BX 7*6,0 Dr. Colman's S E R M O N on of the very Reverend Mr. Teter Tbacher ^BOSTON. g^5 m --' *~ -- Faithful PASTORS Angels of the Churches. A SERMON Preached to the ;'* /, ^Bereaved FlocJ^ March 4. 1739. On the Lord's-Day after the Funeral of the Reverend Mr. Peter Tbacber of Boflon. JEcat. 62. And now printed at their Defire. By ^Benjamin Colman, D- D. Revel, ii. i. Unto the Angel of tie Clurcl of\ Ephefus, Write tlefe flings j faith He that hath the feven Stars in his right Hand^ who walketb in the midft of the feven golden Candleftlcks. BOSTON: Printed by J. draper, for D. Henclman and S. Eliot in Cornhill. 1739. ' I i| ill l| ill I' ii 111 ill II IllPilPi PHI II IlllliiiUPilll f?*%-iH?^^* w 1^ Faithful Paftors THE Angels of the Churches. R E V E L. I. 20. THE Myftery of the Jeven Stars which tbou faw- ejt In my right Hand, and the feven golden Candlefticks : The (even Stars are THE ANGELS of the (even Churches, and the (even Candkfticks which tbonfaweft are the feven Churches. HE beloved Difciple Job*; who had lain in the Bofom of Jefui in the Days of his Fleihj was honoured by Him to out-live the other dfoftles, and to receive his laft Reve lations to the Church. ~~ From JESUS CHRIST, the faithful r andfrfl begotten of the Dead, he wrote to Churches which were inAfia by Name; and calls hitnfelf their Brother and Companion In Tribulation, and in the Kingdom and farttncc ofjefus Cbrift* He Pa ft or s He writes to 'em of His Eternal Power and God-head^ " I am jtlpha and Omega, the Beginning and ibe Ending, faith the LORD, 'which is and which was and which is to come, the Almighty ! He writes to 'em of his fecond coming in Glory 7 Behold, He cometh with Clouds, and every Eye fh all fee Him, and they alfa which pierced Him, and all Kindreds of the Earth Jhall wail becatije of Him : Even ft, Amen, St. John was now in the IJle called Patwes, an Exile there and Prifiner for the Ttflimony ofjefus Chrift his Lord ; and there on the Lord's-Day he was in the Spirit, in a fpiritual Trance, Extafy or Rapture ; and heard behind him a great Voice as as of a Trumpet and turning to fee the Voice that (pake to him, he faw /even golden Candle- flicks, and in the midft of them One like the Son of Man, his dear Lord and Saviour himfelf 5 but O how chang'd and more than transfigured, in an ineffable Glory! fo that iriftead of flying .into his b!eiled Arms again, as in the Days of eld, he fell at his Feet as dead ! For his Eyes were as a Flame of Fire, and his Feet as if they had burnt in a Furnace, and his Voice was as the Sound. of many Waters and He had in his right Hand (even Stars, and out of his Mouth went a fharp two-edged Sworcl^ and his Countenance was as the Sun filming in its ftrength -- No wonder then if the holy and moft favoured Di/ciple was Jaz,kJ and ftruck dead before the (urprifing Glo ry / but the Lord laid his Hand of Power and Love upon him, which fuftain'd and revived him $ laying to him," Fear not, I am the Fivffi and the Lafl ! I am he that Hveth and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore ^ Awen, and ba-vt the Key of Hades. Reviving JfW, which is 'Angels of the Churches'. 5 is Life from the Dead to Ton this Day, bereaved of your Elder Pajlor ! the Lives of all his faithful Minlfters, and of all his Saints, thro' all his Churches, are in the right Hand ot the rlfc# and living JESUS. And now my Text brings us to the Myflery of the leven Stars, and of the feven golden Candle- flicks j the Candlefticks are the Churches, and the Stars are the fining and burning Lights fet up in them 5 Minifters in the Spirit of the Baptift, as he came in the Spirit of Elias, to give Witnefs unto Chrlfl the Sun of Righteoufnefs : We preach Hint the trueLlght ; and his Word which is theLlght that fiimth In a dark World. Now thefe Stars, thefe Minifars of the Word, are called ANGELS, the Angek of the Churches ; which is to fay, the MeJJcvgers of the Lord of Hofts unto them, bringing his Word of Truth and Life, the Light of 1 be Knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Jefus Chrlft. This Light of God in 'em and on 7 em, which makes them fhine on and give Light to others, both makes 'em Stars, and (what is more than Stars ) it makes 'em Angels. It