/L^ soil IS'N'l"! TREASURY DEPARTMENT UNITED STATES COAST GUARD PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVICE IN THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD JULY.. 1916 COVXRS.Mt.NT PKlMRSi, o( I TREASURY DEPARTMENT UNITED STATES COAST GUARD PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVICE IN mE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD JULY. 1916 WA3HINCTON GOVERNMENT PRINnNG OfnCE 1416 ^M0^^ RULES GOVERNING PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OF APPLICANTS FOR ENLISTMENT, REENLISTMENT, ETC. WasMnyton, July (J, lUlH. 'I'lii* followiiijj nili'H (»o\iMiiiiig tlie plivsiriil exuiiiinatioii of appli- < iiit.s for enliiittiti'nt uiul rii'iilistiiifiit ui>d fur pruiiiotioii to tlio gnuic of u an lint oHiii-r in the I'liited Stutva Coii^t Giianl tin* ]Mililislii*(I for tlu* infonuutioii iiiul );iiitluiiL-« of enliMiiig uflicert>. incdirnl of)ict■l-!^, Mini ..II .,tl..T. '...,...,1 BYRON B. NEWTON. A»m»t(int .Sfrntiiri/. I. ICiilUdiii: iitllivrH mIiiiII fXcrt'lM- tli>- i;r<-iilf»t •iin- iiot t>> ruiiiii>t (tie liliyliiil fxuiiiiimlloii vt a|>|>lli'uiiu u lui tmvi- tllM|uullO li'K (IffvclH Ituit mUuuUI Ih.> fvlik'iit to uiiyouc tiuvliiK u kiiuvvlitlKV uf IIm* quiilltk-ulluiu) MtMciitlal fur ■ 'iilittiiHMit 111 tilt' ('•HiKt (iimril. L*. After an n|>ptU-iiiit'ii chnrni-ter biiH Ixt-u liiviiitlgntnl nud hU kiio\vli>.v fXlHtliiu rv;;iilulli>ikM. niiil lM>tli luiv<- Ikimi fuuixl iilifiirior.v. Ik- uIII Iw rxuinliwd fiirllicr In tlio iimuiMT iin-xrIlMil lu-n-lii. :i. Whi-ii prui'tlcnlilf, tli>> ii|>|iHiiiiit mIkhiIiI Im- rrqulntl lu (iikc u bntli liiiliie- : ilfly b««f<>ri- iiri-M'tilliii; liliiutelf fur liutim-ttuii. I. An It I.M uf tlu* utiiHwt lin|M>rtun<-o that an-e|>liil appltrtinttt nhall Im> ■uilt- rliMiity liiirlllKiMit to iHTroriii the ilutlt>?t rii|itlriuni«' uf lli«> i'Siiiiil- iintluii uf cvt-ry np|ili>iiiit fur i-iilUliiu'iil, iiml ••lu>iilil inn- rvrry ni«iiiii< to arrive lit II Jiiit t>Miliiiatv uf tlif upplU-nnl'M iim-iiIiiI i-niiurlly. TIm> iippllniiii'M niiKnem tu i|iiratluii-«. Iiln tfviKTiil ili'imnimir, IiIn fiifliil I'XpniwiKii. Iil» iilfrtm-w. mihI lita ■vM.llfii-x!* uf iiiiii|iri-lii-iiiluii will n*"!"! I>i .I.-'.tihIhIiu- I'- • •■■■' i i..-- '-.r H.tlllllll .'>. Hrnd no appllrant for HlanUard V t-\aiiilnalluii — 111 Who hn^ • I li\ Wliu lia.x ■ ••III, and who Ima mit Iwu iin tu wrvf ; ■ nnd U>y», ) < > I.M \vii..,.' ii.i.-iii I, 1.-.. II .lu .". r.-.! I iii.-ii.- .•\.v|.t ||) nlK» nr«' !•• -r^.- ■ ,;iilHrly n.» ulilp's wrllrrx. i>N>.trlclnn.loi. nnd h>'>» N. Im>«i> hrlKlil ulinll Ih> nu( l.^ta ilinn 4 ri<«>t tnrhoK. :ur>i4; ((>) Wll.l SMUIIIUTS. (/) Wliose iihysical (IcvfldpiiK'nt is imt api'iuviitl.v suirK-iiMit loi- ilic wc.rk re- quired of him. Enlisting officers will lie iililc li.v cliisc ulisiM-vatioii ami irjciulr.v tn assiiri' llicni- selves in most instances as to tlie general fitness of apiilicants with respect to the foregoing. 6. It is recognized that the vision of applicants can not be passed upon con- clusively by enlisting officers, but by using such simple means as are at band enlisting officers should be able to form an opinion as to whether an applicant has good vision or is color blind. Enlisting officers will Inform applicants whose vision or color sense is apparently defective that they will not be sent to a medical officer for further examination unless they so desire, in which case the enlisting officer shall transmit to the medical examiner, with tlie appli- cation for physical examination, a written memorandum setting forth that the applicant's vision or color sense, as the case may be, appears to be defective. 7. The record of physical examination for enlistment or reenlistment will be subject to review by the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service. In case a person is enlisted or reenlisted upon the certificate of a medical officer that such person is physically qualified, and the finding of such medical examiner is disapproveii 111 II riiii'M' fur n-Jt-t-lliiii l» awtTiiiliHil. iIm- exniiilimtloii mny !»