ITH WOLSELEY TO KUMASI TALE OF THE FIRST ASHANTI WAR BY CAPT. F.S.BRERETON. RARY tK ITY OF J IfORNIA / RECOIM With Wolseley to Kumasi THE ENEMY BOARD THE LAUN'CH With Wolseley to Kumasi A Tale of the First Ashanti War BY CAPTAIN F. S. BRERETON Author of '•With Roberts to Candahar" "The Dragon of Pekin" "Foes of the Red Cockade" "A Soldier of Japan" "Roger the Bold" etc '^tc. ILLUSTRATED BY GORDON BROWNE, R.I. BLACKIE AND SON LIMITED NEW YORK. LONDON GLASGOW DUBLIN BOMBAY Copyright, igoj by Blache & Son, Limited. CONTENTS CHAP. I. A Great Misfortune II. A Gallant Rescue . III. A Mining Expedition IV, A Chase and a Fight V. A Question of Importance VI. Forest Dangers . . . VII. Forewarned is Forearmed VIII. Besiegers and Besieged . IX. Deceiving the Enemy . X. A Natht: Fleet . . . XI. Running the Gauntlet XII. In Home Waters . . . XIII. On Special Service . . XIV. A Brush with the Enemy XV. Bluejackets, Charge! XVI. News from Ashanti XVII. A Well-laid Scheme XVIII. King Koffee, the Terrible XIX. Dick Strikes a Blow . . XX. The Destruction of Kumasi A/ ILLUSTRATIONS PACE The Enemy Board the Launch .... Frontispiece 187 "He Fell with a Splash into the Water" .... 64 Johnnie brings Bad News 107 "The Blade Flashed beneath his Arm" 130 They Sight a British War-Vessel 198 "Olr Agent was Killed at the First Discharge" . . 216 "Dick felt the cruel sting of the Lashes" .... 295 "Dick Struck with the Swiftness of Lightning" . . 322 Map of the Gold Coast showing the Route of the Kx- PEDiTiON 256 CHAPTER I A Great Misfortune Dick Stapletox tossed restlessly on his bamboo bed, till the rickety legs creaked ominously and the mos- quito net waved to and fro, threatening to descend upon his head. The heat was stifling. Inside his room the thermometer stood at an unusual height, even for this Gold Coast country, where high readings are a common occurrence, and where hot nights are the rule rather than the exception. The windows of the house in which he slept, or vainly attempted fo do so, were thrown wide open, but despite that fact, they ad- mitted nothing but the deep and ever-recurring boom of the surf, which beats upon the sandy beach of the Fanti country without ceasing. Boom ! Boom ! The thunder of the waves seemed to shake even the land, while in his mind's eye Dick could see the spray rise high, and then fall back as white as milk, seething and foaming, to be swallowed by the next breaker as it curled its green crest on to the sand. Not a breath stirred on this sultry night. The leaves on the forest trees within a stone's-throw of the house made no movement. Nothing, in fact, appeared to have the energy- for movement on this night save the myriad 2 With Wolseley to Kumasi mosquitoes, which seemed to revel in the heat, and an occasional beast in the forest, whose piercing cry was wont at one time to startle our hero. "Oh, for a breeze!" sighed Dick. "If only a cool wind would play into the room a fellow might fall asleep. This mosquito net stifles me, and yet I dare not throw it aside or I shall be well-nigh eaten. I feel, too, as if I had a little fever, and that is just the very thing I wish to avoid. I've work before me; difficul- ties to set aside, and — and affairs to arrange." For some reason his hand sought for a box deposited beneath the bed, and his fingers touched the lock to make sure that it was closed, "All that stands between me and starvation," said Dick. "Just a bare two hundred pounds in gold, a store almost depleted of goods, and two houses which no one seems to want. There's the business, too, and James Langdon." For a while his thoughts went to the man whose name he had mentioned, and he brooded uneasily. "He ought to go," he said to himself. "Father trusted him, I know ; but I am sure of his dishonesty. He has been robbing the store for years, and he will rob me if I let him stay. He is a sneaking half-caste, a rogue who cannot be trusted, and if it were not for father he should be dismissed. Well, to-morrow I will go into the matter. I'm tired to-night. If only it were not so frightfully hot !" Dick was peevish and out of temper. He had worked hard all day, and was very tired, for the heat had been great. And now that he had thrown himself on his bed he could not sleep. The old worries filled his A Great Misfortune 3 mind, only instead of being lessened, the silence of the night, the droning insects, the shrill cries from the for- ests, and the deep boom of the surf, intensified his difTiciilties. till they sat upon his young shoulders like a millstone. Presently, however, he fell into a doze, and later his deep breathing showed that he was asleep. Asleep? No! For he started suddenly and sat erect on his bed. "I thought I heard something," he said in a whisper. "That was a step outside. Some one knocked against the chair on the platform and tipped it over. I don't like that noise." He threw one leg half out of the bed and waited, for, to be candid, Dick had no liking for an encounter with some evil-doer in the small hours. Then, mustering courage, he threw the mosquito net aside, rearranged it o\er the bed, and stealthily crept to the farther side. His hand sought the box which contained his worldly possessions, and tucking it beneath his arm he stole softly out on to the verandah. There was a brilliant moon, high up in the sky, and the silvery rays played softly upon the sandy beach, upon the crests of the breakers, upon the white street and the white houses, and upon the bush and forest which formed at this time the surroundings of Cape Coast Castle. There were deep shadows everywhere, and Dick's eyes sought them, and endeavoured to penetrate to their depths. He stood still and listened, though the thump of his fast-beating heart was all that came to his ears above the boom of the surf. That and the eternal droning of the insects which swarmed around. No one seemed to be abroad this night, and yet 4 With Wolseley to Kumasi "Some one was here," thouglit Dick, with conviction, as he stepped across the wooden platform, with its overhanging roof, which went by the name of veran- dah. "Here is the deck-chair in which I was sitting just before I turned in. and it is now on its side. I left it all right. And That's some one !" He drew back somewhat suddenly, while his breath- ing became faster. For some one, an indefinite shape, a native perhaps, had stepped from one of the shadows and had peered at the verandah. Then detecting the white youth, he had vanished into the shadow again, as silently and as stealthily as any snake. "I don't like that at all," thought Dick. "I'm alone here, and the people know that there is gold. They know that father kept his money in the house, and now that he is gone they must be aware that I have it. I'll camp out here for the night. I wish to goodness I had gone down to the Castle and left this box under lock and key." He stepped back into the room which he had just vacated, and felt along the wall till his hand hit upon a rifle. Then he sought for cartridges, and, having found a handful, tucked them into the pocket of his pyjamas, and one into the breech of his weapon. That done, he went on to the verandah, and, pulling his chair into a corner, sat down with the gun across his legs and the box beneath his feet. "I could have slept," he grumbled. "But that's out of the question. Some blackguard wants the money, and that must be prevented. Besides, these Fantis would knife me with pleasure. I don't care for the thought of that, so here goes for a night-watch, Dick A Great Misfortune 5 Stapleton. my hoy. you'll be anything hut fresh to- morrow." Had he been an older soldier, Dick would have re- mained on his legs, and would have patrolled the length of the verandah, and even shown himself be- yond the house, out in the brilliant patch where the moon rays fell. But he w^as only a young fellow, and. in addition, he was tired, fagged out by work and anxiety. The heat told upon him, too, and the boom- ing of the surf, instead of helping to keep him wakeful, seemed, now that he was outside his room, to lull liim to sleep. His excitement, and the forebodings which the strange figure liad brought to his mind, soon calmed down and disappeared. His head drooped. A cool wind got up and gently fanned his heated cheek, and within half an hour he was asleep — far more deeply, too, than he had been when stretched beneath his mos- quito net. He snored loudly and contentedly. The gim slipped to the ground, and caused him to stir un- easily. But he did not awake. He slipped farther down into his chair, and slept the sleep of the ex- hausted, oblivious of his danger, forgetful of the vow he had made, and of the watch which he had meant to keep. And his snores, the click of his rifle, and the shufHe of his feet as he stretched them out, were as a signal to the rascal who lurked in the shadows. He slipped into the open and listened. Then he dropped on all fours, and stealthily crept towards the verandah. At times he was hidden in the deep shade cast by the many shrubs which surrounded the house, while at others he knelt fullv outlined — a short, broad-shoul- 6 With Wolseley to Kumasi dered savage, as naked as the day when he was born, dark grey in colour, and gHstening under the moon's rays, for his body was freely anointed with oil. At such moments his pace quickened till he reached an- other friendly shadow, where he lurked for a minute or more, only the whites of his eyes showing occa- sionally as he stretched his head from the shade. Soon he was near the verandah, and seemed on the point of leaping the low rail which enclosed it, when an un- earthly shriek — the familiar night-call of a forest ani- mal — broke the silence, and set him trembling. "I'd wring its neck !" he growled hoarsely, while he wiped the beads of perspiration from his forehead. "The brute startled me, and may have awakened the young fool on the verandah. If it has — well, I must have the money. I must have it this night, too, and without further waiting. To-morrow will be too late. He'll know the truth then. He's cunning, this young Stapleton — cunning. He's deep and too knowing, and he suspects. To-morrow the books will show what has been happening these five years and more, and then " His eyes rolled, and an oath escaped his lips, for he thought of the Castle, of the cell which would re- ceive him, and of the labour to which he would be condemned. "To-night or never!" he muttered. "And if the youngster stirs or attempts to hold me, why, there's something here to make him alter his mind. Some- thing to stop him altogether, to shut his mouth, and keep his evidence from reaching the authorities." The thought seemed to please him, for he sat back A Great Misfortune 7 on his heels and gripped his revolver more tenaciously. Rut a moment later reflection brought some doubt to his mind, and his breathing became deeper and more hurried. "They'd know." he said, with an oath. "They're bound to know, in any case, for I must go. Once I have the money, I must take to the forest, and trust to picking up a boat along the coast. Even then I shall have to wait for months, for there will be a hue and cry. I'll have to make for King KofTee's country, and take service with him. He'll remember who has been so good about the supply of gims and ammunition. Yes, I'll make for Kumasi, and wait there till the storm has blown over. Ah ! he's snoring again. I must be quick. The morning will be coming in a couple of hours." The thought that he had a haven near at hand seemed to spur the miscreant on to his purpose, for he rose to his feet and emerged into the open, where the brilliant moon showed him even more clearly. It was obvious that he had purposely darkened his skin, for behind his ears, on the broad of his back, and on the palms of his hands were dusky-white patches, which he had omitted to cover. In fact, the robber who lurked so close to the house, and whose fingers grasped the revolver, was none other than James Langdon. whose name was uppermost in Dick Stapleton's mind. This thief, who came stealthily in the night, was the half-caste manager of the store which Dick's father had kept for many a year in Cape Coast Castle. Short and squat he appeared in the moon's rays, but the light was insufficient to show what manner of man he acta- 8 With Wolseley to Kumasi ally was. Had it been lighter one would have seen a heavy, ugly face, with thick lips and splayed-out nose, telling unmistakably of his negro origin. Crisp, curly locks, jet black in colour, covered his head, while some straggling hairs grew from his upper lip. The brows were low, the eyes too close together, while the thick- ness of the lips alone seemed to denote a cruel nature. James Langdon was, in fact, far from prepossessing in appearance, while he bore a character which was none of the best. He had a dusky complexion, sharp, white teeth, and that whiteness of the eye which belongs to a native. For years he had acted as Mr. Stapleton's manager, and tales were whispered in the place that he robbed his employer, that he had dealings with the natives of the interior which, had they come to the knowledge of Mr. vStapleton or to the ears of the authorities, would have gained for him instant dismissal, and in all prob- ability imprisonment. But IMr. Stapleton had never suspected, and the apathy of the officials had caused them to disregard rumours. And so it happened that James went on with his peculations and his illicit trad- ing till Dick came out to the Gold Coast, just four months before, and at once plunged into the business with the intention of mastering every detail. Gradu- ally, as the books and the working of the store became familiar to him, Dick had begun to suspect, and then had become almost certain of the fact that the manager was dishonest. "I'll make sure first of all," he had said. "I am new to ledgers and journals, and, in fact, to trade of any sort, and it is possible that I may be mistaken. I'll A Great Misfortune 9 g-Q through the entries again, so that there shall l)e no room for doubt." Unconsciously his manner had altered to the man- ager. He ^vas too honest to be on familiar terms with a man whom he suspected of robbing his father and as a result James guessed that he was found out, that this young Englishman regarded him with suspicion. He would have fled the place then and there had he had the means. But he had long since spent all his ill- gotten wealth. He remained, therefore, and while still contemplating the step, went on with his work as if he had nothing to fear. A few days later a sharp bout of fe\er, not the first which he had suffered by any means, attacked Mr. Stapleton, and to Dick's inex- pressible grief he succumbed. "Then I must go," said James Langdon, and with that he promptly decided to rob the son and decamp. Only a week had passed since Mr. Stapleton's death, when the half-caste proceeded to put his plan into execution ; and there he was, disguised in order that Dick should not recognize him, naked and well smeared with oil, so that if his young employer happened to awake and endea\oured to detain him, his grip would instantly slip from his body. "He's fast asleep, and now's the time," whispered Tames, running his fingers across his forehead to wipe the perspiration away. "I'll creep in and search for the box." He stood to his full height and peered over the rail of the verandah at the sleeping figure. Then he hoist- ed himself over the low wall and stole along the wooden flooring. It took more than a minute to reach the lo With Wolseley to Kumasi door of the room which Dick had recently vacated, for the sleeper was evidently troubled with dreams, and he breathed and snorted heavily, each sound bringing the robber to a stop, and setting him shivering with apprehension, for this half-caste was a coward at heart. But at length he found himself within the room. "Beneath the bed," he said to himself. 'That's where his father kept the gold, and no doubt the young fool does the same. He'll have left the box there, and I shall be able to get it and slip away without dis- covery." He was at the bed by now, and his arms were grop- ing vainly beneath it. An oath escaped him when he discovered that the box was gone, and he sat back on. his heels trembling, and furious with disappoint- ment. "Perhaps he has moved it," he said at length. "He guessed that some one was about, else why did he go on to the verandah to keep watch, and why the gun ? I'll strike a match and take a look round. First of all, is he quiet?" He stole to the open door and peered at the re- cumbent figure, now half illuminated by the moon. He could see the head lolling forward, the hands and arms trailing to the floor, and the stock of the rifle. The legs and feet, and the box for which he sought, were still in the shadow. "All's well," he thought. "A match will not awake him, and there is no one about to see the light." There was a faint, rasping sound, and the glimmer of a flame lit the room. The half-caste searched each corner diligently till the match burned to his fingers. A Great Misfortune 1 1 Then he flung- it aside witli an oath and rapitUy struck another. "Then he must ha\e the box with liim," he exclaimed hoarsely, while the frown on his ugly brows increased as he realized that his difficulties were suddenly in- creased. "He's asleep. I'll capture the prize and run to the nearest shadow. If he follows " His fingers felt the lock of the revolver while he lifted the weapon and took aim at the moonlit doorway. "I could hit him with ease, though I have never fired one of these before." he said. "Time's going. It must be done at once." Bracing himself with the thought, the miscreant stole to the door, and then along- the verandah till he was close to Dick. His hand went out to search for the coveted box, and then drew back suddenly, while the blood in his veins froze with terror. For Dick moved restlessly and spoke in his sleep. Had he discovered the attempt? Was he about to pounce upon the in- truder? The doubt set the half-caste shivering till desperation lent him strength, and he levelled the re- volver. His eyes shone strangely in the moon's rays as they fixed themselves on the unconscious youth, while the finger which lay on the trigger stiffened, causing the hammer to rise slowly into cocking posi- tion. Another movement would have been Dick's last. But the dream had passed, the nightmare which had troubled him was gone, and he slept easily. "I thought it was all up," growled the robber hoarse- ly, to himself. "He startled me. There's the box." His eye had suddenly lit upon it, and lowering his revolver he stretched out to it, caught the handle, and I 2 With Wolseley to Kumasi with a tug dragged it from beneath Dick's feet. Then he scrambled from his knees, and was in the act of leaping the rail of the verandah when the sleeper start- ed erect. A cry escaped him, and in an instant he was on his feet. Then with a shout of fury he threw him- self upon the robber. One hand gripped the ruffian's neck, while the other closed about his arm. For a sec- ond, perhaps, he retained his hold. Then a quick movement of the half-caste threw him off, his hands slipping from the well-oiled surface. There was a sharp report, and the flash of a revolver in his face. Then he was left, still gripping at the air, while James Langdon sought safety in flight, his dark figure flitting across the brilliant moonlit patch to the nearest shadow. "Stop !" shouted Dick, now thoroughly awake. "I know who it is. I recognized you by means of the flash. It is James Langdon, the man who has robbed my father for years. Stop, and return the box this instant. I promise to let you go free afterwards. If you refuse I will shoot you down as you run." He stooped swiftly and picked up his weapon. Then he leapt over the rail and ran into the open. "Now," he said, as he faced the deep shadow in which James had disappeared, and in which he still lurked, fearful that his figure would be seen as he crossed to the next, "come out and return the box. I give you half a minute. After that I fire." He could see the faint outline of the man, while the moving leaves told of his probable position. Dick levelled his weapon, and waited till he judged the half- minute had passed. "Once