is this lajt Word only that I fliall now at tempt to explain and illuftrate to You, and fo the My fiery and Dottrlne before us is, DOCTRINE. f c That the qualified faithful Minifters of the Gofpcl, and Taflors of the Churches of our LORD JESUS, are in his Sight, and ought to be efteemed by #/, as his ANGELS to them; You 4 Faithful Pajtort You will fay, This is a high Style indeed / and founds much too high, if the LORD Himfelf had not given it, for any of the fintul mortal Sons of Men. For what a Soleclfm were it to (peak of an Infirm imperfect Angel ! of a dying Or ! dead Angel ! But it is the Soul that is the Angel, in the Body or out of the Body / And as it is eafy to the Grace of God to make fome Perfons Angelical in this mortal State, fo if He pleafe to call them Angels in Flefh, who fhall prefutnc to difallow the Style ? No Angel in Heaven will find fault with it, and no Man on Earth may, Man in his firft and beft State was made lower than Angels, and but a little lower 5 * which is a Crown of Glory and Honour put on him, Pfalm viii, y : but how far is he funk be ] ow it by his Sin ? Who (hall put him again as among the Celefiial Spirits ? The beft of Saints that ever have been in the Church of God, ( Abraham,* Mofes, Elias, Daniel or the Baptift ) what a poor kind of An gels were the Holy M*n while in the Body ? in Modks of Sin and Death ! of like Infirmities and Pa/ions as other Men ! weak and weary Angels ! diftemper'd ; dlfeafed and in Deaths often / fick, and in Pain, and under fpiritual Diforders and Maladies .' Angels that were fubjed to Grief and Shame and Fear \ with Flefh about 'em Ittfting avalnft the Spirit ! Paul himfelf was but fuck an -Anfd-\ Angels approved in Patience, Afflictions, Neceilities and Diftreflcs ' || hungry and thirfty and naked Angels / Afts xiv.' f 5. Jam. v. 17. Rom. vii, 24. Gal, V. 17, 2 Cor. xi 27. Matth, viii. 20. But 'Angtls of the Churchei. f But was not the LORD Himfelf, the Lord of all Angels, once in like Circumftances in cur Nature Sin only excepted ? The Angel of the Covenant Himfelf / the Angel of Inter cejjion, now before the Golden Altar, in the Holitf, p;efent> ing our Prayers, Revel, viii. 3, 4. Why them may not Jbofe for whom He died, and is making Interceffion, be called by Him his Angels in his Church on Earth ? tho' they live here repent ing and dying daily, wreftling with Flefti and Blood and fpiritual Wickednejjes, and thro' Death parting to Incorrupiion. Yea, that which puts the Crown of Angels on them is their dying ivdl \ the crowning Vittory is 6?er the laft Enemy I as the Beggar died, and Angels carried him to Abrahams Bofom, to their ,% own Paradife ! and fo they buried the Body of Mofes, after ( as the Jews have been pleas'd to .v fay ) they had kifsd awty his Soul : for He had been an Angel of a Man, both in the Sight of God and of his People, long before. Yet far would it have been from Mofes, or any of the following. Propkets, Apo flics or Evangelifts, to have taken to Themfelves this Heavenly Style, if CHRIST had not put it on them, He is the Fountain of fpiritual Honour, t " HEAD over all things to the 'church, and makes whom he will Kings and Triefts and Angels unto God : Nay this Honour have all the Saints ! pralfe ye the Lord. It is not to elate or puff up j God forbid it I but to admonijli us of our Duty, which ever rifes t Eph, i, 22, Revel L d B wich 6 faithful T aft or* with Dignity ; what manner of 'Perfons we and ought to be, in Heavenly Temper aadCon- verfation, as Citizens of the Sion above. Philip, in-. 20. And if we can but think and (peak and live as singels in the Church on Earth., we may leave our going Spirits at Death to the Care of real Angels, and the Remains of a Stephen to devout Men to take up ( as they lately did your Thachers ) and carry to its Grave as Angel's-dup ! the Duft of GoU, from the Candlefllck in which it once glitter' d. And fo I return to the MINISTER and PASTOR in fpecial, as my Text requires, and alfo the fad Occafion of my Mai. ii. 7. The Baftift was fuch an Angel of God, of whom we read, * Behold I fend my MeJJenger ! Angels de- fire to go on fuch MlJJions, tvtt\ Gabriel Himfelf ; and he flew fwiftty to Daniel and Zecharlah and the bleffed Virgin, with the glad Tydings of Salva tion. ||. God's MiJJlon makes an Angel of Light, whomfoever He fends and the Mejjenger is to be received even as Gabriel from the Prefence of Mai. iii. r. iv. J. Mark i. 2. Luke 5. 