B 3 fllfl 5MT C R 1627 N7 R8 MAIN Isi or mour USED IN Norfolk: lore the date of the first Herald's Visitation of 1563 COLLECTED BY WALTER .RYE |PIES OF THIS 8vo. EDITION ISSUED TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY AT^C/- NETT. ' ,, morwicb : ROBERTS & Co., TEN BELL LANE. .. 1917, # A 1 List of Goat A:rm6ur I USED IN NORFOLK Before the date of the first Herald's Visitation of 1563 COLLECTED BY WALTER .RYE I |t 120 COPIES OF THIS Svo. EDITION ISSUED TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY AT^C/- NETT. ,, naorwicb: ROBCRTS & Co., TEN BELL LANE. . 1917. A List of Coat Armour USED IN NORFOLK Before the date of the first Herald's Visitation of 1563 COLLECTED BY WALTER RYE NORWICH : Roberts SC Co., Ten Bell Lane. 1917 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. ... p. ... A, No. B, No. C, No. A.D. B.M. Bardolpb Brackley Burke Caer. Dasbwood Erpingliam Window Farrer Foster Nicolas Noitis N.A.M. Norf. Arch. N, F, = Blomefield's Norfolk, 8vo. edition. _ These refer to the Codices A, B, & C in Three Norfolk Armories (1886). = Ancient Deeds in the Public Record Office (T890-1915), as divided into classes. = British Museum Seals. = Seals at Stow Bardolpb (by the Rev. G. H. Dasbwood, privately printed). = Friar Brackley's Armory, circa 1460 (Rye MSS., No. 38), described in N.A.M., iii., pp. 424-438, and now given by me to the Public Library, Norwich. = Burke's General Armory. = Caerlaverock Roll of Arms. = Dashwood's Sheriffs of Norfolk. = At the Church of the Augustiu Friars, in Conesford (B.N., iv., p. 86). = Church Heraldry of Norfolk. = Foster's Some Feudal Coats of Arms, 1902. = Roll of Arms in Mason's Norfolk, i., p. no. = Nicolas' Roll of Arms. = Norris' Deeds (Rye MSS., No. 8). = Norfolk Antiquarian Miscellany (Rye). = Transactions of the Norfolk & Norwich Archaeological Society. == Norfolk Families [Rye, 1913]. I I PREFACE Many years ago the late J. G. Nichols, F.S.A., \«^hose good work in genealogical matters will never be forgotten, suggested to me that an investigation of the numerous unidentified Coats in Blomefield's Norfolk would be a very useful piece of work, and ever since I have from time to time noted anything which proved or identified early Coats in the hope that I might some day undertake such work. Now that my working days are drawing very rapidly to a close (I am in my 75th year) I think it best that such memoranda should find their way into print for the benefit of the next generation, so I am now passing them through the Press. I have included the names of the gentry of 1433, given by Fuller, and a similar list for 1500 given by Mason (vol. i., p. 110, from Coxe's MSS. British Museum 155, fol. 365), and of the High Sheriffs, for all these no doubt bore arms, though they have not come down to us. When quoting from Dashwood's Sheriffs I have intentionally used the expression "ascribed by him," for I fancy that in the cases of many early sheriffs he has assumed that they bore the arms which their descendants undoubtedly bore, and this much discounts the historical value of his book. I have thought it best to restrict my list to all coats proved to have been borne in the county before the first Herald's Visitation of 1563. It may be asked why I did not include the arms borne at such visitation, but I have more than a suspicion that the heralds granted many new Coats at such visitation. I had intended to have brought out this collection in my series of Norfolk Handbooks, but while working at it I found the material grew so rapidly that it was impossible to do so, and I have there^ fore decided to print it separately and to issue in another part a rough ordinary. My chief object in printing this and the ordinary is to enable future antiquaries to identify the very numerous unnamed Coats which occur in Blomefield and the other topographical works on Norfolk, and in Church windows, monuments, brasses, . Edward L). Or, a lion saliant gu. (Woodhouse Roll and Mason, p. 70, and Nicolas, p. 49), — Simon, of Basingham, 1434. A fetterlock \} Wyndham]. (B.M. 9657). This is a badge, not arms. — sir George (7 Edward III., 1330). A lion saliant. (viii., p. III). Felton. Gu., 3 piles or. — Sir Thomas, killed at Otterburn, 1388. Gu. 2 lions passant erm., crowned or. (viii., p. 211). Feltwell, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Fermor. Erm., a chevron sa., between 3 roses gu. (C 177). — of East Barsham. Arg., on a saltier sa., between 4 lions' heads erased gu., a martlet of the ist between 4 besants, on a chief az., an anchor between 2 pallets or. (vii., p. 58). Feryng, John de, of Gt. Fransham, in 1332. A cross lozeugy. (B.M. 9690). Ferrariis, de. Vair or and gu., a bordure az., sem^e of horse shoes arg. — Arg., 6 horse shoes pierced or, 3, 2 and i. Ferrier, Richard, Alderman, 1402. Arg., on a bend gu., cotised 3 bezants, (iv. ,p. 494). — Margaret, wife of Richard, Mayor, 1473. Arg., on a bend gu., cotised sa., 3 besants. (Norf. Families, p. 205). — Robert, Mayor 1536. Or, a cross flory arg. (iv., p. 229). — of Norwich. Vairy or and gu., on a chief sa., 3 lions' heads erased arg. (B 168). 24 List of Coat Armour used in Norfolk Fiiby, of Filby. Gu., au escutcheon, and an orle of martlets arg. (viii., p. 197 ; xi., p. 217, or, Arg., an escutcheon with an orle of martlets gu.). Filiot, of Ickburgh. Gu., a bend arg. (ii., p. 216). Fillisson, Robert. One of the gentry in 1433. [Fillerstone ?]. Fincham, John, of Finchatn (1396). Three finches (or martlets), 2 and I. (Bardolph, 2ud ser., iii.. No. 6). — Afterwards by grant. Three bars and a bend erm. (ii., pp. 197, 308; vi., p. 150; vii., p. 356). — Barry of 6 arg. and sa., a bend over all erm. (ii., p. 147), — A lion rampant and a bend erm. (vii., p. 349). — Simon. One of the gentry in 1433. Fineaux, of Stockton. Vert, a chev. between 3 eagles or. (viii., p. 44), impales Paston. (Crowned or at x., p. 161). Firsk [?], William. One of the gentry in 1433. Fisher, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Fitton, John de, High Sheriff in 1316. Az., 3 cinquefoils arg. Fitz Hervey, William, High Sheriff in 1187, is said by Dash wood to bear : Gu., on a bend arg., 3 trefoils slipped vert. — Hugh, Richard, 1315. Three garbs, 2 and i. (B.M. 9767). — Jocelin, Simon {n.d.). Within a quatrefoil a lion rampant. (Norris, ii., p. 25). — John, Robert, Sheriff in 1274, said to have borne : Cheeky or and gu., a fess erm. — John, at Stanford. Quarterly or and gu., a bordure vair az. and arg. (ii., p. 254). — Of Thorpe. Cheeky or and gu., a fess erm. (v., p. 143). — Osbert. Gu., 3 bars gemelles or, on a canton arg., 5 billets. (Brackley, C 1460). — Otes. Bendy of 6 or and az., a canton erm. (i., p. 210). — Ralph. Gu., 3 chevs. or, on each as many fleurs de lis gu., a fess vairy. (B 172, and see i., p. 489). — Ralph, John " de Moris." One of the gentry in 1433. — Robert, High Sheriff in 1190, is said by Dash wood to bear: Quarterly or and gu., a bend sa. — John, his son. Gu., 2 chevrons or. — Walter de Tonnebridge, bore the Barl of Gloucester's coat : Or, 3 chevrons gu., varied to : A fess between 2 chevrons gu. (i., 4). — Rocelin, see Rosselin. — Roger, Robert, 1249 at Caerlaeverock, and signed letter to the Pope in 1301. Arg., a lion rampant purpure. (A 63). — Simon, Sir John of Norwich {temp. Kdward I.). Sa., on a fess 3 crescents arg. (A 461, and Wodehouse Roll). Sa., a fess between 3 crescents arg., in 1322. — Walter, Sir Walter (3 Henry VI., 1424). Or, a fess between 2 chevrons. (Bardolf, 2nd ser., v., No. 5). — Wythe, Sir Geoffrey {temp. Edward I.). Az., 3 griffins [passant] or. (Edward II. Roll). Flowerdew [?]. I cannot trace any early use of arms. Flykke [.''], Richard. One of the gentry in 1433. Foliot, Sir Richard, 1308-14. Gu., a bend arg. (Nicolas, p. 45). Bailiff, of Yarmouth 1425. (xi., 324). Fopdham. Sa., a chevron between 3 crosses flory or. (ii., p. 215). Before the date of the First Visitation of 1563. 25 Forneaux, Robert de {temp. Edward I.). Arg., a pale engrailed sa. (Wodehouse Roll and Nicolas 1308-14, p. 50). Foulsham, Benedict de (1338). Bendy of 6, within a bordure charged with martlets. (B.M. 9853). — [Falshani], Simon. One of the gentry in 1433. Fountaine [?], Or, a fess gu., between 3 elephants' heads sa. (viii., p. 269). No arms on the 1453 monument at Salle, (vi., p. 233). See Funteyn. Fox, Geoffrey, John of Castle Acre, and William. Three of the gentry in 1433. Franceys {temp. Edward I.). Gu., a saltire between 4 crosslets arg. (Mason, 70, and Wodehouse Roll). The Edward II. Roll gives a saltier between 4 cross crosslets fitchee arg. Frank, Nicholas and Richard. Two of the gentry in 1/^53. Fransham, Geoffrey, of Fransham, died 1414. Per pale indented [or and az.], 6 martlets counterchauged. Freeston, of Mendham, died 1557. No arms given (but 5^^iv., P- 31). — Sir Richard, died 1557 ; Arms of Freestone in Burke. Arg., on a chev. sa., 3 cinquefoils of the field. Frere, Richard, of Harlestou (1596). On a pale 6 annulets. (B.M, 9955). Frevile, Baldwin de. Vair, a cross "passant" {sic). (Henry III. Roll). This must be a transcriber's error for patonc6 or patty. — Robert de. Gu., 3 crescents erm. (Jenyns' Roll). Frevill, 1368. Arg., a cross flory gu. (x., p. 73). — John. One of the gentry in 1433. Frowyk, Henry de, citizen of Ivondon in 1368. Or, a chevron between 3 leopards' heads. (B.M. 9967). — Geofirey de, citizen of London in 1256. " A fess between 2 chevs., each between 2 round buckles." (B.M. 9968-9). Faller, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Fulmerston \j:\ I rather doubt if the coat mentioned in Norfolk Families, p. 236, was borne earlier than the ist visitation. Funteyn, John, of Narford and Salle. One of the gentry in 1433, but (.?) arms. See Fountaine. Galthorp [.^ Calthorp], of •* Orthesley " [.? Ormesby]. Erm., a maunch gu. (Edward III. Roll). Garneys, William, of Stockton (1404). Arg., a chev. engrailed, between 3 escallops ..., in chief a label of 3 points. (B.M. 10029). — Arms in 1544. (i., p. 248). Garrard. A coat wavy, a rock ppr. on either side, a tun joined together by a chain passing through the sea, all or. " This must not be in a shield but in a roundell, for it is no arms, but the device of Richard Garrard." GaYell, Thomas, died 1461. Gu., 3 garbs or. Probably the same as Cavell. Gawdy. Vert., a tortoise passant or. (i., 305, and A 144). In 1549 Thomas Gawdy bore on a fess gobonny, between 3 estoiles, a demi-lion rampant between 2 fleurs de lis counter-changed. (B.M. 10050). Gawsell, impaled by Kerrison. Barry of 6 or and az., a canton erm. (ix., p. 181). 