o^v- s^ COLONEL EGERTON LEIGH. A GLOSSARY OF WORDS USED IN THE DIALECT OF CHESHIRE FOUNDED ON A SIMILAR ATTEMPT BY ROGER WILBRAHAM, F.R.S. and F.S.A, Contributed to the Society of Antiquaries in iSiy. BY LIEUT.-COL. EGERTON LEIGH, M.P. II LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND CO. CHESTER : MINSHULL AND HUGHES. 1877. LONDON : CLAY, SONS, AND TAYLOR, PRINTERS, » ,•*• EREA2) STH4iaT^JIIJ:-L,; • 'r^UKEN, V?eTO«IVS«"gBI?t- DEDICATION. I DEDICATE this GLOSSARY OF Cheshijie Words to my friends in Mid-Cheshire, and believe, with some pleasure, that these Dialectical Fragments of our old County may now have a chance of not vanishing entirely, amid changes which are rapidly sweeping away the past, and in many cases obliterating words for which there is no substitute, or which are often, with us, better expressed by a single word than elsewhere by a sentence. EGERTON LEIGH. M24873 PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS ATTACHED TO WILBRAHAM'S "CHESHIRE GLOSSARY." Although a Glossary of the Words peculiar to each County of England seems as reasonable an object of curiosity as its History, Antiquities, Climate, and various Productions, yet it has been generally omitted by those persons who have un- dertaken to write the Histories of our different Counties. Now each of these counties has words, if not exclusively peculiar to that county, yet certainly so to that part of the kingdom where it is situated, and some of those words are highly beautiful and expressive ; many of their phrases, adages, and proverbs are well worth recording, and have occupied the attention and engaged the pens of men distinguished for talents and learning, among whom the name of Ray will naturally occur to every Englishman at all conversant with his mother- tongue, his work on Proverbs and on the different Dialects of England being one of the most popular ones in our PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. language. But there is a still more important benefit to be derived from this custom, were it practised to its full extent in a publication comprising all the provincial Dialects of Eng- land, as they would, when united all together, form the only true and soUd foundation for a work much wanted, a General Dictionary of the EngHsh Language.^ Far be it from me to attempt in the least to depreciate the wonderful powers displayed by Dr. Johnson in his Dictionary, although it is now pretty well ascertained that he was himself much dissatisfied with it ; but as an Etymological Dictionary, it certainly has no claim whatever to praise ; for the learning of Dr. Johnson, extensive as it was, yet did not embrace a knowledge of the Gothic, Teutonic, or Anglo-Saxon languages, nor of the other various Northern sources of our language ; and moreover, he seems to have had very little acquaintance with the old French or Norman languages. By following the traces of Junius and of Skinner, he has indeed, though not very successfully, attempted to supply the former deficiency ; but to remedy the latter, namely, his ignorance of the old French language, was not so easy a task, his own labour and industry in that branch of learning being absolutely necessary, as there is scarcely a single Lexicographer of the English tongue, who, though aiming at Etymology, seems to have possessed a competent knowledge of the old French language. * This deficiency no longer exists ; as the new edition of Dr. Johnson's Dictionary, by the Rev, H. J. Todd, now forms a most comprehensive and satisfactory vocabulary of the Enghsh language. So that the author of this little provincial Glossary may truly say, in the words of the great poet of Italy, " Poca fa villa gran fiamma seconda." — Wilbraham, Second Edition. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Had life, health, and the avocations of politics afforded to another gentleman, one of the most acute grammarians, and of the most profound etymologists that ever adorned this or possibly any other country (I mean the late Mr. Home Tooke), sufficient leisure to accomplish his great plan of a general Etymological Dictionary of the English language, we should certainly have at this time a clearer view into the origin of our mother-tongue than we have at present. Most of the leading terms in all our provincial Dialects, omitting those which are maimed and distorted by a course of vicious pronunciation, are not only ProvinciaHsms but Archa- isms also, and are to be found in our old English authors of various descriptions j but those terms are now no longer in general use, and are only to be heard in some remote province, where they have lingered, though actually dead to the language in general. ** Ut silvse foliis pronos mutantur in annos Prima cadunt, ita verborum vetus interit aetas. " — Hor. The truth of this observation of the poet is fully illustrated by an example taken from this very Cheshire Dialect, there being several words recorded by Ray as belonging to it, which are even now no longer in use, at least as far as it could be ascertained by the investigations made by the writer of this ; so that they have actually perished since the time of Ray. Provincial words, accompanied by an explanation of the sense in which each of them still continues to be used in the districts to which they belong, would be of essential service in explaining many obscure terms in our early poets, the true PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. meaning of which, although it may have puzzled and be- wildered the most acute and learned of our commentators, would perhaps be perfectly intelligible to a Devonshire, Norfolk, or Cheshire clown. Some of our provincial Dialects, as the North-Devon, Lan- cashire, and a few others, are already in print, though in a very imperfect state ; but by far the greatest number of them either have not yet been collected, or, if they have, exist solely in MS. To bring these all together, as well those which have already been published, as what might be collected from different MS. copies, as well as from individuals now living, is a most desirable object, and would, when accomplished, form a work eminently useful to any English philologist who might have the courage to undertake and the perseverance to accomplish a General Dictionary of the English language. In a letter I formerly received from the late Jonathan Boucher, Vicar of Epsom (a gentleman who, had he lived to execute his plan of a General English Dictionary, would probably have rendered the observations here made quite superfluous), he mentions the great similarity in many instances between the Dialects of Norfolk and of Cheshire, though the same similarity does not subsist between either of them and those of the interjacent counties, and expresses his wish to have some reason given for this circumstance. His observation I knew at that time to be well founded, but I professed myself unable to explain it ; however, having since that time reflected a good deal upon this singular circumstance, I will endeavour at least in some measure to account for it. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. The truth of the observation made by the same learned gentleman, that all Provincialisms are also Archaisms, to those who are well acquainted with our old English authors, is too evident to stand in need of an illustration. Now the county palatine of Chester, having been in great measure a separate jurisdiction till the days of Queen Elizabeth, had very little intercourse with the neighbouring counties ; the principal families of the county, and much more those in a middle station of life, for the most part intermarried among each other, and rarely made connections out gf the county, — a practice which is recommended in an old Cheshire adage : ^ so that the original customs and manners as well as the old language of the county have received less changes and innovations than those of most other parts of England. The inhabitants of Norfolk too, living in an almost secluded part of England, surrounded on three sides of it by the sea, having little intercourse with the adjoining counties, have consequently retained in great measure their ancient customs, ■manners, and language, unchanged by a mixture with those of their neighbours. Even at this day in Norfolk a person born out of the county is called a Shireman or rather Sheer- man, i.e. one born in some of the shires or counties of Eng- land ; not without some little expression of contempt on that very account. So that the two languages of Cheshire and of Norfolk, having suffered less innovation from a mixture with others, have also retained more of their originality, and con- ' "It is better to marry over the mixen than over the moor : " t.e. your neighbour's daughter rather than a stranger. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. sequently must bear a closer resemblance to each other than what is observable between most of the other Provincial Dialects of England. Dr. Ash in his English Dictionary has admitted many words which belong to the Cheshire Dialect ; these he has evidently taken from Ray's Proverbs : others he marks as obsolete, or as local. With regard to those called by him obsolete, it is apprehended that, if they are still in use in any part of England, the term obsolete is improper. Of those which he calls local he does not specify their precise locality, so that the reader is left at liberty to assign them to whatever district of England he pleases. He has some Cheshire words also to which he has attributed a different meaning from what they now bear in the county. These three last descriptions of words, namely those Dr. Ash marks as local, those called by him obsolete, and those to which he has given a different sense from what they now convey, have all a place in this imperfect Glossary. A few words are likewise admitted on the sole authority of Ray, though some of them never occurred to the compiler of this catalogue, whose communications in different parts of the county have since his early days been very slight, and merely occasional. The Reader will observe many words in the Cheshire Glossary, which may be found in Mr. Todd's edition of Dr. Johnson's Dictionary : these Mr. Todd speaks of as PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. northern words, and not in common use, except in the north- ern counties ; but as they are so in Cheshire, I thought the admission of them here perfectly justifiable. To words of this description the name of Todd is occasionally subjoined. This, however, was not so much the case in my first list of words, which was sent to the Antiquarian Society before Mr. Todd's Dictionary was completed. The very great resemblance of the Dialects of Cheshire and of Lancashire may be observed by the frequent repetition of the abbreviation Lan. in this Glossary. One peculiarity in the English language is to change, if I am not permitted to say soften, the pronunciation of many words in the middle of which is the letter L preceded by either of the consonants A or O. Thus in common discourse we pronounce Bawk for Balk, Caaf for Calf, Haaf for Half, Wawk for Walk, Tawk for Talk, Foke for Folk, Stawk for Stalk, and St. Awbans for St. Albans ; but in the Cheshire Dialect, as in all the other Northern ones, this custom, and the practice of substituting the o for the a and the double ee for the igh, prevail in a still greater degree : thus we call All . . . ' aw Always awways Alsager . r Auger Altrincham !- . . names of places . . •< Autrincham Alvanley ^ v Awvanley Bold bowd Calf cauf PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Call . caw Can con Cold .• cowd Colt cowt Fold fowd Gold gowd False fause Foul, dirty, ugly fow Fool foo Full foo Fine foin Hold . howd Holt howt Half . hauf Halfpenny hawpenny Hall . haw Long lung Man mon Many mony Manner monner Might meet Mold mowd Pull poo Soft saft Bright breet Scald scawd Stool stoo Right reet PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Twine twoin Flight fleet Lane loan or lone Mol mal Sight see Sit seet Such sich The following abbreviations have been adopted : Lancashire Lan. Junius, Etymologicon Anglicanum .... Jun. Skinner, Etymologicon Ling. Angl. . . . Skin. Wachter, Glossarium Germanicum .... Wach. Ihre, Glossarium Suio-Gothicum Ihre. Kilian, Etymologicon Linguae Teotiscse . . Kil. Somneri Dictionarium Saxo-Latino-Anglicum . Som. Jamieson, Scotch Dictionary Jam. Law Latin Dictionary . . L. L. D. Nyerup, Glossarium Linguae Teotiscae . . . Nye. Promptorium Parvulorum Clericorum . . . P. P. C. Ortus Vocabulorum Ort. Voc. Ray's Proverbs Ray. Grose's Provincial Glossary G. P. Gl. Ash's Dictionary Ash. Palsgrave, L'Ecclaircissement de la Langue \ Fran^aise J Hormanni Vulgaria , . H. V. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Littleton's Dictionary Litt. D. Benson's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary .... Ben. Shakespeare Shak. Old Word . . . O. W. Scherzius, Glossarium Germanicum Medii ^vi Scherz. Haldersoni Lexicon Islandicum Hald. Randle Holme's Academy of Armoury . . Acad, of Arm. Wolf's Danish Dictionary Wolf. LIST OF PLATES. 1. COLONEL EGERTON LEIGH. Frontispiece. 2. ROGER WILBRAHAM, ESQ To face page XV 3. ARK, OR CHURCH PRESS, AT LOWER PEOVER „ ^ 4. THE CHESHIRE BEDGOWN „ 1 8 5. QUEEN ELIZABETH'S HORN - BOOK OR READAMADAZY „ 56 6. PARISH PRESS, OR RECORD CHEST, IN MALPAS CHURCH „ 160 7. INTERIOR OF WATERGATE ROW, CHESTER „ 1 73 8. A CHESHIRE COTTAGE INTERIOR ... „ 195 9. EMBROIDERED BACK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH'S HORN-BOOK „ 237 5 '^-^"^J ) Roger WiLBB^JHiiiM Esuj,^' REASONS FOR WRITING THIS BOOK. Being aware that Roger Wilbraham's " Attempt at a Glossary of Cheshire Words " did not comprehend many County Words in common use ; I felt that now or never was the time to make another "Attempt" at a Cheshire Glossary; before the School Inspector, "Vastator," should succeed in expatriating, or making penal, any words that might have no dictionary nor polite parlance authority ; and before emigration, railways, and the blending of shires, should destroy or expatriate much that is curious and quaint in our Cheshirisms. I believe that Ray was one of the first authors, if not the first, who, more than two hundred years ago, in his works on " Provincial Words and Proverbs," embalmed and potted for posterity some interesting Cheshirisms. Since the first edition of Roger Wilbraham's Glossary nearly two generations have elapsed. It is sad to think (even since that time) how many words that then existed, but are not mentioned in his book, may have fallen out of our vocabulary \ and I wish to catalogue as many words as I can belonging to my county, so expressive, and in many cases so xvi REASONS FOR WRITING THIS BOOK. irreplaceable, before they disappear. I do not profess to say that the words in my Glossary are Cheshire solely and purely ; for, considering the propinquity of Shropshire, Staffordshire, Derby, Wales, Yorkshire, and above all Lancashire, mentioned by Drayton as — " Our own twin scyre, and joined unto us so That Lancashire with Cheshire still doth go," it is evident that our words and those of our border counties should be mostly interchangeable. My list comprises words used in Cheshire, yet not used in the common parlance of society, and unregistered in modem (and many in no) dictionaries. The larger portion of our Cheshire words have (where traceable) an Anglo-Saxon origin. I have been surprised (con- sidering the propinquity of the Principality) at the compara- tive absence of adopted Welsh words, and at the few that have a Latin root, considering the long presence of the 2oth Legion at Chester, which itself derives its modern name (if a name of some eighteen centuries can be so called) from Castra. Mr. Dasent, I see, will not allow even ark (a chest) to be derived from the Latin area. We use a great many northern and Scotch words, a great many transpositions, like neam, for name, and waj)s for wasp. In some cases we follow the correct pronunciation, though it is ignored by civilization. We pronounce wound with the proper ou intonation like hound. In common, or as it is called correct (?) parlance, the word is pronounced as if spelt with double oo. REASONS FOR WRITING THIS BOOK, xvii I began this Glossary long since, but have from time to time delayed the publication from additional words dropping in, and I wished to avoid Addenda, Omissions, &c. I now publish, and hope any who may read the Glossary will forward to me any omissions I have made. I leave Wilbraham's Preliminary Observations to tell their own tale ; I do not entirely agree with them, particularly in the similarity of Cheshire and Norfolk dialects, and the reasons for such alleged resemblance, and a Norfolk antiquary takes the same view as myself I have adopted Wilbraham's '^ Glossary " with certain unimportant alterations. The appendix and omissions I have woven into the body of the work ; as, in a book of reference, there is nothing so puzzling as to have to search in two or three places, instead of having everything so?fs main. Some words I have omitted, like J^i'ck, Beesom, Tom Tit, &c., which, if they ever were provincialisms, are now so universally used as to take them out of that category. I have also omitted some part of the derivations of many of the words. All the words in Wilbraham that remain as in his " Glossary " I have marked with a w. Those I have added are marked with an l. And words in Wilbraham to which I have added any remarks, or altered in any way, have no letter to them. I have to thank Mr. Wilbraham of Delamere for giving me access to his ancestor's notes ; but whatever Roger Wilbraham had written seems to have been published, and after the second edition he seems to have made no b xviii REASONS FOR WRITING THIS BOOK. more notes. 'I have put Roger Wilbraham in his proper place. I acknowledge the kind assistance given me by the Hon. J. Warren, who at one time I hoped would have undertaken a task he would have carried out much better than myself. Mr. Davies of Warrington, Mr. Vawdrey of Tushingham Hall, Whitchurch, have been able and most willing to help me. I also here acknowledge with thanks the help I have received from Mr. Thomas Hughes, F.S.A., Secretary of the Chester Archaeological Society, Mrs. Yates, Mr. Holland, Mr. Earwaker, of Oxford, Mr. Parrott, Mr. Tayjor, Mr. Booking, Mr. Croston, and Mr. Dillon, Mr. Lowe, of Macclesfield, Mr. Weston, of Northwych, Mr. Chadwick, Mr. Pendlebury, Mr. Weatherhill and others, who either sent me words new to me, or corroborated those I had by me. I wish further to express my thanks to Miss Tippinge, the Hon. Mrs. Mitford, Miss Browne, the Rector of Malpas, and others, for their kind and ready assistance. I have been disappointed, I am bound to confess, in receiving very few answers, in reply to my applica- tions for help, through the local papers, which I thought would have opened out for me mines of antiquarian lore. Through Notes and Queries^ I understand that another was pursuing the same subject as myself, and I hope that what I may have missed may have been rescued from obHvion by other hands, and vice versa; so that our two Glossaries may bring about a full and satisfactory result. For the correctness of most of the words in my Glossary REASONS FOR WRITING THIS BOOK, xix I can vouch, from having heard or met with them myself, or from having been corroborated or authenticated by those on whom I rely. When I have not seen a word spelt in print, I have adopted the phonetic spelling. An " English Dialect Society " has lately been originated under the auspices of the Rev. Walter Skeat, A.M., of Cambridge. The annual subscription is only ten shillings, and nineteen Glossaries of different counties and parts of Great Britain (some by lady authoresses), are already in progress ; and I hope the result will be the rescue of many hundred old English Words from oblivion before it is too late. The natural result will be that many dark passages in Shakespeare and other old authors will be easily explained, and many words might I think be readopted with advantage, which in select society require two or three words to express the same idea. As for the few illustrations in the book, they may be un- usual in a Glossary, even in this illustrating age, but I am of the opinion of Horace — ** Segnius irritant animos demissa per aurem, Quam, quae sunt oculis subjecta fidellibus." EGERTON LEIGH. The West Hall, High Leigh. June, 1876. NOTICE As these sheets were passing through the press, we have received, with feelings of the deepest regret, the intelligence of the AUTHOR'S death. While engaged in the endeavour to rescue from oblivion the record of decaying or obsolete Cheshire Words, his own life has yielded to the universal influence to which men, their words and works are aHke subjected, and has, alas ! to be added to the long catalogue of the Past. This is no place for panegyric, but perhaps it may not be presumptuous to express the hope that his own memory may be handed down in company with those WORDS of the "Old County," to* whose prolonged existence he was so diligent and affectionate a contributor. D. W. R. CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. A. '• ■■'••'■ ■■■• ■■ Abacko, prep. — Behind, l. " Abacko behind, Hke a donkey's tail/' O.C.P. Aboon, adj. — Above, i. About, to get, v. — " To get about of a person," is to get without him, to get rid of him. l. Above a bit, (expression). — A good deal, much. l. Abricock, s. — Apricot, mentioned by Gerard ; in fact it was the only name formerly — perhaps from Apricus, Latin, sunny. In an old " Reccit Booke 167I-" I find a Recipe ''to drye Abricocks," and another for " Abricock Past," (paste). There is an old word " Apricate," to bask in the sun. l. AccLJSSiNG, adj, — Disputing, wrangling. '* Come, no acces- sing." It may be a form of the modern "A cursing;" — " Here's a fellow a cussing like any think." l. AcHORN, or rather Atchorn, s, — An acorn — "To go atchoming " is to go picking up acorns — '' The pigs are gone o' atchorning." — " Agden" (near High Leigh) means the place of oaks or valley of oaks — A.S. Aac, Oak; Den, a valley. — In Greek livl^a^, a place abounding in trees, diySpoy a tree. " Acton," the town of oaks. l. CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. aCK Acker SPRIT, pari. — Said of potatoes when the roots have germinated before the time of taking them up, by which the old roots become less fit for food, and the young untimely root is neither ripe nor developed. The term was used, or revived, in the exceptionally dry summer of 1868, when there was scarcely a drop of rain for three months, and when the fields were the same colour as the roads ; the sheep (an un- common thing for healthy sheep) drank regularly; the crops of hay were s"o^ H^hl: ^nd short, that there was nothing for the "pikel" to take hold of, turnips almost non-existent, ditto maiigclds, and >' potatoes were very generally Ackersprit, a second crop having formed on the new potatoes. Corn, and particularly barley, which has germinated before malting is said (by maltsters in the eastern counties of England) to be acrespired, or eagerspired, i.e. early grown. Skinner derives the word from A.S. ^^^cer, seges satum," and " nostro spire spica." l. AcKERSPYRE, 7>. — To sprout or germinate. Jam. w. AcTiLLY, adv. — Actually, l. Adam's flannel, s. — Vide Blanket Mullein Adbut, s. — The same as Adland, q. v. l. Adder's-grass, s. — Cynosorebis — Gerard's Herbal, l. Addle, Yeddle, v. — To earn, to thrive, to merit by labour. Adlings, wages — A.S. ^dlian, reward, w. Addlings, s. — Wages, earnings from labour, w. Adland, s. — A form of headland. The turning ground for the plough. The butts in a ploughed field which lie at right angles to the general direction of the others, the part close to the hedge. "He's turned a narrow Adland" is an O.C.P. meaning that he's had a narrow escape from death, l. Adoe, s. — Much to do, hurry, bustle, difficulty, P.P.C, "Much adoe about nothing." l. AGO CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. Afeard, sometimes Afeart, adj. — Afraid, l. Affadil, s. — The daffodil — " Flower of Affadille " is, in an old Lincoln cathedral manuscript, recommended as a cure for madness, l. Affrodile, s. — The daffodil, w. Afore, adv, — Before — one of the many biblical words in use in Cheshire, l. After, adv. — About. '' He's after taking another farm." l. Afterings, s. — The last milk (generally considered the richest). So called because, in all well managed dairies, a milker follows after the others to made sure of the afterings. l. Agate, adv. — To be about a thing. What are you doing ? "I'm agate ploughing." — It may be expressed by a person " being occupied in doing," — it may also be called expletive. — The sense seldom requires the word, but few words are so generally used. "A man not only "falls" a tree but "he is agate falling it." Sometimes when you ask after a sick person you are answered, " He's agate again," i.e. about and able to follow his work again. Here, the sense requires "agate." At the time of the last comet's appearance, some one observed " there's a comet agate." l. Agen, prep. — Against. "Agen the gate," " Agen the marriage." l. Agg, or Egg, v. — To incite or provoke, from A.S. eggian, to tgg on—" Oi've no peeas, oo's egging at me aw dee." w. Agged,/^^/. — Tired. The common English word is haggard, i.e., worn out, looks produced by fatigue and suffering, l. Agoe, s. — The ague. One of those diseases which used to be very common in Cheshire, but which is now almost un- heard of. The number of old receipts and charms to cure it B 2 4 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. AGR prove its former prevalence. There is a story of a Judge of former days having to try a very old woman for witchcraft, the principal evidence against her being a charm against the ague. It was handed up to the Judge, and he recognized it as one he had written on the spur of the moment when, in his wild days, he could not pay his bill at the public house, and, to clear the account, had given it to the ale wife, then before him, to cure her daughter, who was suffering from the ague ! The following is a receipt in m}' possession for the cure of the ague in a manuscript book of receipts more than two hundred years old: " Take the eare of a mouse and bruise it, then take salte and stamp them together, and make a pultas (poultice) with vinegar, and so lay it to the wrist?." l. Agreeable, a^/j. — Consenting. *' He is not agreeable," i.e. he refuses his consent, and will not a^ree to some plan or re- quest. In short, it is the root sense of agreeable when a person does agree ; he is naturally considered agreeable or pleasant, which is the common (though second) meaning, l. Agrimony, s. — Penny grass., l. Agues, s. — Haws, hawthorn berries, l. Aimer gate. — A nearer way. *' Are you going to Knutsford by the road ? " " No, au knows an aimer gate." l. AiTCH, V. — To ache. l. AiTCH, AiTCHES, s. — So pronounccd. Ache, pain. It is also used to express a paroxysm of an intermitting disorder. A.S. aa, ece, cece. " Hot aitches " are flushings of the face. w. Alecost, s. — Balsamita Vulgaris or FyTethrum lariacdum , also called '" Cost Mary," an herb that smells like the pea- mint. L. ANA CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 5 Ale Tasters, s. — Officers appointed in Chester, Congleton, &c., to prevent the adulteration of ale. l. Algerining. — Prowling about with intent to rob, robbery. " He goes about algerining and begging," often said of a tramp. A very curious word. Its derivation from the Algiers pirates is self-evident, l. Alkin. — All sorts, l. Allheal, s. — Pi'unella Vulgaris. It has several provincial names referring to its real or supposed healing quahties. l. All ALONG, ^^z^. — When abbreviated, ''awlong"or "awlung." In consequence of, or owing to. " Awlong o' ould ooman, we couldna come." A.S. G clang, l. Allegar, s. — Vinegar made of ale, usually mixed with other vinegar, i.e. ale aigre. Vinegar has somewhat a similar derivation, vm aigre. l. Allegar Skrikers. — Thin gruel, with vinegar in it for flavour. L. Allis, adx'. — Always, l. Allmacks. — All sorts, i^ All to nought, adv. — " He's all to nought the best man," i.e. He is doubtless, &c. l. Amang, adv. — Between, among. ^' Beat her amang her een " ; a suggestion from a drover to make a '* curst " cow go the right way. l. Ame, s. — Haft, handle ; " Th' axe ame's broke." l. Anall, or Inall, exc. — Often used but never wanted. '' He bought horse, and cart, anall" ; vide Inall. l. Anan, an adverb used as a verb. — '' What's that ? " " What do you say ? " Used to let the person with whom you are talking know that you have not heard him, or not caught his CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. ANC meaning. In common discourse the first letter is often clipped, and '^ nan " used for " anan." w. Ancliff, s. — Ankle. " Th' neatest anclifF as ever oi seed." l. Aneend, adv. — Upright, not lying down on one end. When applied to a four-footed animal it means "rearing," or in heraldic language " rampant." It also means perpetually, evermore. It is always pronounced aneend, and possibly should be written oneend. " He's plaguing me aneend," i.e. without intermission, l. Anent. — About. " I know nought anent him." l. Anenst, or Anainst, adv. — Opposite, over against, w. Anguish, s. — Used in pain of ^(?dy. French, aiigoisse. l. Antiprunty, adj. — Restive, as applied to a horse, t^ Antrims, s, — Whims, queer fancies, vagaries, like tantrums and anticks. Tantrums generally imply some proceedings pro- duced by temper ; in anticks, there is more fun than temper, l. Apple-Pie, s. — The plant Artemisia Vulgaris^ Mugwort, sometimes also Epilobium HirsiUum. The Great Hairy Willow Herb is called Apple-Pie, the smell resembling that of the apple. L. Appo, s. — Apple. Some one praising apple dumplings as savoury and economical, a bystander exclaimed : " I dunna mak much count o' appos, sin' an" uncle o' mine died o' appo- plexy." L. *' Apse, or Arpse upon thee ! " excl. — Often used in scolding a child for some peccadillo ; like ^' out upon thee." l. Ar,* adj. — High or higher, possibly from Latin arduus, or ardea; it reminds one of the motto of the Heron family, " Ardua petit Ardea. " l. * Arley, the high meadow, a variety of the name of High Leigh, which it joins. ASH CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 7 Ark, Arke, s. — A Chest, called Standard formerly. A corn ark, a flour ark. An " Arkwright " was the maker of arks. In the Foedera^ 45 Henry HI., there was a Royal warrant to hunt all Jews' arks throughout the kingdom. These arks are often elaborately carved, and sometimes contain secret drawers. In Wales "arkh " is used in the sense of a coffin, l. ANOINT ! excL — " Away with you ! " " Stand off; " vide Rynt. One of the ideas is that this exclamation may be deri\'ed from A Royji Tree, the Rowan — *' The spells were vain, the hag returns To the queen in sorrowful mood, Crying that witches have no power Where there is rown tree wood." Brand's Popular Antiquities. l. Arout, adv. — Out of doors, l. Arrh, s. — A mark or scar. A.S. Scear, a division, or Ice- landic, de?'. Adam Martindale {1623) in his Life says his face was not " arred '' by the small-pox, l. Arsemart, — s. Polygotiunty Knot Grass. — v. Lake Weed. L. Arsey Varsey, adv. — Topsaturvey. Head over heels, l. Arto ? ?A— Art thou. " Arto theer, Jack ? " ''Yoi." l. Ash Keys, s. — The seed of the ash. The failure of this crop is supposed to predict the death of one of the royal family. Amongst the Northern nations, cesk (A.S. ash) also meant a man, the tradition being that the first man v/as made out of an ash. It also meant a leader, and gave the name to Hengist's son. It is supposed in Cheshire, — according to the O.C.S. '* An ash for a squash, and an oak for a choke, — " that if the ash leaves precede those of the oak the season will be wet, — if vice versa, dry. The seeds of the sycamore are also called keys, being shaped something like the old clock-key. i,. CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. ASH Ashlar, s. — Stone not left in the rough, but squared for building, l. Ashpit, s. — The general receptacle of the rubbish and dirt of a house : vide Esse Hole, more commonly used. l. Ask, Asker, s. — A newt, — land or water, w. Askings, s. — The publication of the marriage-banns ; v/de "AXINGS." l. Asp, i". — The aspen-tree. "Shaking like an asp." O.C.P. l. Aster, s.— Easter, w. Astound, pari. — Astonished, w. At, pr/>. for in. — " A pain at her stomach." l. Atafter, adv. and /;r/. — After, afterwards. Chaucer has " I hope to see you atafter estur." — Morte d' Arthur. — " I'll be with ye at after," i.e. " when I have finished." l. Athurtens, adv. — The other side of. There is a pro- vincialism in Westmoreland and other counties, — " Athurt — " which is identical with athwart or across. " He's gone athurt " means, he has taken a short cut. l. Attercob, s. — A spider. Strictly, — poisonhead. l. Atter, s. — Poison. A.S. attor., ator, after, ater^ Poison. Latin, ater. Black is a common epithet for poison, the result of many poisons is either really or ideally to turn the body black, l. " Membris agit atra venena." — Georgic 2, 130. L. AuDFARANT, adj. — Old fashioned. " And " is often used for old. L. Aujer, s. — The Cheshire way of pronouncing the name of the village of Alsager. l. Aunder, s. — Afternoon. Cheshire pronunciation ''oneder." (Ray.) L. B\C CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 9 Aw. — I, also All, I'll. "Aw munna," I must not. l. Aw'd. — I had. l. AVhoam. — At home. l. AwMiNG, J. — Pantry, l. AwMiNG, adj. — Standing, and staring, and gaping. '' What aie ye awming at ? " l. AwTER, v. — Another form of Alter. Ax, V. — To ask. A.S. Acsiaii. l. AxiNGS, s. — The axings mean the banns. " Oo had the axings put up." l. Axleworth, s. — A Grinder, l. A is pronounced in " water " like ai in " wait," or a in " lay " ; like the o in " lone," in the word *' lane," like au in " half," like aw is in " scald," and like the French A^ or like the English pronunciation of A in " harm," in the word "warm," (in which the received pronunciation is like the ^ in *' or," or the a in "war") and Hke the ou in "cough," pronounced long in the word, " calf," like au in false. B. Babby-house, v. — The toy-house formed on the doorstep by children, with broken crockery, sand, &c. See also Ba-mugs, and Booty-house, l. Babelavante, s. — A babbler, Chester Plays, l. Bacco, s. — Tobacco. Cheshire people, like the Venetians, cut off a syllable ; only the Venetians cut off the second and we the first : gree for agree, bacco for tobacco, licksome for frolicksome. l. Bach, s. — A fall or a stream, as in "Sandbach." German "Bach." l. Backen, v. — To delay, to keep back. " This fou weather backens ploughing." l. lo CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. BAG Backing, s. — Th6 backing of a hedge is the ground just behind it. l. Back-nor-edge. — "I can mak back-nor-edge of him," i.e. "I can make nothing of him," O.C.S. l. Back o' behint, a^iv. — Out of the way. A very secluded house is said to. be " back o' behint," a sort of Grecian double superlative, absolutely and entirely out of the way, behind what is already most behind, l. Backs, s. — The dry ridge thrown up originally out of the ditch, upon which the hedge is planted. Sj'/i. " cops." '' They grows on dry backs." l. Backside, s. — The backside of a hedge or wall means the opposite side from that on which you are standing, (like back- ing). It is also used in other ways. " The backside or the backend of the year " means about the end of the year. l. Backwarding, s. — A change from excessive joy and feast- ing, to mourning, like that for a child dying after the rejoicings on its being christened. I told my old gardener, as I was returning from a funeral, that the last time I had driven to the same church was on the occasion of a gay wedding. " Ah," said he, ^' there is allis a bacarding." l. Baddin' Badding.— Playing at hockey with sticks and a wooden ball or piece of wood, a *'kiffey." ' l. Badge, v. — To cut corn closer with a sickle (using it in a particular way) than can be done with a scythe, l. Badger, s. — A dealer in corn. A higgler who makes the round of the country to collect butter, eggs, poultry, and fruit There is an A.S. verb Byegar or Byegeear to buy ; but the derivation is too far-fetched perhaps. Badging Hook, s. — The sickle used for badging. l. BAl CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. Bad luck top end. — When this is said of a person, it means that he is " not all there," a little crazed, l. Baffler, s. — A top rail to a sunk fence, wall, or cop, to l?qffle any attempt of cattle, but particularly sheep, to break fence, l. Bag, s. — The bag that holds the meal is put for the meal itself. " Bag and pump don't pay like bag and milk." O.C.P. i.e. meal and water have not the same fattening qualities as meal and milk, — probably buttermilk, l. Baggs, s. — The commercial traveller of former days who travelled on horseback, with his samples, «S^c. in a pair of saddle bags ; hence the origin of the sobriquet. They went by the name of Leather a — d Bagmen. Another name in later days was K.C.B., Knight of the Carpet Bag. Now they of course all travel by rail. l. Bagging, i-. — Bagging time, s. Bagging is a meal (a slight one) eaten at Bagging time (about four o'clock) by labourers. Bagging, /«r/. — Cutting with a Bill— called a Bagging Bill or Bagging Hook — or Badging Hook. l. Bag Mouth. — " The Bag Mouth was open " is a Cheshire expression to show that everything that was unknown has become public. '' Au nevei knew how things were with him, till the Bailies were in the house, and then the Bag mouth was open." l. Bagskin, s. — What may be called the tripe of the calf, which is cut up and sold for curdling the milk in making cheese — Rennett. l. Baily, s. — Bailiff — " They say Bailies are in the house." l. Bain, a^J. — Near, convenient : the latter in the Irish sense, like the man " who coorted the farmer's daughter who lived convanient to the Isle of Man." l. CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. BAl Baint, v. — I baint, or it baint, I am not, or it is not. l. Baith. — Both. One of the not infrequent provinciaUsms found in Cheshire and Scotland. In Hearne's Glossary to Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle, we have bathe used for both : beithe is the same thing. Baker-kneed, adj. — Vide Knock-kneed, l. Bald Coot, j.— The Ball-faced Coot. l. Balk, s. — iV Beam. Balks, s. — The hayloft so called, by being divided or arranged amongst the divisions caused by the timber (in old houses most massive) of the roof. Balk in the old northern languages is a separation or division, and Balk is used for Chapters (which are identical with divisions), in the old Swedish laws. w. Balk is also the unploughed land between the furrows, l. Ball Money, s. — Largesse demanded from a wedding party to obtain which (particularly if the bridegroom is known as a stingy man) a rope is sometimes drawn across the road. It was so called because formerly the money .was supposed to go towards the football fund of the parish. Now, like the gold of Croesus, it goes down the^ throats of the receivers in a liquid state. L. Ballock Grass, j-.