7$. Vii. 27, Dan, ix. 21. Luke I ip>a<5. God,- r Angels of the Churches. 7 God. An Eglon himfelf will own this, who arofe out of his Seat, when Ehud faid to him, " I lave a Meffage from God unto thee, Judges iii. 20. How much more will the Churches of Chrifl re verently own his Minifters as his Angels to them? Gal. iv. 14. Te received me as an Angel of God, even as Jefus Chrifl. And have not Tou had your Meffen^ers^ my Bre thren, Men of a thoufand ! was not your deceafed Pa/hr fuch a Mejjenger from God unto You ? did He not bring you the Lord's Mejjagcs in a fo- lemn manner ? with the Gravity and Authority o an Angel ! ufed be any Ligbtnefs ? Spake he not as the Oracles or the GREAT GOD ? that was the glorious and fearful Name in his Lips, as often as you heard him from the Pulpit ; the Great God ! the Great God ! and how greatly did he pronounce it ! Striking every One that heard Him with a facred Reverence and Fear I and this was his Man ner from his Toutb, from his very frfl publick facred Exercifes : I think that I never heard the Name of God pronounced Great, more than in his praying and preaching,, Accordingly he commanded "the Ears and Confciences of his Hearers more than many a divine Teacher. ' He was bold, and took on him Authority, in his Mafter's Name, Worftiip, Truth and Laws. He ( could reprove, rebuke and exhort for his Will and Glory, in a vehement manner, fathetick and ftriking. Jofoua was fuch an Angel & Ifrael, under the Confcience of the Charge given him j *' Only be thdu Jtrong and very courageous ! and after his Death came the Lord himlelt, in the Form of an Ang si, reproving the People at Bochim : Judges ii. 2, But ye have not obeyed my Voice, why have ye done this ? Such a Witnefr, Leader and Comm*n~ B 2. tier 8 Faltlful Tajlors Jer under CHRIST, fuch a Monger from Heaven^ was your Thatcher to You, II. Mlniflers are yet with greater Propriety the Angel* of the Churches, becaufe fent to wlnifter unto the Heirs of Salvation. This is an eminent Cbarathr of the Angels of God, Heb. i. 14. Are they not miriiftring Spirits, fent forth to winifter for them -who fyall he Heirs of Salvation ? And what, more or lefs than this, is the Office and Work of Ministers ? A&s xri, 17. They ar? the Servants of the Aloft High Qod^ -who frew us the Way of Salvation* '' " ge E Abraham was vifited by the Lord and his An- els as an Heir of Salvation. He fojournd on arth as in a ftrange Land, looking for a better Country, which is the Heavenly, The Lord there fore came down from Heaven to his humble Tent. He fent his An^tls that Day to ftngle out Lot in Sodom, and fave his Houfe. Afterward they attended Jacob out and home, for he inhe* nted the Promitc ; He faw ? em on the Ladder as he went out, and Hefts of ? em about him on his Return. And all the little Ones of Cbrift to this Day have their Angels that behold his Face on High, and are on the Wing to ferve them for ftfiv fake. Now, like Love and Care for the precioqs Souls committed to them, is the bounden Duty and natural Temper ( thro' Grace ) of a faithful Pastor. Such an Angel was Timothy, of whom faid the Apoflle y Philip, it. 20. I have no Manlike* winded, -who will paturallj care fir your Swk. So 'Angels of the Gkurcbesl 9 So natural was the Care of yours become, thro* Grace, to your dear Taftor *. He traveled in Birth to fee Cbrift formed in Tou, and you born to God. As a Nurfe cberijhetb her Children, he was gentle among Tou Becaufe you were dear to him, and being affectionately dejlrous of you, he was willing to have imparted bis ownSoul with the Gofpel. Was it not his vifible Concern that he might . both fave Himfelf and them that heard him ? And as there is Joy in Heaven among the Angels of God over one Sinner that repenteth, fo was his 'Joy herein fulfilled, if he might favea Soul from Detth, and cover a multitude of Sins. Had the LORD put it to your Peter, as he did to the great Apojlle of fiis Name ; " Loveft thou me ? and 'wilt thou feed my Sheep and Lambs ? he would have