more," he called out, "are you coming?" A Great Misfortune i 3 There was no answer, only the leaves shook more violently. Dick took careful aim, and pulled the trig- ger, sending: a bullet into the verv centre of the figure which he had dimly perceived. But he had a cunnuig fox to deal with, and forgot that he himself stood brilliantly outlined in the open. James Langdon knew that he had but to draw his fire to escape to the forest, for long before Dick could load again he would have p-ained the woods. He waited, therefore, till our hero's patience was exhausted. Then he threw hmiselt tiat on the ground till the shot rang out. An instant later he was on his feet racing into the forest. And after him went his pursuer, hot with rage and anxiety. Dashino- into the thick bush he endeavoured to come up T T with the fugitive, but all was dense darkness here. He struck his head against an overhanging bough, and a moment later caught his feet in a twining vine, coming with a crash to the ground. He was up in a moment, only to meet with the same fate again, while the half- caste, better versed in the ways of the forest, crept steadily along on all fours, feeling his way through the tangle.' Dick was beaten, and in his rage he blazed right and left into the forest ; but the shots did no harm to the fugitive, while hardly had their reverljeration died down when there followed the mocking calls of the half-caste. "Set a watch and keep it. Dick Stapleton," he shouted, "and learn to be wary when James Lang- don is about. As to the box. have no fear for its safety. I promise to take care of the gold which it contains." He gave vent to a boisterous laugh, a laugh of 14 With Wolseley to Kumasi triumph, and then went on his way, leaving Dick trembling with fury. ''Listen to this, you ruffian," he shouted back. "You are a knave, and have robbed me as you did my father. Don't think to escape. Some day we shall meet again, and then you shall answer for this crime." A jeering laugh was his only answer, and dispirited, and well-nigh on the verge of tears, he retraced his steps to the house, and threw himself into his chair, a prey to the worst misgivings, wondering what he should do next, how he was to live, and how to repair his ruined fortunes. CHAITRR II A Gallant Rescue. Moderately tall and broad, with well-tanned skin and pleasant features. Dick Stapleton looked a gentleman and a decent fellow as he lolled on an old lx)x which lay on the beach at Cape Coast Castle. He was dressed in white ducks from head to foot, while a big solar topee covered his head. His collar was thrown wide open, a light scarf being tied loosely round the neck, while his whole appearance gave one the impression that he was decidedly at ease. And yet he was not happy. A week had passed since the robbery, and in that time he had given full particulars to an apathetic police force. He had offered a reward for the recov- ery of the treasure, and he had wondered how and where he was to live. "There are the two houses," he had said over and over again to himself. "One is the store, and has per- haps fifty pounds worth of goods in it. The other, the living-house, is of greater value. But they are useless to me, for without capital I cannot run the store, while without means I cannot live in the house. And I haN-en't, so far, been able to come across a tenant. I've five pounds in cash, and when that goes I'm penniless." He began to throw pebbles aimlessly, vaguely won- dering what he could do to lighten his difficulties. »5 1 6 With Wolseley to Kumasi "It is plain that there is no work for me here," he said at length. "Practically every white man between this and Elmina is an official of some sort, while the natives don't connt. Of course there are the mer- chants and the storekeepers, but then I am neither the one nor the other now. Father even never made much more than a bare living, thanks, perhaps, to that robber. Ah, if I had had the means to organize an expedition I would have followed him ; but then where should I have obtained an escort? These Fantis, fine fellows though they look, are really cowards, so I am told." He watched one of the ebony natives lounging in the shade some little distance away, and noted his tall and well-proportioned figure. Then he turned to others, who sat with their toes dipping in the water, and their knees submerged every now and again as a big wave thundered on the sand. They were the kroomen, who were accustomed to play between shore and ship, and bring off passengers and baggage. "They will have work soon/' thought Dick, as his eye lit upon a steamer approaching. "But they know that it will be an hour yet before she is at her moorings of¥ the coast. She's a big vessel. One of the regular callers." For a little while he gazed at the ship, wondering who were aboard, and which of the white officials who had gone away on leave some time before, fagged and debilitated by the trying climate, would return, and come ashore fresh and cheer\% with that ruddy complex- ion common to Europeans and to natives of the British Isles. "Lucky beggars," he thought. "They will have A Gallant Rescue 17 everything- clear before them. They will take up the old work as it they had merely been for a day's shoot- ing up-country, and their friends whom they relieve will take their bunks and sail away. It would be a fine thing for me if I could get a billet under the Govern- ment." He lay there for a long time reflecting, and as he did so the ship came rapidly closer. When a mile from the sandy coast she dropped her anchor, and those ashore could easily see the splash as it entered the water. Then she lay to. with her broadside facing the land, rolling and heaving with monotonous regularity. Dick watched the bustle aboard listlessly, for it was no unusual sight for dwellers on the Gold Coast, the \Miite Man's Grave. Time and again he wondered whether there might be some one aboard to whom he could offer the store and the house, or some one who would befriend him and perhaps obtain some post for him which would enable him to work for a living. For as the reader will have learned, Dick was in difficulties. He had come out some months before at his father's urgent call, and had barely had time to lo^k into the business of the store when his father died. Then came the theft of the gold, and here was our hero stranded indeed, with little experience, and with very few years behind him. Xo wonder that he was dis- mayed. That as his fingers closed on the five golden sovereigns in his pocket his mind went time and again to the future, wondering what would happen when those golden coins had perforce been changed into silver, and the silver had dwindled away. *Tf it had been in London," he said, 'T should have 1 8 With Wolseley to Kumasi soon found work of some sort, or I would have eagerly taken the Queen's shilling and enlisted. Here there is no work, at least not for a white man, and there is no supervising or overseeing job that I can get. Lastly, there is no recruiting station." He had but stated the facts. For the past week he had been the round of the town, and had even gone, cap in hand, to the Governor. "We're sorry for you, Stapleton," the latter's secre- tary had said, as he shook Dick's hand, "but we have nothing to offer. We can't even take over your prop- erty, nor promise to look after it while you may be away. The best thing for you to do w^ill be to get back to the Old Country, and try your luck there. You think of enlisting, do you? Well, it's a fine profes- sion, is soldiering, and you are the lad to do well. Perhaps you might even find your way out here again, for let me tell you something. That rogue, King Koffee, is stirring his Ashantee tribesmen up for war. He is itching for a fight, and means to force one. So you might pay us a visit. By the way, are you really in earnest?" "About the army, sir ?'' asked Dick. "Yes, about enlisting. So many young fellows threaten to take the step, but fail for want of pluck w^hen the critical moment comes. You see, there are not so many gentlemen rankers, and whatever others say, there's no doubt that the life is a rough one, and particularly so to the son of a gentleman. That's bar- rack life, of course. Out on active service it's differ- ent, for then officers and men live practically the same life, and put up with the same hardships." A Gallant Rescue 19 "I know it's not all a feather bed, sir." replied Dick, respectfully. "But I'm stranded. I can't be kicking my heels out here in idleness, and I see few prospects of selling the store and the property. So I shall take \\hat I can get for the goods now on hand and get a passage to England. If I can I shall work my way back, for it would be as well to learn to rough it from the first." "And perhaps I could help you." was the answer. "Look here, Stapleton, we're sorry for you. It was very hard luck losing your money in that way, and if you are really keen on returning home with a view to entering the army, I'll get you a post aboard a steamer. A word from the Governor would influence the cap- tain, and as you say, it is better to rough it now, and get a little practice, before joining the ranks. There, too, I can do something, I imagine. Come again when you have thoroughly made up your mind, and I will see what can be done." Dick had to be satisfied with that, and as he lay there on the sand he had firmly come to a decision, and re- solved to ask for a post aboard the steamer then lying in the roads, and return in her to England. "But first I'll see whether there is any one there who wants a store or a house," he said. "They'll be coming soon. I see the surf-boats are on the way, and the rope gangway has been lowered." He watched as some passengers clambered down tlie gangway, their white drill clothing showing crisply against the dark background of the ship, while others, less capable of the somewhat difficult feat of descending a swaying ladder, were lowered in a chair slung from 2 With Wolseley to Kumasi the yard. Then his eye lazily followed as the kroo boys thrust their long paddles into the sea, and shot the big- craft from the vessel's side. A second took its place at the gangway, and another load of passengers, all in gleaming white clothes as before, descended or were slung into the boat, and were rowed away. After that he could see the baggage being lowered down till other boats, which had now gone alongside, were well filled. "There's Brown, who went home six months ago, just before I came out," said Dick, suddenly, as the first boat drew near the outer margin of the surf. 'T remember he brought a message to me from father. How well he's looking. When I saw him last he was a skeleton." He rose to his feet and strolled down to the edge of the sandy beach, where he waited to greet his friend. There were one or two others whom he recognized, and they waved to him. But for a little while passen- gers and friends ashore were completely divided, for a wide belt of raging surf stretched between them. On the outer fringe of this the surf-boat lay to, the kroo boys standing along the sides with the tips of their paddles just dipping in the water. They made no movement save every now and again when a big swell- ing breaker caused them to roll, and threatened to carry the boat into the surf. Then there was a word from the headman, the paddles dipped deeply, and the boat swung back from the surf. "It wants doing to-day," said an officer, who had now taken his place beside Dick. "There's no wind to speak of, but there's quite a heavy surf. I always like A Gallant Rescue 2 i watching those kroo boatmen. Clever beggars, Sta- pleton, and full of pluck when engaged in a job of this sort. Ah. they are off." A shout came over the water, and at once all the paddles were plunged deep into the sea. The boat, lielped by a breaker, sprang forward into the surf, and then being caught up by an enormous rolling billow, she shot forward on its crest, being lifted many feet into the air, till, in fact, those aboard her seemed to l:>e far above those on the beach. But in a moment she dropped down again, and for a few seconds was out of sight. "Looks as though the following wave would cover her," said the officer, as he watched keenly for another sight of the boat. "Those beggars are paddling as if for their lives." At that instant the surf-boat had again come to view, and as the officer had remarked, the kroo toys were plying their paddles with tremendous energy. They looked over their shoulders with some apprehension, and then at the repeated shouts of their leader they dug tlieir blades into the boiling surf and struggled to push the craft towards the shore. But in spite of their exer- tions the surf-boat seemed to be receding. She ap- peared to be slowly gliding backward down the far side of the billow which had just passed, falling, in fact, towards the gulf which lay Ijetween it and the monstrous wave which followed. "They're done," cried the officer. "They'll manage it, I think," said Dick, quietly. "But it's touch and go." And that it prove^l to be. The men aboard shouted, 22 With Wolseley to Kumasi and drove their paddles with fierce energy, while the spray licked about them, and the following wave seemed to surround them. The passengers, seeing their danger, behaved like sensible beings. They sat still and clutched their seats, while they looked backward apprehensively. Suddenly the boat began to move for- ward. The efforts of the paddlers were having the desired effect. It slowly gathered way, though the following wave, with its green curling crest now erect- ed high above the craft, seemed to be about to fall upon it and swamp the passengers. Another shout, another fierce struggle, and the boat shot forward, the crest of the wave doubled up, caved in at that point, subsided into the seething boil about it, and then glided under the surf-boat, lifting it swiftly into the air. How it moved ! It might have been shot from a gun. And the kroo men had reversed their paddles. They were now doing their utmost to restrain the boat, to keep her from being dashed on the shore. It was a mag- nificent struggle. The curling wave, a huge mass of foam and w^ater, burst with a thunderous boom on the sand, and breaking into a million cascades, shot its torrents up on to the beach. The boat fell as suddenly till its keel was close to the sand, when it leapt forward again and finally came with a bump to the ground. At once the kroo boys leapt over the side, waist-deep in the receding water. They were almost dragged from their feet, but they clutched the boat, and putting their united strength to the task, ran her a few feet higher up, till, when the water subsided, she was left almost high knd dry. "Bravo !" shouted the officer and Dick together. "It A Gallant Rescue 23 was a narrow squeak. Ah. how are you. Preston?" went on the former as he recognized a friend, while our hero turnetl to the young fellow whom he had last seen in England. Bv now a numher of other residents had arrived, and there was an animated meeting, the passengers leaping out and shaking hands. Amid all the excitement, the hand-gripi)ing. the questions as to friends at home, and as to matters on the Gold Coast, no one took notice of the following l)oats save Dick, who had greeted his friend an^l left him to pass on to others. He watched, therefore, as the second craft approached, and stared at the occupants as the stout vessel lay off the breakers waiting lor the propitious moment to arrive when it would be wise to push forward. There were five passengers in all, three of them officers returning to duty, and two others, of whom one seemed to be a man of some fifty years of age. thin and almost cadaverous, while the last by all appear- ances v.-as a very stout, short man, who found the heat trying, for he fanned his face with an enormous topee, then mopped his brows with an exceedingly red ban- dana handkerchief, and finally, with a start of surprise, stood up and stared back at the oncoming waves with every appearance of dismay. Dick heard him shout, and a moment later the tall, thin man had swept him to his seat again with an adroit movement of the arm. "A stranger, evidently." thought Dick. "He has never been in the surf before. The other man knows the ropes well, while the officers T recognize as old residents. Ah, they've started. The little fat beggar doesn't like it." 24 With Wolseley to Kumasi The stout man evidently felt some tremors, for he clutched at the side, pushing his head in between two of the kroo men, till his companion, seeing that he was in the way, dragged him back and spoke sharply to him. After that he remained as if rooted to his seat, staring at the wave which followed, and shuddering as the boat was lifted to the summit of a crest, and again as she as quickly slid back into the abyss behind. A shriek escaped him as the craft slowly receded, while the harder the paddles worked and their leader shouted, the more did the terror of the unaccustomed situation seem to fill this little stranger. A moment later a shout from Dick and a chorus of yells attracted the attention of those ashore. They turned to find the boat gone. She had been completely engulfed by the following wave, and for a minute nothing but seething water could be seen. Then a black arm shot up, and later the whole of the kroo rowers bobbed to the surface like corks, and knowing what was wanted, merely struggled to keep their heads above the surface wdiile the water swept them ashore. Then the three officers appeared, and rapidly followed the example set them, "Two are missing," shouted Dick, ''the fat little man and the thin one." "Then one at least has gone for good," replied one of the passengers who had just come ashore. "The Dutchman couldn't swim if you paid him. The other could, no doubt. Hullo! What's happening. Staple- ton ?" "I'm going in," said Dick, quietly, as he tore at his coat and kicked his shoes off. "Look; there's one, and he's helpless !" A Gallant Rescue 25 He had no time for more, but coolly nodding to the group, ran into the water, and as a wave crashed into seething fofim at his feet he dived into the mass and disappeared. A minute later he was in the trough be- y(^nd. and the wave which followed merely lifted him high in the air. There was a warning shout from the shcire. and a dozen fingers pointed to his right. But Did did not see them. Nor did he even hear, for the roar of the surf was so great. But he happened to catch sight of an arm, which was instantly submerged, "That is one," he said to himself. 'Til get him if 1 dive." Dick had learned to be wary, and knew that it is as dangerous to approach a drowning man from behind as from the front when he is still full of vigour. He dived, struck out beneath the water, touched some- thing, and struggled to the surface, clutching the tail of a coat. He pulled at it, and slowly the fat face of the stout little passenger appeared, and close to his that of the thin man. the one with cadaverous cheeks. Then a pair of amis came into sight, and Dick gathered that the stout stranger had gripped at the nearest per- son and had dragged him down with him. making escape impobsible. making it even out of the question for the taller man to struggle for existence. "Better get them ashore like this," he thought, with wonderful coolness considering the danger. "There's a wave coming. I'll copy the kroo boys and wait for it. Then I'll try to get all three of us flung on the Ixjach." He took a firm hold of the collar of the stout man, who was apparently unconscious, for his eyes were 2 6 With Wolseley to Kumasi tightly closed, though his arms still retained their grip. But the hold which Dick had obtained enabled him to keep the fat stranger's lips just clear of the water, while it also raised the other man's face. Then Dick lifted his free arm for a second. Those ashore saw the movement and shouted, while three or four of them ran down into the sea. A wave was coming. Dick could see it in spite of the blowing spray which whisked across the water. He took a deep breath and gripped the coat with both hands. The curling crest of a green wave shut out the horizon. There was a crash in his ears. The torrent caught him and