1^ i UC-NRLF 1 i DICTIONARY AND GRAMMAR OF THE CHAMORRO LANGUAGE OF THE ISLAND OF GUAM a.(R. "P^ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 T?? TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Prefatory correspondence v Introduction 1 Bibliography 3 Pronunciation 4 Accentuation 6 Concise grammatical outline of the Chamorro language 7 Abbreviations - . 29 Dictionary of the Chamorro language: Part I. English-Chamorro dictionary 33 Part II. Chamorro-English dictionary 129 (HI) 382217 PREFATORY CORRESPONDENCE. United States Naval Station, Guam, Office of the Supply Officer and Pay Officer op the Station, November U, 1916. From: Chief Pay Clerk E. R. von Preiesig, United States Navy. To: The Secretary of the Navy (Bureau of Naval Intelligence), via The Department of Education and The Governor of Guam. Subject: Forwards MS. of Chamorro Dictionary. (1) Having completed the preparation of a Dictionary of the Chamorro Language, I forward herewith the manuscript, and request that this work be approved and printed as a Navy Department publication, for the use of the department of education and other branches of the Government of Guam, and for sale to the general public. Edward R. von Preissig. [First indorsement.] Naval Government of Guam, Department of Education, November 16, 1916. From: Head of department. To: Governor of Guam. (1) Forwarded, recommending approval. (2) It is believed that this dictionary would be of great value to the department of education of the island. M. G. Cook. [Second indorsement.] Naval Government of Guam, Government House, Guam, November 18, 1916. From: Governor of Guam. To: The Secretary of the Navy, via Office of Naval Intelligence. Subject: Forwarding MS. of Chamorro Dictionary and recommending printing. (1) Forwarded, approved. (2) This is a highly creditable piece of work, which has been accomplished at the cost of much labor. Nothing exists on the same scale. It is bound to be of great value to all the inhabitants of Guam. (3) Mr. von Preissig expects no rewards or compensation of any sort. He has pur- sued this labor as a matter of personal interest and offers his work freely to the Govern- ment. (4) I recommend that the dictionary be accepted and a letter of thanks be sent to Mr. von Preissig; and that the work be printed and issued, as requested. (5) I also recommend that this correspondence, together with the department's final action, be printed with the work, to serve as a preface. Roy C. Smith. (V) VI Navy Department, Washington, April 6, 1917. My dear Mr. von Preissig: The department has received through the commandant of the naval station at Guam the manuscript of your Grammar and Dictionary of the Chamorro Language. The energy and zeal displayed by you in the preparation of a work of such magnitude is fully appreciated, as is also your generous offer to place the results of your labor at the disposal of the department without remuneration. While the department recognizes the great benefit that would accrue to the depart- ment of education and the inhabitants of the Island of Guam through their possession of a textbook of this character, there are not at this time funds available for its publi- cation. I have placed this matter in the hands of the Director of Naval Intelligence, who will safeguard your manuscript and submit requisition for the publication of the work when funds for the purpose shall be available. Very respectfully, JosEPHUS Daniels, Secretary of the Navy. Chief Pay Clerk Edward R. von Pueissig, U. S. Navy, Naval Hospital, Mare Island, Cal. [Note. — Chief Pay Clerk von Preissig was promoted to be assistant paymaster, United States Navy, July 1, 1917.] INTRODUCTION. By Edward R. von Preissig, Ph. D., Author of Etymological Comparison of the Finn-Ugrian and Magyar Idioms; Short History of Atistria- Hungary; Political Institutions of the Old World; etc. That the present work is the first lexicographic record in the English language of the Chamorro idiom of the Marianas Islands, and especially of the island of Guam, is submitted as its principal "raison d'etre," as well as the author's justification for undertaking a task rendered exceptionally difficult through the paucity of materials on which to base outlines, which difficulties were further amplified by the character of the sources at his disposal. As stated in the bibliography following, only three dictionaries are available at the present time, of which the Japanese-Chamorro Dic- tionary contains about 60 very small pages, with a vocabulary comprising 30 pages, presenting the Chamorro equivalents in phonetic spelling; the German-Chamorro Dictionary, with a vocabulary of 86 pages, also adheres to the phonetic spelling and only the Spanish-Chamorro Dictionary, published in Manila in 1865, maintains the spelling of the Chamorro words in accordance with the representation used by the Cha- morros of the present day, a usage which has been transmitted to them through their mothers from generation to generation. The fact that there has been great need for a printed record of the Chamorro language is brought into bold view by the evident losses sustained by the spoken language since the comparatively recent date of the publication of the last mentioned dictionary. These losses have forced themselves upon the author's knowledge during his preliminary investigations among the natives, when it was his ever-recurring experience to be compelled to abandon word after Word contained in the work of the Spanish author, for the reason that they were no longer remembered by any of the living Chamorros, and although all these words represented, upon the most casual etymological investigation, the true genius of the old language, they have been lost to it forever, havii^ apparently die4 with the last generation. Immediately upon having finished his outline plan for this Work, the present lexicographer Was required to decide a question of the utmost importance, that of the spelling of the Chamorro equivalents to be adopted by him. Mr. W. E. Safford, author of the scholarly Grammar of the Chamorro Language of Guam, having given his permission for the use of his Work, the careful study of the same offered a great number of convincing arguments in favor of the phonetic spelling, and the Work was com- menced in accordance with this decision. However, upon submitting the partial fruits of his labors to the scrutiny of a number of Chamorro gentlemen, the author Was suddenly confronted by the absolute necessity for the reversal of his con- clusions. Whatever may have been the detailed experiences, the consensus of opinion Was adverse to the acceptance of any innovation, pride of race and language and reverence of ancestors and old-time traditions playing no small part in the final decision, reluctantly but unalterably tendered, offering no compromise on the ancient, illogical, impracticable, but nevertheless beloved, and therefore not to be changed, old- time Chamorro method of spelling. And thus the author resigned himself to the task of rewriting all the work done, and presents it now in the finished form appearing (1) herein, acceptable, and, he hopes, useful to those for ■whose especial benefit it was planned and oct^cuteO . Before concluding, the author ^viaiies to express the hope that his principal aim, that of the facilitation of the work of the public schools of Guam, through the placing into the pupils' hands of the means for the acquisition of a thorough understanding of the meaning of the English words learned by them in the course of their school term, may be accomplished. It is the author 'a duty, as well as a pleasure, to acknowledge here the services rendered by the following-named gentlemen, who assisted in verifying the Chamorro equiv- alents in this work. Thanks for this valuable help are due to Messrs. Vicente Calvo, Jos6 Cruz, Vicente Herrero, Pedro Martinez, Atanacio Perez, Jose Roberto, Juan Taitano, and Francisco Taitano, all of Agaiia, island of Guam. The author also acknowledges his indebtedness to Mr. J. Schnabel, superintendent of the schools of Guam, for many suggestions in connection with this work, to Mrs. W. G. Johnston, teacher in the Guam schools, to his wife, Mrs. Hester von Preissig, member of the Guam Normal School faculty, and to Messrs. Atanacio Perez and Francisco Taitano for assistance in the final revision. The author also desires to extend his thanks to Mr. W. E. Safford, for permission to use his scholarly philological study of the Grammar of the Chamorro Language, which has been of the greatest service in the preparation of this work. Agana, Island op Guam, November, 1916. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Diccionario Espanol-CJliamorro, que dedica a las escuelas de Marianas el P. Fr. Aniceto Ibanez del Carmen, cura pdrroco de Agana; published in Manila, Imp. de Ramirez y Giraudier, in 1S65. Chamorro-Wdrterbuch, enthaltend: I. Deutch-Chamorro; II. Chamorro-Deutsch. Nebst einer Chamorro-Grammatik und einigen Sprachiibungen; von P. Callistus, O. Capuc, Miss. Apost. in Guam (Marianen); published in Hongkong, Tj-pis Socie- tatis Missionum ad Exterios, in 1910. Fino Japones yan Chamorro; Ninajuyung y Tenderon, Nanyon-Boyeki-Kaisha; D. Kikuchi; printed in Japan in 1915; booklet, size 4 by 6 inches, 64 pages. Gramatica Chamorro, que traducida literahnente de la que escribio D . Luis Matay Araujo, dedica a las escuelas de Marianas con el fin de que los ninos aprendan el Castellano; el P. Fr. Aniceto Ibanez del Carmen, cura pdrroco de Agana, ano 1864; published in Manila, Imp. de Ramirez y Giraudier, in 1865. (This is a grammar of the Spanish language, written in Chamorro.) The TJsefxil Plants of the Island of Guam, with an introductory account of the physical features and natural history of the island, of the character and history of ItB people, and of their agriculture, by William Edwin Safford. Washington, Govern- ment Printing Ofiice, 1905. The Chamorro Language of Guam, a grammar of the idiom spoken by the inhabitants of the Marianas, or Ladrones, Islands, by William Edwin Safford. Re- printed from the American Anthropologist, 1903-1905 ; published in Washington, D . C . , by W. H. Lowdermilk & Co. (3) PRONUNCIATION. a without an accent in Chamorro is pronounced the same as the "a" in father; or in the Italian si parla Italiano. b almost the same as in English, but it is not as hard, and there is a perceptible tendency toward "v." c represents the sound of "k" before the vowels "a," "o," and "u"; in Chamorro, when it is desired to render the sound of "k" before "e" and "i," the diph- thong "qu" is used, instead of "c." ch pronounced the same as "ch" in chanty. d the same as in English, but softer. e as "a" in /ate. f as in English. g is pronounced hard, as in gold, before the letters "a," "o," and "u"; the sound of "ge" as in the English get is indicated by the letters "gue," or the sound of "gi" as in the English gimp, by the letters "gui," the "u" in both cases being silent, except where accented (see paragraph on Accentuation); at the end of words the "g" is sounded hard, almost like a "k." h is always silent, and is of most infrequent use, especially at the beginning of words; it occurs mainly in words derived from the Spanish. i pronounced like "ee" in meet; in final syllables, "e" and "i" are almost inter- changeable, and the apparent confusion in spelling is sanctioned by accepted usage. j has the sound of the English "h," but is strongly aspirated. k is not used by the Chamorros; its sound in the English alphabet, as in kettle, is represented by the letter "c" before the vowels "a," "o," and "u," and by the diphthong "qu" before the letters "e" and "i"; the advisability of the phonetic (and therefore more logical) representation of this sound was carefully considered in carrying out the present work, in connection with various other letters of the Chamorro alphabet, principally "j," and "11," and the adherence to the ancient manner of spelling was decided upon only after most searching inquiry which plainly disclosed the advisability of this course; one-half, or more, of the present work was rewritten when the author became convinced that any change in that direction would render his efforts futile by proving this lexicographic work unacceptable to those for whose benefit it was planned. I is pronounced as in English. II carries the sound of "j " in English, but with a strong nasal twang and a trace of a soft "d" suggested in its articulation; the letter "y" is now generally used in the place of "11," conveying the same sound. m pronounced as in English. n as in English. fi. as "ni" in onion or bunion; the same as the Spanish "n" in Nina. ng. The pronunciation of this diphthong is somewhat difficult of description; in Cha- morro the letters "ng," unless followed by a second "g," never convey the sound of "ng" in the English finger; when bearing the characteristic accent extending over both letters, the pronunciation strongly suggests a reversal of the two letters, the combined sound being that of a gutteral "g," begun in the throat, but not (4) finished, and followed by a soft "n" (much the same as the "'n" in the Spanish Nina), thus producing, first, an unfinished "g" and an "n," or the sound value resembling "gn." o as in no. p the same as in English. qu used to represent the sound of "k" before the vowels "e" and "i." r as in English. s represents both the sound of the English "s" and of the "z," the latter not being used in the Chamorro alphabet; no rule can be given for the distinctive sound, which can be only ascertained from usage. t the same as in English. u has the sound of "oo" in root; in final syllables there exists the same interchange- ability between the letters "u" and "o" as has been described under the lette "i"; thus tdotao is often spelled tdutau, it being impossible to make a proper division on account of the sound of the last syllable, which carries a value half way between "o" and "u." y is pronounced nearly as the " j " in joke, but with a softer articulation. The letters x, k, v, w, and z are not used in Chamorro. ACCENTUATION. Accents have been used in the present work only where they are of essential value, or where their omission would cause a change in the meaning of the words involved. Accordingly, the following paragraphs comprise these essentials only. In words of two syllables the accent is usually on the first syllable, and this is the case even though the word be adopted from the Spanish, the latter language requiring the accent in such words to be placed on the last syllable. Thus the Chamorro cdjet, derived from the Spanish cajel, or bdston, identical with the Spanish hast&ti, have the accent in the Chamorro equivalent on the fu-st syllable, while the Spanish words carry the accent on the second syllable, as noted. In words of more than two syllables the accent is usually on the penult, as in the Spanish, and in the case of variation from this rule, an acute accent is placed on the syllable to be accented. Agaga (red) carries no accent, as the emphasis in this word is on the next to the last syllable; on the other hand, dpac& (white), also written Apacd, has the acute accent indicated over the first vowel, to indicate that the stress falls upon the first syllable, in exception to the rule above given. Through the addition of particles to root words the accent is often shifted, and in all such cases must be written in. For example, tdta (father) has the accent on the fii'st syllable; tatdjo (my father) bears emphasis on the second, and tatanmdme (our father) has the stress on the third syllable, indicated in each case by an acute accent placed over the vowel contained in the respective syllable. The acute accent is also used when the syllable containing a, e, i, 6, or u is to be accented, or when the stress falls on a syllable with a or ii, thus: mad^nao, yina'cd. After certain words and particles there occurs a change in the vowels following. Thus in the case of the definite article, "y," besides the complete change in the two vowels following, as described on the first page of the "Grammatical outline," from "o" to "e," and from "u" to "i," the prefixing of this definite article effects a change from the open sound of the vowel "a" to that of "a" in cat or at, and somewhat resembling the so-called "Umlaut" in the German language represented by "a." This change is indicated by the same accent in Chamorro, two dots being placed over the "a" when this vowel is preceded by the definite article, thus, "a." A peculiar pronunciation of the vowels "a," "e," "i," "o," and "u," in certain words, especially in such as may be formed by reduplication of syllables, is indicated in the Chamorro language by the accent ^ . "Whenever this accent occurs, the respective vowel, which generally in such words terminates the syllable, is pronounced without change in the equivalent indicated in the table of pronunciation; for instance, the "6" is pronounced as the "o" in no, but while the articulation of the vowel is begun as usual, the accent effects an abrupt and sharp termination, such as might be indicated by the sudden elision of a consonant intended to follow the vowel. When two vowels follow each other, such as "ii," or "ee," the separate pronuncia- tion of each is indicated by an acute accent or by the accent '^ . In the case of "ue" or "ui,'* when it becomes necessary to show the separate pronunciation of the "u," which, when following "g," is always silent before "e" and "i," unless accented, this is accomplished by placing over it two dots, as follows: "giie," and "giii." (6) CONCISE GRAMMAR OF THE CHAMORRO LANGUAGE. THE ARTICLE. (a) indefinite article. No indefinite article was used in the old Chamorro idiom. In the modern vernacu- lar the Spanish un, in invariable form, with both masculine and feminine nouns, takes its place. Examples: un laje (a man). un palauan (a woman), un patgon (a child). un raina (a queen). (b) definite article. y (from the Spanish; pronounced: e) is the definite article, and is invariable; it has the effect of changing certain letters in the nouns following. Examples: o is changed to e, chotda; y chetda (the banana), u is changed to i, ptigua; y pigua (the betel-nut). Note. — See fourth paragraph under "Accentuation " with reference to change in vowel "a." (c) the article before proper nouns. Before titles and names of persons and animals: si; also si tata (the father) and si nana (the mother). At the end of a sentence or subordinate clause, or when the proper noun is used in apposition: as. For example: y lajimo as Isaac (thy son Isaac). y ni§inaluni as Jose (the wise Joseph; or, Joseph, the wise). Before places, rivers, natural objects, denoted by names of no known signification: iya; y ya. For example: iya catan; y ya catan (the north). daiigculo iya Jagatna; dangculo y ya Jagatiia (Agana is large). THE NOUN. The grammatical gender is not known in the Chamorro language. The natural gen- der is designated by the prefixes laje (man) or palauan (woman), and the sex of mammals is sometimes indicated by toro (bull) or baca (cow). Examples: laje na manog (cock), palauan na manog (hen), toro na chiba (he-goat). baca na chiba (she-goat). (7) NUMBER OF NOUNS. Nouns may be of singular, dual, or plural number. (a) Mutual or reciprocal relationship is represented by the dual number, formed by inserting the particle um before the first vowel of the primitive word. Examples: ch§lo; chela (brother, or sister). chumSlo (two brothers). chumgla (two sisters). perientes (kinsman). y pumarientes (the [two] kinsmen). (6) The plural form is indicated by sija, generally as a suflBx, but may also pre- cede it. Examples: guma (house). sija na guma (houses). Certain nouns form the plural by taking the prefix man, which in some cases changes the initial letter of the primitive word. Examples: ch to n, chelo; maneld (brother; brothers). f to mi, fafajan; miamafajan (buyer; buyers). c and qu to ng, Quilisyano; Manguilisyano (Christians). p to m, pale; mamale (pater; patres). s to fi., saque; maflaque (thief; thieves). t to n, tailaye; m.anailaye (villain; villains). Exceptions: laje (man); lalaje (men). jaga (daughter); jajaga (daughters). patgon (child); famagii on (children). palauan (woman); famalauan (women). laje (man); lajijo (my son); lajimo (thy son); lajifia (his, or her, son). lajinmame or lajite (our son); lajinmiyo (your son); lajinfiija (their son). A kind of plural is expressed by prefixing to proper nouns the particle ja. Example: si ja Pedro (Pedro and his friends). No special form is used to indicate case, and the connection of the words in a Bentence must decide the same. Examples: agang si Pedro (call Pedro). nae si Pedro nu este na leblo (give this book to Pedro). Leblo (book) also written lebblo. If the name of the object possessed ends in a vowel, the genitive or possessive may be indicated by adding an n. Examples: y leblon Jose (the book of Jose). si Marian quiquo (Mary, the wife of Francis). THE ADJECTIVE. There are but few words in Chamorro which may be considered true adjectives, as most of them are really other parts of speech formed into adjectives, participial adjectives, etc., by the addition of prefixes, suffixes, and infixes. In the present work the classification given by W. E. Safford in his Grammar of the Chamorro Lan- guage has been adopted. GRAMMATICAL DIVISION. (1) Qualifying adjectives. — (a) Simple adjectivea; (6) adjectival prefixes; (c) adjec- tival suffixes; {d) conjunctive particle; (e) predicate adjectives; (/) adjectives with definite article; {g) comparison of adjectives; {h) reduplication of syllables; (i) for- mation of the plural. (2) Demonstrative adjectives. — (a) This; (6) that; (c) yon, yonder; {d) formation of adverbs from demonstratives. (3) Interrogative adjectives. (4) Indefinite adjectives. — (a) Limiting adjective, guaja; (6) indefinite adjectives from interrogatives; (c) negative adjectives; {d) adjectives of quantity or number; (c) adjectives of comparison; (/) indefinite adjectives adopted from the Spanish. (1) QUALIFYING ADJECTIVES. (a) Simple adjectives. The following may be considered true adjectives: da^culo (large). diquiqui (little). loca (high). yomog (fat). gasgas (clean). feda (wide). paupau (fragrant); pdopao. also written agaga (red). &^paca (white). atulong (black). jomjom (dark). chagd (distant) tunas (straight). jomld (healthy). (6) Adjectival prefixes. The syllable ma. Many adjectives expressing the quality, nature, or condition of an object begin with the syllable ma. Examples: majetog (hard; solid). m&fiafia (soft). maja£Las (softened). m.ajlos (smooth). mapot (difficult). macat (heavy). masogsog (lean). manana (light, not dark) M. manngue (savory). maasen (salty). maasne (salted). The syllable ma prefixed to verbs dition. Examples: titeg (to tear). goflit (to love) (also goflie and magofli^). saulag (to whip). palae (to anoint). tuno (to burn). jafot (to bury). 'cold). maipe (hot). manengjeng (i mauleg (good). zaagof (glad). zaaasd (kind). mam.ajlao (ashamed). majgong (quiet). xaalan^o (sick). mames (sweet). maagsom. (sour). zaalaet (bitter). forms a participial adjective, indicating con- matiteg (torn). zaagoflii (loved). masauleg (whipped), mapalae (anointed). matuno (burnt). majafot (buried). 10 The prefix ca. This prefix has the effect of modifying the succeeding vowels, as in the case of the definite article; it signifies covered with or spotted with. Examples: fach§ (mud); cafache (covered with mud). jaga (blood); cajagfi, (stained with blood). The prefix gS, used before infinitives and nouns, expresses taste, habit, or inclina- tion. Examples: mames (sweet); gamames (fond of sweets). tuba (toddy); gatiba (fond of toddy). salape (money); gasalape (fond of monej^). machocho (labor); gamachocho (industrious). The prefix gusg is used to form adjectives denoting propensity or tendency. Examples: bubo (to be angry); gusebubo (easily angered). basnag (to fall); gusebasnag (prone to fall). The prefix ja is similar in effect and use to guse. Examples: lalalo (to be become angry); jalalald (easily angered; irritable). sulon (to slide; to slip); jasulon (prone to slide or to slip). The prefix in, in some cases followed by the suflBx an, denotes infested with, attacked by, or overrun with. Examples: otdot (ant); inetdot or inetdotan (infested or attacked by ants). sasata (wasp); sinasata (infested by wasps). The prefix mi denotes abounding in. Examples: tinai (sand); naiiinai (sandy). ach6 (stone); miach.6 (full of stones; stony). sisiiia (power); misisina (powerful). guinaja (property) migiiinaja (wealthy). The prefix e denotes the reverse of mi, i. e., to be lacking in, or to be possessed of little. Example: e'jinaso si Juan (John has little brain). The prefix na denotes the effect of an act or thing. Examples: gasgas (clean); na^gasgas (cleaning) (also, as verb, to make clean). maa'nao (afraid); na'maanao (terrifying) (as verb, to make afraid). The prefix mama signifies capable of being. Examples: cano (to eat); mamacano (capable of being eaten; eatable). taitai (to read); mamataitai (capable of being read; legible). The prefixes gof and chat, denoting contrast. Examples: g6ftan6 (fertile), also gueftano; chattand (sterile, land). The prefix tag indicates habit or disposition, also location. Examples: jul6 (above; up); tagjilo (high; lofty; pretty high). catan (east); tagcatan (in the east; oriental). The prefixes s§n and sesen signify real, true, genuine, very. 1 11 Examples: tailaye (bad); sentailaye (very bad). abale (wicked); senabale (very wicked). baba (worthless); senbaba (quite worthless; very bad). The prefixes got and guef previously stated to express contrast; they also express the superlative, usually in a good sense. Examples: gasgas (clean); gofgasgas (very clean). mauleg (good); guefmauleg (very good; excellent). apaca (white); gofapaca (very white; pure white). The prefix pinat. Examples: marties (sweet); pinatmames (too sweet; oversweet). maasen (salty); iDinatmaasen (oversalty). mantica (hard); pinatmantica (too greasy). The prefix la may be translated rather, somewhat, or by the English "ish." Examples: S.paca (white); laapaca (somewhat white; whitish). bijo (old); labijo (rather old; oldish). chatpago (ugly); lachatpago (rather ugly). The prefixes cha or acha indicate equality. Examples: chamalango jao yan y chelumo (you are as sick as your brother). achacatpintero si Pedro yan tatana (both Peter and his father are car- penters). The prefix chat denotes a lesser quality. Examples: maipe (hot); chatmaipe (not very hot; warm). apaca (white); chatapaca (imperfectly white). The prefix ti denies or reverses the quality expressed by the primitive word. Examples: gasgas (clean); tigasgas (unclean). mejnalom (prudent); timejnalom (imprudent). magajet (true); tinxagajet (untrue; false). mamatai (mortal); timaraatai (immortal). ti may be considered as equivalent to the English "not," as in sina (possible); tisifla (not possible; impossible). The prefix tai signifies there is not, or there is no. Examples: chi (limit); taichi (infinite; without end). Isao (sin); tai-Isao (sinless; innocent). sinajguan (containing); taisinajguan (empty). (c) Adjectival suffixes. The suffixes on and yon. By adding on to certain verba ending in a consonant, or yon, if the verb ends in a vowel, adjectives are formed expressing possibility. Examples: fatinas (to do); fatinason (feasible). tanga (to desire); tangayon (desirable). goflie (to love); gofliiyon (amiable). ago (to change); aguyon (changeable). pun6 (to quench; puniion (extinguishable). 4562—18 2 12 (d) Conjunctive particle. The particle na. Attributive adjectives are connected with the nouns they modify- by means of the particle na, which is not translatable into English. Examples: mauleg na taotao (good man). laje na patgon (male child; boy). patgon na chiba (young goat). guefmauleg na palauan (good woman), y tailaye na chalan (the bad road, or street). The particle na is omitted where the adjective expresses an inherent attribute, as in y atulong aga (the black crow). (e) Predicate adjectives. The particle na is not used in connection with predicate adjectives. There being no copulative verb in the Chamorro language, the predicate adjective may be con- sidered to have a verbal nature. Mauleg (good) may be translated as to be good. Nouns, when used as adjectives, may also be considered as verbs. The predicate adjective usually precedes the subject. Examples: mauleg y laje (good is the man; the man is good). guefmauleg y palauan (the woman is very good). magajet y sinangan (the story is true). chago y chalan (the road is long). cadada y inepe (the reply is short). cajaga y tijong (the hat is blood-stained). (/) Adjectives with definite article. An adjective with the definite article when used in a restrictive clause follows the subject and is connected with it by ni; in a descriptive phrase the relative na (distinct from the adjectival particle na), is used. Examples: y patgon ni y malango (the child who is sick; expressing: the sick child), y chdlumo ni y dlqniqui (the brother of yours who is little; expressing: your little brother). Descriptive phrases: guaja niyog gui guima na s6ndangculo (in the house is a very large cocoa- nut). julii untujong na cafachd (I saw a mud-covered hat). {g) Comparison of adjectives. Comparison is expressed by the possessive suffix na, followed by que. Examples: etogona que guajo (smaller in stature than I). &pacana que jago (whiter than thou). Equality is expressed by the prefix cha. Examples: chamisacan (as old as). misacan (old). Equality, but in a lower degree, is expressed by 1& and chat. Examples: laapac3, (somewhat white). chat&pac& (poorly white; not white white). 13 (h) Reduplication of syllables. Expresses intensification. Examples: daii^culo (big); dangcuculo (enormous; overgrown j. gasgas (clean); gasgagas (scrupulously clean). diquiqui (little); diqvuquiqui (tiny; very small). (i) Formation of the plural. Accomplished by the prefix man. Examples: mauleg na chelo (good brother); manmauleg na mafielo (good brothers). tailaye na laje (bad man); manailaye na lalaje (bad men). tunas na chalan (straight road, or street); manunas na chalan (straight roads). (2) DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES. (a) This. Expressed by ayen before the predicate (yini or ini after the predicate) of a sentence. Examples: ayen na patgon tumatanguis gui puengue (this child cried last night). faisen yini (or ini) na tentago (ask this servant). (b) That. Rendered by enao. Examples: enao sija na galago (those dogs). enao na pale (that priest there). (c) Yoii^ yonder. Rendered by ayo and yuje. Examples: ayo na guma (yonder house). diquiqui yuje na patgon (yon small child). yajo yuje na leblo (I like yonder book). (d) Adverbs derived from demonstratives. Accomplished by prefixing and absorb- ing gui (signifying in or at). Examples: gui yini (literally, in this); giiine (here). gui yenao (literally, in that); giienao (there). (3) INTERROGATIVE ADJECTIVES. (a) Jayi, 3 aye, jai, or jae denote who? Examples: jayi sija na taotao? (what people? literally, who people?). jai na rai? (what king? literally, who king?). (6) Jafa, jaf. Although correctly translated what (or which), this word has a much broader use, and in accordance with inflection is utilized to convey a number of meanings, such as greeting, casual inquiry as to purpose, intention, reason, or destina- tion, as well as the state of health, etc. Examples (of correct use): jaf na catoP (what cat?), jafa na guma? (which house?). The choice between the two forms, jafa or jaf, is merely one of euphony. (c) Mano signifies either tvhere or which. Examples: mano na leblo? (which book? literally, where book?). jaftaimano na leblo? (what kind of book? literally, what-like book?), (d) Fia, fafia, fiiyai? These forms, signifying how many, are used according to the nature of the nouns they modify. (Very rarely used; replaced by cuanto; cuantos; jaf taimano minegaena.) u Fia, used in reckoning time; fafia, used for questions pertaining to the number of persons or li\ing things in general; fiiyai, used in connection with inanimate objects. Examples: fia puengue? replaced by cuantos dias? (how many days? literally, how many nights?). fafia na taotao? cuanto na taotas? (how many people?), fiiyai na guma? jaftaimano minegaefia na guma? (how many houses?). Another derived interrogative is tagfiaP, used in questions involving measure- ments, as, for example, tagfian yini na sagman? (how manj' [fathoms long] is this boat?); also fajafa? (how many times?). (4) INDEFINITE ADJECTIVES. (a) The limiting adjective guaja signifies there is or there are. Like all other words in Chamorro, guaja may be used as several parts of speech. Examples: guaja na tuba (some toddy), guaja na lalaje (some men), guaja sija manog (some fowls). guaja sija na guma (some houses). (6) Indefinite adjectives from interrogatives formed by the suffix ja. Examples: jaeja na taotao (whatsoever person), jayija na laje (whatsoever man). jafja na guma (whatsoever house). • manoja na ses§ (whatsoever knife), (c) Negative adjective taya denotes the reverse of guaja, signifying there is not, the equivalent of the French il n'y a pas. Examples: taya na palauan (no woman), tat janum (no water). {d) Adjectives of quantity or number; megae or lajyan signify much or many; laguaja, several; dididi, a little; y pale, the remaining. Examples: megae na pution (many stars). lajyan na taotao (many persons). laguaja na famagfton (several children), didide na tuba (a little toddy). ti megae na taotao (not many people), y palo na taotao (the remaining people), (e) Adjectives of comparison. Adverbs of manner, such as taimano, jaftaimano (how, like what, what like, where like) ; taigiiine (thus, Uke this, like here) ; tai- giienao (thus, like that, like there), or taigiiije (thus, like that, like yonder), which are derived from the demonstratives ini, enao, and'yuje, or more directly from the corresponding adverbs of place, giiine, gUenao, and giiije, may be used as adjec- tives before nouns and are connected with the latter by the particle na. Examples: taigiiine na finatinas (such an act as this; literally, such-like act), taigiienao na leblo (such a book as that [near you]). taigiiije na taotao (such a person as that [yonder]), jaf taimano na leblo malag6mo? (what kind of a book do you wish?), taigiiine na leblo (this kind of a book). (/) Indefinite adjectives adopted from the Spanish. These have become part of the Chamorro language, and are generally used. 15 Examples: catquiera; catquieraja; catquiet (any, any whatsoever). otro; otro na (the other). cada; cada uno (everyone). todo (every, all). niiino (not one). mas sea jafa (whatsoever). NUMERALS. No mention is made herein of tem, and only a few of the old The modern numerals have been (a) Cardinal numbers: un, uno (1). dos (2). tres (3). cuatro (4). sinco (5). sals (6). siete (7). ocho (8). nuebe (9). dies (10). onse (11). dose (12). trese (13). catotse (14). quinse (15). dies y sais (16). dies y siete (17). dies y ocho (18). dies y nuebe (19). bente (20). bente y uno (21). bente y dos (22). bente y tres (23). the interesting, but now obsolete, old numeral sys- Chamorro numerals are retained in derived words, adopted from the Spanish. bente y cuatro (24). bente y sinco (25). treinta (30). cuarenta (40). sinquenta (50). sesenta (60). setenta (70). ochenta (80). nuebenta or nobenta (90). sien or siento (100). dosientos (200). tresientos (300) cuatrosientos (400). quinientos (500). saisientos (600). setesientos (700). ochosientos (800). nuebesientos (900). mil (1,000). dos mil (2,000). tres mil (3,000). dies mil (10,000). unmiyon (1,000,000). (b) Ordinals: y fin§nana (the first). y min§, dos (the second). (Or, y segundo, from the Spanish; y primero, y tetsero, etc., are ale in use.) y minS, tres (the third). y minS, cuatro (the fourth). y mina sinco (the fifth). y mina sais (the sixth). y mina sais (the sixth). y mina siete (the seventh). y minS, ocho (the eighth). y mina nuebe (the ninth). y mina dies (the'^tenth). y min& onse (the eleventh). (Ordinals from the Spanish are not used beyond the tenth, desimo. \ dttimo (the last). 16 Note. — Both cardinal and ordinal numbers are connected with the noun by the particle na, as, bente na giiiian (twenty fishes). The noun following the numerals remains in the singular; exception is made, however, in the case of nouns forming irregular plural. For example: tres na taotao (three persons). But: tres na famagilon (three children). (c) Distributives. Distributives are formed by prefixing the particles fan- and a-, before the cardinal number. The numeral is thus put into verbal form. The prefix f an-a- is changed in the indicative, past and present tense into man-a-. Examples: man-acuacuatro julo (they were coming up four-by-four). nfan-adiedies magui (they will come here ten-by-ten). THE PRONOUN. In the Chamorro language the pronoun has only two forms, namely, the singular and plural, and in this differs from the Tagalog and the Polynesian languages. With verbs the dual is expressed, in certain conjugations, by the singular form of the verb accom- panied by the plural form of the pronoun. There are two forms for the first person, plural, best designated as being either inclu- sive or exclusive. Example: jita (we) signifies you and I, therefore inclusive. jame (we) signifies he or she or they and I, classed as exclusive, as it excludes the person addressed. THE PERSONAL PRONOUN. There are two forms of the personal pronoun, styled the long and the short. The first is used when the pronoun precedes the verb, and when the pronoun is used with- out a verb, as in abbreviated sentences and after prepositions. Examples: guajo fumatinas enao (I did that). guiya jita (with us; at our house; the French, chez nous). The short form of the personal pronoun is used where the same is preceded by the verb. Example: chulie yo un manja (bring me a coconut). SHORT FORM LONG FORM. (AFTER VERB S). guajo yo (1). jago jau (thou). guiya gui (he; she). jita jit (we, inclusive). jame jam (we, exclusive). jamyo jamyo (you). sija sija (they). THE POSSESSIVE PRONOUN. The possessive pronoun is expressed differently in the case of (a) persons, (6) ani- mals, and (c) things inanimate. (a) Indicated by a suffix, as follows: jo or CO (my). mo (thy). na (his; her; its). 17 ta (our, inclusive). mame (our, exclusive), miyo (your). nija (their). (b) In the case of animals: g&jo (my). gamo (thy). gana (his; her; its). gata (our, inclusive). gamame (our, exclusive). gamiyo (your). ganija (their). It will be seen, therefore, that the reference to animals is indicated by the infix gS,. Examples: y gajo na galago (my dog). y gamo na manog (thy fowl). y gana na babul (his pig). y gata na carabao (our buffalo, inclusive). y gamame na carabao (our buffalo, exclusive). y gamiyo na chiba (your goat). y ganija na nganga (their duck). (c) In the case of inanimate objects: iyoco -(my). iyomo (thy). iyona (his; her; its). iyota (our, inclusive). iyonmame (our, exclusive). iyonmiyo (your). iyoniiija (their). THE VERB. Almost any word in the Chamorro language may be used as a verb, but there are certain words expressing motion, condition, or action, which may be considered true verbs in their primitive form. Examples: janao (to go; to walk). maila (to come). saga (to stay). falago (to run). agang (to call out). fapos (to pass). tunog (to descend). basnag (to fall). jag6 (to reach), taga (to cut). tugue (to write). taitai (to recite; to read). ason (to lie down). nango (to swim). fato (to arrive). tanguis (to weep). guinem, or guimen (to drink). chule (to carry). yut§ (to throw away). pacha (to touch). In the Chamorro language all verbs are classed as either transitive or intransitive. Verbs having a certain direct object are classed as transitive. Example: taitai enau (or 6nao) na leblo (read that book). As intransitive are classed (a) verbs denoting motion or position, having no direct object; (6) transitive verbs, when they have no object at all, or when their use indicates an uncertain, indefinite object. Thus, to read, and to read books, are both classed as intransitive, the first, when standing alone, having no object at all, and the second denoting an object insufficiently definite. The conjugation of the verbs applying to (&) is that of the transitive form, with the addition of the prefix fan, the latter being 18 modified in the past tense and in the infinitive into man. (The addition of the pre fixes fan or man has the effect of changing the letters following, as in the case of the particle denoting the plural, for instance, chule becomes fanule, etc.). In the case of some transitive verbs the insertion of the infix um accomplishes the accentuation of the fact that the action described has received previous mention or is already known. For example, when speaking of a book that has already been men- tioned, the form jaye tiunaitai este na leblo ? (who has read this book?) would be used, while jutaitai este na leblo (I have read this book) would indicate reference to a book not known to the person or persons addressed. Avoiding undue elaboration, the following examples of conjugations have been selected: (a) The transitive verb with a direct object; (6) The transitive verb without a direct object (with the prefix fan-); (c) The transitive verb with the infix lun; (d) The intransitive verb. (a) the transitive verb with a direct object. Infinitive: gagau (to beg). Imperative: Second person singular, ga-gau. Third person, u-gagau. First person plural, ta-gagau. Second person, ga-gau. Third person, uja-gagau. Present and past tenses: First, singular (I beg; I begged), ju-gfi,gau. Second, singular, on-gagau. Third, singular, ja-gagau. First, plural, inclusive, ta-gagau; exclusive, in-gagau. Second, plural, en-gagau. Third, plural, ja-gagau. Note. — For purpose of emphasis the personal pronoun is sometimes added to the verb. Example: guajo ju-gagau (I beg, I begged). Future: First, singular (I shall beg), ju-gagau. Second, singular, on-gagau. Third, singular, u-g&gau. First, plural, inclusive, uta-gagau; exclusive, in-g&gau. Second, plural, en-gagau. Third, plural, uja-gagau. Note.— The orthography in many instances is quite uncertain, therefore attention is invited again to the frequent substitution of i for e and o for u, and vice versa. The uncertain pronunciation of these vowels itself forms probably the fundamental reason for the fact cited, so that it may not be incorrect to designate the substitution of these letters as being permissible through accepted usage. Thus, in the above examples, en may be written for in, un for on, in for en, on for un. The other prefixes remain invariable, and should be remembered, as follows: Present and past tense: Third person singular, ja. First person plural, ta. Third person plural, ja. 19 Future: Third person singular, u. First person plural, uta. Third person plural, uja. The pluperfect may be formed as indicated in the following example: monj&n ju-gagau; or monjayan ju-gagau; or yesta ju-gagau; or raagpo ju-gagau (to convey: I had begged, or asked; although the literal translation would be / was finished with asking). (b) transitive verb without a direct object. Infinitive: To beg; to ask, man-gagau. Imperative: Second person singular, fan-gagau. Third person, u-fan-gagau. First person plural, ta-faiunan-gagau. Second person, fanman-gagau. Third person, uja-fanman-gagau. Present and past tense: First, singular (I beg; I begged), man-gagau. Second, singular, man-gagau-jau. Third, singular, man-gagau-gui. First, plural, inclusive, manman-gagau-jit; exclusive, manman-gagau- jam. Second, plural, manman-gagau-jamyo. Third, plural, manman-gagau-sija. Future: First, singular (I shall beg), ju-fan-gagau. Second, singular, on-fan-gagau. Third, singular, u-fan-gagau. First, plural, inclusive, uta-fanman-g&gau; exclusive, in-fanman-gagau. Second, plural, en-fanman-gagau. Third, plural, uja-fanman-gagau. (c) transitive verb with the infix "um". Note. — This exists in the past tense only. First, singular (I begged), guajo gumagau. Second, singular, jago gunxagau. Third, singular, giiiya gumagau. First, plural, inclusive, jita gumagau; exclusive, jame gumS,gau. Second, plural, jamyo gumagau. Third plural, sija gum.agau. (d) the intransitive verb. Infinitive: To step down, tumunog. Imperative: Second person singular, tunog (step down!). Third person singular, u-tunog. First person plural, ta-fanunog. Second person plural, fanunog. Third person plural, uja-fanunog. 20 Present and past tense: First, singular (I stepped down), tumunog yd. Second, singular, tumunog jau. Third, singular, tumunog gui. First, plural, inclusive, manunog jit; exclusive, manunog jam. Second, plural, manunog jamyo. Third, plural, manunog sija. Future: First, singular (I shall step down), ju-tunog. Second, singular, on-tunog. Third, singular, u-tunog. First, plural, inclusive, uta-fanunog; exclusive, in-fanunog. Second, plural, en-fanunog. Third, plural, uja-fanunog. Note. — The formation of the infinitive by the infix una is not followed in the caae of a number of exceptions. For example: Present tense: basnag yo (I am falling). Infinitive: manbasnag (to fall). THE PASSIVE FORM. There are two constructions to express the passive form of a verb, in which the object of the active verb becomes the subject: (a) By inserting the infix in before the first vowel, and changing o into e and u into i; or (6) by the prefix ma-. Examples: gode (to bind). guinede or ma-gode (to be bound). THE USE OF THE PASSIVE FORM. (1) If the subject is in the first or second person, the active construction prevails. Examples: ju-patmada jau (I am beating thee), on-nae-yo (you are giving me). (2) If the subject is in the third person and the object in the second, the passive form is used, with in inserted. Examples: binaba jau as tata (the father is beating thee). manninae jamyo ni leblo (he gives you the book). (3) If both subject and object are in the third person, either the active or the passive form may be used. Examples of the passive form: Infinitive: To be bound, guinede. Past tense: First, singular (I was being bound), guinede yo. Second, singular, guinede jau. Third, singular, guinede giii. First, plural, inclusive, man-magode jit; exclusive, man-magode jam. Second, plural, man-magode jamyo. Third, plural, man-magode sija. 21 Future: First, singular (I shall be bound), ju-magode. Second, singular, on-magode. Third, singular, u-magode. First, plural, inclusive, utafan-magode; exclusive, in-fan-magode. Second, plural, en-fan-magode. Third, plural, uja-fan-magode. THE REFLEXIVE VERB. The conjugation or inflection of reflexive verbs is the same as that of active verbs with a definite object, except that it is followed by the personal pronoun. Example: jubale yo (I am waiting on myself). In some instances maisa is also added, as follows: ja-faaila raaisa gui (he accused himself). THE CAUSATIVE PREFIX "NA-". As shown under the paragraphs on adjectives, the addition of the causative prefix na, denoting cause, permission, initiating action, effects the transformation of such adjectives into transitive verbs, and of intransitive verbs into transitive verbs. Examples: gasgas, adj. (clean). na-gasgas, v. tr. (to clean; to make clean). ason, V. i. (to be lying down). na-ason, v. tr. (to lay down; to put down). In the example following, the addition of the particle fan in the plural, following the prefix na, is to be noted. Example: jana-gasgas y guima (he is cleaning the house). janafan-gasgas y guima sija (he is cleaning the houses). In other respects the conjugation follows that of the transitive verb with a definite object. Examples: If the object is in the singular — Imperative: Second person singular, na-gasgas. Third person singular, u-na-gasgas. First person plural, ta-na-gasgas. • Second person plural, na-gasgas. Third person plural, uja-na-gasgas. Past tense : First, singular, ju-na-gasgas. Second, singular, on-na-gasgas. Third, singular, ja-na-gasgas. First, plural, inclusive, ta-na-gasgas; exclusive, in-na-gasgas Second, plural, en-na-gasgas. Third, plural, ja-na-gasgas. Future: First, singular, ju-na-gasgas. Second, singular, on-na-gasgas. Third, singular, u-na-gasgas. First, plural, inclusive, uta-na-gasgas; exclusive, in-na-gasgas. Second, plural, en-na-gasgas. Third, plural, uja-na-gasgas. 22 If the object is in the plural — Imperative: Second person singular, nafan-gasgas. Third person singular, u-nafan-gasgas. First person plural, ta-nafan-gasgas. Second person plural, nafan-gasgas. Third person plural, uja-nafan-gasgas. Past tense: First, singular, ju-nafan-gasgas. Second, singular, on-nafan-gasgas. Third, singular, ja-nafan-gasgas. First, plural, inclusive, ta-nafan-gasgas; exclusive, in-nafan-gasgas. Second, plural, en-nafan-gasgas. Third, plural, ja-nafan-gasgas. Future: First, singular, ju-n&fan-gasgas. Second, singular, on-nafan-gasgas. Third, singular, u-nafan-gasgas. First, plural, inclusive, uta-nafan-gasgas; exclusive, in-nafan-gasgas. Second, plural, en-nafan-gasgas. Third, plural, uja-nafan-gasgas. THE RECIPROCAL VERB. Reciprocal verbs are formed by adding the prefix a-. Example : gode (to take hold of; also, to bind). a-gode (to take hold of each other). AUXILIARY VERBS. (a) To have. This is translated by guaja or gai, and the negation is expressed by tayS, or tai. Examples: guaja lebloco (I have a book; literally, there is a book mine; the French, il y a; or German, es giebt). guaja leblomo (you [thou] have a book). guine guaja lebloco; also jagas guaja lebloco or monjan guaja lebloco (I had a book; literally, in the past there was a book mine). u-guaj9. lebloco (I shall have a book). Note. — Guaguaja ja salapSjo stands for I still have some money. taya (the negation) — taya lebloco (I have no book). gai-salape y6 (I have money). man-gai-salap§ jam (exclusive) (we have money), u-gai-salape (he will have money). uta-fan-gai-salape (we shall have money). gai-iyo-jau tujong (you have a hat). gai-ga yo galago (I have a dog). tai (negation) — tai-magago yo (I have no garment). manae relos jit (we have no clock), taiiyo jau s§se (you have no knife), taiga yo chiba (I have no goat). (6) To be. There is no copulative verb in the Chamorro language, and "to be" is rendered by adjectives, nouns, and adverbs used in verbal form. 23 Example : Infinitive: To be sick, malango. Imperative: Second person singular (be sick!), malango. Second person plural, fan-malan^o. Past tense (and present tense): First, singular (I am sick; I was sick), malango y6. Second, singular, malango jau. Third, singular, malango giii. First, plural, inclusive, man-malango jit; exclusive, man-malango jam. Second, plural, man-malango jamyo. Third, plural, man-malango sija. Future: First, singular (I shall be sick), ju-malango. Second, singular, on-malango. Third, singular, u-malan^o. First, plural, inclusive, uta-fan-malango; exclusive, in-fan-malango. Second, plural, en-fan -malango. Third, plural, uja-fan-malango. Note. — In the past tense many attributive verbs take the infix um, as, for instance: tumaUaye si Jose (Joseph became malicious). Reduplication of a syllable in these verbs indicates equality in a lower degree. Example: malalango yo (I am somewhat sickly). When used in the sense of the Spanish "estar" or the German "sich befinden," the verb "to be" is rendered by gaigue and the negation expressed by taigue. Examples: gaigue yo gui guima (I am at home). man-gaigue jit gui ya jamyo (we are at your house). u-gaigue gui ya jamyo (he will be at your house). uja-fan-gaigue gui guima y ch§lujo (they will be at the house of my brother). The past tense is either expressed by an adverb of time, or by "estaba," taken from the Spanish. Examples: estaba jau gui ya sija? (were you at his house?). manestaba jit gui ya sija (we were at their house). The use of the negation, taigiie, is illustrated in the following examples: taigiie yo (I am not present). manaigiie jit (we are not there). uja-fanaigiie (they will not be present). A few verbs commencing with fe- are conjugated in accordance with the following paradigm : Infinitive : To run, fa lago . Imperative: Second, singular, falago. Third, singular, u-falago. First, plural, ta-fan-malago. ^ Second, plural, fan-malago. Third, plural, uja-fan-malago. 24 Past and present tense: First, singular (I am running; I ran), lualago yo, etc. First, plural, man-malago jit, etc. Future : First, singular, ju-falago, etc. First, plural, uta-fan-malago, etc. Note the following: chamo falalago (imperative, do not run!). sina juialago? (can I run?). munga yo malago (I do not want to run). THE prohibitive: do not! This is translated by chamo, the equivalent of the Latin "noli" or German "woUe nicht! "; in the plural, chamiyo ! Its use is somewhat subject to arbitrary changes, and only a few illustrations are given below: Examples: ch§,rao fatnoraocat! (do not go!). chamo falalago ! (do not run !). chamiyo fanjajanau! (do not go ! [plural]). chamiyo f anmatatachong ! (do not sit down !). jatago yo na chajo jumajanau (he commanded me not to go). janajanau y guaot para chajo tumiitunog (he took away the ladder in order that I may not descend). The negative of "to want to" is expressed by munga, which denotes negation in a milder degree than the positive chamo. Examples: Imperative, in all forms: m.unga. Past and present tense: munga yd (I do not want to). munga jit, or munga jam (we do not want to). Future: jumuiiga (I shall not want to). utafanmunga, etc. (we shall not want to). Some verbs always use the possessive pronoun as a suffix. Examples : yajo (I wish; it pleases me to). ganaco, or gaoco (I prefer). Examples of defective expressions: jecua (I do not know). na-jo, or, as plural, na-ta (give me, or give us, something to eat). ujo! (take [it]!). lamen (to be good for something; to be useful). jaf ulamen este na atbot? (what is this tree good for?). jaf onlamen giiine? (what are you here for?). THE ADVERB. The common adverbs of place and motion are in reality abbreviations of phrases composed of the demonstrative pronouns preceded by the preposition gui, indicating at or to. Direction away from the speaker is denoted by guato; direction toward the speaker, magui; place or time of an occurrence is rendered by nai. 25 Examples: guine; este nai (here). este magui; este magui nai; giiine magui (here! — example: come here !). giienau; enau nai; giienau nai (there). giienau guato; enau guato nai (there ! — example: go there !). giiije; ayo nai (there — at a distance from the speaker). ayo guato; giiije guato (there! — example: go there! indicating farther dis- tance). Adverbs denoting place or location: san papa (beneath). san jilo, or san julo (above). san mena, or san mona (in front; before). san tate (behind). san j alum (inside). san jiyung, or san juyung (outside). san catan (in the east). san lichan (in the west) . san jaya (in the south). san lago (in the north) . gui maguin (on this side of). gui otro banda (on that side of). mano; mangui; mano nai (where). guine mano (whence; wherefrom). para mano (whither; where to). masea mano (anywhere). ni mano (nowhere). gui todo na lugat; todoja nai (everywhere). The old Chamorro expressions — gui agapa (to the right); gui acagiie (to the left) are now seldom used; instead — san lago (to the north); san jaya (to the south) have been adopted to express the equivalents of right and left. Adverbs denoting time: p&go; pago nai (now). pagoja (immediately). pago; pago na jaane (to-day). nigap (yesterday). y nigapna (day before yesterday). agupa (to-morrow). y nagpana (day after to-morrow). jagas (earlier; sooner). naya (in earlier times). taftaf; gui taftaf (early in the morning). gui 6gaan (morning's). gui chatanmag (very early — in the dawn). gui taloane (at noon). gui pu puengue (in the afternoon) . gui puengue (at night). gui paingue (last night). gui tatalopuengue (at midnight). gui jaane (in the daytime). 26 Adverbs denoting time — Continued. desde y abmam. (since olden timea). seso; megai na biaje; taplung (often). jalag; ecalag; ti raegai na biaje (seldom). guaja nai ( a iew times). taya nai; tat nai; nunca nai (never). siempre (always). cada rato (every minute). cada dia; todos dias (daily). yesta; esta (already). trabia (yet; not yet). talo (once more; again). atrasao (too late). lamona (to-night). jasta lamona (until later). ngaian?; ngaian nai? (when?). despues; entonses (then; afterwards). antes (before). Adverbs denoting comparison, similarity, etc.: jaf taimano (how?). perejoja; parejo; taigiiijeja (equal). taigiiine; taigiienau; taigiiije (as). calang (as; like as; such as). mas (more). menos (less). junggan; jiio (yes). magajet (certain).. sen aje (absolutely not). ti sina; sumen-tisina (impossible). mandague (false; wrong). buente (possibly; perhaps). megai (much). dididi (little). mampos; demasiao (too much). ada? (possible?). THE PREPOSITION. Only the following prepositions are used: (a) gui (upon; in; at; with). If the preposition g^ui is followed by the articlu, the latter is absorbed. Examples: gui y tasi becomes gui tasi (upon the sea). gui iya jita becomes guiya jita (at our house). gui si Juan becomes as Juan (at John's house). (b) guine (out of; of; from). Example: guine mano (where from). (c) nu. This is difficult to translate, as it has a number of different meanings and uses. A few illustrations follow: ilegna nu sija (he said to them). si pale jatagpangue y patgon nu y janum (the priest baptized the child with water). nae jam page nu y agonmame (give us our daily bread). sija manecunggog man atento nu y finofia (they listened carefully to his words). 27 (d) yan (with; in company of). Instead of this preposition, circumlocution is, sometimes used, as in the following example: dalalag giii (go with him — follow him). (e) tai-taya (without). Example: taya tujojig na; tai tujong; tai tijong- (without a hat). (/) Adverbs denoting place or location are used as prepositions, with san or gui. Example: gui menan y guima; san m§nan y guima (in front of the house). Prepositions formed with san or gui can be combined with the possessive pronoun. Examples: gui menamo (before thee). gui lagona (to his right). gui jalummiyo (in you). PREPOSITIONS ADAPTED FROM THE SPANISH. These have been absorbed into the Chamorro language, and are now in general use. Examples: para (for). pot (through). con (with). jasta (until). sin (Avithout). contra (against). fuera de (outside of; except). antra; ental6; gui entalo (between). THE CONJUNCTION. ya (and— when used to connect sentences). yan (and— when used to connect words). locue (also). pat (or). na (that — with a verb in the past tense). nu (that — with a verb in the future tense), guin; yaguin (when — conditional), anai; an nai (when — time), anaija; guinaija; guigonja; anjS, (as soon as). gui nai (when). lau (but). IQ. (nevertheless). sa (then; because). cau (if). esta-mina (for this reason). enau mina or ayo mina (for that reason). Conjunctions adapted from the Spanish: antes que (before), miantras que (while). despues que (after). entonses (then). con todo que (nevertheless), para que (in order that). para munga; para chajo (the same; negated). mas sea; masea; mas que sea (although). 4562—18 3 28 THE INTERJECTION. dl!; diaja!; lii!; liija! (look there!; look!). lau!; adalau! (but!). ujti! (impossible!). ai! (oh!). mauleg!; maulegjai; nijil (good!; all right!). gusi!; sajyau!; falago!; macalamyal (let ub go!; off!; quick!; hurry!). lattanau! (away there!). ju!; pu! (fie!; fy!). adaje! (attention!) pacaca! (keep still!; quiet!). Interjections from the Spanish: cuidado! (take care!). ojala! (God grant!). silensio! (silence!). ai de mi! (poor me!). bibo! (quick!). durol (get at it!; work hard!). ABBREVIATIONS. n noun or substantive. adj adjective. pron pronoun. V. tr transitive verb. V. i intransitive verb. V. tr., v.i transitive or intransitive verb. adv adverb. adj., adv adjective or adverb. "pre-p preposition. conj conjunction. interj interjection. indef. indefinite. p. adj participial adjective. pi plural. p. p past participl e. (29) DICTIONARY OF THE CHAMORRO LANGUAGE (31) PART l.-ENGLISH-CHAMORRO Note. — ^The author realizes that the greatest usefulness of his work will not be in the direction of aiding Americans in the acquisition of a knowledge of the Chamorro tongue, but rather in the actual help toward a more thorough appreciation of the English language by the Chamorro children. He has not seen fit, therefore, to extend the use of accents in this dictionary to anything resembling scholarly thoroughness and precise consistency. Accents are used in the daily life of the Chamorros but most sparingly, and the practice is that of leaving out, indiscriminately, all but those accents which by their application practically decide the meaning and interpretation, of the word concerned. As in other eastern languages, an absolutely correct interpre- tation and articulation can be acquired only by the help of native teachers, and the extension of the annotation of accents in this work, to constitute a real factor, would offer a return very much out of proportion to the extraneous effort necessary for such an accomplishment. Hovv'ever, the author anticipates, and hopes, that there will be ambitious Americans and others, even though their number be small, who would wish to be given at least a partial guide toward a correct enunciation (in so far as it can be ascertained from present usage) of the Chamorro idiom, and in the interest of these he has applied special care in the application of accents in theEnglish-Chamorro part of the dictionary under the captions of the letters of the alphabet "a," "b," and "c." It \vill be noted by observant students that the shadings of the letters are indicated painstakingly, especially in the case of the vowel "a," the least variation in the enunciation leaning toward the so-called "Umlaut" (in German) "a" being indicated by the corresponding accentuation. It is hoped that those for whose especial use this practice was adopted will be encouraged by it toward further investigation, and that the purpose of this extra annotation will be realized. A. abandon, v. tr.; to leave; to quit; to leave behind; to forsake; to desert: — abandona; dingo; desampara. abandoned, adj.; left; forsaken; forlorn; left alone: — abandonao. abandonment, n.; forlorn condition; dereliction: — abandono. abate, v. tr.: — na-la^-dididi; na-ld- diquiqui. abdomen, n.; groin: — aflago; tuyan; patol. abhor, v. tr.; to hate; to detest: — chatlii. abide, v. i.; to continue; to endure; to last: — saga; dura, ability, n.: — ninasina; jinilat. abject, adj., adv.; vile; mean-spirited; base: — despresiao. abjure, v. tr.; to recant upon oath: — na-nalo y finijo ni y manjula; ingen renunsia y chat-jinenggue. able, adj.: — guef-ilo; gai-ninasina. able-bodied, adj.: — metgot; robusto. abolish, v. tr.; to dismiss; to revoke; to countermand; to withdraw: — ytilang; deroga. abominable, adj.; cursed: — inginon; matdisido. above all, adv.; at first; for the present: — mona; ya-julol6. abridge, v. tr.; to cut short; to accele- rate: — na-ca^dada; na-la^gusd; na-la- diquiqul. abrupt, adj., adv.; sudden: — derepente; enseguidas. absence, n.: — tina'igiie. absent-minded, adj., adv.; distracted: — distraido; ja'malefa. absent, adj.: — taigiie. abscess, n.; wound; defect; sore: — chetnot. abstinence, n.; diet; continence; tem- perance: — chinema; choma. abstinence, n.; temperance; conti- nence : — continensia. (33) abundance 34: advice abundance, n.; profusion; plenty; super- fluity; overflow: — abundansia; mii- bundanaia; minegiie. abuse, n.; invective: — linetgue-finijo; mattrato; insutto; deepresio. abuse, v. tr.; to despise: — despresia; mattrata; mattcHsio; na-mattetsio. abyss, n.; gulf; hell; precipice: — cantit; siisiilaguau; tina'ifondo. accelerate, v. tr.; to hiu-ry; to speed on: — apura; na-magu. accident, n.; untoward event; unlooked- for happemng: — acsidente; desgrasia. accidental, adj., adv.; casual; fortui- tous: — acsidentemente; ti-majasiTgon. accommodate, v. tr.: — ajusta; na-a- sentado; na-aya. accompany, v. tr.; to escort: — gachong- naijon; osgiiijon. accompanim.ent, n.; escort; convoy; — acconipanamiento; inesgaijon. accomplish, v. tr.; to reach; to obtain; to attain: — consigue; cumple. accomplisliment, n.; realization: — quinensigue; quinimple. accordeon, n.: — atmonico; acotdion; jatmonica. accounting, n.; bill: — cuenta; dibe. accounting (to hold an accounting), V. tr.; to call to account: — gagau cuenta. accumulate, v. tr.; amass; to store up; to heap up: — fa-monton. accursed, adj.; cursed: — matdisido; matdito. accurate, adj., adv.; precise; exact; strict: — estricto; ti-lii^Iiiche. accurate, adj., adv.; exact: — cabales; magajet; umaya. accuse, v. tr.; to charge some one ■with: — faiiila; jogse; sogne. accustom, v. tr.: — acustumbra; na- payon (from payon, to become ac- customed to). Acid, n: — minaa'gsom; asido. acid, adj., adv.; bitter; sour: — faileg. acquaintance, n.: — a'tungo. acquiesce, v. i.; to give one's self up. — confotman maisa. acquiescence, n.; license; permission: — lisensia. acquiescence, n.; agreement; approv- al ; — consentimiento. acquire, v. tr.; to procure by effort; to win by conquest: — conquista; logra. acquisition, n.: — guinana. acquit, v. tr.; to absolve; to declare free; to release; to pronounce not guilty: — na-libre; sotta. acre, n.: — acre. across, prep.: — desde un banda asta y otro banda. act, n.; action; deed; creature; work: — finatinas. act the spy, v. i.; to spy: — ^faininug; piirii espiiin secreto. active, adj., adv.: — listo; masajegat. actual, adj., adv.: — fio; papgoagoja. acumen, n.: — guinefilo; inaciididog. acute, adj., adv.; ingenious; sensible: — didog jinasona; lucho. adapt, V. tr.: — ajusta; iireglii; famauleg. add, V. tr.; toappend; to add to something already said: — anade; nalle; naye. add up, V. tr.; to sum up: — suma. adder, n.; viper; asp: — bibora; culebla. addition, 71.; — sumar; aumento. adequate, adj.: — ajustao; sufiaiente; umiiyii. adhere, v. tr.; to stick fast: — umetnon; cheton. adhere, v. i.; to stick fast: — uma'cheton. adjacent, adj.; close to: — jijot. administer, v. tr.; to manage: — go- bietna; miinea; setbe jafa na empleo. admiral, n.: — admirante. admire, v. tr.; to regard with, strong ap- proval:— estima; na-milnman. admire, v. i.; to regard one's self high- ly: — estima; mii^nmiin. admirable, adj., adv.; delifate; liverly; vivacious; elegant: — aiioso; elegante; ta'ipiirejo. admit, v. tr.; to allow; to let come to pass: — admite. admonish, v. tr.; to advise; to caution; to stimulate; to preach: — ^adbiette; cuca; pagat. admonition, n.; exhortation: — abiso; iniidbiette. adopt (as one's own child), v. tr.; to select: — adopta; gii'nye. adore, v. tr.; to worship; to love passion- atelj^ — adora. adorn, v. tr.; to decorate; to embel- lish: — adotna; dumudus. adornment, n.; ornament; embellish- ment: — inadotna; adotno. adrift, adj., adv.; floating at random: — mumaya; mamayil. adult, n.; one grown up to full size: — esta taotao, {or esta palauan) toa. advance! interj.; onward! — adelantal sigue mona! advance, v. i.; to improve; to make progress; to prosper; to thrive: — ade- lanta; adelantao. advance, v. i.; to precede: — na-fona, advantage, n.; gain; revenue; yield: — probecho. advantageous, adj., adv.: — na-ade- lantao; na-gai-probecho. advent, n.: — adbiento; jijijot; finiito. adventure, n.: — inariesga; sinesede. adversary, n.; opponent: — contrario; enemigo. adverse, adj., adv.: offensive; loath- some: — atcontrario; chuchug. adver.sity, n.; untoward event; unex- pected circumstance: — contrario; eni- migo; desgrdsia. advertise, v. tr.: — atan; iitituye iidbiette; fiiisen. advice, n.; admonition: — inadbiette. advise 35 ambidexterous advise, v. tr.: — acoiiseja. advisor, n.; councillor: — c o n s e j e r o; a^iiconsejii. advocate, n.; lawj'er; one who speaks for another; intercessor; favorer: — abogao. aeronaut, n.: — aeronauta; piloton iiire. aeroplane, n.: — batcon aire, aflfair, n.; concern; matter: — causa, affected, adj., adv.; elegant; foppish: — chacha. affection, n.; preference: — g'iiinaiya. affectionate, adj., adv.; well disposed toward some one: — arimao; chijit. affirm, v. tr.: — afitma. afflict, V. tr.; press; clasp; oppi-ess: — aprieta. aflame, adj., adv.; in flames; ablaze: — maniiiila. afloat, adj., adv.; floating; adrift: — maya; mamayii. afraid, adj., adv.; timid; faint-hearted; fearful: — cobatde; maa^iiao. afresh, af/w.; again; anew: — talo; renueba. aft, adj., adv.; toward the stern of the ship: — santate g-ui batco. after, adj.; next; subsequent: — despues. afternoon, 7i.: — pupuengue. again, adv.; once more; back again: — • talo. against, prep.: — contra; yan. age, n.: — edad. age, V. I.; to become old, or childish: — cumaduco. agency, n.: — manguentataye. agent, n.: — manguentataye; bentero. aggravate, v. tr.; to intensify:— aumenta; case; catgaye; na-bubo; na-lamaciit. agile, adj., adv.; quick; prompt: — cha^dig. agitated, v. i.; to be agitated by a violent passion: — cuca; n§,-pinalala. ago, a<^^'.; gone; past: — apmam; abmam; mapos. agony, n.; pangs of death: — agonias; piniidese. agree, v. i.: — um-a-tungo; umacon- fotme. agree to, v. tr.; to assent; to concede: — consede; confotme. agreeable, adj., adv.; obliging; pleas- ing: — ^agradable; na'-magof. agreement,n.; consent: — quinenfotme; (na — magof) quinensiente. aground, adj., adv.; stranded (a ship): — dochon gui tanS; ogiin. ah! inter j.: — jal ih! aid, V. tr.; to protect; to patronize; to favor: — ayuda; fiiborese. air, V. tr.; to ventilate: — na-guinaife; na-6manglo. air, n.; ventilation: — aire, airship, 7i.; steerable baloon: — batcon aire, alarm, n.; tumult; disturbance; bustle; wrangling ; strife : — abiso . albeit, conj.; although; though; notwith- standing that: — achog; a'chogja. alembic, n.; vessel for distillation: — catderon manestila; fiinestilayan. alert, adj., adv.; brisk; quick: — ^mac- alamya. alien, 7i.; foreign-born; resident: — es- tranjero; tdotao juyoiTg. alike, adj.; resembling; united: — parejo. alimentary canal, 11.: — giietgilero. alive, adj., adv.; vivacious; full of life: — lala. all, indcf. pron., pron. adj.; entire: — todo. allege, v. tr.; to affirm; to assert: — afitma; dofiende jafa na rason. allegiance, n.; fidelity to a country, a cause, or person: — cumplido gui ma- gasfia; ti-finabiiba; ti-triniiidute. alleviate, v. tr.; to quiet; to relieve: — na- alibiao; na-la'-magoiTg. alleviation, n.; mitigation; easing; re- lief: — alibio; descanso. alliance, n.; bond: — aliansa; inetnon. allow, v .tr.; to permit; to consent: — con- siente; petmite. all right, adv.: — mauleg. ally, n.; confederate: — inetnon. all together! interj.: — todos guigui- goja ! aUure, v. tr., v. i.; to entice: — tienta; na-quemiilago. aim, n.: — hmosna. Almighty, n.; the omnipotent God: — Todojanasina. almost, adv.; nearly; but little was lack- ing: — cana; cii^naja. almost, adv.; nearly: — casi. almost light, n.; dawn: — canS, manana. alone, adj., adv.; single; by itself: — asolas; maisa. alone, adv.; only: ja (suffix). along, adv.; along with: — yan- (prefix). alphabet, n.: — atfabeto. also, adj., adv.; too; besides: — contodo; locue. altar, n.: — attat. altar of incense, n.: — attat y paupau (also written: paopao) sija. alteration, 11.; mutation; variation; shift: — yinilang; tiniliiica. altitude, n.; height: — altura; lineca. always, adv.: — siempre. amass, v. tr.; to heap up; to join: — amontona; na-etnon. amassed, p. adj.; piled up; hoarded; cumulated: — numa^-etnon; numa'- monton. amaze, v. tr.; to confound or stun with fear; to astonish: — jong'aiig. amaze, v. i.; to be amazed; to be stunned with fear: — ^majiigarTg. ambassador, n.: — embajadot. ambidexterous, adj., adv.: — fafajdna; todoja jii julat umiitiende; todoja y doa canai fafajdiia. ambulance 3G approach ambulance, n.: — careton para ma- laTigo pat para ayudon raalango taig^Liije yan guaja guera. ambush, n.: — jiniguef; emboscada. amenable, adj.; easy to lead; submis- sive: — osgon. American, n.: — americano. amiable, adj., adv.; lovely: — amable; gofliiyon. amiabieness, n.: — minamis. amicable, adj.; friendly; peaceable: — ta'iadisgusto; timimumo. amid, prep.; among; between:— ental6; entre. amiss, adj.; wrong; faulty: — isao; lache. among, prep., adv.; amongst; amidst: — entre; (^ntalo. amour, n.; love affair {also lover, or gallant): — a^giiaiya; guinaiyii. ample, adj.; full; abundant: — abund- ansia; sufiisiente. amuse, v. tr., v. i.; to entertain; to talk; to say; to utter; to speak: — adingan; adiiigiine; entretiene. amusing, adj., adv.; ludicrous: — na- chalig. anatomy, n.: — estudion tataotao. ancestors, pn. I.: — manaina. anchor, n.: — aiigcla. anchor, v. tr.; to throw out the achor: — sotta y aiigcla. anchor, v. %.; to lay at anchor: — ma- aiigcla. anchor, v. i.; to come to anchor: — angcla; ma-angcla. anchoring grounds, n.;— angcla; fanangclayan. ancient, adj., adv.; old: — antigo. and, conj.: — yan. anecdote, n.; brief narrative of enter- taining character: — estoria. angel, n.: — angjet (plural, angjeles). anger, n.; bitterness: — binibo; escan- dalo; liniilalo. angry, adj.; provoked: — bubo; lalalo. animal, n.: — gaga. animal, adj., adv.; bestial; brutish: — gaga; iyon. annihilate, v. tr.; to destroy: — destrosa; na-falingo. anniversary, n.: — anibetsario; cumple ailos. announce, v. tr.; to herald; to publish: — anunsia. announcement, n.; public notice; proc- lamation: — bando. announce, v. tr.; to publish; to pro- claim : — bandonnaijon. annoy, v. tr.; to molest: — joroba; molestia; na-cha'tsaga. annoyance, n.; molestation: — jineroba; minelestia. annoying, adj., adv.; troublesome: — jijoroba; mimolestia. annual, adj.; yearly: — cada sacan. annul, v. tr.; to make void; to abolish: — na-taibale. another, adj.: — otro. anomalous, adj.; irregular: — echoiig. answer, v. tr.; to reply: — contesta. ant, n.: — otdot. ant fly, n.: — betmiyon. anteroom, n.; waiting room: — ante- camara; clasencuarto (a kind of room), antiquity, n.; great age: — b i n i j o; iniibmau;inantigo; taotao mona. (This is also the name of the much-feared spirit of Guam, ' ' the man of antiquity . " ) anvil, n.: — yungque. anxious, adj., adv.; scrupulous: — cha'chatjinaso; escrupuloso; lulujan; pinalalala. any, adj.; any soever: — -algun. anyone, pron.; whosoever: — cuatquiet; ruatquiera or cuatquieraja. apart, adv.; aside: — apatte. apart frora that, adv.; besides; more- over: — ademas. ape, n.; monkey: — maching. aperture, n.; opening; hole; cavity: — abettura; iitbettura. apiary, ?i.; beehouse: — sagan obeja. apologize, v. tr.; to express regrets: — gagao asi-i. apology, n.: — guinagao asi-i. apostle, n.: — apostoles. apparent, adj., adv.; seeming: — cad6. appear, v. %.; to make appearance: — fato; jaingue. appearance, n.; vision: — ^linii; ma-lii. appease, v. tr.; to calm; to compose; to pacify: — na-famatquilo; namagof. appeased, adj.; assuaged: — aplacao; mana-magof; or nina-magof. append, v. tr.; to attach: — ni,ye; naye guato. appendix, n.: — inaiiade. appetite, ti.; desire; inclination: — ganas. apple, n.: — raansana. applicant, n.: — y manaplilica. application, n.; utilization; diligence: — aplicasion. apply, V. tr.; to apply a warm poultice: — bentosa. applying chastisement, r. tr., v. i.; to wield the rod: — na-belembau y latigo; latigaso. appoint, v. tr.; to determine; to fix; to intend; to design; to direct; to order: — destina. appointment, ?i.; — tinag6. appreciate, v. tr.; to value: — agradese; gueflamen; tasa. apprehension, n.; anger; vexation: — minajalang; pesadumbre; binibo. apprehensive, adj., adv.; cowardly; timorous: — dangue. apprentice, ?i..' — aprendis. approach, v. tr.; to draw nearer: — chijit; subida. approach 37 at approach, n.: — subida. approbation., ?i; sanction: — aprobasion. appropriate, v. tr.; to appropriate something not one's own; to take for one's own something belonging to another or others: — chengle; chi- nei'igle. approval,?!.; acquiescence; agreement: — consentimiento. approve, v. tr.; to assent to; to allow: — aprueba. April, 11.: — abrfl; lumuju. apron, n.: — bagai; ta])is. arable, adj.; fit for the i)low: — aladuyon; sina ma alado. arbor, n.;— enraiziada. arch (of a building, or of the bow), n.: — • a'tcos. arched, adj.: — mama-a'tcos. arch of victory, n.: — a^tcos guinana. archangel, n.: — atcangjeles. archbishop, n.: — atsobispo. architect, n.: — y ro.am.atitina3 planon guraa. arciiive, n.: — atchibo. ardent, adj., adv.; eager; zealous:— empenao; empeiioso. / argue, v. i.; to debate: — atgiiir. argument, n.; controversy: — iniigua- guat; rason. arid, adj.; dry; barren: — anglo. arise, v. i.; to rise; to get up: — -na-cajulo. ark (of the covenant; Noah's), n.:— atca. arm, n.; hand: — canai. armchair, n.: — siyan gai-canai. armament, n.; ecjuipment (military): — atmadura; trastes guera. armor, n.; cuirass: — magagon lulog para macubre y tataotao yan guaja irdmo. armpit, n.: — afafa. arms, n.: — atmas; canae. army, n.; host:— milisia; ejetsito. arouse, v. tr.; to wake up; to awake: — pangon. arrange, v. tr., v. i.; to order; to prepare; to make ready; to dispose: — aregla; dispone. arrange, v. tr.; to arrange proportion- ately : — na-chilong . arrange, v. tr.; to set in order; to try on; to settle (a loan): — ajusta. arrange, v. tr.; to inaugurate; to estab- lish; to introduce: — establese; planta. arrangement, n.; management; order; disposition: — areglo; inencatga. arrest, v. tr.; to seize: — aresta. arrival, n.: — finato. arrive, v. i.; to appear: — fato. arrow, n.: — flecha. artful, adj.; cunning: — ja-tungo umatte. article of faith, n.: — attlculon jin- enggue. artificial, adj., a rf i;..