anfwered with his Truth, Fear and Fervency , " Tea Lord ! Jhou knoweft all things, thou knoweft that I love Thee and them j to minifter unto Thee for their Salvation; III. Minifters ftiould be as Angels for Light find Knowledge, Underftanding and Wifdom ; more efpecially in the Mjftery of the Father and of Gbrift. c * Wife as an Angel of Gcd, and Angtls of Light, is the known Language of Scripture f- The Fear of the Lord is their Wifdom as well as ours ; a good Understanding have all they that do his Gom~ mwdments. The Knowledge of Angell is * Gal. iv. ip. r ThelT. ii. 7, ?. i Tim. iv. 16* Luke xv. 7, 10. r Pet. iv. S. John xxi. 17.^ t 2 Sam. xiv, 20, ^ Cor.xi, 14* Pfal.ciii.ult. Pan. ix. 22, cxtial io Faithful Tajlors praftical, like that of Saints they excel in hearkning to the Voice of God's Word " Wijtr Than Daniel, was a Proverb among the Nations, while he lived & prefided over them,and atter his Deceafe ; but the Man Gabriel was wifer than he ; for he came down to give him Skill and Underftan- ding and he left fome more Rajs of Heavenly Light upon his Mind and Heart. Minijlers are Angels in being aft to teach * , the Law is to be fought from their Lips ; they need the Tongues of Angel^ the Tongue of the Learned, to fpeak in Seafin to 'weary Souls : Angels have fuch Tongues, as Hagar found, and anfwer d " Thcu Lord fee ft me /The Urim always be longed to the Vrieftboody and it fliines more and more under the Go/pel, toward the ferfett Day. Heavenly Knowledge is the requifite Ornament, and the neceflary Furniture of a Go/pel Minifter : Ignorance is Darknefs when we fpeak of Souls. But the Knowledge that eminently becomes tha Minifters ofChrift, and makes ? em like the Angels, is a clear Underftanding in the Myfteries and Doftrines of Salvation by Him. As we read of the Cbertibims of Glory over the Mercy-Seat, with their Faces bowed and Eyes fixed down upon it ; xod. xxv. 17. The Gofpel of which we have, I. Per. i. 12. " Which 'things the Angels dejire to look into : fcil. the manifold Wifdom and marvel ous Grace of God, in drift's taking our Nature and not theirs. The Minifter who has well fiudied and preach'd the unfeanbable Riches * r Tim. iii. 2. Malii, 7, Ifai, i 4, Gen.xvl 13 t. xxxiil 8, of r Angtls of the CKUfcteii it cf Chrift, fhincs as an Angel in the Churches. Blelled Paul was fuch a Cherub of Glory in the Chriftian Church t : " I dtfoe, fatd he, to knew nothing among you fa 3, 4. Goi i Faithful Pa/lots GOD and Godlinefs ; for his Truths and Kingdom and Interejt on Earth. Holinefs {hows the Angd more than *// Know- ledge , and fo it doth the Mlnlfter and P*/?*r in the Church. Without this, has our Saviour laid, the Light that is In you is Darknefi, and how great is that Darknefs ? Matth. vi 23. Holinefs is moft of all the Light of Heaven ; God is infinitely Holy, Christ is the Holy One of God, and Angels are in his Likenejs holy, in all their Worlhip and Obe dience. Their Parity is without a Stain, in high Perfection, and gives ? em their Glory and Blifs for evermore. The Style of the Angels of God is taken from their Sanftity and fo is that of Ministers on Earth t- Even the Conn of Nebuchadnezzar knew this before the Inftru&ions of Daniel : " I fau> a Holy One come down from Heaven, faid the King> relating his Vifions on his Bed. But our Lord Jefus has confirmed the Style unto us, in thatgra,- cious Promife, "The Son of Man {ball come In bis Glory, with all his holy Angels. An unholy Angel is a Devil. Angels and Saints are reprefented in white Robes, and fuch were of old thofe of the Triesthotd ; to fignify a Profcffion of and Obliga tion unto fingular Purity and Holinefs. St. Paul teaches the Minister how to become an Angel in the Church ,- i Tim. vi, u. "Ttiu O Man of God, follow after Rigkteoufnefs, Godlinefa &c. And again, " Ee thou an Example of the Believers In Worl, In Converfation> In Charity, In Spirit, in Faith, in Purity, f Dan iv, 13, Mat, xxv, 31. r.Tiin. iv, 12, i.Thef. ii, 10. Such - Angels of the Churches. x \ Such was your Tkacher among YOU, thro' t\i$ Grace given him from on High. Much of the Holincfs ofChrift, and of Angelical Sanctity was irj Him. He was a Watcher and a holy One among us in his Meafure ; which was an