. But nothing of this kind is at present done: every man is left to his own free choice, and every honest man will therein follow the dictates of his own opinion ; nor will there arise the slightest in- convenience if (from peculiar objections to the Liturgy, or the 39 Articles) some few persons more should chuse in the various pro- fessions of laymen to follow an active life of virtuous industry: I thank God we live neither in a desart country, nor an illiterate age, and I hope we are not likely soon to want a decent and worthy succession in our priesthood. If (as you are pleased to inform me) bishops and others have in their writings, preachings, &c. receded from what they have signed, and what the law has enjoined, I do not think the pre- cedent so good as to wish the practice general j nor does the ex- ample of a College in Cambridge weigh greatly with me : I have quite accidentally heard somewhat of the secret history which has passed within those walls ; if I am not deceived, that signa- ture has been chiefly promoted by a factious abetter of those senseless seditious disputes which have divided us upon political subjects, and which are already enough envenomed without your throwing in the. fresh corrosive of religious controversy. How total a fermentation such a mixture may produce is well known to all those who have read the history of this country for the last century. As no church is so purely of divine institution as not to smell a little of humanity, our Establishment may be liable to some er- rors j yet does it leave you sufficient scope to be, as you actually are, a very good man, and to contribute greatly to render your parishioners such. The wisdom of government, ever since the house of Hanover ascended the throne, has maintained your order in the possession of sufficient respect, and has kept you perfectly quiet; neither the good treatment you have enjoyed nor your o84 APPENDIX. [NO. iv. want of power have been founded on the plan of any particular administration, they have arisen from the general sense and tem- per of this age. The reign of the Angelick and Seraphick Doc- tors is past and gone ; were they now to appear again, the world would busy itself very little about their subtilities; nay, I am sanguine enough to believe that Prynne, Burton, and Bast- wick would at present have few partizans unless they were per- secuted, which I think very unlikely to happen to any man. The vice of the present times is rather too much indifference about religious matters, and opinions : if I might, therefore, as a real friend, presume to advise the Clergy, they ought not, while total infidelity is gaining ground upon them, to expose any partial weaknesses of their system, and thus by trivial and frivolous dis- agreements among themselves perhaps endanger the whole fa- brick. I have sometimes in my more serious hours regretted that the poor Apocrypha found no better advocate, because by re- jecting those books the rest of the Bible was perhaps brought under some degree of doubt ; and if the Liturgy or the Thirty- nine Articles were now deserted, who knows where the growing incredulity of mankind would stop ? Upon the whole, my dear sir, I heartily wish it was possible for you to desist from a design which I so highly disapprove and must so entirely discountenance; but 1 well know the warmth with which these speculations are pursued by those who have once adopted them. I trust, however, there will be found so- briety and understanding enough in the House of Commons to reject your petition without any more debate than what every sin- gle member has a right to command upon every question how- ever improper to be moved. I beg you will believe that though we differ so widely upon this public point, which I have endea- voured to treat with all possible candor and frankness, I shall ever be ready to receive your commands with regard to all mat- ters which regard yourself, or in which I can prove to you the affection and esteem with which I am, dear sir, Your most obedient and most humble servant. .H. STANLEY. Correspondence of Dr. Markham, Bishop of Chester, af- terwards Archbishop of York, with Mr. Lindsey, upon his Resignation of the Vicarage of Catterick. FROM THE REV. T. LINDSEY TO THE BISHOP OF CHESTER. MY LORD, Catterick, Nov. 12, 1773. IT is my duty, and full time that I should acquaint your Lord- ship with my intention of resigning the vicarage of Catterick, in your diocese of Chester, the latter end of this month. NO. IV.] APPENDIX. 385 If your place of residence had been within any convenient distance, as it would have been more respectful, I should have been desirous to have waited on your Lordship, and made my resignation into your own hands. I am obliged to take this step, after long deliberation, for the relief of my own mind, not being able in any way to satisfy my- self with officiating according to the present forms of our church, and not thinking myself at liberty to make those very material alterations that would satisfy me : I mean in changing the object of worship, which to me appears to be sadly mistaken in many parts of the service. I have the honour to be, My Lord, Your Lordship's most humble and obedient servant, T. LlNDSEY. FROM THE BISHOP OF CHESTER TO THE REV. T. LlNDSEY. ' REVEREND SIR, Sion End, near Brentford, Nor. 16, 1773. I RECEIVED this morning the favour of your letter, acquaint- ing me with your intention to resign your vicarage, and at the same time signifying your motives. The business is so important, and the time you mention so very short, that I am using the first moment to give you my sentiments, in hopes that I may possibly put the question in such a light, as may at least procure a sus- pension of your design. For, to say the truth, my heart has taken a very serious and sad concern in this transaction, not only from the charity which I owe to you, as my brother, and because I seek the truth, as I believe you do, but from the im- pressions which I have received of your character from two very good men, Mr. Cooper and Mr. Smelt. I have heard from them that you are a sincere believer of the Holy Scriptures: upon that ground I speak to you : the question is not to be tried at the bar of human reason, but depends entirely upon a true explanation of the divine writings, which those who have supported the opi- nions which you seem to hold are used to interpret in such a manner as the original languages can no wise suffer, and without it they could never have contrived to get over a number of texts which are as strong and explicit as any in the Bible. But car- nal wisdom is followed. Philosophy will know every thing, and has as yet discovered nothing; it is still a stranger to the essence of the meanest thing about us, and yet will know the essence of the Deity, and will say this and this is contrary to it. Our religion is supported by the fullest and clearest testimonies, and yet the whole of it is truly incomprehensible from the creation of man to his final resurrection; bat the filiation of our Saviour is not only a great mystery, but though explained to us as far as 2 c 386 APPENDIX. [NO. iv.c is useful in our present state, is from the nature of the subject particularly involved. We are prepared for this difficulty by the prophet Isaiah ; his words are, as quoted in the Acts, TT|V= ysvsotv aurow TJJ 8>jyrjJV a-uvrfinzv. I quote by memory, probably incorrectly. Pray, con- sider this, and give me your answer. I am, with a true regard, Your affectionate brother, W. CHESTER. EXTRACT FROM MR. LINDSEY's REPLY. 