-— ininajuyong taotao. ascension of Christ, n.: — asension. ascension (ossumption) of Mary, the Virgin, n.. — asunsion. ashamed, adj., adv.; shamefaced: — mamajlau (mamajlao). ashamed, v. i.; to be ashamed: — mama- jlau. ashes, n.; cinders; embers: — apo; senisa. ask, V. tr., v. %.: — f arisen; gagau. ask alms, v. i.; to beg: — gagau. ask, V. tr., v. i.; to interrogate; to ques- tion : — f arisen. aslant, adj., adv.; awry; sloping; ob- lique: — eguiiig; egueiig. as, adv.; like as; such as: — calan. aspersion, n.; slander; defamation: — enredos; inada. assail, v. tr.; to attack; to fall upon (applies especially to an attack of many upon one): — agogiiiye. assail, v. tr., v. i.; to seize; to attack; to revolt; to rebel; to mutiny: — embeste. assembled, adj.; chinichili; umachuli. assembly, n.; group; society: — inetnon; junta. assent, v. tr.; to agree to; to concede: — consede. assert, v. tr.; to maintain: — na-dana; na-asigura. assimilate, v. tr.; to absorb: — na-a'ya; na-parejo. assist, V. i.; to help; to succor; to be of service : — asiste . assist, V. i.; to give advice; to counsel: — aconseja. as soon as, conj.; so soon as: — asi que; enseguidas que. as soon as possible, adv.: — cuanto antes. assort, V. tr.; to classify: — na-a''disa- patta y clase; na diferentes clase. assuage, v. tr.; to appease; to soothe; to calm; to make gentle: — apasigua, assuaged, adj.; appeased: — aplacao. assume, v. tr.; to take for granted: — chiile pot manae pat (or) potmata- go; chule pot banidd. assumption, n.: — binanidoso. assure, v. tr.; to make sure or certain: — na-fltme; ni-meton; na-seguro. asthma, n.: — guja; ja^-guja. asthmatic, adj.: — ja^-guja. astounded, adj., adv.; wondering: — manman. asunder, adv.: — majlog; uma'desapatta. as well ... as also . . . : — tanto . . . como . . . as v/ell as, conj.; as also; so as: — asi co- mo. at (at 11 o'clock): — a (a las onse). at first, adv.; for the first; above all; for the present: — mona. athwart, adj.; crosswise; oblique: — opagat; crus; umencriis. at last; finally: — pot fi.n. at least, adv.; at any rate: — siquiera. at leisure, adj., adv.: — osioso. at bamboo at my expense: — ^g-ui gastoco. atone, v. tr.; to expiate; to make repara- tion; to give satisfaction; to pay; to reconcile: — apase; empas. atonement, n.; penance: — penitenaia. at once, adv.: — enseguidiis. at one time ... at another time . . . : guaja nai . . . guaja nai . . . attach, V. tr.; to fasten; to connect with: — asegura; na-cheton; na-fitnae; naina- y;ajet; nameton. attack, V. Ir.: — que-julat. attack (especially an attack of sickness; a shock; a fit), n.: — achagque; ataque. attack suddenly, v. ir.; to surprise (the enemy); to penetrate: — jatme. attack, V. tr., v. i.; to assail; to seize; to revolt; to rebel; to mutiny: — embeste. attack, V. tr.; to take hold of; to press in (example, to press a cork into the bottle); to cleave a way through: — joiio; tugong. attack of cramps attain, v. tr., v. i (with the hand); tiica. attempt, v. tr.; to try: tienta. attend, v. tr.; accompany: — ijcompaiia; iitiende. attendance, n.; presence: — guinaigue; pres(''nsia; sanmena. attention, n.: — atension; inatiende; iniitituye. attorney, n. — abogao. attribute, v. tr.; to rate; to put down to some one's account; to lay the responsi- bility of . . .on some one: — achaca. auction, n.: — atmoneda. n.: — calamle. to reach; to seize to grasp: — ga^cha; -chague; ensayo; audacious, adj., adv.; insolent; bold: — descarao; saguat. audible, adj.; capable of being heard: — ecungucon; juiTgucon. August, n.: — agosto; tenjos. aunt, 71.;— tia. auspicious, adj., adv.; well disposed; favorable: — faborable. automobile, n.: — calesan sin gaga; automobit. avarice, n.; cupidity: — codlsia; liniitgii. avaricious, adj., adv.; envious; grudg- ing: — chattau; liitga. avenge, v. tr.; to exact retribution for; to revenge : — emog. average, n.: — inacompara; pot todo; totat. aviary, n.; inclosure for keeping birds: — sagan pajaro. aviator, n.: — piloton aire, avoid, V. tr. — sujaye. avoid (to avoid sin), v. tr.; to turn out of the way; to evade: — ebita. awake (to awake the reason): — des- pabila. av/aken, v. tr.; to wake up: — fagmata. award, v. tr.; to adjudge; to bestow: — jusga. away! interj.; out of the way with it! — suja! awful, adj., adv.; solemn; dreadful: — namaaiiao. awe, n.; reverential fear: — minaanao. awl, n.: — alesna. awry, adj., adv.; sloping; oblique; aslant: — egueng; eguiiig. axe, n.: — acha; gachai. axis (of a wagon), n.: — eje. B. babble, v. i.; to prattle: — cumuentos. babbler, n.: — ga-cumuentos. baby, n.: — nene. bachelor, n.: — sottero. back, n.: — tatalo. backbone, 11.; spine: — espinaso. backwards, adv.: — janaotate; de buelta. bad, adv., adj.; evil; wicked; mischiev- ous: — camten; ta^iliiye. bad example, 71.: — mal ejemplo. bad spirit, n.: — chat-ante. bag, n.; pocket: — botsa. bail, V. tr.; to insure; to improve; to make good an assertion; to give credit: — abona; apAse; na-magajet; na-lamauleg. bail,n.;security; warranty : — fiansa; finia. bait, n.: — catnada; pugue. bait, V. tr.; to allure: — catnadaye; mojmo; pugue. bake, v. tr.; to bake in a pan; to fry, without fat: — afiito; na-tosta. bake, v. tr.; to bake or fry too avcU; to burn in frying: — quemado; na-gu6f- aflito. baker, n.: — panadero. baking oven, n.; oven; hearth: — jotno. balance, n.; perfect equality of two weights; equipoise; equilibrium: — cliina'-uiigag. balance, v. tr.; to make equal: — acha^- uiigag. balcony, n.; porch: — batcon. bald, adj.; bare: — dagngas; gAsgas. baldliead, ?i..- — catbo; dagngas. bald spot (on the head), n..- — dinagngas. ball (rifle ball), n.: — bala. ballast, n..- — lastre. b alio Oil, n.: — lobo. balm., n.: — batsamo; dinichoso; mina- gong; quinensuela. balm, V. tr. ;to embalm: — naye batsamo. babiiy, adj.: — na-jomlo; na-magof; paiipau (also written: paopao). balsam, n.: — amatgoso. balsam, n.; erabaiming fluid : — bat.samo. bamboo, 11.; reed; cane: — cubo; piau (also, piao). bamboo pipe, n.; reed pipe: — chigand6 piau. bamboo rod 39 become bamboo rod, n.; rod: — piau; piao. ■bamboo receptacle (\iwd in carrying the juico of the cx-oa pahn, the tuba), n.: — bong-bong; fagot; also called ba- jadot. banana (the ripe banana), n.; — aga (different kinds of bananas; aga dama; aga dedo; galayan; jalum tano; jaya; manila; tanduque). banana plant (also the banana fruit, v.'hile green), n.: — -chotda. banana plantation, n.: — fanot-dayan; monchon chotda. band, n.: — guede; sinta. band, n.; orchestra of musicians: — • capiya; banda. bandage (for any wound), n.: — bee. bandage, v. ir.; to take up: — bee. bandit, ?i..- — bandolero; tulisan. banish., v. ir.; to exile; to drive out; to expel; to expel from the country: — destilado. bank, n.: — banco, banker, n.; money changer; exchanger: — banquero. bankrupt, adj.: — insotbente; quiebra. bankruptcy, n.: — finaiingo; minafag. banner, n.; flag: — bandera. baptism, n..-— bautismo; tinagpaiigue. baptize, v. fr.; to christen: — tagpaiigue. bar, n.; long piece of wood or metal: — bareta; barote. bar, V. tr.; to bolt; to bolt the door: — tranca; trangca; choma. barbed wire, Ji.: — alamlen tituca. barbarian, n.: — batbaro {Spanish); y brute: bastos; tailaye yan malamana na taotao. barbarous, adj., adv.; cruel; terrible; dreadful; fierce: — na-maaiiao; tailaye. barber, n.: — batbero. bare, adj.; bald: — catbo; dagiigas. bark n.; barque; three-masted sailing vessel: — batco; modoiig. barking (of a dog), n.: — jau jau (also: jao jao). bark, v. i.; to bellow; to howl: — jaujau. barley, 7i.: — sebada. barometer, n.: — ba-rometro. barracks, n.; quarters: — cuattel. barrel, n.; cask: — bariles. barren, adj.; unfruitful: — cha't-tano; ti fafanago. barre:n, adj., adv.; dry; arid; destitute of moisture : — anglo . barter, v. i.; to trade: — ^na-atulaica; tuliiica. base, n.; foundation: — basa; fondo; yapapapa. base, adj., adv.; abject; vile; mean- spirited:— despresiao; ta'gpapa; tai- setbo. base man, n.; a vile man: — jenngan; tailaye; traidot. basin, n.; circular vessel for holding vrater; wash basin: — palaiiggana. basket, n.: — canastro or canastra. basket (of large size; made of fiber), n.: — chucubite. basket (local name for a small basket carried on the back), n.: — cheop. basket (made from cocoa-palm leaves; not very durable), n.: — ala (the same, but doubled, n., alan togtog). basket (for victuals), n.: — costat-teiig- guang. basketwork, n.; braided work: — finilag; tinifog. bass, n.; bass voice: — bajo. bass viol, n.; double bass: — beolon. basting thread, n.: — jilon chotda. bat (in the vernacular called the flying dog), n.: — faniji. bath, n.: — bano. bathe, v. tr., v. i.; to take a bath: — omag; masupog. bathroom, n..- — bano. bathtub, n.: — bano; fandmagan; tina para umomag. battalion (a body of infantry), n.: — batayon. battery, n.: — bateria. battle, n.: — bataya. battle, v. i.: to quarrel: — mumo. bay, n.: — bajia; bocana {Sp.); finagudg- salo; tase; tasi. beach, n.; seashore: — inai; oriyan tasi. beak, n.: — pico. be alike, v. tr.; to happen simultaneous- ly: — pare jo; umiiya. beans, n.: — abichuelas. bear, v. tr.; to give birth to; to bring forth: — fanago; na-juyung. bear, n.: — oso. bear in mind, v. tr., v. i.; to remember: — jasayaijon; jiiso; jinasoniiaijon. bearded, adj.: — gai-batbas. beardless, adj.: — depots! taibatbas; lampiuo. beat, i'. tr.: — dongdong; julat; tutu. beat, V. tr.; to chastise: — saulag. beat, V. tr.; to beat on the head: — dacot. beat, V. tr.; to pound: — dong-dong;; tutu. beat, V. i.; to make mellow; to make tender: — acha. beat, V. tr.; to wound: — lamen; na- lamen. beat soundly, v. tr.; to cudgel: — galute. beating, n.: — garotaso. beautiful, adj., adv.; handsome; pretty; neat; nice (speaking of girls): — bonita; gatbo; samai. beaAitify, r. tr.: — na-bonito; na-gatbo. beautiful weather, n.: — gof-jaane. because, prep.; on account of: — pot (Sp.); sa; siempre-sa. be careful! interj.; care! beware! — • adaje ! cuidao ! become angry, v. i.; to get angry: — bubo; caloja; lalalo. become 40 bird become filled, with mud (speaking? of the harbor), v. i.; to sink (into the mud bottom of the lagoon): — ma-atasca. become old or childish, v. i.: — cuma- duco. become strong, v. i.; to take root: — fumitme; man-jale. becoming, adj.; seemly; proper: — chnmilong; propio; umaya. bed, n.: — cama. bed, V. %.; to lay stretched out in bed: — ason. bed, V. i.; to lay down on the bed: — ason. bed, V. i.; to go to bed: — ason. bedbug, 71.; — chenche. bed frame, n.: — catre. bed sheets, n.; coverlet; sheet: — sab anas. bee, n.;— abeja. beef, n.: — catnen-guaca; guaca. beer, n.: — setbesa. beeswax, n.: — daiigues-abeja; sera. beetle, n..— gaga taigiiiji y papagpag. befall, V. i.; to happen: — jotgue; susede. before, adv., prep.; in front: — antes de; antes que; mona; mena. beg, V. tr.; to entreat: — suplica (Sp.); tayuyut. beg, V. %.; to ask alms: — umegagau (also: umegagao). beggar, n.: — gagagau; yumegagau lemosna. begin, v. tr.; to start; to commence: — ma-tutujon; tutujon; tutujune. begone! interj.; go away! — unjanao! behave, v. tr., v. i.; to conduct one's self; to demean: — adaje; manea. behave! interj.: — quieto! behead, v. tr.: — degiieya. behind, adv.; in rear of: — tate; taten. being, n.; substance; matter: — giiiniya; jinafa; sustansia. be in debt, v. i.; to owe: — dibe; man- dibe. belated, adj., adv.: — atrasao; ma-diiigo. belch, v. %.; to eructate: — fonton. beUef, n.; faith: — fe; jinenggue. believe, v. tr.: — jonggue. beheving, adj., adv.; devout, true: — manjonggue. bell, n.: — campana. beUow, V. i.; to howl; to bark: — jaujau. bellow^s, n.: — fueyes. bell tow^er, n.: — campanayo. belly, n.; abdomen; stomach: — ttiyan; tiyan. belong to, t). i.; to pertain to: — iyon. beloved, adj.; dear: — ma-goflie; neiia. below, adv.; under; beneath: — gui papa; papa; san papa. belt (for the waist), n.: — coreas; senedot; oiutoron. belt (leather strap holding the sandals), Ti.: — coreas doga; cotdon. bemoan, v. i.; to grieve; to lament: — majalangue; pinitiye; tAngse. bend, v. tr.; to curve; to make crooked: — dobla; tecon. bend, v. i.; to bend down the body: — aso; maiigag. bend, v. tr.; to curve; also to touch with emotion; to move the feelings of: — gaom, benevolent, adj., adv.; well-meaning: — guef-tao; mangoflfe. bend over, v. tr.; to fold over; to bend the knees: — dobla. bend the knees, v. i.; to kneel: — dimo. benign, adj., adv.; gracious; good; kind- hearted: — -mauleg; yoase. bent, adj., adv.; curved; crooked; also inclined to do wrong; forbidden: — echong; eclau; lilico. berry, n.: — diquiqui mefgo na fruta na gae pepitas; tinegcha. berth, n.; sleeping place on board ship: — camarote gui batco. beside, adv.; in the proximity of; near to: — canton; fion; gui fion; oriyan. besides, adv.; moreover; apart from that: — ademas; fuera de. be silent, v. i.: — famatquilo; pacaca. bespatter with mud, v. tr.: — na-ca- fache. best, adj.; most desirable: — ^mas- mauleg. bestial, adj., adv.; brutish; animal: — iyon gaga, bet, n.; wager: — aposta. bet, V. tr., v. i.; to wager: — aposta. betel leaf, n.: — populo. betray, v. tr.; to be untrue to: — fababa; failajye; traidute. betrayal, n.; treason: — traision (Sp.); trinaidute. betray, v. tr.; to be treacherous to: — traidute. better, adj.: — maulegna. between, prep.; amid; among: — ental6. bew^are! interj.; be careful! — adaje! beware, v. i.; to have a care; to be attentive: — adaje. bewitch, v. tr.; to cast a spell over: — cajnaye; na-miinman; na-nganga. beyond, prep.; on the farther side of: — guejiyong; sanjiyoiig; y otro banda. beyond measure, adj., adv.; superflu- ous : — demasiao. bible, n.: — biblia; historia sagrada. bicycle, n.: — bisicleta. bid, v. tr.; to make an offer of: — combida; jujo; ofrese; soyo. bier, n.; bed: — andas; aiiggariya. hig hearted, adj . , ac??;.;— gueftau, (also: gueftao). bilious, adj.; choleric:— bilioso (Sp.) bill, n.; accounting: — cuenta; cuentas; tinifong. biUiards, n.: — biyat. bind, I', tr.; to fasten; to tie on:— funut; gode. bind lightly, v. tr.; to put a slender hoop around a barrel: — tvijut. bird, n.: — guegpo; pajaro. birth 41 born birth, 71.; — ma-faflago; manage; patto. biscuit, n.: — biscocho; gayetas. bishop, n.: — obispo. bit, 11.; morsel; mouthful: — bocao. bite, V. tr.; to crush or pierce with the toeth; to gnaw; — aca. biting, adj., adv.; sharp; mordacious: — calactos; dadiiu; pa'pago. bitter, adj., adv.; sour; acid: — mala'et; nii-faileg. black, adj., adv.: — atilong. blacken, v. tr.: — na-atilong. blacksmith, n.: — jerero. blacksmith shop, n.: — fragua. bladder, n.: — bejiga; nayan-meme. blamable, adj.; culpable; guilty: — cul- pable (Sp.). blame, v. tr.; to find fault with; to cen- sure; to reprimand: — corije; sogne; tacha. blank, adj.; free from writing; empty:— bianco; gasgas; giieco. blanket, n.; covering: — eno; sab an as- lana. blasphemy, n.: — blasfemia; dispara- teria. blaze, n.; a body of flame: — manila. bleach, v. tr.; to remove color: — blang- quea; na-apaca. bleed, v. i.;— majaga; na-majaga. blend, n.; mixture: — dinana. blend, v. tr.; to mix; to mingle: — danS.; na-dana. bless, V. tr.; to praise; to commend; to extol: — bendise; tuna, blessed, adj., adv.; fortunate; lucky: — dichoso. blessedness, n.: — dinichoso. blessing, n.: — bendision; tinina. bhght, n.; blast in the crop: — quinatot y tinanum. blind, adj., adv.: — bachet. blink, V. i.; to twinkle; to wink: — achetgue; chaliimlam. bhss, n.; happiness: — felisidad (Sp.); minagof. blister, n.:- — mama-bejiga; pagpag. block (of wood, stone, etc.), n.: — pedaso. blond, adj.; red-haired: — bermejo; bet- mejo. blond, n.: — ^jaga. blood-letting, v. tr.; to let blood; to tap blood : — desanggra. bfood-poisoning, n.; gangrene: — cang- grena. bloody, adj., adv.: — bula-jaga; mejga. bloom, v. i.; to blossom: — man-flores. blot, n.; spot; stain: — mancha. blot; I', tr.; to spot; to stain: — na- mancha. blotter, n.: — secante. blouse, n.: — blusa; calo na magago. blow, v. i.; to breathe: — jaja. blow, v. i.; to sway: — goja; sopla. blow with the fist, n.; cuff: — dinem6. blow (speaking of the wind), v.. i.: — guaife. blow, n.; stroke; knock: — dinengdong; gotpe. blue, adj., adv.; cerulean; azure: — asfit. bluish, adj., adv.: — asustit. blue, V. tr.; to color or dye blue: — na- astit. bluff, adj.; rising steeply or boldly (speaking of mountains, rocks, etc.): — boca; loca na acho pat ogso. bluff, V. tr.; to deceive: — dague; esitane; fababii. blunt, adj.; not sharp: — nano; ma- jefong. boar, n.: — balaco. board, n.; table :^ — tabla. boast, v. i.: — bumanidoso; tunan-maiea. boaster, n.; braggart: — banidoso; fan- tasioso. boat, n.: — bote, boat hook, n.; hook: — gancho. boatswain, n.: — contramaestro. bodice, n.; waist: — cotse; chinina. bodkin, n.: — ^ponson; puiiat-alesna. body, n.; the human body: — tataotao.-' body of stagnant water, n.; puddle; mudpuddle: — atasca; fanatascayan. bog, n.; tract of wet, spongy ground: — fache; sesonyan. boil, V. i.; to cook: — loclog. boil, V. i.; to cook with fat: — cado. boil, V. tr.; to boil in water: — chancocha; sotne. boisterous, adj.; vehement; impetuous; violent; passionate; stormy: — duro; fijom; rebottoso; arebatao. bold, adj., adv.; courageous; audacious; forward: — a totgante; descarao; saguat; matatnga. bolt, V. tr.; to bolt the door: — trangea; sorojo. bolt, V. i.; to start forward like a bolt: — manugong. bolt, n.; door lock: — sorojo. bolt, n.; a long step: — inagua. bomb, n.; pump: — bomba. bombard, v. tr.; to attack with bombs: — bombatdea; yotte bombas. bombard, v. tr.; to shoot at; to fire upon: — bianco; bombatdea; flecha. bond, n.; obligation: — obligasion. bone, n.: — piema; tolang. bonnet, n.: — bonete {Sp.); gora; tujong. book, n.: — leblo. bookkeeper, n.: — tenedot de libro {Sp.). boom, n.; spar: — botalon. boots, n.: — botas. border, v. tr.; to encompass; to inclose: — engatsa; oriyate ; oriyaye . border, n.; end: — canto; chin; oriya. border, n.; edging; galoon lace; stripes (on officers' uniforms): — galon. bore, V. tr.; to tire; confound; to em- boss: — na-dogae; na-oson. bore, V. tr.; to bore through; to pierce through: — dulog; taladro. bom, V. i.; to be born:— ma-fanago. borough 42 bring borough, n.; a corporate town: — song- song; l)iya. boiTow, ('. /r.; to obtain on loan: — iiyao; na-ayiio. bosom, n.; the breast: — pecho; jaof; Kinjiilom pecho. boss, n.; master; foreman: — acomosinao; maeytro {Sp.). bother, v. tr.; to molest: — ^atborota; niol6stia. bottle, n.: flask: — boteya; frasco.' bottom of the sea, n.; sea bottom: — fondo. __ bough, n.; twig; branch: — dinga; ramas. boulder, n.; large stone: — dangculo na acho. bound, V. tr.; to bound; to fence a field: — colat; lelicui; oriyaye. boundary, n.: — checho. bouquet, n.; nosegay; bunch of flow- ers: — ramiyete. bo"w, V. i.: — cottesia; tecon. bow, n.: — atcos. bowels, n.; intestines: — -tilipas. bower, n.: — enramada; sagayan. bowl, n.: — cascara; tasa; tason. bow-legged, adj., pron.; person with crooked legs:— changco. bowling (game), n.: — ^juego de bolas. box, n.; chest:— caja; caujau; cajou. box, n.; tin box: — ^lata. box on the ear, v. tr.: — ^bofetada; desca. boy, n.;— ^laje; muchacho (Sp.); patgon. brace, n.; bandage: — bee; bendas. bracket, n.: — puntat. bracelet, n.; arm ring: — ^brasaletas; putseras. brag, V. tr.; to become vain or proud: — bumanidoso. braggart, n.; boaster; swaggerer: — ^bani- doso; balenten pachot; fantasioso. braid of hair, n.; tress; plait; queue; pigtail: — aqueyo; filag. braid, v. tr.; to braid the hair; to braid a rope (not to weave): — filag. brain, n.; reason; marrow: — titanos. brake, n.; wagon brake: — agramadera; para nu ma silgii pat (or) nu ma para. branch, n.; bough; twig: — ding-a; ramas. branch (of a cocoa palm; applies to a branch fallen from the tree and dried), n.: — jagasas; bayag. brandish, v. tr., v. i.; to swing; to wave: — na-gupo; yalibao. brass, n.: — bronse; laton. brave, adj., adv.; courageous; capable: — matatnga. brave, adj., adv.; mighty; powerful; strong: — balente; famoso; matiitiTga. bravery, n.; strength: — minatatiiga. brazier (for burning coals), n.: — brasero breach, n.; violation; rent: — fatta; nilache; raatiteg. bread, n.: — pan. breadimit tree, ?i..- — trongcon dog- dog; troiagcou lemae. break, v. tr.; to tear up (a wall); to di\'ide:— ipe; putS.. break, v. tr.; to break a stick; to break bones:— julog. break, v. tr.; to crush: — gomgom; yamag. break, v. tr., v. i.; to break the strings of a musical instrument; to take the life: — gutus. break down, v. %.; to go to pieces: — xnayamag. break, v. tr.; to annihilate: — yulang. break into pieces; v. tr.; to shatter: — yaya. break off, v. tr.; to break off the limbs of a tree; to weaken the fire, by bank- ing or covering Avith leaves:— masque; chagua. breakfast, n.: — amotsa. breakfast, v. i.; to take or to have breakfast: — amotsa. breast, n.: — jaof; pecho. breasts, n.; udder: — susu. breath, n.: — alentos; alientos; jiniigoiig. breathe, v. i.: — jagong. breathless, adj.; out of breath: — guja; taialentos. breeze, n.; gentle gale; fresh, soft wind: — notdeste na manglo; suabe na maiTglo. brew, v. tr.; to make liquors: — bate; mama manesca. bribe, v. tr.; to corrupt: — nS,-lache; na-lamiis; na-potlilo; na-tailaye. I brick, n.; tile: — ladriyo; teja. I bride, n.: — nobia. 1 bridegroom, n..-— -nobio. bridge, n.: — tolai. bridle, n.; curb, rein: — freno. brief, adj., adv.; short; concise: — cadada; guse; jijot. brig, n.; two-masted square-rigged ves- sel : — betgantin. brigade, n.: — brigada. bright, adj.; luminous: — malag. brightness, n.; luster; radiance: — minagas; minalag. brilliant, adj.; sparkling; lustrous; glit- tering: — lamlam; malag. brim, n.; the edge of anything: — canto; oriya. brine, n.; pickle: — cliiguan; janom miiiisen. bring, v. tr., v. i.; to carry; to take:— chule; chuli. bring, v. ir.; to catch: — cone. bring forth, v. tr.; to ])roduce; to cre- ate: — faiiago. biingforth, v. ir.; to bring up children: — pogsai. bring forth, v. tr.; to create; to bear:— na-juyung. bring forth, v. tr.; to produce; to cre- ate : — na-f amta. bring in, v. tr.; to put in; to lay in: — na-jaluia. bring 43 by bring: into contempt, v. Ir.: — na-des- presiao; na-machatlie. bring nearer, v. tr.; to approach; to lay down: — na-arima. bring suit, v. tr.; to compain of before the C(iurt; to accuse: — faalla; quejaye. brisk, adj., adv.; alert; quick: — alisto; calamya; macalamya. bristle, 71.; short stiff hair: — tiso na pulo. brittle, adj., adv.; thin; fragile: — grue- ton; pasca. broad, at/;., adv.; wide; roomy: — ancho; maguag. broil, V. tr.; to fry; to prepare food; to season; to roast: — guisa. broken, adj.: — mape. bronze, «.; — bronse {also means m-Side of bronze or bras?). brood, n.; offspring; hatch: — rasa, brood hen, n.: — culeca; ponedera. brood, V. i.; to incubate: — cmnaleca. brood, V. i.; to worry; to indulge in melancholy meditation: — jasuye de- masiao. brook, n.; a small stream: — sadog. broom, n.: — escoba. broth., n.; mush; corn boiled in the milk of the coconut: — atmayas; atule. brother, n.; sister: — chelo. brother-in-law, n.: — cunado (y quin- adii-jo). brow, n.; forehead: — jae. brown, adj.: — colot chocolate; patdo; moreno. brush, n.; thicket; shrubbery: — diquiqui na atbot. brush, r. tr.; to scrape or scratch off; to rub: — jotyat; safe. brutal, adj.; cruel: — iyon gaga; taiasi. brute, n.: — brute; gaga, brutish, adj., adv.; animal; bestial: — iyon gaga, bubble, V. i.; to boil up; to sputter (speaking of a spring, etc. ) : — bologbog. buck, n.; ram {also sheep in general): — quinilo. bucket, )i..- — batde. buckle, n.; clasp: — jebiyas. buckwheat, n.: — un clasen trigo, {liter- ally: a kind of grain). bud, n.; flower: — flores; batunes flores. buffoon, n.: — bufon; titires. T3"-&o7) "•■'■ carriage: — calesa; careta; quilis. bugle, n.; horn: — cotneta; trompeta. build, V. tr.; to mold; to do: — fatinas. build a nest, v. i.: — fama-chenchon; chinenchon. building materials, n.: — maderas; trastes. bulb, n.; onion-shaped root: — sensen tinanon pat chaguan gui jalom oda. 4562—18 i bull, n.: — tore. bulldog, n.: — un clasen ga lago (a certain kind of dog). bullet, n.: — bala; bola (ball game). bullock, n.; steer: — nobiyo pat tore; na ti fiifiiye. bunch, n.; cluster: — rasirao. bundle, n.: — fininut; manojo. bundle, n.; sheaf: — raanojo. bungler, n.; dabbler: — K^hapusero; tracachero. buoy, n.: — boya. bur, n.; burdock: — dadangse. burden, n.; large pack; skirt (S'p., falda); lap; flap; train of a skirt: — fatdon; cola. bui'den, n.; charge; load; baggage: — catga. burdock, n.; bur: — dadangse. burglar, n.: — saque; y jajatme guma. burial, n.; funeral: — entiero. burn, V. tr.: — janon; sohggue; sunog. bum up, V. tr.: — janon; soiiggue! bum, V. tr.; to parch the ground; to squander: — satpa. burning, adj.: — jajanon; malag. burnt, adj., adv.; dry; barren: — dogngos; tosta. burro, n.: — buro. burst, V. tr.; to rent or break open with \'iolence : — mapta. burst, V. i.: — puta. burst, V. i.; to explode: — puta; ip§. bury, V. tr.; to entomb; to inter: — jafot; tatne. bush, n.; forest: — jalum-tan6. bush knife, n.; machete: — ^machete, business, n.; speculation: — negosio. but, conj.; notwithstanding; neverthe- less: — lau. but! interj.: — a^dalau! butcher, 7i..- — matadero. butcher Aop, n.: — matansa butler, n.; cup bearer: — copero. butt end of a gun, n.: — colata. butter, n.: — mantiquiya. butterfly, n.: — ababang. buttocks, 71.; — quiya. button, V. tr.; to knot: — batunes; iludo. button, n.: — batunes. button, V. tr.; to button up: — batunes. button, n.; knot: — nudo. buttonhole, n.: — ojales. buy, V. tr.; to purchase; to get for a price: — fajan. buyer, n.: — fafajan. by, prep.: — pot; oriya. by chance, adj., adv., conj.; haply; perhaps; may be: — acaso; jungguan; sifiaja. by degrees, adj., adv.; gradual; step by step : — adomididi. cabbage 44 carry C. cabbage, n.: — repoyo. cabin, n.; hut: — camara. cabinet, n.: — comoda. cable, n.: — cable. cackle (of a hen calling her young), V. i.: — togtog. Cad, n.; A'ulgar, ill-bred fellow: — chat- mafanagiie na taotao. cage, n.: — tancat. cake, n.: — queg. calamity, m.; disaster; mishap; mis- fortune: — calamida. calculate, v. tr.; to estimate; to con- sider: — jasuye. calculate, r. tr.; to compute; to think out: — catcula. calf, n.: — tatnero. caK (of the leg), n.: — mamanja. calico, n.; white or unprinted cotton cloth: — a'paca. calk, V. tr.; to calk; to repair a ship: — ■ galafate. call, 71.; a visit :^bisita. call, V. i.; to come; to visit: — fatoigiie. call, n.; a call to c^hase away a dog: — janda. caU, V. tr.; to denominate; to name: — fa-na'an. call to account, v. i.; to hold an ac- counting:^gagao cuenta. call by signs, v. i.; to summon by signs: — alof. call, V. tr.; to name; to knock at the door: — dandan. call, V. %.; to call out; to cry: — agang. callosity, n.; weal; skin swelled and hardened by labor: — cayos. callous, adj., adv.: — cayos. calm, n.; lack of wind or breeze: — catma. calra, v. tr.; to soothe; to appease; to soften; to assuage; to make gentle: — apasigua; na-famatquilo. calm, adj., adv.; tranquil; quiet: — mamatquilo. calumniate, v. tr.; to scoff; to deride: — ada. calumniations, n. pZ.;— calunmia; en- redos. calumniator, n.; rcAdler; slanderer: — dideshonra; enredadot. camel, n.: — cameyo. camp, 11.; — campo; campamento. can, V. i.; to be able: — siiia. can, v.; tin can; metal vessel: — ^lata. canary, n.: — canario. cancel, v. tr.; to annul: — ^ma-anula; ma-cansela; ma-rease. candid, adj., adv.; honest; outspoken: — franco, candle, n..-— candela; dangues. candle holder, n.; candelabra: — can- delero. candy, n.: — candi. cane, n.: — baston. canine, adj.; pertaining to dogs: — raaan galago. canoe, a.: — galaide. cannon, n.: — canon. canvas, n.: — brin; lona. cap, n.: — gora. cap (with a visor), n.: — quepis. capable, adj., adv.; brave; courageous: — matatnga; ciipds. cape, n.: — capa. capital, n.; capital city: — capitat. capital sin, n.: — ^magas na isao. capital, n.; the sum invested in a business: — capitat; prinsi])at. caprice, n.; unrestricted choice: — ca- pricho; pinto. capricious, adj., adv.; humorsome: — caprichoso. capsize, v. tr.; to turn over: — puja; alingquin. captain, n.: — capitan. captious, adj., adv.; critical: — chatsaga. captives, n. pi.; prisoners: — preso. captivity, n.; imprisonment; confine- ment: — cautibidad. captured, adj.: — preso; ma-cone. capuchin monk, n.: — capuchino. carabao, n . ; the water buffalo: — carabao. card, n.; A-isiting card; business card:— tar j eta. cardboard, n.: — catton. care, n.; concern; solicitude; anxiety: — ■ inadaie. careen, v. i.; to lean over (speaking of a boat): — utsa. care for, v. tr.; to provide for; to set at work; to prove by one's action; to de- velop; to unfold; to put in use: — fina- mauleg. care, n.; regard; foresight; precaution: — adaje. careful, adj.; heedful: — yodaje. care, v. i.; to torment; to labor: — sapet. careless, adj.; inadvertent; inatten- tive : — descuidao . carelessness, n.; heedlessness; reckless- ness : — descuida. caress, n.: — iniga; niniiia. carnivorous, adj.: — tegcho. carpenter, n.: — catpintero. carpet, n.: — alfombra. carried away, p. p. torn away (by the wind) : — guirdpo. carriage, n.: — coche. carry, v. tr.; to carry a child: — jogiie. carry, v. tr.; to carry suspended from the hand : — dililing . carry, v. tr.; to carry suspended from the shoulder vrithout a stick: — changca. carry, v. tr.; to carry under the arm: — apecheng-. carry, i'. tr.; to carry under the armpit: — afafa^i. carry 45 charm carry, v. tr., v. i.; to bring; to take: — chule. cart, n.; light two-wheeled vehicle: — caretiya. cartridge, n.: — cattucho; capsula, car- tucho. cartridge pouch, n.: — cattuchera. case, n.; a covering or receptacle: — sajguan. carve, v. tr.; to form a design by cutting in wood, stone, etc.: — labia, carved work, n.; carving: — ^linabla. cash, n.; money:— salape. cask, n.: — bariias. cassock, 11.: — casuya; habito-sotana. cast, V. tr.; to fling; to throw (stones); to stone: — aguet; dagao. cast away, v. tr.; to repudiate; to spurn; to throw away: — desecha; yute. cast off, V. tr.; to shake off; to repel: — sacude. cast off to one side: — chanda. castel, n.; citadel: — castiyo; seradura. casual, adj.; accidental: — ti-mananangca. casually, o.dj., adv.; accidentally: — timajasngon. casualty, n.; an accident; resulting in bodily injury or death: — desgrasia. cat, n.: — cato. catarrh, n.; cold: — manum. catch, r. tr.; to bring: — cone, catch, V. tr.; to cheat; to befool: — to take fresh air: — ume- fina^aba. catch cold, v. i fresco, catch, V. tr., v. %.; to grasp; to gripe: — gancho (aZso to grasp : jacot; to hook: gancho; hook, n.: gancho). catch, V. tr., i.; to seize; to grip; to grasp : — chajlao. catechism, n.: — catesismo. caterpillar, n.: — ulu; ulu ababang. cathedral, n.: — catedrat. catholic, ac(;. .—catolico. cattle, n.: — ganado. cause, n.; matter; thing: — causa; motibo. cause pain, v. tr.: — na-pinite. cause sorrow, v. i.; to cause grief: — na-triste. caution, v. tr.; to ad^dse; to admonish: — adbiette. cavalryman, n.: — sendalon qviinaba- bayo. cave, n.; cavern: — ^liyang. cavity, n.; aperture; opening; hole: — madog. cease, v. %.; to finish; to stop: — fagp6; para; basta. cede, V. tr.; to give: — nae. ceiling (of a room), n.: — quisame. celebrate, v. i.; to make a holiday: — gopte; gupot. celebrated, adj.: — afamao. cell, 71.; prison: — calaboso. cellar, n.: — bodega. cement, v. tr.; to fill up with putty: — galagala. cement, n.: — semento. cemetery, n.: — sementeyo. censure, r. tr.; to disapprove; to con- demn; to reprove; to denounce: — desaprueba; corije. center, n.: — talo {see t§-lo: again). centiped, n.: — saligao. central, adj.: — tinalo. century, n.: — siglo. ceremony, n.; solemnity: — seremonia. certain, adj., adv.; secure; sure: — fijo. certainly, adv.; in all seriousness: — sen-magajet. chagrin, n.; indignation; quarrel; ob- stacle; difficult J- ; vexation: — disgusto {also quarrel: pleito). chain, n.: — cadena. chain, v. tr.; to fetter: — griniyete. chain, made up of red shells, n.: — cadenan colales (red shells: colales). chain of love (local name for the Mexi- can creeper): — cadena de amot. chair, n.: — siya. chalice, n.; cup: — caiis. chalk, n:: — yeso. , challenge, r. tr.; to fight; to summon to a contest: — case; soyo para mumo (to tease: case). chamberlain, n.; lord of the king's bed- chamlDer : — camarero (cabinboy : cam- arero). chamorro language: — find jaya (mean- ing the language of the south; as against fino lago, the language of the north, or, the Spanish language). champion, n.; defender: — ganadot; gagna. _ _ ^ change , n .; alteration ; mutation : — mago. change, v. tr.; exchange; to bring from one place to another (speaking of cattle): — ago; tulaica. changeable, adj., adv.; fickle; incon- stant; mutable; variable; fluctuatii^: — aguyon. channel, n.; canal: — canat. channel, v. tr.; to dig a channel or gutter : — f acanate . character, n.; frame of mind; dispo- sition: — caracter; costumbre. charcoal, n.; glow of burning coals: — pinigan; catbon jayo. charge, v. tr.; to attack: — tugong. charge, v. tr.; to send for a purpose; to commission: — comisiona; encatga. charge, v. tr.; to furnish with an errand; to authorize: — autorisa. charitable, adj., adv.; compassionable: — yoase. charitableness, n.; liberality: — gui- neftao. charity, n.: — ylnease. charm, n.: loveliness: — giiaiyayon. charming 4G climb channing, adj., adv.; lovely; agreeable; sweet; worthy of being loved: — nS.- malago. chaste, adj., adv.; decent; clean; neat: — desente; ^^asgas; honesto. chatter, v. %.; to gabble: — gagag. chauffeur, n.: — cocheron automobit. cheap, adj.; purchasable for a low price: — barato; ti-guaguan. cheat, n.: — finababa; diniigue. cheat, V. tr.; to damage: — dague; fabiibii. cheat at cards, n.: — dogueria. cheat, r.; to cheat each other: — uma- fababa. cheat; to deceive; to impose on; to de- fraud; to dupe {also to impair, v. tr.; to prejudice; to do damage to): — aca- chaye. cheating, n.; knavery; swindling: — dina. checkers, n.; the game of checkers: — dama. cheek, n.: — faso. cheerful, adj., adv.; delightful; joyous; merry; gay; satisfied: — na-magof; di- bettido. cheese, n.: — queso. chest of drawers, n.; commode: — comoda. chev/, V. tr.: — ngangas. chew, V. tr.; to chew audibly: — na- guetmon. chew, V. tr.; to chew tobacco: — amasca. chew^ing tobacco, n.: — amasca. chicken, n.; young bird : — manog (young chicken; poyo). chief, n.: — jefe. child, 71.: — nine; patgon. child to be baptized, n.; protege; neophite: — jado (godson: jado). childbirth, n.: — patto. chill (in fever attack), n.: — fugo {see fugo; squeeze), chimney, n.; touchhole or firing hole of a gun : — chimenea. chin, n.: — achai. chin, n.; point of the chin :^-puntan achai. Chinese, adj.: — chino. chip, n.; small piece: — estiyas. chisel, n.: — escoplo. chocolate, n.: — chocolate, choice, n.; option: — inayeg. choir, n.: — coro. choke, V. tr., v. i.; to suffocate: — gaot- gan; nucot. cholera, n.: — colera. choose, V. tr.; to select: — ayeg. chop off, V. tr.; to break on: — chebang. chorus, n.; a number singing in con- cert: — lajyan mangacanta. christen, v. tr.; to baptize: — m.a-n§,- quihsyano. christening, n.: — bautismo. christian doctrine, n.: — catesismon; quilisyano. chuckle, V. i.; to titter; to crackle (the bones of a joint): — chaca {see chSca: rat). church, n.: — guma-Yuus. cigar, n.; tobacco: — chupa. cigarette, n.: — cigariyo. cinnamon, n.: — canela. circle, n.; a round body: — sitculo. circular, adj., adv.; round; rotund (ball, roll of writing, scroll;: — adamelong. cistern, n.: — tanque. citron, n.; lime: — lemon. city, n.: — siuda. civil, adj., adv.; polite: — respetao. claim, V. tr.; to demand; to assert: — ganye. claimant, n.; one who demands some- thing as a right: — y guma^ganye. clam, n.; an edible bivalve; moUuak: — pajgang. _ _ clammy, adj.; soft; sticky: — dangsong. clamor, n.; shouting; yelling: — inagang. clamp, n.: — jeramienta para man- aprieta. clapper of abeU, n.: — ^panag-campana. clash, V. i.; to strike violently together: — a^panag. clasp, n.; buckle: — jebiyas. clasp, V. tr.; press, to oppress; to af- flict: — aprieta. class fin school), n.: — clase. classify, v. tr.; to systematize: — ayeg. clatter, v. i.; to murmur; to rustle; to whisper; to rattle: — cascas {also to whisper: nangon). clause, n.; separate part of a written composition : — p araf o . claws, n. pi.: — cacaguas; papaques. clay, 71.; loam; mud: — fache. clean, adj., adv.; neat: — gasgas. clean, v. tr.; to dry:— saosao. clean, v. tr.; to refine (sugar): — ^n§,-fljio. cleaning rag, 7i.; polishing cloth: — lampaso. cleanliness, n.; decency: — ^guinasgas. cleanse, v. tr.; to wash: — fagase. clear, adj.; bright; pure: — claro; lam- lam; puro. clear, adj., adv.; positive; expressly pro- vided for: — claro. clear, v. tr.; to clear a field of trees or stumps; to cut down a wood; to root out the forest: — desmonta. cleaver, n.; a butcher's heavy hatchet: — macheten-matadot. clemency, n.; compassion; remission: — iruna-ase. clever, adj., adv.; inventive; witty; in- genious: — faye; malate. client, n.; one who employs a lawyer: — y ma-defiefiende. chfl, n.; rock; stone; — ^ladera (stone: ach6). climate, n.: — temp era turan-tan6. climb, V. i.: — fedos; jotde. climber 47 comfort climber, n.: — y mam^medos ; y man- j6jotde. climbing palms, n.: — troncon-bejuco {aho trongcon-bejuco). climb up, V. %.: — cocolo; cajulo. clinch, V. tr.; to rivet: — remacha. cling, V. i.; to hold fast: — togtog duro. clip, V. tr.; to cut with shears or scis- sors :— dinasal-maquiniya. clock, n.: — relos. close, adj.; kept secret; silent: — fafat- quilo. close by, adj.; near: — jijot. close, adj., adv.; dense; difficult; en- tangled :— gadon. close, V. tr.; to shut: — juchom (or: juchum). close a contract, v. tr., v. i.; to enter into an agreement: — na-fagp6. close, V. tr.; to stop up: — juchum; candalo. closely connected with each other: — uma-cheton. close, V. tr.; to close the .eyes: — achigS. closet, n.; retreat; water-closet: — comon. cloth, n.: — magago. clothier, n.; one who makes or sells clothing :^venteron-magago . clothing, n.; piece of clothing; article of dress : — b estido . cloud, n.: — jomjom uchan; mapagajes. cloudy, adj.: — nublado; jomjom uchan. club, n.: — damang. coach, n.; carriage: — coche; caruaje. coachman, n.; driver: — cochero. coal, 71.: — catbon. coal dust, ?i.; — potbos catbon. coarse, adj., adv.; rough; inattentive; irreverent ; disrespectful ; rude : — desatento; bastos. coarse, adj., adv.; refractory; stubborn; willful: — machaleg. coast {also cost), n.: — contra-costa. coat, n.: — saco. cobwebs, n. — tiraranas (spider: sanyeye). cock, n.; the male of birds; rooster: — gayo. cockfight, n.: — gayera. cockroach, n.: — cucuracha. cocoa, n.: — cacao. cocoa crab, n.: — ayuyu. coconut (after the milk has been ex- tracted), n.: — bagaso. coconut (tender, good to eat), n. : — can- uon. coconut (a tender one: already contain- ing liquor), n.: — manja; aplog. coconut (when entirely ripened), n.: — gafo. coconut (when small, and not larger than a betel nut), n.: — dadeg. coconut milk, n.: — chigo niyog. coconut rasp, n.: — camyo. coconut, V. tr.; to rasp the coconut: — camyo. coconut, n.; rasped: — quinamyo. coconut shell, ?i..- — jaiguas. coco palm, n.: — trongcon niyog. codfish, 71.; yellow wren; Spanish fly: — bacalao. coffee, 71.: — caf§. coffin, n.: — atatid. cogitate, v. tr., v. i.; to reflect upon; to be of the opinion; to imagine; to con- jecture; to think: — jaso. cohere, v. i.; to stick together: — uma-cheton. con, n.; a rope gethered into a ring: — royon-tale. coil up, V. tr., V. i.; to curl up; to roll together: — falulon. coin, n.; piece of money: — moneda; salape. cold, adj.; frigid: — manengjeng. cold, n.; catarrh; cold in the head: — manom. colic, n.; gripes: — puten chachag. collapse, V. i.; to fall in; to break down: — podong-jalom. coUar, n.: — cueyo. collect, V. tr.; to gather; to bring to- gether; to accumulate: — famonton; na-etnon; recoje. collect, V. tr.; to assemble: — etnon, collect, V. tr.; to call in outstanding moneys : — cobla. collect, V. tr.; to collect rain water in. receptacles or reservoirs: — fagte. collector of customs, n..— aduanero. college, n.; higher school: — quelejo. coUide, V. i.; to knock together: — ■ umatotp^e. collision, n.: — totpe. colonel, n.; commander of a regiment: — coronel. color, n..- — colot. color, V. tr.; to paint: — penta. colored pumpkin, n.: — calamasa. colorless, adj.; pale (of complexion): — chupon. colossal, adj.; gigantic: — dangculo. colt, n.; young male horse: — patgon- cabayo na-laje. column, n.: — columna. comb, n.: — paine. comb (of the rooster), n..- — cresta. combat, v. tr., v. i.; to fight: — mumo. combine, v. %.; to unite; to join: — etnon; fan-etnon. come ! interj.: — ^maila ! come, V. i.: — ^maila. comedy, n.: — comeya. come from, v. tr.: — guine. come in sight, v. %.; to shine forth; to make one's appearance: — anog. come in touch with, v. i.: — cheton. come to the aid of, v. tr.: — a^yuda. come, V. i.; to visit; to call: — fatoig^iie. comfort, V. tr.; to console: — consuela. comfort, V. tr.; to console; to encourage; to ccupy one's self with; to practice: — consuela. comfortable 48 confuse comfortable, adj., adv.; fortunate; con- tent: — guef-saga. comforter, n.; consoler: — consolad6t. command, v. tr.; to order; to rule: — tago. commemorate, v. tr.; to celebrate with honor: — gopte. comm.ence, r. tr., v. i.; to begin; to start: — tutujon. commend, v. tr.; to laud; to praise: — tuna. comment, n.; remark; explanation: — sindn^an. commerce, n.; trade: — cometsio. commission, n.; disposition: — encatgo; comision. commit miu'der, v. tr., v. %.; to murder: — manitino. commit suicide: — puno maisa. common, adj., adv.; public; general: — oomun. commonalty, n.; commumty: — comu- nidad. com.nion people, n.; plebeians: — otdi- nario na-taotao. communicate, v. tr.; to impart; to cause tn be shared: — nae-patte. communion, n.; partaking of the eu- ch.i rist : — comunion. community, n.; commonalty: — comu- nidad. companion, n.; comrade; associate; part- ner: — gachong. company, n.: — compania. com.pare, v. tr.; to liken: — acompara. comparison, n.; parable :-v«ompara- sion. compass, n.: — compas. co:npaosion, n.; goodness; mercy; mina- ase. compassionate, adj., adv.; charitable:^ ma-ase. compel, i . tr.; to force; to constrain; to coerce; to subdue: — afuetsas. compelled labor, n.; socage: — chocho- fuetsao. conapensate, r. tr.; to renumerate; to re- pay: — gratifica. compete, v. i.; to enter into competi- tion : — u-ma'chague . competent, adj.; capable: — capas; com- petente. compile, v. tr.; to put together: — dana. complaint, n.; accusation; impeach- ment; suit at law: — queja. complete, adj., adv.; entire; total; full; ready; prepared; perfect: — cabales; enteramente; entero. conaplete, v. tr.; to finish: — magpo; mi>njayan. complete, adj., adv.; ready; finished: — iiionjayan. complicated, v. 'r.; to involve; to en- tangle: — cocas; gadon. complication, 7i.: — guina'don. compliment, n.; expression of cour- tes>' : — cuniplimiento. compliment, r. tr.; to liatter; to praise; to congratulate: — tuna, compose, v. tr.; to pacify; to appease; to calm : — na-famatquilo. compositor, n.; typesetter: — impresot. comprehend, r. i.; to understand: — comprende. corapress, v. tr.; to condense: — jogse; jo no. compromise, n.; agreement: — compro- miso. corapromise, v. i.; to lay bare; to ex- pose : — compromete. compulsory, adj., adv.; involuntary: — fuetsao; obligdo. conrrade, n.; friend; fellow; partner (in both good and bad sense): — gachong. conceal, v. tr.; to hide; to disguise: — lip a; a'tog. concede, v. tr.; to assent; to agree to: — nae petmiso. concern, n.; affair; business: — asunto. conclude, v. tr.; to determine; to direct; to order: — detetmina. conclusion, n.; finish; end: — finagpo. concur, r. i.; to agree: — u-maconfotma. condemn, v. tr.; to sentence: — yogua. condemn, v. tr.; to disapprove; to re- pro^e; to denounce; to censure: — desaprueba. condition, n.; measure; rule; disposition; direction: — condision; disposision. condition, n.; state: — estao. condition, n.; stipulation: — condision. condole, v. tr.; to express sympathy: — saonao puminite. condone, r. ir.; to pardon: — asie. conduct, n.: — conducta. confectionery, n.; sweetmeat; cakes: — finamames. confederate, n.; accomplice:— complise confess, v. i.: — cumonfesat. confession, n.: — confesion. confession, n.; the last confession: — y mapos na confesion. confessional, n.: — confesioaario. confide, v. tr., v. i.; to hope; to expect; to look for; to intrust: — aiigoco; confia. confidence, n.: — inangoco. confident, adj., adv.: — angocuyon. confirm, v. tr.; to strengthen: — con- fitma. confirmation, n.: — confitmasi6n. confiscate, v. tr.; to sell at auction: — embatga. conflagration, n.; fire: — quemason. conforin, v. tr.; to make alike: — con- fotme. conform, v. i.; to comply with: — cumple. confound, v. tr.; to tire; to bore; to embo33 : — na-6son. confront (by witnesses), v. tr.: — finana. confuse, v. tr.; to jumble up; to render indistinct: — ^na-a^ gadon; na-a'liiche. confused 49 counciiior confused, adj.; disorderly; irregular: — desareglao. congenial, adj.; kindred: — pare jo gen- ion-nija. congratulate, v. tr.; to wish happiness to:— felisitar (Sp.). connect, v. tr.; to join; to unite: — na- etnon; na-cheton. connected, adj., adv.: — cheton. conscieiace, n.: — consiensia. consecrate, v. ir.; to transmute: — consagra. consecration, n.; transformation: — con- sagrasion. consent, n.; agreement: — quinensiente. consider, r. tr.; to calculate; to esti- mate: — considera; catciila. consider, v. tr.; to contemplate; to survey:— considera. consist, V. %.; to be composed of; to be made up of:— consiste. consolation, n.; occupation: — tinane. consolation, n.: — quinensuela or con- suelo. console, v. tr.; to comfort: — consuela. constant, adj., 'adv.; persistent; stead- fast; persevering: industrious; diligent; • assiduous; sedulous: — constante; fijo. construct, v. tr.; to build; to put to- gether :^at8a (to lift: jatsa). consult, V. tr.: — consutta. consume, v. tr.: — ^la^chai. consume, v. tr.; to gulp down: — tucho. consume, v. tr.; to use up entirely, leaving nothing: — la^chai. consumption, n.; expenses; costs: — gastos. consumptive, adj.: — sogsog. contain, v. tr.; to hold within: — omlat. container (for 8er\dng chocolate), n.: — batidot. contemplate, v. tr.; to consider; to survey : — contempla. contempt, n.; disdain; scorn: — des- presio. conteraptible, adj.; meriting scorn: — despresiaos. contend, v. i.; to emulate: — que-igue. content, adj., adv.; fortunate; comfort- able: — magof; guef-saga. contented, adj., adv.; joyous; glad: — magof. contention, n.; quarrel: — plaito. continence; n.; abstinence; temper- ance: — ayuno. continual, adj., adv.; incessant; con- stant : — constante. continuation, n.; duration; endur- ance: — sirdgue (also duration: in- abmam) . continue, v. i.; to endiure; to last; to abide : — dinira. continue, v. i.; to follow: — sigue. continuous, adj., adv.; perpetual: — petmanente. contract, n.; agreement: — contrato. contracted, adj.; cramped; tightly strung: — apretao. contractor, n.; exploiter: — contratista. contradict, v. ir.; to quarrel; to dispute; to disagree; to struggle; to be at vari- ance: — contradise. contradiction, n.; quarrel: — contra- dicsion; contradision. contrary, adj.; to the contrary: — at contrario or pot el contnirio. contribute, v. tr.; to furnish as a share: — ayuda. contrition, n.; penitence; repentance: — contrision; sinetsot. control, V. tr.; to search; to view; to visit; to inspect: — egaga. .; fitness suitable; handy entertainment cuentos. ■ to talk familiarly convenienc conbeniensia. convenient, adj.; conbeniente. conversation, n. conbetsasion; converse, v. %., cumuentos. convert, v. tr.: — conbiette. convince, v. ir.; to win over by persuasion or evidence: — bense. convoy, n.; escort; accompaniment: — acompanamiento. cook, n.: — cosinero. cook, V. tr.; to boil; to set upon the fire; to melt: — na-lago. cooking kettle, n.: — lauya. cool, adj., adv.; fresh; refreshing: — fresco, cool, V. ir.; to refresh: — na-mapao. cool off, V. tr.: — na-niapao. copious, adj., adv.; complete; detailed: — guef-ma-esplica. copper, n.: — coble, copy, n.: — copia. copy, V. tr.: — copia. coral, n.: — acho-nanac. cord, n.; a tmsted string: — ja^jlon. cork, n.; bottle stopper: — cotcho. com, n.; maize: — ma^ies. com, n.; sore; ulcer: — cayos. comer, n.; edge: — rincon. comer (of a building), n.: — esquina. corpse, n.; dead body; dead: — cadabet; matai. correct, v. tr.; to blame; to censure: — corije. correspondence, n.; letters: — co- respondsnsia. corridor, n.; veranda; passageway: — coredot. corrugated iron, n.: — planchan-sin. cost, V. tr.; to be worth; important {or to be valid): — bale (what does it cost? cuanto baUna?). costs, n.; consumption; expenses: — gastos. cotton, n.; cotton wadding: — atguedon. cough, n.: — 1616. councillor, n.; advisor: — conse^ero. counsel 50 GUp counsel, n.; advice: — consejo; pinagat. counsel, v. i.; to advise; to assist; to give advice: — aconseja; pagat. count, V. Ir.; to enumerate: — numerea; tufoiTg. count, V. ir.; to figure: — tufong. countermand, v. tr.; to withdraw; to abolish; to dismiss; to revoke: — deroga. countless, od^.: — ti tufungon. county, n.; district: — bario. courage, n.; m e 1 1 1 e: — a n i m o; atrebimiento. courage, v. %.: to have courage: — gai- animo. courage, n.; spirit: — coraje. courage, v. %.; to take courage: — abiba; aiiima. courageous, adj., adv.; capable; brave: — animoso; matiituga. course (of food), n.; dish: — potaje. court, n.; tribunal: — tribunat. court (of a ruler), n.: — cotte; palasyo. cousin, n.: — primo. cove, n.; bay; inlet:— ensenada. cover, n.: — tanipe. cover, V. tr.: — cubre; tampe. cover, n.; pillowcase: — funda. cover, V. tr.; to cover the roof (with leaves of the cocoa palm): — afte. cover up, v. tr.; to wrap around: — tampe. cowr, 11.: — baca. crab, n.: — panglao. crack, n.; fissure: — caca. crackle (speaking of the bones of a joint), V. %.; to titter; to chuckle: — chaca. cradle, n.: — cuna. crafty, adj., adv.; sly; cunning: — cuco. cramp, n.: — calamle. cramped, adj.; contracted; tightly strung: — apretao. crave, v. tr.; to desire; to wish: — desea; tanga. crawl, V. %.: — cunanaf; bdtsala. crawfish (small), n.: — atma^iigao. cream, n.: — clema. cream, n.; the rich, oily part of milk: — mantican-leche. crease, n.; mark made by folding: — • dobladan-magago* dndobla. create, v. tr.; to bear; to bring forth:— najtiyung. creation, n.; work: — nina-jliyung. creator, n.: — na^najuyun^. creature, n.; work; act; action; deed: — finatinas. credible, adj.; worthy of belief: — jong- guiyon. creditor, ?i..— acreedot. creek, n.; small stream:— sadog-diqui- qui. creep, v. %.; to move slowly along the ground: — batsala; cuuilnaf. crib, 11.; child's bed; rack or manger: — cuna. cricket, n.: — griyos. cries, n.; lamentations:- inigong. crime, n.; sin, guilt: — Isao. criminal, n.; malefactor: — criminat. cripple, v. tr.; to maim: — estropea. crocodile, n.: — caiman, crochet, v. tr.; to do crochet work: — guinan chlyo. crooked, «c?;.,ac/v.;bent; curved (aZso in- clined to do wrong); forbidden: — echong; 6clau. crooked, adj., adv.; winding: — mataj- leg. crop, ?i.; — cosecha (seed: seminya). cross, n.: — criisa; quiltius. cross, V. tr.; to cross the legs: — nga'- palopo; na-a^gaoli. cross, V. tr.; to go past; to pass by: — malofan. crossbeam, n.: — yabe (also key:yabe). crossroads, n.: — y dinga dos chalan. crosswise, adj.; aihvf art: — opagat; crus; umencrus. crotchets, n.; clasps: — cotchetes. crouch, V. i.; to sit on the haunches: — deja. crowbar, n.; lever: — ^baareta. crowd (of people), n.; jam; throng: — buyadan taotao. crowd together, v. tr.; to compress; to stifle; to crush: — chiguet. crown, 11.: — corona, crown of the head, n.; apex; vertex: — cacagong. crucifix, n.: — crusifio. crucify, v. tr.: — crusifica. crude, adj.; raw; uncultured: — mata. cruel, adj., adv.: — cruel, cruelty, n.: — cruetdad. crviiser, n.; a fast warship: — crusero. crumb of bread: — migas pan. crumple, v. tr.; to crumple a piece of paper: — jedo. crupper, n.; the buttocks of a horse; leather tail band: — gurupa. crush, V. tr.; to break: — gomgom; aplasta. crush, V. tr.; tu jam; to squash: — aplasta; gomgom. crush, r. tr.; to crush with the hand; to press down: — jon6. crust, n.; skin; rind; husk: — lasas. crustacean, n.; crayfish; crawfish: — alimasag. crutch, n.: — baculo. cry, V. i.: — ca'sao. cry, V. ir., v. i.; to ciy out; to howl (the wind); to roar (the bull); to peep (the chicks): — cate; agaug. cry, V. i.; to howl (speaking of dogs): — tanguis. cucumber, n.; — pepino. cuS, 71.; a blow with the fist: — dinemo. cultivate, v. tr.: — cuttiba. cunning, n.; craft; trick; deceit: — fijiabii^ba; mana. cunning, adj.; deceitful: — cuco. cup, ?i.;— -tasa. cop 51 deadly cup, n.; small glass: — copa. cupbearer, n.; butler: — copero. curable, adj., adv.: — amtiyon. curate, n.: — cura. curate of a parish, n.: — paroco. curb, n.; the rein; bridle: — freno. curdle, v. %.; to coagulate; to congeal (speaking of milk): — cumotado y leche. curdled milk, n.: — cottado y leche. curious, adj., adv.; inquisitive: — curioso. curl, n.; ringlet of hair: — mulato. curlew, 11.: — calalang. curl up, V. tr., v. %.; to roll together; to coil up: — falulon. current, n.; stream: — coriente; milag. curse, V. tr.: — matdise. curse, n.; oath: — desparate; matdi8i6n. curtain, n.: — cottina. curved, adj., adv.; crooked; bent {also in- clined to do wrong); forbidden: — echong-. cushion, n.; pillow :^ — alunan. custora, n.: — costumbre; pengu&. custodian, n.; caretaker: — encatgao. custom, n.; established usage: — pennga customary, adj., adv.; usual; ordinary; regular: — regulatmente. custom house, n.: — aduana. customs duties, n.; fees; taxes: — derechon aduana. cut, n.: — tinaga. cut, n.; joint: — moscas. cut, v. tr., v. %.; to fell; to cut o2: — utut. cut into shoes, v. tr.: — debana. cut off, V. tr.; to break off (the limb of a tree): — chef chef, cut open, V. tr.; to cut open an animal: — chungat. cut out, V. tr.; to cut out the inside of a coconut, with an instrument: — cacha. cut, V. tr.; to saw; to cut with a saw: — chachag. cut, V. tr.; to split: — papngas. cut, V. tr.; to cut with one stroke: — gabe. cut, V. tr.; to wound:— sese. cutting, adj., adv.; sharp; severe; pointed; keen: — acadidog. cyUnder, n.: — silindro. D. dabble, v. tr.; to bungle; to do something in a superficial manner: — palaspas. dabbler, n.; bungler: — chapusero. daily, adj., adv.; occurring each succeed- ing day: — diario. daily wage, n.: — apas diario. daily work, n.; task: — chocho diario. dainty, adj.; choice; delicious; fastidi- ous: — fastidioso. dairy, n.; place where milk is kept and converted into butter, etc.:— lichera. dam, V. tr.; to hold up (the flow of waters) : — presa. dam, 71.; river dam: — presa. damage, n.; harm; hurt; injury: — dano. damage, v. tr.; to wound; to hurt: — danao. damp, adj., adv.; moist; humid (pre- venting an object from burning): — apagon; fotgon; umido. damsel, n.; a maiden: — sottera. dance, v. tr., v. i.: — baila. dance, n.: — baile. dandruff, n.; scurf on the scalp: — caspa. dandy, n.; a fop; coxcomb: — andi. dandy, v. %.; to play the dandy: — umandi. danger, n.; risk: — riesgo; peligro. dangerous, adj., adv.; perilous: — peli- groso. dare, v. tr., v. %.; to have courage; to attempt; to defy; to challenge: — gai- animo. daring, adj., adv.; rash; wild; bold; venturesome : — animoso; batbaro. dark, adj., adv.; dusky; destitute of light: — jomjom. darken, v. tr.; to cast a shade upon; to overshadow: — jome. darkening, n.; twilight; gloaming: — • leralem taotao; jojomjom. darkness, n.: — jinemjom. darky, n.; negro: — neglo. darling, n.: — quirida. dash, v. tr.; to throw violently or hast- ily:— go tpi. date, n.; the time of a letter or trans- action: — fecha. date, n.; the fruit of the date-palm: — datihs. daughter, n.: — ija; jaga. daughter-in-law, n.: — cunada. dawn, n.: — machagchag catan. dawn, V. %.; to begin to grow light: — chagchag. dawn, n.; the first appearance of light in the morning: — pago miinana. day, n.; the period of light between sun- rise and sunset; daylight; sunlight:— jaane; dia. daybook, n.; rough draft:^ — boradot. daybreak, n.; morning twilight: — page manana. day laborer, n.; helper; also piece (in the game of checkers): — peon; jotnalero. day of fasting, n.: — ayuno; dia de ayuno. dazed, adj.: — maUngo y jinaso. deacon, n.: — diacono. dead, adj.; destitute of life: — matai. dead, n.; dead body; corpse: — matai; cadabet. deadly, adj., adv.; causing death: — pegno. deaf 52 deform deaf, adj.; do{)rivod of heariag: — tanga. dealer, n.; trader; merchant: — cometsi- ante. dear, adj., adv.; beloved: — ma-goflie; querido. dear, adj., adv.; expensive; costly: — gaaguan. death, n.; hour of death: — flnatai. death-dealing, adj.; death-bringing: — pegno. death penalty, n.: — pena de ruuette. death watch, ?i.; a vigil beside a dead person: — gaga rnatai; y bumela gui matai. debar, v. Lr.; to shut out; to exclude: — juchura. debate, v. lr.; to deliberate together:— agiimento; atgumento. debauch, v. tr.; to corrupt; to vitiate: — na-tailaye. debauched, adj., adv.; stupid: — totpe. debt, n.; that which is due from one person to another: — dibe. debtor, n.; sinner: — man-isao; iisao; gai-isao. decade, n.; ten consecutive years: — dies aiios siguido. decay, v. %.; to rot; to decline or fall: — lamas. decease, v. %.; to die: — matai. deceit, n.; fraud; cheating; imposition; humbug; trick; cunning: — dlnague; finababii. deceitful, adj.; cunning: — ^f a-f aila jy e . deceive, v. tr.; to lie; to speak falsely; to cheat (at cards); to impose on; to dupe; also to impair; to do damage to: — embostero; dague; fandague; tesgiie. December, n . : — disiernbre; umayanggan. decent, adj., adv.; clean, neat; honor- able: — desente; gasgas; honesto; modesto. deception, n.; fraud: — finabiiba; linipa. decide, v. tr.; to bring to an issue; to re- solve: — deside. decimal, n.; pertaining to, or based upon, the number 10; decimal fraction: — • desimat. decimate, v. tr.; to destroy a large pro- portion of:^ — desminuye; desminuye uno cada dies. decision, ?z.; intention; determination: — dinetetmina; detetminasitm. deck, n.: — ^cubietta. declaration, n.; assertion; publication: — dineclara; declarasion. declare, v. i.: — declara; ma-claruye. declare free, r. tr.; to release; to pro- nounce not guilty; to acquit; to ab- solve :— absuetbe. decline, v. tr.,v. %.; to refuse: — reusa. decom.pose, i;. i.; to become decomposed; to putrefy: — lamas. decomposed coral, n.; used for road- making; is soft when put down, but hardens through action of the air and of water: — cascajo. decorate, v. tr.; to adorn; to embellish: — adotna. decorate, v. tr.; to put in order:— alina. decorous, adj., adv.; of proper bearing; decent; agreeable; pleasing: — asent- ado; desente. decorum., n.: — dinesente. decoy, n.; lure; stratagem: — figuran gaga para ocodo. decoy, v. tr.; to allure into danger by artifice; to lure: — pugui. decrease, v. i.; to become smaller in quantity: — caguan mengua. decrease in tension, v. tr.; relax; slacken; to unbend; to unharness: — afloja. decree, n.; sentence; judgment: — de- creto; jinaso; juisio; minejnalom (or: minejnalum). decree, v. lr.; to prescribe; to ordain; to dispose: — decreta. deduct, V. tr.; to take away: — na-suja. deed, n.; creature; work; act; action: — finatinas. deed of charity, n.: — benefisio. deep, adj., adv.; large; beknv the sur- face: — modung; tadung. deep-eyed, adj., adr.: — motgan. deepen, v. tr.: — la-guadog. deep v/ater, n.: — sajago; tadung na janum. deer, n.: — ^binado. deface, v. tr.; to mar the surface of; to disligure : — disfigura. defamation, n.; slander; bad words; as- persion: — chisme; inada. defame, v. tr.; to bring disgrace upon: — deshonra; fatso. defame, v. tr.; to injure the good name of; to dishonor: — deshonra; fatso. defeat, v. tr.; to overcome or vanquish: — gana; dulalag. defect, n. /deficiency; want: — chinattao. defect, n.; sore; wound; abscess: — chetnot; defecto. defend, v. tr.; to guard or protect: — defiende. defender, n.; protector; guardian: — defensot; didefiende; guigogiie. defer, v .tr.; to postpone: — na-abmam. defense, n.; the act of defending; pro- tection; vindication:- — defiende; dini- fiende. defense, n.; shelter: — defiende; sinague fan iijiiigau. deficiency, ?i.; defect; want; lack: — chinattao; defecto; escases; fatta. defile, n.,- low giound; low country: — finaguagsalu; guiigsalo; gudgsaM; also niiliitrt na pasaje mafot. defile; n.; narrow pass: — fa^salug; fmiV salug; mafot define, v. tr.; to describe: — esplica; piila. definition, n.; brief description: — definision; pinila. deform, v. tr.; to disfigure; to distort; to deface:— disfigura; na.-chdtpago. defraud 53 deserve defraud, v. tr.; to cheat; to deprive of something: — faba^ba. defy, ('. tr.; to challenge; to resist openly: — gal animo. degenerate, v. %.; to deteriorate: — bumababa. degrade, v. tr.; to lower physically or morally; to tone down: — gatdutia; villi papa. deject, V. tr.; to depress the spirits of; to dishearten:— disanim a. dejected, adj.; depressed; gloomy: — dinesaniina. dejectedness, n.; depression of spirits:— rineusa. delay, v. tr.; to postpone; to stay; to stop ; — in-abnxam. delayed, adj.; come too late; risen too late (out of bed): — -ba^an. delegate, n.; representative: — asis- tente; representatibo. deliberate, r. tr.; to ponder; to A¥eigh in the mind: — considera. delicacy, n.; grace; sensitiveness; refine- ment : — grasioso. delicate, adj., adv.; admirable; lively; vivacious; elegant: — airoso. delicious, adj., adv.; exquisite; highly pleasing to the senses, taste, or mind:— delisioso; manngui. delight, V. tr.; to please; to give pleasure to; to appease: — na-magof; na-man- man; na-tatnon. delight, n.; enjoyment: — namagof; minamanman. delighted, adj., adv.; joyous; merry; gay; satislied; cheerful: — dibettido. delightful, adj., adv.: — na-manman; na-miigof. delirium (in fever), n.; aberration of the mind: — jinason atmariao. deliver, v. tr.; to set free; to save: — na-janau; na-libre. deliver, v. ir.; to deliver a woman of child: — fanago; ma-ilago. delivery, n.; the act of delivering: — jina'na-u; inentrega; minajuyoiig. delivery, n.; draft; duty; tax: — catga; impuesto; todo; tribute, deluge, V..; inundation: — diltibio. delusion, n.; imposition: — fatso; i nil bag. demand, v. tr.; to ask in a peremptory manner: — demanda. demented, adj.; insane: — atmariao; cadiico. democracy, n.; government by the people; political or social equality: — gobietnon taotao. demolish, v. tr.; to ruin; to destroy: — • desase. demolition, n.; destruction: — mina- yulaiTg. demon, n.; evil spirit; devil: — denionio; magiig^niti. demonstrate, v. tr.; to evince; to prove; to shov.-: — fanue. demonstration, n.; act of demonstrat- ing: — prueba. demoralize, v. tr.; to corrupt; to throw into confusion: — n§,-atborotao; yu- lang. demur, v. ir.; retort; to oppose; to object; to put in by way of reply: — agua- guate. demure, adj., adv.; grave; sober; decor- ous; proper in behavior: — gai-ma- m.ajlao; fotmat. denial, n. /refusal; contradiction: — rin- etisa; contradicsi6n. denominate, v. tr.; to name; to call: — fanaan; na-fanaan. denounce, v. tr.; to censure; to condemn; to disapprove; to reprove: — desa- prueba. dense, adj., adv.; difBcult; entangled: — gadon. deny, v. tr.; to declare to be untrue: — pune. depart, v. i.; to move; to walk; to leave: — fainocat; umadisapatta; sumuja. departure, n.: — jina^nau; pattida. departure, n.; sailing: — jina^nau; salida. depend, v. i.; to rely for support; to trust : — aiigoco. deplorable, adj., adv.; sad; calamitous; grievous: — triste. depopulate, v. tr.; to deprive of in- habitants; to devastate; to lay waste:— araot; na-tai-taotao. depose, v. tr.; to deprive of office: — amot; na-ma-tajgiie. deposit, V. tr.; to put into the bank: — deposita. depot, n.: a warehouse: — deposito. depravation, n.; deterioration: — na- tailaye. deprecate, r. tr.; to censure; to dis- dain ; — despresia. depressed, adj.; dejected; oppressed: — • inadite; mofifio; ma-jono; ma-na- penite. depression, n.; low spirits: — tinagpapa; triniste . deprivation, n.: the act of taking away; loss: — finaliri^o; inamot. depth, n.: — tinadong. deride, v. tr., v. %.; to insult; to mock: — lotgue; casi; insutta. derision, n.; scorn: — mofa; minefea. descend, v. i.: to pass from a higher to a lower position: — tum.unog. describe, v. tr.; to narrate; to set forth: — sangan. desecrate, v. tr.; to profane: — na-lache; na-a^pliicha. desert, n.: — ^desietto. desert, v. tr.; to abandon; to leave; to quit; to leaA^e behind; to forsake: — dingo; desampdra. deserve, v. tr.; to earn by service; to be justly entitled to; to merit:— merese; bale (gui setbisio). deserving 54 digestion deserving", adj.; worthy: — manmerese. design, ?'. tr.; to direct; to order; to apjioiiit ; to determine; to fix : — destina. designate, v. tr.; to direct; to deter- mine: — fantii. desig^ned, adj., adv.; intentional; pre- meditated: — adrede. desire, n.; inclination; appetite: — ganas desire, n.; greediness; lust: — a^lalS,. desire, r. tr.; to want: — desea; miilapo. desirous, adj., adv.: — deseoso. desolate, adj.; deprived of inhabitants; abandoned ; laid waste: — ma-disocupa; ma-lilchai taotdoiia. desolation, n.; destruction; ruin; af- fliction; misery: — disocupao; yinilang; mis^ria. despair, v. i.; to abandon all hope: — ti man-angoco. desperate, adj., adv.; hopeless: — des- esperao. despicable, adj., adv.; pitiful; miser- able : — chatsaga; na-mase . despise, v. tr.; to slander: — chat- gualya; f dichiinag ; ma-fa-jlyung chatlii. despiser, n.; contemner: — fa-faichanag; na-chatgiiiaiya; cha-chatlii. dessert, n.; fruits or sweets: — golosina; postre. destiny, n.; fate: — destine. destitute, adj.; poor; penniless: — na- mase; taya. destitute of brilliancy or of lustre, adj.; not showy; unpretending: — ca- chang. _ destitute of reason, adj.: — taitiningo. destroy, v. tr.; to break: — yulang. destroy, v. tr.; to consume; to devour; to Avipe out: — na-mafnas. destroy, v. tr.; to demolish; to ruin: — desase. destroy, v. tr.; to squander: — na- falingo. detach, v. tr.; to disconnect: — na- janau. detailed, adj., adv.; copious; complete: — guef-ma-esplica. detain, v. tr.; to hold up; to keep back: — detiene; na-atrasao. detect, V. tr.; to discover; to bring to light; to expose: — soda. determine, i'. tr.; to designate; to direct: — destina; detetmina. determination, n.; decision; inten- tion : — dinetetrciina; detetminasion. detest, V. tr.: — chatlii. detestable, adj., adv.; execrable; abom- inable: — gof chatliiyon; inguinon. detrimental, adj., adv.; injurious; hurt- ful: — danoso. devastate, v. tr.; to ruin; to desolate; to lay waste; also to consume; to devour: — ma-destrosa; anisa. devastation (caused by a storm), n.: — yinilang. develop, v. tr.; to unfold; to put in use: — baba. >devil, n.: — diablo; mdgnganiti. devise, v. tr.; to find out; to invent: — na-juyong; inbenta; soda, devote, v. tr.; to apply (one's self) to some object: — aplica. devoted, adj.; understanding: — apHcao; confotrae. devotion, n.; piety: — debosion; dine- boto. devour, v. tr.; to eat ravenously: — tuch.6. devout, adj., adv.; true; believing: — deboto; jonggue. dexterity, n.; manual skill: — fina3ri. dialect, n.; idiom; the peculiar manner in which a language is spoken in a district: — dialecto. diameter, ?i.; — diametro; indnchon y citculo. diamond, n.: — diamante, diarrhea (not dysentery), n.: — quini- lag. dice, n.: — dados, dictate, v. i.; to prescribe: — dicta; saiigane. dictate, v. tr.; to express orally words to be taken down in writing: — dicta, dictionary, n.; vocabulary:— dicsion- ario. die, V. i.:- — matai. die, V. %.; to die of hunger; to die of starvation :— matai-nalang. diet, n.; abstinence; continence; tem- perance: — diet; abstinensia; chinemS,; choma. differ, v. i.; to be dissimilar; to dis- agree : — tipare jo . difference, n.: — diferensia. different, adj.; diverse: various: — difer- entes; distinto; taiachaigua; ti umaya. different, adj., adv.; rare; distinguished; excellent : — sajngue . difficult, adj., adv.; entangled; close: — gadon. difficult, adj.; hard to accomplish: — mapot. difficult, adj., arfi'.; heavy: — macat. difficult, adj., adv.; perilous; dangerous: — peligro. difficulty, n.: — minapot; dificuttad. difficulty, n.; A'exation; chagrin; indig- nation; quarrel; obstacle :^disgU8to. diffidence, n.; lack of self-reliance: — tai inangocon maisa; desconfiansa. diffuse, V. tr.; to scatter; to disseminate: — chalapun. diffused, adj.; disseminated; spread; scattered : — ma-chalapun. dig, V. i.; to scratch (hens): — guadog. dig in, V. tr.; to intrench: — graba. digest, V. tr.; to dissolve in the stomach by the action of the digestive juices: — aregla; dijero; dijeri. digestion, n.; assimilation: — inaregla; dinij6re; dinijeri. dignity 55 displeasure dignity, n.; oflice; — peca; cdt;2:o; dinaiig- cdIo. diligence, n.; application; utilization: — aplicasion; esmero. diligent, adj., adv.; laborious; indus- trious: — buen-muchacho. diminish, v. tr.: to make smaller; to re- duce : — nala-diquiqui. din, n.; deafening mn^e; crash; confusion; tumult; turmoil: — yinauyau. dine, v. i.; to eat the midday meal:— na-tal6ane. dinner, n.; the chief meal of the day: — ■ na-tal6ane. diplomat, n.: — diplomatico. direct, adj.; straight (not circuitous); open; plain: — derecto; tiinas. direct, v. tr.; to order; to designate; to conclude; to determine: — destina; de- tetmina; dirije; na-janao. direct, v. tr.; to manage; to regulate; to lead; to guide: — dirije. direction, v.; guidance; relative posi- tion: — direcsion; y dinerije; rumbo. direction, n.; condition; measure; rule; disposition: — disposision. directly, adv.; — enseguidas. dirt, 71.; mud; dung: — oda; fache; taqu@. dirt (on the head), n.; filth; smut; mud: — • acong. dirty, adj., adv.; filthy: — aplacha. dirty, v. ir.; to soil: — na-aplacha. dirty, adj., adv.; soiled; impure; foul: — ■ gai-fache; na-asgon. disability, n.; incapacity: — tinai setbi. disable, v. tr.; to disqualify; to incapaci- tate : — na-taisetbi. disagree, v. tr.; to contradict; to quarrel; to dispute; to struggle: — aguaguat; ti- u-ma-diinche. disagreeable, adj., adv.; hateful; repug- nant : — cha^tpago . disappear, v. i.; to pass away; to van- ish: — malingo. disappoint, v. tr.; to thwart or frustrate the hopes of: — ti miigof; disgiista. disappointment, n.; defeat or failure of expectations: — tinai minagof; dis- gusta. disarm, v. tr.; to deprive of arms; to sub- due: — disatma; na-tai-atmas. disapprove, i'. tr.; to reprove; to de- nounce; to censure; to condemn: — desaprueba. disaster, n.; mishap; misfortune; ca- lamity : — desgrasia. disastrous, adj.; unfortunate; un- happy: — desdich^o; desgrasiado. disband, v. tr.; to dismiss; to discharge: — despacha. discard, v. tr.: — yogua. discharge, v. tr.; to disband; to dis- miss: — despacha; despide. discharge, v. tr.; to discharge a debt; to pay for; to clear; to satisfy; to pay out: — abona. discharge, v. tr.; to unload: — descatga,. discipline, n.; education; military regu- lation : — dedsipUna. disclaim, v. tr.; disavow. — pune. disclose, v. tr.; to reveal; to make plain or evident; to discover: — discubre. disclosure, n.; discovery; uncovering: — discubre. discontented, adj., adv.; envious: — ti contento. discourage, v. tr.; to dishearten: — ti aniraoso. discourse, n.; speech or language; con- versation: — conbetsasion; setmon. discover, v. ir.; to put forward; to dis- close; to reveal; to make plain or evi- dent: — discubre; pontan. discriminate, v. tr.; to distinguish: — distiiiggue. disdain, v. tr.; to censure; to deprecate: — despresia; iiiguen; inguin. disdain, v. tr.; to despise: — faichanag. disdain, n.; scorn; contempt: — despresio. disembark, v. tr.: — desembatca. disfigure, v. tr.; to deform; to distort; to deface: — desfigura; na-chatpago. disfigured, adj.: — desfigurado. disgrace, n.; shame; dishonor: — di- neshonra. disgraceful, adj., adv.; dissolute: — despresiable; totpe. disgust, v. tr.; to offend the moral sense of: — disgustao; ti miigof. disgust, n.; strong aversion; repug- nance: — disgusto. disgusting, adj., adv.; nauseous; loath- some: — asqueroso. dish, n.; platter: — nayan; plato. dishonor, v. tr.; to disgrace: — di- neshonra. disinherit, v. tr.: — deshereda; umot y herensia. disinterested, adj., adv.; unselfish: — desinteresao. dislocated, adj.; lame; twisted: — aca- leng; apHi'ig. dismiss, v. tr.; to revoke; to withdraw: — deroga; despacha. disorder, 7i.; uprising :^desareglao. disorderly, adj.; irregular; confused: — calao; gadon. dispensation, n.; exculpation; also storage room or pantry: — dispensa. dispense -with, v. tr., v. i.; to spare; to do without: — tumaya. disperse, v. tr.; to strew asunder; to scatter apart; to dispel: — chalapun. displace, v. tr.; to put out of place: — na-suja gui sagana. displacement, 7i.; substitution: — na- suja gui saga. display, v. tr.; to boast; to expose to view; to exhibit: — fata. displeasing, adj., adv.; offensive; shock- ing: — chocante. displeasure, n.: — alansa. dispose 56 double dispose, V. tr., v. i.; to arrange; to order; to prepare; to make ready: — dispone, dispose, V. tr.; to decree; to prescribe; to orJaiu: — ^decreta. disposition, n.; direction; condition: — disposision. dispute, V. tr.; to quarrel; to contradict; to 1)0 at variance; to disagree; to struggle : — aguaguat. dispute, n.; niatier of dispute; ques- tion : — cuestion. dissemble, v. tr.; to feign; to hide; to conceal; to keep secret: — disiinula. dissembler, n.; hypocrite: — cado ma- ma-mauleg; jipocrita. dissolute, adj., adv.; licentious; roving wild ly :— des ar eglao ; saiTggano . dissolvable, adj., adv.; soluble: — diritiyon. dissolve, v. i.; to melt; to fuse: — dirite. distance (between two places), n.: — distansia; ina-chiigo. distant, adj., adv.; far; far off: — chago. distaste, n.; aversion of the palate; dislike ; disinclination : — timanngui. distasteful, adj.; unpleasant to the tasie: — taiminaimgui. distil, V. tr.: — estila. distillation, n.; vessel for distillation; alembic: — fanestilayan; estila. distilled water, n.: — janom enestila; also: janum enestila. distilling plant (water), n.: — fanesti- layan. distinct, adj., adv.; separate; different; clear; plain: — distingue, distinguish., v. i.; to distinguish one's self: — fan-igue. distingui.sh, v. tr.; to discriminate:— distiiiggae. distinguished, adj., adv.; famous: — distiiigguido. distort, V. tr.; to deface; to deform; to disfigure: — na-as6; na-chatpago. distract, v. tr.; to perplex; to confuse; to bewilder: — echung. distracted, adj., adv.; absent-minded: — distraido. distressed, adj., adv.; anxious; scru- p ulous : — escrupuloso. distressed, adj.; depressed; op- prci^sed : — inadite. distribute, v. tr.; to allot; to deal out or divide; to apportion: — repatte. district, n.; territorial division; region or tract ol country: — distrito. district (of a village), n.: — barailgai. district overseer, n.; head of the dis- trict: — cabesa de barangai. distrust, V. tr.; to doubt; to suspect: — ti maangoco. distrust, n.; want of confidence; want of faith or rcdianco: — sospeclioso. distrustful, adj., adv.; suspicious: — sospeclioso; josguan. distrustful person, n.: — jijcsguan. disunite, v. tr.; to set at variance; to render mutually hostile: — ^na-atar- antao; trastotna; yalilca; yiica. d:isunited, adj.; at variance: — apling. ditch, 71.; trench; moat; — giiinadog; sanja. dive, V. %.: — Uof. diver, n.: — busero. diverj5, adj.; various; sundry: — difer- entes. diversion, n.; variation; pastime: — dibetsion. divest. V. Ir.; to despoil; to make base: — na-tailaye. divide, r. tr.; to separate; to cut into parts: — dibide; desapatta; pagngas; patte. divide, v. tr.; to share; to participate: — facai. divide off, r. tr.; to hold back: — chofe. divi.ne, )'. i.; to guess: — aconseja. diviner, n.; fortune teller: — dibino. divi-:ible, adj., adv.; partible: — dibi- diyon. division, n.; separation; difference: — ?5ep abrasion, division, n.; partition: — dibision; flna- cai; ma- facai. divorce, n.; dissolution of marriage by legal authority: — dinibtitsia; yiniti. divorce, v. tr.; to dissolve marriage con- tract by legal authority; — -debtitsia; umayuti. divulge, r. tr.; to disclose :^poblica. divulged, p. p.; diffused; spread abroad (rumors, etc.); — na-matungo; ma- chalojgua. dizziness, n.; vertigo; giddiness; — in- atmariao. dizzy, adj., adv.; giddy; — timagof ta- taotao. do, V. tr.; to build; to mold; — fatinas. docile, adj.; easy to teach; tractable; easily managed: — fanaguiyon. dock, n.; quay; pier; — pantalan. doctor, n.; physician; surgeon: — medico, dog, n.: — galago (animal from the north). doll, n.: — mufigca. domestic, adj.; private; homemade: — traatisguma. donxicile, n.; residence; home; — resi- dsnsia. dominate, v. tr.; to reign over; to rule; — goje; domina. do not! (the latin; noli); — chamo! donate, v. tr.; to turn over; — nae. donation, 7t.; gilt; — ninae. done, adj.; completed; — esta mon- jayan. door, n.: — potta. do£e, 71.; quantit}' of medicine to be taken at one time; — tumada. dot, n.; small point or speck ;-;-punto. double, adj., adv.; two-fold; two of a sort; — doble; also uritien dobble. doubt 57 dutiable doubt, n.; uncertainty of mind :— duda; jinecura; jecuS,. doubt, V. i.; to question; to hesitate: — duda. doubtful, adj., adv.; dubious; question- able; undecided; undetermined: — dudoso; jumecua; jumojecua. dough (flour), 7!.; — yinaca (pan). dove, n.; pigeon: — palunia. dove, n.: ringdove: — cunau; paluman cunau (also: cunao). dower, n.: — dote. down, n.; soft feathers; hair: — m.anana na pulo. dov/nward, adv.; toward the ground: — para papa. draft, n.; sketch; outline; drawing: — pinenta. drag, V. tr.; to haul; to tug: — jaia. dragfnet, n.: — chinchulo. drain, n.; drainage: — canat. drake, n.; kite: — papalote. draw, V. tr.; to sketch; to draft: — penta. draw a parallel between, v. tr.; to com- pare : — aconipara. draw down, v. Lr.; to pull down; to take down; to snatch down: — eliapag. draw" nearer, v. %.; to approach: — chijit; jumijot. draw mg'li, v. %.; to approach; to bring one's self near: — arima. draw otr, v. tr.; to withdraw: — descu- enta. draw out, v. tr.; to pull out: — lagnos; gosne. draw through, v. tr.: — ensatta. drawers, n.: — cat.'ionsiyos. drawing, 71.; sketrh; plan: — dibujo. dread, n.; terror; reverential awe: — na-maafiao. dread, v. tr.; to fear greatly; to ven- erate: — na-maanao. dreadful, adj., adv.; impressive; horri- ble: — gof-na-maanao. dream, n.: — giiinife. dream, v. tr., v. i.; to fancy: — giiiie. dream.er, n.: — giiigiiif e; y man-giiigiiife. dredge, n.: — dxeya. dredge, v. tr.; to clean out and deepen with a dredge: — dreya. dress, n.; cloth; material: — bestido; magago. dress, ti. ^r.; to get dressed; so dress one self: — beste; miniigago. dressed up, adj.; dolled up (referring to women) : — chicherico ; mamuda . drill, n.; borer: — barena, drill (upright, run by power, to drill metals), n.: — broca. drill (of soldiers), v. tr.: — ejetsisio. drink, v. tr., v. i.: — guimen; guinem. drink, v. tr.; to drink out of a bottle or glass: — boyug. drinkable, adj.; potable: — fan-guimi- nan; fan-guiniman; gmminon. drinker, n.: — guegmen. drip, V. i.: — toje; tujo. drive, v. ir.; to impel forward by force; to propel: — na-lagusi; sugun. drive, v. tr.; to drive in a wedge: — cufia. drive away, v. tr.; to disperse: — dtila- lag. drive back, v. tr.; to beat off; to repel: — rempuja. drive back, v. lr.; to repulse; to shake off; to cast off: — chanda. drive forward (speaking of the sea, driven forward under action of the wind), V. tr.; to blow (the wind); to blow away: — inasa. drive on, v. tr.; to push along: — epog. drive out, v. Lr.; to expel; to exile; to banish: — destilado; dululag. drop, ?z. fall ; throw: — podong; yuti. drop, v. %.; to fall in drops: — gota. drown, v. i.: — matnios; iiognog. drowned, adj.; sunken: — matmos. drudge, v. %.; to labor hard: — machocho duro. drug, n.; medicine: — amot. drum, n.: — tanibot. drunk, adj., arfi;.; intoxicated: — bolacho. drunkard, n.; tippler: — bolachero; begliicho. drunk, adj.; seasick; in a stupor from smoking opium: — bolacho. dry, adj., adv.; arid; barren; destitute of moisture: — ang-16; dogiigos. dry, adj., adv.; wilted (leaves); trou- bled : — malayo. dry season, n.: — fanomnagan; somnag. drying space, n.: — fan angluan. dry up, V. i.; to become wrinkled: — jeddo; ma-jeddo. dubious, adj., adv.; questionable; un- dicided; undetermined; doubtful: — dudoso. duck, V. i.; to humble one's self: — hejong. due, adj.; owed or owing; payable: — dibe. dull, adj., adv.; stupid; foolish; silly; simple: — alanga; baba; laiiga; liirigat; totpe. duU, adj., adv.; without a cutting edge or point: — nano; majefoiTg. dumb, adj., adv.; mute; silent; speech- less: — iido. dungheap, n.: — taque-gaga. dung pit, n.: — fanyntiyan; yutl. dupe, 11.; one easily tricked; credulous person: — ^langa. durable, adj., adv.: — maog; masiso. duration, n.; endurance; continua- tion: — dinira; minaog. during, prep.; while; when (time): — • anai; durante, dusky, adj., adv.; dark: — jomjom. dust, n.; soot; haze: — asgon; iwtbos. dust, n..