Nevile Fourteenth satire of Juvenal imitated THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD ENDOWMENT FUND THE FOURTEENTH SATIRE O F U V E N A L IMITATED BY THOMAS N E V I L E, A. IM. FELLOV/ OF JESUS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. JEtc.s parentum, fcjor a-cis, tulit Ncs ncquiorcs, max ddtiiros Pi -ogsnlc;:! vitioforcm . Ho R a T . LONDON: PPINTFD FOR lOIIN V/OODYER IN CAMBRIDGE; AND Sr^: D BY T. BEECROFT IN PATER-NOSTER- FO^"-' '1 PAYNE IN CASTLE-STREET, kND il. HINGES TON WITH- OUT TEMPLE-BAR. MDCCLXiX. THE ZQoS FOURTEENTH SATIRE o F JUVENAL IMITATED. ^\7^ E S ; I muft fay it ; Britain is undone, •^ If vicious habits creep from fire to fon ; Such as an Howard's fcutcheon would efface, Or fhade the glories of a Russel's race. 5 Does the Duke game ? the Marquis fhall be ken Hemm'd by a fharping circle at fifteen. Shall the youth, wont from inlancy to note The fav'ry raptures of a rev'rend throat, Whofe daily dreams ragouts and fauces claim, 10 Rife to deferve a patriot's dear-bought name ? B Go 870519 [ ^ ] Go ! be the fkill of twenty fages join'd To form by Wifdom's better rules his mind, Fruitlefs their care : his glory is to fhine A true defcendant of a lick'riih line. 15 Appius, a fiend of Paffion ; in whofe face Spleen fits, and triumphs with a four grimace. Who keeps his family in ceafelefs fear, The PoLYPHEME of all the region near, Think ye, v/ill he his fon to meekncfs fchool, 20 Or train him to a temper calm and cool. Teach him, that failings our indulgence claim,. That Nature fafhion'd rich and poor the fame ? Perissa's daughter wed, you'll feel too late You've chofen no Lucretia for your mate ; 25 The Mifs, who, ere twelve winters flie could tell. Knew with refiftlefs airs to ad the belle. To lifp, to languifh, heave the pradis'd figh. And dart fweet mifchief from the melting eye ; Who to wild gallants lufcious lines indites, 30 And with her freakilh friends holds noify nights. In C 3 ] In all her mother's myil'ries deeply read, Treats, afiignations, fwarming in her head. So Nature bids : when great examples move, Domeftic vices too permaiive prove ; 35 Some (cw, iiiumin'd by a richer ray, Direct their courfe, as Reafon points the way ; Moft in their parents' footfteps fondly run. Drawn to the very track, they ought to fhun. Is it your wifh a faultlefs fon to fee ? .40 Watch your ov/n condud; ; from all ftain be free : For youth too oft, whatever care is had, Perverfely docile imitates the bad : No place but fwarms with * * 's of the kind ; But where another Savile fliall we find ? 45 With due referve before a child be feen ; Taint not his innocence with talk obfcene : Far hence be midnight revels, midnight balls ! And keep, O ! keep him from thofe wanton walls,. Where Love leads in his ioofe-zon'd titt'ring crew, 50 And Amoret trips half-naked to the view. B 2 Should [ 4 ] Should you perceive at fome unguarded hour The Tempter willing to exert his pow'r, Scorn not the playful prefence of your boy, But check the rifmgs of unruly joy. 5 5 Ah think ! fliould he to fome great guilt afpire, (For fons not only copy of their iire The form and features, but the manners too. And every failing piouily outdo :) Strait in his ears you'd thunder, and, what's worfe, 6o Menace to mark him v/ith your heaviefl: curfe. O Shame I dare you — you, Sir, a rev'rend rake. The parent's front, the parent's freedom take, You, whom long fince a courfe of roar and riot Has rendcr'd ripe for difcipline and diet? 65 Yet, tho' no decency e'er claim'd your care,. The leaft pun