«• ttlwitii- llllUf liloii. 'rii<- ii|i|>Ui-niit iiiuKl liiivf at ItiiHt '.1>''8>) uiK-ornt-tot vUliin In i>nrli ■■ye. .\|i|ill>'iiiit>t iixlnt; «>><-KlH. Tlif vl»i4>h of ilu- a|i|ilii-aiit will Im< tcHlitl lit riilliiw^: TIk- •■xaiiiliKT will oliHaTvi- (lint (In- Siu-lti-ii rlinriK U|illi-aiit at a hflulit »( i »r .*• fi-a-l from till- isruiiiiil anil al u rlUtantv »f '.i) t>vt fxai-tly. niiil tliU iIIhIiiiiiv iiiukI In- iimln- tiiliii>- cliari. anln\c<| in nui'li n inanncr llini tlii> •tiiiillilali- run not In-i-imw ranilllur witli the li-tli-r> on tin- varloii* lliu-v. Kiuh fy«' itlioiilil 1m' ti-wtiil M-iMiralfly hy •■ari'fully ■•xiIuiIIiik tin- i-y.- wlilili l» not U'Ini: fXiiniliHil liy liolillni; a rani iH-rori- It. No iiniwnrc hIioiiIiI Im> i-xi-rliil. nor oliaiulil till' cxi-luiliil cyi- Im> rloM-\vi»i| lliif*vvlili-|i till- a|i|>ll to n>ai|, tin- \l>t|oii nIiouM In- rttiinliil In tlic form of a friii-tlon. tin- iiiimfrator of wlili-h ttlmll rc|>r<-M-nt lli<- tlUlaiKv at wlilrli till- tt-wl wan niailc, I. iv. LI* fifl : tin- ilciiotnliuilor. tli<* iiuiuIht on tlif churl i>|i|m>mI|i- th<* luMt lliif which wun rttiil. Tht> fi-llow t-yi- In now Klnillarly t<>Mtf |M>rforinancv uf tin- t<*st the IliU uiuxt rcuuiln naiiirnlly o|h>ii, •uiuliillnic Im-Iiii: |>roli|tilti-<|. In the i-xt-nt tliut iIm- tiimlliluti- In unalilt' III riiiil all lli<- li-tt<-m on ihi- lint- u>tM-ro\|i| chart. •.*. Color bllndnrM. The Ilolmurcn wonttiil u-«tt hIiuII !>»• U!t«l In all cnM>«. In cn.w of iloiilil lit lo an aiitillcanl'N color wiuk* iM'Inu iioriiiul lu' nuty Im- M>nt to the iican-Kl murine li<«i|ilial to |h> l<>Nttil with Hit- Wllllunut tciit lantern, the n|>|illt of wi>nite«lit hIiouIiI Iw Hiimtit out on tin? lalile iN-fiire the a|i|>lli'aiit In uoimI iliiyllulil. Kiu-h wt of llolni;;reirit uoriilMla ointnliui three lurKe Kkeliui : No. I, Knvn : No. 'i, niM> pink: ami No. 3. ivi\. fmi No. I.- IMaiv the lnri:e crn-n titi skein U-fon- the ii|i|>llnilile the iitt iikein nixl plmv tbeiu iMntlile It. The ivliole ti-?it nhoiihl !>«• hn.He.| ii|ton n <-om|HirlMin of culont. nml In mnklnie It no cohir Khoiilil Ix* naiiKsl. In the tlmt |>lniv. It In mttit-uiry that the a|>|ill<-nnt Bhoulil thoniiiahly umler«luii InfornM-al that tlien* ar<> no two nkelito exactly alike. • ml that the only quawtlon la the r.i».«nil»lamv «>f the oUor. He mum Ihen'fore emienvor to Hnil ••••methInK ilinllar of the miiim' "haile. w>nH*tlilnK llBhier aiMl darker of the MnK> color. If the iterwin IwIub exaniliml thuii not aucv^til In (S) iinclerstniullns iliis by ii vi'i'biil exiilanatlon, the person making the examina- tion must mal uii->(tiii>'<-M. 3. Ilpsrln|r---lu) riutv (ho n|>|illfniit ut one oml of the roll<-nii( liutert hU iiiolnieiietl Idilcx flci^vr Into the other ear. The exauilnliiK xurKi-oii Hhouhl ui>- (iroiu-h within n few feet of the u|i|eat what he hu« tietirU. Tile iiurt;eon iihoulit Iheu Krailiiiilly rece«le frotu tlie upiilU-niit until he t-emwn to refieut comn'tly what Im KiNiken (o hint and the ilUlunce enterereil iit>ee<-h, I he examiner ualnx renldual nir In wlilii(K>rlnt;. (<> An applicant who can not ttear couveraatloDal Hpeecb 30 feet and wlilM|H>ml N|ice<-h 15 feet ahould be rejected. 4. Trelk.— An a|i|illcant mUMt have ut leimt 'JO Mouml teeth, aiul of Iheiii- there iiiiiHt Im- not lerui than 4 o|i|iach Juw. Twth pro|M-rly filled are not to be eoiuildereil uimuuimI. nor Nhall twth be counted an uihtMlni: If (hey have In-en replar mliMing (eelli If they can Im? replaceil by lirliU'e w.irk and he ak'reeit (o have (he n»ii->«ttry den(al work done af(pr enllMt- ment li> accoinpllHh thlx. Knch mliuiInK tooth atuill be lndlcateorlJi of (he bo«ty ••Im>uI(rlcal, the cheat develo|Mil ami well fornteil, the abdomen lank, and the llniba HhniN*ly with llriu, well ."»| muwU's. The carrlaKe should !>«' er.^ t nu.l HprlKhtly without any lack of control : the expreiuilon of tlie fare iihoul'! mental and iihyxlial heaUh and vlpir: (here Nlmuhl In- n<> re|iuNIV4> il. the manner xlionlit Ite cheerful and alert without exaiuceratlon or alukV the !