26 List of Coat Armour used in Norfolk Geney. ►SV^Jeuny. Gerard, John. One of the gentry in 1433. M.P. for Norwich, 1423. Gerberge, Edward, in 1361. Ertn., on a chief 3 lozenges. (B.M. HOGG, and Jenyn's Roll). Gerbrigg, after 1460. Sa., a fess between 2 chevrons or. (Brackley). — Sir William, at Wickhampton. Erm., on a chief gu., 5 loz- enges of the ist surmounted by a barrulet sa. (xi., p. 137). Gernnnd. Quarterly gu. and vert, an escarbuucle or over all. (ix., p. 189). Gesnel, Sir Ralph de. Arg., a cross patee vairy ... in the cantle. (A 365). Geywood, Reiner fil Richard de, n.d. A lion passant. (Norris, iv., 16). Gibbon, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Gifford, William, High Sheriff in 1270, said by Dashwood to bear: Gu., 3 lions passant, in pale arg. GiggSj John. One of the gentry in 1433. — Robert, 1534. Sa., fretty erm., a chief cheeky arg., and of the ist. (viii., p. 262). Gilbert. Gu., 2 bars erm., in chief 3 fleurs de lis or. (iv., p. 159). Gile, Thomas [Gyle]. One of the gentry in 1433. Gimmingham de, as quartered by Inglose. Arg., 3 lozenge shaped buckles between 2 bendlets sa. (Norris' Tunstead sub Honing), (ix., p. 290). — Arg., on a bend between 2 cotises engrailed 3 buckles sa. (ix., 290). Gissing. Arg., a bend az. ; and also : Arg., on a bend az., 3 eagles displayed or. (A 489). — Or, a bend az. (Brackley). — Sir Thomas. Arg., on a fess between 3 crosslets fitchee, 3 eagles displayed or. Glanville, of Mundesley. Az., a chief indented or. (Brackley ; the chief az. on i,. p. 307). Glaveyn, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Bailiff of Yar- mouth, 1412. Gobaud, Nicholas, Rector of Cley in 1384. On a fess 3 crosslets fitchy, in chief as many roundles. (B.M. 10118). Godard, Robert. One of the gentry in 1433. Gu., an eagle dis- played or. (ix., p. 92). Goddard, Gu3bon, said to have taken a transfer of coat of Bramp- ton, and alleged pedigree from 1241. (viii., pp. 436-7). Godewyn, Edmund. One of the gentry in 1433. Godknap, Simon. One of the gentry in 1433. Gogh, Richard. One of the gentry in 1433. Gogill, of Gimmingham. Or, on a bend sa., 3 crescents of the field. Golafre, John [1431]. A griffin's head erased and crowned, charged on the cheek with the letter G. (B.M. 10130). This cannot be a coat of arms. "Goldbeter, Thomas, a glazier, but a gatherer of coat armour." (iv., p. 94). Before the date of the First Visitation of 1563. 11 Oolding, Edmund. One of the gentry in 1433. Gu., a chev. or, between 3 besants. (ix., p. 486). Goldingham, of Narborough [1518]. Arg.,a bend wavy gu. (viii., p. 139). Goldwell, Bishop, died 1498. Az., a chief or, over all a lion rampant arg., guttee de poix. (iii., p. 539). GonYille, Kdmund de [1355]. Arg., on a chevron between 2 couples closes dancetty sa., 3 escallops or. (B.M. 10153 ; i., p. 330). — John de {1358). On a bend cotised, 3 escallops, over all in chief a label of 3 points. (B.M. 10154). — Sir Nicholas. Or, on a bend sa. 3 mullets arg., pierced gu., a.... (Edward III. Roll). Gourney, of West Barsham. Arg., a cross engrailed gu. (vii., p. 45). See Gurney. Gowsel. Barry of 6 or and gu., a canton erm. (B 190), [in chief a fieur de lys sa.]. Grancurt, Walter de. Sa., sem€e de lis or. (Henry III. Roll). GranouF [Gravour }\ William. One of the gentry in 1433. Gransun [Grandison]. Paly of 6 az. and arg., on a bend gu., 3 eagles displayed or. (Brackley). GrayouF \J See Granour]. Green, Andrew, of Stanford \) Heigham], in 1385. On a bend 3 escallops. (B.M. 10232). — John. One of the gentry in 1433. — John, of Foulsham. One of the gentry in 1433. Gresham, Sir John, of Holt. Arg., a chevron erm., between 3 mullets pierced sa. (ix., 397, and ix., p. 4), William, of Intwood, 1589. Arg., a chevron erm., between 3 mullets pierced sa. (B.M. 10248). Gresley. Vairy erm. and gu. Grey. See de Grey. — Sir Henry, of Ketteringham, High Sherift, 1433. Gu., a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed arg. (v., p. 92). — Geoffrey and Henry. Two of the gentry in 1433. — William, of Mertou. One of the gentry in 1433. [See de Grey]. Grice le, of Billingford. Quarterly gu. and az., on a bend arg., 3 boars sa. (C 315). — William, Esq. One of the gentry in 1500. \_See also Le Grys]. Gros, of Crostwick. Quarterly arg. and az., on a bend sa. 3 martlets or. (Brackley). [5^^ also Le Gros]. — Sir Reginald (34 Edward I., 1306). Quarterly arg. and az., on a bend sa., 3 martlets or. (xi., p. 9). Brackley ditto. — Sir Renaud. Quarterly arg. and az., on a bend sa., 3 martlets or. (Nicolas, p. 48, 1308-14, and Wodehouse Roll). — John, 1396. Quarterly, a bend. (B.M. 10308). — Oliver, at Agincourt. One of the gentry in 1433. His tomb with arms : Quarterly on a bend 3 martlets, at Sloley. (Farrer, i., P- 379). Gunthorpe, William de (14th century). A chev. erm. between 3 quatrefoils. (B.M. 10330). Gunton, Sir Marthew de. [Az.], 3 lozengy buckles [or]. (Brack- ley, viii., pp. 119-122). Gurney, Thomas. Que of the gentry in 1433, 28 List of Coat Armour used in Norfolk Ourney, William, Esq., and William, junr. Two of the gentry in 1500. — of West Barsham. Arg., a cross engrailed gu. Guybon [?]. Or, a lion rampant sa., over all on a bend gu. 3 escallops arg. (ix. , p. 109). Gwynn, of Fakenham (1613). Gu., a chev. between 3 lions rampant or. (vii., p. 95). Gyney. Paly of 6 or and gu., a chief erm. {Nicolas, p. 48 ; xi., p- 33; vi., p. 358. 5^^ Jenny). — Gu., a chief erm. (vi., p. 197). Hackbeach, Sir Robert (1347)- ...Two bars, (viii., p. 404). — Robert de, 1405. ... Two bars. (B.M. 10368). — Or, 2 bars az. (viii., p. 408). Hackford, William de (1273). Cheeky or and vert. Hacon [Hacond], Sir Hubert. Sa., 2 bars vairy arg. and vert. (Mason, p. 70, and Wodehouse Roll). — Another coat : Sa., 2 bars vairy arg. and vert, in chief a martlet between 2 plates, (ix., p. 17). Hales, of Norton Subcourse. Az., 3 bars arg. on a canton gu., a lion passant or. (viii., p. 40). Hall, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Halouton. See Helhoughton. Hamond, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Or, on a chev. sa., 3 martlets arg. (A 366). Hare, said to date from 1344. (v., p. 442). Gu., 2 bars and a chief indented or. Harleston, Thomas de. Arg., a saltire gu., between 4 fieur de lys az. (Edward III. Roll). Harling, Sir Robert, nephew of Sir John Fastolf, " slain at siege of St. Denys." (Paston Letters i., p. 456). — of Harling. Arg., a unicorn saliant sa. (A 276). Harsick, Eudo de, castellan of Castle Acre. Per fess indented sa. and or. (A 4). — Or, a chief indented sa. (Edward III. Roll, and vi., p. 81). — of South Acre. Or, a chief indented sa. (vi., p. 81, and vii., p. no). — Sir Roger, *' gent., of ancient armour," 27 Henry V. One of the gentry in 1433. Hartstong, 1526. No arms, (ix., p. 387). Blomefield, v., p. 80, gives: Per chev. engrailed or and sa., in chief 3 stones, in base a stag at gaze of the ist, in 1653. HaPYey, of Billockby, impaling D'Engayue. Gu., on a bend arg*. 3 trefoils vert, (xi., p. 151). See Fitz Harvy. Harward, Clement, gent. One of the gentry in 1500, of Alburgh. (viii., p. 73). ►SV^Herward. Hastings, Sir Hugh. Or, a maunch gu. (ix., p. 513). A suit as to id. — of Hindringham. Arg., a maunch sa. (C 415). — John. One of the gentry in 1433. Haultoft (impaled by Kervile). Sa., a fess indented erm., in a bordure engrailed arg. (ix., p. 181). Hautbois, Peter de. Barry, an orle of holly leaves ppr. (vi., p. Before the date of the First Visitation of 1563. 29 Hautein, Sir John. Arg., a beud sa. (x., p. 429). Some have : Bend)' of 8 arg. and sa. Hauville, Sir Ralph or de Dunton. Per pale, in chief a label of 4 points, (vii., p. 84). Later (p. 85), 3 Kdward I, : A fess dancetty between 3 falcons. The falcons refer to the family holding a serjeanty by keeping the King's falcons. — Thomas de, of Kettleston in 1331-2. A fess dancetty between 3 Cornish choughs [ ? falcon]. (B.M. 10567). Haverland. Gu., on a fess arg,, between 3 falcons or, three inescutcheons. (iv., p. 5). Havers, John, at Bosworth. Or, on a fess sa., 3 crescents of the field. Said to be confirmed by Cooke. Haward or Hauward, Sir John, 1308-14. Gu., crusilly arg. (Nicolas, p. 48). — A bend arg. added. Jenyn's Roll (p. 33) has: Gu.,abend between 6 crosslets fitcliy arg. See Howard. — Sir William. Gu., crusily and a bend arg. (Nobility and Pari. Roll, 1296). — Sir William Hauward or Hayward, in 1322. Ditto. Helhoughton [Halouton], Sir Robert de. Arg., on a bend gu., 3 eagles displayed or. (Edward II. Roll). Hemenhale, Sir Ralph, 1308-14. Or, a fess and 2 chevrons gu., on the fess 3 escallops arg. (Nicolas, 49-50, and Edward II. Roll). — Burnham Westgate. Or, on a fess between 2 chevrons gu., 3 escallops of the ist [.? St. Omer]. (vii., p. 38). — Dame Johanna, in 1403. Or, on a fess between 2 chevrons gu., 3 escallops of the ist. (B.M. 10629). — Thomas de. Bishop of Norwich, but voided and made Bishop of Worcester. Or, on a fess between 2 chevrons gu., 3 escallops arg. (iii., p. 504). Hendy, Robert. One of the gentry in 1433. Hengrave, about 1460. Arg., on a chief indented gu. (Brackley, 102). Otherwise, Erni., a chief. (A 488). Henke, Richard. One of the gentry in 1433. Herlond, William, of Kimberley. Per pale a lion passant or. (Norris, viii., p. 5). Herward, Sir Robert, /^Hogard. Hunt, William, of Bast Barsham (1422). A bend between 6 mullets pierced, (vii., p. 61). Huntingfield, Roger de (1297). Or, on a fess gu., 3 plates, (viii., p. 261). Hussey. Arg., a cross vert, (v., 374). Ickworth. [.'*] Yekesworth. Ideley, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1500. Ilketeshale, Robert de (1387). Or, a fess between 2 chevrons gu. and a canton erm. (ix., p. 404). Illey, Sir Kdmund de, of Holme Hale. Erm., 2 chevrons sa vi., p. 13). Ingham, Sir Oliver, summoned as a Baron, 1328. Per pale or and vert., a cross moline gu. (Brackley, and ix., p. 323). — At Lammas, the cross counterchauged. (vi., p. 292). — Henry. One of the gentry in 1500, said to have borne : Quarterly, or and az., with ist quarter a lion rampant sa. (Richard II. Roll). Inglethorp. See Ingoldisthorpe post. Inglose, .SVr Henry. One of the gentry in 1433, vix 1451. At the siege of Rouen bore : Three bars gemelles, on a canton 5 billets. (B.M. 10963). — Arg., 5 billets saltire ways, (xi., p. 33, vii., p. 177, viii., p. 233). — Gu., 3 bars gemelles or, on a canton sa., 5 billets, 2, i, and 2 or. (A 139). 32 List of Coat Armour used in Norfolk Ingoldisthorpe or Inglethorp. Gu., a saltire engrailed or. (Henry III. Roll). — Thomas, son of John {temp. Henry III.). In chief a lion, in base a dragon. (Bardolph, iv., No. 7). — A cross raguly. (Bardolph, vi., Nos. 5 and 7). — Gu., a cross engrailed or. (Wodehouse Roll). — Gu., a cross engrailed arg. (Nicolas, p. 48). — Gu., a cross engrailed arg. [1521]. (iv., p. 8; ix., p. 179). Intwode, John. One of the gentry in 1403. Irmingland, of StifFkey, Margaret de, who married Richard Calthrop, who died 1488. Gu., on a fess between 6 billets arg., 3 Cornish choughs ppr. (ix., p. 216). — Geoffrey, in 1336. A bend between 6 fleurs de lys. (vi., p. 323). Ixworth, See Yekesworth. James, William. One of the gentry in 1433. Jane, Thomas, Bishop of Norwich, died 1500. Vert, a lion, rampant or, armed and langued gu., surmounted by a fess of the 3rd. (iii., p. 543, C. 435)- Jegon, Bishop of Norwich, died 1618. Arg., 2 chevrons gu., on a canton of the 2nd an eagle displayed or. (A 264). Jenny, of Cressingham. Krm., a bend gu., cotised or. (A 66). — Sir Roger, Paly or and gu., a chief erm. (A 445). See Gyney. — Widow of Sir William, 1494. Erm., a bend gu., cotised or (viii., p. 140). — William, gent., and Thomas, gent. Two of the gentry in 1500. JerbFygge. See Gerbryg^e. Jermy, of Mundham, before 1487. Arg., a lion rampant guard gu. (v., p. 386). Jerningham. Arg., 3 lozenge buckles gu. (Brackley). — John, for crest in 1472. An eagle displayed. (B.M. 10082). Jodrell, Roger, at Agin court. Three buckles in 1401. Joevene, Giles le, in Fincham, 1339. A lion rampant. Joye, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Kebill, of Felmingham. Az., 2 bars wavy erm. (Norris' Tun- stead, p. 521). Kede [.'*], John. One of the gentry in 1433. Kellowe [? Callow], William. One of the gentry in 1433. Kemp, of Gissing ; the family bore: Gu., 3 garbs within a bordure engrailed or (A 56), but I see no proof of early arms. Blomefield (i., pp. 178, 180) says that the arms were robbed from 3 brasses in 1554. None of the name are in List of Gentry 1433, but Robert Kempe was one of the gentry in 1500. Kenning[s], Sir John. Quarterly or and gu., a label sa. besanty. (Edward II Roll.). Perhaps Kenys, q.v. Kent, Robert. One of the gentry in 1433. Kenys, Sir John. Az., a fess engrailed or and 3 escallops arg. (Wodehouse Roll and Mason, p. 70). Kerdeston, Sir William de, 1308-14. Gu., a saltier engrailed arg. (Nicolas, p. 46). — Sir Roger, 1308-14. Gu., a saltire engrailed arg, with label or. (Nicolas, p. 46). Before tlie date of the First Visitation of 1 563. 