- — ^potbos. dust comer, n.: — fanudaan; chuda. dutiable, adj.; subject to duty:— adu- anavon. duties 58 embalm duties, n.; fees; customs duties; taxes: — derechos. duty, n.; tax; delivery: — tributo todo; impuerito; cat^a. dwarf, n.; human being much below the av'era:;o height: — n.aao. dwell, V. tr.; to reside; to inhabit: — saga, dye, V. tr.; to stain; to color: — tumu. dye, V. tr.; to tan (leathcn-): — tumo. dyin^^, adj., adv.; very sick: — chat^uiya. dying, v. %.; to be dying; to be deathly sick: — chaflig. dynamo, electric, n.: — dinamo elec- trica; mdquinan electrica. dysentery, n.: — masinig jaga; jinaga. dyspepsia, n.; indigestion: — chetnot estornago. dyspeptic, n.; person afflicLed with dy!51)ep-ia:— t^y taotao ni gai-chetnot estomajjuna. E. eager, adj., adv.; zealous^ ardent: — empenao; erapen6so. eagerness, n.; zeal: — empeno. eagle, n.: — ^aguila. ear, n.: — talailga. ear of corn, 7i.: — masotca. ear, n.; handle; hook; ring: — dililing. earlier, adj., adv.; sooner; prior: — guseiia; mona; mo nana; taftafiia. early, adj.; unripe: — maga; taftaf. earn, v. tr.; to acquire; to procure by effort: — faichechue; gana; soda. earn, v. tr.; to gain; to Avin; to defeat: — gana; julat; aMo. earnest, adj., adv.; grave; serious; sedate; sober: — -fotmat. earrings, n.; ear pendants: — alitos. earth, n.; ground: — oda. earthenware, n.: — nayan fache. earthly, adj.; worldly: — oda. earthquake, 7i.: — linao. ease, n.; leisure; freedom from occupa- tion: — dinescansa; taichecho. easing, n.; relief; mitigation; allevia- tion: — descanso; majgong. east, n.: — ^catan. easter, n.; festival of the Christian Church pertaining to the resurrection f Jesus Christ: — pasgua. easy, adj.; not difficult: — ti mapot. eat, V. tr., r. i.: — cano; chocho. eat immoderately, v. tr., v. %.; to consume large quantities of food: — chumocho daflog; daflogiie. eaten away; gnawed at: — quinatne. ebb, reflex of the tide: — ^mate (y tasi). ebony, n.: — matfit. eclipse (of the moon), n.: — quenano quilis; quilis piilan eclipse (of the sun), n.: — quilis atdau; quinilis dtdau. echo, n.; repetition of sound caused by reflection : — opan. edge, n.: — canto. edge, 71.; cutting edge (of a knife): — filo. edge, n.; ledge of wood: — leston. edge (table edge), n.; rim; border:— canto, edging, n.; border: — -galon; sinta. edible, adj.; fit to be eaten as food: — canuon; ma^maciino. edict, n.; public proclamation; decree: — bando. edify, v. tr.: — nae y m a u 1 e g na ejempio; mama guima; fana'giie nl mauleg. educate, v. tr.; to impart knowledge: — educa; fan^'giie; na eyag. education, n.: — educasion; finanS-giie; in-eyag. effect, n.; consequence; result: — jini- yong. elFective, adj.; efficient: — -actibo; na- joug; man jiilut. efficiency, n.; effectual agency: — jinilat; najong; ninasiiia. efficient, adj.; powerful: — mi- jinilat; mi-ninasiiia. effort, n.; attempt: — mamaichecho. egg, n.: — chada. eggplant, n.: — berengjenas. eight, adj.: — ocho. eighth, adj.: — mina ocho. eighty, adj.: — ochenta. either (one or the other), adj.: — guai- ichongja; pat. either or — — , conj.: — ^pat pat. ejaculate, v. tr.; to utter suddenly: — la'gsisi. elaborate, adj.; complicated; highly fin- ished: — guef machague. elastic, adj.; rebounding: — jalayon yan jeduyon. elate, v. tr.; to raise the spirits of: — anima; choneg; suon. elbow, n.; yard (measure): — codo; patio; silio; tomon canai. elect, V. tr.; to name; to appoint: — eUje; fanaan; nombra; saiTgan; iiyeg. election, n.: — botasion. electric dynamo, n.: — dinamo elec- trisida. electric light, n.: — lus electrica. electric hght plant, n.: — fabrican canded electrisida. electric motor, ti.; — motor electrisida. elegant, adj., adv.; foppish; affected: — bonito; ti-ta-chacha. eleven, adj.: — onse. ehgible, adj.; legally qualified: — ^nom- brayon. elocution, n.; art; manner or style of speaking; delivery : — inadengan. elope, V. i.; to run away: — umasaguan malago. embalm, v. tr.: — ma embataama. embank 59 entrance erabank, v. tr.; to protect by a bank: — baricada. embark, v. tr.: — embatca; maudae gui sajyan. embarrass, v. tr.; to perplex; to dis- tress: — na-chatjinaso. embellish, v. tr.; to make beautiful: — na-gatbo. em.bitter, v. tr.; to incite; to stir up; to insult:— n.a-lay6; na-t^njos. emboss, v. tr.; to confound; to tire; to bore: — na-dogae; na-6son; na-tenjos. embrace, v. tr.; to take into one's arms: — togtog. em.broider, v. tr.; to stitch: — botda. embroidery, n.; laces: — encajes. emergency, n.; sudden necessity; strait; crisis: — dangculo na nesesida. emigrant, n.; one who quits his own country to settle in another: — es- tranjero; tdotao nt ju manao gui tanona para u saga gui otro tano. emigrate, v. i.: — jumanao para otro tano. emolument, n.; profit; remuneration: — ganansia; remunerasion. emotion, n.: — siniente. emperor, n.: — emperadot. empire, n.; realm; state: — imperio. employ, v. tr.: — emplea; na-gdi-ch§ch6. employ reason, v. tr.: — gai jinaso. empty, adj., adv.; vacant within; hollow; void: — basio; giieco; tdi-sindjguan. emulate, v. %.; to contend: — que igue. enable, v. tr.; to make able: — para u sina. enanxel, n.; lacquer; paint: — pintura. enamored, adj.; in love: — amorao; enamordo. enclose, v. tr.; to incase; to frame: — encaja; engatsa; juchom. encompass, v. tr.; to border; to en- close: — engatsa; oriyaye. encounter, v. tr.; to come upon sudden- ly :— umatugong. encourage, v. tr.; to inspire: — ^anima; abiba; na-bal6nte. encouragement, n.;— binalente; inabiba; minatatnga. end, n.: — finagpo; littimo. end, n.; border: — chin, end, n.; conclusion; finish: — fin; finagpo; mindgtus. endeavor, v. tr.; to try; to take pains: — na-quesina; empeiia. endless, adj., adv.: — tai-finagpo; tdi- jinecog. endless, adj., adv.; infinite; limitless: — tatnai-magtus; uguiyon. endurance, n.; continuation; diu-a- tion: — dinira; minesngon. endure, v. i.; to last; to abide; to con- tinue:— dura; sungon. endure, v. tr.; to sustain; to tolerate; to bear; to support: — aguanta; aguante; sungon. 4562—18 5 enemy, n.; opponent: — enemigo; achiitliemo; achatiitanmo. energetic, adj., adv.; strong: — em- peiioao. energy, n.: — empefio. enervate, v. tr., v. i.; to slacken; to relax; to become enervated: — cuma- calo. engage, v. tr.; to bind by contract: — umcacontrata. engine, n.: — maquina. engineer, n.: — enjiniero. engrave, v. tr.; to cut or carve in sunken patterns: — ^binetdan maguadoc. engraving, n.;^renaya. enhance, v. tr.; to advance; to raise in esteem; to heighten in price or value: — tinaichxi. enjoy, v. tr.; to have the pleasure or benefit of; to use as food or as drink: — aprobecha; gosa. enlarge, v. tr.; to make deeper:— na-la- modung. erJarge, v. tr.; to extend; to expand: — na-dangculo; estiende. enlighten, v. tr.; to illuminate: — aclara. enliven, v. tr.; to animate: — na-lala. enmity, n.: — -ina^chatlii; china tlii; quinentrdrio. enormous, adj.; excessive; immense; very great: — sen-dangculo; guef dang- culo. enough, adj., adv.; sufficient: — najong. enough of that noise ! — ^mampos na buruca I enough, adv.; sufficiently: — ^basta; vesta najong. enrapture, v. tr.; to overjoy; to fill with ecstasy: — encanta, j enroll, v. tr.; to enlist: — ma-nS,jalom gui lista. entangle, v. tr.; to ensnare; to perplex; to beAvilder:- na-gadon. entangled, adj.; confused; intricate: — gadon; ma-yalaca. entanglement, n.: — guinadon; enredo. enter, v. tr.; to go into; to come into; to penetrate: — jatme. enter into an agreement, v. tr., v. i.; to close a contract: — contrata; uma^joye. entertain, v. tr.; to receive and treat hospitab ly : — -tane . entertainment, n.; conversation: — umatane; conbetsasion. enthusiasm, n.; ardor of mind: — giiinaiya entice, v.tr.,v.i.; to allure: — catiye; n&- SU; na-malago. entire, adj., adv.; total: — entero. entomb, v. tr.; to place in a tomb: — ma-nicho. entrance, n.; the act of entering: — entrada; jinalom. entrance, n.; foreroom: — entrada. entreaty 60 excepted entreaty, n.; request: — guinagau. entrust, v. tr., v. i.; to confide; to look for; to expect; to hope: — angoco; confia; tdguan. entry, n.; foreroom: — entrada. envelope, n.: — sobren catta. enviable, adj.; exciting envy: — linatga. envious, v. i.; to be envious: — lay6. envious, adj., adv.; discontented: — lay6. envious, adj., adv.; jealous; grudging: — embidiosa; latga; ego. environment, n.; — condision; oriya. envy, n.; jealousy: — inlgo; embldia. epidemic, n.: — epidemia; sago. epilepsy, n.: — epilepsia; repot, episode, n.; an incident: — ejemplo. epoch, n.: — ^epoca. equal:^ndicated by prefixing cha- or acha-. equal, v. i.; to equal some one: — alapat. equal in v^eight, n.: — cha-un^ag. equator, n.: — tal6. equipoise, n.; equiUbrium; equality in weight; balance: — y china^ ungag. equip, V. tr.; to fit out; to prepare: — pre- paraye. equitable, adj.; impartial; just: — tunas, equivalent, adj.; equal: — pumarejo. era, n.; period: — a^yo na tiempo. eradicate, v. tr.; to erase: — funas. erase, v. tr.; to obliterate: — funas. erect, adj.; upright: — tunas julo an papa, erect, v. tr.; to erect on a foundation: — jatsa; na-cajulii. erect, v. tr.; to raise; to lift up; to pick up (from the floor): — jatsa. err, v. i.; to commit an error: — ^fatta; abiig. error, n.: — fatta, inabag. error, v. i.; to be in error; to be mis- taken: — chetan. error, n.; misunderstanding: — linache; equibocasion. erupt (speaking of a volcano), v. i.: — muta. escape, v. i.; to run away; to flee: — falago. escort, V. tr.: accompany: — gachong- naijon; esgdijon. escort, n.; accompaniment; convoy: — accompanamiento; in-esg^iyon; ines- gdijon. especially, adv.; particularly: — mayot- mente. essential, adj.; necessary: — ^nesesario; presiso. establish, v. tr.; to introduce; to arrange; to inaugurate: — establese; manjdle. establishment, n.; place of business: — establemento; establesimiento. estate, ?i.; property: — fangualtian. esteem, v. tr.; to respect: — jaf-e. esteemed, adj.; respected; highly re- garded: — estima; inestima. estimate, r. tr.: to consider; to calcu- late: — failamUni; fa-l&mon; tdsa. etch, V. tr.; to engrave: — raya; matca. eternal, adj., adv.: — taf jinecog; ti jfjocog. eternity, n.: — tinalchii. etiquette, n.; good breeding; the con- ventional rules of deportment: — tom- tom; tinc^^mtom. eucharist, n.; the holy communion: — comuni6n. eulogize, v. tr.; to praise highly: — ttina. European, n.: — taotao lago {meaning the man from the north). evade, i;. tr.; to avoid (sin); to turn out of the way: — ebita; letque. evade, v. tr.; to flee: — letque. evaporate, v. tr.; — magap; malingo (como y janom gui aire). evaporation, n.: — minagapiiaf jon. evasion n.; expedient; excuse: — falagiiiyon; escusa. even, adv.: — achugja; masea. even, adj., adv.; level; plain; smooth: — yano; liso; majlos. evening, n.: — pupuengue. evening before a festivity, n.: — afunan gupot; bisperan gupol. evenly, adv.; uniformly: — patco; parejo. event, n.; an occurrence: — suseso; sinesede. eventually, adj., adv.; ultimately:^ alostittimos. ever, adv.; at any time: — jamas, every, adj.; each: — cada or ciida uno. every time when— — ■, conj.: — a^nai-ja. evidence,?!./ proof; testimony: — prueba. evil, adj., adv.; morally bad; wicked; mischievous: — tailaye; biiba. evil-minded, adj.; ill-disposed: — mal intensionao. evince, v. tr.; to prove; to show; to demonstrate: — fanue. eviscerate, v. tr.; to gut: — destilipas. evolution, n.; development; growth: — adelanto; Unala. exact, adj., adv.; strict; accurate; pre- cise: — estricto; diniinche. exacting, adj., adv.; oppressive: — ^ma- gagajet; parerejo. exactly, adv.; fitting snugly:— ajustao; dina'ncheche. exaggerate, v. tr., v. i.: — na dangculo mas que y mina-gajet. exalted, adj.: — magas. examination, n.; test; trial: — chinague; examen. example, n.; sample; p a r a b 1 e: — ejemplo; mu6stra. excavate, v. tr.; to dig out: — guaje; guadog. exceed, v. tr.; to surpass; to excel: — up OS. excel, v. tr.; overtop; to surpass: — diles; igue. excellent, adj., adv.: — patticulat. except, prep.; outside of: — fuera de; fu^ra. excepted, adj.; free: — ecseptuao. exceptional 61 eyesore exceptional, adj., adv.: — sobresaliente. excess, n.; superfluity: — minampos. exchange, v. tr.; to trade: — tulaica. excite, v. tr.; to animate; to arouse: — lujan. exclaim, v. i.; to cry out suddenly: — umagang. exclude someone, v. tr.: — na-fuera; na-sajiTgue. exclusion, n.; omission: — ninasajngue. excrement, n.; matter discharged from animal body after digestion: — taque gaga, exculpate, v. tr.; excuse: — discutpa. excuse, n.; evasion; expedient: — fala- giiiyon; escusa. excuse, v. tr.; to exculpate: — dispensa; escusa. execute, v. tr.: — jotca; fatinas. executive, n.; administrative branch of the government:— ejecutibo. exemplify, v. tr.; to illustrate by ex- ample: — chachalane. exercise, v. tr.: — ejetse; ejetsita. exert, v. i.; to exert one's self: — usune. exhaust, v. tr.; to drain; to weaken: — na-yafai; la^chai. exhausted, adj.; all used up: — ma- lachai; linii^chae; ma-na-ydfai. exhausted; at the end: — sen-juto; ma-juto. exhibit, v. tr.; to display; to boast; to expose to view: — fata. exhibition, n.: — -finata. exhilarate, v. tr.; to make glad; to enliven :— na-magof . exhortation, n.; admonition: — abiso. exile, V. tr.; to banish; to drive out; to expel: — destilado; dulalac. exist, V. i.; to be: — ^lumala. exonerate, v. tr.; to acquit: — asii. expand, v. tr.; to enlarge; to extend; to ^videu: — estiende; na-miipgua. expectorate, v. i.; to spit: — tumola. expedient, n.; excuse; evasion: — fala- giilyon. expedite, v. tr.; to hurry; to accellerate; to dispatch: — apura. expedition, n.;— ecspedision; espedi- sion. expel, V. tr.; to exile: — destilado; dulalag. expend, v. tr.; to spend (money): — gasta. expenditure, n.; disbursement: — gas- ton salape. expenses, n.; costs; consumption: — gasto. expensive, adj.; valuable; precious: — guaguan. experience, n.; dexterity; skill: — linS,- mon; pinayon. experienced, adj.; versed; skilled: — esperimento. expert, n.: — perito; practice. expiate, v. tr.; to make reparation; to give satisfaction; to pay; to reconcile: — empas. expiation, n.; reparation: — espiasion; inempas. explain, v. tr.; to make clear; to ex- pound : — esplica. explanation, n.; interpretation: — in- tetpretasion; pinila. explode, v. i.; to burst: — mapta; pdgpag. explore, v. tr.: — descubre. explosive, n.: — minanila (c o m o y dinamita). expose, V. tr.; to lay open: — tala. expose, V. tr.; to expose to the sun: — aja. expose to view, v. tr.; to exhibit; to display; to boast: — fata, exposition, n.: — esposision. express, v. tr.; to exhibit by language:- — espresa. expression, n.; mode of speech: — sasanganna. expulsion, n.; forcible ejection: — madti- lalag. exquisite, adj.; delicate; nice; dainty; refined: — fino. extend courtesy, v. %.; to show one's self courteous: — cottesiaye. extend, v. tr.; to expand; to enlarge: — estiende. extended, adj., adv.; long: — anac6. extension, n.; act or state of extend- ing: — inalatge; estension. extensive, adj., adv.: — estensibo. exterior, adj., adv.; external: — suman- jlyong. exterminate, v. tr.; to destroy utterly: — na-lachai; ma-funas. external, adj.; outside; exterior: — sumanjiyong. extinguish, v. tr.; to put an end to; to blot out; to wipe out: — bora; puno. extinguish, v. tr.; to extinguish the light: — ^pun6. extirpable, adj.; eradicable (capable of being pulled out by the roots):— jalion. extraordinary, adj., adv.; remarkable; rare; eminent; special: — ^ti seso. extravagance, n.; prodigality; waste- fulness; — gastadot. extreme, adj., adv.; of the highest degree; last; utmost: — taiparejo. eye, n.: — atadoc. eye bandage, n.: — bendas. eyebrows, n.: — sejas. eyelash, n.: — ba'bale. eyelid, n.: — ba^bale; Ideas dtadoe. eyesight, n.; range of vision: — linli y atadog. eyesore, n.; anything that offends the sight: — jinemen inatan; puten mdta. fable 62 fate F. fable, n.; a short fictitious narratiAc; also an idle story; a falsehood: — fabula. face, n.; countenance; looks; appear- ance: — mata; cara; rostro. facial, adj.; pertaining to the face: — iyon mata. facilitate, v. tr.; to relieve; to make easier or lighter: — alfbia. fact, n.; anything that is done; reality; event; truth: — minagajet. factory, n.: — fabrica; factoria. fad, n.; a pet idea; a passing fashion: — bisio; ti-dbmam na moda or ti-Abmam na moda. fade, 1'. i.; to lose color; to wither; to languish: — funas; na-mdfnas; na- anglo. fail, V. %.; to fall short; to be deficient; to turn out badly: — cajulo; dimalas. fail, V. tr.; to be wanting; to forsake: — dumimalas. fail to meet some one, v. tr.; to fail to fall in with: — alaisen. failing, n.; a fault; weakness; imperfec- tion: — linache; dinebit. faint, 11.; swoon: — lalangonaijon; la^laiigo. faint, V. %.; to fall in a swoon: — ^la'lango; mamaita^guau. faint, adj., adv.; weak; infirm:— debit, fainting, adj.; in a swoon: — la^ango. fair, adj., adv.; handsome; genteel; fine: — gadbo. fairness, n.; the quality of being fair; equity; candor: — ^inasentado; ti fina- baba. faith, n.; belief: — fe; jinenggue. faithful, adj., adv.; true; loyal: — ti ja-traedute; fiel. faithless, adj.; unfaithful; treacherous: — faba'baba; traidot. ake, v. i.; to cheat; to dodge; to swindle: — faba^ba. fake, n.; dodge; cheat; swindler; trick- ster: — dinague; finababii; atte. fall asleep, v. i.: — matujog; maigo. fall, V. %.; to descend; to decline: — basnag. fall, V. i.; to tumble: — podung; also: podong. fall headlong, v. i.: — acha'icag. fallen, adj.; degraded; ruined: — ma- destrosa. faUing, adj.; moving downward; sink- ing : — popodong. false, adj., adv.; unreal; not genuine: — fatso, false, adj., adv.; lying: — dacon. falsify, V. tr.; to forge: — fababa; fatsifica. falsify, V. tr.; to lead astray; to harm; to injure: — na-ta^ilaye; fababa. fame, n.; reputation: — fama famihar, adj.; well acquainted or inti- mate; affable: — guef-umatiingo uma''payune. family, n.: — familia. family Uneage, n.:- — trongcon familia. famine, n.; extreme dearth; scarcity: — jasan; mdtai-nalaiig. famous, adj., adv.; distinguished: — dis- tingguido; afamdo. fan (fly swatter), n.;— abanico; panag- lalo. fan (used in building a fire), n.: — goja. fancied, adj.; imaginary: — jinalom jalom. fancy, v. tr.; to imagine; to take a likii^ to: — guaiya; imajina na-jiilom. fancy, n.; idea; notion; liking: — idea; jinaso; guinaiya. fang, n.; tusk; saddleroll; saddle pad: — cotrdyos. fantastic, adj.; grotesque; odd: — tima- gajet; tijoiTgguiyon. far, adj.; distant; far off: — chago. farce, n.; ridciulous or empty parade: — taig^asia; matapaiig. fare, n.; provisions of a table; also sum paid for conveyance by railroad, etc. : — nencano; pat (or) apas pasaje. farewell, inter j.; may you fare well; may you prosper: — adios, felis biaje. farm, n.; wordly possessions: — ^hasi- enda; sementera; lancho. farmer, n.; peasant:- — lanchero; semen- tero. farther, adj.; more distant or remote; additional: — chagona; mas. fascinate, r. tr.; to bewitch; to capiti- vate: — cajnaye; encanta. fascination, n.; attraction; charm: — inencanta. fashion, n.; conventional custom in dress: — raoda; estilo. fashionable, adj.; according to the pre- vailing mode: — moda; modista. fast, adj., adv.; strong; hard; firm: — litme. fast, 11.; time of fasting; lent: — ayunat; cuaresma; tienpon ayunat. fast, V. i.; to go without food: — ayunat. fast, adj.; quick; speedy; expeditious: — chadeg; listo. fasten, v. tr.; to tie on; to bind: — gode. fasten, v. tr.; to strengthen: — na-meton. fasten with nails, v. tr.; to hammer: — atane. fastening (for clothing), n.; large but- ton: — casaca; batunes daiigculo. fat, adj.; corpulent; fleshy: — chebot; yomog. fat (of the cow), n.; suet:^sebo; mantica. fat (from pigs), n.; grease: — mantica. fat, adj.; greasy: — manempeya; man- tica. fat, n.; salve: — junto, fat man, n.: — chebot. fatal, adj.; mortal; causing death or de- struction: — tetminao para ayo fina- taina. fate, n.; destiny: — destino. fateful 63 fibrous fatefiil, adj., adv.; possessing fatal powers; fa tal : — destinao . father, n.: — tata. father confessor, n.: — comfesot. father-in-law, n.: — suegro. father, ».; priest:— pale, father, n.; lord; master: — a'saina. fatigue, n.; weariness; mental or bodily exhaustion : — af atigao. fatten, v. ir.; to make fat; to feed for the table: — na-yomog; pogsai. fatten up, v. tr., v. i.: — na-yomog. faucet, n.; short pipe with a valve used for d^a^ving liquids from kegs: — grifo. fault, n.; slight offense; blemish: — de- fecto. fault-finding, adj., adv.; hair-splitting; carping : — atito . faulty, adj., adv.; incorrect: — gai de- feeto. favor, n.; kindness; grace: — grasia; fabot. favor, n.; protection; patronage: — fina- borese; fabot. favor, V. tr.; to aid; to protect; to patron- ize : — faborese. favorable, adj., adv.; auspicious; well- disposed : — f aborable . favorite, n.: minion: — y ma-fabo- rerese. favorite, n.; bosom child: — y et-mas ma-guaiya; y ma-faborerese; bunga. favm on, r. i.; to wheedle; to flatter: — fa-andi. fear, v. tr.; tobe afraid of: — maa^nau, or: maa'nao. fear, n.; apprehension of e\dl or danger: — minaa'nau, or: minaa'nao. fearful, adj., adv.; timorous; timid; apprehensive ; cowardly : — dan^ue . fearless, adj., adv.: — tai-afi.au; tii- maaiiau. feasible, adj., adv.; practicable: — na- sinayon. feast, n.; sumptuous repast; festival: — fiesta; gupot. feast, n.; ceremony; solemnity: — gupot. feather, n.; plume: — plumaje. feathers, it.; chicken feathers: — pulon manug, or: manog. feature, n.; outline; characteristic: — figuran mata. February, a.: — febrero; maimo. fecundity, n.; fertility: — fottalesa. fee, n.: a compensation for ser\'ice ren- dered; gratuity: — apas. feed, V. tr.; nourish; to support: — chugo; alimenta; na-chocho. feed, V. tr.; to furnish fodder to: — pugue. feed, V. tr.; to feed the fire; to feed the light: — totngue; totne. feel, V. tr., v. i.: — ^tantea. feel, V. tr.; to touch: — siente. feel, ('. L; to suffer: — chuot; padese. feelers (of a crawfish), n.: — batbas ujang. feeling, n.; perception; sense of touch: — siniente. fees, n.; duties, custom duties; taxes; — derechos; apas; aduana. feign, V. tr.; to hide; to conceal: to keep secret; to dissemble: — disimula. feUow, n.: comrade; friend: — gachong. fellowship, n.; association; society: — gachong; compaiiero. felon, 11.; one guilty of felony: — gai isao ni da'ngculo. felony, n.; a crime punishable by im- prisonment or death: — isao ni dii^ng- culo. felt, 11.; a fabric composed of wool and hair pressed together: — tinifog gapu- nulo yan lana. felt hat, n.: — tijoiig castod. female, adj.: — hembra; palauau. female, n.: — palauan. fence, n.; hedge: — eclat, fender, n.; cushion of rope, intended to protect the bow and sides of a ship: — fina alunan tale para y oriyan y batco para cliana; mayu- yulang yan maoto. fender, n.; automobile fender: — tanpen fachi. ferment, v. i.: — mumaagsom; lu- malalo. fermentation, n.: — mina-agsom; bini- lacho. ferocious, adj., adv.; savage; fierce: — malaman.a; na'maanao. ferocity, n.; cruelty; savageness: — minalaman.a. fertile, adj., adv.; rich; productive; yielding: — gai fottalesa; ganansioso. fertile, adj., adv.; fruitful; prolific (re- ferring to the propagation of man or animal) : — jaf nag; ma-mam ta . fertility, n.; fecunditj': — iinamta; fot- talesa. fervor, n.; intensity of feeling; zeal; warmth : — todo y ninasin.ana; todo y minagofiia. fester, v. i.; to suppurate: — fanugo. festive garb, n.: — gala, fetch, V. tr.; to go after and bring: — chule. fetch a meal, v. tr.: — ^co^au. fetter, v. tr.; to chain: — padriguiyos; cadena. feud, n.; quarrel between families: — plaiton familia. fever, v. i.; to catch fever; to become ill with fever: — calentura. fever, n.: — calentura. few, adj.; not many: — unos cuantos; jasan. fi.asco, n.; complete failure: — Unache. fiber, n.; sinew; tendon; vein; nerve: — gugat. fibrous, adj., adv.; composed of fibers: — guinigatan; migugat. fickle 64 flame fickle, adj., adv.; changeable; inconstant; mutable; variable ; fluctuating : — aguyon. fickleness, n.: — tai-mineton. fidelity, n.; integrity; loyalty; reliabil- ity: — fe; amista; giiina^iya. fie! interj.; lor shame! — bah! ju! field, n.; plantation; ploughed ground: — gualo; fangualuan. field rich with game, n.: — fanbenadu- yan; famaquiyan. fiend, n.; demon; one who is intensely malicious or wicked: — tailaye; baba costumbrena. fierce, adj., adv.; wild; savage: — mala- raaria; machaleg. fiery, adj.; passionate; easily roused: — guse'cajul6; guse^lalalS. fifteen, adj.: — quinse. fifth, adv.: — quinto. flity, adj.: — sincuenta. fig, n.; fruit of the fig tree: — higos. fig tree (a variety of), n.: — agaliya. fight, n.; combat: — combato; pla^ito figure, n.; picture; model: — figura. figuratively spoken, v. ' i.: — gai- figura. file, V. tr.: — linia. file, n.: — lima. fihal, adj.; pertaining to a son or daugh- ter: — sen-lajina or sen-jagaiia. fill, V. tr.; to replenish: — sajguane. fill up, V. tr.: — na-bula. fill up, V. tr.; to fill up one's stomach: — na-jaspog. filled, adj., adv.: — bula. fill, V. tr.; to flood: — na-sen-bula. filler of a cigar, n.; a bundle of ten small tobacco leaves: — anduyo. filter, n.; apparatus for purifying water (or other liquids): — coladot. filth, n.; mud; smut: — acong; iVplacha. filthy, adj., adv.; dirty; soiled: — aplacha. final result or outcome, n.: — jiniyting. finally, adv.; at last: — pot fin. find, V. tr.; to discover: — fagchai; soda, find, V. tr.; to invent; to recover: — soda, find, V. tr.; to hit upon; to meet: — da'nche. find out, V. tr.; to invent; to devise: — soda; ni-juyong; inbenta. finder, n.; one who finds: — sisoda. fine, adj., adv.; handsome; fair; genteel: — gadbo. finger, n.; toe: — calulot (middle finger: calulot talo; index finger or forefinger: calulot aniyo). finish, V. i.; to stop; to cease: — fagpo; na-para. finish, n.; end; conclusion: — fin; minagpo. finish, V. tr.; to complete: — fonjayan. finished, adj., adv.; complete; ready: — monjayan. fins of a fish, n.: — ^batbas guijan. fire, n.: — guafe. fije, V. tr.; to fire a gun: — dispara; piique. firearms, n.; rifles, etc.- — paque sija. firebrand, n.: — tesna. fire engine, n.: — bomban quemason. fixe upon, V. tr.; to bombard; to shoot at: — flecha; piique. fireside, n.; the hearth; domestic life firewood (for the kitchen), n.: — jayon matutong. firewood, n.; kindling wood: — jayo. and comfort: — fion guafe. firm, adj., adv.; fast; strong; hard: — fitme. firmament, n.; the sky: — languit; fitma- mento. first, adv.: — fine'nana. first birth, n.; primogeniture: — mafa- nagon fijie'nana; primerisa. fixst-bom, adj.: — y fine'nana na patgon. first time; to use for the first time: — primet biaje; achiing. first quarter (of the moon; rising or increasing fourth): — cuatto cresiente. fish, n.: — giiijan. fish, v. i.; to fish at night, with a net: — gade. fish, V. i.; to fish with a dragnet: — chuminchulo. fisherman, n.: — talayero; pescadot. fish, V. tr., V. i.; to go fishing: — egiiijan. fishline, n.; line: — cotdet giiijan or guigao. fishing line, n.; — tupac. fishing net, n.; inclosures built in shal- low water to catch fish: — guigau, or: guigao. fish roe, n.: — figan. fish poison, n.: — gumuasa. fishing stone, n.; a stone used by the natives when fishing: — acho puco; acho chocho. fist, n.: — inaquijom; tronpon. fistula, n.; small chronic abscess: — chetnot dlquiqui. fit, adj., adv.; suitable; appropriate; adapted: — umaya; aproposito. fit, adj., adv.; capable: — capas. fit, 71.; shock; attack: — achaque. fit (he is overcome by a fit):— ninaye un achaque. fitting snugly, p. p.; exactly: — ajustao. fit up alike, v. tr.; to make equal: — na-aya. fitness, n.: — inaya; inajustao. five, adj.: — sinco. five hundred, adj.: — quinientos. fix, V. tr.; to intend; to design: — famau- leg; destina. flabby, adj., adv.; soft; loose; repaxed: — flojo; ciilo. flag, n.; banner: — bandera; estandatte. flag mast, n.: — jasta. flame, n.; fire: — manila; guafe. flame, n.; clarity; clearness: — manil^; claridd. flank 65 forbearance flank, n.; the fleshy part of an animal between the ribs and the hip:— barigada. flannel, n.; shirt: — flanela; laniya. flap, n.; anything broad and flexible, hanging loosely, and fastened on one side : — pumala^lapa. flare, n.; large, unsteady, glaring light: — minanila. flash, n.; sudden, quick, transitory blaze of light: — manila ensiguidas; chad eg na manil^. flask, n.; bottle: — frasco; boteya. flat, adj., adv.; level; dull: — mapanas. flatten, v. tr.; to lay flat; to make level or even: — ^na-mapanas. flatter, v. i.; to fawn on; to wheedle: — fa-andi; tuna, flatter, v. %.; to gain over by compli- mentary speech: — isa. flatter, v. tr.; to receive amiably: — uga. flatter, v. tr.; to soaj^; to lather: — jabune flatterer, n.: — xninejmo; ninifia; luga; ga-man-uga. flatulence, n.; distension of the stomach caused by gases:— jinatme mangle, flaunt, V. i.; to behave impudently: — bumastos; dumescarada; bumaranca. flaunt, n.; a boast; brag: — banida. flavor, n.; a particular smell or taste:— sabot; sensia. flavor, V. ir.; to impart a flavor to: — na-gaisabot. flax, n.: — clasen tinanom ni mana- sesetbe y jiluna para mamatinas magago pat lienso. flea, n.: — potgas. fleck, n.; streak; spot: — mancha; rastro. flee, V. %.; to escape; to run away: — falago. fleet, adj., adv.; quick; swift: — gusi. fleeting, adj., adv.; transitory; perish- able: — mamapos, gusi-jocog. flight, n.; the act, process, manner, or power of flying: — guinipo. flighty, adj., adv.; changeable capri- cious: — caprichoso. fling, V. tr.; to throw or hurl: — yutenaijon. flint stone, n.: — gagot. float, n.; raft: — batsa. flock, n.; swarm; heap; pile: — catdumen; catdume. flock or cro-wd together, v. tr.; to run together: — aguluiume. flog, V. tr.; to whip; to chastise: — castiga. flood, n.; inundation; deluge: — bula y tasi; bula y sadog; milag. floor, n.: — piso, satgue. flour, n.: — arina. flou.rishing, adj.; prosperous; thriving: — adilantao; gai-producto. flow, V. i.: — mifalag; milalag. flower, n.; bud:— -flores. flowerpot, n.;— maseta. flowing, adj., adv.; moving, or pouring forth; fluent: — mimilalag. fluctuate, V. i.; to undulate; to rise and fall:— na-chaochao; na-napo. fluent, adj., adv.; voluble; eloquent: — curiente; curiente cumuentos. flunk, V. i.; to fail completely: — s#n- podong; sen-mapede. flush, V. tr.; to clean out with a rush of water: — chalaochao ni janom. flute, n.: — flaota; flauta. flute player, n.;— -flautista. flutter, V. i.; to move or flap the wings rapidly: — palapa. fly, n.:—\a.\6. fly, V. i.: — gupo. flying, aQ[;'.;— guegpo; gupo; guigupo. flying fish, n.: — fardjen tasi. fly swatter (fan), n.: — abanico; pun6 lalo. foam, n.; froth: — espuma. foam, n.; mold; scurf; scab; crust: — natas. foam, n.; water blister: — buo; boan. foaming, adj.; drivehng:- binean. fodder, n.; food for horses and cattle: — ne3igcan6 cabayo; neiigcano guaca. foe, n.; personal enemy: — enimigo. fog, n.; condensed watery vapor near the surface of the sea or land: — calan jomjom uchan gui languit. foggy, adj.; cloudy:- — jomjom; tutbio. foil, V. tr.; to baffle; to frustrate: — ■ mapede. fold, n.; pen; dung: — colat gaga, fold, V. tr.; to wrap up: — falulon. foliage, n.: — ramas; jagon. folk, n.; people in general: — taotao sija; familia. follow, V. i.; to continue: — sigue. follow, V. tr.; to imitate :—da^larag. follow, V. i.; to follow on the track of; to track; to search out; to get a scent: — rastrea. follow, V. tr.; to reach:^ag6; tate; tatiye. following each other: — uma'-tatiye. foUy, n.; want of understanding: — frionera; binabii. food, n.; victuals: — blberes. food, n.; noiu-ishment; eatables: — ali- mento; nengcano. fool, n.; a person devoid of reason or intelligence; idiot: — caduco; frion; tai- sentido; tai-tiniiigo. foolish, adj., adv.; stupid; silly: — baba. foolishness, n.; silliness: — binaba; fri- onera. foot, n.: — patas. footstool, n.: — fan-aptian; apo; bancon adeiTg. foppish, adj., adv.; elegant; affected: — chacha. for, prep.; in place of; on account of: — para, forbear, v. tr.; to abstain from; to spare: — sungon. forbearance, n.; patience; indulgence: — siningon; minesiTgon. forbid 06 frichfeD forbid, V. ir.; to prohibit: — chomS,; atotlaye. forbidden, adj., adv.; interdicted: — pruibido; projibido. force, n.; power; vigor; strength: — finette; minetgot. force, V. tr.; to constrain; to coerce; to subdue; to compel: — afuetsas. forcible, adj., adv.; xdolent: — afuetsas; pot y fuetsa; fotsao. ford, 71.; shallow part of a stream; suit- able for crossing: — na'tata na lugdt. forearm, n.; arm between wrist and elbow: — ayo na patte g^ui ca'nai y desde y temo asta y moneca. forecast, v. tr.; to predict: — jaso desde antes; aregla desde antes. forefinger, n.; index finger: — ta'tiincho. forehead, n.; brow: — jae. foreign, adj.; strange: — forastero; es- trafio. foreigner, 71.; stranger: — estrangjero; estranjero. foreman, n.: — atguasit; ta^tago. forest, n.; bush: — jalum-tano. forever, adv.: — y siempre dura; taiji- necog. forfeit, n.; a fine or penalty: — pena; mutta. forge, V. ^r.;— na-aya. forget, V. ir.: — malefa. forgetful, adj., adv.; obU-\dous; liable to be forgotten: — jamalefayon; ja'malefa. forgive, v. tr.; to pardon; to remit blame or penalty: — asii. forgiveness, n.; pardon: — inasii; mi- naas§; petd6n. fork, n.: — tenedot. form, V. tr.; to shape: — fotma. formal, adj., adv.; precise; according to rule : — f otmat. formation, n.; that which is formed; also the act of formation: — fotmasion. former, adj.; preceding in time or place; first mentioned : — ^fine^nana. formidable, adj., adv.; fearful; power- ful: — na'maaiiao; metgot. forsake, v. tr.; to desert; to abandon; to quit; to leave behind: — desampara. forsaken, adj.; forlorn ; left alone : — aban- donao; madiiigo. for some time; for quite some time: — la-abmam. fortify, ?i. tr.; to make stronger: — na- animoso. fortunate, adj., adv.; wealthy; opulent; lucky; happy; prosperous: — affot- tunao. fortunate, adj., adv.; lucky; blessed; content; comfortable: — guefsaga; dichoso. fortune, n.; luck; good fortune: — fot- tuna. fortune, v. tr.; to tell one's fortune; to prophesy: — adibina. fortune teller, ?i..- — sabidot; dibino. for this reason: — eate minS.. forthwith, adv.; immediately: — ti-ab- mam; enseguidas. forty, adv.: — cuarenta. foi-ward! intcrj.; advance! — lat-fena! foul, adj.; spoiled; offensive: — podlilo. found, V. tr.; to lay the basis of; to fix firmly: — planta. foundation, n.: — simiento. founder, v. %.; to sink; to go down: — mafondo; ma-puja y batco. founder, n.; builder: — pla'lanta. fount, n.; fountain or spring: — trongcon janum; bobo. four, adj.: — cuatro. four-cornered, adj.; square; quad- rangular: — cuadrao. four hundred, adj.: — cuatro-sientos. fourteen, adj.: — catotse. fourth, ndi\; one-fourth: — cuatto. fracture, n.: — majlog. fracture, v. tr.; to shatter; to break into pieces: — yamag; yilya. fragile, adj., adv.: brittle; easily bro- ken: — pasca; quebrantayon; ja^mafag. frame, n.; square: — cuadro. frame, v. tr.; to inclose; to incase: — encaja. frame of mind, n; character; disposi- tion; — jenio. frank, adj., adv.: — magajet; mapla. frank, v. tr.; to send postpaid: — franquera. frantic, adj.; ^dolently mad or dis- tracted; outrageous: — manabubo; em- perao. fraud, n.; deceit; cheating: — antula; liuipa; finababa. free, adj.; excepted: — ecseptao. free, adj., adv.; out of danger; safe: — libra. free, adj., adv.; untrammelled; un- hampered : — malulog. j freedom, n.; softness: — minalulog. freeze, v. i.; to shiver; to have a chill (in fever): — fugo; manengjeng. freight, n.: — flete; catgamento. frequent, adj.; recurring often: — seso. frequently, adv.; often: — seso. fresh, adj., adv.; refreshing; cool: — fresco. fret, V. i.; to be irritated or vexed: — mumunera. fretful, adj.; peevish; irritated: — munera. friction, ?i.; the act of rubbing; attri- tion: — uma^guesgues. Friday, n.: — ^bietnes. friend, n.: — araigo; ma-gofiie; gachong; abog. friendly, adj., adv.; amicable: — amisto- samente. friendship , n . : — ina^goflie . fright, n.; a sudden and violent fear; alarm : — espanto. frighten, v. tr.; to startle; to terrify: — asusta; jalaiig; joiigaiTg. frighten 67 garment frighten, v. tr.; to drive away: — sugon; espanta. frightened, adj.; startled; terrified: — asustao. frightened, v. L; to be frightened: — joilgang; asiista. frighten off, v. tr.; to scare away: — espanta. frivohty, n.; levity: — taibale; tinai- bale. frivolous, adj., adv.; trfling; silly; in- clined to levity: — taibale. frock, n.; garment: — traje. frog, n.: — rana. from (from a given time until now), prep.; since: — desde. from here to : — desde este jasta . from, adc; out of: — guine; guinen. front, 11.: — y san mena. front, ??..; fagade: — fachada. froth, n.: scum; foam: — espume; boan. frown, V. %.; to scowl: — na-matan la- lalo. frozen, adj.: — majetog ni maneng- frugal, adj., adv.; niggardly; saving; T lirif ty ; scanty ; parsimonious : — ma- aquijom. fruit, n.: — tinegcha; frutos. fruitful, adj., adv.; prolific: — jafnag; tegcha; gueftano; mepa; ma^mamta. fruit house, n.; granary; — granero. fruitful, adj.; yielding fruit; prolific: — mepa; productoso. fruitlessly, adv.; without result; in vain; to no purpose: — taisetbe; bano; en bano. fruits or sweets, n.; dessert: — golosina. fry, V. tr.; to bake in a pan: — aflito. fry, V. tr.; to prepare food; to season; to roast; to broil: — guisa. fuel, n.; combustible material for supply- ing a fire: — jayon matutong. fugitive, n.; runaway: — malagon tao- tao. full, adj., adv.; complete: — ^binila; bula; enteramente ; entero . fulfill, V. tr.; to fulfill a duty: — cumple. full moon, n.: — gualafon. full of, adj.; filled with: — jafno. fume, n.; vapor; exhalation: — bapot. fumigate, v. tr.; to smoke: — asgiie; fumiga. fun, n.; mirth; drollery; sport: — mina- gof. function, n.; discharge of a duty: — gupot magas; offsio. fund, n.; money set apart for some object: — ninajuyoiTg salape. fundamental, adj., adv.; basic; essential; pi-imary : — f undamento. funeral, n.; burial: — entiero. funnel, 7i.: — embudo. funny, adj.; comical; droll: — na'chaleg. fur, ?i..— ^pulon gaga. furious, adj., adv.; raging; mad: — ialalo; lalalo tenjos; fejman. furnish, v. tr.; to supply; to fit out; to equip : — najuyung. furniture, n.: — trastes jalom guma. furrow, n.: — joya; joyo; sutco; canat. further, adj.; more distant: — chagona; mas-chago; lii^tjanao. further, adv.; moreover; also: — mas; ademas. further, v. tr.; to help forward; to pro- mote: — suon; sube; n§,-latfena. furthest, adj.; most distant: — y mas- chago; y mas-yam6nana. fury, n.; rage; madness: — rabia. fuse, V. i.; to dissolve; to melt: — dirite. fuss, n.; unnecessary or irritating activ- ity, especially in small matters: — atboroto; plaito. fussy, adj.; making a fuss: — na^oson; gS, pMito; mimisterio. futile, adj.; vain; useless: — sin pro- becho; sin adelanto. future, n.: — ma'mamaila na tiempo future, adj.: — ^ma^mamaila. G. gab, n.; idle chatter; loquacity:— mefno. gabble, v. %.; to chatter: — gagag. gain, n.; profit; advantage: — -bentaja. gain, n.; victory: — ganansia; guinana. gain, V. tr.; to earn; to win; to defeat: — gana. gale, n.; a strong wind: — jinigua. gaU, n.; the bile: — lalaet; laet. gallant, n.; lover; also love affair; amour : — guaiyayon. gallon, n.; a liquid measure: — galon. gallop, V. i.: — galope. gallows, n.: — jotca. gamble, v. i.; to play for money: — juegon salape. gambler, n.; one who gambles as a business: — jogadot or jogadot. game, n.; a sport or diversion; fun; frolic: — juego; jugando. game, adj., adv.; plucky: — mesngon matatnga. gamecock, n.: — buscaplaito; matatiiga na gayo. gap, n.; an opening; cleft: — caca; gui paderon. gape, V. i.; to open the mouth wide: — aa; alanga. garage, n.: — garaye. garb, n.; a dress: — abito. garbage, n.: — ^basula. garden, n.: — jatdin; juetto. gardener, n.: — jatdinero. gargle, v. tr.: — gargaras. garlic, 71..- — ajos. garment, n.; habit: — abito; tunico. garnish 68 glance garnish, v. tr.; to adorn: — na,-be8te. garrison, n.: — castiyo. garrulous, adj.; verbose: — ga cu- muentos. garter, n.: — ligas. gas, n.: illuminating gas: — gas. gasoline, n.: — gasolina. gasp, V. i.; to cough; to pant: — guja. gate, n.; gateway; entrance: — tranca. gather, v. tr.; to pluck; to pick off: — recoje; tife. gather, v. tr.; to gather the crops; to pluck; to collect in heaps: — joca; recoje; n^-etnon. gathering, n.; an assemblage: — ^inet- non; renicoje. gaudy, adj.; showy; vulgarly gay: — andi; gatbo. gauze, n.; very thin, light, and trans- parent silk or cotton fabric: — gasa. gauzy, adj.; thin and semitransparent; like gauze: — calan-gasa. gavel, n.; a small mallet: — masetan diquiqui. gay, adj., adv.; satisfied; cheerful; de- lighted; joyous; merry: — dibe; dibet- tido; miigof. gay-colored, adj., adv.; many-colored: — gaicolot; micolot. gem, n.; a precious stone: — acho-ni mi bale; yema. gender, n.; grammatical distinction of sex: — jenero (sinangan para u dinis- tingui cao laje pat palauan, pat ni uno). general, adj., adv.; public; common: — comtin. general (officer), n.: — jenerat. generate, v. tr.; to beget: — lilis. genial, adj., adv.; kindly; sympathetic in disposition: — gueftao; ga mannae. genius, n.; remarkable aptitude for some special pursuit; a person possessed of extraordinarily high mental powers: — tomtum. genteel, adj., adv.; fine; handsome; fair: — gatbo; bonito. gentle, adj.; refined in manner and dis- position: — manso; fino; suabe. gentleness, n.; mildness; meekness: — minanso; sini abe. gentlemen, n.; a well bred and honor- able man: — senot; cabayero. gentlewoman, n.;a woman of good birth and breeding; a lady: — senora. genuine, adj., adv.; real; unadulter- ated: — gasgas; puro; taimancha. geography, n.: — jeografia. germ, n.; the rudimentary form of organism; origin: — y tinitujon; semiya. gesticulate (while speaking), v. i.: — compas; cumunpapas. get, V. tr.; to obtain; to procure; to win; to gain; to acquire: — chule. get, v. tr.; to get something by diving: — busea; liufe. get angry, v. i.: — lalalo; bubu. get out of tune (musicial instrument), v. tr., v. i.: — destempla. gewgaws, n. pi.: — chicheria; joguete. ghastly, adj.; deathlike; pale: — bocsion; calan-mdtai; descolorao. ghost, n.; spook: — dujendes; f^fanague; plantasma. giant, n.; a man of extraordinary stat- ure: — jigante. gibber, v. i.; to speak incoherently: — chatcuentos; ti comprendiyon. gibe, n.; to scoff; to taunt; sneering or sarcastic expression: — mofa, butla. giddy, adj., adv.; frivolous; fickle: — atmariao; calan bolacho. gift, n.; donation: — ninae. gift of wisdom: — flnaye na ninae; tiniiTgo. gigantic, adj.; huge; colossal: — dang- culo. gilded, adj.; gold-plated; gilt: — dorao. gill, n.: — guasang; atgaya. gilt, adj.; gilded: — dorao. ginger, n.: — jasngot. gingerly, adv.; cautiously; daintily: — ume'cacat; cuma'cajat. gird around, v. tr.; to buckle on: — dudog. girdle, n.; a belt for the waist: — faja. girl, n.; a female child: — ^patgon na palauan; muchacha. girth, n.; circumference: — inatrededot; y niredondo. gist, n.; the substance of a matter; main point; object: — sustansia. give, V. tr.; to donate; to turn over; to cede: — nae. give advice, v. i.; to give counsel:— conseja; chachalane. give birth to, v. tr.; to bring forth; to bear:^fanago. give information, v. tr.; to report: — nae notisia. give pleasure to, v. tr.; to gladden:— na-magof. give satisfaction, v. tr.; to expiate: — na-empas. give security or bail, v. i.; to be re- sponsible; to warrant: — nae prenda; nae securidad. give the spurs to the horse, v. tr.: — nae espuelaa. given to anger, adj.; passionate; im- petuous: — japinalala; jabubo; impe- tuoso. glad, adj., adv.; contented; joyous: — magof. gladden, r. tr.; to delight: — na-magof. gladness, n.; pleasure: — minagof. gladsome, adj., adv.; joyous; gay; pleased ; cheerful : — na'-magof . glamour, n.; fascination: — ta^tanS; finababa gui nilie. glance, v. tr., v. i.; to perceive; to see; to look: — li§; lii; atan. gland 00 grapes gland, 11.: — moyeja. glare, n.; bright and dazzling light: — minalag; tinanila. glaring, adj.; gaudy; emitting a daz- zling light: — mamalag; lamlam; manf- iiila. glass, n.: — cristat. glass, n.; vessel; receptacle: — baso.''^ glass ball, n.; glass: — birin. gleam, n.; a stream of light: — inina. glee, 11.; gayety; mirth: — minagof. gleeful, adj., adv.; merry; joyous: — magof. glen, n.; a narrow valley: — canat. glimmer, n.; a faint intermittent light: — inina; ina. glimpse, 11.; a transient view: — ch.atli§; enseguidas na inatan. glisten, V. %.; to shine: — manila; lamlam. glistening, adj.; casting radiance; shin- ing : — maninilS,. glitter, V. i.; to sparkle with light: — malag; lamlam. gloaming, n.; twilight: — lemlemtaotao globe, 11.; the earth:- — globe; y tano. gloom, 11.; melancholy; partial darkness; obscurity: — lenxlemtaotao; tiguef- jomjom; triniste. gloomy, adj., adv.; cheerless; morose: — triste; timagof. glorification, n.: — gloria; glorifica- sion. glorious, adj., adv.: — glorioso; bicto- rioso. glory, 11.; splendor; magnificence; re- nown; honor: — premio; honra. glove, n.: — guantes. glow, ;;. i.; to radiate heat and light; to shine with intense heat: — figan. glue, ;;. tr.: — colaye; cola. glutinous, adj., adv.; sticky: — dangson. gnash tlie teeth, v. tr.: — chegcheg. gnat, v.; insect, allied to the mosquito, but smaller: — sagamai. gnaw, V. tr.; to bite or pierce with the teeth : — aca. gnaw, I', i.; nibble; to destroy by gnaw- ing; to corrode: — catne. go, V. tr.; to go to; — falag; janao. go afoot, V. %.; to walk: — mamocat. go ahead ! interj.; forward ! — fofona I san mena! sigue! go astray, v. tr.; to be lost; to go to the bad; to disappear; to lose: — abag; faliiigo. go away, v. i.; to depart; to run away: — fapos; duigo. go away, v. %.; to leave; to go: — janau, or: janao. go in, V. i.: — jaluna. go on ahead, v. i.: — fona. go on, V. i.; to tread; to step: — famegue; famocat. go out, V. i.; to go out from: — juyung. go, V. i.; to move; to walk; to depart: — famocat; sigue. go through, V. tr.; to traverse; to run through : — adotgan. go through, V. i.: — janagiie; f§,p6sgue, go to school: — fan-escuela. goat, n.: — chiba. god, n.; the Lord:^Yu.us. godfather, n..-— pathno. godmother, n.: — matlina. goiter, n.; tumor on the neck: — buchi. gold, n.: — oro. golf, n.: — un clasen juegonbola: golf. gone, adj.; ruined; lost: — malingo; jocog. good! {vernacular for all right), adv.: — mauleg ! good, cdj., adv.; decent; virtuous: — mauleg. good fortune, n.: — afottunao; suette. good hunting ground, n.: — fangaja- tan; mauleg na faiigajatan. good, adj., adv.; kindhearted; benign: — maase. goodness, n.; mercy; compassion: — minaas§. goodness, n.: — ^minauleg. good will, ?i..-^boluntad. good Friday, n.: — betnisanto. goose, n.: — ganso. gorgeous, adj., adv.; splendid; showy: — gatbo. Gospel, n.: — Ebanjelio. gossip, n.; narration: — chinchule; chin- chuli; cuentos. gossip, V. %.; to have entertainment: — cuentos. gossip, n.; tattler: — mefn6. goulash, n.; stew: — quinado. gouty, adj., adv.; having the gout:^ batdao. govern, v. tr.; to manage:— gobi etna, govern, v. tr., v. %.; to rule; to domi- nate :—domina; magase. government, n.; state: — gobietno. governor, n.; magistrate: — magalaje. gown, n.; a woman's outer garment: — bestido. grace, n.; favor; kindness: — grasia. graceful, adj., adv.; charming; pretty: — guefpago; bonita; guiiiyayon. gracious, adj., adv.; affable: — yoasS; mapla; cariiiosa; carinoso. grade, n.; step; degree: — -grade, grade, n.; rise or descent of a roadway or railroad: — grado. gradual, adj., adv.; by degrees; step by step : — adomididi. grain, n.: — grano. grains of corn, n. pi.: — granon males, grammar, n.; principles of the correct use of a language: — gramatica. granary, n.; fruit house: — granero. grand, adj.; illustrious; high in dignity or power: — tagajlo. grandchild, ?z..— nieto. grandfather, n.; grandmother: — guelo; guela. granite, n.: — alutojog. grant, v. tr.; to give or confer:— nae. grapes, n. pi.: — ubas. grapple 70 gulf grapple, v. %.; to contend in close fight: — mumoia umaguot. grasp, V. ir., v. i.; to catch up with; to attain; to reach; to seize (with the hand): — agara; giich^; tiica. grass, n.: — -cha^guan. grasshopper, n.: — apacha. grateful, adj., adv.; sympathizing; thank- ful: — magaom. jinalura; agradesido. gratify, v. tr.; to deUght; to afford pleasure to: — na-magof. grating, n.; lattice; trellis; lattice- v/ork: — rejas. gratis, adv.; in vain; gratuitously; for nothing: — balde; debalde; batde; de- bardo. gratitude, n.; thanks; reward; acknowl- edgment ; recompense : — agradesi- miento; inagradese. gratuitously, adv.: — sen-magof. grave, adj., adv.; serious; sedate; sober; earnest : — f otmat. grave, n.; place of interment: — naftan. grave (with a cliisel), v. tr.; to mark: — matca. gravel, n.; fragments of rock coarser than sand :— cascajo. gravity, n.; weight; importance; serious- ness: — minacat. gravy, n.; the fatty juice from roasting flesh: — cade, gray, adj.: — graniso; ugis. gray-bearded, adj.: — chungui batbas. gray (hair), adj: — -chuxigue. graze, v. tr.: — nae paste, graze, v. i.: — paste, grease, v. tr.; to smear: — darigse; pdlae. greasy, adj., adv.; fat:— emplea; man- tica. great-grandchild, n.: — bis-nieto. great-grandson, n.: — bis-nieto. greatness, n.; size: — y minedung. greaves of bacon, n.: — cha^chalon. greed, n.; avarice; greediness: — jenngan; jinenngan. greediness, n.; desire: — alala; dinesea; codisia. greedy, adj., adv.; ravenous; voracious: — cagno; goloso. green, adj.; unripe; uncooked: — gada; mata. green (color), adj.: — betde. green turtle, n.: — -jagan betde. green vegetation (covering still waters) — ^lumot catdeniyo. greet, v. tr.; to salute: — saluda. grief, n.; mental pain; anguish: — pinite. grievance, n.; a sense of wrong or op- pression : — pinadese. grieve, v. i.; to lament; to bemoan: — aiai. grim, adj., adv.; stern; unyielding: — mesngon. grin, V. i.; to smile broadly: — chumaleg. grind, v. tr.; to pulverize or reduce to powder by friction: — gulig; molino; tutu. grind, v. tr.; to grind grain: — guleg; gulig. grindstone, n.; whetstone: — guasaon; metate; moyong. grip, n.; a grasp with the hand: — minantiene; guiniot. grip. v. tr.; to catch; to seize: — gote; jacot. grip with the fist, v. ir.; to make a list: — aquijom. gripe, V. tr., v. %.; to catch: — gancho. gripes, n.; colic: — puten chachag. gristmiU, n.: — molino. grit, n.; pluck; courage: — minatatnga; minalago. groan, v. i.; to lament: — ugong; urau- gong. grocery, n.: — tenda; sagan benta. groove, n.; a furrow cut by a tool: — giiinadog. grope, V. %.; to feel one's way in the dark; to seek blindly: — tataca. gross, culj., adv.; coarse; rude:— mam- pos. ground, n.; land; estate: — oda; tano. group, n.; society; assembly:— inetnon. grow, V. %.; to increase in stature; to thrive; to flourish: — doc6. growl, ti. %.; to grumble: — gonggong. growler, n.; grumbler: — agoiTggong; guigonggong. growth, n.; increase; progress: — dineco. grub, V. tr.; to root out of the ground; to dig up: — jale; guiije. grudging, adj., adv.; envious; jealous: — ecgo; iatga; embidiosa. gruel, n.; oatmeal: — atmayas. gruesome, adj., adv.; horrible of aspect; inspiring gloom or horror: — ^na m.a'nao; jomjom. grumbling, adj.; peevish: — macat ma- tana; ti mesngon. grunt, V. i.: — cocog. guarantee, v. tr.; to insure; to secure; to warrant: — asegura. gfuarantor, n.; surety: — ^fiadot. guard, n.; watchman; post: — guatdia; y mamumulau. guard, V. tr.; to shelter; to defend; to protect:— amp ara; gogiie. guardian, n.; protector; defender: — guigogiie. guess, V. tr.; to find by conjecture: — adibina; jaso. guest, n.; invited person: — conbidao. guidance, n.; direction: — di-diiije. guide, V. tr.; to bring: — guia. guide, V. tr.; to direct; to manage; to regulate; to lead; to instruct: — chacha- lane; dirije. guilt, n.; crime; sin: — isau; isao. guiltless, adj.: — -tai isau. guilty, adj.; blamable: — culpable; isau. guitar, n..— guitala. gulf, n.; hell; abyss: — sasalaguan; tinaifondo. 71 haze gull, n.; sea sull: — pajaron y oriyan tasi pat y tasi. gullible, adj.; capable of being easily de- ceived : — fababayon. gully, n.; narrow raAdne: — canat. gulp, n.; draft; swallow: — ineo; 66. gum arable, n.: — goman arabia. gumption, n.; common sense: — gai sensia; sensia comun. gum.s, n.: — ^paladat. gun, n.: paque. gunboat, n.: — batcon canon; cailonero. gunner, n.: — canonero. gunpowder, ?i..— potbola. gush, n.; a sudden and violent flow of liquid from an inclosed space: — minilag; milag. gut, r. ir.; to eviscerate: — destilipas. gutter, n.; channel for carrying away water : — mactan. H. habit, n.; custom: — penrlga; costumbre; bisio. habit, n.; garment: — abito. habitation, n.: — aposento; fansagayan. habituate, v. tr.; to accustom; to' in- ure: — sagaye; acostumbra; na payon. habitual, adj., adv.: — manapayon. haggard, adj.; worn and anxious in appearance; lean and hollow-eyed: — matan malango; jechuran nalafig; debit. hail, 7i.:—gTaiiiso. hair, n.: — pulo. hair on the head, 7i.: — gaput ulo. hairy, adj.; wooly: — meplo; peludo. hale, ficyV sound bodily; healthy: — timalango; lala; buen saliid. half, n.: — lamita; empe. half, 71.; mean; middle: — medio. half, adv.: — meyo; medio; empe. half shoe, n.; low shoe: — botin. hall, n.: — sala; salon. hall, n.; com-tyard:— patio. ham, n.: — jamon. hammer, n.: — mattiyo. hammock, n.;— amaca. hand, ti.: — canai. handcuffs, n.: — gxiyete. handkerchief, ?i.; — pafio. handle, )i.: — togpoiag. handle, v. tr.; to use: — manea. handle, n.; hook; ring; ear: — diUhng. handsome, adj., adv.; pretty; neat; nice: — dudus; gatbo. handwriting, n.: — tinigui-canai. handy, adj., adv.; dexterous; agile; nimble : — macalamya. hang back, v. i.; to hesitate: — na-tate. hang up, V. tr.; to suspend: — cana; iiaca . hang, n.: — mac ana. hangman, n.; executioner:— betdugo. haply, adv. conj.; perhaps; may be; by ^chance: — sinaja; jimgguan; puedeja. happen, v. i.; to befall: — susede. ' happerung, n.; event; occurrence: — sinesede. happiness, n.; bliss:— felisidad; mina- gof. happy, adj., adv.; prosperous; auspicious; fortunate; wealthy; opulent; lucky: — affottunao; afottunao; felis. hard ^head, word, etc.), adj., adv.; stub- born; perverse: — atagtag; chat-ilo. hard, adj., adv.; firm; fast; strong: — fitme; majetog. hard, adj., adv.; energetic; strong: — metgot. harden, v. Ir.: — na-ruajetog. hardly, adv.; scarcely; almost not; but just: — apenas; ecalag. hardness, n.; severity: — minenero. harm, n.; disadvantage; loss: — petjuisio. harm, n.; hurt; injury; damage: — dano; puti. harmful, adj.; injurious: — na lamen; na puti. harmonixim, n.; organ: — atmonio. harness, v. tr.; to harness a horse: — guatnision. hai-p, n.: — atpa. harpoon, n.: — jatp6n. harsh, adj., adv.; gi-umbling; stubborn; obstinate : — bronco; malamaiia; muiiero. harvest, n.;— cosecha; jineca; y quin§c6 harvest, r. tr.; to reap; to gather in: — c6c6. harvester, n.; harvest gatherer: — quicoco. haste, n.; celerity; speed: — pinalalala; chadeg. hasten, v. tr.; to move quicker: — alula; alulaye. hasty, adj., adv.; precipitate; rash: — inalulula. hat, 71..- — tujong'. hatchet, n.; pickax; mattock; hoe: — jachita; sacapico; asada. hate, V. tr.; to abhor: — chatlamen; chatlit. hated, adj., adv.; hateful; abhorred; detestable ; odious : — machat-a'tan; machatlit; machat-lamen. hateful, adj., adv.; disagreeable; repug- nant: — chatpago; ti guaiyayon. hatred, n.; aversion'; hostility: — chinatlii. haughty, adj. adv.; proud and disdain- ful : — b arddos o ; mama-mamagas . haunch, n.; loins; hip: — lomo." have, v. tr.; to have: — gai; guaja. have courage ! — gai animo ! haven, n.; place of shelter and safety: — fansagayan seguro; puettan seguro. hawk, V. i.; to hem; to clear the throat audibly : — cacag. haze, n.; slight fog or mist: — tutbio. he 72 hold he, or she, pron.: — guiya. head, n.: — ulo. head, n.; foreman: — cabesa. head of the district, n.; district over- seer: — cabesa de barangai; cabesiyo. headrest, n.; pillow (ancient, consisting of a short piece of wood): — barote. headstrong, adj.; mulish; stubborn: — zuan-atraa. heal, V. tr.: — amte; na-jomlo. health, n.; condition of health: — jinernlo; salud. healthy, adj.: — lala; brabo. heap, n.: — monton. heap up, V. tr.: — na-etnon; na-bocu. hear, v. tr., v. %.; to listen: — jungog. hearing (the sense of hearing), n.: — manjungog. heart, n.: — corason. heart, n.; the inner man; the soul: — jinalum. hearth, n.; baking oven; oven: — fogon; jotno. hearty; adj., adv.; cordial; sincere:— flet. heat, n.; warmth: — maipe. heat, V. tr.; to warm: — namaipe. heathen, n.; pagan:— pagano. heaven, n.: — ^languit. heavy, adj., adv.; difficult:^ — macat; mapot. hedge, n.; fence of bushes or shrubs: — colat ch§,^guan. heed, v. tr.; to regard with care; to pay careful attention: — ecungcog. heedlessness, n.; carelessness; reckless- ness: — descuida. heel, 71.: — dedego; tacon. height, n.; altitude; elevation: — hneca. heir, n.: — heredero. hell, n.; abyss; gulf: — tinaifondo; sasala- guan; infietno. helm, n.; rudder: — timon. helmet, n.: — yelmo. help, n.; aid; support; assistance: — mantiene . help, V. i.; to aid; to be of service; to assist: — ayuda. help, V. tr.; to assist; to succor; to remedy ; — asiste. helpless, adj., adv.; unwieldy; awkward; clumsy : — nama. hem, n.; the edge of a garment: — costura. hemp, n.: — cafiamo. hen, n.; female of the domestic fowl: — ponudera. hence, adv.; in consequence of this: — ayo nai. henceforth, adv.; for the future: — mona; piira mona. herd, n.; flock; mass: — manadan. herder, n.: — past6t. here, adv.; in this place: — este; giilne. here, adv.; to this place: — gUine. here ! interj.; see ! — §stagiii I herein, adv.; in this: — gal-giiine. heresy, n.;— herejia. heretic, n.: — hereje. heretofore, adv.; previously; hitherto: — jagasja; jasta pago. hermit, n.: — etmitano. heron, n.: — chuchuco. hero, n.; a man of distinguished cour- age: — matatnga; ganadot. hesitate, v. i.; to doubt; to question: — duda. hesitate, v. i.; to loiter; to linger; to tarry; to be slow; to be tardy; to hang back: — um-abmam; iiating; mamata- tate. hide, n.; leather: — cuero; lasas. hide, V. %.; to hide or conceal one's self: — atog. hide, V. tr.; to hide something: — nana, hide, V. tr.; to conceal; to keep secret; to dissemble; to feign: — disimula; na- atog; na-lijing. hide, V. tr.; to disguise: — lipa. hiding place, n.: — fanatugan; atog. high, adj., adv.; prominent: — loca; magas. high embankment, n.; stormy sea: — chauchau. highroad, n.: — carera. hill, n.; mountain; mountain top; eleva- tion: — ogso; boca. hilly, adj.: — mi-ogs6. hind quarter, n.; loins (of animals): — ■ pietna; ancas. hinder, v. tr.; to obstruct; to impede; to prevent: — choma; estotba; impide. hindrance, n.; impediment; obstruction; obstacle : — estotbo. hinge, n.; joint: — ^bisagra; coyuntura. hip, n.; haunch; loins: — caderas; lomo; ilanggo. hip bone, n.: — tolaiig caderas. hiss, V. i.; hissing of frying fat: — besbes; desdes. history, n.; legend :— istoria; hist6ria. : — hit, V. tr.; to hit in the neck or on the back of the head: — cocote. hit upon, V. tr.; to meet; to find: — danche. hither, adv.; to this place: — giiine magui; este magui. hither, adv.; this way: — magui; chuli magui; giiine magui. hoard, v. tr.; to collect and lay up: — manadaje; numa^sangue; man recoje. hoarded, p. p.; piled up; amassed; cumu- lated : — abuttao. hoarse, adj., adv.: — afa^gao; esalau; losus; ngotngot. hoe, n.; curved hoe: — asuela. hoe, n.; mattock; pickax; hatchet: — asada. hog, n.; swine: — b&bui; bdbue. hogpen, n.: chiquero; chiqueron-bdbue. hoist, V. tr. ;to life or raise with tackle; to heave:— jatsa; jala julo. hold, V. tr.; to grasp and keep in the hand : — mantiene. hold back, v. tr.; to divide off: — chofe; polo-palo. bold 73 hunger hold back, v. tr.; to keep: — detiene. hold fast, V. tr.; to take; to seize; to fasten; to pack:— g^uot. hold within, v. tr.; ulat; siniye. hole, n.; aperture; opening; cavity; abettura; madog;ngul6. holiday, n.; a day of freedom from labor in celebration of some event: — jaanen gupot. hollow, adj.; empty (a fruit without sap): — biiubau. hollow, adj.: — ^leyog; finadio. hollow, adj., adv.; vacant within; empty: giieco. hollow out, V. tr.; to enlarge (the house); to add a room: — na-gueco; naye un gmco. hollow chisel, n.: — gdbia. holy, adj.; sacred: — bienabenturado. holy water, n.: — agua bendita. Holy Land, n.; Palestine: — Tiera San- ta; Palestina. Holy Spirit, n.; God; the third person of the Trinity:— Santo Espirito; Yuus; y mina tres na petsona gui Triniddd. homage, n.; deference; reverence: — reberensia. homage, v. tr.; to do homage to; to honor: — fatpai; honra; onra. home, n.; land; piece of ground: — tano. hone, n.; whetstone:— guasaon fin6. honesty, n.; probity: — tininas. honey, n.; sirup: — atnibat; mi6t. honeycomb, n.; cake: — panat; chon- chon-miet. honor, v. tr.: — ^honra. honorable, adj., adv.; decent; modest: — honesto; modesto; reapetayon. hood, n.; woman's cap; cowl; cape: — bolante; capiya. hoof, n.: — ^papaques gaga, hook, n.; curved piece of metal, bone, etc., to hold or catch something: — gancho. hook, n.; boat hook: — gancho; ganchon- bote. hoop, n.; a metal or wooden band to hold together the staves of a cask: — suncho. hope, n.; anticipation; confidence: — desea; ninangga. hope, V. tr., v. %.; to expect; to await; to look for: — nanangga. hopeless, adj., adv.; desperate: — des- esperao; tai ninMgga. horizon, n.; the line where the sky and earth, or sea, appear to meet; the limit of one's mental vision: — canton languit. horn (of an animal), n.: — cangguelon; cangjelon. horn, n.; trumpet: — cotneta. horrible, adj., adv.; dreadful; impres- sive : — na'maanau. horrid, adj., adv.; dreadful; terrible; hideous: — ti atanon; gof chatpago. horror, n.; extreme dread: — lujan horse, n.: — cab ay o. horseman, n.; gentleman: — cabayero. hose, n.; rubber hose; canvas hose (for conveying water): — tehpas goma (para janum). hospital, n.: — jospitat; ospitat. host, n.; army:— miUsia; ejetsito. host, n.; one who entertains anotuer: — y gaiguipot; y mangonbibida. hostelry, n.; inn; lodging house: — gumafanochuyan. hostess, 11. — gaigupot na palauan; palauan ni gaigupot. hostile, adj.; inimical; adverse; repug- nant: — contrario. hot, adj., adv.; fiery; passionate: — raaipe. hour, n.: — or a. house, 11.: — guma. household effects, n.: — gtiinajan guxaa. house furnishings, n.: — trastes. hovel, n.; hut; cabin: — guma diquiqui. how, adv.; in what manner? to what degree or extent? for what reason? — jafa taimano? sa jafa? however, adv.; meanwhile: — entre- tanto. how? what sort of? — jaf taimano? taimano? how many? how much? — cuanto? howl, n.; the howl of a dog: — jau-jau; catin galago. howl, V. i.; to bark; to bellow: — ^jaujau; agang. hug, n.; close embrace:- togtog. huge, adj., adv.; very large: — gof dang- culo. hull, n.; the body or frame of a ship: — quiya. hum, n.; the noise of bees and other insects in flight: — binbin; bengbeng. hum, V. tr ; to hum a song: — uc6; lalae. human, adj., n.; characteristic of man or mankind:— jechviran taotao. humane, adj., adv.; benevolent; kind: — yoase; yoase. humanity, n.; mankind: — jechuran taotao; umanidad. humble, adj., adv.; low; lowly: — ebaba. humble, adj., adv.; submissive; meek: — humitde; manso. humble, v. tr., v. i.; to humble one'eself : — dole; umiya. humbug, 71.; fraud; sham; impostor: — picaro; fafababa. humid, adj.; damp; moist: — timido; humido. hiuniUate, v. tr.: — humiya; umiya. humiUty, n.: — umitdat; inimitde. humorous, adj.; comical: — na^chaleg. humorsome, adj., adv.; capricious: — caprichoso; chichule. hmnp, n.; humpback: — bado. himdred, n.: — sien. hunger, n.: — ninalang. hunt 74 imparl hunt, V. tr.; to pursue game: — ecajat; cumajat. hunah! interj.: — ^biba! hurry, v. i.: — pinalala. hurry, v. i.; to hurry in a certain direc- tion: — gu&guato. hurt, V. tr.; to damage; to wound: — na-fafletnot; chetnot; fanetnot. hurt, V. tr.; to grieve: — ^laet. hurt, n.; harm; injury; damage: — dano. hurtful, adj., adv.; injurious; detri- mental: — danoso. husband, n.: — esposa. husk, n.; crust; skin; rind: — ^lasas. husk (cottx)n), v. tr.: — escatmina. hustle, V. i., to exhibit energy and alac- rity: — n3,-chadeg; alula. hut, n.: — lancho; ranch o. hut, n.; a very small hut:— anagong; sade^gane. hymn, n.; song of praise: — goso. hypocrisy, n.;— jipocresia. hypocrite, n.; dissembler: — cado ma- mamauleg; jipocrito. hysteria, n.; nervous paroxysm of laughter or weeping: — jisteria. I. I, pron.: — y6 (me); guajo. ice, n.: — ais; lelo. ice plant, n.; ice manufactory: — fab- rican ais. idea, n.; a mental image or picture; belief; plan: — ^idea; jinaso; pensa- miento. ideal, adj.; visionary; perfect: — ^petfecto; s^ngiiiya. identical, adj., adv.; the same; differing in no essential point: — ^parejo; pi- narejo; lo mismo. identify, v. tr.; to make, prove to be, or consider as, the same: — ^identifica; jasuye cau giiiya. idiom, n.; the distinctive characteristic of a language: — idioma. idiot, n.; one of weak intellect; a foolish person: — sense; caduco; tonto; n^sio. idle, adj.; unoccupied: — desecupao; pe- resoso; gago; tdi bida; osioso. idleness, n.: — guinago; tii checho; osiosiddd. idler, n.; sluggard; good-for-nothing fel- low; loafer:— embelequero; gagd; ga- lumdoya. idel, n.;— idelo. idolatry, n.: — ^idolatria; y man adodora idolo. if, conj.; on the condition ; supposing that; whether; although: — anguin; yan- ignite, v. tr.; to set on fire: — tetngue; na-fafiil§,; songgue. ignorance, n.: — ^ignoransia: tin^iti- ning6; tdi jinaso. ignorant, adj.: — tSA jinaso; ti ma- nung6. iU, adj., adv.; bad or evil; sick; diseased; not friendly: — ^baba; manetnot; ti mauleg. ill-bred, adj.; rude; uncivil; imperti- nent: — impettinente; n&.'680n; mal- criao. ill-disposed, adj.; evil-minded: — ^malin- tensienao. illegitimate, adj.: — ilegitimo; contr4- rion lay ti tunas. ill humored, v. i.; to be ill humored ; to be disgruntled: — muyo; mal-hum6t; n^- tdiminagof. illuminate, v. tr.; enlighten; to light 'lo: — aclara; ina; nManuugo. iUuminatien, n.: — ^lem.unayas; inina. ill will, n.; vexation; anger: — escan- dalo. image, n.; pictiu-e:- imajen. imagination, n.; a conception or idea; fancy: — pot nina sinan guinen y jinaso imajinasion. imagine, v. tr., v. i.; to conjecture; to think; to reflect upon: — jaso; jasuye; supone; imajina. imbecile, adj.; feeble-minded; idiotic: — adduce; n^sio; a''tamos. imbibe, v. tr., v. %.; to drink: — guim.en; chopchop. imitate, v. tr.; to follow; to stick to some one: — da^alag; dalalaque; eyag; tat- tiye. imitation, n.; education: — in-eyag; dina^lalag. immaterial, adj.; unessential: — ti prin- sipat; ti nesesario; ti guii^ilaye. immature, adj., adv.; not ripe; not fully grown or developed; crude: — ^matS,; chdtmasa; ti sasacan. inuneasurable, adj., adv.; immense; vast; limitless: — taichi. immediately, adv.: — enseguidas; pa'goja. ^ immediately ! tnterj.: — gusisija ! immediately thereafter, adv.: — ti-abman. immense, adj., adv.; heavy; large: — sen dangcule; tamano. immoderate, adj., adv.; extravagant; in- temperate:— taimoderasion; desareg- lao. immoderation; n.; intemperance: — gula; sin medida. immortal, adj.; imperishable; not sub- ject to death: — taifinatai; immottdt. immovable, adj., adv.; fixed; unchang- ing: — taicalamten; fijo; fitme. impair, v. tr.; to prejudice; to do damage: — acacha; petjudica; inacacha; n^-daiio. impart, i'. tr., v. i.; to bestow a share or portion; to give: — pattiye; fdcae; patte; nke. impartial 75 inattentive impartial, adj., adv.; free from partiality; unprejudiced; fair; just: — justo; gas- gas; taipinetjudica; taiinteres. impassable, adj., adv.; not admitting . passage: — ti farLf§,pusan; ti fanfalo- fanan; tindi falofan. im.patience, n.: — ^tinaisiningon; tenjos; tmenjog. im.patient, adj.: — tenjos; tdipas^nsia; tiiisiniiTgon. im.pecunious, adj.; without money; poor:— taisalape; poble; nesesitao. im.pede, r. tr.; to hinder; to obstruct: — chomS,; estotba; impide. impediment, n.; obstruction; obstacle; hindrance: — estotbo; impedimento. impenetrable, adj.: — chomchom; ti jatmiyon; ti tacaon; ti tuiiguon. impenitence, n.: — ti minanotsot; tai- sinetsot; ti fafaiiotsot. impenitent, adj.: — ti manotsot; tdi- sinetsot. imperative, adj., adv.; peremptory; obli- gatory: — obliga; ti abitayon; tag6; man da. imperceptible, adj., adv.; not easily apprehended by the mind : — tiliion. imperfect, adj., adv.; incomplete :^ti cabales; ti petfecto. imperil, v. tr.; to put in peril; to put in danger; to endanger; to jeopardize: — ariesga; polo gui peligro. imperishable, adj.; indestructible; not subject to decay; permanent; perma- nently enduring: — taiflnatai; taiput- lilo; tdinilamas. impertinence, n.; forwardness; rude- ness:— impettinensia; tdisetbe; para nu ma oson . impertinent, adj.; rude: — impetti- nente; na'oson. imperturbable, adj., adv.; not easily disturbed _ or agitated; cool; calm: — meton; ti estotbayon. impervious, adj.; impenetrable: — chomchom; gadon. impetuous, adj., adv.; irritable; effer- vescent; violent; vehement; boisterous; passionate; given to anger: — im- petuoso; fejman; fijom; jabubo; japi- nalala; arebatao. impious, adj., adv.; irreligious; wicked: — prof ana; contra y lay Yiius; tdi re- lijion. implement, n.; tool; utensil: — j era- mi enta; trastes. imply, V. tr.; to mean; to insinuate: — malag6 na u sangan; paril ma significa. impolite, adj., adv.; wanting in good manners; boorish; coarse: — desatento; taiatensi6n; bronco; impolitico. import, V. tr.; to bring into a country from abroad: — guinen otro tano; impotta. important; it is important; it is necessary; it is fitting: — conbiene; nesesdrio; mi ma atan. 4562—18 6 important, adj., adv.; principal: — prinsipat. importune, v. tr.; to molest: — n§,- chatsaga; potfia. impose, v. tr.; to place upon (example: to impose punishment): — impone; catgaye; obliga na u catga. imposition, n.; trick; fraud; decep- tion: — iinababa; inacacha; traision; engano. impossible, adj.: — ti sina; chatsaga; chaot; chdchaot. impoverish, v. tr.; to make poor; to re- duce to poverty: — na-mengua; na- poble. impracticable, adj.; impossible; prohib- ited: — chaot; chdchaot. impressive, adj., adv.; horrible; dread- ful : — -na'maanau. imprint, v. i.; to impress (into one's heart): — na-cheton; matca pat senala. imprison, v. tr.; to incarcerate; to lock in: — pongle; preso; polo gui catset. improbable, adj., adv.; unlikely; not to be expected: — ti nangayun; ti pro- bable; calaiig ti magajet. improper, adj., adv.; not suitable for the purpose; erroneous: — ti propio; ti guef giiiya; ti dinanche. improve, v. i.; to advance; to better one's circumstances; to make progress; to prosper; to thrive:— adelanta; ade- lantao; na lat fena; lumdmauleg; ma mejora. improve, v. tr.; to make good an asser- tion; to give one credit; to bail; to insure: — apase; abona; namagajet; na- Mmauleg. improvement, n.: — ninamauleg; finS- mduleg; inadelanta; sinibe. imprudence, n.; carelessness of conse- quences: — ti yodaje; imprudensia. imprudent, adj.; unwise: — e^tiningo; ti tomtom. impudent, adj., adv.; offensively for- ward; intentionally disrespectful: — atrebido; tai respeto; descarao. impunity, n.; freedom from punish- ment, injury, or loss: — inasii; nires- cata; nina lib re. impure, adj., adv.; unclean; dirty: — a^placha; cuchinada; abald. impurity, n.: — in-abale; indplach^; cuchinada. in, prep., adv.; within; inside: — jalom; san jalom; dentro. inadvertent, adj., adv.; heedless; care- less; unconscious: — descuidao; taiina- daje; ti y6daje. inanimate, adj.; lifeless; dead; spirit- less: — matai; ti lalala; taijadne; tai- jinagong. inattentive, adj., adv.; careless; inad- vertent: — dana; taiatension; tdiina- daje; ti yodaje. inattentive, adj., adv.; irreverent; dis- respectful; rude; coarse; rough:— desatento; bronco; bruto; tdirespeto. inaugurate r6 infan( inaugurate, v. tr.; lo establish; id in- troduce; to arrange: — establese; arcgla; fotma; dedica. incapacitate, v. tr.; to render unlit or incapable; to disable: — ti sumifla; tumaifuetsa; chdtsaga; ti capas. in case; should it happen that: — yan- guin. incentive, n.; reason; motive: — motibo; rason. inch, n.; ono-tv/elfth of a foot: — putgada. incident, n.; occurrence; event; happen- ing: — sinesede; caso. incite, v. tr.; to admonish; to stimu- late : — cuca. incite, v. tr.; to incite rebellion: — na- jatsamiento. inclination, n.; appetite; desire; liking; will: — ganas; loglog; minalago. incline, v. tr.; to bend down; to take down; to tilt: — baja; dilog; tecon. inclined, adj.; oblique: — aso. incline, v. %.: to bow: — aso. inclined to do -wrong, adj., adv.; for- bidden; crooked; bent: — echong; ine- choiTg. Include, v. tr.; to inclose; to comprise: — incluso; dumana. income, n.; the gain from labor; busi- ness, property, or capital: — y juma- jalom. incomparable, adj.; matchless; peer- less: — ti acomparayon. incomplete, adj., adv.; not fully finished or developed; imperfect: — ti guef munjayan; ticabales. in conjunction with, adv.; with: — con. inconsequent, adj.; unimportant: — ti impottante; ti presiso. inconstant, a,dj.; unstable; changeable; variable: — ti fijo jinasona; bariable. inconvenience, n.; unfitness; trouble- eomeness ; disadvantage : — chinatsaga; ti sumina. incorrect, adj., adv.; faulty: — gai de- fecto; ti dinanche. incorrigible, adj., adv.: — ti chumaon; ti corejiyon. increase, v. tr.; to enlarge; to enhance: — aumenta; ma subi; lum^megai. incredible, adj.: — ti jongguiyon. incubate, v. i.; to brood: — cumuleca. incurable, adj., adv.; irremediable; in- corrigible: — irenaediable; tdiremedio; ti na maguiigong; ti amtiyon. indeed, adv.; in fact; in truth: — sietto; magajet. indefatigable, adj.: — ti yayayas. indemnify; to make good damage done to: — apase y dano; indemnifica. independent, adj., adv.; not dependent on, supported by, or governed by another: — independiente; taiinangoco ti-man-aiigoiTgoco; tuichin;(tsaga. indestructible, adj., adv.; not capable of being destroyed: — ti yamacon; ti yulangon; ti rematayon. indeterminate, adj., adv.; not precise; not fixed; indefinite: — ti ma tetmina; ti ma na fijo. indicate, v. tr.; to point out; to suggest; lo hint: — fanue; indica; na-jaso; tan- chue. indifferent, adj., adv.; unconcerned; regardless: — ti parejo; ti gtiiya y ma eaiigan; indiferente. indigenous, adj.; nati^'e: — natibo; ma- fanagoii y mismo tano. indigent, adj.; destitute; needy: — nese- sito; tai sagii. indigestible, adj., adv.: — tingangason; ti dijeriyon. indignation, n.; quarrel, obstacle; diffi- culty; vexation; chagrin: — disgusto; na bubo; pl^ito. indigo, n.: — anguiles. indirect, adj., adv.; not straight: — ti tvmas; indirecto. individual, n.: — solo; cuatquieraja na tiotao. indivisible, adj.: — ti ipion; tifacdiyon; tiapattayon; tidibidiyon. indolence, n.; laziness; idleness: — guinag6. indolent, adj., adv.; lazy: — desaplicao; gago. induce, v. tr.; to persuade: — induse; suog; jonggue. industrious, adj., adv.; hard-working: — fafachocho; buen muchacho. industry, n.; steady application to busi- ness or labor; a particular branch of work or trade: — dilijensia. ineffective, adj., adv.; not producing the desired result :^ti giiiya; ti dinanche. ineligible, adj.; unworthy of choice: — ti aj^con; ti cuentayon. inestimable, adj., adv.; incalculable; beyond measure or price: — taipresio; tdi ma estima; ti catculayon; ti tasayon. inexcusable, adj.; unpardonable: — ti asi-iyon. inexpensive, adj., adv.; cheap: — tai- gasto; barato; ti migasto. inexperienced, adj., adv.; unskilled; unpracticed : — taipinayon; taiesperen- sia; taiprdctico. inexphcable, adj., adv.: — ti esplicayon; ti naclaruyon. inextinguishable, adj.: — ti punuon; ti parayon janoniia. infallible, adj.; unerring: — ti sina man- dague; t^iliniiche; tdidiniigue. infamous, adj.; wicked; profligate: — chatpayon; petbetso; escandaloso. infancy, n.; early childhood: — ^pinatgon; pago finafiago. infant, n.; a young child: — nene; pinat- gon; pago finafiago. m 77 instrument in favor of: — a fab6t de. infection, ?i.; taint; infectious disease: — tanme; chdchalapon chetnot. inferior, adj.; lower; subordinate: — • ta'gpapa; ti magas; y sumasaga gui papa otro; matago. infernal, adj., adv.; hellish; fiendish: — inanite; sinasaMguan; iyon sasaUiguan; s^ntailaye. infidel, adj.; unbelieving; ungodly; wicked: — ti fiet; fdfababa; ti man- joiTggue; ti jeiiggue. infinite, adj.; endless; unlimited: — ti iguion; taiuttimo; ti pasayon. infirm, adj., adv.; faint, weak:— debit, inflame, v. ir.; to excite; to fire with passion: — agodai; ma agodai; na lalalo. inflamed, adj.; incensed: — agodai; song- gue; na fanila. inflammable, adj., adv.; easily set on fire; combustible:— gusi janon; son- guiyon; gusi mafiila. inflammation, n.: characterized by pain, redness, heat, and swelling: — taujan. inflate, v. tr., v. i.; swell; to cause swell- ing: — binila; na-espoiTgja; baobao. inflating, adj.; swelling: — pumogpog; umespoiTgja; bentoso. inflexible, adj., adv.; rigid; stiff; un- bending: — potfiao; tiso; fitme. influence, n.; power arising from char acter or station: — influensia. infold, V. tr.; to wrap up; to swathe; to swaddle: — afuyut; falulon; balutan. inform, v. tr., v. i.; to apprise; to give information: — na-tungo; saiigane; notifica. information, n.: — infotmasion; nina tuiTgo; notificasion. informer, n.; approver: — y numana- tung;©; y maugaiigane. infuriate, v. tr.; to provoke; to incite: — 6suni; na-lalalp; na-bubo; na-iritao. igenious, adj., adv.; clever; inventive; witty: — grasioso; lucho; injenioso; diestro cumalamten; lieto man jaso; gusi man iubenta. inguinal rupture, n.: — chinadS.. inliabit, v. tr., v. i.; to dwell in; to reside; to remain: — tautag^ue; sagaye. inherit, v. tr., v. i.: — hereda. inheritance, n.: — herensia. inhuman, adj.; cruel; unfeeling: — mala- mana; ti checho taotao. inimical, adj.; apposite; hostile: — con- trario. initiate,!;, tr.; to use for the first time: — inestrena; tutujon; fine'nana na biaje. injure, v. tr.; to injure the good name; to dishonor: — deshonra. injure, v. tr.; to hurt: — na-lamen; na- faiietnot. injure, v. tr.; to insult; to affront: — isagiie; insutta; na-mamajlao. injurious, adj., adv.; hurtful; detri- mental: — danoso; nasiigui; mVputi; nalamen. injury, n.; harm; damage; hurt:— dano; .siniigue; pininite. injustice, n.; wrong: — inechong; in- jusvisia. ink, n..