1 AM surely obliged to the friends your Lordship mentions for giving your Lordship such a favourable representation of my character, and feel the serious concern and kindness which dic- tated the letter I have the honour to receive from you this morning. It was natural for your Lordship with these dispositions to- wards me to bid me beware of precipitation in a matter of such moment. But though suddenly and so lately communicated to your Lordship, this resolution is no hasty step, but the result of many years anxious enquiry and deliberation, and trying every expedient that might give me ease. And my faith is built not on a system of philosophy, but on an impartial examination of the mind and will of God, as dis- covered in the Old and New Testament. And I am constrained on this occasion to tell your Lordship, that I am so persuaded of the strict unity of God, taught by Moses and the prophets, and last of all by our Saviour Christ, that though no one is further from condemning others that differ, I should hold it impiety in me to continue to worship Christ, or any other being or person. I cannot, therefore, continue to lead the devotions of a congre- gation in the church of England, who esteem it sinful in myself constantly to use that worship and abet it. Your Lordship will believe, all those texts which you point out to me have fallen under consideration, and which if I note, it is not in the spirit of dispute, which ill becomes me towards you on such an occasion, but out of respectful attention to what you are pleased to select. [Mr. Lindsey having suggested the usual explanations of the texts alleged by the worthy prelate, proceeds as follows :] Whatever be the distressing consequences of this determina- tion with regard to worldly things, I can never repent of it, as led to it by no motive but a desire to approve myself to God, and what my duty to him required. 388 APPENDIX. [NO. v. No. V. Letters to Mr. Lindsey upon his Resignation. FROM THE RIGHT HONOURABLE GREY COOPER. MY DEAR Sill, Kew Lane, Nov. 6, 1773. I HAVE received your letter, which filled my heart with grief, and made my eyes glisten with tears; I have not a word to say or an argument to offer against your resolution to quit your pre- ferment; I must however lament the cruel necessity that forces you out of a situation in which you and your good wife might have continued blessings to your parish and neighbourhood ; I will add only this short but sincere assurance, that it would give me the utmost satisfaction to have it in my power to assist you in any new course of life which you may think proper to follow. Lord North has seen your letter, and was affected by reading it: he has an excellent heart, and a just feeling for every act of honour and Conscience. It is not yet decided who is to have Catterick; Mr. Chayter has applied for it, and his brother- in-law Mr. Robinson, my colleague; will you allow me to ask what is the annual income of it, and on what account it is as you say eligible > Perhaps it may be better than my brother's at Mansfield, and in that case I would 1 try to manage an exchange between Mr. Chayter and my brother. I beg pardon for trou- bling you with such things at this time; but as soon as 1 receive your answer I shall be able to inform you with certainty who will be your successor ; at present I am rather inclined to think it will be Mr. Chayter. My wife sends her best compliments to you; she was much moved with the contents of your letter. I am, my dear sir, Your affectionate friend and servant, GREY COOPER. FROM EARL PERCY, LATE DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, NOV. 1773. DEAR SIR, Stanwick, Wednesday morning. I AM sorry to find by your letter which I received just now, that I have been deprived of the pleasure of seeing you by a cold. When my mother was so good as to shew me her answer to your letter, I told her I thought she had said all that could be said on that subject, but that I knew your way of thinking on that affair much too well, to suppose any thing on earth could prevent you from resigning a living, which your conscience told you, you could no longer hold as an honest man, void of time-serving hypocrisy. I hope, however, 1 shall have the pleasure of seeing you here before you leave the country, as I do not think of going NO. V.] APPENDIX. to town till after Christmas. At any rate I shall wish much to see your Reasons, when they are published; and have not the least doubt but they will give me great satisfaction. I beg my respects to Mrs. Lindsey, and be assured I am and ever will be Your sincere friend, PERCY. FROM THE REV. NEWCOME CAPPE. DEAR SIR, York, Nov. 1, 1773. YOUR truly Christian and heroical determination is above my praise, and will afford you such hope and joy in God as will render human praise unnecessary to you, and human censure insignificant. I thank God from my heart, that there are men in the world who will buy the truth and sell it not. Your ex- ample, I think, cannot fail to increase the number of them. Sure, it must impress some hearts with a conviction that there is something serious in religious truth and liberty, and some- thing real that is not of this world. The comfort and reward of confessing Christ you must have, and your name I trust will be held in everlasting remembrance by the friends of truth and vir- tue, and will continue to do good when your personal services are over. Those who esteem you as they ought, cannot be unaf- fected with the inconveniences you may suffer, and that not in your own person only, from your integrity. It is an afflicting thought ; but the utility of your example is connected with this circum- stance, and I hope in God that the righteous will not be for- saken. As to the business you mention, Mr. Hotham (who presents to you his most respectful compliments and the sin- cerest tenders of his service) will join with me to do the best we can for you. If you will send either the books or a list of them, we will treat with a bookseller about them. If his proposal comes not up to your idea of their value, and the books are nu- merous enough, it may be worth while to sell them by a marked catalogue, and this, if you approve of it, we will do. I am greatly obliged to you for the tender regard you express toward me and my little family, and I remain with the highest esteem, and all manner of good wishes for you and every one that is dear to you, Yoiif affectionate humble Servant, N. CAPPE. To the Rev. Mr. Lindsey, at Catterick. FROM THE REV. SAMUEL BADCOCK OF BARNSTAPLE. REV. SIR, June 11, 1774. HAVING read your Apology with peculiar pleasure, I cannot resist the impulse of writing to you. There was a time when, shackled by the bonds of intellectual slavery, I should have shud- dered at your freedom, and have forgot your honesty amidst your 390 APPENDIX. [NO. v. heterodoxy. But now I measure mankind on a larger scale, and if I see the former I forget the latter. My travels in the theo- logic region have been variously conducted : but amidst every intricacy I never lost sight of sincerity. When reason was hood- winked, that like a faithful companion attended even my wan- derings; and I hope I shall never forfeit the protection of such a friend. I enter into your feelings with a sympathy which I cannot express. I insensibly catch your spirit as it shines forth in the mild lustre of primitive simplicity; and pray that I may be a follower of those who through faith and patience pursue the promises. Most heartily do I congratulate you on that exalted superiority of mind, which, abstracting you from the world, must inspire you with such joys as the world cannot give nor take away. They flow from that noble independence which is the first gift of heaven. Go on and prosper. May the influence of your example be as diffusive as corruption hath been ! Truth like the ?un may be clouded, but cannot be extinguished No: it will, when it begins to dawn, pursue its course till it gains the perfect day. Then will the sons of ignorance and bigotry fly with dis- may, when the Lord shall scatter the one with the breath of his mouth, and eclipse the other in the brightness of his coming. Fox's letter at the end of your Apology is really an excellent one. I have translated it, to gratify a friend; and have been urged to publish it for general entertainment in some paper or magazine. I beg leave to ask you one question, Was you the author of a paper in the Theological Repository, signed Socrates Scho- lasticus ? I think I trace Mr. Lindsey in it. Eornuensis is the very person who is now writing to you ; and it would not in the least lessen my esteem and love of you, if I was sure that you had opposed me. In one respect I merited correction ; though in another respect it was doing me too much honour. Let this plead for my pertness. I was scarcely two-and-twenty when I writ that paper, and did it in a hurry, urged on by the warm solicitations of bigotry. I suppose you are acquainted with that worthy man Dr. Priestley. I am happy in his friendship, and owe much to his writings. 