33 Kerdeston, William de, 1353. A saltire engrailed. (B.M. 11060; vii., p. 247). — Thomas de. One of the gentry in 1433. KePYill [de Capravill], of Wiggenhall. Gu., a chev. between 3 leopards' heads arg. (or or). (A 96). — Edward, temp. Edward III. Gu., a chev. between 3 leopards faces arg. (or or). (B.M. 11062 ; vii., p. 490). — Robert and Thomas. Two of the gentry in 1433. — Thomas, 1488. Gu., a chev. between 3 leopards' faces arg. or or). (Bardolph, 2nd ser., vii., No. 7). Kett, of Wymondham. Arms alleged : Or, on a fess between 3 leopards' heads az., a lion rampant guard, arg. Kettlestone, Agnes de, of Fincham. A lion debruised by a bend. (Bardolph, x.. No. 4, xi., No. 5). Kirton, William. One of the gentry in 1433. KneYit, or KnyYett,John, died 1400. [Arg.], a demi-lion rampant gu. within a bordure engrailed sa., bezanty. (i., p. 403). — Sir William, Edward, and another. Three of the gentry in 1500. — Oliver, "Kevet." One of the gentry in 1433. Knight, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Knollys, Mons. Robert, of Aylsham. Gu., on a chevron arg., 3 roses of the field ** vermaylles." (Jenyn's, 126). Ditto, with a mullet sa., on a crescent arg. for difference. (A 95, also see ii., p. 247, and vii., p. 174). Lakenham, William. Arg., a cross between 3 [4 ?] lions rampant gu. (Edward III. Roll). Lampet, Ralph. One of the gentry in 1433. Bailiff of Yar- mouth, 1444. Lancaster, (vii., p. 86, and Norf. Families, p. 458). Langetot, of Ickburgh. Arg., an annulet gu. (C 329, and ii., p. 236). Langham, Margaret, wife of, 1355. On a bend 3 cinquefoils. (B.M. 11224). — William de. ... a fess and a label ... {id.^ 11227). Langley, de, 1330. A lion rampant. (Bardolph, viii.. No. 12). Lany, and his"quarterings," married heiress of Aslak. (i.,p. 394). Or, on a bend between 2 fleurs de lis gu., a lion passant of the ist. (For Crest, see B.M. 11237). Larke, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1500. Laville. Erm., a bend sa. (B 237 and Norf Fam., p. 467). Lawyes, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Layer, William, Mayor of Norwich 1537. Per pale arg. and sa., a unicorn passant between 3 crosslets counter-changed, quartering 2 and 3 Arg., on a bend gu., 3 Catherine wheels or, and 4 his merchant's mark, (iv., p. 31). — Of Booton. Per pale arg. and sa., a unicorn passant between 3 crosslets counter-changed. Layney. See Lany. Leche, of Oulton, 1353. Erm., on a chief indented az., 3 crowns or. (Agnes Bacon, his widow), (vi., p. 373). Leem, Sir (Edward I.). Or, a saltier engrailed vert. (Wode- house Roll and Mason, p. 70). \) le Moyne]. i4 List of Coat Armour useci in Norfolk Legge, John. One of the geutry iii 1433. Or, a cross flory sa. (iii., p. 302). Legh, William de ,1415. Two bars surmouuted by a bend cheeky. (v., p. 468). Le Gros, of Swanton Abbots. Gu., a cross flory arg. (vi., p. 316). Le Grose, Sir Reuaud. Quarterly arg. and az., on a bendlet sa., 3 martlets or. Le Grys- Quarterly az. and gu., on a bend arg., 3 boars sa. (i., p. 199). Le Neve. See Neve. Lessingham, Henry. One of the gentry in 1433. Le Strange, of Hunstanton. Gu., 2 lions passant guard, arg. (A 6). — Sir Hamou, 1308. Gu., 2 lions passant guardant arg. (de- bruised by a baston or). The bastou was dropped by the Hunstan- ton family when they became the senior branch by the extinction in 1514 of the Kuockyng family. — Alexander, of Barnham Broom (1372). Per pale indented or, on the dexter side 3 martlets, (ii., p. 381). I cannot trace or under- stand this coat. Levenshaw, or Levishaugh, of Buxton, Sir Hy. Gu., a fesse indented, between 3 escallops arg. (Norf. Families, p. 728). Or is this Repps ? LoYenthorp. Arg., a bend gobonny gu. and sa. (i., p. 437). Leverick, William, in 1386. ... a duck ... (B.M. 11324). Levoth \} Lenoth], John. One of the gentry in 1433. Lewes, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Leyre, Elias, of Hindolveston, n.d. ... a stag standing passant. . (Norris, iv., p. 40). Lilling, Nicholas, 1415-6. Three pikes naiant in pale within a bordure engrailed. (B.M. 11346). Limesi, Sir Piers de, in 1322. Gu., an eagle displayed or. Also bore : Gu., 3 eagles displayed or. Limpenhoe, John de, 1355. ... A chevron between .... (B.M. 1 1486). Ling, Robert. One of the gentry in 1433. Linsted, John, parson of Cawston 1379. Three garbs, 2 and i, between 2 small cinquefoils. Littleton. Arg., a chevron az., between 3 escallops sa. (Brackley No. 65). Possibly an error for Farewell. Lomner or Lumour. Sa., on a bend arg., cotised erm., 3 escallops gu., a crescent for difference. Said to impale Monwaux \} Monceaux]. (vi., p. 474, but no arms given). — Lomnour [misspelt Loumour], John. One of the gentry in 1433. — William, of Maunington, 1457. Loudham. Arg., 3 escutcheons sa. (A 280, and seevn., p. 382, and p. 247). Quartered by Blennerhaset in 1475. (i., p. 142). Another coat given, (i., p. 210). Lovain, John de, died 1351. (Norris Ped., p. 781). Blomefield (i., p. 224) says the family bore : Gu., a fess between 3 billets or. LoYell, Baron of Rye, of Docking. Barry wavy of 6 pr and gu. (viii., p. 207 ; X., p. 364). — Jojin, of Barton Bendish, 1362. Arg., a az. chevron between 3 squirrels [sejant gu.]. (Bardolph, xiii., No. 7). Before the date of the First Visitation of 1563. 35 Lovell, Sir Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. — (1487). Arg., a chevron az., between 3 squirrels sejant gu. (i.,p.322). — Sir George. One of the gentry in 1500. Loverd, Alice [?]. Arg., a pair of windmill sails sa. (quartered by He) don), (vi.. p. 507). Lucy, of Diss [Baron I^ucy ?]. — Richard de. In 1165-6 held 7 knights' fees in Kent, Suffolk, and Norfolk. — In window at Garboldisham. Gu., crusily 3 luces hauriant arg. (i.. p. 269). Ludlowe, Robert de, 1386. Two bars and a bendlet in chief billetlee. (R.M. 11357). Luttrell, Hugh. Ing. p.m. 1427. LychouF, Richard. One of the gentry in 1433. Lye, Thomas. Ifiq. p.m. (1493). Lyhart, Bishop Walter, died 1472. Arg., a bull passant within a bordure, sa. bezante [.?]. (iii., p. 538). Lynes, Thomas, died 1504 at St. George Colegate. [.^] Arg., on a chief indented gu. a chaplet, 3 talbots' heads erased az., 2 and i. (iv., p. 470). Lynford, John, One of the gentry in 1433. Lynn, Borough of. Az., 3 conger eels' [dragons .?] heads erased and erect or, in the mouth of each a cross crosslet fitchy of the last, referring to the legend of St. Margaret thrusting a cross into the mouth of the dra'on. It is possible the Howard arms came from this coat, for Wm. Howard was standing Counsel for Lynn, 1284-1306. Maggesone, Cecilia, daughter of John, of Lynn (1397). Two bars wavy, ill chief a demi-lion. (Bardolph, 2nd ser., iii., No. 4). Maideston. See Daveney. Mainwaring, of Wey bourne. Arg., 6 barrulets gu., also: Two bars, (ix., p. 447). Makewillyon, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1500. Malherbe (impaled by Whinburgh). Az., on a bend cotised arg. 3 martlets gu. (x., p. 273). Malie, William, of Stokeferry, 1326. Cheeky, on a fess three .... (Bardolph, vi., No. 6). Mallet. Az., 3 escallops or. (C 171). Malmains, of Mulbarton. Gu., 3 sinister hands couped arg. (v., p. 77). Maloisel, Geoffrey, 1353. On a bend between 2 cotises dan- cette, 3 (B.M. 11549). Malvoysin. Gu., 3 pallets arg. (A 417). Maltby, Robert de, in 1300. A cross, in chief a label of 3 points. (B.M. 11553). — Sir John de, 1337. On a chief 2 mullets within a bordure engrailed. (Norris, ii., p. 33). — Sir John de, 1390. Within a scalloped bordure a plain cross. (Norris, ii., p. 34). — On font at [Maltby], a plain cross, (xi., p. 182). — Az., a cross or. (Brackley and A 3x7). Man, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Mandeville, Geoffry de. Quarterly or and gu. Later on Fastolf is said to have Quartered az., fretty or, for Mandeville, but this is jnost improbable, (C 27), 36 List of Coat Armour used in Norfolk Maneriis, Baldwin de. ** His arms granted by Sir Robert de Morley. (22 Edward III., 1349) to Robert de Corby.'' (ii., p. 436). Manning, Thomas and John. Two of the gentry in 1433. — In 1474. bore arms quartered by de Grey, (ii., p. 303). The arms ascribed by Blomefield to the name (i. , p. 489) were: " Az. and gu. querlerly, over all a cross patoncd between 3 trefoils slipped or," which seem impossible, but are repeated by Farrer(ii., p. 141), though he gives au illustration from a brass of: Quarterly, overall across flory between 5 trefoils slipped. Manny, Sir Walter, died 1372. Or, 2 chevrons sa. (C 338). Manser. Vairy arg. and sa., a bend gu. (B 255). Mansfield, of Hardley. A chev. between 3 maunches. (x., P- 139)- Mapes [?]. Sa., a fess indented or. Marshall, Sir Anselm, Baron de Rye. Gu., a bend engrailed, or and a label arg. — [1300]. Gu., a bend indented or. (i., p. 356; ii., p. 435; vi., p. 292. Brackley and B.M. 1 1603-7). — Gu., a bend indented or. (A 491). — As quartered by Lord Morley, said to be : Arg., a lion rampant sa., double queued, but these are the arms of de Cressy. Marsham 1350, at St. John Maddermarket. A chev. between a mullet and crescent in chief, and a crosslet in base, which looks like a merchant's mark, (iv., p. 290). — John, Mayor, died 1525 [?]. Arg., crusily fitchy sa., a lion passant gu. between 2 bendlets az., each charged with 3 crosslets or. (A 162. See Norf. Fam., p. 531). Martel. Gu., 3 mallets arg. (A 102). Martham, Robert. One of the gentry in 1433. Martyn, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Masca, Bishop Pandulf, of Norwich, 1215, said to bear ; Sa., a cross lozengy, in chief 2 escallops or. (iii., p. 482). Massingham, Kdmund. One of the gentry in 1433. Mauny. See Manny. Mautby. See Maltby. Maynard, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Meawes. Paly of 6 or and az., on a chief gu., 3 crosslets, formy arg. (C 341). Meldon, Sir William de [1354]. A fess dancette between 3 crescents. (B.M. 11725). Meleman, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Melliers, de. See Norris' Happing, p. 87, but no arms given. Merschgate, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Mersh, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Methwold, John, 1397. Six escallops, 3, 2, and i. (B.M. 11763). Michell, Kdmund and John. Two of the gentry in 1433. Middleton, William de. Bishop of Norwich, died 1288. Arg., a fret and a canton sa (C 114), but in C 446 and iii., p. 495 : Krm., on a canton arg., a chev. gu. — Of Mendham, before 1457. A fess erm. between 3 crosslets. (v., p. 383). — 1367. A fess between 3 crescents erm. (Bardolph, xiii., No. i). Before the date of the First Visitation of 1563. 