— The herb Dogstones. — Gerard, l. Ballow, v. — To select or claim. It is used by boys at play when they have the option of choosing their goal or selecting another boy for their side. It may be derived from A.S. belian, to bellow — in that high falsetto voice so well known by those who have seen boys at play. " I ballow or bellow me that situation or that person." -'Ihre has wdiga or valjan eligere, and wal, electio." The w is often changed into the v, and the v and b are also convertible letrers. " Wdlga mig^' choose me that situation, w. See also Barley. Bally, s. — i e. a bellyful, is a litter of pigs. w. BAR CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 13 Bamboozled. — Bothered, adj. — Done. l. Ba Mugs, or Bower Mugs, s, — Pieces of crockery used as playthings* by children, perhaps to dress up a bower, vide Booty House, l. Bandy Hewitt, s. — A turnspit, a bandy-legged, ill-favoured dog. The word Hewitt may refer to some bandy-legged man of the period when the name may have been given, and crept by degrees into general use, like Ludlum's dog, Moss' mare, &c. Hewitt is an old and common Cheshire name. l. Bang, v. — To excel, to beat, to surpass, *' That bangs everything ! " " I'll warrant I'll bang thee." In Ireland they have a saying, " That bangs Bannagher, and Bannagher bangs the devil." l. Bangbeggar, s.—h. beadle, one of whose duties it was to take up and drive away any beggars in the district, and " pro- secute them as the Law directs." l. Bangle, v. — To waste, w. Bannut Tree, s. — A growing walnut. When it is cut up it is called walnut, like sheep and mutton, calf and veal. L. Bansel, v. — To beat. l. Bant, s. — The bands with which corn is tied up when cut, also string. Band and bant are evidently first cousins, l. Barley Breake, x.— An old Cheshire game. Mentioned amongst others in the Randal Holme MSS. l. Barging. — Slanging, perhaps Bargeman's Billingsgate, l. Bark Wain. — When the bark of a tree, as is the case with a yew, grows into the timber and spoils it. Query, whether it is not bark vein^ the vein of the bark growing about the timber, l. 14 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. Barley, v. — To claim. *' Barley me the first blow," called out at rounders by the boy who first seizes the bat. Perhaps from the French /^r/(?r, "bespeak me." Vide Ballow. l. Barm Baw, s. — A Barm ball. Dough rolled up and boiled like a dumpling, l. Barmskin, s. — A leather apron. Barm^ O.W. the breast, A.S. Barjfie, sinus, w. Barn, v. — Barning, see Bawm. l. Barn, s. — For bairn, a child. Chester Plays, i. 192. l. Barrow, s. — Conical baskets, in which, in the Salt districts, salt is put to drain. A barrow contained about six pecks. Used also at the Worcester Wych, Droitwych. 200 years ago the price of a barrow full was is. ^d. l. Barrow Makers, s. — The makers of the preceding bar- rows. L. Barst, v. — and perfect of verb to barst, i.e. burst, part, barsten. w. " He's welly fit to barst," " he's almost ready to burst." L. Bass, s. — A low stool. French Bas. l. Basses, s. — Clinkers, vitrified part of coals that will not burn . L. Bassin, s. — A wooden bowl in which they make up butter : evidently basin, l. Bassock, s. — A form, perhaps the original form, of hassock : we have the term of " bass matting," matting made of flags and reeds. Hassock may refer to its hay stuffing, d. Baste, v. — To beat, from the French. " Baste him well," i.e. " Gee him a good thrashing." l. Bastil, s. — The Poor House or Work House. Not used simply except as a synonym. Very common throughout BAW CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 15 England ; of course the origin of the word would be the French State prison, the Bastile, destroyed by the Paris mob in 1789. l. Bate, or Bait, v. — A factory, or other hand, having part of his wages deducted for negHgence or any other reason, is said to be " bated." l. Batch, s. — In addition to the common sense of a general baking, this word implies the whole of the wheat flour which is used for making common household bread, after the bran has been separated from it. It also is used for the small bag of corn taken by a cottager to be ground. Coarse flour is called batch flour. *' He's the best of the batch " or of the family, O.C.S. l. Bath, v. — To bathe, to foment, l. Batt, v. — To move the eyelids up and down, to wink ; to bate is a term in falconry, when the falcon moves his wings up and down. w. Batten, s. — A truss of hay or straw, l. Batter, v. — In building a wall, particularly against a bank, the term batter is used, and means to make the wall incline so as to withstand by its inclination the pressure of the earth which, were the wall not battered, would bring it down. L. Battril, s. — A flat piece of wood used by wasl>erwomen to beat their linen, l. Batter Dock, s. — Petasites Vtdgaris. Butter Bur. l. Baugh, s. — A pudding made of milk and flour only. l. Bawk, v. — To balk. " Oi could a leapt the bruck, easy enoo, if he hadna bawked me." Bawm, v. — To dress up, to adorn. At Appleton, there was an old custom on the day of the Wakes, to clip and adorn a CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. baw thorn that stands not far from Appleton Thorn Public House. Vide *' Cheshire Ballads and Legends y This custom was spoken of at Daresbury Sessions, 1844. The landlord of the " Thorn," and other witnesses called it " barning the thorn." Bawm is used in Nycodemus Gospel, 4to, 1532, *'And than this mayde Syndonia washed arid bawmed her." Bawm is a good old word. We have still the expression common in Cheshire of ''vShe dressed her," "She washed her," using her for herself, l. Bawm, s. — Balm. " As men a potful of bawme held Emong a basketful of Roses." Chauckr. l. Bawson, or Bawsin, adj. — Great, large. In Andrew Bond's Breviary of Healthy we meet with " a balson ele," for a very large eel. Sir John Falstaff in Cheshire would have been, '"a great Bawson," i.e. bursten thing. Bawson, or Bawsin, s. — A badger (bawsand, bassand, or bawsint. Jam.) is applied to a horse or cow having a white spot on the forehead or face, which is the case with the badger. Gavin Douglas in his T?'anslation of Virgil, translates frontem album by " bawsand faced." Balzano in Italian, Balzan French, both mean a horse with a white leg different from the colour of the horse : this may be the origin of Douglas' " bawsand faced." Bawsont in our northern dialect means an animal with a white stripe down the face. Ball, or baw, is a very common name for a cart horse, perhaps originally for a horse with a white face or blaze. The dying out of the badger, for I do not suppose that a wild one now (1874) exists in Cheshire, will naturally, if it has not already done so, cause its old nanle to drop out of the Glossary of Cheshire Words. BEA CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. Bawtert, adj, — " Bavvtert wi' slutch," clogged with slutch or mud. The Lancashire word is " beshote." Bawtert is pro- bably a variety of bedirt. ''Be^' is a very common adjunct in English, and seems to have no effect on the sense of the word to which it is joined, like bedevilled, bedabbled, &c. l. Bay, s. — A division, like a barn, only open partially on two, three, or all sides, with a slate roof, where hay is placed instead of being stacked in a hay rick. It is something synonymous with balks, except that in the latter case the hay is completely under cover. The bay is a peculiarity of Cheshire, and may have originated, either from the small quantity of wheat grown in the county, and consequent scarcity of straw \ or from the wet weather so general in July, when it is of the greatest im- portance to save the hay, if only by driblets at a time ; or perhaps the bay may owe its origin to these two causes com- bined. Four poles with a moveable roof capable of being raised or lowered at pleasure, have now come into very general use ; and the hay in them is supposed to be of better quality than in a bay, as there are no side walls to take off the pressure so essential in the manufacture of hay, and the safety from rain is more assured. Bay is spelt (in two consecutive sentences; in an old Cheshire will (A.D. 1588) '' Bey " and '' Baie.^' l. Bayes, or Baize, s. — To play or run at baize. A county sport, — a laurel garland, the reward. Steel's collections (Bod- leian), about 1750. Prisoners' base, locally "Prison bars." l. Bearbine, s. — The Woodbine, l. Bear, s. — A door mat. Perhaps formerly often made of a bearskin. The rough rope-mat resembles one. l. Beard, i\ — To trim a hedge, l. Beardings, s. or A Beard Hedge. — Bushes stuck into the bank of a newly planted hedge to protect the quicks, w. CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. BF.A Bearward, s. — Bearleader or tender. In the old accounts of Congleton between 1589 and 16 13, we find payments to the Bearward for fetching the bear to the wakes, " for wine, sack, spice, almonds, figs, and beere at the great bear bate." The Bear's Head and the White Bear Inns still testify to the former favourite sport of the town. Erasmus (who visited England in the time of Henry VIII.) says there were many herds of bears supported in this country for the purpose of baiting. Vzde " Congleton Bear Town," — Cheshire Legends aftd Ballads, l. Beastings, s. Beast Milk. — The first milk after calving. BiEST, the same thing, is Flemish, w. Beawn, /d^r/. — Going to set off. " Awm beawn to Stop- port, "I.e. " I'm bound to Stockport." l. Bedeet, v. — To dirty or foul. To Deet means the same. " It is an ill bird that bedeets its own nest," O.C.P., answer- ing somewhat to the Scotch proverb, " That corbies maunna pick out corbies' een." Bedfast, a. — III in bed, confined to bed. l. Bedg<)WN, s. — The old dress of Cheshire, most becoming to the figure, worn within the memory of the present generation, by farmers' wives, peasant women, and most women servants. It is a short gown open in front, tied at the waist, in fact an upper jacket to the striped linsey petticoat, generally red and black, or blue-black, and worn everywhere except in bed. L. Bedding pewter brass. — A warming-pan, mentioned in Margaret Holforde's will, i6th century, l. Been, or bin, v. — Present tense of verb " to be " derived from the old verb " ben " "to be." w. Been, s. — Plural of bee, like oxen, housen, hosen, &c. • . 1 • * » '. » » » » » t » i THE CHESHIRE BEDGOWN. IID CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 19 Bee-nettle, s. — The yellow archangel nettle, l. Beer, s. — Force or power, l. Beet the fire, v. — To light, or, as we say, to make the fire. From the Teutonic Boeten het vier, — strtiere igiiem. w. Beggars' Basket, s. — Lungwort, Pulmoiiaria officinalis, l. Beggar's Velvet, s, — The fluff under the bedsteads in untidy houses. L. Beldering, part, — Bellowing, from belder, to hallo, l. Bellart, or Bellot, s. — A bearleader. The name of an old Cheshire family now extinct, w. Bells, s, — The Fuchsia, l. Bell-flower, s. — Cainpa7iula. l. Bent, s. — Coarse rushy grass, l. Berrin, s. — A funeral. Berry-Hole, s, — A grave, l. Berry, s. — A gooseberry, w. Best, v. — To get the better of another, in argument or otherwise. " I bested him." l. Better, adv. — More. " The child is better nor two months old." L. Better side, used adverbially. ^Nearly. " We haven't seen him for the better side of a fortnight," i.e. more than a fortnight, l. Bezountee ! — By Dad ! An expletive of surprise, l. Bidding, s. — An invitation to a funeral ; from the A.S. hiddan^ to pray. It is also an invitation to a wedding feast. Cowell in his Law Dictionary^ " in voce bid ale, or bid all," says, '* It is the invitation of friends to drink in some poor c 2 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. man's house, who thereby hopes to receive some assistant benevolence from the guests for his rehef. Written by some Bildale, and mentioned in Henry VIII. cap. 6. The same is used also in the county palatine of Chester, by persons of quahty, towards the relief of their own, or their neighbours', poor tenants." w. Bide, or Abide, v. — To endure. Bide is used for to stay or remain, w. BiGGENiNG, s. — The recovery of a mother after child- birth, w. Bight, s. — A projection in a river, a jutting or receding point. It is commonly used in sea voyages, as the Bight of Benin on the Coast of Africa. A.S. byga, a corner, w. Bight, or Bought — Is used for anything folded or doubled ; a sheet of paper is by Hirman in his " Vulgaria " called a bought of paper, w. Bight of the Elbow. — The bend of the elbow. A.S. Bygan, fledere. w. Bilberry, s. — The Whortleberry. In the north, Blae- berry. \v. Bin, v. — "How bin thee to-dee?" ''How are you to- day?" L. Bin, Binne, Bing, s. — The place where the fodder is put for the cattle. A,S. Bifine, prcesepe. w. Bind, v. — To tend, " The road binds that way." l. Binders, s. — The cloth put round cheeses after press- ing, l. Binding round. — A covey of birds, wheeling or inclining in their flight, l. BIS CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. BiNG, V. — To begin to turn sour ; said of milk. w. BiNGY, adj. — Sour. ** It will be a bad churn to-day, the cream smells quite bingy." l. Birr, Birre, Beer, Ber, Burre, v. — Impetus. To " take birr " is to run with violence, as a person does before taking a great leap. See the Glossary to Widiffe's New Testament by Lewis, Matthew viii. " And lo ! in a great bire all the drove (of swine) went heedjyng into the sea." See also Apoc. c. i8. " Bir ventus secundus," Hicke's Island Dictionary. See also Douglass's Glossary. From the same source is derived what is called the Bore or Eager on a tidal river, the tide coming up like a wall. In Ellis's Eai-ly English Poets, vol. i. p. 389, we read, " And land first rumbland rudeley with sic bere." Mr. Ellis explains bere by noise, but wrongly, as I apprehend, as it means rather violence. The "bearing " in the following quotation may have the same origin : — ** But Horsley with a bearing arrow Stroke the Gordon through the brain." Sir A. Barton. Bird Briar, s. — Pronounced Brid breer, Dog Wild Rose with black hips. The Hip Breer is the Wild Rose. l. Birds' eggs. — The haw, the fruit of the hawthorn, l. Birtle, s. — A summer apple. Hence perhaps is derived the township of Birtles near Alderley. l. Birthmark, s. — A stain on the face or body of a new-born child, that is never eradicated, and about which marks there are curious ideas, l. Bishop, s. — Vide Brat. BiSHOPPiNG. — Being confirmed. Confirmation. To be bishopped is to be confirmed. The Bishop in the act of con firmation puts his hands on two heads at once. It is con- sidered a good omen in Cheshire if the Bishop puts his right 22 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. hand on your head. It is very curious the idea of the dexter and sinister of antiquity being lucky and unlucky still con- tinuing. L. BlT-BAT, s. — A bat. L. Bitched, parf. — Spoilt. '* He was that stoopid he bitched the whole thing," i.e. he spoilt everything, l. Bite, v. — Applied to the edge of a blunt tool. " It wonna bite," I.e. the cutting qualities are gone. l. BiTTERBUMP, s.—A Bittern ; the bump evidently refers to the " boom " of the bird. l. BiTTOR, s. — A Bittern {Chester Flays). The Bittern having disappeared from Cheshire, bittor and the preceding synonym must naturally be obsolete, l. BiiTLiN, s.—h. milk bowl, see Wheamow. l. Blackberry Hatch, s. — Chickens hatched about the time blackberries are ripe ; they are supposed never or seldom to come to perfection, l. Black Jack, s. — Black beetle, z'/V/^ Switch-clog and Twitch- clog. " Mester, that back kitchen's welly snying wi' twitch- clogs." " What do you mean by twitch-clogs, Mary?" "Whoi, Black jacks ! " l. Blade, j:. — Part of a plough, l. Blake, adj. — Yellow. " As blake as a paigle," as yellow as a cowslip, l. Blanket Mullein, s. — Verbasciim Thapsus. Great mul- lein. L. Blart, v. — To low like a cow or calf, quasi bleat, l. Bleach, v. — Synonym of Plash, q.v. l. BleaR; or Blar, v. — To roar or scream like a child, l. RLO CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 23 Bleck, s. — Spent grease upon wheels, probably from the A.S. B/eCj black, or B/^ec, ink from the colour of the grease, l. Blench, v. — To glance. *'Blenk," its variation, has been used by royalty. " James I. wrote a small collection of poetry, and apologises for its imperfections as having been written in his youth, and his maturer age being otherwise occupied, saying that when his ingyne and age could, his affairs and fascherie would not permit him to correct them, scarslie but at stolen moments he having the leisure to blenk upon any paper." — Catalogue of Noble Authors, l. Blench, s. — A glance. " I got a blench at a wood- cock." L. - Blert, adj. — Bashful, l. Blether, v. Bletherin ? — To blubber or cry. l. Blissom, v. — To tup. L. Block, v. — To pelt. A boy, caught rather suspiciously neai a walnut tree, cried out " I didna block them," i.e. he was picking up fallen ones, not pelting them down. l. Blood Wall, s. — A Wallflower, l. Bloody man's fingers, s. Orchis mascula. — See Spree- sprinkle. L. Bloody Rogers. — A name of a good, red-skinned, mealy potato, which vanished the year of the potato Wight. In May 1 81 7 potatoes sold in Cheshire ij". dd. for ninety pounds, l. Bloomy, adj. — A high colour. " A bloomy wench." l. Bloaten, Bloten, or Bloatch, v. — Means to be very fond of anyone, to have taken a fancy to another ; to doat on another, perhaps derived from A.S. blotein, to sacrifice. 24 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. BLU to worship. Grose and Ray menlion it as a Cheshire word. w. Blue back, s. — The Fieldfare. Also called the Pigeon Felt. L. Blue buttons, s. — The Devil's bit Scabious. Scabiosa succisa. L. Blufted, /rt!/-/.— A term at Blindman's-buff. "It is your turn to be blufted or blinded." This may be a mistake for buffeted (pulled and pushed about), the common fate of the blinded centre in Blindman's-buff. w. Blusterous, adj. — Boisterous, stormy, l. BoAC or Boke, v. — To retch, keck, or kick at the stomach, w. Boke, v. — A variety of poke. " To boke " is " to point, to poke at one." l. Bobs' heads, s. — Used for the names of the Heads of certain flowers, e.g. Thistle bobs, also of Clover, l. Bobber, bobberous, adj. — Saucy, pert. Bobbish. — Pretty well. l. Bobby, s. — A policeman, — an adopted word ; the origin of the name was Sir Robert (Bobby) Peel, who introduced the Police Act. Hence also '' Peeler." l. Bodkin, j-.— To "ride Bodkin'' is to be in a carriage or on a seat between two others, when there is only room for two, like the poet's description of a six inside coach : — " Squeezed in 'twixt two bolsters of talkative fat." l. Bog, s. — A tussock of coarse grass in a pasture. " He (a partridge) leeted near yon bog." l. Boggart. — To take boggart, is to take fright like a horse. " What did the donkey take boggart at thee for ? " w. BOO CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. BoGGARTY, adj. — Liable to take fright like a horse, or to shy. w. BOGFOUNDERED, — Puzzled. L. Boggy bo, or Boggart, s. — A bugbear or scarecrow, an un- reaUty and thing powerless to do injury, which works in a frightening way on the imagination. Baun^ Belgice. A spectre. Bob, or dry bob, is an old word for a merry joke or trick. Dobson's " Dry Bobs " is the title of a merry story book. The word is sometimes rendered as a bug-a-boo. I have heard the same thing called at schools a bogy. L. Bogy, s. — A small hand cart, flat and without sides, on two small wheels, to enable workmen without the help of a horse to move large stones, lead, and heavy materials from one place to another, l. BoKE, or BoAC, V. — To poke or thrust out. w. Bonesore, adj. — Bone-wearied, tired. When a person has a shooting pain in the arm or leg, it is common to say " I've a bone i' th' arm or leg." l. Bong, s, — A bank. Lymm Bongs, a woody cover near the town of that name, sloping on both sides to the brook, l. BooGH, s. — Bough. L. Boon WORK, j-.— Work done by the tenant for his landlord (the remains of Soc or Soccage, q.v)^ which now generally consists in a day or two's work with a horse and cart, drawing coals, materials, &c. In former times many other various things were added. The tenant kept a cock for his landlord (this was in cock-fighting days), and a dog. The landlord's geese and pigs were turned into the tenant's fields after the crops were re- moved. A tenant also brought his landlord every year a cheese or a goose. In short, it was a sort of barter in times when the 26 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. BOO exchangeable medium of goods (money) was not plentiful, in fact very scarce, and the purchase of commodities had to be subvented in other ways. l. Boose, s. — A cow's stall. Cherry is a favourite name for a red cow (as Blackbird is for a black cart horse), that colour being most esteemed by the farmers for milking ; consequently — Cherry having every chance of getting the best of everything — anyone getting into a comfortable situation is said in the O.C.P. " To have got into Cherry's Boose." w. BoosY Cheese, s. — Cheese made before the cows are turned out to grass, l. BoosY Pasture, s. — The grass field lying nearest to " The Boose." w. Boots Yellow, s. — Also called Mayflower in Cheshire. Caltha Falustris. The Marsh Mary gold. The yellow farina coming off on the boots, probably suggested the name. l. Booty House, s. — An expression used by children for any old box, shelf or out of doors rockery or rather crockery, orna- mented by them with bits of glass, china, coloured stones, &c. Scarcely a provincialism, as it is probably only the result of booty coming easier to a child than the compound sound of beauty. " A thing of beauty," we are told, " is a joy for ever ; " so it is with a child's Booty House, or Babby House, l. Born Days. — " In all my born days (my life) I never seed the loike." The addition of the " born days " has a superlative, strengthening effect on the sentence, l. Borsten, part, of the verb to burst. — A.S. Borsicn. — It is used for ruptured, w. BosKiN, or BosKiNG, s. — The partition between the Bosses. L. Bosky, adj. — Woody. Bosquet^ French, l. BosSy s. — A kneeling hassock, l. BRA CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 27 Bossing, /^r/. — Kissing. Vide Oss. l. BoTHAM, s. — Bottom. A.S. J^o//n. Wooded sides and' depths of a valley or dumble. " Mappin Woodcock oo'lbe i' th' Bothams." Bottle, s. — A bottle of straw or hay : supposed to be a variety of pottle, a measure. It seems also to explain thus the O.C.P., betokening an almost impossibility, " It would be as easy to find a needle in a bottle of hay." l. Bottoming, /d;r/. — "Bottoming hay," getting it out of any hollow wet place, where it will not " make." l. Bottom, v. — To empty. '' To bottom a glass," to drink every drop of it. l. Boulder, j. — Pronounced Bouder. A very large water- rolled pebble, found occasionally of some tons weight, l. Bout, s. — A drunken spree of some hours, sometimes some days' duration. Also, an attack of illness, " O'os had a putty bout of it this turn," " She's had a serious illness this time." L. Bout, adv. ox prep. — ''Better bad than bout," O.C.P., as a woman said when urged to quit a drunken brute of a husband. If a mother refuses anything, or takes anything away from a child, she says '' You mun be bout," i.e. without, w. Bowk, s. — A bucket. A.S., Wceterbiic. l. Boy's Love, s. — Southernwood. Perhaps because used as a love offering. It is a staple in all village posies, l. Bracco, adj. — Diligent. Not always, but generally, used with work before it. Bradow, v. — To spread or cover with manure, as applied to afield. "The braddow" is one of our commonest names for a field. A hen is said " To bradow her nestlings." " Dove- 28 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. BRA like sat brooding." Bradow is either a kind of augmentative of brood, or an abbreviation of brood over. Teutonic, Broeden^ incubare. Brag, v. — *• He is nought to brag on," i.e. " He is a poor creature." One of the round-about Cheshirisms. l. Braggett, s. — Spiced Ale. Bragod (Welsh) means the same thing, w. Potus Gallice braccatce. In Welsh, ^;'«^ means Malt, and Gots^ a Honeycomb. Brail, or Brailer, s. — A long briar or stick run along the top of a new plashed fence, to keep the twigs in their places. Also sometimes a dead hedge stuck on a cop top. l. Brake, Braken, j. — Fern. l. Bran, or Brant, v. and part. — To burn, or burnt, from tlie thing which occasions the fire. A brand (an A.S. word)- Brandy would be so called from burning the inside. Brank, s. — A scold's bridle, vide Bridle, l. Brash, s. — Loppings of a hedge. Refuse boughs, l. Brashcourt, s. — A horse with his forelegs bent, having been foaled so ; not become so, as is often the case through age and work. Harrison's Description of England, l. Brass, s. — Copper coins. Hence, any sort of money. Brast, Brasten, v. —Burst, l. Brathering, /d;/-/. — A hen " Brathering her brood," means covering them with her body. l. Brat, j-., or a Bishop, s. — A child's bib. There is an A.S. word, Bratan, conterere ; the derivation not obvious. The wearer of the bib is often called a Brat, but generally not till he or she arrives at a mischievous age. Also a woman's rough working apron. Brattles, j.— Brick ends. BRi CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 29 Brazil, s. — So pronounced. ''As hard as a Brazil." rhe nut called a Brazil nut is excessively hard. l. Bread, s. — Breadth, pronounced long like breed. " There is a good bread ot corn sown this year," i.e. a greater extent of corn than usual, &c. w. Breaking Down the curd of a cheese, means dividing the curd when thick and solid (so as to be cut with a knife), with the Dairymaid, ^.v. l. Breadings, s. — The swathes of corn or hay, as first left by the scythe of the mower, l. Bree, Bre, or Brae, s. — Brows. Eyebraes are Eyebrows. The old word is Bre. w. Breechy, or Britchy, adj. — Brittle, l. Breet, adj. — Bright. '' That wench o' yares isna over breet," " Your servant girl is not as clever as she might be." Breer, s. — For briar. Brueria^ as it was called in old Dog- Law Latin, l. Brewe, s. — A short, though often steep, declivity, a hill. Near me is a place called '' Jodrell Brewe. " Going down the brewe," is a Cheshire metaphorical way of expressing that a man's health is giving way. Brow of a hill is a very common expression, l. Brewes, or Browes, 5.— Slices of bread with fat broth poured over them. O.W., but at present, I believe, only used in Lancashire and Cheshire. A.S. broth^ jus, or brew, A.S. J7is, jiisadum. It is a better dish than what in Gloucestershire and Devon is called " Tea-kettle broth," viz., hot water poured over bread. " Athol brose " is, I think, honey and whiskey. Bricko, Brichoe (Ray), «^'.— Brittle. K.'^.brica.ruptor. w. Bricket, s. — A stool. L. k 30 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. BRI Bricknoggin, s. — Houses framed in oak timber, and filled up with brickwork. Half-timbered houses are called '' Brick pane buildings." l. Erid, s. — A bird. A transposition of the letters of the modern form bird, or rather a return to the old A.S. root, dnW, or ^?rM, the young of any bird. Bridlegged, adj. — The Cheshire farmer, who holds that the perfect form of female beauty consists more in strength than in elegance of limbs, often uses this contemptuous appellation to any female whose limbs happen to be somewhat slenderer than he has in his own mind fixed on as the criterion of symmetry and taste, w. Brid Rose, or Brid Breer, s, — The white Scotch wild rose with black hips. l. Bridbilled, or Build. — Said of accurately fitting work. l. Bridle (Scold's), or Brank, s. — An iron frame with a gag to it, used to fix on a scold's head and mouth, when she be- came the pest of the neighbourhood. Not employed now, but, to use the \vords of the Commination Service, " Until that said discipline be restored again, which is much to be wished," they are reposing in several parishes of Cheshire, and one specimen is at the House of Correction in Knutsford. The woman on whom it is placed cannot speak, roar, or bellow, or make her- self generally obnoxious to her neighbours ; though at the same time it does not hurt or injure her in the least, even temporarily. In some of the foreign bridles, the gag had points upon it, when of course it became an instrument of torture ; but the simple gag enforces silence without pain, except to the feelings of the scold, who finds at last that there is a way of taming, at any-rate for a time, " what no man can tame." At the church of Walton- on-Thames, Surrey, is a brank with this inscription, ** Chester presents Walton with a bridle, To curb women's tongues that talk so idle." BRO CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 31 The simple story would be that the county of Chester, whiqh seems to have abounded in scold's bridles and ducking stools, made the present to Walton. Another tradition is that it was given by a gentlemen named Chester, who through the babbling of a mischievous woman had lost an estate. I have seen the bridle used with the best effect, a perfect devil being changed by it into a very imperfect angel in a few minutes. Anyone who wishes to see the subject treated in an exhaustive and most interesting manner, should read the article by Dr. Brushfield on " Obsolete Punishments," vol. 2, Chester Archceological Journal. Bridneeze, s. — A bird's nest. l. Brief, adj. — Rife, prevalent. Used chiefly of disorders. "xAgoes been brief," agues have been common. " Small-pox is very brief." Possibly a form of rife ; also a term for a swarm of flies or bees. l. Brim, z'.. Brimming, part. — Sils maris appete?is. w. Brimble, s. — A bramble. A.S. b?'y7nel, a bramble, vide Lawyers, l. Britcher, and Britchey, adj. — Brittle, l. Brizz, s. — The gadfly. A.S. briose or brimse. One of those words where sound and sense harmonize. Like flies " buzzing." It is the appearance of the gadfly that seems almost to drive a herd of cows wild, as they gallop oft', with their tails in the air, pursued by the brizz, a sort of bee, and not very unlike that dreaded fly (the tsetse), whose bite is fatal to oxen and horses, and which actually arrests all progress (northward from the Cape) of enterprise or civilization, and will do so till the natural beast of burden of Africa (the elephant) is employed. The common dragonfly is generally, but erroneously, called the brizz. Brock, s. — A badger. The crest of Sir P. Brooke, Bart., of Norton, and of Brooke of Mere. Vide Bawson. Brockle, v. — To break fence, as cattle do. Vide Unlucky. 32 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. BRO Broke, a. — Ruined in trade or play. " I^m broke !" a lad's exclamation when he has lost his last marble. See also Brosier. Broken Haired, adj. — Underbred. A vulgax J>arve/iu. l. Broken, adj. — When a horse's coat looks rough whilst he is changing it (the new coat not having entirely supplanted the old one), the term is broken, i.. Brords, or Bruarts, s. — The young shoots of corn are so called. AS. brord, frumentt spiccBj corn new come up. w. Brore, or Brord, v. — To spring up as com does. w. Brosier, v. and s. — To become bankrupt. Bankrupt. A term often used by boys at play, when they have nothing left to stake. In the P.P.C. we have brosyn^ or quashing^ v. This is the origin of the word to bruise. Brosier is or was an Eton word, *' Brosiering my dame " was, for some crime real or imag- inary, eating up everything provided for the meal, and asking for more. l. Broth, s. — Made of offal. Feet boiled down. Soft soap, alum, &c., and other ingredients used to crystallize the salt at the salt works ; as upon the use of such mixtures, and the rapidity of the boiUng process, the perfection of salt depends, l. Brothering, adj. or part. — Useless, over-luxuriant. Use less and spreading branches are so called, " Which require More hands than ours to check their rampant growth." — Milton. L. Browis, vide Brewes. Bruart, s. — The narrow, thin edge or shavings of anything. " Hat Bruarts " are the parings of the brim of a hat. l. Bruart, v. — To shoot, as newly sown corn. Bishop Kennet, in his MS. Vocabulary, in the British Museum, has " to brere, to be brered," as corn just coming up. w. BUS CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 33 Brun, v. — To burn, of which it is an anagram, like " brid " for "bird," &c. l. Brundrit, J-. — A trivet to hold the bakestone, l. Buck, s. — Bread and butter, l. BucKow, V, — To buckle, w. Buckle, s. — Condition. " In good buckle," the same as " In good fettle." l. Buff, s. and adj. — Naked. " He fowt in his buffs," " He fought half naked." Bull Head, s. — A tadpole, w. BuKE, V. — To litter. Speaking of some spoilt hay, a man said, " It will only do for buking the yard." l. Bum, s. — A bumbailiff. A sheriff's officer. " They'n got the bums in," i.e., the bailiffs are in possession, l. Bunny, s. — A swelling. Also a tame rabbit. Bunching Carrots. — To tie them up in a bunch for sale. l. Bur, or Bore Tree, s. — The "elder," probably being easily bored (being full of pith), for pop-guns, &c. Bor is A.S., a gimlet. Bor, to make a hole j common in Cheshire. Burn, s. — A burden. A contracted form. l. Burn, s. — A large quantity of paper, sticks, &c., is said to be " a burn." l. Burr, s. — The sweetbread, w. BuRYHOLE. — The grave. A.S. biiryan, to bury. Bushel, s. — When appHed to oats, in Cheshire, means five ordinary bushels; a bushel of wheat is 70 or 75 lbs. ; beans, 60 lbs. ; barley, 60 lbs. ; oats, 45 or 50 lbs. l. D 34 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. BUS Busk, s. — A bush. ** Lads' love's a busk of broom, Hot awhile and soon done." O.C.P. L. Busk, tj., Busking, parf. — Straightening up the fences, cutting off thorns, &c., in winter. "I've been agait busking in the coppy." l. BusTiON, s. — A swelling or whitlow, generally on the finger or thumb, which when neglected, sometimes necessitates the removal of a joint. It often begins with a thorn or splinter, acting on a bad habit of body. l. But, at/v. — Unless. " I'll leather you, but you do this." l. But, s. — A rein in ploughing, l. Buttermilk Wedding, s. — A wedding at Knutsford is thus sarcastically termed by the boys, when no largesse or "ball money " is given away. l. BuTLAND, s. — Waste land. The origin may be Buttal, a bittern, that bird never being found on cultivated land. L. Buttons, s. — Small unexpanded mushrooms, l. Butty, s. — Vi'de Marrow, l. Butty, s. — A slice of bread and butter. Possibly for butter. " Mam, give us (me) a butty." l. Butty, adv. — Conjointly. Fields belonging to two owners, undivided (by any fence), are called " Butty pieces." l. Byflete, s. — A piece of land cut off by the change of a river's course, which used to belong to the other side. l. Bybbye, s. — A kind of herb. Chester Plays, i, 119. L. Written " Tibbie," in the BodL MSS. By'r I^akin ! or By Laekin ! also By Leddy Me ! — An CAN CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 35 exclamation, used as an oath, or to express surprise, and said to be another form of "By our Lady ! " By-spell, s. — A natural child; sometimes called a " By-blow." C. Caas, or Case, adv. — Because. Pronounced caze, an ab- breviation of becaze (so pronounced), or percase, an obsolete word found in Bacon. Cacko, v. and s. — To cackle, cackling, idle, gossiping talk. " Oo cackos like a nowd hen." l- Cade Lamb.— «-A lamb brought up by hand. l. Cadge, v. — To carry. Cadger, s. — A carrier, a loafer, w. Cale or Kale, s. — A turn, chance. *' It's moi cale now," ^uasiy " It is my turn, or call, now," as at a merry meeting, the last singer has a right to call on anyone else for a song. In Flemish, kaz'e/ is a lot, and kavelen, to draw lots. " Coal pit cale," O.C.P., i.e. ''First come, first served." Call, z^.— "To call some-one out of his name," is to abuse and vilify him. " To call all to pieces," is to treat with the most opprobrious and abusive language ; as I heard a witness at a court martial say of the prisoner, " He called me all the devils of the world, or words to that effect." Calvary, and Cavaldry, s, — For cavalry. A transposition of letters, l. Camming, part. — Arguing for the sake of arguing, jawing, l. Cammed, adj. — Crooked, l. Cample, Campo, Camble, v. — To scold, to contend, to argue. Cane, s. — The warp. A term in general use amongst Cheshire silk weavers, l. d 2 36 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. CAN Cankered, pai-t. — Ill-tempered — * ' He hums and he hankers, he frets and he cankers, I never can please him, do a' that I can." Burns. Cank, v. — To gossip. " She (the servant) never do goes canking wi' neebours." l. Cankum, s. — A prank. I remember hearing once, I cannot tell where, " None of your kincum crancums," i.e. none of your nonsense, adone with your jokes, l. Cant, udj. — Strong, lusty. Ash calls it local. Bailey also has the word. In the Glossary of Lajigtofte's Chronicle by Hearne, kant, adjective, is explained as courageous, "Very cant, God yield you," i.e. Very strong and hearty, God reward you (Ray). " Canting " is also used to express a woman gain- ing her strength after her confinement. Caperlash, j-.— Abusive language. To cample, according to Grove, is a northern word for to scold, w. Capo, or Capel, s. — A working horse. Ceffyl^ Welsh. Cha>al^ French. Caballus, Latin. Capiil^ Irish. The Caple gate (for horses) and the Ship or Shep gate (for sheep), were two portals that anciently flanked the Bridge Gate at Chester, whence a ford for man and beast once led across the Dee towards Wales. Car, v. — To sit down, or to bend the body in a sitting posture. L. Carlings, s. — Grey peas boiled, so-called from being served at table on Care Sunday (which is Passion Sunday), and as Care Friday and Care Week are Good Friday and Holy Week ; supposed to be so styled from that being a particular season of care and anxiety, or that at that period one has to take an especial care of one's acts, thoughts, and words. The carlings CAT CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 37 are steeped all night in water, and fried next day with butter. In some villages they are eaten the Sunday previous to Palm Sunday. See Brand's Popular Antiquities^ quarto, vol. i. p. 93 ; also Ihre, Didionarium Suio-Gothicum^ ifi voce " Kcerusunna- dag." L. Carpet, v.