|>eara(uv of the drunkard, or (he |>ecullar rallow tint and the dlHtlnctlve hyiMMlermlc wars of the ilruK habltu^. I'') HrlKhl, welxht, anil mrannrenrnl. -The applicant will then Ih- pla(x<ly on llie luvl and tmll of each foot. Applicants luust Iwve a helKht of 3 fivt 4 ln< hex, exivpt lti<>«« wlio are to M>rve as ships writers. ele<(rlclans (hlnl cla«, ^.tewards. co«>kM. ami boys. wIh«i«p helk'lit mtiit U- not le!tj. thiiii 4 fe.'! !• In. Ii.-^ Th. mutter .if pro|><>rilon of height to weight of ship's writers, elc< trlclaii..< (hlnl class. s(ewanU. cooks, aixl boys Is left to tho judmnent of the luetllcul examiner: If such persons are at least 4 f<>vt Incben In lielsht and oihertvlse physically (|Uallfl«>i will Im< liuqMi-tpil for illiirfliw bihI |Mtl(iiiti«l for vvM<-ihv of foriiKT Injury. ilfi.n-Mnloiui from frui-lur*- or trt>f>lilnlnK, mwl for »llenmlB of tU'j!«'iM'riii-y, It. Nkla.— Thf Nkin will hf lii>i(M-iiiln. Jntiiullif. i-niplloiw. bihI ii«lnT ■!> miitoiiw of (llwniw, for liyiHNh-riiili- ami oiIh-t noon* uiwl |«m|Itir. Iiiifiiiiinl 13. .\lMloiiilnal urgaB*.— Till- c-omllilon of tin- nlHloinlrinl oreaiut iitinll Imi In- Vt-MllUlltllt U. Hcrolnai.— flotli ■iIiU'm of the MYotiim nlmll In- tial|«tml for rhnneiii In IIm> ti-nlli-li-M, i-iilillilynilt, uihI i-onti-nlM of tlu' ttinliii viii;lnnllii niwl for vnrl<-<>rvli*. Tin- k'<-iilliilH wliitll Im' lnt|HH-if<| for nnv pvlilfn** of wncrtnil illm-fliH> nml for uuilfornmllonjt. llif kIuum im-iiN iinti i-.ironii Im-Ihk fX|HMM| uimI iIk- \wuU >tlrl|>|Hil ; (b<- imlili' ri-ulo» I" to Ih- liiN|H-<-tfla.--FUauilnallou Htiall Im' ntuil<- hy ln<>|"'<'tlon ami imliwllon for fi-nioral, hiuuliuil. vmiral. and unil>llllkiinl liuvlni: Im-n illrc<(i- U-ial foruani an InniMvUil for lifiuorrluililfi, tlxtuln-. niu<'oii'. |uiliiii-M. iiml oIIut tli'feh< k »liall !»«• ••\ainliKtl for itt>liml curvaluri- anil oth.r iil.n..rnmlltl«"». Tli.- api'll'iini -lumllnu' .-nil. lli.- l.-o "liall !«.• Iiu<|ir»>l. «-.irn«. Ink'ruuini: !.«• nallo, bunlonii, ilcfonmNl or nilwiliu: to«>H, liy|M>riHluinii. <'hm-m hIiouIii;: Hal fiM>t nIioiiIiI tip (>arllrti- Inrly t'xnnilntil to ilHtTuihii- llii> '•(ri-n;.th of tin- foot. Tlu- hnmlit niHl nrnut an* (» Im* lnH|N><-li>fornil(l>-^. olil frai'lun-o. ami ilNlix-atlont. ainpiKatlon of ItiiKi'm. iMirtlally fitxtil or ankylowil Joint*, ami for InipnIrnI fiimiiono The npiilU-nnl Im-Iuk illriNiiil to utaml wIlli llir Inm-r tH.ri|pn« of tin- Uvi lo;;fthi-r. nnnx horUonlal. nns»'r< npart. ami I'v.-* i|.«.-«l. !»• will !»• i-xiinilm-'l f'-r ir. iii..r> nml ii.Tvoim ln«tiililllty. IS. XPBtal PoadllloB.— Tli<- na-ntal lomllllon of ilu- a|>|>ll<-iint -.ti (ahMil l>y tlif fnlhiwlritf test: III) llavf a|i|illi-aiit n'|i«it ttirti- *f\* of nuniU-n*, «tnii n«nil»'r i-..tiit»~.-.! of nvvon llkiirfn. iM Ilavi- applli-anl i-oni|MW<< n •••nti-nn- omtalnlns tlini- »i»nU. %\xr\\ aa " Itiinrnlo. " •• nion.-y. " " rivir " ; tlntt nrnklne nnrv hy vm" of lIliKtmtlon.^ that till' won! ■• wnti'mt" " N nn'lfniti»>«l. I. > llavi. hlni Blv.- tin- i.p|iiwlti> wnnl to " piml." "oofaMi*," " tall." "big," •• wliltf. • •• liKhi." •• falw." or oih.T wonN winini liy the examlnrr. DISEASES, INJURIES, MALFORMATIONS. AND OTHER PHYSICAL DEFECTS DISQUALIFYING FOR SERVICE IN THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD. 10. A suporficial exjiminatioii of mnny applicants determines tbe fact of their uutitness; tliey are undersized, under weiglit, undeveloped, sallow, or pale and scrawny, poorly nourished, with thin, flabby muscles, and are manifestly lacking In stamina and resistance to disease. The rejection of such applicants for " poor physique " is not sufficiently exact, and the medical examiner should record as the disqualifying cause in each case some specific pathological con- dition, if such can be found, or " under weight," " deficient chest measurements," " deficient muscular development," " deficient nutrition," or such other definite disqualifying conditions as may be found to exist. GENERAL DISEASES. 20. C!<>neral diseases are causes for rejection. Among these are included the following : (a) Chronic malarial poisoning resulting in marked eacliexia. gi-ave anemia, or splenic enlargement. (h) Tuberculosis of whatever degree and whether general or localized, (r) Recurrent attacks of rheumatism and chronic articular rheumatism. (d) Malignant tumors of all kinds. (e) Syphilis. MENTAL AND NERVOUS DISORDERS. 21. Insanity, geneial paralysis, epilepsy, chorea, and somnambulism are causes for rejection. 22. Tlie medical examiner shall use every effort to exclude the mentally de- fective and those showing evidence of serious nervous disorders. The follow- ing is a list of the principal stigmata of degeneracy : Cranial abnormalities in outline, capacity, or dimensions; excessive develop- ment of the occipital protuberances and ridges, the frontal eminences, and the mastoid processes; reduction of the facial angle; asymmetrical facial develop- ment ; lower jaw disproportionately large and prognathic ; hard palate sharply vaulted ; dental arches narrowed or angular ; teeth defective or misplaced ; ears disproportionate in size or malformed ; extreme refractive anomalies and strabismus; deviation of the nose; septal deformities; harelip; cleft palate; remnants of branchial clefts ; spina bifida ; sacral growths of hair ; deep sternal furrows and concavities ; disproportion between thorax and abdomen ; upper and low-er limbs disproportioned to each other or to the trunk ; abnormality in size of hands or feet; tendency to left-sided overdevelopment; deformities of the fingers ; syndactylism ; excessive length or shortness of the fingers ; undersize of the ring and little fingers ; genitalia undeveloped ; hypospadias ; epispadias ; scrotal fissure ; albinism ; melanism ; multiple nrevi ; defective development of hair and nails. In estimating the value of the various marks of degeneracy, the occurrence of a very few in any individual case would not justify classification of the case as that of a defective. The presence, however, of numerous stigmata indicates an unstable nervous organization that is disqualifying for the United States Coast Guard. 23. Chronic alcoholism.— This subject should be carefully considered in the case of every applicant for enlistment, and as answers to questions regard- ing the alcoholic habit are frequently made with intent to deceive, the meilical examiner should be on the alert to detect the physical evidences of the disease. The suffused eye, the prominent superficial blood vessels of the nose and cheek, (10) 11 Ihf lliihby, Itluiiltil, niltli-iitil ii»|h-<-i i|ii-. qulK- iit ■iiiiiiiiuii. U die l»M>rly iMiurlMlHtl .Iriiiikiinl. wlili |«il''. wkIiU'ii. lulirii itiuiplrxluii himI cluiuiiiy ttklii. MuM'tilnr irtMiiiir mIhiuIiI iiImii>m U> hiuktil for in rlw i>roiruil«l tunisu*.- uimJ iIm> iiul>itr«*lt-li<-ll<-iiiit 11(1 \n» (•• hIuii IiIm IIUIIK-. tt Im iilMnya Kruuiul fur mwitk-loii ami a vuliiiiMf liiilli'iitloii of t'liruiiU- nUxliollKiii. IM. DruK habll. Tlic iiiiir|>tili><* liul'liii^ ii«unlly lukt^ IiIh iIum* liy iiuium of II loiNHliriiilr njriiiui. iiikI ii tnn-rul liui|iiitlon of hl« akin will aliuw black doU rcprcnfiiiliiu "III lutilli' imiicturfM, or Niimll. aiiuwlh, oval, white wiira of iduI- ll|iU- nliMi-MM-M rvitullliit; from tlu* iiiio of u illrty liuiiruuH-iit ; (lutii- iiinrkii ar» ti-iiiiliy fiiiiiiil nil tlu- ililk'liM iir li-fl iiriii of n rluliiliniulol ihtmoii. TlitTc la -oiiii-lliiifM pniH-iit u |M-<-ullar luillor iiml ilr)iii<«M of tli<- nklii. In nwirpliliM- UM-ni lu- |iu|ill Im linbltually ii)iilnHtiil. lii (lie oM-aliu> liabllu« It Im uxually Mhlfly 'IiIhk-41. THE SKIN. J.'. l-:<-zi>iiiu. ihroiilc ImiM'llKo. ••xi>-iim1\c iMorluiiIri iukI Ulitli>o«lii. iH-uiiiblKU«, liipiiM, iiml nyitMila art* illM<|iinllfylni;. 'M. Ai-iic la not a cuumi' for rvjoctlon uiiloait altualiil u|Mtn tbu fu>v and ao pronouiKt-tl nM to iiiiioiiiit to |io«ltlvf ili-fonnlty. '.T. Kk-pliantluMla la illH<|uullf>lni:. Kflohl, If vxti-nalvv, la (llatiuallfylui;. 