37 Middleton, At Walpole, Quarterly gu. and or [but this with a bonlure sa., platee is used for Bawde]. (vi., p. 437). — Ralph de, 1410. Three cinquefoils, 2 and i, iii chief point a plain cross. (Bardolph, 2nd ser., iv., No. 4). — Thomas and Ralph. Two of the j^^entry in 1433. Mileham. vSa., a fess between 3 griffins' heads or. (C 83). Mingay, William, died 1564, St. Stephen's, Norwich. Gu.. on a bend az., 3 leopards' heads arg. (iv., p. 155). The leopards' heads ir.av have been taken from the coat of Adam de Mingee. (Henry III. Roil). MiryoU, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Moket, Thomas [? Molet]. Molet [or Mallet], John, Prior of Norwich, died 147 1. Sa., a molet between 3 luces hauriant or. Moletis, William and John. Two of the gentry in 1433. Molyns, Margery, wife of William de, 1340. Paly wavy of 6. (B.M., 11819). Mompynzoun, Giles de {temp. Edward I.). Three pinsons (gold- finches), 2 and I. (B.M., 11820). Monceux [Monnsewes], Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Possibly corrupted into Mousey. Mondeford. Gu., 3 fleurs de lis arg. (A 89). — Gu., a fess dancetty between 6 cross crosslets or. (A 215, and see Mundeford). Monk, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Montalt, Roger, died 1289. Az., a lion rampant arg. (5^^de Walden Library, Letter to Pope, p. 153). Montchesne, Warin de, iu 1213, bore : Or, 3 inescutcheons barry gu. and vair. (i., p. 184). Monteny, Arnold de, in 1239. A bend between 6 martlets, (i., p. 13. and B.M. 12032). More, Thomas, of Norwich, 1388. A lion rampant wounded between the shoulders with a dagger. (C 96). Moreux. Sir Thomas. Marshal of the Army in France, 1381. (iii., p. 108). Burke gives : Az., a bend arg., billettee sa. Morley, Robert de, r250. Barry of 6. (B.M. 11933). — Sire de, 1308-14. Arg., a lion sa., with forked tail, crowned or. (Nicolas Roll, p. 45, and Wodehouse Roll). — 1355- A lion rampant, (i., p. 4). — Suit as to arms, Burnel and Cressy. (ii,, p. 437). Mortimer, Sir Constentin de, 1308-14. Or, semee de lis sa. (Nicolas Roll, 46, and Wodehouse Roll). Or, semee de fleur de lys. (i., p. 507). See i., p. 483, for Margery, wife of Sir Robert Mortimer, who in 1388 impaled her arms before the arms of her husband. — Constantine, in 1403. Four fieur de lys in cross [probably powdered with fleur de lis] an annulet for difference. (B.M. 12950). Mortoft, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Mosel, Sir Thomas, 131 1. Arg. a chevron between 3 boars' heads couped sa. (viii., p. 343). Mosselle, Thomas, son of Robert, 1404. Within a bordure engrailed a bend engrailed between 3 crescents, 2 and i- (Bardolph, and ser., iv,, No. 5). 38 List of Coat Armour used in Norfolk Mouncey, circa 1460. Cheeky ar. and gu. (Brackley, and see Papworth, p. 371 ; and see at West Balling, viii., p. 321). Moundeford. See Mundefoid. Mounpynzon, Giles de, temp. Rdward I. Arg., a lion sa., on its shoulder a " pinson " [goldfinch] or. (Wodehouse Roll and Nicholas Roll, p. 48). Mounsewes See Monceux. Mountney A bend between 6 martlets. {See Monteny). — William. One of the gentry in 1500. Multon, Ralph de, [1329]. Three chevrons impaling 3 cinque- foils, 2 and T. (Hardolph, xii., No. i). Mundeford, Adam de, temp. Henry III. A lion rampant. — John, his son. Three fleurs de lys. (ii., p. 182). — Osbert and Adam. Two of the gentry in 1433. Muriel, possibly Miryoll, q.v. Narburgll, de. Gu., a chief erm. (Brackley, circa 1460 and vi., p. 8.). — Peter de, of Wimbotsham. An eagle displayed. (Bardolph, ix., No. 8). — John, son of Gilbert, 1297. An estoile of 6 points, {id.^n., No. 6). Narford or Nerford, Sir William de (1294). Gu., a lion rampant erm. (vi., p. 430). — Sir William de, 1308-14, Gu., a lion rampant erm. (Nicolas Roll, p. 47, and Wodehouse Roll). — Petronella, his widow. Gu., a lion rampant erm. (Norris, iii., p. 47)- — Sir Richard. Three fusils in fess erm. (v., p. 119). Naunton, Margaret. Sa., 3 martlets sa. (iv., p. 28). — Bartholomew de. Sa., 3 martlets sa. (Jenyns Roll, p. 300). — Peter. Sa., a lion rampant between 3 crosslets of the 2nd. (Brackley). Necton, John de, 13th century. Quarterly, in the i and 4 quarters a crescent. (B.M. 12069). Nerford. See Narford. Neve, le. I can trace no early arms to this family. Nevile [?] Venile, error for, q.v. Neville, Thomas, Rector of St. Lawrence 1470. Gu. a saltire arg., a crescent for difference, (iv., p. 267). Newhaud, Ralph, son of Philip de, of Fincham, temp. Henry in. A star of 6 points within 6 others, and in base a crescent over 3 small stars. (Hardolph, iv.. No. i). Probably a merchant's mark. Newgate, William. One of the gentry in 1433. [Norgate.?]. Newhalle, Thomas, son of Nicholas, 1436. Gutty, 3 lozenges in fess. (Bardolf, 2nd ser., vi., No. 3). Nicholasson, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Mayor of Lynn, 1458. Nix, Bishop Richard, died 1535. Or, on a chev. between 3 leopards' heads gu., a cinquefoil of the field. (iii., pp. 543 and 547). Noers. See Nowers. Noon, Kdmund, circa 1412. [Sa or or], a cross engrailed [vert ?]. (B.M. I2T97 and i., p. ti6, also A 410). Before the date of the First Visitation of 1563. 3^ [Noon], of North Pickenbam. Sa., a saltire between 4 lions' gambs erased or. (B 283). — Henry, in the French wars, died 1465. His son Henry bote arms in 1487. His name is probably sauit* as Noion. Norfolk, Richard. Gu., a fess between 2 chevronels arg. Norgate. Gu., 2 gauntlets in saltier or. (B 284). Possibly Newgate, q.v., but I doubt if the family used arms before the first Visitation. Norman, John, of Honingham, 1465 On a chevron engrailed between 3 herons [doves ineB.M. 12203] each holding in beak an eel, an annulet for difference. (Norris, viii., p. 36). — John, of Filby, 1391. A chevron between 3 mullets, round pierced. (B.M. 12202). — Edmund, of Filby, died 1444. Sa., a cinquefoil, and a chief indented arg. (Norris' Flegg, p. 13 and 130). — Arg., a chevron between 3 martlets sa. (B 282). — of Norwich. A chevron between 3 leopards' heads. (C 239). Norris. I cannot trace arms before the grant by Bysshe in 1666 [1664 ?]. North. Did not come into the County till 1690. Norton, Vincent de, 1336. " On a fess between 6 martlets 3 round buckles between 3 cross crosslets." (B.M. 12242). Norwicll, Sir John de, 1352. A lion rampant [erni.]. (Bardolph, xiii.. No. 5 ; and vii., p. 177). — In Cathedral. Per pale gu. and az., a lion rampant erm., crowned with a ring \\\ the nose, (iv., p. 21). .S>^ Jenyn's Roll, 279- 327, where " tiger " is'substituted for lion. — William and Robert. Two of the gentry in 1433. Norwich, City of. Gu., a castle, arg., in base a lion passant guardant or. [temp. Edward III.). See Mr. Hotblack's paper in Norf. Arcliy., xvii., p. 262, by which it would seem the City had earlier [1318] used a castle on one side of its seal, and a lion on the other. Norwold, Hugh de. Bishop of Ely. Gu., a cross raguly or. (ii., p. 217). AliterTvjo shields az. and gu. each charged with 3 ducal coronets or. (C 103). — Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Norwood or Northwode, Sir Robert de. Erm., a cross engrailed [gu.]. (B.M. 1223, and viii., p. 4740). — Circa 1417. Erm., a cross engrailed [gu.]. (A 420). Nottingham, Henry. One of the gentry in 1433. Town Clerk of Lynn, 1401. Nowers [Noers], Sir Simon and John. Vairy arg. and gu. (A 448 and Wodehouse Roll). Nunn. See Noion and Noon. Odingsels, William. Arg., a fess and in chief 2 mullets gu. (Jeuyns Roll). — Sir John [Dunstable Tournament 1308]. Arg., on a fess and iu chief 2 mullets gu. Qenyn's Roll). Ogard. Az., a star of 16 points arg. Okenham, at Westwick. Arg., 3 oak-leaves vert, (xi., p. 82). Oky, Ivaurence. One of the gentry in 1433. I 40 List oi Coat Armouf used in Norfolk Ormesby, Sir William de, 1308-14. Gu., ciusily arg. [a beud cheeky or and az. added]. (Nicolas, p. 48). — Sir John. Gu., crusily arg., with a mullet sa. on the bend (i'rf.). — At Caston. Gu., a bend gobonny or and az., between 6 cross- lets arg. (ii., p. 293, and Wodehouse Roll). Orreby, of Attleborough. Ertn., 5 cUevronels gu., on a canton of the 2nd a lion passant or. (Barrett's Attleborough). Orton. Arg., a lion rampant guard vert, crowned or. (C 348). — Quartered by Bleverhasset in 1475. (i., p. 142). Oulton. Quarterly gu. and vert, (vi., p. 373). Outlaw, of Wichingham. Arg., a saltier between 4 wolves' heads erased gu. (B 290) (viii., p. 373). Outwell, Nicholas fil' Richard de, 1393. lyozengy, on a bend 6 crosses conjoined. (Bardolph, 2nd ser., iii.. No. 2). Ovydale, or Udale. (i., p. 337). Oxborough. Or, 2 bars az., over all a lion rampant gu. Oxford, Bishop, John of, died 1200. Said to bear: Arg., an ox sa., armed or, passing over a ford ppr. (C 459). Padyrys [?], Robert. One of the gentry in 1433. Page, of Saxthorpe, Rev. Peter, died 1536. Or, a chevron between 3 martlets az. (vi., p. 498). Pakenbam, circa 1371. Quarterly or and gu., in the ist quarter an eagle displayed vert (i., p. 455), but these, lemp. Edward II., were the arms of Pakenham, of Suffolk. Palgrave. Az., a lion rampant guard, arg. (A 52). — George. One of the gentry in 1433. — John and William. Two of the gentry in 1500. Palmer, of Gunton [Gri.ston.^]. Az., a lion rampant gu., in chief 3 cinquefoils or. (ii., p. 293). For other coats 5^^ A 318 and B 293. Sir Simon Palmer said to bear the first coat. Pandulf [Masca], Bishop of Norwich, died 1226. Sa., a cross lozengy, in chief 2 escallops or. (C 460 ; iii., p. 482). Panne [.'']. John. One of the gentry in 1433. Parke, Nicholas. One of the gentry in 1433. His daughter, Mary, married Sir Thomas Mortimer, Sir John Fastolf, and... Farwell, (i.,p. 510). Parker, Ivord Morley. Arg., a lion passant gu., between 2 bars sa., charged with 3 besants. (A 76). Parker, Edmund and John. Two of the gentry in 1433. — John. One of the gentry in 1500. — William le, 1407. Three bucks' heads cabossed. (ix., p. 195). — William Lord Morley and Rye, who died 1510, bore: Arg., between 2 bars sa. charged with 3 besants, a lion passant gu., in chief 3 bucks' heads cabossed of the 2nd. — Of Honing. Arg., a chev. between 3 mascles sa. (A 168). — Arg., a chev. between 3 lozenges sa. (A 168). — Brunstead. Arg., a chev. between 3 crowns sa., impaling Ingham, (ix., p. 291). Parkhurst, Bishop John, died 1574. Arg., a cross erm., between 4 bucks trippant ppr., on a chief arg. 3 crescents gu. (iii., p. 536). Parlementer, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Parris, of Pudding Norton. Gu., 3 unicorns' heads couped or. Before the date of the First Visitation of 1563. 41 Paston, William, the Justice, 1420. An eagle rising. (Norris, p. 46). These two and the bears head are probably badges or crests only. — Arg., 6 fleurs de lys, 3, 2, and i, and a chief indented or. (Brackley, circa 1460, and vi., p. 480). — [?] Arg., on a chev. az., between 3 squirrels sejant gu. on plate. (Brackley). — John, in 1485... A bear's head collared. (B.M. 13400). — Sir John and E;dmund. Two of the gentry in 1500. [N.B.— It is noticeable that the name does not appear in the list of 1433]. PateshuU. Arg., a fess sa., between 3 crescents gu. (Brackley, p. 17 ; C 1460). Patesle, John, Sheriflf of I^ondon, in 1432, and Mayor 1440. Arg., 3 fleurs de lys az., each charged with an annulet gu. (x., p. 27). Paule, John de, 1408. Three round buckles, 2 and i. Payn, Alexander and William. Two of the gentry, 1433. — of Helhoughton. A fess between 3 birds, (vii., p. 130). — of Itteringham. Arg., a chevron vair between 3 lions rampant az. Paynell, of Belaugh. Gu., 2 chevrons arg. Paysete, Hamo de, 1364. A chevron between 3 [water bougets i*J (Bardolf, 2nd ser., ii., No. 2). Peche [probably later Peck]. Simon de Peche had a daughter, said to have married Walter de Paston, temp. Edward I., but I doubt much of the earlier Paston pedigree. Norris says in Tunstead, p. 320, that their arms were : Arg., a fess between 2 chevrons gu. Pelham, Sir John, window at Overstrand. Az., 3 pelicans arg., vulned gu. (viii., p. 146). Penny, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Pepyr, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Percy, Bishop of Norwich, died 1369. Or, a lion rampant gu. in a bordure engrailed of the last. (C 462). Pereres, Robert de, of Burgh, 1274. Burke has for Perriers: Quarterly az. and sa., in the first quarter a mullet pierced gu. Perpoint, George. One of the gentry in 1500. Person, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Pever [Peyvere], Sir Philip. Or, 2 bars sa., on one bar an annulet arg. (Mason, p. 70, Wodehouse Roll, and A 476). — Az., a maunch gu. within a bordure arg. {sic), (viii., 175). Peverell. Arg., on a saltire 3 mullets or. Phelipp, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Philip, William, 1435. An eagle displayed. (B.M. 12629). — Sir William, I^ord Bardolf, 1415. Quarterly gu. and or, in the 1st quarter an eagle displayed arg. (vi., p. 419, and B 303). Picard, Henry, Mayor of London 1356. Gyronny, on a quarter a fleur de lys. Pickenham, Alice, widow of John, of Bedingham. A chief in- dented. (B.M. 12641). Pickering, Nicholas. One of the gentry in 1433. Picot, Sir [N.]. Arg., 2 bendlets engrailed gu. between 3 mullets sa. (Mason, p. 70, and Wodehouse Roll). Pigot, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. — Thomas. One of the gentry in 1500. Piket. Az., 5 fleurs de lys in chief or. (vi., p. 266). Pilkington, Sir John, of Brisingham [of a Lancashire family]. Arg,, a cross flory sa. (i., p. 53, and C 354). Quarters Verdou. (i.,p.66). 42 List of Coat Armour used in Norfolk Pinkeny, Sir William, of Tatterset. A cresceut aud a demi- crescent in chief, and one crescent in base, (vii., p. 193). — [These are not the Pinkeny arms which were : Or, 5 fusils conjoined gu.] Plaiz, Plays, and Playse [de Plessetis]. Sir Richard at Borough- bridge. Per pale or aud gu., a lion passant arg. (ix., p. 153, and ix., . p. 324). — John de, temp. Kdward I. Per pale or and gu., a leopard passant arg. (Wodehouse Roll). — of Toft, {id., Brackley). — Hugh de, before 1236. Per pale a lion rampant. (Norris, ii., p. 25). — Sir Giles de. Per pale or and gu., a leopard passant arg. Platers. Arg., 3 bends wavy az., in 1560. (i., p. 144). • Plumstead, of Plumstead. Gu., a fleur de lys or, a label of 3 points arg. (Norris, p- 937-9). — A later family at Plumstead. Sa., 3 chevrons erm. (viii., p. 148, and B 306). PoiningS. Barry of 6 vert and or, a bend gu. (vii., p. 351). Poissi, de, 1413. Gyronny of 6, on a chief 3 crowns, all within a bordure charged with mullets of 6 points. (Norris, viii., p. 2). Pole, de la. Az., a fess between 3 leopards' heads or. (Brackley, circa 1460). Pole. Per pale or and sa., a saltire engrailed counter-changed. Poninges. Barry of 6 or and vert, a bend gu. Pool [Pole .?j, Sir. ..Or, 2 bars wavy az. (Wodehouse Roll and Mason, p. 70). — Sir Nicholas. Or, 2 bars wavy az. (A 475). Popingeay, Robert. One of the gentry in 1433. Bailiff of Norwich 1389. PoPPyi Robert. One of the gentry in 1500. — Of Twyford. Az., a chev. erm., between 3 gillyflowers [?] ppr. stalks or. (viii., p. 254) Porter, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Poteys, Roger, 1244. A fess between 3 roundles. (ii., p. 183). Potts, of Mann in gton, bore: Az.,2 bars over all, a bend or. (A53). Granted by Cooke 1585. May be from Poteys as above, (i., 495). Pratt. Arg., on a chev. sa., between 2 ogresses each charged with a martlet of the ist in chief, and an ogress in base, 3 mascles or, which seems too complicated for a pre-visitatiou coat. Prentys, William. One of the gentry in 1433. Preon, de. Sir Galtr. Arg. {sic.) a fess arg. on 3 lamprides {sic). (Mason, p. 70). Greyhounds in Wodehouse Roll. Pulham, John de. One of the gentry in 1433. Pulvertoft, Ralph, ttmp. Henry VII., Rector of Hevingham. Six wheat-ears in a bordure of cinquefoils. (iv., p. i r). Punch, Richard, of Hickling, 1362. A fess cheeky between 3 quatrefoils slipped. (B.M. 12863). Punchard[on]. Puttock, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Probably bore in 1442, at Thweyt: Sa., a chevron between 2 greyhounds arg. (vi., 470). Pye, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Pyke, impaled by Kerulbe. Sa, 2 piles arg. (ix., p. 180). Before the date of the First Visitation of 1563. 43 Quaplode, John de, 1361. Barry of 6 a bend. (B.M. 12881). Quarles. I doubt if the arms described are early. BaimiS, William, One of the gentry in 1433. ^^^^ Reymes). Rainham de. Sa., 3 mullets arg. (vi., p. 383, vii., 38, ix., 184). — Edmund de. Quarterly, on the ist quarter a roundel, on 2nd a bird. (Bardolfe, pi. ii.. No. 2). Richard II. Roll has: Sa., 3. mullets arg. Bakes, Nicolas, One of the gentry in 1433. Baleigh, Bishop William de,died 1250. Gu., a bend indented arg. (iii.,p. 485). Bamsey, William, Mayor of Norwich, 1502-8. Gu., 3 rams' heads cabossed arg. (iv., p. 199). Band. ... a lion rampant. (A 367). Randes, Robert. One of the gentry in 1433. Bands. Sa., a chevron erm., between 3 crosslets fitchy arg. (viii., 173). Bant. Erm., on a fess sa., 3 lioncels rampant or. (A 301 and i., p. 204). BatcliflFe or Badcliffe, Sir John, of Attleborough, at Agincourt, 1415. Arg., a bend engrailed sa. (i., p. 42). — George. One of the gentry in 1500. Bead, John, Mayor of Norwich, 1476. Az., on a bend wavy or,. 3 shovellers sa., on a bordure engrailed of 8 torteaux. (ix., p. 4). — Bartholomew, Lord Mayor of London, 1502. Said by Stow to bear : Per pale gu. and sa., a crosslet fitchee arg., between 4 fleurs de lys or. Bede, John and Richard. Two of the gentry in 1433, — 1568. Az., on a bend wavy or, within a bordure engrailed arg., 3 moorcocks sa. (iv., p. 200). Bedenhall, John, of Loudon, clerk, 1427. Erm., a chief in- dented. (B.M. 12944). Bedisham, Sir Edmund, temp. Edward I. Arg., sem€e de lis gu.- (Mason 70 and Wodehouse Roll). — Cheeky arg. and gu. (Edward I. Roll). Bee, Sir Roger, Sheriff of Norfolk in 1469. I can trace no arms, but Dashwood ascribes : Az., a besaut between 4 crescents arg., which are not in Burke. Beedham, William de, Henry III. Gu., an inescutcheon within' an orle of martlets, (viii., p. 197, and Henry III. Roll). — William de, 1324. A lion rampant. (B.M. 12946). — Gu., a chev. engrailed between 3 bunches of reed. (A 184). — Three garbs or. (Brackley, circa 1460). — Three ears of wheat or. Beef ham, Fulk de Kerdestou, Knight Templar, buried at Reef ham . — de. Gu., a saltire engrailed, (vii., p. 247). — John de, of London, 1314. A chev. between 3 escallops. (B.M. 12950). Bees, John, in 1383. On a bend 3 roundles. (B.M. 1295T). B.epps, John, 1366. Erm., 3 chevrons. (B.M. 12951). — Temp. Edward I. Erm., 3 chevrons. (Mason, p. 70, Wode- house Roll, and see Levishagh .?). — Temp. Edward II. Roll. Erm., 3 chevrons. — John. One of the gentry in 1433. 44 List of Coat Armour used in Norfolk Reymes, John de, sen., 1359. Sa,, a chev. between 3 lions ranipaut. (B.M. 12977; vi., p. 434; viii., p. 144; B 328). Reymis (Raumis), W. One of the gentry in 1433. Reynes, Robert. One of the gentry in 1500. Richard, John. One of the gentry in 1500. Richers, of Swannington. Arg., 3 annulets az. (N.F., p. 735). — Krm., 3 annulets gu. (A 84). " Richford,"Sir Henry. One of the gentry in 1433. f? Rochford], — Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Richman, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Riddleworth. Vert, a bull passant or. (i., 279). Risele, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Rising, Edmund. One of the gentry in 1433. Kobsart. Vert, a lion rampant or, vulned in the shoulder. . Henry VI. Arg., a chevron gu. between 3 cross crosslets fitchy az. (ii., p. 370). Sharnbourne, of Shernbourne. Gu., a lion rampant or, a canton erm. — Henry, in 1590-5. (B.M. 11454 and x., p. 353). Sharrington, Henry. One of the gentry in 1433. — Cheeky arg. and az., '* on a flancli gu., 2 crosses patee or." (x., p. 201). — Of Cranworth. Gu., 2 crosses patee arg., between 2 flaunches lozengy of the 2nd and sa. (B 350). — Arg., a lion rampant gu., over all a bend gobonny or and az. Shelton, of Shelton, John de, 1316. A fess between 3 martlets. (v., p. 264). — Az., a cross or. (A i). — Sir Ralph, died 1420. Az., a cross gu. (i., p. 134 ; ix., p. 257). — Sir John, High Sheriflf, 1504. Az. [.?], a cross gu., illustrated by Winter. [Both these are errors of Blomefield's, and the coat is : Az., a cross or]. — Old coat, said (v., p. 173) to be sa., 3 escallops arg. Before the date of the First Visitation of 1563. 47 Shelton, Sir Ralph, born 1560, died 1602, sealed with : Az., on a chief indented or, 2 mullets of the rst. (v., p. 264). — Present coat. Az., a cross or. (v., p. 273). — John. One of the gentry in 1500. Shorditch, al's Bekeswell. Quarterly : Arg. and erm., a cross gu., over all a bend sa. (vii., p. 307. See Bexwell). Shouldham, Richard de, 1350. An eagle [?], wings closed. (Bardolph, vi., p. 150). — Az., an eagle displayed or, beaked and niembered gu. (vii., P- 356). — Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Silvestre, Stephen. One of the gentry in 1433. Skelton, Monsieur Clement de. Az., a fess arg. between 3 fleurs de lys or. (p. 156). Sket, John, of Worstead, 1382. A fess dancetty between 2 patriarchal crosses in chief, and a letter I in base. (B.M. 13504). Skeyton, Sir Ralph de, 1321. Vairy erm. and sa., a bend, (vi., p. 260). Skippon. Gu., 5 annulets or, 2, 2, and i. (viii., p. 206). Skipwortll, William. One of the gentry in T500. Arg., 3 bars gu., in chief a greyhound courant sa. Smallburgh, William. Sa., a chevron between 3 bears' heads couped or. (Richard II. Roll). Smallpiece, 1539. Sa., a chevron engrailed between 3 cinque- foils arg. (x., p. 230). Snitterley, Sir Roger de, temp. Edward I.). Gu., on a fess 3 millrinds or. (Nicolas, p. 49, and Wodehouse Roll. See Rocele). Somerton, Geoffrey de, 1390. Arg., on a chevron between 3 lions' heads erased gu., as many bezants. (B.M. 13582). — Brackley, circa 1460, has : Or, on a chevron between 3 wolves' [or lions'] heads sa. (N.A.M., iii., p. 429). Sotherton, Nicholas, Mayor of Norwich, died 1540. Arg., a fess, and in chief 2 crescents gu. (iv., p. 291). Southall, Richard. One of the gentry in 1500. Southwell [from Suffolk]. Arg., 3 cinquefoils gu., on each 6 annulets or. (x., p. 276). Span, [? de HispaniaJ John. One of the gentry in 1433. Spany, John. One of the gentry in 1433. — In Tunstall Church. Sa , a fess embattled between 3 eagles displayed arg. (xi., p. 121). Sparham, William. Early in Henry III. bore: " A shield with a central spike." (B.M. 6433). This is not a coat. — de, quartered by Coke. Across between 12 billets arg. {viii., p. 259)- Spark, John. One of the gentry in 1433. " Sparkham," William. One of the gentry in 1433. Spelman. See Spilwan. — Of Narburgh. (vi., p. 150, and see ii., p. 279; i., p. 82, ii., p. 141). — Sa., platy 2 flaunches arg. (A 74). — In 1364. A cross flory in a shield, (i., p. 73), — Waltet. One of the gentry in 1500. Spencer, Thomas, ante 1348. Two keys in saltier addorsed the wards in chief. (B.M. 13607). A device, not a shield. 48 List of Coat Armour used in Norfolk Spencer, Henry, Bishop of Norwich, died 1406. Quarterly arg. and gu., fretty or, over all a bend gu. (iii., p. 525). He sometimes also used a bordure az. charged with T2 mitres or. {See outside of east wall of St. Andrew's Church). Spicer, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Spick, John fir Simon, of Norwich [«.^.]. ...a hawk. (Norris, iv., p. I). Spigornel. 5"^^ Espigornel. Spink, William, Prior of Norwich, died 1502. Gu., a chevron arg. between 3 spinks ppr. (C 477). — William. One of the gentry in 1433. Spilwan [? Spilman], 1364. A cross flory. (i., p. 73). Spreggy or Spriggy. Cheeky or and az., a fess arg. (A 493). — Cheeky or and sa., a fess erm. (Brackley). — Thomas, 1317. Quarterly, i and 4 a castle, 2 and 3 a fleur de lis. (v., p. 37). Sprowston, Hugh de, 1343. A bend cotised. (B.M. 13613). Stace, Geoffrey, of Ipswich, 1332. Three [animals'] heads erased, 2 and I, within a bordure engrailed. (B.M. 13617). Stalham, Wm., in 1288. Seal with an estoile of 8 points, (ix., p. 343). — de. An estoil of 8 points, (ix., p. 343). Stanhow, Herman de. Barry of 6 or and [azj. (Norf. Archy. i., p. 369). — Barry of 6 or and az., a bend gu, over all. (viii., p. 335). — Barry of 8 or and gu. (ix., p. 314). Stapleton, Richard de. At siege of Calais, 1345. Arg., a lion rampant sa. — Sir Brian, Edmund, and William. Three of the gentry in 1433. — William, 1461. A rebus, a staple, &c. (Bardolph, 2nd ser. vi., No. 29). — Miles de, 1353. Arg., a lion rampant sa. (ix., p. 321). Staunton, John. One of the gentry in 1433, Stede. Arg., a lion rampant az. (ix.,p. 263). A lion rampant per pale, (i., p. 249). Steward, of Well. Arg., a lion rampant gu., debruised by a bend sinister raguly or. (Bardolph, 2nd ser., v.. No. 9). {See A 170 and Sty ward). — of Swaifham. Or, a fess cheeky az. and arg., an escutcheon of the 3rd, with a lion rampant gu., debruised with a ragged staff of the 1st. (vi., p. 211, and Bardolph, 2nd ser,, v.. No. 19). Stiliard, Andrew. One of the gentry in 1500. Stipoard [.'*], Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Probably error for Stiward or Steward. Stodagh, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. — Gu., on a chevron arg., 3 blackbirds [or Cornish choughs, or martlets] ppr. beaked or, within a bordure indented sa. (ix., p. 311). Stody, Sir John de. Mayor of London, 1357. Erm., on a saltier engrailed 5 leopards' [?] heads. (B.M. 13705). — Charged with a leopards' head, (ix., p. 441). Stokker, Wm. One of the gentry in 1433. Stone. Arg., a lion passant sa. (xi., p. 531). — Arg., 3 cinquefoils sa., and a chief az. (x., p. 335 }), Before the date of the First Visitation of 1563. 49 Stonore, John de, iemp. Henry III. Two bars dancette and a chief, (Bardolph, xii., No. 4). Stonwell, Nicholas. One of the gentry in 1433. Stormer, Henry. One of the gentry in 1433. Stotwyle, Richard. One of the gentry in 1433. Stowmarket [?], Walter de, I335._ A bend erm. [?], cotised between 3 goats' heads. (Bardolph, viii., No. 9). Stradset, Robert fir Ralph de, 1395. Two cinquefoils [?], with stalks joined at base with 5 cinquefoils. (Bardolph, 2nd sen, iii., No. i). This seems to be a seal device, not arms. Strange, Christopher and John. Two of the gentry in 1433. — Robert and Roger. Two of the gentry in 1500. — Alexander. Per pale indented on dexter side 3 martlets in pale. (B.M. 13724-5)- Stratton, Augustine de, 1400. On a cross 5 annulets. (B.M. 13722). — John, 1429. Arg., on a cross sa. 5 bezants, (viii., p. 287, and see vi., p. 339). Stretche, John, 1344. A lion rampant. (B.M. 13726). Stubbe or Stubbs. Sa., on a bend between 3 pheons arg,, as many round buckles of the field. — Walter. One of the gentry in 1500. — William. One of the gentry in 1433. Sturmy, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Sturton [Stourton or Stoughton]. Sa., a bend or between 6 fountains, (v., p. 413). Stutevill, Osmund de, from Yorks. Barry of ten arg. and gu., over all a lion rampant sa. (ix., p. 511). Styleman. I can trace no arms in Norfolk before the Visitation, but the family bore arms earlier elsewhere. Stysted, Lawrence, 1549. A wolf's head erased. (B.M. 13765). Styward, Thomas, of SwafFham, 1432. A lion rampant debruised by a bendlet sinister. (Bardolph, 2nd ser., v.. No. 6). 5^^ Steward. Stywarp [Styward ?], Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Suffield [Calthrop], Bishop Walter de, died 1257. Cheeky or and az., a fess erm. Sutton, Margaret de, 1400. A lion rampant, over all a bend. (Bardolph, 2ud ser.. No. 4202). — de. Or, a chevron gu., on a chief az. 3 mullets pierced of the 1st. (x., p. 65). Swanton, Andrew. One of the gentry in 1433. Vert, 2 chevrons arg., each charged with 5 cinquefoils gu. Swathing. Quartered by Sefoul, Az., a bend arg. (vii., p. 381). Swayn, Johii^ and John, junr. Two of the gentry in 1433. John Swayu, Sheriff of Norwich 1485. Swillington, Thomas. Arg., a chevron sa., and label gu. (ix., p. 230, X., p. 131, from Yorks.). — Sir Robert, 1404. Two bars on a canton a lion passant. (ix., p. 478). — Robert de, temp. Edward HI. ..a chevron... (B.M. 13800). Swinburne, Henry. One of the gentry in 1500. Syff [?], John. One of the gentry in 1433. Sylk, William. One of the gentry in 1433. SymondS, of Cley. Az., 3 trefoils slipped arg. — Of Suffield, Sa., a dolphin embowed or. (viii., p. 100), 50 List of Coat Armour used in Norfolk Symonds, of Norwich. Vert, 2 boars' heads couped arg. (iv., p. 266). Talbot, Sir Adam, 1297. Six right-handed gloves, 3, 2 and i. (Bardolph, v., No. i). — Thomas, 1439. Six right-handed gloves {^sed} sinister), 3, 2, and I. ? From the de Wauncys, under whom they held ; or from " de Tolboth," of Lynn. — Peter Talbot, of Fincham, 1326. Three talbots, 2 and i, in chief a lion [?] passant. (Bardolph, viii.. No. 4). — Thomas. Six dexter hands couped at the wrist, (vii., p. 346). — Of Castle Acre. Bendy of 8 gu. and arg. (viii., p. 363). Tasburgh, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Tateshall, Lord, 1298. Cheeky or and gu., a chief erm. (x., p. i62). Taverham, Baldric de, temp. Edward III. Arg., a saltire sa., surmounted by a fess gu., thereon 3 bezants, (x., p. 469). — William. One of the gentry in 1433. Taverner, Warin de, temp, Henry II., said to seal with a bend fusily, but Carthew doubts this. (Norf. Fam., p. 871). — John, at Agincourt. (ix., p. 490). — John, died 1548. Arg., a bend indented sa. (ix., 469). — A bend indented. (C 224). Tendring, John, 1419. [Az.], a fess between 2 chevrons [arg.], in chief a crescent. (Bardolph, 2nd ser., v.. No. 2). — Az., a fess between 2 chevrons arg. (C 182 and vii,, p. 356). Tey \see Tye], Lord. Arg., a chevron gu. (ii., p. 237). — Cifca 1470. *' Arg., a fess between 2 martlets in chief and a chevron in base az." (sic), (ii., p. 196). Teyser, Robert. One of the gentry in 1433. Possibly an error for Robert Tey, sen. Thakker, William. One of the gentry in 1433. Thetford, Borough or Town of. T. Martin (p. 266) says that the " Sigillum Burgi de Thetford " in 16 Charles I. was Brotherton impaling Warren, but later they are thus described : A quadrangular castle embattled, domed, and surmounted with a tower triple- towered, on the middle tower a flag gu., out of each' of the front towers a man in armour, the dexter holding a sword erect, the sinister blowing a horn all proper. TMrlby, Bishop Thomas, died 1570. Vert, 10 escallops or. (iii., P- 552). Thoresby [Thursby], John and Henry. Two of the gentry in 1433. John was Mayor of Lynn 1435 ; Henry, Mayor in 1442. — Arg., a chevron between 3 lions rampant sa. (C 128 and viii., p. 422). Thorle. Vert, 7 escallops arg. (v., p. 517). Thorn, John. One of the gentry in I433« Thorp, Robert F'itz John de, circa 1266. Cheeky or and gu., a fess erm. (v., p. 143). ■ — At Dunstable Tournament, 1300. Cheeky or and gu., a fess . erm. in a bordure or. (ix., p. 14). — John de, 1308-14. Cheeky or and gu., a fess erm. (Nicolas Roll, p. 45)- — George de, 1308-14. Cheeky or and gu., on a fess arg., 3 martlets sa. (Nicolas Roll, p. 45). Before the date of the First Visitation of 1563. 51 Thorp, Sir George. Cheeky or and gu., on a fess arg., 3 martlets sa. (A 429), — John de, temp. Edward I. Cheeky or and gu., a fess erm. (Wodehouse Roll). — Robert de, of Massingham, 1327, will 1399. Az., 3 erescents arg. (ix., p. 14). — Edmund de. Az., 3 creseents arg. (Jenyn's Roll and v., p. 143)- — ,On monument at Ashwellthorpe, circa 1417. Az., 3 erescents arg. (A 382). — Robert, Alderman of St. Lawrence, Norwich. Az., 3 crescents arg. (iv., p. 268). — [?] M.P. for Norwich 1483-4. (iv., p. 268). — Robert. One of the gentry in 1500. Thurleton, William. One of the gentry in 1433. Thursby. See Thoresby. Thwaites, John. One of the gentry in 1500. Thwayte [Tweyth], William. One of the gentry in 1433. Thwaytes, of Hevingham [impales Bacon]. Arg., on a fess between 3 fleurs de lys gu., 3 bezants, (vi., p. 377, and x., p. 227). Tilles. Arg., 6 mullets gu., pierced sa., in a bordure of the same, (vi., p. 18). Tills, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Sheriff of Norwich 1485. — Of Belaugh. Arg., 3 torteaux, each charged with a mullet or. {C 26). Tilney, Philip, of Boston, 1453. Arg., a chevron between 3 griffins' heads erased gu. (v., p. 150; ix., pp. 15, 78). — Sir Frederick, said to be knighted. — At Acre, temp. Richard I. The pedigree is very doubtful. — Sir John. Az., 3 cinquefoils pierced arg. [Edward III. Roll). — Az., a cross erosslet between 3 cinquefoils arg. (A 153). — John. One of the gentry in 1433. — William. One of the gentry in 1500. Timperley, Sir John, killed at Bosworth 1485. Gu,, a lion party per bend etui, and ermines, (v., p. 246). Tindall. Arg., a fess indented, in chief 3 crescents gu. (i., p. 146). — 1529. Impaled by Hasset, quartering Ficklin. (i., p. 142). Tiptoft or Tibetot. Arg., a sal tire engrailed gu. (v., p. 396, and c 193). Tirel. See Tyrell. Tivile de, of Intwood ? Todenham, John de, 1379. Barry dancetty of 6. (B.M. 13952). — Barry lozengy of 6 arg. and az. (Henry III. Roll). Quoted Foster, p. 243. — Lozengy arg. and gu. (i., p. 329). — [Tudenham], Sir Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Todene or Tony. Arg., a maun eh gu. (A 23 ; vi., p. 53). — Sir John de Tony. Gu., a bend arg., cotised or. (A 442). [The Hastings' maunch probably came from Alice de Tony's marriage with John de Hastings]. Tony, Roger de, 1336. Vert, on a bend or, ... maunehes gu. (viii., p. 48). Totel, Roger de, 1338. A bend cotised. (Bardolph, ix., No. 4). 52 List of Coat Armour used in Norfolk Totington, Bishop Alexander de, died 1413. Az., a chevron between 3 talbots' heads erm., collared gu. (iii., p. 525). Touchet, Robert. Krm., a chevron gu. (Edward II. Roll, vi., p. 209). Townshend. I see no early occurrence of arms. Said to be : Az., a chevron erm., between 3 escallops arg. (vii., p. 133). — Sir Walter de, circa 1400, is said to have borne this coat, but Foster's authority is only Shirley, who quotes the forged pedigree. Trench or Tmncll, Thomas [and John Trunch and John T^enche] Among the gentry in 1433. — John. One of the gentry in 1433. — At Gressenhall. Said to bear : Barry [or paly] of 6, arg. and sa., a bend or. Trewyth, William. One of the gentry in 1433. Trowt, 1376. An alleged coat. {See Norf. Fam., p. 941). Trunch. See Trench. Trusbutt. Said to be an old family (vii., p. 404), but no arms given. A fess dancetty between 3 water bougets 2 and i sa. Also Gyronny of 8 az. and erm. (vii., p. 356). — Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Tryous, Sir Samuel, of Yarmouth. A fess embattled between 6 estoiles. (lUus. by Winter). Tudenham. See Todenham. — Sir John, 1379. Barry dancety of 6 arg. and gu. (Henry III. Roll). Turbevile, William de, died 11 74, Bishop of Norwich. Arg., 3 bugle horns stringed gu. Twykke, Alan. One of the gentry in 1433. Probably Quick. Twytwell, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Probably Quitwell. Ty, Robert, in 1378. A bend between 6 cross crosslets iitchy. (B.M. 14033). Tye, of Clopton. A bend between 6 cross crosslets fitchy. (Brackley, 1460). SeeTey. Tyney [?], Roger, temp. Edward I, Per pale or and gu., a chief erm. (Wodehouse Roll). Not in Papworth 1003. Tyrrel, of Manniugton, from 1249. (vi., p. 463). A later coat was: Arg., 2 chevrons az., a bordure gu. engrailed, (xi., p. 134). Udale or Ovydale. Arg. [sa.] a cross moline gu., pierced of the field. (A 401, iv., p. 35). Ufford. Sa., a cross engrailed or. (A 13, and Norris iii., p. 17). — Ditto at Dunstable Tournament, 1308. — Another with a bendlet arg. for difference, (ix., p. 324). — Said to have had a grant of arms of Sir John Hovel in con- sideration of promising to bear the cross engrailed, (iv., p. 86). This is most improbable. Unphrny, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Probably error for Umphrey. Valence, at Falkirk, 1298. Barry of 10 arg. and sa., an orle of martlets or. (i., p. 184). Valoines, Lord, 1292. Paly wavy or and gu. (viii., p. 393). Before the date of the First Visitation of 1563. 53 Vaux or Vaus, William de, 1308-14. Arg., an inescutcheon gu. within an orle of martlets gu. (Nicolas, p. 47, and Wodehouse Roll). — Cheeky or and gu. (Carrow Abbey). Venile, Robert le. (Norris' Tunstead, 21 ix). Verdon, Aliauor de, 1275. Fretty. (B.M. 14142). — Thomas de, Northauts, 1308. Sa., a lion rampant arg. (iv., p. 43)- — Thomas de, 1315. A lion rampant, (B.M., 14146). — Thomas de, 1327. A lion rampant. (Bardolph iv., p. 8). — John de, 1340. Sa., a lion rampant arg. (i., p. 54). Vernon, John, of Somerton, 1357. Barry of 6 a bendlet [between 2 wyverns, probably meant for ornaments or supports]. (B.M. 14155). — Quartered by VEstrange. Or, on a fess az., 3 garbs of the 1st. (x., p. 324). Vewtre, Richard. One of the gentry in 1433. Vincent. An ancient family since 1367. Az., 3 quartrefoils arg. (ii., 459)- Vis de Lou [Suffolk]. Arg., 3 wolves' heads erased gu. (i., p. ii6 and C 373). Wachesam. See Waxham. Wacelion, William. ...a mounted man in armour. (B.M. 6511). Wakefield. Az., an inescutcheon within an orle of martlets arg. (Brack ley, cifca 1460). Wakering, Bishop John de, 1325 [1424 ?]. Arg., 3 hawks' lures stringed sa., a crescent for difference, (iii., p. 529). Walcott, William, of Wallington, 1383. Three stags' horns \f\. (Bardolph, 2nd sen, ii.. No. 9, and A 490). — Gu., a cross recercele pommetty arg., " Rose." (ix., p. 290). — Az. , an inescutcheon in an orle of martlets or, but this seems an error for Wakerford. Waldegrave, of Stanninghall. Per pale arg. and gu. (x., p. 465, and A 132). Walle, Geoffrey. One of the gentry in 1433. Walliach, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Walkfare, Robert de, temp. Edward I. Arg., a lion sa., charged on the [sinister] shoulder with a mullet or. (Wodehouse and Nicolas, p. 49)- — Sir Richard, 1364. A lion rampant. (Bardolph, 2nd sen, ii., No. 5). [Munpinzun ?]. Walle, Galf. One of the gentry in 1433. Walpole, Henry de, 1265. A fess between 2 chevrons, (vii., p. 106). — Or, on a fess between 2 chevrons sa., 3 cross crosslets or impaling Harsick. (vii., p. 106). — Ralph de, died 1301. Or, on a fess between 2 chevrons sa., 3 crosslets of the field, (iii., p. 495). — John and Henry. Two of the gentry in 1433. Walsham. Gu., a cross patee arg. (A 496). — Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Walsingham, Sir Richard de, temp. Edward I. Gu., 3 chess rooks arg. (A 457). — Roger de, Sa„ a chevron arg., between 3 pierced cinquefoils or. (Jenyn's, No. 149). — Robert. One of the gentry in 1433. 54 List of Coat Armour used in Norfolk Walton, Simon de, Bishop, died 1265. Arg., ou a chevron sa., an annulet or. (iii., p. 493). — William de. Arg., on a chevron sa. 3 eagles displayed or. (Jenyn's, 113). — [As impaled by Rrpingham]. Arg., on a chief indented sa. 3 besants. (C 490). — William. One of the gentry in 1433. Wancy or Wauncy. Gu. , 3 dexter hands erect arg. (vii., pp. 45 and 346). Used by Talbot. — William de, son of Sir William, 1283 A lion rampant. (Bardolph, xii.. No. 8-9). See H. and G. iv., p. 333. Wanton or Waunton, of Yarmouth. Arg., a chevron sa., in chief an annulet of the 2nd. \} Walton]. Ward, Robert, temp. Edward III. "A cross moline with 3 estoiles in chief, and one in base." (vi., p. 67). Warham, Ralph de, Dean of Norwich, 1218. Gu., a fess or, in chief a goat's head in base 3 escallops arg. in a bordure engrailed of the 2ud. (C 491). I should doubt this, it is too complicated for the ascribed date. They are the arms of Archbishop Warham. Warner. See Wetenhall. — Henry and John. Two of the gentry in 1433. — Henry and Robert. Two of the gentry in 1500. Warren, de. Cheeky or and az. (A 26). Waryn, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Waterden, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Waterman, Nicholas. One of the gentry in 1433. Watlington, Sir Robert de, temp. Kdward I. Shield with arms gone [.?]. (vii., p. 484). WatshuU [} Mattishall], of South Acre. Gu., a chief erm. (vi., p. 81). Watts, John, in 1561. Or, on a chevron between 3 mullets, 3 quatrefoils [?]. (B.M. 14315). Waxham [Wachesam]. Arg., a fess gu., in chief 2 [3] crescents of the 2nd. (Brackley, circa 1460). Wayte, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Weasanham, John. One of the gentry in 1433. — Sa., a fess dancetty between 3 mullets pierced arg. (ix., p. 179). Webbe, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Weld, of Braconash. " Arg., a fess wavy between 3 crescents erm." [.? or], (v., p. 87). Wells, Denys. One of the gentry in 1433. — John, of St. Lawrence, Norwich, Mayor 1476. Per pale gu. and vert, a boar's head couped armed arg., between 2 wings sa. (iv., p. 268). Wentworth, John. One of the gentry in 1433. M.P. for Lynn 1397. Wereiiam, John de, 1404. Per bend sinister, a lion rampant. (B.M. 14653). Westhaw, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Wetenhall, Thomas al's Warner, in 1374. Vert, a cross engrailed or. (i., p. 497, and vi., p. 182). Wetherby, Walter. One of the gentry in 1433. Weyland. Arg., on a cross gu., 5 scallops or. (B 418). [Sir Nicholas Weyland, of Suffolk, bore this at the Dunstaple Tourna- ment 1308]. Wharton, of Lynn. Sa., amaunch arg. (C 130). Before the date of the First Visitation of 1563. 55 Whetentele, of Cheshire, " came into Norfolk 1374, and bore Vert, a cross engrailed or, but assumed the name of Warner, and used their arms." {See Wetenhall). Whinburgh. Per fess indented arg. and sa., 3 bears passant counterchanged. (x., p. 272). Whipple, of Dickleburgh. Old coat before 1576 said to be : Sa., on a chevron between 3 swans' heads erased arg., 3 crescents gu., and to have been renounced in favour of a new grant by Cooke of Az. a fess erm. between 2 chevrons arg. (B 424, and i., p. 497). A very unlikely story. — At Dickleburgh in 1601. Gu., a fess erni., between 2 chevrons arg. (v., p. 321). White. The arms of Sir John White impaled by St. Low before 1435. (x., p. 420). — Sir Thomas. Gu. , an annulet or, on a canton erm., a lion rampant sa., all in a bordure of the 4th, charged with 8 stars of the 2nd. (A 473). — Simon. One of the gentry in 1500. — Sir John. One of the gentry in 1500. Whitwell, in 1497. Gu., a cross patonce arg. (x., p. 227). Sometimes flory. Wllizt [White ?], Sir John. Gu., a chevron and 3 boars' heads [couped] arg. (Mason, p. 70, Edward II. Roll and Wodehouse Roll, and A 473, and x., p. 420). Wichingham. See Witchingham. Wiggenhall, de. Said to be ancestors of the Howards. — John, 1386. A lion rampant debruised by a fess. (B.M. 6551). — John de. Quarterly gu. and vert, an escarbuncle over all. (ix., p. 188). Wiggett, of Norwich. I can trace no early arms. Williamson, Adam. One of the gentry in 1433. Willoughby, Thomas and Edward. Two of the gentry in 1433. — Ralph. One of the gentry in 1500. — Sir Robert, died 1349. [} Arms]. Wilton, John, 1384. On a chevron 3 crosslets fitchy, in dexter chief a fleur de lys. (B.M. 14511). — Edward. On a chevron 3 crosslets fitchy, in dexter chief a fleur de lys. Wiltshire, of Yarmouth (1470-1497). Per chevron az. and arg., in chief 3 crosses patee or. (Perlust. of Yar., iii., p. 205). Windham, Sir Thomas de, 1521. Arg., a chevron between 3 lions' heads erased or. (iv., p. 8; viii., p. 114). Wingfield, Sir Robert, from Suffolk, who married the daughter of Sir William Chamberlain. On a bend ... 3 wings ... (i., p. 326; ix., p. 485). — Sir Henry, temp. Henry VI. Arg., on a bend gu. cotised 3 wings, (i., pp. 85, 326). — Robert. One of the gentry in 1500. Winter, William, of Matlask, 1386. Cheeky and a fess. (A 11143 and viii., p. 97). — Of Barningham. Cheeky or and sa., a fess erm. (viii., p. 99). — Edmund. One of the gentry in 1433. Witchingham, Sir Geoffrey, Lord Mayor of London in 1346. Erm., on a chief sa., 3 crosses pat6e or. (viii., p. 299). Impaled by Harsick at Calthorpe. (i., p. 307 ; vi., p. 521), 56 List of Goat Armour used in Norfolk Witchingham, Hugh de, of London, 1349. Or, a chevron between 3 roses, as many estoiles of 6 points, (B.M. 13814). — 1364. Krni,, on a chief 3 crosses patee [or]. (Bardolph, 2nd ser., ii., No. i). — William de, 1370. ;^rm., on a chief 3 crosses formy [or]. (B.M. 14607 and viii., p. 294).* — Edmund. One of the gentry in 1433. Withipole. Per pale or and gu., 3 lions passant within a bordure counterchanged. ^ (vi., p. 143), Witton [Wyton], George. One of the gentry in 1433. Wode, Kdmund and Richard. Two of the gentry in 1433. Wodehouse, John, 1437. The Agincourt myth was not invented till about 1640. (N.F., p. 1023). ...John. '* A chevron peau between 3 cinquefoils." (B.M. 14534). — Later coat. Sa., a chevron or, guttee de sang between 3 cinquefoils erm. (A 43). Not on any roll. — John. One of the gentry in 1433. — Thomas. One of the gentry in 1500. — al's Power, of Waxhani, 1559. Quarterly erm. and az., in 2nd and 3rd quarters a leopard's head. (B.M. 14572 ; A 44 ; ix., p. 307). — Savages or wild men. (See Clifton, vk, p. 214). Woderoue, William, 1330. Three estoiles. (Norris, iv., p. 13). Wodesende, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Wodeton, Richard de, 1315. Three garbs. (B.M. 9767). Wodewane, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Wolterton, Quarterly or and az., a bend gu. [or], (vi., p. 455 and C 230). Wood. Per pale arg. and sa., on a chevron between 3 martlets, as many trefoils all countercharged, (v., p. 86). Wopmegay, de. See Bardolph. — Robert. One of the gentry in 1433. Wright, 1559. ^a-> 3. chevron engrailed between 3 fleurs de lys or, on a chief of the 2nd 3 spears heads az. Wymondham, Thomas. One of the gentry in 1500. Wyndham. Az., a chevron between 3 lions' heads erased or. Wynse, John. One of the gentry in 1433. Wyrham, Clementie de [n.d.'\. "A lion dormant within a double, square interlaced." (Norf. Archy., v., p. 308). Wythe. Az., 3 griffins passant in pale or. (A 498 and xi., p. 67). — Az., 3 griffins, armed and langued gu. (Brackley, circa 1460). — Sir Geoffrey Fitz. Az., 3 grifiins or. (Nicolas, p. 51). — John, Nicholas, and William. Three of the gentry in 1433. Yarmouth, Town of. Gu., 3 leopards or, diminishing az., 3 herrings arg. The old T3th century coat is given in B.M. Seals 5533 as: " On the waves with 3 herrings naiant, 2 and i, a ship with one mast," etc. Yekesworth [? Ixworth], Thomas. One of the gentry in 1433. Yelverton, William. One of the gentry in 1433. — William, jun. One of the gentry in 1500. — William, of Rackheath. One of the gentry in 1500. — Arg., 3 lions rampant and a chief gu. (x., p. 36), Yonghusband, Edmund. One of the gentry in 1433. Zeifeld, Sir Ralph. Arg., a cross formy vert. (A 467). This may be an error for Sir Ralph Sefoul, who in 7 Edward H. bore ; Vert, a cross patonce or. (vii., p, 206). Before the date of the First Visitation of 1563. 57 It may be iuteresting to close this part with a list of the 48 canting arms among the 1,344 coats mentioned in the foregoing : — Arbl aster Argentine ... Armiger Arundel Bacon Barker Barry and Berry Bell Billingford ... Blower Boleyn Bosoun Brasyer Buckle Buckskyn ... Capra or Chevere Castell Cat Cobbe Colet Coney Corbett Cross Crowmer Crowne Elmrugge ... Ferariis Fincham Hartstonge or Hartstou Lucy Malmains Martel Molet Mompenzon Okenham .. Outlaw Oxford Pelham Poppy Ramsey Reed ham .. Rous Scarning Sefoul Spink Talbot Vis de lou . Whinburgh An arblast. Silver cups. Three [esquires'] helmets. Swallows [hirondelles]. Boars. A hound. Bears' heads. Bells. Watch bells. Hunter's horn. Bull's head. Bozons (bud colts). Bells. Buckles. Buck's head. Goat. Castles. Cats. Swan (cobs) and herring cobs. Colts. Conies. Ravens. Crosses. Crows. Crowns. Elm leaves. Horse shoes. Finches. A stag and three stones. Three pikes (luces). Sinister heads. Mallets. Mullets. Pinsons (goldfinches). Oak leaves. Wolves' heads. Ox over a ford. Pelicans. Gillyflowers or poppies. Ram's head. Bunches of reed. Roses. Scythe between wings. A bird — sea fowl. Spinksorfinches Talbots. Wolves' heads. Bears' heads. 