^ Carpeting, s. — To scold a servant. When bare boards were commoner than they are now, the servant to be scolded was sent for to the carpeted room, the Drawing Room. I have heard a servant boast that she had never been carpeted. We can hardly fancy she would be beaten like a carpet, l. Carry on, v. — " She carried on shameful," i.e. she used very unladylike language, or she shewed bad conduct, l. Carpenter's Grass, s. — Frimella vulgaris. Common Self- Heal. L. Carry Water. — ^Water with iron chalybeate in it, which widely pervades Cheshire, and sometimes to such a degree as to make the water useless for even cleansing or swilling purposes. In Northumberland it is called car\M2Xtx ; it is sometimes of the thickness of the richest cream. Its presence, I believe, is thought to betoken the presence of iron or coal. L. Carve, v. or Kerve (Ray). — To grow sour, spoken of cream. Local, according to Ash. w. Caselings, s. — The skins of beasts that die by acci- dent. L. Cassartly, or Cazzlety, adv. — Risky, uncertain, sometimes pronounced cazzlety. "Young turkeys is cazzlety things." Liable to casualty, l. Catch Grass, s. — Goose grass or catch weed. l. 38 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. CAU Cauf. — Calf. '* How is your cough and cold ? " " Butcher s bin and fetched cauf, but I'm welly smothered with coud." l. Cauf Kit, or Crib, s. — Where the sucking calves are kept. A.S. Crybbe, prcBsepe, the same as " kidcrow." w. Cauf-lick, vide Cowlick. Caukum, s. — A practical joke, a foolish frolic. Cawn, part. — For callen. Cawper, v. — To answer saucily. Chaffery, or Chaffering, adj. — Said of stuff like the seed of the bulrush, the seed of the pampas grass, &c. ; as if from chaff. L. Cham, or Chom, v. — To chew. " I've gien that chap sum- mut to chom, ennyhow." l. Chance Child, s. — A child born out of wedlock. Channel Hole, s. — Hole by which sewer water escapes. In Chester usually pronounced " chennel." l. Chastize, v. — Used for to scold. In its common sense it often precedes or follows a- scolding. Chatterbasket, s. — A Chatter-box. l. Chats, s. — Small wind pruned branches and sticks under trees, collected and used by poor people for lighting fires, l. Chauve, v. — To chafe. Cheadle Dock, or Kadle Dock, s. — Se7iecio Jacobea. Cheese Guard, s. — Synonymous with Fillets, q,v. l. Cheese Running, s. — Ladies' bed straw. " The people of Cheshire, especially about Nantwych where the best cheese is made," writes the herbalist Gerarde, himself a Nantwych man, CHE CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 39 "do use it in their Reniiett, esteeming greatly of that cheese, above others made without." l. Cheeses, s. — The seeds of the Mallow are so-called : they are round and flat at the top and bottom. Children make necklaces of them. l. Cheevings, s. — The dust, refuse seeds of weeds, rat remnants, left behind in taking in a rick of corn or beans, l. ChExM, or TcHEM, s. — A team of horses, a team of wild- ducks. Somner talks of a ''team of young pigs." w. Chern, s. — The long-tailed titmouse, l. Chesfut, s. — A cheese vat. Cheese vessel, l. Cheshire Acre. — A Cheshire acre is two statute acres and one more in nine. Nine Cheshire acres would therefore be nineteen statute acres or very nearly so. l. Cheshire Bushel. — A Cheshire bushel of oats is fifty, forty-five or forty pounds of wheat, seventy or seventy-five of barley, rye, and beans sixty pounds. « Cheshire Cat, s. — " To grin like a Cheshire cat " is a very old saying, and like many old sayings, the origin is doubtful. Another version is '' to grin like a Cheshire cat chewing gravel :" o^tfjiopojv ye\ai* A a {) c J 6 fg-lt IT kl m ii o p q^ rf 1 11 vwxY2 2>ra <^ t o a V ABC DEFGHIJKLM^ t; RSTUVWXYZ.^, OPQ I ad ecL ul odua\ "^'^ '^ — — '•,:^ > ^oAi , ^: of tkt Holy GkoSt.Ame?,^ ®UR Fatkev«t/^/:Aar2^i"w Ile^ ye i^ ,7ia Uoiveil le thy j^ci Mie ■ thy K^inaaoiix come thy WlH he: dona i^t Earth ^as it ^-^ i>t }[ea.yen , Give us tin's JjaLyouj^ d&ily Br-end a.nd torjive xispuy thi Tr^f partes, as ^e /.^ryyv^ tJc^i Trefjbafs /i([^i^tirTis:And^^ lea-d lis TLijt znto'Teiri-pta.tiojttnity deliver^ us fro^1^. Evil , A^ne n . \^ QUEEN ELIZABETH'S HORN-BOOK OR READAMADAZY, in possession of Lord Egerton of Tatton. (See also p. lyj. */ • •• • • , • DAN CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 57 Daggle, or Draggle-Tail is also common in the county. A.S. deagan ti?igere. " The fox was foinly daggled, an the tits aw out o' breath." — Warburton's "Hunting Songs." Dairymaid, s. — A wire sieve fixed in a handle, with which the curd is broken in the cheese tub. l. Daker Hen, s. — The corn crake ; like the cuckoo, peewit, or bell bird, named from the note. l. Dalling, adj. — '* Dalling weather," in harvest, means a per- petual change from wet to dry, and vice versa, which prevents progress, and perhaps comes from delaying, l. Dally, s. — Delay. Dally, v. — To delay, l. Damsels, 5". — Damsons. ** The Jacobs and damsels are all killed by the early frost." " Jacob " is a very early plum. l. Dander, s. — Spirit, mettle. " He's got his dander up at last." Dander, Donder, v. — To wander about. To ramble or wander in conversation. " Poor oud mon, he's dreadful don- dering," or rambling in his talk. Dandering, part. l. Dandy Cock and Hen. — Bantam fowls, l. Dang, v. — To throw things about carelessly and violently. Hence the term of Dangwallet — For a spendthrift, w. Dangerley, adv. — Possibly, by chance, mayhap, w. ** Dang It," exp. — The same as "Hang it." Used when any- thing has gone wrong, or that displeases the speaker, l. Danter, s. — A term used in Macclesfield and Congleton, for the manager of the silk winding department in a silk mill. Its origin may be dander {d and / being cognate letters), to wander 58 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. DAR about as a manager should or does do, to see that everything goes on right, l. Dark, adj. — Doubtful, unknown. '' Have you got such a farm ? " " No, it is dark at present." L. Dark, adj. — Bhnd. l. Darnak, s. — A hedger's glove, l. Darter, s. — Daughter, l. Dateless, adj. — A curious word, meaning insensible, from a blow generally. Evidence before the grand jury of Chester, *' Father knocked mother down dateless." l. Dauber, or Douber, s. — A plaisterer. In a couplet, or old Cheshire saying, we have an allusion to the word in the spelling of the time, ** The Mayor of Altrincham and the Mayor of Over The one is a thatcher, the other a dauber." Two important workmen in the dwellings of our ancestors, when blue slates, tiles, and bricks, were unknown or unused. Dawb, or Daub, v. — To plaister with clay. ** Wattle and doub," or *1 Raddle and doub," a house or building made with oziers or hazels interwoven, the interstices filled up with clay ; not an uncomfortable house, being warm in winter, and cool in summer, like a thrush or blackbird's nest, both of which birds build in winter. Clay is a non-conductor of heat. Daze, v. — To dazzle, or to stun with a blow. Dazed, vertigifiosus, P.P.C. Sir Thomas More, in his "Apologye," talks of making men's eyes " adased." w. Dead Horse Work, s. — Said when a man, deeply in debt, has to pay away, at once, any money he makes by his work ; it being all forestalled. Ray (1670) has the proverb, "To work for a dead horse," i.e., to work out an old debt, without hope of a future reward, l. DEB CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 59 Deadly, adv. — Very. l. Deaf, adj. — A nut without a kernel is said to be deaf. " He cracks no deaf nuts," O.C.S., said of one who always has some- thing to show for his work. Deafly, or Deaveley, «^'.— Lonely, retired. "A deaveley place," a place where nothing is heard. A woman told me she *' had left her house, it was so deadly deaveley." l. Deave, v. — To deafen or stun by noise. Doof or doove, Flemish, deaf. It also means the bother occasioned by the constant dunning the same thing into one's ear. The same as the Scotch word, " deave," "And sair wi' his love did he deave me." — Burns. Decayed, pat-t. — One reduced by poverty. ^' Given a de- cayed minister (one of the ejected in Cromwell's time), 6d." 165 1, A.D. Middlewych Church Book. l. Decent, adj. — ^* He's the decentest man i'th county," i.e.^ he is the pleasantest man, there's less to say against him, more to be said in his favour ; used in describing a good, kind neigh- bour. It is also a Scotch term. l. Deck, v. — " I'll deck it," />., I'll knock off work, I'll give up what I am doing, l. Deck, s, — A pack of cards. A term found in Shake- speare, w. ** Let's have a deck," — let us play a game. Dee, s. — Day. " Her tung rattles so, oive no peeas dee or noight." Dee, v. — To die. " I'll either do, or dee," />., I'll succeed, or perish in the attempt. Deet, v. — " To deet," is to dirty ; perhaps a corrupt pro- nunciation of DiGHT. w. Much Good Deet You. — Much good do it (/.^., may it do) you : an exact translation of the Italian, Btion pro vifaccia. w. 6o CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. DEL Deg, v. — To sprinkle. To deg clothes is to sprinkle them with water before ironing. A.^. JDeigan. l. Degging Can, s. — Watering can or pot. l. Delf, s. — A stone quarry. The words " mines, delfs and quarries " often occur in old deeds, w. The common stone- ware, or delf, is said to take its name from Delft. Delve, v. — To dig. ' ' When Adam delved and Eve span, Who was then the gentleman ? Upstart a churl and gathered good, And thence did spiing our gentle blood." L. Demath, s. — A day math, or a day's mowing for one man, generally used for a statute acre, but erroneously so, for it is properly one half of a Cheshire acre which is to the statute acre in proportion of sixty-four to thirty and a quarter ; con- sequently the demath bears that of thirty-two to thirty and a quarter to the statute acre. Diemath, deymath, daymath, is common, I am told, in East Friseland. Wiarda explains it as a piece of land containing 400 square yards. Tagmat, as much as a labourer can mow in one day. Demat, diemat, demt, diemt, all mean the same thing. A.S. Doegweore^ a day's work. w. R. Marbury, of Appleton, in his will (A.D. 1559,) leaves his sister " one demath of hey." Demented, part, — Crazed, correctly, out of one's mind. "Ah Corydon ! Corydon ! quae te dementia coepit !" Depe, Depyer, adj, — Deep, deeper, merely another form. L. Desperate. — (Pronounced as a dissyllable). "Very desp'rate cruel." So used also in Devonshire. " He's des- perate good fellow. L. DIG CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 6i Develey, adj, — Lonely. " Au couldna a-bide place, it was so develey au was afeert," vide Deafly. Devil's Parsley, s. — Anthrisais sylvesiris. Wild beaked parsley, or wild chervil. The foliage is wholesome for man, the roots poisonous. It only grows in good ground, l. Devil's Snuff-box, s. — The common puff ball, Lycoper- d07l. L. Dew, s, — Used for rain. l. Dew-blown, adj. see Hoven. Also Risenon. l. Dew Mug, s. — A large black earthenware pan-mug. l. Dicky. — "All dicky with him," i.e. it's all up with him. l. Dick's Hat-band, s. — " As fine as Dick's hat-band," another version is " As queer as Dick's hat-band, as wexit nine times reaund, and wouldna tee {i.e. tie) at last." l. DiDDY, s. — The female breast of milk, also used for the milk itself, " To give the child some diddy," is to give it milk. A poor woman was expostulated with for nursing her child too long, (in Cheshire this is often continued after a cliild can run about and talk,) "Ah missis," answered the mother, "oo says its loif itself." DiDDS, s. — A cow's teats, l. Didn't ought to, i.e. ought not to. l. Dig, or Digg, s. — A duck. A gentleman introduced a man to an old lady in America as an inhabitant of Cheshire, her old county. " I'll soon see," said she, " if he is reet Cheshire born. Tell me," said she to the man, " what a dig, a snig, a grig, a peckled poot, and a peannot are?" B. Kennett in his Glossary of the British Museum^ has the word " dig." " As fierce as a dig," is a Lancashire and probably a Cheshire 62 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. DIG proverb, and reminds one of the Gloucestershire name for a sheep, viz. : "A Cotswold lion." l. Dig-meat, s. — A water flower. Duckmeat. Lemna. l. DiGHT, V, — To dress, w. DiGHT, V. — A form probably of to dirt. l. Dills, s. — Vetches. " Dills and wuts " are often sown to be cut as green meat for horses, l. Ding, v. — To surpass or get the better of a person, Teutonic, JDinghe?i, cojitejidere. The usual sense of to ding, is to give a great blow. w. DiNGE, s. — An indentation, from detis, a tooth, l. Dirty Dick, s. — The wild flower, Goosefoot, {^nde Fat Hen), often found growing on a dunghill, l. Also — Dirty John, s. — Chejiopodhmt olidimi^ Stinking Goosefoot. l. Diseased, part. — Very commonly used for deceased. No Assize passes without some witness talking of " the diseased." l. Dish, s. — A dish of butter means twenty-four ounces, l. Dish Dain, or Dash Doon, s. — A sudden reverse of fortune, a dash down, an unexpected fall. l. Dished down. — Crestfallen, l. Dismay, v. — is to go wrong. " It's never dismayed," " He did, and ne'er dismayed," i.e. never hesitated, l. Dither, or Didder, v. — To tremble or shake, w. Dither, s. — *' Aum all of a dither," i.e. all of a tremble, l. Dithing, s. — A trembling or vibrating motion of the eye, from Dither, or Didder, w. Come — Do.— A man asks another to drink uses the term " Come," the other one accepts by saying " Do." l. DOE CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 63 Dobbin, s. — A timber cart. Dobbin wheels, the very high wheels of the same. l. *' In dock, out nettle." — A proverbial saying expressive of inconstancy. It is supposed that upon a person being stung by a nettle, the immediate application of the Dock leaf to the sting, repeating the precise words " In Dock, out Nettle," or as another version hath it '' Dock come in, Nettle go out " three times (which constitutes the charm) will cause the pain to cease. These words are said to have a similar effect to those expressed in that old unscannable Monkish hexameter, " Exeat urtica, tibi sit periscelis arnica," or perhaps mnicce^ the female garter, bound round the suffering part, being considered a sovereign remedy, w. Dodder, or Dother, s. — Polygonum Convolvulus^ and any straggling plant. L. Doe, v. — (Pronounced like the female Deer). To fatten easily, to thrive. It is generally used in speaking of cattle. A Cheshire adage says ''Hanged hay never does cattle." Bought hay which has been weighed (or hung) on the scales (or rather steelyard) does not pay. A woman being asked how her sick husband was replied in an aggrieved tone, " That he would neither doe nor dee," i.e. get well nor die. Another O.C.P. is '' Roast meat does cattle," which means that in dry seasons cattle, if they can only get at plenty of water, often milk better than in cold wet seasons, when there is more grass. The grass in very dry seasons may be short and sparse, but it is multuni in parvo. It may be an extended sense of the verb " to do," i.e. " To do well." DoESOME, or DosEM, adj. — From the preceding verb, applied to cattle when they thrive well and quickly on httle ; derived by B. Kennet from the A.S. Dugan valere^ a questionable derivation, w. 64 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. DOF Doff, v. — To pull off one's clothes, or any part of them. Dog Daisy, s. — Ox-eye Daisy, or Poverty Weed. l. Dog Eller, $•. — Viburnum opulus. Dwarf Elder, or Dane- wort. L. DoGEOUS, adj. — ^Wringing wet. l. DoGHY, adj. — Dark, cloudy, reserved. Bread half-baked is called " doghy," from dough, l. DoGTAiL, s. — The long-tailed Titmouse, l. Dole, or Doale, s. — A distribution of alms on the death of some considerable person, from A.S. Dcelan^ distribuere, or perhaps from Latin doleo., I grieve. The distribution taking place in consequence of a sad event at a sorrowing period. Dollop, s. — A lump, a large amount. Said of an heiress, " An she got any brass ? " " Ay, dollops." **A dollop of bones lay mouldering there." The Workhouse Boy. l. Don, v. — The contrary of Doff. w. Dooment, s. — A stir, q.v. " Mee-leddy, a pratty dooment there was when Lord Grosvenor cum of age ! " Double Brother, s. — Double sister. Twin brother or sister, l. Douker, s. — The lesser Grebe, Podiceps^ninor. The name taken from its peculiarity of constantly diving and ducking, from DowK. DouT, V. — To put out, to extinguish. '' Dowse the glim," is a cant term for putting out a candle — qu. " Do out." l. DowK, or DouK, v. — To duck or bow the head. From "duck." As an officer was bowing in answer to a salute, a ball that would have taken off his head, passed over him from the enemy's battery. " No one ever loses by civility," said he. DRU CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 65 Downfall, s. — A fall of rain, snow, or hail. l. Drabbly, atij. — Wet soaking. " Drabbly weather," perhaps a variety of dabble, l. Drat it ! — An angry exclamation. Hang it ! " Drat the boy ! " '* Drat her, she's more plague than profit." l. Dree, adj, — Disagreeable, tedious, unseasonable. " A dree rain," a very common expression, seems a misnomer, as dry has the same pronunciation with us, but it means a thick, small, continued rain, more like a Scotch mist. I have heard of its being " a dree time " for any crop that is likely to suffer from wet or dry weather, or from other causes. Ihre has Draella stillare wide aliquid crebro decidit. Dree, v. — To continue, or hold out. w. Dreven, s. — A draggletail. " What a dreven thou art ! " l. Had Drink. " He had had some drink," one of our com- monest expressions, and means that a man was the worse for drink, but not very drunk, l. Drip, v, — To drip a cow. To try the cow again after she has been milked, that no milk may be left behind. See After- INGS. l. Drippings, s. — The last milk drawn from the cow, which is the very richest, l. Drones, s. — A §teelyard. l. Drooping Tulip, s. — Fritillaria Meleagn's. Snake's head. l. Drooty, adj. — Dry. Drooty weather, from drought, l. Drop, v. — To reduce wages. " He's after dropping us a shilling." " Drop it ! " Cease worrying me. l. Drudge box, s. — Flour box. Dredge is the old word for oats and barley mixed ] perhaps it may originally have been " dredge box." w. 66 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. DRU - Drumbow, Drumber, Drimble, or Drumble, s. — A dingle ; in Nottinghamshire called a " dumble." A ravine. Partly Drunk, adj. — Was he drunk ? *' He were partly drunk," i.e. half drunk, l. Dub, v. — To clip a hedge, l. Dubbed, /^r/. — Adorned, ornamented, old word. *' His dyademe was droppede down Dubbyde with stones," MoRTE Arthure, Man*. Lincoln. No. 88. Dug, s. — A dog. w. ** The dugs a bayin roind him." Warburton's Hunting Songs. Dumberdash, s. — A violent pouring shower, or fall of rain. Also Dunderdash, perhaps thunder pour. l. DuNCH, adj. — Deaf w. Dungow-dash, or Drumbow-dash, s. — Dung, filth. When the clouds threaten hail and rain, they say " There's a deal of pouse or dungo-dash to come down." w. Dunna. v. — " Do not," sometimes Dunnot. l. DuNNOCK, s. — The hedge sparrow, from its dark and dusky appearance. Dun was anciently a dark colour, the root in Irish and Scotch is black. Qiiere^ is it not Dunneck ? Bailey in his Dictionary mentions Dunneck as a bird. Dunbird is mentioned in Harrison's Description of England^ p. 122. Dunnot know, v. — A frequent commencement of an answer to a question, " How many children have you ? " " Dunnot know, but I believe I have six." l. DuR, J-. — A door. w. " Shut the dur to," — Close the door. Durcratch, s. — The side of a cart. l. EAT CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 67 Dusty Husband, s. — Rock cress, Arabis Montatta. l. DuzzY, also DouzzY, adj. — Slow, heavy, perhaps from drowsy, w. Dym Sassnach. — Welsh for " I don't understand." Cheshire men often use the expression when they do not understand something ; they say " It's dym sassenach." l. Dytche, s. — A ditch, l. Also called a Sytche. E. Eale, s. — Ale. Pronounced as in the A.S. Bale. Vide Cheshire Wish. w. See also Yell. Eam, or Eem, v. — To spare time, to have leisure. *' I canna eam now." A.S. Eamtan, leisure. Baily has " to eein," to be at leisure, but I never heard the word so pronounced, w. Eamby, adv. — Close by, handy, w. Early Note, s. — Expression used when speaking of a cow expected to calve soon. Not impossible that this may be de- rived from nota, mark, — the time of the expected calving of each cow being chalked up in her boose, l. Earthnut, s. — Bnniuni flexuosum. The pig nut. l. Ease Pole, s. — Eaves pole. A triangular rail laid along the lower end of the roofing spars, to raise up the first course of slates. L. Easings of a house, s. — The eaves, w. Easing Sheaf, s. — The easing sheaf is the beginning of the roof of a rick, where the sheaf is made to project beyond the wall of the rick, so as to throw the rain off, instead of its trick- ling down the sides of the rick. l. Eating Water, part. i.e. drinking water, in contradistinc tion to Carry Water, q.v. some of which is only fit for swilling purposes, l. F 2 68 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. EAV Eaver, or Eever, s. — A quarter of the heavens. " The wind is in a rainy eaver." Bailey admits eever as a Cheshire word. For the etymology of this word I look to the A.S. adv. weard? versus, in the direction of, as exemplified in its derivatives toward, froward, forward, backward. The sense corresponds perfectly, and the V and W may be regarded as the same letters ; the whole difficulty consists in the first short syllable of the word. This etymology is suggested with considerable diffi- dence, w. An Eddy, or a Neddy, s. — An idiot, of which word it may be a diminutive or corruption. More likely " a neddy," often used as an a/ias for a donkey. Edder Feeder, s. — Adder feeder, a common name for the gadfly. L. Edderings, s. — Cuttings or loppings of a hedge are so called. A.S. edor or edar, septum. Bailey has " Eder breche," the tres- pass of hedge-breaking. Tusser has ' ' Save edder and stake Strong hedge to make." w. Eddish, or Edditch, s. — The grass that follows the hay crop. The same as Aftermath and Aftergrass, l. Eddish Cheese, s. — Cheese made of the milk of cows that eat the eddish, l. Eder, s. — A hedge. A good old English word : see Cowell's Law Dicit'onary, folio edition. Probably the root of hedge. Edge, s. — An abrupt hill. " Alderley Edge." l. Edge, v. — To make room ; to go aside, w. Possibly a cor- ruption from " hedge," and hence the racing term " To hedge," is common. Edgegren, s. — Eddish. Used in an old account book, dated 1656. l. Edther Bowt, s. — The dragonfly, l. ELB CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 69 Eek, z'. — To itch. Yeuk or yoke, is the itch. l. Eel, v. — To cover in ; to season an oven when first made. l. Eem, adv. — Near. l. 6"^^ also Eamby. Een, s. — The plural of eye ; like " oxen," " hosen," " housen," " been." Also Eyne, and Even. *' Bang her amang her een," cried one drover, to another driving a refractory or terrified cow. L. Eend, s. — End. " No eend o' drink ! " Plenty of drink. Effigies, s. — A hatchment (which comes from "atchieve- ment.") In a bill of church accounts, in the Middle wych church book, in 1701, is a charge : "To removing the effigies of the old Lady Buckley. " l. Egg, v. — "To egg on," is .to urge on, to excite, to blow a quarrel into a flame, l. Eggs and Butter. — A plant. Rajiimculus acris. Butter- cup. L. Egg Plant, s. — The snowberry bush. Sympherocarpus. l. Win Egg, s. — A " win egg " is a soft egg without a shell, which generally arises from the hen's not being suppHed, in a country destitute of lime, with that most necessary ingredient for an egg-shell, l. Elbow Grease, s. — Hard work. AS. elboga, an elbow, There is a Cheshire proverb, which was a proverb in 1670, and may consequently be three or four hundred years old : " She has broken her elbow at the church door," said of a woman who as a daughter was a hard worker and did not spare the " elbow grease," who, however, after marriage became lazy and in- dolent. L. ** These were the manners, these the ways, In good Queen Bess's golden days , Each damsel owed her bloom and glee To wholesome elbo-grease and me." Smart, Fable 5. CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. ELD Elder, s. — The udder of a cow. Belgice, elder, w. Eller, s. — The elder-tree. It is supposed to be unlucky to use the elder for kindling or lighting a fire. This may arise from the tradition that Judas hung himself on an elder-tree. At Prague, in the Jewish burial-ground — perhaps one of the oldest in Europe — the only bush is the elder. Enjoy, v. — Sometimes used in a queer way. "How are you ? " said I to an old woman. " Thank you," replied she, "I enjoy very bad health." This is rather different to Zacchary's answer to the question, " Do you enjoy good health ? " " Of course I do ; who doesn't ? " l. Enoo, adv. — Enough. " Enoo's a feeast." l. Er, or Ee,P'o. — Wilt'er? or Wilt'ee? Wilt thou? l. Erdnow, v. — "I don't know." F. L. Olmstead, in his " Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in England," was more than once dumfoundered by this Cheshire reply to his queries addressed to a stupid farm lad, sitting astride a gate not far from Chester : " Who owns this land, my boy ? " " Erdnow." *'What grain is that field sown with?" ''Erdnow." The American gave up in despair, and passed on. — The Cheshire version of the '' Monsieur, je iHentejid pas" story, l. Errick, or Eddick, s. — The bur or burdock. Arctium lappa. L. Errif, s. — Galium asserine. Goose grass, l. EsHiN, or AsHiN, s. — A pail. These pails, I believe, are always made of ash wood ? w. EsHiNTLE, s. — An eshin, or pail-full. w. Ess, or Esse, s. — Ashes, or a place under the grate to receive them. Bailey calls it a Cheshire word, the plural of Ash. w. FM CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 71 Esse Hole, s. — Ash pit, the receptacle beneath the kitchen grate, l. " Oo's rootin in the esse hole, aw dee." Etwall, s. — Picus virides. Leycester. l. Every While Stitch, advei'bial expression. — At times ; every now and then. w. Expect, v. — To suppose, believe, or prognosticate. Rather an extended sense of the word, — a sort of a cross between expecting and hoping, with a dash of imagining and believing. An Eye, s. — A nest of pheasants ; or, as it is called in real sportsman's terms, "A nide of pheasants." From nidiiSy a nest. L. Eye, or Ee, s. — A meadow or piece of ground near a river, partly surrounded by water. At Chester, we find the " Roodee" and the " Earl's Eye." We have a brook called the " Peover Eye," which seems to suggest that Eye is a synonym of a brook. In Somersetshire, Eye means water, l. " Eoight," pronounced '* ate," is an island in the Thames. Eyable, adj. — Pleasing to the eye. " Th' garden is more eyable than it were." l. Eyes, s. — The holes left in an ill-made cheese which has been under, and sometimes over, pressed. This, though con- sidered a merit in Gruyard, &c., is a demerit in Cheshire cheese. The saying in Cheshiie is, that " The whey should be 'ticed, not forced, out." l. F. Fac, s. — A name for soil. Fade, s. — The mouldy part of a cheese. Perhaps from French, fade. l. Faigh, s, — Refuse soil, stones, &c. l. 72 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. FAI Fain, adj. — Glad. " Breet a — d rain makes foos fain," />., when a gleam of sunshine succeeds rain, fools think it is going to be fine altogether, but another cloud follows, which brings back bad weather, w. " Fair words make foos fain." Ray. Fairies' Petticoats, s. — Digitalis purpurea. Foxglove. Called in Scotland, " Dead man's fingers." l. Fairies' Tables, s. — Hydrocotyle vulgare. White rot. Fairly, adv. — Proper, right, l. Fall, v. — To fell. '* The men are falling trees." l. Fall, v. — The term given when, by frost or exposure to the air, or wet, slaty marl, "Fox bench," or lime, becomes dis- integrated. L. Fallatic, also Palattic, adj. — For paralytic. (Cheshire assizes), l. Fall-Gate, s. — A gate across the high road. In Germany the toll-gates are a bar of wood lowered and raised by a pulley this may have been formerly the case in this country, l. Falling Out, part. — Quarrelling, l. Fantome Corn, s. — Light corn. Fantome Hay. — Hay that has been well got. w. Farand, or Farrand, s. — Manner, custom, appearance. O.W. We have " old farrand." Farantly. — To do things in the right or wrong "farrand." w. Farantly, adj. — Or, as it is often pronounced, " farancly," or " farincly," is supposed to be a compound of the two words, fair and clean ; but it is simply the adjective of "farrand," and means clean, decent, orderly, and also good-looking. ** I seed a soight worth aw the rest, his farantly young broid." Warburton's Hunting Songs. In Scotland, well or ill "farrand,"are used for well and ill-looking. FAS CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 73 In P.P.C., we read "Comly or well-farying in shape, elegans^^ In Hormanni Vulgaria^ we have, " He looked unfaringly." Aspectu fuit incomposito. A.S., far an, to go ; fare, a journey. Som. A Cheshire shoemaker said to a gentleman who was ordering shoes, " I know what you would wish, Sir, you would have a pair of shoes with a farantly toe and a mannerly heel." "Farantly"and ''mannerly" have much the same meaning, ex- cept that to the latter is attached rather more elegance than to the former, — in short, being in fashion. Fare, v. — To begin. " She fares o' calving," said of a cow, " It fares o' raining," it begins to rain. l. Fare, v. — To go. " To fare road," is to track the " fare," or trace of a hare along the road. w. Faroe, v. and s. — To gossip. A gossip. Can it, or may it be derived from the Latin, for. inf. fari, to talk or speak ? l. Farther, adv. — Expressive of repugnance. " I will be farther, if I do that," means I will never do it. A slang term " I'll see you farther, before I do it," expresses the same thing. Fash, v. — To trouble, tease, shame, cast down, or spoil. To " fash turnips," is to beat down their leaves. " The rain has fashed the flowers." Used synonymously with "dash." Fash, v. — To cut off the tops of turnips or mangold for the cattle ; this is the modern Cheshire meaning of "To fash." l. Fash, s. — The tops of turnips or mangold that have been fashed. " I'm agait kearting the fash to the beasts." l. Better Fashion, s. — When a person is said to be " in better fashion," it means that his health or circumstances, previously bad, are improving, l. Fashous, adj. — Unfortunate, shameful. Either from the verb to fash, or facheux, French, w. 74 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. FAS Fast, v. — "To get fast," is to be so embarrassed as not to. see one's way out of a scrape. " I've getten fast amang it, some road." L. Fast By One End. — A good example of a Cheshire answer which is seldom yea or nay, simply. " Have you cut your hay ? " *' It is fast by one end." Which proves that the hay is not cut, nor at present liable to injury from the wet, as the hay is that is mown. l. Fasten, v. — " I'll fasten thee," i.e.^ I'll take the law of you for something you have done, are doing, or threaten to do. l. Fasten, v. — Prevented ; otherwise occupied, " I shall be fastened to-morrow, and canna come." l. Fastened Up, part. — The term for making the windows and doors safe for the night, l. Fastens, s, — Shrove Tuesday, also called ''Fastens Tues- day." A seed cake used to be the feast on this day {vide Whiskin), instead of pancakes as at present. Langley mentions " Fastingham Tuesday." l. Fat Hen, s. — Bonus Henricus. Generally found growing in rich land and on dung-hills, hence another of its Cheshire names, — Dirty Dick ; called also Good King Henry (hence perhaps, it may be named after Henry VIII. — "Fat Hen.") The weed is also called Goosefoot, and Lambs' Tongues, from the shape of its two sorts of leaves, l. Faugh, s, — Fallow. Abbreviated Hke many of the Venetian demiwords, like ca for casa^ &c. L. Favour, v. — To resemble, as one person does another. "The child favours his father." Pronounced "favvor." "Sic canibus catulos similes sic matribus heedos Noram." "What are those birds in the middle of the field?" "They favours partridges," />., they resemble partridges, instead of " I think they are partridges." " Thee favvers thoi dad, surely ! " FEC • CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 75 Faw, s. — A fall. w. " Oo's ha a nockart faw." Fawn, adj. — Fawn coloured, brown. Vide Fou. l. Fawse, adj. — False, cunning, intelligent. Faws is one of the names for a fox ; it is used to express vice in a horse. Fay, v., or Fey, s. — To remove the soil before digging out marl, gravel, clay, &c., underneath. Fey is the soil so removed. A marling term, but also used for any removing of the top soil, before reaching stone, gravel, clay, earth, &c. Feaberry, s. — The gooseberry. It is difficult to name the root of this word. It is also called the " Fayberry," " Faberry," " Fee Berry," " Fabes," Feabes," '' Feapes," " Fhapes," " Dea- berry." It may come from fal^a, a bean ; the wild black goose- berry being something like beans ; or the dewberry, hence ^' Deaberry," the fruit hanging on every^ bough like dew ; or from *' Fay," the fairy berry. Supposed to have been one of our indigenous fruits. Gerard says of feaberry, *' The name is used in Cheshire, my native county." Feal, v. — To hide slily. " He that feals can find." l. Fear, v. — "To fear crows," to frighten crows. Used transitively, l. Feart, adj. — Afraid, w. " Oim feart on him.", Fearcrow, s. — A scarecrow. Hence any unsightly object, l. February Fill Dyke. — *' February fill dyke, Whether black or white. i.e. rain or snow, alluding to the wet nature of the month ; as we talk of " March winds," " April showers," " Dripping June," " November fogs," &c. l. Feck !, or Fecks ! — An exclamation ; possibly " Faith ! '' or " Tphegs ! " w. The Irishman's " Faix ! " 76 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. FEN Fend, v. — To work hard ; to struggle with difficulties. " In hard times 'we must fend, to live." When a person is difficult to convince, they say ''You must fend, and prove with him." In this latter sense it may be an abbreviation of " defend." Halliwell says that "Fend and prove," means throwing the blame on other people's shoulders. Ferrups! exclamation, — "What the ferrups are you doing?" like " What the devil are you about ? " l. Festerment, s. — Annoyance, vexation. An old hole, like that made by wet or age in timber. Sometimes, confusion. " A festerment of weeds." l. Fetch, v. — Means to take away, as well as the common meaning of bringing to one. v. Cawf. l. Fettle, s. — Order \ good repair, w. Fettle, v. — To repair ; to put in order. Whether it is a broken gate, a tumble-down barn, an unweeded garden, an un- washed child, broken harness, a plat fallen in, &c., &c., they must all be " fettled," i.e. righted and straightened. Dr. Johnson explains this word, " To do trifling business, to ply the hands without labour;" and calls it a cant word from "Fed." I should think it not unlikely our Cheshire Fettle, is a variety of "To settle," i.e. to arrange, and put in order, l. Few, v. — Flew ; perfect of verb to fly. w. Few, adj. — Is not only a small number, but a small quantity. "A few broth." A.S./m, pauci, Som. "A good few, more than a Uttle," means a good portion, and is one more of the many examples in Cheshire, of the simplest way being rejected for a more compound way of expressing a sentiment. "A few of broth " is a Scotticism. Fewmot, Foomot, or Foumart, s. — A polecat. The first syllable is derived from/^//, stinking ; the second is from Marten. FLE CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 77 Fey, v. vide Fay. Fighting Cocks, s. — Heads of the platitago lanceolata^ the common plantain. The name originates from a child's game : each child has a certain number of plantains, and they by turns offer a plantain to be struck, or strike their adversary's j who- ever can strike off the most of his opponent's heads, and lose least himself, wins the game. l. Fillets, s. — Tin fillets, supports to prevent the cheese falling. L. FiLMART, or Foumart, s. — Polecat ; vide Fewmot. l. Fine, adj. (pronounced *'foine.") — Smartly dressed. "As foine as Phillyloo." O.C.S. l. Fine John, s, — Agrostis vulgaris. Fins, s, — ^All the bones of a fish are so called in Maccles- field. L. Fir-Bob, s. — A fir cone. l. First End, s, — The beginning. Sometimes First Along, l. " Firing a chimney." — Setting it on fire, to get rid of the soot, and save a chimney-sweep, l. First of May, s. — Saxifraga granulata, white meadow saxi- frage. L. Fitches, s. — Vetches, l. FiTCHET Pie, s. — A pie composed of apples, onions, and bacon ; served to labourers as a harvest-home feast, w. Fitter, v. — To move the feet quickly ; to stamp with rage, like children in a passion, w. Flacket, s, — Small board behind a cart. l. Fleak, s. — A bundle of hay \ not a truss, l. 78 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. FLA Flake, or Fleak, s. — A hurdle, w. Flam, v. — To humbug, to deceive. " He's ony flammin." Flam, j-.— Humbug. " It's all flam, I tell you." Flange, or Flange Out. —To spread, diverge, or increase in width and breadth, like the mouth of a trumpet or a French horn. w. Flaps, s. — Large flat mushrooms, l. Flash, or Plash, also Pash, s. — A shallow piece of water, like that left in a field after a thunderstorm. Probably a variety of splash. Flasker, v. — To choke or stifle. A person lying in the mud, and unable to extricate himself, is said to be ^' Flaskered." " Flaskerry work,''' means hard, trying work. It is used to ex- press a stranded fish flopping midst mud and weeds. Flat Finch, s, — The brambling. l. Flatter Dock, s., vide Platter Dock, the commoner word, TroTafXoyrjTOP. W. Flay, or Flea, v. — ^'- Fleaing clods," is taking up the grass turf from a field or the side of a road. l. Flea, or Fly Dod, s. — Ragwort, senecio jacobea. It is com- monly covered with a dusky fly, which accounts for the first part of the name. Perhaps its termination was originally *' dock," not " dod." Gerarde, in his " Herbal," gives the name of ''Flea Docke," to a plant. (I cannot find this in my edition.) The name '' Flea," or " Fly," has been probably given it, for it is supposed by its rank smell to drive away fleas, flies, and midges. It is, in Scotland, called ** Stinking Billy," in contra- distinction to " Sweet William," and is often used, either as a flower or as an infusion, sponged on the legs— if you wear the FLI CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 79 kilt — to keep off midges. In Cheshire it has another unsavoury name, from its disagreeable smell. In Ireland it is called the " Yellows," and is used for brooms. K.^.fleatvyrt. Fleck, Flick, Fley, Flegge, Flig, v. — To fly as a bird. Fleck, s. — The fur of a hare or rabbit, l. Fleck, s, — A flea. l. * Fleck, v. — To catch fleas. A witness at the Assizes, who came to prove an alibi, said she knew some circumstance had happened at the particular time, ** because her father had got up to fleck the bed." l. Flee, s. — A fly. w. Fleeces, s, — Layers of hay in a stack. " Yo mun cut some fleeces i'th bay." l. Fleetings, or Flittings, or Fleetmilk, s. — Part of the refuse milk in the process of cheese making. Belg. vlotemdck. In P.P.C. *'Flet of mylk, or other like despumatus." w. Fleetings are rather a curdy cream which rises on boiling whey. K.^.flede^ a stream. Flef, s. — A Flea. Also Flee, and Fleck, l. Flet Milk. — Skim milk. K.S. flefe, cremor lactts. w. Flig, or Fligge, adj. — Spoken of young full-fledged nest- lings ready to fly. A.^.fltgg. A flying. Fliggers, s. — Young birds beginning to fly. From the A.S. Fliccerian, Motare alas. w. From this word comes — Flicker. — To flutter. " The candle's flickering," just going out. l. Flit, v. — To remove from one habitation to another; to leave one's house, w. 80 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. FLl Flit, or Flyte, v. — To scold. A.S. Jlytan, to reprove, w. Flitting, s. — Change of residence. " Moonlighty?////;?^," is when a tenant bolts by night, without paying his rent, and hopes to hide from his landlord his new whereabouts, l. Flizze, s. — The skin which chips at the insertion of the nail. Also called " Step-mother's blessing." Flock, v. — To mow in steps or ridges like a bad mower, l. Flough, s. (pronounced gutturally.) — A flea. w. Fluke, s. — A fish, the flounder. A.S. Jloc^ a plaicer or sole. w. Flummery, s. — Oatmeal boiled in water till it becomes a thick glutinous substance. Tod admits the word, but I believe it is in common use in this sense only in Cheshire, and some of the northern counties, w. Flurch, s. — A great many; a quantity. "A flurch o' straw- berries." L. Flush, v. — To put up winged game. l. Flush, adv. — Even with. " The brick coping is flush with the wall," does not project, l. Flusker, v. — To be confused ; to fly irregularly, as nestlings taking their first purposeless flight. Also Fluster, l. Fodder Cheese, s. vide Boosy Cheese. Fogg, s. — The uneaten sour grass of a pasture field avoided by cattle ; after frost (which is said to sweeten it,) they eat it. A sort of soft grass, which, made into hay, horses waste and cows eat; is also called "Foggy grass." Fogh, s. — Fallow ground, vide Faugh. Foine, adj. — Cheshire pronunciation of fine. l. FOR CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 8i Folks, s. — For people. " Folks say." " Folks dimna loike him." It is used in the singular or the plural ; the plural form of a word already plural, like people, is peculiar, but' lately we have an s put to people, l. Foo, s. — A fool. *' He's a born foo, and that's th' wurst foo of au." L. Foo-GAWD, s. — A fool's gawd or bauble. A foolish plaything. " Lave that foo-gawd alone, an' get to thoy work." l. FooTCOCKS, s. — Small haycocks, made by the haymaker drawing the hay towards him with the rake, and turning it over in a coil with the foot and rake. l. Footing, s. — Drink money, generally given by any one en- tering on a new office, trade, or pursuit, to those of his future fellows already engaged in it. Money paid to gain a " footing," or a right to associate with othtrs,— passim, l. Foremilk, v. — To milk the first half of the quantity a cow gives, and to put it by itself for the market, retaining the second half of the meal for butter-making, l. Foremilk, s. — The first portion of the milk given by a cow at a meal, less rich than the after portion, and very much poorer than the " drippings." l. FoRENENST, adv. — Opposite ; over against, l. FoRKiN Robin, s. — ^An earwig. (Should it ever get into the ear, a drop of oil kills it.) l. Form, s. — State, condition. " Good or bad form." l. FoRTHiNK, V. — To repent. Chaucer, w. FoRTHouGHT, s. — Repentance. J^orethought is forecast, or prospective wisdom, but our word has quite a different mean- ing, the word for signifying privation, as for in ** forget," and G 82 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. FOT "forgo" (j-^ it ought to be written, and not '^forego"). The pronunciation of " forthought," and " forethought," are quite different, w. FoT, z^. — To fetch; fetched, l. Fou, adj, — Ugly, foul. Also Fow. '* Fawn peckles once made a vow They ne'er would come on face that was fou." — O.C.S. Fou DRUNK. — Very drunk, mad drunk, w. FouGHTEN, /<^j/ /rt;r. of to fight. — ist. Rustic, in town at fair time: — "Bill, hast foughten?'' 2nd. Rustic. — ^'None." ist R. — " Well, ge foughten, and come whoam.'' l. Foul, adj. — Abusive. " She used foul or fow names." Also dirt. Lord Chancellor Egerton's favourite proverb was — *' Frost and fraud both end in foul." Few, J. — A fowl. (Bailey.) l. Fow Life. — Very difficult. " I've a fow life to walk at all," said a rheumatic man. l. FowLK, or FoKE s. — Folk or persons. " You hinder folk " is often used for "you hinder me in my business," a similar use ioone — "You bother one," i.e., me. Fowls, or Fouls, s. — A disease in the feet of cattle, for which the following receipt is given as effective : " Cut a sod on which the diseased foot has stood, the shape of the foot, and stick it on a bush." l. Fox, V. — To pretend to be asleep. *' He's none asleep, not he, he's ony foxin." Probably it means this where it is used in "King Lear." l. Fox Bench, s. — A certain hard red and almost metallic earth, impervious to moisture, which sublies the ground at FRE CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 83 different depths in many parts of Cheshire — a sham shallow rock-sand hardened, and when exposed to the air it soon falls to pieces. The name is probably taken from its tawny red colour, resembling that of a fox. It is also called Fox Bent. The term Bench, floor, is used in Staffordshire to name the sixth parting in the body of the coal 2 feet thick. In York- shire Fox Bench is called Pee at Pan, from holding the water like a pan. l. Foxy, adj. — Wet, marshy. A common case with land that has unbroken or unpierced Fox Bench sublying it ; as the wet cannot escape, l. Frab, V, — To worry. *' Growlin and frabbin from mornin to neet." l. Frabbly, adj. — A worrying, ill-tempered person, l. Frame, v. — To shape or promise well. As an example, I give a bit of Cheshire irony. " Thee frames loike my aunt Peg, and she framed loike a foo." A Biblical word — Judges xii. 6, " For he could not frame to pronounce it right. " l. Frampath, s. — The ring which slides on the ring stake to which the cows are fastened, l. Frampot, s. — The iron ring which fastens the Sowl or cow ,yoke to the iron range, w. Frasling, 5. — The perch, (fish), l, Fray, s. — To store a pit with fry. l. Free Martin, vide Martin. Frem, or Frim, adj. — Brittle, tender, applied to the young spring grass, l. Fremd, adj. — Strange, hostile ; GQrm2in, fremden, foreigners. " Frem folk," Strangers. In former days there was a natural connection between strangers and enemies. Hence the same G 2 84 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. FRE word was used for both, as in this case. Strangers were con- sidered as spies, the avajit-coiirlers of war. The Roman word for strangers was barbaric barbarians, or foreigners. Fretten, part. — Rubbed, marked. " Pock Fretten," marked with the small-pox, (A.S. Poc). French, /roUer; A.S., frothian, fricare. w. Fridge, v, — To rub to pieces. To fret, to make sore with rubbing, Hke a badly fitting collar, or saddle galling a horse. It also means to fray at the edge. l. Front, v. — To swell. " Pig should be killed the full of the moon, or the bacon winna front when boiled." l. Frort, Frowart, Frowarts, dr^z^. — Forward, w. "Ther's ne'er a frowarter wench in aw the parish ner yare Bet ! " Frousty, adj. — The same as frouzy ; close, unpleasant smelling, not fresh. Like a bedroom that never has the win- dows opened, clothes that have been worn and not washed, &c. L. Fudging, part. — Talking nonsense, l. Fugle, v. — To whistle. " Go long wi' ye, thou idle chap, allis fugling and runting." l. Fukes, j.— The hair. Bailey has "fax," for the hair, and derives from it, " Fairfax," " Halifax," &c. A.S., feiix, the hair. w. Full Bat — used adverbially for best pace, very quickly. " He ran agen him full bat." l. FuMMUZ, V. — To meddle in anything fussily and clumsily. What the late Lord Derby called "MeddUng and mud- dling." L. GAL CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 85 Fun, v. — To do, to liumbug, to make a laughing-stock of. L. '* Then kissing his daughter, he said to his son, Saying, 'John you have funned me as sure as a gun.' " The Old Man Outwitted, Cheshire Ballads and Legends, p. 73. FuRBLES, s. — Fibres, hairy roots, l. FuRMETTY, s. — New wheat boiled to a pulp and sweetened with sugar. The reason given by the churchwarden of Middlewych for not letting the school children come to church on the Wakes Sunday was, " That their little bellies will be so full of furmetty, that they will only be going in and out all church time.^' It is a synonym of " frumenty," which comes from the l^dXin frumentum^ wheat, l. FussocK, s. — A potato pudding, l. FusTiANY, adj. — Applied to sand with a good deal of earth (of the colour of fustian) in it, that prevents its being used for mortar, l. FuzziKY, adj, — Spongy. Like a soft, spongy turnip, before actual decay, l. G. Gad, v. — To go. To be *' on the gad," is to be on the point of setting out. " Our Moll's a regular gad-about." l. Gad, j-.-^-The fact of starting, w. Gaffer, s. — The master or overseer of workmen, l. Gafty, adj. — Doubtful, suspected. "A gafty person" is one suspected, w. Gain, adj. — Handy, near. ^' Dunna go that gate, t'other's gainer." " Go's a gain little tit." L. Gallows, s. — Braces, l. Gallows Tang, s. — A jail-bird ; also a clumsy fellow, l. 86 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. gm Gallas, adj. — "■ A gallas young fellow," means one always in scrapes, or up to a lark ; either from the word " gay," or that mad pranks may lead to his being hanged. When we say, " Such a one never will be drowned," we imply he will be hanged. It required less interest to be hanged formerly than at present, l. Gambrel Legged, adj. — Cow legged. Said of a horse, l. Gamble, s. — The hough of a horse, l. Gammel, or Gannel, s. — A slut; also a narrow entry or passage, quasi a channel. Vide Gennell. l. Gammock, v. — To banter, jest, or lark. " Oi shan't stand any o' yoer gammucks. Jack." l. Gander Month. — The month during which a man's wife is confined, w. Also called Steg Month — Isl. stegge, a gander. Gang, s. — The party of labourers who undertake to open a pit and dig out the marl. l. Ganger, s. — The head of a gang of workmen (not marlers). Vide Lord of the Pit. l. Garelocks, or Garelicks, s. — A fighting cock's gaffles, or artificial spurs, l. Gargles, s. — A disease of the udder of a cow, when the milk curdles and will not flow. To " rub the udder with a maid's shift " is said to be a certain cure for the disease. I cannot add, Probatum est. l. Gate, s. — A road. ** Gate heo goes," is the usual cry of the huntsman when he pricks (/>., traces) the hunted hare along the high road : **gate" is not only porta^ but porius — " Sandgate," " Margate," &c. In Scotland they say of a wilful man, *' He maun take his ain gate." Gate, v.y Gating, pari. — Silkweaving terms — To start, starting, /.. — To fit, suit, or agree together, from the O.W. " to gee,'* or " to gie," to go ; as it is said of horses that go well in harness together. The G is pronounced hard. Gee, v. — To give. " Oo geed me nought." Geen, participle of the preceding, l. Geen, adj. — Active, clever. " A reet geen litde tit," />., A really clever little horse, l. Gai7i. Geet, v. — For got, and get. l. Geff, or Jeff, adj, — Deaf (or as we pronounce deaf, like leaf.) Gell, or Jell. — A great deal. w. Geneva Plant, s. — The juniper, the berries of which are used not only to flavour Westphalia hams, but gin also ; which is often called " Geneva." " Oh, Geneva, Geneva, Geneva's the thing — For sixpence a man. may get drunk as a king. " L. Gennell, s. — Macclesfield term for a long, narrow passage between houses, perhaps from "channel," or " kennel,'' which most likely also occupies the " gennell." l. Brown George. — The common sort of brown bread, w. Gesling, j.— Gosling, w. GLE CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 89 Get, v. — " Getting potatoes," digging them up. l. Gheeten, part. — Gotten, w. Gib and Gill, s. — Male and female ferret, l. To GO Giddy. — To go into a passion ; A.S. Gidig, stultus veriiginosiis — Som. A very trifling deflection from the common meaning of Giddy, w. Gillhooter, s. — An owl. w. Giller, or Guiller, s. — Several horsehairs twisted together to form a fishing line. w. Gilt, s. — A young sow that has never had a litter, l. GiMBO, s. — The natural child of a natural child, l. ' Gingerly, adv. — Gently, cautiously. In Cheshire, "Gin- gerly," and not " delicately,'^ would have been applied to the approach of King Agag. l. Gird, v. and s. — A push. To push as a bull doth. In Shakespeare's " Henry IV.," Part II. Act i. Scene 2, Falstaff says, "Men of all sorts take a pride to gird at me." A.S. gyrd^ a stick ; gyrd wife, is painbringing rod. A horse apt to bolt and take fright is said, " To have the girds." Getty (pronounced Jetty), v. — To agree, to suit. " They dunna getty," /.., day. — A greeting often used in Lancashire and Cheshire to passers-by, of " Goody, good een," or, *' Goody, good eel," or words that sound thus. The meaning of this may be " God give you good den, or good day," or other- wise it may be, '' May God good yld, or yield, to you ;" but from the sound, I rather incUne to the first explanation. In " Romeo and Juliet," Mercutio says to the nurse, " God ye good den, fair gentlewoman," to which salutation the nurse replies, " Is it good den ? " Mercutio rejoins, " 'Tis no less, I tell you," &c. w. Coin in, part. — " Going in, or of, ten years," said of a child rising ten. In alluding to one of the family having manied, you are often told that so and so "has gone and got married.' " He's bin an gon and did it ! " i.e., made a mess of it. l. GOR CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 91 Goiter Throat. — The remedy for this in our Cheshire folk- lore, is to draw the hand of a man, killed by accident, across the affected part, in the dark, and no one present, l. GoLDiNG, s.—A marygold. w. Goldfinch, s. — The yellowhammer l. GoLLOP, V. — To swallow greedily, to gobble. There is a Somersetshire word, " goUop," which means a large mouthful!. " He golluped up the meeat loike a dog." l. GoNDER, s. — A gooseberry, l. GoNDER. s. — A gander. Also a fool, '* What a gonder thee art, Raphe ! " l. Good, s. — Property of any kind. We find the same in French and Latin, dona. Mens. Gooding, /«r/. — Collecting money for the poor at Christmas for a feast. Doing good. l. Good Lad ! , ex. — Well done ! Good Luck. — " To play the good luck," i.e., bad luck, is to do mischief; synonymous with "playing old gooseberry," or "playing old Harry." It reminds me of what I once heard at an Irish fair, where two Irishmen met — " Bad luck to you ! Pat," says one, " How are you ? " " Good luck to you ! Mick," an- swered the other, without the least hesitation, " and may neither of them come true." l. Goody, s. — A sort of familiar greeting (formerly much used, now very seldom heard) to an old woman, w. We may call it extinct now, 1875. GoosEFOOT, s. — Another name for " fat hen," ^. v, l. GoRBY, a^/j. — Soft, silly, l. GoRSE Hopper, j.— The bird called a whinchat. w. 93 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. GOS Goslings, s. — The yellow flower of the willow, resembling in colour newly-fledged goslings, l. GosTER, V. — To boast. " He's a gosterin' foo ! " l. QxOT, part. — Applied to hay, "well got," or "badly got," />., well or badly saved, l. Got the Rats. — Said of a man who has the bailifls in his house. L. GouFE, or Gaufe, s. — A simpleton. " Thou great goufe ! " l. Gouty, adj. — " What is a gouty place?" "A wobby place." ** What's a wobby place ? " "A mizzick." " What's a mizzick ? " "Amurgin." "What is a murgin ? " "A wet, boggy place." Gouty may be derived from the French goiitte. l. GowD Feps, s. — A kind of small red and yellow early pear ; th^ petit muscat, or sept en gueule of Duhamel. w. GowLE, GouL, s. — A running of the eyes j the gum of the eyes. l. Gradely, Greadly, or Graidly, adv. — Decently, orderly; a good sort of man, thriving honestly in the world. Perhaps from O.W. to gree, for to agree; A.S. grith, peace; used by Chaucer, w. " She's a gradely lass," a right proper girl. Gradely, adv. — Near. l. Graft, s. — The depth of a spade. " Digging ground two grafts deep/' means two spades deep. l. Grains, s. — The prongs of a fork. l. Graith, s. — Riches, w. "If you've graith and grout, you'll be never without." O.C.P. Crash, s. — Fruit. . l. Grawed, adj. ox part. — Begrimed, bedaubed with dirt. l. Grazier, s. — A young rabbit beginning to eat grass, w. GRO CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 93 Great. — '^ To work by the great,''' is task work in contra- distinction to day work. w. Great, adj. — Friendly, on good terms. *' I'm not great with him, now ; " " I don't recognise him now, if I meet him." L. Green Linnet, s, — Greenfinch, l. Greet, s. — Silver sand. l. Greybob, s. — The lesser redpole. l. Grig, s. — Heather, l. Grin, s. — A snare to catch a hare or a rabbit. Grindle stone, s. — A grinding stone. AS. grindan, to grind. " * Naught's impossible,' as t'auld woman said when they told her, caulf had swallowed grindlestone." O.C.P. l. Gripyarding, or Yeording, part. — Piling and wattling, to support banks, (as is sometimes done with graves,) to prevent the scour of rivers on the banks, l. Gripyard, s. — A seat of green turf, supported by twisted boughs. L. Groop, s. — The channel in a shippin to carry off the water, &c. L. Grosier, s. — Gooseberry. An adaptation of the French groseille. Ground Elder, s. — Angelica sylvestris. Few plants have more provincial names than this. l. Ground Ivvens, s. — Nepeta glechoma, catsmint. Ground Ivy. L. Ground Honeysuckle, s. — The common birdsfoot — Orni- thopus perptisillus. L. Grout, s. — Good breed. " Grout afore brass, for me ! " l. 94 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY GRO Grout, or Growt, s. — Poor small beer. w. Grub, 7a — To make envious. " He's grubbed at Tom cut- ting him out." L. Grummel,j-. — Dust and rubbish. More anciently Romell. l. Grumbledirt, s. — A man who is always grumbling, l. GuELVE, s. — A three-tined fork. l. Guest, s. — Instead of guise. " Another guest person " is a different sort of person, w. GuiLL, V. — To dazzle, chiefly by a blow. w. GuiNiAD, i". — A fish only caught in the Dee, at Pimble Meer. Pimblemere is the old name of Bala Lake, through which the Dee flows. The guiniad resembles the salmon in shape, and tastes like a trout. Ray, 1674, says, "The guiniad is found in the Lake of Bala in Wales (whence flows the Dee). This is the same with the jarra of Lake Geneva, described in Aldrovandus, and the alberlin of the Lake of Zurich. It is also found in a lake of Cumberland called Huls water (Ulswater) where they call it a schelly." Steele's " Collection of Cheshire words," (Bodleian) circa 1750. Mentioned by Skinner, l. Gull, s. — A naked gull is any unfledged nestling. They have always a yellowish cast. The word is, I believe, derived from AS. geo/e; or Suio-Goth, gul — both meaning yellow. Com- mentators, unaware of the real meaning of " naked gull," blunder in their attempt to explain those lines in Shakespeare's " Timon of Athens "— " Lord Timon will be left a naked gull, Which flashes now a Phoenix." w. Gurr, s. — A sort of looseness to which calves are subject. " Cawf 's got th' gurr." l. HAF CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 95 GuTOUT, s. — The gout. It also means a soft spongy part of a field full of springs. A defective place — perhaps used in a figurative sense, w. Gutter Viewers, s. — Officers in the Salt Towns who'inspect- ed the troughs or channels, which conducted the brine from the sheath to the wych house. L. GuTTiT, s. — I am credibly informed this is almost the only name by which Shrovetide is known to the lower orders in Cheshire. The word seems a corruption of "Goodtide." " Shrovetide was formerly," says Mr. Warton, " not only a season of extraordinary sport and feasting, but it was also the stated time for repentance, confession, and absolution." For either of the above reasons, it may fairly have obtained the name of Goodtide, as the day of Crucifixion has that of Good Friday. At Mobberly I hear of a curious custom (which may be general). If any one of the farm servants cannot finish his pancakes by a certain time, he is put, willy nilly, into a wheel- barrow, taken off and shot out on the midden, l. H. Hack, J. — A mattock. *' A gorse hack." l. Pig's Hack, s. — A pig's pluck, l. Hackling, fl!^'. — Hacking; said of a troublesome cough, l. HcEGS, s. — Pronounced hagues. — Haws, the berries of the hawthorn. " Hedge " is derived from this. l. Haffle, v. — To hesitate. " Haffle, and yore dun for," — t.e., He who hesitates is lost. l. Haft, s. — A man not to be depended upon is called " loose in the haft ;" not to be trusted further than you could "throw a pig by the soaped tail." Haft is properly a handle, and if an axe, for instance, is set in a loose haft, the weapon not only cannot be trusted, but maybe dangerous. A.S. /ice/tf a handle. 96 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. HAG We have two O.C.P.s. *' Every knife of his'n has a golden haft," />., everything he undertakes turns out well. " Dunna waste a fresh haft on an oud blade ;" Don't throw good money after bad. l. Hagg, s. — To work by the " hagg" is to work by the job, in contradistinction to day work. The price of day labour is simple ; but to work by the " great," or by the job, is a fruitful source of dispute between employers and employed, particularly as the contract is never written down. Hence to " hagge," or *' haggle," is the general result of the half-digested bargain. In the Isle of Wight, *' haggler " is the upper servant on a farm, upon whom falls the bargaining, and subsequent quarrelling, with the labourers. Hagg Master, s. — One who hires labourers and undertakes " hagg work." l. Haigh, or Hay, v, — To heave, w. ^' Hay it up," lift it. Hain, s. — Hatred, malice ; from French /laiu. l. Halo, or Hailow, adj. — Awkwardly shy and bashful ; from A.S. /iwy/, bashful, w. Half- Wit, v. — An idiot. "Our Raphe's a pratty toidy scoUard ; but as for Dick, poor chap ! he's a hafe-wit." l. Halsh, v. and s. — To twist. A twist or turn. " Halsh the rope." " Give it another halsh." l. Hames, also Hemes, s. — Horse collars, so called (according to Phillips, in his New World of Words j) from their likeness in shape to the hams of a man, w. Perhaps from Latin hamus. Hamil Sconce, s. — The light of the village or hamlet, the Solomon of the place. *' Sconce " is either light or head. l. Hammer and Pincers, or Hammer and Tongs. — Also called Forging. — The noise made by a horse on the trot by striking the hind shoe against the fore one. A fault of many HAP CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 97 horses, particularly when tired. " They're falling out, hammer and tongs," i.e. they are having high words, l. Han, v. — The plural of the present tense of the verb "to have " ; it is an old word used by Widiffe, and seems to be a contraction of " haven." l. Hanged Hay, s. — Hay hung on the steel-yard to be weighed, previous to selling. There is an O.C.P. " Hanged hay never does cattle," i.e. bought hay does not pay, " Slung hay " is another version, and like *' hanged hay," refers to the mode of weighing, l. Hang Post, s. — The post on which a gate hangs^ in contra- distinction to the " clap post," against which the gate shuts, l. Hangs, s. — Wires to catch hares and rabbits, l. Hank, Hanker, v. — To desire ; to look after, l. Hanna, v. — Have not. w. Hansell, s. — " Gee me a hansell," i.e. be the first to buy something of me. A French shop woman . told me it was un- lucky to refuse the first offer made by the first customer in the morning. The first purchaser in a shop newly opened, '* han- sells it, " as the first purchaser of the day does a market. "Hansel Monday" is the first Monday in the year. "To hansel our sharp blades," is to use them for the first time. Sir yoh7i Oldcastle^ page 29. l. Hantle, or Handtle, s. — A handful ; a great quantity. " A hantle o' siller," in Scotland means a great lot. The doubt expressed by Jamieson of the root of the word being " handful," is wholly done away with, when we state that the two similar words, Piggintle and Noggintle, are in constant use in the county, w. Hap, v. — To pat ; said of patting soil with the back of a spade to smoothe it. l. 98 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. HAP Happens, adv. — Perhaps, possibly. A Scotch word. A story is told of a Scotch minister preaching upon Jonah, and suggesting different fish as the swallowers of Jonah and then denying it, till an old woman, one of the congregation, well versed in Scripture, tired of the minister beating about the bush or raking the sea, cried out " Happens it was a whale ! " " Happens," retorted the angry minister, " you are an auld fule for taking the word of God out of the minister's mouth." Happeley (haply) is a synonym of Happens. The Happy family, s. — Name for a flower, a Sedum, the buds and flowers of which, though on diff'erent stalks, all nestle together, l. Harbour, v. — To haunt. '' They harbour there con- tinually," i.e. they are constantly there. "The man at th' pubHc allis harbours pouchers." Harbour is a term in Venerie for the lodgment of the hart or deer. The man whose duty it was to discover where the deer " harboured," was called the " harbourer." l. Harbouration, s. — A collection, a lodgment. *' Oi ne'er seed sich a harbouration o' durt as that is." l. Hard, adv.—M\ich. " Go fretted very hard." l. Hard-faced, adj. — Impudent, obstinate. I have heard a bold horse called " a regular hard-faced one." l. Hard Iron, or Hard Yed, Centaureum 7iigruni. — Knap- weed. The man who gave me the second name said " Moind it is yed., not Head." l. Hask, ^^*.— Rough, cold, piercing. The bitter March winds we call " Hask." L. Hassocks, s. — A coarse grass growing in tufted cushions in wet places ; Aira ccespitosa, also called tussock grass, l. HA^ CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 99 Hattle, a^j'.— Wild, skittish. " Tye the hattle kye by the horn," I.e. the skittish cow. Ray. Hattock, s. — A hole in the roof where owls harbour, l. Hattocks, s. — A shock of corn. l. Having, 'part. — Cleaning corn by throwing it against the wind. Perhaps a corruption of heaving, l. Haviours, or Havers, s. — " To be on one's haviours," is to be on one's good behaviour. " To mind one's P's and Q's.'* This latter expression is said to have originated from the publican keeping the score against his customers chalked up on the door, under the heads of P for pints and Q for quarts ; when this score began, according to the publican's notions, to exceed the paying powers of his customer, he would point to the door and tell him to mind his P's and Q's. Some however say that it has a French origin. " Soyez attentifs a vos pies et vos cues." Haw, s. — Hall. w. Hawberry, s. — The fruit of the thorn. There is a legend that for several days before the Battle of Blore Heath, there arose each morning out of the foss, three mermaids, who announced in the following lines as they combed their hair, the coming battle. "Ere yet the Hawberry assumes its deep red, Embued shall this heath be with blood nobly shed." L. Ha^\f, adv. — Half. w. Hawpenny, Hawporth. — Halfpenny. Halfpennyworth, w. Hay, or Haigh, v. — To have. w. Hayshakers, s. — Quaking grass, briza media, l. Haytenters, s — Haymakers, l. H 2 100 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. HEA Headaches, s. — The common poppy, l. Head o' Pit, s. — The deepest part of the marl pit, the furthest from the space end. It is also called " Marl Head." l. Heart-rooted, adj. — Said of a tree that is self-sown. l. Hearty, adv. — Very ; " Oos hearty fou," — she is very ugly. L. Heave, v. — The general meaning of " heave " is to lift up some great weight ; but we use " heave " merely as a synonym of " to lift." " I seed him heave the gun up." l. Heave, v. — To throw. '* O'il heave this stone at yer head, if yo dunna shut up." " Heave it here," — throw it to me. l. Heaze, v. — To cough or hawk. w. Heazy, adj. — Hoarse, w. Hebbon, part — Worth having. " He's not much worth hebbon, and desp'rate shommakin in his legs," i.e. awkward in his gait, was an observation made, by a bystander, on a young man who came to offer himself as groom, l. Heckle-tempered, adj. — Short-tempered, hasty, touchy. It was said of a man of this sort, " He flies au to pieces like a pan moog." *' Hackle " being used for tow, may refer to the way it flares up, like a person in a passion. L. Hedgehogs, s. — Small stunted trees in hedgerows, useless for timber, but (if oak) useful for a gate stump. Oaks are our general hedgerow timber ; elms, which are the natural tree of the county in Gloucestershire, Warwickshire, and the midland counties, soon succumbing if of any size in Cheshire to the violent westerly gales, l. HES CHESHIRE GLOSSAl^lr. ioi Heir, v. — To be the heir. Used in a distich attributed to the Regicide Bradshaw : — ** My brother Henry must heir the land, My brother Frank must be at his command, Whilst I poor Jack will yet do that That all the world shall wonder at." L. Heirable, adj. — Entailed. " That farm canna be sold, it's heirable." l. Helve, s — A haft or handle. There is an O.C.P. signify- ing despair. ' ' To throw the helve after the hatchet. " L. Hen, adj. — Old. Moreton-in-marsh, a town in Gloucester- shire, the late Lord Redesdale used to say, was a corruption of " Moreton Hen Marsh " ; i.e. formerly a marsh. — Steel collec- tions, Bodleian, l. Henbury, s. — A parish near Birtles ; may be derived from being an old burial place, or an ancient settlement. Hengorse, s. — Ononis arvejisis. The Rest Harrow, also called " Ground Furze " and *' Pette Whinne." L. Her, and Him, /r^;^. — Generally used for "herself" and "himself," as " She got her ready " for she got herself ready, l. Herbive, s. — The Forget-me-not. l. Herb Peter, s. — The Cowslip, l. Herring bone road, s. — A few of these remnants of the Pack Horse period, though rapidly disappearing, may still be seen. Stones placed like those coming from the back bone of a fish, and which support the narrow paved causeway ; the first attempt at an improvement on a mere track since the time of those great road-makers, the Romans, l. Hesitation, s. — A half-promise. " There was a hesitation about a calf cote." l. CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. HID Hide, v. — To beat. w. The same origin as Leather, v. Strap Oil, s. Welt, v., . — Of the preceding, w. Hogging, s. — "A hogging" is a synonym of "hog." l. Hoisting, to Hoist, v. — Raising up a person sitting on a chair decorated with ribbons and flowers, as high as the arms can reach, at Easter. This is done by the women of a house- hold on Easter (also called lifting) Monday, and by the men to the women on Easter (lifting) Tuesday. A slight fee is paid by the lifted to the lifters, afterwards spent in a feast. I'Jie origin of the word is probably from the Saxon verb osfer, to rise, whence Easter, German, ostern. In Ripon, Yorkshire, formerly (1790 A.D.) on Easter Sunday, after church, the boys ran about and stopped and took off the shoes of any woman who would not " pay for her shoes ;" if this was not done,, they carried off the shoes. On Easter Monday the girls did the same with the men's shoes, or if they wore boots, with their hats. l. " I'll Hold thee sixpence," or any other sum, — means " I bet you sixpence." l. Holding, s. — A farm or any land held by a proprietor, but oftener by a tenant, l. Hollin, or HoLLEYN, s. — The holly tree, almost the A.S. word Holayn. Hollin Hall, Hollingworth Hall, are both derived from this tree, as also the extinct family of the De Hollyngworthes. HOV CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 105 H)LT, or rather Hoult, s. — A holing, going into a hole, or putting a ball into a hole, which is required in several games. " I gained three points at one hoult," i.e. at one holing, w. Holt, or Hoult, s. — Hold. " Take hoult o' pikel." l. Hog, or rather Oo, J>ron. — She. This word, most common in Lancashire and Cheshire, is merely the A.S. keo. Verstegan, in his Glossary of the Afitieni English Toftgue, at the end of his Restitution of Decayed Intelligence, has heo, for she. w. HooDERS, s. — The two sheaves at the top of the shock (also called Riders,) to throw off the rain, and protect the corn whilst in the field, as with a hood. l. HooNSTONE, s. — Corruption of the " ovenstone," that shuts the oven's mouth, l. Hooter, s, — An owl. Vide Hillhooter. l. Hopper, or Hoppit, s. — A little basket tied round the body, that contains the seed when sown by hand. l. Horse and Jockey, s. — The old name for the George 111. sovereign with St. George and the Dragon on the reverse side, and which has been revived (187 1, with a worse die), in the Victoria sovereigns, l. Hot, act. v. — To make hot. " Han you hotted t' water ? " L. House, v. — The act of a cow when turned out of the " shipp>en," throwing herself on a hedge or hedge-bank to have a satisfactory scratch, working away violently with her horns, and often kneeling down to the work. A bull often goes through this process from mere mischief and temper, l. House Place, s. — The parlour of a farm-house, containing the best furniture, &c., and seldom used. l. Hout, s. — Hold. " If oi get hout on him, I'll mar him." l. Hove, v. — To take shelter ; hence hoz^el, a sheltering place. w. io6 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. BOV HovEN, RisENON, Dew Blown, adj. — Different iames for a disease which makes cows swell and frequently die, from getting^ into a clover field before the dew is off, and gorging them- selves. L. " How Done You ? "—For " How do you do ? '' " How do you ? " " Done " is used as plural for do, " Cows a done well" w. HowD.— Hold. " Howd off," keep off. " Howd yer hush," keep quiet. Vide Holt, and Hout. l. HowLE, adj. — Hollow, l. HoYK, V. — To lift up or toss as a bull does with his horns, w. HoYND, or HoiND, V. — To make a hard bargain ; to screw up. A landlord who behaves thus to his tenants, is said to "hoynd them." A.S. hiened., subdued; or perhaps from his treating them as hinds or slaves ; or worrying them as hounds do their prey. There is a curious prayer in Edward VI. 's Lit- urgies, headed, FOR LANDLORDS. The earth is Thine, oh Lord, and all that is contained therein, notwith- standing Thou hast given possession of it to the child) en of men, to pass over the time of their short pilgrimage in this vale of misery. We heartily pray Thee to send Thy Holy Spirit into the hearts of those that possess the grounds, pastures, and dwelling-places of the earth, that they, remembering themselves to be Thy tenants, may not rack nor stretch out the rents of their houses and lands, nor yet take unreasonable fines and incomes after the manner of covetous worldlings, but so let them out to others, that the inhabitants thereof may both be able to pay the rents, and also honestly to live and nourish their families and relieve the poor. Give them grace also to consider that they are but strangers and pilgrims in this world, having here no dwelling-place, but seeking one to come ; that they, remembering the short continuance of their life, may be contented with that which is sufficient, and not join house to house and land to land, to the impoverish- ment of others, but so behave themselves in letting out their lands, tenements, and pastures, that after this life they may be received into everlasting dwelling-places,- through Jesus Christ our Lord. L. HUT CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 107 Huddle, 7.'.—** To huddle up corn," is to make it up into sheaves, l. By rtuLCH AND Stulch. — By hook and by crook. A sen- tence by which the speaker expresses his determination to get what he covets anyhow, l. Hull, v. — To throw, l. Hull, j.— The pod of a pea. "There's nowt in him, he's aw hull." L. Hull, v. — To shell beans, peas, &c. w. HuLLOT, or HuLLART, s. — An owl. '* He swapped his hen for a hullert," O.C.P., i.e. he made a bad exchange, l. Humorous, adj. — Capricious, l. HuMPERiNG, adj. — Walking lamely. " Jim came bumpering along." Limping, l. HuRCH, adj. — Tender, touchy, l. HuRE, s. — The hair. l. HuRE Sore. — When the skin of the head is sore from a cold. w. Hurling, part. — Harrowing a field after a second ploughing. l. Hurn, s. — Horn. w. Hurry, J. — A set to, a bout, a quarrel, w. Perhaps from the old word, "to harry," or "harass." Hush Shop, s. — An unlicensed house, where those who can be trusted can get ale or spirits, l. HusTED, part. — Said of the seed or seeding of the penny grass. Perhaps a form of husk. l. HuTCHiN, s. — A large slice of bread, or lump of meat. A hunch, l. io8 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. HUZ Huzz, or Huzz Buzz. — A buzz, a row. "There were a pretty huzz i'th house." l. I. Ill Tied, pa7't. — Engaged. " I'm ill tied at home," I'm fast, so as not to be able to get away. l. " I'll Trim thee jacket," i.e. I'll thrash you, I'll dust your jacket. L. Ill Weed, s. — Any rank growth of vegetation. "Ill weed and breears." l. Imbrangled, pai't. — Entangled. "An imbrangled affair." Imbroglio, L. Imperance, s. — Impertinence. " Loike thy imperance ! " l. Imperious, adj. — Often used for impetuous. " An im- perious horse." l. In All, expletive. — Sometimes, but not so generally, An All. — It is inexplicable, for it does not assist the sense of a sentence more than " Selah" does where it occurs in the Psalms. " H'es coming in all," " he's gathered the rabbidge in all." Halliwell says " an all," means also, and quotes the following stanza from Hunter's Hallamshire Glossary : — *' Paul fell down astounded and only not dead, For Death was not quite within call ; Recovering he found himself in a warm bed, And in a warm fever, an all." The omission or presence of "in all," makes no difference in a phrase. It seems sometimes used for etccetera; often following the recapitulation of different things, " he sould his cows, his horses, his pigs, in all." l. Inbark, v. and s. — It is used to express the way in which the bark of some trees (yews, &c.) not only grows on the outside, as bark commonly does, but also fills up interstices, l. Inkle, or Incle, s. — Tape. In the Congleton accounts, Dec. 1 8, 1 64 1. The infection {i.e. plague,) first appeared in JAC CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 109 one Laplove's house, which was warded day and night at one shilling each. His corpse, covered with a cover, and tied with incle, was carried on a ladder to be buried. L. Tnsense, v. — To instruct; to explain a thing thoroughly. The French words assagir, rendre sage, are formed in a some- what similar way. w. Used thus in Shakespear, " Richard III.," "I have insensed the Lords of the Council that he is a most harsh heretick." Insett, adj. — Household. " Insett stuff." — Cheshire Will. In Tack, s. — An inclosure from a waste. A taking in of a strip by the side of the road. Long ago Mr. Coke of Norfolk said, " that the only agricultural improvement he could see in Cheshire was, that everyone was stealing land from the sides of the road.'' Ireland, s. — A very old labourer of mine never spoke of an island by any other name. L. Iron Knobs, or Hard Iron, s. — A flower. I'th,— In the. Often used. " I'th field." It's, v. — It is ; — never in Cheshire "'tis," Ivy, or Ivvens, s. — Ivy, pronounced with the penultimate short. I is often pronounced oi in the middle of a word, as " stoile," " moile," " roid," "soid," " foine," instead of "stile," "mile," " ride," " side," " fine." / is also pronounced like the French /, or the English double E in the middle of a word, as "neet," for "night," " deet," for "dirt." J. Jabber, v. s. — To chatter. A chattering, l. Jack Nicker, s. — A goldfinch ; why called so I cannot imagine. Many kinds of birds appropriate particular Christian names. All little birds are called by children " dicky birds." CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. JAC AVe have ''jack snipe," "jack daw," "torn tit," "robin red breast," " poll parrot," " a gillhooter." A magpie is also " madge ; " a starling, " Jacob ; " a sparrow, " philip ; " a raven, "ralph;" and the name of the black and white water wag tail, in the north of England, is a " billy biter." w. Also " jerny wren," or " kitty wren ; " the long tailed tit, " billy feather poke," alluding to the quantity of feathers it pokes into a hole for its nest. Jacket o' Muck, s. — A good covering of manure on a field. L. Jack Sharp, or Sharpling, s. — The small fish, called the stickleback, w. Jag, or Jagg, s, — A small parcel, a small load ; in Norfolk it is a bargain, w. Jagger, s. — One who sells coals in small cart-loads, l. Jag, or Jagg, v. — To trim up the small branches of a tree, w. Jannock, or Jannack, adj. — Upright, " not jannock," one who is not straightforward. Of Lancashire origin, l. Jannock, s. — Oaten bread made up into loaves, l. Jawm, or Jaum, s. — A jamb, a projection, especially applied to an old fashioned fire-place, i.. Jee, or A-Jee, adv. — Awry. w. Jed, or rather Djeb, par f. — Dead. " Jed as a dur nail." l. Jeft, adj. — Syn. of Deaf. Jell, s. — A quantity. " We've had a jell of damsels (dam- sons) this year." l. Jersey, or Jaysey, s. — A ludicrous and contemptuous term for a lank head of hair, as resembling combed wool or flax, which is called "jersey." " Jaysey " is also a wig, " He has got a fine jaysey." "Jersey," the finest wool separated from the rest by combing, w. JUS CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. Jetty, v. — To suit, to agree. " They don't seem to jetty." l. Jiggle Jaggle, also Jig Jag, adj. — Irregular, not straight. " The brook runs all jiggle jaggle." l. Jobber, .9. — A cattle dealer, generally added to the name in speaking of him, " Jobber Newton," &c. l. JoELLis, s. — Jewels, in a Cheshire will (Margaret Holforde's) of the 1 6th century : it marks the gradual transition from French joaillerte to jewels, l. Joint Evil, s. — A disease of the joints, affecting calves, causing swelling and oily matter, l. Jolly, adj. — Mari^appete?is. l. Joss, s. — A foreman. Used in Macclesfield, l. Jew, V. — To bang, to bring into violent contact. A man accused of a violent assault on a woman, said, " I only jowed her head and the flags together, I did not strike her." l. Jew, s. — Dew. "The jow faws thick." l. Jumper, s. — A man's over flannel jacket, like that worn by navvies, l. Jumps, s. — Stays worn by wet-nurses; easily loosened, to facilitate nursing the child, w. Junketing, s. — A pleasure outing. A Devonshire word. l. JURNUT, or Yernut, s. — Pig nut, bunitim biilbo castaiwm. w. JuRR, s. — A sudden blow or punch ; probably another way of pronouncing Jarr. One of those words in which the pro- nunciation and meaning sympathize. "Just Meet Now." — At once. "I canna come just meet now," i.e.. immediately. "Just meet same," exactly the same. 112 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. JUS Justly, tz^/z/.— Exactly, quite, l. Just Now, adv, — Soon. " Au said, aud come just now." l. K. Kailyards, or Kelyards, s. — The name of the orchards out- side the walls of Chester. " Kailyard," in Scotch, is a cabbage — or, what we call a kitchen — garden. " Yard," and " garden," both mean the same thing, and have the same AS. root, geard. See "Diversions of Purley," vol ii. p. 275. w. Kale, s. — Vide Cale. Kandle Gostes, s. — Goose grass (Gerard's Herbal). Vide Catch Grass, galium aperme. l. Kazardly, adj. — Unlucky, liable to accident. Perhaps a variety of Hazardly. w. Keck, v. — To put anything under a vessel, which lifts it up and makes it stand uneven. In Lancashire, " to keyke, or kyke," is to stand crooked. Kick, v.^ is usually to heave at the stomach ; Keck is the same word differently applied, and means to lift up, or to heave, w. Keckopeg, s. — The peg placed in the rack in front of the cart called a " tumbril," to keep the cart chest down. You ^* keek," or tip the cart by withdrawing the peg. l. Kecks Y, adj. — Hollow, like the keck {herackuni). Celery that has run up with hollow leaves and stalks, is called ^' kecksy." l. Kedlock, s. — The charlock ; a yellow flowering weed that grows amongst turnips, which lambs like, but which sheep refuse. It is one of those plants which seem to have a power of lying dormant for ages, but appear in quantities as soon as a pasture field is ploughed, l. Keen, v. — To cauterize, l. KEO CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 113 Keenbitten, adj. — Frost-bitten. " Keen " is not a pro- vincialism, as it is a word in general use. l. Keep, s. — Pasture. " No keep this year." " Oo won't stand keep," (O.C.S.) said of a person spoilt by prosperity, whose head is turned by good fortune, l. Keeping Company. — The Cheshire term for courting, l. Keeve, V, — To overturn or lift up a cart, so as to unload it at once. Ash calls it local, w. Keggly, adj. — A form of Coggly, q. v. *' A keggly stool," is one easily moved, l. Kelf, s. — A curious term with tree-fellers ; it means a narrow bit left (as a temporary support,) uncut, whilst they are cutting round the tree on the opposite side. " I mun leave a kelf." L. Kench, s — A twist, or wrench ; a strain, or sprain, w. Kench, v. — To bend down. l. Kenks, s. (a sea term.) — The doublings in a cable, or rope, when it does not run smooth, w. Keout, s. — A little barking cur. Randle Holme, in his Academy of Armoury^ uses " skaut," or *' kaut," for the same; which seems to designate "scout "for its etymology, and this is partly confirmed by that line of Tusser, " Make bandog thy scout watch, to bark at a thief" w. Keow, or sometimes Ku, s. sounding the u like ou. — Is used for cow. Ky, or Key, or Kye, the plural, cows. Knutsford is said to owe its name to the fact of Canute having passed over the ford of what was probably in those days a swamp made by the brooklet Lily ; but it seems more Hkely that Cunetisford, the old name of Knutsford, may have the same simple origin I 114 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. KEO as Oxford, the ford of the cow, or kine, another form of the same word. A.S. cim. Keower, v. — To cower down. w. Kerve, v. — To turn sour. w. Vide Carve. Kex, Kecksees, s. — Applied to all hollow umbelliferous plants ; in Shakespeare spelt kecksies. The heraclmm gtga?i- teum is called the Giant Keck. " It's as hollow as a keck." O.C.P. L. Keype, v. — To make a wry face. To make faces. "Go keyped at him." l. Keys, s. — The seed of the ash and sycamore, something of the shape of the old clock key, — vide, Ash Keys. KiBBO Kift, s. — This, in Cheshire, is called a proof of great strength, namely, for a man to stand in a half-bushel, and lift from the ground, and place on his shoulders a load of wheat, that is, 14 score weight. This is known by the name of kibho kift, why I do not know ; but I have some idea of having seen somewhere the word " kibbo," or " kibbow," used in the sense of strong. Should it not rather be " kibbo gift," and in that case the feat above mentioned will be a "gift of strength." Talking of feats of strength, there is an oak chest of great antiquity in the wooden church of Peover ; any woman who can raise the heavy lid with her left arm is said to be a fit wife for a Cheshire yeoman, l. Kick, v. — The same as to " tip " a cart. l. Kickle, adj. — Uncertain, the same as Tickle, w. Kid, s. — A faggot. " Nought is counted six score to the hundred, but old women and gorse kids." G.C.S. L. Kid, v. — To kid wood, is to make wood into faggots, l. KIT CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 115 Kid crow, or Kid crew, s.—A place to put a sucking calf in. Bailey has the word, but he writes it " Kibgrow," Crybbe being the A.S. word for stall or stable (also a Biblical word), Crebbe being the same in Teutonic. Bailey's mode of writing the word, though differing from the ordinary pronunciation of it, is probably right, w. KiFFEY, s. — The small wooden ball or block, used in the game of Hockey, or Shinney, called in Cheshire Baddin, q.v. L. Killers of Salt, — were, in old days, the arbitrators between buyers and sellers, and were charged with looking sharply after those who undersold the town's regular price, l. Kilt, adj, — Killed. In Ireland kilt means rather being beaten than killed. Many hundreds survive who have cried out, " I'm kilt entirely." Kin, v. — " To kin a candle " is to light a candle, l. Kind, v. — Kindle. To light a fire. w. Kindle, v. — To bring forth. Applied to cats, hares, rabbits. I remember an old woman at Eton, who sold squirrels and dormice on the wall, applying it to them. A^. cemian^ parire. In the old times, enumerated by Lady Juliana Barnes and others, a litter of kittens is called a kendel of cats. Has Kennel some such origin ? l. Kindling Stuff, s. — Wood, shavings, &c., used to light a fire. L. King Cough, s, — Another form of Chin Cough, q.v. Teu- tonic kincken, to breathe with difficulty, l. Kink, s. — A sprain. *' He's gotten a kink i' the back, l." Kit, s. — A set or company. Often used in a contemptuous sense, w. " I could lick the whole kit of ye." 1 2 i6 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. KIT KiTLiNG, s. — The word which in Cheshire is universally used for kitten, w. I told a farmer who was complaining of his large family, that some day they would take care of him. " Major," he rejoined, " did you ever know the kitling bring a mouse to t' ould cat ? " There is another similar proverb, *' Do chickens ever bring out to t' ould hen ? " The Spanish proverb is — " One father can support ten children, ten children cannot support one father." l. KiVER, s. — A shock of corn, probably used as a Hooder (^.v) or a coverer to the others, l. KiVER, ^'. — To cover ; used by Wycliffe in his manuscript translation of the Psalms, w. Knackety, adj. — " A knackety fellow," is a man who can turn his hand to anything, and by a sort of intuition succeeds in anything he undertakes, l. Also Knatty, or Natty. Knagg, 7>. — To be perpetually scolding and finding fault. I heard of some step-daughters of a step-mother (who though a notable woman, and a capital hard-working woman, had this peculiarity,) who at last, losing all patience, seized the little woman with a " knagging " tongue, and soused her in a large swill tub ; a punishment for a scold like the *' ducking stool," of our ancestors. In Knutsford there is a tradition that there were two ponds there, used for this purpose, l. Knatter, v., Knattering. — Synonyms of Knagg, ^.7'. l. Knatty, or Natty, adj. — Vide Knackety. l. Knickyknacky, adj. — Handy, adroit, w. Knobs, s. — Lavender. There is an old word, ^'knoppe," which means the buds of a plant, from which it is probably taken ; lavender being a series, or stalk of buds. " What have you been doing ? " " Auve been a cutting knobs." l. KYP CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 117 Knockerknee'd, adj. — Knock-knee'd, also called Baker- kneed; delicate men of that trade, owing to their habit of carrying sacks of flour and other heavy weights on their shoulders, generally acquiring that deformity. Knocking off, part. — " To knock off," is a term used by labourers when the day's work is over \ one of the symptoms of which is knocking and scraping off with the spade the clay and dirt off the shoes. This may or may not be the meaning of the term. Another term for the same thing is Loosing, l. Knocking up, part. — One of the curious ways of earning a livelihood in the manufacturing towns. The " knocker up " wakes the different hands of a mill who cannot wake them- selves, so that they can get to their work in time, and not be fined for being too late. The general pay of a " knocker up " is twopence a head, per week. I remember once a witness being asked what he was, answering, '' A knocker up," deeming it, evidently, as much a trade as a tailor or a baker, l. Knotchelled, or Notchelled, adj., or part. — When a man publicly declares he will not pay any of his wife's debts con- tracted since a certain date, she is said to be " knotchelled ; " a certain disgraceful imaginary mark : in short, she is a marked woman. " Crying his wife a notchell." Knottings, s. — Thin corn, not well grown. j\\ Know, v. — ** I know nothing by myself," />., from my own personal knowledge, I can say nothing against so and so. l Knowing, or Knowledgeable, adj. — Clever, well informed. " He's a knovvin' little chap, he's bin o'thearth afore ! " l. Kye, or Kv, s. — A cow. l. Kype, v. — Vide Keype. ii8 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. LAD Ladies' Cushions, s. — The Sea Pink, or Thrift, armeria. Grows in profusion at Hilbree Island, at the entrance of the Dee. L. Ladies' Milk Sile, s. — Pulmonaria officinalis. From some legend of the Virgin's milk having soiled (Cheshire, siled,) or stained the plant, l. Ladies' Smock, s. — Cardami?iepratensis, the Cuckoo Flower. Called " ladies' smock," in Shakespeare ; probably from whitening the meadows with their numbers, so as to look like smocks or shifts spread out to dry. l. Lad's Love, s. — The herb Southernwood j also called Old Man. w. "Lad's love is lasses' delight, And if lads don't love, lasses will flite." O.C.S. Lady Cow, s. — The lady bird. l. The Lady Poplar, s. — Populus alba^ the great white poplar. L. Lag, j. — A stave. " Lag of the barrel." l. Laggen, or Ladgen, v. — Is to close the seams'of any wooden vessels which have opened from drought, so as to make them hold water ; this is done by throwing the vessels into water, the wood swells and the seams close. P.P.C. has "to laggen, or drabelen," palustro. N.B. — " To drabble,"^/.^., to wet or dirty, is a word of frequent colloquial occurrence, though omit- ted by our best lexicographers, l. Laith, adj. — Loth, unwilling, w. Lake, v. — A good old word. — ^To play. "Laykin," in a MS. copy of the P.P.C, in the British Museum, is used for a child's plaything, w. LAN CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 119 Lake Weed, s. — Knot Grass, a Polygonum. It has another name in Cheshire, not to be named to ears polite, l. Lam, Lamme, Leather, Lick, v. — Are all cant words for " to beat." To these may be added " hide," " strap," three of these taken from the material which inflicts the punishment. Sending a green younker to a cobbler for " strap oil," which the cobbler at once applies to the boy's back, is an old joke, and reminds one of the recipe to cure laziness, unguejitum baculinum, to be applied twice a day to the sluggard's back. Lambs' Ears, s. — The Rose Campion, l. Lancashire Gloves, s. — Hands without gloves, l. Land Stones, s. — The name given in Cheshire to the pebbles and boulders turned up in digging and draining ; probably so called in contradistinction to those found in brooks. These pebbles are found from a half ounce to some tons in weight ; and used in former days to be used as the sole material for paving and making roads. They are sometimes found in a great heap together; where the iceberg (to which they were attached,) has stranded, and melted away ; for the presence of these stones, and the cracks or scratches on the boulders, are generally considered to be owing to the agency of ice. Granite, generally more or less decomposed, grit marble, stones appa- rently of volcanic origin, are those generally found. They are mostly shaken, and I have found one of these igneous stones with small garnets imbedded in it. It is a common idea with the peasantry that " stones grow." On all the turnpike roads in Cheshire (1872), the stone from Penmaenmaur is used, and in spite of its expense, the article is so good, that the Welsh stone seems in the end to be considered as more economical than using the " land stone " of the county. L, I20 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. LO Langote, s. — Waste threads, l. Laoze. — A retort for inquisitiveness. A child will say " Mother, what's that ? " the answer is " Laoze for meddlers." A correspondent tells me, " I have never been able to find a clue to the origin of this word ; I spell it as it is pronounced. It has been made use of to me a hundred times, in my child- hood, and never without causing great irritation ; it is especially annoying when used to a child by a brother or sister slightly older." L. Lap, v. — To fold anything up in paper or otherwise. *' Auve lapped up the boots." Also to finish, after a long day's shooting. " It's welly toime to lap up." l. Lapweed, s. — The Wild Hop. l. I>ARGE Dicky Daisy, j. — The Moon Daisy, Chrysanthemum. Larn, v. — Vide Learn. Lat, s.—A lath. " That lad's as thin as a lat ! " Lat, adj. — Slow, hindering. " The rain makes lat work with hay." " A lat time," is when the results do not pay for trouble taken, l. Lat, s. — Hindrance ; ** lattance." w. Lat, v. — To hinder. Jamieson has " lattance," as well as " to lat." A.S. /af/an, to delay. An old sense of the verb " to let," was to defer, or put off. In Herman's Vu/gan'a, we read, " I let my journey for the lowringe wether." Propter nubilum dishdi profedionem. It is curious that the verbs " to let," and " to prevent," are synonyms, and in a peculiar way, for they both are employed to express exact contraries. " To let," and " to prevent," both mean to allow, to permit, to assist, and to oppose, and disallow. We talk of being " sore let and hindered LEA CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. I2i in running the race," «Sz:c. ; and "Prevent us^ O Lord," &c., is used in prayer to persuade the Almighty to go before us, and clear obstacles out of our way. Latafoot, adj. — Slow of foot, or in moving. Letten verletten, Dutch j latjan^ Goth, tar dare, w. Lathe, v. — To ask. To invite, O.W., Lane. w. Lawkin ! Ladykin ! Lakin ! exd ! — By our Blessed Lady ! w. Laws you now ! exd. — See now ! or Lo. The A.S. for Lo 1 is La ! w. Lawshus ! exd. — Similar in meaning to last named. Vide also LoRjus ! Lawyers, s. — Long brambles in covers, from which you can hardly escape being caught and surrounded by them, as lawyers twine round their cHents the meshes of the law. l. Lazy Beds, ^. ^Potatoes planted on the surface of the ground, and banked up some feet wide, from a trench cut on both sides, l. Lead, s. — A salt pan. A Roman lead salt pan is preserved in the Warrington Museum. The '' Water Leaders" of Chester were formerly an incorporated company, now extinct. L. Lead, v, — To carry coals, corn, hay, or any other load in a cart or waggon. Pronounced like speed, l. Leadlookers, s. — The same as Lead Viewers, l. Lead Viewers, s. — Officers appointed formerly in the salt towns, to see that the salt pans (made of lead) were in proper order, l. Leaf, Leaver, adv. — Rather. *' Aud as leaf not do it," "I'd as leaf as a suvvereign they'd cummed to my house,'^ — said by an old woman, on a swarm of bees (been) settling on some chimneys near. l. 22 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. LEA Learn, v. — Pronounced " larn," one of those words which means the contraries, viz. : to teach, to learn in the common acceptation of the word, " I'll larn thee better manners." Shakespeare uses it in both senses, l. Leastways, adv. — Anyhow. " Au dunna if au can cum, leastways au'll try." l. Leath, s. — Leisure, cessation of labour, remission of pain. w. Leather, v. — Vide Lam. l. Leazeceaster, s. — The old name for Chester, l. Leddie, By Leddie ! By Leddie Me ! exd. — By our Ladie ! V. Lawkin. l. Leech, s. — A spring in a field forming a swamp, l. Leech Brine, s. — The draining of the salt barrows, the strongest brine, considered the best thing for sprains (leech here is used in its old sense of doctor) ; brine used by doctors. L. Leeched, v. — Used with how, before it, "How is it?" "How happens it ? " " How leeched you are not gone to school } " " How leeched thou dost not go to thy work ? " l. Leet, s. — A light. "Stroike a leet for us, loike a gude lad!" L. Leet, v. — To let, also to find. "I connat leet on him," i.e. I cannot find him. It also means to alight. " Au leeted on my legs, loike a cat." Leet, Leeten, v. — To pretend or feign, " You are not so ill as you leeten yourself," />., as you would have it appear. In Jamieson's Scotch Dictionary we read to leit, leet, let, to LEY CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 123 pretend to give, to make a show of. Junius assigns iaeten, Belg. for its origin, Lcecta Icelandic, simulare segerere. Late^ gestus. Belg. Iceten^ videre simulare. " You are not so mad as you leeten you," i.e. there is a method in your madness. Leeten, v. — To lighten. "Leeten th' load a bit up th' hill." Leet Bolt, s. — Thunderbolt, l. Lemme, v. — Let me. "Oh, woife !" quo' he, "if thou'll lemme but rise." Ballad^ about 1548. l. Lent Lily, s. — The Daffodil, flowering about Lent. l. Less, — is pronounced as if written lass. Let, v. — To prevent ; vide Lat. Let on, v. — To tell, or to let another person know you know something. " Dunna yo let on as oim here." l. Let out a leg. — An expression for kicking. Leur, also Leun, s. — Tax or rate. l. Level, adj. — A man of level mind is one not likely to go to extremes ; not hasty, l. "yEquam memento rebus in arduis Servare mentem." Lewnes, or Lunes, s. — Taxes, rates, leys. l. Ley, s. — The law, " Oil ha' the ley on him yet." w. Ley, s. — A ley for cattle. A park or large pasture where cattle and horses are taken in for a certain sum annually from the 1 2 th of May to the 12 th of October, l. Leys and Taxes, s. — Leys are generally parochial or county payments in court, in contra-distinction to taxes which go to government. Church leys, poor leys, highway leys &c., spelt, in some old accounts " laies." l. 124 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. LIB LiBBARD, adj. — Applied to cold, stiff, clay land. l. Lichgate, s. — The gates of a churchyard, through which the corpse at a funeral is brought in. Wilbraham says this gate is never opened except for a funeral ; this is a mistake, Rostherne and others to wit. In many cases there is only one entrance to a churchyard. A.S. lice^ corpus, l. LiCH ROAD, s. — The road by which a corpse passes for inter- ment, w. It is supposed that a right of road is obtained by the passage of a funeral. LicKSOME, or Lissome, adj. — Pleasant, agreeable ; chiefly applied to places or situations. Lissome often means active, springy. A licksome girl means a pretty one. w. '* Charly loves a licksome girl, As sweet as sugar candy." Lifting Monday and Tuesday, — Easter custom, vide Hoisting, l. LiG, V. — To alight. " Brid hath ligged in turmits." l. LiG, V. — To lie ; in both its senses, i.e.^ to tell lies, and to repose. Light, v. — Confined, brought to bed. *' Is your wife lighted ? " L. LiG?iT, adj. — Used to hay-grass, means that it is dry, and fit to carry, l. Light Bolt, s. — Thunder-bolt. l. Also Leet Bolt. Like (pronounced loike), expletive. — " He's a clever like man" means just the same as if the expletive were omitted. It is also used adverbially. '' I am Uke to do it," i.e. I must, under a sort of compulsion, do it. "I am like to tell," i.e. I will, or must, inform against you — also, probably. "The LOA CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 125 maister may like come after baggin ; " also it means " nearly, all but," " I'd like to have killed him," i.e. I might have killed him, I had an escape from killing him. LiLE, adj, — Little, l. Lines, s. — Marriage lines mean the marriage certificate, l. Lipp'n, to LiPPEN, V. — To expect, look for. A.S. leaf en, credere, " I lippen on him coming any minute." Lite. — A small quantity, a little. A farmer, after enumerating the acres he has in wheat and barley, will add " and a lite wuts," I.e. a few oats. It is an O.W. used by Chaucer. Danish /I'dt, 3L little. Wolf's Danish Dictionary, w. Lithe, v. — To lithe the pot, is to put thickenings into it. A.S. lithan, to lay one thing close to another ; to alyth is a G.O.W., and used in this sense in the form of curry, w. Lither, adj. — Lazy : " long and lither " is said of a tall lazy man. AS. lith, mollis. Chaucer uses it as wicked, w. LiTHiNG, V. or s. — Thickening either flour or oatmeal for the pot. To alye is an O.W. for to mix. w. Litigious, adj. — Bad weather, that stops harvest work, is so called. I have heard it, and I think it has the true smack of a Cheshire provincialism, l. Livery, ^^*.— Applied to a furrow which turns up wet and sodden ; perhaps from its colour resembUng that of liver, l. Living Tally. — i.e. in a state of concubinage, l. Loach, v. — To ache. *' My yed loaches." l. Load, or Lowe, s. — Souters' Load, a steep lane at Chester. King's Vale Royal, Part II. p. 23. Load, s. — Three bushels, or a measure of fifteen score, l. 126 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. LOA Loan, or Lone, s. — A lane, " Through Weaver Hall shall be a loan," — Nixon's Prophecies, l. Lobscouse, s. — Potato hash, mentioned in " Peregrine Pickle ; " a sort of Irish stew. l. Locked, /^r/. — A faced card in a pack is said to be locked, quasi looked at. Lodged, part. — Said of corn when beaten down by the storm. L. Loffeling, part. — A form of lolling, idling. " Loffeling on the squab." l. Lommer, v. — To climb, or scramble clumsily, l. LoMPOND, s. — The pond in a farm yard into which all refuse runs. l. LoNGART, s. — The tail or end board of a cart or waggon, l. LoNGNix, s. — A heron, perhaps derived from long neck. l. Loom, s. — A utensil. A tool, a piece of furniture. Som. says Geioma, supellex, household stuff Belgis eodem sensu Alaem Alem, Hinc jurisperitoriim nostrorum Heirlome pro supellectili ha^reditarid, w. Loose, v. — Used by labourers to express the work of the day being over. " We loose at six." l. Lop, Loup, Loppen, v. — Perfect tense and part of the verb to leap. Lord of the Pit, s. — The head man of a gang of marlers, who undertakes opening a pit ; under whom the others work, and who receives and disburses all money given to the gang. L. LUG CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 127 Lord Ralph, s. — A currant-cake. When the husband goes from home, the wife makes a " Lord Ralph " and invites her friends, just as the husband, under similar circumstances, hoists the besom and invites his cronies, l. LoRGESSE, s. — The present given by any one to a gang of marlers : if it is sixpence, it is formally announced by the lord " as sixpence, part of ;£^5oo," — if half-a-crown, as part of ;^i,ooo ; evidently largesse, l. LoRjus ! exc/. — Lord Jesus ! w. LossELL, s. — A lazy fellow, a ne'er do weel. l. LoTHEE ! exd. — Look thee ! Behold ! l. LouME, adj. — Soft, gentle, l. LouNT, s. — A piece of land in a common field ; perhaps a corruption of lond, ie. land. w. Lowe, otherwise Load, s. — It often means a bank or hill in early English, as in Chester Plays^ i. 120. We have Oulton Lowe, and Shutland Low (formerly Shutlingslaw), a high hill in the wildest part of Cheshire. It is more than likely that the name may often be found in hills, the summits of which were used for bonfires or signal fires, " lowe " meaning a flame, " All in a lowe," all in flames, l. LowKiNG, s. 2M^ part. — Weeds. Weeding, l. Lucky, adj. — I have heard the expression of a lucky tenant, not as bringing luck on the tenant, but from his improving qualities, he being lucky for the landlord, l. Luck, v. — To happen by good fortune. " If I had lucked," i.e. if I had had the luck, or good fortune, w. Lug, v. — To pull the hair or ear. " Lug his ear for him." l. 128 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. LUL I.ULLIES, s. — The kidneys, l. Lumber, s. — Mischief. " I'm after no lumber." l. LuNGEOUS, adj. — Ill-tempered, vicious, brutish. A lunge is a common word for the kick of a horse. " Beware on him, he's a very lungeous fellow." Lurching, part — Sneaking about, being after no good ; answering to the American loafing. A lurcher is a dog that does not run his game fairly, l. LuRKEY Dish, s. — The herb Pennyroyal, w. Lythe, adj. — Supple, pliant, all joints active. A.S. /yt/i. M. Macken (Imp. of make), v. — " Macken um doot," Le. make them do it. w. Madpash, s. — A madbrain. " Pash " is the head. w. Mafflement, s. — Concealment, under-hand work, ^imsi mtijff?ement. l. Magging, parf. — Prating, — from to mag, to chatter or scold. Magpie, the chattering pie. l. Maigh, or May, v. — A form of to make, " Maigh th' door or th' yate," i.e. shut or fasten the door or gate. In Italy we have '^/ar la portaj' shut the door. *.' Make," for shut, the door, is Shakesperian. To make up the fire, is to add fuel to the fire. " To make the house " is to make it safe at night by locks and bars.. Mail, or Meal, v. — To milk a cow once, instead of twice a day, when near calving. '' You mun mail Cherry." l. MAR CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 129 Make, v. — In addition to the previous meanings, to "make" in Cheshire means to go. " Oo were making for Knutsford." l. Make Short Up. — To run a course quickly, to draw to a hasty conclusion — generally applied to fast life. A young man dying of dissipation is said " To have made short up." l. Mal, or Mally, s. — For Moll or Molly, w. Mannerly, adj. — Vide Farantly. Many a Time and Oft. — A common expression, mean- ing frequently. " Many," in the singular, is common in written and colloquial language. '' Many a man," " Many a day." So, in the Merchant of Venice, Shylock says, " Many a time and oft, on the Rialto, you have rated me." Mr. Kean, when acting the part, ignorant of the common expression, always spoke the passage making a pause in the middle of it thus, ** Many a time — and oft on the Rialto," «Sz:c., without having any authority from the text of Shakespeare, w. Mappen, adv. — Perchance ; from '* May happen." l. Mar, v. — To spoil or injure. A Scriptural word, or a word in common use at the time of the translation of the Scriptures into English. " Au was welly marred." l. Mara, s, — The Forest of Mara. The old name for the Forest of Delamere, possibly so-called from the Meres {mare^ Latin for sea) in it. l. Mare, n. — Vide Fleadod. w. Mares' Tails, s. — Clouds supposed to resemble horses' tails. A sign of bad weather, l. Marget, s. — For Margaret, l. [30 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. MAR Market Peart, adj. — Being in extra good spirits. Drunk, or something like it, from imbibing too much at market, l. Marl, v. — " To marl a man " is to follow the drinking of his health by cheering him. Taken from the old marling customs of the county, when the gang, after receiving any small sum as a present from a chance visitor, stand in a ring ; the fact of the donation and the amount is announced by the " Lord of the pit." Vide " Cheshire Ballads and Legends," p. 219. L. Marlaking, adj. — Frolicksome. Vide Marlock, l. Marl Head, s. — The deepest part of a marlpit, where the ground occasionally falls in on the marlers. l. Marlock, s. — One of those practical jokes in which both sides do not participate, like an " apple-pie bed," a " booby trap," et hoc genus ofnne. It might almost seem that the derivation might be " Mar lark," a destroyer of real fun. l. Marred, adj. — Babyish. Said of a spoilt child, "That marred young cauf's allis cryin after his mam." l. Marriage Lines, s. — Vide Lines, l. Marrow, s. — The same as *' Butty." A fellow workman or comrade. Hence comes marriage. The following adage is common with us, — ' * The robin and the wren, Are God's cock and hen ; The martin and the swallow, Are God's mate and marrow." A match, an equal. '♦ Yo wudna foind, an measure him, his marrow in the shoir." Warburton's Hunting Songs. ** Marry Come up, My Dirty Cousin," — is an expression used to those who affect any extreme nicety or delicacy, which does not belong to them, or who assume a distinction to which MAW CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 131 they have no claim. The saying has probably some local origin which has faded away. w. Martin, s.—A heifer that has never had a calf, only fit for the butcher. It is a received idea (and many of these ideas have a general foundation in fact), that if a cow has twin calves of opposite sexes, the cow calf never breeds. A constitutionally barren cow is also called a " Free Martin." l. Maske, s. — A mesh of a net. w. Masker, v. — The same as Flasker, ^. v. Jamieson has to mask, to catch in a net ; it also means to suffocate, w. " He were welly maskered," — also, bothered, confused. Masterful, adj. — Headstrong, overbearing. " Thon lad's too masterful by hafe, oi mun take im down a peg." l. Maul, z;.— To handle untidily, to treat roughly. " If I get hout on him, I'll maul him." l. Maw, s. — The stomach. A.S. maga, the stomach, Som. w. " Aw's fish as cums to his maw." Mawbound, s. — Applied to a cow in a state of costiveness. w. Mawkin, s. — Old clouts, wet sloppy cloth, used to wipe out an oven or any dirty place. Also a term of reproach to a slut. In an old dictionary (Cole's) it is explained in the following rather inexplicable way. ** Malkin, maukin, a scovel of old clouts to cleanse the oven." — Scovel is a synonym, l. Mawkin, s. — A scarecrow. L. Mawkish, adj. — Sick, faint : derived from the preced- ing word Maw. l. Mawks, s. — A dirty figure or mixture. Ash calls it colloquial, w. Mawpus, s. — Malpas. " Higgledy, piggledy, Mawpus shot." — O.C.P K 2 132 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. MAX Maxfield, s. — The old name for Macclesfield, l. " Maxfield Measure, Heap and Thrutch." — O.C. S. t.e.^ Very good measure, heaped up and squeezed together, l. Mayflower, s. — Caltha palustris. The Marsh Marigold or Yellow Boots, l. Me, pro7u — For myself. " I fomented me." *' I burnt me." l. Meal, s. — Milking time. A cow gives so much at a meal. A.S. mcel, portio aid spatium temporis. — Somner's Dictionary, Rather, I should say, a milking, w. Measter, or Meester, s. — Master, w. Measure, s. — A bushel (Winchester) of com. w. Generally pronounced inizzure. Meazy, adj. — Mazy, giddy. An old woman who drank about three gallons of gin a fortnight made no complaint, except of " being so oft meazy.*' l. Meet, v. — Might, w. ** Gooin thander to-neet^ Jeff? " " Oi meet," /.., " I am cleaning the pigstye." l. MiZE Book, s. Mize, v. — F/^^Mise. — Apparently the name of the book in which the valuation of a parish was kept. Sir P. Leycester, in his Bucklow Hundred^ speaking of Lymm says, "It is, in our common Mize Book, mized at 01/. 16^". 00^." L. MizziCK, s. MizziCKY, adj. — A bog ; boggy. Johnson has mizzy : mizmaze is an old word for a labyrinth, a place which it is easier to get into than out of. w. Mizzle, s. — Small rain, quasi mist. Dr. Ash admits the verb, but rejects the substantive, w. Mizzle, v. — To run away. " Mizzle, Dick." Make your- self scarce, l. MoGGiNS, s, — Shoes with wooden soles, commonly clogs, l. MoiDERED, or MoiTHERED, part, — Bothered. " Welly moidered," i.e., almost crazed, l. MoiLY, Moiling, adj. and part. — Dirty, sticky. Moiling and toiling are often used together, the first increasing the second, l. Moi SAKE ! expl.-^'^ Moi sake alive ! I'll trim thy jacket for thee." l. Molly-coddle, or Molly-cot, s. — Vide Cox. MoN, s. — Man. w. "Gaffer's a mon of his moind." Master thinks and acts for himself. Monday. " Monday's child is fair of face, Tuesday's child is full of grace."— O.C.S. L. 136 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. MOH MoNNY. — Many. w. Month, or Moneth, s. — " To have a month's mind " is to have a strong indination to do something. I cannot run this to ground. There is one pecuHarity about the word month, that it is almost the only English word to which there is no rhyme. L. MooG, s. — A mug. Some maraschino was handed round at a banquet in small glasses. One of the guests drank off his glass, and thinking it very good but the quantity absurdly small, exclaimed to the footman, " Oi say, young mon, gee me sum o' that in a moog." l. Moon Daisy, s. — Chrysajithejnum leucanthemum. Another Cheshire name for the flower is Poverty Weed, as it generally flourishes in exhausted soil. L. Moondark. — Money saved by a wife, as her own particular nest egg, " unbeknown " to her husband, l. Moonpenny, s, — Synonym of Moon Daisy, q. v. More Cost nor Worship, — O.C.S., not worth the cost Lejeu 7ie vaut pas la chandelle. Le plaisir iie vaui pas la peine. The saying dates its origin probably to an ironical observation on the Roman Catholic processions, masses for the dead, dressing up saints, &c. &c. which all cost so much, but which have nothing to do with the real service of God. l. Mort, s. — A great deal, a great number, a quantity ; another similar word is a " vast : " "a mort of folk." L. Mortal, adj, — Very. ** Aum mortal glad thou'rt come." l. MoRTACious, flr^".