2S. I'lifrallona of tin- akin an- niiiw-M for rt'Jwtlon. •Jl>. Kxli'iuilvo, ilivp. t>r aitlifriMit M-ara tliut lntfrf»>rc ullli niuat^-ular iiMivo- nii'nta or with thv wiiirlnK of military tiiulpnwiit or that allow a teiiilfncy to I'D-nk down and uUvrato are cniiM-a for n-Jivllon. \a>vl and ottu-r i-rwtlli' tuniorM an- raua«it for roJ«vtlon If extvitalvv, dl«- liiCurlns. or oxihmmI to iMiiatant pm»Miiri'. :10. S<-aliU>« or Itrh U n ointaKloiia |HiraHltl<- iliaitiM', oharaiiii;. 31. Api>llcunla llifiittrtl with Yorniln hIioiiIiI Im; rfjtvtnl. THK IIK.\n. SL*. Thr aralp.— Tliuni In Ita vnrloun fornui. nmlluiiant tuniom, and all other tuuioni of aiitllclent aUv tu IntiTfcrf with ilic wttirlni: of uulfonii head drcM art- raiiM-M for reJM-tlon. lViii|Miriiry falliiiK out of lln' tialr followlnc aruie dlM-aM> Im not n cauitv for n>Jc«-lloii, but |Nnt baldixiui (alo|irclul. wlH>n Involvlni; a conalilerable ("'rtlon of tli>> m-alp, mIiouIi! dliu|uallfy. :C(. The akoll. — Ini|M>rff the Mkull. (wirticulnrly iIhmc In the motor reiclon, iiaiially cauM< rejection. !l|on»iruiilty In the alu* of the hmd la a cauao for rejvcttun. 34. Ears.— (II) The total low of mi nir. iiiarkeil liy|>ertri.|iliy or atropliy, and dlsftmirlni: ih'foriully uf the orenn are ciium>« for rejection. t6) Atresia of the auilltory nicniua or tuniorM of thla iwMMain^ are ciiimm for rejection. ir) Chronic MUppurntlon of ttie middle ear la a cnuM> for n>Jecllou. Cnaea of |M-rforoll«n of the niemhrnna lyniimni. wlier\< the active process luia entirely muKmIiIciI and clcalrlxallon baa taken platv, may be anvptet! provide*! tb« h«>arliiR la itot Ihctlon. 12 ;!.-.. Fact'.— (<;) Kxlrciiic UKliiicss, cillicr ns n rrsull ..f iilropliy of m imrl of the face iir iiii iiccouiit of ii liirU of syiiiim'lriral (level. )|jimi>iiI. is a cause for rejection. (6) Unsightly deformities, sueh as lart.'e liirlluiiarks and lartre hairy moles, inutilntlons ilue to injurie.s or siir^'ical operalions. tumors, ulieralioiis. ami flstulfB, persistent neuralgia, tie douloureux, and paral.vses of central nervous origin are causes for rejection. (c) Ununited fractures of tlie maxillary bones, deformities of eitlier maxil- lary bone, interfering with mastication or speecli, extensive exostoses, curies, necrosis, and osseous cysts are causes for rejection. (rf) Chronic arthritis of the temporo-maxillary articulation, badly reduced or recurrent dislocations of this joint and ankylosis of it. comiili'ie or iiartial, are causes for rejection. 36. Eyes. — (o) Color blindness, coiniilete or partial, is cause for reiection. (b) Asthenopia accompanying any ocular defect is a cause for rejection. (f) Complete or extensive destruction of the lids, disfiguring cicatrices, ad- hesion of the lids to each other or to tlie eye hall, marked inversion or eversion of the eyelids, trichiasis, jitosis, hieiiliarospasm, and chronic blepharitis are causes for rejection. ((/) Epiphora and chronic dacryocystitis are causes for rejection. (e) Chronic conjunctivitis, acute or contagious trachoma, and pterygium in- terfering with the vision are causes for rejection. (/) Chronic keratitis, deep ulcers of the cornea, slaphylom.i. and corneal opacities encroaching on the pupillary area and reducing the acuity of vision below the standard are causes for rejection. (p) Opacities of the lens or its capsule, sufficient to reduce the vision below the standard, and progressive cataract of any degree are causes for rejection. (7() Extensive coloboiua of the choroid or iris, absence of pigment, exten- sive or progressive choroiditis and glaucoma are causes for rejection. (i) Retinitis, detachment of the retina, neuroretiiiitis and optic neuritis, and atropliy of the optic nerve are causes for rejection. {]) Loss or disorganization of eitlier eye and pronounced exophthalmos are causes for rejection. (7i) Pronounced nystagmus and well-marked strabismus are causes for rejection. 37. Nose.— (rt) Lo.ss of the nose. malfi>rm.-ition and deformities thereof that interfere with speech or breathing, and fclid (lisilKii';.'e from the nose are causes for rejection. (6) Nasal obstruction due to septal deviation, hyiiertrophic rhinitis, or other causes, sufficient to produce motith breatliing, is cause for rejection. (r) Chronic suppurative conditions of the maxillary antra, the frontal anil sphenoidal sinuses and ethmoidal cells are causes for rejection. 38. Mouth and adjacent parts.— («) Harelip, loss of the whole or a i>art of either lip. unsightly mutilations of the lips from wotimls. biu'iis. or diseases, and pronounced alveolar pyorrhea are can.ses for rejection (h) The loss of teeth in excess of the standard fixcMl by the department is disqualifying. (c) Malformation, partial loss, atrophy or hypertrophy of the tongue, split or bifid tongue, or adhesions of the tongue to the sides of the mouth so as to interfere with mastication, .speech, or swallowing are causes for rejection. ((f) Malignant tumors of the tongue and benign tumors that interfere with its functions are causes for rejection. (c) Stammering, if pronounced, is a cause for rejection. (/) Ranula, if at all extensive, malignant ttimors. and salivary fistula are causes for rejecticm. 13 (f/» IVrfiiriifloii i>r *xt«'ii«lvi« Iiwm nf iiutMlaiiit* i>f iIm- hiinl "r mifi inlatf. pxli-iiKlVf ulii. ••ilt'imlvi- ii«I<>iih in ttir iilmryiiz. him] iHiriilyiiU «iv )-nUN4it fur ri'J"'!!"!!. TIIK HUDV. 30. Np«k.— (>i) ('■■rvli-ul ikUmiIiIh ili-|M-ii>ln ii|n>ii n vnrlily of t-auMit, aiiHMie ulilt'h (utNTi-uliiKlN Id rri->|Ui-Ml. If (he itmilltlnti I* «, II !■> mil <|iinllfylii|,' ; Itur If iiilNTi-iiliiklx In *ii<<-lf«l, rvj<^'- lloii In ilaMiiiiiiiltNl. AiUmiIiIn of iIh* xuliitiaxllltiry. |>nro|li|, aixt aiirU-ular ivkIoii In usually of Ih-iiIkd origin; In llif t-lnvlrulnr aitil lower t-arollil n^loiut ll la frii from illM-nm- (iulMT<-ulu«liil. Iiijurl***, or Imriin an- cauiM* for rf)«-lloii. (M KxIciimIvo or prticn-wtlvc icolti-r. Iiid-rfi-rliii; wiili ImiiililiiK or wlih die WMirliiK of orilliiiiry cloililiii;. U ii riiiiw for r<-J>'<'lloii : -• iilwi an- fxoidilliiiliiilo k'uKt^r ami lorrli-olllri. 40. Ijiryax, pharynx, and ntophairaa.— ilillU, lulM-r<-uloHN. Hint Htrli-tiirc of thf larynx, an c^umv for n>j<'<'tlon. iht MalformadiinM and itcforinltlfM of ihi> pharynx aiMl kIoikmIm from ait- hcnloiiN or rli-atrlc-al omlracttoiM of Mutlti-lcnt ilittn-*- lo lnl>>rf«Tt> with fum-iloti an- i-uumti for ri'J<'«-tloii. <(•» I'lMtt'iuiital aitiMiotilt InliTfiTliii: wIlli rKr«uilvt> mlilBr illiM>aHi> an* nlari;<'nifnt of tin* (oiimIIh miltti'laMil lu Inlorft-rc with aiMNtii or piwnllouini; In illm|uallfylne. («-) 8trlrtur<> or proiioun(i- iiciphaKuii Ik a iiium.* for r^*- Jwtlon. 41. Ckntt. — I't) <'ont:i'iil(nl mat forma I ton* unit aii|ulrv^ milt In rtiliiiini; lhi> liiittt nipurlly ami illmlnlHhInK tin- niiplralory funi-tlon, or -tuWi a* priKluiv vlslblt- illittlKuri'm«>nt whon lh«> applicant In ilronmit an- i-auMw for r«'J""ilon. lb) I'roltouniiit i-onlnirtlou of tliv liiiwt, with hiIIk-nIoiin following ptinirliiy. In a niu««' for ri'Jii-llon. (r» tH'fornilth'M of |Im> Nri> In mtiiii ih-formliy or liiti-rfi-n-niv with fuiii-ttiin. nniinltiil frni-luri>M, ami (mrtlat or i-ompU'ti> itlMliM-ailon of t-lthi'r i-ml of th»' clavliio are iiium<-m for rfjtiilon. rd» Siip|iiiratlvi> |>.>rliwtltlN. larU-N. n.iroNiN of ihi- rllw, tho Nti-rnum. tho iinvhi««, or tin- Miipuln* an- itiuiu-M for r«'Jn. If) oiit frai-liirr^ of tha* rllw with faulty union, lnta>rfiTlne with function. nr«' II oaiiNa" for nOa-ailoii, ■II'. Lnifv. I'ulnHMiary tuUTcuhwlM. liironic liroiu-hltiN, chronic piiaMimonIa, piilinoimry ■•nipli\inii. aNihnia, chronic plcurUy, ami prrvlouit uiH-nillon for i-nipya>nui an- •nn.'w?! for rc>vtlon. 4X Hrart and arlrrlr*. i>ii lly|>-rtrophy ami itllalutlon of iIh> liaiiri am) all valvular itla«a>?i of that orean an> rauM>a for r<>j« lM>nrt'it ncllun ara- niuNa-!! for r»'>'<-tli>n. (<•> Ana'tirlNin of whati-vaT wirlcly or nltunlloii In itl*a|uallfylni{. (ill A niiillnii of the l>l.»ii| pra-wiirv In mat mit-Mjiry In at>|>llpllciinl< ovit ;Ci yaiina of atfa- wIm^m- «yNtollc IiIow ttuin Mil or whaw itlnNtolli- tiliaul pnwaurv In iiiort* than no or la«M than 70 nIuiII Ik* r»'>Tli<«l. Tara- Klioulal Im> iaka>n w»n«n ulainln- Ini: thia hhaaal pn-Mura* to Nat- that tlw Nphyi:iminianonM*la-r Rlvaia th«> a»rra>t ra'aitlllK. Thalia* llMtrUIUaMIlN fra-aiucnlly B»>l out of .irataT anal jrtvt< a fal»«J InipraitNlon of llii< cuiutltloii pn>fM>nl. ThIa hlooat praiiaura* nIh>uI(I bt> taken tu 14 cuff 1ms bi'cn iU'l'liod lo llii- arm iiiid lilled with air, a sli'tlioscope .should be jilaeed over llie hciid of the ellmw and the ju-essure of the air Kraduully released Iroiii the ciitT. Tlie systolic pressure should be read when (he first beat of the jiulse Is heard through the stethoscope, and the diastolic pressure should be recorded when (he loudness of the pulse sound diminishes in intensity. In case of doubt several readings sliall be made. 44. Abduiiieu. — (a) Wounds, injuries, and imiscular rupture of tlie al)- dominul walls sullicient to interfere with function and lisluhe from visceral or bony lesions are causes for rejection. Cicatrices from wounds and operations, which have been treated by drainage or are so attenuated as to indicate weak- ness of the abdominal walls, are causes for rejection. (()) All hernias, of whatever origin, are causes for rejection. (c) Chronic diseases of I lie sliiiii.-icli ;insis and scoliosis) not interfering witli function and of a degree so moderate as to be unnoticeable when the applicant is dressed is not a cause for rejection. (I)) Fractures and dislocations of the vertebra; and vertebral caries (Pott's disease) are causes for rejection. 46. Pelvis. — («) Malformations and deforiniti.s of tlic pelvis sufficient to interfere with function are causes for rejection. (h) Perineal urinary fistula, fistula in aim, and stri(l>in> and prolapse of the rectum are causes for rejection. (c) Fissure of the anus and hemorrlioiils sullicii'nt in sizr to iimduce symp- toms are causes for rejection. 47. Kidneys and bladder. — (a) Acute or chronic nephritis, definitely estab- lished by urinary examination, is a cause for rejection. ((j) Albuminuria is a cause for rejection. (c) Floating kidney, hydronephrosis, p.vonephrosis, and renal calculi are causes for rejection. (cZ) Chronic cystitis, vesical calculi, incontinence, and retention of urine are causes for rejection. 48. Urethra. — (o) Epispadias, hypospadias, urethral fistulre, and strictures sufficient to produce symptoms are causes for rejection ; so also are chronic prostatitis and prostatic calculi. 49. Genital organs. — (a) Hermaphroditism and absence or total loss of the penis are causes for rejection. (h) Phimosis is a cause for rejection only when it is complete; that is, when the glans penis can not be uncovered. (c) Varicocele is not a cause for rejection uidess it is painful or so large as to interfere with locomotion. Varicocele seldom constitutes a disability, and frequently occurs among the most rubust men, often without their being aware of its presence until attention is called to it. The existence of a vari- cocele .should always be noted as well as the statement of the applicant as to whether or not it has ever given pain or other symptoms. (d) Simple hydrocele of the cord or tunica vaginalis, if of moderate size and unaccompanied by subjective symptoms, is not a cause for rejection. 15 («-) I'riiiiouiRttl utn>|>l>>' "t ImxIi lf*tkl«« nr lu%» ut liutii orsn>u>. tlu«> to o(M-rutlun ur lu acrlileiical fauaeii, U UlMiuallfylni:. The Iimm ur airuitliy uf une '>'- iiii:. I ft L'iiJiimi'IhIwI lectU-lr l« a mum- f. — KyiihllU, cuiuirrlunt, niut cIuiiutuIiU are cauww fur r.-J'- ll-M .M. Eslrrmltlra.- i u i All uiw>iuall«« In Ilit- iiuiiiImt, tlif furm, aiMl tlii.- pro- I 'rlluii of lite extrviiiltliii, iiruUuHiit; iiullreablf dvfuruilt)' ur liilvrfvrltiic wUb < I fiction, ore cuuiieii fur r«*J«Htlon. ibt iH-vlntloh of the iiorninl nxU of tlii> forvarm ao nuirkoil a* tu Intcrfer* vNlth thf |>ro|ifr uxn-ullon of iIh* manual of anus U a nivnn.' for r«>>-<-tlou. J«.illon. Id) olil iinuiilttHi fraiiurfM, fruflurtv with nhorn-nhiK or rallou« forinuthm iilliiiMit to InicrfiTf with fiuii-tloii, ohi ilUliK-ntlonii, unnilutiil or imrilully ■ ■lurt'^l, ■'•iinplcU- or iiartliil nnkylunlii of a joint, ami rclnxMl arllculur llga- • iitH |M*riultllnt; of frv«|tifnt voluntary or Inxoluntury ilU|>lui->-na'iit are <-niuhrtlon of a limb and rcm-ctlun of a >>lnt 1.- ,iiii«-H r..r r.O«ilon. • urvaiure of a Ionic Iww, niiil eMeiuilvc, d«fp, or mllM-rent «lth motion on- 4-auiMfi for rejivtlon. -I'lnlnii ure cauaea for rejection. iM Uhronti- itlfMui of a limb, chronic ii>novltli), and floatlni; cartilage In • Joint are cauwn for n>J«'ctlon. If) VarUiMie volnM In an extremity, iiidcM allKht, are cnuao for r«-j^<^l>^ii- ill riiroiilc nnil olntlnnlc n<>umk'lii«, nml partUiiliirly M-lntlca. are cnuaca r rcJ<'«tlon. (/) .\dh('r<'nt or unllttl Itnici'nt dUi|uallfy. IVnmiiient lleslon or exten! or mon< tlnisi-rH. iih well u* IrreMHHiliibh- UM-t of motion of iliew lurtM. tld auil third JolntM of the little tlniser doen nut dlMiuallfy. pruvhled there Im mobility of the llrxt joint, irn) Total Umh of either thumb dl«iualllle*. (N) Mutllallcm of either thumb to «uch an extent an to pro«luc« inntertnl Iuh* ' tloxlon or ntreiiitth of the memlM-r dlw|unlin<-H. The cotiiiikMi dUtortlon of .• extn>mlty due to i-iintunlon or felon nee«l not dUqualify. if>) I..XW of m««r«' thun om> phnlanx of tlw rluht ImUx tinicer dlnqualine)!. ip) I^mt of the termliml and nihUlle plutlanee* of any two nuKeni on lh« uiie IuiihI diaquaiinen. m;> Kntire loss of any nnc»r, exce|>t the Utile flnser. of vlllter luind dl»- iaiilinosi. \r} Su|>ernuiiH-rary dlRlH. *• ullualeil aa not to Interfere with the funflh'na f the haml or nnitt>ni. do not diwiuallfy. Hon. It iK dl»- ctlon only wtwn* ao vsopMlve aa to prmtuco 'ticenble deformity when the ap|>ilcnnt I* dr nw f j . ir) Clubfmit U disqunllfyins. (W) P»>9 cavus (hollow fiwt) of HMxIenile decrtv l« not dlaquallfyinc 16 weak foot. .sinii)li' sinUiiiK of the iiroli of the foot is extremely common, mid unless attended with suljjective sj-mptonis is of no consequence. {!)) Tlie strengtli of the foot sliould be tested l)y re(iuiring tlie aiipllcunt to walk on his toes (the soles of the feet beinj; nearly vertical with the floor) and to hop on the toes of each foot. He sliould be able to rise on the tip toes strongly, to hop well, and to alight on tlie toes after springing from the ground. I'ronounced ca.ses of Hat foot, attended with marked eversion of the foot and marked bulging of the inner border due to Inward rotation of the astragalus, are disqualifying regardless of the presence or absence of subjective symptoms. (z) Loss of the great toe or loss of any two toes on the siuin' fcMit are causes lor rejection. (aa) AVebbing of all the toes is a cause for rejection. (bb) Overriding or superposition of any of the toes to such a degree as to produce subjective symptoms is a cause for rejection. (cc) Ingrow-n toenails (usually of the great toe) are ilisqualifying unless very slight. (dd) Hallux valgus is disqualifying when sufficiently marked to interfere with locomotion or when accompanied with a painful bunion. (ee) Bunions sufficiently pronouiKcd to iiiterfeiv with function are dis- qualifying. iff) Supernumerary toes are causes for rejection when they interfere with walking or produce other subjective symptoms. (!/g) Hammertoes are cause for rejection. (Ml) Corns on the sole of the foot are disqualifying wlien they are tender or painful. (m) Hyperidrosis and bromidrosis are disqualifying. (}j) Men whose feet are habitually sodden, with blistered skin, should be rejected. STANDARD B. 1. Standard B examination applies only to proniotidU to the grade of warrant officer and to reenlistinent in lases where the applicant is not required to qualify under Standard A. 2. The requirements for Standard B examination are tho.se prescribed for Standar