— tinta. ink blot, n.: — boron, inkstand, n.: — tintero. inlaid work, a.; raised work: — ma- embutiya. inlet, n.; passage; sieve; filter:— fan- jaluman; ensenada. inn, n.; road house: — tabetna, gum^ pasajero. in need, a/Jj.: — nesesitao; nesesita. inner, adj.; internal; interior: — san jalom; san jiilum. inner man, 71.; the soul; heart: — jina- lum, or: jinalom. innocent, adj., adv.; not guilty: — taiisao; inosente. in order that, conj.: — para, inquire, v. tr.; to investigate: — aberi- gua; iaisen; que tungo. inquisitive, adj., adv.; curious: — cu- rioso; ga mamaisen. in place of, adv.; instead of: — cuentan; en lugat. insane, adj. ,ac?t>.; deranged; crazed; mad; giddy; seasick: — atmariao. insanity, n.; lunacy; madness: — inat- mariao; quinaduco. insatiable, adj.; not capable of being satisfied or appeased: — tai sinatis- fecho. insecure, adj.; uncertain; unsafe: — ti fijo; ti magajet; tdiseguro. insert, v. tr.; to interpose; to interpo- late : — na-ental6 . inside, adv.; therewithin; within: — sanjalum; jalum; gui jalum. insinuate, v. tr.; to suggest or hint in- directly: — natungonaijon; sanganen patgon. insolent, adj., adv.; shameless; bold; daring: — atrebido; descarao; sdguat. inspect, v. tr.; to overlook; to control; to search; to \dew; to visit: — egaga; reconose; rebista. inspire, v. tr.; to encourage; to strength- en: — anima; na-matatiiga. in spite of, prep.; nevertheless; notwith- standing: — con todo que. install, V. tr.; to establish; to institute: — nae posesion; planta; establese. instead of, adv.; in place of: — cuenta; en lugat de; en bes de. instead, adv.; on the other hand: — cambio. instigate, v. tr.; incite; to stir up: — atborata. instruct, v. tr.; to teach; to guide; to lead; to give instruction to: — chacha- lane; fana^giie. instructed, adj.: — man§,-eyag; ma chachalane. instrument, n.; tool: — instrumento; jeramienta; estotmento. insufficient 78 ivy in.sufiB.cient, adj.; inadequate; short: — ti tinacS,; ti manacS.; ti niijong. insult, V. tr.; to bring disgrace upon: — ale; na-iile; deshonra; na-inale; na- tai-fama. insult, V. tr.; to embitter: — na-lay6. insult, V. tr.; to mock; to deride: — casi; insutta; lotgue. insult, n.; misfortune; destruction: — inale; nina-ale; inafia. insult, n.; outrage: — ^linayo. insulting, adj., adv.; abusive: — totpe. insui'e, v. tr.; to improve; to make good an assertion; to bail: — na-magajet; apase; abona; na-ldmauleg. insure, v. tr.; to make fast; to strength- en: — na-fitnxe; asegura; na-mafnot. insure, v. tr.; to secure; to warrant; to guarantee : — asegura. insurrection, n.; uprising; rebellion; tumult: — jatsamiento; inatborota; insurecsidn. intelligible, adj.; comprehensible:— tunguon; comprendiyon. intemperance, n.; immoderation: — gula; degula; sin moderasion. intend, v. tr.; to resolve: — jasuye; intensionaye. intending, adj.: — i ntensionao; jasiisuye. intensive, adj., adv.; with all might: — tacalum; mano y sina. intention, n.; determination; deci- sion: — detetminasion; dinetetmina. intention, n.; opinion; reason; memory; thought: — jinaso; intension. intentional, adj., adv.; designed; premeditated : — ma intensiona; ma jasuye; depots! ma jasuye; jasngon. inter, v. tr.; to bury: — jafot. intercede, v. %.; to speak in favor of some one : — adinganiye. interest, n.: — interes; minalago; giii- niiiya. interfere, v. i.; to oppose; to meddle: — entalue; umentalo; atropeya mete, interior, n.; inland: — san jalom na patte; chago jalom na patte gui tano; jalom tano {also xmtten jalum), intermission, n.; pause; interruption: — inentalue, international, adj.: — entre y nasion sija. international law, n.: — derechon y taotao sija. interpose, v. %.; to mediate:— entaltie; umentalo. interpret, v. tr.; to explain; to trans- late: — esplicaye; traduse; na claruye; sai^aniye. interpreter, n.: — intetprete; intctpete. interrrogate, v. tr., v. i.; to question; to ask:- — faisen; aberigua. interrupt, v. tr.: — na-para; polonndi- jon; bumasta. intestines, n.: — tilipas. in the dajrtime: — gui-jaane; an jadne. intolerable, adj.; unbearable: — ti sungunon; ti aguantayon. intrench, v. tr.; to dig in: — graba; fa trinchera. intricate, adj.; entangled; complicat- ed: — gadon; complicao. introduce, v. tr.; to arrange; to estab- lish: — introduse; establese; aregla; presenta un tdotao gui otro. invalid, adj.; null and void: — taibale; nulo; taisetbe. in vain, adv.; to no purpose; fruitlessly; unnecessarily: — enbano; tdigudilaye. invaluable, adj.; priceless: — taibale; tiipr^sio. invariable, adj., adv.; constant: — siempre fijo; fijo; tdicumalamten. invasion, n.; hostile incursion: — jinatme. invent, v. tr.; to devise; to find out: — • na-juyong; inbenta; soda. inventive, adj., adv.; witty; ingenious; cleaver: — grasioso; inbentibo; sis- oda; didescubre. invest, v. i.; to make an investment of money: — inbierte; emplea. investigate, v. tr.; to inquire: — aberi- gua; reconose; inbestigua. invincible, adj.; unconquerable : — ti ana- yon; ti julaton. invisible, adj., adv.: — ti liion. invite, v. tr.: — conbida; jujo; agarigue; soy 6. invited person, n.; guest: — conbidao. invoice, n.; bill: — cuenta; factura. irksome, adj., adv.; vexatious: — guai- jetdan; fastidioso; na oson. iron, n.: — lulog; prensa. iron, n.; nail: — lulog; prensa; lulog man atane. irregular, adj.; anomalous: — echong; ti areglao; ti pot otden. irreverent, adj., adv.; disrespectful; rude; coarse; rough; inattentive: — • desatento; tairespeto; bruto; bronco; bastos. irritable, adj., adv.; effervescent; im- petuous: — nabubo; empetuoso; na^- lalalo. island, n.: — pedasiton tand ni nire- dondea ni tasi; isia; tano. isolated, adj., adv.; solitary; secluded; off-ljdng; remote; lonesome: — maisa; solo; retirao gui pumalo; aislado. isolation, n.; solitude:— mamaisaja; y lugat nai giilgiiiyaja. issue, n.; progeny; posterity: — desend- ensia. itch, n.; scab; scurf: — ^late; satna. item, n.; a separate article: — una cosa; un attlculo ni sajiigue. ivory, n.: — matfit. ivy, n.: — yedra. jackal 79 knob J. jackal, n.: — naan gaga gui ya Asia. jackass, n.: — bulico. jacket, n.: — chaqueta; chaleco. jail, 71.; prison: — calaboso. January, n.: — enero; tumaiguine, jar, n.; earthenware pot or vessel: — jara; tebot; taro. ja-w, n.: — quiadas. jawbone, n.; cheekbone: — quiadas; tolang-quiadas. jawbone, 7i.; lower, nether, jaw: — achamcham. jealous, adj., adv.; en\'ious; grudging: — ego; enbidioso. jealousy, n.; envy: — inigo; ugo; iigui. jeer at, v. tr.; to defame; to backbite; to review: — ad§,. jest, n.; joke: — chansa; esetan. jester, n.; jokesmith; joker: — lesitan; ga-umesitan; chansero; numachaleg. jewel, n.: — alajas. jewelry, n.; ornament: — alajas; gat- besas. job, n.; piece of work: — chochS. join, V. tr.; to unite; to connect: — umacheton. joiner, n.; woodworker: — y mauleg na catpintero. joint or link of a machine, n.: — cuyuntura. joint, n.; cut: — moscas. joint estate, n.; communion: — comunion. joints, n.: — cuyxinturas. joke, n.; jest: — chansa. joke, V. i.; to amuse one's self: — Ssitan; esitane. joker, n.; jokesmith; jester: — lesitan; ga-um^sitan . jokingly, adv.; jestingly; jocosely: — chumachansa. joy, n.; taste: — magof. joyous, adj., adv.; merry; gay; satisfied; cheerful; delighted: — dibettido; magof. judge, 71..— jues. judgment, n.; decree; sentence: — juisio. jug, n.; pitcher; crock; water jug: — jara. juice, n.; sap (of trees, fruits, etc.): — chugo. juicy, adj.: — mefgd. July, 71..— Julio, jump, n.: — tinayog; tayog. jump, V. %.; leap; to jump over some object, as to jump over a log: — agua; gope. jump, V. i.; to run away: — pechau, or: pechao. June, 71.; — junio. junk, n.; old metals; rope, etc.: — basula, jurisdiction, n : — sisina; minanda. jury, n.: — testigo; dinana para juisio. just, adj., adv : — justo; tunas. justice, 71.; fairness: — inaya; justisia; tininas. justification, n.: — tininas; ninatunas. justify, V. tr.; to vindicate; to clear of blame; to establish as right or just: — disculpa. juvenile, adj.; youthful: — joben. K. keel, 71.; the lowest timber of a ves- sel: — quiyan batco. keep, V. tr.; to hold back: — detiene. keep safely, v. tr.: — adaje. keep secret, v. tr.; to be silent about; to suppress: — fatquiluye; famatquilo. keep watch, v. i.: — pulan. keg, 71.;— barilito. kept secret, adj.; silent; close: — fa- fatquilo. kercMef, n.; handkerchief: — pano. kernel, n.; seed; stone (of fruits, etc.): — fenso. kerosene, n.: — petrolic; pret<31io. ketchup, 71.; catsup: — satsa. kettle, 71.; vessel for holding Liquids: — tacuri. key, 71.; — nay an; naayan; yabe. kick, n.: — ^pinateg; pateg. kick, V. tr.; to kick with the feet; to injure; to hurt: — ^patig. kid, 11.; young goat: — cabrito; patgon- chiba. kill, V. tr.; to slay; to slaughter: — pun6. kin, 71.; relatives; — parientes. kind, n.; characteristic; shape; ex- terior: — jechura. kindhearted, adj., adv.; benign; gra- cious; good: — ^maase; y6as6. kindness, n.; grace; favor: — grasia; minauleg. king, 71.; — rai. kingdom, n.; state: — rdino. kiss, V. tr.: — chico. kitchen, n.: — cosina. kite, 71.; dragon: — papalote; dragon. knave, n.; rogue: — picaro. knavery, n.; cheating; swindling: — chasco; mamabababa. knead, v. tr.; to crumple up: — ^yacS.; yalaca; bate. knead, v. tr.; to knead the dough: — amasa. knee, n.: — tomo. knee joint, n.: — bayogon tomo. kneel, v. i.; to bend the knees: — dimo. knife, n.: — sese. knob, 71.; door handle: — togpong. knock SO lay knock, 71.; blow; stroke: — dacod. knock in, v. tr.; to drive in: — nd,-dochon. knot, n.: — t6chong. knot, V. tr.; to button: — fltido. knot, V. tr.; to make a knot: — t6ch.ong. know, V. tr., v. i.; to understand; to comprehend : — tungo. knowledge, n. — tiningo. knowingly, adv.: — jatfitimgoja,. knuckle, n.: — bayogon adeng. L. label, n.; mark: — matca. labor, n.; toil or exertion; physical or mental effort: — chocho. labor, V. tr., v. i.; to toil; to work: — f ach6ch.6 . laborious, adj., adv.; diligent: — guef machocho; buen mucbacho. laces, n.; embroidery: — encajes; bordao; botdao. lack, n.; want; deficiency: — jailas. lack, V. i.; to be in need; to be deficient; to want: — fatta. lad, n.; a boy or youth: — patgon. ladder, n.; stairway; staircase: — guaot. ladle, n.; cuchalan dangculo. lag, D. i.; to move slowly; to loiter; to stay behind : — nating. lagoon, n.; pool; body of stagnant water; swamp: — jagoi; aguanon. lake, n.; a large body of water surrounded by land: — laguna. lamb, 71.; the young of sheep: — quinilo. lame^ adj.; twisted; dislocated: — aca- leng; cojo. lament, n.; moan; wail: — ^lamento. lament, n.; song of woe: — ^lamentasion; inigung. lamp, n.: — ^lampara; candit. lamp shade, n; pantaya; tubon candit. lance, n.; lansa. lancet, n.: — ^lanseta. land, n.; world; piece of ground: — tan6. landing bridge, n.; wharf; pier: — pan- talan. landlord, n.; one who has tenants holding under him; the keeper of a hotel or inn: — arendot; propietario. language, n.; the speech of one race as distinguished from that oi another; — fino; idioma. languid, adj.; wanting energy; weak: — debit; masogsog. lank, adj.; lean; slender: — masogsog. lantern, n.: — falot. lantern bearer, n.: — fafalot; y mafiu- fiule falot. lap, n.; cola; y uma^tampe. lap, V. tr.: — joflag; joba. lapse, n.; slight fault or mistake: — linache. lard, n.; fat of swine melted down: — mantica. large, adj., adv.; great in size; bulky: — dangciilo. large, adj., adv.; deep: — modung; taduiig. largess, n.; a gift; a bounty: — ninae; regalo; 4og. larynx, n.; Adam's apple: — guetznon; glietgiiero. lash, 11. tr.; to apply the whip; to flog: — sacude. lass, n.; a young woman; girl: — patgon na palauan. lasso, n.; loop; snare; trap: — laso. last, adj., adv.; lowest; utmost: — uttimo. last, V. i.; to abide; to endure: — dura, last, V. i.; to stay: — maog. last night:— y paingue. last quarter (of the moon): — cuatto menguante. last week: — mapos na semana. lasting, adj.; durable; permanent: — durable; petmanente. lastly, adv.; in the last place: — (ittimo. latch, n.; a door catch: — trangcan potta. late, adj., adv.; slow; behindhand: — atrasao; tatde; madingo. lately, adv.; not long ago: — ti-abmam. latent, adj.; concealed; invisible. — ma- nana; fianog. lath, n.; a strip of wood:— anlasgiie; leston. lathe, n.: — totno. lather, v. tr.; to soap; to flatter: — jabune. lattice work (in the roof of native houses), 71.;— baraquilan. laud, v. tr.; to praise highly; to extol: — alaba; tuna. laudable, adj.; commendable: — famao; tunayon. laugh, V. i.: — chaleg. laughter, n.: — chaleg. launch, n.; pleasure boat: — bapot sito. laundress, n.: — ^labandera. lavatory, 7i.; retiring room: — palang- gana; labadot; labatorio. lavish, adj., adv.; prodigal; squander- ing: — despetdisiao. iavishness, n.; prodigality; squander- ing: — despetdisio. law, 71.; jurisprudence; judicial proc- ess: — ^lay. lawsuit, n.; process of law; court pro- ceeding: — juiaio; pldito; causa, lawyer, n.; one who speaks for another; advocate; intercessor: — abogao. lawful, adj., adv.; just legal: — confotme y lay; tunas; leg^t. lawn, 71.; a plot of grass kept closely mown : — cha^'guan. lax, adj., adv.; loose; vague; weak: — calo. lay; v. tr.; to put; to place: — polo; plan ta. lay down, v. tr.; to approach; to bring nearer :— na-arima. lay eggs, v. tr.: — fanada. lay 81 Ue lay in, v. tr.; to bring in; to put in: — na-jalura. lay on, v. tr.; to apply; to impose: — impone; obliga. lay on the side, v. i.: — eguing. lay out, V. tr.; to expose; to interpret: — intetpreta. lay snares, v. tr.: — admaye laso; ad may e laso sija. layer, «.; stratum; row: — cap a. laziness, n.; indolence; idleness: — guinagS, lazy, adj., adv.; indolent: — gago; de- saplicao. lazy body, n.; loafer; idler: — bago; bagamundo. lead, n.: — plomo. lead, V. tr.; to guide; to precede: — guia; fanue; pipet. lead astray, v. tr.: — na-lache. lead, V. tr.; to guide; to instruct; to teach: — chachalane; dirije; fanagiie. leaden, adj.; made of lead: — plomiso; puro plomo. leader, n.; one who leads: — guia. leaf, n.: — ojas; jagon. leak, n.; a hole Avhich lets in water: — sum§. leak through, v. tr.: — sume. lean, adj.; thin: — masogsog. lean, v. tr., v. %.; to cause to lean; to incUne: — aso; apo. leap, V. tr., v. i.; to pass over by jumping; to jump; to vault: — gope. learn, v. tr.; to study; to imitate: — eyag. learned, adj., adv.: — malate; tomtom, learning, n.; skill in literature, lan- guages, or science: — malate. lease, v. tr., v. %.; a written contract for the letting of real estate for a certain period; to take a lease of; to let by contract: — empena; arienda. leasehold, n.; property held by lease: — inquilinato; ariendo. least, adj.; smallest in degree, size, value, or importance: — minimo; mas diquiqui. leather, n.; hide: — cuero. leather strap (holding the sandals), n.; belt: — cotdon; coreas (doga). leave, v. i.; to depart; to go; to move; to walk: — focat; famocat; janau, or: janao. leave behind, v. tr.; to forsake; to desert; to abandon; to leave; to quit: — desampara; dingo. lecture, n.; formal discourse on any subject: — lectura. ledge, n.; margin; hem; border: — oriya; canto. ledger, n.; the principal account book of a mercantile house: — leblon cuenta. leeward, n.; in the direction toward which the wind blows: — pachot manglo. left (direction to the left): — acagiie. left, adj.; abandoned; poor: — dingo; dejao. left-handed, adj.: — acagiie fafayina. leg, n.; one of the limbs by which men and animals walk: — ading (foot, n.: — patas). legacy, n.; a gift by will of money or property; bequest: — herensia. legal, adj., adv.; pertaining to law; permitted or authorized by law; legitimate: — legat. legally, adv.; lawfully: — legatmente. legend, n.; a romantic story: — jemplo. legible, adj., adv.; capable of being read; clear; distinct; apparent: — claro; taitayon. legitiraate, adj., adv.; conjugal; law- ful: — leguitimo; lejltimo. leisure, n.; ease; freedom from occupa- tion: — dinescansa; osioso. leisurely, adj., adv.; done at leisure: — pausado; despasio. lemon, n.: — ^lemon. lemonade, n.: — lemonada. lend, V. tr.; to grant to another for tempo- rary use: — presta; ayao. length, n.; the measure from end to end :— inanaco. lengthen, v. tr.; to add to: — na-laana- c6; taluye. lengthy, adj.; long and tiresome: — anaco. lens, n.; a glass for changing the direc- tion of rays of light: — lente. Lent, n.; time of fasting; fast: — ayunat; cuaresma. leprosy, n.; leper: — ategtog; lasarino. leprosy, n.: — chetnot lasarino. less, adv.; in a smaller degree: — menos. lest, conj.; that not; for fear thatr=^ sa; no sea. let, V. tr., V. i.; to permit: — polo, let come to pass, v. ?'.; — n§,-falofan. letter, n.; note; card: — catta. letter of the alphabet, n.: — letran atfabeto. level, adj., adv.; plain: — yano. level, v. tr.; to even: — na-yano. lever, n.; crowbar: — espeque. Uabihty, n.; the state of being liable: — dibe; responsabiUda. liable, adj.; exposed to damage: — sinaja. Uar, 11.; one addicted to lying: — dacun. hberal, adj., adv.; big-hearted: — gueftau, or: gueftao. Uberality, n.; charitableness: — guin- eftau. liberate, v. tr.; to free: — saca; rescata. liberty, n.; freedom: — ^libettad. Hcense, n.; permission; acquiescence: — Hsensia. Hck, V. tr.: — joflag. Ud, n.; a movable cover: — tampe. he, n.; deceit; denial: — mandague; dague; padagdag; dinague. lie 82 lie, V. i.; to rest in a recumbent posi- tion: — asiin; ap6. lie, V. %.; to speak falsely; to deceive: — dague; fandague. _ lie in ambush, v. i.; to lurk: — flejong. lien, 71.; a legal claim upon property; security for payment: — infotnaasi6n posesoria. life, n.; animate existences — linala; ja^ne; bida. lift, V. tr.; to raise; to elevate: — n§,- cajuld; jatsa. lift up, t). tr.; to heave up; to take up; to raise: — jatsa jul6; cajat. lift up, V. tr.; to pick up (from the floor): — jatsa; cajat. light, n.; the agent by which objects are rendered visible by its action on the retina: — inina. light, n; dawn: — manana; og^an. light, V. tr.: — totJigue. light up, V. tr.; to illuminate: — ^ina. Ught, V. tr.; to light the fire: — edo; fa-edo; totn^ue. _ light (in weight), adj.: — najlalang. lighter, n.; a large open barge for load- ing and unloading vessels: — casco; champan {from: sampan) ; laida {from: lighter). _ lightning, n.: — talangan julo; liimlam. like, adj.; similar; resembUng: — parejo. liked, adj., adv.; beloved; favorite: — maguef-atan; magudiya. likely, adj., adv.; verisimilar; probable: — sinaja; jonnguiyon. liken, v. tr.; to compare: — compara. likewise not, conj.: — tampoco. lily, n.: — lirio. limb, n.; part of the body; branch of a tree: — pedason tataotao; patte gui tataotao; ramas. lime, n.: — afog. lime kiln, n.: — jotnon afog. limit, n.; utmost extent; a border or boundary: — oriya; If mite, limb, n.; leg: — ading. limp, V. i.: — que''yau. limping, adj., adv.: — cumequeyau. line, n.; length without breadth: — linea; raya. line, n.; item of a bill: — renglon. line, n.; rope: — cotdon; cuetdas. lineal, adj.; composed of lines; in direct line from an ancestor: — lineat. linen, n.; a cloth made of flax: — ^Uno. lingering, adj., adv.; slow: — e'cajat; despasio. liniment, n.; a medicated liquid for rub- bing into the skin: — amot palai; lini- miento. lining of a garment, n.: — afulo. link, n.; a single ring or division of a chain:— aniyo; anillo. lion, n.: — leon. lips, 71.; — ^labios. liquid, adj.; not solid; readily flowing: — mtunft-janum, or: xnama-janozn. liquor, n.: — ^lic6t. lisle, n.; a fine thread or lace: — leston dalalai. list, 71. ; — lista. listen, v. i.: — 6cungog. listen to, v. i.; to obey:— osgue. listener, n.; hearer: — y umi'cungog. listless, adj.; indifferent; languid: — in- diferente; parejoja yan taya. litany, n.; a solemn responsive form of supplication: — letania. literal, adj., ado.; following the exact words; exact: — literat; exacto. literary, adj.; pertaining to literature: — literario. litigate, v. tr., v. i.; to contest in a court of law: — plaito. litigation, n.; judicial contest: — plaito. litter, 11.; straw, etc., used for bedding for horses, etc.: — fanasun cabayo. little, adj., adv.; minute; small :^ diquiqui. little, adv.; not much: — dididi. little bell, n.: — campaniya. little finger, n.: — calangqu§. liturgy, n.; the prescribed ritual for public worship: — seremonias giuna Yuus. live, V. i.; to exist; to have life: — lala. livelihood, n.; sustenance; subsistence: — abio; mantension. lively, adj.; active; brisk; animated: — lala; animao. liver, n.: — jigado. livid, adj.; black and blue; ashy pale: — • dinigrldo. living, adj.; alive; merry: — lalala; brabo. lizard (large variety), n.: — jilitai, lizard (small house lizard), n..- — gualiig. loaded, p. p.: — catgado. loaf, 11.; a large cake of bread: — pan. loaf around, v. i.; to tramp around: — gumago; bumuetta. loafer, n.; idler: — bagamundo; g^- lumauyau; gag6. loam, n.; rich vegetable mold, with clay and sand: — puja. loan, V. tr.; to loan a sum of money for a period: — ayau; presta. loath, V. tr.; to regard with abhorrence or disgust; to detest: — chatlii. loathing, n.; disgust; nausea: — chin- atm. _ _ lobster, n.: — majongang. lobster trap, n.: — nasa. local, adj., adv.; pertaining to a place: — locat. locate, V. tr.; to place; to establish: — famauleg; colocar; fasagaye. lock, n.; door lock:— candalo. locomotive, n.; steam engine for drawing railroad cars: — maquinan y tren. lofty, adj.; very high; proud: — tagajlo; tagquilo; loc&. log, n.; an undressed piece of timber: — troson jayo. loins, n.; hips; haunches: — atayd; lomo. loiler 83 nain loiter, V. %.; to linger; to tarry; to be Blow; to be tardy; to hang back; to hesitate: — um-abmam. loitering, adj., adv.; remiss; negligent; slack; slovenly; tarrying: — descuidao; ti-y6daji. lone, adj.; solitary; retired: — giilgiii- yaja. lonely, adj.; deserted; solitary: — aban- donao; sagayan na mayuti. lonesome, adj.; lonely; solitary; se- cluded; off-lying; remote: — aislado; taigachong; giiiguiyiiaja. long, adj.; extended in time or length; not short: — anaco. look, V. tr., V. %.; to glance; to perceive; to see: — a tan. look, V. tr.; to look surreptitiously: — atan-s^giiet. look! see there! — dl! dia! di^jai enagul! dtan-ja! looking-glass, n.; mirror: — espejos. look, V. tr.; to look hard at some one or something : — atalag. looks, n.; appearance: — mata; apar^n- sia; jechura. loop, n.; snare; trap; lasso: — ^laso. loosen, V. tr.; to free from tightness, restraint, or tension:— na-lacalo; sotta. loot, V. tr.; to pillage or plunder: — manaque. lord, n.; master; owner: — asaina; dueno; 8efi6t. lose, V. i.; to be harmed: — petjuisia, lose, V. tr.; to go astray; to be lost; to go to the bad; to disappear: — faMngo. lose, V. i.; to lose one's way: — abag. lot, n.; fate; fortune: — catga; suette. lottery, n.; distribution of prizes by chance: — rifa; loteria. loud, adj., adv.; noisy: — agang; buru- quento. lounge, V. i.; to saunter about in a lazy manner: — gago; umosioso. ^ouse, 11.: — juto; gaga gapotulo. j^ovable, adj.; worthy of love: — guaiya- yun. love, n.: — amot; caridad; giiindiya. love, V. tr., V. i.; to be loved: — goflie; gu^iya. love, n.; loveliness; amiablenesa: — g^iiinaiya; guaiydyon; amiable. loveliness, n.; kindness; amiability; benevolence: — carifio; quinarinoso. lovely, adj., adv.; amiable: — goflilyon. lover, n.; gallant; spendthrift: — aguaiya; nobio; dnobio. low, adj., adv.; humble: — tag^apa/ 6baba. lower, v. tr.; to let down: — acalayg; n^-tunog. lower lip, n.: — amamang. lower the price, v. tr.; to allow a re- bate: — rebaja. low^ ground, n.; low country; defile: — ■ joya; finagudgsalo. loyal, adj., adv.; faithful in allegiance: — tifafababa; fi^t. lucid, adj., adv.; clear; readily under- stood: — claro. luck, n.; casual event or accident: — dicha; suette. lucky; adj., adv.; blessed; successful; fortunate: — dichoso; felis; fottuna. lucrative, adj., adv.; profitable: — probe- choso. ludicrous, adj., adv.; amusing: — na- chaleg. luggage, n.; effects of a traveler; bag- gage: — maleta; trastes biaje. lifi, V. tr.; to soothe to sleep: — na-que- maigd. lumber, n.; timber: — tabla; jayo. lunacy, n.; mental unsoundness: — ^loco; caduco. lunatic, n.; one who is insane: — atmariao. lunch, 71.; light meal between break- fast and the evening dinner: — ni,- taluane. lung, n.;— gofis. lure, V. tr.; to allure; to bait: — epog; catnada. luster, n.; radiance; brightness: — ^linam- 1am. lusty, adj.; robust; vigorous; healthy: — robusto; lala. luxurious adj.; pertaining to luxury: — lujurioso; mdnngue. lye, n.; alkaline solution: — ^lejia. lying, adj., adv.; false: — dacon; fatso. M. macaroni, n.: — macaron. machine {also lock of a gun), n.: — maquina. machmery, n.: — maquinaria. machinist, n.: — ^maquinista. mad, ocj^'., adv.; enraged; mentally dis- orderea: — ^lalalo; bubo. madden, v. tr.; to make mad or furious: — na-lalald. magistrate, n.; governor: — magalaje; magas; tatago; julon. magnet, n.; a magnetized steel bar: — nalaolao; imdn. magnificent, adj.; splendid; pompous: — dangculo; mduleg; gu^ftao; fafata. maid, n.; maiden: — donseya; sottera. mail, n.: — corespondensia. mail steamer, n.: — coreo. ruaim, v. tr.; to cripple: — estropea; ulot; na-mangco; na-chetan. main, adj.; chief; principal; leading: — ulo; magas; impottante. maize 84 massage maize, n.; corn: — males. m.ake, r. tr.; to create; to fashion; to fabricate: — fatinas; na-juyong; chogiie. make, v. tr.; to work; to plant: — chd^giie; fatinaa. make clear, v. tr.; to expound; to ex- plain: — esplica; pulS.; na-manana; xA- gasgas. m.ake dull, v. tr.: — na-foda; na,-fian6. m.ake fast, v. tr.; to strengthen; to in- sure: — na-fi.tm.e; na-meton. make good one's assertion, v. tr.; to give one credit; to bail; to insure; to improve: — na-magajet y si- nangan; n^-magajet; prueba y finijo. make good, v. tr.; to discover; to ob- serve: — na-mauleg; na-anoc; n&- anog. m,ake a holiday, v. i.; to celebrate: — gopte. raake into parts, v. tr.; to share; to participate; to di\ide: — facai. make mellow, v. tr.; to beat; to make tender: — acha; na-mdnana. make more beautiful, v. tr.; to put on rouge; to adorn: — na-lagatbo. make an offering (to God), v. tr.; to sacrifice: — entrega; man ofrese aa Ytius. make peace (with God), v. tr.: — aplaca; n§,-pa3; purnds. make peaceful, v. tr.; to give pleasure to: — na-magof; apasigua; na-majgoiig; chuga. make ready, v. tr.; to make ready food in the best possible way; to prepare; to put into vinegar (in the evening) : — adobao; na-masa; na-liato; estufao. make reparation, v. tr.; to give satisfac- tion; to expiate: — fa-mauleg. make room, v. tr.: — ^fa-chalan; chagua. make room., v. tr.; to move in order to make room: — na-capap. make smaller, v. tr.; to make into smaller change (a sum of money); to shorten; to damage; to cheat: — fongna. make smaller, v. tr.; to reduce; to diminish : — na-ladiquiqui. make sour, v. tr.: — na-maagsom. make tender, v. tr.; to make mellow; to beat: — acha. make up one's mind to, v. i.: — jasuyi. malaria, n.; exhalations from marshy land, producing fevers; fever: — ca- lentura guinen y fLojmon na tano. malefactor, n.; criminal: — ^na^na- tailaye; crimin^t. malice, n.; deliberate mischief: — malisia; tindimauleg; jinasngune; mdi- mauleg. mallet, n.; a wooden hammer: — maseta. maltreat, v. tr.; to oppress: — na-lamen; gugong; ]'ofi6; mattrata. maltreatment, n.; oppression: — minattrata; ninatdelaye; ninatdilaye; guinigong; jinefio. man, n.; male: — taotao; laje. manage, v. tr.; to govern: — gobietna; goje. manage, v. tr.; to regulate; to lead; to direct; to guide: — chachalane; fa- na^giie; g6je. management, n.; disposition; ar- rangement: — guinSte; g u i n ^ j e; de8posisi6n. mane, n.: — pulon tenerjon cabayo. mangrove, n.: — mangle, manila hemp, n.: — abaca, manipulate, v. tr.; to operate or work by means of the hands:— chogue ni' y canae, manly, adj., adv.; courageous; resolute: — mamalaje; matatriga; timamS.^nao. manner, n.; method; mode of action; habit: — jaftaimano; costumbre. man-of-war, n.; warship: — ^batcon guera. mantilla, n.: — mantilla; mantiya; sa- banas diquiqui; panales. manufacture, v. tr.; to fabricate from raw materials: — fabricar; fatinas. manufacture, v. tr.; to fabricate from raw materials: — manufactura; chScho canae; fatinas yan mata na materiat. manure, n.: fertilizing substance: — abono; taquj^. many, adj.; numerous: — ^lajyan; megai. many thanks ! — si Yiius maasi ! map, n.: — ^mapa. march, n.; regular, measured walk, esjiecially of soldiers: — matcha. march, v. i.;— mumatcha. March, n.: — matso; marso. mare, n.: — yegua. mariner, n.; sailor: — tumatase; mari- nero. mark, n.: — ^matca. mark, n.; trade-mark: — ^matca; senat; naan. mark do-'^vn, v. tr.; to note down; to record; to aim: — apxuita. marriage, n.; wedlock; wedding: — inacamo; umacamo; casamiento. marriage feast, n.: — fandanggo. married, p. p.; — casao; umasagua; gdiasagua. marry, v. tr., v. i.; to wed; to take to wife or husband: — asagua; umasagua. marsh, n.; a swampy tract of land: — sesonyan. martyr, n.: — ^mattir. marvelous, adj., adv.; exciting wonder; incredible : — na'manman. masculine, adj.; pertaining to a man: — masculine; laje. mask, n.; clown: — bufon; mdscafti. mason, n.: — atbanit. mass, n.; a large quantity: — magguag; mouton. massage, v. tr.; to apply massage; to press; to rub; to knead: — iasa. mast 85 mingle mast (of a ship), n.: — palon batco. master, n.; lord; father: — m.agas; saina; tata; amo. master, n.; teacher: — maestro, mat, n.: — ^guafag. match, n.; a lucifer: — maches; f6tforos. matchless, adj.; peerless; incompara- ble: — ti acomparayon; tai chilong. m.atchm.aker, n.: — atcaguete. material, n.; dress: — magago. m.atter, n.; thing; cause: — miateria; jafa; cosa; ciiestion. matter, n.; being; substance: — giiiniya. matter, v.; pus: — chugo. mattress, n.: — cotchon. mature, adj., adv.; ripe; full-grown: — masa. maturity, n.; ripeness: — minasa. May, n.: — mayo; magmamao. mayor, n.: — un tatago. meadow, n.; pasture land; land yielding hay: — famastuyan; paste; finajoya. meal, n.; eating: — comida. meal beetle, n.: — gotgojo. mean, adj.; A'ulgar: — tailaye. mean spirited, adj., adv.; base; abject; vile : — despresiao . means and ways, n.; mode: — modo; jechura. meanwhile, adv.: — entretanto. measure, n.: — medida. measiu'e, n.; rule;' disposition; direction; condition: — disposision; regla. measure, v. tr.: — mide. meat, n.; — catne; sensen. medal, n.; medallion: — milaya. mediate, v. %.; to act as mediator: — umentalo; entalue. mediator, n.; advocate: — guigogiie; didetiende. medicine, n.; drug/ — amot. mediocre, adj.: — ^mediano. meek, adj., adv.; gentle; submissive; humble; yielding: — humitde; osgon. meet, v. tr.; to find; to hit upon: — danche; asoda. meet, v. tr.; to find; to recover: — jentan; gacha; soda, meet some one, r. i.; to fall in with: — asodaiiaijon. mellov.-, adj.; fully ripe; not hard: — manana; masa. melody, n.: — melodia. melon, n.; pumpkin; squash: — melon; calamasa. melt, V. i.: — fa-janum. m.elt, V. tr.; to fuse; to dissolve: — dirite; na-lago. member, n.;limb: — miembro; pedason tataotao. member of the brotherhood, n.: — cofradia. memory, to.; reason; thought: — jinaso. menace, v. tr., v. i.; to threaten: — fanag^e. mend, l\ tr.; to repair: — ^lem.enda. mental, adj.; pertaining to the mind; intellectual : — jinalom. mention, n.; hint: — ninajaso. merchandise, n.; goods; wares, bought and sold: — mercansia; metcansia (co- sas ni man mdnfajan yan man man- bende). merchant, n.;— negosiante; comet- siante . merciful, adj.; charitable: — migrasia; yoase . mercy, n.; compassion; charity: — -mi- naase; yineasd. mere, adj., adv.; only: — sensiyo; puro; taigachoiig. merely, adj., adv.; simply; only: — ja. merge, v. tr.; to absorb or swallow up: — chinepchop; pinauot; ilogfiog; lumos. merit, n.; excellence; worth: — merito; minerese. merit, v. tr.; to deserve: — ^merese. meritorious, adj.; deserving: — mime- rese. merriment, n.; mirth; fun; frolic; gaiet}^: — minagof; tinatnon. merry, adj., adv.; gay; satisfied; cheer- ful; delighted; joyous: — dibettido; na^- magof; entretenido. merry feUow, n.; jester; wag: — numa- chalig; chansero. message, n.: — mensaje; inencatga. messenger, n.: — chile papet; men- sajero; tentago. metal, n.: — me tat. meteor, n.: — guinipon pution; todo y malilii gui aire, method, n.; system; order: — jechura; inaregla. middle, n.: — talo; sibo. middle finger, n.: — calulot talo. midnight, n.: — tatalo puengue. midwife, n.: — pattera. might, 71.; power; force; authority: — • minetgot; mind,maich6ch6; finejman; autoridad; fuetsa; sisiiia; ninasina. mighty, adj., adv.: — ^nasiiia. mighty, adj., adv.; brave; powerful:—^ famoso; matatnga. mild, adj., adv.; gentle in temper and disposition; meek; suave: — suabe; maiiaiia; manso. mildness, n.; charity: — minanana. mile, n.: — miya; milla. military, n.; soldiery: — miUtat. miUtary equipment, n..- — atraadura; munision. milk, n.: — chugo susu; leche. milk, I', tr.; to milk a cow: — fogse. milk, n.; curdled: — lechen-ma-cuaja. milk of the coconut, n.: — chug6 niyog. Milky Way, n.: — carera de Santiago, mill, n.; gristmill: — moHno. inillet, n.; barley: — sebada. miUstone, n.: — acho molino. rnind, n.; intellect; understanding: — I jinaso; sentido. tmine, n.: — ^mina. mingle, v. tr.; to mix; to blend: — na-dana; daiia. mingled 86 mourn mingled, p. p.; mixed: — mana-danfi.. rainion, n.; favorite: — guinaiya; fabo- rito. minute, adj., adv.; small; little: — di- quiqui. minute hand, n.: — minutero. miracle, n.; wonder: — milagro; na''- manman naeinedese. mire, n.; mud; slime; yeast: — fache. mirror, n.: — espejos. miscellaneous, adj.; promiscuous: — entrepulao. mischievous, adj.: — dafioso; na^tailaye; camten. miserable, adj., adv.; pitiful; despicable; impossible: — chatsaga; na-mase. ^ misery, n.; wretchedness: — miseria; pineble. misfortune, n.; accidental event: — di- nemalas; casualiddd; desgrasia; inal§. misrepresent, v. tr.: — abag. mission, n.: — mision; tinago. missionary, n.: — misionero. mist, n.; darkness; fog; haze: — jomjom; asgon. mistake, n.; error: — ^Unache; fktta. mistaken, adj., adv.; hazy; nebulous. — bula asgon. mistake, v. i.; to be mistaken; to be in error: — chStan; lache. mistrust, n.; suspicion: — desconfiansa; suspecho. misunderstanding, n.: — chine tan; ina- bag; linache. mitigate, v. tr.; to alleviate: — naca- yada; disminuye. mix, V. tr.; to entangle: — na-gadon. mix, V. tr.; to mix the cards: — ^balaja. mix, V. tr.; to thin out: — liti. mixed, p. p.; mingled: — mana-dana. mixture, n.; blend: — dinana. mixture, n.; mortar: — ^hniti. mob, n.; rude, disorderly crowd:— jenngan; tumutto; inetnon para ti .mduleg na chocho. mock, V. tr.; to deride; to insult; to make fun of: — butlea; casi; insutta; mofea. mocker, n.; scoffer; superciUous person; arrogant man: — butlon; casi. model, n.; figure: — figura; modelon. moderate, v. tr.; to keep within bounds; to lessen: — templao; moderao. moderation, n.: — tinempla. modem, adj.; recent: — tiabmamja. modest, adj., adv.; honorable; decent: — honesto. moist, adj., adv.; humid; damp (prevent- ing an object from bm-ning):— apagon; fotgon; maguem; umido. moisten, v. tr.; to wet: — na-fotgon. molar tooth, n.: — acacam. moldy, adj.; mouldy; covered with mold: — inapuldijan; linimutan. mole, n.; birthmark: — ^lonixat. molest, V. tr.; to annoy: — joroba; na-chdtsaga; mol^stia. molest, v. tr.; to importune: — na- chatsaga. molestation, n.; annoyance: — jineroba; chiudtsaga. mollify, V. tr., v. i.: — na-mafiana. moment, n.; instant; twinkling: — mo- mento; rato. Monday, n.: — lunes. money, n.: — salapi; salape. money, n.; piece of money; coin: — moneda; salape. moneybag, n.: — botsiyo. monk, n.: — monje. monkey, n.: — maching. monoplane, n.; aeroplane having one plane, contrasted %\ith the biplane, which has two: — monoplano; biplano. month, n.; one of the twelve divisions of the year: — mes. monthly, adj., adv.; happening once a month : — cada-mes. monument, n.: — monumento. mood, n.; temper of mind: — humot; jenio. moon, n.; month: — pulan; mes. mop, n.; implement for washing floors: — lampaso ni gai tegpong. morality, n.; ethics :^-q:uinettesano; minduleg; tunas na tiniiigo. more, adj., adv.; greater in number; greater in quality or extent: — ^mas; megdina. moreover, adv.; besides; apart from that: — ademas. more than, adv.: — mas de; mas que. morning, n.: — ogaan. mortal, adj.: — mamatai; mottdt; mdmatae. mortal sin, n.: — pecado mottat. mortar, n.: — ^lusong. mortar, n.; mixture:— liniten-mescla; mescla. mortgage, n.: — ipotSca; sineguro; pro- mesa, mortify, v. tr.; to humble; to depress: — sapit. mosquito, n.: — ^namo. mosquito net, n.: — -cabeyon. moss, n.; lichen: — ^lumot. moth (flying around a light), ti.: — babale. mother, n.: — nana; madre. mother-in-law, n.: — suegra. motion, n.; the act or process of mov- ing: — quinalamten; yinengyoiig. motive, n.; incentive; reason: — motibo; rason. motorcycle, n.: — bisicletan pogpog. mould; mold, v. tr.; to do; to build: — fatinas; jotma. mountain, n.: — sabana; ogso; monte. mountain side, n.: — canton ogsd. mourn, v. i.; to grieve; to lament: — taugse. mourning 87 neat mourning, «.; sorrow; grief: — ^luto; triiiiste. mourning, v. tr.; to put on mourn- ing: — na-luto; lumuto. mouse, n.: — chacan diquiqui (rat: chaca; mouse, small rat). mouth, /).; — pachot. mouth harmonica, n.: — bibig; be- lembau-pachot. move, V. i.: — calamten. move, V. tr.; to remove :—na-calamten. move, V. tr.; to stir up; to set in motion:— chalejgua; bate. move, V. i.; to walk; to leave; to depart; to go: — famocat; pocat. movement, n.; motion: — yinengyoiig; mobimiento. much, adv.; great in quantity or amount: — ^lajyayan; lajyan; m^gai. mucilage, n.: — goma; engrudo; cola, mulct, n.; penalty: — mutta. mule, n.: — mula. multiply, V. tr.; to increase:— aumenta; muttiplica; na-megae. multitude, n.; crowd; the populace :^ — monchon taotao; inetnon taotao. municipal, adj.; pertaining to a city, state, or to a local self-government: — munisipat. munition, n.; cartridges: — munision. murder, v. tr., v. i.; to commit a mur- der: — failajye pumvmo; mamuno. murderer, n.: — y mamuno pot trai- sion. murmur, v. i.; to rustle; to whisper; to rattle; to clatter: — cascas; gonggong; cumuentos e^cacat. muscle, n.; shell:— concha; carac6t; gugat. muscular, ad/.; active; vigorous; ro- bust: — masajegat; metgot. mush, n.; broth; pottage: — cado; potaje. mushroom, n.; sponge: — inapulaijan; payon dujendes; talangan jayo. music, n.: — dandan; miisica. musical instrument, n.: — instru- mento mtisica; estotmento. rausical rehearsal, n..— ensaya y canta. musician, n.: — ^mtisico. mustache, n.: — bigote. mustard, n.: — mostasa. muster, n.: — rebista. mutation, n.; variation: — yinalaca. mute, adj., adv.; silent; dumb: — udo. mutinous, adj., adv.; rebellious:— ga- jumatsamiento. mutton, n.; the flesh of sheep: — catnen quinjo. mutual, adj., adv.; reciprocal: — uma- chajlao; umdnogchS.. myrrh, n.: — mira. mystery, n.: — misterio; titunguon na minagajet. N. nabob, n.; a very wealthy man: — rico na taotao. nag, V. tr.; to scold; to find fault with con- tinually: — lalatde; chatlii. nail, 11.: — ^labo; lulog. nail, V. tr.; to fasten by nailing: — laba; luluque. nail to a cross, v. tr.: — atane gui quiluus. nail puller, n.: — ^bogbog lulog. nails (on fingers and feet), n.: — papa- ques. naked, adj.; nude: — taidajog; quesnudo; sin magago. name, n.: — naan. name, v. tr.; to call; to denominate: — fanaan; mafanaan. nameless, adj.; without a name: — sin naan. nap, n.; a short slumber: — siesta, nape, n.; the back of the neck: — espinaso. napkin, ii.: — setbiyeta. narrate, v. tr.; to tell; to give an account of: — sangane. narration, n.; gossip: — cuentos. narrow, adj., adt).; close; strict; straight: — angosto; tunas. narrow, adj., -pressed together: — mafnot. narrow, adj., adv.; thin: — canifes. nation, n.: — nasion. native, n.: — taotan6; tfiotao tano; natibo. native cattle, n.: — guacan tano. natural, adj., adv.; accidental; by nature: — naturat; timananangga. natural, adj.; genuine: — naturat; puro. naturally, adv. — depotsija. nature, n.; the universe; natural order of things: — atottan Ytius. naught, n.; nothing: — taya; sero. naughty, adj., adv.; bad; perverse or mischievous: — tailaye; baba; picaro. nausea, n.; disgust; aversion: — inSson; disgustao; linayo. nauseous, adj., adv.; loathsome: — na- masS,; asqueroso. navigable, adj.: — nabegable; mamaya; siiia maya. navigate, v. tr.; to steer or manage a boat; to sail: — na-maya; dirije pat maneja y bat CO. navigator, ti.: — nabegadot. navy, n.; — marina; nabio. near, adj.; close by: — jijot. nearly (it seems as if almost ), adv.: — canaja. nearly, adv.; possibly: — sinaja. neat, adj., adv.; decent; clean: — gasgas; alinau. neat, adj., adv.; nice (speaking of girls); beautiful; handsome: — dudus; bonita; pachuchaiig. necessary S8 now necessary, adj.: — nesesdrio. necessary, adj.; it is necessary; it is im- portant; it is fitting: — conbiene; pre- siso. necessary, adj., adv.; certain: — presiso; seguro. necessity, n.; need: — nesesidad. neck, n.: — tongjo; cueyo; agaga. necklace, n.: — cadena; lisayo. need, r. tr.; to want: — nesesita; malago. needful, adj., adv.; necessary: — nese- sitao; nesesario. needle, n.: — jaguja. negative, adj.; denying; refusing: — ne- gatibo. negative, ??.; photo plate, developed, showing lights and shade the opposite of those in nature: — contra. neglect, v. tr.; to slight: — aglie; des- cuida; desatiende. negligent, adj.. adv.; slack; skjvenly; tarrying; loitering; remiss: — descuidao; gago. negotiate, v. tr.: — tratos (tratos pot cometsio). neighbor, n.: — besino. neighboring, adj.; situated nearby: — besino. neighbor, v. tr., v. i.; to be a neighbor: — bumesino. neighborhood, n.; region; tract of country: — comatca; besino; pals. neither, pron.: — niuno (nor, conj.: ni). neither, conj.: — ni. neither nor : — ti ni ti . nephew, n.: — sobrino. nerve, n.; fiber; sinew; tendon: — net- bio; gugat; fottalesa. nervous, adj., adv.; sinewy: — mi-gugat; netbioso. nest, n.: — chonchon. net, n.: — lagua. neuter, adj.; of neither sex: — ti laje ni ti palauan (neither man nor woman). neutral, adj.; unbiased; indifferent: — neutrat; ti miimumo; indiferente. never, adv.; at no time: — nunca; ni un tiempo. never, adv.; nowhere: — taya nae; ni- mano; nunca. nevertheless, adv.; in spite of; not- withstanding: — sin enbatgo; con todo que. nevertheless, adv.; but; notwithstand- ing: — sin enbatgo; lau. new, adj.; recent in origin: — nuebo. new moon, 71.. • — nuebo na pulan. newspaper, n.: — gaseta. next, adj.: — fiun; oriya; otro; procsimo; mas jijot. nice, adj., adv.; fastidious; precise: — ^bu- nito; fastidioso; puntuat. nicety, n.; precision; fastidious deli- cacy: — delicadesa; presision; fastidi- oso. neice, n.; daughter of a brother or sister: — sobrina. nigh, adj.; near: — jijot. night, n.: — puengue. night, n.; afternoon; evening: — puen|:ue; pupuengue. nine, adj.: — nuebe. nine hundred, adj.: — nuebe-sientos. nineteen, adj.:— deaennehe; dies y nuebe. ninety, adj.: — nobenta. ninny, n.; simpleton.- — sensiyo; simpli. ninth, adv.: — mina nuebe. no (opposite of yes), adv.: — aje; muiiga. nobby, adj.; stylish: — ande. Noah's ark, 7i.: — arcan Noa; atcan Noa. noble, adj., adv.: — noble; manjulon. nobody, n.; no one: — ni uno. nod, n.; a quick inclination of the head : — glienggiieng. nod (indicating denial or negative), V. %.: — gUenggiieng. noise, n.; bang; clap (of a falling body striking the ground): — buruca; tagt-3g; talagtag. noise(of breaking wood), n.: — chegcheg. noise, n.; rustling:— buruca; ruido. noise, n.; such as the rattling of keys: — calascas. noncommissioned officer, n.: — cabo. noon, n.: — taloane. north, 71..- — ^lago; gui lago; san lago. nose, 7?..; organ of smell: — gilieng. no sooner than, conj.; as soon as: — guigonja; guigon. notch (in a knife edge), n.: — mafte. note (in music), n.: — nota. not guilty, adj., adv.; innocent: — inosente; tdilsao. nothing, adv.; none: — taya. notice, n.; notification; report: — faaila; notificasion; notisia. notify, V. tr.; to give notice; to make known: — na-raatung6; notifica. notion, n.; opinion; belief; inclina- tion: — sentido; opinion; jineiiggue; inclinasion. notoriety, n.; the state of being noto- rious: — publicao. not ready, adj.; unprepared: — despre- benido; ti lilisto. notwithstanding, prep.; in spite of; nevertheless: — sin enbatgo; con todo que. notwithstanding that, coti;.; though; although; albeit:— achog; lichogja; sin enbatgo na. noun, 71.; a substantive: — naan. November, n.: — nobienabre. novel, adj.; of recent origin: — modetno. novelty, n.: — nobedad; ninuebo; guaja nobeda. novice, n.; beginner: — prensipiante; tititujon. now, adv.; at the present time; quite recently; to-day: — pago. now and then, adv.; once in a while; sometimes: — pago yan ayu; cada un rato; palo tiempo. nudge offering nudge, V. tr.; to touch fjeiitly (as with the elbow): — totpe; chanda. nuisance, n.; anything offensive, in- jurious, vexatious, or annoying:— dano; estotbo; molestia; petjuisio. null, adj.; void; of no legal force:— nulo; ti bale. numb, adj.; torpid; deprived of sensa- tion: — maetdot; timaniefiiente. number, n.; unit: — numero. numeral, n.; symbol or word expressing a number: — numero. nuptial, n.; pertaining to marriage: — nupsiat. nuptials, n.; a marriage; marriage cere- mony: — boda; casamiento. nursery, n.; apartment for young chil- dren: — criansa; sagan famaguun. nursery, n.; a garden for rearing young plants: — plantel; atmiisiga. nurture, v. Ir.; to nourish; to feed: — nutrimento; na-chocho. nutriment, n.; nourishment: — ali- mento. o. oh! interj.; alas! woe! — adaje! ojala! pago! oak, 11.: — roble (roble, jayo na majetog; ma u usa para mafatinas batco, etc.). oar, n.; paddle: — pogsai-bote. oath, n.: — jula; juramento. obduracy, n.; hardness of heart: — inaguaguat; minajetog-corason. obdurate, adj.; hardened in feelings: — tetco; rnajetog; aguaguat. obedience, n.; submission to authority; dutifulness: — obediensia; i n e s g u e; cumplido; manosgue ni tinago. obedient, adj., adv.; dutiful: — osgon; obediente (confotme ni y otden y otro). obese, adj.; corpulent; fat: — lodo; yomog; ddfigculo tataotaoiia. obey, V. tr.; to comply with the orders or instructions of: — osgue. object, V. tr.; to oppose; to retort; to demur; to put in by way of reply: — munga; opone. object, n.; thing: — jinafa; jafa; butto. objection, n.; adverse reason: — timi- nalago; oposision. obligation, n.; charge; office: — catgo; obligasi6n. obhge, V. tr.; to render a favor to; to gratify : — finabor ese . obliged, adj.; . under obligation: — obUgao. obliging, adj., adv.; pleasing; agree- able: — fafatpai; f4faborese; yaiia man nae fab or (or fabot). oblique, adj., adv.; aslant; awry; slop- ing: — egueng; sesgao. obliterate, v. tr.; to efface: — ma funas. oblivion, n.; the state of being blotted out from memory: — minalefa. oblivious, adj., adv.; liable to be forgot- ten; forgetful: — jamalefa; mdmale- fayun. obscure, adj.; dark; illegible; secluded; humble :— jomjom. obscure, v. tr.; to darken; to dirty; to take away the luster: — ti-anog; na- cachang. observe, v. tr.; to contemplate; to look at; to view; to watch:^ — atan; espia; con- templa; jaso. obsolete, adj.; gone out of date; dis- used: — bijo; antiguo. obstacle, n.; difficulty; vexation; cha; grin; obstruction: — minapot; disgusto- estotbo. obstacle (in the Avay while driving), ?i.; — estotbo gui chalan; gadon. obstinate, adj.; stubborn; dogged; stiff- necked : — aguaguat. obstruct, V. tr.; to impede; to prevent; to hinder: — estotba; choma; impide. obstruction, n.; obstacle; hindrance; impediment :— imp edimento ; estotbo . obtain^ v. tr.; to attain; to accomplish; to reach: — consigue; chul§; mato; jajulat chumule . obtuse, adj., adv.; dull: — obtuso; tai- punta; foda; ilaiio. obvious, adj., adv.; evident: — mani- festo; mababa; claro; magajet. occasion, n.; opportunity: — ocasion; opottunidad; guinailugat. occasional, adj., adv.; incidental; casu- al: — acsidente. Occident, n.; the west; the countries west of Asia and the Turkish dominions: — occidente; ocsidente; sanlichan. occupant, n.; one who has possession: — ocupante; sumagagaye. occupation, n.: — tinane; ocupasion. occupy, v. tr.; to spend time: — empleo; gai ofisio. ocean, n.: — tasi. October, ii.: — octubre. odd, adj.; unusual; peculiar; eccentric: — tai gachon. odious, adj.; unpopular; offensive: — ma chatlii; ti ma guaiya; na^'maasi. odium, n.; hatred; dislike: — china tlii. odor, n.; scent; fragrance: — paupau; pau. odorous, adj.; fragrant: — paupau; mau- leg paufia. offend, v. tr.; to insult; to outrage; to affront: — ^ofende; naale; isagiie; aiia; na-chatsaga. offend, V. tr.; or to insult bodily; to do harm to: — ana. offense, n.; injury; assault: — injuria; ataque; fatta; inefende; ja contra y lai. offensive, adj., adv.; repugnant; taste- less: — desabrido; chucante. offer, (!. tr.: — ofrese; promote. offering, n.: — inefrese. office 90 otherwise office, n.: — peca; ofisio; empleo. office, n.; charge; obligation: — catgo. office, 71.; commission: — encatgo. officer, n.; person commissioned to per- form a certain public duty: — ofisiat. officious, adj.; meddling: — ofisioso; en- tremetido. offspring, n.; successor: — desendiente; patgon. oft, adv.; often; frequently: — seso; megai na biaje. oil, n.: — lana; asdite. oilcloth, n.: — hule. oil cruet, n.: — ^asaitero. oil lamp (of small size), n.;— candit lana. oil press, n.; wine press: — ^prensa para mama lana o asaite. ointment, n.; an unctuous substance applied to a wound or injured part: — • eng^ente; amot para chetnot; pAlai. old, adj.; aged; ancient: — de edad; amco; bijo; antiguo. older, adj., adv.: — amcofla. old man, n.: — bijo na taotao. olive oil, n.: — asaiten oliba. ominous, adj.; foreboding evil; inaus- picious: — desf ab orable . on, prep.; upon; at; near: — san jilo; jilona; ayo; jijot. once in a while, adv.; a few times: — cada la-abmam; cada rato. one, adj.; single in number: — uno. one-armed, adj.: — mangco. onerous, adj.; burdensome; weighty; oppressive : — tirano ; macat . onion, n.: — seboyas. only, adv.; singly; merely: — solamente; maisa. only one, adv.: — unoja. onward ! interj.; advance ! — adelanta ! open, adj., adv.; ajar; unfastened: — mababa; abietto. open, V. tr.; to spread out: — baba. opening, n.; hole: — binaba; abettura. operate, v. tr., v. i.; to work- — na- calamten; fachocho. operation, n.; surgical performance with instruments: — operasion. opinion, n.; intention; thought; memory; reason: — jinaso; opinion. opium, n.: — opio; amot na nanamaigo. opponent, n.; adversary: — contrario. opportune, adj.; well-timed; season- able: — opottuno; contiempo. opportunity, n.; convenient time or occasion : — op ottimidad. oppose, ;.'. tr.; object; to retort; to demur; to put in by way of reply : — aguaguate ; j opone; ti malago; resiste. i opposite, adj.; inimical; hostile; ad- verse: — contrario; atlibes. opposition, n.; hostile resistance; ob- stacle: — timinalago; oposision; con- trario. oppress, V. tr.; to press; to afflict: — aprieta; pujot. oppressed, adj.; distressed; depressed: — inadite; gatgado. oppression, n.; injustice: — impuesto; injustisia. option, n.; power or right of choice; wish; selection: — deseo; minalago. opulence, n.; wealth: — abundansia; rico; micosas. or, conj.; otherwise; else: — pat; o; osinu. oral, adj., adv.; verbal: — verbat; vetbat; masdnganja. orange, n.: — cajet. oration, n.; a formal public speech: — orasion. orchard, n.; an inclosure of fruit trees: — jatdin de frutas; juetto. orchestra, n.; a body of musicians: — orquesta; musicos. ordain, v. tr.; to dispose; to decree; to prescribe: — ^decreta; otdena. order, n.; command; injunction; rule: — tinag6; otden; disposision; areglo; finamauleg. order, v. tr.; to appoint; to determine; to fix; to intend; to design: — destina. order, v. tr.; to command: — tago. order, v. tr.; to manage; to bespeak; to give order for: — encatga. order, v. tr., v. i.; to prepare; to make ready ; to dispose ; to arrange : — dispone, ordered, p. p.; appointed; arranged: — encatgao. orderly, adj.; regulated: — areglao. ordinary, adj.; usual; customary: — otdinario; costumbre. ordnance, n.; artillery: — artilleria; cafiones. organ, n.; harmonium: — armonio; 6r- gano; atm6nio; otgano. organize, v. tr.; to regulate; to bring under rule: — aregla. Orient, n.: — oriente; sancatan. origin, n.; beginning; source; cause; derivation: — tinitujon. ornament, n.; adoriunent; embellish- ment: — adotno. ornament, v. tr.; to adorn; to clean: — omamento; adotno. ornament, n.; jewelry: — alaja. ornamental, adj., adv.; elegant; pretty; neat; nice: — bonito. orphan, n.; child bereft of parents: — huetfano; huetfana. orthography, n.; art of spelling and writing words correctly: — ortografia; ottografia. oscillate, v. tr., v. i.; to swing backward and forward; to vibrate: — osila; laolao (sonido). ostensible, adj., adv.; apparent; held forth to view; plausible: — claro; ayo y sifia anog; ebidente. other, adj.; different; contrary: — otro; dilereute; contrario. otherwise, adv.; in another manner; in other respects: — de otro modo; por otro motibo. otherwise 91 pantry otherwise, conj.; else: — o; otra maiiera. our, proa.; portninina; to us; boloiv^inj7 to us:— iyota. oust, €. tr.; to eject: — na-janao; na- suja. out, adv.; without: — sanjiyong; taigue; faera de. outbreak, n.; a breaking out; au erup- timi: — mabta; miual^ta. outcast, n.; one who is driven or cast out; an exile: — y madestilado; ma- yutg. outcry, n.; clamor; tumult: — umagang- mamatai. outdo, i'. tr.; to overstep: — fapos; upos; upus. outlaw, ?i.; one who is deprived of lesal benefits and protection: — bandido; bandolero. outlive, V. tr.; to sur\'ive: — muraaog; lalae; tatatte matai. out of, adv.: — guine. outrage, v. tr.; to insult: — insutta; mattrata; insulta; maltrata. outside of, prep.; except: — fuera de. outside! adv., interj.; out! get out! — juyung outward, adv.; toward the outside: — y san jiyong. oval, adj.; shaped like an egg; ellip- tical: — obat (obal); mama anaco na redondo. oven, n.; hearth; baking oven: — jotno. over, prep.; above; upon: — sanjilo; jiloiia. overcoat, n.: — manto; sobretodo. overcoxne, v. tr.; to subdue; to reduce to subjection; to conquer: — a^ilau; julat; petde. overcome, v. i.; to be subdued; to be reduced to subjection; to be con- quered: — maa^iiau. overlook, v. tr.; to control; to search; to view; to visit; to inspect :^ — egaga. overripe (fruit), adj.; rotten: — yuyog; lamas. overseer, n.: — cabesiyo; capatas. overshadow, v. tr.; to cast a shade upon; to darken: — jome. overshirt, n.; shirt: — chinina. overtop, V. tr.; to surpass; to excel: — diles; igue. overstep, v. tr.; to exceed: — uposgue. overtake, v. tr.; to catch by pursuit: — guinacha. overturn, v. tr.; to throw over; to thrust: — puja. owe, V. tr.; to be indebted; to be in dobt:^-di'be; didibe. ov/n, adj., adv.; proper; suitable; perti- nent; fitting: — propio; iyo. owner, n.; lord; lawful proprietor: — diiefio. P. pace, n.; step; manner of walking: — • paso. pacific, adj.; peace-making; mild; con- ciliating : — trangquilo . pack, V. tr.; to hold fast; to take; to seize: to fasten: — gafus; gapot; guot. package, n.; statue: — butto. pacified, adj., adv.; quieted; appeased; assuaged: — -majgoin; maguem; quieto. pacify, V. tr.; to appease; to calm; to com- pose : — na-f amatquilo . padlock, n.: — asiradura; seradura. pagan, n.; heathen; idolater: — y uma- dodora y fatso na Ytius; pagano. page (in a book), n.: — pajina. pail (for carrying water), n.: — gutgu- reta; jara; batde. pain, n.; intense pain, especially re- ferring to thrust wounds, cuts, etc.; — ®y^&; puti; chetnot. painful, adj., adv.: — majala^; mi puti. paint, V. tr.; to color: — penta. painter, n.: — pintot; y pipenta. painting, n.: — pinenta; pepenta. pair, 71.; — pares; pat. palace, 7i.,- residence of a sovereign (in Guam, the residence of the gover- nor) : — palasyo. palatable, adj.; savory; agreeable to the taste: — gai sabot. palate, n.; the roof of the mouth: — paladad. 4562—18 7 pale, adj., adv.; colorless (complexion); pallid; sallow; wan: — bogsion; chupon; jipato. pale, n.; stake; post; pole: — estaco. palm, n.; the inner part of the hand: — patina, palm, n.; palm tree: — trongcon patma; patma. palm v/ine, n.; coco juice; sour toddy: — tuba. Palm Sunday, n.: — d a m e lig g o n ramos. palpable, adj., adv.; obvious; easily perceived : — claro; comprendiyon. palpitation, n.; quiver; throb: — linau- lau. palpitation of the heart, ii.: — bong- bong y corason. palsy, n.; paralysis: — paralitico. paltry, adj.; worthless; contemptible: — taibale. pan, n.; frying pan: — palanggana; sat- ten; calaje. pan, n.; large size pan, about three feet in diameter: — calaje; palanggana. pancakes, n.; corn cakes: — titiyas. panic, n.; sudden fright: — linijan. pant, V. i.; to gasp; to cough: — guja. pant, V. i.; to breathe hard: — jinagong na f ejman. pantry, n.; provision closet: — aparadot nengcand. papal 92 paymaster papal, adj.: pertaining to the Pope, or the Church of Rome {example, papal bless- ing: grasian papa): — seremonias y papa gui guima ytius. paper, n.: — papet. parable, n.; example; sample: — ejemplo. parade, n.; military display: — parada. paradise, n.: — paraiso; languit; laiijjit. parallel, adj.; having the same direction or tendency: — pinarejon y dos raya punta a punta. parasite, n.; sponger: — didinag. parasol, n.; a lady's sunshade: — som- briya; payo. parcel, n.; a small bundle: — balutan; paquete. pardon, n.; forgiveness; absolution: — petdon; inasii. pardon, v. tr.; to forgive: — asii. pardonable, adj., adv.; excusable: — asiiyon. pare, v. tr.; to cut away little by little (to pare an apple): — sufan; ribana. parent, n.; a father or mother: — parientes. parenthesis, n.: — parentesis. parish, n.: — paroquia.. parish children, ?;.;— feligreses. parochial register, n.: — canonica. parsonage, n.; rectory; vicarage: — curato. park, n.: — plasa; patque; plasanaemt'gae y dibetsi6n. parlor, n.; reception room; draAving room: — salon, parole, n.; word of honor: — palabra ni honrao. parson, n.; the incumbent of a parish; clergyman: — inanite; cura. part, n.; information: — patte. part, 11.; piece; something less than the whole: — empe. part, n.; side: — echongna. partake, v. i.; to take part; to share in common with others: — apatte. partial, adj., adv.; inclined to favor one side; biased: — patte. partible, adj., adv. /divisble: — dibidiyon. participate, v. tr.; to divide; to make into parts; to share: — facai. particle, n. an atom: — pedasitos. particular, adj., adv.; distinct from others; individual: — taiparejo; sumajiigue. particularly, adv.; in particular; spe- cially: — Eumasajngue; espesiatmente. parting, adj.; separating: — papatte; na- desajmtta. parting, n.; division; a taking of leave: — runajanao; jiniinao; inddingo. partition, n.; division: — mafacai; finacai. partition wall, 7i.; division: — dibi&ion. partly, adv.; in part :— pale, partner, n : business associate: — guma- chonc party, n.: — pattidon; linajyan. pass, n.,- narrow pass; defile; low ground: low country: — guagsalii; finagudg- salu; gudgsalo. pass by (speaking of a parade or proces- sion), V. i.: — malofan y lican; desfila. passage, n.; sieve; filter; inlet: — fan- jaluman; pasaje. passenger, 7i..— pasajero. passion, n.; strong deep feeling or excite- ment: — pasion. passion, n.: the sufferings of Christ in his last agonies: — pasion. Passion Sunday, t?.; the fifth Sunday in Lent : — damenggon pasi6n. Passion Week, n.; the week following Passion Sunday : — semanan pasion. passionate, adj.; impetuous; given to anger: — jabubo; impetuoso; japinalala. past, adj.; gone by; completed: — upus. past, n.; the time gone by: — y tiempo ni mapos. past life, n.: — y raapos na bida; y jagas na bida. paste, n.: — enggrudo. pastry (in the shape of small balls), n.: — bonelos. pasture, 7(.; — pasto; pastaje. patch together, r. tr.: — jetbana; patche. path, n.; road; footway: — cayon; fina chalan. pathetic, adj., adv.; touching: — papacha; tataca. patience, n.; the quality of being calmly enduring ; perseverance : — minesngon. patient, adj.; forbearing: — taioson; ti bibubo. patient, adj., adv.; persevering: — mesngon. patient, adj., adv.; resigned: — sungon. patriarch, n.: — patriatca. patriot, n.: — y gumuaiya y tanona. patriotic, adj., adv.: — patriotico. patriotism, n.; love of one's country: — patriotisnao; giiinaiyan uno ni tanona. patrol, ?i.; policeman going around to maintain order: — patruya. patron, n.; protector: — patron, patronize, v. tr.; to favor; to aid; to protect: — faborese. pattern, n.; a model; sample; specimen; anything cut out or marked ready to be copied: — copia; muestra. patterns (for seamstresses), ?i.; fashion pictures: — figurin. pauper, n.; a poor person: — naraS.se na taotao; pobre. pause, n.: — pausa; duda. pause, V. i.: — pumara; cumieta. paw, n.; the foot of an animal with claws: — patas gaga, pay, ;'. tr.; to discharge a debt; to pay out: — abona. pay for, v. tr.; to discharge a debt; to atone for: — apase; apasiye. paymaster, »..• — pagadot. peace 93 perspiring peace, n.: — minaguem; pa?. peace, n.; quiet; well-beinc;; relicj; — roinajgoiig; alibio. peaceful, adj., adv.: — maguem; maj- goiig; pasitico. peaceful, adj., adv.; taciturn; — fafat- quilo. peak (of a hill), n.; top (of a mountain): — y jilo ogso; puntan ogso. peanut, n.: — cacaguates. pear, n.: — peras. pearl, n.: — petlas. peasant, n.; farmer: — guaguasan; lan- chero. pebble, n.; roundish stone: — redondo na' ach.6; alutoiig. peck, V. ir., r. %.; to stab; to pierce; to stick : — dengcot. peculiar, adj., adv.; appropriate; individ- ual; strange; — espesiat. pecuniary, adj.; pertaining to, or con- sisting of, money: — giiinaja. pedagogy, n.; tiie science of teaching: — tiniiTg o-mamanag lie . peddle, n.; to travel about selling wares: — bende gui clialan. pedestrian, n.; one going on foot, or walking; — andadot; peon (taotao ni mamomocat) . peel, V. tr.; to shave; to scrape; — guagse. peel, V. tr.; to skin: — lasas. pell-mell, adv.; confusedly; one crowd- ing the other; — confusamente; man- a'choneg. pen, n.; feather; — pluma. pen, n.; a small iuclosure; coop: — chiquero. penalty, n.; fine; legal ^Dunisliment: — mutba. penance, n.: — penitensia. pencil, n.: — lapis. penetrate (needle, splinter, etc.), v. i.: — dochon. penetrate, v. ir.; to attack suddenly; to surprise (the enemy); — jatme. penetration, n.; sudden attack: — ji- natme. penitence, n.; repentance; contrition; — contrision. penitent, n.: — cumomfesat; y ma- il otsot. penitentiary, n.; state prison; — sagan-castigo; Presidio (of Guam, at Asaiij. penman, n.; one who writes; — escri- biente. pentiianship, n.; the art or style of writing: — boniton tinigui. penniless, adj.; without money; desti- tute: — tai salape. penny, a.; farthing; — cuadrante (rarely used). pension, n.: — pension, penury, a.; povertj^; want: — jailas. people, n.; inhabitants; race: — taotao Eija. pepper, ii.: — pirciienta; don#. perceive, v. 'r., v. i.; to see; to look; to glance; — lii; lie. peremptory, adj., adv.; positive; final; decisive; — gai tittimo. perfect, «(//., adv.; complete; absolute: — napetfecto; cabales. perfect, r. tr.; to complete: — na- cabales. perfection, ?!,.; completeness: — quina- bales. perforate, v. tr.; to go through; — iseg. perform, v. tr.; to do or carry out: — cho'giie. perfume, n.: — paupau. perfunctory, adj., adv.; done carelessly or negligently with the purpose of getting rid of the duty; — descuidao; mamolo. perhaps, adv., conj.; may be; by chance; haply: — acaso; cana; jungguan; siiiaja; jonaguiyon. peril, n.; danger; jeopardy: — peligro; riesgo. perilous, adj., adv.; dangerous; diffi- cult; — delicao; peligroso. period (grammatical), n.: — ^punto. period, n.; interval of time: — periodo; tetmino. perish, v. %.; to lose one's life: — jalu- man; maliiigo jaaniiia; maluigo; matai. perish with thirst, v. i.: — matai- ma'jo. perjure, v. %.; to swear falsely: — chat raanjuia. p er j ury , n. : — china tmanjula. permanent, adj.; lasting; durable: — petmanente. permission, n.; condescension; allow- ance: — petmiso; lisensia. permit, v. tr.; to consent; to allow; to give permission for; — consiente; pet- mite. perpendicular, adj.: — tacho; tunas juio. perpetual, adj.; never ceasing; — tai- uttimo; siempre dura. persecute, v. tr.; to drive away; to put to flight; to pursue:- — dulalag; petsigue . persecution, ?i.; pursuit; — pinetsiguej diuilalag. perseverance, 11.: — n-iinesi%on; sini- siguijd. _ persevering^ rdj., adv.: — mesngon. persist, r. i.; to persevere; to continue- steadily in anv course; — sisiguija;, usune. persistent, adj., adv.; steadfast; per- severing; constant; industrious; dili- gent; assiduous; sedulous; — aplicao;; meton. persistence, n.; constancy: — inisune^ person, n.: — petsona. perspiring, adj., adv.; sweating: — masa- jaluni. persuade 94 pleasure persuade, v. t.r.; to influence by aroju- in?nt, advice, or entreaty:— conbense; soyo; na-osgou. persuade, v. Ir.; to move the heart: — epojj. persuade, ?'. tr.; to incite: — soyo. pertain to, r. tr.; to concern: — pet- tones e; toca. pertinacity, n.; obstiivaey; stub- bornness: — inag'ua^uat. pertuivbation, n.; dit^quJct of mind: — inatbcrota. perversity, n.; malisnity: — china tpa- yon; jinasiigou; inatlibes. pest, n.; epidemic; plague: — epidemia; pesti\ pestle, n.; rammer; beetle: — lemog; falo. pet, ?■. /;/•.; to fondle; 1o flatter; to caress: — iiufia. petroleum, n.; kerosene: — petroleo. •petticoat, n.: — guijen. petty, adj.; small; triflinp;: — diquiqui. phar:nacy, n.: — fatmasia. phonograph, n-.: — fonografo. • phonograph record, n.: — ^platon fo- nografo. photograph, ;(..• — litrato. photography, n.: — fotografia. phrase, n.; a part of a sentence: — frase. physician, u.: — medico. piano, n.: — piano. pick, n.; sharp-pointed tool: — pico; sa- capico. pick ofi, ('. tr.; to gather; to pluck: — fanfe; tif§. pickle, V. tr.; to salt: — asne. pickle, V. tr.; to preserve: — escabeche. picnic, n.: — picnic. picture, n.: — lamina; estampa; plancha. picture, ?i.; model; figure: — figura. pie, n.: — pastet. piece 11.; part:^ — empe; pedaso. piece (of cloth), n.: — piesa. pier, /I.; wharf; mole or jetty; a landing place projecting into the sea:^pan- talan; mueye. pierce, v. tr.; to pull through (a corl): — jotne. pierce through, v. tr.; to stick through; to make an opeioing into: — na-adot- gan; dulug. piety, n.; devotion: — debosion; dine- bi'to. pig, n.: — bdbui. pig, 11.; wild boar: — babuin jalum-tano. pigeon, 11.: — paluma. pigsty, 71.; pen for pigs: — chiqueron babui. piled up, adj.: — abuttao; dguitelui. pill, n.; medicine: — pitdora. pillage, V. tr.: — chuie^guan. pillar, n.; a column to support a build- ing:— jotcon. piUow, n.: — almojada; alunan. pillowcase, n.; cover: — fundas. pilot, n.: — piloto. pilot, ?'. Ir.; to guide: — pilotuye. pin, ?j..— atfilet. pinch, r. Ir.; to tweak; to squeeze: — deon. pine tree, n.; fir:— pino. pioneer, ii.: — mamanunui; guia. pious, adj., adv.; religious; devout: — deboto. pipe (smoker's pipe), n.: — chigando. pirate, n.: — pirata. pistol, n.: — pistola. pit, 11.; well: — joyo. pitch, n.: — pes. pitcher, n.; earthen vessel for holding water: — gotgoreta. pitchfork, n.: — tenedot basula. pitiable, adj., adv.; deser\'ing pity: — na'piniti. pitiful, adj., adc; miserable; lament- able: — chatsaga; na^maase; taiigsiyon. pity, n.; sympathy; compassion: — mi- naase. pity, r. i.; to have compassion; to de- plore: — gai asi^; pinite. place, n.; location: — lugat; sagan; sa- gayan. plague, n.,- epidemic: — epidemia; plaga; peste. plain, adj.; devoid of ornament: — yano; yanura; sensiyo. plains, n.: — planas. plaintiff, n.; one who commences an action in a court of law: — acusadot; demandadot. plait, n.; braid; tress: — fUag. plan, 11.; drawing; sketch: — dibujo; piano. planet, n.; a heavenly body revolving round the sun: — plane ta. plank, n.; thick board :^ — tablon. plant, r. Ir.: — tanme; tanum. plant, r. Ir.; to build; to till the fields: — planta. plantation, n.; field: — tinanum; tina- nom. plantation, n.; plowed ground; field: — gualo; fanguaMan. plaster, n.; chalk: — emplasto; yeso. plate, n.: — bandeja; plato. play, n.; game; — juego; laime. play, V. tr.; to play a musical instru- ment:— dandan. play, V. i.: — jugando; jumugando. ' play, V. tr.; to play cards: — fan balaja. play, V. i.; to play the mendicant: — ume'chimo. play, 11.; trick: — salamangca. play, v. i.; to play wdth a top: — tolompo. pia5ring cards, n.: — balaja. plaza, n.; market place: — plasa. plead, V. ir.; to argue or reason: — toca; defiende jafa nu y rason; gagagiie. pleasant, adj., adv.; deligthful; agree- able : — na'magof . pleasing, adj., adv.; agreeable; oblig- ing: — fafatpai. pleasure, n.; gladness: — minagof. plentiful 95 precious plentiful, adj., adv.; copious:— abun- dansia. pliable, adj., adv.; easily bent; flexible: — fiaba; niiujan. pliers, 71.; small pinchers for holding small articles: — tinasa. plot, 71.; scheme: — sitio. plow, n., v.: — alado. pluck, V. tr.; to pick off: — fanfie; iliiTg; joca. pbam tree, n.: — ensina; siluero. plumage, n.: — pluinaje. plumber, n.: — latero; plomero. plump, adj., adv.; heavy, coarse: — bastos. plunder, v. ir.; to rob; to despoil: — amot. plunge down, v. i.; to be precipitated: — achaicag; yute papa gui janorn. plural, n.; more than one: — plurat; megae. poach, V. i.; to trespass; to shoot or steal game: — saqui. poa.ch.ed egg, n.: — estreyas. pocket, n.: — botsa. pocketknife, ?!.; — nabaja. poetry, ?z.,- poesy: — poesia. point, n.: — punta. point, V. ir.; to sharpen (a pencil): — tasme. pointed, p. p.; sharp; adj., adv.-jkeen-.-r- aeadidog. poison, n.: — ^bineno; juna. rc:sc:.i. n ir.: — biaonuy?: :.ms:'. poisonous, adj^: — jijuna; bineno; td- tatse. pole, n.; stake: — estaca; palo. pole (of a wagon), n.: — ^latgero. polish, V. tr.: — na-lamlam; na-fino; na-mdjlos. polished, adj.; furbished: — lamlam; maj- log; pulido. polite, adj., adv.: — cottesano. politeness, ?(.; — cottesia. pohtical, adj. adv.; pertaining to poli- tics: — politico, pond, n.; a pool of stagnant water: — bafiadero. pony, n.: — cabayito. pool, n.; body of stagnant water; swamp; lagoon: — jagoi; sisonyan; bauadero. poop, n.; stern of ship: — popa. poor, 'ac?y.; needy; abandoned: — poble; dejao; maguem; miche; na^maase. poor man, n.: — nesesitao. poor souls, n.: — aniraas. pope, n.; the Holy Father: — papa; y sanro papa. popular, adj., adv.; pleasing to the people; plebeian : — maguef tungo . populace, ??.,• population; people: — pob- lasion; todo y taotao gui seiTgsoug; soiig- soiTg pat siud'a. popularity, n.; general esteem: — maguef tungo; y maguaiyan yan ma- aiigocon un taotao, etc. porch, n.; portico; vestibule: — galeria. I pores of the skin, n.: — madog i tataotao. j pork, )(..• — tosino; catnen b^bui. porous, adj.: — tangcala. port, ?i.; haven: — puetto. portable, adj.: — chulion. portion, n.; piece; part: — pedasitos; pedaso. portly, adj.: — ^yoniog. pose, n.; attitude or position: — posa; posision. position, n.: — posision. positive, adj., adv.; actual; direct: — magajet; positibo. possess, i;. ir.,- to have: — guaja. possession, n.: — giiinaja. possible, adj., adv.; practicable: — ti fajateg; fatinason; posible; sumina. possibly, adv.; nearly: — mojon; calan sumifia. post, n.; pole: — estaco. post, n.; guard; watchman: — guatdia. posterity, n.; issue; progeny: — desen- densia. postpone, V. ir.; to retard: — retatda; detiene. pot, n:; cooking kettle: — cantaro; la-uya. pot (used for boiling water), n.: — catdero. potato field, n.: — fangamutiyan. potatoes, n.: — batatas. pound (weight), n.: — hbra. pound, V. ir.; to crush; to ram: — pesoa. pour, V. ir.; to pour in: — chome; naye. pour, V. ir.; to pour into a cup: — ate. pour, V. tr.; to pour out: — chuda; basia. poverty, n.; want; penury: — jailas; pineble. powder, n.: — potbola. power, n.; vigor; strength: — finette; ninasina. powerful, adj., adv.; brave; mighty: — famoso; manjulat; metgot. powerless, adj., adv.; weak (referring to human beings only): — dafe; e'che- cho. practicable, adj., adv.; possible:— fa- tinason. practice, v. tr.; to occupy one's self wiih: — tane. praise, n.: — tinina. praise, v. ir.; to laud; to commend: — alaba; alabado. praise, v. tr.; to honor; to approve:— tuna, praised, adj.; blessed: — bendito. praiseworthy, adj.: — tunayon. pray, v. i.: — tayuyut. prayer, n.: — tinaitai; tinayuyut. prayer, n.; silent prayer: — tinaitai jinalum. precede, v. tr.; to advance; to go be- fore: — na-fona; fonaigue. precious, adj.; dear; expensive: — guaiyayon; presioso; guaguan. precious 96 propagation precious, adj.; valuable: — guaguan; pre^'oso. precij'ice, n.; abyss; chasm; gulf: — cancit. precipitous, adj., adv.; steep: — didog. precipe, adj., adv.; exact; strict; accu- rate: — estricto. prefe:.', v. ir.; to give the preference ij; — gaiiaco; gaoco; iia-foua. prefer, v. Ir.; to love: — guaiya; guef- gudiya. preference, n.; affection: — giiinaiya. prefe:..-red, adj.; selected: — guinanye; maayeg. prejudice, v. ir.; to deceive: — acachaye; ua-l;imen; dague. pren^editated, adj., adv.; designed: — adrede; calan majasiigon. preparation, n.; preparedness: — pri- nepara; preparasion. prepare, v. ir.: — aparejo; prepara. prepare, v. ir.; to prepare food; to sea- sou; to roast; to broil: — guisa. prepare, v. ir., v. i.; to make ready; to ui.-pose; to arrange; to order: — dispone; na-iisto. prepare, v. ir.; to put in order; to rem- edy: — famauleg; famaulique. prepared, adj., adv.; ready (for a jour- ney): — atmao; listo. prepared, adj.; ready: — listo; preparao. prescribe, r. ir.; to ordain; to dispose: — decreta. prescription, 7i.; recipe; receipt: — reseta. present, n.: regale, present, adj.: — gaigue. present, v. tr.: — nae; presenta. preserve, i. v.; to pickle: — escabeche; na-maog. press, v. ir.; clasp; oppress; afHict: — aprieta. press, V. ir.; to apply massage: — lasa. press down, v. ir.; to crush with the hand: — jono. press in, r. %.; to crowd in: — afuettsas; gululumi. press out, v. ir.; to oj^press: — jugum; siing-; chiguet. press out, v. ir.; to squeeze out: — danas; fugo. presuinptuous, adj., adv.; haughty: — presumido. pretead, v. ir.: — cado. pretense, n.; excuse: — escusa. pretty, adj., adv.; neat; nice: — dudus; bonita. pretty, adj., adr.; fair; handsome gadbo; gatbo. pretty, adj., adv.; graceful; charming g-a.e*!fpago. prevent, v. ir.; to impede; to hinder estctba. price, ii.: — presio. prick, I', ir.; to urge on: — tuca. prickly heat, n.: — otdon. principally, adv.; mainly: — prinsipat mente. print, V. ir.: — impresa. printery, /(..- — imprenta. prison, n.: — calaboso; prision. prisoner, 71.: — prisionero; taotao cala- bo-o. privilege, n.: — pribilejio; fabot; bene- lii-ii,'. probable, adj., adv.; likely: — jonggui- yon; /eiTgguan. probe, i'. //'.; to investigate: — aberigua. problem, n.: — ^problenia. proceed, r. /.; to advance: — jumanau. proceed I go on! — sigue mona! sigue! proceedings, n.; relations: — tratos. procession, Ji.: — liicau. procure, v. ir.; to provide: — procura. proctire by effort, v. ir.; to win by conquest : — conquista. prodigal, adj., adv.; squandei'ing; lav- ish : — despetdisiao. prodigality, 71.; squandering; lavish- ness; — despetdlsio. produce, r. tr.; to bring forth; to create:— fanita; na-guaja; na-juyong. productive, adj., adv.; prolihc; fruitful; fertile: — mamama. productive, adj., adv.; yielding; fertile; rich : — ganansioso. production, n.; generation: — 1 i n i 1 i s ; malilis. jjrofane, v. ir.; to desecrate: — prof ana. profess, r. tr.; to profess religious belief: — comfesat; saiigan claro. j profession, n.; trade; craft: — conbe- nensia. proficient, adj.; qualified; skilled: — na^sina; adelantdo. profit, n.; gain; benefit: — prcbecho. profitable, adj., adv.: — gai ganansia. progeny, n.; posterity; issue: — desen- densia; tatate. prohibit, v. tr.; to forbid: — choma; pro jibe; pruibe. prohibited; adj.; impossible: imprac- ticable: — chaot; chachaot. prohibition, n.; interdiction: — inatot- taye. project (example: the tiles of the roof project), V. i.: — malofan-mona; s6- sobbla-mona. prolific; adj., adv.; fruitful; fertile: — tegeha; jafnag. prominent, adj.; very high: — tagajlo; tag-jilo. promise, 71.; vow: — promesa; prinemete. promise, v. tr.; to give hopes of: — proniete. promote, v. tr.; to advance; to raise to higher rank: — na-cajul6; jatsa (gui ofisioK prompt, adj., adv.; agile; quick: — cha- dig; listo. pronounce, r. tr.; to articulate: — pro- nunsia. proof, n.: — finanue; prueba. propagate, v. tr.; to transplant: — na- famta. propagation, n.: — pinegsai; minamta. proper 97 qualify proper, adj.; correct: — ^propio. property, n.: — guinaja. prophesy, v. tr.; to tell one's fortune: — adibina; saiTgan antes. prophet, ;i..- — profeta. proportion, n.: — inaya; chinilong; pro- potsion. proportional adj.; equal: — chilong. propose, V. tr.: — sangan; propone, proposition, ?^..- — sinangan. proprietor, n.; owner:— dueiio. propriety, n.; fitness: — conbenensia. prosecute, v. tr.; to persecute: — duialag. prosper, v. i.; to thrive: — lumala- guaja. prosper, v. i.; to make progress: — adelanta. protect, V. tr.; to shelter: — ampara; s:ogiie; proteje; saguane. protect, V. tr.; to favor: — faborese; proteje. protection, n.; guard: — guinegiie. protection, n.; patronage; favor: — fabot; finaborese; protecsion. protector, n.; defender: — guigogiie. protege, n.; child to be baptized: — jado; jada. protest, V. i.; to remonstrate: — protesta. proud, adj., adv.; haughty: — sobetbio. prove, V. tr.; to show; to demonstrate; to evince:— i'anue. provide, r. tr.; to sustain: — abia. provide for, v. tr.; to care for: — de- sempena; na-guajaye. province, n.: — probinsia. provision, v. tr.; to supply with food: — na-gae-na; na-gae tengguang. provoke, v. tr.: — na-cal6ja; na-ma- majlao; atborota. provoked, adj.; angry: — mamajlao; bubu. provoking, adj.; challenging: — probo- catibo; atborotao. prudent, adj., adv.; wise: — faye. public, adj.,^ arfr.; celebrated: — majngog. public, adj., adv.; common; general:— comtin; publico, publish, V. tr.: — agangnaijon. puddle, n.; mud puddle: — ^fanataa- cayan; atasca; fanfachian; fache. pull, V. tr.: — caicai; jala. pull, V. tr.; to pull nails: — desclaba. pull, V. tr.; to pull out the hair: — gapot. pull, V. tr.; to pull out by the roots: — jale. pull down, V. tr.; to throw over: — tugua. pull doAvn, V. tr.; to draw down: — chapag. pull out, V. tr.; to sprain (a joint): — lagnus. pull out, V. tr.; to draw out: — gosne. pull through, V. tr.: — ensatta. pulley, n.; tackle: — licheng. pulpit, n.: — atrit; putpito. pulse, n.: — potso. pump, n.: — bomba. pumpkin, n.: — calamasa. punctual, adj., adv.; zealous: — cumplido. puncture, n.;— sumi; madog. punish, V. tr.; to chastise: — castiga. punishment, n.; torment:- — castigo. puny, adj.; weak: — debit, pupil, n.: — disipulo. purchase, n.: — finajan. purchase, n..- — finajan. purchase, v. tr.; to get for a price; to buy: — fajan. purchasable, adj.; for sale: — fajanon. pure, adj., adv.; unadulterated: — ^puro. purgative, n.; cathartic medicine: — potga. purify, V. tr.; to cleanse: — na-gasgas. purity, n.; cleanness: — guinasgas. purloin, v. tr.; to steal: — fan-entayag; saque. . purport, n.; meaning; design: — jina- suye; dinetetmina. purse, n.; receptacle for money: — botsa; pottamoneda. pursue, V. tr.; to persecute: — duialag. pursuit, n.; chase: — petsigui. pus, n.; matter: — chugo. push, V. tr.; to crowd: — siing. push, V. tr., V. i.; to thrust; to push away : — chone g. push along, v. tr.; to drive on; to impel; to make the lamp burn brighter: — atisa. pushcart, n.; handcart: — caretiya. put forward, v. tr.; to discover: — descubre. put in, V. tr.; to lay in; to bring in: — na-jalum. put in order, v. tr.; to remedy: — alina; famauleg; famaulique. put oSE, V. tr.; to postpone: — na-abmara. put on, V. tr.; to wear (a garment): — cachet, put on, i'. i.; to put on shoes: — catsa. put to sleep, V. tr.: — na-maigo. putty, n.: — galagala. puzzle, n.: — guinadon. pygmy, n.; dwarf: — nano. Q. quack, n.; charlatan; fakir: — mama- bababa. quadrangular, adj.; four-cornered; square : — cuadrao. quadruped, n.: — cuatro-patas. quail, n.;— codotnis; beiTgbeng. quake, v. %.; to tremble; to shake: — ma yengyong; laulau. quake, n.; earthquake: — yengyong; linau. qualification, n.; quality or endov/ment (as to fitness for a position or ofiice): — califlcasion. qualify, v. i.; to render fit for an office or position: — ma na-mauleg; na-fanu- ngo; na-tomtom. quality 98 rapture quality, n.; kind: — clase. qualm of conscience, n.: — chinachat- jinaso. quantity, n.: — cantida; mim'sae. quarantine, n.: — cuarentena. quarrel, v. i.; dispute; to contradict; to be at variance; tu disagree: — aguaguat; apulai; mumu. quarrel, n.; contention: — umaguaguat. quarrel, n.; obstacle; difliculty; vexa- tion; chagrin; indignation: — disgusto. quarrelsome, adj., adv.: — tagmomyon; tag-momye; ga-mimo. quarry, n.; stone quarry; cascajo quar- ry: — fanaclifian; cascajo; chechoacho. quart, n.; quarter of a gallon; a meas- ure: — cuatto. quarter (of the moon), n.: — cuatto. quarter-deck (of a ship), n.: — san tate. queen, n.: — raina. query, n.; question: — finaisen; question. question, v. tr., v. i.; to ask; to interro- gate: — faisen. question, v. i.; to hesitate; to doubt: — • duda; buebuente. question, n.; matter of dispute: — ques- tion. questionable, adj., adv.; undecided; undetermined; doubtful; dubious:— dudoso. quick, adj., adv.; agile; prompt: — cliadig; ]aa;sg. quick, adj., adv.; brisk; alert: — raaca- lamya; calamya. quick, adj., adv.; speedy: — sajyau. quick, adj., adv.; swift; fleet: — gusi. quickly, adv.; soon; swiftly: — ti-abmam.. quickness, v.; speed; activity: — ^ni listo; minacalamya. quicksilver, n.: — asogue. quicksilver, v. tr.; to cover with quick- silver: — asoguiye. quiet, v. i.; to quiet down; to become cool: — mamatquilo; mapau. quiet, adj., adv.; calm; at rest; tran- quil: — mamatquiquilo; tranquilo; cat- ma. quiet,- V. tr.; to heal: — na-majgong. quiet, adj., adv.; peaceful; tranquil; healthy: — majgong; saludable. quiet, V. tr.; to relieve; to alleviate: — na-lamajgong; alil.ia. quill, n.: — pulon-pajaro. quilt, n.; coverlet; counterpane — sobre cama. quilting seam, n.: — jinetbana; itbana. quit, V. tr.; to leave behind; to forsake; to desert; to abandon; to leave: — desampara; diiigo; polo. quiver, n.; throb; palpitation: — laulau. qviiz, V. tr.; to question: — frijon; ade- binaye. quote, V. tr.; to adduce a passage from some author or speaker: — sita; saiTgan. quote, V. tr.; to give the current price of; to make an offer: — ofrese. R. rabble, n.; noisy crowd or mob: — atborotao; man boroquento. race, n.; contest of speed: — carera. race, n.; sex; breed; variety: — rasa, racket, n.; tennis racket: — panag tenis. radiance, n.; brightness; luster: — mina- gas; linamlam; minalag. radiant, adj., adv.; emitting rays of light or heat: — malag; mamalag; figan. radiotelegraphy, ?i..- — telegrafla de radio, radish, n.: — rabanos. raffie, n.; lottery: — rifa; loteria. rafter, n.; inclined beam (or bamboo rods) supporting the roof of a house: — tijeras-guma. rag, 71.; a fragment of cloth: — talapos. rage, v. %.: — rabia; bubo; lalalo. ragged, atlj.; rent or worn into rags; destitute: — gof matiteg; masapalaiig; j a talapos. rails, n.; wooden or iron bar fence: — rejas. railing, n.; balustrade made of pillars; edge of billiard table: — -balandiyas. railroad, n.: — fero carit. railroad train, ?i..