58 List of Coat Armour used in Norfolk The foregoing list has about 1,617 entries. I included in it all those named in the two Lists of Gentry of 1433 and 1500, as printed by Fuller and Mason, on the assumption that anyone who was described as a gentleman at these dates was probably entitled to bear arms, and that as my work progressed I should be able to find out what such arms were. As to this I find I was wrong, for of the 379 odd names in the 1433 list I can only guess at arms for about a quarter of them. Nearly all in the 1500 list are of men we know were armigerous. Consequently I have come to the conclusion (which I am glad to say is shared by the Rev. G. H. HoUey) that the 1433 list was not made up of the actual gentry, but should have been rather styled a list of the more important citizens and others as well as of the gentry. This view is borne out by the fact that I find it includes the names of many local mayors, sheriffs, bailiffs, and other officials. Deducting, therefore, from the 161 7 entries three-quarters, or 283 of its 379 names in the 1433 list, we have left about 1344 undoubted old coats to be analyzed and indexed in my next part. Such part will contain a Classified Index, or Ordinary, with all possible cross references to charges, which I hope will prove abso- lutely fool-proof so that the youngest antiquary ought to be able to identify the owner of any coat he finds in his church, whether on monument, or window, or in old houses. Another feature will be an attempt to classify the various coats and try to ascertain, as the late Mr. Ellis did, whether many of them were variants of the superior lords of those who bore them. Now that so many valuable books of reference, such as the Calendar of Inquisitions post mortem, and the Feudal Aids, have been issued which were not available to Mr. Ellis, I hope the results will be more conclusive than what he showed. Many of the statements in the earlier Herald's pedigrees, such as Clere, Cornwallis, Paston, and Wodehouse must of course be taken with the greatest caution as to the alleged arms quartered by them, which I cannot trace ever existed outside such pedigrees. I cannot conclude these remarks without again expressing my many obligations to Captain E. E. Dorliug for the great trouble he has taken in correcting my proofs. Without his help this work would have simply teemed with inaccuracies, and his weird and un- canny memory of some coats, and his intuition as to others have fairly astonished me. If we have differed as to the method of treat- ing Blomefield's errors I can't help it, for I felt I ought not to omit the coats given by him, however wrong they may seem to be, as his descriptions are what he thought he saw, and indeed may have seen, (for stonemasons and glaziers are not infallible), and if I had omitted them altogether I should have been accused of inaccuracy in this compilation. So I thought it best to put them all in, right or wrong, and specify by inverted commas or otherwise what I con- cluded came in the latter category. WAI^TER RYE. RYE'S Monographs of Norwich Hamlets ' Now Issued.-??^ No. 1. EATON. No. 2. EARLHAM. No.3. HELLESDON. No. 4. HEIGH AM. It is contemplated to complete this series thus : No.5. CATTON. No. 6. SPROWSTON (Magdalen Chapel and Fair). - No. 7. POCKTHORPE, MOUSEHOLD '\ and part of Thorpe (Kett's ■ Ca^le (S St. Leonard's Priory). No. 8. LAKENHAM, TROWSE, BRA^ CONDALE, and CARROW,. No. 9. The Natural Hi^ory " of . the " Hamlets and a General Index to all the parts. OBTAINABLE FROM W.HUNT, BookseUer, HrOrford Place. Norwich. Subscription Forms on application. ,., •. A GENERAL J toix TO PART I. OF GOAT ARMOUR Used in NorWk before 1563, With some Notes on the Theory that sub-tenants: took their Arms from those 6i their superior lords. COLLECTED BY WALTER RYE PKICJE 3/- NKTT IROtWlCb : - &■ \ ROBERTS & Co.. TEN BELL LANE. j 1916. >:'\. -.r-::-!! '; 59 PART II. I am well aware that I shall be blamed for having in the follow- ing index omitted the colours and several of the minor charges. My reason for doing so is to make references easier for those looking up coats. In the following arrangement anyone can see for himself the main features of the shield he wishes to trace, and if he finds it is borne by three or four families it is easy enough to turn to the three or four names and judge for himself which is the most probable one. The arrangement in columns and the double indexes of the charges should, I think, make the identification reasonably easy. To the expert in Papworth of course nothing can supersede his work, but to the novice his arrangement is very confusing, and moreover the book itself is scarce and dear, and hard to be studied by the novice in the limited time he can give in a public library. I greatly regret that owing to the illness of Capt. E. E. Dorling, F.S.A., who had to go in a War Hospital, I have been unable to get his invaluable co-operation, which so greatly helped my first part. 66, Clarendon Road, Wai,TER Rye. Norwich. May, 1918. GENERAL INDEX TO PART I. Anchor ... ... Fermor. Annulets — One ... ... Langetot. Walton. Wanton. White. Three ... ... Daveney. Richers. Five ... ... Skippon. Stratton. Six ... ... Avenel. Bekeswell. Frere. Arblast ... ... Arblaster. Arrows. See Bozouns. BARS AND BARRY. See post under Ordinaries, p. 77. Beacons ... ... Cressy. Bears ... ... Whinburgh. Bears' heads ... Barry. Berry. Paston. Smallburgh. 60 General Index to Part I. Beasts. See— Bears. Hedgehogs. Boars. Hinds. Bucks. Horses. Bulls. Hounds. Cats. Leopards. Colts. Lions. Conies. Lynxes. Klephauts. Rams. Goats. Stags. Greyliouuds. Talbots. Griffins. Wolves. Bells Bell. Brasyer. BENDS. See Ordinaries, p. 78. Bezants ... Dagworth. Ferrier. Godling. Somerton. Stratton. Taverhani. Walton. Billets ... Arnold. Bernewell. Inglose. Irniingland. Lovain. Sparham. Bird-bolts Bozoun. Payne. Birds- Blackbirds. Hawks {see Falcons Choutjhs. Herons. Cobs {see Swans). Magpies. Cocks. Martlets. Cranes. Moorcocks. Crows. Owls. Duck [see Seafowl Pelicans. and Shovellers). Pinsons. Kagles. Seafowl . Falcons (j') Charles. Mullets iz) Bacon. Tau between mullets Drury. Chief (Indented) .. Brom or Broome Bures. Dagworth. Dunham. Glanville. Harsick. Hengrave. Pickenham. Redenhall. Sheltou. CR055E5, CROSSLETS AN D CRUSILLY. Plain ... Bigod. Ellinghani. Hickling. Hovell. 84 General Index to Part I. Hussey. Randall. Scrope. Sbeltou. Botony ... Cavendish. Company Bokenham. Engrailed Drayton. Gurney. Hingham. Ingoldisthorpe. Noon. Norwood. UfTord. Wesenham or ' Wetenhall. Engrailed with escallops . . . Bigod. Engrailed with lions Ksturmi. Engrailed between escallops Garneys. Engrailed between water bougets Bourchier. Engrailed, counter changed Bacon. Flory Braham. Ferrier. Freville Le Gros. Pilkingtou. Rose. Spelman or Spilman. Elory between escallops . . . Sampson. Forniy ... Sea foul or Zeflfeld. Gobonny cheeky ... Cockford. Lozengy Feryng. Bendale. Lozengy and in chief es- callops Masca. Pardulf. Molifie Alnwick. Beck. Bendale. Moline pierced ... Udal. Dovedale. '^Passant" Freville. Patonce Whitwell. Pattee vaify Gesuel. Pattee between cinque foils Walsingham. Raguly Ingoldisthorpe. Norwold. Recercele pometty Walcote. Cross (Plain) with Bordure Engrailed Maltby. Carbonel. of Coat Armour used in Norfolk 85 i< Cross between. Billets at g. Sparhaui. Bucks in chiej and three crescents Parkliam. Crescents Barnham or Bernham. Escallops sa. Sampson. Lions {A)- Dakeny. Water bougets ... Bouchier. Cross, on a. Eive Martlets Scottow. Escallops Weylaud. Five annnlets and 5 beza^Us Stratton. Cross Engrailed. Counterchanged and per pale Heydon. Crosslets (3) Shardelow. (6) St. Omer. (12) Denny, Crusilly And a bend Howard or Haward. Ormesby. And a bend cheeky Ormesby. Luces (3) Lucy. FESS. Plain Bernak. Calais. Lang ham. Cheeky Arderne. Hillary. Punch. Steward. Counter Compony and a Mullet Hillary. Dancetty between Crescents Maldon. Cross crosslets ... Mondeford. Escallops Colby. Falcons or choughs Hauville. Mullets pierced ... Weasenham. Patriarchal crosses, &c. ... Sket. Water bougets ... Trusbutt. Embattled between Estoiles Ingores. Eagles displayed Spanye. Engrailed. Escallops Kenys. Fusilly Ardesley. 86 General Index to Part I. Gobonny between Owls or hawks ... Herward. Estoiles Mapes. Indented per Harsick. Between escallops Levenshaw. In a bordure Haultoft. A unicorn counterchanged Rugg. Three bears ,, Whinburgh. Lozengy. Between six ... . Chauvers. Undy. Crescents Welch. Between estoiles ... Everard. Vairy. Between water bougets .. Detbick. Fes5, on a. Billets and 6 Cornish crow^ Irmiugland. Bull Aldrich. Crescents Havers. Crosslets and in chiej f roundles Go baud. Crowns Crowue. Crows ... Cornwallis. Irmiugland. Eagles ... Clere. Escallops Seckford. Fleur de lis and bezants . . Thwaits. Fusils ... Narford. Garbs ... Vernou. Lions passant Deopham. Lozenges Creke. Newhall. Martlets Thorpe. Mill rinds Suetterly. Mullets Everard. Mullets and crosses Cross. Plates Huntingfield. Fess between Annulets Aveuel. Bars gemelles Earle. Bells Bell. Birds .. Payne. Boars' heads Brian. Two chevrons {and set article, ''A Fess between I Chevron;' post, p. 93 .. Baynard. Blyaut. Cheyny. Cornerth. of Coat Armour used in Norfolk 87 Fitz Walter. Gerbrigg. Grey de. Norfolk. Pecche. Say. Tendriug. Walpole. Ilketeshall. Two chevrons and a canton Two chevrons, on the fess escallops Hemested. Coneys and cotises Cony. Crescents Fitz Simon. PateshuU. Crosslets {3) Gimmingham. Middleton. Crosslets fitchy ... Crane. Crosslets {6) Beauchauip. St. Omer. Eagles displayed Eugayue. Elephants' heads Fountaine. Escallops Bettys. Shank. Fleur delis Borvile. Skelton. , Griffins' heads ... Milehaui. Heads Barshal. Leopards' or lions' heads. . . Berford. Pole. Dryby. Martlets Rosale. Shelton. Martlets and a chief and a chevron ifi base Tye. Round les Poteys. Fess and in Chief. On Ciiief Ciescents Sotherton. Waxham. Tindall. Mullets Odingsells Fess, per /« chief dancetty and base a chevron between cinque- Joils ... Hoxne. FRET AND FRETTY. Fret Mandeville (?). Audley. Fret and on a canton Middleton. Fretty Bokenham. Braunch. Chamberlain. Eynsford. 88 General Index to Part I. Fretty arg. and a chief ot St. Leger. Fretty, a chiej cheeky Giggs. Fretty, on a chief a lion .. Dowsing. Espigornel. ORLES, and in Orle Balliol. ) Lindsey. Waleis. J Anguish (.?) Begevile. Billings. Erpingham Essex. Filby. Hautbois. Holland. Parnell. Reedham. Royng. Valence. Vaux. Wakefield. Walcot. PALE. Afg., a pale engrailed sa. Forneaux. Per Pale. Arg. and gu. Waldegrave A bend countet changed . . . Chaucer. Billets (lo) Bern well. Boars' heads (3) ... Copping. Boars' heads between wings Wells. A chevron connter changed Arnold. A chevron between martlets Wood. A chieJ erm. Tyney. On a chief a label Hauville. Crosslet fitchee between fleur de lis Read. Cross eng railed ... Berney. Cross engrailed counter- changed Heydon. Cross inoline Ingham. Fer de inoulin ... Hinghani. Lion rampant with ring on nose, \r owned Norwich. Lions passant within a bordui e Withipole. Lion passant arg. Plaiz. Lions' {?) heads {?) in chief Caldecot. Unicorn between cross cross- lets ... Layer. Saltire engt ailed counter- changed Pole. 5>'?>' Un-vers/ty Of California ^*^*'°" Richmond, CA 94804-4698 P"ortoduedat?'''"' '"^^ be made 4 days ^I^STAiVIPED BELOW S; 'aper-; >rGvi- lents,: sue of resent : ider of -orwich 3 (4/94) '^^m,: