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 While residing in Palestine, I was placed in cir- 
 cumstances which gave me unusual facilities for ob- 
 serving the inner phases of Oriental Domestic Life. 
 I mingled freely with the people, of all creeds and 
 classes, and daily became better acquainted with their 
 habits and modes of thought. The women especially 
 interested me, and I gleaned many facts concerning 
 them, which have never hitherto been published, and 
 probably have never been collected. 
 The pleasure which my Notes and Journal afforded 
 to members of my home-circle, on my return to En- 
 gland, led me to think that, possibly, my countrymen 
 would like to gain a further insight into the mysteries 
 of Eastern life. Hence it was that I resolved to pub- 
 lish this volume. In compiling it I have avoided, as 
 much as possible, those subjects with which the pub- 
 lic are already familiar. Descriptions of well-known 
 places are only given when they are necessary to 
 form an introduction or background to those scenes 
 of real life which I have attempted to portray. 
 To avoid complication, I speak of the people of 
 Palestine generally as Arabs; for, though they are 
 a mixed race, they, all call themselves "Arabs" or 
 " Sons of the Arabs," and Arabic is their mother- 
 tongue. I classify them only according to their 
 creeds; but I may here mention, that the Chris- 
 tians of the land are said to be of pure Syrian ori- 
 gin, while the Moslems are chiefly descended from 
 the Arabians, who settled in the towns and villages 
 of Syria and Palestine in the seventh and eighth 
 p In preparing this volume for the press, I have had 
 the valuable assistance of my brother, Mr. E. T. 
 Rogers, Her British Majesty's Consul at Damascus, 
 and have enjoyed the opportunity of personally con- 
 sulting him. He has suggested a few alterations in 
 the orthography of Oriental titles and names of per- 
 sons aiyi places, and has added a few notes of ex- 
 planation, which are distinguished by his initials. 
 M. E. R. 
 21 SoHo Square, London. 
 From London to the Levant — Yafa, the ancient Joppa, in sight — 
 The Quarantine Boat — Landing in Palestine — The Quarantine Station — 
 Breakfast in Yafa — Arab Ladies' Toilette — Salutations and Kisses — Sit 
 Leah and her First-born Son — Fruit Gardens of Yafa — '' Ai-wa!" — 
 Guest-chamber at Ramleh — Lepers — The Hill Country of Judea — " Vil- 
 lage of Grapes " — " Fountain of Birds " — Jewish Builders and Greek 
 Gardeners — First Sight of Jerusalem — Arrival at the Talibiyeh — Tent 
 Life, and the Consul's Children Pages 17-40 
 Jerusalem — Church of the Knights of St. John — Glow-worms — 
 Bishop Gobat's Encampment — Holman Hunt's Goat — Sunday on Mount 
 Zion — Bazars and Shopkeepers — Girls of Bethany and Siloam — A Wan- 
 dering Madman — Moresque Buildings — View from the Seraglio — Euro- 
 pean Homes in Jerusalem — Native Servants — A Whirlwind at Night — 
 The Convent of the Cross — Mosaic Pavement 41-55 
 Learning Arabic — Carriage Roads — Ride to Bethlehem ; that is, Beit 
 Lahm — The Convent and its Shrines — Population of Beit Lahm — The 
 Carver of Beit Lahm— His wife and Child— The Vail of Ruth—" The 
 Mother of Joseph " — Description of House and Furniture — Note on 
 Mark ii — The Fields of Boaz — Milk Grotto Miracles — Girls of Beit 
 Lahm — Bedouins on the Move — The Gardens of Solomon — The Cottage 
 in the Valley — Urtas — The Reservoir — Aqueducts and Chariot Roads — 
 Reeds — Remedy for Musketo Bites 56-74 
 Rainbows and Bee Catchers — Philip's Fountain — A Runaway Horse — 
 Katrine and her Delusions — Start for Haifa — The little Lame Girl of 
 Kubab — Siesta at Ramleh — The Abyssinian Slave — The Bedouin's Song 
 to his Camel — Sunday at Yafa — " There cometh a Shower " — Exhibi- 
 tion of a Performing Goat — Circumcision — Making Bread — Scenes in ap- 
 Arab Sailing Boat — The Custom-house at Tantura — Ruins of Dora and 
 Athlite — A Wedding Party — Cradles — ** Locusts and Wild Honey "— 
 The Monks of Mount Carmel— Haifa Pages 75-99 
 Greetings at the Gate at Night — Our House and Servants — The Poor 
 Widow's Petition — People of Haifa — Siege of Haifa — Retreat of the 
 Tlrehites — Help from an English Ship — A False Alarm — Wedding at 
 the Greek Church — Wedding Procession — Songs and Dances — Going 
 forth to meet the Bridegroom at Night — Professional Bride Dressers — 
 Turkish Baths — Kohl and Henna — Angelina and the Clergy of Haifa — 
 Denunciation of Black Lace Mittens — The Bazar on a Night of Rejoic- 
 ing — Jane Eyre and Arab Story-tellers — An important Question — Yas- 
 sin Agha and his two Wives — Mohammed Bek and his Wife Miriam — 
 Sheikh Abdallah and his seven Wives — *' The Holder of the Keys " — A 
 Hint to Polygamists — A Divination Dictionary, or Dream Book — My 
 Dream interpreted — Hannah and Penninah — A Market Garden — Afri- 
 can Maniac among the Tombs 100-126 
 To Nazareth ; that is, Nasirah — The River Kishon — " Daughters of 
 Sound" — A Village Oven — The Birthplace of Saleh's Mare — Hidden 
 Treasures and Treasure Trove — Necromancy and Clairvoyants — Saleh's 
 little Sister — Congregation at the Latin Church — Costumes of the People 
 of Nasirah — Reputation of Nasirah — Willow-pattern Cheese-plates — A 
 Hint to Decorators — Mount Tabor — Erinna, the Hermit, and " his Man 
 Friday " — Reeds and Inkhorns — Dinner by the Streamlet — Sephoris — 
 The Crusaders — Stephani's Guest-chamber — Dances, Songs, and Sup- 
 per — The Greek and Latin Clergy — Castle of Shefa 'Amer — The Gov- 
 ernor's Harem — Lament of the Senior Wife — Native Schools — Jewish 
 Synagogue — The Olive Harvest — Cotton Fields in the Plain of 'Akka — 
 Productiveness of the Plain 127-160 
 ** New brooms sweep clean '* — Death at Midnight — The Moslem 
 Ker — Armenian Remedies for Cholera — Note on the " Early and Lat- 
 ter Rain" — Panic in Haifa — "The Yellow Wind" — Suleiman the 
 Tailor — Quarantine at the Convent — A Dream and its Consequences — 
 ** Imps of the Yellow Wind " — Rain — Our new House — Contents of the 
 Store-room— Reverence for Bread — Death of Ibrahim— Funeral Proces- 
 sion — The Mother's Grief and Death — Funeral Service — The "Widower 
 Khalil and his Young Bride — Elias Sekhali — Government of Syria- 
 Death of Elias — The Widow and her Children — Songs and Lamenta- 
 tions for the Dead — Funeral Dances — Death of Khalil — Funeral Ora- 
 tions Pages 161-185 
 Sparrows on the Housetops — Grass-grown Roofs — " Poterium Spino- 
 sum " — The Crown of Thorns — Harvest on the Roofs — My Bedouin Vis- 
 itors — Katrine Sekhali and her Cousin — The White Mare and the Sap- 
 phire Bead — Our Egyptian Groom Mohammed — The Wandering Herds- 
 men — Bedouin Depredations — The Horse-Guards of Galilee — Supper 
 with Salihh Agha — Salihh Agha's little Son — Wrestling — A Home at 
 Shefa 'Amer — Women at the Bakehouse — The Lizard — Bedouin Eye- 
 sight — A Gazelle Hunt — A Bedouin Dinner — Crabs on the Seashore — 
 Moslem and Christian Prayers at Sunset — Persecution of Jews — Char- 
 acteristics of Arab Children — My Moslem Teacher — Explanation of the 
 Use of the Rosary — A Moslem Freethinker — Christening of Jules 
 Aumann — Fete at the French Consulate — The African Foot Messen- 
 ger— Saleh Bek's Good-by 186-214 
 Katrine and her Scapulary — Preparations for a Journey — A Bedouin 
 Encampment — Bedouin Women — Bedouin Bread-making — Moslem Vil- 
 lages — Seeking a Night's Lodging — Women of Kefr Kara — The Blind 
 Man's Questions — Conjecture Concerning the *' Nativity" and the 
 " Manger " — Morning Visitors — Ah Encampment of Gipsies — Jugglery 
 and Gymnastics — Government of Nablus — Arrabeh — The Divan — The 
 Harem — Helweh the Youngest Wife — Dinner: Starch and Conserve of 
 Roses — Curious Inquiries — A Marriage Portion — Songs of Rejoicing — 
 Discussion about the Queen of England — A War Song — A Mother and 
 her Infant Son — Preparation for a Night's Rest in the Harem — The 
 Lord's Prayer and the Moslem Women — Moslem Prayers and Saluta- 
 tions — Scenes at Midnight in the Harem — Morning Visitors 215-255 
 From Arrabeh to Sentir— Castle of Seniir — Ibrahim Jerrar's Portrait— 
 The Harem in the Castle — Approach of Turkish Cavalry — Hostilities 
 prevented — To Nablus — A Price for the Head of Ibrahim — Marriage 
 among the Samaritans— Selameh, the aged Priest — The Samaritan Syn- 
 agogue — Home of Habib and Zora — Anithe the Betrothed — Samari- 
 tan Laws and Customs — The Priesthood — The Passover — Samaritan 
 Women — Character of the Samaritans — Taklib esh Shellabi — Letter 
 from Priest Amran — The Widow and her Son — The Schoolmaster in 
 search of a Wife— The Betrothal— Protestants of Nablus— The Ba- 
 zars — Sheikh Mussa — Visit to the Governor of Nablus — Test for Build- 
 ing Stone — Sheikh Mussa's Ideas about Wisdom and Folly — Jacob's 
 Well— Search for a Bible at the Bottom of the Well— Joseph's Tomb — 
 False Alarm — Little Zahra and the Violets — Oriental Enjoyments — 
 Brothers and Sisters — Ibrahim Pasha and the Woman of Sefurieh — 
 Wit Rewarded — Dinner with Daud TannAs — The Women's Apart- 
 ments Pages 256-296 
 To Jerusalem — Priest Amran and the Greek Catholic — My Escort — A 
 Dangerous Road — Valley of Figs — Darkness — The Lost Track — Alone 
 on the Hill-top — The Nimbus — Arrival at Jerusalem at Midnight — 
 Jerusalem in the Spring — Rain — Flowing of the Kedron — En Rogel — 
 Course of the Kedron — Easter in Jerusalem — Birth of the Imperial 
 Prince of France proclaimed — Fete at the French Consulate — Outbreak 
 at Nablus — Attack on the Christians — Rescue of the Rev. S. Lyde — 
 Celebration of Peace — Sham Fight — Sieges of Jerusalem — The Holy 
 Fire — Greek and Armenian Pilgrims — " Bishop of the Holy Fire " — 
 Fight of the Fanatics — Turkish Soldiers — Confessions of a Greek 
 Priest— Truth—Fire Worshipers 297-329 
 Peasant Girls — Harvest of Roses — Caverns — Rules for the Observance 
 of Ramadan — Sir M. Montefiore's Schools for Jewesses — Sale by *'the 
 Uncounted Group " — Urtas — Peter Meshullam — An Arab Encampment — 
 Dar el Benat, the House of Girls — Solomon's Harem — My Home on 
 Mount Olivet— The Sheikh of EI Tur— His Wives and Children— A 
 Moslem Funeral — Tombs of- the Prophets — Skirmishes on Olivet — Fare- 
 well Fete at Urtas 330-359 
 Abu Ghosh — Art and Poetry of the Modern Arabs — Education of Na- 
 tive Girls — The Sea-shore and the Sanctuary — Moslem Call to Prayer — 
 Edwin Arnold — Melon Harvest — Ruins of Caesarea — The River of Croc- 
 odiles — A Fable — Wreck of an Arab Boat — Hebrew Boy adopted by 
 Bedouins — Stone Quarries — Prayers at a Moslem Village — Village Sup- 
 per — A Piano at Haifa — My Moslem Friends from Arrabeh — Saleh Bek 
 and his Children — Home of the Gardener's Daughter — Chess — New 
 Ideas in Saleh Bek's Harem— Helweh's Questions— Jews— An Earth- 
 quake — Widow and her Children — Day of Ill-luck — Feast of " Sainte 
 Barbe " — Force of Custom — Helweh and her First-born Child — Saleh 
 Bek's Perplexities about the Education of his Daughters — Thoughts 
 about Moslem Women — Missionajies — The Day of Congratulation — 
 Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge — Yassin Agha's Petition 
 and Proposal Pages 360-398 
 Fete of the Corpus Domini — The Bahjeh — Furrah Giammal and her 
 Love-Letter — Lebibeh in her New Home — Carmella and her African 
 Attendant — Women of Damascus contrasted with the Women of Haifa — 
 Bastrina — Winter at Jerusalem — Surreya Pasha — Houses of Jerusalem 
 numbered — Russian Influence in Palestine — Dr. Levisohn and the Sa- 
 maritan Pentateuch — Visit of Prince Alfred — Refugees from Arrabeh — - 
 Appeal for Protection — Dakhal — Prisoners from Arrabeh — The Gover- 
 nor's Demand for my Proteges — His Forbearance — The Boys taken 
 Prisoners and conveyed to 'Akka — Farewell to Haifa — Miss Bremer — 
 "Russian Steamer — Fete of the Grand Duke Constantino — The Bishop's 
 Benediction — Feast for the Pilgrims — The S. S. Demetrius — Jew of 
 Aleppo — Collision — Rabbi Shaayea's Timidity — " Hallo, Jack I" — The 
 Captain and Solomon — Shaayea Missing — Fruitless Search for Shaa- 
 yea— Official Inquiry 399-436 
 During a recent brief sojourn in London, I had the 
 pleasure of meeting, several times, the genial and tal- 
 ented writer of this volume ; and received from her the 
 exclusive privilege of republishing her work on this 
 side of the Atlantic. 
 ■ The old land of Canaan is still dear to the Church, 
 and, although so many volumes of travel and research 
 in that region have been written, we take up the new 
 with undiminished interest. The land is to all Chris- 
 tians more like home than any other spot on earth. The 
 most precious memories, the purest love, the most 
 blessed hopes of life, are the products of that Gospel 
 which first budded and bloomed in Canaan. The names 
 of its cities, and valleys, and streams, and mountains, 
 are reminders of the most wonderful and thrilling inci- 
 dents which the history of the world records. Think 
 of Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jordan, and Jerusalem; put 
 your finger on Tabor and Olivet, as you scan the sacred 
 map, and how are you overwhelmed with sacred recol- 
 lections ! Each name starts through your mind a mar- 
 velous panorama. 
 Canaan is also the type of the eternal land toward 
 which with insatiate longing we daily journey. 
 Blessed Canaan ! While the memory and love of 
 Jesus linger in the hearts of men, and while hope points 
•12 • :.*:.'•*.•..' INTKODUCTION. 
 to the " rest prepared for the people of God," thy cities 
 and mountains shall be dearer to the Christian than his 
 native land or the home of his childhood. 
 The struggle raging to-day between rationalism and 
 Evangelism imparts additional interest to the old geo- 
 graphical center of historic Christianity. He who 
 represents the New Testament records as mere myths 
 is confronted by the stubborn denial of the land itself, 
 as it stands to-day, a monument and testimony to the 
 literal accuracy of the Holy Book. Sacred names cling 
 to the ruins that crown every hill-top. Caves, tombs, 
 temples, mosques, fountains, pools, and roads, are bur- 
 dened with sacred associations. The land singularly 
 retains its geographical conformation, its primitive and 
 Scriptural modes of architecture, dress, labor, and social 
 habits. It might easily have been utterly desolated and 
 depopulated, and its remains scattered to the four winds. 
 It might have been richly cultivated, and under the full 
 flowing tide of civilization its traces of earlier times 
 might have been completely covered up and rendered 
 unrecognizable. But God has kept the land. Over the 
 hills of Gibeon and the vale of Aijalon has the sun of 
 progress stood still, and, while the rest of the world has 
 been moving onward, Palestine yet lingers among the 
 earlier centuries, and amidst its sacred and venerable 
 scenes we feel the presence of an ancient dominion. 
 The mummy wrappings of Mohammedan domination 
 have providentially preserved it till this age of skep- 
 ticism, that it may testify to the reality of a Divine 
 revelation. It is a memorial land, seamed and scarred 
 with the rough handling of centuries, but bearing still 
 the legible imprint of the Divine finger. Its terraced 
 hills yield a vintage of sacred memories. Its valleys 
 flow with streams of testimony. Every rock cries out 
 in bitter remonstrance against the unbelief of men. 
 Every stone voices the praise of God. Palestine is 
 more than a land of memories. It is a memorial land, 
 as well. 
 Every volume that illustrates this harmony between 
 the land and the book is an invaluable contribution to 
 sacred literature. The field is still open. We some- 
 times think, for example, that the topography of Jeru- 
 salem is an exhausted subject. But we forget that the 
 Jerusalem of to-day stands upon a mass of ruins and 
 debris thirty or forty feet in depth. What a kindling 
 of the fires of antiquarian controversy, and what valu- 
 able developments are yet in store for us when the 
 Crescent wanes from Zion, and the city becomes another 
 Pompeii for excavation and research ! 
 In no department of eastern exploration does the 
 Bible student acquire more instructive lessons than in 
 that pertaining to the domestic habits of the people. 
 The Scripture narrative enters largely into the details 
 of social life. The old customs have not changed ma- 
 terially, and one can to-day reproduce the incidents of 
 social life so graphically described in the Bible. Abra- 
 ham still sits in the door of his tent ; Ruth gleans after 
 the reapers on the plains of Bethlehem, and on these 
 plains shepherds keep watch over their flocks by night. 
 Isaac meditates at eventide. Rachel descends from 
 her camel and covers her beautiful face with the ample 
 vail before she meets her lord. The marriage feast is 
 still kept in Cana. The mourners with wailing follow 
 the bier to the grave. Salutations are exchanged 
 among the people as in the days of Abraham and 
 The seclusion of the women, through the jealousy 
 of their lords, renders it quite difficult for the casual 
 traveler to gain access to the inner courts of Oriental 
 houses. Conversation with the ladies of the harem is 
 a thing impossible. Missionaries do not enjoy much 
 greater facilities than transient visitors. They are the 
 bearers of a new and hostile religion, and harem doors 
 are securely shut against them. 
 It is in the fullness of the information, which Miss 
 Rogers gives us concerning these unexplored Moslem 
 homes, that we find the chief value of her work. She 
 possesses rare qualities of character, and during the 
 three years of her residence in Palestine enjoyed the 
 amplest facilities for the observations she desired to 
 make. Her brother was British Consul at Haifa, and 
 was popular among the natives from Nazareth to Jeru- 
 salem. She was scrupulously careful never to offend 
 the religious prejudices of the people, and as she was 
 their guest, not only received from them the most cor- 
 dial hospitality, but was permitted to converse freely 
 with women of all classes and ranks. Miss Rogers is 
 an artist, and many a time won her way to hearts of 
 sheikh and warrior by her accurate sketches ; the wit 
 of her pencil now and then provoking bursts of merri- 
 ment from the immovable old Orientals who entertained 
 her. This artistic gift renders her descriptions graphic 
 and circumstantial, thus fairly photographing on her 
 pages the domestic scenes she presents. Of quick per- 
 ceptions, unwearying perseverance, an inexhaustible 
 stock of good-humor, a heart full of humanity, with a 
 frank and fearless manner, she was admirably adapted 
 to perform the work she undertook. 
 With special pleasure do I call the attention of the 
 American public to this unpretentious and entertaining 
 volume, believing that it will not only furnish pleasure 
 to every reader, but that it must contribute to the 
 clearer understanding of the Scriptures, and serve as 
 another bulwark in defending historic Christianity 
 against the vain speculations and unholy plottings of 
 rationalism and infidelity. 
 J. H. V. 
 Truqty Parsonage, ) 
 OhicagOj 111., Jan.j 1865. J 
 The good-byes and farewell greetings on board the 
 Bhine, at London Bridge, on the night of the 14th of 
 June, 1855, need not be recorded here. At midnight the 
 tide was favorable, the bell rang, the steam was up, linger- 
 ing friends hurried away, and I found myself alone with my 
 brother. He had been enjoying a few months in England, 
 after having spent more than six years in consular service 
 in Syria, and I had gladly consented to accompany him, on 
 his return to his official duties. We landed at Boulogne 
 the next day, and arrived at Marseilles, in time to embark 
 by the Egyptus, on the morning of the 21st of June. We 
 passed through the Straits of Bonifacio on the 22d, at mid- 
 day; and on Sunday, the 24th, spent a few hours ashore 
 at Malta. 
 On Thursday morning we landed at Alexandria, and 
 after seeing Said Pasha's palace, Cleopatra's needle, and 
 Pompey's pillar, went on board the Tage, on the evening 
 of Friday, the 29th. It was crowded with passengers, 
 Greeks, Syrians, Turks, and Jews, who were leaving Alex- 
 andria on account of the outbreak of cholera there. The 
 sunset-gun flashed from the fort as the steamer glided out 
 of the harbor. 
 We remained on deck till a late hour, listening to the 
 animated songs of the Greek sailors, who were celebrating 
 2 17 
 the festival of their patron saint, Paul. The deck passen- 
 gers were trying to make themselves comfortable for the 
 night, and soon men, women, and children, Moslems, Chris- 
 tians, and Jews, wrapped up closely in carpets, cloaks, and 
 wadded quilts, looked like gigantic chrysalises crowded 
 together in the moonlight. 
 We were in the cozy little deck saloon soon after dawn 
 on the following day; and, when the sailors came to wash 
 the decks, I was sorry to see the motley crowd of sleepers 
 disturbed, and pushed hither and thither, as they tried to 
 save themselves and their baggage from saturation. 
 We watched the sun rise out of the sea, which was sud- 
 denly changed from gray to gold, while the lead-colored 
 sky was crimsoned — but the land I was longing to see was 
 not in sight. 
 The next morning, July 1st, I was roused by the 
 joyful news that we were approaching the shore, and was 
 soon on deck, looking with strange delight and emotion 
 over the blue sea to the coast of Palestine, stretching far 
 away north and south in low, undulating lines. The pic- 
 turesque walled town of Y^fa — the ancient Joppa — was im- 
 mediately before me, with its white stone-houses built down 
 to the water's edge, and rising one above another on a 
 rounded hill sloping to the sea. 
 My brother said, " Look far into the east, a little toward 
 the south, where the sun has just risen. Those distant 
 hills which are now almost lost in bright mist are the 
 hills of Judea, ' the hills round about Jerusalem,' and from 
 their summits you will have the first view of the Holy 
 City. They are separated from these low coast hills by 
 the broad, fertile plains of Sharon and Philistia." He re- 
 minded me how the pines and cedars of Lebanon were 
 brought " in floats hy sea to Joppa^^^ and thence carried up 
 to Jerusalem, for the building of the Temple. 
 This ancient port, with its bustling quay, its large con- 
 vents, tall minarets, palm-trees, and extensive gardens, is 
 the only cheerful and animated spot on the somewhat 
 monotonous coast, which runs in an almost unbroken line 
 from the bold headland of Mount Carmel, about fifty miles 
 north, to the ruins of Gaza, forty miles south. 
 We were soon at anchor just outside a semicircular belt 
 of rocks, some of which rose dark and high out of the 
 water, while others had sunk beneath its surface, and were 
 only indicated by the dashing of the surf over them. This 
 rocky belt stands like a barrier in front of the town, and 
 forms a natural harbor of about fifty feet in width, but it 
 is only entered by small boats, and affords no protection in 
 bad weather. Tradition connects the names of Perseus and 
 Andromeda with these rugged rocks. Two Austrian war 
 steamers were at anchor near to us. They were waiting 
 the pleasure of the Archduke Maximilian and his suite, 
 who were then in Jerusalem. A few merchant vessels, 
 Greek and French, were also to be seen, and little Arab 
 boats were plying to and fro. 
 A quarantine boat, containing an officer and garde de 
 sante^ was towed along side, and baskets of oranges, apricots, 
 and lemons, were taken on board. A beautiful branch of 
 an orange-tree, covered with glossy leaves, and laden with 
 ripe fruit, was handed to me. It was a difficult matter to 
 get into the little quarantine boat destined to convey us to 
 the shore, for the breeze was fresh, and a heavy swell 
 disturbed the sea. The Arab sailors in the towing boat 
 would not touch the boat they were employed to tow, even 
 to render necessary assistance, lest they should be compro- 
 mised, and imprisoned in the quarantine station. After 
 many vain attempts, we, with two Franciscan monks, and 
 our baggage, were lowered clumsily into the clumsy boat, 
 and narrowly escaped a fall into the sea ; and when free 
 from the Tage, we were dragged along boisterously. The 
 little towing boat was quite hidden from us now and then, 
 as it bounded over a wave, leaving us on the other side of 
 it. As we approached the belt of rocks, I felt that it was 
 impossible to escape being dashed to pieces, and while 
 steering through the narrow pass I was silent with fear; 
 but the seeming danger was soon over. Within the belt, 
 the water was smooth as a lake, and once more I looked 
 with delight on the scenes around me. There are two 
 openings in the line of rocks ; one toward the north, and 
 one due west. We had entered at the latter; I felt the 
 boat grating on the rocks beneath us. 
 It was now half-past eight, and the quays were already 
 crowded with people, mostly in the brilliant native cos- 
 tumes, but there were a few Franks in the usual Levantine 
 dress, which is white from head to foot. Flags were wav- 
 ing from the consulates and from the convents, as well as 
 from the ships, for it was Sunday, and the place had quite 
 a holiday appearance. 
 We passed in front of the town, toward the quarantine 
 station, which is an isolated building, a little distance be- 
 yond the walls on the southern side. 
 Friendly voices from the shore welcomed my brother, 
 in Arabic, Italian, French, and English. When we arrived 
 opposite to our destination, the boat was dragged toward 
 the sands, and the garde de sante, who wore only a coarse 
 shirt and a girdle, jumped knee-deep into the water, caught 
 me in his strong arms, and ran splashing through the sandy 
 sea. When we came to land he still ran on, and would 
 not release me till he placed me in charge of another 
 garde, at the foot of the rude steps, leading up the sandy 
 cliff, to the quarantine station. Then he hastened back 
 to the boat for my fellow-travelers, carrying them one 
 after the other to terra firma. 
 I had wondered how I should feel on first landing in 
 Palestine, but this proceeding quite took the romance out 
 of the event. I almost forgot I was in the Holy Land, 
 while fully realizing the fact of being a prisoner. As soon 
 as my brother and the monks joined me, we were led up 
 the steps, to a door, which admitted us to a square in- 
 closure, formed of low, flat-roofed buildings of stone, in a 
 dilapidated state. In the center of the square, a wooden 
 shed covers a deep well, and tall, large-leaved, thriving 
 mulberry-trees throw a thick and welcome shade round it. 
 The station was unusually full, owing to the outbreak of 
 cholera in Egypt. 
 Our fellow-travelers, the Franciscans, were quartered on 
 some ecclesiastical pilgrims, and lodged eight in one room. 
 The only chamber which was unoccupied opened into a 
 little court-yard in the left-hand corner of the square, and 
 that was allotted to us. It was by no means a pleasant 
 lodging, but we determined to make the best of it. It was 
 about twelve feet square. The floor was of stone. The 
 walls were whitewashed ; and the door, which was formed 
 of rough planks, had no fastening inside. A casemented 
 window, with half the glass out, looked toward the north, 
 and showed us the blue sea, the rocky shore, and the 
 ^ southern wall of Yafa with its curious profile of flat-roofed 
 houses, rising step by step one above the other, with here 
 and there a minaret or a palm-tree. Groups of children 
 were playing under the trees near to us. The prospect with- 
 out somewhat compensated for the desolate picture within. 
 There was nothing in the room but our luggage, our 
 garde de sante, with his long stick, thousands of flies, an 
 ant's nest, and ourselves. 
 I sat in the narrow window-seat, while my brother threw 
 himself on the portmanteaus and boxes. For some minutes 
 we could only laugh at each other, and at the ridiculous 
 position in which we were placed. However, if we had not 
 been in excellent health and good spirits, it would have 
 been a serious matter. 
 Fortunately my brother was no stranger there, so help 
 was at hand. Mr. Kayat, the English Consul — a native of 
 Syria — sent his dragoman, who soon provided us with mat- 
 ting, mattresses, and wadded quilts, of which we made a 
 sort of impromptu divan. 
 Soon afterward our kind friend, Mr. Graham, of Jeru- 
 salem, came to see us. He stood outside the window in 
 the presence of the garde, who watched us continually. If 
 our visitor had touched our hands, he would have been 
 obliged to share our quarantine lodging. Mr. Grraham lent 
 us some of his tent furniture, cooking utensils, etc., and 
 made our abode more comfortable. 
 When we sent to the market for provisions, we had to 
 put the money in a cup of water to prevent infection, but 
 we certainly looked more wholesome than any of the dirty 
 little half-naked messengers who executed our commissions, 
 and by whose aid we obtained fowls, goat's milk, coffee, rice, 
 fruit, and vegetables, at a very reasonable rate. 
 There were two rooms in addition to ours opening into 
 the court-yard. One was occupied by a party of Moslem 
 travelers, and the other by the Franciscan pilgrims. The 
 court-yard was in shade and cooler than the rooms, so with 
 one accord we all took breakfast there. 
 The Moslems, after pouring water over their hands 
 and feet, spread their carpets, prayed, and then sat round 
 a dish of rice, butter, and tomatoes, putting their hands 
 together into the dish. They ate rapidly and in silence, 
 then washed their hands, and smoked chibouques and 
 narghiles. The monks, who spoke French, Italian, and 
 iSpanish, invited us to share some of their conserves and 
 When the heat of the day had passed, we were allowed 
 to take a walk, accompanied by a garde, to prevent our 
 contact with human beings. 
 We gladly descended the steps of our prison, and reached 
 the broad sands. The sun was going down, tinging the sea 
 and the sky, and the white walls of Yafa, with a red glow. 
 We walked along the shore toward the south, with drifted 
 sand-hills, more or less covered with vegetation on our left, 
 and the waves of the sea approaching us on our right. We 
 saw the skeleton of a camel half-sunk in the sand, and 
 found many shells, and dorsal bones of cuttle-fish. About 
 a mile from the quarantine station the beach was entirely 
 composed of shells, most of them broken. The rocks, 
 which form natural jetties, or rise up out of the beach, 
 seem to be a sort of conglomerate of sand and shells, in 
 every stage of hardness. These rocks were in appearance 
 all alike, yet some masses were as firm and hard as marble; 
 while other parts crumbled easily, and the imbedded shells 
 separated from the sand with very little difficulty. When 
 the sun had quite disappeared, the garde turned homeward, 
 and we obediently followed. The town was already illu- 
 minated, and lights were reflected on the quiet water from 
 the ships at anchor. The stars shone brightly, for night 
 succeeds day very rapidly in this latitude, and there is 
 scarcely any evening twilight. 
 The boy who acted as our cook and waiter had pre- 
 pared our evening meal. It was spread on the ground 
 under the mulberry-trees. A lantern stood on a large 
 block of stone close by^ and threw a flickering light upon 
 the various dishes. The salt, which was very coarse and 
 pungent, was served in a smooth hollow shell, to which the 
 boy called our attention, that we might applaud the con- 
 trivance. We seated ourselves on a mat of reeds. Bed 
 ants, three-quarters of an inch long, were swarming around, 
 and cats came running out of the darkness, eager to share 
 our meal. 
 Many pilgrims and Bedouins were sleeping on the ground, 
 in the open air, and mattresses were spread on the flat roofs 
 or terraces of the buildings around. 
 No female servants are employed in the establishment, 
 and there were no women among our fellow-prisoners. 
 While my brother strolled in the starlight, smoking, I 
 prepared our room as comfortably as possible under the 
 circumstances. Even from our discomforts we extracted 
 amusement, and at the same time learned some useful les- 
 sons in the distinction of the real and fancied necessaries 
 of civilized life. 
 The next day the quarantine doctor, a Frenchman, sent 
 word that he would visit us, to ascertain the state of our 
 Presently he appeared in the little court-yard, with three 
 official attendants. They stood opposite our doorway, care- 
 fully avoiding contact with ourselves and the other inmates 
 of the quarantine. He greeted us with a profusion of com- 
 pliments on our healthful appearance, and congratulated 
 us on having obtained the best room in the station, and 
 especially on having it entirely to ourselves ! He left us 
 with stately bows, and, kissing his hand, said, " I shall 
 have the pleasure to give you pratique to-morrow." 
 On July 3d, at half-past seven, we were set at liberty. 
 We gladly mounted the steps at the back of the quaran- 
 tine station, traversed the extensive burial-ground, and 
 passed the Government storehouse, a large building out- 
 side the town, where a crowd of camels were waiting to be 
 relieved of their burdens, and women, vailed and shrouded 
 in white drapery, were standing in groups, with baskets of 
 mulberries and grapes balanced on their heads. On our 
 left hand were the moated and battlemented walls of Yafa, 
 and on the other, gardens of orange and lemon trees, palms 
 and pomegranates, which threw a checkered shade upon 
 the sandy ground. We soon came to the broad road, 
 just outside the town-gate, where camels and peasants, 
 mules and muleteers, were congregated, and a bustling 
 market of fruit and vegetables was being held. Booths 
 and tents, sheltering turbaned and tarbouched smokers, 
 were pitched under tall trees; and the itinerant vendors 
 of coffee, sherbet, and glowing charcoal — ready to light the 
 hundreds of pipes and narghiles around — seemed to be in 
 great request. 
 In passing under the archway into the toWn, we had 
 to walk carefully, to avoid getting entangled in the camel- 
 ropes. I was glad to find shelter from the burning sun in 
 the bazars, which are long arcades, shaded overhead with 
 cloth or matting, with little open shops on each side. In 
 many of them were shoemakers, cutting out yellow morocco 
 slippers, or heavy red leather boots — tailors, marking out 
 graceful patterns for gold embroidery — pipe-makers, mod- 
 eling red clay bowls for chibouques — all seated on their 
 heels, on little platforms, about two feet from the ground. 
 In another part of the bazar, the silks of Aleppo and 
 Damascus, the cottons of Manchester, and vails of Con- 
 stantinople and Switzerland, were exposed for sale, the 
 shopkeepers, gravely smoking, reclined at their ease among 
 the gay wares. The barbers' shops and the coffee-houses 
 were much larger and more frequented than any of the 
 others. I met no women in the bazars, men and boys do 
 all the marketing in the towns of the Holy Land. 
 We descended a narrow, ruinous street of stairs, to the 
 English Consulate, which was at that time close to the sea- 
 side. We were kindly welcomed, and led across a court to 
 a square and vaulted stone chamber, with a deep raised 
 recess in a rudely-built casemented balcony, looking on to 
 the sea. A cozily-cushioned divan and a Turkey carpet 
 made this a most pleasant retreat; and there, freed from 
 the restraints of quarantine, I soon felt quite at home with 
 Mrs. Kayat, a native of Syria, who, with Eastern hos- 
 pitality, said, "This house is yours; order all things as 
 you will." 
 Her young sister, Furrah, spoke English pretty well — 
 thanks to the American mission-school of Beirut. She 
 wore a white inuslin dress, open to the waist, and exposing 
 a thin net shirt, which did not conceal her neck and bosom, 
 and through the semi-transparent skirt her full Turkish 
 trowsers of blue silk could be seen. Their mother was 
 dressed in a black velvet jacket, seamed with silver, and a 
 soft, white silk skirt. 
 A number of gentlemen were in the body of the room, a 
 step below us. They, as well as the ladies, were smoking 
 narghiles. Strong coffee, without milk, and in tiny cups 
 without handles, held in silver filigree stands exactly of the 
 size and shape of common egg-cups, were handed round. 
 After taking a cup, it is customary to incline the head 
 slightly, raising the hand to the forehead, and thus to 
 salute the host or hostess, who, in return, does the same to 
 the guests. 
 An Arab breakfast was prepared, and a large party as- 
 Bembled to partake of it, including three beautiful little 
 girls, the Consul's children, in a pretty costume, half Eu- 
 ropean and half Oriental. A large dish of rice, boiled in 
 butter, with pieces of fried meat imbedded in it, formed the 
 staple dish. Vegetable marrows, filled with mince-meat and 
 spices in place of the seeds which had been scooped out; 
 some excellent fish, minced meat and rice rolled up in vine 
 leaves, and dressed like small sausages; a happy melange 
 of meat, tomatoes, pine seeds, butter, and eggs; followed 
 by roast fowl and a good salad ; and a dessert, composed of 
 all the fruits that the garden of Yd/fa could furnish, gave 
 me a very favorable impression of the Summer resources 
 of a town on the coast of Palestine. 
 At about midday, after this meal, nearly every one of 
 the family sought rest, lounging on the divans or musketo- 
 curtained beds, to smoke or to sleep. 
 When the sultry hour of noon had passed, Mrs. Kayat 
 invited me to go with her to see her cousin. Sit Leah, and 
 her newly-born infant son. The ladies were soon ready for 
 the walk, for the universal outdoor dress is very simple. 
 A soft muslin vail, about a yard square, of showy pattern 
 and many colors, is thrown over the head and face. A 
 scarf or shawl girdle is fastened round the waist, and then 
 a fine calico sheet, about two yards or more square, is put 
 on like a cloak, but drawn up high over the head, and 
 folded neatly on the forehead, brought under the chin, 
 crossed over the breast, and, overlapping down the front, 
 hides the dress entirely. It is tucked into the girdle in 
 front, so as to lift it about three inches from the ground — 
 at the back it is allowed to fall quite smoothly in a straight 
 line to the heels. The hands are kept inside and hold the 
 sheet, so that only the colored mask of muslin over the face 
 is visible. No individual could be recognized in this dis- 
 guise, except by some peculiarity in the manner of walking 
 or singularity of figure. Yellow or red shoes, turned up at 
 the toes, complete the costume. 
 My rieaders may easily imitate this costume with a sheet 
 and a colored silk handkerchief for a vail, and thus form a 
 good idea of the general outdoor appearance of the women 
 in the chief towns of Palestine. It must be remembered, 
 however, that not a vestige of crinoline is to be seen, and 
 full, soft trowsers, with sometimes a skirt over them, a 
 jacket, and a shirt, is all that is worn under the izzar or 
 sheet.^ The three shrouded ladies led me out, and a kawass, 
 not unnecessarily, went before to clear the way; for in the 
 narrow streets of stairs, with their tortuous turnings and 
 broken steps, it is well to have notice of the coming of a 
 frisky horse, a heavily-laden mule, or a ponderous camel. 
 At the arched entrances of some of the large houses I 
 noticed fragments of granite columns, marble bases, carved 
 capitals and cornices, which had probably been transported 
 from the ruins of Ascalon. They are used as stepping- 
 stones for mounting and dismounting. 
 We entered a low doorway, and found ourselves in a 
 court-yard, where a group of negresses were busy washing. 
 They took me by surprise by seizing my hands, kissing 
 them, and pressing them to their ebony foreheads. I soon 
 learned to be on my guard, and to draw my hand away 
 firmly but courteously, in time to elude the embrace; for 
 I observed that this is the way the act of submission is 
 expected to be received. The refusal to accept the kiss 
 shows that you do not wish the individual who proffers it 
 to humble himself before you. 
 However, under certain circumstances, the case is dif- 
 ferent; for instance, if a person asks forgiveness of you, 
 or protection, or any favor, your refusal to allow him to 
 kiss your hand or your feet is a sign that his request is not 
 Priests always exact this homage, and it is very readily 
 paid to them; but laymen, who invariably allow it, gener- 
 ally gain the sobriquet of ^'' KhourV^ — priest. 
 * l8 this the kind of sheet referred to in Judges xiv, 12-18, where Samson 
 says, "If you find out my riddle I will give you thirty sheets, and thirty 
 changes of garments?" 
 We ascended a stone staircase to a terrace leading to 
 two rooms. We entered the first, a pretty little square 
 whitewashed room, draped with pink and white muslin. 
 In one corner was a bed, made on the floor, and a narrow 
 mattress, about a yard wide, ran round the other sides of 
 the room. Cushions covered with damask were leaning 
 against the walls, and thus a comfortable lounge was 
 formed. A Turkey carpet concealed the stone floor. Sev- 
 eral ladies were seated d la Turque^ on the divan, smoking 
 narghiles, the long flexible tubes of which radiated from 
 the group of large red Bohemian glass bottles, which stood 
 bubbling and sparkling in the center of the room. On the 
 low bed a young mother was reclining. Her dark wavy 
 hair, unbraided, escaped over the embroidered pillow. Her 
 red tarbouche was decorated with folds of blue crape and 
 everlasting flowers, her pale hands rested on the crimson 
 silk wadded quilt, and her striped Aleppo yellow and white 
 silk dress contrasted well with the dark brilliancy of her 
 fever-bright face and eyes. I took her hand in mine, and 
 she said, " Welcome, my sister ; my lips must be silent, but 
 my heart is speaking to your heart." She lifted up a tiny 
 blue velvet lehaff" — quilt — embroidered with silver thread, 
 and revealed a baby boy of a few days old. I took him 
 in my arms. The ladies with one accord said, " May you 
 soon have the joy of holding in your arms new ofispring 
 of your father's house ! May your brother soon be mar- 
 ried, and be blessed with many sons !" 
 The infant I held in my arras was so bound in swaddling- 
 clothes that it was perfectly firm and solid, and looked like 
 a mummy. It had a band under its chin and across its 
 forehead, and a little quilted silk cap on its head, with tiny 
 coins of gold sewed to it. The outer covering of this little 
 figure was of crimson and white striped silk ; no sign of 
 arms or legs, hands or feet, could be seen. 
 Leah's sister-in-law, whose head was much decorated 
 with jewelry and artificial flowers, took the child from me 
 and placed it in a swing cradle, draped with pink and white 
 muslin, and everlasting flowers. She covered the little crea- 
 ture with such heavy quilts, that it seemed in danger of 
 suffocation, then she closed the curtains round it, till there 
 was no aperture left at which a musketo could enter. 
 After sherbet and coffee had been handed round by a 
 black servant, I was led to the next room, where I found 
 my brother with Ilabib Nasir, the husband of Leah, the 
 proud father of a first-born son. I congratulated him, and 
 his reply was a wish that I might soon have to congrat- 
 ulate my brother on a similar occasion. This is the cus- 
 tomary answer. 
 In each of the rooms there were modern Greek pictures 
 of sacred subjects, rude imitations of ancient Byzantine art, 
 proclaiming that Habib was a member of the Greek Church. 
 I returned to the consulate to prepare for our journey 
 toward Jerusalem, Mr. Graham and Mr. H., a wanderer 
 from the Crimea — then the seat of war — who had just 
 arrived by Austrian steamer, having arranged to travel 
 with us. When our luggage was in the care of the mule- 
 teers, and our horses were ready, we took a slight collation 
 of goat's-milk cheese, fruit, sweetened starch, and native 
 wines, in Mrs. Kayat's room, seated on the cushioned floor, 
 round a low table inlaid with mother of pearl. 
 After taking leave of our kind host and his family, we 
 mounted at their door, their blessings and good wishes 
 ringing in our ears, "Go in peace, and return to us in 
 safety ; return speedily ; peace be with you." The children 
 and servants echoed the words till we were out of sight. 
 An old man, in a coat of many colors, shaped like a sack, 
 and with a curious mosaic-looking vandyked pattern on the 
 back of it, led my horse up the steep streets of stairs, 
 through the crowded bazars, and out of the town gate, 
 which we had entered in the morning. It is in the middle 
 of the east wall, and is the only land gate. I must here 
 remind my younger readers that wheeled carriages are not 
 used in Palestine. I never saw even such a thing as a 
 wheelbarrow there ; in fact, the roads are so bad that such 
 conveyances would be useless; so people always travel on 
 camels, or mules, or donkeys, or on horses, as we did. It 
 was now about six o'clock, and just outside the gate tbe 
 inhabitants of Yafa were enjoying their pipes in the shade 
 of the city, for the sun was going down toward the sea. 
 Others were riding and galloping along the broad sandy 
 road, which led us to a pleasant bridle path between 
 hedges of a gigantic kind of cactus — the opuntia — the 
 large, fleshy, thick-jointed stems of which were fringed 
 with yellow flowers, promising a rich harvest of prickly 
 pears. These formidable hedgerows rising from two to 
 eight, and sometimes even ten or twelve feet in hight, were 
 wreathed with graceful creepers, the briony, the clematis, 
 and the wild vine twining their tendrils together. Our 
 Crimean friend suggested that such a cactus hedge would 
 prove an impenetrable barrier to advancing cavalry. This 
 pleasant sandy path led us for three or four miles between 
 beautiful fruit gardens, where the palm-tree, laden with 
 golden fruit, towered high above all other trees. Oranges, 
 lemons, pistachios, apricots, almonds, and mulberries were 
 ripening. The pomegranate-tree showed its thick clusters 
 of scarlet flowers, and acacias, locust-trees, tamarisks, sil- 
 very olives, and broad-leaved fig-trees flourished. It was 
 about half-past six when we reached the open country 
 beyond the extensive and well-cultivated gardens of Yafa. 
 The sun was going down behind us, over the sea. The 
 far-away hills toward which we were journeying, east by 
 Bouth, were crowned with glowing red, while purple night 
 shadows were rising rapidly. We passed through fields of 
 mallows and gardens of cucumbers, with tents or little 
 stone lodges for the gardeners scattered here and there. 
 The sun went down. Vultures and kites were sweeping 
 through the air. As the darkness increased, our little 
 party, consisting of six muleteers, our servants, and our- 
 selves, assembled together to keep in close company for the 
 rest of the way. 
 We could distinguish parties of field-laborers and oxen 
"ai-wa!" 81 
 at rest by the road-side, and sometimes we came to a rude 
 thrashing-floor, where, by the light of a bonfire of weeds 
 and thorns, we saw Bembrandt-like groups of rough-look- 
 ing, half-clad peasants, some of them sleeping, and others 
 lighting their long pipes with the fragrant embers. Our 
 muleteers were singing monotonous and plaintive songs, 
 only interrupted now and then when the jogging mules 
 disarranged their burdens by jolting against each other, 
 and the drivers would cry out, '■^ Ai-wa! Ai-waT an inter- 
 jection of very flexible signification, which answers nearly 
 to our "Now then!" when used deprecatingly, or to "All 
 right," or " Go on," under more favorable circumstances.* 
 We rode on in the darkness over an undulating plain, 
 occasionally passing a well, a tomb, a little sleeping village, 
 or a grove of ancient olive-trees, and reached Ramleh at 
 half-past nine. 
 We had been invited to pass the night at the house of 
 one of the principal Christian Arabs of the town, and soon 
 met his servants and lantern-bearers, who had been watch- 
 ing for us. They led the way up a flight of stone steps to 
 a small square court, round which lofty stone chambers 
 were built. 
 Our host then conducted us to the guest-chamber, "a 
 large upper room, furnished" with divans and cushioned 
 His wife — a handsome and stately-looking woman, in 
 rich Oriental costume — came to salute and welcome us. 
 She took me to a long vaulted stone chamber, where two 
 mattresses were spread on the floor; one was for me, and 
 the other for two negresses who were appointed to attend 
 me. Supper was spread for our party in an arched recess 
 of the court, by two Abyssinian men-servants, who waited 
 on us with intelligence and alacrity. 
 Presently, two awkward but good-natured-looking, black, 
 woolly-headed, tall, white-robed, shoeless girls, led me to 
 *"Aiwa" is probably an abbreviation of "Ai Wallah," a very significant 
 oath.— E. T. R. 
 my room. They poured hot and cold water alternately 
 over my feet and hands, and did all they could to make me 
 comfortable. After a few hours rest, I rose by the light of 
 the moon, which streamed in at the wide, unglazed, arched 
 The hinges, locks, and door-handles throughout the house 
 were of beautiful design, somewhat resembling Italian work 
 of the sixteenth century. 
 By the time the muleteers were roused, and our horses 
 were in readiness for the journey, the sun had risen, and 
 we hastened away. The market-places were already busy 
 with buyers and sellers. The gardens of Ramleh are 
 extensive and fertile; the date-palm, especially, flourishes 
 there. The soil is sandy.* 
 Just outside the town, under a clump of tamarisk- trees, 
 sat a group of dirty-looking Arabs, in picturesque rags. 
 As we passed, they rose from their stony seats, and ad- 
 vanced toward us, holding out little tin cups for alms. I 
 then perceived that the poor creatures were lepers! Their 
 faces were so disfigured that they scarcely looked human; 
 the eyelids and lips of some were quite destroyed, while 
 the faces of others were swollen into frightful masses. It 
 was the saddest sight I ever saw. 
 The families afidicted with this terrible and hereditary 
 disease intermarry, and sometimes the immediate offspring 
 are free from any appearance of it, but it is sure to revive 
 in the succeeding generation ; some of them appear quite 
 healthy till they are nineteen or twenty, but they feel them- 
 selves to be a doomed race, and live quite apart from the 
 rest of the world, subsisting almost entirely on charity — for 
 often their fingers rot off and render their hands useless.f 
 In return for the few piasters we gave them, they cried, 
 in hoarse whispers, " May it return to you tenfold!" " Peace 
 * "Ramleh" is the Arabic word for sandy; Arab names of places are very 
 frequently descriptive. 
 t They live in special quarters in four towns in Syria ; namely, Jerusalem, 
 Damascus, Bamleh, and Nablus, whither those born casually elsewhere are sent 
 as soon as the disease has thoroughly shown itself. They are better off than 
 be with you !" We passed througli fertile fields and or- 
 chards, overtaking peasants leading oxen or laden camels, 
 or shepherd boys guiding flocks of goats to pasture land. 
 Though the sun was low, and sent our shadows in long 
 lines behind us, yet the rays were fierce with light and 
 heat. The fields of sesame — called simsim in Arabic — 
 looked very pretty. It is a tall, bright-green plant, with 
 upright stems, garnished with blossoms, somewhat like the 
 fox -glove, white, shaded with pink. The seeds yield a very 
 fine oil, almost equal to olive. Blue chicory, yellow flax, 
 the hardy goat's beard and convolvulus, of many tints, 
 large and small, bordered the road. We soon reached 
 an uncultivated part of the undulating plain, where the 
 ground was burned up and cracked into deep, wide fissures, 
 and where large blocks of stone, like cromlechs, cast their 
 shadows. I watched numbers of green lizards and strange 
 reptiles, running rapidly in and out of the cracks, and under 
 and over the rocks, pausing sometimes, opening their eyes 
 of fire to the sun, and nodding their large heads quaintly. 
 Wild ducks were flapping their wings above our heads. 
 Camels every now and then passed in strings of three or 
 four together, their drivers bending and touching their fore- 
 heads gracefully as we passed. Some of the peasants wore 
 scarcely any clothing. Flocks of goats and cattle were 
 browsing on the scanty burned-up pasture, and the shepherd 
 boys were piping on rude instruments made of cane or reed. 
 At half-past eight o'clock we were in the shelter of the 
 hills, and paused for a few moments at the entrance of a 
 woody and rocky valley, called Wady-'Aly. Some Arabs 
 brought us a supply of good water, in leather bottles-. Mr. 
 Finn, Her Britannic Majesty's Consul at Jerusalem, had sent 
 his kawass there to meet and welcome us, and to lead the 
 way, for in the hill country a skillful pilot is required. Wild 
 beggars in general, for they have foundations, " Wakf," and it is deemed a great 
 act of charity by all classes of Orientals to do any kindness to these afflicted 
 people. Those of Damascus, being chiefly Christians, were all killed, or, from 
 their helpless condition, perished in the flames during the massacre and confla- 
 gration in the Summer of I860.— E, T. B. 
 fig-trees, dwarf oaks, and thorns, grew among the rocks, 
 and thousands of larks, disturbed by our approach, rose 
 high into the air, but they did not sing the sweet song of 
 the larks of our cornfields. 
 We passed over steep hills, wild and rocky, with treach- 
 erous stones slipping from under the feet of the often- 
 stumbling horses. Sometimes the passes were so narrow 
 that we had to ride singly, watching the leader carefully in 
 his ins and outs among bushes and rocks. On the summits 
 of many of the rounded hills there are ruins and large hewn 
 stones, which have given rise to much discussion among 
 Biblical topographists. We saw traces of terraces, and of 
 former careful cultivation every-where, but the Winter tor- 
 rents have been allowed to sweep away the protecting stones, 
 and the rich, red loam is washed down, so that in many 
 places large masses of bare limestone are exposed ; but 
 wherever the earth rests, however scantily, there is vegeta- 
 tion. Wild fruit-trees, shrubs, and aromatic herbs, thorns 
 and thistles, prove the natural fertility of the soil. Even 
 out of the small handfuls of earth washed into the holes 
 and crevices of the rocks, tiny flowers spring, especially 
 the wild pink and crane's-bill. We took zigzag paths up 
 the faces of hills which looked almost perpendicular. 
 Sometimes we gained a hight commanding views of the 
 Great Sea and the plain of Sharon on one side, and the hills 
 which concealed the city of Jerusalem on the other ; then 
 again we were in a narrow valley, or closed in by a seem- 
 ingly impassable amphitheater of hills. Here and there our 
 road was along ledges, so narrow — with a rocky ravine 
 below, and a hill rising abruptly like a wall above — that we 
 took the precaution of sending our leader to the end of the 
 pass, to see that the way was clear, and to keep it so till 
 we could traverse it. Eagles and vultures swept through 
 the air. The sky was intensely blue, and the sun very 
 powerful. Sparrows and finches were twittering among the 
 At about ten o'clock we dismounted by a little tell, or 
 mound, in the center of a triangular space, wliere three 
 valleys meet. Here there is a well of sweet and excellent 
 water, and round it olives, figs, locust-trees, and evergreen 
 oaks grow. A party of Bedouins were watering their camels 
 at the stone trough connected with the well. Under the 
 pleasant tree-shadows we rested, and on a bank of wild 
 thyme and sweet marjoram we spread our simple provi- 
 sions — "a basket of Summer fruit," a few thin cakes of 
 flour, and some new wine. At the entrance to an extensive 
 cavern, in the base of a hill opposite to us, a group of 
 peasants were sleeping. The cave, like many smaller ones 
 which we had seen, had been fashioned originally by na- 
 ture, but man had at some period or other smoothed the 
 inner wall, and made a dwelling there. 
 When we remounted, we passed through a partially-cul- 
 tivated district. Groves of olive-trees bordered the dry bed 
 of a Winter torrent, and patches of vines, and vegetables, 
 and stubble-fields appeared on the terraces, till we came to 
 higher and steeper hills in the neighborhood of Ajalon, 
 covered with sage and wild lavender. The heat was sensi- 
 bly increasing till about noon, when a pleasant breeze arose. 
 This is generally the case in the hill country in the Summer 
 time, the breeze rises at about twelve, lasts for an hour or 
 two, and cools the air. We came into a cultivated region 
 again, announcing a village near, and soon saw the white 
 walls of the square castle-like houses of Abu Ghosh, on a 
 hill-side, and the fine ruins of an ancient Christian church 
 to which a Franciscan convent was formerly attached. We 
 dismounted at its large arched entrance ; the groined roof 
 and clear-story, supported by tall massive columns, are in 
 good preservation. This building is now used as a stable 
 and khan, but has often served the purpose of a fortress. 
 It is very long since it echoed the litanies of the Fran- 
 ciscans, for they were expelled about the middle of the 
 thirteenth century, when the sultan of Egypt conquered 
 A cousin of the robber chief, the celebrated Abu Gh6sh, 
 is now sheikh of the village, and it is his policy to he very 
 polite to Frank travelers. 
 We rested for a little while on the step of the church door. 
 A group of women were drawing water from a well. We 
 watched them as they walked one after the other toward 
 the village, with the replenished jars poised perfectly on 
 their heads. Herds of cattle and flocks of goats on the 
 surrounding hills, richly-cultivated orchards and vineyards, 
 and a few palm-trees, proclaimed this little village rich and 
 flourishing. It is now called Kuryet el'-Enab, " village of 
 grapes," the ancient Kirjath-Jearim probably. 
 A few hills more or less difficult were traversed. One, 
 which seemed only fit for goats and conies to ramble over, 
 we descended on foot, sliding over slabs of stone as smooth 
 as polished marble, and leaping from rock to rock, over 
 thorns and briers, till I was tired, and glad to mount again. 
 Then we came to a pleasant terraced road, made on the 
 slope of a hill, looking down into a fertile valley, where an 
 Arab village has risen on the site of an ancient Roman 
 colony, the record of which is preserved in the modern 
 name Kolonieh. Traces of an amphitheater and fortifica- 
 tions were pointed out to me. We crossed to the opposite 
 side of the valley, and pursued our way along a rocky ledge, 
 till we came to a spring of living water, gushing from a 
 rock above into a trough, which overflowed constantly. The 
 water finds its way through ducts into the valley below. 
 Maiden-hair, delicate creepers, and ferns, grew around, and 
 thousands of birds congregated there — it is called the 
 Fountain of birds. We, as well as our horses, enjoyed the 
 deliciously cool water. We rode on again, and soon crossed 
 an ancient Roman bridge, built over a water-course. There 
 are the remains of a Jewish city by this stream, and local 
 tradition says that David took from its bed the pebble 
 which gave the death-blow to Goliath. Large stones, care- 
 fully hewn and beveled, are scattered in heaps, and half 
 concealed by hawthorn bushes, wild rose-trees, fruit-laden 
 blackberry brambles, and tall thistles. Others appear 
 among rough unhewn stones, in the low walls which mark 
 the boundaries of the vineyards and orchards near at hand. 
 No doubt these large stones were once portions of stately 
 palaces and strongholds, erected by skillful Hebrew builders 
 long ago. Amos said, " Ye have built houses of hewn 
 stone, but ye shall not dwell in them ; ye have planted 
 pleasant vineyards, but ye shall not drink wine in them." 
 The Arabs have a proverb in common use, which says, 
 " The Jews built ; the Greeks planted ; and the Turks 
 destroy." It is true that in nearly every town or village 
 or deserted ruin in Judea, some traces of the massive archi- 
 tecture of the Jews — whose forefathers had served their 
 toilsome apprenticeship in Egypt, among pyramids and 
 temples — are discovered, sometimes serving as the founda- 
 tion of Roman citadels and theaters, which in their turn 
 have fallen to give place to the Moorish arch or minaret, 
 and the mud-built hovel of the peasant; while all the 
 ancient olive-trees, which stand in regular and equidistant 
 rows, forming avenues in all directions, are said to have 
 been planted by the Greeks, and present a striking con- 
 trast to the wild wood-like picturesqueness of younger olive 
 plantations now fruitful and flourishing, as well as to the 
 still more ancient trees now falling to decay. 
 Presently Mr. Graham said, " Now, Miss Rogers, prepare 
 yourself for a treat. When we reach the summit of this 
 hill, our eyes shall behold the city of the Great King." I 
 quickened my pace, forgot my fatigue, and was soon on the 
 hill- top, pausing to look around me, requiring no guide to 
 point out the long, low line of battlemented wall, with a 
 few domes and minarets rising above it, crowning the table- 
 land of a hill which stood in the midst of hills, and I knew 
 that I was looking on Jerusalem, " builded as a city," and 
 " the mountains round about her." The afternoon sun was 
 shining from behind us, brightening the white walls of the 
 city, the gray-green tints of Olivet, which rises just beyond, 
 and the long chain of the far-away mountains of Moab, seen 
 here and there through openings in the Judaean hills. The 
 Mount of Olives, "which is before Jerusalem on the east," 
 says Zechariah, is separated by slight depressions into three 
 distinct parts. On the central and highest point a white- 
 walled Moslem village stands, with olive and mulberry 
 trees clustering round it. Near the summit of the north- 
 ern hill, a little isolated square stone tower is conspicuous, 
 and when Mr. G. pointed it out, he invited me to pay him 
 a visit there, for it was his Summer retreat, and was com- 
 monly called " Graham Castle," by Europeans in Jerusalem. 
 We descended into a long, narrow, stony valley; but the 
 view from the hill-top we were leaving was already pho- 
 tographed on my brain, and I have never lost the impres- 
 sion. Though I have seen Jerusalem under more beautiful 
 aspects, and from more favorable points of view, the first 
 sight had its peculiar charm. 
 We left the Yafa road, and made our way toward the 
 Talibiweh, where Mr. Finn, the English Consul, encamps 
 in Summer time. It is about a mile west of the city. We 
 rapidly approached a low, rough stone wall, inclosing a 
 large tract of partially-cultivated land, on a gradually-slop- 
 ing hill, looking toward Jerusalem. On the highest part 
 of the ground a small square stone building stood, with 
 seven or eight tents pitched near to it, among rocks, young 
 trees, and shrubs. This I found was the consular encamp- 
 ment, and gladly I dismounted there, at four o'clock, P. M., 
 welcomed by the Consul and his family. 
 The stone house consists simply of one lofty double- 
 vaulted chamber, which serves for dining and general sit- 
 ting-room, with veranda-sheltered seats outside it, looking 
 toward the east. An arched recess — or lewan^ as it is 
 called in Arabic and Turkish — looks toward the west, and 
 consequently is in shade in the morning. Kitchens and 
 offices occupy the third and fourth sides. It was built by 
 Jewish laborers, of a red and yellowish stone, from a quarry 
 on the estate, and is not plastered either inside or out. 
 Mrs. Finn led me across a rough path, among little 
 patches of newly-cultivated red earth, where melons, cu- 
 cumbers, and vegetable marrows, were flourishing. Young 
 castor-oil trees, palms, and oleanders, were springing up 
 between large masses of rock. In their shelter the sweet 
 basil, pinks, roses, as well as many English seedlings, were 
 being coaxed into existence, making a cheerful though 
 wild-looking garden round the pretty Egyptian tent pre- 
 pared for me, the ropes of which were attached to some 
 vigorous olive-trees, of two or three years' growth. I 
 found my luggage already there, for the muleteers had 
 arrived an hour or two before us. The blue tent lining 
 appliqued with black and scarlet borders, in patterns of 
 good design, on the white canvas, the crimson cloth carpet, 
 and simple tent furniture, looked bright and cheerful ; while 
 the views of the Bethlehem plain. Mount Zion, and Jeru- 
 salem, from the tent door, delighted me. 
 We passed the evening pleasantly with Mr. and Mrs. 
 Finn, talking over our journey, and planning future ones. 
 Their children were eager to show me their treasures, and 
 to take me to all the memorable spots in the neighborhood 
 they knew so well, for they were born in, and had scarcely 
 ever been out of sight of Jerusalem. " I will take you to 
 Olivet, and to the top of Mount Scopus, and then you can 
 see the River Jordan and the Dead Sea," said Skander, 
 the eldest boy; and little Constance added, "Mamma, may 
 I take Miss Rogers to see Judas's tree, and the Garden of 
 Gethsemane, and may we go to Bethlehem and to Solomon's 
 These children, who had grown up amid such scenes, 
 and who had learned to speak Arabic simultaneously with 
 English, interested me exceedingly, evincing in all they 
 said and did the effect of the influences around them. I 
 showed to Constance an engraving of an English sea- 
 side view, and she immediately said, pointing to a castle, 
 "There's the tower of David;" and again, pointing to the 
 bathing machines, exclaimed, "These are the tombs of the 
 kings, and there is the Dead Sea," the only sea which she 
 had ever seen. After tea, the little ones were led by their 
 pleasant-looking Armenian nurse, Um Issa, to tlie nursery 
 tent, and Skander, wishing me good-night, added, "Do not 
 be afraid if you hear the jackals crying and barking, they 
 will not come to our tents; but we hear them every night, 
 and they wake the dogs, and the horses, and the donkey, 
 and then sometimes they all make a noise together." At 
 an early hour Helwe, a woman of Bethlehem, brought in 
 the lanterns which were to light us to our several tents. 
 Mrs. F. led me to mine, and showed me how to secure it; 
 while her niece warned me to look well at my clothes, and 
 to shake them before putting them on in the morning, to 
 get rid of ants or spiders, or perhaps a scorpion, which 
 might creep into them at night. I watched the lanterns 
 as they dispersed over the grounds to the different tents, 
 and soon fell asleep amid the scenes and sounds that were 
 so strange to me. It was difficult to realize the fact that 
 I had left London only three weeks before. 
 In the early morning, childish voices called me to come 
 to breakfast in the lewan, on the shady side of the house. 
 The sun was shining brightly over the city and the hills, 
 but the western walls and slopes were still in shade. 
 After breakfast, we went to the sitting-room, which was 
 almost as simply furnished as a hermitage, with rustic 
 tables, camp stools, matting, and a few rough shelves for 
 books and toys. 
 I sat on the doorstep, and looked over a rocky, thorny 
 slope to a ridge which I was told marked the course of 
 the valley of Hinnom, beyond which rose the western wall 
 of Jerusalem; the turreted and massive-looking tower of 
 David, and the Yafa gate, breaking its monotony. 
 The Anglican church and consulate, with its pointed 
 fagade and strikingly modern appearance, the large white- 
 domed Armenian convent, a minaret, a few palm-trees, 
 pines, and cypresses, was all I could see of the Holy 
 City, for it slopes eastward. 
 On my right hand was the plain of Rephaim. It spreads 
 southward toward a rounded hill, which is crowned by the 
 convent of Mar Elias. Long lines of camels, troops of 
 horsemen, flocks of goats, vegetable-laden asses, and groups 
 of peasant women, with baskets or bundles on their heads, 
 were coming and going all day, along the broad road 
 which crosses this plain, and vultures and eagles swept 
 through the air. 
 In the afternoon I rode out with my brother. We went 
 down into the stony valley of the Convent of the Cross, 
 passing the whitc-walled newly -restored Greek convent, and 
 made our way, among rocks and thorns, to the valley of 
 Hinnom, well planted with olives, figs, and pomegranates. 
 We ascended the hill leading to the Yafa gate, meeting 
 many people on foot and on horseback, who were just 
 starting for a stroll before sunset. We passed under the 
 deep, pointed archway, through the vaulted chamber in 
 the great gate, along by the wall and deep moat of the 
 citadel or tower of David, and then turned down a narrow 
 passage, leading to the consulate, which adjoined the En- 
 glish church. Here we dismounted, and I felt a strange 
 joy when, for the first time, my feet stood within thy 
 gates, Jerusalem! 
 Mr. Bartlett has made the streets of the Holy City ho 
 familiar in his "Walks about Jerusalem," and "Jerusalem 
 Revisited," and Mr. Murray's invaluable Hand-Book gives 
 its topography and statistics so perfectly, that I will refer 
 my readers to those sources, and only give a slight account 
 of the city as I saw it. 
 My brother led me back to the open space in the front 
 of the citadel, where a daily market is held in the early 
 morning. We passed a large open cafe, where soldiers and 
 groups of Moslems were smoking. The Latin convent, a 
 large, well-built stone edifice, is opposite the citadel; its 
 long, flat roof serves for a terrace, where a number of 
 monks and boys, in black robes, were walking in monot- 
 onous procession. The Anglican bishop's town-house over- 
 looks the market-place, out of which we turned into a 
 bustling street, paved with gradually-descending shallow 
 steps, so smooth and worn, and so scattered with melon- 
 parings and other vegetable refuse, that it was difficult to 
 find a sure footing. On each side there were Arab shops, 
 the owners of which were folding up their gay wares, or 
 stowing away baskets of dried fruit or trays of pipes pre- 
 paratory to closing for the night, for it was past the 
 eleventh hour. We turned up Christian-street, the first 
 turning on the left, where, besides the truly Oriental 
 barbers' shops, the coffee-houses, pipe-makers, and bakers, 
 there are several European establishments, kept by Maltese, 
 and Italians, and Germans, pretty well supplied from Lon- 
 don and Paris with ornamental as well as useful and nec- 
 essary articles of dress; though, as may be anticipated, a 
 large per centage is charged. We met crowds of Moslems, 
 Spanish and German Jews, Bedouins, Greeks, and monks 
 of many orders. I heard my brother greeted and welcomed 
 by name, in various languages, by passers by, for he was 
 well known in the city, where he had passed several years 
 as canceliere in the British Consulate. We made our way 
 to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and paused in the 
 square court-yard in front of it, to look at its beautiful 
 fagade. Two arched doorways, side by side, with deep 
 iatricate moldings enriched with ball flowers, are divided 
 by a magnificent cluster of five marble columns. The 
 center and outside columns are green and the others white. 
 The capitals are foliated, and richly carved. There are 
 friezes across the doorways from the spring of the arches. 
 The one to the right, over the door which is bricked up, 
 is of ornamental scroll-work, with boys playfully introduced 
 in arabesque style. The frieze over the left door, which 
 is the only entrance to the church, is a well-carved alto- 
 relievo picture of Christ's Entrance into the City, and the 
 Last Supper, not exactly agreeing in character with the 
 other frieze. We then went to the ruins of the Church 
 of the Knights of St. John, near at hand. We passed 
 under a wide low Norman arch, rich with zigzag and dog- 
 tooth moldings, marble columns, and carved capitals. We 
 climbed over a dust-heap, where vegetables and dead bodies 
 of dogs and cats were rotting, where flies and fleas were 
 regaling themselves, and half-naked, wretched-looking chil- 
 dren were playing and munching melon parings. We 
 crossed a court-yard, full of abominations, assailed by 
 barking and snarling dogs, but tempted on by the strange 
 beauty of this neglected relic of ancient chivalry. We 
 found three high walls of the outer edifice standing, and 
 within them there were divisions which indicated three 
 distinct compartments; one is used as a tannery, and in 
 the others we saw skeletons of asses and horses; for, when 
 animals die in the neighborhood, their carcasses are dragged 
 into this desecrated place to be devoured by dogs or vul- 
 tures. We climbed over burning lime and rubbish to a 
 ^ther treacherous stone stairway, which led us to a gallery 
 above, corresponding with the cloisters below. Here there 
 are two large windows with stone tracery, muUions, and 
 moldings of early English character, in pretty good pres- 
 Notwithstanding the offensive surroundings, I paid sev- 
 eral visits to these interesting ruins. The style, for the 
 most part, is like the Norman architecture of Sicily, while 
 other parts of the ruins remind me of our early English 
 style. The building altogether seems originally to have 
 been built to serve the purpose of a fortress as well as an 
 ecclesiastical retreat. It is said to have been founded in 
 the eleventh century, as a place of rest for pilgrims to the 
 Holy Sepulcher. It rapidly and continually grew in im- 
 portance till the middle of the thirteenth century, when 
 Christian influence was suddenly overthrown, and all its 
 monuments destroyed, or allowed gradually to decay, as in 
 this instance. Above the Norman door which we had en- 
 tered I remarked a rich bas-relief of groups of figures, 
 emblematic designs, and monograms, quaintly carved ; but 
 this has lately been so roughly used that it is now almost 
 defaced, and future travelers will be puzzled to find it. 
 When I revisited the spot in 1859 — four years afterward — 
 I found the door blocked up, and the space in front of it 
 closed in and converted into a store or shop, for the sale of 
 glass beads and bracelets made at Hebron. We shook the 
 dust from our feet, and strolled a little way along the Via 
 Dolorosa, till we were warned by the deepening shadows, 
 and the evening cries from the minarets around, that the 
 sun had gone down. We hastened through the streets and 
 bazars. The little shops were nearly all deserted by their 
 owners, and shut up for the night. 
 Our horses were waiting at the gate, which was kept 
 open for us. A few stragglers were hastily entering in, but 
 immediately after we had passed out, the heavy doors were 
 closed, to be opened no more till sunrise. 
 The stars were coming out as we rode homeward, across 
 the valley of Hinnom, and through an inclosed plantation 
 belonging to the Greek community, in the center of which, 
 by a well, under the trees, sat a group of Arabs in a circle 
 on cushioned mats, singing lustily, and swaying their bodies 
 to and fro slowly, in time with the monotonous tune which 
 they sang. A large lantern, hanging from a tree-branch 
 above, lighted up the figures and their many-colored gar- 
 ments, producing striking effects of light and shade. 
 We were soon on the Talibiyeh grounds. An immense 
 number of vividly-bright glow-worms bordered the rocky 
 path which led toward the house. I found that by plac- 
 ing a few of them together, on a stone or cool place, I 
 could see to read by the green light which shone from their 
 lantern-like bodies. 
 The next morning we rode down the Valley of the Cross, 
 and over hills covered with rocks, poterium spinosum, and 
 brambles, toward the little village of Lifta, near to which, 
 in a beautiful olive grove on a terraced hill-side, Bishop 
 Gobat and the Rev. H. Crawford had encamped with their 
 large families. Their tents were picturesquely distributed 
 under the shade of large trees. 
 There was no house on the grounds to serve as a retreat 
 or shelter in the heat of the day, as on the Talibiyeh, but 
 the trees under which Mrs. Gobat's pretty drawing-room or 
 day tent was pitched, served almost as effectually as a pro- 
 tection from the sun. Sofas, cushions, easy chairs, writing 
 tables and work tables, children with their dolls or lesson 
 books, made the place look quite homely, and took away 
 the idea of the transitory nature of tent life. Mrs. Gobat 
 gave me a hearty welcome there, and introduced me to her 
 friends who came from the surrounding tents, and to the 
 children, who left their studies or their play to welcome us. 
 A large party was soon assembled in the tent and on the 
 sofa under the opposite tree. After a luncheon of fruit and 
 bread, olives, and cheese, Mrs. Gobat smoked a narghile, 
 evidently enjoying it, and I date the taste which I acquired 
 for tumbac from the experimental pipe which I smoked 
 with her. Coffee, mulberry sherbet, and bon-bons were 
 handed around by Abyssinian servants in Arab style. Mrs. 
 Gobat's fine, hearty-looking children, and the fair little 
 Crawfords, seemed thoroughly to enjoy tent life. They 
 showed me their swing in the mulberry-tree, and their 
 attempts at architecture with the heaps of stones around. 
 They led me eagerly from tent to tent, the kitchens, pan- 
 tries, and school, and to the neat little bed tents, and then 
 pointed out some of the finest points of view. Neby Sam- 
 uel, the tomb of the "Prophet Samuel," was conspicuous 
 on the summit of a conical hill, rising abruptly in the dis- 
 tance on one hand, and in another direction the wide- 
 spreading valley, with a little village and its surrounding 
 fields, vineyards, and thrashing-floor could be seen. A 
 beautiful white goat followed us wherever we went. It was 
 the goat which Mr. W. Holman Hunt used as his model 
 while finishing his well-known picture — the Scapegoat. 
 Two had died in his service, but this one became quite 
 tame, and would answer to his call; he gave it to these 
 children when his picture was completed. The loud, shrill 
 cry of the cicalas was heard from every olive-tree, and I 
 was assured that at night their noise is loud enough to keep 
 people unaccustomed to it awake. 
 I spent several pleasant days in this retreat on various 
 occasions; such as a social dinner-party at the Bishop's, 
 when he presided at a long table under the trees, or a 
 cheerful tea-party at the Crawfords', in their tents, partly 
 by the light of the moon, and partly by the light of lan- 
 terns hanging in the trees, or round the tent-poles. In 
 these reunions, and at similar entertainments at Mr. Finn's, 
 I made the acquaintance of most of the European mem- 
 bers of the Protestant community of Jerusalem. Some- 
 times we strolled about the grounds in little companies, 
 visiting the vineyards and the bright-green sumach plant- 
 ations below, or the thrashing-floor above, and the few 
 scattered stone and mud hovels, roofed with tree-branches, 
 which were the homes of the peasant guardians of the 
 ground. In one of these little nooks we saw a stone hand- 
 mill and irwo women working it, grinding corn. 
 The Europeans of Jerusalem, especially those who have 
 children, or who have been accustomed to temperate climes, 
 generally encamp thus from June to September, and select 
 a site about a mile or more from the city, so that the gen- 
 tlemen can go into town every day, while the ladies and 
 children rarely do so except on Sunday. This is one of 
 the pleasantest phases in the -life of the European resident 
 in Jerusalem, and it may be justly attributed to Mr. Finn, 
 for he was the first who ventured thus to trust himself and 
 his family in the open country. His little stone house 
 on the Talibiyeh — of which he was the architect, while 
 Jews were its builders — was the first and for a long time 
 the only private #dwelling-house outside the city; whereas 
 now, 1862, buildings of importance and commodious dwell- 
 ing-houses are rapidly rising on the hills round about Je- 
 On Sunday, July 8th, we had a pleasant early ride into 
 town, and the chimes of the church bells welcomed us. 
 Flags were hoisted at all the Consulates. Ladies and 
 children from distant encampments were alighting at the 
 doors of the Anglican church from sleek and gayly-tr^pped 
 donkeys. The congregation consisted of about a hundred 
 Europeans, including children, and about half as many 
 Arabs and Jewish converts. The transepts were occupied 
 by the children of the diocesan schools, all in simple 
 European dress, but it was easy to distinguish the bright, 
 intelligent countenances of the Jewish children — the gentle 
 and amiable-looking little Abyssinians — the long-headed 
 Copts — the precocious and handsome Arabs — and the pretty 
 little Armenians, in spite of their uncharacteristic costumes. 
 The glare and heat were excessive, so I gladly accepted 
 shelter at Mr. Nicolayson's till the cool of the day, and we 
 rode to the Talibiyeh a little before sunset. Crowds of 
 Arabs in holiday costume were strolling on the Medan, 
 a large extent of table-land north-west of the city, where 
 the troops are exercised. It is the favorite promenade of 
 the citizens. 
 The men's dresses were picturesque and various in the 
 extreme, and of every tint and color, from the somber 
 robes of the procession of monks, to the gorgeously-em- 
 broidered jackets of the Turkish officers and employh^ the 
 high-pointed hats and long gabardines of the Jews, the 
 bright sashes and turbans of the Moslem gentleman, and 
 the light-braided suits and red tarbushes of the Christian 
 Arabs. The women, who kept in groups quite apart from 
 the men, sitting under the olive-trees or strolling into the 
 valley below, were all shrouded in sheets, and whether 
 Jewish, Christian, or Moslem, the only variety in their 
 dress depended on the color of the vail or mask, and the 
 form or color of the shoes. Some of the kdies wore Euro- 
 pean shoes, others had socks and pointed slippers of yellow 
 leather. The black slaves wore only red or yellow slip- 
 pers, and thus could be distinguished from their mistresses. 
 A few of the ladies carried gay parasols embroidered with 
 By starlight we wandered to the high ground behind the 
 Talibiyeh. We could see watch-fires on many of the hills 
 around and on the Bethlehem plain, and heard in the still 
 night air echoes of the clear shrill voices of far-off shep- 
 herds, who were "watching their flocks by night," and 
 giving signals perhaps to their fellow-watchers. 
 On Tuesday, 10th, I again rode into town, walked down 
 Christian-street and through the chief bazars, now de- 
 scending a dirty crooked street of stairs, now passing under 
 narrow archways, dark and dusty, and through wide, lofty 
 arcades or bazars, where the butchers' market, the bread, 
 fruit, grain, and leather markets were respectively held. 
 The shopkeepers were crying to the passers-by, " Ho, 
 every one that hath money, let him come and buy !" *' Ho, 
 such a one, come and buy !" But some of them seemed to 
 be more disinterested, and one of the fruiterers, offering 
 me preserves and fruit, said, " O lady, take of our fruit 
 without money and without price ; it is yours, take all that 
 you will," and he would gladly have laden our kawass with 
 the good things of his store, and then have claimed double 
 their value. In a street leading to one of the bazars, a 
 number of peasant women and girls from Bethany and 
 Siloam were selling vegetables and fruit. They did not 
 wear the white shroud of the townspeople. Their dresses 
 were chiefly of indigo-dyed linen, and made like long shirts, 
 girdled with red shawls or sashes. Their heads were cov- 
 ered with colored handkerchiefs or shawls, or white towels, 
 so arranged as partially to conceal their faces, which were 
 very dark and tattooed with blue stars and dots on the fore- 
 head and round the lips. Their dark eyes looked larger 
 and darker on account of the kohl on the eyelids, and the 
 black pigment on the eyebrows. They wore colored glass 
 bracelets — made at Hebron — silver anklets, and some of 
 them had necklaces of coins and silver rings. A very 
 striking-looking young Siloam girl said to me, taking hold 
 of my dress, " Taste of the fruit of our gardens and our 
 vineyards, sister!" My brother, by accident in passing 
 a shrouded yellow-booted figure in the crowded street, 
 slightly disarranged the folds of her izzar, and he said, 
 "Your pardon, Ya Sitti" — my lady! She answered, 
 " Say not, ' Ya Sitti ' to me ; say it rather to the queen of 
 heaven." We met a large number of people afl3.icted with 
 ophthalmy, and partial or entire loss of sight ; but deformed 
 persons are comparatively rare in Palestine. 
 In one of the most bustling bazars we saw a tall, gaunt 
 man gesticulating in the midst of a crowd. He was almost 
 naked, for he wore only a ragged strip of sackcloth round 
 his loins. He carried in one hand a long, stout staff, and 
 in the other a large stone. His vehement exclamations, 
 excited manner, and fiery eyes reminded me of the descrip- 
 tions of the prophets, as well as of the possessed of demons 
 in days of old. His hair was long and wild, and his beard 
 hung to his waist. 
 He cried out in Arabic, " The city shall be made deso- 
 late, fire shall consume it, because of its wickedness," etc. ; 
 and, notwithstanding his violent maledictions, and the 
 weapons he carried, the people around did not interfere 
 with him or molest him. He was evidently mad — or 
 majnUn, as the Arabs say — and my brother told me that 
 he had for years been a tolerated wanderer in the bazars, 
 and wherever he went an idle crowd followed him. He 
 lived on charity. The Orientals invariably treat with kind- 
 ness and consideration those who are thus afflicted, believ- 
 ing them to be under the especial protection of God. It 
 is imagined that they have a greater knowledge of spiritual 
 things in proportion to their want of it concerning things 
 of this life; in fact, in the East, a "madman" and a 
 "prophet" are almost synonymous terms. 
 We entered the quiet, picturesque, but narrow street, in 
 which the Prussian Consul resides. Pointed arches, with 
 groined and fretted roofs, cross it here and there, and fine 
 buttresses support some of the houses, which are built of 
 large, well-hewn, beveled stones, put together with lead 
 instead of mortar. The deep-arched entrances, canopied 
 with dropping fretwork, are good examples of the Moresque 
 style. Low stone divans, or benches, just within the por- 
 tals were occupied by stately-looking armed servants, or 
 black slaves. There are many alabaster tablets and friezes 
 let into the walls, over doors, or under oriel windows, or in 
 arched recesses, on which Arabic inscriptions and mono- 
 grams are elaborately carved in slight relief, and in some 
 cases illuminated in red, blue, and gold. The graceful Ori- 
 ental characters, with their flowing lines, are well adapted 
 for this sort of ornamentation, and are very extensively 
 used in the exterior as well as interior decorations of 
 Moresque buildings. Ancient carved capitals, near to the 
 doorways, served as stepping stones ; and in many places 
 horses were haltered to large perforated blocks, which pro- 
 jected from the walls. 
 We made our way along the Via Dolorosa, pausing, 
 sometimes, while a long line of donkeys, laden with stones 
 or brushwood, jogged by, enveloped in a cloud of dust ; or 
 when a string of unwieldy camels, bearing melons to the 
 market, almost blocked up the way. 
 We met the colonel of the Turkish cavalry, and several 
 officers. They kindly invited me to mount the rude steps 
 leading to a broad and elevated terrace of the Seraglio, or 
 Pasha's Palace. From this central and lofty spot, I first 
 gained a general idea of the city, and the surrounding 
 hills. The building on which I 'stood was partly formed 
 by the north wall of the Haram, or Great Mosque inclos- 
 ure; and thus, looking toward the south, I overlooked its 
 entire area, which is almost equal in extent to one-quarter 
 of the whole city. In its center the well-known Kubbet- 
 es-Sakhara, or " Dome of the Rock," stands. 
 The beautiful cupola, resting on a circular base, crowns 
 a wide-spreading octagonal building, each side of which is 
 ornamented with six lofty arches, and the lower part is 
 faced with bright enameled tiles of many tints. This 
 building is on a large square platform, raised considerably 
 above the other parts of the inclosure, and is approached 
 from six points by broad flights of steps, which lead to 
 light and graceful entrances, divided by three or four elab- 
 orately-carved columns and pointed arches. There are 
 many little praying niches and stone canopies, supported 
 on columns, and alabaster pulpits on the platform, as well 
 as in the grass-grown inclosure below, where the white 
 stone walls and domes are relieved by the dark beauty of 
 the cypress and the silvery shade of olives, and some few 
 shrubs in flower. A beautiful grove of trees leads to the 
 Mosque-el-Aksa, which is in the southern part of the area, 
 where its long and gabled roof, large dome, and Saracenic 
 fagade are conspicuous. Groups of white-turbaned Mos- 
 lems sitting in the tree-shade, solitary devotees at the little 
 shrines or niches, and the slow pacing of Turkish sentries 
 or black slave guardians of the Holy Place, gave some 
 animation to the otherwise picture-like stillness of the scene. 
 The contrast is very great between this bright spot on 
 Mount Moriah and the other part of the city, which is 
 traversed by a valley and covered with irregular masses of 
 white-domed and terraced buildings, relieved here and there 
 by a tree, a church, or a minaret. The extreme southern 
 quarter is the most desolate, and is inhabited by the Jews. 
 The south-west portion is chiefly thronged by Armenians, 
 where their convent stands, white and conspicuous, and 
 marks their quarter distinctly. The north-west quarter — 
 the highest — is more frequented by Franks; and the Church 
 of the Holy Sepulcher, the Latin convent, the Protestant 
 church, and various consulates, proclaim it. The north- 
 east is the Moslem quarter. The patches of open land 
 within the city are, in some places, used as drying-grounds 
 for indigo-dyed linen; while others have become public dust- 
 heaps or dunghills. I could trace the battlemented walls 
 of the city, now following the downward sweep into the 
 valley, and then rising in an irregular line to crown the 
 hights of Zion. 
 After we had lingered there for some time, fascinated 
 by the scenes around, the military governor led us to a 
 divan, where we took coffee and sherbet. He excused 
 himself for not taking refreshments with us, for it was 
 Ramadan, the month in which Moslems fast from sunrise 
 to sunset daily. 
 We then called on several European families — English, 
 German, Greek, and Russian. The vaulted stone chambers 
 in which we were generally received were cool and pleas- 
 ant even at midday, and so furnished as to combine Ori- 
 ental and Western luxuries. In the deep, arched recesses 
 and broad window-seats, soft cushions were arranged and 
 loose muslin drapery floated from the open windows, fanning 
 the air. Glowing Turkey carpets and Egyptian matting 
 covered the stone floors. The newspapers, bookcases, pic- 
 tures, pianos, and little works of art or knickknacks, pro- 
 claimed that Europeans had made homes there; while on 
 the terraces, and under the columned corridors, English 
 flowers appeared among the native oleanders and jasmines, 
 shaded by vine-covered trellises. But in these European- 
 ized houses, European servants are very rare. Almost 
 every-where Abyssinian men-servants are sought in pref- 
 erence to natives, for they are intelligent, attentive, and 
 faithful; and the hardy, but somewhat self-willed, Bethle- 
 hem women are in great request as house-servants, for they 
 are clean and comparatively careful. I perceived that the 
 training and management of a staff of Oriental attendants 
 is one of the chief difficulties that European ladies have 
 to contend with. 
 July 15th was a very sultry day. We all retired early 
 to our tents, fatigued with the heat. About midnight I 
 was aroused by the violent movement of my light tent 
 bedstead, and a loud murmuring noise. My first thought 
 was that an earthquake was disturbing the hills; then I 
 fancied that some wild beast was near; and, lastly, I came 
 to the conclusion — which proved to be the right one — that 
 my tent was in danger of being carried away by a whirl- 
 wind. It had blown open in two places, and its yielding 
 walls beat against the light frame-work of my bedstead. 
 The noise of the flapping canvas, the tightening and 
 straining of the tent ropes, the rustling and snapping of 
 the young trees, and the continuous rocking, kept me 
 awake for a long while. I quite expected to be left 
 shelterless, for I was on the highest part (rf the grounds. 
 On the morning of July 16th there was a general fixing 
 and repairing of tents, and a search for hammers and tent- 
 pegs, for all the canvas dwellings had been more or less 
 disturbed by the wild wind of the preceding night. At 
 sunrise, the air was soft and warm, but clouds were being 
 driven from the north in large masses, burnished by the 
 morning sun. A south-west wind had driven those clouds 
 from Egypt a day or two before, and now, unbroken, they 
 "were chased back again to their source, the mighty Nile. 
 We wandered through the grounds, replanting the uprooted 
 trees, and supporting the fallen ones, for none had escaped 
 Before breakfast, I rode with my brother to the Convent 
 of the Cross, in the lonely valley to which it gives a name. 
 The convent has been lately very thoroughly restored by 
 the Greeks, to whom it now belongs; and an excellent 
 college has been established there for about forty or fifty 
 students. It was formerly the property of the Georgians, 
 and was founded by them in the fifth century, on the very 
 spot where grew the tree which furnished the wood of the 
 cross. This is, at least, the tradition which our monkish 
 attendant gravely told as he led us into the church, a fine 
 building, about seventy feet long, with a groined roof sup- 
 ported by four massive piers. The walls are covered with 
 curious frescoes; and the altar-screen contains a pictorial 
 history of the sacred tree, from the time it was planted by 
 Abraham and Lot, till it was hewn down and formed into 
 a cross. As sculpture is strictly forbidden in the Georgian 
 and Greek churches, all the decorations depend on color; 
 but in some of the pictures there was a compromise, the 
 figures being cut out in thin wood, and mounted on appro- 
 priate backgrounds. The nimbus, in almost every instance, 
 is formed of pure gold, and stones and jewels are intro- 
 duced in the adornment of the dresses. 
 In the center of the church is a large square pavement 
 of mosaic, the finest I met with in Palestine. Quaint birds, 
 curious figures, and Christian symbols are represented, and 
 in the lozenge-shaped spaces left by the intersecting lines 
 of the frame-work of these devices, most beautiful designs 
 are introduced. The tesserae of which this pavement is 
 composed are about three-quarters of an inch square, and 
 are black, white, red, blue, and yellow. We hastened back 
 to breakfast. The blue sky was flecked with fleecy clouds 
 fastly moving, and the mountains round us were checkered 
 with their shadows. One moment a hill was crowned with 
 sunlight, the next it was all in shade. The flocks of goats 
 hrowsing on the hill-sides, and peasant women making their 
 way to the city, laden with vegetables, bowls of milk, and 
 baskets of fowls, animated the landscape. L. and the 
 children returned with me to the convent, where I spent 
 the whole day, drawing delightedly some of the curious 
 mosaic pictures. (I will refer those who take an interest 
 in early Christian art to No. 878 of the Builder, published 
 December 3, 1859, in which some examples of these are 
 given from my sketch-book.) Considering that these 
 buildings were deserted and left in ruins for two or three 
 centuries, it is surprising that so much of the ancient work 
 remains in good preservation. We were led to a cavern 
 under the altar, and the identical spot where the sacred 
 tree grew was pointed out to us in a damp and dark recess. 
 We saw some workmen destroying an ancient Georgian 
 MS. They were using the parchment to make bags for 
 their dry powdered colors, and willingly gave me a few 
 sheets. The garden terrace of the convent is roofed with 
 trellis-work covered with vines, and the rich fruit hung 
 above us in heavy clusters. We strolled home on foot, 
 gathering bright- blue borage, wild pinks, and geraniums. 
 A red, cloudy sunset was followed by a calm moonlight 
 night, only disturbed by prowling jackals, noisy hyenas, 
 and wild dogs without, and buzzing musketoes within. In 
 the morning 1 found the tent curtains saturated with dew, 
 and the garments which had been hanging there during the 
 night were too damp to be put on with safety. 
 In the mean time all my leisure hours were spent in 
 studying Arabic. The little ones at the Talibiyeh were 
 never tired of adding to my vocabulary, which I prac- 
 tically applied whenever an opportunity arose, such as 
 during the visits of Arab guests or work-people, and in 
 my daily intercourse with the native attendants, whose 
 voices rapidly grew familiar to me. Some of the elder 
 women-servants were very demonstrative and affectionate, 
 and often when I uttered a request, or gave directions 
 in some newly-acquired words, they would reward me, (?) 
 or testify their delight by clasping me in their arms and 
 kissing me. I had been accustomed to hear Arabic spoken 
 for a year or more, so the sounds were not strange to me. 
 On the 17th of July, after a quiet day of study, I 
 started with my brother for Beit Lahm — that is, Beth- 
 lehem — the sun was going down, and purple shadows were 
 swiftly rising in the eastern sky. We made our way over 
 a rocky, pathless slope, and a few fields of sesame, till we 
 reached the broad level road which traverses the fertile 
 plain of Rephaim, where the Philistines were routed by 
 David. This road is about a mile in length, and is the 
 only place remaining in the neighborhood of Jerusalem fit 
 for a carriage drive, though in many spots traces may be 
 seen of ancient roads, telling of the time when " King 
 Solomon had four thousand stalls for horsemen and chariots, 
 and twelve thousand horsemen, which he bestowed in the 
 chariot cities and at Jerusalem." 
 We passed over the plain quickly, the kawass galloping 
 before us, and soon came to a spot where no carriage could 
 have served us. Our horses stumbled over smooth slabs 
 of rock and loose stones as we rose on to the rounded and 
 terraced hill on which stands the Convent of Mar Elias, 
 or Elijah, a massive building of gray masonry, in the midst 
 of olive groves and flourishing plantations. A moon of 
 three days old and her attendant star shone in the clear 
 blue sky, just above the silvered tree-tops. We paused on 
 the hill to rest our panting horses, and to look around us. 
 Southward we could see the picturesque town of Bethlehem, 
 white and gleaming. Between the hills to the east we 
 caught glimpses of the Dead Sea, and the Moab mountains 
 beyond. Turning to the north we saw, brightened by the 
 moonlight, the southern wall of Jerusalem, and the build- 
 ings on the brow of Mount Zion; and on the west an olive 
 grove bounded the view. The kawass brought me some 
 water, in a curious little two-handled cup of red pottery, 
 from the stone reservoir provided for travelers by the good 
 monks of Mar Elias. 
 We then descended abruptly into a valley by a declivity 
 which would have terrified me a week or two before; but I 
 had become accustomed to rough riding on the rude hills 
 round about Jerusalem. We reascended, and swept round 
 hill-sides covered with well-kept terraces of fig and olive- 
 trees. The rude parapets supporting the rich earth were 
 garnished with hanging creepers and luxuriant foliage, 
 which threw dark but delicate shadows on the white lime- 
 stone. Here and there we saw rows of quaint-looking 
 ravens, perched on the rock ledges tier above tier; some 
 of them silent and motionless, others nodding their heads 
 together as if in consultation. A pleasant bridle-path, 
 half-way up the western boundary of a broad valley, led 
 us toward the white walls and flat-roofed houses of Beth- 
 lehem. We passed under a pointed archway, and between 
 low, scattered buildings, till we entered a high-walled, 
 gloomy street. Looking down on our left, we caught 
 glimpses through the open doors of family groups, in 
 lamp-lit rooms, built a few steps below the level of the 
 road. Cheerful-looking women and children and stern- 
 browed men strained their eyes, looking out of the light 
 into the darkness, to try to see us as we passed — the clat- 
 tering of our horses' feet over the stones having broken 
 the stillness of the place. We came again to an open 
 terrace, and could see the hill-side above and below dotted 
 with houses, on the flat roofs of which many families were 
 already sleeping. From the unglazed windows flickering 
 lights were shining. Clusters of trees grow here and 
 there throughout the town. The Church of the Nativity, 
 surrounded by convent buildings, rises like some baronial 
 castle, gloomily and grandly, on the steepest side of the 
 We passed under a deep arched way, which led us into 
 the Convent Court, where we alighted, and were kindly 
 welcomed by the Latin recluses, who were expecting us. 
 The Spanish Consul of Jerusalem and his wife were there; 
 with them and the Superior, and a few well-educated 
 Spanish and Italian monks, we passed the evening pleas- 
 antly in the divaned reception-room. After an excellent 
 supper we were shown to our several apartments. The 
 Superior led me to a large, vaulted, gloomy chamber, in 
 which I felt quite lost, when the heavy door closed upon 
 me and I was alone. There were eight closely-curtained 
 iron bedsteads in the room, and I peeped rather timidly 
 into every one. A small lamp of red clay, like a deep 
 saucer, with a lip on one side shaped to support the 
 lighted wick, stood in a little niche; but its feeble red 
 glow was almost lost in a stream of moonlight which fell 
 from the grated, unglazed window above the door, glancing 
 on the walls and the white curtains, and throwing a patch 
 of checkered light on the stone floor. I was a martyr to 
 musketoes that night, and as soon as daylight appeared 
 through the grated window I rose, and wandered about 
 the corridors, meeting the monks on their way to morning 
 prayer, and witnessing the distribution of bread to the 
 poor convent pensioners who crowded to the gates. The 
 women carried away their ' provisions in the corners of their 
 linen vails, but the men and boys put their loaves of bread 
 in the bosom of their open shirts, their girdles supporting 
 the burden. 
 On meeting my brother we went, guided by one of the 
 Latin monks, to the Church of the Nativity, built by 
 the Empress Helena, in A. D. 327. It is said to be the 
 oldest monument of Christian architecture in the world. 
 The shafts of the forty columns which support the fine 
 architrave and decaying roof are each of a single piece 
 of marble, more than two feet in diameter, about six- 
 teen feet in hight, and surmounted by elaborately-carved 
 capitals. These may have formed a part of some more 
 ancient building. It has been suggested that they were 
 brought from the ruins of the Temple at Jerusalem. The 
 upper part of these columns are frescoed with Greek and 
 Byzantine figures of saints and martyrs, while lower down 
 are some curious sketches and monograms, by crusaders 
 perhaps, or pilgrims of the Middle Ages. Above the 
 columns and on the walls there are remains of ancient 
 mosaic pictures of glass, and stone, and metal. I could 
 make out groups of figures, views of cities, strange devices, 
 and ornamental borders. They had been recently discov- 
 ered under plaster-work, and were being ruthlessly scraped 
 away, when an English traveler put a stop to the destruc- 
 tion by pointing out to the Superior the value and interest 
 of these relics. 
 Here the Greeks, Latins, and Armenians have their 
 several shrines and services, and they sometimes have 
 very fierce conflicts about them. We went down into the 
 Grotto of the Nativity, so well known through dioramic 
 and other pictures, with its silver lamps, its fumes of in- 
 cense, silken tapestries, and gilded saints. On the floor in 
 front of the altar a star marks the spot said by tradition 
 to show the very place where Christ was born; but I was 
 not moved with mysterious awe; it was not here that I 
 realized the scene in the manger; and surrounded as I was 
 by priests, in their gorgeous robes, and pictures, and 
 treasures, from France, Italy, Spain, and Greece, I could 
 scarcely even believe that I was in Bethlehem. 
 We visited the convent schools. In one room fourteen 
 handsome, intelligent-looking Bethlehem boys were learning 
 Italian. They showed us their exercises and translations, 
 and sang a Latin hymn to the Virgin, giving a peculiarly 
 Oriental twang to the last sounds of every line. Another 
 school-room which we entered was crowded with younger 
 boys, learning to read and write Arabic; but they were 
 dirty, disorderly, and noisy, and we did not linger there. 