Abundance ofths Gift of Rlghteoufnefi ; like Phlneas z,ealottt for his God, and as Ellas jealous for the Lord of Hy/l's. Like the Angel of the Lord, he could have wltb- flood Balaam in his Way ; valiant for the and refolute in the Caufe of Piety. Angels are called Straf kirns from their with holy Zeal. YourThacher was fuch a Sp?V;V F/rfwe sruc : : 14 Faithful Tajlors perpetual Pkafure ; their Heart and Work, their Imploy and Joys, all fpiritual. Heaven is there fore their Dwelling-flaw. They reft not Day or Night, faying, " Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty ! which art and wait and art to come, Revel., iv. * So Mlnifters are to lead and continue in the flip of God with facred Pleafure ; the Mouth of others to God, and of God to them, out of the Abundance, of their Heart to both. St. Paul was fuch an Angel to the Churches, inceflant in Prayers for them, and in his high Devotions and as a iingutar Reward hereof, he was caught up to Heaven * ^ ^whether In the Body, er out of it, he could not tell. Appollos was like him, " mighty In the Scriptures, fervent In Spirit, And teaching diligently the Things of God. The Heavenly Minifter lives like Mojes in the Mount t has Mread there which the World knows not of, his Diet is on the Manna of Angels,, Bread from Heaven ; and his Meat and Drink (hould be ( in Conformity to Chrifl his Mafler ) to do the Witt of God, and foijti his WorL His Inter eft is in Heaven, his Acquaintance there, his Heart and Jreajure there and his Life is hid -with Chrift In Cod within rhe Vail He would be accurate in his Devotions and Obedience, as are the Angels " doing the Will of God on Earth as it Is done above* He would be reverend and earnejt in Duty and Service,- would find Wings to fly, as well as Feet to run ,- " run and return as the Flafl) of Lightning ! * 2 Cor. xii. 2, 4. A6ls xviii. 25. John iv. 32, 34. Col, iii, 3, Ezek, i, 14. Ifai, xi. 31. s f Angels of the Churchei. iy to the Angels are reprefented, and from their sigllity are called Chtrubim. Angels in Flefo can "t attain this j- it is too wonderful and high for them j they foon flag and tire in their Work j ev*n the Touths faint and are weary , how much more the ^(g^ in their Decays ? tho 7 not weary of it ; Yet is there a Tromlfe of Angelical Strength and Vigour to all that wait on the Lord ; c They fa all renew their Strength, mount up with Wings as -Eagles , run and not be weary^ walk a nd not faint, How fpiritual and rais'd was Mr. Thacher in his publick Devotions ? more efpecially in the Duty of PRAYER ! that was his Gift and Element / then he breach d his native Air! then his Afttbma left him 1 he foard up as on Eagles Wings, and with its Eye he could look into the Light of the Throne of the Majejly in the Heavens ! He came near unto his Seat, and fili'd his Mouth with Ado rations : The nearer his Accefs was unto God, the more awful was his godly Fear, and profound his Reverence / like that of the Celejtial Spirits, Revel. XV; 4 Who jhall not fear Thee, O Lord, and glorify thy Name t for Thou only art holy. I fay again, He was a heavenly Man in He excelled in this in a great Copioufnefs and Solemnity ; whether in Adoration, Confeffion, Supplication, Thankfgiving, Interceffion, Profef- fion and Pleadings before the Throne. He could wreftle like an Ifracl, and as a Principality in the heavenly Places, having Power with God and from Him. How often have you (ten him in this Desk, as ic were cover his Face and cry Holy 9 Holy* Holy, before the Lord of Ho ft s ! many a time mak- C z ing T6 Faithful Paflors ing your Hearts to move, ancl filling them with 3 Smoke of fragrant Incenfe, Ifai. vi, 4. VI. Mlnlfters as Angds of the Churches are to yrefide, rule and govern, with Meeknefs, Equity, Tendernefs ; Benevolence, Humility and Pati ence j Wifdom and Integrity , by the Rules of thi Kingdom $ for the Glory of Cbrtfi and tjie Good of Souls. are holy, temper ate, holding the faithful Word) &c. z. Tim. ii, 24. And the Servant 'Angels of tie Churches. 