almost tore his grip from the collar. Then he felt that he was moving. He and the weight to which he clung shot towards the shore, a foot or more of water covering them. Then there was a second crash, loud shouts from those on the beach, and afterwards — "Hullo! Does it hurt? Broke just above the elbow and we had such a job. No. Lie down, sir! You are not to move. Lie down, I say ! You are safe out of the water." Dick collapsed flat on his back and stared indignant- ly at the individual who had dared to give the order. He was a trim, dapper Englishman, with a small beard, and as he returned our hero's gaze he showed every sign of being a man who meant what he said, and would have no nonsense. He was minus his coat, and his sleeves w^ere rolled to the shoulder. "That's an order," he laughed. "Remember that, youngster. An order. See that you obey it." He shook his fist, laughed merrily, and proceeded to unroll his sleeves and don his coat. A Gallant Rescue 27 They were in a large, airy room, and when Dick turned his head, he could catch, through the widely opened windows, a view of the sea, of the ship which had just reached the roads, and a small section of -the sandy beach. Xo one was stirring. The sun was right overhead, and the shadows short and barely per- ceptible. The atmosphere quivered with the heat. Even the birds and the insects seemed to have suc- cumbed. An unnatural quiet reigned over that portion of the Gold Coast, and only the surf thundered and roared. But that was partly imagination. Dick could not shake off the impression that he was even then swallowed in that huge mass of water, and that he could still hear, was deafened, indeed, by the crash of the billows. He looked again down at the sands. A solitary Fanti boy lan- guidly sauntered across the view. There was a boat drawn up clear of the breakers, and another lay off the ship, a mile from the shore. Was it all a dream, then ? "I say," he suddenly remarked, and he felt surprised that his voice should sound so low and weak. "Er, I say, if you please, where am I, and what has been hap- pening?" "Happening?" exclaimed his companion, with ele- vated eyebrows. "Oh, nothing at all. You acted like a madman, they tell me. You dived into the surf, and, as a result, the surf threw you back as if it objected to you. It threw you hard, too, and wet sand is heavy stuff to fall on. You've a broken arm, and may thank your stars that that is all. It ought, by rights, to have been a broken neck and hardly a whole bone in your 2 8 With Wolseley to Kumasi body. Where are you? Why, at the Governor's, of course. In clover, my boy." The jovial individual laughed as he spoke, and came close to the bed. "You've been an ass," he said bluntly, and with a laugh. "Seriously, my lad, you've done a fine thing. You went into the surf and brought out those two drowning men. It was a fine thing tO' do, but risky. My word, I think so !" He took Dick's hand and squeezed it, while the bantering smile left his lips. "A nigger is at home sometimes in the surf," he explained ; "but when you know the coast as I do, you will realize that to get into those breakers means death to most white men. You want to he a fish in the first place, and you need to be made of cast iron in the second. I'm not joking. I've seen many a surf-boat splintered into bits as she bumped on the beach. Men are thrown ashore in the same way, and they get broken. Your arm is fractured, and a nice little busi- ness it has been to get it put up properly. The Dutch- man is still unconscious, and I fancy he swallowed a deal of salt water. Mr. Pepson, the other individual whom you saved, is quite recovered. He's one of those fellows who is as hard as nails. But there, that'll do. I'm talking too much. Lie down quietly and try to sleep like a good fellow." So it was real after all. He had not dreamed it. He had gone into the surf, and the Dutchman was saved. "And who's this Mr. Pepson?" thought Dick. "And this fellow here must be the doctor. One of the army A Gallant Rescue 29 surgeons, I suppose, i-ancy being at the bovernor's house. Phew ! That ought to get me the billet aboard the ship." Suddenly he recollected that his fractured a,rm would make hard work out of the question for a time, and he groaned at the thought. "Pain?" asked the surgeon. "Xo? Then worry? What's wrong?" Dick told him in a few words. "Then don't bother your head," was the answer. "The Governor is not likely to turn you out while you are helpless, and the time to be worrying will be when you are well. You've friends now, lad. You were no one before — that is, you were one amongst many. Now you have brought your name into prominence. We don't have men fished out of the surf every day of the year." He spoke the truth, too, and Dick soon realized that liis gallant action had brought him much honour and many friends. The Governor came that very after- noon to congratulate him, while the members of the household, the ladies of the Governor's party, fussed about their guest. Oflicers called to see the plucky youngster, while, such is the reward of popularity, two of the traders on the coast made ofifers for Dick's houses and the good-will of the stores. It was amaz- ing, and if our hero's head had hummed before with the memory of his buffeting in the surf, it hummed still louder now. He was in a glow. The clothes on his bed seemed like lead. The place stifled him. He longed to be able to get out. to shake off the excite- ment. "An attack of fever." said the surgeon that even- 30 With Wolseley to Kumasi ing, as he came to the room and found Dick wandering shghtly. "The shock, hard times for the last few weeks, and thoughtless exposure to the sun, are prob- able causes. That's what many of the youngsters do. They think that because an older hand can at a pinch work during the heat of the day and in the sun, they can do the same. They can't. They haven't the stamina of older men. Here's an example. He'll be in bed for another week." And in bed Dick was for more than that time. At last, when the fever had left him, he was allowed to get into a chair, where for a few days he remained till his strength was partially restored. Another week and he emerged into the open. And here at length he made the acquaintance of the men he had rescued from the surf. CHAPTER III A Mining Expedition Dick could have shouted with merriment as the two strang^ers whom he liad rescued after their upset in the surf came up the steep steps of Government House to g"reet hiiu. and still more was his merriment roused as the stout little man came forward to shake him by the hand. For this rotund and j(illy-looking individual was dressed in immaculate white, with an enonnously broad red cummerbund about his middle, making his ^■ast girth even more noticeable. His round, clean- shaven face beamed with friendly purpose, while there was about him the air of a leader. He struggled to appear dignified. He held his head high, and showed no sign of feeling abashed, or ashamed at the memory of his conduct aboard the boat. "Ah, ah!" he gasped, for the climb had taken his breath away. "Bud id is hod for walking, Meinheer Dick, and zese steps zey are sdeep. I greed you brave I-'.nglishman as one brave man would anozer. I render zanks fr)r your aid. I am proud to shake ze hand of mine comrade who came into ze wild sea to give me ze help." 3> 3 2 With Wolseley to Kumasi "Goodness!" thought Dick, "he speaks as if he had actually been attempting to save his friend, and had not really been the means of almost drowning him." He glanced furtively at the second stranger, as the fat man grasped his hand and pumped it up and down, while at the same time he vainly endeavoured to mop his streaming forehead. But Dick could read nothing in the face of Mr. Pepson. Perhaps the keen sunken eyes twinkled ever so little. Perhaps that twitch of the thin lips was a smile suppressed. Beyond that there was nothing. Mr. Pepson gazed at his rescuer with evident interest, and seemed barely to notice the pres- ence of his companion. At length, however, he moved forward a step and addressed himself quietly to Dick. "Let me introduce our friend," he said, with a quaint little bow, removing his topee as he did so. "This is Meinheer Van Somering, of Elmina." "Dutch by birdh and a Dutchman to ze backbone, Meinheer," exclaimed the stout man, as he released Dick's hand. "I am one of ze residents of Elmina, which was in ze hands of mine coundry till ladely, you undersdand. Id is a spod to visid. Ah ! zere you will find comford. But I have nod zanked you." "Indeed you have, ^^ou have said enough. I did nothing to speak of," exclaimed Dick, hastily. "How are you? None the worse for your adventure?" "None, we thank you," answered Mr. Pepson, in- terrupting the voluble Dutchman as he was in the act of launching forth into a speech. "We grieve to hear how badly you have fared, and we hope that you are now on the mend. You do not like thanks. I see that plainly. Then I will say very little. I owe you A Mining Expedition 33 my life. ]\ir. Stapletoii, and 1 and all consider your action to have been an extremely plucky one. Now, may we sit down? It is hot, as 2^Ieinheer says. And these steps are steep." "Sdeep! Mein word! In Elmina zere are none like dese. Here, in Cape Coast Castle, ev^ryzing is sdeep. You climb or you run downhill. Zere is no level. Id is derrible!" The fat little Dutchman threw his hands into the air with a comical expression of disgust, and then flung himself back into a basket chair, causing it to creak and groan and bend to one side, till Dick thought it would certainly collapse. Mr. Pepson smiled. "Our friend does not think greatly of this English possession of ours," he said, "and there I agree with him, for Elmina is by contrast a charming spot. You have been there. Mr.. Stapleton — Dick I think they all call you ?" "Xo. I have never been to Elmina," Dick was bound to admit. "Ah, well, it lies some sixteen miles to the west, as you will know, and the Dutch held it for many years — in fact, till recently, when England bought the place. It is beautiful in many ways. There is little fever. The spot is drained and the bush cut back into wide clearings." "Ah. yes, Meinheer, and led me add, zere is a har- l>our. Look zere!" The little Divtchman danced to his feet and tiptoed to the edge of the steep steps by which he had so re- cently ascended. Then he pointed a condemning finger 34 With Wolseley to Kumasi at the white sandy beach, and at the thundering surf which crashed upon it. "See id! Ze cruel waves, which so nearly robbed me of a dear, dear friend, for whose life I struggled till Meinheer Dick plunged do ze rescue. Zere is none of zat at Elmina, We Dutchmen made a harbour years ago. You can land at Elmina as you mighd in Hol- land. There is nod even a — ah, whad do you call him — ah, I have him, yes, a ribble, zere is nod even zat, Meinheer." The comical little fellow threv^ out his chest, as if that were necessary considering its huge dimensions, and patted it gracefully, while he looked round upon his listeners in turn as if seeking for some words of praise and commendation. "It is true enough," admitted Mr. Pepson, and again Dick thought he detected a half-suppressed smile. "The country to which our friend belongs sent excel- lent colonists to Elmina. They have a harbour, and why we have not one here passes belief. But there. Why let us compare the two places and their govern- ments? It is sufficient to say that Elmina has ad- vanced as the years have passed, while this possession, which has been in our hands for more than two hun- dred years, has receded if anything. A cargo of cement and two months' work would have made a harbour. An engineer with limited skill and knowledge could have erected a breakwater which would have enabled small boats to lie snug and secure, while there would have been no need for surf-boats. As to the bush. They call this 'The white man's grave.' And so it is. But the health of the town could be vastly improved A Mining Expedition 35 if proper efforts were made. The bush could be cleared and the place drained." He paused and looked out to sea, while Dick, as he watched the surf and thought over what had been said, could not help feeling that had the measures just men- tioned been carried out, his father might still be living, and many another Englishman with him. Indeed, there is little doubt that at the time and until this period Cape Coast Castle and its neighbourhood had been sadly neglected. Xo English colony had advanced less, and none was so unhealthy, though a little effort would easily have improved matters. "You are lately from home?" asked "Sir. Pepson, suddenly, turning to Dick. "Four months ago. I came to help my father, who had had a store here for many years. He died a week before you landed." "Before you aided us in our efforts to reach the land, I think," was the smiling rejoinder. "I knew your father slightly, and I sympathize with you in your loss. Do you propose to remain in these parts?" The question was asked so quietly that Dick could not imagine that Mr. Pepson had the smallest interest in the answer. And yet, had he watched this stranger, he would have seen a keen glance of the eye, a move- ment of the hand which denoted eagerness. "I shall sail for England as soon as my arm is strong enough. I have been pronn'sed help in getting a place aboard one of the ships. I shall work my way home, and then seek for employment. I have been rather unlucky." "You were robbed, we hear. But you still have 36 With Wolseley to Kumasi some property left, and perhaps you might find work here. What would you say to a trip up-country ?" Mr. Pepson leaned back and surveyed our hero. He drew a cigar from his pocket, bit the end off, and ap- plied a match. And all the while his eyes were on the young fellow who had saved his life. As for Meinheer Van Somering, his cheeks were puffed out with suppressed excitement. He leaned forward till his chair looked as if it would capsize, and he devoured the figure seated before him \\ith eyes which were almost hidden behind the wreathes of fat which clothed his cheeks. "Mind," said Mr. Pepson, calmly, "a trip such as I suggest would not be a holiday. There are dangers other than connected with fever. There are natives. Have you heard of King Koffee's hosts of warriors?" Dick had heard a great deal, and acknowledged the fact. "Every one seems to think that there will be trouble with them, before very long," he said. "The Fantis, the people on this side of the Pra, go in terror of their lives. Yes, I know that there is danger up-country, but then, Mr. Pepson, it is not so great as to keep an Englishman away." "Nor one of my gread coundry, Meinheer !" "Quite right ! Quite so. Van Somering. Now lis- ten, Mr. Dick. We — that is, Meinheer and myself — - are about to march into the interior, to a spot some miles north and east of the Pra. We are bent on gold- mining, and we have bought a concession from this King Koffee. Meinheer has had his agents there for the past six months — a Dutchman and natives — and A Mining Expedition 37 there are shafts sunk, a stockade erected, and gokl is heing obtained. Now 1 have come into the venture. The agent is about to retire, and we desire to see our concession, and to place an agent in charge who can be rehed upon. The post is a dangerous one. It is also one of responsibility, for many ounces of gold pass through the hands of the man who is in charge. We have been seeking for a successor, and we believe we have found him. You are the young man upon whom our choice has fallen." Dick could have fallen from his chair, so great was his astonishment. "But — but — I am only eighteen," he stammered. "And I don't know anything about mining." "We want a reliable and straightforward man," said Mr. Pepson. quietly, "and we believe you to be that. Your age does not come into the question. In England you might be just leaving for college, or have held a commission in the service for a year. You would hardly be deemed fitted for a post of great responsi- bility. Out here it is different. You have pluck and tenacity. Every one in the place says that. You speak a little of the Eanti language, and you have some knowledge of the country and the natives. As to the mining, no knowledge is required. The natives sink the shafts and get the gold. You take charge of it, and, at stated periods, send it down to the coast. Your greatest task will be to see that all is secure. To make sure that the Ashantees are friendly, and in the event of probable trouble, to secrete the gold and beat a re- treat. In other words, we want a sensible individual, with some command over the natives, and with enough 38 With Wolseley to Kumasi pluck to enable him to live almost alone in the forests." The offer was a tempting one. Dick saw employ- ment before him, and a life which he judged would suit him well. Then, too, longer residence in the coun- try would enable him to safeguard his interests on the coast, and perhaps to sell or let the property which was all that he possessed. "As to the pay," said Mr. Pepson, "that will be lib- eral, far better, indeed, than an official of your years obtains in these parts. We have a valuable concession, and we can afford to pay the right man. Then, too, there is a question of the store. You have one, we learn. We are prepared to enter into an agreement to take a share of it from you, or we will take all, paying for the house and the goodwill of the business. In ad- dition, since we shall want a residence, we are pre- pared to rent or buy the residence in which your father lived." Could he believe his ears ? Could it be that he was listening to a proposition which would relieve him of all his difficulties? Dick felt stunned. The roar of the surf, which had troubled him ever since his ad- venture, threatened to deafen him. He felt dizzy, and sat back in his chair, grasping the arms for support. Meanwhile, Mr. Pepson watched him calmly, Mein- heer Van Somering beaming upon him as though he alone were the author of all these suggestions, and as if Dick were indebted to him only. 'T can see a brave man wid half one eye," he gasped, as he fanned his hot cheeks. "Meinheer is brave. He will fighd for us. He is ze man we look for." A Mining Expedition 39 "Then I accept." exclaimed Dick, eagerly. "I feel that I am too young for the task, or rather, that I should be at home in England. Out here it is differ- ent. I can speak a little of the language, and. if it is any advantage. I can shoot straight. I will go to this concession, and will do my best in your interests. As to the property, your suggestions take my breath away." "While we are only too glad to have the opportu- nity of thus helping a friend. Now, IMr. Dick, we shall leave you. It is hot. and you are tired. I will call to-morrow, and will then make a definite offer for the business, or a share of it. Meanwhile I will send some one to you who can give you independent advice as to its value. For business is business, my lad, and it is necessary that your interests should be protected. Now, Meinheer, we will go. It is downhill to the hotel, and therefore easy walking." He rose as Dick sprang to his feet, and shook our hero warmly by the hand. Meinheer Van Somering repeated the process, and having backed to the edge of the stairs, swept his topee from his head and treated Dick to an elaborate bow. "We shall meed again. Meinheer Dick," he called out. "Till zen a Dutchman is proud do call himself your gread friend. Mein word! bud id has been a pleasure to meed you." He swept his topee on to his head again, mopped the perspiration from his face, and descended slowly, leaving Dick with his head in a whirl, and feeling half inclined to laugh at the memory of this Dutchman's comical figure, his absurd attempts to be dignified, and his vast stock of self-assurance; and more than half 40 With Wolseley to Kumasi disposed to shed tears of joy and relief at the words of Mr. Pepson, at the offer which had been made to him, and at the prospect for the future. Then he sat down and did what many another youngster has done, who has been hurt and has been sick for a time. He fainted from sheer weakness and inabihty to withstand so much excitement. "And that is all the thanks I get for allowing them to come," exclaimed the trim-bearded doctor, as he glared at Dick some minutes later. "It's all the work of that fat little Dutchman, of that I'm sure. He'd talk till any one was weary. Well, he shall not come again. You are to be a prisoner here, my boy, till you show signs that you are really mending. Fainted ! Just fancy!" He went off with a sniff and a smile, leaving Dick quite well again, but ready now to inflict the direst punishment upon himself for displaying such weak- ness. "I could kick myself!" he exclaimed in disgust. "Here am I, in clover, as the doctor says, but till half an hour ago with starvation before me. I was on my beam ends, and did not know where to look for work or help. And here I am, with a post assured, and every prospect of earning a decent living. And the news upsets me. I'm a donkey ! A fine thing if Mr. Pepson had seen me. A nice thing for him to know that his future manager might faint like a girl at the first critical moment. Pah! I wish some one would kick me!" There was no one at hand to comply with his invita- tion, and presently the memory of his weakness wore A Mining Expedition 41 oflf and Dick fell asleep. A few days later he was far stronger, and when three weeks had passed he was him- self again, his arm was out of the splints, and carried in a sling, while, when the doctor or Mr. Pepson were not about, he amused himself with using the hand and fingers. "As well get accustomed to working the limb," he said to himself, with a smile. "I am sure that the expedition is dallying here till I am well, for that is just like Mr. Pepson. He is really grateful, and his •liberality is wonderful. I must get this arm out of the sling as soon as possible." Another week, in fact, brought the consent of the doctor, whereupon active preparations for the trip up- country were commenced. Meanwhile our hero had learned more of his new friends. Mr. Pepson, he found, was a wealthy trader from Sierra Leone, while Meinheer \^an Somering was, as he had proudly stated, a native of Elmina. Born and bred there, he spoke the native tongue like his own. and knew the Gold Coast intimately. It was he who had learned of the goldfield on the Pra, and unable to purchase the con- cession himself, he had sent the information to Mr. Pepson. Dick learned to like the Dutchman immense- ly, to laugh at his comical appearance, his efforts towards dignity, his mighty ways with the natives, and his good temper. ?Ie was vastly amused at Mein- heer's other side, at his obvious nervousness, and at his boastful ways and words. "He is a good friend, and an amusing companion," said Mr. Pepson one day, "and if he has his little faults we must not complain. Tlie truth is that he is 42 With Wolseley to Kumasi no fighter, Dick. When that is said, we have said SLifficient. If we meet with trouble we may rely upon his seeking for and finding a secure retreat. We will not count on his help to protect the expedition. After all, it is only fair that the work should be divided. I shall command, and you will aid me. Meinheer is chief interpreter till you have made more acquaintance with the natives, and he will advise us about the mines and their working. Now let us go into the question of the expedition. You know the site of the mines?" Dick had heard that it was somewhere on the river Pra, and said so. "It is exactly ninety-four miles from here," said Mr, Pepson, "and is surrounded by dense bush. To get to it we ascend the river Pra till we reach a point on a level with the mines. Then we strike into the jungle. We shall take with us a few sets of hand winding gear, for at present the natives lower themselves into the shafts by their own efforts. The gear we have brought is simple, but it will answer well and save labour. Then we are taking guns and ammunition, rockets, grenades, and a small brass cannon. In addition there will be picks and spades, and iron boxes, in which the gold will be packed. As to conveyances, there is a large launch for our own use, and she will tow a couple of narrow native craft, and more if necessary. Once we have settled there, she will return with us, and will make periodical trips from the mines as soon as you have taken charge. She will be close to your hand, and if you meet with trouble you will know that there is a means of flight, and a way by which you can reach the coast. Now let us see to our personal outfit, for A Mining Expedition 43 remember, we may he montlis away, and we are going into parts which try the best of clothing." They took their way into the town, for they had been chatting on the beach, where many of the stores for their expedition had been accumulated. Then they went by the road which led to the house which Dick's father had erected, and which had now passed into the keeping of the two partners. There they found a na- tive tailor, with his wares already spread out on the verandah. "He is a humble and patient individual," said Mr. Pepson, with a smile, "and he will have carried out my orders to the letter. These natives cannot always cut garments, and for bush work, as for any other, it is essential that one's clothes should fit easily and well, for otherwise in this hot climate they are apt to chafe. That being the case, I have for years made it a prac- tice to get a stock of clothes when in England, and then allow^ a nati\e to copy. You understand, he picks a suit to pieces, and makes use of the bits as patterns. He has a couple of suits here for us both. Yours is a copy of one which we found in your room. Come along. Give it a trial." This slender, cadaverous-looking Englishman from Sierra Leone seemed to be able to think of everything. Time and again Dick had cause to wonder at his thoughtfulness. his care for others, and particularly for our hero ; and long ago he had ceased to do more than murmur his thanks, for Mr. Pepson would arrest him at once with a warning finger and a friendly smile. "What !" he would exclaim, "am I not to be allowed to do something for the comfort of one w'ho saved my 44 With Wolseley to Kumasi life, and that, too, of our stout friend, Meinheer Van Somering? The world is indeed an ungrateful place if one is to receive such an act with only passing thanks, to reward it with a nod and a few polite words, and then in the rush which surrounds us to forget the deed and the one who gallantly performed it. Surely there is as much pleasure in remembering a brave act and a good friend as in anything. I hold that a gentleman never forgets his debts of gratitude, for they are in- deed debts of honour, which can never be settled too completely." And Dick would become silent, though now and again he would lamely protest that he had done nothing at all. "That is your modesty, Dick," would be the answer. "I may say the same. I have done nothing more than any business man would do. You are to be my agent. I have a big stake in these mines, and I wish all to go well. Consequently, to avoid future loss, I equip my agent with the best and see to his welfare." There was no arguing with such a man. He would smile that dry smile of his and would turn away. But Dick did not forget. If Mr. Pepson was grateful, so also was he, for he was indeed in clover. He saw w^ork before him, hard work, too; for he had been given to understand that the post of agent would be no sinecure. Then he was now a partner with Mr. Pep- son and the Dutchman in the store which his father had had for so many years. It had reopened already with a flourish. A manager had been appointed, and there were prospects of reviving the business, so that Dick might look forward to an income. Then he had A Mining Expedition 45 been credited with a good sum, which Mr. Pepson had insisted was the vakie of the partnership, while a further sum was to be paid every year in the way of rent for the residence. And now, as if that were not enough, here was a complete outfit. Dick donned the clothes which the native had prepared, and stepped into the centre of the verandah for Mr. Pepson's approval. ''You will do well," said the latter, when he had sur- veyed him critically. "The stuff is some which I im- ported specially. It is a dark cloth, as you observe, and. while being thin and light, it is strong, and to a certain extent waterproof. It will stand the thorns in the jungle, and better perhaps, should we meet with trouble, you will find that it does not make the wearer conspicuous. There is a green shade in it, and that will be difficult to detect against the foliage. Now the hat. That will do. too. It is made of the same ma- terial, and is just the thing for the jungle. A topee would be in the way, and besides, the sun does not penetrate very much, and, indeed, is often not to be seen. You will carry a topee in your kit for open spaces." Three days later all was in readiness, and Dick found himself dressed in preparation for an early start. As he looked in his glass that morning, an hour before the sun rose above the steaming jungle and bush, he saw there a young fellow of medium height, dressed in a loose-fitting knickerbocker suit, with wide-awake hat to match. A leather belt was alx)ut his waist, and slung to it was a revolver, while on the other hip he carried a short sword, with a keen cutting edge on one side, the reverse being fashioned like a saw, for they 46 With Wolseley to Kumasi would have dense jungle to pass through, and such an implement was necessary. Beneath the loose coat he wore a light flannel shirt and turn-down collar, open at the neck. A pair of gaiters covered his calves, while his feet were clad in strong shooting boots. Alto- gether he looked a likely young fellow, and his smooth features and firm chin, disclosing a creditable amount of determination and obvious courage for one so young, set off his general appearance and led one to believe that the mining partners had not made such a bad choice after all. "It's we who have made the mistake," said the Gov- ernor that morning to his secretary, as he bade fare- well to the expedition. "We knew the lad was in diffi- culties and wanted a job, but we thought him too young. We let him kick his heels till he was miserable. We looked on while he was robbed and ruined, and we should have helped him to slip from the country had it not been for that plucky dash of his. I tell you, there are bad times coming. I could have found him useful as a police officer. We want a likely fellow, who can speak this Fanti tongue, to keep an eye open for the doings of the Elmina natives. This fellow would have done well. But there! we've lost him. It's always the way with those in authority. We hesi- tate. We know that our choice must be sanctioned by some man in office away at home, a man, mind you, who has never seen the object of our choice. That's red tape. It kills initiative. It has lost us a good fellow, and these men, Pepson and the Dutchman, have been too smart for us. They have jumped at him, and they've a real good fellow." A Mining Expedition 47 There was quite a commotion in Cape Coast Castle that morning-. Many turned out to see the last of the expedition, and there was a cheer as tlie party em- barked on a surf-boat, and put out to the steam launch lying just off the beach. "Good luck ! and watch the Ashantees," shouted one of the Government officials. "Bring back plenty of gold." called out another. "Good-bye and good luck !" The words of encouragement and a last cheer came to them as they boarded the launch. There was a sharp order from J^Ir. Pepson, then the engines re- volved, the propeller thrashed the water, and they were off, Dick and his friend watching the receding figures on the shore, while the sprightly Van Somering climbed to the highest point of the narrow deck and there held himself with head erect so that all might view him and admire. "A great swell he is, too," laughed Mr. Pepson, as he and Dick turned from the shore. "His appearance alone should mean our security from attack." And our hero was fain to agree. For the fat little Dutchman had exceeded any former attempt. True, he was dressed in the same loose clothing, made of the selfsame material as worn by his comrades. But his vanity had added embellishments to it. His shirt was red, a red which dazzled the eye, while the belt which surrrounded his ample waist was some five inches in ^vielth — strong enough, in fact, to bear the weight of two such Dutchmen, while it carried in front an enor- mous revolver and a dagger of like proportions, all of which made it appear as if Meinheer Van Somering 48 With Wolseley to Kumasi were a man of pugnacious disposition, and therefore to be avoided. An hour later, a little while after the sun had risen over the jungle, the launch glided into the river at Elmina, and came to rest close to the mole. "We will see first of all that our stores are here," said Mr. Pepson, as he leaped ashore. "Then we will move on without delay. Come with me, Dick, and go over the list of our possessions." Everything had been sent on some few days before from the neighbourhood of Cape Coast Castle, where they had been landed from the steamer, and thanks to the careful foresight of Mr. Pepson, Dick found that three dugouts, of large proportions, lay close to the mole, roped firmly together, and in these were disposed the belongings of the expedition. In the bows of one was the brass gun, while there were sniders in all three and an ample supply of ammunition. In addition, half a dozen Fanti warriors sat on the thwarts waiting for the forward move. "Hook on the launch," said Mr. Pepson. "Now, all aboard. Send her ahead, Johnnie." Johnnie was the native boy who had been trained to man the engines of the launch, and he rejoiced in the name given. At the word he opened the steam throt- tle till the merest jet was fed to the cylinders, and gently drew ahead of the boats, slowly stretching out the hawser connecting them till it was taut. Then again there was a commotion at the end of the launch. The water was thrashed into foam, the ropes creaked and stretched, and finally the launch was under way, the three boats following gaily in the wake of the A Mining Expedition 49 plucky steamer. Mr. I'epson was at the wheel, and promptly put his helm over till they were heading for the very centre of the river. "All clear here," he said, with a smile. "Now we make out for the sea, for this is not the river Pra. It lies a few miles to the west. Once there we shall not always have a wide, open stretch to steer through, par- ticularly when we have ascended a few miles. Then, indeed, the fun will commence, for there are sure to be sandbanks and shallows, while I believe that crocodiles abound. In any case the river will narrow, and before very long the trees will come closer together and will shelter us from the sun. Send her full steam ahead, Johnnie." By now they were feeling the swell at the mouth of the harbour of Elmina, and for some minutes all clung to the sides, for the light craft were tossed by the enormous surf running outside. \\'hen that was safely passed the steam launch turned to the west, and they went off along the coast, just as they had done that morning, watching the white sandy beach as they swept past it, the interminable forests beyond, and the blue haze hanging over the hills and mountains in the dis- tance. Two hours later they reached the mouth of the river, and having approached it carefully, for mud banks lay off it in many directions, they shot into an open channel, and soon found themselves ascending the Pra, a broad river, there known as the Bustum. "Higher up it is called the Pra," explained Mr. Pep- son, "until it bifurcates. The branch flowing from the east is then called the Prahsu. while the one from the west is known as the river Offwin. \\'e do not 50 With Wolseley to Kumasi ascend either of these. Our route takes us by a narrow tributary flowing into the Pra, and by that means we reach our destination. Now we can go full ahead." Once more the throttle was opened to its full extent, and with the three boats in tow the launch steamed up into the heart of the country, with every prospect of covering many miles ere the darkness came and caused her to come to a stop. CHAPTER IV A Chase and a Fight "In a little while the sun will be down," said Mr. Pep- son, as he sprawled on the deck of the steam launch that evening. "Then it will be dark in half an hour or less, and we shall have to think of setting a watch. Meinheer will take the first one. From seven to nine, Meinheer. Dick will follow from that hour till mid- night, and I shall take the watch from the first moment of the new day till the light comes. That will be about three o'clock. Now let us get our supper." All day they had been steaming without adventure and without interrui)tion up the broad sweep of the river Pra, seeing nothing to alarm them, and meeting with no difficulties. So far they had had plenty of water beneath their keels, and an ample space through which to steer. But there were signs that the river was narrowing, while all felt as if the forest was hem- ming them in. "Zis is noding do whad we shall have soon." the Dutchman said, with a wave of his arm. "Zis forest — I have l^en for some miles into him before, mine friends — sdredches for a long, long way. Id is tick, 51 52 With Wolseley to Kumasi too. See how ze drees shood up close togeder. And watch below. Ze creepers are everywhere. Id would dake a day do cud a new road a mile long-. Yes. Id is dense. Bud we shall have no drouble. Ze river dakes us do ze mine." "Por which I am only too thankful," added Mr. Pepson. "Our journey should occupy but three days, or at the most four. If we had to march through the forest we should have to take an army of Fanti labour- ers to cut a road. And then think of the fever." "And of the machinery, too," exclaimed Dick. "Yes, that is another point," agreed Mr. Pepson. "This country has been noted for its gold for many years. The Ashantis have carried on a trade since they became a nation, and there is no doubt that there are vast natural stores. You may ask, why have others not attempted to open mines before this? They have done so. The beach at Elmina and at Cape Coast Castle is strewn with rusting machinery, which has been landed with a purpose, and then left to rot a.nd rust simply because of the difficulty of transport, and because of this forest. Luckily for us our mine is near the river. But here's supper. Sit down, Van Somering." It was delightful to be out there in the open, even though the air hummed with myriads of mosquitoes. The launch and her three consorts lay moored out in the stream some hundred yards or less from the left bank of the river. About them, but for the buzz of the insects and the ripple of the water, all was still and silent. Not a beast seemed to be stirring, while even aboard the boats all had settled down to rest. Johnnie, A Chase and a Fight ^^ the stoker and driver, sat in the engine-well wiping his black hands after an inspection of the machinery, while the Fanti crew lay curled up in the L)ottoni of the boats, two in each one. content with the world, waiting (juiet- ly for their evening meal. And now it was ready. With a broad grin Johnnie announced that the water boiled, w hile Dick, who had been superintending a dish of bacon which he had placed at the furnace door, sang out that it was done to a turn. "Then I will make the coffee," cried 'Sir. Pepson. "Meinheer. see that the cloth is laid ; and, Dick, steady with the bacon. We will start fair together." The cloth consisted of a sheet of newspaper, a very ancient London daily, which the Dutchman spread out on the deck. Plates were of enamelled iron — the class of ware to stand half a dozen campaigns — while mugs were of the same hardy material, and were apt to be used for soup or coffee, water or good wine, just as circumstances dictated. It was all very jolly. This al fresco picnic delighted Dick, and he set-to at the meal with gusto, apologizing for his appetite. "Id is goot! Id will make you grow sdoud, mine friend," grunted Meinheer, in the midst of consuming a rasher. "Id will make you grow so big zad ze na- tives will zink you a gread man. See how zey dread me, Meinheer \'an Somering!" He ]o