— fero carit. rain, n.: — uchan. rain, v. i.; to fall in drops from the clouds : — ti-uchan. rainy, adj.: — chataan. rainy season, n.: — fan uchanan; fa uata-anan. raise, v. tr.; to lift up; to pick up (from the floor); to erect:— jatsa; cajat. rake, ?i.; — painen basula. rally, v. tr.; to collect and arrange: — ma-famauleg; ma-aregla. ram, n.: — peson. ram, v. tr.; to stick; to stab: — togcha. ramble, i'. i.; to wander or rove about: — buetta; otadnon. rammer, n.; beetle; pestle: — falo. ramrod, )i.;gunstick: — baqueta; baque- tan paque. ranch, n.; farm: — ^lancho. rancid, adj., adv.; fetid: — ransio; bijo; majaiTgue. range, n.; kitchen range; stove: — fogon. rank, n.; position; grade: — ramo; grado. rap, V. tr. v. %.; to strike a quick, sharp blow; knock: — atan; adag; dacut. rapacious, adj.; greedy; avaricious: — hambriento; matai nalaiig. rapid, adj., adv.; very quick; swift: — sajyayau; gusisi; chadideg; sajyau; gusi; chadeg. rapture, n.; extreme pleasure or de- light: — tittimon minagof. rare 99 recreation rare, adj.. adv.: unusual: — escaso; ja=an; raro: ralo. rash, adj., adv.: hasty, incautious: — pinalala; jdpiualala. rash, n.; an eruption of the skin:— loclog jaga; ronchas. rat (the Norway, or brown, rat), n.: — chaca (mouse: chacan diquiqui: small rat). rate, n.: ratio; proportion: — poco mas 6 menos; a rason de. rather, adj.: much more; to the con- trary: — mas bien; maulegua. rather, adv.: sooner; more willingly: — mas bien; gusefia; chadegua. ration, n.: — pattida; rasion. rational, adj.. adv.: agi-eeable to reason; wise; judicious: — roinagofna; confot- meiia. rattle, n.: — matraca. rattle in the throat, v. i..— lolosos. rat trap, n.: — ocodon chaca. ravage, r. tr.: to lay waste; to pillage: — man yuyute; man despetdisia. rave, v. i.; to rage as a madman: — bubon inatmariao. raven, n.: — aga. ravenous, adj., adv.: greedy; voracious: — goloso; hambrieuto. raw, adj.; uncooked; crude; sore: — mata; ti masa. ray, n.; a line or pencil of light: — rayo; linian inina. raze, v. tr.; to level to the ground; to blot out: — rasa; funas. razor, n.; pocketknife: — nabaja. reach, v. tr.: to accomplish; to obtain; to attain; lo follow: — consigue; taca; jago. reach, r. tr., v. i.; to grasp: — gacha; jacot. read, v. i.; to pray: — taitai. ready, adj.. adv.; finished; complete: — monjayan; esta listo. ready, axlj., adv.; prepared at the mo- ment: — monjan; monjayan; magpo. ready! interj.: — esta! vesta! real, adj.; actually existing; genuine:^ magajet; minagajet; propio. real estate, n.; laud and all pertaining thereto: — propiedad tano. realization, ?i.; accomplishment:— jinaso; ma jaso. realize, r. tr.; to make real or actual: — na-magajet. reaUy, adv.; with actual existence; in truth: — magajejet; realmente (Sp.). realm, n.; state; empire: — imperio. reap, v. tr.; to cut with a scythe: — yabau. rear, n.; the part behind the rest; last in order: — tate; san tate. reason, n.; common sense: — rason. reasonable, adj., adv.; equitable; fair; low-priced; suitable; cheap: — barato; rasonable. reasonable, adj., adv.; sensible: — raso- nable; gai rason. rebel, v. tr., r. i.; to mutiny; to revolt; to assail; to seize; to attack: — embeste; jumaisamiento; jatsamiento. rebeUion, n.; tumult; insurrection: — jatsamiento. rebellious, adj., adv.; mutinous: — gai jvimatsamiento; iembeste. rebound, v. %.; to recoil: — rebotbida. rebuke, ??.,■ reprimand: — -lalatde. rebuke, v. tr.; to reprimand; to chide: — lalatde. recaU, v. tr.; to call back; to revoke: — na-majnao; talo tate; majfiao. recant, v. ir.; to deny: — pune. recede (water), v. tr., v. i.; to become dry: — apan. receipt, n.; acceptance:— rinesibe; re- sibo; acsepta; chule. receipt, n.; reception: — resibo; chule. receive, v. tr.; to accept: — resibe; acsepta. receive, v. tr.; to catch; to seize: — chajlau; jacot. recent, adj.; of late origin; new: — ti abmam; ti abmam jS. receptacle, n.; vessel: — nayan; sajguan. reception, n.; entertainment: — dibet- sion; minagof. recital, n.; narrative: — sinangan. recite, v. tr.; to repeat aloud from memory : — dinimemoria. reckless, adj., adv.: heedless of conse- quences; careless: — ti yodaje; are- batao. recklessness, n.; heedlessness; careless- ness: — descuidao; tai inadaje. reckon, r. ir.: to count or compute: — tufong; maiigioiig. recline, v. i.; to rest; to repose: — ap'fl; apo; clescansa. recognizance, n.; avowal; acknowledg- ment: — nireconose. recognize, v. tr.; to acknowledge: — reconose. recollect, v. tr.; to call to memory: — jaso; man jaso. recommend, v. tr.; commend: — reco- mienda. recommendation, n.: — r e c o m e n - dasion. reconcile, v. tr.; to atone; to expiate; to make reparation; to give satisfac- tion; to pay: — empas; na-a-famauleg. reconnoiter, v. tr.: — espia; man espia. record, n.; register; public document: — rejistro. record, v. ir.; to mark down; to note down : — apunta. recover, v. i.; to amuse one's self: — tatnon; tumatnon. recover, i'. i.; to recover from sickness: — jomlo; numalo. recovery, n.; restoration to health: — jinemlo; numalo. recreation, n.; amusement; refreshment after toil: — descanson y chechoi. recruit 100 reluctant recruit, n.: — recluta. rectify, v. tr.; to correct; to set right: — corije; na-dinanche; rectefica. rector, n.; clergyman: — cura. rectory, n.; parsonage; vicarage: — curate, recuperate, v. i.; to become less se- vere: — magong; l^magoiig. recur, v. i.; to return to the mind: — talon jumaso. red, adj.: — agaga. red, adj.; sun-burned:— dagua. reddish, adj., adv.; ruddy: — m eye agaga; medio agaga; ataga. redemption, n.; release; ransom: — redime. redress, n.; relief; reparation of wrong: — ma famauleg y nilache. reduce, v. tr.; to diminish; to make smaller: — na-la-diquiqui; rebaja; re- duse. reduction, n.; diminution: — nirebaja; dinesminuye. reed, v.; bamboo; cane: — ^piao; piau. reed pipe, n.; bamboo pipe: — cliigandd piau; tubon piau. reef the sails, v. tr.: — rise y layag. reel, ?i.; angler's implement; bobbin: — para mamalulon. refer, v. i.; to allude: — refiere. refine, v. tr.; to separate fi-om impurities; to educate or improve: — refina; na- gasgas. refit, V. tr.; to prepare afresh: — na- nuebo. reflect upon, v. tr., v. i.; to be of the opinion; to imagine; to conjecture; to think; to cogitate: — jaso; pinarejon jinaso. reflect, v. i.; to reflect lightly; to rever- berate (sound): — rebotbida. reflect, v. tr., v. i.; to throw back rays of light: — reflejo. reform, v. (.: — raanotsot; na-faiiotsot. refoi'm, v. i.; to make better; to cor- rect: — enmienda; na-laasentado; re- fotma. refract, v. tr.; to break the natural course of (light, vision, etc.): — jome. refractory, adj., arfy.; stubborn; coarse: — aguaguat. refrain, v. tr.; to abstain from action:— sustiene. refresh, v. tr.; to reinvigorate; to re- store: — na-lafresco; refresco. refreshing, adj., adv.; cool; fresh: — refreresco; fresco; aalibia. refreshment, n.: — nirefresco. refrigerate, v. tr.; to cool: — ^na-fresco; na-maneiTgj eiig . refrigerator, ?i.; ice box: — garapinera. refuge, n.; . protection from danger or disti'ess: — fanlijingan; refiijio; fana- t6gguan; fanatiigan. refuge, v. i.; to take refuge: — -refujiar; atog; lijeiig. refuge, n.; place of refuge; retreat; asylum: — lijeng; fan lijiiTgan. refusal, n.; rejection: — pinine; riniusa. refuse, v. tr.; to decline; to reject: — reusa; puni. refuse, n.; excrement: — t61a; indplacha. regain, v. tr.; to recover possession of; to get back: — chule talo. regard, v. tr.; to heed; to esteem: — repara. regardless of that, conj.; notwith- standing: — sin eso; sin enao; descui- dao. regime, n.; mode or system of govern- ment: — guinibietna; manera de pre- seder. regiment, n.: — rejimiento; batayon (battalion). region, n.; tract of country: — rejion; pedason tano. registrar, n.; official who keeps a rec- ord : — registradot. regret, n.; mental sorrow: — -siente; sentimiento. regret, v. tr.; to rue; to be sorry for; to repent: — mumanotsot; faiiotsot; puminite. regular, adj., adv.; uniform; methodi- cal: — regiilat. regulate, v. tr.; to bring under rule; to order; to organize: — aregla; regula. rehearsal, n.: — ensayo. rehearse, v. tr.: — ensayo. reign, n.: — rainado; gvunibietna. reign over, v. tr.; to rule; to dominate: — gobietna sobre; magase. rein, a.; bridle; curb: — rienda; freno. reinforce, v. tr.; to strengthen: — na- lafitme. reiterate, v. tr.; to repeat:— repite; repete. reject, v. tr.; to refuse: — reusa. rejoice, v. i.; to be glad: — mumagof. relate, v. tr., v. i.; to tell; to describe: — sangan; esplica. related, adj.; kin: — pum arientes. relatives, n.; kin: — parientes; paren- tela sija. relax, v. tr., v. i.; to slacken; to enervate; to become enervated: — cumacalo; aflo- ja; numaba. relaxed, adj., adv.; flabby; soft; loose: — flojo; nabai. release, v. tr.; to recover; to save; to redeem; to ransom: — rescata; masotta. relent, v. i.; to jdekl:— sede. relics, n.: — reliquias. relief, 71.; mitigation; alleviation; eas- ing: — descanso; alibio. relieve, v. tr.; to free from pain, suffer- ing, or grief: — na-magof ; alibia; consu- ela. __ religion, n.: — relijion (jinenguen para as Yuus). religious, adj., adv.; devout; pious: — deboto; rclijioso. relish, v. tr.; to enjoy: — gusto; maiigue; £;osa . reluctant, oi;.,- unwilling; disinclined: — ti magof; maldispuesto. remain 101 resist remain, v. i.; to be left over: — tenjan; ?obbla. remark, n.; observation; (•omment: — obsetbasion; ni'repara; nota. remarkable, adj.. adv.; extraordinary; uncommon: — atituyiytvn; notable, remedy, n.; an efficacious medicine: — remedia; amte. remedy, v. tr.; to prepare; to put in order: — famauleg; remedia; na-sano. remind, v. tr.; to put in remembrance; TO call to mind of: — recuetda; jiua- eonnaijon; jaso; jasuye. remand, r. tr.; to remind some one: — na-iaso; jasuye. remiss, adj., adv.; negligent; slack; slovenly: tarrjdug; loitering: — descui- dao: fl'ojo. remit, v. tr.; to transmit money: — remite; na-manae. remittance, n.; a sum of money trans- mitted : — niremite. remnant, n.: — tenja.n; y sebbla. remnant of the betel nut (which is thrown away after chewing), n.: — amama; ame. reracnstrate, r. tr.; lo expostulate; to argue with : — protesta; embeste opone . remote, adj., adv.; isolated; lonesome; se- cluded: — miaisa; solo; estraiio; chiuago. removal, n.; transfer: — traslada; ma na calamtenna; ma na janauna. remove, v. i.; to change location: — remuebe; ago. remove, v. tr.; to peel off (the meat from the bone): — despega; faisensine. remove, i. tr.; to lake away; to send away: — na-janau: apatta; remuebe. remunerate, v. tr.; to recompense: — recomperisa; remonera. renev/, c. tr.; to restore; to renovate: — renueba. renev/al, v.; renovation; revival: — ma na nuebuna; nirenueba. renounce, v. tr.; to abdicate; to swear off: — renunsia; rechasa. renovate, v. tr.; to restore: — renueba; riu-gasgas. rent, n.; tear; fissure: — rasguno. rent, c. tr.; to let by lease; to farm out: — aiienda; adquila. rental, n.; amount of rent: — adquilet; adquilon. renunciation, n.; disavowal; rejection: — - nirenunsia. reparation, n.; expiation: — apas; expia- sion; inempas. repeat, v. i.; to reiterate: — sesuye; repite: sangan talo. repel, r. tr.; to drive back: — chanda; seja; janau tate. repent, v. tr.; to regret; to rue; to be sorry for: — fanotsot; repenta. repentance, n.; pain: — pinite; sinetsot. replenish, v. tr.; to fill up a^ain: — sajguane talo; na-bula; reyena. : replete, adj.; completely filled up; full : — bula; IJeno; jeno. reply, v. tr.; to answer :—conte8ta; ojpe. report, n.; account; relation; connec- tion: — inanogcha; cuenta; manifiesta; natuiigo. repose, v. i.; to rest:— descansa. reprehensible, adj.; deserving censure; culpable: — lalat-diyon; isau; culpable; sensurable. represent, v. tr.; to set forth; to display; to exhibit: — representa. representation, n.; exhibit; view; ap- pearance : — representasion; nirepre- senta. representative, n.: — representante. repress, v. tr.; to quell; to suppress: — sujeta; sostiene. reprimand,!', tr.; to reprove: — lalatde. repro8.ch, v. tr.; to upbraid :^ — reprende; ma nota. reprobate, n.; a profligate person: — desapruebao; bisioso. reprove, v. tr.; to denounce; to chide; to scold; to treat roughly: — aguaguate; lalatde; desaprueba. reptile, n.: — tagpapa; guiging; culebla. republic, n.: — repablica. repudiate, v. tr.; to spurn; to throw away; to cast away: — desecha; reniinvsia. repugnant, adj.; highly distasteful; offensive : — chatpago ; desabrido. repulse, r. tr.; to push back; to thrust back: — rechasa; chanda; na-fapos. reputation, n.; fame: — fama; honra; maulegila naan. request, n.; entreaty: — ginagau; soli- sita; gagau. req-oiem, n.; mass for a deceased per- son: — misan animas. I require, v. tr.; to lay claim to: — gagau; j pretende; nesesita; cobla. I rescue, r. tr.; to liberate; to set free from danger; — na-libre; satba; rescata. i rescue, n.; salvation: — satbasion; ni- ! libre. ! research, n.; careful inquiry: — rebista; I guinef aiigau ; guefaberigua. resemble, v. tr.; to have similarity to: — pumarejo; pumarereio; umachul§. resembling, adj., adv.; similar: — ja- ; chaigua; umachule; pumarerejo. ' resent, v. tr.; to consider as an injury or affront: — na-lamen; na-famadese. reserve, v. tr.; to keep in store; to hold back: — resetba; na-sajngue; deposita. reservoir, n.; water reservoir: — depo- siton janum; fina taiTgque. residence, n.; domicile: — sagayan; resi- densia. resign, ;. tr.; to surrender formally; to withdraw from: — basta; para; resigna. resin, n.; rosin: rubber: — daiiguis; brea. resinous, adj.: — mi-danguis; cadangues; dangsong; ca brea. resist, r. tr.; to oppose: — resiste; opone; rechasa; chaba. resistance 102 reward resistance, n.; opposition: — resistSn- sia; inopone; chindba: nirechiiea. resisting', adj., adv.; refractory; oppoe- ine: — ppopone; chachaba; rochachiisa. resolution, ii.; resolve; — deaision; repo- lu.si6u; dinototmina; miuatatiH;a. resolve, v. tr.; to intend: — jasuye. resource, n.; source ()f help or supplj-; expedient: — habio; guinaja; inayuda. respect, n.; regard; esteem; deference: — respeto; inestima. respect, r tr.; to honor; to esteem: — respeta; estima. respected, adj.; hiphly repirded; es- teemed: — respetao; ma-estima; mima- respeta. respite, n.; term; fixed period: — plaso; tiempo. respond, r. Ir.; to answer; to reply:— responde; ope; contesta. responsible, adj.; iuvolvinG; responsi- bility: — responsable. rest, >'. i.; to rest on a foundation: — fatachong; doscansa. rest, V. i.; to repose: — descansa; maigo. rest, n.; quiet; peace: — descanso; quieto; tranquilo. restless, adj.; turbulent: unquiet: — lebog; tai-quinieto; tai-minajgoiiTr. restitution, n.; compensation; amends: — apas; niniinalo; debuetta. restore, c. //•.,• to bring back to it* former strength; to renew: — na-tai- guijeja; reuueba; na saga talo. restrain, v. tr.; to check; to repress: — impide; apreta. restrict, v. tr.; to confine; to limit:— na-gailimite; poiTgle; ua-gaichi. restriction, )}.; limitation; confine- ment: — roinidiye; pineilgle. result, V. i.; to follow as a consequence: — resutta; junuiyoiTgiia; jiniyoiigiia. resvilt, n.; consequence: — jumuyongfia; jiniyongna; jumuyuiTg pot jaia. resurrection, n.: — linala tataotao talo; linala talo; numalo jaane; ninalo linala. resuscitate, v. tr.: — na-lala talo. retail, i\ tr.; to sell in small quantities: — aminudo. retail price, n.: — presion anainudo. retain, v. tr.; to hold or keep in posses- sion: — resetba; guarda. retaliate, v. ir.; to return by gi\-ing like for like: — binengga; desquata. reticent, adj.; silent; reserved: — quieto; mamatquilo. retire, v. i.; to withdraw; to retreat; to recede: — na-janao; janao; retira. retired, adj.; solitary; economical; fru- gal: — retirao; sumajiigue; recojido. retort, v. tr.; to return, as an argument; inci\-ility; censure; accusation; to de- mur; to oi)pose; to object; to put in by way of reply: — aguaguate; man- open lalalo; opone; lalatde t51o. retract, i. tr.; to rescind; to recant: — nanalo y finijo; retractor. retreat, n.; privy: — escusao; beque; y ([uemon; comon. retribution, n.; reward or punishment suitable to the action:— sinapet nia.u- leg; apas; apas pat castigo segv'in y niach6gue. retrograde, adj.; going or moving back- ward: — sumeseja; jumandnaotate. return, v. tr.; to restore; to make resti- tution: — nalo; nandlo. return, v. %.; to come back a;rain: — tunialo-tate; majnau. return thanks, r. tr.; to express grati- tude about; to acknowledge indebted- ness for: — agradese. reunion, n.-; a festive gathering of famil- iar friends or associates:— re uni6n; inetnon; nilajyan. reveal, v. ir.; to make plain or e\'ident; to discover; to disclose: — descubre; na-tungo; na-anog. revenge, n.; retribution; vengeance: — ineniog; emog; bengansa. revenue, n.; the general income of a go^■ernment; taxes; customs: — redito (y jumajalom gui gobietn<.> pot apas aduana, lisensia, etc.). revenue officer, n.: — aduanero. revere, ;•. tr.; to regard with fear mingled with respect and affection; to rever- ence: — lionra; respeta: reberensia. reverence, n.; veneraiion; honor; re- spect: — respeto; reberensia; honra. reverse, v. tr.; to turn upside down; to change entirely: — na-atlibes; na-di- lug; na-deiTga; anula. revert, v. tr.; to turn back; to change: — majiiau. review, v. tr.; to reexamine: to look back: — rebista; repasa; ecsamina talo. revile, v. tr.; to reproach; to abuse: — calumnia; injuria; despresia. reviler, n.; slanderer; calumniator: — dideshonra; calumniadot. revise, v. tr.; to correct: — na-dinanche; rebista; repasa. revival, n.; renewal of life: — lumala; jomlo talo; jinemlo. revoke, v. tr.; to countermand; to vv'ith- drav.-; to abolish; to dismiss: — deroga; nanalo y finijo; rebuelbe: rebuetbe. revolt, V. ir., v. (.; to rebel; to mutiny; to assail: — embeste; yauyau. revolution, n.; uprising: — inUinon li- najyan; rebolusion. revolve, v. i.; to turn around (as on an axis); to roll in a circle:— quilolog; buetta; lilico. revolver, n.; pistol: — rebuelbe; re- buetbe. revulsion, n.; sudden change of feel- ing: — nunamaichech.6; reacsion; re- boision. reward, n.; recompense; thanks; grati- tude ; a c k n o w 1 e d g m e n t : — ninae; premio; agradesimiento; inagradeee; gratificasi6n. rhetoric 103 rough rhetoric, n.; the art of speakine; with eloquence and force: — retorica. rheurxiatism, n.: — reuma; mamuten tataotao. rib, ?).; curved bone supporting; the lateral wall of the thorax: — costiyas. rice, n.: — pug-as; fae; jinegsa. rice (not hulled), n.: — fae. rice field, n.: — famaayan. rice soup, /?.; — alaguan. rich, adj.: wealthy; opulent: — migiii- naja; rico; miiyo. rich, iidj., adv.; productive; yielding; fertile: — ganansioso; probechoso. riddle, n.; enigma; puzzle: — inadibina. ride, v. tr., v. i.; to ride on horseback or in a vehicle: — udai; maudai. rider, n.: — y mauudai; mamaudai. ridicule, r. (r.; to ridicule some one; to talk about the faults of others: — chatgue; fa-macheiTg (ga cumuentos pot otro taotao: gossip; one who talks about others). ridiculous, adj., adv.: — chatgiyon; ehatgon; butlon. riding whip, n.; rod; switch: — balas; bast on (latticework in the roof of the native houses, to which are fastened the braided cocoa-palm leaves: balas guma). rifle, a.; gun: — paque; rifle, rifle range, n.: — ^bianco; famaquiyan. right, adj.; just; truthful; correct; fit; true: — tunas; mauleg; dinanche; justo; magajet. right-hand, adv.; on the right hand; to the right: — agapa; gui agapa. rigid, adj.; stiff; inflexible: — tiso; fitme. rim, n.; border; margin: — canto; banda; oriya; rencon. rind, n.: — lasas jayo pat fruta. ring, n.: — aniyo. ring, n.; ear; handle; hook: — dililing. ring, V. tr.; to ring a bell; to strike a string; to play a musical instrument: — ■ dandan;^ diliiTgdiiTg. rip, V. tr.; to tear: — titeg; sise. ripsaw, n.: — chachag manise. ripe, adj.; mature; ready for harvest: — sacan; toa; masa. ripe, adj., adv.; done; cooked sufficient- ly : — masa. ripen (fruit), v. t.;— mumasa. ripeness, n.; maturity: — niinasa. rise, V. i.; to ascend; to begin to stir: — cajulo; jatsa; cajat. rise (the sun), v. tr., v. %.; to get up:— cajulo. rising, adj.; increasing: — aunaenta; ade- ianta; lumalattilo. rising, adj., adv.; growing; increasing (moon): — cresiente; quinajujulo. rising water, ?i.; — jinafn6 y tasi. risk, 71.; hazard; venture; dare: — riesgo; peligro. risk, V. tr.; to hazard; to venture; to dare: — atrebe; ariesga; riesgo. rival, 71.; one who strives to equal or excel another; competitor: — ribal; con- trdrio. river, n.; strearrf — sadog. rivet, V. tr.; to clinch: — reniacha. road, n.; path; street: — chalan. roam, v. i.; to ramble; to wander about aimlessly: — ^bagamundo; ga jumdnao. roar, ??.; cry of a large animal; loud noise: — palaiS^pang; eaten fuimedog. roast, V. tr.: — tunu; na-toeta; asadot; asao. roast, V. tr.; to broil; to fry; to season:— guisa. roasting spit, n.: — asadot. rob, V. tr.; to plunder; to deprive by force; to despoil: — amot; chuleguan; fan-en- tayag. robber, ?^.,• thief: — saqui; atayag; ladr6n. robe, n.; loose outer garment: — sotana. robust, adj., adv.; strong; vigorous: — fotte; fuette: masajegat; metgot; ro- busto; fuetsudo. robust, adj., adv.; stubby, short and thick: — fotnido. rock, n.; cliff; stone: — acho. rock, V. tr.; to rock a child in the cradle: — chucan. rocker, n . ; rocking chair: — siyan machucan. rocket, n.: — cojetes. rogue, 71.; cheat; villain; thief: — picaro; tonante. roll, V. i.; to turn with circular motion: — galileg. roU, 71..- — flnalulon; royo. roU, V. tr.; to roll a barrel:— na-galileg. roll together, v. tr., v. i.; to coil up; to curl up: — faiulon. roU, V. tr.; to roll together hurriedly: — apedelog. roller, 7i.: — royo. roof, n.; top covering of a house: — atof. roof (made of coco-palm leaves), n.: — atof-jigae. room, 71.; chamber; apartment: — apo- sento; cuatto. roomy, adj., adv.; wide; broad: — ma'- guag; majuto. roost (the pole or perch upon which a number of fowls rest at night), n.: — fan maigiian manog. rooster, n.: — gayo. root, n.: — jale. root out, V. tr.: to ■^ub up; to clear; to break down the withered branches of a palm tree: — yabau; toto; ja^le. rope, n.; cord: string; line: — tale; cuetdaa. rosary, n.; necklace: — lisayo. rose, n.: — rosa. rosin, n.; resin; rubber: — danguis. rot, V. i.; to spoil: — ^lamas; putlilo; majaiTgue. rot (fruit), v. i.: — bocha; lamas, rough, adj., adv.; uneven; rugged: — calaton; bronco. rough, adj., adv.: — maculatun; bastes. rough 104 salable rough, adj., adv.: inattentive; irreAer- eiit; disrespectful; rude; coarse: — desa- tento. rough draft, n.; day bdbk: — boradot. round, adj., adv.: circular; rotund (ball, roll of writing, scroll, etc.): — adamelong. roundabout way, n.: a way back; return: — buelta; buetta. route, n.; course; journey; march: — rumbo; chalan; cutso. rover, n.; fickle person: — bagamundo; picaro. row, 11.; line; file: — fila. row (referring to a fence), «.; — ensatto. row (of houses;, n.: — jilera; eiiglera. rub, V. tr.: to brush; to scrape or scratch off: — jotyat. rub, V. tr.; to knead; to apply massage; to press: — lasa. rub, V. tr.; to rub smooth; to smooth out: — rasa, rub out, V. tr.; to scrape out; to clear (of sin); to put an end to: — funas. rubbish, n.; debris (in building opera- tions) : — antupa. rudder, n.: — timon. ruddy, adj.; reddish: — medio (or meyo) agaga; ataga. rude, adj., adv.; coarse; feeble-minded: — modoro. rude, adj., adv.: rough; inattentive; irreverent; disrespectful: — desatento. rude, adj., adv.; uncivil; ill-bred; imper- tinent: — naoson; impettinente. rue, V. tr.; to be sorry for; to regret; to repent : — f anotsot. rug, n.; floor covering: — atfombra. ruin, V. tr.; to destroy; to demolish: — desjase; desase. ' ruin, V. tr.; lay waste; desolate ; devastate ; to consume; to devour: — arasa: des- petdisia. rule, V. tr.; to dominate; to reign over: — goje; domina. rule, 11.; order: — finamauleg. ruler, n.; one who rules: — ymanare- regla; magas. ruler, n.; instrunent for ruling lines: — regla. rummage, v. tr.; to search carefully for: — guef reconose. rumor, n.; popular report; current story: — rumot; cuentos. run, V. i.; to move quickly; to flee for escape: — falago; malago. runner, n.; one who runs; racer: — fafalago. run aground, v. i.; to go ashore; to get stalled; to strand: — gane. run arou:ad idly, v. i.: — tumatatnon. run away, v. i.; to escape (a danger); — escapa. run away, v. ?".; to escape: — falago. run away, v. i.; to jump: — pechau; pechao. run through, v. tr.; traverse; to go through: — adotgan. rupture, n.: — tumunog tilipas. rupture, n.; inguinal: — chinada. rush, V. i.; to move or press forward with impetuosity; to enter with undue eagerness: — achaicag; tugui^; tugoiig. rust, n.: — taque lulog. rustle, V. i.; to murmur; to whisper: — besbes. rusty, adj.; covered with rust: — tinaque rut, n.; the track of a wheel; groove hollow: — carit; chalan ruedan car eta s. saber, n.: — sable. ' sack, n.; bag; pouch: — costat; botsa. sacrament, n.; the Eucharist: — comu- nion. sacred, adj.; consecrated; inviolable: — santos; ma na santos; sagrado. sacrifice, v. tr.: — entrega; sacrifica. sacrilegious, adj.; violating sacred things: — sacrilego (tinae respeto ni manantos sija na giiinaja). sad, adj., uflv.; in bad humor; full of grief:— triste; tai-minagof; penite. sadden, v. tr.; to make sad: — na- triste; na-tiiiminagof; na-penite. saddle, n.: — siya (para y tatal6 gaga); aparejo. saddle pad, n.; saddle roll; also fang; tusk: — cotniyos. safe, adj., adv.; free from danger; se- cure: — taipeUgro; seguro. safety, n.; freedom from danger: — tinaepeligro; sineguro. saffron, n.: — mailgo; asafrdn. sag, 11. i.; to sink down; to yield: — mangag; umaso; nina aso; iniiigag. sagacious, adj.; ingenious; quick- ^Adtted: — tomtom; faye; listo. sage, adj., adv.; ■ndse; discerning; well- judged; discriminating: — sabio; tom- tom; mejnalom (mauleg man jaso van manjusga). sail, n.: — layag. sail, V. i.; to bo nnved by a sail: — layag; lumayag. sail, V. tr.: to navigate: — na-iayag; nabegar (y ma na jdnau y batco gui jilo janom). sailor, n.; mariner; seaman: — ^^marino; marinero. sails, n. pi.: — bela (Chinese sail-;: belan China; cross sail: belan crus; Latin sail: belan Latin). saint, adj., adv.; holy; sainted; blessed: — santos. salable, adj., adv.; vendible; venal: — bendiyon. salad 105 scandal salad, n..— ensalada. salary, n.; recompense for service ren- ck-ffd; stipend: — suetdo; apas. sale, II.: — benta. saliva, n.; slaver: — tela; babas (slaver- ing bib: fanolaan; babadot). sallow, adj.; of a pale, sickly color: — bogsion. salmon, n.: — salmon; satmon. salt, /(..• — asiga. salt broth, n.: — cliigiian. saltcellar, //.; — salero. salted, adj.: — inasne; ma-asen. salted beef, n.: salt meat: — inasnen catne; satmuera. salted fish, n.: — asnentucon. salt-making plant, ?;..■ — salinas. salty (sea water), a,dj.: — faet. salubrious adj.; healthy: — nalala; na jomlo; saludable. salvage, n.; compensation for saving a vess-el or cargo at sea: — apas pat facae pot y ma satban y batco pat y catgaiia gui tase. salve, n.; fat ointment: — ingguente; junto, salver, n.; plate: — eplato; plato; ban- deja. sample, v. tr.; to taste food: — tamtam; chague. sample, n.; parable; example:— ejem- plo. sample, n.; pattern: — muestra. sanctimoniousness, n.: — cad6 dine- boto; calan sinantos. sanction, n.; approval; approbation: — aprobasion; inaprueba. sand, n.: — linai. sandals, n.; shoes of coarse leather: — doga; sandalias. sandpaper, n.: — papet asero. sandwich, n.: — inafuyot mantiquiya yan catne gui pan. sandy, adj.: — ni-unai; liifio. sandy beach, n.; strand: — canton unai; inai. sane, adj.; mentally sound or healthy: — mauleg iiuna; sano. sanguinary, adj.; murderous; cruel; at- tended with much bloodshed: — psgno; tailaye; taiase. sanitary, adj.; hygienic: — gasgas; ti na malaiigo. sap, n.; juice (of trees, fruits, etc.): — chugo. sapience, n.; ^visdom; knowledge: — minejnalom; tiningo. sapling, n.; a young tree: — patgon na trongco. sarcasm, n.; bitter, sarcastic expres- sion:— quinase. sash, n.; window sash; frame for hold- ing panes of glass: — cuadron bentana (para uguiniot y espejos). satan, n.; the devil: — inagiTganite; satanas. sate, V. tr.; to satiate; to fill to repletion; to satisfy: — na-jaspog; na-bula. sated, adj., p. p.; satiated: — jaspog; bula. satiate, v. tr.: — tujus; bula; jaspog. satire, n.; sarcasm; ridicule: — satira (un sinaiigan pat cuentos anae ma na gogof anog y tindilaye pat inechoiig). satisfaction, n.; contentment; gratifica- tion: — minagof; ninajoiTg; quinen- tento; sinatisfecho. satisfied, adj., adv.; cheerful; delighted; joyous; merry; gay: — dibettido; magof ; najong; satisfecho. satisfy, v. tr.; to gratify; to pay in full: — na-magof; na-empas; na-satisfecho. saturate, v. tr.; to soak; to imbue: — jinatme; chinepchop. Saturday, n.: — sabalo. sauce, n.; condiment: — satsa; salsa; fina-dene; quelagiiin. saunter, v. i.; to wander about idly: — lumauya; tumatnon. sausage, n.: — chorisos. savage, adj., adv.; fierce; wild: — macha- leg; ti mafanagiie; taiase. savage, n.: — taotao jalum tano. save, V. tr,; to rescue: — na-libre; satba. sa-^dng, adj., adv.; niggardly; t- rii'ty; frugal; scanty: — guefmanaquijom; yodaje. saving, n.: — inio; inadaje; ninasdj- iTgue. savior, n.: — nanalibre; sasatba; satba- dot. savor, n.; fiavor; taste; scent: — pau; tinamtam. saw, n.; cutting steel instrument with a toothed edge : — chachag. saw, V. tr.; to cut with a saw; to cut: — chachag. sawdust, n.: — aserin. sawmill, n.: — maquinan chachag, , sav7 set (for setting teeth of saws), n.: — traban chachag. say, V. tr.; to relate; to speak; to utter; to declare: — sangan. say nothing, v. i.; to keep silent: — famatquilo. scab, n.; scurf; itch: — ^late; bosbos. scaffolding, n.; staging: — andamio; andame. scald, V. tr.; to burn with hot liquid or steam: — na-paco; na-matuno (gui ja- iiom maipe pat mantica). scale, n.: — ^pesadot; balansa. scales, n.; scurf (on the skin): — go'naf; escama. scalp, n.: — y lasas gui sanjil6 na banda gui ilo. scam.p, n.; rascal: — inguinon na tao- tao; picaru na taotao; ti mauleg na taotao; tailaye na taotao. scam.per, v. i.; to hasten away: — pechao; malago; umescapa. scandal, n.; opprobrium; defamation; dis- grace: — escandalo; tailaye na ejemplo. scant 106 seal scant, adj., adv.; scarcely sufficient: — didide; cana ti najoiTg. scapegoat, n.; one who bears the blame lor others: — ayu y cumacatga y isao y pumalo. scapnlary, n.; monastic habit: — esca- pulario. scar, n.; weal; mark: — piliau; paladan; anmasilan. scar, n.; wound; mark: — anmasiian; paladan. scarce, adj., adv.; not plentiful; seldom met with: — ecalag; jalag; escaso; apenas. scare, v. tr.; to frii^hten; to strike with sudden terror: — fanagiie; aminasa; na- maa'iiao; joiigaiTg. scare, n.; a sudden fright or panic: — aminaso; minaailao. scare away, v. tr.; to frighten off: — espanta. scared, adj. : — lujan; espantao. scarf, w.; a light handkerchief or tie for the neck: — goden agaga; dtmadot. scarlet, adj.; of a bright red color: — agaga; didog agagaiia. scarlet fever, n.: — escatlatina; un clasen calentura. , scatter, v. tr.; to strew out (seed): — caJaiigcangue; satpe. scatter apart, r. tr.; to strew asunder: to dispel; to disperse: — chalapun. scattered, adj.; spread; diffused; dis- seminated (sickness, teachings, etc.): — machalapun. scavenger, n.; any animal that devours refuse: — basurero; masea jafa na g§,ga ni ja cacano y anyut§. scene, n.; the time, place, or circum- stance in which anything occurs: — esena; y tiempo yan y lugat anae ma susede masea jafa. scent, n.; odor; sense of smell; chase followed by means of the scent: — pau; pao; rastro. scent, V. tr.; to get a scent: — ongingue. scepter, n.; the sovereign's staff : — setro; y baston ni jachtichule y rae pat emperadot. scholar, n.; student:— manungo; disi- pulo; estudiante. school, n.: — escuela. schooner, n.; two-masted vessel: — goleta. science, n.; wisdom; systematic know- j ledge: — tiningo. j scientific, adj., adv.; skillful; skilled i in science: — mejnalom; tomtom gui j tiniiTgo. scissors, n.; rafters: — -tijeras. i scoS, V. tr.; deride; calumniate: — ada. scold, V. tr.; reprove; to chide; to treat roughly : — lalatde. scoop, (^mason's), n.; trowel: — cuchalan atbanit. scope n.; room or opportunity for free outlook or action; aim or intention: — lugat or guindelugat; libettdd (para inatituye pat quinalamten). score, n.; bill; account: — cuenta. scorn, n.; contempt; disdain; derision: — despresio; mofa; minefea.; butla. scorpion, n.: — alacran. scoiuidrel, n.; man without honor or virtue; low, worthless fellow: — picaru; bruto. scour, V. tr.; to rub; to brush; to shave; to scrape; to scratch: — giiesgiies. scoiu'ge, n.: — epidemia; castigo; cala- midad. scow, n.; lighter; large flat-bottomed boat with square ends: — champan; sampan. scramble, v. i.; to clamber with the hands and feet: — fedos; chaicague. scrap, n.; a small or detached piece: — pedasito. scrape, v. tr.; to rasp: — guasguas. scrape, v. tr.; to scratch; to scour: — guesgues. scra.pe off, i'. tr.; to scratch off; to brush; to rub: — jotyat; raspa. scratch, v. tr.: — etses; casas; ca'guas. scratch (hens), r. tr.; to dig: — guadog. screw^, n.: — totniyo. screw driver, n.: — destoniyadot. scrimmage, n.; general row or tussle: — inaguaguat. Scriptures, n.; Biblical text; the Bible; Old and New Testaments: — y santos na tinigue sija; y biblia. scrub, V. tr.; to clean or scour: — bale; guasguas. scrupulous, adj., adv.: — dange; escrupu- loso. scull, 71.; — ^calabera. sculptor, n.: — escultor. scum, 71.; foam; froth: — espuma; boan. scum, n.; impurities on surface of boil- ing liquids: — natas. scurf, 11.; scales (on the skin): — escama. sea, n.; lagoon: — laguna; jagoy. sea, n.: — tasi; tase. seal, n.: — seyo; signo. soahng w^ax, 7i.: — lacre. seam, n.; line formed by the sewing of two pieces of material together: — corejilo; costura. seam, n.; edge; selvage: — matgen; oriya. seaman, n.; mariner: — marinero. seamstress, n.; needlewoman: — Ges- ture ra. search, v. tr.; to view; to visit; to in- spect; to overlook; to control: — egaga. seasons (of the year), n.: — estasiones; y tiempo sija gui sacan. seat, n.; chair; post or authority: — tachong. seat, V. %.; to seat one's self: — fatachong. secluded 107 set secluded, adj., adv.; lonesome; lonely; solitary; off-lying; remote: — suinaj- ngue; mamaisa; aislado. seclusion, n.: — sinajngue. second, n.: — ^segundo. second; immediately following, adv.: — y tinate; y tatate. secondarily; in the second place, cidv. : — gui tinate; sumegugundc. secret, /i.;— ti tungtion na minagajet; secreto. security, n.; warranty; bail: — finia; fiansa; inasegura. security, n.; earnest money; pledge; pawn: — aras; sineguro; promesa. sedate, adj., adv.; sober; earnest; serious; grave : — f otmat. sediment, n.; yeast: — asiento. see, V. tr., v, i.; to look; to glance lii; lig. see, V. tr., v. i.; to learn through signs: atutuye; atiende. seed, ?i.; stone; kernel (of fruits, etc.) fenso; siembra; pepitas; semiya. . seedy, adj.; shabby: — miserable; oda. seek, V. tr., v. i.; search for; to try to find; to be in quest of: — aligau; egaga. seek information, v. i.: — infotma; ofaesen; que tuiigo. seem, v. i.; to appear; to pretend: — calan. seeming, adj., adv.; apparent: — calan pumarerejo; umachaigua; aparente. seemly, adj., adv.; decent; decorous: — desente. segregate, v. tr.; to separate from others: — ^na-suja; na-sajngue. seize, v. tr., v. i.; to attack; to assail: — embeste. seize, v. tr.; to fasten; to pack; to hold fast: — guot. seize, i'. tr.; to catch; to receive: — chajlau; mantiene. seizure, n.; sudden attack, as of a dis- ease: — ataque; achaque. select, V. tr.; to make choice of; to pick out:— ayig. seldom, adj., adv.; a few times; scarce rare: — jalag; ecalag. select, V. tr.; to adopt (as one's own child): — ganye. selected, adj.; preferred: — guinanye; mdayeg. seK, n.; one's own person: — maisa. selfish, adj.; egotistical: — demasiao ja- goflien maisa giii; chatao. selfishness, n.; niggardliness; avarice: — codxsia; chinatao. self-control n.; self-denial: — chinema maisa; jinilat maisa; punen m4isa. self-seeking, adj., adv.; selfish; greedy: — jenngan; interesao. sell, V. tr.; to dispose of for pay; to vend: — bende. aell at auction, v. tr.; to confiscate: — embatga; ma atmoneda. 4562—18 8 • semblance, n.; likeness: — pinarejo; d,chaigua. send, V. tr.; to cause to go; to dispatch: — tago. send away, v. tr.; to take away: — na-janau. send on in advance, v. . sickness, n.; illness: — ci^etnot; mina- laiigo. side, r.: — lac; '"■inclp; r.riyp. side, n.; part; — ealagixag: "choiigfin. siding, n.; turnout on the road ; — dinanai; oriya; luga. siege, n.: — ma-colat (y ma oriyayen un siuda ni nilajyan sendalo para uma ciue chul§). sieve, n.; filter; inlet; passage: — <561adot; lanjaluman. sieve, v. tr.; to put through the sieve; to sift: — cula. sift. V. tr.; to put through the sieve: — cula. sigii, r. i.; to lament; to complain: — suspires; ugung; ugiuigue. sigh, n.: — suspires; iuigoiig. sight, n.; act of seeing; power of vision; — iiiiie. sign, n.; mark; token; symbol; sign- board: — mate a; seiiat; p»euda. sign, V. tr.: — fLtma. signal, n.: — sehas. signal, V. tr.; to make signals to; — senas. signature, n.: — fitma. significant, adj., adv.; expressive; im- portant : — imp ottante ; gdisustansia. silence, n.; absence cf sound; — finat- quilo. silent, adj.; close; kept secret: — fafat- quilo; quieto. silent, adj., adv.; taciturn; peaceable; cautious ; — cayao ; raaguini . silent, V. %.; to become silerit; to grow dumb; — umudo. silk, n.: — seda. silly, adj.; stupid; thickheaded: — -tonto; bababa. silver 110 slim silver, ?!..■ — salape; plata. silver plate, v. tr : to silver: —platea; salapie. silversmith, n.: — platero. sinaila:'', adj.; resembling; equal: — aya; acha\j;ua; parejn. simple, adj., adv.: not complex; una- dorrnd; natural: — simple; manso; tdi- liduluo. simpleton, n.; ninny: — bababa; tai- tini%6; caduco. simultaneous, adj., adv.; happening, done, or existing at the same time: — gumagachong-; sumisija; guigo. sin, 71.: guilt; crime: — isau; isao. sin, r. I.; to willfully transgress: — ume- chong; umisao. since, -prep.; from a given time till now: — desde. sincere, adj., adr.: — niagajet. since olden times: — abm.an; desde anto.-^; jagas. since when? — desde ng-aian? sinew, n.; tendon; vein; nerve; fiber: — _ gagat. sinews, n.; tendons (on meat): — costrafas. sing, V. i.: — canta. singer, n.: — csintot; y cacanta. single, adj., adv.: sole; solitary; iso- lated : — uno ja; mamaisa. single, adj.; unpiarried: — sottero. singular, adj., adv.; unique: — tinico; sumajngue; mamaisa ja. sink, r. i.; to go down; to founder: — niafondo. sinner, n.: — chechetan; pecadot; y umii.-'.ao. sinner, n.; debtor: — gai-isau; iisau. sip, r. tr.: to imbibe in small quanti- ties ; — ch op ch op . sir, n.: — senot. siren, n.; foghorn: — sirena; culii. sister, n.; brother: — chela; chelo. sister-in-law, n.: — cunada (y quiiia- . dajo). sit, -v. ;.; to occupy a seat: — matachoiig. sit down:^ — fatacho^ or tachong. sitting, adj.; resting on the haunches: — matatachong. situation, n.; position: — posision; situa- sion six, adj..: — sais; seis. sixth, adj.: — sesto; y mina sais. six hundred, adj.: — sais sientos. sixty, adj.: — sesenta. size, n.; greatness: — y minedun^. skein of thread, «..— madeja. skeleton, n.: — esqaeleto; atmason. sketch, V. tr.; to sketch a plan: — pen- taye. skilled, adj.; experienced; versed: — es- periinentao; prtictico. skillful (in small work"), adj.: — abit. skiiKul, adj., adv.; learned; educated:— rualati; i'aye. skin, n.; rind; husk; crust: — lasas. skin, c. tr.; to peel: — lasas; sufan. skip. 7'. tr.; to leap lightly over; to omit: — agua; gope. :skipper, n.: — master: sea captain: — niagas gui batco; capitan; maestro, skirt ( v,-(iman's;, n.: — IujjIs. sky, n ; heaven: — langit. slab, 7t.; flat piece of stone: — losa; mapanas na acho. slack, adj.. orfi,'.; slovenly; tarrying; loirer- ing; remiss; negligent: — descuidao; flojo. slacken, v. tr., v. i.; to relax; to enervate; tt> b.'Cnme enervated; to effeminate: — cumacalo; nS-cali^; sottaye. slackeriing, n.: ietting up (of wind or raini: — cayada. slam, (-. tr.; to shut violently and with a loud noise: — juchom dai'o; ua-pai^- pang. slander, n.; bad words; fal?e or malicious report: — calumnia; chismi.'; inadii; des- honra (diuague pat aplacha na cuentos pot 'itro). slander, v. tr.; to defame; to calumni- ate: — mafajiyung; masangan ti mau- leg; deshonra. slanderer, 7i.; calumniator; reviler: — y dideshonra; jiimafiaiigan. slang, n.; colloquial expression; jargon:— y tai areglo na clasen sinangan sija. slant, ?■(.,• an inclined plane: — egueng; iuegueiig. slap, r. ir.; to strike with the open hand : — patmada. slap, r. tr.; to slap or box some one's ears: — pada; patmada. slash, ?i.; a long cut: — chinachag; sise; simse . slash, V. tr.; to scratch ; to scar: — ca'guas. slate, n.: slate for writing on: — pisara. slaughter n.; carnage; also the killin;:; of cattle, etc., for human food: — pinind; mamun6 (y man ma puno y guaca sija, etc., para na taotao;. slave, 71.; human being held in bond- age: — esclabo. slavery, n.: — esclabitud. slay, V. tr.; to kill: — puno. sleek, adj.; smooth; glossy: — majlos; ma nana; iiso. sleep, I. i.: — maigo; minaig6. sleeper, n.: — ga-maigo; y mamaigo. sleepiness, n.: — matujog; minatujog. sleepy, adj.: — matujog; matujognaij forbid; to prevent; to prohibit: — julat; choma. subject, 71.; one under the power or control of another: — tentago. subject, n.; theme; material:- — sujeto. subjected, adj.: — masujeta. sublime, adj.; awe-inspiring: — gatbo; nii'manraan. submarine, n.: — submarino; iyon y papa tasi. submerge, r. tr., v. %.; to submerge in water; to immerse: — nog^fiog; supug; lumus. submissive, adj., adv.; meek; humble: — humitde. submit, r. fr.,v. %.; to yield; to surrender; to resign: — entrega. subordinate, adj.; inferior in rank, power, or position: — tagpapa^na; gu§ papa; dependiente. subsequently, adv.; later: — tumatate; subsiguiente. subsistence, n.; maintenance; liveli- hood: — nencano; nilala; sustento. substance, n.; matter; being: — guiniya; sustansia. suburb, n.; borough: — bario; y oriya. succeed, v. i.; to accomplish something attempted; to prosper: — gana; ade- lanta. success, n.; event: — suseso; guinana; salida. successful, V. i.; to be successful; to be lucky: — fagchai; suette. successful, adj., adv.; fortunate; lucky; happy: — felis; afottunao; magof. successive, adj.; consecutive: — uma- tattiye. successor, n.; offspring: — desendiente. succinct, adj., adv.; tersely expressed: — cadada. succor, V. tr.; to help; to assist: — soeore; asiste; ayuda. succulent, adj.; juicy: — mesgo; mefgo. such, adj.; the same that, or, as referred to:— taigiiije; taigiienao. suck in, V. ir.; to suck in drop by drop: — chopchop; masmas. sudden, adj., adv.; abrupt: — derepente. sudden attack, n.; penetration: — ji- natme; achaque. sue, V. tr.; to prosecute at law: — de- manda. suffer, ' . i.,- to feel with a sense of pain: — chuot; padese; puti. suffer, 1'. i.; to permit: — sungon; polo, suffer persecution, r. i.; to be pur- sued: — ma-emog; ma-petsigue. suffer -want, v. i.: — jailas; taya. suffice, V. i.; to be adequate: — na-na- joiTg. _ sufficient, adj., adv.; enough: — najong. suffocate, v. i.: — na-chatjagong; na- taijinagoiig. sugar, n.: — asucat. sugar box, n.; container for sugar: — asucarera. sugar apple, n.: — atis. sugar cane, n.: — tupo; cafia dulse, sugar cane plantation, n.: — fana- puyan (tupo;. sugar mill, n.: — trapiche. suggest, V. tr.; to hint; to insinuate: — inTienta. suicide, n.; person who commits sui- cide: — pinin6 maisa. suit, n.; process at law:- — queja; dine- manda. suit, r. tr.; to accommodate; to please: — na-aya; na-magof; complase. suitable, adj.. adv.; tit; appropriate; adapted: — aproposito. suitable, adj., adv.; capable; stout; strong; proper; vigorous; robust: — brabo. suit case, n.: — balisa [probably from the English valise); maleta. sulphur, n.: — asga. sulphurate, v. tr.; to smoke with brim- stone; to Ijleach with sulphur; to im- pregnate with sulphm*: — asgae. sum, n.; everything: — todo. sum, 71.; the whole or total: — sujna; total. summary (of contents), 7?.; — finengna; manadidide y minegae. summer, n.; a season of the year: — tiempon ro.aipe; berano; faiiomnagan. summon, r. tr.; to call; to invite; to announce a marriage from the pulpit; to call together: — agang; agaiigue. sun, n.: — atdau. sunbu2'ned, adj.; red: — ataga; diigua; tininon-somnap . Sunday, n.: — dameri^go. sunder, v. tr.; to separate; to divide; to remove: — desapatta; dibide. sunlight, 7J..- — ininan atdau; somnap. sunshade (umbrella), ?i..- — payo. sundiies, 7i. pi.; numerous small or mis- cellaneous articles or matters: — megae na giiinaja pat jinafa; unos cuantos. sunk, p. p.: — mafondo. sunken, adj.; lying <>n the bottom of the sea: — gaigue gui fondo. sunny, adj.; bright: warm: — guef-jaan; magof; bula somnap. sunshine, n.: — semnap; ininan atdao. sup, V. tr.: to eat supper: — fanguape; guape; sena. superb, adj.; grand: stately: — tagajld; ma'gas; gatbo. superficial, adj.; not thorough: — ma- maya; ti cabales. superfluous, adj., adv.: — demasiao; sosobla. superior, adj.; different; diverse; vari- ous : — taiachaigua. supernumerary, adj.; exceeding the number stated or required: — mampos; mas que y ma uesesita. supersede 11' swivel supei'sede, r. tr.; to come into, or tiike. "ihc place oi: — tajgiie. superstition, n.: — chat jinenggue ; pi;- pertisicn. supervision, n.; the act of super-\ising : — rrisigaae; gu§ jilfti. supper, n.: — sena. supply, V. tr.; to mrnish; to provide; — na-najong; na-guaja. support, )■. 'r.; to stem; to prop firmly a<:;ainst: — tojne. support (by pillarp>. v. tr.; to eet; to PiiPtn.in: — aa-fata,chong; sostiene. support, !'. Ir.; to hold, or offer, the haiivl; to hold back: — mantiene; na- apo: ayuda. support, r. tr.; to tolerate; to bear; to eiiuure; to sustain: — aguante; .sungon; fostiene. support, 71.; platform: — ^postiso; satgue. suppose, r. tr.; to imagine; to assume as true: — sup one. supposedly, adv.: — calan jonguiyon. suppress, r. tr.; to keep secret; to be filFiit about: — ^fatquilo; fatquiluye. suppress, v. tr.; to subdue; to crush: — oprime; jono; gacha. suppurate, v. %.; to fester: — fanugo; mafiugo. sure, adj., adv.; certain; secure:— fijo. sure, adj., adv.; true; sincere; frank:— magajet. surety, n.; guaranty against loss or damage; guarantee: — asegurida; sine- giiro. surf, n.: breakers; waves: — napo. surge (the waves), v. i.; to roll or rise high : — nanap o . surgeon, n.; doctor; physician: — aanite; medico, surly, adj., adv.; rough; uncivil; churlish; morose; ill-natured: — bastos; mala maila; presomido. siirmount, v. tr.; to overcome; to con- quer: — gue jilui; julat; gana. surname, family name: — apeyido. surpass, r. tr.; to excel; to overtop: — diles; igue. surprise, v. tr.; to take unawares; to lay hold of: — jiguef; jongang. surrender, r. tr.; to cede; to resign: — • rinde; entrega; renunsia. surround, v. tr.; to inclose on all sides: — leUcui; uriyaye. surroimded, p, p.; inclosed: — mare- dondea; ma uriyaye. survey, r. tr.; to contemplate; to con- sider : — consider a. survive, r. tr.; to outlive: — lalalaja; tatatte matae. suspect, V. tr.; to have a suspicion of; to mistrust: — suspecha; sogne. suspend, x. tr.; to delay: — cana; na parannaijon. suspenders, n.: — tirante. suspicion, n.; mistrust: — desconfiansa. suspicion, v. i.; to believe: — sospecha. suspicious, adj., adv.; distrustful: — josguan; .sospechoso. sustain, v. tr.; to support: to maintain; to nourish: — na-lala; na-chocho; asiste. sustenance. 7).,- livelihood; subsist- ence: — abio; ueiigcano. swaddle, r. tr.; swathe: to wrap up; to infold : — afuyut. swaUov.'-, 71.: — yayaguag. swallow, ?•. ,'/•..• to gulp down, without mac?ticating or chewing: — ales; panot ales. swallow, 71 ./gulp: draught: — pinanot. swamp, 71.; body of stagnant water; lagoon; pool: — j'agoi; sesonyan. swampy, adj.; soft; wet: — nojmon. swarm, >'. i.; to flock; to pile; to heap: — man-etnon. swarm, n.: flock: pile: heap: — catdume. swarm of bees: — catdumen abejas. sway, ??.; dominion: authority: — nina- sina; guinibietna. swear, r. i.; to utter an oath: — sangan desparate. swear, v. tr.. r. i.; to take oath to; to pledge by oath: — jula. swear allegiance to, v. tr.; to pay hom- age to; to regard; — atiende; gu^iya; manjula para u. swearfalsely, r. i'.; to commit perjury: — chatjula; chatmanjula. sweat, V. %.; to perspire: — masa-jalum ; mumasajalum. sweat, n.; perspiration: — ^masa-jalum. sweep, '. . fr.; to clean with a broom; — bale, sweepings, v.; refuse; what is thrown out: — basula. sweet, oAj.. adv.: — mamis. sweetheart, n.; lover; loved one; — nobia: guaiyayon; y m^an guaiya. sw^eet potato, n.: — camute; camote. swell, V. tr.; to cause swelling; to in- flate: — binila; bula; pogpog. swell, V. i.; to expand; to enlarge: — dumangculo; maestira. swelter, v. tr.; to provoke: — na-ma- majlao; na-bubu; na-6^son. sv-nft, adj., adv.; fleet; quick: — gusi; chadeg. swim, i. ('..- — naiigo. swindler, n.; rogue: — palacha; tram- poso: chegie; fafababa. s-windling, n.; cheating; knavery; — _ trinamposo; tinababa; tinesgiie. swine, n.; pig: pigskin; — cochino; babue; babui. swing, r. tr., v. i.; to wave; to brandish: — na-gupo; yalibao. svring, ; . i.; to rock; to seesaw: — bal- anse; balansea. swing, r. tr.. v. i.; to rock; to undulate; — belembau; chucan. swing the rod, i. tr.: — chaule. swivel, n.; twisting link in a chain: — y aniyon lulug ni lumililico gui pun- tan cadena pat masea mano. swollen 118 tempest swollen, i>. i.; to be swollen: — mamog- pog; manbiila. sword, n.; saber :—espada; sdble. syllable, n.: — sflaba. symbol, n.; sign or emblem: — signo; sen at. symmetrical, adj.: proportionate: — si- metricat; man ddanche; man aya. sympathetic, adj., adv.; compassion- ate: — yoase. syrapathizing, adj., adv.; thankful; grateful: — magaom iinalum; periiti- j-iye; agradesido. symptom, n.; token or sign: — sefiat. synonym, n.; word having the same sig- nitication as another:— sinonimo; un palabra ni parejo significasionna van otro. syringe, n.; squirt: — jelengga. syrup, n.: — atnibat; mames na chugu. system, n.; orderly arrangement; method of transacting business: — sistema; iiiauleg ua areglo. systematical, adj., adv.; according to system: — sistema tico; jaf taimano y ilc'legna y areglo. T. table, n.: — lanaasa. tablecloth, n.; altar cloth: — manteles. taciturn, adj., adv.; peaceful: — fafat- quilo. tack, V. i.: — botdo. tackle, n.; pulley: — licheng. tact, n.; discernmeiit and skill in speech and deportment: — tacto; siniente; fin- aye; pinacha; inete; tiningo. tali, n.: — cola; dadala.g. tailless, adj.: — labon. tailor, n.: — sastre. take, V. tr.; to seize hold of; to obtain; to catch: — chule; jacot; cone, take along, v. tr.: — chule'janau. take apart (machinery), v. tr.: — na- adispatta. take away, v. tr.; to remove; to send away:— ^na-janau. take, V. tr.; briniif: — ato; chule. take care of: — adaje. take down, v. tr.; to snatch down:— chapag; jala papa, take coiirage, v. %.: — abiba; na-ammoso. take pains, v. i.; to endeavor; to try: — empena. take possession, v. tr.: — mantiene; ocupa; sajguane; sagaye; na-gaichecho; na-chateaya; tan§. take prisoner, )■. ir.: — cautiba; prei^o. take root, r. %.: — fanjale; manjale. take root, v. i.; h) become strong: — fumitme. take, r. tr.; to seize; to pack; to hold fast: — guot. take unawares, v. tr.; to surprise: — jiguef. talent,n.; mental capacity : — tinemtom. talk, v. i.; to converse; to speak: — cuentos; umadingan. talk (to talk about the faults of others), V. tr.; to ridicule (some one): — chatgue. talk silly, v. tr.; to talk twaddle: — bumababa. tallcative, adj., adv.; gossipy: — mefn6; iiangfiang. tallow, n.: — sebo. tallow-candle, n.: — dan^ues sebo. tame, v. tr.; to soothe; to calm: — na-manso. tan, v. tr.; to tan leather; to dye: — tumo. tank, n.; cistern or reservoir: — tanque. tape, n.: — pedasonmagago ni dalalai; jilon. tar, 11.: — atquitran. tardy, adj., adv.; late; dilatory; reluc- tant: — atrasao. tariff, n.: — tarifa. tariy, v. i.; to loiter; to linger; to hesi- tate; to be tardy: — um-abmam; pum- arannaijon. tarrying, adj., adv.; loitering; negli- gent; slovenly; slack: — descuidao. task, n.: — tarea. tassel, n.; tuit; ornamental knot; tress: — botlas. taste, n.; joy: — gusto; tinamtam. taste, V. tr.; to try; to attempt:— chagui. tasteless, adj.; unpalatable: — taisabot, tasteless, adj.; offensive; repugnant: — desabrido. tasteless, adj., adv.; vexatious: — mata- paiig. tastelessness, ?i.; insipidity: — dine- sabrido. tax, a.; excise; duty; impost: — con- tribusion. tea, n.: — cha. teapot (of earthenware), n.: — charera. teach, !'. tr.; to instruct: — fana'giie; chachalane; na-eyag. tear, n.: — lago. tear, v. tr.: — socai. tear (to tear into pieces), v. tr.: — yabalag; titeg. tear, v. i.; to burst; to break loose: — bogbog. tear, r. tr.; to tear out: — boog. tease, r. tr.; to banter; to mock: — casi; tuca. telegram, n.: — telegrama. telegraph, n.: — telegrafo. telephone, n.: — telefono. tell, c. tr.; to speak; to say: — alog. temper, n.; mood; natural inclination: — jenio; genio. temperance, n.; abstinence : — chinema; choma; templansa. tempest, n.; hurriance; tumult: — ira; pagyo; atboroto. temple 119 thrive temple, a.; templo. teiriple (of the headi, n.: — sentido. temporary, adj., adv.; existin;an. throw, ('. /r.;— dagau; yute. throw away, v. tr.; to cap't a"»Tay; to repu- diate; to spurn: — deseeha. throw, V. tr.; to cast; to fling: — agiiet. throw, V. i.; to throw one's- self to the ground :— f oyong. throw, V. tr.; to rhruw stones; to stone: — fagas. thrust, V. tr., v. i.; to push; to strike; to push away: — choneg. thumb, n.: — damagas. thunder, v. I.: — julo. thunderbolt, n.: a shaft of lightning: — troson lainlam; talaiTgan-julo. Thursday, n.: — juebes. tick (insect), n.: — garapatas. ticket, 11.: — biyete. ticket, n.; certificate; note: — papeleta; sedula. tickle, V. tr.: — cadudag. tide (high tide of the sea), n.: — jafno; y quinalamten y tasi. tide (low), n.: — mate. tidy, adj.; trim; ueat: — alifiao. tie, V. tr.; to bind: — funut. tie fast, V. tr.: — cuetna. tie on, r. tr.; to bind; to fasten: — gode. tight, adj.; not loose; compactly built; taut: — mafnot. tile, 71.; brick: — teja. tilt, V. tr.; to turn over; to throw head- long: — achaicag; na-egueiig. timbers (running under the rafters of a house, crosswise), n.: — asuguag; troson jayo. time, n.; period: — tiempo. times, n.: — biaje (cramphs: three times: tres biaje: twice: dos biaje; often: megai na biaje. timid, adj., adc; apprehensive; cow- ardly : — dangue . tin, n.: — estano; estaiiuye. tin box: — lata. tiptoe, V. i.; to raise one's self on the tips of the toes: — dego. tire, V. tr.; to bore; to emboss: to con- found: — na-dogae; na-6son. tire (of the v,-heel), n.: — yanta. tire out, v. tr.; to make tired: — na- majguef; na-yayas. tired, adj., adv.: — majguef; yayas. titter, r. i.; to chuckle; to crackle (the bone of a joint): — chaca. toast, n.; bread scorched over the fire: — tosta. tobacco, 71.; cigar: — chupa. tobacco field, n.: — fanupayan. I toe, n.: — calulot-patas (to run on the I toes. V. i.: cajat; cajatgiie; to stand on the toes, v. i.: dego). together, adv.; in unison; at the same time: — guigo. together; opposite each other: — uin-a (they, two persons, stood opposite each other: uma fana y dos). together ^^dth: — gumachong yan. toil, (. //•., V. i.; to work; to labor: — fachocho. token, 11.; sign; mark; bearing; pos- ture: — senas; sefiat; prenda. tolerate, v. tr.; to bear; to endure: — aguante; suiTgon; consiente. tomatoes, n.: — tomates. tombstone, n.: — lapida. to-morrow, n.: — agupa. tone, n.: — sonido; tono. tongue, n.: — jula. tongs, n.; pincers; nippers: — tenasa. tonsils, 11.: — atgayas; guasaiig; tomates agaga. tonsilitis, n.; inflammation of the ton- sils: — ^chetnot gui tomates agaga. tool (of any kind), n.: — jeramienta. tool used is cleaning corn, n.: — ban- dara; jeramienta para numa/'gasgas males. tooth, n.: — nifen. tooth, 11.; prong: — diente (rarely used), toothpick, n.: — guegue. top, ri.; the highest part; upper side: — yajululo. top (toy), 11.: — tolompo. top of mast, n.: — ^puntan jasta. top of a mountain, n.: — puntan ogso. torch (used when fishing), n.: — jachon. torment, n.; anguish ; pain: — totmento. torpedo, n.: — totpedo. torpid, adj.; inactive; numb: — mudoro; tai-simente yan tai-quinalamten. torrent, n.; tumbling stream: — milag. torrid, adj.; dried with heat; burning; parching-: — anglo; maipe. tortoise, n.: — jagan. tortoise shell, ii.: — carai. torture, n.; agony of mind or body: — ■ sinapet. total, adj., adv.; full: — entero; entera- mente. touch, V. tr.; to perceive by feeling: — ete; pacha; yuma. touch (sense of touch), n.: — pinacha. tough, adj., adv.; tenacious: — figo. tow, V. tr.; to take into tow; to give a line : — remotque . toward, prep.; in the direction of: — guato. towel, 11.: — toaya. to^ver, 11.: — tore, to-whne (of a schooner), n.: — bosa; talen manbdtsala. town, n.; a collection of houses larger than a ^dllage: — diquiqui na siuda. toy, n.: — joguete. trace, n.: — rastro. track 1-21 true track, 71.;— carit; f(?gui. trade, v. i.; to carry on commerce; to bargain; — fan-negosio. trade n.; profession; fitness; propriety: — conbenensia. trader, n.: — comersiante; cometsiante. trade -wind, n.: — mangld guinen entre san lago yan san catan. traffic, 11.; commerce; trade: — comersio; cmetsio. traffic, r. ;.; to hold intercourse: — tratos. tragedy, n.: — estoi'ian desgrasia; des- gnisia. trail, n.: — cay on. train, n.; railroad train: — fero-carit. traitor, n.: — traidot. tram, n.; tramway: — caretan diquiqui. tramp, ji.; — laong; bago. tramp arcnnd, v. i.; to loaf around:— giunago; lumaoiig'. trample, v. t)\: — tuto. tranquil, adj., adv.; quiet; calm; peace- ful: — majgcng; matquilo; tranquilo. transact, i. tr.; to manage a business deal; to negotiate; — manea; negosio. transfer, v. tr.; to remoA-e; — traslada. transformation, n.: — consagrasion; tinilaica; inago. transgress, v. i.; to violate a law or rule; to sin: — umisao. transient, adj.; passing; — pasadero; taiminaog. transit, n.; passage through or over; — finapos; pasaje; y finalofan. transitory, adj.; fleeting; — gusi-jocog; ti maog. translate, i'. tr.; to render from one language into another: — traslada. transmit (to transmit a sickness), v. tr. ;— tanme; tanum. transmit, v. tr.; to propagate; to trans- plant ; — na-f amta. transmute, v. tr.; to consecrate: — consagra. transparent, adj., adv.; capable of being seen through; pellucid; clear: — nauau; claro. transport, v. tr.; to carry from one place to another: — traspotta. trap, n.: — laflaf; ocodo; trampas. trap, n.; lasso; loop; snare: — laso. trash, 11.; refuse; worthless or useless matter; rubbish; — basula. travel, v. %.; to journey; — biaje. traveler, n.: — biajero; pasajero. traveling expense, n.: — gaston y biaje. traveling necessities, n.: — trastes biaje. traverse, v. tr.: to run through; to go through;— faposgiie; adotgan janagiie desde un banda asta y otro. treacherous, adj.; perfidious; faithless: — traidot. treachery, n.; faithlessness; — traision. tread, v. %.; to step; to go on: — famegue; ' fegu6. treason, n.; trick; — finailajye; trinai- dute; traision. treasure, n.: — tesoro; guinaja. treasurer, n.: — tesorero. treat, v. tr.; to handle or manage in a particular manner; to behave toward; to entertain with food or drink without cost to the guests; — trata; na-juyungue. treaty, n.; negotiation: — contrata. tree, n.: — trongco; atbot; jayo. tree trunk, n.: — trongcon jayo. tremble, r. i.; to shudder; to totter: — laulau. trench, n.; ditch; excavation; — trin- chera; joyo. trend, n.; general tendency: — carera. tress, n.; plait; braid: — eoleta; filag. trial, n.; attempt: — ensaya; chinague. trial, n.; examination; — chinague. triangle, n.: — triangolo. tribe, n.: — catdume {also flock; swarm), tribute, n.; contribution: — contribu- sion. trick, n.; cunning; craft; lie: — mafia; linababa; atte. tricks, n.; wiles: — linailas. trickish, adj.; full of intrigue: — a-atte. trifle, n.; anything of little vahie or importance : — potqueria. trigger (of a gun), n.: — desparadot. trim, adj.; neat; compact: — areglao; gasgas. trim, V. tr.; to decorate; to adjust: — adotna; na-ajustao. trip, n.; stumble: — tompo. triumph, r. i.; victory; conquest: — fangana; gana. trolley car, n.: — carit electrisida. trombone, n.; also, the whistle of a steamer ; — busina . troop, n.; army; — tropa. tropics, n.: — tano maipe. trot, n.: — trote; pocat taigiiije y pocat cab ay o. trouble, n.; distress; worry: — atboroto; chinatsaga. troublesome, adj.; annoying: — jijoroba; tai-majgong; atborotadot. trough (for mixing bread), n.: — canoa. trough (for mixing mortar), n.: — galaide; canoa. trousers, n.; pants; — catsunes. trowel (mason's), n.: — ^paleta; para numamajlos padet. trowel (scoop, mason's), n.: — cuchalan atbanit. truant, n.; absentee from school without permission : — f attista. truce, n.; brief cessation of hostilities by agreement; — pas na cadadad mien- tras man aaregla yan y enimigo. truck, n.; wagon for carrying goods: — careton. true, adj., adv.: — magajet. true, adj.; devout; believing; — jong- guiyon. true 12-2 uncivil true, adj., adv.; faithful: — angocuyon, true, adj., adv.; loyal: — fiel; fiet. trumpet, n.; horn: — cotneta; tromp(5ta. trunk, n.; stem: — ba-til; troiigco. truss, n.: — blaguero. trust, n.; confidence; faith: — confiansa. truth, 71.; — minagajet. truthful, adj., adv.: — tai-dinacon; ti dadajrue. truthfulness, n.: — tinai-dinaeon; gui- uiie-minagajet. try, V. tr.; to attempt: — ensaya; chague. try, V. tr.; to taste food; to attempt: — chague; ensaya; tienta; tafia. try, V. i.; to endeavor; to take pains: — famaichecho. tub, n.; pot: — tinaja; tina. tube, n.: cylinder: — tubo. tuberculosis, n.: — sogsog. tuck up, V. tr.; to tuck up the skirt: — jedo. Tuesday, n.: — mattes, tuft, n.; bunch; bundle; bunch of grapes : — r asimo . tug, V. tr.; to pull with great effort:— batsala; remotque. tug, w.; steam towing vessel: — -para man remotque. tum.ble, V. i.; to fall suddenly and violently: — matomba. tumbler, n.; glass: — baso. tumbling stream, n.; torrent: — milag. tumult, n.: — -yinauyau. tumult, n.; insurrection; rebellion: — jatsamiento; plaito. tune, n.; short musical composition:— tono; tonada. tuneful, adj., adv.; musical; harmoni- ous: — bonito na tonada. tiu-key, n.: — pabo. turmoil, n.: — ^yinauyau. turn, V. tr.; to turn about; to turn around: — bira. turn, V. tr.; to turn over a new leaf: — bira y hojas. turn, n.; curve of a road or river: — ma bira. turned easily, adj.: — birayon. turned around, adj., adv.; turned up- side down; overturned: — atlebes. turn out of the way, ( . tr.; to evade; to avoid (sin): — ebita. turn over, v. tr.; to cede: — nae. turn, n.; revolution; change of direc- tion: — ^birada. turn, V. tr.; to twist: — chaflilig; cha- fulalag. turn, V. %.; to turn during a dance: — quilolog. turn, V. tr.; to turn on a lathe: — ^totno. turtle, n.: — jagan. turtledove, n.: — totot. tusk, n.; fang; also saddle roll or saddle ;)ad: — coriyos; cotniyos. tussle, V. %.; to scuffle; to struggle: — inamaiche oho . tutor, n.; teacher; guardiaji: — tutot. tweak, V. tr.; to squeeze; to 'pinch: — deon. tweezers, n.: — chiguet. twelfth, adj.: — mina dose, twelve, adj.: — dose, twenty, adj.: — bente. twig, 71.; branch; bough: — ramas. twilight, 71.; — minachom atdao yan quinajulo atdao. twin, n.; double: — diilga. twine, n.; strong thread: — jajlon. twinkle, v. i.; to blink; to wink: — achetgue; chalamlam. twins. 11.: — y dinga. twist, V. tr.; to twist a rope; to make a rope: — chaflileg; tajleg. twist, V. tr.; to turn: — tarabira; cha- fiilalag. two, adj.: — dos. two hundred, adj.: — ^dosientos; doa sientos. type, n.; emblem; sign or figure; a metal letter used in printing: — sinat; figura; tipa. typewriter, n.: — maquinan manggui. typhoon, n.: — ^pagyo. typical, ac?j.; figurative: — figuran; uma'- chuli. tyranny, n.; severity: — minalamafia. u. udder (of the cow), n.: — chaflaque. ugly, adj.; repellent: — chatpago. ulcer, n.; sore; corn: — grano. ultimate, adj.; utmost; furtherest; ex- treme; final: — tittimo. umbreUa, n.: — payo. umpire, n.: — sentensiadot. unaccountable for: — ti jasuyon; ti cueutayon. unafraid, adj., adv.: — mesgue. unbecoming, adj.; indecorous: — des- honesto; ti umaya. unbelieving, adj.; ungodly; wicked; in- fidel: — ti man-jonggue; ti jeiiggue. unbend, 7'. tr.; to unharness; to relax; to slacken; to decrease in tension: — afloja; na-tunas. unbind, v. tr.; to unfasten; to solve ( difficulties or problems) : — pula. unbloody, adj., adv.: — ti raancha jaga; ti pegno. unbound, adj.; free: — suetto. unbroken, adj., adv.; continuous; unin- terrupted:— taipumara; sin parat; tai- finatta. unchangeable, adj.; unalterable; im- mutable: — ti tulaicayon. uncivil, adj.; ill-bred; rude; imperti- nent: — na'oson; impettinente. uncle 123 use uncle, n.: — tio. uncooked, adj.; green; uuripe: — gada; mata. undecided, adj., adv.; undetermined; doubtful; dubious; questionable: — du- doso. imder, ;)/•? p. /beneath: — sanpapa. underscore, v. tr.; to draw a line: — raya. understand, v. i.; to comprehend: — comprende; na-saonao; tuiigo. understanding, v. tr.; to come to an understanding: — uma-tratos; umd- comprende. understanding, adj.; devoted: — con- fotme; tiningo. undertake, v. tr.; to intend: — muto; atotga. undetermined, adj., adv.; doubtful; dubious; questionable; undecided:— dudoso. undulate, v. i.; to move with wavelike motion; to heaA^e: — cliaule. unequal, adj.; insufficient: — taiparejo. unfit, adj.; unserviceable: — taiguailaye; iniitit. tinfold, V. tr.; to unfold a measuring rule: — estira, unfold, V. tr.; to develop; to put in use: — desempena; na-setbe. unfortunate, adj.; unhappy; disas- trous: — desdichao; demalas. unfruitful, adj., adv.; barren: — ti fafa- nago; ti fd,fanogcha. ungodly, adj.; unbelieving; wicked; in- fidel: — ti jenggue; ti man-joiiggue. ungrateful, adj.; unthankful: — en- guing; ti confotme; taiinagradese . unhappy, adj., adv.; disastrous; unfortu- nate: — taiminagof; infelis; desgrasi- ado; desdichao; depresiao. unliarness, v. tr.; to unsaddle: — des- aparejo. unharness, v. tr.; to unbend; to relax; to slacken; to decrease in tension: — afloja. unhusk, V. tr.: to shell; to peel: — gugan. uniform, n.: — ^unifotme. uniform, adj.; of like measure; propor- tional; equal: — chilong. uninjured, adj.; not wounded: — -tai- chetnot. unite, V. %.; to join; to combine: — na- ff' etnon; fan-etnon; etnon. universal, adj.; all-pervading; general: — para todo. unknowing, adj.; ignorant : — tima- nungo; ignorante. unless, adv.: — solamente que. unhmited, adj.; infinite; endless: — tai-uttimo. unload, v. tr.; to discharge: — descatga. unnecessarily, adv.; in vain; to no pur- pose; fruitlessly:— enbano; ttlisetbe. unnecessary, adj., adv.; too much: — mampos; timanesesita. unoccupied, adj.; idle: — desocupao. 4562—18 9 unprepared, adj.; not ready: — despre- benido; ti-preparao. unpretending, adj.; destitute of bril- liancy or luster; not showy: — tai- inina; basio. unquiet, adj.; restless; turbulent: — inquieto; lebog; tiquieto. unravel, v. tr.: — desjilachas. unreal, adj., adv.; not genuine; false: — fatso; timagajet. unripe, adj.; uncooked; green: — gada; mata {opposite of masa). imxoof, V. tr.; to unroof a house: — desafte. unruly, adj.; turbulent; ungovernable: — ti gobietnayon. unsaddle, v. tr.; to unharness: — desa- parejo. unsafe, adj., adv.; insecure: — ti maga- jet; ti matungo; ti seguro. vinsavory, adj., adv.; tasteless: — ti manngue. unsavoriness, n.; tastelessness; in- sipidity : — dinesabrido; disabrido. unselfish, adj., adv.; disinterested: — desinteresao; ti chatao. tins ervice able, adj.; unfit: — iniitit; tai- guailaye . unstained, adj., adv.; without a blem- ish: — tai-mancha; timancha. unsteady, adj.; unstable; unreliable: — ti fijo; ti meton jinasonna. unthankful, adj.; ungrateful: — e^nguing; ti confotme; taiinagradese. until, conj.: — asta; asta que. until when? — asta ngaian? also: jasta ngaian. untimely, adj.: — fuera de tiempo; maga. untoward event, n.; untoward circum- stance; adversity: — contratiempo. untrue, v. tr.; to be untrue; to deceivei to defraud; to dupe: — fa-baba. untrue, adj., adv.; unfaithful; disloyal; perfidious: — ti iiel; ti fiet. unusual, adj., adv.; scarce: — escaso. unworthy, adj.; undeserving: — ti man- merese. unyoke, v. tr.; to unharness: — na-la^- calo; deseng^ncha; desonse. upon, prep.; resting on the top: — sanjilo. upright, adj.; vertical: — tumachu. upright, adj.; just; honest: — honesto. uprising, n.; disorder: — desareglo; jat- samiento. upside down, adv.: — dilog; dumilog. upward, adv.: — jumanaujulli. urge on, v. tr.; to drive forward: — na-lagusi. urgent, adj., adv.; pressing: — apurao. urine, n.: — meme. urn, n.; a round vessel: — florero; urna. usage, n.; long contimied custom: — • practica; costumbre. use, V. tr.; to employ; to make use of: — usa. use np 124 vigil use up, V. tr.; to spread; to weed out: — juto; jutu. use, r. tr.; to use up entirely, leaving nothing; to consume: — lachai. used up, r. i.: — ma-fisa; usdo. useful, adj.: — gaeguailaye; ml-setbe; gaiguailave. useful, adj., adv.; profitable; sendee- able: — proijechoso; gdi probecho. useless, adj., adv.: — taiguailaye; tdi- setbe. usiiry, n.; gain; profit beyond the legi- timate:— usur a; probecho; gandnsia. utensil, n.; the utensil used in celebra- tion of mass: — binajeras. utility, n.; usefulness: — mi-setbe; ben- taja. utilization, n.; application; diligence: — aplicasion. utter, V. tr.; to speak; to pronounce: — cunauentos; eaiigan. V. vacancy, n.; state of being vacant or empty: — bacante. vacation, n.: — bacasion. vague, adj.; indefinite; unsettled: — ti fiijo. vain, adj., adv.: — chicherico; banidoso. vain, adv.; in vain; to no purpose; fruit- lessly; without result: — en bano; bano; taisetbe. valid, adj.; ha\dng legal force: — balido. valley, n.: — baye, cauada; joya. valor, n.; bravery; intrepidity: — min- atatnga. valuable, adj.; precious; expensive: — guaguan. valuables, n.; jewelry: — gatbesas. value, V. tr.; to like: — geflamen. vanity, n.: — ^banidad. vanquish, v. tr.; to conquer: — choma. vapor, n.; steam; mist: — bapot. variable, adj., adv.; fluctuating; fickle; changeable; inconstant; mutable: — aguyon; tulaicayon. variation, n.; shift: — yinalaca; di- ferensia. various, adj.; diverse; different: — tai achaigua; diferentes. varnish, n.: — batnis. varnish, v. tr.: — batnisa. vault, n.; arch; cellar: — bodega, vegetable, n.: — golai. vehement, adj., adv.; violent; furious; impetuous: — fejman. veliicle, n.; means of conveyance: — caruaje. vein (in the body, in stone, etc.), n.; nerve; fiber, sinew; tendon: — gugat. velvet, n.: — tetsiopelo. venerate, r. tr.; to esteem as sacred: — respeta. veneration, n.; reverence: — respeto. vengeance, n.; revenge; retribution: — inemog; beiTgga; bengansa. vengeful, adj., adv.; seeking revenge: — lemog; ga-man-emog; bengatibo. venial, n.; pardonable (sin): — ^pecado beniat; asiiyon na isao. ventilate, v. tr.; to air: — n&.-g:iiin^aire; na-gaeaire. ventilation, n.: — fan jalum y aire, venture, r. tr.; to risk; to hazard; to dare: — ariesga; atotga. veracious, adj.; truthful; true: — mina- gajet. veranda, n.; covered addition: — cajida; galeria; balanda. veranda, n.; corridor; passageway: — coredot. verbal, adj., adv.; oral; literal; expressed in words:— sinangan; masaiTgan. verdant, v. i.; to grow green; to be verdant; to thrive: — betde; bumetde. verdigris, n.: — catdeniyo. verify, v. tr.; to prove to be true: — prue- ba; na-magajet; cumplc. vermin, n.; insects; pests: — gaga, verisinular, adj., adv.; probable; like- ly: — calang magajet; jongguiyon. verse, n.: — betso. versed, adj.; skilled; experienced: — es- perimentao; payon. vertebra, n.: — tolang espinaso. very, adj.:—g6f. very sorrowful, adj.; grieving: — tri- reste; gof triste; gof pinite. very thin (liquid), adj., adv.: — gof faehe. vespers, n.: — bispera; tinaitai pupuenge. vessel, n.; utensil for liquids: — nay an. vest, n.; waistcoat: — chaleco. vestibule, 11.: — patio, vestige, n.; track; a mark left in pass- ing: — r astro; fegue. veteran, n.: — antigo goi setbisio, veterinary, n.; healer of disease of domestic animals: — amot gaga; na'- magoiTg (chetnot) gaga. vexation, n.; anger; ill-humor:— chat- jinalum; minatapang; atboroto. vexatious, adj., adv.; irksome: — gaijet- dan; atborot4o; aatborota. vibrate, v. tr.; to move back and forth; to shake: — chalauchau; na-laulau. vicarage, n.; parsonage; rectory :^-cu- rato. vicarious, adj.: — sustituto; interino; suplente. vice, n.; fault; defect; blemish: — ^bisio. vicious, adj., adv.; criminal: — bisioso. vicinity, n.; neighborhood: — bisino, victim, n.; dupe: — ^bictima; iiidao; y t^a mdtai. victor, n.: — y aanau. victory, n.; gain: — guinana. view, r. tr.; to visit; to inspect; to con- trol; to search: — egaga. vigil, n.: — bijilia; bela. vigor 126 warn vigor, n.; strength; force; power: — finette. vigorous, adj., adv.; robust; strong: — fuette; fotte; masaj^at. vile, adj., adv.; mean-spirited; base; ab j ect : — despresiao . vile man, n.; a base man; — jenngan; dplacha. village, n.; — songong. villain, n.; scoundrel: — picaro. villainy, n.; roguery; knavery: — picat- dia; indplacha. vindicate, v. tr.; to justify; to exoner- ate: — sustiene; defiende. vindication, n.; defense; support by proof: — dinefiende; sinestiene. vine, 11.; climbing plant: — ^y cumucu- nanaf na tinanom. vinegar, n.: — binagle. vineyard, n.; hill planted with vines: — tinanum ubas; bina. violate, v. tr.; to injure: — desbetga; yulang; na-lamen. violent, adj., adv.; forcible: — pot y fuetsa; a fuetsas; duro; fejman. violent, adj., adv.; furious; vehement; impetuous; forcible: — duro; fejman; fuetsdo. violent, adj.; boisterous; passionate; stormy: — arebatao. violin, 71.; — labit. violin player, n.: — ^lalabit. virgin, n.; maiden: — bitgen; tat nai mayuma. virtue, n.; strength: — ^bittiid. virtuous, adj., adv.: — bittuoso; t4i- bisio. virtuous, adj.; devout: — manjonggue; gasgas; tdimancha. vise, 71.; two-jawed tool for holding work: — para maniguet; totniyo. visible, adj., adv.: — anog; lii^on; danog. vision, n.; appearance: — linii. visit, V. tr.; to inspect: — egaga; fat6igue; bisita. vital, adj.; mortal; essential: — fan matayan. vivacious, adj., adv.; lively; elegant; delicate; admirable: — airoso; lala. vocabulary, n.; dictionary: — dicsion- ario. vocation, n.; calling; occupation: — ocupasion. voice, n.: — bos. void, adj.; not valid; not admissible: — nulo; no bale; ti bale, volcano, n.: — botcan. voluble, adj.; fluent in speech: — nilags@. volume, n.: — tomo. voluminous, adj.; copious; extensive: — megai na tomo. voluntary, adj.; spontaneous; — bolun- tario; malag6. volunteer, n.: — -boluntario. vomit, v. %.: — muta. voracious, adj., arfy.; ravenous; greedy; — goloso; ambriento. vote, n.: — boto. vote, V. %.: — bota. vow, V. tr.; to make a vow; to make a solemn promise;— boto; promete. voyage, 7i.;— biaje. vulgar, adj.; unrefined; coarse: — tailaye; bastos; tai ineyag. w. wadding, n.; soft stuff of loose texture used for stuffing garments: — ^riyeno; afulo. wag, 71.; jester; merry fellow; — numa- nachalig; chansero. wage, 71.; payment for service; pay; salary: — suetdo. wager, n.; something staked on an issue : — aaposta. wager, v. tr.; to hazard; to bet; to stake: — aposta. w^agon, n.: — careta; careton. ^vagon, n.; carriage: — calesa. wagon box (part of a wagon body), n.: — caman-careta. wail, n.; lament; moan; — yanto; ti- naiTgse. waist, 11.: — sentura. waistcoat, n.: — chaleco. wait, V. %.; to stay in expectation: — naiigga. waiting room, n.; anteroom; — cuatton bisita. waive, v. tr.; to give up a claim; to forego: — despensa; sotta; asii; na-para. w^ake, v. i.; to watch: — bela. wake up, v. %.; to waken; to awake; — yajo; fagmata; pangon. walk, 11.: — lina^yau; pinecat; paseo. walk, V. i.; to leave; to depart; to go; to move; — famocat; pocat. wall, 11.: — luga; padit; padet. waUow, V. i.; to roll one's body in the mire: — banadero; chucan; bumaiia- dero; galelique. wander, v. i.; to stroll; to ramble about; — lumauya; lumtVyau. w^ant, V. t.."— malagd. want, n.; deficiency; defect: — nesesita; malago; escaso; finatta. want, n.; penury; poverty; — jailas. want, V. tr.; to will: — jangai. war, n.: — guera; gueriya. wardrobe, n.; closet for clothes: — aparadot. warehouse, n.: — deposito. wares, n.: — efectos; metcaderia. warm, v. tr.: — jame. warm, v. tr.; to heat: — ^nS,-maipe; na- tibiu. warn, v. tr.; to give notice of danger: — na-tungo ni peligro; faisen; abisar. warranty 126 whitish waxranty, n.; bail; security: — flansa; finia. ■warrior, n.: — lalajen guera; guerero. ■warship, n.: — batcon guera. ■wart, n.; bud: — dfian. ■warty, adj.: — mi-dlian. ■wash, V. tr.; to cleanse: — engcola; fagase. ■washbasin, n.: — pila; fam&gasiyan. ■wash tray, n.; wooden tray, small, and almost flat: — batea. ■wasp, n.: — sasata. ■waste, V. tr.; to squander; to destroy wantonly: — gasta; despetdlsia. ■waste, n.; the act of wasting; useless expenditure : — despetdlsio. ■wasteful, adj., adv.; extravagant: — gastadot. ■watch, n.; close observation: — relds. ■watch, n.; guard: — y mamtimulan; guatdia. ■watch, V. %.; to guard: — pulan. ■watch, V. tr.; to observe the Sabbath: — guatda. ■watchman, n.; post; guard: — guatdia. ■water, n.: — janum. water bottle, n.: — gotgoretan janum. ■water gauge, n.; hydrostatic balance: — nibet. •water pumping station, n.: — estasion bomb an janum. ■water reservoir, n.: — sagan janum; tinajan janum. ■W/'ater supply, n.: — aguada. -watery, arf;.;— bula janum; jinanum. ■wave, n.: — naj)o. ■wave, V. tr., v. %.; to brandish; to swing: — na-gupo; yalibau; chucan. ■waver, v. i.; to stagger: — naujan. ■wax, n.: — lacre; cola; daiiguis. ■wax candle, n.: — danguis sera. ■we, pers. pron.: — jita; jame (us, pers. pron.: jit; jam), ■way, n.; road; route; street: — chalan. ■wayward, adj., adv.: — caprichoso. weak, adj.; depressed; languid; feeble: — yafai; d^bit. ■weak, adj.; thin (rope): — gueton. ■weaken, v. tr.; to enfeeble: — na-yafai. ■weal, ?i.; callosity: — gatot; cayos. v/ealthy, adj.; fortunate; opulent; lucky; happy; prosperous: — affottunao. •wean, v. tr.; to wean a child: — gunus. wear, n.; use: — usa. •weary, v. i.; to be weary; to be fatigued; to be tired: — yayas. weary, adj., adv.; tired; surfeited:— 6son. •weather, n.;— tiempo. •weave, v. tr.: — tufog. weave, r. tr.; to pleat: — mamfog. •weaver, n.: — titufog. webbing, n.; a narrow woven fabric of cotton or flax: — tinifog. ■wed, V. tr., v. i.; to marry: — acam6, ■wedding, n.; wedlock; marriage: — in- acamo; umacamo; matrimonio. ■wedding feast, n.: — fandanggo. wedding gift (of the bridegroom to the bride), ?i.;— aog. wedge, n.: — cufla. Wednesday, ?i.; — mietcoles. weed, n.; useless plant: — lumut; ch^''- guan. weed out, v. tr.; to use up; to spread: — jtito. week, n.; period of seven days: — semana. ■weigh, V. tr., v. i.: — pesa. weigh anchor, v. tr.: — leba y angcla. weigh by hand, v. tr.: — tajlang. weighmaster, n.: — pesad6t. weigh, n.: — pesa; minacat. ■welcome, adj.; received with gladness or hospitality: — ^felis biaje; bienbenida. well, n.: — ^poso; asiento; tupo. well, n.: pit: — joyo. well-being, n.; good fortune: — guin§f- saga. well-meaning, adj.; benevolent; well disposed toward some one: — chechijet; mangoflie. west, n.: — luchan;guilichan;8anlichan. wet, adj.; damp; moist: — nojmon; fot- gon; masmas. wet, V. tr.; to moisten:— na-fotgon. whale, n.: — saltin^ai; bayeua. ■whaler, n.: — ^bayenero. what? pron.; which? something: — jafa. ■whatever, adv.: — jafja; masea jafa. ■wheat, n.; grain:— trigo. wheedle, v. i.; to flatter; to fawn on: — fa-andi. wheel, n.: — rueda. ■when, conj.; whenever: — anguin; an- guinja; yaguin; y anguin; an; nai; ^nai; iigaian. when? adv.: — ngaian? where? adv.: — manggui? mano? whet, V. tr.; to sharpen: — guasa. whether, conj.; if: — cau. ■whetstone, n.; grindstone: — guasa^on. ■which, rel. pron.: — ni. •which? pron. interrog.; who? — jaye? jafa? while, conj.; during the time that: — espasio; pot espdsio de; mientras. whim, 71.; — minalago; antojo. whip, n.: — latigo; cuatta. whiplash, n.; — cuattaso. whirl-wind, n.; tornado; whirlpool: — remolino. whisper, v. tr., v. i.; to speak secretly: — nangon. whistle (signal whistle), n.; mouth harmonica: — bibeg. whistle, V. tr., v. i.; to whistle as a mark of disapproval; to hiss; to buzz; to crack the whip: — bengbeng. whistle, V. tr., v. i.; to whistle with the lips: — cheflla. white, adj.: — alpaca, white, 71.; the white of an egg: — alpaca chadi,. whitish, adj.: — inapacaan; ^pacaiiaijon. whitewash 127 worth whitewash, v. tr.: — blangquea; na- a^paca. whiz of a bullet, n.: — binengbeng. who? pron., interrog.; which? — jaye? whoever, pron. ;—jayeja; masea jaye. whole, adj.; complete: — todo; entero. wholesale, adj.: — a pot mayot. wholesome, adj.; Bound; — saludable. wholly, adv.; entirely; exclusively: — enter ero; tododo. whosoever, pron.: — mas sea jaye; mas que sea jaye. wick, 11.; tinder: — m.echa. wicked, adj.; ungodly; unbelieving; in- fidel: — tailaye; ti jenggue; ti man- jonggue. wide, adj., adv.; broad; roomy; spac- ious: — matala; ma^guag; feda; ancho. widen, v. tr.; to expand: — na-ma''guag; na-ancho. ■widower, n.; widow: — biudo; biuda. ■width, n.: — fine da; inancho. ■wife, n.: — asagua. ■wild, adj., adv.; fierce; savage: — machaleg. ■wild animal, n.: — machaleg na gagS.; dadau na gag&. ■will, n.; free will: — pinto, ■will, V. tr.; to want to: — jangai; malago. wiUingly, adv.; of a free will: — pot minagof; mdgogof. ■win by conquest; v. tr.; to acquire; to procure by effort: — conquista. ■win, V. tr.; to defeat; to gain; to earn: — gana. ■wince, v. %.; to shrink: — pateg; toy 6; sumeja pot pinite. ■wind, n.; air: — manglo; dire, ■window, n.: — fangojan; fanelaguan; bentana. •wind, V. tr.; to wind up a thread: — fa-bola y jilo; falulun. ■windy, adj.-.^xxia, manglo; nabinila; bula manglo. ■wine, n.: — ^bino. wine press, n.: — prensa para mam- ugo ubas. ■wing, n.: — papa, ■wiiik, V. i.; to blink; to twinkle: — achetgue, ■winning, n.; gain: — ganansia. ■winter, n.: — tiempon manengjeng. wipe out, V. tr.; to destroy; to consume; to devour: — na-mafnas; funas. ■wire, n.: — alamle. ■wireless telegraphy, n.: — telegrafia de radio, ■wisdom, n.; prudence; sagacity; shrewd- ness : — mine jnalum. ■wise, adj., adv.; prudent; sagacious; sly; crafty; learned; sensible: — faye; mi-titanos; sabLo; tomtom, wish, n.; craving; desire; longing: — tinanga. ■wish, V. tr.; to desire; to crave; to long: — tanga; desea. ■wish happiness to, v. tr.; to congratu- late: — felisitar; malagui minagof. wistful, adj., adv.; pensive: — ga man desea; gamalago; atento. •wit, n.; humor: — jinaso. •witch, n.; sorceress: — bruja. ■with, prep.; in conjunction with: — con; yan; nt. ■withdraw, v. tr.; to abolish; to dismiss; to revoke; to countermand: — deroga. ■withdraw, v. tr.; to draw off: — des- cuenta. ■withdra^w, v. tr.; to take away: — retira; na-miljiiao. within, prep.: — dentro de. ■within, adv.; inside; there within: — guijalum; jalum; sanjalum. ■without, prep.: — sin. ■without appetite: — taiganas. without delay: — enseguidas. ■with special care: — conmucho cuidao. •withstand, v. i.; to turn against; to look some one sharply in the face: — fana; 4fanS,. ■witness, n.: — testigo. ■witty, adj., adv.; ingenious; clever; inventive : — grasioso . wolf, n.: — lobo. ■woman, n.: — palauan. womanly, adj., adv.: — calan palauan; pinalduan. wonder, n.; miracle: — milagro. ■wonderful, adj., adv.; miraculous; mar- velous: — milagroso; na^manman. wood, n.: — jayo. wool, n.: — lana. word, n.; expression; term: — tetmino; sinangan; palabra. word, n.; language: — fm6; finijo; idioma. work, V. tr., v. i.; to labor; to toil: — fachocho. work, V. tr.; to make; to plant: — cho^giie; fatinas. work, n.; act; action; deed: — finatinas. work, n.; building: — chocho; chine'giie; finatinas; ninajuyong. work, n.; creation: — ninajuyung; man- ajuyung. work of charity, n.: — chocho yinease. work of love, n.: — obra de caridad. worker, n.; laborer; workman: — tra- bajadot. work, n.; task : — chocho. world, n.: — todo y tano. worldly, adj.: — gatano. worm, n.: — uhi; y cumiicucunaf na gaga. ■worry, v. tr.; to vex; to annoy: — at- borota. worry, v. i.; to brood; to indulge in melancholy meditation: — jasuye de- masiao. worse, adj.; to get worse: — luma- tailaye. worship, v. tr.; to adore; to love passion- ately : — adora. worst, adj.; worse than all others: — mas baba; mas tailaye. worth, n.; value; price:— bale, worth, v. tr.; to be worth: — gaibale. worth the price 128 zone worth the price,: — bale; bale van y pr^sio. wound, n.; defect; sore; abscess: — chetnot; erida. wound, V. tr.; to hurt; to damage: — fanetnot; na-faiietnot; chetnot; na- lamen. wound, V. ir.; to lacerate; to injure: — na-chetnudan. wounded, adj.: — chetnudan; eriddo. wrangle, v. i.; to quarrel: — munxo; momye. wrap in, v. tr.; to line: — afuluye. wrap up, V. tr.; to swathe; to swaddle; to infold : — af uyut. wrath, n.; choler; ire; indignant pas- sion: — ira; binibo. wreck, n.: — raafag. wreckage, n.; remains of a wrecked ves- sel: — soblan y naafag na batco. wrench, v. tr.; to wring or pull with a twist: — tara bira; nu-apliiig; amot. •wrrestle, v. i.: — afuI6; umdfulo. wretch, n.; desjiicable or worthless person: — taibale na taotao. wretched, adj., adv.; miserable; un- happy: — miserable; pobble. wretchedness, n.; misery: — miseria; pineble. w^rinkle, n.: — macalejlo; majedo; jedo. wrinkled, adj.: — macalejlo. write, V. tr., v. i..— manggui; tugui. writer, n.; clerk: — titugui; escrebiente. wrong, n.; fault; injury; injustice: — fatta; ninatailaye; inechong; lache. wrongful, adj., adv.; injurious — mflachi; milache. wry, adj.; distorted; twisted: — mabira; echong. Y. yacht, n.: — lanchita. yam, n.: — dago; nica; gado. yank, v. tr.; to jerk; to twist: — gotpea. yard, n.; courtyard: — ^patio; sitio. yawn, v. %.; to gape; to evaporate: — magap. year, n.: — sacan; aiio. year, n.; new year: — aiuo nuebo. yearn, v. i.; to feel an earnest desire: — majalang. yeast, n.; sour dough: — ^lebadura. yeast, n.; sediment: — lebog; asiento. yell, V. i.; to yell very loudly; to yell one's self hoarse: — umesalao; esalau; umagaiig. yelling, n.; clamor; shouting: — esalau; inagang. yellow, adj., adv.: — amariyo. yellow sugar, n.; candy: — caramelo. yes, adv.: — jungan; juo. yesterday, adv . : — nigap . yet, adv.; not yet: — trabia. yet, adv.; still, in addition: — trabia. yield, v. tr., v. i.; to produce: — ganaixsia; n^-juyong; na-guaja. yield, v. tr., v. i.; to submit; to concede: — osgue; jonggue; polo, yielding, adj.; fertile; rich; productive: — ganansioso. yoke, n.: — yugo. yolk (of an egg), n.: — agaga chada; yema. yon, pron., adj.; yonder; that: — enau; enao. you, pers. j^^on.: — jago (sing.); jamyo (plur.). young, adj.: — ^patgon, joben. your, pron.: — iyomo (sing.); iyonmiyo (plur.). youth, n.: — jubenttid; pinatgon. youthful, adj.; fresh; vigorous: — joben; patgon. zeal, n.; eagerness; diligence: — empeno; quinimplido; esmero. zealous, adj., adv.; emulous; ardent; eager: — empenao; empenoso; cum- plido. , zero, n.; naught:— sero. zinc, n.; a bluish-white metal:^sin. zone, n.; one of the five zones of tempera- ture: — sona; unagui sinco na dibision y tano pot temperatura. PART IL- CHAMORRO-ENGLISH. A. Note. — Names of fishes, trees, etc., and their descriptions are based upon "W. E. Safford's Useful Plants of the Island of Guam. a, prep.: — at {ex., at eleven o'clock: a las onse); iim-a: — together; opposite each other; uma-fana y dos: — they (two persons) stood opposite each other. aa (inaiiman), v. i.; also anglaa: — to gape; to yawn; to open the mouth wide. aaconseja, n.; also consejero:^ad visor; councillor. aamte, n.; also raedico: — surgeon; doc- tor; physician. y (y is the definite article): — aanau; also bictorioso, n.: — victor. aaposta, n.: — one who wagers; one who stakes something on an issue. a-atte, adj.: — trickish; full of intrigue. ababang, n.: — butterfly. aaban, n.; also aabang: — local name for a tree of the species of Eugenia, the hard, close-grained wood of which is much used in construction work. abag, V. tr., v. i.: — to misrepresent; to lose one's way; to go astray; to be lost; to go to the bad; to disappear. ababang, n.: — name applied to several short, fiat fishes with conspicuous markings, the prettiest of which, abundant in tide pools of the coral reefs, are ornamented with black and yellow stripes. ababang gupalau, n.: — name given by the natives to a beautiful harlequin, or bannerfish, with an elongated dorsal fin, and black, yellow, and white vertical stripes. ababang pintado, n.: — local name of a beautiful and striking little fish, common in the tide pools of the reef; sih'ery and yellow, with black spots and bands. abaca, n.: — manila hemp. abale, adj., adv.; also aplacha:— dirty; impure; unclean; in-abale, n.: — im- purity. abandona, v. tr.; also dingo; desam- para: — abandon; to leave; to quit; to leave behind; to forsake; to desert. abandonao; adj.: — abandoned; left; for- saken; left alone. abandono, n.: — abandonment; forlorn condition; dereliction. abanico, n.; also puno lalo; panag- lalo: — fan; fly-swatter. abas, n.: — local name for the guayaba apple. abeja, n.: — bee. aberigua, v. tr., v. %.; also faisen: — to interrogate; to question; to ask. aberigua, v. tr.; also reconose; in- bestiga: — to investigate; to inquire; to search into; to examine closely; to scan; to sift; to probe. aberiguadot, adj., adv.; also cnrioso; ga mamaisen: — inquisitive; curious. abettura, n.; also binaba: — aperture; opening; hole; cavity. abia, v. tr.: — to provide; to provision; to sustain. abiba, v. %.: also anima: — to take courage. abiba, v. tr.; also anima; na-balente: — to encourage; to inspire; to incite. abichuelas, n.: — beans. abietto, adj., adv.; also baba: — open; ajar; unfastened. abio, n.; also mantension: — livelihood; sustenance; subsistence. abiso, n.; also inadbiette: — admonition; exhortation . abit, adj.: — skillful (especially in small work) . abito, n.; also ttinico: — garment; habit. abmam, adj.: — ago; gone; past. abmam, adv.: — since olden times; la- abmam: — for some time; for quite some time; ti-abmam: — immediately there- after; na-abmam: — to put off; to post- pone; to defer; um-abmam: — to loiter; to linger; to tarry; in-abmam: — to- delay; to stay; to stop. abog, n.; also naa-gofli§; gachong: — friend . abogao, n.; — advocate; one who speaks for another; lawyer; attorney. abona, «. tr.: — to pay; to discharge a debt. abono, n.; also taque: — manure; fertiliz- ing substance. abril, n.: — April. absuetbe, v. tr.: — to declare free; to re- lease; to pronounce not guilty; to ac- quit; to absolve. abund§,nsia, n.; also minegae; inabun- dansia; rico; micosas: — abundance; profusion; plenty; opulence; wealth; superfluity; overflow. (129) abundansia 130 adbiento abundansia, adj.: — ample; full; abun- dant. abuttao, adj.: — piled up; amassed; hoarded; cumulated. aca, V. tr.: — to bite; to gnaw; to crush or pierce with the teeth. acacam, n.: — molar tooth. acacha, adj.: — troublesome. acachaye, v. tr.: — to cheat; to deceive; to defraud; to do damage to; to dupe. acadidog, adj., adv.: — sharp; keen; cut- ting. acagiie: — left (direction to the left). acagiie fafayiiia, adj.: — left-handed. S,calaye, v. tr . ; also nk-tunog: — to lower; to let down. acaleja, n.: — snail. acaleng, adj.; also apling; cojo: — dislo- cated; larne; twisted. acamo, v. tr., r. %.: — to wed; to marry. acangcang, n.: — local name for the sword bean, a twining creeper, bearing long esculent pods which, though coarse in appearance, when sliced and boiled, are tender and scarcely inferior to French beans; in Guam its purple flowers are conspicuous by the roadside. acaso, adv., conj.; also cana; jUSgguan; jongguiyon; sinaja: — perhaps; by chance; may be; haply. aclara, v. tr.; also ina; na-fanung6: — to illuminate; to enlighten; to light up. acompana, v. tr.; also atiende; ines- gaijon:- — to accompany; to escort; to convoy; to attend; to play an accom- paniment to. acostumbra, v. tr.; also na-payon (from payon:' to become accustomed to): — to accustom; to inure; to hab- ituate. acompanamiento, n.: — convoy; escort; accompaniment. acompara, v. tr.: — to compare; to liken; to draw a parallel between. acomosinao, n.; also maestro: — boss; master; foreman. acong, n.; also aplachS,: — filth; smut; mud; dirt (on the head). aconseja, v. i.; also pagat: — to counsel; ■ to advise; to assist; to preach. aconseja, v. tr.; also atpajon:— to guess (by all sorts of signs); to divine; to find by conjecture; to prophesy; to tell one's fortune. acotdion, n./aZsoatmonico: — accordion, acre, n.: — acre. acreedot, n.: — creditor. acseptasion, n.; also chinile; resibo; rinesibe; inacsepta: — receipt; accept- ance. acsepta, v. tr.; also resibe; chul§: — to receive; to accept. ascidente, adj., adv.: — occasional; in- cidental; casual. acsidente, n.; also desgrasia: — acci- dent; untoward event; unlooked-for happening. acsion, n.; also finatinas: — action; deed; creature; work; act. actiho, adj.; also man julat; najong: — effective; efficient. acusad6t, n.; also demandadot: — plaintiff; one who commences a suit in a court of law. acha, n.; also gachai: — ax. acha, V. tr.; also na-maiiana: — to make mellow; to beat; to make tender. acha-ungag, v. tr.: — to balance; to make of equal weights. achaca, v. tr.: — attribute; to rate; to put down to some one's account. achai, n.: — chin. achaicag, v. %.: — to plunge down; to be precipitated; to tumble; to tilt; to rush; to move or press forward with impetuosity; to enter with undue eagerness. achaicag, v. tr.:— to turn over; to throw headlong. acliaigua, adj.; also parejo; aya: — similar; resembling; equal. achaigua, 7i.; also pinarejo:— sem- blance; likeness. achagona, adj.: — farther; more distant or remote. achaque, n.; also ataque: — fit; shock; attack. achetgue, v. i.; also chalamlam: — to blink; to wink; to twinkle. achamchara, n.: — jawbone; the lower, or nether, jaw. achaque, n.; also jinatme: — sudden attack; penetration. achatatanmo, n.; also enemigo; achat- liemo: — enemy; opponent. achetgue, v. i.; also chalamlam: — to blink; to wink; to twinkle. achigo, V. i.:—to close the eyes. achiote, n.; achote; achuete: — local name for a small fcee bearing prickly capsules containing seeds surrounded by a red pulp, \vhich yields the well- known annotto or arnotto of corn- merce; the chief uses to which it is applied are for dyeing silk and cotton orange-yellow, and for coloring cheese and butter; the color imparted to fab- rics, however, is not lasting. acho, n.: — stone; rock; cliff. acho-atupat, n.: — sling-stone. achog, conj.; also achogja; sin enbatgo na: — notwithstanding that; though; although; albeit. achom, v. i.: — to sneeze. acho molino, n.: — millstone. ach6-nana,c, n.: — coral. ach6 ni mi bale, n.; also yema: — gem; a precious stone. acho puc6, n.: — fishing stone (stone used by the natives when fishing) . ada, V. tr.:— to jeer at; to backbite; to scoff; to deride. adag, V. tr., v. i.; also atan; dacut: — to rap; to strike a quick, s^arp blow; to knock. adbiette 131 agangue adaje I interj.; also cuidao ! — be careful ! take care ! beware ! adaje, v. tr., v. i.; also manea: — to be- have; to conduct; to demean; to be- ware; to have a care; to be attentive. adalau! interj.: — but! (exclamatory). adamelong;, adj., adv.: — circular; round; rotund (ball, roll of writing or scroll). adause, v. i.: — to intertwine. adbiento, n.; also jijijot: — advent. adbiette, v. tr.; also cuca; pagat: — to admonish; to advise; to caution; to stimulate; to preach. adbiette, v. tr.; also atituye; atan; faisen: — to advertise. adelanta, v. i.; also lumamauleg; na- lat fena; ma-inejora: — to improve; to advance; to better one's circumstances; to make progress; to prosper; to thrive; to succeed. adelanta! interj.; also sigue mona! — advance ! onward ! adelantao, adj.; also aumenta; luma- ladtilo; gai producto: — rising; in- creasing; flourishing; thriving. adelanto, n.; also linala: — evolution; development; growth. ademas, adv.; also fuerade (Sp.): — be- sides; moreover; apart from that. adeng, n.: — foot. adet, adj., adv.; also cumplido; mampos; malamana: — sex^ere; strict; austere; rigid. adiisina, v. tr.: — prophesy; to tell one's fortune . adibina, n.: — riddle; enigma; puzzle. ading, n.: — leg; one of the limbs by which men and animals walk; patas, n.: foot. adingan, v. tr., v. i.; also adi^ane; alog; cuentos: — to speak; to talk; to say; to utter. adinganiye, v. i.: — to intercede, or to speak in favor of some one. adingo, v. i.; also na-suja; separa: — to separate; to part; to go asunder. adios, interj.; also felis biaje: — farewell; may you fare well; may you prosper. admaye laso sija, v. tr.:- — to lay snares. admirante, n.: — admiral. admite, v. tr.: — to admit; to allow; to let come to pass. adomididi, adj.: — gradual; step by step; by degrees. adopta, V. tr.; also ganye: — to adopt (as one's own child); to select. adora, v. tr.: — to adore; to worship; to idolize; to love passionately. adotgan, v. tr.: — to traverse; to run through; to go through. adotna, v. tr.: — to decorate; to adorn; to trim. adotno, n.: — ornament; adornment; em- bellishment. adrede, adj., adv.; also jasngon; de- pots! ma-jasuye: — designed; inten- tional; premeditated. aduana, n.: — customhouse. aduana, n.; also apas; derechos: — customs duties; duties; fees. aduanayon, adj.: — dutiable; subject to- duty. aduanero, n.;— revenue officer, a'duco, adj.; also a'tamos; nesio: — imbecile; feebleminded; idiotic. adquilet, n.; also adquilon: — rental; amount of rent. adquila, v. tr.; also arienda: — to rent; to let by lease; to farm out. aeronauta, n.; also piloton aire: — aeronaut. a fabot de: — in favor of. afafa, n.: — armpit. afafa^i, v. tr.: — to carry under the arm- pit. afamao, adj., adv.; also distiiigguido: — famous; distinguished. afatigao, n.: — fatigue; weariness; mental or bodily exhaustion, afitma, v. tr.; also defiende jafa na rason: — to allege; to affirm; to assert. aflago, n.; also tuyan; patol: — lower part of the abdomen; groin. afiito, V. tr.: — to fry; to bake in a pan. afloja, V. tr.; — to decrease in tension; to slacken; to unbend, afloja, V. tr., v. i.; also cumacalo; numaba: — to relax; to enervate or to become enervated. afog, n.: — lime, afottiinao, adj., adv.; also felis: — fortunate; wealthy; opulent; lucky; prosperous; happy; auspicious. afottunao, n.; also suette: — good for- tune. afte, V. tr.: — to cover; to cover the roof (with leaves of the cocoa palm), afuetsas, adj., adv.; also pot y fuetsa; fuetsao: — forcible; violent. afuetsas, v. tr.: — to subdue; to compel; to force; to coerce; to constrain. afulo, n.; also riyeno: — wadding; soft stuff of loose texture used for stuffing garments; lining of a garment. afuluye, v. tr.: — to wrap in; to line. afiinan gupot, n.: also bisperan gu- pot: — evening before a festivity. afuyut, V. tr.: — to swaddle; to swathe; to wrap up; to infold. aga, n.: — raven. aga, 71.: — banana, when ripe, agaga, n.; also cueyo: — neck, agaga, adj.; also didog agagana: — scarlet; of a bright red color. agaliya, n.: — a variety of fig-tree. agang, adj., adv.; also buruquento: — loud; noisy. agang-, v. tr., v. i.; also cate: — to cry; to cry out; to howl {ex., the wind); to roar (ex., the bull); to peep (ex., the chicks). agang, v. tr.; also agangue: — to sum- mon; to call; to announce a marriage from the pulpit; to call together. agangue, v. tr.; also conbita; combida; jujo; soyo: — to invite. agangfiaijon 132 aliansa agangrlaijon, r. tr.: — to publish. agapa, adv.; also gui agapa: — on the right hand; to the rifjht hand. agara, v. tr., v. i.; also gacha; taca: — to grasp; to catch up with; to attain; to reach ; to seize with the hand . §,go, V. tr.; also tul3.ica: — to change; to exchange; to bring cattle from one place to another. agodai, v. tr.; also ma-agodai; neL- lalalo: — to inflame; to excite; to fire with passion. agodai, adj.; also na fanila; songgue: — inflamed; incensed. a,gogmye,v.tr.: — to assail; to attack; to fall upon (applies especially to an attack of many upon one). agonias, n.; also pinadese: — agony; pangs of death. agosto, n.: — August. agradable, adj., adv.; also na'magof: — agreeable; obliging; pleasing. agradese, v. tr.; also gueflamen; tasa: — to appreciate; to value. agradese, v. tr.; also nae grasias: — to give thanks; to return thanks; to express gratitude about; to acknowledge indebt- edness for. -agradesido, adj., adv.; also magS,om jinalum; penitijdye: — thankful ; grate- ful; sympathizing. agradesinxiento, n.; also gratifica; in- agradese; ninae; premio: — reward; recompense; thanks; gratitude; ac- knowledgment. agramadera, n.: — brake; wagon brake. .agua, V. tr.; also gope:— to jump; to skip; to leap lightly over; to omit. agua bendita, n.: — holy water. aguada, n.: — water supply. aguaguat, adj.: — obstinate. aguaguate, v. i.; also apulai; facho- chiie; muinu:^to struggle; to strive hard; to labor earnestly. aguaguate, v. tr.; also opone; resiste; ti malague: — to disagree; to contra- dict; to quarrel; to dispute; to struggle. aguaiya, n.: — amour; love affair; also giiinaiya; nobio; anobio: — lover; gal- lant; spendthrift. aguanon, n.; also jagoi: — shallow lake; lagoon. aguante, v. tr.; also sungon; sos- tiene: — to tolerate; to bear; to sup- port; to endure; to sustain. agiiet, v. tr.: — to throw; to cast; to fling. aguila, n.: — eagle. agululume, v. tr.: — to flock or crowd together; to run together. agumento, n.: — debate; deliberation; argument. agupa, n.: — to-morrow. aguyon, adj., adv.; also tulaicayon: — variable; fluctuating; fickle; change- able; inconstant; mutable. :aiai, v. i.: — to grieve; to lament; to bemoan. aire, n.; also manglo: — air; ventilation; wind. airoso, adj., adv.; also elegante; tai- parejo:— delicate; admirable; lively; vivacious; elegant. ais, n.; also ielo: — ice. aislado; adj., adv.; also maisa; solo; retirao gui pumalo; sumajngue: — isolated; solitary; secluded; off -lying; remote; lonesome, aja, V. tr.: — to expose to the sun. aje, adv.; also miinga: — no (opposite of yes). ajos, n.: — garlic, cultivated more ex- tensively in Guam than the seboyas, onions; a favorite ingredient in many dishes of the Chamorro. ajusta, V. tr.; also famauleg; na-gas- gas; na-tunas: — to settle a loan; to arrange; to set in order, ajustao, adj.; also umaya; suiisiente: — adequate. ajustao, adv.: — exactly; fitting snugly. ala, n.: — basket made from cocoa-palm leaves; not very durable; when doubled is called alan togtog. alaba, v. tr.; also alabado: — to praise; to laud; to commend, alacran, n.: — scorpion. alado, n.: — plow. alado, v.: — to plow, aladuyon, adj.; also sina ma alado: — arable; fit for the plow. alaguan, ?i.: — rice soup. alaisen, v. tr.: — to fail to meet some one; to fail to fall in with some one. alaja, n.: — ornament; jewelry. alajas, n.; also gatbesas: — jewel; jewelry; ornament. alala, n.; also dinesea: — greediness; desire . alalag, n.: — vernacular name of the linden-leaved morning-glory; a com- mon plant in Guam, alamle, n.: — wire. alamlen tituca, n.: — barbed wire. alanga, v. i.: — to gape; to open the mouth wide. alanga, adj., adv.; also baba; lang&; totpe: — stupid; foolish; silly; dull; simple. alan^ang, n.;— name of a tree bearing a profusion of greenish-yellow fragrant flowers, with long, fringe-like petals, from which the perfume ylang-ylang is made. alansa, n.: — displeasure. ale, V. tr.; also na-ale; deshonra; na- inale; na-tai-fama: — to insult; to bring disgrace upon; to injure the good name; to dishonor; to defame. ales, V. tr.; also panot ales: — to swallow; to gulp down (without masticating or chewing). alesna, n.: — awl. aliansa, n.; also inetnon: — alliance; bond. alibia 138 ancho alfbia, v. tr.: — to facilitate; to ease; to re- lieve; to make easier or lighter. alibiao; also consuela; lumamagof: — relieved; freed from pain, suffering, or grief. alibio, n.; also quin^uela; descanso: — solace; consolation; relief; mitigation; easing; alleviation; comfort. alentos, n.; also alientos; jinagong: — breath . aligau, V. tr., v. %.; also egaga: — to seek; to search for; to try to find; to be in quest of. aliling, n.: — shellfish, alixaasag, n.: — crustacean; crayfish; crawfish, alimenta, v. tr.; also chugo; na-cho- cho: — to feed; to nourish; to support. alimento, n.; also nengcano: — nutri- ment; nourishment; eatables. alina, v. tr.; also famauleg; famauli- que: — to decorate; to put in order; to remedy; to prepare. alinao, adj.; also gasgas — tidy; trim; neat. alingquin, v. tr.; also puja: — to capsize; to turn over. alisto, adj., adv.: — brisk; alert; quick, alitos, n.: — earrings; ear pendants. almojada, n.; also alunan: — pillow, alof, V. i.:—to call by signs; to summon by signs. alog, v.t.r.,v.i.; also adingan; adingane ; cuentos: — to speak; to talk; to say; to utter. alosuttimo, adj., adv.: — eventual; ulti- mate. alula, V. tr.; also alulaye; n§,-chadeg: — to hasten; to move quicker; to hustle; to exhibit energy and alacrity. -alunan, n.; also almojada: — pillow; cushion. -alunan-ja^o, n.; also barote: — head- rest; ancient pillow, made of a short piece of wood. -alutong, n.: — granite. amaca, n.: — hammock, amama, n.; also ame: — remnant of the betel nut, which is thrown away after chewing. amamang, n.: — lower lip. amariyo, adj., adv.: — yellow, amasa, v. tr.: — to knead the dough. amasca, v. tr.: — to chew tobacco. amasca, n.: — chewing tobacco. amatgoso, n.: — balsam. amcona, adj., adv.: — older. -^.tnco, adj.; also de edad; bijo; antti- guo: — old; aged; ancient, araenasa, v. tr.; also f§,nagiie: — to threaten; to menace. americano, n.: — American. aminasa, v. tr.; also fanagiie; jongang; na-maa^nao; minaa'iiao: — to scare; to frighten; to strike with sudden terror. aminaso, n.; also minaa^nao: — scare; a sudden fright or panic. aminudo, v. tr.: — retail; to sell in small quantities. amista, n.; also fe; giiinaiya: — fidelity; integrity; loyalty. amistosamente, adj., adv.: — friendly; amicable . amontona, v. tr.; also na-etnon; famauleg: — to amass; to heap up; to join. amorao, adj.; also enamorao: — enam- ored; smitten; in love. amot, V. tr.; also chul^^guan; fan- entayag: — to rob; to plunder; to de- prive by force; to despoil; to depose; to depopulate; to devastate. araot, n.: — drug; medicine. amot, n.; also caridad; giiinaiya: — love. amot na mu na na-maigo, n.; also opio: — opium. amot palai, n.; also linimiento: — lini- ment; a medicated liquid for rubbing into the skin. amot para chStnot, n.; also engiiente; palai: — ointment; an unctuous sub- stance applied to a wound or injured part. amotsa, v. i.:—to take, or to have, breakfast. amotsa, n.: — breakfast. ampara, v. tr.; also gogiie; sagUS; saguan; na-lijeng; proteje; de- fiende: — to guard; to shelter; to de- fend; to protect. amores secos: — -vernacular name for the awned beardgrass; common in Guam and furnishing good pasture, but disagreeable on account of its adherent awns ; used in the Philippines for making hats and mats. amte, v. tr.; also na-joml6: — to heal. amte, n.; also remedia: — remedy; an efficacious medicine. amtiyon, adj., adv.: — curable. an (prefix): — something left over (ex. an-sepiyo: — wood shavings). ana, v. tr.; also isagiie; na-ale; n§,- chatsaga; ofende: — to^ offend; to in- sult; to outrage; to affront. anaco, adj.: — lengthy; long and tiresome. anaco yandalalainapedaso matiteg pat ma utot; retasos, n.; also peda- sito: — shred; piece; fragment; a long narrow piece torn or cut off. anagong, n.: — a very small hut. anade, v. tr.: — to add; to append; to add to something already said. anaco, adj.: — long; extended in time or length; not short. anai, conj.; also an nai; guin; guinja; yagnin; ngaian: — when; whenever. anai ja, conj.: — every time when . aiiau, v. tr.; also julat; £etde: — to over- come; to subdue; to reduce to subjec- tion; to conquer. ancho, adj., adv.; also feda; mi lugat; dangculo na lugat: — spacious; wide: roomy. andame 134 apasigua andame, n.; also andamio: — scaffold- inf!;; Btaging. andas, n.; also anggariya: — bier; bed. andi, adj.; also tvritten ande; gatbo: — nobby; stylish; gaudy; showy; vulgarly gay. andi, n.; also written and§: — dandy; fop; coxcomb. anduyd, n.: — filler of a cigar; a bundle of ten small tobacco leaves. angcla, n.: — anchor; anchoring ground. angiles, n.: — indigo. angjet, n.; pi., angjeles: — angel. angld, adj., adv.; also dogngos: — ^barren; dry; arid; destitute of moisture. angio, adj.; also consado; esterit; tai minauleg; na oda: — sterile; barren; producing little or no crop. angoco, V. ir., v. i.; also tagtian; con- fia: — to intrust; to confide; to look for; to expect; to hope. angocuyan, adj., adv.: — true; faithful; confident. angosto, adj., adv.; also tunas: — narrow; close; strict; straight. anguin, conj.; yanguin: — if; on condi- tion; supposing that; whether; al- though. anitbetsario, n.; also cumple anos: — anniversary. anima, v. ir.; also choneg; na-m.a- tatnga; suoii: — to elate; to raise the spirits of; to inspire; to encourage; to strengthen. anima, v. i.; also abiba: — to take courage. animas, n. pi.: — poor souls. anirtiao, adj.; also lalk: — Lively; active; brisk; animated. animo, n.; also atrebimiento: — courage; mettle. animoso, adj., adv.: — daring; rash; wild; bold; venturesome; also batbaro: — spirited; courageous; matatnga: — capable; brave. anineng, n.; also nujong; sombra: — shade; shady place; shadow. aniyo, n.; y aniyon lulug ni luirdlilico gui puntan cadena pat masea manor — link; a single ring or di\dsion of a chain; ring. anlasgiie, n.; also leston: — lath; a strip of wood. anmasuan, n.; also piliau; paladan: — scar; weal; mark. ano, n.: — year. ano nuebo, n.: — the New Year. anog, V. %.: — to come in sight; to shine forth; to make one's appearance. anonas, n.; — local name for the bullocks heart or custard apple, a tree of Ameri- can origin; its fruit is long in ripening, and the natives do not esteem it very highly, but it is a favorite food for the faniji, the fruit-eating bat of Guam. ante, n.; also jinalum: — soul; the inner man; heart. antecamara, n.; also cuatton bisita: — waiting room; anteroom. antehojos, n.: — spectacles. antes bien, adj.; also mas bien: — sooner; much more; rather; to the contrary. antes de, adv., prep.; also antes que; mona; san mena: — before; in front. antiguo gvii setbisio: — veteran. antiguo, adj.; also de edad; amc6; bijo; bija: — old; aged; ancient. antojo, n.; also minalago: — whim. antula, n.; also linipa: — fraud; deceit; cheating; imposition; humbug. antupa, n.: — rubbish; debris (in build- ing operations). anula, v. tr.; also na-dilug; na-denga: — to reverse; to turn upside down; to change entirely. antinsia, ■?;. tr.: — to announce; to herald; to publish. aog, n.: — wedding gift, of the bride- groom to the bride. alpaca, adj.: — white. alpaca chada, n.; also claranchad3,: — white of an egg. apacanaijon, adj.; also blangquisco; inapacaan: — whitish . apachia, n.: — grasshopper. apaga, n.: — shoulder. apagaye, v. tr.: — to load upon the shoulders. apagon, adj., adv.; also fotgon; magu- em; umido:— moist; humid; damp (preventing an object from burning). apan, v. tr., v. i.: — to recede (ex., water); to become dry. apanag, v. i.: — clash; to strike violently together. aparadot, n.: — wardrobe; closet for clothes. aparadot nengcan6, n.: — pantry; pro- vision closet. aparejo, v. tr.; also prepara: — to pre- pare. aparejo, n.; also siya (para y tatalo gaga): — saddle. aparensia, n.; also mata: — looks; ap- pearance; eye. aparente, adj., adv.; also calan puma- rerejo; umachaigua: — seeming; ap- parent. apas, n.; also suetdo: — salary; recom- pense for service rendered; fee; gra- tuity; derechos; aduana: — customs duties; taxes. apase, v. tr.; also empas: — to atone; to expiate; to make reparation; to give satisfaction; to pay; to reconcile. apas diario, n.: — daily wage. apase y dano; also indemnilica: — to indemnify; to make good damage done. apasigua, v. tr.; chuga; na-majgong: — to assuage; to appease; to soothe; to calm; to make gentle; to make peace- ful; to give pleasure to. apasotes 135 aresta apas pat facae pot y ma satban y batco pat y catgana gui tasi: — sal- vage; compensation for saving a vessel or cargo at sea. apasotes, n.: — name used in Guam for Mexican tea, which is grown in many of the native gardens. apas pasaje, n.: — fare; sum paid for conveyance by railroad, etc. apatta, v. tr.; also na-janau; re- muebe: — to remove; to take away; to send away. apattao, adj.; also sumajngue: — sepa- rated; isolated; divided. apatte, adv.: — apart; aside. apatte, v. i.: — to partake; to take part; to share in common with others. apayujag, n.: — name of a large spider. apecheng, v. tr.: — to carry under the arm. apedelog, v. tr.: — to roll; to roll together hurriedly. apenas, adj., adv.; also ecalag; escaso; jalag: — scarce; not plentiful; seldom met with. apeyido, n.: — surname; family name. aplaca, v. tr.: — to make peace with God. aplacao, adj.: — appeased; assuaged. aplacha, adj.; also gai-fache: — soiled; dirty. aplacha, adj.; also abale: — impure; un- clean; dirty; squalid; foul. aplasta, v. tr.; also talai; gomgom: — to raze; to level to the ground; to blot out; to crush; to break. apleng, v. tr.; also gunus: — to sprain a joint; to pull out; to wean a child. aplica, V. tr.: — to devote; to apply one's self to some object. aplica, adj.; also confotme: — devoted; understanding. aplicao, adj., adv.; also meton: — per- sistent; steadfast; perservering; con- stant; industrious; diligent; assiduous; sedulous. aplicasion, n.: — utilization; application; diUgence. apling, adj.: — disunited; at variance. apling, adj.; also acaleng: — dislocated; lame; twisted. aplog, n.; also manja: — name apphed to a tender coconut, already containing liquid. apo, V. i.; also asun: — to he; to rest in a recumbent position. apo, n.; also senisa: — ashes; cinders; embers. apoi, V. i.; descansa: — to rechne; to rest; to repose. aposento, n.; also fansagayan: — habi- tation. aposta, n.: — ^bet; wager. aposta, V. tr.: — to bet; to wager. apostoles, n.: — apostles. aprendis, n.: — apprentice. apreta, v. tr.; also impide: — to restrain; to check; to repress. apretao, adj.: — contracted; cramped; tightly strung. aprieta, v. tr.: — to press; to clasp; to oppress; to afflict. aprobecha, v. tr.; also gosa: — to enjoy; to have the i)leasure or benefit of; to use as food or drink. aprobasion, n.; also inaprueba: — appro- bation; sanction; approval. aproposito, adj., adv.; also umaya: — fit; suitable; appropriate; adapted. aprueba, v. tr.: — to approve; to assent to; to allow. apulai, V. i.; also aguaguate; facho- ch. tr.: — to lieed ; to regard with care; to pay careful attention; to listen. ■ecu ng u c o n , a dj.; also jungucon; eciingucon: — audible; capable of be- ing heard, eda, n.: — soil; the top stratum of the earth's surface; land; dirt, edad, 7i.: — age (from Latin ajtas). edas, n.; also satgue: — stage; platform, edo (fa-edo), v. tr.: — to light the fire. educa, r. tr.; also fana^gue; na-eyag: — to educate; to impart knowledge. educasion, n.; also ineyag; finan- a^giie : — education . efectos, n.: — wares. «gaga, V. tr.; also reconose; rebista; fatoigiie: — to inspect; to overlook; to control; to search; to view; to visit. egaga, ik tr., v. i.; also aligau: — to seek; to try to find; to be in quest of. ■egueng, adj., adv.; also eguiiig; iirue- gueng: — aslant; awry; sloping; ob- lique, egueng, n.; also inegueiig: — slant; an inclined plane, egiies, v. tr.; also giiesgiies; guagse: — to scrape; to scratch; to scour; to rub; to brush; to shave. eguii%, V. i.: — to lay on the side. «guijan, ■?;. tr., v. i.: — to fish; to go fishing, eje, n.: — axis of the wagon. «jecutibo, n.: — executive; administra- tive branch of the government, ejemplo, n.: — sample; example; parable, ejemplo, n.: — episode; an incident. ejetsisio, v. tr.: — to drill (soldiers). ejetsita, v.tr.; oZso ejetse: — to exercise, ejetsito, n.; also millsia: — army; host. ejoiigui, adj.; also ti areglao; ti pot otden: — ^iiTegular. elije, V. tr.; also nombra; fanaan; sangan; ayeg: — to elect; to name; to appoint, embajadot, n.: — ambassador, embatca, v. tr.; also matidae gui saj- yan ma atmoneda: — to embark, embatga, v. tr.: — to confiscate; to sell at auction. embelequero, n.; also gago; ga-luraa- yau: — idler; sluggard; good-for-nothing fellow; loafer, embeste, v. tr.: — to remonstrate; to ex- postulate. embeste, v. tr., v. i.; also yauyau; ju- matsamiento; jatsamiento: — to re- bel; to munity; to revolt; to assail; to seize; to attack. embidiosa, adj., adv.; also latga; ego: — envious; jealous; grudging. emboscada, n.; also jiniguef : — ambush. embudo, n.: — funnel, embutiye, v. tr.: — to do inlaid work; to do raised or embossed work, embutiye, v. tr.: — to do inlaid work; to do embossed work. emog, n.; also inemog; benggansa; bengga: — vengeance; revenge; retri- bution. em.og, V. tr. — to avenge; to exact retri- bution for; to revenge. empas, v. tr.; also na-afamauleg; apase: — to reconcile; to atone; to expi- ate; to make reparation; to give satis- faction; to pay. empe, adv.; also medio; lamita: — ^half. em.pe, n.; also pedaso: — part; piece; something less than the whole. empena, v. i.: — to take pains; to en- deavor; to try. empena, v. tr., v. i.: — to lease; to let by contract. empenao, adj., adv.; also empenoso: — ardent; eager; zealous. empeiio, n.: — energy; eagerness; zeal. empenoso, adj., adv.: — eager; zealous; emulous; ardent; energetic; strong. emperadot, n.: — emperor. empetuoso, adj., adv.; also na^bubo; nalalalo: — irritable; effervescent; im- petuous. empeya, adj., adv.; also mantica; — • greasy; fat. emplea, v. ^r.;«feo inbierte; inbiette: — to spend time; to occupy; to invest; to make an investment of money (ex., I invested my money in business: — ju inbiette (emplea) y salapejo gui negosio (coraetsio). empleo, n.; also ofisio; peca: — office. empleo publico, adj., adv.; also publico; ofisiat : — official . enagiii ! inter j.; also di ! dia ! diaja ! atan- ja ! — look ! see there ! enamorao, p. p.: — enamored, smitten; in love. enau, adj., pron.: — yon; yonder; that. enbano, adv.; also taiguailaye: — in vain; to no purpose; fruitlessly; un- necessarily. en bes de, prep.; also en lugat de; cuentan: — instead of; in place of. encaja, v. tr.; also engatsa; juchom: — to inclose; to incase; to frame. encajes, n.; also botdao: — embroidery; lace. encanta, v. tr.: — to enrapture; to overjoy; to fill with ecstasy. encatga, v. tr.; also comisiona: — to order; to manage; to bespeak; to give order for. encatgao, n.: — tenure; term of holding; custodian; caretaker. encatgao, jy. p.: — ordered; appointed; arranged. encatgo, n.: — commission; disposition; office. enemigo, n.; also ach.atli§mo; achata- tanmo; contrari©: — enemy; oppo- nent; adversary. enero, n.: — January. engaiio, n.; also finababa; inacacha- traision: — imposition; trick; fraud; de- ception. engataa, v. tr.; also oriyaye: — to border; to encompass; to inclose. engcola 164 escopla engcola, v. tr.; also f3,gase: — to wash; to cleanse. enggrudo, n.; also goma; cola: — paste; mucilage. fingning, adj.; also vritlen engueng; also inggrato; ti confotme: — thank- less; untrue; ungrateful. 6nguingue, v. i.: — to sniff; to snuffle; to snuff. enimigo, n.; also uritteri enemigo: — foe; personal enemy, enjiniero, n.: — engineer. en lugat de, prep.: also cuenta; en bes de; cuentan: — instead of; in place of. enmienda, v. i.; also refotma; na-la- asentado: — to reform; to make Ijetter; to correct. end, n.: — blanket; covering, enramada, n.; also sagayan: — arbor; bower. enredadot, n.: — calumniator; reviler; slanderer. enredos, n.; also inada: — aspersion; slander; defamation, ensalada, n.: — salad, ensatta, v. tr.; also jotne y jaguja: — to pass a thread through the eye of a needle; to draw through. ensatto, n.: — row (referring to a fence). ensaya, n.: — trial; attempt. ensaya, r. tr.: — to try. ensaya y canta, n.: — musical rehearsal, ensayo, v. tr.: — to attempt; to try; to re- hearse; also tienta; chague; tana: — to taste food. enseguidas, adj., adv.; also dere- pente: — abrupt; sudden, enseguidas, adv.; also ti— abmam: — forth^vith; immediately; without delay; at once; soon; quickly; directly, enseguidas na niretrato, n.: — snap- shot; instantaneous photograph. enseguidas na inatan, n.; also chat- lie: — glimpse; a transient view. enseguidas que, conj.; also asi que: — as soon as; so soon as. ensenada, n.; — cove; bay; inlet, ensina, n.: — plum tree. entalo, prep.; also entre: — amid; among; between, entalue, v. i.; also umentalo; atro- peya; mete: — to interfere; to oppose; to meddle; to act as mediator. entayag, n.: — thief, entenada, 71.: — stepdaughter, entenado, n.: — stepson, enteramente, adj., adv.; also cabales; entero: — complete; entire; total; full; ready; prepared. entero, adj., adv.; also taigiieco: — solid; not hollow, entiero, n.: — burial; funeral, entonses, adv.; also despues: — then; thereupon; thereafter; afterwards. entrada, n.: — entry; foreroom; also jinalom: — the act of entering, entre, prep.; also nu: — through; with; of. entrega, r. /r.; aZso rentinsia; rinde: — to surrender; to cede; to resign; to submit; to yield. entrega, n.; also sacrifica: — sacrifice. entrega, v. tr.; also man ofrese as Ytiiis: — to make an offering to God; to sacrifice. entrepulao, adj.: — miscellaneous; pro- miscuous. entre tanto, adv.; also mientras tan- to: — in the meantime; however; mean- while. entre y nasion sija: — international (be- tween many nations). epapa, adj., adv.; also tag^apa; eba- ba:. — low. epidemia, n.; also peste: — scourge; epidemic; pest; plague. epilepsia, n.; also repot: — epilepsy. eplato, n.; also plate; bandeja: — salver; plate. epoca, n.: — epoch. epog, v. tr.: — to persuade; to entice. epog, V. tr.: — to persuade; to move the heart. equibocasion, n.; also linache: — error; misunderstanding. esalao, n.; also inagang; also written esalau: — shouting; yelling; clamor. eB&\&o,udj.,adv.; oiso losus: ngotngot; afagas:— hoarse. esalau, 1;. i.: — to yell very loudly; to yell one's self hoarse. escabeche, v. tr.: — to pickle; to pre- serve. escalefrio, v. i.; also fugo; g^gululu- fugo: — to shiver; to have a chill; to freeze. escalefrio, n.: — shudder; cold shiver. escama, n.; also gonaf: — scurf; scales (on the skin). escandalo, n.; also linalalo; tinaibo- luntad; tinaiminagof: — scandal; op- probrium; defamation; disgrace; an- ger; bitterness; ill will; A^exation. escandaloso, adj., adv.; also chatpayon; petbetso: — infamous; wicked; prof- ligate. escapa, v. %.: — to run away; toescape (a danger). escapulario, n.: — scapulary; monastic habit. escaso, n.; also nesesita; malagd; finatta:^ — want; deficiency; defeat. escaso, adj., adv.; also jasan; rare: — rare; unusual. escaso, adj., adv.: — -unusual; scarce. escatlatina, n.: — scarlet fever. escatmina, v. tr.: — to husk cotton. escena, n.;^scene; the time, place, or circumstance, in which anything occurs. esclabittid, n.: — slavery. esclabo, n.: — slave; human being held in bondage. escoba, n.: — broom. escopeta, n.; also paquen petdegon: — shotgun. escoplo, n.: — chisel. escribiente 165 estomago escribiente, n.; also titugui: — writer, clerk; penman; one who writes. escrupuloso, adj., adv.: — scrupulous. escrupuloso, adj., adv.; also pinalalala; lulu j an chachat jinaso : — anxious; scrupulous. escuadron, n.: — squadron, escuela, n.: — school, escultor, n.; also written escuttot: — sculptor. escusa, n.; also falagiiiyun: — excuse; evasion; expedient; pretense. escusa, v. tr.; also dispensa: — to excuse; to exculpate, esfero, n.; also inadamelong: — sphere; a globe or globular body. esita , V. i.; also esitane: — to joke; to amuse one's self. esitane, v. tr.; also fababa; dague: — to bluff; to deceive, esmero, n.; also empeno; quinimpli- do: — zeal; eagerness; diligence. espada, n.; also sable: — sword; saber. espanta, v. tr.; also sugon: — to scare away; to frighten off. espantao, adj.; also lujan: — scared. espanto, n.; also jinanjan: — fright; a sudden violent fear; alarm; threat. espasio conj.; pot espasio de : — while; during the time that, espedision, n.: — expedition. espejos, n.: — mirror; -looking-glass. espeque, TC.: — lever; crowbar. esperimentao, adj.; also practice; payon: — skilled; experienced; versed. espesia, n.; also pinaupau; minan- ngue: — spice; relish, espesiat, adj., adv.; also otro: — peculiar; appropriate; individual; special. espesialmente, adv.;also sumasajngue; also written sumasajngui: — specially; particularly; in particular. espia, V. tr.: — to reconnoiter; to spy; to watch; to contemplate, espia, n..-— spy. espiasion, n.; also inempas: — repara- tion; expiation, espinaso, n.: — backbone; spine; nape; the back of the neck; tongjo: — the neck, espiniya, n.: — shank, espiritu, n.: — spirit; the soul, espirituat, adj.; also iyon espiritu: — spiritual. espKca, v. tr.; also pula; na-manana; na-gasgas: — to explain; to make clear; to expound, esplica, v. tr.; also sangan: — to relate; to tell; to describe, esplicaye, v. tr.; also traduse; sanga- niye: — to interpret; to translate. espolon, n.: — the spur of the fighting cock, espongja, n.: — sponge, esposision, n.: — exposition, esposo, n.: — ^liusband; a married man. espresa, v. tr.: — to express; to exhibit by language. espuelas, v. tr.: — to give the spurs (to the horse). espuelas, n.: — spurs (of the rider). espuma, n.; also boan:^ — scum; foam; froth. esquina, n.: — corner (of a building). esta! inter j.; also yesta! — ready! establese, v. ?r.,-aZso introduse; aregla; planta: — to introduce; to inaugurate; to establish. establesimiento, n.: — establishment; place of business. estaca, n.; also jotcon; palo: — stake; post; pole; pale. estado, n.; also estao: — state; condition; territory. estag^! interj.: — here! see! (the Latin ecce!). esta listo, adj., adv.; also monjayan: — ready; fiiiished; complete. estampa, n.; also lamina; plancha; litrato : — picture . estandatte, n.; also bandera: — stand- ard; flag. estangca, r. tr.; also na-para; presa: — to stem; to resist; to check; to dam. estano, n.; also estanuye, r.; — tin. estao, 71.; — condition; state (of being). estasionbomban janum, w..-— pumping station. estasiones, n.: — seasons of the year (y tiempo sija gui sacan). este, adj., pron.: — this. este; giiine, adv.: — here; in this place. este magui, «c?i'.." — ^hither; to this place. este magui nai: — in this direction (in the direction of the speaker). este mina, conj.: — for this reason. estensibo, adj., adv.: — extensive. estension, n.: — extension; act or state of extending. esterit, adj.; also anglo na oda: — sterile; barren; producing little or no crops. estiende, v. tr.; also na-maguag; na- dangculo: — to extend; to expand; to enlarge. estila, n.; also fanestilayan: — vessel for distillation; alembic. estila, V. tr.; — to distill. estilo, n.; also moda: — fashion; conven- tional custom of dress. estima, r. tr.; also na-tagajl6: — to ad- mire; to regard with strong appro ^■al; respeta; jai-e: — to respect; to honor; to esteem. estima, n.; also respeto; inestima: — respect; regard; esteem; deference. estima, adj.; also marespeta; maesti- ma: — esteemed; respected; highly re- garded. estimao, adj.; also mimarespeta: — re- spected; highly regarded; esteemed. estira, v. tr.: — to spread out; to stretch out; to unfold a measuring rule. estiyas, n.; also jafe: — splinter; splint;, chip; small piece. estola, 71.; — priestly stole. estomago, n.; also tuyan: — stomach. estoria 166 tafalot estoria, n.: — anecdote. estorian desgra^sia, n.: — tragedy. estotba, v. tr.:— to prevent; to impede; to hinder; to obstruct. estotbo, n.; also impedimento: — im- pediment; obstruction; obstacle; hin- drance. estotbo gui cl^alan; also gadon: — ob- stacle in the way while driving. estotbo, n.; also dano; petjulsio; mo- lestia: — nuisance; anything offensive, injurious, or annoying. estranjero, n.; also taotao juyong: — stranger; emigrant; foreigner; alien. estrano, adj., adv.: — strange; belonging to another country; unusual. estrena, v. tr.; also tutujon; finenana na biaje; tutujon: to initiate; to use for the first time. estreyas, n.;^star; also poached egg. estreyas tasi, n.: — starfish; sea star. estribo, n.: — stirrup. estricto, adj., adv.; also ti-lalache: — accurate; precise; exact; strict. e&tropea, v. tr.; also utot; na-mangco; na-chetan: — to cripple; to maim. estudia, v. tr.; also eyag: — to study; to imitate; to learn. estudiante, n.; also coleale; disipulo; manuiigo: — student; scholar; pupil. estudion tataotao, n.: — anatomy. estufao, n.; also guinisa: — stew; gou- lash. ete, V. tr.; also pacha; yuma: — to touch; to perceive by feeling. e'tiuingo, adj.; also ti tomtom: — im- prudent; unwise. y el mas maguaiya, n.; also y mafabo- rerese: — favorite; bosom child. etmitano, n.: — hermit. etnon, v. tr.; also fan-etrion; na- etnon: — to collect; to assemble; to combine; to unite; to join. etogo, adj.; also pachacate: — small (in growth) . eyag, v. tr.; also estudia: — to learn; to study; to imitate. eyug, n.: — pain (from thrust wound). F. faaila, v. tr.; also sogne; quejaye: — to bring suit; to complain before the court; to accuse. fa-andi, v. %.; also tuna: — to flatter; to fawn on; to wheedle. faafiau, adj., adv.; also taimaanau; taianao: — fearless. fababa, v. tr.; also dague; esitane: — to defraud; to cheat; to deceive; to dupe, fababayon, adj.: — gullible; capable of being easily deceived. fa-bola y jilo, v. %.; also falulun: — to wind up a thread (to make a ball from thread). faborable, adj., adv.: — -favorable; aus- picious; well-disposed. faborese, v. tr.; also proteje; ayuda: — to favor; to patronize; to aid; to protect. faborito, n.: — minion; favorite. fabot, n.; also finaborese; grasia: — favor; protection; patronage; kindness; grace. fabrica, n.; also factoria: — factory, fabrican ais, n.: — ice plant; ice manu- factory. fabrican canded electrisida, n..— electric-light plant. labula, n.: — fable; a short fictitious narrative. facae, n.; also patte: — share; a portion or ])art; a part allotted to one. facae. v. tr.; also pattida; patte; nae: — to snare; to participate; to divide; to make into parts. facanate, v. tr.: — to dig a channel or gutter. fachada, n.: — front; facade. fa-clialan, v. tr.; also chagua: — to make room, fache, n.. — mire; mud; slime; also yeast. fache, n.; also sesonyan: — bog; tract of wet, spongy ground. fache, n.: — clay; loam, fachocho, v. tr., v. %.; also na-calam- ten: — to toil; to work; to labor; to operate. fachochue, v. i.; also apulai; mumu aguaguate: — to struggle; to strive hard; to labor earnestly. fadang, n.: — name of a low, palmlike tree, abundant in Guam (the Spanish Federico); both the fruit and the starchy pith of the trunk are utilized for food. fae, n.; also pugas: — rice (not hulled); jinegsa: — rice (cooked). faet, adj.: — salty (sea water). fafababa, n.; also ohegle; palacha; tramposo: — swindler; rogue; humbug; fraud; sham; impostor; trickster. fafababa, adj.; also ti man-jonggue; ti jenggue; infiet; ti fiet: — infidel; unbelieving; ungodly; wicked. fafababa, adj.; also traidot: — faithless; unfaithful; treacherous. fafaborese, adj., adv.; also yana man nae fabot; fafatpai: — obliging; pleas- ing; agreeable. fafachocho, adj., adv.; also buen- m.uchacho: — industrious; laborious; hard working. fafachocho ni metat sija, n.: — smith; worker in metals. fafaichanag, n.; also na chatgiiiya: — despiser. fafajan, n.: — buyer. . fafalago, n.: — runner; one who runs; racer. fafalot, n.: — lantern bearer. fafanagUe 167 fanaaiL fafanagiie, n.; also fantasma; plan- tasma; dujendes: — spook; gho^t. fafapus, adj., adv.; also jijocog: — transi- tory; fleetiug; perishable. f a f a t a , adj.: — magnificent; splendid ; pompous. faf atpai, adj. , adv.: — pleasing; agreeable ; obliging. fafatquilo, adj.; also quieto: — silent; close; kept secret; taciturn; peaceful. fafayina, adj., adv.; also juguayon: — ambidextrous (todoja ja julat uma- tiende; todoja ydos canal fafayina). fagas, V. tr.: — to throw; to stone. fagase, r. tr.; also engcola: — to cleanse; to \Yash. fagcha, V. i.; also suette: — to be lucky; to be successful. fagchai, v. tr.; also soda; jentan: — to find; to discover. fagmata, v. tr.; also yajo: — to wake up; to awake. fago, n.; also languite: — name of a forest tree of medium size; the fine- grained yellow wood is sometimes used for making furniture; it does not soon deca}- and resists the attacks of insects, but is not strong. fagpo, V. i.; a/^o na-para: — to finish; to stop; to cease. fagte, V. tr,: — to collect (rainwater in receptacles or reservoirs). f aichanag, v . tr. : — to despise ; to slander. faichanag, v. tr.; also fajiyung; chat- guaiya: — to despise; to slander; to distain. faichechiie, v. tr.; also gana; soda:— to earn; to acquire; to procure by effort. faila, n.; also notisia; notificasion; finaaila: — notice; notification; report. failamuni, v. tr.; also fa-lamon: — to estimate; to consider; to calculate. failajye pumuno, v. tr., v. i.: — murder; to commit a murder. failajye, v. tr.; also fababa; traidute: — to betray; to be untrue to. failajye, adj.: — deceitful; cunning. taXieg, adj., adv.; cacaleg; maagsom: acid; bitter; sbur. faininug, v. %.: — toactthespy; tospy. faisen, v. tr., v. %.; also aberigua; gagau: — to ask; to interrogate; to question; to warn; to give notice of danger. faisensine, v. tr.; also despega: — to re- move; to peel off (meat from the bone). faja, n.: — to girdle; belt for the waist; sling. fajan, v. tr.: — to purchase; to get for a price; to buy. fajanon, adj.: — purchasable; for sale. fa-janum, v. i.: to melt. fajateg, adj.: — prohibited. falag, V. tr.; also janao: — to go to . falago, r. i.; also malago: — to escape; to run away; to flee. falag'O ! inter j.: — hurry! hurry up! falaguaijon, v. tr.; also umescapa: — to slip away; to steal away; to escape, falagiiiyun, n.; also escusa; falagiii- yon: — excuse; evasion; expedient; pretense. falingo, V. tr., v. %.: — to lose; to go astray; to be lost; to go to the bad ; to disappear. falo, n.; also lemog: — pestle; rammer;^ beetle. falot, n.: — lantern, falulon, V. tr.; also afuyut; balutan: — to infold; to wrap up; to swathe; to curl up; to roll together; to coil up. fanaa, n.; also mauleg na naan: — fame^ reputation; mauleg naasaiigan-na: — good reputation, fama, v. tr.; also tuna: — to laud; to praise highly; to extol. famaayan, n.: — rice field, fama-chenchon, v. tr.; also chinen- chon: — to build a nest, famaichecho, v. i.: — to take pains; to exert one's self; to try; to endeavor, famaguiyan, n.: — field rich with game. famalefa, adj., adv^ also jamalefa: — • forgetful; oblivious; liable to be for- gotten. famao, adj.: — laudable; commendable, famaquiyan, n.; also bianco: — rifle range; target. famastuyan, n.; also pasto; fina^- joya: — meadow; pasture land; land yielding hay. famatquilo, v. %.; also pacaca: — to keep silent; to say nothing. fa-mauleg, v. tr.: — to make reparation; to give satisfaction; to expiate; also na-tunas; na-gasgas: — to settle a loan; to arrange; to set in order; to try on. famauleg, v. tr.; also alina; famauli- que: — to put in order; to remedy; to prepare. famegue, v. %.; also fegue; famocat: — to tread; to step; to go on. faiToilia, n.; also taotao sija: — family; folk; people in general, famocat, v. i.; also umadisapatta; janau; sigue: — to depart; to move; to walk; to leave. famoso, adj., adv.; also balente; ma- tatnga: — brave; mighty; powerful; strong; gatbo; bonito; manjulat: — splendid; brilliant; famous; magnifi- cent. famonton, v. tr.; also na-etnon; amon- tona: — to accumulate; to amass; to store up. famta, v. tr.; also na-juyung: — to pro- duce; to bring forth; to create; to propa- gate, fana, v. i.; also afana: — to withstand; to turn against; to look some one sharply in the face. fanaan, v. tr.; also na-gainaan; na- gaenaan: — to denominate: to name; to call. fanachtian 108 fata fanachtian, n.: — stone quarry. fanada, v. tr.: — to lay eggs. faflago, V. tr.; also na-juynng: — to give birth to; to bring forth; to bear. fana'giie, v. tr.: — to teach; to instruct; to give instruction to. fana'giie, r. tr., v. i.: — -to menace; to threaten. fana'giie ni mauleg; also na-eyag: — to edify ; aminasa; f anagiie : — to scare ; to frighten; to strike with sudden ter- ror; na-maanao; jongang chacha- lane; dirije: — to lead; to guide. fanagiiiyon, adj.: — docile; easy to teach; tractable; easily managed. fanalaan, n.; also fan angKian: — drying space. fanangclayan, n.; also angcla: — an- choring grounds. _ fanapiian, n.; also bancon adeng; apo: — footstool. fa-naque, v. tr.: — to thieve; to rob. fanasun cabayo, n.: — litter; straw, etc., used for bedding of horses, etc. fanata-anan, n.; also fanuchanan:^ rainy season. fanatugan, n.; also atog: — hiding place. fan balaja, v. tr.: — to play; to play cards. f anbenaduyan, n.: — afield rich with deer. fandanggo, ?? ..• — marriage feast; wedding feast. f andangguero, n.; also prodigo; gasta- dot: — spendthrift; lover; gallant. fan descansayan, n.: — resting place. fan-entayag, v. tr.; also chule'guan; amot: — to rob; to plunder; to deprive by force. fan-escuela, v. i.: — to go to school. fanestilayan, n.: — distilling plant. fan-etnon, v. i.; also etnon: — to com- bine; to unite; to join. fanetnot, v. tr.; also na-fanetnot; na- chetnudan: — to wound; to hurt; to damage. fanfachian, n.; also atasca; fanatas- cayan; fache: — puddle; mudpuddle; bod}^ of stagnant water. fanf§, V. tr.; also iting; joca: — to pluck; to pick off; to gather. fangachaan, n.; also fefegue; gacha; gagacha; suelas: — the sole of the foot. fangajatan, n.; also mauleg na fanga- jatan: — good hunting ground. fangana, n.; also guinana: — triumph; victory; conquest. fangamutiyan, n.: — potato field. fangualiian, n.; also gualo: — field; plan- tation; plowed ground; estate; prop- erty. fanguiminan, n.; also fanguiniman: — drinking place. fanguape, v. tr.; also guape; sumena; sena: — to sup; to eat supper. fan-igue, v. i.; — to distinguish one's self. fanijen tasi, n.: — flying fish. fanijen tasi, n.: — vernacular for the sea bat; name applied to an eagle ray, with fins developed like two broad wings, and a long flexible tail armed with a separate spine; color of this fish on top is blue, spotted with white. faniji, n.: — bat; flying dog. fanjale, v. i.: — to take root. fanjaluman, n.: — passage; sieve; filter; inlet; also pasaje: — passage. fan lijingan, n.; also lijeng: — refuge; place of retreat; asylum. fan loclugan, n.; also catdero: — steam boiler. fan maigiian manog, n.: — roost; the pole or perch upon which a number of fowl rest at night. fanmalofanan, n.; also paso; fanfa- pusan: — step; passage. fan matayan, adj.: — vital; mortal; essen- tial. fan-negosio, v. %.: — to trade; to carry on commerce; to bargain. fanolaan, n.; also baijadot: — slavering bib. fanolaan, n.; also fanguojan; ben- tana: — window. fanomagan, n.; also bano; tina para umomag: — bathtub . fanomnagan, n.: — summer; a season of the year; also tiempon maipe: — warm time; berano sonmag: — dry season. fanot-dayan, n.; also monchon chot- da: — banana plantation. fanotsot, V. ir.; also repenta; pumi- nite; mumanotsot:— to rue; to be sorry for; to regret; to repent. fanpromesa, v. tr., v. i.: — to promise. fansagayan, n.; also aposento: — habitation. fantasioso, n.; also balenten pachot; banidoso: — braggart; boaster; swag- gerer. fansagayan seguro, n.; also puetton seguro: — haven; place of shelter and safety. fan uchanan, adj.: — ^rainy season. faiiudaan, 71.; — dust corner. fanue, r. tr.; also uritten faniii: — to demonstrate; to eAdnce; to prove; to show; also indica; na-jaso; tan- chtie: — to indicate; to point out; to suggest; to hint. fanugo, V. i.: — to fester; to suppurate. fanupuyan, n.; also tupo: — sugar-cane plantation. fanyutian, n.; also yuti: — dung pit. fapos, 1'. i.: — to go away; to depart; to run away; also dingo: — to outdo; to overstep. fasalug, n.; also finasalug; maiot: — defile; narrow pass. faso, 11.: — cheek. fastidioso, adj.; — dainty; choice; de- licious; fastidious. fastidioso, n.; also delicadesa; presi- sion: — nicety; precision; fastidious delicacy. fata, V. tr.: — to expose to view; to ex- hibit; to display; to boast. fatachofig 169 fina chalan fatachoiig, v. i.:—to seat one's self. fatachong! imp.; also tachong! — sit down! fatdon, n.; also cola: — burden; large pack; lap; flap; train (of a skirt). fatinas, ,'. tr.; also na-juyong; ch6'- giie: — to make; to create; to fashion; to fabricate; to do; to build; to mold; to execute, fatinas dano, v. tr.; nS,-puti: — to hurt; to do harm to. fatinason, adj., adv.; also ti fajateg; posible: — practicable; possible. fatmasia, n.: — pharmacy; drug store, fate, V. i.; also jaingue: — to appear; to make appearance; to arrive. fatoigiie, v. tr.; also egaga; bisita: — to visit; to inspect; to overlook; to control; to search; to view; to call, fatpai, V. tr.: — to do homage to; to honor, fatquiluye, v. tr.; also famatquilo; fatquilo: — to keep secret; to be silent about; to suppress. la trinchera, v. tr.; also grab a: — to intrench; to dig in. fatsifica, v. tr.; also fababa: — to falsify; to forge, fatso, adj., adv.: — false; unreal; not genuine. fatso, n.: — delusion; imposition. fatso, V. tr.; also deshorira:— to defame; to bring disgrace upon; to insult; to injure the good name; to dishonor, fatta, n.; also injuria; ataque: — offense; injury; assault; error; breach; violation. latta, V. tr.; also abag: — to err; to commit an error; to lack; to be destitute of; to be in want of. fatta, V. %.: — to lack; to be in need; to want, fattista, n.: — truant; absentee from school without permission, faye, adj., adv.; also mititanos; sabio; tomtom; listo; malati: — prudent; sagacious; sly; crafty; learned; wise; skillful; educated. fe, n.; also amista; giiinaiya; jineng- gue: — fidelity; integrity; loyalty; re- liability, febrero, n.;— February. fecha, n.: — date; the time of a letter or transaction. fedos, V. i.; also chaicague; jotde: — to scramble; to clamber vdth hands and feet; to climb, fegue, V. %.; also mamegue; mamocat; pocat: — to step; to go on; to tread, fegue, n.; also rastro: — vestige; track; a mark left in passing. fegue, n.: — track, fejman, adj., adv.; also fuetsao; lalalo; tenjos; fijom; arebatao; im- petuoso: — vehement; violent; furious; irritable; effervescent; passionate; im- petuous. felis, adj., adv.; also afottunao: — fortu- nate; wealthy; opulent; lucky; happy; prosperous. felis biaje ! interj.; also adios ! — farewell! may you fare well ! may you prosper ! felisidad, n.; also minagof: — happiness; bliss. felisita, v. tr.: — to wish happiness to; to congratulate. fenso, n.; also siembra; pepitas; semiya: — seed; stone; kernel (of fruits, etc.). f ero-carit, n.; also fiero carit: — railroad; railroad train, fiadot, n.: — guarantor; surety. fiansa, n.; also finia: — warranty; bail; security, fiesta, n.; aho gupot: — feast; sumptuous repast; festival. faithful, adj.: — true; loyal, fiet, adj., adv.; also ti tra traidute; ti- f afababa: — faithful ; true ; loyal ; hearty; cordial; sincere, figan, V. i.:^-to glow; to radiate heat and light; to shine with intense heat {ex., glowing coals). figan, 11.: — fish roe. figo, adj., adv.: — tough; tenacious, figues,. V. tr.; also gaclia; matca: — to stamp; to crush; to impress, figura, n.; also sinat; modelon: — type; emblem; sign or figure; model, figuran, adj.: — typical; figurative. figuran gaga para ocodo, n.: — decay; lure; stratagem, figuran mata, n . : — feature ; outline ; char- acteristic. figurin, n.: — patterns (for seamstresses); fashion pictures, fijo, adj., adv.; also taiquinalamten; ti na calamtiyon; fitme: — immovable; fixed; unchanging. fijo, adj., adv.; also siempre fijo: — sure; certain; secure; invariable; constant; stable. fila, V. i : — to file, fila, n ; also inatattiye: — series; line; row. fiJag, n ; also coleta; aqueyo: — tress; plait; braid, filag, V. tr.: — to braid the hair (or a rope), filo, n.: — edge; cutting edge (of a knife), fin, n.; also finagpo; minagpo; minag- tus: — end; conclusion; finish. finababa, n.; also inacacha; traision; engano: — 'imposition; trick; fraud; de- ception. finaloaba, n.; also trinamposo; tines- giie; linipa: — swindling; cheating; knavery; deception. finababa, v. i.: — to catch; to cJtieat; to befool. finababa gui nilie, n.; also tatane: — glamour; fascination. finaborese, n.; also fabot: — protection; patronage; favor. fijiaborese, v. tr.:- — to oblige; to render a favor to; to gratify. finacai, n.; also mafacai; dibision: — division; partition, fina chalan, n.; also cayon: — road. fina-dene 170 fontoii flna-dene, n.; also satsa; quelaguin: — sauce; condiment. finagpo, n..-— conclusion; finish; end. finaguagsalo, n.; also bajia; bocana: — bay; tasi: — ^sea. finaguagsalog, n.; also guagsalog: — pass; defile; low ground. finailajye, n.; also trinaidute: — treason; trick. finaisen, n.; also cuestion: — question; query. finajan n.: — purchase. fmalaguaijon. n.: — slip; the act of slip- ping; an oversight or omission; indis- cretion. finalingo, n.; also minafag: — bank- ruptcy. finalulon, n.; also roUo; royo: — roll. finamames, n.: — confectionery; sweet- meats; cakes. finamauleg, n.; also otden; tinago; regla; disposision: — order; command; injunction; rule. finamauleg, v. tr.: — to care for; to pro- vide for; to set at work; to prove by one's action; to develop; to unfold; to put in use. fljiamauleg, n.; also ninamauleg; ina- deianta; siiiibe: — improvement; pi- nelo; gUinaja: — stock; store. finamta, n.; also fottalesa: — fertility; fecundity. finana, v. i.: — to confront by witnesses. finanague, n.; also ineyag; educa- sion: — education. Anaiiila, n.; also minalag: — glare ; bright, dazzling light. finanue, n.; also finanuo; prueba: — ■ proof. finata, n.: — exhibition. finatai, n.: — death; hour of death. finatinas, n.; also acsion: — work; act; action; deed. fill at o, n.: — -arrival. fin at quil o , n.: — silence; absence of sound. fijiaye, ?i.; — gift of wisdom. finayi, n.: — dexterity; manual skill. fineda, n.; also inanclio: — width. finengna, n.: — summary (of contents) (manadidide y minegae). finejnian, n.; also finette; jinilat; fuetsa; minetgot: — strength; force; power; vigor. fine'nana, adv.: — first. fine^nana, adj., adv.: — former; preceding in time or place; first mentioned. fine'nana mafanago, n.; also prime- risa: — first birth; primogeniture. y fine'nana na patgon: — first-born. finette, ?i.; also fuetsa; ninasina; minetgot: — power; strength; vigor; force. finia, n.; aZso inasegnra: — bail; security; warranty. finilag', n.; also tinifog: — basketwork; braided woili. fininut, 71.; also manojo: — bundle. fino, adj.; also manso; suabe: — gentle: refined in manner and disposition; exquisite; delicate; nice: dainty. fino, n.; also idioma; finijo: — language: the speech of one race as distinguished from that of another. fino antes: — old time (ancient) manner of speech or expression. fino jaya, n.: — the Chamorro language (literally, the language of the south, as against fino lago, the language of the north, meaning the Spanish language). fio, adj., adv.; also pi,^gogoja: — actual. fion, adv.; also gui fion; canton; ori- yan: — beside; in the proximity of; near to. fion guafe, n.: — ^fireside; the hearth; do- mestic life and comfort. fitma, v. tr.:— -to sign. fitma, n.: — signature. fitme, adj., adv.; aZso majetog; potfiao; tiso:— hard; firm; fast; strong; inflexi- ble; rigid; stiff; unbending. fiiin, adj.; also oriya; otro; procsimo: — next. flanela, n.; also laniya: — flannel; shirt. flauta, n.: — flute. fiaiitista, n.: — flute player. fiecha, n.: — arrow. flecha, t'. tr.; also paque: — to fire upon; to shoot at. flete, n.; also catgamento:— freight. flojo, adj., adv.; also naba; calo; descui- dao:^relaxed; flabby; soft; loose; slack; slovenly; tarrying; loitering; re- miss; negligent. florero, n.: — urn; a round vessel. fiores, n.. -^flower; bud. pocat, V. %.; also famocat: — to move; to walk; to leave; to depart; to go. foda, adj., adv.; also obtuso; taipunta; naiio: — obtuse; dull. fofo, v. %.: — to snort {ex., the steer). fofona! inter j.; also sigue! — go ahead! forward ! fogon, n.: — stove. fogon, n.; also jotno: — hearth; baking oven; kitchen range; stove. fogonero, n.: — stoker; fireman. fogse, V. Ir.:— to milk (a cow). fomjo, n.;— local name of a coral fish; small and flat, resembling a sunfish; several varieties are found, with differ- ent markings. f6na, v. i.: — to go on ahead. fondo, 71.; also basa; yapapapa: — base; foundation. fondon-tase, n.: — the bottom (of the sea); sea bottom. fongna, v. tr.; also tesgiie: — to make smaller; to make into smaller change (a sum of money); to shorten; to damage; to cheat. fonjayan, i'. tr.: — to finish; to complete. fonografo, 7i.;— phonograph. fontan, v. tr.; also dlscubre: — to dis- cover; to disclose; to reveal. fonton, v. i.: — to belch; to eructate. forastero 171 gadbo forastero, adj., also estraflo: — foreign; Btrange. fotforos, n.; also maches: — match; a lucifer. fotgon, adj.: — ^wet; damp; moist. fotgon, adj.; also apagon; maguem; tiinido: — moist; humid; damp (pre- venting an object from burning). fotma, V. tr.: — to form; to shape. fotmasion, ti.; — formation; that which is formed, or the act of formation. fotmat, adj., adv.: — grave; serious; se- date; sober; earnest; formal; precise; according to rule. fotnido, adj., adv.; also mafnot; met- got; fuetsudo: — sturdy; stubby; ro- bust. fetografia, n.: — photography. fottalesa, n.: — fecundity; fertility; also gugat; netbio: — nerve; fiber; sinew; tendon; vein. fotte, adj., adv.; also fuette; masa- jegat; metgot; robusto; fuetsu- do: — robust; strong; vigorous. fottuna, n.: — fortune; luck; good for- tune. fottunao, adj., adv.; also fells; dicho- so: — lucky; blessed; fortunate; suc- cessful. foyiing, V. %.; also ivritten foyong: — to throw one's self to the ground. fragua, n.: — smith ery; blacksmith's shop. franco, adj.: — candid; honest; out- spoken. franquera, v. tr.: — to frank; to send post-paid. frasco, n.; also boteya: — flask; bottle. frase, n.;— phrase; a part of a sentence. freno, n.: — cmrb; rein; bridle. fresco, adj., adv.; also sague; gusi; malate: — smart; poignant; sharp; clever; accomplished; refreshing, cool; fresh. frijon, V. tr.: — to question; to quiz. fri6n, n.; also caduco; taisentido; taitiningS: — fool; a person devoid of reason or intelligence; idiot; snob; a vulgar person who apes gentility. frionera, n.; also binaba: — folly; want of understanding. frumeona, v. tr.: — to talk silly; to talk twaddle. frutos, n.; also tinegcha: — fruit. _ fuera de, adv.; also san jiyong; taigiie: — out; without; except; out- side of. fuera de tiempo, adj.: — untimely. fuetsa, n.; also quinalamten; ines- tira: — strain; effort. fuetsa, n.; also sisina; autoridad; minetgot: — might; power; authority; force. fuetsao, adj., adv.; also obligao: — com- pulsory; involuntary. fuette, adj., adv.; also fotte; masa- jegat: — vigorous; robust; strong. fueyes, n.: — bellows. fugo, V. i.; also gugululufugo; esca- lefrio:— to shiver; to have a chill (in a fever attack) ; to freeze. fugo, V. tr.: — to press out; to squeeze out. fugo, n.: — chill in fever attack; squeeze. fujut, V. tr.: — to bind lightly; to put a slender hoop around a barrel. fulo, V. %.; also uinaful6: — to wrestle. fumiadot, v. tr.; also cuentaye: — to stand security for; to bail; to warrant. fumiga, v. tr.; also asgiie: — to fumigate; to smoke. fumitme, v. i.; also manjale: — to be- come strong; to take root. funas, V. tr.: — to eradicate; to erase; to rub out; to scrape out; to clear (of sin); to put an end to. funas, V. i.: — to fade; to lose color; to languish; to wither. funda, n.: — cover; pillowcase. fundamento, adj., adv.: — fundamental; basic; essential; primary. funut, v. tr.; also gode: — to bind; to fasten; to tie on. G. gabe, V. tr.: — to cut (with one stroke). ga-cariso, n.; also ga-piao: — the only song bird of Guam, a reed warbler; has a song of exquisite sweetness. gacha, V. tr.: — to injure; to hurt; to kick (with the feet); also oprime; jono: — to suppress; to subdue; to crush; figues; matca: — to stamp; to crush, gacha, V. tr., v. i.; also taca; agara: — to attain; to reach; to seize (with the hand); to grasp. gacha, n.; also fangach§,an; gagacha; fefegue; suelas: — sole (of the foot). gachai, n.; also acha: — ax. gachai, v. tr., v. i.: — to reach; to grasp. 4562—18 12 gachon^, n.; also ma-gofiie; abog: — companion ; comrade ; associate ; partner ; friend. gachong, n.; also companero: — fellow- ship; association; society. gachongnaijon, v. tr.; also esgaijon: — • to escort; to accompany. gacumuentos, n.;— babbler, gacumuentos, adj.: — garrulous; verbose. gada, adj.; also mata (opposite of masa): — unripe; uncooked; green. gfi,dao, n.; also gadas: — name of a fish; a grouper, with leopard -like spots. gadbo, adj., adv.; also written gatbo, ivhich see: — fine; handsome; fair; genteel. gade 172 ga-mamaisen gade, 1'. i.: — to fish (at night with a net). gade, V. i.: — to get caught {ex., dress caught on a nail). gado, n.: — local name for the spiny or wild yam; forms an important food staple in November, after the bread- fruit has gone and before the sweet potatoes are ready for digging. gadon, V. tr.; also cocas: — to complicate; to involve; to entangle. gadon, adj.; also ma-yalaca; com- plicao: — entangled; confused; intri- cate; complicated; dense. gafau, n.; also written gafao: — local name for the Melastoma, a low hairj^ brush growing on the coast; it is injurious to chickens, and they can not be raised where it grows. gaf6,«..-— coconut, when entirely ripened. gafus, V. tr.; also ga,pot; gnot: — to pack. ga'ga,?i..- — animal; vermin ;insects; pests. gagag, V. i.: — to chatter; to gabble. gaga gaponulo, ?i.; also juto: — louse. gaga matai, ?i.; y bumebela gui matai: — death watch; a vigil beside the dead person. gaga taigiiiji y papagpag, n.:— beetle. gagao, V. tr., v. i.; also solisita: — to solicit; to canvas; to entreat. gagao cuentay; also written gagau cuentas: — to call to account; to hold an accounting. gagau, V. tr.; also nesesita: — to require; to lay claim to. gagau, V. i.; also faisen:— to ask alms; to beg; to ask. gagau asi-i, v. i.: — to apologize; to ex- press regret. ga^g-na, adj., adv.: patriotic. gago,?!..- — local name for the Polynesian iron wood; a leafless tree resembling a pine; its wood, heavy, hard, and strong, is excellent for fuel, but is scarcely at all utilized in Guam. gago, n.; also einbelequero; galu- mayau: — idler; sluggard; good-for- nothing fellow; loafer. gago, n.;— sloth; idleness; habitual indo- lence. gago, adj., adv.; also taiquinalamten:^ in Ijlent; lazy; shiftless; improvident. gago, V. i.; also gumago: — to lounge; to SAunter about in a lazy manner. gagot, n.: — flint stone. gai, V. tr.; also guaja: — to have. gaianirao, v. tr.: — to defy; to challenge; to resist openly; to dare; to have cour- age; to attempt. gaianimo! inter j.: — have courage! gaiasagua, p. p.; also casao; umasa- gua: — -married. gaiasii, v. i.; also pinite: — to pity; to have compassion; to commiserate; to deplore. gaibale, v. tr.: — to be worth. gaibatbas, adj.: — bearded. gaibittud, adj., adv.; also masiso: — strong; energetic. gaicolot, adj., adv.; also micolot: — gay- colored; many-colored. gaidefecto,ad)'.,a(/(;.;aZsotidinanche: — incorrect; faulty. gaifache, adj., adv.; also naasgon; apla- cha: — dirty; soiled; impure; foul. gaifigura, adj.: — figuratively spoken; shapely; well built. gaiganansia, adj., adv.: — profitable. gaigue, adj.: — present; here (opposite of taigue, absent). gaigue gui fondo, adj.: — sunken; l>dng on the bottom of the sea. gai giiine, ac?i'.. -^herein; in this. gaiisao, n.; also man-isao; iisao: — debtor; sinner. gaiisao ni dangculo, n.: — felon; one guilty of felony. gaijetdan, adj., adv.: — vegatious; irk- some. gaijinaso, adj., adv.; also manunggo: — sensible; reasonable. gaijinaso, v. tr.: — to employ reason. gai jumatsamiento, adj., adv.: — rebel- lious; mutinous. gailugat, n.; also ocasion; opottuni- dad: — occasion; opportunity. gaininasina, adj.; also guef-ilo: — able. gaiprobecho, adj., adv.; also probe- choso: — useful; profitable; serviceable. gaiproducto, adj.; also adelantao: — flourishing; prosperous; thriving. gairason, adj., adv.; also rasonable: — reasonable; sensible. gaisabot, adj.: — palatable; savory; agree- able to the taste. gaisensia, n.; also sensia coraun: — gumption; common sense. gaisustansia, adj., adv.; also impot- tante: — significant; expressive. gaiuttimo, adj., adv.: — peremptory; posi- tive; final; decisive. gala, ?i..- — festive garb. galafate, v. tr.: — to calk; to repair a ship. galagala, v. tr.: — to cement; to fill up ■■.vith putty. galagala, n.: — putty. galago, -7i..- — dog (literally animal from the north). galaide, 7i.: — canoe. galeria, n.; also cajida; balanda: — porch; portico; vestibule; veranda. galileg, V. %.: — to roll; to turn with cir- cular motion. galon, n.; also sinta: — border; edging; stripes (on uniforms). galon, n.: — ^gallon; a liquid measure. galope, v. i.: — to gallop. galute, V. tr.: — to beat soundly; to cudgel. gania, adj., adv.; also naba; manso; manana: — soft; easily yielding to pres- sure; flexible. ga-maigo, n.; also y mamaigo: — sleeper. ga-mamaisen, adj., adv.; also curioso; aberiguado t : — inquisitive ; curious . ga-man-uga 173 golai ga-man-uga, n.; also minejino; niniria; igua: — flatterer. ga-mimo, adj., adv.; also tagmomyon; tag-mornye: — quarrelsome. gana, v. tr.; also julat guejilui: — to gain; to win; to defeat; to earn; to surmount; to oA'ercome. ganaco, r. tr.; also gaoco: — to prefer. gaiiaco, c. tr.; also gaoco; na-fona: — to prefer; to give the preference to. ganado, n.: — cattle. ganadot, n.; also matatnga: — cham- pion; defender; hero; a man of dis- tinguished courage. ganansia, n.; also remunerasion: — emolument; profit; remuneration; win- ning; gain. ganansioso, adj.; also gaifottalesa; probechoso: — yielding; fertile; rich; productive. ganas, n.; also loglog; minalago: — desire; inclination; appetite. gancho, n.: — boat hook; hook. gancho, t. tr., v. %.: — to catch; to grasp; to gripe; jacot: — to grasp. gane, v. i.; also ogan: — to strand; to run aground; to go ashore; to get stalled. ganso, n.: — goose. ganye, v. tr.; also adopta: — to select; to adopt (as one's own child); to claim; to assert; to demand. gaom, V. tr.:- — to bend; to curve; to touch with emotion; to move the feelings of. gaotgan, v. tr., v. i.:—io choke; to suffocate. ga-plaito, adj.; also na^oson; mimes- terio: — fussy; making a fuss. gapot, V. tr.: — to pull out the hair; to pack; to touse. gapot, V. tr.; also gafus; guot: — to hold fast; to take; to fasten. gaput {or gapot) ulo, n.: — the hair on head. garapatas, n.: — tick (insect). garapinera, n.: — refrigerator; ice box. garotaso, n.: — beating. gas, n.: — gas; illuminating gas. gasa, n.: — gauze; very thin, light, and transparent silk or cotton fabric. gaseta, n.: — newspaper. gasgas, adj., adv.; also pure; taiman- cha; justo; taiinteres; taipinetju- dica: — genuine; real; unadulterated; impartial; free from partiality; unpreju- diced; fair; just; desente; honesto: — decent, clean; neat; ti na^malango; alinau: — sanitary; hygienic. gasolina, n.: — gasoline. gasoso, n.: — local name for the Colu- brina asiatica; a widely spread Poly- nesian shrub, the leaves of which are used for bleaching native mats in Sa- moa, as they form a lather in water like soap; used in Guam for medicine only. gasta, ;;. tr.: to spend money; to expend, ^gastadot, n.: — extravagance; prodigal- ity; wastefulness. gasto, n.: — expenses; costs; consumption. gaston salape, n.: — expenditure; dis- bursement. gaston y biaje, n.: — traveling expense. gastos, n. pi. (Sp.): — consumption; ex- penses; costs. gatano, adj.: — worldly. gatbesas, n.; — valuables; jewelry. gatbo, adj., adv.; also namanman; magas; tagajlo: — gorgeous; splendid; showy; sublime; awe-inspiring; superb; grand; stately. gatbo, adj., adv.; also bonita; dudus; pachuchang: — neat; nice (speaking of girls); beautiful; handsome. gatga, n.; also suette: — lot; fate; for- tune. gatgaras, v. tr.: — to gargle. gatot, n.; — wheal; callosity. ga-iunesitan, n.; also y esitan; lesi- tan:— joker; jokesmith; jester. gay era, n.: — cockfight. gayetas, n.; also biscocho: — biscuit. gayo, n.; — cock; the male of birds; rooster. globe, n.; also y tan6: — globe; the earth. gloria, n.: — glorification. glorioso, adj.: — glorious. gobetnadot, n.; also magalaje: — gov- ernor. gobietna, v. tr.; also goje:— to manage; to govern. gobietno, n.: — government; state. gobietnon taotao, n.: — democracy; government by the people. gode, V. tr.; also funut: — to tie on; to bind; to fasten. goden agaga, n.; also atmadot: — scarf; a light handkerchief or tie for the neck. gof, arf;.