21 Servant of the Lord mujl not ftriw, bat be genthw- t all Men, aft to teach, in Meeknefs inffirutllng tbofe that oppofe tbemfelvei, &c. What but the Idea of Michael, the Arch-Angel, arifes in our Minds, up on our reading theft Words ? in his " Contending with the Devil about the Body ofMofes, not daring or inclining to bring a railing Accufativn againit him. O that we could be in any manner as the An gels of God for Knowledge, Sanftity, Devotion, Charity, Humility, in every Excellency / what- loever things are juft, fare, Uvtlj and of good Re- fort j every Vtrtut andPraffe ! more efpecially in holy Zeal and Activity in ferving and praifing God. Let us in Spirit be daily amending to the Son of M~t in Heaven. Let us be in the Mount with God often, preparing for the Prefence and Vtjion of God for evermore. Let us be pleafant and joyful in our Lord's Work. Let us be glad to lerve the poor Members of J e f us Cbrifi in their Mtly Needs, Sickneffes and Sorrows, but much more in their fpiritual Wants, Griefs, Fears, Temp tations and Diftreffes. Thus Mini/fers have been cL rf'd before GOB and his EleSl Angels, to be like 'em here, that they may be with them for ever. And could we rea lty the Charge coming from the Mouth of the Son fMa, in theMidfl of the Golden CanJIeftieks, in at tremendous Glory wherein John faw Him in our Context, it would ftrike us dead at his Feet: isuc at leaft let us be fouck with Jacob's holy vrctdi on his feeing the Ladder from Heaven to tarth, with the Angels of God upon it ; " How dreadful u this Place < it is no other than the Houfe / *% *ndtke Catt of Heaven. D 3. As 22 Faithful Paftors 3. As here is great Honour put upon tht faith* ful Minifltrs of Chrift, and on his holy Churches ; or rather only on the Free Grace of God to ? em and in ? em fo what Condemnation and Confufton belongs to wicked and ungodly Minifters, and unto like 'Prof effort in all the Churches of the Saints ^ who are carthlj, fenfual, devilifo Enemies to the Crofs ofChrift, and as contrary to Him and his Angels as Darknefs to Light, as Belial to the Hea venly Hofl. So, as the Afoftle teaches us, " Sa- tan hlmfelfis transformed into an Angel of Light therefore It Is no great thing if his Minifters alfo be transformed as the Minifters of Rlghteoufnefs whofe End flwll be according to their Works, 2 Cor. xi f 14, ij. 4. Here is a fingular Dlrettion, with a mighty Motive, to the Candidates for the Evangelical Mi- nlflry j with what Aims and Hopes, with what Humility, Fear and Prayer, they ly at the Foot of Grace for the requifice Gifts and Graces, and En dowments from on High, to their foining one Day among the Angels of the Churches. Of the Fulnefs that is in Chrift they muft feek and Grace for Grace ! and " O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy Name in aU the Earth, 'who haft fet thy Glory above the Hea vens j and out of the Mouth of Babes and Sucklings ordaineft Strength I Pfal. viii. i, ^. 5-; Here is fpecial Direction unto Churches in their Eleflhn of Perfons into the Pafloral Office over them. May God dire<9: them always unto Such, as they truly hope will moft {bine in the Gifts and Graces of Angels among them j and ever behave toward them with Angelical Hotinef* 3 Wtfdom, Benevolence and Care for their Souls. 6. And Angels of tie Churches*. 2; 6. And let a Pe0p/e fo favoured of 'God fee how they ought to receive and entertain the MeJJagtt bro't them from God by their MinVhrs : Even as the Afian Churches did, and thofe of Galatiq^ who notwithstanding the Temptations in their Teach- crs Fltjh ( whatever they were ) defyiid them not, but accounted ot ? cm and jubmitted themfelves as unto the Angels of God. Or if the Angel vifit you in your Tent or Field, as fometimes A- braham, GiJeon, Manoah and Mary were gracioully vifited, receive Him gladly as the Heavenly Viji- tors of old were welcomed, and hearknedto. 7. But what muft we fay then unto Thofe who have fat long under the Minipry of an Angel, and their Hearts have not been touched, affetted, cnlight- ned and fet a burning within them \ " Neither would they be per (waded ( they fhould fear ) tho one came from the Dead ! altho' a Lazarus were fent down to them from the Bofom of Abraham *. YourPaftors, as they have received Mercy, have not fainted $ but by Manifeftation of the Truth have commended Themfelves to your Consciences in the Sight of God! a far more proper Means, ordained by God, for yeur Con