— Synonym of mortal : " mortacious bad," very bad. w. "To CATCH A person SLEEPING, AS MoSS CAUGHT HIS MARE," — is a Cheshire adage. There is a county song in Devonshire, the refrain of which is "As Moise (Moss?) caught the mare." MOT CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 137 Ray makes the following observation on this saying : — " Who this Moss was is not very material. I suppose some such man might find his mare dead, and taking her to be only asleep might say, ' Have I taken you napping ? ' " I do not consider Ray, though a valuable collector of proverbs, a shrewd expounder. Wilbraham says we have one authority for this mare being gray — " Till daye come catch him, as Mosse his grey mare." Christmas Prince, p. 40. This may throw some light on the adage, though not enough for its perfect elucidation. By his grey mare is meant his wife. '* The grey mare is the better horse," implies that the mistress rules, and in the low colloquial style of the French " la jti^nent grise" means the wife. Taylor, the water poet, in the title-page of his book {Swarme of Sec- tan'eSj 1641) has an allusion to Moss — ** The cobbler preaches, and his audience are As wise as Moss was when he caught his mare." I suspect the original Moss took advantage of his commanding officer (his wife) being asleep to do something he would not have thought of had she been awake. L. Mosey, adj. — Overripe, as applied to fruit, "A mosey pear." l. Moss, s. — A bog. We never use the word bog for a moss. Carrington moss. Sink moss, &c. l. MoT,i'. — A moat, a wide ditch surroundingancient castles and houses. Several of these remain in their entirety, or only partly filled up ; — Old Moreton Hall, a very good specimen, Lymm Hall, Holford Hall, &c. In a field in High Leigh, that goes by the curious name of " The Giant's Hold," I found a filled-up moat inclosing a small piece of ground about sufficient for a small house or burial-place, but no remains of any sort, and 138 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. MOT there is no tradition to explain the curious name of the field. L. Mot, s. — The mark on which a taw is placed to be shot at in the game of marbles, l. Mother of Thousands, s. — Linaria. The ivy-leaved Toad Flax, known for its profusion of lilac flowers ; there is also a white variety, l. MoTTY, s. — Talk. " None of thy motty," />., none of your jaw. ** Mot " is used commonly in this sense from the French mot, a word. w. Mouldy, adj. — For moldy, w. Mouldy Warp, s. — The mole, from A.S. molde, the earth, and weorpafi, to cast. Molworp or mulworp. Teutonic, talpa. w. The word mole comes from the Latin moles, a heap. We pronounce " Mouldy warp " as if the 1 was omitted. MouzLE, V. — To mess, or make untidy, like its rhyme "Touzle." L. MowBURNT, adj. — Hay that has been carried too soon, and consequently is overheated in the stack, in short, burnt without actually taking fire. The smell of this sort of hay is most fragrant, but the quality is supposed to be injurious to its consumers, l. Much, adj. — ** It is much if such a thing were to happen," />., it is unlikely, it would be extraordinary if it did happen, l. Muck, s. — Manure, l. MucKiNDER, s. — A dirty napkin, duster, or pocket-handker- chief. Littleton and Bailey have " Muckinger. w. MuDGE Hole, s. — A dirt hole, a soft boggy place, liable to give way under the weight of a cow. '* Oo were welly marred in a mudge hole." l. MUR CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 139 Muffler, s. — A thick neckerchief, l. MuGGiN, s. — " To receive a muggin " is to be beaten, l. Mulligrubs, s. — Stomach-ache. " To have the mulligrubs," is to be in a pet, to be out of temper, w. Mullock, s. — Turf dust. Rubbish, l. Mulsh, adj. — Soft, damp, drizzling weather, l. Mulsh, s. — Long litter, put round plants and delicate trees and shrubs, to keep the frost out. l. MuN, s. — The mouth. Sued. mzm. w. Mun, v. — Must, " I mun go." Moune is used by Wycliffe for must, not moun. Feques Oct. Vocab. mowe, for may, is common in Spenser, w. MuNCORN, s. — Blencorn, mengecorn, and blendecorn maslin. Wheat and rye mixed together as they grow. Mungril is mixed, w. Hence mongrel, a cur of mixed breed. MuNG, s. — A crowd, a rabble, l. MuNGER, V. — To work awkwardly, without aim, and without results. L. MuNNAH, V. — Must not. *' Yo munnah." w. MuRENGER, s. — The officer who looked after the walls of Chester ; from mums, a wall. One of the few Cheshire words that have a Latin origin. The word is in Ainsworth and Todd; but I never heard it used except in the city of Chester, where two officers were annually chosen from the Aldermen and called " Murengers," to whom the repair and care of the Walls are entnisted. w. Chester being the only city or town in Eng- land surrounded by a wall, may account for the absence of the word except in Chester. The impost collected in former days towards the repair and building of walls and fortifications used I40 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. MUR to be called " Murage." ** Murorutn operatio " was the term when labour instead of murage was given. Some towns were exempted from this service by special privilege and favour. Henry II., granted to the tenants within the Honor of Wallingford, " Ut quieti sint de operationibus castellorum et miiroi'icmy l. MuRGiN, s. — A bog, from which there is no emerging, l. Muse, s. — A hole in a hedge, made by its being the regular run of a rabbit or hare, a favourite place for poachers to arrange their " hangs." l. Mysell, /r/ tergo. w. Noup, V. — To hit on the head, from " nob " the head. *' If they dunna be quiet, yer mun noup'm." " I canna, sir, they douken," i.e., duck, and slip away. l. • NuD, s. — A violent shock or impetus, — " Oo come wi' such a nud roight o' the top o' my yed." l. Nudge, s. — A jog, or push. w. Nudge, v. — To shove or push. w. NuRRiNG, adj. — Active, clever, striving, painstaking. There is a word in Warwickshire for the head, ** nur," and ** nurring," may imply that a man *' has a head upon his shoulders." l. Nut Rags, s. — The expressive term for the male catkins of the nut. Hanging like rags on the bush. l. O. O is sometimes changed into A, as " Mall " and ** Mally," for "Moll" and "Molly." l. OLD CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 145^ Oaf, s. — A fool ; not peculiar to Cheshire, but it is introduced on account of the singular way of spelling it by Cockeran, in his Dictionary. It is there written Gnoffe (an old word for miser), and presents a different etymology of the word from ouph^ which is usually assigned to it. w. Oak-atcherns, s. — Acorns, l. Obshackled, adj. — Lame, limping. Here "ob" in compo- sition has a preventive meaning, as it has in " obstruct." l. OccAGiON, for Occasion, s. — *' I was the occagion (or cagion) of his doing so." w. ** An, missis, that's the cagion o' the blood upo' my chin," says Farmer Dobbin, in Warburton's Hunting Songs. OccARD, adj. — Awkward. '^He's the occardest fellow alive." Unfortunate. " That's occard ! as th' mon sed when he swoller'd his fawse teeth." l. Occasionally, adv. — As a makeshift for want of a better — "Yea, t'will do occasionally." l. Odd Rabbit it ! — An angry exclamation. Confound it ! l. Oeranent. adv. — Overagainst, opposite. Athurtens. l. Of course. — This expression is used expletively and very commonly. " He asked me for some money, and of course I gave him some." This does not necessarily intimate that there was any cogent reason for giving the money, l. Old, adj. — Used for great, famous, such as was practised in the old times. Old doings signify great sport, feasting, uncom- mon display of hospitality, w. Old Hob, s. — An old Cheshire custom, carrying about a horse's head covered with a sheet to frighten people. L. Old Man, s. — Asthma, l. L 146 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. OLD Old Man, s. — The herb Southernwood, or Lad's Love, a favourite ingredient in the cottage posy. Some one in their description of a village congregation on Sunday said that " all the old women smelt of old man." " Old Man tea " is a favourite cure-all in the Chtshire J>Aarmacop£sm. An Old Thing and a Young Thing, both of an Age, O.C.P. — Like the young girl of eighteen, who sold a very old gander to a purchaser. He reproached her with having told him a lie in saying the bird was young. " Why, you don't call me ould ? " said the girl ; " and mother allis said gander was hatched the same day I was born." l. Ommost, adv. — Almost. " Oim ommost clemd," i.e., ** I'm ravenously hungry." l. On, adv. — A female of any kind, man's appetens, is said to be " on." w. Oneder, s. — The afternoon. — Vide Ownder. Onion, s. — The melt or wart inside a horse's legs. It has a very strong smell, and dogs are particularly fond of it. l. Onliest, adj. sup. — Pronounced " ounliest," the superlative of only : the best and most approved way of doing a thing is said to be the " onliest " way, as if there could be but that one way. w. Onny, adj. — Any. " Oi dunna loike that, onny road ; " i.e.., ** It won't do for me at all." l. Onnythin, j".— Anything. "Seed onnythin o' Jack, Bill?" " Nowt." Onst, adv. — Once. " At onst ; " i.e., at once. Oo, /;w/.— Used for thou, as " Artoo ? " *' art thou ? " l. OUD CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 147 Oo^ prom — She. Often used as a synonym for wife. There is an O.C.P., " Oo's far fetched, and dearly bought," — in contra- distinction to, or rather as a corroboration of, another O.C.P., " Better marry over the mixon than over the moor." l. OoN, J., Oven. — '' Tak that tatty cake out o'th'oon." "Take that potato cake out of the oven." w. Orts, s. — The refuse sweeping of the mangers. The " leavings " of the dinner table. " Now, childer, oil ha' no orts left, by leddy ! " Oss, V. — To offer, to begin, to attempt, to set about a thing. " It osses to rain." *' A covey ossing for the turmits," means a covey making for the turnips. — " He osses well," said of a new servant who promises fairly. " Ossing comes to bossing," an O.C.S., means courting is soon followed by kissing. Holland, in his Tra7islaiio7i of Fliny^ talks of " osses and presages." To " osse," is also to recommend a person to assist you. Edgworth, in his Sermofis^ in the time of Henry the Eighth, uses to " osse " for to prophesy, as Holland uses it. Sometimes the verb is used almost expletively, " ossing to dig," about to dig, digging. Ray thinks its derivation may be from the Latin audeOy I dare, atisus, part. Ott, s. — An ott is a glove finger cut off and worn on the finger in case of a sore ; perhaps from the French word oter^ to take off. L. Ou, in the word wound, is not pronounced by us as it is in common parlance (like double o), but according to the rule which would make it rhyme to sound, l. Oud-Fashioned, or Owd-Fashioned. — Quaint, old fashioned, belonging to other days ; a very steady child is said to be "that oudfashioned, he moight a bin o' the earth afore," O.C.S. ; or, according to another, " As oud as th' hills ! " l. L 2 148 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. OUR OuRN, profi. for ours. w. " Whooa's is that pikel ? " " Ourn, not yoarn." Outing, j. — Going from home on a parly of pleasure, oftener called an Out. " Chester is a nice place for an out, that's for sure ! " l. Outlet, s. — Is the field reserved by the tenant for watering purposes and turning out his cattle, (when he gives up the land on leaving the farm on the 2nd of February) ; and he has the use of this field until he leaves the farm house and build- ing altogether in May. "The outlet" is one of the most certain names for one or other field on almost every farm in Cheshire, l. OvERANENST, «^'. —Opposite. — F/-j/^ Oeranent. l. Overblow, v. — To blow hard. l. OvERGET, V. — To overtake, w. " How came you to be so drunk last night, John ? " " Oi wur overgot sumhow, measter, — oi conna tell how, oim sure." Overrun, v. — A farmer says of a servant who has taken French leave, "He has overrun him." *' A wife complaining of her husband, said, * If he dunna tak care, au'll o'erun him.'" L. Overwelt, part. — A sheep lying on its back (or cast) and not able to recover itself, is said to be overwelt, i.e., over vaulted, l. OvERWAiST, adj. — Covered with water, like a ham boiling in a pot. L. OwD, aaj.—0\A. L. " Owd mon, its welly milkin toime." Warburton's Hunting Songs. PAD CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 149 OwDMON, s. — Old Man, the spotted Fly Catcher. Mus Grisola. OwLER, or OuLER, s. — The Alder-tree. Ollerton, a town- ship in the county, formerly Owlarton, was the alder town. In former times, (mentioned in Magna Britannia) young men used to hang up boughs at the doors of their sweethearts and female acquaintance in May. If a damsel found an '* owler " branch, she might at once know some one considered her a scold ; if a branch of a nut-tree, that she was considered a slut. Aller and EUer are Scotch. Jamieson. OwLERT, s. — An owl. L. OwNDER, or AuNDER, s. — The afternoon. Undern is used by Chaucer, and yestronde is an O.W. for yesterday. See Ellis's Ancient Poetry. Undermele we have in P.P.C., a,sJ>ost meridianiim. w. OwT, s. — Anything. Nowt, nothing. " Oi hanna seed owt on 'im this three wick or moore." l. P. Pace Eggs, s. — Pasch, for Easter, eggs. l. Pack, v. imp. — " Pack off ! " an order to begone. A word originating from householders being bothered by pack-men, />., pedlars bearing a pack. l. Packet, s. — A horse panel, for carrying bundles, &c. l. Pad, s. — A path ; used also in Northamptonshire and other counties. A pad road anciently ran along every field that skirted a highroad, just within the hedge, and parallel to the road itself, l. Padding. To Pad, v. — The term used by a workman when he takes back to his employer work he has done at ISO CHESHIRE GLOSSARY PAl home. " Padding his work " is walking back to his employer with finished work. l. Paigle, s. — The primrose or cowslip, l. Painful, adj. — Used to express active, respectable, pains- taking people. ** Honest and painful parents," l. Pale, v. — To beat barley, l. Pall, for Molly or Moll, ^. 7). l. Palms, s. — Willow branches in flower, so called because they were formerly used (in the absence of real palms) to decorate churches on Palm Sunday. These branches are also called Goslings. Pancutters, s. — Officers appointed in the salt towns to measure the pans or pan, to see that they were of the standard dimensions appointed by the town. l. Panmug, s. — (pronounced paanmoog) from A.S. panne, a pan. The coarse red crockery used in family operations for cheese milk, butter, &c., and any rough use. A girl who was taken to see Capesthorne Hall, which contains (or contained before the fire), amongst many curiosities, a valuable collection of Etruscan vases, described to her mother on her return how beautiful everything was, but that she had been surprised to see "the paanmoogs kept in the house place" (^>., the best sitting room), l. Our Cheshire panmugs are manufactured mostly at Buckley, in the neighbouring county of Flint. A man with a red, coarse, blotchy countenance (not unfrequently the result of hard drinking) is said to have " a feace like a Buckley paanmug." O.C.S. l. Papes, .$•. — Bread and milk. This perhaps may be the real PAR CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 151 origin of the following word *^ papa's " milk. Brereton mentions his using ** new milk " as a remedy in his illness. Hence " pap." Hi baby diddy, how is widd'e, Sit on my lap and swallow thy pap ; And there's a baby diddy. Pape's Milk, s. — Juice of poppies. Mentioned by Sir W. Brereton in his Travels (a.d. 1634) as one of the ingredients of a drink he took for curing the flux (diarrhoea), p. 130. The juice of the seed of the poppy, when it first exudes, is, like the juice of the Indian-rubber plant, white as milk, and blackens afterwards, as it becomes solid. *'Pape" evidently comes from the Latin of poppy, papaver, l. Papper, s. — (So pronounced) Paper. Also the common word for a notice to quit. " My landlord swears he will send me a papper." Yxonv papyrus, an Egyptian reed, first used for records when paper was not, and which, it is said, has been again adopted (1873) as a material for paper-making in this paper-consuming age. Parle, or Parley, s. — A talk. A long conversation. French, parler, to talk. l. Parlous, adj, — Perilous, l. ^ Parliamenting,/^!/'/. — Talking for the sake of talking ; from the same root as the preceding word. No great compliment to the speeches in parliament. " He was parliamenting a good bit ; " i.e., making a long speech with nothing in it. l. Parti cularest, adj. superl. of particular. — A Cheshire militia sergeant, who was for many years drill instructor of a corps of volunteers in this county, whenever describing an intricate movement to the squad under instruction, invariably prefaced his remarks with, "Now, gentlemen, be careful — this is the most particularcst motion as is." l. 152 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. PAR Partlets, s. — " Ruffes " or bands for women, l. Partly, adj. — If you make inquiries after a sick person the answer will probably be "partly the same," i.e., no better. L. Ray. Pash, s. — A flash or puddle. " That meadow's nowt but a great pash o' wet." l. Pash, s. — Brains. " He's moore brass till pash," i.e., more money than brain, l. Peach, s. — A perch, l. PeArt, ad/. — Brisk, sharp, well. We say of an invalid, who has been ill, but is recovering, " He is quite peart again." The comparative or a double comparative is often used, ** Oos pearter " or " more pearter." Vide Market Peart, l. Peckle, s. — To spot, or speckle, chiefly used in the participle *' peckled." ** A peckled poot," a speckled chicken. In former (cock-fighting) days different townships were called after the peculiar breed of their fighting cocks ; by which afterwards, and to this day, the inhabitants are designated, although the origin of the name is forgotten by, or unknown to, nine hundred and ninety-nine out of a thousand inhabitants. Thus we have " Lymm Greys," " Peover Pecks." l. Peckle, s. — A freckle. We have the following O.C.S.— " Fawn peckles once made a vow They never would come on a face that was fou." Freckles only attacking pretty people is a curious fancy sanc- tioned by antiquity. In Germany, a receipt to remove freckles are " grape tears," the morning dew collected from the vines. Pedlar's Basket, s. — The Zman'a, or Toad Flax, or Thousand Flower. — Vide Mother of Thousands, l. PHA CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 153 Pee, V, — To look with one eye. To peep. w. Pee, Peed, v, 2x1^ part. — To pay. Paid. l. Peecing, s. — A boiling of salt for the poor. l. Peed, part and adj, — Having only one eye. l. Peerk, or Perk, adj. — Perky, adj. — Synonym of Peart. q. V. u Peesnips, s. — Corruption for peewits, l. Peewit Land, s. — Moist, spongy land such as is frequented by pee^vits. The following is an O.C.S., said of poor wretched wet land, '* T'would take an acre to keep a peewit." Wilbra- ham in his collection has peewit ; but it can no more be called a provincialism than lapwing, and I omit it. Pewit and pewit land in Cheshire are pronounced Hke th^peiv of a church, the 7v going with the first syllable, not the second as in common parlance, l. Peggy Whitethroat, s. — The White Throat. Sylvia cenerea. L. Penny Grass, s. —Rhinanthus. The yellow rattle, supposed to be injurious to grass, by growing on the roots. When the seeds rattle, some people cut their hay. l. Penny Whip, s. — Very small beer, swipes watered, l. Pentice, s. — A penthouse. Hence the pentice, and Pentice Court at Chester. Peover Pecks. — F/^^Peckle. Perished, part. — Starved with the cold. *'I'm welly perished." Petty, s. — Little house, privy, from the French/*?///, little. Phantom, adj. — Weak. " Horses are very phantomy at this time of year " (Autumn), l. [54 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. PIA PiANNOT, s. — A flower. The peony. I cannot give the root of this. l. Pick, s. — A basket used for drawing coals out of a pit. l. Pick, v. — A cow is said to ^' pick " her calf, when it is born prematurely. In some places they nail the first " picked " calf up to the wall ; as it is supposed the sight of it prevents other cows from picking their calves. In Suffolk and other counties, they bury a "slunk," or an abortive calf. l. Picking up. A term for picking a pocket, l. Picture. — " Just the very picture of so and so " is another way of saying very like. At the time of the cattle plague, a woman, speaking to me of a cow that she had lost, said, ** she could not have been more beautifuller, if she had been a picture." l. PiEANNOT, s. — A magpie, in Scotch pigeot or pyeat, French, piean7iet. w. Pied Finch, s. — A chaffinch, w. PiGCOTE, s. — A pigstye, quasi a cot for a pig. l. PiGGiN, ^.— A wooden vessel with one stave longer than the rest, as a handle, l. PiGGiN Stake, s. — An arrangement something like a hat stand upon which piggins, buckets, &c., are placed, when not wanted, bottom upwards, l. PiGGiNTLE, s. — A piggin full. w. " Oi could lay in a piggintle o' buttermilk, roight off, oim that dry." Pike, s. — An iron instrument, sharp on one side and like a hammer on the other, used for splitting and breaking coals. (Cheshire Asizes.) l. PIN CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 155 PiKEHiLL, or PiKEL, s. — A pitchfork. Probably it should be written " pickel " from the French J>i^ue/ef, a little pike. Randle Holme writes it " pikel." Pikelet, s. — A light cake, a tea cake. l. Piking, J^ar/. — Joking. There is a common English saying, " Poking fun at such a one," which may be the origin of the word. L. PiLLGARLic, s. — A thing of no value, l. Pill, v. — To peel. " Pilling (oak) bark," a biblical word. *' And Jacob took him white rods of green poplar and pilled white strakes in them." l. PiLPiT, s. — Pulpit. A Cheshire farmer being asked how he liked the new clergyman replied, " He is a pretty rough mon in the reading desk, but when he gets into the pilpit, he goes off like the smoke of a ladle." w. PiNDER, s. — The parish officer whose duty it is to impound stray cattle. — Vide Pinned. '* In Wakefield there lives a jolly pinder, In Wakefield all on the green. " PiNFOULD, s. — The pound. " Clap'd in the pinfould ; " i.e., imprisoned in the pound, l. Pingle, s. — A small croft or field, w. Pink, or Penk, s. — A minnOw. A small fish, Littleton has **penk." w Pink Grass, s.—A sort of grass that resembles the grass of a pink, when it first appears. There is an old saying that, " A cow will not clem, if there are three blades of pink grass in the field." The flower is something like a diminutive rush. l. 156 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. pin Pinned, adj. — Impounded. Bradshaw, in his Life of S. IVerbtirgh, relates how the saint commanded her servant ** To dryve those gees and brynge home to her place. There to be pynned and punnyshed for theyr trespace."- L. Pip, or Peep, s. — A single blossom where flowers grow in a bunch or whorl, like the cowslip or auricula ; hence a spot on playing cards is called a pip, fori in Italian, flowers in English, being the names of one of the suits of card. w. Pipe, s. — A small dingle breaking out from or leading into a larger one. w. Pit, s. — Generally a marl pit, hence any pond. The word pond I never heard used in Cheshire, l. Pitch, v. — To pave. l. Pitch Hole, s. — The hole left to fill the bawks above with hay or straw. The pitch hole door when wanted closes such hole, and ought always to shut inwards instead of outwards, l. Pitstead, s. — A place where there has been a pit ; but oftener used for the pit itself. Plain, adj. — Open, exposed. "This road is plain to the wind." L. Plash, v. — To cut a hedge, l. Platt, or Plat, s. — A small bridge or passage made over a ditch or gutter as an approach to a gate. w. Plat, s. — Used for plot. A plat of vegetables, in a field or garden, is a bed of them. w. Plat, v. — To cross. Upon inquiry about the antecedents of a man and his wife who had died very suddenly of cholera, my informant told me they were very respectable people, but POA CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 157 both loved a soop of drink ; and that he had often seen them platting their legs as they were returning home market peart — a curious, but very true, definition of drunkenness, l. Platter, v. — *' To platter along " is to walk in an awkward and scrambling way, like a man with bad corns, l. Platterdock, s. — Flatter or batter dock ; so-called from lying flat (French plat), or like a platter on the water. A pond weed. Potamogemi. l. Playing, /dJr/. — Not working. When the hands of a mill have struck or the mill is closed the hands are said to be playing ; also said of them when they have no work. l. Plecks, s. — A haymaking term, applied to the square opened out beds of dried grass, l. Pleck, or Plek, s, — A place. A Lancashire word. l. Plim, v. — To plumb, or fathom with a plummet, w. . Plim, adv. and adj. — Perpendicular, straight. To plymme down, is used by Lady Juliana Baines for to pounce as a falcon does on his prey. w. Plough with Dogs. — " You might as well plough with dogs ; " i.e., the slowest possible way of doing a thing. " My knife is so blunt I might as well plough with dogs." l. Pluck, s. — The heart, liver, and lights of an animal. Vide Hack. l. Poach, v. — Land is said to be poached when, whilst it is in an undrained, swampy, or wet state, it is trampled by heavy cattle. At this time a cow is said to have five mouths (i.e., four legs and a mouth), instead of merely the mouth in a dry time. l. 158 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. POB PoBS, s. — Bread broken in boiling milk is called pobs. l. Pock Fretten, /«;/-/. — F/^., ** 111 thrash you." l. Raddle and Daub. — In some counties, where a young couple married with an entire carelessness for the future, and absolute want of preparation, the neighbours met and built a house for them with raddle and daub, a sort of rough basket or frame work of long sticks and mud. In Cumberland, this is called a " clay daub en." It is often found filHng up the interstices of the old timber houses. The daub seems to have given a name to a trade. There is an old Cheshire saying relating to the mayors of Altrincham and Over — ** The mayor of Altrincham and the mayor of Over, The one is a thatcher, the other a dauber." It is sometimes called " wattle and dab." Clay being a non- conductor makes a warm house in winter, and a cool one in summer. Instinct teaches the blackbird and thrush to use clay for their nest, as they always nest in cold weather, l. Radling, s. — A long stick or rod, taken either from a staked hedge, or from a bam wall, made with long sticks twisted together and plastered with clay. " Radyll of a carte cosfee." Pal. QucEre if not a raddling. Raddles are hurdles. In Fleming's Dictionartey we read, *• A hartheled wall, or ratheled with hasell roddes, wandes, or such other." Paries crati- cilus, w. RAM CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 165 Rain, pronounced Reen, s. — We have a curious saying about rain. " Rain has such narrow shoulders, it will get in any- where." An Irishman was paying a priest, by instalments, for getting his father out of purgatory. " How is he going on ? " asked the son on paying one of his visits to the priest. *' Oh, we've got his head and a shoulder out." The son immediately returned the money he was going to give to the priest to his pocket. " You mane Omedawn ! why don't you give me the money to get ye father quite out ? " " Oh," says he, " I won't trouble you any more, me father allis said that if he could get his head and one arm out of jail, he could free himself." l. "To Raise one downstairs." — A Cheshire saying which means getting a disadvantage instead of an advantage, like being made one of the hands of a mill, after having been an overlooker. This is sometimes described as a '* back-handed lift." L. Rake up the fire, — is not only to rake out the bottom of the grate, but also to supply it well with coals, to keep up the fire during the night ; a custom followed by kitchenmaids where coal is plentiful, w. It probably traces its origin to the time when turf was the fuel of Cheshire, and when the right of turbary was an important article in any lease or agreement. In Ireland now-a-days, the whole of the ashes of the turf of the day are heaped up at night, and in the morning the fire has only to be uncovered and a fresh piece of turf to be put on to make an immediate and bright fire. l. Rakussing, atij. — Boisterous, noisy, obstreperous, like racketing and racket, l. Rame, Ream, or Rawm, v. — To stretch out the arm, as if to reach anything; from the Teutonic raemen^ extendere. KiL w. Also a synonym for to roam. Perhaps from (Latin) ramus y a branch, a thing that stretches out or extends. i66 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. RAM Rammel, s. — Cold, unfruitful ground, l. A Rampicked Tree, — is a stag-headed tree, one that is be- ginning to die at the top and at the ends. w. Swift was found once contemplating a tree of this sort, and expressed a hope (that was not realized) that he should not die first at the top. One of the meanings of a pike is a spike, so rampicked means with a head like a ram's horn, a similar derivative to stag- headed. Rank, Ronk, adj. — In a passion. jRauc^ A.S., superbus^ acediosus. w. Rank and ronk have also a superlative meaning. " He's a ronk bad 'un," i.e.^ " He's a thorough scamp." Rank ripe, or Ronk ripe, adj. — Full ripe, over ripe. l. Ranstiest, plural adj. — Difficult, hard. " It's the ranstiest job that au eever heard on," '' It's the toughest job," &c. l. Ranting Widow, s. — The Willow Herb. The French Rose, Bay Willow Herb. Gerarde introduced it to Cheshire, from Hooke, in Yorkshire, l. " Rap and Ring." — Scrape together, l. Rap-a-tag, s. — A name for a ne'er-do-well, a scamp, l. Rappit it ! or Rot it ! — Exclamation of anger, w. Like " Confound it ! " Rare, 7;., for Rear. — To stand up. " She was rared agin the table," />., She stood up against the table, l. Rase-brained, adj. — Violent, impetuous, mad — perhaps rash-brained — though rase/id in German is mad. w. It may be what we call in Cheshire "having a slate off"; in France they have lele mojitce. R ASS ART, adj. — Vexed, ill-tempered, l. Ratstail grass, also called Oatstail, s. — Phleum p7'ate7ise. L. REE CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 167 Raught, v. — Perfect of to reach. Shakespearian, w. Raw, v. — To pull excessively. " Rawing hissel to death," " Pulling and rawing." l. Rawmy, adj. — Applied to a crop of corn smothered with weeds, laid, or otherwise spoilt, l. Rawny, s. — A dead bough on a growing tree. " Chips and rawnies belong to the fallen'* O.C.S. l. Razzer, j-.— The razor, l. Razzor, s. — A small cop or hedge narrow at the top. Some- times an adjective, l. ** They didna stop for razzur cop." Warburton's Hunting Songs. Razzored, part. — Enraged, l. Reawk, — V. Reawkin, s. — To meet for a gossip. A gossip- ing meeting, l. Reckon, v. — To imagine, to think, "Au reckon he'll come." w. Red Butcher, also Red Jack, s. — Lychnis diurna — Red Campion. L. Red Legs, s. — Polygonum persicarium. Knot Grass, l. Red Linnet, j.— The Goldfinch, l. Red Rag, s. — The Poplar, so called from its red catkins, l. Ready, v. — To comb the hair. Jamieson has " to red the head or the hair, to loosen or disentangle it." w. Also to correct, to set a person right who is wrong. Reean, s. — A small gutter. A.S. Rin, a stream. Greek p'€(i), fluo. Randle Holme calls a reean the distance between two buts. w. Also pronounced rein : in fact, the gutter, or lowest part between two buts, which carries off the water. [68 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. REE Reef, s. — A rash on the skin, the itch, or any eruptive disorder ; from its being rife or reef, />., frequent, and thick on the skin. w. Reek, v. and s. — The noise made by pheasants as they go up to roost. L. " Reen meks 'em peck 'em, " — />., " The rains makes them peck themselves," said of ducks, l. Reer, v. — To raise up, to set on end. l. Reerin, 5.— The supper given to workmen when a new house is roofed in. l. Reesty, adv. — Rusty. " A bit o' reesty bacon." l. Reet, adj. Right. — Used, Hke right, superlatively. "I'm reet glad to see you, that I am," " Reet nought," good for nothing, w. Reeve, v. — To separate winnowed corn from the small seeds ; this is done by what is called a ^' reeving " sieve, w. Render, v. — To separate or disperse ; ^uasi, rend (a bibHcal word). " To render suet," means to break it to pieces, cleanse, and melt it down. w. Resolve, v. — To explain. " Au canna mak it out, yoe mun resolve it." l. Resorter, s. — Frequenter, an uncommon word found in " Newes out of Cheshire of the neiv found wellj^ a.d. t6oo. l. Rheumatiz, s. — Rheumatism. *' Rheumatiz," in the opinion of some, is shifting : it is rheumatism when it takes possession of a limb. A sacramental sixpence, constantly worn, is supposed to be a charm against rheumatism in all its branches. A story is told of an old woman who wanted to be confirmed, though it was known she had already been confirmed at least twice. She was taxed with this ; " Au knows au has," said she, " but au finds it good for the rheumatics." l. RIN CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 169 Rick, v. and s. — The noise made by a polecat or ferret, l. Rid, v. — In the sense of to get rid of. Used with us to express clearing ground of trees or bushes for cultivation. "To rid gorse," "To rid up roots." A.S. aredde7i, to rid away. w. Riders, s. — The sheaves put over the others (Hke a person riding) to keep off the wet; also called "hooders," a word conveying the same idea of covering, l. RiDGWiTH, s. — The back band in cart harness; in other places called the ridge band, ridger, ridge stay, ridge rope, from " rig," the back. l. Riding the Stand. — Stang means a pole. A sort of rough Lynch justice, or injustice, as the case may be. If a man was found untrue to his wife, or who has beaten her savagely ; or if a wife misbehaved to her husband, the offender used to be carried on a pole through the parish : now, it has changed more into a great row of a mob at the offender's door. l. Riff-raff, s. — The mob, the lowest orders of the lower orders. Vide Rabblement. l. Rig, v. and sub, — To quiz. A quiz. " Oi thought he meant it, but he wur ony riggin, after aw." l. Rigatt, or Rigott, s. — A small channel made by the rain out of the common course of the water, w. Also a spout under the eaves of a house. RiGG, s. — A gale. The Equinoctial gales are called Michaelmas riggs. w. Riggs also mean rough horse-play, practical jokes. "None o' thy riggs." Rind, or Roind, adj, — Mispronunciation of Round. L. "As roind an' plump as turmits be." Warburton's Hunting Songs. 70 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. rin RiNER, s. — A toucher. A term at quoits, used when the quoit touches the peg or mark. A whaver is when it rests on the peg, and hangs over and wins the cast. " To sked riners with a whaver," an O.C.P. for ray, means to surpass some- thing clever or skilful, by something still better ; in fact, it is the JVe plus extra razor, improved. Rinda, Ost Got, Ihre. Rennett, tangere (Wach). w. Ring stake, s. — The stake to which the cows in a shippin are tied. When men or women marry for fortune they are said, according to the O.C.P., "To like the boose but not the ring-stake," i.e. they like the plenty round, but fret at the confinement and chains with which plenty has been pur- chased. L. Rinks, s. — Circle, quasi ring. Part of Tabley Park is so called. A.S. ring, or hring. l. Rip, v. — To speak violently. "Moi word aloive, how he did rip and swear." l. Rise, or Rice, s. — A twig or branch. O.W. Chaucer. In Cheshire its compound, Pea Rise, is still used for pea-sticks. Danis Ricsz, virga. AS. Hris ; long and small boughs to make hedges, risewood. w. Risenon, par. — See Hoven. l. RiSH, s. — A rush. It was anciently written rysch or rysshe. P.P.C. Sir Thomas More in his Apologie writes it ryssche. w. RisoME, or RiSM, s. — The head of the oat. '' Well risomed " is well headed ; some think it comes from the Latin racemus, but probably it has the same origin as Rise. Randal Holme, in his Academy of Armoury, hsiS "rizomes," the sparsed ears of the oat in the straw. A rizome head, a chaffy sparsed head ; the corn in the oats are not called oats but *^ rizomes." w. ROO CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 171 RiTTLiNG, s. — The weak one of a litter of pigs. Hence any animal or creature that does not thrive ; often applied to a small dwarfed child, that seems to make no progress, l. Roast meat. — There is an O.C.S. *' Roast meat does cattle," which means that in the driest season cattle (provided they are plentifully supplied with water) thrive well, as the grass though short is much more nutritious, and the cattle are not starved with cold and wet, as they are in rainy seasons, l. Robinhood's wind. — A soft wind that brings on a thaw pleasanter to freebooters than a biting east wind. l. RoBiNRUNiTH HEDGE, s, — The Bind-wccd. L. Roche, or Roach, s. — Refuse stone. French, rocher. w. RoG, RoGGiNG, V. part. — Shake, shaking. " A window or door rogs with the wind," quasi rock. l. Roger Gary's dinner. — A saying when the dinner is scanty, or *• just enoo' and nought to spare." It has been said that there is only one case when it is unlucky to have thirteen at dinner; namely, when there is only dinner provided for twelve. L. Rogue, z;. — To cheat. "They rogued me out of land." l. RoMPETY, adj. — Violent, restive ; said of a horse, l. RoNDLE, V. — To lug by the hair. " Au'll rondle thee." l. Rongin, adj. — Rough, unruly, l. RONK, adj. — Vide Rank. RONK, adj. — RoNK FULL, full to overflowing. A very large wasps' nest is "a ronk neest." Also cunning, l. Roods, s. — Used as a measure in length. *' I have not many roods {^.e. yards) to go." l. 172 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. ROO Rook, s. — A heap. Another form of Ruck, 9 v. l. RooKiN,/^^/. — Collecting together. Perhaps from congre- gating like rooks, l. Room, s. — A quantity. " A room of water ; " t'.e. a flood, l. RoosLE, 7J., RoosELiNG, J>art — To dust their feathers as birds and poultry do, in sand, dust, or ashes ; perhaps from rustling, the noise made during the operation, l. Root, v. — To meddle, to enquire into. " Whatever are you rooting at now ? " " I'm not satisfied, I tell you ; I mun root into it a bit more." " Moind thy own bizzence, moi lad, an dunna root into moine." l. RooT-WARTED, part — A tree pulled up by the roots is called root-warted, in contradistinction to one that is cut or sawn down. Wart is a Cheshire word for to overturn, ^.v. L. Rosamond, s. — The Wild Garlic. It is not the only case of this female name being associated with an evil odour. The following is said to be *' Fair Rosamond's " epitaph : — •' Hie jacet in tumba Rosa mundi non Rosamunda, Non redolet sed olet quae redolere solet." RosYDENDRUM, s. — The Rhododendron. One of the new patois words of Cheshire; the plant being one of compara- tively recent introduction, l. Rotten, s. — Plural of rot, rats. Rotta is Swedish for a rat. w. " Snye wi' rotten " (i.e. overrun) with rats. "Thanne ran ther a route of ratones." — Piers Plough, pass. i. Rough nut, s. — The sweet or Spanish Chestnut, l. ^ • y ■% t 1 • RUN CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 173 RouGH-NUTTiNG,/^r/. — Going out to gather or pick up rough nuts. L. RouK, adj. — Rich, fertile. Very rich. "As rouk as th' Roodee."— O.C.P. The Roodee, the Champ de Mars of Chester, naturally and artificially most fertile, l. Round, «^'.— Coarse. " Round meal ;" i.e. coarse meal. Roving, /^r/.—'^ It lies roving many a rood;" said of a wounded or shot bird's plumage scattered over the turnip tops. L. The Rows, s. — A covered footway, below the third story and above the ground story, existing in Chester and nowhere else. The Rows at Nottingham, Denbigh, and many other towns, are on the ground floor, on a level with the street. There are many guesses, generally eminently unsatisfactory, for this unique peculiarity in Chester. It has been suggested that Chester should assume the motto of " Sub Rosa." l. Ruck, v. — To huddle together like fowls, w. Ruck, s. — Heap. " All of a ruck " implies untidiness or entanglement, like uncombed hair. " Oi wur struck all of a ruck, loike, for I thout oid seed a ghost ! " l. Coal Ruck, s. — The place where the coal is kept. l. Ruckling, j.— The least of the brood or ruck; vide RiTLING. w. RuD, adj. — Red. Rudheath. l. Runagate, s. — An idle person, who is fonder of odd jobs than regular work. A Biblical word. l. RuNDLE, s. — A small brook, a runlet, l. Rungs, s. — The staves of a ladder, l. 174 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. RUN Runner, s. — Policeman. " The runners want him." l. Runt, v. — To hum, to whistle, l. RusHBEARiNG. — A custom scarcely defunct in Lymm, which used to be common in other churches, and originated with the time when the churches were strewed with rushes. The rushes used to be cut in a field at Lymm, called the rushfield ; but, a former Rector having drained the field, they had latterly to go further for them. T/ie rush cart, most artistically and curiously filled and ornamented with rushes, and drawn by four grey horses, went the rounds of the parish, with a noisy attendance, like morris dancers ; one man, dressed up like a woman, bearing an immense wooden spoon. Like many other English merrymakings, it unfortunately degenerated into a noisy drinking-bout. l. RuTE, V. — To cry and roar like a spoilt child. Ash calls it obsolete. It is admitted here on Ray's authority. The rut of the sea is the noise it makes dashing against any obstacle, w. " The sea and the waves roaring." Stags when rutting (which may mean the bellowing time) roar like wild beasts, though the term is called *' belling," which may be a form of bel- lowing. Ryfe, Rife, adj, — Commonly known and reported. " The news of his death is ryfe." Rynt, Roynt, Runt, v. — Also an imperative exclamation. To get out of the way. " Rynt thee," is an expression used by dairymaids to a cow, when she will not make way for the milker and her stool. Ash calls it local. Shakespeare uses it, and it puzzles the commentators, w. There is an O.C.S., " Roynt thee witch, said Bessy Locket to her mother." " Aroint thee ! " is used as a solemn adjuration to a witch, devil, or spirit, to make themselves scarce and disappear.