1 love every good man with the most sincere affection ; and in proportion as he is distinguished for the noble qualities of disinterested zeal and sincerity, so proportionably do I value and esteem him, as the highest character that earth can be blessed with. On these principles I am, dear Sir, Your most affectionate brother and friend, S. BADCOCK. To the Rev. Theoph. Lindsey. NO. VI.] APPENDIX. 391 No. VI. Extracts of Letters from the late Thomas Hollis, Esq. under the title of Pierce Delver, to the Rev. T. Lindsey. As I think to be well informed, Mrs. Macaulay has lately sold to Messrs. Dilly, booksellers, in the Poultry, the power of making an octavo edition of her works, she reserving her right afterward in those works for 9UO/. ! Also, the right of every future volume which she shall write, for one thousand pounds each volume ! It seems this lady thinks there will be three more volumes to the elevation of the house of Hanover. When those are written, she purposes to write the History of the Tudors. And then, to place a large Introduction before her History, which shall begin with the earliest account of Britain, and stride down to her his- tory of the Tudors. The bargain seems to be a good one on her part. But, to me, it would be a sad case to write of liberty, magnanimity, at a price, and against a season, at any price ! It seems for some time past, when only three volumes of her History were published, Mrs. M. wanted Mr. Cadell to buy the copyright of them, &c. ; but he chose not to meddle with her History in so imperfect, uncertain a state. On the present occasion, she has not said one word to him, though always in every shape most respectful toward her and vigilant to promote her interests. Mr. C. is rather concerned at her behaviour; and tells me that he should have been glad to have taken share in the octavo edition, but not in the agree- ment for the future unbegotten volumes at any rate. The other day I paid her a visit at her house in Berners Street, Oxford Road, on a particular occasion, by desire. That house, a new one, she has bought, and furnished handsomely. She had the air of a princess, out-Cornelised the Cornelisians, and had the frank Bath air upon her countenance. It seems she keeps two servants in laced liveries, treats cle- verly and elegantly, and in short, author or fine lady, surpasses all her sex. All this in confidence, for I respect her exceedingly, and she is to be maintained in much just commendation for her many extraordinary qualities and the cause sake. I am, with great esteem, Dear Sir, Your affectionate friend and most obedient servant, PIERCE DELVEK. 392 APPENDIX. [NO. vn. FROM THE SAMEt The writer considering the uncertainty and accidents of life, is desirous of sending a copy of a curious letter written to him by a worthy person, August 3, 1767. ff THOMAS SECKER was born about the year 1693 or 4, son of a reputable shopkeeper at Chesterfield, in Derbyshire. His sister married Sam. Wildbore, of Brewhouse-yard, near Nottingham, a protestant dissenter, and by trade a dyer. His brother George was put to the Coventry business, where he lived many years, a professed protestant dissenter; and, for aught 1 know, may yet live ; though the ABP has one of his sons in the church. " Thomas Seeker, after he left the Grammar-school, I think went to the Academy at Attercliff, and, however this, he finished at Sam. Jones's Academy in Tewksbury. There it was he wrote some letters in the controversy between Dr. S. Clarke and Leibnitz, on Liberty and Necessity, which gained him the Doctor's favour. " After this, he was some time with his sister aforesaid, in Brewhouse-yard, where he constantly attended the worship of the protestant dissenting church, under the pastoral care of the Rev. Mr. Bateson, with whom he was very familiar. " He then went to study physic at Leyden ; and then took the degree of M.D. * e Becoming acquainted with one of the sons of Dr. Talbot, Bishop of Durham, he travelled with him; when great affection for T. S. led the son to recommend him so strongly to the patron- age of the Bishop, that he gave him expectation of providing for him in the church : whereupon he went to Oxford, studied there some time, and would have exchanged his diploma of M.D. for that of D.D., but could not obtain any higher than LL.D., which is his signature to this day. " Bishop Talbot gave him a rich prebend in the Durham Cathedral, and also soon a great living. He married a lady in the Talbot family, as was thought by some in gratitude. Chan- cellor Talbot was his friend; and he thus had the ladder of pre- ferment made easy to him," No. VII. Letters from the Rev. W. Hopkins. DEAR SIR, Cuckfield, March 29, 1/84. I HAVE lately perused your Historical View of the State of the Unitarian Doctrine and Worship, and take an early oppor- tunity to express my grateful thanks for this useful and entertain- NO. VII.] APPENDIX. 393 ing history. But before I proceed to take any notice of the contents of it, I cannot help sending my sincere congratulation upon the victory you and Mrs. Lindsey have gained over one of the greatest temptations of human life, and have set a noble example of Christian fortitude, even in these times. You have laid a glorious foundation for the establishment of genuine Chris- tianity amongst all protestants, which of course will prove an excellent means to demolish the gross corruptions of popery, which derive some support from the flagrant errors yet remaining in protestant churches. In your Historical View I meet with many curious anecdotes with which I was unacquainted ; though several years ago, I was engaged in a scheme something resem- bling the Historical View, but was interrupted after some little progress made in it. I was very much surprised to find that the eminent Dr. Docldridge should contend for that very absurd notion of Christ's being possessed of two natures; but the vast convenience of being provided with a solution, well accommo- dated to reconcile the most palpable contradictions, had too much influence upon his mind. Philpot's case affords a strik- ing instance of a cruel persecuting temper, at the very time he was suffering himself for his religious principles. The cause of Christianity was at first supported and propagated by fair and open professions, though frequently attended with terrible evils. But it is to be lamented, that during the corrupt state of the apostate church, many nice arts have been employed to palliate established forms, and hinder the progress of the plain simplicity of the Gospel of Christ. Your strictures upon those great and good men, Sir Isaac Newton, Dr. Clarke, and Bishop Hoadly, are, I think, very just. What persecution could the bigots have inflicted upon such persons, since this family came to the throne, if they had taken very bold steps in maintaining the cause they certainly had at heart? It may perhaps appear not impertinent to take notice of a conversation that passed many years ago, when I was very young, at a worthy clergyman's house, who had been preferred by Bishop Hoadly, and likewise was intimate with Dr. Clarke. The clergyman was speaking in a soft and cautious way o.f his friend Dr. Clarke, and observed that lie could not make it do very well: in other plainer terms, it was difficult to make the Athanasian Creed consistent with subscription. But the Doctor, he said, could say as much for a lad cause as any o?ie. This declaration made a strong and lasting impression upon my mind. It only shows that the Doctor was an able pleader, and at the same time the cause was bad : and indeed I found by dear-bought experience, that it proved a bad cause to me. The learned Mr. Wasse, of whom you make mention, gave a noble example to the members of Oxford and Cam- 394 APPENDIX, [NO. vii. bridge, by his open professions and declaration of holding a debate with Dr. Potter, late Abp. of Canterbury, at that time Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford. I have been always of opinion, that the method proposed by Mr. Wasse was an excel- lent one, and am really concerned that this plan has never been imitated and reduced to practice. Of what use are theological debates, as commonly held by the Professors of Oxford and Cambridge, when the disputants are tied down to determine the questions proposed by established standards of orthodoxy? I cannot help my hearty approbation of your inserting Abp. Herring's letter to Dr. Jortin : I am of opinion that this letter will be of service to the cause. I have the satisfaction to find in the list of your worthies, names which I never heard of before: Viz. Mr. Maty, Mr. Harries, and Mr. Ross of Scotland. May the number of such worthy persons perpetually increase ! My own story relative to the cause is not worth relating, and I pass it off in silence. But I would just remind you, that you have omitted some Unitarians worthy of notice, viz. Gilbert Clerke, follow of a college in Cambridge before the Restoration. As the statutes obliged him to go into orders by a particular time, he made it his choice to resign his fellowship, and all pretensions to church preferment. The great Mr. Locke, the Rev. Mr. Tom- kins, the Rev. Mr. Gibbs, two dissenting ministers who were ejected from their congregations upon account of their Unitarian principles. Unitarians, as they are uniformly agreed in the grand points of the question, should carefully avoid disagreeable altercations upon their lesser differences. Upon a review, the whole of what I now maintain is no more than this, that the direct invocation of Christ is lawful upon some occasions, and that J cannot pro- test against the lawfulness of it, as I have openly done against the third and seventh petitions of the Litany, and all passages of a similar nature. It is now high time that I should make my sincere acknowledgements to you and Dr. Disney for the trouble you have given yourselves about my translation, which I find is clone in an handsome manner. I heartily wish all possible suc- cess to your ministry at the Chapel in Essex Street, and lihwise to the Society; and am, dear Sir, with my respectful compli- ments to Doctor and Mrs. Disney, to Dr. and Mrs. Jebb, and Mrs. Lindsey, Your much obliged friend, W. HOPKINS. P. S. Unless my memory deceive me, for I am not in pos- session of the tracts, Dr. Price and Dr. Priestley had a friendty debate upon liberty and necessity. I profess myself strongly NO. VII.] APPENDIX. 395 attached to the cause of moral liberty in the strictest sense, in opposition to necessity of every kind, whether arising from ex- ternal or internal causes. If I remember right, Dr. Price main- tained his point, viz. liberty, in an able and rational way; but when he came to the grand difficulty, which has perplexed the best writers upon the subject, viz. how to reconcile prescience with liberty, he seemed distressed. It has generally been taken for granted on both sides, that divine prescience must be admit- ted as a truth. But really I entertain very great doubts, occa- sioned by a careful perusal of a chapter in Crellius De Sapientia Dei, which does not seem to have engaged the attention of the learned so much as it deserves. A rational and sensible person was going to write upon this subject, to whom I recommended this chapter of Crellius ; but as he was unacquainted with the learned languages, I engaged to translate part of the chapter. If Dr. Price has never seen this chapter, and Crellius's works have not fallen in his way, I should esteem it as a favour if you would present my respects to him, and beg of him to accept of this translation, if not disagreeable, which possibly may tend to illustrate a subject he has frequently considered. The person for whom it was originally intended has been dead some time. If the Doctor be in possession of Crellius's works, I must ask his pardon for this impertinence, as I am sensible he understand^ the language much better than the translator. 'Tis proper to add that I did not translate the whole chapter. FROM THE SAME. DEAR SIR, Cuckfield, April 29, 1/84. LAST week your extraordinary favour came to hand, and I think myself obliged to take an early opportunity to acknowledge with gratitude the kind and friendly manner with which you treat me. I thought it not improper to take notice of some names omitted in your very useful work, and am really surprised that the learned Mr. Peirce should escape my observation, of whom I had conceived an high opinion, and some of whose excellent works I have in my possession. With respect to Mr. Gilbert Clerke, I can communicate no other particulars than what you may find in Mr. Nelson's Life of Bishop Bull (pag. 497, 499, 502, 508 513). He seems to have given an impartial account of the Life and Character of Mr. Gilbert Clerke j but what was naturally to be expected, he speaks slightingly of his perform- ances, in part of which he presumed to differ from the celebrated Defender of the Nicene Faith. The Bishop, as you rightly ob- serve, treats poor Mr. Clerke in an indecent manner, more espe- cially as Mr. Nelson himself has given him a good character ; I call him poor, for in one part of his life he ran the hazard, for 39G APPENDIX, [NO. VIK the sake of conscience, of wanting the common necessaries of life. As I have the tract of Mr. Clerke, upon which Bishop Bull made animadversions, I compared them together many years ago, and I find this observation in a vacant space hefore the title page, " The famous Bull wrote animadversions upon this treatise, but he has left many arguments without the least appearance of an answer, which strongly support the Unitarian cause j this cause indeed is founded upon such powerful evidence, as cannot be overthrown by the >vit of man." I am inclined to judge, that Bull saw something which he could not answer, and this raised his indignation. I entirely agree with Mr. Clerke, that Bull, iu the last section of his Defence, relative to the subordination, had yielded great part of the question up to the Unitarians or, rather, had given it quite up. Subordination, in any sense, absolutely demolishes the Athanasian system. All that appears of Mr. Philip Gibbs is, that as he had been bred up in the Calvinistic plan, upon a more exact examination of Scripture, and the study of the best authors, he became an Unitarian, and gave up pre- destination, original sin, &c. In consequence of his conviction, he addressed a letter to his congregation, wherein he openly and fairly delivered his sentiments : upon which they desired him to withdraw peaceably from their communion. He was after- ward taken into partnership with a considerable tradesman, and died within a few years in that station. Be pleased to return my best respects to Dr. Price, for taking in good part what I thought might prove useful to his design. But I find a disinclination in many learned persons to give up the divine prescience. Crellius, I really think, has argued the point with sagacity and deep penetration, and has stated the case in such a guarded manner, as not to break in upon om- niscience itself, when understood in a perfectly rational sense ; and h#s likewise made it consistent with prophecies delivered in the Old and New Testament. 1 did not translate the whole chapter, but am of opinion that the whole deserves the careful perusal of curious Beraeans. I perused several years ago with peculiar satisfaction Dr. Price's Review of the principal Ques- tions and Difficulties of Morals, and likewise his four Disserta- tions. I objected only to one sentence in his dissertation on Providence, which it is not necessary to mention, as it has been taken notice of by ethers; and the Doctor, I dare say, can guess at my meaning. I gave my hearty assent to his Political Trea- tise, published at a seasonable time, well calculated to answer those purposes the worthy author had in view, and which, I be- lieve, have been eventually answered. I sincerely wish him joy of his success. Upon the whole I ought to acknowledge with gratitude, that I have received considerable improvement and NO. VII.] APPENDIX. 397 much rational pleasure from the excellent writings of Dr. Price, which have engaged my attention, but am not qualified to form a proper judgement of that part of them which are taken up in curious and nice calculations, as being deficient in that branch of science. I must beg the favour of you to express my parti- cular satisfaction to Dr. Priestley, for the very candid observa- tion he has made on our difference of sentiments, which shews a disposition to promote peace and harmony among Christians, and possibly an uniform agreement in some grand and essential points through the whole Christian world. If Dr. Priestley judges that there is no real difference betwixt him and Dr. Price, the same thing may be said of myself, as, unless I am mistaken, we are very nearly of the same sentiments. I certainly have ex- pressed myself in a way different from that of Dr. Priestley, with regard to some opinions he has published, and at the same time have esteemed him for several of his practical treatises, which have fallen in my way. I sincerely believe that he is well disposed to promote the cause of natural and revealed religion, which plainly appears from his tracts on that subject, and which I had an opportunity of reading some time ago with satisfaction. I am a stranger to his philosophical discoveries and disquisitions, as having never acquired any thing farther than a superficial knowledge of that science, which he has so happily cultivated and improved. I heartily wish him success in all his commend- able undertakings : philosophy, when in the hands of a truly religious and ingenious person, has a natural tendency to display the glory of the One Supreme God and Father of all. You guess right about the book relative to the controversy of neces- sity betwixt Dr. Price and Dr. Priestley, it not being in my pos- session, and so should be glad to accept of your kind offer. With respect to Dr. Priestley's present undertaking, by that little acquaintance I had formerly with the primitive fathers, I am induced to believe that the Doctor will be able to prove his point to the satisfaction of unprejudiced inquirers. It gives me peculiar satisfaction, that any thing I haye done relating to the book of Exodus has your approbation ; only I would observe, that your candid opinion of the author has pre- vailed upon you to pass a too favourable sentence. I thought it right to speak my mind freely of Dr. Kennicott's short attempt to please the reputed orthodox, and presume he could not have taken it amiss, if he had been alive. You are so very obliging as to think of mentioning my name among the worthies, if your very useful work should come to a second edition, which I heartily wish it may for the public good ; but I make this request, that, if upon a review you should judge it improper i'n any respect to mention my name, you would suppress it. I am very much 398 APPENDIX. [NO. vii. concerned to hear of Dr. Jebb's precarious state of health ; but you express some hopes that he may get the better of it, which I sincerely wish may prove the case. You tell me great news concerning the Bishops : surely a review will be attempted at last, and possibly I may have the pleasure of seeing something actually done in the glorious cause before 1 die, though far ad- vanced in years. I am, dear Sir, with my kind respects to Mrs. Lindsey, Doctor and Mrs. Disney, Doctor and Mrs. Jebb, Your very affectionate friend, and deeply obliged humble servant, W. HOPKINS. FROM THE SAME, AND MARKED BY MR. LINDSEY, " THE EXCELLENT MR. HOPKINs's LAST LETTER." DEAR GOOD SIR, Cuckfield, December 17, 1785. I HOPE to be able to send you some sort of answer to your very kind and Christian letter, which I received the last post. With respect to my scruples relating to church matters, they are entirely removed by your determination. Your solicitous concern for my welfare is very engaging, and which you have plainly shown by procuring for me a very handsome present from a worthy member of the Society. I accept of it with grateful thanks, as my imprudent son has very much wasted my substance by his vicious extravagance; but still I am provided with a de- cent support by proper management. I will take care to employ a person some day next week to call at your house for the gene- rous gift. And as you think my name may be something in the Society book, though a poor something, I revoke my design of having it struck out, and refer the time of my little payment to you and the Society. I cannot conclude without taking notice, that your charity in- duces you to entertain a more favourable opinion than I really deserve; neither ought I to put myself upon a footing with such worthy persons as yourself, who have maintained an unblemished character all their lives; that of a poor humble penitent is all that I can justly claim. May the One Supreme God and Father of all give a blessing and success to all your sincere endeavours to promote the cause of his true religion, and likewise those of your worthy associates ! and may all possible success attend the Christian Society which you have formed for the same excellent purpose ! which is the earnest prayer of, Good sir, Your highly obliged fitend, and humble servant, W. HOPKINS. NO. IX.] APPENDIX. No. IX. P. Courayer to the Rev. T. Lindsey. DEAR MR. LINDSEY*, A Percy Lodge, ce 29 Septembre, 1/51, JE suis charme que votre progres dans la langue Frangoise vous rende ma recommandation inutile. Car par vous mthne votis saurez assez vous recommander a ceux avec qui vous ferez connoissance. La science et la bonne conduite sont tin excellent passe-par-tout aupres de tous les honnetes gens. Quoi que je ne puisse convenir avec Mr. de St. Feme que rna retraite ait etc une perte pour personne, je suis persuade, corame lui, que si j'etois reste en France je n'y aurois pu demeurer sans m'exposer a de grandes difficultez et a quelques dangers; -et quelque mortification que j'aye eu a souffrir en quittant une societe et un pais ou. je vivois avec agre'ment et satisfaction, je ne me repens, point de cette demarche, qui m'a dedommage de ce que j'ai perdu par les avantages que j'ai retrouvez ici, et qui a mis ma conscience a convert des troubles et des tentations aax quelles elle auroit etd exposee en demeurant dans ma patrie, Rien n'est plus triste, comme vous 1'observez, que de volr les hommes se persecuter pour des opinions sur des points ob- scurs, dont la decision est aussi incertaine que le sont les points memes en question, et qui d'ailleurs n'ont que tres peu d'mflu- ence sur les moeurs et la conduite des hommes. Mais on veut dominer sur la foi des autres; et la meme ambition qui porte les princes a etendre leurs domaines, engage les theologiens a vou- loir faire regner leurs opinions. C'est -un mal aussi ancien que le monde, et il y a long terns que, comme 1'a dit un ancien, rhomme se comporte en bete feroce a regard des antresj homo homini lupus. Que faire pour remedier a ce mal ? En gemir devant Dieu, lui demander la grace de changer le co2ur des hom- mes, et de les ramener a des sentimens plus eclairez, censwrer cet esprit de domination quand 1'occasion se pre*sente de le faire avec utilite, et si on ne peut reformer les autres, s'eloigner soi meme d'une pareille disposition, et laisser la liberte" a chacun d suivre ses propres lumieres en conservant I'esprit d'union et de charit6 qui fait proprement 1'essence de la religion. La demande que vous me faites est si vague que je ne saurois pour cette fois y repondre. Vous me priez de vous faire cou- noitre quelques petits traitez que vous puissiez vous procurer. Je ne sais ce que vous entendez par la. Sont-ce des ttaites de piete, ou de controverse, ou de belles lettres ? Sont-ce o des ouvrages de morale ou des sermons, ou simplement des ouvrage* d'esprit? Pardonnez moi de ne rien repondre a une demande qui est trop g<^nerale pour que je puisse y satisfaire. * So in the original. 