— very. gof chatpago, adj., adv.; also ti ata- non: — ^horrid; very terrible; hideous; dreadful. gof dangculo, adj., adv.. — huge; very large. gof fache, adj., adv.: — very thin (liquid). gofis, n.: — ^lung. gof jaane: — beautiful weather. goflie, i'. tr., V. i.; also guaiya: — to love; to be loved. gofliiiyon, adj., adv.; also amable: — ami- able; lovely. gof triste; also trireste: — very sorrow- ful; grieving. gogiie, v. tr.; also ampara; sagiie; saguane: — to protect; to shelter; to defend. goja, 11.: — fan (used in building a fire). goja, v. i.; also sopla: — to blow; to sway. goje, V. tr.; also domina: — to rule; to dominate; to reign over. goje, V. i.; also maiigagmona: — to stoop; to bend the body downward and forward. golai, ?i.; — vegetable. goleta 174 gnasaon goleta, n.: — schooner; two-masted ves- sel. golf, n.: — golf (un clasen bola). golonggong, 71.; — murmuring; buzzing sound . golosina, n.; also postre: — fruits or sweets; dessert. goloso, adj., adv.; also hambiento: — voracious; ravenous; greedy. goma, n.; also enggrudo: — paste; mu- cilage. goman arabia, n.: — gum arabic. gomgom, r. tr.; also yamag; aplas- ta: — to break; to crush. gonaf, n.; also escama: — scales; scurf (on the skin). gonggong, V. i.: — to growl; to grumble. gope, V. tr., V. i.; also agua: — to leap; to pass over by jumping; to jump; to vault; to leap lightly over; to omit. gope, V. i.; also tayogue: — to spring; to leap or bound. gopte, V. %.: — to make a holiday; to cele- brate. gora, n.; also tujong; bonete: — bon- net; cap. gosa, V. tr.: — to enjoy; to have the pleasure of; to use as food or drink. gosne, V. tr.; also lagnos: — to pull out; to draw out. goso, n.; also cantan alabansa: — hymn; song of praise. gota, V. i.: — to drop; to fall in drops. gote, V. tr.; also jacot: — to grip; to catch; to seize. gotgojo, n.: — meal beetle. gotgoreta, n.: — pitcher; earthen vessel for holding water. gotgoretan janiun, n.: — water bottle. gotgot, n.; also y numanatungS; y manangangane: — i n f o r m e r ; ap- prover. gotpe, n.; also dinengdong: — blow; stroke; knock. gotpe, V. tr.; also written gotpe.' — to dash; to throw violently or hastily. gotpea, i;. tr.: — to yank; to jerk; to twist. graba, v. tr.: — to dig in; to intrench. grade, n.; also ramo: — rank; position; Igrade. grado, n.: — step; grade; rise or descent of a roadway; degree. gpramatica, n.: — grammar; principles of the correct use of a language. gfranero, n.: — granary; fruit house. graniso, n.: — hail. graniso, adj.; also ugis: — gray. grano, n.: — grain. grano, n.; also pogpog: — sore; ulcer; corn; abscess. granon males: — grains of corn. grasia, n.; also minaiileg: — grace; favor; kindness; thanks. grasioso, adj., adv.; also inbentibo; sfsoda; didescubre: — witty ; ingenious; clever; gracious; inventive. grasioso, n.: — delicacy; grace; sensitive- ness; refinement. gratifica, n.; also agradesimiento; inagradese; premio; ninae: — re- ward; recompense; thanks; gratitude; acknowledgment. gratifica, v. tr.: — to compenaate; to re- munerate; to repay. grifo, Ti..- — faucet; short pipe with a valve used for drawing liquids from kegs. griniyete, v. tr.: — to chain; to fetter. griyete, n.: — ^handcuffs. griyos, n.: — cricket. guacan tano: — native cattle. guadog, V. i.: — to dig; to scratch (hens). guafag, n.: — mat. guafe, n.: — fire. guagsalug, n.; also flnaguaglug; guag- salo: — defile; low ground; low country. guagse, V. tr.; also egfiies; gtiesgiies: — to peel; to shave; to scrape; to scour; to rub; to brush. guaguan, adj.; also presioso: — expen- sive; valuable; precious. guaguasan, n.; also lanchero: — peas- ant; farmer; rancher. guaguato, v. i.: — to hurry (in a certain direction). guaichongja, adj.; also pat: — either (one or the other). guaife, V. i.: — to blow {ex., wind). guailaye, adj.; also setbe: — useful. guaiya, r. tr.; also manjula para; guef- guaiya: — to swear allegiance to; to pay homage to; to regard; to prefer; to love; also jalum; imajina; juxaalum: — to fancy; to imagine; to take a liking to. guaiyayon, adj.: — lovable; worthy of love; precious; dear. guaiyayon, n.; also nobia; y man guaiya: — sweetheart; lover; loved one. guaiyayon, n.: — charm; loveliness. guaja, V. tr.: — to possess; to have {liter- ally: there is). guaja na biaje, adv.: — sometimes; now and then. guaja nai, adv.; also cada rato; cada la'abmam: — once in a while; a few times. guaja nai; guaja nai; also un biaje; y otro biaje: — at one time; at another time. guaje, V. tr.; also jale; guadog: — to grub; to root out ©f the ground; to dig up; to excavate; to dig out. guajo, pron ; also yo: — ^I; yo: — me. gualafon, n.: — full moon. gualiig, 71.: — lizard of the small house variety. guantes, n.: — glove. guaot, 71.; — ladder; stairway; staircase. guasa. V. tr.; also na,-calactns: — to whet; to sharpen. guasang, n ; also atgayas; tomates agaga: — tonsils; gill. guasaon, n.; also metate; moyon:— ; whetstone; grindstone. gnasaon fino 175 guigonggong guasaon fino, n.; also lamse: — hone; fine whetstone. guasguas, v. tr.; also bale: — to scrape; to rasp; to scrub; to clean; to scour. guatda, r. tr.; also resetba: — to watch; to observe the Sabbath; to retain; to hold or keep in possession. guatdia, n.; also sentinela; y mamli- mulan: — post; guard; watchman. guatnision; also engancha: — to harness a horse. guato, prep.: — indicating direction away from the speaker; toward; in the direc- tion of; chulS guato y relos: — bring the watch there. guaut, n.: — stair; step; flight of steps. guayaba, n.; also abas: — local name for a shrub or small tree bearing the fruit from which the well-known guava jelly is made. gubia, n.: — -hollow chisel. ° gueco, adj., also bianco; gasgas: — blank; free from wilting; empty. gueco, adj., adv.; also basio; taisinaj- guan: — vacant within; hollow; void. guede, n.; also siata: — band. guefdangculo, adj., also sendangculo: — enormous; excessive; immense; very great. guefguaiya, v. tr.: — to prefer; to love. guefilo, adj.; also gaininasina: — ^able. guef-jaan, adj.; also magof; bula som- nap: — sunny; bright; warm; cheerful. guef-lamen, v. tr.; also tasa; agra- dese: — to appreciate; to value. guef-machague, adj.: — elaborate; com- plicated; highly finished. guef-machochd,' adj.: — laborious; dili- gent. guef-ma-esplica, adj.: — copious; com- plete; detailed. ^uef-man-aquijom, adj.; also yodaje; also written guef-man-aquijum: — sav- ing; niggardly; thrifty; frugal; scanty; parsimonious. guef-man-jaso, adj., adv.,; also lean; listo: — thoughtful; contemplative; at- tentive ; careful ; sharp witted ; sagacious. guef-pago, adj., adv.; also bonito; guai- yayon: — graceful; charming; pretty. guef-rasa, adj.: — thoroughbred; of pure and unmixed blood. guef-reconose, v. tr.: — to rummage; to search carefully for. guef-saga, adj., adv.: — comfortable; for- tunate; magof: — content. guef-saga, adj., adv.; also maipe; raafnot; nmaatog: — snug; concealed; compact; warm. guef-tano, adj., adv.; also togcha; jafnag; mepa; mamanta: — fruitful; prolific; fertile. ^uef-tao, adj., adv.; also man-goflie; ga-man-nai: — big-hearted ; benevo- lent; well-meaning; genial; kindly; sympathetic in disposition. guef-tao, adj.; also dangculo; mauleg; fafata: — magnificent; splendid; pom- pous. guef-uniatong6, adj.; also umapa- yiine: — familiar; well acquainted; in- timate; affable. guegmen, n.;— drinker. guegmon, n.: — larynx; Adam's apple. guegpo, adj.; also gupo; guigupo: — flying. guegpo, n.; also pajaro: — bird. giiegiie, n.: — tooth-pick. gue jiliii, n.; also magase: — super- \ision ; the act of supervising. giielo; giiela, n.: — grandfather; grand- mother. giienau, ac?y..-— there (in the proximity of the person addressed). gUenau guato, adv.; also ayo guato: — there; in that place; thither; that way. giienau nai, adv.: — there. giien|^giieng, n.: — nod; a quick incli- nation of the head; shake of the head. gu© papa, adj.; also tag papana: — sub- ordinate; inferior in rank, power, or po- sition. guera, n.; also gueriya: — war. guera, v. %.: — to wage war. guerero, n.; also lalajen guera: — warrior. giiesgiies, v. tr.; also egiies: — to scrape; to scratch; to scour; to rub;. to brush; to shave . giietgfiiero, n.; also gatganta: — throat. giietgiiero, n.;— alimentary canal. gueton, adj., adv.: — thin; fragile; brittle. gugan, V. tr.: — to shell; to peel; to unhusk. gugat, n.: — fiber; sinew; tendon; vein; nerve. gugong, V. tr.; also na-lamen; jonQ: — to maltreat; to oppress. gugululufugo, v. %.; also fugo; escale- frio: — to shiver; to have a chill in a fever attack; to freeze. guia, n.: — leader; one who leads. guia, V. tr.: — to lead; to guide; to precede; to bring. guia, n.; also mamantinui: — pioneer. gui castoco: — at my expense. giiieng, n.: — nose; organ of smell. giiife, v. tr., v. %.: — to dream; to fancy. gui fion, adv.; also fion; canton; oriyan: — beside; in the proximity of; near to. gulgau, n.: — fishing net; inclosures built in shallow water to catch fish. guigo, adv.; also gumagachong: — together; in unison; at the same time. guigo, adj., adv.; also sumisija; giima- g§,ch.ong: — simultaneous; happening, done, or existing at the same time. guigogiie, 71.; also protectot: — pro- tector; defender; guardian. guigon, conj: — no sooner than; as soon as. guigonggong, n.; — ^growler; grumbler. gufgonja 176 gula guIgonjS,, conj.; also guigon: — no sooner than; as soon as. guig^fe, n.; also y man giiigiiife: — dreamer. g^iguing, n.; also tagpapa; ciilebla: — reptile. g^giiiyaja, adj.; also aislado; taiga- chong; maisa: — lone; solitary; re- tired; lonesome; secluded; off -lying; remote. gui-jaane; also an jaane: — in the day- time. gui jalum, adv.; also san jalum; ja- Ivun: — inside; therewithin; within; internal. giiijan, n.: — fish. gui jaya, n.; also jaya; san jaya: — ■ south. giiije, adv.; also ayo guato: — there (away from the person addressed). g^ije guato, adv.; — indicating direction; there. gui j en, n.: — petticoat. gui lichan, n.; also luchan; san 11- chan: — west. guimen, v. tr., v. i.; also guinem: — to drink. guiminon, adj.: — drinkable; portable. guinaca, n.; yinaca: — dough (flour). guinacha, v. tr.: — to overtake; to catch by pursuit. giiinadog, n.; canat: — ditch; trench; moat. giiinadon, n.: — puzzle; complication. guinaejetdan, adj., arft./aZso na'oson: — irksome; vexatious. guinagao asi-i, n.: — apology. guinagao, n.: — request; entreaty. g^nago, n.: — indolence; laziness; idle- ness. guinaigue, n.; also presensia: — attend- ance; presence. g^naiya, n.: — enthusiasm; ardor of mind . giiinaiya, n.: — preference; affection. giiinaiya, n.; also fe; amista: — fidelity; integrity; loyalty; reliability; idea; jinaso: — fancy; idea; notion; liking; aguaiya: — love affair; lover; gallant; caridad: — love. g^naja, n.; also h.abio; inayuda: — resource; source of help or supply; expedient; tesoro: — treasure; thing; property; possession. giiinaja, adj.: — pecuniary; pertaining to, or consisting of, money. giiinajan guma, n.: — household effects. guinana, 7i.,- also suseso; salida: — acquisition; victory; gain; success; event; ganansia: — gain. guinanchiyo, r. i.: — crochet; ganchuyo n.: — crochet. guinanye, adj.; also maayeg: — selected; preferred . guinasgas, n.: — cleanliness; decency. guinasta, n.: — waste; extravagance; ex- penses. guinatbo, n.; also minalag; dinang- culo: — splendor; pomp; magnificence. gfiiine, adv.: — here; to this place; from; out of. giiine, v. tr.:— to come from. gui nefaligau, n.; also rebista; guef- aberigua: — research; careful inquiry. guinefatittuye, n.; also espiasion; ni- repara; inatittuye:— reparation; ex- piation. guinefilo, n.; also inacadidog: — acu- men. guinefsaga, n.: — well-being; good for- tune. guineftao,n.; — charitableness; liberality. guinegiie, n.; also sinagiie: — protec- tion; guard. guineje, n.; also guinete: — manage- ment; arrangement; disposition. giiine magui, adv.; also magui; chuli magui:-^hither; this way. guinen otro tano, v. tr.; also impotta: — to import; to bring into a country from abroad. guinibietna, n.; also nin§,sina: — sway; dominion; authority. guinibietna, v. tr.: — to reign over; to rule; to dominate. guinibietna, 71.; also manera de pre- seder (Sp.): — regime; mode or system of government. g^nife, n.: — dream. guinigatan, adj., adv.; also migugat: — fibrous; composed of fibers. guinigong, n.; also ninataelaye; ji- neiio; ninatailaye: — maltreatment; oppression. guinilo, n.; also quinilo: — lamb; the young of sheep. guinin y chagd, adj.; also estrano; fo- rastero: — strange; foreign. guiniot, n.; also minantiene: — grip; a grasp with the hand. guinipo, n.: — flight; the act, process, manner, or power of flying. guinipo: — carried away; torn away (by the wind). guinipon pution: — shooting or falling star; meteor. guinisa, n.; also estufao:— stew; gou- lash. guiniya, n.; also sustansia {Sp.); ji- nafa: — matter; being; substance. gvii papa, adv.; also papa; san papa: — below; under; beneath. guisa, II. tr.: — to boil; to fry; to prepare food; to season; to roast. guitala, n.: — guitar. gui tinate, adv.; also sumegugundo: — secondly; in the second place. giiiya, pron.: — he; she. guja, adj.; also taialentos: — breathless; out of breath. guja, 71.; also ja-guja: — asthma. guja, V. i.: — to pant; to gasp; to cough. gula, n.; also sin medida; sin naodera- sion: — immoderation; intemperance. guleg 177 igne guleg, r. tr.; also molino; tutu: — to grind (grain). guma, n.: — house. guma automobit, n.: — garage, gumachong yan: — together with, gumachong, n.; gachong: — partner; business associate. guma diquiqui, n.: — hovel; hut; cabin; small house. gumafanochuyan, n.: — ^hostelry; inn; lodging house, y gumaganye, n.: — claimant; one who demands something as a right. guma pasajero, n.; also tabetna: — inn; roadhouse. gumago, V. i.; also luxnaorig: — to tramp around; to loaf around. guiua Yuus, n.: — church, y gumuaiya y tanona, n.: — patriot, gumuasa, n.: — fish poison. gunus, r. tr.; also apleng: — to sprain a joint; to pull out; to wean a child, guot, V. tr.; also gafus; gapot: — to seize; to fasten; to pack; to hold fast; to take, gupo, r. i.;— to fly. gupot, n.; also fiesta: — feast; sumptuous repast; ceremony; solemnity. gupot magas, n.: — function; discharge of duty. gurupa, n.: — crupper; the buttocks of a horse; leather tail band, guse'lalalo, adj.; also gusecajulo: — fiery; passionate; easily roused. gusena, adj., adv.; also mona; monana; taftafna: — earlier; sooner; prior. gusena, adv.; also chadegna; mas bi6n [Sp.): — rather; sooner; more willingly. gusi, adj., adv.; also jijot; cadada: — fleet; quick; swift; brief; short; concise, gusi, adv.; also ti-abmam: — shortly; soon; quickly, gusi janon, adj., adv.; also songuiyon; gusi mafiila: — inflammable; easily set on fire; combustible. gusi jocog, adj., adv.; also ti maog; biajero: — transitory; fleeting. gusisija ! interj.; also enseguidas ! — immediately! gusto, n.: — relish; gosa; m.aiingue, adj.: — palatable, gusto, 11.; also tanamtam: — taste; joy. gutgureta, n.; also jara: — pail for carrying water. gutus, V. tr., V. %.: — to break (the strings of an instrument); to take the life. H. hacha, v. tr.; also acha; na-manana:— to make tender; to makemellow; to beat. h.ambriento, adj.; also matai nalang: — rapacious; greedy; avaricious. hasienda,n.;aZsosementera;lancho: — farm; worldly possessions, hembra, n.; also palauan: — female, hereda, v. tr.; v. %.: — to inherit, hereda, n.: — a gift by will of money or property; bequest. heredero, n.: — heir. h.ereje, n.: — heretic, herensia, n.: — inheritance, heresia, n.: — heresy. heiida, n.: — wound, hetbana, v. tr.: — to patch together, higuera, n.: — fig tree, iaigos, n.: — fig; fruit oi the fig tree. honesto, adj., adv.; also modesto; res- petayon; gasgas; desente: — honor- able; decent; modest. horura, v. tr.; — to honor; to respect; to reverence. honra, n.: — honor. honra, i;. tr.; also respeta; reberen- sia: — to revere; to regard Avith fear mingled with respect and affection; to reverence; to respect. honra, n.; also fama; niauleg na naan: — reputation; fame; mauleg m.a- sanganna: — ^good reputation. huerfana, n.: — orphan; female child be- reft of parents. huerfano, n.: — orphan; male child be- reft of parents. hule, n.: — oilcloth. I. iba, V. i.: — to show pain or emotion by a twitching of the lips; potpot labios- na, adj.: — -thick-lipped. idea, n.; also jinaso; giiinaiya: — fancy; idea; notion; liking; a mental image or picture; belief. identifica, v. tr: — to identify; to make, prove to be, or consider as, the same. idioma, n.: — idiom; the distinctive char- acteristic of a language. idolo, n.: — ^idol. fesitan, n.; also ga-umesitan: — joker; jokesmith; jester. ifil, n.: — name of a tree furnishing the most important wood in Guam; it is very hard and heavy, but not elastic; cross-grained and hard to work ; it turns from a yellowish color with time to a dark color resembling black walnut. ignoransia, n.; also tinaitiningo; tai- jinaso: — ignorance. ignorante, adj.: also tai jinaso: — igno- rant; y ti manungo: — ignorant per- son; one who has no knowledge. igue, V. tr.; also dlles: — to excel; to sur- pass. y igui 178 inaregla y igui, n.; also ugTinge; squirt. jemplo, n.: — legend; a romantic story. jenerasion, n. — generation. jenero 183 jinignef j§nero, n.: — gender; grammatical dis- tinction of sex (sinangan para u di- nistingui cao laje pat palauan pat ni uno). jengguan, adj., adv., adv. conj.; also jongguiyon; jtingguan: — perhaps. jengguan, adj., adv.; also jongguiyon; jtingguan: — probable; likely; verisim- ilar. jenio, n.; also umot: — mood; temper of mind; frame of miud; character. jenngan, n.: — mob; rude, disorderly crowd. jenngan, n.: — greed; avarice; greediness; also tailaye: — vile man; a base man. jenngan, adj., adv.: — self-seeking; self- ish; avaricious; greedy; niggardly. jentan, v. tr.; also gacha; soda: — ^to meet; to find; to recover. jeografia, n.: — geography. jeometria, n.: — geometry. jeramienta, n.: — tool; instrument. jeramientaparaman-aprieta: — clamp. jereria, n.: — smithy; a smith's workshop. jerero, n.: — blacksmith. jerida, n.; also defecto; chetnot: — de- fect; sore; wound; abscess. jetbana, v. tr.; also patche: — to patch together. jlcamas, 7i.; — local name for yam bean or turnip bean; usuallj^ eaten raw, but is also prepared with oil and vinegar in the form of a salad. jichom, n.: — shutters; also tampe: — cover. jigado, n. — liver. jigante, n.: — giant; a man of extraordi- nary stature. jiguef, V. tr.; also jongaiig: — to surprise; to take unawares; to lay hold of. jigum, n.: — local name of a small-mouthed fish of the same family as the tatalum and tatamung (which see). jijijot, 71.; also adbiento: — advent. jijocog, adj., adv.; also fafapus: — transi- tory; fleeting; perishable. jijoroba, adj., adv., also mimolestia; tai-majgong: — annoying; troublesome. jijosguan, n.: — distrustful person. jijot, adj.: — adjacent; close to. jijot, adj., adv.; also gusi; cadada: — brief; short; concise. jila, V. tr.; also na-quilolog: — to spin. jilera, n.: — row (of houses). jilitai, n.: — local name for a bird-eating lizard. jilo, n.: — thread. jilon, n.; also pedason magago ni dalalai: — tape; narrow band of linen or cotton cloth. jilona, prep.; also sanjil6; ayo; jijot: — over; above; upon; on; at; near. jilon chotda, n.: — basting thread. y jilo ogso n.: — on the peak of a hill; on the top of a mountain; puntan ogso— peak of a hill; top of a moun- tain. jinafa, n.; also jafa; g^Uiniya; sus- tansia: — object; thing; being; sub- stance; matter. jinafno y tasi: — rising water; incoming tide. jinagong, n.; also alentos; alientos: — breath. jinagong na fejman, v. i.: — to pant; to breathe hard. jinalum, n.; also written jinalom: — heart; the inner man; soul. jinalum, n.; also entrada; jinalom: — entrance; the act of entering. jinalum, adj.; also jinalom; jalum; jalom: — mental; pertaining to the mind; intellectual; fancied; imaginary. jinanao, n.: — departure; also pattida;: salida: — sailing; also jinanau: — de- livery; the act of delivering. jinasngune, n.; also tina'mauleg;, tinamauleg; mallsia: — malice; delib- erate; mischief. jinaso, n.; also sentido; umot; ra- son: — memory; reason; thought; mind; intellect; understanding; wit; humor; reason. jinaso, n.; also julsio; min§jnalom;. d e c r e t o : — decree; sentence; judg- ment; ma jaso: — realization; accom- plishment; idea; giiinaiya: — fancy; idea; notion; liking. jinason atmariao, n.: — delirium (in fever); aberration of the mind. jinasonnaijon; also jasayaijon; jaso: — • to bear in mind; to remember. jinatme, n.; also atochocho para una. tailaye: — invasion; hostile incursion. jinatme, v. tr.; also chinepchop: — to saturate; to soak; to imbue. jinatme manglo, n.: — flatulence; dis- tension of the stomach, caused by gases. jineca, n.; cosecha; y quineco: — • harvest. jinecura, n.; also duda; jecua; jin6- cua: — doubt; uncertainty of mind. jinegsa, n.; also pugas; fae: — ^rice. jinemeninatan, n.; also puten-m.ata: — eyesore; anything that offends the sight. jinemjom, n.: — darkness. jineml6, n.; also numalo: — recovery; restoration to health. jinemlo, n.; also salud: — ^health; condi- tion of health. jinenggue, n.; also fe; sentido; incli- nasion: — belief; faith; notion; incli- nation. _ jineno, n.; also ninatailaye; guineng- gong; minattrata; mattrato: — mal- treatment; oppression. jineroba, n.; also minelestia: — annoy- ance; molestation. jinetbana, n.; also jetbana: — quilting seam. jinigua, n.: — sudden squall; gale: a strong wind. jiniguef, n.: also emboscada: — ambush^ jinilat 184 mo jinilat, n.; also finejman; fuetsa; minetgot; najong; ninasina: — si rcujith; force; power; vigor; eflicieacy; effectual agency; ability. jinilat naaisa: — self-control; self-denial. jiniyong, n.; also written jiniyung: — effect; consequence; final result; out- come. jipato, adj.; also bogsion: — pale; light colored . jipocresia, n.: — hypocrisy. jipocrito, n.; also ivritten ipocresia; ipo- crito; also cado mamamauleg: — hypocrite; dissembler. jisteria, n.: — hysteria; nervous paroxysm of laughter or weeping. jita, pers. pron.: — we; jit: — us. jiting, n.: — name of a large fish resem- bling the sesyan (which see). jiyug, n.: — local name applied to a beau- tiful surgeon fish; has white spine, yel- low, black, and blue stripes, and a ring about the mouth. joben, adj., also patgon: — youthful; fresh; xigorous; young; juvenile. joca, V. tr.; also fanfe; iting; recoje; na-etnon: — to pluck; to pick off; to gather. jocog, adj.; also malengo or malingo: — gone; ruined; lost. jocog-iialang, v. %.; also cana naatai nalang: — to starve; to suffer extreme hunger. joflag, V. tr.: — to lick. jogadot, n.: — gambler; one who gambles as a business. jogiie, r. tr.: — to carry (a child). joguete, n.; also chicheria: — gewgaws; toy. jojomjom, n.; lemlem taotao: — dark- ening; twilight; gloaming. jojosguan, adj.: — envious. jome, V. tr.: — to darken; to cast a shadow upon; to overshadow; to refract; to break the natural course of light, vision, etc. jomjom, adj.: — obscure; dark; illegible! secluded; humble; duskv; destitute of light. jomjom, adj., adv.; also namaanao: — gruesome; horrible of aspect; inspiring gloom or horror. jonjom na cuatto: — a dark apartment. jomjom uchan, n.; also mapagajes: — cloud. jomlo, V. tr., V. i.; also numalo: — to re- vive; to recover life; to recover from sickness. jomlo talo, n.; also lumala; jinemlo: — revival: renewal of life. jongang, v. tr.:— to amaze; to confound; to stun with fear; to astonish. jongang, r. tr.; also fanagiie; aminasa; na-maaiiao: — to scare; to frighten; to strike ^rith sudden fear. jongang, v. i.: also majongang; maj- nga: — to be frightened. jonggue, V. tr.; also osgue; polo: — to believe; to yield; to submit; to concede; to induce; to persuade; to cause. jonggue, adj., adv.; also deboto; man- jonggue; jenggue: — devout; true; believing. jongguiyon, adv., conj.; also acaso; cana; sfnaja; jiingguan or joiag- guan: — perhaps; may ])e; by chance. jongguiyon, adj.: — credible; worthy of belief. jongguiyon, adj., adv.; also sinaja: — likely; verisimilar; probable. jono, V. tr.; also tugong; oprime; ga- cha; na-lamen; gugong: — to press down; to crush (with the hand); to at- tack; to take hold of; to suppress; to subdue; to crush; to maltreat. joroba, v. tr.; also na-chatsaga; mo- lestia: — to annoy; to molest. josguan, adj., adv., also sospechoso: — ■ distrustful; suspicious. jotca, n.: — gallows. jotca, V. tr.; also fatinas: — to execute. jotcon, n.: — pillar; a column to support a building. jotgue, v. %.: also susede: — to befall; to happen. jotma, V. tr.: — to mold; to do; to build. jotnalero, n.; also peon: — day laborer; helper; piece in the game of checkers. jotne, V. tr.:— to pierce; to pull through (a cord); to mount (a horse or bull); to thread a needle (jotne ni y jilo y jaguja). jotno, n.; also fogon: — baking oven; oven; hearth. jotnon afog, n.: — limekiln. jotyat, V. tr.; also raspa; safe: — to scrape off; to scratch oft"; to brush. joyo, n.; also trinchera: — trench; ditch; excavation; furrow; well; pit. jubentud, n.: — youth. juchom, V. tr.; also encaja; engatsa; also written juchum: — to inclose; to inca«e; to frame; to debar; to shut out; to exclude. juchom duro, v. tr.; also juchom duro; napangpai^: — to slam; to shut vio- lently and \vith a loud noise. jiiebes, n.: — Thursday. jiiego, n.; also jugando:— game; a sport or diversion; fun; frolic. jiiego de bolas: — bowling game. jiiegon salape, r. i.: — to gamble; to play for money. jiies, n.: — judge. jugando; jumugando, v. i.: — to play. juguajnom, v. i.: — to dissolve; to melt; to become thin. jugum, V. tr.: — to press out; to oppress. jugupau, n.; also urilien jug^pao:^a black surgeon fish. juisio, n.; also sentensia; plaito:— sentence; judgment; decision; law- suit; process of law; court proceeding. jujo, V. tr.; also soyo; ofrese; cora- bida: — to bid; to make an offer of. jnjo 185 laje jujo, V. tr.; also agangue; soyo: — to invite. jula, V. tr., V. i.: — to swear; to take oath to; to pledge by oath. jula, n.: — tongue. julat, V. tr.; also a'nau; petde; cho- mfi,: — to overcome; to reduce to sub- jection; to conquer; to forbid; to van- quish . julat, V. tr.; also tutu; doiig-doiig: — to beat; to pound. jule, n.; aZso iile: — oilcloth. jtilio, n.; — ^July. julo, n.: — thunder. julog, I', tr., V. i.; also chaca; na- chaca; majlog: — snap; to break short or instantaneously; to crack. julon, n.; also magas; magalaje; gobietnadot: — magistrate; governor. julos, V. tr.: — to smooth out. y jumajalom, n.; also ganansia: — in- come; the gain from labor, business, property, or capital. jumalum, v. i.:—to suppose. jumanao, v. %.; also written jumanau: — to proceed; to advance. jumanao para otro tano: — to emigrate. jumanaujulti, adv.: — upward. jumecua, adj., adv.; also dudoso; jumejecua: — doubtful; dubious; ques- tionable; undecided; undetermined. jumijot, V. %.; also subida; chijit: — to approach; to draw nearer, jumuyongna, v. i.; also resutta; jiniyoiigna: — to result; to follow as a consequence. junauyoiigna, n.; also jiniyongna: — result; consequence, juna, adj.; also bineno; tatatse; ji- j una : — poisonous . juna, n.; also bineno; jijuna: — poison. juJigguan, adv., conj.; also sinaja; puedeja: — haply; perhaps; may be; by chance. jungog, V. tr., V. i.: — to hear; to listen, jungucon, adj.; also ecungucon: — audible; capable of being heard. junio, 71..— June, junta, 71.; also inetnon: — assembly; group; society, junto, n.: — fat; salve. jungan; also jAo: — yes. jusga, I', tr.: — to award; to adjudge; to bestow. juste, adj., adv.; gasgas; taipinetju- dica: — impartial; free from partiality; unprejudiced; fair; just. justo, adj., adv.; also tunas: — ^just. juto, V. tr.; also written jutu: — to use up; to spread; to weed out. juto, n.; also gaga gaponulo: — louse, juyung! adv., inter j.: — outside! out! get out ! L. la-, prefix: — denotes ascendant degree (see "Concise grammar," p. 11). la-abmam: — for some time; for quite some time. laba, 'v. tr.; also luluque; claba: — to nail; to fasten. labandera, n.: — ^laundress. labadot, n.; also palangana or palang- gana: — lavatory; retiring room. labios, n.: — lips. labit, n.: — ^ violin. laihla, v.tr.; also ivritten labbla: — -to carve; to form a design by cutting in wood, stone, etc. labon, adj.: — tailless. lacha, V. %.; also lalacha: — to wallow in the mud; to lay down in the mud (referring to the habit of the carabao) . lachai, v. tr.; also na-yafai: — to consume; to use up entirely (leaving nothing) ; to exhaust; to drain, lache, adj.; also isao: — amiss; wrong; faulty, lache, n.; also ninatailaye, inechong: wi-ong; fault; injury; injustice. lachog, V. i.; also doco; manuso: — to shoot forth; to sprout. lacre, n.; also cola: — sealing wax. lactus, n.; also tituca: — thistle; thorn, ladera, n.: — cliff; rock, ladriyo, n.; also teja: — brick; tile, ladron, n.; also saque: — thief. laet, V. tr.: — to hurt; to grieve. laet, n.; also lalaet: — gall; the bile. lagnos, V. tr.; also gosne; also written lagnus: — to draw out; to pull out; to sprain a joint. lago, p. p.: — melted; na-lago, v. i.: — to melt; lalago: — melting. lago, n.: — tear. lago, n.; also gui lago; san lago: — • north. lagse, V. tr., v. i.: — to sew; to stitch. lagsisi, V. tr.: — to ejaculate; to utter sud- denly. lagua, n.: — net. la-guadog, v. tr.: to deepen. laguana, n.: — vernacular for the soursop, a small tree bearing large dark-green fruit having a spiny skin and filled with a soft white juicy acid pulp; the na- tives make a jelly of it and preserve the fruit. laguna, n.; also jagoy: — sea; lagoon; lake; a large body of water surrounded by land. lai, n..- — law; jurisprudence; judicial proc- ess. laiguan, n.: — local name for a fish of the mullet variety; called lisa by the Span- ish; has a flat head, large scales, a sil- very body with slight wash of yellow; is a favorite food fish. laje, n.; also taotao: — man; male. laje 186 latga. laje, adj.: — masculine; pertaining to a man. laje na patgon, n.: — son; a male child. lajyan, adj.; also megai: — many numer- ous. lajyan, adv.; also megai: — much; great in quantity or amount. lajyan mangacanta, n.: — chorus; a number singing in concert. lS.la, adj., adv.; also robusto: — alive; vi- vacious; full of life; lusty; robust; vigor- ous; healthy. lala, V. i.: — to live; to exist; to have life. lala, adj.; also ti malango; brabo: — hale; sound bodily. lalabit, n.: — violin player. lalache an ctimuentos, v. %.; also tu- mattamudo: — to stammer; to falter in speaking. y lalagse, n.: — sewer. lalajen guera, n.; also guerero sija: — warriors. lalala, adj., adv.; also brabo: — Living; alive; quick. lalalaja, v. tr.; also tatatte matai: — to 8ur\ive; to outlive. lalalo, V. i.: — to snarl; to growl (like an angry dog) (taig^ji y lalalalo na galago). lalangja, n.: — local name for the shad- dock, a variety of orange; not eaten by the natives; sometimes eaten by the European foreigners, but its flavor is not especially good. lalango, adj., adv.; also taisiniente: — senseless; fainting; in a swoon. lalaiogo, V. i.; also mamaitag^an: — to faint; to fall in a swoon. lalangonaijon, n.: — faint; swoon. lalatde, v. tr.; also la-latde: — to scold; to reprove; to chide; to treat roughly. lalatde talc, v. tr.; also tumalo la lalo: — to retort; to oppose; to object. lalatde talc, v. tr.; also tumalo lalalo; ope; contra: — to retort; to oppose; to object. lalat-diyon, adj.; also isao; culpable: — reprehensible; deser\ing censure; cul- pable. lalo, n.: — fly. la-magong, v. i.; also magong: — to re- cuperate; to become less severe. lamas, v. i.; also putlilo: — to rot; to spoil; to decay; to decline or fall; to become decomposed; to putrefy. lamas, adj.; also yuyog: — overripe; rot- ten (ex., fruit). lamasa, n.: — table; planta y lamasa: — to set the table. lamen, v. tr.; also na-lamen: — to beat; to wound. lamentasion, n.; aZso inigung; lamen- to; yanto: — lament; song of woe; moan; wail. lamita, adv.; also empe; meyo; medio (Sp.y.—halt. lamlam, «(/j.; aZso claro; pure; malag;. manifiila: — clear; bright; pure; bril- liant; sparkling; lustrous; shining; glistening; casting radiance, lamlam; majlos, adj.: also pulldo: — polished; furbished, lamog, v. i.; also mutong: — to stink; to emit a strong offensive odor, lampaso, n.: — cleaning rag; polishing cloth, lampaso ni gaitegpong: — mop; im- plement for washing floors, lana, n.: — wool, lana, n.; also asaite: — oil. lanan, v. i.: — to snore, lanchero, n.; also sementerero; gua- guasan:— farmer; peasant, lanchita, n.: — yacht, lancho, n.; also sadi-gane; hasienda (Sjy.): — shack; hut; cabin; ranch; farm. langa, n.: — dupe; one easily tricked; credulous person, langa, adj., adv.; also alanga; baba; totpe: — stupid; foolish; silly; dull; simple. la^ngayao, n.: vernacular for the marsh. fern, a large robust fern growing in marshy places; common in the marshes near Agana. langit, n.; also fitmamento (Sp.); paraiso: — sky; heaven; firmament; paradise. laniya, n.; also fl.anela: — flannel; shirt, lansa, n.: — lance, lanseta, n.: — lancet. lac, n.; also banda; oriya: — side. laong, n.; also bago: — tramp. laolao, n.; also written laulau: — quiver; throb; palpitation. , lapida, n.: — tombstone, lapis, n.: — pencil, larguero, n.; latguero: — shaft (of a vehicle), lasa, V. tr.: — to rub; to knead; to apply massage; to press, lasarino, n.; also ategtog: — leprosy; leper, lasas, n.; also dogas; caracot; lasas jayo: — shell; skin; crust; rind; husk, lasas, V. tr.; also sufan; — to skin; to peel, lasas atadog, n.; also babale: — eyelid, y lasas gui sanjilo na banda gui ilo: — scalp. laso, n.; also ocodo: — lasso; loop; snare; trap, lastre, n.: — ballast, lat-, prefix: — denoting more, lata, n.: — tin box; tin can; metal vessel, late, n.; also satna; bosbos: — itch; scab; scurf. latigaso, v. tr., v. i.; also na-belembao y latigo: — to apply chastisement; to wield the rod. lat-f§na! inter j.: — forward! advance! latga, adj., adv.; also embidiosa; egg6; jojosguan: — envious; jealous; grudg- ing. latga 187 linimutan latga, adj., adv.; also chattao; mes- quino; also ivritten chattau: — stingy; avaricious. latga-bista, n.: — spyglass; small tele- scope. latguero, ?i..- pole; shaft (of a wagon). latigo, n.: — -wliip. lato, adj., adv.; also ja-sulon; palagsS; faniatfian: — slippery. laton, n.; also bronse: — brass. lau, conj.; iao; also sin enbatgo, adv.: — but; notwithstanding; nevertheless. laulau, V. %.; also ma yengyong: — to quake; to tremble; to shake. laulau maanao, v. i.: — to shudder; to tremble' with fear or horror. lauya, n.; also cantaro: — cooking kettle. layag, n.: — sail. layau, v. i.: — to stroll around; to go around idly. layo, V. i.: — to be envious. layo, adj., adv.; also taglayo: — envious; discontented . leba y angcla, v. tr.: — to weigh anchor. lebadura, n.: — yeast; sour dough. leblo, n.; also written lebblo: — i)ook. leblon cuenta, n.: — ledger; the principal account book of a mercantile house. lectura, n.: — lecture; formal discourse on any subject. legat, adj., adv.; also tunas; confotme y lai (or lay) : — legal ; pertaining to law ; permitted or authorized by law; legiti- mate. legitimo, adj., adv. — legitimate; conju- gal; lawful. legua, n.: — league; mile; miya: — mile. lejia, n.: — lye; alkaline solution. lejngon, adj.: — shady. lelicHi, V. tr.; also oriyaye: — to surround; to inclose on all sides. lemenda, v. tr.: — to mend; to repair. lemlemtaotao, n.; also tiguef jomjom; triniste: — gloaming; twilight; gloom; melancholy; partial darkness; obscu- rity. lemog, n.: — pestle; rammer; also falo: — beetle. lemon, n.: — lemon; citron; lime. lemonada, n.: — lemonade. lemunayas, n.; also inina: — illumina- tion. lente, n.: — lens; a glass for changing the direction of rays of light. leon, 71. .• — lion. leston, n.; also anlasgiie: — edge; ledge of wood; lath; strip of wood. leston dalalai, n.: — lisle; a fine thread or lace. letania, n.: — litany; a solemn responsive form of supplication. letque, v. tr.; also ebita; — to evade; to flee ; to avoid sin; to turn out of the way. letran atfabeto, n.: — letter of the alpha- bet. leyog, adj.; also falcyog: — hollow. libettad, n.: — libertjr; freedom. libra, n.: — pound (weight). libra, adj., adv.: — free; out of danger; safe. licheng, 7i.; — tackle; pulley. lichera, n.: — dairy; place where milk is kept and converted into butter, etc. licot, n.: — liquor. lii; lie, v. tr., v. i.: — to see; to look; to glance; to perceive. lifit, v. i.; also lumifit; malago: — to slink; to creep away. ligas, n.: — garter. liion, adj., adv.; also aanog: — visible. lilico, adj., adv.; also echong; eclau; inechong: — bent; curved; crooked; in- clined to do wrong. lima, V. tr.: — to file. lima, n.: — file. limite, n.; also oriya: — limit; utmost; extent; border; boundary. limite, v. tr.; also restricto: — to restrict; to confine; to limit. limon, n.; lemon: — local name for the acid lime; small; spherical; with a thin, smooth skin. limosna, n.: — aim. linabla, n. ."^carved work; carving. linache, n.; also chinetan; Inabag: — fiasco; complete or ludicrous failure; error; misunderstanding; lapse; slight fault or mistake. linailes, n.; also atte: — tricks; wiles. linajyan, n.; also pattidon: — part}'. linala, n.; also bida; adelanto: — life; animate existence; evolution; growth; development. linala y tataotao talc; also linala talc; numalo jaane; ninalo linala: — resur- rection. linamlam, n.; also minagas; mina- lag: — luster; radiance; brightness. linamon, n.; also pinayon: — experience; dexterity; skill. linao, n.; also ivritten linau: — earth- quake. linatga, adj.: — en'^/iable; exciting envy. linatga, n.; also codisia: — avarice; cu- pidity. linau, n.; also written linao; also yineng- y o 3ig ; ye iig y o ng: — quake ; earth- quake. linaulau, n.: — throb; palpitation; quiver. linayau, n.; also pinecat: — walk. linayo, n.; also ineson; disgusto; dis- gustao: — insult; outrage; nausea; dis- gust; aversion. linea, n.; also raya: — line; length with- out breadth. lineat, adj.: — lineal; composed of lines; in direct line from an ancestor. lineca, n.: — height; altitude; elevation. linii, n.; also malii: — vision; appearance. linii y atadog: — eyesight; range of vision. linijan, n.: — panic; sudden fright. linimiento, n.; also amot palai: — ^lini- ment; a medicated liquid for rubbing into the skin. linimutan, adj.; also inapulaiyan: — moldy; covered with mold. 4562—18- -13 linipa 188 lumot catdeniyo linipa, n.; also antula: — fraud; deceit; cheating; imposition; humbug. liniti, 71.; also naescla: — mortar; mixture. lino, n.: — linen; a cloth made from flax. llof, V. i.: — to dive. lipa, V. tr.: — to conceal; to hide; to disguise. Urio, 71.;— lily. lirio de palo, n.; — local name for the Mexican maguey; an agave bearing bulbs which sprout before falling to the ground; from the leaves the natives get a fiber with which they wrap their cigars. lisayo, n.; also cadena: — rosary; neck- lace. lisensia, n.: — permission; condescension; allowance. liso, adj.; also majlos; manana: — sleek; smooth; glossy. lista, n.: — list; index. listo, adj., adv.; also masajegat: — active. listo, adj., adv.; also tomtom; faye: — sagacious; ingenious; quick-witted. listo, n.: — quickness; speed; activity. listo, adj.; also preparao: — prepared; ready. literat, adj., adv.: — literal; following the exact words. literato, n.; also lamina; estampa; piancha: — photograph; picture. liti, V. tr.: — to mix; to thin out. liyang, n.: — cave; cavern. lobo, n.: — balloon. lobos, n.: — wolf. lock, adj., adv.; aZso magas; tagq-ailo; tagajlo: high; prominent; lofty; very high; proud. locat, adj., adv.: — ^local; pertaining to a place. loclog, V. i.: — to boil; to cook. loco, n.; also caduco: — lunacy; mental unsoundness. locue, adv., conj.: — also; too; besides. lodo, adj.; also yomog; dai^culo tataotaona: — obese; fat; corpulent. logra, V. tr.; also conquista: — to ac- quire; to procure by effort; to win by conquest. logue, conj.; also o; pat: — or; other- wise; else. 1616, n.: — cough. lolosos, V. i.: — rattle in the throat. lomo, n.; also caderas; nanggo; ata- y6: — haunch; loins; hip. lona, n.: — canvas. lonnat, n.; also lonat: — mole; birth- mark. loro, n.: — a name applied in Guam to a species of parrot fishes; some have most beautifully colored bodies with striking markings. losa, n.; also mapanas na ach.6: — slab; flat piece of stone. losvis, adj., adv.; also afagao ngot- ngot: — hoarse. loteria, n.; also rifa: — rafl3e; lottery. lotgue, ('. Ir.: — to fill; to pour in. lotgue, r. Ir., v. i.; also casi; butleaj insutta; mofea: — to mock; to deride; to insult; to make fun of. lotgun, V. %.: — to fall into a hole or pit. Mcau, 11.: — procession, lucha, n.: — row; column, luchan, n.; also gui lichan; san H- chan: — west. lucho, adj., adv.: — acute; ingenious; sensible. luga, n.; also padet; padit: — wall, lugat, n.; also sagan; sagayan: — place; location; extension; room, y lugat anal giiigiiiyaja; also mamai- saja: — isolation; solitude, lujan, V. tr.: — to excite; to animate; to arouse. lujan, adj.; also espantao: — scared, lujurioso, adj.: — luxurious; pertaining to luxury. lulai, V. %.: — to go fishing on a moonlight night. lulog, n.; also prensa: — iron; nail, lulujan, adj., adv.; also escrupuloso; pinalalala; chachajinasa: — anxious; scrupulous, luluque, V. tr.; also claba: — to nail; to fasten. lumagas, v. i.; also sulon; lagas: — to slide; to glide; to slip, lumala, v. %.: — to exist; to be (in re- spect to health), lunxala, n.; also joml6 talo: — re\dval; renewal of life, lumala-guaja, v. i.: — to prosper; to thrive, lumalalo, v. %.; also mnmaagsom: — to ferment. lumamagof, x. tr; also alibiao: consu- ela: — to relieve; to free from pain, suffering, or grief. lumamauleg, v. i; also na lat fena; ma mejora: — to improve; to advance; to better one's condition; to make progress; to prosper; to thrive, lumamegai, v. tr.; also atimenta; ma subi: — to increase; to enlarge; to en- hance, lumaong, r. i.; also gumag6: — to tramp around; to loaf around, liima-tailaye: — to get worse, luma'uya, v. i.; also tumatnon: — to saunter; to wander about idly, lumayag, v. %.; also layag: — to sail; to be moved by a sail, lumbang, n.; — vernacular name for the candle-nut tree; the nuts jdeld an oil which is a mild cathartic, preferable to castor oil, causing no nausea, and hav- ing a nutty flavor, lumos, r. tr.; also chinepchop; pinanot; nognog: — to merge; to absorb; to swal- low up. lumot, n.: — moss; lichen, lumot catdeniyo: — green vegetation covering still waters. Inmns 189 ma enbatsama Imnus, r. tr., v. i.; also nognog; supug: — to submerge (in water); to immerse. lumut, n.: — a seaweed; when bleached in the sun it is used by the natives for making jellies. lunes, 11.: — Monday. luno, adj.; also mi-unai: — sandy. lupis, ??..• — woman's skirt. lus electrisida, n.: — electric light, lusong, 71.: — mortar, luto, 71.; also triniste: — mourning; sor- row; grief. M. ma-: — prefix of adjectives; also prefix of part. perf. pass. ma agodai, v. tr.: also ma agodai; na-lalal6: — to inflame; to excite; to fire with passion. maagsom, adj., adv.; also cacaleg; faileg: — sour; acid; tart; bitter. maariau, r. tr., v. %.; also julat; petde; also written maanao: — to fear; to be afraid of; to overcome; to subdue; to conquer; to be overcome; to be sub- dued. maaiiau, adj., adv.; also written maanao; also cobatde; jalujan: — afraid; timid; faint-hearted; fearful. ma-angcla, v. i.: — to come to anchor. ma-anula, v. tr.; also ma.-cansela; ma- rease: — to cancel; to annul. ma-ase, adj., adv.; also yoase: — kind- hearted; benign; gracious; good; com- passionate; charitable. maase, v. i.; also pinite: — to have compassion. maase, ??.; also petdon; minaase; inasii: — forgiveness; pardon. ma-asen, adj.; also inasne: — salted. ma-atasca, v. %.: — to become filled with mud {ex., the harbor); to sink (into the mud bottom of the lagoon). maayeg, adj.; also guinanye: — selected; preferred. ma bira, n.: — turn; curve (of the road or a river). mabotda, n.; also binetda: — embroid- ery; a piece of embroidery; bibotda: — woman who embroiders; botda, i'. tr.: — to embroider; to stitch. maeaiamya, adj., adv.: — handy; dexter- ous: agile; nimble; alert; brisk; quick. macalejlo, n.; also majedo; jedo: — wrinkle. macalejlo, adj.: — wrinkled. macana, v. %.: — to hang. ma-cansela, v. tr.; also ma-anula; ma- rease: — to cancel; to annul. macaron, n.: — macaroni. macat, adj., adv.; also mapot: — heavy; difiicult. ma chachalane, adj.: — instructed. machagcliag catan, n.: — dawn. ina,ch.alapun, adj.: — scattered; spread; diffused; disseminated [ex., sickness, teachings, etc.). maclialeg, adj., adv.; also taiase; ti mafana'giie: — coarse; stubborn; re- fractory; wild; fierce; savage; yomaj- lao, adj., adv.: — shy; timid; shunning approach. machalejgua, /). p.; a/so namatungo:— divulged; diffused; spread abroad (ex., rumors spread abroad). machat-atan, adj., adv.; also machatlie; machat-lamen; ti ma guaiya; na^- masa; also written n:.a chatlii: — hated; hateful; abhorred; detestable; odious. maches, n.; also fotforos: — match; a lucifer. machete, n.: — bush knife; machete. maclieten-matadot, n.: — cleaver; a butcher's heavy hatchet. maching, n.: — ape; monkey. maching, n.: — local name of a fish, the mangrove hopper; has a small, brown, flabby body with livid flesh-color markings; it leaves the water and hops about stones and on : he mangrove roots and muddy bottom of the salt-water mud flats. machocho duro, v. i: — to drudge; to labor hard . machom, p. p.: — closed; covered. ma-colat, n.; also ineriyaye sendalo sija: — siege. macone, adj.; also preso: — captured. ma-consagra, 7i.: — transformation; con- secration. mactan, 7i.: — gutter; channel for carrying away water. ma-euaja, ?i.; — milk, curdled. maculatum, adj., adv.: — rough (opposite of majlos: smooth). y made fie liende, n.: — client; one who employs a lawyer. madeja, n.: — skein of thread. maderas, n.; also trastes: — building materials. madesocupa, adj.; also taitaotao: — desolate; deprived of inhabitants; abandoned; laid waste. madestrosa, v. tr.; also arasa: — to dev- astate; to ruin; to desolate; to lay waste; to consume; to devour. madestrosa, adj.: — fallen; degraded; ru- ined. ma-dirije, n.; also rumbo; direcsion: — direction; guidance; relative position. madog, 71.; also atbettura; ngulo; bi- naba: — cavity; aperture; opening; liole. madog atgoya, n.: — hole in which the ring in the nose of the carabao "in har- ness" is inserted. madog tataotao, n.: — pores (of the skin) . madtilalag, n.: — expulsion; forcible ejection. ma enbatsama, v. tr.: — to embalm. maestro 190 maisa maestro, n.; also acomosinao: — master; toaclier; boss; foreniau. maetdot, adj.; also timanieniente: — numb; torpid; deprived of sensation. y mafixborerese, n.; alco y etmas raa- guaiya: — favorite; minion; bosom child. mafacai, ii./a/sofinacai: — partition, di- vision. inafag, ii.; — wreck. mafag-atagtagna, adj., adv.: — pacified; quieted; a])peased; assuaged. mafajiyuifg, r. tr.; also chat-guiaiya; faichanag; masangan ti mauieg: — to de.-^pise; to slander. ma famauleg, v. tr.; also ma aregla: — to rally; to collect and arrange. m.a famavileg y nilache: — redress; re- lief; reparation of wrong. miafanago, ?i.; also manage; patto: — birth. mafanago, v. i.: — to be born. mafanagon, n.; also lins'nana; prime- risa: — lirst birth; primogeniture. mLafanagon y misrno tano, adj.; also natibo: — indigenous; nati^'e. mafnot, adj., adv.; also fotnido; met- got: — sturdy; stubby; robust; guef saga; niaipe; iimaatog: — snug; con- cealed; compact; warm; tight; not; loose; compactly built; narrow; pressed to- gether. mafondo, ;*. ;).: — sunk. mafondo, ; . i..- — to sink; to go down; to founder (ma-puja y batco). mafte, n.: — notch (in a knife edge). m.a funas, v. tr.; also ma lachai: — to exterminate; to destroy utterly; to obliterate; to efface. mafuti, n.: — local name for a fish of the snapper variety; of pale greenish color, with pinkish fins and tail; sometimes has a black spot on the sides; is caught with hook and line, and is a favorite food fish. maga, adj.; also taftaf: — early; unripe. magagajet, adj., adv.; also parerejo: — exacting. magago, n.; also bestido: — material; dress; cloth. m.agajan, n.: — local name applied to a deep green-blue parrot fish, with large scales and a parrotlike beak; resembles the dafa, but is smaller. m.agajejet, adv.; also realmente (•S'p.): — really; with actual existence; in truth. m.agajet, adj., adv.; also cabales; um.aya; minagajet; propio: — sure; true; confident; sincere; frank; accu- rate; exact; real; actually existing; genuine. miagajet, adj., adv.; also fijo: — certain; secure; sure. magalaje. n.: — go\'ernor; magistrate. magaom jinalum, v. i.:—to pleaH earn- estly; penitiyiye; agradesido: — thankful; grateful; sympathizing. m.agap, r. {.; — to yawn; to gape; to evaporate. magas, n.; also magalaje; tatago; juloii; saina: — magi.'^trate; governor; master; lord; tata: — father. magas, adj.; also tagajlo; gatbo: — superb; grand; stately; exalted. m.agas y batco, n.; also capitan (■Sp.); maestro (Sp.): — skipper; master; sea captain. magas na isao, n.: — capital sin. m§,ga8e, v. tr., v. i.; also dom.ina: — to govern; to rule; to dominate. magase, n.; also gue jilui: — supervi- sion; the act of supervising. magguag, 7i..-^mass: a large quantity. magguag, adj., adv.; also m.ajuto: — roomy; broad; wide. magrnata, v. i.: — to waken: to wake up. magnganite, 7i.; also satanas (Sp.): — Satan; the deWl. magof, /!..- — ^joy; taste. msigoi, adj.; also gnet-jaan; dibettido; najong: — sunny; bright; cheerful; merry: delighted; joyous; gay; satis- fied; glad; contented. ma-goflie, adj.: — beloved; dear. ma-goflie, n.; also gachong; abog: — friend . m.agp6, i . tr.; also monjayan: — to com- plete; to finish. magpo, adj., adv.; also monjan; mon- jayan; listo: — ready; prepared at the moment. maguef-atan, adj., adv.; also ma- guaiya: — liked; beloved; favorite. magueftuiigo, n.: — popularity; general esteem. magueftiuago, adj., adv.; — popular; pleasing to the people. maguern, adj., adv.; also apagoa; fotgon; umido (lie.): — moist; hu- mid; damp (preventing an object from burning). maguem, adj., adv.; also cayao: — silent; taciturn; peaceable; pacific; circumspect; cautious. maguem., adj., adv.; also poble; des- grasiao: — poor; needy; miserable. magui, adv.; also chuli magui; giiine magui {also uritten chule magui); — hither; this way. ^ males, n.: — maize; corn. maigo, r. /.; «?so descansa; minaigo: to rest; to repose; to sleep. maigo naijon, v. i.; also nalalang na minaigo: — to slumber; to sleep light- ly; to doze. majo, adj., adv.; also ma-jo: — thirsty. maila, v. i.: — to come. maipe, n.: also minaipe: — heat; warmth. maipe, adj.. adv.: — hot; fiery; passionate. maipe na tiempo, n.: — summer. mairasta, ?).; — stepmother. maisa, n.: — self; one's own person. maisa, adv.; also solamente: — only; singly; merely. maisa 191 malisia maisa, adj., adv.; also g-diguiyaja; asolas; aislado; solo; retirao gui p u m al o ; sumajrlgue; chinago: — alone; single; By itself; isolated; soli- tary; secluded; off -lying; remote; lone- some. majaga, v. i.; also na-majaga: — to bleed. majalang, r. i.: — to yearn; to feel an earnest desire. majalang, adj., adv.; also mi puti: — painful. m.a3alang, n.; also pinite; minaja- laiag: — sorrow; mental pain. majalangue, i'. i.; also pinitiye; taiigse: — to bemoan; to grieve; to lament. majaiias, adj.; — soft; tender (of heart). majangue, adj., adv.; also ransio; bijo; descalintao: — rancid; fetid; stale; not fresh; vapid; tasteless. majedo, v. %.; also jedo; sujaye; maca- lejlo: — to shrink; to recoil; to with- draw; to contract .spontaneously; to shrivel; to dry up; to become wrinkled; to become disheartened. majedo, n.; also jedo; macalejlo: — wrinkle. majetog, adj.; also fitme: — obdurate; hardened in feelings; hard; firm; fast; strong. • majetog ni m.aneirgjeng-, adj.; — frozen. majgone, adj., adv.; also matquilo; tranqviilo: — quiet; peaceful; tranquil; healthy. majguef, adj., adv.; also yayas: — tired. majlog, n.; — fracture of a bone. majlog, adv.; also umadespatta: — asunder. majlog, V. tr., v. i.; also na-chaca; jiilog: — to snap; to break short or instantaneously; to crack. majlos, adj., adv.: also yano: — smooth (the opposite of m.aculatum.: rough); even; level; plain. majnau, v. i.; also tumalo; na-nalo: — to return; to come back again to the same place or state; to refrain from an action. majnao, v. tr.; also na-majnao; talo tate: — to recall; to call back; to re- voke. majiigang, adj.; — stunned; stupefied. majngog, adj., adv.; — public; celebrated. majongang, 71.; — lobster. m.ajuto, adj., adv.; also magguag: — roomy; broad; wide. majuto; also sen-juto: — exhausted; at the end. malachai, adj.; also linachai; mana- yafai: — all used up; exhausted. ma lachai, v. tr.; also ma funas: — to exterminate; to destroy utterly. malaet, adj., adv.; also nafaileg: — bit- ter: sour; acid. m a 1 a g : — idiomatic expression for "went to." malag, adj., adv.; a/so lamlam; m.alalag; jajanon: — brilliant; sparkling; lus- trous; glittering; radiant; emitting rays of light or heat; bright; luminous; burning. mala-gana, adj., adv.; also triste; tai- minagof ; penite: — sad; in bad humor; full of grief. mialago, v. tr.; also desea; jangai: — to desire; to want; to will; tc want to. malago, v. i.; also pechao; umatog; malagon umatog; lifit; lumifit: — to scamper; to hasten away; to sneak; to creep or steal away privately or meanly. m.alag6, adj., adv.; also gam.alago: — wistful; pensive. malago, n.; also nesesita; escaso: — want; deficiencv; defect. malago, v. i.; also falago: — ^to run; to move quickly; to flee for escape. malagon taotao, n.; — fugitive; run- away. malago na u sangan, v. tr.; also para ma sigiiifica: — to imply; to mean; to insinuate. malagradesido, adj., adv.; — thankless; ungrateful. malainana, adj., adv.: also machaleg; bastos; presomido; ti checho taotao; matan lalalo: — fierce; wild; savage; ferocious; surly: rough; unci^'il: churl- ish; morose; ill-natured; inhuman; cruel; harsh; brusque. inalang'o, adj., adv.; — sick; ill in health. malasas, 7i.; — bruise. malate, adj., adv.; also faye; sague; gusi; fresco: — learned; skillful; edu- cated; smart; clever; sharp; accom- plished. malate, n.: — learning; skill in literature, languages, or science; knowledge ac- quired . malayo, adj., adv.; — dry; wilted (leaves) troubled . malefa, v. tr.; — to forget. msj ejemplo, n.; — bad exam.ple. maleta, n.; — suitcase; also balisa (prob- ably from English "valise"); boya, n.; — buoy. maleta, n.; also trastes biaje: — lug- gage; effects of a traveler; baggage. malii, ?i.; a/solinii: — appearance; vision. mallnao, adj.: — calm, quiet. malingo, v. i.; — to disappear; to pass away; to vanish. malingo, n.; — deprivation; the act of taking away; loss. malingo, v. tr.; also magap: — to evapo- rate. maUngo, adj.; also jocog: — gone; ruined; lost^ malingo y jinaso, adj.; also aborido: — dazed . mal intensionao, adj.; — ill-disposed; evil-minded. malisia, n.; also tinaimauleg; jina- ngune: — malice; deliberate mischief. malofan 192 manadaje -to cross; to go pa:-t; to -free; untraimneled; malofan, v. Ir. {>nss by. malulog;, ac?y., adv. unhampered, malumorado, adj.: — in bad huiuor: ill- bimiorod. malumot, n.: — sickening odor; conta- giousness, inal-uinot, v. i.; also muyd: — to be in a bad humor: to be ill-humored; to be disgruntled, mama, p/rjix: — ex., mamiaguiinen: — drinkable. mam.a, prefix:- — ex., m.amam§,tai: — to pretend to be dead. m.ama, v. i., v. tr.:— to chew (beetle nut). mamaisababa, n.; also chasco: — knav- erj-; cheating; swindling. miam.a'bababa, n.: — quack; charlatan; fakir. inam.abejiga, n.; also pagpag: — blister. mamacano, adj.; also caniion: — edible; fit to be eaten as food, mamacha, n.; also pinacha: — touch (sense of). mamagasiyan, n.; also famagasiyan; pila : — washbasin . mamaguirna; also nae rd mauleg na ejeraplo; fana'giie ni mauleg: — to edify. mamaich.ech.6, v. i.: — to tussle; to scuffle; to struggle. mamaichecho, n.: — effort; attempt, y maniaigo, n.;also ga-maigo: — sleeper. m.araa-januni, adj.: also liquido (Sp.): — liquid; not solid; readily flowing. y raa mamaila, adj.: — future, mamaisa, adj., adv.; also sumajngue; m.amaisa ja: — single; sole: solitary; isolated; singular; unique, mamaisaja, ii.; also expressed y lugat anai g^igiiiyaja: — isolation; solitude. mamaitaguan, v. %.; also lalango: — to faint; to fall in a swoon. mamajlao, adj.: — provoked; angrj-. mamajlau, v. %.; also uritten mamaj- lao: — to be ashamed. mamajlau, adj., adv.: — ashamed; shame- faced. mamalaje, adj., adv.; also matatnga; tim.amaaiiao: — manly; courageous; resolute. m.amLamagas, adj., adv.; also otgu- yoso: — stuck-up; self-opinionated, mamamaila na tiempo, n.: — future; also para m.6iia: — in the future. mama-manesca, r. tr.; also bate: — to brew; to make liquors. mam.amta, adj., adv.: — prolific; fruit- ful; fertile, mamamta, adj., adv.; also jaffiag; tegcha; gueftano; mepa; mamam- ta: — prolilic (referring to propagation of man or animals). mamantin^ii, n.; also guia:^ — pioneer. mamatag6, adj.: also ti magas; y suma- saga gui papa otro: — inferior; lower; subordinate. mamatagS, adj.: — inferior. m.ainatai, adj.: — mortal, mamatatate, v. i.; cdso nating; um.- abmam: — to hesitate; to loiter; to linger; to tarry; to be slow; to be tardy; to hang back, mamatate, v. i.; also sumuja; su- m.ajngue: — to straggle; to lag behind. y mamatitinas planon guma: — archi- tect. m.a m.atquilo, adj.; also quieto: — reticent ; silent ; reserved ; calm ; tranquil, ma m.atquiquilo, adj., adv.; also tran- quilo: — quiet; calm; at rest; tranquil, miamaadai, n.; also sendalo ni quina- babayo: — rider, mamaya, adj.; also sina maya: — navigal)le. mamaya, adj.; also ti cabales: — super- ficial: not thorough, mamegue, v. i.; also fegue; mamocat; pocat: — to step; to go on; to tread; to walk. ma mejora, v. %.; also adelanta; na lat fena; lumamauleg: — to improve; to advance; to better one's circumstances; to make progress; to prosper; to thrive. y mamemedos, n.; also y manjo- jotde: — climber. mame, suffix: — indicates belonging to us; ours (ex., leblon mame: — our book; chechomame: — our work.) mames, adj., adv.; also bunita or bonita (Sp.); amable (Sp.): — lovely; charming; agreeable; sweet, mamfog, v. tr.: — to weave; to plait, mamogpog, v. i.; also manbula: — to be swollen. niamolo, adj., adv.; also descuidao; chatniamoio: — perfunctory; done carelessh' or negligently with the purpose of getting rid of the duty, mampos, adj., adv.: — gross; coarse; rude; also tim.anesesita (raas que y ma nesesita): — unnecessary; too much; superntimerary; exceeding the ntimber stated or required, mamuda, adj.; also chicherico: — dressed up; dolled up (referring to vromen). y maniumulan. n.; also sentrnela; guatdia: — sentinel; guard; watch, y mamuno, n.: — murderer, mamuno, n.; also pinino:— slaughter; carnage; killing of cattle, etc., for human food (y man. mapuno y guaca sija, etc., para na taotaoi. mamuno, v. tr., r. i.: — to commit murder; to murder, mamuten tataotao, 7:.: also reuma: — rheumatism. mafia, n.: also asana; atte; finababa: — trick; cunning; craft; deceit, mana-dana, adj.: — mixed; mingled, manada, n.; also manadan: — herd; flock; mass. manadaje, r. tr.; also numasangue; man recoje: — to hoard; to collect and lay up. ma na calamtenna 193 manila ma na calamtenna, n.; also ma na janauna: — removal; transfer. man adanche, adj.; man aya; simet- ricat: — symmetrical; proportionate. manadidide y minegae; also fineiig- na: — summary of contents. y man adodora idolo, n.; also idola- tria (Sp.): — idolatry. mana-eyag, adj.; also ma chacha- lane: — instructed. maiiague, v. tr.; also saque; chule- guan: — to loot; to pillage or plunder. manaina, n.: — ancestors. manajag, n.: — local name for a fish ap- pearing in Guam waters at intervals in great numbers; is dried and preserved by the natives; probably the young of sesyan (which see). manajalom gui lista, v. tr.: — to enroll; to enlist. manajuyung, n.; also ninajuyung or ninajuyoiig: — work; creation. manamtam, n.; also gusto: — taste; joy: tinamtam: — taste. manana, adj.: — sleek; smooth; glossy; also majlos; liso; gama; naba; manso: — soft; tender; easily \ielding to pressure; flexible; masa, adj.: — mellow; fully ripe; not hard. manana na pulo, n.: — down; soft feathers; hair. y manangangane, n.; also gotgot; y numanatungo: — informer; approver. ma na nuebuna, n.; also nirenueba: — renewal; renovation; re\aval. manapayon, adj., adv.; also ma-utisa: — habitual; usual; customary. man-aquijom, adj., adv.: — frugal; nig- gardly; sa\T.ng; thrifty; scanty; par- simonious. manaquilisyano, r. tr.: — to christen; to baptize. man areregla, n.: — ruler; one who rules. ma na santos, adj.; also sagrado (Sp.); santos: — sacred; consecrated; in- violable. man-atma, adj.: — headstrong; mulish; stubborn. man boroquento, n.; — also atborotao; also written man buruquento: — rab- ble; noisy crowd or mob. manbula, r. i.; also mamogpog: — to be swollen. mancha, ri.: — spot; stain; blemish. mancha, v. tr.; also na-ma.nch.a; ras- tro: — to blot; to stain; to blemish. manda, adj., adv.: — imperative; peremp- tory; obligatory. mandague, n.; also dague; padagdag; dinague: — lie; deceit; denial. man despetdisia, v. tr.; also man ytiyute: — to ravage; to lay waste; to pillage. man cUbe, v. %.; also dibe or debe: — to be in debt. manea, i'. Ir.; also negosio: — to trans- act; to manage a business deal; to negotiate. manea, v. tr., v. i.; also adaje: — to be- have; to conduct; to demean. y man-e'cungog, n.:- — listeners; hear- ers; y ume'cungog, ?i.; — listener; hearer. maneja, v. tr.: — to handle; to use. manempeya, adj.: — fat; greasy. manengjeiig, v. %.; also fugo: — to freeze; to shiver; to have a chill. manengjeng, adj.: — cold; frigid. manesgiie, v. tr.; also saque; mana- que; tesgiie: — to steal; to purloin. man espia, v. tr.; also espia: — to recon- noiter. manetnot, adj., adv.; also baba; ti mauleg: — ill; bad or evil; sick; die- eased . maniiores, v. i.: — to bloom; to blossom. mangag, v. i.; mamamangag: — to stagger; to totter; to reel. mangag, v. i.; also umaso; nina aso; imngag: — to sag; to sink down; to yield. mangag, v. i; also aso: — to bend down the body. mangagmona, v. i.; also goje: — to stoop; to bend the body downward and forward. maiagco, adj.: — one-armed. man^fong, v. tr.; also tufong: — k) reckon; to count or compute. mangga, n.; — vernacular name for the mango tree; not many mango trees are on the island, but they produce fruit of the finest quality. manggas, ?i.; — sleeve. raanggui, adv.; also mano: — where. mangle, n.: — mangrove. mangle macho, n.: — local name for the many-petaled mangrove tree; is com- monin Guam, growing in the swamps at the mouths of nearly all streams. manglo guinen entre sanlago yan san catan: — trade wind. manglo sut-este, n.: — southeast wind. manglo sut-ueste, n.: — southwest wind mango, n.; also safron (Sp.): — safran; saffron. mangofLie, adj.; also gueftao; chechi- jet: — well-meaning; benevolent; well- disposed toward some one. mango jalum-tano: — local name for the canna, an ornamental plant growing without cultivation. y manguaiya, n.; also nobia; guaiya- yon: — sweetheart; lover; loved one. mangue, v. tr.; also gusto; gosa; tujos: — to relish; to enjoy. manguentataye, n..-^agent; also ben- tero: — seller. _ mangui, v. tr., v. i.; also tugui; mang- gui: — to write. y man giiigiiife, n.; also giiigiiife: — dreamer. ma nicho, v. tr.: — to entomb ; to place in a tomb. mafidla, n. ; also guaf e : — flame ; fire ; blaze ; a body of flame. mafiila ensiquidas 194 mapta manila ensiquidas, n.; also chadeg na manila: — fiai-h: sudden, quick, transi- tory blaze of light. mafiinila, adj.; also lamlam: — glisten- ing; casting radiance; shining. manja, n.; also aplog: — coconut; a ten- dor one; already containing liquid. man jale, v. i.: — to take root. man jaso, v. tr.; also jaso: — to recollect to call to memory. manjonggue, adj.; manjonggue an manetbe as Ytius: — virtuous; devout; believing; true; religion (Sp.), n.; also jineiigguen para as Yuus: — religion. manjufa, v. i.: — to stretch out both arms. manjula para u, v. tr.; also guaiya: — to swear allegiance to; to pay homage to; to regard. manjulat, adj., adv.; also famoso (Sp.); actibo; najong: — powerful; brave; mighty; effective; efficient; active. manjulon, adj., adv.: — noble. manjungog, n.: — hearing (the sense of hearing). y manlilie, n.; also y umeega: — specta- tor; beholder. manman, adj., adv.: — astounded; won- dering. manm.erese, adj.: — deserving; worthy. manngue, adj.: — palatable; luxurious. raaiingui, adj., adv.; also delisioso: — delicious; exquisite; highly pleasing to the senses, taste, or to the mind. mano, n.: — the smaller of the two pieces of stone used for grinding corn. mano, adv.: — where. manog, n.: — chicken; a young bird. manogcha, v. tr.: — to sprout; to bring forth fruit. mano jo, n.; also fininut: — bundle: .sheaf. manom, n.: — cold; catarrh; cold in the head. mano y sina, adj., adv.: also tacalum: — Avith all might; intensive. ma nota, v. tr.; also reprende: — to reproach; to upbraid. manotsot, v. i.; also nafanotsot: — to reform. mansana, ?i.;— apple. mansangan:— it is rumored; rumot: — rumor; popular report; current story. mansaniya, n.: — local name for the Indian chrysanthemum, or false camo- mile; also called yetba santa raaria; its flowers, in the form of an infusion, are used as a remedy for intermittent fevers. manso, adj.; also fino; suabe: — gentle; refined in manner and disposition; simple; taiadotno: — simple; not com- plex; unadorned; natural. manteles, ?i.; — tablecloth; altar cloth. mantension, n.; also abio: — livelihood; sustenance; subsistence. xaantica, n.: — lard; fat of swine melted down. mantica, adj., adv.: — greasy; fat. mantican-leche, n.: — cream; the rich, t.ily part of milk. mantiene, «.; — help; aid; support; as- sistance. mantiene, v. tr.; also na-ap6; chajlau: — 1o hold; to grasp and keep in the hand; to hold or offer the hand; to feed; to seize; to catch; to receive. mantiquiya, n.: — butter. mantiya, /;.; also sabanas diquiqui; panales: — mantilla. manufactuxa, v. tr.; also chechocanae; fatinas yan mata na materiat: — to manufacture; to fabricate from raw materials. manugo, v. i.; also fanugo: — to suppu- rate; to fester. manugon^, v. tr.; also trangca; soro- jo: — to bolt (the door), manugong, v. i.: — to start forth like a bolt, maiium, n.: — cold; catarrh. manungo, adj., adv.; also gaijinaso:— sensible; acute; ingenious. manungo, n.; also estudiante (Sp.); disipiilo (Sp.): — scholar; student. manuso, v. i.; also doco; lachog: — to sprout; to grow back again; to shoot forth, man yuyute, v. tr.; also man despet- disia: — to ravage; to lay waste; to pillage. maog, adj., adv.: — strong; durable, maog, V. i.: — to last; to stay, mapa, n.: — map. mapagajes, n.; also jomjom uclian: — cloud. mapanas, adj., adv.: — fiat; level; dull, mapanas, n.: — slab; flat piece of stone, mapanas na acho, ti.; also losa: — mapanas-giiiengna, adj.: — snub-nosed. mapau, v. i.; also mamatquilo: — to quiet down; to become cool. mape, p. p.; also caca: — split; broken; cracked; ipe, v. i.: — to split; to spring apart, mape, adj.: — broken, mapede, v. tr.: — to foil; to baffle; to frustrate; to defeat. ma petsigue, v. i.; also ma-emog: — to suffer persecution; to be persecuted. mapla, adj., adv.; also yoase; carinoso (yjiasc.) or carinosa (/em.):— gracious; affable. mapos, adj., also abmam: — ago; gone; past, y mapos na bida; also y jagas na bida: — the past life, y mapos na confesion: — the last con- fession . mapos na semana: — last week, mapot, adj.; also macat: — difiicult; hard to accomplish; heavy, mapta, n.: — slit; a long cut; a narrow opening; outbreak; an eruption; a breaking out. mapta 195 matcadot znapta, v. tr., v. i.; also puta, v. i.: — to burst; to rend or break open with Anolence. mapula, n.; also interpretasion (Sp.): explanation; interpretation. maquenista, n.: — machinist. maquina, n.: — engine; machine. maquinan bapot, n.: — steam engine. maquinan chachag, 7i.: — sawmill. maquinan electrica, n.: — electric dyna- mo or machine. maquinan mangui, n.: — typewriter. maquinan y tren, n.: — ^locomotive; steam engine for drawing railroad cars. maquinaria, n.: — machinery. marease, v. tr.; also macansela; ma- anula: — to cancel: to annul. marinero, n.; also tumatasi; mari- ne: — seaman; mariner. mias, adv. (Jr. Sp.): — further; moreover (see Grammar, p. 2G). mas, adj.; also chagona; megaina: — further; more distant; more; greater in number, quality, or extent. masa, adj., adv.; also manana; sacan; toa: — ripe; done; cooked sufficiently; mellow; fully ripe; not hard; ready for harvest: mature; full-grown. masa-jalum, n.: — sweat; perspiration. masa-jalum, adj., adv.: — perspiring; sweating. masajegat, adj., adv.; also fotte; fuette; metgot; fuetsudo: — muscu- lar: active; Adgorous; strong; robust. masang-an ti mauleg, r. tr.; also mafa- jiyung: — to slander; to defame. masapalang, adj.; also jatalapos: — ragged; rent or worn into rags; desti- tute. mas baba, adj.; also mas tailaye: — worst: worse than all others. mas bien, adv.; also gusena; cha- degna: — rather; sooner; more will- ingly. mascara, a.; also bufon: — mask; clown. mas chago, adj.: — farthest; most dis- tant. masculine, adj.; also laje: — masculine; pertaining to a man. mas de; also mas que {bothfr. Sp.): — more than. maseta, ii.: — mallet; a wooden hammer; flowerpot. masetan diquiqui, n.: — gavel; a small mallet. masinig jaga, n.; also jinaga: — dysen- tery-. m.asiso, adj., adv.; also sustieniyon; gaibittud: — tenable; strong; ener- getic. mas jijot, n.; also projimo (Sp.): — next; nearest. masmas, v. tr.; also chopchop: — to suck in (drop by drop). masmas, adj.; also fotgon; tasyon: — wet; damp; moist. mas-mauleg, adj.: — best; most desir- able; maulegna: — better. masogsog, af/J.;— lean; thin. masotca, n.: — ear of corn. masotda, v. tr.; also rescata:— to re- lease; to recover; to save; to redeem; to ransom. masque, v. tr.: — to break off the limb of a tree. mas que sea; also mas sea jaye; maque sea jaye: — whosoever. mas sea jafa; also atguna cosa (Sp.): — something; whatsoever. ma subi, v. tr.; also aumenta; lumame- gai: — to increase; to enlarge; to en- hance. naasujeta, adj.: — subjected. mata, adj.; also ti masa: — crude; raw; uncultured; uncooked; sore. mata, adj.; also gada: — umipe; green (opposite of masa). mata, adj., adv.; also chatmasa; tisasa- can: — immature; not full}- grown or developed; crude. mata, n.; also aparensia: — looks; ap- pearance; eye. matachong, v. i.:- — to sit; to occupy a seat. matadero, n.: — butcher. matai, v. i.: — to die; to decease. matai, adj.: — dead; destitute of life. matai-majo, v. i.: — to perish with thirst. matainalang, n.; also jasan: — famine; extreme dearth; scarcity. matai-nalang, v. i.: — to die of hunger; to die of starvation. matajleg, af/j., adv.: — crooked; winding. matan janum, n.; also trongcon ja- num: — fount; fountain or spring; origi- nal source. matan lalalo, adj., adv.; also mala- maiia: — harsh; rough; brusque. matansa, n.: — butcher shop. matapaiig, adj., adv.: — tasteless; vexa- tious. matapang, n.; also taigrasia: — farce; ridiculous or empty parade. matatachoiig, adj.: — sitting; resting on the haunches. matatnga, adj., adv.; also famoso; balente; animoso: — brave; mighty; powerful; strong; courageous; capable. matatnga, n.; also ganadot: — ^hero; a man of distinguished courage. matatnga na gayo, n.; also buscapla- ito: — game cock. matbas, n.: — local name for the Indian mallow; a low shrub with orange- colored flowers; yields a fairly good fiber, which might be used for cordage ; quite common in Guam. matca, n.; also senat; prenda; naan: — sign; mark; token; symbol; signboard. matca, v. i.; also na-cheton: — to imprint to impress into one's heart. matca, v. tr.; also figues; gacha: — to stamp ; to crush ; to engrave with a chisel ; to mark. matcadot, n.: — engraver. matcha 196 meplo matcha, n.: — march; repfular, measured walk (especially of soldiers), matco, n.: — mark, matdise, v. tr.: — to curse, matdision, n.; also desparate: — Kjurse; oath, matdispuesto, (hIj.; also ti magof: — re- luctant; un\villia<;; disinclined, matdito, adj.; also matdisido:— ac- cursed; cursed, mate (y tasi), n.: — ebb; reflux of the tide: low tide, materia, n.; also jafa; cosa (Sp.): — matter; thins; cause, matfit, n.: ivory; ebony, matgen, n.; also oriya: — seam; edge; selvage. matiteg:, n.: also nilache; fatta: — breach; violation; rent. matlina, n.: — godmother, matmon uchan, ?i.; — shower of rain. m.atinos, r. i.: also nogfiog; na- raatmos; lumos: — to drown, matmos, adj.:- — drowned; sunken, matmot, n.: — marble, matom'ba, v. %.: — to tumble; to fall suddenly and violently, matorapo, v. i.: — to stumble; to stagger. matquilo, adj., adv.; mamatquilo: — tranquil; quiet; calm, matraca, n.: — rattle, matrimonio, n.; also inacamo; uma- camo: — wedding; wedlock; marriage. m.atso, n.: — March, raattes, n.: — Tuesday. mattetsio, n.: — abuse; curse, mattit, ?i.; — martyr. mattiyo, n.: — hammer, mattrata, v. tr.; also na-mattesio; mattrata; despresia: — to abuse; to despise. matujog, V. 7.; — to be sleepy; maigo: — tn fall asleep. raatujog, n.; also minatujog: — sleepi- ness. m.atu30g, adj.; also m.atujognai]'on: — sleepy. miatulaijon, v. i.; also mamamangag: — to stagger; to totter; to reel. mia-tutujon, v. tr.; also tutujon; tutu- june: — to begin; to start; to commence, maudae, v. tr., v. %.; also written maudai; udae or tidal: — to ride (on horseback or in a vehicle). maudae gui sajyan, r. tr.; also em- batca: — to embark. m.aiileg! — vernacular for "all right!" mauieg, adj., adv.; also yoase: — good; decent; ^•irtuous; benign; gracious; kind hearted. m.aiileg iluna, adj.; also sano (Sp.): — sane; mentally sound or healthy. miauleg masangan-na, n.; also fama; honra: — reputation; fame; good repu- tation. maulegna, adj.; also mas bien (Sp.): — rather; much more; to the contrary; better. raiaulegna fangajatan, 71.; also fanga- jatan: — good hunting ground. y miauleg na catpintero: — joiner; wood- worker (literally: a good carpenter). mavileg pauna, adj.; also paupau: — odorous; fragrant. m.aiiriyaye, p. p.; aZso maredondea: — surrounded; inclosed. lua-usa, p. p.; also usao: — used up. mayabug, v. tr.; also na oda: — to soil; to dirty. ma-yalaca, adj.; also gadon: — en- tangled; confused; intricate. mayamag, v. i.: — to break down; to go to pieces. mayengyong, v. i.; also laiilau: — to quake; to tremble; to shake. mayo, n.: — May. mayotmente, adv.: — especially; par- ticularly. mecha, n.: — wick; tinder. raediano, adj.: — mediocre. m.edico, n.; also aamte: — surgeon; doctor; physician. medida, n.; — measure. medio, n.: — half; mean; middle. medio agaga, adj.: — ruddy: reddish. mefgo, adj.: — juicy. mefno, adj., adv.:- — talkative; gossipy. mefno, n.: — gab; idle chatter; loquacity; gossip; tattler. megae, n.; uyu sija; megae na giiinaja pa-t jinafa: — sundries: numerous small or miscellaneous articles or matters. megae, n.; also plurat; mas de uno (Sp.): — plural; more than one. megae, adj.: — several; more than two; various; different. megae, adv.; also irrkten megai: also lajyan; lajyayan: — much; great in quantity or amount. megae na tomo, adj.: — voluminous; co- pious; extensive. megaina, adj., adv.: — more; greater in number, quantity, or extent. megai na biaje, adv.; also seso: — oft; often; frequently. mejga, adj.; also iiulajaga: — i)loody. mejnalum, adj.. adv.; also sabio; tom- tom; also irritteu mejnalom: — sage; wise; discerning; well-judged; discrimi- nating; scientific; skillful; skillful in science. melodia, n.: — melody. melon, n.; also calamasa: — melon; pumpkin; squash. meme, n.: — urine. mendioca, n.; also yuca: — vernacular name for the cassava plant; the roots yield meal, starch, and cavassa, or tapioca. menos, adv.: — less; in a smaller degree. mensaje, 11.: — message. mensajero, n.; also chile papet: — mes- senger. mepa, adj.: also productoso (Sp.): — fruitful; yielding fruit. meplo, adj., also peludo: — hairy; woolly. merese 197 mmaigo merese, v. tr.; also bale (gni set- bisio): — to deserve; to earn by service; to be justly entitled to; to merit. meritoi n.;' also minerese: — merit; ex- cellence; worth. mes, a.: — month; one of the twelve di- visions of the year. xaesgue. adj., adv.: — unafraid. mescla, n.: also liniten-mescla: — mor- tar; mixture. xnesgo, adj.: — succulent; juicy. mesngon, adj., adv.: — grim; stern; un- yielding. mesngon matatnga, adj., adv.: — game; plucky. mesngon, adj., adv.: — patient; persever- ing. xnesquino, adj., adv.; also chattau; latga: — stingy; avaricious. metat, n.: — metal. metate, n.; also guasaon; moyon; moyong: — grindstone; whetstone. mete, v. %.: — to interfere; to oppose; to meddle. metgot, adj., adv.: also mafnot; fot- nido: — sturdy; stubby; hard; energetic; strong; able-bodied. meton, adj., adv.; also ti estotbayon: — persistent; steadfast; imperturbable; not easily disturbed or agitated; cool, calm, and collected. meyas, n.: — stocking; socks. meyo (//•. Sp. medio), adv.; also lamita; empe; medio: — half. meyo agaga, adj.; also written mayo agaga; medio agaga: — reddish; ruddy. miche, adj., adv. — poor; needy. micoiot, adj., adv.: — gay-colored; many- colored. micosas, n.; also abundansia; rico: — opulence; wealth. mide, v. tr.: — to measure. mi-danguis, adj.; also cadangues; dangson; cabrea; also ivritten mi- dangues : — resinous . mi-duan, adj.: — warty. miembro, n.: — member; limb. mientras, adj., adv.: — temporary; exist- ing lor a limited time. mientras tanto, adv.; also entretan- to: — in the meantime. miet, ■/(,.; also atnibat: — honey; sirup. mietcoles, n.: — "Wednesday. migas pan: — crumb of bread. mi-grasia, adj.; also yoase.' — merciful; charitable; pitiful. mi-gugat, adj., adv.; also netbioso (•^P-)'! guinigatan: — nervous; sinewy; fibrous: composed of fibers. m.i-gtunaja, adj.; also rico mi-iyo: — rich: wealthy; opulent. mijinilat, adj.; also mininasina; mi- ninasma: — efficient; powerful. mil, «rfr.;- -thousand. milache, adj., adv.: — wrongful; inju- rious. milag, n.; also coriente (Sp.): — stream; current; torrent; tumbling stream. milag, I. i.: — to flow. milagro, n.: — miracle; wonder. milagroso (Sp.), adj., adv.: — wonderful; miraculous. milaya, n.: — medal; medallion. milisia, n.; also ejetsito: — army; host. militat, n.: — military; soldiery. mimaatan; also conbiene:^ — it is im- portant; it i? necessary; it is fitting. mimarespeta; also inestima; enes- tima; estima: — respected; highly re- garded; esteemed. mimerese, adj.: — meritorious; deserv- ing. mimesterio, adj.; also nS.^6son; ga plaito: — fussy; making a fuss. mimilalag, adj.. adv.: — flowing; moving or pouring forth : fluent. mimolestia. adj.; also jijoroba: — an- noying; troublesome. mina, n.: — a mine. minaacsom, v.; also binilacho; mi- naagsom: — fermentation. minaagsom, n.: — acid. mina-a'nao, n.: also aminaso; also written minaa'nau: — terror; comfort- lessnesp; inconsolable state; scare; a sudden fright or panic; awe; appre- hension of evil or danger. minaase, n.; also yinease; also ivritten mina-ase: — pity; sympathy; com- passion; mercy; charity; clemency. minacat, n.: — gravity; weight; impor- tance; seriousness. minachom atdao yan quinajulo at- dao: — twilight. minafag, n.: also finalingo: — bank- ruptcy . nainagago, r. i.; also beste: — to dress; to get dressed. minagajet, n.: — truth. minagajet, adj.; also magajet; pro- pio: — veracious; truthful; true; real; actually existing; genuine. minagajet, 7i..-— fact; anything that is done; reality; event; truth. minagapfiaijon, n. : — evaporation. minagas. n.; also linamlam; mina- lag; — radiance; brightness; luster. minagof, n.; also felisidad (Sp.); nina- joag; quinentento; sinatisfecho: — happiness; bliss; gladness; pleasure; satisfaction; contentment; gratifica- tion; fun; mirth; drollery; sport; glee; gaiety. minagofna, adj.. adv.; also confot- m.efia; — rational; agreeable to reason; wise; judicious. minagong, ?? . .• «?.so batsamo; dinicho- so; quinensuela: — balm. minagpo, rt.,- also fin.: finagpo: — finish; end; conclusion. minaguem, n.; also pas (Sp.): — peace. minaigo, n.: — sleep; also maigo, v. i.: — to .sleep. minajalang 198 moderao minajalaug, n.: also binibo; pesa- dumbre: — apprehension; anger; vexa- tion. rtiinajgong, ?i.; niso niriamajgoiig: — peace; quiet; well-being; relief. minajo, n.: — thirst. minalag, n.; also finanila; minagas; guinatbo; dinangculo: — glare; bright dazzling light; brightness; luster: radi- ance; splendor; pomp; magnihcence. minalago, n.; also minatatnga; deseo: — grit; pluck; courage; whim; option; wish; selection. minalamana, n.; — ferocity; cruelty; sav- ageness; tyranny; severity. minalefa, ?i..- — oblivion; the state of being blotted out from memory. minalulog, n.: — freedom; softness. minamaichecho, n.: — exertion. minamis, ?i..- — amiableness. minampos, n.: — excess; superfluity. minaiiana, n.: — mildness; charity. minanda, n.: also sisiiia: — jurisdiction. minanila, n.: — liare; large, unsteady, glaring light; mamanila; papagpag; mamapta, n.: — explosive. rninanngue, n.; also espesia; pinau- pau: — spice; relish. minanso, n.; also siniabe: — gentleness; niildnoss; meekness. minantiene, n.; guiniot: — grip; a grasp with the hand. yniinanuebe, adv.; a/somunanuebe: — ninth. y niina echo, adv.: — eighth. minaog, n.; also dinira: — duration; endurance ; continuation. miiiapot, 11.; also dificuttad (Sp.): — difficulty. minasa, n.: — maturity; ripeness. minasa, n.: — ripeness; maturity. y mina sais, adv.: also sesto: — sixth. y mina siete, adv.; also septimo: — seventh (see "Grammatical notes" ). minatapang, n.; also chatjinalum: — vexation; anger; ill-humor. minatatnga, n.: also inabiba; bina- lente: — encouragement; valor; braA'cry; intrepidity. minatatnga, n.: — valor; bravery; in- trepidity. minattrata, ?!.; also ninataelaye; giiinigong jineno; ninatailaye: — maltreatment; oppression. minatujog, n.: — sleepiness. minauleg, n.; also qiiinettesano; tunas na tiningo: — morality; ethics; virtue. minauleg, v. i.; g?so na gaiminauleg:— to qualify; to render fit; to pro\e fit for an ofhce or position. minayulang, ?i..- — demolition; destruc- tion. y minedung, w.; — greatness; size. minefea, a.; also mofa; despresio; butla:— derision, scorn, contempt; disdain. minegae, n.; also abundansia; ina- bundansia: — abundance; profusion: plenty; superfluity; overflow; quantity. minejnalom, n.; also written minejna- lum; also tiningo; jinaso; juisio; decreto; sapience; wisdom; knowl- edge; decree; sentence; judgment. minelestia, n.; also jineroba: — annoy- ance; molestation. miuenero, n.: — hardness; severity. minerese, n.; merito:— merit; excel- lence; worth. minesngon, n.; also siningon; dinira: — forbearance; patience; indulgence; en- durance; continuation; duration; perse- verance. minetgot, n.; also finette; finejman; jinilat; fuetsa; sisina: — strength; force; power; Wgor; might: authority. minidiye, n.; also sujeto; limitasion; restrision {Sp.}: — restriction; limita- tion; confinement. minilag, n.; also milag: — gush; a sudden and violent flow of liquid from an in- closed space. ininimo, adj.; also mas diquiqui: — least; smallest in degree, size, value, impor- tance, etc. ministro, n.; afeo setbiente; criado: — servant. minito, n.; also dinetetmina; inten- sion: — (Sp.): — intention; purpose; de- sign. minitung, n.; also nilamug; also ui-itten nilamog: — stench; strong, offen.?ive odor. minutero, n.; — minute hand. mi-ogs6, adj.: — hilly. miputi, adj., adv.; also majalang: — painful. mira, n.: — myrrh. misan animas, n.: — requiem; mass for deceased person. miserable, adj.; also odayanmatiteg: — shabby; threadbare; mean in appear- ance; wretched; miserable; unhappy; seedy. miseria, n.: — misery; wretchedness. misetbe, ?i.; — utility; usefulness. mision, n.; also tinago: — mission. misionero (Sp.), n.: — missionary. misterio, n.: — mystery. mititanos, adj., adv.; also faye; sabio; tomtom: — wise; prudent; sagacious; .sly; crafty; learned; sensible. mitituca, adj.: — thorny. mi-unai, adj.; also lufio: — sandy. moda, n.; also estilo (Sp.): — style, fashion; manner; conventional custom in dress. moda, adj.; also modista: — fashionable; according to the prevailing mode. modelo, n.; also figura: — model; figure. moderao, v. tr.; also templao: — to mod- erate; to keep within bounds; to lessen. modesto 199 muto modesto, adj., adv.; also gasgas; ho- nesto; desente: — decent; clean; mod- est: neat; honorable. modetno, adj.: — novel, modern; of re- cent orifrin or introduction. modo, /(..• — means and ways; mode. modong, n.; also batco: — bark; barque; three-masted sailing vessel. mo dor o, adj., adv.: — rude; coarse; feeble- minded. modurlg, adj., adv.; also tadung: — large; deep. m.ofea, v. tr., v. i.; also casi; butlea; insutta; lotgue: — to mock; to deride; to insult; to make fun of. mojnio, V. tr.: — to chew for {ex., mother for her child). mojon, n.: — landmark. mojon, adj., conj.: — possibly; perhaps; may be; by chance. molestia, n.; also dano; petjuisio; es- totbo: — nuisance; anything offensive, injurious, vexatious, or annoying. molestia, x. tr.; also na-chatsaga; jo- roba; atborota: — to annoy; to molest. molino, ?;.• — gristmill. molino, v. tr.; also guleg; tutu: — to grind; to pulverize or reduce to powder by friction. momento (Sp.), n.; ateo rate: — moment; instant; twinkling. miomo, n.: — short-eared owl; the natives say that it catches lizards. mona, adv.; also para mona; yajiilolo: — henceforth; for the future; at first; for the first; above all; for the present. mona pat tate: — forward or backward. mona yan tate: — to and fro. monchon chotda, n.; also fanot- dayan: — banana plantation. monchon taotao, n.; also inetnon taotao: — multitude; crowd; populace. moneda, n.; also salape: — money; piece of money; coin. monjayan, adj., adv.; also monjan; magpo: — ready; finished; complete. monjayan, v. tr.; also magpo: — to complete; to finish. monje, n.: — monk. monoplano, n.: — monoplane; aeroplane having one plane only, contrasted with the biplano, biplane, which has two planes. monte (Sp.), n.; also sabana; ogso: — mountain. montesiyo, n.: — shrubbery; brush; thicket. monton, n.: — ^lieap. monton chaguan, n.; also rasimo: — tuft; bunch; bundle; bunch of grapes. monumento (Sp.), n.: — monument. ' moscas, n.: — joint; cut. mostasa, ?r.; — mustard. motas, 71.; — thread (turned). motgan, adj.: — deep eyed. motibo, n.; also rason: — motive; incen- tive; reason. motmot, V. tr.: — to devour; to eat ravenously, motor electrisida, ».; — electric motor, mottaja, n.: — .shroud; winding sheet, mottat, adj.; also mamatai: — mortal, moye ja, ?; . ; — gland . muchacha, n.: — girl; a female child, muchacho, n.; also patgon; tentago: — boy; servant; house boy. mudoro, adj.: — toi-pid; inactive; numb, muestra, n.; also copia: — specimen; sample; pattern; model; anything cut out or marked, ready to be copied, mueye, n.; also pantalan: — pier; wharf; mole or jetty; a landing place projecting into the sea. mueye, n.: — spiral spring. mula, 71.: — mule, mulato, n.: — curl; ringlet of hair. mumaagsom, v. %.; also lumalalo: — to ferment. mumagof, v. i.: — to rejoice; to be glad, mumanotsot, v. tr.; also fanotsot; puminite: — to regret; to rue; to be sorry for; to repent. mumasa, r. i.: — to ripen {ex., fruit). mumasa-jalum, i. i.; also masa- jalum: — to sweat: to perspire, raumatcha, v. i.: — to march. mumaya, adj.; also pumayaya: — adrift; floating at random. mumo, V. tr., v. i.; also momye: — to combat; to fight; to battle; to quarrel; to wrangle. mumon-linajyan, n.; also rebolusion (Sp.) : — revolution; uprising, mumon umaguot, v. %.: — to grapple; to contend in close fight, mumu, V. %.; also aguaguate; fach.6- chue; apulai: — to strive; to struggle; to labor hard or earnestly, mumunera, v. %.: — to fret; to be irritated or vexed. muna dose, adv.; also mina dose: — twelfth, muneca, n.: — doll. munera, adj.: — ^fretful; peeAash; irri- tated. loaxxxie'ro, adj., adv.; tt?so bronco; mala- mana: — har,sh; grumbling; stubborn; obstinate. munga, v. tr.; also opone: — to object; to oppose; to retort, munga, adv.; also aje: — no; opposite of yes. munision, ?i..-— munition; cartridges, munisipat, adj.: — municipal; pertaining to a city, state, or local self-government. musico, n.: — musician. musicos, n.; also otquestra: — orches- tra; body of musicians, muta, V. %.: — to vomit; to erupt (ex., a volcano), muto, ;•. tr.: — to undertake; to intend, muto, adj.; also boluntario (Sp.): — voluntary; spontaneous. mutong 200 na-cachang mutong, V. i.; alsolennog: — to stink; to emit a strong offensive odor. mutta, n.: — to mulct; to fine, mutta, n.; also pena: — penalty; fine; logal punishment. rcuyo, V. i.: — to be ill-humored; to be di.«2runtled. muyiii, v. tr., v. i.: — to sneer; to scoff; to insinuate; to show contempt by some facial expression. N na, conj.: — that; which; also expresses causation. na-abmam, v. tr.: — to put off; to post- pone; to defer. na-acano, v. tr.: — to do inlaid work in wood. na-S.dingo, v. tr.; also na-sujannaijon; na-adisapatta: — to sequester; to separate from the owner for a time. na-adispatta, r. tr.: — to take apart (ma- chinery). na-i,dispatta y clase, r. tr.; also na difer antes clase: — to assort; to classify. na-adotgan, v. i.: — to pierce through; to stick through ; to make an opening into. na-afamauleg, v. tr.; also empas; apase: — to reconcile; to atone; to expiate; to make reparation; to give satisfaction. na-agadon, v. tr.; also na-lache: — to com'use; to jumble up; to render in- distinct. na-agaoli, v. tr.; also na-apal6p6: — to cross the legs. na-aguitilue, v. tr.: — to heap up; to lay o]i top of each other. na-aj'ustao, r. tr.: — to adjust. na-ale, r. tr.; also ale; deshonra; na taifama: — to insult: to bring disgrace upon; to injm"e the good name; to dis- honor; to defame; to entice; to allure. na-alibiao, r. tr.; « /so na-lamaj gong: — to alleviate; to quiet; to relieve. naan, n.; also matca; senat: — a sub- stantive; name; mark; trade-mark. na-ancho, r. tr.; also na-maguag: — to widen; to expand. na-animoso, v. ir.: — to fortify; to make stronger. na-anog, v. tr.; also na-mauleg: — to make good; to discover; to observe. na-anug, v. tr.; also written na-anog: — to show. na-a'paca, v. tr.; also blanquea: — to whitewash . na-apling, v. tr.: — to wrench; to wring or pull with a twist. na-ap6, ?'. tr.; also mantiene; ayuda: — to support; to hold or offer the hand: to hold back. na-arima, r. tr.: — to lay down; to ap- proach; to bring nearer. na-aseguxa, r. tr.; also na-seguro: — to assert; to maintain. na-asentado, v. tr.; also nfi.-aya: — to ac- commodate. na-asgon, v. tr.; also na-gai-f ache ; na- aplacha: — to dirty; to soil; to make impure; to foul. na-atarantao, v. tr.; also trastotna; yaca; yalaca:— -to disunite; to set at variance; to render mutually hostile. na'atborotao, adj.: — vexing; trouble- some. na-atborotao, v. tr.: — to demoralize; to corrupt; to throw into confusion. na-atilong, v. tr.: — to blacken. na-atog, v. tr.; also disimula (Sp.); na-lijing: — to hide; to conceal; to keep secret; to dissemble; to feign. na-atulaica, v. %.; also tulaica: — to bar- ter; to trade. na-aya, v. tr.: — to forge. na-aya, v. tr.: — to fit up alike; to make equal. na-ayao, v. tr.; also ayao: — to borrow; to obtain on leave. nabaja, n.: — pocketknife; razor. na banda, adj.; also san jaluni na banda: — inteiior; inner; remote from the coast. nabegadot, n.: — na\dgator. na-belembau, v. tr.: — to cause to c[uiver; to vibrate. na-beste, v. tr.: — to garnish; to adorn. nabio. n.:- — navy. na-boca, v. tr.: — to feed. na-boca, v. tr.; also na-etnon: — to heap up; to amass; to join. na-brabo, v. tr.: — to strengthen; to en- liven. na^brabo, adj.: — strengthening; enliven- ing. na-bubo, v. tr.; also na-lalal6; na- iritao: — to infuriate; to provoke; to in- cite. nabubo, adj.; also manabubo; lalalo; empetuoso: — frantic; violently mad or distracted; outrageous; irritable, effervescent; impetuous. nabubo, n.; also plaito; disgusto: — indignation; quarrel; obstacle; diffi- culty; vexation; chagrin. na'-bubu, adj., adv.; also sagaut; bani- doso yan otguyoso: — severe; insolent. na-bula, v. tr.; also sajguane talo; re- yena: — to replenish; to till up again. na-cabales, v. tr.: — to perfect; to com- plete. na-cachang, v. tr.; also ti-anog: — to ob- scure; to darken; to dirty; to take away the luster. na-cadada 201 na-famatquilo na-cadada, r. tr.: — to abridfje; na-ladi- quiqui: — to accelerate; na-laguse: — to exit short. na-cafache, v. tr.: — to bespatter with mud . na-cajul6, ; .J/-.; a/so jatsa: — to raise; to haul up. na-calactus, v. tr.; also guasa: — to sharpen; to whet, na-calaniten, v. tr.; also chalejgua: — to set in motion; to stir up; to move. na-calamten, r. tr., v. i.; also facho- cho: — to operate; to work, na-calo, r. tr., v. i.; also cumacalo; sottaye: — to slacken; to relax; to enervate or to become enervated; to effeminate. na-caloja, v. tr.; also na-mamajlao: — to provoke, na-capap, r. tr.: — to make room; to move (in order to make room). na-cayada, r. tr.; also disminuye: — to miti2:ate: to alleviate, na-chaca, i . tr., v. i.; also chaca; julog; majlog: — to snap; to break short or instantaneously; to crack. na-chadeg, v. i.; also alula: — to hustle; TO exhibit energy and alacrity. na'chaleg, adj., adv.; also ivritten na^- chalig: — ludicrous; amusing; humor- ous; comical; droll, na-chaochao, v. i.; also na-napo; na-chaochao: — to fluctuate; to undu- late; to rise and fall, na'chatgliiya, n.; also fafaichanag: — despiser; contemner. na-chatjagong, v. i.; also na-mafnot jumagong ; na - tai jinagong : — to stifle; to suffocate. na-chatjinaso, v. tr.: — to embarrass; to perplex; to distress. na-chatpago, v. tr.; also na-as6: — to dis- tort; to deface; to deform; to disfigure. na-chatsaga, r. tr.; also ofende (Sp.); na-ale; isagiie; ana: — to offend; to insult; to outrage; to affront. na-chatsaga, v. tr.; also joroba: — to annoy; to molest: to importune. na-chaule y dadalag: — to wag the tail, na-chetan, v. tr.: — to strain; to stretch; to injure. na-chetnudan, r. /;-..• — to wound; to lacerate; to injure, na-eheton, v. i.: — to stick; to adhere; also pega, v. tr.; na-mangco; utot; estropea: — to maim; to cripple. na-cheton, v. tr.: — to connect; to join; to unite. na-chilong, v. tr.: — to arrange propor- tionately. na-claruye, v. i.; also declara (Sp.): — to declare, na-claruye, v. tr.; also esplicaye; traduse; sanganiye:— to interpret; to explain; to translate. na-dana, v. tr.; also dana: — to mingle; to mix; to blend. na dangculo mas que y minagajet, V. tr., v. L: — to exaggerate. na-denga, v. tr.: — to reverse; to turn upside down. na-despresiao, v. tr.; also na-machat- lie: — to bring into contempt. na-dilug, v. tr.; also na-denga; anula: — to reverse; to turn upside down; to change entirelj'. na-dinanche, v. tr.; also corije (Sp.); rectifica (Sp.); rebista; repasa: — to rectify; to set right; to revise; to review and amend. na-dochon, v. tr.: — to knock in; to drive in. na-dogae, v. tr.; also na-6son; na- tenjos: — to emboss; to confound; to tire; to bore. nae, v. tr.; also facae: — to cede; to give; to impart; to bestow a share or portion; to donate. nae grasias, v. %.; also agradese: — to thank; to express thanks; to express gratitude. na-empas, v. tr.: — to give satisfaction; to expiate. nae notisia, v. tr.: — to give notice. na-ental6, v. tr.; also na-jalum: — to shove in; to thrust in; to insert; to inter- pose; to interpolate. nae pasto, v. tr.: — to graze, nae patte, v. tr.: — to communicate; to impart; to cause to be shared. nae petmiso, v. tr.: — to concede; to assent; to agree to. nae prenda, v. %.; also nae seguridad: — to give security or bail; to be responsi- ble; to warrant. na-esponja, v. tr., v. %.; also binila; baobao: — to inflate; to swell; to cause swelling. na-etnon, i). ir.; afeo joca; recoje; nl,- cheton; na-boca: — to gather (the crops); to pluck; to collect in heaps; to connect; to join; to unite; to amass; to heap up; to join, naetnon, adj.; also fa-monton; nia- amontona; mana-etnon: — amassed; piled up; hoarded; cumulated. na-eyag, v. tr.; also fanagiie; educa (Sp.): — to educate; to impart knowl- edge. na-fache, v. tr.; also pinalae; palae: — to smear over. na-fagp6, v. tr., v. i.; also contrata (Sp.): — to close an agreement or con- tract; to enter into an agreement. na'faileg, adj., adv.; also malaet: — bitter; sour; acid, na-falingo, v. tr.; also destrosa (Sp.): — to annihilate; to destroy, na-falofan, v. tr.: — to let come to pass, na-famta, v. tr.: — to bring forth; to produce; to create; to propagate; to transplant; to transmit. na-famatquilo, v. tr.: — to compose; to pacify; to appease. na-famatquilo 202 na-lacalo na-famatquilo, v. Ir.; also apasigua; na-magof: — to calm; to soothe; to assua,u;e; to make gentle. na-fanaan, v. tr.; also fanaan: — to de- nominate; to name; to call. na-fan-aguitiliii, v. tr.: — to pile; to heap up; to collect. na-fanetnot, i'. tr.; also faiietnot; chetnot: — to wound; to hurt; to dam- age. na-fanila, adj.; also agodai; songue; songgue:— inflamed; incensed. na-fafiila, v. tr.; also totngue; son- gue:— to ignite; to set on fire. na-fanotsot, v. i.; also manotsot: — ^to reform. na-fanuilgo, v. tr.; also ina; aclara: — to illuminate; to enlighten; to light up. na-fan-yauyau, v. tr.; also atborota: — to stir up; to incite; to instigate. na-fatachong, v. tr.; also na-tojgue; na-tacho; aregla: — -to set; to sup- port; to sustain. na-fatachong, v. tr.; also sostiene {Sp.): — to support (by pillars); to set; to sustain. na-fina, v. tr.; also na-fino na-lamlam; na-majlos: — to polish; to clean; to refine (ex., sugar). na-fitme, v. tr.; also na-nieton:^to make fast; to strengthen; to insure. na-fofona, v. tr.: — to send on in advance. na-fona, v. i.:—to precede; to advance. na-fona, v. tr.; also ganaco; gaoco: — to prefer; to give the preference to. na-fotgon, v. tr.: — -to moisten; to wet. na-fresco, ;>. tr.; also na-maneng- jeng: — -to refrigerate; to cool. naftan, n.; also sepulcro (Sp.): — sepulcher; grave. na-gadon, v. tr.: — to mix; to entangle; to perplex; to bemlder. na-gaeminetgot (gae, also ivritten gai), ('. //•.,• also coniitma; ayuda: — to strengthen; to confirm. na-gaich.ech6, v. tr.; also emplea: — -to employ. na-gaichecho, v. tr.; also ocupa; saj- guane; na-chatsaga; tane: — -to take possession; to use. na-galileg, v. tr.:— to roll (a barrel). na'gaiprobecho, adj., adv.; also na'ade- lantao: — advantageous. na'gao, n.; also na''gau: — a coconut in which the water has become entirely absorbed. na-gaisabot, v. tr.: — to flavor; to im- part a flavor to. na-gasgas, v. tr.; also ajusta; famau- leg; na-tunas: — to purify; to free from impurities; to cleanse; to set in order; to arrange; renueba: — to renovate; to restore; refina: — to refine; to educate or improve. na-gatbo, v. tr.: — to embellish; to make beautiful. na-giieco, v. tr.; also naye un giieco: — to hollow out; to enlarge (a house). nS,-guefaflito, v. tr.; also quemado: — to bake or fry too well; to burn in frying. na-guegmon, v. tr.: — to chew; to chew audibly. na-giiinaife, v. tr.; also na-omangl6: — to ventilate; to air. na-gupo, V. tr., v. i.; also yalibao: — to swing; to wave; to brandish. na-jajanau, P. P.; also written na- jajanao: — parting; dividing; separat- ing. na-jalum, r. tr.; also guaiya; imajina: — to fancy; to imagine; to take a liking to. na-jalum, v. tr.: — to put in; to lay in; to bring in. nS,-janau, v. tr.; also na-janao: — to de- tach; to disconnect; to direct; to deter- mine; to conclude; detetmina; des- tina: — to determine. na-janau; apatta, v. tr.: — to deliver; to set free; to save. na-janau; remuebe (Sp.) v. tr.: — to send away; to take away; to remove. na-jaso, i. tr.; also faniie; indica (Sp.): — to indicate; to point out; to suggest; to hint. na-jaspog, v. tr.; also na-bula: — to fill up (one's stomach); to sate; to satiate; to fill up to repletion; to satisfy. na-jatsamiento, v. tr.: — to incite re- bellion. najlalang, adj.; also inijo; tipadog; adelantao: — thrifty. na-joral6, v. tr.; also amte: — -to heal. na'jomlo, adj.; also nalala; saludable (Sp.): — salubrious; healthy. najong, adj., adv.; also dibettido; magof; satisfecho:— -satisfied; cheer- ful; delighted; joyous; merry; gay. najoiig, n.; also jinilat; ninasina; ni n a j o rig : ^ efficiency; effectual agency. najong, adj., adv.: — sufficient; enough. nS,-juyong, v. tr.; also inbenta; soda: — to invent; to devise; to find out. na-juyoiig, v. tr.; also ivritten na- juyuiig; also fatinas; chogiie: — to make; to create; to fashion; to fabricate; to bring forth; to bear. na-juyungue, v. tr.: — to furnish; to supply; to fit out; to equip. na-laanac6, v. tr.; also taluye: — to lengthen: to add to. na-laasentado, v. i.; also refotma (Sp.) ; enmienda: — to reform; to make better; to correct. na-labarato, v. tr.: — to lower the price. na-lacalo, v. tr.: — to slacken; to loosen; ti manmerese, adj.: — unworthy; un- deser-vdng. na-lacalo, v. tr.:— to unyoke; to un- harness. n§,-lacalo, v. tr.: — to loosen; to free from tightness. na-lache 203 na-mamajlao na-lache, r. tr.; also na-tailaye; na- lamas; na-potlilo: — to lead astray; to W bribe; to corrupt; to desecrate; to JJf pro fane. na-ladididi, r. tr.: — to abate, na-ladiquiqui, r. tr.; also rebaja; reduse {Sp.): — -to make smaller; to Pf reduce; to diminish, na-lafitme, v. tr.; also na-lametgot: — to reinforce; to strengthen. na-lafresco, v. tr.; also retresco (Sp.): — to refresh; to. reinAdeorate ; to restore. na-lagatbo, v. tr.: — to make more beautiful; to put on rouge; to adorn, na-lago, v. tr.; also dirite: — to cook; to boil; to set upon the fire; to melt; to fuse; to dissolve. na-lagusi, v. tr; also sugun: — to drive; to impel forward by force; to propel; to urge on. na-lala, v. tr.: — to enliven; to animate, na-lala talo, v. tr.: — to resuscitate. na-lalal6, v. tr.; also agodai; ma ago- dai: — to madden; to make mad or furious; to inflame; to excite; to fire with passion. na-lamacat, v. tr.; also catgaye; case; aumenta; na-bubo: — to aggravate; to intensify . na-laraajgong, r. tr.: — to quiet; to re- lieve; to alleviate. na-lamauleg, v. tr.; also na-magajet; apase: — to insure; to improve; to make good an assertion; to give one credit; to bail, na-lamen, v. tr.; also gugong; jond: — to maltreat; to oppress; to beat; to wound; na-famadese: — to resent; to consider as an injury or affront. na^lamen, adj.; also na'puti: — harmful; injurious. na-lamodiing, v. tr.: — to enlarge; to make deeper. na-laolao, n.;— ^magnet; a magnetized needle, na-lateog, v. tr.: — to thicken, na-iatfena, v. i.; also lumamauleg; adelanta: — to improve; to prosper; to thrive. na-laulau, v. tr.: — to stagger; to cause to quake or to tremble, na-layag, v. tr.; also nabegat (Sp.): — to sail: to navigate. na-layo, v. tr.; also na-tenjos: — to in- sult; to embitter; to incite; to stir up. na-libre, v. tr., v.i.: — to spare; to use in a frugal manner; to forgive; also satba; rescata: — to rescue; to liberate; to set free from danger, na-lifet, v. tr.: — to smuggle; to import without paying customs duties (fatinas contrabando; na-tayog sin aduana). na-lii, v. tr.; also ivritten na-lie: — to show; to prove. na-luto, V. tr.; also lumuto: — to put on mourning. na-maagsom, v. tr.; — to make sour. 4562—18 14 na'maanao, adj., adv.; also jorajom:— fearful; gruesome; horrible of aspect; inspiring gloom or horror. na-maa'nao, v. tr.; also fanagiie; ami- nasa; jongang: — to dread; to fear greatly; to scare; to frighten; to stroke with sudden terror. na'maanao, adj., adv.; also tailaye: — barbarous; cruel; terrible; fierce; awful; solemn. na'maase, adj., adv.: — m iserable; wretched; lamentable; pitiful. nama-atcos, adj.: — arched. nama-atcos, adj.: — arched. na-nia-chalapun, v. tr.: — to stretch out; to spread out. na-machatlie, v. tr.; also na-despre- siao: — to bring into contempt. na'machatlie, adj.: — liable of causing some one to be hated or disliked; na-mafnas, v. tr.; also funas: — to de- stroy; to consume; to devour; to wipe out. na-maga, v. tr.; also apura: — to acceler- ate; to hurry on; to speed on. na-magajet, v. tr.; also na-magajet y sinangan; — to make good an asser- tion. na-magajet, v. tr.: — to realize; to make real or actual. namagof, adj., adv.; also agradable; na'jomlo; paupau: — pleasant; delight- ful; agreeable; gladsome; joyous, gay; pleased; cheerful; delighted; merry; obliging; balmy. na-magof, v. tr.; also complase na- satisfecho; na-empas: — to gladden; to delight; to give pleasure to; to gratify; to please; to accommodate; to exhila- rate; to enliven; to satisfy; to gratify; to pay in full. na'magof, n.; also minagof: — delight; enjoyment; joy. na^magong, n.': — veterinary; healer of diseases of domestic animals. namagong, v. tr.: — to heal; to quiet. na-maguag, v. tr.; also na-ancho: — to widen; to expand. na-maigo, v. tr.: — to put to sleep. na-malpe, v. tr.: — to heat; to warm. na-majaga, v. %.: — to bleed. na-majgong, v. tr.: — to quiet; to heal. na-majguef, v. tr.; also na-yayas: — to tire out; to make tired. na-majios, v. tr.: — to smoothen; to polish . na-majnao, v. tr.; oho majnao; talo tate: — to recall; to call back; to revoke. namalago, adj., adv.: — charming; love- ly; agreeable; sweet. na-mamajlao, v. tr.; also na-bubu; na-6son: — to swelter; to provoke. na-mamajlao, v. tr.; also isagiie; in- sutta; na-mamajlao: — to injure; to insult; to affront. na'mamajlan 204 na-parejo na'mainajlau, adj., adv.; also written na^mamajlao:— shameful, na-manana, v. tr.: — to soften; to move the heart; to mollify, na-manana, r. tr.; also nS,gasgas; esplica (Sp.); pula: — to make clear; to expound; to explain, na-ma-nae, v. tr.; also remite (Sp.): — to remit: to transmit money. na'manao, adj., adv.; o/so na'maanao: terrible; dreadful; awful; fearful. nS.'nianao, n.; also minaanao: — dread; fear; reverential awe. na-mancha, v. tr.: — to stain; to dese- crate. n&-nianman, v. tr.; also na-nganga; cajnaye: — to bewitch; to cast a spell over, na'manman, adj., also gatbo; na'man- man: — sublime; awe-inspiring; de- lightful; marvelous; exciting wonder; incredible, na-manso, r. tr.: — to tame; to soothe; to calm. na-mapanas, v. tr.; also mapanas: — to flatten; to lay flat; to make level or even, na-mapao, v. tr.: — to cool off; to refresh, na-masa, r. tr.: — to make ready; to pre- pare food in the best possible way; to place into vinegar. na'raasa, adj., adv.; also asqueroso (Sp.); ma chatlii; ti ma guaiya: — nauseous; loathsome; odious; un- popular; offensive. namase na taotao, n.: — pauper; a poor person. na-matan lalalo, v. i.: — to frown; to scowl . na-matatnga, v. tr.; also aiiima: — to inspire; to encourage ; to strengthen. na-mattetslo, v. tr.; also mattrata; despresia; na-mattetsio: — to abuse; to despise. na-matungo, v. tr.: — to spread abroad; to diffuse; matungo; machalejgua; machalapun, p. p.: — divulged; dif- fused; spread abroad. na-matuno gui janum maipe pat mantica, r. tr.:— to scald; to burn with hot liquid or steam. na-mengua, v. tr.; also na-poble: — to impoverish; to make poor; to reduce to poverty. na-meton, v. tr.; also na-fitme: — to fasten; to strengthen. nameton, adj.: — strengthening. namoda, n.; also bisio; ti-abmam: — fad; a pet idea; a passing fashion. namonton, /). p.; also na-etnon; ma na-etnon; maamontona: — amassed ; hoarded; piled up; cumulated, nana, n.; also madre (Sp.): — mother, nana, adj.; also ti-aanog; ma nana: — latent; concealed; invisible. nana, v. tr.: — to hide something. na-najong, r. tr.; also na-guaja: — to supply; to furnish; to provide. na-najong, v. i.:—to suffice; to be adequate. nanajuyung, n.: — creator. nanalibre, ?;.; also sasatba; satbadot (Jr. Sp. ) : — Savior. nanalo, ?i.; also debuetta; ninalalo: — restitution; compensation; amends. nanalo, r. i.; also majnau; tumalo tate: — to return; to come back again to ihe same place or state, nanalo, r. tr.: — to return; to restore; to make restitution. nanalo y finijo ni y manjula; also rentinsia y chatjinenggue: — to ab- jure; to recant upon solemn oath. nanalo y finijo, v. tr.; also deroga; rebuetbe; cansela: — to revoke; to countermand; to withdraw; to abolish; to dismiss, na-nano, v. tr.; also na-foda: — to make dull, nanapo, r. i.: — to surge (fx., the waves); to roll or rise high. nanaso, n.: — local name for the fan flower, nanatailaye, n.; also criminat (Sp.): — malefactor; criminal, nane, adj., adv.; also natata: — shallow; low; weak; superficial. nanga, v. tr., v. i.; also nan^-ga; an|^oco; — to hope; to expect; to await; I to look for. nangga, v. i.: — to wait; to stay in expectation, nango, v. i.: — to swim, nano, n.: — dwarf; human being much below the average height; pigmy, na-nuebo, v. tr.: — to refit; to prepare afresh. naoao or nauau, adj.: — clear; trans- parent . na oda, adj.; also cansado; anglo na oda; esterit; anglo; taiminauleg: — sterile; barren; producing little or no crop. na-oda, v. tr.; also mayabug: — to soil; to dirty. naoson, adj.; also mimesterio; ga- plaito: — fussy; making a fuss. napa, n.; also nipa: — local name for nypa fruticans; an interesting palm; grows at the mouth of every stream where the water has become brackish; the stripped leaflets are used for thatching the better native houses of the island. na-para, v. i.; also fagpo: — to finish; to stop; to cease. na-para, v. tr.; also estangca; pi'esa; polonnaijon; bumasta; chaba; disa- tiende: — to stem; to dam; to check; to resist; to interrupt; to hold up; to delay; to snub; to treat with designed con- tempt; despensa; sotta; asii: — to waive; to give up a claim; to forego, na parannaijon, r. tr.; also cana: — to suspend; to delay, na-parejo, v. tr.; also na-aya: — to assimilate; to absorb. na-payon ■205 nesesano na-payon, r. tr.; also acostumbra iS'/i. i: — to accustom, na-penite, r. fr.; also na-triste; na- taiminagof: — to sadden; to make sad. na-petfecto, r. tr.: — to perfect; to complete. na-pinalala, r. i.; also cuca: — to be agitated (by a violent passion h na-pinite, r. tr.: — to cause pain, na'piniti, adj., adv.; also pinite; na'- pinite: — pitiable; deserving pity. nape, n.: — wave; surf; breakers. na-poble, v. tr.: also na-mengua:— to make poor; to impoverish; to reduce to 'poverty. na-puti, V. tr.; also fatinas dano: — to hurt: TO do harm to. na-quemaigo, v. tr.: — to lull; to soothe to sleep. na-quesina; also empena: — to endeavor; to tr>-; to take pains. na-quililog, v. tr.; also jila: — to spin. nasa. n.: — -lobster trap, na-sajngue. v. tr.; also na-fiiera; na- suja: — to exclude someone: to separate from others; to segregate. na-sano, r. tr.; also famauleg; remedia [Sp.]: — to remedy; to prepare; to put in order. na-saonao, r. i.; also tungo; compren- de (Sp.): — to understand; to compre- hend, na-seguro, v. tr.; also na-fitme: — to ?trengthen; to insure; to make fast. na-senbula. r. tr.: — to fill; to flood, nasiiia, adj., adv.: — mighty, nasinayon, adj., adv.: — feasible; practi- cable. nasion, n.: — nation, nasuja, v. tr.; also na-janao: — to oust; to eject; to deduct; to take away. na-suja, r. i.; also adingo; separa: — to separate; to part; to go asunder. iia-suja gui saga, ?(.; — displacement; substitution. na-suja gui sagaiia, r. tr.: — to displace; to put out of place; to depose from office. na-taibale, v. tr.: — to anntil: to make void; to abolish, na-taigiiijeja, v. tr.; also renueba; na saga talc: — to restore; to bring back into its former strength; to renew; to reclaim. na-tailaye, r. tr.; also fababa; yu- lang: — to falsify; to lead astray; to harm; to injure; to spoil; to ruin; to de- stroy; to despoil; to make base; to cor- rupt; to vitiate, na'tailaye. adj.; also camtem; dano- so : — mischievous . na-tal6ane, v. i .: — to dine; to eat the midday meal (cano y na-tal6ane). na taloane, n.: — dinner; the chief meal of the day. natas, a.: — scum: impurities on surface of boiling liquids: foam; mold; scurf; scab; crust. natata na lugat, /;..- — ford; shallow part of a stream suitable for crossing, na-tate, r. ?'..• — to hang back; to hesitate, na-tatnon, v. tr.; also na-magof; na- manman:^ — to delight; to please; to giA-e pleastire to; to appease. natibo, adj.; niafaiiagon y mismo tano: — indigenous; native. na ti fafaye, ?<.; nobiyo pat toro; guaca na ti fafaye: — bullock; steer. na-tosta, v. tr.; also asadot; asao: — to roast, na-triste, •(•. tr.: — to cause sorrow; to cause grief. na-tunas, ( . tr.; also afloja: — to unbend, to unharness; to relax. na-tung6, v. tr.,v. i.; a/so sangane;noti fica iSp.): — to inform; to apprise; to give information, na'tungo, n.; also inanogcha; cuenta; notisia (Sp.): — report; account; rela- tion: connection, na-tungo, v. tr.; also descubre; in- benta: — to reveal; to make plain or e\ident; to discover; to put forward; to disclose. na-tungonaijon, v. tr.; also sanganen patgon: — to insinuate; «to suggest or hint indirectly. na-tunog, v. tr .; also alcalaj^: — to lower; to let down, naturat, adj.; also puro: — natural; gen- uine, nauau, adj., adv.; also naoao: — transpar- ent; capable of being seen through; pellucid; clear (water). na-yafai, v. tr.; also lachai: — to exhaust; to drain; to weaken; to enfeeble. nayan, n.; also naayan; yabe [Sp. llave): — key. nayan. n.: — vessel; utensil for holding liquids. nayan fache, n.: — earthenware, nayan-meme , n.; a/so bejiga: — bladder. na-yano, v. tr.: — to level; to even, naye, v. tr.: — to pour; to pour in. naye, r. tr.: also naye guato: — to append; to attach, naye batsamo, v. tr.: — to embalm, na-yomog, v. tr.; also pogsai: — to fatten; to make fat; to feed. neglo, n.: — darky; negro. negosiante, 71.; also cometsiante: — ■ merchant; trader; dealer. negosio, n.: — business; speculation, nempate, v. i.: — to splash; to dabble in the water. nena, adj.; also ma-gofiie: — beloved; dear. nencano, n.; also nilala; sustento; nengcano: — fare; provisions of a table; subsistence; maintenance; livelihood. nencano cabayo pat guaca :^fod- der; food for horses or cattle. nene, n.; also pinatgon; pago finana- go: — infant; a yotmg child; baby. nesesario {Sp.). adj., adv.; also nese- sitao: — needful; necessary; essential. nesesidad 206 nombra nesesidad (Sp.), n.: — necessity; nood. nesesita, v. tr.; also pretende; gagau o'" gfagao: — to require; to lay claim to. nesesita, n.; nesesida: — need ; n e c e s - sity; urgent want, nesesitao, adj.: — needy; impecunious; without money; poor, nesesitao, n.: — poor man. nesio, adj.; also a'duco; a'tamos: — • imbecile; feeble-minded; idiotic, ni. rel. pron.: — which, nibet, n.: — water gauge; 'hydrostatic balance, niebe, ?;..• — snow. nieniega, adj.: — negative; denying; re- fusing. nieto, n.: — grandchild, nifeii, n.: — tooth, nigap, adv.: — yesterday, nigas, 11.: — local name for the Pemphis acidula; a small tree growing on the shore; its wood is used for fuel, fence stakes, and walking sticks. nilache, n.: — breach; violation. nilamug, n.; also vjritten nilamog; also niinitung: — stench; strong offensive odor. ♦ nilanan, n.: — snore; a noisy breathing in sleep, nilayan, n.; also inetnon; reunion: — reunion; a festive gathering of familiar friends or associates. nilibre, n.: also satbasion (//■. Sp.): — rescue; salvation. nilie, n.: — sight; act of seeing; power of Aision. nimano, adv.; also taya nae: — never; nowhere, nina aso, i'. i.; also mangag; umaso; iniiigag: — to sag; to sink down; to yield. ninae, n.: — gift; finaye; tiningo, n.: — gift of wisdom, ninae, n.; also agradesimiento; ina- gradese; gratifica (Sp.): — gift; dona- tion; reward; recompense; gratitude; acknowledgment; thanks. ninajaso, n.; also tuca: — mention; hint; brief notice, ninajong, n.: also minagof; quinen- tento; sinatisfecho:— satisfaction; contentment; gratification. ninajuyimg, n.: — creation; work. ninajuyung; salape, n.: — fund: money set apart for some object, ninalibre, n.; also inasii; nirescata: — impunity; freedom from punishment, injury, or loss. ninalo linala, n., also numalo jaane; linala taio; linala y tataotao talc: — resurrection. nina'mamajlau, n.: — shame, ninamauleg, n.; also inadelanta; si- nibe; finamauleg: — improvement, ninanga, n.; also ninafigga: — hope; an- ticipation; confidence. ninasajngue, n.; also inij6; inadaje: — saving; exclusion; omis.-sion. ninasajngue, v. tr.; also dineposita; resetba (Sp.): — to reserve; to hold back; to keep in store. ninasiria, n.; also finette; jinilat: — yxAver; vigor; strength; force; ability; sway; dominion; authority, ninasina, adj.: — proficient; thoroughly (lualified or skilled, nina tailaye, n.: — depravation; deterio- ratioTi. ninatailaye, n.; also lache; inechong: — wrong: fault; injury: injusiice. ninatungo, n.; also notificasion; infot- masion {Sp.): — information. ninaye un achaque: — he is o\'ercome by a fit. nino (Sp.), n.: — child (male); nina child (female); also patgon (patgon laje pat patgon palauan). ninuebo (Sp.). n.: also guaja nobeda; nobedad: — novelty. nirebaja, n.; also dinesminuye: — re- duction; diminution, nirechasa, n.; also chinaba; inopone; resistensia (Sp.): — resistance; oppo- sition. nii'econose, ?i.; — recognizance; avowal; acknowledgment. y niredondo, n.: also inatrededot: — girth; circumference. nirefresco, n.: — refreshment, niremite, n.: — remittance; a sum of money transmitted. nirenueba, n.; also ma na nuebuna:— renewal; renovation; revival. nirenunsia.?i..-— renunciation; disavowal; rejection. nirepara, n.; also espiasion (Sp.) gui- nefatituye; inatituye: — reparation; expiation; nirepara, u.: — remark. nirepresenta, n.; also representasion (Sp.): — representation; exhibit; ap- pearance. ni uno, n.: — nobody; no one. ni uno, pron.: — neither (ni, conj.: — nor, as in neither nor — -). ni un tiempo (/;-. Sp.}, adv.; also nun- ca: — never; at no time. nobale, adj.; also nulo: — void; not valid; not admissible. nobedad, n.; also ninuebo; guaja no- beda: — novelty, nobenta, adv.: — ninety. nobia, n.; also guaiyayon; y man gua- iya: — sweetheart; lover; loved one. nobia, n.: — bride. nobiembre, n.: — November, iiobio, ?!..• — lover; gallant; spendthrift; bridegroom, nobiyito, n.; also terete: — steer; young male ox. nombra, r. tr.; also fanaan; sangan; elije; ayeg: — to elect; appoint. to name; to nombrayon 207 finfia nombrayon, adj.: — eligible; legally qual- ified. nonag, n.: — local name for a tree, the jack-in-the-box; its wood is very light and soft. nones, n.: — pair; odd (3, 5, 7, 9, etc.). nota, tt.; also ni repara; obsetbasion (Sp.): — remark; observation; comment. nota, n.: — note (in music). notifica(5'p.), r. ir.; also na-matungo: — to notify ; to give notice; to make known. notisia, n.; also finaaila; notificasion (Sp.): nuebo: — notice; notification; report; news. nu, conj.: — that; so that. nu, prep.; also entre: — through; with; of. nublado, adj.; also jomjom uchan: — cloudy. nuebe, adj.: — nine. nuebesientos, adj.: — nine hundred. nuebo, adj.:- — new; recent in origin. nuebo na pulan, ?(..•• — neAV moon. nufu, n.:- — local name for a hideous toad- fish with poisonous dorsal spines; is of brownish color, with mottlings of dark brown; covered with warts, and its mouth is directed upward; is much dreaded by the natives. nujong, ??.; also anineng; sombra (Sp.): — shade; shady place; shadow. nulo, adj.; also taibale; taisetb« — invalid; null and void. ^1 numalo, v. i.; also jonil6: — to recover (from sickness); to revive; to recover life. numalo, r. tr.: — to restore to life; to reanimate, numalo, n.; also jinemlo:— recovery; restoration to health. numalonlalalo, v. tr .; also lalatde taloj tumalo lalalo; ope; opone: — to retort; to demur; to object, y numanatung6, n.; also gotgot; y manangaiTgane: — iuiormer; approver, numaog, v. tr.; mumaog: — to outlive; to survive. numasajiigue, v. tr.; also manadaje; man recoje: — to hoard; to collect and lay up. numerea, v. tr.; also tufong; — to count; to enumerate. ntimero, n.: — number; unit; numeral; symbol or word expressing a number, nunca, adv.; also ni un tiempo: — never; at no time. nupi, n.: — a climbing plant, the stems of which are used for lashing together the framework of native houses and shede. nutrat, adj.; also indift^rente: — neutral; unbiased; indifferent, nutrimento, v. tr.; also na-chocho: — to nurture; to nourish; to feed. N -iia, suffi.v: — indicates possession: his, hers. etc. -na, suffix — (-iia que): — denotes compar- atiA'e. naba, adj., adv.; also naujan; gama; manso; raLanana: — pliable; easily bent; flexible; soft; easily yielding to pressure. naba, adj.; also flojo: — relaxed; flabby; soft; loose. naca, v. tr.; also cana: — to hang up; to suspend. najlalang, adj.: — light in weight. najlalaiig na minaigd, v. %.; also maigo naijon: — to slumber; to sleep lightly; to doze. nalang, adj.: — hungry. nania, adj., adv.: — helpless; unwieldy; awkward; cltimsy. namo, n.: — mosquito. fiai^-nang, adj.: — talkative; entertain- ing. nangnang, n.. -^mocker; scoffer; super- cilious person; arrogant man. nango, n.; also caderas; lomo: — hip; haunch; loins. naiigon, v. tr., v. i.: — to whisper; to speak secretly. nano, adj., adv.; also obtuse; taipunto; foda: — obtuse; dtiii. nano, adj.; also majefong-: — dull (with- out a ctitting edge or point). fiating, adj., adv.: — slow; lazy. natiiig, v. i.; numating:^ — to lag; to move slowly; to loiter; to stay behind. naujan, v. i.: — to waver; to stagger. nejong, v. i.: — to duck; to humble one's self. iiejong, v. i.: — to lie in ambush; to lurk; to duck; to humble one's self. fiinalang, n.: — hunger. ninina, n.; also iniga; niniiia:^ — caress. iiinina, n.; also minejmo; ga-man- uga: — flatterer. iiognog, V. tr., v. i.; also lumus; su- pug: — to submerge (in water); to im- merse; matmos, i'. i.: — to drown. iiojnion, adj., — wet; muddy; soft. noiio, V. tr.; also chinepchop; pinanot; lumos: — to merge; to absorb or swallow up. fiucot, V. tr: — to strangle; to choke; to throttle; to catch by tlae throat. nudo, V. tr.: — to button; to knot; also- batunes: — button. nuna, v. tr. — to pet; to fondle; to flatter; to caress. ngaian? 208 onyan %. ngaian? adv.: — when? (desde ngaian? — ^luee when?) ilgaian, conj.; also guin; guinja; ya- giiin; an nae; anae; an nai; anai; inasea rigaian: — when; whenever, ngaja, /'. i.: — to raise the eyes, fig-anga, adj.: — unattentive. ligangao, n.: — fence surrounding a field; naye iigaiigao: — make a fence, ngangas, r. tr.: — to chew. ngofngof, V. %.: — to blow the none. ngogngog, V. i.: — to snuffle: to speak through the nose, ngotiigot, adj., adv.; also afagao; losus: — hoar.«e. nguelo, V. i.: — to peep tlirough a hole or a crack. ngul6, n.; also atbettura (Sp.); madog; binaba: — hole; aperture; opening; crack: ngulo chaca:— rat hole. o. obejas, n.: — sheep. - "^p obi.?po, 7t..- — bishop. obliga, V. (r.; also impone (Sp.): — to lay on; to apply; to impose. obligao iSp.), adj., adv.; also fuetsao:— compulsory; involuntary; obliged; uuder obligation. obligasion, n.: — -bond; obligation. obra de caridad (fr. Sp.), n.: — work of love. obtuse, adj., adv.; also taipunta; foda; nafio: — obtuse; dull, ocasion (Sp.), n.: also opottunidad; gailugat: — occasion; opportunity. ochenta, adj.: — eighty. ocho, adj.: — eight. ocodo, n.; also lafiaf; trampas: — trap; sling; ruse. ocodon chaca, 7i.; — rat trap. ocsidente (Sp.), n.: — the Occident; the West; the countries west of Asia and the Turkish dominions, octubre, n.: — October, ocupa, !'. tr.; also sajguane; sagaye; na-gaichecho; na-chatsaga; tane: — to take possession. ocupante (Sp.), n.; also suniaga- gaye: — occupant; one who has posses- sion. ocupasion (Sp.), n.; aZso tinane: voca- tion; calling; occupation. oda, n.; also eda; tano: — ground; land; estate. oda, adj.; also iyon y eda: — earthly; worldly. oda fache, n.; also taque: — dirt; mud; dung. oda yan matiteg, adj.; also miserable (Sp.): — shabby; threadbare; mean in appearance; miserable. odio, n.; also chinatlii: — spite; ill will or hatred toward another. ofaisen, v. %.; also quetimgo: — to seek information. ofende (Sp.), v. tr.; also na-ale; isagiie; ana; na-chatsaga: — to offend; to in- sult; to outrage; to affront. ofisiat, adj., adv.; also pubUco; em- pleao publico (fr. Sp.): — official. ofisio, n.; aZso peca; empleo: — office. ofrese, v. tr.; also combida; soyo; jujo: — to bid; to make an offer of . ogaan, ?i,,- al.eing notorious. publico, adj.; also coinun: — public; common; general. puengue, ?i..- — night; pupuengue: — afternoon; evening. puetca, n.: — sow; a female pig. puetto, n.: — port; haven. puetton seguro, n.: — haven; place of shelter and safety. pugas, n.; also fae; jinegsa: — rice. pugua, 11.: — betel nut; a palm introduced into Guam in prehistoric times, but not indigenous to the island, and planted by the natives for the sake of its aromatic seeds, which are generally called betel nuts; grows in damp woods and along the margins of streams; the nut is held in high esteem by the natives, who chew it together with the leaf of the betel pepper (the cava plant of Poly- nesia); the nut is divided and a piece of it is wrapped in the pepper leaf, together with a pinch of quicklime; it imparts a red color to the saliva, injures the teeth, and sometimes almost de- stroys them; the nut is called either pugua, or by its Tagalog name bonga; the leaf is called pupulu, or by the "v'isayan name buyo, and the packet made for chewing is called laamaon; at ail wedding assemblies (fandang- gos) and funerals the chewing of betel is a matter of etiquette in Guam. pugue, V. tr.: — to feed; to furnish fodder to. pugui, V. tr.: — to decoy; to allure into danger by artifice; to lure. puja, V. tr.: — to overturn; to throw over; to thrust. puja, n.: — loam; rich vegetable mold with clay and sand. pujot, V. tr.; also aprieta: — to oppress; to press; to afflict. pula, V. tr.: also esplica: — to solve; to explain. pulan, 71.: — moon; month. pulan, r. tr.: — -to keep watch. pulan, n.: — a dark silvery fish, bluish above, which is found in the fresh- water streams of Guam. pulaon, adj.; also diritiyon: — soluble; dissolvable. pulatat 216 quinalamtea pulatat, n.: — water hen; excellent lor food, piilido, adj.; also lamlam; majlos: — polished; furbished. pxilo, 71.: — hair, pulon gaga, n.: — fur. pulon manug or manog, ii.: — feaihere; chicken leatherr;. pulon ten^jo, n..— mane, pumalalapa, a.: — flap; anything broad and flexible, hun.), v. tr.; also sungon; aguante; na-fatachong: — to sustain; lo endure; to tolerate; to bear; to sup- port; to support by pillars. sotana, n.: — robe; loose outer garment. sotda, V. tr.: — to solder. sotne, V. tr.: — to stew; to boil slowly. sotse, V. tr.: — to darn: to mend ( a rent). sotta, r. tr.; also despensa (Sp.); asii; na-para: — to give up a claim; to waive; to forego. sottaye, v. tr., v. i.; also cumacalo; na-calo: — to slacken; to relax; to ener- vate or to become enervated; to effemi- nate. sottera, n.: — damsel; a maiden; spinster; unmarried woman. sottero, n.: — bachelor. sottero, adj.; also written soltero {Sp.): — single; unmarried. soyo, r. tr.; also combida; jujo; ofrese; conbeiise; na-osgon: — to bid; to make an offer of; to persuade; to influ- ence by argument, advice, or entreaty. suabe, adj., adv.; also manana: — mild; gentle; gentle in temper and dis- position; meek; soft: suave; sweet. suabe na manglo:— breeze; gentle gale; frt'.-h soft wind. sube, r. tr.: — to further; to help forward; to jn-omote. subida, n.: — approach. subida, r. i.; also chijit; jumijot: — to approach; to draw nearer. submarine, n.: — submarine. subsiguiente, adv.; also tumatate: — subsequently; later. suegra, 7x.; — mother-iu-law. suegr o , n. : — f ath er-in-law . suelas, n.; also fangachaan; fefegue; gacha; gagacha: — .sole (of the foot). suetdo, n.; also apas: — wage; payment for service; pay; salary. suette, V. i.; also fagcha: — to be lucky; to be successful. suette, n.; aZso catga: — lot: fate: fortune. suetto, adj.: — unbound; free. sufan, V. tr.; also ribana: — to pare; to cut away little by little {ex., to pare an apple). sugon, r. tr.; also espanta: — to frighten; to dri\e away. sugun, V. tr.; also na-lagusi: — to drive; to impel forward by force. suja! inlcrj.: — away! out of the way with it! sujaye, r. tr.: — to avoid. sujeta, V. tr.: — to repress; to quell; to suppress. sujeto, n.: — subject; theme; material. sujeto, n.; also roinidiye; limitasion; restrision: — restriction; limitation; confinement. sulon, V. i.; also lagas; lumagas: — to .-lide; to glide; to slip. sulon, n.; slip, suma, n.; also totg,t: — sum; the whole or total, suma, V. tr.: — to add up; to sum up. sumagagaye, n.; also ocupante (Sp.): — occupant; one who has possession. sumai, o. tr.: — to soak: to wet; to bathe (for a long time), suxnajrlgue, v. i.; also stunuja; mamS^ tate: — to straggle; to lag behind, suniajiigue, adj., adv.; also tinico {Sp.); mamaisa ja: — singular; umque; soli- tary; single; lonely, sumanjiyong, adj., adv.; also suman- jiyong: — exterior, sumasajngue, orfr..-— particularly; in particular; specially, sume {or sumi), n.: — leak; a hole which lets in Avater. sume [or sumi), v. tr.: — to leak through, sumegugundo, adv.; also gui tinate: — secondly: in the second place, sumisija, adj., adv.; also gumagachong guigo: — simultaneous; at the same time, suniuspiros, v. i.: — to sob; to sigh in a convulsive manner with tears, sunchc, n.: — hoop; a metal or woodeu laand to hold together the staves of a cask. sunD:on, V. i; also polo: — to suffer; to permit, sungon, V. tr.: — to forbear; to abstain tVom; to spare, sungon, adj., adv.; mesngon: — patient; resigned. suni, ?i..-— local name for the taro, a .succulent plant with edible, starchy, tuberous rootstock; several varieties are cultivated in Guam, suog, V. tr.; also jonggue: — to induce; to persuade; to prevail upon; to cause, suon, V. tr.; also choneg; anima: — to elate; to raise the spirits of. suplente, adj.; also interino: — vicarious. supKca {Sp.), V. tr.; also tayuyut: — to beg; to entreat, supone {Sp.), v. tr.: — to suppose; to imagine; to assume as true, supug, r. tr., V. %.; also nognog; lumus: — to submerge (in water); to immerse. susede, v. i.: — to happen; to befall, suseso, n.: — success; event, suspiros, V. i.; also ugung; ugungue: — to sigh; to lament: to complain, suspiros, n.; also inigong: — sigh. sustansia {Sp.), n.; also giiiniya; jinafa: — being; substance; matter, sustento, n.; also nengcano; nilala: — subsistence; maintenance; livelihood, susu, n.: — breasts; udder, sutco, 71.; also canat; joya; joyo: — furrow. tabetna 225 taiinteres T. tabetna, n.; also goraa pasajero: — iiiu; roadhouse. tabla, n.: — board; table. tabl6n, n.: — plank; thick board. tac§,, ;. tr.; also consigue; jago; gacha: — to reach; to accomi)lisli; to obTain; to attain; to follow. tatalum, adj., adv.: also raano y sina; todo y sina: — inten?i\'e; with all might. tacho, r. i.; also cajulo; tacho; toj- gue: — to stand; to get up. tacho, adj.: — perpendicular, tachong ! f atachoiig ! — -it down ! tachoiig gui jalom guma Yiuis: — pew; churcn seats. tachong ni talapo, n.: — seat; chair; post; stool; seat v.-ithout a back. tacon, n.; also dedego: — heel. tacuri, n.: — kettle; vessel for holding liquids, tadung, adj., adv.; also modung: — large, deep. tadung na januna, n.; also sajago: — deep water, taftaf, adj.; also maga: — early; unripe. tagajlo, adj.; also magas; gatbo; tag- jilo: — superb; grand; stately; illus- trious; high in dignitj' or power; prominent. tag.Tao^Tiye, adj., adv.; also tag-Tioniy- on; ga-mino: — quarrelsome. ■feago, r. tr.: — to command; to order; to rule; to send; to cause to go; to dispatch. tagpangue, v. tr.: — to baptize; to christen, tagpapa, adj.. adv.; also ebaba; des- presiao; taisetbe: — low: humble; base; abject; vile; mean-spirited. tagpapa, n.; also guiguig: — reptile; culebla: — tuake. tagpapana, adj.; also gui papa: — sub- ordinate; inferior in rank, power, or position. taguan, r. tr., v.. i.; also confia; angoco: — to entrust; to contide; to loos for; to expect; to hope. taiachaigua, adj.; also ti uraaya; diferentes; distinto: — superior; dif- ferent; diverse; various. taiadotno, adj.: — simple; unadorned; natural taialentos, breath. taiase. adj adj.: — breathless; out of adv.; also machaleg; ti niafana'giie: — savage; fierce; wild. taiase i.or taiasii, adj.: — brutal; cruel. taiatension, adj.. adv.; also desatento; bronco; impolitico; taiinadaje; ti yodaje; dana: — impolite; wanting in good mamiers; boorish; coarse; inatten- tive; careless; inadvertent. taibale, adj.: — paltry; worthle.ss; con- temptible; frivolous; trifling; silly; in- clined to le\nty; nulo; taisetbe: — in- valid; null and void. taibale, n.: — -frivolity; levity. taibale na taotao, ?i..- — wretch; des- picable or worthless person. taibisio, adf., adv.; also bittuoso: — virtuous. taichech.6, /i.; also taibida; dines- cansa: — idleness; ease; leisure; free- dom from occupation. t ai chetnot, a dj.: — u ni n j u r e d ; not wounded. taichi, adj., adv.: — immeasurable; im- mense; vast; limitless. taicliilong, adj.; also ti acomparayon: — matchless; peerless; incomparable. taicumalamten, adj., adv.; also siena- pre fijo; fijo: — invariable; constant. taidinacon, adj., adv.; also ti dadague: — truthful. taiesperensia, adj., adv.; also tai- pinayon; taipractico : — inex- perienced; unskilled; unpractised. taifinagpo, adj., adv.; also taijinecog:— endle'ss. taifinatai, adj.; also taiputlilo; tai- nilamas; inxmottat: — imperishable; indestructible; not subject to decay; permanently enduring; immortal. taigachong, adj., adv.; also aislado; giiigiiiyaja: — lonesome; lonely; soli- tary. ^ taigachong, adj.: — odd; unusual; pecu- liar; eccentric. taigachong, adv.; also sensiyo: — mere; simply; only; merely. taiganas: — without appetite. taigasto, adj.; also barato (Sp.); ti ml gasto: — inexpensive; cheap. taigrasia, n.; also matapaiig;: — farce. taiguailaye, adj., adv.; also taisetbe: — useless. taiguailaye; also inutit: — unfit; un- serviceable. taiguailaye, adv.; also enbano:— in vain; to no purpose; fruitlessly; un- necessarily. taigiie , adv . : — absent . taigiiije, adj.; also taigiienao: — such; the same that; or, the same as referred to. taiguinalamten, adj., adv.; also ti na calamtiyon; fijo; fitme:— immovable; fixed; unchanging. taiinadaje, n.; also descuidao: — reck- lessness; heedlessness; carelessness. taiinangoco, adj., adv.; also ti man angoiigoco; taichinatsaga; inde- pendiente: — independent; not de- pendent on, supported by, or governed by another. taiinina, adj.; also ti malag: — unpre- tending; destitute of brilliancy or luster, not showy. taiinteres, adj.. adv.; also justo; gas- gas; taipinetjudica: — impartial; free from partiality; unprejudiced; fair; just. taiisao '110 tampoco taiisao, adj., adv.; aha inosente: — not | fjiiilty; innofent; crviiitle?s. ^ ! taija-ane, adj.; also taijinagong; ti lalala: — inanimate; lifeles:-; dead; sjiiritless. taijinaso, «(/;..•— ignorant. tailaye, : — fisherman, tale, n.; also cuetdas: — rope; cord; string; line, talen atgoya, n.: — guide line of the simple carabao harness. talo, n.: — Equator. tal6, n.: — center, talo, adv.: — afresh: again; anew, talo, adr,: — again; once more; back again, taloane, n.: — noon, talo late, r. tr.; also na-majiiao; majnao: — to recall; to call back; to revoke, talon jumaso, v. i.: — to reciu-; to return to the mind, taluye, v. Ir.; also na-laanac6: — to lengthen; to add to. taniafio, adj.; aho sendangculo: adit: — immense; heavy; large. tambot, n.: — drum: drummer, tampat, n.: — local name for a fish of the flounder variety; a good food fish, tampe, v. Ir.; also cubre: — to cover; to cover up; to wrap around, tanipe, n.: — cover; lid; a movable cover, tampoco [Sp.), conj.: — likewise not. tamtam •J-Ji tayuyut tamtam, v. tr.; also chagiie: — to sample; 1(1 taste food, tancat, a.: — cage, tancho, r. tr.: — to show; to point out [vrith the finger). tanchfie, v. tr.; also faniie; indica; na- jaso: — to indicate; to point out; to suggest; to hint, tane, r. tr.: — to entertain; to receive and treat hospitably; ocupa; sajguane: — TO take possession, tane. r. tr.: — to try; to taste food, tane, v. tr.: — to practice; to occupy one's self with, tanga, adj.: — deaf; deprived of hearing. tangcala, adj.: — porous. tangse, r. i.; also majalangue; pini- tiye: — to mourn; to grieve; to lament, tangsiyon, adj.: — pitiful; lamentable, tanguis, r. i.: — to cry; to howl {ex., dogs). chachalapon chet- taint; infectious dis- -home; land; piece of -cistern; tannie, n.; also not: — infection; ease. tano, /(..• aho oda: ground; estate: world, y tano, n.: — the world, tano maipe, n.: — Tropics, tanque, n.; also tangque: tank. tantea, r. tr., v. i: — to feel. tanto como , prep.: — as well tanto, adc: — so much; so large. tanum, r. tr.: — to sow; to plant. xaotao, n.: — man; male; laje: — man. taotao jnjofi^, n.; also estranjero iSp.)-. — alien; foreign-born resident. taotao lago, ?.:..• — European. taotao ni man niamomocat: — pedes- trian; one going on foot or walking. taotao sija: — people; inhabitants; folk; people in general. tapis, n.; also bagai: — apron. taplnng, ( . i.; also sesuye; taio; repite (Sp.); san^an talc: — to repeat; to reiterate. taque, n.: also oda; faelie; abono: — dirt; mud; dun§; manure; fertilizing sub- stance. taque gaga, n.: — excrement; matter dis- charged from animal body after diges- tion; dungheap. taque lulog, 7i.; — rust. taraquito, n.: — a fish of the pompano family; is of silvery tcolor, with wash of yellow; a favorite food fish, caught usually by hook, using; the small tiao for bait. tarea, n.: — task. tarifa iSp.), n.: — tariff. tarjeta. n.: — card; visiting or business card. tasa, n.: — cup; platito: — saucer. tasa, ■/ . //■..• also gueflanien; agra- dese: — to appreciate; to value. tase {or tasi), n.: — bay; sea; ocean: baiia; bocana: — bay. tasme, r. tr.: — to point; to sharpen (a pencil). tasyon, adj.; also fotgon; masmas: — wet; damp: moist: briny, tat; taya: nunca. adr.: — never. tata, ?■(..• also asaina; dueno: — father; lord: master; owner. tataca, adj.; also sentimentat: — senti- mental; romantic, tataca, r. i.: — to srope; to feel one's way in the dark: to seek blindly, tataga, ?;..- — a black fish v,ith a spur on its forehead and two sharp bony plates on the tail: in younger specimens the spur is shorter, and in the youngest both spur and tail-plaies are absent, tatago, /'..,• also magas; julon; maga- laje: — magistrate: go^■erno^. tataio, '/!..■ — back, tataio puengue, n.: — midnight, tatalun, ?i..- also sasatdun: — local name for a brown fish, reddish on belly; brieht blue spots and a number of line markings on the head, tatamuiig, /;.; also tatanum: — local name for a blackish fish having pectorals margined with yellow: has a prominent hump on nape of neck and projecting teeth cur\ ed forward, tatancho, n.: — forefinger; index finger, tatane, n.: — glamour: fascination, tataotao, 7i..- — human body, tatate, n.; also y manatatate: — progeny. tatate matai, v. tr.; also lalalaja: — to siuvive; to outlive, tatatse, adj.; also jijuna; bineno: — poisonous, tate, n.; also san tare: — rear; the part behind the rest : last in order. tate, r. tr.; also jago; tatiye: — to follow; to reach, taten, adc: — behind: in rear of. taten og"so. 'a.: — mountain side, tat nai-i7iayiuna, n.; also bitgen; taya nai-mayum.a: — virgin; maiden, tatne, r. tr.; also jafot: — to bury; to entomb; to inter, tatnero, n.: — calf, tatnon, r. i; also tumatnon: — to recover: to amuse one's self, tatse, it.; also tatatse; jijuna; bi- neno: — poison, tattamud'o, n.; also chachalanicham: — stutterer: stammerer, taujan. n.: — inflammation; characterized by pain, redness, heat, and swelling, taya, n.; also sero: — naught; zero, taya, i. i; also ja,ilas: — to suffer want, taya, adv.: — nothing: none, taya nae, adv.; aho nimano: — never; nowhere. taya sebla: — there is nothing left, tayog, n.; also tinayog:— jump, tayogiie, ; . /..• also gope: — to spring; to leap or bound, tayuyut, v. tr.; also suplica (Sp.):— to bes; to entreat: to prav. techo 22b ti fijo jinasofia techo, n.: — roof: top o? The house. tecon, V. t.r.; also baja; dilog: — to in- cline; to bend down; to take down. tecon, V. i.: — to bow. tegcha, adj., adr.: aho jafnag; guef- tano; ndamarata; mepa: — fruitful; prolilic; fertile. tegch6, adj.: — carnivorous. tegpoiig, /?..- — floor. teja, n.: also ladriyo: — tile; brick. telefono, n.: — telei)hone. telegrafia de radio, a.: — radioteleg- raphy; wirole.'-;? telejiraphy. telegrafo, n.: — telegraph. telegrania, 7i .: — teie^^rara. telipas gonia para janum: — rubber hose for ron-.-eyinc water. teniperaturan-tano:— climate. templa, r. Ir.: — tc thin; to mix; to moderate. templao, adj.: — mixed: temperate. templansa, n.: — temperance. temple, n.: — temple. tenasa, n.: — tone.*; pincers; nippers. tenda(yr. Sp. tienda), /?.; — store; saloon; tent. tendero, ii.: — storekeeper. tenedot y leblo, n.: also tenedot de libro: — bookkeeper i leblo also urUtcn lebbio). tenedot, ??.; — fork. tenedot basula, n.: — pitchfork. teiitago, n.: — subject; one under the power or control of ajiother; muchacho (Sp.): — servant; house boy. tentasion, n . : — temptation. teog, adj.: — thick. tesgiie, V. ir.: — to steal; to purloin. tesgiie, v. tr.; also fongna: — to shorten: to damage; to cheat. tesna, n.; also asgon; potbos: — foe: .'^oot; dust; haze; firebrand. tesorero, n.: — treasurer. testarnento, n.: — testament; will; com- pact. testigo, n.: — witness; jury. testiguye, r. i.: — to testify. testimonio, n.: — testimony. tetmina, v. tr., v. i.: — to terminate; to limit or bound; to be limited or ended. tetrninao para ayo finataina, aho rtiottat; pipino; yiyuiang, adj.: — fatal; mortal; causing death or destruc- tion . tetmino, n.: — word; expression; term: cadada na tiempo; periodo: — brief portion of time; period. tetmometro, n.: — thermometer. tetaiopelo iSp.), n.: — velvet. tia, n..- — aunt. ti abag, adj.: — not mistaken; also na- cachang: — to obscure; to darken. ti-abmam, adv.; also enseguidas gusi: — forthwith; immediately there- after; without delay; at once:" shortly; soon; quickly. ti-abmam, adj.: — recent: of late oritrin; new. ti-acomparayon, adj.: — incomparable; mntfhless: peerless. ti animoso, adj.: — discouraged; dis- heartened; na-taianimo: — to discour- age: to dishearten. ti anog, adj.; also m.anana: — latent; concealed; invisible. tfao, n.: — local name applied to a small. silvery fish, resembling a small satm.o- nete; is a favorite food fish with a flavor like a smelt; used as bait in fi.*h- inu' for the taraquito (which see). ti apattayon, adj.; also ti facaiyon; ti inamafacai:~indivisible: mamafa- cai: — indivisible. ti areglao, adj.; also ejongui; ti pot otden: — irregular; anomalous. n ti asiiyon, adj.: — inexcusable: unpardon- able. ti atanon, adj., adv.: — horrid: dreadful; terrible: hideous. ti bxbubo, adj., adv.: — patient; fore- beariixg. ti eabales, adj., adv.: — imperfect: in- complete; superficial; not thorough. ti cajulo, V. i.: — to fail; to fall short: to be deficient; to decline; to turn out iiadlv. ti chatao, adj., adv.: also desinteresao (Sp. I :— unselfish ; disinterested. ti ehujTiaon, adj.; also ti corejiyon; chatcuentos ii comprendiyon:— it- corrigible. ti, coniprendiyon, v. L: — to gibber; to speak incoherently. ti contento, adj.; also lay 6: — discon- tented; envious. ti dadague, adj., adv.: — truthful. ti dinanche, adj., adv.; also gaide- f ecto : — incorrect; faulty. ti ebitayon, adj., adv.; also manda; o b 1 i g a : — i m p e r a t i v e ; peremptory obligatory. tiempo, n.: — weather; time; period. y tiempo rd mapos: — past; the time gone by. tiempon ayunat, n.; also cuaresma: — fasting time; Lent; Shrovetide. tiempon maipe, n.; also berano; fa- nomnagan: — tropics; summer. tiempon maneiigjeng, n.: — winter. tienda y campana, n.: — tent. tienta, v. tr.; also chague; ensayo: — to try; to attempt. ti esplieayon, adj.; also ti na claru- yon: — inexplicable. ti estotbayon, . adj.. also meton: — imperturbable; cool; calm. ti fafababa, adj., adv.; also fiet: — loyal; faithful in allegiance. ti fafaiiago, adj.; also chattano; ti f af anogcha: — barren ; unfruit f nl . ti fajateg, adj., adv.; also fatinason; posible '- spirits. tinenipla, 71.: — moderation, tinemton, 71.; — talent; mental capacity, ti nganTgason, adj.: — indigestible, tinienta, n.; also tentasion: — tempta- tion. tinifog, n.; also finilag: — webbing; a narrow wo^•en fabric of cotton or flax; basket work, or braided work. tinifog gapunulo yan lana: — felt; a fabric composed of wool and hair pressed together; tijong castod: — felt hat. tinifong, n.; also cuenta; lisayo:— accounting. tinigui-canai {or tinigue-canae), n.: — handwriting. tinilaica, n.; aho yinilang: — alteration; mutation; variation. tinina, n.; «^.sobendision {Sp.): — praise; blessing. tininas, w.;— honesty; probity; justifica- tion. tining6, n.; also iTdnejnaloin o/minej- nalura: — sapience; witdom; knowledge. tininon-somnap, adj.; aho ataga; da- gua: — sunburned; red. tinito or tinitu, n.: — shelled rice; pounded coffee. y tinitujon, n.: — germ; the rudimentary form of orcanisra; aho seraiya: — seed. tinta, »..• — ink. tintero, «.; — inkstand. tio, n.: — uncle. tipadog, adj.: — thrifty; easily filled; najlalang: — light. ti parayon janonna, adj.; also ti puniion: — inextinguishable. ti parejo, r. i.: — to differ; to be dis- similar: to disagree. ti preparao, adj.; also desprebenido: — ynprepared; not ready. ti propio, adj., adr.; also ti guefgiiiya; ti dinanche: — improper; not suitable for the purpose; erroneous. tira, r. tr., r. i.; also paqae: — to shoot. tirano , adj. : — onerous ; burdensome; weighty; oppressive. tirante, n. — suspenders. tiraranas, n.: — cobwebs. tiro, n.: — shot. ti sasacan, adj., adv.; aho mata; chat- masa: — immature; not ripe: crude. ti seguro, adj., adv.; also ti magajet; timatungo: — unsafe; insecure. ti seso, adj., adv.: — extraordinary: re- markable; rare; eminent: special. tiso, adj., adv.; also potfiao; fitme: — inflexible; rigid; stiff: unbending. tiso na pule, n.: — stiff hair; bristle. ti sumiiia, v. tr.; also chatsaga; ti capas; tumaifuetsa: — ^to incapaci- tate; to render unfit or incapable; to disable. ti siiinina, n.; also chinatsaga: — in- convenience; unfitness; troublesome- ness; disadvantage. ti sungunon, adj.; aho ti aguanta- yon: — intolerable : unbearable. ti tacaon, adj.; aho clionicliom; ti jatroiyon; ti tunguon: — -impenetra- ble. titanos, n.: — brain: reason; marrow. titeg, r. tr.; also sise: — to rip; to tear. titienta, n.: — tempter. ti tinaca, adj.; also ti nianaca: ti najoiig: — insufiicient : inadequate; short. titires, n.; aho bufon: — buffoon, titiyas, n.: — pancakes; corn cake?. titogcha, n.: — sting (of a beei. ti tratusan, adj.; aho rebetde; atag- tag; aguaguat: — stubborn: obsti- nate; dogged: stiff necked. tituca, n.: — ttiistle; thorn. titufog, n.: — weaver. ti tufuiigon, adj.: — countless. titugui, n.; aho escrebiente {Sp.y. — writer; clerk. ti tulaicayon, adj.: — unchangeable; un- alterable; immutable. ti tunas, adj., adv.: — indirect; not straight. ti tunguon na minagajet 231 traslada ti tunguon na minagajet: — secret. ti yarnacon, ('dj.,ocii .; also ti yulangon; ti rematayon: — iudestructible; not capable of being de?troyed. ti yayayas, adj.: — indefatigable. ti yodaje, ?k; also iniprudensia (Sp.); arebatao: — imprudence; carelessness of consequences. ti yodaje. adj.. adv.; also arebatao; descuidao: — reckless; heedless of con- sequences; careless; imprudent; loiter- ing; remiss; negligent; slack; slovenly; tarrying. toa, adj.; also sacan; masa: — ripe; mature; ready for harvest. toaya, ?i.; — towel. tochong, r. i.: — to knot; to make a knot. toohong, n.: — knot. todo [Sp.), n.: — sum; everything. todo (Sp.), pron., adj.: — all; entire. Todojanasina, n.: — Almighty; the om- nipotent God. todos man guiguigoja ! interj.: — all to- gether ! togcha, i. (r.: — to ram; to stick; to stab. togpong, n.: — handle. togtog, n.: — hug; close embrace. togtog duro, I. i.: — to cling; to hold fast. toje. t . i.; also tujo: — to drip. tojg-.ie, V. i.: — to stand; to be erect . tojne, V. jr.: — to support; to stem; to prop Mrmiy against. tola, n.; also inaplacha: — refuse; excre- ment. tola, V. i.: — to spit out; to spew forth; to vomit. tolaiig, ??.; also pietna: — bone. tolang caderas, n.: — hip bone. toIaiTg-espinaso, n.: — vertebra. tolang-quiadas, n.: — ^jawbone; cheek '•one. tolonipo, n.: — top; toy. tolcmpo, c. i.: — to play; to play with a top. toniates, n.: — tomatoes. tomates agaga, n.: also atgayas; guasang: — tonsils. tomo, n.: — volume. tomo. n.: — knee. tornon canai, n.; also code: — elbow; yard (measure). tompo, n.: — trip; stumble. tomtom, adj., adiK; also faye; m.iti- tanos; sabio: — wise; prudent; saga- cious; sly; crafty; learned; sensible. tomtona gui tiniiigo, adj., adv.; also majnaloin: — scientific; skillful; skilled in science. tonada, n.; also tono: — tune; short musical composition; tone. toiigjo. n.: — neck; nape. tongtoiag, i . tr.; also siing; panag: — to strike; to thrust. tonto, adj.; also bababa: — silly; stupid; thick headed. toque n.: — stroke of the bell. tore, 71.; — tower. torete, ??.; also nobiyito:— steer; young male ox. toriyo (torlllo), n.: — a curious small fish with hard plates covering the body; has two frontal spines resembling the horns of an ox, therefore the common name; has two posterior spines. toro, n.: — bull. toron-benado, n.: — stag; the male of the deer. tosino, n.; also catnen babui: — pork. tosta, n.: — toast; bread scorched over the fire. tosta, adj.; also dogngos: — burned; dry; barren. totche, V. tr.: — to splice; to unite two ropes. tot.mento, n.: — torment; anguish; pain. totngue. V. tr.: — to light; to light the fire; to feed the fire; to feed the passions. totrdyo, n.: — screw. totno, 11.;— lathe. totno, V. tr.: — to turn on a lathe. toto, V. tr.: — to pick the leaves off by hand. toto, V. tr.; also yabau; yabao: — to root out; to grub up; to clear; to break down the withered branches of a plam tree. totot, n.: — turtledove. to-tot, n.: — local name for the rose- crowned fruit doA-e. totpe, adj., adv.; also despresiable: — insulting; abusive; disgraceful; dis- solute; debauched; stupid. totpe, n.: — collision. totpe, V. tr.; also chanda: — to nudge; to touch gently. totpedo, n.: — torpedo. toyO; V. i.; also pateg: — to wince; to shrink; to kick. traban ch.ach.ag, n.: — saw set (for set- ting teeth of saws). trabia, adv.: — not yet; j-et; still; in addition. tradiise, v. tr.; also esplicaye; na- claruye; sanganiye: — to interpret; to explain; to translate. traidot, adf.; also fafababa: — faith- less; unfaithful; treacherous. traidot, n.: — traitor. traidute, v. tr.; also fababa; failaj- ye: — to betray; to be untrue to. traision, n.; also finababa; inacacha; engano: — imposition; trick; fraud; deception. traje, n.: — frock; garment. trampas, n.: — trick; lie; swindle. tramposo, n.; also palacha; chegle; fafababa: — swindler; rogue. tranca, v. tr.; also a-gua; trangca: — to bar; to bolt the door; agua, r. tr., V. %.: — to take a long step; to step over. tranca, n.: — gate; gateway; entrance. trancan potta, ?i.;— latch; door catch. tranquilo, adj.: — tranquil; quiet; peace- ful. trapiche, n.: — sugar mill. traslada, n.: — removal; transfer. traslada oo.o tunayon traslada, v. fr.: — to translate; to render from one lanible. tunico, 11.; also abito: — ■garment; habit, tunog, r. i.: — to step down. tupac, a.: — iishing line, tupat or tupag, n.: — ^sling. tupo, n.; also peso; asiento:— •.veil. tupo, n.; also caiia dulse:— sugar cane, tutbio, a.: — haze; slight log or mist, tutbio, adj.; also jomjoni: — foggy; misty: cloudy. tuto, r. //'..■ — to trample. tutu, r. tr.; also julat: — to beat; to pound, tutu, r. ir.; also molino; guleg: — to grind ; to pulverize or reduce to poAvder by friction, tutujon, ?i.; — origin; beginning; source; cause; derivation, tutujon, V. tr., v. i.: — to commence; to begin; to start; to initiate; to tise for the first time, tuyan, «.; also estoniago {Sp.): — stomach; bellv; abdomen. u. ubas. ??,..■ — grapes. uchaga laje, n.; piga palaye:— local name for the spike rush, a glabrous, leafless sedge. uchan, n.: — rain; na-uchan, v. %.: — to rain; to fall in drops from the clouds. uc6, V. tr.: — to hum (ex., to hum a song). udo, adj., adv.: — dtimb; mute; silent; speechless. Ufa, n.: — looking-glass tree; its wood ia durable, hard, and tough; is used for spokes of wheels, knees of boats, and especially for plows, uga, r. tr.: — to flatter; to receive amiably, uguis, adj.; also gpraniso: — gray, ugupaa amariyo, n.: — -a short, flat fish with a blunt head; of yellow color, with blue ring around the eye; has yellow fins, with a marginal line of bluish black. _ ulen, r. tr.; also viling: — to steer; to direct a vessel with the helm. ulO; n.: — head. ulii, n.;also ulii ababang: — caterpillar, um-a; urna, adv.: — together; opposite each other, umaatog, adj., adv.; also guefsaga; m5.ipe; mafnot: — snug; concealed; compact; warm, umacamo, n.; also inacamo; casami- ento: — marriage; wedlock; wedding, umachaigua, adj., adv.; also calan pumarerejo; aparente (Sp.): — seem- ing; apparent. umachaigua, v. i.: — to compete; to enter into competition, umacheton, v. tr.; — to join; to unite; to connect, umacheton, adj.: — closely connected with each other, umachuli, adj., adv.; also umanogcha: — mutual: reciprocal. umachuli, adj.; also chinlchili: — resem- bling; looking alike, umacontrata, v. tr.: — to engage; to bind by couiract. umadespatta, adv.; also majlog: — asunder, umadisepatta, v. i.; also famocat: — to depart; to move; to leave. %.; also asagua: — to take to wife or umafababa, v.: — to cheat each other. umagang, v. %.: — to exclaim; to cry out; to shout suddenly. umagang mamatai, n.: — outcry; clamor; tumult. um-agonias, ?■. ?; — .to be in the last throes oi death. umaguaguat, a.: — quarrel: contention. uraagiiesgiies, n.: — friction; the act of rubbing; attrition. U-inajoye, v. tr.. v. %.: also contrata: — to enter into an agreement; to close a contract. um,andi, v. %.: — to play the dandy. umanidad, 71..- — humanity; humane. umapayune, adj.; also guefuma- tongo: — familiar; well acquainted or intimate; affable. umasagua, v. tr., v. to marry; to wed; husband. tunasaguan malago, r. i.: — to elope; to run away. umaso, ;■. i.; also maiigag; nina aso; iningag:— to sag; to sink down; to yield . umatane, n.;also conbetsasion {Sp.): — entertainment ; conversation. umatattiye, adj.: — s ticcessive; con- secutive; following each other. umatog, V. %.; also malagon umaa- tog: — to sneak; to creep or steal away pi'ivatel)- or meaiily. umatotpe, r. tr.: — to collide; to knock together. rona-tratos, v. i.: — to come to an under- standing. umatugong, r. tr.: — to encounter; to come tipon stiddenly. uniatungo, v. i.:—to agree. umaya, adj.; also propio; chumi- long: — becoming; seemly. umaya, v. tr.: — to be alike; to happen simultaneously. umaya, adj., adv.; also magajet; ca- balas.- — accurate; exact. umayuti, v. tr.; also debtitsia: — to di- vorce; to dissolve marriage contract by legal authority. umecacat yetiio uineoacat, adv.: also ciimacajat; ume' cajat: — gingerly; cautiou?ly; da-intily. umochino, t. /'.,- also vunegagao: — to play the mendicant, y urneega, ?i.; also y nianiilii or man- lilie: — spectator; beholder, ume'gagau, v. i.: — to beg: to a?k alms, y umegagau limosna:— one who asks aim?; beggar. umentalo, r. i.; aho entaliie: atrope- ya; mete: — to interfere; to oppo.?e; to meddle, umescapa, c. i; also faiaguaijon; pechac; malago: — to steal away; to escape; to slip away; to scamper; to hasten away, umesalau, «.; also esalau; esalao: — yelling; clamor; shouting. timido, adj.; also apagon; fotgon; maguen: — moist; humid; damp i; pre- venting an object from burning), uniisao, r. i.; also umechong: — to sin; to Avilfully trespass or transgress. umltdat, n.; also inirnitde: — ^humility, uinitde, adj., adv.: also osgon: — meek; gentle; submissive; humble; yielding, uroiya, v. tr., v. i.: — to humiliate; to humble one's self. uixLog, n.: — yard grass; a lufted grass with flat leaves; common in Guam, growing in sandy places, umudo, r. i.: — to become silent; to grow dumb . umugong, V. i.: — to groan: to lament. unai, n.: — sand. tinicc, adj., adv.: also sumajngue: mamaisa ja: — singular; unique, unifotme, n.: — uniform, unjanao! inlerj.: — begone! go away! uno, adv.: — one; single in number, unoja, adj.. «rfr.; o /so mamaisa: — single; sole; solitary; isolated; only one. upos, V. tr.: — to exceed; to surpass; to excel, upti, r. tr.: also Hpung: — to take off the lop. upus, adj.: — past; gone by; completed. usa, )■. tT.: — to use; to employ; to make use of. usao; ma-usa: — u.sed; worn; joc6g: — used up. USD. n.: — wear; use. usun, r. i.; also apo; asun: — to lie; to rest in a recumbent position, usune, V. i.; also sisiguija: — to persist; to continue steadily in any course com- . menced. utsa, '; . i.: — to careen; to lean o\er to one side (ex., a ship). uttim.o, adj.: — ultimate; utmost; farthest; extreme; final, ■(ittimo, adv.: — lastly; in the last place. •fittimo, 11.; also finagpo: — end. uttimon minagof, n.: — rapture; ex- treme pleasure or delight, utut. ( . tr., V. i.: — to cut; to fell; to cut off. (i-uchan: — ^raining. uyu: — a certain person. Y. yabalag, v. ir.: — to tear into pieces, yabau, v. tr.: — to reap; to cut with a scythe. yabc, n.: — key; crossbeam, yaca, v. ir.; also yalaca; bate: — to knead; to crumple up; to shuffle the cards, yaguin, conj.: — when; whenever. yajo:— I like; I love, yajo, r. tr.; also fagmata: — to wake up; to awake. yajUlolo, adv.; also mona: — above all; at first: for the present, yajululo, n.: — top; the highest part; tipper side, yalibao, v. tr., v. i.: — to swing; to wave; to brandish. yaniag, v. 'r.: — to fracttire; to shatter; to break into pieces. yam.o: — you like; yoti love (sing.). yan, adv.: — along; along with, yan, conj.: — and. yan, prep.: — against. yanguiii, conj.: — if; on the condition; suppo.«ing that; whether; although, yaiia: — he likes; he loves, yan-iniyo, or yan-miy-i: — you like; you love (plur.). yano. adj., adv.: — level; plain; smooth; even. yan-nija: — they like; they love. ya.nta, n.: — tire (of the wheel). yanto, n..- — v\'ail; lament; moan. yapapa,pa, ?i./ oZso basa; fondo: — base; foundation. yaj'a, ;•. tr., v. i.; also quebranta: — to shatter; to damage; to break into pieces. yayagiiag, n.: — vernacular name for the edible-nest swift, which in Gu^m makes nests of leaves sttick together with a secretion from the mouth very different from the typical nests used for food by the Chinese; .swallow. yayas, v. i.;— to be weary; to be fatigued; to be tired. yayas, nay..- — tired; weary; fatigued. yecira, n.: — ivy. yegua. n.: — mare. yehnon, n.: — helmet. yerna, n.: — yolk of an egg. ^ __ yengyong, n.; also llnau; yineng- yoiig-: — quake; earthquake. yeng-yong, v. tr.; also ohalauchau: — to stir; to move to emotion; to shake; to vibrate; to move back and forth. yeiio, adj.: — replete; completeh- hlled; full. yeso, 71.; — plaster; chalk. yetna, n.: — daughter-in-law yetno, n.: — son-in-law. yinalaca 235 Yfins yinalaca, n.: — mutation; A-anaticn. yinauyau, n.: — diu; deafening uoiee; crash . yinease, n.: — charity. yinemog, n.; — vengeance; revenge; ret- ribution. yinengyoi^, n.: — movement; motion. yinilang, ?i..- — devastation caused by a ?torm. yiniti, n.: — divorce. yiniusan, adj.: — solemn; serious; de- vout. yo, pron.; also guajo: — I; yo; yd: — me. yoase, adj., adv.: — kind-hearted; be- nign; gracious; good; humane; kind; sympathetic; compassionate; merci- ful; charitable. yodaje, adj.: — sparing; frugal; abstemi- ous; solicitous; careful; heedful. 4562—18- -16 o yogua, r. fr.: — to dipcard. yomajlo, adj., adi.; also machaleg: — shy: timid; shunning approach, yomog, adj.; also yomsan: — fat; corpu- lent; fleshy; stout, yugo, n.: — yoke, yulang, v. t.r.: — to break; to annihilate; to spoil; to ruin; to destroy, yuma, v. tr.: — to touch; to perceive by feeling, yu^que, n.: — anvil, yutenaijon, v. Ir.: — to fling; to throw or hurl, yuti, V. tr.: — to cast away; to repudiate; to throw, yuti, V. tr.: — to throw, yuti papa, v. tr.: — to degrade; to lower physically or morally. "Ydus, n.: — God; the Lord Z e a-5 t« RET 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. Thi! "---_ This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewab only: R« Tel. No. 642-3405 Renewals may be made 4 days prior to date due. Renewed books are subject to immediate recalL -Jll REC'OLO MARti'/:^-:-?'?^^'? JUL18 1975 1 6 "^W MZfTS ".jil^ CK. AFP 1 ° '•"■' semtonill TB JUW 1 8 2001 U.C.BERKELEY BE P -^ 5ir- 'P; ^.T>9.^A-JLnn,.^'7^>. .. .General Library B6 LD2lA-40m-3,'72 ri„!^^% of r^iifAm.-a f Q1173810 ) 476-A-32 Umversuy^of Cahforma U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD^7DD^fllQ