- The three readings above, I should say, were derivatives from this word. SAN CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 175 Others say, " Aroynt thee " is but another reading for a rooyn tree, also called the wycken and mountain ash ; and in Scotland rowan tree, the wood, fruit and leaves of which are supposed to be witch and devil proof, and to preserve the wearer from all the machinations of evil spirits. A Scotch mother would not do her duty if her son left home without having a bit of rowan inserted in some part of his . clothes. We hear of a Cheshire carter who could not make an obstinate horse move till he broke a wand off a wychen tree, when the possessed animal at once moved on. S. Safe, adj. — Sure, certain. " He's safe to be hung." w. Sahl, Sohl, Sole, Sow, s. — An ox yoke, A.S. sol^ orbita. A sowle, to tye an ox in the stall, Som. A.S. sahle^ jiistis sudes. w. Sain, Sayn, or rather Sen, s. — The plural of the present of the verb to say, as " They sen so," " Folk does sen so." To add a final ?i or the syllable €?i to many words when used in the plural number, as helpen for help, fighten for fight, driven for drive, is a common usage, w. Sain Ye ! — A term of reprobation, an oath. l. Saladine, s. — The flower Celadine, Chelidonium majus. l. Sanctuary, s. — The herb Centaury, l. Sand Pot, s. — A quicksand. Often met with in draining, sinking wells, and a great hindrance to small and great works. San Jam Pear, s. — The Green Chiswell Pear, usually ripe about the 25th July (St. James's day), is so-called. At Altrincham they have a fair called "San jam Fair" on July 25. That day is almost proverbially wet. 176 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. SAP Sapy, adj. — Foolish : perhaps only sappy mispronounced ; certainly not derived from sapientia except on the principle of lucus a non lucendo. Sapscull is common. More probably from " sap," soft, like the pith of the withen, Sapskull mean- ing *' soft i' th' yed." L. Sarmont, s. — A sermon. The Irish pronunciation in the song commencing with — St. Patrick was a gentleman, and born of dacent people." They make him preach a ** sarmont " which bothered all the *' varmont," and he expelled snakes, &c., from Ireland for ever. l. Sartin, adj. — Certain. " Oim sartin sure oim reet." l. Sauce Alone, s. — Also called " Jack by the hedge," and Garlic Treacle Mustard. Alliaria officinalis, l. Saugh, s. — The Sallow tree, as faugh is an abbreviation of fallow, w. Saver, s. — The sides of a cart, removable at pleasure, l. Saw FircH, or Finch, s. — The larger Tom-tit. l. Saw Gate, s. — The cut of a saw. The line made by a saw in passing through wood. l. Sblid ! excl. — An oath. " By his blood ! " w. ScABRiL, s. — Knautia Arvensis. A sort of Scabious, l. ScAFFLiNG, s. — An eel. There is a verb scafe (Lincoln) to wander, from which it may be derived, l. Scamp, v. — Means to do work badly. Contract work is often scamped, soft bricks, incohesive mortar, green timber, bad foundations, &c., &c. l. Scar, s. — A rock. Often one overhanging a river. We have in Yorkshire, Scarborough, the town of the rock. Overton Scar. L. SCR CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 177 ScAUM, ScAWM, s. — Litter, dust, disturbance. In the ex- pression of *' kicking up a dust " we have the connection of dust and disturbance, l. ScHARN, s. — Cow dung. A.S. Scearn^ sterciis. Holland, in his. translation of Pliny's Natural History^ uses '* bulls sherne." w. ScHEDE, V. — To depart, to divide, to separate. To pour out or spill, w. ScHOO', s. — Short for school. " Art off to schoo' ? " l. ScouvER, s. — Scurry, confusion. ** Eh moy ! a pratty skouver then was kick'd up in the vale." Warburton's Hunting Songs, l. ScRAG-PiECE, s. — A carpenter's term for a useless bit of wood that cannot be employed, l. ScRANNY, adj, — Thin, scraggy. In Lancashire Scra?inel is used for a miserable, emaciated person. Milton uses the word scranel. In Speghel's Stdo-Gothic Dictionary we find Skrimiy adj. Macer^ gracilis, w. Scrape, s. — Seeds or corn laid on the snow, in order to get a raking shot at birds. Perhaps originally scraps. We hear often of a person " getting into a scrape.'' L. ScRAPEDAYSTiONS, ScRAPE DiSH, s. — A carcful, miserly person, l. ScRAT, Scratch, s. — The itch. Those not satisfied with the natural derivation of the word from the natural measures taken for its alleviation, may like to know that the word " Escrache," in Roquefort's Glossaire de la Langne Romaine, means gale, rogue, w. The late Lord Derby asked a gentle- man why he had not come forward for a certain town ? ** My lord, there was an itch." *'The greater reason," rephed Lord Derby, " for coming to the scratch." Scrat, 5. — An hermaphrodite, is in Huloch. Littleton and Todd have the word. A.S. Scritta, Som. w. 178 CHESHIRE G uOSSARY. sCR ScRAT DOWN, part — " The bongs being all scrat down wi' brids," augurs a good breeding season, l. Scratch, s. — A hanging frame for bacon, l. ScRATTLE, V. — To scratch as fowls do. w. ScRAUM, v., ScRAUMiNG, Z^;-/. — To Scramble. Scrambling, l. Scrawl, v. — Synonym for to crawl, l. ScREEVE, V. — To ooze out, like water out of a swampy place. L. ScROWE, s. — A row. L. Scruff, or Scuff, s. — The back of the neck. "He got hoult of him by the scruff." Also Scuft. l. ScuFT, V. — *^ Scuft him ! " Seize him by the neck. l. Scufflin, adj. — Dirty, dusty, l. ScuRRiCK, s. — Particle, scrap. " Not a scurrick shalt thou have." L. Scutch, v. — To whip. A London boy shouts " Whip ! " a Macclesfield boy " Scutch behind ! " l. Scutch, s. — A rod or whip; perhaps a variety of switch. Ash admits the substantive, but rejects the verb. w. Scutch, s. — Vide Couch-grass, l. ScuTTER, V. — To scramble away in a hurry. We have a synonymous word, to scuttle. Also to scatter. "Look out, lads ! I'm gooin' to s cutter some marbles." l. Scuttle, s. — A small piece of wood pointed at both ends, used at a game somewhat resembling trap ball. Perhaps from Scute, O.W. for boat, which it resembles in shape, with a prow at both sides, w. Another name for the piece of wood and for the game is Cat, which has something of scute in it. "Take them who dares, at Nineholes, Cards, or Cat."— Peacham's Thalia's Banauet, A.D. 1620. SEL CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 179 Seal, s. — A wart on a horse, l. Seath, or Seeth, s. — An old word, found in some legal documents, for a brine- pit. It may come from the A.S. word seethe, to boil. l. Seave, s. — A rush. Generally used for a rush drawn through grease, which in the northern counties, particularly in former times, served for a candle, w. Sedcock, Shellcock, Shercock, s. — The Missel Thrush. Turdus viscivorus. l. Seech, v., Seeched, part. — To seek, sought. To seech is derived from the Teutonic suchen, queer er e ; as to seek is from the A.S. seccan, qucerere. "w. " Give seech'd on th' settle, an' up an' down, and conna foind it j " quasi search. Seech, Seek, Sike, or Syke, s, — A spring in a field, which having no outlet, forms a bogg)^ place. A.S. sich, a gutter, w. Or it may come from soak. In Westmoreland soggy means swampy. In Devonshire sog and bog are synonymous. A land saturated with water is said to be sogged. l. Seechy, adj. — Boggy, w. Seet, s. — A sight, a number. " What a sect o' brids i'th' air ! " "A seet o' damsels," i.e. damsons ; " A seet o' cater- pillars." L. Seetly, adv. — Sightly, good-looking. ** Ah ! oo's a seetly wench." w. Segg, s. — A bull castrated when full grown, w. Segged, part. — Said of the inside of the hand, hardened by labour, handling bricks, &c. " My seggs '11 show as oim not afeart o' wurk." l. SELLy pro. — Self. Mysell, yoursell, hissell. w. N 2 i8o CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. SEL Selt, s. — A thing of rare occurrence, a chance thing ; hence seldom and selcouth (a northern term). AS. Se/d, rarely, w. Sen, z/.— Say. "They sen he clipped her." *'Senyo'?" Say you ? l. Seneve, v. — A corpse which begins to change is said to seneve ; so is joiner's work which begins to warp. Senade is A.S. for signed, marked, noted, but I dare not assign it as the origin of "seneve." w. Serge, j. — The sedge, or water rush. Car ex. l. Serve, v. — To serve or sarve up is to litter and fodder horses and cattle, before leaving them for the night, l. Set, v.—^o plant potatoes. " Them hands o' yourn's black enoo to set taties in ! " l. Set, s. — The cutting of the potato that is set. l. Set, v. — To lease or let a house or farm to a tenant, the same as let. In Cornwall the set of a mine is a lease of it, or grant for a certain number of years, w. Set, v. — Is to unload a marl cart. l. Setten, adj. — Said of a tree or bush that will not thrive, of no size, though old, — dwarfed and stunted by being barked by cattle rubbing against it; overshadowed, or by being on ground that does not suit it. " It's an ould setten thing." l. Settle, s. — A long seat, made of wood. Vide Squab, l. Settlestone, SiNKSTONE, Slopstone, s. — A hollow stone for washing on, &c. l Settlings, s. — Sediment. " Moi caufee's aw settlins ! " l. Shackussing, adj, — Shambling, loose-jointed, l. SHA CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. i8i Shakassing, adj. — An idle ne'er-do-well is called "A shakassing chap." l. Shade, v. — To shelter, l. Shake, s. — A raffle. " My mon won the picture in a shake," from the shaking of the dice in the box, by which the ownership of the thing raffled for is settled, l. Shared, /diA-/. — Half-shaked means half-witted, l. Shakes, s. — Value or importance. ** He's no great shakes." Shakers, s. — Quaking grass. Briza media, l. Shale, or Shull, v. — To shell beans or peas. l. Sham, v. — To tread out a shoe on one side. l. Shandry, s. — A farmer's gig. l. Shank's Pony. — Another reading of the " nag of ten toes." '' How did you come?" — "On Shank's pony," i.e. "on my feet." L. Shape, v, — To begin ; to set about a thing. " To be shaping," is to be going away. Shape me, prepare me, make me ready. M^appreter^ Pal. " To shape one's course " is a common expression either in nautical or familiar discourse. To shape is an O.W. used precisely in this sense by Lydgate in his History of Thebes : ** And shape him forth upon his journie." Shop is used in Piers Ploughman for went. w. Shape, v. — is also used with an adverb \ thus, " That horse shapes well," looks as if he would turn out well. " The boy shapes ill," i.e. is not promising, his present does not argue a good future, l. Shape, J. — Vacca pudejidum. l. j i82 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. SHA Sharps, s. — The second quality of flour, sometimes called " seconds." l. Shattery, adj. — Harebrained, giddy, w. What would be called scatterbrained. Shatter and scatter are parallel forms. Shaw, s. — A wood. Dan. Skov., a thicket, l. ** * Welcome,* quoth he, * and every good felaw ; Whider ridest thou under this grene shaw.' " Frere's Tale. Shead, V. — To slope regularly ; pronounced skeed. w. Shear, or Sheer, v. — To reap; also a Scotch word. I remember a print of Her Majesty attending a shearing feast in the Highlands, with collies, sheep, &c., all round ; whereas, from the time of year, it was evidently a harvest home after the corn had been sheared, l. Sheath, \f. — The old name of the brine-pit at Northwych (called at Nantwych "the Biot "). Hence "Sheath Street" in the town to this day. Noted in Wright's Provincial Dictionary as a salt-water fountain. L. Shed, or Sheed, v. — To spill or scatter. Used for liquid or dry substances. " The whin sheds its seed," " The lass has shed the milk." In Bavaria, Schiitteji is to spill, or pour. " Look at that yokel, how he's sheedin th' seed ! " Shed, s. — Difference. " There is no shed between them." It is also applied to the division of the hair on the head. w. Shed, or Sched, v. — To surpass or divide. Scotch (Jamieson), to shed hair, to separate it, in order that it may fall on each side. "As heaven's water sheds and deals" (i.e. separates) is a northern expression for the boundary of different districts, generally the summits of a ridge of hills ; from the Teutonic SHI CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 183 Scheeden^ separare^ or A.S. Sceadan^ dividere, w. We have heard a great deal lately of water-shed, used as a geographical term. There is, or used to be, a house on Broadway Hill ; the water from one side of the roof sought the German Ocean, and the other side sent its rain to St. George's Channel. Shedom, Schedom, adj. — Surprising, strange. " It's shedom, however," i.e. " It is so surprising as to be past belief." In Yorkshire we have shed, surprised. " I wor fair shed to hear it." — Craven Glossary, l. Shelly, adj. — Applied to cattle when they are not thriv- ing, or when the skin is not loose, and the hair stares, l. Shepstir, or Shipstir, s, — A Starling, w. This bird hunts amongst the sheep's wool for the insects that live in it ; and is therefore called by its Cheshire name, because he stirs up the sheep with his bill. Shewds, s. — Quasi sheds. The husks of oats when separ- ated from the corn. w. Shides, s. — Billets of wood. l. Shim, adj. — A clear bright light. A.S. Scima^ splendor ; sciman, splendere. w. This word is perhaps the root or another form of sheen. "And the sheen of their spears," &c. — Bp. Heber, Ship, s. — "At Nantwych, Droitwych, &c., the vessel is called a ship whereunto the brine is conveyed from the brine- pit." — Kennett MS.y Lansd. 1033, p. 363. l. Ship, ^.— For sheep. In Chester one of the gates is called the ship-gate. A farmer gave me a characteristic answer, for one of a cheese county, when, after the cattle plague, I asked him why he did not try sheep : " Au dunna like them ship, au knows nought about 'em." l. [84 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. SHI Shippin, Shippen, or Shipn, s. — The cow-house, originally. w. Most likely sheep-pen. It is curious that in Gloucester- shire, a sheep county (where a sheep is called a Cotswold Lion), the word for shippin is doosmg, from dos; in Scotland, sheeling; in Switzerland, chalet. A.S. Scipene^ bovile. Shive, or Shiver, s, — A slice, scrap. Dutch, Schyf; Dan. Skifa. w. *' Cut us a shive o' that bacon, oud wench." We have an O.C.S. — "Go fiddle for shives Amongst old wives." Shoaf, or Shofe, s. — Another form of a sheaf of corn. w. Shoat, in some places Shot, s. — A young pig, between a sucker and a porker ; it is also a term of contempt, when applied to a young person, w. Shoe, v. — To shoe a ditch or drain is the last smoothing and narrowing the bottom of the ditch, or gutter (with a spade or *' shoo " with a round back, specially used for this pur- pose), before the water is let in, or the draining pipes laid. l. Shoeings, s. — The refuse out of ditches and drains, used to fill up holes ; substantive of the preceding word. l. Shommakin, adv. — Shaky. " I guess tit be shommakin." l. Shonnah, or Shonna, v. — **I shonna." "I will not do so and so." Some one has said firmness is " I will," and obstinacy " I won't." l. Shoo, Shool, s, — A shovel. Tusser uses shovel as a mono- syllable, w. " Enny bom foo can handle a shoo." Shool, Shoo, Shee, v. — To shoo, or drive away, anything, particularly birds, from the corn and garden. Scheuchen^ Ger., to drive away, chasser. w. Shoon, s. — Plural of shoe. w. SIB ; CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 185 Shoot, s. —The weft, or woof, i.e. that which is shot across; hence the projecting "shoot" or spout of a house, l. Shoring, s. — A lean-to, or shed, built agahist another building. A variety of the common word " shore." l. Short-waisted, adj. — Short-tempered, l. Shot, s. — Vide Shoat. Shoulder-work, s. — Good, hard, navvy work. l. Shouting deaf, adj. — A person is called so who is so deaf that you must shout to him. l. Shred, v. — To shred suet is to break it into small pieces. In southern counties it is used for spreading manure. A.S. Screadan, resecare. w. Shut, v. — To get shut of a person is to rid yourself of him. Dutch, Schutten, to ward off. w. ** Shut up ! " i.e. we want no more of your talk. Shuttance, s. — Riddance from a troublesome thing or per- son. "A good shuttance" may be from shutting the door upon an objectionable creature, w. Shutting, s. — The harvest home. l. Shutting a pit, — is a marling term, and implies that the marlers have ceased to " yoe " marl out of that pit. l. SiBBED, adj. — Related, of kin. To sib, or sibbe, is an O.W. for relationship, still retained in Gossip; i.e. God's sib, re-- lated to God by the ordinance of baptism. Sibbe^ affinity, Teut. Kilian. Sibberets, or Sibberidge^ banns of marriage, w. Gothic, Sibja. There is an O.C.P., — '*No more sibbed than seive and riddle, that grew both in a wood together." ibo CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. . SIC SicUjpron. — Such. Sichin. — Such a one. l. Side, adj. — Long, traihng. Used as in Skinner's time ; e.g. '^ I do not like side frocks for little girls." l. ** His berde was side with mych hare, On his heede his hatt he bare." Cursor Mundi, Man. Col. Trin. Cam.^ p. 33. To SIDE UP, v.— To set straight, to ''fettle." -'To side up the kitchen," i.e. to arrange it. *' Oos alius sidin things away, but so sure as oi want 'em, theym never to be found ! " l. SiDLANDS, s. — Sloping ground is said "to be on the sid- lands." Perhaps originally slide lands, l. Sin, adv. — Since, w. Two Cheshire rhymesters thus dis- coursed to each other, — "Ever sin the world begun, Th' rainbow set afore the sun." "That's a loy ; oi houd it good, It's ony bin sin Noah's flood." Sink, s. — The sewer of the house, w. Perhaps the name takes one back to the old times, when drains did not exist, or were made imperfectly, and the refuse sank into the ground, instead of being carried away. The root G. Sanken, or Swedish Sanka, to cause to sink, rather carries out this idea. To sink was used to express the pouring away of liquids. " In the lordys cup that levys undrynken, Into the almes dische hit schall be sonken. " Book of Curtasy, Percy Soc. SiNKSTONE, s. — Vide Settlestone. SiPPERiNG,/^r/. — When ducks filter liquids through their bills (as is their habit when feeding), they are said to be *' sipper- ing." To sipe, in Lincoln, is to drain, l. SiRRY ! excl. — For sirrah. A contemptuous term, used to dogs. w. SKI CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 187 SiTTEN, /dJ/-/. — Burnt. "Sitten porridge." l. Six o'clock. — "It's welly six o'clock with him;" said of one evidently failing, or, to use another Cheshirism, "going down the brewe." Six o'clock is the hour at which labourers, when it is light, knock off work, l. Skavengers, s. — Officers appointed in the 17th century by the lord's court of burgesses of North wych, as well as lead- lookers, killers-of-salt, ale-tasters, pan-cutters, gutter-viewers, and wood-tenders, l. Skeer, v. — "To skeer the esse," is to clear the grate; separating the ashes from the live coals. Perhaps a form of scour, w. Skeer, v. — To frighten, to scare. " Lawks, missus, how yo skeered me ! " Skellerd, aiij. — Crooked ; out of the perpendicular. From Scheel, Teut., obliquus^ transversus, Kil. w. Skelp, v. — To leap awkwardly, like a cow. Skelp, Scotch, Jamieson's Dictionary, w. Skelp, v. — To smooth the walls or sides of a hay-rick, or hay-cart, by raking off and pulling out the loose hay. l. Sken, V, — To squint. "He skens ill enough to crack a looking-glass welly."- Skew, v. — To squint. Tod uses this word only in the sense of to walk obliquely, w. Skewbald, adj, — Piebald, w. Skew-wifter, s. — Anything out of shape is a skew-wifter. " That hat o' yourn's a regular skew-wifter." Skit, s. — A jest, a lampoon, l. Skitter, v. — To scatter, w. Vide Scutter. i88 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. SKI Skittering, s.~A scattering. " A skittering of snow/' "a skittering of leaves," said of a small quantity sprinkled or scattered about, l. Skitterwit, s. — A foolish fellow, a scatterbrain. l. Skreen, s. — A wooden settee, or settle, with a high back sufficient to screen the sitters from the outward air, was in the time of our ancestors an invariable article of furniture, near all kitchen fires, and is still seen in the kitchens of many of our old farmhouses in Cheshire. So in Tusser's jFi've Hundred Points of Good Husbandry we read, ** If ploughman get hatchet or whip to the skreene, Maids loseth their cocke if no water be seen," i.e. if the ploughman can get his whip, his ploughstaff, hatchet, or anything he wants in the field to the fireside (screen and fireside being one and the same thing) before the maid hath got her kettle on, then the maid loseth her Shrovetide cock, and it belongs wholly to the men. w. Skrike of Day. — Sunrise, or cock crow, which perhaps accounts for the Skrike, q.v. l. Skrike, Skroik, v. — To cry out, a form of shriek. Swe., Skrika. One of our commonest Cheshire words. " I gee a wench a penny to noss th' choilt, and hoo skriked and skriked welly the whole time." l. Skuds, s. — Owls' skuds. The undigested pellets of hair, bones, &c., thrown up by owls, and found in quantities in places they frequent, l. Skutch, or Scutch, s. — See Couch-grass. Slab, s. — The outside board sawn off the sides of a tree to square it. w. SU CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 189 Slack, s. — Small coal ; also a low moist place between two hills. Sometimes a hollow left in a border or field, that requires filling up. w. Slackwater, is when there is not enough water to work a mill. L. Sladdering Dray, s. — A small sledge, drawn by one horse, l. Slain, /«r/. — Describes the state of thistles cut down, and before they are thoroughly dry, during which period the points are innocuous, and the sheep and cattle devour them greedily, as they are sweet and sugary, l. Slanging, or Slanching, par^. — Prying. AppHed to a cat. " Th' cat is slanching into everything." l. Slanching Hook, s. — A sharp hook for cutting hedges, l. Slancings, s. — The cuttings of a hedge, l. Slare, s. — A slide. " I say, lads, the pit's froze ; let's have a slare." l. Slash, v. — Pruning a hedge, that is trimmed and not laid, is called slashing, l. Slat, v, — To put out the tongue derisively. *' Don't slat your tung at me, hussey ! " l. Slat, v. — To throw, or spill, w. More generally slatter. Hence probably slattern. Slaterhouse, s. — The slate roof of a house. " See ! ther's a cat on th' slaterhouse ; chuck a stone at him ! " l. Slather, v. — To slip or slide ; ** slither " is generally used. w. Slattery, ai^j. — Applied to weather ; wet, sloppy, l. I90 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. SLE Slea, v. — To dry or wither, like corn or cut hay ; probably for to slay. l. Sleak, v. — To protrude the tongue. To sleak out the tongue is to loll it out, only that to /^// might be weakness, to sleak is an act of volition, w. Sleck, v. — To extinguish, to slake. From Icel. Slagi\ humiditas. w. "Sleck th' fire ; " throw water on to extinguish it. Sleead, s. — A sledge, l. Slench, v. — A syn. of Slash, q,v. Slickened, fart. — (Qy. sleekened), made smooth, l. Slink, s. — The untimely foetus of a cow which is in calf; when killed, the veal is called " slink veal." w. Slink Butcher, s. — The lowest style of butcher, who deals in old or diseased cows, or cows that have been killed when in extremis, to prevent them dying naturally, and cows that have died in calving, &c. l. Slip, v. — " Cherry has slipped her calf," vide Pick. Cow- slip may be so-called from its possibly having had the credit of producing such a catastrophe. Another version is merely cow's lip. L. Slither, v. — Vide Slather. Slive, V, — To cut off. Perhaps like slice, l. Sliver, s. — A slice, w. " A sliver o' bacon's the thing to stick to thy ribs, lad ! " Sloamy, adj. — Applied to laid corn. l. Slob, s. — Sea mud. l. Slobber, s. — Wet rain. " Cowd slobber," cold rain. l. Slood, s. — Cart sloods, are cart ruts. AS. Slus, slush, slutch, mire. L. Slog, s. — A slough j more generally sloos. l. SMA CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 191 Slope, v. — To slope away, is to sneak away, and get quietly out of a row. l. Slotten, /«r/. — Divided. Slot and slotten are participles of the A.S. verb Slitan, to slit. When at whist, the honours are held equally, they are said to be sliven or slotten. w. More commonly now expressed by " honours easy." Slouch, v, — A boy, who saw a woman digging up on the sly some stolen money, said, " I seed her slouching up th' brass." l. Sloven. — (Part of the verb to slive), divided, w. Slubber, s, — Frog's spawn, l. Slurr, V, — To slide. There is a Cheshire proverb, " To as much purpose as geese slur on the ice." l. Slutch, Sludge, s. — Mud. *' There's slutch upo' thoi coat, mon." — ^Warburton's Hunting Sojtgs, Slutch, v. — " To slutch a pit," is to clean out the mud. Slutchy, adj. — Boggy. " That 'meadow's a slutchy, miz- zicky hole ! " L. Sluther, s. — Muck, dung. l. Small Gang, v. — A term at a mill. When any man, or big bully, has made himself intolerable to the boys amongst the hands, they take measures to smallgang him. Upon the principle that union is strength, they watch or make their opportunity, and all at once, or by relays, fall upon their oppressor, till as a matter of course they get him down, and give him a most severe beating ; thus revenging the past, and securing a future of peace, l. 192 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. SMA Small Pox. — Cheshire cure for. Take a bun from the shop of a person (whose wife when she married did not change her name) without paying for it, or saying thank you ! and give it to the patient, l. Smarten, v. — For smart. **My feet smarten with the cold." L. Smastray, x.^-The Garden Warbler, l. Smeeth, v. — To iron linen. A form of smooth, the effect following the use of the iron. A.S. Smcethe, smooth, w. We have the term smoothing iron. Smelting, /«r/. — Or running lime. Preparing lime by mixing it with water, and pouring it through a sieve, to remove impuri- ties and any unbumt or unburnable substance that may interfere with mortar, l. Smitter, v. — A woman, whose husband (one of the beaters at a shooting party) had been severely peppered by one of the guns, told me his coat and face were '^ smittered o'er " with shot. l. Smock, s. — Shift. A common prize at former merry-makings in Cheshire, fpr the best woman runner. In a notice of Bowdon Wakes, 21st, 22nd, 23rd September, 1812, is the following : — '' Same day a race for a good Holland smock by ladies of all ages, the second best to have a handsome sattin ribbon. No lady will be allowed to strip any further than the smock before starting." The same word is used in Heligoland for a shift, l. Smoothing Iron, s. — Vide Smeeth. Snagg, or Snig, v. — To draw away by the hand branches of trees, to cut off lateral branches. A.S. Snidan, secare. w. Snake Weed, s. — Polygonum historta. The Bistort Stitch- wort. — Gerarde (Cheshire herbalist), l. SOC CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 193 Snapstalks, s. — Stellaria Holostea^ so called from its exceed- ing brittleness. l. Sneck, v. — " Sneck the door." " Shut the door." l. Sneck, s. — Latch of the door. l. Snicket, s. — A naughty female child ; a term of reproach for a little girl. L. Sniddle, s, — Long coarse grass that grows in wet places ; also rushes, sedge, and flags fringing water or marlpits. l. Sniddlebog, s. — The sort of marshy place where sniddle grows. L. Snig, s. — An eel. " What have you got there ? *' " Nobbut awhiskettle o' wick snigs." A restless child is said to *' wriggle about like a snig in a bottle." O.C.P. l. Snig, v. — Bringing anything out of the water by throwing a stick attached to a string beyond it. " I snigged it to land." Also to drag a tree along a road without loading it on a timber carriage. L. Snite, s. — Mucus fiasi. w. Snitter, v. — To creep or walk slowly, l. Snooked, par. — Overreached. *' I'm snooked," t'.e.^ I am taken in, I am sold. l. Snop, v. — To bite the young shoots of a hedge, as lambs do ; a sort of a cross between crop and snap. l. Snotch, s. — A knot or notch. Gen. Mag.y Pt. i, pp. 126, 167. Snudge, s. — An intrusive, spongin;^ fellow, l. Snye, rt^^*.— Overrun. ''The house is welly snye wi' rotten," — The house is swarming with rats. l. Soc, s. — The dividing part of the plough as opposed to the coulter. The ploughshare. The plough, from the Gaelic soc, a snout, beak, ploughshare, l. o 194 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. SOG Soc, SoccAGE, s. — A tenure of lands by rent being paid partly in labour and partly in services to be rendered to the lord of the fee ; the modern Boon work, g.v., is a remnant of this. L. ' ' By waif, soc, and theam. You may know Cheshire men," — Old Cheshire Manuscript. Legends and Ballads of Cheshire, Sod Sludge, s. — Sea mud, used as a manure ; also called Slob, and Green Sod Sludge, from the verdure that rapidly accumulates on its surface, l. Soldiers, s. — Lychnis diurna. Red Campion, l. Solemn, adj. — Mournful. " It's a very solemn winter." l. Solid, adj. — Used for solemn, and has the usual meaning of that word. I have often heard a witness say, '^ I'll take my solid oath." l. SoNGOW, SoNGAL, s. — Gleaned corn. Songoe, sangow, to go sangoing, is to glean. Generally supposed to be so named from picking up the single straws as in gleaning. The ex- planation given by Kilian, Etym. Tent. , is preferable : he says, Sang, sanghe, fasciculus spicarum, Germ. Sax., Secamb sang gsang. Anglice, songe. The same word sanghe, a handful of ears, is found in Scherzur's German Die. In Bailey's Dictio?iary, i735> we find "songal, songle, a handful of gleaned corn, Herefordshire." In Hyde (a Cheshire man, of the family of the Hydes of Norbury) we read, page 398, " De religione Persarum, pauperiores puella^ virgines tempore messis triticeae, spicas legunt easque in parvum fasciculum seu manipulum (Anglice a Songall) colligatas domum reportant." One other derivation may be that gleaners leave their village all together for the purpose of gleaning, in a sort of merry procession, during which they sing as they go a Sangoing — ■»♦-»» SOO CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 195 ' Cantantes licet usque minus via toed et eamus." I have never seen a party of gleaners in Cheshire, and it is very rare ever to see a Cheshire woman working in the fields except in the hay time, and even then it is rather the exception than the rule. This is owing both to men's labour being better paid tha'n in the south, and to the almost entire absence of villages. So that women in detached and solitary cottages cannot as in the villages leave their younger children who are not at school, or under the care of some old woman, whilst they are absent themselves. In Gloucestershire gleaning is con- sidered a right ; and the inhabitants of Stow-on- the-Wold having no land attached to their parish, by prescriptive right glean within a circuit of five miles. Mowing machines, badg- ing, and rakes, will soon make gleaning everywhere a thing of the past. Sang in Devonshire means a handful of corn. Sange, in Swabian, means a bundle of hemp. l. Soop, SoPE, s. — " A good soop of rain," is a great deal of rain ; " a soop of drink," means a quantity — probably a form of sup. L. Sore, adverb. — Very much. Answers to the Scotch sair. Richard Brereton, Esq., 1557, of Lea near Middlewych, left ** two pair of sore worn velvet breeches." l. Sorry, adj. — Worthless, like tristis in Latin, which not only means sorrowful, sad, but also vile, of no estimation. " Te triste ligjitwt ;" *' It's a sorry mess'! " l. Soss, s. — A heavy fall. w. One of the many words like s/a/>, cras/i, shatter., rattle^ where the sound carries out the meaning. " He went soss on the floor." So in Latin, Pro- aimbet humi Bos. l Sough, s. — The blade of a plough, l. Sough, or Suff, s. — A drain, l. o 2 196 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. SOU SouLiNG, part. — Pronounced sauling. To go *' a-sauling " is to go about, as boys do, repeating certain rigmarole verses, and begging for cakes or money, on the eve of All Souls' Day. These cakes are called " soul cakes," In Letters frojn Spain^ by L. Doblado, p. 70, is the following : — " We heard the church bell toll what in Spain is called ^ Las A?imias,' the souls. A man bearing a large lantern, with painted glass, representing two naked persons enveloped in flames, entered the court, addressing every one of the company in these words : ' The holy souls, brother ! remember the holy souls ! ' Few refused the petitioner a copper coin, worth the eighth of a penny. This custom is universal in Spain." Our Cheshire custom of *' going a-souling " is the relic of the Roman Catholic cus- tom. L. SowGER, s. — Mispronunciation of soldier, w. "Wheer's yare Moll ? " " Out alung wi' one of them sowgering chaps." SowL, s. — A plough. A cow yoke. l. SowRiNG, s, — ^Vinegar, or verjuice, w. Spact, adj. — Quick, comprehensive, with one's senses about one. "He is not quite spact," means "he is under some alienation of mind," or, as we should say, "not .all there." Spaca^ Icelandic, sapiens, w. Spank flue. — Called by Halliwell spajik whew^ and which I have heard simply as spang. A thoughtless bit of boy's cruelty; placing a toad or frog on one end of a nicely- balanced piece of wood and throwing it in the air, and jar ring it to death by a violent blow on the opposite side of the wood. Spank means a violent blow ; flew may be a corrup- tion of fly, a violent blow that makes the toad as it were fly off his perch. Spank whew^ would be a blow bringing about a sudden vanishing away, wheWy or disappearance of the frog. L. SPR CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 197 Span, v. — To understand, to make out. " Au canna justly span what he means." l. Sparkle, v. — To disperse. Disperkleth is used in this sense in the English translation of Bartholomoeus — De Proprietatibiis Rerutn. w. Sparling, s. — A fish \ from the French eperlan^ the smelt. This is one of several words in Wilbraham's Glossary (many of which, like rick, skewbald, peewit, slippy, titmouse, &c., I have omitted as not being Cheshirisms, nor even provincial- isms), which in his time may not have been in common use, but since his date have ceased to be, if they ever were, provincial- isms. I have heard of sparlings in Rostherne mere, when the tide backed up the river so as to cause it to fall into, instead of running from, the mere. L. Speer, s. — The chimney-posts on each side of the fire. w. Sper, or Speer, v. — To inquire ; from A.-S. spizrian. Like many of our Cheshirisms, we find it used in Scotland, l. Spinny, s. — A small wood, a copse ; perhaps from spina, a thorn. L. Spit, s. — The depth of a spade in digging; i.e., about a foot. *^ You mun delve two spit deep." Vide Graft. Splashed, adj. — Drunk. Like **a wet time j" "wetting his whistle," &c. L. Spocken, part, of the verb to speak, w. Sprag, or Sprig, v. — To nail rails together, l. Spreesprinkle, s. — The Common Orchis — Orchis maculata. Sprig, s. — A nail (metal), l. Springow, adj. — Nimble, active. Littleton has spri?igal. w. Sprinker, or Springer, s. — A thatching peg, made of hazel, or other pliable wood. l. 198 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. SPR Sprit, part. — A form of sprout; said of potatoes, or corn, which germinate from being exposed to the heat or wet. Vide Ackersprit. l. Sprize, v. — To prize, or force open, a lock, drawer, or box. L. Sproze, v. — To boast. " What a sprozing chap you be ! " l. Spur, v. — Spurring the banks of a river, is supporting them from falling in, or being carried away by floods, by driving in piles, commonly made of alder, l. Sput. — Participle of the verb to spit. ''She sput in my face." L. Squab, s. — A sofa, generally made of oak ; and the old ones are usually carved, l. Squander, v. — To separate, or disperse, like a covey of partridges, w. In answer to a question put by me to a tenant relative to the whereabouts of his brothers, he said : " They are squandered up and down ; " /.., I thought or guessed) as much. Also to believe. " Oi can't stummoc that, no how." l. Stomacher Piece, s. — An irregular awkward-shaped piece of land. L. Stone, v. — To stone a road, is to put large stones or boulders on the road, to force carriages, carts and horses to go over the fresh laid metal, instead of the beaten part of the road. A dangerous but general custom in Cheshire, the breach of which would be more valued than the observance, l. Stcol, s. — A number of wheat stalks springing from the same root. l. Stopport. — Stockport, from the Latin Stopporta, L. Stor, or Storr, v. — ^When a horse from bad roads, deep snow, too great a load, or vice, stops in harness, he is said to be starred, I cannot trace the root, but it is curiously the opposite to stir. Stowre, according to Hallwell, means stiff or inflexible. Vide Staw. l. Stormcock, or Shellcock, s. — The missel, or mistletoe thrush. L. 202 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. STO Stou, s. — A stool, where a tree or shrub has been cut down, and from which suckers have sprung. " It isna wortli ridding up — it's an ould stou/' l. Stowr, s. — Dust. A sheaf. Slowk, or Stouk, v. — To put ears or handles to such vessels as require them. w. Stowk, s. — A stalk or handle to a pail ; it is also a drinking cup with a handle. A sfowk of sde, from the/<^r/. of the A.-S. siica7i, figere ; also a sheaf, perhaps from sto^ to stand up. Strack, part — Abbreviation for " distracted." w. " Lave the poor wench alone — oo's strack, oi tell ye." Streea, s. — A straw. One, who having travelled, and returned home with certain affectations and but little profit, comes under the O.C.S. — "She hath been at London to call a streea a straw, and a wau a wall." A curious proof of how these two words were pronounced about the fourteenth or fifteenth centuries. Street, s . — When joined to a name of a place, it generally shows the existence of an old Roman road. Holford Street, instead of Holford Road, like WatHng Street, Chapel in the Street, &c., Stretford, &c. l. Stret, adj. — Narrow, confined, strait. "Stick a stret jacket on him — he's crack'd." l. Strickles, s. — The hone generally fastened to the scythe for sharpening purposes ; also the stick used as mentioned in the next word. l. Strike, s. — A bushel. The word is supposed to originate from the measure when full having a stick passed across it to level it, and prevent more than the fair measure being given. In contradistinction to this, we have the O.C.P., " Maxfield measure — heap and thrutch." l. SUM CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 203 Strike, v. — To reach an even or the desired heat. " When the oven strikes.'' l. Strimes, s. — The handles of a wheelbarrow, l. Strippings, v. — " Strokings" and *' afterings." Strokings, s. — The last milk of the cow, supposed to be the richest drop : called also afterings and strippings. Vide Afterings. l. Strout, v. — To swell out. "The pasture maketh the kines' udders to strout to the paile." " Ancient Account of Cheshire. The Generall of Great BritdijieT Time of James I. L. Struck with Iron. — An apoplectic seizure to which sheep and cows (generally previously to their calving) are liable. They turn black, l. Strushion, «$•.— Destruction, w. Stubbo, or Stubbow, s. — Stubble, w. Stubbo, or Stubbed, adj. — Thick, short. A rough head of hair, unkempt and bristly, is called a " stubbory pou.'^ w. Stuff, 5. — A keeper's term for game. "We mun have more stuff in yon coppy." l. Stupid, adj. — Pronounced stoopid, obstinate. " He was that stoopid, he bit his nose to spite his face." l. Stut, v. — Short for to stutter, w. " He's a stuttin foo ! " Suck, s. — A ploughshare, l. SucKiE ! — A general name for a calf, as you would say " Puss ! " in talking to a cat. l. SuMMAT, adv. — Somewhat, w. " Landlord, gie us a drop o' summat short." 204 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. SUP SuppiNGS, s. — The refuse milk after the cheese is made, which supplies the pigs with their supper, l. Surcease, v. — To cease. ** All civil mutinies shall then surcease." Chester's Triumph, i6io. l. Swab, s. — One of the many names for an oak " settle," or sofa. L. SwADDLEDiDAFF, s. — A term of endearment, — sweetheart, l. Swag, v. — To warp, as timber does. Swage, v. — To swage away is to reduce a swelling by fomentation, or other outward application. Probably short for assuage, the pain being assuaged by the fomentation, l. Swale, Sweale, v. — To burn, to waste, to gutter, like a candle with a thief in it. A.