400 APPENDIX. [NO. ix. J'ai pris part coiumc toute la France a la naissance du Due de Bourgogne. Je crois m6mc que c'est un bien pour toute 1'Europe, qu'un defaut de succession pourroit rengager dans une guerre generale. Mou exil ne me rend point insensible aux avantages de ma patrie. Mais comme ce n'est pas tout d'avoir un prince a moins qu'il ne soit bon, mes voeux presentement se bornent a en souhaiter un qui fasse le bonheur de son royaume, et qui rende ses peuples aussi heureux que &a naissance leur domic de satisfaction. Apre quatre mois de sejour a Percy Lodge, je m'en retourne cette semaine il Londres. J'ai la satisfaction de laisser la Du- chesse en assez bonne sante. Je lui en souhaite la continuation, d'autant plus que d'elle depend le support et la subsistance de bieti des pauvres aux besoins desquels sa charite fournit. Je ne sais si je dois vous faire mes complimens sur les bt'ndfices que My Lord Northumberland vous offie. Le plus considerable n'est qu'un depot, que je ne regarde pas trop comme 1-egitime, et que nous regardons en France comme une sorte de simonie. L'autre ne vous donne qu'une simple subsistance, et vous m'avez souvent avoue que vous ne vous contenteriez pas d'une cure qui lie vous donnat pas de quoi fournir aux pauvres dont vous seriez charge. Ainsi j'attens que vous ayez pris votre resolution pour savoir si je dois vous en feliciter. Mr. Cowslad vous fait ses complirnens, quoi qu'il soit en colere que vous ne lui ayez pas envoye" la recette de la creme de Blois qu'il vous avoit demandee. Mes tendres amities a Mr. de St. Perne, et mes complimens a My Lord Warkworth, a qui je souhaite la continuation de sa sante. Comme je suppose que la Duchesse vous mande les nouvelles courantes, je ne me charge point de ce detail. 11 n'est question pour moi que de m'entretenir dans votre souvenir, et de vous demander la continuation de votre amide. Personne ne la merite mieux, s'il suffit pour la meriter d'avoir pour vous autant d'estime et d'attachement que j'en ai. II ne tiendra qu'a vous de me fournir quelque occasion de vous en donner des preuvee, et de vous couvaincre que personne n'est plus sincerement, Mon cher ami, Votre tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur, P. fr. LE COURAYER. A Monsieur Monsieur Lindsey. NO. X.] APPENDIX. 401 No. X. From William Wells, Esq. of Boston in New England, to the Author. MY DEAR SIR, Boston, March 21, 1812. 1 AM glad to hear you received the sermons safe. About six weeks ago I forwarded to Mr. Freme a parcel for you, contain- ing the first No. of " The General Repository and Review." For this you are indebted to Mr. B. I think a letter from him accompanied the Review, but am not sure, as I took no memo- randum of the contents of the parcel. A second number will shortly appear, which shall be forwarded by the earliest oppor- tunity. I believe I mentioned in my last the name of the editor, Mr. Norton, an excellent young man. Of his abilities you will be able to judge. I think the first article, and the review of the Horsleian and Priestleian controversy display a soundness of judgement which at his age is rare. A number of young men who have taken their bachelor's degree now reside at Cambridge as theological students. Several of them are the sons of men of fortune, some, as far as I can judge, of superior talents ; and all are pursuing their professional studies with a zeal which is well directed by the very worthy and learned Dr. Ware, professor of divinity, and Dr. Kirkland the president, and an honesty which is entirely unfettered and unbiassed by any system whatever. We have to contend here, as you in England^ for the first prin- ciples of protestantism, but I see no reason to fear that the en- suing generation will be destitute of able champions for the right of private judgement. With regard to the progress of Unitarianism, I have but little to say. Its tenets have spread very extensively in New England, but I believe there is only one church professedly Unitarian. The churches at Portland and Saco, of which you speak, hardly ever saw the light, and exist no longer. The Mr. Thacher who was formerly a member of Congress, and the Judge T. whom Mr. Merrick mentions, are the same. He is one of the Judges of our Supreme Court, an excellent man and most zealous Uni- tarian. He is now on the circuit in this town, and tells me he is obliged on Sunday to stay at home, or to hear a Calvinistic minister. He is no relation to our friend. Most of our Boston clergy and respectable laymen (of whom we have many enlightened theologians) are Unitarian. Nor do they think it at all necessary to conceal their sentiments upon these subjects, but express them without the least hesitation when they judge it proper. I may safely say, the general habit of thinking and speaking upon this question in Boston, is Uni- tarian. At the same time the controversy is seldom or never 2D 402 APPENDIX. [NO. x. introduced into the pulpit. I except the Chapel church. If publications make their appearance attacking Unitarian senti- ments, they are commonly answered with spirit and ability ; hut the majority of those who are Unitarian are perhaps of these sentiments, without any distinct consciousness of being so. Like the first Christians, finding no sentiments but those in the N.T. and not accustomed to hear the language of the N. T. strained and warped by theological system-makers, they adopt naturally a just mode of thinking. This state of things appears to me so favourable to the dis- semination of correct sentiments, that I should perhaps regret a great degree of excitement in the public mind upon these sub- jects. The majority would eventually be against us. The ig- norant, the violent, the ambitious, and the cunning, would carry the multitude with them in religion as they do in politics. One Dr. M., in a contest for spreading his own sentiments among the great body of the people, would, at least for a time, beat ten Priestleys. Not to dwell upon the consideration, that Uni- tarianism consists rather in not believing; and that it is more easy to gain proselytes to absurd opinions, than to make men zealous in refusing to believe, with what arms, when the ol noXXoi are the judges, can virtue and learning and honour contend with craft and cunning and equivocation and falsehood and intolerant zeal ? Learning is worse than useless, virtue is often diffident of her own conclusions, and, at any rate, more anxious to render men good Christians, than to make them Christians of her own denomination; and that self-respect, which is the companion of virtue, disdains to meet the low cunning of her adversaries, or to flatter the low prejudices of her judges. I think then it must be assumed as an axiom, that a persevering controversy upon this question would render the multitude bigoted and persecuting talvinists. Then come systems and catechisms in abundance. Every conceited deacon, every parishioner who has, or thinks he has, a smattering in theology, becomes the inquisitor of his pas- tor. In such circumstances learning and good sense have no chance. They cannot even be heard. The violent party here have chosen to meet their opponents upon very unfavourable ground. Instead of making it a cause of orthodoxy against heresy, they have very unwisely preferred to insist upon a subscription to articles of faith. Tin's has given great offence to many who are disposed to be in favour of their creed, and thrown them into the opposite scale. Dr. Osgood is really orthodox in sentiment, but a noble and determined sup- porter of the right of private judgement, and on the best pos- sible terms with our Boston friends. This is also the case with the venerable Dr. Lathrop of West-Springfield, Mr. Palmer's NO. XI.] APPENDIX. 403 friend, and many others. In short, we are now contending for the liberty of being Protestants. If we can persuade the people (and we stand upon advantageous ground) that we have the right to think upon religious subjects as our consciences and the scriptures direct, things will go on very well. Learning, good sense, and virtue will then produce their natural effects ; and just modes of thinking upon subjects of this nature, as upon all others, will necessarily prevail. Will you, my dear Sir, excuse my unintentional prolixity ? I do not know that you will approve my sentiments, nor am I very confident of their justness; but I have seen the contest between truth and falsehood, before the multitude ; between every thing which is respectable, and every thing which is detest- able, so unequal in politics, that I dread the event in matters of religion. Still I would be no advocate for timidity, much less for any thing like equivocation or evasion; and it must be con- fessedj that prudence often degenerates into these vices. I remain, dear Sir, with the greatest esteem, Yours affectionately, To the Rev. Thomas Belsham. W. WELLS, JUN. No. XL From the Rev. Thomas Fyshe Palmer, to Mr. Lindsey; giving some account of his treatment on board the Surprize transport. MY DEAR SIR, N. S. Wales, Sydney, Sept. 15, 1795. IT was with inexpressible pleasure that I again saw your hand- writing; receiving your letter and parcel of books safe, for which I am much obliged to you. I long to read with attention the Commentary on the Revelation, which I believe will nearly (from a hasty glimpse of it) meet my own ideas. I am happy to find that my edition of Elwall is in the hands of a person who will give them away: it was printed for that very purpose, nor must I allow your kind partiality to frustrate it. I must begin with telling you that we have all enjoyed unin- terrupted health, excepting that landing with weak eyes, and using them very much at the time, the common malady of the climate has ever since grievously affected them, so that I have been obliged to give over reading and writing. But they are now considerably better. By this time you will, I imagine, have received the dismal nar- rative of my sufferings on board the Surprize ; the master of which 2D2 404 APPENDIX. [NO. XI* accused me and Mr. Skin ing of hiring people to murder him and the principal officers. He pitched on some unhappy people a- our associates, and what he made them and us endure is hardly to be credited. It must have been more than human help which supported me. One week of it at any other time would have dispatched me. In the torrid /one when 1 could not bear the covering of my shirt, Mr. Skirving and I were shut up in a box six feet square, and not suffered to pass the threshold. At night, as a vast indulgence, we were separated, and I laid in a bed not merely wet but soaked through with salt water and rain, which my tyrant would not permit me or my friends to dry. The pre- tended associates were much worse treated ; every cruelty and every artifice were employed to make them accuse us. They were flogged, and illegally reduced to half allowance. They were loaded with sixty pounds weight of irons, and all chained to an iron bar and exposed on the poop all weather, in that dreadful temperature. When I landed, six or seven people went volun- tarily to a magistrate, and swore that C. offered them great re- wards if they would swear that I and Mr. Skirving hired them to murder him and the principal officers, that he held a pistol in his hand and threatened to shoot some if they did not, and to treat them as we traitors were. The whole of this I have entrusted to Mr. White, principal surgeon of the settlement, who went home in the Daedalus in December last. I believe I should have fallen before my inhuman tyrant, had it not been for the courageous and active friendship of James Ellis and Mr. Boston, the young man I wrote to you about, and his wife. They were threatened with irons, even Mrs. Boston ; and when Mr. Boston landed, C. blasted all his prospects by accusing him of jacobinism and drinking destruction to the K . This last was proved to be an infamous falsehood. They gave another signal proof of their friendship. Somehow or other their knowledge of the arts was spread abroad at Rio de Janeiro, and the Viceroy paid them every attention, kept a splendid table for them, had a man of rank to attend them, set them to work, and, when convinced of their abi- lity, offered them any sum to set up in business, and 300/. per annum each to settle at Rio. They firmly rejected the offer (though both were without a shilling), and every solicitation made use of for their compliance, as it was their firm belief that C. would have murdered me in their absence. After such kindness it followed of course that we lived together, and that they shared what I had. It was fortunate for them that I had something left from the plunder of C. and his crew. The destructive and op- pressive monopoly of the military officers forbad every one to pur- chase of the ships that came to this harbour. The military offi- cers alone bought, and resold to all the colony at 1000 per cent. NO. XI.] APPENDIX. 405 profit, and often more. They firmly, but in guarded language, insisted on the rights of British subjects to carry on any trade, not prohibited, in one of His Majesty's harbours. This irritated the whole governing despotic power of the settlement against them. They were refused a grant, servants, and never employed, though, by making salt and curing fish, they could have saved the colony from a famine. Where every thing is so immensely dear, you may guess that it has laid heavy on me ; but my money could not have been so well employed. The worst is over. They ma- nufacture beer, vinegar, salt, soap, &c. for sale. I have a farm. But, above all, Governor Hunter, who is, I hear from ail hands, a good man, and their friend, is arrived, and the despotism and infamous monopolies of the last government are no more. The clergyman here, Mr. Johnson, is a most dutiful son of the church of England, thinking it to be the best constituted church in the world. He is a Moravian rnethodist, and was bred, I be- lieve, at Magdalen, Cambridge. I believe him to be a very good, pious, inoffensive man. None of our household ever have heard him, though I confess I could have heard him yesterday with plea- *ure. It was tile first Sunday after Governor Hunter's arrival. He exposed the last government, their extortion, their despot- ism, their debauchery and ruin of the colony, driving it almost to famine by the sale of liquors at 1200 per cent, profit. He con- gratulated the colony at the abolition of a military government, and the restoration of a civil one, and of the laws. Orders are this day, Tuesday, given out, that no officer shall sell any more liquor. I rejoice to hear of the safety, the care, and the reception of Dr. Priestley, and the door of usefulness opened to him in America. I have sealed up my letter to Mr. Rutt. I must therefore de- sire you to get our mutual friend Dyer to tell him that I have re- ceived his letter of June 23d, and the parcel of newspapers and pamphlets, and especially the highly interesting (to us) Reports of the Secret Committee, sent to the care of Mr. Johnson. He must tell him that I am overwhelmed with his goodness, and only fear that I shall not show myself sufficiently deserving of it. He must know that Mr. Muir lives with me, and that he, Skir- ving, and I live in great cordiality; our houses at Sydney are con- tiguous, as also our farms in the country. I have written by every conveyance, and by the last to Dr. Disney, to whom and Mrs. Disney I must beg to be particularly remembered. Mrs. Lindsey will accept of my best regard; her spectacles often recall her to my mind. Farewell, dear Sir. I hope it is reserved for me to see you 406 APPENDIX. [NO. xii. again in this state ; and I earnestly pray never to be separated from you in the next. I am your affectionate and obliged THOS. FYSHE PALMER. To the Rev. Mr. Lindsey, Essex-street, London. No. XII. Select Extracts from the Letters of Dr. Priestley to Mr. Lindsey, and from Thomas Jefferson, Esq. President of the United States, to Dr. Priestley. FROM DR. PRIESTLEY. Birmingham, Aug. 26, 1 "89. THE Archdeacon had indeed an euthanasia, and I find his friend the Bishop of Carlisle died about the same time, and at about the same age. They have been useful men in their day, and you justly observe none are without their failings, and least of all great minds. This I see confirmed, and I am sorry to see it so much so, in Beausobre's History of the Reformation, which I have read through with peculiar satisfaction. Luther had great delects indeed, and of a very disagreeable kind ; especially envy, and dis- like of other reformers. He wished all to follow him, and was angry if they went one step farther. His behaviour to Carlostadt and Zuinglius, &c. is inexcusable. But he had great and good qualities notwithstanding, and would, I doubt not, have been an intrepid martyr. Beausobre is far more satisfactory than Slei- dan, but I am sorry that he goes no farther than the year 1530. He certainly meant to have written more. The last volume is particularly interesting In a letter from Mr. Palmer in Scotland, you will see that he corresponds with Mr. Robinson, of Cambridge, as an avowed Unitarian. But he ought to make a public declaration, after what he has written FROM THE SAME. Birmingham, Oct. 3, 1789. AT my return I found a letter from Mr. Tayleur, with a bill of 150 pounds for the expencesof my Ecclesiastical History. I told him I apprehended it would be considerably tqo much, and that 1 should consult with you, and did not doubt we should dispose of the overplus to his satisfaction. I send you the letter and bill, which I wish you would put into the hands of Mr. Chambers, who, as usual, will give a receipt, and allow interest fur it. How uu- NO. XII.] APPENDIX. 407 boundedly generous Mr. Tayleur is ! I may well afford to give my books, when they are paid for beforehand. Before I took my journey I ordered 25 copies of my History of Early Opinions to be sent to you. I am told they were immediately sent by a waggon that goes to the Castle and Falcon, Aldersgate-street. You say nothing about the parcel, and therefore it has not been delivered. I am really desirous of giving a great part of the im- pression. I cannot consider them as my property, and only wish to place them where they may be of the most use. You will be pleased to be informed, that at Manchester I met with two Unitarian street-preachers, men of good sense and great zeal, who had read hardly any thing besides the Bible, nothing of mine or yours. They are Baptists, and 14 in number; not more than two months' standing. One of them had been in Mr. Wesley's connection. As they had hired a building for their meetings in the winter, and were at expense in travelling to preach in the neighbouring towns, &c. I gave them five guineas. They are all working men. I was exceedingly pleased with their conversation. They told me of another society of the same kind in York of 60 members ; and others are forming in different places. Young Mr. Toulmin was with me, and gave them some of my small pieces ; and I promised to send them other books. The name of one of them was John Laycock, and the other Burton. Two others of their friends were also preachers. They ENDIX. [NO. xil. satisfaction with respect to his conduct. In my situation such books are invaluable, especially as my deafness confines me in a manner at home, and my extreme weakness prevents my making any excursions. Winter also keeps me from my laboratory, so that reading and composing are my sole occupation and amuse- ment. Here too 1 have not the convenience of borrowing books. This situation, however, is not without its advantages. I have abundant leisure, and I have endeavoured to make the most of it. I have now finished and transcribed for the press my Comparison of the Principles of the Grecian Philosophers with those of Reve- lation, and with more ease, and more to my own satisfac-"- tion, than I expected. They who liked my pamphlet entitled <( Socrates and JPSUS compared" will not, I flatter myself, dis- like this work. It has the same object, and completes the scheme. It has increased my own sense of the unspeakable value of reve- lation, and must, I think, that of every person who will give due attention to the subject. We are all anxious to hear the result of the threatened inva- sion. I have some faint hopes that it will not be undertaken, at least upon England. What confusion and distress would it not occasion in the most favourable issue ! God preserve you, my friend, from the general calamity ! How enviable is our situation compared to yours ! Our only consolation must arise from re- garding the hand of God in all events, confident that the final issue will be right and good. Yours and Mrs. Lindsey's most affectionately, J. PRIESTLEY. N. B. This is the last letter which Dr. Priestley wrote to his venerated and beloved friend. That truly great and excellent man, whose active spirit was incessantly engaged in devising or performing something for the interest of truth and virtue, was re- leased from his labours and sufferings on the 4th of February fol- lowing, a little more than a fortnight after writing this letter. No. XIII. The following is a Catalogue of Mr. Lindsey's Pub- lications. 1 . A Farewell Address to the Parishioners of Catterick. 2. An Apology on resigning the Vicarage of Catterick. 3. A Sequel to the Apology. 4. A Sermon preached at the Opening of the Chapel in Essex Street, April 17, 1774. NO. XIII.] APPENDIX. 423 5. The Book of Common Prayer Reformed for the Use of the Chapel in Essex Street, with Hymns. 6. A Sermon preached in Essex Street on Opening the New Chapel, March 29, 1778. 7. Two Dissertations. First, On the Preface to St. John's Gospel Secondly, On Praying to Christ. 8. The Catechist, or An Inquiry concerning the only true God, and Object of Worship. 9. An Historical View of the State of the Unitarian Doctrine and Worship. 10. Vindidce Priestleiance. An Address to the Students of Oxford and Cambridge. 1 1 . A Second Address to the same. 12. An Examination of Mr. Robinson's Plea for the Divinity of Christ. 13. A List of false Readings and Mistranslations of the Scrip- tures. 14. Conversations on Christian Idolatry, 15. A Sermon on Forms of Prayer. 1 6. A Sermon addressed to the Congregation in Essex Street on resigning the Pastoral Office among them. 17. Conversations on the Divine Government, showing that every thing is from God and for Gpod to all. 1802. 18. Sermons with appropriate Prayers annexed, 2 vols. Print- ed for J. Johnson and Co., St. Paul's Churchyard. Richard and Ar(hu.r Taylor, PnnUn, Skat-Lane, Lundun. Lately pullished 9 Price 3?. CMKISTIAN'ITY PLEADING THE PATRONAGE OF THE CIVIL POWER, BUT PROTESTING AGAINST THE AID OF PENAL LAV'S. CONSIDERED IN THREE SERMONS PREACHED IN ESSEX STREET CHAPEL, BY THE REV. THOMAS BELSHAM, MIMSTtR OF TH CHAPJ.J-. Fides guadenda est, non imperanda. Augnatin. London : printed for Rowland Hunter, Successor to Mr. Johnson, No. 7-, St. Paul's Church-yard. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. I SEF 1 1964 INTERLIBRARY I CANS i AUG 1 1 1964 FOUR WEEKS FROM DATE C NON-RENEWABLE r\ . AUG 31 ibo< A.M. P.M. 41516 CTD J IL 1Q7B HuCiD pfljiBlB 4 Rec'd UCRSFP 83.13 ^i SEP231979 Form L9-50m-4,'61(B8994s4)444 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY iiiiiliiiii 1 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiii muni A 001 435 222 3