 After taking breakfast with the Latin Superior — who re- 
 lated to us stories of recent miracles wrought in the sacred 
 grotto, with earnestness and simplicity, as if he thoroughly 
 believed what he said, and wished us to benefit by it — we 
 hastened away, and walked through the steep streets and 
 passages, and among the scattered buildings of the town. 
 It is almost entirely peopled by Christian Arabs, of the 
 Latin, Greek, and Armenian Churches, and they number 
 altogether about three thousand two hundred.* They 
 cultivate their fields and terraced gardens with care, and 
 send large supplies of vegetables and fruit to Jerusalem 
 every day; but one of the principal occupations of the 
 Bethlehemites is the carving of various articles in mother- 
 of-pearl and olive-wood. 
 We inquired for a young man, an orphan, whom my 
 brother knew to be one of the most skillful carvers in the 
 town. The neighbors who guided us to his door said : 
 * There was formerly a considerable Mohammedan quarter in Bethlehem ; but 
 after the insurrection of the people in 1834 it was entirely destroyed. The house- 
 less Moslems fled and distributed themselves over the neighboring country, some 
 settled in Moslem villages, and others enlisted. A few took to tent life, and have 
 ever since wandered about like the Bedouins, except that they retain their custom 
 of observing religious forms and ceremonies, fasts and feasts, more strictly than 
 nomadic tribes usually do. During the month of Bamadan, they select a spot for 
 their encampment within sight of Jerusalem, that they may see the flash of the 
 gun fired from the citadel at sunset, to announce the moment when Moslems may 
 break their fast. 
 Some of these scattered Moslems, however, are by degrees returning, to settle 
 in Bethlehem. 
 " Be glad, and enter in with joy, for this is to-day a house 
 of rejoicing." We found the carver at his work, seated on 
 the floor. He rose up with evident delight to receive my 
 brother, who had formerly protected him, and helped to 
 establish him in business. He said, " Welcome, my 
 master! thank God that he has led you back to this land, 
 to see the fruit of your goodness, the work of your hand. 
 You have built up my house, you have made me to rejoice, 
 you have given me a son !" My brother replied, laugh- 
 ingly, "You speak in riddles darkly, make your words 
 plain, O my friend." The carveiv took up a handful of 
 tools, saying : " my protector, you gave me these tools-^ 
 these tools brought me gold — the gold brought me a wife, 
 and my wife brought me a son, on the night of the new 
 moon !" 
 He had once been in my brother's service, and during 
 that time showed decided taste for carving, which my 
 brother encouraged by giving him a little instruction in the 
 art, and some English tools. 
 Round the room, and hanging on the white-washed walls, 
 were a liumber of small inlaid mother-of-pearl table-tops, 
 about half a yard square, intended for the stands or stools 
 on which coffee and preserves are placed in Oriental estab- 
 lishments. Carved rosaries, crucifixes, cups, and crosses, 
 of olive-wood, decorated the place. The carver showed us, 
 with especial pride, some large flat shells, on which he had 
 sculptured pictures of sacred subjects and holy places ; and 
 some beads carved in bitumen, from the shores of the Dead 
 Sea. During the past Easter he had reaped a goodly har- 
 vest, for the pilgrims eagerly buy these objects, and, when 
 they are blessed by the priests, preserve them as relics. 
 The English travelers, too, had bought a great number of 
 paper knives, bracelets, and brooches, made at my brother's 
 suggestion — the original sketches for which the carver had 
 preserved with loving care, and with new expressions of 
 gratitude he showed them to me, saying, "Peace be on his 
 hands." While speaking, he was especially bright and 
 intelligent-looking. His long dark-blue and red-striped coat, 
 his crimson girdle, and red and yellow shawl head-dress, 
 twisted into turban-form, became him well. He invited me 
 to see his wife and child. I delightedly rose and followed 
 him across a little square court-yard, partly sheltered by 
 matting, supported by planks and tree branches, and partly 
 by a vine, which traveled over a rude trellis-work. In one 
 corner of this court were a large number of oyster-shells 
 from the Red Sea, some of them a quarter of a yard in 
 diameter; lumps of bitumen, from the wilderness of 'Ain 
 Jidy; and pieces of rock, from Jerusalem, of red and 
 yellow tints. The carver pointed these out to me as his 
 stock of raw material. A pile of fine melons, and a row 
 of water jars, stood on one side, while a bleating sound 
 drew my attention to the other, where a fatted lamb stood 
 munching mulberry-leaves. Into this central court the 
 four rooms of the house opened ; but, as it is built on a 
 hill-side, the shop floor is a step or two below the level of 
 the court, while the room opposite to it is raised consider- 
 ably. We mounted a few steps, and my host left me at 
 the open door of this upper chamber, within which, seated 
 on a mat, was a pretty-looking woman, with a round, child- 
 ish, cheerful face. Perfectly unembarrassed by my unex- 
 pected appearance she rose, and, after placing her hand on 
 her breast, and then carrying it to her forehead, she said, 
 " Be welcome, and be pleased to rest here." This was the 
 carver's wife. An elder woman, whom I afterward found 
 to be her mother, placed some pillows for me on a small 
 carpet, and then took a little swaddled figure from a cur- 
 tained rocking-cradle of red painted wood. She placed it 
 on the skirts of my dress, saying, " Behold the gift of 
 God!" I took the little creature in my arms. His body 
 was stiff and unyielding, so tightly was it swathed with 
 white and purple linen. His hands and feet were quite 
 confined, and his head was bound with a small soft red 
 shawl, which passed under his chin and across his forehead 
 in small folds; to this a moldering relic of St. Joseph, in 
 a crystal case, was attached. His motlier wore a long blue 
 linen shirt, rather scanty, and opening in front to the waist, 
 a straight short pelisse or jacket, of crimson and white 
 striped silk, and a shawl girdle. A long thick white linen 
 vail hung over her head and shoulders, and partly con- 
 cealed her stiff tarbush or cap, which was ornamented with 
 a row of small gold coins, and a few bunches of everlasting 
 flowers. The elder woman wore a heavy shirt or smock 
 of blue linen, the wide hanging open sleeves of which ex- 
 posed a tattooed and braceleted arm. Her long white linen 
 vail fell from her head over her shoulders, in graceful folds 
 to her feet, which were naked. In such a vail as this 
 Kuth, the young Moabitish widow, who three thousand 
 years ago gleaned in the fertile fields of the broad valley 
 below, may have carried away the six measures of barley, 
 which her kinsman, Boaz, the then mighty man of wealth 
 of Bethlehem-Judah, had graciously given to her, saying, 
 " Bring the vail that thou hast upon thee, and hold it ; and 
 when she held it, he measured six measures of barley, and 
 laid it on her, and she went into the city." Ruth iii, 15. 
 I asked the young mother her name ; she answered, 
 "Miriam is my name;" but her mother said, "Not so, she 
 is no longer Miriam, but ' Um Yousef ' [mother of Joseph,] 
 for a son is born unto her, whose name is Joseph." 
 It is the universal custom in the East, for a mother to 
 take the name of her first-born son, with the prefix of 
 " Cm" — mother — such as Urti Blias, mother of Elias; or 
 Um UUa, mother of Eli, whence perhaps came such names 
 as Fmm2L, Umilj, and Amelia. On the same principle the 
 father's name is changed as soon as he has a son, whose 
 name he adopts, with the prefix of "^6w" — father. It is 
 a source of great distress and disappointment to parents if 
 they are, for want of a son, obliged to retain their re- 
 spective names. 
 The little mummy-like figure in my arms began to show 
 signs of life, by uttering a feeble sound, in the universal 
 language of babyhood. The mother took it from me, and 
 before holding it to her bosom she reverently kissed a small 
 silken bag, embroidered with gold, and then pressed it to 
 her forehead. In answer to my look of inquiry, she ex- 
 plained, partly by words, and partly by signs, that the little 
 bag, which hung from her neck, contained a piece of 
 crumbling white stone, from a grotto near to Bethlehem, 
 sanctified by the milk of the Blessed Virgin, which once 
 overflowed there, and mothers eagerly procure it, to place 
 in their bosoms as a charm. 
 The room in which we sat was very simply furnished. 
 It was nearly square. The floor was of stone, and the 
 walls were whitewashed. On a broad, high shelf running 
 round three sides of it, many articles of native crockery 
 and earthenware, drinking cups, jars, lamps, and metal 
 dishes, were ranged. A mat of reeds, a carpet about as 
 large as a hearth-rug, and several pillows or cushions were 
 on the floor. A large red box, with brass hinges and 
 ornaments, served as the wardrobe of the family. The red 
 cradle, a large metal basin and ewer, and a few small coff"ee- 
 cups, on a low stool or stand, of inlaid mother-of-pearl and 
 dark wood, garnished the room. In a deep, arched recess, 
 opposite to the door, a number of mattresses and wadded 
 quilts were neatly piled up. In genuine Arab houses no 
 bedsteads are used, and consequently no rooms are set apart 
 expressly for bedrooms. Mattresses are spread any where, 
 in the various rooms and courts, or on the terraces, accord- 
 ing to the season, or to the convenience of the moment; 
 and the beds and bedding are rolled up and put away dur- 
 ing the day, in recesses made for them. Thus, with a 
 pretty good stock of mattresses and lehaffs, a large number 
 of guests may be entertained any night, at a moment's 
 notice. The room was well ventilated by two large square 
 openings, near the ceiling, opposite to each other, one being 
 just over the door, and the other over the recess for the 
 mattresses.* I took a cup of cofi'ee and some sugar-plums, 
 * This sort of bed could easily have been carried away by the sick man of Caper- 
 naum, to whom Christ said— fts recorded in tho second chapter of Mark — " Arise, 
 and then said, " Good-bye," or rather, " God be with you," 
 to Miriam. The elder woman led me back across the 
 court, pointing to a kitchen on one side, and to the well- 
 filled store-room on the other. She drew her long white 
 vail across the lower part of her face, as we entered the 
 workshop. She kissed my brother's hands, and then served 
 us with coffee and preserves. Our servants now arrived 
 with the horses, and we left the workshop of the Bethlehem 
 carver. His parting words, " The peace of God be with 
 you, my protector;" and the answer which my brother 
 gave, " God's blessing be upon you and upon your house," 
 reminded me of the salutations exchanged by Boaz and 
 the reapers, long ago, in one of the fields at the foot of the 
 hill we were descending, where we could see oxen treading 
 out the corn on the numerous thrashing-floors. 
 "We approached the particular spot which local tradition 
 connects with the names of Ruth and Boaz; but it was 
 enough for me that they had met somewhere in that broad 
 and fertile valley, and that the town of Bethlehem, though 
 changed, was the very town in which Ruth rejoiced over 
 her first-born son ; where the sorrows of Naomi were turned 
 into joy, and "the women, her neighbors, rejoiced with 
 her." We stood in the midst of little groups of men, 
 women, and children. Some were attending to the mules 
 and take up thy bed and go thy way into thine house ;" and if the houses of 
 Capernaum were built like most of the houses of the present day in the towns of 
 Palestine, the uncovering of the roof referred to in the fourth verse of the same 
 chapter, admits of an easy explanation. The inner court of the house is usually 
 more spacious than any of the surrounding rooms, and often there are platforms 
 or benches of stone on each side, spread with carpets and cushions, used as divans 
 during the day and as sleeping places at night. To such a court Christ may have 
 retreated when the crowd increased. We may imagine him there, with the won- 
 dering people round him, and the crafty and scornful scribes seated near on tho 
 divan— all sheltered from the hot sun by some kind of matting or canvas, sup- 
 ported on a trellis-work of tree-branches and planks, more or less secure. When 
 the sick man was carried by his friends to the house where Christ was preaching, 
 " they could not come nigh to him for the press," so they very naturally went on 
 to the terrace or house-top, and " uncovered the roof" of the court, that is, they 
 removed the matting which sheltered it, and then they " broke up " the trellis- 
 work and let down the bed whereon the sick of the palsy lay. If an ordinary 
 house-top had been broken up, the wooden beams, and the masses of earth and 
 stone of which it is composed, would in falling have endangered the lives of those 
 and oxen on the tKrashing-floor ; others were gleaning and 
 weeding in the neighboring fields ; and the noisiest and 
 most active were busy loading some kneeling camels with 
 sacks of grain. Assisted by the contemplation of this busy 
 scene, and the remembrance of the incidents of the morn- 
 ing, I could fully realize the beautiful story of Ruth. We 
 crossed a field of Indian corn, to pause for a moment under 
 the shade of the clump of trees, said to mark the spot 
 where the shepherds were keeping watch over their flocks 
 by night, when the " good tidings " were proclaimed. The 
 place is now called the " Shepherds' Garden," and is in the 
 keeping of the monks of Bethlehem. We rose on to the 
 hill-side again, and peeped into the Milk Grotto, in which 
 tradition says that Mary rested on the eve of her flight 
 into Egypt. It is a cave in a very white limestone rock, 
 and has been undergoing excavation for centuries, on 
 account of the before-mentioned supposed virtue of the 
 stone. Fragments of it are treasured in all parts of Syria, 
 and in many countries of Europe. I have often seen it 
 used successfully. It seems to me, that the mere fact of 
 not being provided with this relic will, in nervous subjects, 
 occasion a deficiency of milk, and in such cases herbs and 
 other medicines, wise women and doctors, are resorted to 
 in vain ; but whenever a portion of this crumbling stone can 
 be procured, through the hands of a priest, tranquillity is 
 restored, and favorable results follow. In this way many 
 so-called miracles may be accounted for. 
 We rode on southward toward Urtas, passing over ter- 
 raced hills, where the vines, and olives, and fig-trees grew 
 luxuriantly, and little white stone watch-towers peered out 
 here and there, in commanding positions, from the midst 
 of the thick foliage. Near to the winding bridle-path we 
 saw now and then a cottage or hut made of rough, unhewn 
 stones, and roofed with tree-branches, standing in a garden 
 of cucumbers, or tomatoes, or a choice vineyard. One 
 cf these rude dwellings was being clumsily repaired by a 
 group of boys, who had been gathering stones and sticks 
 for the purpose, and were shouting merrily over tlieir work. 
 From another of these little huts there came forth, as if by 
 magic — for it did not look capable of containing them — 
 five young Bethlehem girls. Three of them were very 
 pretty, brilliant brunettes — the others rather fair. All 
 looked strong and hearty, with rich color and large clear 
 eyes. They advanced, half-shyly, half-daringly, to peep at 
 us as we passed. Their simply-made, loose purple linen 
 dresses, girdled below the waist negligently; their long 
 wide sleeves, revealing bronzed and braceleted arms; their 
 coarse white linen vails thrown back from their foreheads 
 and hanging over their shoulders; and their naked feet, 
 were in perfect harmony with the pastoral scenes around. 
 I was very thirsty, so I called to one of them, saying, 
 "Water me with water, my sister!" Immediately a red 
 and black two-handled porous earthenware vase of antique 
 form was handed to me, and when I had drank of the cool, 
 tasteless water it contained the girls around said, " May 
 God make it refreshing to you, lady!" And, prompted 
 by my brother, I gave the customary answer, " God pre- 
 serve you!" We inquired whence came the delicious water, 
 and they answered, "From the well over against the town." 
 So perhaps we had tasted of the very water which David 
 sighed for when he said, "0, that one would give me of 
 the water of the well at Bethlehem, that is at the gate!" 
 We gave the girls a backshish, and they gave us their 
 blessings as we rode away. 
 The men and boys whom we met, or saw working in 
 the orchards above or the plains below, wore nothing but 
 short coarse white shirts, girdled with broad red leather 
 belts, ornamented with stitching and embroidery. Their 
 heads were protected and adorned with bright-red and 
 yellow-striped shawls, tastefully bound round their tasseled 
 tarbushes, the crowns of which were bleached by the sun. 
 A few of them wore red, pointed, clumsy-looking, but pic- 
 turesque boots. Nature, however, provides admirably for 
 the shoeless and furnishes a hardy and ever-growing horny 
 case, which is insensible to the sharpness of stones and 
 thorns, and to the roughness of the stubble-field. 
 In the valley below we saw broad fields of green millet 
 and broom-corn — a strong grass about five or six feet in 
 hight, of which brooms are made — but all the wheat and 
 barley had been cut, and mules and oxen were busy on the 
 On the eastern side of this valley the hills were uncul- 
 I tivated, and on the neglected terraces wild fig-trees, ever- 
 green oaks, and thorns grew. In the breaks between these 
 hills we had occasional glimpses of the Dead Sea, calm, 
 and blue, and bright in the sunshine, and the long range 
 of Moab beyond; its channeled and furrowed hills bounded 
 the view, and met the sky in an almost level line. 
 The sun was very powerful, for it was the fifth hour, 
 between ten and eleven o'clock. We protected our heads 
 from sunstroke by winding round our hats long strips of 
 muslin, after the fashion of turbans, which are the most 
 suitable head-dresses for hot countries. 
 We left all traces of cultivated land presently, and came 
 to hills which were clothed with thorns and thistles, wild 
 thyme and sage, except where the scanty soil had been 
 washed away from the grayish-blue slab-like rocks. 
 As we descended into the valley of Urtas by a pathless 
 steep, we paused to watch a long line of camels, and a 
 considerable body of Bedouins, who were entering it from 
 a narrow wady just opposite. They were preceded by three 
 sturdy-looking men mounted on horses, and carrying spears 
 about twelve feet long, garnished with tufts of ostrich 
 They were evidently on their way to seek some favorable 
 site for a Summer encampment, for they were accompanied 
 by a large number of women and children, who rode in 
 clumsy cradles or panniers on the foremost camels, while 
 the rest were laden with black hair tents and bundles of 
 tent-poles, cooking utensils, water jars, mats, and sacks 
 of provisions. Goats, sheep, and a few donkeys brought 
 up the rear, pausing only to drink at the little shallow 
 pools of water which rested in natural and stony basins in 
 the middle of the valley, bordered with fresh green grass 
 and flowers. The tinkling of the camel bells, and the 
 wild, plaintive, monotonous song of the women, rang in 
 our ears long after the primitive procession had passed 
 out of our sight. No doubt those wanderers pitched their 
 tents and made themselves at home by sunset, near to some 
 stream or fountain of sweet water. Their dusky dwellings 
 up they quickly rear, and build a village in an hour's 
 When we reached the bottom of the valley, and had 
 passed a bold, projecting, and caverned rock which causes 
 an abrupt turn in its course, I was startled with delight 
 and surprise at the picture before us — the loveliest I had 
 seen in the East. 
 No wonder that Biblical topographists agree in calling 
 Urtas the site of the gardens of Solomon, and no wonder 
 if Solomon selected this valley for his especial retreat, and 
 made this part of it his pleasure-ground. It may have 
 been more magnificent in his time, when the now fallen 
 and shattered columns supported stately buildings, and the 
 terraces were paved with the now scattered tesseras; but it 
 could not have been more beautiful and refreshing even in 
 those golden days; for here the pomegranates still yield 
 their pleasant fruit; the vine flourishes; the fig-trees put 
 forth their green figs around the fountain of gardens — 
 the well of living water. Vegetable marrows, cucumbers, 
 melons, and tomatoes carpet the bed of the valley with 
 their broad leaves and glossy fruits, and fields of lentils, 
 beans, potatoes, millet, and patches of golden maize, blos- 
 soming tobacco and sesame in excellent order, proclaim the 
 agricultural skill of the successor of Solomon. Higher up 
 in the valley is a splendid orchard, where peach, apple, pear, 
 and plum-trees flourish side by side with the more common 
 fruits of the country, watered by sparkling streams which 
 intersect the gardens and orchards like silver threads. 
 We followed a narrow bridle-path, raised a little above 
 the bed of the valley. This led us to a solitary stone 
 house, built up against the abruptly-rising hill on the 
 right. Here we dismounted, and were kindly welcomed 
 by its occupants — Mr. Meshullam and his family — the 
 present cultivators and shareholders of this favorite spot. 
 They are of Jewish birth, but have become Christians, 
 and are under British protection. We rested under an 
 immense fig-tree, on a divan of rocks and stones, built 
 round its massive trunk, and covered with carpets and 
 cushions. Opposite to us was a wide arched portal or 
 lewan, the approach to the house. A wooden locker, and 
 two stone benches or raised seats, covered with mats, occu- 
 pied its three sides. It is used as a Summer sitting-room. 
 Above the rude door leading to the inner rooms were a 
 number of badger-skins hanging to dry, and some foxes' 
 tails, and tusks of wild boars — trophies of the courage and 
 skill of the young Meshullams. Bunches of Indian corn, 
 and some large dried gourds of a golden tint and cup-like 
 form, were suspended from the arched roof, with a few 
 captured birds in cages, and a large lantern. 
 The room within was just as simple. We dined there 
 with Mr. Meshullam and his family, and Mr. Henry Went- 
 worth Monk, who for two years had lived there, almost a 
 hermit's life, his only constant companion a Greek Testa- 
 ment, and his chief intercourse with the world the Times 
 newspaper. He spent nearly all his time in the open air, 
 entering the house only to sleep and to eat. His lifelike 
 portrait, by Holman Hunt, appeared in the Royal Academy 
 Exhibition in 1860. 
 Our hostess, Mrs. Meshullam, an Italian Jewess, told me 
 she could only give us an Italian peasant's dinner, as she 
 had not expected us that day; but the savory soup of 
 lentils and other vegetables, the dishes of fried beans, the 
 potato fritters, omelettes, and fruit, needed no apology. 
 After dinner, Mr. Meshullam's sons kindly led us up the 
 rocky hill-side to the ruins of Urtas. Scattered blocks of 
 stone, fallen columns, foundations of houses, and broken 
 walls alone remain. A few wild Arabs of the T^amari 
 tribe haunt these ruins and the caverns in the limestone 
 hills which rise behind them, attracted by the spring which 
 gushes impetuously from a rock overgrown with mosses 
 and ferns, and overshadowed with fine trees. The water 
 falls in a large body, splashing and bubbling, into a square 
 reservoir, where a group of little Bedouins stood enjoying 
 shower-baths. A few men were bathing their feet and 
 washing their hands, in preparation for prayer. 
 From this basin the water escapes into a lower and 
 large reservoir, where a number of Urtas women and girls 
 were washing their white and purple linen shirts, and their 
 tattered vails, in primitive style, folding them, and placing 
 them on smooth slabs, just under the surface of the water 
 at the margin of the pool, and then beating them with flat 
 stones, which they held in their hands. Little naked, 
 bronzed children were luxuriating there, and wriggling 
 about like tadpoles. The girls called to me to come down 
 into the reservoir, to bathe my feet. The rough stone 
 walls inclosing these pools were tapestried with ferns, 
 cresses, delicate creepers, and liverwort. 
 We followed the course of the stream, and, with it, 
 descended into the valley between the low stone walls 
 which inclose the plantations of olive, fig-trees, lemons, 
 and pomegranates. We had to make our way cautiously, 
 now on one side, and then on the other, of the rocky bed 
 of the swiftly-flowing stream. 
 The pleasant sound of the rushing waters — the songs of 
 the goldfinches — the sight of the blossoming and fruitful 
 trees in the garden below, inclosed by steep hills, covered 
 with aromatic herbs — the breezy air, laden with the helio- 
 trope-like scent of the fig-trees, and tasting of the wild 
 flowers and herbs around — delighted us. King Solomon 
 could scarcely have enjoyed such scenes more completely, 
 when he, long ago, went into the garden and invited his 
 beloved to come and eat the pleasant fruits. "Awake, O 
 north wind! and come, thou south! blow upon my garden, 
 that the spices thereof may flow out." 
 The stream led us to the bottom of the valley, and then 
 took its way rather more gently in a narrow bed, bordered 
 with grass and brook-lime speedwell, close to the hill- 
 side, which was festooned with masses of maiden-hair and 
 mosses of the most vivid green. We walked on a raised 
 stone path, or viaduct, across the gardens, and passed 
 through a field of tall broom-corn, every stem of which 
 was crowned with a plumy tuft, and wreathed with con- 
 volvulus, pink and white. We saw a number of gardeners 
 at work, in the employ of Mr. Meshullam. He has a shop 
 in Jerusalem, exclusively for the sale of the fruit and 
 vegetables from this spot. He has introduced many fruit- 
 trees and vegetables which had never before been cultivated 
 in the East; and they thrive well, especially the seeds and 
 slips from America. Were it not for the vigorous protec- 
 tion afforded to him by Mr. Finn, however, he could not 
 resist the encroachments of the Arab tribes in the district, 
 and the fruitful valley would soon be a desert. 
 After taking leave of the Meshullams, we rode up the 
 valley to see the three great pools, one above the other, 
 which collect the springs of the neighborhood. The 
 largest and lowest is 582 feet long, and 50 feet deep; the 
 next is 423 feet long, and 39 feet deep ; the upper one is 
 380 feet long, and 25 feet deep. Clear blue water half 
 filled these tanks — a precious reserve for the dry season. 
 The bottom of the upper pool is higher than the top of the 
 next, and so with the second and third. They are partly 
 formed of excavations in the rock, and partly of immense 
 hewn stones. These are called Solomon's Pools; and he 
 perhaps thought of them, and of his gardens at Urtas, 
 when he said, "I made me gardens and orchards, and 
 I planted trees in them of all kinds of fruits ; I made 
 me pools of water, to water therewith the wood that 
 bringeth forth trees." No doubt the fountain and streams 
 which supply these pools found their way down the valley 
 of Urtas to th^Dead Sea, and wasted their sweet waters in 
 the bitter lake, till a Solomon's hand restrained them, and 
 led them into these great reservoirs, and built the famous 
 duct round hill-sides, over plains, and across valleys, to 
 convey the water to the Temple on Mount Moriah. Even 
 now the fountain opposite to the Mosque-el-Aksa is thus 
 supplied. Sometimes, it is true, the supply is scanty there, 
 owing to the careless keeping of the aqueduct; for men 
 water their horses at the various openings, and otherwise 
 waste the water, before it can reach the city. Every new 
 Pasha does his best to enforce strong measures to prevent 
 this abuse, but generally gives up the attempt after a short 
 We rode homeward, following, as nearly as we could, the 
 course of the aqueduct. At every opening we saw the 
 running water framed in a mass of delicate maiden-hair 
 and moss; at several of these places women were, contrary 
 to the law, washing their clothes, and filling their water- 
 jars. It strikes me, that there may have been a chariot- 
 road by the side of this aqueduct, in ancient times, and it 
 may have served as a sort of coping or parapet to it. No 
 chariot-road is to be found there now, and in some places 
 the path is difficult even for a mule ; yet, when we consider 
 what damage the torrents of one Winter will effect, we may 
 wonder that the torrents of centuries have not proved even 
 more destructive than they have. 
 Roads in this land must have required peculiar attention 
 and care. In the Talmud it is said that, before the going 
 up of the tribes, three times a year, to Jerusalem, the 
 roads leading to it were prepared. " Prepare the way of 
 the people ; cast up the highway, gather out the stones, 
 take up the stumbling-block out of the way of my people." 
 I can imagine the kind of preparation required in obedience 
 to this command ; how the rocks, and stones, and debris of 
 the hills, washed down by the Winter rains, were cleared 
 away ; how the fallen tree-trunks were gathered up and 
 supported j and the broken edges of the road and the holes 
 formed by the bursting of springs were blocked up ; and I 
 see, in fancy, the chariot-roads winding round terraced 
 hills, and through vineyards, pleasant gardens, and pasture- 
 land in the plains, as they did in the days when such kings 
 as Solomon the magnificent ruled, or when Uzziah the lover 
 of husbandry reigned. (See 2 Chron. xxvi, 10, 11.) 
 The sun had gone down in red, and gold, and purple 
 splendor when we quitted the tortuous course of the aque- 
 duct. We lost the cheerful sound of the running stream, 
 whose waters were flowing freely toward Jerusalem ; and 
 we took a more direct route, turning toward the Convent 
 of Mar Elias. We mounted the hill, and then galloped 
 quickly over the plain of Rephaim, meeting long strings 
 of unladen camels gently jolting along, and numbers of 
 Bethlehem peasants and women, returning homeward, with 
 their empty baskets poised on their heads. They had been 
 selling fruit and vegetables in Jerusalem. 
 It was dusk when we reached Talibiyeh. We found that 
 some poor Jews had been employed there throughout the 
 day, to make a sort of veranda or shelter of reeds in front 
 of the little stone house, and it proved a very pleasant re- 
 treat. The reeds used were from the banks of the Jordan. 
 They are about an inch and a half or two inches in diam- 
 eter, and twelve or thirteen feet in bight, with a plumy 
 tuft at the top, like a miniature palm-tree. It is very likely 
 that this kind of reed is referred to in the history of the 
 Crucifixion, where it is said, " And straightway one of them 
 ran and took a sponge and filled it with vinegar, and put it 
 on a reed, and gave him to drink." Matt, xxvii, 48. 
 Thoroughly tired, but well pleased, I went to my tent ; 
 and, according to the advice of the Armenian nurse, bathed 
 my feet and arms with milk and vinegar, to allay the irri- 
 tation caused by the musketoes, which had tormented me 
 in the convent at Bethlehem. It proved an effectual rem- 
 edy, and I recommend travelers to try it. 
 It was our intention to remain only a short time in 
 Jerusalem, but my brother had been detained on consular 
 business, and was appointed to attend Kamil Pasha on an 
 expedition to Hebron, fo quell a serious insurrection there. 
 I was left in the care of my good friends at the Talibi- 
 yeh, where I enjoyed excellent opportunities for improving 
 myself in Arabic, and gleaning information about the peo- 
 ple of Palestine. Every day brought some new delight. 
 I visited all the places of interest in the neighborhood, 
 sketching and making notes, and had the privilege of ac- 
 companying Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore when they 
 explored the Moslem mosques and shrines on Mount 
 Mr. W. Holman Hunt was then busy in his studio on 
 Mount Zion, and there I watched the progress of his won- 
 derful picture of the "Meeting in the Temple," and with 
 delight looked through his portfolios and sketch-books. 
 On the 21st of August I went to Hebron, and after spend- 
 ing a few days with my brother at the Pasha's camp, I 
 returned to the Talibiyeh ; but of these pleasures I will not 
 pause to speak in detail here. 
 On the 9th of September, at sunrise, a shower of rain 
 fell, the first I had seen in Palestine. It lasted only half 
 an hour, and seemed quite local. Low down among the 
 hills rainbows, one within another, spanned the valleys, 
 and produced a most beautiful effect. Soon after the rain 
 was over, a cloud of birds appeared coming from the north, 
 their strange snapping cries sounding louder and louder as 
 they approached. They were bee-catchers, bright-colored 
 birds of the swallow kind. A strong north wind soon car- 
 ried the rain clouds and the birds far away, and cooled the 
 air, which had been very sultry. 
 On September 11th, Miss Creasy — who had long been 
 resident in Jerusalem — took me to see Philip's Fountain, 
 which is about two hours south-west by west of Jerusalem. 
 We started early, with one kawass, and rode over the rocky 
 hills to the Convent of the Cross before the dew had dis- 
 appeared. We met large companies of " fellahin " — peasant 
 women — flocking to the city with fruit and vegetables. 
 Most of them wore blue linen shirts, white cotton vails, 
 which fell over their shoulders, and crimson girdles fastened 
 very low. The foremost were carrying a great variety of 
 cucumbers and vegetable marrows, and the fruit of the 
 dark egg-plant, which is pear-shaped, of a deep violet-red 
 color, and very glossy. A group of girls, who balanced 
 on their heads baskets of grapes from the Greek gardens, 
 made a beautiful picture ; trailing branches and tendrils of 
 the vine were hanging over their shoulders. We went 
 down a narrow valley, newly planted with mulberries and 
 vines by the enterprising monks of the Greek convent. On 
 the summit of a steep hill, on our right, we saw the pic- 
 turesque little village of Malihah, and large kilns for pre- 
 paring charcoal were burning on the rock ledges or terraces 
 below it. 
 We entered the Wady-el-Werd, or Valley of Roses — well 
 named ; its broad bed, for above a mile, is like a thicket of 
 rose-bushes, cultivated for making rose-water and conserves. 
 Beyond this garden, which attracted thousands of birds to 
 feast on its crimson berries or hips, we found fig-orchards, 
 blackberry-bushes, and walnut-trees. On our left hand we 
 saw the remains of an ancient building, large hewn stones, 
 excavations in the native rock, a few fallen columns, and a 
 small stone fountain called Ain Yalo, or the Spring of 
 Ajalon. We were following the course of the ancient road 
 "which goeth down from Jerusalem to Gaza." Long ago, 
Philip's fountain. 77 
 Queen Candace's eunuch traversed it, riding in his chariot ; 
 but the Komans kept " the way " in repair then ; no chariot 
 could pass it now. It is little better than a track for mules, 
 and runs along a sort of terrace half-way up the hill on the 
 left-hand side of the valley. Rugged rock ledges were 
 above and below us, and a few flocks were feeding on the 
 scanty herbage and thorns, but down in the bed of the vale 
 there were thrashing-floors and stubble fields. About a 
 mile beyond Ain Yalo we came to Ain Haniyeh, a fine 
 spring of pure water, commonly called Philip's Fountain. 
 Two pilasters, with richly-carved Corinthian capitals, flank 
 a semicircular apse, formed of very large, carefully-hewn 
 stones. From a deep, arched recess or niche, in the middle 
 of this apse, a large body of water gushes and falls with 
 great force into a small basin, which overflows into a stone 
 reservoir below, and then forms a narrow stream which 
 finds its way into the valley. I climbed over immense 
 blocks of stone, assisted by a shepherd boy, and gathered 
 some of the maiden-hair and mosses which festooned the 
 arched mouth of the fountain. Indications of a much 
 larger apse can be traced just beyond ; and exactly opposite 
 the fountain, at about forty paces from it, there is a frag- 
 ment of the shaft of a column nearly six feet in diameter, 
 but only about five feet high. A few shafts of smaller 
 columns are to be seen in a neighboring field. The vil- 
 lagers around carry away the hewn stones which are found 
 here to build their little watch-towers, or to repair their 
 houses. Local tradition says that this is the very fountain 
 to which the eunuch referred when he said to his teacher, 
 Philip, " See, here is water ! What doth hinder me to be 
 baptized?" Some boys and girls, wilder looking than the 
 shaggy goats which they led to drink at the fountain, 
 crowded around me as I sat on the great column, sketching 
 the scene before me. My horse, in the mean time, less 
 obedient than the chariot of the eunuch, had broken away 
 from the block of stone to which he was tethered, and was 
 running at full speed into the valley. Loud cries and 
 shouts from the boys brought, from all directions, volun- 
 teers to pursue the runaway, and, after some little time, the 
 frightened animal was caught, in a circle of the noisiest, 
 wildest-looking little fellows I ever saw, and to whom the 
 few piasters which I distributed was a fortune. 
 We returned by a rather diflferent route, and passed 
 another fountain, more simple than the others, but very 
 picturesque, and formed chiefly of blocks of unhewn stone. 
 Women were washing their linen shirts and vails in the 
 reservoir, and a number of rough, desperate-looking men 
 were lounging idly round it. They looked over my paper 
 while I sketched the fountain and a few figures. One of 
 them said, "If we were to fetch all the men of the valley, 
 and all the men of the hills, they could not do that." 
 They seemed, by their remarks, to fancy that drawing was 
 a sense or faculty peculiar to the Franks. They were 
 clamorous for backshish, and followed us for some dis- 
 tance, muttering, grumbling, and disputing among them- 
 selves. After they had given up the pursuit, I found that 
 I had lost my pocket-book, containing papers of value. I 
 galloped back to Philip's Fountain, though the rays of 
 the sun were very powerful. I explained my loss to *Jie 
 shepherd boys, now my firm allies, then I rode back to 
 the other fountain, where I found the group of men who 
 had followed us, standing as if in consultation. I felt 
 certain that they had my book. I told them I came from 
 the English consulate, and asked them to help me in my 
 search. They so positively declared that my book was 
 not lost there, that I felt more convinced than ever that 
 they had found it. Presently I tried the effect of a small 
 piece of gold, which I offered to the finder. In a moment 
 one of the men drew my book from his girdle, and rather 
 hesitatingly placed it in my hands. I feared he might 
 repent, so I immediately gave it to the kawass to take 
 charge of, and we very thankfully rode away. These men 
 were all fully armed, and dressed in coarse scanty clothing. 
 They looked as if a trifle would excite them to mischief 
 and to deeds of daring. When we were far enough from 
 them, we sat down and took our lunch, which we had 
 provided before setting out. We rested under a walnut- 
 tree during the hour of noon, and did not reach the 
 TalibiyehL till three o'clock, where we were anxiously 
 awaited, for the Gaza road is not considered a very safe 
 one. In the arched recess at the back of the house, figs 
 from Urtas, strung together, were hanging in the sun to 
 dry. One of the servants, sitting in the shade, was busy 
 stripping ofi" the flag-like envelopes of large ripe ears of 
 Indian corn, or maize. She told me that she was going 
 to make a mattress of the dried husks for one of the 
 men-servants; and added that poor people, who can not 
 afford to buy cotton wool, make their beds of the outer 
 skins of onions, thoroughly dried and sweetened by ex- 
 posure to the sun, and sewed up in coarse linen cases. 
 On the following day, my brother returned from Hebron, 
 and was at last free to leave Jerusalem and start for his 
 vice-consulate at Haifa. A few days were spent in making 
 preparations for the journey. I engaged Katrine, a widow 
 of Bethlehem, as my attendant. She was highly recom- 
 mended to me as a faithful and affectionate woman, but 
 with the serious drawback that she was subject to fits of 
 mental derangement. In the year 1834, when her native 
 town was the scene of rebellion, her husband and little 
 sons were murdered in her presence in their beds, and 
 alarm and despair disordered her mind.* (Who can cal- 
 culate how much harm of this nature will be the result 
 of the late massacres in the Lebanon and Damascus, and 
 how many weakened intellects will be transmitted to suc- 
 ceeding generations? Men survive the sight of open war- 
 fare on the battle-field; but who can wonder that women 
 become mad with rage and terror, who see their sons and 
 fathers murdered in their homes?) 
 In a day or two Katrine was quite at home with me. 
 She had known my brother for years, and fancied that he 
 *See note, page 60. 
 and I were her own children. She often told me curious 
 stories of our childhood, fictions of her imagination. This 
 delusion, however, made her happy, and caused her to be 
 a most devoted servant to us. 
 On the 14th of September I was roused before sunrise by 
 the tinkling sounds of mule bells, which reminded me that 
 our journey was planned for that day. All was bustle and 
 animation at the camp. Groups of Arab servants were 
 seated among the rocks. Bags and baggage were strewed 
 around. Tents and tent poles were being removed and 
 packed, and mules and muleteers stood waiting for orders. 
 Mr. Finn was about to make a tour with his niece and a 
 friend, and had arranged to travel with us as far as Yafa. 
 After a great many delays, all the attendants were in 
 readiness by eleven o'clock; but it happened that my 
 brother, who had gone into Jerusalem early on business, 
 was detained, and consequently kept a prisoner there, for 
 it was Friday, the Moslem Sabbath, and the city gates are 
 always closed on that day during the hours of morning 
 prayer, and we knew, therefore, that he could not on any 
 consideration be released till noon. (This custom is rigidly 
 observed, owing to a prophecy which declares that the Holy 
 City will be invaded and conquered at Sabbath prayer- 
 time.) So the Consul with his party started, leaving us 
 to overtake him at Yafa; and I spent one more evening 
 with Mrs. Finn and the little ones at the Talibiyeh. We 
 had nothing to detain us the next day, and at half-past 
 three I rose by lantern and starlight, gathered a branch 
 from the olive-tree above the tent which had been my 
 resting-place for ten weeks, breakfasted with Mrs. Finn, 
 and rode away, well mounted, just as the first gleams of 
 light appeared in the eastern sky. 
 A Moslem kawass led the way, and my soi-disant mother, 
 Katrine, a Latin Christian, closely vailed and wrapped in 
 a red Arab clock, sat, a la cavalier, on the broad pack- 
 saddle of a nimble little donkey, and two laden mules, in 
 the care of a muleteer, followed. Although our attendants 
KUBAB. 81 
 were of conflicting creeds, they fraternized very well on 
 the way. 
 We did not pause till we came to the Fountain of Birds, 
 where a peasant boy brought us fine grapes, and helped us 
 to give our animals water. The orchards around were now 
 in their full beauty, bright with pomegranate fruit and 
 blossom. The rich green fig-trees, wet with dew, smelt like 
 heliotropes, and were garlanded and interlaced with richly- 
 laden vines. Little birds were rustling the silvery leaves 
 of the olive-trees, and they now and then swarmed forth 
 in cheerful chirruping flight. 
 At eight o'clock we reached Abu Grh6sh, and while we 
 waited for Katrine and the muleteer — who lagged behind — 
 I sketched the old church, and then hastened onward. At 
 ten we rested and lunched under a tree by a well-side near 
 to Latrone, and the' kawass contrived to make us some 
 cofi"ee. I was astonished to find that I had traveled through 
 the hill-country of Judea, without fear and without fatigue, 
 by the same road which a short time before had appeared 
 to me so full of danger and difficulty. The hills seemed 
 to me to have been made low, and the "rough places 
 plain." "When we entered the level country, the sun was 
 shaded every now and then by quickly-moving clouds, 
 and a breeze sprang up from the west, pleasantly fanning 
 our faces. 
 We cantered over the plain till we reached a village 
 called Kubab, a poor, straggling place, with a few gardens 
 fenced with yellow-blossoming cactus hedges. We paused 
 by a well, in a sort of farm-yard, and a lame girl handed 
 us some water in a red jar. She made curious signs and 
 gestures, and we soon saw that she was deaf and dumb. 
 We gave her a backshish, and she limped away well 
 pleased. A boy followed us, noisily demanding money as 
 we rode on, but we did not give him any thing; so he ran 
 back to the poor lame girl, threw her down, and snatched 
 her treasure from her. She rose with difficulty, and with 
 silent and impotent rage threw handfuls of dust after him, 
 and when he was out of sight, she began tearing her 
 scanty clothing. We turned back and tried to console her, 
 but our words were useless ; however, some sweet chocolate 
 cakes were more effectual. We left her stealthily eating 
 them, and went on our way, thinking how sad her life 
 must be. 
 Before noon we entered Ramleh, leaving our servants 
 far behind. We rode under the tall palm-trees, now laden 
 with glossy red and golden fruit, hanging in clusters on 
 orange-colored stalks. Strings of camels and laden donkeys 
 crowded the dirty, dusty streets, and with difficulty we made 
 our way to the house of an Arab friend. My brother was 
 received with kisses and embraces by the sons of the house, 
 and I was led by an Abyssinian slave — a eunuch — to his 
 widowed mistress, a superior-looking woman, dressed in 
 black silk garments, embroidered with gold thread. She 
 said, "Welcome, my daughter j" and, after giving me some 
 lemonade, took me to a pleasant chamber opening on to a 
 terrace covered with pots of blossoming pinks and roses. 
 She called the slave, and he immediately spread a mattress 
 for me on the floor. Then she took off my hat and habit, 
 and told me to "Kest in peace;" and, sitting by my side 
 on a soft-cushioned carpet, she gently fanned me to keep 
 away the flies and musketoes. When I awoke, after an 
 hour or two of refreshing sleep, I found that my hostess 
 had gone, and the slave was kneeling by my side^ fanning 
 me with a little flag made of a green split palm-frond, 
 nicely plaited. His dark, polished face and large eyes, 
 contrasting with his white turban, white cotton dress, and 
 crimson silk girdle, rather startled me before I quite re- 
 membered where I was. I heard afterward that he was a 
 favorite and confidential slave, who had belonged for many 
 years to this family. 
 He poured rose-water over my hands, and led me to a 
 court, where a genuine Arab meal was prepared for us. 
 It consisted of boiled wheat, dressed in butter and mixed 
 with minced meat; some fine broiled fish, in a bed of 
bedouin's song to his camel. 83 
 very sweet stewed apricots and rice;* and baked fowls, 
 garnished with tomatoes, filled with rice and shreds of 
 meat. ^ dessert of grapes, dates, and sweetened starch, 
 stuck with bleached almonds, followed. After cofi"ee and 
 pipes we called our servants together, and at about five 
 o'clock we mounted and rode toward Yafa. The sun was 
 shining directly in our faces, and we watched it gradually 
 going down behind the low coast hills which hid from our 
 sight the Mediterranean Sea. The crescent moon rose 
 bright and clear, throwing our shadows in long dark lines 
 on the sandy road before us. 
 We saw a little company of Bedouin Arabs sitting on 
 the wayside feasting. As soon as we had passed they rose 
 up and started into a run, leaping and shouting vocifer- 
 ously, and as we and the kawass slackened our pace to 
 join the servants who were behind they passed us, running 
 and dancing along, snatching off each other's white skull- 
 caps, flinging them in the air, flourishing their sticks, 
 throwing handkerchiefs at one another, screaming and 
 singing. Their heads were shaved except just at the 
 crown, where the hair was allowed to grow very long, 
 and was plaited. The plait is generally twisted up, and 
 quite concealed under skull-caps, tarbushes, or kefias — 
 that is, shawl head-dresses. The Arab costumes are 
 familiar to most of my readers from the pictures of 
 them in our school-books, and I need not further par- 
 ticularize them here. 
 We soon found that these wild-looking men were quite 
 harmless. They had only lingered on the wayside to 
 enjoy a heartier meal than usual, and had allowed their 
 camels to go on leisurely with two or three camel-drivers, 
 and they were running to overtake them, which they very 
 soon did. They then pursued their way so slowly that we 
 quickly passed them. Some of them were mounted on the 
 unwieldy-looking animals, and their songs were already 
 * This melange, which ia very common, always reminded me of the "broiled 
 fish" and the "honeycomb" spoken of in Luke xxiv, 42. 
 subduea to harmonize with their monotonous swinging 
 pace, and chimed softly and plaintively with the tinkling 
 of camel bells — thus: 
 " Dear unto me as the sight of my eyes 
 Art thou, my camel ! 
 Precious to me as the breath of my life 
 Art thou, my camel I 
 Sweet to my ears is the sound 
 Of thy tinkling bells, my camel I 
 And sweet to thy listening ears 
 Is the sound of my evening song. 
 Sometimes these wanderers pass several days without 
 taking substantial food; but, to make up for their absti- 
 nence, they eat voraciously and "make merry" when they 
 have the opportunity. It was dark in the bridle-path be- 
 tween the Yafa Gardens, but the large and many glowing 
 watch-fires within the inclosures showed that the abundance 
 of ripe fruit was well guarded. 
 "We entered the gate of the town, where crowds of people 
 were lounging. The broadest bazar was bright with lamps 
 and lanterns; but we soon merged one by one into dark, 
 narrow, crooked streets of stairs, and * I was directed to 
 follow the kawass closely and carefully. His large, full, 
 white Turkish trowsers seemed to move before me by some 
 mysterious power, without support or suspension; for the 
 black horse which he rode was quite invisible in the dark- 
 ness, and his red fez and embroidered jacket could not be 
 seen, only now and then two shining eyes turned round to 
 see if I were safe. I followed my ghostlike leader cau- 
 tiously till we reached the British Consulate down by the 
 seaside, where we were welcomed by our friends, Dr. and 
 Mrs. Kayat; and Mr. Finn, wBo had only arrived an hour 
 earlier, soon came to meet us. He had slept at Ramleh on 
 the previous night, and was surprised we had made the 
 journey from Jerusalem so easily in one day. Fire-works 
 from a ship at anchor attracted us to the oriel window 
 which overlooks the sea, and we sat for a long time watch- 
 ing the waves as they rolled toward us, crested with white 
 foam, and with lines of phosphoric light flashing from be- 
 neath them, only extinguished by the breaking of each 
 successive wave on the rocks. 
 The next day, Sunday, we went to the Rev. Mr. Kruse's 
 house, and, in company with Mr. Finn and his party, and 
 Dr. Kayat and his family, we heard Dr. Bowen — the late 
 lamented Bishop of Sierra Leone — preach a most simple, 
 earnest, and appropriate sermon. A few Arab children 
 belonging to the missionary school, and Mrs. Krus6 and 
 her family, with the Rev. Henry Reichart, of Cairo, com- 
 pleted the little congregation. Some Arab ladies of the 
 neighboring house watched us the whole time through the 
 open window, and seemed greatly amused. The hymns 
 were sung with much energy in Arabic, and the liturgy — 
 read in English — was responded to by the little Arab 
 scholars with vehemence and clearness. I spent the re- 
 mainder of the day with Mr. Finn and his party, at the 
 new and well-built house of an Arab friend. We sat on a 
 sheltered terrace, sweet with pinks and jasmine, overlooking 
 the terraced house-tops and the sparkling sea. Down on 
 our left was the southern wall of the town, and the deep 
 dry moat. Beyond it was a sloping, stony plain, where 
 horsemen were galloping about and displaying their skill 
 in the use of spear and musket. Further still was the large 
 open cemetery, with a cupola, supported on arches, in the 
 center ; children were playing, and turbaned smokers were 
 resting, under its shade. A garden of figs, palms, and 
 tamarisks, on a gentle declivity, bordered the sandy margin 
 of the sea between us and the quarantine station, and the 
 white sheets or wimples of groups of women could be dis- 
 tinguished among the trees. Drifted sand-hills bounded 
 the view. The sea, calm and brightly blue, broke gently 
 along the belt of rocks, fringing them with foam. We 
 watched the setting of the sun, the hills in the south 
 grew rosy, violet, and gray. The western sky was covered 
 with dark slate-colored clouds, edged with gold. The 
 sunset-gun was fired, and we were led by our host to a 
 covered court on the house-top to dine, by lantern light. 
 For dessert, among other fruits, we had a dish of large 
 ruby-colored pomegranate seeds moistened with wine, and 
 sprinkled with powdered sugar; bleached almonds formed 
 the border of this tempting-looking dish. 
 The next day I was sitting in the oriel window at the 
 British Consulate, with the Rev. Dr. Bo wen, while Dr. 
 Kayat was engaged with an English captain and a number 
 of Arabs in the lower part of the room. Black clouds came 
 traveling quickly from the west, over the lead-colored sea. 
 Dr. Bowen observed, in the words of Christ, " When ye see 
 a cloud rise out of the west, straightway ye say. There 
 Cometh a shower, and so it is." He had scarcely uttered 
 the words when the clouds spread and fell in a tremendous 
 torrent. The sea swelled, and rolled heavily to the shore. 
 The ships looked as if they would break away from their 
 anchors, and loud peals of thunder made the casemented 
 recess in which we sat tremble violently. The captain 
 hastened away, fearful for the fate of his struggling ship 
 off such a rocky coast. When the rain ceased, and the 
 sun shone again, I rode out with Dr. Bowen to visit Mr. 
 Jones, an American missionary, who lived in the midst of 
 a beautiful garden, east of the town. He had done a great 
 deal of good in teaching the Arab gardeners and agricul- 
 turists habits of order and method, but he finds them very 
 slow learners. 
 At sunrise the next day rain fell in torrents, and did 
 not clear off till noon, after which I sat in my favorite 
 window corner with Nasif Giamal, Mrs. Kayat's brother. 
 We saw just below us, on the rudely-constructed "parade," 
 a crowd of men and children, assembled round a fantas- 
 tically-dressed man exhibiting a goat, which had been 
 tutored to perform some curious tricks. It stood with its 
 four feet close together on the top of a very long pole, and 
 allowed the man to lift it up and carry it round and round 
 within the circle ; then the goat was perched on four sticks, 
 and again carried about. A little band of music — fifes, 
 drums, and tambourines — called together the people from 
 all parts of the town to witness this performance. The goat 
 danced and balanced himself obediently and perfectly, in 
 very unnatural-looking postures, as if thoroughly under- 
 standing the .words and commands of his master. The 
 men who watched the antics of the goat looked as grave 
 and serious as if they were attending a philosophical or 
 scientific lecture. 
 The assembled crowd had to make way presently for a 
 long procession, preceded by horsemen carrying long spears, 
 and firing guns. Two little boys, gayly dressed and decked 
 with flowers, rode one behind the other on a- white horse. 
 Two large books, carried on embroidered cushions, were 
 borne by two attendants. "Women closely vailed walked by 
 the side of the boys, singing wildly, and making a peculiar 
 ringing noise in the throat, not unlike the neighing of 
 horses made slightly musical by modulation. Nasif, who 
 can speak English, told me the object of the procession, 
 saying, "The boys are Moslems; they have suffered an 
 infliction not observed by the Christians; the Jews have 
 it, and also the Moslems." This explained to me that the 
 children had been circumcised, and were now being con- 
 ducted round the town in triumph. 
 My brother made arrangements with the owner of a 
 little Arab boat to be prepared to take us to Haifa, as soon 
 as the south wind rose. Two monks of Mount Carmel 
 begged to accompany us. We made our plans so as to be 
 ready at a minute's notice, and spent the evening with Sit 
 Leah. She had quite recovered, and proudly showed me 
 her little Selim. I found that every one addressed her 
 and spoke of her as "Um Selim," or mother of Selim, and 
 the father was called "Abu Selim." 
 On Wednesday, September 19th, I was roused before 
 sunrise, and informed that the Eeis — or Arab captain — 
 had sent for us, as the wind was favorable. With the 
 two monks and Nasif G. we quickly went down to the 
 quay. In the mean time the wind had shifted, and the 
 Reis could not undertake to steer against it; but he 
 added, "It will veer round to the south again by mid- 
 night, and then we shall reach Haifa in eight or ten 
 hours." It was still very early. We strolled leisurely 
 through the town. The people were just beginning to 
 stir. The shutters of the shops in the bazars were being 
 lifted up — they are like flap-doors attached by rude hinges 
 to the beams above the shop-fronts, and when opened and 
 propped up, they form excellent shades, which are easily 
 dropped down and secured at night. 
 On my return to the Consulate, I found two of the 
 women-servants making bread, sitting on the ground at 
 a low circular wooden board. One of them moistened 
 some flour with water, another added salt, and a small 
 piece of leavened dough — to " leaven the whole lump " — 
 and then kneaded it vigorously in turn with her com- 
 panion. It was left to rise, and then the two eldest 
 daughters of Dr. Kayat divided it into portions, rolled 
 them into little round loaves, which were carried away 
 to the oven on large round trays made of reeds, bound 
 together with strong grass. 
 We prepared ourselves for the journey, and then went to 
 rest early, without undressing. At midnight the Reis sent 
 for us, and immediately we went out into the darkness, 
 with Nasif and three or four lantern-bearers. I noticed a 
 number of men, wrapped in lehaffs, sleeping on low stone 
 platforms, or by the side of kneeling camels, in the streets 
 near the quay. The Mutsellim, or governor, was parading 
 the place. Nasif told me that he did so at irregular 
 intervals, sometimes in disguise, so as to see the state of 
 the town at night, and to ascertain, by personal observa- 
 tion, whether the guards did their duty. We met the 
 two Carmelite monks on the dark wharf, and the great 
 water-gate was opened for us. I was somehow dropped 
 gently into a little rowing-boat far down in the darkness 
 below, where I was taken charge of by two brawny boat- 
 men After much shouting and jolting we were all huddled 
 together, and skimmed over the water to the sailing-boat, 
 which awaited us outside the rocky barrier. I found it 
 was divided into three parts — the central portion being 
 like an uncovered hold, four feet deep and eight feet 
 square. The decks fore and aft were incumbered with the 
 ship's tackle, and crowded with sailors, who were singing 
 lustily. The hold, lighted by two lanterns, was matted and 
 set apart for passengers and luggage. Our portmanteaus 
 and carpet-bags served us for a couch, and the monks sat 
 on their saddle-bags, wrapped in their comfortable-looking 
 hooded robes. Poor Katrine, who had never been on the 
 sea before, was very much alarmed. She rolled herself up 
 in her cloak, stretched herself full length by my side, and 
 was happily soon fast asleep. Our kawass smoked his pipe 
 in company with the Reis above, and an Italian, who had 
 smuggled himself and his baggage on board, in the hurry 
 and darkness, kept aloof with the sailors. The sky was 
 bright with stars ; the south wind was strong, and filled the 
 sails, and by fits and starts 1 dozed till dawn of day. 
 Then I roused myself, and watched the little group around 
 me, the hooded monks sleeping soundly, my brother at 
 my feet, leaning against a hamper, and Katrine so envel- 
 oped that I could not distinguish her head from her heels. 
 The favorable wind had ceased, and the sailors were 
 busy taking in sail. By the time the sun appeared above 
 the low coast hills the wind had shifted to the west, and 
 we were in danger of being driven on the rocks. It then 
 suddenly veered to the north, and blew so violently that 
 the Reis was obliged to cast anchor, and we were tossed on 
 a heavy sea, near to a desolate coast, where there was no 
 possibility of landing. By nine o'clock the sun was very 
 powerful. An awning made of the now useless sails was 
 thrown over the hold. "We found our quarters far from 
 comfortable, but we were determined to make the best of 
 them. By noon the heat was intense and suffocating down 
 in the hold, so I climbed on to the deck, and sat on a coil 
 of rope, clinging to the mast. The strong wind and the 
 sea spray revived me. The coast, which was every now 
 and then concealed by the high waves, was a range of 
 drifted sand-hills, traversed by flocks of goats feeding on 
 the scanty patches of pasture. Not a human habitation, 
 not even a human being was visible, and not a boat or ship 
 was seen all day. In the afternoon the wind ceased, but 
 the ship rocked lazily from the effect of the sea-swell, 
 which had not yet subsided. 
 My brother read St. Paul's voyage to me as it is recorded 
 in the 27th of Acts. It seemed more interesting than ever. 
 We were not far from Cesarea, the port from which Paul 
 embarked ; and he was tossed about by contrary winds, in 
 this sea for many days. It must have been about the same 
 time of the year, too, during the equinoctial gales, when, as 
 he said, " sailing was dangerous." It is distinctly explained 
 that it was after the great Fast of the Atonement, which is 
 held on the tenth day of the month of Tisri, and corresponds 
 with the latter part of our month of September. 
 At sunset "the south wind blew softly." The sails were 
 soon set, and in better spirits we sat down to our evening 
 meal, and shared our chickens and preserved soup with the 
 monks, who added their eggs, cheese, and cognac. We 
 passed a dreamy, restless night, "sailing slowly," and in 
 the morning were nearly opposite Tantura. The wind had 
 changed to north-east, so my brother insisted on landing 
 to pursue our journey on shore. We tacked about, put 
 out to sea, and then allowed the strong wind to drive us 
 toward the picturesque coast. Little islands of rock and 
 mounds of ancient masonry stood out before it, beaten by 
 the waves. With some maneuvering the boat was brought 
 safely to the beach, where there were plenty of Tantura 
 men to meet us, and carry us through the surf to the 
 smooth yellow sands. I was delighted to find myself on 
 firm land again; and I shall always remember St. Paul's 
 advice to the centurion, and vote against sailing in the 
 Levant in the Autumn. 
 The custom-house officer came to meet us; and, followed 
 by troops of men and boys, we approached the little town, 
 which comprises about thirty or fgrty rudely-built houses, 
 made of irregularly-piled blocks of hewn stone, bits of 
 broken columns, and masses of mud or clay. The custom- 
 house officer, Abu Habib, guided us to his house, which 
 consisted of one low, large, square room, lined with clay, 
 and roofed with tree branches blackened with smoke. One 
 half of the ceiling was concealed by matting, and the other 
 half was picturesque with pendent branches. Small holes 
 served as windows, and the roughly-made door was a port- 
 able one. A mattress spread on the floor was used as a 
 divan. Jars of earthenware and metal saucepans stood 
 against tbe wall. A cooking-place was built in one corner, 
 made of large, finely-beveled, ancient stones and burned 
 clay. Baskets of coarse salt from the sea-shore were near 
 to it. Habib, the son of our host, prepared coffee for us. 
 In our presence he roasted the berries, and then pounded 
 them in a stone mortar. A large box, like a muniment 
 chest, with ornamental lock and hinges of wrought iron, 
 stood near the door, and I perched myself on it to be as 
 far away as I could from the mud floor, on which I could 
 distinctly see a numerous assembly of large fleas dancing 
 and hopping about. The monks, with truly monastic virtue, 
 did not seem to mind them. Gaunt-looking women, hiding 
 their faces with tattered white cotton vails, peeped at us, 
 and dirty but pretty children came crowding round. 
 Katrine made a tour of the town, and then took me to 
 the house which she considered the neatest and cleanest, 
 where I rested with her and refreshed myself. The women 
 who welcomed me were dressed in tight jackets and full 
 trowsers, made of washed-out Manchester prints, patched 
 all over without regard to color or pattern. Their heads 
 were covered with mundils — squares of colored muslin; 
 their necks adorned with coins, and their wrists with twisted 
 silver bracelets. They were exceedingly amused with my 
 little traveling dressing-case. They told me they had never 
 seen a hair-brush before. They unplait their long henna- 
 stained hair about once a week only, and occasionally clean 
 it with fuller's earth, which is found near, and use small- 
 tooth combs of bone or wood. 
 After some delay animals were procured; fortunately we 
 had our saddles with us. We left our heavy luggage in 
 the care of the Reis, and at two, P. M., we mounted and 
 took leave of Tantura. We made a rather ludicrous pro- 
 cession. The kawass, on a shaggy mule, took charge of 
 our carpet-bags, and led the way. The two monks were 
 mounted on donkeys, so small that their sandaled feet and 
 heavy robes nearly touched the ground. My brother rode 
 on an old white horse, whose head was garnished with red 
 trappings ornamented with shells. I was put on a little 
 pony who had lost his mane and tail, and who could not 
 understand a side-saddle, but persisted in turning round 
 and round to investigate the mystery; and Katrine, on 
 a stubborn donkey, had great difficulty in keeping up 
 with us. 
 We rode northward along the shore, which was strewed 
 with blocks of marble and hewn stones. Women and 
 children were busy collecting in large baskets the coarse 
 incrusted salt, which settles in the natural hollows and 
 artificial basins of the rocks on the beach below. Large 
 herds of cattle and goats, the chief wealth of Tantura, 
 grazed on the plain on our right hand just above us, which 
 was overgrown with thorns, thistles, dwarf mimosa, and 
 low brushwood. 
 A little beyond Tantiira stands the ancient Dora, or Dor, 
 on a rugged promontory, with ruined walls all round it, at 
 the edge of the cliiF. From its center rises what appeared 
 to me at first to be a lofty tower or castle ; but on ap- 
 proaching it I found it was only the narrow southern wall 
 of some long since fallen building. It stands about thirty 
 feet high. This place is now quite abandoned, as the walls 
 are tottering and the clifis are giving way. The stones are 
 gradually being removed to build up Tantura. Opposite 
 to these ruins, the plain was concealed from us by a low 
 ridge of rocky hills, running close to the sandy shore, which 
 is here and there enlivened by a group of palm-trees. 
 We kept close to the sea till we came, in about one hour 
 and a half, to Athlite, or Castellum Pelegrinura, a curious 
 motley pile of ruins standing out on a rocky headland. 
 The foundation stones are so massive, that they have 
 resisted the storms of centuries, and tell of a time anterior 
 to the Romans, who no doubt erected the fortress, built 
 the walls, and fashioned the columns which are now falling 
 to decay. The crusaders, too, have left some of their 
 handiwork here — the pointed arches and the ruins of a 
 Christian church still speak of them. Within the walls 
 of the church, and under the shadow of the fortress, mod- 
 ern houses are rudely built, and inhabited by a poor Moslem 
 population. A group of women were resting by a well of 
 sculptured stone, just outside the walls. Opposite to this 
 interesting place we found a narrow defile cut through the 
 rocks, leading eastward direct from the shore to the plain. 
 Deep ruts, for chariot wheels, were cut in the road, which 
 was just wide enough for two horsemen to ride freely 
 abreast. The white limestone walls rise abruptly on each 
 side, garnished with patches of fragrant herbs and amber- 
 colored lichen. Lintels at each end of this passage show 
 that formerly it was protected by gates, and ruins of strong 
 fortifications surmount it. 
 We passed out of this curious defile into the fertile but 
 not very extensively-cultivated plain, or " Vale of Dor," 
 between the mountain range of Carmel and the rocky coast- 
 hills under whose pleasant shade we pursued our way. 
 We could see that the two chains of hills met at an acure 
 angle far away in the north. Now and then, natural fis- 
 sures in the rocks, or little valleys made fertile by Winter 
 torrents, revealed to us the sun and the sea. 
 We stopped to water our animals at a little spring, 
 called Ain Dustrei, which forms a tiny lake, and then 
 finds its way between the hills to the shore. A group of 
 goatherds, with reed pipes, were assembled round a clay 
 trough, where their flocks of goats were crowding to drink. 
 The vegetation by this stream and fountain was wild and 
 luxuriant. Oleanders, lupins, tall grass, and the arbutus 
 abounded. The monks soon pointed out, with delight, the 
 white convent of Mar Elias on the headland of Carmel. 
 Pleasant sounds of voices, songs, and bells, and laughter 
 reached us, and we saw an animated little party approach- 
 ing, mounted on camels, whose nodding heads and necks 
 were decorated with beads, shells, crimson tassels, and 
 strings of little tinkling bells. I paused by the wayside to 
 watch them, as they slowly passed. There were thirteen 
 camels strung together, each carrying two or three women 
 and children, all in gala dresses, made chiefly of soft crim- 
 son silk, with white Vandyked stripes on it. On their 
 heads, they wore scarfs or vails, of various colors and ma- 
 terials — silk, muslin, and wool — folded across their fore- 
 heads, just meeting the eyebrows, then thrown over the 
 back of the head, and brought forward again to cover their 
 faces, all but the shining eyes. The fringed or bordered 
 ends were allowed to fall gracefully over the shoulders. 
 Some of the women had slipped these vails, or wimples, 
 down below their lips, so as to join in the chorus of the 
 songs improvised by the two professional singing-women 
 who accompanied them. My brother could perceive that it 
 was a bridal party, by these songs, which very much resem- 
 bled in style the " Song of Songs which is Solomon's." A 
 number of* men were in attendance on foot, forming a 
 picturesque body-guard to the exalted women. They were 
 people of one of the villages of the plain or vale of Dor, 
 and had been to Haifa, to purchase dresses, trinkets, and 
 furniture for two approaching weddings, in a family of 
 some local importance. They were scarcely out of hearing 
 when we met another noisy group, consisting of men and 
 boys, with a few camels, mules, and donkeys, clumsily laden 
 with the purchases for the weddings — cooking utensils, 
 baskets of rice, reed mats, bales of goods, and two red 
 wooden boxes, ornamented with gilt hinges and strap-work. 
 The largest camel carried, high on his back, two little 
 wooden cradles, painted blue, red, and yellow; one for 
 each of the brides. This piece of furniture is regarded 
 in the East as the most important and necessary item of 
 a trousseau; and she is an unhappy wife who does not 
 soon see rocking in the gaudy cradle an infant son, whose 
 name she may take, and through whom she may become 
 honored among women.* 
 As we proceeded northward, the plain was so much 
 more narrow, that we could distinguish the deep caverns 
 and excavations in the limestone hills opposite, which 
 have, in turn, served as places of refuge or retreat for 
 prophets, saints, and anchorites, banditti or robbers, and 
 beasts of prey. 
 The village of Tireh was pointed out to me, surrounded 
 by cultivated fields and orchards. Groups of palm-trees 
 grew here and there, and the hill-sides were clothed with 
 dwarf oak, wild fig, and locust trees. The fruit of the 
 locust, when ripe, is like a large crooked bean-pod, brown 
 and glossy, filled with large seeds. It is so nutritious, that 
 the children of the poor live entirely on it, during the 
 season, requiring no other food, for it contains all the 
 necessary elements for the support of life — starch, sugar, 
 oil, etc., in proper proportion. I found it, when new, 
 rather too sweet to suit my taste. Children seemed to 
 enjoy it, and they thrive on it, eating the shell as well as 
 the seeds. When this fruit is stored, it becomes somewhat 
 dry, and less sweet, but on being soaked in honey, it is 
 like new fruit. The Arabs all like sweet food, and of 
 many a man of Judea and Galilee, as well as of John the 
 Baptist, it might be said, "jETis meat [for a season] was 
 locusts and wild honey ^^ 
 Just before sunset, we reached the foot of the headland 
 which forms the southern boundary of the bay of Akka. 
 On its summits the convent stands. It was too late, and 
 « See page 63. 
 •j-The Arabic name for the locust-tree is "Kharub," and the beans are commonly 
 called "St. John's bread." 
 we were all too tired, to go round to the usual ascent on 
 the other side; so we urged our animals up the steep and 
 pathless rocks, here and there overgrown with brushwood, 
 thorns, and thistles, fit only to be traversed by goats and 
 The monks, who had been our guests on the way, now 
 acted as our guides and hosts, for they were on convent 
 ground. They warned us to grasp the manes of our tired 
 steeds firmly, as they mounted the steep ledges; and I 
 now found the disadvantage of being on a pony without 
 a mane. After about ten minutes difficult riding, we 
 reached a cultivated garden, on a plateau, in front of the 
 large, well-built convent. Fr^re Charles, an old friend of 
 my brother, came out to meet and welcome us, and kissed 
 him and the two monks again and again. 
 We were about six hundred feet above the plain, with a 
 magnificent scene before us. The sun was just going down, 
 and the Great Sea was flooded with crimson light. The 
 bay of Akka and the plain surrounded by the hills of 
 Galilee were on our right. The ruins of an ancient port 
 and fortress could be seen on the level strip of land below 
 us; and at about a mile to the right of it stood the little 
 town of Haifa — very interesting to me, for it was there I 
 was to make a home with my brother, at Her Britannic 
 Majesty's Vice-Consulate. 
 We spent a pleasant evening with the good monks. It 
 was Friday; they did not let us fast, but sat by us, in 
 pleasant chat, while we enjoyed fish, flesh, and fowl from 
 their excellent cuisine. After dinner we went to the divan 
 or drawing-room, and I looked through the convent album, 
 which is quite a polyglot, containing the autographs of 
 many great and celebrated characters — testimonies to the 
 kindness and hospitality always met with here. 
 Three or four examples of misplaced zeal and intoler- 
 ance have called forth the satire, wit, and displeasure of 
 less prejudiced pilgrims. Fr^re Charles pointed out to me 
 a few pages crossed, recrossed, and interlined by indignant 
HAIFA. 97 
 commentators. He remarked that they always seemed to 
 be particularly interesting to English people, provoking 
 laughter and anger by turns. The pages had evidently 
 been translated to him. 
 We gratefully rested that night in clean, comfortable, 
 neatly-furnished rooms, and on French musketo-curtained 
 beds. In the morning I heard the swell of the organ and 
 the chanting of the monks at an early hour. A servant 
 brought cafe au lait to my room at seven, and told me my 
 brother had already gone down to Haifa. Fr^re Charles 
 and our fellow-travelers conducted me to the chapel, which 
 has a finely-proportioned dome and marble floor, and a few 
 sculptured figures in alabaster. 
 The ground-floor of the convent is occupied by the offices, 
 kitchens, pharmacy, and surgery. A large portion of it is 
 set apart for a place of shelter for poor pilgrims. The 
 first-floor, consisting of a fine suite of lofty rooms, is nicely 
 furnished, and prepared for travelers, who are expected to 
 pay first-class hotel prices; but no direct charge is made. 
 The second-floor is reached by a narrow staircase, at the 
 foot of which an inscription, in Italian and French, pro- 
 claims that females are not admitted. The monks told 
 me that there was an excellent library of English, Latin, 
 French, and Italian books up there, as well as a large 
 refectory and a great number of cells; and the terraced 
 roof made a fine promenade for the recluses. 
 Presently a kawass came, bringing a horse for me, and 
 an invitation to spend the day with Mr. Finn, whose tents 
 were pitched just outside Haifa; so with Katrine, in her 
 purple dress and white vail, by my side, and the kawass 
 leading the way, I emerged from the convent buildings, 
 and gradually descended, on the north-east side, by a 
 winding path almost like a rocky staircase. The upper 
 part of the hill was covered with wild flowers, fragrant 
 herbs, shrubs, artichokes, acanthus, and dwarf oaks, and 
 on the lower terraces a fine grove of olives and some fig- 
 trees flourished. 
 The little town of Haifa was in sight — flags above all 
 the Consulates were waving a welcome to Mr. Finn and 
 my brother. I was quite surprised to recognize so many; 
 they were French, Austrian, Prussian, Greek, Dutch, and 
 American, and made the place look quite cheerful. We 
 rode through a beautiful olive grove in the plain at the 
 foot of the hill, crossed several stubble-fields, some rocky 
 waste land and young plantations, and found the tents of 
 Mr. Finn under a large terebinth-tree, near to the sea-shore, 
 not very far from the west wall of the town. "Visitors were 
 coming and going all day, and coffee and pipes were in 
 constant requisition. 
 The view from the open tent, looking toward the north, 
 was very lovely. I will try to make you see it as I saw 
 it on that sunny afternoon. Fancy a foreground of white 
 rocks and dark thorny bushes; then a stony bridle-path, 
 skirting a garden which gently slopes toward the shore, 
 so that the broad sands are quite concealed by its fruit 
 trees, and the blue sparkling sea looks as if it came close 
 up to the hedge of prickly pears below. On the left-hand 
 side of the picture the sea meets the sky; but from the 
 right a range of undulating hills, tinted with crimson, 
 purple, and orange, extend more than half-way across it, 
 terminating in a bold white cliff or headland, called Ras el 
 Abiod — the " Promontorium Album" of Pliny — standing 
 out in strong contrast to the dark-blue sky and darker sea. 
 The opposite shore of the bay, nine miles distant, is marked 
 by a level line of white sand, which seems to separate the 
 sea from the green plains at the foot of the hills; and on a 
 low promontory to the right of Kas el Abiod the proud- 
 looking little city of 'Akka is conspicuous, and forms the 
 central point of the picture. Above the clearly-defined 
 summits of the hills silvery clouds are resting. Mount 
 Hermon rises in the distance, pale and shadowy, till the 
 Bun is low, and then it is tinged with gold and violet. 
 Four ships are at anchor on the right, and a vessel in full 
 sail is entering the bay from the north. A man-of-war is 
HAIFA. 99 
 cruising about far out at sea. A tall palm-tree on one 
 side, and an oak and a seared, white-branched fig-tree on 
 the other, inclose this coup d'cdl. 
 The bridle-path across the foreground was enlivened by 
 passers-by, such as troops of barefooted boys, driving 
 donkeys laden with hewn stones, which had been taken 
 from the ruins of the fortress, and were about to be used 
 in Haifa, where many new houses were in progress, and 
 still more were planned. Camels laden with grain and 
 melons jolted by, and a few townspeople passed backward 
 and forward as if to peep at our tents. At sunset there 
 came large numbers of goats and cattle, led toward the 
 town to be secured there for the night, for it is not safe to 
 leave them in the open country, even in the care of the 
 well-armed herdsmen. 
 Hciifa is a walled town, in the form of a parallelogram, 
 pleasantly situated close to the sea, on a gently-rising slope. 
 A steep hill, a spur of Mount Carmel, rises immediately 
 behind it, and is crowned by a small castle, to which I 
 climbed with Mr. Finn, and thence looked down into the 
 town. The houses are distributed irregularly. Those oc- 
 cupied by consuls and merchants are large, substantial 
 buildings of hewn stone, with central courts and broad 
 terraces. The poorer class of houses are of earth and rough 
 stone, and have no upper chambers. All the roofs are flat. 
 On each side of the little town there are fine fruit gar- 
 dens, where the pomegranates and figs especially flourish. 
 A grove of palm-trees borders the sandy shore on the east 
 of the town.* 
 I returned to the convent to sleep, and after spending 
 the next day, Sunday, with Mr. Finn at the tents, I pre- 
 pared to enter Haifa for the first time, by moonlight. 
 * The town of Haifa was built where it now stands, by the famous Dhaher, gov- 
 ernor of Acre, in the middle of the last century. The ruins of the old town of 
 'Ht/xx, Sycaminum, are still to be seen on the sea-shore just below the head of 
 Mount Carmel, which site Dhaher found to be too much exposed to the incursions 
 of the nomadic tribes in the plain of Athllte. Some of the elder residents remem- 
 ber their fathers having pointed out the position of their former residences in the 
 old town.— E. T. R. 
 Although the tents were very near to the town, Mr. 
 Finn laughingly insisted that I should not make my first 
 entry into Haifa on foot; so I mounted, and, with my 
 brother and a few of his Arab friends walking by my side, 
 traversed the bridle-path by the gardens, and approached 
 the embattled stone gateway. Its heavy wooden doors, 
 covered with hides and plates of iron, were thrown open 
 for us, on their creaking hinges, by the sleepy wardens, 
 whose mattresses were spread on stone platforms in the 
 square vaulted chamber of the gate. They welcomed us 
 with the words, " Enter in, in peace." We said, " May 
 God preserve you! good-night." And they answered, "A 
 thousand good nights to you !" but their greetings were 
 almost drowned by the angry barking of a troop of dogs, 
 roused by the clanging of the great doors behind us. 
 Within the town, wherever there was space, flocks and 
 herds were lying down, crowded together in the moonlight; 
 and in the narrow, tortuous, dirty, channeled streets we met 
 now and then a moaning, miserable-looking, sleepless cow 
 or stray donkey. 
 We passed a little belfried Latin chapel, shaded by a 
 pepper-tree — just like a willow — and a simple mosque and 
 minaret, with a palm-tree near it, and then came to a 
 pleasant opening close to the sea-shore, where a number of 
 camels, camel-drivers, and peasants were sleeping round the 
 red embers of a wood fire. 
 I dismounted at the entrance of a house overlooking this 
 scene, and passed under a low, arched gateway, into a 
 roughly-paved, open court, brightened by the lamps and 
 lanterns in the rooms all round it, the doors of which were 
 open, for their inmates, our neighbors, were watching and 
 waiting to see and welcome us. 
 I mounted a steep, uncovered, stone stairway to a broad 
 landing, dignified by the name of terrace, leading to two 
 square, lofty, airy rooms, with whitewashed walls and stone 
 floors, where my brother had formerly lived for a year or 
 more; this was to be our temporary home, and Katrine, 
 with the help of an upholsterer — an Arab Jew — ^had been 
 very busy making* it ready for us. 
 At the end of the terrace was a little room, in which 
 were all the requisites for preparing pipes, coffee, and sher- 
 bets. Narghiles, chibouques, tobacco-bags, coffee-cups, and 
 glasses garnished its walls — and Yusef, our little coffee 
 boy, pipe-bearer, and page, who, to his infinite satisfaction, 
 presided over it, came out, arrayed in all his best, to kiss 
 my hands, and evidently did his utmost to make a favor- 
 able impression on his new mistress. He had on clean, 
 loose, white cotton drawers, a scarlet cloth jacket, a shawl 
 girdle, and a white, quilted cotton skull-cap. Katrine was 
 quite content with her new quarters below, and she told me 
 that she had unexpectedly found some cousins in Haifa. 
 I congratulated her, guessing, however, that this was only 
 one of her curious delusions. 
 My brother's dragoman and secretary, Mohammed, his 
 Egyptian groom, and several candidates for service at the 
 Yice-Consulate, crowded round to welcome me, and solicit 
 my favor and protection, in words which were exactly like 
 quotations from the Old Testament. 
 An elderly Moslem woman, with an anxious, time-worn 
 face, came, and after saluting me, said, " If now I have 
 found grace in your sight, speak for me to my lord, your 
 brother, that he may take my son into his service; speak 
 now, I pray you, a word for my son, for he is my only son, 
 and I am a widow." 
 Mattresses, cushions, and pillows, newly covered with 
 chintz, placed nearly all round the rooms on planks, sup- 
 ported by roughly-made, low wooden trestles, a few pieces 
 of European furniture, and a pretty well-stocked bookcase, 
 made the place look cozy and comfortable. The boat from 
 Tanttira arrived safely during the night with our luggage. 
 The next morning, September 24th, two men from Naz- 
 areth came to welcome us, and gave me a fatted lamb. 
 Soon afterward a little party arrived from Shefa 'Amer, 
 with a camel-load of fine water-melons ; and a peasant from 
 a neighboring village brought us some goat's milk cheese. 
 I must explain that these offerings are generally paid for 
 at a rate considerably above the market price. 
 Saleh Sekhali, our neighbor, a Christian Arab, an intel- 
 ligent, thoughtful-looking man, took breakfast with us. He 
 told me that my brother was the only Englishman who had 
 ever resided in Haifa, and that I was the first English girl 
 who had ever passed a night within the walls of the town. 
 He said that very strange notions and opinions were held 
 by the Arabs about English women and English society, 
 and a great deal of curiosity was expressed by his friends 
 on the subject. They hoped now to have an opportunity 
 of judging for themselves by personal intercourse with us. 
 Saleh did not understand any European language, but he 
 was clever and very quick of comprehension, and fond of 
 study. He kindly volunteered to teach me Arabic, and to 
 hear me read every day. 
 On inquiry I found that the population of Haifa was, in 
 1854, computed thus : 
 Moslem 1,200 
 Greek Catholics 400l AdherenU of the Pope, 
 Latins 50 > and oonsequently ua- 
 MaroniteS 30 J d« French p«tromige. 
 Orthodox Greeks 300 
 Jews 32 
 .Making a total of. 2,012 
 In the year 1860 the population was reckoned at about 
 2,300 souls. We went out and took leave of Mr. Finn, 
 who was on the point of starting for 'Akka. His tents were 
HAIFA. 103 
 all cleared away. Then we called at each of the Consulates, 
 for among the Europeans in the Levant, the new-comer is 
 expected to be the first caller. The French Consul — who 
 in early youth had served in the ranks of the first Napo- 
 leon — received us heartily, and introduced me to his wife, 
 a Syrian lady, who spoke French fluently. The Austrian 
 Consul is a native of one of the Dalmatian Isles, and the 
 other Consulates were held by lonians and natives of Scio, 
 who showed us great courtesy and kindness. The American 
 Consular Agent is an Arab, who can speak a little broken 
 English. The ladies of these families were all either Syrian 
 or Greek, but they most of them spoke Italian, and wel- 
 comed me into their circle with graceful cordiality. Two 
 other families, of French extraction, engaged in commerce, 
 completed the European colony of Haifa. Their houses 
 were built in Oriental fashion, round courts, some of which 
 were paved with black and white marble. The rooms were 
 furnished with Turkish divans, French mirrors, consoles, 
 and pictures. I must not omit the little Cafe, called the 
 Victoria Hotel, kept by a Maltese. 
 Wednesday, September 26th, a party of women in white 
 izzars, or sheets, from the court below, came early and 
 brought me several flat loaves of bread, stamped with a 
 cross, formed of groups of sacred monograms, IC, XC, NI, 
 KI, etc., in celebration of the Greek Feast of the Holy Cross. 
 Presently the Greek Bishop of 'Akka visited us. He 
 wore a long, blue cloth dress, very flowing and open, ex- 
 posing an under robe of crimson silk, a crimson girdle, 
 and black pointed shoes. He did not remove his low, 
 brimless, black hat, which curves slightly and spreads 
 toward the crown. 
 When he and his suite had retired, a letter was handed 
 to my brother, which caused him to rise hastily and go out. 
 I watched from the front window, and soon saw evident 
 signs of a commotion in the town. Little groups of armed 
 men were standing about in the open place, and passing 
 hurriedly to and fro. In a short time I saw all the consuls 
 in a body, preceded by their kawasses, carrying their 
 swords and tall silver-headed sticks, going toward the 
 Governor's castle, which was in sight. My brother ran 
 up for a moment to tell me that Tireh and the villages 
 in its neighborhood had united to attack Haifa, and three 
 or four hundred of the peasantry were just outside the 
 walls, attempting to effect an entrance. We were actually 
 in a state of siege. The two gates were closed and guarded, 
 and wherever its walls were very weak, detachments of im- 
 promptu volunteers were placed. I sat alone watching, 
 and wondering what would happen. Men were parading 
 the streets, making a great noise, and armed with old guns, 
 staves, and swords of all shapes. The boys followed their 
 example by marching about with sticks, shouting lustily, 
 seemingly half for fun and half for fear. I could hear the 
 firing of guns now and then from the back of the town, 
 and the loud screams of the terrified women and children. 
 Girls from the neighboring houses and the court below 
 flocked into my room, with their mothers, crying and trem- 
 bling. They wondered why Madam Inglesi, as they called 
 me, did not show any signs of fear. I tried to calm them, 
 saying, "Be at rest, Allah is good." But they almost 
 nonplused me by replying, "Allah is good! Praised be 
 Allah! But the sons of Tireh are bad!" And they 
 refused to be comforted. 
 A group of heavily-armed, mounted horsemen were 
 prancing about, as if to excite all the people to action. 
 The consuls returned from the castle, where a council 
 had been held. They had drawn up a protest against 
 the Government, and signed it. I was told that four of 
 the most venturesome of the attacking party had been 
 shot under the south wall, and some of our townspeople 
 had been slightly wounded. The Tirehites had retreated; 
 but as it was expected that they would renew the attack 
 at night, preparations were made to resist it; for the walls 
 of Haifa are not very strong, and could easily be scaled or 
 broken down. 
 A messenger was dispatched to 'Akka by boat to demand 
 assistance. In the mean time my brother, at the Governor's 
 request, procured guns and ammunition from an English 
 ship in the port. Our room was converted into an armory, 
 and our stairway and terrace was soon crowded with appli- 
 cants for arms, which were cautiously distributed. A Gov- 
 ernment secretary stood by, making a list of the names of 
 the volunteers thus supplied. By sunset the excitement 
 had greatly increased, and no one seemed to think of going 
 to rest. The consuls kept a careful look-out on the walls, 
 and men paraded the town by moonlight, shouting, "Our 
 swords are strong, and our trust is in God!" And the 
 boys, with their sticks uplifted, echoed the words at the 
 top of their voices. 
 Several Arab women, my neighbors, came and sat with 
 me when my brother went out. One of them brought a 
 favorite Arab dish of bleached and crushed walnuts and 
 vermicelli, baked in butter and sugar. It was eaten while 
 hot. The women all wore full trowsers and tight jackets; 
 some were made of colored prints, and others of striped 
 Damascus silk. Katrine's simple Bethlehem dress was 
 quite strange to them — they had never seen the costume 
 before. They smoked, and chatted, and laughed, and cried 
 by turns; and retired, hastily vailing themselves, when my 
 brother came in at midnight to tell me that fifty artillery- 
 men and thirty Bashi Bazuks had arrived from 'Akka in 
 consequence of the consular protest. They were placed in 
 proper positions as sentinels and patrols, and three or four 
 hundred of the peasantry of a friendly village came to 
 offer their assistance. Many of them were mounted on 
 horses, and carried long spears; the rest had heavy guns. 
 Altogether the little place looked quite warlike. Thus 
 protected we slept in peace. 
 The next morning a large party of horsemen arrived 
 from Shefa 'Amer and dismounted at our house; for they 
 had come, they said, especially to protect the English Vice- 
 The Tirehites had now quite retreated, but our little 
 town was still full of excitement. The assembled volun- 
 teers and armed peasantry were galloping about, singing 
 and shouting, and now and then firing their guns. They 
 seemed quite disappointed at not finding any especial use 
 for them. The place was so well guarded that there was 
 no longer any fear of an attack. 
 Just before sunset I strolled out with my brother through 
 the quadrangle -or castle-court, which was occupied by the 
 artillery. We went out at the east gate, and through the 
 Moslem cemetery to the fruit-gardens and the palm-grove. 
 We were returning homeward on the sands when the loud 
 and angry shouting of some herdsmen attracted our notice. 
 A large number of cattle, some of which were said to be 
 stolen property, were being led toward the town, and they 
 were the subjects of the dispute. A crowd soon assembled, 
 the noise increased, and an angry contest ensued, till words 
 were followed by blows. I was led out of the way, and 
 stationed on an embankment, thrown up years ago by Ibra- 
 him Pasha's soldiers. The disturbance was, naturally, mis- 
 construed by the gallant volunteers and defenders of Haifa. 
 A troop of mounted peasantry issued from the gates, their 
 long spears uplifted, the dust flying under the feet of their 
 galloping horses, while their long striped cloaks and shawl 
 head-dresses — kefias — streamed like flags or banners. The 
 cattle and goats fled in all directions, and in their fright 
 they did not seem to see where they were going, but blun- 
 dered into thickets, against rocks and tombs, and into the 
 sea. I was very nearly thrown down by some of them. 
 More than a hundred men came out before they discovered 
 that it was only a false alarm, and then, regretfully, they 
 retraced their steps. Saleh, who was with us, told me to 
 consider it as a little "fantasia," got up for my especial 
 After our evening meal my brother was called away. I 
 puzzled over my Arabic lesson for some time, and then 
 went out on the terrace, where two of the men-servants 
 were already sleeping. It seemed to me like a dream to 
 be standing there alone in the moonlight, the night-silence 
 only broken by the rippling of the waves on the shore, the 
 bleating of my tethered lamb, and distant sounds of shout- 
 ing and singing. 
 The next day the Pasha of 'Akka arrived. He visited 
 each of the consuls, and then held a council at the castle. 
 It was proposed that a force should march against Tireh, 
 in order to arrest and punish the plotters of the late attack 
 on Haifa ; but it was soon made apparent that the Tirehites 
 had friends at Court and protectors in the Council. Some 
 Moslems of influence in Haifa had personal interest in the 
 prosperity of Tireh, for they had considerable property 
 there, and some of the Tirehites were largely in their debt. 
 Through their interference and bribes, the affair was allowed 
 to pass by almost unnoticed, notwithstanding the strongly- 
 expressed indignation of the consuls and others. 
 A few days afterward, I was invited to a wedding in the 
 Sekhali family, Christian Arabs of the orthodox Greek 
 community. At about eight o'clock, A. M., I was led into 
 their church, a domed building, lighted from above, and 
 gaudy with highly-colored, distorted copies of ancient By- 
 zantine pictures; for the Greeks, though not allowed to 
 have images to assist them in their devotions, may have 
 pictures, provided they are not too life-like ! The body of 
 the church, unincumbered by stalls or chairs, was already 
 nearly filled with wedding guests, holding lighted — home- 
 made — wax tapers; one was placed in my hands. In the 
 center of the crowd, at a lectern, stood a priest, and, im- 
 mediately before him, the bride, closely shrouded in a white 
 izzar. A many-colored muslin vail entirely concealed her 
 features. The bridegroom by her side, who was only sev- 
 enteen, wore a suit of sky-blue cloth, edged with gold 
 thread, and a handsome crimson and white shawl girdle. 
 He had only once seen the face of the bride, and that was 
 six months before, on the day of the betrothal. 
 The service was in Arabic, and rapidly uttered in clear 
 but inono1;onous tones. The most important part of it 
 seemed to be the Gospel narrative of the marriage at Cana, 
 in Galilee. While the priest was reading it, bread and 
 wine were handed to the young man. He gave some to 
 the girl, who, in laking it, was very careful not to expose 
 her face. Immediately afterward, she held out one of her 
 henna-stained hands, and a jeweled ring was placed on her 
 finger. Two crowns, made of gilt foil, were brought by 
 the bridegroom's-man and bride's-woman, and placed on 
 the heads of the now married pair, who joined hands, and 
 with their two attendants walked round and round in the 
 midst of the people, who made way for them and sprinkled 
 them with rose-water and other scents as they passed, sing- 
 ing, and shouting good wishes. By the time the circuit 
 had been made seven times, the vails of the bride and 
 bride's-woman were quite saturated, and the two men sub- 
 mitted, without the slightest resistance, to have bottles of 
 scent emptied on their tarbushes. As the excitement in- 
 creased, the sprinkling became general, and I came in for 
 my share. Thus ended the ceremony. 
 While this was going on, a continual shrill screaming 
 accompaniment was kept up by the female friends of the 
 bride, who were crowded together in the latticed gallery 
 overhead. There were very few women in the body of 
 the church, and those were near relations of the bride or 
 bridegroom. Presently the men formed a procession, and 
 with the bridegroom in their midst, walked out of church. 
 A pipe-bearer, carrying a handsome chibouque, was in 
 attendance, and he handed it to the bridegroom whenever 
 the leaders paused to dance, or to sing some wild extrava- 
 gant love-song. Rose-water was poured on his head from 
 the roofs or windows of the houses under which he passed. 
 Etiquette required that he should look quite calm and com- 
 posed in the midst of the noise and excitement. I was told by 
 Saleh that he preserved his dignified demeanor throughout 
 the day, while his friends and fellow-townsmen were feast- 
 ing and making merry round him, and singing bridal songs. 
THE vmam bride. 109 
 In the mean time, the bride, with her female attendants 
 and companions, all vailed, and shrouded in white, walked 
 very slowly toward her home — the home of her childhood ; 
 for she was not to go forth to meet the bridegroom till 
 after sunset. I accompanied her. We all carried our 
 tapers, although it was the third hour, that is, about nine 
 o'clock, A. M. We paused now and then while one of the 
 professional singing women improvised a solo, suitable for 
 the occasion. All the women took up the words, and joined 
 in chorus, as we walked on again. One verse was in allu- 
 sion to the presence of a daughter of England at the wed- 
 ding. It was regarded as a favorable omen. The chorus 
 was a prayer for the peace and happiness of the English 
 girl. We mounted a broad, covered stone staircase, and, 
 passing through a corridor, entered a large, many-windowed 
 room. The bride was led to a sort of throne, made of 
 cushions and embroidered pillows, and I was placed by her 
 side. Her white izzar and vail were taken off. She looked 
 dreadfully faint and fatigued. She was not more than four- 
 teen years old, with an oval face, rather large lips, and 
 black, delicately-arched eyebrows. Her eyes were shut; 
 for custom makes it a point of honor for a bride to keep 
 them closed from the time she leaves the church till the 
 moment she meets the bridegroom at night. She sat in 
 state, in a kneeling posture, resting on her heels, while the 
 palms of her hands were placed flat on her knees, as some 
 Indian deities are represented. Her head-dress was almost 
 concealed by strings of pearls, festoons of small gold coins, 
 diamond — or paste — rosettes, and flower sprays. Her long 
 hair, twisted with braid, hung down her back in nine plaits, 
 heavy with little gold ornaments and coins. She wore a 
 purple velvet jacket, very open in front, showing her crape 
 shirt and her chest, which was actually adorned with little 
 bits of leaf-gold ! Her necklace, or collar of gold coins, 
 was very beautiful. Her skirt of white and yellow silk 
 almost concealed her full, yellow silk drawers. Her hands 
 and arms were checkered with deep orange-brown henna 
 stains; but what struck me more than all, was the glossy, 
 shining luster of her skin. 
 While I had been intently watching and observing the 
 bride, the company of women had quite transformed them- 
 selves. They had thrown off their white izzars and vails, 
 and now appeared in all the colors of the rainbow — in all 
 sorts of combinations. The faces of many looked as glossy 
 as the bride's. Nearly all of them had very large dark 
 eyes, with the edges of the eyelids blackened with kohl. 
 Their mouths were rather wide, and revealed large, very 
 perfect white teeth, which glistened as the teeth of wild 
 animals do. Their complexions were generally dark, but 
 brilliant and clear. They came forward, one by one, to 
 kiss the bride's hand; but she remained quite passive, 
 and did not answer any salutations. Dancing and singing 
 commenced. A woman kept time with a tambourine, and 
 two or three dancers stood up in the center of the room, 
 and attitudinized gracefully but voluptuously. They began 
 very slowly — advancing, as if reluctantly and timidly, 
 toward 'some imaginary object — then retreating, only to 
 advance again, gradually quickening both step and action. 
 The lookers on sat round on the matted floor, in a double 
 row, clapping their hands in harmony with the tambourine, 
 and singing wild, passionate songs, to melodies in a minor 
 key, in two-four time. As soon as one dancer was tired, 
 another stood up and replaced her; and four of them 
 worked themselves up into such a state of excitement that 
 they looked as if they were dying, when at last they gave 
 way. Some- of the younger girls wore white calico dresses, 
 with small gold spangles sewed all over them in clusters; 
 others had on white thin muslin skirts, over blue or red 
 silk trowsers, and red or black velvet jackets; and, when 
 they danced, they held in their hands embroidered shawls, 
 which they waved about gracefully. Sweetmeats, fruits, 
 creams, and various dishes were served at midday. 
 After sunset the mother and female relations of the 
 bridegroom came to fetch the bride; and then she com- 
 meneed crying and wailing bitterly. This is expected of 
 her; and, whether she feel regret or no, she must show 
 signs of sorrow on leaving her home, and must also appear 
 unwilling to go forth to meet the bridegroom. This real 
 or affected reluctance is sometimes carried to such an ex- 
 tent that the weeping bride has to be pushed and dragged 
 along very ungracefully. I have witnessed ludicrous scenes 
 of this kind. The vailed bride, whose eyes are still sup- 
 posed to be closed — but she does peep about a little — is 
 generally Ijifted on to a horse; and, though her new home 
 may be only in the next street, she makes a tour through 
 the town or village, riding very slowly, attended by a large 
 company of women and girls, carrying flaming torches, and 
 screaming and singing wildly. 
 I have often lent my horse to a poor girl that she may 
 thus ride in triumph, lifted up among the crowd of torch- 
 bearers, to meet her bridegroom; and very often, just before 
 midnight, I have been attracted to the window to see such 
 processions pass by. 
 Before the going forth of the bride a party of men and 
 women convey her trousseau by torch-light to her new home. 
 A red wooden cradle and a red box are always the most 
 conspicuous objects. Sometimes a small looking-glass in 
 a gilt frame is proudly displayed. Pillows covered with 
 bright-colored silks, a trayful of scented soap, a mattress or 
 two, and a lehaff may be seen, varying in quality according 
 to the rank of the bride. 
 On subsequent and persevering inquiry among Arab 
 ladies, I found out how it was that the bride's face 
 looked so lustrous. I learned that girls are prepared for 
 marriage with a very great deal of ceremony. There are 
 women who make the beautifying of brides their especial 
 profession ! 
 A widow woman, named Angelina, is the chief artiste in 
 this department of art in Haifa. She uses her scissors and 
 tweezers freely and skillfully to remove superfluous hair, 
 and trains the eyebrow to an arched line, perfecting it 
 witli black pigments. She prepares an adhesive plaster 
 of very strong, sweet gum, and applies it by degrees all 
 over the body, letting it remain on for a minute or more; 
 then she tears it off quickly, and it brings away with it all 
 the soft down or hair, leaving the skin quite bare, with an 
 unnaturally-bright and polished appearance, much admired 
 by Orientals. The face requires very careful manipulation.* 
 When women have once submitted to this process, they 
 look frightful if from time to time they do not repeat it; 
 for the hair never grows so soft and fine again. Perhaps 
 this is one of the reasons why aged Arab women, who 
 have quite given up all these arts of adornment, look so 
 haggard and witch-like. In some instances this ordeal 
 slightly irritates the skin, and perfumed sesame or olive- 
 oil is applied, or cooling lotions of elder-flower water are 
 The bride invites her friends to accompany her to the 
 public bath previous to the wedding day, and sends to 
 each one a packet of henna, two or three pieces of soap, 
 and two wax candles. Angelina is generally the bearer 
 of the message and of these articles, which are always 
 to be paid for. I have now and then accepted such invi- 
 Bridal parties assemble and sometimes pass three suc- 
 cessive days in the luxury of the Turkish bath. Pipes, 
 sherbet, coffee, and other refreshments are served, and songs 
 are sung in honor of the bride, who is, of course, attended 
 by Angelina, and forms the center of attraction. Her hair 
 is unbraided, she is slowly disrobed, and then, with her loins 
 slightly girdled with crimson silk, she is mounted on high 
 clogs, and led through halls and passages gradually in- 
 creasing in temperature, with fountains overflowing their 
 marble floors. She is placed on a marble platform, near to 
 * Did David allude to this custom— which is evidently a very ancient one^ 
 when he prayed for the physical prosperity of his kingdom and said, " May our 
 daughters be as corner-stones, polished after the similitude of a palace?" It is 
 only as brides or wives that they could bo recognized as corner-stones, helping to 
 build up the nation, and it is then that their faces are made to shine. 
 a jet of hot water. Fullers' earth is rubbed on her head, 
 she is lathered with soap, and brushed with a handful of 
 tow. Hot water is poured over her, freely, she is swathed 
 in long towels, and by slow degrees conducted back to a 
 more moderate temperature, and lastly to a fountain of cool 
 water. Her companions in the mean time undergo the same 
 process. Then, shrouded in muslin, crape, or linen, they 
 sit together, smoking, till they are rested and refreshed. 
 The edges of the eyelids are blackened thus — a little 
 instrument, like a silver bodkin, is dipped in water, and 
 then into a bottle or box containing an impalpable powder 
 called kohl^ made of antimony and carefully-prepared soot; 
 the blackened point is drawn gently along between the 
 almost closed lids of the eyes. Poor people use soot alone, 
 and apply it with pins made of lignum vitae.* 
 The arms and hands, legs and feet, are bandaged with 
 narrow tape or braid, like sandals, crossing and recrossing 
 each other ; then a paste made of moistened henna powder — 
 the pulverized leaves of the henna tree — Lawsonia — is 
 spread and bound over them, and allowed to remain on 
 for several hours. When it is removed, the skin is found 
 deeply dyed wherever the tape — which is now unwound — 
 did not protect it. Thus a sort of checkered pattern is 
 produced, and when it is artistically and delicately done — 
 as Angelina can do it — the feet look, at a distance, as if 
 they were sandaled, and the hands as if they were covered 
 with mittens of a bright orange or bronze color. 
 Finally, early on the wedding-day, the bride is dressed 
 in her bridal robes. Her hair is braided in what we call 
 the Grecian plait. Small pieces of leaf-gold are stuck on 
 her forehead and on her breast. Care is taken not to con- 
 * This process is probably referred to by Ezekiel xxiii, 40. " Ye have sent for 
 men to come from far ; for whom thon didst wash thyself, paintedst thy eyes, and 
 deckedst thyself with ornaments." And it is written that Jezebel "painted her 
 eyes," or " put her eyes in painting." And Jeremiah says, in the fourth chapter 
 and thirtieth verse, " Though thou deckest thee with ornaments of gold ; though 
 thou rentest thy face [or, as it should be written, thine eyes,] with painting, in vain 
 shalt thou make thyself fair," etc. So we may regard the use of kohl as a very 
 ancient custom. 
 ceal any of the stars or spots tattooed on her face or chest 
 in infancy. A line of blue dots encircling the lips is some- 
 times seen, and a spot on the chin is very common. A 
 little rouge is added to highten the color of the cheeks 
 "when considered necessary. 
 Angelina gets into sad disgrace with the clergy of Haifa 
 for encouraging all this vanity, out of which she, by the 
 by, makes a good living. She goes from one church to 
 another for absolution, sometimes reckoning herself a Greek, 
 sometimes a Latin, and sometimes a Melchite, according to 
 the leniency of the respective priests. 
 The Arab women are very much wedded to the ancient 
 customs of thfe country, and they will not abandon them, 
 notwithstanding the persevering efforts of the priesthood. 
 The GTreek Catholic Church vainly pronounces anathemas, 
 and threatens with excommunication those women who 
 tattoo themselves, and use kohl, and henna, and rouge. 
 They will persist in doing so while they believe that it 
 adds to their beauty, and to their powers of attraction, and 
 in vain the noisy processions at weddings and at burials 
 are forbidden, so long as the people believe them to be pro- 
 pitious. Their respect for custom is stronger even than 
 their fear of the Church. If the priests persisted in carry- 
 ing out their threats of excommunication for such offenses, 
 their congregations would soon be scattered; so they are 
 lenient, and thus Greek and Roman forms of Christianity 
 are blended insensibly with ceremonies and practices so 
 ancient that their origin even is unknown. 
 This is not the only difficulty which the priests find to 
 contend with, in the pastoral care of Arab women. 
 In 1859 a number of black silk mittens were sold in 
 Haifa by a peddler from Beirut. They were a novelty to 
 the Arab women, who were quite proud of this addition to 
 their toilette, and displayed their mittened hands delight- 
 edly in church. The priest of the Greek Catholic com- 
 munity actually denounced them from the altar, forbidding 
 the adoption of gloves, mittens, or any new and expensive 
 luxury in their dress, and cautioned them also against 
 exposing any part of their ornamental head-dresses in 
 church ! 
 I had a very interesting conversation a few days after- 
 ward with the utterer of this denunciation, and he explained 
 to me his reason for this seemingly-strange interference 
 about the mittens. He said that he considered it very 
 important to check, if possible, the inroad of Frank taste 
 among the Arab women; for, if they were to adopt the 
 Frank dress, which requires many changes of apparel, and 
 alters its fashions frequently, a trousseau would be so ex- 
 pensive that young men would not be able to marry, and 
 early unions, which are so desirable in the East, would be 
 prevented. The costly articles of a genuine Arab ward- 
 robe last a lifetime, and are heirlooms, whereas the gala 
 dresses of a Frank wardrobe must be renewed every year. 
 This priest spoke feelingly ; for he Was an Arab, a husband, 
 and the father of a large family of girls. It is quite clear 
 that in matters of fashion and custom, the priests have very 
 little influence. In towns where the Arabs have much in- 
 tercourse with Europeans, they gradually adopt some of 
 their manners, and imitate their costumes, by degrees 
 abandoning their own. 
 On the 1st of October the victories in the Crimea were 
 announced and celebrated in 'Akka. Five times during 
 the day twenty-one guns were fired, and at night the town 
 was illuminated, and bonfires were made on the hills which 
 encircle the bay. In Haifa a great portion of the lately- 
 acquired supply of ammunition was used in feux de joie, 
 the minaret and the Consulates were lighted up, and we 
 borrowed lamps . from the Jewish synagogue to deck the 
 English flagstaflf! 
 At night the place was very animated. We went out 
 with Saleh Sekhali, and Mohammed Bek, a distinguished- 
 looking, handsome Moslem, and two or three of his friends. 
 Yusef led the way, with "a lantern for our feet." It 
 threw light now and then on such muddy pools, guttered 
 streets, and heaps of vegetable refuse, that it was quite indis- 
 pensable. We made our way to the narrow, ill-constructed, 
 but well-supplied bazar, which is generally deserted at sun- 
 set, but that night the shops were all open. Pipes, red and 
 yellow shoes and boots, embroidered slippers, Manchester 
 prints, Damascus silks, purple linen, shawls, jars, lamps, and 
 cooking utensils, fruit, sweetmeats, and samples of grain, 
 were exposed by the light of a hundred lanterns. Groups 
 of Arabs in their fite-dsLj dresses were on all the counters, 
 and in the open cafds and barbers' shops story-tellers and 
 singers attracted earnest listeners. Showers of sugar-plums 
 were thrown from one side of the place to the other, and 
 boys were busy scrambling for them. 
 Mohammed Bek and Saleh, and a few Arab friends, 
 spent the evening with us. One of them inquired what 
 kind of stories or romances English people liked. We had 
 recently read "Jane Eyre," so my brother began trans- 
 lating it to them, au courant, somewhat condensing it, and 
 adapting it to Arab comprehension. The listeners were 
 so interested that they came several successive nights for 
 an hour or two to hear it to the end. I mention this be- 
 cause two years afterward, when traveling in the interior, 
 we heard this story, somewhat altered and modified, but 
 well told, by an Arab who did not know its source. We 
 soon traced it to some of our guests of that night. Perhaps 
 some future collector of Arabian tales may be puzzled by 
 hearing the Oriental version of this very unoriental romance, 
 and may fancy he has found the origin of the plot of 
 "Jane Eyre," and rob the little imaginative recluse of 
 Yorkshire of the credit of her wonderful power and orig- 
 inality. JEsop's Fables, freely translated in the same way, 
 with the help of illustrations, gave great pleasure to our 
 Arab friends. Our maps puzzled them, and excited their 
 interest and curiosity, and they had faith in them when 
 they found that by the assistance of a map of Palestine I, 
 a stranger, could tell the names and directions of most of 
 the towns and villages for miles around. 
 The Moslem guests were at first rather shy, and hardly 
 ventured to address me; for they are not in the habit of 
 seeing any women except their wives, slaves, and servants, 
 and they never see any Christian women. I had been 
 advised to avoid meeting my brother's Moslem guests for 
 the sole reason that they seclude their female relatives; 
 but we did not wish to imitate Oriental exclusiveness un- 
 necessarily, and I found much to interest me in my inter- 
 course with them. They always behaved to me with re- 
 spectful and chivalrous kindness. 
 The Levantine ladies, who hide themselves from Moslems 
 almost as scrupulously as the native Arabs do, were rather 
 surprised, and they explained to me that it was quite con- 
 trary to custom for Moslems to see females out of their 
 own families, and that the laws of their religion forbade 
 them to do so. I took the first opportunity to make 
 inquiry on the subject, and when two or three of the 
 most intelligent and learned of our Moslem friends were 
 assembled one evening at our house, I told them that I 
 had an important question to ask them. I first reminded 
 them that neither the customs of my country nor the voice 
 of my conscience forbade me to see any of my fellow- 
 creatures. On the contrary, I was taught to love every 
 one, knowing that we are all of one family, the children 
 of one God, and created by his will. Then I said, "Is 
 there, any law, which you regard as sacred and binding, 
 forbidding you to see and converse with women out of 
 your own individual families? If there is such a law, 
 I will not cause you to disobey it, but will help you to 
 keep it by hiding myself from you." 
 They seemed to be taken by surprise; but they clearly 
 explained and proved to me that there is no law of the 
 kind, and it is the law of custom only which immures 
 the women in their harems. Mohammed Bek said that 
 their women are now quite unfitted for society, and would 
 not know how to conduct themselves in the presence of 
 strangers. "If we gave them liberty they would not know 
 how to use it. Their heads are made of wood. They are 
 not like you. When you speak, we no longer remember 
 that you are a girl; we think we are listening to a sheikh. 
 To live in the world knowledge and wisdom are neces- 
 sary. Our wives and daughters have neither wisdom nor 
 knowledge. Grive them wisdom, and we will give them 
 Satisfied on this point, I continued to see them, and I 
 never had reason to regret it. I think that I gave them 
 Bome new ideas on the capabilities and capacities of women, 
 which may in time be turned to account. 
 Yassin Agha, one of our most frequent guests, invited 
 me to visit his family. I went with my brother. We were 
 first received in a large vaulted room by the Agha and his 
 sons and a few Moslem gentlemen, then the eldest son was 
 desired to conduct me to the harem, that part of the house 
 especially occupied by women. He led me across a court, 
 and up an open stairway, into a large, handsome room 
 paved with marble, where a group of women waited to wel- 
 come me. He introduced me to his grandmother, an aged- 
 looking woman, almost blind, and to his own mother, and 
 then he left me. They wore jackets and full trowsers made 
 of common print. They led me into an inner apartment, 
 where a younger wife of the Agha, gayly decked with em- 
 broidery, jewelry, and flowers, was seated with a number 
 of childreu, slaves, and servants. The latter seemed to 
 occupy almost the same position in the establishment as 
 their mistresses, but some of them were very dirty, untidy, 
 and ragged. In an open brazier in the middle of this room 
 a charcoal fire was burning, and a little child sick with 
 fever was on a mattress in the corner. The air was dry 
 and hot, and I found it difficult to breathe, especially when 
 they all crowded round me. My dress was examined with 
 curiosity, and if I had not gently but firmly resisted, I 
 think I should have been disrobed, so eager were they to 
 see how my clothes were made and fastened. They patted 
 me, stroked my hair, and called me all sorts of pet names. 
 They asked me if I were betrothed, and whether my brother 
 had a harem, and if he were fair and handsome. When I 
 took off my light kid gloves, one of the children began to 
 cry, saying, "Behold, see, the stranger is skinning her 
 hands." Lemonade and sweetmeats were handed to me, 
 and coffee was prepared by a black slave, who crouched 
 down by the charcoal fire. Narghiles and long pipes were 
 passed from one to another. The one which I smoked had 
 a very beautiful jeweled mouthpiece, sent up by the Agha 
 for my use. I explained to them that I had learned to 
 smoke in their country, and that in England ladies do not 
 smoke. They took me into a room well stocked with 
 lehaffs and mattresses, some of which were covered with 
 silk. They asked if I could work, and were surprised 
 when I answered that I could make all my clothes. They 
 told me that nearly all their dresses were made by tailors, 
 and that their mattresses, lehaffs, and divans, were covered 
 and made by upholsterers, so that they did very little 
 needle-work themselves. The eldest son, who had been 
 my guide, came to fetch me, and took me into a small 
 but lofty room, with palm fronds at least twelve feet long 
 in each corner, and dates hanging up in rich clusters from 
 the rafters. 
 I called afterward on Mohammed Bek. He had only 
 one wife, a pleasant young woman, who, with her infant 
 daughter, were under the especial duennaship of the Bek's 
 mother, one of the most dignified-looking Arab women I 
 ever saw. 
 The young wife, Miriam, was dressed in a dark cloth 
 jacket and pink cotton trowsers. She was very much tat- 
 tooed. A row of blue dots encircled her large thick lips, 
 a star appeared on her forehead, and a little crescent on 
 her chin. Her eyebrows were strongly marked, and her 
 lashes very long. At her side, in her girdle, she had a 
 gold crescent-shaped box or case, embossed and chased. It 
 contained an inscription in Arabic characters, and she 
 regarded it as a potent charm. 
 Her little child had on a green silk skull-cap, to which 
 were fastened coins, strings of pearls, and a blue bead to 
 avert the effect of the glance of an " evil eye." Broad 
 bands of silver, with tinkling bells attached to them, were 
 fastened round her ankles, and she pattered about on the 
 matted floor with her little naked feet to make them ring. 
 She had on a tight green silk jacket, and short full Turk- 
 ish trowsers, and a small red shawl for a girdle. 
 I liked these people very much, and often went to see 
 them. One day when I called, about two years after my 
 first visit, Miriam told me that she feared her husband was 
 looking out for another wife. Some Moslem ladies, who had 
 heard the rumor at the Turkish baths, had told her. She 
 said, " I have lived for four years with the Bek and his 
 mother, and I have been very happy, but I shall be happy 
 no longer if he brings home a new bride. She will take 
 his soul from me. Speak to him, my sister, that he may 
 not take another wife. He will listen to you, for your 
 words are pearls and diamonds." 
 I ascertained afterward that the report was true, for 
 Mohammed was negotiating a marriage with a girl of a 
 tribe of the Metwalis; this was, however, soon afterward 
 broken off, for the family or clan to which the Bek be- 
 longed became involved in a feud with the Metwalis, con- 
 sequently the marriage could not take place. Mohammed 
 had never seen the lady, so he was easily consoled, and 
 Miriam rejoiced exceedingly. 
 In a third harem which I visited, I found four wives, 
 who seemed to live very contentedly together. They were 
 kindly treated and very much indulged, and were often 
 allowed to go — well guarded — to the Turkish baths, and to 
 visit other harems. 
 Their husband. Sheikh Abdallah, always had in his 
 establishment the full allowance of four wives, and when 
 one died the vacancy was soon filled. Though still in the 
 prime of life, he had already had seven wives. I ascer- 
 tained from them, by degrees, that they held supremacy in 
 turn, for the space of a few days or a week. The honored 
 one is said to be " holder of the keys," for during her tem- 
 porary sway she is always in full dress — the mistress of the 
 reception-room — and the favored one of the lord of the 
 harem, while the rest attend to the cooking and household 
 matters. This family seemed to be very well regulated, and 
 I never saw any signs of ill-feeling between the wives, al- 
 though the youngest and prettiest had no children, while 
 the eldest, a lady of Nablus, had three sons, and the two 
 others, who came respectively from Saida and Damascus, 
 had each a son and daughter. 
 The sheikh always sought for wives in various and far 
 distant towns. After marriage the women rarely, if ever, 
 came in contact with their relatives ; thus, having no con- 
 nections in Haifa, they naturally sympathized with each 
 other as strangers in a strange place. There were no old 
 quarrels or jealousies to revive ; on the contrary, there 
 must have been subjects of novelty and interest to com- 
 municate. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why Ab- 
 dallah's harem was more homelike and harmonious than 
 any other which I visited.* 
 The chief room is long and narrow, with unglazed, 
 wooden, latticed windows on three sides of it. A raised 
 divan at the end of the room is regarded as the seat of 
 honor, where the sheikh always sits. Narrow mattresses, 
 carpeted and cushioned, are arranged on the floor close to 
 the walls. 
 * It seems to me that Sheikh Abdallah thus carried out, in its most extreme 
 sense, the spirit of the injunction of Moses, not to take a woman's sister to wife 
 " to vex her in her lifetime." 
 Abdallah would not even run the risk of marrying any two members of one fam- 
 ily, or even two girls from the same town or village. He was shrewd and clever, 
 and understood the disadvantages of such unions. "WTien Moses gave the above law 
 he was legislating for a people who, like the Moslems, practiced polygamy and 
 recognized it as lawful. He in his wisdom may not have approved of it, but he 
 tried to mitigate its evils and make the best of it. He had no doubt often witnessed, 
 as I have done, the quarrels, disputes, and jealousies which arise in harems where 
 the several wives of one man are nearly related to each other. The more remote 
 the connection or relationship among the women in a harem, the more chance there 
 appears to bo of peace within its walls. 
 I had known this family about three years, when, one 
 day, as I sat in that room, surrounded by the four wives, 
 their children and slaves, the sheikh himself was suddenly 
 announced. All rose up at his coming. He took his seat 
 by my side on the divan. None of the women ventured to 
 sit in his presence till he had invited them to do so. 
 They all vied with each other to serve him. One placed 
 a pillow for him cozily, another handed him sherbet, and 
 the favored one had the especial privilege of preparing 
 and lighting his pipe. He spoke very gently and kindly 
 to them all, and fondled his children lovingly. He was 
 dressed in in-door costume, and wore a long gown, called 
 a ktimbaz, made of white goat's-hair, striped with white 
 spun silk, and over it a bright-blue cloth pelisse, edged 
 with fur, a very large white muslin turban, and yellow 
 pointed slippers, without stockings. 
 I asked him if he had any books. He dispatched one 
 of his little sons, with orders to bring to me all that were 
 in the house. A slave soon appeared with a pile of dusty 
 folios, consisting of manuscript copies of the. Koran, illu- 
 minated profusely, and books of medicine and magic; but 
 the favorite volume was brought by one of the wives. It 
 was a thick, clumsy-looking quarto, and consisted of careful 
 and detailed interpretations of dreams and omens of all 
 kinds; in fact, it was a manuscript divination dictionary. 
 The subjects were arranged in alphabetical order, beau- 
 tifully written in large red letters, and the explanations 
 were in black ink. The paper was so thick, yellow, and 
 glossy that I at first mistook it for vellum. As the sheikh 
 turned over the leaves of this book he said, "Lady, what 
 was the dream of your last sleep?" I reflected an instant, 
 and answered, "I was walking by the sea-shore, near the 
 River Kishon, and was very tired, when suddenly a white 
 horse, ready saddled, rose and stood before me, as if 
 offering his services; so I mounted and rode on, as if I 
 were flying, till I awoke." The women cried out, "It is a 
 good dream I" And the sheikh looked in the dictionary 
 for the words "white horse" and "sea-shore." After 
 some consideration he assured me that my dream was a 
 very good one, and that, though great dangers surrounded 
 me, I should certainly escape from them. None of the 
 women could read a single letter; hut if any thing could 
 induce them to learn, I think it would be their desire to 
 read that book, every line of which they listened to most 
 A tray of sweetmeats, nuts, fruit, and other dishes was 
 brought in. The sheikh ate with me, and then retired; 
 for none of the women would eat in his presence. I never 
 saw an instance of an Arab woman eating with men except 
 in families which had been strongly influenced by Euro- 
 pean society. These ladies were all very clever in making 
 preserves, marmalade, and sweetmeats, and in preparing 
 meat dishes, and seemed to be very devoted mothers. The 
 children looked happy, and the elder sons were fine, intel- 
 ligent youths. 
 In spite of the good-natured cheerfulness of the women, 
 I felt that there was something wanting. Only the mate- 
 rial part of their nature was developed, and developed so 
 disproportionately, that the Moslems were right when they 
 said that in their present state they are unfit for general 
 society. In some of the harems the women live very un- 
 happily, and are only like spies on each other. In some 
 cases men who have two wives are obliged also to have 
 two homes, that peace may be insured. The majority of 
 Moslems do not practice polygamy. 
 Disagreements frequently arise from jealousy about oiF- 
 spring. The wife who has only daughters looks with 
 hatred and envy on the mother rejoicing over an infant 
 boy. I can fully realize the passionate despair of Hannah 
 when provoked by Peninnah, and the muttered prayer and 
 excitement which Eli mistook for the frenzy of drunk- 
 enness; and I can fancy I hear her at last triumphing 
 and exulting over her son Samuel, in words of praise and 
 prayer, inspired by the strongest feelings of her nature. 
 I expected to find very large families in those houses 
 where there were two or more wives; but, as a rule, this 
 was not the case. In the Jewish and Christian quar- 
 ters the children are much more numerous than in the 
 Moslem quarters. The Jews in Syria are permitted to 
 take a second wife if the first has no hope of having any 
 Early in October, on a pleasant afternoon, I went with 
 my brother into one of the fruit-gardens just outside Haifa. 
 We cautiously made our way, one by one, down a short, 
 narrow lane of prickly pears, and passed a little mud and 
 stone hut, the dwelling of the gardener and his family. 
 They were Egyptians, who are considered much more 
 skillful than Arabs in the cultivation of the ground. Fig- 
 trees, pomegranates, almonds, elders, olives, palms, lemons, 
 shaddocks — or, as they are called in Arabic, " lemun helu," 
 sweet lemons — and cucumbers of many kinds, flourished 
 under his care. However, as every thing is sold in the 
 market according to a tariff regulated by the Government, 
 there is very little motive or inducement for emulation 
 among gardeners, and no attempt is made to improve and 
 perfect the delicious fruits and valuable vegetables of the 
 country — quantity, without regard to quality, is the consid- 
 eration of the Oriental cultivator. 
 Under an olive-tree, in the middle of the garden, on an 
 old piece of matting, sat an aged Arab woman; her ragged 
 white linen head-dress was arranged so as to shade her 
 eyes, which were afflicted with ophthalmy. Her cotton 
 dress was patched over and over again, and a heavy, striped 
 abbai, or traveling cloak, was thrown over her feet. She 
 was intently mumbling to herself, and slipping the beads 
 of a black rosary rapidly through her long, thin fingers. 
 Near to her was a little nook made of piled-up stones and 
 earth, and covered with old matting. It was not much 
 bigger than the hood of a bassinette, but it was evidently 
 intended to shelter her head at night, for a rolled-up mat- 
 tress and some heavy-wadded quilts were close to it. Old 
 clothes were hanging on the tree above her, not for the 
 sake of drying them, but the branch was her clothes-peg, 
 and the tree her wardrobe. Two basins were behind the 
 tree trunk, and the remains of a wood-fire between two 
 blocks of stone. This was her kitchen. We greeted her 
 with, " Peace be upon you ;" but she gave us only gloomy 
 answers, saying, " For me there is no peace," and still con- 
 tinued fingering her beads, without raising her head. She 
 said an "evil eye " had looked upon her and had "destroyed 
 the power" of her life. 
 A pleasant sound of falling water attracted us up to the 
 large, square, raised, stone reservoir, round which, seated on 
 a low parapet, a party of Arabs were smoking and chatting. 
 Water was falling with some force into this pool, from a 
 duct supplied by large earthenware jars, fixed with ropes, 
 made of palm-fiber, to a large wheel. The wheel was kept 
 in motion by a blindfolded mule, and as it turned round it 
 dipped into a well, and the jars were filled with water, and 
 in rising up again they emptied themselves into the duct, 
 and so on again and again, as long as the mule kept up 
 its monotonous round, urged on by a little barefooted boy, 
 stick in hand. A hole in the lower part of the wall of 
 the reservoir was every day unplugged for a certain time, 
 and the water allowed to flow into the little channels or 
 furrows which traversed the beds of vegetables and encir- 
 cled the trees. 
 As we left the garden, a donkey, laden with the red 
 shells or rinds of pomegranates, passed us. ' I was surprised 
 to learn that the bright yellow dye used to stain leather is 
 prepared from them. 
 We were walking toward the sands, through the burial 
 ground. The sun had set. We had left behind us at some 
 distance all the evening loungers about the town-gate, and 
 all the smokers by the well-side and the garden, when we 
 saw advancing toward us, in the twilight, a powerful-look- 
 ing black man, girdled with sackcloth, carrying a staff, or 
 rather the trunk of a slender tree, which still retained two 
 or three of its forked branches. The man was tall, but 
 his staff was high above him. He walked with an unsteady 
 gait, and we soon recognized him as an African maniac, of 
 whom some of the Europeans of Haifa had complained to 
 the Grovernor, because he walked in the streets quite naked ; 
 in consequence of this he had been turned out of town. 
 We passed him, and then he followed close behind us, mut- 
 tering and making strange noises. It was not very pleasant 
 to have such an attendant. "We turned sharply round and 
 faced him, and then walked toward the town. He turned 
 also, and preceded us. We were still among the tombs; 
 and, in the rapidly-increasing darkness, it appeared the 
 dreariest place imaginable — rocky and desolate, with tombs 
 of all periods, some in the last stages of decay, falling and 
 crumbling into strange shapes and heaps, others partially 
 concealed by small, dark, evergreen oaks, and here and 
 there was a newly-whitened sepulcher, which seemed to 
 shine with a light of its own. The black man did not ac- 
 company us beyond this domain of death. When I looked 
 back, and saw him standing there among the tombs, sway- 
 ing himself and his scepter to and fro, I could not help 
 thinking of the description, in the Grospel narrative, of that 
 man who met Christ on the shores of the sea of Galilee, 
 and "which had devils long time, and ware no clothes, 
 neither abode in any house, but in the tombs."* I did not 
 suppose that the poor African maniac was possessed of 
 devils, but I thought that he might very likely be seized 
 with the spirit of revenge; so I was glad to be out of his 
 reach, and safe within the gates of the town. 
 ♦ Luke vili, 27. 
 On Saturday, October 13th, we made ready for a trip to 
 Nazareth — Nasirah — to meet Mr. Finn there. We started 
 at about three o'clock in the afternoon, accompanied by our 
 friend Saleh Sekhali, one kawass, and an Egyptian groom. 
 We went out at the east gate, crossed the burial-ground, 
 approached the Carmel range, and skirted the base of the 
 hills, which are overgrown with low brushwood and ever- 
 green oaks. We took a south-easterly direction, with the 
 terraced slopes on our right hand, and a marshy plain on 
 our left, all bright with lush-green grass, tall rushes, and 
 reeds in full blossom. 
 We met strings of camels bringing grain from the Haur9,n, 
 for the merchants in Haifa and 'Akka, The peasants and 
 camel-drivers were all fully armed, and seemed as ready for 
 attack as for defense. 
 Presently we passed a more peaceful-looking party, con- 
 sisting of a family belonging to the next village. First 
 came a young girl, wearing a rather short open dress of 
 old striped crimson silk, made like a very scanty dressing- 
 gown, a long white shirt of very coarse heavy linen, and 
 a shawl-girdle fastened low. A purple scarf sheltered her 
 head and face — all but her large dark eyes, and fell over 
 her shoulders. She walked barefoot, and carried her yellow 
 shoes in her hands. A woman with an infant son in her 
 arms followed, riding on a large white donkey, which was 
 urged on by a man who walked close behind.. We ex- 
 changed greetings, and the strangers said to us, " May 
 Allah lead you in the path that is straight!" In about 
 forty minutes we reached the spring of Sa'adeh, which sup- 
 plies one of the tributary streams of the Kishon. It gushes 
 out of a deep, cavernous recess in the steep cliflf, and forms 
 a large, spreading, natural reservoir, where many kinds of 
 ferns are fostered. Saleh told me that Arab poets call a 
 stream *' a daughter of the hills." He led the way where 
 he knew there were firm stepping-stones, and we splashed 
 through water, in some parts about two feet deep, guiding 
 our horses between masses of rock and great stone bowlders, 
 surrounded by tall trees and water-plants. Our progress 
 was somewhat impeded by a number of goats and cattle, 
 which were being led to the fountain. 
 Just beyond this we saw, high up on the hills on our 
 right, a picturesque-looking Moslem village, called Refr- 
 esh- Sheik. On the flat roofs of its white stone huts there 
 were little Summer-houses, made of tree branches, long 
 palm fronds, and reeds. Most of the villagers in this dis- 
 trict make these pleasant shelters in the Summer-time. It 
 reminded me of the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. 
 Busy groups were on the thrashing-floors. A man was 
 winnowing a heap of wheat, by lifting up as much as he 
 could at a time, and as he let it fall gradually, the wind 
 carried away the chaff. We lingered a moment by the old 
 stone well in the olive grove ; near to it we saw a number 
 of strong masculine-looking laughing girls. In a few min- 
 utes we came to the little village of Ain-jur, with palm- 
 trees and flourishing gardens round it. At this point we 
 turned away from the hills, and made our way across the 
 fertile plain. 
 A serpentine line of verdure marks the course of the 
 Kishon. We approached it where it flows between steep 
 banks of rich loamy soil, nearly fifteen feet high, bordered 
 with fine oleanders, wild lupins, tall and blue, and St. 
 John's wort, covered with golden flowers. There was not 
 much water flowing, for there had not been any rain in 
 Galilee for a long time ; but the muddy bed, which at this 
 spot is about twenty feet broad, seemed to me as if it would 
 swallow us up. 
"daughters of sound." 12S 
 I have seen this stream swollen and rapid, after heavy 
 rains, when the Winter torrents of Galilee and Carmel flow 
 into it; then it is a river "with waters to swim in, a river 
 that can not be passed over;" and I can well imagine the 
 hosts of Sisera, his chariots and horses, struggling there; 
 and how " the River Kishon swept them away, that ancient 
 river, the River Kishon." Judges v, 21. We crossed safely, 
 and rode on, due east, to traverse some rounded hills, 
 crowned with evergreen oaks, hawthorns, and syringas. I 
 have seen them in the Spring-time full of blossom, when 
 the ground which they shelter is carpeted with hyacinths, 
 cyclamen, anemones, and narcissus. This is one of the 
 most extensive oak woods in Galilee, the oak leaves are 
 small and prickly, and the acorns large and long. 
 Here cheetahs are sometimes captured and killed — for the 
 sake of their skins, which are made into saddle-cloths — 
 foxes have their holes, and hyenas, cats, jackals, and wild 
 boars abound. The town Arabs are by no means enthusi- 
 astic hunters. A Nimrod is rarely met with now, except 
 among the European colonists. 
 In a little open glade we dismounted, and rested just 
 outside the solitary tent of a peasant, while we took some 
 refreshing fruit, then we hastened on again. These hills 
 are renowned for echoes, which are called by Arabs, " the 
 daughters of sound." My companions brought them forth, 
 by firing their guns and shouting, and they made the forest 
 ring with their songs ; at its eastern extremity the trees 
 grow so closely together, and the branches hang so low, 
 that I had to ride cautiously, to avoid sharing the fate of 
 Absalom. When we came out of the wood, we found our- 
 selves on the brow of a high, steep, and terraced declivity. 
 The smooth plain of Esdraelon Minor was immediately 
 below us, one half of it shaded by the hills on which we 
 stood, and the other half, as well as the opposite hills, were 
 in bright sunlight. The little village of Nain was pointed 
 out to me far away on the right. 
 We descended by a pleasant winding road, the trees 
 were more and more scattered, and at the foot of the hill 
 only low brushwood grew. 
 "We cantered across the plain, and ascended a low rounded 
 hill, on which stood a village, literally formed of dust and 
 ashes. The mud-hovels looked like dust-heaps, and their 
 interiors were little better than dust-holes ; but out of 
 these abodes heaps of clothing crawled, scarcely looking 
 like human beings, till they slowly rose, assuming forms 
 of strange grace and dignity, and gazed at us with serious 
 and untroubled eyes. We saw a group of old women 
 leaning over a square hole dug in the ground. Saleh 
 told me that this was the village oven. The bottom of it 
 glowed with red heat. The fuel, composed of peat and 
 dried dung,* was partially covered with stones, upon which 
 thin flat loaves are thrown and quickly baked. When 
 quite new, the bread thus prepared is crisp outside and 
 rather soft within ; but, when a day old, it is of the 
 consistency of leather, and very indigestible. The women, 
 in their dusky vails and dresses, crouching round that 
 primitive oven, reminded me of the incantation scene in 
 "Macbeth." The children of the place were beautiful, 
 though bronzed by the sun, and smeared with dust and 
 dirt. Some were clothed in rags of all colors, but the 
 majority were quite naked. 
 We looked back across the plain ; the sun had gone 
 down behind the wooded hills, and red watch-fires gleamed 
 here and there on the terraces and in the plain — guides 
 and beacons for the shepherds and the fellalnn. Presently 
 a party of wild-looking Arabs met us. Their leader was 
 the son of a cavalry ofl&cer, who had just been dismissed 
 from Turkish service. He and his followers were desperate 
 fellows, noted for deeds of daring. They saluted us, and 
 said that they had come on purpose to meet and escort 
 us to Nazareth. This was quite an impromptu invention, 
 for no one but Mr. Finn knew of our intention to go 
 * See Ezekiel iv, 16 : " Lo I I have given thee cow's dung, and thou shalt prepare 
 thy bread therewith." 
 to Nazareth ; however, they turned and accompanied us. 
 They looked very picturesque. Their large, heavy cloaks 
 were made of camel's-hair, with broad brown and white 
 stripes. On their heads they wore red and yellow kefias — 
 fringed shawls — put on like hoods, and fastened round 
 the crown with double ropes, made of camel's-hair. Their 
 spears, adorned with ostrich-feathers, were twelve or thir- 
 teen feet long. 
 We paused at a spring, festooned with ferns and bord- 
 ered with mossy stones, and alighted for a few minutes 
 to water our horses. When Saleh was on the point of 
 remounting, his mare suddenly started off, and soon dis- 
 appeared in the dusky distance. Saleh was quite discon- 
 certed; for the animal was a favorite one, and so docile 
 that it was never considered necessary to tether her. She 
 was accustomed to follow her master, and to obey his call 
 like a dog. Saleh remembered that the village of which 
 his mare was a native was about a quarter of an hour's 
 distance from the spring, and this explained the cause of 
 the flight. He immediately mounted a horse belonging to 
 one of the Arabs and galloped away. He actually found 
 his mare standing quietly in the court of the house in 
 which she had been born, surrounded by her former owners, 
 who were marveling greatly. Saleh rejoined us, and we 
 soon entered the hill-country which encircles Nazareth. 
 Our volunteer attendants rode now before and now behind, 
 singing and shouting. Higher and higher we rose, meeting 
 the fresh mountain air. It was so dark that I could only 
 just perceive the figure immediately before me, and the 
 loose white stones which clattered under my horse's feet, 
 and the smooth slabs of rock over which he every now 
 and then slipped and stumbled. 
 For about an hour I rode on silently, hardly knowing 
 where I was going, but following in faith the steps of my 
 leader. I was roused from a reverie by the words, "We 
 are entering the olive-groves of Nazareth." I could just 
 distinguish a range of hills, forming an amphitheater in 
 the shape of a horseshoe, and the extent of the town 
 could be traced by the lights gleaming from the windows 
 of the houses which thickly dotted the valley below, and 
 were grouped here and there on the hill-sides. The Arabs 
 keep lamps burning in their rooms all night to chase away 
 evil spirits. We descended abruptly between hedges of 
 prickly pears, greeted by loudly-barking dogs, and inhaling 
 a close, suffocating odor of dust and decayed vegetables. 
 The word, "Hold your horse's head well up, for it is very 
 steep here," prepared me now and then for a jerk down 
 some rocky ledge or dusty declivity. At last we were 
 safe in the valley ; our escort disappeared ; and we were 
 led to the roomy but half-deserted house of Saleh, where 
 he had resided till the death of his father, a few months 
 previous, and where his brother and young sisters still 
 lived. Two empty rooms were soon swept and garnished 
 by men and boys, who brought a supply of matting, 
 mattresses, cushions, and pillows from another part of 
 the house, and we made ourselves at home. While we 
 took supper, Saleh told me that his father, the head of 
 a large family, had during his lifetime accumulated a con- 
 siderable sum of money, which he kept in a secret place, 
 probably buried. It was expected that he would some 
 day tell his heirs where the treasure was concealed, but 
 unhappily he was on a journey from Tiberias "when the 
 Angel of Death met him." He was surrounded only by 
 servants and strangers, to whom he could not intrust the 
 important communication, and there was no time to send 
 for his sons; so he died, and the secret died with him. 
 Saleh, the eldest son, caused careful search to be made in 
 and under the premises, but up to this time the property 
 had not been found. 
 It is a very common practice, especially in the interior, 
 to secrete jewels and gold in this way, and ancient deposits 
 of great intrinsic value — and still greater interest as works 
 of art and illustrations of history — are sometimes found. 
 The law of treasure-trove in Palestine, I believe, awards 
 one-third to the finder, one-third to the owner of the 
 ground on which the property is found, and one-third to 
 the Government. 
 There are certain men who spend nearly all their lives 
 in seeking for — hanuz — hidden treasures. Some of them 
 become maniacs, desert their families, and though they arc 
 often so poor that they beg their way from door to door, 
 and from village to village, they believe themselves to be 
 rich. There are others, who are called "sa/im" — necro- 
 mancers — who seem to work systematically, and have a 
 very curious method of prosecuting the search. 
 They select certain sensitive individuals, who are believed 
 to have the power of seeing objects concealed in the earth, 
 or elsewhere ; but the faculty is only active when roused by 
 the influence of necromantic ceremonies, which are under- 
 stood by the professional treasure-seeker. He properly 
 prepares the medium, and calls into full activity the vision- 
 ary power ; then, in obedience to his command, the hiding- 
 places of treasures are said to be minutely described. On 
 being restored to the normal state, the medium does not 
 remember any of the revelations which may have been 
 made. The practice of this art is considered "haram" — 
 that is, unlawful^ and is carried on secretly and not extens- 
 ively. Those people of whom I made inquiries on the 
 subject spoke with fear and trembling, and mysteriously 
 whispered their explanations. 
 I knew an Arab family, of which all the female members 
 are believed to be seers (clairvoyants?). They are all nerv- 
 ous and excitable to a high degree, and one of them is 
 slightly deranged in intellect.* 
 Till a late hour visitors flocked in to see us, for our 
 * Does this system of the Sahiri throw any light on the history of the " Zuhuris " 
 of Spain, who were said to have the power of seeing into the recesses of the earth ? 
 The name is evidently of Eastern derivation, for "Zahur" is the Arabic for 
 In the first volume of " The Cradle of the Twin Giants, Science and History," 
 by Rev. Henry Christmas, page 344, the following passages occur : 
 "Debrio, in his ' Disquisitiones Magicse,' edition of Mayence, 1606, says there is 
 a class of men in Spain who are called Zuhuris. \Mien he was staying at Madrid, 
 arrival was soon known throughout the Christian quarter. 
 First came Jirius el Yakub, with his fat, burly figure, his 
 crisp gray beard and twinkling eyes shining from under a 
 large shawl turban. He is Mr. Finn's agent for Nazareth, 
 and is very proud of his office, and of the few words of 
 English which he can speak. 
 Saleh's pretty little sister, " Jalily" — that is, '■'•the Glori- 
 ous'' — led me to the room prepared for me. Her age was 
 about eleven, and her face the fairest I had seen in Pales- 
 tine. It was a pure oval, with a straight nose, small, well- 
 defined lips, long dark lashes, and delicately-penciled eye- 
 brows. The edges of her eyelids were strongly tinged with 
 kohl, which gave strange power to large, melancholy gray 
 eyes. Her finger-nails were slightly stained with henna, 
 and her toe-nails deeply dyed. She wore a violet-colored 
 muslin kerchief folded over her soft, brown hair, crossed 
 under her chin, and tied in a bow at the top of her head. 
 Her dress was green, edged with yellow braid, and open at 
 the throat, showing a necklace of silver and coral ornaments. 
 (I think that green is a favorite color among Christian 
 Arabs now, because, till lately, they were forbidden to wear 
 it, for the Moslems regard it as their sacred color.) 
 I awoke, and rose early, for a half-opened door, which I 
 had not noticed by the dim lamp of the previous night, 
 attracted my attention. Just within it were three narrow 
 steps, each higher than my' knee. I climbed up, and turn- 
 ing sharply round, groped my way up three other steps, 
 still more steep, and then stumbled against a low, cracked 
 wooden door, which I unfastened with difficulty. When it 
 burst open I found that it led to a terraced roof, to which 
 there was no other access. The roof was high, and com- 
 manded a beautiful view of the town, with its mosque and 
 in 1575, a boy of that kind was there ; these persons were said to be able to spy out 
 what was concealed in the earth, subterraneous waters, metals, hidden treasure, 
 or dead bodies. The thing was generally known, and its possibility believed in, 
 not only by poets but by philosophers." 
 "Wo quote the following, concerning a lady, from the Mercure de France, of 1728: 
 * She perceives what is hid in the earth, distinguishing stones, sand, springs, to the 
 depth of thirty or forty fathoms.' " 
 minarets, surrounded by tall, dark cypress-trees, and the 
 convent buildings conspicuous in tbe Christian quarter. 
 The mists were gradually passing away from the valley and 
 floating up the hill-sides. The houses are of white lime- 
 stone, square and flat-roofed j they look clean and cheerful. 
 The ancient " city was built on a hill," but modern Naza- 
 reth, which is unwalled, has gradually crept into the val- 
 ley, at the bottom of which all the newest and largest 
 houses are erected. 
 Little Jalily was in an open court below with some 
 women servants, who were making bread and chopping 
 meat. She saw me, and ran up to greet me, saying, " May 
 the day be white to you !" then she taught me the usual 
 answer, " May it be to you as milk !" 
 It was Sunday. We went to the Latin Church of the 
 Annunciation. We made our way through the nave, which 
 is large and lofty. One side was crowded with men and 
 boys bareheaded, and the other side occupied by women, 
 kneeling on the marble pavement in rows. Their foreheads 
 and the lower parts of their faces were quite concealed by 
 folds of muslin and linen. As we passed by, they with 
 one accord raised their heads for a moment, and their 
 bright dark eyes flashed upon us from under their kohl- 
 tinged lids like a gleam of lightning, then they bent their 
 heads low and resumed their devotions. 
 The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem was confirming a 
 number of children. Mass was celebrated, with more than 
 usual pomp, by some illustrious ecclesiastics and visitors 
 from Rome. The organ was well touched by one of the 
 monks, and the chanting was magnificent. 
 When this was over, we went down to see the Grotto of 
 the Virgin. It is underground, just beneath the high altar. 
 On the broad stone stairs leading to it, a troop of little Arab 
 girls, belonging to the convent school, were seated. They 
 looked full of animation and childish mischief, and the 
 nuns or sisters of mercy, in whose charge they were, had 
 great difficulty in keeping them in order. The children 
 were dressed in native costume. The nuns, who are very 
 Buperior, lady-like French women, wore white caps, with 
 broad plain muslin frills, and little black hoods over them, 
 and the plainest of plain black stuff dresses. They looked 
 very quaint, but cheerful and lovable. They are most per- 
 severing in their schemes for proselytizing and* educating 
 Arab girls. Some of their pupils speak a little French, 
 but it is very difl&cult to secure the regular attendance of 
 children at the schools. They are sad little truants. 
 One of the sisters is a careful doctor and skillful sur- 
 geon, and thus obtains great influence over the natives, 
 to whom she distributes medicines supplied from France. 
 A Hakim — a doctor of medicine, male or female — can 
 gain admittance and respect almost any where. A Romish 
 missionary staff is never considered complete without a 
 good physician. 
 The children, marshaled by the Sisters of Mercy, made 
 way for us, and we went down to the Altar of the Virgin. 
 It is of pure white alabaster, laboriously and elaborately 
 carved, but badly designed, rococo. Sweet basil bloomed 
 all round it, and tapers burned there brightly. Near it is 
 a part of a granite column, said by a monkish tradition — 
 which is indorsed by the Church — to be a fragment of the 
 very room in which Mary stood when the angel G-abriel 
 appeared to her. The room itself was conveyed by a 
 miracle to Dalmatia, and afterward to Loretta, where thou- 
 sands of pilgrims visit it! The kitchen of the Virgin is 
 Btill shown under the church at Nazareth. "Women now 
 and then came down the steps and prostrated themselves, 
 beating their breasts, and repeating Ave Marias, in Arabic, 
 as rapidly as possible; then they kissed three spots indi- 
 cated by ornament on the pavement under the altar. The 
 walls of the church are hung with painted linen, which 
 produces exactly the effect of fine old tapestry, and I did 
 not discover that it was only imitation till I handled it. 
 In the court-yard of the convent there are several frag- 
 ments of ancient stone carving introduced in the modern 
 walls * We went to the Protestant Mission-House, and 
 heard service in Arabic. Some pretty children and a 
 few intelligent-looking men attended it. The pastor and 
 school-teachers are Germans, but connected with the An- 
 glican Church. 
 All the Latins of Nazareth were in their gayest dresses 
 that day to do honor to the visit of their Patriarch. We 
 met him walking with a little troop of monks and priests. 
 He is a most remarkable-looking man, and wears a pale 
 beard, at least half a yard long, parted in the middle. 
 His broad-brimmed hat, nearly three-quarters of a yard 
 in diameter, is trimmed with artificial colored flowers, 
 and glossy green leaves of metallic luster. The people 
 crowded round him to kiss his hands and to secure his 
 The usual dress of the men of Nazareth is bright and 
 cheerful-looking, consisting of a sort of long dressing-gown, 
 made of a mixture of silk and cotton, in patterns of very 
 narrow stripes, commonly either red and purple, violet and 
 yellow, green and blue, or purple and white. This is 
 girdled with a shawl, or a broad leather belt, lined and 
 stitched, with pockets and purses made in it. Red and 
 yellow kefias — shawls with long knotted fringes — are worn 
 in the town as turbans, but are generally put on like hoods 
 for traveling. 
 The women, who are very handsome, but rather bold- 
 looking, use a great deal of kohl for their eyelids; they 
 tattoo their arms profusely and their faces slightly. Their 
 head-dress is very peculiar; it is a tight-fitting cap, made 
 of cloth or Jinen, with a thick, firmly-padded roll, one or 
 two inches in diameter, round the front, just covering the 
 highest part of the head, and fastened with strings, but 
 not quite meeting under the chin. To this roll silver 
 coins are sewed, as close together as it is possible to 
 place them, except that a little space is left at the top 
 * They have been engniTed in the " Builder "—No. 878— from drawings which I 
 made in the year 1858. 
 of the head, and the coins fall, lapping one on the other, 
 down each side of the. face, and a little below the chin ; 
 at a distance it looks like a bonnet-front. Women wear 
 coins as large as crowns or half-crowns; children generally 
 have small ones, about the size of shillings. Muslin shawls 
 or vails, of various colors or black, are folded across the 
 forehead and over the lower part of the face; so that, 
 out of doors, the eyes only are exposed. When in-doors, 
 the lower folds are slipped below the chin; but the fore- 
 head is nearly always concealed, except by very young 
 girls. They wear loose trowsers, white shirts, and long 
 dresses, open entirely in front, made of striped cotton or 
 Damascus silk, and girdled below the waist. ^ 
 I went to Nazareth several times, and visited many of 
 the Christian women in their homes. I found, generally, 
 a great want of order and cleanliness among them. They 
 are very proud of their town, and are constantly invoking 
 « El Sit Miriam "— " the Lady Mary." Their faith in, and 
 reverence for, relics is unbounded. In all their rooms I 
 saw holy pictures, little images, and small crystal or glass 
 cases of fragments of bones and rags. Kings are constantly 
 worn as charms. 
 I asked a little child, who had once visited Haifa, 
 whether she preferred Haifa and the beautiful sea, or 
 N^sirah. She answered directly, " Haifa is not a holy place ; 
 but this town is holy ; our Lady Mary lived here, and 
 Christ, and Joseph." But although Nazareth is reckoned 
 a holy place, it is by no means remarkable for its morality. 
 In this respect it strikingly contrasts with Bethlehem, 
 where the fathers and husbands are said to be severe and 
 rigid disciplinarians, and where dishonor is punished with 
 certain death. Nazareth had not a very good reputation in 
 the time of Christ, and it does not appear to have improved. 
 I find that the younger girls are beginning to dispense 
 with the coin head-dresses. They adopt, instead, the more 
 simple red tarbush and mundil. I expect that soon these 
 curious and weighty ornaments will only be found in the 
 smaller towns and villages of Galilee. Some silver anklets 
 were shown to me, and described as "old-fashioned," but 
 plain bracelets of silver, gold, or glass, are universally worn. 
 I purchased one, formed of a twist of thick silver, with a 
 very broad, clumsily-made, jeweled ring attached to it by 
 a chain, also of wrought silver. The ring was intended to 
 be worn on the fore-finger. One of my Nazarene friends 
 told me that only the fellahin would wear any thing so bar- 
 barous and old-fashioned. 
 The change which is gradually being made here in the 
 costume of the women does not depend on direct European 
 or priestly influence, but simply on fashions introduced by 
 settlers and visitors from other Oriental towns, especially 
 Haifa. The display in the bazars of jewelry and silk- 
 tasseled caps from Stamboul, and colored musliiT mundils 
 from European Turkey and Switzerland is accelerating the 
 change. The supply creates a demand. 
 On Monday, the 15th, I called, with my brother and 
 Saleh, on Luis Khalil, a wealthy native of Nazareth, who 
 had lately built a handsome house of hewn stone. He had 
 just returned from a trip to Marseilles, where he had been 
 purchasing furniture for it. The terraces, courts, and cor- 
 ridors were tastefully bordered with beds of roses, pinks, 
 and sweet basil, edged with broad stone copings. The 
 floors were of inlaid marble, black and white. The surface 
 of the walls of the inner courts was very much decorated 
 with rudely-carved, round paterae, of interlacing designs, 
 in low relief. Over the doors and windows, and in other 
 prominent positions, English-made willow-pattern cheese- 
 plates were introduced, imbedded in stucco, as encaustic 
 tiles might be. The owner of the house called my atten- 
 tion to this novel application of cheese-plates. He told me 
 that he had himself designed the house and its decorations. 
 The new European furniture was almost as singularly dis- 
 posed of as the willow-pattern plates were. His unsophisti- 
 cated wife and daughters marveled exceedingly at some of 
 his purchases in Marseilles, and seemed rather more per- 
 plexed than pleased by them. His drawing-room, which 
 was something like a French salon^ with its mirrors and 
 marble tables, was frescoed by a native of Nazareth, who 
 had been tutored and employed by the Franciscan monks 
 in church mural decoration. On the panels of the doors 
 he had painted groups of flowers, very carefully and labori- 
 ously ; but they did not produce a good effect. 
 Oiir host was the great man of his community after this 
 trip to Marseilles, and, owing to his wealth and this famous 
 journey, was for a time reckoned as a prophet, even in his 
 own country. But, notwithstanding the comparative grand- 
 eur of his salon^ those rooms of the house occupied by the 
 women, and the cooking-places, were as untidy and incon- 
 venient as the poorest establishments in the town. He 
 was dressed in a suit of fine black cloth — full Turkish 
 trowsers and tight jacket — a shawl girdle and polished 
 boots — a small, red, cloth tarbiish, with a muslin kerchief 
 over it, fastened smoothly round his forehead. He wore 
 a gold chain, as massive as an alderman's, outside his dress, 
 and several rings on his fingers. His wife, however, re- 
 tains her Nazareth costume intact, and evidently does not 
 approve of innovations. 
 The Turkish Governor of the town called while we were 
 there. He confidentially told my brother that the people 
 of Nazareth were so proud and daring that he could do 
 nothing with them. 
 We rode out presently, in a northerly direction, to meet 
 Mr. Finn. Our host joined us, and a large party followed, 
 including the Governor on a chestnut charger, decked with 
 purple trappings adorned with mother-of-pearl. After a 
 pleasant ride, we met the Consular party. By sunset their 
 tents were pitched, and the English flag was waving over 
 them in a pleasant olive-grove, just outside the town. 
 The next day Mr. Finn invited us to accompany him to 
 Mount Tabor. We started at noon. It was oppressively 
 hot. Gently, and almost silently, we rode toward the east, 
 over hills sweet with wild thyme, and dark with thorny 
 bushes — through valleys green with fennel, or rugged with 
 rocks overgrown with gray lichens and amber-colored moss. 
 Now and then we passed a clump of leafless bushes, every 
 branch of which was covered with small, white, edible snails, 
 which I mistook at first for buds. The only flowers I saw 
 were the crane's-bill, goat's-beard, and small Indian pinks. 
 Mount Tabor was full in view, like an irregular dark cone, 
 rising above the other hills. In about an hour we entered 
 a hilly and wooded district. The cool, pleasant shade of 
 trees, and the songs of birds, roused and refreshed us, and, 
 in groups of twos and threes, pleasantly chatting, we pur- 
 sued our way. Mount Tabor, which had appeared to me 
 to be gradually retreating as we advanced, was now quite 
 out of sight ; but after we had traversed some wood-crowned 
 hills, and the dry beds of two or three Winter torrents, we 
 saw it again, in all its beauty and grandeur. We hastened 
 over a tree-covered slope, and down a fertile valley, and 
 reached its base at about two o'clock. We gradually 
 ascended an easy-winding path, pleasantly shaded, till we 
 were about half-way up, when rocks and steep stone ledges, 
 ancient masonry, and overhanging branches, obliged us to 
 look cautiously before us, and to follow the steps of the 
 leader carefully. Oaks — whence galls are procured — arbu- 
 tus, pistacia vera, pistacia terebinthus — which yields what 
 is called Yenice turpentine — pistacia lentiscus — producing 
 gum mastich — and locust-trees abound. They were wreathed 
 with glossy-leaved creepers, but nearly every plant or shrub 
 which I touched was armed with thorns as sharp as fine 
 Looking down the steepest side, we could see the wide- 
 spread wings of eagles as they hovered just below us, or 
 swept rapidly through the air. Black and fawn-colored 
 vultures appeared with their bright pinions perfectly poised 
 and almost motionless, supporting them in steady downward 
 flight in spiral circles. As they rose again, their wings 
 were set in motion, and I felt the disturbance of the air 
 now and then when they passed near to us. In trying to 
 "watch their circular sailing and heavenward wanderings 
 I nearly reeled from my horse. They rose higher and 
 higher, spirally, till they were quite indiscernible to the 
 naked eye. 
 We alighted on the summit of th§ hill, at a quarter to 
 three, on a smooth plateau surrounded by large masses of 
 hewn stone and the foundations of strong walls. On one 
 side there is an archway called " Bab el How-a," Gate of 
 the Winds. On the other side we saw part of a ruined 
 chapel and an altar in an apse, a limestone cave and a 
 cistern hewn in the rock, and two or three patches of 
 ground cultivated by a Russian hermit, named Erinna 
 of Bucharest, who had lived on this mountain for fourteen 
 Once when I spent a long day here, with Colonel and 
 the Honorable Mrs. Fred. Walpole, I took his portrait, and 
 he told me the story of his life. His father, he said, was 
 an extensive land proprietor in the Crimea, where he was 
 born, but he went afterward to Bucharest. One night 
 Erinna dreamed that an angel appeared to him and said, 
 " Arise and go into the land which I will show you." 
 This disturbed him very much, and all day the words 
 were ringing in his ears. The next night the angel, in 
 shining raiment, appeared again in a dream and repeated 
 the words, led him through the air and showed him a 
 mountain with a little cavern on its summit. On the third 
 night the angel led him again to the mountain and told 
 him that he was to dwell in the cavern. Erinna was so 
 impressed by these dreams, or visions as he called them, 
 that he took leave of hi§ family, and for twenty years 
 traveled in Russia, Greece, Egypt, and Syria, to seek for 
 the mountain of his dream. At last he recognized the 
 cave on Mount Tabor, and immediately took up his abode 
 there, for he was convinced that it was the place indicated 
 by the angel. He was then eighty-four years of age, and 
 he said, "I thought I should soon die, but I am now 
 heartier than ever, and yet I am nearly one hundred years 
 old." One Winter's night, as lie slept alone in his cave, he 
 felt something soft and warm crouching by his side. He 
 found it was a young leopard or panther : he gave it food 
 and made friends with it, so that it would follow him about 
 like a pet cat. For a long time Erinna and l^is four-footed 
 favorite were the lions of Mount Tabor. 
 Erinna, like Robinson Crusoe, after years of solitude, 
 found "his man Friday;" a fellow-countryman, a sturdy- 
 looking, rather silent, middle-aged man, who volunteered to 
 superintend the little field of wheat and barley, to cut 
 wood for firing, and to fetch water from the rock cisterns. 
 He called himself the hermit's servant, and hoped to inherit 
 the hermitage, the sheepskin cap, the ragged mantle, and 
 the reputation of Erinna. 
 The priests of Nazareth, especially the Latins, were very 
 jealous of the influence of this anchorite, for he was re- 
 garded by Christian Arabs as a man of peculiar sanctity, 
 and was supposed to enjoy the especial favor of God and 
 his angels. Many people believed that he had the power 
 of performing miracles, though he did not profess it. He 
 told us that the Latins so strongly and perseveringly in- 
 trigued against him — representing him as a Russian spy — 
 that he feared he should be banished from the country. 
 He occasionally visited the sick at Nazareth and the neigh- 
 boring villages: once he came to see us at Haifa. He 
 never tasted meat ; his chief food was rice and oil, of which 
 he purchased a store once a year. He kept a few goats 
 for the sake of their milk ; cultivated a little garden of 
 herbs and vegetables ; gathered wild fruit, and took " honey 
 out of" the nests in "the rocks;" see Psalm Ixxxi, 16. He 
 made us some excellent coffee, of which he generally had a 
 supply, chiefly for guests, that is. Christian pilgrims and 
 travelers. He did not make the slightest attempt to ren- 
 der his cave clean or comfortable. Rude niches in the 
 rocky walls served to hold his few books and a little red 
 earthenware lamp. A mat of reeds, some heavy clothing 
 and sheepskins on a stone ledge formed his bed. His com- 
 panion, who belonged to the peasant class, occupied a cell 
 close to it, which was used as the kitchen or cooking place. 
 Two very rough delf dishes, two wooden bowls and spoons, 
 and a metal stew-pan were to be seen there. 
 I asked Erinna if he had ever been married. He said 
 that Mount Tabor was his only bride. 
 He and " his man Friday " assured me that they were 
 very happy, and they looked so. They divided their days 
 regularly^ and worked, prayed, ate and slept systematically, 
 but they seemed to think ablution unnecessary, and they 
 wore the same clothes day and night. Erinna was ruddy 
 and hearty, and though his bushy beard was quite white, 
 he did not look a§ old as he reckons himself to be * 
 The view from Mount Tabor is very extensive ; it over- 
 looks the plain of Esdraelon Proper, which is divided into 
 squares and patches of cultivated land ; it appeared from 
 the distance like a rude mosaic, of every tint of orange, 
 yellow, gray, green, brown, and lavender. Not a house, tent, 
 or village could be seen to break its monotony, nor even a 
 tree to cast a shadow ; but the hills which surround it were 
 clothed with woods, and dotted with towns, hamlets, and 
 ruins. Mr. Finn said, " Fancy Barak with his 10,000 men 
 upon this mountain ; people that plain with the chariots, 
 * even 900 chariots of iron,' gathered together by Sisera, and 
 see Sisera pursued by Barak unto Harosheth." He read 
 the landscape round for me, pointing out the range of Car- 
 mel and the Mediterranean on the west — the hills of Gilboa 
 and the villages of Jezreel, Endor, and Nain in the south — 
 the hill-country beyond Jordan, and the mountains which 
 encircle the Sea of Galilee on the east, and far away in the 
 north Lebanon crowned with snow. Nearer to us we could 
 see the Horns of Hattin — a rounded hill with two distinct 
 mounds or peaks on its summit. This is called the Mount 
 of Beatitudes, where tradition tells us that the Sermon of 
 sermons was preached. After exploring the ruins and the 
 * Erinna died in 1859, much regretted by the peasants of the plain, and by the 
 poor of Nazareth. 
 deep cisterns, we remounted. The sun had quite disap- 
 peared when we reached the foot of the hill. (On one 
 occasion I walked down the steepest side of Tabor, with the 
 help of a stout stick and a strong arm.) 
 The Rev. J. L. Porter says that Tabor rises 1,400 feet 
 above the plain, and the plain is 500 feet above the level 
 of the sea. 
 We had a pleasant ride back to Nazareth by moonlight. 
 We spent the evening at the Consular encampment, and at 
 a late hour w?ilked up by lantern-light to Saleh's house. 
 The next morning I sat in the deep embrasure of a win- 
 dow, sketching, while my brother was busy in the midst of 
 a group of Turkish Effendis and Christian scribes. They 
 all carried inkhorns in their girdles, with cases attached to 
 them to hold their reed pens. They sat on the floor and 
 held single sheets of paper in their hands, and wrote with- 
 out any desk or support. The points of 'reed pens are so 
 delicate, that they would be easily fractured by pressure on 
 a hard table or desk. 
 The population of Nazareth is computed by Dr. Kobin- 
 son thus : 
 Moslems 680 
 Greeks 1,040 who look to Rnssia as their protector. 
 Latins 480^ 
 Greek Catholics 520 UdherenU of the Pope, and con8eqT,entiy 
 ( French proteges, 
 Maronites 400J 
 This gives a total of 3,120 ; but the most recent and care- 
 ful inquirers assure me that this estimate is too low. They 
 reckon the total at 4,000, and the Greek Church is said to 
 be on the increase. I never met a Jew either in Nazareth 
 or Bethlehem! There is a small Protestant congregation, 
 which is rather fluctuating. 
 Khawadja Stephani, the son of the Greek Priest of Shefa 
 'Amer, came expressly to ask us and Saleh to return to 
 Haifa by way of his village, and to pass a night there at 
 his house. We arranged to do so, and started soon after 
 midday. We rode for some distance over rocky hills, where 
 bees were busy among the blossoming herbs ; across plains 
 covered with tall thistles — their harsh stems, leaves, thorns, 
 and spiny flowers were bright with a purple bloom, like 
 that which we see on ripe plums, and from a distance a 
 plain overgrown with them looked like a calm, blue lake. 
 At about two we entered a garden inclosed by a low stone 
 wall, situated at the bottom of a well- watered valley, where 
 the lemon-trees were laden with green fruit, and pomegran- 
 ates were plentiful. We dismounted and walked through 
 the garden to the streamlet which traverses it, bordered 
 with hawthorn, rose, and fruit-trees. Its banks, steep and 
 grassy, were fragrant with mint and marjoram, and cresses 
 grew along the edge of the water. Under a wide-spreading 
 fig-tree, where tiny-leaved clover had made a smooth carpet, 
 we spread our saddle-cloths in a half-circle, and took our 
 seats. Soon a plentiful dinner was placed before us. We 
 took it in primitive style, for we had neither forks nor 
 spoons, and our only plates were thin Arab loaves, about a 
 quarter of a yard in diameter and a quarter of an inch 
 thick. Saleh made a drinking- cup for me of the large leaf 
 of a water-plant, which he knew to be harmless. Each one 
 of the party, as soon as he had eaten, rose and washed his 
 bands at the stream, and then, selecting another tree for 
 our shade, and a grassy bank for our divan, we rested, 
 telling stories in turn, while the kawasses and servants 
 made an end of the provisions. 
 In this garden I saw some remarkable double fig-trees, 
 the trunks of which were twisted as perfectly and regu- 
 larly as if they had been carved. I asked the gardener 
 how he managed it. He said, ^^ Allah Karim^' — "God is 
 bountiful" — and then explained to me how tender saplings 
 are planted side by side, and perseveringly entwined, or 
 even plaited sometimes. He led me to one which he con- 
 sidered more perfect than the others. The twisted trunk 
 was about half a yard in diameter; it rose six feet from 
 the ground, as upright as a marble column, without any 
 branches to break its perfect outline, and then spread out 
 its crooked arms in all directions, clothed with green 
 leaves — the largest which I had ever observed. This 
 pleasant garden is near to the fountain which was the 
 gathering-place of the Christian knights before the ter- 
 rible battle of Hattin, and where the conqueror Saladin 
 encamped after he had in that decisive conflict almost 
 annihilated the Crusaders. Sephoris or Sefurieh is just 
 opposite. It is a poor but interesting place. Jewish, 
 heathen, and Christian ruins are to be found there, and 
 tradition points to the house in which Anna, the mother 
 of Mary, was born. 
 We mounted at half-past three, and followed the course 
 of the stream. It flowed between orchards, gardens of 
 cucumbers, and stubble-fields. All the horses and their 
 riders seemed newly animated. They rode in circles, dis- 
 playing feats of horsemanship, letting ofi" their pistols 
 while in full gallop; their long, loose, white Arab cloaks, 
 made of goat's-hair, fluttered behind them, and the almost 
 flying figures represented to my fancy the Templars of old 
 on their fabled white-winged steeds. When the horses 
 were well tired, the riders grouped together, and we rode 
 through an oak-wood, talking of the Crusades. I found 
 that our Arab friends were quite familiar with such names 
 as Peter the Hermit and Eichard Coeur de Lion. Oriental 
 poets and historians call the latter "Ankitar." 
 We soon came to an olive-grove, on a hill forming part 
 of an extensive amphitheater, from the center of which 
 rises a mount of conical form, and on it stands Shefa 
 'Amer, backed by a lofty castle, square and massive, 
 looking almost as large as the village itself. The hill- 
 sides, with the exception of the one which we descended, 
 were clothed with evergreens; and the valleys for miles 
 around were wooded with olive and other fruit-trees. 
 We rode through a burial-ground, tastefully planted with 
 shrubs, and passing an immense heap of dust, dirt, and 
 rubbish — on the top of which a crowd of people had 
 assembled to see us — we entered the village, and alighted 
 at the house of Stephahi. He led me up an open stone 
 stairway, and along a covered terrace, into a long, lofty, 
 cheerful room, with unglazed windows on three sides of it. 
 One end of the room was furnished with Turkey carpets, 
 narrow mattresses and cushions, which made a comfortable 
 divan. The stuccoed walls were slightly frescoed with 
 rudely-grotesque and droll designs of the most childish 
 Pipes and narghiles were ranged in a recess, and a hand- 
 some set of cojBfee-cups, with silver filagree holders, were on 
 a low stand near the door. In a corner there was a broad, 
 shallow, marble basin let into the floor, with a hole in the 
 center to carry off water. It was the place of ablution, 
 and three water-jars stood near to it. 
 This room was the " guest chamber," separated from the 
 other part of the establishment. 
 Stephani said to me, " This is your house, rule over it as 
 you will, command me and my family as your servants." 
 I was left to rest and to dress, and presently the gentle- 
 men rejoined me. 
 Guests were coming and going all the evening. First 
 arrived the stately Turkish Grovernor, a tall figure with a 
 flat face, like a mask of shriveled parchment; in fact he 
 resembled a Chinese mummy much more than a living 
 Turk. He was intensely polite and complimentary, and 
 confidentially complained to us of his poverty, and of the 
 iinprofital)leness of his office. He was dressed in a suit of 
 Bnuff-brown cloth, embroidered with gold, and a long sword 
 hung at his side. 
 The father of Stephani, a very handsome old man with 
 a patriarchal white beard, came and sat by me. He wore 
 a long robe of coarse purple linen, and his turban was of 
 the same color. He is the chief priest of the Greek com- 
 munity of Shefa 'Amer, and neighboring villages. His 
 words were few, but his looks were expressive. He was 
 evidently proud of his sons and of his little grandsons. 
 At a sign from him, the latter came forward from the 
 other end of the room to kiss my hands. They were 
 clean, well-dressed, bright-looking boys. The room was 
 full of visitors. Mattresses were spread all round against 
 the walls, and there was not a space vacant, but not one 
 woman came. 
 It grew dark, and the shutters were closed, when a tall, 
 slender, brass candelabrum was brought in, and placed on 
 the middle of the floor, at the upper end of the room. It 
 supported a large oil lamp, with three wicks. Three long 
 brass chains hung from it — one held a pair of lamp- 
 scissors, another a long stout pin which is used to trim the 
 wick, to the third an extinguisher was attached. At the 
 lower end of the room, a large glazed lantern, with tin 
 frame-work, stood on a low wooden stool — these lights 
 shone on a strange and motley assembly. There was an 
 Indian Jew there, with a very dark face and white beard, 
 a dusky turban, and duskier robes. He came forward to 
 claim brotherhood with us, for he was an English subject, 
 and very proud of his nationality. He had journeyed from 
 Hindoostan to see the city of Solomon, and to ascertain the 
 state of the Jews in Palestine. He seemed to be a learned 
 and enterprising man. 
 Isaac Shallom, a Jew of Aleppo, but a resident at Haifa, 
 brought me some soft, sweet, white almond paste, with 
 pistachio nuts imbedded in it — a celebrated Aleppo sweet- 
 meat. The Kabbi and chief members of the Jewish com- 
 munity of Shefa 'Amer were also present, with a few Mos- 
 lems and Druzes, and a number of Christian Arabs. Arrack 
 was handed round from time to time in the lower part of 
 the room, and songs of praise were sung in honor of the 
 chief guests. Saleh, who is no singer, but a very fluent 
 speaker, said, " Ibrahim left his kindred, his home, and his 
 country, he dwelt in a strange land among strangers, but 
 he became mighty in the land, his family increased, his 
 name became great. Even so may the name of Rogers be 
 known throughout this country, may his children and his 
 children's children dwell here in honor!" The idea was 
 immediately taken up by the singers, and they improvised 
 a song, the burden of which was, " May his children's 
 children dwell here in honor!" 
 Some graceful compliments were paid to me, with prayers 
 for my happiness. Then the singing, of which there was 
 a great variety, became general. We heard Egyptian love- 
 songs beautifully and plaintively sung by a gardener from 
 the Nile, and a man of Bagdad gave us a curious ditty, 
 jerking out his words at first, and by degrees toning them 
 down . into a languishing, drawling melody, in a minor 
 key. The Arabs sang a great many monotonous songs; 
 but one was very sweet — the chorus of it was, " Beda- 
 wiya." I think that this song would please English ears 
 Isaac, the Jew of Aleppo, was asked to dance for me. 
 The lantern was moved out of the way. He stood up at 
 first very shyly, the Arabs sitting round, singing and clap- 
 ping their hands, keeping time. He had on very full white 
 drawers, a black jacket, yellow and white silk striped 
 waistcoat, and a shawl sash. Round his red tarbush a blue 
 mundil was folded. He bent his head down and raised his 
 arms above it. By degrees his feet and hands were in slow 
 motion in harmony with the music, and his body swayed to 
 and fro. Soon the songs grew louder, the clapping of hands 
 quicker, and the movements of the dancer more decided, 
 but they were as monotonous as the tunes which inspired 
 them. During the whole of the dance he kept within a 
 circle of about a yard in diameter; at last he spun round 
 and retreated, hiding himself shamefacedly behind his 
 Supper was announced, and many of the visitors retired. 
 Servants brought in a round stand, about five inches in 
 hight, and covered it with dishes. While this was being 
 arranged, my brother begged to be allowed to fetch a cer- 
 tain man, named Habib, to sup there. He had once been 
 Stephani's chief friend, but a misunderstanding had arisen 
 between them, consequently the two most influential Chris- 
 tian families in Shefa 'Amer lived as strangers to each 
 other. Stephani readily consented to receive Habib, who 
 soon came, and the two long-divided friends embraced. 
 They have lived in harmony ever since. Before eating, 
 each one of us had water poured on our hands over the 
 marble basin; for the Christian Arabs, as well as the Mos- 
 lems, " and all the Jews, except they wash their hands, eat 
 not." This is particularly necessary, considering that they 
 do not use knives and forks ; but each one " dips his hand 
 into the dish " with his neighbor. 
 Stephani at first wished to serve us at supper, instead of 
 sitting down with us, for it is the Arab custom for the 
 host to wait on his guests as a servant. We overcame his 
 scruples, and we ate together. Afterward, water was again 
 poured on our hands — a servant stood by, holding native 
 scented-soap and an embroidered towel — then we had coffee 
 and narghiles. 
 An Arabic Bible published by the British and Foreign 
 Bible Society — a Roman version, by the by — was brought 
 in, and Saleh read aloud the Sermon on the Mount. Bible 
 history is pretty well known in the Greek community; it is 
 read in their churches in the vulgar tongue, and is not 
 withheld from the laity. The bulk of the people, however, 
 can not read. The few who can do so gladly obtain copies, 
 but the Bible is rarely to be met with, except in those 
 families of which one of the members is a priest or very 
 studious, as Saleh, for instance. 
 The Greek priests must always be married men. Those 
 of the villages and small towns are often very ignorant, 
 and, as they rarely receive a systematic ecclesiastical train- 
 ing, their expositions and definitions of the articles and 
 dogmas of their Church are very curious and conflicting. 
 Their Bishops and higher clergy are generally foreigners, 
 that is, native Greeks and Russians, and do not often learn 
 Arabic, so they make little or no impression on the Syrian 
 branch of their Church. The Latin clergy, on the other 
 hand, are often quite unfamiliar with the Bible, and always 
 strongly oppose its circulation, but are well grounded in 
 matters of discipline and doctrinal points. 
 The two Churches vie with each other in circulating ex- 
 traordinary traditions and legends of saints and martyrs, 
 and they equally encourage pilgrimages to holy places and 
 reliance on relics. 
 Soon after supper the room was cleared of all the smok- 
 ing, turbaned, fezzed, and singing guests, slaves, and serv- 
 ants. My brother and Saleh went home with Habib to 
 sleep at his house. I was left alone in the large guest- 
 chamber, where Stephani had caused a bed to be made for 
 me. I opened one of the heavy shutters, to see my friends 
 pass round on the side of the hill, five lanterns gleaming 
 before them. I fastened the door with a stiff clumsy lock, 
 the mechanism of which I did not in the least understand, 
 and I soon discovered that I was a self-made prisoner, for I 
 could not find out how to undo it again. I was obliged to 
 resign myself to my fate, making sure I should be set free 
 in the morning. I fell asleep on a soft, crimson silk pil- 
 low, under an embroidered lehaff, and did not wake till the 
 sun shone on my face through the chinks of the ill-made 
 shutters. I was up and dressed when Stephani knocked at 
 the door, which he contrived to open. While the room was 
 swept and garnished I went with him to take coffee at the 
 house of Habib. On my return to my quarters, the female 
 members of the family, their neighbors, and the women- 
 servants, came to look at me, but not till they were quite 
 sure of finding me alone. They clustered shyly round the 
 door, and I had to play the part of hostess and invite them 
 to enter in. They were dressed in the same style as the 
 women of Nazareth, and are quite as handsome, but more 
 simple and modest-looking. Stephani's wife, a tall, dark- 
 eyed woman, wore large heavy coins round her face, with 
 a yellow mundil folded across her forehead and tied at the 
 back of her head ; the open front of her red and white 
 cotton dress was trimmed with a double frill, edged with 
 braid. Her eldest daughter, a girl of ten, named Werdeh — 
 that is, Rosy — was very beautiful, with regular features, 
 clear bronzed complexioD, eyes brown and sparkling, the 
 lids deeply tinged with kohl, and the hands and feet stained 
 with henna. Her thick, dark hair was combed down over 
 her high forehead, and cut straight across it just above her 
 arched eyebrows. At the back her hair was allowed to 
 grow long, and was plaited. She wore a head-dress of 
 coins, for they are not yet going out of fashion in Shefa 
 'Amer. Her open dress was of white calico, ornamented in 
 front profusely, with black, blue, and red braid. The 
 sleeves were very long, and capable of concealing the hands 
 entirely, but when the arms were raised the sleeves still 
 hung down, for they were open as high as the elbow. 
 The room was soon crowded with women and girls. 
 Their dresses, though various in point of texture and con- 
 dition, were all of the same fashion — from the crimson and 
 white striped silk dress of a young bride, to the ragged 
 cotton garments worn by an aged servant, whose head-dress 
 was stripped of all its coins. I was sketching Werdeh and 
 her mother, when suddenly they, and all the rest, rose and 
 scampered away, without saying a word, vailing themselves 
 hastily. The entrance of the Turkish Governor and my 
 brother, a minute afterward, explained their flight. 
 Little Daoud, the governor's son, came to see me. He 
 wore an olive-colored cloth cloak, and a green muslin 
 turban. His features were regular, but his face was very 
 sallow. He tried to look dignified and composed while I 
 took his portrait, but could not prevent a smile coming 
 now and then. Saleh, and Stephani, with his father, joined 
 us, and after lunch we went all together to the castle. On 
 approaching it, I perceived that it was already falling to 
 decay, although it was only built about 150 years ago. 
 The lofty gates and archways are slightly decorated with 
 fretted canopies, in the style of the Alhambra. A two- 
 storied range of vaulted corridors and chambers surrounds 
 an extensive court-yard. The ground-floor is well adapted 
 for stabling, and would lodge about 500 horses. Tottering 
 stone stairways led us to the upper floors. The pointed 
 double windows, in deep embrasures in the outer walls, 
 command magnificent views in all directions. 
 The west windows overlook the plain of Akka and the 
 sea, with Mount Carmel and Haifa in the background on 
 the left. The north windows look toward Lebanon, with 
 the city of Akka on the left, and the little town of Abilene 
 in the foreground on the right, its tall white tower stand- 
 ing conspicuously in the midst of olive-trees and gardens. 
 The banners of Richard I once waved there. The south- 
 ern and eastern views are bounded by hills and mountains, 
 rising one behind the other. 
 While petitioners for protection crowded round my 
 brother, I wandered from hall to hall and from window 
 to window, with Saleh for my cicerone. We climbed to 
 the top of the embattled walls, and walked nearly all round 
 the building; but the stones are falling, and allowed to 
 remain where they fall, and scarcely any use seems to be 
 made of the place. 
 As we left the castle, the governor asked me to go with 
 him to see his wives. A glance from my brother told me 
 that I might accept the invitation. Of course, none of the 
 gentlemen could accompany me ; so they walked homeward 
 with Stephani, and the governor escorted me to his dreary- 
 looking house. A gateway, through which a laden camel 
 could easily pass, led us into an ill-paved guttered court, 
 which was the only entrance to a square vaulted hall, with 
 bare stone walls, and four unglazed windows quite out of 
 reach. The floor was of earth, with smooth rock slabs 
 here and there. 
 This was the governor's residence — his dining-room, with- 
 drawing-room, nursery, stables, and kitchen all together ! 
 On one side, just within the door, a mule was feeding ; a 
 stone bench, hollowed out a little, was his manger; a 
 patient ass stood by him. On the other side, a tethered 
 horse was neighing ; and on 'a heap of fodder, two dirty, 
 delicate-looking children were kicking and crying out lust- 
 ily. There was a sort of oven, or cooking-place, in one 
 corner of the hall, and I could see the red glow of a char- 
 coal fire. On the left hand there was a broad wooden 
 platform, raised about two feet from the ground, with a 
 low ornamental wooden railing at the edge of it. Here 
 mattresses and lehaffs were piled up ; I suppose it was the 
 sleeping-place of the lord of the harem. We went straight 
 across the hall, to a dais, in a broad, arched recess, just 
 opposite to the door by which we had entered. Two 
 crooked stone steps led up to it, and two women — one old 
 and the other young — stood there ready to receive me. 
 They took my hands in theirs, and placed me on a cush- 
 ioned seat on the matted floor. 
 The governor introduced me to the younger of th^ 
 women, telling me that she was his wife, the mother of 
 his little Daoud. She was perhaps twenty, rather tall and 
 graceful-looking, with bright blue eyes and black hair, and 
 a brilliant though dark complexion. She had used kohl 
 and henna freely, and her chin and forehead were tattooed. 
 I think that she was prepared for my coming, for she had 
 on a fete-day dress. A blue cloth jacket, embroidered with 
 gold, very open in front, exposed her tattooed chest, and a 
 white spun silk shirt. Her full trowsers were of Aleppo 
 silk, white and straw-colored. Her shallow red cloth cap 
 was decorated with rows of gold coins, pearls, and ever- 
 lasting flowers. A long purple tassel hung down behind, 
 and a perforated, flat, crescent-shaped gilt ornament, about 
 five inches wide, was fixed on the top of the head-dress. 
 (Is this the " round tire " like the moon, referred to in 
 Isaiah iii, 18?) Her long hair was plaited, and inter- 
 woven with black silk braid, to make it appear still longer. 
 She told me that Shefa 'Amer was not a pleasant place to 
 live in, and that she was quite a stranger there. I asked 
 her what part of the country she came from. She said, 
 "Neby-Daoud is the place of my birth, and the place I 
 love." She referred to a cluster of buildings round the 
 tomb of the Prophet David, or Neby -Daoud, just outside 
 the walls of Jerusalem, by the Zion gate. She was happy 
 to hear herself called Urn Daoud, that is, " The Mother 
 of David." 
 The governor interrupted her explanations, by telling 
 her to make some lemonade for me. Close by the two 
 steps of the dais stood a pair of high clogs, almost- like 
 stilts, made of inlaid dark wood and mother-of-pearl, with 
 crimson leather straps. She fastened these on her henna- 
 stained, naked feet — for the earth floor was very damp and 
 dirty, and water rested here and there in little pools. Her 
 husband followed her, and helped her to reach some green 
 drinking-glasses from a niche in the wall. The other 
 woman, who looked very old and careworn, remained by 
 my side. When the young wife was out of hearing, I 
 exclaimed, " How beautiful she is !" She agreed with me, 
 and seemed to take a mother's pride and pleasure in her 
 beauty. I did not know that the young wife was her 
 rival ; I fancied that she was her daughter, till she said, 
 " Um Daoud is young, Um Daoud is happy ; she is young, 
 and is the mother of two sons ;" (she pointed to a cradle 
 hammock, suspended from the key-stone of the arch above 
 us — in it a little swaddled figure was securely and gently 
 swinging;) "but," she added, "I have no sons left, my 
 sons are dead; and I am old, I am no longer handsome, 
 / am nothing^ I am worthless.^^ Then she explained to me 
 that she had lived about twenty years with the governor 
 before he took Um Daoud for his wife. I said to her, 
 alluding to the little ones who had now crawled out of the 
 fodder, " Whose children are they ?" She said, " They are 
 sons of the house " — that is, of the governor — and a slave, 
 who stood near the oven, was their mother. 
 Presently Um Daoud returned with the lemonade. The 
 governor himself brought me a tiny cup of coffee flavored 
 with ambergris. Young Daoud now came in, and seemed 
 delighted to find me there. He said, "Make my mother's 
 face in your book," and, "Make my brother's face for me." 
 The baby-boy was lifted out of the hammock; he was 
 about six months old; his eyelids were black with kohl. 
 I asked why kohl was used for a child so young. "It will 
 strengthen the sight of his eyes, and make the lashes long 
 and thick," said the elder woman. 
 I took leave of them, and found my kawass just outside 
 the house waiting to take me to meet my brother at the 
 Greek church. It is a modern building ; silk hangings 
 and gaudy pictures decorate the walls. The font is of 
 marble; I think it is formed of an ancient Byzantine 
 capital, hollowed out at the top. In a school adjoining 
 the church a number of boys were noisily but monoto- 
 nously intoning psalms, echoing the nasal twang of their 
 teacher. I find that the Psalter is the chief class-book in 
 Christian Arab schools, as the Koran is in Moslem schools. 
 I have often seen boys with these books in their hands, 
 who appear to be reading freely, when in reality they 
 scarcely know their letters, but who repeat, parrot-like, 
 large portions of them by heart. 
 We afterward went to the Jewish synagogue, where the 
 chief rabbi received us. He showed me several copies of 
 the Law and the Prophets, wrapped in crimson silk cases 
 which are kept in a recess behind an embroidered curtain, 
 or vail. In the middle of the building there was a high 
 circular wooden platform, with seats of honor upon it. It 
 was built so slightly that at first I thought it was only 
 a temporary erection ; but I found in all the synagogues 
 which I visited raised central seats of equally slight con- 
 The gentlemen then went for a ride. I declined doing 
 so, hoping during their absence to see the women again; 
 and Khawadja Stephani, at my request, sent his wife and 
 children to me. They took me to see the lower part of 
 the house; it was ill-arranged, untidy, and uncomfortable. 
 They returned with me to my room. I made a few sketches, 
 which amused them greatly. Soon such crowds of women 
 came in that one of the men-servants of the house, who 
 stood as guard or sentinel at my door, entered, and very 
 unceremoniously drove about half of them out of the place, 
 and they all withdrew when the gentlemen returned from 
 their ride. 
 We spent the evening at the house of Habib. A large 
 party assembled to meet us in his spacious guest-chamber, 
 and all the culinary skill of Shefa 'Amer had been em- 
 ployed in preparing a supper for us. Songs, compli- 
 mentary speeches, and story-telling followed. I walked 
 back to Stephani's house by the light of many lanterns, 
 accompanied to my door by my brother and nearly all 
 the guests. 
 At sunrise the next morning we were mounted and 
 ready to start for Haifa. Stephani, Habib, and a large 
 party joined us. Our Egyptian groom had charge of a 
 beautiful Syrian gazelle-hound which had been given to 
 my brother. We rode down into the valley and along a 
 level road leading to a large fountain. A number of the 
 village girls were already assembled there — some standing 
 on the high stone platform surrounding the well, and 
 others grouped round the base. In the distance we saw 
 a procession of them, traversing, one by one, a narrow 
 foot-path on the hill-side, with their replenished jars 
 perfectly poised on their heads. 
 We turned out of the Akka road, and entered an ex- 
 tensive olive-grove. Picturesque groups of men, women, 
 and children, in bright-colored garments, were busy among 
 the trees, or hastening along the road. I had always seen 
 the olive plantations so silent and deserted that it was 
 quite a surprise to me. Saleh explained that it was the 
 beginning of the olive harvest — the 19th of October — and 
 all of these people had been hired to gather the fruit. 
 The men beat the trees with long sticks, and the women 
 and children pick up the berries.* We met a straggling 
 group of figures, which looked so unnaturally tall and dis- 
 proportionate that I could not make them out till I was 
 * "When thou beatest thino olive-tree thou shalt not go over the boughs again; 
 It shall bo for the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow." Deut. xxiv, 20. 
 told that they were Druze women. They wore tubular 
 horns, from one to two feet in length, bound firmly on their 
 foreheads, supporting heavy black or white vails, which 
 almost shrouded the wearers, producing a very ungraceful 
 outline. (Of these strange people I hope to speak more 
 fully on a future occasion.) Presently we came to a rocky 
 district, overgrown with dwarf oaks, thorns, and thistles, 
 and then reached the" fertile plain of Akka, traversed by 
 the blue winding Kishon and its many tributaries. 
 The large fields of cotton had a very pretty efi'ect, for 
 they were in their full beauty. The bushes are about two 
 feet high, the stems are reddish, the leaves are of the color 
 of the maple in the Spring-time, the blossom looks as if it 
 were made of butterflies' wings, white and spotted. "When 
 these white wings fall, a green bulb, in a triangular cup, is 
 exposed ; this grows to about an inch in diameter, and 
 changes to a rich, glossy, chestnut color, and, gradually be- 
 coming harsh, splits into three parts, when soft downy cot- 
 ton bursts from it. Saleh gathered a branch for me, in- 
 cluding specimens of the plant in these three distinct stages. 
 My brother told me that the Arabs do not cultivate the 
 long-staple cotton — which is most valued in England — be- 
 cause it requires so much care in picking ; for the pods 
 must be gathered as soon as they ripen, and as they do not 
 ripen all at once, the harvest necessarily extends over two 
 or three weeks; whereas the short-staple cotton gives the 
 cultivator very little trouble, for the pods are not injured 
 by being left on the tree after they are ripe, and the harvest 
 does not commence till nearly every pod is ready for pick- 
 ing ; the consequence is that it is very soon over. This 
 inferior cotton does very well for native use, and to fill the 
 Arab mattresses, and lehafis, or quilts; but it is not of 
 much commercial value. 
 If the plain of Akka were cultivated with skill and 
 energy it would yield abundantly. Under the present 
 system the soil produces, in Winter, wheat, barley, beans, 
 lentils, peas, and tobacco ; and in the Summer-time cotton, 
 Besame, millet, and many kinds of cucumbers. Poppy, 
 mallows, and various herbs enliven it, while all the hills 
 around are suitable for vineyards, olive-groves, and orchards. 
 Flax, asparagus, gentian, scammony, and many other plants, 
 valuable in medicine, grow wild there, and the marshes of 
 the plain abound with kali, the ashes of which, mixed with 
 olive or sesame oil, are converted into soap. The villages 
 of this district are inhabited by Moslems, Christians, and 
 Druzes, and a few Jews. They pay heavy taxes to the 
 Government in wheat, barley, and money, and are bound to 
 furnish camels, horses, or mules whenever the Pasha re- 
 quires them. 
 We crossed a spring, round which tall reeds and short, 
 soft grass grew. Thousands of edible snails were clinging 
 to the stems of some straggling bushes. Wily, long-rooted 
 marram-grass and sea-holly — eryngium maritimum — tama- 
 risks, and willows bound the sandy soil, and kept it from 
 drifting. We passed over some sand-hills, on which were 
 a few scattered plants, with thick, downy, whitish leaves 
 and yellow blossoms. Here we took leave of our Shefa 
 'Amer friends, and they returned to their olive -groves. 
 We were soon on the sea-shore. Two English merchant 
 steamers were just entering the port of Haifa. We can- 
 tered to the Kishon and crossed over it, by carefully keep- 
 ing on the bar of sand which encircles the mouth of the 
 river, sweeping out far into the sea. The water was above 
 our horses' knees, and now and then an advancing wave 
 covered us with spray. 
 We rode quickly along by the edge of the water, with 
 the palm-grove and the fruit-gardens on our left hand, and 
 the rippling waves on our right. We entered the town at 
 a quarter to nine, just in time to receive two English mer- 
 chant captains, at the Vice-Consulate, where poor Katrine, 
 our soi disant mother, welcomed us with tears of joy, say- 
 ing, " Praised be God ! my children have returned to me 
 in safety." 
LITE m HAIFA. 161 
 On Tuesday, October 23, 1855, a Turkish steamer from 
 Constantinople entered the port of Haifa, bringing a new 
 Pasha for Akka, with his harem, and suite of thirty indi- 
 viduals, including an Armenian doctor. The chief people 
 of Akka came to meet him, and our little town was in an 
 unusual state of excitement. My brother went to welcome 
 his Excellency, who afterward called at the Consulate with 
 twelve attendants. 
 Newly- appointed Pashas may sometimes be persuaded 
 into doing some good in their Pashalics; and, at the com- 
 mencement of their reigns, choked-up fountains flow, broken 
 cisterns are repaired, and aqueducts are kept in order, but 
 only for a very little while. On the " new-broom " prin- 
 ciple, the Consuls earnestly urged the new Pasha to give 
 orders for the cleansing of the guttered streets of Haifa, 
 some of which were little better than open sewers, and in 
 a dangerously-unwholesome state. They also advised the 
 removal of the dust-heaps by the sea-shore, which had been 
 allowed to grow into broad barricades, where vegetable 
 refuse and all sorts of filth were thrown. The appeal was 
 favorably heard, the work actually commenced immediately, 
 and Haifa underwent sweeping and scraping, probably for 
 the first time in its existence. Men and boys ran hither 
 and thither with baskets of rubbish. Beks and Consuls 
 bustled about, giving orders, and the dust-heaps were by 
 degrees shoveled into the sea. 
 The Europeans and the upper class of Arabs rejoiced at 
 the prospect of living in a comparatively clean town, but 
 the majority considered the reformation quite unnecessary, 
 and grumblingly prophesied that some harm would come to 
 Haifa if such innovations were permitted. 
 Late on Thursday evening, Mohammed Bek camo to the 
 Consulate, lamenting the loss of a gold chain, with his sig- 
 net ring on it. In the East more importance is attached to 
 the impression of a seal than to a signature. Mohammed 
 Bek feared that some improper use might be made of his 
 ring by the finder, so a declaration of the loss was drawn 
 up by Yusef Anton, the Governor's Secretary, signed by 
 the Bek, and attested by my brother. Mohammed told us 
 that he had missed his chain in the bazar, when surrounded 
 by a crowd of boys, to whom he was giving instructions 
 about the street-cleaning. It was a very fine night, and, 
 half in joke, half in earnest, I ofi^ered to seek for the lost 
 treasure. He took me at my word, and we went out all 
 together. The town was perfectly still, the bazar was de- 
 serted, and as bright and clean as moonlight and the scav- 
 engers of Haifa could make it; but, after all, I was not so 
 fortunate as to find the ring. 
 As we returned homeward, the silence was suddenly 
 broken by the wildly-wailing and shrieking voices of women, 
 announcing that a death had just taken place. Their shrill, 
 mournful cries rang in my ears all night. 
 On the following morning, October 26th, very early, I 
 looked from the window, and saw a bier close to the door 
 of a neighboring house. It was a painted wooden stand, 
 about seven feet by two, raised slightly on four legs, with 
 a low gallery round it, formed of uprights far apart, and 
 two cross-bars. Two strong poles projected at each end 
 from the corners. Above it a canopy was raised, made of 
 freshly-gathered, elastic palm-branches. They were bent 
 like half-hoops, and then interlaced and secured length- 
 ways, with straight fronds. I sketched it, and presently I 
 saw the dead body of a man, handsomely dressed, brought 
 out and placed upon it. His face was covered with a shawl. 
 Four men lifted the bier from the ground, and, resting the 
 poles on their shoulders, bore it to the mosque. After a 
 little while it was carried slowly along, passing the Con- 
 sulate on its way to the Moslem burial-ground, preceded 
 by about forty men, solemnly silent, and followed by at 
 least fifty women and children shrieking wildly, singing, 
 and screaming. 
 Between the palm-fronds I could plainly see the figure 
 of the dead man. The head was foremost, and slightly 
 raised. I could not help thinking that, if a voice endued 
 with power to awaken the dead, would tell the mother and 
 the widow not to weep, and order the bearers of the bier to 
 stand still, and say to the dead man, " J.rise," it would be 
 in his fete-day dress that he would sit up under the canopy 
 of palms, and begin to speak. See Luke vii, 11-15. 
 I made inquiry about the deceased, and found that he 
 was a respectable Moslem, of about twenty-four years of 
 age, and had left a wife and two children. He had died 
 just before midnight, after a few hours' illness, so violent, 
 that the Arab doctor pronounced it a case of cholera. 
 There had been several very sudden deaths in Haifa within 
 a few weeks. 
 In the course of the day I became very ill. Fr^re Jo- 
 seph, the Convent doctor, was sent for. He came and ad- 
 ministered powerful doses of opium. The next day I was 
 worse and very weak. He ordered emetics and bleeding, 
 but I decidedly declined both, and dispensed with his at- 
 tendance. My brother prescribed hot baths, and mustard 
 and vinegar poultices, and I slept, but grew weaker and 
 weaker. At three o'clock on Sunday morning, October 
 29th. he sent his kawass to Akka for a doctor, as a last re- 
 source. He wrote to the Pasha, and, ill as I was, I could 
 not help laughing at the letter, on hearing it literally trans- 
 lated into English. It contained a request that his Excel- 
 lency would allow his private doctor, the Armenian, to 
 proceed to Haifa to attend the '■^ girl brother of the English 
 Vice-Consul, who was attacked with a slight beauty, or 
 prettiness." This is the polite Turkish form of alluding to 
 illness, when woman is the subject of it. 
 Within a short time the doctor came with strict orders 
 from the Pasha not to leave me till I was well. He spoke 
 Italian fluently, as well as Turkish and Greek. He was 
 full of persevering, quiet energy and good-will, which in- 
 spired me with confidence immediately. He administered 
 small doses of castor oil, well mixed with sugar, water, gum 
 arable, and magnesia, in equal proportions, and prescribed 
 linseed and mustard poultices. He prepared stiff, sweet 
 starch, and some meal porridge with a little magnesia in it, 
 and gave them, to me in small quantities now and then, 
 with lime-flower water to drink. He did not leave the 
 house for three days and nights, and by Thursday, thanks 
 to his skill and Katrine's care, I was quite cured of my 
 " slight prettiness," which was of a dangerous kind, and 
 said to be cholera. 
 We met with great sympathy from our neighbors. On 
 the evening when I first left my room a company of sing- 
 ers came on to the terrace to serenade me, improvising 
 songs of rejoicing, and praying that I might soon " walk 
 forth in the gardens, to breathe the air with strength and 
 gladness of heart." 
 On the 1st of November I saw an immense number of 
 swallows perched on the house-tops and on the ropes of 
 the flagstaffs. I was told that they had been gathering 
 there for several days. Before evening I saw them all 
 assemble and take flight toward the south. They looked 
 like a dusky cloud moving swiftly through the air. 
 Our friend, Saleh Sekhali, and his family, also migrated. 
 They went to Nazareth, for they feared the cholera, and 
 tried to persuade us to accompany them. 
 The most unhealthy period in Palestine is that which 
 occurs after the falling of the first few autumnal showers,* 
 '■"'•The "early rain" spokon of in the Bible refers, I believe, to the autumnal 
 showers, which are never very violent. They fall gently, and by degrees, and revive 
 the parched and burnt-up earth after the Summer drought, and enable the peas- 
 ants to sow wheat and barley. In Deuteronomy it is called the " first rain ;" and 
 Joel says, "Be glad and rejoice in the Lord your God, for he hath given you the 
 /ormer rain moderately." 
 The Winter rain usually falls heavily duriug November, December, and early in 
 wliicli usher in the rainy season, and it lasts till the rain 
 falls regularly and in abundance. This interval does not 
 generally exceed two or three weeks, but when it is pro- 
 longed — as in the year 1855, of which I am writing — 
 fevers or other epidemics prevail. 
 On the 2d of November, a strong sirocco wind, hot, dry, 
 and scorching, as if it came from a furnace, warped our 
 books, and split and cracked our olive-wood furniture. We 
 closed all the window-shutters on the eastern side of the 
 rooms, but we could not exclude the fiery air. 
 There were four English merchant ships at anchor in the 
 port, as well as several small Greek brigs. The masters 
 complained, in no very gentle terms, of the injury done by 
 the fierce hot wind to the woodwork and fittings of their 
 An English captain, on the point of embarking, came in, 
 saying, " I hope you will give me a clean bill of health, 
 Consul." " As clean as I can," he answered : " but I must 
 state, ' Six deatlis within six days — sudden^ and, reported 
 cholera,^ " 
 After this the street-cleaning was for a time abandoned, 
 and I noticed funeral processions almost daily, sometimes 
 going from the mosque out at the east gate to the Moslem 
 burial-ground, sometimes from the Greek or Latin churches 
 slowly walking toward the Christian cemeteries through 
 the west gate. Moslems are always carried to the grave 
 in the open bier, head foremost, and buried in ordinary 
 costume. I shuddered the first time that I saw a body 
 thus committed to the earth, it looked so much like being 
 buried alive. 
 Janiiary; and then it ceases till March or April, when Spring showers are eagerly 
 looked for and welcomed, for they give strength and vigor to the ripening crops. 
 This is the "latter rain;" for it is written, "The Lord your God will cause to 
 come down for you the latter rain in the first month," which is the month called in 
 Hebrew " Ahib," or "the month of young ears of corn," and corresponds with 
 the end of March and the beginning of April. 
 " Behold the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth and hath 
 long patience for it, till he receive the early and the latter rain." 
 In the Summer-time, that is, from May till September, no rain is ever seen in 
 Palestine. ^ 
 The upper classes of Christians are generally interred in 
 coffins. The coffin is usually borne by four or six men, 
 preceded by priests walking under canopies, and surrounded 
 by crowds of people, chanting, bearing embroidered ban- 
 ners and a large cross, and sometimes accompanied by 
 surpliced boys, swinging incense. At a little distance a 
 troop of women follow, singing and screaming wildly; for 
 the priests in vain put their veto on the attendance of fe- 
 male mourners. 
 There was not one case of cholera in the Jewish com- 
 Deaths were most frequent in the crowded Moslem 
 quarter, but the Moslems did not seem to suffer much from 
 fear. Perhaps their reliance on the doctrine of fatalism 
 made them calm and apparently resigned. On the other 
 hand, among the Christians, a demoralizing panic quickly 
 By degrees nearly all the Europeans went up to the 
 Convent, where they established a strict quarantine. Many 
 of the Arabs went to Nazareth and Shefii 'Amer. Alto- 
 gether, above a thousand people fled, and the Christian 
 quarter looked quite deserted. It was remarked that there 
 was only one hat left in the town — that is, only one Frank — 
 alluding to my brother, who remained at his post endeav- 
 oring to reanimate the people. He went from house to 
 house, giving advice and simple medicines, and, as he was 
 not quite convinced that the epidemic was cholera, he ex- 
 amined two or three bodies immediately after death. Their 
 appearance confirmed the current report. 
 The Arab word for cholera, or the pest, is " Howa-el- 
 Asfar," which signifies " the yellow wind." Flags pro- 
 claiming quarantine are yellow ; is it possible that the color 
 was selected on account of this name ? The Arabs told me 
 that the worst cases of cholera occurred at the change of 
 the moon, and that people who were attacked then never 
 recovered ! The women seldom left their houses, except 
 to follow funerals; and the men grew more and more 
 dispirited. Even our little tailor, Suleiman Shefa Amery, 
 the merriest of the merry, the drollest of the droll, was at 
 last infected with the general fear. His springing, self-sat- 
 isfied step became slow and cautious, and his voice was sub- 
 dued to a whisper. He had been in the habit of coming to 
 the Vice-Consulate, now and then, to show me his work — ■ 
 embroidered jackets and trowsers for the trousseau of a 
 bride, or a tobacco-pouch for a Bek. He was one of my 
 many self-constituted teachers, and was at the same time 
 profoundly respectful and deferential, and yet amusingly 
 impertinent. He was the heau ideal of an Oriental tailor, 
 and looked as if he had just walked out of one of the pages, 
 of the " Arabian Nights' Entertainment " — good-looking, 
 and quick in every movement. He was always ready, un- 
 asked, to do a service — light a pipe, trim a lamp, pick up 
 a pencil, smooth the pillows and cushions of the divan, 
 fetch a glass of water, or proffer an opinion. He looked 
 with a quick and critical eye on every one's costume, and 
 valued each article of apparel unhesitatingly, as if speaking 
 half to himself and half to the wearer. 
 I used to learn a greater number of Arabic words from 
 him in an hour than from any one else in a day. He could 
 neither read nor write, but his memory was acute. He 
 remembered perfectly the promiscuous vocabulary which 
 he taught me. He used to ask me, each time he came, 
 the words he had told me on previous occasions; and at 
 every successful answer from me he glanced round the 
 room, expecting a look of approbation for himself, and one 
 for his pupil. 
 He showed me how to do all sorts of Syrian needlework. 
 He made very beautiful designs for embroidery, chiefly 
 conventional foliage. He first stiffens the cloth or silk, by 
 sewing thick paper at the back of it; then, with a piece of 
 hard, white native soap, rubbed to a fine point, he draws, 
 with a firm hand, a few graceful lines and intersecting 
 circles within any given space. He completes the design, 
 in the course of working it, with gold thread, and he never 
 by any chance makes two patterns precisely alike. He 
 seemed thoroughly to enjoy his work: but now even he 
 was changed — his brave, self-confident spirit had left him. 
 He no longer took delight in his needle or gold thread. 
 He told me, regretfully, that some of his best embroidery 
 was in the burial-ground ; for men and women, Moslems 
 and Christians, are often shrouded in their bridal robes or 
 fete-day dresses. Suleiman was one of the few Arabs who 
 seemed to think this was a very great pity. 
 When costly garments are buried, the grave is generally 
 watched for some time, for fear it should be rifled. 
 Suleiman fled for a short time to Shefa 'Amer, his native 
 place, and happily escaped cholera. 
 One day we rode up to the Convent. Two hundred of 
 the people of Haifa had taken refuge there. The gardens, 
 which had before looked so quiet and monastic, were en- 
 livened by little groups of Arabs, smoking under the trees, 
 or strolling about. All the rooms were occupied. The 
 French Consul came to meet us, but carefully avoided con- 
 tact, and led the way to the reception-room, where pastiles 
 were burning. His wife and children came to see us, but 
 remained at a distance. They said that, while people were 
 dying of cholera in Haifa, they, the voluntary exiles, were 
 almost expiring of eniiui and fear on Mount Carmel. 
 By degrees, the health of Haifa somewhat improved, and 
 a large proportion of cholera cases were cured. Powdered 
 charcoal, made of bread burnt in an open crucible, was 
 taken by many people as a preventive ; and, as far as I 
 could judge, it seemed to be eff'ectual. A teaspoonful, or 
 less, in a cup of sugarless coffee, was the usual daily dose. 
 On November 14th, we went for a trip in the interior, 
 with Colonel and the Hon. Mrs. "VValpole. He claimed my 
 brother's aid in seeking for Winter-quarters for his regi- 
 ment. He kindly invited me to go too; so, accompanied 
 by his Bashi-Bazouks, and furnished with a circular letter 
 of recommendation from the Pasha to all the governors in 
 his pashalic, we went to Shefa 'Amer, Nazareth, round the 
"imps of the yellow wind." 169 
 Lake of Tiberias, and along the valley of the Jordan, up 
 to the Anti-Lebanon, exploring all the old castles and 
 ruins ; but we did not come very much in contact with the 
 natives. The interest of the tour is chiefly archaeological 
 and architectural, so I will pass it over here. We returned 
 to Haifa on the 10th of December. 
 M. Zifo, the Prussian Consul, called to welcome us. He 
 said that he was the " only hat in town," and he was de- 
 tained by business, much against his inclination, for cholera 
 and typhus-fever prevailed. All the people were praying 
 for rain. For three days after our return, there was not 
 one death in the town, and some of the refugees came from 
 the Convent. The French Consul was one of the first 
 arrivals. Unhappily, his youngest daughter, the pet and 
 plaything of the family, who used to lisp out Arabic and 
 French so prettily, was immediately attacked with cholera, 
 and died after twelve hours' suffering. 
 On the 15th the panic was revived ; but a curious cir- 
 cumstance suddenly restored tranquillity to the minds of 
 the Arabs. On the night of Sunday, the 16th of Decem- 
 ber, a woman dreamed that she saw four malignant imps. 
 Each one held a stone, with an inscription on it, in his 
 hand. She said to them, "What do you want? Why are 
 you here to trouble me?" They said, speaking as with one 
 voice, " We have come to throw four stones." Then she 
 said, " Hasten to throw your stones, and go in peace." 
 One was thrown at her — the others flew in different direc- 
 tions. She told her dream the next day, and seemed very 
 much alarmed. The imps of her dream were said, by the 
 interpreters thereof, to be " imps of the yellow wind.'' The 
 majority of the people believed that there would be only 
 four more deaths in Haifa from cholera. On the 18th, 
 fourteen individuals were attacked; but only two died, one 
 of whom was the dreamer. On the 19th, there were two 
 more deaths, the last which were reported. The people 
 were reassured, and flocked back from 'Akka, Galilee, and 
 Carmel. But the wished-for season of rain had not set in. 
 Provisions were dear, and milk was very unwholesome, on 
 account of tlie scarcity of herbage. 
 Several ships from Y^fa had taken refuge in the port of 
 HS,ifa. The winds were so wild and contrary, that two 
 ships were wrecked off 'Akka, and two boats lost in the 
 bay. The west wind was so strong for a day or two, that 
 it filled the mouth of the River Kishon with sand, so that 
 it could be crossed easily on foot. Then suddenly the east 
 wind rose, and swept the bar of sand quite away, so that 
 the river was twelve feet deep at the usual place of fording, 
 and consequently impassable. 
 At Christmas the rain came ; but it was rain such as I 
 had never seen, except in strange old pictures of the Deluge. 
 The town was traversed in all directions by rapid streams 
 of mud aud water. Rain came in at the ill-made windows, 
 and our shutters and doors were wrenched from their hinges 
 by the wild wind. Fortunately, the house for which we 
 had been waiting was now ready, and weather-tight ; and 
 we managed to move into it, during the short intervals 
 between the torrents. I had to ride there, although it was 
 only at a very short distance. Most of the Arabs went 
 about barefooted, with the water far above their ankles. 
 During the wet season, there were about three days of 
 nearly continual rain, and three days of sunshine, altern- 
 Our new house, the rooms of which were built round a 
 corridored court, was next door to the French Consulate. 
 The Consul's wife — a Syrian lady — kindly initiated me by 
 degrees into all the mysteries of Oriental housekeeping. 
 Furnishing was a very simple affair. In one of the large 
 empty rooms a native Jewish upholsterer was set to work 
 to take to pieces all the mattresses, cushions, and lehaffs. 
 Then, with a little machine, he separated the cotton which 
 had become hard and close ; he tore it and combed it till 
 it was transformed into a fleecy cloud. He quickly remade 
 the mattresses, fitting them to the iron bedsteads and divans, 
 and cleverly quilted a stock of coverlets — lehaffs. His 
 naked feet were almost as busy as liis fingers. They served 
 him to hold his work. "When he wanted to wind a skein 
 of cotton he always fixed it on his long, pliant toes, and 
 used them as pegs when he doubled and twisted the thread ; 
 in fact, in many ways he made them useful. 
 In the mean time an Arab carpenter was engaged in saw- 
 ing planks and joining them together, ready to place on 
 low trestles round the rooms. On the rude benches thus 
 formed, mattresses, about a yard wide, and cushions, cov- 
 ered with chintz or Manchester prints, were arranged. 
 Deep, full borders, sewed on to the outer edge of the mat- 
 tresses, quite concealed the rough woodwork underneath. 
 This is all the mystery of the grand Turkish divans. Two 
 native Jewesses assisted me with the musketo and window 
 Reed mats, to cover the cemented and stone floors, were 
 made for us at 'Akka according to measure. I furnished 
 one little room as nearly in English style as I could under 
 the circumstances, but the rest of the house was semi-Ori- 
 ental. There were no fireplaces in any of the rooms. In 
 the kitchen there was a row of cooking-stoves fit for stewing 
 and baking ; similar, probably, to " the oven and ranges for 
 pots," referred to in Leviticus xi, 35. 
 There was a good well in the corner of the court, and a 
 little bell tinkled merrily every time the bucket was in 
 motion. The former occupants of the house were Arabs, 
 and they had left for my benefit a fine henna-tree — lawsonia. 
 It is very like the privet, but the blossom is more yellow 
 and delicate, and the scent is rather oppressive. The green 
 leaves — which produce the dye — are dried, crumbled to a 
 fine powder, and carefully preserved. 
 The stocking of the storeroom was the next considera- 
 tion. It soon contained provisions for the Winter. A case 
 of maccaroni, a basket of Egyptian rice, and two sacks of 
 wheat, one of which I sent to be ground by millstones 
 moved by cattle. Afterward I had the meal sifted at the 
 house, the smeed was set apart for white bread, etc., and 
 the remainder was stored for making Arab loaves for the 
 The large terra-cotta jars, glazed inside, and rough with- 
 out, ranged round the room, often made me think of Ali 
 Baba and the forty thieves. One held the smeed, another 
 held flour, another bran, a fourth oil, and some rather 
 smaller ones contained olives and goats' -milk cheese pre- 
 served in oil, and a store of cooking butter. Oranges and 
 lemons garnished the shelves. Dried figs strung on thin 
 cord, and pomegranates tied one by one to ropes, hung in 
 festoons from the rafters, and the bundles of dried herbs of 
 Carmel smelled sweetly. 
 My kind neighbor taught me how to add to my stores 
 at the right seasons, to make fruit preserves, to concentrate 
 the essence of tomatoes, and to convert wheat into starch — 
 by steeping it in water, straining it, and drying it in the 
 sun — for making sweet dishes, as well as for the laundry. 
 The Arabs do not starch or iron their clothes, so I had a 
 little difficulty at first in procuring help in the "getting 
 up" of fine linen. However, an Arab youth, who had once 
 lived with a semi-European tailor, and professed to know 
 how to handle an iron, though he acknowledged that 
 starching was a mystery to him, volunteered assistance, and 
 did his best. Subsequently a young Arab girl in our serv- 
 ice was taught the art by an Abyssinian slave, the servant 
 of a European neighbor, and she became very skillful. 
 Arabs only use starch for making a sort of blancmange, 
 and they shrink from the idea of stifi*ening linen with it, 
 for they have a strong respect for wheat in any shape. If 
 a morsel of bread fall to the ground, an Arab will gather 
 it up with his right hand, kiss it, touch his forehead with 
 it, and place it in a recess or on a wall, where the fowls of 
 the air may find it, for they say, "We must not tread 
 under foot the gift of God." I have seen this reverence 
 exhibited constantly, by all classes of the people, by mas- 
 ters, servants, and even by little children, Moslems, and 
 I was so busy that I had no time to feel my strange 
 isolation. The mornings were devoted to household ar- 
 rangements and lessons in Arabic. Visitors and visiting 
 often occupied me after midday, and in fine weather I en- 
 joyed a ride or a stroll with my brother before sunset, and 
 pleasant evenings with him and his friends. When we 
 were at last alone together we used to compare notes of our 
 several occupations, observations, and adventures of the day. 
 His long residence in the East enabled^ him to explain 
 some of the intricacies and seeming contradictions in the 
 characters of the Arabs, and to guide me in my inter- 
 CQurse with them. In outline during the Winter one day 
 nearly resembled another, but the details were always 
 pleasantly varied. 
 Ibrahim Sekhali, my brother's secretary — and also my 
 writing-master — an energetic, clever young man of the 
 Greek Church, went to 'Akka like many others to avoid 
 cholera. 'Akka was over-crowded, and small-pox broke 
 out. Poor Ibrahim caught it, and died suddenly on the 
 16th of January, 1856. His death threw a gloom over 
 Haifa, for he was a general favorite among Christians and 
 On the 17th, early in the morning, Khalil Sekhali, the 
 father of Ibrahim, called on us. He was a very stout, tall, 
 robust-looking man, and wore a long robe or open pelisse, 
 and a large white turban. His features were regular, and 
 his beard long and white. He looked grand in his grief, 
 and his lamentations for his dead son were solemn and dig- 
 nified. He, with my brother and the chief people of our 
 town, went toward 'Akka to join the funeral cort6ge^ for it 
 was arranged that the body should be brought to Haifa for 
 burial. All the horses and donkeys were in requisition, 
 and nearly all the shops were closed. 
 I walked out to witness the wailing of the widow and 
 her companions. They were outside the East Gate, near to 
 the burial-ground. About fifty or sixtycvailed women sur- 
 rounded the chief mourners. I was led almost uncoa- 
 Bciously by little Katrine Sekhali through the crowd to an 
 open space in the midst. In the center of this space the 
 widow, young and beautiful, kneeled on the ground. She was 
 unvailed. Her head was only covered by a little red-cloth 
 cap. Her long hair was unbraided, and fell over her green- 
 velvet, gold-embroidered jacket. She swayed her body to 
 and fro, tossed her head back, raised her hands as if pas- 
 sionately pleading, then threw herself forward with her face 
 to the ground, but suddenly started to her feet, and, with 
 her dark eyes uplifted, and her arms raised above her 
 head, she commenced shrieking wildly, and all the women 
 joined in the piercing cry. Presently she fell down as if 
 exhausted, and there was silence for a moment. Then a 
 few of the women in the inner circle rose, threw off their 
 vails, and danced round her, singing and making a rattling, 
 tremulous sound from the throat, while the rest of the 
 women joined in chorus. Professional mourners kept up 
 the excitement by demonstrations of violent grief, and the 
 professional singers improvised appropriate songs. This 
 lasted for three or four hours, and the crowd gradually 
 grew larger. I made my way through it with difficulty, 
 for some of the women had worked themselves into fits of 
 frenzy and hysterics. 
 I observed that the men who passed by kept quite aloof 
 from this group of mourners, and made no attempt to look 
 upon the unvailed widow. My kawass stood afar off, wait- 
 ing for me. On emerging from the crowd, I could see the 
 funeral cortege approaching along the sands. I was informed 
 by a forerunner that the body of Ibrahim had been in- 
 terred in the 'Akka burial-ground, as it was considered 
 dangerous to convey it so far as Haifa. When the proces- 
 sion was near to the town, I went up on to the low roof of 
 the custom-house to see it pass. First came the kawasses 
 of some of the Consuls, carrying their long, silver-headed 
 sticks or poles draped with black ; then a large party of 
 young men, dressed in various colors, solemnly silent, walk- 
 ing four abreast. At a little distance from these, Ibrahim's 
 horse, without a rider, was led by two men slowly and 
 carefully. Some of poor Ibrahim's well-remembered gar- 
 ments were on the saddle. 
 The three brothers of Ibrahim followed in a line; then 
 came his nephews and cousins, among whom was our friend 
 Saleh, all looking thoughtful and sad. The next mourner 
 was the mother. She sat cross-legged on a horse, sup- 
 ported by two men. Her face was vailed, but her drooping 
 head expressed her grief — she had lost her favorite son. 
 My brother, who had a great respect both for her and the 
 deceased, rode by her side. Mohammed Bek followed, on 
 a splendid white horse, surrounded by a group of Moslems ; 
 then came the 'Akka mourners, headed by the Giammal 
 family, all on foot. Last of all, the father, looking heart- 
 broken, rode slowly toward his bereaved home. 
 When all the men were out of sight, the company of 
 women entered the gates, shrieking and singing. My 
 kawass retreated hastily, and a young Greek of Scio, who 
 was by my side, said, " You can remain here to see them 
 pass, but it would not be proper for me to do so — men do 
 not watch processions of female mourners;" and he retired. 
 First came a group of dancers, only slightly vailed, mak- 
 ing slow and graceful movements, and waving scarfs and 
 kerchiefs, pausing now and then in strange attitudes, resting 
 for a quarter of a minute at a time like statues, and then 
 singing and shrieking wildly, all the company joining in 
 the chorus. The young widow walked alone, followed by 
 two attendants who carried the orphan children. This 
 group was surrounded at a little distance by the nearest 
 female relatives of Ibrahim. An irregular crowd of women 
 and girls closed the procession, loudly echoing the songs 
 of the leaders. Thus they went slowly through the town ; 
 and there was loud wailing and mourning in the house of 
 Sekhali for seven days. But to the silent grief of the 
 mother there was no limit. She lived next door to the 
 Consulate, and I often saw her. She was completely 
 changed. Her firm step had suddenly become faltering, 
 and her head drooped. She seldom spoke, and her only- 
 words were words of lamentation and despair. Little Ka- 
 trine, the daughter of our friend Saleh, touchiugly de- 
 scribed her great grief, saying, " I think our aunt will die. 
 She has no thought but for Ibrahim. She does not wish to 
 see any one but Ibrahim. Always she is kissing his coat, 
 his cap, and his gun. Always her face is wet with tears, 
 and she will not be comforted. She can not eat, and at 
 night she is awake ; only a little in the daytime she falls 
 asleep, tired of crying and of folding and unfolding all his 
 clothes. No one can make her glad now." 
 Little Katrine's fears were realized. The mother of 
 Ibrahim died on. the 13th of February, fretting to the 
 last for her dead son. I attended her funeral the next 
 day. At an early hour I saw the procession form. Men 
 carrying banners, embroidered with sacred emblems and 
 monograms, led the way. Then came the Greek priests. 
 One of them bore a large gilt wooden cross. The body 
 was in a dark coffin, on which three white crosses were 
 conspicuous. It was supported by six men. The male 
 mourners were headed by the widower and his three sons. 
 The women followed afar off. A large number of people 
 lined the road all the way to the church, and fell in with 
 the funeral cortege as it passed. 
 The bell was tolling as I entered the church. I went 
 up into the women's gallery, which is very high, and op- 
 posite to the altar. I was led to the front of it, where 
 a block of wood was given to me for a seat. The women, 
 all vailed and in white sheets, sat around on the matted 
 floor. I looked down into the church, through a sloping 
 wooden lattice, at an angle of about twenty degrees with 
 the ceiling, and so arranged that a view of what was going 
 on below could only be obtained by leaning forward over 
 this lattice, and with the face nearly close to it. Thus 
 positioned, I could see easily. 
 The chancel was already crowded. A few European 
 gentlemen, in dark clothes, looked conspicuous among the 
 Arabs in their many-colored garments. The chief female 
 mourners, shrouded in white, were grouped all together on 
 one side. The coffin, raised on high trestles, stood in the 
 center. A narrow space was left round it. A priest stood 
 at its head, slowly swinging a censer, while two others 
 chanted psalms, and read the service monotonously and 
 mutteringly. The people responded loudly. 
 Wax-candles were distributed by the younger members 
 of the Sekhali family to every one present. There were 
 about three hundred, and a strange effect was produced 
 when all the candles, as well as the tapers fixed round the 
 coffin, were lighted. Some looked pale and spirit-like in 
 the sunshine; others were obscured in clouds of incense; 
 while the rest illuminated dark corners, made darker by 
 the dense crowd. 
 Khalil Sekhali, the widower, and his three sons, sat 
 together in a conspicuous position near the door of the 
 sacristy. Every one else was standing. In obedience to 
 a signal from the chief-priest, an opening was made in 
 the crowd toward them. After a few minutes of perfect 
 silence, the widower walked unobstructed into the center 
 of the church. He placed his hands solemnly on the 
 coffin, pressed his broad forehead on to the head of it, 
 pronounced a blessing, kissed a little Byzantine picture 
 of Christ which was placed there, and then returned to 
 his seat, bending his head low. After another silent pause 
 the three sons followed his example; and all the nearest 
 relatives came forward to kiss the picture. After the 
 youngest child of the family had been lifted up to take 
 this farewell, the rest of the congregation crowded round, 
 and with less emotion and more haste performed the same 
 By degrees all but the chief mourners withdrew, and 
 then I went down into the church with the women. One 
 by one they kissed the picture, muttering a short prayer 
 for the repose of the soul of the deceased. Presently the 
 procession re-formed, and went- out at the West Gate to 
 the Greek burial-ground; the women followed afar off, 
 singing and crying wildly. And again for many days there 
 was mourning in the house of Sekhali. 
 But the widower did not reject consolation. About a 
 year afterward he sent messengers to Nazareth to seek for 
 a wife for him, and when all was rightly arranged he went 
 there to be affianced. But a monetary difficulty arose, and 
 the contract was annulled. Another bride was sought and 
 quickly chosen, for Khalil said that he was determined not 
 to be disappointed, nor to be a laughing-stock in Haifa. 
 He was after all actually betrothed on the very day first 
 fixed for the ceremony, and the marriage took place soon 
 The bridegroom was about seventy and the bride seven- 
 teen! I called to welcome the young wife to Haifa. She 
 was very good-looking, but quite of the peasant class. She 
 had a bright face; the forehead and chin were tattooed; 
 her eyebrows were naturally black and well arched, and 
 her eyelashes were long, so that no kohl was necessary. 
 This peculiarity is expressed, in Arabic, in one word, 
 " Khala." Her countenance was ruddy, and the women 
 said of her, "The wife of Khalil is fair; roses grow upon 
 her cheeks ; she does not buy her roses in the bazar." 
 This is also said of the women of Shefa 'Amer, who are 
 generally bright and healthy in appearance^ and use rouge 
 but rarely. Khalil was comforted. His three sons and 
 their wives, with their little ones, dwelt with him under 
 the same roof, and there was rejoicing in the house when 
 a son was born to him in his old age. 
 Elias Sekhali, the eldest son of Khalil, was studious, 
 thoughtful, clear-headed, and logical, and universally liked 
 by Christians and Moslems. He was employed in the 
 French Consulate. He came very often to see us, and was 
 eager to obtain information about the English Constitution, 
 and the progress of civilization generally. He always had 
 some amusing story or impressive parable to tell me when 
 he found me alone. Many of them were original. I care- 
 fully chronicled all. He often spoke to me on the subject 
 of the government of Syria. He said that there was no 
 opportunity for the people to rise out of their present 
 condition, while they are ruled by officers who have no 
 sympathy with them, no love for the country, and no object 
 but to enrich themselves. 
 The Arabs, under the present system of irregular tax- 
 ation, do not attempt to cultivate the land as they would 
 do if they were encouraged and protected by the Govern- 
 ment. In many parts of the country a man will not run 
 the risk of improving his estate. He will not plant new 
 olive-trees, nor extend his orchards and vineyards, nor 
 employ many laborers, for fear of exciting the rapacity 
 of the Governor of his district; for if a man is supposed 
 to be rich, excuses are readily invented to impoverish him; 
 debts are coined, or false accusations are made against 
 him, and he is thrown into prison till he pays the sup- 
 posed debt or a large fine. In one particular instance the 
 Governor of a certain Moslem village, having exceeded 
 even the usual bounds of exaction, a united complaint 
 was made to the Pasha by the indignant villagers. The 
 Pasha, for the sake of appearances, immediately appointed 
 a new Governor. He tried and imprisoned the ofi'ender 
 for a few days; but soon made arrangements with him and 
 set him free, after having accepted as a bribe ^ large 
 proportion of the property which the Ex-Governor had 
 so unjustly obtained! 
 I have heard of many similar transactions, and some- 
 times the actors have been well known to me, so that I 
 have had an opportunity of hearing both sides of the 
 story. Nearly all the Turks with whom I came in contact 
 seemed to glory in successful intrigue, and were generally 
 shrewd and clever. They had little or no sympathy with 
 the Arabs, and apparently no true patriotism. There are 
 very few Turks in Palestine, except civil officers and their 
 emplo7/^s, military officers, and soldiers. They are looked 
 upon always as foreigners. 
 Pashas and Governors do not remain long or for any 
 fixed time in one place. Wherever they go they, with few 
 exceptions, " tread upon the poor, and take from them 
 burdens of wheat; they afflict the just, and take a bribe." 
 They naturally favor the Moslems; but money is their 
 chief consideration. They not only injure the people 
 whom they are appointed to protect, but they rob the 
 Government which they are employed to serve. If ap- 
 pointments were given, with appropriate salaries, to men 
 of honor and energy, fitted for office, instead of being sold 
 to speculators, there would be hope for Syria. Crime 
 would be punished and innocence protected in spite of 
 patronage and piasters. 
 Elias severely felt the disadvantageous position of his 
 countrymen. They live in a land overrun by Bedouins, 
 where there is no security for property, and no encourage- 
 ment for agriculturists ; where there are no roads and very 
 few modern books ; where offices are purchased, laws tam- 
 pered with, justice disregarded, and industry and commer- 
 cial enterprise checked. I could not help sympathizing with 
 him, especially as I by degrees became better acquainted 
 with the capabilities of the Arab mind, and the wonderful 
 fertility of the country. Under more favorable circum- 
 stances and better cultivation each would flourish. Elias 
 admitted that oppression had demoralized the people to a 
 lamentable extent. Their powers and talents were misap- 
 plied, their ingenuity and inventive faculties were displayed 
 in artful cunning and clever intrigue. Their powers of 
 endurance and self-sacrifice had grown into seeming apathy 
 and indifi*erence, their love of poetry and of the marvelous 
 had been trifled with by teachers of strange doctrines and 
 conflicting traditions, and their imaginations were incum- 
 bered with wild superstitions. 
 When Elias spoke thus despondingly, no such man as 
 Fuad Pasha had been in Syria to inspire the hope of a 
 better state of things. Elias was always ready to answer 
 patiently and carefully my many questions. During nearly 
 three years I was in the habit of seeing him frequently. In 
 August, 1858, he went to Beirut on business. He was not 
 well when he left home, and on Wednesday, the 1st of Sep- 
 tember, news was brought to Haifa that he was dead, and 
 had been buried at Beirut. This was a new and terrible 
 affliction for the Sekhali family, for Elias was looked up 
 to as the ruler and manager of the house. Khalil, the 
 aged father, felt the loss acutely, and the widow was quite 
 prostrated. Grief bewildered and almost stupefied her — 
 she could not even weep. " Call for the mourning women, 
 that they may come; and for such as are skillful in lament- 
 ation, that they may come ; and let them make haste, and 
 take up a wailing for us, that our eyes may run down with 
 tears, and our eyelids gush out with waters." And again 
 there were seven days of weeping in the house of Sekhali. 
 See Jeremiah ix, 17, 18. 
 I joined the mourners on the third day. As soon as I 
 entered the house, I heard the minstrels and the loud cries 
 of the people. See Matthew ix, 23. I was led into a large, 
 long room. Women were sitting on the floor in rows on 
 two sides of it. An open space was left down the middle to 
 the end of the room, where the widow sat apart, with her 
 two youngest children lying at her feet. Her hair was 
 disheveled, and she wore no covering on her head. Her 
 eyelids were swollen with weeping, and her face pale with 
 watching. She looked as if she had suddenly grown old. 
 Her dress was rent and disordered. She had not rested or 
 changed her garments since she heard the tidings of her 
 husband's death. She kissed me passionately, and said, 
 "Weep for me, he is dead;" and then, pointing to her 
 children, she said, " Weep for them, they are fatherless." 
 I sat near to her. One of her children, who was about 
 three years old, crept into my lap, and whispered, " My 
 father is dead." Then he closed his eyes, and pressed his 
 chubby little fingers tightly over them, saying, " My father 
 is dead like this — he is in the dark." 
 The wailing, which had been slightly interrupted at my 
 entrance, was renewed with vigor. The assembled women 
 were all in their gayest dresses — soft crimson silk with 
 white stripes on it prevailing. There were many women 
 from Nazareth and Shefa 'Amer and other villages. They 
 had uncovered their heads and unbraided their hair. They 
 looked dreadfully excited. Their eyes were red with weep- 
 ing and watching. The air of the room was close and 
 heated, for the widow and chief mourners had remained 
 there for three days and two nights without rest, receiving 
 guests who came to mourn with them. The room was 
 always filled, for as soon as one set of people left another 
 set caihe in. During my visit there were seventy-three 
 mourners present, without reckoning the children who glided 
 in and out. 
 Three rows of*women sat on the matted floor on the 
 right-hand side, facing three rows on the left. They were 
 all clapping their hands or striking their bosoms in time 
 with the monotonous melody which they murmured. 
 Presently an especial lamentation was commenced, to 
 which I was invited to respond. I was still seated at the 
 end of the room, near to the widow. The women on my 
 left hand, led by a celebrated professional mourner, sang 
 these words with vigor and energy: 
 "We saw him, in the midst of the company of riders, 
 Biding bravely on his horse, the horse he loved !" 
 Then the women on the opposite side of the room answered 
 in a lower and more plaintive key, beating their breasts 
 mournfully : 
 •'Alas I no more shall we see him 
 In the midst of the company of riders, 
 Biding bravely on his horse, the horse he loved." 
 Then the first singers sang : 
 "We saw him in the garden, the pleasant garden, 
 With his companions, and his children, the children he loved." 
 Then the second singers answered : 
 " Alas 1 no more shall we see him 
 In the garden, the pleasant garden. 
 With his companions, and his children, the children he loved." 
 Chorus of all the women, singing softly : 
 •' His children and his servants blessed hira ! 
 His home was the shelter of happiness I 
 Peace be upon him I" 
 First singers — loudly and with animation 
 " We saw him giving food to the hungry, 
 And clothing to the naked." 
 Second singers — softly and plaintive : 
 •' Alas I no more shall we see him 
 Give food to the hungry, 
 And garments to the naked !" 
 First singers : 
 ' We saw him give help and succor to the aged 
 And good counsel to the young." 
 Second singers: 
 " Alas ! no more shall we see him 
 Give help and succor to the aged, 
 And good counsel to the young." 
 Chorus of all the women, singing softly 
 " He suffered not the stranger to sleep in the streets : 
 He opened his door to the wayfarer. 
 Peace be upon him I" 
 After this, they started to their feet, and shrieked as 
 loudly as they could, making a rattling noise in their 
 throats for three or four minutes. The widow kneeled, 
 swaying her body backward and forward, and feebly joined 
 in the wild cry. 
 Some of the women reseated themselves on the floor 
 quite exhausted, some retired, and a number of guests from 
 'Akka came in and took the vacant places. A minstrel 
 woman began slowly beating a tambourine, and all the 
 company clapped their hands in measure with it, singing, 
 " Alas for him ! alas for him ! He was brave, he was good, 
 alas for him !" Then three women rose, with naked swords 
 in their hands, and stood at two or three yards' distance 
 from each other. They began dancing with slow and 
 graceful movements, with their swords at first held low and 
 their heads drooping. Each dancer kept within a circle of 
 about a yard in diameter. By degrees the tambourine and 
 tbe clapping of the hands and the songs grew louder, the 
 steps of the dancers were quickened. They threw back 
 their heads, and gazed upward passionately, as if they 
 would look into the very heavens. They flourished their 
 uplifted swords, and as their movements became more wild 
 and excited, the bright steel flashed and bright eyes seemed 
 to grow brighter. As one by one the dancers sank over- 
 come with fatigue, others rose to replace them. Thus 
 passed seven days and nights. Professional mourners were 
 in constant attendance to keep up the excitement, and 
 dances and dirges succeeded each other, with intervals of 
 wild and hysterical weeping and shrieking. I remained 
 about two hours in the room, and occasionally I watched 
 from a window which overlooked it. I could see that the 
 leader had a powerful influence over all present. A cer- 
 tain tone of her wild wailing voice drew tears from the 
 eyes and produced hysterical emotion in some cases. 
 There are girls who have a morbid taste for the excite- 
 ment thus produced, and are celebrated for the facility 
 with which they fall into fits of uncontrollable weeping. 
 The real mourners and the amateur actresses in these scenes 
 are usually ill afterward, but the professional assistants do 
 not appear to sufiier from the fatigue or excitement, and 
 they do not lose their self-control for a moment. 
 Poor Khalil Sekhali never quite recovered the shock 
 caused by this death. It became an epoch from which to 
 reckon events throughout the district, where Elias had been 
 BO well known and so much respected. It was usual to 
 say, " Such an event occurred before or after the death of 
 Elias." And there was a saying current in Haifa to the 
 effect that "the men of the Sekhali family die always 
 among strangers and away from home.'! But I suppose 
 that the spell is broken now, for Khalil, the old man, died 
 in his own house, in January, 1860. I was not in Haifa 
 at the time, but I was informed that Khalil had been 
 staying at 'Akka and was very ill there. On his way back 
 to Haifa, in a very weak state, while riding along the 
 sands, he was thrown from his horse, and so much injured 
 that he was carried home, and died in three days. My 
 brother went to the funeral, and in a letter to me he spoke 
 of it thus : 
 " I never in this neighborhood saw a funeral so numer- 
 ously attended. The church, as well as the court without, 
 was completely crowded. Seven priests — four of whom had 
 come from a considerable distance for the purpose — chanted 
 the appointed psalms, and the burial service was performed 
 as usual. After the Epistle, Gospel, and Absolution had 
 been read, the chief priest said to the congregation, * Dear 
 brethren and children, Khalil Sekhali was a man who lived 
 very long in this world. He has had a great deal of busi- 
 ness, and has been in communication with a great number 
 of people. It is possible that in certain transactions he 
 may have given cause for offense. Some people may have 
 felt themselves insulted, some may have been grieved or 
 offended, either with or without reason. This now is the 
 time for pardon, and I hereby beseech you all present, and 
 by the blessing of God I implore you all, to pardon him 
 fully, to forgive him all offenses as you hope to be forgiven.' 
 The whole congregation then answered, *May God pardon 
 him !' " 
 This ceremony of asking pardon of the living for the 
 dead is observed in a slight degree at all burials among the 
 Greeks, but it is not generally so emphatically expressed or 
 so enlarged upon as in the case of Khalil. He was a man 
 of great influence. He was the founder of the Greek 
 Church in Haifa; and the only good houses in the town 
 belonged to him or to members of his family. 
 The history of the Sekhali family has led me away from 
 my own. I will return to the time when we hastened into 
 our new house on account of the commencement of the 
 Winter rains — Christmas, 1855. 
 On the 30th of December, after three days and nights of 
 almost incessant rain, a bright, sunshiny afternoon tempted 
 us out. We passed through the west gate, and the sudden 
 change which had taken place in the appearance of the 
 country surprised me exceedingly. The ground, which had 
 lately looked so brown and parched, cracked into fissures 
 by the Summer heat, was now carpeted with vividly-green 
 grass and tiny leaves. Many large slabs of rock which 
 had before been concealed by earth were now laid bare. 
 The tombs in the Greek and Latin cemeteries, the broad 
 stone thrashing-floors on the sloping plain, the masses of 
 rock around and on the terraced hill-sides, washed by the 
 recent torrents, looked brightly white. 
 We climbed the castle hill just behind Haifa. White, 
 yellow, and purple crocuses were growing round the roots 
 of the trees, under the shelter of rocks, and in the midst 
 of leafless thorn-bushes ;* while the glossy-green leaves 
 of flags, arums, squills, and cyclamen were unfolding and 
 shooting up every-where. 
 We looked down on to the town. Thousands of birds, 
 chiefly sparrows, were on the house-tops. The flat roofs 
 are composed of massive beams of wood, crossed by planks, 
 poles, and brushwood, overspread with earth and small 
 stones, rolled firm and smooth. In preparation for the 
 * "The lily among thorns." Song of Solomon ii, 2. 
 Winter rains, the roofs had all been newly covered with 
 mortar made of earth — brought from the common or un- 
 in closed land of the hills — well mixed with straw. The 
 newly-disturbed earth, rich in bulbs, and grass, and wild- 
 flower seeds, had naturally attracted the birds, and as I 
 watched them pecking and twittering there, I felt the sig- 
 nificancy of the expression in the Psalms, which refers to 
 the "sparrow on the house-top." 
 On the 30th of January, soon after sunrise, several little 
 boys came with large bunches of the "narojus;" that is, 
 the yellow narcissus, a favorite flower of the Arabs. The 
 boys asked for "backshish," and said, "We have brought 
 these flowers because they are called by the name of the 
 Consul." Then I understood why many Arabs, especially 
 children, called us "Narojus," instead of Rogers. In the 
 afternoon I went on to the hills, where narcissus and wild 
 hyacinths were growing in profusion. Goats were leaping 
 and skipping from rock to rock, and enjoying the plentiful 
 pasture. I looked down on the town. Its appearance was 
 perfectly changed. Out of the lately-made roofs of earth 
 fresh green grass had sprung, so that every house-top 
 looked like a grass-plat; and on some of them lambs 
 and kids were feeding. 
 But these grass-grown roofs are rarely sound enough to 
 keep out the rain. We often heard our neighbors com- 
 plaining of water pouring in torrents into their rooms, 
 and I have sometimes been roused in the night by an 
 unexpected sprinkling. Patches of fresh earth are added 
 from time to time, and the roofs are rolled occasionally 
 with a heavy stone, like a common garden-roller. One 
 is usually kept on the top of each house, or block of 
 When I went out, on the 11th of February, I saw 
 laborers busy in the plain, at the foot of the Carmel Hills. 
 Large patches of land were being plowed. The rich brown 
 earth was thrown up by clumsy-looking plowshares, dragged 
 by oxen. Boys were employed in gathering out stones 
 from tracts of land, round which men were building low 
 rough stone walls. New hedges of prickly pears were 
 being planted round gardens and orchards, thus: a stone 
 wall about a quarter of a yard high is made, and then 
 quite covered with earth. Along the top of the bank thus 
 formed portions of the cactus stems are planted, about a 
 foot apart. These stems are green and broad, and so flat 
 and jointed that they look like large rounded leaves joined 
 together. In some places the rain had washed away the 
 earth, and I could see the roots shooting out from the 
 edges of the stems. The growth of the species of the 
 cactus — Opuntia — is so rapid that a bank thus planted 
 becomes, in the course of one season, a very formidable 
 hedge. Its blossom is yellow, and it yields the pleasant, 
 cooling fruit called "prickly pear," or "Indian fig." The 
 Arabs call it ^^ sithher" — that is, ^^ patience'^ — on account 
 of the care and patience required in gathering and peeling 
 it; for it is covered with spines and fine stinging hairs, 
 and the plant is armed every-where with large sharp 
 thorns. In spite of this the camel feeds on it freely. 
 Even in the driest seasons the stems are juicy, and, when 
 pierced, moisture oozes out plentifully. It is the natural 
 home of the cochineal insect; but the cultivation of this 
 valuable article of commerce is unfortunately neglected in 
 The blossoming arum, the blue iris, squills, and daffodils 
 were growing so abundantly in the burial-ground, that the 
 sides of the tombs were quite concealed. On the un- 
 plowed land of the plain, and on the hill-sides, I found 
 anemones, ranunculuses, marigolds, ground-ivy, cyclamen, 
 and many other wild flowers. 
 The thorn-bushes, which during the Summer and Autumn 
 had been so dark and bare, were clothed with delicate green 
 sprays of finely-serrated leaves, which almost hid the sharp, 
 cruel-looking thorns. They were sprinkled with little round 
 buds — when they opened, they threw out silky tufts of 
 crimson, crowned with golden -colored powder. The seed 
 vessel is round, and divided into four quarters. At first it 
 is almost white, but gradually becomes pink. At the apex 
 there is a little green tuft, in the shape of a Greek cross. 
 When the seed is quite ripe, it is about half an inch in 
 diameter, and of a deep, shining, red color. 
 I have been told that it was of this thorn that the wreath 
 was made, ^^hich once crowned the head of Christ. It may 
 be so. I have never seen a plant of which so beautiful, 
 and at the same time so cruel, a crown could be composed. 
 This thorn is the Poterium spinosiim. About Easter, it is 
 seen in all its beauty, the leaves glossy and full-grown, the 
 fruit or seed-vessels brilliantly red, like drops of blood, and 
 the thorns sharper and stronger than at any other time. 
 No plant or bush is so common on the hills of Judea, 
 Galilee, and Carmel as this. It is used extensively for 
 fuel, especially for the bakers' ovens, and " the crackling 
 of thorns under a pot " may often be heard in Palestine. 
 The gardens and orchards looked very beautiful. Al- 
 mond-trees were full of blossom. Lemon and shaddock 
 trees were laden with fruit. The "Winter rains were over; 
 "flowers appeared on the earth, the time of the singing of 
 birds had come, and the voice of the turtle was heard in 
 the land." And again the appearance of the town of Haifa 
 was perfectly changed. The last few days of warmth and 
 uninterrupted sunshine had quite withered and burned up 
 all "the grass on the house-tops," so that there was not a 
 green spot left. Boys and girls were gathering the short 
 yellow hay ; but there was very little of it, for the grass 
 had not had time to grow up fully, or put forth its seed; 
 and the harvest on the house-tops was mere child's play, 
 " wherewith the mower filleth not his hand, nor he that 
 bindeth sheaves his bosom.'' Psalm cxxix, 6-8. 
 On the 19th of February, early in the morning, a young 
 Bedouin brought me a large wooden bowl full of clotted 
 cream, and announced the coming of four men of his tribe. 
 While he spoke, they entered. They were rejoicing, on 
 accouut of the abundance of milk which their flocks yielded 
 now that they were at pasture on the Carmel range. They 
 were very dark, and wore long, white, cotton shirts with 
 wide sleeves, and loose, heavy, camel's-hair cloaks. They 
 seemed to be rather taken by surprise by the looking-glass, 
 in which they could see themselves at full length. The 
 one who seemed to be the chief of the party invited me to 
 visit him, with the Consul, at his tents, at an hour's dis- 
 tance from Haifa. In answer to my questions, he told me 
 that there were several women at the encampment, and 
 that they were busy making stores of cooking butter. The 
 cream is shaken in goats' skins, and afterward boiled. 
 When the milk and whey are completely extracted, the 
 butter will keep good for a very long time. At this season 
 the markets are always well supplied by the peasantry and 
 the Bedouins together, and during the Spring housekeepers 
 refill their butter-jars with a store for the Summer and 
 Autumn. One of these Bedouins carried a lance, about 
 twelve feet long. At the top of it there were two round 
 tufts of black ostrich feathers, about one foot apart. The 
 upper tuft was fringed with little white feathers. Between 
 the tufts, strips of scarlet cloth were twisted. The lance 
 was so heavy that I could not lift it. It was of wood, with 
 a metal barb. All the men wore large red and yellow silk 
 striped kefias — that is, fringed shawls — on their heads, fast- 
 ened round the crown with a thick rope, and put on like 
 hoods. They all had high, pointed, red-leather boots, which, 
 however, they took ofif at the door. One man displayed a 
 heavy silver ring on his finger. A name was roughly en- 
 graved on it. The wearer said, "Salute the Consul; may 
 Allah keep all sorrow far from him !" Then he and his 
 followers went away. 
 I had just dismissed the bearer of the bowl of. cream 
 with a backshish, when two little girls of the Sekhali 
 family came to me, saying, " Miriam, peace be upon 
 you ! We have thought you must be sad and lonely, now 
 that the Consul is away from HS,ifa. May he return to 
 you soon, and in safety !" I invited my friendly little 
 neighbors . to take off their izzars — the white sheets in 
 which they were enveloped — and to remain with me to 
 breakfast. They wore dark cotton trowsers, made very full 
 and long, and cloth jackets, closely fitting and fastened up 
 to the throat. Their mundils, or bright-colored muslin 
 kerchiefs, were put on like shawls over the head, crossed 
 under the chin, and the ends tied on the top of the head. 
 Their hair was braided, and hung in long plaits over their 
 shoulders. Their finger-nails and toe-nails were rosy with 
 henna-dye. They left their yellow shoes at the entrance 
 of the room. They were very much interested in turning 
 out the contents of my work-box, and in looking through 
 books of pictures, about which they asked many questions, 
 and made curious comments, not only teaching me, uncon- 
 sciously, Arabic words, but showing me the spirit of Ori- 
 ental ideas. They were amused to hear about English 
 children, and laughed heartily when I told them that in 
 England a few camels are kept as curiosities, in a beautiful 
 garden. They could not understand how we could live in 
 a land where there are no camels to carry burdens. I tried 
 to explain to them the use of carts and railed roads ; but, 
 as they had never seen a wheeled carriage of any kind, it 
 was very difficult to convey the idea, even with the help of 
 pictures. They were very clever, quick children ; and, 
 though only eight and nine years old, they could already 
 make bread, and prepare many simple dishes. They were 
 surprised that I had not been taught how to cook. It is 
 the chief point in the education of an Arab girl. 
 While I was occupied with my amusing little guests, our 
 Egyptian groom Mohammed arrived, leading a beautiful 
 white mare, and bringing a letter from my brother, inviting 
 me to go immediately to Shefa 'Amer — about three hours' 
 distance — to meet him there, and to return with him to 
 Haifa the next day. The children said, " "We are glad you 
 will to-day see the Consul ; but we are sorry you are going 
 away from us; go in peace." I was soon ready, and 
 mounted on the white mare. Her lon^; mane and tail were 
 deeply dyed with henna — bright orange color. It is said to 
 be a preventive of disease. A large glass bead of sapphire 
 blue hung from the neck of the animal. I asked the groom 
 what it was for. He said, " It will avert the effect of a 
 glance from an evil eye. This mare is so beautiful that she 
 is in danger of being looked at with admiration and envy 
 by those who have power to destroy her and her rider even 
 by a look." He said he durst not suffer me to ride such an 
 animal without this precaution. Many of my friends, Mos- 
 lems and Christians, walked by my side as far as the gate, 
 and " Go in peace, and return to us in safety," rang in my 
 ears as I rode along the sands, attended only by our trust- 
 worthy groom Mohammed, and under the protection of the 
 sapphire bead. I asked him if my want of confidence in 
 the charm would destroy its efficacy. He answered sol- 
 emnly, " Its power can not be destroyed, praised he Allah T 
 It was noon. The sun shone, but not too fiercely. The 
 wind blew, but not too roughly ; and the waves rippled 
 round the feet of the mare, and of Mohammed's sturdy 
 little donkey. We crossed the Kishon cautiously and 
 safely on the bar far out at sea. The river was rather 
 deep and dangerous that day. 
 We turned away from the shore and traversed the drifted 
 sand-hills, where tall trees and shrubs were half buried; 
 but grass was springing up plentifully where the land was 
 firmer, and the rain rested here and there in quiet pools, 
 bordered by the iris, blue and yellow, rank grass and blos- 
 soming reeds. Advancing a little further into the plain, 
 we came to a perfect paradise of flowers. The ground for 
 a mile or more in every direction was completely carpeted 
 with anemones — scarlet, crimson, white, blue, purple, pink, 
 and lilac — with patches of clover and mallows here and 
 there, and buttercups and cyclamen. I had never seen such 
 wealth of wild flowers, or such vivid coloring, and there 
 seemed to be no one to enjoy it. We were quite out of 
 sight of human beings and human habitations. The only 
 building to be seen was the dome over the fountain of 
 Jethro, a retreat for ablution and for prayer, with a few 
 troughs round it for watering cattle. It is just half-way 
 between Haifa and Shefa 'Amer. I paused for a moment 
 to enjoy the scene and the silence. My mare began crop- 
 ping the thickly-growing mallows. Mohammed exclaimed, 
 " Ya Sittee, cows thrive on mallows, but to running horses 
 they bring death." As we rode on again, I asked Moham- 
 med if his parents still lived in Egypt. He replied, " God 
 knows ! It is more than twenty years since I left my 
 mother. She was a widow, peace be upon her ! and I have 
 never heard of her since. It is too late now. No letter 
 would reach her, for she is poor and unknown in the land. 
 When the poor leave their parents, they leave them for- 
 ever. That is the reason why mothers weep and refuse to 
 be comforted when their sons go away from their homes. 
 Letters can be carried for the rich, and for people who are 
 known." He was surprised to hear that in England all 
 houses are named or numbered, and that letters directed to 
 the poorest people in the country are taken as much care 
 of as those addressed to the most wealthy. 
 Mohammed had lost the use of one eye. In answer to 
 my inquiry, he told me that his mother had purposely 
 destroyed the sight, by the application of poisonous leaves 
 when he was young, to render him unfit for service in the 
 army, for he was her only son. This practice was very 
 common in Egypt till Ibrahim Pasha put an effectual stop 
 to it by ordering a regiment to be formed entirely of one- 
 eyed men, and every one who had lost the sight of an eye, 
 either by accident or design, was compelled to join it. 
 Mohammed, among others, was enrolled, and this Cyclopean 
 regiment became the most formidable in Egyptian service. ^^ 
 We passed between large fields where wheat and barley 
 * I could not understand what sort of leaves Mohammed referred to, but they 
 were gathered from a shrub which grows in gardens on the banks of the Nile. Ou 
 homeopathic principles I suppose that this eye-destroying leaf should also have 
 the power of renovating injured sight. Several Arabs — Christians — confessed to 
 me, that when they were school-boys, they resorted to all sorts of schemes in order 
 to avoid attending school. They used sometimes to rub their eyelids with freshly- 
 gathered fig-leaves, and the milky iuice which exudes from them soon causes the 
 "were springing up vigorously, and over fallow ground gar- 
 nished with blossoming weeds. Now and then we overtook 
 a land tortoise, leisurely making its way across the coun- 
 try. They are very common in the plains of Palestine. 
 Mohammed told me that Christians of the East eat them, 
 especially in Lent, and the peasants catch and carry them 
 to market-towns in great numbers. I afterward heard this 
 confirmed, but I never saw the dish any where. 
 When we reached the hill country I could scarcely 
 recognize the valleys and the hill-sides, which I had trav- 
 ersed in October, and again in November. Every thing 
 ■was changed and beautified by Spring. There was no bare 
 earth to be seen, it was all concealed by vividly-green veg- 
 etation. The periwinkle was conspicuous, and in the hol- 
 lows of the white rocks and between the stones tiny flowers 
 "were flourishing. The evergreen oaks were garlanded with 
 "wild clematis, and a creeper with lilac bell-like blossoms 
 traveled from tree to tree in graceful festoons. The " pas- 
 tures on the hills were clothed with flocks, and the valleys 
 were covered with corn." Here we saw some human beings, 
 the first we had met on our way. There was a very old 
 man, with a long staff" in his hand, sitting under a tree. 
 He rose up when he saw us coming. He wore over his 
 long shirt a short pelisse made of sheep-skin, and an old 
 shawl head-dress. Some youths came forward as we ap- 
 proached. They were bronzed and weather-beaten. They 
 had nothing on but long coarse cotton shirts, girdled with 
 leather belts. Long clumsy -looking guns were slung over 
 their shoulders. Their heads were hooded in old red and 
 yellow shawls. The herds and flocks upon the hills were 
 in their care. The old man raised his hand to his forehead 
 as we went by, and said, "God direct you." One of the 
 eyelids to swell so much, that they can scarcely be opened for two or three days, 
 but no perceptible injury is done to the eye. When fig-leaves are not to be found, 
 they used stinging nettles instead 1 The boys said that they cheerfully suffered 
 this self-inflicted pain for a few days, for the sake of the holiday which necessarily 
 accompanied it, and the temporary escape from the monotonous duties of school, 
 and the thick stick of the schoolmaster. However, where Arab boys are kindly 
 and intelligently taught, they learn eagerly and make wonderfully rapid progress. 
 young shepherds was sitting on a rock playing on a short 
 flute, made of a reed. He placed the end of it in his 
 mouth, and produced soft but clear musical sounds. I 
 could detect only* five notes.. Mohammed pointed out a 
 black tent, made of camel's-hair cloth and branches, pitched 
 under a large terrebinth-tree. It was no doubt the portable 
 home of the herdsmen. Here we were met by an African 
 horseman, as black as ebony. He was dressed entirely in 
 white and crimson, and was riding at full gallop. He 
 paused to greet us, and said to Mohammed, "The English 
 Consul is near at hand. He is coming forth to meet his 
 sister, but my eyes have seen her first. I will hasten to 
 give him joy, and tell him that she is well and on her way." 
 Mohammed answered, "Gro in peace. Blessed is the bearer 
 of good tidings." We were soon in the olive-groves of 
 Shefa 'Amer, and there to my delight I met my brother. 
 Saleh, Habib, and Stephani joined us. They handed blos- 
 soming almond branches to me, in token of welcome. We 
 rode up the steep hill on which the town stands, and 
 alighted at the house of Habib. He led me into his guest- 
 chamber, a large, eight-windowed, square room. On two 
 Bides of it mattresses were placed on the floor, covered with 
 Turkey-carpets, and cushions cased in silk and satin were 
 leaning against the walls. On one side a handsome carpet 
 was spread, with a small silk-covered square mattress, and 
 pillows arranged for one person only. This he said was 
 intended for me. Egyptian matting covered the rest of the 
 floor, and in one corner was a raised bed-stand, with muslin 
 musketo-curtains. We went out on to the broad terrace, 
 which overlooks the sea and the plain, and rested there, 
 exchanging news. 
 I reported the visit of the Bedouins. My brother ex- 
 plained to me how the townspeople, the villagers, and the 
 peasantry dread the approach of these wanderers with their 
 flocks and herds, for, he said, " They not only spoil the 
 pasture-land, but the crops are endangered. There will be 
 no real safety for cultivators and agriculturists in Palestine 
 till these incursions are put a stop to. The Bedouins come 
 from beyond Jordan, every year, just after the Winter rains 
 are over, when the grain is springing up, so that people do 
 not venture to cultivate more land than they hope to be 
 able to protect. That is one reason why there are so many 
 waste places in the country, and why some portions of the 
 most fertile plains are abandoned by the peasants of Pal- 
 estine, and only cultivated by wandering tribes, who pitch 
 their tents in a favorable spot, plow, sow, and reap, and 
 then perhaps recross the Jordan, and return no more till 
 thp following Spring," According to the third and sixth 
 verses of the sixth chapter of Judges, these wanderers used 
 to commit just such depredations in Palestine three thou- 
 sand years ago, and at the very same season. " When Is- 
 rael had sown, then the Amalekites, the Midianites, and 
 the children of the East (that is, from beyond Jordan) 
 came up against them; they destroyed the increase of the 
 earth and left no sustenance for Israel ; they came with 
 their cattle and their tents, and they and their camels were 
 without number, and Israel was greatly impoverished." 
 This is one of the chief causes of the present poverty of 
 the country. 
 When the sun went down we entered the guest-chamber. 
 Large lanterns were lighted and placed on two small stools 
 in the middle of the room. The Governor, Abu Daoud, 
 and his little son, arrived to greet me. Soon afterward 
 Salihh Agha came, in his large scarlet cloak, edged with 
 gold-lace and embroidery. His dark face was deeply 
 shaded by his lilac and silver shawl, worn like a hood, 
 bound round his head by a thick white cord of camel's- 
 hair. His eyelids were kohl-tinged, and he looked rather 
 fierce, on the whole. He and his brother, the celebrated 
 Akiel Agha, are the most powerful and formidable people 
 in the Pashalic of 'Akka. They came originally from 
 Morocco, and are now in the service of the Turkish 
 Government. They have three or four hundred armed 
 horsemen under their command. They may be regarded 
 as the mounted patrols of tlie hills and plains of Gralilee; 
 for it is their duty to keep the roads clear that people 
 may travel in safety. To a considerable extent they suc- 
 ceed; and, thanks to their energy, highway robbery and 
 murders are rare; but they can not of course keep all 
 the wanderers out of the country. Over some tribes 
 Akiel Agha has great influence, but with the Kurds and 
 other hostile hordes he sometimes comes into collision, 
 and warfare ensues, and then all the tribes friendly or in 
 alliance with him naturally come to his assistance. Not- 
 withstanding these outbreaks, it is certain that without the 
 Agha's somewhat irregular guard affairs in the Pashalic 
 of 'Akka would be very much worse, and traveling would 
 be attended with more danger. 
 Akiel Agha's regiment is a motley crew, formed of des- 
 perate men from all parts of the country, reminding one 
 of the four hundred over whom David made himself a 
 captain — 1 Samuel xxii, 2. They are distinguished by 
 the name of "Hawara," and are, in fact, a tolerated tribe 
 of marauders, empowered by the Government to keep other 
 tribes in check. 
 Salihh Agha told me that he had served on the Danube 
 for a short time during the previous year, but he did not 
 like to be so far away from his children. His tents were 
 now pitched at Abilene, about three miles from Shefa 
 'Amer. He sent his lieutenant to fetch his youngest son 
 for me to see, though it was a dark night and long past 
 sunset. Supper was announced, and we were conducted to 
 another room. Water was poured over our hands as we 
 entered; then we, seven in number, sat on the matted floor, 
 round a circular tray, raised about six inches from the 
 ground, and literally crowded with food. A very long, 
 narrow towel was placed in front of the guests, and reached 
 all round, resting on our knees, and its fringed ends met 
 and crossed where I was invited to take my seat. There 
 were six round dishes of heaped-up rice, boiled in butter; 
 six dishes of boiled wheat, mixed with minced meat and 
 spices ; a few plates of fowls and lamb, and bowls of 
 lebbeny or sour cream, and a good supply of sweet cream, 
 cbeese, olives, and salad. A cake of bread was placed 
 before each person. As soon as Salihli Agha was seated, 
 he began eating silently and — as it seemed to me — vora- 
 ciously, quite in Bedouin style, making pellets of the hot 
 rice or wheat in the palm of his hand, and with a skillful 
 jerk tossing them into his mouth. He divided the fowls 
 with his fingers, and did me the honor to pass the most 
 delicate morsels ^to me. At this rate the contents of the 
 dishes soon disappeared; for all the gentlemen followed the 
 example of Salihh Agha, and as, one by one, they were 
 satisfied, they rose and washed their hands. We then 
 returned to the large room, where many visitors had as- 
 sembled. Coffee and pipes were served. Songs were sung 
 in praise of the Agha, and of the Vice-Consul, and other 
 guests. The songs which called forth the greatest energy 
 were descriptions of contending armies and of the chase. 
 Arrack was handed round to the singers, but none of the 
 Bedouins partook of it. Little Nimr, the son of the Agha, 
 arrived. He was about seven years old. He came bound- 
 ing into the room, and was soon wrapped in the folds of 
 his father's scarlet cloak, and covered with kisses and 
 caresses. I was struck by the change in the somewhat 
 stern aspect of Salihh Agha. He was full of tenderness 
 and demonstrative affection for his little son — an ugly boy, 
 but of that piquant description of ugliness which is some- 
 times so attractive. The lieutenant wished him to go and 
 have supper with him; but he said archly, "Did I come 
 here to have supper or to see the English Sit?" — that is, 
 the lady. He came and nestled by my side; took my 
 hands in his ; felt my dress, and said it was nice and soft. 
 He showed in every action that he was accustomed to be 
 noticed very much, and to be lovingly treated. 
 "Wrestling was proposed, and Nimr immediately chal- 
 lenged Elias, the son of Stephani, a slightly-made, very 
 pretty boy, also about seven, who deliberately took off his 
 little brown braided and hooded pelisse, while Nimr threw 
 down his loose camel's-hair cloak. They each wore scarlet 
 cloth jackets, with hanging sleeves like the hussars', wide- 
 sleeved, long white cotton shirts, and very full scarlet 
 trowsers. They took off the latter and their shoes. Little 
 Nimr — that is, the Tiger — looked proudly impatient. Young 
 Elias, quietly in earnest, made a spring on Nimr and threw 
 him down. The men clapped their hands and shouted. 
 The wrestling was carried on for nearly half an hour. 
 Elias was, almost in every instance, the victor. At last 
 Nimr, with a mortified look, after many falls, ran to his 
 father and hid himself in the folds of the scarlet cloak. 
 Elias looked quite calm and unexcited by his success. 
 He sat quietly by my side. 
 I find that wrestling is a very common exercise in the 
 Bedouin tents. Salihh Agha's elder boys, of fifteen and 
 sixteen years of age, were present. They behaved with 
 great deference and respect to their father, and did not 
 sit, or take coffee, or smoke in his presence without his 
 permission; but since that time the eldest son has dis- 
 tinguished himself in warfare, and has killed an enemy 
 of his tribe with his own hand; so he now enjoys the 
 dignity and privileges of manhood, and equality with his 
 The room was cleared of the numerous guests at an 
 early hour, and then the wife of Habib — my host — and 
 four women came to see me. One of them offered to 
 sleep in the guest-chamber with me, thinking I should 
 be frightened. The Arabs are very timid at night, and 
 always congregate together to sleep, and burn lamps to 
 drive away evil spirits when under a roof. They were 
 surprised that I could dare to sleep in darkness and 
 The next morning Habib's wife came tapping at my 
 door early, and with curiosity examined my garments. 
 The room would soon have been full of women to assist 
 and inspect my toilet, if I had not decidedly expressed 
 a wisli to dress before I received visitors; so only my 
 hostess remained. She afterward led me to her room on 
 the ground-floor. It was spacious, but very low. Beds, 
 bedding, and carpets were piled up on a raised stone bench 
 on one side, and on the other cooking utensils, dishes, jars, 
 and stores were arranged. At the end of the room, oppo- 
 site the door, a carpet was spread, and there I was invited 
 to sit down to breakfast. In a corner a woman was pre- 
 paring meat for cooking, and a large charcoal brazier stood 
 near the door, where a girl was roasting coffee-berries. 
 This room was evidently the parlor, bedroom, and kitchen, 
 all in one. A charcoal-cellar and the stables occupied the 
 other part of the ground-floor. 
 The mother of my host was busy superintending the 
 baking of the loaves she had made that morning; so I 
 went to the baking-house at the end of the street to see 
 her. Stacks of wood, tree-branches, and thorn-bushes were 
 piled up just outside the entrance to it. I peeped inside 
 the low, stone building. It was like a furnace. The flat 
 loaves were placed on large sheets of iron, which were 
 heated from beneath by a glowing and crackling wood fire. 
 Several women, whose faces, all but the kohl-stained eyes, 
 were vailed, were waiting to take their cakes of bread in 
 to be baked. They held them on round trays made of 
 wicker-work and straw. A poor little boy, who looked 
 >very hungry, came with only one small loaf, and watched 
 anxiously for his turn. 
 A white, semi-transparent lizard ran out from between 
 the stones by the door. I stooped forward to examine it. 
 The women around shrieked out exclamations of horror 
 and disgust. In answer to my questions, they said, " Ya 
 sittee, that is an evil reptile, he crawls over bread or other 
 food, and breathes his poisonous breath upon it, so that he 
 who eats that corrupted food may die, or be as one smitten 
 with leprosy." Mohammed, our Egyptian groom, who ap- 
 proached at the moment, leading the white mare, said, " God 
 preserve us ! The words of the women are true words." 
 I hastened to prepare for riding. A gazelle hunt had 
 been arranged for that day by Salihh Agha, and he had 
 invited us to accompany him. The kawass and grooms 
 and the Agha's people had charge of some fine gazelle- 
 hounds. We met the rest of the party down by the fount- 
 ain. Three of them were on foot leading boar-hounds. 
 They soon left us, and entered the hill country of Carmel 
 to seek for boars. Little Nimr was riding with the lieu- 
 tenant on a chestnut horse, whose pedigree they say could 
 be traced back to the time of Solomon. His defense 
 against fascination was a white shell, called wadat, fastened 
 to a cord hung round his neck. 
 We were joined by Habib and Stephani, and our friend 
 and fellow-townsman Saleh Sekhali. The latter said to me, 
 " You must take notice to-day, ya sittee Miriam, of the 
 great difference between the vision of people who live in 
 towns and of those who live in the open country in tents." 
 I soon had an example of this, for Salihh Agha scanned 
 the horizon, and he and his people discerned in the dis- 
 tance a horse at full gallop. Before we townspeople could 
 distinguish that the horse had a rider, Salihh Agha could 
 describe his dress and even his features, though he was a 
 stranger to him. His words were entirely verified when 
 the rider came within the range of our vision. I congrat- 
 ulated Salihh Agha on the possession of such a faculty, 
 and told him how much it astonished me. He said, " You 
 also have a power which is a marvel to me. I have seen 
 the writing in your book, [he referred to the note-book 
 which I invariably carried and frequently used ;] the 
 strokes and figures in it are so fine and small and so close 
 together that it made my eyes ache to look at them." The 
 Agha could not even read or write his own language. 
 Saleh Sekhali remarked, " The good gifts of Allah are 
 divided ; praised be Allah !" One of the Bedouins said, 
 " Men who live in towns accustom their eyes to look only 
 from one street to another and from one wall to another, 
 but we who live in tents see to the ends of the earth. 
 When I am within walls I am as one struck blind, or as if 
 a vail were held before my eyes. There is no space for 
 sight within the towns." 
 We rode on quietly along the base of the hills among 
 low brushwood, thistles, and flourishing thorns. The 
 grooms had great difficulty in keeping the hounds in, so 
 violently did they struggle to escape. We traversed a 
 well-watered valley, where the mallow was growing extens- 
 ively, to the hight of one or two feet, with lilac, pink, 
 and silvery gray blossoms, and large, thick leaves. Men 
 and boys were busy cutting it and rapidly filling their 
 baskets. This plant is very much used by the Arabs 
 medicinally. They make poultices of the leaves to allay 
 irritation and inflammation. Lotions are prepared from 
 them also. " Khubazi " is the Arabic word for mallows, 
 and the little, flat, round seed-vessels, so well known to 
 English children as " c/ieeses," are by the Arabs called 
 " Khubiz," that is, " loaves," for the Arab bread is always 
 flat and round. 
 While Stephani was explaining this to me, I saw five 
 gazelles leaping one after another from a thicket of thistles. 
 They disappeared behind some juniper-trees. We directed 
 the attention of the now scattered huntsmen to the spot. 
 They came galloping recklessly over bushes and rocks. 
 The dogs were set free and soon started the gazelles. I 
 rested in my saddle with Saleh Sekhali by my side, watch- 
 ing the graceful bounds of the startled animals, the racing 
 and leaping of the hounds, and the skillful maneuvers of 
 the horsemen. They missed the gazelles, but they suc- 
 ceeded in capturing four fine hares. Then there was a start 
 in another direction, where a troop of antlered gazelles had 
 been seen. I followed in the rear with the lieutenant and 
 his little charge, Nimr, and from a distance we observed 
 the chase for some time. Then we rode across the plain 
 between cultivated fields and gardens of wild fiowers. We 
 paused at the fountain of Jethro, which had been fixed 
 upon as the place for meeting after the hunt. There we 
 found the Agha's people preparing dinner. They, had dug 
 two broad, shallow pits in the ground, in which they had 
 made fires of wood and thorns. In one a lamb was being 
 baked whole, and over the other a caldron of rice was 
 In a short time the whole party was assembled. The 
 panting dogs rolled themselves in the grass, the horsemen 
 dismounted, and with difficulty the frisky and loudly- 
 neighing horses were tethered. Some were fastened to iron 
 stakes or pins driven in the ground. Grooms and horsemen 
 generally carry them when they journey in places where 
 there are no trees or rocks to which to bind the animals. 
 All the men, however, had not been equally provident. 
 Heavy stones were sought for and halters fastened to them, 
 but not quite securely. The consequence was that two 
 horses escaped and galloped away. I could not help being 
 amused with the chase after these runaways, through 
 marshes and tangled masses of vegetation. I preferred it 
 to the pursuit of the swift-footed, poor little frightened ga- 
 zelles, whose escape gratified me more than their capture 
 did. The horses were caught at last, together, by the 
 banks of a stream. When we reassembled we took our 
 seats in the shade of the dome of the fountain, with acres 
 of wild flowers round us. Dinner was ready. Two men 
 brought the lamb on a large metal dish or tray ; two others 
 carried a mountain of rice, yellow with butter. Boys ar- 
 rived with bowls of sweet clotted cream and new milk, and 
 dishes of lebbeny. These provisions were arranged on a 
 carpet of clover and mallows and grass. We washed our 
 hands, the servants pouring water over them from earthen- 
 ware jars. Large Bedouin cloaks and saddle-cloths were 
 spread for. us, and we gathered round the smoking and sa- 
 vory fare. 
 Each one of the Arabs on preparing to touch food ut- 
 tered the words, " In the name of God the most Bountiful." 
 The lamb was soon skillfully dissected by Saleh with his 
 hunting-knife. A servant handed a flat, thin, large, leath- 
 ery loaf to each of us. The lamb was stuffed with rice 
 and minced meat, almonds, raisins, walnuts, and spice. 
 Salihh Agha placed some on my flat loaf, which served me 
 as a plate, and he gave me a lump of meat in my hands. 
 He had separated it from the bone with his short hunting- 
 dagger. The Arabs cook their meat so thoroughly that it. 
 is very tender and easily pulled and torn to pieces. 
 The men made deep depressions in the pyramidal mount- 
 ain of rice — but each one carefully helped himself from 
 that part of the dish which was nearest to him, and did not, 
 if he could avoid it, disturb the rice near to the hole made 
 in it by his neighbor, except when by way of courtesy he 
 placed a delicate morsel of meat into it now and then. A 
 roasted hare was added to the feast and soon distributed. 
 The cream was eaten voraciously by dipping pieces of bent 
 bread into it and scooping it up as with a spoon, so the 
 spoon and its contents disappeared together. Scarcely a 
 word was spoken by the Arabs during the meal. One by 
 one they retired, saying, " God be praised," and went to the 
 fountain to wash their hands and mouths, uttering an invo- 
 cation to Allah. 
 We afterward rested for a short time, and pipes and coffee 
 were handed round. I took the opportunity of putting the 
 Agha, his little son, and his attendant, Khalil, into my 
 sketch-book. The latter seemed rather alarmed when he 
 saw what I had done, and begged of me not to show his 
 portrait in certain districts, for a price was set upon his 
 head, and men sought after him to kill him. In the mean 
 time, the servants and people so far emptied the large 
 metal trays or dishes, that I could plainly see the Arabic 
 sentences engraved on them — extracts from the Koran, and 
 words of praise and prayer. Then most of the men cov- 
 ered their faces and slept, while I wandered about gathering 
 and pressing specimens of all the flowers I could find, little 
 Nimr good-naturedly helping me. Besides the ranunculus 
 and anemone and others equally familiar, I met with many 
 flowers which were strange to me. One was pink, and 
 shaped very like a primrose, with pointed, succulent leaves 
 growing in pairs up the stem. Pressure always changed 
 the color of the flower from pink to blue. This plant 
 would be a welcome addition to our gardens in England, 
 where I have never yet found it. I made a drawing of the 
 dome over the pleasant fountain, and when the sleepers 
 woke they said, " Mashallah, the English girl takes no 
 rest — God gives her strength." We took leave of the Agha 
 and his people and our Shefa 'Amer friends, and rode with 
 Saleh and our servants toward Haifa, carrying one gazelle 
 and two hares. "We saw many groups of horses and camels 
 grazing under the care of the Agha's men on the unculti- 
 vated portions of the plain. Tortoises met us and paused 
 as if alarmed. They looked about them for an instant and 
 then drew their heads under their horny shields. Hundreds 
 of small birds fluttered out of the tall grass, disturbed by 
 our approach, and flocks of wild ducks and geese now and 
 then flew across the plain toward the marshes, and sea-gulls 
 flapped their wings above us. We crossed the drifted sand- 
 hills, and cantered along the smooth sea-shore toward the 
 Kishon. Men were standing on its banks, throwing large 
 floating nets, assisted by boys in a little boat in the middle 
 of the river. The fishes of the Kishon are rather small, 
 but abundant, and delicate in flavor. 
 There were seven ships ofi" Haifa — Greek, French, and 
 Turkish. The sun was low when we went, one after the 
 other, over the sand-bar. We hastened onward by the 
 water's edge, letting our horses' feet just touch the fringe 
 of the sparkling waves, startling hundreds of small white 
 and sand-colored crabs. Their black eyes are fixed on the 
 points of movable pinnacles, which are thrust out from the 
 round eye-sockets, and stand upright. They scampered 
 hither and thither nimbly, to get out of our way. Their 
 rapidly-moving forms were repeated on the shining wet 
 sands, till shape and shadow were lost under the coming 
 wave. I have often caught and examined these curious 
 little crabs. They are always very light in color — white 
 or sandy — and they vary from one to three inches in length. 
 I think that they must be of the kind called " Cancer Vo- 
 lans." They make holes in the sand, near the sea, and 
 seem very timid when disturbed. They sometimes, how- 
 ever, resent interference. I have seen our gazelle-hound, 
 " Risheh," amuse himself by running after them, torment- 
 ing them as a cat does a mouse, or peering into their bur- 
 rows. When they had an opportunity, they used to cling 
 to his long, delicate nose or lip, and he -had some difficulty 
 in shaking them off; but I never saw him destroy or injure 
 one in any way. Fishermen use these crabs for bait, and 
 make traps for them in the sand, in imitation of their 
 There were many friends to greet us as we entered the 
 gate of Haifa; for it was the hour of sunset, when people 
 flock into town after an evening stroll. There was the 
 Mutsellim, surrounded by his suite, walking slowly, with 
 his silver and coral rosary in his hand, and his pipe-bearer 
 by his side. A little group of Jews were there too, some 
 wearing broad-brimmed hats and long gabardines, others 
 with dark shawl-turbans and short cloth or silk pelisses 
 lined with fur. Apart from these were companies of quite 
 unrecognizable women, shrouded in white sheets from head 
 to foot. They looked like moving pillars, for they took 
 such short steps, scarcely lifting their feet from the ground, 
 that their progress should be called gliding instead of walk- 
 ing. Even their little children seemed unnaturally demure 
 and stately. 
 Short, sturdy-looking oxen, fat sheep, with long, broad, 
 heavy tails, and black, glossy-haired goats, led by the 
 herdsmen, were returning from the pleasant but unpro- 
 tected pastures to seek shelter within the town walls for 
 the night. The Christians were at the same time entering 
 in at the opposite gate ; for they almost always walk toward 
 the western hills and plains — perhaps because their ceme- 
 teries are west of the town; while the Moslems prefer the 
 eastern suburbs, where they bury their dead. 
 The call to prayer was echoing clearly through the town 
 from the balcony of the crescent-crowned minaret, while 
 the vesper-bell was ringing from the little belfry of the 
 Latin church. Some of the people paused from their 
 work, or stood still in the streets, to cross themselves, 
 and to mutter an "Ave Maria" in Arabic; while the rest 
 were declaring, "There is no God but God, and Mohammed 
 is his prophet." 
 On Sunday my brother always read the Church service 
 in Arabic, in the drawing-room of the Consulate, at nine 
 o'clock. When British vessels were in port, we had service 
 at eleven, with such of the captains and sailors as could 
 attend; and English travelers who were passing through 
 the country occasionally joined us. Saleh Sekhali was 
 invariably present at the Arabic service, and no one was 
 excluded from it. We generally mustered about si^ or 
 seven. People came perhaps the more readily because 
 they were not pressed or even invited to come. Curiosity 
 induced many to pay one or more visits. The Arabs, and 
 especially the Christian Arabs, could not understand how 
 we could have religion without a Priest; solemnity without 
 an Altar; how we could worship without a Church; or 
 realize the presence of God without the elevation of the 
 Host. They were always quietly and earnestly attentive 
 while listening to portions of the Old and New Testament. 
 After prayers, Saleh Sekhali often read by request several 
 chapters, selecting some history or essay complete in itself. 
 Women of the Greek or Latin Churches came occasion- 
 ally, and remained unvailed when only Christians were 
 present; but if a Moslem was announced they retreated 
 immediately. The Moslems always expressed themselves 
 much pleased with the service, on account of its simplicity 
 and reverential character. I find that, besides the Koran, 
 they regard al Tora^ the Pentateuch; a' Zahur, the Psalms; 
 a' Nahiyeh, the Prophets; and al Anjili^ the New Testa- 
 ment, as holy or inspired books. Those who receive any 
 one of these are to be tolerated. 
 The new Governor, Saleh Bek Abd-ul-Hady, an Arab, 
 came now and then. He said that if there were an 
 English college in the country, he would immediately send 
 his boys to it. Many of our neighbors wished to send 
 their little girls for a few hours every day to my care; 
 but I could not undertake the charge ; though, whenever 
 I had time to spare, I encouraged children to come to the 
 house — the only condition being that they should be clean 
 and neat. 
 Moslem boys do not generally play with Christians, 
 and even the Christian children are divided among them- 
 selves. Those belonging to the Greek Church have their 
 street games apart from those who belong to the Latin 
 Church, and they only unite to persecute the poor little 
 A. gentle-looking little girl, of about six years of age, 
 whose father was a much-respected European and mother 
 an Arab, surprised me very much one day by saying, 
 in Arabic, without any provocation, and with a gesture 
 of scorn, to a Jewish workman, "Go, thou Jew, and be 
 crucified!" The child, naturally good-natured and afi'ec- 
 tionate, shuddered when she partially understood how cruel 
 and unjust her words had been. By my wish she begged 
 pardon of the Jew; and then, by her own impulse, and to 
 his great wonder, kissed his hands, while tears stood in 
 her eyes. 
 It was with the hope of checking, as far as I could, this 
 spirit of hatred, intolerance, and persecution, that I en- 
 couraged the little ones of Haifa to meet together in my 
 room.' I prepared entertainments for them, played with 
 them, told them stories about England, showed them pic- 
 tures, avoiding reference to their various creeds. By mak- 
 ing them happy together, I hoped that they would learn 
 unconsciously to love one another. 
 I used sometimes to leave the children to amuse them- 
 selves alone, while I retreated to the end of the room, 
 whence I could see and hear all that was going on, without 
 throwing any check on their natural impulses. At such 
 times, I have heard girls of seven and eight years of age, 
 and even younger ones, discussing the comparative value 
 of the wardrobes and jewels of the ladies of Haifa. One 
 child would say, " Sit Hafifi has the largest pearls and 
 emeralds," and, "Such a one has the greatest number of 
 diamonds," and " Um Elia has the handsomest dresses and 
 embroidered jackets." They could tell how many coins the 
 women from Nazareth, who lived in Haifa, had on their 
 On Sunday, February 24th, a Moslem, of considerable 
 influence and learning, asked permission to attend the 
 Morning Service. We welcomed him, and he. Prayer- 
 book in hand, followed every word attentively, evincing 
 unusual interest, or curiosity. He even abandoned his am- 
 ber rosary for the time. Directly after prayers, however, 
 the beads were to be seen again, rapidly slipping through 
 his well-shaped, carefully-trimmed fingers. A Moslem does 
 not appear at ease till he has a pipe in one hand and a 
 chaplet in the other. 
 When the Christians had gone, I said to him, "Will 
 your Excellency tell me the use of tlie rosary? Is it sim- 
 ply a toy, or is it a help to reckon prayer or praise?" 
 Without showing the slightest unwillingness, he ex- 
 plained its use, saying, " The attributes or characteristic 
 excellencies of God are manifold ; but there are ninety- 
 nine which should be learned, and remembered continually, 
 by all men. These rosaries consist of ninety-nine, or thirty- 
 three beads, on which to reckon the attributes, thus" — he 
 took the chaplet out of my hands, and, while passing bead 
 after bead through his fingers, said, with unusual slowness 
 and solemnity: "God the Creator — God the Preserver — 
 God the most Bountiful — God the Deliverer — God the 
 Eternal — God the Ever-present — God the All-seeing — God 
 the most Merciful — God the All-powerful— God the King 
 of Kings " — and so on, till the chaplet had passed three 
 times through his hands j for it consisted of only thirty- 
 three large egg-shaped beads of clouded amber. When he 
 found how much pleased I was, he took pains to teach me 
 the attributes. 
 I said to him, "Now that your Excellency has made me 
 understand the solemn and beautiful words of the rosary, 
 I shall be always sorry to hear them said quickly and 
 thoughtlessly." He answered, " You are right, my sis- 
 ter. God is to be approached with reverence." But I 
 could perceive that he found it much more- difficult to re- 
 peat the attributes leisurely^ than to utter them, as usual, 
 rapidly. After a pause, he said, " To every man who is 
 not hateful or erring, one of these Divine attributes espe- 
 cially belongs, and influences his life." The date of the 
 birth of an individual, in conjunction with his name, prop- 
 erly reckoned, discovers the particular attribute. As an 
 example, he calculated mine, and always afterward called 
 me " Miriam the Intercessor.''^ I asked my Moslem teacher 
 in what sense the word " Intercessor " was used as an attri- 
 bute of God. He regarded it simply as mercy and good- 
 ness, and readiness to pardon. Another Moslem told me, 
 one day, that it implied mercy pleading with justice. He 
 acknowledged to me that he did not regard fasts, and forms, 
 and ceremonies as important. He thought that doing our 
 duty to man, and giving thanks to God, were all-sufficient. 
 But he added, " If I did not keep the fasts and feasts, and 
 perform certain ablutions and prayers three times a day, 
 my voice would not be heard in the Medjlis — that is, the 
 Council — and I should lose all my influence." He assured 
 me that there were many enlightened men who felt as he 
 did on the subject, but they hid the thoughts of their 
 My brother scarcely ever spoke to Moslems about their 
 religion, and warned me to be cautious how I did so; 
 consequently, I never introduced the subject, directly or 
 indirectly, except when I found myself with any one of 
 superior intelligence and judgment, and then only care- 
 fully, and as an inquirer — never as a teacher or proselytizer. 
 I invariably met with good-natured, if not satisfactory, 
 answers, and gained some interesting information. I was 
 satisfied that I did not give oflfense by the fact that my 
 society was most sought for by those whom I had thus 
 questioned — probably on account of the novelty of the 
 In the afternoon all the Europeans then in Haifa as- 
 sembled, and walked in procession to the Latin church, 
 to witness the christening of Jules, the infant son of the 
 French Consul. Kawasses led the way. The child was 
 placed on a crimson silk pillow, and carried by the nurse, 
 Helwe, an old woman of Nazareth. The father, Mons. 
 Aumann, conducted me. He said that there had never 
 before been such a procession of Europeans through those 
 narrow and crooked streets. It was formed of Consuls, 
 and captains whose ships were in port, monks from Mount 
 Carmel, and merchants of Haifa, and two elderly Greek 
 ladies, with large black lace shawls folded over their red 
 cloth caps. The godmother was of Greek birth, but she 
 wore an Arab costume, and was shrouded in a white 
 sheet. We entered the little square church. Near to 
 the highly and gaudily-decorated altar a number of bare- 
 headed men — Arabs — were prostrating themselves, or beat- 
 ing their breasts. Behind them a group of women and 
 girls, almost shrouded in white sheets, kneeled languidly, 
 with mother-of-pearl rosaries in their henna-stained hands. 
 Their many-colored mundils — muslin vails — were thrown 
 back over their heads, and bright, everlasting flowers, and 
 jewels, and brighter eyes, in dark settings of kohl, were 
 exposed. The men — Arabs — carefully avoided looking 
 toward the women ; but some of the latter seemed to 
 expect to attract the admiration of the less scrupulous 
 Europeans, and were not disappointed. On a table near 
 to the font sacred oil and salt, and other necessaries for 
 the ceremony of christening, were arranged on a white 
 embroidered cloth. The parish priest read the baptismal 
 service in Latin, but the little hero of the day somewhat 
 disturbed and disconcerted him by screaming lustily. He 
 strongly objected to the taste of the salt, and to the appli- 
 cation of the water to his head, and of the oil to his chest. 
 It was a relief to every one present, especially to the priest, 
 when the ceremony was over, and the " newly-made little 
 Christian" — as they all called him — was comforted in the 
 arms of his nurse. We returned to the French Consulate. 
 There was a large gathering in the marble-paved salon, 
 where the happy mother received the congratulations of 
 her neighbors, for Judas was her only son. It was quite 
 a fete-day in Haifa, especially among the Latins. Oranges 
 boiled in sugar and spice, lemons cut up and preserved in 
 honey, all sorts of Oriental confectionery made of sweet- 
 ened starch and gums, and French honhons and liqueurs, 
 were distributed. 
 I took leave of the assembled guests, and strolled with 
 my brother out at the West Gate. The declining sun was 
 brightening the green slopes, the trees, and white rocks 
 of the Carmel range. A small pink flower had sprung up 
 plentifully in the stony places of the plain. Each blossom 
 was in the form of a foliated Greek cross, and the small 
 green leaves were heart-shaped. We sat on the mossy 
 trunk and in the lengthening shade of a large locust-tree, 
 discussing the events of the day, enjoying the scene and 
 the silence; for we had wandered quite out of sight of the 
 town. We were in the midst of a grove of fig, locust, and 
 olive-trees. The ground was carpeted with wild flowers; 
 the hills, fragrant with aromatic herbs, rose behind us,*^ 
 and the broad sea, red with the rays of the setting sun, 
 was before us. 
 Our tete-a-tete was interrupted by the approach of our 
 kawass, who came to announce the arrival of a special 
 messenger from Jerusalem. The messenger himself soon 
 appeared. He was a tall, powerful-looking African, very 
 black and bony, clad simply in a coarse, unbleached cotton 
 shirt, girdled with a leather strap. A large white turban 
 protected his head and shaded his face. His wide, pliant 
 feet were bare. He had walked all the way from Jeru- 
 salem in three days, and was the bearer of important 
 dispatches from Her Britannic Majesty's Consul, Mr. Finn. 
 He drew the packet from his bosom, and kissed my broth- 
 er's hands as he presented it, and then stood resting on his 
 long, thick staff. 
 I found that the letters contained directions for my 
 brother to proceed immediately to Nablus, to report the 
 state of affairs there, and to ascertain the true cause or 
 causes of the disturbances in the town and in the mountain 
 districts around. A letter from Mrs. Finn advised and 
 invited me to accompany him as far as Nablus; that an 
 escort might meet me there to take me on to Jerusalem to 
 spend Easter with her. Rumors had reached Haifa every 
 day for some time past of skirmishes, and even pitched 
 battles, between the supporters of Mahmoud Bek Abd-ul- 
 Hady, the newly-appointed Governor of Nablus, and the 
 partisans of his predecessor in office. A tour through 
 the Jebel Nablus district was in consequence considered 
 rather hazardous, and rain would be sure to set in in 
 a day or two. However, I consented to go, on the con- 
 dition that my brother would promise to travel exactly 
 as if he were alone, both with regard to the selection 
 of the route and of the halting-places, and the length 
 of each day's journey. This settled, he proved to me that 
 he understood I was in earnest by saying, "Then we will 
 start at sunrise to-morrow, for that is what I should do if 
 I were going alone." 
 This was a sudden change in our plans. Till past mid- 
 night I was busy packing portmanteaus, and providing for 
 the safety of the house and furniture for an indefinite 
 period, and guarding against the intrusion of rats and 
 mice, moth and rust. 
 In the mean time my brother was in his office, in 
 earnest consultation with his agent and our Governor, 
 Sal eh Bek. The latter asked to see me. I went to him, 
 and he said, "My sister, you have a brave heart. You 
 are going on a difficult journey, but you have no reason 
 to fear any one, for you have no enemies. After a day or 
 two you will reach my town — Arrabeh — and there you will 
 find rest, and my wives and my children will welcome you, 
 for they are still there. I have prepared to receive them 
 here, and have sent for them several times, but they have 
 not courage to travel, now that war has broken out. If 
 you reach Arrabeh in safety, and they see you, perhaps 
 their hearts will be made strong. God be with you and 
 protect you! May you find rest at Arrabeh, and peace 
 whithersoever you go!" 
 After a few hours of perfect rest, I rose before the 
 sun, on Monday, the 25th of February. Katrine, who had 
 begged to accompany us, had packed up her bundle of 
 clothes, and was rejoicing at the thought of spending the 
 Festival of Easter at Jerusalem, for she was an earnest 
 devotee. She had newly dressed her eyes with kohl for 
 the occasion. I told her of the difficulties of the journey. 
 She assured me that she had no fear, for she had made a 
 pilgrimage to the Chapel of the Madonna on Mount Carmel, 
 and wore round her neck a potent charm, which she had 
 obtained there, believing it would preserve her from all 
 danger. It was a scapulary, that is, a rudely-printed pic- 
 ture of the Virgin and Child, on a piece of linen, one or 
 two inches square, said to be a portion of the smock which 
 thd blessed Virgin left on Mount Carmel when she gra- 
 ciously appeared in a vision to one of the monks of old. 
 This smock must have been a very large one, for it furnishes 
 an unlimited number of scapularies, which are sold by 
 thousands to pilgrims from all parts of Europe. All the 
 native Christians of Haifa wear them, and most of the 
 Europeans do also. I only know two or three exceptions. 
 Some scapularies are enshrined in crystal lockets, i)r adorned 
 with spangles and beads. Others are simply bound or lined 
 with silk, or embroidered at the edges. Once, when I was 
 ill, poor Katrine put one secretly round my neck while I 
 slept; and now, in preparation for the journey, she tried to 
 induce me to avail myself of its protection. 
 The court was crowded with well-wishers, who came to 
 say, "Grod be with you," and to express their regrets at 
 our departure. The general impression was, tliat we were 
 going on a perilous expedition. Town Arabs, especially 
 the Christians, are generally rather timid, and being some- 
 what deliberate in their movements, they were wondering at 
 the rapidity of ours. All articles of value were deposited 
 at the French Consulate, the perishable stores were dis- 
 tributed, and very soon after sunrise we were mounted and 
 ready to start. A guide, fully armed, furnished by our 
 governor, with our kawass, Hadj Dervish, led the way. I 
 followed, with my brother, and the French Consul's Arab 
 secretary, who had begged to join us. Then came the 
 muleteer, with the luggage and canteen, Mohammed, our 
 Egyptian groom, Katrine, shrouded in a large camel's-hair 
 cloak and mounted on horseback, and the tall African mes- 
 senger on foot. We had advised him to rest a day or two 
 at Haifa, but he declared that he was not tired, and he said 
 that riding would be more fatiguing to him than walking, 
 for he was not accustomed to it. 
 When we had taken leave of our friends at the gate of 
 the town, and had passed the Moslem cemetery, Katrine 
 had disappeared. On inquiry, I heard that, in spite of her 
 scapulary, her courage had failed her, and she had turned 
 back, saying to the groom, that she thought it would rain, 
 so she would go home again! Our agent, who was riding 
 with us a short distance on our way — receiving final in- 
 structions — undertook to protect her during our absence. 
 The hills around were capped with bkck clouds, and be- 
 fore we had passed the gardens of Haifa a heavy shower 
 commenced. We drew our hooded cloaks over our heads, 
 and rode on regardless of it. When we reached the rocky 
 spring of Sa'adeh, the rain-clouds suddenly traveled away 
 in all directions, leaving a bright bit of deep-blue sky just 
 above us; but on the mountains and over the sea the rain 
 still fell — dark heavy curtains seemed to be hanging from 
 the heavens, and they were torn and swayed by the change- 
 ful breezes. The spring among the rocks and reeds had 
 considerably increased in force and extent since I had seen 
 it in December. "We crossed it cautiously and in safety. 
 Many a tree^ad been torn up by the roots by the Winter 
 torrents. Large stone bowlders, which a short time before 
 were firmly imbedded in the earth, had been undermined, 
 and stood tottering on the hill-side, as if ready to fall on 
 us. The rain-refreshed grass and trees and flowers glis- 
 tened in the gleams of sunlight, and filled the air with 
 sweet odors. 
 We left the Nazareth road and took a south-easterly 
 direction, along the borders of the almost dry bed of a 
 branch of the Kishon. We entered the " Wady-el-Milh," 
 the Valley of Salt. Among other wild flowers on the way- 
 side, I recognized with strange delight patches of " crimson- 
 tipped " daisies. It was midday. We were beginning to 
 feel hungry, and told the guide to pause at the nearest 
 spring, that we might alight and eat. We met a few 
 camels grazing on mallows and clover. They were branded 
 with marks which told us that they did not belong to the 
 peasantry. " These camels proclaim that Bedouins are in 
 the neighborhood. We will seek them out, and take our 
 dinner with them to-day, for wherever we find them, we 
 shall also find a fountain of good water," said my brother. 
 When we had rounded the next hill, we saw a number 
 of square black tents, high up among the rocks and trees 
 on the opposite side of the valley. We crossed the deep 
 and stony river-bed, and scrambled up the pathless hill- 
 side, over the rocks and tangled brushwood. A group of 
 Bedouins, in their large, heavy, white and brown cloaks, 
 and red and yellow fringed shawl head-dresses, came leap- 
 ing down to meet us, and to guide and welcome us to 
 their encampment, in the midst of which we dismounted. 
 There were fifteen tents altogether. We were led toward 
 the sheikh's tent, which, like all the rest, was formed of 
 very coarse black and brown " curtains of goats' hair,''^ 
 supported by slender trunks of trees and strong reeds from 
 the banks of the Jordan. A rude palisading, of inter- 
 * See Exod. xxxv, 26; xxxvi, 14. 
 woven branches, divided the tent into two parts. In the 
 lesser compartment some kids and lambs were guarded, and 
 a group of women hastily retired from the other part, that 
 it might be prepared for us. A littla, half-naked, bronzed 
 Bedouin boy swept the floor of earth with the leafy branches 
 of a " box" tree. A weather-beaten old woman, in tattered 
 garments, but with large silver bracelets on her shriveled 
 arms, came forward and spread a rug or carpet for us. It 
 was made of very coarse wool, and looked something like 
 crochet-work, or close knitting, and was evidently of Be- 
 douin manufacture. We were soon seated on it, and the 
 sheikh and a number of men, smoking long pipes, took 
 their seats opposite to us, in a half-circle, on the ground 
 just outside the open front of the tent, thus completely 
 inclosing us. There were between sixty and seventy people 
 altogether in the encampment. They had large flocks of 
 sheep and goats under their care ; and, as we anticipated, 
 they were near to a " fountain of sweet water." 
 The sheikh wished to have a kid killed for us. We de- 
 clined, as we were in haste ; but though we were provided 
 with bread, my brother explained to me that etiquette 
 obliged us to partake of theirs, and he said, " Go and find 
 the women, it will be a good opportunity for you to see 
 the process of Bedouin bread-making." I went to the 
 other end of the encampment — the glow of a red fire 
 between the trees guided me. Two women were skillfully 
 stirring and spreading burning embers on the ground with 
 their hands, as freely as if fire had no power to hurt them. 
 Another was kneading some paste. The rest of the women 
 and girls came crowding round me caressingly and won- 
 deringly. They stroked my face and hair, and especially 
 marveled at my closely-fitting kid gloves, which I put 
 oflf and on for their amusement. They exclaimed re- 
 peatedly, " 0, work of God 1" One of the elder women said, 
 "Where are you going, my daughter?" I answered, 
 « my mother, I am going to ' El Kuds ' ' The Holy "-'— 
 that is, Jerusalem. Then she said, as if by way of ex- 
 planation to the others, " They are pilgrims. God preserve 
 them !" The women were all of a dark-bronze color. Their 
 faces, and arms, and necks were tattooed and stained with 
 henna, red and orange color. Their rather thick but well- 
 shaped lips were 'perfectly hlue, indigo having been carefully 
 pricked into them in little spots close together; it produced 
 a very unpleasing effect. The edges of their eyelids were 
 blackened with soot. Their only garments were wide, 
 loose, coarse cotton shirts, open at the bosom; some were 
 black, others blue and brown. Over their heads black 
 woolen shawls, edged with bright-colored stripes, were 
 tastefully and simply worn. Many of the women were 
 decked with clumsily-wrought silver bracelets and finger 
 and ear-rings. None of them wore shoes. The dirty, 
 tawny children were all nearly naked ; but their heads 
 were covered with white quilted skull-caps or red tar- 
 bushes, to which shells and beads were fastened — amulets 
 to protect the wearers from harm. 
 A young mother, more intelligent-looking than her 
 companions, came forward and saluted me gently. She, 
 unlike the rest, wore a crimson shawl on her head, and 
 the edges of her long blue shirt were embroidered round 
 the sleeves and round the neck and bosom with coarse 
 thread, wrought in quaint patterns, such as we see on 
 very old-fashioned samplers in cross-stitch. She proudly 
 showed me her little swaddled son. The complexion of 
 his face was surprisingly fair; in fact, it was of a deathly 
 whiteness. This, I was told, is usually the case in infancy 
 among the Bedouins. I took the unyielding, stiffened, 
 mummy-like little figure in my arms. His swaddling- 
 clothes were of coarse indigo-colored cotton, bound round 
 symmetrically with narrow strips of crimson leather, such 
 as I had seen entwined about the Bedouin spears. The 
 mother evidently had considerable taste in the arts of 
 adornment, and in every respect she was superior-looking 
 to the rest. In the mean time the bread was being made. 
 A brisk wood-fire was kindled in the open air, on a small 
 circular hearth, formed of smooth round pebbles, spread 
 evenly and close together. When this primitive hearth 
 was sufficiently heated, the embers were carefully removed, 
 and well-kneaded paste, flattened out by the hand, was 
 thrown on to the hot stones, and quickly covered with 
 the burning ashes. In this way several large cakes of 
 unleavened bread were soon made ready. 
 I returned to the tent. Our canteen and provisions had 
 been unpacked, much to the amusement of the men, who 
 were especially pleased with the knives, and forks, and 
 spoons. Wooden bowls of cream and milk were brought, 
 and the flat cakes of bread were served quite hot. They 
 were about half an inch in thickness, and had received 
 the impression of the pebbles of which the hearth was 
 composed. This most likely was the same sort of bread 
 which Sarah of old made for the strangers, in obedience 
 to Abraham's desire, when he said, "Make ready quickly 
 three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes 
 upon the hearth ^ 
 The women stood in a group at a little distance looking 
 on while we cut up our cold roast chicken. They had 
 never seen people eat with knives and forks before. It 
 must have appeared very barbarous to them. They laughed 
 shyly, and hid their faces with the ends of their shawl 
 head-dresses when they were noticed, and suddenly they 
 disappeared altogether, as if in obedience to a given 
 signal. I made a sketch of Kasim, the handsomest and 
 most stately-looking of the men. He blushed like a girl 
 when he saw his face in my book. He expressed great 
 curiosity about our intended movements, and was very 
 communicative. The other men asked no questions — 
 neither did they seem willing to answer any, except in 
 the usual words ^'■Yd,llem Allah'' — "God knows." 
 After a final cup of cofiee had been passed round we 
 remounted, and went on our way at about two o'clock, 
 riding over hills covered with wild thyme, and through 
 valleys where grain sown by the Bedouins was springing 
 up; but it was thirsting for rain. We rose high on to 
 the Carmel range, overlooking the plain of Esdraelon, and 
 sometimes catching glimpses of the great sea on our right. 
 We rode for a considerable distance without seeing any 
 towns, or villages, or even tents, or the slightest indication 
 of a road or track ; so that I could fancy that I was 
 traveling in an uninhabited country, except when we saw 
 a long string of camels laden with charcoal, or a line of 
 donkeys carrying such large burdens of thorns and brush- 
 wood that they looked just like hedges moving briskly 
 along. They were evidently conveying fuel from a well- 
 wooded district to towns and villages in the treeless plains. 
 We were in a part of Palestine rarely, if ever, trodden 
 by strangers, where the peculiarities of Eastern traveling 
 are more apparent than in the more frequented roads. 
 We discovered that our guide, who had been directed to 
 conduct us toward Arrabeh, had misled us, and was taking 
 us by a circuitous and unmarked route in order to avoid 
 passing near to certain villages, where his life would have 
 been in danger, for a price was set upon his head by his 
 enemies in that district. He led us into the fertile plains 
 west of the Carmel range. 
 Rain began to fall in torrents. Mohammed, our groom, 
 threw a large Arab cloak over me, saying, " May Allah 
 preserve you, lady, while he is blessing the fields." Thus 
 pleasantly reminded, I could no longer feel sorry to see 
 the pouring rain, but rode on rejoicing for the sake of the 
 sweet Spring flowers and the broad fields of wheat and 
 For two or three hours we had not seen a building of 
 any kind, not even a ruined khan in a valley, nor a watch- 
 tower on the hill-sides. At last we passed a small walled 
 town, built on a low rounded hill, the eastern slope of 
 which was dotted with white grave-stones. Olive-trees, 
 fruit gardens, and plowed land encircled it. In a quarter 
 of an hour we came to a little village, where the rude 
 dwellings were crowded closely together, as if for safety, 
 and flocks and herds fed in the neighborhood, guarded by 
 shepherds fully armed. The rain ceased, and the sun shone 
 out for a few minutes, with a red glow, over a waving field 
 of wheat, and then went down. We desired the guide to 
 halt at the next village. We rode on southward, and in 
 about twenty minutes reached a place called " Khubeizeh," 
 on account of the abundance of mallows growing wild in 
 the neighborhood. A barricade of mud surrounded the 
 village. The houses were so low that even I could not 
 have stood upright in any one of them. Some were merely 
 hollow cones of earth, others were square and roofed with 
 brushwood. Some were like burrows, scarcely above the 
 ground, and all were desperately dirty. The narrow streets, 
 or paths between the houses, were mud and slime and 
 standing water. The wretched-looking inhabitants followed 
 us about or peeped at us from their miserable abodes, and 
 a troop of dogs barked in loud chorus as we traversed the 
 village in all directions. We found no spot suitable for a 
 halting-place, so we hastened onward and soon arrived at 
 Mehaf, a crowded hamlet, quite as uninviting as Khubeizeh. 
 The guide assured us that we should find safe shelter at 
 Kefr Kara, a Moslem village about three miles further 
 south. No Christians inhabit any of the villages in this 
 district. We decided to go on, although it was already 
 very dark. Ked, blinking watchfires could be seen here 
 and there on the hills around, and rain began to fall as we 
 rode across the plain as quickly as the darkness would let 
 us. We sent our kawass on before, to announce our ap- 
 proach to the sheikh of Kefr Kara. When we arrived he 
 was at the entrance of the village, attended by a lantern- 
 bearer, ready to receive us, and he said, " Welcome, and be 
 at rest, we are your servants, all that we have is yours." 
 We found Kefr Kara larger and rather superior to the 
 other villages. There was only one stone house in it, how- 
 ever, and to that we were immediately conducted. We 
 gladly dismounted at the open door, within which we could 
 see the glow and smoke of a large wood fire. I found that 
 the house consisted of only one very lofty room, about 
 eighteen feet square. The roof of heavy beams and tree- 
 branches, blackened with smoke, was supported by two 
 wide-spreading arches. The walls were of roughly-hewn 
 blocks of stone, not plastered in any way. Just within the 
 door, a donkey and a yoke of oxen stood. I soon per- 
 ceived that rather more than one-third of the room was set 
 apart for cattle, where the floor, which was on a level with 
 the street, was of earth, and partly strewed with fodder. 
 We were led up two stone steps on to a dais, twenty-two 
 inches high, where fragments of old mats and carpets were 
 spread, and where three venerable-looking old men — one 
 of whom was quite blind — sat smoking. They rose and 
 welcomed us, and then resumed their pipes in silence. 
 They wore large white turbans and dark robes. Their long 
 beards were bushy and gray. Their feet were naked, for 
 they had left their red shoes by the steps leading on to the 
 dais. The sheikh took down some mats and cushions from 
 a recess in the wall, and arranged them for us on the floor. 
 In the mean time, the mule was led in and unladen, and 
 our two horses were unsaddled and lodged in the lower 
 part of the room ! The sheikh asked us to allow his oxen 
 to remain there, as it was likely to be a wet night. My 
 brother consented, but desired that no others should be 
 brought in, and that shelter should be found elsewhere for 
 the horses of our servants and attendants. Nearly in the 
 middle of the raised floor, the large fire made of piled-up 
 wood and "thorns, and resinous evergreen shrubs, was burn- 
 ing briskly. The deep troughs, or mangers, about three 
 feet by one, were hollowed out of the broad stone coping 
 at the edge of the dais. Mohammed, our groom, filled 
 these troughs with barley, and our tired animals enjoyed 
 their evening meal. 
 While our supper was in course of preparation, the 
 sheikh, at my request, took me to see his wives. He led 
 me out into the darkness. A little lantern, which he car- 
 ried, partially lighted the muddy streets, and was reflected 
 in many a pool of standing water. My guide paused in 
 front of an irregular building of mud and stone, and, with- 
 out saying a word by way of introduction, left me alone at 
 the threshold of the wide-open door. Just within it I saw 
 a group of harsh-voiced, loudly-talking women standing in 
 front of an immense wood fire, which was burning on a 
 raised floor, about three feet high. They were evidently 
 entertaining another group of women, who sat on the dais 
 round the fire, silently and eagerly listening. The leaping 
 flames lighted up their large dark eyes, their long glisten- 
 ing teeth, and the silver coins of their head-dresses. I 
 stood for a moment watching them, before I claimed their 
 attention. There was no outlet for the smoke, except a 
 hole over the door; so it was rather difficult, at first, to 
 distinguish the shape of the room. There were curiously- 
 irregular projections, and niches, and recesses, where mat- 
 tresses were piled up, and jars and cooking utensils were 
 arranged. The walls were of baked mud or clay, black- 
 ened with smoke. 
 When I announced myself, some of the young girls ut- 
 tered exclamations of wonder and fear, imagining me to be 
 a spirit; but the elder women silenced them, and welcomed 
 me calmly and kindly, without showing any signs of sur- 
 prise, though I was afterward assured that I was the first 
 Afranji — that is, European — lady who had ever paid a visit 
 to Kefr Kara. 
 The women who stood below lifted me on to the dais, 
 the roof over which was so low that I could only just stand 
 upright. I sat down with the group round the fire, and 
 took off" my hat and hooded cloak, and one of the women 
 undertook to dry them. They were all exceedingly aston- 
 ished that I only kept my head covered when out of doors — 
 heads are never uncovered in the East, except as a sign of 
 deep mourning. The women were dark, dirty, and rather 
 haggard-looking, but dignified in their manners and move- 
 ments. The girls were strong and handsome, but their 
 well-shaped mouths and lower jaws were disproportionately 
 large. They all wore head-dresses of silver coins, like the 
 women of Nazareth, with the addition of three or seven 
 chains of silver links and coins, hanging from the end of 
 the head-dress on each side, in the same way that unfast- 
 ened bonnet-strings hang. Their dresses were of dark 
 indigo-colored cotton, very thick and coarse, open at the 
 front, like loose pelisses, girdled and worn over white shirts 
 and dark cotton trowsers. Their arms and faces were tat- 
 tooed with spots and stars, their eyebrows were blackened 
 with a thick pigment, and their eyelids stained with soot. 
 Many of them wore silver bracelets. The ragged and half- 
 naked tawny children were agile and rapid in their move- 
 ments, observant, and mischievous. The young girls were 
 soon satisfied that I was not a spirit, and they became very 
 demonstrative and caressing, and were full of curiosity. 
 One of them took a flaming brand from the fire, and held 
 it near to my face, that she and the rest might see me more 
 plainly. A very old woman, who seemed to have authority 
 over them, rebuked them, saying, " Be silent, foolish 
 ones ! if the stranger had a hundred tongues she could not 
 answer all your questions ; and do you not see that the 
 poor child is tired ? Let her rest in peace." Then they 
 made cofi"ee for me ; and while I was taking it, a boy, bet- 
 ter dressed than the others, came bounding in, exclaiming, 
 "Where is the white lady? The Afranji will not eat till 
 she comes." So I rose and followed him into the street, 
 where the sheikh awaited me with the lantern. 
 I returned to the house. My brother had caused the 
 wood fire to be removed, for the smoke almost sufibcated 
 us. A small red-clay lamp stood in a niche in the wall, 
 and the lantern was placed in a recess near to the door. 
 Our supper of grilled chickens, hot bread, and sweet cream, 
 was spread for us on the floor of the dais. At the same 
 time a large wooden bowl of dried peas boiled in oil, and 
 a dish of lebbany, or sour milk, and cakes of bread, were 
 brought for our attendants and servants, who were grouped 
 together with the horses in the lower part of the room. 
 After we had eaten, a number of the villagers came to see 
 us. They all smoked their pipes, and drank their coffee, 
 almost in silence, with the exception of the old blind man, 
 who asked many questions. He, as if privileged by his 
 blindness, begged me to put my hand in his, and then told 
 me to tell him what I was like, that he might see me in 
 his thoughts. He said, "Are you young, or are you old? 
 Your voice is soft, like the voice of a, little child ; but your 
 words are wise." 
 By degrees our silent guests left us. Last of all, the 
 ;^-entle old blind man, led by the sheikh, went away, wish- 
 ing us rest and peace. The latter promised that he would 
 send us some pillows and mattresses to sleep on. No 
 women had visited us. 
 Just as we were wondering what sort of bedding we 
 should have that night, to my great surprise and delight, 
 the Arab-Jewish upholsterer, who had worked for me at 
 Haifa, made his appearance, carrying a nice new mattress, 
 quilt, and red-silk pillow. He was a peddler upholsterer, 
 but his head-quarters were at Haifa. He had been engaged 
 at Kefr Kara making a stock of lehaffs and mattresses for 
 an approaching wedding. As soon as he heard of my ar- 
 rival, he insisted on bringing one of the new mattresses 
 for me. He spread it in a corner of the dais. Then he 
 brought another for my brother, and a third for the French 
 Consul's secretary, and did all that he could to make us 
 I was so tired, that I was glad to lie down directly, on 
 the sheetless mattress, resting my head on the red-silk pil- 
 low. I covered my face with a handkerchief, and tried to 
 forget where I was; remaining resolutely still, notwith- 
 standing the attacks of a multitude of fleas. I had often 
 encountered large assemblies of these lively little tormentors, 
 but their numbers were as nothing in comparison with the 
 fleas of Kefr Kara. 
 A large cat, walking gently and cautiously over my head, 
 startled me out of a dreamy and restless sleep. I roused 
OUR night's lodging. 227 
 myself and looked about. It was midnight. The lamp 
 was still burning, and by its dim light I could make out 
 the strange groups around. The first object upon which 
 my eyes fell was the tall African messenger. He was on 
 the opposite side of the dais, standing upright, leaning his 
 back against the wall. His arms were folded, his eyes 
 were wide open and staring. He looked immovable as a 
 statue. His white turban, and the shining light of his 
 eyes, made his head appear the most conspicuous object in 
 the room. My brother was soundly sleeping on a mattress 
 not far from me, and beyond him the Arab secretary, quite 
 concealed under heavy quilts, was loudly snoring. The 
 armed guide and our kawass, rolled up in their cloaks and 
 carpets, were lying on the edge of the dais, their saddle- 
 bags and saddle-cloths serving as pillows. The muleteer, 
 resting on the luggage, and our groom, Mohammed, on a 
 heap of fodder, were just below, with the tethered horses. 
 The air of the room was heated and oppressive, and dense 
 with tobacco smoke. There was no window, but over the 
 closed door there were five small round holes. There were 
 two deep, arched recesses in the walls for mattresses, cush- 
 ions, and jars. In a recess in the lower part of the room 
 the saddles and horse-trappings of our little party were 
 piled up. In the stone wall, close to my resting-place, was 
 the trap-door of a corn granary. I could hear rats and 
 mice within, nibbling and scratching, and the gray cat 
 again and again returned to post herself on my pillow. 
 I sat up. My horse started out of his sleep, neighed and 
 shook himself — walking as far as his halter would let him, 
 disturbing the repose of all the rest, and especially of the 
 The groom rose, trimmed the lamp, spoke a few com- 
 forting words to his favorite horse, then rolled himself up 
 in his camel's-hair cloak, and crouched down on the heap 
 of fodder. In a little while there was silence and sleep 
 all around again. But I was sleepless. The mysterious- 
 looking figure of the black man completely fascinated me; 
 I could not long together keep my eyes turned away from 
 him; he did not move a muscle or blink his great shining 
 eyes. I could not decide whether he was asleep or awake, 
 though I looked at him till I was almost mesmerized. I 
 rested my head on my pillow, full of thought. Suddenly 
 the idea entered my mind that it must have been in such 
 a house as this that Christ was born, and in a manger, 
 such as I saw before me, that he was cradled. It was 
 Winter-time when, in obedience to the decree of Caesar 
 Augustus, Joseph the carpenter, of the house and lineage 
 of David, went up from Galilee, out of the city of 
 Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is 
 called Bethlehem, to be taxed or enrolled with Mary, his 
 espoused wife. 
 I imagined Joseph anxiously seeking shelter and rest 
 for her after her long journey. All the guest-chambers 
 were already j&lled, and there was no room in the inn — 
 that is, there was no room for them in the "house of rest 
 for wayfarers" — ^'■the place of unlading." The raised floor 
 was crowded with strangers, who had, like them, come to 
 be taxed. But Joseph and Mary may have taken refuge 
 from the cold in the lower part of the room. In imag- 
 ination I could see them, half-hidden by the cattle, and 
 warmed by the blazing fire of wood and crackling thorns 
 burning on the raised floor close by. "And so it was, 
 that while they were there the days were accomplished 
 that she should be delivered ; and she brought forth her 
 first-born Son, and wrapped him in swaddling-clothes, and 
 laid him in a manger." The manger was very likely close 
 by her side, hollowed out at the edge of the dais, and 
 filled with soft Winter fodder. I raised my head and 
 looked at one of the mangers, and I felt how natural it 
 was to use it as a cradle for a newly-born infant. Its 
 size, its shape, its soft bed of fodder, its nearness to the 
 warm fire, always burning on the dais in mid-winter, 
 would immediately suggest the idea to an Eastern mother. 
 I fell asleep, picturing to myself the whole scene — "the 
 babe, wrapped in swaddling-clothes," ^^ lying in a manger^'' 
 Joseph and Mary joyfully watching over him, and the 
 strangers and shepherds pronouncing blessings and con- 
 When I awoke in the early morning, the level rays 
 of the sun were streaming in at the wide-open door. The 
 black man had gone. The Yice-Consul was sitting up 
 on his mattress, performing his toilet under difficulties — ■ 
 his kawass acting as valet. The dragoman beyond was 
 shaking the long purple silk tassel of his red tarbush 
 into shape. The horses and other animals had been led 
 away; and crowds of people stood at the door looking in. 
 I kept quietly concealed under my quilt till my brother 
 and all the men had disappeared; then some women came, 
 bringing water to pour over my hands. At my request 
 they closed the door, and the five round holes above it 
 admitted daylight and a number of silvery-winged doves. 
 They came one after the other, fluttered once round the 
 room near to the rafters, and then flew away again in 
 regular order. The women were exceedingly interested 
 with the contents of my dressing-case, and wished to make 
 experiments with them, but to this I decidedly objected. 
 They had never heard of such a thing as a tooth-brush ; 
 yet their teeth — which reminded me of the teeth of wild 
 animals, especially of the feline race — were as bright, 
 regular, and healthy-looking as possible. Perhaps one 
 of the causes of this is, that they invariably wash and 
 cleanse their mouths thoroughly immediately after every 
 meal.* Almost all Orientals adopt this excellent custom ; 
 but by the Moslems it is regarded as a religious and 
 obligatory ceremony, and the act is accompanied by an 
 ejaculatory prayer for purity. I had necessarily slept in 
 my clothes. I shook myself into order as well as I could, 
 and resumed my riding-habit, while the women rolled up 
 the mattresses and lehaffs, and carried them away. Then I 
 *I8 this custom indirectly alluded to in Amos iv, 6, where it is written: "I 
 have given you cleanness of teeth and want of bread in all your places?" 
 was led to the house which I had visited on the previous 
 evening. The hostess wore a striped silk red and purple 
 pelisse, or open dress, instead of the cotton one in which I 
 had seen her before. She received me very cordially, and 
 would not allow any intruders to enter, while I had some 
 new milk, bread, and coffee, and made notes of my night- 
 thoughts. It was rumored that the manuscript book which 
 I carried contained talismanic directions for seeking treasures. 
 It had a patent lock and key, and a book thus guarded had 
 never before been seen there. 
 In the mean time, my brother was breakfasting with the 
 sheikh elsewhere, gleaning valuable information, and plan- 
 ning the day's journey. We afterward met in the large 
 room — of which I made a rough sketch and measurements. 
 It had been swept, and the dais was garnished with reed 
 matting and cushions, and two old fringed carpets, about 
 the size of ordinary hearth-rugs. We sat down together, 
 and consulted our maps — Kobinson's and a French one. 
 As regarded that district, they proved very contradictory, 
 and did not assist us much.* 
 At eight o'clock, our horses and attendants were ready. 
 We mounted, and rode slowly. We were surrounded and 
 followed by a great number of the villagers. The sheikh 
 was in earnest conversation with my brother. The old 
 blind man walked by my side, with his hand resting on the 
 neck of my horse, which was carefully led by the wander- 
 ing Jew upholsterer along the uneven and crooked streets. 
 We paused when we came to the thrashing-floor, outside 
 the village, and there took leave of our Kefr Kara friends. 
 The blind man pressed my hand to his lips and to his fore- 
 head, saying, " May Allah preserve you, my daughter, 
 and keep you from all harm !" With blessings and pleas- 
 ant words ringing in our ears, we cantered quickly over a 
 broad cultivated plain, across a stony river-bed, and then 
 * Even on the chart illustrating Murray's delightful Handbook, Kefr K&ra and 
 Khubeizeh are not marked. But on a map in the Weelchj Dispatch Allot, Khubeizeh, 
 and the villages in its neighborhood, may be found, and they appear to me to be 
 quite correctly placed. 
 rose on to a range of hills, dark with evergreen oaks, and 
 carpeted with wild flowers. We rode eastward, overlooking 
 plains and valleys. The black man was still with us. I 
 was informed that he was an inveterate opium-eater, and 
 always slept in a standing or sitting posture, with his eyes 
 wide open. 
 In half an hour, we came to a little, crowded, mud and 
 stone village, at the edge of a wood. Here we dismissed 
 our guide, for we could not depend upon him. He had 
 enemies in the district, and traveled in fear. We alighted. 
 A carpet was spread for us on a. grassy and shady slope, 
 just above a thrashing-floor, and there we took pipes and 
 cofi'ee with the sheikh. The elders and chief men of the 
 village, in their great camel's-hair cloaks and white turbans, 
 sat on the ground in a half circle opposite to us. They 
 were fully armed. After the usual greetings and compli- 
 ments, they eagerly asked for " khubber," that is, news, 
 saying, "Whence do you come, O my lord, and what tid- 
 ings do you bring?" They were all very active and ener- 
 getic-looking, communicative, and inquiring. They difiered 
 in these respects from the Bedouins we had met in the 
 Valley of Salt, and from the villagers of Kefr Kara. 
 I asked my brother how this striking contrast could be 
 accounted for. He said, " This valley is in a very lonely, 
 unprotected, and fertile spot. It is on the confines of the 
 Jebel Nablus, a district which is very frequently disturbed, 
 as at present, by civil war. The inhabitants are obliged to 
 be constantly on the alert, and prepared for any emergency. 
 This, perhaps, gives them that look of activity and intelli- 
 gence which is common to all people who are habitually 
 exposed to great dangers, and who energetically but cau' 
 tiously prepare to meet them." An animated exchange 
 of news took place. The young men and boys stood in 
 little groups around, while the elders smoked and talked 
 by turns. 
 Just beyond the village, there were some ragged black 
 hair tents among the trees. They belonged to a party of 
 gipsy tinkers and blacksmiths, who journey from village to 
 village, just as their brethren do in the lonely parts of 
 England ; committing depredations in the farm-yards, and 
 sometimes breaking into houses. These gipsies came out 
 of their tents to look at us. Their complexions were very 
 dark. The 'men had rather a sullen and stern expression 
 of countenance, and were clothed in sackcloth, girdled with 
 leather straps. Black shawls were fastened on their heads 
 with ropes miade of camel's-hair, in Bedouin style. The 
 women and girls seemed hardy, bold, and daring, but good- 
 natured. Their features were strongly marked. They ap- 
 proached and examined me with curiosity, and expressed 
 surprise that I traveled without any female attendants. In 
 their greetings I observed that they did not utter the name 
 of Allah, though it is generally the first word on the lips 
 of an Arab woman. The women wore long, heavy, dark, 
 ungirdled shirts, made of coarse wool — not unlike the 
 shapeless gowns provided for female bathers at English 
 watering-places. They had no other garment, except a 
 shawl or kerchief tied over their heads, from under which 
 their straggling unbraided black hair escaped. Broad silver 
 armlets adorned their tattooed arms, and clumsy cabalistic 
 rings were displayed on some of the swarthy hands, to pro- 
 tect the wearers from harm. 
 The boys were naked, or nearly so. They tried to attract 
 my notice by vigorously turning summersaults, walking 
 on their heads, and suspending themselves from high tree- 
 branches by their pliant feet. 
 These gipsies, besides attending to their tinkering, per- 
 form most astounding feats of jugglery, gymnastics, and 
 magic. When they visit towns or large villages, they are 
 gladly engaged by the inhabitants to tell fortunes, inter- 
 pret dreams and dark sayings, and to give entertainments 
 in private houses or in the market-places. 
 I have several times seen companies of this mysterious 
 race of people in Haifa, and have witnessed their exhibi- 
 tions of necromancy, or rather sleight-of-hand, by torch- 
 light in the open air. Among other performances, they 
 call a boy out of the midst of the crowd. Then, to all 
 appearance^ they cut him into six pieces! After a few 
 minutes of intense excitement and suspense of the lookers- 
 on, the separated portions of the body are reunited, and 
 the restored boy jumps up and runs away. The Arabs 
 generally, and especially of the lower classes, firmly believe 
 in the occult power of the gipsies. They are hated and 
 feared, yet patronized and encouraged to a remarkable de- 
 gree. These people speak Arabic, but they also have a 
 language peculiar to themselves. The late learned Dr. Duff 
 told us that the language of the gipsies in India, of which 
 he had made a vocabulary, was somewhat similar to it, and 
 many words were identical. These people are very mis- 
 chievous, and when they are in the neighborhood, it is 
 necessary to look well after the fowls, lambs, and kids, and 
 to set a double watch in the orchards and vineyards, and 
 the gardens of cucumbers. 
 The village sheikh provided us with a guide to conduct 
 us to Arrabeh, and we remounted. The gipsy women could 
 not understand how I could ride with both my feet on the 
 same side of the horse. They said, " The hills round about 
 Arrabeh are very steep, my lady; you will fall from your 
 horse if you sit like that." 
 "We rode for a short distance southward, with the Great 
 Sea now and then visible on our right hand. Then we 
 turned abruptly eastward, and pursued our way for about 
 two miles in single file, in a narrow path, under the shade 
 of trees. The glossy-leaved evergreen oak and the haw- 
 thorn were the most conspicuous. Cyclamen, ferns, maze- 
 reons, mosses, and lichens grew on and round the rocks in 
 the deep shade ; while here and there in sunny gladea 
 wide-open ranunculi, anemones, dandelions, and daisies ap- 
 peared. Some of the tree branches were covered with gall- 
 berries. We lingered to examine the ruins of an ancient 
 town, of which no tradition even is left. There were large 
 beveled blocks of stone foundations of walls, small tessera?, 
 and other traces of human art^ extending for about half a 
 mile along the hill-side. We did not see any sculptures or 
 inscriptions. Our guide could not tell us any thing about 
 the place. He said it was called "El Khirbeh," "The 
 Ruin." A shepherd whom we saw seated on the edge or 
 parapet of an ancient cistern gave us the same unsatisfac- 
 tory answer. We descended into a broad plain, where 
 thorns and thistles flourished. Lilies of the valley, the 
 first I had seen, and a great variety of the orchis tribe 
 grew among them. The gnat and bee orchis were beauti- 
 fully developed. Hundreds of tiny birds were disturbed 
 by our approach, and flew out of 'their nests in the low 
 bushes, chirruping and singing. We gathered wild thyme, 
 and gladly ate it with the bread which we had brought 
 from Haifa, for the morning air had sharpened our appe- 
 tites. Lizards ran over the white rocks, and a hare now 
 and then darted across our path. 
 As we rode onward my brother carefully explained to me 
 the difficulties attending the government of the Jebel Nab- 
 lus district, which we were then approaching. He said, 
 " The town of Nablus, the seat of government, contains 
 about twelve thousand inhabitants. Of these only three 
 hundred are Christians, fifty are Jews, and nearly two 
 hundred are Samaritans. The rest are Moslems of the most 
 fierce and fanatical class. 
 " In the surrounding mountains there are four great fac- 
 tions always at enmity with each other. They are, first, 
 the Abdul Ilady family, whose head-quarters are at Arra- 
 beh ; and, second, the Jerrars, who possess a fortress at 
 Senur. They each sprang from the peasantry, and have a 
 large number of followers in almost every village in the 
 district. Third. The Tokan tribe, which has great influence 
 among kindred tribes in the eastern desert. Fourth. The 
 Rayan^ who are of Bedouin origin, and very powerful ; 
 they congregate west of Nablus. From one of these great 
 rival factions, the governor of Nablus is generally chosen, 
 and duly appointed by the Pasha of Jerusalem. 
 " When a governor, for some offense, or through inability 
 to satisfy the rapacity of the effendis, and other followers 
 of the pasha, is put out of office, some member of a rival 
 faction immediately repairs to head-quarters. With large 
 sums of money, and presents, he buys the good-will of the 
 pasha's secretaries and chief councilors, and through their 
 mediation and influence succeeds to the governorship. As 
 soon as he is installed in office he uses all means in his 
 power, just or unjust, to recover with interest the money 
 which he had dispensed in bribes. He levies impositions 
 on the poor and unprotected, and plunders with impunity 
 all who dare not or can not resist his power. It devolves 
 upon him to appoint the sheikhs of all the villages in the 
 district. Those who were already in office under his pre- 
 decessor are allowed to remain if they make sufficient and 
 appropriate presents to him at the time of his accession. 
 If they neglect to do this the offices are given to those 
 who make larger offers. 
 "This state of affairs has lasted for many years, and 
 in the year 1851 five hundred people were killed and as 
 many wounded in a conflict between these rival factions. 
 The consequence was that a decree was made that none 
 of either family should ever again fill any important office 
 in Jebel NablCis. But," continued my brother, " this 
 decree has been disregarded, and the Abdul Hady family 
 has succeeded in ingratiating itself with the Government; 
 Mahmoud Bek Abdul Hady is chief Grovernor of Nablus; 
 his cousin, Saleh Bek — whose brother, Mohammed Bek, 
 reigns at Arrabeh, the stronghold of the family — is Gov- 
 ernor of H^ifa. On account of the present rebellion of 
 the people against Mahmoud Bek, the chief Governor, 
 Kamil Pasha has encamped at Nablus with a large body 
 of cavalry, but he is in great difficulty. He is surrounded 
 by intriguing councilors, who do not scruple to take bribes, 
 and bind themselves to factions. My mission just now is 
 simply to watch carefully, and report to Mr. Finn all that 
 is going on, and to find out, if possible, the real position 
 of affairs, without interfering or taking any part in them. 
 In this you may be able to help me a little by quietly 
 observing the state of the towns; for we shall probably be 
 apart from each other in Arrabeh and Senur. The fact of 
 your being my fellow-traveler will perhaps induce people 
 to receive us into their strongholds the more readily and 
 Thus informed, I felt a greatly-increased interest in the 
 expedition. We were still riding in the plain, but thorns 
 and thistles had given place to fields of wheat and barley, 
 and plowed land. The sun was shining overhead, but 
 rain was falling on the terraced hills before us, where 
 olive-groves and blossoming fruit-trees flourished. As we 
 approached them we felt the heavy drops, and were soon 
 in the midst of a shower. We rode quickly through it, 
 and descended into a narrow valley, at the end of which, 
 on a rocky hill, brightened by a gloam of sunshine, we 
 could see the town of Arrabeh, with its embattled walls 
 and towers. After a very difficult ascent over smooth 
 slabs of rock and loose stones, like a steep and irregular 
 / stairway, we reached Arrabeh. It was past mid-day, and 
 rain poured down in torrents as we entered its great iron- 
 bound, well-guarded gates. This is one of the best-walled 
 towns in Palestine, but is almost unknown to travelers, 
 being out of- the usual route. It is not even mentioned in 
 Murray's Hand-Book, but is marked on his map. 
 The houses all looked like small castles; they are square, 
 and with parapets round their flat, terraced roofs. We 
 went direct to the residence of Mohammed Bek Abdul 
 Hady, the Governor of the town. His house, like all 
 Moslem town-houses, was divided into two distinct parts; 
 the men occupying one part, called the divan, and the 
 ladies living in the other, which is called the harem. The 
 ground-floor was occupied by horses and soldiers, and there 
 our attendants and servants were lodged. We mounted an 
 uncovered stone staircase, crossed a large court-yard, and 
 entered the divan — a vaulted chamber, with wide, arched 
 windows on three sides, commanding views of the valley 
 and the town-gate. The deep, low window-seats were 
 cushioned and carpeted. Here no ladies ever appear; I 
 was told afterward that I was the only woman who had 
 ever crossed its threshold. We found that the Governor 
 himself was absent, but we were very courteously received 
 by his relations; and they said, kissing our hands, "This 
 house is your house, and we are at your service." They 
 expressed great surprise to see us on a journey while the 
 country was so disturbed. They said that every day there 
 were skirmishes in the neighborhood, and at least one 
 hundred and fifty people had been killed within a few 
 days. Flocks were stolen, and camels were constantly 
 waylaid and robbed of their burdens. A battle had been 
 fought on the previous day, near to Arrabeh, and many 
 lives were sacrificed. The sons and nephews of the Grov- 
 ernor told us about it. They were engaged in the fight. 
 One boy of about sixteen years of age showed us how he 
 threw himself on the ground and pretended to be dead, 
 and thus escaped a death-blow. He exhibited his spear 
 stained with blood, and his pistols, of which he was very 
 proud. They were of English manufacture. 
 The younger sons, about ten and eleven years of age, 
 were told to conduct me to the harem. They carefully 
 led me over terraced roofs, through courts, and halls, and 
 passages, till we reached the female quarter. I was taken 
 to a large vaulted room, with whitewashed walls and stone 
 floors, lighted only from the wide-open door; for, as glass 
 casements are not used, the wooden window-shutters were 
 closed to keep out the rain. My young guides, Selim 
 and Said, ran before me, and cried out exultingly, "An 
 English girl! an English girl! come! see!" I entered, 
 and in a moment was surrounded by a little crowd of 
 women, dressed in very brilliant costumes. They were of 
 various complexions — from the dark Abyssinian slave-girls 
 in crimson and silver, to the olive and bronze-colored Arabs 
 in violet and gold. 
 They pounced upon me as if I were a new toy for 
 them ; they kissed me one after the other, and stroked 
 my face. They had never seen a European, and told me 
 that no daughter of the Franks had ever entered their 
 town before. They said, "Be welcome, sister from a far 
 country; this house is yours, and we are your servants." 
 Then they asked me with whom, and how, and whence I 
 had come. The ladies wore full, long trowsers, made of 
 colored silk; short, tight jackets, made of cloth or velvet, 
 embroidered with gold; and flowers and jewels in their 
 head-dresses. The servants wore cotton suits, and the 
 slaves red cloth. They wondered to see my plain, long, 
 dark riding-dress and hat. I told them that I wished 
 to change my clothes, as they were wet. 
 The boys went to order my portmanteau to be brought 
 to the precincts of the harem, and then two slaves fetched 
 it. As soon as I had unlocked it, the ladies, servants, and 
 children, one and all, began examining its contents. In 
 a minute or two it was actually almost empty. Mantles, 
 morning and evening- dresses, night-gowns, and collars were 
 passing from hand to hand; and, as the uses of them were 
 not known, they were put on in all sorts of fantastic ways. 
 One of the girls took a little lace-collar, and placed it 
 tastefully on her forehead. She thought that it was part 
 of a head-dress. I was very much amused, but was 
 obliged to put a stop to their mischief by telling them 
 to put every thing back into the box; they did so directly. 
 I had already discovered that Arab women are like chil- 
 dren; they almost always submit immediately to gentle but 
 unhesitating firmness. 
 Then I dressed in the same room; for they said that 
 they had not any other for their use. I fancy it was 
 because they wished to see all my clothes, and how I put 
 them on; theirs being so very different from ours. They 
 told me that I wore too many dresses at the same time. 
 They wear only a shirt of thin cotton or crape, made high 
 to the throat, open at the bosom, and with long, wide 
 sleeves; very full trowsers, drawn in and tied round the 
 waist and below the knee, but falling in graceful folds 
 nearly to the ground ; and an open, short jacket, with a 
 shawl tied round the waist like a sash or girdle. They 
 kindly sent away ray wet garments to be dried at the 
 oven, and made a comfortable seat of cushions for me 
 on the floor. One lady made some sweet sherbet of 
 pomegranates, and handed it to me. A second brought 
 me cofiee in a little china cup without any handle, held 
 in another one, exactly of the shape and size of a common 
 egg-cup, made of prettily-embossed and chased silver. 
 Then Sit Habibi sat by my side smoking a nargihle, and 
 in answer to my questions she told me that she was the 
 eldest wife of Mohammed Bek, the Grovernor of Arrabeh, 
 and she pointed out to me two other ladies who were also 
 his wives. Then, at my request, she introduced to me the 
 three wives of Saleh Bek, the Grovernor of Haifa. They 
 were very much astonished when I told them that I knew 
 their husband, Saleh Bek, very well, and brought messages 
 from him. They could not understand it, as they never 
 had heard of a woman seeing any men except her own 
 relations. A Moslem lady may not even see her future 
 husband till the wedding-day. One of the wives asked 
 me rather suspiciously if Saleh Bek had established a 
 harem at Haifa. I soon reassured and satisfied them on 
 that point. They all showed much curiosity respecting 
 English people. Werdeh, which means rosy, said, "Is 
 your brother handsome and strong? Is he fair to look 
 upon ? Are all the people of your country white ?" 
 And one said, "Why do you travel about without your 
 While I was answering these questions I was taking 
 notice of the room. It was rather low and long, the floor 
 was nearly concealed by fine matting. On the side oppo- 
 site to the door a narrow mattress was spread, it was cov- 
 ered with a strip of soft carpet, like stair-carpeting. Cush- 
 ions and pillows cased in Oriental silks, placed on the 
 mattress, were leaning against the wall, and thus a sort of 
 low sofa was formed, and on the middle of this I was 
 seated, surrounded by the ladies. Opposite to us on each 
 side of the door there were similar seats or divans, where 
 several women and girls were sitting smoking. At the end 
 of the room, on my left hand, there were two very large 
 wooden chests, painted bright red and garnished with brass 
 locks and hinges of pretty design. Behind them was a 
 wide, deep, arched recess in the wall, where mattresses and 
 wadded quilts were piled up one on the other. Mirrors 
 from Constantinople, in gilt frames, were hanging on each 
 side of this recess. On my right hand, at the other end 
 of the room, black slaves and servants sat on a rug, taking 
 care of some infants and young children who were crying 
 and quarreling. They were keeping up a continual buzzing 
 chatter, and every now and then bursting out into little 
 shrieks and exclamations. The floor of the room was raised 
 about six inches above the level of the court without, ex- 
 cept a square space just within the door, where the women 
 put oflF their high clogs or shoes before they entered. 
 Werdeh and Habibi sat by me, stroking my hair and 
 face caressingly. They wondered that I wore no head- 
 dress or ornament in my hair. The youngest wife of Saleh 
 Bek of Haifa, named Helweh, which signifies sweetness, 
 sat close by the open door in a graceful attitude. She was 
 only sixteen, and looked so pretty, and bright, and merry, 
 that I opened my sketch-book and took her portrait. 
 When the women saw what I was doing, they were very 
 much astonished, for they had never seen any one draw a 
 face or any thing else ; indeed, it is contrary to the law of 
 the Moslem religion to do so. They cried out, " work 
 of Allah ! There is the face of Helweh ! There are her 
 eyes looking at us, and there is the coin of gold on her 
 neck, and her hand holds the narghil6. 0, wonderful !" 
 Then Helweh came shyly to see the drawing, and she asked 
 me if I drew her because she was the prettiest. I told her 
 that I should like to draw any one who would sit near to 
 the door, where the sunlight was streaming in. Then the 
 others took the same seat in turn, and I made two more 
 sketches, but Helweh was by far the prettiest. She had a 
 sweet voice, which is rather unusual among Arab women, 
 and was simple and frank in her manners. She wore yel- 
 low silk trowsers, ornamented at the sides with black silk 
 braid. Her yellow pointed slippers were turned up at the 
 toes. She wore no stockings. Her black velvet jacket was 
 embroidered beautifully with gold thread, and a purple, red, 
 and green shawl, twisted round her waist rather low, served 
 for a girdle. A wide collar of gold coins encircled her 
 throat, and a little, shallow, red cloth cap was arranged 
 coquettishly on one side of her well-shaped head. A long 
 tassel, springing from perforated gold balls, hung from it. 
 Her hair, intertwined with silk braid, was divided into nine 
 plaits and fell straight over her shoulders. Little jewels 
 and pearls were fastened to it. Kound her head, over her 
 red cloth cap, or tarbush, she wore strings of pearls and 
 coins and diamond and emerald sprays, and little bunches 
 of red, yellow, and violet everlasting flowers, which grow 
 wild on the hills in Palestine. She had large, dark eyes. 
 The eyebrows were painted thickly, and the eyelids edged 
 with kohl. She had spots of blue dye on her chest and 
 on her chin, and a blue star tattooed on her forehead. The 
 women were all thus ornamented, more or less, and they 
 very much wished to paint and tattoo me in the same way. 
 I wrote down in my book the names of all the women 
 and their children and servants in Arabic, and a descrip- 
 tion of their dresses in English. I found that Helweh was 
 born at Kefr Kara, and she told me how all the villages 
 near to it were called. I explained the use of my map, and 
 how by looking at it I could tell the direction of Senur 
 and other towns. Then they cried out more and more, 
 " work of God !" for they had never heard that it was 
 possible for a woman to learn to read or write. They knew 
 that men could do so, and their own sons went to a day- 
 school at the Mosque, where a learned dervish taught them 
 to intone the Koran and to write a little. But the women 
 believed that boys possessed some peculiar faculty which 
 enabled them to study and to understand the mystery of 
 unspoken words. Even Selim and Said, my little guides, 
 were surprised, and said, " Mashallah ! the stranger knows 
 the writing of our language." 
 At about three o'clock, which they call the ninth hour, 
 some black women, almost hidden in white sheets, brought 
 in dinner. The first woman carried a little low wooden 
 stand, inlaid with ivory and mother-of-pearl. She put it 
 down on the floor opposite to me. Then another woman 
 placed on it an old, round, heavy metal tray, engraved with 
 sentences in Arabic from the Koran. A large towel, em- 
 broidered with gold thread, was handed to me. After these 
 preparations I was glad to see something to eat, for I was 
 very hungry. The tray was soon quite covered with the 
 following dishes: a small metal dish of fried eggs — a 
 wooden bowl of lebbany, or sour milk — a bowl of sweet 
 cream made of goat's milk — a dish of very stiff starch, like 
 hlanc mange^ sweetened with rose-leaf candy, with almonds 
 and pistachio nuts chopped up in it — a large dish of rice 
 boiled in butter, with little pieces of fried mutton all over 
 the top — and a plate of walnuts, dried fruits, sugared al- 
 monds and lemon-peel. 
 A black slave girl, with short scarlet cloth trowsers and 
 scarlet jacket, silver necklace, armlets and anklets, stood 
 by me, holding a silver saucer in her hand, filled with 
 water, ready for me to drink whenever I wished for it. 
 There was not a knife nor even a spoon to be seen, and I 
 could find no plate foT my especial use. I washed my 
 hands and was invited to take up the food from any of 
 the dishes, with a piece of a large flat loaf, very much like 
 leather. They soon perceived that I was not much accus- 
 tomed to that mode of eating, so they brought me a large 
 wooden cooking spoon, at which the little ones laughed 
 heartily. I wished the ladies to eat with me, but they 
 would not. They allowed Selim and Said to do so, how- 
 ever, and they soon twisted their flat loaves into the shape 
 of spoons, and helped themselves to milk and eggs, hut the 
 meat and rice they took up neatly in their hands. The 
 ladies stood round all the while, to see that I had every 
 thing I required. 
 When I had eaten, the tray was moved into the middle 
 of the room, and a large metal hasin with a perforated 
 cover was placed before me. On the top of it was a cake 
 of native soap — stamped with a sign commonly called 
 " Solomon's seal " — and as I rubbed my hands with it, 
 water was poured over them, from a curious silver jug, 
 something like an old-fashioned coflee-pot, with a long, 
 thin, curved spout. One continuous stream ran over my 
 hands, and disappeared through the cover of the basin. 
 The embroidered towel was handed to me again, with some 
 water to rinse my mouth. 
 The three wives of the Governor and the three wives of 
 his brother Saleh Bek, with their children, then sat down 
 on the matted floor round the tray, and dipping their hands 
 together into the various dishes, they soon finished the sim- 
 ple meal. Two or three more dishes of rice were brought 
 in. Each woman rose as soon as she was satisfied, had 
 water poured over her hands, and washed her mouth. 
 Afterward strong coff'ee without milk or sugar was passed 
 round. The servants and slaves then assembled at the 
 tray, and ate with astonishing speed and voracity, and 
 quickly all traces of dinner were cleared away. 
 Chibouques — pipes with red earthenware bowls and long 
 tubes made of cherry-stick or jasmine, with ebony mouth- 
 pieces — were handed to the elderly ladies, and two or three 
 narghiles to the others, who took them in turn. After 
 Helweh had smoked for a few minutes, she inclined her 
 head gracefully, placed one hand on her bosom, touched 
 her forehead with the pliant tube, and then handed it to 
 the lady sitting next to her, who happened to be the second 
 wife of her own husband, Saleh Bek. Thus it was trans- 
 ferred from one smoker to another, even to the hand- 
 maidens, with the words, "May it give you pleasure I" 
 This ceremonious politeness is strictly observed among the 
 Moslems, even between the nearest relations. The pre- 
 scribed forms of greeting in habitual use appear to me to 
 have the effect of keeping comparative peace and harmony 
 in the harems. 
 A very beautiful narghil6 was prepared especially for me. 
 It was at least half a yard high. The glass vase or bottle 
 was clear as crystal, and well cut. It was filled with water, 
 in which rose-leaves were floating. At the top of the 
 long -necked vase was a well-chased solid silver bowl, hold- 
 ing the burning charcoal and Persian tumbac. The pliable 
 gnake-like tube or hose connected with it was covered 
 with red velvet and bound with gold wire. It was about 
 four yards long. The mouthpiece was of amber, set with 
 rubies and turquoise. The smoke passed through the 
 water, bubbling and disturbing the red-rose leaves, and then 
 traveled up the long tube. Thus the fragrant fumes of the 
 tumbac were cooled and purified before they reached my lips. 
 I observed that there was a little whispering and con- 
 sultation going on among the women, and then Helweh 
 came and sat by me and said, "Are you married?" I said, 
 " No," and they answered, " Why then have you left your 
 father and mother? are they not kind to you?" I told 
 them how good they were, and how my mother taught me 
 to speak and read and write my own language, and the lan- 
 guages of other people. I tried to make them understand 
 how English parents educate their children. 
 Werdeh said, "It is much better to marry and to stay 
 at home than to travel about the country. The dangers are 
 great now in this time of war, and the women should stay 
 at home." 
 Sit Sara said, " Werdeh has spoken wisely. Why do you 
 not marry?" 
 I answered, " Ya sitta, there are no men of my country 
 here. How can I marry?" 
 Ssira then said, " You speak our language like a stranger, 
 but you speak it sweetly. An Arab would take you. Why 
 do you not marry an Arab?" 
 I replied — very much amused — "My mother is not here 
 to find a husband for me. How can I marry?" I thought 
 that this answer would settle the question at once in their 
 estimation ; but Sit Sara said, " I will be your mother, and 
 bring you to a husband. My brother is a Cadi, a great 
 Judge of Nablus. He looks for a wife. He has only three. 
 He will love you because you are white." 
 I answered, laughingly, "Thank you, my mother! what 
 preparations must I make, and when must I be ready?" 
 Sit Sara considered for a moment, and then said, "How 
 many camels has your father got?" 
 I replied, " My father has no camels. In my country 
 there are only three or four living camels kept as curiosi- 
 ties, in a house in a beautiful garden, with servants to 
 watch over them and take care of them. We have a few 
 stuffed camels also, in a large glass house." At this they 
 all laughed loudly, and cried, "0 most marvelous!" 
 Sara continued, "Are your father's olive-trees new and 
 fruitful?" "My father has no olive-trees." At this they 
 were still more surprised. Sara said, "Your father has 
 gold. He will give you of his gold, and precious stones, 
 and a red box, full of clothes and towels, some silk cush- 
 ions, a red wooden cradle, and much soap. My brother 
 has great wealth, and he will give camels to your father 
 for your portion, and gold coins." 
 I found that they thought that I was in earnest. They 
 all clapped their hands, and one of the women sang a song 
 of rejoicing, thus : 
 Lady Miriam, child of a far-off land 
 Dwell with us and we shall have joy ! 
 You shall be cherished above all the women 
 In the house of my brother ! 
 You shall be his queen and his chief delight ! 
 For your face is like the moon, 
 And your words are precious as pearls ! 
 Lady Miriam, child of a far-off land. 
 Dwell with us and we shall have joy 1" 
 Then all the women rose and stood in a circle, forming 
 a chain by slipping their hands into each other's girdles. 
 They first moved slowly and gently round, in a measured 
 step and to a monotonous tune, which they sang, while 
 the servants and children, seated on the floor, were beating 
 time by clapping their hands. They sang thus : 
 " Let us dance ; let us sing ; 
 He is looking from the lattice. 
 He will throw to us showers of silver ; 
 He will throw to us showers of gold ! 
 Let us dance, let us sing : 
 Faster, faster ; louder, louder ! 
 Let him hear our mingling voices ; 
 Let him hear our twinkling footsteps. 
 Let us dance, let us sing ; 
 Faster, faster ; louder, louder ! 
 He will throw to us showers of silver ; 
 He will throw to us showers of gold 1" 
 They sang this over and over again, and the dance grad- 
 ually quickened till it became very animated, but the 
 dancers always kept in step. At last they sat down quite 
 tired. While they rested I told them how I passed my 
 time at Haifa, and I tried to give them an idea of my home 
 in London, and how it was quite possible to live there, 
 without camels or olive-trees. They asked me if the people 
 ever danced in England. They were very much shocked 
 when they heard that men and women danced at the same 
 time and together. 
 At sunset little Selim told me my brother wished to speak 
 to me. He led me to him. He was in the vaulted cham- 
 ber, with several Effendis and Moslem gentlemen, who 
 asked me if I did not feel afraid to travel in a country 
 where the people were fighting and plundering each other. 
 I said, " I am not afraid, your excellencies, for I have found 
 that all in this land are kind to the stranger." Then they 
 said, "May Allah make a straight path for you!" 
 Supper was brought into the divan for the gentlemen, so 
 I returned to the harem. It was cheerfully brightened by 
 little red clay lamps, placed in niches in the walls, and a 
 large lantern stood on a low stool in the middle of the 
 room. The women were wondering how I could dare to go 
 to the men's quarter of the house. I explained to them 
 that it was the custom in England for men and women to 
 meet together constantly, and that we walked, or rode, or 
 drove abroad unvailed. They were exceedingly surprised. 
 I added, "We are governed by a Sultana, named 'Nassi- 
 rah,' (Victoria,) a lady so much loved and respected by her 
 subjects, that when she appears in the streets, or public 
 places, the people cry aloud for joy, and shout, 'God save 
 the Sultana!' Then her face is bright with pleasure, and 
 she looks graciously around, bowing her head to rich and 
 to poor alike. And on certain days the nobles, and the 
 learned men and her officers, are allowed to kiss her hand." 
 They cried, "0 most wonderful!" and Sara said, "Is your 
 Sultana a girl?" I answered, "No, she is married, but the 
 Prince, her husband, takes no part in the government." A 
 sudden light seemed to break in upon them, and I found 
 that I had unwittingly given them the idea that the women 
 of England rule and take the lead in every thing, and are 
 superior to the men. I could not entirely remove this im- 
 pression, for they said, " Your Sultana could not keep the 
 scepter in her hand, if she were not stronger and wiser 
 than the men." One of the women said, "Can your brother, 
 the Consul, write?" I tried to give them a more favorable 
 opinion of my countrymen, but I do not think I succeeded 
 very well, for they still seemed to fancy that women were 
 their superiors. 
 Supper was brought for me in the same order as dinner, 
 except that we had, in addition, a large dish filled with 
 little green sausages. They were made of minced meat 
 and rice, rolled up in leaves, dressed in butter. They 
 were very nice. Asme, a beautiful girl about eight years 
 of age — the eldest daughter of Saleh Bek — and Selim, ate 
 with me. The ladies stood in attendance. I described 
 how English people sit on chairs, round a high table, 
 and eat from separate plates, using knives, and forks, 
 and spoons; and how men and women eat together. They 
 cried out, "0, wonderfull" For they had never heard of 
 a woman eating in the presence of a man — not even with 
 her husband or father. 
 After supper they talked about the war. They told 
 me how much they feared for their two eldest sons, who, 
 though only fifteen or sixteen, went constantly to engage 
 in the skirmishes in the mountains. These boys had 
 often been slightly wounded, and every day their mothers 
 expected to hear of one of them being killed. Then they 
 sang a song about the Governor, Mohammed Bek, who was 
 absent from Arrabeh, and they sang thus: 
 " May our enemies perish before him ; 
 May the arm of our prince bo strong ; 
 May he be mighty in the battle-field ; 
 May his enemies perish before him : 
 That our shepherds may pasture 
 Their flocks in peace, 
 And our camels carry 
 ' Their burdens in safety 
 May our enemies perish before our prince, 
 Our prince and our protector! 
 May he return to us with joy, 
 With great joy, and as a conqueror! 
 And all the dwellers in the mountains 
 Shall tremble before him 1"* 
 Then the black slaves danced, each one standing alone, 
 a little apart from the others. They moved their arms 
 above their heads slowly and gracefully, bending the body 
 forward gradually; then suddenly they raised their heads, 
 and rose to their extreme hight, with their hands high. 
 Their limbs seemed very supple and pliant, and I think 
 they enjoyed dancing very much; but it was not a pretty 
 or lively dance. They sang about a beautiful Bedawi girl 
 with teeth like lightning. I sang English songs at their 
 request, and showed them a few of the measures and 
 figures of our Western dances. They were most pleased 
 * Arab songs are very difficult for foreigners to understand. I could make out 
 little more than the subject and spirit of the above while the women were singing 
 them. Helweh, at my request, explained the words in simple language, assisted 
 by signs; and a year afterward, when she was my neighbor at Hfi,ifa, she helped 
 me to understand them sufficiently to enable mo thus to render them into £nglish. 
 with the Spanish waltz, which I danced slowly, with 
 imaginary partners. They clapped their hands, beating 
 time while I sang. 
 After this I was very tired, and I asked Sit Sara to 
 let me sleep. She said, "Let us walk out on the terrace. 
 The rain is over; the stars are shining. Let us walk out, 
 my daughter ! and the room shall he made ready." 
 So we strolled on the terrace of the harem with Helweh. 
 There were red watch-fires on the hills around. By look- 
 ing through the round holes in the parapets we could 
 see people in the streets below us, with servants carrying 
 lanterns before them. Bright stars shone in the deep- 
 purple night sky. 
 I was led across the court into a square room, and intro- 
 duced to the fourth and youngest wife of the Governor 
 of Arrabeh. I had not even heard of her before. She 
 was surrounded by her women and attendants, and was 
 sitting on a mattress propped up by pillows and cushions, 
 and partly covered by a silk embroidered lehaff. Her 
 head-dress was adorned with jewels, and roses, and ever- 
 lasting flowers; and her violet velvet jacket was richly 
 embroidered. Her cheeks were highly rouged, and her 
 eyebrows painted. Her eyelids were newly dressed with 
 kohl and her hands with henna. She lifted a little swad- 
 dled figure from under some heavy coverings, and handed 
 it to me. It was her first-born son; he was seven days 
 old, and his father had not yet seen him. The mother 
 had hoped and prepared for the pleasure of placing her 
 boy in his arms that night, but he had not returned to 
 Arrabeh. A week is usually allowed to elapse before a 
 Moslem father sees his new-born child or its mother, and 
 the eighth day is generally kept as a day of rejoicing and 
 congratulation. Professional singing women are hired for 
 the occasion. 
 Coffee was made for me, and a narghile prepared ; but I 
 did not linger long with the young Moslem mother and her 
 infant son, for the room was so overheated that I could 
 scarcely breathe. A large open brazier, filled with glowing 
 charcoal, stood near the door, and the air and every thing 
 in the place seemed to be impregnated with an oppressive 
 odor of musk. Even the coffee and the fumes of the nar- 
 ghile were strongly flavored with it. I was very glad to 
 be in the fresh air again on the starlit terrace. 
 When we went back into the large room, I found that it 
 had been nicely swept. In one corner, five mattresses were 
 placed, one on the top of the other, with a red silk pillow, 
 and a silk embroidered wadded quilt, lined with calico, ar- 
 ranged nicely as a bed for me. I rejoiced inwardly, think- 
 ing that I was to have the room to myself. But very soon 
 I was undeceived, for seven other beds were spread on the 
 floor, each formed of a single mattress only, with a quilted 
 coverlid and pillow. (If a Moslem wishes to pay great 
 honor to a guest, several mattresses are piled up for him 
 or her to sleep upon, and these gradations of respect are 
 curiously observed. Five is rather a high figure, but I 
 have known my brother to have seven spread for him.) 
 I found that all the ladies, and children, and servants, 
 and slaves, were to sleep in the same room with me ! Two 
 narrow hammocks, each about a yard long, were taken 
 from a recess, and, fastened to ropes, suspended from iron 
 rings in the ceiling. The hammocks were oblong frames, 
 made of the strong stems of palm fronds, with coarse can- 
 vas stretched over them. To these, two swaddled and 
 screaming children were securely bound. Ropes, made of 
 palm-fiber, were fastened to the corners, and united and 
 plaited together, about one yard above, and then fixed to 
 strong ropes hanging from the ceiling. The four corner 
 ropes formed a tent-like frame-work to support a piece of 
 muslin for a musketo curtain. 
 When I began to undress, the women watched me with 
 curiosity, and when I put on my nightgown they were 
 exceedingly astonished, and exclaimed, *' Where are you 
 going? What are you going to do?" and, "Why is your 
 dress white?" 
evenhjg prayer. 251 
 They made no change in their dress for sleeping, and 
 there they were, in their bright-colored clothes, ready for 
 bed in a minute. But they stood round me till I said, 
 " Good-night !" They all kissed me, wishing me good 
 dreams. Then I kneeled down, and presently, without 
 speaking to them again, I got into bed, and turned my face 
 toward the wall, thinking over the strange day I had spent. 
 I tried to compose myself for sleep, though I heard the 
 women whispering together. 
 When my head had rested for about five minutes on the 
 soft red silk pillow, I felt a hand stroking my forehead, and 
 heard a voice saying, very gently, " Ya Habibi !" that is, 
 " beloved !" But I would not answer directly, as I did 
 not wish to be roused unnecessarily. I waited for a little 
 while, and my face was touched again. I felt a kiss on my 
 forehead, and the voice said, " Miriam, speak to us. Speak, 
 Miriam, darling !" I could not resist any longer, so I 
 turned round and saw Helweh, Saleh Bek's prettiest wife, 
 leaning over me. I said, " What is it, Sweetness ? what 
 can I do for you?" She answered, "What did you do 
 just now, when you kneeled down and covered your face 
 with your hands?" I sat up, and said very solemnly, "I 
 spoke to God, Helweh!" "What did you say to him?" 
 said Helweh. I replied, "I wish to sleep. God never 
 sleeps. I have asked him to watch over me, and that I may 
 fall asleep, remembering that he never sleeps, and wake up 
 remembering his presence. I am very weak, God is all- 
 powerful. I have asked him to strengthen me with his 
 By this time all the ladies were sitting round me on 
 my bed, and the slaves came and stood near. I told 
 them that I did not know their language well enough 
 to explain to them all I had thought and said. But, 
 as I had learned the Lord's Prayer by heart in Arabic, 
 I repeated it to them, sentence by sentence, slowly. When 
 I began thus, "Our Father who art in heaven," Helweh 
 directly said, " You told me that your father was in 
 London." I replied, "I have two fathers, Helweh: one 
 in London, who does not know that I am here, and can 
 not know till I write and tell him; and a Heavenly- 
 Father, who is with me always — who is here now, and 
 Bees and hears us. He is your Father also. He teaches 
 us to know good from evil if we listen to him and obey 
 him." For a moment there was perfect silence. They 
 all looked startled, and as if they felt that they were in 
 the presence of some unseen power. Then Helweh said, 
 "What more did you say?" I continued the Lord's 
 Prayer; acd when I came to the words, "Give us day 
 by day our daily bread," they said, "Can not you make 
 your bread yourself?" The passage, " Forgive us our 
 trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us," 
 is particularly forcible in the Arabic language, and one 
 of the elder women, who was rather severe and relentless- 
 looking, on hearing it said, "Are you obliged to say that 
 every day?" As if she thought that sometimes it would 
 be difficult to do so. They said, "Are you a Moslem?" 
 I answered, "I am not called a Moslem; but I am your 
 sister, made by the same God, who is the one only God, 
 the God of all, my Father and your Father." They asked 
 me if I knew the Koran, and were surprised to hear that 
 I had read it. They handed a rosary to me, saying, " Do 
 you know that?" I repeated a few of the most striking 
 and comprehensive attributes very carefully and slowly. 
 Then they cried out, " Mashallah " — " The English girl is 
 a true believer ;" and the impressionable, sensitive-looking 
 Abyssinian slave-girls said, with one accord, "She is in- 
 deed an angel !" 
 Moslems, both men and women, have the name of "Al- 
 lah " constantly on their lips ; but they do not appear to 
 realize the presence and power of God, or to be conscious 
 of spiritual communion with him. Their common greetings 
 and salutations are touching and beautiful words of prayer 
 and thanksgiving, varied with poetic feeling and Oriental 
 sentiment, to suit any occasions. But their greetings, after 
 all, seem to me only to express politeness, respect, kindness, 
 good-will, or affection, as the case may be. Even as the 
 old English " God he with you /" has lost its full signifi- 
 cance — and more, it has even lost its sound,~clipped as it is 
 into a commonplace '"^good-hy^ The Moslem ejaculations 
 before and after eating, and during the performance of ab- 
 lutions, though beautiful and appropriate, are now merely 
 like exclamations of self-congratulation, without reference 
 to any superior or unseen power. And the regular daily 
 prayers so scrupulously said by men, though generally 
 neglected by women, are reduced to ceremonial forms ; 
 while the words uttered are, in many instances, sublime 
 and magnificent. 
 If this my notion be correct, it will explain why these 
 women were so startled, when, in answer to Helweh's ques- 
 tion, I said simply and earnestly, " / spoke to God^ This 
 took them by surprise, and gave them the idea that I be- 
 lieved that my words were really heard. Whereas, if I 
 had answered in commonplace language, such as, " / was 
 saying my prayers," or " I was at my devotions," probably 
 they would not have been impressed in the same way ; 
 though they might have wondered that a Franji should 
 pray at all to their God. One of the women remarked, 
 that no people, except Moslems, ever prayed to the one 
 true God. 
 After talking with them for some time, and answering, 
 as clearly as I could, their earnest, shrewd, and child-like 
 questions, I said "good-night" once more. So they kissed 
 me, and smoothed my pillow. But though I was fatigued 
 bodily, my mind was so thoroughly roused and interested, 
 that I could not immediately sleep. I watched the women 
 resting under bright-colored quilts, with their heads on 
 low, silken pillows. The lantern on the stool in the middle 
 of the room lighted up the coins and jewels on their head- 
 dresses. Now and then, one of the infants cried, and its 
 mother or a slave rose to quiet it; and it was fed without 
 being taken from its hammock. The mother stood upright 
 while the slave inclined the hammock toward her for a few 
 minutes. Then there was silence again. The room was 
 very close and warm, and the faces of some of the sleepers 
 were flushed. At last I slept also. 
 When I awoke in the morning I found that all the heds 
 had been cleared away. Helweh and Sit S^ra stood by 
 mine, as if they had been watching for me to wake. A 
 number of boys almost blocked up the doorway, where the 
 sunlight was streaming in. Servants and slaves were chat- 
 tering, and piling up the mattresses in the recess. Little 
 children were quarreling. The boys alone were silent. A 
 black girl was sitting on the floor, pounding some freshly- 
 roasted coffee-berries in a marble mortar. Their fragrant 
 aroma filled the room. I think that the mortar was made 
 out of an ancient capital. It was beautifully carved, like 
 Roman work. Another girl was making a kind of porridge 
 of bread, milk, sugar, and oil, for the children. 
 When Helweh perceived that I was awake she called out 
 to the boys to clear the doorway ; and a group of women, 
 shrouded in white sheets, who had been waiting in the 
 court outside, entered. They were neighbors, who had been 
 paying visits of congratulation to the young mother whom 
 I had seen on the previous night. They had been invited 
 to come in " to hear the English girl speak to Grod." 
 My garments were examined with curiosity, and I had 
 very much more assistance than I required in making my 
 toilette. When I was dressed Helweh said, " Now, Miriam, 
 darling, will you speak to God, that the women, our neigh- 
 bors, may hear?" 
 So I kneeled down, saying, "God, the one true God, is 
 the Creator and Father of all; and those who seek him 
 truly shall surely find him." Then, in a few simple words, 
 I prayed that he would keep us in continual remembrance 
 of him. That we might feel his presence; and that he 
 would write his law in our hearts, and lead us to seek 
 earnestly to understand and to obey his will concerning us. 
 That we might be inspired to love him more and more, 
THE lord's prayer. 255 
 with a trustful and reverential love, and live in harmony 
 with all people. 
 After a pause I said, "Will you say Amen to that 
 prayer?" They hesitated, till Helweh exclaimed, "Amin, 
 Amin!" and then the others echoed it. 
 Sara said, "Speak yet again, my daughter. Speak about 
 the bread.'' So I repeated the Lord's Prayer, explaining 
 it — as I understand it — sentence by sentence, at their re- 
 quest. They asked me some very curious and suggestive 
 questions, and they prayed that I would stay with them 
 always. But while I was taking coffee, and hot bread and 
 cream, one of the boys brought me a note from my brother, 
 to tell me that he would be ready to start in half an hour, 
 and that I was to go to him in the divan as soon as pos- 
 sible. So Sara brought me my cloak and habit, which had 
 been nicely dried and smoothed. With regret I took leave 
 of my warm-hearted friends of the harem. They said, "Go 
 in peace," and "Return to us again, Miriam, beloved!" 
 All the little boys went with me into the divan, where 
 my brother sat, surrounded by effendis and young men of 
 the Abdul Hady family. He had dismissed the guide who 
 had conducted us to Arrabeh, and decided to travel with- 
 out one. We were safer alone. It might have compro- 
 mised us to have in our party any one who had been en- 
 gaged in the late skirmishes, or who belonged to a faction. 
 It was pouring with rain when we started ; but the sun 
 shone no w^ and then, tracing vivid rainbows in the clouds. 
 The undulating highlands which we traversed reminded me 
 of the Sussex downs; while beyond them bare rocks and 
 rugged slopes appeared. Far away on the right, the Med- 
 iterranean could be seen, between grayish-blue hills. Oc- 
 casionally we passed quite an English-looking bank of 
 grass and wild flowers; and wherever the poterium spino- 
 sum grew, it sheltered the sweetwilliam, the Chinese pink, 
 and the forget-me-not. We rode over a large, well-culti- 
 vated plain, and met two horsemen, who courteously ex- 
 changed salutations with us, and then said, "What is the 
 news?" and "Whence do you come?" 
 Rain fell heavily, as we rode on to a steep ridge, which 
 commanded a view of the fortress of Senur. It stands on 
 the summit of a seemingly-inaccessible hill, of conical 
 form. The road down the southern side of the ridge was 
 BO very difficult and dangerous for horses, that we, and 
 even the Arabs, dismounted, and the animals were un- 
 willingly dragged or urged along. We made our way cau- 
 tiously, stepping, and sliding, and leaping by turns over 
 the loosened stones and smooth slabs of rock; sometimes 
 walking in the midst of a water-course, with the shallow 
 but increasing stream rushing round our feet. We paused 
 for a minute or two in a narrow valley, and stood in the 
 shelter of a low, deserted hut, made of tree-branches and 
 stones. Then, with difficulty, we mounted the hill, and 
 reached Senur. The inhabitants will not willingly make 
 the approach to their town more easy while the country is 
 subject to civil war. 
 We found the gates of the town closed ; but, after a 
 parley with the sentinels, we were admitted. It was just 
 midday. I was tired, giddy, and wet. We were led into 
 a large, vaulted, smoke-blackened hall, on the ground-floor 
 of the castle. About fifty men rose, wrapped their heavy 
 cloaks around them, and left the place as we entered. A 
 carpet was spread for us in a deep, wide window-seat. I 
 poured the water from the brim of my hat, and gladly 
 threw off my cloak, and took a cup of hot coffee. In the 
 mean time, another resting-place was made ready for us. 
 Ibrahim Jerrar and his brother, the chiefs of the town, 
 conducted us across the castle-yard, up a steep, uncovered 
 stone stairway, into an open court. As we crossed the 
 threshold of a vaulted chamber, in the highest part of the 
 castle, they said, " Be welcome, and take your rest." Mats, 
 and carpets, and cushions had been newly spread on the 
 ground. The window of this room commanded a view of a 
 small fertile plain, almost inclosed by hills, but which 
 could be easily approached from the south-west by a nar- 
 row valley or pass. In time of war its dark vista is always 
 carefully watched by the people of Senur. 
 A lunch of bread, fried eggs, goat's-milk cheese, and 
 olives was brought in, and placed on a round wooden tray 
 raised a few inches from the ground. Serving men poured 
 water over our hands. When lunch was cleared away, and 
 coffee and pipes went round, an earnest conversation com- 
 menced between the Jerrars and my brother, while three or 
 four men sat by, silently smoking and listening. I rested 
 apart from them on a cushioned carpet, watching the 
 animated group. I had never in the East seen any men so 
 tall, well-proportioned, and handsome as the two Jerrars. 
 Their large, loose, white and brown cloaks hung in grace- 
 ful folds, and their red and yellow silk shawl head-dresses 
 shaded bright, clear countenances, with classically-regular, 
 yet very expressive features. My brother said to me in 
 English, " If you have an opportunity, by all means take 
 the likeness of our host, Ibrahim. He is the most cele- 
 brated man in this district, both as regards courage, dar- 
 ing, and energy ; and his family for many generations have 
 been renowned for strength, vigor, and manly beauty. 
 But," he added, " do not let him or any of the others see 
 you sketching him, for he is quite as superstitious as he is 
 The men were all so earnestly engaged in smoking, talk- 
 ing, or listening, that, by writing and drawing by turns, I 
 succeeded in securing the portrait without exciting ob- 
 Ibrahim Jerrar took me to his harem. It was in the 
 most central and secure part of the castle, and consisted of 
 three rooms, opening into a square court. He introduced 
 me to his three wives, and gave them directions to welcome 
 me as a sister, and then left me with them, while he con- 
 ducted my brother over the town. The women greeted me 
 and stared at me with unconcealed wonder. They were 
 more simple, frank, and innocent-looking than any Arab 
 women I had seen. They were young and rather fair, 
 stout and ruddy, and cheerful and bright as happy chil- 
 dren. They belonged to the peasant class. Their long, 
 open dresses, or pelisses, were of soft crimson and white 
 striped silk. Large silver coins encircled their faces, and 
 a row of small gold coins crossed their foreheads, like a 
 fillet, to bind down their thick black hair, which was cut 
 short in front and combed straight down, meeting their 
 arched eyebrows, quite hiding their foreheads. Their eyes 
 were large and clear, their eyelids were edged with kohl, 
 and their chins and chests were dotted with tattooed stars. 
 They and their children, and their white-washed matted 
 room, looked fresh, and clean, and pleasant. 
 I found that the handsomest, healthiest, and strongest 
 girls are always sought for as brides for the Jerrars — that 
 the health, strength, and beauty of which they are so 
 proud, may be perpetuated in the family. I never heard 
 of a Jerrar who could read or write, or even sign his name. 
 On the other hand, many of the men of the Abdul Hady 
 family are well educated, and set a high value on hook 
 learning ; and the ladies of Arrabeh are somewhat polished, 
 and look very different to the simple rustic women of 
 Senur. I made a sketch of the head of one of the wives 
 while I tried to lead them into conversation, but I could 
 not "bring them out." When I spoke they only looked 
 wonderingly at me, laughied shyly at each other, or uttered 
 some set phrase embodying a compliment or a prayer. 
 While I was resting and smoking a narghile which they 
 had prepared for me, I was suddenly called to rejoin my 
 brother. I found that the young man who was set to 
 watch the south-western approach to Senur, had just given 
 notice that he could see a body of Turkish cavalry issuing 
 from the narrow valley into the plain below. Ibrahim 
 Jerrar told us that he knew that they were sent by Kamil 
 Pasha to search the town — to see if there were any Bedou- 
 ins concealed there, ready to assist the people of Senur in 
 case of a siege. He added decidedly, " I have given my 
 word of honor that there are no Bedouins within these 
 walls. We are all peasants. No one shall live to pass 
 through these gates, who attempts to enter with an armed 
 force, to examine the town^ 
 My brother reasoned with him. Ibrahim declared that 
 he would receive the commander of the approaching party 
 peacefully, and with honor and courtesy, if he came alone; 
 but if he approached with his soldiers the gates would he 
 closed against him. The hurrying to and fro in the narrow 
 streets showed that preparations for resistance were being 
 made. My brother said to me, "I am perfectly satisfied 
 that there are no Bedouins in the town. Have you courage 
 to go down with me alone into the plain, that I may speak 
 to the cavalry officer, and prevent if possible a useless and 
 unequal conflict?" I did not hesitate for an instant. So 
 we mounted, and, as quickly as we could, we rode down the 
 hill, quite unattended, while the people on the embattled 
 walls and house-tops, and at the guarded gate, watched and 
 directed us, wishing us " Godspeed." We were soon nearly 
 half-way across the plain, and there encountered the advanc- 
 ing soldiers. When we were within speaking distance, we 
 stopped suddenly, facing them. They were on the point 
 of dividing to pass on each side of us, but my brother held 
 up his hand energetically, and said, speaking as one having 
 authority, ^^ HaltT and immediately they stood still. Then 
 he called to the colonel, saying he desired to speak with 
 him, and, keeping up his attitude of assumed authority, 
 said, " Colonel ! you are going to Senur in the name of 
 his Excellency Kamil Pasha. The answer to the message 
 of which you are the bearer will be ' No' Go yourself 
 quietly and peaceably, and obtain that answer from the 
 town. But if you allow your men to advance one step 
 nearer to it, you will be answerable for the consequences." 
 The Colonel unhesitatingly prepared to obey, leaving his 
 little detachment in the plain, with orders to await his re- 
 turn. We rode slowly backward and forward among the 
 wondering Turkish soldiers, who galloped round and round 
 us, performing feats of horsemanship for our amusement. 
 •A black man, who seemed to be the Colonel's especial at- 
 tendant, played on a triangle, and made fantastic move- 
 ments with his turbaned head- 
 The detachment consisted of only seventy horsemen, and 
 they would soon have been sacrificed if they had come into 
 collision with the men of Sentir, and no object would have 
 been gained. After a short delay, the Colonel returned 
 quite satisfied, and rejoined his men. At the same time 
 our servants and attendants came down to us with the lug- 
 gage, and we pursued our journey toward Nabliis, which 
 is about fifteen miles due soutli of Seniir. We were pre- 
 ceded by the soldiers. We rode for a little while in com- 
 pany with the Colonel, who told us that Kamil Pasha had 
 determined to destroy Senur, and had offered a reward of 
 thirty thousand piasters for the head of Ibrahim Jerrar. 
 When we reached the entrance to the narrow valley, our 
 military escort took leave of us, and we soon lost sight of 
 the soldiers. They galloped along one after the other 
 recklessly, over rocks and brushwood, spurring their horses 
 with the edges of their shovel-shaped stirrups. 
 These incidents, from the moment when "the young man 
 who "kept the watch" first perceived the horsemen issuing 
 from the narrow valley, till they took leave of us, did not 
 occupy half an hour, though it seemed a much longer space 
 of time. 
 My brother explained to me that he had no real author- 
 ity to interfere as he had done in this case. He act€kd not 
 officially, but individually, feeling that principles of human- 
 ity, and our somewhat critical position, justified him. It 
 was singular that we had been the well received guests of 
 the heads of the two great rival factions of the district, 
 within a few hours, and had thus gained much important 
 Hills and valleys, rain and sunshine, checkered our way 
 till, at about sunset, we reached the olive-groves of Nabltis. 
 Although I was wet, and cold, and tired, all my energy 
 and delight returned when the beautiful valley between 
 Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim, and the well-built town 
 of Nablus were in sight, with glimpses of the distant sea, 
 where the sun was going down. I was surprised to see a 
 quantity of mistletoe on the olive-trees. The great gates, 
 which were on the point of being closed, were thrown back 
 for us, and we rode through dark arcades and narrow 
 streets to the house of Ody Azam, the British Consul's 
 agent. There we were comfortably entertained, for our 
 host, who could speak a little English, was accustomed to 
 receive European travelers. His house, indeed, was a kind 
 of hotel, and his wife and niece quickly made ready their 
 most cozy room for me. Our arrival was soon announced, 
 and visitors thronged the large divan all the evening, for 
 my brother was well known in Nablus. Priest Amran, of 
 the Samaritan community, came, speaking with earnest grat- 
 itude of the kindness of the English people, and of the 
 English Government. 
 Kamil Pasha — who had been my host at Hebron — sent 
 an Effendi to convey his salutations to us, and a number 
 of Turkish officials followed. I knew the Effendi very 
 well. He was a Christian, and the first of his creed who 
 had been raised to the rank of Effendi in the Jerusalem 
 Council. I said to him, "Tell me, O most honorable, is it 
 true that his Excellency Kamil Pasha has offered a reward 
 of thirty thousand piasters for the head of Ibrahim, the. 
 chief of Senur?" He answered, "Even so, most excellent 
 lady!" I then said, "Will your honor salute the Pasha in 
 my name, and inform him that I have the head of the 
 chief, Ibrahim Jerrar, in my possession?" The guests who 
 were present stared, and even my brother was taken by 
 surprise. The Effendi said, " Are you throwing dust in our 
 eyes? Is my lady laughing at the Pasha's beard?" I said 
 again, "Let his excellency know that I have in my pos- 
 session a head which he desires to obtain." I spoke in a 
 seemingly-serious tone, and would give no further explana- 
 tion. The people were evidently as much amused as they 
 were puzzled. 
 The next morning, after a perfect rest, I rose and was 
 called into the divan, where the Effendi awaited me. Kamil 
 Pasha had sent him to greet me, and had authorized him 
 to receive from my hands the head of the rebel chief. I 
 said, "Where is the purse of piasters, your honor?" He 
 replied, "The piasters are not with me, my lady!" I 
 answered, " Then I can not give you the head." So he went 
 away and presently returned with the Pasha's page, who 
 carried a large round tray of hot canafi, a sweetmeat made 
 of vermicelli, baked with butter, sugar, almonds, walnuts, 
NABLUS. 263 
 and spices. The Pasha had ordered it to be brought to 
 me. A number of people whose curiosity had been ex- 
 cited came to see the issue, and to partake of their favor- 
 ite dish. 
 The Effendi graciously placed the dish before me, and, 
 after a general washing of hands, all present partook of it. 
 I was asked if I would inform them where the head was. 
 I said, " It is in my portmanteau in the opposite room." 
 Then the Effendi said, " Will you show it to us, gracious 
 lady?" A glance from my brother induced me to comply, 
 so I fetched the drawing, and the men, on seeing it, cried 
 out immediately, "Ibrahim!" "It is Ibrahim Jerrar!" "It 
 is Ibrahim of Senur!" "0 work of God!" The gravest 
 and most stately-looking of our guests seemed thoroughly 
 to enjoy the joke. They went away to explain the mystery 
 to Kamil Pasha, who afterward called to see me and the 
 portrait, which he asked me to allow him to keep. I said, 
 "With pleasure, your excellency, if you will consent to re- 
 gard it as the real head and the only head of Ibrahim 
 Jerrar, and act accordingly.'^ His excellency laughingly 
 declined to do this, so I have kept my sketch, which he, 
 however, seemed rather unwilling to part with. He exam- 
 ined it carefully, and held it in his hand for a long time, 
 but I would not alter my conditions. However, another 
 drawing which he selected from my folio, I gave to him. 
 He and his suite went away apparently very much amused. 
 We found Nablus and its neighborhood in a very unset- 
 tled state. It was exceedingly difficult to convey letters 
 from this district. Postmen were constantly waylaid and 
 robbed. My brother, who was directed to write every sec- 
 ond day to Her Britannic Majesty's Consul at Jerusalem, 
 employed special messengers. They were several times at- 
 tacked, ai^d were severely beaten when they attempted to 
 preserve the dispatches and letters intrusted to their care. 
 This is always the case in Syria during civil war. In- 
 triguing officers, and the leaders of contending factions, do 
 not like their proceedings to be reported to head-quarters, 
 and they generally endeavor to mislead the European Con- 
 suls. My brother spent several hours every day at Kamil 
 Pasha's encampment, and accompanied his excellency when 
 he visited the neighboring villages. 
 In the mean time I was rarely left alone. I was visited 
 at all hours by Moslems, Christians, and Samaritans ; 
 the latter people interested me greatly. Priest Amran, 
 a cheerful, shrewd - looking, well-informed man, between 
 forty and fifty years of age, used to hear me read Arabic 
 every morning. He gave me an interesting account of his 
 little community, whose .numbers amounted to only one 
 hundred and ninety-six.* He said that there was great 
 difficulty sometimes in arranging suitable marriages among 
 them, for they never intermarry with strangers. The priest 
 is always consulted on the subject; and as he or his aged 
 father, Selameh, alone have power to celebrate a marriage, 
 none can take place without their consent. He said, "At 
 the present moment the marriageable men are more nu- 
 merous than the marriageable girls. Our girls are all 
 young, and I am very much troubled about it." 
 As an instance, he explained to me that Yakub esh 
 Shellabi, whose visit to England may be remembered by 
 some of my readers, had been betrothed to Zora while she 
 was yet a child. Yakub was in England when Zora was 
 marriageable; Amran did not permit her to wait for him, 
 but married her to Habib, a widower, who had one little 
 girl, named Anithe. She was seven years old, and was 
 to be given to Yakub in the place of Zora, who was now 
 her step-mother. He said, "This marriage has caused me 
 great anxiety and much trouble." 
 Another man, who was only thirty, and for whom a girl 
 could not be found, had married a widow fifty years of 
 age, and he was now trying to persuade Priest Amran to 
 allow him to put her away, that he might be betrothed 
 to the priest's daughter, who was about eleven. He said, 
 * According to Wilson's acconnt, they numbered one hundred and fifty in 
 the year 1843. 
 "Nearly all our girls are promised before they can speak, 
 and are married when they are eleven or twelve." 
 Priest Amran took me one day to the Samaritan quarter. 
 It is an irregular cluster of two-storied houses, in the most 
 crowded part of the town. We passed through white- 
 washed passages, and ascended a crooked, uncovered, steep 
 stone stairway, leading into an open court, where a large, 
 glossy - leaved lemon -tree grew close to an arched door, 
 through which we passed, after "putting oflf" our shoes. 
 I found that I was in the synagogue. It is a simple, 
 unadorned, vaulted building, in rather a dilapidated state. 
 Amran introduced me to the chief priest, his aged father, 
 "Selameh" — he who, in 1808, corresponded with Baron de 
 Sacy. He received me very courteously. After a short 
 conversation about Yakub esh Shellabi, he said, " I am 
 very old, but I shall die in peace, thanking God that he 
 has let me live to see my people under the protection 
 of the English Government." He said this in allusion 
 to the fact that Lord Clarendon had sent instructions to 
 the Consuls resident in Palestine, expressing the interest 
 which Her Britannic Majesty's Government takes in the 
 Samaritans, and directing them to afford, in case of need, 
 such protection as may be proper toward Turkish subjects. 
 His Excellency Lord Stratford de Redcliffe had also been 
 instructed to use his good offices with the Porte in favor 
 of the Samaritan community. A mat was spread on the 
 stone floor, and there I rested, listening to the slowly and 
 earnestly-uttered words of the aged priest. He wore a 
 loose blue cloth robe, lined with crimson, over a yellow 
 and red-striped satin kumbaz, which is made like a dressing- 
 gown. His large turban and his long beard were white. 
 He directed my attention to the vail of the temple. It 
 was a square curtain of white damask linen, ornamented 
 with applique work ; that is, pieces of red, purple, and 
 green linen were sewed on to it, forming a beautiful pattern 
 of conventional ornament. He supposed it to be six or 
 seven hundred years old, but I imagine that it is the 
 work of the sixteenth century. After I had copied the 
 design of the vail carefully Priest Amran drew it aside, 
 and revealed a deep recess, where the rolls of the law 
 are kept. Then his father rose, and with trembling hands 
 brought out the celebrated copy of the Tora or Pentateuch, 
 which is said to have been written by Abishua, the son of 
 Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, who was the son of Aaron. 
 It is kept in a cylindrical silver-gilt case, which opens on 
 two sets of hinges, and on its red satin cover Hebrew 
 inscriptions are embroidered with gold thread. At my 
 request Selameh sat down for a little while, holding it in 
 his hands, that I might sketch it and him. When he had 
 carefully returned this precious roll to its place, he showed 
 me several later copies of the Pentateuch — some in the 
 Samaritan, others in the Arabic character; a printed col- 
 lection of psalms or hymns ; several commentaries on the 
 law of different periods; a history of the community from 
 the Exodus to the time of Mohammed; and a very curious 
 manuscript, called the Book of Joshua, which begins with 
 an account of the journey ings of the company of spies 
 who were sent into the promised land by Moses, and 
 concludes with fabulous stories of the life of Alexander. 
 This seems to be rather a favorite book. It is written in 
 Arabic, but the proper names and certain words are in the 
 Samaritan characters. It is said to be of Syriac and not 
 of Hebrew origin. I brought a copy of this remarkable 
 work to England. 
 A number of the neighbors came into the synagogue to 
 see me, and to invite me to their houses, and fair little 
 children crowded round. I took leave of the aged Priest 
 Selameh, and he gave me his patriarchal blessing. Then 
 I went with Priest Amran to call on Habib and his wife 
 Zora, who had been the betrothed of Yakub esh Shellabi. 
 I was led into a large, low, but very airy room, with 
 raised divans, nicely carpeted and cushioned, on two sides 
 of it. Mats and rugs on the stone floor made the place 
 look comfortable, and a red brass-hinged box, a rudely- 
 carved red cradle, ornamental corner cupboards, and painted 
 wooden shelves, with rows of green drinking-glasses ranged 
 upon them, relieved the whitewashed walls. 
 Habib, to whom I had been previously introduced, 
 welcomed me with courteous gravity. His pretty little 
 motherless daughter, Anithe, came forward promptly to 
 greet me; but Zora, the young wife, seemed unwilling to 
 appear. Priest Amran told me that she was purposely 
 hiding. Habib went out into the court of the house, and 
 when he reentered his wife followed him with seeming 
 reluctance; she looked embarrassed and sad, and returned 
 my salutations sullenly. She was rather handsome, and 
 was decked as a bride ; she wore full trowsers and a tight 
 jacket. Her chest was very much exposed, and painted or 
 tattooed bright-blue; her gold necklace or collar was large 
 and massive, and several coins were attached to it; her 
 head-dress was adorned with red and yellow everlasting 
 flowers, and folds of blue crape; her hands and feet, which 
 were naked, were so delicately and artistically stained with 
 henna, that she looked as if she had fine lace mittens and 
 sandals on. She made me some lemonade, while Anithe 
 brought me a narghile. 
 Many women came in; among them was Yakub esh 
 Shellabi's mother. She said impetuously, " How long 
 shall I wait for my son Yakub and not see him ? Why 
 does he stay so long away from his country and his 
 people? Why did you leave him in England, lady? 
 I shall die and never see him again." I answered, " Be 
 comforted ; your son will return to you and give you joy." 
 Zora seemed troubled at the mention of his name, and left 
 the room; but Habib smiled a smile of self-congratulation, 
 and asked if I thought that Yakub would return in time 
 to claim his little daughter. The child evidently quite 
 understood how affairs had been arranged, but did not 
 display the slightest interest or emotion. While the other 
 girls and women who were present asked with curiosity 
 and volubility all sorts of questions about Yakub, and 
 were highly amused with the account I gave them of his 
 reception in England, little Anithe maintained a quiet and 
 dignified reserve, which I suppose, according to Samaritan 
 etiquette, was very praiseworthy and becoming. 
 Zora did not reenter the room ; but when I passed 
 through the court, on my way to the house of a neighbor, 
 I saw her with her mother engaged in cooking. She had 
 been crying, and on seeing me she hastily ran into a store- 
 room and disappeared. Amran said, " She is not quite 
 reconciled yet to the new arrangement; but her husband 
 is good and well off, and she will soon be happy." 
 I visited three other houses, all of the same character 
 as Habib's, but his was the most comfortably furnished. 
 On the whole, I was very favorably impressed with the 
 appearance of the Samaritan community. The men were 
 generally handsome, tall, healthy-looking, and intelligent, 
 but very few of them could read or write. The women are 
 modest, and the children very pretty and thoughtful, yet 
 full of life and activity. I am told that the Samaritans 
 live to a great age, and generally escape the epidemics 
 which break out occasionally in Nablus. Perhaps this is 
 owing to the simplicity of their lives, and their scrupulous 
 cleanliness. They observe the ceremonial laws of Moses 
 with fidelity. Three times a year they go in solemn pro- 
 cession to the summit of Gerizim, repeating portions of 
 the law as they ascend, and they still proudly proclaim to 
 pilgrims and travelers, " Our fathers worshiped in this 
 mountain." The mountain is now called " Jebel-el-Tor." 
 They do not receive any part of the Bible, except the 
 Pentateuch. They say that the other books are forgeries, 
 and they regard the seventeenth chapter of the Second 
 Book of Kings as a cruel calumny, originating with their 
 enemies the Jews. The Jews, on the other hand, declare 
 that this portion of the Bible is rejected by the Samari- 
 tans, simply because it records their true history and testi- 
 fies against them. 
 The Samaritans declare themselves to be children of 
 Manasseh and Ephraim, and their priest is said to be lin- 
 eally descended from a branch of the tribe of Levi, by 
 whom their services have been conducted throughout all 
 generations. Priest Amran explained this to me, and then 
 said, " Alas, I have no son ! I have no son to whom to 
 teach the holy language, no son to assist me in the serv- 
 ices, no son to inherit the priesthood. God forbid that I 
 should be the last of my race, and leave my people with- 
 out a priest!" 
 It was a cause of bitter sorrow to the Samaritans when, 
 some time ago, the last male representative of the Aaronic 
 family died ; for he was the last of their hereditary high- 
 priests — the last to offer sacrifices for them. They are 
 obliged now to limit their ministrations to such services as 
 may legally be performed by Priest Amran and his father, 
 who represent the tribe of Levi, of whom it is written, that 
 the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying, " Present them before 
 Aaron the priest, that they may minister unto him. And 
 they shall keep his charge, and the charge of the whole 
 congregation, before the tabernacle of the congregation, to 
 do the service of the tabernacle." (See Num. iii, 5, etc.) 
 And again it is written, that God spoke unto Moses, and 
 said, " Thou shalt put upon Aaron the holy garments, and 
 anoint him and sanctify him; and thou shalt anoint his 
 sons, and their anointing shall surely be an everlasting 
 priesthood throughout all generations." And unto Aaron 
 God said, " Ye shall keep the charge of the sanctuary, and 
 the charge of the altar; and thy brethren the Levites 
 [such as Amran and his father] shall keep the charge of 
 all the tabernacle : only they shall not come nigh the ves- 
 sels of the" sanctuary and the altar, that neither they, nor 
 ye also, die." (See Num. xviii.) 
 With these verses before me, and knowing the character 
 of the Samaritans, their belief in the true descent of their 
 priests, their implicit faith in the Divine inspiration of the 
 Tora, and their consequent reliance on the eflScacy of cere- 
 monial services, I can well imagine their desolation when 
 they buried tlie last of the anointed sons of Aaron, and 
 were left without a high-priest to minister for them. With 
 the house of Aaron the celebration of the highest offices 
 of their religion ceased. No sacrifices can be oflFered now, 
 and there is no one " to make atonement for the people." 
 During the days of unleavened bread the Samaritans 
 live in tents, on the mountain near to the ruins of their 
 ancient temple. " On the fifteenth day of the first month," 
 the whole congregation, men, women, and children, except 
 such as are ceremonially unclean, being assembled, the 
 priest stands forth on a mound, and reads, in a most 
 solemn and impressive voice, the animated description of 
 the Exodus. 
 In a trench, ten feet long by two feet wide, previously 
 prepared by laborers, a fire is kindled, and two caldrons 
 of water are placed over it. A round pit is dug, in the 
 form of a well ; and it is heated to serve as an oven. 
 Then lambs are brought, in sufficiency for the whole 
 community. Seven is now the usual number. At sunset, 
 seven men, in white dresses, take each a lamb before him, 
 and at the utterance of a particular word in the service ap- 
 pointed for the day, all seven lambs are slain at the same 
 instant. Every member of the congregation then dips his 
 hand in the blood of the dying victims, and besmears his 
 forehead with it. Boiling water from the caldrons is 
 poured over the fleece, which causes the wool to leave 
 the skin without much difficulty. It is plucked off with 
 great nicety. The bodies of the lambs are examined, lest 
 there be any blemish. The right shoulder and the ham- 
 strings are cut off and thrown on the heap of offal to be 
 burnt with the wool. The seven bodies are then spitted, 
 and forced into the hot bake oven. A trelliswork is then 
 placed over the top of the oven, which is covered with 
 grass and mud, to keep in all the heat. A few hours after 
 sunset they are withdrawn, and the Samaritans, each " with 
 his loins girt and a staff in his hand," eat hastily and 
 greedily of the food thus prepared. The scraps of meat, 
 wool, and bone are carefully sought for, and burnt on tlie 
 heap, that not a morsel may remain. My brother has 
 twice been present at the celebration of the Feast of the 
 Passover, and from him I obtained the above description. 
 The Feast of Tabernacles is also kept " in this mount- 
 ain." It happens in the early part of the Autumn, when 
 tent-life is very pleasant and refreshing. The people " take 
 the branches of goodly trees," such as the evergreen oak 
 and the arbutus, and they " make booths," roofing them 
 with interlacing willows, pliant palm fronds, and boughs 
 of the glossy-leaved citron and lemon trees, with the 
 green fruit hanging from them in clusters. For seven 
 days the people dwell there, rejoicing and giving thanks 
 to God. 
 Sometimes the Samaritans, to their great distress, have 
 been obliged to celebrate their festivals elsewhere, and in 
 secret, owing to the fanaticism and persecuting spirit of 
 the Moslems of Nablfis. But Priest Amran said, "Now 
 that the English word has been spoken for us, we shall no 
 longer fear ; and, notwithstanding the civil war, the Paschal 
 lamb will this year be slain on the mountain where our 
 fathers worshiped. The time is near at hand, lady I 
 tarry with us till the Passover, and we will make a pleas- 
 ant tent for you on the mountain, that you, with the 
 Consul, may witness the celebration of the festival and 
 eat of our unleavened bread." 
 Most of the Samaritan women came to see me in my 
 private room at the hotel. Yaktib esh Shellabi's sister, a 
 fine girl — very like her brother — came several times, and 
 Zora grew somewhat sociable. I could plainly see, by her 
 manners and by her few words, that she was angry with 
 herself and with her absent betrothed, and still more angry 
 that she had not been permitted to await his return. She 
 even seemed imbittered against the English people, as if 
 they had lured Yakub away from her, and I did not wonder 
 that this marriage had given Priest Amran " much trouble." 
 The women do not hide their faces from men of their own 
 eommunity, but they vail themselves closely in the streets 
 and in the presence of strangers. 
 They were generally very simply dressed, in trowsers and 
 jackets of Manchester prints and colored muslin head- 
 kerchiefs and vails. When out of doors, they shrouded 
 themselves in large white cotton sheets, and, though the 
 former were faded and the latter patched, their, poorest 
 garments looked clean. I saw very little jewelry, except 
 on the head-dresses of the most recently-married women. 
 They nearly all, however, wore glass bracelets; and some 
 of the children had anklets, made of tinkling silver bells. 
 The girls had a few small coins sewed to the edges of their 
 red tarbushes, just in front. 
 The Samaritans seem really to represent one family. The 
 people look to the hereditary priest as their father and di- 
 vinely-appointed guide, and he apparently knows the his- 
 tory and character of every member of the community. 
 He is king, magistrate, physician, teacher, counselor, and 
 friend of all. It struck me very forcibly that the Samaritans 
 are not animated with any religious emotion or feeling, 
 though they certainly venerate their theological system and 
 all that is connected with it, especially the site of the an- 
 cient temple on the mountain where their fathers wor- 
 shiped. They attach great importance to ceremonial and 
 especially to sanitary laws relating to marriage, to food, 
 and to ablutions. They observe the Sabbath-day strictly, 
 in a material sense, but without the slightest sign of 
 spiritual devotion. Their services are noisy and seemingly 
 They do not avoid friendly or commercial intercourse 
 with strangers, though they will not intermarry with them. 
 The few native Protestants in Nablus are on a very inti- 
 mate footing with the Samaritans ; and native Greek Chris- 
 tians, and many Moslems, are on good terms with them. 
 But their Jewish neighbors do not like them at all. They 
 accuse them of heresy and even of idolatry, and avoid them 
 as much as possible, saying that they are worshipers of 
 pigeons! This is a very anciently-founded calumny. The 
 Samaritans, on the other hand, declare that the Jews 
 neglect the Law of Moses, and have departed from purity 
 of life and worship, and follow the Talmud. They date 
 their separation from the Jews from the time of Eli the 
 priest, whom they regard as a usurper, for he was not of 
 the priestly family of Eleazar, but a descendant of Ithamar, 
 the fourth son of Aaron. 
 In 1842 the Samaritans were cruelly persecuted because 
 they would not embrace the Moslem faith, and the Moham- 
 medan Ulemas threatened to murder the whole of their 
 community, on the plea that they had no religion, not even 
 believing in one of the five inspired books, which are : 
 1. Law of Moses; 2. New Testament; 3. The Psalms; 
 4. The Prophets; and 5. The Koran. A sect which ac- 
 knowledges the inspiration of any one of these five books 
 is legally tolerated by the Mohammedans. This being 
 known to the Samaritans, they endeavored to prove their 
 belief in the Pentateuch ; but the Mohammedans, not being 
 acquainted with the holy language and characters in which 
 it was written, disbelieved them. They then applied to the 
 Chief Rabbi of the Jews in Jerusalem — a recognized repre- 
 sentative and head of the Jewish faith — who gave them a 
 written declaration, certifying, "That the Samaritan people 
 is a branch of the children of Israel, who acknowledge the 
 truth of the Tora " — that is,* the Pentateuch. This docu- 
 ment, accompanied with presents, put an end to the perse- 
 cution for a time. I mention this merely to show in what 
 light the Samaritans are regarded by the superior and 
 learned Jews. 
 Those who knew Yakub esh Shellabi in England will 
 perhaps like to hear something about him. He is the only 
 Samaritan who ever traveled so far west. He returned to 
 his people in the Autumn of 1856, and soon reaccustoraed 
 himself to the simple yet active life of the Samaritans. He 
 advised Priest Amran to establish a school, and oblige all 
 the children of the community, both girls and boys, to 
 attend it regularly, that all of the rising generation might 
 be taught to read and write Arabic, and to cast accounts. 
 Yakub much regretted that he was unable to do either, and 
 was too old to learn. I am told that this school has been 
 established, and is called the Shellabi School, in memory 
 of Yakub's visit to England, where he had learned to set a 
 very high value on book-learning. 
 He did not, after all, marry little Anithe. She was not 
 old enough to be his bride immediately on his return, and 
 another arrangement was consequently made, as the follow- 
 ing curious specimen of Oriental correspondence will show. 
 It was a reply to an inquiry concerning Yakub, and is a 
 true and literal translation of a letter from Priest Amran 
 to E. T. Rogers, Esq., Her Britannic Majesty's Vice-Con- 
 sul, Haifa: 
 "To the perfection of energy, the most virtuous, and un- 
 subornable, the presence of the most praiseworthy brother 
 Khawadja Rogers, the illustrious. May God Almighty 
 lengthen his days! Amen. 
 "After heart-felt prayers for your preservation, I beg to 
 inform you that I was honored by your bountiful letter, 
 dated the 17th of June, of Western calculation, collectively 
 with Daud Tannus,* and we read with pleasure of your 
 preservation, and we thanked the Almighty, who hath 
 vouchsafed that you should think of us. Your sweet slip 
 [a postscript] which was inclosed in said letter I have read. 
 I find that you ask me whether Yakiib esh Shellabi is mar- 
 ried or not. My Lord, he has been married ever since last 
 year to a very pretty partner, who is exceedingly good. 
 Her name is Shemseh [Sunny] ; and last Thursday, the first 
 day of Western July, she gave birth to a male child, who 
 resembles the moon, and they have called his name Emin 
 [Faithful]. Please God that this may happen in like man- 
 ner to you. I have given you this glad tidings, which is 
 all that is necessary in petitioning you to honor me by ^ 
 * The principal member of the native Proteatant congregatioD in Nabltls. 
 letting me know all that I can do to serve you, and God 
 lengthen your days! My Lord, your petitioner, [signed 
 and sealed,] Amran, the Priest. Written in Nablus, 9th 
 July, Western year, 1858." 
 Another child has been born to Yakub, and I have 
 heard him speak proudly, lovingly, and tenderly of his 
 little ones, and of his young wife Shemseh, and of the 
 flourishing Samaritan day-school. 
 A few days after my arrival in Nablus, I was sitting in 
 the divan at the hotel, with a little company of Samaritans, 
 Greek priests, and Protestant Arabs, when a very poor 
 Moslem woman forced her way into the room, notwithstand- 
 ing that the kawass and servants at the door endeavored to 
 prevent her entrance. She cried out, " Make way ! I must 
 speak to the English lady, the Consul's sister." I said, 
 "Let her speak." 
 She was almost shrouded in an old blue-and-white check 
 linen sheet, of native manufacture. She was very aged, and 
 tottered across the room to me, and then partly drew aside 
 her thick cotton vail, and kissed my head and my hands 
 violently and impetuously, beseeching me to intercede for 
 her son, who had been imprisoned for insulting and striking 
 our kawass in the bazar. 
 She said, "I am a widow, and the offender is my only 
 son, my sole support. Speak for him, for my sake. Speak 
 for him, for the sake of the mother of your brother. Speak 
 for him, that he may be set free!" 
 She kneeled down, and tried to kiss my feet, and em- 
 braced my knees imploringly. I raised her up, saying, " Go 
 now in peace. I will speak to the Consul about your son." 
 She went away rejoicing, and cried aloud, "The gates of 
 the prison are thrown open! The offender, my son, is al- 
 ready free; for the English word is spoken!" 
 I made inquiries about the prisoner, and, for my "word's 
 sake," my brother applied for his release, and before sunset 
 he was free. 
 He came in the evening, with his mother, to thank me; 
 for he had heard that I had spoken a good word for him. 
 He had been flogged, but looked very submissive, and well 
 pleased at his unexpected and sudden release. When the 
 doors of a Turkish prison are closed, they are not readily 
 opened, except with a golden key; and this man knew tjiat 
 his friends were too poor to offer an efficient bribe. 
 He said to me, "0 my protectress, in memory of your 
 intercession, I will seek occasion at all times to render 
 service to you, and, for your sake, to all English people." 
 I replied, "Take care of your mother, and try to live peace- 
 ably with all men." 
 They went away, murmuring blessings. When, a few 
 weeks afterward, the Protestants of Nablus were cruelly 
 attacked by the Moslems, this man proved himself a stanch 
 friend to them. For Protestants are regarded as English 
 jprotegis^ even as the Latins are looked upon as French, and 
 the Greeks as Russian subjects. 
 I had some very interesting conversations with the 
 Arab schoolmaster of the little community of Protestants 
 at Nablus. He is a native of Nazareth, about thirty 
 years of age, the uncle of our coffee-boy and pipe-bearer, 
 Yusef, described in a foriner chapter. He was educated 
 at the Diocesan School, Jerusalem, and there learned to 
 speak English pretty freely. His foreign accent, peculiar 
 idioms, and Orientally-constructed phrases, amused me ex- 
 ceedingly. He seemed delighted to have an opportunity 
 of talking English. He was very anxious to be made 
 acquainted with the rules of domestic life in England, 
 and especially the customs and laws relating to betrothals, 
 weddings, divorces, and the settlement of property. I 
 satisfied him on these points as well as I could, and he, 
 in return, gave me an account of his marriage. I will 
 repeat it, as nearly as possible, in his own words, which 
 I noted down on Sunday, March 2d, the day on which 
 he related it to me. 
 " I shall make you see how, in this country, marriages 
 are made. Perhaps your English customs are not quite 
 good in this matter, and our customs also are not good. 
 It is belter that we take from you a little, and that you 
 also take some teachings from us. I went, four years ago, 
 to Nasirah, my town, for my espousals. All knew that 
 I went to look for a girl. I had no father; I had no 
 mother. I went to the house of my aunt, the sister of 
 my father, and said, 'O my aunt! seek for me a girl, 
 that I may be espoused quickly.' And she said, ' Be at 
 rest, my son! I know a good girl for you; I shall 
 speak for her.' Then my heart was heavy, because I 
 must not seek and see her for myself; and I said, '0 my 
 aunt! how can I do this thing and not see her? Perhaps 
 her eyes are bad; perhaps she has manners not good. I 
 must see her. Hide me that I may see her.' My aunt 
 was much afraid; but she loved me, and she said, 'Make 
 your heart strong; / will cheat her for you.'' 
 "So she went out and sought for the girl she wished to 
 take for my wife. She was the child of our neighbor; 
 and when she found her she said, 'My daughter, I seek 
 you. Come with me to my house. Let us work together. 
 I have a thing to show you.' Then I stood where she 
 must come that way. Her face had no vail. She did 
 not know that I was hid. She was a little while working 
 and talking with my aunt. I saw that she was beautiful 
 and fair ; she was eleven of age. She spoke well and 
 softly, and her words were good words ; and my heart 
 went out of myself to her. In a little while she came 
 by where I stood, and she saw that I was looking • on 
 her with power. Then her face came very red, and she 
 ran home very fast to her mother, and my aunt also went 
 to her. And the girl cried and said, ' mother ! they 
 cheat me — they cheat me!' Her mother gave her comfort, 
 and said, 'Be at rest, my daughter! Now that he has 
 Been you, he will wish you for his wife; he will take you.' 
 But the girl was full of anger, and said again, 'It is not 
 good that they cheat me.' 
 " My aunt came to me, and told me of her anger and 
 her grief, and said, ' It is better not to speak any more of 
 this, and we will find another girl.' But my heart had 
 gone forth to this one, and I could not think for another. 
 So I went to the Greek priest and told him the whole 
 matter. And then the priest went to the father of the 
 girl, but the father said, 'Not so; I have two larger girls; 
 they must not be left; they must make their espousals 
 before this little one.' Then I said to the priest, 'Speak 
 for me again, that I may have that little one.' So the 
 father made a writing, and I put my seal on it, and agreed 
 to give him much silks, and cottons, and soap for this 
 daughter — more of all these things than he would make 
 me give for the larger daughters; for he knew my heart 
 was gone out from me. I saw her again, for not quite 
 one minute, when the espousals were made and witnessed. 
 Then my aunt made a room ready for me in her house, 
 and many men came to eat with me there a good feast. 
 And many women went to eat with the girl in the house 
 of her father, and danced before her, and sang songs of 
 rejoicing. And all people knew that we were espoused; 
 but I might not see her again. 
 " Then I went to Nablus. And, after a year, four men, 
 with horses, went for me from this town to Nasirah, and 
 they brought her, and then immediately we were married." 
 He introduced his young wife and her infant son to me. 
 She was very bright and cheerful-looking, with a high 
 color, and dark, clear eyes. She said that Nasirah was a 
 much better town than Nablus for Christians to dwell in. 
 The Protestant congregation of Nablus was founded by 
 Dr. Bowen, the late lamented Bishop of Sierra Leone. He 
 established a loom there, and gave the people an oppor- 
 tunity of working. He paid them for their labor, taught 
 them many useful arts, and afterward, by degrees, gave 
 them religious instruction. He was a great favorite with 
 all classes, and many of the Greek Catholics declared 
 themselves Protestants. 
 Since Dr. Bowen's departure, the community has been 
 very fluctuating, and sometimes quite dispersed. When I 
 attended their service in the school-room, there were about 
 twenty men and thirty boys present. A dozen women sat 
 in an adjoining room, looking in and listening at an open 
 arched window. They were all closely vailed. The service 
 was well conducted by Michael Kawarre, a native teacher. 
 The Gospel was read by a boy, only twelve years of age, 
 in a clear though very monotonous voice. The responses 
 were made most energetically. 
 M. Zeller, a German, had recently been appointed by 
 Bishop Gobat to take charge of the community, and he 
 was eagerly studying Arabic, that he might commence his 
 missionary labors. He kindly left his lonely study, now 
 and then, to explore Nablus and its neighborhood with me. 
 One morning we walked through the stony, arched, 
 narrow, tortuous streets, out at the nearest gate, and rose 
 on to the raised road or terrace, which nearly encircles the 
 town. He led me to the hill beyond the burial-ground, 
 whence I could see the whole extent of Nablus, with its 
 mosques and minarets, its irregular groups of houses, with 
 domes and terraced roofs, its dark archways and colonnades, 
 and the gardens of lemons and oranges around. Then we 
 climbed a steep and stony path, to see an ancient fountain 
 and a reservoir formed of a sarcophagus, where closely- 
 vailed women were washing their tattered garments. A 
 group of men were leisurely building up the broken stone 
 wall of the water-course. They were working with clumsy- 
 looking tools, and each man had a gun slung over his 
 We followed the course of the duct, which conveys 
 water from the fountain along the terraces round the town. 
 The stones of the aqueduct were moss-grown, and between 
 them bright juicy leaves of the most vivid green had. 
 sprung up. At short intervals there were square apertures, 
 through which we could see the running limpid water, in 
 a frame- work of maiden -hair and other ferns, and white 
 and lilac blossoms. We came to a large square ancient 
 pool, or reservoir, well jQlled and in good repair, near to 
 the governor's new residence, wliicli is the handsomest 
 dwelling-house I had seen in Palestine. It is built of 
 well-hewn fine limestone, and enriched with marble pave- 
 ments, columns, and arches. Mahmoud Bek Abdul Hady 
 designed it himself. 
 We reentered the town, and paused before the portal of 
 the mosque. It was originally the entrance to a Chris- 
 tian church, as the design plainly shows. The clustered 
 columns, the richly-foliated and varied capitals, the deep, 
 dental, and zigzag moldings of the pointed arch, are of 
 Siculo-Norman character. While we were carefully exam- 
 ining the details, signs were made to us — rather roughly — 
 by some of the guardians of the mosque, that we were 
 approaching too near to their place of worship, and linger- 
 ing there too long; so we retired, and traversed the bazars. 
 The shops were well stocked, and busy with buyers and 
 sellers. There were small arcades especially devoted to 
 the sale of tobacco; others were filled with the refreshing 
 odor of green lemons, oranges, citrons, and shaddocks. 
 The bazars for vegetables and prepared food were rather 
 difficult to pass through; they were thronged with Turkish 
 soldiers from the Pasha's camp, who were seeking their 
 midday rations. Some of them were carrying large metal 
 dishes, containing a medley of chopped vegetables, or deep 
 earthenware plates, filled with pease-pudding, garnished 
 with slices of lemon floating in oil; others hurried through 
 the crowd with bowls of steaming soup before them, which 
 very effectually cleared the way. There seemed to be no 
 friendly feeling between the soldiers and the townspeople. 
 Angry voices and loud cries surrounded us, and in several 
 cases blows were exchanged before a bargain was settled. 
 The long, narrow bazar where dried fruits, olives, rice, 
 butter, and cheese were sold, led us to the entrance of an 
 important mosque, the exterior of which is rich in relics 
 of Christian art of the twelfth century. After pausing 
 before it for a few minutes, we made our way down a 
 street almost blocked up by camels, and thence passed 
 into the principal bazar, the finest arcade in Palestine. 
 It is rather wider and much more lofty than the Lowther 
 Arcade, and about five or six times as long. Here European 
 goods are displayed, such as Manchester prints, Sheffield 
 cutlery, beads, and French bijouterie, very small mirrors, 
 Bohemian glass-bottles for narghiles, Swiss headkerchiefs, 
 in imitation of the Constantinople mundils, crockery-ware, 
 and china cofiee-cups. But the brightest shops are those 
 in which Damascus and Aleppo silks, and embroidered 
 jackets and tarbushes from Stamboul, appear, with stores 
 of Turkish pipes, amber rosaries, and bracelets from 
 Hebron. On the low shop-counters the turbaned salesmen 
 squat in the midst of the gay wares, and they smoke and 
 gossip, stroke their beards, and finger their rosaries from 
 early in the morning till sunset. 
 An opening in the middle of this arcade led us into 
 an extensive khan, well planned, but so out of repair as 
 to be almost useless. It is an uncovered square space, 
 inclosed by a two-storied range of buildings. The ground- 
 floor is well adapted for lodging camels and other beasts 
 of burden, but the upper chambers are so dilapidated that 
 they afford but little shelter. We mounted a broken stone 
 stairway, and with difficulty reached the terraced roof, 
 which commands a good view of the town. 
 When we reentered the arcade, we heard ourselves un- 
 expectedly addressed by name, and, turning round, we 
 saw Ody Azam, my host, in his little shop, selling pens, 
 pencils, and paper, and Birmingham wares. He said that 
 the Arabs wondered how it was that I could walk freely 
 and unvailed in public places, adding, "Our women do not 
 enter the bazars; it would be a shame for them." 
 The chief productions of Nablus are cotton, olive-oil, 
 and soap. The latter is made in large quantities, and sold 
 throughout Palestine ; it is grayish-white and makes a good 
 lather. The oil of Nablus is famous for its clearness and 
 purity. The neighborhood is rich in vineyards and fig- 
 gardens, and all "precious fruits brought forth by the sun." 
 The people are much attached to their town, and are very 
 proud of it. They seem to think there is no place in the 
 world to equal it. 
 When I returned to the hotel I found a turbaned stranger 
 waiting to see the Vice-Consul. He introduced himself to 
 me as Sheikh Mussa. He wore a loose olive-colored cloth 
 robe, bordered with sable fur, and a purple and drab striped 
 satin under-dress, and purple cloth pelisse. He said he 
 had heard that I could make faces on paper, and that, 
 if I liked, I might take his portrait, on the condition that 
 I would tell the Consul at Jerusalem that he had not 
 interfered in the late intrigues. I answered, "I should 
 like to take your portrait; but how can I tell that which 
 I do not know, and how can I know that you have taken 
 no part in these troubles?" "Nevertheless," .he replied, 
 "take my portrait, and show it to the Consul, Mr. Finn, 
 and I shall find favor with him." He sat for an hour, 
 with his rosary and pipe in his hands, most patiently, 
 and then went away. 
 Shortly afterward Mahmoud Bek Abdul Hady, the 
 Grovernor, came in with my brother. The former, whom 
 I had seen several times, asked me many questions about 
 my visit to his relations at Arrabeh. I showed him the 
 sketches I had made there. He invited me to go to his 
 new house, saying that his wives had expressed a wish to 
 see me ; but he added, " If you take their portraits, you 
 must promise not to show them to any one in this country. 
 You may show them in England to your friends and to 
 the Queen, but it would be a shame for me that men in 
 this land should see the faces of my women." I gave my 
 promise, and he said, " It is well ; the English word is 
 spoken. Come at sunset and you shall find welcome." 
 He said, "Do you like Arrabeh or Senur better?" I said, 
 " I found greater pleasure at Arrabeh, and I hope very 
 much to see again the friends who received me there so 
 • kindly." He said, "God be praised that Arrabeh has 
 found favor with you!" 
 Then he went away, and at sunset my brother accom- 
 panied me to his house. Two kawasses and lantern-bearers 
 led the way. We were conducted into a vast open court, 
 paved with marble, and the governor came out to meet us, 
 and led me into the divan, or reception-hall, where a num- 
 ber of Moslem gentlemen were assembled. They rose from 
 the raised divans, which were ranged on three sides of the 
 room, and stood still till my brother and myself had taken 
 the places prepared for us on the chief divan. The gov- 
 ernor arranged an embroidered cushion for me, and sat by 
 my side, and then said to the standing guests, "Itfuddal" — 
 a word of wide significance, corresponding with the Italian 
 '•'' favori%caJ^ and meaning, in this instance, " Be seated^ 
 The room was very lofty. The white walls were orna- 
 mented with blue arabesque borders, painted in fresco. The 
 arched windows and large doorway were of Saracenic form. 
 A part of the floor was raised a few inches, to form a dais, 
 and was spread with handsome carpets, and in the center 
 stood a tall brass candelabrum supporting an oil lamp. In 
 the lower part of the room a number of servants waited. 
 They were the attendants and lantern -bearers of the several 
 guests. Richly-dressed Abyssinian slaves handed round the 
 cofiee, flavored with ambergris, and others carried silver 
 trays of sweetmeats. A costly narghile, the mouthpiece of 
 which was set with diamonds and sapphires, was brought 
 for me. 
 I had expected to be conducted only to the harem, and 
 was rather taken by surprise on being ushered into the 
 midst of this company. I did not venture, in the presence 
 of men, to speak to Mahmoud Bek about his wives, for it 
 is not considered delicate to do so, and my brother could 
 on no account allude to the object of my visit. I waited 
 impatiently for a long time, hoping that a messenger would 
 come for me. 
 In the mean time an interesting discussion on civilization 
 and life in towns and villages and tents was carried on. 
 Our host showed us a plan for the completion of his house, 
 and asked my advice about the interior decorations and 
 details. He had evidently a strong natural taste and talent 
 for architectural construction, and was a good judge of 
 building materials. He told me that he could judge 
 whether stone was of a durable nature or not, by its taste. 
 I have often seen an Arab touch newly-quarried stone with 
 the tip of his tongue, and I suppose that he could by this 
 means ascertain its quality. There are some fine quarries 
 in Palestine, but the stone generally preferred by builders 
 is that which is brought from the ruins of some ancient 
 building, and which has already stood the test of centuries. 
 More than an hour passed, and still I had no summons 
 to the harem. I said to Mahmoud softly, " I came to-night 
 in consequence of your especial invitation ;" he answered, 
 "I am greatly honored by your presence, my lady! you 
 have given me great pleasure, and I have profited by your 
 words and your counsel — this room, which no woman has 
 ever before entered, is yours." 
 A special messenger from the Pasha came to seek my 
 brother, and we took leave of Mahmoud Bek. He attended 
 us to the outer door with much deference and a great many 
 compliments, but he did not make the slightest effort to 
 detain me to visit his harem. I suppose he was afraid that 
 I should "reveal the secrets of his prison-house," or on 
 consideration he may have thought it actually dangerous 
 for any of his ladies to have their portraits taken. It was 
 rumored that he had recently married a very beautiful girl, 
 and that in his establishment there were some fair young 
 slaves from Constantinople. The fact was, I believe, I had 
 answered his many questions about my sojourn at Arrabeh 
 rather too unreservedly, and had unwisely showed him the 
 portrait of his cousin Saleh's pretty wife Helweh. I was 
 always on my guard afterward under similar circumstances. 
 This governor, Mahmoud Bek, was an elderly man with a 
 long gray beard. He was full of energy and enterprise, 
 and appeared clever, penetrating, and shrewd, but obstinate 
 and tyrannical, and was the head of a very troublesome 
 The next morning Sheikh Mussa came that I might finish 
 his portrait. He said, "They are idiots and 'majnfini' 
 who believe that a man is in danger of losing his soul if a 
 resemblance of him be made on paper with lines of a pencil 
 point — but it is not well to make him of wood or to carve 
 him in stone." He added, " In this land there is much 
 ignorance and folly, but we must hold our peace, for if we 
 speak the thoughts of our hearts to fools they will say, ' It 
 is your folly and not ours — we are wise — ye arc fools who 
 doubt our wisdom.' Thus the wise hold their peace and 
 the foolish ones of the earth are made proud and strong in 
 their folly. Thus it is decreed." 
 The afternoon was especially bright and balmy, and my 
 brother spared time to ride out with me in company with 
 M. Zeller and a few Protestant Arabs. We passed out of 
 the town at the east gate and went down the Nabliis valley 
 in a south-easterly direction, with Mount Ebal on our left 
 and Mount Gerizim, nearer to us, on our right; the former 
 looked rather rugged and bare, but the latter was here 
 and there clothed with trees and herbage. Pointing to 
 a tree growing far above us, Ody Azam said, " That old 
 olive-tree is the largest in the whole country; its trunk is 
 so thick, that if four tall men joined hands, they could not 
 entirely embrace it." 
 We crossed and recrossed winding streams and artificial 
 water-courses, in the gardens and cultivated fields of the 
 winding valley. After half an hour's ride we paused and 
 alighted by an isolated and fallen granite column, half 
 buried in the earth, at the foot of Mount Gerizim. Near 
 to it was a pit, almost filled up with rubbish and earth, and 
 encircled with large hewn stones — "Now, Jacob's well was 
 there." My brother drew my attention to it, saying, "It 
 was to show you this choked-up fountain that I brought 
 you here to-day j for Jews, Samaritans, Christians, and 
 Moslems all agree in associating the name of tlie Patriarch 
 Jacob with this spot. To Christians it is especially inter- 
 esting as the scene of Christ's interview with the woman 
 of Samaria^ when 'He being wearied with his journey /rom 
 Judea sat thus by the well at midday while his disciples 
 went up the valley into the city to buy meat.' And we are 
 now sitting under the shadow of Gerizim, of which the 
 woman spoke when she said, ' Sir, our fathers worshiped 
 in this mountain ; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the 
 place where men ought to worship.' And from this well- 
 side Christ's memorable answer was given — ' God is a spirit, 
 and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and 
 in truth.' " 
 The outlines of the surrounding hills were sharply de- 
 fined against a sky intensely blue; the large village called 
 Tulluzah, supposed to be the ancient and " comely Tirzah," 
 half-way up Mount Ebal, was pointed out to me. Its 
 houses were scarcely distinguishable from the masses of 
 rock and the great stone bowlders on the rugged slopes. 
 Terraced vineyards and fine olive-groves nearly encircle 
 the village and mark its limits. 
 Flourishing fruit gardens and groves skirt the base of 
 the mountains, and groups of evergreen oaks stand here 
 and there. The plain and the valley were vividly green 
 with wheat and barley, beans and lentils. Bright wild 
 flowers garnished the low stone walls or landmarks be- 
 tween them. It was the 5th of March, and we could con- 
 sequently say, " There are yet two months. and then cometh 
 the harvest." It must have been earlier in the Spring 
 when Christ beheld this landscape and said to his disciples, 
 *' Lift up your eyes and look upon the fields." He spoke 
 figuratively — but these very fields suggested the figure. 
 Though quite half an hour's walk from the town, this 
 well must have been a favorite place of resort of the 
 children of Israel, from the time when he gave it to them, 
 and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle. 
 When the woman of Samaria said to Christ, " Sir, the well 
 is deep," she spoke truly. It is a circular shaft cut out 
 of the solid rock, and when it was measured a few years 
 ago it was found to be seventy-five feet deep, and yet the 
 true bottom of the well was not then reached on account 
 of the accumulation of mud. Yakub esh Shellabi, when 
 a boy, was let down into this well, and I have often heard 
 him describe his descent. An account of it was published 
 in a little book called, " Notices of the Modern Samaritans, 
 illustrated by incidents in the life of Yakiib esh Shellabi, 
 gathered from him and translated by Mr. E. T. Kogers " — 
 my brother. I will give the extract which records the cir- 
 cumstance, for I do not suppose that any one living has 
 ever been down that well except Yakiib. He was exactly 
 twelve years old at the time. 
 "In the year 1841, a Scotch gentleman, named Dr. Wil- 
 son, arrived in Nablus, and made great inquiries for Jacob's 
 Well, and having found out the exact spot, he hired ten 
 strong men and myself to accompany him thither; and in 
 passing through the bazar he purchased four camel ropes. 
 I could not understand all this preparation, but on arriv- 
 ing at the mouth of the well I soon discovered the reason. 
 It appeared that one of the Scotch missionaries* had some 
 years ago dropped his Bible into the well, which Dr. Wil- 
 son was now so anxious to extricate. The men were soon 
 set to work to remove the huge stones from the mouth of 
 the well, and I was chosen, as being of light weight, to be 
 lowered down for the search. 
 "I was much afraid at first; however, I consented, upon 
 some consolatory words, and pecuniary persuasion, and a 
 promise to take me to England made by Dr. Wilson. The 
 rope was therefore tied round my waist, and I swung 
 round — having no means of steadying myself — till I was 
 quite giddy and faint from the impurity of the air. The 
 four camel ropes were joined together, and still I had not 
 reached the bottom; two shawls, which composed the turbans 
 of two Samaritans who were with us, were then tied to the 
 * The Rev. Andrew Bonar, of Callace. 
 end of the rope, and by that means I alighted safely, but 
 much frightened and overcome. The bottom of the well 
 was muddy, but no water was there at this time, as the 
 spring was dry. Dr. Wilson had given me two beautiful 
 white candles and a small box of sticks. The sticks were 
 for the purpose of making a light. This was the first in- 
 troduction of lucifer matches into Nablfis. I had seen Dr. 
 Wilson make use of one, up above in the open air, and was 
 much surprised; but now, down in this dark place, upon 
 striking the end of one against the rough side of the box, 
 I was amazed at the report and ignition, and made up my 
 mind not to waste any, but to keep the box carefully in 
 my pocket, and I thought that this box alone would fully 
 compensate for my trouble in coming down. I had been 
 told to remove all the stones from the east, and to place 
 them westward, and then to return them to their original 
 position, and to place in the east those from the west; and 
 in executing the latter command, I found a dirty little 
 book, about six inches long by four inches broad, and 
 three-quarters of an inch thick. Dr. Wilson shouted down 
 from the mouth of the well several times, ' Have you found 
 it?' The same answer, 'No,' was continued for some time; 
 but now I did not exactly know how to answer. ' This 
 could not be the book,' I thought, 'for the recovery of 
 which he had expended so much labor and money; and 
 yet it might be, if it were a book of necromancy for guid- 
 ing him to hidden treasures.' When Dr. Wilson heard 
 that I had found something, he caused me to be hauled 
 up, and welcomed me and my treasure, which I felt almost 
 ashamed to give him ; yet he was much delighted, patting 
 me on liiy back, and paying all the men as well as myself 
 very handsomely. 
 "He wrapped the Bible in a handkerchief, and deposited 
 it in his breast-pocket most carefully. It was currently 
 believed that this was a book of necromancy, just as it 
 had struck me in the well." 
 After lingering for some time by the well-side, we rode 
 across the fields to the center of the mouth of the valley, 
 where, nearly due north of the well, there is a square 
 space, surrounded by high, plastered, whitewashed stone 
 walls. We dismounted, and, passing one by one through 
 a narrow opening, we stood within the inclosure. In the 
 center is a clumsy-looking tomb, about three feet high and 
 six feet long. The top terminates in a bluntly- pointed ridge. 
 At the head and at the foot a rude stone pillar, the same 
 hight as the tomb, is set up on the floor. There are many 
 niches in the walls for small lamps, and they are lighted 
 during certain festivals, and by devotees on particular occa- 
 sions. The walls are almost covered with inscriptions in 
 Hebrew, Samaritan, and Arabic; some, which were deeply 
 engraved, seem to have been written more than two hundred 
 years ago. Modern European travelers, too, have left their 
 names there. This is supposed to be the tomb of Joseph. 
 It is recorded that when he was on his death-bed he 
 exacted a promise from his sons that they would carry 
 him into the land given to Abraham and his seed forever. 
 So, when he died, "they embalmed him, and put him in 
 a coffin in Egypt." And again it is written, "The bones 
 of Joseph, which the children of Israel brought up out 
 of Egypt, buried they in Shechem, in a parcel of ground 
 which Jacob bought of the sons of Hamor, the father of 
 Shechem, for an hundred pieces of silver: and it became 
 the inheritance of the children of Joseph." A vine was 
 trailing over the northern wall, and I gathered a few of its 
 tender leaves and tendrils ; and the wild campion, white 
 and red, flourished round the tomb. 
 We then rode toward Nablus up the middle of the 
 valley. Clouds were gathering in the west over the sea, 
 all tinged with ruddy golden light from the seiting sun. 
 A small tower on Mount Gerizim marks the spot where 
 the Feast of the Passover is kept and the Paschal Lamb 
 slain. As we approached the town we saw a large con- 
 course of Moslem boys playing at hockey, or some similar 
 game, on a broad, smooth plot of ground just outside the 
 eastern gate; and while we paused to watch the skillful 
 players we heard shouts, and screams, and war-cries from 
 within the walls. We hastened in, and found that a 
 sudden excitement had seized the Moslems in one quarter 
 of the town. "We inquired the cause, and were told by 
 a Moslem that news had arrived that the surrounding 
 villages were up in arms and preparing to attack Nablils. 
 This we found afterward was an impromptu fabrication to 
 deceive us; the real cause of the uproar was a report that 
 a Christian had killed, injured, or insulted a Moslem. 
 Fortunately the false impression was removed before 
 any mischief was done; but the loud, angry voices of the 
 groups of men, and even women, in the street, convinced 
 me for the first time of the hazardous position of Chris- 
 tians when the fanaticism of the lower class of Moslems is 
 fully roused. We rode unmolested through the gathering 
 crowds, not suspecting that a general massacre of the 
 Christians was actually then being proposed. We did not 
 understand the facts of the case till we reached the hotel, 
 when the tumult had quite subsided, in consequence of the 
 discovery that it was a Christian and not a Moslem who 
 had been slightly injured. I could see that a trifling 
 provocation, real or imaginary, might at any moment lead 
 to bloodshed; yet I did not entertain any fears for myself 
 or for my brother. I felt perfectly safe there without well 
 knowing why. A party of Moslem gentlemen spent the 
 evening with us, and seemingly, though not avowedly, they 
 did all in their power to remove any unfavorable impression 
 which I might have received from witnessing the momentary 
 excitement at sunset. 
 On the following day, the 6th of March, we called 
 on Michael Kawarre, the native Protestant catechist and 
 teacher. His brother was the Prussian Consular Agent, 
 and their father, Samaan Kawarre, and his friends, received 
 us very cordially, in a small but pretty vaulted chamber, 
 with low, carpeted, and cushioned divans on three sides. 
 A large shallow dish, containing at least two hundred 
 bundles of freshly-gathered blue violets, stood on a low 
 stool in the center of the matted floor, and filled the air 
 with their pleasant odor. I expressed my admiration of 
 these flowers to Samaan, and he said, " Lady, I will bring 
 you a sweeter and more precious flower." He went away, 
 and presently returned with his little granddaughter, Zahra, 
 which signifies flower, held lovingly in his arms. She 
 was a pretty child of about four years of age, but as 
 serious and composed as a woman. She wore smooth, 
 ruby-colored glass bracelets on her wrists, which had 
 been put on many months before, and were now too small 
 to pass over her chubby little hands. 
 These glass bracelets are often obliged to be carefully 
 broken before they can be removed from the arms of young 
 children, for they are simple rings of various colors, and 
 made without any fastening. 
 I asked Zahra where the violets grew. She said, "They 
 came up out of the ground under the lemon-trees, for the 
 ladies. They come only now, they are not there always." 
 I said, "What do the ladies do with the violets?" "The 
 ladies put them in their head-dresses, and are glad, because 
 they have a sweet smell." But one of the guests said, 
 "The little one has not yet learned that these flowers are 
 dried in the sun, and then used for making tea for those 
 who are sick of fever." 
 As we left the house, one said to us, "Come into the 
 garden where the violets grow." We followed him, and 
 went into a spacious inclosure, where lemon, citron, orange, 
 and quince trees made a pleasant shade, and apple and 
 almond trees were full of blossoms. The ground was com- 
 pletely carpeted with the clustering heart-shaped leaves of 
 the violet, and sprinkled with its blue blossoms. I have 
 seen them in our own wild-wood walks, crowding lovingly 
 together in groups, or springing up round the trunks of 
 ancient trees, but I never saw such a profusion of these 
 sweet flowers as I did then in that Nablus garden. We 
 could not move a step without crushing the tender leaves 
 beneath our feet. We were led into tlie center of the 
 garden, where a very large square pool or reservoir had 
 been made, with a stone parapet round it. On the south 
 side there was a pleasant vaulted stone chamber, with a 
 wide-spreading archway opening close on to the edge of 
 the pool. Here carpets and cushions were spread, and cof- 
 fee and pipes, sherbets, and fruit and flowers were brought 
 for us. 
 This is the beau-ideal of Oriental afternoon enjoyment — 
 a lulling narghile in an arched recess, near to a pool or 
 stream of sparkling water — in the midst of a fruit garden, 
 carpeted with violets, in the Spring — and with white ever- 
 lasting flowers in the Summer and Autumn. These delights 
 are the chief subjects of many of the modern Arab songs 
 and poems. 
 Before sunset we traversed the town from one end to the 
 other, and went to the house of Daud Tannus, the chief 
 member of the Protestant community in Nablus, where we 
 had been invited to dine. We were led up a crooked, open 
 stone stairway, to an irregular uneven court, into which 
 several rooms and a kitchen opened. In the latter the 
 mistress of the house and women-servants were busy in the 
 midst of savory odors. They stood in the wide doorway, 
 half hiding their faces, and looking shyly at us as we 
 passed to the guest-chamber. Monthly roses and carnations 
 in full blossom, planted in large, broken, red-clay water- 
 jars, turned upside down, stood on each side of the entrance 
 steps. The room was large, though not lofty — raised divans 
 covered with Manchester prints were on three sides of it, 
 and a musketo-curtained bed on the other. Fifteen of our 
 Nablus friends were assembled there to meet us, and among 
 them M. Zeller, but no women appeared. 
 While we were seated on the divan, one of the guests 
 said to me in broken English, "Your friendship with your 
 brother, the Consul, has already become a proverb in this 
 city." "How so?" I inquired. He explained: "To-day 
 I heard people angrily talking and crying near my house, 
 and they made a great noise, and I rose and went to the 
 door of my house, and a man named Yusef came that way, 
 and I said, 'What was the reason of that noise?' and he 
 replied, 'Only two women disputing and fighting; but they 
 have now made peace, and they have sworn to each other 
 a friendship like unto the friendship of the English Consul 
 and his sister!'" I said, "Is it then in this land reck- 
 oned a strange thing that a brother and sister should be 
 great friends?" 
 Another guest, a thoughtful and intelligent man, to whom 
 my question was repeated in Arabic, replied, "People in 
 this country are naturally surprised that you can journey 
 with the Consul, share his pursuits and the dangers to 
 which he may be exposed, and be really and truly his 
 companion. It is a thing not understood here, where the 
 education of men and women difi'ers so greatly, and where 
 brothers and sisters see but little of each other after their 
 childhood, except when the father of a family dies — for 
 then the eldest son becomes the guardian of his widowed 
 mother and of his brothers and sisters. But the latter are 
 married early, and then he has no more charge concerning 
 them. Our women marvel greatly among themselves that 
 you have left your country and your home to travel with 
 the Consul, while your parents are yet living, and they 
 conclude that you must have a strong friendship for each 
 And a third spoke and said, "Thou hast spoken truly, 
 yet let it be known also to our English sister, that our 
 women and girls rejoice greatly when they have many 
 brothers, and it is their pride and delight to hear their 
 friends say, 'Happy art thou, sister of seven men; may 
 they soon be married, and may you live to see their chil- 
 dren's children !' And it is said that a woman sometimes 
 regards the life of her brother as more precious than her 
 own, or than that of her husband, or her son. 
 " When Ibrahim Pasha, the son of Mehemet Ali, ruled in 
 Palestine, he sent men into all the towns and villages to 
 gather together a large army. Then a certain woman of 
 Sefurieh sought Ibrahim Pasha at 'Akka, and came into 
 his presence, bowing herself before him, and said, '0 my 
 lord, look with pity on thy servant, and hear my prayer. 
 A little while ago there were three men in my house — my 
 husband, my brother, and my eldest son. But now, behold, 
 they all have been carried away to serve in your army, and 
 I am left with my little ones without a protector; I pray 
 you grant liberty to one of these men, that he may remain 
 at home.' 
 "And Ibrahim had pity on her, and said, 'O woman! 
 do you ask for your husband, for your son, or for your 
 "She said, '0 my lord, give me my brother!' and he an- 
 swered, 'How is this, woman — do you prefer a brother 
 to a husband or a son?' 
 "The woman, who was renowned for her wit and readi- 
 ness of speech, replied in an impromptu rhyme: 
 " ' If it be God's will that my husband perish in your service, 
 I am still a woman, and God may lead me to another husband. 
 If on the battle-field my first-born son should fall, 
 I have still my younger ones who will in God's time be like unto him. 
 But, my lord, if my only brother should be slain, 
 I am without remedy — for my father is dead and my mother la old, 
 And where should I look for another brother ?' 
 "And Ibrahim was much pleased with the words of the 
 woman, and said, *0 woman! happy above many is thy 
 brother; he shall be free for thy word's sake, and thy 
 husband and son shall be free also.' Then the woman 
 could not speak for joy and gladness. And Ibrahim said, 
 *Go in peace — but let it not be known that I have spoken 
 with you this day.' 
 "Then she arose and went her way to her village, trust- 
 ing in the promise of the Pasha. After three days, her 
 husband, and son, and brother returned to her, saying, 'We 
 are free from service, by order of the Pasha, but this mat- 
 ter is a mystery to us.' And all the neighbors marveled 
 greatly. But the woman held her peace, and this story 
 did not become known till Ibrahim's departure from 'Akka, 
 after the overthrow of the Egyptian Government in Syria, 
 in 1840." 
 Several similar anecdotes were related while preparations 
 for dinner were being made. A large circular tray was 
 brought in, and placed on a stand, raised about six inches 
 from the matted floor, in the middle of the rooin. Our 
 kawass, and the servants and attendants of the guests, 
 acted as waiters. They bustled backward and forward 
 across the court, from the door of the kitchen to the table, 
 which was soon covered with steaming, yellow mounds of 
 rice, crowned with limbs of fowls and morsels of lamb. 
 A large wooden bowl — containing a medley of rice, minced 
 mutton, raisins, pine-seeds, and butter — stood in the center, 
 and was surrounded by plates of vegetables. 
 After water had been poured on our hands, we gathered 
 round the board, and took our places, in Oriental fashion, 
 on the floor. A damask napkin, about half a yard wide 
 and ten yards long, was passed round in front of the 
 assembled guests, and rested on their knees. Its gold- 
 embroidered and fringed ends met where I was seated, 
 between our host, Dai1d Tannus, and my brother. Flat 
 cakes, or loaves of bread, were distributed, and we ate in 
 primitive style, for neither knives, nor forks, nor spoons 
 appeared. Deep impressions were soon made in the mounds 
 of rice, and by degrees the dishes were carried away, and 
 replaced by others, containing sweet starch and creams, 
 stewed apricots, and preserves. 
 We left the table, one after another, and performed the 
 customary ablutions in due order. When we had reseated 
 ourselves on the divan, coffee and pipes were served, and 
 lamps were lighted. The table was carried out into the 
 open court, and two or three bowls of rice being added to 
 the dishes we had left, the numerous attendants and serv- 
 ants of the house took their evening meal there together 
 by lantern-light, forming a study for a Rembrandt. 
 I went into an adjoining room for a few minutes, to see 
 the ladies of the house, and the neighbors who were with 
 them. They received me very kindly, but with a little 
 shyness. One said to me, " I hope you have made a good 
 dinner — we have nothing here fit to offer you — we are only 
 simple people, and can not serve you as we should like to 
 do." I said, " I very much enjoyed that which your 
 hands — peace be upon them — prepared so nicely; but I 
 should have enjoyed it still more if you, my sisters, had 
 eaten with us." They seemed quite amused at the idea, 
 and some of them blushed and laughed heartily. One of 
 the elder women" said seriously, " It is not our custom, O 
 my daughter, to eat with men — it would be a shame for 
 us." And a young girl exclaimed, " lady, the bread and 
 meat would choke us, if we took it in the midst of a com- 
 pany of men." I took leave of the women, and returned 
 to the divan, and at about eight o'clock the guests sepa- 
 rated, for genuine Oriental dinner-parties are never late 
 Daud Tannus gathered his finest roses and carnations 
 for us, and we walked home through the narrow streets, 
 attended by lantern- bearers and several friends. 
 In the mean time, preparations had been made for my 
 journey to Jerusalem. The Consul, Mr. Finn, had sent 
 his Hebrew dragoman and his head kawass to fetch me, 
 that my brother might be free to follow Kamil Pasha, 
 without anxiety, wherever he might go. It was expected 
 that the Pasha would visit all the rebellious villages, and 
 perhaps besiege some of them, in which case he might be 
 absent from Nablus for many days. Under these circum- 
 stances, I had no alternative, and immediately made ready 
 for starting early on the morrow. 
 Till a late hour, friends and neighbors, of all sects and 
 classes, came in to take leave of me, and to wish me a 
 prosperous and safe journey. The Moslems especially mar- 
 veled that I could venture to travel so far without my 
 brother. They said, " May God make a straight path for 
 you on his earth I" 
 I WOKE early on the following morning, Friday, March 
 7th, with an unusual sense of oppression and sudden fear, 
 as if I had some very sad or difl&cult task to perform that 
 day. The packed portmanteaus and the riding-habit, in 
 readiness by my side, instantly brought to my recollection 
 the plans for my journey to Jerusalem — a journey of about 
 thirteen hours, and generally made in two stages, but 
 which I had determined to accomplish in one, as there is 
 not" a good halting-place on the road, nor any village in 
 which I should have been willing to seek a night's lodging 
 unless in company with my brother, or in case of absolute 
 By the time I was thoroughly aroused my fears had 
 vanished. Mohammed, our faithful Egyptian groom, came 
 tapping at my door to ask for my luggage, and he said, 
 " Be of good cheer, lady, may the day be white to you !" 
 and the kawass of Ody Azam, who stood by the door, said, 
 " If this day be dark to our lady, it will be darkened in- 
 deed unto many." 
 I breakfasted early, but it was half-past eight o'clock 
 before the horses and riders were all ready. Then after 
 taking leave of my good-natured hostess, I mounted and 
 rode through the streets of Nablus with a few friends, who 
 had arranged to accompany me a short distance on the 
 way. Priest Amran, the Samaritan, who walked by my 
 side, with his hand on the neck of my good horse, ex- 
 claimed, "Passover is nigh at hand, and you will not be 
 with us on the mountain — this will be a grief to us, for 
 our hearts had been made glad with the thought that you 
 would be with us, and now, behold, our hope is departed 
 from us." 
 I told him how sincerely I regretted leaving Nablus so 
 soon. Then he pronounced a prayer and a blessing for 
 me, and went his way. 
 A Christian of the Greek Catholic Church who was with 
 us, and who had heard the words of Amran and my answer, 
 said, " Rejoice, rather, lady, that you are privileged to 
 keep the festival of Easter in the Holy City, Jerusalem, 
 that you may worship in the Church of the Sepulcher of 
 our Lord. It is better for you to do so than to pass the 
 Holy Week on ' this mountain ' with Samaritans, who be- 
 smear their foreheads with blood, and believe not in the 
 name of Christ and our Blessed Lady." I was strikingly 
 reminded of Christ's words to the woman of Samaria: " The 
 hour Cometh when, ye shall, neither in this mountain nor 
 yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father." " God is a Spirit, 
 and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit 
 and in truth." 
 There had been rain during the night, and the stone 
 houses of Nablus, the white rocky terraces which bordered 
 the fruit-gardens on the hill- sides, and the slabs of smooth 
 stone in the plains, glistened like mirrors in the gleams of 
 sunshine. The grass, the wild flowers, the fruit-trees, and 
 the broad fields of wheat and barley were still wet with the 
 recent shower, and looked vividly green where the quickly- 
 traveling clouds overshadowed them. 
 We took the upper path over the spurs of Gerizim; it 
 was rocky and stony, but bright with mezereons, vetches, 
 and forget-me-nots. We met a number of soldiers and 
 several large parties of horsemen. The traffic on the roads 
 leading to Nablus was greatly increased at that time, owing 
 to the presence of Kamil Pasha and his troops. The lower 
 road, which is nearly in the middle of the plain, and passes 
 near to Jacob's Well, was traversed by companies of peas- 
 ants and strings of camels, donkeys laden with firewood, 
 and women carrying bowls of milk or cream. I was as- 
 sured that the scene was unusually animated for the time 
 of the year, but the plain is more busy and cheerful-look- 
 ing in harvest time. 
 We passed two small villages, the lawless-looking inhab- 
 itants of which came out to watch us as we went by, while 
 their children shouted in chorus, and their dogs barked 
 savagely. In about one hour and a half we came to 
 Hawara, which is the third village on the way from Nab- 
 lus. It is a large, strongly-built place, though unwalled. 
 Its houses are like little castles. The olive-trees and gar- 
 dens around it were in flourishing order. 
 Near to this spot the upper and lower roads are united, 
 and just where the two ways meet we paused, and my 
 brother and my Nablus friends took leave of me, and rode 
 quickly away down the lower road in the plain, while I 
 went on with my little escort, which consisted of three 
 Mr. Finn's head kawass, a clever and energetic Moslem, 
 led the way. He wore a scarlet cloth jacket braided with 
 gold, full white cotton trowsers, and a red cloth tarbush. 
 He carried a sword and pistols, and was mounted on a fine 
 black horse, of which he was very proud. 
 Mohammed, our faithful Egyptian groom, who had 
 charge of the luggage, was dressed in a long hooded drab 
 cloth pelisse, made at Aleppo, and ornamented tastefully 
 with broad black braid. He was riding on his indefati- 
 gable little donkey. 
 Simeon Rosenthal, the Hebrew dragoman of the British 
 Consulate at Jerusalem, was the third. He was born of 
 Jewish parents at Bucharest, but had embraced Christi- 
 anity, and had lived in Jerusalem nearly thirty years. He 
 spoke English pretty fluently, but with Oriental idioms ; in 
 fact, nearly every sentence which he uttered was like a 
 quotation from the Bible. He was a stout, elderly man, 
 with a ruddy face, bushy gray hair, and twinkling gray 
 eyes. He was dressed in European clothes, but wore over 
 them a large white abai or cloak made of goat's hair, and 
 a broad-brimmed hat covered with white calico, and with 
 white muslin wound round it and hanging down behind 
 like a vail. He carried a brace of pistols, and to his care 
 I was especially committed, though Mohammed, the groom, 
 seemed to think that he was my more natural guardian, 
 and he kept as near to me as his laden donkey and the 
 uneven roads would let him. Sometimes he was almost 
 wedged in between me and a projecting rock, or he came 
 suddenly forward just under my horse's feet, or would 
 follow me so closely that he was in danger of a kick. He 
 was very good and attentive, and if he saw me look at 
 a flower he would immediately jump down to gather it, 
 though I never could teach him to bring me a stalk more 
 than an inch long, and he rarely brought me the right 
 I looked back now and then to see the last of my brother 
 and his little party, as they rode toward the green valley 
 of Nablus. Simeon, who was by my side, said, "I pray 
 you, Miss Rogers, do not look back any more. When you 
 look back so, as if you had no heart to go on, it makes me 
 think that you have no trust in me. I pray you look for- 
 ward only." To reassure him, I cast no more longing looks 
 behind, and, though I felt rather sad, I would not let it be 
 For about two hours we passed through a highly-culti- 
 vated district of hills and plains, dotted with villages, olive- 
 groves, and orchards, and green fields where laborers were 
 busy. Women, with their heads covered and their faces 
 almost concealed with white linen or cotton vails, were 
 gathering tares, bright wild flowers, and weeds among the 
 corn. Some of them had infants slung on their shoulders, 
 and in unsown tracts of land, girls were toiling at picking 
 out the stones. Men were sitting in groups smoking and 
 gossiping, while others were digging up the ground in gar- 
 dens and orchards, and placing large stones round the 
 trunks of old olive-trees. They looked up from their work 
 to gaze at us with curiosity. Simeon overheard the crit- 
 icisms of some passers-by. They were wondering who I 
 might be, when one of them settled the question, very de- 
 cidedly, by saying, "She is a foreigner belonging to the 
 harem of Kamil Pasha, and she is going to Jerusalem 
 for safety, for there may be war in the neighborhood of 
 Nablus soon." 
 At a little after midday we rested for half an hour near 
 to a well-side at the foot of a very steep hill. Cold fowls 
 and bread and wine were spread for me, on a smooth block 
 of stone. At one o'clock we started again, and attempted 
 to ascend the hill, by one of the worst and most stony 
 roads in the country. Simeon's clumsy saddle slipped down 
 over the back of his horse ; but he was fortunately able to 
 save himself by clinging to the neck and mane of the ani- 
 mal, and then jumping to the ground. He directed the 
 kawass to guide us by another road, even though it might 
 be a longer one, saying to me, "I am afraid for you, for if 
 any harm befall you, I shall not dare to see your brother's 
 face again." I consented, though rather reluctantly, to 
 take the longer and easier road. 
 The scenery had quite changed. We had left behind us 
 the pleasant plains of Ephraim, and the cultivated gardens 
 and terraced hill-sides ; and, with the exception of one un- 
 usually-fine oak, which stands conspicuously near to the 
 ruins of an ancient castle, on a high ridge, we did not see a 
 tree for several miles. But the beautiful poterium spinosum^ 
 in full leaf and blossom, grew profusely wherever there was 
 any earth on the stony hills. We passed down a wild and 
 narrow glen. The cliflFs on each side were steep and abrupt, 
 pierced with caverns, and channeled with water-courses, 
 and in the bottom of the valley there were large rocks of 
 fantastic form, percolated by rain, and tinted red, gray, or- 
 ange-color, and lavender, relieved by black and white. On 
 the rock-ledges above us there were scanty crops of barley, 
 wheat, and lentiles, and olive and fig trees appeared again 
 in small groups. Flocks of goats and larger cattle were 
 being led out to seek for pasture by rather desperate-look- 
 ing herdsmen, well armed. I was informed that we werft 
 traversing a district celebrated, from time immemorial, for 
 the lawless and daring character of its inhabitants. The 
 pleasant sound of falling water attracted my attention. It 
 was trickling down the side of the cliff, amid ferns, mosses, 
 liverwort, and tiny wild-flowers with blue and yellow blos- 
 soms. It splashed into reservoirs, hollowed out one below 
 the other in the native rock, at the foot of the cliff. This 
 pretty water-fall is appropriately called " Ain-el-Haraami- 
 yeh," or the "Fountain of the Robbers," for it is often the 
 scene of violence, and travelers are frequently waylaid by 
 bandits in this wild glen. 
 At three o'clock we were about half-way on our road to 
 Jerusalem, at the entrance of " Wady-el-Tin," that is, the 
 "Valley of Figs." It is well named, for it is a long wide 
 grove of trees. But it was then so early in the Spring that 
 the fig-trees were not sufficiently advanced to be beautiful, 
 and though some of them had "put forth their green figs," 
 and on others a few tender leaves appeared, they were for 
 the most part almost bare. They gave me the idea of a 
 petrified leafless forest, for the tortuous trunks and branches 
 were almost as white as the rocks and stones amid which 
 they grew. This valley in the Summer-time is a lovely 
 place, for then the large green leaves form a perfect shade, 
 the ripe and abundant fruit cools the lips of the thirsty 
 traveler, and the air is filled with a sweet odor exactly like 
 that of the heliotrope. The road led us over an extensive 
 plateau, where hollyhocks and anemones, and other bright 
 blossoms, grew among thorns, while here and there patches 
 of cultivated land appeared. On the hills around we could 
 see solitary villages perched on rocky terraces, in the midst 
 of orchards and vineyards. 
 The way was easy for the horses, and the sun had lost 
 its power, so I urged the kawass to ride forward more 
 quickly, and I followed him, cantering between the corn- 
 fields, and among the thorns and Spring flowers. But I 
 eoon found that Simeon could not keep up with us. I 
 waited for him, and when he, almost out of breath, joined 
 us, he said, "I am very sorry, but I have no power to 
 run." So we proceeded more slowly, and did not reach 
 "Beitin" till six o'clock. 
 The shades of evening were deepening rapidly, and we 
 did not pause to examine the extensive ruins on the ridge, 
 but alighted in the valley close to the remains of an ancient 
 cistern, formed of large, well-hewn stones. The bottom of 
 it was covered with a bed of fine fresh grass, in the midst 
 of which a stream of water flowed from fountains gushing 
 out of the rock just above it. Scriptural topographists, 
 ancient and modern, agree that this is the Bethel of the 
 Bible. Abraham of old very likely drank of that fountain, 
 and the handmaidens of Sarah may have lingered there day 
 after day when they went down to draw water. There we 
 rested for about half an hour, and took coffee. 
 The sun had gone down when we rose up to pursue our 
 journey. We were more than three hours' distance from 
 Jerusalem. The stars were shining brightly in a dark sky 
 overhead, but all round the horizon a halo of pale light 
 concealed them. The temperature changed very suddenly 
 at sunset, and we were glad to put on hoods and cloaks. 
 The kawass wrapped a brown camel's- hair abai around him, 
 and in this dusky costume it was quite impossible to dis- 
 tinguish him on his black horse, as he rode on before me, 
 through valleys or down steep slopes. Now and then, as 
 we ascended a hill, or traversed high table-land, I could 
 see the silhouette of his tarbushed head against the sky, 
 just above the horizon. I could not make out any of the 
 objects around me except the white rocks in the midst 
 of dark bushes and thorns, and now and then a smooth 
 sheet of water, which reflected the stars, and looked very 
 deep; but my leader splashed through it, and when I fol- 
 lowed, I found that the water only wetted my horse's fet- 
 locks, and was the result of the recent rain. Sometimes I 
 could see a solitary tree in dark relief against a white cliff, 
 or the outline of a village crowning a hill-top. I could 
 not judge of distances correctly, and I was several times 
 startled by dark objects, appearing to me to be gigantic 
 and far away, but which I found were in reality insignif- 
 icant in size, and so close to me as to be within reach of 
 my riding-whip. 
 We were going on in single file, and I was immediately 
 behind the kawass. I was so tired of trying in vain not 
 to lose sight of him, that I said to Simeon, "Oblige me by 
 riding forward, and I will follow you. Your white horse 
 and white cloak can be seen even in this darkness, and I 
 am tired of watching the kawass." He passed, and for a 
 few moments rode before me, but suddenly stopped, half- 
 way down a steep declivity, saying, "I am afraid for you. 
 I can not let you ride, and I not see you. Not Jacob gave 
 more anxious charge to his sons when they carried away 
 Benjamin, than I have received concerning you, and how 
 can I let you ride in these dangerous paths out of my 
 eight? Let me follow you, I pray, and you keep close as 
 you can to the kawass, and do not let your horse run — 
 there are loose stones here, and smooth slabs of rock — let 
 him go very gently." I yielded to his entreaty, and once 
 more rode after the invisible leader. I trusted to my horse 
 that he would keep in the right path, and I went on silently 
 as if in a dream. 
 Suddenly my musings were interrupted. My horse started 
 back on his hind-legs, for the kawass had turned abruptly 
 round and had come to a standstill, and exclaimed, "Ma fi 
 darb"— "There is no road!" 
 He explained that he had been out of the right track for 
 about half an hour, and he had only just then discovered 
 that we were approaching the brow of a steep cliff. His 
 horse had nearly carried him over the edge. Mohammed 
 began abusing him in very strong terras and sarcastic un- 
 dertones, while Simeon seemed to be much alarmed and in 
 great trouble. 
 We were on high table-land, and had reason to be thank- 
 ful that we had not been dashed down into the dark defile 
 below. I asked the kawass if he had any means of judg- 
 ing where we were. He said he knew we must be some- 
 where between Er-Ram — the ancient Ramah — and Tel-el- 
 Ful, which is by many Biblical topographists believed to be 
 the ancient Gibeah.^ He proposed to alight and to look 
 for some signs by which he might recover the lost track 
 and a practicable path leading to it. So he tethered his 
 horse to a tree, and Simeon and Mohammed did the same, 
 but I remained mounted. Mohammed handed a hookah to 
 me, and I sat still, smoking, while the three men went in 
 different directions to see if they could recognize any rock, 
 tree, or streamlet, fountain or ruin which might give them 
 a clew. I told them not to go out of sight of the light of 
 my hookah, or out of each other's hearing. 
 It was with strange emotion that I rested there, in the 
 darkness and alone. 
 I should have suffered, perhaps, more from fear, if the 
 strangeness and peculiarity of my position had not excited 
 my interest and wonder so completely as to rouse within 
 me the spirit of love of adventure. The silence of night 
 was broken at intervals by the crying and snarling voices 
 of jackals, and the barking and yelling of wild dogs and 
 Now and then I heard the men calling to each other, 
 and the tethered animals would sometimes neigh and shake 
 themselves, as if answering the voices of their respective 
 masters ; but my horse stood perfectly still, while I smoked, 
 and thought, and looked up into the night-sky, where the 
 stars appeared infinite in number, and now shone close down 
 to the darkened horizon. I was almost overwhelmed with 
 the multitude of new ideas and vivid scenes which passed 
 * When a "certain Levite" was traveling from Bethlehem home to Ephraim 
 with his recovered "concubine," toward the close of the day he said to his servant, 
 "Let us draw near to one of these places, to lodge all night in Gibeah or in Ramah j 
 and the sun went down upon them when they were by Gibeah, and they turned 
 aside thither to go in to lodge in Gibeah." Aqd the city was destroyed and the 
 people were scattered for the wrong they did to the travelers that night ; and be- 
 hold the flame of the city ascended up to heaven. Judges xix. 
 through my mind. " My spirit had climbed high," by 
 reason of the very danger near, and " from the top of sense 
 overlooked sense, to the significance and heart of things, 
 rather than things themselves."* 
 In rather less than half an hour, though it seemed more 
 to me, the joyful cry of "El-hamdoulillah!" "El-hamdou- 
 lillah!" — "Praised be God!" — was echoed from one side to 
 another, and soon Simeon, who had not been far off, was 
 by my side, and the other men rejoined me. They had 
 found the right road, and a way to reach it; so we started 
 again, following the kawass. 
 We had to go down a very difficult and dangerous 
 declivity. My horse, usually very sure-footed, stumbled 
 forward over a smooth slab of inclined rock and some 
 loose stones. I was very nearly thrown over his head — 
 the excellence of my hunting-saddle saved me; but I was 
 so shaken and startled that I trembled from head to foot, 
 and was obliged to pause for a few minutes. A hookah, 
 the Oriental panacea, was brought to me. It was so very 
 dark down in that valley that I could scarcely distinguish 
 one of the men from the other as they gathered round me. 
 I soon recovered my composure and courage to proceed. 
 We splashed through a stream, and scrambled up a steep 
 embankment, and crossed a stony wady before we regained 
 the proper route. 
 I had desired the kawass to fasten a white handkerchief 
 over his head as a beacon for me. We were going up 
 a hill, and I was watching this mark, when suddenly a 
 circle of light appeared near it, like a nimbus, and was 
 accompanied by a clicking noise. I found that our leader 
 was preparing a light for his narghil§ by a method which 
 I had never before seen adopted, although it is a very 
 common one. 
 The moistened Persian tumbao, which is used in narghiles 
 and hookahs, can only be smoked by means of a piece of 
 red-hot or live charcoal. The lover of tumbac, when on a 
 * Mrs. Browning. 
 journey, always provides himself with a flint and steel, 
 some tinder and prepared charcoal, and a little round wire- 
 work basket, about two inches in diameter, suspended by 
 three chains, more or less ornamented with beads and silk 
 tassels. When a pipe is required, a piece of tinder is 
 lighted, and placed with some charcoal in the basket, 
 which is whirled rapidly round and round. The charcoal 
 soon becomes so thoroughly red-hot that it is ready to be 
 placed on the moistened tumbac in the bowl of the pipe. 
 This explained the mystery of the nimbus round the head 
 of my guide. 
 As soon as we reached the hights of Tel-el-Ful — the 
 "Hill of Beans" — I could see, in the west, the well- 
 remembered and marked outline of Neby Samuel, and 
 in the far east the long, level line of the mountains of 
 Moab, and southward, straight before us, I recognized the 
 hills round about Jerusalem. Soon afterward, from the 
 summit of Scopus, we perceived the dark minarets and 
 domes of the Holy City and the Mount of Olives, where 
 a light was burning in the little tower which was then 
 called "Graham Castle." 
 It was half-past eleven when we stood by the crenellated 
 walls of Jerusalem. The gates were closed, and there was 
 death-like silence there, till the kawass knocked loudly 
 against the west or Yafa Gate. The sentinels within were 
 roused, and they cried, "Who is there?" We explained, 
 and then one of the sentinels said, "The gate was kept 
 open till ten o'clock, but now the key is with the Gov- 
 ernor." The Governor was living at the other end 'of 
 the town ; however, a messenger was immediately dis- 
 patched to him to ask for permission to admit us. An- 
 other messenger was sent to the Consulate to announce 
 our safe arrival. We, in the mean time, tired and hungry, 
 were shivering in the midnight air outside the gate, and 
 twenty minutes elapsed before it was thrown open for us. 
 Then I entered in with joy; for I felt at home there, 
 and safe. 
 I hastened across the well-known Castle Square, and up 
 the narrow passage, clattering over the uneven pavement, 
 and drew up my horse at the entrance to the Consulate, 
 where my kind friends — Mr. and Mrs. Finn — came out to 
 welcome me. They led me, hooded and cloaked as I was, 
 into their brilliantly-lighted drawing-room, where a con- 
 versazione of the "Jerusalem Literary Society" was being 
 held. The rooms were quite English in character, and 
 bright with lamps and well-arranged flowers, and filled 
 with English guests, many of whom were recently-arrived 
 travelers, strangers to me. 
 Large logs of wood were burning and crackling on the 
 fire-dogs in the chimney-place. The whole presented a 
 most striking contrast to the scenes and society by which 
 I had been lately surrounded, and the delight I felt made 
 me almost forget my fatigue. After the guests had gone 
 we lingered for an hour by the fire in pleasant chat; and 
 then for the first time I slept and found perfect rest and 
 peace within the walls of Jerusalem. It was very pleasant 
 when I woke in the morning to see the Consul's children 
 round me, and to hear their English greetings, and their 
 glad, familiar voices. 
 I found Jerusalem in the early Spring altogether dif- 
 ferent to Jerusalem in the hot Summer-time, when it had 
 often appeared to me, literally, "a city of stone, in a 
 land of iron, with a sky of brass," and when at midday 
 all unsheltered places were quite deserted, and those peo- 
 ple who could do so lived in tents in olive-groves in the 
 valleys or on the hills round about Jerusalem. Now all 
 was changed ; the few open spaces within the city walls 
 were green with grass, or patches of wheat and barley, 
 and the whole of the mosque inclosure was like meadow- 
 land sprinkled with flowers; the very walls were garnished 
 with rough leaves, stonecrop, pellitory, and bright blos- 
 soms. Among them the bitter hyssop and bright-yellow 
 henbane were pointed out to me, growing luxuriantly on 
 the Tower of Hippicus, in the dry moat, and on all the 
 most ancient buildings ; while out of the cracks of the 
 domes, and on the terraced roofs of many of the houses, 
 straggling herbage sprang. 
 In the streets there was renewed activity; for already 
 the Latin pilgrims were beginning to flock to Jerusalem 
 that they might celebrate Easter at the Holy Sepulcher. 
 English and American travelers were to be seen in the 
 principal streets, sketching under difficulties in the midst 
 of crowds of lookers-on, or making bad bargains with the 
 turbaned salesmen in the bazars. Outside the town, too, 
 the scenery had changed. Wherever the earth rested on 
 the rocky hills verdure appeared, and the plains, and the 
 cemeteries, and valleys were gay with flowers. Bulbous 
 plants abounded, especially asphodels, and the hyacinth, 
 squill, garlic, and star of Bethlehem. Every evening at 
 sunset large companies of people, of all tribes and nations, 
 might be seen entering the city gates, after having enjoyed 
 their evening walk. 
 I made pleasant excursions in the neighborhood, and 
 revisited many of the chief places in Jerusalem with 
 parties of English travelers, and thus the time passed 
 till March 18th, when to my delight my brother arrived 
 soon after sunrise, in company with the Pasha and his 
 troops. During the day a fierce hot sirocco wind pre- 
 vailed, and threatened to scorch and destroy the crops. 
 Before sunset we rode out with a large party to see the 
 Jewish plantation, where newly-grafted olive-trees were 
 putting forth new leaves, and apricot, and nectarine, and 
 other fruit trees looked flourishing. But the fields of 
 wheat and barley and the beds of vegetables thirsted for 
 the "latter rain." The gardeners and farm-laborers had 
 been praying for it for many days. They called our 
 attention to a small group of dense black clouds which 
 were then slowly rising out of the west, and one of them 
 said, "Our hope is in those clouds." As we rode home- 
 ward a few large drops of rain reminded us of the gar- 
 dener's words. During the night the west wind rose with 
 unusual violence, shook the house to its foundations, and 
 disturbed all the sleepers. The Arab servants, who rose 
 and went from room to room to make the shutters and 
 windows more secure, said, "It is well; this strong wind 
 will bring rain. The cisterns will be filled with water, 
 and the corn will grow. Praised be God!" 
 On the following morning, March 19th, torrents of rain 
 and hail began to fall, and continued without intermission 
 all day and during the night. On Thursday the storm 
 was even more violent. The hailstones generally were 
 as large as cherry-stones, but some were three or four 
 times the size. At midday wide flakes of snow fell, but 
 melted quickly. 
 On Good Friday, March 21st, the first sounds I heard 
 on waking, were the joyful voices of the children. They 
 knocked at my door, crying, " The Kedron is flowing ! the 
 Brook Kedron, you know ! It is flowing ; make haste and 
 get up. See, here is some of the water !" 
 I found that the peasantry had entered the city at sun- 
 rise, in triumph, to announce the news. They had brought 
 several goatskins and jars filled with the water. The 
 bearers of good tidings are now, as of old, entitled to a 
 backshish, so these peasants reaped a good harvest that 
 morning in Jerusalem. 
 The storm continued, and did not cease for a moment 
 till Saturday morning, and there was scarcely an upper 
 chamber in Jerusalem which was uninjured by it. I was 
 assured that three such days of rain had never been wit- 
 nessed there at that season by any one living. Spring 
 showers are generally of short duration, and quickly fol- 
 lowed by sunshine. But this unexpected supply of water 
 was very welcome, for the Winter rains had been less 
 abundant than usual, and had not filled the pools, or " sent 
 the springs into the valleys which run among the hills." 
 On Saturday afternoon the sun shone brightly on the 
 rain -refreshed earth, and hundreds of people went out to 
 look at the waters of the Brook Kedron. I rode with my 
 brother out at the Yafa Gate, and along the valley of 
 Gihon. We made our way quickly down to En Kogel, 
 the source of the stream. It is south-east of Jerusalem, 
 and called by the Arabs " Bir-Eytlb "—the Well of Job. 
 We were surprised to find that not only had the spring 
 below the well bubbled up as usual, but the force of the 
 body of water was so great, that it had risen up and over- 
 flowed the ancient shaft, which is one hundred and twenty- 
 five feet deep. A large concourse of people were already 
 assembled there. 
 Groups of Moslems sat under the olive-trees, close to 
 the stream, smoking narghiles, drinking coffee, playing 
 with their rosaries, and looking supremely happy. Boys 
 were going about selling sweetmeats and cakes, which they 
 carried on round trays made of reeds. There were several 
 rival purveyors of coffee and pipes. One would have 
 thought that it was fair-day at En Rogel. All sorts of 
 skins, jars of all shapes and sizes, and other vessels had 
 been brought down to the stream, that they might be filled 
 there. Women in white sheets sat in groups on the sun- 
 dried rocks, apart from the men, enjoying pipes and sweet- 
 meats, and children were swinging on ropes tied to the 
 tree-branches. Many of the European residents of Jeru- 
 salem were strolling about with their little ones, and the 
 newly-arrived English travelers watched the scene with evi- 
 dent interest and delight. 
 " Shall we follow the course of the Kedron, and see how 
 far it goes?" said my brother. I readily assented. So we 
 left the noisy but picturesque crowd, and made our way 
 down the valley under the olive-trees — now splashing 
 through the murmuring musical waters, where they passed 
 between the low stone-wall boundaries of fruit and vege- 
 table gardens — now rising on to the sloping hill-side, and 
 returning to the stream whenever there was a practicable 
 path in it, or near it. The rugged rocks around were gar- 
 landed with green, thorny creeping plants, and within the 
 niches and in the caverns of .the limestone cliffs masses of 
 maiden-hair and other ferns appeared. It was very pleas- 
 ant to observe the- turnings and the windings of the new- 
 born river, remembering that on the morning of the previ- 
 ous day only, it had sprung fresh and free from its source, 
 to make itself a path in this valley, inviting all the little 
 streamlets from the hills to flow with it. In one place, 
 about a mile from En Rogel, it passed over broad, smooth 
 slabs of time-polished red stone, then tumbled over a little 
 ridge of rocks into a bed formed of small pebbles. Having 
 gained renewed vigor by this fall, it rushed impetuously 
 along a channel about five feet wide, made for it in the 
 midst of a terraced olive-plantation. When thus confined, 
 it was about one foot deep, but when freed from this arti- 
 ficial training, it spread itself over the wide rocky bed 
 beyond, and only wetted our horses' fetlocks as we splashed 
 through it. Sometimes the brook does not flow further 
 than this olive-grove. At other times, when the Winter 
 rains are abundant, it travels down " Wady er Raheb " — 
 The Monk's Valley — to the Convent of Mar Saba ; but its 
 ancient destination was evidently the Dead Sea, into which 
 it fell from the "Wady Nar "— The Valley of Fire. 
 We followed the course of the stream for nearly an 
 hour, and still, to our surprise, it flowed rapidly; but as 
 the sun was declining we gave up the chase, and retraced 
 our steps. We overtook our friends, who were still linger- 
 ing by the source of the stream. 
 A Moslem kawass of the British Consulate said to us, 
 ." This is the blessing of blessings. Who has ever told of 
 the Kedron flowing in Adar? It comes in the Winter, and 
 even early in Spring; but who has heard of its waters 
 rising at this time? Yet," he added, "while we are rejoic- 
 ing and giving thanks, there are men whose hearts are 
 hardened by love of money, and who will be sorry to see 
 these rivers of rain — for they have just bought up all the 
 stores of wheat, thinking that the harvest would fail this 
 year for lack of rain. May God destroy their house ! 
 Their hope was, that they might make themselves rich by 
 the hunger of the poor." The setting sun warned us that 
 we must hasten toward the city before the closing of the 
 gates, and we rode home with a large and cheerful company. 
 Easter Sunday was unclouded, and the people of Jeru- 
 salem looked unusually animated, and in their gayest 
 costumes. The Arabs of the Latin Church, as they met 
 each other that morning, exchanged the customary greet- 
 ings, "Christ is risen!" — "He is risen indeed!" 
 During Easter week, rain and sunshine succeeded each 
 other, and every now and then we could see a bright but 
 transient rainbow spanning the hills. Mr. Meshullam came 
 to tell us that he and his family had been almost washed 
 out of their little stone-house in the valley of Urtas. A 
 spring had suddenly burst up in their dining-room, another 
 in the stables, and a torrent of water rushing down the 
 valley had carried large pieces of rock and stone over the 
 vegetable and fruit gardens, doing considerable injury to 
 the crops. Solomon's Pools, which, only a few days be- 
 fore, had been the safe and favorite play-grounds of Me- 
 shullam's children, were all quite filled in less than four 
 hours. The little ones had been gathering cresses in the 
 corners, at the bottom of the pools, just before the gushing 
 of the springs. 
 On March 31st I was roused early, by the booming of 
 cannons from the Tower of Hippicus, and I heard that 
 news of the birth of an heir to the Imperial throne of 
 France had just arrived. 
 Mons. Barri^re, the French Consul, called in person to 
 announce the happy event. Mr, Finn immediately caused 
 preparations to be made for a soiree to celebrate it that 
 very evening. I helped to deck the drawing-rooms with 
 green garlands and wreaths of flowers, and about one hund- 
 red wax candles were fixed in the front windows. When 
 they were lighted at sunset they produced a very pretty 
 and, for the East, quite unique efi"ect; for Her Britannic' 
 Majesty's Consulate was then next door to the Protestant 
 church, and, unlike all other dwelling-houses in Jerusalem, 
 it had an English fa§ade. A great many cressets were 
 flaming on the roof, and shone with fitful brightness on the 
 group of kawasses and Abyssinian servants who were feed- 
 ing and fanning them. Fire-works were skillfully displayed 
 .in the court-yard, to the delight of hundreds of spectators. 
 A large party assembled at the Consulate. A number of 
 English travelers came, and many of the European resi- 
 dents. In the course of the evening some Arab musicians 
 were allowed to enter, to play and sing for the especial en- 
 tertainment of the strangers present. Impromptu songs 
 were sung in honor of the Imperial Prince. 
 Invitations had, in the mean time, been issued to all the 
 members of the ^^ corps diplomatique^' to a dejeilner a la 
 fourchette^ to celebrate the birth of the Prince officially, at 
 the French Consulate, on the following day, April 1st. 
 I went, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Finn and my 
 brother. We were received by M. Barri^re, the Consul, 
 and Mad""* L. — n6e Leseppes — the sister of the then Con- 
 sul-General for Syria. The Pasha and all the Consuls, in full 
 uniform, were soon assembled, but no other ladies arrived. 
 As this was rather a singular reunion, 1 will describe it 
 in detail. After we had taken coffee, his Excellency Kamil 
 Pasha conducted Mrs. Finn to the elegantly-spread table in 
 the breakfast-room, and placed her on his left hand. I 
 was at the same time led in, and seated on his right hand. 
 Mad™* L. sat exactly opposite to the Pasha, and was sup- 
 ported by the English Consul and the Latin Patriarch. 
 Then the Spanish Consul-General and the other European 
 Consuls, Abb6 Ratisbon and several other distinguished 
 French ecclesiastics, Le Comte de Fontenoy, and M. Gilbert, 
 the Pasha's secretary, took their seats, making altogether 
 Turkish, French, Greek, and Italian culinary skill had 
 been employed in preparing the entertainment. While we 
 partook of it, an animated conversation was being carried 
 on in French, with occasional Spanish, Turkish, Italian, and 
 German expletives, but no English was spoken. 
 The English Consul proposed the first toast; it was for 
 Abdul Medjid. M. Barri^re answered it, and the Latin 
 Patriarch made a graceful comment. 
 Then the Pasha rose, and, in florid Turkish, proposed 
 the health of the Emperor's son and heir. Mons. G-. inter- 
 preted this speech, and several other toasts followed. The 
 alliance of Turkey, France, and England was especially 
 alluded to by the Pasha, and the toast was very heartily 
 responded to. 
 The gentlemen did not linger at the table, but led us 
 immediately to the divan, where cigarettes and narghiles 
 were distributed. When I saw that Mad'"* L. took the 
 former, I did not hesitate to take the latter. The Pasha 
 good-naturedly alluded to my visit to Nablus, and asked 
 for the particulars of my journey to Jerusalem. Coffee and 
 French motto bonbons were handed round, and there was 
 no sign of breaking up the party for an hour or more. 
 Then, one after another, we left. 
 On Saturday, April 5th, after having gpent the day in 
 the Mosque, with a large party of English people, I re- 
 turned to the Consulate, and was startled to hear that reli- 
 able news had just arrived, that the Rev. S. Lyde, an En- 
 glish subject, had accidentally caused the death of a deaf 
 and dumb man, a Moslem, as he was on the point of leav- 
 ing Nablus. The Moslems were revenging themselves on 
 the Christian population, and the Protestants especially were 
 the objects of their fury. Ody Azam's house, where we had 
 lodged, had been attacked, as well as many others, and the 
 Christian quarter was plundered. 
 A meeting of the Pasha and of some of the Consuls was 
 immediately held. My brother volunteered to proceed to 
 Nablus to examine the state of affairs there, and to see 
 what means could be devised for Mr. Lyde's safe conduct 
 to Jerusalem. He went the next morning, long before sun- 
 rise, attended only by his kawass and groom. The Pasha 
 and some of the Consuls had endeavored to persuade him 
 to have a body of soldiers with him, and even tried to in- 
 duce me to add my persuasions to theirs. But I instinct- 
 ively felt, as he did, that he was more safe alone, than if 
 he went with an antagonistic and yet insufficient force. Con- 
 siderable anxiety was felt on his account, for it was thought 
 to be a hazardous enterprise. 
 He arrived at Nabltis before the excitement was subdued. 
 The people seemed to be taken by surprise, and to be 
 calmed by his confidence in them. He found that Mr. Lyde 
 had been kindly protected from the enraged populace by 
 Mahmoud Bek Abdul Hady, in his new and beautiful 
 house, which was actually besieged by the people, and con- 
 siderably injured, because the Grovernor refused to yield the 
 offender up to them. Mr. Lyde, seeing the mischief that 
 was being done, made his will, wrote a few letters, and 
 then begged the Governor to let him go out to the mob, 
 that they might be appeased by his death. He said, " If 
 they can not kill me, others will surely suffer." However, 
 the Governor steadily persisted in protecting him, and de- 
 tained him as his prisoner, saying, "Be at rest— I and my 
 family, my servants and all my household, will risk our 
 lives, rather than let yours be sacrificed." The disappointed 
 crowd gathered menacingly round the building, and threw 
 stones and fired at it for some time, and then went away to 
 wreak their vengeance on the unoffending inhabitants of 
 the Christian quarter. 
 The following extract, from a dispatch addressed to Mr. 
 Finn by my brother, will show the persistent cruelty of the 
 fanatics : 
 "I then went to the house of M. Zeller, where I found 
 the lower rooms utterly pillaged, and the floors covered 
 with broken china, leaves of books, maps, and papers of all 
 descriptions, in fragments. Upstairs, I found the trunks, 
 desks, boxes, a chest of drawers, etc., broken and destroyed. 
 In fact, the populace left nothing undone that could possi- 
 bly be effected toward the injury of the Christians. For- 
 tunately, most of the Protestants were, and are still, away 
 with the Bishop, otherwise they would certainly haf e been 
 murdered." [This refers to Bishop Grobat, who was making 
 a tour through his diocese, and had passed through Nablus 
 a few days before the outbreak.] 
 "Samaan Kawarre, father of the Prussian Agent, is killed. 
 Hanna, servant of M. Zeller, is dangerously wounded, and 
 despaired of. J. Tannus and his wife, and several others, 
 are badly wounded — besides eleven women, who are seri- 
 ously injured by excessive fright," etc. 
 On the 10th, about midday, I was attracted to the win- 
 dow by sounds of prancing horses and tum-tums, and saw 
 Mr. Lyde, in the midst of a little party of Turkish irregu- 
 lar cavalry. He alighted at the Consulate, a prisoner en 
 'parole. We all went out to meet and welcome him, and he 
 gave us an account of the riots. He was very dejected. 
 He said to me, " Mr. Rogers ran a greater risk on my ac- 
 count than my life is worth." 
 On Sunday, the 13th, my brother arrived. The riots 
 were quelled, but the Christians felt less confidence than 
 ever in their Moslem neighbors. Most of the Protestants 
 had come to Jerusalem, and the rest were at Nazareth. My 
 brother had brought with him the jeweled head-dresses, 
 and necklaces of gold coins and pearls, belonging to some 
 of the Christian women of Nablus, and gave them into my 
 care. He had been earnestly entreated to do so by their 
 owners, of whom some had taken flight, and feared to carry 
 their valuables with them — and others, who remained at 
 home, felt that no hiding-place was safe while the town was 
 so unsettled. 
 Mahmoud Bek Abdul Hady, the Governor, had certainly 
 protected the Christians, during the outbreak, as far as he 
 possibly could. 
 The indemnity of 55,000 piasters, adjudged to the in- 
 jured Christians by the Porte, was not paid till two years 
 Mr. Lyde's trial, at Jerusalem, occupied a considerable 
 time. He was eventually condemned to pay a certain sum', 
 as ^^ blood- money ^^^ to the heirs of the deceased man, who 
 was a well-known and rather favorite character in Nablus. 
 He was deaf and dumb, and slightly deranged in intellect, 
 and consequently was superstitiously respected by the 
 Arabs, and was yet, at the same time, an object of their 
 amusement. He was a professed beggar, and very importu- 
 nate. It appeared that he stopped Mr. Lyde's horse, near 
 to the Nablus Gate, and, by signs and gestures, besought 
 alms, which were refused. When Mr. Lyde tried to pass 
 on, the deceased caught hold of the end of a loaded pistol, 
 which was in the holster of the saddle, and unfortunately 
 cocked. Mr. Lyde, knowing the danger, endeavored to re- 
 move his hand. In doing so, the pistol went off, and the 
 man was killed on the spot. Mr. Lyde was immediately 
 surrounded, but he hastened to the Governor, and gave 
 himself up as prisoner. [Mr. Lyde did not long survive 
 this calamity. His mind became very seriously affected. 
 He imagined himself to be the Redeemer of the world. 
 A visit to England in 1858, however, dispelled the delu- 
 sion; and he returned to his missionary work in the East, 
 in apparently good health, but died, very much regretted, 
 shortly afterward.] 
 By the 15th of April Jerusalem was thronged with 
 people. The population was nearly doubled by the influx 
 of Russian, Greek, and Armenian pilgrims, who had come 
 to pass the Holy Week — old style — in the Holy City, to 
 visit the neighboring shrines which they reverence, and to 
 attend the Easter services in the Church of the Sepulcher. 
 Every day added to the number of these earnest devotees. 
 Most of them are poor people, who have saved a sufficient 
 sum of money to enable them to perform the pilgrimage. 
 They generally return home quite penniless, but happy 
 in having realized the great object of all their struggles. 
 There were, however, a few pilgrims who were distinguished 
 by rank, office, or wealth, and who traveled with brilliant 
 On the 24th of April I was roused at three o'clock by 
 the booming of cannons from the citadel. They flashed 
 for an instant every few minutes, lighting up my room. 
 Then there was silence and darkness, and I slept till seven, 
 when another volley woke me, and I rose. Every one was 
 busy, for Kamil Pasha had issued a proclamation, ordering 
 "all the people of Jerusalem to rejoice and be glad, and 
 render thanks to God, and to illuminate their houses," in 
 celebration of the announcement of peace between Russia 
 and Turkey. The tinmen, and the dealers in "lamps, old 
 and new," and the makers of lanterns, reaped a golden 
 harvest that day. Contrivances for illuminating engaged 
 every one. There was a great demand in the bazars 
 for gilt wire and colored paper wherewith to incase wax- 
 At noon a busy and merry little party of English girls 
 assembled at the Consulate. Paper roses and carnations 
 grew rapidly beneath our fingers, and were fastened to 
 the tree-branches and boughs with which Hadj Ali, the 
 Egyptian groom, supplied us. He brought us a donkey- 
 load; but he had made his selection without any senti- 
 ment^ and as he thought carrot-tops much more beautiful 
 than olive-branches or laurels, he gathered the former in 
 abundance. However, they made bright-green garlands, 
 and had a pretty efi'ect with our flowers, and no one 
 could guess what they were. We had several visitors, 
 who were much amused while we were making our garden 
 grow. The Spanish Consul-General, the French Consul, 
 and some English travelers came. The Pasha's Secretary, 
 who peeped in several times, said he would report to 
 Kamil Pasha how thoroughly we were obeying the orders 
 of the day. 
 The sun went down, and then by degrees the city was 
 lighted up. Rings of light encircled the minarets and 
 some of the domes. The Latin convent and Bishop Gobat's 
 house were brilliant with flambeaus and cressets, and a 
 flood of light streamed through the garlanded windows 
 of the Consulate. Groups of white-sheeted women, and 
 crowds of men and boys carrying torches and colored- 
 paper lanterns, paraded the streets. About an hour after 
 sunset a sham fight took place, under the direction of the 
 chief commander of the troops. We went with a large 
 party on to the roof of the offices to witness it. The 
 Tower of Hippicus, occupied by the regulars, was besieged 
 by the artillery and irregular Turkish troops. The city 
 trembled with the booming of cannons, and the volleys of 
 fire, and the thrilling sound of musketry. Large bonfires, 
 and iron baskets filled with pitch and tar, were lighted in 
 conspicuous places, so as to make it seem that some of the 
 buildings had taken fire ; and by their light we saw men 
 scaling the walls, and to all appearance large masses of 
 stone were hurled upon them. The cannons and battering- 
 rams were dragged along, and troops were rushing inces- 
 santly across the Castle Square. We heard the cries and 
 shouts of the soldiers. At last the tower was taken and 
 victory proclaimed. The bugles, drums, fifes, and pipes, 
 and tum-tums sounded. The whole affair was exceedingly 
 well managed, and gave us a vivid idea of the actual sieges 
 which Jerusalem has from time to time suiFered. In Scrip- 
 tural and other historic records descriptions or notices of 
 no less than thirty-four distinct and successful sieges of 
 the city may be found. 
 A large party assembled afterward at the English Con- 
 sulate, including the Pasha and his suite, the commander 
 of the Turkish troops, and several Consuls and travelers. 
 Among the latter was Lord Abercrombie, who had only 
 arrived a few hours before. He with his party had crossed 
 the desert on their way from Cairo, and had been detained 
 in quarantine for a few days at Hebron. They came in 
 sight of Jerusalem at about midday, when the flashing of 
 guns and' the booming of cannons so much alarmed them 
 that they were on the point of retreating to the coast for 
 safety, thinking that the city was in a state of insurrection. 
 However, when they were informed of the true cause of 
 the firing, they eagerly proceeded on their way to join in 
 the festivities. 
 On Saturday, April 26tli, or Holy Saturday, the day 
 preceding the Greek Easter, I visited the Church of the 
 Holy Sepulcher, to witness what is said to be the miracu- 
 lous kindling of the sacred fire over the tomb of Christ. 
 After traversing a few winding and windowless streets, 
 stony and irregular, and then almost deserted, we entered 
 the busy bazar which leads to the church. Here all was 
 bustle and confusion; buyers and sellers paused to watch 
 the concourse of people hastening to the festivals. We 
 passed under an archway, and found ourselves opposite the 
 beautiful facade, with its double doorway and sculptured 
 friezes. It was about half-past eleven. The square court 
 was lined with Turkish soldiers. The surrounding terraces 
 and house-tops were covered with women shrouded in white 
 sheets, and forming picturesque groups, sitting and standing 
 in the dazzling sunlight. Crowds of Greeks and Arme- 
 nians were entering in at the door. I was met there by 
 Mons. Lesselle, the Canceliere of the French Consulate, 
 and with difficulty he led me into the church, and across 
 the area of the rotunda, where all was confusion and ex- 
 citement. The pilgrims were running and leaping in all 
 directions, uttering wild cries, and a monotonous sort of 
 chant. The noise was almost bewildering. With Mons. 
 Lesselle's assistance I climbed up a steep platform, and 
 then ascended a tottering staircase, which led to the Latin 
 gallery on the north side of the rotunda. 
 One portion of it had been set apart for strangers, and 
 I was glad to be safely placed there. It was like a large 
 opera-box, with heavy but insecure railings in front, close 
 to which chairs were occupied by a Dutch Baroness and 
 her daughter, a monk, and the celebrated Abbe Ratisbon, 
 an American lady and a Scottish lady, to all of whom I 
 had been previously introduced. There were several Arab 
 women seated on the matted floor in the back part of the 
 box, smoking narghiles. Among them I recognized with 
 pleasure the lady at whose house I had rested at Ramleh. 
 After I had exchanged greetings with her I went forward, 
 and took the seat in front prepared for me, and looked 
 down on to the strange scene below. In the center of 
 the extensive area of the Rotunda rises the carved and 
 decorated marble shrine over what is supposed to be the 
 tomb of Christ. The top of it was on a level with us. 
 Wild-looking men, with their clothes disordered, and their 
 caps and tarbilshes torn off — some with their long hair 
 streaming, others with their shaven heads exposed — were 
 performing a sort of gallopade round it. They jumped, 
 they climbed on each other's shoulders, they tossed their 
 arms into the air, dancing a frantic dance, that would 
 have suited some Indian festival. Sometimes this revelry 
 was arrested for a moment, only to commence in another 
 The actors, whose numbers had been continually aug- 
 menting, stood in groups, in little circles, tossing their 
 heads and arms backward and forward to a monotonous 
 cry, which grew louder and louder every minute, as the 
 movements of heads and arms became more rapid. They 
 kept this up till they looked mad with excitement, and 
 they beat themselves and each other fearfully. Then they 
 broke up the separate circles, and ran round and round 
 the sepulcher again, with frightful rapidity, heedless of 
 trampling one another under foot. Here and there a 
 priest was giving himself up to the frenzy of the people, 
 and, to gain a reputation for sanctity, he allowed himself 
 to be most unceremoniously handled. His cap was torn 
 off, and he himself was lifted up and carried in triumph 
 round and round the shrine. The pilgrims believe that 
 the fire would never come down on the tomb unless bands 
 of the faithful thus encircled it. 
 In the mean time I had a pleasant chat with the 
 Baroness. She had been six months on the Nile. She 
 said, " My husband is dead, and I have no son ; my 
 daughter and I are alone in the world. We travel every- 
 where together, and alone ; we have seen every people of 
 Europe." The Abbe Ratisbon directed our attention to 
 a change in the scenes going on below. The wild mob 
 had been driven back to make room for the entrance of 
 an orderly procession, formed of bishops and priests in 
 gorgeous robes. They carried silk and gold-embroidered 
 banners, and chanted with solemnity and great emotion 
 a beautiful litany, while they walked three times slowly 
 round the sepulcher. A path had been made for them by 
 a body of Turkish soldiers, who lined the inner and outer 
 circle of the rotunda. They behaved with praiseworthy 
 impassiveness, and they actually looked like automata. 
 But the impatient pilgrims came forward again, bursting 
 wildly through the ranks. The procession of priests was 
 broken, and soon disappeared altogether. The soldiers 
 retired, and the people recommenced their frantic dance 
 round and round the sepulcher with renewed energy. The 
 Arab worshipers shouted from time to time: 
 Christ, the Son of God, died for us ! 
 Christ, the Son of God, rose for us ! 
 This is the tomb of Christ our Savior I 
 God preserve the Sultan ! 
 Christ, the Son of Mary, died for us ! 
 Christ, the Son of Mary, rose for us! 
 This is the tomb of Christ our Savior I 
 God preserve the Sultan !" 
 All the galleries, and even the niches in the square 
 columns, were now occupied by lookers-on. Kamil Pasha 
 and his suite were in a box of the Latin gallery imme- 
 diately above us. The French Consul, my brother, and 
 several English travelers were also present. For about 
 two hours the above scenes lasted. Then I observed a 
 break in the crowd exactly opposite to an oval aperture 
 which looked into the inclosure of the sepulcher. A 
 priest in bright-yellow silk robes advanced toward it, 
 and was welcomed with wild cries. He stooped forward, 
 and thrust his head and shoulders and one arm through 
 the hole, quite blocking it up. In this awkward posture 
 he remained for a long time, and allowed himself to be 
 beaten severely by the people who clustered round him. 
 There was a terrible struggle to try to gain a position 
 commanding a view of this priest; for he it was who would 
 distribute the sacred flame. He was, for the occasion, 
 called the "Priest of the Holy Fire," and had paid a large 
 sum of money for the privilege of receiving the sacred 
 flame from the hands of the "Bishop of the Holy Fire," 
 who was within the tomb, almost in a state of nudity. 
 Every one in the area had either a torch or a taper ready 
 to be lighted. 
 A pause of eager expectancy — a silence almost as 
 exciting as the noise — was succeeded by a startling and 
 tremendous shout, which shook the building to its founda- 
 tion. A voice from within the sepulcher had proclaimed 
 that the miraculous fire was kindled ! The priest now 
 drew forth his head from the hole, and held up a mass 
 of fire, amid cries of thanksgiving and rejoicing from the 
 In less than a minute a hundred torches were burning 
 brightly, and soon the light spread all round the Rotunda. 
 We looked down upon the waving firebrands and flaming 
 torches, held up by naked arms outstretched exultingly — 
 the men themselves could scarcely be seen through the sea 
 of fire and smoke. At this juncture there appeared to be 
 a very suspicious movement in the crowd. The Armenians 
 and Greeks were evidently attacking each other angrily, 
 and trying to extinguish each other's torches. One sect 
 was jealous of the other. The sacred flame from heaven, 
 as they called it, had been distributed unequally, and it 
 was said that the priest of the fire had conveyed it to one 
 party before the other, instead of giving it to them at the 
 very same instant, according to the regular stipulations. 
 This priority, real or pretended, was the pretext for a 
 general fight. Every hand was raised in defense or offense. 
 Flaming torches were tossed about recklessly, and clubs, 
 kurbages, and sticks were raised. The Turkish soldiers 
 were recalled, but at first they only seemed to add to the 
 general confusion. After about ten minutes' violent con- 
 flict, the Armenians succeeded in driving the Greeks into 
 their church, which is on the eastern side of the Rotunda. 
 The great brass gates were closed upon them, and for about 
 five minutes there was comparative peace and silence. 
 The Pasha, with his suite, descended from the gallery 
 above us, and was making his way across the area, when 
 the Greeks suddenly burst out of their church, and before 
 His Excellency could pass, another contest arose, more 
 dangerous and exciting than the first. 
 Clubs and sticks were thrown down into the area to the 
 Greeks, through the high windows looking from the ter- 
 raced roof of their neighboring convent. The Armenians 
 were so well provided with such weapons, some of which 
 were spiked, that it was supposed that the outbreak was 
 Wild cries and heavy blows resounded on all sides, with- 
 out intermission. The Pasha himself was roughly handled, 
 and he lost some of his decorations in the scuffle. The 
 Commander of the Cavalry was thrown down, and several 
 people high in authority were attacked by the infuriated 
 mob. Large pieces of wood were hurled up against the gal- 
 leries, where, to add to the confusion, most of the spectators 
 were crying and screaming with fright. The door of our 
 box was suddenly opened, and a number of women shrouded 
 in white sheets were pushed in for safety — then the door 
 was closed again. 
 "We who were in front were in danger of falling into the 
 area below, for the wooden railings were tottering and 
 leaning outward at an angle of nearly forty-five degrees. 
 I had great difficulty in keeping the Arab women from 
 ■pressing forward, and thus pushing us over. They all 
 seemed panic-stricken, and were sobbing convulsively. The 
 Dutch Baroness was distracted with fear, not for herself, 
 but for her only daughter, who, however, was perfectly 
 self-possessed and calm, and tried to inspire those around 
 her with courage. The monk and Abbe Ratisbon looked 
 pale and terrified. The latter said to me, "It is not fear, 
 Mademoiselle, but indignation that excites me." The sol- 
 diers were endeavoring to clear the church, and it was ex- 
 pected that they would receive orders to fire on the obsti- 
 nate fanatics, who, not content with injuring each other, 
 began to attack the building itself. Pictures of saints and 
 martyrs were destroyed by sharp-pointed sticks being thrust 
 into them. The carved and gilt wooden vases, which orna- 
 mented the tawdry, cage-like covering of the tomb, were 
 deliberately aimed at and knocked down ; and two priests, 
 who had intrepidly climbed on to the top, to try to preserve 
 the crystal and silver lamps and other valuables there, were 
 pelted piteously. As soon as the ornaments were displaced 
 they were picked up, and used as missiles wherewith to 
 assault the galleries. Many a large piece glanced close to 
 us, who were near the front, but happily we escaped injury. 
 The Scottish lady was so overcome with alarm that she 
 fainted, and then at my urgent request the Arab women 
 fell back as far as they could, to make room for her to 
 recover herself, and to enable us to retreat a few inches 
 from the railings in front of the box. The conflict became 
 more and more furious. We saw terrible wounds inflicted, 
 blood flowing from shaven heads, frightful gashes on up- 
 lifted faces, and people thrown down and trampled on. 
 Screams, imprecations, and desperate prayers resounded. 
 For more than a quarter of an hour this fierce fight lasted j 
 then, by degrees, it abated, and the Turkish soldiers suc- 
 ceeded in driving out the chief of the combatants, not, 
 however, without receiving some serious blows. 
 When the place was partially cleared, we saw that the 
 marble pavement of the Rotunda was strewed with frag- 
 ments of glass, silver chains, bits of carving, broken tapers, 
 torches, and tarbushes, and the entire surface shone with 
 oil, which had streamed from the hundreds of lamps 
 thrown down and crushed under foot. We were hoping 
 that our friends were all safe, when to our relief they ap- 
 peared crossing the area with the English travelers who 
 had been present. They all looked pale and anxious, for 
 they understood "better than we did the dangers which had 
 threatened us. They had greatly feared that the wood- 
 work of the building would take fire, when escape from the 
 galleries would have been almost impossible. They ap- 
 proached to assure us of our safety, and begged that we 
 would wait quietly till they could come for us. The French 
 Consul and the Commander of the Cavalry paused just be- 
 low our box. They seemed very much excited ; the former 
 said, " I pray you, ladies, do not attempt to stir yet." 
 Some time elapsed before it was considered prudent to 
 allow us to leave our retreat, for the fight was being car- 
 ried on desperately in the court and streets outside the 
 church. At last the French Consul, my brother, and sev- 
 eral friends came for us, and we were led away. I found 
 that the oil floating over the marble floor was at least a 
 quarter of an inch deep. The Turkish soldiers still had 
 possession of the building. They had behaved with great 
 moderation during the whole of the riot, and apparently 
 did all they could to prevent bloodshed. They had quite 
 cleared the outer courf when we crossed it, and were stand- 
 ing all round it with fixed bayonets. But the streets were 
 obstructed by groups of quarrelsome people, and with diffi- 
 culty the kawasses cleared a way for us. When we were 
 safe at the Consulate, my brother returned to the Sepul- 
 cher, to see what damage had been done. He took, with- 
 out opposition, from the hands of an Armenian, a heavy 
 stick, five feet long and three inches in diameter, and he 
 examined a great number which were armed with spikes. 
 The Pasha held a council immediately, and it was de- 
 cided that the Greek and Armenian services should for the 
 future be held at difierent hours, so that such disgraceful 
 and dangerous collisions in the church might be avoided. 
 It was ascertained that very few deaths had occurred, but 
 some serious injuries had been inflicted. 
 I have conversed with many educated Greeks, both 
 priests and laymen, on the nature of this ceremony, and I 
 found that, without exception, they were heartily ashamed 
 of it. 8ome of them plainly admitted that it was an im- 
 posture, others called it a pious fraud, hut all agreed that 
 it would not be advisable to disturb the faith of the mass 
 of the people, who were thoroughly impressed by the belief 
 that God himself descends, and with his glorious presence 
 kindles the fire over the tomb every year on Holy Saturday. 
 One Greek priest, a kind and earnest man, said to me, pri- 
 vately, " If it were possible, which is rather doubtful, to 
 destroy the wide-spread and deep-rooted reliance on the 
 reality and genuineness of this miracle, we should do more 
 harm than good, for we should at the same time inevitably 
 shake the faith of thousands ; they would doubt all things, 
 even the existence of God ; they would abandon the Holy 
 Church, and be left without any religion to guide them." 
 I could sympathize with him heartily, for his was a very 
 difficult position. But I felt more strongly than ever what 
 a mistake it is, to try to support that which is believed to he 
 the truth hy that which is known to he false. 
 Unhappily, the argument used by that amiable but fet- 
 tered priest is a very common one. Religion has been so 
 incumbered with forms and ceremonies, that the ceremonies 
 are, by the mass of the people, mistaken for or confounded 
 with the essence of religion. 
 Men fear to disturb them now, lest truth and error should 
 fall at the same time, as if they thought that religion in its 
 simplicity and purity could not stand alone. 
 When will truth be fully, trusted and be permitted to 
 triumph? When will people believe that truth is stronger 
 and safer than trickery and wrong, and that there is always 
 danger in teaching and supporting an error, but no danger 
 in acknowledging one? 
 " Ye shall know tho truth, and the truth shall make you free." John yiii, 32. 
 "Clothe not the truth with vanity, neither conceal the truth against your own 
 knowledge." Koran, ch. ii, Sale's Translation. 
 "The very essence of truth is i)lainnesH and brightness." — STiUon. 
 "Great is the truth and stronger than all things ; it liveth and conquereth for 
 evermore ; she is the strength, kingdom, power, and majesty of all ages. Blessed 
 be the God of Truth."— Zorofcabei, 
 Some people defended the celebration of the festival be- 
 cause it was an ancient custom ; but, as Cyprian says, 
 •' Custom without truth is but agedness of error." 
 Unfortunately, there is another powerful motive for keep- 
 ing up this solemn jugglery. Large sums of money are 
 spent in Palestine every year by the pilgrims, who come 
 from all parts of Russia, Greece, and Turkey, and the peo- 
 ple of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Nazareth naturally regard 
 Easter as their harvest-time. 
 Priests, shopkeepers, relic-manufacturers, householders, 
 owners of camels, horses, and other beasts of burden, would 
 all more or less feel it, if the annual pilgrimages were to 
 cease ; and as the holy fire is the chief attraction, the 
 temptation to encourage the delusion is very great. 
 Is this strange ceremony a relic of the services of the 
 fire- worshipers of old? There are two or three Moslem 
 shrines which are said to be miraculously illumined on cer- 
 tain days, and I am told that as early as the ninth century 
 the Syrian Christians believed that an angel of God was 
 appointed to light the lamps over the tomb of Christ on 
 every Easter-eve. 
 About an hour before the sun went down, on Holy Sat- 
 urday, we rode out of the city, glad to breathe the fresh 
 air after the fatigue and excitement of the morning. We 
 passed out of the Yafa Gate, and went all round Jerusalem, 
 close to the walls. I saw a number of poor peasant-girls 
 coming out of the olive-grove opposite to the Damascus 
 Gate. They wore tattered white cotton vails and home- 
 spun purple linen dresses. They were barefooted, but they 
 all looked merry, and carried boughs of trees and flowers 
 in their brown hands. One of the youngest had a branch 
 of hawthorn, with glossy green leaves and several bunches 
 of white blossom on it. It was the first bit of "May" I 
 had seen, and, well pleased, I stopped my horse and asked 
 the girl if she would give me a part of it. She looked up 
 good-naturedly, and, seeing a rosebud fastened in my habit, 
 she said, " Lady, if you will give me the flower which grows 
 in your bosom, you shall have my hawthorn blossom." So 
 we made the exchange. 
 On the 2d of May news reached us of serious skirmishes • 
 between the rival factions in the district of Jenin. The 
 little mud-built village called "Khubeiseh," which we 
 passed through on our way to Kefr Ksira, had been the 
 scene of conflict, and many people whom we knew had been 
 engaged in it. 
 On the 5th my brother started for Haifa, by way of 
 Nablus and Jenin, and I was once more left with my kind 
 friends at the Consulate, where I enjoyed leisure and ex- 
 cellent opportunities for sketching, studying, and observing 
 all that was going on around me. 
 There was no more rain, and the sun was daily increas- 
 ing in power. English travelers continued to arrive every 
 few days, and I often had the pleasure of accompanying 
 and guiding them in their "Walks ahout Jerusalem," and 
 their excursions in the neighborhood. 
 Roses were abundant at this time. It was the season for 
 making rose-wat«r and conserves. The peasant-women 
 brought basket-loads -of roses into town every morning. 
 Often at sunrise these women might be seen pausing on 
 their way by a streamlet, to empty their baskets into the 
 rippling water, literally making a bed of roses for the river. 
 Perhaps they do this, as they say, only to wash their 
 flowers, and to make them keep fresh and look as if wet 
 with dew; but / thinh it is more probable that they wish 
 to make their roses heavy, for they sell them in the market 
 by weight. 
 On Wednesday, May 7th, a hot, oppressive, sirocco wind 
 prevailed. Early in the afternoon I rode out with little 
 Skander Finn and his cousin L. We went down into the 
 valley of Hinnom, where hawthorns, covered with pink and 
 white blossom, scented the air. The olive-trees were in 
 flower, and the fig-trees green with fresh leaves. We passed 
 the Aceldama, and reached En Eogel. There was no water 
 in the rocky river-bed; however, it had not flowed in vain. 
 The reservoirs were filled, and the parched earth revived. 
 Wc went a little way down the valley, crossed the dry bed, 
 and dismounted. We climbed half-way up the hill on the 
 left-hand side, and reached a ledge or natural terrace in 
 front of a steep clifl", which L. assured me was caverned, 
 though no signs of a cavern could be seen. The ledge was 
 so overgrown with tall thistles that it was difficult to find 
 a footing; we beat these down, and found the door which 
 they concealed. The top of the door was only slightly 
 above the level of the terrace, which sloped abruptly down 
 to it, like the entrance to an underground cellar, but with- 
 out any steps. With the help of Hadj Ali and his stick, 
 and by clinging to roots and weeds, we contrived to slide 
 down and pass through the doorway, which I measured, 
 and found it was four feet by seven, cut in the solid rock. 
 After a minute or two we became accustomed to the sudden 
 darkness, and could partially distinguish the objects around 
 us. On the left side, just within the cavern, there was an 
 immense pedestal, quite plain. We went down slipping and 
 sliding, cautiously, one after the other, down deeper and 
 deeper into the darkness, till we came to a column, about 
 twelve feet in circumference, supporting a roof which ap- 
 peared to me to be about twenty feet above us. The base 
 of this column was far below the level of the door, but as 
 it was nearly opposite to it, it caught on one side a little 
 reflected light, and there maiden-hair grew luxuriantly, but 
 the other sides of the pillar were only clothed with pale 
 mosses and drooping fungus assuming grotesque forms. I 
 removed a mass of maiden-hair to examine the nature of 
 the native rock of which the pillar was formed. It was 
 quite white, and crumbled easily beneath my touch. 
 In the mean time L. and Skander were exploring the 
 distant recesses, and their spirit-like figures, gliding about 
 in the darkness below, gave some idea of the depth and ex- 
 tent of the cavern. The floor, which was of loamy earth, 
 continued to slope downward. There were three other 
 massive columns ; the ftirthest one, I should think, must be 
 about thirty feet high. My guides warned me not to fol- 
 low, for they had come to a large, though shallow, pool of 
 water. The rain had streamed down the steep bank, and 
 had made for itself a smooth channel to the bottom of the 
 cavern, carpeting the way with rich soil from the surface of 
 the terrace above. Water was trickling slowly down the 
 walls and from the roof. Bats, disturbed by our approach, 
 blundered against us now and then, and the damp, cold, 
 deathlike atmosphere made us shiver. We climbed up 
 again, and Hadj Ali helped us to reach the thistle-grown 
 terrace in safety. We were gasping for a breath of fresh 
 air, and rested for a minute or two blinking in the dazzling 
 daylight and basking in the warm sunshine. 
 Then we scrambled over rugged rocks and through 
 thickets of thorns and thistles till we came to a large recess 
 in a steep white cliflf. It was like a room, entirely open on 
 one side, about eleven feet in hight, ten feet deep, and four- 
 teen feet wide. It was, to all appearance, a natural exca- 
 vation which had been partially squared by human art. In 
 some places the ceiling looked as if it had once been coated 
 with rough cement. The white walls were rather damp, 
 and were garnished with maiden-hair of the finest kind I 
 had ever seen, and many plants which love the shade were 
 flourishing there. Out of every crevice some delicate leaf 
 or tendril crept. This cave was no doubt formerly inhab- 
 ited by human beings ; kings, priests, and prophets of old 
 may have lodged here. 
 Skander had climbed higher up the hill, and now called 
 to us, saying, "I have found a wonderful place up here — 
 come and see." With difficulty we followed, and found him 
 stretched flat on his face, peering into a dark opening, about 
 one foot high and six feet broad, close to the ground ; he 
 said it was like a large fox-hole. I could not possibly enter 
 this cave, but I stopped and looked in, and could see that 
 there were some ancient sepulchers within ; I counted four. 
 They were, I believe, cut in the solid rock, and were orna- 
 mented with bold, efiective moldings and bosses. This place 
 seems to be worthy of careful exploration. The entrance is 
 likely soon to be quite concealed by the stones and debris 
 falling from above, and the tangled masses of vegetation near 
 it. There is no tradition connected with it, and it is on that 
 account, perhaps, that it is so rarely pointed out to travelers. 
 We mounted and rode homeward, looking toward the 
 south-east corner of the Holy City. The sunlight was 
 gleaming on the terraces just below it, and it tinged with 
 an emerald luster the fields of barley there. On the right, 
 above En Rogel, the ruins of Siloam appeared, and we 
 could just see Absalom's Pillar.* As we rode round the 
 * It is this view which the lamented Mr. Sedden painted so faithfully. The 
 picture is in the South Kensington Museum. 
 base of Mount Zion, Hadj Ali gathered a beautiful branch 
 of a pomegranate- tree, covered with bright blossoms, the 
 first I had seen that year. 
 We remembered that Ramadan, the month when the 
 followers of Mohammed fast by day and feast by night, 
 had commenced on the previous Sunday ; so we hastened 
 on, that Hadj Ali might prepare his evening meal, and 
 be ready to eat it at the moment of the firing of the 
 ^^mogarib" the signal gun at sunset — the sound so welcome 
 to hungering and thirsty Moslems. Poor Hadj Ali had 
 not taken food or even smoked a pipe since sunrise. This 
 fast, which lasts for thirty days, is observed with extra- 
 ordinary fidelity by people of all classes.* 
 On Thursday, May 28th, I was invited to visit the 
 new schools for young Jewesses, established by Sir Moses 
 Montefiore. The morning was bright and dazzling. We 
 passed the barracks, and entered the street leading to the 
 Armenian convent. The sun was almost vertical, and the 
 polished stone pavement reflected back the heat and light. 
 The high walls of the houses on each side scarcely cast a 
 line of shadow : only the little casement windows jutting 
 out here and there, and the bright flowers which climbed 
 through the trellis-work, or hung from the roofs, traced 
 fantastic and delicate shadows on the ground. Not a. 
 breath of air was stirring. It was midday, and no one 
 was to be seen in the broad, unsheltered, silent street, 
 * In the second chapter of the Koran the rules for observing Bamadan are 
 given thus: 
 " true believers, a fast is ordained unto you, as it was ordained unto those 
 before you, that ye may fear God. 
 " The month of Ramadan is the month of fasting, in which the Koran was sent 
 down from heaven — a direction unto men, and declarations of direction, and the 
 distinction between good and evil, therefore let him among you who shall be 
 dwelling at home in this month fast the same month; but he who shall be sick or on 
 a journey shall fast the like number of other days. God would make this an ease 
 unto you, that ye may fulfill the number of days, and glorify God for that he hath 
 directed you, and that ye may give thanks. . . . 
 " It is lawful for you to eat and drink at night until ye can plainly distinguish 
 a whUe thread from a black thread by the daybreak ; then keep the fast until sunset." 
 According to Moslem divines there are three degrees of fasting. The first and 
 second are strictly material ; the third is the fasting of the heart from worldly 
 cares, and the restraint of the thoughts, which must be concentrated on God. 
 where even the dogs were sleeping, as if overcome hy 
 the heat and light. We turned to the left and passed 
 a walled-up archway, once the entrance to an ancient 
 mosque. We skirted the back of the Armenian convent, 
 and thus reached the Jewish quarter, and were very soon 
 knocking at the school-house door, over which there was a 
 well-engraved Hebrew inscription. 
 While we waited for admittance, I looked up at the 
 windows. Two were square, unsheltered openings; a third 
 jutted far out from the wall, and through its quaint and 
 fanciful wooden lattice we could see bright and rare flowers; 
 the fourth was a large, square oriel window, supported by 
 a stone bracket, and protected by an iron balcony. A 
 crowd of happy-looking children were peeping from it. 
 One dark-eyed little creature had a red cloth tarbush on 
 the back of her head, and a rose in her black hair. The 
 others wore soft muslin kerchiefs of various colors, tied 
 tastefully on their heads. 
 We entered the door, crossed a small court, and were 
 led up an open staircase on to a terrace, the low, broad 
 w^alls of which were converted into a garden. Flower-pots 
 had been imbedded in the masonry, at regular distances, 
 along the top of the parapets. Thus a sort of floral 
 battlement was formed, and produced an excellent effect; 
 for the plants were kept nearly all of the same size and 
 hight. The rose-bushes, pinks, and cloves, in full flower, 
 contrasted well with the dark-leaved myrtle, the cape 
 jasmine, and the white walls. 
 We were politely received in this court by a Spanish 
 Jewess, who conducted us into a light, cheerful room, 
 containing animated groups of girls, varying in age from 
 seven to fourteen, perhaps. I counted thirty-one children; 
 but the full number usually assembled there was thirty- 
 five. Eight forms and a double row of desks gave quite a 
 European character to the room, and the raised, pulpit-like 
 seat of the teacher indicated order and authority. 
 The girls were nearly all engaged at needle-work, and 
 our guide exhibited to us, with evident pride and pleasure, 
 a considerable stock of wearing apparel, the result of one 
 week's work in that room. The simple garments were very 
 nicely made, considering that most of the little workers 
 did not know how to sew six or seven months before. 
 The mistress could not tell us what was done with the 
 work when finished, as it passed from her hands at the 
 end of each week. The children looked busy and bright. 
 Some of them were singularly beautiful. One tall and 
 stately girl of about fourteen was acting the part of 
 monitor, and she answered our questions, in Arabic, with 
 the utmost modesty and self-possession, and glided among 
 her little pupils with native grace and dignity. All these 
 children were natives of Palestine; they spoke Arabic, 
 and wore the Arab costume. Their heads were, without 
 exception, covered either with muslin kerchiefs, or with 
 the simple red tarbiish. 
 The windows of this room were large, and thrown wide 
 open. They looked eastward, and commanded views of 
 the whole extent of Olivet, and the misty Moab Mountains 
 far away. The midday breeze sprang up suddenly, and 
 slightly cooled the fiery air. 
 After lingering for a short time to enjoy the prospect, 
 we were led to another room, equally large, light, and 
 airy. Here we found about thirty children, under the 
 care of two female teachers. One tiny little creature was 
 learning a Hebrew lesson, and carefully spelling words of 
 two letters. Another child of seven or eight was reading, 
 with very little hesitation, some Scripture history. The 
 other children were seiated comfortably, and with perfect 
 ease and freedom, yet without disorder, upon mats, or in 
 the deep, carpeted window-seat. There I recognized the 
 happy faces which I had seen from the street below. 
 They looked up at me smiling, as much as to say, "We 
 know you again; we saw you waiting at the door." 
 They were all at needle-work, and I could not help 
 observing the extreme delicacy and beauty of their hands. 
 If, as it is said, this is a distinguishing feature of noble 
 birth, then these young daughters of Israel are of princely 
 race. Some of the little hands were stained with henna, 
 and almost all the nails were tinted, and looked like the 
 delicate, rose-colored shells we find on the sands on English 
 The children were uniformly neat and clean, and there 
 was a picturesque variety of costume there that struck 
 us pleasantly, contrasting with our recollections of the 
 ugly uniforms in some of our public schools at home 
 and abroad. As we were retiring, a shy little creature 
 summoned up courage to give me the rose from her hair, 
 and then she peeped at me slyly between her tapering 
 These two rooms were set apart expressly for the chil- 
 dren of parents belonging to the Sephardim Congregation, 
 consisting of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews settled in 
 We were now led down-stairs again to the open court, 
 which we crossed ; and, after ascending another stairway, 
 we found ourselves in the school of the Ashekenazi Con- 
 gregation, formed of German, Russian, and Polish Jews. 
 Here there were fifteen children, and they all seemed to 
 be under seven years of age. They were much more fair, 
 though less beautiful, than those in the other rooms. They 
 were sitting, very much at their ease, perched up on the 
 sloping desks, with their little feet resting on the forms. 
 How thoughtful and kind it was to allow them this freedom 
 during the hot weather! There was not a sign of fatigue, 
 or any expression of rebellion against restraint, in any of 
 the young faces around us. There was activity of mind 
 and rest of body, in a pure air. 
 The Jews of Jerusalem are especially careful not to 
 allow their children to associate with Christians or Mos- 
 lems ; and they will not suff'er them to stray away from 
 home, or play in the streets, for fear they should learn 
 bad habits, or be constrained or induced to be baptized 
 into a Christian Church. Consequently, the little ones 
 were confined nearly all day in the close, ill-ventilated, 
 small rooms of the Jewish quarter, till this school was 
 established. Here they assembled early in the morning, 
 and, taking proper hours for rest, recreation, and for meals, 
 returned home at sunset. Already a great improvement was 
 observed in their appearance; they looked more healthy, 
 and their lives were happier. 
 A little girl of five years of age, with pink cheeks, blue 
 eyes, and hair almost white, was reading aloud from some 
 Hebrew volume, and was evidently interested by it. I 
 cautiously inquired whether she knew by heart all that fell 
 so fluently from her lips. I was assured that I was listen- 
 ing to genuine reading. 
 We went down-stairs to the second Grerman room, where 
 most of the girls were between thirteen and fifteen years 
 of age, and the rest younger. "VVe heard two of the eldest 
 read, with emphasis, several pages from the Life of Moses — 
 a book written expressly for the use of women and children. 
 It is a paraphrase of the Bible history of Moses, in a curi- 
 ous, harsh dialect, being a compound of Hebrew and Ger- 
 man. It is printed in Hebrew characters, and embellished 
 with quaint and curious wood-cuts, in the style of the fol- 
 lowers of Albert Diirer. 
 In these two rooms fifty-five pupils generally muster. 
 The housekeeper, who had guided us from room to room, 
 then led us to her own, and exhibited some shirts, which 
 she and the elder pupils had been making to order. They 
 were stitched and hem-stitched, and neatly finished off". 
 She seemed delighted with our approval and praise ; for 
 this shirt-making was quite a new accomplishment, as the 
 Jews of the East wear much more simple under-garments 
 than these. 
 We took leave of her, and I returned to the Consulate, 
 very tired. My friends went on to the Rothschild Schools, 
 of which they afterward gave me a very favorable report. 
 When I was in Jerusalem, in 1859 I made inquiries 
 about these schools, especially the one established by Sir 
 M. Montefiore, intending to visit it again. To my surprise 
 and regret, I was told that it no longer existed; and I 
 could not obtain any satisfactory account of it, or under- 
 stand why it was broken up. I suppose that Oriental in- 
 difference to female education is the chief cause. 
 On the 13th of May, Mrs. Finn, in behalf of the " Jeru- 
 salem Agricultural Association," purchased a portion of the 
 beautiful valley of Urtas. I witnessed the making and 
 concluding of the bargain. Ten of the fiercest and wildest- 
 looking Arabs I had seen were assembled in the office of 
 the Consulate, with their chief, a tall, powerful man, called 
 Sheikh Saph, whose family, local tradition says, has for 
 ages been distinguished for the hight and strength of 
 its men.* 
 Mrs. Finn came forward, and stood in the midst of the 
 group of men, and said, " Sheikh, do you agree to sell ?" 
 and Sheikh Saph answered, " I agree to sell, my lady ; 
 do you agree to buy?" and Mrs. Finn replied, "I buy, O 
 Sheikh." Then the purchase-deed, which had been already 
 prepared, was read over, signed, and sealed ; and one hund- 
 red and fifty sovereigns were counted slowly into the hands 
 of the Sheikh. He received the gold with great gravity 
 " and seeming indifference ; but his men looked on eagerly, 
 with hawk-like eyes. After this, about a hundred coins, 
 of small value, were thrown on the office-floor, according 
 to custom, and were eagerly scrambled for by all present. 
 Thus the exact sum paid for the ground could not be as- 
 certained. This method of selling any thing, for a known 
 and an unknown sum, is called " a sale by the uncounted 
 group." When this precaution is neglected in dealing with 
 Arab tribes, a purchaser may be obliged to yield up prop- 
 erty to its original owner at any moment, for the amount 
 of the purchase-money. 
 Sheikh Saph and his two chief followers were invited 
 * Thifl is rather curious in connection with 2 Sam. xxi, 18 : " Then Sibbechai the 
 Hushathite slew Saph, which was of the sons of the giant." 
 into the drawing-room to take coffee. They made strong 
 professions and promises of faith and good- will toward their 
 " noble lady, Mrs. Finn," saying, that they would protect 
 the property at the risk of their lives, and as if it were 
 still their own. They went away evidently quite satisfied 
 with the transaction. 
 On the 15th, Mr. and Mrs. Finn went to Urtas, to stay 
 there for a few days, for change of air, and to superintend 
 the arrangements for inclosing and cultivating the recently- 
 purchased land. I was invited to spend a day with them, 
 in company with an English traveler, Mr. "W., and Skander 
 Finn. We started from the Consulate at sunrise, and rode 
 quickly across the plain of Rephaim to Rachel's Sepulcher, 
 and over the hills by Bethlehem. A well-mounted kawass 
 led the way, and a mule carrying Debihu, the Abyssinian 
 servant, and a tent, followed. We reached the pleasant 
 valley in about two hours. It looked to me more beautiful 
 than ever, with its rippling streams, its flourishing fruit- 
 trees, and rose-bushes covered with flowers. 
 We found our friends waiting for us, seated at the wide 
 entrance of a dry cave, in a white limestone rock, just 
 above the new garden-ground. We went together up to 
 Mr. Meshullam's cottage. His wife showed me a large 
 sieve full of fine roses, which had been gathered before 
 sunrise. We breakfasted in the rose-scented room, and 
 then rested for a short time on the cushioned stone divan, 
 under a large fig-tree, the thickly-growiug leaves of which 
 now afforded perfect shelter. 
 A ride was proposed, and we mounted. Mr. Finn led 
 the way in a south-westerly direction, over a steep and 
 pathless hill, which looked as if it had never been traversed 
 except by wild goats and conies. When we commenced 
 descending, we found it necessary to dismount; and, one 
 after another, we led our horses, slipping and sliding, over 
 large smooth inclined slabs of rock and loose stones, till 
 we reached a broad level platform, where rich earth had 
 rested, and formed a bed for wild flowers. Here we paused 
 for those of our party who had prudently taken an easier 
 route round the base of the hill. They presently overtook 
 us, and we were reminded that Amos, the herdsman and 
 prophet, who said, "Shall horses run upon the rock?" 
 dwelt not far from here, and very likely he had often seen 
 them stumbling or stepping cautiously over such hills as 
 this. We rode^all together up a narrow winding valley, 
 where wild thyme and heath, and blue, yellow, red, and 
 white salvias, grew abundantly among the gray rocks, 
 which were half-covered with orange-colored lichen. The 
 air was warm and fragrant. 
 At the head of the valley there was a rounded hill, 
 crowned by a low clump of trees, which sheltered a white 
 tent. The northern and western slopes were green with 
 bearded barley. This lovely patch of cultivated land con- 
 trasted strangely with the wild hills around, where there 
 was not any sign of human industry. Mr. Meshullam en- 
 joyed our surprise, and then explained how he had cleared 
 the land and sown it, and made a little garden on the top 
 of the hill. The soil was very rich in quality, but rather 
 thinly spread over the surface of the rock.* 
 There were higher hills rising beyond, and sheltering 
 this retreat. We ascended gradually, till we reached the 
 * This ground has been greatly improved since, and when I visited it in 1859, I 
 found that Peter, one of Mr. Meshullam's younger sons, a brave and enterprising 
 young man, had, on his return from service in the Crimea, built a little stono 
 house there, and inclosed a large portion of cleared land. He often lived on the 
 hill for weeks together, bis only companions being two or three native peasants, 
 and his favorite dog, and a few other domestic animals. He adopted the Bedouin 
 costume, and lived quite like an Arab, except during his occasional visits to Jeru- 
 salem and other towns. He has lived from childhood in Palestine, and his phys- 
 ical strength, quickness of action, and foresight have endeared him to the Arabs. 
 He is known and respected by most of the Sheikhs in the district. He has more 
 than once been requested to become the chief of a small tribe. He told me that 
 he would have accepted the office gladly, if he could have done so without becom- 
 ing a Mohammedan. He was dreaded by the doers of mischief for miles around. 
 He found the neighborhood infested with wild boars, jackals, foxes, and other 
 beasts of prey. He killed a great number, and very often succeeded in shooting 
 hawks and eagles. 
 When His Royal Highness Prince Alfred was in Palestine, in the Spring of 1859, 
 Mr. Peter Meshullam was one of his most constant companions on the inland 
 journey from Jerasalem to Tiberias, and thence to Haifa, where the Euryalua 
 was at aDcbor. 
 highest point in the range, which commanded a wide pros- 
 pect in every direction. 
 Looking eastward, I at once recognized the Dead Sea, 
 calm and blue, and the long line of the Moab Mountains 
 beyond ; but the rest of the view all around was to me, as 
 well as to Mr. W., only a maze of white, gray, and brown 
 hills, and dark valleys checkered with cloud-shadows, with- 
 out any roads or landmarks. 
 Mr. Finn read the landscape round for us, and its fea- 
 tures soon grew familiar to me. We were looking eastward, 
 and he said, "That dark ravine to the right, in the range 
 of rocks on this side of the Dead Sea, is the Valley of the 
 Wilderness of Engeddi, where David 'dwelled in strong- 
 holds' during his exile. That peak, like an extinct volcano, 
 which rises above the surrounding hills, is the Frank 
 Mountain, called by the Arabs, ' Jehel Furidus,^ that is, the 
 Lesser Paradise Mount. A little way to the right of it, on 
 that terraced and rounded hill, are the ruins of Tekoa, 
 where Amos guarded flocks and herds, and gathered wild 
 figs, in the days of Uzziah, King of Judah, two years be- 
 fore the earthquake. We will go there some day, and look 
 for a wise woman." Turning toward the north-east, he 
 said, "Do you notice a depression in that long range? Look 
 a little to the left of it, and you will distinguish the leaden 
 roof of the Convent of Bethlehem, and then you can make 
 out the surrounding buildings. Farther north is Mount 
 Olivet; and, now that a black cloud is passing over Jeru- 
 salem, you can plainly see two tall minarets rising white 
 and bright out of the city." 
 Many of the hills, especially in the south and east, were 
 crowned with ruins, and showed signs of former cultivation, 
 but now they were deserted. The stone walls of the an- 
 cient terraces were broken down, and the earth washed 
 away, and, where vines and fig-trees once grew, thorns and 
 thistles had sprung up — the whole land truly is made silent 
 and desolate. We were overlooking a large portion of the 
 division of the tribe of Judah. See Jer. vii, 34 — "I will 
 cause to cease from the cities of Judah the voice of mirth, 
 and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and 
 the voice of the bride: for the land shall be desolate." A 
 string of camels and a few horsemen were hastening across 
 the country, and now and then we caught sight of them. 
 Here and there a few black tents were pitched and flocks 
 were feeding, but there was nothing else to give life to the 
 The wind, which had been gradually rising, now blew so 
 violently that we could scarcely stand against it. The 
 cloud which had overshadowed Jerusalem was whirled far 
 away, and unless we had known exactly where to look, and 
 what to look for, we could not possibly have distinguished 
 the hill on which the city stands from the rocky hills which 
 encircle it. We were reminded of the words of Carlyle: 
 "The eye only sees that which it brings with it the power 
 of seeing." We rode down into the valley for shelter, but 
 we were presently tempted to ascend the opposite hill, for 
 we saw some square black tents among the low trees and 
 bushes. We rode up to the encampment and dismounted, 
 and were soon surrounded by a group of dusky Arabs. 
 They had cultivated a little patch of ground with barley 
 and beans, and a few wild olive-trees grew at the base of 
 the hill. Their half-naked little children were playing with 
 the goats, jumping from rock to rock and rolling on the 
 ground; the elder ones were gathering wood for the fire. 
 The women were attending to a caldron of rice, which was 
 suspended gipsy-fashion over a wood-fire in the open air. 
 They clustered round Mrs. Finn and me, examining us with 
 curiosity, especially wondering at our gloves and boots. 
 They all looked rather languid and fatigued — the effect 
 probably of the daily fasting, for they were very rigid 
 Moslems of Bethlehem origin. We asked them how long 
 they intended to remain there? They replied, "We shall 
 remain here till Ramadan is past."* 
 From the top of the hill the flash of the "mogarib," or 
 * See note, page 60. 
 sunset gun from the citadel at Jerusalem, could be/ seen, 
 and, partly on that account, they had chosen the spot for 
 their encampment. Besides this attraction, there was water 
 near, and pasture for their flocks, and dwarf oak-trees, and 
 resinous shrubs and thorns, which they cut down for fuel. 
 The gum-cistus flourished there, and was covered with wide- 
 open, delicate blossoms, white, pink, and lilac, which fell 
 ofi" when the flowers were gathered, and fluttered away in 
 the breeze like butterflies. 
 We remounted and went by another route toward Urtas, 
 making our way along narrow wadys, and crossing ridges, 
 where tall hollyhocks and the hibiscus abounded. Pres- 
 ently we came to a hill on which there were extensive 
 and interesting ruins. We dismounted and scrambled up 
 among rocks, hewed stones, and thistles, and thorn-bushes, 
 which grew on the ancient terraces. When we reached 
 the plateau on the top of the hill, Mr. Finn, who had 
 previously explored the place, pointed out to us the foun- 
 dation of a very large building, divided into compartments. 
 The walls had been broken down, but in some parts they 
 stood four feet high. They were built of very large, well- 
 beveled blocks of stone, not joined together with mortar, 
 but the interstices were filled up with finely-crushed stones. 
 The ground was strewed with tesserae about three-quarters 
 of an inch square, with which all the inclosed spaces had 
 evidently been paved. 
 From the style of the masonry and the general outline, 
 Mr. Finn judged that this was^a good example of Jewish 
 workmanship of an early period, and as ancient as any 
 existing in the country. The buildings must have covered 
 a large space, and were apparently all connected with the 
 central and principal one. The Arabs call this ruin the 
 "jDar el Bendf^ — that is, the house or "retreat of girls;" 
 but they have no tale to tell about it. There is no his- 
 torical notice or tradition of any Christian convent having 
 existed here at any time ; and there is not the slightest 
 indication of Christian art in the general ground-plan. 
Solomon's harem. 345 
 The great beveled stones wliicli are scattered all over 
 the hill, and rest in heaps in the valley below, as if 
 thrown down by an earthquake, are exactly like the stones 
 of which Solomon's Pools and other ancient works are 
 formed. Mr. Finn suggested that this was possibly one 
 of the places of which Solomon spoke when he said, 
 "I made me great works; I builded me houses." And 
 the singular traditionary name, " Dar el Benat," which 
 has clung to it, may signify that this was an establish- 
 ment connected with Solomon's harem, which, it is said, 
 contained " seven hundred wives and three hundred con- 
 I can imagine the time when the now fallen walls were 
 standing, and inclosing cool chambers, columned corridors, 
 terraces, courts, fountains, and gardens of citrons and roses; 
 when the hill-sides were covered with vines, and the valley 
 below was well watered, and brought forth all kinds of 
 goodly fruits and fragrant spices. Gathered together there, 
 I see in fancy "virgins without number;" agile and grace- 
 ful mountaineers from the Lebanon ; proud and stately 
 daughters of Jerusalem ; sweet, shy girls from the plains 
 of Sharon; and the fairest of the fair maidens of Shunem; 
 contrasting with the dark loveliness of the melancholy 
 young African exiles, who wore " the shadowed livery 
 of the burnished sun," and gloried in the tints he made 
 them wear.* 
 Guarded by "valiant men of Israel," and surrounded by 
 handmaidens and slaves, they were nursed here in luxury 
 and splendor — decked with ornaments of gold, and silver, 
 and precious stones — clothed with raiments of fine linen, 
 and silk, and embroidered work — anointed with oil, and 
 perfumed with sweet odors. Every art was employed that 
 could add a new charm to beauty. I can hear their songs 
 of rejoicing when the Winter rains passed away and the 
 flowers appeared on the earth. I can see them early in 
 * "I am black but comely, ye daughters of Jerusalem!" 
 SoNQ OF Solomon i, 6. 
 the morning in the vineyards, or on the stairs cut in the 
 rock on the hill-side, going down into the garden of nuts, 
 to see the fruits of the valley — to see whether the vine 
 flourished and the pomegranate budded; and to this day, 
 at every marriage festival in the country, their wild, 
 picturesque, and passionate love-songs are echoed in a 
 language very nearly allied to their own. On this subject 
 I hope, on some future occasion, to speak more fully, in 
 some notes on the Life and Times of Solomon, and his 
 Song of Songs. 
 We lingered a long time among the ruins. I picked up 
 a handful of tesserae, and then went down to the valley. 
 We found traces here and there of a rocky staircase, the 
 joint work of nature and art. At the base of the hill wild 
 pomegranates and the arbutus grew. Just as we were 
 mounting I saw on the top of a seemingly-inaccessible 
 heap of rocks and hewed stones a very fine honeysuckle. 
 Mr. W. determined to gather it for us. He leaped across 
 the deep dry bed of the Winter torrent, and climbed over 
 the bushes and rocks, and soon returned in triumph with 
 such a large, bright trophy of pink hollyhocks, at least 
 five feet high, and long, trailing branches of the honey- 
 suckle, that it frightened all the horses as he approached. 
 We rode on, laden with flowers. The honeysuckle smelled 
 very sweet; its blossoms were large, and of a pale-yellow 
 color, shaded with white and pink. 
 We made our way quickly to Urtas, and after dinner 
 we sat for a short time under the fig-tree. The peasants 
 came down from the ancient village above to look at us, 
 and we took the opportunity of putting some of them 
 into our sketch-books. Then we mounted, and had a 
 delightful ride back to Jerusalem. It was long past sun- 
 set when we reached the gates, but the keeper of the key 
 had been detained to admit us. 
 Thus the Spring-time passed pleasantly. Day after day 
 my attention and my interest had been excited by scenes 
 and incidents which vividly illustrated the treasured records 
 of the past, and threw new light for me on Hebrew 
 chronicle and Gospel story. I had seen and entered into 
 the spirit of human life in all its progressive stages. I 
 had found shelter in the tents of lawless wanderers, and 
 claimed sisterhood with Bedouin girls. I had lingered 
 among more peaceful tribes, who dwell in patriarchal 
 simplicity in stationary tents, surrounded by flocks and 
 herds. I had lodged with the fellahin, in their rude 
 villages of mud and stone, encircled by orchards, gardens, 
 fields of grain, and pasture-land, and had associated with 
 the townspeople, the great men, the law-makers, and the 
 governors of the land. In the mean time I had occa- 
 sionally enjoyed the society of some of the most highly- 
 cultivated and noble representatives of the civilized nations 
 of Europe. I could find some meeting-point of sympathy 
 with all, and I truly felt that "one touch of nature makes 
 the whole world kin." 
 My desire to make my friends in England share my 
 pleasures, and to enable them to see, as far as possible, 
 a true reflex of all that I saw, led me to look carefully 
 and earnestly on all things. I seemed to possess unusual 
 strength and power of resisting fatigue, and acquired habits 
 of ceaseless and minute observation. My pen and pencil 
 were almost always in use. Friendly voices often said, 
 " You are working too hard ; you do not take sufficient 
 rest;" or, "Unless you work with less intensity you will 
 suffer sooner or later. In this country, at this season, it 
 is absolutely necessary to have a little sleep or perfect 
 repose at midday." 
 I did not take warning, and at last sleepless nights 
 came, and were followed by weary days and loss of 
 appetite, and my almost unnaturally-excited and overtaxed 
 strength suddenly gave way. I remember one hot night, 
 after in vain trying to sleep, I rose and sat in one of 
 the eastern windows of the Consulate on Mount Zion, and 
 watched for the rising of the sun over the Mount of 
 Olives. I waited for a long time before there was any 
 change in the cool gray sky or any colors on the dusky 
 earth. Every thing was as still as death. Presently 
 there was a pale, golden tinge in the east, and the dark 
 mountains of Moab grew dim and shadowy in misty light; 
 the brightness rose up into the heavens, which suddenly 
 became orange, blue, and rose-colored. The tall date palm- 
 trees, so black and so motionless a moment before, now 
 stirred their green fronds gently, and the delicate yellow- 
 grasses on the house-tops and on the terraces quivered and 
 shook as if just awakened out of sleep, and birds fluttered 
 from their nests chirping and twittering in chorus; but it 
 was some time before the sun appeared above Mount Olivet. 
 That was on the 26th of May. Afterward I became weaker 
 and weaker, taking no note of time; sometimes riding out 
 very gently into an olive-grove to rest under the trees, 
 while I idly watched the children at their play, or the 
 flickering shadows of wide-winged birds, or the busy insects 
 creeping in and out among the stones and the wild flowers. 
 But there w^e days when I could not rise from my bed, 
 and sometimes I thought that I should die there. For 
 two or three days I was quite deaf through extreme weak- 
 ness. The late Dr. Macgowan was unremitting in his 
 attention, and I never shall forget the kindness of my 
 nurses, of whom Mrs. Finn was the chief 
 On the 18th of June Um Issa, one of the servants, 
 came to my bedside, and said gently, in Arabic, " Be 
 glad and rejoice, for now you will be well quickly. The 
 Consul has come, God be praised !" From that time I 
 began to recover, and the next day I rode up with my 
 brother to Mr. Graham's little tower on Mount Olivet, 
 and took up my abode there for a few weeks. It is a 
 genuine Arab structure. On the ground-floor are stables 
 and a kitchen ; and a vaulted chamber above, with a broad 
 window in a deep recess, serves as the sitting-room. A 
 few stone steps lead to the flat roof, which forms a pleasant 
 terrace, and is protected by a low wall, as are most of 
 these flat roofs, and as they must have been anciently, 
 in obedience to the law : " When thou buildest a new 
 house, then thou shalt make a battlement for thy roof, 
 that thou bring not blood upon thine house, if any man 
 fall from thence." Deut. xxii, 8. From this terrace we 
 had almost a bird's-eye view of Jerusalem. Looking down 
 the slope of Olivet, sprinkled with trees and rugged with 
 rocks, we saw the deep Valley of Jehoshaphat, which 
 separated us from the city. 
 Mr. Graham and my brother went into the city every 
 morning, and I used to sit in the window-seat sweeping the 
 landscape with an excellent telescope, watching the wor- 
 shipers in the mosque area, or gazing on the hills round 
 about Jerusalem, till every one became as familiar to me as 
 the face of a friend. 
 The olives and fig-trees around were flourishing, the 
 pomegranates were in full leaf and blossom, and the fruit 
 was beginning to form. The patches of wheat and barley 
 on the terraces had been reaped, and thorns and thistles 
 were springing up in the stubble-fields. My friends from 
 the Consulate used to come sometimes to spend the midday 
 hours with me, and my brother generally arrived in time for 
 an evening stroll. This quiet life brought back my strength, 
 and I could again use my pen and pencil with delight and 
 with an untrembling hand; and, by taking regular hours of 
 rest, I found that I could work and enjoy all pleasant sights 
 and sounds without suficring any ill efiiects. 
 On Saturday I noticed that large companies of women 
 gathered together on the slope of the opposite hill, below 
 the St. Stephen's Gate. They sat in little groups under the 
 olive-trees. They were all shrouded in white sheets, but 
 many of them took ofi" their mundils, or muslin face-vails, 
 thinking themselves quite out of sight of strangers — but I 
 could distinguish their features through the telescope. 
 Ropes were fastened to the tree-branches, and the chil 
 dren began to swing with great glee. The women followed 
 the example, and seemed thoroughly to enjoy the monoto- 
 nous movement. By midday there were more than a 
 hundred women assembled, besides groups of children, so 
 restless that I could not count them, attended by unvailed 
 Abyssinian servants. 
 Several black men came out of the St. Stephen's Gate, 
 carrying provisions; they handed them to the female serv- 
 ants, and then went away directly. Soon a number of cir- 
 cular trays were placed in the shade and covered with sim- 
 ple food and sweetmeats. Water was poured from jars over 
 the hands of the women, and then they sat on the ground 
 round the well-filled dishes. They were not nearly so silent 
 over their meal as men are. They lingered over it, and I 
 could see that they were laughing and talking merrily. 
 Then they washed their hands again, and took coffee and 
 smoked narghiles while the servants had their dinner; and 
 they all remained there, some sleeping and others chatting, 
 under the trees, till an hour before sunset, when they vailed 
 themselves closely and went into the city. It is a very 
 common practice in the Summer-time to keep holiday 
 On Friday, the 4th of July, the wind rose suddenly at 
 midday, and was so violent that I was obliged to have all 
 the casements closed, and even then the curtains were 
 blown about and papers fluttered through the rooms, yet 
 the heat was intense. 
 On Saturday, the 5th, I went with my brother, early in 
 the afternoon, to the little village on the top of the central 
 point of Olivet. We called at the house adjoining the 
 mosque. We entered a court and mounted a steep stone 
 stairway, and reached a broad terrace, with high, raised, 
 stone divans on each side of the arched entrance to a large 
 but low room. Carpets and cushions were quickly brought 
 out and spread on the raised seats, and a handsome Moslem, 
 the son of an effendi of some note in Jerusalem, who was 
 staying up there for change of air, invited us to make our- 
 selves at home. 
 In a few minutes, the master of the house, a fine, gray- 
 bearded, turbaned sheikh, joined us. After we had taken 
 sherbet, coffee, and a narghile, he opened the door at the 
 base of the minaret, and we groped our way up the wind- 
 ing stairs to the top, and then stood in the balcony, silent 
 with delight at the wonderful prospect which presented 
 itself. Looking eastward over the wilderness of bossy hills, 
 we saw a large expanse of the Dead Sea, with the Moab 
 Mountains beyond, stretching far away north and south. 
 The sun shone magnificently, shedding a halo of glory on 
 every object. In the foreground of the view a wely^ or 
 dome, stood on a rounded hill, which was covered with olive 
 and fig trees. This is called the Dome of the Witnesses. 
 Beyond this, there was no sign of life — all was desolate. 
 But, looking westward, we could see Jerusalem stretched 
 out like a map beneath us, and there were evidences of 
 human skill and industry on almost all the hills. 
 While we were there, the Cancelliere of the French Con- 
 sulate and M. Gilbert joined us. The latter said that 
 Kamil Pasha had been to the castle to call on us, and, 
 hearing where we were, had followed us. So we went down 
 on to the terrace to meet him. 
 Our host asked me, in a low voice, if I would visit his 
 harem, as his wives had expressed a wish to see me. 
 With my brother's permission, I went. The old man led 
 me through a court, and up on to a terraced roof, where 
 an elderly woman, the wife of his youth, awaited me. He 
 went away, and she said, "Welcome, my daughter; we 
 have heard of you, and have been longing to see you and 
 speak with you." She took me into a little garden on the 
 house-top, and two handsome women, with features of 
 Egyptian character, came forward to greet me. They won- 
 dered that I ventured to remain in the lonely castle on the 
 hill, and said, " We dare not live there. God has given 
 courage to English girls." I then inquired how many 
 English girls they had known. " We know you, and we 
 have known one other only. She was a girl who lived 
 in the castle for a long time with her father." I found 
 that they referred to the daughter of Mr. Barclay, the 
 author of the '' City of the Great King." They asked 
 after her with warm-hearted kindness. 
 Suddenly, while we were speaking, the two younger 
 wives started up, and went to the other side of the garden, 
 crouched down in the shadow of the wall, and made their 
 way cautiously down to their rooms. I said, "What has 
 disturbed you?" The old wife, who did not move, directed 
 my attention to a window, or rather a small square open- 
 ing, in a house not far off. A man was looking from it, 
 evidently surprised to see a stranger there, for he lifted up 
 some children to look at me. The old woman said, " Never 
 mind, let us gather some flowers before we go down." 
 There were dahlias, hollyhocks, balsams, scavias, African 
 marigolds, everlastings, roses, sweet basil, and myrtles in 
 full blossom. I made a bouquet of the three last, and the 
 woman said, " Why have you passed all the other flowers 
 to take these?" I said, "These are the flowers I love the 
 best for their scent and for their beauty." She said, " Even 
 as you love one flower better than another, so God loves 
 one creature more than another. You are one of the favor- 
 ites of God, and he protects you in all dangers." 
 She wore by her side a flat gold box, about four inches 
 wide and six inches long, suspended by a double chain.. It 
 w'as engraved with sentences from the Koran, and she said 
 that it contained a charm against the power of an evil eye, 
 and against sorcery. I told her I never wore charms. She 
 replied, " You do not require any — no one can hurt you." 
 We wewt down into the women's room. The two young 
 wives were waiting for us at the wide-open door, and had 
 prepared coffee and sweetmeats for me. The room was 
 large and low, without any windows ; there were small 
 holes near the ceiling. 
 I saw several young children. They seemed very much 
 neglected, and the flies were allowed to tease them terribly, 
 clustering on the edges of their unwashed eyelids, and 
 buzzing about their sugar-crusted lips. 
 The sun was going down, and the muezzin cried out from 
 the minaret close by, so I rejoined my brother; and we re- 
 tired, to allow our Moslem friends to enjoy their evening 
 meal. I went several times afterward, to sketch from the 
 minaret, and to see the women. 
 On Sunday morning, July 6th, I sat alone in the window- 
 seat of my home, on Mount Olivet, and watched the funeral 
 of a Moslem woman. The procession issued from the St. 
 Stephen's Gate. Some soldiers and other men carried the 
 open bier. The body, covered with a sheet, was lying down 
 flat, but the head was very much raised, and the face con- 
 cealed by a mundil. The open grave was close by the 
 wayside. A number of men were grouped around it, and 
 some women were watching from the slope above, wailing 
 wildly, swaying their bodies to and fro, and throwing up 
 their arms, as if pleading passionately. The clumsy bier 
 was propped against a rock, and the dead body fell into an 
 awkward sitting posture. Two men went down into the 
 grave, and quite disappeared. The corpse was then re- 
 moved fVom the bier, the sheet was taken off, and disclosed 
 a figure just like an Egyptian mummy. It was handed, 
 not very gently or reverently, to the men below, and then 
 eight men held the sheet over the opening. After a minute 
 or two the sheet was withdrawn, the men who had been 
 covering up the body appeared above ground, and the grave 
 was quickly closed. The crowd dispersed, and in a short 
 time all was quiet again. 
 It was a very hot day, and I was quite alone, for I had 
 been persuaded not to venture into the town to church. At 
 about three o'clock, I saw a large body of irregular Turkish 
 troops issuing from the St. Stephen's Gate. They rode in 
 single file down into the valley, and then rose up the sides 
 of Olivet, along the path toward the village above. They 
 all carried guns, and most of them had long spears. They 
 were dressed with no attention to uniformity, but nearly 
 every one wore a red and yellow silk hefia, or fringed 
 shawl head-dress. I counted fifty-two in the first detach- 
 ment, but others followed in small parties, took the road 
 along the valley, and disappeared behind the Garden of 
 A little before sunset my brother returned, and, in answer 
 to my questions about the soldiers, said, " They were on 
 their way to Abu Dis, a village on the other side of the 
 hill, which is now in arms against El Tur, the village just 
 above us. Several skirmishes have taken place during the 
 last three days, and a few people have been killed on both 
 sides. The Pasha is now determined to put a stop to the 
 fighting. His Excellency has just now told me that he in- 
 tends to encamp up here, and will have his tents pitched 
 near to this tower." He did so, and shortly afterward his 
 pretty green tents were to be seen under the olive-trees. 
 On Tuesday, July 8th, Mr. Graham and my brother re- 
 turned from the town early and said, "Now put on some- 
 thing that clay will not spoil and rocks will not tear, and 
 we will take you to explore the Tombs of the Prophets." 
 Having equipped myself accordingly, and provided wax 
 candles, we rode up to the top of the hill through the little 
 dusty village of El Tur. We traversed the large cucumber 
 gardens beyond it, and entered a fine mulberry orchard. A 
 troop of naif-naked little brown boys were up in the trees, 
 gathering the ripe and abundant fruit and shouting merrily j 
 while a few women, in purple linen dresses and white cotton 
 vails, stood beneath with large trays and baskets made of 
 reeds, which they were rapidly filling. We alighted under 
 the trees. One woman, who seemed to have authority over 
 all the rest, advanced to me and gave me some of the fruit. 
 I had never tasted finer mulberries. Then, to my surprise, 
 I was led to the mouth of a circular well, quite dry, and 
 nearly filled up with dust and rubbish. We got down into 
 this and crept through a hole in the side, and crawled 
 along a winding and descending way on our hands and feet 
 till we found ourselves in a circular chamber in which we 
 could stand upright. It was about twenty-four feet in di- 
 ameter, and in the middle about ten feet high. A little 
 light came into it from a hole pierced through the solid 
 rock above. Here we lighted our candles, and Mr. Graham 
 drew my attention to three holes leading in different directions. 
 He entered the' central one, moving backward and pushing 
 his way along on the ground. I crawled in head-foremost 
 and much more easily. We were gradually descending, 
 and presently came to a corridor which hranched off in a 
 curve on each side, forming part of a circle of which the 
 chamber we had left seemed to be the center. This corri- 
 dor was about ten feet high and six feet broad; it was 
 vaulted and cemented, and the floor, of rock, was made 
 level. There were a great number of chambers and niches 
 in the walls, but there were no remains of coffins of any 
 kind. From this gallery, which was only a quadrant, other 
 passages branched off. We entered one which led us to a 
 gallery of the same kind, but larger, and forming part of a 
 more extended circle. Mr. Graham advised us not to ven- 
 ture into the passages which he had not previously explored, 
 for they are rather puzzling, and the place is quite a maze 
 to an unguided stranger. The outer quadrant is said to be 
 115 feet in length, and sixty feet distant from the circular 
 chamber which is its center. The passages which lead to 
 and unite the two quadrants are roughly hewn in the rock. 
 Some of the narrowest ones look like natural fissures. The 
 ground on which we walked or crawled was close, firm, and 
 dry, and neither dusty nor sandy. 
 The atmosphere was chilly and yet oppressive. We made 
 our way back to the mouth of the well, and were glad to 
 see the sunshine through the green leaves of the mulberry- 
 trees, and to breathe the fragrant air again.* 
 The range of Olivet is divided by slight depressions into 
 three parts. On the northern hill the little tower which we 
 occupied is the most conspicuous object. The central and 
 highest elevation is crowned by the village El Ttir. On the 
 southern hill there are no buildings, but the olive-trees are 
 more numerous than on any other part of the range. We 
 * I went on another occasion down into this strange place, and found tho walla 
 quite wet, and the ground like damp clay. 
 mounted and rode southward, pausing under the trees on 
 the brow of the hill. Looking toward Jerusalem we saw a 
 large party of Bashi-Bazuks galloping up the hill and en- 
 tering the city gates. The sun was going down. In a few 
 minutes afterward we heard shouts and songs of triumph, 
 and a troop of armed villagers made their appearance. 
 There were about one hundred, and they marched in irreg- 
 ular order along the winding, rocky path just below us, 
 close to Siloam. My brother said, " That is the little army 
 which was sent forth by Siloam to take part in the fight 
 up here." 
 As we returned to El Tilr, we were overtaken by a 
 bright-looking peasant boy, singing lustily. He was riding 
 on a little black donkey, which came leaping and dancing 
 along as if he were as merry as his rider. The boy stopped 
 his song and the donkey immediately stood still, as if it 
 were an understood arrangement. We found they were 
 pausing by the side of a well, and I also waited there to 
 let my horse drink from the stone trough close by. An old 
 man had just filled it from a goatskin. The boy told us 
 that there had been a hard fight over the hill that day, 
 and added, "Five souls were killed." However, it turned 
 out that two of these souls were horses. We stopped in 
 the village to speak to the old sheikh of the mosque. He 
 said, "Good-night, and God's blessing be upon you, my 
 daughter!" I answered, "A hundred good-nights to you, 
 my father!" The moon was shining brightly when we 
 reached the tower. 
 On the 18th of July I went into town to stay at the 
 late Rev. J. Nicolayson's for a few days, that I might take 
 leave of all my friends in Jerusalem and make preparations 
 for starting for Haifa. When all was in readiness, my tent 
 was pitched at the Talibiyeh, where Mr. Finn had en- 
 camped again. Mr. Graham was on the eve of departure 
 for England, much to the regret of the Jewish converts and 
 even of the most steadfast Jews of Jerusalem, to whom he 
 had shown unfailing kindness. Mrs. Finn and her coadju- 
 tors in the management of the Jewish Plantation, and Mr. 
 Meshullam and his family, united in publicly testifying 
 their sense of his kindness, by inviting the principal Israel- 
 itish Christians living in Jerusalem to spend Thursday, 
 July 24th, at Urtas, to meet him and his friends, among 
 whom we were included. . 
 By this time my readers know the road to the pleasant 
 gardens of Urtas. The scenery was slightly changed, for 
 the corn was all reaped, and green millet was growing on 
 the plains. 
 We reached the valley at an early hour. The little 
 stone house could not accommodate one-half of the party, 
 so we were conducted by Mr. Meshullam to a guest- 
 chamber made ready for the occasion. It was the joint 
 work of nature and art. Three sides of it were formed of 
 the steep rugged rocks, like seaside cliflfs ; a fourth wall 
 had been built up of hewn stone, and was furnished with 
 a wide door, for this place was ordinarily used as a stable 
 for cows, horses, and camels. It is about fifty feet by 
 thirty. Two large fig-trees grew in the middle, and their 
 leafy branches made an appropriate roof. Divans, cushions, 
 and carpets had been spread on the ground, and over these, 
 boughs and leaves of sweet lemon and citron were strewn. 
 On the ledges of the brown and yellow rocks a few wild 
 flowers grew, and one tall wild hollyhock stood proudly in 
 a corner, covered with pink blossoms. Wild honeysuckles 
 crept from the slope above, and festooned the rude walls. 
 A table was arranged in the center, and breakfast was 
 There were twenty-three Christian Israelites present, be- 
 sides Mr, Graham and about a dozen of his friends, with 
 Mr. and Mrs. Finn, and the Rev. J. Nicolayson. The 
 latter, after breakfast, stood in the shade of a rock, and 
 addressed the company present with aflFectionate and earnest 
 gravity. The Rev. Mr. Hefter, an Israelite, then rose and 
 spoke to his brethren, " and when they heard that he spake 
 in the Hebrew tongue, they kept the more silence." Mr. 
 Nicolayson repeated to us in English some of Mr. Hefter's 
 principal remarks. Then the Third Psalm was sung in 
 Hebrew, in alternate solo and chorus, to a very ancient 
 Oriental melody, which was sweetly echoed by the rocks 
 and hills around — rocks and hills which had very likely 
 been trodden by David himself. The bright wild gold- 
 finches in the trees above us joined loudly in the song. 
 After this, the company separated into little groups. 
 Some wandered to the vineyards, where the well-trained 
 vines were laden heavily with fruit. Others went to see 
 the spring, and we rested by the stream, enjoying the sound 
 of the rippling water, which flowed along just outside the 
 I induced a peasant-boy to let me take his portrait. He 
 sat on a rock opposite to me, half in the sunlight and half 
 in the shade. He wore a red and yellow shawl as a tur- 
 ban, and a coarse white linen shirt, with a red leather 
 girdle. On his finger he displayed a large silver ring with 
 a small blue stone in it, as a defense against evil eyes and 
 necromantic arts. 
 Some Arab sheikhs from Hebron came to Urtas to settle 
 some business. They seemed very much surprised to see 
 so many strangers there. 
 When the shadows began to lengthen, the guests assem- 
 bled, and the table was spread with fowls, and various 
 Italian and Eastern compositions. The chief dish was a 
 fine lamb, stufied with rice, raisins, pistachio-nuts, pine 
 seeds, and spice, roasted entire, in a hole dug in the 
 ground for the express purpose. The garden had fur- 
 nished abundance of vegetables, and ears of maize or In- 
 dian corn, which were boiled whole. The great attraction 
 of the dessert was a pyramid of ripe peaches, the " first- 
 fruits " of the orchard. 
 Several appropriate and interesting speeches were made, 
 and Mr. Graham, after speaking of the beauty of the 
 valley in particular, and the natural fertility of the whole 
 country, said, "Although there are so many waste places 
 and desolate hills, they are not barren, they only want 
 cultivation. Let us be of the same mind with Caleb, the 
 son of Jephunneh, and Joshua, the son of Nun, who 
 brought a good report of the land." Then all present, 
 with one accord, answered, shouting, " It is a goodly land ! 
 It is a goodly land !" 
 Soon afterward we rode homeward, and the moon had 
 risen when we reached the Talibiyeh. 
 On Friday, July 25tli, all was in readiness for our return 
 to Haifa by way of Yafa. Khawadja Ody Azam, of Nab- 
 lils, had arranged to accompany us, and we started about 
 one hour before sunset. 
 We hastened along the valleys and over the hills, now 
 quite familiar to me, and reached Kyriat el Enab — com- 
 monly called Abu Ghosh — at nine o'clock. Close to the 
 village there is a large, smooth, circular platform of earth, 
 slightly raised and surrounded by large stones and shrubs. 
 A gigantic mulberry-tree stands in the center. Under its 
 shade the chief men of the village assemble nearly every 
 day. It is their council-chamber, their exchange, their 
 lounging-place, and their play-ground. They smoke, they 
 sleep, they play at draughts and other games, and transact 
 all kinds of business there. This spot is the favorite 
 camping-ground of travelers, and here we alighted. My 
 brother led me over the stones on to the platform. Two 
 or three lanterns were hanging from the tree-branches, and 
 shone upon a little party of Moslems, who were seated in 
 a circle just beneath. They rose on seeing us, and greeted 
 us gravely. A large reed-mat, rolled up and leaning 
 against the tree-trunk, was immediately put down for us. 
 Our arrival was made known to Hajj Mustafa Abu 
 Ghosh, the Governor. He sent us his greetings, with some 
 melons, grapes, coffee, and a couple of wax candles. The 
 latter, for want of candlesticks, we stuck in the ground. 
 A white cloth spread over the mat served as our supper- 
 table. The Moslems watched us in perfect silence while 
 we chatted over our cold roast chickens. 
 The stars shone splendidly, and a very slight breeze 
 stirred the leaves of the tree above us. In the mean time, 
 our tents had been pitched. The Moslems went up to the 
 village, and we retired to rest. 
 At five o'clock on the following morning we started 
 again. We lunched in a fruit-garden at Kubab, where 
 prickly-pears were fine and abundant, and reached Ramleh 
 at eleven o'clock. We rested during the heat of the day at 
 the house which we had visited in August. A new draw- 
 ing-room, or divan, had been built, and the white walls 
 were bordered with blue arabesque designs, and hung wth 
 curious pictures, specimens of caligraphic art. Long his- 
 tories were written in ornamental Arabic characters, ar- 
 ranged so as to represent animals, real and imaginary. 
 There was a lion very carefully done. At a little distance 
 it looked only like an ordinary quaint pen-and-ink drawing, 
 though in reality every line consisted of part of a word. 
 The Arabs very much admire these tedious, unartistic, and 
 time-taking productions. Almost the only modern Arabic 
 poetry which is published partakes of the same spirit of 
 ingenious trifling; for the chief aim seems to be, to com- 
 pose verses in which certain names and phrases are intro- 
 duced intricately, in an acrostic form, with elaborate care, 
 but without any true poetic feeling. 
 The real poetry* of the country is unwritten. It is the 
 every-day language of the people. They are all — more es- 
 pecially the Bedouins and the peasants — unconscious poets. 
 Their natural artistic feeling, and their sense of beauty 
 and fitness, are shown in their costumes, which are always 
 harmonious in color, and never embroidered except with 
 pure and graceful designs. They show their skill and taste 
 in the simple and appropriate forms of their home-made 
 lamps, jars, dishes, stoves, and other articles of domestic 
 use, which they model in clay and expose to the sun till 
 they are thoroughly baked. 
 The windows of the new room commanded a fine view, 
 the central object being the tall, Saracenic tower, for which 
 E-amleh is renowned. It was built early in the 14tli cen- 
 tury. There are fruit-gardens on each side of it, and the 
 white domes of the houses appear between the green trees. 
 In an open space in front a troop of tired camels were 
 kneeling, and their drivers were sleeping in the shade of 
 the rough stone garden-walls and hedges of cactus. The 
 olive-groves and palm-trees of Ramleh, and the wide undu- 
 lating plain of Judea could be seen beyond, and the pic- 
 ture was bounded by a range of blue and gray hills, which 
 the sunny haze caused to appear more distant than they 
 we^e in reality. I sketched this scene, while my good- 
 natured hostess watched my pencil. She said, "Peace be 
 upon your hands, my daughter !" We mounted again 
 at about five, rode quickly over the sandy plain, and at 
 about an hour after sunset we reached the Yafa Gardens, 
 where the air was balmy, warm, and fragrant, and reminded 
 us of the atmosphere of a well-kept English conservatory. 
 "We went straight to the Latin Convent by the seaside, and 
 found that the suite of rooms belonging to the Patriarch 
 of Jerusalem had been prepared for us, by his orders. A 
 Spanish monk spent the evening with us, on the starlit ter- 
 race, looking over the Mediterranean. 
 The next morning, Sunday, we breakfasted with Dr. 
 Kayat, the English Consul, and then accompanied him to 
 the Mission House, where service was conducted by Mr. 
 Kruse. I spent the remainder of the day there with his 
 family. Mrs. Krus6 had established a day-school for Arab 
 girls. She told me that she found it difiicult and rather 
 discouraging work, not on account of deficiency of capacity 
 in the children, but because the ideas which they imbibed 
 unconsciously, and therefore perhaps the more deeply, in 
 their homes, constantly counteracted the influence of the 
 lessons which they learned at school. We sat for a long 
 time in the cool of the evening among the flowers on the 
 terrace, and watched the sun as it went down. 
 The next day my brother was busy at the Consulate. 
 He settled by arbitration a rather serious and long-standing 
 dispute between an English naturalized subject and an 
 English protege. The Arabs praised his judgment and 
 tact loudly, and said, " He has done well and wisely. He 
 has saved the lamb without leaving the wolf to suffer hun- 
 ger." The disputants declared themselves content and 
 At four o'clock we started to go by land up the coast to 
 Haifa. A large number of our friends walked with us as 
 far as the town-gate, and then took leave of us, saying, 
 " Go in peace," and " God direct you." The broad sandy 
 road outside was, for the distance of a quarter of a mile, 
 lined with people, sitting on very low stools, or half-reclin- 
 ing on mats. I do not know any place where there are so 
 many well-dressed turbaned and tarbushed loungers to be 
 seen smoking, musing, gossiping, and playing with their 
 rosaries, as outside the gate of the town of Yafa just before 
 sunset. In the same place a market is held in the early 
 morning, and then there is a crowd as large, but much 
 more motley, noisy, and busy. 
 We soon made our way to the shell-strewn shore. The 
 sea was rolling toward us on our left hand, the white- 
 crested waves washed over the half-buried skeletons of the 
 many ships and boats which had been wrecked there, and 
 threw under our horses' feet masses of sea-weed and large 
 fragments of sponge. Little birds were running swiftly 
 along the sands, and gulls were flapping their broad white 
 wings above our heads. The cliffs on our right were very 
 low, and here and there covered with thistles and shrubs. 
 Sometimes we could see the inland country, the Plain of 
 Sharon, bounded by the far-away hills of Judea. The sea 
 margin is broad, and composed almost entirely of broken 
 We were approaching a river called "Nahr el Aujeh." 
 We saw some peasants who were ahead of us preparing to 
 cross. They took off their clothes. One of the men made 
 a tight bundle of his scanty clothing, and threw it with a 
 bound safe on to the opposite bank. The others, less ven- 
 turesome, tied their wardrobes on the backs of their laden 
 mules. Then they plunged into the stream, and, leading 
 their reluctant mules carefully, they walked through the 
 water, which was as high as their waists. They were all 
 safe over and hastily dressing themselves, by the time we 
 reached the river-side. We found the stream very rapid, 
 and even in the best fording-place it was at least three 
 feet deep. My horse was rather tall for an Arab, and he 
 carried me over so well that I did not get very wet, though 
 in leaping and scrambling out of the stream on to the bank 
 we were all well sprinkled. The sunset was cloudless, the 
 sky was shaded in imperceptible gradations, from a deep 
 red, which merged into orange tints of every shade ; the 
 palest was lost in a broad belt of delicate green, and this 
 blended with the blue above us. 
 A multitude of crabs were running from their sand-holes 
 toward the sea, and oyster-catchers were busily seeking an 
 evening meal. The cliffs on our right hand were now con- 
 siderably higher and steeper. They were formed of a con- 
 glomerate of shells and sand. In some places the beach 
 was very narrow and rocky. The twilight deepened rapidly, 
 and a thick mist rose from the ground, so that we could 
 only see the upper parts of the figures moving before us. 
 We met a long string of camels, swinging themselves lazily 
 along, and a group of Bedouins followed them. They 
 looked very strange and shadowy, partly concealed and 
 partly magnified as they were by the mist. Our kawass, 
 moving steadily before us, appeared to be gliding along 
 without feet. We rode on quickly to El Haram, which we 
 reached by making our way through a curious winding fis- 
 sure in the cliffs. It is an ancient water-course, which now 
 serves for a road. A low rough wall of rock stands in the 
 center, and divides it into two natural causeways. 
 The groom alighted and led the way, groping along the 
 winding road with a large lantern in his hand. As soon 
 as we reached the top of the high cliffs we were out of the 
 mist, and could see the silhouette of " El Haram Aly ebn 
 Aleim " — " the Sanctuary of Aly^ the son of Aleim." This 
 place consists of a few well-built stone houses, clustering 
 round an ancient mosque. It is a very favorite retreat of 
 Derwishes and Moslem saints. "We were conducted through 
 several court-yards and passages, then up a steep uncov- 
 ered stone staircase, on to a wide terrace, where a party of 
 Moslems were sitting round a little mountain of rice, and 
 eating it quickly and silently by star and lantern light. 
 The sheikh of the village welcomed us, and invited us to 
 enter the spacious and lofty guest-chamber, which opened 
 on to the terrace. Little red earthenware lamps of antique 
 form were lighted and placed in niches round the room, 
 and then we could see that the roof was dome-shaped, the 
 ceiling fluted, and the walls plastered and ornamented. 
 But the whole surface was blackened with smoke from the 
 wood-fires, which are always kept burning in the center of 
 the floor in Winter-time. 
 There was nothing in this room except a few old reed- 
 mats, which were spread all round near the walls. "We 
 had some of our tent furniture brought in, and after taking 
 supper, making notes, and chatting with the sheikh over 
 our coff'ee and narghiles, we walked for a short time on the 
 starlit terrace, where our fellow-travelers and servants, 
 rolled up in their cloaks and wadded quilts, were already 
 in deep sleep. "We rested for a few hours in the great 
 guest-chamber, and when the muezzin sang from the little 
 minaret close by, saying, " Awake, sleepers, it is better to 
 pray than to sleep," we answered to the call, and then 
 went on to the terrace. 
 The day was just beginning to dawn. It was three 
 o'clock, and the loud shrill voice echoing from the court- 
 yard below, reminded us that it was the first hour of 
 " cock-crowing."* The moon had not long risen. She was 
 in her last quarter, but looked very clear and bright. 
 After breakfasting, we mounted at four o'clock, and 
 continued our journey northward along the coast, but at 
 * The second " cock-crowing " is at sunrise. 
 a little distance from the sea, whicli was quite concealed 
 from us by a ridge of drifted sand-hills. We traversed a 
 wild, undulating, sandy plain, uncultivated, uninhabited, 
 treeless, unwatered, and quite unmarked by roads. There 
 were patches of poa bulbosa, marram-grass, sea-holly, and 
 thistles of many kinds, with pink, blue, and yellow blos- 
 soms. Our guide had to look very carefully about him so 
 as to keep in the right direction, for there was no sign of 
 a beaten track any where; but occasionally we were re- 
 minded that we were not the first travelers on that road, 
 by the skeletons and bleached bones of camels and horses 
 which we saw half-buried in the sand. 
 The sun, though not yet in sight, brightened all the 
 Eastern sky, and showed the dark outlines of the distant 
 hills. We watched for his coming. Presently half of the 
 red globe appeared, and by degrees we saw the whole, just 
 resting as it were upon the horizon. After a moment's 
 pause he seemed to leap up into the sky. At the same 
 instant, we with one accord pronounced the name of " Ed- 
 win Arnold," quoting his sweet song of the " Marriage of 
 the Rhine and the Moselle," and we repeated the well- 
 remembered words with new pleasure as we rode along. 
 The sky was intensely blue, and the moon still shone high 
 above us. 
 After sunrise, we met many droves of camels laden with 
 melons. It was the time of the melon harvest. Every 
 step we advanced, we found the land firmer and richer. 
 The long fibrous roots of the marram-grass had bound the 
 sands together, and made a bed for shrubs of many kinds, 
 but all were thorny and prickly. A few evergreen oaks 
 and thorny bushes enlivened the desert-like scene. We 
 drew near to a narrow winding river. Its course was 
 marked by tall, flowering reeds, which, in the distance, 
 looked like miniature palm-trees, and it was bordered by 
 thickets of oleanders, lupins, and St. John's-wort, all in full 
 flower. We crossed this stream, which is called the " Nahr 
 el Fulik," and noticed on our left hand extensive ruins of 
 an ancient city and fortress, which appeared to us to be 
 Roman. We made our way through a wild shrubbery, 
 formed chiefly of ilex, arbutus, hawthorns, and rue. Now 
 and then from the rising ground we had a wide view of 
 the sea, which was as yet only partially illuminated by the 
 sun. Lines of light traversed its smooth surface, gleaming 
 through the openings and breaks in the cliffs. 
 We had reached the melon-growing district, and a lively 
 picture of Arab life was before us. Up to the very edge of 
 the cliffs, all along the coast as far as we could see, there 
 were beds of various kinds of melons; and groups of dusky 
 peasants, in white shirts and white turbans, were busily 
 engaged gathering them, counting them, and building them 
 up in pyramids. Hundreds of camels were there too, some 
 walking away well laden, others kneeling down patiently, 
 while their panniers were being filled with the bulky fruit. 
 We passed several mud-built villages. White tents were 
 pitched in the midst of the gardens — I was told that they 
 were the tents of the tax-gatherers, who had come to claim 
 the tribute on the melon harvest. 
 We alighted in the midst of these scenes, near to the 
 flourishing village of Um Khalid. It was half-past seven. 
 We rested for a little while under a large solitary tree. 
 Looking westward, we could see a broad strip of the now 
 sunlit Mediterranean beyond the melon-gardens, which are 
 by no means picturesque. The large rough melon-leaves lie 
 flat on the level ground, which looks as if it were strewed 
 with great green and yellow marbles, fit for giants to play 
 with. There were no hedges or trees to break the monot- 
 ony of the view, but the busy laborers gave life to it. The 
 plots of ground are divided by furrowed lines, where thorns 
 and thistles flourished. I sketched the scene for the sake 
 of its singularity and simplicity. We wished to buy a few 
 melons, but the overseer of the laborers told us that we 
 might take as many as we liked, but he could not sell them 
 except by hundreds. After a refreshing rest, we remounted 
 and rode through miles and miles of melon-ground. Wher- 
 ever the land in this district was left uncultivated or fallow, 
 the wild colocynth had sprung up plentifully. This fruit 
 on an average was three inches in diameter, and firm and 
 hard as a stone, with a smooth, green, white-and-yellow 
 rind, marked like fine marble. We filled our saddle-bags with 
 it, for it is only regarded by the Arabs as a weed. Squills, 
 too, grow profusely, but are plowed up and destroyed. 
 We went down to the seaside, and found a pleasant strip 
 of shade under the low clifiB, where there were mountains 
 of melons waiting to be carried away in Arab boats, and 
 the camels were coming and going quickly along the wind- 
 ing road from the cliff to the shore. 
 We watered our horses at a stream called Abu Zabura. 
 It had not sufficient force to reach the sea, but formed a 
 shallow lake not far from it. 
 We soon afterward caught sight of the picturesque ruins 
 of Caesarea, and alighted there at half-past ten, and rested 
 in the shade of a large stone gateway. The horses were all 
 unsaddled, and we made arrangements to remain there dur- 
 ing the heat of the day. In a short time nearly all of our 
 party were fast asleep. I tried to follow the example, but 
 in vain; so I climbed up the cliff and looked about. 
 Not a human being was visible. Thorns and thistles 
 grew among fallen columns and huge masses of masonry. 
 The site of an ancient Christian church is marked by four 
 massive buttresses, which stand erect and firm, though the 
 walls they were intended to support fell long ago. The 
 most important relic of ancient Csesarea is the mole, which 
 stands far out at sea, beaten by the waves, and fringed with 
 surf. The large beveled stones and granite columns have 
 fallen into strange and complicated disorder; but they seem 
 to cling together, and to support each other in their deso- 
 lation. I came down on to the sands again, and made a 
 careful drawing of this remarkable ruin, stone by stone, 
 while I sat exactly opposite to it, in the shelter of a short 
 tunnel, which pierces the cliff in a sloping direction to- 
 ward the sea. I supposed it to be part of an ancient 
 sewer. I gathered some tall sea-poppies, with pale-yellow 
 blossoms, which grew close to it, and picked up a few im- 
 perfect shells. 
 After taking some refreshments we mounted at half-past 
 three, and continued our way along the sands. We could 
 see in the broken cliffs the sections of the foundation of 
 the outer walls of Caesarea; three walls originally sur- 
 rounded the city, each one at a considerable distance from 
 the other. The beach was strewed with blocks of marble. 
 Mounds of masonry resting on rocks, and festooned with 
 sea-weed, stood there firmly, though continually washed by 
 the waves. 
 We rode on quickly till we came to "Nhar Zurka" — 
 "the River of Crocodiles." I have been told by many 
 people that small crocodiles are found here even now. Tra- 
 dition says that on the shores of this river there was once 
 a colony of Egyptians. The colonists procured some young 
 crocodiles from their beloved Nile, and succeeded in thor- 
 oughly establishing them here. 
 There is a fable, often told by the Arabs to this day, 
 which gives another version of the history of the introduc- 
 tion of crocodiles into this river: 
 "Once upon a time, an old man and his two sons dwelt 
 upon the banks of the river, and fed their flocks in the 
 green pastures of the plain. 
 "And the old man died, leaving to his two sons his hid- 
 den treasure, and his flocks and herds. 
 "Now the younger son was industrious and prudent, and 
 his wealth increased greatly. 
 "The elder one was idle and profligate, and he became 
 poor. In his poverty he looked with jealous anger on the 
 rich flocks and herds of his brother, and considered in his 
 heart how he might destroy them. He journeyed to 
 Egypt, and thence brought young crocodiles and placed 
 them in the river. His hope was, that his brother's flocks 
 would be devoured on going to drink, or while feeding on 
 the banks. v 
 "Now, a short time afterward, the young man went down 
 to the river to wash himself, without taking thought of the 
 danger which he in his wickedness had spread there. 
 "The crocodiles swiftly approached him, and seized upon 
 him and destroyed him. 
 "Such was the will of Grod, and thus the wicked fall into 
 the nets which they spread for their neighbors." 
 On the south side of the river stands an isolated stone 
 building, now in ruins. We supposed it to have been an 
 outpost of Caesarea, and perhaps it marks the site of the 
 city called by ancient geographers, "The City of Croco- 
 We found the river rather difficult to ford, for it was 
 deep, broad, and rapid, and there was no one near to guide 
 us to the easiest fording-place. A few hours sometimes 
 makes a vast difference in the character of the mouth of 
 a river; the wind may entirely carry away the sand-bar, or 
 change its position. Our kawass made many experiments 
 before he found a safe path for us, which we traversed 
 carefully, one after the other in single file, and landed on 
 the opposite side very wet and chilly. 
 We soon came to a picturesque but dangerous and rocky 
 bay, where small coasting-boats are often wrecked. Here 
 Colonel the Hon. F. Walpole had a short time previously 
 attacked a party of Arabs who were remorselessly plunder- 
 ing some half-drowned sailors, and pillaging their wrecked 
 vessel. Some of the wreckers were taken to Yafa as pris- 
 oners by the Colonel. We saw about fifty rice-baskets on 
 the beach, relics of the freight of the vessel which he had 
 In the year 1858 a little Arab craft — laden with rice 
 and oranges, and carrying a Jewish family, consisting of a 
 father and mother, and several children — was wrecked here 
 in a fearful storm. The boat struck, and was split in half. 
 One or two of the boatmen were saved ; the passengers were 
 all drowned or dashed to death on the rocks, with the ex- 
 ception of a boy about a yeaj old, who was thrown by a 
 high wave safely on to the shore, where a number of 
 wreckers were assembled to watch the fate of the vessel. 
 They took up the young child wonderingly. A small party 
 of Bedouins, who were passing by at the time, offered to 
 take charge of him, and bring him up as one of their own 
 children, saying, "Do no harm to him, for it is the will of 
 God that he should live." So the wreckers gave him up to 
 them, and the little Hebrew boy was carried away I know 
 not where. Some peasants who were on their way to Haifa 
 witnessed this singular transaction, and through them I 
 heard of it. They said that the boy was fair, strong, and 
 healthy, and they would themselves have taken him if the 
 Bedouins had not done so. This boy has perhaps been 
 nursed by a Bedouin mother, and will learn to live a wan- 
 dering life in the land of his forefathers, in utter ignorance 
 of his real origin. It would be very interesting, if it were 
 possible to watch his career, to see how far he will retain 
 his national characteristics, physical and moral, and what 
 influence he will have on the little tribe with which he will 
 no doubt at an early age incorporate himself by marriage. 
 I should like to meet him when he has arrived at manhood, 
 if I could be convinced of his identity. 
 Bedouins frequently name their children after some cir- 
 cumstance connected with their nativity, or some cotempo- 
 rary event; but there is every reason to expect that this 
 little Hebrew boy, like Moses, is called by a name having 
 some allusion to his strange history. For instance, "Ebn 
 el Bahr" — Son of the Sea, or "Minbahr" — From the Sea, 
 would be natural Bedouin names for him. It would be dif- 
 ficult but not impossible, I think, to trace him out now. 
 My first impulse, on hearing of the circumstance, was to try 
 to recover the boy, and restore him to the Hebrew commu- 
 nity, but it was not in my power to do so. 
 It was said that his parents were Algerine Jews, who 
 were about to settle in Palestine. The wrecked vessel had 
 conveyed them from Egypt to their untimely graves on the 
 shores of the land which they so longed to see, but which 
 their youngest child alone was permitted to reach in safety. 
 He probably was the only one of the family who had not 
 learned to love it, and to believe it to be the land which 
 was promised to his forefather Abraham, and to his seed 
 Perhaps the descendants of this little Hebrew boy will 
 some day be a subject of discussion, and a puzzling ethno- 
 logical enigma for scientific travelers. 
 Beyond the bay the sands were broad and smooth. I 
 could see in the distance, straight before us, the well-re- 
 membered rocky islands, and the village of Tantura, where, 
 in September, we landed, "because the winds were con- 
 trary." When we had nearly reached this place we turned 
 away from the seashore, and rode inland toward a little 
 Moslem village, called Kefr Lamm. We approached it 
 through a district in which fine building-stone abounds. 
 We rode through ancient quarries, and over large, smooth 
 slabs of rock, polished like marble. We looked into the 
 arched recesses, and peered into large, artificial, gloomy 
 caverns, where, perhaps, the stone-cutters of old used to 
 eat and sleep. These quarries have evidently not been 
 worked for centuries — not, perhaps, since Athlite and Dora 
 were built. Large trees and shrubs had sprung up out of 
 the earth which had fallen from above, or had been drifted 
 by wind and rain into sheltered places in the bottom of 
 the quarries. 
 The sheikh, and all the chief men of Kefr Lamm, came 
 out to meet us, for we were expected, and were well known 
 there. We rode through flourishing fields of Indian corn, 
 millet, sesame, and tobacco, and alighted on the outskirts 
 of the village, which consists of low houses, built of mud 
 and stone. I found my tent, which had preceded me, al- 
 ready pitched amid little mountains of wheat and barley, 
 near to an extensive thrashing-floor, where oxen were busy 
 treading out the corn. Carpets and cushions were soon 
 spread for us on rising ground, in the open air, and coffee 
 and pipes were brought. The sheikh, and the priest, and 
 the old men of the village sat opposite to us in a half- 
 circle, while the young men were standing round, or resting 
 on the heaps of wheat near. 
 We were not quite a mile from the shore, and were 
 facing the sea and the setting sun. A long line of coast 
 was in sight. The rocky islands and ruins of Tantura — the 
 ancient Dora — could be plainly seen, a little way to the 
 south, and the tall tower of Athlite, or Castelum Pelegri- 
 num, appeared far away in the north. 
 At the moment when the sun dropped down into the sea, 
 the village priest rose, and stood in the middle of a large, 
 smooth, and well-swept thrashing-floor, which was close by. 
 He looked earnestly and solemnly toward the south, and 
 sang, in a loud and sonorous voice, the call to evening 
 prayer. There was no minaret or mosque in the village. 
 The sheikh, and the elders who had gathered round us, 
 immediately rose and assembled on the thrashing-floor, in 
 a double row behind the priest, who thus looked truly like 
 the leader of the little band. They echoed his words, and 
 followed all his movements with precision, kneeling and 
 bowing their faces to the ground, and uplifting their hands 
 and rising to their feet with one accord. They were joined 
 by the laborers from the other thrashing-floors and by our 
 Moslem servants, but the younger men who had been talk- 
 ing with us hesitated at first to attend to the call to prayer. 
 They looked at each other as if undecided what to do, and 
 then at us, as if they were ashamed. We tried, by keeping 
 perfectly still and silent, to make them understand that we 
 did not expect or wish them to neglect their devotions on 
 our account. Suddenly they rose altogether and ranged 
 themselves in a row on the border of the thrashing-floor, 
 and their strong voices blended with the voices of their 
 fathers as they cried, " There is no God but God, and 
 Mohammed is his Prophet." 
 No women came forward to pray, but I saw some stand- 
 ing afar off" watching the assembly. The prayers occupied 
 rather more than a quarter of an hour. I had never seen 
 a service conducted with more solemnity, even within the 
 sacred inclosure of the Sanctuary at Jerusalem. 
 Immediately afterward, supper was brought for us, and 
 at the same time a wooden bowl — rather shallow, but about 
 a yard in diameter, and filled with steaming rice boiled in 
 butter — was placed on the ground at a little distance from 
 us. Metal dishes containing meat, eggs, vegetables, and 
 cream, were added to the feast, round which the sheikh, 
 the priest, and the elders of the village assembled. They 
 ate quickly and silently, dipping pieces of their thin leath- 
 ery loaves into the dishes of fried eggs or into the cream — 
 tearing the tender morsels of meat to pieces with their fin- 
 gers — dipping their hands together into the mound of rice 
 and skillfully and neatly taking it up in pellets. When 
 they were satisfied, they retired one after the other to wash 
 their hands and to light their pipes. Their places were 
 quickly taken by the younger men and boys in turn, and, 
 when they had all finished, the servants gathered round, 
 eating from the same dishes, the simplest of which had 
 been replenished during the repast. Several sets of Arabs 
 silently swallowed their supper while we leisurely used our 
 knives and forks. The fragments that remained after the 
 feast were not carried away till all the men and boys of 
 the village had eaten there, but the women ate elsewhere 
 in private. 
 We had some fine green figs, the first I had tasted that 
 year. We found all the fruits and vegetables in the plain 
 of Dor, in a much more advanced state than those in the 
 hill-country of Judea. After sitting in the open air till 
 about nine I retired to my tent. My fellow-travelers, in- 
 cluding my brother, wrapped themselves in cloaks, and 
 slept on the hillocks of wheat. I rose at five, and from 
 the door of my tent I watched the rising of the sun above 
 the range of Carmel. 
 After taking some excellent milk and coflFee, we started 
 and rode through the well-cultivated fields, the fruit and 
 vegetable gardens, and the neglected quarries north of Kefr 
 Lamm. We were soon by the seaside and in the road 
 which we had traversed in September. We again looked 
 with admiration on the ruins of Athlite, and passed through 
 the ancient defile into the plain, across which the road 
 formerly passed ; many traces of it may still be seen. This 
 plain was much more green and beautiful than when we 
 had seen it before, and the fountain called " Ain Dustrei" 
 was bordered with oleanders covered with pink blossoms. 
 At about eight we paused by a spring, down on the sands, 
 half-way between Athlite and the headland of Carmel. 
 There is a square stone building over the spring with a 
 deep trough or reservoir all round it. Here we alighted 
 and breakfasted on fish and peasant bread, and then rode 
 on quickly to Haifa, which we reached at ten o'clock, July 
 30th, and the hearty welcome with which we were greeted 
 gave us great pleasure. 
 Our friend Mohammed Bek was one of our first visitors, 
 and he was soon followed by Saleh Bek Abdul Hady, the 
 ex-governor, who told me that his wives whom I had vis- 
 ited at Arrabeh were established in Haifa, and were long- 
 ing to see me. There were some additions to the European 
 colony, and when Signer Yegetti, the Dutch Vice-Consul, 
 called, he informed us that he had obtained a piano. It 
 was the first which had ever been introduced into Haifa, 
 and there was no one in the town, excepting myself, who 
 knew how to touch it. 
 He invited all the Europeans to a soiree a few days after 
 our arrival, that the new instrument might be inaugurated. 
 I had previously tried it and consented to preside on the 
 occasion, as there was no one else to do so. 
 There was quite a sensation in Haifa that night, and the 
 open space in front of the house was crowded with listeners, 
 among whom were the new governor, Zachariah Agha, a 
 Turk, Mohammed Bek, and all the chief Moslems. They 
 called the next day on Signer Vegetti, begging him to in- 
 vite me to meet them at his house, that they might see and 
 hear me play. Then they came to my brother and re- 
 quested him to induce me to go ; so an evening was fixed 
 upon, and we went. We found the Governor and about 
 twenty Moslem gentlemen, in their richest embroidered 
 costumes, assembled in the drawing-room, at the Dutch 
 Vice-Consulate, where we were received by Signer Vegetti 
 and his aged father and mother. The antechamber was 
 crowded with servants and lantern-bearers. 
 The piano had been tried in turn by nearly all the 
 guests, and they said, " We can not make it speak the same 
 . language which you cause it to speak, lady !" I handed 
 to them some pieces of music, saying, " Could you do so 
 with the help of these?" It was very amusing to hear 
 \ their exclamations, and to observe the surprise with which 
 they watched my fingers, especially when they found that I 
 looked all the while at the book before me. They are ac- 
 customed only to see small and portable musical instru- 
 ments, and they wondered at my command over one so 
 large. They said, " The laborers at harvest-time do not 
 work so hard or move their hands so quickly." They 
 seemed to be more struck with the rapidity with which the 
 - keys were touched than with the sounds which were pro- 
 duced, till I played their national anthem, "Abdul Medjid." 
 Then they all* seemed roused, and a clear-voiced singer, the 
 Sims Reeves of Haifa, came forward immediately and sang. 
 The rest of the company joined in chorus. One of the 
 Beks seemed to appreciate music so much that I told him 
 that if he would buy a piano for his wife I would teach 
 her the use of it. He said, " O my sister, our women are 
 not capable of learning — their heads are made of wood — it 
 would be as easy to teach donkeys as to teach them." 
 By degrees nearly every one in the town became familiar 
 with the sounds of the piano, and it gave rise to many very 
 pleasant soirees. This was the dawn of a new era in the 
 history of the little European colony at Haifa, and music 
 and singing were cultivated with energy. 
 I was very busy in the mean time putting our house in 
 order, after my long absence from it. Katrine, my old 
 servant, had returned to Bethlehem ; so I trained a young 
 girl of Haifa to take her place. 
 I had not time to visit the harem of Saleh Bek till 
 August 11th, which was the first day of the Feast of 
 Bairam, when all Moslems are to be seen in holiday cos- 
 tume. I went to the house attended by a kawass, who 
 waited for me in the inner court while I was led up a 
 crooked, uncovered, stone stairway to a small square court, 
 and thence into a large and lofty but rather gloomy room. 
 In a moment I was surrounded by my well-remembered 
 friends of Arrabeh. The children came forward shyly, and 
 Helweh led me to a cushioned seat on the floor, saying, 
 "We have been longing to see you, light of our eyes; 
 let us see you often. You are not like us ; you may come 
 to us whenever your heart tells you to come, but we may 
 not go to you. When we first came here, and found our- 
 selves in a strange place, and heard that you were not yet 
 arrived, our hearts sank within us." 
 The house which they occupied was in the castle square, 
 and was not so comfortable or so well built as the one in 
 which I had seen them at Arrabeh. Narrow mattresses 
 were ranged all round the chief room of the harem where 
 I was received, and the floor was covered with matting. 
 The ceiling was vaulted, and all the windows which looked 
 out on to public places were blocked up, so that the light 
 only came from the door and window which opened to the 
 half-covered private court. Mattresses, pillows, and wadded 
 quilts were piled up in an arched recess, and a thin muslin 
 curtain was drawn in front of it. Two red boxes and a red 
 cradle stood at one end of the room, and a charcoal brazier 
 with all the requisites for making coff'ee and preparing nar- 
 ghiles were close to the door. A large embroidered cam- 
 el's-hair cloak, and a sword, gun, and spear, were hanging 
 against the white cemented walls. Coff'ee flavored with am- 
 bergris, and delicate sherbet made of almonds and rose- 
 leaves, were handed to me. The servants who were present 
 were the same whom I had seen at Arrabeh. 
 Helweh, the youngest and prettiest of the three wives, 
 looked much more womanly and sedate, though not less 
 aiFe'ctionate, than formerly. She wore very full, deep, rose- 
 colored silk trowsers, and a tight jacket of violet and white 
 striped Damascus satin, sprinkled with small bunches of 
 flowers, and round her waist was a fine Cashmere shawl. 
 The eldest wife was dressed in flowered silk, and her three 
 young daughters — of whom the eldest, named Asme, had 
 grown very beautiful — wore violet-colored silk jackets, em- 
 broidered with silver-braid, and quite closed in front. Their 
 trowsers were of light muslin, and made very full and long. 
 They each wore little red-cloth Constantinople tarbushes, 
 put on coquettishly a little on one side. The other wife 
 was busy with an infant boy of whom she seemed to be 
 very proud. 
 While I was answering their many questions about my 
 long journey, and receiving their commiserations because 
 neither I nor my brother were yet married, the lord of the 
 harem sent word that he would, with my permission, enter 
 in to greet me. So he came. When he appeared the wives 
 and the women-servants immediately rose and stood defer- 
 entially till he was seated ; then, as they resumed their 
 seats, they saluted him by touching their foreheads grace- 
 fully with their hands. In the mean time the children 
 came forward and kissed his hands. He seemed to be very 
 kind and gentle to all his family. He said to me, "I rejoice 
 to see you here, lady; I hope that you will often come, 
 for where you are there is clearness and brightness." 
 His children unconsciously proved to me that they were 
 accustomed to be caressed by him, for they clustered round 
 him' lovingly, and little Said was especially demonstrative. 
 He said, coaxingly, "0 my father, may I go to see the 
 house of the English lady? it is her wish that I should 
 go." Asm6, his eldest daughter, scarcely spoke a word, 
 and sat sedately still and impassive ; and the face which a 
 few minutes before had seemed to be so beautiful with 
 vivacity and cheerfulness looked quite unattractive. 
SALEH bek's children. 379 
 It seems to me to be a part of Oriental etiquette for the 
 elder children to preserve a kind of grave decorum in the 
 presence of a father; the younger children alone are free 
 to show their natural feelings, and demonstrative afifection 
 is regarded as childish and undignified. 
 The wives did not look quite at their ease, perhaps be- 
 cause it was the first time that they had ever seen their 
 husband in the presence of a stranger, but they trimmed 
 his pipe and waited on him with assiduity. The servants 
 and slaves were standing near to the door, whispering to- 
 gether, and appeared very much amused. 
 Saleh Bek informed me that he was about to send two 
 of his sons, aged fifteen and sixteen, to the Latin college at 
 Antura, a French establishment, not far from Beirilt. He 
 said that if there had been an English college in the coun- 
 try, where as good an education could have been obtained, 
 he should have chosen it in preference. While we were 
 talking an Arab lady was announced, so Saleh Bek imme- 
 diately rose, and, hastily taking leave of me, retreated. The 
 lady kept her face closely vailed as she passed him in the 
 court. When she came into the room the eldest wife rose, 
 and, kindly welcoming her, assisted her to take off her 
 white sheet and colored-muslin vail, which she handed to a 
 slave to fold up. I found that the newly-arrived guest was 
 Um Selim, who had left Yafa to reside in Haifa near to us. 
 She had come to the harem to meet me there. After the 
 usual greetings had been exchanged, an animated conversa- 
 tion was carried on by two of the wives and Um Selim. 
 They spoke so rapidly and vehemently that I could scarcely 
 understand a word. In the mean time Helweh, who was by 
 my side, explained to me in simple words, gently spoken, 
 the subjects of the conversation and the causes of the occa- 
 sional bursts of laughter. 
 After inviting the children to come and see me on a cer- 
 tain day, I took leave and went with Um Selim down into 
 the court, where the kawass awaited me. We passed the 
 open door of the divan or reception-room for men. It was 
 filled with visitors. The son of Yassin Agha, on seeing me 
 go by, came out and asked to be allowed to lead me to his 
 house that I might visit his mother. I did so, and after- 
 ward went to three other harems. 
 On the second day of the feast I visited some of the 
 poorer Moslem families in the back streets of the town. 
 Following the kawass, I made my way with Um Selim 
 through dirty narrow lanes, with gutters running down the 
 middle of them. 
 "VVe paused at the house of a Moslem who was in my 
 brother's employ, and who had very recently married a poor 
 gardener's daughter. We went through an arched doorway 
 into a square ill-paved court-yard, where a tent or booth of 
 palm-branches and evergreen shrubs had been made. An 
 old mat was spread within it, and we were invited to sit 
 down there. The young wife was rather shy and not at all 
 prepossessing in appearance. Her wide mouth and large 
 glistening teeth were made to appear still more prominent 
 by the row of blue spots round the edge of her thick lips. 
 Her eyes were dark with kohl, and her chest painted and 
 exposed. She seemed to be kept completely in awe by an 
 elderly woman — I think it was her mother-in-law — who 
 played the part of hostess and acted as guardian to the 
 young wife, who did not appear to be very comfortable 
 ^ nor accustomed to her new life. She had never seen 
 her husband till her marriage-day, not quite a month be- 
 fore. The " honeymoon " is not understood among the 
 Moslems; they have, I believe, no word or idea answering 
 to it. 
 After we had taken a tiny cup of strong coffee without 
 sugar, the elder woman took us to see the house, which 
 consisted of one room only, which opened into the court. 
 It was large, lofty, and windowless, and looked like a barn, 
 and the door was large enough to admit a laden camel. 
 This room served as parlor, kitchen, and bedroom, except 
 in bright weather, when the tent of tree-branches was used. 
 I was very much surprised to see an old Italian print, 
CHESS. 381 
 representing Moses holding the tables of the Law, nailed 
 against the smoke-blackened wall, and ostrich eggs and or- 
 namented lamps suspended from the ceiling. I asked the 
 woman what the eggs were for. She said, "They will keep 
 darkness and sorrow far from us;" but she did not know 
 whence the picture came, or what it was for, and seemed 
 surprised when I told her that it represented "Neby 
 Mussa," the prophet Moses. 
 A few days afterward, when Saleh Bek Abdul Hady 
 called, he saw a set of chessmen on our table. He eagerly 
 inquired if we could play, adding, "I have not had a game 
 at chess since the time of Ibrahim Pasha. I used to play 
 with his officers at 'Akka." When he found that I under- 
 stood the game he exclaimed, "El-hamdou lillah! [praised 
 be God!'] I will come every day to play with you!" I said, 
 "Excuse me, that would be too often; I have not time to 
 play every day." However, we spent an afternoon at chess 
 about once a fortnight, and I found that I had a skillful 
 and careful antagonist. He was the only Arab in Haifa 
 who could play chess. 
 His children, especially the boys, frequently came to our 
 house, and were soon quite at home there. They and their 
 young cousins from Arrabeh, who sometimes came on a visit 
 to Haifa, were very intelligent and inquiring, and picked 
 up, almost unconsciously, a great deal of information from 
 our illustrated books. 
 The three little girls came sometimes, but were always 
 accompanied by an old female servant — or duenna — to 
 prevent them from being seen by strangers. These visits 
 were only made when it was known that my brother was 
 out of town. The women came once to see me, by special 
 permission, but the doors of the Consulate were guarded by 
 their own servants all the while they were there. I went 
 to see them as often as I could, and was always heartily 
 welcomed. Except on fite-days, they were generally 
 dressed in jackets and trowsers made of Manchester prints 
 or muslins. 
 I found that the senior wife, who had evidently once 
 been very handsome, formerly belonged to a wealthy Turk, 
 and had been presented to Saleh Bek, in her youth, as a 
 reward fdr some special service. She had been brought up 
 in great privacy, in a harem in Constantinople, and was 
 thence conveyed to her new home at Arrabeh, where she 
 was at first very unhappy, for she was a complete stranger 
 there, and spoke only Turkish. Fortunately for her, Saleh 
 Bek understood it, and she, by degrees, acquired the Arabic 
 language. Though she had come from a great city, she had 
 seen so little of it, that she knew no more of the world 
 and its history than her new companions in Arrabeh, and 
 hardly so much perhaps as the wives, concubines, and 
 servants which Saleh Bek afterward took from the little 
 villages in the neighborhood. The seclusion in which 
 Moslem girls are kept is more or less strict, in accordance 
 with their rank or position — the poor having unavoidably 
 more liberty than the wealthy. 
 Helweh, who came from the little village of Kefr Kara, 
 seemed to possess more natural quickness of comprehension 
 than any of the other women. 
 They had long before heard Christians spoken of, but in 
 terms so vague that they hardly regarded them as fellow- 
 creatures ; but now that they lived in the little sea-coast 
 town of Haifa, where there was a mixed population, includ- 
 ing Moslems, Jews, and Christians of distinctly various 
 sects, and people of many nations, they were by degrees 
 receiving new impressions, and ideas which probably would 
 not have entered their minds if they had continued to live 
 in the interior, and in such an exclusively Moslem district 
 •IS the Jebel Nablus. 
 They had already become acquainted with a few of their 
 neighbors, and were constantly hearing of something which 
 was to them new and strange. Whenever I visited them, I 
 found that they had some wonder to relate to me, or some 
 story to tell, which had reached them either through female 
 servants, or Christian or Jewish guests, or the professional 
helweh's questions. 883 
 singing women, or, more often still, through the gossiping 
 attendants at the Turkish baths ; stories which were almost 
 always entirely misunderstood, and which gave rise to false 
 yet strong impressions. It was an interesting study for me 
 to watch the constructions which they put on the circum- 
 stances, manners, customs, and forms of worship, of which 
 they heard, but which they could not comprehend or real- 
 ize. I found it almost as difficult to help them to under- 
 stand the ways that were not as their ways, and the 
 thoughts that were not as their thoughts, as it would be to 
 describe the nature and effect of light and color to a man 
 blind from his birth. 
 Helweh, especially, used to ask me suggestive questions 
 about religion. She often said, " Why are not all people 
 of one religion ? Why are they not all Moslems ? it would 
 be much better." 
 She always seemed to forget that I was not a Moslem. 
 She sometimes appealed to me, with touching confidence, 
 asking me to tell her what it was right to do under par- 
 ticular circumstances. Instead of deciding for her, I used 
 to try to awaken in her mind some principle by which she 
 might judge rightly ior herself. 
 I often found appropriate and ready answers, by adopt- 
 ing the very words of Christ, conveying the simplest and 
 most comprehensive of those lessons of love which were 
 taught long ago in this land, and listened to by people as 
 uninstructed and eager as Helweh herself, and by Scribes 
 and Pharisees who were put to silence by words addressed 
 not to any particular sect, but to all the world. 
 These women who thus questioned me made me think 
 more earnestly and carefully than I had ever thought be- 
 fore, and they unconsciously helped me to understand the 
 natural progress and growth of ideas. I could, by identi- 
 fying myself with them, partially imagine the absence of 
 all those thoughts, feelings, and conceptions which had 
 grown with my growth and strengthened with my strength, 
 till they seemed almost to be a part of my mind. 
 But this interesting harem was not my only school. I 
 mingled at the same time with European and native Chris- 
 tians, and especially with the Sekhali family, and with de- 
 vout Jews, who kindly helped me to understand all the 
 laws, and the fasts, and the feasts which they observed. 
 The Oriental Christians are unhappily very bitter in their 
 hatred of the Jews. They generally treat them with great 
 contempt, and make a merit of avoiding association with 
 them ; but they agree with the Moslems in admitting that 
 the Jews throughout the East are, as a body, remarkable 
 for the purity of their lives, the simplicity of their man- 
 ners, and the strictness with which they observe their re- 
 ligious services. They are, however, notorious for the 
 quarrels which take place among themselves, and for the 
 noisy disputes which sometimes arise between the repre- 
 sentatives of the different congregations or communities. 
 The Jewesses, especially of the Ashekenazi communities, 
 are renowned for their domestic virtue and industry. 
 On October 5th my brother started for Beirut on busi- 
 ness. I remained at Haifa, and then more than ever I 
 found how very kind and thoughtful my neighbors of all 
 classes were; especially I thank th^French Consul, M. 
 Aumann, and his family, for the friendly and active sym- 
 pathy which made me feel that I was not alone, although 
 there was no one in the town who could speak an English 
 word to me. 
 Nearly all the Moslem ladies of H£lifa took the oppor- 
 tunity for visiting me then, and the Governor and the 
 members of the town council called several times to see if 
 they could serve me in any way. 
 On the 10th of October, early in the morning, a boat 
 was lost in a whirlpool within sight of Haifa. The day 
 was very sultry, and in the evening the sea was perfectly 
 calm, and the air heavy. After spending a few hours with 
 the French Consul and his family, in their moonlit and 
 marble-paved court, I went home, and notwithstanding the 
 almost suffocating heat, I slept soundly, till I was roused 
 by a deep murmuring sound, which was like subterranean 
 thunder, and I felt my bed trembling beneath me. At 
 first I thought a wind storm had risen, but that was. im- 
 possible, for the muslin musketo curtains were, not more 
 agitated than my brass bedstead, which rocked from east 
 to west. I was very soon satisfied that I was for the first 
 time in my life experiencing a shock of earthquake. I 
 rose immediately. The room was bright with moonlight, 
 which streamed through the rattling Venetian shutters. I 
 opened the window. The moon was nearly full ; and, just 
 above the range of Carmel, it was as red as the sun ap- 
 pears to be when seen through an English fog. The 
 ground trembled violently three distinct times, the second 
 shock being the strongest. There were heavy storm-clouds 
 resting over Haifa, their western edges were tinged with 
 the lurid light of the red moon. My maid-servant was 
 sleeping soundly. I walked out into the open court of the 
 house. The two kawasses were rolled up in their wadded 
 quilts on their mattresses in the arched corridor, and seemed 
 undisturbed. A storm of thunder and lightning followed, 
 and I walked through the house from room to room, watch- 
 ing the progress of the storm and the breaking up of the 
 The next morning, early, the Governor, several of the 
 vice-consuls, and many Arab friends, called to hear if I had 
 been disturbed and alarmed by the earthquake. Those 
 who lived near the mosque told me that they had taken 
 the precaution of moving out of their houses in the night, 
 for the minaret rocked so violently, that every one who 
 watched it expected that it would fall. Happily no acci- 
 dent of consequence occurred — a few old walls only were 
 cracked and shaken. Mons. A. told me that during the 
 shock he had observed that the sea was violently agitated, 
 and covered with foam, though there was no wind. 
 The Arabs were all in great consternation, for they re- 
 garded this convulsion of nature as an ill omen. For sev- 
 eral subsequent days nothing else was talked of. The 
 shocks had been strongly felt at 'Akka, Sur, and Saida, 
 and slightly in the interior. 
 All my visitors had some story to tell me about former 
 earthquakes, and especially about the terrible one which 
 occurred in 1837, when Safed and Tiberias were destroyed, 
 and when Haifa was for three days almost deserted, and 
 people lived outside in the open air, not venturing to enter 
 their houses, the shocks being so frequent. The heavens, 
 they said, were dark at midday, and the sea had a strange 
 red tinge. Some people went so far as to declare that " its 
 waters were turned into blood," and all agreed that it lost 
 its saline flavor, and had rather a sweet taste. 
 On the 22d of October there were steady showers of 
 rain during the day, and in the evening I watched one of 
 the grandest thunder-storms I had ever seen ; it was fol- 
 lowed by a wild storm of wind and rain, which lasted all 
 night. Soon after sunrise the wind ceased, and there was 
 a great calm ; but the streets of Haifa were like canals, 
 and some of the old walls, which had been damaged by 
 the earthquake, were quite broken down. In the gardens 
 many of the finest trees had been uprooted or stripped of 
 their branches : the pliant palm-trees seem best calculated 
 to resist the fury of these equinoctial gales. 
 I spent the afternoon of the 23d of October with the 
 young widow of Ibrahim Sekhali. She was still mourning 
 bitterly over her loss. I tried to excite her interest, and 
 succeeded in gaining her attention by telling her about 
 the home of my childhood and my school-days. She 
 seemed for a while to forget her own troubles, in wonder- 
 ing how I could leave my parents and my country, and 
 having left them, how I could consent to stay alone in a 
 town where there were none of my ^^ own people." 
 We were thus talking, when her black slave, who was 
 sitting on a mat at needle-work in the sunshine close to 
 the open door, suddenly rose, and, kissing my hands, said, 
 "There is joy for you! there is joy! — your brother, the 
 Consul, has even now arrived. I hear the sounds of many 
MY brother's arrival. 387 
 Yoices in your court." She was right; for at the same 
 moment we saw the flag hoisted, and as I hastened away 
 she said, " This is your reward ; God has brought happi- 
 ness to you, even as you have to-day spoken pleasant words 
 to the mother of fatherless children." 
 In another minute I was with my brother. He was ac- 
 companied by a Turkish gentleman, who had traveled with 
 him from Beirut, and who had just received the appoint- 
 ment of Governor of Haifa. His son, a nice boy of about 
 ten years of age, was with him. They dined with us, and 
 the little Turk found it rather difficult to manage a knife 
 and fork. The father asked me if I would undertake to 
 civilize him. They were complete strangers in the town, 
 so they remained at our house for two or three days. 
 On the 25th, Zachariah Agha, the ex-Governor, called to 
 take leave of me, and then the new Governor established 
 himself at the castle. He told me he did not think that he 
 should send for his wives, as he could not tell how long he 
 should be allowed to remain in office at Haifa. 
 Some wealthy Moslems have a home, and a wife or two, 
 in each of the villages or towns where their public or pri- 
 vate business obliges them to reside for any length of time 
 during the year. 
 A few days after my brother's return I observed that 
 nearly all the shops of Haifa were closed, and the streets 
 and market-places were almost deserted. On inquiry I 
 learned that " the day of ill luck " had arrived, a day on 
 which Moslems will not, on any account, make bargains or 
 transact business. This dreaded day is the first Wednesday 
 in the month of Safar, the second month of the Moham- 
 medan year. (In 1856, the year of which I am writing, it 
 fell on October 29th.) The Moslems will not, if they can 
 possibly avoid it, even speak or think on any subject of 
 importance, and they generally remain in-doors on this ill- 
 omened day. 
 Mohammed Bek came to the Consulate at midday, ask- 
 ing me to be his guardian, and to allow him to remain in 
 my presence till sunset, pretending that lie thouglit that no 
 evil spirits could approach him there. 
 I was told by a " true believer " that bad angels have, on 
 that particular day, full power to carry out all the mischief 
 which they may have plotted during the year. In Con- 
 stantinople all the public offices are closed, in consequence 
 of the prevalence of this impression ! 
 On Thursday, the 4th of December, the Feast of " Sainte 
 Barbe" was celebrated by all the Christians of the Latin 
 Church at Haifa. I went early in the morning to see 
 Madame Aumann. I found her planting grains of wheat, 
 barley, and millet, and seeds of lentils and grass, in plates 
 and ornamental saucers and large shells. She merely cov- 
 ered the grain or seeds with water, and then ranged the 
 dishes in the sun. " This," she said, " is always done on 
 the fete-day of Ste. Barbe, and by Christmas-day the grass 
 and the grain will have grown." But she did not know 
 what it was intended to signify. 
 She invited us to meet all the Europeans at the French 
 Consulate that night, and we went. We found every one 
 full of fun and merriment, and one of the guests, a Mons. 
 Jullien, who had lately arrived from Algiers, and had 
 served in the army there, appeared with mock solemnity, in 
 a scarlet robe and white cardinal cape, in the character of 
 the priest of Ste. Barbe. To my surprise, the most devout 
 Catholics present did not seem to be shocked. I asked one 
 lady, whom I knew to be very earnest in the performance 
 of what she believed to be her religious duties, if it gave 
 her pain to see such mockery, but she simply said, " It is 
 custom; there is no harm in it." 
 "When we were all assembled, we were led into a room, 
 in the center of which was a low stool, on which was a 
 very large dish made of wood. It was filled with wheat, 
 boiled in honey or sugar, and mixed with pomegranate 
 seeds. Over the surface sweetmeats and bleached nuts were 
 sprinkled, and round the edge of the dish twelve tapers 
 were burning, and a flag was stuck in the middle. 
 Before we partook of these sweets, the soi-disant priest 
 chanted a litany in an unknown tongue, which neither he 
 nor any one present understood. After this mummery was 
 over, Madame Aumann fetched a smooth, silver, blunt- 
 pointed pin, about three inches long and the eighth of an 
 inch thick, with an ornamental head. She then burned 
 some sweet gum and frankincense in the flame of a little 
 antique lamp, and held the pin in the flame till it had be- 
 come quite black; then, after waiting till the pin had 
 cooled, she inserted it dextrously between her half-closed 
 eyelids, and rubbed it backward and forward, as if really 
 " rending her eyes," as Jeremiah expresses it,* till she had 
 produced the efi'ect so much admired by Orientals. She 
 handed the little instrument round, and nearly every one 
 of her guests followed her example. It was astonishing 
 how the appearance and expression of all the faces, espe- 
 cially of the fairest ones, were altered immediately. I 
 scarcely recognized my brother, who certainly would not 
 have submitted to this adornment if he had not believed 
 that he could wash it off immediately ; but to his dismay 
 it was many days before the black tinge disappeared, and 
 then only after persevering and frequent rubbing. Helany, 
 one of the female servants, took the lamp and the frankin- 
 cense which Madame A. had used, and held a white earth- 
 enware pl|te over the flame. She thus collected a quantity 
 of soot. The soot thus prepared is mixed with antimony, 
 and kept in little ornamental bottles, ready to be used in 
 the manner described on page 113. 
 The Europeans, especially the semi-Europeans, strictly 
 avoid those customs which they regard as peculiar to the 
 Arabs, but at the feast of Ste. Barbe they seem to tolerate 
 that which at other times they most condemn. 
 No one could give me the slightest reason for this fan- 
 tasia, or tell me any thing of its history or origin, or what 
 Ste. Barbe had to do with the germination of grain, the 
 dish of sweets, and the twelve candles, which I suppose 
 ♦ Jeremiah iv, 30. 
 represented the twelve apostles. Even the village cure, of 
 whom I made inquiries the next day, could not give me 
 any information. He said, "It is a custom peculiar to the 
 Eastern Christians." The Greeks kept it much in the 
 same style on the 16th of December. 
 On referring to Butler's " Lives of the Saints," I find it 
 is recorded, under the head of December 4th, that Saint 
 Barbara was a holy virgin and martyr, "who is honored 
 with particular devotion in the Latin, Greek, Muscovite, 
 and Syriac calendars; but her history is obscured by a 
 variety of false acts. Some say that she was a scholar 
 of Origen, and suffered martyrdom at Nicomedia; but oth- 
 ers say that she suffered at Heliopolis, in Egypt, about the 
 year 306 — there stood an old monastery near Edessa which 
 bore her name." 
 I was surprised to see with what fidelity and enthusiasm 
 the people kept this festival, and yet showed no curiosity 
 to learn its origin or history. In fact, they ke€p all kinds 
 of fasts and feasts, and perform all sorts of ceremonies, 
 without pausing to consider what they mean. It is enough 
 for them to know that they are "ancient customs" — and 
 customs in the East are like the laws of the Medes and 
 Persians. I do not pretend that in England we are alto- 
 gether exempt from this kind of folly, but it is much more 
 apparent among the Greeks and Latins of the East. 
 On Saturday, the 6th of December, I was playing at 
 chess with Saleh Bek Abdul Hady, when one of his serv- 
 ants entered the drawing-room, and approaching his master, 
 said, "A son is born to you, my lord." Mohammed Bek 
 and Saleh Sekhali, who happened to be present, united 
 with me in congratulating the father, but he received the 
 tidings very quietly, and to my surprise persisted in finish- 
 ing the game, which he did as coolly as he had commenced 
 it. He afterward lingered to read some ancient Arabic 
 poetry aloud to my brother, and did not leave us till long 
 after sunset. 
 On Monday, the 8th of December, I visited his harem. 
 In the chief room I found a large number of people as- 
 sembled, and in one corner there was a bed, consisting 
 of two mattresses, on the floor, and Helweh, my favorite, 
 was half reclining on it. When I approached her she 
 threw herself on my neck and burst into tears, but quickly 
 recovered herself, and said, "Welcome, light of my 
 eyes." I said softly, " You are very happy, Helweh, in 
 being the mother of a son. Where is the boy?" She 
 answered sadly, "I have no son. My child is a female 
 child, and is made no account of." 
 I sat on the edge of her bed, and she lifted up the heavy 
 coverings by her side, and handed to me a littie figure 
 swaddled in white and purple linen, and crimson silk, with 
 its head bandaged and its eyelids blackened with kohl. I 
 said, "What name shall you give your little girl?" She 
 answered, " The Bek will name her — I have no power." 
 I said, "Have you any choice?" She replied, "I should 
 like it to be called Miriam, because that is your name, and 
 it is a good name." I said, " That would please me greatly, 
 and your little child would remind you always of me. I 
 will ask the Bek if he will allow it." She answered im- 
 mediately, " Then the child is named already — its name 
 is Miriam." 
 A number of women were sitting round the room leaning 
 against the walls. After coflfee had been brought for me, 
 and a narghile had been prepared, the nurse, a strange- 
 looking woman, with long ragged hair dyed with henna, till 
 it had become a tawny red, began in a low monotonous key 
 to sing a welcome to the first-born child of Helweh, and 
 all the women clapped their hands beating the time. 
 I found that there had been a very serious quarrel in 
 the harem, and to prevent mischief Saleh Bek had been 
 obliged to hire a separate house for one of his wives, and 
 she had gone there with her children and servants. 
 Soon after I returned home I saw Saleh Bek, and I asked 
 him if he had seen his new-born child. He said, "No, 
 custom forbids me to see it or its mother before seven days 
 have passed." He added, " I have heard your wish that 
 the child should be called ' Miriam ;' it is sufficient, and I 
 am reconciled to having a daughter instead of a son, be- 
 cause she may thus take your name. If after three years 
 you will undertake the charge of her and teach her even 
 as you have been taught, I shall think myself happy." 
 He afterward explained to me that the messenger who 
 had brought the false tidings to him of the birth of a son 
 knew perfectly well that it was a daughter which had been 
 born to him ; " but," he added, " in this land people are so 
 foolish that my servant was ashamed and afraid to announce 
 to me, tn public, the birth of a female child, for it is 
 thought no honor to be the ' father of girls.' "* 
 He assured me that he did not himself entertain this 
 prejudice, though Tie certainly showed more pleasure and 
 pride in his sons than in his daughters. This was natural, 
 for he had the opportunity of educating the former and 
 training them according to the best of his judgment, while 
 the latter were a subject of great perplexity to him. He 
 had become convinced that the civilization of a country 
 depends very much on the character and position of its 
 women, and he had liberal and enlightened notions about 
 the advantageous influences of female education and free- 
 dom, but he did not know how to take any steps in the 
 way of reform. He wisely observed that any sudden 
 change would be dangerous, and lead to more harm than 
 good. This was a subject on which I also had thought 
 deeply and seriously. I found it rather difficult to come to 
 any practical conclusions. 
 Reform in any system or institution, to be safe and sure, 
 and on a firm foundation, must arise naturally and from 
 * Not only among the Moslems does this prejudice exist, but among the native 
 Christian population also ; and 1 am assured that in Southern Italy the same feel- 
 ing prevails. Miss Cobbe, in an article on "Women in Italy, 18G2," says: "An 
 English lady, long resident in Naples, and married to a Neapolitan, informed me 
 that till quite of late years it was customary among the poorer classes to hang a 
 email black flag out of the window of the apartment wherein a girl was born, to 
 save the painful necessity of informing inquirers of the unfortunate sex of the 
 within. Women like my friend Helweh might do much 
 toward eflfecting a change for the better in the mode of 
 life in harems, and men like Saleh Bek would aid and 
 encourage it. 
 It seems to me that all that we can do is to enter into 
 sympathy with the Moslem women, and try to awaken and 
 develop all the highest feelings of their nature, and to help 
 them to understand and feel the power which they have of 
 governing and elevating themselves, and to encourage them 
 to exercise that power, and to think seriously. This may 
 be done without the aid of books, and without perplexing 
 them with new mysteries and dogmas. We might lead 
 them insensibly to acknowledge and understand those an- 
 cient and universal laws of love which Christ declared to 
 be the foundation of all religion — " The Lord our God is 
 one Lord. . . . Love him with all thy heart, and with all 
 thy soul, and with all thy strength,, and with all thy mind, 
 and love thy neighbor as thyself This do, and thou shalt 
 live." Words like these can rouse no anger or opposition, 
 and they will daily become more clear and comprehensive 
 to every one who truly takes them as a guide and rule of 
 life. By striving earnestly to obey these simple laws, by 
 measuring every thought and action by them, women shut 
 up in their harems would become Christians, though they 
 might still be called Moslems. Then their daughters would 
 at an early age be led to love God with a trustful rever- 
 ence., and taught to contribute to the happiness of all 
 around them. Their sons, whose hearts and minds would 
 naturally be ennobled and enlarged, would in manhood re- 
 spect and honor their early teachers. 
 Thus, by degrees, women might be safely and surely 
 emancipated, and the most jealously-guarded harems would 
 be gradually converted into enlightened and happy homes. 
 The character of the whole nation might thus be changed ; 
 but any attempt to exercise an influence from without, would 
 certainly fail, if the religious prejudices or ancient customs 
 of the people were directly attacked or condemned, for a 
 dangerous spirit of antagonism and indignation would be 
 immediately roused. All we can do is to try to excite 
 Moslems to think more earnestly, and to endeavor to 
 awaken in their minds the spirit of truth, by which they 
 may be led to condemn all those customs and practices 
 which are at variance with it, but which no mere words of 
 ours will ever induce them to abandon. Indeed, they will 
 probably be adhered to more obstinately than ever, if argu- 
 ments be raised against them. " Overcome evil with good." 
 Missionaries, in the common acceptation of the word, 
 would find it very difficult to obtain access to harems. I 
 do not refer to men, for they, of course, could not enter. 
 I am thinking of the persevering, enterprising, and talented 
 Sisters of Mercy — who are now established in many parts 
 of Syria in Latin convents, studying Arabic — and of the 
 devoted wives of Protestant missionaries. But if they gain 
 admittance they will certainly find that they will make no 
 impression by teaching creeds or doctrines, or by trying to 
 prove that Christianity is true, and Islamism is false — that 
 the Bible is a Divine revelation, and the Koran a forgery — 
 that Christ is the Son of God, and that Mohammed is an 
 impostor. This would not touch the hearts, nor reach the 
 minds of the matter-of-fact Moslem women; -but any one 
 who will help really to elevate them and reform their 
 homes, will be helping indirectly to strengthen and confirm 
 Turkey as a nation, for the men will be more vigorous and 
 noble-hearted when the women are made free. 
 On the 13th of December, just a week after the birth of 
 my little Miriam, I visited the harem of Saleh Bek again. 
 I found it crowded with guests, for it was one of the days 
 of congratulation. I heard the sounds of the tambourine 
 and the voices of the singing women before I entered. 
 When I was announced, there was comparative silence for 
 a minute or two, and the women and girls made way for 
 me, that I might approach Helweh. She was sitting up in 
 a cushioned corner. She looked delicate, but prettier than 
 ever, and was very gayly dressed. She had a rosebud and 
 string of pearls in her hair. Her eyelids were newly- 
 dressed with kohl, and her hands with henna. There was 
 a new joy in her face, and a striking expression of resolu- 
 tion, earnestness, and tenderness, when she placed my little 
 swaddled namesake in my arms. I sat down hy her side. 
 A slave rose and put a small thin mattress on my knees, 
 that I might rest the child on it.* 
 By this time the tambourine sounded again, and the 
 chief singer commenced an impromptu song, having refer- 
 ence especially to the fact that the child had been named 
 by me, and suggesting that it was a happy omen for the 
 little one to have gained my love and protection from the 
 moment of its birth. Then they sang songs in my praise, 
 using extravagant similes, but so picturesque and full of 
 imagery that I could not help thinking of the Song of 
 Songs which is Solomon's. A third woman sang a sort of 
 prayer for me, or rather wishes for my prosperity. In this 
 song she forcibly portrayed the Oriental idea of the highest 
 happiness — the delight of the mother, who in her youth 
 opens her eyes upon her first-born son, and in her old age 
 sees her children's children around her. It was a passion- 
 ate outpouring of emotion, and every one present seemed to 
 enter into the spirit of it. I do not suppose that it was an 
 improvisation, but rather an adaptation of one of those old 
 unwritten songs handed down from one generation of singers 
 to another. Some dancing followed, and especial songs were 
 sung in praise of the various guests as they arrived. The 
 room was close and warm, and filled with smoke, for all 
 the women were in turn supplied with narghiles, and I was 
 glad to go out into the fresh air again. 
 On Christmas morning, at an early hour, the chief Mos- 
 lems of Haifa came to the Consulate to greet us, and wish 
 us happy returns of the " Eid el Miladi^^^ that is, " the 
 Feast of the Nativity." About forty people came and 
 staid long enough to take cofiee and smoke a narghile or 
 * These nursing mattresses are commonly used, and are covered with frilled or 
 embroidered cases. 
 chibouque, and taste our preserves. Saleh Bek and Yassin 
 Agha remained after the other guests had left us, and the 
 former told nie that he had sent his wife Helweh and little 
 Miriam to Arrabeh, for change of air, as they were both 
 delicate. I was surprised to hear that he had allowed the 
 little one to go away without having once looked at her. 
 Later in the day, after high mass had been celebrated 
 in the Latin church, we were visited by the Christian 
 On the 2d of January, 1857, Dr. Kolle, a German, ar- 
 rived in Haifa, under the auspices of the Church Mission- 
 ary Society, and I^ had the pleasure of welcoming his 
 English wife and little daughter. 
 There was a threat of excommunication uttered from 
 the churches against any one who would dare to let a 
 house to the new missionary. Nevertheless, a good house 
 was found, and his landlord was heard to say, " I shall be 
 excommunicated for this, I suppose, but if so, I will learn 
 the English religion, and the new priest will receive me 
 into communion." , 
 This arrival did not make any impression on the town 
 generally, for the doctor lived a studious and secluded life. 
 He had suffered severely in Damietta from brain -fever, and 
 was sent to Haifa to recruit his strength and to learn Ara- 
 bic. He studied from books laboriously, and not from inter- 
 course with people, so that the work was doubly difficult.* 
 On the 20th of January my brother invited all the best 
 informed of the Arabs, without regard to creed, to meet at 
 the Consulate in the evening, to make arrangements for 
 the formation of a society for the acquisition and diffusion 
 of useful knowledge, relative to the arts and sciences, and 
 the history of civilization. The project was eagerly wel- 
 comed, and my brotli.?r was elected president. Mons. 
 Aumann, the French Consul, delivered the inaugural ad- 
 dress to a large assembly on the following Wednesday. 
 * Dr. KOUe and his family left Haifa after having remained there about two 
 years and a half. 
 He spoke energetically of the powers of the human mind, 
 and the advantages of study and scientific research, and 
 alluded with great feeling to the past history of the East, 
 its grandeur, its scientific attainments, and its intellectual 
 and moral influence over the world at large. 
 The subjects most eagerly studied were, the elements of 
 geography, voyages of discovery, general history, and the 
 rise and progress of civilization in different countries. 
 Some of the members took especial interest in the history 
 of the arts and manufactures. I was never present at any 
 of these meetings. I used to retire to my room when the 
 president took the chair. 
 One evening, when as usual I had retreated, and was 
 busy writing an Arabic exercise, somebody tapped at my 
 door. It was Yassin Agha, one of the most wealthy and 
 influential Moslems in the Pashalic. (See page 118.) He 
 apologized for disturbing me, but said, " I entreat you to 
 allow me to come and smoke my pipe here, that I may ask 
 your counsel and help in a great matter." I welcomed him, 
 and after having requested permission to close the door, 
 he took a seat and said, "I have been greatly wishing to 
 speak to you; it is now two months since you have been to 
 my house — why have you ceased to come?" I answered, 
 " Since the lamented death of your wife, there is in your 
 house no one to receive me as a guest, therefore I no longer 
 go there." He answered, " It is even as I thought ; but 
 now I have come to ask you to do me a great service. I 
 wish to ask your advice about taking another wife. I have 
 thought of one — you know her — and I want you to tell me 
 if she is good and if she is beautiful. She is the daughter 
 of Saleh Bek Abdul Hady, and her name is Asme." I 
 answered, " In all the country, I think, there is not a girl 
 more beautiful or more pleasant than Asm6." 
 I had taken her portrait carefully, and I handed it to 
 him. He was delighted with it, and said, gazing at the 
 picture, " How tall is she ? Does she speak softly ? What 
 is her age? Does her mother know you well?" I said, 
 " Yes." He answered, " Then she must needs trust you. 
 Tell her, I pray you, how I wish to have her daughter for 
 my wife — tell her all you can to make her have favorable 
 thoughts of me — tell her I have a beautiful new house — 
 tell her that my wife shall live like a princess. If you do 
 this business for me, I will be your slave forever. I am 
 fierce to marry that girl. Speak also to her father, Saleh 
 Bek. Call him here to play chess with you, but do not 
 think of the game ; think only how to win this girl for me. 
 Saleh Bek will take your counsel." 
 When he had concluded his vehement appeal, and began 
 soothing himself with his chibouque, I told him that I 
 must consider before I could promise to speak in his be- 
 half; but I undertook to ascertain for him whether Asm6 
 had been already betrothed, or promised. I knew that one 
 of my Moslem friends had at one time thought of asking 
 for her, so I questioned him, and found that he had aban- 
 doned the project. 
 Shortly afterward I called at Saleh Bek's harem. It did 
 not seem like the same place to me now that Helweh and 
 my little Miriam had been sent away. The senior wife, the 
 Turkish lady, however, received me very kindly, and her 
 daughters were gentle and affectionate in their greetings. I 
 ascertained, in course of conversation, that Asm6 was be- 
 trothed to her young cousin, the son of Mohammed Bek 
 Abdul Hady, of Arrabeh, and that the marriage would 
 take place very shortly. The bridegroom was only sixteen. 
 On my return home I sent for Yassin Agha to inform 
 him of this, that he might at once abandon his project. 
 After Easter, we frequently enjoyed the society of 
 English travelers, who paused for a time in the neighbor- 
 hood, either in their white tents among the trees outside 
 the town, or at the convent on Mount Carmel. 
 On the 23d of April, the beautiful little yacht Sylphide 
 arrived, and was at anchor for several weeks off Haifa. I 
 spent some delightful hours on board. Captain Leyland, 
 who was then the owner, had truly made this yacht a home 
 upon tBe waters, for he was accompanied by his wife, his 
 daughter, with her governess, his son, with a tutor, and by 
 Dr. Antony, a physician and amateur photographer. 
 Sunday, the 24th of May, was the first day of the great 
 Moslem feast of Bairam, which follows the long and fa- 
 tiguing fast of Ramadan. The little town of Haifa was, in 
 consequence, unusually gay. All the people were dressed 
 in their best, and the yacht Sylphide^ and Her Majesty's 
 ship Desperate^ a man-of-war, then in port, were decked 
 with flags and streamers. 'Akka looked as if it were being 
 besieged again, as the guns of salute flashed from the ram- 
 parts in quick succession, enveloped the city in clouds of 
 smoke and boomed heavily across the bay. 
 On Thursday, 11th of June, there was a grand ecclesi- 
 astical procession, in honor of the fete of " Corpus Domini." 
 The monks and priests of Mount Carmel, and nearly all 
 the Consuls, assisted in the ceremony. The Moslems did 
 not offer the slightest opposition to the display, although 
 there had never before been such a demonstration in Haifa. 
 My brother was requested to raise the English flag on the 
 occasion, and to allow his kawasses, who were Moslems^ to 
 walk before the priests, to clear and lead the way, in com- 
 pany with the kawasses attached to the other European 
 Consulates. This he politely but firmly declined to do. 
 His refusal was taken in a good spirit, and the request was 
 not repeated. 
 In the afternoon we rode along the sands, roun(^ the bay, 
 to 'Akka, and thence to the " Bahjeh," that is, " Tlie Gar- 
 den of Delight^'' about twenty minutes beyond the city. It 
 is one of the prettiest places in the Pashalic. It was 
 formerly the harem of Abdallah Pasha, who employed 
 Greek and Italian artists to carry out his ideas of comfort 
 and splendor. 
 The place is now the property of Mr. Girgius Giammal. 
 He and his family occupy the large villa, built in the 
 Italian style, which stands in the midst of the garden, 
 where cypresses and pines rise above the fragrant orange 
 and lemon trees and acacias, and where all kinds of pleas- 
 ant fruits and sweet flowers abound. I had met the ladies 
 of this family first at Yafa, and had visited them at their 
 town house in 'Akka. The gentlemen had often been with 
 us at Haifa, and had repeatedly invited me to the "Bah- 
 jeh ;" so my brother left me there, while he made a tour 
 in the interior, which had recently been disturbed by civil 
 Arabs who have associated much with Europeans, and 
 who have obtained a slight European education, very often 
 adopt European costumes and customs, and seem ashamed 
 of their own ; but this was not the case with Mr. Giammal's 
 family, and though several members of it were pretty well 
 acquainted with English, they had scarcely abandoned any 
 of the Oriental fashions, either as regards dress or manners. 
 Furrah, the youngest sister of Girgius, had been educated 
 by the American missionaries, at Beirut. She spoke En- 
 glish freely, with fanciful Oriental idioms and expressions, 
 which gave a charm to every thing she said. She was one 
 of the very few native girls I knew who could read and 
 write Arabic. She was betrothed to a studious and excel- 
 lent man, an Arab, who at that time lived at Haifa. He 
 could speak no language except his own, but he knew that 
 thoroughly, and my young friend enjoyed the unusual ad- 
 vantage of being able to correspond with him without the 
 aid of a secretary. 
 One afternoon, as I was walking with her in the garden 
 of roses, she showed me a little poem he had written to 
 her, in the form of a letter, in which he complained of 
 not having heard from her for several days. 
 Furrah is a happy wife and mother now, and I think 
 that she will forgive me if I chronicle here a translation 
 of the letter, which made her face look so bright on that 
 17th of June. I wrote it down in my note-book, as lit- 
 erally as I could, after she had kindly read it to me in 
 Arabic two or three times, carefully explaining in English 
 the meaning of every word which I did not understand. 
 (Do n't be angry, Furrah !) The letter was dated Haifa, 
 June 15, 1857 : 
 " my heart — ^where art thou ? 
 Be still, my heart ; have patience in thy sorrow. 
 Behold, God gave patience unto Job ! 
 I call to her, but she is silent ; 
 I speak, but she does not hear. 
 Why are my words unanswered ? 
 If they will not suffer her to write, 
 Let her go down to the garden of roses, 
 And whisper her love to the fragrant air. 
 I sit under the palm-trees. 
 And the air will bring me her love. 
 The Palm-tree listens for the Bose-bud ! 
 I sat under the palm-tree, 
 But no soft wind brought me her love. 
 Why does her love refuse to meet mine ? 
 My love is great : if she saw my suffering 
 She would have pity ! Her extreme gentleness 
 CJould not give me such pain I 
 Great is my love ! If my love were in the Sakhara, 
 The great and wonderful rock the Sakhara, 
 It would be broken into a thousand pieces. 
 Great is my love I If my love were in the great mountain, 
 The great mountain of Petra, 
 It would be moved. 
 Great is my love ! If my love were in the sun, 
 The sun, the sun at noonday. 
 Her face would be darkened. 
 Great is my lore I When shall my heart rejoice 
 With thee, my ' Furrah ?' 
 .« Furrah,* my ' true joy /' " 
 " Furrah " is the Arabic word for "Joy," and it was 
 the name of the young girl to whom this poem was ad- 
 The Sakhara referred to, is the grieat rock at Jerusa- 
 lem on Mount *Moriah, and the beautiful dome above it, 
 " Kubbet es Sakhara," " the Dome of the Rock^" is almost 
 always mistaken by travelers for the Mosque of Omar, 
 which is in fact a comparatively insignificant building. 
 The Arabs speak of the sun in the feminine, and of the 
 moon in the masculine gender. There was a stanza about 
 the moon in the poem, but I did not note it down at the 
 time, and I do not remember it now. 
 In Mr. Giammal's service there were several pleasant, 
 good-natured Abyssinian girls. They looked very pic- 
 turesque in their holiday dresses made of scarlet woolen 
 stuff, with silver necklaces and anklets, and glass bracelets, 
 with red tarbushes and bright-colored muslin kerchiefs fan- 
 cifully arranged on their heads. 
 One day there was great rejoicing among them, and cries 
 of congratulation echoed through the house. I inquired 
 the cause. I found that a young slave girl, who had been 
 hired by Mr. Giammal, had just been set free. She was 
 the property of an Arab widow lady who resided at 'Akka. 
 This lady had just arrived at the " Bahjeh," and had given 
 freedom to her slave, and told her that she had made a 
 will in her favor. 
 The poor girl was at first quite overcome with delight 
 and wonder, but on reflection she seemed almost to tremble 
 at the loneliness and responsibility of her new position. 
 She asked her mistress if she could love her always just as 
 much as she had loved her before, and said, " I would 
 rather keep your love than gain my freedom." The lady 
 explained that she was growing old, and could not live 
 long to watch over her, and it was the thought of ap- 
 proaehing death whicli had caused her to decide to give 
 her youDg slave freedom. 
 Furrah told me that when this girl had been ill with 
 fever in the Spring of the year, her owner came from 
 'Akka, and sat up two nights by her bedside, and did not 
 leave her till she had recovered. 
 The girl still remained in Mr. Giammal's service. The 
 only change in her position was that her wages were to be 
 paid to her, instead of to her late owner. I questioned the 
 girl a day or two afterward, as to how she felt. She said, 
 " I am free and I am very glad-hearted, but I do not know 
 what it is that makes me so glad. I am the same one that 
 I was before, and I work and live as I lived before, but 
 every body says it is better to be free." 
 Late on Friday night, the 19th of June, my brother 
 arrived and told me that we must return to Haifa as early 
 as possible on the following morning, and start for Beirut 
 by the next steamer, for he had been appointed to take 
 charge of the Vice Consulate there for a few months, as 
 Mr. Moore was about to visit England. 
 A busy fortnight followed, the last few days of which 
 were spent in taking leave of my friends at Haifa, many 
 of whom I never saw again. 
 At half-past four on the morning of the 4th of July, a 
 large number of people, Jews, Christians, and Moslems, 
 walked down to the rocky landing-place with us, and 
 watched us as we went swiftly over the waters in a little 
 Arab boat, on our way to the Austrian steamer. We were 
 accompanied by the French Consul and Mohammed Bek, 
 who went on board, and remained with us till the last 
 While my brother's duties detained him in Beirut, I had 
 the opportunity of visiting the Lebanon, and becoming ac- 
 quainted with the history of the inhabitants of the mount- 
 ains — the Druses and the Maronites. My brother helped 
 me to understand the complicated and threatening aspect 
 of aflFairs, for he could even then foresee how, sooner or 
 later, the mountaiDS would become the scene of civil war — • 
 but of these things I will not speak here. 
 We did not return to Palestine till the following No- 
 vember. We steamed into the Bay of 'Akka at sunrise, 
 and with pleasure saw again the range of Carmel, and the 
 white convent, every window of which dazzlingly reflected 
 the light of the morning sun. We were soon lowered into 
 a little Arab boat, and the dusky palm-groves, the flour- 
 ishing fruit-gardens, and the town of Haifa, seemed to rise 
 Tip by magic out of the sea to receive us as we rapidly 
 approached the shore. How glad I was to land there again, 
 and still more glad to see the well-remembered faces of my 
 friends, and to hear their hearty words of welcome spoken 
 in many tongues! 
 But there were many changes in the place — deaths, 
 births, marriages, arrivals, and departures — old houses 
 pulled down, and new ones built up. Saleh Bek Abdul 
 Hady, with whom I used to play at chess, had gone with 
 his family to settle at Arrabeh, and I heard with deep 
 regret that his child, my little namesake Miriam, and her 
 mother, my friend Helweh, were both dead. The child 
 had died first, and the mother shortly afterward. Two of 
 Saleh Bek's sons were at the French College at Antura, 
 near Beirfit. 
 One of our neighbors, Signor Luis Catafago, a widower, 
 was the wealthiest and most influential of the Christian 
 Arabs of Haifa, and more learned in Arabic literature than 
 any one in the Pashalic. He was well acquainted with 
 Italian and French, and lived in Semi-European style. His 
 sons were brought up at college, and dressed like Euro- 
 peans, though his little girls were quite Oriental. He had 
 married a second wife during our absence. She was a na- 
 tive of Damascus. The fame of her beauty and gentleness 
 had gone forth throughout the land. Signor Luis determ- 
 ined to try to win her, so he journeyed to Damascus, 
 carrying with him offerings of rich silks from the looms of 
 Lyons — wrought with gold — strings of pearls, and sprays 
 of diamonds. He succeeded in his suit, and brought home 
 his bride Lebibeh in triumph, to grace the largest establish- 
 ment in Haifa. The bridegroom was above sixty, and the 
 bride about sixteen years of age. She had never had any 
 intercourse with European or even semi-European society, 
 but with natural grace she accustomed herself to her new 
 life and her new home. 
 I frequently visited her. She was the most perfect 
 type I had met with of the truly-Oriental Christian female 
 aristocracy, quite untinged by European innovations. Mos- 
 lem female aristocracy is of a very different and far in- 
 ferior order. It is comparatively barbarous in luxury and 
 The face of the bride pleased me exceedingly. It was a 
 pure oval, and of that creamy, golden complexion, which 
 looked almost fair, relieved as it was by glossy-black braids, 
 long, dark lashes, and violet eyes. Her mouth was small 
 and well formed. It is very unusual to see a refined-look- 
 ing mouth among the Arab women. Girls often have 
 prettily-shaped lips, but they almost invariably change in 
 form and character in womanhood. 
 The first time I called on Lebibeh it was on a Christian 
 fUe day. She was dressed in modern Damascus style. Her 
 trowsers were long and very full, made of bright rose-col- 
 ored silk, with a narrow pattern wrought in gold down 
 each side Her jacket, which was short, made with tight 
 sleeves, was of violet-silk velvet, richly embroidered, and 
 quite open in front, exposing a Tilac-crape shirt, which 
 scarcely concealed her bosom. Round the neck and down 
 the front of this shirt, a sentence, invoking a blessing on 
 the wearer, was worked in Arabic characters, with fine gold 
 thread, forming a rich ornamental border of about two 
 inches wide. She wore a necklace of very large Oriental 
 pearls, with a diamond cross hanging from it. Her black 
 hair was parted on one side, and divided into fourteen long, 
 straight, Grecian plaits. Each plait was neatly intertwined, 
 and plaited with thick, black-silk braid to add to its weight 
 and length. The ends of the braid were finished off with 
 little pendants of pearls and gold. 
 Her head-dress consisted simply of a small piece of lilac 
 crape tastefully arranged, and secured with sprays of dia- 
 monds and emeralds, and one rosebud. Round her waist 
 she wore a fine white-muslin shawl, embroidered with gold. 
 She showed me her trousseau and her needlework. She 
 was very skillful in all kinds of embroidery, and designed 
 and drew her patterns herself with taste and precision. She 
 used a tambour-frame, or stretcher, fixed to a stand, and 
 very prettily made of dark wood, inlaid with mother-of-pearl 
 and ivory. On ordinary days she wore French muslins or 
 Manchester prints, but she invariably looked nice, and gen- 
 erally had a flower in her head-dress, either a rose, a pink, 
 or a bunch of everlastings. 
 I almost always found her in her private room, seated on 
 cushions on the floor, with her embroidery -frame before 
 her, and her youngest step-daughter, Carmella, a beautiful 
 child of about three years of age, rolling on the divan by 
 her side. The child was always attended by a laughing, 
 merry-looking African slave-girl, gayly dressed in yellow or 
 crimson, with gold coins round her neck, large rings — each 
 one a potent protector from magic — on her fingers, bracelets 
 of glass on her black, bony arms, and tinkling ornaments 
 round her ankles. She wore at the back of her head a 
 shallow, red-cloth tarbush, with a long blue-silk tassel, se- 
 cured by a gilt crescent. 
 On the side of her broad nose a fine turquoise appeared. 
 It was set in silver, and) formed the head of a short, thick, 
 blunt, silver nail, which was fixed in a hole made for the 
 purpose in the wing of her nose.* 
 This girl always greeted me with some droll speech, and 
 invented stories and tales unceasingly, to amuse the chil- 
 * This is a common custom, and I have frequently seen poor girls insert cloves, 
 instead of jewels, into these holes. An artificial clove made of gold, clasping a 
 pearl, which forms the round part at the top, is a very favorite nose-jewel. These 
 ncMK-naiU are worn by the younger girls, and are very fashionable ; the elder women 
 wear rings instead. 
 dren. She greatly admired her young mistress, and seemed 
 to regard her as her especial property — as something very 
 precious, which she delighted to caress, to embellish, and 
 to protect. 
 Sit Lebibeh could speak no language but Arabic, and 
 could not read ; but she was thoughtful, shrewd, and witty, 
 and I always enjoyed her society. She was a member of 
 the Latin Church. 
 After she had been in Haifa about one year, she said to 
 me, " My sister, you must not form an opinion of the char- 
 acter and customs of Arab women generally, from what 
 you see of them here and in this neighborhood, for in my 
 city, Damascus, and in Aleppo, they are much more civil- 
 ized, although not Europeanized in the least degree. Here 
 I find no companions like those I left in Damascus. Here 
 nearly all the Arab women, both Christians and Moslems, 
 live like peasants, and are very ignorant. They tattoo and 
 paint themselves barbarously. They wear heavy silver 
 head-ornaments, which are only fit to put upon the heads 
 of horses. They do not keep their houses, themselves, or 
 their children clean. I can not associate with them ; while 
 the few who have had the opportunity of learning some 
 European language, and have married into European or 
 semi-European families, have almost ceased to be Arabs. 
 They prefer Italian or French to the language which 
 their mothers taught them ; so from them also I feel 
 But there was happiness in store for Lebibeh. A little 
 while afterward her mother came from Damascus to stay 
 with her, to help her to nurse her first-born son Yusef. 
 When I paid the visit of congratulation, I found the young 
 mother almost silent with delight, but the grandmother 
 was eloquent in praise of the little swaddled boy, asleep in 
 a swing-cradle made of walnut-wood, inlaid with ivory and 
 mother-of-pearl, and curtained with fine muslin. The cov- 
 ering of the cradle was purple velvet, embroidered with 
 gold thread. Lebibeh looked very pretty in her long, 
 blue-cloth pelisse, lined and edged with light fur, and she 
 smiled brightly when she heard herself called, "Um Yu- 
 sef" — the Mother of Joseph. "Peace be upon her!" 
 New-Year's day was as usual a general holiday; visits 
 and good wishes were being exchanged from early morning 
 till sunset. On the first New- Year's day which I passed 
 in Syria, I was surprised to hear our servants, and the 
 servants of our neighbors, and all the Arabs of the poorer 
 classes, greet us with the word "Bastrina!" I found it 
 was a common custom on the coast, and a present of a few 
 piasters is always expected by the person who pronounces 
 the word, and this is rarely refused. The custom is rather 
 a tax upon people who hold a prominent position in Le- 
 vantine towns. 
 I could not guess the origin of the custom, or the mean- 
 ing of the word. The Arabs said, "Allah knows where 
 the word came from; it is very ancient, but it certainly is 
 not genuine Arabic." I inquired among the Europeans, 
 but they threw no light on the subject. But an " Essay 
 on the Fine Arts," by E. L. Tarbuck, led me to believe 
 that this custom is a relic of pagan worship, and that the 
 word "Bastrina" refers to the oiFerings which used to be 
 made to the goddess Strenia. We could hardly expect 
 that the pagans who embraced Christianity could altogether 
 abandon their former creeds and customs. Macaulay says, 
 "Christianity conquered paganism, but paganism infected 
 Christianity ; the rites of the Pantheon passed into her 
 worship, and the subtilties of the Academy into her 
 creed." Many pagan customs were adopted by the new 
 Church. T. Hope, in his "Essay on Architecture," says: 
 " The Saturnalia were continued in the Carnival, and the 
 festival with ofi"erings to the goddess Strenia was continued 
 in that of the New Year, with the gifts called in France 
 itrennes;'^ to this I may add, that on the coast of Syria 
 they are called " Bastrina." The prefix " Ba," in Arabic 
 signifies "on account of" — "for the sake of" — "for" — 
 " by." 
 In April ws visited Nazareth and its neighborhood with 
 Mr. J. Lewis Farley, who has given an account of the trip 
 in his work on Syria. 
 In July we went up to Esfia, a Druse village in the 
 Carmel Range. I remained there for a short time, to enjoy 
 the cool, fresh, mountain air, and was very kindly enter- 
 tained by the people. I had excellent opportunities of be- 
 coming acquainted with their peculiarities and modes of 
 life; but I hope to speak of these villages minutely on 
 some future occasion, in connection with their coreligionists 
 in the Lebanon and in the Hauran. 
 In August my brother went to Jerusalem, expecting to 
 return in about a week, but he was detained on official 
 business. I remained alone in Haifa, and, as he had al- 
 ways allowed me to understand his pursuits and the prin- 
 ciples which guided him in all his proceedings, I had the 
 pleasure of being able, during his absence, to act as his 
 agent in most of his affairs. Responsibility and plenty of 
 work prevented me from feeling either dull, lonely, or timid. 
 I am glad to be able to testify to the respectful kindness 
 and good feeling shown to me by the Arabs, both Christian 
 and Moslem, and to the courtesy and friendliness of the 
 Europeans, while I was thus alone. 
 In November I went up to Jerusalem, and spent the 
 Winter season there, at the English Hotel. It was a sad 
 season for us; the Rev. J. Nicolayson was dead. Miss 
 Creasy had been cruelly murdered, my friends at the Con- 
 sulate were hopelessly watching over a suffering child, 
 whose death they had to mourn before the close of the 
 year. My brother was attacked by an alarming and dan- 
 gerous fever, and in his delirium he was constantly taking 
 leave of me, telling me that he was "dead," and could not 
 rest till he knew that I was safe at home in England. But 
 these dreadful days and nights passed away, and, thanks to 
 the untiring attention and careful treatment of Dr. Edward 
 Atkinson, the ^ fever was subdued, and the new year com' 
 menced auspiciously for us. 
 I was surprised at the severity of the cold in Jerusalem. 
 Twice I saw the city shrouded with snow, but the sun soon 
 melted it away, leaving only white, fleecy wreaths on the 
 northern sides of the domes and cupolas. There were a 
 great many new buildings in course of erection outside the 
 city. Large plots of laud had been purchased by Russia,* 
 France, and Austria, and foreign schools, hospices, and 
 other institutions were being established. 
 Our friend, Kamil Pasha, was no longer there. Surreya 
 Pasha had succeeded him. He was a man of an entirely- 
 difl'erent character. He had not so much sympathy with 
 the Europeans. He was a strict Moslem, and kept the 
 mosque and all the holy places religiously closed against 
 unbelievers, and fostered a spirit of fanaticism. It was ac- 
 knowledged, however, that he was in many respects a clever 
 ruler, and an energetic and vigilant disciplinarian. It was 
 said that he never took bribes^ but caused the taxes to be 
 regularly enforced. They had been neglected by some of 
 his predecessors, on the principle that it is easier to take 
 bribes than to collect taxes. 
 To facilitate the taxation of the citizens of Jerusalem, he 
 had caused all the houses to be numbered, and large Arabic 
 numerals now appeared on the doors. There was no divi- 
 sion into streets or quarters, as in European cities, but the 
 figures, commencing with units, rose up to hundreds, till 
 every dwelling, however obscure, had its especial mark. 
 Then a careful record was made of the names of the owners 
 * " Masons and builders are busy on the Mcidan — the plain on the north side of 
 Jerusalem. A portion of it, belonging to Russia, containing 10,000 square yard^, 
 has been inclosed by a stone wall. Several houses have been built there, and four 
 large tanks constructed for the supply of water. 
 '• A cathedral, dedicated to the ' Holy Trinity,' has sprung up as if by magic, 
 and is now ready to receive its cupolas. A large house for the Kussian Ecclesias- 
 tical Mission is nearly completed. A hospital to receive ten beds has reached the 
 first floor; the next story will be finished during this year. Foundations are laid 
 for an asylum capable of receiving 300 male pilgrims. 
 •' Inside the city, the ground belonging to Itussia, near to the Holy Sepulcher, 
 has been cleared of the rubbish which formerly covered it to the hight of 35 feet. 
 During the excavations, pillars and porticoes of the time of Constantino were dis- 
 covered. Before the end of this year an asylum for llussian female pilgrims will 
 be commenced." — Jerusalem, Angtiat, 1862. 
 and inmates. This was quite a novelty, and I was told 
 that modern Jerusalem had never before been systematically 
 numbered. The lower classes of Arabs regarded it as un- 
 lucky, and were strongly prejudiced against it — others 
 spoke of it as a very tyrannical proceeding. Isaiah, in 22d 
 chapter and 10th verse, says reproachfully, " Ye have num- 
 bered the houses of Jerusalem." 
 We left the Holy City in January, and rode over the 
 hills of Judea, and across the plain of Philistia, many 
 parts of which were dangerous to pass through, for the 
 water rested in large lagoons, and the earth was swampy; 
 but our guide knew the road well, and we reached Yafa in 
 safety, and in time for a Russian steamer which conveyed 
 us to Haifa. 
 Our little town was rising rapidly in importance; many 
 large houses had been built during the year, and outside 
 the western wall a hamlet was springing up, which was 
 called by the Europeans the Faubourg of Mount Carmel. 
 A handsome church with a large cupola had just been 
 completed for the Greek Catholic or Melchite congre- 
 The Russian Government had obtained a firman, which 
 granted them permission to make a jetty at Haifa, and 
 Signor Pierotti, an architect and engineer in the Russian 
 service, formerly Captain of Engineers in the Sardinian 
 army, came to superintend the work, which gave employ- 
 ment to a large number of people, and created a great deal 
 of animation in the place. The jetty was made of wood, 
 and cost the Russian Government upward of three thousand 
 pounds. There is not another such landing-place on the 
 coast of Syria. It was freely used by all people, and no 
 tax or toll of any kind was imposed. 
 A hospice adjoining the Greek Church was in the mean 
 time erected. When these were finished, Signor Pierotti 
 went to Nazareth to superintend architectural works for 
 the Greek church there. He is now architect to the Pasha 
 of Jerusalem. 
 When I inquired, "Why has the Russian Government 
 gone to the expense of building a jetty and a hospice here 
 and another hospice at Nazareth?" Russian employes and 
 seemingly-satisfied Turks invariably answered, " It is for 
 the benefit of Greek pilgrims, who come every year in 
 great numbers to visit the holy places." But there were 
 Europeans who shrugged their shoulders suspiciously, and 
 said, "Perhaps this jetty is only built for the devotees of 
 the Greek Church, but it would certainly, nevertheless, 
 facilitate the landing of troops. Perhaps the hospices are 
 only erected to shelter pilgrims, but they would, for all 
 that, make excellent barracks." The generality of the 
 Arabs were quite satisfied, and said, " God is bountiful !" 
 and, "The Franjis have long purses." Others said, "God 
 knows what these things portend!" and then they silently 
 smoked their pipes. 
 Russian influence was increasing every-where. A line 
 of Government steamers had been established on the coast 
 of Syria, and they called at Haifa twice a week. We thus 
 frequently came into contact with Russian captains and 
 ofiicers, and found them agreeable, well-educated, and lib- 
 eral-minded men. Throughout the country Russia was 
 well represented, and the consuls are almost invariably 
 excellent linguists and independent of native interpreters. 
 They thus avoid all those disputes and misunderstandings 
 which arise out of the intrigues or the blunders of consular 
 The Emperor of Russia had agents at work, eagerly in- 
 vestigating the ancient literary stores of Syria. For him 
 the monasteries have been ransacked, and early manuscripts 
 of the Gospels and of the Epistles have been brought to 
 light. Through private Russian enterprise the Samaritans 
 have been induced to part with some valuable MS. copies 
 of the Pentateuch. Of one of these MSS. a fS,c-simile has 
 been made, and it is now — 1861 — being multiplied by 
 means of lithography at Jerusalem, by Dr. Levisohn, who 
 has devoted himself for some time to the study of Samar- 
 itan literature. He can read this ancient and rarely-ac- 
 quired language as easily as Priest Amran the Levite can. 
 Russian gold has been freely spent in the prosecution of 
 such works as these — works of world-wide interest, and by 
 which all the public libraries of Europe will be enriched. 
 Dr. Levisohn will no doubt eventually publish the discov- 
 eries he has made of certain variations in the Samaritan 
 and Hebrew versions of the Laws of Moses, which have 
 not yet been noticed by commentators.* 
 In March, orders were issued for the thorough cleansing 
 and sweeping of the chief streets of Haifa, that they might 
 be in a fit state to receive His Royal Highness Prince 
 Alfred, who had landed at YS,fa and gone thence to Jeru- 
 salem, Hebron, and to the Dead Sea, or "Bahr Lutt," that 
 is, the Sea of Lot. He was journeying through the interior 
 toward Haifa to meet his ship, the Euryalus, which had 
 been in port for several days. The Pasha of 'Akka ordered 
 all subordinate officers to hold themselves in readiness to 
 go out with him to welcome the royal sailor-boy, who came 
 from Tiberias by way of Shefa 'Amer, and arrived at Haifa 
 before sunset on the 4th of April — 1859 — with the com- 
 mander and some of the chief officers of the Euryalus, 
 attended by Mr. Finn, Her Britannic Majesty's Consul, and 
 my brother. 
 The young Prince made a very favorable impression on 
 all the people who were so happy as to see him in Syria. 
 Every one had something to say in praise of his bright, 
 frank face, and clear, quick-seeing blue eyes, or some 
 story to tell, illustrative of his good-nature and good 
 Those who accompanied His Royal Highness on his tour 
 through Palestine, spoke of his love of fun, his brave, 
 buoyant spirit, and his quickness of perception, but more 
 * In a letter dated Jerusalem, September 26, 1861, 1 am told that *' Dr. Levlsohn's 
 work is delayed for want of funds." Will not the lovers of Oriental and ancient 
 literature in Western Europe inquire into this matter, and assist Dr. Levisohn to 
 complete his undertaking ? 
 particularly of his implicit and ready obedience to his 
 governor and friend, Major Cowell. He was exceedingly 
 active, and he very much enjoyed outdoor exercises and 
 sports, and the freedom of tent life. He never sacrificed 
 comfort to state, unless etiquette obliged him to do so. 
 For instance, whenever a Mutsellim sent him a splendidly- 
 caparisoned horse, with a richly-wrought and embossed 
 saddle, he only mounted it for a few minutes, or on some 
 special occasion, just to acknowledge the courtesy, for he 
 preferred his own plain English saddle. When he ap- 
 proached Hebron, he was riding, as a duty, in state, on one 
 of the Pasha's favorite horses. Hundreds of people had 
 assembled to do homage to him. He good-naturedly and 
 cheerfully returned their greetings, then leaped from the 
 gorgeous saddle, ran through the crowd to the spot chosen 
 for the encampment, took up a large hammer, and began to 
 drive in the pegs for the tent-ropes most lustily, greatly to 
 the surprise of the stately Orientals. One of the ship's 
 boats was conveyed by camels from Yafa to the Dead Sea, 
 that His Royal Highness, who is very fond of boating, 
 might have an opportunity of rowing on its heavy waters. 
 He also navigated the Lake of Tiberias. 
 On Wednesday, the 6th of April, the royal midshipman 
 explored 'Akka, and then joined his ship to proceed to 
 Beirut. He was the first English prince who visited the 
 Holy Land since the time of the Crusades. 
 On Sunday afternoon, April 17th, my brother and I were 
 reading together at the Vice-Consulate, when suddenly we 
 were disturbed by the abrupt entrance of a tall black slave 
 and six Moslem boys. They closed the door of the room 
 the moment that they were all safe within it. They looked 
 frightened, fatigued, and excited, as if they were seeking 
 escape from some great danger. The boys caught hold of 
 us, kissed our hands and our garments vehemently, and 
 cried out, " Ana dakhaliek ! Ana dakhaliek 1"^ 
 * "Ana dakhaliek" will scarcely admit of translation into English. It moans, 
 " I am your prot6g6." Among Bedouin tribes there is an ancient law called the 
 I immediately perceived tliat the boys were the sons and 
 nephews of my old friend, Saleh Bek Abdul Hady. The 
 slave who was with them explained, in a few hurried 
 words, that Arrabeh was being besieged by Turkish troops', 
 assisted by the Jerrar and the Tokan factions, and that the 
 Abdul Hady family had no hope of being able to defend 
 the town, so Saleh Bek sent his young sons away, to seek 
 an asylum in Haifa. The boys were fully persuaded that 
 they should be in safety if they could only reach the 
 English Vice-Consulate. They had met with many narrow 
 escapes on the road. The slave concluded by saying, 
 " Thank God, I have seen these children in safety under 
 the roof of my lord, their protector !" Then he hastened 
 away, before we could answer him. 
 The boys were very tired. They had crouched down on 
 the carpet, close to my side, and two of them had taken 
 firm hold of my dress. They said, " Ya habeebee ! ya sit- 
 tee Inglesi !" (0 beloved 1 O my English lady !) " you 
 will protect us — you will not let them take us to prison — 
 you will not send us away 1" 
 They watched my brother's countenance anxiously while 
 he was speaking to me in English, for they did not know 
 whether to hope or to fear. They said to me, "Speak to 
 the Consul for us. Speak good words for us, O lady!" 
 We ordered food to be immediately prepared for the 
 boys. They heard the order given, and one of them ex- 
 claimed, " We can not eat till the Consul gives us hope of 
 his protection." 
 My brother then said, " I will do all I can for you, my 
 boys. Eat now, and peace be upon you." 
 law of "dakhal." An escaped prisoner, or a man in danger of being captured by 
 an enemy, may by this law claim refuge in the tent of an Arab, even in the en- 
 campment of an opposing tribe. The refugee enters the tent, takes hold of the 
 robe of the occupant, and exclaims, "Ana dakhaliek!" and thus becomes a 
 "dakhiel" or protege. A true Arab will defend his "dakhiel" with his life. 
 The law of "dakhal" is, however, only in full force among those tribes who are, 
 by their strength or geographical position, independent of the Turkish govern- 
 ment. Among tribes in which the law is maintained, a man who proved false to 
 his dakhiel would be disgraced for life ! The expression " Ana dakhaliek " is used 
 by town Arabs as a term of endearment, implying perfect reliance and trust. 
 While they were eating, my brother reminded me that it 
 was against the law for him to interfere to protect a Turk- 
 ish subject; but that, as these boys were too young to have 
 offended personally, he decided on writing to his superiors 
 in office, the Consul and Consul-General, to explain the 
 circumstances, and to consult them on the subject. He 
 added, " I will take care of the boys till I receive instruc- 
 tions how to act. In the mean time, we may hope that 
 Saleh Bek will be able to show that he is not implicated in 
 this rebellion." 
 This plan he at once carried out, and sent special mes- 
 sengers to Jerusalem and Beirut. Soon afterward, as we 
 expected, the Governor, with several soldiers, came to 
 claim the boys as prisoners. My brother informed him 
 of his decision, and the Governor politely withdrew ; but a 
 sentinel was placed to watch near the door of the Vice- 
 Consulate, ready to take into custody any of the boys who 
 might venture to go out. This watch was, however, aban- 
 doned in a few days. 
 We gave the boys the use of one room, and whenever 
 we went out, they locked themselves in from the inside, 
 and did not venture to open the door till they heard our 
 voices. When they knew that I only was at home, they 
 used to say, " Perhaps the Governor will come, and try to 
 make you give us up — but you will be firm for us, and 
 strong — you will not let him take us away to prison, even 
 if he should ask for us ever so fiercely." They told me 
 that their sister Asm6 died soon after her marriage, and 
 they said, " Perhaps we alone of our family remain living." 
 On Friday, the 22d, about midday, the sound of tum- 
 tums, and loud shouts, attracted me to the window, and I 
 shuddered on seeing a regiment of Turkish infantry march- 
 ing through Haifa. They had come from Arrabeh. The 
 town had been taken, and these soldiers had had the priv- 
 ilege of pillaging the place for an hour or more. It was 
 said that they had secured some valuable jeweled pipes, 
 ancient gold coins, necklaces, chains, head-dresses, and 
 other valuables. They looked very barbarous and fierce, 
 elated as they were with success and plunder. They had 
 charge of a band of handcuffed prisoners from Arrabeh, 
 who were to be conveyed to the galleys at 'Akka. 
 The poor boys, after this sight, were more alarmed and 
 distressed than ever, for we had not been able to ascertain 
 with certainty the fate of their fathers, though it was said 
 that they had escaped beyond Jordan. 
 It was reported that the town had been quite destroyed, 
 all the women and children barbarously murdered, and 
 nearly all the men killed or taken prisoners. We did not 
 discover, till some time afterward, that this was, to a great 
 extent, an Oriental exaggeration. The poor boys were left 
 in terror, suspense, and doubt. They could not tell whether 
 they were orphans or no. The youngest boy, who was 
 about ten or eleven, said to me one day, " If my father has 
 been killed, God grant that I may live to be a strong man, 
 that I may revenge his death!" It was difficult sometimes 
 to know how to soothe or answer the excited children. 
 There were several other refugees from Arrabeh in town, 
 but they were all soon taken prisoners, and conducted to 
 'Akka. My little proteges, or dakhiels as they were called, 
 seemed to be forgotten. My brother removed them to a 
 neighboring house, where they were taken care of by 
 On Friday, May 6th, after the post had come in, my 
 brother handed my packet to me, and then went out. I 
 was absorbed in letters from England, when, suddenly, 
 four of my proteges burst into the room, and jumped on to 
 the broad divan where I was seated. Two of them got be- 
 hind me, and threw their arms over my neck, and the other 
 two tried to cover themselves with the skirt of my dress. 
 They were all crying and trembling violently, and could 
 only say, sobbingly, " Ana dakhaliek ! Ana dakhaliek !" 
 Before I had learned from them the cause of their new 
 trouble, the Governor, attended by two military officers and 
 several common soldiers, fully armed, entered the room. 
 The boys actually shrieked with terror and despair, cling- 
 ing to me more desperately than before. I half rose and 
 asked the Governor to take a seat by my side. The soldiers 
 stood in a row before the door, and the officers sat near to 
 them. After we had exchanged customary greetings, the 
 Governor showed me an official order for the apprehension 
 of the boys, who were crying so convulsively that I could 
 not help crying also ; and the Governor himself seemed 
 I said, as calmly as I could, " Tell me, my lord, to what 
 place are these children to be taken?" He said, "To 
 'Akka, to the presence of his excellency the Pasha, 
 lady." The boys cried, " We will not go to 'Akka, unless 
 our English lady, our protector, will go with us. You 
 may kill us here, but you can not take us from her." 
 They said much more, which I could not understand; for 
 they spoke vehemently and rapidly, and all at once. 
 I tried to calm them, and inquired where the other boys 
 were. The eldest one said, " They are prisoners. We 
 were together, when we heard the footsteps and the voices 
 of the soldiers. We jumped out of a high window into 
 the street, to come to you; but our youngest brother fell 
 and broke his foot, so that he could not run — and he and 
 his cousin, who staid to help him, were taken away by 
 the soldiers — but we escaped to this house." 
 The Governor then spoke kindly to the children, saying, 
 *' Your brothers are quite safe. Come with me, and I will 
 lead you to them. Do not think that you are my prisoners ; 
 I will be as a father to you, and you shall be my sons." 
 But the boys refused to be comforted. They had heard 
 that a reward had been offered for the capture of their 
 fathers, dead or alive, and they had no faith nor hope in 
 any Turkish officer. 
 The Governor would willingly have saved them, had it 
 been in his power, but, as he said, he was only acting as 
 agent, and was bound to convey them all to 'Akka. 
 I had already explained to the boys that my brother 
 could only afford them conditional protection, but they had 
 such unbounded and childlike confidence in my power and 
 will to take care of them, that they were filled with aston- 
 ishment when I told them, as tenderly as I could, that they 
 must submit to the Governor, and go with him. Their re- 
 newed tears and sobs quite overcame me. As I tried to 
 disengage myself from their embraces, they prayed pas- 
 sionately that I would not forsake them. One boy said, 
 "Ask the Grovernor to give our little brother to you. He 
 is sick — let him be brought to you. 0, my brother — my 
 brother !" Another said, " Darling lady, do not let him 
 take us away. Protect us — save us I" 
 They were still clinging to me. The Governor rose. 
 There were tears in his eyes, and he said, " Lady, I can 
 not bear to see your sorrow " — then, to my great wonder, 
 he took leave of me, spoke to the boys gently, and went 
 out with all his attendants. 
 Shortly afterward my brother returned, and after speak- 
 ing a few soothing words to the children, who were still 
 sobbing, he said to me, " We will leave the boys here, 
 while we breakfast." So I went with him unsuspiciously 
 into an adjoining room. We had not been seated many 
 minutes, when I heard the tramp of soldiers in the court 
 of the house. I looked out, and saw the poor boys being 
 led away down the steps. They were crying sadly, but 
 offering no resistance. The Governor himself led the eld- 
 est boy with gentle firmness, and the younger boys were 
 conducted one by one by the soldiers. I looked on in 
 silence, and they did not see me again. 
 My brother then told me that he had received by post 
 an order to give up the boys, and had hoped to be able to 
 execute it without my knowledge. It was chiefly in antici- 
 pation of this order that he had removed the boys from the 
 Vice-Consulate, that I might not see them made prisoners. 
 He added, " When I came in just now, I met the Governor. 
 He seemed quite disturbed, and said, ' O Mr. Rogers, I beg 
 you to cheat your sister for us. The Abdul Hady boys are 
 with her, and I can not take them from her. Her sorrow 
 is too great for me. Cheat her, and let the boys be left 
 alone, and I will come again for them.' " 
 On hearing this, I begged to be allowed to speak a word 
 to the Governor. My brother did not object, so I sent a 
 kawass to ask him to come to me for a minute, before 
 starting for 'Akka. He kindly came, and I inquired seri- 
 ously what he expected would be the fate of the boys. He 
 said, " Because of their youth, and because they are of a 
 high family, I think that they will be gently treated, and 
 held only till they shall be redeemed. I will myself con- 
 duct them to the Pasha, instead of sending them with the 
 soldiers, and I will in your name speak in their behalf." 
 I said, "Will you let me have news of them as soon as 
 possible?" He promised to do so, and kept his word. In 
 a few days, a horseman came from 'Akka to greet me, in 
 the name of the Pasha, to assure me that the boys were in 
 good health, were well fed, and well lodged in an apartment 
 of the seraglio ; and though they were not allowed to go 
 outside the city, or even into the streets, they walked every 
 day on the ramparts as much as they pleased — they were 
 detained simply as hostages, and were treated almost as 
 guests. His Excellency wished me to know that he had 
 given them each new tarbushes, new shoes, and changes of 
 under and outer garments, and had sworn by the life of his 
 son that not a hair of their heads should be hurt. I re- 
 ceived several messages afterward, all to the same effect.* 
 At this time we were busy making preparations for a 
 visit to England. We had made arrangements to spend 
 the Summer months there; but when all was in readiness 
 * To make this incident more clear, 1 must explain that Mahmoud Bek Ahdul 
 Hady, after having been displaced on account of serious complaints made against 
 him, had in 1858 been reappointed to the governorship of Nablds by the late 
 Kourshid Pasha, for the consideration, it is said, of a largo bribe paid at the Serai. 
 But in January, 1859, Mahmoud was arrested without opposition and sent to 
 BeirQt, and Riza Bey, a Turk, succeeded him. In April, a military expedition 
 was sent to Arrabeh to arrest all the leaders and factious members of the Abdul 
 Hady family, and all those who were implicated in the NablQs riots of 1856. The 
 people resisted, and the town was besieged by the Turkish troops, assisted by two 
 opposing and equally notorious factions. It is the Turkish policy to set one inter- 
 for the trip, the Vice-Consul found that he could not leave 
 his post, and I was obliged to make up my mind to travel 
 by myself, for loud voices were calling to me from my 
 English home. All the Austrian steamers had been re- 
 called, to swell the Austrian fleet; so my brother planned 
 to take me to Beirut by a Russian steamer, and then to 
 place me on board an English merchant steamship bound 
 for England. 
 Hanne, my Arab maid-servant — a daughter of Angelina, 
 the bride-dresser — an affectionate girl of seventeen or 
 eighteen, who had been with me nearly three years, begged 
 earnestly to go with me ; and when I explained that I 
 could not take her, she said, with passionate and impetuous 
 eloquence, " Why did you mahe me love you^ if you meant 
 to leave me ? Why did you take me from my mother, and 
 teach me to like the life of the Inglese, if you must send 
 me away to live like an Arab again? I can not live with 
 Axabs any more." I had not attempted to teach her En- 
 glish, and she had only acquired three or four words. 
 She had not in any respect changed her mode of dress, but 
 had learned to appreciate neatness and order, and could 
 not bear the idea of the uneven floors of earth and the un- 
 plastered and smoke-blackened walls of the houses of the 
 poorer class of Arabs. I reasoned with her, and showed 
 her how happy she might make an Arab home, and how 
 she could render me a much greater service by remaining 
 in Haifa than by accompanying me to England. 
 On June 2d she came to my bedside, before sunrise, and 
 awoke me, saying, " Ana dakhaliek, ya habibi !" — " The 
 est against another, and affairs become very complicated when at one time the 
 troops are fighting for and with a faction, and a few months afterward are em- 
 ployed to fight against it. The town of Arrabeh was not so much injured as we 
 had at first been led to believe ; the upper chambers only were demolished, and 
 they were broken down by masons employed by the Turkish oflBcers, because these 
 upper chambers, with their battlomented terraces, which formerly made the town 
 appear so picturesque, bad been used as fortresses by the besieged. (See p. 236.) 
 The power of the Abdul Hady faction is for the present destroyed. The leaders 
 are banished, but Saleh Bek and some others, who had not been active agents ia 
 the affair, have been restored to favor, and the children, my proteges, have been 
 restored to their parents. 
 steamer is here, and the day of our separation has come !" 
 A number of our friends had already congregated at the 
 Vice-Consulate, to say good-by, and an English traveler 
 had come down from the convent to accompany us to Bei- 
 rtit. We were soon by the seaside, in the midst of a noisy 
 crowd of boatmen, kawasses, porters, and heaps of luggage ; 
 for the French and Prussian Vice-Consuls of Haifti, and 
 the P^re Vicaire of the Convent of Mount Carmel, were 
 going with us. 
 I went off in the first boat, with Hanne and a few 
 friends. I was anxious to hasten to the steamer, as I 
 knew that Miss Frederica Bremer was on board. I soon 
 found her in the saloon, and though we knew each other 
 only by correspondence, we required no introduction. It 
 was a great pleasure to clasp her hand, and to hear her 
 voice. She speaks English distinctly, but with a musical 
 foreign accent. I was in earnest conversation with her, 
 when my maid, who was by my side crying, murmured, 
 "Who is that stranger who is stealing from me my last 
 moments with you? If she is not your mother, how can 
 you look so glad while I am so full of sorrow?" I soothed 
 her by saying, " The lady is a stranger here ; she is my 
 friend, and is traveling quite alone ; she will land presently 
 at Haifa with you. For my sake you must try to help 
 her. You, with the kawass, will lead her to the house of 
 Dr. Kolle, where a room has been made ready for her." 
 With her usual impulsiveness, she kissed Miss Bremer's 
 hand, saying, " I am your servant, lady !" In about an 
 hour I took leave of my Haifa friends, with the expectation 
 of seeing them again in a few mouths, and it was with 
 conflicting emotions that I watched the little boats going 
 toward the shore as we steamed out of the bay. The deck 
 of the steamer was crowded with Russian and Greek pil- 
 grims — men, women, and children — who had spent the 
 Easter week in the Holy City, and to their great consola- 
 tion had bathed in the waters of the River Jordan. In 
 the pleasant airy saloon there were several passengers, 
 French, Italian, Prussian, and Swiss, most of whom I 
 knew, but there were no ladies. 
 Soon after we had started the captain of the steamer 
 came to me and said, speaking in French, " Mademoiselle, 
 to-day is the fete-day of our Grand Duke Constantino — 
 with your permission the Bishop of will celebrate it, 
 and we shall be happy if you will assist at the service." 
 Immediately afterward, four Greek priests in black robes 
 came in and spread " a fair linen cloth " over a table at 
 the end of the saloon, and placed on it a quaint old Byzan- 
 tine picture, representing some sacred subject. The nimbus 
 round the head of the principal figure was of gilt metal, 
 and there were several precious stones introduced in the 
 clasps and decorations of the dresses. The priests handled 
 this picture with great reverence. They propped it up 
 carefully, and placed in front of it a silver basin, filled with 
 holy water, and three large silver candlesticks, in which 
 gilt and ornamented wax-candles were fixed and lighted. 
 The captain and officers in full uniform, the sailors, the 
 steward and waiters, and the first-class passengers stood in 
 a group together, at the lower end of the saloon, facing the 
 impromptu altar. Then a Russian bishop and an arch- 
 deacon entered. They were powerful and earnest-looking 
 men, and were robed as gorgeously as if they were about 
 to celebrate service in a cathedral. 
 They each had long brown wavy h'air, which was parted 
 in the middle, and hung down in front, so as to unite with 
 their mustaches and their thick beards. They kneeled 
 down side by side in front of the picture with their heads 
 uncovered. One of the attendant priests placed a large 
 missal before the bishop, who read the prayers and the 
 Gospel and Epistle for the day in the Russian language ; 
 then a second priest prepared a censer and swung it, while 
 the archdeacon chanted a litany. He commenced softly 
 and plaintively in a minor key, but suddenly changed the 
 melody to one of a more cheerful but very simple measure, 
 and the concluding portions were like shouts of joy and 
 triumph. The responses were very heartily made, espe- 
 cially by the sailors; and the sounds, evidently familiar, 
 were caught up and echoed by the three hundred devotees 
 on deck. 
 The bishop concluded the service by pronouncing a gen- 
 eral benediction. He held in his hand a little cross, carved 
 out of a piece of the rock of the hill on which the city of 
 Jerusalem stands. It is a rather soft stone, and is about 
 the color of Sienna marble. The captain solemnly ad- 
 vanced and kneeled down to kiss this cross, then the bishop 
 dipped a finger of his right hand into the holy water, and 
 with it made the mark of the cross on the broad, smooth, 
 reverential forehead of the still kneeling captain. 
 All the officers in turn, and then the sailors, went for- 
 ward with earnest simplicity and devotion to claim this 
 benediction, and Mons. Aumann and several of our fellow- 
 passengers — although they belonged to the Latin and other 
 Churches — followed the example. Then the bishop went 
 out on to the deck to give his blessing to the pilgrims 
 there, and to let them kiss the cross, while the priests 
 were sprinkling them with holy water and swinging the 
 censers. When the bishop passed through the kneeling 
 crowd, the pilgrims pressed the hem of his robes to their 
 lips, and looked up to him as if they regarded him as an 
 angel from heaven. Then followed a material feast. Large 
 cans^of meat and soup, and loaves of bread, were dis- 
 tributed to all the deck passengers, in the name and for 
 the sake of the Grand Duke Constantino, the Emperor's 
 brother; while the first-class passengers were invited by 
 the captain to partake of a champagne dejeuner d, la four- 
 chette. The temporary altar was quickly removed, the pic- 
 ture was hung in its customary place at the end of the 
 saloon.* The table was soon spread with fruit and flowers, 
 tastefully arranged. The captain led me to a seat by his 
 side, and the rest of the company followed. We were 
 * Pictures of patron saints, or of the holy family, aro invariably seen in the 
 taloons and cabins of Russian steamers. 
 twenty-two altogether, including the bishop and archdeacon. 
 A very richercM Russian breakfast was served. The made 
 dishes, which were numerous, were composed of curious 
 combinations, and those which I tasted were piquant but 
 A toast for the Grand Duke was proposed, and the cap- 
 tain requested my brother to start an English cheer for 
 His Imperial Highness, and " hip ! hip ! hurrah !" re- 
 sounded again and again through the saloon, echoed by 
 Russian, French, Prussian, Swiss, and Italian voices, which 
 mingled strangely together, with varied accentuations ; and 
 the pilgrims, on hearing or guessing the meaning of the 
 cry, repeated it as well and as noisily as they could. [I 
 observed that nearly every one at the table spoke French 
 fluently, but I think that the only foreigner present who 
 understood English was the learned linguist. Dr. Rosen, 
 the Prussian Consul at Jerusalem.] After a few other 
 loyal toasts and complimentary speeches, in which the Al- 
 liance was particularly alluded to, the piano was opened, 
 and the national anthems of Russia, England, France, and 
 Turkey were sung in chorus, while I played the accompa- 
 niments. We arrived at Beirut in the afternoon, and when 
 we took leave of the captain and the ship's officers, they 
 assured us that they had never had such a pleasant passage 
 on the Syrian coast. We went to the Hotel de Belle Yue, 
 with our English fellow-traveler. From the lofty terrace, 
 after sunset, I saw the Russian steamer brilliantly illumin- 
 ated. Its general form was completely marked out by lines 
 of light, and fireworks were thrown in rapid succession 
 from the deck; while, from the residences of some of the 
 Greek merchants in town, rockets were rushing and whiz- 
 zing high into the purple night sky, and showers of stars 
 were falling, all in honor of the Grand Duke Constantine. 
 His Imperial Highness had been recently traveling in Syria 
 with the Grand Duchess and a large suite. 
 The next morning I was in a pleasant, many-windowed 
 room, surrounded by oleanders and roses in full blossom, 
 and trees covered with large white bell flowers. I was 
 comparing sketches and notes of travel with an English 
 tourist, when my brother entered, to tell me that he had 
 taken a passage for me in the Demetrius^ a merchant 
 steamer bound for Liverpool. I found it rather difficult 
 to keep up my courage. 
 We went on board on the following afternoon, Saturday, 
 June 4th. I was introduced to the captain, ^ good-natured, 
 rough Sunderland sailor. I was the only cabin passenger, 
 and although I was on my way home, I felt strangely des- 
 olate when my brother had taken leave of me, and we 
 steamed away from the shores of Syria. But I was de- 
 terminefd to try to enjoy the voyage, and I soon made 
 friends with the captain, who seemed almost frightened at 
 first of the responsibility of having me in his charge, and 
 was nervously anxious to make me comfortable. I asked 
 him if he had any books. He said, " Only ships' books, 
 Miss — none that a young lady 'ud care to read." How- 
 ever, he showed them to me, and I found that they were 
 very interesting guides to the Mediterranean shores, ex- 
 planatory of the large charts with which the captain was 
 provided. "When he saw how pleased I was with these, he 
 was at home with me directly, for he was an enthusiastic 
 and practical seaman. He took pains to point out how we 
 were steering, and to make me understand some of the 
 principles of navigation. He showed me all his nautical 
 instruments, and explained their uses, and promised to let 
 me see him take his observations every day. On Sunday 
 we were out of sight of land. The captain made a divan 
 for me, of cushions covered with a union-jack, under an 
 awning on the quarter-deck. 
 There was a very steady, orderly set of sailors on board. 
 One of the mates, a self-educated man, spent all his leisure 
 time in studying the rudiments of French, so I had the 
 pleasure of helping him over a difficulty now and then. 
 On Monday morning, the 6th of June, we anchored in 
 the port of Alexandria, where the Demetrius had to take 
 in a cargo of cotton. Here all the deck' passengers landed, 
 with the exception of one man, a Jew of Aleppo, who was 
 bound for Liverpool. The captain wislied to give him some 
 directions one day, while we were off Alexandria, but found 
 that he could not make himself understood ; so he requested 
 me to act as interpreter. I went out on to the deck, and 
 approached the solitary Syrian, whom I had not before 
 observed, for he had occupied the other end of the ship. 
 He was a man of about thirty years of age, and appeared 
 very intelligent, but extremely timid. His dress, which 
 was scrupulously clean, was of the kind usually worn by 
 respectable town Arabs. When I was near to him, I said 
 in Arabic, " God save you !" He started with astonish- 
 ment, and, bowing down, kissed my hands vehemently, ex- 
 claiming, " God bless you, and God bless the voice which 
 speaks to me in Arabic ! I thought that I was left here 
 alone !" When he found that I was going all the way to 
 Liverpool, he said fervently, " Thank God ! Thank God ! 
 This is good !" After telling him, in the captain's name, 
 that a sheltered sleeping-place had been prepared for him 
 in the forepart of the ship, I entered into conversation with 
 him, and found that he was going to some Syrian mer- 
 chants at Manchester, to whom he had been recommended j 
 but he had never seen any of them, and knew no one in 
 England. He asked me how he was to find his way from 
 Liverpool, and begged me to help him. He made many 
 inquiries, which proved to me that he had no idea of the 
 wide difference which there is between life in the East and 
 life in the West. He did not know a word of English. 
 He wrote his name " Shaayea " — that is, Isaiah — " Ateyas^'^ 
 in Arabic characters in my pocket-book, and a day or two 
 afterward I wrote for him, in English and Arabic orthog- 
 raphy, the names of the three Manchester merchants of 
 whom he had spoken. I also gave him a letter of intro- 
 duction to a Syrian gentleman of Liverpool. From this 
 time, whenever I was on deck reading, studying the charts, 
 or sketching, Shaayea was by my side, and always watched 
 impatiently for my appearance, greeting me with the words, 
 "Ana dakhaliek!" He appeared to me to be a very good 
 Hebrew scholar. He had several printed books and MSS. 
 with him, and sometimes, at my request, he translated 
 passages from the Hebrew Pentateuch into Arabic literally. 
 Thus the time passed pleasantly. We did not leave the 
 port of Alexandria till the 10th, for the Demetrius had, on 
 the 7th, been struck by the Meander^ a French steamer. 
 Our figure-head and largest anchor were carried away, and 
 the mainmast was snapped in two. The upper half fell on 
 to the quarter-deck, where I was sitting alone. It came 
 down as steadily as the funnels of the steamers do, when 
 they stoop to pass under the London bridges, and so slowly 
 that I had time to watch it and move out of its way. The 
 collision was very violent; the head of the Demetrius was 
 lifted up on to the Meander, and lodged there for about 
 twenty minutes, causing great agitation and alarm, and a 
 running to and fro on the decks of both the steamers. The 
 mate said, " The Meander has hurt herself almost as much 
 as she has hurt us, Miss !" The case was amicably arbi- 
 trated, the necessary repairs were quickly made, and the 
 Demetrius proceeded on her way. 
 We reached Malta on the 14th, and passed through the 
 Straits of Gibraltar on the 21st. I had seen the Mediter- 
 ranean sometimes smooth and blue under a burning sun, 
 and at other times plowed into deep dark furrows, which 
 seemed as if they would swallow us up. 
 I observed that Eabbi Shaayea was by this time looking 
 ill and weak. I think that the food which he took was 
 not sufficient. He had brought provisions with him, for 
 he could not eat food prepared by Christians, and he had 
 nothing but bread and Aleppo conserves, lemons, coflfee, 
 and tobacco. I tried to induce him to kill a fowl and cook 
 it himself, but he said that he could not do so, because he 
 had not a properly-prepared slaughtering-knife * I asked 
 * The slaying of food is a very important matter among the Jews, and it is un- 
 der the immediate superintendence of the Chief Kabbi. No Jew may Icill any 
 him if there was any kind of food we could give him, 
 which it would be lawful for him to eat. He only an- 
 swered, " I have plenty of bread, it is sufficient for me." 
 The captain was very anxious on the subject, and often 
 said, in his good-natured, bluff way, " I do n't like to see a 
 man starving while there 's plenty of good food to be had ;" 
 and one day, as he was assisting himself to pea-soup, he 
 exclaimed, " I wish you could get ' Solomon ' to take some 
 o' this soup. Miss — but I suppose it smells too much o' 
 the pork!" 
 On the 23d we were off Lisbon, and as soon as I went on 
 deck Shaayea came to me, threw himself on his knees, and 
 caught hold of my dress, crying pitifully. I raised him up, 
 and said, "Why is your heart trembling, Shaayea?" He 
 looked terrified, and replied, "The sailors will kill me — 
 they will kill me. I am afraid of them!" I said, "Tell 
 me quietly, Shaayea, has any one hurt you?" He whis- 
 pered, "I am frightened." I said, "Indeed, Shaayea, you 
 have nothing to fear; I can protect you. Tell me what 
 has happened." He took out his clasp-knife and opened 
 it, and made signs as if he meant to say that he feared 
 that the sailors would cut his throat. I said, "Put away 
 that knife and answer me plainly, Shaayea. Did any one 
 on this ship ever hurt you, or try to hurt you?" He said, 
 "No — but they say dreadful words to me — they curse me!" 
 I answered, "How do you know that they speak bad words, 
 Shaayea? You do not understand their language. Tell me 
 what they say." He was about to answer, but he looked 
 cautiously round, and seeing that a sailor was near, busy 
 at work, he would not speak, but took my pencil out of 
 my hand, and wrote on the fly-leaf of a Hebrew and Ital- 
 ian grammar the Arabic letters which represent the sounds, 
 kind of cattle or poultry without a license. This license is never granted, till the 
 person applying for it has been strictly examined as to his qualifications. The 
 slaughtering of cattle is regarded as a religious performance, and requires rabbin- 
 ical and traditional learning. The knife which is used is examined minutely, and 
 whenever the slaughterer applies for a renewal of his license, he must submit his 
 knife to inspection. The license is revocable at pleasure, either for misconduct or 
 for any particular mistake or neglect. 
 "j, a, k." I thought that he intended this for some Arabic 
 word, and I pronounced it accordingly, and said, " I do not 
 think that I have ever heard that word; what does it 
 mean?" He answered, "Hush, lady! it is not Arabic 
 it is in English." Then the signification of the word, which' 
 looked so unfamiliar in Arabic orthography, flashed into 
 my mind, and I could not help smiling, as I uttered the 
 word, " JachJ^ with its true English accent. He exclaimed, 
 "Yes, yes, lady, that is the word with which they con- 
 tinually curse me." "0 Rabbi," I replied, "this is not a 
 curse — it is not a bad word; 'Jack' is the English way of 
 saying, ' Yuhanna.' The sailors do not know that your 
 name is Shaayea Ateyas, so they call you 'Jack,' and they 
 would call me by the same name perhaps if I were a boy." 
 He seemed satisfied, and was more composed. He smoked 
 a few cigarettes silently, as he watched my pencil while I 
 made sketches of the beautiful town of Cintra. But the 
 next morning the captain said to me, "Solomon wants to 
 speak to you, I think. Miss — he looks so miserable, and is 
 watching at the door." So I went out to him before taking 
 breakfast. I found him more distressed than ever. He told 
 me that the sailors had called out to him, "Hallo, Jack!" 
 and all my attempts to reassure him were in vain. He 
 felt convinced that it was a curse which they pronounced. 
 He asked me if I had felt afraid when I was first left alone 
 among strangers on this ship; he added, "I saw the Consul 
 leave you. Were you not afraid then?" I said, "No, 
 Shaayea, I was sorry to leave my brother, but not afraid ; 
 we are quite safe here." He answered, "You are safe, be- 
 cause you are among your own people ; but I am a Jew, 
 and the Christian sailors curse me loudly." I tried to con- 
 vince him to the contrary, adding, " The Christians of En- 
 gland love the Jews, and our country is governed and our 
 laws are made jointly by Jews and Christians. We have 
 Jews in our Medjlis, and people of all creeds and countries 
 are safe with us;" but he refused to be comforted. After 
 this he would not go to the forepart of the ship, but kept 
shaayea's timidity. 431 
 as near as he could to me all day, and at night slept in a 
 nook between some bales of cotton, which were covered 
 with tarpaulin, and stood opposite to the cabin-door. The 
 captain kindly overlooked this breach of order, and allowed 
 him to do as he liked. 
 I perceived that Shaayea's timidity and weakness in- 
 creased every day, but his confidence in me, individually, 
 was unbounded. "Where are you going after you land at 
 Liverpool?" he inquired. "To my parents in London," I 
 said. "Then I will also go to London — I will go with 
 you," was his answer. 
 I told him that this would not be possible, and advised 
 him not to think of altering his arrangements, saying, 
 " Before you left Aleppo, you no doubt made your plans 
 carefully, and now you must persevere in carrying them 
 out. You are weak and timid from want of proper food 
 and rest, but you will soon be strong and happy again, 
 when you are with your fellow-countrymen in Liverpool 
 and Manchester." I had asked the captain and mates to 
 use their influence with the sailors, to prevent them from 
 startling Shaayea in any way, especially with the terrible 
 word, " Jacky I also spoke to them on the subject, but 
 although there was an exceedingly good feeling shown to- 
 ward the poor fellow by all the men, this injunction was 
 naturally regarded as a joke. However, I believe care was 
 taken to avoid the word, though when sails were being 
 taken in, or hoisted hastily, an occasional " Now, Jack," or 
 "Out o' the way, Jack," escaped the most cautious and 
 kind-hearted. Shaayea continued to express an over- 
 whelming fear of the sailors, and told me how, whenever a 
 Jew is alone among Christians^ he is sure to be murdered, 
 and he related instances which he said had occurred in 
 Aleppo and Damascus. I tried in vain to inspire him with 
 courage and hope. The captain, who invariably called 
 him "Solomon," used often to greet him good-naturedly, 
 but always in a very loud voice, and generally in broken 
 English, with a word or two of French which he happened 
 to know; as if lie had the idea that in addressing a for- 
 eigner, it was only necessary to speak very loudly, and in 
 some foreign language. 
 It was this habit, I believe, which caused Shaayea erro- 
 neously to imagine that the captain was angry with him. 
 He used often to exclaim, "I pray you, lady, ask the 
 captain to forgive me !" and at my request the captain 
 sometimes came out to comfort him, when he would tap 
 him on the shoulder and say, "All right, old fellow, you 
 not enough mangezP' or, if it were in the evening, he 
 would say, "Cheer up, Solomon, it 's all right; you '11 be 
 better to-morrow — dormezl dormezT On the evening of 
 the 25th of June, Shaayea startled me by declaring himself 
 a Christian. I said, "Shaayea, for what reason do you say 
 you are a Christian?" He astonished me still more by 
 answering, "For the sake of the Messiah," and added, "Tell 
 the captain, I pray you, that I am a Christian, and then he 
 will not be angry with me any more." I said, "I assure 
 you, Shaayea, that the captain is not and never has been 
 angry with you; and whether you are a Moslem, a Chris- 
 tian, or a Jew, you are as safe in his ship as if you were 
 in your home at Aleppo, and if you could understand his 
 language you would know how kind he is." But he urged 
 me still, and I consented to tell the captain what he had 
 said, though I could very clearly see that he was only 
 prompted to make this declaration by excessive and ill- 
 grounded fear. I did all I could to inspire him with con- 
 fidence. I reminded him of the courage of David and of 
 Daniel, when they were in real danger, and of their trust 
 in God. I told him that he might take food from us with- 
 out doing violence to his conscience by calling himself a 
 Christian. I said, "I think, if Rabbi ^lussa himself could 
 speak to you, he would say, 'Peace be upon you, Shaayea; 
 eat that you may live.' " I added, "Remember how David 
 and his attendants, when they were hungry, did eat even 
 of the consecrated bread." He said, "God bless you, O 
 my protectress!" Soon afterward he took a cup of coffee 
 from the steward, as he had frequently done before, and 
 smoked a cigarette. He seemed more peaceful than usual 
 when I wished him good-night. 
 The next day, Sunday, the 26th of June, when I saw 
 Shaayea, I did not refer in any way to the conversation of 
 the previous night, for fear of exciting him, but I led him 
 to speak of general subjects, such as the commerce, the 
 products, and the manufactures of Northern Syria, and I 
 asked him to teach me the Hebrew alphabet. This amused 
 him for a little time, and while I read to myself, he sat 
 near smoking, reading silently from a Hebrew psalter. We 
 had crossed the Bay of Biscay, and in the evening we stood 
 by the cabin-door, watching the sun go down, red and glo- 
 rious, behind the dark clouds which seemed to rest upon 
 the broad Atlantic. Shaayea said that he was sorry that 
 the night had come, and then complained of feeling very 
 low-spirited, and very tired of the journey. I told him 
 that after one more day we should land at Liverpool, and 
 I gave him my London address, saying that he might write 
 to me from Manchester to tell me how he was, whether he 
 liked England, and to let me know if I could help or serve 
 him in any way. He kissed my hands and cried, as if 
 from extreme weakness. The captain requested me to ad- 
 vise Shaayea to rest that night in a sheltered place, as 
 there was a heavy swell on the sea, and he would be likely 
 to get wet if he remained in an exposed part of the deck. 
 I explained this ' ■. Shaayea, but he said, "I can not go to 
 the other end of xC ship — I am afraid." He seemed very 
 much agitated, and when the captain was going to his 
 cabin, Shaayea caught hold of him, and kissed his hands 
 and his feet vehemently, but the captain raised him up and 
 said, "Come, Solomon, no more o' that; cheer up, be a 
 man! Dormez! dormezT 
 He asked for an eflFervescing draught, and I requested 
 the steward to bring one for him, and he did so. Shaayea 
 had taken one a few days before.* 
 At half-past nine or ten o'clock, I said, "It is late, 
 Shaayea — you must go to rest now ! Peace be upon you !" 
 He said, " Good-night, O my protectress !" I answered, 
 " A hundred good-nights to you, Shaayea !" He took 
 off his red morocco slippers, and placed them carefully side 
 by side on a ledge, and then crawled into his favorite nook 
 between the cotton bales, and covered himself with his 
 wadded quilt. I never saw poor Shaayea again ! On the 
 following morning, as soon as I opened my door, I called 
 to the steward, and said, " How is Solomon this morning, 
 steward?" He answered very sadly, "I don't know, Miss; 
 he's missing." I said, "What do you mean, steward?" 
 He replied, " Why, Miss, the captain has been looking 
 ev-ery-where for him, and can 't find him — and he 's in a 
 dreadful way — he 's looked in every hole and corner, Miss, 
 except in your cabin !" 
 On fully realizing these startling words, I reentered my 
 cabin, which contained two berths. I had always used the 
 lower one as a wardrobe, and I drew its little red curtains 
 aside with a trembling hand, hoping intensely, and yet 
 fearing, that I should find Shaayea there, but it was not 
 so. The captain entered at this moment, looking very 
 much agitated. He told me that he had searched every 
 nook in which a cat could be hidden. He said that he 
 had never lost man or boy, under any circumstances, on 
 his ship, and he did not know what to do. I said, " Who 
 saw Shaayea last?" On inquiry we found that one of the 
 sailors, who had been aloft in the night, remembered to have 
 seen Shaayea at about midnight, leaning against the ship's 
 side, beyond the foremast. He thought it rather strange, 
 for he had never seen Shaayea in that part of the ship be- 
 fore ; but as he did not suspect any thing wrong, he took 
 no further notice. No one else could give any tidings about 
 him. I noticed that Shaayea's slippers were exactly where 
 I had seen him place them on the previous night. 
 Every one looked sad and thoughtful. The general im- 
 pression was that Shaayea had thrown himself overboard, 
 but I told the captain that a Jew was not likely to commit 
 suicide, and I suggested that some accident might have 
 happened to him. He begged me to go round the ship 
 with him, that I might judge for myself whether there was 
 any place from which a passenger could fall into the sea 
 accidentally. After examining every part carefully, and 
 making minute inquiries, I reluctantly came to the conclu- 
 sion that poor Shaayea had, through excessive fear and an 
 excited imagination, lost his self-control, and had either 
 voluntarily or unconsciously thrown himself into the sea.* 
 All Shaayea's property was collected together : I assisted 
 the captain to make an inventory of it, and then it was 
 put under lock and seal. 
 We arrived at the Liverpool Docks on Tuesday morning, 
 June 28th. I had an interview with the quarantine officer, 
 and after having entered the name of the '-'"missing^' deck 
 passenger in his book, in Arabic and in English, I hastened 
 up to London. 
 An official inquiry was made into the history of Rabbi 
 Shaayea's disappearance, by order of the Turkish Consul 
 at Manchester; and as it was soon known that I was the 
 only person on board who had conversed with the poor 
 fellow, I was called upon to state all that I knew about 
 him. I had kept a^ careful journal on the way, and was 
 consequently able to furnish an account, which eventually 
 satisfied the inquirers, that the balance of Shaayea's mind 
 had been destroyed by his continual anxiety and groundless 
 fears. I signed a solemn declaration of the above facts in 
 the presence of a magistrate, whose signature was certified 
 by the Turkish Consul-General in London, and a full re- 
 port of the case was made to the Ottoman Government. 
 * I did not know that emotional disturbance was the cause and condition of 
 insanity, or I should certainly have kept a continual and careful watch over poor 
 Shaayea, but I never suspected that he was in any real danger. I was strongly 
 reminded of his overwhelming dread of imagined dangers while reading lately the 
 very important fact, that "the common causes of insanity are such as produce 
 emotional changes, either in the form of violent agitation of the passions or that 
 chronic slate of abnormal emotion which pronounces itself in the habitually emg- 
 gerated force of some one passion or desire, whereby the healthy balance of the mind 
 is at length destroyed."— See Bucknill's Psychology of Shakspeare, p. 133. Long- 
 man, 1859. 
 The history of poor Shaayea, and many somewhat similar 
 circumstances which I had witnessed, prove to me that the 
 Oriental Jews still regard blessings and curses with great 
 awe. Even a blessing pronounced by mistake was declared 
 by Jacob to be irrevocable, and Balak entreated Balaam to 
 " curse the people of Israel," as if he thoroughly believed 
 that a curse would act as a charm, and alter and determine 
 the course of events. Shaayea's case is one example, out 
 of many which I could give, of the excessive fear with 
 which Christians are regarded by Oriental Jews, especially 
 by the Jews of Northern Syria. This is a sad and strik- 
 ing proof that the Christianity of the East is not the world- 
 embracing, harmonizing Christianity which Christ taught. 
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