-S. swoelan. w. SwALER, s. — A dealer in corn, or rather one who buys corn and sells it as meal. w. SWALLOWMASS, S. A glutton. L. SwARY, s. — A swary of fields, fields lying together, l. SwARTH, s. — Hay grass when cut down. Sometimes used in speaking of grass before it is cut. l. Swat, s. — Perspiration, sweat ; also the perfect of the verb to sweat, w. " Lorz, ou oi doo swat ! " Swearing Tremendous. — O.C.S., *' Oo'd swear the cross off a jackass's back." l. SwEE, V. — A swing. *^ Cum, Ted, an gie us a good swee on yander swing." L. Sweet Nancy, s. — The Narcissus poeticus, l. Sweeten, v. — To bid at an auction, not to secure the lot yourself, but to make others pay more. l. TAF CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 205 SwELTED, part. — Overheated, " Sweltering day," a very hot day. L. SwENGLE, V. — To separate flax after it has been beat. l. Swill Tub, s. — The receptacle for the pig meat, &c., from the house, l. Swippo, adj. — Nimble, w. Swippo, s. — The thick part of a flail is so called. In Norfolk the same thing is swifigel ; in Scotland swap is a sharp stroke, l. Switch clog, j.— The black beetle is so called, an omnivo- rous insect, that will drink ink and eat leather, l. Tatchin end, s. — Attaching end. A shoemaker's waxed string, w. Tack, s. — A lease or a part of a lease for a certain time is called a tack, ?>., simply a take. A tack is a term of Scotch law, and a farmer is a tacksman, w. An intack is a piece of common land taken in to the farm. Tack, s. — A taste in drink or beer contrary to its natural flavour. L. Tack, s. — Bold confidence, reliance. " There is no tack in such a one," he is not to be trusted, w. Tack, v. — A tailoring term. " Dunna stich thoi seeam afore thou's tack'd it," O.C.P. for " Look before you leap."L. To Tack one'.s teeth to a thing. — Is to set about it heartily. " To tack a stick to one " is to beat him. In this latter instance tack is simply a variety of take. Taffy, or Toffy, s. — What is called " coverlid," or " cuv~ lit." Treacle thickened by boiling and made into hard cakes. 2o6 . CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. TAF Tafia, or Taffiat, s. — Sugar and brandy made into cakes. French, w. Taigh, or Tay, v. — To take. Synonyms of tack. " Tay him whoam — he's bad," take him home — he's ill. l. Tail-shoten soker ; also called Tailsoke, s. — A disease of a cow's tail. l. Take all one's time. — An expression for, " It is all I can do." A baby was ordered not to be fed for a quarter of an hour. The nurse said, '^ It will take me all my time to keep the child a quarter of an hour without food." l. Taking up. — Getting finer, applied to the weather. " I hope it will take up." " It has took up at last." Said also of a drunkard who has *' taken the pledge." l. Taking. — "The ice is taking" means it is beginning to freeze. PYde Crisping, l. Tank, s. — A blow. " Gee him a tank o'er the ear," i.e. " Give him a box on the ear." l. T' Antony's Pig. — " To follow one like T' Antony's pig," O.C.P. The pig is supposed to be sacred to St. Antony. Upon some death resulting to a great man in the streets of Paris, from his horse falling over a stray pig, all the pigs except those belonging to a monastery dedicated to St. Antony (which were exempted on condition of their wearing a bell) were banished the streets. From other accounts, it appears that in consequence of the gratitude of pig proprietors to St. Antony for miraculously exterminating all pig ailments, a pig with a bell round his neck was kept at the expense of the parish. The seal of St. Antony's College in London was about the size of a crown, and represented the saint preaching with his pig at his feet. All the stray pigs in London, not TAT CHESHIRE GLOSSARY? 207 owned, were granted to the hospital. A belled pig is carved outside Winwick church, near Warrington. There is a French proverb, QiiHl va de porte en porte^ comme les cochons de St. Antoine. Tantrels, or Tantrums, s. — Freaks, whims. It is often said of a child when peevish or spoilt, that he is in his tantrums, w. Tardy, s. — A fine for being late. The accounts of the company of smiths, cutlers, pewterers and cardmakers at Chester contain many similar entries to the following — " Nov. II, 1679, received from Reignold Woods for a tardy, 3^'." From tardus Latin, l. Tarnation, adj. — A word that has a superlative effect on its adjunct. " Tarnation shame " is what boys at school would call an awful, horrid or infernal shame, l. Tarporley Peach, j-.— The Aston town pear is so called, as it is generally ripe about the time of the Tarporley races and the meeting of the club, which takes place in the first week in November, l. To Tarr on, v. — To excite to anger and violence, still used in Cheshire. It is a good O.W. used by Wicliffe in his PatJnvaye to Perfect Knowledge and also in a MS. translation of the Psalms, penes me (Wilbraham.) "They have terrid thee to ire." w^ Ta thy Harry. — An expression for wait, and seems a lengthening out of the word tarry. There is an old German word harren. L. Taty, Tatty, Tatur, or Tato, s. — Abbreviations for potato. A clergyman in discussing some theological point in his sermon in a country parish, said that " commentators did not agree with him." He had a visit next day from one of his parishioners, who, displaying the treasures of her basket, said 2o8 Cheshire glossary. tec that as he had preached the day before that cojnmon taturs did not agree with him, she had brought him some nice " pink eyes." In Punch, they make a labourer remove his son from a school because "the master was that ignorant he spelt tatur with a P." TcHEM. — Vide Chem. Te, adv. — Than. "Greater te that ; " very common, l. Team, Theam, Tem, or Theme, s. — A royalty — granted in old times to the lord of the manor, for the restraining and judging of bondmen and villains in his court. ** Aye hy waif, soc, and theam, You may know Cheshire men." Old Manuscript Ted, v. — To open out the hay, the first haymaking process after mowing. Some derive it from the Bav. zetten, to strew. I cannot see it. i.. Teem, v. — To pour out either liquids or other things. You may teem milk or teem eggs, or corn ; generally used in Cheshire for to pour. " Cum, missis, teem us a sup of tay." It is found in an old poem (one of the Roxburgh Club reprints), Liforniation for Pylgryines to the Holy Land. Swift uses it. Teen, for tens. — Teens of pounds, a sort of plural plu- ralized. l. Teen. — When any one has come to grief he is said to be " in fouteen," quasi in or //;2fortunate. L. Teen, s. — Anger. A.-S. iyjian, incitare. w. Tent, v. — To look after with a view to hindering, to prevent. " * I'll tent thee,' quoth Wood ; * If I can't rule my daughter I'll rule my good.' " — O.C.P. THE CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 209 Tent, v. — Tenter, s. — To tent cattle is to watch cattle in the lanes, that they may neither stray, trespass, nor break fences. Tenter is he or she who tents. Also to watch. '* The cat were tenting the rabbit." l. Terrible.— Used adverbially as a superlative. '* He's terrible strong," &c. l. Terry-diddle, Terry-divil, Tether-devil, s. — The Bitter Sweet, Solamun dulcamara — so called from the inter- twining and complicated growth of the tough twigs, w. The devil himself could not force his way through them. A York- shire name for it is " felon wood." Tetotally, ad%K — A superlative of totally (itself a superla- tive). " He's tetotally ruined," /.art., Thrept — sometimes Thrope. '' He thraped me down it were noine, but I knowed it were a dozen." To ''thrape out" is perhaps more common, l. A Threeweek, s. — Three weeks in Cheshire is generally thus designated, as a substantive, in the same way as we speak of a fortnight or a month, w. Thousand Flower, s. — One of the many names of the Toad Flax- l. Thousand leaf, s. — Achillea ptarmica. Sneezewort Yar- row ; used sometimes as a substitute for snufif. l. THR CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 211 Thrippa, orTHRiPPOW, v. — To beat ; which may mean either to beat with geers or with thrippows ; in the same way as to strap or to leather means beating with a strap or leather thong ; or it may derive its origin (as well as the verb to drab) from drapa^ to strike or beat severely. Ihre has drapa^ per- cutere; also to labour hard. Stubbes, in his Anatomie of Abuses^ P- 97> has, " This makes many a one to thrypple and pynch." w. Thripple, ^. — The beating part of the flail, l. Thrippow, or Thrippows, s. — The removable framework on the front and back of a cart and waggon, put on when hay or corn is to be carried, w. The Savers, q.v.^ are the sides used for the same purpose. A Thrippowing Pungoing life. — A hard life ; one of sorrow, toil, and anxiety. Pungow may be derived from the A.S. punian, confer ere. w. Thrope, Throppen, —/., enufif, but in Cheshire enough is pronounced as it is spelt — " enow." l. Thrummell, s. — A large clumsy lump of a fellow, l. Thrum, s. — Vide Powsells. Thrunk, adj. — Crowded, thronged. " As thrunk as three in a bed."— O.C.P. w. Thrut,— /^;/ and part, of the verb to throw. " He thrut it down." L. Thrutch, z/.— To thrust or squeeze. " Maxfield {i.e., Mac- clesfield) measure, heap and thrutch." — O.C.P. In contradis- tinction to strike, where a stick is used to level what may rise p 2 212 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. THR above the level. Squeezing or pressing the cheese is called **thrutching it." Palsgrave says, "Threche, pynche, pincer; this is a farre northern term." w. Thrutchins, s. — Curds, after the whey has been "thrut- ched," thrust, or squeezed out of them. l. Thunder-bolts, s. — The Corn Poppy, Papaver Rhoeas. l. Thunna, s. — Thunder, w. Tic, s. — The Cheshire word for the foot and mouth disease in cattle, from which this county, as well as others, has suf- fered so grievously since the introduction of foreign cattle ; from the wilful carelessness of the men then in power, in not enforcing proper preventive measures, l. TiCE, V. — Per Aphoeresin^ for entice, w. " Dunna tice him to drink, he's had enow — tak him whoam." I'lE, V. — To marr)^ ; not used transitively. " He's not paid for a quart of ale since I was tied to him." l. Tickle, adj. — Uncertain, tickUsh. If in harvest time bad weather interferes, it is called "Tickle weather." Tickle is also applied to game, particularly hares, when wild and ready to move. " The snow or frost makes the hares very tickle." L. "Tied by the Tooth." — A curious expression, explaining why sheep and cattle do not break through fences, though they are bad, because the pasture is good, which prevents rambling, l. Tike, or Tyke, s. — A little dog. Sue. Got. tik^ canicula. A peevish child is often called ''a cross tyke." w. Tin, s. — The till. w. Also the money it contains. Tin, or Tyne, 7'.— To shut. "Tinn the dur;" shut the door. \v. TIP CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 213 To Tin, Tine, Tend, Tind the fire, z'.— is to light the fire. The word tinder has the same etymology, to^nder^ to light or kindle; Dan. Wolff"., or from Icelandic te?tdra, accendere. Some derive tinder fi'om the Dutch tiiitelen, to tinkle, from the noise made by the old way of dropping sparks from the flint and steel struck together on the tinder, or from the Swedish tyndra, to sparkle. Horman translates *' About candle tending," hy primis tenebris. w. Tine, v. — To lose one's temper. **And he was an angry man, and soon would be tined." — Ballad, Tyrannical Husband^ written in the reign ot Edward IV. L. To Tine a hedge, 7\— is to repair it with dead wood. w. TiNiNG, s. — The dead wood used for filling up a gap in the hedge, w. Tinsel, Tynsel, s. — In a deed of mortgage, 1637, the mortgager gives the mortgagee leave " to take sufficient trouse and tynsel, growing, or to grow, on the premises, for the fenc- ing in and repairing of the hedges and heyment in and about the demised close." Tynsell is evidently a synonym for brush- wood. Tinetum is an old law term for brushwood for fencing and hedging. Tinema?i was an old forest term for night- watcher, or keeper, who looked after vert and venison, l. Tip, v. — To discharge the contents of a loaded cart by throwing it back. l. TiPE, V. — To tipe over. To fall over in a fainting con- dition. L. Tipping, s. — A new Cheshire word ; meaning a railway em- bankment formed by tipping waggons full of soil or stone. A man told me one day that " the Tipping " near me was on fire, the dry grass having been fired by a passing engine, l. 214 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. TIT Tit, s. — A common name for a horse. A Cheshire carter, seeing one of the horses he was driving in danger of faUing, cried out to the boy, " Tit'l faw." "Wliat tit'l faw?" answered the boy. "Baw. "—/>., "The tit will fall." "What tit will fall?'^ "Ball.'' w. TiTBACK, s. — On horseback, l. TiTMAUPS, s. — A Titmouse. To. — The sign of the infinitive, generally understood, — in Cheshire expressed. Where in common parlance we should say, " I saw him do it," in Cheshire they say, " I saw him to do it." L. ToART, To WART, adv. — Towards. This way. w. ToATLY, or ToADLY, a^j. — Quiet, easily managed, perhaps a variety of towardly. w. Well conducted. " A toatly young chap." Tom and Jerry, s. — A beer house, l. Ton, s. — The one*: ton and tother, the one and the other ; so in Hearne's Glossary to the Chrotiicle of Robert of Glouces- ter ^ " ton " is used for the one, and in Sir T. More's Apology^ edition 1553, we find " Of the t'one, or of the t'other." w. Toot, v. — To pry curiously, or impertinently, into our own or other's domestic affairs. Toteji, O.W. for to look out. Totehill is an eminence from which one can have a good look out. w. TooTY POT, s. — A hole in a road or , pavement, full of water, l. Tops and Bottims. — An expression relative to the cultivation of cottage gardens. Tops are fruit trees, bottims are vegeta- bles. " Why do you not grow potatoes ? " " Au canna have tops and bottims as well, and tops pee (pay) best." l. TUM CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 215 Tow DISH, s. — Toll dish. A miller's toll measure, l. TowLER, s. — An instrument for breaking flax. l. ToYPED OFF. — Damped off, like an overwatered flower, l. Tractable, adj. — Teachable, l. Trammeled, Jfarf. — Trampled. * 'The cows has bin unlucky, and broke fence, and trammeled th' beans all to nothing." l. Trapessing, ^arf. — ^Walking carelessly through the mud, like a beggar or child ; from the verb fra/ass, to ramble about, l. Trashers, or Trashes, s. — Old worn out worthless shoes, i . Trashert. — Poorly shod. l. Trentall, s. — Lawrence Main waring in his will (1533 a.d.) leaves money to pay "for a trentall of masses," />., thirty masses, l. Trickling, parf. — Applied to the uncertain scramble of a wounded hare. " I seed the hare a trickling along the deitch, through the brimbles under the boo of yon wicken." l. Tron, v. — To contrive something in joiner's work or the like ; perhaps to " try on." l. Tron, or Trow, s. — A small cart. l. Trossle, s. — Making a trossle of oneself — being slatternly or turning out disreputably, l. Trouse, s. — A thorn or bough, used to stop a gap in a hedge, probably from the French frou, a hole. l. Tumbril, s. — A dung cart. l. TuMMUz, s.—A toad. l. TuMMUz, s. — Thomas, w. Tungled, J^arf. — Plagued, l. 2i6 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY TUP Tupp, s. — A ram. l. Tupp Cat, s. — A torn cat. l. Turbary, s. — The right of digging turves in a particular bog. A permission mentioned in many old Cheshire leases, when coal was scarce, or, from bad roads, unapproachable. In many parishes the bog has been drained and reclaimed, where rights of turbary were exercised ; which accounts for many tenants occupying small fields at a distance from their holdings, where formerly turf was cut. This is the case, amongst other places, at Sink Moss., in the township of High Leigh, l. TuRMiT, J-. — A turnip, w. " As roind an' plump as turmits be." — Warburton's Hunting So?igs. Turn ELL, s. — The large tub used for scalding a pig. l. Turn over, v. — To repeat. " Au hear's so many tales that are na wirth turning o'er again." l. Turn over, s. — An apprentice transferred to a new master, l. Turn up, v. — " It wunna bear turning up," like a smart gown over a draggle-tail petticoat ; said of a person who really is not what he seems to be, or what he would wish people to imagine he was. l. TwARLY, adj. — Peevish, cross, w. TwiGGERY, s. — An osier or willow bed. l. Twigs, s. — Osiers, l. Twin, zk — To twin a field, / ., '' Give us one." " He's a big un." l. Unbeknown, adj. — Unknown. " If he drinks, its unbe- known to me," i.e., It " be unknown," or without my know- ledge. L. 2i8 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. UKB Unbethink, v. — To recollect, often implying a change of opinion. Ash calls it local. To remember what was forgot- ten ; often used when a man has asserted a fact, and on second thoughts finds he is wrong. It is used as a reflective verb. "To unbethink oneself;" it is an O.W. used in Sir Robert of Knar esbo rough, one of the Roxburgh Club re- prints, w. Unco, Uncow, or Unkert, adj. — Awkward, strange, un- common. Cockeram, in his Dictionaij, has " Uncoe, unknown, strange," merely uncouth, w. In Scotland it is simply a superlative. " Unco glad," very glad. Undeniable, adj. — Good, or rather excessively good ; the un implies the absence of fault. An undeniable road means a capital road, in perfect repair, w. Underling, s. — A cow, pig, or other animal bullied by the others. " That is a little underling," said a farming man pointing to a cow in a straw yard, " and the others run it." l. Unkind, adj.—\x\ the sense of unripe, unready, " unkind corn," i.e.^ not ready to get in. l. Unlucky, adj. — Applied to cattle — it means they are always " brockling," or breaking fence, and getting into mischief. I have often also heard it applied to a child that is always in mischief and getting into scrapes, l. Up, adv. — For knocked up or tired. " I seed the run hare, and she was welly up." l. Up and Told, — or rather upped and told, making a verb of up. To tell with energy and animation ; perhaps simply rose up and told. w. Upend, v, — To turn anything on end bottom upwards, l. Uphold, v. — Pronounced uphoud. To warrant, to assert, to maintain, w. " Give sed it, an oill uphoud it." YAS CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 219 Upkeck, v. — To upset. Vide Keck. To upkeck a cart is to tip a cart. l. Upsides, adv. — To declare " you will be upsides " with anyone, is to threaten vengeance for some real or supposed injury or affront, w. Urchant, s. — A variety of urchin. A hedgehog, l. Urr, v. — To growl or snarl ; one of those words where the sound suggests the meaning, l. \Js,pron. — Me. *' Nan, gie us a kiss, that's a good wench. " Oi shanna ; tak it thoisel if tha wants it." l. Vz^pron. — Very generally used instead of us, and often instead of "me." "Aw dunna want any moore leez, tell uz th' truth." L. V. Value, s. — Amount, as well in measure as quantity — cirdter, " When you come to the value of five feet deep." w. Varging, or Barging. — Quarrelling. To varry means to be at " variance." Barging may be derived from the Billings- gate, in which a bargeman is supposed to excel. L. Variety, s. — A rarity, w. Varment, s, — Vermin, w. Varment-looking. — Sporting looking. '♦Ararment looking gemman on a woiry tit I seed." — Warburton's Hunting Songs. Vast, s. — of the adjective used in common parlance. — A great quantity. " There's a vast of corn this year ; " " There was a vast of wet last week." w. 220 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. YER Very moonlight. — A very bright night ; curious from the very being placed before a substantive instead of an adjective or adverb. I heard it at the Chester assizes, l. Vew, or View, s. — A yew-tree. A.S. I'w. w. ViCARANT-suRGEON, s. — A veterinary surgeon, a farrier. L. Virgin Mary's Thistle, s. — Ca7'duus Mariaiius. l. ViVERS, s. — Small roots, fibres : perhaps a corruption of that word, or from Lat. vivo^ as the principle of the life of most plants is in their roots, l. W. Wage, s. — In general use instead of the plural wages. It is thus used in The New Notbt'owne Mayd, by John Scott, n.d. w.- Waif, s. — Goods dropped by a thief; also goods and chattels lost, and not claimed after a year and a day, when, after certain forms, they belong to the lord of the manor. — Vide Soc and Theam. l. Waiter, s. — Water. The a and ae were interchangeably used in the AS. language; hence the Cheshire pronunciation of water as if it were written waeter or waiter, w. " Theere's no waiter i' th' cut ; " no water in the canal. — Vide Cut. Waiter hen, s. — Water hen. — Vide Dab-chick, l. Wakes, s. — Generally used in the plural The feast-day of a township or hamlet is often held on the day of the saint to whom the church is dedicated. The word is never used in the Irish sense, viz., a funeral, though the Irish wake is more of a time for feasting, drinking and joy than sorrow. In Cheshire the wakes are a great epoch from which to date, WAP CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 221 and an opportunity absentees avail themselves of to pay an annual visit to the old home. In the Golden Mirror^ sixteenth century, is the following allusion to wakes : — ** No wand'ring unto waks those days did women use, Nor gadding unto greens their life for to abuse." L. Wake-robin, s. — The Orchis mascula. l. Walk, v. — " To walk " a stone or other heavy substance is not to carry it, but to move one end first (whilst the other end acts as a sort of pivot), with a wriggling movement. One man can thus " walk " a flag-stone to the place where it is to be deposited, which two or three could not lift. l. Wall, s. — A spring of water. O.W. walk; A.S. weallan^ to boil : hence well. w. Waller, s. — A boiler. " Wych waller " is a brine boiler. There is an O.C.P., " To scold like a Wych waller." l. Walm, v. — To seeth or boil. The word is used by Randal Holme and Gervase Markham. Same derivation as Wall. w. Walmer, one of the Cinque ports, may owe its origin to the same thing. Walm, s. — A bubbling or boiling. Also a certain measure of salt after boiling, l. Wall-up, v. — To spring up as water does. A common English term is " To well up." Wammocky, adj. — Weak, feeble, l. Wangle, v. — To totter or vibrate, w. Wappow, or Weppow, s. — Railings placed across a brook to prevent cattle encroaching or entering the neighbouring fields. It is suggested by my informant, a lady near Stockport, that the word may come from wapen and aue water, a defence against crossing water, l. 222 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. WAP Waps, s. — A wasp. l. *' Eh ! oi say, lads, cum alung wi me, There's a wapsis neest in thander tree." Warch, s. — Pain. A.S. ware. w. Wherk is to breathe with difficulty. Ward, or Warld, s. — The world, w. Ward, v. — To take care of ; to watch. — Vide Incle. l. Warrabee, s. — Wart. The sort of warts often found upon horses and cows, which require to be cut off or burnt, l. Warre, or WoRRE, adj. — Worse. A.S. 7i'0j bad, woer ; 'Svarre and warre" — worse and worse. Vcerre., Dan., worse. The Danish v is pronounced Hke the English 7u. A.S. wirse. w. Wart, or Walt, v. — To wawt, is to overturn ; chiefly used of carriages. To waiter, in Scotch, is to overturn ; and a sheep await is a cast sheep, w. Wart-wort, s. —Cudweed. G?iap]ialium uliginosuni. l. Wart. — Receipt to cure one. *' Scratch the wart with a pin crossways, throw the pin over your left shoulder and do not look behind you." l. Waste, v.n. — To diminish, instead of the usual active meaning, l. Wastrel, s. — A rogue, a vagabond, l. Wattle and Dab. — Vide Raddle and Dab. Waunt, s. — A synonym for a mole, mentioned in the Prestbury Church accounts a.d. 1720. In that year 11/. %s. was paid for killing 1.320 moles or waunts. Vide Wooan. l. Waur Day, s. —Week day as opposed to Sunday. " Nobbut one suit of clothes, Sunday and waur day." l. WEL CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 223 Waut, z^. — F/V/(f Wart. Wayberry, s. — The Plantain — Plaritago major, l. Waybred, J.— Synonym of Wayberry. F/'//., better, l. Welly. — Expletive adverb. Well nigh, nearly, almost. A very common but often merely a superfluous word, without effect on the sense of a sentence. " We must welly think 224 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. WEN about it." " Welly clemmed," almost starved to death. Some- times it is used as the last word of a sentence. A.S. 7ife/ neah. Wench, s. — A girl. A clergyman had been talking to his school on the subject of regeneration. " Would not you like to be born again?" said he to one of the boys. "Au shudna." "I am sure you would," rejoined the clergyman. " Au wouldna," sturdily exclaimed the boy ; " aude be afeert au might be born a wench ! " l. Wern, v. — Abbreviation of weren, the plural of iht pe?-/, of the verb to be ; used only when a vowel begins the word following, w. Wetched, or Wetchet, adj. — Wetshod, wet in the feet; whetshod is used in Piers Ploughman, w. Wever, Weever, or Weaver River, s. — From the Welsh Wy or Wye^ a river, and fawi- great. The navigation of the river Weaver is a great source of profit to Cheshire. The river was made navigable by the county. Her health is drunk as " Miss Weaver." Drayton mentions her thus : — *' But back a while my muse, to Weever let us go, Which (with himself compared) each British flood doth scorn ; His fountain and his fall both Chester's rightly born, The country in his course that he doth clean divide Cut in two equal shares upon his either side. And what that famous flood far more than all enriches, The bracky fountains, are those two renowned Wyches ! The Nant-Wych and the North, whose either briny well For store and sorts of salts make Weever to excell," &c. L. Whabble, or Whabbock, s. — Puddle. " The fields are au of a whabbock," i.e.^ all of a swim. l. Whacker, s. — A shake. " All ot a whacker," all of a shake, like a person frightened or cold. To " whake " is to shake, l. WHE CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 225 Wham, Wheam, prep. — Near. l. " The cuvvur laid so wheam loik." Warburton's Huntmg Songs. Whany, V. — To throw, l. Whany, i-.— a blow. " I'll fetch thee a whany." I'll hit you. L. Whap, s. and v. — A blow. In colloquial language a whapper is anything very large, or a tremendous lie. " Oh, what a whapper ! " l. Whapped, part, or v. — When any one goes away suddenly he is said to have whapped away, />., bolted, w. Wharre, s. — Crabs, or the crab tree. *' Sour as wharre " O.C.P. Verjuice, extract of crabs, we pronounce "Warjuice." Whave, v. — To hang over, Hvoelve, Dan. To arch, to hang over, to overwhelm : hv. in those northern languages are equivalent to our wh, Hvid in Danish being "whete" in England, w. Whaver, s. — Vide Riner. Whaver, v. — To drive away. l. Wheady, adj. — That measures more than it appears to do. Used, amongst other places, in the Prestbury neighbourhood. Dr. Ash calls it local. Vide Weighdy. l. Wheam, adj. — Convenient, near. Perhaps from home, pro- nounced with us *' whome." Vide Wham. w. Wheamow, adj. — Active, nimble. " I'm very wheamow, as t' ould woman said when she stept into the bittlen," i.e.^ the milk bowl. O.C.P. l. Wheeltened, v. — Perfect of to wheel. *' I wheeltened the snow away." l. 226 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. WHE Wheint, «^'. — Strange, curious. F/^^Queint. Whelps, s. — Puppies, l. Whick, ad/. — Alive. Quick, w. Whicks, s. — Quicks. Thorn plants for hedges, w. Whig, s. — Whey, A.S. Hevoey, The origin of Whig as the name of a party was from this word, which means *' sour milk." Whig, s. — Any obstruction to a drain, like roots, &c. " The stuff is welly racked up wi' whigs." The derivation obvious, roots filling up a drain like compressed hair. l. Whinstone, 5, — A coarse grained stone. Toadstone, Rag- stone, w. Whisket, or Whiskettle, s, — A basket, l. Whiskin, s. — A black pot, a shallow brown drinking-bowl, Ray says it is Cheshire. " And wee will han a whiskin at every rushbearing. A wassel cup at Yule, a seedcake at Fastens." La?tcas hire Levers, 16^0. l. Whistle Bally Vengeance, s. — Bad, unwholesome beer, swipes. L. White, v, — To requite. Citea by Bailey as Cheshire. " God white you." w. White Horse, s. — A comparatively new Cheshire word. It is a triangle painted white, formed of three rails (two of which are on the ground), connected by iron bands ; used to turn carts, horses and carriages from the smooth part of a highway on to that which has been newly broken up, or stoned, l. White LivERED, adj. — Ill-conditioned, deceitful, cur-like. ^' You white-livered hound, I wouldn't believe you on your Bible oath ! " l. WIG CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 227 White Nancy, s. — The Narcissus. Narcissus Poeticus. l. Whitester, s. — A bleacher of Hnen. w. WHO,/r. — Pronounced Hke " wo " (to make a horse stop) or " woe," sorrow. Also Wom, for " whom." l. Who.— The whole, l. Whoam, or Whome, s. — Home, pronounced more like " whum." We do not say " we are going home," but " going to whum." L. - - -' Whoave, v. — To cover, to overwhelm, vtde^HAyE. O.C.P. " We wanna kill but whoave." Possibly derived from wave. l. Whooked, adj. — Broken in health, shaken in every joint. Ash calls it local — another form of shock, l. Whot, adj. — *' Hot " was formerly written '* whot." In " The Christen State of Matrimony e^* page 8, we read, " Then shall the indignacyon of the Lord wax whot over you." It is used by Whitney. '* Being likewise asked why, quoth he, * Because it is to whotte,* To which the Satyr made reply, * And blowest thou whotte and coulde ?' " Whowhiskin, s. — A drinking black pot. Vide Whiskin. l. WiBROW WoRROW, s. — The herb plantain. The old English name is " Waybrede," of which word Wybrow may be a different form. Waybred is also Cheshire ; also Wybrae, bred by the side of the road, Juncta vice, a real " roadumsidus." L. Wich, or rather Wych, s. — Several places in Cheshire and elsewhere end in "wych" and "wich" ; the former finial betokens salt, the other a town, from the Latin vicus. Thus in Norfolk we have Norwich the north town, Northwych in Cheshire the north salt work ; and we have Middlewych, Nantwych, and in Worcestershire Droit wych, all towns where salt is or has been worked. Wych is not pronounced short as " witch," but long. Towns with the finial "wich" like Norwich, Ipswich, &c., derived from vicus are short. " Wych " means salt. l. Q 2 228 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. WIL Wildfire, s. — The erysipelas, mentioned as one of the diseases cured by the new found well in Cheshire, A.D. t6oo. l. Wild Hop, s. — The name for the Polygonum Convolvulus^ or Climbing Buckwheat, l. Wild Vine, s. — The common Briony. Tamus Communis. L. Will Jill, or Will Gill, s. — An hermaphrodite, w. WiLLMARANCHE, s. — The String halt in horses, l. WiMBERRY, s. — The Bilberry. Brereton in his Travels (1635 A.D.) " They are churlish things for the stomach." l. Wimble, s. — A gimlet, l. Win ?, z'.— Will ?— " Win thee do it ? " l. WiNDERiNG, adj. — Diminishing, lessening, l. WiNDLE, s. — The long stalk of grass, l. Windrow, s. — The long loose arrangement of the cocks of hay when they are all thrown down and opened to the sun and wind^ whilst the carrying is going on. l. Win Egg, s. — An ^gg without a shell. A soft egg. Very often occasioned by the impossibility of the hens getting at lime, which should be always given them in the shape of lime-water, old mortar, oyster shells, &c. l. WiNNA, or WoNNA, V. — Will not. " Thou winna do it." l. Winter Gilliflowers, s. — Wallflowers, " so-called because they flower in the winter," says Gerarde, our old county herbalist, l. Wirken, v. — A term used in feeding infants, when food is given them too fast, so as to make them cough, l. Wish. — (A curious Cheshire). " I wish my throat were a yard long and I could taste th' ale all along it ! " l. WOR CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 229 Wishful, adj. — Desirous. " Tummas is wishful to go for a soldier.'* l. Withering, adj. — Strong, lusty. " A great withering fellow." To wither in the north of England is used for to throw anything down violently. It is also used substantively " to throw down with a wither," perhaps for the AS. Witherian^ certare, resistere. w. Witty, adj, — Knowing, clever. " He is a witty man about cattle." L. To WizzEN or WissEN Away. — To fade or wither away. "A poor sickly wizzened thing." A.S. Weornian, decrescere, tabescere; hence also comes the common word to wither, w. Women, s. — " The women want the best fust, and the best always." O.C.S. l. WooAN, or Wone, v. — To dwell. Wooant, did dwell. Ash calls it obsolete. Kil, woonan, habitare. A.S. Wwtian, the same. Chaucer uses woan. Woant and want are old words for the mole. In Gloucestershire a wantitump is a mole hill. In MS. Sloane 2,584 is a recipe "for to take wontis." w. WooDE, Wood, or Wode, adj. — Mad. ** Hoo stamped and hoo stared as if hoo'd ben woode." Warrikin (Warrington) Fair a.d. 1548. l. Wood Tenders, s. — Officers employed in the salt towns who were answerable for the fuel being properly stacked, and that there was no risk of fire. l. Wording Hook, s. — Dungfork. l. Work Bracco, or Braccon, adj. — Diligent, laborious. Ray. L. Work Brattle, s. — The power and will to work. *' He has plenty of work brattle in him," " He has no work brattle in him ; " we often say of a hardworking man, ** He has not a lazy bone in his body." l. 230 CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. WOR Worm, s. — A gimlet, l. Worrit, v. and s. — To worry, to annoy. Worry, annoyance. " Dunna worrit thoi feyther athatuns, our Jack." l. WoTTLE, s. — Iron skewes, heated to enlarge holes in wood. L. Wound, s. — With us is always pronounced as it is spelt. The ou has perhaps as many pronunciations as any diphthong. In the word " wrought '' it has the sound of or ; in four the u is extinguished ; then we have cough, chough, plough, lough. L. Wranglesome, adj. — Quarrelsome, l. Wreck, s. — Dead roots, leaves, rubbish, l. Writins, s. — Writings. The term used for deeds. ''I've gotten the writins of my house or farm," i.e., the deeds that prove my ownership. L. Wrought, v. — ^^Perfect of to reach, l. Wrostle, v., Wrostling, /d!r/. — Fighting, struggHng, wrest- ling. " I seed the Tit and Bull wrostling." Wrostle also means to meet, and overcome, a difficulty. At some large dinner the cheese cut in pieces was handed round ; one of the first of the guests to whom it was taken said to the waiter. " Young man, thou hast rather oe'rdone me, but au'll try to wrostle with it," upon which he took the whole plateful ! l. WuR, V. — Was. " It wur lonely loike." l. Wut Thou?— Is "wilt thou?" " Thou wud, wutthou? Then, thou shanna." l. WutSj.Whoats. — Oats. w. Wutcake, or WuDCAKE, s. — Oatcake. L. Wychen, Wickey, or Wicken, s. — The mountain ash, sup- posed to be a specific against witches and sorcery. A teamster YAF CHESHIRE GLOSSARY. 231 with the handle of his whip made of wychen is supposed to be witch proof. A man told me once that " his horse stopt and refused to proceed, in spite of every attempt ; when he suddenly " unbethought him," cut a twig out of a mountain-ash near, and applied it to the tit, which then "moved on at onste." Vide Rynt. l. • Wyche House, s. — A place where salt is made. R. Marbury of Appleton, in his will dated 1559, gives "to his daughter half a wyche house in the northewyche." l. Wychwaller, s. — A salt boiler at one of the wyches of Cheshire. Women formerly exclusively were the wych- wallers. l. Wyndy, adj. — Wild, rackety, uncertain. "He's a wyndy chap." Here, there, and everywhere, — or, '*As wyndy as a March hare." — Cheshire Proverb, l. WysomeS; s. — Vide Wyzels. Wyzels, s. — ^The stalk of the potato. Randle Holme, in his Academy of Armoury, calls them " wysomes," and uses the term to turnips and carrots (which in the case of these vege- tables and the mangold is now called Fash q.v.). Weize is German for com, as Holm is for straw. Peasholm is still in use. Strawberry wises are Strawberry runners. In ^Ifi. Gloss, we have Niamen, Streaberie-wisan. w. Y Yaff, v. — To bark. " A little fow yaffling cur " is a little ugly barking cur. A.S. Gaff, a rabbi er. To yaff would im- properly be applied to the bark of a big dog. From the French y^//., " turn out plenty of grain, are not blind." l. Yip Yap, s. — An upstart, l. YoBBiNS, s, — Rows, uproars, yells; always used in the plural. L. YoE, V. — To hew, or dig marl. A marling term, spelt as pronounced, l. Yoking, s. — When they say a thing *' is to be done in one yoking," it means without interruption ; of course a metaphor .for yoking oxen. Doing the whole of a job without unyoking them ; or in one yoking, l. Yon, adj. — Generally used for yonder, as that *' yon man is market peart," />., " that man there is drunk." Anything at a distance, but visible, — yon tit, yon asp, &c. l. YoY. — Yes. " Ja " pronounced " yau " or rather " yaa," German, l. YuRE, s, — The hair. l. Zarten, adj, — Certain. *' Oim zarten zhure o' one thing, — thee'rt a foo ! " l. ADDITIONS. A-THIS-UNS, A-THAT-ANS, A-THAT-ROAD, exp. — In this manner. " Oi wunna have yo a stayin out a-this-uns, Molly, — yoal cum to no gud, if yo dun, moi wench/' "What's th' use o' tawkin a-that-road ? it's aw rubbish ! " L. Back-friend, s. — The skin of the finger or thumb, pro- tecting the root of the nail. *' Yo can see by his back-friends what a naggety, cross-grained chap he is ! — why look yo, too, his nails is aw bit off reet down to th' quick.'' l. Block, v. — " To block a hat," is to knock a hat over the eyes. This is one of the many instances in which a pro- vincialism expresses in a single word what in common parlance requires a sentence, l. Crumpsy, a. — Short-tempered. " Crumpsy as ever oi see, Bet, — fawing out wi' thoi finger ends ! " l. Davely, a. — Lonely. " A very davely road, as ever was, sure-ly." l. Entry, s. — An open passage or court, common to a lot of cottages, sometimes called a yard or alley, l. Fetch, sometimes Fatch, v. — To give. *' Fetch 'im a woipe oi th' yed ! " Give him a blow on the head ! l. 236 ADDITIONS. HEN Hen-hurdle, s. — A hen-roost, a hen-house, l. Herring-gutted, a. — Unusually thin. Lanky, ^.v. "He's a herrin-gutted wastrel, th' same soize all th' way up ! " equiva- lent to the expression " As thin as a lat ! " l. HUMMUCK, V. — To earth up, like trees or plants too much out of the ground, l. Humour, v., Humoured, par^. — Made much of, Hke a baby. l. Kegging, a. — Being a forced teetotaller for a month, to gain some temporary end. '' Yo're ony just keggin a bit. Bob ! — oim afeart yole soon be at it agen as hard as ever.'' l. Lanky, a. — Thin, lank. " Lanky-loo ! '* a term of derision for a thin, shapeless, overgrown boy. l. Larn, v. — To learn, used in the sense of to teach. " Oi never usen't to drink, nor smoke nayther, afore he larnt me." Fide Learn, l. LiGGERTY Lag ! exd. — Used by the leader of a herd of rough boys on running away from some trouble, — meaning simply, " Who'll stay long enough here to be caught ? " l. Look To, v. — To rely on. " Au dunna look much to him," />., " Oi makes no keount of him," " I think little of him." l. Marcus, s. — A marquis. " Oim aw reet, oi wudna change pleaces wi t' Marcus o Wesminister, this minnit ! " l. Naggety, a. — Another form of Naggy, ^.v. Narrow, v. — " He's bin narrowed lately," i.e., he has fallen in the world, he is not so well off as he was. l. Palatic, ^.—Paralysed with drink. A witness at the Chester police-court said of one charged with being drunk and incapable, "He wasna riotous, your wusships, he wur past that, he was palatic ! " l. • • •• cert (fee « e e ;-"./ . M^ SEP 1 1 1961 '^gOD tu ^£^ FBST NOV 2 3 2006 LD 21A-50m-12,'60 (B6221sl0)476B ^ General Library University of California Berkeley ^^^" '"" ^r» N!24873 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY