?j^j AMOS III. 7. : D^'23n V122? ? niD vhy DN 'D in mn> ':i nw *? 'd Surely the Lord God will not do any thing, but certainly He hath (previously; revealed his secret unto (through) his servants the prophets." SECOND EDITION. LONDON : DUNCAN & MALCOLM, 37, PATERNOSTER-ROW SOLD BY ORGER AND MERYON, 174, FENCHURCH-STREET. MDCCCXL. ^^ X^kXAA^Xdc^A^O. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. It is a gratifying proof of increased attention to the Hebrew Scriptures that the first edition of my Hebrew Key, notwithstanding its defects, sold so readily. I have endeavoured to render this second edition more acceptable, by adding a copious Index of every Hebrew Root, with the idea it conveys appended thereto, and the page where it may be found in the Key. When the words of our gracious Lord are duly considered, " This is life eternal, that they may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent," the deep importance of an intimate acquaintance with this sacred and wonderful language is immediately evident, and more especially a right apprehension of the meaning of those words by which Almighty God hath vouchsafed to reveal himself. It is therefore to be very greatly regretted, as Duncan Forbes observes, that a peculiar emphasis should not be observed in the plural D'nbx, used always in Scripture to signify God, and which word D'nb carries some idea in it, descriptive of some character, some relation, the Being described bears to man. Let those who have any doubt whether D'>n'?N, when meaning the true God, Jehovah, is plural or not, consult the following passages, where they will find it joined with adjectives, pronouns, and verbs plural : Gen. i. 26, iii. 22, xi. 7, xx. 13, xxxi. 53, XXXV. 7; Deut. iv. 7, v. 23. 26; Josh. xxiv. 19; 1 Sam. iv. 8; 2 Sam. vii. 23 ; Ps. Iviii. 12 ; Isa. vi. 8; and Jer. x. 10, xxiii. 36. So Chald. xri^i Dan. iv. 5, 6. 15. See also Prov. ix. 10, xxx. 3; ^^50394 VI PREFACE. Ps. cxlix. 2 ; Eccles. v. 7, xii. 1 ; Job v. 1 ; Isa. vi. 3, liv. 5 ; Hos. xi. 12, xii. 1 ; Mai. i. 6 ; Dan. vii. 18. 22. 25. " Parkhurst." Again, the word mrr, the Septuagint translates Kvpios, and we, after it, Lord. Neither Jew nor Christian doubts that mn^ expresses the Essence that necessarily exists ; and every one knows that it does not mean what Kvpios properly signifies : this Greek word is a faithful and just translation of '3^N Lord, Master, which the superstitious Jews have placed in the room of Tr\7r ; and we, after them, in our translation of mrr and *3i, have rendered both words by the same term, Lord. Again, nna, translated covenant, signifies a purifier, purification, or purification sacrifice, and immediately refers to Christ, who is the great Purifier of his people. See Gen. vi. 18, xvii. 2 ; 2 Sam. xxiii. 5. There is no doubt that the above all-important words have been thus obscured through the addition of vowel-points, which to beginners are exceedingly perplexing, and can be of no use in resolving the ambiguity of words. These and many other important considerations clearly show the necessity of considering the dieposition and connexion of the words, without 'the intervention of points or marks, which particular persons may impose. Such are the sentiments expressed by Robertson, Parkhurst, Pro- fessor Wilson, Bate, Pike, Home, Romaine, Duncan Forbes, and many others who were profoundly versed in Biblical knowledge, and who esteemed the reproach of Christ as greater riches than the treasures of Egypt. " The Lord giveth wisdom : out of his mouth cometh know- ledge and understanding." " Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee." PREFACE. It is very much to be regretted that the treasures which are contained in the Hebrew Scriptures are so httle appreciated. The Hebrew language is the most ancient, pure, and simple, and evidently the parent of all other languages ; it was the language of the garden of Eden, the immediate gift of God to Adam, and that in which Moses wrote, as plainly appears from the names of Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Seth, Noah, &c. This venerable tongue is as accurate in philosophical things * as in divine, every root containing an idea, which diffuses itself into its several branches, and the sense of a passage may always be determined by the context. Whence is it that the language of the Patriarchs is so little studied ? and the philosophy of the Hebrew Scriptures so much neglected ? I believe it to be occasioned by the erroneous affirmation, that all the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet are consonants, and not one of them a vowel, and hence the perfectly unnecessary introduction by the Punctists of fifteen vowel-points or arbitrary marks, f in addition to the letters of the Alphabet, which renders the study of this sacred language veiy difficult, and ex- tremely discouraging to a beginner. The modern Jews, notwithstanding their fondness for the points, have never suffered the manuscripts (which are preserved in their synagogues for religious worship) to be disfigured with them. Every one acquainted with the Hebrew knows that the whole structure of the language is independent of the points, and can be much more easily learned, and better understood without, than with them. It is a common practice with the advocates for the points to speak disrespectfully of the Septuagint translation ; for this simple reason, that it does not favoiu: their scheme of interpretation ; nevertheless, there is no doubt but that that translation is one of the most precious remnants of antiquity that God has preserved to the Church. Bishop Lowth, whilst admitting the pointed text to be useful as shewing the Jews' interpretation of the Old Testament, adds, " The moderns would have made a much better use of it, and a greater progress * A few examples of the accuracy of the Hebrew Scriptures in philosophical things may be seen in page xvii. t If any one be desirous to read Hebrew with points, let him do so ; but the writer of these pages assures such a person, that although he had paid considerable attention to the points, he did not, on any occasion, find them of advantage in the explication of a difficult passage. VIU PREFACE. in the explication of the Scriptures of the Old Testament, had they consulted it, without absolutely submitting to its authority ; had they con- sidered it as an assistant, not as an infallible guide." Prel. Diss. p. 55. " If any should still maintain the authority of the masoretical punctua- tion, yet it must be allowed that no one, according to that system, hath been able to reduce the Hebrew Poems to any sort of harmony." Lowtlis Isaiah, Prel. Dis. p. 9 ; 1st Edit. " The masoretic punctuation is in effect an interpretation of the Hebrew Text made by the Jews of late ages, probably not earlier than the eighth century." Ibid., p. 55, 2d Edit. It is allowed on all hands that the points were not coeval with the letters, and consequently written Hebrew must have been sufficiently intelligible without them. In presenting a new Vocabulary of the Hebrew and Chaldee Scriptures, I have prefixed a grammar taken chiefly from Parkhurst, which I advise such persons as desire to become acquainted with the sacred language to look over carefully, by which they will find the study of it much more easy than they could previously have imagined. They would do well at the same time to read the first chapter of Genesis in the Hebrew, with the key and the grammatical praxis,* and after having well mastered every word iu the praxis, proceed with the Vocabulary, and the help of our English trans- lation ; and, in the language of that truly learned Lexicographer, " I venture to assure any person, of tolerable ability, that whilst the study of the Hebrew Scriptures is a study for life, an application of two hours a-day, will, in a short time, even without a tutor, enable him to read in the original with ease and delight most parts of those holy Scrip- tiures, all of which, St. Paul assures us, were given by inspiration of God : and are able to make us wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus." A somewhat accurate knowledge of the Hebrew language is of the utmost importance to the clear understanding of the New Testament, as well as the Old. For it is evident that the Greek language owes its origin to the Hebrew, and that the first writers of the New Testament, being J ews, expressed the truths revealed to them by the Holy Ghost, more or less in the terms and phrases of their own language. It is my earnest prayer that the God of all grace would vouchsafe to accompany with the teaching of the Holy Spirit, this humble endeavour to assist the diligent inquirer into the meaning of the sacred oracles, that in God's own language he may learn the truths of God. " The grass withereth, the flower fadeth : but the word of our God shall stand for ever." * See Grammatical Praxis, page xfvut< HEBREW GRAMMAR. This Grammar is formed upon an essentially different plan from that of the Greek or Latin tongues ; for their terms of grammar and method of varying words will not hold in Hebrew. Endeavours to make it conform to them had nearly lost us the knowledge of this inestimable language, and the great treasure of natural and divine truths in the Hebrew Scriptures, which, whilst they contain all the Hebrew which is preserved to us, contain also in the text a complete grammar. " Pointing," says Bate, " under the pretence of giving a sound to the words, and supplying the defects in grammar, hath burdened us with a tedious and almost insupportable multiplicity of rules, and misled us in the construction of most material parts of Scripture, and made the whole the most vague, uncertain writing in the world." OF THE SOUND OR PRONUNCIATION. As the Hebrew is a dead language, it is not necessary to our understanding it to be able to give the same sound to it which it had at first, nor indeed any sound at all : though one common pronunciation is exceedingly useful, and, in some measure necessary, between master and scholar, yet we may learn it without a master, or hearing it pronounced ; but as Parkhurst has a short, easy, and distinct method of reading it, taken chiefly from Robertson, who fixed a different sound to each Hebrew character, which interferes with none of the rules of grammar, I shall give the alphabet in one line, and the sound in another, from the corresponding letter or letters in use with us, and would recommend his general way of reading, viz., by supplying & or 6, according to the number of consonants in a word you would pronounce, but always pronouncing short or quick those you so supply, and long every vowel you find in a word, which will keep up the distinction without any confusion. N. B. Writing over the characters several times is the best way to make them familiar to the reader. HEBREW GRAMMAR. THE CHARACTERS are twenty-two in number. Five of them when final are differently written. The characters are used for numbers, as in the following table ; and the similar letters are set together, that the difference may be the more easily seen. Name. Aleph Beth Gimel Daleth He Vau Zain Heth Teth Jod Caph Lamed Mem Nun Samecb Oin Pe Jaddi Koph Resb Shin Tau No. Form. Finals. Simi- Souud. lars. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 S n n T n h a D D !J P -J W n 3 nn t ^ u,w at the beg. of a word. n h D th ee, I, 8c ij before a vowel. "f 500 c, hard as in come. I O600 m ) 700 n sh o n 800 p y 900 V j, or as 8 in treasure. q or qu r s t 1 . Hebrew is read from the right hand to the left. 2. Of these letters, the five m, n, \ % , are vowels ; all the rest are con- sonants. 3. Where there is no vowel be- tween two consonants, supply in read- ing a short e or a, as im pronounce d6b6r, TpD pSquSd. 4. Always pronounce the written vowels long and strong, the supplied ones short and quick. 5. A root or radix is a word usu- ally of three letters, whence others are formed. 6. The eleven letters forming the words 3^31 nWD in'M are servile, or serve for the grammatical inflexions, particles, &c. 7. The other eleven are radical, or always make part of the root. 8. Servile letters are often radical, but radical ones are never servile, ta excepted, being used for n in one single instance. I COLON thus A, as yi ; a semicolon But the FULL STOP : is the only A FULL STOP is expressed thus : M thus : , as ; a comma thus, , as , stop used in unpointed Bibles. OF NOUNS. 1. Nouns or names are of two kinds ; Substantive, which denote a substance or thing, as tTM a man ; 13 purity ; and Adjective, which denote some quality ^f the Substantive, as 3TO good ; Vli great. HEBREW GRAMMAR. XI 2. Nouns in Hebrew have two genders, masculine and feminine, and two numbers, singular (denoting one), and plural (denoting more than one). 3. Most feminine nouns end in r or n servile ; most others are masculine. 4. Feminine nouns are formed by adding n, and sometimes n to the mas- culine, as ntQ good, Ttym fem. ; nso an Egyptian man, nnso an Egyptian woman. 6. The plural masculine is formed by adding n% and sometimes only D to the singular, as *|^n a king, plur. D'Sbo or D3^n kings. 6. The plural feminine is formed by adding ni to the singular, as yw a land, mS'^M lands ; or by changing n and n into ni, as rmn a law, riTYin laws ; or n' into nv as nn!?Q, plur. nvi^JD ; but in feminine plurals the " is often dropt. 7. Feminine nouns have another plural formed by changing n into Dn, as nom a damsel, plur. D'DDni: this plural hath often a dual signification, or denotes only two. 8. Nouns feminine singular in regimine change n into n, as rmn a law, mrr nmn the law of Jehovah ; mOM a woman, intJM his wife. 9. Nouns masculine plural in regimine drop their D, as d'sVd kings, 'ibo yiN kings of the earth ; i2>D!?n our kings. So nouns fem. plur. in DTi when in regimine drop their D. OF THE PRONOUNS. Pronouns stand instead of nouns, and are of three persons. The First. ^>3, *32, and >n sing. I and me. 12M, l^n^i, and 13n: plur. we and us. The Second. nrn^, n, 'n, and "jn^ sing, thou and thee. Dn and DDnM, plur. masc. ; |nM, nariM, and pn plur. fem. ye and thou. The Third. ii^7^ he, and *n she, it. Drr and mon plur. (generally) masc. ; p and TfiTt plur. (generally) fem. they and th?;n. Farts of these primitive Pronouns are suffixed, i. e., postfixed to Verbs and nouns as follows, and are called Pronoun Suffixes. Of the First Person, From { '^ '^"^- ^ ' '' " ^"^ "^y* i "3N plur. 13 us and our. /jnH sing. -|, HD, and tern. '3 thee and thy. Of the Second Person, From J DDDN masc. plur. DD you and your, masc. [pPii* fem. plur. ]3 and 7123 you and your, fem. ^Yi HEBREW GRAMMAR. ^Min and ^n sing. \ in, 13, IMD, IQ him and his, n, HD her. Of the Third Person, From j "'^^ ^"^ ^ P^"^' "^^^^- "'^^' ^' ' ^ ^'^ ^^^e^" and their, masc. Tiyn and p plur. fem. n^rr, p, D, and ] them and their, fem. These Pronouns suffixes are also often postfixed to Nouns of Number, as Q7VW they two or both of them, as to several particles, as ]'n, ]'i, nnn, a, D, &c., thus ':rM not he, ni in them, &c., &c. Parts of the primitive Pronouns prefixed or postfixed, form also the persons, and distinguish the tenses of verbs, thus^ '3, prefixed, forms the 1st person sing, future. n, 'n postfixed, the 1st pers. sing. pret. or past. Of the First Person, From Of the Second Person, From 13 ( 3 prefixed, forms the 1st pers. plur. future. \l3 pfcfixed, the 1st pers. plur. pret. *n-( i prefixed, forms the 2d pers. sing, future. * ( postfixed, the 2d pers. sing. pret. ^>n postfixed, is sometimes used for the 2d pers. fem. sing. pret. is postfixed to the 2d pers. fem. sing. future, postfixed, forms the 2d pers, fem. sing. imperative. Dn postfixed, forms the 2d pers. masc. plur. pret. n is prefixed to the 2d pers masc. plur. future. Dnx ]nM, ]n postfixed forms the 2d pers fem. plur. pret n prefixed and n3 postfixed, form the 2d pers. fem. plur. future. nSHN Of the Third Person, From - rr postfixed, forms the 3d pers. fem. \ sing. pret. ''^ j prefixed, forms the 3d pers. masc. C sing., and with ^ postfixed, pi. future. ia, postfixed, forms the 3d pers. plur. pret. and with prefixed future. n3n, n3 postfixed, to the 3d pers. fem. plur. future. HEBREW GRAMMAR. XUl A comparison of this latter table with the ensuing example of a Regular Verb in Kal, will remove any little difficulty which may occur to the learner. The pronouns, forming the persons, &c. of verbs, are called Personal Affixes. From the two tables above given, it appears that the former part of pronouns are generally prefixed, and the latter or middle parts of them postfixed ; thus of 3M and 'n, N is prefixed, and >3 and 'n postfixed. 1 inserted in the second place is active, as in rwvo one anointing, in the third place is passive, as mvo one anointed. (Julius Bate) Gram. p. 14. ' inserted in the second place, forms a noun from the participle active, and implies the effect or consequence issuing or arising from the agent, as m a smell : the effect or consequence arising from the nose breathing, or mi the Spirit, mw one making naked, or putting on a mere outside, or pre- tending to be naked or open : DTJ> one sensible of his being naked, deceived ; or falling into the stratagem on whom the deceit continues. {Bate) Gram. p. 14. ' inserted in the third place, is when the design of the participle passive is effected, and answered, as in n^ttJD he who is constituted, who had the effect of being anointed, was in possession of what was meant by it ; so vrVip one calling; MTip one called; np one come upon the call, a guest, and so is a noun formed from the participle passive. {Bate) Gram. p. 14. VERBS. There are three conjugations of verbs, BLal, Hiphil, and Hithpael. Kal denotes simply to do, as ipQ he visited ; its passive is Niphal, which prefixes a in the preter tense, and signifies to be done, as IpD: he was visited. Hiphil prefixes n in the preter, and inserts "> before the last radical, and signifies to cause another to do, as TpDH he caused to visit ; its passive Huphal generally drops the '. Hithpael is formed from Kal by prefixing nn in the pret., and signifies to act upon oneself, as npDnn he visited himself; but is often passive. Verbs in each conjugation have three moods, two tenses or times, one participle (Kal has two), two numbers, three persons, two genders, as in the following example of the regular verb TpD to visit, in Kal. Indicative Mood. Preter or Past Tense. Plnr. Sing. ITpD They Fem. |n DmpD Ye T3lpD We She n npD He visited. 3 mpD Thou. 2 ^ Person. 'mpD I. 1 XIV HEBREW GRAMMAR. . Future Tense. Plar. Sing. Fem. n: n npD' They na n npcn Ye lpD3 We She n npB> He will visit. 3 "J Fem. ' n npDn Thou. 2 > Person. npDM I. 1 3 Imperative Mood. Fem. n: npD Ye j Fem. * npD visit thou. 2 person. Infinitive Mood. "npD and npD to visit. Participle Active, or Benoni. Fem. ni onplD | Fem. n and n TpiD visiting. Participle Passive, or Paoul. Fem. m D'TipD I Fem. n and n TipD visited. Throughout all the conjugations the Personal Affixes are added, and the Participles declined as in Kal. In Niphal the 2 is prefixed only to the preter and to the participle, but r? to the Imperative and Infinitive. In Hiph., Huph., and Hithp., the formative n is always dropt after another servile, so throughout the future, and D is prefixed to the participles of each. Huph. is the same as Hiph., the formative * being dropt, as it also often is in Hiph. In the Hithp. of verbs beginning with tD or D, n is transposed, as in ">onuJrf for nownrr; and in those with s, n is moreover changed into TD, as plS3 for pT?n3. 1 Indicative Mood. 2 a; s c ri Present tense. ( Future. 1=2 fg^ 'Sid^ M i eo (N r-t CO (M ^ bo ^ 3 ^ eo (M M (M F- s & 1 o o o as 1 R||||| mm H r Op ^1 RR a E 1 1 -fl n u i |||||| l&tlll II f^ || s ' ^^ f| ^-1 o o - o o o O o [z3 5 < X 1 |||||| mm E-l 1 1 1 ^fit 1 c i |||||| 1 ^ . IS (U 5 1 R| ^ 1 5 1 s H B 1 &||||| imp n n f 1 1 & '"'^ sK II i i 62 XVI HEBREW GRAMMAR. OF IRREGULAR VERBS. 1. Irregular Verbs are either defective, which sometimes drop a radical letter ; or reduplicate, which double one or more radicals. 2. Defectives have either but two radicals, or or : for the first radical, or n for their last. 3. Verbs of but two radicals oftentimes take 1 before the latter, as Dltt) from DV, and in Huph. before the former, as Dpir? from Dp. 4. Verbs with " for the first radical, often drop it in the future, imperative, and infinitive of Kal, to which last they postfix n (Tipb to take, follows this form), and in Niph. and Hiph. they change "> into ^. 5. Verbs with o for their first radical, drop it in the future, imperative, and infinitive of Kal, (to which last they postfix n), and in the preter of Niph., and throughout Hiph. and Huph. 6. In Hithp. the two latter kinds of verbs are generally regular. 7. Verbs with n for their last radical, often drop it, or change it into % and before a n servile into n, and generally form the infinitive by changing n into m. 8. Verbs that have "> or 3 for the first radical, and n for the last, are doubly defective, i. e., sometimes drop both the first and the last radical. 9. The verb ]n: to give, often drops both its 3's. 1 0. In verbs, N is often dropt after a servile M ; and 3 and n before 3 and n servile. 11. Reduplicate verbs are declined regularly. 12. Except that those resembling V73, in some forms use i instead of the last letter, as 'miD for TQID, and in Hithp., and sometimes in other conjuga- tions, like 1 after the first radical, as in panrr from pn, and r]D"tt>^ from F|D2>. SYNTAX. 1. The adjective generally agrees with its substantive in gender and number, as 3TO tD' a good man, mbna n"i3D great strokes. 2. A verb generally agrees with its noun in gender, number, and person, as rrn omrf the serpent was. 3. 1 and, prefixed to verbs in the future, denotes succession. 4. *) and, prefixed to verbs, often supplies the signs of the grammatical inflexions, as rroiai and subdue (ye) it, Gen. i. 28. 5. Infinitive verbs have sometimes the particles 3, D, b, O prefixed. OF THE USE OF THE SERVILES. 1 . M prefixed, forms the first person singular future of verbs, also nouns. 2. 3 prefixed, in, for, &c. Abridged from a hollow, or n'3 within. HEBREW GRAMMAR. XVU 3. n prefixed, sign of conjugation Hipli. or Huph. ; also emphatical, pathetic, or interrogative. Postfixed, denotes a noun fem. ; also third person fern. pret. of verbs ; likewise her, to, towards. 4. 1 prefixed, and inserted after first radical forms participle active ; after second radical, participle passive. Postfixed, him, his ; third person plural of verbs ; also forms nouns. 5. ' prefixed, third person masculine future sing, and plur. of verbs ; also forms nouns ; inserted, forms conjugation Hiph. and nouns ; postfixed* denotes national names ; masc. plur. in regimine ; me, mine ; also second person fem. fut. and imperat. of Verbs. * 6. 3 prefixed, like as ; postfixed, thee, thine. Derived from rma restriction. 7. b prefixed, to, for. Derived from bM, which denotes interposition. 8. O prefixed, participle Hiph. and Huph., whence it forms nouns, and often denotes instrumentality ; also from ; postfixed, them, their, masc. An abbreviation of p, from rr2lO to distribute. 9. 3 prefixed to pret. and participle Niph., also forms first person future plural of verbs, and nouns. Postfixed, them, their, fern. 10. \D prefixed, who, which; also the particle that. An abbreviation of iiDN to proceed. 11. n prefixed, second person sing, and plur. of verbs; also forms nouns. Postfixed, second person sing. pret. of verbs ; also used in regimine for rr , and forms nouns. OF FINDING THE ROOT. 1. Reject all aflixes and formative letters. If three letters remain, that is the root. 2. Except that i and * inserted (unless before n), must be generally rejected. 3. If, after rejecting the affixes and formative letters, only two letters remain, that is frequently the root. 4. But if you find it not in this two-lettered form, add or : to the begin- ning (and to the deflexions of npb to take, b), or rr to the end. 5. If only one letter remain, add 2 or > to the beginning, and n to the end. N. B. The grammarians and lexicographers always consider the third person masculine singular pret. in Kal, as the root in such words as occur in a verbal form. Note. The reader by the help of Taylor's or Robertson's Hebrew Con- cordance, or any other, would be able to find the place of the first occurrence of every word, which would become a reference to its situation in this Key. For further information, the Student will find " Parkhurst's Hebrew Grammar," a valuable acquisition. 3 XVIU HEBREW GRAMMAR. A Grammatical Praxis or Exercise on the first twelve Verses of the first Chapter of Genesis^ to he read in connexion with the Key. heavens the of substance the Aleim the created beginning the In .1 .earth the of substance the and n^WMna, 3 is a particle signifying in, xii., n* a termination of nouns, therefore XOin is the root, tna the third person masc. sing. pret. in Kal of the verb tn2, and consequently the root itself, and joined with the plural noun W'nbii, to express the unity of Essence and operation, from the root rf?M. n a particle, the, or the very, from root rrriN. D^Dion, n is a particle emphatic, the, D' is the termination of a noun masc. plur. : Ut3 therefore remains for the root. n% 1 a particle, HN as before. pMH, n is emphatic, p a noun with a formative N, from root Y^. upon darkness and hollow and unformed was earth the And .2 ^ iwrn *m TIM TT D'n^M -IDN'1 light was J -IIN ION'"!, 1 and, nDW"" a verb, third person masc. sing, future in Kal, from "id. >rp third person masc. sing, future, from root rrn for rvrv. 11M a noun from the root "w. divided then and ,good that light the Aleim the saw then And .4 b'\y^ m!D 'd mn ns o*rf?N ntt .darkness the between and ,light the between Aleim the HEBREW GRAMMAR. XIX NT third person masc. sing., from root hni, for nsn'. '3 a particle, from the root nnD. nto a noun, from the rot sto. bty third pers. masc. sing, of the root "jia. yi a particle from the root p. darkness the (to) and , Day ,light the (to) Aleim the called then And .5 day , morning was there and evening was there and ; Night called he DV npa 'Tv^ y\s wi n^'"? lop .first the : mn hnp' third pers. masc. sing. fut. from the root ip. "n!?, ^ a particle following the verb iTip. DV a noun, from the root d\ ny"? a noun fern, from the root V). y\$ a noun masc. sing, from the root ll$, ipi a noun masc. sing, from the root "ip2. trm a noun masc. sing, from the root nn\ midst the in expanse an be shall There , Aleim the said then And .6 to waters between division a causing be shall it and ,waters the of .waters JD'D^ :?'pn a noun masc. from the root ypl. "^"im, a a particle, in, y\rt a noun, from the root in. ^niD a participle masc. sing, in Hiphil, from the root bl2. between divided he and expanse the Aleim the made then And .7 ^'2 ^na'1 y'p"^rr n d^h^n ?'i waters the between and expanse the (to) under (at) which waters the D-Dn yl^ rnp"? nnno nM D^nn .(mechanized or) so was it and ,expanse the Cto) above (at) which :p '>TV^ y'pn"? "? iwn TT third pers. masc. sing, future, for TfXOV from the root TWV. nWN the pronoun relative, which, from the root T07M. D a particle, at, joined with another particle nnn, from the root nrrj. So ^5?D compounded of D at, and b upon, from the root n^3^. p a particle, from p. , (placers) heavens .expanse the to Aleim the called then And .8 D'Q Tp^b D'nbw M"lp'"l .second the day ,morning was there and evening was there and '.^w DV -ipa 'Tv^ a- 'n^i '3 an ordinal noun of number, from the root 773'. ,one place to waters the tend shall , Aleim the said then And .9 nM Dipn ^N D'nn ^^p^ d^h'jm noi^n .so was it and ,(land) dry the appear shall then and :p 'n>i nwrrr n>nni XX HEBREW GRAMMAR. Vp'' third pers. masc. plur. fut. in Kal or Niph., from the root nip, agreeing with the noun masc. plur. D^O. '?M a particle, to, from the root "?. DipD a noun, from the root Dp. nbnn third pers. fem. sing, future in Niphal, from root rwi, agreeing with the fem. noun rroT, with n emphatic prefixed, from the root tt)a\ the (to) and , Earth (land) dry the (to) Aleim the called then And .10 pM Tvovb D>rr^N N-ip'i saw then and ,Seas called he waters the of tending of place NT"! D'D' Nnp D'on mpD^i good that Aleim the : a"iTO '3 D'nbN mpQyi, and, b a particle, to, after the verb Nip, as in verse 5 ; mpo a noun of place, from mp. C*iy a noun plur. masc. from the root D\ of bud the earth the forth shoot shall Aleim the said then And .11 tjn fwn win D^rrbw IDN'l ,kind its for fruit bearing fruit of tree the jSeed seeding herb yyioh nD rroy no yy y^t y^-MD 1W3? .80 was it and ,earth the upon it in seed its which P Tn r>n ^ 13 WIT -|N NWin third pers. fem. sing, future in Kal, of root bwn, agreeing with the noun fem. \pM. 3 a noun from the root y^. ynra a participle masc. sing, in Hiphil, from Tn. nD a noun masc. sing, from mo. ntw? a participle masc. Benoni, or active, in Kal, from rw^. 13^Db, b a particle, for, 1 an affix, his or its (masc.) ; ]n3 a noun masc. sing, from root rT3D. "O, 3 a particle, in, prefixed to the Pronoun suffix ; i, him or it, masc. 13 13717 >'0N which its seed in it, an Hebraism, for whose seed in it. seeding herb of bud the earth the forth brought then And .12 anra 3 awi yn^n j?im it in seed its which , fruit bearing tree the and ,kind its for seed 13 tm nwM no rrm yyi irnb r7 .good that Aleim the saw then and ,kind its for :3iTD '3 D^rr'^K ti ih^'d!? Sin third person fem. sing, future in Hiphil, of root >W, agreeing with the noun fem. yw. inrn'?, |'^'? before explained, ^n a pronoun suffix, his. HEBREW GRAMMAR, XXI A few Examples of the Philosophical accuracy of the Hebrew Text when literally translated. Extracted from Parkhurst's Lexicon, p^' poya r^y^ nn p3?an wq Josh, x. 12. Solar light (not the instrument of light or orb), be thou, or remain equable, even, level upon Gibeon ; and lunar light upon the valley of Ajalon. Parkhurst's Lexicon, root iTOT. mn is another word used for the solar orb, Judg. viii. 13; Job ix. 7. Parkhurst's Lexicon, p. 270. amnion mi is applied, v., Gen. xxviii. 11, et aliis, in a strictly philosophical sense, for the solar light going off, i. e., from one hemisphere to the opposite. Parkhursi's Lexicon, p. 59, under HI. M2, Gen. xix. 23 ; Is. xiii. 10. Tf^^ Eccles. i. 6, et aliis, joined with Qtt.% are used for the solar light coming out or spreading upon that hemisphere which is turning into the morning. Parkhurst's Lexicon, p. 5d, under l. rron is used for the solar flame, and answers to n2lb the lunar orb or disk, in Cant. vi. 10; Is. xxiv. 23; xxx. 26. A distinction between ys'UXi the instrument of light, and irQ the solar light, is shewn in Ps. Ixxiv. 16, ; oi -nwo myDn nn nV? "jb fjm dv '^b The day (is) thine, the night also (is) thine : thou hast machinated mo the instrument of light, 'OW1 and the solar light (or stream of light from the orb). Parkhurst's Lexicon^ p. 240, under DH, ii. So the words translated Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades would be better un- derstood, if given literally, as J pn mm rrtyy\ ^03 X35 rror Job ix. 9. Which makes 3? the blighting air (Arcturus), "j'DD the cold contracting air (Orion), no^^l and the genial heat or warmth (Pleiades), and the thick clouds (chambers) of the South. 03^ to consume, destroy. A moth. The blight, i. e., the blighting, blast- ing, corrosive air. ID'S? the same. Job xxxviii. ^2. Parkhurst's Lexicon, p. 629, under ttjy. bD'2 Stiffness, rigidity. b'D^ the cold, condensed, rigid, contracting air, the fluid of the heavens in this state. Job xxxviii. 31 ; Amos v. 8. HDD to be warm or hot. rTD'3 genial heat or warmth as opposed to a parching, blight- ing air on the one side, and to rigid contracting cold on the other. Job xxxviii. 31; Amos v. 8. Parkhursfs Lexicon, p. .i , under teD, and p. 357, noD. XXll HEBREW GRAMMAR. : Dirrn nii'y ^iwa ^yoo D^nxr? ii?Da Prov. viii. 28. When he (Jehovah) invigorated the conflicting ethers above, i. e., gave them their expansive and irresistible force ; when he made safe (or secure) the fountains of the deep. Parkhursfs Lexicon, p. 31, under yOM. D'prro the celestial fluid which is in a perpetual state of conflict and struggle. The conflicting ether, ethers, or airs. Parkhursfs Lexicon, p. 818, under pT^'O. See Ps. Ixxxix. 7, 38; Deut. xxxiii. 26; Job xxxvii. 18. The following texts literally rendered, would be as follows : : dVi Mna"< Dn "lob niasnn |' '3. Ps. Ixxiii. 4. There are no ma^nn knots (perplexing difficulties) to them ; their strength is perfect and drm.'Parkhurst's Lexicon, p. 284, under asnn. In the Hebrew versions generally, Dmob is written as one word ; but in Dr. Kennicott's Bible on ych is printed as two words, and the sense above agrees excellently with the context. : Don mM3 pN o^nn "im^o *3 nna^ Toan. ^Ps. Ixxxiv. 20. Look on the Purifier (nna), for the dark or obscure places of the land are filled with Don niN2 valuable plunder, or shewy things. : imb' "jQ "i"? inttjQ Dmo wip ''Mni ^t\ dvi mn: yys Ps. ex. 3. Thy people (shall be) willing in the day of thy power, in the glorious sanctuary or temple, jm'r ^ 1^ niTDlo Dmo more than (the dew from) the womb of the dawn (shall be) the dew of thy progeny, i. e., more abundant and numerous. Parkhursfs Lexicon, p. 819, under TTtt). : yban* rmnn toa riDa py mn^. Prov. xviii. 1. The recluse seeks his own desire, he laughs at any thing solid or wise. Parkhursfs Lexicon, p. 124, under J?^a. :nnN d: bV2 D ys^i p nntm. Prov. xxiii. 2. And put a restraint (not a knife) to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite. ParMwr^^'s Lexicon, p. 823, under I. XXIV THE NAMES AND ORDER OF THE BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT IN THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES. CHAPTURS. CHAPTERS. Din3 Nahum. 3 n^'t&W"!:! Genesis. 50 P^P^n Habakkuk. 3 ni^ir? Exodus. 40 n'l^D^ Zephaniah. 3 S^jTI Leviticus. 27 ^:in Haggai. 2 -iniJSn Numbers. 36 nnST Zechariah. 14 D^'im Deuteronomy. 34 ^Dba Malachi. 3 yW)!!^ Joshua. 24 D'^'brin Psalms. 150 D*'t:)Q'ltr7 Judges. 21 'bwrt Proverbs. 31 b1ttir Samuel. 55 m^ Job. 42 D^Dba Kings. 47 jn^irn n^W Solomon's Song. 8 n^ytt?"* Isaiah. 66 mn Ruth. 4 rr^Dn** Jeremiah. 52 HD'^M Lamentations. 5 bspm*' Ezekiel. 48 rnUp Ecclesiastes. 12 5?ti7*in Hosea. 14 -inOM Esther. 10 bV Joel. 3 bs^3"T Daniel. 12 D1r Amos. 9 WnT57 Ezra. 10 n''1213? Obadiah. 1 n'^ana Nehemiah. 13 n3V Jonah. 4 D'^tt^n ''-im Chronicles. 65 nD"^D Micah. 7 iV^o^e. It will be perceived in this Key, that the Books of Joshua, Judges, and Samuel follow immediately the Book of Genesis, and precede those of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, that order of the Books being thought to oflfer greater facility in the study of those original writings. BIBLICAL VOCABULARY; OR, KEY TO THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES. GENESIS, Chap I. S 1 tt?MT priority, or precedence. TV&t'y the beginning, i^in the production of either substance or form. To create, to produce into being. HvS a denouncing of a curse, an oath. D'rr'?^ the Triune God (raasc. plural), who entered into covenant by oath. The Aleira. nnW to come. riM the very, the very substance. Dtt? to place, set, put. D^DW the heavens ; literally, the disposers, placers. ^1 to run, move swiftly, crumble. y"\ the earth. 2 iT^n to subside, subsist, exist, be. nnn confusion. inn a waste, without order, unformed. 7T3, hollow. yn2 hollow, empty. ^11771 to impede action, "jirrr darkness. "nhV to ascend, mount upwards. b'$ upon. "jS^n above. n3Q to turn. 'aD the face, surface, n^n multitude, tumult, mnn a mass, body, or multitude of waters, mi spirit, air, wind, m the action or breathing of the air in motion. 2 r|n"l to move tremulously, ricrrra. D** tumultuous motion. D'Dn the sea, any large collection of waters. 3 *1ttS to branch out, into w-ords, to say. ")S to flow. niM tlie light, from its wonderful fluidity. 4 nSn to see, perceive, appear. nnD restriction, to restrain. 'D that, defining the fact. 2tD good, goodly, pleasant, n^ good. bm to divide, separate, dis- tinguish. ^n to divide, separate. ^2 between. 5 Sip to call, proclaim. D"* tumultuous motion. DV day. bb to wind, to turn, to move round out of a rectilineal course, HT? night.. "HIV to mix, to mingle. IIS" the evening. IpH to look upon, survey, "ipn the morning, in"' to unite, make one. Tn one, the first. 6 ypn to stretch forth, extend. y'pi an expansion, the celestial fluid, "^n to be in the midst. *pn the midst, middle, or inner part. f 7 nWV to do, make, form, produce. ~lti?M to proceed, go forward. n\UM who, which, whom. nn3 to descend, come down. nnno underneath, below. p to make ready, fit, dispose, p so, thus. 8 n3lI7 to iterate, repeat, do a second time. 3W second. 9 H^p to stretch, tend towards. hipo place of tension. Dp to arise, stand up. DipD the place. ti?^'^ to be dried up. Twyrt the dry ground. 11 S1271 to spring up, shoot forth. NTUT grass. ^WV herbage, an herb. V^X to spread abroad, jm seed. 7123? to fix, make firm or steady. yj? a tree. mD to bear, or produce fruit. no fruit. TiyQ to distribute, rtynb according to its species. 1 2 StJ"' to come, or go forth or out. 13 t!?b2?. >ttj'?W three, third. 14 nS to flow. ni0 a frame of orbs, (c'lpable, either of forming or reflecting light,) or the orbs themselves. miNQ a frame of such orbs, or the orbs actually giving light. nnS to come. nn signs. 13?'' to appoint, constitute. DnyiD set, regular, times, seasons. n32? to iterate. D'2W years. 16 b"73 great. bW72 to rule. ']'Cp small, little. 16 I3DD to glister, glitter, shine dDO stars. 17 ^n3 to give. 19 37^1 to agitate, actuate, ""m du fourth. 20 ^1W to produce abundantly, yiu the creeping thing, a reptile. 12?D3 to breathe, respire. A crea- ture that lives by breathing. iT^n strong, vigorous. To live, T]V to vibrate, flutter. fj^M fowl. 21 Tl^n to shriek, bewail. D':'3n whales, sea-monsters. WTyi move, move itself. ^DD extremity. r]33 the wing of a bird. 22 "7*^3 to couch, lie down ; to bless. H'yi to be many or great; in- crease, multiply. Sbtt to be full, or filled. 23 Wl^jJl to array, set in array, 'ttj^nn filth. 24 DnH dumb, mute, noni a beast or brute. n^TT vigorous. Tvn wild beast. 25 DIS red, ruddy. rroiN the ground, vegetable mould; or DT silent, with prefix. m man. 26 D7!^ to delineate. D^S image, external form. nD*T equable, even, non likeness. mi to descend, rule. yi to multiply, or increase exceed- ing. n^T fish. 27 "n2T strength, vigour. The male sex. ip3 to make hollow, pierce. n^3 a female. 28 W2D to subdue, subject. GENESIS. n^tt'Mnn 29 TT:ir\ or "jH to be ready, or present. See, lo, behold. b^M to eat, eat up, devour. n'?D food. 30 pT' to throw out something moist. pT green. 31 ISa to be strong, copious. nQ very. WW brisk, active, cheerful. sixth. Chapter H. ^ 1 nbl3 totality, completion. M2!i to assemble in a regular manner. Plural, Hosts. 2 VDXD sufficiency, satisfaction. >y'l seventh. *^Sb to send, serve, minister. ns^bo work. D'^W to cease, leave off. 3 W^p to separate, set apart. 4 17*^ to bring forth, mibin gene- rations. nW to incline, ma? a shrub. 5 niW to pour out, or forth, rrv07^ the ground. D">ID to fill up ; at the lime, i. e., before. ntilJ to spring, or shoot up. "HtOD to rain. "1^37 to serve, labour, work, dress. 6 m*' to cast forth. 1M an exhala- tion, a vapour. H^V to ascend. TlpW to wet, moisten. 7 n^'' to form. 1Z>V dust. r\^> to breathe, blow. 7 HDM to heat through, d^en the nostrils. Dti?3 to breathe or blow, nts'o: breath. 8 V1^2 to plant. "|3 to protect, defend, p a garden. ITU? pleasure, delight. Eden. D*Tp precedency, mptt eastward. 9 I'QTl desire earnestly, covet, lona desirable. nS~) to see. riNIQ the sight. 3?T^ to know, nyn knowledge. 3?1 to break. ^^ evil. 1 ina to flow. VTS a river. UW the place. DW there, thence. Name. TlD to spread, be diffused. 3?^"n to agitate, mw four. ti?MT priority. \um"i head. 11 HUD to go round, surround. !2nT clear, bright, nm gold. 12 nblD pearl. bi2 to divide, and n"? smooth. n32} to build. |2M stone. Dnt^ a precious stone ; an onyx. 13 W^'D Ethiopia. 14 ^7^^ ^^'^^^ motion. *1tt?M to proceed. iViTN Assyria. mS cause rafters to meet together. mD Euphrates. 15 npb to take. n3 to rest, settle. II^W to keep, preserve. 16 ni!^ to command. 17 niXD to die. 18 Tin disjoin. r, alone. *nT2? to help, aid, assist. 1133D as (it were) over against him, or before him. b2 GENESIS. n'^trwin 19 Sn to come or go. 20 S!Ja to find. 21 bD3 to fall. U11 overwhelmed with sleep. rraTTD deep sleep, trance. ^tZ?** to sleep, be in a sound sleep. 37 v!J to go on one side, y"?!? a rib. lyO to shut up. 1W^ spread out. "i^a flesh. 22 nt27M a woman. 23 nST she, this, ihat. D37D to smite by turns. D^D now. 13^^ strength, substance. D2?y bone. TIW^ existence. w^ man. 24 ID bV therefore. 2T3? to leave. ni3H acquiescence. IM a father. N to support. DN a mother. 24 pD"T adhere, cleave together. 25 m^ to be naked, uncovered. WW2, in Hithp., abashed or ashamed of oneself. Chapter III. 21 n3 1 l27nD eye attentively, serpent. *>2 PjW ah ! what, (Bates.) 3 V^2 to touch. n:D to distribute. i:dd of it. ^D lest. 5 npD open. ^T' to perceive or feel by the body or outward parts ; to know. nD2? to affect, answer. ^^ an eye. 6 mW desire, covet, lust after. mn an object of desire. vDtZ? to make wise. ^22^ desire earnestly. 6 UV to collect. D3? with. Tlpb to take, npn covet. 7 IDn to fasten, join together. r\rt^ to open, nbr to ascend. 7^bs a leaf. n^Sri the fig-tree ; its leaves and fruit. ]M labour. "nSn gird. m:n girdles. 8 VJ^W to hear. HbjP lightness, b^p voice. Nnn hide, conceal. n23'^N where. 10 N")> to fear, be afraid. ''DaN I. 11 lan to tell, declare. Hl!^ to command, n^n > wear or waste away. ^Tlb^b ) not at all, not. 12 Sin permanent existence. He, she, it. 13 112V to stand. nio with, or near me. Ntt73 to* bear, lift up Elate, puff up, seduce. 14 "nN curse. n"n, jro bow down. ]m the under part of the body of prostrate reptiles. 15 D'^M to be an enemy. TT2^ enmity. nC? to put, or place. D'ffiX. ^pV end, extremity. Heel. nCtt? to dash, crush. 16 n!5^ labour, travail. paS5^ labour, toil, travail. Tl'l'n to protuberate, move to and fro. pn conception. nDi to build. D':n children. p^W run about. npTOn attendance, mp to hold, possess, gain. btt?D to rule. 1^'^ to procreate, or breed young, beget. GENESIS. n>ir-)n 17 i;:^ to pass in any manner. ']->"ili"'l because of thee . 18 VP ^ ^^^^' rP tliorns* Tl to encompass, "I'm thistles. 19 3?T move, agitate, nri sweat. Dn^ to insert. Dn*? food. ntZ? to turn, return. 20 mn declare, discover, mn the manifester. )n^ to adhere. pn3 a strait coat, an inner garment. 71")V uncover. "SyV skin, the naked | skin. 21 tmb to put on, to clothe. DS to support. D a mother, "^n strong, vigorous. To live. 22 nhW to send, stretch forth, m"^ to put forth. T a hand. u!>V time hidden. 24 ti?nn expel, drive out. pi27 to dwell, particularly in a tent. niD like the Majesty. A cherub, 3 likeness, and 21 majesty, tonb burnt up. tDn"? flame, ignited vapour. n"in waste. 2-in the sword. ^DH to turn or change the con- dition. rODnnon rolling in upon itself. "Tnl to go forwards. "pT way. IHW to keep. Chapter IV. "T 1 nnn to protuberate, to be preg- nant, ib*^ to bring forth. HDp to hold, get, obtain. 2 ?1D"^ to add. r]Dn. nnW consociate. rrw brother, n^*! to feed. A feeder. "JM^, fruitful. Sheep, or flocks of sheep. 3 n^p the end. ^po. M!2 to come or go. nn3 to lead, bring. rrrf:i:i an offering. 4 "ism be forward. mi3a the first- fruits. Isbn soft, unctuous substance, as fat, milk, oil. n^t27 to look, regard, have respect. 5 mn to be hot, to burn, to tie angry. 6 Hu) wherefore. Jl'^Tl heat, burn. Angry. 7 mt^'' be good, do good, hm!? weary. l'?n Oj that. S12?3 to bear, take, lift, nw exalta- tion. nriD open or loose, nnc door, or door-way. SlSn to miss a scope or aim. ns'ijn sin-ofFering. yyi to lie down, couch as a beast. pItZ? run about, npwn running to and fro, attendance, or desire. 8 nnW to join, connect. *nM a brother. yir\ to kill in general. ^S or n^W where. 9 ^T^ to feel, perceive, know. 1)2>W to keep, keep safe, preserve. 10 71U1 equable. DT blood. pVI^ cry out, or aloud. 11 ni^D to open, set free, deliver. 12 n'D strength, vigour. b3 GENESIS. n'^tt'Mia 12 373 to move, wander. y"i3 a wanderer. 12 to move, remove. Ti: a fugitive, a vagabond. 13 71337 to turn out of its proper situation. p depravity, iniquity. 14 tt7-l3 to expel. ")ilD to hide, conceal. lo S:.*D to And. yin to kill. Dp3 to avenge. Dp\ nD3 to smite. niDn. V2W seven, sufficiency. D'nya* seven times, sevenfold, 16 ntt?** to dwell. 17 "^DPf to initiate, train up, dedicate. p:n 137 to raise, lift up oneself. m> a city, from the stir and bustle within it. n^t!? to iterate. D3W or D*n\D two. ntt73 to be relaxed. Di3 women, from their weakne^. 20 n!!*S to acquiesce. 3M a father. ^nS to pitch or spread a tent. "jrrw a tent. n3p hold, contain. Hipo keep cattle. 21 ITDn to lay hold, handle, catch. ")13D a stringed instrument, a lute, harp, &c. 13337 set or joined upon another. nJW an organ. 22 l27tD V to whet, sharpen, set an edge. IDin silent, thought. A ma- chinator or mechanic. ti?n3 view attentively, rron: copper. bnn iron. 23 ^TS to weigh, as the ear weighs sounds. n:TrT give ear to, attend to. I 23 3725 to wound, hurt. inn to conjoin, min a contu- sion or bruise. 25 1137 yet, still, besides, again. nn3 to descend, nnn instead. nW to set, place, settle, rr Seth. 26 tt73S bad. '0'i:m a man, from his sickly state. vn*^ to remain, wait. ^3VT. Chapter V. H 1 HT this, this here "1DD to tell, count. The enumera- tion. T7'^ to bring forth, mb^n genera- tions. 3 JT^n strong, vigorous, to live. *m future tense. C7btt7 three. nSD to extend, dilate. A hun- dred. 4 '^]IDtit7 abound, superabound. rtJOtt? eight. 5 37G!7n nine, nia to die. nn\ 1W"^ rich, mttjy ten, including all the units in it. 9 n3p to get, obtain. ]Tp. 12 bbn to praise. biibbT\r2 praise the Lord. 15 2727 brisk, active. Six. D'>\D sixty. 25 nbtt7in^. nD death, and n'w sent. Immediately on his death the flood came. 29 n3 rest, settle after motion. Noah. Cn3 change of mind. Comfort, console. D!?37 labour or travail. m:?"Ca. GENESIS. n"^tt?nn 32 UW to place, set, put. CD warm or hot. nriD to persuade, entice. nc\ Chapter VI. 1 1 bn to make a hole, begin. bbr\Tt. Tl'DD to be many or great. 2 T12T1 ready, present, they. nn^ to look at or behold with ad- miration, choose. 3 yi to direct, rule, judge. pT. nutt? expatiate, luxuriate, run wild. UWl. 4 vD3 to fall. D^bC3 assaulters, not apostates. 1321 strong, powerful. *na a mighty man. nbU? hide, conceal. Dbiy time- hidden, or concealed. 5 V^ to break. n^T evil, mischief, wickedness. IIJ'' to form. IS' imagination. ^Wn to add. niirno a reckoning, meditation, pi evacuate, exhaust. A particle, except. 6 Cn3 change of mind, or affection. 7 nriQ to wipe, totally destroy. 7n kindness, affection. 9 p*Tls just, of full weight or measure. pns a justified person, on to finish or be finished. D'on. TT to encompass, go round, mi generation. "^bn local motion. 1 1 nriu? corrupt, spoil, mar. bS2 to fill. D^n to cast or force away. N. violence. 12 1W^ to spread out or abroad. N. flesh. H'^P to make an extremity or end. yp end. 14 ni or *in3 hollow, empty, nsn an ark. iDn cypress, cedar. H^p to hold, contain, ^p a nest, a room. "HDD to cover, overspread. ")D3 asphaltus, or pitch. nil capacity. rV^O within. n!^n to part, divide, yino without. 15 CM to support, sustain. moN a cubit, about 17 inches. *71M length, long, n^m width. Qp to rise, nnnip height. 16 in!i clear, transparent. Some- thing to admit the light. 7V?D totality. To finish, complete. TlbV to ascend. nVyabo. nnD to open or loose. N. a door. HT2 to look sideways. The side. nn3 to descend. D'nnn lower (stories). 17 'm to mix, mingle, ^ina a flood, deluge. 3712 to labour, or pant for breath. Die. 18 Dp to rise, arise. Dpn establish, in clear, cleanse, n^-n a purifier, purification. 19 TI strong, vigorous. 7\Tf a living creature. 21 rjDS to gather. Chapter VII. t. 2 into pure, clean, clear. T^W^ existence. tt:' a being. GENESIS. n'^tC'S-in 1 1 Ct?in to renew, restore. N. a month. Vpll to separate, cleave, split. 712V to act upon, affect, nirrn fountains or springs. 711211 multitude, turbulency. Dinn ny^ the great deep. ilM lie in wait. miM fissures, cracks, chinks. nriD open, loose. innD3. 12 Dtt?2l heavy. N. heavy rain. 13 W^V strength, substance. 14 "IDS move quickly. *t1D:j a bird. ?)3D extremity. N. the wing of a bird, 16 lyo to shut in, close. 1 7 Wtt?3 to bear, lift up. 18 ^23 strong, powerful, prevail. 19 71171 to protuberate. m a mountain. nSD high, elevated. A hill. 22 Q2?2 to breathe. nDS to heat through. F)m nostril, nose. 'Dnn waste, dry. rrain dry ground. 23 "iStt? to remain, be left. Chapter VIII. 71 1 137 strength. To remember, make mention of. 1122? to pass. "Jtt? to stop, assuage, check. 2 13D to close, shut up. S v2 to separate, restrain. 3 ^W to turn away, return. IDn to abate, diminish, be wanting. 4 n3 to rest, settle. ::3? I cause to return, I affect. 19 ^D3 to scatter, disperse, over- spread. 20 bn to penetrate, begin. 3?:D3 to plant D~)2D a vine, vineyard. 21 UnW to drink. IDtl? to satisfy thirst, drink abund- antly. 21 nbS to roll off, uncover. b^T? un- covered himself. 22 m^ to bare, make bare. rWSf nakedness. 12D to make manifest, declare. r\':^n to divide or part, yim without. 23 \t^W to surround on all sides. n'jn'O a garment, vestment. UDW rise up early. N. shoulder. 24 Vp"^ to awake. 71^^ to press, squeeze, p wine. 27 nnS to persuade. 1'DW to dwell. n^tcw-Q 9 Chapter X. * 1 "lb** to breed young, mbin genera- tions. 5 *nD to separate, part, scatter. ''S to settle, take up one's habita- tion. 'M a settlement, habitation, not an island, niri to form into a mass or body. >M a nation, a people. )Wh to turn about. ]wb the tongue. 9 mS to look sideways. t:j a hunter, '^bo to reign. ns'jQO a kingdom. 15 *7"12 to precede. N. first-born. 19 bun set up a boundary. ^ii3 a boundary. nDSn. 1 to go, and n3 thou, for-|. 30 ^W^ to dwell. ntt5iQ dwelling. Chapter XI. * 1 nCtt? to dash, break by impulse. N. the lip, speech, language. 2 VD'Z to remove, journey. 3?p3 to cleave. TOpa a valley, a break between mountains. 3 n!S?"n to feed. A companion ttJ' "irrJI bM one to his neighbour, neighbour. 71'2'n come. jDb make white. n:nb a brick. ?)127 to burn. n3!3 to build. pM stone. I'QJl disturb. N. slime, mortar. 4 bl3 greatness, biyo a tower or turret growing wider from the top to the bottom. 5 IT* to descend. 6 "l!5Il to restrain, shut up. 10 GENESIS. 6 DT to devise, imagine, think. 7 bn to mix, mingle, b"?! mix very much, confound. VT2iW to hear. 8 bin to cease, leave off. 28 D"^1t2?D the Chaldees. 30 npV to cut. mp3^ barren. rib'D totality. N. a perfect one, a daughter-in-law. ^ Chapter XII. S** 2 *^"1'D, to couch, lie down, bless. nam a blessing. 3 bbp to esteem very lightly, "ID-| sub- despise. 5 WD^ to earn, acquire stance, wealth. | 6 "l^V to pass, in whatever manner. Dp to rise, arise. DIpD a place. bW interposition. pb an oak. 8 pnV to remove, withdraw. r\'^'2 to stretch out, tend, decline. tD"- nnD to be dry. The south. 10 D3?1 to hunger. Famine. 1'Z to sojourn. 123 weighty, heavy. 11 D"lp to approach, inpn. nS"l to see, look, nw-ra appear- ance. 13 1^3 to pass. -piayi on thy account. bbll to roll over and over, "fhyi by means of thee. 15 bbn praise very much, extol. 16 ^Sli fruitful, abundant. Sheep. "jriM strength. n3n a she ass, from her passive strength. bD3 retribution. A camel, from its revengeful temper. 17 Vy^ to touch, smite. A plague. 20 nil^ to command. Chapter XIII. i'' 2 71'2p to hold, contain, mpo pos- session, acquisition, cattle. P|DD to be pale. Silver. 3 VD^ to remove, travel, yon a journey. 20 to make a hole, nbnn begin- ning, first. 6 Stt?D to bear, bear up, bD** power, ability ; able. 7 m to strive. an contention, strife, mnn. ni?"! to feed. *3?"> a shepherd. 8 S3 to fail. W now. 9 inD divide, separate. britt7 the left-hand. The north. Jtt^ steady, firm. ]'Q' the right hand. The south. 10 "133 a flat, roundish form, a level tract of country. npW to irrigate, wet, moisten. 11 inn to behold with admiration, choose. 12 bnW to pitch a tent. 14 ^D!J to hide, conceal. n2C2 north- ward. The north. 15 ini to give. n^Dnx. 16 "nS'5? reduce to dust. The dust. n3tt to number. "fn length, nnn breadth. Chapter XIV. T 2 Dnb to insert, rran'jo war. GENESIS. 3 nun join together. P^V deepness. A valley. nbn salt. IIT^ to rebel, revolt. 7 TMW to pour forth. Ground. 8 *7~117 set in order, array. 10 nWn a well or pit (to open). 'n?:2n to disturb. Slime, mud. nStt? to remain, be left, DD to flee. 13 tib^J to escape. tQ'bBn one who escaped, pa; to dwell, inhabit. hVD. to have or take possession. 14 p") to evacuate, draw forth. -|3n to initiate, ^^n instructed in the religion and worship of the true God. F)l-) to follow, go after. 15 pbn to divide in an equal and regular manner. p^T^ a portion. 18 Cnb to insert. Bread. n2* to press, -p' wine. ]nD to minister. A priest. nhV to ascend. ]V^ most high. 19 p!D to pour forth, give largely. "115 to bind close, ns an oppressor, a foe. 20 "^tt?^ to be rich. nMJ^D a tenth, tithe. V3 "^n to compact. "tDiHD a thread. "]nE7 to twine, wind. yi-W a string, binding the sandal. "^^JD to fasten. A sandal Chapter XV. ItO 1 Tl'in to fasten the eyes, mno a vision. ]3 to protect. pD a shield, instru- ment of protection. nttTN-in II 1 iy^ to satisfy. A reward. 2 TinV to make bare. -12? to strip entirely. pW to move, run. p^D who runs about. 3 W^"^ to succeed another in pos- session, nn-on possession, in- heritance. 4 n!S71Q lax. 'H^Q the bowels. 5 i:)n3 to look. toin. 6 I^S steadiness, constancy. Con- fide, trust. Dtt?n to add, count, reckon. 9 byS round. rf^XSf a calf. T^ strength. W a goat. bS to interpose. *?' a ram. in to go round or about. A turtle- dove. b^!^ to take away by violence. jllj a young pigeon. 10 inn to divide asunder. A divided part. 1 1 !^^ to move with impetuosity. TD'J? a ravenous bird. "i:iQ to faint, lose one's activity. A dead carcase. 12 W12iW to serve, minister. The solar light. mi to shut close, nrnnn a dead sleep or trance. 11 :att7D to breathe, blow. 11U>1 and drove away with the voice, 12 nX2"^W terror. 13 nD37 to affect, afflict. 14 ^"T to govern, judge. 15 1'D.p to bury. Stt7 to turn, return. ni^ttJ old age. 16 Dbtt? to repay, complete. 17 10^37 gross, thick, dusk. 13 to split, divide. n22n a furnace. 12 GENESIS. 17 T*"? a burning torch, a flame. *nW to divide. A divided part. Chapter XVI. tlD 1 nSti? to depress. rrnCTD a slave, a handmaid, "l^jy to restrain, ina strong, mn: a mistress. 4 mn to protuberate, be pregnant. DDH to cast off. DDn my wrong. 5 npn to imprint, engrave, p^rr a bosom. 6 mi to pass from place to place, flee. 7 "^Nv to send, serve, "ivfyo one sent, a messenger, an angel. n31? to aSect, humble. r a fountain. 12 K"1D wild, unruly. D bn to beat, strike. Here, hither. Chapter XVII. T 4 n^n multitude, pon a multitude. 8 "in to sojourn, "un sojourning. THM to catch, seize, mn^ a pos- session. -^^tt? to keep. 10 /D to cut off. blQ circumcision. 11 7 "15? superfluous. nViy foreskin or prepuce. HDp to acquire, n^po acquisition, purchase. 14 "IDD to estrange. A stranger. rnD to cut off. IQ to break. 17 pn'2 to laugh. 19 bnS surely. 19 Sa73 to bear, lift up. i<0tt?3 a prince. "T37"^ to appoint, nrio appointed time. Chapter XVIII. n" 2 n!?D to stand. ntJ? to incline, bend downwards. 4 \^rn to wash. yrn. IVW to incline, recline. 5 riD to part. A piece or bit, *T^D to support, sustain. 6 inD to hasten. nSD to measure, mete. A measure, riDp grind. Meal, flour; 6 r\^D to strew on the ground. Fine flour. Wb to knead. 1^ ^r to bake upon the coals. A cake, a loaf, a feast. 7 V"1 to run. "Jl soft, tender. 8 S^n to disturb, agitate, n^arr butter. n^n soft, unctuous substance. Milk, cream. 11 ^pT old, grown old. /in to cease. mS to go in a track. Manner, 12 pn'2 laugh, make sport. 13 ]DS steadiness, constancy. D3DH in truth. 14 SvD extraordinary, wonderful. 15 irrD fail, be deficient. To lie. 16 ^pl27 to look, turn to an object. 1 7 nVD to cover, hide, conceal, 20 pl?T to cry aloud, 23 W^2 being close to, come very near. GENESIS. n^tcnn 13 23 nSD to scrape, sweep, destroy. 24 N127D to bear, pardon, spare. 25 V>*Pn to open eminently. "nbbT} far be it, it were profaneness. 27 VS*^ to will, resolve (undertake "1D27 to reduce to powder. Dust. "HQ to break. 1D small dust or ashes. 28 ICn to abate, diminish, want. 30 mn to heat, burn, be angry. 32 D3?3 to smite by turns. Time. Chapter XIX. t5> 1 ^^W to stand erect. A gate. 2 y7 to stay, abide, remain. D212? readiness, forwardness. To rise early. 2inn made broad, or wide, lim a broad place in a city. 3 1!sSD to press hard, urge with ve- hemence. nnii? to drink. T\nwo a feast or banquet accompanied with drink- ing. n!^D to squeeze, press. A cake of unleavened bread. 4 m!^ to fill. Before, yet not, on the point of. Tll^p an extremity. 6 nvT to draw out. A door. 1^0 to shut. 8 b!5 to shade. mp to meet, join, coalesce. Roof. 9 ti7U2 very close, 'oa. ~)!22 to press hard. I'D.W to break to pieces. 11 lyD a dazzling, confusion of sight. nW / to weary. 12 )nn to contract affinity by mar- riage. Son-in-law. 14 pri!^ to laugh, make sport. 15 Tnt^ dark coloured. The dawn of the morning, gloom or duFk. 16 nr^Tiri to delay, dally. p'^n to constringe, bind hard. V^n soft, tender, compassion. 7in'2 to lead. 17 a772 to set free, loose. tCJ^SD to look. 19 p^T to adhere, cleave to. 21 Sli73 to bear, accept. "^Sn to turn, overturn, subvert. 24 IDn any resinous tree. nnEJ brimstone. 25 n^^ to spring up, produce. I2!^3 to stand up. TS2 a statue or pillar. 28 1t2p to fume. TC-'p smoke. WD-D to subdue. ]'C1D a furnace. 30 TllV to make bare. mS'Q a cave, a den. 31 ^"DW to lie down. "iDn forward, go before. PtTSl first-born. 34 tI?D to recede. ttJDN yesternight. Chapter XX. D ' 1 !2!l3 dry, parched. South. "in to sojourn. 3 Dbn to break. Clbn a dream. 4 vrm to have, or take possession ^rn a husband, married. n-in to kill, 5 np3 to clear away, j'pj deanne.s, innocency. 6 *7^n to impede, restrain. u GENESIS. 6 Sl^n to miss an aim. VLT^Ki from sinning. 7 MD3 to prophesy, foretel. ''22 a prophet. 7vD to separate between good and bad, intercede. 8 ]TM to weigh. p an ear. 13 n3?n to err, wander, go astray, ion succulent, abundance. Af- fectionate kindness, 16 nD3 to prepare. Straightness nnD:") and be upright. 17 SCT to restore to a former state. nS2M a maid-servant. Chapter XXI. S3 1 IpD to visit. 7 V vtt to speak articulately, talk. p3"^ to suck, give suck. 8 ^J2^ retribution or return, to wean. 10 Wl^ to expel, drive out. 11 ^") to break, afflict. 12 "n2?3 to agitate, move briskly. A youth. 13 Dn grow warm or hot. rron a pitcher. IJ *7 ''^ to cast down, or away. nC? to incline, bow down, rt'^ a shrub. IG 1^3 before, in the presence of. pm remove to a distance, nn^ to impel. '>irmD3 about the range of a bow-shot, n^n to ooze, weep, shed tears. 19 npD to open. nptI7 to cause to drink. 22 Sn!^ to assemble. A host. 23 npW to tell a lie, be false. 23 p to propagate, p a son. "TD3 posterity, progeny. 25 HD'^ be plain ; reprove TOin. vtri to take greedily or violently. 30 ICn to sink, penetrate. 33 l?tD2 to plant. bti7S an oak. Chapter XXII. DS 1 rTD3 to try, attempt, prove. 2 ^rrr^ to unite. TV7V to ascend, rrbrrr to cause to ascend, offer. Ti)v a burnt - offering. 3 tt^^n to bind round, gird, saddle. "IDPT to disturb. An ass, 3?pn to cleave. 5 n 27 to bow. mnn^;:. 6 vDS to eat. nbD^Q a large knife, or sword. 7 nW H lamb. 9 '^IV to place in order. ipV to bind. 10 t^nW to drain, slay. HDISJi the least thing. 13 vM to interpose. V a ram. tnS to catch, lay hold of. '~\'2D to inweave, entwine. ^1p to shoot forth, diffuse. A horn. 16 T12V to affect, p' because. vn to make a hole, bin sand. 24 t27Ilv*'Q a concubine, a kind of inferior wife. Chapter XXIII. 3D 2 TDD to mourn. 4 Dti?'^ to dwell, iwin a sojourner. "iDp to bury. A sepulchre. GENESIS. n^DW-a 15 - 5 712V to affect, answer. 8 12723 to breathe. Desire. 37^53 to meet, intercede. 9 r\^V to make bare, m^^n a cave, a cavern. 15 vptt? to weigh. A shekel, nine pennyweights. 2s. 4|d. "inD to move to and fro. A pedlar, a merchant. 17 v^n to set up a boundary. A boundary. Chapter XXIV. ID in length. will ms:, 2 ^1'^ long, extended The thigh. 5 nHS to acquiesce, be submit. 8 Tlp2 to be clear. 10 ms Syria. "nn3 to flow together. A river, a flood. 1 1 DStt? to draw, as water. 14 IVZ read myj a damsel. ni23 to stretch forth, let down. "ID to propel. A pitcher. ny^ plain, evident. DTOn make manifest, shew. U2W forwardness. rraaw the shoulder. 16 bn2 to separate riageable virgin. 17 M^^ to sup, swallow. ':^D:n let me drink. 20 r\pW to drink. VipXO a trough. 21 nSiy to be confounded. nnD astonished. t2?in silent thought, attention. T\712 to pass on, prosper. 22 CT3 connecting closely. A ring. 22 nnt clear, bright. Gold. "ibptl^a 37pn half a sliekcl (in weight). 1tt!5 to couple. TD!? a bracelet. 25 IILH to cut or shatter to pieces. Straw. SCD to scrape or sweep together. 1CDQ provender. 27 HT^ to leave, forsake. Let go. DM to support. nOM firmness, truth. 31 nDD to turn, prepare. 32 r\r\^ to open, loose, ungird. 41 nvM to curse, swear. n': an oath. 43 a7V to hide, conceal, rrobl? a young unmarried virgin. HDS to heat through. The nostrils, nose. UDW readiness, forwardness. 53 '12'D. to deceive. Dn:a clothing, clothes, garments. T^D to excel, exceed in glory, HDliD precious things. 56 nnS behind, after. To delay. 57 bWtt? to ask. 59 py^ to suck, give suck. nnp2!0 a nurse. 60 Wy^ to possess. I M3EE? to hate, disliKe. nbim a mar- i 62 S^ to come or go. wilD an entrance. 63 r\W to incline, bow. r\W deep in thought, meditation. 65 ?)'^37!^ a kind of veil. Chapter XXV. 71D ^n3 to give. n:nn present, l737''D a concubine. c2 16 GENESIS. rr^tii^M-in S ^pT to be old, grown old. HDp to purchase. IG "l!^n to surround. A village. *1tS order, regular disposition. TTfQ a palace or castle. 1-51273 to lift up. N'tD: a prince. 21 nnr to pray, entreat. Be en- treated. n33 straightness, on account of. 22 yi^n to struggle, li^m to inquire. 23 ]i:jn the belly. tZN*? to meet together. A people. 71V12 to be loose. ^n the bowels. ^DM strong. 24 niDin . coin twins. 25 mS to be red. 'OIDIM red, ruddy. mS magnificent, mnn a magni- ficent robe. 26 Dp37 the end, extremity. 27 m!i to look sideways. n>2? a hunter. 28 nnS to love. 29 "TT to swell, boil. TW pottage, or broth. P]V^ to dissolve, tired. r]*3> tired, spent, weary. 30 12^ V to swallow down eagerly. 31 "H^Ja to deliver, give up, sell. t!?*T57 . CWn? lentils, a kind of pulse. nT2 to despise, contemn, slight. Chapter XXVT. "l^ 1 "TinbD besides. 5 ll'pV because. 6 b:27 to ask. 7 nSn to see. mno appearance. 8 *7nM to prolong, ^pti? to look towards, ydnn fQi through a window. pJl'^ to laugh, make sport. 10 nDW to lie. ntr guilt. 11 17;(3 to touch. 12 *nm? anything hairy. Barley, 14 S3p to envy. 15 nDn to dig. CriD to shut up. I^V dust. 16 D!^37 strong. 17 ^n to encamp, pitch a tent. 20 yi to strive. p2i7^ to oppress. Oppression. 21 ^]^W to hate, oppose. 22 pnV to remove, proceed, go on. nm to enlarge. 24 Tl^37;2 on account of. 25 (11^3 to stretch out, tO'l. mD to cut. 26 n^*l to feed. nS-IQ a friend. 28 nbW an oath. 29 nbti? to send. 30 r\r\tD to drink. nnD a feast with drinking. 34 ")1!S bitter, mn mn a bitterness of spirit. Chapter XXV II. TD 1 nniD to restrain. 3 nbD completion. D^?3 instru- ments, weapons, ntrp a bow. ribn to hang. ''?n a quiver, m^ to look sideways, hunt, mii game, venison. GENESIS. 4 D5?10 to taste. D^nj^TOQ savoury meats. 9 12 to assault. n:i a kid. D'lj? >n: kids, goats. 11 phn smooth. 12 WD to feel. TlVn to wander. ymnQ a great deceiver. 15 "TIQ a covering of cloth. Clothes, or covering in general. "TXSn to desire earnestly, mon desirable, ti?^ V to put on, clothe. n~l37 to make bare. *^13> pi. mj? skin. "IS!^ the neck. 1"I2. 20 mp to meet, to light. 23 "HDn to know again, discern. 26 plI73 to kiss. Tfpxis. 27 m breathing, m to smell, nn scent. 28 blD to cast forth. b!Q dew. 29 "1^12 to prevail. Tsa Lord. 33 Tnn to move with quickness. Tremble, shake. W1DS what ? where ? how ? 35 nDT to cast, deceive, cheat. rraiQ deceit. 36 b^S to set apart, reserve. 7730 to support, uphold. 40 pID to break off. 41 nt^W to bear malice against, per- secute with rancour. bl2M to mourn. 42 1371 to tell, declare. Dn3 to console, comfort. 43 n~in to flee from. Flee. 45 P'DW to forget. VwtJ? to deprive. 46 niJp to cut short. n'^r&S'nn 17 Chapter XXVIII. HD 3 ^IW bW God, the pourer forth (of blessings.) bnp to gather. An assembly. 4 1^ to sojourn. "inaD thy sojournings. 11 ^2D to meet with, 12 obn to break, dream. DbD stairs for ascending. n!^2 to stand. nn:?n a pillar, 16 Vp"^ to awake. ^W* sleep. "JDM surely. 17 *nrti7 to be erect. A gate. 18 p"^"^ to pour. 19 nblM notwithstanding, m^ to vow. 22 nWV rich. A tenth, a tithe. Chapter XXIX. ISD 2 m3? a flock. npii? to drink, cause to drink. 3 bbn to roll over and over. 8 h'D^ ability, able. 10 IL?23 to draw near. 13 pSn to embrace. ")QD to recount. 15 DDn gratuitously, for nothinr. "1D27 a reward. Wages. 17 "7^ tender. 25 nttT to deceive. 31 Dm womb. "IpV to restrain. Barren. Chapter XXX. b 1 S3p to envy, rmn give. c3 18 GENESIS. rr^t^Mnn 2 ^3 to withhold. 6 )"T to rule, judge. 8 briD to entwine, twist. ''?1D3 'nn D 'n'?nD3 n^rr^ (by) the twistings of God, I am entwisted with my sister. /^^ to prevail. 11 Tllli i. e. 1^ Sn a troop cometh. 13 *1tt?N to proceed, to bless. 14 n^iSm field-peaches, field-figs, or pine-apples, 16 1DW to hire. Wages. 20 "TST to endow. A dowry. b^t to dwell. 23 ?]DS to gather, put an end to. 2'i r|"nn to strip, nonn a reproach. PD"^ to add, increase. 27 tens to eye attentively. 28 3p3 to mark out. 30 y-lD to break forth. 32 Tp3 speckled. M^bia spotted. Cln tawny, brown. ^tE?D a lamb ; as "OM. 33 "inD time to come, to-morrow. !332 to steal. 1133 stolen. oo IC^TI a he-goat. ^p!i ring-streaked, striped. 36 irV* to remain, mm: remaining, left. n3Sb bp!3 rods of white poplar. nb fresh. Vlb hazel. Piani? chesnut. b!S5 to take oflfthe bark, peel. rjtZ7n to make bare, discover. I^inn a trough or ditch. 38 riDD/ over against. 38 ill^'^ to place or leave in a certain situation. 38 Dn warm, hot. 42 P)t:5^ weak. 'iWp to bind. Strong. Chapter XXXI. wb 1 ^'D.'D weight, glory. 7 bnn to mock. r| vR to change. D>3D mWV ten times. 10 Tnn grisled. 1<5 1DD a stranger. iti7n to add to, account. n^T2i to sell 18 an3 to lead. 71'2p to possess. 19 ttri to cut, shear, or clip. CDin . See under nsn. 23 ^*T"1 to follow after, pursue. 25 Ilt2?3 to overtake. 3?pn to force one thing against another, to pitch. 26 ^(13 to lead away. nm27 to lead captive. nviia captives. 27 sun to hide, conceal. 112? to regulate. W'W songs. 28 tt?lD3 to leave, permit. b^D foolishly. 29 l2?ttM yesternight. 30 f|D2 to desire, long for. 31 bn to take forcibly or greedily. 32 l^n to know, know by searching, 34 D'^D'nn Teraphim. Images with letter symbols, by means of which the Pagans expected answers from their false gods. GENESIS. n">t!?w-in 19 34 ^D round. A large round pannier. B!?ti?D to feel over and over, grope. 35 tl?cn to search out, set free. 36 p^T to pursue hotly. 37 n'D'^ to reason with, argue. bni an ewe. 39 rp:^ torn. t^n compact (bound it up.) 40 :iin dry. Drought, mp bare. Cold, frost. v"n3 to flee. 1W^ to sleep. TiW my sleep. 41 P|7n to change. 42 inD fear. Up'^1 empty. 45 m lifted up, exalted. 46 iDpb to pick up. 73 roundness. A heap. 49 nD2 to overspread. 51 nn^ to shoot, cast. Chapter XXXII. dh 2 1'35 to meet with. 5 nnW to delay. 6 "ntZ7 oxen. 8 W"!"* to fear, be afraid. n2 to afflict. ^"211 to divide into equal parts. 9 T^bO to remove, deliver. rnD'^D an escaping. 11 ^lOp little. ion mercy, kindness. nW to support, sustain. niDM truth. 13 bin sand 14 )h to lodge. n3 to rest. Tfrnm a present. 16 pD'^ to give suck. 17 I^V 1137 each flock nab by itself. 17 n')'n to breathe. A space. 18 ti?3D to meet together. 21 "HSS to cover, propitiate. S12?3 to lift up, accept. ^'D.V to pass, larn a brook. 25 p2S to wrestle, inti? darkness, dawn. 26 2733 to touch. '7'T' the thigh. Vpn to dislocate. P)D to bend. The cup of the hip- bone. 29 1W to rule. 31 b!^3 to deliver. 32 mT to diffuse, to rise, as the sun. (The solar light) diffused its rays. Vb)^ to halt. 33 13 to assault. T3 a sinew. ntt?3 relaxed. Chapter XXXIII. 3b 4 yi to run. n^n to weep. 10 n!^1 to accept, be well pleased with. 1 1 "I^SJD to urge, press. 12 2>D3 to journey, depart. 13 pDl to drive. 14 t^wb softly, gently. 15 3^^"^ to leave in a certain situation, 17 riDD a tent, a booth. ntO'^tt^p good money. Chapter XXXIV. lb 2 b>tli?3 to lift up. ^ttj: a prince. 3 p!31 to cleave. 20 GENESIS. n>:r?sn3 3 nnW to love. 5 HJD13 to pollute, despise. Win silent. 7 !^3? to grieve, vex. nb23 folly. 8 i:WTl to connect, npwr desire, cleave to. 9 "inn to make affinity by marriage. 10 "inO to trade. TnS to hold, possess. 13 n^n to deceive, rrano deceit. 14 bnr superfluous, rhrv foreskin. 15 niS to covet, desire. 7tt to cut, circumcise. 19 y^n to delight. 13D weighty, honourable. 21 nbtt? to make whole, peaceable. C^T* nnm wide of hands, i. e. wide on all hands, or on all sides. 22 nriN to come. 25 IISD to be sore. 27 "^bbn wounded. nt^ to spoil. 29 b'*n substance. 30 n'DV to trouble. l!?Sn to stink. "ICD^ ^n'D men of number, i. e. few in number. 31 n3*lT a harlot. Chapter XXXV. nb 2 nniD to purify. 4 nT3 a jewel of gold. ]TW to weigh. An ear. jritfS to hide. 5 nn to affright, rmn terror. 7 nbn to reveal. "(b32 appeared. 8 pj'' to suckle, rtpyra a nurse. 1 1 vHp to assemble. 14 *^D to anoint, cover. *7DD to mix, pour out. Any drink mixed. A drink-offering, p!^"^ to pour forth. 16 "1122 multiplicity, ywn n"Q3 some distance. ntt7p hard, difficult. 17 "ib^ to bring forth, m^'Q a mid- wife. Chapter XXXVI. lb 15 ^bS to be chief. Pji'jx a leader. Chapter XXXVII. tb 2 m to murmur, rrm a slander, a murmur. 3 D'^DQ nDn3 a coat of many pieces. M2t)l7 to hate. bD^ able. 5 Obn to break, dream. D1^ a dream. DbW to bind. A sheaf of corn. 8 ibD to reign. hWQ to rule. 9 "HDD to recount. 10 "T57n to rebuke. S3p to envy. 14 p^3? depth. A valley. 15 Wpn to seek. 18 /D3 to conspire. 19 b2?2 master. 20 in or lin a pit. b^S to consume, devour, 23 IDU7D to strip, divest. GENESIS. 25 n~lS to travel, nmx a travelling company. inSDD spices, wares, mi^ balsam, ns. TO*? dye, stuff, indigo. 26 l?^n gain, lucre. 27 "n::!: to sell. '^W'D, to remain. Flesh. 28 "^nriD merchants. *7i^^ to draw up. 29 Vnp to rend. 31 t:nt27 to slay. b^li to dip. 33 fyi'^ to tear like a wild beast. 34 b^M to mourn. 35 Dn3 to comfort. 36 D")D to serve, minister. Dno a chamberlain, an eunuch, 1W to regulate. A director, a chief. n!2t^ to butcher, slay. Taj D'm"[Dn chief of the slaughtermen. Chapter XXXVIII. Jib 1 nnW come, come to, come near, approach. nn from with, from thee. nt03 stretch, stretch out or forth, tend, verge, decline, incline, or turn aside. 1^ beyond, further, or besides, something else. To, unto. 71W^ existence, subsistence, reality. iiniZ? corrupt, destroy. Spoil. 2 l^ltZ? open, cry out, vociferate. A proper name. Opposed to tenacious, as rich and liberal is to poor and stingy. n'^tt'M-in 21 3 IS? raise, lift up oneself, be raised. A proper name. A city, from stir and bustle. 4 TIT' press, squeeze, oppress, de- press. 5 f]D'^ add, increase ; with infin. mood following with or without b, or with another verb connected with f^D'by 1. To repeat, do again. Tlhw quiet, easy, secure ; some- times false swearing. ^fD fail in a natural sense, also to deceive in a moral sense. A proper name. A failer, deceiver. 6 "n^i be forward, precede, come, go before, firstborn, a firstling. "n^n straight, upright. 8 D^"' to marry, take to wife by right of affinity. 9 DN support, sustain, confirm. When. nW incline, bow, bend downwards, stoop, be humbled. ^D, mix, mingle. 11 nbD totality, completion, finish- ing. Noun, a perfect one: Daughter-in-law. DT'M compress, constringe, press, &c. n:Q^ widowed, a widow. 12 T^ take off or away, m to shear. r]^}2 distribute, reckon up, &c. n3?on a proper name of a city. 13 r\12r\ hide, protect. A woman's father-in-law, a husband's father. 14 "ID decline, turn aside, turn out of the way, depart. 15^ a covering of cloth or the like, used generally as (clothes). A cover or cloak of dissimula- tion. 22 GENESIS. n^:2?M-in 14 nOD cover, overspread, veil. ?]1?!2 idea, uncertain. A kind of veil. fy^V cover over, envelop. nriD open or loose. A door, at the door of (the fountains.) n337 act upon some person or thing, affect, produce effects upon. D'yy name of a place. ] 5 'D,Wn add, superadd, put together, count, reckon, think. n3T encompass, encircle, enfold, enclose. N. unlawful embraces, a whore, a harlot; commit whoredom. 16 1371'' give, supply, come, pray, prithee, used only in imper. Tfiri. 17 13 assault, attack, rush upon. T'n a tendon, a nurse. See Park- hurst. ;mS7 mix, mingle (a pledge, se- curity). 18 Dnn close, close up (a seal or signet). T'nC twist, wreath, entwist, entwine, a twisted collar or bracelet for the neck. t^^ slide or slip, msa a couch or rod, also a particle (below). 19 W2h put on, clothe (a vesture, a garment), sometimes applied to Jehovah . 20 npb take, receive, accept, almost in any way. 21 12?1p separate, set apart. ilTT to be, exist, related to. mn to subside, subsist, exist, be, &c. With b and a noun following, it denotes change, condition, &c., as, to be, become ; with b and a V. infin. besides its more obvious construction, custom or necessity. 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 T)3 spoil, plunder, strip. n2 a re- proach, object of reproach. ^1W burn, burn up. Root for D'OTiD Seraphim. See Parkhurst. 1^r\ know again, call to mind, recollect, acknowledge, own. CMn connected, cohere, or em- brace, as twins in the womb. ^Q1n Twins. 112^ conceive in the belly or womb. The belly. \7*^ procreate, or breed young. mV'Q a midwife. ItDp bind, bind about. H2W iterate, repeat, do again. ': double-dyed (crimson or purple), a crimson or purple thread. ^W to turn. In Hiph. to cause to turn. T'CQ^ draw back. ^12 break out or through. (Deriv. Pres. &c.) nnt to be diffused, spread, or spread itself. Chapter XXXIX. ^b ni^tO butcher, slay. nb^ pass on, advance, go forwards, prosper. ]1 direct, rule, judge. >3n a ruler, director. Lord. ri"1t2? personal attendance or mi- nistry, (less servile and laborious than what is expressed by ^ys) to attend upon, minister, serve. "TpD take notice of, care for (visit), &c. Appoint (as an overseer), charge, give in trust. TM (a particular) point of time. WO from the lime, from that time. GENESIS. 5 /^ reciprocation, or circularity motion. bbn with a prefixed, because of, by means of one. 6 I1T17 leave, forsake, leave off, dis- miss. niWa or n?21D the least thing, anything at all. DIN to eva- porate, smoke. Cn ''D for, or because in truth. But in truth, but certainly. nD"^ fair, beautiful. HNn delineate, draw, mark out. Lineament, form, shape, appear- ance. 8 ]S^ refuse. 9 *7^n impede action or motion, refrain, restrain, keep back, stop. jf 10 ^^M place by or near oneself, set I apart, near, hard by, with, by. 11 "7^7 employ. Employment, business, work. 12 li?Qn lay hold on, catch, apprehend. 13 ni^n part, divide asunder, whether into equal or unequal parts. The outside of a thing or place, as contra distinct to n'2 within. 14 pni^ laugh, sport. 16 n3 rest or settle after motion, labour, or toil, to place or set. 19 in white or pale colour. nCM heat through or dress (victuals) in an oven or on coals. The nose. A baker. 20 rjS verily, surely, indeed, yea. lilD a kind of deep bowl, cup, or cistern . Round, of round iorni. nnon n^a a prison, q. d., a round- house. IDM confine, restrain, the pri- soner's dungeon-house. D^IIDN. ?1 *TDn succulent, abundance, swel- n^t27Sin 23 ling out. Swelling, abundant goodness or kindness, exuberant bounty. 1W regulate, direct, rule. Ruler, commander, chief. Chapter XL. X2 1 Ml^n deviate from, miss (a scope or aim). TllpW to irrigate, wet, moisten. npM?3 a butler, a cupbearer. 2 P)!5p foam, froth. To foam with anger, to be in a violent rage. 2^nD free, set free or loose, disen- gage. A proper name. 1W regulate, direct, rule. Chief. DID serve, minister, attend. An officer, less servile than 112^. 3 IT^W keep, keep safe, preserve. With Q prefixed, a keeping cus- tody, ward. 5 "inQ explain, expound, interpret, pnnD interpretation. 6 ?]17T troubled, disordered, agitated. 7 I?"!'' perceive by the body or out- ward senses, ynn wherefore, for what reason ? S?"! break, break off. Evil, wrong, afflicted. 9 P)^3 hit, strike against. |D:( a vine, from its limber nature. 10 y^W wreathed, twisted, or twined together. A branch. The pliable or flexible shoot of a vine or fig-tree. mS break forth (as a tree in buds and gems), sprout out, ger- minate, bud, flourish. N. flower** bud, gem, or germ. 2k GENESIS. n>tt7wnn 10 n!^3 shoot, break, or burst forth or out. A flower-bud, or blossom. V^tm ripen, in Hiph. to cause to ripen ; in general to concoct. viDt27 to be wise, &c. To waste, &c. Deprive, &c. N. tottJN a cluster or bunch of grapes, i. e. with prefixed. !233? a grape. Connecting," con- joining, &c. 11 tiintt? to drain. Drain grapes, squeeze or press out their juice or blocd. 13 "n5?:i whilst yet. In yet. J 3 make ready, fit, adapt, dispose, &c. See this in Parkhurst's Lexicon, a post, an office, an es- tablishment. t^Ctt? all regulation and disposal, including all distinction, order- ing, custom, right, &c. 14 IDT 1. remember, make mention of; 2. the male sex, as pre- serving the memory. 15 D33 steal, or be stolen. 13 clear, Cicanse, purity. 'Til a pit, whence the earth is cleared out. 16 70 raise, elevate, exalt. N. (a basket), "^n of a white or pale colour. 19 Hvin hang, hang up, suspend. 23 nrit? to fail, relax, let go (forget), opposed to T^t strong, vigorous, and .'. to remember. Chapter XLI. SD 2 mo bear or produce fruit. miD cows, a heifer, or bull. Sid production either of sub- Stance or form, the creation or accretion of substance or matter. Plump, grown full in flesh, well- fed. 2 nnW join, connect, consociate. Arabic signifies to bind, fasten by binding. in^ a species of plant, a flag, &c. 3 pi beat or be beaten small, thin, slender. vl^W place by or near oneself, set apart, near, hard by. The arm- pit. 4' yp'^ awake, recover from sleep. 5 ^ID^ sleep, be in a sound sleep. T'itt? impel, thrust forward, pi. eajs of corn. Tl^p hold, contain, as something hollow doth. A stalk of corn. 6 P]1W blast or blight. Ulp precedency, priority, or an- tiquity. The East. ntt!J spring, sprout, shoot up. 7 5? v)3 swallow, swallow up. Deriv. belly. 8 D3?D smite, agitate by turns. DtDin a kind of diviners. Interpreters, enchanters, con- jurers by artificial fire. Perhaps compd. of iQin a pen, and Dn to accomplish. D^n wise, skilful, prudent. See list of wise men in Parkhurst's Lexicon under this root. 14 y^ run, move, or ride swiftly. vHn shave. Shave himself. f]7n passing, succession, after, and so change, removal. ^??2tt? surround on all sides, clothe, involve. A garment, vestment. 15 37^127 hear, perceive by hearing, understand. GENESIS. n^t2?wnn 25 18 "HMn delineate, draw or mark out. Lineament, form, shape, appear- ance. 19 pi evacuate, exhaust, draw forth. Vain, empty, worthless; perhaps, very lean. H2r\ ready, present, present one- self. These, those, &c. ]n if, whether, as v, eav, >jv. 21 D*1p approach, come near, close to. The inmost, or most intimate part of anything. The midst, inwards, entrails. bn make a hole or opening, entrance upon. n^nns at the beginning, or at first. 23 D3!^ hard, dry. Occurs but once. 24 122 stand, show oneself, above or before, to make manifest, declare. 27 S^T hunger, be hungry, famine. Eng. rabid. 29 V^W sufficiency, satisfaction, sa- turity. (Noun,) plenty. 30 tlh'D totality, completion, finishing. To finish, complete, in a good or bad sense. (Here) consume, bring to nought, 33 I'D. divide, separate, distinguish, discern, understand. ' 34 7123 discernment, discretion, WT^n array, set in array. Five, take a fifth part. 35 V^P collect, gather together. "1215 collect, gather together, heap up. 36 "TpQ take notice of, care for, give in charge. pipQ a deposit. nnD cut off. 38 nt this, this here; imports eminence, distinction, pre- eminence, as ouroi and hie. 40 pW move, run, or push forwards. MDD set, settle. A seat, a throne, or raised seat, a royal seat. Gr. Q^ovog. Lat. solium. 42 "ID decline, turn aside, depart, re- moved. VD,]^ sink as in water. A ring. Enter, penetrate. 1211 a covering of cloth or the like. Clothes, an outer garment, a cloak or robe. WW brisk, active, sprightly, cheer-, ful. Fine white linen, or cotton cloth. IHI wreathe, intwine, weave, in- terweave. A wreath, chain, or wreathen collar. IMIJ incline, bend downwards, turn. The neck, 43 "7n:2W the father of blessing, nw and "jna. 44 hyi smite, strike, impress. The foot. 45 ^DS to hide, conceal. VQ'^ to irradiate or enlighten, and m rest. mVQ n3D!2 Joseph's names. The names together, signify the treasure of glorious comfort or rest, a name very ap- posite to Joseph on this occa- sion. (Parkhurst's Lexicon.) ]0 pour out, pour out gently, spread out. p^< diffusion. Proper name. Dissolution or death. ]n3 minister in the priest's office. xoviu, hetKonu, haxoyof. Eng. deacon. ^M labour of body or mind. The city of the sun. 47 V^P g^'ssp, take a grasp or handful. A handful. '26 GENESIS. rr^c^wnn 51 TlWi loosing, laxity, relaxation. fTO2Q Relaxed, cause to forget, (Bate). 56 I^W separate, break, break or tear in pieces, to retail, to sell or buy by retail. N. corn. pTn constringe, bind hard or tight. With 1 following, to lay strong hold upon, hold fast, retain. Chapter XLII. SD 4 ]D pour, pour out by degrees, spread out. |D dissolution, death. pD mischief, 6 1^7127 to be over or before, either for protection or rule. In Kal, to rule, have dominion, &c. N. ruler, governor, one who is made so. Der. shield, shelter. 7 lUn to know again, recollect, &c. 123 estrange, alienate, make strange, knew not again. TlWp stiff, tough, rigid, stubborn, hard. Implacable anger. ^M labour of body or mind. ]' from pM. ]'NQ from whence. Not, without, none, nothing, nobody. 9 hyi smite, strike, impress (a foot). In Kal, to investigate, search, or spy out, to foot round a country (a spy). 11 ]D right, proper. D^SD. 15 "jnn try, prove, examine. 16 IDH confine, restrain, bound. 20 ^ttS steadiness, stability, constancy, confirmed. 21 bnW desolate, waste. Alas, indeed, in truth, but indeed. 21 l2li?N guilty, liable to punishment or penalty, or actually to undergo it. D^DM?M. 1!^ bind close, enclose, ms dis- tress, affliction. ]n kindness, affection. In Hith. to supplicate. i:Dnnm. 23 ^?K) smoothness. y^'^O an ad- vocate, intercessor, mediator. 25 pW move, run, push forward. A sack, or large bag. m^ in Chaldee, to look side- ways. In Arabic, to turn away. Victual or provision. 26 nmti? break or separate into small portions, to retail. Corn, thus sold. 27 S5D scrape or sweep together. N1DDO provender for asses or camels. y7 stay, abide, remain, a place to lodge or stay in. nm^ extend, distend, stretch out, innrra a bag or sack. 28 *7"in move with quickness. Tremble, shake, quiver through fear. 30 HWp stiff", tough, rigid, stubborn, hard, roughly. v3"l smite, strike, investigate, search. D'baiD spies. 31 n3D to surname, give a title of respect, or a flattering title, de- notes a society or class of people, D>25 true men. 33 n3 rest or settle after motion. Cause to stay. 34 "inD move to and fro. Traffic. 35 *Tn^ bind up closely, bundle. "Ills a GENESIS. rr^t&snn 27 38 *^S^? remain, be left as a residue. A remnant, a residue. ID pour out gently, spread out. pD dissolution or death. 7iy^ afflict, grieve. Affliction, grief. Chapter XLIII. 2?3 3 IV beyond, further, bear witness. l^Tf testify. 8 ?)tD nimble, active. Young children. 9 ^"^V mix, mingle. Pledge, surety. 52"^ place, set, or leave in a certain situation or condition. 10 Sbib except. nSSnD delay, dally; as we say, Shill-I-shall-I. 1 1 IttT to cut off. Fruits. n3 rest or settle. nn2D a present. rrn!^ to flow, as a vein or wound, with blood. See acct. balm Mecca, ns balm. W21 conglutinate, glue, or join together. Honey. nWD bruise, break, beat, beat down. r*03 spicery, such as is bruised in a mortar, tob hide, involve, inwrap, wrap up or over. Gum or myrrh. ^tD^ conceive in the belly or womb. D'i^ca nuts, from their shape, or pistachio nuts. Iptt? wake, watch. Almond- tree* almonds. 1 2 nUti? expatiate, luxuriate, run wild. An error, a mistake. 14 mtt? pour out or forth, to shed, all bountiful. 16 nDtD butcher, slay. Slay meat. 16 ir\1^ clear, transparent. Noon, mid-day. 18 bn make a hole or opening. bVr? to open eminently. n'?nn be- ginning, vh'^b'n far be it. God forbid. bbn any cause, bbjnn!? find caure. 20 >noh. 23 l^tD hide, cover. paiDQ treasure. 28 1p to bow, or bow down the head. 30 IDD convolve, contract, yearned. Tin surround, encompass, fence round. An enclosed place, a room or chamber. 31 ym I'^^Q wash his face. pOM moan or groan. Restrain moan in silence. 32 b^'^ power or ability. Can or could. "D-Vn loathe, nauseate, abominate. mr^n an abomination. 33 HDn wonder, astonished, amazed. 34 Mtt?D to bear. mxtJQ messes. 1212? satisfy, satiate. Merry. Chapter XLIV. IQ 2 37S21 conicalness of form, in a po- pular, not a mathematical, sense. 2?1^2 a large drinking vessel. A goblet, shaped like a truncated cone. 4 prrn remove to a distance, or far off. Dbti? make whole, entire, complete. Integrare, perficere. Repay. 5 U?n3 view, eye, observe attentively. tun: "On^ he would surely search accurately for it. 6 !ltt?3 overtake, reach, attain to. d2 28 GENESIS. n^t->a 6 W^n free from incumbrance, con- finement, business, &c. n^S ending, search narrowly, search, as by stripping. 13 V^p rend or rent. bX2tt? surround on all sides, to clothe. DD3? lift up on another; so, to lade or load. 16 pIlOlJ appear righteous, excuse. 19 1DD like as. 20 "nn^ exceed, remain over and above, left. 23 120 cover, protect, secure. 29 ^"1 break, afflict. 7VX 30 IWp bind, bind about or up. miTDp bound up. 32 H^> afflict, grieve. ]m Chapter XLV. Htt 1 pDM put a force upon, constrain, restrain oneself. 3 bnn hurry, be precipitate or hasty. Niph. hurried, ter- rified. 4 IIDD deliver, or give up to another. To sell. 5 i!S17 labour or travail, grieve afflict. 6 1!^p cut short, curtail. Fruits so cut. T!?p harvest. 7 UW . D127 preserve. 11 nbiD totality, completion, finishing. 172V stand, tarry. ^3^2 nourish, support with food. Wl lack, be in want, poor, desti- tute, "omn. 17 ]^12 pierce, stab. Prick, egg on, goad on. 17 *13?^ clear off, take clean away Ty2 a brute animal, a beast. 19 y^S round, orbicular, roundness. A carriage or car. 20 on wink or half-close the eyes. Be under no concern. With ^ following on account of, upon. Dnn. 22 Ppn passing, &c. So, change, renewal. 23 ]r)S strength. n3n a she ass. ]T prepare, prove. pD provision, food. 24 imn IWnn bs be not afraid to come on your journey. Wl motion, agitation. Tremble with anger or fear. 26 nS fail, fainted. :d\ Chapter XLVI. 1 1 n^St to slay in general. 26 "yV' to be long, extended in length. (The thigh.) *T^ separate, alone, lib apart. llbn besides, without. 28 m** direct, put straight, or even, guide, aim, &c. 29 "nDS confine, restrain, bind. NT' fear, be afraid, reverence. 34 ^^V to pass, mni^a because, in order that. Chapter XLVII. 1*3 2 H'^p to make an end by cutting off, an extremity. n!?pn some, some part. n!^'' to place, set, or leave in a certain situation. GENESIS. 6 \>TV remain, abide, stay, ^^rr per- severing, strength, ability. 9 ID17D be diminished, lessened, im- paired, made few. 2lti73 overtake, reach, attain to. 13 rib faint, fail. 1 4 tOpb pick, pick up, gather. 15 DiT' being single and solitary- (Arab.) to be without, to lack, not to have, nn*' to give, supply, nsn. DDS fail, cease to be. 17 bn3 to tend, conduct, take care of, sustained. 18 in'D take off, remove, conceal, hide. n*l^ to form into a mass or body, an animal body. 1 9 n^W or DW"^ waste or desolate. 21 h'D,^ set up a boundary, to bound* terminate. 22 pn describe, mark or trace out? defined. Settled portion 23 Sn behold. 31 ^12 to slide or slip. A particle below. ntDD a couch, a rod. Chapter XLVIII. H'Q 1 nbn to be or make faint. To be sick, vrona, xaft,vu 2 711^12 a bed, a couch. 7 nSD multiplicity,frequency, abund- ance. n">lD yi a little way, i. e., a good way, some distance. 10 p^n fold together, embrace. nb3 separate, sever, divide. V7^ judge, form an opinion. 16 bs:i redeem. rT^ti7nn 29 17 "^^n lay hold on, hold, hold up. "ID decline, turn aside. 19 ^ND refuse. DvS tie, bind. Dbiw but truly. 22 DDti? readiness, forwardness, dili- gence. A district, a portion, as the shoulder part of the body. Chapter XLIX. IDtt 2 V^P collect, gather together. 3 n3 strong, vigorous, firm. Might* ]")S for. ]in strength. "iry^ to exceed, excel. nStt? dignity. Mt!?D bear, take or lift up. n^3t2? double-dyed. *1trp bind, bind about. (Bands, head-bands.) 19 nbl draw, draw out. A door. 10 15 Chapter III. 3 1") vibrate freely. p"\ ark. > pm remove, be removed to a \ distance. A space. ntribrD blDnrS signify lately. Yesterday, heretofore. From Dn to finish, and h^xi cut off". C^'?^ a third time past. *in?3 commute, exchange one thing for another. To-morrow. W^^ succeed in possession. Dis- v3ltD dip, plunge. "73 assault. miJ banks. mS to look sideway. ISQ beside, mn waste, diminish, consume (as water), nain dry ground. 10 Chapter IV. 1 Tiy^ to affect. po"? because of. y^n loose, set loose, &c. (Draw- ing out, draughting.) Si!^ assemble together in a regular stated manner. War. pn3 draw away, withdraw. mi diff"used. Sun rising, the East. Chapter V. 71 1^ bind close, enclose. Sharp (knives). nt gush, spring, or issue out. WD.1 honey. Conglutinate, glue, or join together. Syriac. Tl vigorous, strong, nvrr strong, vigorous, lively. nOQ with by pass or leap over by intervals. HDD passover. JOSHUA. rti7*in> 33 11 *in^ pass in whatever manner. miy produce of the land. nSD squeeze, press. niJJta cakes of unleavened bread. TV7p levity, lightness. To roast, parch, '>^bp Roasted and parched (corn). Q^17 denotes, substance. Self- same, very. 12 n3tt distribute, p Manna. nn27 cease. 13 ?) /li? draw, push out, or oflf. 15 ^W oose, loosen, let loose. 7S73 fasten, make fast. A shoe, a sandal. Chapter VI. t 1 *n2lD shut up, enclose. 3 f]p^ go round, surround, en- compass. 4 I^W seemly, goodly, elegant, &c. rrnziW trumpets. 3'' bring or carry along from one place to another. Blast of a trumpet. Jubilee. 37pn force or drive one thing against another. Blow with a trumpet. 5 '^W^ draw, in almost any manner, protract, prolong. 5?n break, break in pieces, &c. I5>T shall shout. n3?Tin. 7 ^bn loose, disengage. Draught- ing, free from incumbrance. A soldier preparing for battle. yibn the soldiers selected for the service. 15 inW dark coloured, dusky. (The dawn of the morning.) nCti? to put or set in order. All regulation and disposal Custom. 17 D*in total separation of a thing or person. Cut off, destroyed utterly, devoted. S!3n hide or conceal. 18 132? trouble, disturb. 19 1!5M lay up, store, or treasure up. 20 137 take, as a city or town in war. 21 r\W in Syriac, cooling. A lamb or kid. One of the smaller cattle. 26 TD'' to found. 3^'' set, settle firmly, establish. Chapter VII. f I bV?3 decline, deflect, go aside. 3 l?;i' labour, weary. 5 J^Tl follow, go after. 7 vS^ to will, resolve, determine, ^:bn^r^ ibl O that we had resolved. 8 ''^ oh. a on or to, and * me. *7QrT turn or change the condition. 11 t27n3 fail, be deficient in truth. Lie. 12 I'QW destroy, abolish. 13 "HD turn aside, remove. 14 "nil strong, powerful. A man. Any, every man. 19 inD take off or away. Conceal, hide. 21 TIM magnificent, goodly, glo- rious. Hence, u^^os great, rich, strong, rrnw a robe. 23 p!^"' pour or spread out. 25 D3n whelm, heap, heap together, ^pO pelt or throw. Chapter VIII. H 1 inn broken, broken in mind, dis- mayed. 84 JOSHUA. ^W'\n> 2 t!2 spoil, plunder, strip. mS lie in wait, ambush. 6 pn^ draw away. 8 W^n lay hold on, catch, apprehend. ni^'' burn or be burned, set on fire. 10 IpD take notice, review, mus- tered. 11 nS2 increase, rise, swell. N'3 or "y a valley or rising ground, i. e. a lawn, rising from the bottom to the adjoining hill. 13 Sp3? supplant, displace by stra- tagem, ambushment. 14 ^"12? mix, mingle. Tfl-SS a plain, a desert. 15 27113 touch, meddle with, drew nigh. 18 ID propel, shoot, dart forth. pT3 short spear, javelin. 20 71^11^ n^H hither and hither. 22 TIW leave or left behind. 23 WDn lay hold on, catch, appre- hend. 24 Dn finish, consume. Don con- sumed utterly. 28 bn an elevation. A ruinous heap. Q!2127 exceedingly desolate, non" a great desolation. 29 b22 fall down, wear away. A carcase. 31 DHD mark, engrave, write. ^3 reach out, stretch forth. 32 nSlZ? iterate, repeat, do again. n:'OQ a duplicate or copy. 33 mt diffused, spread. mw a native, opposed to 12 a sojourner. Tll^n part, divide asunder. bxS cut or pluck off, separate, bn ViD at the termination, i. e. towards the forefront. 84 Nip to meet, call, to read. Chapter IX. tO 1 bSli? humble oneself. W:i)'0 a low plain country. 2 V^P collect, gather together. HD obvert, turn towards. One consent. 3 UIV naked, nony wisdom, pru- dence. 4 "ni$' form, shape, fashion. In Hitlip. sometimes written n^QS, as here. Tl/'D, wear or waste away. Old. *7S3 ooze out, be moist. A bottle of skin, i. e., a goat or kid. D'l^pao bottles burst asunder. DnnSD collections of things bound closely together. 5 7272 make fast. A shoe, a sandal. Nbl^ spot, with large spots or patches. 16 lp2 mark with spots. Mouldy. 18 "|b stay, abide. Murmur. 20 ?]^p foam, froth. Rage, wrath. 21 Dt^n to hew, as wood. 22 HTSn cast or throw by deceit, &c. Deceive. Chapter X. * 6 nD'n give way, relax, slacken, abate, ^rip to collect, gather together, 9 DHHD suddenly. 10 DJSn disturb or discomfit exceed- ingly. 11 Tin congelation. Hail. 12 HDT equability of sitnation. Thus quietness, rest, stillness. W12W solar light. Sun, i. e. solar light (standing still upon Gibeon). JOSHUA. 2727in"^ 35 12 U)1 be tliou even or level, m^ lunar light. 13 ^M press, urge, hasten. 19 SDT cut off hindmost (extremity). DiSnn permit ye them. 20 T)W leave, be left. n^SD restrain, shut up. 'y22'0 for- tified. 21 yin shorten, cut short, snarl. Jar (his tongue.) 24 fl'^p an extremity, an end. ]'>'2p a captain. 40 mW pour forth, to shed. rmtDM springs, streams, or rills of water. Chapter XI. > 2 P|D reach out, stretch forth. (Coast) the height. 6 IpV cut, cut off, wound. Hough (horses). 11 in*' exceed, remain over and above. 15 ID"^ restrain, check. ptn constringe, bind hard or tight^ 23 pbn smooth, even. Divide in an exact manner. Regular division, iDpti? quiet or rest. Chapter XII. ^"^ 3 ^QTl what is on the right hand. (The South.) 2DD divide, dissect. A broken ridge, consisting of many distinct hills. 4 MD"n restore or reduce to a former state. D'Bn Giants. 9 mi5 to look sideways. TSD nar- row pass or defile. Chapter XI II. a' 2 773 roll over and over. rvi^'^J borders, limits. 3 0*^3*^0 princes, chiefs, rulers. 6 n vD separate, sever, divide, 9 IW^ straight, even, smooth. "fC'D a plain. 14 tt?M fire. D'N fire-offerings. 22 UDp divine presage, prognosticate. DDIp soothsayer. 23 *12n surround, confine. D^iJn Villages. 30 mn declare, discover, shew, mrr small towns, and towns. Chapter XIV. T 2 7*13 lot, inheritance. 4 Wiy expel, drive, thrust out. D^iC"i:io suburbs. 6 miM because of, concerning, 8 Sba to be full. Follow (entirely), Chapter XV. 113 5 nSD a side, extremity, part, quarters. Aspect, bound. 7 n!53 straightncss, directness, right- ness. With b, directly over against, before or forwards. 8 P]nD bind together, bind hard. The shoulder, a side or border. 9 "INH delineate, draw, mark out; or to be delineated. rnp to meet, join. A city, a great town. 18 riD stir, raise, rouse up, excite. n3^ throw or drive downwards. Throw oneself off, or alight as from an ass. S6 JOSHUA. 18 72 circularity of motion, rby a spring of water. Chapter XVI. ttD 7 i^^Q meet, meet with, light upon, reach unto. 10 HD^ disunion or dissolution of texture, &c. Draught or levy of men. Chapter XVII. t'' 5 7Dn bind, tie, connect. (Portion.) 11 ?1D stretch forth. (Extent of country.) 14 3?1*TZ3 wherefore, nn what, and yn knowledge. 15 711V bare, make bare. '\$-> woody. S^IH production of substance or form, prepare. ^M press upon, straighten, confine. 16 SIJD find, suffice. 17 riD strong, vigorous, firm. Chapter XVIII. rT* 1 'l^XD dwell, inhabit, place. W^'D subdue, subject. 3 nCI give way, relax. 6 m"* direct, guide, aim, put straight Chapter XX. 3 2 ^n3 give, and with b, bM, % &c., following, to put, place or set, appoint. a^p contract. N. contraction, retreat. TLbpn) retirement, refuge. 2 m** thrust forth. Tl by the hand, or by the instrumentality. 3 n^l manslaughter or murder. N. manslayer. n^tZ? expatiate, luxuriate, grow wild. :i2^ err, transgress through ignorance. N. mere error, mistake, inadvertence. 5 "l^D shut up, give up. D1t2?7li? /inQ some time before. 7 tt?1p separate, set apart. Chapter XXI. 3 A distribution of cities to the Levites. Chapter XXII. DD 5 pill cleave. 8 D3 reckon, number, count. CDD) such riches were usually counted as money, precious stones, &c. Riches. 16 v^D decline, deflect, go aside. Transgression. "niO rebel, revolt. 17 "nnili to be pure, clean, clear. f]!D hit, strike against. A slaughter, smiting. 18 ?)!ip to foam, froth. Wrath. 19 J2tD pollute, defile. ''"T3? vH without, besides, except. 20 5?1Il expire, labour or pant for death. 23 nS rest after motion. rrrr^D gift, oblation. A kid or other sacrifice. Wp'D, seek, require. 24 2ST troubled, in commotion, agita- tion. rraTD Trouble, uneasiness. JOSHUA. 3?tin*' 87 Chapter XXIII. DD 5 ?)13 drive or hurry away. 12 )nn contract affinity by marriage. 13 nD expand, spread out, dilate. A net. Wp'^ lay, set, or spread as a snare or toil. \DplO a snare. tt3p3 the same. n^tt? decline, go or turn aside. TQW a whip or scourge ; also, :0!D'tt?. ]1J pointed, sharp pointed. D':s D'::2 thorns, prickles. Chapter XXIV. ID 1 n^** set, settle, place steadily or firmly. 6 tt?*1D spread out, stretch out. Horseman, although some think, distinguished from DID cavalry, as a rider on a camel, from one who rides on a horse. nOD to scrape, to sweep. PilD D the weedy sea. bSN hide, conceal by opaque matter. Vdno thick darkness. 10 n^M acquiescence, willing, submit 11 v^n have or take possession. (Confederates.) 12 3?12 smite or strike with venomous matter. The wasp, the larger wasp or hornet. 13 VT labour. D'HD prune, cut oflf. A vine or vineyard. ^T to be bright, splendid, m the olive-tree. riD3 plant, fix, infix. 19 M3p enter into, corrode. n^yp jealous. 25 pTl describe, mark or trace out. A definite statute, ordinance or appointment. 27 t2?n2 fail, be deficient (in truth.) 31 *7'nM length, long, prolonged. 32 V^iWp truth, rectitude. A lamb or sheep. Also, money stamped with do. JUDGES Chapter I. N THM catch, lay hold, seize. yj^p cut ofi", cut in pieces, through and through, ^n^ thumb or great toe. 7 IDpb pick, pick up, gather. 7 nbt& send forth, pbro a table. (Put forth.) 16 "l^n straight, upright. Palm-trees- ID go round or about, search ont, explored. 38 JUDGES. 28 rW'Q melt or dissolve. Tribute. 34 ^nb press, squeeze, crush. 36 vhO cut, break. A rock from its cragginess. Chapter II. H 2 T^'2'2 throw or drive downwards. 3 W1^ expel, drive or thrust out. 12 D57D angry, irritated, provoked to anger. 14 nOtt? rob, plunder, pillage. Di- ripere. 15 Dn3 change of mind. pS3 groan, make a doleful noise. pni thrust, press upon, distress. 19 nbD separate, sever, divide. TlWp stiffen, harden. 20 1^^ because, from n^y. 22 HO^ try, attempt, essay. Chapter III. 3 nt2?M proceed, go forward. A grove. 1 1 tOplZ? quiet, at rest. 15 "lias obstruct, shut. Obstructed. 16 l^n a measure. Some say, a cubit of fifteen inches. I "l!in gird, gird round. 19 bOQ to hew, chip, cut with a tool. A graven or carved image. Dn hist, hush. To be silent, keep silence. nip smooth. mpQ ice, and from its smoothness. rvhv upper chamber. 22 n!^a stand, stand up. (Haft or handle. 22 nnb flame, burn. (Blade of a sword.) rjbtt? draw, push out or off. "Tti^lB dung, excrement. tJlD dung, and m^J to pour. 23 mo order, dispose, arrange. Gallery, not porch. pilDD. v5?2 fasten, make fast. 24 "Tin surround, encompass. (Room, chamber.) 26 ^\l2 set free or loose. Escaped. 30 5?3D lay down, brought low. 31 "TDb accustom, habituate. Tob'o "Ipll look upon, look accurately. A beeve. Chapter IV. 1 6 *7^^ draw in almost any manner. 9 DDS fail, cease to be, only. 'D DDM only that, nevertheless. 18 ^'QW recline, lie, down. TtT^XD a rug, mattress. 19 npW irrigate, wet, give drink to. D!2 empty, fast. NO!? thirst. (Ken- nicott.) 1M3 ooze out, be moist, tin: a bottle. 21 irX) (Arabic) thrust, or drive in, fix firmly, in^ a pin or stake. A pointed stake. !2p3 make hollow, bore, pierce, &c. mpD (a kind of hammer.) tDSb involve in a covering, hide* tDNbi in secret, secretly. p*1 evacuate, exhaust, np temple of the head. D^^ drive downwards. WV) shut close, stop up. Over- whelmed with sleep. JUDGES. D^t^Diir? 39 21 ?)V dissolve, melt, dissipate, tired, spent. Chapter V. 71 2 i7"lD free, set free, deliver. T\til nijno for working deliverances (in Israel.) ^"73 free, liberal. Offered them- selves freely. H )Tl poise or balance a thing by the hand. D'^n counsellors. walk, eo forwards, ir!$ step, march. go 4 r)l33 distil, drop down. 5 vTJ distil, trickle, run down. 6 bin cease, fail. Dn3 path, pathway, mma. vp57 crooked. Very crooked. 7 T"1Q disperse, scatter. Open village or town, opposed to fenced. used as a particle in 7th verse. 8 U'Win D"^nb iny (Israel) chose new Gods. ntyi a spear. pij^n define accurately. D'pp^n (lawgivers.) Delineations, ima- ginations. ]nM strength. n:n she ass. in^ white, shining, bright. 11 nSn part, divide asunder, in equal or unequal parts. ^217 separate parties of the enemy. 12 n^tll? carry or lead captive. 13 mtr? leave or be left behind. )'^I2 between. In the midst. 14 tt?nt27 root, take root, or cause to take root. ^ICD draw. 14 lS2!i7 a rod, a longish staff, a pen or style resembling a small rod. 16 nStt? put or set in order, dispose. D'nD'OJO sheepfolds. pltt? yellow, tawny. Shrill bleat- ings. ")"T2? separate, set apart. A flock of sheep, a herd of kine. 17 H^n cover, veil. The sea-coast. ^1D break out or through. canDo breaches, creeks. 18 ^"in strip, make naked, divest. Stript or exposed (their persons). 19 2?!jn break, cut off. (Breaking or cutting off.) vD raise, elevate, exalt. DnVxJOD from their elevations. 21 F)12 wrap or roll together down or away. *7"11 go or come forwards. (My soul) hath trodden down. 22 D7n beat, smite, strike upon. Knocked to pieces. n^^obrn hammer. im prance, spring, or bound. "IllN strong, stout, mighty (viz. horses). 26 bCD a bowl or dish. bXS^ toil, lal)0ur, travail. mQ7n'7 D'oby toils of the hammer. pntt break, break through ; if not a participle, rrpn imprint, strike, penetrate. ^bn change, renewal. Pass or drive through, strike through. p*1 evacuate, exhaust, np temple of the head. 27 5?"13 bow, sink down. IW shatter, demolish. ITO shat- tered to pieces, destroyed. e2 40 JUDGES. 28 2!!'' cry aloud, exclaim. DDtt? (Arabic) cool. S2 a lattice. WD, flag, fail. 2 flag very much, loiter, delay. 29 UDH wise, skilful, prudent, mo? personal attendance. At- tendants. 30 Dm embrace, surround, surround closely. A damsel (of damsels.) ^D!^ to form longish lines or streaks. What is coloured. A stripe, or striped garment, and a hyaena. Dpi variety of colour or figure. Brocade, embroidery, variegated work. Chapter VI. 1 3 *nna flow or run as water. mnnsQ dens enlightened by a hole or aperture. Places of refuge. (Bates.) r\11^ look sideways. m^D a nar- row pass or defile. A strong hold. 4 bH"^ bring or carry along. bM"* produce of the earth. nnOy corrupt, mar, spoil, destroy. 5 ''T enough, sufficiency, plenty. D"1M lie in wait, ambush. nm be exceeding great. Part, locust na"i. 6 nb"T draw, draw out, Exhausted. 7 iy\1V hV on account of, by reason of. 7TT. 11 tann thrash or beat with a stick or staff, n^n wheat. (Delicate, delicious.) 11 rD cutting, beating, pounding. A wine-press. r\D^ take, pull, or pluck away. D'2n'7. 13 C?t23 loose, set loose, relax. Laxare, solvere, set loose, i. e., forsake, abandon. 14 P]bM being chief, principal, leader. 18 nii?D draw out or forth, withdraw. 19 "T^l assault, attack, rush upon. n3 a kid. nSM heat through or dress victuals. nE' an Ephah, 7h gallons. HQ'K where, of what aspect, n^p meal, flour. nS^^ squeeze, press. miJO cakes of unleavened bread, destitute of yon, or fermenting matter. pID scour, cleanse, absterge. (Broth.) "IID break or divide entirely. ITID a pot or kettle. 20 fh turn aside. (This, this here.) ']VW incline, recline. (Staff, prop.) 22 nnS ah ! 25 D*in break through, break in, break down, destroy. "1C7M proceed, go forwards. mffiM a grove. 26 )VT^ remain, dwell, Mansion, dwelling. 28 yn^ break in pieces, break down, destroy. 31 111 or n'^'n strive, contend. 34 Wu? put on, clothe, invested. 35 p3?T cry aloud, call together. 37 H!^'' place, set, or leave in a certain situation or condition. f^ take off or away, to shear. Wool shorn off, a fleece. JUDGES. D'.I0S1l& 41 37 "ID!^ weak, languid. Wool, from its softness. Soft, tender, &c. mn excite, move, stir up. pj a threshing-floor. b^ cast or send forth. Dew, moisture, vapour. 38 IT compress, squeeze. bOD the bowl or dish. 39 rTD3 try, attempt, essay, prove. Chapter VII. T "^M^ adorn, decorate, beautify. "Tin move with quickness, and tremble with fear. "12^ move quickly, run hastily. 4 Pp'2 melt, refine, prove, try. 5 ph lick or lap with the tongue. 6 V'^'D bow, sink down. 8 ptn constringe, bind hard, (become strong,) with a following, to lay strong hold upon, retain. 13 nb!^ roast, toast, or bake, bbs a baked cake, baked under coals. "^Cn turn, or change the con- dition, overturn. Hith. turned upon itself, or over and over. 1 6 ^Db to shine. A lamp, "^n the midst, between. 21 nn^ descend, nnn under, instead of, in his own place. Vn break, break off, cried aloud. 25 2pD make hollow. ap> a wine fat or vat. nWt impetuosity. A wolf. Chapter VIII. n 2 bb^y ascend repeatedly. To glean, gleaning grapes. 2 'n!J2 restrain, shut up. Vintage. 3 nC") give way, relax, slacken, abate. VyS vibrate. Panting from fatigue. 5 HDD several things of a flat, roundish form. A plain. A flat round cake of bread and of meal. 7 Wl thrash, beat or shatter to pieces. fp fret, lacerate, wound, yip a thorn. p"Q lighten., send forth, lightening. ]p"ia a kind of thorn with very sharp prickles. 9 yn^ break to pieces, break down, destroy. 10 P)btt7 draw, push out or off". 11 niO-1 hang close, cling, trust, secure. 7*in move with quickness. Trembled, terrified. 13 Din the solar orb. The solar orb being on high. (See riT). 15 Fjin strip, make naked, divest. Reproach, disgrace. 21 "intt? round. Round ornaments. 24 Dti3 connecting closely with a clasp. An ear or nose ring. 26 P]tD3 distil, drop down. Drops, jewels. D2n whelm, heap, heap together. p:nb< purple. W prefixed to ^ that was, upon. pyS encompass, surround. A chain for the neck. Chapter IX. ID 2 "hVD, have or take possession of. Ruler. 42 JUDGES. 4 "1312? satisfy, satiate, hire; tnS overflow. Dissolute. 9 IWl fill or plump up. Fatness. 373 move, move to and fro. 10 n3Sn a fig-tree. See ]M. 11 pryd sweet, agreeable to the taste. SD put forth, bud, shoot, &c. m:n fruits, increase, produce. 12 ?]23 hit, strike against. pJ avine. 14 ItOW a bramble or thorn. To fasten or drive in strongly. nS firm, stable, durable. The cedar, see Parkhurst's Lexicon ; not from n waste, attenuate. 15 b?23 retribution or return. As the reward of his hands. 17 "jblZ? cast, cast down or away. And threw his life before (him), i. e., hazarded or exposed it in battle. 21 m'D, pass from place to place. To flee. 23 nW to rule. 1312 use a cloak of treachery (deceive), or of dissimulation, hypocrisy. 25 bT3 take away by violence. Plunder. Also, a pigeon. 26 "HlJn restrain, shut up, gathered. D*1D prune, cut off". Vine or vineyard. 29 "HDM confine, restrain, bind. 33 t2tt?D divest, strip ofi". Rush foi:th. 37 "11310 the navel (of the land), as the heads of the mountains. 3S DS^ reject, with contempt or disgust. Despise, abhor. (Arab.) idea, to be dilated as a wound. 45 ^n3 break in pieces, break down, destroy. 46 n*1!J cry aloud, roar out. A hollow place or vault of a large building. 47 V-^P collect, gather together. 48 mnp a hatchet or axe. mp to meet, rroi to level. *^W stop, assuage, check, rovi' a stake. 49 n!^'' burn, be burned. 51 33 expand. The flat expanded roof. 53 nvD cleave, cut, or split. A piece split off, a fragment. !3D1 to ride. The upper millstone which rides upon the lower. 54 Ipl stab, pierce. Chapter X. ' 4 IV to raise, y^ a city, a young ass, ass colt. 8 yVI crush, break by crushing. y2D break, oppress greatly. 16 "I2p cut short, shortened. Chapter XI. N> 34 P|n smite, strike, beat. A tabor, tabret. bn make an opening. n^HD a pipe, flute. 35 3?"nD bow, sink down. Afflict. 3?"np rend or rent. 37 nD"n give way, relax, let go. vnm separate, sever. Virginity. 39 pn describe, trace out. An ordi- nance. 40 n3n shriek, wail, bewail. JUDGES. a^t^Ditt? 48 Chapter XII. ^'^ 4 y!2p collect, gather together. 6 v!2tt7 impel, thrust forward, tontt? drain, slay. Chapter XIII. :i> 1 "IP'S? cut, cut off. TT\p^ barren. 4 M^ID pollute, defile. Unclean. 5 m'' direct, put straight. Ttwo a razor. 1^2 separated, set apart. A Na- zarite. 8 "iniS? expand, dilate, diffuse. Open. 14 ]''^n the wine. "JSU Vine. 15 "1!^^ restrain, retain, stop, detain. 18 SbS extraordinary, wonderful. Shewed himself wonderful. Acted in an extraordinary manner. Chapter XIV. T 4 HDM presence of an object. TONH occurrence, an occasion. 5 "1DD cover, overspread. TD3 a young lion. niS pluck off, crop. A lion. :itt7 roar. 6 n^U pass on, advance. Come upon. ^D12? split, cleave, rend, yet not so as to separate entirely. HD'lSD the least thing, any thing at all. 8 bD3 to fall. n^Da a dead carcass. *T^ beyond. m3> an assembly, a swarm (of bees). 8 "1!31 to drive, mim a bee, pi. 9 mil to form into a mass or body. An animal body, alive or dead. 10 ini3 view, behold, regard. A young man. 12 "in to penetrate. HTrrM an enigma, parable. (Hence, in to propose a parable or enigma.) ]1D loosen, let loose. A loose kind of garment. A shirt or smock. 15 Tin^ draw aside, entice, seduce to evil. 17 p2 press, press down. Distress. 19 ^vPT loose, set loose. T(:i')n a loose robe or garment, or spoil stript from an enemy. Chapter XV. ttD 1 "l^p cut short. D'Tcn TSp wheat- harvest. 11T1 surround, encompass. Chamber. 3 71p^ clear, clear away. (Clear from guilt.) 4 ^VW hollow, concave. ("jS^l^D) a fox- ID V a burning torch or firebrand. nST extremity of anything. Tail. 5 *n^Zl clear away, consume, kindle. Dp rise, stand. TTOp standing corn. ' Wl^ heap, heap up. A heap of corn. 8 pW move, run, push forwards, yv b^ pW leg upon thigh. ^VO split, divide, rive. (A cleft.) 9 tt7lD3 loose, diffuse, spread abroad. 12 r^D meet with. Rush or fall upon. 13 rO.V twine, entwine. A rope. 44 JUDGES. D^taDia? 14 nnQ?D flax, linen. HDD melt, dissolve. Loose. 15 miD newness, freshness, moisture. A fresh (jawbone). 16 iDn disturb, trouble, put into disturbance or discord. I have put them into the utmost dis- order. D'mnn v'on. 19 tJ?nD bray, pound, beat to pieces. The mortar-hole, not jawbone. Chapter XVI. TID 2 IZnn silent thought, attention. 3 TT move, move to and fro. mTto a door-post, mn to pass from place to place, to flee. A bar which thus passes. P)nD to bind together. The shoulder. 7 irV exceed, excel. A rope, string, or cord. nn? smoothness or the like. Fresh, opposed to tDS' dry. 9 pHD draw away or asunder, pluck asunder. 7nD twist, entwine. A thread. m action or breathing of air in motion. 10 7nrT mock, banter, trifle. 12 t^n compact. A thread. 13 ms weave. A shuttle, a loom. ^^n denotes passing, succession after. Lock of hair. 'yD'Q mix, intermix, nana the warp. 14 'Spn to force or drive one thing against another, fasten. 16 p2 press, press down. ^bN urge, teaze, distress. 1 7 m** to direct. miD a razor, nbn shave. TV7tl faint or languid. 20 ~I2?3 agitate, move briskly. 21 "1p3 bore, dig or cut out. into comminute, reduce to powder. To grind. 25 pnW conflict, make sport. pH'^ laugh, make sport or di- version. riD V to incline, turn aside, ptn bind, hard. Grasp. 26 WTy^ feel, grope. 27 yy a flat expanded roof. nD^ to feel. Chapter XV IL P 3 ^D overspread. TODD a covering. 4 ^1!S melt, refine. A Refiner. 5 nDI give way, relax. Teraphim. 10 *Tn37 set in order or array, "p^ Dnn a suit of clothes. 11 bW will, resolve, determine. Chapter XVIIL n' 2 ^pn search minutely and exactly, explore. 3 D vH beat, smite, strike upon. Hither, here. 6 nD3 straightness, directness, right- ness. Directly opposite to, over against, before. 7 tOptt? quiet. D v3 put to shame. (See 7th verse.) vD'' any kind of power or ability. 1'2V restrain, stop. JUDGES. 9 nt&n denotes forbearance of action or speaking. D'tOTD still, in- active. DVn msn the day is ready to pitch. h'^V slothful, idle, loiter. 10 Dn*' nnm broad of hands. ^DH abate, want. 11 "inn gird, gird round. 22 p^l adhere, cleave. Overtook. 25 ?|DN gather, take off, destroy. 30 n7^ remove or be removed. Chapter XIX. tD'' 1 "^l"^ as ^"1M to be long. rr3T the side of a country. 3 "TJiS to couple or join together, be in pairs. A pair. 7 "Hl^D press hard, urge with violence. TrD support, sustain. ti?3 vD a concubine. jVd to divide, and XD7Z. 10 ti?^n bind round or about. 7172 who, which, what not ? msrrD delay, dally. A traveller. 17 mS to go in a track. nD*1 give way. 21 h'D, mingle. Mingle (for the asses). M5D scrape, sweep together. 1DDQ provender. 22 pDT knock, knock against. 24 brim separate, sever. Tf7^T\l a marriageable virgin. 27 ^D cavity, concave, hollow. A lintel, a threshold. 29 b^M to eat up, devour. nb5D a large knife or sword. nriD cut in pieces. Chapter XX. 3 1 bnp collect together. 2 n3S to turn. ni:D the heads. i!i' set, settle, place firmly. 4 n2i*n manslaughter or murder. Slain. 6 DT devise, imagine, think. A wicked imagination or device. 7 mn come, give. 10 nm nnn 10,000. 13 n3?n clear ofT. 16 IIDN obstruct, shut. Obstructed in his right hand, i. e., not able readily to use it. Vbp to sling. NtCjn deviate from, miss a scope or aim. 26 n^ empty, meagre, thin. To fast. 31 7D to raise, elevate. m^DQ risings, elevations, highways. pn3 draw away. 32 ^12 hit, strike against. Smite. 33 TO break, burst, or thrust forth. 37 tt?n hasten. l^C?D divest, strip oflf. Rush forth. "]2?tt draw, advance. 38 13?"^ appoint. n3>lQ set time, signal. M127D bear. nW'CD elevations, risings. 40 nbD totality. b>b3 entire con- sumption, i. e., the smoke. (Bate.) 41 bnn hasten, precipitate, affright. 42 p'21 adhere. Hiph. join, overtake. 43 "nnm enclose, encompass. 45 nbr, yhV ascend repeatedly. Glean, come up to. 46 JUDGES. Chapter XXI. SD 3 "Tp'O take notice. To be wanting, do as missing. 6 Dn3 change of mind. Repent or comfort. VTi break, cut, or cast off. 10 Cnn total separation from a former state. Cut off, destroy utterly. 16 TttU? destroy, abolish. 17 tlivD escape, get away, nn^ wipe, blot out. 19 nn circularity of motion. A r*'- ligious feast. 21 bn a hole or opening. To pipe with pipes. P|tDn seize suddenly, catch. 22 Dtt?M guilty. 23 ^tn take away by violence. I SAMUEL. Chapter I. W 6 WD angry, irritate, provoke. n^ bind close. Oppressor, afflicter. D3?"1 violent commotion or con- cussion. Agitated with vexation. 9 tT move, move to and fro. rmra a door-post. 10 nbs separate. \hZ) in Hithp to intercede. 13 1ZW satisfy, satiate. Drunken. Let out onesflf for hire, ch. ii. 5. 16 nW incline, bow. Be humbled. n'O thought. 20 P|p3 go round, surround, encom- pass. N. F. mopn revolution. 21 bttD retribution or return. To wean a child. 25 lints' drain. Slay (see verse 28). 28 ')n*'nbsli?rT I made him sup- p'icate vthe Lord always). Chapter If. 2 1 J(7V exult, leap for joy. mm dilate, make broad or wide. 3 ipnV remove, withdraw. (Per- verseness, distort, retort.) bb37 do, perform, effect, still to ascend. Things brought to pass, deeds, performance. )Dn direct, regulate. 4 nn broken, give way. blCD stumble. "ITS surround, encompass. 5 vXiN languish. bbi2H extremely weak, feeble. 7 bOtl? humble oneself, be humbled. nStZ? to put or set in order, dispose. nDtt? a dunghill. 8 nmS acquiescence. ]vaNpoor, in this sense, from poverty. I SAMUEL. bsiDtt? 47 8 !i*T3 free, liberal. D'an: dig- nities, princes, nobles. p!J press, press down, compress. The compressors of the earth. 13 vII7l2 concoct, ripen. Dress with fire, roast, boil. 3 vT curvature. A flesh-hook. 14 13 to be round. nV3 a caldron or furnace, pot. 14 "Tin separated. "Yn a kettle, nn Vp a caldron, kettle. TnD break or divide entirely. ll"iD a pot or kettle. 15 nlCp fume, make to smoke. Of- fering by fire, whether by in- cense or sacrifice. nblJ roast. 17 \^S3 cast off, reject, despise. 1 9 ^VT2 decline. b'3>n a robe. 25 D'^rT/M metaphorically, judges. VvD pronounce or execute judg- ment. 27 rn2 remove. Discover, reveal. 29 t^m kick, spurn at, with a follow- ing. ]^^ remain, dwell. S~Q production. ni fat, plump. 30 nbbn far be it. God forbid. 32 1223 look, behold, regard. 33 3"7 murmur. an causing to groan. 36 n3S gather, collect. (A small piece or coin.) "IDD a flat, roundish form. A cake of bread. nDD join, unite. Chapter III. 3 1 ynD break out or through. A vision (of the glory of the Lord) breaking forth. 2 7171^ restriction, constriction, &c. Shrink, contract. 3 n^D extinguish, quench, put out. 11 b!J shade. Ring, tingle. 13 nbp lightness, "^bp exceeding vile. 14 "IQD cover, overspread. 17 "THD take off or away. Conceal. Chapter IV. 1 2 t27tD3 loose, relax, spread. ID measure. A garment, np rend or rent. 13 nD!$ overspread, survey, watch. 15 pnO break, break off. The neck. 19 nblD totality. Daughter-in-law. V** cry or shriek out, as a woman in labour. nXSn hide, protect, 'on a hus- band's father. VI'D bow, sink down. ^Dn turn or change the condition. Chapter V. H 2 3!^"^ set place, or leave in a certain condition. 4 ^riD smite, strike. |nCO threshold. 6 bC57 elevated, raised up. cbDV emerods or painful swellings. 9 '^nW to be hidden, i. e., to be in the secret parts. Chapter VL *) 2 nop divine, presage, prognosticate. 4 nniDV a mouse. 48 I SAMUEL. 6 5?nD free, set free, deliver. Pharoah. 7 bn3? round. (A carriage or car.) IDS confine, restrain, bind. A chariot, &c. 8 tyi motion. pn a small portable chest. 11 nni^ fetch one's breath deep. Emerods. 12 ItZ?"* straight, even. (Keep straight in going.) TIV^ low or bellow. 18 ^DD cover. Village. T"1D disperse, scatter. (An open) village. Chapter VTI. t 2 Tiy^ press, afflict. Sorrow. 5 V-*P gather, collect. 6 D!^ empty. Fast. 9 nbtO a young kid. nbn fat. Chapter VIII. PT 3 ^!^n break or cut off. Cut off every scrap of money he can. n t27"lQ spread. Horsemen or riders. 12 VS'in silent thought. Ploughing or earing. 13 np~l a composition of various spices. . Confectioners, ni^ butcher, slay. (A cook.) Chapter IX. ID v3 ]nM strength. A she ass. 5 3MT troubled, in commotion 7 ViM go away, go off, fail. ^IW view, behold. mwn a present. 12 HD^ high, elevated. 15 n v2l remove, uncover, reveaJ. 17 "H!^^ restrain, retain. 20 IDn desire earnestly, covet. 22 nDti?b a chamber, room, 24 m lift up, exalt, elevate. pt2? move, run, push, pwa shoulder. Chapter X. * 1 "^D disjoin, set loose. (A vial.) 1^2 stand over, shew oneself. Commander, chief. 2 DISS loose, relax, let go, leave. 3 P\Vn pass, pass on. 5 i^^D stand. A military station, a garrison. 7Dn tie, bind, connect. A string of persons. v3D fall or flow down. A jug or flagon. A psaltery. A musical instrument resembling the above. ?]n smite, strike. A tabret, a tabor. 6 "^Sn turn or change the condition. 22 Snn hide, conceal. \^n V press, squeeze, crush. Chapter XI. * 2 1p3 bore, dig, or cut out. 3 HDI give way, stay, forbear. 7 T^^ join or couple togethei in pairs. nH^ cut in pieces. 1 1 \^S3 dissipate, disperse, scattered. I SAMUEL, b1?2U? 19 Chapter XII. !!'' o pWV oppress, press, rush upon. ^n run. Crush. 21 nnn confusion. Vanity. br*" profit. 25 HDD sweep away. Chapter XIII. 3^ 4 tt7Sn stink. 5 li^lD spread out or abroad. Horse- men or cavalry. 6 W^^ close to, press. Distress, oppress, nn catch, or hold as with a hook or clasp. (Thickets.) nni5 cry aloud, roar aloud. (Hollow places.) nn clear, cleanse. (A pit.) 7 "Tin move with quickness. (Tremble.) 12 p^M put a force upon, constrain. 13 vDD pervert, turn away. (Acted perversely.) 17 nnti? corrupt, spoil, mar, destroy. 20 Wa? wet, sharpen. 21 niiJD press hard. A file. W1T1 silent thought. To plough. A plough-share. 27 Vp a tine or a spike of a fork, Three-tined instrument or fork. S"TT sharp, acute. (The point of a goad.) Chapter XIV. T 1 t V turn aside, decline. This, this here. 4 ^W to repeat. A tooth. (A point or crag of a rock.) 5 p^ press, press down. (Lay or set down.) vD cutoff. Ijid boundary (forefront.) 6 "niJ^S? restrain. 15 t2l motion, commotion, agitation. Trembled. 16 nD!i overspread. (To watch.) Watchers. yf2 dissolve, melt. Dvn beat, strike, or smite down. 22 pm cleave ; with "\n pujsued hard after. 24 ti?!l3 close to. (Straitened.) D27tD taste. 26 nii?3 overtake, reach, attain to. 27 /'D.t^ dip, immerse, plunge. HIV bare, make bare. "C" honey- comb. 28 P\V^ dissolve, melt. (Spent, tired.) 29 ID 27 trouble. 83 Tn!3 act treacherously. Clothes. 34 ^D3 dissipate, disperse. 36 tn spoil, plunder, strip. 47 5?ti7"1 scales, unfairness. Overcame. 48 now rob, spoil. 52 pTn constringe. Strong. Chapter XV. 113 3 b^n soft, tender. (Pity), com- passionate, bb37 ascend repeatedly. b'?"iJ^ a child, i. e., while growing. 4 V12iW hearing. In Hith. cause to hear, summon. 6 TltiD scrape, sweep away. F 50 I SAMUEL. bi^^^VD 8 K?Dn lay hold on, catch. 9 *nD round. A pasture. A Lamb. 16 HDI give way. (Stay.) 19 t^V move with quickness, rush upon. 22 nCC'p liearken. 23 CDp divine, presage, prognosticate. "125 press hard. Stubbornness. 27 ^33 extremity. Border or skirt. 29 niJ3 superiority. Excellency. 33 f\OW cut or hew in pieces. Chapter XVL TlD 7 10II13 look, direct the eye of the body. DStt dilated as a wound. Reject with contempt. 11 n3?n disturb, affright. 10 p3 strike or play on a musical in- strument. 18 D3 put forth, utter. Wisdom. Prutlent. Chapter XVII. T 4 niT scatter, disperse. A hand spread out. A span. 5 V^^ stop, keep off. A helmet, rrntt? strong, pn a coat of mail. D''t2?ptt?p metalline scales of a coat of mail. \Dp stiffen. G nn^ white, clear. Forehead. Greaves. ID propel, shoot forth. pTD a short spear, javelin. ^n!3 bind together. The shoulders. 7 ni^n part, ^n shaft (of a spear.) 7 13^ a weaver's beam or roller. mS weave. ^TV7 burn. Blade of a sword. Iron head of a spear. ]^ pointed, sharp. A large shield. 8 in clear. Declare. 10 r)*in strip, divest. Reproach. 11 nn broken, give way. Dismayed. 17 r^^p levity, parched corn. To roast. 18 y^n cut short, shorten. Tender cheese, or soft. 20 W^:: loose. Leave. vn3? roud. Encampment. 25 ti?Dn free from slavery. (Search as by stripping.) 28 IT swell, p^ pride. 30 b!^M to place by or near. ^!?> 10 n^D open. (Withdraw.) 11 tabtt set free or loose. Escape, deliver. 13 nia3 stretch, nton a couch, a mattress. n^D multiplicity. T13 (network.) n>nD nS the network of goat's hair, before its pillows. 19 npn V a large company. 24 tatt?Q divest, strip off. Chapter XX. D 3 !3!J5? labour, travail, grieve. VW^ pass, go forwards. (A step.) 12 Ipn search minutely and exactly, explore. 20 "Hiaa watch, mark. mrJO a mark or butt, aimed or shot at with arrows. SO Tl^V turn out of its proper situa- tion, pervert. WD. flag, fail. (Confusion, shame.) 33 btD'^ cast. 38 Wn forbearance of speaking or action, ni!^ command, impulsive, pro- hibiting. 7^ pointed, penetrative. '3is. Chapter XXf. D 51 3 nbO separate, mbo distinct, par- ticular, certain. D /-M compress. (Such an one, silent.) 9 ynD hasten, urge. 10 tb loose. nn'?1T (besides). 14 nSti? iterate, do over again. So to change. 37tD taste. Discretion, sense, 7T)n to put a mark. bbn open eminently. Pierce or run through, bbn to move about tumultuously. To stagger in their houses. m excern, ooze with. Slaver, drivel. 15 VyW distracted, mad. 1Dr\ abate, want. Chapter XXII. DD 4 m!^ look sideways. n^tD a nar- row pass, a strong hold. 8 "ItZ^p bind, band together, conspire. 17 V^^ meet with, fall upon. Chapter XXIII. ^D 2 nn^ excite, stir up. HTOn a threshing-floor. 5 nnD carry away, bring, drive. 7 *nD3 alienated, i. e., abandoned or given up. 21 b^n soft, tender. Pity, 26 TSn haste, hurry. niD2? encompass, surround, F 2 62 I SAMUEL. b^M2W '26 Cl?2n lay hold on, catch, apprehend. 28 pbr\ smooth, even, equable. Chapter XXIV. "T3 3 ^'V^ profit, benefit, advantage. The Ibex (or wild goat.) 4 11^ make a fence. Walled folds or cotes. 8 VDW split, cleave, rend, cut off (from their purpose). 9 *Tp bow, bow down. 11 on half close. Spare, pity. 15 WVn^ a flea. Chapter XXV. HS 1 Y'^P collect, gather together. ^DD moan, lament. 3 r\Wp stiff, rough. 14 ID 37 move, hurry away. (Fly upon with insults.) 18 Jl-SD measure, meet. pX2!J dry, without moisture. (Bunches of dried grapes.) bi*T dr^', dry up. (A cake, dried figs.) 22 \^W to urine, to piss. He who pisseth, one pissing. 29 1^15 bind up closely. A bundle. 31 pD totter, stagger, stumble. vtt73 stumble. A stumbling-block. 33 D37tD taste. Discretion. Chapter XXVI. ID 7 *7^^ compress, squeeze. Stuck. 1 1 nriQS a pitcher or jar. 13 DlbDH . Dp to rise, arise. 19 no stir up, raise, or rouse up. Wl^ expel, drive, or thrust out. nSD join, unite. 21 vDD pervert. ri-lC? luxuriate, wander. Chapter XXVII. TD 1 tt?^ renounce, give over, bid adieu. 8 tDtt?D flay, strip off; Rush forth. 12 ITWD stink. (Become utterly abominable.) Chapter XXVIII. TID 7 niS inflation, (inflater.) miM (in- flated woman.) 8 WZif] free from incumbrance. Strip off garments. DDp divine, presage, prognosticate. 9 Wp2 lay snares. 14 .nt03? involution. 15 tm motion, agitation. Disturbed. 16 IV raise. One roused in enmity, an enemy. 20 Dp stand up. nmp stature, height. 21 vHi hurry, precipitate. 23 "^"HD break out or through. Urge. 24 pm tie up. pTVQ a stall, nttp meal, flour. HDM bake, dress. TT^f^ squeeze, press. (A cake, unleavened bread.) Chapter XXIX. ID3 4 ?)!Jp foam, froth. I SAMUEL. N biDtt? 53 4 ^tOli? oppose, be adverse. An ad- versary. TT^D be pleased with. (Make himself acceptable.) Chapter XXX. 7 2 !in3 carry away.n!!lti?carrycaptive. 6 "11J bind close. Distress. bpD pelt. 10 n:iD faint. 12 n7D cleave, cut or split. A piece. 13 "HXV leave, forsake. ]6 127103 loose, spread forth. 2inn dance round and round in circles. 16 P)ti?3 blow. Evening breeze, morning breeze, twilight. 19 11V separate, sever, set apart. 20 3n3 carry, drive. 25 pn describe, trace out. Statute. Chapter XXXI. wb 2 p^*T adhere, stick close. Overtake. niD resist, rebel. nT* guide, aim. miQ archer. Arrows. 4 IpT stab, pierce. b'?3) behave proudly. 9 D.'^V labour, travail. An idol. 10 mn form into a mass. (A body.) Vpn force. Fasten. II SAMUEL. Chapter I. M 6 ^VW incline, recline. t2?~)D spread out. A rider, one distended. 9 ^^tt? enclose, straiten. Distress. 10 "Hti separated, set apart. A crown, a sign, separation. 21 "T371^ to step, walk, mrsft an or nament or chain (on the arm). 12 IQD moan, lament. 15 r^D meet, light upon, fall upon. |22 ^p lament, wail. pp (with in- tenseness.) nD!2S swell. Pride, glory, ma- jesty. HI^'D. high, elevated. vlO cast or send forth. Dew. m lifted up, exalted, elevated. mnnn offerings. v2?2l castaway, loathed. ^D3 recede, retire, go back. V 3 4 II SAMUEL. n bwtttc? 23 1W2 lacerate, cut to pieces. An Eagle. 24 Tliy pass over or upon, ny or- naments. Chapter II. H 1.". "^"1^ couch, lie down. TO-Q (pool.) It pnti? conflict, collide. 1 7 ^23 hit, strike against, smite. phn loose. Spoil, drawn off from an enemy. 25 l^W bind together, collect. A knot of men, or a close body. 26 n!JD superiority, being above, over, or beyond. With "? pre- fixed, onward, still, continually. Chapter III. 2 1 "7nW length, long. 7171 draw out, exhaust. 8 n^D squeeze, press, crush. 14 tt7~)S betroth, espouse. 25 nriD draw aside, withdraw. 29 bn'' remain, abide. nt gush, spring or issue out. An issue. ^~12J smite or strike with a venomous wound. A leprosy, a leper. pTn bind hard. Hold fast, leaneth. "7 vD support. A staff, ion abate, wanting. 31 IDn gird on. 33 I'^p lament much. 34 Tlhv ascend, nbiy oppression, iniquity. 34 nnn cut, cut off. 36 IDn know again, recollect. 39 "7~1 soft, tender, faint. Chapter IV. 1 4 n33 smite, strike. Lame. ]X2S steadiness. n:QN a nurse. TSn hasten. nOD hop, hop about. Lame. 12 *7'Q couch, lie down. TOia a pool or reservoir. Chapter V. 71 nni^ blindness, blind. 7 m!J side of any thing. m:?Q strong-hold, narrow pass. 8 13^ aqueduct, subterraneous pas- sage. 18 ti?t23 loose, diffused, spread abroad, relax. 21 nT3? leave. n!$37 labour, travail. Idol. 23 b^ cut off. "j-inD at extremity. 24 SDI2 some tree or shrub. See Gesenius' Lexicon. IV)^ step, walk, go forward, mov- ing in a stately manner. yin shorten, cut short, act vigor- ously. Chapter VI. 1 3 2713 carry, bring, drive. 5 pnjp conflict, beat, play, dance. C?"Tl!ll fir or cedar. /i33 fall down, off. A jug or flagon, a nabla, psaltery, a mu- sical instrument. II SAMUEL. 5 ^D move, remove. V2^: sistrum of an oval figure. (Cornet.) h"^ shade. Vsb:? cymbal. 6 n")2 excite, pa a threshing-floor. lD):2ti? let go, drop, slip, stumble. 7 row quiet, easy. Negligence, rashness. 13 WHD raise, or swell up. N^D fat- ling. 14 1^ round, go round. ~I3"I3 dance round and round, in circles. 16 TD solidity, strength. TOO exerting "one's strength very much. 17 11!^'' place (in a certain situation). H'^2 stretch, stretch out. 19 "iStL"* seemly, goodly. "iD^M a handsome piece. ti7W fire. nMJ^^ earthen jar or flagon. 20 nb^ remove, be removed. Niph. uncovered. 22 bcti? humble oneself. Humble. Chapter VII. T 2 ^n*^ broken, break, nj^n' a curtain. 8 m3 settled habitation. A sheep- cote. 10 I 111 moved or disturbed. 12 ^V12i lax, loose. 'J^n the bowels. 14 n')V turn out of its proper situa- tion, pervert. Perverseness. 22 bT loose, profuse, n'j'i'i besides, except. Chapters VIII. IX. ^ H 4 IpV cut, hewed. Render chariots useless by cutting the wheels. 7 libti? over or before. Shields. 11 W^D subdue, subject. 16 'HDD tell, count. IDID secretary, scribe. 18 ]nD minister. A great officer, a priest. Chapter X. '' 2 OnD comfort. 3 "Ipn search minutely. "7271 turn or change the condition, overturn. 4 nb^ shave. Tll^f] part, divide asunder. r\W to set. mn\U buttocks. Chapter XI. W* 4 SDtD pollute, defile. 15 bl2 cut. ':D bM2 ? at the termina- tion of the face, towards the forefront. 24 S"T^ to fear, sometimes as HT to cast, shoot. D'"\TOn 1"in and the shooters shot. Chapter XII. S"* 4 bDn soft, tender. Spare. mS go in a track. A traveller. 14 \^S3 cast off, reject, despise. Caused to despise. 19 tt?nb whisper. A low hissing. 20 ^^D*^ smear over, anoint. 31 "11273 lacerate, cut. nnn excite. To saw. m;c a saw. y"in shorten, cut short. Instru- ment. 56 II SAMUEL. n b*)at2? 31 "1T21 divide. Axes, lUb white. pbD the brickkiln. Chapter XIII. H^ 2 TivJl wounded, sick. SvD extraordinary, beyond his power, expectation. 4 vl draw, draw out. bl lean, thin. ,') Hl'^ to feed, eat, take food. Cause to eat food, victuals. G Slab move or toss up and down. Cakes, pancakes. 8 p'^D, made soft by moistening. Paste, or dough unleavened. li?b to knead. vtt7ll to ripen, as fruit by the heat of the Sun. Dress or roast. 9 mtt? personal attendance or mi- nistry, mirn n the preparation or cookery. So Vulgate, quod coxerat. p!S^ pour, pour out. 13 P)*in strip, make naked, divest. Reproach, disgrace. 16 m'' cast forward, nnw propelling causes. nMH bn on account of. 17 br3 fasten. 18 DD diminish. Small shreds. Stripes of various colours. 19 "ID break. 1D small ashes, dust. 20 UDW place with great care. Be exceedingly desolate. 29 "TID divide, separate. A mule. Chapter XIV. T 6 nS3 shoot, break. Strive, contend. 7 nilD extinguish, quench, put out. vTO glow, shine. A Jive coal. An only son. 13 nWn add, superadd. Think. m3 impel, force, thrust. Banished. 14 iy^ spread abroad, pour out. 18 ^^^ take oS or away. Conceal, hide, remove. 26 nbl to shave. 30 n^*" to burn. Chapter XV. 1^ 12 nWp bind, bind about. Con- spiracy. 14 TlJll drive, impel, push, thrust forth. 19 rrP^l remove. An exile. 24 p^ press, (lay or sit down). 28 nDHDHQ tarry, delay. 30 n^n cover, ^rr^ foot- worn. 31 bDD pervert, turn. Chapter XVI. TtD 1 TX3^ couple or join together. Fastened. l2?Sn bind round orabout. Girded. pD^ dry, without moisture. PI. bunches of dried grapes. yp'^ awake. Summer. Summer- fruits. 6 bpD pelt. 10 IDM confine, restrain. ID turn aside. 13 37bl^ to be or go on the side. 14 Tr\V^ dissolve, melt. D^D'y. Chapter XVII. T 12 bis cast or send forth. Dew. II SAMUEL. n biX2t 57 13 ^nD drag, draw by force or vio- lence, mp meet, coalesce. City. Wall. 18 "ni^n surround, confine. An open court. 10 ntiiti? spread abroad. nDI give way. mon pounded corn. 20 73"^ power, ability. D>Dn byo shallow water, a little water which may be passed through. 22 11V separate, set apart. 23 p^ strangle. 28 r)D cavity, concave, hollow. A bowl, a bason. "n!;5'* form, fashion. A potter, t^n compact, fasten together. Wheat. r\t2p meal, flour. n7D separate, sever. biQ a bean. (See Gen. xxxv. 30, Esau's pot- tage.) W1V idea uncertain. D'13? lentiles, a kind of pulse, from which a pottage of a chocolate colour was made. 29 nSlZ? clash, crush, break by im- pulse. Flesh of kine or beef, not cheese of kine, used for some sort of provisions, perhaps, potted beef. Chapter XVIII. PT^ 5 tDM7 involve, hide. Secretly, quietly. 9 '^'2W implicate, entangle. thick boughs. 14 Vpn force, thrust. yi.w 3 VW^ save. S"n deliverance, vic- tory. H"!^!? labour, travail. Vex one- self, grieved. 6 t^vQ free, set free, loose. 11 ^Wn add, superadd. Count, reckon. 23 ^t^W oppose, be adverse. 25 DDti? upper lip, or hair growing there. DDD wash. 27 riDD pass over by intervals. Lame. 28 "byi smite, strike with the feet. With 1 following, to slander. 33 vDv3 support, maintain. Chapter XX. 3 8 Wp stiff, hard. niD a garment. '\ni2 firm, solid. D'2no the loins. 1Vr\ divide, cut. A sheath. 10 "^DK? pour out, shed. 13 nun bring, carry forth. 15 vD raise, elevate, bbo a high bank, a mount, nntt? corrupt, spoil, mar, destroy. Chapter XXI. 3 5 IS!^** fixedness, steadiness. Settle. 6 Vp'^ strain, stretch. (Hang.) 7 b^n soft, tender. (Compassionate.) 10 '~]r\'2 pour out, distil. inV expand, dilate, diffuse. Open. 1 nn motion, commotion, agitation. 14 Tl^'D extinguish, quench. Disturb. 1 19 l^'D a weaver's beam, A roller. Chapter XIX. li' 58 II SAMUEL. n biatt7 20 "TS5 to measure in length and breadth, pn 1D''M a man of large Chapter XXII. ^D 2 1)S^ a narrow pass, a strong hold. m!J to look sideways. 3 D3 a quick, waving, or tremulous motion, A place to flee to. A refuge. 5 ^DN face on all sides, surround, compass. "n^tZ? separate contiguous parts, break. Billows, large waves. nVD. disturb, affright. 8 t^yn shake. TUT motion, commotion, agitation. 9 bnn to glow, shine. A live coal. 10 vDni? thick darkness. Lowth Qthick vapour). Fjiy flow down, and Vd thick darkness. 12 IWn collect, gather together. Collection, condensation, dark- ness, nm^ thick, gross. A cloud. 1 3 n33 bright, glitter, shine. Splen- dour shining. 15 p1^ lightening, lighten. )6 pD3 draw forth. pD effusions, ivy restrain, repress. With a 2 following, to rebuke. UWy breathe. 19 HT project. TM violent calamity. IVW incline, recline. Staff, sup- port. 20 ^bn loose, set loose, draw out. 22 3^27"! equal poise of a pair of scales. TiS""* bi and I was not deficient (in righteousness.) 23 pn describe, trace out. A statute. 26 n2!l strong, powerful. Establish, confirm. 27 Wp'V to pervert. Perverse. n^D separate, sever, distinguish. 28 vC27 humble oneself, brought low. Bring low. 31 P\1'2 melt, refine. Prove, try. 33 in go round. Explore. 34 mtU? make equal, plain, level. 35 nn broken. 36 D^V time, opportunity. n3?. 37 IVl^ totter, stagger, slip. vD'Hp soles or bottoms of the feet. TVip to meet, and to to raise a road. 39 ^riD drive, plunge in, strike deeply. 41 PpV distil. The neck. nD!i cut off, destroy. 42 HVW look, regard. 43 tDtS mire, mud. To spot. p*T beat or be beaten small. Vpl stretch forth, extend. 45 Wn^ fail, be deficient. (Fail with regard.) 46 nbn wear, waste away. I^n gird. Niph. feel girds or pangs. Chapter XXIII. ^'D 2 7tt cut, articulate. nVn a word. 4 1]^12 shower down, cause to rain. Rain. A shower of rain. 5 njy^ spring, sprout, produce. 6 ID move, remove, cast away. II SAMUEL. 7 nmi? cease, leave off. An stop. iO t^tZ^D divest, strip off. plunder. 12 b!^3 take away. Deliver. 16 Vp'D. cleave, break forth. 20 bS^nS a lion of God. y7W snow. 21 bn take away by violence. entire Spoil, Chapter XXIV. ID 59 2 ntOG? decline, go or turn aside. 10 bUD pervert, turn away. Folly. 12 bti!)3 impose, lay on. 22 T^12 impel, propel. A tribula, i. e., a kind of threshing-instru- ment made of wood, but furnished with iron teeth. See Parkhurst. 24 nn^ barter, commute. Price. EXODUS. n"13DDD Chapter I. M 5 'TT' length. Thigh-bone. 11 HDZD melt, consume. D^DQ levies. bSD support, bear, carry pD lay up, treasure up store cities. 12 y^lQ break out or forth. yp fret, lacerate, wound. 13 "]~1D break, rend. Violence, rigour. 15 ib'^ to cause to bring forth. rrh'"0 midwives (Hebrew). 16 nsn to build p (the stone troughs, bathing troughs,) Bate. Chapter TI. "D, 2 rrr^ the moon, the lunar light. 3 S^2 sup up, swallow. Egyptian reed or papyrus. 3 TT2, hollow, mn an ark. riDT pitch or bitumen. bXSn soft, tender. Pity, compas- sionate. 13 "^3 strive, rush upon. Flee away. 16 nb"T draw. n)2S say, talk, think. tDm run, run down. A gutter, a trough. 23 n3N sigh, groan. 24 pMD groan, make a doleful noise. Chapter III. 2 2 nb vibrate, m"? brandishing flame. n3D a bush. (Bate) a palm-tree. 5 bt!7 loose, loosen. 6 t^D3 to look, rj'nrro. 60 EXODUS n^^2W G 2733 close to, extort. A task- master. SS3 mar, Spoil. Grief. 8 nt gush, spring, issue out. 9 yVO press, crush, oppress. Op- pression. 20 Sbo SbCD extraordinary, won- derful. 22 723 take away, spoil. Chapter IV. T S 'Sl'ii smite or strike with venomous matter. Leprous, leprosy. 1 ] Q vM compress. Silent, mute. Win silent thought or attention. Deaf, dumb, or silent. 1*1^ blind. 21 nC entice, persuade. HBD a persuasive fact, event, sign, miracle, wonder. 26 nO*n idle, forbear, loosen. Let him alone. D'Dn: idle. Chapter V. H 1 3n circularity of motion or form. Religious feast. 7 1'^^ cut or shatter to pieces, straw. t27p collect. XDtDp pick up as it were one by one. XDp stubble. 8 l^n direct, regulate. Measure. n3 subtract, withhold. 9 T\VW look, regard. 10 YM press, urge, hasten. Chapter VI. 1 1 t2?'n3 expel, drive or thrust out. 9 H^p cut short. Extreme grief. 18 V^IS? anything too forward. Pro- tuberant, or over hasty. An impediment. 20 273D meet. ]nn affinity by mar- riage. A father-in-law. TT affectionate love, vm his aunt. pM3 sigh, complain, groan. Chapter VII. T 3 71 n^ to come. A sign or token. 9 n3n shriek, wail. A serpent. 11 P\W^ discover, disclose, reveal. D'D'C30 enchanters, sorcerer. Dt^nn a kind of diviners. TQin a pen, and DD to perfect. 13(17 burn up, set on fire. Arti- ficial flame, rather than enchant- ments. 14 ^S^ refuse. 18 nS^ fail, faint, weary. |K'ii3 loathe. 19 D3S pond. D3 full, copious. Pools, nip stretch, stretch out, tend. Place of water. Ditch or lakes. Collections. 27 3?TnD!$ frogs. Sting-flies (Bate.) id:? brisk action of light, and t to feel, to fly. 28 *13 split, ii^n a furnace or oven. li^W remain, be left as a residue. I'Dn^iUQ thy kneading or leaven- ing vessels. Chapter VIII. PI 4 inV pray, entreat, 5 ISD adorn, beautify. 9 I'^n court, town, village, nnian. EXODUS. mTiDtt? 61 10 1^!? to collect together. "1X3n disturb, put in disorder. A homerful. A cliomer or homer. 11 m motion or breathing, air in motion, mn respiration, respite, breathing. 12 ^D make ready, fit. DD3 some winged insects, gnats or mos- quitoes. 17 mi? mix. A mixture of insects (Parkhurst's Lexicon). Some sharp biting insect. Raven (Bates j. Bochart calls it al- churkous. 19 mD separate, distinguish, rescue, redeem. A distinction. 22 D5?n loathe, nauseate, abominate. bpD pelt or throw. 24 pr\1 remove far off. 25 hnr\ mock, banter, trifle. Chapter IX. ti 3 I'D,! drive, lead. A murrain of cattle. Pestilence. 'T27'> to appoint, n^io a set time. 8 nSn cover, veil, overlay. In pi. D' the two hands. D'iSrr. nS3 breathe, blow. n^D ashes. WDD subdue, subject. ]ina3 a furnace, pit sprinkle, dispose^ 9 pnM collide, wrestle. Small dust or powder. ]nW warm, hot. A burning boil. mQ break forth, sprout out, flourish. HVD, swell, swell up or out. nwas^lM tumours. 15 TnD taken oft' or away, remove. 17 vD raise, elevate. b'jD raise up very high, "jbinDn raise oneself in insolent oppression. ninrn nbl truly, for this purpose. 18 "T"l2l congelation. Hail. 19 T^ strength, vigour, hasten, remove. 28 fjC add, increase. ]DDn. 30 0113 the time in which, i. e. yet future. 31 nti7Q to strip. D^ncD flax, linen. SS swell, heave. Corn, swollen or dilated (in ear). New corn still green. 3a. 75?^^ boiled, podded. In pod. 32 DDD to have long hair. nnD3 zea, spelt, a species of corn. ^HD pour out. vQN hide, conceal by interposing opaque matter. Chapter X. ' 4 ^"HM lie in wait or ambush. A locust. 11 W12 expel, drive. 19 Vpn force or drive. 21 Wl2fee\. 22 bCS hide. (Thick darkness.) 24 i!^*^ place, left in a certain situation. (Left.) 26 DID part, break in pieces. (The hoof.) Chapter XL N> ^in cut short. Snarl or jar (the tongue). o 62 EXODUS. nM2W 14 16 Chapter XII. S*^ 71W a lamb or kid. One of the smaller cattle. 2?3D subdue, subject. (A Iamb.) A sheep. DD reckon, number, count. HDDD number, amount, price. Dm embrace. Mill-stone. tonti? drain, drain off blood. (Kill.) TT move to and fro. Side door- posts, on which the door moves. rmio. V\pW look, turn towards, or front an object. The frontispiece or lintel. nb!$ roast, toast, or bake (by fire). n!;^^ squeeze, press. A cake, unleavened bread. -nj2 vs^y bitter. Bitter things, or herbs, or ingredients. "hWD. concoct, coquere. Dress with fire. (Boiled.) S3 fail, be deficient. (Not thoroughly dressed.) V^'D bow, sink down. The legs. bp!2 a light rod or twig. r^p. TSn haste, hurry. nOD pass over. Halt, stop. yn applied to the celebration of a religious feast. nnBl7 destroy. pn describe or trace out. Ordi- nance. A defined statute. rO.W cease, leave off, rest from. -iStt? remain. (Flesh.) Leaven. V^n to ferment. Fermented or leavened as bread. Leaven. "fWb to employ. n3bD employ- ment, work. 19 rrnT to be diffused, niw a native, opposed to a sojourner. 21 1N!5 fruitful, abundant. (Sheep.) 22 "IDS bind together. (A bunch.) it gush, spring, issue, m hyssop. V212 dip, immerse, plunge. ^D concave, hollow. A bowl. 34 p'^'D. made soft by moistening. Paste, unleavened dough. b!J3 take away, took from. *1M12? remain. Leaven. Dn^^4^^D kneading vessels or bags ; or leavening. 39 !13? bake upon or under the coals. A cake. r\72nr::i delay, dally. Shilly- shally. nD who, for 'Q. 40 ntZ?"^ sit down. n'sDin a sojourner, a lodger, a traveller. 44 1D\D satisfy, satiate. lOir hired person. 48 b"1^ superfluous. Uncircumcised. Chapter XIII. n** 2 ")T^D open. 10 ly beyond. mriD appointed time. 12 n^W emit, send forth. Issue, offspring. 13 r|"13? distil, fall down. (Kal) to break the neck, or, rather, cut off the neck. TlWp constringe. nicpn obstinately refused. 16 ?]t2ta fix, fasten. Frontlets. nCiDTO scrolls of parchment. 18 l2?Dn arrayed, marshalled by tiities. EXODUS. 22 nt2?D draw out or forth, withdraw. Chapter XIV. T 2 n!D3 straightness, directly opposite, over against. 3 '^'22 entangled, perplexed. 5 nnn pass from place to place, flee. 7 WbW three. Captains, third men. 9 W^^ overtake. ICnn silent, quiet. 127^2 spread abroad. " A rider, horseman, brr^ wait, hope, tarry. Vn strength, power. 24 "1XS27 keep, keep safe, preserve. m^'^< a watch, one-third of the night, from sun-setting to sun- rising. 25 n3D turn. ]m a wheel. nriD carry away, (to lead,) drive. 27 Wnp to meet, myb for meeting (over against). "1273 agitate, move briskly. Tran- sitively (shake off). Chapter XV. "IID 1 nWIl increase, rise. Exalted in glory, triumph. (Bate.) And p3 exaltation. TMT^ cast, throw, project. 2 71^^ dwell, reside. Habitation. ^m:>2 heaped up. bW distil, trickle. Trickling streams, rills. SDp condensed, compacted, coagu- lated. 9 pi evacuate, draw forth. Wy^ possess, repossess. 10 f]W blow. The twilight. bbli overshadowed, overwhelmed. "1D37 comminute. msiJ^ lead. 13 Tin^ lead, guide, conduct. bS^ vindicate, avenge, redeem. bn3 tend, lead on, or guide gently. 14 m motion, commotion, agitation. Disturb, tremble, bn to make an opening. Vn pain, anguish. tcbO roll oneself (as in dust or ashes). Palestina. 15 bnn hurry, precipitate, or hasty. Niph. hurried, terrified. 15?^ tremble, shake. y^ dissolve, melt, jq: melt away. 16 n^^-S terror. 17 l?t23 plant. 24 ]b stay, abide. Kal and Hiph. dwell or harp upon, ^b murmur, grumble. 25 pHD sweet, agreeable to the taste. nD3 try, attempt, essay. 26 nbnTO sickness. g2 64 EXODUS. n^^w 27 "Ittn straight, upright. A palm- tree. Chapter XVI. tID 3 "ID decline, turn aside. TD a pot, kettle. 13 ribW quiet, easy, secure, lb" quails, from living easy among corn. blfi cast or send forth. Dew. 14 pT small, beaten small. Small. A passing allowance, pieces to be regarded. DQOn rabbins say, " round;" sphe- rical, rpn to beat, and DD a piece, a bit (small or fine). Vulgate, quasi pilo tusum, thinner than bran. IDS cover, overspread. The hoar-frost. 16 ^ph pick, pick up or gather. bri reciprocation. A human scull. Men reckoned by their heads. DDTIWD^ byb^ "IDDD according to the number of your persons. 17 tD^tt diminished, lessened. Little. 18 V\1V superabundant, superfluous. Hiph. have over or above. IDn abate, diminish. TDH fall short. 20 Vh lick up, absorb, ybin a worm. Tltyi cast forth. A worm. To produce worms, i. e., crawl with worms. ^2p foam, froth, to be in a violent rage. 23 nSN dress or heat through. Bake. btt?n dress with fire. Roast, boil. 31 13 assault. (Coriander, Gesenius.) 31 nQ!J a pitcher. A pitcher cake made by the Arabs. 33 ^!2 pointed, &c. ni^SS an urn or pot, with a wide belly and a straight-pointed mouth. Chapter XVII. r 3 Stt!^ thirst. ^'D make ready, established. 13 tt?bn throw or cast down. Sub- dued. 14 ^rO mark, engrave, write. 15 D3 quick, waving, or tremulous motion. (See verse 18.) A banner or ensign. Chapter XVIIl. n> 8 nsb weary, tired, nnhn weari- ness. 9 n"Tn brighten, exhilirate, made joyful. rm on account of. 11 "TT swell, be tumid, as with pride. 18 bn3 wither, fail, fade. 19 V^ cut or pluck off. bio on or towards. The forefront. 20 int shine, be clear. (Instruct clearly.) 21 HTn fasten, settle, -^i^yvvui. Pan- gere, i. e., to see, fix thine eyes upon or provide, behold. 37^2 break or cut off, as (pieces of metal). Trans, covetousness (every scrap of money he can). Chapter XIX. 10> 4 1W^ lacerate, cut or tear in pieces. An Eagle. fiXODUS. 5 vHD gain or acquire to oneself. A peculium, a peculiar property or treasure. 9 HIIV thick, gross. 10 VD-D wash, cleanse by washing, wash thoroughly. ym wash superficially. 12 ^23 set up a boundary. Bound, terminate. Hiph. bound, set bounds to. 1 3 bpD pelt (with stones that he die). 711'^ direct, aim. Shoot as arrows. Shot with an arrow. bn'^ length, distance. bT the blast of a trumpet. '^W}2 draw. Long, extended. 21 Dnn break through. Chapter XX. D 4 n3X3 distribute. nsiDn similitude, representation. 7 Tlp'2 clear, clear away. M1ti7 vanity. A vain thing. 1 3 n^T manslaughter or murder. 14 P)S3 satiate one's thirst by drinking. Unlawful venereal gratifications, i. e., to commit adultery. ] 7 T^n desire earnestly, covet. 1 8 273 move, remove, wander. 25 T3 take off" or away (of stone chipped, hewn, polished). r)3 reach out, stretch forth. mn drain off', and waste, &c. A chisel. 26 hV^ decline, deflect, go aside. n'?S', mbyo steps or stairs. rnV bare, make naked. Naked- ni^tt? 65 Chapter XXI. 3 2 W^n free from incumbrance, or from slavery. in kindness, affection, nsn out of mere kindness. 3 P)33 hit, strike against (the body.) 1033 i. e., with his own body that, &c. By himself. vl7I2 have or take possession or authority over anything, i. e., marry. 6 Q'^nvM applied to judges. ^yiSJ^ pierce through, perforate. S'Sian with an awl. 7 V^ displeasing. 8 1V^ to appoint, betroth, mr be- trothed her. vI2?tt rule, have power. HDD deliver up, sell. n*inM another (wife). 10 Tl^V to act upon. Cohabit. n22^ duty of marriage. ^13 subtract, withhold, rrwjj her food or flesh. 13 nl!^ look sideways (lie in wait). n3N cause to come, oppress, afflict. Occurrence or presence of an object. 14 If swell, be turned, as with pride, presumptuous. 18 r|n3 wrap or roll together. rn:n a fist. 22 n!$3 shoot, break forth, break out into strife, &c. ID pour out. 1^DH effusion, death. W^V fine, mulct. nbD separate, bbo pronounce or execute judgment. D^'j'jD judges. G 3 66 EXODUS. 25 niD to burn. m3 burn. 37^Q wound. "I^n conjoin, mnin a bruise. 28 nH3 push, strike, or butt, or gore as an animal. 30 "IDD to covet. A fine. Chapter XXII. ^3 1 "inn dig, dig downwards or through. 4 IV^, clear off or away, cause to be eaten, be feeding. TW a brute animal, a beast. 5 il'2p an end. D'Sp thorns. W1^ heap, heap up. A heap of corn in stack, not in straw. Cp rise, arise, rrop standing corn. I 8 VWI condemn. thw make whole. nnbttJ an outer garment, a complete covering. 9 3K?D breathe, blow, drive away with the breath. 12 Fj'nia tear. That which is torn. 15 bn^ separate. n'?ini a mar- riageable virgin. Wa^ betroth, espouse. *inD hasten, endow. 18 ^WD discover, disclose. An en- chantress, a sorceress. DID cut off, destroy. Denotes total separation. 20 ynb press, squeeze, oppress. 24- mb join, add, borrow. Cause to borrow, i. e., lend. ntt?3 loosing, laxity. A loan, a tender. *712?D bite. Accumulated interest, usury. 25 bin bind, tie. To pledge. b:ir\ binn take to pledge, or in. 27 THM curse. 28 Sb?3 full. n^D fulness (of wine- press). (Bate) ripe fruits. Vl^l weep. Liquor. (Bate) run of thy press. Wbn to be full. Fulness. Chapter XXIII. 3D I Sitt? vain. DDH take away by violence. Un- righteous, false. 3 tDH V to burn up. Kindle mischief. vb"T exhausted, bl poor. ^Tn adorn. Respect. 5 V^"^ ^^ down, couch as a beast. 8 n^V to blind. npQ open. D^npD the seeing. "inC? make a present, present a gift. A gift, a present. ^/D pervert, turn aside. 10 MH to come or go. nNian produce, increase. tOttl27 let it rest. Release, cast it off. I I tfiiQtZ? let go, remit, let it rest. tt^IfiD loose, set loose, relax. Let it alone. in^ leave. dlT what they leave. 12 ITDD breathe, respire. Be refreshed. 14 hyi smite, strike. (PI.) times. 16 P)DS gather, gather in. A ga- thering. 21 mtt resist, stand up, rebel against. 22 n"'S to be an enemy, persecute. ni^ bind close, enclose, straiten, oppress. EXODUS. 23 "irO take off or away. 24 t2?*in break through, down, destroy. ^'D,W separate contiguous parts, break in pieces. D^'' set, settle, &c. Pillars, not images, lxx. translate it yjjXaj pillars. 2-5 n vn?3 sickness. 26 7312? to be wise. rrbD^D suffer abortion, miscarry. To be be- reaved. 27 ilDS truth, stability, firmness. (D.) nQ' terror. 28 3?"^!$ smite or strike. The larger wasp or hornet. 29 DT^W place with great care and order. In Kal, to be exceedingly desolate. Chapter XXIV. 13 G ]3 protect, defend, or covered. HiaN a vessel with an edge, a goblet. pIT sprinkle. 7 np read. 10 ^DD tell, count. A book. TDD a kind of precious stone. A sapphire. intD clean, clear. Clearness. 1 1 v^N place by or near oneself, set apart. Select ones. Chief men. 12 nriv a smooth table of wood or stone. 13 mtZ? personal attendance or mi- nistry. im^Q his servant. Chapter XXV. HD 2 Din height. HDTin a present, par- ticularly to the priests, an offering. mD free, liberal. Give freely. nia? 67 4 n^DH bluish purple, blue azure, deeper colour than tDnn. Dm to whelm, heap, accumulate. Danw purple, purple fish. l?7in m. a worm. '>w ^\^sb^T^ the turtle insect. Crimson dye, or garments. WW brisk, active. White marble. Byssus, fine white Egyptian cotton. TV a goat, any goat's hair. 5 t!l7nn azure coloured, sky blue, violet colour. Ermine skins. A badger or some other animal. 6 DW^ sweet, agreeable. Spices, aromatics. llOp fume, fumigate. Incense. DD denotes a drug. Aromatic spices. Perfumed. 7 DntZ? a precious stone, an onyx. SvD a setting or enchasing precious stones. D^'jq. )Wn rough, rugged. Breast-plate. 9 HDn to build. n^DSn a model, pattern. 1 1 nS!? overspread, overlay. mt scatter, spread, it a rim or crown, only used for the ark. 12 p!^'^ pour out. Fuse, found, cast as metals. VD strike alternately. Four corners answering to each other. V /!? to be or go on the side. 13 1^ separate, disjoin. (PI.) staves, poles. 17 153 to cover. Propitiatory. 18 nWp stiff, tough, hard. Beaten gold. 20 *7D cover. "j^D cover, overshadow completely and entirely. EXODUS. ni^a? 22 "727^ appoint. iyi3 meet. 25 "I^ID shut, shut up. "i2Da a border. HDli spread out, extend. A palm's breadth, i. e., four fingers transversely. A hand's breadth. 26 HMD side, extremity. Once used to trim, n^crr corners. 27 UV to collect, nor"? near by, over against. 1X2 capacity. D'm places. 29 IVp deep, myp (dishes, chargers, &c.; nWp stiff, tough, vnwp cups, broad shallow vessels of beaten metal. Hp^ clear, clear away, vn^ra the broad shallow bowls or dishes. 31 13 split, separate, or divide. n*i:D a candlestick or chandelier. "I"!"^ length. n3T the shaft or main trunk. n3p hold, contain. n:p branches made hollow like a pipe. 37^3 conicalness of form. D'^'ia the bowls (like almonds). nriDD a round or spherical knob. (PI.; balls. HDD to bend, in to turn. 33 ipW wake, watch. The aUnond- tree and fruit. 38 r\ph take, receive, accept. (PI.) tongs. np'jD. nnn to keep fire alive, 'nnnn snuiFpans. 39 "^33 a flat roundish form. A talent of silver or gold, the latter equal to 5,075/. 15s. 7d., the former being 3,000 shekels, or 93f pounds, equal to 353Z. lis. lOd. Chapter XXVI. ID 1 U?*!^ to be broken. nj?n' a covering, curtain. "iTti? twist together. Part. Hup. ^WD twisted. Zltt?n add, superadd one thing to another. Inlay. Embroidery, embroidered. 4 Sv V as bb to wind, turn round. TMibb loops round. H'^p to cut off. The end, the extremity. 5 vDp receive, accept, take. Hith. f. pi. nb'lpD receiving, taking hold. 6 Dip bend, stoop. D'Dip hooks, taches, or clasps. 7 ^nS pitch or spread a tent ; here means outer tent or covering for the tabernacle. r]1WV >nWV eleven. 9 h^D double. vIM cut or pluck off*. Before, over against. ':d "jin bn on the front. 12 mo spread or stretch out. mo what thus spreads beyond. Remnant, the superfluity. ^1V superabundant. Exceeds. 15 W^p coagulate, congeal (Chaldee). Heb. compact, fasten together. ^"iprr the boards or planks so compacted. 1 7 m"^ put forward, hold. mT hands or tenons of wood. 'ZOtD disposed or put in order, correspond. (Hith. part, f.) answering, corresponding. ntOD^D beneath, underneath. EXODUS. mi^w 17 Dn finish. D'Dn very perfect, closely. 18 223 dry, parched. South, over against. 19 ^TS a ruler, a socket. I^"^ steady, firm. The south, asp. 20 27 v^ to be or go on one side. A side. 22 'yi'^ long, lateral, length, or side. V^p cut or scrape off, the ex- tremity or surface. The ex- tremity, corners. 24 CSn connected, cohere. A part. DDND connected (pi). ntD3 stretch. 26 mS pass from one place to another. 28 I'D!! to adjust, p'nn a bar. 31 "7*15 break, rend. The inner veil of the tabernacle or temple. 32 II connect, join, link together. D>Tl hooks. 36 Dp'n variety of figure or colour. Brocade, embroidery, variegated work. 37 pti"^ pour out. Cast. Chapter XXVII. T3 1 3?n~) agitate, actuate, yia*! square. 2 ]"np shoot forth, diffuse, as horns or rays of light. A horn. 3 "HD decline, turn aside. mTD a pot or pan to remove ashes or meat. ^1271 plump up, make plump. To clear from ashes. (Ashes.) pnt sprinkle, disperse. A sprink- ling vessel, a basin. 3 TIV^ overturn, sweep away. D'J? shovels for turning up ashes on a heap. !lvT curvature, crookedness of form. A flesh-hook. 4 1!!2!D multiplicity, frequency, abundance. 1230 a grate, ntt?*) a net. 5 2D1D the curb (Bate). A ledge going round the inside of the altar. 3 like, and 131 a car- riage. nt03 stretch. 8 22 as a participle noun. m33 hollow. nnb smoothness. nif? boards (Bate). A plank of wood or stone. A table. 9 ll^n surround, confine. An open court, or building open at the top. ^Vp bending, hollow. Whence, xoikos hollow. Curtains hanging double and hollow. Curtains. 10 pWn connect, link together. ''plDTf the rods which connected the pillars of the court of the taber- nacle. 14 ?]n2 binding strongly together. The OS humeri. Shoulder. The side of a building resembling a shoulder, xxviii. 7, shoulders or shoulder-pieces. 17 nt^DvQ beneath, underneath, from Tto: to stretch out. 19 "rni in Arabic thrust or drive in ; so, to fix firmly. A pin or stake. 20n2Tclean, pure. n2 pound, beat. nn2 beaten again, expressed or pounded for the light. 70 EXODUS. mDir 21 IV^ appoint, constitute, lyi^o a meeting. Chapter XXVIII. n3 2 "^SD adorn, decorate. mDn. *73D lieavy, weighty. TOD glory- See gravitation, in Parkhurst's Lexicon, under this root. 3 DDn wise, skilful. 4 ']Wn a breast-plate. ^DM bind close to the body. A kind of short cloak without sleeves, girded over all the other garments. An ephod. b'^SJD a robe. nODSD the turban. 6 D27n add one thing to another. Inlay. Embroidered, inwrought (Bate). 9 nnD open, to make an opening. Engrave. 1 1 tt?'nn silent thought or attention. Engraver. Cutting, graving. Dnn closed, stopped up ; generally, to seal. A seal, a signet. V^W fill with eyelets. Close, enclose, straiten. Ouches or sockets (of metal), eyelets. 14 7Ii2 a border, tapering. 1W regulate, yerxo chains or cords. n'D.V twine, intwine, complicate, and wreath. Intwined or wreathen (work). 16 HIT scatter, disperse, rmahand, a span, as much as from the thumb to the little finger ex- tended. bQ3 double. 17 "HI^ order, regularity. nTO a row, a range. 17 my^ red, reddish. A ruby. A beautiful red with mixture of purple. ^ti5D the topaz of the ancients ; the chrysolite of the moderns, of a pale dead green, of various sizes and figures. p'n^ to lighten, send forth light- ning. np"i2 a carbuncle, shining like a coal of fire. "733 an emerald, or some kind of precious stone. *1DD to tell, count. TDD a Sap- phire, so called, from its number of gold-coloured spots, of a semi- opaque stone, of a deep blue, veined with white, and spotted with small gold coloured spangles in the form of stars. D vH to beat, smite, strike upon ; Dbrc probably the diamond, from its extraordinary hardness ; it will beat to pieces any other stone, even iron is shattered by it. Dtt?^ a ligure, similar to the car- buncle, as fire of a sparkling brightness. ^W to turn, ^1'^bp parched, corn parched. 12?'n!l expel. (Corn) forced out (of the ear). bttlD full ear of corn. D-iD to cut off, and N^D to fill. Chapter III. 5 4 7D3 stiffness, rigidity. The loins. iry^ exceed. . il3r ^2^ mn^rr re- dundance on the liver. Gall bladder. 9 mb to join, add, adhere, rvbn the fat tail of a certain species of sheep. The large rump or tail, the whole tail. imV fix, make firm. rw3? back- bone. Chapter IV. "7 2 H'yW expatiate, luxuriate, run wild. 33 ignorance, inad- vertence. WlSn committing the crime, erring. 3 D127S guilty. Trespass-offering. a bntD dip. 12 "Jtl?! fat. Ashes. 20 nbO loose, relax, remit, with b pardoning or forgiving. Chapter V. H 2 SDlfi pollute, defile. Unclean. 2 733 fallj 01^ flow down, or off; nbl3 a carcase. ^12? to increase, or produce abundantly. A reptile. 4 SIDD utter or speak rashly or unadvisedly. 5 HT' put forward. mm to put forth the voice, profess, confess. 7 71W a lamb or kid. 10 125127 all regulation and disposal. 15 ^V72 decline, ^yo decline (from truth). "fnV set in order. Hiph. "py es- timation, value. 21 WHD fail, be deficient, to lie. Dr collect. m>'$ a neighbour. TpD take notice or care of. pipD a deposit committed in trust. pWy oppress, press, do violence, extortion. l^N to be lost, to perish. A thing lost. vW take away by violence, plunder. Chapter VI. 1 2 Ip"' to burn. mpID by on account of its burning. ipiD burning. 3 Wlih put on, clothe. D3D gather. (PI.) swathes, bandages, or breeches. 4 t2tt7D divest, strip off. 5 HDD extinguish, quench. 14 n'^n flat, mno a flat plate of iron. ^i^l bake or fry. DDmo applied to (Part. Huph.) what is baked. DTID in morsels. n3D turn. '3^Dn turned cakes. LEVITICUS. 21 C7"in silent thought. Potters' ware, earthen. p"lD scour, cleanse. P|tDI2? immerse, wash by immersion. Chapter VJI. T 12 HT, Tll^n confess. mm a thank-offering. 16 !m3 free, liberal, nn: a voluntary offering. 18 'D.Wn add one thing to another, reckon. bJD pollute, defile. 21 ypW abominate, abhor, detest. Abominable thing. 30 HTn fasten, settle. To see. pn the breast. r)3 reach out, stretch forth. (Wave- offering), an offering thus pre- sented. Chapter VIII. n 7 IDN bound, bind close. J273n bind round or about. 14 St^n miss a scope. To offer for a sin-offering. 20 nriD cut in pieces. niD fat, grease. 23 "73n soft, tender. -Jim the tender part or tip (of the ear). See Exodus ch. xxix. Chapter IX. ^ 12 Sl^tt to find. In Hiph. offer, present, deliver. Chapter X. 77 1 nnn to keep fire alive, nnrra in reg. nnnn. A censer. mt scatter. ">"( strange. 4 C^n IT loves, the breasts. Uncle. 6 l?"nQ free. Strip, make naked. Q"n3 rend. P]^p foam, froth. 16 C7T1 inquire, require. 18 nSQ to turn. HD'OD within, in- wardly. 19 M"np meet, happen, befal. Chapter XI. S"^ To live. 2 r\^n vigorous, strong. A living creature. 3 D'^0 part, cleave, nono the hoof. A species of eagle called the ossifragia or bone-breaker. VOW split, cleave, rend. Divided into two claws without any con- necting membrane. mS excite, move, ruminate, chew the cud. ma n'?3?ti bringing up the cud. 5 I^W cover in, hide. Eng. rabbit. The Daman Israel, or Israel's lamb (Dr. Shaw). Sometimes joined with the hare. 6 n23"nM the hare. mN to crop, and a*3 produce of the ground. 7 Itn encompass, surround. 'V^r^ a hog or boar. 9 "T'D^D the fin of a fish (which consists of thorns). noD a thorn, and ID to break. nWp stiff, tough. n^DpttJp scales of a fish. 10 ypW to abominate. H 3 7S LEVITICUS. 13 1tt?2 to lacerate. 1MJ3 the eagle. XV strength, vigour. n'3W the whining kite, osprey. rra its noise, and W impudence. U nl to fly. A kite. mW desire, lust. rr a vulture. 15 !!2"13? mix, mingle. A crow or raven. 16 n3V to affect, p the ostrich, so called from the loud crying to each other. The owl (Bate). TnT ns the daughter of vocifera- tion. Sounding hollow. DDH cast, pluck, or force off or away. Dr^nn a night hawk. The screech-owl (Bate), ^ntt? waste, consume away. The seagull, or mew-larus. The cuckoo (Bate). n!J3 shoot, break or burst forth, p the hawk, and the sparrow kind (Bate). 17 HD^ cover, overspread. D13 the owl. The bittern (Bate). "^"^W cast down or away. The cataract or plungeon. ?]tt7D to blow, r^wy the twilight- bird, rather, the bittern. 18 Dt273 to breathe. noiDsn chamelion of the lizard kind. Cormorant. Sp to vomit, nwp the pelican or onocrotalus. Dm embrace, enclose. The percnopteros or oripelargos, re- sembling ihe stork. The gier- eagle. 19 ton succulent, abundant, swelling out. Affection. A species of unclean bird. m'Dn a stork, from its affection. A heron (Bate). 19 ?)3M to breathe with the nostrils, to be very angry. A heron. (Bate) a lapwing. ?)DT . nCDn the upupa, hoopoe, or hoop, a very beautiful, but most filthy bird. J^blDV a bat. TQS^ to fly, and fp:f obscurity. 22 "ins in Kal (to move loosely), to leap. In Hiph. to loose, set free. Q2?bD a kind of locust (rock-bred locust, Bate), yfe to cut, and DJ) contiguity. 7!nn a kind of locust. D:n to cut, and bry the foot. The serpent fighter, from its enmity to serpents. The adderspear (Bate). 3!in veil, to hide. (A locust or grasshopper.) The Chagab, i. e., the lesser yellowish locust. 29 "Tvn to creep. The weasel. "I^D^ the mouse (Arab.) -jy to bend, and 133> (Arab.) nimble. n'^'2 to swell, grow turgid. 32 the toad. 30 p3N moan or groan. rrpiN a kind of lizard or newt (Bochart). (Bate) ferret. nD strong, vigorous. A species of lizard. (Bate) lizard. StD / adhere. A species of poison- ous lizard, remarkable for ad- hering to the ground. A newt (Bate). DDn a kind of lizard. The eft (Bate). Chald. to bow down. Dtt?3 chamelion. nDtt33a LEVITICUS. 33 tt?"in silent thought. Earthen- ware. Work or ware of the artificer. 35 ID (in Arabic) to be round. T3 (a pitcher, Bate). A round vessel for washing. Vri3 break to pieces. 42 )n^ bow down, pm the under part of the body of reptiles, or the belly. Creeping. tt7tt*1 move, crawl. -ip''' 79 Chapter XII. S*^ Female 2 niT languish, faint periodical sickness. 13 move, remove. Separation. 7 np spring up, or gush out. IpD fountain of blood. Chapter XIII. D^ 2 Stt?3 bear, take, lift up. nNtt5 a rising. nSD join, unite. nnCD a scurf adhering to the skin. in^ to shine very much, or brightly, mm a kind of leprous spot from its shining. Vl'2 smite or strike with venomous or infectious matter. nyiS the leprosy. 5 nK7D spread, be diffused. 6 ini3 to be pure, clean. Pro- nounce clean. 10 TT^P strong, vigorous, ^no quick, raw. 11 "j 12?*^ to sleep, nawis inveterate. 12 rnQ break forth, nmo an erup- tion. 18 inW warm, hot. A burning boil. 20 htiW humble oneself. Low. 21 IIU'D restriction, constriction. Shrunk, and mna shrunk. 23 nn3 descend, rrnnn in its place. m2 burn, scorch, mn::? an in- flammation. 24 mD burn or scorch. m3D a burn- ing as (of fire). 29 ]pt grow old. The beard. 30 UnS shine, glare, be resplendent. Yellow. pTbeat in pieces or small. Thin. pn3 draw away. A scall which draws off the hair. (A kind of leprosy.) 31 ir\W dark coloured, dusky. 33 nb3 to shave. 36 1p2 look upon, survey, examine, search. 37 nD!5 spring or shoot up. Grow as hair. 39 pHll a kind of harmless leprosy, a little spot. 40 ISHQ make or wear smooth or shining. Made smooth. r\'^\) to be smooth. Bald (as the head.) Verse Iv. in its bare thread. 41 nSD the side. PI. nD the sides. nn3 bald before. Forehead bald. 45 D*1D rend. 37^5 free, strip, made naked, as of clothing. Dtt? the upper lip, or hair grow- ing there. The mustache or mustachio. 80 LEVITICUS. 45 nior involution. With b:) to put a covering upon, he shall cover. 46 11'ZL to be all alone, quite alone. 17 1D^ soft, tender. (In Arab.) weak, languid. (Wool.) lyU a covering of cloth, or the like. A garment. ni&D as ^W^ to strip. nntt?B flax, linen. D^rrcQ. 48 rW set, place. Ti^ the warp, the \ lengthwise threads. j mS? mix, mingle. 2*13? the woof (which shoot across the warp). 49 p*T* to throw out somewhat liquid or moist. ]np'v intensely green, green inclining to yellow. 51 "^MD in Arab, to grow sore, rankle, rankling. 55 nrtD dig, dig up. nnnD a cor- rosion, an inward fretting, a canker. innnpn inn::an in its bare thread, before or behind. 56 ^-ip rend or rent. Chapter XIV. T 4 TIS firm, stable. The cedar. 37bn in Chaldee to split, to cleave. Pi'S'bbn scarlet or crimson colour, or worm-colour. Double dyed, of scarlet colour. I3T gush, spring, or issue out. 2W hyssop. 9 nSS high, elevated, elated, proud. ^niJ eyebrows. 10 niOy to be rich. p-C5> a tenth- part. !lb a log. The smallest measure of capacity, about | of a pint. 21 nb"T draw out, exhaust, bl one who is poor. ^W^ overtake, reach, attain to. n3tt?D. 34 tnS catch, seize. Niph. to be pos- sessed or seized, i. e., to possess, have in possession. 36 n3G turn, turn oneself, prepare. mTli^pli? running cavities or hollows. 3>pUJ to sink, and "n to flow. LXX. xa/XaSaf. 40 Y^r\ loose. Draw out or off" as stones from a building. 41 y2p cut or scrape off. Tmp to make an extremity, scrape. 42 niD overlay, plaster. 44 mSl^ti inveterate. 45 ins break to pieces, break down SiSn miss a scope or aim. Offer for a sin-oflfering. Cleanse by ditto. Chapter XV. *)!> 2 DT gush, issue out. An issue. A flux humour in a gonorrhoea. A running humour ('Bate). *n excern, ooze with, as the flesh in a gonorrhoea. 3 Dnn close, close up as with glu- tinous matter. Scabbed over (Bate). 11 ?]^127 cover with water, wash by immersion. 16 DiDtt? lie, lie down, ma a lying down (Bate). A fall or emis- sion of seed (Gesenius' Lexicon). 19 ID move, remove, mj ms purga- tion. LEVITICUS. 81 nT3 in Hiph. to separate others, 33 nn languish, sick. Sickness. Chapter XVI. TlD 2 ^^ID break, rend. n3"\D the inner veil. 123 cover. mCD propitiatory. 4 ?13!5 turn, roll round, wrap round. nD:2D a turban. 6 13? !a while yet. Remove, be distant, behind. For. 8 bTWTV a scape-goat, w a goat, and bMi to go away. 12 nnn to keep fire alive, nnno a censer. ^ro to glow, to shine, '"jm a live coal, traced in northern lan- guages. TlZn to cover, veil. D3Dn the two hands joined together, full, and covering contents. 21 ny time, season, opportunity. n or "inJ^ one who happens to be present, opportune, seasonable. 22 "nn divide, cut off or in two. A land of cutting off. 23 t2tt7D divest, strip off. 27 tt?"1D spread out and abroad. Dung, excrement. Chapter XVII. r 4 ni2?n add, superadd, reckon, impute. "[21!? pour out, shed. (7 ver.) See the idolatry of the Jews here. (11 ver.) The blood atones for the life. 13 n"T!^ look sideways. To be in "?P''1 81 wait. To be hunted (Niph.) T!J game or venison. Chapter XVIII. n** 6 mV to bare, make naked. 15 nvD totality, completion, nta a perfect one, a daughter-in-law. 17 nXit devise, imagine. A wicked device. 20 DV collect, consociate. n'ay a neighbour. 332? lie down. mStt? copulation, sexual intercourse. 22 D^D loathe, abominate. niJ^in abomination. 23 mi agitate. Agitate with lust, have to do with, nbn wear, waste away. "jin destruction, dissolution. (Bate) confusion. 25 Sp vomit or spue out. Chapter XIX. rO'> 4 vM interposition. ?"? nought, nothing, nothing worth. wYia vain, worthless, things of nought, things of no value. HDD cover. nD3Q a covering. Molten. 6 inD commute, barter. The morrow. 7 bllD pollute, defile. Abominable. 9 ~l!Sp cut short, reap. TSp harvest fruits so cut down. IDpb pick up. A gleaning. 10 \>hv ascend repeatedly. Glean. 11 tOID a bunch or small cluster of I grapes. Loose branches falling j off or broken off. 82 LEVITICUS. W-1|T1 11 WrTD fail, deficient in truth. 13 pWV oppress. 7370 work, operate. nbVQ wages. "IDti? satisfy. TDn? hired servant. 14 '?bp be exceedingly vile. Curse. ^in silent thought or attention. Silently. -nr blind. hWD stumble. ^ttJ30 stumbling- block. 15 Tr7V to ascend. b^'P oppression, injustice. SC73 bear, lift up. Accept. 16 ^DT trade, traffic, merchandise. 17 n^'' be plain, manifest, evident, shew, i. e., reprove. Dp3 avenge. Dp. 18 ^103 watch. Ti observe insidi- ously, watch an opportunity against. 19 MvD separation. D'xbD distinct species of animals, seeds, &c. VD.'~) to agitate. Hiph. copulate. Tit^^tt? cloth mixed of linen and woollen. Materials for clothing. Linseywoolsey. " which, ^t33> to involve, and m3 to sprinkle. 20 T\ir\ strip, make naked. nsnTO dishonoured, violated. n"TD separate. Redeem. "^pi look upon. In Chaldee, to punish. Chastisement. mpl inquiry, animadversion, notice taken. W^n free, r^vstai freedom. 23 v"127 superfluous, cast away its un- circumcision. Uncircumcision, i. e., its fruit. 24 b^n move exceeding quickly. Irradiate briskly, shine briskly. Most generally, to give lustre, glorify, praise very much, n^'jlbn to the praise or glory (Bate). 2(i Wn2 observe attentively. To augur, to divine futurities, which might be by fire or serpents. p^5? to be a cloudmonger, divine, by looking up to the clouds. 27 ^p3 go round. Round in a cir- cular manner, go round, i. e., with a razor the sides or quarters. 28 I21tt? scarify, cut, wound. N. A cutting, incision. linD to mark, engrave, write. Vp make or impress a mark. ^p'Sp a marking or stigmatizing. 29 rT3t encompass, commit whoredom. ni2t fornication, whoredom. 31 V'T' to perceive. '>:^r a wizard, a divine. A cunning man. 32 Dti7 to turn, ni'ti? hoariness, grey hairs. ITn adorn, honour, reverence. 33 71T> press, oppress. 35 1W^ straight. mwo plain, equity, even, smooth. 36 ^tS to weigh. D:WQ a pair of scales. Chapter XX. 3 2 D^n whelm, heap, accumulate, overwhelm. 10 ?)SD satiate one's thirst by drinking. In Arab, commit adultery. 17 ion abundance. Mercy, good- ness, bounty. Overflowing of unrestrained lust. (Bate) horrible. 18 1p to spring up or gush out. mpD a spring or fountain. LEVITICUS. 20 nnV strip entirely, onny stripped quite bare, destitute, miserable. 21 13 move. m3 impurity, abominable. 23 Vp fret, vexed. Abhorred them. 25 ypW abominate, make abominable. 27 2M swell. m evil spirit, or spirit of divination. Chapter XXI. D 1 12?DD breathe. Here used for dead body, as in chap. xxii. 4. 3 yip approach, come near, nip nearly related. 4 b3?2 to have possession. To marry. bbn open eminently. /Violate. 5 lyiW scarify, cut, wound. 12 TTD separate. Separation. Se- parate oneself. Abstain (Bate), chap. xxii. 17 'D^'^2 a spot, a blemish. IS nDD pass over, hop, lame, halt. Cnn total separation. Maimed. Hath any part deficient, any limb quite lost (Bate). yitZ? stretch out beyond the usual manner. Too much extended (Bate). Anything superfluous. 20 112 protuberance. p3 hump- backed. bbn mix very much. b'JlD blemish of the eye. "yi^ to be leprous. A scab, a scrub. "|tt?W a sharp biting humour. nob"^ a tetter. wnp'^i 83 Chapter XXII. DD 4 nt gush, issue out. An issue, a running humour. 9 II^W to keep. niD'CO a charge. 12 Dl to be lifted up. An heave- offering, oblation. mn"i"in of- ferings. 13 li?n2 expel, divorce. 14 lytD err through ignorance. 17 ma free, liberal. 21 SbS extraordinary. 113 perform a vow, or extraordinary vow. 22 \^*in shorten, cut short. y-Mn maimed. bn'' bring or carry along, nbr tetter, or spreading corruption, a wen (Bate). nin to be leprous. Scurf, scab. J^b^ stick fast. neb' an obsti- nate eruption or scabbiness, a tetter. 23 ^bp contract. 1n^^p contracted, shrunk up. 24 "73?^ compress, squeeze, crushed. ryD to pound. nn3 to beat, pound over and over again. niro bruised. pn'^ draw away, pin: loose or disjointed. 25 nntt? corrupt, spoil, mar. nmcn corruption. 27 Wbn remove or cast to a distance. "nubTi of time, onwards, hence- forward, thenceforth. 29 HT^ to put forward, rmn open confession. 84 LEVITICUS. Chapter XXIII. 2D 2 ly^ to appoint, constitute. Dns?10 seasons. (Bate) feasts. Ap- pointment or set regular times. 11 ^D reach out, stretch forth, present. A present. nD13n to be pre- sented. (Gesenius' Lexicon) a wave -offering. HDV to press, squeeze. In Hiph. (gather as corn into sheaves). \Oi? a sheaf (of corn). 13 nrr^D rr^"! an appeasing odour (Bate). ba'HD the full ear of corn. See Lev. ii. 14. 16 Win to renew. A new period of days. 17 nU?"' to sit down. SttJlD a seat, a habitation, a dwelling. 22 ^pb pick up, glean. N. the gleaning. 24 row to rest, cease from work. pniW a rest, a Sabbath. ^1 to break. In Hiph. to break the order of the air. TT^rxn a loud sound, a clangour of trumpets. 34 "^D overspread, cover, hide as with a veil. m2D a booth, tabernacle. 36 "123? restrain, retain. m!?5> a solemn feast-day. mi?3^ a solemn meeting. 38 ID separate, alone. "lb alone. llb'O besides, without. 40 "Tin adorn, decorate, deck, beautiful. nSD curve, bend. nD3 a large bending branch, or branching leaves. A bough, "lUSn straight, upright. Palm-tree. 40 P]^'^ shoot. A shoot, bough, branches. r\Dy thick. )3*n37 D'^inV ^ species of willow. 7n3 to inherit. A valley, a torrent. Chapter XXIV. ID 2 mS command, "iij imperative. HDT to be clear, "fi clear, trans- parent, HD to beat. n^n3 (as oil obtained) by beating or expressing. 3 "7*^2? set in order. 6 HDirD a row, an order. 7 "133 to remember. n"i3W memorial. 10 n!^3 shoot or break forth, strive, quarrel, (Bate) contend. 11 Dp3 make hollow, to pierce, wound, blaspheme, curse. T? Vp to curse, bp lightness. ti7")D spread out. Explain, ex- pound. 18 nD3 to smite, joined with tDC3 (smite) the life or mortally. Chapter XXV. TID ii "1!3T cut off, prune. 6 nQD join, unite. ITDD corn, in a general sense, what grows upon, (Bate) or springs from thy harvest, (Parkhurst's Lexicon) or what adheres to the ground after reaping. 333? connecting, conjoining. A grape. "1T3 separated. TW unpruned vine or undressed vine. "123 restrain, shut up. Gather in LEVITICUS. as vines, ch. xxvi. 5. Ti*i the vintage. 10 ini, "Tin freedom, liberty. vis** bring or carry along, by the blast of a trumpet, blV the jubilee or call of the trumpet (Bate). 14 "H^D deliver up, sell. "i3DO a selling, sale, or thing sold. 15 nDD tell, count, number. A num- bering. "CDD a number. 16 iin^ obvert, turn towards. >D bv according to. 'dV nearly the same as 'D^. Mi to come or go. rrx'^nn produce, revenue, increase, income. 1 8 ntOi hang close, trust. N. trust, confidence, adv. confidently. 22 )W^ sleep, be in a sound sleep. Part. N. I* laid up in store. Old store. 23 nD'2 cut off*, nnos somewhat, entirely cut off" and alienated from the owner. nrt^Q!?^ finally, also V. XXX. nnns? finally (Bate). 24 vS2l vindicate, recover, deliver. bMa a near kinsman whose it is to redeem. vdM redemption, right of redemption. >bJ kinsfolk. Bate gives ^bM in v. 25, his redeemer. 25 "J^ decay, fall to decay. Grow poor. 26 !lt273 overtake, reach, attain to; (Bate) also prosper. In Hiph. reach or attain to, and also (.*. hold on,) in ch. xxvi. 5. "'T enough, sufficiency, plenty. (Bate) and his own hand become able and sufficient for his re- demption. S-ip"^1 85 27 f\lV superabundant, superfluous, Fiiy overplus. 28 W!JD find. Acquire. 30 QD to finish, nn'on Hiph. be made perfect. D'^ as Un tumult. DV a day. Dnv days. DDV by day, in the day time. D' the sea, any large collection of waters. Dp rise, stand, be established. 31 1!Jn surround, environ. Dn^jrr villages. (Michaelis) moveable villages. 34 t&*^3 expel, thrust out. "CTCO a suburb. 35 ZDD to slip or slide. Fail. ptn constringe, bind hard or tight. Opposed to rttn relax, tighten, or brace thy hand upon him, i. e., take fast hold of him or support him. 36 "7li7D bite, "po: biting usury. ni"1 to be great, n'lnn increase, or simple interest. 41 nCtt? depress, humble, subject. mncWD a family. 43 rm and TT* to descend, to sub- due entirely, to rule. ^"19 break, rend. Violence, force, cruelty. 46 THM catch, seize, lay hold. 47 *lpV cut off; lop. (Parkhurst's Lexicon) a branch of the stran- ger's family. (Bate) ancient family of strangers. 49 1M2? remain. Residue, remainder. Near of kin to him. 86 LEVITICUS. N'-ip'1 Chapter XXVI. ID 1 D^b'^bW vain, worthless. Things of nought, nullities ; spoken of idols. bOD hew, chip. A graven or carved image. ^!J3 to stand up. m:?Q a me- morial, pillar, or obelisk. (Bate) a pillar. Tl^W in Chald. to view, look at with attention. In Arab, to be like, resemble. n'3\UtD imagery, sculpture. '^b'' to walk, go. 4 Dt2?H to lie hard upon, to be heavy. Arabic and II eb. to press with weight. (Schultens) rain. Heavy rain. Chald. a body, a palpable substance* bn^ bring or carry, biy the pro- duce of the earth, implying length cr distance. 5 li?T thrash, beat, ton a thrashing. 7 IS^M to be an enemy or adversary, persecute, infest ; more than 3tt) enmity (mind), for it manifests external acts of enmity. 9 n3D to turn; with bn or b to have respect to. 10 }W^ ^ti713 old store. See ch. xxv. 1 1 b3?3 cast away. Loathe or reject with abhorrence. Abhor (Bate). 13 nt53 stretch. nr:D the staves or bars of a yoke. V. 26 the staff of bread. DDp to raise oneself. nVQOV up- rightness, with n uprightly. 15 DM^ to be dilated as a wound. Reject as vile and worthless. Abhor. 15 "15 to break. 16 bn!2 to hurry, affright. Terror, consternation. P\niD Chald. to waste, consume away. nDniD consumption. Scurvy (Bate). nip to kindle, burn. nmp a burning inflammatory fever. ^1 murmur, groan. mniD causing (the D3 animal frame) to murmur or groan. 1 7 P)33 hit, strike against. 18 "no"* to restrain, check, discipline. "\D nearly related to. TiDD'l TTD^b and I will yet chastise you (Bate). 19 nsn increase, rise, swell, exalted in glory. Exaltation, excellency. 21 nip to meet. *'-\p a meeting, i. e., in opposition, with 2 understood adv. np contrary to me. nUM acquiescence, opposed to ]0 refusing. 22 butt? to be wise. Waste, bereave. CW to place, set. In Niph. deso- late in mind. ^11 go or put forwards, proceed or stretch out or forth. A way, path, or road. 25 Dp3 avenge, N. revenge, ven- geance. 30 "Ttttt? destroy. r\T2i^ high, elevated. A high- place. Cn warm or hot. D'2Dn images dedicated to the sun or solar fire. Bate calls this sacred fires. 1^'^ to faint. A dead, inactive carcase. bS reciprocation or circularity of motion. U^'b^bl dungy gods, idols. LEVITICUS. W-lD'^1 87 so called from the bestial and obscene form of them. 31 m the action or breathing of the air in motion. Hiph. to snuff, inspire, breathe in, smell. Tin the scent, odour. 32 n^W 1. to place with great care. 2. to be exceeding desolate or waste. 3. to be amazed or asto- nished exceedingly. 33 p"^ evacuate. In Hiph. to draw forth. mn to waste, min a desolate place, waste (Bate). 34 Hin pleased with, enjoy. Accept with complacence and patience, V. 41. 36 TlbV ascend, nby a leaf. ?]'73 drive or hurry away. 37 Qlp rise, stand up. ntDlpn a stand- ing, power to stand. 39 p!2 to be dissolved, rot, pine away. nCS to heat through. F|M verily, surely, yea, indeed. 40 HT cast forth, min to profess, confess. hvt^ decline, deflect, go aside. DbrDS trespass. 41 niM to choose. IN if, either, whether. mD lay down, place on the ground. Brought low, humbled, abased. 43 ^1V leave, forsake. (Bate) shall be cleared. H^V to act upon some person or thing, denotes returning, &c. p* because. m^ to turn out of its proper situa- tion and course. 01:3? their punishment. Perversion, per- verseness, iniquity. I 44 t-3 full, copious. Moreover, also, I over and above. n^D totality, completion. To finish, consume, bring to nought. "HD to break. In Hiph. break, dissolve, dissipate, 45 U^Sn priority or precedence. C':'CN"i ancestors. Chapter XXVII. TD 2 SbS in Niph. extraordinary, won- derful. In Kal with m: to make an extraordinary vow. ^"11? set in order, set one thing against another. ^312? an esti- mation, value. 7 TlhV to ascend. Tfb^ra upwards, above, forwards. 8 ^^ decay, fall to decay, grow poor. riD to obvert. *D ^3^ according to the measure of, according to. 10 F)7n passings succession after. Exchange. Change, renewal. ^ty* change, alter, exchange. nTiQn an exchange. nUD to distribute. nODD from of, out of, more than ; her, 12 ^^ divide, separate. |U between, when repeated, whether or not. 15 I2?*7p separate, set apart. In Hiph. to sanctify oneself. D'^npD holy ones. ttjnpDH he that sanc- tified. 16 IVW stand erect or upright, msv pi. D'lyy? barley. 3?"nT to spread abroad, to sow. v^^ seed. Vl\ the sowing (Bate). DS to support, sustain, confirm. If, since, although, in truth, whether, truly. I 2 S8 LEVITICUS. 1 8 Vl^ subtract, withhold. 20 "ins behind, after. N. another. 21 D*in total separation of a thing or person from their form, state, or condition. Any thing separated, i. e;, devoted to Jehovah. 23 DD to reckon, count. rrDDTD the number, the worth or value. A shekel, twenty gerahs. 13Ii to be forward. T)33 a firstling. NUMBERS. Chapter I. S 2 Sti?3 bear, take, or lift up, take. D^XD3 princes. Very extensive ramifications. tt7Sn priority or precedence. Wbn the sum or total, so called, .*. anciently put at the top of an account. vnbH to roll over and over again. The poll or head. The human skull ; from this word we have Golgotha. 3 TpS take notice or care of. Re- view, muster, reckon. DnpD musterings. M!^!^ assemble or meet together in a regular stated manner. War- fare, war. mi:? an army. 4 HW^ existence, subsistence} reality. ^ a man. Each, every, any man. 16 Mlp nearly, as mp to meet. 1. to meet. 2. to occur, happen. "nmian 3. a partridge, called (men). 4. to call. >N-9 17 ip3 make hollow, &c., mark out. 18 "Tv** procrcrate or breed young, to beget, bear. In Hithp. to reckon one's descent, declare one's genealogy or pedigree. Mb^m and they were reckoned by their pedigrees (Bate). T)Mb^n ge- nerations, successive produc- tions, &c. 19 IpD to take notice of. To appoint as an overseer, charge ; and in Hiph. place in trust, &c. 50 TlbD totality, 'b an utensil, in- strument, &c. PI. D^bD. mtt? personal attendance, mi- nistry. 51 2?D3 remove from one place to another, to travel, journey. As a noun, removing, &c. NUMBERS. 51 HDn to fix, settle, or pitch. Most generally to fix one's tent or camp. To encamp, to pitch. HDno, pi. D2nt3. mano an en- campment or camp, or men be- longing to it. 52 bn to enlighten, dazzle, glitter. A standard, a beacon. 63 P|l^p foam, froth with anger, rage. As a noun, foaming, rage, (Bate) wrath. nnS to come near. nn ensigns or flags, differing from bn above. Chapter II. '2 2 133 eminere, prae-eminere. Before. n:2D from before, before; gene- rally, distance. ] ] ID'' to be steady, firm, as pw. p' the right-hand, p^n the south. 17 m^ to put forward, hold, thrust forth. Proferre, protendere. T side, the hands are placed by the sides. 15 "15^ to hide, conceal ; or pD2 the north, '. the north is generally hid from the sun. Chapter III. K 3 ntt?D to smear or rub over with some unctuous matter. To anoint. In Chald. oil, occasionally. 9 iriD to give. D'3n3 Nethenim, persons given to the priests and Levites for performing the servile offices of the tabernacle or temple. D'Sin: persons given. iO ]71D to minister, particularly in the "^^1222 83 vhp 32 36 46 priest's office, nsna the pri^'st- hood or priest's office. *7D overspread, cover. *TDt3 cover- ing, hanging. "pD the veil, v. 31. curve, bending, hollow, 'y'rp curtains. irV a stake or pin. (In Arabic) to thrust or drive. liV to exceed, go beyond certain limits, be redundant, nn^ a rope. nn^Q nearly the same, used for a bow-string. IpD . nilpD f. in reg, oversight, office, superintendence, charge. Vnp compact, fasten together. ^OJlp boards. rrm pass from one place to another, 'n'l: bars. niD separate, deliver, redeem. ]V1D or pD price of deliverance or redemption, a ransom. DViQ redemption, mo those that are to be redeemed (Bate). ^1V superabundant, superfluous. in Hiph. to have over and above, to cause or make to superabound. Chapter IV. 1 3 N!al? to assemble or meet together in a stated manner. (Bate) go upoji duty, as the Levites to do the service of the tabernacle. t&nn azure or sky-blue. A cover- ing of ermines, not badger's skins, as the rabbins. vv!D to coniplete entirely. !?>^3 wholly (Bate). 7 7132 . D^]Dn the presence bread (Bate). i3 90 NUMBERS. nman 7 iVp to be deep, mrp a dish, charger, &c. n^D to curve, bend, fp a spoon. mD3. See Exodus, chap. xxv. T^p^ clear away. n'p30 tlie bowls. nti?p stiff, broad, shallow vessels of beaten metal, plates. '7D3 spread abroad, pour out or abroad. 9 npb take. rrnp'^D tongs. Tinn to keep fire alive, mnnnr: snuff-pans. t^1J3 to be moved, so as to be dis- ordered or di&jointed. tqid a yoke-band, a staff, a pole. 13 )W1 to be made fat. Ashes of the fat, take away the ashes. Uyi whelm, heap, &c. paiM purple. See Exodus, chap. xxv. 14. 14 37T curvature. A flesh-hook. K?nn 111? azure skins, i. e., of a sky-blue colour, or a covering of ermines. Tinn to keep fire alive, lighted, or in a smoke, by the constant access of fresh air. nnno a censer. tlV^ to overturn, see Is. chap, xxviii. 17. cy' shovels. p'lt to sprinkle, pnra a bason, a sprinkling vessel. 15 SIZ73 to bear. nd a burden, a collection. 20 177!2 pulled down, swallow up, devour. (Ver. 20,) may be used here as a twinkling, a moment. 23 Wni?, n^b to assemble in a regular stated manner, to go upon duty. Went upon duty. Chapter V. H 2 5?"^!^ see Lev. xiii. yi"i!? a leper. nt gush, issue, Lev. xv. A run- ning humour. t2?D3 to breathe, respire. A dead body, an animal which has breathed. 6 737X5 to decline, go aside, bra'^ bsi2 to commit a trespass. DtrS guilty. And he shall restore his damage. 7 Wi^l priority. (Sum total) its full value. 12 ntOti? decline, go, or turn aside. 13 ^DW lie down. mSttJ a lying down (Bate), a fall or emission of seed (Gesenius' Lexicon.) t^Sn lay hold on, catch. 14 M3p to eat into, corrode, as fire, to burn with zeal, to burn with jea- lousy. 1 5 n'Dp to grind. Meal, flour. IDT strength, vigour, &c. 1. to remember, make mention. 2. male sex. pDi a memorial. mSW a memorial. 17 37p*1p the pavement or floor, mp to join, contiguate, and yp"i to expand. 18 yi^ free, set free, or loose, to dis- engage, strip, make naked, dishevel (Bate). 1^ bitter. "HN to flow. "VIN to curse greatly. To curse, i. e., fleeting, &c. Dn"i0 that causeth the curse. 20 ni^bn or Tlba besides, without, except. 21 372tt? sufficiency, satisfaction, NUMBERS. -inian 91 saturity. (See Parkhurst's Lexi- con on this root, 716, referring to Gen. xxi. 2831, proving- that this is not a divided root.) rrbW to curse. (A denouncing of a curse.) 22 *|l^!!2 to conceive in the belly or womb. The belly. n^lJ to swell, grow turgid. '^V12 in Arab, to be lax. 'JO the bowels. 23 1QD to tell, count. A book, roll, a tablet, volume (Bate). 26 '^Dp grasp, take a grasp or handful. Chapter VI. 1 2 sbc. -na m:"? nVd* shall make the uncommon vow (Bate). "1T3 to be separated. T a Na- zarite. Separate oneself. 3 ^^n to ferment. Vinegar, sour- ness, nntt? personal attendance or mi- nistry. miCQ somewhat pre- pared for eating or drinking. rrrCQ "ja any preparation (of grapes). nriv smoothness. n^ smooth, fresh, green. 4 y^Tl shorten, cut short. D*:!J^n the dregs or refuse of grapes. Grape-stones (Bate). 31T to join, connect, at the husk of a grape or outer skin. 5 lyn divide, cut, split. A cutting instrument or razor, &c. b"T3 any kind of greatness or aug- mentation. To increase, grow, become great. 9 37ns to beat in pieces, ync a moment, a small partition of time. With 3 in a moment, in an instant. MnS sudden, hasty. C^nc or ^^33^ a steer or heifer, a calf, pi. nb:s. Tfb^^t pi. n'u^ a carriage or car, rolled forward on round wheels. HIlI^ to swell, grow turgid. 2!? the covering or tilt of a car- riage, &c. 9 P)nD bind together. The shoulder. 10 S12?3 bear, take, lift, &c., raise. ttJ3 or M'^: a prince or chief. *73n to initiate, handsell, dedicate. n3:rT dedication. 13 1'^p to be deep, n-ysp a dish, pi. pHT to sprinkle, scatter, p^m a sprinkling vessel, a bason, a bowl. 92 NUMBERS. nmttlS 15 IpD to look upon, survey. A beeve ; and collectively, beeves. A herd of such, sometimes ren- dered oxen (Bate.) 17 IDV to prepare, make ready. Dmny rams or he-goats. mD to bear fruit, nc a young bull. mD a heifer. 72 '^nWV one, unity, i. e., the founda- tion, from muy to make, and ntt? a foundation. Chapter VIII. fl 2 bo to cut off or pluck. Via ba at the termination, extremity, to- wards. '2D blQ ba at the termi- nation of the face or front, i. e., on or towards the forefront. 4 TlWp to be stiff, tough, stubborn, hard, &c. rropo beaten work, stiffened work. n"lS to break forth, mc the flower-bud, gem, or germ. HMT to see, look at. nsia aspect, pattern. 11 r|D to reach out, stretch forth, nciin A present (being the Levites.) 16 "1122 to open. nTC what openeth. 19 ?)!13 to hit, strike against. A stroke or plague. 21 StDn to deviate from a scope or aim. In Kal and Hiph. to offer for a sin-oflfering, or to expiate or cleanse by ditto. Chapter IX. tD 2 1^** to appoint, constitute. InNiph. to be convened, assembled. 13 15 25 29 30 t&ID, pi. DnriD a set regular time, a season. HDD to pass or leap over by in- tervals, with b'$ following. The passover. To hop about. Hop- ping (halt) service (Bate). 'Vm subtract, withhold. 3?l^t27 to hear, understand, declare, (Bate). ]pni to elongate. Far, distant. "["n to go, come, or put forwards. A way, path, or road. bin not to act, not to speak, not to be. To cease, fail, forbear, decline. I'DW dwell, remain, rest. |Dwa. 1DD to tell, count. ISDO after the substance, denotes few ; before, denotes many. Chapter X. "^ 'n^n to surround, confine, environ. minjrT or m:?i:?n a trumpet, from "isn a tube, and 1^ to compress. 17D3 remove. yOD a moving or rushing along or forwards. 37"n to break. To break the order of the air. nniD a loud sound, a shouting, alarm. niJ to bind close, enclose. An oppressor. '^'t3 distress, afflict, exceedingly. F]DS to gather in, or up, as the rear of an army. A part, noun, PlDD the rear or rear -guard. SDn the father-in-law of Moses, son of Rouel. ^v"' to procreate young, beget, bear, like ysyy and gigno. m'?1Q nativity, kindred, offspiing. NUMBERS. -imisn S3 nn to go round or about, to search out. So '^D3 dissipate, disperse. Chapter XI. K> 1 ^S labour of body or mind. pM em- phatic. (Bate) to complain much. C'3jNno being exhausted or faint with labour or grief (Parkhurst's Lexicon). (Bate) being ready to complain. 2 n /Q separate. Vto to make a separation, to intercede, mediate. VpW to sink, subdue. 4 F)DM to gather in. tpWH a mul- titude, collected from various quarters. A rabble, the mixed multitude (Bate). niM to desire, lust. rriNn IINnn fell a lusting. 5 "jn kindness, affection. D3n out of mere kindness, gratis, &c. ^Wp like rrop to stiffen. D>u?p cucumbers. ntsn hang close. D'nniw fruits or plants of the pepo or melon kind, which cling by their tendrils. *l2n surround, confine, environ, irsrr an herb, from its tubular structure. vS2 to peel off the bark of a tree, or coats of an onion. (Bate) a leek, an onion. ntZ? to place, set, put. D"'DW some species of onions. 7 pi? look, appearance. V"Ti to divide, separate. Tin, n':i3 bdellium. (Bochart) pearl. 8 TlXlW decline, go to and fro. ]nTD comminute, grind, cm embrace, enclose. A lower millstone, mills. n^T to beat or bray. nDi?3 a mortar. "HD to break, nns a pot or kettle. 237 to bake upon or under the coals. A cake thus baked. Dri^ to taste, as ywofuct. V"T2? wet, moist, liquid. Fresh. 12 pT^ to describe, define. "^"U the bosom or breast. ^DM steadiness, stability, constancy. A nursing or a foster-father. 13 ]S labour, ^m a negation, ^'wo from whence. 16 ItDtC an inferior magistrate or officer, a ruler. 20 S~)t nauseous, loathsome. DNQ to be dilated, to despise, abhor. 23 TV^p meet, occur, happen. 25 v^S to set apart, keep, reserve. (Bate) took. P)1D to make an end of, consume, to scrape away, to sweep off. 30 P)DS gather, withdraw, congregare, colligere, retrahere. Recover, i. e., to withdraw a man from his leprosy. 3 1 T21 took off or away. IDK?3 loose, relax. Set loose, spread forth or abroad. nnD restriction. Tfy\ n3 here and there, this way and that, Exod. ii. 12; Num. xxiii. 15. CM support. rrDM pi. noM a cubit, j 1^ foot. A family. 9i NUMBERS. "^nTrin S2 n^^W spread abroad. 3;3 *|iy pleasure, delight. p hither- to, yet (Bate). 1^ and p. 34 "I2p to bury, inter. Chapter XII. ^"^ 1 m*' to put forward. miM n. f. pi. propelling motives or causes, as mns and nnx, or nnN ^r on account of, by reason of. n^'WD Ethiopian or Cushite. 3 n2V affect. 133> humble, lowly. 4 CNHD suddenly. NDD sudden, hasty. 8 in penetrate, sharp. HTn an enigma, parable which penetrates the mind. T1212 to distribute. n:inn in reg. n:icn a delineation, a similitude. ID^D to look, direct the eye of the body or mind, to behold, regard. 11 "^3 have pity on mc, Exod. iv. 10; and alii. Attend to me. Gen. xliii, 20. a to, or on, and ' me, to me, or on me. ^W* to will, resolve, determine, un- dertake. In Niph. bir^Z wilful, to be self-willed, obstinate, there- fore foolish. Chapter XIII. 11'' 17 HT this, this here : (Sometimes, eminence, distinction, as evroi and hic,)hither, this way. 19 Tl^Tl to fix, settle, to fix one's tent, camp, encamp. D'ono or m:nr3 an encampment or camp. *n!^2 to restrain, shut up, to fortify. 20 riTl waste, attenuate, lean, poor. 20 ptn constringe, brace; therefore, strong, strengthen, i. e., the hands. 23 ^3V connecting. D'i:s? grapes, (the first ripe) grapes. v!I3ti? to be wise. Waste, destroy. ^:^\s pi. f. in reg. nVD^ a cluster or bunch of grapes. Tliyi cast, throw, '"hot the pome- granate, Exod. xxvi. ^S labour of body or mind. n:f*n a species of tree. The tig-tree, i. e., the grief-tree, from the roughness or prickliness of the upper side of the leaf, i. e., a kind of natural sackcloth. D':n figs. 28 DCS to fail, cease to be as a part, defect, i. e., only. DCN ^D only that, nevertheless, only, because yet, because. 30 on hist, hush; hence, to be silent, keep silence. In Iliph. to make silent, still, hush. 31 iT to murmur, nn reg. mi a murmuring, an evil repcrt- 32 "TD to measure in length and breadth. nilQ 'Ty: men of large dimensions. 33 vCD to fall in any manner. Aquila renders it by iTiTriTravTis. Sym- machus by Btattoi, such as fall upon others. The Nephelim D'^Cin. Violent assaulters. 3!in a locust or grasshopper. Chapter XIV. T 1 HWJ bear, take, lift up. xmi arose (Bate). 2 ]v stay, abide. To dwell or harp upon a subject with discontent and murmuring, to grumble. NUMBERS. 2 n w to join, add. i) the cleaving of mind to an object, as, Would to God ! O that, assuredly, if ! 3 TD spoil, plunder, prey. nS V weary, tired, vib and Ml^ not, nay, no. 6 V^p to rend, or rent, 8 V'Cn bend, incline. With b and noun, to be inclined to, to delight in. 9 yil^ to rebel, revolt. viJ to shade, overshadow. D^ ID he that overshadowed them is departed from them. 11 rT3N the occurrence or presence of an object. n:M 13? how long, till what time. 12 13DW I will sraite (this people) him, \^S2 cast off, reject, despise, slight. 12?"T^ to possess, tm: to be dis- possessed, come to poverty. 18 nCS to heat through. D'D "pM long of nostrils, i. e ., who restrains his anger, slow to anger, long- suffering. D^D "I2?p short of nostrils, passionate, angry. 19 HvD loose, relax, remit. With b following, pardoning or forgiving. 21 DvS compression. D'?1b a particle expressing firmness or confi- dence. Yet, notwithstanding, but, truly. 22 nD3 try, tempt, essay. 24 Dp37 the end. ap3> because, inas- much as, because of, on account of. wbD to be full, to fulfil. nn bD to fulfil after, i. e., to follow entirely. 28 DM support. vh DM if not, in swearing and speaking, affirmeth. m^n 95 I live, saith Jehovah, if it shall not happen, i. e., as sure as I live it shall happen. 32 n3t encompass. ni2T fornication, acts of whoredom. 34 M3 to fail, be deficient. Fem. reg. nN"i3n a failure, viz., in perform- ing what was promised. My failure, my breach of promise. 85 1V^ to appoint. D'T^ls met by ap- pointment. nns?"i3 were gathered together by appointment. 44 bD37 elevated, raised up, proud, arrogant, presumed. They as- cended (Bate). ntt?SJ draw out or forth, remove, withdraw. 45 nS to pound, beat, wear to pieces. Din (Hormeh) denotes utter destruction. Chapter XV. IID 3 S^D extraordinary. m3 perform a vow, or accomplish. m3 free, liberal, naia free-will- ofFering. nrr^S n*"*! an appeasing odour. 15 ^Hp to collect. An assembly, a congregation. 16 liD2? all regulation and disposal. t2Q^n custom. It hath a very general meaning. 19 Dl to be lifted up, or make an offering, rroivi lonn ye shall offer a heave-offering. TT)^ excite, move, p threshing- floor. 20 V^V to knead, similar to pr to agitate. >nnny masses of kneaded 96 NUMBERS. imn dough or paste, n^rr a cake. Dough (Bate). 22 Tl^W expatiate, luxuriate, run wild, to wander, err, transgress through ignorance. n")2 command, order, ordain. m!?n pi. miJD a precept, a com- mand. N /H remove or cast to a distance, far off. n^Vrr onwards, hence- forward, thenceforth ; or, of place, to a distance, beyond. 25 n vD loose, relax, remit. 30 f]11 reproach, revile, blaspheme. 31 T3 to spoil, plunder. To spoil of honour, upbraid, to reproach, nt^ despise, contemn, slight. 34 t2?"nQ spread out, explain, expound, declare. 38 V"'!^ break or burst forth as a flower. nS'2 a flower, i. e., a flower like a tassel or tuft. In Hiph. to irradiate, emit glory or splendour. P]3D extremity. A border or skirt of a garment. Chapter XVI. TtD 1 np7 to take. (Bate) conspired together. 11 13?^ to appoint. D^nyj they who meet by appointment. 13 1W to regulate. "ITO regulating, ruling absolutely. mnu^n to make thyself an absolute ruler or director. 14 ip3 bore, dig, or cut out. 21 V^'l still, quiet. An instant. P Tl^^p foam, froth. HDD scrape, sweep. Rudere, ver- rere. TpD take notice of, visit, review, oversee. mpD reg. visitation or judgment. SllS production either of sub- stance or form. The creation or accretion of matter. To do or perform somewhat wonderful, or create a new thing. Chapter XVII. T PpW burn, Vpl the motion of different parts, different ways at the same time. A plate. Extending plates of gold by beating. nD expand, spread out. Broad. riD!^ overspread, overlay. 1237 restrain, retain, stop, detain. IDD to slide, slip. nr)0 a pole, a rod. 15?'' appoint. In Niph. to meet by appointment. mS break forth, bud, flourish. The flower-bud, blossom. '^W restrain, take away. vD!l retribution, return. Yield. V^^ labour or pant for breath. Expire, die. 21 Chapter XVIII. n> "in2 clear, transparent. "^TO' oil. *^1V set in order, '^yf an esti- mation, an estimate price. *ntt?37 to be rich. "itD3>Q tithe, tenth. NUMBERS. 21 Py)r\ passing, succession, after; nJ so change, renewal, ex- change. 27 M*7S3 to be full in almost any manner. n'?D fulness of the wine-press, i. e., the first running. I2p3 make hollow. 2p' a wine-fat I -liiDn 97 or vat. 29 ^7n soft, unctuous substance. The richest or most nutritious parts. Chapter XIX. tO> 2 TT7V ascend, by and biy a yoke, nans red. 4 n]D3 straightness. n33 directly opposite to, over against. 5 Cl?nD spread out. Dung. 9 13 move, remove. m3 'Q the waters of removal, i. e., waters of cleansing. 1 1 n^ to die. no a dead corpse or carcass. 12 M^n deviate from. In Hiph. to expiate, cleanse. 15 nbS totality. '^D utensil, orna- ment, instrument, furniture, &c. nriD to open. mriD and nnD an engraving. IDl^ couple or join together, in pairs. Ta:? a bracelet. bn2 to twist, wreath. b'DD a wreath for the arm, a thread. 16 bn, vbn pierce much, much wounded, mortally wounded (Bate). Chapter XX. 5 3 Hin or !2'^1 contend, strive, quarrel (Bate). 4 1V!2 to clear off, consume. "VSl a brute animal, a beast. 8 1111 drive, lead, bring. Speak, not smite ; used once to smite, 2 Chron. xxii. 10. 10 711D to resist, rebel, revolt, (lxx. apostatize.) 19 vD raise, elevate. nVoD a raised or highway. "1D10 to deliver to another, sell. A price. "im 1''W pn yet not a thing. 26 tDa?D divest, strip off. Chapter XXI. SD 1 in to go about. Dnn the ex- plorers, spies, nnt^ lead or carry away captive. 'IttJ a captive. 4 1'^p cut short, grieved. 5 Tl'Sp cut ofF, end, curtail. Loathe (Bate). 6 FjltZ? burn. D''D"i\l? a species of serpents, from their vivid ,fiery colour, or from their bite. A fiery-serpent. Iirj to bite. 8 D3 a quick or tremulous motion. A banner or ensign. 1 1 71*\V to turn out of its proper situa- tion, to pervert. D"^ a ruin, heap. A proper name. 13 mV to pass beyond, lira a ford, a place where a river is passable. 14 nSD to scrape, sweep. riElD a violent sweeping wind or storm, a whirlwind. 15 mtt? to pour out or forth, to shed. nN an effusion, spring, stream, or rill of water. Ground. NUMBERS. nm^n 15 1VW incline. Tn Nipb. to be in- clined, lean. pWQ a staff, a prop. 17 n237 to affect. Sing alternately, answer in singing. 18 nCn to dig. nS^ to open. A pit or well opened in the earth. ma free, liberal. Noble. n"l2 cut, cut up, penetrate. To dig for. ppn marit out eminently. ppni2 a staff or sceptre. 20 nS!l increase, rise. M'3 a valley, or more properly, rising ground or lawn, rising from the bottom to the adjoining hill. nptt7 look, turn towards. 25 5133 to build, rrron its daughters or dependencies (Bate), or towns or villages. 28 n'^p meet, join, m'p, Mlp, wnnp a city. 29 mS desire, covet. ) oh, ah! , Ovai. Voe. n with *? following, ch, alas, woe ! a7B escape, flee. In Hiph. to carry off. :D'bD fugitives, i. e., a number of persons escaped. 30 13 split, separate. T2 a lamp ac- tually giving light. 12 a lamp. 35 11127 to leave or be left behind. inxo one thus left. Chapter XXII. DD 1 D13? mix. m" a wilderness, a desert, uncultivated country. 3 "13^ to shrink or draw back for fear be afraid of. 3 yp fret, lacerate, wound (Park- hurst's Lexicon). Distressed (Bate). 4 *7nb to lick, lick up. 5 irT3 to flow or run as water. A current, a stream, a flood, a river. btt to cut off. biDD on the border. '^QQ on my border, i. e., border- ing on me. 6 vIM gross, thickened. 'biM per- haps, may be, as riM, Tiy, mS',n*', where T is immutable. 7 DDp divine, presage, prognosticate. Divination, and pi. D^aDp rewards of divination. 1 1 Tlllp to curse, execrate, nearly re- lated to np3, as rtm to mj. 16 Vyt2 withhold, prohibit, restrain. 21 I2?2n bind round or about, girded. 22 "JtOli? oppose, be adverse. 23 ^hW draw, push out or off. 24 vlfftt? hollow, concave. b')'^'CK) a hollow, a narrow way. 113 make a fence, fenced in. 25 yrv7 press, squeeze, crush. 27 VpD a light rod or twig, ribp light. 28 73") smite, impress as the feet upon the ground. D'b:*! distinct strokes or impressions, times. 29 nb37 to ascend. '"^^ in Hiph, insulted or mocked. 30 ]!3D lay up, lay up in store. In promptu habere. >n23Dn pDm apt to do thus unto thee ; and Bate, wont to do so unto thee. 32 tDT* turn aside, to be turned aside, perverse. NUiMBERS. n:2-T)in 99 37 ^^M steadiness, stability. U^'QVl faithfully, truly. *TI3D heavy, weighty. To honour, to regard as weighty. vD'' able to do a thing. Can or could. 38 DSr) , D1a , n!:1D , any, the least thing, a small matter. (Q1KO for and from, D10 a blot). Job xxxi. 7 ; Dan. i. 4. Chapter XXIII. n^ 3 nStZ? clash, crush. DtO a high, craggy place. 7 vl27X3 to rule. An authoritative weighty speech or saying, a parable, a discourse. TlTl^ lead, or bring along, guide. nVt spumam agitare per os, de- spumare. To defy. 9 nt2?n add, superadd, count, reckon. 10 inN behind, after. n^Tn end, latter time or state. 14 nD!J overspread, oversee, survey, &c. Proper name. !lDD divide, dissect. moD a broken ridge. 22 P)l?' dissolve, melt. nD!>in in- defatigable, or overpowering strength. nD3?W stateliness (Bate). DST raised up, elevated. Name of a horned animal. A stag (Bate). A wild-bull (Park- Iiurst's Lexicon). 23 l&nS view attentively, look accu- rately. An omen or an augury. Witchcraft (Bate). 24 MHv in Arab. 1 conj. to milk out the beestings or first milk, or to suckle with first milk. A lion (Bate), ^'iHence Bochart says, a lioness. mW pluck off or crop. n and nnx a lion. 28 1172 gape, open wide. A proper name. Chapter XXIV. "TD 3 Dnti? shut up, closed. 4 TTin to fasten, settle. Generally, to see, behold, mno who hath seen the visions. HvH to remove. D':^J? m'?3 un- cover or open the eyes. 6 vn3 to inherit. A valley or torrent. 7ns to pitch a tent. d>W aloe- trees or lign-aloes. 7 vT let loose, profuse from laxity, flow. nbl draw out (as water), nvbl branches which draw up the sap, boughs. Roots (Bate). 8 D^37 strength. D>Q2V and niDlUJ? bones. Cn^ make bare or clean. (Shall pick their bones.) "^ntt drive, drive in deeply, cause to pierce deeply. And ver. 17, subdue. 9 V^D bow, couch. pDD smite, strike, clap, smack. 14 ^l?"* advise, give counsel. 17 ^23 something glittering. 1312 a star, "^m go, come forwardii, proceed nip to meet, npip confound. k2 J 00 NUMBERS. "121X23 17 r\W to place. Sheth, a city of Moab. (Bate; apposition. 19 "137 to raise, stir up. n^yn one that makes a stir from the city. 21 Tl^p to hold, contain. |p a nest, a room. 23 HTI vigorous, strong. Live. 24 'S^ dryness, drought. D^2J or D':? a decked ship, ships. Chapter XXV. HD 3 1D2 couple or join together, be in pairs. 4 Vp"^ strain, stretch, distend. In Hiph. hang up. mn heat, burn. pn heat, wrath, pi. W. 7 HDT in Arab, to stab. Noun, a spear, lance, or pike. 8 3p3 to make hollow, mp the inner part or room of the tent, mp the belly of a woman. "npT stab, pierce. ^2D hit, strike against. nD^D a stroke, plague. 122? restrain, stop, may a solemn feast-day, ch. xxix. 30. 13 nn2 to descend, nnn instead of, because of, for. 14 nD3 smite, strike. rtJOrr that was slain. 17 1!i bind close, n-c? bind closely. Distress. 18 v33 devise, contrive deceitfully. ^^32 wiles. Chapter XXVI. ID 9 n!i3 shoot, break, or burst forth or out. Chapter XXVII. TD 4 3?12l subtract, taken away. 20 min glory, sometimes honour. Chapter XXVIII. HD 7 *JD3 spread abroad, pour out. A libation of wine poured out. "I3t!7 satisfy, satiate. Strong liquor. Chapter XXX. b 2 "IDN confine, restrain. To bend. A bond. 5 W^n silent thought or attention. 6 N3 fail, be deficient. i3n in Hithp. annul, disannul, cause to fail. 7 StfiD utter or speak rashly, fool- ishly, or unadvisedly. 10 D7M to compress. n3QV a widow. m:D^ widowhood. Chapter XXXI. b 2 Dp3 to avenge. 3 ybn loose, draw out or forth. 4 "IDD deliver from one to another. Offer, present. bn^ to remain, abide, ^n riches, wealth. TTm plunder entirely. 10 1TD order, regularity. A town, a house DnTTD. 14 IpD in Niph. wanting or missing. mpE officers. NUMBERS. nm^sn 101 16 "SDtt to deliver, teach, promote (Bate). 20 T3? strength or vigour. DW goats, used elliptically, goats' (hair). 21 m** to teach ; or rmn instruction, a law. 22 "1D3? comminute, reduce to dust or powder. mD12> and mE!S lead. 27 t2?Dn lay hold, take in war. Un- de/take, manage. 28 D1 to be lifted up. In Hiph. to raise, levy. 03 reckon, number, count. 030 an assessment or tribute. 50 13?!^ to step, walk. rny:? an ornament worn on the arm, a chain. hyS round. "?' a ring or earring. T(i5l5 to gather or compress into a roundish form. lOID some female ornament, a kind of girdle, swathe, or zone, compressing the breasts. Chapter XXXII. nb 3 "ni^l? encompass, surround. Proper name. 3?3 move, remove, wander. 14 nun Kal, to be many or great, increase, multiply, mnn increase, progeny. 16 T13 make a fence. N. a fence of stones, a wall, walled folds or cotes. 17 "^ bn loose, set loose, to expedite. Part. Paoul, ready prepared, ready armed, drawing out, draughting or selecting. 17 ten to haste. Speedily, in haste, ready. 22 W'U'D subdue, subject. 33 72!l to set up a boundary, bound, terminate. A boundary, limit, border. 41 n'^n to make known, mn a proper name. Their schools of instruction. Chapter XXXIII. ^b 1 2?DD travel, journey. crco marches. 1T1 to be of a pale or white colour. 1in a hole, a strait (Bate). 52 tt?"i"' to succeed another in a pos- session. In Hiph. to cause another to succeed, i. e., to drive out former possessors. nStt? to be like. n^DTOO imagery* sculpture. Carved images (Bate). 'dh'2 to figure, delineate. D'-ob!? images. "^D to overspread, cover. ni^DD tabernacles, molten or covered. l^tt? destroy, abolish, demolish, raze. 55 *7tt? to stop, to fence, hedge. C'StJ sharp stakes or thorns. ]li pointed, piercing. D2'22 thorns, prickles, very sharp pointed. 56 HDI equable, even, level, uniform, conform. To form an idea in the mind. Thought (Bate). Chapter XXXIV. lb 3 nSD a side, extremity. >n.ys reg. HMD, pi. riND a side, quarter. K 3 102 NUMBERS. nman 8 n^n to limit, bound. Set or draw a limit or bound. Draw a line (Bate;. 1 1 nnD wipe, brush against. P]nD Arab, to bind together. N. a side or border. 13 vn3 to inherit. To divide or dis- tribute for an inlieritance. Chapter XXXV. nb 6 ^^D ^/ to contract. to'jpQ contrac- tion, retreat, refuge. n^^T manslaughter or murder. A manslayer or murderer. vindicate, avenge. The avenger of blood. 19 2?!15 to meet, meet with. 20 V\in thrust, push. 12 bs:i 20 mi$ look sideways. (A lying in wait, treachery.) 22 mD break in pieces. STDl in a moment, an instant, suddenly. A moment. 24 IV in Kal to bear witness, mr and IS a witness in testimony. 25 V153 take away. In Kal and Hiph. to deliver. 33 P)3n pollute, defile. Chapter XXXVI. Sh 3 V"^^ subtract, withhold. 4 73'^ bring or carry along. The jubilee. The blast of a trumpet. 7 p^T adhere, cleave. 11 IT and TIT a lover. An uncle. DEUTERONOMY. Chapter I. M 1 in37 to mix. TMIS a desert, un- cultivated country. 5 ^M** will, resolve, determine, un- dertake. 'nS!! to open, declare. 7 /DC27 to humble oneself. nbDtt? a plain, low country. coast, or land overhanging the sea. mQ Euphrates. 12 rni5 to weary, tire. N. weari- ness, fatigue. 13 Sn"* to give, supply. Come give, JlDn to cover, veil. r]in the sea- ]3 divide, separate. p3 discreet. DEUTERONOMY. D^-im 103 13 3?"!"' to perceive or feel by the senses. W^T experienced. 17 "IDH to know again, call to mind, regard. ")T3n. in"^ shrink for fear, man be afraid of. 21 nn to be broken, dismayed. 22 iDn sink, penetrate, search out. 27 ]yi mutter, murmur. 28 n3S presence of an object. Whither, where. HD^ melt, dissolve. y^V agitate, Niph. terrified. 36 nbt , nbiT , Tlbt besides, except, save only. 37 bbn roll over and over. bybyi because of, by means of. 43 It to swell, be tumid, proud, pre- sumptuous. 44 "im to drive, onn bees. Chapter II. 2l 4 IT^iW keep, preserve. In Niph. and Kal, observe, be cautious. 5 m^l excite, move. In Hithp. to stir up oneself, i. e., to war and contentions. 6 I^W separate, contiguous parts. Sell, buy. 711'D fodere. To prepare by buy- ing. Prepare, make ready. Buy. 11 Utt^n add, reckon, think. SST to restore. D'nDI restorers of the antediluvian idolatry of the moon. 15 DJlv to swallow up quickly. Soft, &c., q. 25 Tm*1 motion, commotion. Tremble. 30 ^DS strong or vigorous in body or mind. Mlb HN yi2W made his heart obstinate. 34 rXQ to die. PI. D'nn men, mortals. TlW leave or be left behind. t-i;d one thus left. ^^10 to lift up or be lifted up. High above reach, exalted. Chapter III. !l 5 bun bind, tie, connect. Van a tract or portion of land. (1123 to be high, elevated, tall, lofty. 71 p1 draw, draw out. bi a door, a gate. D>nbi. "nm single. niV besides. T*1D disperse, scatter. 'nD joined with 1D5 or T2> an open village or town. 10 1W^ straight, even, smooth. "i^CQ a plain. 11 W^V bed, couch. The furniture of an oriental divan. A mattress. 17 miZ? pour forth, shed. IMJM, pi. miUJN an effusion, spring, stream. 21DD divide, dissect. A broken ridge. A proper name. 18 yhn loose, set loose. D'S"i'?n ready, prepared, armed. 23 ]n kindness. ]3n very kind. Hithp. to supplicate. 26 I^V to pass in whatever manner. Hiph. disregard, wroth. n35? to affect. poV denoting re- lation, because of, for the sake of. 28 \^ttS strong, vigorous. 201 DEUTERONOMY. Dnni Chapter IV. 1 1 I^Dtt? regulation, D^tDCCn rules. 6 ^i divide, separate. Reg. nra understanding. pT evacuate. Only, except, but, yet. 12 n3?2 to distribute. nilDn a simili- tude. bt loose, lax. nVl, ^h^^, 'n'71T be- sides, except. 13 133 stand or show oneself before or above others. In Hiph. Tan to make manifest. 1() nntt? corrupt, spoil, mar. /DD a figure, image, idol. A female deity. Equal to mtt?M the blesser. n3^ to build. TVZin a form, pattern, model. IS ti?D") move, creep, crawl. A reptile. 19 n"7D to impel, force, thrust. Niph. to be impelled, incited, moved. 21 ?13M breathe or snuff with the nostrils. Very angry. nblS to wear, waste away. TiVs not, unless, besides, admits % d, and ly before a noun ; b before infin. and verb. But, except, unless. 25 ^tt?*^ to sleep in a sound sleep. Long undisturbed, part, noun, laid up in store, i. e., in a quiet, undisturbed state. DVO to be angry. In Hiph. to provoke, irritate. 26 l^S to be lost, to perish. 27 3(13 carry, carry away, lead, bring, drive. 31 Dm embrace, have pity, mercy upon. Merciful. 31 TIZT) give way, relax, fail. 34 nD3 try, attempt, essay. nco temptations. 3(5 ID*' to check, discipline, restrain. Chapter V. H \ 17 ^M3 in Arab, to satiate one's 1 thirst by drinking. Unlawful venereal gratifications, i., e., to commit adultery. IDn desire earnestly, covet. Chapter VI. 1 4 "ISIIS to ^^ strong, copious. Strength, might, ability. 7 rT3t27 to iterate. ]W repeat over and over again. A good instance of the intensity of doubling the last radical. 8 1ti?p bind, bind about. P)DtD fix, fasten. nCTDtD frontlets or pendants, i. e., scrolls of parch- ment, on which were portions of the law. 11 1^ clear, cleanse, mi pits, wells &c. !2!5n cut, cut out, hew, ^D3 plant, fix, infix. 19 P)"T3 drive or hurry away. 22 n break, rend, afflict. Grievous- Chapter VII. t 1 bti?3 to cast, drive out, remcve by force. 3 inn contract affinity by marriage. DEUTERONOMY. D^m 105 5 DH "'D for, or, because in truth, certainly. yn^ break to pieces, break down, destroy. 2!^'' (related to as:, but distinct) to set, settle. nnso a standing pillar. nW^ to proceed. DrrTttJ their groves. ^i:i break, cut or cast down, or oflf, demolish. 6 h'JD gain or acquire to oneself. A peculium, a peculiar treasure. 7 pWn connect, join, link together. 12 npl? the end. Because, inasmuch as, before a verb. 13 "122? to emit, send forth. Issue, ofTspring. ?)bs being chief, principal, &c. n-ib^ pi. U'^bn ox or beeve, chief cattle, nnnti?!? always joined with ]S flocks, niry and "in a tour, compass. ^S!^ flocks of sheep or goats. The young of thy flocks. 14 npV in Arab, to cut off*. Barren, sterile. -|pl" a barren male. mp3> a barren female. 15 niT to languish, to faint, '"no sicknesses. 1 6 on spare, pity. When the eyelids half-close, i. e., half-closed thine eyes. C?p'^ to lay or set a snare. 'Cpia a snare. 20 3?"^^ to smite or strike. Tf^'S the larger wasp or hornet. 21 V""^ agitate, shake violently, terrify. 23 niDH multitude, tumult, turbu- lency. 7V2^r^y2 confusion. D?2n agitate very much. 25 ^Vr\ loathe, nauseate. niS^in an abomination. 26 D"nn total separation of a thing, accursed. ypW abominate, abhor, detest. Chapter VIII. n 2 H^V to affect. HiJ? to humble. 4 nbn wear, waste away. p^H made soft by moistening. Made soft or tender. 7 n'Qn multitude, mnn pi. nonn a mass or body of waters, or multitude. Pools. 8 P\'1'2 hit, strike against, p: a vine. 9 PD lay up, lay in store. niDOm by means of a magazine or ma- gazines. n"in protuberate, swell. "i">n a high or continued mountain. y^n cut, cut out, hew. 13 npn look, search, examine, ipl a beeve or a herd of cattle. 15 n"1p3? the scorpion, pr to press, and n much. Sttl2 to thirst. p02J dry, thirsty land or ground, bn break, break off* or away. D'^isbn a hard stone, flint. D^n to break, and nQ to recede. Chapter IX. I^ 4 V\in to thrust, push, cast out by force. Driven away (Bate). 106 DEUTERONOMY. :^nni 7 P)2p to foam, froth. Provoke (Bate). Hiph. to cause to foam with anger. 8 P|DM to breathe with the nostrils. Be very angry. 12 '^O to overspread, cover. TODD a covering. A molten image. 14 HDI give way, relax, let alone. 17 l2?Dn lay hold on, catch. Took (Bate). 19 iy> shrink or draw back for fear, be afraid of. 20 HvD separate. bVo to judge, in- tercede, &c. 21 r\D to pound, beat, wear to pieces. ^niD comminute, reduce to powder. DID'' good, well. TTD'n and stQ^rr adv. well, rightly, thoroughly. pT to beat, or be beaten small. Chapter X. 1 1 /DD hew, chip. 7 m^nri a name of a place in the Arabian desert, found only here. 15 pWn have a delight. To cleave to or be attached to any one, connect. IH QD^ in Arab, single, solitary. Din' solitary, bereaved. Fatherless. 21 7n to move quickly, irradiate, shine. n'?nn praise, glory. Chapter XI. 1 HD^ to restrain. -idio restraint, discipline. 4 nSS to overspread, overflow. 6 n!^D to let loose, open. Dp rise, stand, be established, ^^p* that which subsisteth. Substance. 10 p^T' throw out something liquid or moist. N. a green shoot or twig. Herbs (Bate). 12 Wll inquire, require. Regard, inquire after, watch over. Care for (Bate). tt^ST priority. n*"ra from the beginning. 14 m'' direct, put straight or even. mv spiring or spearing rain. B!?p7 to crop, gather, w^pb'0 the harvest-rain. 15 nWS herb, herbage. Grass (Bate). 18 nWp bind, bind about. f]lDtD fix, fasten. nDt:in frontlets. riD^ to entice, persuade. 30 72M place near oneself, set apart, keep, reserve. bSN near. Chapter XII. n 2 )Vn thrive, flourish, py-i flourish- ing. Green (Bate). 3 \^n3 break to pieces, destroy, break down. ^*T3 break, cut or cast down, de- molish. 15 r722 to swell, ^n!? the gazelle or antelope. In our trans, roebuck. A deer (Bate). vS to interpose. b'N a horned animal, a stag, hart, or deer. 23 ptn constringe. Resolve. Chapter XIII. :i' 6 Uni to drive, impel. DEUTERONOMY. n'^-im 107 Ci IVH clear off, take clean away. I 7 no ill Hiph. to siir. n^D' stir up mentally, incite, excite. "inD to hide, conceal. TDl in secret. 9 Dn to spare, pity. vDH soft, tender. Compassionate, pity. 10 3~in to kill 14 br"^b!3 unprofitableness, worth- lessness. b2 not, and ^^'' wicked- ness. 15 "^pri search minutely and exactly, or to the bottom, to explore. 17 V^p collect, gather together. nm to be dilated. Broad, wide. Great street or square, a broad place. 18 bn elevation. A ruinous heap. cm embrace, enclose, surround closely. D'om the bowels or intestines. Mercies. Chapter XIV. T 1 1^ assault, ma in Hith. to assault or to cut oneself, attack one- 1 self, but more general, cut your- j selves. ! 2 n"^p smoothness, without rough- ness. Baldness. IHID. look at or behold with ad- miration or approbation. To choose. 4 r\W a lamb or kid. One of the smaller cattle of whatever age. flock. IJ?!2D a sheep. 5 nan disturb, trouble. mnrP the butfalo. The wild goat (Bate). rivM to interpose. Vn a horned animal, a hart. *)pM in Arab, loathing. ipM a kind of wild goat. (Bate) the goat- deer. Wild goat. ]117"T fill or plump up. The wild ox (Bate). The antelope or the lidmee. (See Parkhurst's Lexi- con on the goat-deer.) nWn to limit, bound. 1n a clean animal of the deer or goat kind. (See Parkhurst's Lexicon). The oryx (Pliny). Wild ox (Bate). I^t to cut off. yat the chamois- goat (Bochart), or rupicapra. Probably something of the goat kind. 6 DID to part, cleave. HD^D the hoof. VDW split, cleave, rend. nJ?D yoiu divideth it altogether. rrnS excite, ruminate, chew the cud, or strictly, to stir or raise it up from the rumen, or first stomach, ma the cud. For un- clean beasts, &c., see Lev. xi. 7 n^niM the hare. rn to crop, and S'2 the produce of the ground. nSl to see, look. nn a hawk or vulture. rr^l blackness or darkness of colour. The black vulture. A gregarious bird. (See Park- hurst's Lexicon). 8 723 to fall or flow down, n'ina a carcass, caro casa, i. e., a dead animal body now falling to decay, and loathsome. 108 DEUTERONOMY. Dnm 21 133 to estrange, alienate, make strange. nD: a stranger, a foreigner. 25 "1!^ bind close, enclose, bind up. 26 ^^W satisfy, satiate. Strong drink. Chapter XV. IID 1 \^T2W to let go, remit. niDOO a remission, a release. 2 7572 to have or take possession. txuv. A creditor. tt733 being close to, confining, pressing. Distress. 4 n^N acquiescence. p'^N acquiesc- ing from poverty, poor. 6 IOD37 turn aside, divert. In Hiph. to lend on pledge. A pawn, a pledge. In Kal to borrow. 7 ^X2S strong, vigorous. Harden. Joined with ai"?, denotes vigorous resolution, obstinacy. ^Dp contract, shut up, restrain. '8 ion to abate. Be wanting, be destitute. Want. 37") break, rend, nn afflict, grievous. 10 ^ v2 the doubling or repetition of the action, ba circularity, motion. bbyi because of, by means of one, i. e., by his bringing it about. n72? to send forth, or to send in any way. "p^ n^tJO employment of thy hand. 1 1 7in non agere, non loqui, npn esse. It denotes a negation of an act whether begun or not; it also denies existence (Cocceius). 11 T\y^ to affect; to produce suf- ferings. 1*3S> thy poor. > afflic- tion. n^N acquiescence, opposed to ^NQ refusing. p needy. 14 pyS encompass, surround, i. e., furnish liberally (Bate). In Hiph. as with gifts. n"l3 excite, move, stir. ya a threshing-floor. ip3 make hollow, ip' a wine-fat or vat, distinct from n2 wine- press. 17 272") pierce through, perforate, bore. 'S'Sya a piercing instru- ment, an awl, a piercer. 18 nDtZ7 to iterate, repeat. rr:u:D double, second, next. "IDtt? satisfy, satiate. Give a satis- faction for services done. IDiD wages, satisfaction. TD. 19 I'yS to serve, labour, work, &c. Serve, be obedient as a servant. "With 1 following, to serve oneself of another. W take off or away. 21 JIDD laxare, to loose (Taylor). Laxare, to beout ofjoint(Schul- tens). ncD lame. nOD passover, halt-sacrifice. 1137 deprive of sight, "ny blind. Chapter XVI. riO 1 ;2N to swell. r2n ttJin the monili of green corn. 3 TDn haste, hurry, pen haste, hurry. DEUTERONOMY. n>nni 109 3 "inn look at or behold with admi- I ration or approbation. i "T^nn a person chosen or elected, and, in consequence of such elec- tion, appointed to an office. An elect one. Therefore this verb transitively, and with n following is, to choose. yi^n to ferment, leaven. 9 tt?D"in a sickle. Din to separate, and mun to remove, bn to make a hole or beginning. Dp to rise, arise. HDp corn which rises up. 10 HD^D disunion or dissolution of the texture, &c. HDQ a tribute, a tax. 13 *7^ overspread, cover. niDD a ta- bernacle, a booth. !3pD make hollow. Ip'Q a wine-fat or vat. 18 1]^W an inferior magistrate or officer. 19 "iDn to know again, call to mind, recollect. DDn wise, skilful, prudent. FjbD pervert, turn aside. 21 37t:^3 plant. 1W^ proceed, go forward. mtt3 a grove. Chapter XVII. r 3 Wl^W to serve, minister unto. The sun, the solar light. 7 l^n clear off, take clean away. 8 SbO to be extraordinary, wonder- ful, exceeding or beyond one's experience, capacity, power, or expectation. 8 1*T to direct, rule, judge. pT plea, a judicial cause or conten- tion. HI or !l'^*n to strive, contend, usually in words, but something more than a contest of words. 12 ^t to swell, be tumid, pit pride, presumption. ID make ready, confirm, establish. ]1!3: prepared, fixed, certain. Tl^W to iterate, repeat. nWQ a duplicate or copy of a writing. 19 Snp nearly as mp to meet. In Kal to read. ^npQ a reading. Chapter XVIII. n** 1 pvPI smooth, even, equable. A portion. 3 nnt to slay in general. 37*^t to spread abroad. 3?'^T shoulder or foreleg. ;3p3 to make hollow, form cavities. T}yp the paunch or maw of a beast. Perforare fceminse. Ma- ledicere. The paunch, contain- ing the vessels, heart, and liver. The breast, (see Bate), i. e., the seat of the will and affections, 4 W take off or away. M and ma wool shorn off, a fleece. 8 "13X3 deliver or give up to another, Deut. xxii. 30. To sell, td?dq a selling, sale, or thing sold. 10 1DV to pass in any way. TSyo in Hiph. that maketh over. DDp to divine, presage, prognos- ticate. A divinei. f]WD to discover, to disclose, reveal. L 110 DEUTERONOMY. In Heb. applied to conjuring. inWDD an enchanter, a sorcerer. 10 C7n3 to view, eye, observe atten- tively. To use attentive or subtile observation. To augur. M3n:D an augur. 11 l^n to conjoin, join or lit to- gether. To join words together for incantation. nin an incan- tation. 3?*T'' to perceive or feel by ihe body or outward senses, to know carnally, and to know with the understanding. '3yT a wizard, a cunning man. 12 bn reciprocation or circularity of motion. Any rotundity of motion or form, bba the doubling or repetition of the action. bVai because, i. e., by his bringing it about by means of one. IZTT* to succeed another in posses- sion, or to possess something in succession. tD^iQ 15 MD3 to prophesy. Not only to foretel future events, but also to speak or utter something in an eminent and extraordinary man- ner; a higher meaning than *^e(pnTzvs, n2 a prophet. 16 f]DS to gather, gather in, with- draw. Congregare, colligere, retrahere. 17 DD'^ to be good, well, right, agree- able. In Hiph. to do or make good, &c. 19 IDm inquire or require. 20 IT to swell, be tumid. In Hiph. proud, presumptuous. Chapter XIX. IS'' 1 "in*^ be afraid of. 2 C?btt7 three. To divide into three parts, q. d., to third. 3 n^n manslaughter or murder. n:?"! a manslayer or murderer. 4 nvD wear or waste away. *^a3 J without, before a noun. ^ 37"T* to perceive. T!$~\ knowledge, design. Dtt?btt7 b^na a third time past. See "jon yesterday and before, for lately, some time before. 5 m37 to bare, make bare. "' a wood. Dt^n to hew, as wood. To carve. ni3 to impel, force, thrust. To make an impulse or stroke. tnn to cut off. ]n3 an axe or hatchet, an instrument to cut with. bt2?3 to cast or drive out. Intrans. fly oflf with violence. fi IDDtt? all regulation and disposal. nccn judgment, including all distinction, regulation, ordering, right, custom. 13 on to spare, pity, or the like. Have pity. "1^22 to clear ofT or away, take clean away. 14 303 recede, retire, go back, jd to recede, go, or turn back. In Hiph. cause to recede, remove, withdraw. b33 set Tip a boundary, bound, terminate, "jm the mark of a boundary, a land-mark. 16 D^n to cast, pluck, force off or DEUTERONOMY. D'^nm 111 away. Don violent rapine, out- rage, violence. 16 "ID to decline, turn aside, depart, mo revolt, apostasy. 19 QT to devise. Ul2t devise or con- sider thoroughly, purpose stead- fastly. Chapter XX. D 3 *7*^ be or become soft or tender. Faint. Fearful, timid (Gesenius). ton haste, hurry, as through fear. Nor be in a hurry. V"^3? agitate, shake violently. In a trans, sense, be terrified. 5 *J2n to initiate, handsel. Begin to use. To enter upon (Bate). Dedicate it. 6 bn to make a hole or opening, to be in labour. Vth to open eminently, pierce much, handsel (Bate). 7 Wl^ betroth, espouse. 8 HDtt the disunion or dissolution of the texture or consistence of any thing. Tribute (Bate). To melt, and noun DD a draught or levy of men. 9 IpS to take notice of, examine. 16 D1273 to breathe. HQW breath. A soul (Bate). 19 "11$ bind close, enclose. Followed ' with "JM to besiege. C7t)n lay hold on, catch, take in war. nnW corrupt, spoil, destroy. m3 impel, force, thrust. tnn to cut off. ^na an instrument to. cut with, an axe or hatchet. 20 "n!^ to enclose, besiege. mjJG a siege, blockade. n*T"l descend. In Kal, to subdue. Chapter XXI. SD I vH to make an opening. bbTi wounded very much or stabbed very much, 3 ^y^ round, orbicular. r\bx^ a calf, fem. a young heifer. 4 ]nM strength. ^rfW strong, forcible, violent (Parkhurst's Lexicon) as a river. ]n' bn: bn a rough valley (Bate). ^D37 serve, labour, work. A general work. In Kal trans, to till or cultivate. P]1'^ to distil. In Kal, to break the neck, cut off the neck, to neck. 8 "1D3 cover, overspread. Be re- conciled (Bate). Atone, expiate. Atonement. Be appeased. 1033 forgiven (Bate). mp approach, come near. The charge (Bate). 10 n!lll27 lead or carry away captive, 3M? ni'O carry away captive. II ISn to delineate. Form, shape, appearance. pWn in Kal, to be connected or attached to, in heart and affec- tion. With 2 prefixed, to object. IQS move quickly. pD!J the sharp point of a hard substance, re- sembling a nail. A nail. 13 hl^W to surround on all sides. Clothes. l2 112 DEUTERONOMY. 13 vV^ ( 'xeat) to have, take posses- sion, &c. To marry, take pos- session of a wife, &c. H ^Sn with a following, to be in- clined to, to delight in. t!?DD to breathe, respire. n^Di"? for her person. 12X3 deliver or give up to another, to deliver up a thing for a price, to sell, &c. ^'DV to press, squeeze. With 1, to use one's power, to oppress by power. See Deut. xxiv. 7, xecrci^v- vartvo-ai tyrannize over. Vulgate, opprimere per potentiam. 15 *lDi to be forward, to precede, &c. To make the first-born, invest with the rights of primo- geniture. The first-born. 17 *l2n to know again, acknowledge, &c. n radical, but omissive, as appears in Gen. xxxvii. 32, 33; xxxviii. 25, 26; xlii. 7, 8. Gesenius admits the only mean- ing of 13: in Arab, to be estrange. HD to obvert, turn towards. In reg. *Q an opening. D^ilU 'D the measure or portion of two. ]M denotes labour of body and mind. It refers particularly to procreation. 18 ID decline, turn aside. "iiiD re- belling, refractory. ID'' restrain, check, discipline. 19 K?Qn lay hold on. 20 v loose, lax. bb^^ profuse, pro- digal (Schultens). S2D drink hard, guzzle, swill. Ingurgitare. D2D a drinker or drunkard. 21 QUI whelm, heap together, accu- mulate. Overwhelm with stones. Chapter XXII. 33 1 Tini to drive, impel, thrust down. Compare m3 the same, the root here. (Bate) going astray. Cbs? in Kal and Hiph. to hide, conceal. (Bate) withdraw thy- self. 2 ?)DS gather, gather in, withdraw. Congregare, colligere, retrahere. In Kal, to gather, take in. 3 TUM to be lost, perish. miN a thing lost. 5 n3!l to be strong, powerful, to pre- vail. ^23 a man as distinguished from woman or child. n^D totality. >^3 an utensil, &c., dress. 6 riDp to hold, contain as somewhat hollow doth. N. ]p a hollow, re- ceptacle, a nest. n"lD to break forth as a tree or plant in buds, &c. mc pi. D the young of birds, where feathers, &c. ^3 softness, smoothness. Q'S'l the eggs of birds, &c. \^m lie, lie down, couch. To sit as a bird. DS to support, sustain, &c. DN a mother, a dam, &c. 7 8 pV to confine, straiten, contract, a battlement. M yD separation, restriction, &c. Separare, dirimere. D'V3 sepa- rate species of animals, seeds, materials, &c. Distinct. DEUTERONOMY. D^nm 113 9 ti?lp separate or set apart. N7!Q to be full or filled in almost any manner. n^n fulness, crop. 10 tt?in silent thought or attention. Plow. 1 ] tI7!2b put on, clothe. T3I^!!?Ul7 cloth mixed of linen and woollen. Linseywoolsey. From V which, ^tJJ? to involve, and nw to sprinkle. 'ni!21J soft, tender. Wool. nW^ related to "CtJD to strip, D\i^D flax, linen. 12 v12 any kind of greatness or aug- mentation. D'^iJ cones or conical clusters which the Jews wore on four quarters of their garments. Twists (Bate). f]^'D extremity. mc:3 the border or skirt. nDD to cover. 14 /^y to ascend repeatedly, to do, perform. nY"}^ actions, deeds. VHS to separate. U^bMni signs or marks of virginity, or virgin proofs. 17 DW to place, put, (to lay upon), lay to. With 3 following, the charge of, impute to. 18 ^"D^ restrain, chastise. W^V mulct, amerce, punish by fine or forfeiture. 21 nJT to encompass, &c. niDib to commit whoredom. 22 hyD, (o ixuv). A husband. 25 ID. separate, lib alone. Mlb he alone, by himself alone. 28 W^n lay hold on, catch, appre- hend. Chapter XXIII. 33 2 r^2 wounded or hurt. I TIDI to beat or bray. TOT broken. I yiSD wounded or hurt by bruising. "^-ti? to pour out. HDD a man's privy member, urinam et semen efFundans. 3 HIT cast away. itiD estranged. A bastard, a stranger. 5 D*Tp priority, precedency, or an- tiquity. To anticipate, to come before, to meet. nriS expound, interpret. liriDD from Pethur (of Mesopotamia). 11 H^p to meet, coalesce. mpD an occurrence, an event. 12 rT3D to turn, mr moD^ at the turn or return of the evening, or rather when the place turned, 13 m"^ to put forward, hold, or thrust forth. T signifies a side, border^ extremity, as hand sometimes does in English, Exod. ii. 5, &c. A place. 14 irV^ Arab, to thrust or drive in ; so to fix firmly. nn a pin or stake, a pointed stake or paddle. A spade. N2^ to come or go forth, rwi? in reg. riNi? excrement. HDT to encompass. p, ?\) levity. '7'jp to be exceedingly vile ; and to curse. Tbb'\! a curse. 16 rhXX^ despiseth. 17 ^D recede, go, or turn back. TVO in Hiph. remove, withdraw. 23 ^nn to contract affinity by mar- riage. F. in reg. n:nn a mother- in-law. 26 Cp to arise. In Hiph. to confirm, establish, set. Chapter XXVIII. n3 1 Iltt?2 to overtake^ reach, attain to. 4 n^U? to emit, send forth. Issue, offspring. (Bate) increase. DEUTERONOMY. nn^-r 117 4 r|bM being chief, principal leader. D'D^M beeves, the chief of all clean cattle. Whence the Greeks derive "ExKpxs (Pliny, Varro.) Lucanian oxen. mnt2?3? . rroy to make, and nn a compass, a tour. Always joined with ^N2 flocks of sheep or goats, from their taking a round in feeding. The young of thy flock (Bate). The increase of thy flock (Gesenius' Lexicon). 7 ^213 to hit, strike. 8 DD in Arab, to smell. DD a barn, magazine, a storehouse. 11 irr^ to exceed, be redundant. In Hiph. to abound. 12 "1!^M to lay up store or treasure up. 121 a treasury, store- house, mb to join, add. In Kal, to borrow. In Hiph. to let another borrow of oneself, i. e., to lend. 20 "IM to follow ; also, flowing, flux, or fleeting. .*. 1^< and IIN to curse, i. e., to pronounce, flux or tran- sitory, and "^^p to make light of. Hence aga a curse, and a,^xo[/.a,i to curse. nnn>y to labour. yi to run. ym to run here and there, or with swiftness and vio- lence. Wasted (Bate). Metaph. to dash, break, oppress by col- lision. 35 ptJ? to move, run, or push forwards. pViO the leg of a man. D^p^n. 37 7tt7XD to rule, have authority, power. bD an authoritative weighty speech or saying. A parable, a proverb of comparison. r\2W to iterate. ]':v to repeat over and over again. Tfyw a by- word. 38 vDH to consume, eat up. 39 I'D.V to serve, labour. Dress (a vineyard). "ins to gather, collect (the grapes). 40 *JD to overspread, cover, hide. niD to anoint, overspread, smear over. vtt?3 cast or drive. Cast its fruit. 41 nntt? to lead away captive. *3"C captivity. 42 7!SJ to shade. "ji^bs overshadow exceedingly. b:ib:S the locust. 48 D-13; naked. nOn abate, diminish, want. T\7V ascend. W and ^"i3> a yoke. 49 nST to fly. -)a;73 the eagle, its rapidity, and its full expansion of wings, are remarkable. TV strength, vigour. Fierce. 50 Stt73 take up. C'^D lift up the face, i. e., to accept or regard a person with favour. 52 "11^12 restrain, shut up. Fortify, fence. 53 p^ press, press down, compress, straiten. pISD straightness. 54 ^yS delight, pleasure, joy. 323? luxurious, delicate ; and ver. 56, DEUTERONOMY. Dnm 119 in Hithp. being delicate, behav- ing oneself delicately. 55 ]n3 to give, nnn a gift, or nno part. Hiph. 5(> HO^ to try, attempt, venture. 32'^ Hiph. to place, set or leave in a certain situation or condition. 68 "HDD to tell, count, number. Ac- count. 59 wbD to be extraordinary. In Hiph. to make extraordinary or wonderful. n33 to smite, strike. niDDpl^strokes stripe-s,plagues. ^XSM steadiness, stability, constancy. m3nN: and W long continuance, lasting. bn to make a hole or opening. D'bn grievances, wounds. 60 mi languish, faint. miD sick- ness, disease. ^T' to shrink or draw back for fear. Followed by n or ''IS'O shrink from the face of or be afraid of. 63 WW to be brisk, active, sprightly, cheerful. Rejoice. HDD to sweep or scrape off; this is the root here. In Niph. to be thus swept off. 65 37!l"n to still, quiet, stop motion. Wn motion, commotion, agitation. wn trembling, fearful. 7T7D totality. In Kal, to finish in a bad sense. ]vb2 a failing, a consumption. nST to faint, fail, pnwi faintness. (36 S vn nearly as nbn to hang, be in great suspense, i, e., in the utmost suspense. 68 nsM occurrence or presence of an object. '2 a ship or fleet of 11 17 Chapter XXIX. IDD 7T7^ to wear, waste away. D ^W make whole, entire. HD^ttJ an outer garment, covering the whole body, q. d., a complete covering. y^W to direct oneself wisely, to behave wisely, so to prosper. n!J3 to stand. HtDH to hew or carve as wood, carve as stone. 2S2? to draw *12V to pass in whatever manner. Enter into, nbN to curse, nbn reg. rhi^ a curse, here and ver. 13 ; an oath ver. 11. Qlp rise, arise. In Hiph. raise up. ^1i7 . ( Hi ) apart, alone. ypW abominate, abhor, detest. ypiO and y^pV3 an abomination, abominable thing. Not here, but often applied by Moses to reptiles. v3 rotundity of motion or form. wbby and D^Wjy dungy gods, the name of the idols only, in the mouths of those who spoke of them as filth and dung. Idols. n^W depress, humble, subject. nnDiCD a family, a household. tt?*m7 to root, take root. A root. m2 to bear, produce. t^MT priority, precedence. 'iJNl a capital or deadly poison ; whether animal or vegetable, as here. 120 DEUTERONOMY. 17 )w7 in Arab, to reject, detest. n^y*? wormwood, because animals reject it. 18 1W to regulate. Titt? regulating or ruling absolutely. mnnttJ or nTnt? with lb the ruling principle or determinations of the heart. liyi watered, moistened. Drun- kenness, soaking drunkenness, i. e., indulgence in idolatry and sin. 1 here, immutable, as in 'n^^2. rwo:jn nmnn mcD that plentiful drinking may put an end to my thirst (Bate), i. e., my thirst after idolatry. 19 ribO to loose, relax, remit. With b following, pardon or forgive. nCD scrape together. mCD finish, put an end. '^'DD lie down, couch. Resting 20 773 to divide, separate. In Hiph. pick him out. 21 1D3 to be strange. 'T3: the stranger. S^n to wear, wear away. Ulcer- ous. ^Nlbnn wastings, wasting or consuming effects. vH to make a hole, inflict. 22 HDIJ to spring, sprout, or shoot up. Springing. "HDi some kind of wood, of which the ark was built. Fuller and Bochart say the cypress, and Onkelos the cedar, nnsj sul- I phur, brimstone, (q. d., bren- \ nestone or brinnestone, i. e., burning stone,) always applied to that which God rained on Sodom, &c. Meteorous, inflam- matory matter. 22 P]1W to burn. rrDitt) a burning. ^Sn turn the condition, &c. Over- turn, subvert. nDDrra overthrow. 25 p7n smoroth, even, equable. To divide in an even manner, Kal. Kal, who had given them no portion. 27 DW to place, set, put. Kal and Hiph. to make waste or desolate. In Hithp, rooted (Bate). Chapter XXX. b 1 ^W to turn from one place or state, to another. Hiph. to cause to turn, bring back. Lay it to thy heart (Bate). nm to drive, impel, push. Thrust forth. 3 DTlTi to embrace, to be affected. Pity. yD.p collect, gather together. 4 m3 to impel, force, thrust. Verse 1 7, drawn away, "jm: thy out- casts. 7 f^T^ follow, persecute. 9 irV' to exceed, be redundant. In Hiph. cause to exceed, make to prosper. 11 S /D to be extraordinary, beyond one's capacity. nK'?D2. 12 npb to take. Fetch. 13 1:237 to pass, nayo a ford, and beyond (Bate). "03> beyond over, on the other side. DEUTERONOMY. Chapter XXXI. sb 3 "Tttli? to destroy. In Hiph. to destroy utterly. 6 \^ttS to be strong, vigorous in body or mind. y^V agitate, shake violently. Terrified. nD*1 to give way, faint. Hiph. fail. 8 nn to be broken. In Kal and Niph. daunted, dismayed, dis- pirited. 10 tOXStt? to let go, remit. rTOD re- lease. "13?'' to appoint. .. njMO appointed. lyra congregation. 11 nWn to see. Niph. nwn"? to be seen, appear. 12 bnp to collect, assemble, gather together. In Kal and Hiph. the same. 14 2!i> in Kal and Hiph. to set, settle. In Hithp. to set or place oneself steadily and firmly, to standstill. ni!2 to command, ordain, give orders. Give him a charge. 16 IDj to estrange, alienate. ")33 a stranger. 17 TVin to heat, burn. 1!^ bind, enclose, m^!f afflictions. 21 "1!$"' to form, fashion. An imagi- nation. I 27 nCN to heat through. >3 f| cer- i tainly that, or therefore, how I much more. 29 OyD to be angry. In Hiph. to provoke, irritate. D^'nm 121 Chapter XXXII. db 1 ]TM weigh, try the weight of any thing. The ear from its weighty sounds. To ponder, weigh men- tally, consider with attention. 2 f\iy distil, fall down in drops. np7 to take. N. taking doctrine, persuasiveness. 7T loose, lax. Drop down. 1VW to stand erect or upright. D'-iTttJ hasty showers; hence, Eng. shower. MC?"T to spring, sprout forth, ger- minate. Grass. ">73? a particle used as "s?. nm to be or become many or great. n^a>i" rain, or growing showers (Bate). 3 DiT' to give, supply, lan Imper. come, give. 4 *1!^ to bind, enclose. "YiS a rock or flint. 5 nnti? to corrupt, spoil. Corrup- tion. C7p2^ to pervert, distort. Perverse. briD twist, wreathe. (Bate) crooked. ^rtnc exceedingly tortuous or twisting. 6 bD5 retribution or return. rT3p hold, contain. In Kal, to possess, purchase. nWy like, do, or make. -jW thy maker. y2. divide. In Kal and Hiph. distinguish, discern, understand. Dignoscere, dijudicare. ^T}^2M^' he instructed him, ver. 10. 8 1*13 in Kal and Hiph. to divide, separate, dispart, scatter. 122 DEUTERONOMY. 9 7!2n bind, tie. A cord, a rope. A lot (Bate). 10 r\n or nnn confusion, loose, &c. irrn a waste. 7"* cry or shriek out. bb"* howling violently, yelling. ^D turn, turn about. In Hiph. sense irr:i2D' he led him about. '1!J3 to keep, guard, preserve. 71W^ existence, subsistence, reality. pttJ^N substance, the very ipsis- simus. 11 IV to raise. In Hiph. to stir up, excite. ?]m shake, move tremulously. Fluttereth, broodeth (Bate). bT!l to take away by violence. Ytn the young of pigeons, of eagles. 12?'*>D spread, stretch out. mDS fem. the wing or pinion of a bird, used once. 12 Tin^ to lead, lead or bring along (Kal and Hiph). 13 D3 to put forth, bud, shoot, ger- minate. n212n increase, produce, fruits. pD*^ to suck. C?'^Dbn a hard stone. cVt to break off, and TTOO to recede. Hard rock. 14 SDn disturb, agitate. r^HJ^rr reg. n butter, cream. ID to be round. D^a lambs or young sheep. Hence x^iog a ram. irW prepare, make ready. D'Tinr he-goats or rams, ibn soft, unctuous. The finest and most nutritious part of wheat. The fat. 14 nbD totality. nvb kidneys. Grains. I^n disturb, trouble. Inebriating. Ir5 I^VD. to kick up. nti7!D cover, be covered, enclosed. (Only once, viz., here.) W]^2 to loose, set loose, i. e., forsake or abandon. 723 fall or flow down. And verse 21, cast off, reject. Vile. yW^ to save. Reg. nw salvation. 16 N3p eat into. Inflamed or pro- voked to jealousy, indignation or envy, mt to scatter, m strange, a stranger. 17 HIW pour forth. onttJ pourers forth. Multimammise, or many- breasted idols. tt?*Tn to renew, restore. New. 18 "13?^? to stand erecf. Hence, to fear, be afraid. Horrere. rm73 loosing, laxity. Kal, to forget, let go. 19 vvH open eminently. Part. Hiph. ^^HD producing into being. yWa Kal and Hiph. to cast off, reject. 20 *7^'^ turn the condition. ni3Dnn perverseness. 21 v^n emit a vapour, exhale, eva- porate. Vanity, emptiness. 22 nip to kindle. Ip'^ burn. 23 tonb burn up, set on fire. 24 nbzj totality. Spend. bSti? to ask. bl^MJ the invisible state of the dead. The place of those who are out of the way and to be sought for (Bate). Pit. DEUTERONOMY. nm 123 24 P]127"1 glow or flash as fire. Glow- ing or burning heat. TD to consume or be consumed. Cnb insert, join, eaten up, wasted (Bate). Hence to eat, Job xx. 23 ; Ps. cxli. 4. ^^p cut off. Destruction. 25 on to be hot or warm. Dan in- flammatory poison. briT to skulk through fear or shame. A serpent, a worm. 7311? behave wisely. To waste, destroy, mn sun-ound, encompass. TinQ within ; perhaps, here only. nJ2'^H terror. Perhaps D' and on tumultuate, by prefixing . 26 :2U) turn. HTttJ old age, nS2 trim, cut short. A side, ex- tremity. 27 D'lW to cease. 'bib or Wblb only, except. 12.'^ to shrink back for fear, be afraid of. "123 to estrange, alienate, make strange. Pretend ignorance. 1'2 bind close. A person who distresseth. 28 yy^ to give counsel, nsy counsel, advice given. mS to be lost, to perish. Per- nicious. ]^I1 divide, separate, noinn under- standing. 30 Sb DW if not, affirmeth, ex- cept. "12D to shut up. In Hiph. to give up or over. 31 nbQ Hiph. to separate, bbc pro- nounce judgment. D'''?''bD judges. 32 mW in Arab, to choke by exces- sive heat. rn^SiTD fields parched or burnt up with heat. 233? a grape or gi'apes. Wl to lack. Mjn generally acrid poisons. h^W to deprive. n'?Dtt? a cluster or bunch of grapes. 33 nn warm or hot. rM:in, reg. ntin inflammatory poison. Jl^n shriek, wail, pn a large kind of serpent. friD stir, disturb. ]nD a species of serpent. Viper (Bate). The asp. no to break through with violence, as in Arab. "ilDN cruel. 34 DQ3 lay up, treasure up. I^M lay or treasure up. mnSK treasures. 35 m'' put forward, cast out. T calamity, affliction. t27n haste, hasten. *Tn3? to prepare, make ready. (Bate) with speed. 36 Qn3 change of mind. In Hiph. repent himself. btS go away, fail. DDM to fail, cease to be. The ends. Il^y to restrain. m2 authority. 2^37 to leave, forsake. 3"I12> he who is let go free. 38 IT'S? help, aid, assist nriD hide, conceal, mno a pro- tection, a hiding-place. 39 yntt drive, plunge in, strike deeply, wound deeply. 41 I^W to repeat over and over again. To whet, sharpen. pill to lighten. Glittering. m2 124 DEUTERONOMY. D'^nm 42 *n23t!? satisfy, satiate. Hiph. make drunk. V1^ to free. m2?*\C apostasies, in- juries (Bate). Not revenging. Gr. not so. 43 )yi vibrate briskly. Hiph. exult. ")D!D cover, atone. Ransom. Chapter XXXIII. nb 2 mt to be diffused or arise, as WOW the solar light. 27D'' radiate, irradiate, shine forth. nnN to come ; here used as such, m appoint, set, place ; here used as a participle, i. e., stood. Hence raffiru. 3 Dn to hide. 22n envelop, hide in the bosom, cherish. ^N wrath. HNtt? in Kal, to be confounded, desolate, destroyed, confused. Desolate by confusion. 4 K?"T' to succeed another in posses- sion. To possess something in succession. "umiQ plur. in reg. thoughts or purposes which had entire possession, rmmo inhe- ritance, heritage. (Bate) medi- tations of the assembly. The inheritance of the congregation of Jacob. 5 "IB?'' to be straight, even, smooth, right. pTO^ Jeshurun, upright, or uprightness, in the abstract. 6 riD to die. DTiD mortals, men. \DDQ VDD numerous. nD "IDDD few. 9 nS*l see, set in open view, regard. 10 nn'' teach, shoot. yvD complete entirely, b'b an 13 14 holocaust. oXov and khiu to burn. A sacrifice. bn an opening. l'?'n his labour. 12 TT loves. TT beloved, well- beloved. \^ntt destroy, cut in two. ^n to cover, veil. Pjcn cover, shelter very much or entirely. ^nS bind together. The shoulders. *T!lJ2 Arab, excel, exceed in glory, honour, or praise. i:o precious things, fruits, delicacies. Ex- cellent, valuable produce. ^^"1 lie, lie down, couch. E?J2li7 the solar light, joined with m' the lunar light, but not with nn"? the lunar orb or disc. rn"^ the lunar light. D*m' the fluxes or streams of light re- flected from the moon's body or orb. 15 tt?Sn chief, principal. mn protuberate. Tin a high or continued mountain. Dip precedency, priority, or an- tiquity. 16 n!^"1 pleased with, accept kindly. pan favour, acceptance. 17 Tin adorn, decorate. The beauty or grandeur. M"n be raised up, exalted, elevated. A wild bull. The name of an horned animal. n!lD push, strike, or butt with the horns. 19 2?2tt? flow together, be abundant. Inundation, abundance. ]Dtt7 nearly as ]2d cover in, and ]S!J hide. ':did hiding-places or hidden treasures. 20 2?1T spread abroad, m^ the arm, strength. The shoulder. DEUTERONOMY. n^i:ii 125 20 "Tp"Tp the crown of the head. 21 nWn see, look, set in open view, provide, pn describe. j7prT the ensign of judicial authority, a staff or sceptre. ]DD cover. Overlayed, covered, i. e., with gold, &c. ili^n limit, bound, restrain. In Kal and Hiph. 22 in to sojourn. Tia the young of any beast. nn a young lion. p3t to jump or leap as a lion from the thicket. 23 Ull the south. Qll to go about, and Din high. 24 bnO dip, dye. 25 b3?D to fasten, make fast. ^y20 a bolt or lock. 1 25 Sin strength, speech, behaviour, ability. 26 JlNn increase, rise, swell, niw majesty, excellency. 27 n3^ to humble. n:3>n who hath humbled. 28 f\lV distil, drop down. Chapter XXXIV. lb 3 "IDD flat roundish form. A plain. A talent of silver, equal to 3,000 shekels, or about 353/. lis. lOci. A talent of gold, equal to 5,075^ 15*. 7d. (Bishop Cumber- land.) 6 ''3 valley. 7 nb fresh, green. I. KINGS, Chapter I. M 2 )DD lay up or in store. Use, pro- fitable. 6 S!$V to grieve, vex. 9 -)D\ iiTfO swell up.) Fallings. 33 TID divide. A mule. Chapter II. !1 3 UW to place, manifest. iriD firm, solid. D>3nD the loins. 5 mn to gird. 8 y^T^ force, violence. ns^DU violent. 25 3?3Q meet with, fall upon. 36 n3N1 n3 hither and thither Chapter III. H 25 nW divide. 26 IttD convolve, contract. Yearn, M 3 126 I. KINGS. W D^3b Chapter IV. 1 3 "IDD to tell, number. A notary, a scribe. IDT remember. TDTD an historio- grapher. 7 i!^3 stand. With bv following, a president, prefect, officer. 11 ^3 reach out. dd: an extent, tract, district. Chapter V. H 3 IDH disturb. mDn* the buffalo. in clear. "QTl corn-fed (Bate). DT313M nnni fatted in stalls (Bate). Fatted. Fatted fowls (Parkhurst's Lexicon). DI2M stuff, cram. D'D12M stalls, cribs. 6 mM to pluck. m"iN stalls for horses. 7 mj? separate, set apart. Want. 8 WD1 earn, acquire. Working cattle. 23 "im drive, lead. m"in DD>WM I will convey them. ^33 scatter. Discharge. 28 Ppn passing, succession, after. mD'bn by turns. 31 *lp^ precious, valuable, extraor- dinary. tri hew as stone ; cut, as wood ; mow, as grass. 32 bos carve. Chapter VI. *1 S Dbw to compress. D?i an arch or vault, a portico, porch. 4 T\pW to look, turn towards. D*Dpw windows to look out at. *3iVn D'aiD D'Dp" openings for windows which shut. D12W to shut. 5 n27!J to spread. yiS' a chamber, a bed. 121 to drive, lead. yiib the oracle. 3? V^ to be or go on the side, vb'2 folds. mb2 boards lining the side of the room (lxx). Rooms (Bate). 6 5M3 subtract. T)^^'^yo narrowed rests, rebatements. 7 tabli? make whole, entire, finish. (Bate) made ready. n^ptt a hammer. 9 ]CD cover, protect, line. The wainscoat. !2!l gibbosity. D'lJ a vaulted or arched room. 11W to order, dispose, nmuj ranges or rows of pillars. 15 Vp'^p a floor, mp to join, and ypn to expand. 18 5? /p curved, hollow, carved. nw^pD was carved out, carvings. l?pD to rive, cleave. D'^pD arti- ficial knops in the shape of wild gourds. "llOD to open. D*S1? openings (of flowers). 20 T|2D massive. 21 pni swathe, gird round. nip>m swathes or sheets, plates. 25 n^p the shape, cut, or bigness, size. 31 n vT to draw, bi a door, r^nbl leaves. bn rotundity. D'^!?a folding. I. KINGS. 31 bS interposition. *?' lintel. 3;b2 a fold. 35 1W^ to be straight. Made even, exactly fitted. 36 tn hew (as stones). nnS cut off. mm3 beams cut out. Chapter VII. T 2 1^"^ wood or forest. 3 ]5D cover, ceiled. 4 HTn to fasten the eyes. So to see. TTiTTQ a window. 5 ^ptt? to look towards any place, fronting. 6 n37 thick. A plank. 7 37p'^p a pavement or floor, i. e., an extended surface, ly yplpQ l^-p"^ from floor to ceiling. 9 np*' bright, precious, extraordinary. mn to saw. A saw. nSIS spread out. mnDTOn the coping, roof. 16 nriD to surround. A crown, a chapiter. p25D steadfast, molten, straitness. 17 "^DtZ? to entangle. Thick net work, nets, n:itJ chequer work. "1127 to regulate. "Wyo wreathen chains. 19 WW to be brisk. ]VW a lily. 37 collect. n03>'7Q in a line with. 23 H^W to dash. nE edge, brim, border. 24 37 pD to rive. A wild melon or cucumber, a gourd. F)p3 go round, encompass. p3$* pour out, cast. 27 p to make ready. n2l3Q a base, a frame, p a seat, a settle. s W'dhn 127 28 *13D shut up. miJDD borders. H vtt7 correspond, answer. D^'JUJ legs, parallel ledges. 29 TT^ descend, nma mDm inlaid work or inrun. 30 mb to join unto. Coupled figures. n32 to turn. p a wheel. p1. ''DID axle-trees. 32 ni^ cast forth. niT axle-trees, i. e., handles for wheels. 33 ^^ gibbosity, na felloes or bend- ing rings of wheels. pWn to connect. A spoke. iWn collect. The nave or stock of a wheel. 36 Unh smoothness. A plank or plate. "ly to raise. nS-Q exertion, display; full display. ID'W "WQ3 according to the exertion of each. 37 H^p cut equally. Form, size. 41 bn circularity of motion, n'73 the top or cross ring (of a crown), the cross bar. 45 T^D a pot, thorns. 101X3 to make smooth, burnish. 46 D37 thick, gross. niro dense, clayey. 47 1'pn search minutely and exactly. 50 P|D concavity. mDD bowls, basins. IDT cut off. nTinra snuffers. nS to part. mriD hinges. Chapter VIII. PT 13 bnt to dwell. 18 ybn to loose. The loins. 25 IDS establish. 27 ]3DS faithfully, true, indeed. 128 1. KINGS. S D^D^D 27 ^D ^M yea, when. How then. 28 n vD separate. n^DD intercession, prayer. )n kindness, affection. n:nn sup- plication. 37 vDn to consume. Vcn the cater- pillar, rivn to be or make faint, rr'jno disease, evil. 47 P3? wickedness. !22n3> we have done perversely. 54 VI'D to bow, sink down, kneel. 57 Wt^ forsake, cast off. Chapter IX. Ifi 1 pWn desire. 8 pllt? to hiss, show dislike. 16 rihW to send. O'nbttJ a present .'. sent. 26 "^^M a ship or fleet of ships. Chapter X. ** 1 ^n to penetrate. HTn an enigma, a parable, a riddle. 5 UpW to irrigate, wet. pTZJT) a steward. 12 137D to support, sustain. 13?DQ propt up work, stairs. v!ll3 to fall or flow off or away. A stringed musical instrument resembling a bag-pipe. Psal- teries. 15 in to go round and about. Mer- chant. "inD move to and fro. Traffic. vD"! to trade. W^Tt traders. no expand, dilate. mnD a go- vernor. 16 ]!? sharp pointed. n3S large kind of targets. l^nW to drain. (Applied to gold) pure. 18 TD solidity. jDin nm solid or pure gold. 22 D'^nnDiy ivory. ?|p3 to go round. D>Dp apes or monkeys. (Bate) cimetars. *7n to be in the midst. D'^n pea- cocks. (Bate) pyropuses. 25 ptt?3 to kiss, kindle. Armour. 27 Dptt? the mulberry, fig, or sycamore- tree. n 75 Bit? lowness. A low flat country, a valley. 28 mp to stretch out. 'ipD hope. Linen yarn. "IPTD move to and fro. nnno mer- chants. Chapter XI. W^ 11 Vip to rend. Chapter XII. n** 11 D}2V to load. 12 ^*\W a whip. S'Hpr a scorpion. 15 mD to go, turn round, nao brought about. 18 \^DM to be strong, vigorous. Exert. 33 Wll to set apart. Chapter XIII. ^l'' 34 ins to hide, put out of sight, de- stroy, to remove. I. KINGS. N D*'3'?D 129 Chapter XIV. T 3 1p3 to mark witli spots. Onp2 cakes (spotted with seeds). p^p^ a bottle. 9 ni2l to form into a mass. "jiJ thy back. 10 r\W to set. |>n^D that sitteth or pisseth. 7IJ round, bba dung, called so from the faeces being round. 15 12 to move or remove. Wr\2 pluck up, root up. 28 Sn to limit. A chamber, a room. Chapter XV. 11^ 13 yvD to tremble. y^DD a glory, some idol. An image of Priapus, a most filthy image. 27 IWp to bind, conspire. Chapter XVII. P 12 n27 to bake upon the coals. ai2?D a cake. ID to propel. A bottle, jar, pitcher. nnD^ a pitcher. Also a pitcher- cake. Chapter XVIII. H"' 5 "I'^t^n grass. 21 P]3?0 top, branch, high thought. a"'DS?D two boughs. 27 bn to hang, mock. ntt? to incline. iTttJ to meditate, nntt? expatiate, y^ wandering, pursuing. 28 njyi to stab. A spear, a lance. 29 !2C7p to mind, regard. 32 TlibV to ascend, nbrn a trench, a ditch. HMD seah, a dry measure a of an ephah, or 21 pints. 42 "nn^ to stretch, stoop down. 45 "np black, dark. 46 D3tt? prepare. Chapter XIX. tD" 5 Dm to bind. A juniper-bush* Birch-tree (Bate). 6 nS^JT a live coal, a hearth. 11 2l?37"1 to shake violently. An earthquake (Bate;. 13 ^? wrap up privately. Chapter XX. D 6 tt?Dn search out, stripped. 373^ to restrain, withhold. 12 pCC7 please. Be enough. hyW the hollow of the hand. A handful. 11 ~)3n to gird. nnQ to loose, ungird. 14 1"T direct, rule. |no a province. 24 nn^ to spread, A captain, a governor. 27 ^Wn to make bare, ons? >Dn Cgoat hunting-parties). 30 Tin a chamber, an inner chamber. 33 to vH ready in taking up. So as to answer well. 35 \^n to divide, n^^'^ streets. 37 V^^ to wound. 40 yin diligent. To decide. 130 I. KINGS. 41 ID to decline. Displeased. 4.3 J^Vt to be troubled. Wroth. Chapter XXI. D 8 in a hole engraven. A noble. 9 a!^ to fast, cut off. A fast. 19 n2"l tokill. ppy to lick or lap again and again. 23 bn to begin. A wall. 27 t^N to incline softly. Chapter XXII. ^D 3 Wr\ thoughtful, silent. & 0*^10 a chamberlain, an eunuch. 11 nna to push. 27 sbiD to restrain. 34 l^n^ without design. pm to adhere. D"'pai joints of the armour. 38 "J"';! to bow down. DDna pool of water. f]X^W to overflow, run over. Washed, immersed. n3T to encompass. ni:i defensive armour. \^m to wash. '^'2W to entangle, mv a stair- case, a lattice. II. KINGS. Chapter II. HI 1 1VD to be turbulent. mro a whirlwind. 3 Wn silent. 8 TIM to be magnificent, m^^< a robe. 0^21 fold, wrap up. 10 7DtJ7 wise, deprive. In Hithp. rh^^ri blighted. 20 rO"^ to pass on. Tvnb^ a pan or cruse. 23 D7p to mock. Made themselves sport. Chapter III. ^ 4 Tp^ to mark with spots. A herds- man, a shepherd. 15 p3 to strike, pjo a player on a musical instrument. A harp. 25 Vbp to sling. II. KINGS. n a-^Dba 131 26 Vpll to divide, open, break in. 27 ^2p wrath, indignation. Chapter IV. 7 1 r\W2 to forget, to lend. The creditor. 2 "71DW a pot of oil. 13 "inn fear, care, great concern. 15 pun embrace. 24 D.riD lead, guide, drive on. 27 r|*T3 drive or hurry away. 28 nbtC quiet, easy. Fail. 31 ^Wp to hearken. The gesture of a person attending. Regard. 34 "in^ to stretch, stoop down. 35 n:in nni^") , n^n nnw to and fro, hither and thither. 38 n^W to order, dispose. Set on. 1T3 to sod or boil, (tw pottage.) 39 ")S to flow, mw herbs. 17pD a wild melon or cucumber. Coloquintida or bitter gourd, n /D to cleave, slice, cut. 42 vJ2"nD green corn. A fruitful field. ^7p2 the husk, or rather a scrip. Chapter V. 71 I Q^DD SC2?3 accepted personally. 3 "^^nS I wish or long for. 7 niWn a cause, occasion. 20 '^Wn to restrain. 23 V"1^ break forth, bring forth. tOin to engrave. A bag. 24 h^V elevated, raised up. Cliff, Chapter VI. 1 2 mp to meet. n~np a beam. 4 nT3 divide, cut. 6 !2!^p cut equally. Shaped. ?]!J to swim, overflow. 8 nbS separate. '2^ distinct, par- ticular. ObS silent. '>:d'?n not expressed. 9 nn3 to settle, break. 10 nnT to shine. p'm heedfyl, cautious. 11 'IVD tossed in mind or body. 14 ?]p3 shake off, surround. 23 r\1D cut up. Cut up meat for a banquet, i. e., he made great pro- vision for them. 25 D"^3'T*'^in pigeon's dung; read it in two words, i. e., comp. of nnn dung, and n3V the pigeon or dove. 32 yrO to press or oppress, crush. Chapter VII. t 5 ^W2 to blow. The twilight. 9 TlDn to wait, expect. 13 nZSn muliitudo, abundance. iTOn stock. 15 TDn to haste, hurry. p^DTT haste. 17 0X51 to tread down. Chapter VIII. n 6 D'^'nD a chamberlain, an eunuch, a lord in waiting. 12 WV^'^ pull to pieces, dash to pieces. 15 ni^D multiplicity. "030 a cloth of the gauze kind. 132 ir. KINGS. n a^isb^ Chapter IX. tO 1 "72 to pour out. A horn or phial ; also paint. 3 TTZn to wait, tarry. 11 y^W distracted, mad. rJtcn dis- tracted, mad. rr^tt^a meditation, communication. 13 m3 to bare. On the bare stairs. Top of the stairs (Bate). 14f niZ^p to bind, conspire. 17 nD2 to watch. 37QC7 affluence, abundance. nrDtt? company. 20 nriD to carry, drive. ansoPdriving, marching. 22 ^WD a deceiver, witch. Enchant- ments. 23 ni^^D deceit, guile. 30 *7D pour out. nis paint. 33 1^X22? let go, let drop or fall down. 37 ]^1 pollute, defile. pi dung; spread abroad. Chapter X. "^ 1 ^!3M steadiness. D':Db< tutors, guardians. 2 pl273 to kindle. Armed for war, armour. 11 of a protuberant form, nmi baskets. 8 ^i!J heap together. Heaps. 22 nnnvltS a vestry or wardrobe. W^i7 to array, ttjub vestments. 25 yi to run. D'!?"i soldiers. 27 V^3 throw down. Wnn Chald. to burn. niNinn places for dung, draught-houses, lay-stalls. Chapter XL S'^ 4 *1D to be round. nD patrollers. HDD to tear, pull down. 8 IIW to arrange. mmiD ranges. 20 DptZ? quiet. Chapter XII. IS** 6 "HDa to sell. An acquaintance. pID a breach in a wall. 9 nriN to come, agree, consent. 11 12'^ to form or keep. Put it up, 12 ]Dn to direct. pDQ by weight, tale. 13 "113 to fence in. nma a fence of stone, a wall. (Bate) masons. :2!^n to hew. 14 P|D concave. A bason, a bowl. IT^X to cut oflf. miDTO snulTers. *l^n surround. -is:?n a trumpet. Chapter XIV. T* 9 nn to catch as with a hook, mn a hooked thorn. iO m^ excite, move, stir up. 26 DDM fail, cease to be. Only, none. 1^57 restrain, detain, reserved. I2T17 forsake, leave. Chapter XV. 112 5 t2?2n to free from incumbrance, retirement. 10 bl2p receive, accept. (With the approbation.) 16 illTl protuberate, 'mvr pregnant women. II. KINGS. n u^dhta 13S 16 Vp^ cleave, rip up. 25 m to be lifted up. p01 a turret or tower. A raised or lofty building. Chapter XVI. tI3 vQ73 cast or drive out. 17 V^P c"* ^ scrape off. The ex- tremity or surface. Vy2,1 to strew or spread. nD!n a pavement. 18 "yD overspread, cover. JD'D a covert, a shelter. Chapter XVII. T 4 Sbs to restrain, confine in any enclosure. 9 SSn cover, hide. Devise. ]3 prepare. Right. 20 TIVW to spoil. D^D spoilers. 21 WT to drive. Chapter XVIII. fl^ 17 nbV to ascend. lV?yn water- course, conduit. "J"ID to kneel down. TOM a pool of water, A liberal tender. D33 to wash. DlID a fuller. 21 y^'^ to dash one against another, break to pieces. 23 niV to mix. Pledge. 24 nriQ to spread. A governor, a captain. 32 no to set, stir up. n'D\ Chapter XIX. ia' 3 VS3 to cast off, reject. nSN3 con- tempt. 6 P)"13 to blaspheme, reproach, revile. 21 2Vb to mock. 373 to wander, shake. 25 nS3 shoot forth, break out. 27 T!n angry. Rage. 1Mt27 tranquil, quiet. pkW inde- pendence, to be at rest. 29 nCD join, unite. mTDD corn ad- hering to the ground. WHD in Arab, high, tall. ttJ'no corn growing of itself. 30 I2?"ltt? take root. 32 bvD to raise or cast very high. nb^D a high bank or mound. Chapter XX. 3 4 "^n to be in the midst, nas^n middle court. 7 b^l Arab, to dry. n^n a cake or lump of figs. 9 nbl? ascend. n"l^3?0 degrees or marks one above another. 13 DD beat, pound, nnis aromatics, precious things, spicery. The house for pounding. Chapter XXI. H3 8 *T3 move or remove. 9 HVn wander, seduce. 12 712 to shade. To ring, tingle. 13 hpW weigh, nbpwo a plummet, a plumb-line. nbS to pass on. nnbsn a pan. 14 W]^^ leave, spread about, cast off. DW to spoil. HDiOD a spoil. 134 II. KINGS. Chapter XXII. ^3 4 F)D concavity. The threshold. 9 '^n^ pour out. 13 n!^3 shoot, break forth. Kindle, sparkle. 17 HDD quench. Chapter XXIII. 23 5 "IDS convolve, contract, Dno3 certain officers in idolatrous worship. Jugglers. btD distil, flow out. rh^'0 effluxes or streams of light, particularly from the planets. The twelve signs of the zodiac. 11 n^t&b a chamber, parlour, room. 17 ''!^ dryness. IVS place of order, confusion. Zion, a mark or Opposed to b^ ISAIAH. Chapter I. M 2 bin to become great. To nourish. 6 mtO moist or putrid. W^n bound up, n3lbD a lodge, mt to press out, to dress. 8 nK7pD a garden of cucumbers. 11 D*'S"nD fed beasts. 14 mi3 wearing away. A wearing, fatigue, 1 6 n3T make clean, pure, transparent, 17 ntt?M to proceed, righten. To lead, ch, iii, yDn sour. yiDH one oppressed. 22 SID turn back. yv. D3D dross. MUD to get drunk. Wine. 24 Dn3 change of mind, relieve. 25 ?)n!^ refine. 29 "ISn confound, dig. 31 ]Dn strong. 13?3 move briskly. TWi tow, \^!53 to shoot out or emit sparks, to sparkle. yis^3 a spark. Chapter II. 2 6 B?tD3 let loose, nrroioi forsake. pD2? to suffice, please. 16 TIDW be like, resemble. nV3 pictures. 18 PpH to pass away, to change. ISAIAH. 1& '^^V to break to pieces. 20 mnS iDnb moles. 21 *1pD to be pierced. mp3 a cleft. P\VD the top (of a rock) or the utmost branch. Chapter III. n 2 DDp sagacious, prudent. To divine. 3 D'^3S N1tt?3 the honourable man. D'^iynn DDH a cunning artificer, tt^nb to whisper. .'.Soft eloquence. Wnb pnai skilful of speech. 5 t!l7!l3 to be close, oppress. Sm courageous, behave proudly. 6 hWD strike against. nbttJ3D an offence, ruin. 8 mo to provoke. 9 *)DrT to know again, msrr the show or acknowledgement. inD cut off, hide, conceal. DD v^ What mean ye ? 15 ]nt^ to grind. 16 "lpl2? lie or deceive. m"VQ wanton. Chapter IV. 1 1 rjDM gather, take away. 2 M!3!2 to swell, 'l!? glory, beauty. nM;3 high, lofty, pw excellent. ISD appoint. Ornament, nm drive, purge away. 5 n33 to shine. Snb a flame, non cover, hide. 6 ^"in waste. Drought, dry. non trust in. 7rDT}r> a refuge. 6 QIT pour forth. A tempest. Chapter V. H 1 ppa in a strong light. |?aii? p The son of oil. 2 pT"S7 to enclose. A strong railing, or fence. Q'^2?SI2 worthless. ^pD gather out stones. p*ltt? yellow. Excellent vine. D^n hew, cut out. 5 *]tt? to stop, fence. m^WQ a fence, thorn, hedge. 6 nn^ uncultivated. ^IV to dig. 112iW observe. TOW a thorn, briar. rVW a thorn, from its strength and toughness. 7 VWVW respect, delight in. riDtt? depress. rrDttJQ oppression. 10 *TD^ to join. A yoke, an acre. 11 P)tl?3 to blow. The twilight. p/1 pursue hotly. Hiph. to kindle, inflame. 13 nrn;? open to view, dried up. 14 1V2 open wide. tv27 to rejoice. 17 n?2 marrow, fatness. D'no fat ones, 1 8 b3V round. 19 tt7n^ compute, reckon up. nti?n hasten. 24 WWn chaff. HDI slack, consume. I2?"lli? the root. pID to corrupt. Stink, rotten- ness. p!2W to beat small like dust. Fine ' dust. n2 136 ISAIAH. 25 HDD to cut down, tear. nmD3 torn. ri7^3 carcass. 26 plW to hiss. D3 a quick, waving, tremulous motion. A standard, ensign. 27 P]^^ faint. D!) slumber, sleep. D">3. ItW to gird, mw girdle. ^1W a shoe-latchet. To traverse. 28 )W sharp, pw to sharpen. "TTT to proceed. Bend. P]^D whirlwind. 29 5S2? cry out, roar as a lion. CH!] to growl. 30 f\1V to distil. rrD'-ira in its de- fluxions. Chapter VI. 1 1 hXiy to loose, b^v the skirt of a garment. bbttJ to draw off. every one had six wings. P\1W to burn. Wtn-as seraph?. A supernatural exhibition of che- rubic images. 4 CttS to sustain. niDM posts or pillars. 5 ni53T to make equable. TK)"^: re- duce to stillness. 6 P]21 pave. riDiST a live coal. 10 nrtt? look, regard. In Hiph. ytt?n turn away. 11 nSt& lift up. Make desolate. 12 pm remove far away. n3?3 or 3?i;i to low or bellow, sounded. From the sound. 13 ;2!^3 to stand. mjJO stock, stem, standing, substance. Chapter VII. t 3 ilby to ascend, nbyn a trench. 7D to raise, elevate, nfen a high- way, causeway. DI^IT to wash. DlID a fuller. 4 ^pW to be quiet. m*' to put forward, thrust forth. TIN a firebrand, or rather a small twig on fire. 5 ^^p*^ awaken, cut short, vex, grieved. y^p to cut off (Gesenius' Lex.). 1 1 ptt V deep. A valley. 18 ni^T a fly. mi to flow. 19 712 hollow, mmn '^ma the un- cultivated valley. ilp^ to clear. p>p3 a hollow, a cavity. V1!^3;3 a tree called thorn, full of thorns and prickles, bbn give lustre. D*"?^ comr mendable trees, bushes. 20 *lVn divide, cut. "irn a razor. nCD to finish, consume, sweep away. 25 11V separate. Dressed, digged. "rfSDl mattock. Chapter VIII. n 6 10S7 concealment. Softly, gently, as !. 7 C?lti? rejoice. pDN restrain . A channel p'BM. T5 or m2 found only in plur. rrni banks. 8 P]t2tt? overflow, run over. ISAIAH. TT^VW^ 137 10 nnn to break to pieces. 11 riDvD from walking, i. e., not to walk. ID^ chastise, correct. 13 "1t2?p bind, conspire. A con- spiracy. yiV break to pieces. Be afraid. y>-D dread. 14 nD expand a snare. rrD a snare, a trap. nnc. 16 IV bear witness, miyn testimony. 1!^ form, bind up, enclose. "")!?. 1 7 HDn wait, expect. 19 HD!? spread over. n^D!? cliirp or peep like a young bird, with a weak querulous voice. D'DSDSQrr tlie chirpers. 21 nt2?p3 stiffened, hardly bestead. Tl^Tl bring forth. Roar or growl. 22 ^^V to vibrate. Pjiro darkness, dimness. Splendour of condens- ation, i. e., darkness visible. pl$ to melt, r^p's'^ trouble. pl2? straitened. p!J1Q melting trouble. m3 impel, force, thrust. m20 an accumulation of darkness. 23 ^V"* to dissolve. FjriQ faintness. Chapter IX, 10 3 ib^D his burden. 4 ^SD to line forth. A warrior. ]nd a greave, a soldier's shoe. pD battle. WV^ shake violently. nbSSD fuel. 5 ntt?"^ straight, even. mDgovern- 5 *T3? beyond, further. Everlasting (father.) 6 n^lD sceptre. lyO uphold. 9 QpW mulberry-tree, fig-tree, or sycamore-tree. Vl^ to break, cast down, demolish. 10 iSa? set on high. *7DDD arrange, mingle. 1 2 nD3 to smite. ^Tf2'0'n to him who smiteth them. 13 HDID curve, bend. Large reed or bulrush. D3M. Da full, copious. ]M2yn bulrush. 16 F)3n to defile. Wicked, knavish, polluted profligacy. Not a hy- pocrite. 17 n^^ set on fire, kindle, burn. *72D to entangle. A thicket. 7I3M mount up. Be dispersed. 18 nn^ to pass over. rr\2S wrath, anger. UnV darken. vX2n spare, regard. 19 *1Tn divide, cut, chew eagerly. Chapter X. "^ I ppr] to mark or trace out emi- nently. To decree. vZSy to labour. Oppression. 3 nStZ? lay waste. HNIUJ desolation, 4 "HDM to bind. yr>n prisoners. 5 037^ to abhor, have indignation against. 7 nttT equal, equable. Meaneth. 1 1 m227 to grieve, vex. Idol. 112 3;i^2 covet, finish. N 3 138 ISAIAH. n>VtD*> 13 inV prepare, make ready. mriTny prepared things, as treasures. tD^W for D1U7 to rob. 15 1WQ a saw. ^Tnn an axe. F)3 lift up and down. Stretch forth. 16 ntl make lean, thin. Lean, thin. pn leanness. Ip*' kindle, burning. 18 nwn IV^ C?D3n from the soul even to the flesh. DDJ3 melt away. Faint or dis- couraged. D3 a quick waving motion. To flee. DD3 a standard-bearer. 22 1")^b3 consumption. yin cut short, decree, determine. 25 irt little. -OiQ vmi a very little while. 773 to mingle, rtan destruc- tion. 26 "113? stir up. 1^12? a whip, scourge. 27 b^D to carry. A burden. V^n bind, connect. A cord. 29 lin tremble. 30 bn!^ express joy or pleasure by a clear sound. >brr2 lift up (thy voice). 3tt?p hearken, attend, listen. SI Vy gather together (for safety). 33 r]VD to lop off. V*^3^ break to pieces violently. To shake violently. nsTyoa terror. ^13 to break, cast down. 34 ?]23 smite. ' Chapter XI. > 1 *1tSlTT a growing branch. (Arab, to vibrate.) 37T3 the stem or stock of a tree. *1!^D to keep. A branch. mS break forth. 2 rn the breathing of the air in motion. TVin acutely distin- guish; 3 n^^ to argue, reason, reprove. 6 ^^3 a leopard. (Worthless.) 7 Snia a fatling. 8 in a hole. To be hot. ]n5 an asp or adder. Python, a serpent. yV^yW to turn this way and that, to play. TIM to shine, enlighten. miND a den open to the light. 3?5!J . 'Jiycs the basilisk, the rnoxt poisonous of all seri)ents. Tl^tl send or thrust forth, put in. 11 ''S not an island or distant country, but rather a settlement, habita- tion, cn ''D countries or places bordering on the sea. 12 VD3 scatter. 15 D^ to collect. Dy strong, mighty. The collection, force, or impe- tuosity of the spirit or air in Chapter XII. n" 1 Dn3 relieve the mind, comfort. Chapter XIII. 3' 6 bVhowl. b'j^rrday-star.ch.xiv. 12. ^1WJ2 IW^ as destruction from the Almighty. ISAIAH. 8 vn!2 suddenly seized with fear. Troubled. bun bind or connect. Pangs. 9 "ntlDS fierce, cruel. 10 bD3 tortuous. b'D3 constellation. 11 y^V to shake violently. (D'Snj? powerful.) *n2 to bind close, besiege. T2 dis- tress, affliction. 12 "Ip"^ precious. rr^SI^n the sinners thereof. TD fine gold. n^ fine gold. A golden wedge. 13 m shake. (Denotes motion, agitation.) lZ?i71 shake violently. 14 nrn thrust at or drive away. mo. 15 "IpT pierce or thrust through. HDD scrape, sweep, from flight or concealment. 16 WVin dash to pieces. OW to spoil. ^D1a\ h^W ravished. n2b:wn. 18 TlDn regard, esteem. Din to spare. D"inn have pity. 20 "^W^ to sit, be inhabited. 21 D''^!^ wild beasts of the desert, bn'' shall pitch the tent, for brta. n23?'' n'D, the daughter of vocifera- tion. The ostrich. mS or D'^nM the grievous yellings of wild beasts. Q'^'-)>3Jt27 hairy ones, demons. IpT leap, dance. 22 D'^'^S wild beasts of the islands, jackalls. nil? pleasure, pisn a dragon or large serpent. n^jym^ Chapter XIV 139 1 nSD adhere, join to. 3 niS^ to vex. Labour, pain. nasj^Q thy sorrow, tun shaken with a violent concus- sion. Mno trouble, fear. 4 ^m (Chald. form) gold, for nm. nirna golden. 6 IID depart, turn aside, mo re- moving. n^'O a stroke. 7 n2^Q to break with a noise, to crash, open in sound with the voice. Break forth (into a joyful sound). mD the feller. To cut down. 9 ND1 slack, loose. D'D"i dead, .*. loosened. 10 bli??3 rule. Niph. to be compared, likened. 11 HDn multitude, n'on noise. nS?!^ spread, stretch out, strew. TlJyi and nrvlH a worm. 12 077 n to throw down, defeat. Weak. 16 n^W look narrowly or wistfully, view attentively or narrowly, to pry. 17 D*nn break through, destroy. 19 )V^ pierce, stab. -a^'CD. DD trample under foot, tread. DaiQ. 20 Mlp to call. Niph. to be renowned. 21 nntDD slaughter. 22 TD^ nephew. 23 IDp to cut off. The bittern or cormorant. MtDHl2 to sweep. ntq:dq broom, besom. uo ISAIAH. 29 37D!5 to cast forth with violence, eject. A species of serpent, the basilisk. fpW to burn. F|D13?0 r|-iw fiery flying serpents. 31 3)3 melt, dissolve. J1D3. 32 nOn to take shelter. Chapter XV. *11D 1 *11W destroy. 3 3712 to cut off. i V^n loose from, draw out. Armed. 37T^ broken, afflicted, as rv 5 IW roar, roar out. Raise. C T^Sn surround, environ; rather *i2n herb. tt? fail. 8 F)p3 go round. Chapter XVI. TtO 4 rna impel, force, thrust. D'm: outcasts. DDT to tread or trample. D^n to finish. Consumed. yT2 squeeze out. yon the extor- tioner. DDM fail, cease to be. 1W shatter, demolish, to waste. n the waster. 6 "T2 alone. Via called a lie, one's own single word. 7 117^7 S foundations. 'W'SHHb. tiyn bring forth, mourn. D3 from nDa to strike. D>nd: stricken. 8 bbaN languish, feeble, fail. 8 DvH strike against, broken down. plW yellow, tawny. T^'prvo the choice vines. W^^ let loose. 9 nil wet, soaked, drenched, "pnx. IT* rejoicing. ITH. 1 10 P)DN gather. Finished, put an ^ end to. VVl to break. A very loud noise or shout. U nyt)2 t:)37a very small. T'nD S*)b not many. Chapter XVII. r 1 '^27^ the bowels. A heap >yo. 2 1137 a flock. "ID*^ to correct, chastise, xno re- prove. 5 hziW thrust forward. D'"?!" ears of corn. n^Sp to be short. m:?p> the harvest- man. 37"1t to stretch out the arm. (Seed.) 6 bb37 ascend repeatedly. mbb'S gleaning grapes. ?]p2 shake off*. 7113 excite, move. Dn:">3 berries or fruits left at the top of the branch. ^37D the top branch, top of a rock. mo rrD2?Dl in the top fruitful branches. 7 n3727 look, regard. 8 *'3Dn images. 10 l^T cut even, prune, mm shoots. 1 1 3tt73tt7 make to grow continually. DSD grief, anxiety, sorrow. li73S bad. iciiw incurable, woful. nbn to be wounded, grieved, rhm grief. ISAIAH. n"^rm"> 141 12 HHW to lay waste. Tumult. ptt? tumultuous, rushing noise. 13 iy^ to restrain, rebuke. D^2 to flee far off. D2 he fled. 14 n vH wear or waste away. Chapter XVIII. Jl^ 2 *T2 an ambassador. nsbn hitherto. nxbm Nin p from their beginning hitherto. 1p 1p meted out, i. e., line-line. SD!l reeds, flags. *7t27K5 draw, stretch out, IXDDO violent domineering (Parkhurst's Lexicon). IDID scour, pluck off, made bare. Nm or ntn to spoil. 4 tSpti? quiet or rest. ^112 look upon, attend. D3 an ensign. n2^ clear, fair, open to view. ']*]'D12 a habitation. 5 "IDIS unripe fruit, sour. miDTtt pruning-hooks. vS2!l yield, recompense. V7t to lavish. D'blVjn luxuriant branches. tt?t23 spread abroad, leave. m"ar!03n branches, tn cut down or shake off. 6 l^'^V to attack or fly upon fiercely. Fowls. yp*^ to awake, yp to summer. 7 ^K? a present, a gift. Chapter XIX. ^> 2 *^DDD to protect, defend re- peatedly. I will defend (Egyp- tians against Egyptians). 3 pD make empty, npaa. low softly. d>:qm charmers. 4 *12D shut up, stop. 5 nW2 dry up, fail, perish. 6 n3T cast off, to remove to a dis- tance. in'2wn. ni:jJ3 nS>) the brooks of defence. ?11D1 il^p reeds and flags. vttp cut off, wither. 7 n")3? to uncover. niTJ^ meadows, paper-reeds. 8 rfDJl gape in expectation. A hook or angle. "1DD a net. mODO nets. 9 pltZ? yellow, tawny. nvp'W flax. CmCD fine-flax. 10 HW to place, put, dispose, &c. rrnnttJ its purposes or founda- tions. 1DW to hire. A gain. I27DD to take breath. A living animal. 11 biN foolish. D'bi fools, ^bn^: are obstinate. (Ver. 13,) I'^i^tD are become foolish, rather from "IVD, to burn. rrx^i: beastly, brutish. 12 D^^M where are they? 13 t^ntZ? a tribe. rT3D to turn. n^D the turning point of any square body, the pivot. 14 *J^^ cover, mix. mV turn away, D'yir perverse- ness. Np vomit. Wp his v^--'* 142 ISAIAH. n>'2W'> 15 HDD to bend. A branch, poax a rush. 17 sun a fearful memorial. Chapter XX. D 2 ^jn'' naked. Barefoot. 4 ^Wn make bare. DliDm made bare. r\W to place. nttJ the buttocks. m3? to uncover, miy to the shame. 5 nnn broken to pieces, dismayed. 6 tfi23 ID'^Sn to look with attention. DmD their expectation. Chapter XXI. ND 1 mSIDS as whirlwinds. 2 TID to be before. Tin to declare, shew. TUD treacherous. ^1W spuil, waste, "vrm spoiler. 8 rfJ^ turned out of its proper situa- tion, mw distorted, writhed. "HI!? to enclose. Dn*2 pangs. bnS hurry, precipitate, nrfm agitated. 4 ybs tremble. Terror. mste great fear. *im terrify, disordered. P)tZ?3 to blow. (The twilight.) pWn connect Desire. 6 rT'D^n the watching or watch- tower. (Ver. 6,) ncsan the watchman. (Ver. 8,) noSQ a watch-tower. 7 nr2?p n-i nip n'^tj^pm and he hearkened diligently, with much heed. 10 C?T thrash, dash out. 'DttJlO my thrashing. ^3l!l in corn of my flower. 12 nN, nnS Chald. to come. TTS'D, inquire. 13 nnN travel. 14 NttS thirsty, dry. VrVn they brought, for ^^Nhrr. 15 C71D3 let loose, drawn. Chapter XXII. 33 1 NIDM now, then. "773 thou wholly. 2 nSt27 tumultuous, confounded. niNiun a tumultuous noise. iT^XSin noisy, clamorous, riotous. vTTf wounded, slain. 3 IDS to confine, restrain. 4 \^M hasten, is'^n. 5 *73D to be entangled. n^ino perplexity. '^p'^p to cause to meet violently and repeatedly, to jostle or dash against each other, mp to meet. linpD ftonfused, hurly-burly. 6 HDtl^W a quiver. intt?ntt?be set in array. 8 ptZ?D armed for war, armour. To kindle. 10 yn throw down, break down. i!Jnn. 11 mp to stretch out. mpo a ditch. 12 1DD mourn, lament. 15 ]3D use, custom. pD a treasurer. 16 n!5n hew out. 17 btO vtO cast out with great violence. "m n'?iD'7T2 i'?iQbtQQ about to cast thee forth with the utmost vio- lence. ISAIAH. n^3>tt7> un 17 tfil? cover. 18 ?]3!^ toss to and fro, roll about. HDiS *JE3!?' PjliS surely roll thee round and round. A rolling round. A round ball. Til to encompass. m^Dlui chariots. f]1 drive. *]'nDin. 1.9 D1T1 break through, destroy. 21 1:53ns a girdle. 23 rpn to drive one thing against another. To sound (as a trumpet). 24 S2S!^n the offspring. 3?D!J to eject mrosn issue. P to protect. PN a cup, bason, or goblet. m33n the cups. ?D3 a flagon. 25 tl!?D to feel, remove, ttnon. Chapter XXIII. 33 1 rr^IlD from the house, i. e., no house. SI^SD from entering, i. e., no en- tering. 2 ITID a mart, merchandize. ''M to settle. A settlement, a ha- bitation bordering on the sea 3 n>^p harvest. 4 bin travail with child. 7 nrb^ the exulting. 73'^ lead, carry, bring forth. Carry or bring from one place to another. 8 "^^37 encompass, crown. m'TDJ^tDH the crowning (city), or crown of nations. 8 1S?33 to lay down, place on the ground. 73?33 merchants. nn3 to swell. ni elation, pride, glory. 10 riTD a girdle, strength. 11 T5? strength. ':WD strong-holds. 12 pWV press upon. rrpiDJ^o op- pressed. 13 "^2 dryness, drought. D>jj inha- bitants of the wilderness. in31 try, prove. v:'m the towers thereof. bD3 to fall. rfbDO a ruin, fall. 16 p3 strike a musical instrument* Music. 17 ]n3 to give. rr:3n income, gifts. IS pnV remove. pny permanent, old. Chapter XXIV. ID 1 ppn make entirely empty, pv^ make waste. ni37 t"'*" away, overturn. 2 nK?3 to lend, not properly on usury. \^'-)Sn-D'^ nnXD the high ones, i. e., the princes of the earth. 5 ?)3n to defile. 6 "i57Ta a713N few men. 8 tec? active. "Ciiro hilarity, mirth. 10 nn *inn confusion, without order. SID^ with a verb infin. o is negative. 11 n*\'2 cry aloud, shout. DD beat to pieces, destroyed. 1 3 flp3 to go round, go over, 14 vn!S to neigh, shout. Ui ISAIAH. n>5?m^ 16 ntl waste, attenuate, 'n leanness. ^nS to lie in wait. 18 nn^ dig up. A pit. ni^lW fissures, cracks, holes. 19 ^"ID break entirely. TiD rmiDnn by breaking shall be broken in pieces. nr3?nnn nV^ utterly broken down. ntDt:j*)Dnn I^ID entirely dis- solved. 20 3?3 be moved to and fro. *n3 move, or remove quickly. 1*lb . njibo a lodge, hovel, shed. 23 )^h to whiten. n:^b the white of the moon, the white illuminated disk. n:nbn men the lunar disk shall sink, i. e., be ashamed. Joined with rran the solar flame. Cant. vi. 9 ; Is. xxiv. 23 ; xxx. 26. Chapter XXV. HS 2 T'^^IS from being a city, i. e., no city. 3 ^^3? agitate. ^'"^ terrible, for- midable. 4 Dlt to pour forth. A storm, mn waste, diminish, iti violent heat. 5 "^^ dryness, drought. p^2 dry, parched ground. 6 I^W to keep. Dnow wines kept on the lees. nn'Q wipe clean or smooth. D^riDD fat things. ppX strain off thoroughly. Well- refined. 7 tab to hide, mbn the covering. Wrap over. 7 "TO overspread. n5Dnn the cover- ing, a veil. n31D2n that is spread. 10 WM to thrash. tona to be thrashed. 1!2n cut to pieces straw, pno a place of shattering. riDT to level. n:oio thrashing- carts. 11 nnC? to swim, 12 bsii? humble, bring down. "7'' nan thy walls. Chapter XXVI. ID 3 "7100 *n!^^ stayed in mind, whose thoughts are firm. D1 vl27 mbc? perfect peace. 7 D vD make level or even. Weigh. 10 ^n gracious. nDD straightness. nin33 right. 12 nDt27 dispose, ordain. 13 '^nblt besides thee. 16 p^'' pour out. piu found only in future p"is% yet here ppS they poured out. Wrn a whisper, a secret prayer. 17 bin bind. H'^in her throes, pangs. 19 'H'lS to flow. T1 pi. miW herbs, from theii perishing nature. Chapter XXVII. TD 1 n*nD pass from place to place Straight, tuna nna a straighi serpent. bpV crooked, ^inbpy. 2 inn pleasantness, beauty. nDiy to sing. ISAIAH. Tl^VW^ 145 4 il!i> set fire, kindle, burn. 3?ty2 to pass over or through. 7 Ml^iTl *inDn riDttSn hath he smitten him according to the stroke of those who smote him. 8 SDSD exact measuring or measure, nnn remove. mrr to bring or carry away. 9 "l'>3 chalk, 'a. yD^ scatter, break to pieces. m!JDOD. 10 ^VD split, divide. TTtX^D branches thereof. 11 mn^Sa kindle or light. nSp cut short or oflf. m^Sp the boughs. 12 tOSn thrash or beat out. y)ltD impel, thrust forward. A channel- "rnW inwb one by one. Chapter XXVIII. HD 1 b^D fall down, fadeth away, fading. Dbn beat down, knocked down. y 'Qlbnt i. e., dead drunk. 2 2tOp cut off, destroying, nj^tt? a horrible storm. 4 1D3 forward, precede. miDlD the first ripe fig. The boccore. 5 nD^ move quickly. A bird. DTD^ a crown, diadem, from its radiated form. 7 pD stumble, totter, stagger. vbS to make a separation between good and bad. TvYlD judicial distinction, judgment. S^p vomit. nS2 filthiness, excrement. 9 vDH retribution. Wean. 15 20 24 25 pr\V remove, yw withdraw, ni!^ command. IS precept. n>27T a little. ^3?b mock, deride. Ridiculousness. yyi still, quiet. nj?aiQ rest, quiet. Si;2M for ^SW they were willing, yb deride, scoff, scorn. i:?2lbnn "JM be not ye scoffers. ntn fasten, settle, mrt a settled agreement. Tll^W decline. TQ'W or T2T a whip or scourge. "TDID 1D1D a sure foundation. tt?n hasten. ttj"'n\ bpty to weigh, nb^ira a plummet, n^?'^ overturn. "HSD to cover, annul. 1?T move, agitate, nyn agitation, vexation. nr!J spread, stretch out. r:JQ a bed. 'S^W stretch out. ^"in'rnD stretch oneself out. "703 to spread abroad or over. TODQn the covering. DD!D gather. D33nn wrap oneself up. T12 . m*? marrow. t3~) shake with anger. "ID** restrain. DSnoio your bands, or bonds, ynn shorten. In Niph. decide, determine, or Hi^lTO cut short. '^1W shatter to pieces, break all to pieces. V^cm (n>3Q nw d) sibn doth he not scatter. ' TT)W make equal, plain, level. ill^p a kind of plant or seed, gith. p"lT to sprinkle. o 146 ISAIAH. n^rtz?** 25 rrntZ? have power. Principal. ^T2D to mark, appoint, po: ap- pointed. DD2 to have long hair. rraD3 zea, spelt. 27 V^n shorten. ynn thrashing- instrument. ^2in thrash or beat. 28 pi beat, thrash out. plV. ''3tt?'n'^ t2?*llS continually thrash- ing it: an Infinitive of an un- usual form. DQn to agitate very much. 29 ntZ?'' to be. rPttnn the thing as it is Chapter XXIX. tSD 1 P|p3 tear or rend to pieces, kill, n^in to bring or carry forth. 2 yn a feast. pXi press, oppress, distress. D'p^2?Qrr the distressers. Tilp'Sn I will cause distress. TT^IS n^'^Sn heaviness, mourn- ing, sorrow. 3 D^i** set, settle, aso a stationary array. "^ITD Tl*'3n"1 I will camp as a roundish heap, i. e., will surround. 5 y"n3? agitate. D'S'" terrible, for- midable. 6 U^^ concussion. Thunder. W^l quick or alternate motion. Earthquake. nSD scrape, sweep. nciD a sweep- ing wind or storm. "11?D turbulent. m^D a tempest. 7 ni!^ look sideways, nmso strong- hold. 10 21 8 ptt? move, run. ppvs have eager appetite. 9 HDn^ delay, shilly-shally. 131 mutter, murmur. nVW to look, regard. IJMcymrrT look this way and that. HDn wonder, be astonished. "H!^"^ the thing formed. Dn shut close, rrann deep sleep. '75n changing the course of a thing. D!$3? denotes strength. D^i'y shut strongly. HDD learning, literature. v5S hide by opaque matter. Ob- scurity. "inm DIN "'N^'tDnD causing a man to be an offender for a word. Chapter XXX. b 6 N'^^b to milk out. The lioness. Ii77 to knead. !? a lion. n3?D swell with blowing. nyCM a viper. 15? raise, lift Ty (here only omr) young asses. Dn*^ v'^n their riches, substance. W^l conglutinate. rrcn the bunch (of fat and hair on a camel's back). 7 ^m incite, proud. Strength, firm, courageous. A name of Egypt, i. e., proud and insolent. 9 WHD deny, lie. 10 Jl'in a seer, prophet. ^nn mock, deceive. m'7nrrD de- ceits. 1 1 2 T V turn aside. ^1^3 perverseness. ISAIAH. 13 HV^ swell up or out. m^ao. 14 7Dn spare, regard. nn^ beat into small pieces. V)nH silent thought. Splinter (of potter's ware). tJin. Tinn to keep fire alive, mnn^ Ip^ to burn. Tip'o the hearth. ^Wn strip, scoop up. f^^v^b. SI321 a pit, a ditch, a pool. 1 7 "1173 restrain. rT\3?J rebuke. ^in a beacon, a post, a mast. 20 ^33 extremity. Remove to the extremity. 22 TDM to bind, mCM vestment or vest. D*lT pour forth. rrn languish, be faint, rm an unclean garment. (Female pe- riodical sickness). nrnD I'D broad pastures. 24 nbS waste. v^^ , v"^b^ provender. yDn ferment. y'DH b'^2 a. sourish mixture of provender to assist the stomach of cattle when loathing food. n"lt scatter. miQ shovel. Tinn a fan for winnowing corn. 26 yriiD drive, strike deeply. Stroke. 27 ntrtt the burden. 28 n!2n the part which reacheth (to the neck), not to the midst of the neck. P]3 reach' out, stretch forth. nB2 stretching out. nwa D'la T^tiTib Ni to stretch out (the hand, namely, against) nations with a stretching out of destruction. ncijn stretching forth. n^'i^tt^^ 147 28 pn a bridle. SO nm descend, come down, nm descending stroke. 32 "121?13 a ford, a passing. mDI^ nt^D a decreed rod. See 1D\ 33 11 a round. rrnmQ the round pile for fire, the pyre. vlttDMXS yesterday, the day im- mediately past. Chapter XXXI. Sb 3 T\TV they together. 4 HyH bring forth in act, sound, word, or thought. Growleth. D'^5?n Wb!3 a multitude of shep- herds. N7D to fill, vhri a multitude. Nl3!Jv to the army assembled against. lb UN *1l!?M whose light or fire. 5 nOD to hop about. Pass over. Chapter XXXII. nb 2 M^n to hide. ano a hiding- place. 3 n^tt? turn the eyes. ilD^^y turn away. 4 373? to stammer. D'J^Vy. nnS bare, clear. 5 b;33 exhausted of the natural spirits. "723 vile or worthless person. ^W^ salvation. yiiD bountiful. nbS totality. 6 ?)3n pollute, defile. Profligacy. nV^n devices. 7 'b'^D Vb3 wasteful, o2 148 ISAIAH. n^37ti?' 9 ]2Sti7 to be at rest or ease. Secure, tranquil. 10 t21 motion, agitation. Disturb. ?)DS "T^S!! gathering of the vintage. 11 i:tt7D divest, strip ofF. 12 ^DD moan, lament, bewail. 0*^1127 breasts. 'TO fields. 14 W^2 spread abroad, loose. Left, forsaken. vD37 to presume, to be elevated, raised up. A tower. ^nn try, prove. pi watch- towers. S'lQ run wild. Wild ass. 15 m3? bare, make bare. Poured forth. mriQ pasture. CnDiS from on high. Chapter XXXIII. nb I 11W shatter to pieces, demolish, w^aste. ImD. use a cloak of dissimulation or treachery. Un to finish. *jQTin3 according to thy consuming or wasting. nv3 complete. "ynbD^ when thou hast made a complete end. 4 p\^^ run, push forwards. vOn to consume. ^Dn consumed. 212 (pi. D'n) locusts. 7 DbSnS their Arals, lion-like or lion-hearted ones, or enlightened of God. 9 b^p wither, fade. iy2 move briskly, shake off (their leaves). II tZ7n haste. "C^n chaff. 12 I^W to cover with lime, to plaster. TV lime. nDD to cut off. (See Parkhurst's Lexicon.) lp> to burn. (Ver 14,) nplD. 15 "^^n support, uphold, hold. Dt^S shut, close. 16 m!$ look sideways. rmSQ strong- holds, place for provisions. 17 D'^pn-ID V"^ distant lands. 19 piyS deepness, profundity. t3?^ only in Niph. Wi: wicked or strong. yS/ mock, deride, sneer, jyb" ridiculous. 20 IDStt? independent, at rest, ease, quiet. Careless, proud, arrogant. m3 habitation, rm^ spread, strew. 13?!^'' bi not thrown down. 21 nt^Et? decline, go aside. TD'tt> an oar. ''IJ dryness. A decked ship or vessel, which carries dry. D'!? wild beasts of the desert. 22 C?l53 to leave, forsake, reject. 23 pn the mast of a ship. D:"in their mast. Chapter XXXIV. lb 1 StS'' . rT:x!?i^j D*!?: ruinous heaps. 27 UIW choke, suffocate. nmttJ withering (by heat). 28 T!3n to be angry, uin rage. 29 pWti? to be at ease. Insolent security. 30 nCD join, unite. n^ED corn which adheres to the ground after harvest. DntZ? to spring up. D'H corn springing up the third year of its own accord. S3 //D to raise very high. nb^D a mount. Chapter XXXVIII. Tlh 8 n"by ascend. mbro degrees, marks or lines one above another. 10 "Tpri deprived. 1 1 /in not to be. Transitory world. 12 "^"Tn my generation, (i. e., the people of my generation.) TCp hurry, hasten along, bbl to be exhausted, nbin pining sickness. ""i^ "^btZ^n thou wilt make an end of me. 13 TTlti? make equal, to smooth, compose. 14 DO brisk, active. DID a crane or swallow. ^!iDS chirp, twitter. ""illll? a crane, a bird of passage. Cbn broken. 17 ** /'H before a noun, without; before a verb, not. 18 nntZ? break, wait. 20 pD play on an instrument. A song. 21 m^ lay it for a plaster. A plaster. Chapter XXXIX. tob 7 DHD serve, minister, attend. Chapter XL. D 2 n!^1 pleased with. nsi3 satisfac- torily expiated. 3 12137 to niix. m"i2> a wilderness, uncultivated. 4 D!D"1 bind hard. D^DDI rugged parts. 6 ion succulent, abundance, swel- ling out. WD.*^ dry up, wither. 7 !lt^3 to breathe, blow. 9 1t!72 spread abroad. mittJ2D bring tidings. 11 S7tD to spot with large spots or patches. T:^nbji young lambs or kids. 12 bl^li? hollow. Hollow of the hand. nit scatter, spread, m^ a span of the hand. lI?vtZ7 divide into three parts. A certain measure, J bath, about 2J gallons. D /D to make level or even. The beam. 15 *)D3 variegate. "ran Arab, to impel, pour out. "yo a drop. n v"T draw out as water, '^i a bucket. \^r\W grind to pieces. Small dust. ISAIAH. 15 bt^ cast forth, bw ^13 as small dust (which) will be tossed about. 19 F^'ni^ melt, refine. *^0D to overspread. rp'n stretch forth. Plateth over. pnn swathe, gird round, mpm chains. 20 pD lay up. HQinn pDO he who is frugal in oblation, npn to rot. 22 nSn a locust, a grasshopper. pT beat small. A thin covering or very small dust. nn'D extend, stretch out. 23 ']t'^ poise or balance. Councillors. 24 ^^2 cut oflf. Stump or stock. 25 niti? make equal. 26 "1137 separate. Hiph. cause to be wanting, faileth. 28 Ipn search minutely, explore. 29 "|W labour of body or mind. p activity. SI nnW strength. A wing or pinion. Chapter XLI. MD 7 pbn smooth, even. p'^iTiri he that svnootheth. W^^ strike. '"^0 a hammer. Cbn beat, smite. D37D to strike repeatedly. An anvil, pm adhere, cleave, pnb of the i soder. 1DD rough, sharp pointed. onDDD nails. 9 blJW set apart. 'Vsw select ones. 10 n37tt? look, regard. Hithp. J^nirn dismayed, look about as in terror. n>'3fm^ 151 TO "^J^n hold up. 11 "ins snort. Incensed. 12 Tl'^12i press, squeeze. 15 y^l2 impel, drive forward. Y"1"in y^M^ sharp thrashing- instrument. y~in shorten, cut short. J 7 ntt73fail. 18 r\^W to clash, crush, or break by impulse. D'^DtJ high, craggy places. 19 Din the myrtle. A covert, nm to prance, spring, nmn the pine. ntrS to proceed. Any thick ever- green. mM;n the box-tree. 20 U^W to place. D'^H put together, consider. 24 nrS swell with blowing. yCKO than a pufF of breath. Chapter XLII. DD 3 Hr\D restriction. Smoking, lan- guid. 4 D'^DDbTj'l and from before time. 5 27p"l stretch forth, expand, extend. 11 nni^n villages. m!^ cry aloud, shout. 13 rn!^ cry aloud, roar out. 14 T\Wn silent, still, pes to constrain, refrain. r|Wtt7 draw, suck, or sup in, snufF , up. I 15 D'^'^M habitable places. 16 I1T13 a pathway, path. WjPV to pervert. D^-^JpTO crooked. 17 y02 recede, retire, go back. 22 JIDII? to rob, plunder. rfDTDQ a plundering, a spoil. 152 ISAIAH. 22 '^^DW robbed. riD expand. Snared. in white, mn a hole through which light appears. IT he, they. SbD separation. D'wba D^l a house of confinement, a prison. 23 "linwb in after time. Chapter XLIII. 51D 14 u? to hide. B^D a hiding-place. Dn3n nV3MS in their pleasure- boats. TT^'D. to pass. D'ma fugitives. 17 "JVT go or burn out as fire. 19 UW^ place set. ]it3>ttr a waste, desert. 22 27^"^ labour, be weary. Hiph. weary. 24 Tiyi wet, saturate, satiate. :rT'nn. 27 V^D smoothness. I^S'bD thy typical intercessors, mediators, i. e., the priests. 28 f]1^ reproach, revile. Chapter XLIV. Ttt 3 bt3 trickle. D'blW trickling streams. 8 ^71'^n bs fear not. rrv for t. 1 1 nnn conjoin. An associate. 12 1^27 cut off'. TS^'O bni an iron cutting instrument. nD3 breathe. DHD live coals. 3p3 make hollow, penetrate. mpD a hammer with a sharp head. 13 "HSn delineate, mark out. Din . mirra a compass. Cir- cularity of motion. 13 "Tltt? to leave. A pencil. 5?!^p cut or scrape off' the surface. my^pO planes or hatchets. 14 nTI attenuate, nnn a tree of the pine or fir kind. A cypress. 15 pir3 kiss, clash, smack, snap. In Hiph. cause to snap or crackle, make it burn fiercely. 12D bow or bow down to the ground. 10 Tib'2 roast. 18 ntD overlay, overspread, seal up. 21 ntt73 to forget. 23 n!JD break forth (into singing.) 24 \n*' by myself. 25 I'D, separate. Dm a sort of con- juror, affecting solitude. 27 v!^ to shade, nbis a spread or extent of waters. Chapter XLV. ntt 1 n vT draw out. Leaved-gates. 2 11 go round. DmTT roundabout, tortuous. 8 ^V1 drop down, distil. bT3 trickle. 9 D1 striveth. 13 n7^ roll away, remove. m'?^ my captives. 14 pT strain off'. D'p) fetters made of brass or copper. 15 pW surely. 16 "12 to bind close, to distress. lis bind close, distress. Dn:? idols. 18 inn a vain thing, a thing of no consequence. 24 *in3 to snort. Incensed. ISAIAH. n>rtr'> 153 Chapter XLVI. ID 1 D'^p to bend, stoop. m^^V labour or travail. An idol. SIi73 lift up as a load, ^nwiu: beasts of burden. DT2>y to bear, lift up. moiW laden, loaded. 6 /T to loose, lavish, lax. Let go with profusion. H^p to hold. The beam of the balance. 8 t27M fire. WUJM grieved or fired at oneself, be ye on fire. 11 ^'^V any ravenous bird. Chapter XLVII. T! 1 "fn tender. ^^V delight. Delicate. 2 ntt!^ cut off, consume as the hair. Hair. D!^ empty, meagre, nos a thin veil of gauze, bntr? impel. The leg. 8 nD^"T3? given to pleasure. 9 r|tZ7D (fiscover, reveal. Enchant- ment, sorceries. I^n join. Join words together for enchantments. 1 1 71*\T} mischief. 13 "nnn cut off or divide. 14 bn2l glow, shine. A live coal. Chapter XLVIII. HD 4 in assault. T3 a sinew. 9 CtDn refrain, restrain. 13 nSt^ spread out, extend. 19 Tiyi^ lax, loose. 'mS'n particles of sand, gravel. Chapter XLIX. iDtt 2 *7n penetrate. Sharp. Tin cleanse thoroughly, bright. JlDtrS a quiver. 9 n2tt7 clash. D^^DtO craggy rocks or eminences. 10 ^ntJ? to burn. Scorching heat. nP^ swell up or out. nnQ springs. 17 D")n break through, l^nnn de- struction, destroyers. 20 127213 to come close, more than y\p. 21 "n^b^arock. Barren. nmD a removing to and fro. 23 ^DS stability. Nursing father. 24 n')phn prey. 26 IDOV . D>D3> wine. 113*' to oppress. "pJiD thine op- pressors. Chapter L. 3 1 nt273 to lend. >120 creditors. 2 iy^ restrain. rrc?a reproof, re- buke. 3 lip dark, black. 6 (113 to form into a mass, a body. tDlD to make smooth, viz., by plucking off the hair. 9 Jlbn wear or waste away. Wy consume. A moth. 10 (133 bright, shining. Shining, 11 nip kindle. ITS surround, encompass. 154 ISAIAH. 11 pT strain off, fuse. nip^T flames. Chapter LI. N3 1 i!2n cut out, hew. "Hpi bore, dig, or cut out. 4 yyi still, quiet, rest. 7 ^12 to reproach, revile. 8 00 a worm. 13 p'^l^SiPT the oppressor. pi?Q dis- tress, oppression. p!J press, straiten. 14 n372 stretch out. The prostrate prisoner. 1 5 Vyi still, quiet, stop motion. 17 V^P press down, nrip the lees of wine, dregs. vV^ violently agitated, trembling. n!JD press, squeeze. 20 PpV cover over, swoon, faint. Tl^n limit, restrain, vnn a species of animal of the goat kind. A gazelle. The oryx. "1DD convolve. *iqDD a net or toil. Tiy^ afflict, grieve. T31D them who afflict thee. Chapter LII. DD 1 711? uncircumcised. 2 ^373 agitate, shake. "ID'' restrain, check, DnoiD bands or bonds. 7 niM desire, covet, nwi beautiful, comely. 8 "7'^D!i thy watchmen. 9 n!$D break forth (into a joyful sound). 10 P)tt?n to strip, make bare. 14 OW place. DD\tJ amazed, asto- nished exceedingly. nntl^Q marred. 15 y^p contract, shut. Chapter LIII. 2.2 2 py* suck, pzv a young twig. 3 7Tn to cease, desert. I3SD mar, spoil. nil^DO grief, sorrows, ^n make a hole. Anguish. 5 SI3*T break, break down, crush. 7 W22 come close to, oppress, bm bear patiently. A female sheep. !?m an ewe. 8 nnK? to bow, stoop, meditate. And who can (bear to) reflect on (the men of) his generation. 12 HIV to bare, empty, pour forth. V2D meet with. y3D' intercede. Chapter LIV. 12 1 bnS shout. A cheerful or loud cry. 3 ^1D break out or through. 8 f]'2W little, small, or short. 10 71W12 draw out or forth, withdraw. 1 1 V-^"' '^^ down, cause to lie. y^nn. ^D dissolve. * D'jdn *jici with black marble, thy stones. 12 "TDID a precious stone from its sparkling, as pyropos. 13 to propel, shoot forth. W12W serve, minister. D'-i^ttJOtty windows or lights. rnp kindle. mpM a sparkling, glittering as of stones. ISAIAH. 14 nn broken. nnnD ruin, destruc- tion. 15 n~)2l excite, move, stir up. 16 bnn bind, pledge. Take away, spoil. Chapter LV. 713 2 3237 delight, pleasure. J^ynn de- light oneself. 12 SnO strike or clap (the hands). 13 y3?3 to fix. yisy: the thorn -tree. ID'nD the briar. TD a thorn, and noi to spread abroad. Din the myrtle-tree. Chapter LVI. 13 D>DnD 3 D'^D serve, mmistei eunuchs. 10 nn3 bark. Q'^TH sleeping. D3 to slumber. 1 2 S3D drink hard, guzzle, swill. Chapter LVII. T3 5 Cn warm or hot. nm inflaming. ?)rD split, divide, rive. Cleft. 9 ^W^ to be strait, go direct. n'On. npn to make a composition of various spices, perfumes. "H!^ to bind close. TS agent, am- bassador. 10 127S^ renounce, give over. "!: desperate, hopeless. 11 !lW1 to be troubled. niCn forbearance of speaking or action. TWTVQ silent. 13 ^2p to collect, ys^lp thy com- panies. n'^yw'* 155 14 7D raise, elevate, exalt. 18 33 to increase. 2i: increase, fruit. 20 B!?'n3 drive, expel. Throweth up. tipll? to be quiet, at rest. 2751 to foul or make muddy. Mire. I^tO to spot. n^TO clay. Chapter LVIII. n3 I 7113 excite, move, pnj the throat or wind pipe. 4 ni2D squeeze. 5 D3 full, copious. p3N a bulrush. HDD to curve, bend. vp7 to bend down. n^!i spread, stretch out. 6 3l!2in a knot, ynn a lump, and ni!? swell. 13^ to bind. n"n3 the bunches or knots. 1^X5 to slip or slide, htqid the cross bar or slider of a yoke. y21 run here and there. To break, crush, oppress greatly. 7 D'HD part, break in pieces (as bread). 8 TIM be or grow long. n3"i pro- gress, prosperity. *70 dissolve, set loose, diffuse. II nn!^ white, shine. mn!jns vio- lent, intense heats, droughts. y^n loose In Hiph. make flexible. nn fail. 12 "113 to make a fence, fence, wall. A hedge. ^"10 break out or through, breach. 156 ISAIAH. n>:ytt?> 12 nn!3 wearing a track with the feet. n'n: a pathway. Chapter LIX. IDS 3 bSH vindicate, pollute, defile. 5 372!^ to cast, to eject. 'i'lVDS the basilisk, cockatrice, adder. yH thin skinned, and fat. D"?n eggs. Vpn cleave, hatch. t2?**nD^ a spider, "p to bend, and t3l3 subdue. 7}')p to meet, mp web (spider). Tilt to be scattered, sprinkled. nrS to puE m?D a viper. 10 "T'p a wall. ti?tt7D grope for, feel over and over again. D'^aDti^S desolate places. 1 1 Tiyn bring or carry for. To coo or moan (as a dove). 13 !1D3 recede, retire, go back. 15 my separate, sever. In Niph. \"I2?3 so faileth. 16 U12iW amazed or astonished ex- ceedingly. 3?nD to meet, meet with. r':Dn one who interposes. 17 112? to regulate. pttJ a breast- plate, a coat of armour. 2?^D to stop, keep off. mD a helmet. 1237 move, remove. 125?^ cover. 18 mbm b3?3 according to the fruit of their doings. 19 D3 a quick motion. DD3 erect a standard. Chapter LX. D 4 nilDSn 11$ hV to be nursed at thy side. 6 373127 flow together, be abundant. ni-D'O abundance, affluence. 1'D'^ to be forward, precede. A dromedary, viz., a race of camels peculiar for swiftness. 7 *72Tl"lt27'^ shall minister unto thee. 8 P)37 to vibrate, flutter, fly. 14 nnt27 bow, stoop, or bend very much. 20 F|DM gather, withdraw. 21 "n!$3 to keep. A plant. Chapter LXI. SD 1 IT encompass. "Ym freedom, liberty. 2 np V take, ^f^p a prison. 3 ni237 involution. n:DrD a robe, upper garment. vS interposition, b^w a tree with three wide spreading branches. 4 H'nn to waste. tniTf waste places. D?3t27 desolate. 5 miD cut, cut up. IIDS husbandman. 6 ID"' change, alter. In Hithp. change one's condition. 10 ^37'' to cover. ^nr\ contract affinity by marriage. A bridegroom. *nSD ^TID^ decketh himself with a priestly crown. m37 pass over or upon. Adorneth herself. ISAIAH. Chapter LXII. DD 1 t:ipt? quiet. n33 bright, shine, glitter. 1D7 to shine. Tth a burning torch or firebrand. 2 !3p3 make hollow. Mark, define. 6 nj2"T equable. DT rest. Chapter LXIII. :iD 1 yiZn to ferment. yMSn sprinkled, "nn adorn, decorate, deck, mirr. n52 spread, strew, or throw down. 2 "7"^*^ ^ proceed, to go or tread upon. n2 cutting, beating, m a wine- press. 3 "HD to break. miD a wine-press or vat. n!^3 superiority. Strength, i. e., blood. nT3 to leap, spurt out. n. 7M2 vindicate. 'n'?Na my ven- geance, (and on all my raiment) my vengeance. 6 DS trample, tread under foot. 9 vt03 impose (as a burden), to bear or support. 15 bnt dwell. '?iai a habitation. pDM constrain, (Hithp. restrain). 17 ntrp stiffen, harden. 19 vt3 trickle down. Chapter LXIV. ID 1 mp to kindle. nOD to melt. D^DDH wastings. n"'27ti?" 157 3 bt loose, nbt, ^lb^'i, ''^lb^^^ besides, except, n^n to wait, tarry. 4 J^2p to foam, froth. Very angry. 5 r\1V to pass over or upon. Orna- ments, garments of ornaments or showy things. 6 3D dissolve, melt, consume. Chapter LXV. HD 3 D'^SIsbn altars of brick. 4 "iTn surround. yiTt a hog, swine. ~l!^3 . cms: monuments. pID break. A piece (as of flesh), broth. v3D pollute, defile. Abominable. 8 h'DW to deprive. b^^2'(DH a cluster of grapes. 14 vb** cry out, shriek, or howl vio- lently or repeatedly. 20 nbs? to ascend, b'i^f or bbis? a child. 23 ^n^ to hurry, be precipitate. 25 nbiD to spot. A young kid. Chapter LXVI. ID 3 "JS labour of body or mind. ]1N an idol, an object of worship in Egypt. \^pt& abominate. 4 r\bV to ascend, '^^rn imagina- tions, delusions. nn"^ to be afraid. DmJO fears. 8 bn to be in labour. 9 "n^iS? restrain. 11 n^D squeeze, press. 158 ISAIAH. n^iiw^ 11 TT move to and fro. no bustle, brightness. 12 f]1^W to overflow. VWVW turn this way and that in play. Dandled. 14 mS break forth, floui-ish. 15 nOD scrape, sweep. nOD a whirl- wind. 1V^ restrain, rebuke, myj rebuke. 17 *inii pure, clean. 1333? the mouse. 19 "I2?r5 draw. nt2?p a bow. 20 n3!J to swell. Dnu covered car- riages, litters. *nD divide, separate. A mule. "ID round. m"i3"i3 panniers. 23 "'ID according to the frequency. 24 nbin a worm. Sm Arab, to repel tion, contempt. p"n rejec- JEREMIAH. Chapter I. N 10 WrO pluck up. yrO break to pieces, break down, destroy. 13 nD3 breathe, blow upon. niD: TD a pot blowed upon. 17 nn broken, dismayed. 18 1153 restrain, shut up, fortified. Chapter II. 3 1 nbS completed entirely. yrhV': thy consummation. 5 bsn emit a vapour. Vanity. 6 nti? incline, bow. rmTO a pit. mablJ darkness. Shadow of death. W^n lay hold, handle. bv* to profit. ID'* to change, alter. 1VW stand erect. Be afraid. 3"in waste, desolate. "np spring up. -iipQ a spring or fountain. n!^"' burn. n2?3 burnt. 3ti7 turn. nn\UD backsliding. pn3 withdraw, pluck asunder. "HD'^ restrain, check. mnoiD bands. TIJ^V stretched out. n3 riN thou playest the harlot. *1D decline, mo irregular shoots. "iriD to loose. Natrum or nitre. JEREMIAH. n"^'T 159 22 "1!2 to cleanse. Some purifying composition. nriD mark with an engraving. cm: stamped. 23 mD2 a dromedary, a high breed of Arab camel. '^'^W twine, wind, traverse. Cross- ing. 24 niD be fruitful. A young female or heifer dromedary. ?]Sti? draw or sup up. Snuff up. ]M labour of body or mind. n2n occasion. 25 373^ withhold. P^rr^ worn away. tTM^ to despair, renounce, give over. W12 despair. 32 ntI7p to bind. Attire or ribbands. 34 inn dig downwards or through. 36 7T loose, lax. Gad about. Chapter III. 2 1 F)3n pollute, defile. 2 bm? lie carnally with a woman. 3 Wp^ crop or cut off. Xff\pb^ the harvest rain. 4 F^bW chief leader, principal. F]ib guide. 5 "11D3 watch. V/atch an opportunity against. 8 *TM to cast forth. n"n propelling causes or motives. ?^S3 commit adultery. m'D cut off. nnnD a cutting off. 13 ITS disperse, scatter. 17 ntt? to regulate. nmiD ruling principles. 21 m^ distort, pervert. Chapter IV. *T 3 13 to split, separate. To plough. T3 a ploughing. 7 "7130 to interweave. A thicket. n^3 shoot forth. Tty^n shall be destroyed. 10 St^3 bear, elate, deceive. NC:. 14 nn^ white, clear, n:? a parching (wind). 22 biM gross, foolish, stupid. bSD pervert. Perverse. 29 nD"l cast. nnjp nrni shooting with bows. n2V thick, gross. D'ns? thickets of woods. HDD to curve. D'CS caves, caverns. 30 271p rend, divide. "7D dissolve, pulverise. *pD a mineral substance, powder of lead ore. ;33'57 set or joined one upon another. Loves, bn to make a hole. b'H or rt'?"in anguish, as of a woman in travail. 31 nC'' to breathe. nC'nn she panteth. Chapter V. n 1 IStSG? run to and fro. 4 bW to will, ^a^: self-willed, ob- stinate. 6 1133 to variegate. A large leopard, a panther. 8 ^T prepare, provide. D'DTin pre- pared horses, ready, bn!^ to neigh. P2 160 JEREMIAH. Ti^iy)'> 10 "lit? to regulate. "n a wall. rpmi\C2 on her walls. B?tD3 loose, relax. rrmw^'iOa bul- warks, bastions. 16 nDU7 to clash. rrnD a quiver. 22 WV^ to shake. Hithp. toss them- selves. 26 "ftt? to stop. "jiDD -i1r to stake as toils or nets, i. e., fix them with stakes, nntt? to corrupt, mar. nTTOD a trap. 27 dh'D to clap, close together. Tib'2 a trap-cage. 28 nWV to shine. S2?3 to err, wander, deceive. 30 DU? to place, set rrott? amaze- ment, astonishment. 1VW stand erect. mTTT'O horrible wickedness. Chapter VI. > 1 fV strength, -vigour, iwi haste ye. ?]piZ7 to look, turn towards. P^p'W: turned, so to look at. 2 niD to dwell. Dwelling at home. 333? delight, pleasure. m3:?o delicate. 3 Vpn to force or drive one thing against another. Force. To pitch (their tent). 6 "7^^ po"'^ ^** 7 "Ip spring up. Tpn cause to spring, cast out. I'D, to clear, cleanse, ma a well, a fountain. "^^Din be thou instructed. 9 n!^!l restrain, gather in. nsia gathering grapes. 10 nWp hearken. 11 ID obstruct. TiD a secret as- sembly. 16 I1TI3 a path, a pathway. Vyi still, quiet. Tr$yyo rest, quiet. 20 I3"137 to mix ; therefore agreeable. 21 ^'DW to dwell. The inhabitant. 23 ID propel, shoot. pT3 a short spear or javelin. "1TD break with force. "it3 cruel. ^!5 bind close, mi? distress. 25 "l^*^ shrink for fear. m:n a shrink- ing for fear. 26 Wb^ in Hithp. to roll oneself. 27 ]n^ try, prove, pni a watch- tower. 28 b^n trade, traffic, o'^n a busy- body. Slander, tale-bearing. 29 nnD to snort, to be heated. nD3 to breathe, blow. HDD a bellows, pn 3 draw or pluck away. mD3? lead. 30 DMD reject with contempt. D03 refuse, vile. With 2, disgusted at. Chapter VII. T 11 711V to bare, uncover, myo a cave. ^1D break out or through. D'STD robbers. 18 Wh knead, mwb to knead. pl^'D, made soft by moistening. p'22 dough. "7n3 poured out. 28 n31^M stability, security. 29 T3 take off, cut offi JEREMIAH. n'^?2-T' 161 29 1t3 to be separated. Nazarite locks. ]P to lament, wail. n2''p a lament- ation. ti?l3D loose, so to forsake, abandon. 33 "Tin move with quickness. Cause to flee. Tino. Chapter VIII. PI 2 n^W spread abroad. ^ttT to pollute. Dung. 5 ^'2,W to turn, or be turned back- ward, rtiiw. ni53 superiority. nnS2 beyond, continual. Iliyi to cast, deceive. TK^nn deceit, fraud. 6 yn to run. rf^l"iD a running, a course. rjIiU? immerge, overflow, (as a horse) bounding over (all ob- stacles) in battle. 8 tD57 to move, remove, ns? a pen. Ta'27 a rapacious bird 9 "IpC? deceitful. 13 F)DS gather, take off, destroy. D1D'D F]D I will surely take them off. 15 nVD, to terrify, nnn terror. 17 y?:!^ to eject. n:yD!? the basilisk. Wrh a low hissing, a whistling. To whistle, in order to charm serpents. 18 nb!2 to take one's rest, to smile. "0"$ ''TVybl'd (oh) thou who laughest or grinnest at me (for pain). ^IT sick, faint. (And sayest) my heart is sick within me. 22 Trm to flow, ns balsam, balm. 22 "JIM length, progress, getting forward. Chapter IX. I^ 2 mW go in a track. A traveller. 3 l-in strong, powerful, prevail. 5 bnn mock, banter, trifle. TT]V distort, pervert. Iniquity, perverseness. 8 VnnW to drain, tormu wounding (arrow). 10 nn^ lament, bewail. ^(3. n^"' to burn. 11 C^bnb heaps. 15 HD^ V wormwood. 16 ICS") for W^-) poor. Gall. 17 ]p to lament, wail. m3D")pQ wailing women. 18 J^V vibrate. "D5?D2> the eye-lids. 22 I'DV press, squeeze. TDJ? a sheaf. Chapter X. "* 3 ll^V to cut. n:?yQ an axe. 4 172iD rough, sharp-pointed. niDDO nails. 3p3 make hollow, pierce. mpQ a hammer. pD totter, stagger, stumble. 5 nWp stiff'ness. I^n palm-tree. li^lJ step, walk, go forwards. 8 Tini^ to join, connect. nnl alto- gether. vD3 stifihess, rigidity. Stupid. 'HD'' check, discipline. "IDIO dis- cipline, restraint. v!2n a vapour, ban vanity, a vain idol, of idols, p3 162 JEREMIAH. r\>iT\^ 9 Vp^ stretch forth, extend. B^'^tC'nn Tarshish. 11 nil Chald. this, that. w'^nbM for a>nb . "T of, who, because. M"^ttt!7 the heavens, for D'Dion. Sp"lS the earth, for prr. TSi? to do or make, mnn under, beneath. 13 S1273 to raise. D\v3 vapours. 14 irn clear off. irn3 brutish. n^TS^ for want of knowledge. *7D3 spread abroad. A molten image, or the metalline case of it. 15 r\Vn to err. D^nyn errors. 17 373D place on the ground, ni":^ merchandise, wares. 1 8 37 7p to sling out, or cast, throw. 19 nbn be faint, nbm afflicting. 21 Dn'*3?"lD their flocks. Chapter XI. S'' 15 CT devise, imagine, think, rvam devices, machinations. 1() 371 to break, 'inn thou doest evil. 7lD to cut. nbiQ a talking. Chapter XII. D" 3 pnS draw away, draw out. 5 mn heat, burn. 7 Wr\2 pluck up. 9 3711!$ to form streaks. M^m^ the hyaena. lD"'37n variegated or streaked wild beast. 13 D>l*p thorns. 'I^ni they are pained. Chapter XIII. y^ 4 mS Euphrates. pp hollow, py^i a hole. 14 yes dissipate, disperse, dash. 16 P)ri3 strike against, stumble. P]t273 to blow. Twilight, dark. Tl^p stretch out. Expect ear- nestly. 21 vDn bind, confine, n'bin pangs. 22 btt7 loose. 'rm loose flowing skirt. DXSn cast, pluck off. iDnn: are stripped by violence. 23 W^D an Ethiopian. lin to conjoin. ^'nnmin the black spots of the leopard, like contusions. "1^3 to be variegated with spots. The panther or larger leopard. 26 r)tt7n strip, make bare. r\/p levity, lightness, yibp vile- ness, ignominy. 27 bn!^ cause to shine. 'm^n!?0 neighings. Chapter XIV. T' 1 *1!^I2 restrain. m*T21 drought. 2 bttS languish. b^DN feeble, fail. lip dark, obscure, black. ni!^ cry aloud, shout. nm2? a cry. 3 ^3 gibbosity. D*n3 aqueducts, arched or vaulted (made by Hezekiah). JEREMIAH. rfss-T' 168 S nsn cover, veil. 4 m3 cur, cut up. Dn3 hus- bandmen, ploughmen, nn to be broken. Crack or chap as the ground. 5 7M interpose, nb'a a hind or doe. 6 S"nD to run. D'NID wild asses. 9 Qm3 overwhelmed, astonished. 18 S^n wear away. "IPD move to and fro. Traffic. !9 Vj7^ cast away, loathe. n VH disturb, affright, nnri terror, trouble. 21 \^S3 cast off, reject, despise. vHD fall or flow down, reject. Chapter XV. Itfi 3 UnD to drag, to tear, lacerate. 4 37T move, agitate, r^^^^ an agita- tion. 5 13 move or remove. With b fol- lowing, to sympathize, compas- sionate. 7 mT scatter, disperse, winnow. min a shovel. 11 rrntt? personal attendance. nilttJ ministry. im"itt? for ITMW thy residue. 17 pntZ? conflict. To make sport at, deride. U'p'nt} mockers. 18 DMD to mar, spoil. Grief. DTD to fail. a^2N a deceiver. Chapter XVI. tlD 4 Svn wear, wear away. Wasting. D'^'jrrn tiidq of wasting deaths. 5 ntl to cry out for grief or joy. nno shouting. 6 mi assault or attack oneself. 7 D'lD to part, break in pieces, as bread. 13 vt^ to cast or send forth. 16 yi to multiply exceedingly. wy)i fishers. 19 D3 to flee. D12D a refuge. Chapter XVII. T 1 "ID!^ move quickly. pD2? the sharp point. ll^W to keep, tquj a hard stone, a diamond. 4 !D/Dtt? to let go, remit. Thou shalt have a remission even for thyself. 6 mr to make bare, nyny a blasted tree. 8 vD*^ to bring along, biv a stream or current of water, a water- course. iNI to be troubled. ni2?D withdraw. 9 Dp3? supplant, deceive. 10 1pr\ search minutely. 11 ^Tl to set on eggs or young. 13 ID to decline, depart. n"C* they who depart from me. 14 MST restore to a former state and condition. 16 \^N press, urge, hasten. 17 nn to be broken, nriD a ruin, destruction. Chapter XVIII. n"^ 2 "l!i> to form. ISV a potter. 3 '^DDSn the frames. 164< JEREMIAH. rrxs-!^ 4 intt?37*'1 nti?'^ and be made it again. 12 C^S** to despair. "ON"): despair. 13 nnirii? horrible wickedness. 14 "1!^ to bind close. 1")!? a rock. D'"?!"): D^-ip Dn^ D>D will (a man) leave for a rock my field ; or for the snow of Lebanon ? Shall the running waters be forsaken for the cold running waters? Wn^ pluck up. Drawn out, fail. 15 73C? impel, *b^y03 paths. vD raise, elevate. V)D raised very high. 16 plW yellow. npiiiD a hissing. 21 "^213 to pour out, shed. m^n cause them to be poured out, or their blood. Chapter XIX. !:)" 1 pnpn a bottle. 2 Din a burning. niDin ms-tt? gate of the burnings. 3 b!^ shade. Tingle. 7 p2 empty, empty out. Cause to fail. 9 p!i to press. T12D straightness. Chapter XX. 3 2 "^Cn turn or change the condition, &c. naDrran the stocks. 3 ni^ to be afraid of. lllD a shrink- ing for fear. 7 nriD draw aside. HDO seduced, enticed. 7 pTlW to conflict. A derision. 8 Dvp sport in contempt, deride, sport. 9 1'^y restrain, stop, shut up. v2v3 hold in, refrain. 10 12 "T murmur, mutter, mi mur- muring. V /"^ to be or go on the side. Halting. 11 V^V terrify. 18 n!!'' to afflict, grieve. p2' affliction, grief. Chapter XXI. S3 13 ]yi2 remain, dwell. Chapter XXII. 33 3 13n 7M do not cause wailing. /Tn take away by violence, plunder. 14 Vlp to rend, cut out. 112 to measure, mio n'l a large house. nWT2 anoint, rub over, painted. ^WW Vermillion. 15 ninn surround or enclose one- self. 17 ^1 to run. Tt^^^yo incursion, in- vasion. 19 3nD to drag. nbn beyond. *7'^3?"1 thy pastors. 21 Tv7W quiet, easy. m"?TD security. 24 pn2 pluck oflf. ^2pnM after Chaldee form. 28 3!^37 to afflict, grieve. Therefore, an idol. 30 r\"lV make naked. -iny childless. JEREMIAH. n>m'' 1G5 Chapter XXIII. 2D 9 Finn move tremulously. 12 p/r\ divide into parts. mp'?pbn slipperinesses. 13 bon to appeal, nbcn folly. 29 C?''t^D a hammer. dJD to strike, pound, &c. y^^ burst open, break in pieces. 32 TfTD overflow. Dm^HE their ex- travagancies, debaucheries. 33 K?t^D loose, leave. 39 nti?3 looseness. Forget, lend. Chapter XXIV. "TD 1 TT a vessel of a roundish form. -n, nn a basket. n^lD shut up. "13DO a smith. 6 D"nn break through or down. 9 Vi move, agitate, nynb for an agitation. Chapter XXV. HD 16 I2?^:i to shake. In Hithp. to totter, bn to move quickly. bbTf in Hithp. mad, foolish rage. 23 V^P '^"^ through and through. n^D '21!?p trimmed on the sides (of the head). 27 Wp to vomit. V spue. 29 Tlp'2 clear, clear away. SO TllTl send or thrust forth. ITTI loud shouting as of men treading grapes. 34 t^bS Hithp. roll oneself. D3**n"l!^15n your dispersions. "I^IS magnificent, glorious. Chapter XXVI. ID 2 'S'^^ subtract, withhold. 8 tt7Dn lay hold on, catch. 18 "^37 a hillock, a heap. Chapter XXVII- TD 2 10'^ restraint. miDID bands or bonds. t^D to slide or slip. mtDD the cross-bar or slider of a yoke. 9 P]WD discover. D^D'OD en- chanters, sorcerers. 18 V2^ meet with, entreat. 20 nn white or pale. D^n nobles, from white robes. Chapter XXIX. tOD 24 'ttbriDn the dreamer. 26 V^W distracted, mad. W\OQ. p2!^ confining. py^Tf the dungeon. 27 "^37!! restrain, rebuke. "^Qv according to the measure of, according to. Chapter XXX. b 6 pT* cast out something moist. my paleness (as of mildewed corn). 10 l^pW quietness, quiet. pStt? to be at ease or in profound tranquillity. 13 "nT press out, squeeze, mra^ to dress the wound. 17 DWt27 spoil or plunder. A spoiler. "THS long. HDnx health. 166 JEREMIAH. n'^nn^ 17 rn thrust out. rtuiz an outcast. 18 vH a heap raised up. rr"?n on her own heap. 23 m^in blow or conflict, stir up. -ni:na cutting. Chapter XXXI. wb 5 l^^n they shall be common. 12 DST faint, languish, be sorrowful. mNT sorrow. 15 n3 to lament. '>m lamentation. 18 TID to condole or bemoan. 19 pDD smite, strike or clap. 20 VWVW to delight. 21 n!2'' and 223 to stand, set up. "1 15 sharp pointed. D'rs signs or marks. Itin a palm-tree. nmnDH liigli pillars. 22 pl^n turn aside. 29 1D2 sour, unripe grape. TlUp to be blunt. 35 ^3") still or stop. 36 tCID withdraw, depart. 37 "^pn search out. 40 inD exhausted or faint. A dead carcass. niW a field. Chapter XXXII. ^^ 2 "1103 to keep. miDan the prison. Chapter XXXIII. 3^ 4 V vD cast up a road. 7i))D a 6 inV abundance accompanied with sweetness, mm abundance. 15 n^!i spring up, bud, or grow. Chapter XXXIV. lb 8 "Tni liberty. 16 tt?D3 breathe, respire. \rc: desire affections. Chapter XXXV. nb 2 nDtt?V a chamber. An open place. 5 3?23 conicalness. D^r23 goblets. Chapter XXXVI. lb 6 D!5 empty, thin. CIS a fast, fasting. 7 bD3 to fall. pn very gracious, n^nn suppli- cation. v73 to roll over and over. rr'?2Q a roll (of a book). 18 iT^T blackness, darkness. Vi ink. 20 "TpS visit. In Hiph. to place in trust. 22 nriM to join, connect. nx a hearth, or a brasier, or portable machine to keep fuel together for burning. 23 lVr\ divide, cut. A penknife. Chapter XXXVII. tb 10 Ipl stab, pierce. D^plC wounded 12 p /H to receive a portion 16 n3n to fix, settle. nv:nn cells. JEREMIAH. Chapter XXXVIII. nb 7 C^ID an Ethiopian. 1 1 TV/'D. worn out with age and use. ^^bl old. inO drag, mnno rags, n /X3 to dissolve. Dissolution of cohesion, or rottenness. (Rotten rags). 12 b!5S to place by oneself, nib'2^ the armpits. 14 ins take off, conceal. 19 3 ST to be troubled, vex. 22 no in Hiph. to stir, raise, rouse up. ^D of a soft body. Soft mud or Chapter XXXIX. tab 10 I}!l gibbosity. d3 husbandmen who turn up ridges. 18 lobtt set free or loose, deliver. Chapter XL. D 1 pT strain off. U'pt or DV^M manacles. 5 mW go in a track, rrm^ an allowance of victuals. Chapter XLI. S^ 5 11^ assault oneself. D^TiJniO cut themselves. Chapter XLII. HD 18 *jn3 to be poured out. n^1D'T 167 20 Tiyn to err, wander. DTimn ye have used deceit. Chapter XLIII. ID 9 t^b to hide, involve. TD^Q a hiding- place, a vault. "Jib to whiten. p'>n a bricked area. 10 "1527 goodly, elegant. "TnDtt) a pavilion, a grand tent. 12 ntD37 involution. Wrap over. Chapter XLIV. 1 10 KDT broken, humbled. 19 *>13?bn without, except. n2?!?3D from bl not, and ir to. Chapter XLVI. ID 3 ]2 sharp-pointed. nD2 shield (a large one). 4 27^3 stop, keep ofF. ym3 a helmet, pID to scour or furbish. n^*1 to stab. A spear. ni3"''nD brigandines, coats of mail, mo refractory. 7 C7iy3 to shake. In llitlip. toss themselves. 9 W^'D Ethiopians. ^ID Lydians. 12 nbp levity, yhp vileness, ig- nominy. ni!^ cry aloud, nms shout. 15 P|nD swept. In Niph. nrTD3 swept off. PjT!] Hiph. drive or hurry away. 17 nSl27 lift up, make a noise, ^l^in tumult, a noisy pimp. 168 JEREMIAH. 20 \^"np move, agitate. Agitation. 21 pm tie, bind up. pain of the stall. 22 Dinp a hatchet or axe. Chapter XLVII. YD 3 l^yW to stamp. nn^MJ stamping. W^^ to shake. '0^^'0 rushing. nD"l to give way, relax. p"'D' feebleness, relaxation. 6 IVn the sheath of a sword. A razor. Chapter XLVIIL HD 6 "12?1"137 a heath. Utterly destitute. 9 y^ break forth, y'2 plumage, wings. M!^3 to fly away. 11 ^Dli? to keep, onotj the dregs or lees. 12 nV^ to strew, throw down. D*2?s the strewers. 25 "^1^ to break, cut, or cast down. 26 pED Lxx. to smite or clap the hand. 28 12^37 to leave, forsake. 30 "rn to separate, disjoin. Vin his limbs, strength. 32 C?li3 to loose, set loose. n'ttrTDD the branches of a vine. 33 n^ rejoicing. A pleasant noise in treading grapes. ITH loud shouting, and mrt send forth. 40 n"T to fly. 41 m!i to look sideways. nyrs^ strongholds. 41 t2?Dn to lay hold on. Niph. taken. 43 nriD to dig, to cut up. (A pit.) Chapter XLIX. t:)J2 3 tilDtt? to go to and fro repeatedly. 7 nnD to spread. In Niph. to overshoot itself. (Taylor) be- come luxuriant. 10 n^n to hide, mn: hide oneself. 16 \^7D to tremble. insbDH thy ter- ribleness. I^in a clifl'or covert. Cleft. 19 3^3*^ to still, quiet. Ti^yM^ in- stantly, in an instant. 20 Sib n surely. inO drag, draw by force. 23 nD to dissolve, melt. :mD. 24 tOtOT tremble exceedingly. Trem- bling. 32 nSD ''^^ll^p trimmed on the sides (of the headj. Chapter L. 3 2 ^'^V labour, travail. CliJJ^ idols. 11 nD2? to rob, plunder. ^^ plun- derers, 15 tTM from ti?'' substance. T^'W^ foundations. 16 721 rotundity of motion or form. b^'Q a sickle. 17 miTQ nt!i? scattered sheep. 1TD to disperse, scatter. n^D to spread, be diffused. 23 V^^ to break, cut down, off. ti7t^D to strike, smite. tO^'iiD the hammer. 24 Wp"^ lay, set, or spread a snare. JEREMIAH. iTin-T* 169 25 *12S to lay up. TSIN armoury; 26 D3W stuflf with food. rrD3o her storehouses, mi? to be naked. D^n*Ty (as) heaps, i. e., of corn, after it is thrashed. 29 It to swell, be proud. 33 pWV to oppress. 36 12 separate, disjoin. Dna a sort of conjurers. ^N3 to be foolish, mad, distracted. 38 CS terrible. D^Q'm terrible ones. Idols. *2 ID propel, shoot. ]T3 a short spear, javelin. 45 DnD to drag, draw by force. Chapter LI. S3 2 pD empty, ppl to make entirely empty. 4 1p1 to stab, pierce. D")pTO those that are stabbed. 5 D7S to compress. p^ Nb is not widowed. 8 nn^ in Arab, to flow, ns balm. 11 "in to clear, cleanse. Clean the arrows. lobtt? to be over for protection. D^TDb shields. Ut to devise. iniOlO his device. DO"! devise thoroughly. 13 5?!Ji to break, cut off. Covetous- ness, gain. 14 pv to lick, py the chafer, the caterpillar. 16 M12?3 to bear, lift up. D'w: vapours. 17 IVD, to clear off, take clean away. 23 brutish. 20 ^2Q break with a noise. yora a maul, any instrument of slaughter. 23 no expand, extend, mno the go- vernors, D'32D1 and princes. ]nD to be great. D'jjd great men, princes, nobles. 27 "iDDtD Chald. a captain, com- mander, from DDtD to make quiet. "1X30 rough. noD p!?0 as the rough chafer. 30 ntt73 to be relaxed, to fail. 31 Y"l to run. A post, a runner. 32 l2?Dn lay hold on, catch. Seized. D3 full. D>03M bulrushes, reeds, or collections of water. '7*n to go forward. TOmn cause to be trodden, to tread. 34 DX2n disturb, discomfort exceed- ingly. 2!^"^ to place or set in a certain condition. Wn^ to contract. The belly. ]1V pleasure, delight. >:iyD my dainties, delights. 36 *1p to spring up. ^^pn a spring or fountain. 38 1^ to sojourn. y\y a whelp, a cub. p3M moan or groan. 58 ni3? naked. ys>Tr to be laid in ruins. F)3?'' dissolve. To be tired, spent. 64 Vp^ sink, subside. . Chapter LII. 23 3 IID resist, rebel. 4 pT to beat small, pn a fort, a wall of circumvallation. 16 n^ gibbosity. D>aa> husbandmen. 170 JEREMIAH. 18 ID to decline. T\)^D pots, kettles. "Ittt to cut off. niinra snuffers, pit to sprinkle. DpITD basons. ?|D concave, hollow. D'CD bowls. 19 nnn keep fire alive. ninno censers, the fire-pans. rTp3 to clear, clear away. nvp20 broad shallow bowls or dishes. 21 ten to fasten together. loin a thread. 2D to turn. Compass, n237 to be thick, gross. 21 rsin: hoiiow. 22 lil^ to enclose. nnn5 a chapiter or circular crown. ^ntt? to complicate, nami) net work. 23 nni"n on the void or open space, i. e., on the meshes of the net- work. S2!J to assemble, muster. N2:?nrr. 34 mS to go in a track. TTmti a customary settled allowance, or meal of victuals. EZEKIEL. Chapter I. M 1 HMT to see. m"iD the visions. 4 'IVO to be turbulent, tempestuous, npb to take. nnp'jnD infold itself. nilD to be bright. bDt27n mixed metal of gold and copper; from TO copper, and bbra gold (Chald). Hkixr^ot. 5 H2V to affect. ;'2^ reflected light, colour. ^"D the sole. n23 to shoot. D'S2?3 sparkling. V /p to be exceeding vile, bbp to burnish. I'^aD "n^l? "hV upon the passage, i. e., the plane of its front. bwprn^ 1 1 TiD divide, separate. 13 pT2 to disperse. A flash of light- ning. 16 t27^tt7-)n beryl. 18 1221 gibbous. a>i: naves or felloes of a wheel, rings. 22 mpn crystal. Chapter II. !3 6 ^HD to burn, scorch, nettles. 0*^31 vD briers, thorns. D^'Hllp^? scorpions. Q^aTD EZEKIEL. bpTn^ 171 8 n^D to open, let loose. 10 Tiyn murmur, mutter, moaning. Chapter III. 21 7 n!:)3 forehead. 9 Itttt? to keep. yaiD adamant, diamond. 13 pW run, move forwards. mp^MJD. 17 ITlt to shine, enlighten, instruct clearly, nmmrr or warn. 22 Vp2 to separate contiguous parts. 7isp2 a gill, a break between mountains. 25 n'HV to twine. D'mi cords. 26 "^n scratch, rub, &c. Palate, roof of the mouth. ny^ to reprove. n*3iD a reprover. Chapter IV. 1 1 pn describe, delineate. 2 ID to be round. Dn3 battering- rams. 3 ron Arab, flat, plain, nnno a flat plate, not pan. 7 P)tt?n strip, made bare. 9 nbS separate. biD a bean. Q'^t2?'T2? lentiles (a kind of pulse). Uni to drive, impel. ]rn millet. CDD to have long hair. D't3D3 zea, spelt. 11 Itt? to regulate. rrrOQ a measure. 12 23? to bake upon. m32) cakes. 14 b^^ pollute, defile. 15 ^D2 to cast forth with violence. '3?1C3 excrements. 16 nSl to be troubled. Trouble. Chapter V. 1 in penetrate, sharp, mn a sharp (knife). dr^M a barber. Chapter VI. 1 3 pDN put a force upon, constrain. D'p"'2 torrents. nS!l to increase, rise. mN^a valleys. 4 on to be hot. D^:?3n images, sun- images. 5 Dtt?*^ to place, set, as C*i?. And in Niph. desolate. Dtt?N to be guilty. To be treated as guilty. 9 ^p to loathe, nauseate, be dis- gusted at. 10 C3n without cause, gratuitously, for nothing. 11 Vp^ expansion. To stamp (with the foot). Chapter VII. T 4 nOn to take shelter, or to give shelter, to hope, trust. 7 "HQi^ to move quickly. m^D!?n it is pushing or hurrying along. niTl to send forth, in sound (the joyful sound). 10 y^ break forth or blossom. *lt to swell, yiii pride, arrogance. 11 D^n to cast off' or away. Violence. nn3 to lament, bewail. 14 riprQ ^Vpn blow with the trumpet. 18 V^D tremble. 19 13 to remove, mo an abomina- tion. q2 172 EZEKIEL. 20 Dv!^ to figure, delineate. An image. 22 1D!J to hide, conceal. A secret place. ^"1Q break out or through. D'sno robbers. 23 pm swathe, gird round, pim a chain. 25 TDp hasten, hurry along, Ttiiip haste, hurry, 26 mn to be. An oppressing calamity. Chapter VIIT. n 2 "nnt to shine, be clear. Brightness. 3 n33 to build. n'22n a form, pat- tern, model. D3D and n"'D''3Q within, inner, interior. bSJD a figure, image, equal to mWM blessed. M3p eat into, corrode. Provoke to. n2pQn nM3pn inflameth to possession. 7 "nn a white or pale colour, in a hole. 8 "nnn to dig, dig downwards. 1 1 ItOp to fumigate, mtipn a censer. in^ expand, dilate. Expansion, vapour. 12 riDtt? Arab, like, resemble. in3WD imagery, sculpture. 14 t'lDn Tammuz. Dn and TO heat. 16 D7N to compress. d'?"im an arch, portico. 17 rihp levity, lightness, "jpa to be light. IDT cut ofT. rmmn the branch. bspTn** Chapter IX. 10 2 \^D3 to dissipate. \^DD an instrument of breaking in pieces, nop an inkhorn. A scribe's inkhorn. 3 ^nC stir, move. pDn tlie thresh- hold. 4 rrin to mark, in a mark. n3M sigh, groan. p3M groan. 9 nTD3 to stretch, decline. noD perverseness. Chapter X. " 2 ]^ to divide, nirs the parts between the intervals. Tl^n to cover. a'3Dn the two hands. 5 ill^n to part, p'n outer. 12 ^3 gibbosity. nniJ their backs. Chapter XL S> 3 ID to decline. TDn a pot, a kettle. 15 bwn vindicate, ^nb^ thy kindred. 24 v3 rotundity of motion or form, nbl^n the captivity. Chapter XTI. D' 3 n 73 to remove. nbD totality. '^S utensil, instru- ment, furniture. Anything pre- pared for the use of man. 6 Vy^V to be gross, rm'j^ the dusk of the evening. 10 Stt?D bear, take or lift up. w'lOJ a prince. EZEKIEL. 13 rW"^ a net. m!^ look sideways. mi^O a narrow pass. 14 ?]^3 hit, strike. "Q3 the bodies or corps of an army. 18 nn motion. m;i trembling. 24 pbn smooth. Flattering. "712?^ draw out. Protract. Chapter XIII. n"* 4 7272? hollow. D^"?!? foxes. i*nn waste, mnn desolate places. 5 ^^12 break through. msiD breaches. 6 7n*^ remain, abide, expect. 9 3nD mark, engrave, write. 10 n57l2 err. 71'^r\ to part, y^n a slight wall, the outer wall of a house. nti overlay, overspread, daub over. vDt5 crude. Untempered mortar. 11 l&D^ shave off. XO^aJb^ large hail- stones. 18 IDn to fasten or join together. nD2 gibbous. mriD3 small pillows. bl^S to set apart. ''b"2^ the arm- pits. 'n^'D join, unite. mrrDDD close veils. Dp to arise, rise, nmp stature, height. "n!2 hunt repeatedly, frequently, continually. 19 b37t2? hollow. The hollow of the hand, handfuls. !IT3 to fail; so to lie. bsprn'^ 173 20 mo to break forth. mmo flower-gardens. 22 rrSID bruise. Hiph, break, afflict. Chapter XIV. T 9 TirV!^ draw aside, withdraw. En- tice to evil, or seduce. 10 ni^? turn out of its proper situa- tion. p2? perverseness, iniquity, punishment. Chapter XV. ItD 3 "|S V to send, serve. n^^Vn work, business. n vH to hand, suspend. 4 Hv!^ pass on, advance. With b following, profitable or good for. 5 on finish. D^an very perfect. 8 v3?Q to decline, go aside. Tres- passed. Chapter XVI. TID 3 mD cut off. 'i-nao instruments of cutting. 4 *1ti7 regulate. (The navel string.) \^n"1 wash, cleanse the surface. rii^D to stroke in wiping. 'yc'O^ for a wiping to me. ^Ty'n swathe, swaddle. Swaddling bands. 5 v5?i2 cast away. To the loathing (tDD3 in thy natural filth). 6 D2 trample upon. DDl the repe- tition of the action. 7 nX32 to spring. A sprout, shoot, produce. q3 174 EZEKIEL. 7 TIIV to pass over or upon. D'ny ornaments. 9 ^t^W cover with water, wash by immersion. 10 Dpi variety of colour, nopl em- broidery, brocade. ti?nn azure. Badgers' skins, ermine. D2n to bind round or about, gird. HWT2 draw out or forth, 'd silk, formerly rendered fine. 11 Tm wreathe. Tm a chain. 12 72137 round. D"'V'3y rings. 1103? encompass, m^jy a crown or fillet. 16 S7ID spot with large spots. mM^"E spotted. 17 IMS adorn. mscn ornament, beauty, 25 p2?D distend, open. 27 ^m abate, diminish. 30 bj2M languish, weak. rf?DM weak. u7W to be over, n^^ imperious, domineering. SI Dvp to sport in contempt, deride. ]n3 to give. ]3nM a gift, reward. P)N3 to satiate one's thirst by drink- ing. To commit adultery. 33 ^^ move, remove. rn3 the retiring fee. '313 prices to an adulterer by his mistress. 34 *7nt2? make a present, bribe. "72n turn the condition. The contrary, inverse. 36 I2?n3 view attentively, ywnz thy poisonous filth. 39 l2ti?D divest, strip off. 40 \)n'^ cut in pieces. 42 ^OplJ? to be quiet. bpTn> 43 Tm motion, commotion, agitation. Disturbed. Sn behold, lo. 47 iDp to loathe, be disgusted at. 49 Vibw to be quiet, secure, rvrxo security, quietness. 55 ]nX2"Tp7 to their former estates. 57 ^i^W despise, insult. Chapter XVII. T> 2 ^^ penetrate. HTn Tin propose an enigma. 3 I^M strong. The wing or pinion of a bird. n23 shoot forth, nsis plumage. Dpi variety of colour. mopn variety of colour in an eagle's feathers. 1D!i weak, languid. niDS the top or leading shoot of the cedar. 4 py^ to suck. DTnp'3' young twigs. F)lDp crop, pluck off. ^D1 to trade, traffic. 5 nD3^ overspread, watch. nDSDS very circumspectly. 6 mo spread out. n vT draw out. nr'^i branches. "T^ separate. Dm branches. 1SS adorn. mND a bough or branch. 7 2137 stretch out. m^nro a bed or plat where vines grow. 8 ^133? to shoot. A shoot, a bough, branch. nS magnificent, glorious. rm. 9 DDp to cut or pluck offl PjllS tear or pluck off". D"i:q shoots or twigs plucked off". EZEKIEL. 9 W^^ dry up, wither. 15 iDvO set free or loose. Deliver, rescue. 21 m^ to flee, i. e., to pass from place to place. miD fleeing away. PjH^ hit, strike against. 'Djn the bodies or corps of an army. 22 bn elevation, ^^n great elevation, eminence. Chapter XVI 1 1, n** 2 "^DIS to reject. An unripe grape, nnp to blunt, set on edge. 6 "TD move, remove, m: monstrous. 7 7Dn to bind by a pledge, nban a pledge. 2n to be bound, nn a debtor. vU take away by violence, plunder. T^^y violence. 10 \^"1D break out or through. y>nD a robber. 25 Ipn direct, regulate. Chapter XIX. !:)'> 1 ^p lament, wail, n^p a lamenta- tion. 2 Si V to milk out the beestings. N'a^ a lioness, or first milk, IDD to cover. DnD3 young lions. "lU to sojourn, iij a whelp, in- ferior to 103. 4 nntt? corrupt, mar. mTO a trap, a snare. nn catch, as with a hook. D^nn a clenched ring of iron. 7 CbH to compress. n"i:Q!?N vaulted porticoes or palaces. bwptn'' 175 8 ^IT to direct, rule. .iriD a province. 12 p")D break in pieces. Chapter XX. 2 6 *in go round or about. Tnn search out. 26 ^n3 to give. DmsriD their gifts. 27 ^1^ reproach, revile, defy. 37 10'^ restrain. noiO , niDO bands. 38 1^ clear, cleanse, purify. TTna. 40 W~\1 inquire, require. 43 iSp loathe, nauseate. Chapter XXI. S3 2 ?)tS!3 distil, drop down, fmn drop. Dim the South. 3 2n7 to flame, nan^ a flame. mn'jTD a raging flame. Sn^J to burn. 14 If] penetrate, sharp. mmn sharpened. l3"nD smooth. Furbish, burnish, rub bright. 15 pli^ lighten, glitter, pia a glitter. 17 "1^X2 throw or cast down. omJD. pDD smite, strike. 1 9 ^DD double or repeat. Iin surround, mirrrr entering into the secret chambers. 20 n^M . nmM noise, noisy rebuke, point. ntD57 involution, rroro wrapped up or covered, as a sword. 24 Sn^ create, prepare (Cocceius). 26 ^ly^p move very swiftly or lightly. 31 r)D!^ turn or roll round. nD2:?a the turban. 176 EZEKIEL. 32 mV turn out of its proper situa- tion. Perverted. 35 IVn divide, cut. -c?n the sheath. 36 nD3 breathe, blow. Chapter XXII. DD 4 D vp to sport in contempt, deride. Sport, a derision. 5 nS2n multitude, turbulency. nDirra disturbance, confusion. 7 nS'* press, squeeze, oppress. i:in. 9 ^DT trade, traffic. ^'31 a busy- body, a tale-bearer, 18 2D recede. I'D dross. aiD. "13 round. 113 a furnace. 20 "7^13 to be poured out. yn2 fuse, melt. 21 D!t3 gather, collect, or heap to- gether. 24) intD pure, clean, clear. imOQ brightness. 25 ^Dn to be strong, prt treasure. Chapter XXIII. 25 3 "7^^ compress, squeeze, crush. TT the breasts or paps (of a woman). 5 Dn^ to be set or joined. To dote upon. 6 pD a great man. A noble. 12 bblJ complete entirely. ^lb3D a long loose robe, a surtout. 14 pn describe, npna a delineation, a portraiture. 15 "HTM surround. "iTi a girdle. mo spread, stretch out. 'm"iD stretching out to a great size. bNptn'' 15 v!2t2 dip, tinge, or dye with a certain colour. Dyed attire. 17 2?p'' strain. (Niph. alienated) rpn. 20 D"1t pour forth. A copious flux or issue. 24 )'2n a warlike chariot, probably armed with scythes. 331. 32 pn!J laugh, make sport. vD to hold. b'Sn to hold, contain. 33 TIT' to afflict, pa' sorrow. 34 Dia to break. 40 '-^'^TV bn3 beautify the eyes or appearance. 42 btt? to loose, to be at ease, at liberty. 43 n v!!2 waste, consume (old). 46 ni!? or n^!J commotion, my^ a removal. 47 S'ni!! to concrete, create. Clear away, from Til. Chapter XXIV. ID 2 *7?DD support, press hard. 3 riDC? to order, dispose. 4 nn3 cut in pieces, slice, piece. n'nn:. 5 Tn heap fuel on the fire. IIT to go round about, mno a round pile for fire. nm boil. 6 nnSvn scum, diseases. 7 nn!^ to be bare. H'n:? the top therefore bare. 10 pbl pursue hotly. To kindle burn. Tl\^'^ to compound spices, to season. nnpnn perfume. 11 "^riD pour out, inflame, melt. EZEKIEL. 12 mS desire, covet. D':Nn lies or vanities. 14 37*^2 throw off, restrain. 17 p3S to cry out in distress, to sigh, sob, groan. "ISD adorn. An ornament, tire, or bonnet. tCinn to bind. nt^3? cover. DCt& the upper lip. 21 b^n to spare, pity. bniTO the pity. 23 pID putrefy or corrupt, waste, pine away. pr32. HDn troubled, disquieted. Chapter XXV. TID 4 mtO a row or a regular series. m^TQ a palace or castle. 6 NHQ to clap the hands. l>pn spread out, stamp. 12S27 despise, insult. Contempt. 7 IQ meat, spoil. 17 HD"^ to reason with reproof. mnain rebukes. Chapter XXVI. ID 5 ni^tt? spread abroad. rttoiDD a place for spreading, mn total separation. D^oin nets. 9 nniD to wipe, "nn a warlike engine. ^Dp receive, accept. ^ip before, in the presence of. mn to waste, vmnm his axes, a pick- axe. 10 j?Dti7 flow together. nrDlDQ in- undation. bNpTn"^ 177 10 ypll to cleave, split. Broken up. 1 1 ni^*^ to set, settle. n32Q a military station. 12 73^ traffic. n'?3"i merchandise. 15 bsa to fall. -|nbDD thy fall. p3S to moan or groan. p2 crying out. ^N to settle. (Chald. p.) D" a settlement, habitation, border (of the sea). 16 Tnn move with quickness. mTVr tremblings. 21 HvH to wear away. mrr?a wast- ings, destruction. Chapter XXVII. TD 5 ^nn fix firmly. The mast. 6 niOtt? to decline. 'OTOO an oar. D'TD'Cn rowers. W^p to fasten together. A board or plank so fastened, a bench, 7 tZnO spread out. imDn somewhat expanded or stretched out. D3 a quick, wavering motion. A sail. 8 b^n to bind. D^'jin ropemen, sailors employed in handling ropes. 9 p'lS a breach, a fissure, a chink. nbD salt. D'n"7Q sailors. Salt- watermen. I^IV to mix, engage with one another in trade. ai2^a mer- chandise. 10 DID Persia. 11 "TD3 contracted. onna Gam- madims. 12 pn goods, substance. nT37 to leave. 'Jiaw market-places, warehouses. 178 EZEKIEL. bsprn'' 15 2n dark coloured, black. D*mn ebony, remarkable for its glossy blackness. 1307 to satisfy. "li^U^ a compen- sative present. 16 "7^3 emerald. yD. softness, smoothness. yi3 byssus, cotton. DS~) to be elevated, mn^^i coral. ID propel, dart forth. 1313 the pyropus, agate. 18 "in2 white. 19 btM to go away, or "jii^ra Meuzal, going to and fro. *Tp to cut. mp cassia. r(2p sweet- scented cane. 24 bbD complete, entirely. D''?'?3Q a long loose robe. 0721 wrap together. '"C^by cloaks. t33 treasure up. 'w: chests. DID twisted closely together. D'^mil sumptuous vestment, rich ap- parel. C7Dn to bind round. 25 1W to regulate, 'riTTO ladies of trade, principal traders. 30 J2?bD Hithp. roll oneself. 31 mp smooth. mp the bald part of the head, generally nmp. Chapter XXVIII. HD 3 DD3? hide, conceal. DHD stop up. Dino something hidden. 7 V"^^ agitate, shake violently. niJn terrible. ^Q"^ to irradiate, nys' splendour, brightness. 12 I'D machinate. n^33n the form or pattern. 15 Hhy to ascend. nnbl2? oppression. 24 pbO a kind of thorn. A thorn, a prickle. 1MD to rankle. TQD causing to grow sore or rankle. y^p to be pricked. A thorn. Chapter XXIX. 13D 4 ntCp stiffness, tough. -|^m2:p^p the scales of a fish. 5 Wt^ to forsake, cast off, leave. 6 '^VW incline, lean. 14 n"lD dig, cut out. cnm3D their nativity. 18 ID^D make or wear smooth. 21 nt2'2 spring, sprout, or shoot up. Chapter XXX. b 2 nil alas ! nvb m alack-a-day ! 4 nbnbn to be in great pain or anguish. 16 bTin bin violent pain. 21 bnn swathe, ^inn a swathe, a roller. 24 pMD to groan. Chapter XXXI. b 3 P]33? to shoot. A shoot, bough, branch. Win silent thought. Still. "ntt!^ soft, tender. niQ2 the top of the cedar. 4 TlbV to ascend. n'n'?3?n her water courses. EZEKIEL. 5 TIQ^ID long branches shooting to a distance ; from ID to de- cline, and ?]2? move to and fro. 6 P\VD split, divide. vnD2?D his branches. 8 lODV to be naked. D^omS- plane- trees, from the bark peeling off. 12 pD3 bring forth, nym streams (of water). 14 nnn under, minn lower parts. 15 lip to be dark ; so to moan, rjb^ cover over, ncbr faint. Chapter XXXII. dh 2 n^ break, burst, or thrust forth. n^T trouble or disturb (waters). W^l to foul or make muddy. 3 C?nD spread out or abroad. 4 27t^3 loose, let go, leave b^ cast forth. 6 712!^ overspread, "[nc^ thy over- flowing. 7 n!2!D extinguish, put out. imnsi when thou art extinguished. 10 P)D37 vibrate, brandish. 'DCm when I brandish. 13 rhl trouble or disturb (waters). 14 37pti? sink, subside. TpV. 16 nn3 lament, bewail. 19 0^3 pleasant. 30 "JD overspread, smear over. ''3'D3 anointed princes. Chapter XXXIII. ^b 30 inM nS 1M one with another. 81 ISn^ to be set or joined upon 5WpTn* 179 (another) as in strict love. An organ. Pipes set close together. 32 pD to play on an instrument. A song. Chapter XXXIV. lb 4 TOTl . m^rorr the diseased. "^"HD break. Violence, force, cruelty. 6 n!SK? expatiate, luxuriate, run wild. 1 1 Ip^ look upon or for, seek. 18 37 pt2? subside, yp^n clear. W^l to foul, make muddy. 20 n-Q to feed. n>-il fed, well-fed. nn lean. 21 rjin thrust, push. 29 ?]DS gather. Take off, destroy. Chapter XXXV. Tlh 5 iy2 spread out or abroad, pour out, shed. i:in. 13 inV expand, diffuse. Chapter XXXVI. lb 3 r|Str sup in, swallow up. *7"*ni^M3 thy contumelies. ^HT murmur, grumble, nit evil report. 8 r|25? shoot forth branches. 25 pit sprinkle, disperse. 30 D3 put forth, bud. miJH increase. 31 t^Jp to loathe. 35 bn these. ^^ turn aside, depart. 180 EZEKIEL. Chapter XXXVII. tb 6 Dip superinduce, cover over with, bring over. 9 nQ*' breathe, blow. 1 1 nn divide, cut off, or in two. 16 n^n conjoin. An associate, a companion. Chapter XXXVIII. nb 2 rQ to expand. 4 bbD to complete entirely. W3D a long loose robe. 6 Pp^ hit against. 'DaM the bodies or corps of an army. 8 ^'D.W turn backward. Bring back. 9 nN27 to be confounded. nww desolation. 1 1 T"1D disperse. mnD open villages. tOptt? to be quiet, at rest. 12 nSlD height or rising. mntD the navel. 20 ^IT proceed gradually, namo a precipice, a steep place, a lofty rock. Chapter XXXIX. aS 2 Kt&tt? leave a sixth part Vulgate, to lead. 4 1^37 move, remove. TD'^ rapacious. 9 pt273 to clash, kiss, cause to crackle. Armour, arms. myi to stab. A spear. 1 1 Don shut up, obstruct. 14 "Ipn search minutely or exactly. bWpTH'' 15 'I^ dryness, iv::? a heap. 28 D3D gather, collect. Chapter XL. tt 2 nyiL to build. n:iQ a frame or model. 5 HDI^ spread out. A palm's breadth. 7 nSn to limit, bound. n a chamber or room bounded by walls. nbS interpose. 8 b'^S a small turret. DbW a porch or arch. 15 pnSTI the entrance. 16 DIDM shut, close, stop. 17 n3ti7b a chamber or open place. P|!$"1 strew or spread. rrDST a pavement. 38 nm drive, impel. Thrust into water. 43 nCtt? to put or set in order. DTiDtt) the two stones upon a hearth to support a pot. Chapter XLI. SX3 5 3?b!^ a side. A side chamber. 7 D^D to turn about. niD: cause, bringing about, winding about. 8 nb'^^^S great. 12 "in cut off. mw a separate place. 15 p*)n^ and p'^HM a gallery, from pn:. nvin galleries. 16 ?)ntt7 lean, slender. Fj^nic the ceiling or slender planks of woods. 22 yEp cut off, extremity. yspO corner or end. EZEKIEL. Chapter XLII. Stt 12 n^'^i'n . Chapter XLIII. ^D 7 13D exhausted, faint. A dead carcass. 9 pm to be or put far off or away. ]D to prepare. n'3Dn pattern, fashion. 11 12'' to frame, form. miU form. 13 Pnt a span. The half or one- third of a cubit. ^21 gibbous. A back. 14 l^y help. mi2 the settle or ira- benching of the altar. 15 bS"inn the mount of God. ^''M*nNrTD the interposing light. An emblematic name of the hearth of the altar. 27 nsbn beyond, farther. n2i*n to take pleasure in. Here Chapter XLIV. "Ttt 18 Vyi or TlVt commotion, rr caus- ing sweat. 26 yns throw off. (Locks of hair.) 30 my . mo'ny masses of dough. b^prn** 181 Chapter XLV. HD 1 nbQ separate, q. D^b^DHa. 11 ^Dn adjust with accuracy. n33no proportion or adjustment. 15 pWT2l move to and fro. npttJQ fat pastures, breeding, spreading. nriD , TID , WnS , sUly, simple. Chapter XLVI. ID 9 n3D straight, directly over against. 14 UDI temper or moisten. 17 Tim freedom. 21 37^P scrape off the extremity. ]l!?pQ corner. 22 *1lOp fumigate. rm!Dp joined or made with chimneys, "in, mc, TD a row. Chapter XLVII. tD 2 nSD trickle or run out. 3 DSStofail. An extremity. Ancles. 5 nntt? to swim. 8 bb^l to roll, n!?''?^ circuit of a country, border, or coast. 10 Sn to multiply. D'aiT fishermen. nti^W spread abroad, ntiira a place for spreading. 1 1 nn gibbous. 13 marshes. 12 "IDH to bring forth first fruits. SS"! to heal, nsinn medicine. 13 n^ put for m this. 182 HOSEA. Chapter I. M 2 bn to make a hole, n'jnn the beginning. 8 bZ2!l retribution or return. Wean a child. Chapter II. U 5 D!i^ to place or leave in a certain situation. 7 *1):2!^ weak, languid. Wool. 8 "^W to stop, assuage. Fence, hedge. niS'^na a path, a pathway. 1 1 b!^2 take away. Eripere, deliver. 12 b23 fall or flow down, nbia vile- ness, abomination. 1 5 CT3 connected closely with a clasp. A nose or ear-ring. nbn to be faint, 'bn an ornament curiously wrought. 16 nriQ draw aside. nD' to entice, persuade. 17 tl^V to act upon, affect. To sing. 21 tt?'^M betroth, espouse. IVn succulent abundance. Swel- ling, abundant kindness; ex- uberant bounty. Chapter III. 2 1 IT^^ fire. ' substance, earthen jars, flagons. 'tO'WW 1 ^33? connecting. A grape. Wine. 2 rrn^ to dig, cut, penetrate, from -iDrr to know again. Buy. Owned, acknowledged. *^nb half a homer or cor. 4 !i!$'^ to settle, place firmly. niSQ a standing pillar. 5 inp to shake, fear, reverence. Chapter IV. 1 3 ?]DN gather in, withdraw, take away. 6 DSD reject with contempt, kdndm. 7 "HD"^ change, exchange. nbp levity. bpn divination by staves. 13 ^^b to whiten, mib the white poplar. 14 iDnb to fall, tumble. Supplanted, tripped up. 15 Dtt7 guilty. 16 ID decline. inD turn aside. miD refractory. 17 323? labour, travail. An idol or idolatrous image. 18 MiD drink hard. Strong drink. ID turn, decline. Gone off, turned, nn*' to give, supply. HOSEA. 18 p to protect. pQ a protector. 19 T1!J bind up closely. Chapter V. H 1 ^Wp to incline (as the ear), hearken, attend. 2 p'DV deepness, profundity. Deep, plunged deep. niiti? to decline, turn aside. D'rittJ revolters. "^nW to drain, shed blood. 3 irtD to take off or away. Niph. hidden. 6 ybn to loose, disengage, with- draw. 8 ")!^n to surround. m!?2n a trumpet. n3!2WD that which shall surely be. 9 ^?2M steadiness, stability. 10 2DD recede, retire, go back. 'yD05 as those who remove. 12 WV to consume, destroy. A moth. Dp"l to rot. Rottenness. 13 "1TD corrupt or rotten A wound, nn to repair, ma heal entirely, make a complete cure. 14 bntt? dark- coloured. A black lion. Chapter VI. 1 1 Wnn to bind. 3 Wph to crop, cut off. p^ the harvest rain. TTT^ to direct, mv the former rain. DStt? readiness, forwardness. vw^7^\ 183 6 \^Dn incline to, delight in. 8 Dp2? the end. To supplant, ^3p3^ deceit, supplantation. 9 H^n to wait, tarry. 1^ to assault, attack. Dmi3 a troop of robbers or soldiers. 10 lyW. TUrySf'ii horrible wicked- ness. Chapter VII. T 1 iDtt^D to divest. Pillage. 4 nDN to heat through, nc^n a baker. tt?b to knead. pj?a I'jo having kneaded the dough. p!^S to be made soft by moisten- ing. (Dough.) \^^n leavened, i. e., fermented. 5 "^triS to draw, stretch forth. y2y to scoff or mock repeatedly or continually. Great scorners. 1 vnn they have made sick. 8 v7^ mix very much, confound. y^ bake upon or under the coals. r\ys a cake. 9 ntH? to turn. n2"0 grey hairs, canities. U 71 n^ to withdraw. nniD silly. HD^ to press. n:v a pigeon, a dove. 12 ID** to restrain, discipline. 13 T*T3 remove quickly, hasten, flee. HTD to fail, in a moral sense, to lie. 14 inn to sojourn continually. 16 D!S7T to be indignant. oriD rage, foam. r2 184 HOSEA. vw^n Chapter VIII. H 1 "in to scratch, rub. The palate or roof of the mouth. 3 nST to cast off. 5 npD innocent. (To be clear.) ]'p2 cleanness, innocence. 6 ^^W turn backward. D'naw flames, the blast of ignited air returned from the fire. 7 m^'2 to spring. The bud sprout. m!^p meal. 9 S*1S to run wild. A wild ass. 10 bn^ remain, abide, n^ faint, j sick, sorrowful. 13 Sn"' to give, ^nmn my continual offerings. Sacrifices ofiered one upon another. Chapter IX. D 1 73 circularity of motion. !ra ex- ultation, for joy. 4 D''31S strength. 6 P)D (the proper name) Memphis. WT^p agitation, wiop nettles. 7 ^2tt? to be distracted, mad. yjo. DIDI!? to bear malice against. rratQiDD hatred. 8 U?jT to lay, set, or spread, as a snare. WV a snare, a net. nS to expand, spread out. 10 1T3 to separate. 11 F)QV to fly swiftly. Hithp. fly away swiftly. 13 ni2 Tyre. hr\W to plant. m3 to dwell in a settled habitation* 14 pD15 to be dry. 16 Wy^ to dry up. 17 "n3 move quickly. Outcasts. Chapter X. '' 1 pp'2 entirely empty, empty. Abounding in branches. 2 pbn smooth, divide in an equal manner. f\iy to distil. Batter down. 4 Dbn Arab, to break in pieces. A furrow. 5 ^l!!*^ shrink for fear. "IDD convolve, contract. DnM certain officers in idolatrous worship. 6 C73 to flag. TOWa shame. 7 ^!2p to foam, froth. 10 Dna"^^ furrows. 11 tt?"r to thrash. Win silent attention. To plough. Tfti? to break to pieces the clods of ploughed ground. 12 ''D v37 or ''Ob according to. "12 to split, separate. T2 to plough. N. a ploughing. 13 TlhV . nn'Jiy oppression, iniquity, injustice. 14 CSp Chald. for Dip to arise. pStt? a tumult, noisy pomp. WV^I to dash, be dashed. 15 nD13 . nma utterly reduced to silence. Chapter XI. N" 3 73*1 to smite, strike. Tibain my footing, my going on foot. HOSEA. 4 bun to bind. A cord. n^V to twine. A rope, m to be lifted, exalted. 'Qnn3 Hiph. as those that take ofF. bSW , bD"* power, ability. b'31 food, (rather) I prevailed (over him). IDS gently, or by condescension. rra:. 6 bn** to abide. rhn\ ID to separate. DHl branches. 7 Wbn to hang. D'^^l'jn hanging or in suspense. ntt? to turn, ^mwo at my turning from them. 8 ptt pour forth, lavish. nn3 change (of mind), nin: re- penting. HDD convolve, roll together. Chapter XII. n** 4 ]1W strength. pM iniquity, strength, mii? to be strong, have power. 5 pn to be very kind. Hithp. sup- plicate. nDT to remember. The male sex. A memorial. 1 1 HDI equable. (To form an idea in the mind.) 12 bH roundness. A roundish heap, a heap. 13 mtt? pour out or forth. Ground. VWMl 185 15 lltt to be very bitter. omiDD great bitterness. tt?IfiD to loose, leave. Chapter XIII. ri** 1 nm to tremble. 2 pW2 to kiss. ]D to divide, separate, pin dis- cretion, skill. 3 1"^D turbulent. Driven away. mW to lie in wait. ni-in a hole or opening. 5 nsb Arab, thirsty. mn'?n drought. 6 n^n to feed. n^riQ a pasture. 8 i:iD shut up. -1130 enclosure or integument (of their heart), their pericardium. yp'D. to cleave, tear in pieces. 10 nSD a side. 1D now, at this time. 14 ntDp cut off. (Destruction.) 15 SnS to run. 'nD> is run wild. TIDW to rob, plunder, pillage. Chapter XIV. T> 6 WW brisk. n:1M) a lily (six leaves), ptuwjoy. 9 tt?-in the fire- tree, pn to flourish very much. Vigorous, thriving. r3 186 JOEL. Chapter I. M 4 DW to cut short. A caterpillar, pb to lick with the tongue. pV a chafer, bon to consume. ^""Dn the con- sumer. 5 nStZ? to satisfy, be drunk. ni3il? a drunkard. OV to tread down. D'V'S wine. Snb to milk out the beestings. >!'? the lioness. 3?bn to split, cleave. mrbna grinders. 7 yiW to be wreathed. T^fO the pliable or flexible shoot of a vine or fig-tree. 13'^nbn made white. 8 "^bW lament. 12 nD2 to breathe, blow. rriDn the citron-tree, not apple-tree. 17 C?S17 to rot, to be dry. lis to separate. mriD grains of corn. rjll to wrap together. "TiD-ttD clods. "ID^ to throw down. miJOQ re- positories, subterraneous maga- zines. 18 7M2 Who? Which? What? How? n3S oppression. In Niph. sigh, groan. *7n3 to be entangled, perplexed. 19 mS desire, covet after, "ino mw pleasant places or spots of the desert. 19 'C^TvP burn up, set on fire, rorft a flame of fire. 23 3127 stretch out, desire eagerly. Looked up. Chapter II. D 1 tyi motion, agitation. Tremble. 2 inK? dark-coloured. Dusk of the morning. 3 ta vD to escape, rra^bc escape, de- liverance. 5 ^p^ to leap, skip, bound. 6 "nWD to adorn. -n-iD beauty, shining. yDp collect, gather in, withdraw. 7 i^'D.V to turn aside, divert. 8 pm thrust, press upon, distress, bo to raise, exalt. n^Q a raised or highway. iy2 remove, be distant. Behind, after. 372!^ break or cut ofi". 9 pW move, run, push forwards. 10 "lip dark, obscure, black. F)DS gather in, withdraw. 16 HDn to cover, veil, ncrr alcove. 20 HDD to scrape, sweep. F]D or rjlD an extremity, end. ^nS corrupt, contaminate, insns its stench or stink. 22 SC?1 to spring, sprout forth, ger- minate. JOEL; 23 HT' to instruct, direct. miD in- structer, the spiring rain. 24 ^p3 to make hollow. 3p a wine- fat or vat. Chapter III. 2 3 "njDn straight, mnon columns. Chapter IV. 1 3 HT' to throw, cast. 4 bbn to roll. n'7>'?J coast, border. 10 HDD to beat, cut. bMT 187 10 nriM to come. n a coulter. nttt to prune, cut even, 'irnara pruning-hooks. m^n to propel. A spear. Whn to defeat. Weak. 11 r\WV to make. *)WyS form, set in array. 13 bn rotundity, bya a sickle. nH cutting. A wine-press. 14 ^"^n shorten, cut short, decide, determine. 16 nOn to shelter oneself, nono a shelter, a refuge. 18 ?)lfi3 distil, drop down. AMOS. Chapter I. N 1 1p2 to mark with spots. A herds- man or shepherd. Wy^ quick or alternate motion. An earthquake. 3 y^in cut short. ni2in thrashing instruments. 6 "^ttn hold up, sustain, "pin. Chapter II. 3 1 nSli? to be confounded. pN tumult. 6 "1D3? to pass. ii:?l for the sake of. 6 ?)S27 draw or suck in. Pant, long. 8 b^n to bind. Take a pledge from. WyS mulct, fine. Punish by fine. 9 ^DH to be strong, stout. 13 p5? to confine, straiten, press. p'j^tD. I'^V to press, yav a sheaf. 14 ^^M to be strong, invigorate. 15 W^D to handle, lay hold upon. Chapter III. 2 4 IDD to cover, tdd a young lion. 188 AMOS. D1D57 4 ]37^ to remain, dwell. TOJJO a den. 12 3?nD to bow, sink down. D^i''nD two legs. Chapter IV. T 2 ]2 pointed. m:2 goads or sharp sticks. ID to decline, nan nn>D fishing boats. 6 np3 to clear away, ^vp: clean- ness. 9 ?)ltt7 to blast, blight. pDTOablast, blight. pT^ throw out something liquid. ppT mildew, 11 m* to cast forth, nix a firebrand. ^^3 taken or snatched away. 13 nitt? or n^tj; to be deep in thought, ^^r"0, ^miD, or intj his thought. )nC7 to be dark coloured. The dawn of the morning, or the gloom. f]V to vibrate, ncy vibration, brightness. Chapter V. H 6 n*?!^ to pass on, go forwards. 7 11?b reject, detest. n:y'? worm- wood. 8 nD2D warm or hot. rrc)'3 genial heat or warmth. vDD stiffness, rigidity. ^>D3 cold. mXibs the shadow of death. 9 :ibn to smile. 11 DCi7l2 tread, trample. DttJin, only in this place. 16 nrT3 lament, bewail. 18 D'^ISn^Sn those who covet or desire. 22 1523 to look, regard, behold. Chapter VI. 1 1 pStt? to be tranquil, secure. D''2:i?' at ease, security. I3p3 to make hollow. Mark. 4 rr^D stretch out. W")V a mattress. 5 tOID cut or break through. Sing or chant. 6 nTT to cry out or shout. nnD crying out, shouting for joy. 8 2Mn waste, consume, pine away. 10 PpD to anoint. Only in this place. Drr hish, hush. 11 DT to moisten. D>D^Dn drops, droppings. 14 ^n7 press, oppress, squeeze, crush. Chapter VII. T 1 22 gibbosity, protuberance. 'n; the locust in the caterpillar state. ti?pb to crop. A crop (of grass.) t3 to take off or away. Mowino-. 7 73W a plumb-line, to: to hit. 10 1t27p to bind, conspire. 14 D^2 to scrape, scratch. dSu scraping the sycamore-trees or fruit. DpW sycamore-trees or fruit. 16 nC^fi spread out, extend. AMOS. Chapter VIII. H 1 dh'D clap, close, together. Ttbi a wicker basket. yp^ to awake, y^ summer-fruits. 4 P|SIZ? draw, suck up or in, swallow up. 5 nriD to open, bring forth. mV to distort, pervert. 6 bCD to fall. Voa the refuse. 12 t^lDtt? run hither and thither. 13 >^bV cover over. To swoon, faint. Chapter IX. tD 1 TinSD a roundish porch over a door, from rrDD to bend, and "\n to turn. F)D cavity, concavity. D'DD a threshold. 3 SSn hide, conceal. 3? pip bottom. DIDr 189 3 W^n search out. 5 VpW to sink. 6 nbl? . m'?yn steps or stairs for ascending, or rather lofts (Park- hurst's Lexicon). "T:jS to bind. rn3 a knot of men, a troop, or rather a globe of elements. 9 273 to move, wander. Shake. "1^3 multiplicity. m2D3 in a sieve. n^ to bind up closely. ll-iS a grain. 11 D^n to break down. vnD'^n de- struction, his ruins. 13 tJ?"in silent thought, 'nin plough- man. I^p to reap, l^^p a reaper. "JWQ to draw forth. nSD melt very much, dissolve. Hithp. run down. OBADIAH. OBADIAH. 1 1^ to bind, enclose. TiJ an am bassador. 3 IT to swell, be proud. ]m pride. nn circularity, '<^y^ cracks. 6 tI7Dn search out. n^i to swell. To seek, ask. U^aa sought up. 7 IT to compress, squeeze. ilTO a trap or gin. 9 btOp to kill, slay. Slaughter. 14 pID to break off. Parting of the road. 16 y7 lick up, swallow down. 190 JONAH. Chapter I. S 4 ^tD to cast or send forth. 3lZ7n to add, made accounts. Was like. 6 P|D concave, hollow. nSD'^Dn a vessel. 6 bnn to bind. A rope, ^in ii the master of the roping. r\WV to shine. In Hithp. shine upon. 1 1 pnW to be still or calm. 15?D to be turbulent, raging. 1 3 "nnn to dig. Rowed hard. 15 f]V^ to be troubled. Agitation. Chapter TI. 2 1 n3tt distribute. Appoint. 3 V^W open, cry out. 4 v2? shade, overshadow. ilbiSD extent or spread of waters. I^W to break. oni-CD billows, large waves. G P]QH to face, (to nose) on all sides, surround. HDD to scrape. PjlD the plants or weeds of the sea. 7 D^p to cut equally. Cuttings. 8 ^1^3? to obscure. Hithp. over- whelmed. Chapter IV. "T 6 "jVpp a gourd. 10 Din . non to pity. MICAH, Chapter I. S nD'^!3 4 231 soft, yielding. 1211 wax. I!l!3 to throw or cast down. IT^ to descend. llID a descent, declivity. 6 H*W to pervert. ^yV heap (of earth turned up.) *mD to spread out. In Hiph. to pour out. MIC AH 7 IHj . rr33n a gift, reward, present. 8 "IDD to moan. nCDO a moaning. 9 tt^DS to be bad. ttJi: incurable wound or disease. nD2 to strike. rrmDO bcr wound. 10 Wb^ involve, roll. 11 12ti7 seemly, goodly, elegant. ]3S:^ fruitfulness, fertility. 12 r\br{ to faint, importune. 13 cm bind. ti?!D*1 to earn, acquire. Beasts. 14 rhW to send. U^'T^^bv gifts or presents. 3TD to fail. 1W a failer, de- ceiver. IG D3^ delicate. pi3J?n thy delicate. Chapter II. ^ 2 btS take away by violence. 3 nWl^ withdraw, remove. 4 n^n^ >nD nnai and shall lament with a lamentation of lamenta- tions. 6 F)ID3 to drop. (Eng. trans.,) pro- phesy. HD to recede, go or turn back. 8 bxsn blDnW some time ago, yesterday. vZ2 to cut off. b^'Q a cutting off, boundary. ^IQD from off, from the extremity. ITS to be magnificent. A robe. abtt? to make whole. rrob'Q an outer garment. tOtr?Q strip off. 9 nt273 loosing, relaxation. u^z women. HD'^a 191 10 \^-ito3 bam brjnn it is bound even with a grievous bond ; (not destruction, as E. T.) \^*1^ force, violence, pno strong, forcible. 11 mb to join, add. ii O that ! If! 12 nm a fold. Chapter III. ^ 1 71)^p to make an extremity or end. I'^^p a ruler, a captain. 3 n!;^S to break with a noise, crash. IWtt? to remain. Flesh, nnbp a caldron. 7 ntD37 involution. With b>} to cover. 8 D^*)M surely, notwithstanding. 9 Dp37 to pervert. 11 "Tntt7agift, a bribe. "nriD to commute. Price. Ex- change. To-morrow. Chapter IV. 1 6 Vbl^ to be on one side. To halt in walking. 7 Sbn to remove or cast to a dis- tance, cast off. 8 vD^ to be elevated. An eminence, rising ground. 10 TO to break or thrust forth. nip to meet. T('<'\p a city, a great town. 11 ?12n to pollute, defile. 13 Wl to thrash. pi to beat. Hiph. to beat small. bn to make a hole. bTi strength, substance. 192 MICAH. 14) 113 to gather in troops. n!J to bind close. m:?0 a strong- hold, a fortress ; or affliction. Chapter V. H 4 "70 overspread, smear over. ''3'D: anointed princes, rulers, 11 ^WD to discover, reveal. D"'QttJD sorceries. Chapter VI. *) 2 riD'' to be plain. n^3in to reprove, rebuke. D**DnMn ye strong (foundations). 6 Dip precedence. To come before. n!}2 curve, bend, inflect. 8 V3^ to b^ modest, humble, meek. 9 r\W^ existence. TTtDin reality. Wise persons. 10 nn to waste. pn scantiness, scant. D^T to be indignant. Rage, nmri abhorrence, 11 37tt?"1 scales of unfairness. HDT to be clean. Esteem pure or clean. 14 nW to incline, to bring low. *]nic> casting down. 14 !lD3 recede, go back. Chapter VII. T 1 pntZ? to hiss, 'b ^y?^ Woe is me ! h^W to deprive. ^lDttJ a cluster or bunch of grapes. 2 m!$ look sideways, ms' they catch or take. 3 DtD"^ to be good. TTO>nb (they are wont) to prepare. mn to fall down, nin oppression. r037 to twine, complicate. Con- trive artfully. 4 pin thorn or bramble. n^lDtt for nDltZ^a a thorn hedge. nD2 to overspread, watch. Y!m thy watchmen. "J13 to be perplexed. TO11Q per- plexity. 6 b:23 fall down. Contemn. ^i:n despiseth. n^n to guard. DIDH a husband's mother. 9 P]17T troubled, wroth. P]^ wrath. 10 VW where. 17 bnr to skulk. Any skulking 193 NAHUM. Chapter I. M 1 12D to count. The book. 2 Dp3 to avenge. ^tOD to watch. 3 nSD to sweep. nsiD a storm. ^VW to stand erect. mSXO a tempest. pDM to collide. Small dust. 4 n3?!l to restrain. With a a following. 5 nriJD melt very much. In Hithp. melt. 6 *7n3 to be poured out. ^n3 broken to pieces. 7 ^37 strength or vigour. WO a strong-hold. 8 F)tDt2? to overflow. An overflow- ing, an inundation. 10 I'D to decline. Dn^D thorns. "J2D inweave, intwine. S2D drink hard, guzzle. 11 b^y^'bn unprofitable, wicked. De- struction. 12 n take off or away. 13 pn:i withdraw. Chapter II. 3 2 V^^ dissipate. yCQ a breaking in pieces. n!J to bind close. TTYiiJO the mu- nition or fortification. A strong- hold. ^DM make strong, invigorate. 3 pp^ to make entirely empty. D*in3 3 nntJl? to corrupt, mar, destroy. *1^T a branch. 4 D*TS red. m^Q become red. rnbD the scythes (not torches). V^yn to be violently shaken, ^bn to split. D>3>bnQ clothed in scarlet. 5 bn in Hithp. to be moved vio- lently. Tumultuous. pt^pC? to run or push forward violently or in great numbers. lOb a lamp or torch. 6 *niW to be magnificent. nn illustrious ones. "^bn local motion, nii^bn goings, ways. 8 HDM a female slave. rrnrTO. 3n2 to carry, lead. maniQ led away, Part. Huph. (Parkhurst's Lexicon.) F]Dn Hithp. smiting repeatedly, beating. 9 "Tin to couch. TO-Q a pool. D3 a quick or tremulous motion. To flee. 10 )D to make ready. naiDH prepara- tion, store, apparatus. 11 pb^ ravage, lay waste. Tfp^l'O a waste. riDD disunion of consistence, melt. pD to totter, stagger. p'D a tot- tering. bn to make an opening, rimbT} violent pain. 194 NAHUM. mn3 13 ''T sufficient, as na sufficient. pDH to strangle. p^T^l^. in white or pale colour, mn a hole. Chapter III. ^ 1 pHQ to break. pD violence. ni2?D draw out or forth, remove. 2 UlLW to decline, tnw a whip, scourge. tm quick or alternate motion, shaking. nm to pursue, nm prancing. Q?nD horsemen. Ipn to leap, bound. mpyQ bound- ing. 3 nnb to flame, therefore a blade of the sword. pn'D. to lighten, glitter or glisten, nin to form into a mass or body. nna an animal body, alive or dead. 4 ^WD to discover. D'DtJ3 sorceries, enchantments. 5 btt? to loose. ^1 the loose flowing skirt. ^^^D thy nakedness. 6 V"P^ * abominate. \Mp an abominable thing. b]2!3 to fall down. Esteem vile. nSn to see. *N13 as a mirror. 7 ^D move, remove. 8 ptt 3 Thebes, the ancient capital of Upper Egypt. 1 t2l?lD1 to dash in pieces. n'^'D^IDS her honourable men. prn bind in chains. pT to melt. A chain, a fetter. 12 "IDH to be forward. miDa the first ripe fig, 2?!] to move, to be shaken. 14 tD'^lD clay, mud, mire. DT2n tread. ]Ilb to whiten, pbo the brick frame. 15 1^3 to be heavy. Hithp. make many or numerous. 16 tOli?S to strip, spoil, pillage. 17 "IT^ separate oneself. onwD chiefs, princes. ^DDl^ a prince. 33 gibbosity. n; the locust in its caterpillar form. 711p to meet. The cold, because air is in a gross state. 18 D3 to slumber, sleep. I^W to dwell, rest, sit still. nii?D to spread. 19 nnS restriction. nn3 extinguish- ing, healing. 7123 to strike. n3Q stroke, plague. Vpn to strike, clap. 19S HABAKKUK. Chapter I. M 3 ^"^l to direct, strive, plead, pnn contention. 4 21D to be cold. To be relaxed. "iriD to surround. bp*!?^ perverted. 5 n'DH wonder, be astonished. 6 Iinn be dilated, amo a broad place. 7 'S terrible, dreadful. StZ73 to bear, take, or lift up. DiW a judicial sentence, arrogance. 8 17Z2 to be spotted. -ID3 a leopard. ntZ^Q to spread. W^^ to make greati^liaste. 9 n!2!; to sup up. DDaa shall sup up. 10 Obp to deride, scoff. 1**1 weighers of counsel. D'2n princes. pntt? to sport, laugh. pm?Q de- rision. "1D!^ to heap up. 11 r|vn to pass, so to change. 12 Diti? to put or set with design, care, &c. 15 "jn the palate, nsn a hook. 113 to gather together. Catch. 1DD to be heated, convolve, con- tract. Rete, a net. imnaD his drag-net. 16 Sn!!l the production of substance or form. ni or n-ia plump. nDnn by them. Chapter II. 2 2 IWn to open, make plain, engrave deeply. 3 PTQ to puff, speak. nS^riD to delay, tarry. TTDH to wait. 4 vD"S7 to presume, be proud. 1S2S to believe. inoTO^l by his faith. 5 ni3 to dwell, rest. 6 in to penetrate. HTH a riddle, a proverb. Yw to sneer, to interpret. rw^D taunting. 10^37 property wrested. TD^oay guilt, criminality. 7 Vt to move. *]>S)'lS'Tr) to put thee into violent motion or agitation. HDt^ to rob, plunder. mDM?o plunderings, spoils. 8 bbtt? to spoil. 1 1 DDD to connect. D''DD a beam or rafter. 15 nSD to join. nCDO to put near. Dn hot. non a bottle. IG ^"13? to be superfluous. In Hithp. and Niph. shew his foreskin. "?"3?n appear uncircumcised. P /p^J^ great shame. 196 HABAKKUK. 17 nn to be broken. |n>rr dismayed, dispirited. 18 bV"" to profit. DbW to compress. D>0^^< silent, mute. (Dumb idols.) 19 l27Dn to spread over. Chapter III. 1 1 nbo to separate. n^Dn interces- sion, nntt? to expatiate. maJ. 2 Tm to be angry. 3 nibs God. The power of life. mil to send, dart forth, nn glory, majesty. 4 nH3 to shine. ma his shiniqg forth, nnn to hide, p^in a hiding- place. 5 "im a word, thing, in pestilence. P\W^ to glow or flash. Burning coals, glowing fire. 6 'nna to loose, nn^ to move. 6 T^!$D3 dash or break into many pieces. 8 mn to heat. Inflamed with anger. 10 D1T pour forth. Inundation. 11 b^T to dwell, rr^ni habitation. 12 IV)^ walk on, march. Wl to thrash. 13 \^nD to drive in, wound deeply. 14 Dp3 to make hollow, pierce. TID to spread forth. A village. "127D turbulent. yiiV to rejoice. ns^^3> rejoicing. 15 I'DH a heap. 16 / /2 to sound, quaver. From the sound, ^p") to rot. 17 *1TH divide, separate. h'D to hold. n^3Q a fold. rrD") to relax. D>nDT stalls. 18 Tv3? to rejoice. 19 P3 to play on a musical instru- ment, mvaa stringed instru- ments. ZEPHANIAH Chapter I. M 2 F]DM to gather. Hithp. take off, destroy. 4 "110!D to convolve, contract. DnDD idolatrous officers. 6 HID to remove, turn back. 9 nbl to leap, bound. Every one who leapeth. )nD to stir, disturb. jnDTS thres- hold. 10 natt? to iterate, nanjo the second. ZEPHANIAH n'^DQS 197 11 tt^riD to pray, pound. nM?3Q a mortar. 5?3D to lay down, expose to sale. p:3 a merchant, a trader. 7t^3 to impose, lay on. D'Vio: carriers, bearers. 12 tt?Dn search out. MQp to be condensed, thickened. 1'QW to keep. DrnDiB the dregs or lees. 13 vH^ to remain, wait b'n strength of substance, i. e., wealth. HDtJ? to rob, plunder, pillage. 14 ni'2 to cry aloud, roar out. 1 5 p!J to press, rfp^^^12 straitness. rTN27 to be confounded. Con- fusion, desolation. HNWO con- fusion, desolation. 16 nDD to turn. m3D towers at the angles of walled cities. 17 Cnb to insert, join. DDHb their food, their carcasses. 18 bnri to hurry. nbrrM precipitate, hasty. Chapteb II. n 1 WWp pick up one by one, collect. In Hithp. meet, convene, gather. J^DD pale. f]D53 that lookest pale. 2 ib*^ to bring forth, m!? bringing forth, m^. 3 nyS to affect. 12 humble, lowly. m:y meekness. b3?Q to work, operate. 4 "Ipl? to root up. 5 bun to bind, ban a tract or portion of land. 6 nn^ to cut oif. Cottages. Holes in the rocks. 11^ to fence in. rrmJ walled folds or cotes. 8 P]1^ to blaspheme. 9 pW to move, run. ptijn running place or ranging place, bin nettles, weeds, b^^^r^. m3 to cut. m^Q a pit. 11 ntn make lean. 14 Sp to remit. T)iip pelican. *TDp to hasten. nDp the bittern or cormorant. "nnSD a round knob on the golden candlestick ; from nCD to bend, and -in to turn. 11W to sing melodiously. 15 ly ^DDMI ^iS I, and of me (henceforth) a defect or failure. Is. xlvii. 8, 10. Chapter III. 2 1 ST^ to fear, rr^mo terrify, terrible. bsn to vindicate. In Niph. n'jNJO polluted. nD*^ to press. n3V oppressing. 3 Diri to bare, make bare. They left not. 4 TnD light, unstable, bbn pollute. 5 ^iy to separate. (In Niph. shall be hid.) 6 m!^ to look sideways. (Niph. to be hunted.) 7 ^r^ to dwell. naWD dwelling. bb37 to ascend repeatedly. nV"?]? performance. *]n to wait, expect. iy Chald. prey, booty. s3 198 ZEPHANIAH. n>aD!j 10 nnV to expand, dilate, nns^ my praying ones. ^1D to scatter. (To let loose, open, set free, deliver.) 16 nOn give way, relax. 17 Win silent thought or attention. 18 rm'' to afflict, grieve. '313 my afflicted ones. SK?3 to bear. na a burden. 19 5?b!^ a side, rwbsn nw her who halteth. HAGGAI. Chapter I. M 1 no to expand, nno governor. 4 ]DD to cover, line. <> I^W to satisfy, satiate. Satisfy thirst, -orrcnn in Hithp. to let oneself out for hire. 1"!!^ to bind closely, aipj "ITIS ^ for a bag with holes. 9 n3D with Vm or ^ following, to turn to, look at. 9 noa to blow, puff. Chapter II. 13 6 nnW one, once, altogether. ^Ta to sod or boil. T12 pottage. 12 ^1D to fly away. A skirt. 16 pWr\ to make bare, draw out. nS to break. miD a wine-press. 19 m^ to excite. miJn a thrashing- floor. ZECHARIAH. Chapter I. M 2 P)!Sp to foam, froth. Violent rage. 6 UJyt to devise thoroughly, purpose. 8 Din the myrtle-tree. Sweetness. 8 p"nt& yellow, tawny. 1 1 tCptZ? to be quiet, sit still. ^W^ to sit, sit down. 15 ^SB? to be tranquil, pstt? security. ZECHAllIAH. Chapter II. ^ 2 mt to scatter, disperse. 8 T^ to turn aside. "l'?n this, this here. nD to spread forth. rvinD vil- lages. 10 *'')n ho ! attend. 12 'D.'D. hollow, nnn the apple (of the eye). 13 1^3 reach out, stretch forth. Chapter III. 2 1 ItSlT to oppose. 2 iy^ to restrain, with 3 following, rebuke. m"' to put forward. Ti a fire- brand or small twig on fire. b!J3 to take away, plucked out. 3 M^*^ to go. n2 excrement. DWS filthy. 4 V'^n to loose. ms'?nD robes reaching down to the feet. Sacred robes. J "n^jn to surround. An open court. 8 riD'' to entice, persuade, nmn typical. 9 nriQ to open, engrave. nriDQ engraving. nt&D draw out, withdraw. Chapter IV. 1 2 bn reciprocation of motion. nb3 the bowl of the candlestick. nb:JD a roll. p^'' to pour out. n^p'2^'a pipes. 7 ntr?'> straight, even, m^ro'? to a plain. nnDT 199 7 n^ti? confounded, tumultuate. r\MWn tumultuous noises. 9 ^!^n to break off; complete, finish entirely. 10 tOl^tt? to go hither and thither, to and fro repeatedly. 12 bD27 to impel, thrust forward. 'jTiJ branches. rT^nna^ pipes or tubes, from ^S sharp-pointed, and in round. Chapter V. H 3 71p'2 to clear away. Cleared away, utterly destroyed. 6 nSW to bake. nD and ns^N an Ephah, a baking measure. nD3? to act upon, p reflected light, appearance. 7 "HDj? to comminute or reduce to powder. rrsW lead. 1DD a flat roundish form; so a flat roundish cake of metal, 8 nD!2 to build. p a stone, a weight. 9 "TDn succulent abundance, swelling out. m^on a stork. 11 p to make. nn313D her own foundation. Chapter VI. 1 2 intl? dark coloured. 3 mi congelation, hail. Grisled. Y'^M strong, vigorous. D'SOW bright bay or sorrel horses. Chapter VII. t 2 nbn to make faint, as by impor- tunity. 200 ZECHARIAH. n^iDT 5 D!J to fast. 11 TlD to decline repeatedly. DIIID revolting, rebelling. 12 II^UJ to keep. TDW an adamant or diamond. Chapter VIII. PT 5 pnW to laugh, play. Chapter IX. tfi 3 "1^2 to heap together. 5 \^in to shorten. yiin native gold in small pieces. tD^3 to look. rro2D her expec- tation. 6 IT^ corrupt, rotten, ^rao one spuriously born, i. e., a bastard. 7 Vptt? to abominate. 8 tt?33 being close to, press. An oppressor. 13 nS** to oppress. |V the oppressor, the Greek. 15 niT Arab, to verge to a point. nm angles. 16 D3 a quick or tremulous motion, to flee. DD2 (to wave or glisten with light, Hithp. ) niDDiano. 17 223 to bud. 113 cause to germi- nate, increase, or grow. an:. Chapter X. ' 1 C?p7 to crop off. ttJip'TO the harvest, or latter rain at the end of April. Tn to cut in. nn lightning of the zig-zag kind, as in hot countries. "llDD to rain. A shower. 2 HD") to give way. D'D"in Teraphim, i. e., representative images of the objects of worship. (Tar- gum) images. v2n to emit a vapour. In vain. VD2 to remove, be removed. 4 ir\'^ to thrust in. A pin or stake. 5 Dn to tread or trample upon. D'Dll. 6 n^T to cast off. 9 pm to remove. Far off. D'pmo distant (lands). Chapter XI. M^ 2 T7M to be magnificent, inn mag- nificence, pompous, illustrious. HIV to bare. n5>* a wood, or rather a moist marshy piece of ground where trees flourish. "l2Jn to restrain, house. Tl?3 the vintage. 5 Dfi?W guilty, liable to punishment or penalty. 6 rO to beat, nro to beat in pieces. 7 D373 pleasantness. 8 irTD take off or away, remove. mn32rT. m^ the lunar light. A month. 'n!Jp to be cut short. vTT^ to nauseate, retch, detest. Roared. 10 V1^ to break, cut or cast down or off. 12 Sn. nin give, hide. 13 Ip"^ to be bright. Precious, es- teemed, regarded, to be prized. Ip' a price. 15 bis self-willed, foolish, evil. >bMi. 16 vD v3 to nourish, support with food. ZECIIARIAH. n>-iDT 201 16 p*nQ break off, take away. 17 b'^b^ an idol, a false god. H'n'D restriction. To shrink, con- tract. Chapter XII. H"^ 2 H^'D to sweep away, finish. F|D a cup, bason, bn to be violently agitated. (F]D a cup) of confusion. 3 DD5? to load, to lift, bear. nDD3?a a burden. ^1127 to scarify, cut, wound. 4 HT^n to be astonished, pnnn as- tonishment, amazement. yW to be distracted, ]^^$w mad- ness. np^ to open. 6 mD to be round. nV5 a kind of furnace, stove. T*Qb a lamp or torch. r\n^ to descend, n^nnn her own place. 10 ^n kindness, affection. D^2i:nn earnest supplications. "IpT to stab, pierce. Chapter XIII. y^ 1 1p to spring, gush up. mpn a spring or fountain, TS to move, remove. mi an abomination, what ought to be rejected or reprobated. 2 i!i3? labour. D^123> idols, 4 "lis magnificent. miN a magni- ficent robe (hairy) "ly. 5 HDp to hold, to possess, purchase. (not as E. T., taught me to keep cattle). 7 "1")^ to raise, lift up oneself. UV to collect. WD3> cohering with me, a neighbour. 8 nD to obvert. D':' ^D the measure or portion of two, 9 ^nH to try, prove. 20 b 2 to shade. m'?2JQ coverings, caparisons. Chapter XIV. T 2 ?]D127 to rob, plunder, pillage, b!lES7 to be violated. 4 nti^D withdraw, depart, wo feel. 5 D3 to flee. DnD3'^ and ye shall flee, 6 np^ bright. T^^'\p'^ bright (light). MDp condensed. N. pQp1 thick- ness, gloominess, 10 iD to turn, turn about. Changed, altered. 2*^3? to mix, mingle. ra"iy a waste, a desert. DS1 to be raised up, exalted, 12 pD to be dissolved. Niph. waste away, Hithp, corrupt. 16 ''T for "\tt?M. no from that, 20 nib^^Xa coverings. 202 MALACHI. Chapter I. M 4 l^T to lack. 'Cyan to reduce to extreme poverty, or to desolation. 7 bKD to vindicate, pollute, defile. tJ?3D close to. SI"* . 'NilD my reverence. TTill to despise, contemn, slight, rra:. 9 nbn to be faint. To put out of countenance by importunity, im- portune. 12 D3 to put forth, bud. a>3 fruit, produce, nwb to be weary. 7Tnbni::i what weariness. nS3 to breathe, pufF. Dnncrr Hithp. pufF, snuflf. btri to take away by violence, plunder. 14 b23 to devise deceitfully. ^313 a deceiver, deceitful. "T13 to vow. nnW corrupted. nnwD a corrupt thing. Chapter II. 2 2 HM to flow. To curse, i. e., to pronounce fleeting or tran- sitory, or wish to be so. sii^D a curse. 3 "12^21 to restrain, repress (from growing). C7nD to spread. Excrement, dung. 5 nn to be broken. N. nn: dis- mayed (in a good sense.) 6 72ti? to humble oneself. Low, humble. 11 hVD, to take possession. (To marry.) 13 '^J^il to ooze out, to weep, rryoi a tear. p3S to moan or groan. np3 a crying out. 14 IV beyond. (Bear witness.) mjr Hiph. bear witness. 17 r^l'' to labour, be fatigued. In Hitlip. to weary. 15 nrnttt273 take ye heed. Chapter III. 31 1 n3D to turn, provide, prepare. 2 vD to hold. b'^b'D comprehend en- tirely, and under n73 to nourish. *1i to clear, cleanse. n>i3 some purifying or cleansing herb or composition (of the fuller). D2D to wash, cleanse by washing. ^D13 fullers. 3 pi to strain off. pp^ to fuse thoroughly, or thoroughly purify by fusing. 4 'yiV to mix, to suit, be agreeable. 5 IDli? to satisfy. TD hire. T3td hireling. 8 37^p to press down. Defraud, deprive. MALACHI. >:DNb 203 10 ?l"ltD to tear off. Food (torn by human teeth). mS to lie in wait. DIITM fissures, cracks, or chinks. ''T ^72 IV till not enough (room). 11 "nm to restrain, rebuke. vDtZ? to deprive. Cast (its fruit). 12 "n2?M to proceed. Wish success or prosperity. 14 lip to be dark. n^mp grief, mourning. 15 IT to boil. Dm the proud. 16 ^Wn to add. Made account. 17 briD to gain to oneself. n^;D special treasure. Chapter IV. 1 19 l^nb burn up. F]33? a branch or bough. 20 nii?Q to spread, range at large, frisk. pin to tie. pyyo a stall. PSALMS, Psalm I. M 1 ^7 to mock. D'S? scorners. 2 Tl^Tl to bring or carry forth. 3 3bD to divide. :^D streams. 4 P]^!^ to drive or hurry away. Psalm II. H assemble 1 Wyi to meet together, tumultuously. 2 )t1 or HTT to poise. D':Tn coun- cillors. ID*^ to found. Take counsel. 3 pn^ withdraw. lO'^ to restrain. irnD'lO bands. n^V to twine. IQ'mS' his cords, ropes. 7 "IDD to tell, declare, count. 9 37n to break. 12 ?13M to breathe or snuff with the nostrils. Psalm III. J 1 ITZi'i to cut ofFsuperfluous branches. Sing praise. moiD a psahn. 3 vD to raise, elevate, rto a note of attention. Psalm IV. 1 1 n!53 to oversee. Superiority, being over. n2J2Db to the conqueror. p3 to strike or play. m::2 psalms or songs, stringed instruments. 2 n vD separate, set apart. TibzD. 204 PSALMS. D^^nn 5 T3"l shaken with a violent con- cussion, moved, disturbed. 7 nD3 a quick, waving motion. Cause to wave, glitter. Psalm V. H 2 ^"^12 to distinguish, consider. 4 nD2 to spread over, watch. 6 mn to sojourn. 6 bbn to make to shine, to boast. 9 r\r\2 to lead, guide. "11127 to view attentively. mitD my watchful enemies. liW^ straight, even, level. 10 )D to make ready. n:iD2 prepared, established. mn to fall down, subside, settle. min calamity, wickedness. niriD "iDp an open sepulchre. 11 nC7S guilty. Punish, destroy, nm cast quite out, drive away. 13 ^!J sharp-pointed, nas a buckler. Psalm VI. 1 3 bn^ troubled. 5 ybn loosen, disengage, deliver. 7 nDN to sigh. nmM sighing. r\nW to swim. WlV a bedstead, bed, or couch. JID^ to melt. 8 WWV to consume, waste away. DV^ to irritate, provoke. Anger, vexation. \:nV to transfer. Become old. Psalm VII. t 1 nnO? to expatiate, luxuriate. \VW a wandering song. 3 p*1D to break in pieces. Rend asunder. 9 DT2n to finish. Dn end, integrity. 10 "^/Dll to perform, to fail or cease. 14 v37S to work, contrive. pb"7 pressing upon. D'pW ardent pursuers, eager persecutors. 15 ^iSn to bind, tie, connect. ^12iV to toil, labour. 18 ribV to ascend. \vbv upper, highest, most high. Psalm VIII. n 1 n^ cutting, pounding. riTia wine pressing. 3 Dp3 to avenge. Dp:nD self-tor- mentor, Satan. nSli? cease. Hiph. cause to cease, take off or away. 6 lion to abate. Made inferior. 8 1!^ pointed, penetrate as cold, &c. W2 as ^xs sheep, from their great sensibility of cold, i. e., pene- trateC by it. Psalm IX. TO 6 "12713 to check, reprove, rebuke. 7 tt7n3 to pluck up, root up. 9 DWb to meet together. People, assembled multitude. 10 DUE? to lift or be lifted up. aJica an elevation, a high or secure place, Ps. lix. HDI to beat, bray, Ps. x. depress, afflict. Contrite. 11 Wll inquire, require, inquire after. PSALMS. n^'bnn 205 17 T^^n to bring forth. |V3n medita- tion. 21 nm to be afraid, mio in fear. Psalm X. ^ 2 HNH elated or lifted up. tt7Dn lay hold on, catch. "7ri deceit, fraud. 8 S'nS to lie in wait. a*WD ambush. nobn greatly afflicted, faint with affliction. ]Q!^ hide, conceal, lurk privily. 9 ?lt^n to catch or seize upon sud- denly. 10 D'^WDbn afflicted, dejected. n!D*T to be broken, crush, crouch. 14 3T3? to leave. 18 ^^V to break to pieces, agitate, shake violently. Psalm XI. W*^ 2 bos dark, darkness To hide. 3 nW to set, place. mntD settled foundations. D'ln to break through, down. 4 r)3?D37 eye-lids, from Ti3> to turn about. 6 nnQ expand or spread a snare, no a snare. "1D2 cypress. nnD3 brimstone. nD3?bt vehement storm, from ^b^ to be corrupt, and Fp to vibrate. Psalm XII. n' 2 *1^n finishing, fail, come to an end. 2 DD5 to fail, or be diminished. 5 "123 to be strong, prevail. 6 1W to shatter, destroy. VW^ to save. ysD deliverance, safety. 7 bbl? ascend repeatedly. Yxff sl furnace, or rather a crucible. pp^i refine. 9 vt loose, lax. rviVl vileness, worth- lessness, for vile persons. Psalm XIII. a> 6 7D3 retribution. Recompensed. Psalm XIV. T 1 v33 exhausted of natural moisture or spirits. A fool. S27n to loathe. Hithp. to act abominably. 3 nbw filthy, putrid. Psalm XV. ID 3 v2n smite, strike, slander. 4 nti to despise. m33 is despised. DSQ to dilate as a wound, reject. D03 a refuse, vile. 11^'^ to change, alter. Psalm XVI. TD 1 Dn3 to mark, indent with an en- graving. onDD golden, or marked Cfor the real beloved one^ 4 ^!^57 labour, travail. Labour, griefs. 206 PSALMS. "^bHri 5 "I^n take fast hold of, uphold. 8 r\"]W make level, equal ; with n33b to place exactly before one, or diametrically opposite. 10 "TDH succulent abundance. TDFT abundantly kind, bountiful. Psalm XVII. t> 3 DT to devise. Doi purpose stead- fastly. "1^3? to pass, transgress. 4 ^^3 to break out. yno a violent assailer, a robber, a breaker through. 5 vHr round or circular, bx^ a way or path. 7 nbo separate, distinguish. 8 )W^ blackness. ^W sight or pupil of the eye. 9 J^p"* compass about, surround. 1 1 1W^ to succeed, be prosperous. 12 P]WD pale. Pale with longing desire. 14 ibn to creep on insensibly, as time. The world, transitory world, human age, &c. 15 nStt to distribute. nsiDH a simili- tude, a delineation. Psalm XVIII. tl^ 2 Dm embrace, love intensely. 4 /bn to give lustre, to glorify, praise very much. 5 r|3M ^0 face on all sides, surround, compass. nV'2 terrify. 8 WV^ to shake. Xyi to move. Motion. 1 1 nSI to fly swiftly. 16 pes to hold in, force. p^EX a channel. nbH to roll off, uncover, discover. Qtt?D to breathe. rTO"02 breath. 17 ni2?X2 to draw with a gentle hand. 21 "lli to clear, cleanse. 112 pure. 27 WpV to pervert. Perverse. bnS to twist. Hithp. make thy- self tortuous. 32 D7"T to leap or skip; 33 "1TN to gird, nw a girdle. 34 bS interpose. V'W a horned animal, as a stag, hart, or deer. nb>w a hind or doe. Tinn broken to pieces. 37 *T5?2 to walk or proceed. vD"1p the soles of the feet ; from mp to meet, and ^d to raise. 1V12 to totter, stagger. 39 \^n^ to drive, plunge in, or strike deeply, wound. 41 P\1V to distil. The neck. rXOli cut off entirely, destroy. 43 pi evacuate. Hiph. attenuate, make thin. pn. 45 WTl'D to fail, be deficient in sub- stance. To fail in regard to another. 46 ^in to shake with fear. Psalm XIX. la'' 3 V2'2 to flow, pour out, utter. 5 n vD to cut off. rfjD an articulate sound or word. 6 Tl^n to cover. A kind of alcove, separated by an alcove. PSALMS. D"^bnn 107 7 ^pD to go round, surround. HDlpn a revolution. 9 IpD to take notice of. mpD ap- pointments. 11 TD solidity, therefore pure gold, no to part, dispart. nD2 honey, virgin honey. nS!^ overspread. D*D1!? honey- combs. 12 nnt shine with reflected light. Taught. ip37 the end, consequence, event. 13 Tl^W here WJio go astray through ignorance. 14 T)T to boil or swell. on"' single, solitary. To be with- out. Psalm XX. D 2 :32tt? to lift up, exalt. 4 )W^ to fill or plump up. Take away the parts of an oily body by fire. To consume it to ashes. 6 b^T a standard, banner. Set up a banner. 9 IV beyond, iny to preserve or continue still, i. e., in safety. Psalm XXI. W3 3 C7"lM espouse, betroth, ntnn the betrothing. 13 "nn*^ to exceed. nr.'O a bow- string. Psalm XXTI. 23 1 vS interpose. nVM interposition. TiiJ'ii my help. I inW dark coloured. Dusk, 7 ybn to split, cleave. nrbin a worm, 8 "IIDD to open. To make an open- ing, 9 b!l to roll. Reliance, trust, 10 rm to break, burst forth. Bring forth. 18 "iriD enclose, encompass, 14 n!SD let loose, open, 15 :i3n wax. 16 ti?nn silent thought, attention. A potsherd. p'D.1 to cleave, adhere. np'7 to take. '>mp'?0 the jaws which take hold on food. nDH? to put in order, dispose, place, 17 *1S3 pierce, penetrate. 20 W^^\ make haste. 22 QWn or D**"! raised up, WiTi wild bulls. 24 n:!"^ be afraid, ^^v. 25 rTD57 affect. 1:3^ humble, lowly, 30 ^*n!D bow, sink down. Psalm XXIII. iSD 2 n*lN desire. m: pleasant, de- sirable places. S2?*T spring, sprout forth. 7713 lead with gentleness, 4 nn^ relieve the mind, comfort. 5 nn to be wet. nv. full of liquor. Psalm XXV. HD I I nbO loose, remit, pardon. t2 208 PSALMS. 16 Trf to unite, tit only, single, solitary. 17 pS to press, npiso distress. 21 "IS'' to form, shape. Psalm XXV L ID 2 Dw to try, flee. 4 073? hide, conceal. D'o^3 dark designers, dissemblers. Psalm XXVII. TS 4 "HplU to look upon, inquire. 6 "^1 to break. TVSmn shouting 9 C7I53 let loose, leave. Psalm XXVIII. rO 1 7t2?D2 in Niph. compared. 5 Um demolish, destroy. Psalm XXIX. ttD 1 in supply what is wanting, give. 3 D37n Hiph. to thunder. 6 Ipl skip, leap, &c. 1171 to adorn. n*nrT beauty, glory. DMT raised up. d^q^t horned animals, wild bulls. 7 !3!^n hew or cut out, divide. 9 vin travail with child. ^Jrn make bare, discover. 10 /^ to mix. *r\yQ a flood, a deluge. Psalm XXX. b I "|3n initiate. rD3n dedication. TV71 draw out. TV7W to be quiet, ^b'0 quietness, ease. 7n to make a hole, inb^^^'o piping. nr\^ to open or loose. Psalm XXXI. sb WWV to consume. n^** to afflict, grieve. p3> affliction, grief. bt^!D stumble, be feeble. 113 commotion or agitation of body or mind. pny remove, withdraw. Perverse, hard things. DST bind hard. D3n combina- tions, conspiracies. TSn to haste, hurry. t"l3 to cut off. Psalm XXXII. db 1 vDtt> to be wise. ^OlUtt giving wisdom or instruction. TIW^ loosing, laxity. i^3 for- gotten (as to his transgression). 4 IWb spread out. Fresh moistures, moisture. 5 711'^ to cast forth, mirr to confess. 6 TDn succulent abundance. TOn bountiful, abundantly kind. 9 TMV to pass over, or upon. D /!! confine, restrain. 10 ^SD to mar, spoil. diNO sore- ness, grief. PSALMS. Psalm XXXIII. ab 3 p3 strike on a stringed instrument. A song. 7 D33 heap or wrap together, gather together. "73 move, remove. A heap. 71^7^ tumultuate. moinn depths. 10 S-l to fail. Hiph. discourage, cause to fail. 14 TOtt? view attentively or accurately, pry. 17 VXD^ to save. rvfWD salvation, deliverance. 23 HwH wait, expect. D"^bnn 2oy Psalm XXXIV. lb 1 D17tD taste, judgment, behaviour. 2 bbn exult. 5 nT shrink for fear, m-ian the object of fear. 6 nna to flow or run. Niph. to be enlightened. 10 nOn deficient. iiDnn want. 1 1 W^l to lack or be poor. 22 n^ to die. nno kill completely, despatch. Ct7M guilty, liable to punishment. Psalm XXXV. nb 3 pi evacuate, draw forth. p"in. Mlp to meet, nit^pb opposite, over against. 4 yD turn back. 6 pbn smooth. TX^p'^pbn great smoothnesses or slipperinesses. 8 nSli? confounded, ni^i^ confusion, desolation. 12 vDtJ? wise. blD'OJ spoiling, depriv- ing. 14 mp black. Mournfully. 15 'Sn'2 go on one side. A slip- ping aside, halting. n3!3 to smite. D>32 the smiters. 3?"1p to rend, tear a person (by stripes). 16 P]3n pollute, defiled. 337b to mock. pin grate, gnash. Dn''Sii?!3 their destruction. 19 ^"Hp move, wink. 20 3?3"1 to still, be quiet. Psalm XXXVII. vb 1 mn to heat. Hithp. inflamed with anger. 2 1!Jn surround. TiJn grass. 4 233? delight, pleasure. 8 HZT) slack, loosen. 10 1312 discern, teach. Hithp. dis- cern or consider diligently. 20 13 round. Dn3 lambs or sheep. 21 nib join, add, couple. TVf) bor- row. m'jQ lender. 22 bbp be exceeding vile. Curse. 23 "TV^ walk, march, tyso step. 24 bli'' cast, cast down. 31 13?D totter, stagger, slide. 35 V"1V to agitate. y^-C? terrible, formidable. m37 bare, pour out. mrno dif- fusing himself. rnTM a green bay-tree, T 3 210 PSALMS. Psalm XXXVIII. nb 2 K)5?p to foam with anger. 3 nn^ sink into, descend. Stick fast, penetrate. 6 ptt dissolved. p03 corrupt, rot. b*lN self-willed, foolish. 'nVi my folly. 7 ni37 distort. Niph. distorted, writhed. 8 bos tortuous. The flanks, loins. Hbp levity. rV7p: parching, fever- ish heat. 9 :iD faint, failed. >miD2. Dn3 grumble, growl, nom moan- ing. 11 "IPID move to and fro. tmnc flutter. 12 ^23 touch, strike. A stroke. 13 tZ?p3 lay snares. mn fall down. TYin oppressive- ness. 19 2S1 troubled. 21 ]'^W oppose, be adverse. Psalm XXXIX. tob 2 DOn stop up. DiDTTC) a muzzle, bridle. 3 HDT equable, man silence, still- ness. I'DV disturb, trouble. Stirred up. 4 3">2n intense meditation, earnest contemplation. 5 bin not to act. Transitory. Human age, age. 6 nCI^ extend as with the hand. A palm, the hand's breadth. 7 obS to figure. A mere image, a phantasm. a"bnn 7 *1D!i heap up. 11 mH stir up. mJDD strife, because of the blow. 12 Wy consume. A moth. 13 Dtt?^ to sit. 2M5in a sojourner. 14 Sbri to smile. (Lexicons) strengthen. Psalm XL. K) 3 nSti? confused, liww destruction. r\y^ press. ]V overwhelming one. 5 nm to magnify. D'3m proud. ntOtt? turn aside. 11 inD cut off; hide, conceal. 12 12 bind close, enclose. 13 F)DS to encompass. D23? strength, might. Multiplied. 15 nSD scrape, sweep, make an end. HID turn back. Psalm XLI. StD 8 Wrh Hithp. whisper together. 9 p2 press upon. Psalm XLIL 20 2 3^2? stretch out, desire eagerly, long after. 5 "IDt to remember. m31N me- morial. JSti? pour out. HDDiO an eff'usion. "^D overspread, cover. A taber- nacle. riT* to put forward, nnn to con- fess, min open confession, pro- fession. PSALMS. 5 3^n dance round and round in circles. 6 nn27 bow, stoop, or bend very much. 8 "TID!^ an aqueduct, waterspout. 10 yriv squeeze, oppress. 1 1 n22"1 murder, a murderous instru- ment, a sword. n3 a brutish person. 12 mp to approach. The inmost part, the thought. 13 hWT2 to rule. bQ3 compared. 15 "HIJ bind close, enclose. I""!? strength, form, beauty. biT to dwell, bara a habitation. Psalm L. 3 2 bblD complete entirely. b'jSD all over, clothed all over. 3?D'' irradiate, shine forth. 3 lyW to stand erect. Niph. rrowa to be tempestuous. 9 SbD separation, restriction. 'nMtaD folds. 11 TT move to and fro. V\ animals. 13 "HISM strong, mighty. D'TSN strong bulls. 19 1X3!^ join, fasten, couple together. D^bnn 20 ?)1D drive, hurry away. ^DT slanders. Psalm LI. S3 4 DmD wash thoroughly. G rTDT clear, pellucid, morally or spiritually. 7 bin travail with child. bbTf tra- vailed of, produced by travail. 8 y^Tl incline, desire, will, choose. n^ overlay. nirr!0 the inner parts (of the human body). no stop up. The hidden man, the hidden part of man (the inner man). 9 Kt^n miss a scope. Cleanse or purify by a sin-offering. 10 71D1 beat or bray. n313 contrite. Psalm LIL 33 2 3M1 to be troubled. JN"n. 4 IVn divide, cut. A sharp instru- ment, a razor. Wa7 sharpen or wet. ncribD sharpening. 7 ^-^3 break to pieces, destroy. nD3 extirpate, root out. 9 H^n fall down, nin oppression, oppressiveness. Psalm LIIL 33 4 nbS filthy or putrid. 6 "ITD scatter. DS^ reject with contempt, abhor. PSALMS. Psalm LIV. 12 5 y^V agitate, shake violently, 7 ntl'2 cut off, destroy. Psalm LV. 713 3 TT' descend, brought down, de- jected, nt^ or nitt? expatiate freely in thinking (meditating). 4 pV confine, straiten. np3? com- pression, oppression. lOD slide or slip, '^mn'' thine allotment, i. e., thy supply. U^W hate or set oneself against. 5 on tumultuate D'. nin' terrors. 6 ^bo tremble. mste tremour, terror. 7 "I^IM strength, inx a wing. 8 113 remove quickly, speedily, swiftly. 9 2?D3 remove. TOD rushing along or forward. "137D to be turbulent. "ODQ from the whirlwind, tempest. 10 3?bi swallow up, destroy. 12 TIWQ draw out, depart. yn to be in the midst. "|n con- cealed wickedness, deceit. 14 "yiy set in order. >3^W according to my disposition. V\7i^ being chief. Guide. 15 priD to be sweet. Hiph. to cause sweetness, be sweet. Wyi meet together, assemble in a tumultuous manner. "Oan a mul- titude. 16 mtt^rr?' let death take hold, or death shall, &c. n thy gift, thy allotment. bS"" power, ability. *|V3bD' fully able to support and sustain thee. 24 'n'2'n part, divide asunder, equally or unequally. Psalm LVI. 13 1 DvS compress, bind close to- gether. Db a band of men, or of the handful. n3V oppression. 2 ?)N2? absorb, swallow up. yn7 squeeze, oppress. 6 I3^V labour, travail. Grieve, afflict. To work, form by labour, distort. 7 3lpl> the end. >lps^ heels, foot- steps. 9 "TM3 Arab, ooze out, be moist. JIWI bottle (of skin). 14 Tini drive, thrust, 'm a fall, stumbling. Psalm LVII. T3 5 '^rn burn up. D'ffinb persons set on fire, or incendiaries. 214 PSALMS. n^bnn 5 "in penetrate, mn sharp. 7 P)D3 bow or bend down very much. nW to incline. TfTVXD or nmiD a pit. Psalm LVIII. 03 2 ^^N steadiness, stability. ^:OM faithfully, truly. 3 DvD make level. Weigh men- tally, adjust, contrive. 5 Crr^ to be hot, conceive, non in- flammatory poison. ntST equable, moia as, likeness. )nD stir, move. An asp or adder. Diss shut, shut up. The ear or mouth. 6 WTl^ a low hissing, whistling, or whistling sound. To make a soft whistling sound. I^n conjoin. onan "Qin the chanter of incantations. DDnD never so cunning. 7 VrO break in pieces. nWD^ the grinders. 8 DSJ2 dilated. Become vile or refuse. "7"n to go. Bend. Stretch forth. 7 /D cut off entirely. 9 nZ2 who, and ia3 as Just as, or when. Repeated, as, so. ^^n local motion. bStt? to impel. Vi"?! a snail. bD3 to fall. An abortion. 10 1^ to divide. D3'nTD feel your pots, i. e., men cause to feel. TISM to fasten, drive in strongly. A bramble, a thorn. 10 HTT vigorous, strong. So to live. 'n fresh or green, mn to heat, burn, pin heat, wrath. The dry he (God). Under no in Parkhurst's Lex. liVW to stand erect. Hurl or hurry away, as with a storm or tempest. Psalm LIX. 123 2 S3l lift up, exalt. 4 n^^S excite, move, stir up. (Con- tention, war, or strife.) 8 HV^ boil or swell out. 12 273 to move, remove, move to and fro. Hiph. "iDJ^^jn move, shake. 13 rrbW to curse. n^n cursing. "1DD to tell, enumerate, write, narrate, recount. 14 HvD totality. Consume, bring to nought. Psalm LX. D 2 n!i" to burn, be burned, misna. 3 n3T cast off. ^3M to breathe, snuff with the nostrils. So to be very angry. 4 D2B to break. Riven. ntOD perhaps, mo: to incline. 5 ^3?*! violently agitated. n^'in agitation, confusion. 6 D3 quick, waving, tremulous motion. A banner, an ensign. DD3 to fly off entirely. DDJnnb to wave or glister with light. V^tDp exact, precise truth or purity. Truth, integrity, rectitude. PSALMS. 7 \^bn loose from, deliver. 8 QDti? readiness, forwardness. A portion. 9 ppn delineate, mark out exactly. '>pj:'ny2 a definer, a lawgiver. 10 y^"^ sound, resound with a loud noise, ring again. Psalm LXI. D 3 f\'^V obscure, cover, overwhelm. ntDyi grief, affliction. 6 C7'T^ to succeed to an heritage. n'Cyy an heritage. 8 \D q. for no what. Psalm LXII. nO 2 nDl equable. TV^M still, quiet, composed. 4 linn devise mischief, rush violently upon, inmnn. 7ini drive down, thrust down. 5 Wtt?3 to bear, lift up. *inSt27D from his excellency. 10 b^n to emit a vapour. Vanity. A vapour, a being destitute of real substantial good. 1 1 ^3 put forth, bud, increase. Psalm LXIII. ^D 2 ir\W dark coloured. Seek early ill the morning, i. e., diligently and earnestly. n72D warm or hot as with desire. P\y^ dissolve, melt. F]' spent. 4 n'Z^ to sooth. To praise, laud. n''7nn 215 6 !2bn soft, unctuous parts. Mar- row. 7 nVI^ spread, stretch out. '^'tS' my bed. liSti? to keep guard. m"int?l in night watches. 9 p^"T adhere, cleave, follow. 12 1^0 closed, shut up. 11 1j^ shrink or draw back for fear. b'^W a fox. Psalm LXIV. ID 2 tlW incline. miD or H" to be deep in thought, to think pro- foundly, meditate. 6 pTn bind hard, encourage, confirm. 7 ti?Dn set free, search out. -ODn a search. 7V7V ascend, nbw pi. mbw op- pression, injustice, iniquity. on to finish. ' 9 1*73 move quickly, i. e., flee or flit away. 10 ^DW to be wise. Hiph. under- stand. Psalm LXV. HD 6 ni5!3 to lean against, hang close, cling. nrJlD confidence, trust. 7 ")TN girded, -^n:. 8 St21?D bear or lift up. ph?' lifting up, swelling. 9 nnS to come. nn or nm a sign or token. 11 Dvn (Arab.) to break in pieces. TVnbn a furrow, m assault, mna the surface of the ground, which is continually assaulted by the plough. 216 PSALMS. D'^bnn 11 nn3 descend into, penetrate. 2D?D melt or dissolve very much. rr:3;ion make very soft. ni2'2 spring, bud, grow. V3V roundness. b0 a highway, a path-way, wheel-way. 13 F)371 distil, drop. 14 *13 round. A pasture. "1123? to cover. Wl break in pieces. Hithp. sound, ring again, resound with a very loud noise. Psalm LXVI. ID 10 )n^ try, prove. 1 1 m!i look sideways. mi:Q a mansion, a dwelling. 7 IW to unite. TH^ only, single, solitary. 1W2 straight, direct. nniDISa in righteousness or with prosperity. 7 "IDM to bind with chains or a vow. nniJ to shine. White or clear. rrnTiS a shining, parched land or country. 8 l'^'^ to walk, proceed. DW to place. Niph. to be waste. ]'iO*iO' a waste, desert, wilderness. 9 ^IDD drop, distil. 10 P)3 reach out, stretch forth, extend. See Parkhurst's Lexicon under PD to prepare, establish, conform entirely or completely. 11 HTT being vigorous, n^n a force, a strong body of men. 13 ni3 settle, dwell, rest. n"3 re- siding, abiding at home. 14 Tl^n cover, ncn:. lUN strong. 'rrnSN pinions. pT' moist. p"ipT intensely green, or yellow. 15 mtt? to pour out. ntD the Al- mighty, the pourer forth. t2?*^D to spread, scatter, disperse. y7W to be bright, shine. Snow. abttJD it snowed. 16 ^!l gibbosity, protuberance, pro- minency, D'JiaJ "n a hill of gibbosities, a cheese-like hill. n:*na cheese. 17 1!^^ leap, exalt. 18 nm to be many, increase, &c. D'mi myriads or indefinitely numerous, 20,000. Tl^W iterate. ]N2' angels. 20 DX337 lift, bear, or hold up. Bears our burden. 22 ^nX2 to wound, drive, plunge in, imbrue. 24 riDD to distribute. TOD a part, portion, share. in:o. PSALMS. 26 Db^ to hide, conceal, rrd)^ a virgin. PjBn smite repeatedly. niDDin beating on tabors or diffs. 27 'np spring up, gush out. iipo a fountain, a family or stock. 28 D131 to whelm, heap, nmn a heap of stones for defence, a bulwark (of stones). 30 nitt? make equal, 'tt? a gift for benefits received. 31 y^l to bruise. 'jn shattered pieces. IV^ restrain, repress. Tl^p to hold, possess, nop a reed, cane. Wild beast of the reeds, i. e., the Egyptians. DDT tread, trample, or stamp. DD-IDQ. Itn disperse, dissipate. 32 ']J2iW abound. D'iQttJn abounding in strength, the strong, robust. yi run, move swiftly or hastily. Psalm LXIX. tDD 3 riT' to press. ]V mud. bS shade. ny,2D a spread or extent of waters covering a large bottom. 7^2? impel, thrust forward, n^l a current or stream of water. ^I^W to cover with water, over- flow. Overwhelmed. 4 S^ri"^ labour. Weary. nn3 snort, force the breath with violence through the nostrils, heated. m3 to excite, pia the throat, the windpipe. D^bnn 217 5 riD^ cut off, destroy. 'D'Oi^n those who are desirous to destroy me. 6 biN gross, thick stupidity. "nbMib. "THD cut off, hide, conceal. 9 1T3 to be separated, alienated. 10 S3p eat into, nwp zeal, jealousy. 1 nSn ooze out, distil in small quantities, to weep. 13 nW to incline. WV3 expatiate freely, nntt? to drink, 'm drinkers. 1'DW to satisfy. 12' drunkard, or strong drink. 16 "HISS obstruct or shut. 19 vMn vindicate, avenge. Recover or deliver. n^M redemption, right or price of redemption. 21 tt73S infirm, ill, bad, sick with sorrow. ttJIJM grievous, woful. Violently grieved. 13 move, remove. With b follow- ing, to be moved for another, sympathize, compassionate, con- dole. T)2 sympathy, Dn3 change of mind. D^cn: com- forters. 22 tt?S"n priority or precedence, i-^i poison, hyssop, m^ feed, eat, take food. m"\nn food, meat. Mtt2 thirst, yon to be fermented. 24 1V^ totter, stagger. D/W to make whole. D'Oi? re- compenses, sacrifices, &c. 25 11^ order, regular disposition. m^Q a row, a palace, a castle, a home. 27 ^SD to mar, spoil. Causing grief -218 PSALMS. D>bnn or sorrow. aiN3D soreness, ex- ulceration of body or mind, grief. 31 m> put forward. Hithp. minrr to confess. mim with open confession or profession. 32 DID divide or part the hoof. I'^p shoot forth, diffuse, as horns or rays of light. Psalm LXX. V 2 v23 to take away, eripere. In a good or bad sense, to pluck away, to deliver, spoil, take from. 4 ^f)V the end, event, consequence. 2py bv in consequence or as the event of. 6 l^^D to escape, flee. Be delivered, bring forth. Psalm LXXI. ^ 2 yW^ to save, used commonly in Hiph. With b following, to cause or work salvation or de- liverance for. 4 \^X2n to ferment. Part. Benon. in Kal, yoin souring or fretting; and in Hithp. Ps. Ixxiii. 21, YO'HT^' (my heart) was exas- perated. 5 TT^p to stretch out. mpn expecta- tion, hope, longing. "n3?3 agitate, move briskly, "nj?: youth. 6 '^12D support, sustain. With ^y following, upon or by. t^ to take off or away. ni3 took me. 8 ^SC to adorn, decorate. mDn glory, honour. 1 1 P)Tl to follow, pursue. 13 PjD'^ in Kal and Hiph. to add, increase. TiDDini with an infin. following or another connected with 1. ni^i> to cover. To repeat, do again. 14 "HDD to tell, number. miDD the numberings, enumerations. 17 H^Tl in Hiph. to be ready, present. n;rr or p particle, denoting presence. 20 ^W to turn from one place or state to another. Which are denoted by b, ba, or nnw. In Kal fol- lowed by another verb denotes, to do again. 22 bD3 to fall or flow down, bi: a stringed musical instrument of twelve strings. The Nabla of the Phoenicians, Psalm LXXII. ^37 1 nisbtt^b for Solomon. 5 Q17 to collect, gather together, con- sociate. With Infin. against. As long as, or together with. 6 ?]"^T*1t a watering by drops. A dripping, shaking rain. (Tar- gum) distilling, dropping; from rrn scatter, and riDS overflow. 9 *^)^ dryness, drought. D"2? inhabit- ants of the wilderness. *7nb to lick, lick up. 10 'S to settle, take up one's habita- tion. D"M habitable places ; not an island as E. T. W^Win . From in to go round, and WttJ to be bright in colour. See this word in Parkhurst's Lexicon. PSALMS. D'>bnn 219 10 1DW to satisfy. "\DttJ a compen- sative present. 12 V)W to open, cry out. Rich, opulent (opposed to bl poor). 14 "7^ to be in the midst. Concealed wickedness, deceit. 15 v^D to make a distinction between good and bad. In Hithp. to in- tercede, mediate. IV beyond, further. Time onward, therefore to, unto, until. 16 DDD to fail or be diminished. riDD a small parcel or quantity. ^^ to break or burst forth as a flower, as the light, the hair. Hiph. to flourish, flower. 17 )3 to propagate, be propagated, spread successively. Psalm LXXIII. 25? 2 ntfiD to stretch, stretch out or forth. bil '1T03 being or having declined with my feet. ntTN to proceed. A step, proceed- ing, progress. ID37D . With 3 prefixed, as it were, a little, well-nigh, almost "^Dtt? to pour out; shed, nacw an efiusion, a slipping, a sliding. ^''MS within a little, all but. 3 bbn in Kal and Hiph. to toss oneself, exult through pride. D^^Vin insolent, arrogant persons, boasters. 4 ^liin knots, the complications of a cord or bond, i. e., perplexing difl&culties. See this, ]' >3 d'?i Nnn on ^'Qb maiJ"in for there are no perplexing difficulties to them, their strength is perfect and firm. 5 "bl^V to toil, ^oy afflictive labour, toil, weariness. 6 p^V to encompass or surround, as a collar. nW to set, place, n'tt) array, a garment. 8 pX3 Niph. to be dissolved. Hipli. corrupt. m to be lifted up. Dlio height, high. 7 Tl^W to be like, resemble. n3D view, contemplate. Chald. look at with attention. '1312J imagina- tion, conception. nV3D 2b imaginations of the heart. 10 Dvn to beat, smite, as with a hammer or otherwise. D^n here, hither. niitt to squeeze, press. 12 rivtt? to be quiet, secure. ^^ quiet, secure. u7V to hide, conceal. d';13? time- hidden, or concealed from man, for ever. "]''M a particle of desiring, asking, as rri. In what manner, by what means. rrD'' how, in what manner, where, &c. HyOy expatiate, luxuriate. ntt?2 Hiph. attain to, with l fol- lowing. 1 3 HDT make clean, pure, transparent. ilp'i to clear away. |Vp3 clean- ness, freedom from guilt, in- nocence. 14 n!D"^ to be plain, manifest. In Hiph. to be corrected. nnDin correction, chastisement. 15 l^D, to use a cloak of dissimulation, deceive. u2 220 PSALMS. 18 pbn smooth, even, mp^rr smooth, slippery places. nWti? to be confounded. niMlttra confusions, therefore desolations. 19 nSD to sweep clean away, con- sume. TVTIl to wear or waste away. nirr'?n wastings, destruction. 20 IV to raise. Hiph. stir up, excite, rouse, awake. 21 ^XSn to ferment. Soured, fretted, exasperated, as from grief or concern, ptt? repeat over and over again. Whet, sharpen. In Hithp, to feel acute pain. 22 "1VD to clear off. -i3?a a brutish person. Qn2l in Ethiop. to be dumb or speak barbarously, rroni a beast, a brute, 27 prn be, go, flee, far off. ypTn they who are far off from thee. rV^'^ cut off, destroy, consume. nDT to encompass. n31l a harlot, whore. Psalm LXXIV. 1^ 1 n3T to cast forth. ^WV to smoke. n^T to feed. 'SHD, fem. n^S>-|Q a pasture. 2 1V> to appoint. rn2> an assembly. 3 D^D to smite alternately. The foot. 5 rnV ascend. n^^Db a going up. 7^0 to inweave (an intertexture crossing and intwined). A thicket. D>bnn 5 DTnp a hatchet or axe. From mp to meet, and nm level. 6 bt^D to stumble. "j'tD^ an axe, pick-axe, crow, an instrument of throwing down. HDD to open, i. e., to make an opening. mnD engravings, graven or carved work. P)7D to impel. niDys instruments for cutting, axes, hammers. D7n to beat to pieces, knock by beating, or beat down. 8 n3"* to press, squeeze. 0^3 we will oppress, afflict them. 1V*^ to appoint. Niph. to be con- vened. iSMd tabernacle or synagogue. 10 f]in to strip, make naked. Strip of honour, praise, &c., i. e., to reproach, disgrace. ^ND cast off, reject, despise. y2>. 11 71pr\ to imprint, pMTf the bosom. prr, p^u. 13 IQ to break. n*>Q to break or divide entirely. yvs hast divided. 14 y^l run here and there, to dash, break by collision. n w to join. 1n'^^b Leviathan, from ^'^) coupled, and p a dragon. 15 ]nS strength, p^N strong, forcible, violent, as a river or torrent. 16 W12W^ n*lS the luminary or orb, and the stream of light from it, 19 "in to go round. "ilD and in a turtle-dove. iT^n vigorous. TVVf living or animal appetite. 20 1223 to look, behold, regard. PSALMS. D^bnn 221 20 '^Wn to impede action or motion. niN to desire, covet. mN3 de- sirable things (Symmachus). m2 Don valuable plunder, not habi- tations. Psalm LXXV. nV 3 IDDtt? all regulation and disposal. To judge, discern, determine, order, regulate. 1W*> straight. -\ttJ* right, upright. niO'Q rectitudes, righteousnesses. 4 )^n to regulate by weight, measure, or rule. 5 bbn to toss oneself, i. e., to boast. In Kal and Hiph. insolent, arrogant persons, boasters. 6 pny transfer, remove. Distorted, perverted (neck). 7 MS** to come or go forth, 2?10 and rarely SD a coming, going, or being brought forth. NS10D from theEast. ^nV to mix, mingle. n-Q. niTJ^O evening or western part, m to be lifted. Hiph. to lift up, elevate, nn elevation. 8 HT refers to some present or near. This, this here, m m this and that, one and another, this and another. bSlZ? in Kal, to humble oneself. Hiph. to humble, bring down. 9 IZSn to disturb. Inebriating. The turbidness of wine makes it very inebriating. "70^ mix, mingle. "133 in Kal, to spread abroad, diffuse, pour out. 9 IT^W to keep, keep safe, cno^ the dregs. 11 V13cutoff. Psalm LXXVI. 1^ 3 )VT2 to remain. n213?D a dwelling- place of habitation. 4 F]ti?n to glow or flash. ntt?p 'C^n the glittering or flashing arrows of the bow. 5 1M to flow, mw shining, illustri- ous, glorious. In Kal, to light, to shine. 6 bbtZ? to strip off, spoil. IjbinttJn to make oneself or become a spoil. i'?'?in in the Chaldee form N for n. D3 to slumber, doze, sleep slightly. They have slumbered (in their sleep nnw). ^W^ to sleep, be in a sound nri? sleep. Also Job xiv. 12, sleep of death. 7 "13?3 check, reprove. rTTS-a a rebuke. Dl"! in Niph. only. Overwhelmed with sleep. Dli: in a deep or dead sleep, or trance. TSD all the time, from thence, from that time. 9 tSpC? quiet or at rest. 12 b^"^ lead, carry, bring forth as a present. iVlV they shall cause to bring. T1^W to make equal. ' a gift for benefits received. u3 222 PSALMS. Psalm LXXVII. TV 3 m"^ put forward. mT public pro- fessions or confessions. 'T my sore. 2Q to fail, cease, intermit. 3iDn. ]W13 to refuse. 4 ni^V to obscure, cover. Kal and Hithp. overwhelmed, covered, darkened. 7 t&Dn set free, search out. Set at liberty. 9 DDN fail, cease to be. nT2'y finishing, failing. Come to an end. 10 y^p to contract, restrain, shut up. 11 bn. 'm'?n my infirmity. 17 Wl motion, commotion. Disquiet. 18 D1T to pour, pour forth or over. y2n to divide into a great number of shares or portions. 'ssn arrows, but perhaps the divisions or separate flashes of lightning. 19 bn v2l roll over and over. b:M the matter of the heavens in con- tinual circulation, or rather the whirlwind. 20 biili? to impel. 'VltL' paths. Psalm LXXVIII. HV 2 ^!33 to gush, spring, or bubble up. Hithp. pour out. ^^ to penetrate. nTn an enigma or parable. 4 "rniD cut ofi", hide, conceal. f'iV to make exceedingly .strong. ^^^$ great strength or power. 7 7DD strength, support, confidence. 7 ptZ?3 to kiss, clash formed from the sound. 8 nwp ^lyn ^pW)^ dashing (and) shooting with the bow. n^n to cast, throw, project. 15 r\^71 multitude. Dinn a confused multitude, atoms. A mass, body, or multitude of waters. mtDinn m" great depths. 16 bT3 to distil, trickle, run down. D'bn: trickling streams, rills. 18 HD^ to try, prove, tempt. 19 K7Q3 to breathe, respire. trB2 de- sire, lust, appetite. 20 T]\^W to cover with water, over- flow. 21 ptt?3 in Kal, to snap, crackle. 22 ^QM steadiness, stability, constancy. In Hiph. to believe, trust, rely, or depend upon. 24 31 to multiply or increase exceed- ingly. ]r\ corn, from its increase. 25 mS to look sideways. htx victual or provision. 26 3?DD to remove. Hiph. remove, cause to move. Dip precedency, dnp the east wind. 3713 to carry, lead, bring. 30 niT to scatter. To be strange, estranged. 31 112W to abound, superabound. '3TD'CD those who were gorged with food, or had eaten most abund- antly. 32 S /D in Niph. to be extraordinary* wonderful. In Hiph. to make so. In Kal to make or perform as a vow. 33 bnS to hurry, rrbnaa in haste. inW dark-coloured. The dawn, the gloom, or dusk of the morn- PSALMS. D^bnn 22J ing. I'o seek early in the morn- ing. 36 nriQ to draw aside, withdraw. To entice or seduce to evil. nD* to entice, persuade. imnD* here, caused him to withdraw. 40 HD who, which, what. rra3 how often, 41 HMTi in Kal and Hiph. to mark, make a mark. Hithp. "nnrr they challenged, accused, by causing the adversary to make a mark. 46 vDH to consume, eat up. b^Dn a species of insect. 47 ilin to kill, generally. r:i'' labour. DpW . D'Dp, f. niDpttJ sycamore or sycamine trees. /D3n frost, a rime, a hoar frost ; ff om nan to fix, and ^Q to cut off. 48 "120 in Kal, to shut up. Hiph. cause to shut up, give up. 137^ to clear off. T3>n a brute animal. f]ti?1 to glow, flash as fire. CDttJl flashes of lightning. 49 fMb Arab, to send. Heb. (Hithp. or passive) to serve, minister unto. D^yn D'Sx'^D evil agents or created intelligent creatures. 50 !2n3. rriD and f. HTTO a path, pathway. (Idea) treading or wearing a tract with the feet, a way or course. D7D to make level, or even, or smooth. iT^n vigorous. TV'n reg. n^n life. 51 ^M labour of body arid mind. p labour, pains, activity. Also the appellation of an object of worship in Egypt. 55 v^n to bind, tie, connect, confine. A cord, (measuring) cord, ^an a tract or portion of land which had used to be measured by a cord. 57 nOD to recede. TlTyi to cast, throw, project, de- ceive, afflict, &c. n^D-\,naiD,noin, n^Oin injurious deceit, mis- chievous fraud. 58 MDp eat into, corrode. Zeal, jealousy, indignation, envy. 59 DSa to be dilated. To despise, abhor, reject with contempt or disgust. With a following, dis- gusted at. 60 K?t23 to loose, to set loose, i. e^ forsake, abandon, tor:'. ptt? to dwell, inhabit. 61 *1S3 to adorn, to glorify, make glorious. Hithp. to glorify one- self. mDn glory, honour. 63 bbn in Kal and Hiph. to give lustre, to glorify, praise very much. 65 IW^ to sleep, be in a sound sleep. po'3 as if asleep, seemingly in- active. Dn to be lifted up. D"i pi. D'm elevated, high (place). 71 nvV to ascend (be with young), to nurse, suckle. mby milch- ewes. 72 ]3 to divide, separate. n:'a and naian discretion, discernment, skill. Psalm LXXIX. 133? 1 n"l3? to turn out of its proper situation or course, to distort, pervert. ' pi, D"y a ruin, a heap of ruins. 224 PSALMS. 4 33? 7 to mock, deride, sneer. Scorn, derision, scoffing, 5 ^3S to breathe or snuff with the nostrils ; so to be very angry. 10 DpD to avenge, nop: reg. nop: (by) the revenge, act of reveng- ing, vengeance. 11 p2N to moan or groan. rrpSN cry- ing out. IDS to confine, restrain. TDN. in^ to exceed, nmn cause to abound. ntt to die. nmon death, putting to death. 12 VDW sufficiency. Prov. vi. 31 ; Exod. XX. 1, 4, D'nyiTD seven- fold, indefinitely for manifold. Psalm LXXX. D 1 a^^WW b rCilV concerning the lilies. 2 rS'' in Hiph. radiate, irradiate, shine forth. m?'D"in. 3 11^ to raise up, rouse, excite. 5 ^WV to smoke, to fume. Violent anger. 6 3?ttl to ooze out. WDi a tear, collectively tears. WbW to third (only in Is. xl. 12). ttr^ a certain measure of capacity, perhaps part of the Bath. 7 ^l to direct piD a strife, dispute. 10 HDD to turn towards. "':d'? to or before the face. With b follow- ing, to advert or look, provide, prepare. n>bnn 11 ^33? to shoot. A shoot, bough, branch. 12 1'^p to cut short, ysp collectively the boughs, or branches (the lop). 13 Nin to pluck off or crop. 14 UDID or ]ttD")3 to root up, eradicate, but perhaps to cram or till the belly ; from D13 the belly. ITH to encompass. y\n a hog or boar. tT to move to and fro, Vf ^au, animals. nVl to feed. pi to thrive, flourish. TO^T. 16 )'D to make ready. n23 a plant, a scion, a set. 17 nriD to sweep, scrape off. nmD3 a refuse. Psalm LXXX I. D 2 pi to vibrate briskly. Kal and Hithp. cry aloud, shout aloud. 37*1 to break. Hiph. shout. 6 nOtt? to dash, crush. nSW religi- ous confession or sentiment. (God is here the speaker.) I heard a religious confession. I acknowledged or approved not. 7 '?;2D to support. bx> f. a burden. "n . m some vessel of a roundish protuberate form. A basket, a pot, &c. 13 "127 to regulate. lb nmi the ruling principles, directions, or determinations of the heart. 16 S32? to hate. PSALMS. la WnO to fail. (To fail in per- manency or courage.) Psalm LXXXII. HD 2 Stt?3 bear or lift up. To lift up (d:d the face), l"n i. e., accept or regard his person. 3 W^ to lack, be in want. X0^ poor, destitute. 4 to vD to escape. In Kal and Hiph. cause to escape, i. e., deliver. Psalm LXXXIII. nD 2 Win silent thought or attention. Hiph. to be deaf, dumb, or silent. l^pW to be quiet, at quiet, or rest. 'i U1V to be naked. Hiph. to make cunning or subtle. n5?D 1D'tJ> they have taken crafty or subtle counsel. y!?'> to advise. Hithp. tsr'n' take counsel together, consult among themselves. Niph. to be coun- selled, to consult. 5 ins take ofif or away. Hiph. re- move out of sight. 8 Wb^. nwbs the Philistines. 1 1 T7 or "1*)T to encompass, "int Chald. inhabiting. IMI pa. ^lyi to pollute, defile, pi dung. 12 "^D to overspread, anoint. dO'D: anointed princes, sovereign. 14 7!l to roll. bAy any light thing rolled over and over again or whirled by the wind, a rolling thing. 16 ^Tl to follow, pursue. c^bnn 225 16 nSD to scrape. nciD a violent sweeping wind or storm. "1VD turbulent. A turbulent wind, a whirlwind, a tempest. 17 TV7p levity, lightness. \)bp yile- ness, ignominy, /rm to hurry, precipitate. Niph. ^briT agitated. Psalm LXXXIV. ID 2 11 . TT beloved, well-beloved. mm* lovely. 3 I^DD to be pale. r?DD32 is grown pale. 4 1Q!2 to move quickly, mcs a bird in general. 11 to go round, im a species of dove. niD to break forth. mD the young of birds. 6 bo to raise, elevate, mboo risings, ascents. 7 SDS the name of some tree or shrub, similar to nD2. "^1^ to couch. HDia a reservoir or pool where waters couch. nt^V involution. To overspread, cover. nT^ to direct, guide, mio the former rain, also mv. 11 n^D to scrape or sweep. F]D hollow. A threshhold. r|D"!ncn to be at the threshold, to be a door-keeper. fpD. Psalm LXXXV. HD 4 J^DS to gather, withdraw, take away. 226 PSALMS. 5 no to break. In Hiph. break, dissipate, annul. DVD to be angry. Anger, vexa- tion. 6 '^WT2 to draw. Draw out. 9 bOD stiffness. Mentally, to be stupid. n'?D3 stupidity, folly. 11 tt?2D to meet. In Nipb. to meet together. 12 ^pW to turn towards. In Niph. to be turned, so to look. Psalm LXXXVI. ID 2 "TDn succulent abundance. TDH abundantly kind or bountiful. 5 n vD to loose, relax, remit. Re- mitting punishment. 11 in'' to unite, make one. TTT. 15 Dm to embrace. DinS one so affected, merciful, pitiful. To love intimately, (r9fXay^vi^afji,au, used in N. T. 16 DS to support. nD truth. fnoM thy handmaid. Psalm LXXXVII. tD 1 ID'' to found. inTiD^ his founda- tion, basis. 3 "TDD to be weighty. rrn233 pi. m"Q33 glorious things. 4 ID^ to remember. In Hithp. cause to remember, make men- tion of. The male sex. 5 Nin permanent existence or sub- sistence. 6 DTy^ to mark, engrave, i. e., to write. 7 "lU? to regulate, regulate the voice in singing. Dn^ songs. DntD singing-men. 7 bbn to open eminently, w'im'2 as pipers or pipes. n3V to act upon.|'yn a fountain or spring. Psalm LXXXVIII. HD 6 "in to divide , cut off. 8 *7DD to support. "With b^ follow- ing, to lay upon. 9 VT^ tt> perceive or feel by the body or outward senses, and with the mind. '^TD or S>TiD a person known, an acquaintance. wbD separation, restriction, re- strained. ^3. 10 DWT to faint or fail. ni2l27 to spread abroad, stretch out. 11 SSI to restore or reduce to a former state. D''NDn dead bodies reduced to their original dust. Remains or relics, the moulder- ing dead. 16 37^!l to labour for breath, to expire. D'^M . rra'N terror ; here -|"D thy terrors. n3D to turn. To turn this way and that. 17 n3?D to disturb, affright. D^mn things terrible or to be feared. riD^ cut off. nnos to cut off, destroy, or consume entirely. 18 DD to turn, turn about, aside, or round. PjpD go round, surround, encom- PSALMS. D^bnn 227 Psalm LXXXIX. lOD 7 j^nW to conflict. The celestial fluid, the conflicting ether, ethers, airs. *7"15? set in order, compare. nZST equable, even. Put on a level. 8 ynV to agitate, terrify. Niph. to be feared, revered. 9 "JDn to be strong. yDTf strong, endowed with strength. 10 nwn to increase, swell, mw swel- ling. n^tt? to soothe, assuage, calm. nm to incite, stir up. A name of Egypt. 20 nitt? to make equal. -|W WITD I have equalized half, i. e., I have laid or given sufficient help. irQ to look at with admiration or approbation, mm a choice man. 23 Nti73 to bear, &c. '^' deceive or seduce by elation, which exact. 24 r|3D to hit, strike against, strike, smite. 34 "HD to break. Hiph. dissolve, annul. 3() 7130? to iterate, do over again ; so to change, alter. 40 "nS3 to cast ofTor away. 41 y^B to break out or through, nn to be broken, nnno ruin, destruction. 42 nOtt? to rob, plunder, pillage. ^4 ^2 bind close, enclose, ms the hardness or firm temper of a sword. 45 nn^ to be pure, clean. nmcD brightness, unsullied honour. 45 "13^ to throw or cast down. 48 l/H creep on insensibly. Tran- sient, transitory. Psalm XC. IT 2 v7n to open eminently. Hithp. produced. 3 S3T break, crush. Humiliation. 4 ban , bM2n , and bianS yes- terday. From on to finish, and jID to cut ofl', is here joined with DV day, but in all other passages with nwbv. "IT^iW to keep. rmt3' a watch. 5 DIT to pour forth or over. Over- whelm, as a flood. IW^ to sleep, ns' sleep. P) /R passing, succession, after ; so to change. "ISn to surround. TSn a herb. 6 'y^ to break or burst forth. Kal and Hiph. to flower, blossom. 9 n3D to turn. Turn this way and that. Hyn bring or carry forth in act, sound, word, or thought. A tale. 10 "123 to be strong. mi33 strength, might. 3m incite, excite. High-spirited- ness, pride. ^S labour of body or mind. pN labour. Wn to haste, wn in haste, speedily, hastily, a understood. 1 1 S"l^ to fear, be afraid. nT fear, reverence. 12 n3!3 to distribute. Compute, reckon up. 228 PSALMS. Psalm XCI. S^T 1 )h to stay, ]:h to lodge oneself, take one's abode. 2 12?p' to lay or set a snare. "Cip' a fowler. 3 mn to fall down, subside, mn an oppressing or depressing ca- lamity, a grievous affliction. 4 HDS strong. "Tnt* and f. maw the wing or pinion of a bird. ]!J to be pointed. n22 a large shield or buckler. "inD move to and fro, mno a small shield, a target, a buckler. 6 SiDp to cut off. A cutting off, destruction. nt27 shatter, destroy, waste. 10 n3M the occurrence or presence of an object. With a radical n, to occur, happen. 13 bntZ? dark-coloured. A black lion. jnD to stir, move. A species of serpent, an asp. 14 pWn connected with in heart and aflfection. 2207 to lift up, exalt. 15 V^n to loose, deliver. Psalm XCII. 22 4 nWV to ^e rich. ">1W an instru- ment with ten strings, as also the nabla. nnn to roar. In Kal and Hiph. to murmur. ]vyr^ a musical in- strument, probably from its mur- muring sound. 8 V^ break or burst forth as a flower. Flower, flourish, blossom. D^bnn 11 DW"1 to be raised up. D>-\ the name of a horned animal, the wild bull. 72 to mix, mingle. IV^ thrive, flourish. (:s>-| refresh- ing (oil). 13 n:itt7 luxuriate, grow, thrive. 15 23 to put forth, bud, germinate, produce fruit. 2t& to turn. Old, returning to the dust. rtyiD old age. ]W1 to fill or plump up. Plump, fat. 16 nbS7, nbl^, nrhv oppres- sion, injustice, iniquity. Psalm XCIII. 3!2 2 TM a point of time. 3 n2T to beat, break. OT waves, so LXX. 4 lis magnificent, glorious, pomp- ous. U") to be lifted up. nyya height, high. 5 mS in Kal and Hiph. to desire, covet, lust after. In Niph. n"i: to be desirable, beautiful, comely. Psalm XCIV. 1!^ 1 Dp3 to avenge, nops revenge, vengeance. V^^ in Hiph. radiate. TD'H shine forth. 4 3723 to gush. In Hiph. to pour out, utter. 13 ^T)W in Kal and Hiph. to be quiet, make quiet. PSALMS. D^bnn 229 13 nnti? to corrupt, destroy. A trap, a snare. 1 4 tt?^3 to loose, set loose. Forsake, abandon. 16 C37 to collect, ny against. 17 '^blb if not, unless, ^b if, and 'b defect, from rrb. P)37'^t!l?. Dynu} thoughts (distilling, as it were, from the heart) ; from M) which, and F)X?n to distil. 1 9 VWVW to turn this way and that (in play). In a Hiph. sense, cause to turn in this manner. 20 nin to fall down, subside, mn pi. nnn oppression, n^n conjoin, associate. 21 VW^ unfairness. In Hiph. pro- nounce unjust, condemn. 23 na!? cut off, destroy. Psalm XCV. H!^ 4 1\^r] search minutely or to the bottom. '>'\p'n'0 joined with yiM the deep places of the earth, penetralia terrae. r)!?*^ dissolve, dissipate. TW$^n the high tops (of mountains) whose ascent wearies. 6 r\W to incline. Hithp. prostrate ourselves. 7 n^n to feed. D'S'iO a pasture. 8 ^1 to strive, nina and 11 a verbal contention, controversy, no 3 to try. noD trial. 10 I^p in Kal and Niph. to loathe, be disgusted at. Psalm XCVI. 1^ 6 "Tin glory, majesty, honour ; from mrr to send or thrust forth. 6 mn to adorn, decorate. 9 tt?lp n"nn the beauty or glory of holiness. vH'' remain, wait, expect. 11 D^T violent commotion. Agitated. 1 2 TvS? exult, move, or leap for joy. Psalm XCVI I. TIT 1 "^M to settle. A settlement, a ha- bitation. 3 ton / to burn up, set on fire. 9 nbV to go up. Niph. n'b^: to be exalted. Psalm XCV III. HS 4 n!^Q to break with a noise, break forth into a joyful noise. 6 *1!jn surround. m^JSn a trumpet, from i:?n a tube, and 12? to compress. *1DIZ? seemly, goodly. IClur a trumpet, from its goodly sound. 8 HnD to strike or clap (the hands together). Psalm XCIX. tD^^ I tyi motion, commotion, agitation. Moved, disturbed. ntD3 to stretch, bow, decline, turn aside. :D'\:n. 5 DOT to raise on high, exalt, or extol very much, mn a footstool or rest. Psalm C. p 2 ^yi to vibrate briskly, ruai loud shouting, triumph, oration. X 230 PSALMS. ^bnn Psalm CI. p 3 ntOD to decline. D'tDD decliners, such as turn aside. 5 ^W^ to speak against, i. e., to be- tongue. vD^ power or ability. To endure, be able to bear. Psalm CI I. 2p 1 ^tD3? to obscure. In Kal and Hithp. to be obscured and over- whelmed. 4 Tp"* to burn, mpn a burning. nn3 to flow, run along. 7 Sp to vomit. np the pelican or the onocrotalus. TIOD to cover, overspread. D^D an owl, therefore hiding in the day time and coming forth at night. 8 IpW to wake, watch. 9 bbn in the Hithp. mad, foolish, to boast, 'n ^bb^TTG those who are insolent, or boast themselves against me. Here ^bb^TrQ is used in the construct, instead of ab- solute. 10 "ID to break, nc^ the small ashes or dust into which fuel is broken by fire. "7DX3 to mix, intermix. 11 ^2p to foam, froth, f^sp foaming, rage. 15 pn to be very kind, have a tender affection. 1 8 niV to make bare. 1$~\'$ entirely stripped or destitute. 20 ^pW to look, turn toward an object, to front an object, Kal and Hiph. i:)n3 Kal and Hiph. to look, direct the eye or mind, to behold, regard. 21 nn^ to open or loose what was shut or bound, unbind, bring forth. riD to die. rtmon N. fem. death, putting to death. 23 y^p collect, gather together. 26 Q3D within. CiD^ (of time) within time, under n^D before time. Psalm CIII. 2p 2 7DH retribution, or return. vVin:. 3 nvD loose, relax, remit, i. e., par- doning, forgiving. SvP! wear, wear away. >3i^"i'7nn wastings. SDI restore to a former state or condition, restore to health. Healeth. 4 >D''>n thy life. 5 IV beyond, yi^ even thee or thy testimony. 9 1^03 to watch. Observe insidi- ously, watch an opportunity against (relating to God). 12 pn'^ to remove, pmo far, distant. Psalm CIV. ip 2 nil37 involution. To throw or wrap as a garment over one. D7tt? to make whole. rroV an outer garment covering the whole body. 3 mp meet, light upon. Contignate, i. e., frame, fit together. mpD the beams or boards of a (cham- ber or of a house). TibV ascend, vnvbs an upper chamber. God's chambers are the clouds. PSALMS. D^'bnn 231 7 TQn to liaste, hurry. 1 1 S~1D Hiph. run wild. U'iTB wild asses. 1'2W to separate contiguous parts, break, slack, assuage, quench. 12 Q'*SD37 foliage, leaves, or branches waved to and fro by the wind. F|3?. 13 TlpU) irrigate, wet, moisten. 7tp^J2 Hiph. 15 bn^ Hiph. to cause or make to shine. 17 )^p build, or make a nest. 1 8 TV^V to ascend, ^y' the ibex or rock- goat, from the wonderful manner in which they mount the hills. ]tiW cover in, hide, similar to a rabbit. D'2D Israel's sheep. ^7D to cut, break. A rock from its craggedness. 20 tt?Dl to move, move itself. A creeping thing, crawling animal, a reptile. 2i pp in Kal and Hiph. to build a nest, pp possession, property. QIT to wait with silence or quiet- ness (Pike). 26 irr^lb the Leviathans. From 'lb coupled, and p a large serpent. ^iTltD to conflict, contend, sport. 27 niStt? . With ? or b prefixed to the object, to break out towards, look unto, look at. 28 iDpb to pick, pick up. 29 HDD to sweep clean away (con- sume). !S733 to touch. Hithp. with 2, to reach, draw nigh. 33 IV beyond. m?2 whilst yet, q. d., in yet. Psalm CV. Up 12 H^VT^ to be diminished. tOS^DD as it were a little. 14 n3 to rest or settle. TO' to leave, permit, let alone. 18 vlIilD a chain, bond. rTD37 to act upon, produce suffer- ings, hurt. 19 ?)nii to refine, try, prove. 20 "HilD in Hithp. to loose, let loose, set free. imw. nr\^ to open, loose, bring, or set forth. 25 733 to devise deceitfully^ Hithp. act deceitfully. 30 y^W produce or increase abund- antly. Swarmed. 31 ]3 to make ready. D':3 some winged insects, gnats, or mos- quitoes. 32 Dt2?3 to be heavy, to lie heavy upon. N. heavy rain, ^n V to flame. T^irtb a flame. 39 "JD to cover, 'p'o a covering, a vail. H"^ lb vH praise ye Jah. Psalm CVI. 1p 2 V vD to cut off" entirely. To speak articulately, talk. 6 ^\^V to turn out of its proper situation or course. Hiph. to do or act perversely, wrong, or wickedly. VtJ?1 the scales of unfairness. Kal and Hiph. be unjust, act unjustly. 13 JlDn to wait, tarry. Wait for with desire, to long for. x2 232 PSALMS. c^':'nn 14 niM to desire, covet. mNH an object of desire, somewhat de- sired or desirable, nn to waste, attenuate. |"in lean- ness. 20 n3!2 to build. n'23n a form, pat- tern, model. 24 DSa to be dilated. To despise, abhor, opposed to "im. With n to nauseate, be disgusted at. 25 pn to murmur, mutter. 28 n^'2 to couple or join together in pairs. 29 ^23 to hit against. TTOan a stroke or plague. ^^D break out or through. 30 1!J37 to restrain, stop. 32 f^l^p to foam, froth. Hiph. to cause to foam with anger, to pro- voke to violent rage. 33 m^ to resist, rebel against, dis- obey. StOD utter or speak rashly, fool- ishly, unadvisedly. 37 mi2? to pour out or forth. Dnw the pourers forth. 42 "^nb press, squeeze, crush, op- press. 43 "ID to be bitter. Hiph. to make bitter, occasion grief or anger. ^D to decay, grow poor. Be brought low. 46 Dm embrace, surround closely. D'nm mercies, bowels of mercies. Tl^W to lead or carry away cap- tive, nrrm. 4? nni27 to soothe. In Hithp. to soothe or gratify oneself. Psalm CVII. Tp 4 t2W^ in Niph. sense, to be waste, desolate, p'-^ a waste, desert, wilderness. 5 P\'^V to obscure, cover. Hithp. to be obscured, darkened, covered, overwhelmed. 6 p!^ to press, press. cnipl^J^a dis- tresses. 9 }pp^ to desire earnestly, to have eager appetite, ptt? to move, run. 10 "^DN to confine, restrain, bind. 12 yyD to lay down, place on the ground, bring down. 14 pn2 draw away, withdraw, draw asunder. nD'' to restrain. -OTO restraint, bond, band. 17 bis gross, thickened. '?1 stupid, foolish. 20 tabtt set free, loose. Kal, deliver, rescue. 25 Ufyi raise or lift on high. 26 yyD melt or dissolve very much. Hithp. to melt or be melted away, as through fear. 27 Sn circularity of motion. To move or reel round like a drunken man. 573 to move, (Kalintrans.) to move or be moved to and fro, shake, stagger. yh^ swallow up. Hithp. s?bnnn to be swallowed up, destroyed. 29 nai equable. noOT great quiet- ness or stillness, or equability. Dp to rise, arise, stand, be estab- lished. 30 pDW to be still or calm. HD to rest or settle. PSALMS. c^nn 233 30 Tn as Arab, to cut in, indent, "tirra a haven, port, or harbour for ships. 33 SX3!J thirst. pQ2J dry, thirsty land or ground. 31- nbSD to dissolve. Tmbi2 saltness, i. e., barrenness. N!^'' to come or go forth. n:?"id a spring. 36 pD prepare, adapt, establish. nW to make waste or desolate, or reduce to such a state ; also to constitute. 40 Tin or TITIH confusion, inn a waste, without order. 39 ny^ aflaict, grieve, ]^y affliction, grief. 1132? to lift up, exalt highly. 42 \^Dp contract, shut. Psalm CVIII. Tip 2 ]D to make ready. Niph. to pre- pare, establish. 7 yvTl to loose, to free from incum- brance. Niph. to be disencum- bered. 9 ppn to mark out eminently, to define accurately, pprra a de- finer, a lawgiver. 10 3?1 to break. yy-| Hithp. to sound, resound, resound with a very loud noise. 1 1 bl2'^ to bring or carry along from one place to another, i. e., length, distance. 14 D'D, trample upon, tread under foot. Psalm CIX. IDp 4 n vD in Hithp. to separate. vhtiD intercession. 6 ^2?") unfairness, pronounce unjust, condemn. 10 ^3 to move, remove. Hithp. re- move, cause to sound. !2*in waste, miin desolate places. 11 T1W2 laxity, n^i: a lender, the extortioner. tt7p3 to lay snares, ensnare, catch in a snare. Vy^ to labour. VT labour. 12 "^t^JD to draw (almost in any manner), prolonging. 16 ?)Tn to follow, pursue. nSD to bruise, break. n3: to be broken. nm^ or nm?3 to klll entirely or completely, despatch. 18 TD to measure, "no a long robe. 19 Tl^y to throw or wrap (as a gar- ment over one). ntD a girdle or belt. 20 v^D work, operate. ri/yD hire, wages for work. 23 nioa stretch. im'j::D as its de- clining. "nya to agitate, move briskly, shaken. 24 D!J empty, meagre. CIS a fast, fasting. '7'^3 to couch. 3"a my knees. Psalm CX. "^p 1 Din a footstool or rest, n de- monstrative, and DT rest, 3 1171 adorn, decorate, mn orna- ments. Drrn embrace. The uterus, matrix, womb. Dim merciful. inW dark-coloured. nntt"D the x3 234 PSALMS. dawn, more than (the dew from) the womb of the dawn, shall be the dew of thy progeny. See ver. 4. Difficult. 4 "^milT hV according to the mat- ters (viz., they are recorded) of Melchisedec. 5 Vni3 drive, plunge in, strike deeply, wound. 6 mH to form into a mass. n^^S an animal body, alive or dead bodies. Psalm CXI. M^^p 3 71171 to send or dart forth. Tin the darting forth, therefore glorious. 1171 to adorn. Ornamental, beautiful. 8 "7IDD support, sustain, uphold. 10 bD2? direct oneself wisely, be wise, prudent. N. (directing wisdom,) prudence. Psalm CXI I. S"p 3 n')71 fall down, subside, settle ; hence, subsisting, being, or con- tinuing, &c. pn means of sub- sistence, substance. 5 vD to hold. baVa to hold in, regu- late (lxx). 9 "HTQ to disperse. 10 pnn to grate, grind, gnash. HDZS the disunion or dissolution of the texture or consistence of any thing, to melt. N. to be thus melted. D'^bnn Psalm CXIII. 21^ 5 n^n to be high, elevated. Hiph. 'n'23Dn exalt. 7 nSli? to put or set in order. nDtt? a dunghill, a heap of dung. Dung laid up by Easterns in- stead of food. 9 IpV Arab, to cut, to lop (as trees) (Bate). mp3> barren, sterile, unfruitful. Psalm CXIV. Tp 1 T3?b generally translated bar- barous, i. e., a foreign language, but Bate b of, and W violence. 4 *Tp"n leap, skip, bound. 7 bn to be in pain or anguish (in Kal and Hiph). 'bin. nbN to curse. mVw one accursed or subject to a curse. i^t- Kdrct^aroi. (Title of Christ) particle. (Is. xliv. 8; Gal.iii.13). 8 QD full, copious. D:ii4 a pond, a pool, abundance or conflux of waters. 12?^iDbn a very hard rock. From 0*717 break off, and mro to recede. Psalm CXV. ^'^X) 7 tt?tt to feel, search, examine, or know by feeling. mS excite, raise up, ruminate. pi3 the throat or rather wind- pipe, through which the breath- ing is continually moving. Psalm CXVI. TlDp 3 ^DS to face (or q. d., to nose) on all sides, surround, compass. PSALMS. n^i^nn 235 3 12 to bind close, isn a strait, distress. blStt? the common receptacle of the dead ; but nap the grave. 4 n3M occurrence or presence of an object. To occur, happen. Whither, where. 6 NJID sudden, hasty. D'NnD the hasty, who offend through frail impetuosity. 7 n3 to rest. '3m3Db to thy rest or resting-place, q. an irregular Chald. form. ^Dn retribution, return, recom- pense. Chald. 'mbiaj his re- compenses. 8 ^bn to loose, loosen. 7ini to drive, push down, 'm a fall or stumbling. 1 1 TDn to haste, hurry, non. 3T3 to fail, aw what fails, there- fore a lie. 14 S3 to fail. Particle now. 16 nnD to open, loose. "ID^ . mnoiQ bands or bonds. Psalm CXVII. Tp 1 n'^W to soothe. Soothe with praise, praise, laud. 2 133 to be or make strong, estab- lish, confirm. Psalm CXVIII. H^P 1 ion succulent abundance, swell- ing, abundant goodness or kind- ness. 5 iT^n to subside, subsist, exist, be. r' Jah, The Essence, He who is simply uv, absolutely, inde- pendently. 5 'D.rn to be dilated. amD a broad or large place. 10 v^ to cut or pluck off. Hipli. cut to pieces or off. 12 1^1 to drive, lead, bring. miaT a bee, pi. Dnai. "73?"^ to go or burn out (as fire), not extinguished. yp to fret, lacerate, wound. B'^Sli? thorns. 13 HTll to drive down. Thrust forth or down. 23 S7D in Niph. to be extraordinary, wonderful. 25 N3 now. 3 earnest desire, pray do. rO'^ pass on, advance. Hiph. prosper, cause to prosper. 26 *7'^3 to couch, oaiiaia we have blessed you. 27 3n circularity of motion, an a sacrifice, therefore offered on a feast-day . Psalm CXIX. IS'^p M 1 DDn great perfection. D'on very perfect. 4 ^pD to take notice of. mpD ap- pointments, charges committed from God to man. 6 pn to describe, define. A defined statute, ordinance, or appoint- ment. bnN utinam. 'bnw would God (i. e., I wish). 6 l^D3 to look, behold, regard. Hiph. the same. 236 PSALMS. D^bnn 8 "TMtt strong, copious, vehement. Very much, very. 2 9 HDT to be clear, to cleanse. ITZW to keep, be cautious. 10 H^W expatiate, luxuriate. Hiph. cause or suffer to err. 16 ^W^W turn this way and that. In Hithp. turn oneself, look this way and that. 'riuyttJ my delights. mMO look, regard. a 18 nb3 remove, uncover, or open. bJ. 20 0*^2 to break or wear to pieces. ISMn to waste, pine away. nin longing, pining desire. 21 "n3?2 to restrain. T 25 ^n being vigorous, strong. 28 ?]bl drop. Moulder, waste away, decay gradually. ny^ to afflict, grieve. TOino afflic- tion, grief. p to rise, also to stand. D^ Hiph. raise, stir \ip. 29 ^n kindness, affection. 30 ]DS steadiness. rraiQM security, faithfulness, fidelity, nitt? to make equal, plain, level. n 33 ")!iD . n:-i2?N I will keep it. 34 )^ to divide, separate. Hiph. as Kal, discern, understand. 37 "II337 to P^ss. Cause to pass away, turn away, remove. 39 'ly^ to shrink or draw back for fear. 40 DSn to pine. Excessively desire. 1 43 "^Sa take away. b:ir\. 43 ^MD*T^ even exceedingly, to a very great degree. ^n^ remain, wait, expect. 50 Dn3 change of mind or affection. Reg. riDTO comfort, consolation. 51 yb deride, scoff (Kal and Hiph.) 53 nD3?bT here figuratively for the most horrid mental distress. A scorching, blasting wind. From r"?^ to be corrupt, and fp to vibrate. n 57 phn to be smooth, to divide evenly. ITpbr^ an exact regular division, part, or portion. 58 Tlhn to be or make faint, 'n'bn T'2D I made thy countenance faint, i. e., prevail over a person by importunate supplication, in opp. to pin firm. 61 T1V spoliare, to rob (Taylor). 62 71'2n to part, divide asunder equally or unequally, msn di- vision, midst (of the night). 63 l^n to conjoin, join, consociate. 66 UVI^ to taste, discern. N. dis- cernment, discretion, sense, natt? to expatiate. 23ttJ to err, transgress through mere mistake. 67 bS!^ to fasten, tie, or connect to- gether. 70 tt?D:D being fat, gross. Stupid, foolish (here only). Their heart is become gross, insensible, as with fat. nbn soft, unctuous. The richest parts. 3 81 nbD totality. (To finish, in a PSALMS. D^'bnn 237 bad sense), waste, to ho con- sumed, to fail. 83 "TWD to ooze out. A bottle-skin, a goat's-skin. 85 mD to cut, cut up. niT to incline. rm'"C3 a pit. b 92 'b'lb unless. 95 Tl^p to stretch, lie in wait, expect earnestly. 96 nbs totality. rf?3n completeness, perfection. o 103 ybtt smoothness. Niph. to be soothing, agreeable, pleasant, sweet. "jn Arab, to scratch. The palate. 3 106 Dp to rise. Hiph. raise or stir up. 112 2p3? end. Even to the end. D 113 ^yO to split, divide. D^D2>D vio- lentpersons, tearing andrending. 114 nnO to hide, conceal. A hiding- place. 116 1'2W to break, i.e., to separate contiguous parts. With bN break out towards, look for. 13' a looking for, expectation. 117 "73?D to support, sustain, uphold. 118 nbO to strew down. Lay pros- trate. Tliyi to cast, throw, to deceive, cheat, n^nnn injurious deceit, mischievous fraud. 119 n'DW to cease. In Hiph. take away. HD to recede. TD the dross. 120 "IttD rough, sharp-pointed, to be rough, &c. Shiver (as the flesh in terror). 121 pWy to oppress, ^pwy^b to my oppressors. n!3 to rest or settle. ':n'3n cause to rest, give rest, i. e., leave. 122 2^37 to mix, be joined. Be surety, bondsman, engaged for him. 127 TD solidity. Pure gold (from its great solidity). 128 "IW*' to be straight, smooth, right. To keep straight, observe ex- actly. D 130 nn^ to open, loose. The open- ing. r\n^ to draw aside. "DC per- suasible, simple. 131 "IVD gape, open wide. To open. F^Mti? to draw, suck or sup in, to draw in the breath, gasp. 3K'' desire earnestly (only used here). Desired earnestly. 133 isbtt? to be over. To rule, have dominion, authority. 139 n!3^ to cut off, destroy, consume, deface, 'onnos the second per- son, used for n fem., hath cut me off, or consume. 143 p!5 to press. pllJD distress. P 147 mp precedency. To be before, anticipate, prevent. P)Q?3 to blow (twilight). P]'C:a in the evening breeze. 71VW look, regard, turn, have respect. 238 PSALMS. D^'bnn 150 DT to devise, imagine, not a wicked imagination or device. 154 bwn to vindicate, avenge. 158 lyU to use a cloak of treachery, deceive. I^p to loathe. QtDp exceedingly dis- gusted. 161 ^^D to be agitated. Pant, pal- pitate for joy. 162 bvJ& to loose entirely, strip oflf. V)^ spoil, plunder, prey. 165 bl2?3 to stumble. "JTCSO a stum- bling-block. 171 nV^ to swell up or out, utter. n 174 iSn to pine after, waste with desire of. IDN to be lost, perish. Psalm CXX. Dp 1 rihV . m'^yon yxo a song of eleva- tions. 4 ]312? to repeat over and over again, to whet, sharpen. Dm the genista or Spanish broom, which sparkles, burns, and crackles vehemently. Psalm CXXI. Dp 3 DD to slumber, dose slightly as dogs do. 6 nD3 to smite. nsD' vh shall not smite thee. Psalm CXXII. SSp 3 "i::in to conjoin, fit together. Here, inHMJ which is fitted. 4 Dtt? to place. coiXO whither. 6 nbtl? quiet, easy, secure. m'?W quietness, security. 7 bn make a hole, b^n a hollow, ditch or foss, in fortification. (E. T.) a wall. Psalm CXXIII. :iDp 2 pn very gracious. "i:3n'\D. 4 nN!l to increase, rise, swell. 73Mt27 security, insolent security. Psalm CXXIV. IDp 3 TN a point of time, or ^li< then, at that time. 5 "TT to swell. |m pride. Psalm CXXV. HDp 1 t2D slide, slip. 5 hpV to be crooked, bpbj:^ very crooked (ways). Psalm CXXV I. *lDp 1 Obn to break off. a>Q'?n3 as they who dream. 4 pD3 to bring or draw forth. p^E an effusion (stream of water). D33 to be dry, parched. The desert. 6 "712?^ to draw. Drawing out, i. e., scattering. obS to compress. A bundle or sheaf of corn. PSALMS. D^bnn 239 Psalm CXXVII. T3p 1 Tptt? to wake, watch. He hath watched. 2 DDt2? readiness. 'laO'iCn being forward (to rise), and nnt a bed, mattress. 4 D2 to slumber. nni:n slumbering, slumber, composure. 5 )'DW dwell. m:DffiD sacred taber- nacle. 11 ^tD!!3 Chald. to conceive in the belly. The belly. 15 111^ Chald. look sideways, m^s her victual. Psalm CXXXIII. 3bp 2 "1X3 to measure, na a long robe. mno. Psalm CXXXV. Tlhp 7 Sti?D to bear, d'm^^: vapours. 240 PSALMS. 8 n33 to smite, nsrro. 15 S22? to labour. An idol. Psalm CXXXVI. ibp 3 11 to direct, rule. ]n a ruler. 6 yp^ stretch forth, extend, expand. Extend the earth upon the waters. 13 "nW to divide in two. onw two parts. Who divided the Red Sea into two parts. 15 1^3 to agitate, move briskly, shake off. 23 boU? humble oneself. N. humble, low. 12^DtD3tt?. 24 p'nD to break off. Snatch by force, rescue by force. Psalm CXXXVII. Tbp 2 I3~IV to mix. A species of willow, whose leaves are green on one side, and white on the other, nbn to hang. 3 nilW to lead captive. I3''3"\w our captivators. bbtt> to spoil. Here ^ybb^T^ they who spoiled us, see Targum ; but generally referred to Vr, see Parkhurst's Lexicon under this root. 7 m3? to bare, make bare. 8 ^1W to shatter to pieces, de- molish, destroy, waste. 9 1^D3 dissipate, disperse. PsALM cxxxviii. nbp 3 nm to incite, embolden, en- courage. Thou hast encouraged me (in my soul or person) with strength. 7 nSM to heat through. ?] heat, anger, wrath. 8 1122 finish, make an end of, fail. nCn give way, relax, fail. r]in. Psalm CXXXIX. libp 1 Ipn to search minutely or exactly, or to the bottom. 2 ]I1 divide, separate, discern. >yi^ of my evil. Ghald. will, thought. 3 3?m agitate, actuate. Agitation, business, employment^ mt to scatter, disperse, examine thoroughly. "|DD to lay up (as it were in a storehouse). 5 "1!^ to bind, enclose. 6 S32? to lift up. Niph. to be ex- alted high above reach. 8 pD3 ascend, go up. 713?^ to spread, stretch out. 10 n3 rest, settle, nn: lead, guide. 14 MT' to fear. niNli: fearfully. HvD to separate. For I was fear- fully distinguished, i. e., formed into distinct lineaments, parts and members. 15 inD to take off. inD3 hidden. Dpi variety of colour or figure. To be variegated, diversified, curiously wrought. 16 D73 to wrap together. An em- bryo. The unformed mass wrapped up together in the womb. PSALMS. 17 n3?"l to feed. Chald. to will, de- sire. T3?n thy will, pleasure, thoughts. 18 y^'^ to awake, recover from sleep or inactivity. 20 mtS to resist, stand up, rebel ; rather ^1y> for "\a. DT to devise. rm^ a wicked imagination. 13? to raise oneself, t? an enemy, one roused up against another. 21 I^l3p to be exceedingly disgusted. DDp Hithp. to raise up oneself. 'tDDIpn persons who rise up, in- surgents, adversaries. TTPD totality, or n^tan complete- ness, perfection. 23 ''D2?'nCi? ray thoughts. From which, and f^T\ to distil, as from the heart. Psalm CXL. Dp 3 mil to excite, stir up. They will rise up. 4 Dn to be or grow warm, nan in- flammatory poison. nit^lDV the asp, a species of ser- pent remarkable for bending and returning upon itself, also for rolling itself up in a spiral form. (See Parkhurst's Lexicon.) 5 TlTll to drive, impel, thrust down. 6 bisn to bind, tie. D'^nn snares, toils of death. 733? round. bXi'Q a chariot-way, a highway. 8 pt!l?3 kiss, clash. piD3 the clashing of arms. 9 pDD to bring or draw forth, pro- duce or bring into action. pDn. D-^bHri 211 1 1 liD to slide or slip. "HDn to impel, break. rrnnriD deep pits (E. T.), but properly breaches or disruptions of the earth. 12 m!^ to lie in wait, to watch by the side of one. P)m to urge, nerrra precipices, i. e., destruction. 3 1}^W to keep, preserve, mow a watch. "li^^ to keep, guard, msa a guard. 4 7^3? to ascend repeatedly. In Hithp. to exalt repeatedly. mb^y '?'?12?nnb to exalt myself (in) exaltations or arrogancies, (i. e.,) to sin proudly or pre- sumptuously. D3?3 to be pleasant. D^DyjQ pleasant meats, dainties. 5 D^n to beat, smite with the tongue, i. e., reprove. nD** to be plain, to show a fault, rebuke. nD** to press, squeeze, afflict. yi to break. m3?n afflictions. 6 tODtt? to let go, remit. Niph. dis- missed. 7 H/D to cleave, cut, or split. VpD, to cleave, split, burst. 1TD to disperse, dissipate. Niph. broken, dissipated. 8 m37 to bare, uncover, strip, make naked or empty. 10 "HDD convolve, contract, noio a net or toil, irr^ wholly. 212 PSALMS. Psalm CXLII. DDp 1 ni37 to bare, empty out. rTOD a cave. 2 pn to be very kind. In Hithp. to make oneself an object of kindness, to become suppliant, to supplicate. 3 nW to incline, n'ffi profound me- ditation, deep thought, care. 4 T\\:iV to obscure, cover. Hithp. nTDTnnn when weak, faint, dull, lifeless. o nDH to know again, acknowledge, own. "'30 D3 a quick motion. D^ao a fleeing, flight. trm to inquire, regard. 8 n-D to shut up. nJDD prison. nriD to enclose, encompass, sur- round. Psalm CXLIII. ^Dp 5 nntt? to bow very much. nm meditate or reflect deeply. 6 r\V to vibrate, nc^ its (i. e., whose) light. 7 btt??2 to rule. "JIDDS to be com- pared, likened, capable of com- parison. 12 nn'^ to cut ofi; destroy, consume. Psalm CXLIV. "T^p 3 'D.Wn to add. Makest account. 6 p~Q to lighten, send forth light- ning. DDn disturb, discomfit exceed- ingly. 7 n!^5 let loose, set free. 12 bin any kind of greatness or aug- mentation, grown up. niT to verge or tend to a certain point (Arab.) n'^\ angles, corners. niDn to hew. mnTona to carve. nSi to build. n':2n model, like- ness (of a palace). 13 ''ITD storehouses. pD3 to bring forth, producing. ^T prepare, provide, p prepara- tion, provision, store, p ba ]\'0. J^bS a chief number, a thousand, often used for an indefinitely great number. mD''?NQ bringing forth thousands. Tiyi to be great, miino bringing forth infinite or indefinite multitudes, indefinitely increas- ing. 14 b^D to support, bear, carry, carry away. m!S to cry aloud. Tm^H a cry, crying out. Psalm CXLV. 7112^ 3 "Ipn to search minutely. A thorough searching out. 4 n^W to soothe. To soothe with praises, praise. 5 TllTl to send forth. T>n glory^ majesty. 6 fty make exceedingly strong, "nw great strength or power. 7 V^^ gush. Hiph. to pour out, utter. 10 "TOn succulent abundance. TDn abundantly kind or bountiful. PSALMS. 13 Oby liide, conceal. D'nV^ ages. 1 i '^^D with b following, to support, sustain, uphold. ^["nX set upright, erect, P]DD bow or bend down very much. lo "H^tl? separate contiguous parts, to break out towards, look unto. 16 n^n pleased with. p!J*i desire, will, pleasure. Psalm CXLVI. IDp 2 IV beyond. TSl whilst yet. nyn. 4 nWV to shine, 'nanttjy splen- dours, thoughts (E. T.). 5 *l2tl? to break, a looking for, ex- pectation. 7 iriD Hiph. loose, let loose. Tno. 8 npD open. 9 IV beyond. m to preserve or continue still, i. e., in being or safety. n^V to incline downwards, to per- vert, make to decline or deviate. Psalm CXLVII. T)3p 1 mS to desire. mN3 comely. 2 m3 to impel, force, rmi drive, impel. 'rn3 expelled ones, out- casts. D3D to gather, collect, or heap together. 3 tmn bind round or about, bind, or comforteth. I2!$37 labour, travail. Dmasy^ grieved, afflicted. 4 n3D distribute, compute, reckon up. c>bnn 2i3 4 *1DD to tell. IDDO a narration, re- lation. 5 ]2 divide, se,;arate. nai^n discre- tion, skill, discernment. 6 Tl^V to affect. 1:2? humble, lowly. 8 ]3 to make ready. pD prepareth. 9 !I1"^V to "^ix. The crow or raven. 10 pW to move, run. pw the leg. 16 nr2!J wool. ID to break. the small ashes or dust from action, fire. ^TD disperse, scatter. 17 mp to be smooth. Ice. no to part, divide. nO a piece, mp to meet, mp cold. 18 ntt73 to breathe, blow. vt3 distil, trickle, run down. Psalm CXLVIII. PIDp 8 llOp to fume. "WTD'p smoke, vapour. Psalm CXLIX. tDDp 3 bn to make a hole, ^"ina a pipe. 6 DDT to raise on high. rnQQin ex- altations, high praises. nD to obvert. nVD^D several or many edges. 8 pT to strain off, fuse. D'pT fetters (cast iron) or copper. /32 to bind. A chain, bond. Psalm CL. 2p 3 Vpn to force one thing against another. The blowing. 4 HD^ distribute. d>30 the strings Y 2 2i4 PSALMS. n^'bnn of a musical instrument, from tlieir regular disposition. 4 miV to be set upon another. a33> an organ. 5 b!^b!2 to overshadow exceedingly, wb^bs a kind of cymbals (yQ? sounding). 5 yi to break. resound, (cymbals). 6 UW^ to breathe Hiph. to cause to Tfsm resounding now breath. PROVERBS. Chapter I. N 1 btt?l!2 to rule. A weighty saying. A comparison, a parable. 3 "ID"^ restrain, discipline. IDIO re- straint, correction, 4 Diy to be naked, nony wisdom, prudence. NriD sudden, hasty. D'nDb hasty. DT to devise. naiQ thought, con- sideration, discretion. 5 npv to take. Persuasive speech, doctrine. ]:2 to divide. pl3 discreet (man). b^n to bind, tie. mbsnn well- connected designs, counsels wisely concerted. rT3p to hold, acquire. 6 ^bo smoothness. ns''?D an elegant saying, pleasantness, in to penetrate. mTr an enigma, parable. 7 biW gross, thick, D^^W gross, foolish. 8 tZ^Z^^ loose, forsake, abandon. 9 nib to join, add. p n'lb a wreath (of grace), a diadem, an addition. p33? encompass. D'p:r an orna- ment, a chain, a collar (for the neck). n*l!l to excite. "J'TTU-d'? the throat or neck, or more properly parts of the windpipe. 12 DDH. D'D'am very perfect, whole. D:rT fruitlessly, to spread 17 ^n kindness. no purpose. mt to scatter, spread, abroad. miTO. 18 ]D2 to hide, lie in ambush. "12D2?'. 19 3?22 to cut off. 3>Sl y^a one who cuts off every scrap (of money he can). 21 nan multitude. nvon multi- tudes, concourse. PROVERBS. ^hwi^i 215 23 nD"* to be plain. 'nnain reproof, rebuke. 5?Il3 to gush. Niph. pour out, utter. 24 ^Wp the gesture of persons in at- tention. To hearken, attend, listen. 25 37^3 to free, discard, reject. 27 nSE? to be confounded. mMW3 confusion, desolation. p2 to press. npIS distress. 31 YV^ * advise. msTTD counsels, designs. 32 nnO to draw aside. 'nD pi. D'DD and D'TID persuasible, simple. ^W to turn. nmwo a turning away, backsliding. n^tt? to be quiet. mb security, tranquillity. vDD stiffness, rigidity. D'^DS stupid. 33 pNC27 tranquil, secure. Chapter II. 13 ' 3 DS ^!D when in truth, when indeed. ]!i to divide. rr2 discernment, discretion, understanding, and skill. 7^:MT^ ditto. 4 ti?Dn free from incumbrance. To search as by stripping or un- covering. 7 ]D1^ hide, conceal, i. e., layeth up carefully. nW^ existence. n'tOiD reality, truth, anything real, substantial, lasting. njwDnn. 9 bll37 round. VjVO a highway, a way, path. 1 2 "^Dn to turn the condition of a thing. mSDnn perverseness, dis- tortion. 15 WpV crooked, perverted. O turn aside, depart. Dmb: per- verse. 16 Ir^n to be smooth, even, equable. To divide equally or exactly, np'bnn soothing or flattery. 18 NQT restore to a former condition. D'DT dead bodies, the moulder- ing dead. 19 21273 overtake, attain to. ^y'^\ 22 riDD take, pull, or pluck away. Chapter III. ^ 3 iWp bind, bind about. 6 1W^ to be straight. Direct, make straight. 7 DDn wise, skilful, prudent. 8 sen to restore to a former state. nMit^ healing medicines. 1W to regulate. The navel. TlpW to irrigate. ''^p1D moisture. 10 DD Arab, to smell. -pODN thy barns, magazines. 1 1 yp to vex, fret. 12 2SD to mar, spoil, scourge (lxx). 13 pD3 bring or draw forth. p'D\ 14 Sin to come or go. nriMian re- venue, produce, increase, in- come. 15 HDD to turn. D''2D or D'y:D mag- nets, pearls. 18 "fttn to lay hold, hold up. 20 "ItH^S to proceed. nt;a happy. Vp'2 to separate contiguous parts, to burst. Broken up. y3 246 PROVERBS. >btt?D 20 f]y"l distil, drop down, let fall in drops. 1Dyi\ 21 V? turn aside, depart, ^^b: per- verse, ntt?** existence, substance. iTMJin sound wisdom. Dt devise, ttoto thought, discre- tion. 23 F)33 to hit, strike against ; so to stumble. 24 ^IV to mix, to suit, be agreeable. (Sleep) sweet or agreeable, be- cause mixing the powers of mind and body. T\yys^. 25 nNC7 to be confounded. nntt)D confusion, desolation. 26 bOD stiffness, strength. The loins. "pD'^l for the strength of thy loins, Eccles. vii. 12. 27 vVD e txuv. bVl one given or ad- dicted to. vbV2 persons given or attached to it. 29 W^n silent thought. To contrive. 3 1 N3p eat into, corrode. Burn with jealousy, envious against, envy. S3 nW to flow. To curse. 34 '^ V mock, deride, scoff. 35 Hvp levity. ]lVp ignominy. D"l to be lifted up. Dno height, high. Chapter IV. T 4 *7^^ l^y 1^0^^ on, hold. 8 7DbD exalt exceedingly. Have a very high esteem for. p'D.n fold together, embrace. 9 pXD to pour forth with profusion, to lavish, give largely. 11 HT' to direct, guide, teach. *|*n"\n I have taught thee. 12 IV^ to step, walk. 11^2 walk. 13 HQl to give way, let go, opposed to IJIN laying hold. 14 y^^ to free. Keep clear (of it), avoid. ni2t& to decline, turn aside. 16 )W^ to sleep, nw sleep. pm to remove. vW to take away by violence. 1 8 IN to flow. mNI and shining. 22 KDT to restore, &c. WD"D a heal- ing. 24 WpV to pervert. mttJpy perverse- ness. tb to turn aside. r\))b perversion. 25 nOD straightness. naab straight forward. 1W^ direct, make straight. 26 ObO make level or even. Ponder consider. Chapter V. H 3 ilD to part, ddd virgin honey, it parting from the comb. F)t03 distil, drop down. TODtsn. 4 '^n Arab, to scratch. HDH her palate, "in to penetrate^ mn sharp. HD to obvert. nVD 3"in3 like a sword of two or several edges. 5 "inN behind, nnnnw end, latter time, 10 nS strong, vigorous. -jro thy strength, vigour, wealth. 1 1 QrT3 to grumble, groan, mourn. "iStt? to remain. Residue, re mainder. PROVERBS. ^bii?n 247 15 12 to clear, cleanse. "pISD thy pit or well. 1N2 to open. lt to profit. 13 y^p to move, wink, y^^p winking. vbD speak articulately, talk broken sounds cut off as it were, m'' to teach, mo. 14 "7Dn change the condition. mDDnn perverseness. 11 to direct, rule. D3TD strife, dispute, contention. 19 nS*^ to breathe or blow. Utter by breath. 21 12V to bind round. 22 nni3 to lead, guide. yp'^ to awake, recover from sleep or inactivity. mS'pm. 26 IVD. behind, after. (For he that goeih) after a whorish woman (cometh) to a piece. 27 7inr\ (lxx. v^orutpnv) to keep fire alive, nnno a censer. 23 niD to scorch, burn. To be burned. 32 ion abate, be wanting. 34 vDH a soft affection of mind. To compassionate, pity. 35 ir\W to make a present. A gift, bribe. Chapter VII. T 4 37T' to know, yio an acquaint- ance. 248 PROVERBS. 6 bn to make a hole. \\brf a window. ;33U? Arab, to cool. 3:'n my lattice or latticed window, per- haps to cool the house. ^pB7 to look, turn towards. Niph. to look. 8 pW to move, push forwards. pW a street. 10 nW to set, place. TVV array, dress. 1!JD to keep, a"? m:?3 guarded or reserved of heart. 1 1 THD turn aside or away ag;iin and again. "niD revolting, rebelling, refractory. 1 2 D^D to smite by turns. Q3?D now now. 13 t3? strength, vigour. nwi strengthen, harden the face. 16 TS'H wreathe, entwine. nnmn woven- work, tapestry, ntiin to hew, carve, marin carved (works of it). mtD to spin. pTDM somewhat spun, fine thread. 17 nSD to stretch out (over). 18 nil to be saturated, satiated. D 7V to move quickly to and IVo. Hithp. exult, move exultingly. 20 SDD to set, settle. Settled. 21 npb to take. TXnpb her taking, persuasive speech. Uni to drive, impel, push, or thrust down. 22 SriD sudden, hasty. DnD straight- way, immediately. u)D37 to confine, fetter. Fettered. 23 nbo to cleave, cut. 12D the liver. >btco 25 nifitt? to decline, go aside. ^\i?\ Chapter VIII. PI 3 nip to meet, coalesce, mp mp a city. 5 NHQ sudden, hasty. D-t^nD the hasty, precipitate. Diy naked, rroiv wisdom, pru- dence. 6 "7!l3 to stand above. WT^z eminent, excellent. nnS to open. nriDO the opening. 8 briD to twist. Twisted, tortuous, crafty. 9 nD3 straightness, straight, direct. 11 \^Qn to bend, incline, will, choose, desire. 12 DT to devise. mow thoughts, considerations, discretions. 1 3 nS3 to increase. Ttm pride. ]"iN3 elation, haughtiness. 15 ]n poise or balance, c:!*! coun- sellors. ppn to mark out conspicuously, define or determine accurately or exactly. y^t^ to sink. Were caused to subside. 1 6 1W to regulate, rule. pnV to remove, hold on. Lasting, durable, prs. 19 TS solidity. yiVlQ. ;;c^v(ros. ID fine gold. 23 "|D to overspread. Niph. 'nDD3 I have been anointed. Dip priority, precedency, 'mpo the former state. 24 vbn to open eminently, bring forth. PROVERBS. ^b27n 249 25 yn to part, divide asunder, n\^^r^ outer parts, fields. 28 ySDM strong, vigorous. When he in- vigorated (the conflicting ethers), i. e., gave them their expansive and irresistible force. TT3? strengthen exceedingly, make secure. n35? to act upon. VDT^ fountains or springs. 30 ]DS steadiness, stability. pQ a nurse-child, a darling. 31 bi to mix. bin the mixed globe of earth and water, 34 IpW to wake, watch. 35 pDD bring or draw forth. Chapter IX. ID 2 "JDIO to mix, mingle. 3 P\y2 to hit against. 'Da the wings (of a building). 6 SnO sudden, hasty. U'anD hasty. 7 "HD"^ restrain, check, discipline. D*1D a spot or blemish. 13 bOD stiffness. nib'D3 {nxDn) stupid, insensible, foolish. Follies, stupidities, insensibilities. nn^ to draw aside. TiD persua- sible, simple. 18 Sip to meet, to call. rt^iTip her guests. Chapter X. ^ 1 ny^ to afflict, grieve, mw afflic- tion, grief. 2 b^*^ to profit, benefit, advantage. 3 P|irT to thrust, expel, cast out by force. 4 tt?Mn priority. tun very poor. r]tyi to cast, throw. n'Ol deceit, fraud, ^nn to cut short. D'Sinn active, vigorous, diligent, opposed to bS3> slothful, and to y hasty, precipitate. 5 mT be overwhelmed with sleep, be in a deep sleep. WD, to flag, fail. tJ^nrD cause th shame. bStt? to be wise. b'DtDD behaving wisely. 7 Dpi to rot, become putrid. 8 t^nb to fall, tumble, lxx. wro- ffKiXiffQno'ircci shall be supplanted, tripped up. 10 ^"Ip to wink. S!^37 labour, travail. m! grief. 12 Tl^ raise up, excite. 13 nn to be broken, nnna ruin, de- struction. 15 TV71 to draw out. bi poor. 18 '21 to murmur, mutter, nm an evil report. 21 nV"! to feed. 23 pntt? to collide. pin laughter. 24 "ID'^ be afraid of. rm^Q the object of fear, the cause of shrinking. 25 P)D . 7]'S)D a whirlwind. 28 bn'' to remain, wait. nbnin patient expectation, lingering hope. 31 23 to put forth, utter. Chapter XI. > 2 373^ to be modest, humble. D'yi:!?. 3 nX2n the integrity. f]7D to pervert. Perverseness. 250 PROVERBS. ^biz^a 3 "Ttt? shatter, destroy. 132 clothes. Dn:a deceivers. 6 mi to fall down, mn oppression, oppressiveness. 8 ybn to loose, set free. 9 ^^n to pollute, defile. A pol- luted v?retch, a wicked fellow. 1 1 Din break through, destroy. 12 Til to spoil, plunder. Spoil of honour, detract from, reproach. 13 bDI to trade. "raT a busybody, a trader in slander, a talebearer. 14 bisn to bind, nibann well-con- nected designs, counsels wisely concerted. 15 Vl to break. riT T\ sore broken. 37 pn to force against. D'3?pin strikings of hand, suretyship. nt2I2 hang close, ncin ,hath con- fidence. 16 ^aniay hold, hold. V'^V to agitate. D'Sny formidable. 17 "ID37 to trouble, disturb. ntS to break through. 'nn the violent. 21 np3 to clear, clear from guilt. 22 D37tD to taste. Mental taste, dis- cernment, discretion. 24 ")TD to scatter. 25 SI'' to fear. Niph. M-V reverenced, respected. 26 tl'2p to curse, execrate. 27 "inQ7 dusky, dawn. Seek early. 28 llbv to ascend. Tf?? a leaf or twig. 30 npb to take, receive. Attract, win, or gain by speech or per- suasion. Chapter XII. S^ 2 pD3 draw out. 37E!?1 to be unjust. Hiph. to pro- nounce unjust, condemn. 4 bn'' to remain, abide, b'n ability, virtue. 7 ^^71 turn the condition. Over- turn. 8 T2 to spoil, plunder, m a re- proach. 9 ribip levity. Niph. light, com- paratively unimportant. 10 n** to know, yiv to respect, re- j gard. I 12 mS to look sideways. Ti!?0 a toil, a net, snare. T2 venison, prey. ]n3 give, yield, bring forth plen- tifully. 14 bj22 retribution, bin^ retribution, recompence. 16 D!y3 to be angry. TO^S his anger, vexation, 17 nQ'' to breathe out, blow, utter. 18 nion for Slill to utter or speak rashly. ri'iDll separating or open- ing wide the lips, ipi to stab, pierce. mnplD stabs, piercings. 19 37!in to still, quiet. w:-im a moment or instant. 21 ]S labour of body or mind. p grief, affliction, distress. n3S to occur, happen. 24 nD"l to cast, throw, n'on deceit, fraud, i. e., the deceitful man. nOD disunion of anything. DO a draught or levy of men dis- united from the rest, a tribute. PROVERBS. ?5 !IMT to be troubled, nmi trouble, uneasiness. nW to incline. Hiph. make low, depress. 26 "irr^ to exceed, to excel. Vi' ex- cellent. 27 T^n to enclose or catch in a net or toil. (The deceitful man) shall not catch (his prey) in the toil. Chapter XIII. u'^ 3 pW^ to open, distend. 5 tCS3 to stink. Hiph. become loathsome. 12n to sink. Hiph. cause shame. 6 P]^D pervert, subvert, over- throw. 7 "iWy to be rich. lJ?na make oneself rich. t27t2?"n extreme poverty. ttJIViD Hiph. make oneself poor. 9 "^Vl to go or burn out. 10 n!^3 to shoot, to break out into contention, nso strife, conten- tion. y37^ to advise. D'23>i: to take counsel. 1 1 v2in to emit a vapour, bimo got- ten by vanity. tDi^D to be diminished, lessened. yDp to collect, gather together. Lingering hope. 12 bn^ to remain. D^mn patient expectation. "Jtt?D to draw out, protract, pro- long. 13 bsn to bind. He who despiseth ^btt^tt 251 the word shall be bound to it, or be obnoxious to punishment. 15 ins strong, yvn strong, forcible, violent. 17 "HS to bind close. T2? ambassador, agent, messenger. 18 l^'HD to free, discard. Who re- jecteth. 19 HTf to subside, subsist, be, done. rrn: to become, accomplished. Hl'nV to mix, suit, be agreeable, to mix readily with. 23 *1^ to split, separate. T3 to plough, (is in or by) the tillage. rTD3 sweep away. TIW^ existence, subsistence. tt)' substance. 24 *7^n to impede action or motion, refrain, restrain. inW to be dark. To do a thing betimes. Early in the morning. Is early (to) him (in) correc- tion. Chapter XIV. T 1 D'nn to break down, destroy. 3 *nton Arab, to move this way and that. "itDn a twig or rod. Hether (a word used in midland parts of England), a longish twig. 6 Wpn to seek. ilbp levity. Niph. bp2 light, easy, not ditficnlt. 7 ^1^ to know, discern, perceive. 9 D127M to be guilty. (A noun) guilt. 10 riDtt? move briskly and alternately, nno joy, exultation. 13 ny^ to afflict. n3in affliction, grief. 252 PROVERBS. 14 20 to recede, go or turn back. :iD backslider. 16 nnV to pass, pass beyond, trans- gress. 18 "IDD enclose, encompass, surround. 22 Q7~in silent thought. Contrive, de- vise secretly. 23 "in^ to exceed, nmo* remainder, profit. 24 biM gross. nblM stupidity, folly. 28 DDH to fail. DC extremity, failing. nT*1 to waste. (Is destruction) of wasting, or wasting destruction (viz., to the king). 30 MD"1 to restore. NDno (a heart) of healing. 3 1 Vpn to strip, to reproach, disgrace. 32 T^DH shelter oneself. To hope or trust in. TIDTVO a retreat, a shelter. 34 ion succulent, abundance, boun- tifulness. Chapter XV. 115 1 n317 to affect. n35?D U soft) answer, n!^^ toil, labour. Grievous. 2 niD'' to be good, rrs^n maketh (knowledge) goodly. 4 P)bD to pervert. Perversion. 6 ^On to be strong, pn treasure or store secured. n'DV to trouble. m353 trouble, disturbance. 13 nWD to bruise. Broken. 16 71)2>r\ multitude. nDino disturb- ance, confusion. ''btt>o 17 n*lS to go in a track. nmN a customary meal of victuals, pn** to throw out something moist. | A herb. The most tender shoot, ' a green shoot or twig. 19 '^W to stop, assuage. riD^DOD as a fence plTi of thorns, a hedge. V vD to raise or cast up very high. n'j'TD a high bank. p^n thorns. 1W^ to be straight, even, smooth, right. 22 "7D to obstruct. A secret, separate assembly. 24 ni^D to stretch to. rvnn down, below, beneath. 25 nD3 to take, pull, or pluck away, i 27 ^n3 to give. nariD a gift. ' 32 nb to vibrate. Heart. Under- standing. Chapter XVI. TtD 1 'yiV to set in order, 'aiyo dis- positions, arrangements. 2 HDT to be clear, clean. pn to direct, regulate by weight. 4 n3^ to affect. ^T^:^lob because of, for the sake of himself. 10 nop to divine. DDp sagacity, penetration in discovering. hVT^ to decline, deflect, go aside. But HTLTf to deviate from a scope or aim, yins to transgress, to go over or beyond. 1 1 ObO to make level. The beam of a balance. nOD to cover. D'D purse or bag for covering money or weights. 15 Wph to crop or cut off. Wip'^Q PROVERBS. ^bt^iD 253 the harvest rain, i. e., which plumps up. IS ^WD to stumble. p'?'CD a stumble, a fall. 21 ^!3 to divide. Niph. ]ia3 discreet. 24 HD!^ to overspread. F]ia a honey- comb, the waxen cells spread over with honey. 26 HDD to curve. M to press, urge on. The body of the labouring man, laboureth for himself, because his mouth (the necessity of food) urges him. 27 m^ to cut, dig a pit or pitfall, i. e., to devise secret mischief. ^"1^ to burn, scorch, nms burn- ing. 28 ]3"n to mutter, pn: a mutterer, whisperer. "?"1D to divide. P|i'? t"idq dis- uniteth a confidential friend. 30 rC^y to fix. One fixing, he who fixeth. 31 DQ7 to turn. ni^tt) hoariness, grey hairs, canities. 83 vlO** same as ^ID to cast, cast down. Chapter XVII. P 1 no to divide. riD a partition, a piece, a bit. nnT to slay (in general). 3 P\1f^ to melt or refine. P]1SQ a refiner's vessel or pot, a coppel or copel. 4 VIT^ a wicked doer. Il2?p to hearken, attend. The gesture of attention. npW to lie. A lie. 4 ^T to prepare, provide, po pre- pared. r)*)Tl on the oppressing (tongue). 5 P)"nn to strip. Strip of honour, reproach. 7 n*lM to desire. Niph, to be de- sirable, comely. nSM to heat through. O f] how much less. 8 inW to make a present. A gift, a present. /^W to be wise, to deprive. Hiph. to give understanding. 9 n3K? to separate, repeat. 10 '^V^ to restrain, ms-a a reproof, rebuke. nn^ to descend, nnn penetrate, pierce, will penetrate, come into. 11 niD to resist, rebel, no rebellion. 12 27^3 to meet. 13 nii7D to draw out, withdraw. 14 'llDD to open, to let loose by open- ing. itQiD the letting loose. tt?l03 to loose, let go, leave off, dismiss. yb^ to deride, j^b^nrr becomes contumelious, degenerates into derision and contumely. 16 iriD to commute, exchange one thing for another. THD a price. 17 nvn to feed (spiritually). j>i a messmate, a friend. 18 Vpn to strike one thing against another. Striketh bands. 19 n!J3 to shoot or burst forth. HiJn strife, contention, nn^ high, elevated. rrUD he who elevateth. nriD to open. An engraving (at its opening). 254 PROVERBS. "bwi^ 21 Tiy^ to afflict, grieve, nam afflic- tion, grief. 22 7171^ to heal entirely. 3t^^"i will make a good medicine. nS!3 to bruise. rT3: broken. D"1^ to bare. 01:1 a large bone. 25 D37D to be angry. Anger, vexa- tion, provoking. 112 to be bitter, nnn bitterness. 26 127D3? to mulct, fine, punish by fine. Ip"^ to be bright. TVyp to meet, cold. lp cool. 28 DtOM to shut, close, stop. Chapter XVIII. n" 1 niN to desire. mn desire, lust. 1")D to divide. Niph. TTD2 a re- cluse. rbi to deride, rb^n' he laughs at, derides. T]W^ existence. H'^Din anything solid or wise. The recluse seeks his own desire, he laughs at any thing solid or wise, not as (E. T.). 4 rn3 7n3 a gushing torrent. 5 S12?3 to bear or lift up. nS27 to accept or regard with undue favour. 6 Dbn to beat, smite. mo'^nD strokes, blows. 8 pn to mutter, murmur, pi: a mutterer, a whisperer. Dnb to be soft. (Schultens) to swallow down greedily. n'Dn'?nD3 like things eagerly swallowed. "nn the inner parts (of the belly). 9 HDn to give way. Hithp. riDinn behaveth himself slackly. 10 2112? to lift up. Niph. nia3 to be exalted, high. 1 1 HDtt? to be like, in^ttjoa in his own imagination. 13 IIW to turn. Hiph. to return an answer. l^'OJD answereth. 14 bD** to be able. '?D'?3 is able to sustain, support. rrvH to be faint. n"7rm pain, anguish, sickness, disease. 19 nn to be lifted up. pdN a raised or lofty building, a turret, tower. 22 pD3 to bring or draw forth. 3 never retained. 23 pn to be very kind or affectionate. D'2i:nn earnest supplications, | entreaties. - 24 nn to feed. D>n (a man) of friends. W1 to break in pieces, ymnn^ ready to be ruined. Chapter XIX. ^> 2 '^V to press, urge, hasten. 3 f]V^ to be troubled, fret. 6 TOri to be faint, importune, to prevail by importunity, to put out of countenance by one's im- portunity. 7 ''D ^M how much more. 711271 in Chald. to hide, protect. (N.) a wall for shelter. 10 :i3r delight. 3i3yn delight. 1 1 "^IS to be long, "jn^n deferreth. 12 Dn3 to grumble or growl. The growling. 1 3 mn subside, subsist, mn an op- pressing calamity, a grievous affliction. ?)bT to drop, tpi a dropping. 1"llD in Syriac and Arab, to impel. PROVERBS. propel. N. impulsive, impetu- ous, continual. 17 nib to join. m'?D Hiph. to let another borrow of oneself, i. e., to lend. 18 mp stretch out. mpn expecta- tion, hope, longing. T112n multitude, tumult. n^on tumultuous noise. S127D to bear, suffice, spare. 19 b"i:i stony. "na high-spirited, great, (Schultens) ruggedness. W2V to mulct, punish by fine or forfeiture. 20 b^p to receive, accept. 24 ^OvlO to hide, cover up, plungeth in. nbS to pass on. nn'72 a pan, a stew-pan. 25 dS? to be naked, to make wise. 26 ^^tI7 to shatter to pieces, waste, demolish. ISn to sink. n^Bno maketh ashamed. Chapter XX. D 1 nUtZ? to expatiate, give loose, in- dulge. 2 nO'^M the terror. "))2r to pass. -OJ^nn making himself a transgressor. 3 Vb^ to deride. ^)^n' will taunt. 4 ^in to strip. F^nrra by reason of the winter. 11 bb. bbi37. vbb3?)abyhis deeds, by his doings. "1373 to agitate. A child, a youth. 13 IW^ to be in a sound sleep, nzv sleep. npD to open. >btt7!3 255 14 H^p to hold, miprr the purchaser. btM to go away, go off, fail. 15 nbiD totality. '^3 utensils, dress, armour, &c. 16 bun to bind. ^7^byn his pledge. yy$ surety. m'?ann well-con- nected designs. 17 "DDV to mix, to suit, be agreeable. ^!^n divide into many shares, y^n gravel. 18 Stt7n to add. ni3nD devices, meditations, contrivances. 19 bSI to trade. b^'y\ a busybody, a talebearer. nnO to draw aside, entice. 20 *^V1 to go or burn out. ntt?^ existence. ptt)' "Jn gross darkness (the very substance). 21 bni to nauseate, nbnao detested, scandalous, i. e., gained by scan- dalous acts. 25 t&p"' to lay a snare, irpin a snare. 3?b to lick up, absorb, swallow down. TTD to vow, promise to God. 27 Qtt?3 to breathe, now: the soul or spirit. 29 "HDn to conjoin, rman a con- tusion or bruise. ^^Q to wound. The bruises of (a blow). pID to scour, cleanse. (Will be a cleanser) in the wicked man. Chapter XXI. D 1 ntS!3 stretch out, incline, ^m'. 4 "13 to divide. T3 a ploughing, here 13. z 2 256 PROVERBS. 5 "irV to exceed. Hiph. "imo abundance. \^M to press, hasten, straiten. 6 v57D to work, contrive. The achievement. f\1^ drive or hurry away. 7 1W to shatter. itD the devastation. n"lD to excite or stir up (conten- tion). ] to refuse. 8 ^Cn turn the condition. "fD^DD to be irregular, unsteady, turning this way and that, continually varying. "Itl wicked, laden with crimes. 9 *i:2n to conjoin. 'M'n n'a a common house, i. e., common to several families, spacious, roomy. 10 "in kindness. ]n' to meet with kindness, affection. 1 1 12731? to punish by fine, mulct. 12 ?)bD to pervert, subvert, over- throw. 14 nQD to curve, appease. 16 NC") reduce to a former state. D'D1 the mouldering dead. 18 "IDD to cover. A ransom. 24 mn to protuberate. yrt" haughty, looking big. I'y^ to pass. m33> excess or violence (of pride). 27 ^D ^M how much more. 28 n23 superiority. m?3b continually, still. 29 XV strength or vigour. Hiph. strengthens, i. e., hardens. Chapter XXII. nD 4 Dp5? the end, event, or conse- quence. By or through. 5 1!5 to be pointed. D^3i? thorns, prickles. DTIQ snares. "73n to initiate, instruct. "Q v3? according to, 7 nib to join. K. Tvf? a borrower. H. mbD lender or creditor. 10 K?")3 to expel, drive, thrust out. 13 nn to pluck off. nw and nn a lion. i n!^"l manslaughter or murder, j To kill, slay. | 14 nti? to incline. nm a pit, a hole. ] nVX indignant. QIS^l he who is , abhorred. 20 Wbw to rule, direct (see Park- hurst's Lexicon). D^'C^ttJ rules, directions. , 21 tDtt?p truth, rectitude, integrity, purity. 22 WDT break, crush, oppress. 23 V^p to press down, oppress, afflict. 24 r\V"l . Hithp. 5>*^nn make thyself a companion, associate thyself with. 25 P]bs chief. r)'?n \Q lest thou be taught, Niph. sense. 29 "inD to hasten. THD expeditious, ready. |tt?n impede action. D'3icn ob- scure, mean, ignoble persons. Chapter XXIII. 33 1 "7^? to stop, check. p^D a check, restraint, stop. Put a restraint to thy throat (not a knife), ^b to lick up, swallow down. y!> the throat. PROVERBS. "^hw^ 257 3 D3?tO to taste. vmw^OD sapid, savoury meats. 4 Vy^ to labour. 5 ?)3? to vibrate, fly away. F]i3?nn wilt tbou glance (thine eyes). 6 Dnb to insert, put together. 7 "I3?tt? to stand erect, -irnj (as) hair (TCDin in one's frame), body, or stomach. 17 DM '^3 for, or, in truth, or cer- tainty. 20 SliD to drink hard. A drinker, drunkard. bt loose, lax. bbn among the prodigal wasters (of flesh upon themselves), i. e., gluttonous eaters, '7b^^ profuse, prodigal. 21 Q3 to slumber. riQlJ slumbering, drowsiness. 3?1p to rend. D'jnp pieces rent, rags. 24 v!l circularity of motion. To exult. 26 ^") to run. Move swiftly. 27 "1!^ to bind close, ms narrow. 28 ^nn take away by violence. A robber, a plunderer. 1X2 to use a cloak of dissimula- tion. Dn deceivers. 29 mW to desire. '"IM desire, woe, lust, oh. ni2N acquiescence. '13N alas. nW to incline. n'ttJ profound meditation, deep thought. mbbDn red, sparkling, fiery, redness. 30 *7DD to mix. "jonn old turbid t ~ wine, mixed. nSD to cover. D13 here D'3 a drinking-cup. 31 n^V to affect, i^r reflected light, colour, appearance. 32 ttnQ to spread, diffuse, as a serpent. ^Dl^ to eject, 'jyc:? a species of serpent, the basilisk or sibilus, the hisser. 34 bun to bind. The roping. Chapter XXIV. ID 2 b)D3? to toil. What occasions toil, mischief. 6 vSn bind, nibann well-connected designs, counsels wisely con- certed. 7 OMT to be raised up. moNT high, exalted. 8 DT to devise, imagine, nom de- vice, machination. 10 HD'H to give. Hithp. n'Dnnn wilt thou give way, faint, fail, (making the n interrogative). 11 bsa to take away. "jTcnn DN ^^n (E. T.) Will you forbear to de- liver ? 15 ySI to lie down. A rest, a rest- ing-place. 19 "in to heat. -innn. 22 T*Q Syr. to fail. Destruction, calamity. 23 IDn to have respect to. 24 3p3 to make hollow, to curse. CpT to be indignant, abhor. 26 pti?3 to kiss. Every one shall kiss. 27 in^? prepare, make ready. 31 l27Dp commotion. piDDp a nettle, b'nn . "'bin briars, brambles. 32 HTn to fasten, settle the eyes of body or mind. z3 258 PROVERBS. 32 DD12? to lie down, to rest, to be at quiet. Chapter XXV. HS I pnV to remove. Hiph. tran- scribe, copy out. 4 nm bring or carry forth or away. >3>D dross. 6 mn to surround, encompass Set (not) out thy glory. Up to rise. Dlpo a standing, station. 8 Cbs shyness arising from shame. >bDni to put to shame, make ashamed. 10 ion to swell, overflow (with anger and reproaches), to reproach. n"T to murmur, nm an evil report. II nD3 to breathe, blow, man the citron tree, citron fruit, not apple. Citrons or oranges, not apples. riDC? to be like. nvDMJO curiously engraved work. T^^DM in its suitable time. 12 nbn faint, '"jn an ornament cu- riously wrought with great labour. CDD to mark with an impression, stamp. Stamped gold. 'j!5 pointed. HDS the piercing cold (of snow). -)2 to bind. T2 a messenger, ambassador. 14 Mtt?3 to bear. D'N^'W vapours whicli are raised from the water and earth. in3 to give, nno a gift. 15 ID^p to make an extremity. "['Sp a captain, a governor. btr?tt 15 013 to bare. A bone. 17 "Ipn withdraw. Let thy foot be seldom in. 18 V^^ ' dissipate. y^DD a warlike instrument, a mace, a club. H'l^n to part. ^r^ an arrow (sharpened). j 19 V"^ to break. n!>"> a broken (] tooth). "J37 to totter. m3?ia (a foot) out i of joint, a tottering foot. | 20 TMV to pass upon. mrn the putting on of a garment in the day of cooling, i. e., hot summer weather, mp. nna to loose. The natrum or nitre of the ancients, a I genuine pure and native salt, extremely different from our nitre: a fixed alkali. (Vinegar upon) natrum (with the singing songs to an afflicted heart) (are alike). 21 lir\r\ to keep fire alive. For thou (art) keeping coals lighted on his head. 23 bbn open eminently. Break in upon. 24 *lin to conjoin. Common, shared out. 25 f\V'^ to dissolve. HD'^ tired, spent. 26 tt7Dn to foul. Niph. D-|2 muddy. 28 ^")D to break out or through. ni^V to restrain. li?3?iD restraint, restriction. Chapter XXVI. ID 2 13 to move. To flit, fly away swiftly. PROVERBS. 2 m to go round, -mn the dove, swallow, sparrow. 4 T\^W to make equal, be on a level. 6 Tl'^p to cut off. n^]}^' DXSn to cast off. (Drinking down) damage. 7 ptt? to move, pw the leg. nbl to draw out. V*?! weak, slender, wasted. The legs of the lame are weak, so is a proverb, "imS a piece of solid matter bound hard. A stone, a grain. pN a precious stone. 8 Dun to whelm. HDano a heap of stones. As a grain or spark of a precious stone, (so) is he who giveth honour to a fool. 9 mn a hooked thorn. 10 bbn open eminently. '?'?inD pro- ducing into being. ;:2~) the great (God) who. ~lDt2? to satisfy. Give satisfac- tion. 13 bnti? a black lion. 14 "n!2 to bind. n^S a hinge. 15 nb^ to pass, nnb!? a pan, a stew-pan. nSb in Kal and Niph. to be weary, tired. 16 Di?^ to taste. Mental taste, dis- creet. (Returning) a discreet or judicious answer. 17 "ID17 to pass. niJ^nn to be exces- sively angry, transported with anger. 18 nb to faint. nbnbnoD as a raving madman, as he who tireth him- self in throwing. ^btC'D 259 18 pT to strain off. 0^1 flames or ignited matter. 20 pnW to be still or calm. 21 nD2 to breathe. DHD live coals, mn . "ynT^ to kindle up con- tinually (as contention). 22 Dnb to be soft. Arab, swallow down quickly. n^nnbnM like things or dainties eagerly swal- lowed. 23 nCli to overspread. rrDSO spread over. W^n silent thought. XDTf a pot- sherd, splinters of potter's ware. pbl pressing upon, denoting the action of fire. Warm lips, i. e., lips making warm professions. 24 "1D3 to estrange. Is a stranger. 20 Stt?D to bear. piDQ an elevated cry, acclamation. n to break. TOI wickedness. 28 nDI to beat. V3T a false tongue shall hate its own bruising, i. e., ill language. r\ni to drive, nmo ruin. Chapter XXVII. TD 1 intt to commute. The morrow, time to come. 2 bn^ to remain, bin sand of the sea, which remains from its weight. 3 bt03 to impose (as a burden). Burdensome, heavy. 4 ")TD break through with violence. nviWM violent impulses breaking through all restraints. P\1^W to overflow, inundate. 260 PROVERBS. ^btD (These are) the impetuosities or gusts of anger, and the inunda- tion of wrath. 6 iny to expand, mnnw deceitful. Steady. So faithful (are) the wounds of a friend, but deceitful (empty as a vapour). 7 nS to part, no: virgin honey. pryO sweet. 11 P)in to strip, reproach. 14 3tt?n to add, reckon. 15 Vy71 to drop. A dropping. THtlS impulsive. Continual. ")3D to shut up. nn:iD Dvn in a day of shutting up. Not in a very rainy day. nitt? to make equal. mn^3 to be equal or on a footing, Niph. and Hithp. 16 ]D!J to hide. n':D:J those who hid her. 17 mn brighten, exhilirate. ITW 18 ^M labour. n3n the fig-tree. "1D12? to keep, preserve, watch. 21 ''bb according to. ^^TTO his praise. 22 Wn'D to bray, beat to pieces. tcroo a mortar. niD'^in bruised corn. r\hV to ascend. 'iS a pestle, because it ascends, &c. 23 "112? to separate. A flock. nOn to be strong, pn treasure. 24 Hta to separate. A crown, diadem. 25 "iSn to surround. TSn a herb, grass. ^DS to gather in. nba to remove, appeareth. 26 W^'D to subdue. D>1D the lambs. 27 T37 strength. D^W goats. 27 ~)373 to move briskly. nTC?2 young women. Chapter XXVIII. HD 3 P\nO to sweep, drive. 4 m!l to excite, move, stir up (as contention). 7 bt to let go. b'i^^ profuse, pro- JlV^ to feed. nj?"\ companion. 8 n^'n to become great. n3"in in" crease. 12 U?Qn free from incumbrance. Retire. 13 nT^ to confess, mm he who con- fesseth. Dnn to embrace, to love inti- mately, to pity. 15 pW to move. p]}W to desire ear- nestly, have eager appetite. 16 123 to stand above. T2: a prince, leader, commander, chief. pWV to oppress. Ver. 17, ptt> a man oppressed with the guilt of murder shall flee to the pit, let none lay hold of him. 18 nnN one, once. nnn altogether. 20 yN to press, hasten. 22 hn^ Kal and Niph. to hurry, be hasty, "jnas. 24 mn to conjoin. The associate, companion. 25 Iini to be dilated. irC2 im large or vast in his desires. 27 "nW to flow, to curse. niT^o curses. PROVERBS. Chapter XXIX. tOD 1 nD*^ to be plain, to rebuke. nUDin reproof, correction, chastisement. 4 D'n to be lifted up. moiin offer- ings, gifts. 5 phn to be smooth. Iliph. to speak smoothly, flatter. 7 Vl'^ to perceive, know, respect, regard. 8 ^b to mock, ]^'!ib scorn, a scorn- ing. HDD to breathe, to blow as a stream of fire. Hiph. to smite, blow up as with a fire, inflame. 9 IflDtt? all regulation. Niph. con- tend in judgment, plead. t^n to move. Tremble (with rage). n3 to rest, nni rest. 1 1 n'D.W to soothe, calm. 12 ^Wp attend, hearken. Act of at- tention. 13 ']n to be in the midst, "^an great or repeated frauds or deceits. 16 Dnbo^:! on their fall. 1 8 ntn to fasten, pm a supernatural vision or foresight by objects re- presented. ^"ID to free, break loose, start aside. 21 p3Q make delicate, educate de- licately. p3DQ (only here). ]3 to propagate. p3Q made or become a son. 24 phn smooth, divide exactly. A partner. 232 to steal or be stolen. A thief. nbS a curse. 25 inn move quickly, to tremble. n"nn tremor, trembling, fear. oppression, in- justice, iniquity. Chapter XXX. b 1 M2?D to bear. N'ijnn the weighty, important discourse. 2 IVZL to clear off*. A brutish person. 4 nSn to cover, veil. V3En his two hands joined together. 5 ribs to curse. mb, and Jobiii. 4. 6 3TD to fail. 1133 to be made to fail, be found a liar. 8 tt?S'n for tjn poverty. ?)"1tO to tear off". Hiph. to give to eat, or to tear to pieces with the teeth, to eat. pr\ to describe (the bread) of my competent allowance, our suffi- cient bread, as Lord's Prayer. 9 WnD to fail, belie. tt7Cn lay hold on, handle. 10 "|U?b speak against, betongue. 12 ^m v/ash, cleanse the surface. S'2'' to come or go forth. in20 from its filthiness. 14 V2tt? its teeth. bSM to eat. n"73o a large knife or sword. Vbn split, cleave. m^briQ the grinders. 15 phV to adhere, ^tp^b:ib a leech, a horse-leech. 16 ll^y to restrain. Restriction (of the womb). 17 Tlp'^ to obey readily and cheer- fully. HDl? to affect. ^'5? the eye. 2137 to mix. The crow or raven. 262 PROVERBS. ^bt??2 1 7 "np3 to bore, dig, cut out. nr\p\ 20 t]S3 to satiate one's thirst by drinking. To commit adultery. ncN3D adulterous. 2 1 St2?3 to bear. n to bear. 23 S3C? to hate. HNlit? a woman dis- liked. 25 bD to cut off. D'^Q3n emmets or ants. 26 "JDIZ? to hide. D'2Dtt3 the saphan ashkoko or conies. 27 yn to divide, ^n their prey, dividing into many parts. 28 DDK? to place, dispose with great care. D'DQttJ the spider. 29 13 1^*^ to be good, comely, &c. n^^ona to do it well. 1372 to step, walk. .30 Wh to knead. "O^b a lionr 31 nt to compress, squeeze. D^anoTm strait or narrow in the loins. WD to compress, ttrn a he-goat. D1p7M no rising up. 32 b^3 to fall down. Act vilely or foolishly. Stt?3 to bear, lift up. 33 n!JD to squeeze, press. y'O a squeezing, pressing. 2bn milk. HNDn butter. Chapter XXXI. wb 1 1D^ to restrain, discipline. 2 ID to clear. A son, a child, in- nocent. 3 nn to be broken, mnn'? to that which destruyeth. 5 ppn to define or decree, ppno a definer, a lawgiver, the ensign of judicial authority. 8 D/S compress. Silent, mute. Handful, a band of men. rhab. fy7n passing. Fjibn m liable or likely to perish. 10 vH^ to remain, ^'n ability, virtue. \ pm to remove far off. pmno from afar. mDD her price. 13 na!5 soft. Wool. "^ntTD flax, linen. yon to bend, incline. By the bending of her hands. 14 *inD to move to and fro. "iniD trader, merchant, mno mer- chandize, wares. 16 DttT to devise or consider tho- roughly. 19 1WD straight, direct, nW3 a spindle or turning-pin. "7vD to support. The distaff which supports the flax in spin- ning. 22 IID to wreathe. DnanQ woven- work, tapestry, carpets. 24 "JTD to loosen. pD loose gar- ment, shirt, smock. 3?3S to lay down, expose on the ground. *3J>23^ a merchant, a trader, 25 pnt27 to conflict. Dance, laugh. 27 nO!i to overspread. STQIS she watcheth, surveyeth. "]b'' local motion. ma'j'n the movements, paths, goings. 30 ^n kindness, affection. 263 JOB. Chapter I. M 1 S'*M to be an enemy or adversary to. 3 I^V to serve, mi!? a number of servants. 5 ?]p3 to go round, surround. Going about. 7 ntSC^ to decline, to go this way and that, to and fro. 8 ID to decline, turn aside, depart. 10 1VD, after, behind, without. "JtJ? to stop, to fence, hedge. yiD break forth, spread abroad, increase abundantly. 11 obW to compress. oblM yet not- withstanding, but truly. 15 MISK? Seba, Sabeans, used for the plundering Arabs generally. Country used for the people. 17 tt^ST priority. D'" military bands or troops under three dis- tinct leaders. f^W^ to divest. To rush forth. 20 T!l take off or away, to clip short, poll. 21 ^^1 to come or go forth. 'n2 I came, (here used for 'HNS*). 22 ben crude, indigested. nbon folly. Chapter II. !2 8 D"nn silent thought. A fragment of stone or rock, a potsherd. 8 Tn3 to scrape oneself. 10 73>p to receive, accept, take. 1 1 "TJ?** to appoint. n2?v. "T3 to move. With b following, to sympathize. 12 pit to sprinkle, disperse. Chapter III. 3 2 1^3 to be strong. A male child. 4 1713 to flow, mm a stream of light, light. 5 /M3 to vindicate, take vengeance (on it). ItH'D to convolve. 'Tins thick darkness. DVD, to disturb, affright. 7 1*123 v3 a rock (concreted to the utmost degree). *n shall become like a rock. From by a roundish mass, and loy to subsist. ]31 to vibrate briskly. n33"i a vibration of light. 8 inV to prepare, nnny who are about to, or who shall. IDV to raise, rouse, excite. ^n^'l V the Leviathan, a dragon or large serpent, a whale, a cro- codile, Is. li. 9; xxvii. 1. 9 P|U73 the evening or morning breeze, also the twilight. il^p to stretch, expect. 264 JOB. 9 J^D37 to move with a swift, vibratory motion, imu 'D3?D2>i beams of light at daybreak, or the vibra- tory rays. 12 Ulp precedency, anticipate, pre- vent. Why did the (officious) knees receive me. 14 D"nn to waste, nilin dreary se- pulchral mansions, such as the pyramids of Egypt. 16 nby ascend. D'^^r infant chil- dren; generally youth, as op- posed to p3\ 7D3 to fall. An abortion, an abortive birth. 17 W1 motion, commotion. Disturb- ing, shaking. V^'> Kal, to labour. Hiph. to weary, fatigue. 18 I^W to be tranquil. ]3N to be tranquil, quiet, secure. 21 TlDJl to wait, tarry. Wait with desire, long for. "nSn to sink, penetrate, "icn to dig deep (as for a well). mD to dig. 22 bn rotundity, b'a a word of ges- ture, exultation, leaping for joy. 23 "^D overspread, cover, hide. 24 Dnb to insert, join. Food. 3Stt? to roar. "jnD to be poured out, distil. 26 rtvlZ? quiet, easy, secure. Ifiptt? to be quiet, at quiet or rest. Chapter IV. 1 2 HDD to try, attempt, essay. nD2n j 20 if we attempt to speak to thee. I nsb to be weary, i. e., unable to; bear it. bto to cut off. D>^rD or ]'''?Q words, speeches. yiD to bow, sink down. mi>"\2 the bowing (knees), bOD stiffness. 1^05 thy strength nf mind, confidence. THD take off or away. DW^ to breathe. DDttJiD breath. TlVn to err. lyra disappoint or miss of their prey, tt?"*? the fierce lion. Not broken (E. T.). THD to divide. Hithp. sundered, scattered. l2Dn to steal. Niph. spoken* secretly or by stealth. \^X2t& to mutter. A muttering, whispering. f]VW Arab, to seize, hurry away. D'D2?\on ecstatic, hurrying, or maddening thoughts. 8*1p to meet, befal. ^^D to shake, agitate, pant, pal- pitate. "n^SD to be rough, sharp-pointed, stand on end, or upright. HDIDH an image. TIT^I equable. rraDT great quiet- ness, stillness. dW to place, lay upon, impute. n^nn. Ctt^D attending to, considering. ^DM steadiness, Hiph. to believe, rely. |'D\ n^n disturb. Clay. S3"T to break, crushed, humble. n3 to pound, beat, wear to pieces. JOB. 3VN 265 12 ^D3 to remove. (Does not their excellency.) Chapter V. H 1 D''tt?lp translated saints, q. Qn^DH. 2 WV^ to be angry. Anger, vexa- tion. S3p to eat into. HNlp envy, in- dignation. nriQ to draw aside. The simple, in a bad sense. 8 nnp to curse, execrate, equal to 5 ]!5 pointed. O'aSQ bn among the thorns, prickles. J^Stt? to draw in, iup in, swallow up. DD!2^ empty, meagre. D'DS a starveling, a man almost starved with hunger and thirst. 6 ]M labour of body and mind. pN grief, affliction, distress. hiyS to toil. Travail, weariness. 7 J^l&"1 to glow or flash. F]W"i '21 a red hot coal, (as the sparks of the red hot coal,) a coal glowing with heat. nsn to be high, lifted up. ?]V to vibrate, to fly. 10 n^^n to divide asunder, yin m. main f. an out place, a field. 11 D"! to be lifted up. mno on high. TTp to be dark. Mourn, grieve. S2lt^ to lift up, exalt. 12 ID to break. nCO dissolveth, dis- sipateth. mV to be naked. CVS wise, prudent, crafty, subtle. 12 tlW^ existence, subsistence, rroin anything real, substantial, or lasting. 13 briQ to twist. "JTIDJ writhed, tor- tuous, crafty. "inXS to haste. Niph. mnOD to precipitate, fall headlong. 14 D*^ tumult. DDV by day, daily. ti?t!l?X3 to feel over and over again, grope. 15 ptTl to constringe, to become strong. The strong, the mighty. 16 n^y to ascend, nnbj? iniquity, injustice. ^Dp to contract, shut, restrain. 17 DSD reject with contempt, de- spise. 18 2N3 to mar, spoil. Hiph. to make sore. ti7in to bind round or about, bind up. 21 Ht^W to decline. TDitt) a whip or scourge, M!2n to hide, conceal. 22 IW to shatter, destroy. Tl de- struction, devastation. 1DD to hunger. Hunger, famine. 25 M!^** to come or go forth. D'i<:Jw;j? offspring. 26 rivlD a crabbed, wrinkled coun- tenance, extreme old age. "I^p to bury, inter. The grave. Wl^ to heap, xo^y a heap of Chapter VI. 1 2 n')r} to fall down, subside, mn' my affliction. 266 JOB. nrw 2 Ma73 to lift up, take. 3? 7 to lick up, absorb, swallow down. ." nn to be hot. non inflammatory poison. 4 nV^ to disturb, nnsa terror. a^nwa things terrible or to be feared. 5 pn3 to bray. SiD run wild. The wild ass. nm to low or bellow. ^U to mix. 'j'ba a mixture or mixed provender. G vDH crude, indigested, insipid. m to excern, ooze out. ina slaver, drivel. Obn to break off. ubri. moVn a dream. (Is there any taste or wisdom in the drivel of) dreams ? 7 ]WD to refuse. nil to languish, faint. 'iiD. irV to exceed. Hiph. cause to exceed or abound. 10 Qna to comfort. ^7D Arab, to shake or strike the ground with exultation. nb^'nn niboNi and i would exult in agony or anguish, or in the expectation. vDn soft, tender. To compas- sionate, pity. ^^^ take away, conceal. 1 1 brr* to remain, expect. 13 HW^ existence. muim subsist- ence, permanency. 14 HDD disunion of texture or con- sistency. DD^ to him who raelteth (afflicted), pity should be showed from his friend. But Civob (Kennicott.) (Codices.) To him who despiseth his friend (it is) a reproach, and he will forsake the fear of God. 14 Ton pity, a reproach. 16 lip black, dark, obscure. D7r Hithp. to sport, rrip smooth. Ice. 17 ^"IT to burn, scorch. What time they wax warm. (E. T.) ex^ cellent. nttS to cut off. (inDS: they vanish,) consume entirely. 137^ to go out, to consume or fail. When they wax hot they fail out of their place. 18 nSv to incline, turn aside, de- cline. tin confusion. Without order, form, &c. j 19 niM to go in a track. A com- ' pany of travellers, a caravan. t^n3 to look. zD>an the same. ^vH local motion. niD'bn cara- I vans, companies of travellers. W niD^ hang close. Trust. 21 nn to be broken, nnn a great ruin or destruction. 22 UTID restriction. *3rF surely (did I say). inW to make a present. 23 ynV to agitate. Hiph. to be ter- rified. D'Sny terrible, for- midable. 24 il^W expatiate, luxuriate, run wild. 25 \^"1D force or violence. Niph. strong, forcible. riD"^ to make plain, demonstrate, reprove. TOin argument. 26 ^Wn to add, to reckon, think. JOB. 5VW 26: Have ye devised to cavil at words ? 26 t!?W to renounce. Niph. to be desperate concerning; and at the breath of the words of him who is desperate. 27 nnD to cut up, dig (a pit). nVl to feed. y>^ a companion, friend, neighbour. 28 71S to be gross. lVin be gross, foolish, obstinate. (E. T.) be content. SO mn to fall down, min oppres- sion, oppressiveness. Chapter VII. t 1 S2!^ to attend on duty. A space of time, an appointed time. 2 ?)Ntt7 to draw or suck in, gasp, pant, aspire after. 3 rrT* the lunar light. 'HT months. ^17^ to be measured, i. e., length- ened out. Then the evening is lengthened out or prolonged (Scott). (E. T., and the even- ing be gone.) TT3 to move quickly. D^TT3 mo- tions to and fro, tossing. r)lZ?3 to blow. The morning breeze. 5 rTtt*1 to cast, throw, project. A worm, from its projecting. tt72lD being close to. '31 and ad- hesion (of dust). ^31 still fixed, stiff, rigid (not broken, E. T.). DS?3 to be diluted. Crack, peel ffo. Despise, abhor. 6 3"1J^ to weave. A weaver's shuttle. 11 ntt? to incline, bow, be humbled. nntJ deep thought, care. 14 nn to be broken, daunted, dis- mayed. 15 p3n to strangle. piHQ suffocation, strangling. W}^V strength. TTiOSyn rather than my bones, i. e., than life in such a skeleton state. ilT^'D how long. 19 nVW look. With n following, to turn away or from. nST to give way, relax. pi to evacuate. p1> to spit, p^ spittle. 20 5?2Q to meet. yjDO a mark, a thing in the way and offensive. 21 inW dark coloured. To seek. Early in the morning. Chapter VIII. PI 2 13D multiplicity. Ta3 a full or a strong (wind). 3 nil? to incline, make it partial. 6 IV to raise. Hiph. T3?> stir up, excite, awake. 7 nniZ? expatiate, luxuriate, thrive. 8 p3 to prepare, adapt. piD. 11 ^!3 softness. And n^JS soft mud or mire. nW to join. in a flag or reed. 12 DS to swell. ia2 in its state of swelling, greenness. P|!5p to crop or pluck off. 13 ?]3n to pollute. A polluted wretch, a wicked fellow. I'i vDD stiffness, strength, confidence. top to loathe, nauseate, rejected with loathing. aa2 268 JOB. nvw M e?''nDl? a spider. 16 niO") to be wet, moist, full of juice, or sap. P to protect. n:3 reg. nsa a garden. 17 "7^0 to inweave, entwine. bll a heap, a roundish heap of stones. 18 WnD to fail. It will fail him (saying). Chapter IX. Ifi 5 pnV to remove 6 "^bo to tremble. 7 Din the solar orb. nnn^ n'3D1D ir^l and behind or above the fluxes of the stars he (God) setteth a seal, 8 niD2 high, elevated. TiDa heights. 9 WV to consume. The blight. (E. T. Arcturus.) bOD stiffness. rD3 the cold, cold- ness of the air. (E. T. Orion.) n^D to be warm. na^D genial heat or warmth (and the cham- bers of the south, i. e., thick clouds.) (E. T. Pleiades.) 1 1 F)bn pass on, proceed. 12 ^nn take away by violence. 13 -im to incite. High-spirited, fierce, proud, nntt? bow themselves. 17 12?tZ7 to stand erect. mPttJ a rough tempest. P]W cover, overwhelm. y2^ to wound, hurt. 19 IV* to appoint. 'JTy' 'D who will appoint me the time. 20 WpV prove perverse. 23 tDlU? the scourge. noa to try. riDob at the trial. 26 tt7l03 to loose. Spread forth as an eagle his large wings on his prey. 27 2lb^ to smile, look cheerful, not comfort or strengthen, as Lexi- cons. 28 n:i* to be afraid. 29 37I1' to labour. rr the labour. 30 HDt to be clear, clean. Hiph. cleanse. 'ni3in, ") instead of final rr. 31 bniD dip, immerse, plunge. nntt? destruction, or q. d. apit, from rnu to bow. u7W to make whole. rriQ^tr gar- ments. 33 PT^'' to be plain. n^SID an umpire. 34; tSSK? to extend. A rod. D'^M terrible. Here ino rendered his fear (E. T.). Chapter X. ** 1 I2p to loathe, be disgusted at. 3 rS*' radiate, nrcin shine forth, cause to shine. 8 2lS3? labour. Form by labour. 10 '^n^ to be poured out, distil. MDp to be condensed. Hiph, coagulate, curdle. 11 -n3;skin. '^'DW to fence, hedge thoroughly. 12 IpD to visit. *]rnpD thy visitation. 16 bW interposition, '^^n Wo ! Alas I 16 nSn to increase. JOB. 16 N7D Hithp. to show oneself won- derful. 17 Win to renew. 18 3713 to expire. 20 nW to set. With O following, to let alone. nnD\ 22 ?)3? to vibrate. nncy light. A land its (i. e., whose) light (is) as the thick darkness, the shadow of death without rays, VSn and it shines like darkness. "TID to order, dispose. Dmo b without rays. Chapter XI. N"> 3 ''"7 sufficiency, iwnm D^nn yi2 should men be silent at thy self- sufficiency. 5 Q^W to compress. dVim firmness, yet, notwithstanding, but, truly. 6 nbr hide, conceal. niD'^rn the secrets, hidden things. 7 bOD double. mDinb ''?dd double as to or in wisdom. HvD totality, n^tan completion, perfection. 8 nnS high. 12 ISn . 3112 hollow, empty, vain. IV . NnD T wild ass's colt. 15 ptStt firm, steadfast. 17 ^ vH to creep. Time, age. nDrn thou shalt shine forth. 20 nD3 to breathe, blow. nDD a pufi" of wind. D13X2 flight. Chapter XII. H^ 4 pniZ? to conflict, laugh at. Derided. nV 2fi9 5 T^D V a burning torch, a firebrand, a torch of contempt. nWV to shine, look glossy, mnior^ pstD to the splendours or thoughts of the prosperous (is he who is). I^tt? tranquil. ptt) quiet, pros- perous. "T3;a to totter. 'Tyio^ 6 T2n motion, agitation. 'r^nD pro- vokers. 11 vKl to cut off. ]>!?D speech. 12 TIW^ . 'O'* very old or ancient, D'\U>'a very far advanced in years. 15 12^37 with 1 following, to put a restraint upon, to restrain. 16 T12,W . IW wanderer. mttJn error. 17 "^b'^ to walk, go. yb^^ causeth to go, leadeth. D'Syv counsellors. vH to shine. V^n distracted, reel about. 18 ID*^ to restrain. IDIQ restraint. 1 9 ^riM strength. D^irfW strong. Py7D pervert, overthrow. 20 "ID to decline. Hiph. TDO re- move, turn aside. DM3 say, assert. D':dn3 trusty, from ]QM. D37IO taste, discernment. 21 nT?2 (nnn a girdle). pDS constrain. C'p'D^ strong. 22 N]3tt7 expatiate, increase, related to 23 Tll^W spread abroad, expand. HD rest or settle. 24 nnn confusion, inn a waste. 25 WW}2 to grope about. "Iptt? falsehood, lies. A A 3 270 JOB. 25 l^W to satisfy. TOW drunken man. Chapter XIII. ri** 3 nD** to be plain. Hiph. fDin Infin. settle, determine. 4 bOtD to fasten, tie, or connect to- gether, bbs nothing worth. 6 n3^ to make plain. TinDID re- proof, rebukes. 9 npn search exactly, minutely. bnn mock, banter, trifle. 1 2 bC!7D to rule, parabolize, compare, liken. 1 5 nS gibbosity. 'IJ backs, heaps. . btop to kill, slay, cut off by death. nD"* to be plain. Hiph. n*3"i make manifest, shew. Id brr* to remain, wait, expect. P^an pollute, defile ; not hypocrite. 17 nVli^ to join, connect, nirw a word of endearment. mnM words. 19 "'D if. 373'' to labour, die. ria :S^X^ to die. 22 nitt?. ai* to turn, as '32>tt?m answer me. 25 P\l^ to drive. P]n3 nVyn a leaf blown about by the wind. yiV . V^' terrify. 27 *lDi in stocks. Tlpn to draw a mark, npnnn. pn. V^ his bounds. XD^W a root. The sole (of the feet). 28 IIP"! to rot. npT worm-eaten, apl rotten, nbs worn out. Chapter XIV. T I Wl disquiet, trouble. 3 J^S but yet. 5 Y"in to sharpen, yinn cut short, determined. 6 nVXD to look, see. Look away from him. n^n to accept, discharge, satisfy. 7 mp to stretch, mpn expectation, hope. F)bn to pass. Put forth new shoots. p3'' to suck. np3V a sprout. 8 37T:1 . lyw stock or stump. 9 mD to sprout, blossom, n^n exhalation, scent. *l!^p to cut down, y^p harvest, boughs. 10 Whn to throw down, wbn' weak, pass away. I I btN go away, disappear. 12 ^p'' to awake. 14 N^IJ warfare, hard service, afflic- tion. 15 fpD paleness. With "? thou wilt have compassion . To be greedy, or long for. 17 "THIS to bind up. -i*ns a bundle, bag. bClO to fasten or tie as with a thread. 18 obis but, nevertheless, and some- times for. nbzi come to nothing, consume. 19 pnW to wear away. nCD to join, unite. rrn^DD that which adheres (to the ground), its produce. ?]t;2tt7 sweep or wash away. 20 ^Ipn prevail on, overpower. JOB. 20 n3tt7 to iterate. Cbald. n3D to change. 22 b^M to mourn. Chapter XV. ItS nvw 271 2 CDn the wise (man). 3 ]3D useful, profitable. bs?** to profit, be useful. 4 110 or THD to break, quash. :S7-|2 diminish, lessen, (Park hurst's Lexicon) subtract, with- hold. 5 U^V naked. D'QTW crafty. 10 21ti7 to turn, aw old age, more than ]'p^. nW^ existence. XO'V decaying, very old or ancient. 1^'D great. T33 many, much. 11 DnD cbange of mind. mmnsn consolations. tDWb to hide, cover, secrete, at") to wink (with the eyes). 14 HDT pure, clean. 16 nbW corrupted. Niph. corrupt. 17 mn to shew, declare. linM I will shew thee, ntn to see. 18 IHD concealed. THD conceal. 20 bbn violent pain or anguish. yiV to terrify. y'">3^ an oppressor. 22 nO!^ to look about. IDS he ob- serves narrowly. 24 p1!^ to press. r(p^^^ affliction, trouble. T^n^? ready, skilful. T\pn to overpower. nM^'D the tumult of war, battle. 26 22 gibbosity. '33 bosses (E. T.). 27 nD'^D fat, fatness. bD3 stiffness. Loins, inward parts. 28 inD take away. miTO: destroyed, desolate cities. iny prepare. 29 nb3 to finish. D'?:n their posses- sion, prosperous condition. 30 py^ to suck. inp3V his sprouts. rQnbiZ? a flame. 31 S1U7 vanity. 13 by vanity. T]'Sn to err, wander. Niph. led astray, disappointed. niD to exchange, inmon his re- compense. 32 nCD to bend. inS3 his branch. 33 DDn to cast off". "IDD to reject. An unripe grape. n!53 to sboot out. nS2 a blossom, a flower. 34 "Tliab^l a rock. Barren and de- solate like a rock. (E. T.) desolate. inW to make a present, inil? bribery. Chapter XVI. TtO 1 b^V to toil. ^OS> troublesome. 3 ynD force, violence, yno' make thee strong, embolden. 4 nSn to conjoin. Hiph. join or tack (sentences togetber), join together. ^13 to move, shake. n^ . im in, through, with. 6 '^WTl impede action, restrain, stop. 7 nsb to be weary. D12W made desolate, mowrr made desolate my company 272 JOB. 8 ^IDp to lay hold on (as a criminal). WnD to fail. 'nD he who belieth me. My leanness (E. T.). 9 ClStZ? to hate. p'^Tl to gnash. Wa7 to whet, sharpen. 10 lyQ to gape, open wide. Tf^ my cheeks. sblD to fill, glut. 1 1 12D to shut up. Hiph. give up or over. 7'^V to act unrighteously. b'13> unrighteous, ungodly. ^T* to turn aside or over. 12 "JQ'HD to break into small pieces. yZi2Q burst open. Shaken to pieces. nia3 to watch, moo a mark. 13 nDI to be many. V2i his great men (E. T.), his archers, n vD to cleave. T1D very bitter, "nmo my bile or gall. 1 4 "^"^D to break. y-iD a breach. 15 ncn to fasten together or join to- gether, nbri to congeal, nba skin, bbr to ascend repeatedly. To put on or over. IG nnDnXSn exceedingly imbittered. 19 "rntZ? to testify, witness. nniDl my testimony. 20 ybJa smoothness, 'n 'JJ'bQ my friend mocketh me. ^1 to drop, distil. Chapter XVII. T 1 b^n to bind. Confined, straitened, oppressed, (E. T.) not corrupt, 1 Tf^T to be abridged. "|3W extinct, "l^p to bury, n'^p sepulchral cells are ready. 2 bnn to mock, wbnn mockers. "ID to be bitter. DmiDna on their bitternesses (rest on), i. e., their bitter, insulting gestures. 3 U)W to place, no* put or lay down, or appoint. Appoint now my pledge or surety with thee. Vpn to strike. 4 UYl to exalt. 5 pbn smooth, pbn flattery. 6 22'' to place, set, leave in a certain situation. P]n a tabret. nDn\ 7 HUD restriction. To shrink, con- tract. DIJ** to form, ns'l my lineaments or limbs. 8 DQtt? to be amazed. 11V to raise up, rouse, excite. 10 OblM but, nevertheless. D^N the same. DDH a wise (man). 1 1 pD^ to draw away. Broken off. Cn*' to succeed another, 'ttjnio possessors. 12 y^n ''3Da nnp -n iight is near from the face of darkness, i. e., the light ordained for me is the darkness of the tomb. 13 ^D'^ to strew, spread (as a bed or mattress ^yiT.) 15 IDS now, then. 1!^W to view, regard. 16 I'D. separate. ni bars. Scott, however, explains this of sepul- chral cells branching off. JOB, 16 n3 rest, nm rest. Chapter XVIII. n"* 1 V3p to hunt. 'Sip snares of or in words, i. e., ensnaring words, ^"^^l to see, perceive, observe. 3 naiD to become vile, or iyo!03. 4 7337^^'^ shall on account of thee. 5 "^Vl to go or burn out. ^^W to turn backward. a>lttJ a flame. n23 to be bright, shine. 7 "jIM strength, also ]. 112 to bind up. (E. T.) straitened. 8 nW^ a net, perhaps the Infin. ttJT. "^^W to complicate. TOlW meshes of the net. 9 no a snare. att!^ (a starveling D'D2J). 10 b^n to bind. A rope or cord set for a snare, ibin his snare, a snare for him. IDb to take. mi'JD a trap, a gin. 11 n372 to disturb, affright. nb!l to wear or waste away. mrrtl wastings, destructions. ^D3 dissipate, disperse, scatter abroad. 12 DV'^ hungry. "T'^S destruction, distress, ruin. 13 ''"T sufficiency, na on the suffici- ency (of his skin). The first- born of death shall feed on. 1131. 14 ni^^ to hang close, -^nmo his confidence (pnj) shall be rooted out. T^IJ to step. '^nT3?2?n shall march against him (mnbl wastings or destruction as a king). nrW 273 15 "lb ''ba^ none (of his). nnT to scatter. 1D2 some kind of wood. n^1D3 brim- stone, sulphur. 17 y*)Tl what is without. The street. 18 m3 to move. Cast out. ?)13 drive or hurry away. b!!2 to mix. ban the world. 19 133 posterity, progeny. 113 to sojourn. i")3Q a dwelling. 20 U12W dismay. D"'3inS posterity. Dip precedency. D"'2imp ancients, predecessors. Chapter XIX. tD*^ 1 Tiy^ to afflict, grieve. 3 DbD turn away one's face for shame, withdraw for shame. Reproach. 4 n3l27 to expatiate. '>nywo my error. 6 niV to incline or be partial against him. mi? bend, make crooked. ^p3 encompass. ni'^ look sideways. mi:?0 a net. 7 V^^ to cry. 10 \^n3 break to pieces, destroy. 11 nin to burn or be kindled. Apoc. 1 2 113 to assault, my crowd, band of warriors. bbo to raise or lift up, cast or throw up. 14 Sip to approach, nip kindred. 15 ni3 to excite, na inmate, lodger. niT to scatter. To be strange. pn kindness. I have a tender affection for her (on account). 274 JOB. 18 nb^ to ascend. "?'13? unrighteous, ungodly. A child. 19 "^Dn turn about, turn. 20 pm to cleave. ^bl2 to escape. (Scarcely) am I escaped. 24 mor lead. 22n to hew out. 25 ?]p3 surround. And hereafter my skin shall thoroughly surround or encompass this, i. e., (his body). 27 ''H'^ vD my reins are consumed in my bosom. *pnn. 29 nn"^ to fear, be afraid, ima. Dn to be warm or hot. rron heat, anger. T^yS to pervert. p sin, guilt, suffering affliction, punishment for sin. y>1W judgment. From XO and |n judgment. Chapter XX. D 2 ^yW seize. Thoughts, hurrying thoughts. t2?in hasten. On account of my ardour within me. 3 ^^2 . *n3'3Q my understanding. 4 IV beyond, further. TT >3D long since. 5 ]3"n to vibrate briskly. n23" ex- ultation. 6 D1C7 or D'^tC to set or place. SU7a . ^ excellency, height. 7 bb3 dung. 8 ^^^ to depart swiftly, flit away. 9 FjTtt? to see, look on. 10 n^l must seek the favour. 11 D?2? to hide, conceal. im'H? his youth. 12 priD sweet. ^PTD to take off, conceal. 13 vDn to have compassion, spare. 14 iriD to stir. |nB an adder, asp. D>3nD. 15 Sip to vomit. 16 n5?D to swell. n3?D a viper. 17 37D to divide. mj'jD brooks. 19 *n"lD to exchange. imiDD com- pensation, restitution. D7V exult, rejoice. 20 y!i") to run here and there. ysT oppress. 22 ^^^D to smite. IpDD his sufficiency, lb n!^"' he shall be in straits (E. T.)- 23 Dnb insert, eat. "lOin^l. 24 pt2?3 to clash. ^t"Q p3Q from the clashing iron. P)bn to pass, strike through. 25 P]hW to draw. mH the body. p"1!l to lighten, pTl a glittering sword. IID very bitter, imno his gall. 26 ^D!J to hide. vy(DSi all kinds of darkness is reserved for his hid treasures. nD3 to breathe, blow upon. 27 nbH to reveal. 28 bs'^ to go, flow, i^y the produce, substance. 133 to run down, flow away. Chapter XXI. S3 2 Dn3 to comfort. DD'Dtainan your consolations. JOB. 3 Ntt?3 to bear. 'aiN bear with me. 4 n'^W to meditate. A speech, com- plaint. C) yb^ to tremble, msbo terror. 7 pnV to remove, hold on, 10 b^D to loathe, mto his bull pass- eth (the seed), and doth not loathe (to gender). a7^ to bring forth. "imS his cow. 11 roy to ascend. ^n a child, a young one. TpT to leap, dance. 12 ^y)V the shalm, bagpipe, organ. 13 nv2 consume, spend. 15 bV^ to profit, advantage. ^^13. !S?^D to meet, approach. 17 nD3 how often. bnn to bind. D'ban girding pains. 20 I^D destruction. 13 to propel. 21 \>'!^n divided, cut off. yn an arrow or pebble. 22 2ttn to make perfect, ion D2M in the midst of his prosperity. pS vt!l7 at ease, quiet. 23 V3'^I^37 q- his bowels or intestines (abound with fat). r\12 to be full of marrow, no marrow. TlpW to irrigate, moisten. 27 DDn to cast. iDonn ye wrong- fully imagine. 30 "fl2?n to impede action, kept back. 32 W12 to heap up. t5'l3 a tomb. TptZ? to watch. They shall watch over his tomb. 33 nil to clod, gather into concre- tions. aa"i the clods, lumps (of the valley). nVM 275 34 b^tt to decline. ^3>q a sin, trans- gression. Chapter XXII. 32 1 ]^D to lay up, i. e., an interest or favour witii any one. 3 \^Dn to bend, yon pleasure, de- light. 4 S"!"* to fear. -jriNTQ for fear of thee. nS'' to shew, reprove, rebuke. 5 371 to break. TnyT thy wickedness, 6 b^n bind, take a pledge. 7 ?1''^ to be wearied. F|'y wearied. 8 ^W2 to bear. d'3D nixd3 he who lifteth up the face. 9 U)rX^ an orphan, d'nm 11 V^W to flow together. n^iJDtt? an inundation or deluge. 13 irn within. vD"n3^ thick darkness. 15 pN TID men of sin, wicked men. 16 iDDp to cut down. p!^'* to pour forth, spread forth. ID"* to found. 20 D^p to stand, rise. D'p substance. IHD to take off. 'in"' to exceed. Residue. 24 ll^Il gold. And msi gold. 1^1 store or treasure secured. PjV*' to dissolve. niDrm meltings. 26 22V delight, pleasure. 28 1^2 to decree, decide (idm a mat- ter). 29 nS2 to increase, ma an exalta- tion. r\W to incline, tw cast down (eyes). 276 JOB. 30 * to settle. V' ' ^^^^ habitation of the innocent. Chapter XXIII. 2D 2 n^W deep in thought. 'ntJ my complaint, m^ to propel. ''T my calamity. nDW to sigh, groan. TiTO^ sighing. 3 p to prepare, ^n^'2ty his seat or place, residence, tribunal. 6 nn> nD mnn with great power will he plead. 7 nW^ upright. nD^ to be plain. Niph. nD13 to be shown, proved by words. 8 nip priority, onp before. 9 *int2?37- where he worketh. TMH to behold, see. Tn n'ji and I do not see him. P]!^"!} to be obscured, hidden. 10 ''Dans when he trieth me. 11 -ItCW to proceed. Ti3 in his steps, progress. 12 nC? to withdraw. IC^QM in trans. depart, ppn something fixed. ^pr\^ more than what is appointed for me. 13 nlW to desire, choose. 16 "|n tender. Ipin. 17 ntt2 to cut oflf. Chapter XXIV. "T3 1 "JQ^ to hide. 2 2tt?3 to overtake, overpass, go beyond, bt^l to take away by violence, plunder. 2 rT3?'n to feed. "i^T. -nj? the flock. 3 D''3'^I2M the needy. 4 Snn to hide. 6 bbn to mix very much. "iV^l mingled corn or dredge, mixed provender, barley and oats. tt7p7 to crop or cut off, i. c, gather (DID the vintage). 7 n")p to meet, mpa in the cold. 8 mt to pour forth. An inunda- tion, flood, torrent. !3tSl to be wet, moist. nOn to shelter oneself, none a shelter, a refuge. p'2n to embrace. 10 "1J337 to press. "1^5? the sheaf. 11 "1127 a wall. Chald. DrT>1 (be- tween or within) their walls. "ini5 to make or press out oil. ^m to tread. !22 to thirst. 12 pS3 to groan. 'S^W to cry out. wn. nbQ separate. n'jDn folly. 13 lin to rebel. 14 ni^yi the murderer. 15 P]t2?3 the twilight. The morning or evening breeze. nriD to conceal. "inD a covering, putteth a covering on his face. 16 "^nn to dig. Cnn to close. To set a seal upon or to mark, in'' to unite. Mn> together, all together. 17 nbn to terrify, nn"?! terror. 1 8 bp swift. phn to divide equally, cnp'jn their portion is cursed. JOB. inVN 277 19 '^!J drought, rrs drought. 20 priK) to be sweet. (E. T.) feed sweetly. 21 n to break, afflict. 7m afflicting the barren, mpy. , 24 Q*1 to be lifted up, exalted, "7X3 Huph. l3Qrr to be brought to decay. \^Dp to contract, shut up. Ga- thered. hllW to impel. nblW an ear of corn ; pi. wbyCD. 25 DTD to fail. Hiph. to cause to fail, convict of falsehood. 7S V for nothing. Chapter XXV. HD 2 D*n exalted. VQinoi in his high places. 5 bn* bW and he (God) hath not fixed his tent. 6 '^'D P|M how much less. nPbin a maggot, from its eating and dividing certain substances. HDI to shoot out. A worm. Chapter XXVI. ID 3 HW^ existence. IT'Cin reality, truth. 4 DIZ7D to breathe. nnW3 breath. MQ"1 to restore or reduce to a former condition. D'NDT the mouldering dead, i. e., the dead, although reduced to their original dust, are in anguish or tremble. 7 niD^'bD nothing. 9 tnS to seize, to close. inwtu cover. Tt2?~lD spread out, expand. 10 pn to describe, mark out. A corapassi H/D totality. D^'jiD end, cessa- tion. 1 1 ^ID") to yield, tremble. nDDD as a booth. n^n to wonder, be astonished. 1'S^ to restrain, rebuke. imJ?ao his reproof, rebuke. 12 27 ^l"! to still, quiet. Dm to incite. High-spirited, fierce, proud. 13 I^W seemly. mCttJ a serenity or serene. mD ti?n3 the straight serpent, as a bar through rings. 14 yt^W muttering, whispering. Chapter XXVII. TD 4 /*\y wicked, unrighteous. VlJ? to act unrighteously. 8 vti? to loose, dissolve. 16 "ID!^ to collect, gather together. 20 nbD to wear out. mn?n wastings, destruction. 21 D"Tp priority. Dnp the east (mi wind). 1'^W to stand erect, hurry away. 22 n*lD to flee, rm' rmi he would eagerly flee. 23 pDlJ? to clap, strike together, p^W to hiss, whistle. Chapter XXVIII. HD 1 MIS'* to go or come forth, hw^o a, going out, (E. T.) a vein. 278 JOB. nVM 1 pT to strain off, fuse, purify. 2 p2^ to pour, fuse. 3 7V7D totality, n^bsn completion, perfection. 4 \^*1D break out or forth, or burst forth. "1^ rubbish of stones. (A torrent breaketh forth from) the rubbish. rro to excite. ri/l to draw out. V*]2 to move, remove. "y2. 7 tD**3? to become wroth. !Qy a ravenous bird. rfS a falcon, hawk, or vulture. P\tW to look or glance at. 8 ynW to lift up. ^mu m the sons of the lofty or of elevation, i. e, the lion's whelps (E. T.). m3? to go or pass by,' 9 ti?^Dbn a hard stone. (Ren- dered on the rock, E. T.) 10 *TIS light, D'-w* rivers. Tl!? to bind. DTYisi among the rocks. 11 27Dn to bind, govern. JlDn to weep. 320 a weeping, from trickling down, oozing. thV to hide, rra^yn what is hid or concealed. 13 *X^3? set in order. n!D"ni7 price, worth. 15 I^D to shut up. T)^D costly or fine gold. "IfTD to commute. ITTO the price or value of a thing. 16 n vD to strew. Valued, compared (with the gold DM). 17 iT'SIDT. (pi) crystal or glass. 1V2 to exchange, rrrmon ex- change of it. tD solidity. Pure gold. 18 CM"! to be raised up. niOn coral, a kind of marine production. W^^ to shave off. >3a a large pearl, crystal. *7t27D to hold or possess. *T\Da possession. 19 mi^D a topaz. tt?1D of Ethiopia, 25 "bpW to weigh. ^pttJO weight. 26 tn to cut in, notch, nn light- ning of the zig-zag kind, niblbp of thunders. Chapter XXIX. 103 4 fyin to strip. Both autumn and winter. Here, autumn. 6 ]^r\ local motion. O^^n my paths, steps. riDn butter, cream. pS"* to pour out. And the rock with me was poured out (into) streams of oil. 7 Tllp to meet, mp a city. Sm to be dilated, mm a broad place. 8 W^W very old. 1 1 "73? to bear witness. '3Tn. 14 F)3^ to turn round. h*:ij a tur- ban. 17 3?bn to split. nir!?nD the grinders, 18 ''^p DV in my nest, 19 "l^p to cut short, n*Sp the boughs or branches, q. d., the top. 20 Ppm pass, Hiph. to renew. 21 brr^ to wait. 22 F)tD3 to distil, drop down, P|^n. 23 1V^ to gape, open wide, to open. 24 pnW to conflict, laugh, deride. JOB. 24 nbo to separate, distinguish. 25 b^S to mourn. Dn3 to comfort. Chapter XXX. h 1 ^5?!^ smallness. ^5^2 little, young. 2 nbD extreme old age. (In whom old age 12 was profligate.) 3 *nDn to abate, non want. ^DD to hunger. ]DD famine. "TlDb^l a rock, b; round, and n03> to subsist. p^V to gnaw. In want and severe hunger gnawing the rock of the desert. ^!i the desert. 7V^. t2?ttM time past, yesterday. SI 12? desolate and waste. n10 and n^iCQ. 4 ?)^p to crop, pluck off. n VD to dissolve. mbD, aX/^aj, a herb of a brackish or saltish taste. n'W 'by upon the shrub. Dm to bind. Dm genista or Spanish broom. Juniper roots (E. T.). 6 \^~ir to agitate. ^r^'Sl in the ter rible place (of the valleys), "in a hole. P)3 a rock. pn3 to bray, bin . bnn a briar, bramble. 7 nSD to unite, collect. nSD to bruise. 1W33 they were beaten out of the country, not (were viler than the earth). 9 p3 to strike or play. nr32 a song. nbD a word, a speech. 1 ^iT) to evacuate, pn spittle. nvw 279 11 in'' to exceed. Because he hath loosened my bowstring (and afflicted me). See margin. ]D1 to bind with a rope. A bridle. 12 nrnD to break out. Puberty* youth. 13 Dn3 to demolish, destroy, spoil, rr^n to subsist, wn my grievous, oppressive calamity. 14 nWl27 to be confounded, nxi or ns confusion, (nnn under the) desolation. 15 ^"T3 free, liberal. nn3 dignity, pre-eminence. 17 "Ipa to bore, dig. By night my substance is bored or corroded from off me. pIV in Arab, to gnaw. Gnawing pains. (E. T.) sinews. 18 tt7Dn Hithp. to strip. With great force must my garment be stripped off. P)D to bend, curve. 'DD as the mouth. "HTS to surround, encompass. 19 HT^ to direct, aim. ':")n he hath cast me (ver. 20) TOO into the mire. hWT2 to rule. Hithp. I am be- come like. ICN ashes. 21 "ItDS fierce, cruel. DtiJli? to oppose. 22 33D to melt very much, dissolve, dissipate. 24 nV!3 to swell. '^1 a heap. ID to destroy. TD destruction, calamity. 25 nWp to be stiff. Hard (of day). n33? grieved, afflicted. B B 2 280 JOB. nvrt 27 nm to boil. 28 "Tip to be dark, mp mourning. 29 mV^ to feed. y"i companion. 30 TT^Jl to heat, burn. Burnt with heat or drought yvj. Chapter XXXI. b 5 t2?in to make haste, hasten. 7 DIS^ a spot, a blemish. 8 t!?ntZ7 to root up, eradicate. 9 nriD to entice. 10 ^ntO to grind. 11 bvQ to pronounce judgment. c'j'bD judges. 17 nnD to persuade. nD my morsel. 18 nn3 to lead, guide. n2n3. 20 *)!ibn his loins. T3 or ntJl the shearing or fleece. m. on to become warm. 21 ^103 to reach out, stretch forth. 22 PjnS to bind together. The shoulder-ball. nQ3iD shoulder- blade. n^p shoulder-bone. 23 bD^ endure. b'2Mi. 25 ^22 multiplicity. Ta3 abundance. 26 np*^ bright, splendid. 27 ptt?3 to kiss. 28 Wn'D to fail, be deficient. 29 ID to fail. TD destruction, calamity. 33 M^n to hide, 'im in my bosom. 34- ynV dread, terrified at. t1^ to despise, m the contempt (of families). 35 r\^n to mark. in p behold or here is my gage. ^DD to mark, write. Had written a book. 36 TDV to bind. 38 D1 . 'nm my land. Dbn to plough. n'O^n a furrow. r\D strength. 39 RDD to breathe. TTttiTt cause to pant (the owners). 1CD2 animal body. 40 rX)n a hook, a thorn. C7Mn to stink, rraj^n some stink- ing weed. Chapter XXXII. ^b 4 n^n to wait, tarry. 6 bnt to be afraid. il^n to shew, declare, mno. TT my opinion. 8 ^3N surely, only. 13 P]1^ to drive or hurry away. 18 p^ to press, straiten. >3np'2?rT. nbD I am full. 20 m to rest. mT refreshment. 21 rT3ID to flatter, give a name which does not strictly belong to a man. D^'Oin m^M bottles of new wines. 22 TIWV . '3wy my maker. Chapter XXXIII. 3b 1 DblMI but, nevertheless. 3 mn to cleanse. "1113 pure, clean. 7 nD3 to curve. EDM the hand or pressure. 9 TlZin to cover, fp secure in in- JOB. .0 W3 to fail, nwisn failings, failures in duty. y"^p to be agitated, formed by agitation, formed. 1 ID to obstruct. ID a clog, stocks, an impediment. (E. T.) stocks. 16 "ID** to instruct. onDon in their instruction. 1 7 m!l to form into a mass or body. ni3 obstinacy. 18 nbW to send. A dart or javelin, passing on the javelin, i. e., falling on the sword. 19 2S3 to mar, spoil. ai30 sore- ness, exulceration, grief. ^n"> constant, hard, strong. |n in the contest in his bones is severe, 20 nnt to loathe, abhor. inDm. msn desirable. 21 HDtt? to dash, crush. 'D are craggy. 22 na to die. cnQO"? to the de- stroyers. 23 ybo smoothness. V'''^ ^" inter- preter. 24 3710 to deliver. 25 H^DI^n moist or succulent, and in a state of growth. From aTQI wet, and HffiD to spread. 26 ^nV to pray. 3711 to break. m>1"im shouting. 27 "1127 to look. -Vtr, nW Vh he hath not balanced it to me. rWS to pervert. S3 rjbw to lead, teach. Chapter XXXIV. lb DTD to fail. I am made to fail, TDBttJO contrary to my right. nv 281 6 1273 M to be infirm. ttJISM bad, as a disease, hurt, 'snmy wound. My wound 'Sn is incurable. 8 nisn to conjoin. TnUTi associate, companion. 9 pD profitable. 14 D1ti7 to place. Hiph. to lay up, i. e., in mind. 17 ti72n to bind, govern. "123 multiplicity. TlD pns very just. 19 37127 to open. Liberal, opulen^ rich. 20 nb"^b n^l^n midnight. tt737!l shake violently, shake, 24 3711 to break. ^T. npn to search, ^pn vh without searching, without a formal pro- cess. 25 S3*T to crush. 26 nnn because. 27 pDD to strike, clap (as the hands), Clappeth hands. bDtr? to be wise, liipb. under- stand. 29 t3p27 quiet. 30 P)3n to pollute. ?]3n wicked. ^p> to lay a snare. 'pDD from the ensnarers of the people. 31 bnn to bind. Is it to be said to God, I have suffered, (what) I was not obliged to or deserved ? 32 Hin^ >137b:3 besides that which I see. 33 Dbti7 to make whole. r!30'?ty he hath requited (loron that which is from thee), (as lao^sr? what came from him, 1 Kings XX. 33,) but thou hast despised his correction. bb3 282 JOB. nV 36 !22? to turn. mn answers. "^nS my desire. rT3M to swell. Chapter XXXV. Tib 3 b>37'* profit. b>yM. 11 ?)bW to guide, teach. 13D'?Q for 13E^ who teacheth us. 14 7 ^n to open eminently. bVin pipes, therefore joy as well as anguish. 15 And now because he (God) hath not visited his (Job's) anger, and hath not taken notice of IMD t?Dl (his) great excess, or hath not taken severe notice of (his) excess. 16 n!^Q to loose, open. Chapter XXXVI. lb 2 *irO to enclose, stay near me. 7 37*12 to subtract, withhold. 8 pt to pour, to fuse. D'pi manacles or fetters. D-pU. "IDS to bind. 12 n vl27 to send forth. A javelin. *nD3 to be strong, behave inso- lently. 14 Wlp to separate. W^ip prosti- tutes. 15 ybn to loose, deliver. ^n V to press, yn^ oppression. 16 no to stir. *yn'Dn urge from, turn away thee. p1!J to press. pSID straitness. nn^ to descend, nno what is set down Ton thy table). 17 ^t^n to lay hold on* 1 8 p2tt? to clap with the hands. A clapping. (Take heed) lest he excite thee to exploding, i. e. to rejection. 19 "y^y to set in order, estimate. ^^$"7^ will he estimate thy "jrittJ munificence nsn vh that thou shouldest not be in distress. 20 ?)St^ to draw, pant. Do not pant after the night (of death). rv7V to ascend, go away. 22 n3tJ? to exalt. 24 S2lti? to expatiate, magnify, 26 M"^2m? great, magnificent. ^1W to sing repeatedly, have sung. 27 'nt^a to drop. D^D^ii drops. pt to pour down. Viy diminish, make small. nT^ to put forward. "IM a vapour, mist. 28 vlT loose, pour out. n abund- antly. f]V^ to distil, let fall in drops. 29 C?")D to spread about. ttnDO. Mlt^ confounded. mn noise, clamour. 30 'HiD multiplicity. Ti30^ in abund- ance. 32 P]0 to curve. D^D5 the vaults of heaven, the vaulted skies. y^lD to melt. y':iDQ one whointer- Chapter XXXVII. ib 1 Tin to move with quickness, tremble. "nn to turn about, nn'. 2 tyi motion. Murmurs, sound. JOB nvs 28$ 3 ^^32 extremity. 4 ypV confine, straiten. 6 DC^!! to be heavy. And make the rain heavy. Even makes heavy the showers of his strength. 8 :2"nS to lie in wait. im STM into lurking places. 9 lin to surround. A thick cloud (of the South). TIT to compress. oniD cold, grains or masses of air. 10 p*ll^ to press, psim by pressure, expansion. 11 "1-1 to clear, ni the pure bright ether. nntO to weary or wear away ay the condensed matter. 12 ^^O to turn about. maDra cir- cuits, circulations, revolutions. bun to bind, "in^iann his well- connected design. "^SnnD turneth over and over. 13 t^^lW to extend. Authority. 16 Wbti to roll oneself. 'WDTD in- volutions, i. e., the rollings to- gether. 17 W!2T1 to be warm. Dm the South, mma by the South wind. lOpti? to make quiet. 18 37p") to stretch out, expand. \pin strong. Strongly resplendent. nSn to see. pSiQ '-i3 as a molten mirror, looking-glass. 21 "^rQ to shine very much. THl bright, 22 SHT clear. Clear, bright weather. 23 in to send or dart forth, mn glory, majesty. rm:i terrible. Chapter XXXVIII. nb 3 "ITM to surround, gird. 5 TT)p to stretch, ^p marking-line. 6 V^t^ to sink, enter, penetrate. riT' to adjust. nn2D p the key* stone of an arch. 7 y^ leap for joy. When the morn- ing stars, &c. 8 rr^n to break or burst forth. *7D'' fenced. 9 hnn to swathe, vibnn its swad- dling band. 10 intt? to break up (for it) {'>pn his decreed place, i. e., the great abyss). 11 nW to set, appoint. TVXD'' have I set (pride of thy wave). 12 nntZ? dusky. The dawn. *7'*t3''^n since thy days hast thou. 13 ny^ to shake. 14 *72D to be entangled. '333 the in- tricate passages of the sea, i. e.^ by which it communicates with the great abyss. 19 nr where. "7U?n to keep back. Dip assault, conflict. 24 p/H divide in an exact manner. Dip priority, onp the east-wind. 25 Hbo to divide, apportion. P^^W to imraerge. P]:q'0 an over- flowing shower or rain. nbv to ascend. nbVD channel, trench. tn to cut in. rin lightning (to thunder). *)m to drive. -fllD the wilder- m JOB. nVM 27 nWtt? waste. HMlttJO desolate (ground). SS"^ to come forth. SO bud of the tender herb. 29 "nCD to cover. IDD the hoar frost. SO idh to catch hold on each other (as in freezing). 31 ]137 pleasure, ninx-o delicacies. m^D to be warm. rf'M genial heat. (E. T., Pleiades.) bOD stififness, ^03 the cold. (E. T., Orion.) Or loose the bands (mSttno contractions). 52 "HTD in Arab, to be corrupt or rotten, nnra Mazaroth, that poisonous corrupting wind, known in Arabia by Sam or Smum. ^n^2 in its season. WS to consume. v^^S the blight- ing air. (E, T., Arcturus.) Canst thou lead along or direct the blighting or wasting air with its sons, i. e., numberless insects ? 33 II^W a side or part. ITiitt?^ its ministerial authority or power. 35 DY) or Ul lifted up. D'nnn. y^W Chald. to flow together. nSDiD inundation or deluge. 36 niO to overlay. mniDa the inner parts (of the human body). Tl'DW to be like. '1311? the imagina- tion or conception. 37 b33 to fall, ''bl'i (who lays along) the jars of heaven, i. e., who disposeth the clouds, &c. 38 p^J"^. p^J-inb "Cr np23 when the dust is fused or melted into a molten mass. !im to clod. D*aan clods, lumps. 59 11:^ to hunt. 39 HTT vigorous, dtt animal ap- petite. 40 tlW to incline, lie down (in their dens). 41 3^27 the raven. Who prepareth (its his food) when (his "^ib' young) cry unto God. Chapter XXXIX. t^b 1 nbS? to ascend. '^J> wild-goats. "Tv"^ to breed, ni). rt:mb bring- ing forth. 3 nbQ to cleave, bring forth by parting asunder, split off. 4 CvH be broken away, thrive. 5 ^W^n free. 'X)'^y the wild ass. rr^^DD the bands. 6 nbD t dissolve, rfnbxi a salt or parched place. 7 nStt? to be confounded. mxTUn tumultuous noises. 8 ^rV to exceed. mn the range. 9 DS"1 to be raised. DT or on a wild bull. 10 nbn a furrow. in^r with his rope. *7*Tt2? to harrow or break the clods. 1 2 ?)DS to gather in. 13 pi to vibrate briskly. D^3n os- triches, from their swift motion. DbV to exult, no'jy: exulting (wing). m'^Dn the stork. "inM strong. ma the wing or pinion. To wing, move the wing. n23 to shoot out. 7X2: the hawk. JOB. nvN 285 14 ^>^ an egg. rpji'i her eggs. Dttnn warmeth them. 15 TIT or "IT to press out, crush. W)1 to tread down, tread on, thrash. 16 nWp Hiph. to stiffen. Is hard- ened towards. 17 ni2?3 loose. TWn hath deprived her. 18 WlD to raise or swell up. MnOD she lifteth herself. 20 WV1 quick or alternate motion. I2'''2?nnrr canst thou cause him to leap or bound ? "ins to snort, iim his nostrils. 21 ncn to dig. V\in to strip, defy, 23 rrDti^W a quiver. n''3n armour, spear (ynb the flaming). ]1T^3 a spear, dart. 24 W^^ to shake violently. Prancing. Wn to be angry. Rage. SD21 to swallow. 25 ''m the very. nD ns among the very trumpets. y^ the hawk. 26 ]"^^ divide, '^nvya by thy wisdom. inN move the wing. ^D*^ the right hand. ]^Th towards the south. 28 mi!^Q a strong hold, munition, a fortress, also a net. 29 "IDn to search, dig. 30 mSS young birds. Its young. V^y to swallow down. vvn wounded, slain. Chapter XL. tt 2 "ID*^ to chastise, correct. 7 ybn the loins. 8 "TlQ or "ID to break, make void, disannul. 10 r\1V to pass over. Deck. nS3 gay, lofty, pwa loftiness. 11 1227 to pass, put on. milJ^ rage, heat. 12 nDT to beat to pieces, bruise, crush. "TV}. W^n to bind up. P!2l0n secretly. 15 niZSn^ the behemoth, hippo- potamus or sea horse. T^!Jn grass. 17 ^Dn delight. He moveth at pleasure ^y:^ his tail. *T3 or *T1!1 to assemble by troops, assault. Ta a sinew. inD to tremble, testicles. yiW to be folded or wrapped up. 18 pQS to hold in by force. cp^EN channels, compact bars. Din a bone, a large bone. 7t0?3 Arab, to work, forge. "j^tQ^ja like bars (E. T.). 20 b^"* to lead, &c. b^2 the produce, provender. f^nW to laugh, play. 21 D''^S!i shady trees or bushes. iriD to conceal. iDDa in the covert. tD^'D, bogs, mire, fens, mossy ground. 22 "ibb!^ their shadow. bn3 3n37 the willows of the brook. 286 JOB. 1V 23 pWy to oppress, rush upon, drink up. TDn to haste, n''^ to bring forth, draw up. 24 I}p3 to pierce or bore through. (n his nose) pierceth through snares. 26 *7K?^ to draw out. TlDn a hook or angle. VpW deep. To sink, cause to sink. (E. T.) and his tongue with a cord, which thou sinkest. 26 Ctt? to put. D'wnn. ^D2lN reeds, rushes. A hook bent like a reed. n')r\ a hook, a thorn. 27 ]3n to affect very much. D*3l3nn supplications. "7*1 tender, ^i)^^ soft words. 29 pnW to laugh, play. "1J?3 to move briskly, ynvx^i thy maidens or damsels. SO l^n to join. A companion. nn3 to dig up, to provide or pre- pare a feast. 373D to bring down. |y33 a mer- chant. 81 ^jlC? to hedge up. mD barbed irons. b!5b!? (fish) spears. Chapter XLI. ND 1 bn^ . inbmn the hope or expecta- tion of him. DT3 to dissemble, deceive. ^"10 or vll^ to cast down. 2 ntDW fierce, cruel. 113? to stir up. 3 D*7p to go before, prevent. 4 tt?"nn to be silent. ^DnnM "? t will not conceal (E. T.). *7*^V set in order. ^T\^$ |^n pro- portion or the orderly disposi- tion (of parts). 5 n v!l to roll off, uncover. 7DD double. 12DT "^DSl with his double bridle. 7 HM . D':2Q ym rr^^n noble are the compact plates of (his) shields. "12 or "112 to inclose. A narrow or close seal. Dmn. 8 inW^ ins one to another. B73D to be close together. 9 in^insn K?''M one to another. 10 Vnti?*^t037 by his sneezings or neezings. 11 ''TlTD as sparks (of fire). ID7I3 to escape, leap out. 12 nSD to breathe. mD3 seething, boiling-pot. "711 a kettle. iriD to snort, in^m his nostrils. ]D2S a lake. A caldron (holding water). 14 ::1 or nnSl sorrow. yi or y)l to be turned into joy. Y'nn exult or leap for joy. 15 bca to fall. 'Vdo flakes or fallings. p!5"^ to pour out, fuse. pis> it is molten (upon him), it is, there- fore, firm, hard. 16 nbD a piece of (millstone). nP,2 to descend, n^nnn lower, nether (millstone). 17 nti? to set, place. inttJlD when he raiseth up himself. Tin to fear, be afraid. JOB. 17 Mt^n to cleanse. 18 32?3 to overtake. inriCO when he overtaketh him. Cp to rise, rise up against. VD2 to pull up in order to remove to another place, ron a dart. n^'nC? a habergeon or breast- plate. 19 pn straw. npT to rot, make useless, pnpn rotten (wood). 21 nnin some weapon, dart, club. W^l to shake violently. pTD a spear or dart. 22 lin to penetrate. c?nn nnn sharp pieces of earthenware or flint. IDI to lay, spread out. yin sharp, ^rsn what is sharp or pointed. 23 nnn to boii. T^D a pot. nV 287 23 bbu to overshadow. n^lSO the deep. npT compound spices, nripno a confectioner's vessel or pot. 25 "ID3? dust, earth. 26 ynW to lift up, to be lofty. ytro '32 sons of elation. A fierce, undaunted, wild creature. Pride, here and Job xxviii. 8. Chapter XLII. na 2 1!^^ to restrain. 3 dhy to hide, n^byo who hideth. 6 DM^ to reject with contempt, abhor. 1 1 T13 to shake or remove. Condole. IDtt^p truth. rrap a piece of money, stamped with a lamh, typical of purity. THE SONG OF SOLOMON. Chapter I. H 6 ^Tt27 look or glance at. Shone upon. IJl^ to snort. ?.0 nn to go round. Borders (of jewels). 10 nn put in order. Rows (of pearls). 11 "TpD studded. Studs or spots. 2D to go round. laDO a rouncl table around which we sit. S88 SOLOMON'S SONG. 13 h^DW deprive. "j^tJN a cluster. 16 W1V to couch. Bed-furniture, a mattress. ']V1 thrive, flourish. 17 ''ID'^m rafters. $l"\p to meet, mip beams. 1^ to cleanse. Some purifying herb. Chapter II. . S 1 nbl^^n rose-bud or opening rose. From nnn to hide, and rfrs to shade, rrnti? strong, a coat of mail. 2 WW brisk. miDW the lily, from its brightness or six leaves, nn catch as with a hook. A hooked thorn. 3 nD3 breathe. mDH citron-tree and fruit, not apple as (E. T.). 5 WW^ grieved, angry. A flagon. IDT strew. Strew round. 8 ibl leap, bound. abiD a young stag or antelope. ^Sp contract, draw up as legs, to skip. VCpo. 9 ID^ to reduce to powder. bnD to confine. A wall, a chiosk or Eastern harbour. n^W to view attentively, pry. ^2 break or burst forth, f SO. *7~in enclose or catch in a net or toil. Lattices. 11 non stir, inon the boisterous season, November, December, January, February. 12 n!$3 shoot or burst forth. D'a2J3rr flowers. 12 2?!l!3 to reach, draw nigh. ^>yn. 13 n2t^n a fig-tree. iDDn to ripen, embalm, filling up ; with clammy, delicious juice. !IQ fail, faint. '3D the first young *1*7?2D the bud or budding of a flower. Flourishing. From DD to place, and Tt round. 14 nn circularity. n^m cliflTs, height. yil proceed regularly. l^'^Tsn a precipice. D*n37 to mix, be agreeable. 15 hVW hollow, concave. The little Eastern fox. bun bind, tie. Seize upon. 17 ira divide asunder. Craggy mountains. Chapter III. 3 6 n*n^Tl pillars in motion like smoke. pDM to beat small. npa dust. 9 p^lQN a lovely chariot or palan. quin. mC. 10 IDT to spread out. WTDT the bottom of it. f\^1 to pave. 11 miS3? a crown. Chapter IV. 1 1 ilVI to feed. WJn my love. Tiy^ to vex. D'2V doves or pigeons. ly^ within. T3?20 within. n^S a lock of hair. SOLOMON'S SONG. Dn'^tt?n n^'tt? 289 1 nVW hair. W\>^ to appear beautiful. 2 n^p to cut to a certain measure. m2"i!?pn which are of an equal height. DSn bear twins. D^mi^n twins. 3 "^itt^n iDiriD as a thread of scarlet. 121 to lead. Tnno thy speech. "inpl the temples or thin bone of the temple. 4 nVCbn an armoury. ''")3n builded. nbn to hang up. ''^hn. ^bl2? power for defence. D*"tDbtt) shields. 5 nD^ reduce to powder. onUJ^ young harts or roes. 713^ to swell. n^l3 a roe, a young hart. 6 nSD to breathe or blow. mc''. 8 nbD finished. nbD a bride, spouse. I'^'D to dwell, msyno from dens. 9 :2Sb take away the heart. p3V a necklace, a chain. 11 F) 153 to drop, distil. nD2 honey. 12 by 3 to make fast. b3 a heap, a spring. 13 nbt to shoot forth, yn'w thy shoots. D*T"13 an orchard. 13?3 precious fruits. nDD to cover. DnD3 camphire. n3 spikenard. 14 DD'HD saffron. n3p calamus. 16 "m? awake. bT3 to flow, distil. Chapter V. Jl 1 mW to pluck. 'HJ?'' a wood. Honey. nnti? to drink. n:2W to satisfy thirst. 2 ]tt7'' to sleep. pDl to knock. 3 \"2p to cut off the extremity of anything. "nilSIp my locks. ''D'^DT drops. F)3::j to defile. 6 pj^n turn aside. 7 "Tin to subdue. 'TTi a veil. 8 37:2tt7 to swear. TmMJn I adjure or charge. nbn wounded, sick. rOITW. 10 nn!^ to be bare, clear. 172 whitcf fair, bl^l a standard-bearer. n^miiS among ten thousand. 11 bbn raised up. D>bntn curled. 13 ^ny to pant, DJI-iy a ridge or raised bed. np'l compound spices or perfume. 1'D,V to pass. Sweet smelling (E. T.). ' 14 bb3 to roll. 'b^ba circulators, rings. tJ?'^ti?in the beryl, now called topaz. IW rWV prepared ivory. F)b37 cover all over. 15 W^W to rejoice. ttJ fine Parian marble. 16 priD sweetness. 290 SOLOMON'S SONG. Chapter VI. 1 5 !am firm, courageous. Turn thine eyes towards me that they may comfort me. t27v5 appear beautiful. 6 7m a sheep. 9 "ni to make clear, ma choice, bright. 10 P]p2? to look at, forth, out. Dion to be hot. rron solar flame. 11 n^Nnuts. raw to acquiesce. 'SM green fruits. niD break forth, bud. n!53 or ^^3 to send forth buds or blossoms. 12 n^'ia liberal, willing. A prince. Chapter VII. t 1 bbn to perforate. nbnD company, exultation. n3n to pitch a tent. D^:rran of two armies. 2 pDn. y^y V'lOfT *^ joints of thy thigh-bones, whereby they can turn aside. D^^S vH jewels. 3 "inW the navel. nnO round. pS a cup or bason. "ion want. 3T1Q mixed liquor. DT!? naked. nons? a heap (of wheat). 30 turn back. Set about 5 'Ji^ to couch, nra & pool, a great blessing in hot countries. rnl to draw up. rti the hair. p3nN purple. 1DN to bind, imprison. I^m a gallery, rafter. 33V to delight, o'lnayn delights. Dp to rise, "^noip thy stature. 71121 equable, nnm like. v1D2?M a bunch of grapes. ]D3D branches. niSn the citron-tree. D^mcns. 3132T to speak. pW to run to and fro. rfpwn desire, attendance. "IIDD the tender grape. D'^Sm the mandrakes, some lovely flower or fruit. r\n^ to open. A door. 13D precious fruits, new and D'3\D' old stores. Chapter VIII. n ]3n'^ **T2 oh, that thou wert ! npT compound spices or per- fume. 0*^03? fresh juice of the grape or pomegranate. pDI resting or leaning (herself). npQinn. 7Dn the girding pangs of a woman. To be in travail with. nS3p zeal or jealousy, ardent aflection. V\^1 burning coals. TT^'iTy, n'nanb'O raging flames, n^in a wall. "T'lD. m^TQ a row, a palace, or castle* SOLOMON'S SONG. ^9 nib a table, a board. 10 S!JD to find. ni*21Q3. 13 "12n to join. Dnan companions. 13 ntt?p attend, 14 b"^S a ram, a hart, a hind. 291 RUTH. Chapter I. S 13 1'2W to break, wait. P"!7 to stay for. 15 CZn"^ to perform the duty of a husband's brother. ^nQr thy sister-in-law. 16 VIlD to meet, entreat, intercede. Chapter II. 3 2 17"!^ to perceive. ^TD a kinsman. 7 ~l37 a handful, a sheaf. 9 D1!2 to fast, abstain from meat and drink. 1 1 ni^n a mother-in-law. 14 Dbn there. lfiD!5 reach out, hand, ""bp parched corn. 16 ibirn bW loose on purpose. nS!^ a handful of corn. 17 iDSn beat out. 19 HDn to know again. p^DQ who took notice of thee. Chapter III. 2 2 rfnt to scatter, winnow. 7 nianV a heap of corn. ^bn secretly, softly. 8 nsb turn about. 15 nnSIiiTSn the veil. Chapter IV. T 1 ''abD such a one. 'DQ^X such a one. 3 bWri to vindicate, redeem, bii^y a redeemer. vhM redemption, right. 4 *jnb*lT besides, except thee. 7 nnlian exchange. f]hW to draw off. 15 t27D3 !l^t2?Db a restorer of life, '^n^'^ti? thy gray hairs, bsb^b a nourisher. cc2 292 LAMENTATIONS. Chapter I. S 1 ^^T divide. mrioa among the provinces. nOD to disunite. DO a drauglit or levy of men. 3 nbi rolled away. Gone into cap- tivity. 7 mn descend, rmno her being brought low. H^W to lead captive. nnaiDQ at her captivity. 8 nT^J what ought to be removed. An abomination. b^T to lavish. "ib'^Tn despise. 9 rr^bll^S in her skirts. 11 nb bit vile. 13 H^'^ to faint, languish. 14 T^W to wrap or twist together. 15 HvD to strew, lay prostrate. n^ a wine-press. 20 IJD'HXin sore troubled, disturbed. Chapter II. ^ 1 m^ to cover with a thick cloud. Cnn the footstool. 3 rii to cut off. 6 Dttn take away by violence. "^V^ appoint. liyQ his place of solemn meeting. iriD ap- pointed meeting. 7 nST to cast off. "HMU to flow away, cast off. 8 bn the trench. b vDS weak, heartless. 11 ^l^V overwhelm, faint, or fail. "]DtZ7 pour out. 14 ben crude, indigested, foolish. N!2?3 lift up. mtt)Q burdens. irn to drive. D^nnn a push that makes one fall, causes of banish^ ment. 15 pDD to smite, clap. p'lti? hiss or whistle. 3?3 agitated, shake. bbD complete entirely. nV^a per- fection. 16 niJD let loose, open. \)'^n to gnash. 17 DttT devised. 3722 to covet, finish. 18 y)Q to fail. miD cessation, inter- mission, rest. ^T*V rQ the apple of thine eye. 19 IDIZ? to keep. nilDiDM watches. 20 bbv to do. rhb^:0 thou hast done. 21 nniD to kill, slay. 22 nStO a handbreadth. Spread out, extend, stretch. Chapter III. 2 4 nbU to wear or waste away. LAMENTATIONS. 5 r|p3 to surround. icsn gall. nS bn weariness. 6 "7tt?n to impede action. D^DttJnQ dark places. 8 UnW to shut out, nearly as DfiD to stop up. 9 /T^T^l hewn stone. 11 ID to decline. -niD he hath turned aside. nC?D tear in pieces. 12 S"1I)^ a mark. (Set me.) 13 inDt2?M ''^n the arrows of his quiver. 14 p3 to strike or play. n2'33 their song that was sung. 15 ni"! to be wet. Hiph. to be drenched. 71337 V wormwood. 16 D13 to crush, break. y^n to divide into a great num- ber of parts. V^" gravel, grit. tr?CD to feed. IDS ashes. 17 nW2 laxity. To forget. 18 n!^3 to overcome. Strength, bn^ to hope. Tibnvi my expecta- tion. 20 nnW to bow down. DDH to finish, consume. 22 bD to finish, fail. 25 n*lp to stretch, ^'^^p^ to him who expecteth earnestly. 26 VW*^ to save, nywn"? for the sal- vation. 28 D?2"r to be silent. btD3 to lay on. Because he (the Lord) layeth it upon him. 29 "^blW peradventure, if so be. ns^N 293 32 Dm to embrace. Compassion. 36 ^^'3 to incline, be partial against. 39 ]3S in Hithp. to complain, murmur. 40 tt?Dn free. Search out. *ipn explore. 41 n3 to refrain, rest, lead. 42 nbo loose, pardon, forgive. 44 nbo to separate, intercedes n'jcn prayer. 45 nnO to sweep or scrape off. ^no ofFscouring, refuse. DSD to be dilated. DWD refuse, vile. 47 no to expand. nrtD a net. nStt? to be confounded. ntD de- solation. 49 "133 to run down. 3D to faint. m3Dn cessation. 50 P)p2? look towards. 51 bb^^to do, affect. 52 T2 to hunt. 53 nin a pit or well. riD15 to cut off: m"^ to put forward, cast. 54 nD!? to cover, overflow 55 nvnnn lower. "1T3 to cut or clear off. 56 "^nninb to my breathing. 58 n''"1 to plead. mi thou hast pleaded. 59 n^V to incline. >nmJ> my wrong, injustice. 63 ^W^ to sit. DniilJ their sitting down. 65 p3 to protect. n3:o obstinacy. nbS adjure, curse, -jnbwn thy curse. c c 3 294 LAMENTATIONS. n^'^s Chapter IV. T 1 DW dim, obscured, sullied. S3tt? disapproved, or for Ttw changed. 2 S /D compare. Comparable. v23 a carcass containing liquor or anything else, an earthen pitcher. 3 TT^D to shriek, pn the crocodile and whale species, sea-monsters. y^n loose from, draw out. nrDS cruel. D^'S!? ostriches (E. T.). 5 )^V pleasure, cjiyob dainties. ^!3S steadiness. D>:Dn they who were nursed. rbin scarlet. p2n embrace. ntW to put in order. mnEWN a dunghill. 6 nbn to be faint. 7 *1T!] to separate. rPTT3. nS white, clear. Tr!l divide, cut, polish. )3D perhaps the loadstone. n^r^D something red, not pearls. 8 ^Wn to delineate. Di^n their form, visage. *fD^ to cover, cleave. Dmy their skin. WD.'^ dried up, withered. 9 !31T to flow out, pine or waste away. *)pT to be pierced through (o for want). DnpiQ who are pierced through. 213 to put forth. mm^nrD for want of the increase of the field. 10 Dm embrace. nV2Qm pitiful, nnnb for meat 14 V^2 to wander, omj? as blind men. vS2 to vindicate, defile. 12):i> ihDV Sbn what they might not, they touched (with their garments). 15 n23 to flee. To shoot forth, rush away, flee. 16 pbn divide equally. SE?3 receive, regard. ^^n very kind or affectionate to. 17 n3m^ as for us. nD!J to overspread, watch. "l3n^DS2 in our watching. 18 TV^ to walk on. iri2?2 our steps; Vp end. 19 p7"T pursue hotly. 20 nt27X2 to anoint. n^ttJQ anointed. 21 nntZ? to corrupt. n''nV3 a trap, a snare. rrnS? strip, make naked. 22 ni3? to pervert, pj? punishment of thine iniquity. rn^ remove. *|m^:n!? carry thee into captivity. Chapter V. H 2 mt to scatter, "rt a stranger. "HDi to alienate. A foreigner. 3 DIT' solitary, mn' fatherless, an orphan. 4 r\nW to drink. '7'm to go after. On our necks we are pursued, i. e., our enemies are close behind. 5 n3 to rest, min entire rest. LAMENTATIONS. 8 piD to break, rescue by force, snatch. 10 1DD convolve. Scorched, shri- velled. nO^ 7T a scorching, blasting wind. Pestilential, destructive, famine. 11 n^V to affect, ravish. 12 nbn to hang. 13 pntD to grind. 15 liT'iriD our piping. 295 ECCLESIASTES. Chapter I. M 1 vnp to collect, nbrrp a gatherer together, an assembler. 2 in'^ to exceed. pvi> remainder, profit. 5 P)S!27 draw in. F]W. 6 D1-11 the South. 8 37^"^ to labour, weary. 10 I^J multiplicity. "Q3 frequently, often. 13 712V to affect, p^ troublesome business. 15 mr to turn away. m3>Q that which is crooked. )f^n to direct, make straight. "^Dn to abate, want. pnon. n3D number, reckon, maort!?. 1 7 bbn to be mad. Tvffyn madness. bDtt? to be wise. m^JD acts of wisdom or prudence. W^ or V"''' to break. mn. p'ST vexation. nbnp Chapter II. 13 1 nD3 to try, attempt. rrDDOM I will prove thee. 3 "in to go about. '^Wl^ to draw out. 11713 to carry. HT this, this here; like ovro; and hie. 5 DllD an orchard, garden, in- closed plantation. From no to separate, and DT to hide. /DD foolish. D^b2D folly. 6 n^:^ to spring, produce, noiv. 8 D3D to gather together, collect, heap together. in separate. manon the pro- vinces. 1*'L2? to sing. Dn\r) men singers. nn\D women singers. 323? delight. mj:rn delights, luxuries. 296 ECCLESIASTES. 8 T11W to pour out. TTW ground. rrniu q. cup-bearer. (E. T.) musical instruments of all sorts. 10 b!^M to set apart, reserve. 37372 restrain, withhold. 11 "in^ to exceed, pnn* an excel- lence. 14 Tllp to meet, light upon, mpo occurrence, event. 18 n3 rest. ">2n^:wiD because I should leave it. 19 a7W to be over, to rule. 20 t27S^ to renounce. DIlD went about. 21 "n2?D straight, right. ]rW2 righte- ousness. 25 W^^ to make haste. V'^^ abroad, without. Chapter III. ^ 1 ))yt to appoint. An appointed time, yon bend, incline. A desire. 2 1p37 to root out. 3 yiti to break through or down. 4 IDD to lament, mourn. Ipn to leap, dance. 5 pm remove. 6 mW to be lost. 7 VIp to rend. "HDn to fasten, join together. nU?n to be silent. 11 nbr to hide. D'jyn the world, obscurity. HDD to sweep. 1" an extremity, end. 13 in3 to give, nno the gift. 15 ^^n to follow. Fn-i: nw that which n^r\p is followed after, i. e., which is past. 15 *1I2D a good while ago. 18 ^121 to drive. mm a matter, aifair, business. Tin to make clear. Dni\ Chapter IV. 1 1 VT^I to ooze out. rm the tears (of such as were oppressed). 2 nnti? to soothe, praise. QDti? who long ago, or some time since. 4 S3p to eat into. nwDp burning jealousy or indignation. 5 pnn to fold together. 6 n3 to rest. riTO rest, quietness, non to cover. D^2Dn the two hands (joined together). 8 *1Dn abate, "lona cause to want, deprive. 10 lb*^S woe. 12 r|pn to overcome. iDlnn WbW1211 a cord of three strings. priD to draw or pluck asunder. 13 ]DD lay up. pDD frugal, thrifty. "inT to shine, nmn"? to take warn- ing. ID to turn aside. n^lDH re- volters. But he who was born in his kingdom becometh poor. 17 nrV2 rather than to offer. Chapter V. H 1 bniS precipitate, hasty. 3 113 to vow. iin. ECCLESiASTES. 5 v2n to bind, take away. 7 Tll^n to wonder, be astonished. 9 717271 multitude, y^^n abundance. 10 1V"ntt?3 righteousness, agreeable- ness. 15 W nriV bD like as, just as. 16 nbn faint, weak, sick. 17 nS*' fair, beautiful. 18 D3 to reckon. d^D33 such riches as were usually counted. tobti? to be over. n^^^n hath given power. Chapter VI. 1 6 lb yea, though. 10 ?)pn to overpower, overcome. r]''pnmu who is powerful to over- Chapter VII. t 3 vD3 an untimely birth. DyD to be angry. D2?3 anger, vexation. 5 nn^ rest. 6 T^D a thorn. A pot. 7 bbn make mad. bbinp. ]n3 to give. rontD a gift. 10 WDH wise. HD^no skilfully. 12 b v!S? to overshadow. ^:j a shelter, protection. 13 ^jpn to make straight. 14 ^112 good, pleasant, cheerful. D37 collect, nni?^ over against. 19 D*>t^''bt27 constituted rulers or governors. pri'j^D power, au- thority. 25 !2tt?n to add. "(^S^r^ a device. nbnp 297 26 1DN to confine. DmD restraints, bands. Chapter VIII. FT 1 *1B?D to expound, interpret. But he who is strong, i. e., impudent, shall be hated. 2 5?^IZ7 to be satisfied. nm\y oath. 8 SbS separate, restrain. II CnnD a divine decree or declara- tion. 15 nilW to soothe, praise. 17 btt? to loose, bm. Chapter IX* tD 1 'H'nn to make clear, declare, ill'?. 4 nn^ q. should be "Sin to join. ntDlS to trust, pnm hope* 6 "1I2D long since. 8 ]nb . D>3lWhite. 11 yi to run. yiiD tiie race. D'^bpb to the swift. ]'*Il divide. D':i3^ to men of un- derstanding. l?nD an occurrence, an incident. 12 bCD to fall, b^tnv^. 15 ]DD to lay up. pDD frugal, thrifty. 18 ^"ip war. 2-ip '!?DQ than weapons of war. Chapter X. "^ 1 HT to gush, mi^ a fly. 3?!23 to bubble up. T2\ npn to make a composition, npy^ apothecary. 298 ECCLESIASTES. 1 "Ip*^ bright, esteemed. 4 SSnZD a healing medicine, r\^n vM keep not, i. e., yield, rr:' which will appease or atone. 6 D'^ to be lifted up. D'OTID dig- nity. 8 nCn to dig. Vai:i a pit. yiQ break through. "7^273 to bite. i:3tti'. 9 rD3 to remove, yon. !2!2^ labour, travail. Must labour in them. 37 pn separate, cleave. 7 2D to lay up. Profited. 10 nnp blunt. D'^3Q edge. ^p^p to furbish. bn to make a hole. C^^n power. "IH7D direct. mo3n TffiSr! p-n'1 and the excellency of directing, i. e., the most excellent directness (is) wisdom. 1 1 WrV7 a low hissing. Such a charm- ing or incantation of serpents. 13 ronn the beginning. 15 372^ to weary. 17 Tin white. omn nobles, from white robes. TinW to drink. 'jTCn for drunk- enness. 18 b!?57 to be slothful. D^n'j^n sloth- fulness. *7i3 to wax poor, decay. 'p\ TTlp to meet. Trpi2 a building. 7Dtt7 to humble oneself. m!?D remissness, hanging down. fy7^ to drop, wear out. 19 Dnb Chald. an eating, a feast. rhnp 20 y*l^ perceive. "pnm in thy science, thought. Chapter XL W^ 6 *1li7D straight. Prosper well, pro- ceed rightly. 10 nnti? dusky, mnn^ the dawn of human life. Chapter XII. :3" 1 ^^^S'rn:! thy creators. 3 37T move, tremble, shake. ni37 to incline, bow oneself, as the legs of old men do. bt^n to cease. I21S to lie in wait. niilM win- dows or holes for the eyes. 4 pItt? the street. Those open ways or passages in the body of man through which nourishment passeth. ]niD to grind. n:nTD digestion, the whole process. When the sound of the grinding is low, alluding to the noise made by handmills in the East. nC!^ to move quickly. iiD!? house- cock which crows before day- break, when the restless old man is ready to quit his uneasy bed. T^lt7n ni3i the daughters of song or music. When all the organs, which perceive and mo- dulate the voice, shall be brought low. 5 n^iJ high, man of that which is high, nnnn exceedingly dismayed. 'nnnn terrors. ECCLESIASTES. 5 Tptt? to watch. The almond-tree, because it first waketh from its winter repose, flowers in Ja- nuary, and brings its fruit to maturity in March, in Eastern countries. \^S3 to cast. Sheds its flowers. inn the locust or grasshopper. aarrrr b2T)U'^ and the grasshopper shall be a burden to itself. The shrivelled state of a very old man, parallel to a grasshopper ; whence Tithonus living to ex- treme old age was said to turn into one. ni2M to acquiesce. n3V3sn satis- faction. "ID to break. Shall be abolished. 12D to moan. D>TDlDn wailings, lamentations. a7V hide, conceal. Dark, obscure. 6 pm to remove. While the silver cord, i. e., (the whole nervous system^ is not loosed. bri to roll, imr^ nby the golden bowl, that part of the brain in which the nervous fluid or animal spirits are formed. yn to run. Broken. nbnp 299 bnbrin the wheel. The pitcher be broken at the fountain, and the wheel be broken at the pit. Tiie circulation of the blood here alluded to, and its cessation at death. See Park hurst's Lexicon. T?!ll3 to gush, morr a fountain or spring. 9 ItV^ adv. exceedingly, moreover, further (E. T.). Ijy7 to teach. ]tM to weigh, consider with at- tention, ponder. Ipn search minutely. ]pil set in order, compose. 10 ^'Dn to bend. Pleasing, accept- able. 11 Hm to be sharp. \Tn the point of a gourd to stimulate men to their duty. "IDtt? to keep. mnO'OMI and like the fences of plantations, D^rTO3 to guard the plants of righteous- ness. ^DN to gather. mDlD (the masters of) collections. 1 2 "int to shine, "imn take warning, 712il to bring forth, meditate. 300 ESTHER. Chapter T. S 1 lin for M^Tl India. 2 *ml3 to open. m'3 a castle, a palace, fortress, citadel. The fortress Susa. 3 D"ID Persia. DID Vn the power of Persia. CrrnS . D'omcri princes, nobles. From "WD glorious, and Dn per- fect, i. e., the most noble. 4 np^ to be bright. lp^ splendour, honour. nSD to adorn. n-WDD glory, honour. 5 "llJn to surround. n23 nsna in the court of the garden. 6 DD"13 calico. rfjDm DDii mn white calico and blue. y^'D, fine linen, ''j'^3 rings. WW white marble. Parian stone, which is white. nS!2'n a pavement. l^nll red marble, porphyry. 11 round. A pearl (Bochart), or white marble. nnO move to and fro. mno va- riegated marble. 7 npl2? to wet. mpn caused to drink. r\^W to iterate. W^W diverse, different. nTlCyn the drinking. 8 m a law, a statute. P3N Chald. to press, urge. 9 Tll&l Vashti. 10 D^D to serve. D^Dnon the lord chamberlains or eunuchs. 1 1 iriD to surround. A crown. 17 ntH to despise. \VM contempt, j 20 DHHQ declaration, decree. 22 HD^IXSI na^lD bW into every province. D371 D^ bST and to every people. THtZ? to rule absolutely. Chapter II, 2 1 '^W to stop, check, appease. "Itn to cut short, decree. 3 V^P collect, gather. pll^ to scourge, cleanse. pyyoD abstersion, things for purifica- tion. pl"iD purification. 7 ^XDM steadiness. p nursing or foster-father. Ver. 20, n3DN when she had taken care. nnoN in nDin n Ha- dassah, that is Esther. 9 K12?3 to take, obtain. H^W to iterate. Chald. change. '310 D'ttJjrr n^i ^m to the second house of the women. 18 Stt73 to lift up. nNO gifts. 21 ^D threshold or gate. ESTHER. Chapter III. 3 2 3?1D to bow, stoop down. 7 ID to break. IID a lot, a small piece of stone broken off from a larger. 8 13^?"' for ^'0y* there is. "ItD to scatter, nwa. TID to divide. TiDn. n^ti? iterate, change. m2W dif- ferent. TTyW to make equal. Countervail, answer. 9 T2i a trunk, chest. 10 "Tn^J to distress exceedingly. 112 severe persecutor. 12 a'^3D"n27nS (a Persian word) viceroys, lieutenants, chief-go- vernors. 13 "hhW to strip off, spoil. Tin a prey. 14 pii?nD a copy, exemplar, jn^ to make ready, prepared. 15 Pim to urge, hasten. D'Dim. "733 entangled, perplexed. Chapter IV. *T 3 TIV^ to spread. Niph. strewed, spread. 4 /H^n in great anguish. 7!3p to receive. 6 Unn to dilate, aim a street. 7 tt^HD to spread. rrttTC exposition, declaration. 11 lOti?'^ to hold out, extend. ttTTDV. 14 m the action of the air in motion, rrn respiration, respite. nn'D^ 301 14 7T7^ to overshadow, nbsrr pro- tection. Chapter V. H 9 3?t to move. 10 pDM to restrain. 14 TTliV to fix. p wood cut down, a gibbet. Chapter VI. ^ 1 "773 depart swiftly. Sip to read. 3 "np"^ be bright. Glory and dignity. 8 n*l3ba 27')nb royal apparel. nriD to surround. A crown. 9 DniD well born, noble person. 12 HDn to cover. >iDn. Chapter VII. t 4 lbs if. From ^M to interpose, and " it. *l!Jn the enemy, adversary. pt3 to damage, impair. Loss. 6 nV-l disturb, affright. 7 n^ capacious, p'! a palace, a large and beautiful house (a Persic word). 8 C2?33 subdue, ravish. 10 "^"DW assuage or assuage entirely. Chapter VIII. H 5 "IWD straight, right 8 Unn to stop up, seal. 10 12?D1 to earn. Working cattle, any that earn by their labour. D D 802 ESTHER. 10 D'^anniCnS mules. JDH . DOD"\n ':2 the offspring of mares ; occurs once. 15 "|~)D to involve, y^n an outer garment, robe. bniJ to shout. Chapter IX. tD 1 I'D.W to separate, break out upon, look at, or for. 19 T"1D to disperse. D^mcn villages, open country. milTCn 'ITJ open towns. 19 b;3p undertook. 22 D^'a^'^Sb to the poor. 23 bbn begun. 24 nian tumult. Don^ to destroy with tumult. 26 nilM to gather, mawn an epistle, letter. 27 ]152T an appointed time. 29 ^pn to overpower. rjpn, IDpn power, authority. CHALDEE. The letters and manner of reading, are the same as in Hebrew Many words are formed either by adding some letter at the beginning of a word, as Heb. Dl blood, Chald. Dl ; or at the end, as D a mother, Ch. NOW ; or in the middle, as nriM thou, Chald. rrn:M ; or both in the middle or at the end, as T a hand, Chald. TN. Some Chaldee words drop a letter from the Hebrew, as Heb. Tn one, Chald. m. Some by transposing a letter, as Heb. p^rr a portion, as of land, Chald. ipn a field. Many by changing some letter, as l in Hebrew, is in Chaldee changed into D, as Heb. bVM iron, Chald. bno. :s into y, as Heb. fiM earth, Chald. jn. into D, as Heb. ID'O to keep, Chald. "IDD. But the most frequent changes are the following : "i is often changed into i, as Heb. im gold, Chald. im. J? into ), as Heb. yp summer, Chald. Ei^. into n, as Heb. aw to return, Chald. ain. With some other less usual changes of the consonants, as of 3 into 3, T into id, D into p, b into 1, &c. Of the vowels, m is often changed into', as Heb. ttJwn a head, Chald. irn; Heb. bMW the grave, Chald. ^VW ; Heb. IDMD a word, Chald. lO'D. n into M, as in forming nouns feminine, and the Aphel (Hiphil) and Ithpehal (Hithpael) conjugations of verbs, n into ' or , as Heb. na to be willing, CHALDEE. 303 Chald. 'SM and mim. i into m, as Heb. aiTD good, Chald. atQ, &c. 1 into % a* in the Participle Passive of verbs. As n prefixed to a Hebrew noun often denotes the definite article the, so does postfixed to a Chaldee noun, as Heb. 'jbo a king, Chald. O^Q the king. PRONOUNS. Of the First Person : 3M, naM I. wnoM, 2n3, ]3N, pn, plur. We. Of the Second Person : riM, DJM, nnSM sing. Thou. pnM, t'ln^M, masc. ; ]>nM, ]'n3M, fern. Ye. Of^Ae 2%iftf Person : ir\7} He. >n she. ]13, ]13>M, ]i3rT, Dn, Din, |lDn, masc. They. pM, y^i^ and pn fem. They. The Pronoun suffixes to nouns and verbs in Chaldee are very like those in Hebrew, with some variations, as M3 us and our, y and '>y thee and thy, generally feminine. p3 you and your, masc. p you and your, fem. TV him and his, rr her and hers. p3 them, masc. and fem. pn their, masc. p them, fem. There are 269 Chaldee verses in the Old Testament, viz. : In Daniel, 200 verses, from chap. ii. 4 to chap. vii. inclusive. Ezra, 68 verses, viz., chap. iv. 724; v. 117 ; vi. 118; vii. 1226. Jeremiah, one verse, viz., chap. x. 11. See Parkhurst's Grammar," for particulars of Verbs in Chaldee. DANIEL. Chapter I. N 2 n!?p to cat offi D'Spr^ some, a part, end. nSS to lay or treasure up. "i!Ji a treasury, a storehouse. 3 DmO. D'DmDn princes, nobles. 4 nS mighty. Ability. 5 2nnQ a piece of meat cut offi 8 bwa to pollute, defile. 10 f]Vt troubled. Ill-favoured, sad. vv3 to roll, bu term, or con- tinuance, or sort. ^in Chald. to be bound to pay- ment. And ye shall make (my head) answerable. 12 nD3 try, prove. D3. Vlt scatter abroad. U^Tnn things sown, pulse. Dnra'iN four. D d2 304 DANIEL. 17 m" to put forward. mT IW ten times better. DtOin a kind of diviners. In- terpreters, enchanters. From TDirt a pen, and Dn to perfect, P)t27M a kind of conjuror or ma- gician (on account of their affla- tions). From r^m to breathe. 21 tZnD to contract. ttniD Cyrus. Chapter II. 2 1 D^D to smite, disturb. TT^n Niph. to be accomplished, done, made. (His sleep) there- fore went from him. P)tt7!D to discover. D^DWDD en- chanters, sorcerers. n'^aiS Syriac. 4 *12?D to interpret. inWD the inter- pretation, mn to declare, and ver. 6, pnnn. 5 b vD to speak, nn^o the word, the thing. MITS going away, gone, mn to cut in pieces. y^lTf a cutting in pieces. I'D.V to make, to do. * v13 a waste, a deserted, or unclean place. 6 n)IlT33 a gift or preferment in office. K^ntt? great, much. ]n / therefore. mp before, in the presence of. 7 ni3''3n for ^w second. 8 ;2'^!J' firm, certainty, truth. "T of, who, because. 213? the time. 8 lin^N ye. ]2T to buy or sell. pST gain,' protract, bsp before, in the presence of, opposite to, or to receive, because of. 9 mn one. m law, decree. ST3 to dissemble, lie (for m). nans lie. nntJ? to corrupt, nn^niu corrupt words. ^ttT an appointed or limited time. In Aph. ]'oxn to prepare, devise. nDQ7 to change. N:niD' be altered. 10 Wntt^n** dry land. ''T vI3p bD because that, accord- ingly, on account. n3TD according to this, in this way. 11 np'' to be bright. TDy sl rare thing. inb therefore, yet, but, unless. Vnb the gods. rr^M (as MJ)> a" ^s> 3^^* IIT to inhabit, prmo their dwell- ing. 12 D3n to rage with anger. "TSN to destroy, main"? for to destroy. 13 n1 decree. Mm the decree. p^^ to issue out, go out. npD3. bt^p to slay, kill. 1'^TDpno. nrn and M3^S to inquire, seek, ask. i&yd? request. 1'D.n to join. Tr\'\2'n his com- panions. Tn his. 14 piM then. pa then, l in. DANIEL. bs'^ai 305 1 5 Din for atttJ. rnn caused to re- tarn, answered. ^y for yy. N^y with counsel. ^2n strong, urgent. nDSnrra. 16 hhy . by to enter. 2 often pre- fixed as in yi3. 17 btW to be gone, departed. 18 Wn TT a secret, the secret. inW to be lost, pnain* destroyed. 21 N312? to change, wwrra. mr to pass on, take away. myrrD. lUn"^ to give place. n^ to know. yiJ. 5?13D know- ledge. 22 "in3 a river, nth: light, splendour. N-It2? to dwell. 23 nilS acquiescence. 'nmM my fathers. n'D.W to praise, m^ to give thanks. WTino (iirr a Jew). 24 S3tt HDD to number, appoint, "-aa. 25 bnn to hasten, nbmnna. n'DW in Aph. to find. IV^ now. 26 bnD able. 27 "Itn to divide, cut out. pM sooth- sayers. 28 D"Q but truly, but. Sin permanent existence. Chald. to be. 29 rm to will. Y^vsn thy thoughts. pbO to ascend, grow up. 81 lbs if. l'? as "^-M see, behold, lo. Vt splendour, beauty, nvii. DMp to stand. Sin form, aspect, rvrw. brntofear, Vnn terrible. 32 Tflin his breast. mTi. ^mrTT his arms. 33 piti? to move, 'mp legs, shanks. n^KJ to distribute, linjo part. P]Dnclay; also BDn. 34 nriD to smite, abolish. Pn them. pT to beat small, npin and pnno ver. 40. 35 mn3 according to this, in this way. T13? chaff. "HIM area or floor. 1^'^p summer, yp. "IJlM a place. TllO a mountain. 37 ]Dn to possess. :Dn power, hereditary dominion. ^\^n to overpower. NDpn power, might. Ip^ be bright. ip'i glory, honour. 38 p")M1 inhabitants. rr^n to be vigorous, nvn beasts. Wnn a field, a plain. 89 "ins after, afterwards. JDbtt a kingdom. M3?"1M weaker, lower, nbn (?). nwrrbn third. a7W have dominion. 40 bti?n to wear away. Wl (for rst) to break in pieces. 41 inD the potter. ^bO to divide. D1J3 to stand, anysi the firm- ness. S2'^tfi mud, mire. DD 3 306 DANIEL. b'^31 42 TT^p the end a part. nSD ^D. I^n to break (ts^). mnn. Sn lo, behold. 44 vI2n corrupt, destroy, hurt. p2tt7 to leave, let alone, panwn. PjlD to sweep away, consume, put an end to. 45 1W cut out. mwn. p^'HD faithful. 46 r|3M the countenance, the face. 12lD to bow to the ground, Is. xliv. 15, 17, 19 ; xlvi. 6. To touch the ground with the forehead. Nebuchadnezzar, see chap. iii. 6. "703 to pour out. 47 V^iWp "JD of a truth. Nia a lord. 48 nm to increase. Made Daniel great. ^na to give, pno gifts. p-im very great. PD a prince, magistrate. 49 S^D to seek, ask. Requested. 1'2V to do. nTl the business, ynn a door, a porter, a gate. Chapter III. 3 1 nW (for XffO) six. ynv sixty. nnS to part, dilate. "TiD breadth. 2 S'2D"ntt?nS satraps, viceroys, chief governors. nnD a governor, a ruler. Nnino. SntamS chiefs, prefects, se- nators. *nin3 a treasurer. "HSm a lawyer, a judge. M"^nDn sherifTs, prefects, officers. 2 MriK to come. iiTVCib to come 3 C73D for D3D to gather together. 4 TID to cry aloud. il-i3 a crier, herald. DV to collect. N''na3? a people. nJSS a nation. 'Q^< nations. 5 ^1p a horn, wnp a horn, cornet. Sn'^p'ntt?^ a flute, ffu^iyl. Dnri'^p a harp, lute, viol. MiDIlD , also, (3iio) sackbut, dul- cimer, guitar. ^>1t03DD or inn3DD psalteries. n"^31DDD sympathy, musical con- cert. ''St (for 30) kinds, species. Sittt music. 6 TlVtD an hour. wTOtt? na in the same hour. nDI to throw, be cast. Ncnn\ M13 the midst, n^yb. ^inW a furnace. MniS fire, or 113. "lp> to burn. nTp\ 7 n31 v2p vD on account of this, for this cause. M3^T an appointed or limited time. 8 "1^3 strong, valiant (a man). vDM to proclaim against. ^"Ip to move, wink, nod. ]irrsnp accusations. 10 D3?tD a royal decree. Regard, respect, i. e., relish. 12 nbs to worship, serve. Heb- n^D to meditate. 13 T3"1 moved with anger. Anger, fury. 14 S1!2n is it true, rrrrrr"? for roinnh to bring. DANIEL. bw^^ai 3or 15 ^^3 now. |n if. ^TTI^ be ready. nTtt? to rescue, set free. p3irw\ 16 ntt?n to have need, or occasion for. DSnD a word. Answer. Ilin for yW to restore, return. Ver. 19, *|niinn^. 19 sbrj to fill. >bnnn. D^^ form, image. T12W to change. '\:min. NTS to heat, make hot, HM^b. 20 nS3 to bind, tie. 21 "-fbw these. bsiD a cloak. pn>banD2. tt?lDD cap or breeches. pmtD'TQD head "dress, turbans. binD to clothe, prrnbina vests, tunics. 22 pD3 (Aph.) to cause to ascend, bring up. IpDH. S^'^^tt? a spark or sparks. "'T ^D whosoever. 23 pnnbn three. 24 TT^n to tremble, terrified, or amazed. "im to drive, bring. 2S'' firm, true. Mrs* it is true. 25 S")C7 and TIIW to loose. yim loose. vUn to bind, seize. Hurt, seizing of fire, nn form, aspect. Nil. 26 Vin a gate or door, for "ms. N^bl? lofty, high. pD3 go forth.. piD. 27 Dtt?3 the body, for F|a. "pn to burn. 28 ym to hope, trust. ^71'' to give, supply, deliver. 29 nblZ? tobe quiet. Careless, error, quiet, secure, mn to cut in pieces. ]'Din a cutting in pieces, pieces. y>^^ a waste. 30 nb!^ to prosper, and (Aph.) pro- mote, (Heb. to pass on.) 31 S^l^ to expatiate, increase. 32 STIN signs. tll2!r\ to wonder. >rran wonders. "iDiD mp 'n it was seemly before me. IDtt? fair, goodly, pleasant, agree- able. 33 ^n:r) very great. ^Ipn overpower. fZi^pn strong, mighty. Chapter IV. 1 1 73?^"^ green, flourishing, bm to fear, affright (Aph.). ^^*Tinin thoughts (same as 6 t*1 a secret. D3S to be difficult. 7 rV^^ri ntn I was seeing. )h^H a tree. 8 TTyi to grow great. ^pr\ valiant, hardy. NID^ arrive, reach. 9 TT^DIS? its foliage, branches. DDN fruit. H. ai: fruit. pt to nourish, pio meat, food. Ver. 10, pn\ nn2 to descend. bblD to shadow. A shadow, for ^3. 808 DANIEL. 9 S'ln a field, a plain, (wnvn beasts of) the field. f]^V a branch or bough. "INl or "Tn to dwell. 10 "1^ to raise. T^ a watcher. 11 1^1 cut off (for m). na, ^3n. "nnW fell or cut down. (E. T.) shake off. mS scatter, disperse, for nn. 12 D13 but, but yet. IpV to lop. "ip3^ the stump or bole of a tree. pStZ? to leave, let alone. now to bind. IIDM with a band, a chain. MWm the tender grass, or rwma. h]^ dew. bm with the dew. 3>3!J to wet, moisten. Ithp. WTDS', 2 and n being transposed. 14 TT21 to cut out. mu a decree. bWtt? to ask. n'?w the petition, request *! "JD whomsoever, from which. Sn!J to will. 15 bnD able. 16 D?3in27S was astonished and silent. Win n37t&3 about one hour. na'^'J?n bis thought. Wna a lord. 'Nno my lord. nV an adversary (for ^^s). 19 rOn "immi thy greatness is grown. X^W to have dominion, pbto dominion. 20 bisn bind, seize, destroy. 3?3!5 to dip or dye. 22 TH^ to drive out, thrust out. b^D-T 22 imXa thy dwelling. mn a bull, ox (for ^w). 24 "fba to deliberate. ''3'>o my counsel. IDlZl? pleasant, agreeable. pnS break off. JT^n vigorous. ]nD^ by keeping in life, or being kind to the poor, ]'3y. np37 to prolong, lengthen. Ver. 26, ND"N. 26 ^in two. 27 W1 (for m this). ]Dn strength. 28 DC or DID the mouth, my pass on, take away. 30 riDD completed, fulfilled. *nQ^ a nail. 'miDTO his nails (like birds' claws). 31 btt3 to lift up. '3>i:o my under- standing. 32 nbD as nothing. From vh not, and 3 as. MD!^ to will. *32JDD according to his will. 12S. WnD to strike, smite. Also pre- serve alive. 33 Vt splendour, beauty. ^IH majesty. nyir\ counsellor. Nnnn bar- risters, pleaders. r\yD, or S3?S inquired. 'Ipn to establish, confirm, ropnn. 34 ^Wp truth, truly, m^ pride. Chapter V. H 1 Dnb a feast. DANIEL. 1 vSp before, in the presence of. bzpb opposite. Ml^n . ion wine. 2 NriN to come. Tvrfnb to be brought. ]MD a vessel. pD3 take out. Go forth. nb!ltD a spouse, a wife. T^nbw. HDn V a concubine. 4 S37M a tree, wood. 5 SnCi^'niSS a candlestick, a lamp. M*n^!l the chalk, plaster. briD a wall. 6 ItDp (for np) to bind. *ilDp the knots. niS'nrT the lolns. Siti? to loose. ^>Tnwo. nriDSlS his knees, from *pa. I27p3 strike or beat one against another. 7 mp to read or call. mpn\ MD13-IS purple. Heb. pn. HD'^StSn a chain, for ornament. 9 fi?2l27 perplexed, confounded. M'Tlti?^ a feast, a drinking. 11 nna light, ^yn. n'DW to find, nronttjn. 12 nin declare. n*in declaring, shewing. ]T^nM hidden things, enigmas. 17 VntiSp S~)tt?D explaining things bound, difficult, or doubtful. nnTS3 a gift, or preferment in office. 19 ^"^^yS^ trembling. ]'yw trembled. 20 "TIT to act proudly. 7mr)b. f\pn to prevail. bs^'3 309 21 nlEt? to make equal or level. '1W. Tiy a wild ass. 22 rrni his son. 23 W-1D the Lord. nttl2l?3 the spirit, soul, or breath. 2'h SDQ the bit, particle. DID"! describe. D^Wl. 25 n3Q to number, reckon up. N30. hpn to weigh (for bpia). D^ID to part, break in pieces, divide. 27 "HDH deficient, wanting. 'VDn. 29 tID to proclaim. Chapter VI. *l 1 vip to receive. *1^D about, already, past. I^nnrx) vniz? sixty.two. 3 S'^D'^D exarchs, presidents, super- intendents. ^^^iD comptrollers. pT3 hurt, damage. Ktt37tD the account. 4 n!J3 be over, preside. nj?2nn set over. 5 n vV occasion against him. Tll)^ to look sideways. nSQ on the part. I'O'^nri faithful. TV7W quiet. ^bV3 negligence, neg- lect. 7 Wyi gather together, assemble. 8 1^2?'^ to consult one another or to- gether, for \fS\ Dip to arise. D'p rropb to establish a statute. "IDS to bind. An obligation. ^^ gibbosity. A pit or den. 310 DANIEL. bK'^n 9 Ct2?n describe, sign. n*T37 to pass away. 13?. 11 M13 a window. PI. p3. nn^ open. nn"^bl7 upper chamber. ]DT an appointed time. SblS pray to, entreat. 14, DVt^ taste, respect. 15 IZ?W2 to be bad, displeased. rihv to ascend. '^TD the going in or off. "TltZ? to exert oneself, strive. 17 Sn'^in continually. Heb. nnan continually. 18 WnpT37 a ring or signet. 19 btN to be gone, depart. n^ to lodge, (p Hebrew) pass the night. n*ltO hungry, supperless. Uni to drive, impel, pm in- struments of music. 12i to flee, retire. 20 S'nSnDtt? day-break, early dawn. nUD as the morning. Nn323. bnS to hurry, hastily. 21 11''!^^ sad, sorrowful. 22 bbD speak, relate. 23 bnn to hurt. HDT clean, pure. tDT purity, in- nocence. 24 HMtD well-pleased, cheerful, glad. ^^D2 to ascend, go up, lead out. I^y^n he believed. 26 S3Q7 increase, go up. 7TIM signs. 27 D3?ta a royal decree. ^'^HDH wonders. I Chapter VII. 2 ins or lbs see, behold. ^^^ to fight, break forth, irvyo. 3 pbo ascended. 4 J^3 a wing. 1: n pa wings of an eagle. iDna to pluck off. blD3 to lift up. 5 "Hl^ti? a side or part. 3?bv a rib (for y'?2). 6 "1X23 a leopard. 7 'anttS terrible. npT to be beat small. npiQ. DCn to trample upon, tread down. 8 b^lt? to understand, consider. ^ini'^n among them. 1p3? to be cut, lop off. 9 SD13 a throne. pDn3 thrones. priV permanent, lasting. p'ny permanent, (ancient, E. T.). Mp3 clean, pure. *io wool. 2^07 to turn backward. ]'a'ltO streams of hot air of the fire, pbl burning (m: fire). 10 "in3 to flow. A river, light. pQ3 to go out. 133 to issue forth. WT^W to minister, attend and wait upon. p:n 1311 ten thousand times ten thousand, nn"* for nW'> to sit. 11 bbtt to speak. N^bOD. "T!3M to perish. -Qin. Ip"^ to burn. St& fire. 12 pr time. 13 "12D like a son. DANIEL. b>3T 311 13 nifitt to arrive, come to. 15 mD to cut through, afflicted. n2"l!3 a sheath. Metaph. a body. 12 or W13 the midst. 16 CSp to stand. >Dp the standers by. DIJ'^ firm. 3*2> the truth. 18 b^p to receive. jDn possess. 19 n^!^ to will, be desirous, or M33. Ml2^b lY'lS I was desirous to know the truth. "iDia a nail (for pIDS). 20 ]3T of that, of that kind. This. 21 mp war. min his countenance. 23 Wl thrash, beat to pieces. naWTin. 25 1!S5 the side, opposite to, against. Wbn consume, afflict. nnO to think (for MVi). Hbo to divide, a portion, half. 26 lUW to destroy. 27 ninn under. 28 niD3 to keep. Chapter VIII. n 2 b^** to carry along. ^aiM river. ''biM Ulai. 3 n22 to push, strike. m:D. 5 "ID!^ to move quickly. TDS a he goat. 7 l^nD to be exceedingly imbit- tered, irritated. 8 D!^V strength. Strong. 9 nH^ to swell. '3^n the promised land, i. e., the glory of all lands, 10 n2D to distribute, p. 11 D~> to be lifted. In Huph. D'nn taken away. T'DH continual (n^ burnt-ofFer- ing. ^23 to make ready. p30 prepared place. 13 ^^IttbO a certain one, some one. From nbD to separate, and n3Q to distribute. 14, wbwi D'^sbM npn nnv iv niSD until the two thousandth three hundredth evening and morning. 16 tb to turn aside, rtn this, this here. 17 n3?n to terrify. 21 1^ a Greek. Of Greece. 19 Q^T indignation. 23 on to finish. onns when are finished. 25 bDB? to be wise. battJ prudence, skill. DD to fail. 26 QJlD to stop, stop up. 27 nn3 lament, bewail. Chapter IX. IS 2 inn to waste. Desolation. 7 bl?^ to decline. Declining from duty, trespass. 11 "fn3 pour out. -jrin. 1 3 nbn to be faint, supplicate, "la'bn. 14 Iptt? to awake. Watch. 19 "nnS to delay, defer. D^b'DQ to present. b'DO to present. 21 Vy\'^ to vibrate, fly. Fp>3 Fj^O caused to fly swiftly. 22 'J''!! divide, discern, understand. S12 DANIEL. 24 "jnn decided, determined. nn to seal (the vision and the prophet) twice, i. e., to confirm and put an end to all the pro- phecies concerning the Messiah, by their accomplishment in him- self. nt^lD to anoint. 25 nn3331 n^Wn shall be built again. niDnbi :i'>wrh to buiid again. T^^3 rf'tt^D Messiah the prince, or the anointed ruler. n37)3ti? D'^3731Z? seven weeks. ^nn to shorten, cut short, deter- mined. y^^^n a ruin or heap of ruins. p1!J. D^TOH plan in afflicting times. 26 niS'nnS determined (desolations). 27 "1)3!l to be strong, establish, con- firm. P)DD extremity. yplt) to abominate. D'SlpttJ abomi- nation. n^ltt? until a consummation, even that appointed, thou wilt pour forth upon the desolate. Chapter X. '^ 1 MU^ to assemble. 2 vHS to be desolate. Indeed, in truth. 7 Tnn to move with quickness, to tremble. M]2n to hide, conceal. 12 r\^V to affect, afflict, m^ynn^ bs^2T 15 DvM to compress, silent. 18 pTn be strong, courageous, pxm. 21 QW^ mark, written. DittJin. Chapter XI. N" 4 TT^^n to divide. ins behind, innns his descend- ants. 6 1W^ to be straight. DnnTD rights. "n^JV to restrain, retain. 7 "l^^a to form. A branch. *)D3 in his offlce or place. 8 "^02 to diffiise. Dn'3D: their princes. 10 nn^ to stir up. T13? strength. Wq a strong-hold or fortress. 1 2 nm to be many, mwi'^ myriads. 14 yi^ to break forth. "snD robbers. 15 77D to raise very high. Gr. xa/Atu, from xtu. ^riib^'C a mount. "7Dtt? to pour. 17 ^pn power. 18 yp'> to awake. y:ip a ruler. 20 IZ7213 close to, squeeze, xom a tax- gatherer. ^33? to pass. TiPO one who causeth to pass over. in*' to unite. D''TnN a few. 21 HTS to despise, nua a vile, con- temptible person. 22 PjIDtt? to cover with water, over- whelm. An overflowing in- undation. 1^2 . T33 a prince. 23 "l^n to conjoin, rrnannn league made with him. 24 ll^W . 'OOWD fattest part. DANIEL. 24 till to spoil, nu the spoil. 1\^ to scatter, disperse. 25 "T'S? to stir up, excite. 26 22nD a piece of meat cut off. 30 'IJ a ship. HMD to bruise. 32 VWI scales of unfairness. >ttna they who act unjustly against. P|Dn to pollute, corrupt. 33 )^D to impart understanding. 35 ]dh to make white. 36 y")n to cut short, determine. 39 I'DTl acknowledge. D'^IIJDD fortresses, protectors. )nD to commute, exchange. TITO a price. 40 "1372? to fear. t?ntt3n come like a whirlwind. 43 7?SD to hide. ':020 treasures. D**!!/ the Lybians. D'^2?D the Ethiopians. bM^'DI 313 45 "laiDS "bnS the curtains of his pavilion. Chapter Xll. n"' 2 ^W^ to sleep. '3ffi>o who sleep. Sm Arab, to repel. ]MfMb con- tempt. 3 IJlt to shine. im brightness, transparency, as of the air or heavens thus illuminated. 4 tOtDQ? to go or run to and fro re- peatedly. 7 '7!!?'' to appoint. irTO a set regular time, a season. 9 DJHD to shut up. A mystery, a secret. 10 TiD to cleanse, purge thoroughly. H no to decline. Hoph. iDin re- moved. 12 nsn to wait, tarry. rrDnon. EZRA. Chapter I. M 4 Dp to arise. DIpD a place. mD to give freely. 71313 a vo- luntary gift. 6 IHD. maiao costly or precious things. 8 "11312 a treasurer. 9 "^ /li'inS chargers, basins. Py7n passing. Fjbno a knife (for slaying victims). 10 1DD to cover. 1103 a cup, a bowl . E E 3H EZRA. MIT!? 10 SDC7 . D'3tt)D of a second sort. Chapter II. 2 62 tt?n"^ to compute. D^tt^rPnon among those who were enrolled. bwri to defile, reject. 64 Wim rmW four ten thousands. 65 T'ti? to sing. DmtCD the singers. 69 "11103m the Persian daric, a dram. n30 a nianeh, perhaps 100 shekels. 70 "l^ytt? a gate, wym porters. Chapter III. 2 7 21Jn to hew. asn a stone-cutter. SQ?T Chald. to have power, per- mission. p"iin grant, permission. 10 ilDli to build. D'3an the builders. nnSSn a trumpet. vvS- D'n'?20 a cymbal, two plates which were struck to- gether. 13 'H^riperceive, discern. Dn'30. Chapter IV. 1 2 b for lb him. 4 n v!2 to terrify. 5 "HDD to hire, bribe (as n3tj). 6 ]iatt? to be hostile. n:TD\D an ac- cusation. 7 m3!3 fellow- labourers, colleagues. ^inU^j a letter, decree. 03*1/1 to interpret. A translation. 8 D3?13 b^D president of the council. 8 M*13M a letter, win one. N^r^i judges. MD33 after this manner, of this kind. 10 N-I^'p'' the noble. nSVD as now, at such a time, and nra. 1 1 ptt^^D a copy, an example. 12 pvD to ascend. t^2 to be bad. V^3Ci? to found, repair. M"^K?S foundations, bulwarks. iDl^n to sew, join together. TOW. 13 ni3D tribute ; also mn. wl3 poll-tax. ^I^n revenue. nOS tribute, strength, treasure. p?3 to hurt, damage. 14 nbri salt. n'Tn37 the nakedness. "T'lH Wb it was not meet. 15 S3"12T a memorial, history. *)*J"Tnti7M a rebellion, conspiracy. 7113 the midst. 17 D3nD a word, an answer. 18 tt7*)D to be plain. -onDO plainly. 19 ''3X3 by me a decree is made. 20 r)pri valiant. 21 vl33 to cease, leave off. 22 Itlt to admonish, beware. n vt2? to be quiet, ^b'0 negligence, intermission. S3tt? to increase, grow up. b^n hurt, destruction. 23 btS to go, depart, b'm. rmW and 2?n-T, Chald. riuhe arm, vi et armis. EZRA. WnT37 315 Chapter V. H 1 S33 to prophesy. 2 IVD to uphold, assist. 3 N^T appointed or limited time. ''tt , ^10 who SaniZ^N fortifications, walls. 5 UW a name. PI. nnow. ''UK? grey-headed, aged persons, elders. DVtD account, relation, command- ment. 8 37 S for yr wood, timber. hilD a wall. '^n3a in the walls. M3"1DDS immediately, straightway, studiously, diligently. 9 1W to regulate. 1 1 1DM . ma'? saying. N3n27N a wall. ^S^^tt? 1'^Dtt? many years. P]S also. 12 m move with anger, provoke. "inD destroy. IDH them, as Hebrew. 13 D13 but. mn first 14 ]SJj a vessel. 15 ^nnN leave, deposit; here nn. nn: descend. pnS a place, mns in its place. 16 'j^'lS then. 17 W2 a treasure. ISIN n'W3 trea- sures, repositories. ni^n there, thither, rraw. n'llJ'n will, thought. Chapter VI. 1 1 nn3 descend, deposit. I'nnrro. 2 1"^2 a palace. ^ Nnanwn at Echbatana. nb3 to involve. n'jliD a volume. n3"n2"T a memorial. 3 n^l to kill in sacrifice. W^tt^S foundations, here *n"\WM. 7!2D to load. |>'?2')DD strongly laid, strong, fit to bear. r\n^ breadth. pDD to go forth. NnpC3 expense, disbursement. 7 p!ltt? to leave, N)D V as to what. 8 'DD3tt of the substance, means, riches, m^ a tribute. 9 nB7n to want, to be in need of. n3"7 a ram. "IDS to say, A lamb. I23n grain, corn, mon "IDn wine. HDD oil. 10 yip to approach, offer, plpno offer sacrifices, na rest, l'mn'3 of rest. N^!^ pray to, entreat. ]^^^d. 1 1 nD3 to destroy, pull down. P\pX to uphold, support. n'pT being set up. iim^ to strike, abolish. nD de- stroyed. 1713 a gift, a present. 12 13S3 to throw, cast down. 14 M123 to prophesy. n133 prophe- sying. ibbDH? to finish, complete. E E 2 316 EZRA. Nnty 15 Kt>2''t& to finish, complete. >>w. 16 nD3n dedication. ND33. rrnn joy. 1 7 T^DS a he-goat, py n>DS. '^W^ nn twelve. ^'^SDv according to the number. 18 :ibD to divide. pnm^S their di- visions. 20 inX^ to cleanse, purify (Hebrew). ivran cleansed themselves. 21 NJ2T0 pollute, defile. nKD^D not defiled. Chapter VII. T 6 inia to haste. Trra expeditious, ready (Hill). 9 10'^ foundation. The beginning. 1 1 ]TI2?3 a letter. 12 *na;i to perfect, finish. TOa perfect (peace). 13 m3 to offer willingly, anano who offereth himself freely. 14 ID3?^ to counsel. >n"Cir his coun- cillors. Dip ]^ from before. 17 N3p or n^p to buy. nST to slay. n2iD the altar. 1 8 1'D.V to keep, observe. 19 n /D to worship, serve, minister. p^D service. u^W to complete, repay, restore. 20 mnii?n necessary. 21 ~)3Tn a treasurer. prT'DDS libations of wine. 22 "lID round. pl3 the largest measure of capacity. 23 NimW carefully, diligently. 24 nX2T singers. rrSSD 'i>n::D a hundred talents. l?"nn a door, a porter. 25 m3tt tribute. lb^ poll-tax. tfivtt? to rule. TD^^ttj Mb no one has authority. ibH toll. SDT to cast, lay, impose. MO^oS V^n rulers. 1''3S"7 magistrates. 26 n3tt against him. ]^D33 substance, means. Chapter VIII. H 1 Wn*> to compute a genealogy. DTUirnm and their genealogy. 20 ^p3 to mark by way of honour- able distinction, to name. 22 W^^ to be ashamed. 25 Dll to raise up, offer up. noivi offering. 27 *1DD to cover. TiDa a covered basin. ]!D"mM a dram. A golden daric value 25s. Sn!? yellow or shining. irr2?n. 29 "^t&b or TlDWh a chamber. Chapter IX. ID 2 "^riD a prince or ruler. 3 lantt to pluck off. EZRA. 3 U12W desolate. D01WQ. 4 Tnn to tremble. 8 in^ a nail, a pin, 1. e., a constant and sure abode, ^n to be vigorous, rrno suste- nance, reviving. 1 1 m3 to put far away as evil or un- clean. The wages of whoredom considered as filthy. HD bN n53D from one end to another. 13 ntaaarod. S-rV 317 14 "iDnb 2^27371 should we again break. inn contract affinity by marriage. Chapter X. ^ 2 nV'HDS U^W^ strange women. 7 vIp "IT^S^'^I and they made pro- clamation. 13 vUlN surely, indeed. 14 13''*1V^ i" ^^^ cities. NEHEMIAH. Chapter I. N 7 bsn to be mad, foolish. 11 ^Dn to incline, have a desire. Chapter II. 2 6 biU? a wife, spouse. 7 m:i^ a letter. 8 D*nD a garden of trees, a park for animals. 13 nDQ?S dung. TTttJ the dung.gate. 1^127 to break, consider. Chapter III. 3 2 rnp to meet. To frame or lay beams, mp. 2 br3 to bolt. "^IWD a bar, a bolt. 4 pTn to bind fast, p'mn to build up again, i. e., to strengthen. 5 "mN wide, broad, inw a chief, a noble. 8 ^"12 to melt. Fims a founder or workman in gold and silver, tlp^ to spice, season, npl an apothecary. ntV to leave, set free. 9 7^2 a district. 1 1 miQ extension, length, measured out. Il^n a baking oven. 13 niDtl? cheese of kine, cow-milk. 15 V vtfi to cover. c 3 318 NEHEMIAH. 15 rihV . "Jb^D a step, a stair. 1 9 pU?D an armoury. ri!^p^ a corner. D' and ni . 21 nbD to complete, n'bin an end, completion. 22 "1253 circuit, surrounding country. 25 ]Vb3? upper, higher. ^153 to watch, guard. m^o a prison. 30 nD273 a small chamber or cell in the temple. 31 bDl to go about. ^3- a trader, a merchant. 34 bbtt weak, feeble. n^V naked, noir a heap. 35 bVW a fox. 37 DV3 to be grieved. D'Mnto cause ill humour, vex. Chapter IV. T 1 ninnb nD^-i nn\>v the walls were made whole or re- paired, bbn to penetrate, bbn to begin. 2 n3?n to wander about, rwin hurt, injury. 4 h'DD to bear. bSD a porter. bK?3 to stumble, totter. 7 nn!J to be white. 'n>ns a dry land, a parched country. (E.T.) on the higher places or open places. 10 1373 to shake. A child, a servant. ^^12? a coat of mail, habergeon. 11 D^V to load- here \rjQy. nbtZ? a pointed weapon, a spear. 17 tOtrS to put off. n>23n3 Chapter V. 71 3 tlltD a field. ^yn'W our fields. 4 ni V to adhere, borrow. Hiph. to lend. 5 W^'D to subdue, subjugate. 7 *7 v153 to reign. Niph. to consult. N12?D usury. 11 nSD a hundred. riNO probably the rate per cent. 13 ]!jn the bosom, the folds of the dress covering the bosom. 15 ^113 to be heavy, chargeable. Hiph. oppressed. Chapter VI. T 2 ^IV* to appoint. Niph. 13>13 to meet by appointment. HDD to cover. onDD villages. 8 N13 to imagine, invent, devise. 12 "IDH to know again, perceive. 15 u7W completed, finished. 18 )nn a son-in-law. ]nn a father- in-law. 19 Ditfi . vmi^D his good deeds. Chapter VII. 1 3 ?)>3 to shut. TnS to seize, close, bar. 4 D''"?'' rom wide of hands, i. e., spacious. Wn"^ to compute by genealogy. 64 vM3 to reject, exclude. 66 MIS"! ten thousand. pltt^ a basin, a sprinkling vessel. 70 H'^p Chald. to divide. nspD a j part. NEHEMIAH. Chapter VIII. n 4 vlH?3 a tower, a high scaffold, a stage, a pulpit. 8 H?"nD to spread, to explain. 'tD explaining. 10 nin to rejoice. 7r]Tn joy, glad- ness. 11 ntt?n to be silent. TlDtl to be silent. 15 )T2W yV wild olive-tree, oleaster. Din myrtle. IJSn the palm-tree. Chapter IX. tD 3 DVn n'^r^'m a fourth part of the day. 5 UKD very highly exalted. DO'^no. 10 T^T to deal proudly. 17 nbO to forgive, nin^te ready to forgive. 20 ]D manna. 7D^3 to nourish. 21 p!iS to swell. 22 HNQ a corner, side, region. 25 *nn a cistern. 3!Jn to hew out. 26 TTHD to be perverse. 29 "T^D refractory, rebellious. J^riD a shoulder. 30 "JtZ?^ to seize, draw out, prolong. Chapter X. * 1 n3!3N a firm covenant. 30 P'in to bind, pnnn to adhere r\^'!2n:i 319 32 npb to take, buy. mnpa wares, venalia, articles for sale. I^W a breaking. Grain, because broken in the mill. 127123 to let loose, let alone, leave. St2?3 to bear. NttJO collection. 34 ^1V . nD"i3>D an arranging, a setting in order. 35 bia a lot. 38 nD**"!^ dough or pastry. 1WS to impose tithes, to take the tenth part. Chapter XI. S** 1 T* a hand, a part. 16 y^^ outer, exterior. TOS'nn. 17 bbn to begin. n'?nn the begin- ning. 7vD to pray, n^cn prayer, song of praise. 25 nsn a village. Chapter XII. S^ 8 nT . mTn the thanksgiving. 24 nnwn nrb natZ?^ ward over^ against ward. 27 "jan . n32n the dedication. D'^nbStt cymbals. 31 m'' . min confession. nSl2?S dung, mire. 38 vSID V for ^IDv over against. 39 IW"^ fem. njtt)' old, in opposition to new and fresh. 44 712W2 or nDWh a small chamber or cell in the temple. D33 to collect, heap up. n3Q . nwo a part, portion. 320 NEHEMIAH. n^!Dn3 Chapter XIII. ^'i 2 mp to precede, meet. 7 vp to curse, blaspheme. 12 nlSN to heap, lay up. niTSlM stores, stores of provisions. Hiph. to appoint for treasurers. 15 nn pi. nina wine-press, or rather the trough in which grapes were trodden, my . mony sheaves. DJ2V to load or lade. 15 TlSfood. 1 6 n*:^ a Tyrian. 19 bb^ to be shaded, to be dark. 21 njtt? to iterate, repeat. 24 ItJn to discern. D>TDQ. D^l nV ]WbD^ according to the language of each people. 25 IDID to pluck off the hair. 29 nan^n the priesthood. bW to defile, pollute. 1. CHRONICLES. Chapter II. D 7 133? to stir up, trouble. "Oiy troubler. Chapter IV. 1 14 ti?"in a mechanic. 21 ^12 m. byssus, the finest white cotton of the Egyptians. 22 pnV to remove. D'p'ny durable, ancient. 23 l^** to frame. Dnsvn the potters. 3?tD3 to plant. D'jyo: plants. ^W^ to dwell. om'CiO their ha- bitation. 38 \nS break forth. 40 D^T' n^m wide extent. 41 20 25 16 ']'^V'!2 a dwelling, also a fountain. Chapter V. n 2?')2'^ a ledge. TiS' a bed. Wr\^ to compute. Genealogy. "T'^^IS a leader, ruler, prince. S2^ . ni2in a gate, going forth, a limit. Dn!23?tt? who were with them. iny to pray, entreat. n3T to commit fornication. Prac- tised idolatry. Chapter VI. *J ]nS the ark. I. CHRONICLES. s a>tt>n ^nm 321 39 Tito a row. m'^D a palace or castle, being a regular structure. 42 a7p contracted. Tnbpia (a city of) refuge so called, because the fleer was abridged of his liberty. 4(5 n''!jnan out of half. T)12 a crowd or band of warriors, particularly light armed troops. Chapter IX. ID 22 T12 to separate, select, choose. n3DS a pillar, door-post, set office, or trust. 27 nnD!3 an opening. 29 n3D to count, to appoint to an office. D'2QQ. 30 nnpitt anointing. Ointment. rrp^ to compound spices. 31 n'^n a pan. 33 ntOD to open. D'-TTDD free or at liberty. nT* to throw, rmo an archer. D^vn the archers. Chapter X. * 3 m'' to throw, shoot, cast. Dmon TWpl the shooters with the bow. 4 *1p1 to stab or thrust through. "in?3 expeditious, rvyrro quickly, shortly. 9 "^WD, to declare openly ; generally to publish extraordinary good tidings. Vpn to drive one thing against another, to fasten. 12 J^^H to close. HDia a body, corpse. Chapter XI. S** 16 !3!53 to stand. 1^23 military station. 23 "n3D . D3">N "(1:q3 a weaver's beam or roller. 25 VT^W to hear. nyiOWO a muster- ing by proclamation. Chapter XII. H'' 2 pW^ to clash, as armour, to shoot. 8 SI}!J to assemble in a regular stated manner. D"'K32 the ga- zelles or antelopes. 15 1^ to assault, vnnj) its banks. 17 ilTyi to cast, throw. 18 l2?-2b to put on, clothe. The Spirit clothed Amasai. 23 Y^n to loose, free from incum- brance. The drawing out, draughting, selecting. 29 nm many or great, on^ino a multitude of them. 33 Sbl nb Nbn without a heart and a heart, i. e., they were not of double heart. 35 "712? to set in array, naiyo an army in battle array. 38 11V to separate, dispose, distri- bute, as an army in battle array. 40 n^p to grind. n'Op meal. b^l Arab, to dry. n^bYi cakes of dried figs. p12'2 to be dry. D'pQS bunches of dried grapes or raisins. Chapter XIII. :'' 9 tottti? to let go, stumble. 322 I. CHRONICLES. N n^Tii^n ^-Qi Chapter XIV. T 1 illp to meet, join. Tp a wall Tp ^nm masons. 13 tt2?D to divest, rush forth, i. e. stripping oneself of one's con- cealment. 14 biD to cut off. b^^'Q at the ex- tremity. MD2 a large shrub which the Arabs call Baca. (E. T.) mul- berries. Lxx. pear-trees. Chapter XV. ^Ifl 13 B?M"1 priority. rKn7MT3o') at from the first or at the first. 15 n^3 to stretch. niTDD staves or stafi's. 18 r\2W to repeat, do a second time. '3jan of the second degree. 19 b!S to shade. D'n^O cymbals. 3?!DQ? to hear. Hiph. r'OttJn^ to make a loud sound. 22 MU73 to lift up, as the voice. N0 elevation, an elevated cry (Chald.), an acclamation. 27 h^lD to clothe, invest. n^ni3 vests, tunics. nbv to ascend. 'r^Ki a garment, a robe. 29 lp*1 to leap. Chapter XVI. Tlfi 3 "IDtt? seemly. "Sjidn a handsome piece. tZ7S fire. mriDM an earthen jar or 4 mn to brighten, min hilarity, joy. 27 "lin to adorn. rmn beauty, glory. 30 bbn to make a hole. ?in or j'n (E. T.) to tremble, to fear. IDX3 to slide or slip, move. ^a :D1on shall not be moved. 32 CS?") violent commotion. Vio- lently agitated. 35 niiW to soothe, mnttjn to soothe, gratify, or please oneself. 39 nD3 to be high, elevated. nn^ to give, inn give the. Chapter XVII. T 7 niS to dwell, m: a sheep-cote, a fold for sheep. 9 nn3 to descend, vnnn in his own place. m to move, disturb. nbn to wear, waste, weary, con- sume. 16 Dbn IV hitherto. 17 in to go round. -nn a turn, order, rank. 25 n^^ to remove. Discover, reveal, rather uncovered (the ear). 27 bW to will, resolve, determine. Hiphil, the same. Chapter XVIII. n> 2 riD to rest. Tmii:^ a gift, oblation, or present to God or man. 4 IpV Arab, to cut. To render useless (chariots). "inVI but, or but yet (Niph.) he left remaining. I. CHRONICLES. 7 lD7ti7 to be. over. D'!D^tD shields. 13 3!i3 to stand. ajJ3 a military station or garrison. Chapter XIX. ta"* 4 rny to shave. 172 to measure, no a long robe, a garment commensurate with the body. 37tt?5 to pass. TOWDon the buttocks. 12 pTn to constringe, brace. To be strong. Chapter XX. D 1 y)W to turn. niTOn return. Din to break through, destroy. 3 nW2 to lacerate, cut, or tear. "ittJ\ maoa with the saw. 'jjnnm and with double or several saws, thrashing instruments, mil to excite. m:Q a saw. mnJDa several saws. 4 SSn to reduce to a former state. The mouldering dead. Here, the giant. 6 3722 to form longish lines. raSM a finger or toe. Chapter XXI. SD 1 '172V to continue or be supported in the same condition, no to stir up, incite, excite. 1 1 bSp to receive, accept, take. 12 nCD to scrape, sweep. nDD2 cor- rasus, that is swept up together. 2W2 to overtake, mcn^. 15 nSI to give way, relax, slacken. Finn. s D^DN-T '-im 323 2S yi72 to impel. :n"iD a thrashing- sledge or dray. D'n'niDn thrash- ing instruments (E. T.). 27 *T3 to move, remove, nan: the sheath or scabbard. 30 nVD, to disturb, affright, rwn:. Chapter XXII. 2D 2 D33 to gather, collect. t3 to take off or away, mj stone that has been chipped, hewn, or polished. 3 1)30 to be rough. onODD nails, inn to conjoin, mnirra joining. 5 iV7V to ascend. rrbSD^ height. 13 ]ttM strong, vigorous, pTn brace up. Chapter XXIII. 33 13 C^tt^lp I2?lp what is very holy. The holy things. 29 pn to evacuate. p''p'\ a very thin cake, a wafer. ni2D to squeeze. n^O a cake of unleavened bread, destitute of yon fermenting matter. n^n to be flat, mno a flat plate of metal. D'nanD flat plates of metal. Jil to bake or fry. . nDino'? what is baked on a pan. ^tt to measure in length and breadth, mo measure, size. Chapter XXIV. 12 1 pbn smoothness. To divide in an even manner, nip^no portions. 32t I. CHRONICLES. 5 nbW D37 nbs one sort with another. *"\p D">"inb to lift up the horn. Chapter XXV. HiS 8 IT^W . mowo a charge. "11537 . td"?!! one taught, a dis- ciple, scholar. Chapter XXVI. 13 10 inD'^tt?"' cause to set up. But the termination of a proper name is "irr, as "jrrDoD. 15 I^DM to gather. D*DD gatherings or ingathering of fruits. 18 ^iy to mix. yysn) the evening or western part of the heavens or earth. ^D to raise. nbOD a raised way or highway. nSHD Parhar. From "nD to divide, and 11 Chald. without. The outer part or division. A Chaldee word. 27 nttnba engagement, battle, war. 29 nsb to employ, nr^vha employ- ment, work. n!5n to part. n212^n outward, outer. Chapter XXVII. TD 25 "IDD to cover. TDD a village, a place of covering or shelter. 27 UID to prune. DnDTDlw increase of the vineyards. 28 D^ttptZ? sycamore or sycamine- trees and fruit. The Greek name "SuxafAo^os. crvxos a fig- tree, and fAo^as a mulberry-tree. It partakes of the nature of the fig and mulberry-trees of the mulberry in its leaves, of the fig in its fruit. Chapter XXVIII. HD 1 pbn smooth. To divide in an even manner. npbnD a regular division of persons, a company. DID to serve. D^onon attendants not necessarily eunuchs. 2 Din a footstool, rather n the, m rest. 11 n32. n^inn pattern. CS7 to compress. D^IN arch or vault, portico. 1T32 a treasury (for the most precious things), wa to treasure up, and 11 pure. 71 /V ascend. Tfis a higher room or apartment. Tin to surround, mn an en- closed place, a room, a chamber. nil capacity, nn pi. DTia a house, the inside of a place (or re- ceiving). *10D to cover. mD3n the lid or covering of the ark, the pro- pitiatory. 12 1*jn to surround. nViSTf a court. 14 mi:}^ niinS? all manner of service. 15 n"Tl3D n*Tl3tt for every candle- stick. I. CHRONICLES. s n>72>>n >-)m 325 17 r\Wp to be stiff, mirp broad, sTiallow vessels of beaten metal, libation vessels. "IDD . mD3 some kind of vessel with a cover, a covered basin. 18 pT to strain off. pp^y:i well-fused, purified. 3Dn to ride. mD-ran the vehicle, the cherubim themselves with their wings spread out are here called the vehicle (of Jehovah). (For the spreading out the wings or with wings spread out). '^^O to cover. "|31D a covering, shelter. 19 bwC? to be wise. b'3n he caused me to understand. 2 1 m3 free, liberal. T12 free, spon- taneous, liberal. Chapter XXIX. lOD 1 n3 to clear, cleanse, m'l a palace or sumptuous building. 2 *7Q to dissolve. "IID ':2 stones of stibium or black lead. A kind of black marble. Dpi variety of colour. HQpl brocade, embroidery. W^ to be brisk, ttj^ttj 31M stones of white marble. Parian marble, which is of a bright white colour. 4 "ID to break. TDIM Ophir (of the gold of), n^ to overlay. mp to meet. Tp a wall, the flat wall, pi. nrvp. 7 p"nS a daric, about 255. n^T . 12*1 multitude, a myriad, ten thousand. 14 ~)!$37 to restrain, retain, possess. TO strength, ability. 16 riDn multitude. pDH abundance. 21 tt7nD to subdue. A lamb. 24 nnn 1> lana gave the hand under, i. e., swore as Abraham's servant. II. CHRONICLES. Chapter I. M 1 nb^? to ascend. nb^Db to a high or raised pitch, i. e., exceedingly. 4 bSS to be desolate. bin but, indeed, yet, indeed. 6 iy^ to appoint. Niph. to be con- vened. nyio a meeting, "jhn nriD the tabernacle of meet- ing. 1 CD to reckon, goods. D*D33 Chald. riches. 32(5 II. CHRONICLES. n c'^D'^n >im IJ ^212? to humble oneself. n^W a low, plain country. 16 nip to stretch. mpQ (Chald. N"(pr)) thread, yarn spun out in length. nriD to move to and fro. A trader, a merchant. 17 2D1 to ride, insidere, vehi. ni31D a chariot. Chapter II. H 4 bDvD to hold, contain or compre- hend entirely. 6 bS2"lD From mD or D"i3 to cut off, and w'jQ to fell. '7n2-i3 a purple fish, therefore, purple, crimson, r\r\^ to open, engrave. 'mnD en- gravings, graven or carved work. 7 D'^?2l!l7S thya or thyine wood. From ba not, and D3 to fill, be- cause it imbibes not water, being of so close a texture. 9 HDD to smite, strike. niDO beaten, thrashed (wheat). 13 2?n to superadd, contrive, em- j broider, insert figures in stuff. mcrra embroidery. 16 "^"'^ necessity, want, occasion. "^DDT . From DEH to tread, and -p to confine, fasten. Timbers fastened together, as a floor to tread upon, rafts. 1D^ Joppa. Chapter III. 3 3 1D^ to found. Hiph. to lay for a foundation. TDin laid as a foundation for building. 4 TfD!^ to overspread, overlay. HDSM the shell or covering. 5 tl^n to cover, overlay, veil. 1W to regulate. ni\onw chains. 7 flip to meet, rmp pi. r\^^p a beam, a rafter. 9 IT^D to be rough. Dnoon and fern. m"\ODn nails, sharp-pointed spikes of iron. 10 n372 to spread, stretch out. nirrQ D>ysy2 overlaid work. 11 3?D3 to touch, reach unto. naQ 13 Di capacity. TVlb in, within, in the midst. 14 "yiD to break, rend. n31D the inner veil of the temple. 15 "T^3? to stand. nD and 11D3> a pillar or column. 16 "im to drive, "vzi the oracle or speaking place. Chapter IV. T 2 p!J'' to pour out, found, cast as metals. psiD molten, a molten mass. 2D to turn about, go round. a^lD a circumference, a round. nip to stretch, ^p a line. 3 ntt"T equable, mm a similitude, a likeness. P)pD to go round, surround, en- compass. DO^Q' 5 nSID to spread out. A palm, i. e., the transverse measure of a man's four fingers. rnD to break forth. A flower- bud, gem, or germ. II. CHRONICLES. n n^):s"^n ^nnn 327 5 WW to be brisk. n2liD a lily, from its six leaves, or rather from its vivid cheerful whiteness. pTn to constringe, confine, con- tain, p^irra confining or con- taining 3,000 baths; it held them, i. e., without suffering any to run over, though it usually held but 2,000. 6 ^'D round. IVS and TD a round- shaped vessel, a laver. 7 t22tt> all regulation and disposal, ordering. 9 ItV to help, aid, assist. m^J? a settle or inbenching in the altar of burnt-offerings. An easement (Jeremy). mw called ease- ments from the ease they af- forded the priests. 10 nbl to draw out. rhl f. pi. D'n^T and mn'jT a door, a leaf of a door. f\rO to bind together. A shoulder, a side or part resembling a shoulder. 11 ID to turn aside. TD pi. mTD pots, kettles. 713?'* to sweep away. D'3?> shovels. 12 72 rotundity, m'ja and nb:i the round or hemispherical tops, convex without, concave within. IDD to enclose, surround. TT^rO a chapiter or circular crown. "|32? to entangle, nsit) net or checker work. 14 ^D to make ready. m23Dn the bases or foundations. 16 nbt crookedness. m3'?ran the flesh hooks. 17 n^V to be thick. "2^ density, crassitude. 18 Ipn to search minutely, explore. 20 120 to shut. m^D close, massive (gold). 21 HvD totality. m^2Q perfections (of gold, i. e., perfect gold). 22 I^T to cut off. miDlon snuffers, nnn to keep fire alive, mnnarr the censers. Chapter V. H 1 u7W to make whole, entire, com- plete, 6 ]N!? to be fruitful. Sheep or flocks of sheep. 9 '7"IN length. ID^N' lengthened out. Tl^^n to part. 7r::i^n the outside or outer surface. 1 2 m^ to be diffused, mto the east, mi^^n a trumpet. From nsn a tube, and 12 to compress. D'n2!?rra blowing with trumpets. Chapter VI. *) 1 7D"15^ thick darkness. ynipos. From Pj-TJ? to flow down, and bta thick darkness. 2 b^T to dwell. b2T a habitation, a dwelling. 4 S vD to fill, fulfil, accomplish. 13 I'D round. -\VD a scaffold. 17 ^XDM steadiness, stability. c:i2H faithfully, truly. 19 ]"1 to vibrate freely, non a shout- ing, a crying out. 22 nbw to curse. in^Nnb nbw an oath, to cause him to swear, or for his oath. F F 2 328 II. CHRONICLES. n D^D-'n nm 26 71337 to act upon some person or thing, affect, afflict. 27 n^D to loose, relax, remit the punishment, with "j following. 28 PpW to blast, blight. |iD-ro a blast, blight. pll^ to throw out somewhat liquid or moist, ppn' mildew. bon to consume. ^Dn the chafer. ^33 to touch. y33 the stroke or plague. 29 USD to mar, to spoil. aiOO sore- ness, ulceration of body or mind, grief. 34 Tl*T to go. -pi straightway, im- mediately. 36 n^lT to lead or carry captive. DrraittJ oiat? carry them captive, a captive multitude Chapter VII. T 4 fjSI to strow or strew. nOJ?1 a pavement. 1 3 D3n a locust, a grasshopper. 20 Wn2 to pluck up, extirpate. I^W to repeat over and over again. rfVW a by- word. 21 WDW to make waste. Niph. UW astounded, amazed. Chapter VIII. PT 4 pD to lay up. ni:DDOn nr cities of store, store cities. 6 \^Wn to connect, join, attached to. p^jn the object of attachment, desire. Chapter IX. 10 4 TlpW to irrigate. TflWQ a butler, a cupbearer. 7D to raise. m'?Dn risings, as- cents, i. e.) stairs. 14 in to go round, to go about in searching. Dnn merchantmen or chapmen. 15 tontt? to drain, toin' proved, re- fined ; applied to gold, to drain of its dross. 18 tt?2D to subdue. \D13 a footstool. 21 Dn dusky. D^ana elephants' teeth. ?]p3 to go round. D^Dip apes. *^')n to be in the midst. D'Oin peacocks. 24 ptt73 to kiss, clash. Armour. 26 mS to pluck off. nviM stalls for horses, &c. 29 N!33 to prophesy. riNia: "? in the prophecy. Chapter X. ** 11 DJ2V to lift up. D'oyn lift, borne. 31p27 the scorpion. 15 2D to turn. rraD3 a change. Chapter XI. * 12 l^y^ n^y b^m in every several city. 13 D!i"> to set, place steadily and firmly, ^2'2'^)n placed themselves steadily and firmly. 14 n3t to cast off. 23 )t to prepare, prarr provision. 11. CHRONICLES. n D"^D>n nm 329 Chapter XII. n*^ 6 r3D to lay down. 3D3 brought down, humbled, abased. 7 1^3 Kal and Niph. to be poured out, Hiph. to fuse, melt. 'jnn. 10 yi to run. D'2" runners. 11 ni^n to limit, bound. ND a chamber or room bounded by walls. Chapter XIII. a** 3 nOS to confine. Set in array, marshal. 11 "n!^p to fume, offering by fire, making a fume. 12 VI to break. rWTin a loud sound, a clangour. nn to make a loud sound. 1 3 SHM to lie in wait. 3"iMQ an am- bush. 22 Wll to inquire, iirnn a written story or memoir. 2S iDptZ? quiet. Chapter XIV. T* 4 Dn to be warm. D':nn images dedicated to the sun or solar heat. 10 ^''n. p whether; or p in the midst. 1'iV to help, aid, assist. Chapter XV. ^ID 3 nsb weary, vbb with not, i. e. without. 5 tlJ^H multitude, rraino disturb- ance, confusion. DDOn vex them. 6 rO to pound. nn3 to beat in pieces. C^n to disturb exceedingly. 8 VP^ ^o abominate, yiptt? abomi- nable thing. D vis the porch. 14 IDK? seemly, goodly. "^DW a trumpet, a goodly instrument. 16 1^^ to be strong. m'2a a lady, mistress, a title of the queens of Judah. VbD to tremble. ns^CD an idol, a shaker, a trembler. An ob- scene priapean figure made for the heathen, rrwa, or Venus. pi to beat small. Chapter XVI. TtO 9 iDlitC run about hither and thither, or to and fro. vDD to pervert. Niph. to act perversely or foolishly. 10 "JDn to change the condition. nDDHQ a sort of stocks, by which the limbs were distorted by un- easy postures. y^'^ to break, oppress greatly. 12 S7n to wear away, corroded. Niph. ulcerated. sen to restore. D'ND"> healers, physicians. 14 ^t to prepare. D^nplD Q2^ com- pound, aromatic preparations. Tlpl to compound aromatics and perfumes. nnpiQ a confectioner's vessel or pot. ff3 330 II. CHRONICLES. Chapter XVII. t" 6 n^a to be high. Lifted up (in a good sense), i. e., took courage. TI37 moreover. 12 ^2 to clear. m'3 a palace or sumptuous building. nv:Tl palaces or castles. CHAPtER xviii. n^ 2 no in Hithp. to stir up, incite, excite, with d following. inn'D'V 23 HT 'N where, from whence. 24 Tin an enclosed place, "nnn "nn a chamber within a chamber. 26 \^n7 to press, oppress. 29 tt?Dn to strip or divest oneself of one's clothes. 33 ^WT2 to draw. nttJpi in or with a bow, the word for arrow being understood. Dn to finish, innb with his full strength or in his simplicity. pliT to cleave. D'p^irr the joints of the armour. niW to be strong. yyCT] a coat ol mail. Chapter XIX. tD*" 3 b^M to be desolate. But, indeed. 10 nnt to shine, instruct clearly. Chapter XX. 3 1 1 blCn retribution, return, requite. 21 mn to adorn. iDip ny^nb accord- ing to the temple service, by alternate or responsive singing. 23 mn total separation. Utterly to cut off, 24 HDl? to overspread. HDlsn a watch tower. *12lD to faint. A dead, inactive carcass. 25 v!S3 to take away, strip off. 35 VW^ the scales of unfairness, to be unjust, deficient in moral or spiritual weight, i. e., in rightr- ousness. Hiph. to overcome in war, overbalance. Chapter XXI. D 3 1!ID to excel, mnao precious things. 8 VW^ to pass, transgress, rebel against. 11 riDT to encompass, to commit whoredom, p'l. 19 NvH to wear away. D'Nbnn cor- roding ulcerous diseases. Chapter XXII. 23 1 121 to assault, mia a party of in- vading soldiers. 7 D2 to trample upon, noiin a treading down, a trampling under foot. 10 "nm to drive, smite. 11 nnD to kill entirely, despatch. D'nmnn. ni^3 to stretch. nriD pi. nVDO a litter, a bier. Chapter XXIII. 33 8 1I2D to open, let go, dismiss. 13 *n!27p to bind. A conspiracy, a con- federacy. I. CHRONICLES. n n^D'^n >-qt 331 14 I^W as iiD to order, dispose. nm^ ranges or rows of pillars. 1 7 niJS to shoot out, lay waste. insn\ 21 laptJ? to be quiet. Chapter XXIV. 13 6 Mtt?3 to bear, present. nMWQ a gift, a present. 1 1 H^y to bare, empty. 13 *^1N length. HDilM progress, getting ground, or advancing. HDN^Qb rrDIIN bym and progress, i. e., advancing, went on to the work. "|3n to direct. TODno measure, proportion. 24 "13?2J smallness. n^iJn small, little. 25 n^n to be sick. D^bno sick- nesses, infirmities. Chapter XXV. HD 16 -fiana ihdh V'^''*'^^ art thou made of the king's counsel. 18 nn to catch hold of. mn a hooked thorn, the thorn- tree or bramble. 23 l&Cn to lay hold on, take in war. 24 ^^V t*^ ^^"^y to ^^ surety. '33 mi'Wn persons given in pledge, hostages. Chapter XXVI. ID 9 '^^p to cut off the extremity. ri2JpQ the termination or end of a wall. 10 iT^D to cut. Tax a husbandman, one who cuts the ground. 14 5?D3 to stop. ^213 a helmet. mtl? to be strong. pnttJ a coat of mail. 3?^p bending, ybp a bow. HDll to build. p a stone. 15 3K7n to add, to contrive, minicrr military machines. aiJJin mnjna the invention of an ingenious man. M7Q to be extraordinary. Hiph. i^bw with b and a verb following, wonderfully. 16 "HlSp to fume, fumigate. mtOpD a censer. 19 yil^ (Arab.) smiting down, nns the stroke, the plague itself, the leprosy. nn'2 to be white. n^n the human forehead. 20 vnD to hurry. Hiph. cause to make haste. ?]n"T to urge. Niph. to be urged, hastened. 21 W^n to free from incumbrance. nTCDrr freedom or retirement from business. Chapter XXVII. TD 2 nnC? to corrupt. Hiph. acted corruptly. 4 Win a thick wood, a wood. Silent thought, attention. Chapter XXVIII. tlD 10 pn to evacuate, pn only, but, yet. 14 ybn to loose, y^br^rt the men draughted out, the armed men (E. T.). S32 II. CHRONICLES. 15 "710 to anoint (Gesenius). "JD to cover (Parkhurst's Lexicon). bn2 to conduct, carry gently. 7ti7D to stumble, totter, ready to fall. 18 t2l2?D to strip, pillage, plunder. 1 9 37'^S to frP6 3^nDn make naked. 24 15D to shut up, close. Chapter XXIX. ^D 4 nm to be dilated, aim a broad place or street. 5 13 to move, m: what ought to be rejected, the abomination. 6 ?)157 iSn'' they turned their own back. 8 yX to move, agitate. 7r6^^ agitation, trouble. pitt? to be yellow. rrpitt) a hissing. 11 nbtt7 to be quiet. Easy, careless, negligent. 19 n3T to cast off. 21 "IDS to move quickly. "VB^ a he- goat. 28 11127 to sing melodiously. ITIIDD a singer. Chapter XXX. v 15 obD to sneak. Niph. be ashamed. 17 tDFltt? to drain. n:Q^nw blood- shedding. 22 'h'DW be wise. o^Vd^o to give understanding. m*^ to put forward, omno mak- ing confession. Chapter XXXI. b 1 \^n3 to break in pieces, destroy. 3 n3?3 to distribute, assign a lot. n:D a part, portion. 5 ^13 to break out or forth. 10 D1 to be lifted up. nnnn a heave-offering, oblation. nXDH multitude. ]M2n abundance. 16 tt7n^ to reckon up according to families or genealogies, ttjn'nn the genealogy. Chapter XXXII. nb 1 DS to support. rvQH establishment. 37pS to cleave, break into. 21 "rriD to take off or away, remove. 25 b^S retribution. b^'oy retribu- tion, requital. 28 IS to flow. ni*i grass or herbs, from their perishing nature. ^\^^^vh Dm^b flocks at grass. 30 1W^ to be straight, keep straight. ^"ly to mix. miTD the evening or western part. 31 ^bD smooth. '2'bo ambassadors who intercede between two princes. Chapter XXXIII. ib 6 Wn'2 to augur, to use auguries, to observe attentively some natural phenomena, as the flight of birds, the bowels of animals, &c. ?)tt73 to use pharmaceutic enchant- ments. II. CHRONICLES. n n^^^n '>nm 333 6 S?!"' to perceive. ':j?t a wizard, a cunning man, a pretended con- juror, or diviner. 7 vDQ to hew. A graven or carved image. b^SD a figure, an idol. mWM the blesser. 13 inV to expand. Expanding (of God). Chapter XXXIV. tb 4 m^n to be warm. D'2nn images dedicated to the sun or solar fire. pi to beat. Hiph. beat small. 7 nriD to beat into small pieces. 10 pl2l a breach, p^'^lb for (on ac- count of, or at) the breach, and to repair the house. 11 ll"lp to contignate, i. e., to frame or fit together the beams or boards of a house or gate. 17 pn'2 to pour out. 21 "^l^n for me. Chapter XXXV. nb 5 n vD to divide. m^bD divisions. 13 D^^l^T caldrons or pots. n v^ to pass on. nin"?:?! in pans, or stew-pans. yi to run, dash, break. 22 WDH to strip. 25 13p to lament, wail, bewail. Drrmrpa in their lamenta- tions. Chapter XXXVI. lb 10 ^^W to return. rtlWT) a return. 16 !31?b to mock, deride, sneer. TlVn . ynSMlO behaved very wrong. INDEX OF HEBREW ROOTS. INDEX OF HEBREW ROOTS. The figures at the end of each line denote the pages in the Key. a to swell, heave, distend, 52, 61 n:i to be lost, perish, 76 niM acquiescence, 4, 6 mM the noise, the rebuke of the sword, 175 T2 to mount up, 137 bm to be desolate, mourn, 12, 17, 26 pM, see nn, 9 DIN to stuff, cram, 126 pl to collide, wrestle, 19, 117 11 strong, 30, 212 i:i bind together, 54 WN , see under w, 290 jaw, ?:, 118 mw, d:, 60, 137 p, ]h 67 F]3, p|3:, 173 ia to gather, collect, 47 IM, see under m', 3 21N, n, 47 Dl red, reddish, ruddy, 2, 16, 70 pM , see under p, 69, 158 IIN magnificent, 16 anw to love, 16, 20 nnM ah ! 40 ^M to pitch a tent, 6, 10 ni, see under 2, 52 i"i, nr, 188 ni to desire, covet, choose, 4, 20, 78 ^1 thickness, stupidity, 98, 159 1 a particular point of time, 22 n, m, NW to heat, make hot with fire, 188 n^< , see under m, 62 "n to escape, get away, 304 bM^ to go away, go off, fail, 48 pN to weigh, try the weight, 6, 14 pw, see under pf, 167 -nw to bind, 46 ^^^^ , see under irr> , I rm^ to join, connect, 5 bnN ah me ! oh that ! 235 ^r^n to catch, seize, 12 -in behind, after, 15, 19 TQ to incline, 129 itna to fasten, drive in strongly, 31 DTD to shut, close, 126, 214 "vnn to obstruct, shut, 45 M to settle, 9, 138, 177 l-M to be an enemy, 4 -i\y in what manner, how so, 4 D' terrible, 11, 169 ^D'N, see under rTO% 4 n', n>, 304 b3 to eat, devour, 3, 14 ^M interposition, 10, 11, 81 rna to curse, denounce, a curse, 1, 15, 16, 91, 214, 234. (See Park- hurst.) i"? if, supposing, 297 nba to grow sour and corrupted, 205 >bN ah me ! -fb Chal. these, those '?'?, VVm nought, nothing, 4 D' to compress, 17, 20 p an oak rpii chief, principal, 20, 213 y'? to urge, teaze, 44 D to support, sustain, 4, 5, 7, 93 rra a maid-servant, 14 boK to languish, be weak, 46 p steadiness, 11, 26, 54 S38 INDEX. VnsN to be strong, 16 1D to branch out, 1 tD2^? time past, lately, 18 TN labour of body and mind, 4, 25, 223 N3, see under <2, 31. CParkhurst.) n:, from Heb. 2^z, fruit, 307 rtiN presence of an object, 43 ma oppression, 59 1:n a plumb-line, 188 d: to press, urge, 300 F]; breathe, be very angry, 78 p: to moan or groan, 78 \r3X to be infirm, ill, bad, 6 n2N Chaldee, thou, Dan. ii. 29, 31 P]D to gather, withdraw, 7, 18 ir to confine, restrain, 23, 26 r and i^rx wood, 315 nCN to bind close, 70 nE to heat through, bake, 8, 8 ^lN to hide, 37 CE to fail, cease to be, 28 pEN to put a force upon, 27 y>< to press, hasten, 35 b'2H to place by itself, 17, 50 liJN to lay up, 117 ")pi< a kind of wild goat, 107 1 to flow, 1, 2 n to lie in wait, 8, 34 j"\N to weave, 44 m to pluck off; 29, 99 nN see, behold, lo, Dan. vii. 2 n , a cedar, see under mi , 42 mx to go in a track, 12, 266 p length, long, 7, 10 D'W, see under m, 15 yT low, inferior, 305 pM the earth, from p , 1 Np^^< the earth cn to betroth, espouse, 54 ^'K fire, the emblem of wrath, 35, 55 ym a sharp biting humour, 83 b'CH an oak, 14 DTCN to be guilty, 16, 26 ]r , see under H'"' , 206 riiDW a conjurer, 304 "itJ proceed, go forward, 2, 3, 18 rrriN to come, approach, 1, 2, 20, 89 pN strong, 10, 28 pnn, see under pn2 , 180 ViN a place, 315 PLURILITEHALS, Or "Words of more than three letters, beginning with . Td:1, see under !Q2i , 71 D'nm, no, 93 mnrii^ ns^n, 61 ]-ilN the father of blessing, 25 'b!Ci"\2N chargers, basins, 313 -iU"n nobles, prefects, 306 NiniN magnificently, 316 pm a daric, a coin about 255., 316 D':D"n'cnN viceroys, 301 D'3"intt?n mules, 302 U^pbi^ no rising up, also the name of a town in Bceotia, 262 ^:mii we, 57 wncDN studiously, exactly, 315 "IDN, see under rrND , 17 p-\ purple, 309 WIN a lion of God, 59 nn:"\ the hare, 77 "mnttJM, see under "iTttJ, 314 jinriN, bon, 896 n in, a particle from rra , hollow, xii. Nl to come or go, 4, 5, 66 "\1 to open, 1 1 tt:l to stink, 20 11 hollow, 69, 199 31 meat, food, 177 n^l a covering, hypocrisy, 15, 33 11 separate, alone, 28 il to feign, 128 ^ll divide, separate, 1, 3, 93 pii a breach, a fissure, 132 ni Chaldee, scatter, disperse, 308 ni hollow, 1, 7 loni red marble, porphyry, 300 nni mute, dumb, 2 |ni the thumb or great toe, 37 pm in Chaldee and Syriac, to shine, 79 "ini Arabic, to shine very n)uch, 79 n to spoil, plunder, strip, 22 Ntl to spoil, strip, 141 mi despise, condemn, slight, 16 pn disperse, break to pieces, 170 in disperse, dissipate, 216 ^ni to nauseate, retch, 200, 255 pi to try, prove, examine, 26, IGO ini to look at, or behold with ad- miration or approbation, 7, 10 INDEX. 339 NIDI to speak rashly, 76, 100 n"!Dn to hang close, cling, 41, 93 b!Q3 to cease, leave off, 298 p2 the belly, 16, 27 '3 attend to me, 27, 94 p , see under p , 1 n>3, m, 7 3l a large shrub, 54, 225 n3l to ooze, weep, 14 "133 to be forward, precede, 5, 13, 88, 156 b2 to mix, mingle, 7, 10 N*?! to wear out, consume ybl to smile, and occurs only five times, 161, 268 Tfri to wear or waste away, 4 D^3 to confine, restrain, 208 Dbl to scrape, scratch, 188 vbi to swallow down, 24 pbn to ravage, lay waste, 143 HQl to be high, elevated, 48 TD2 , see io under no (Parkhurst) p to divide, separate, 1 Ti:i to build, 3, 4, 9, 67 tDD3 a band, binding, 71 D2a to rage with anger Dl to trample upon, 139 nDl to reject, cast off, 141 15?3 after, behind, 186 m?2 to swell up or out, 142 icyi to kick up, 47, 122 bV2 to have or take possession, 11, 13 -3 to clear off, 43, 66 n^i to disturb, affright, 50, 57 y3 softness, smoothness, 156 :?3, under p I. b'Sl an onion, from its several coats or integuments, 93 3^22 to break or cut off, 21, 64, 137 P2J2 made soft by moistening, 56 ^'21 restrain, shut up, 9, 35 p3 to empty, empty out, 141 3?p3 to separate contiguous or ad- joining parts, to cleave, 8, 9, 15, 75 npa to look accurately upon, search, examine, 1, 38 Xppi to seek, require, endeavour to obtain, 20 "O to clear, cleanse, 7, 202 TD to cleanse, purify, or purge thoroughly, 153 -a the production either of sub- stance or form ; the creation or accretion of substance or matter, 1, 24, 47 "02 congelation, 18 mi to feed, eat, or take food, 55 mi to pass from place to place, to flee, 12 *p2 to couch, lie down, 2, 9, 10, 233 12 twisting closely together, 178 p12 to lighten, send forth lightning 41, 70 0112 the fir or cedar tree D''n"n2 trees of the cypress kind \U2 to flag, fail, 40, 115 '^2 to flag very much, loiter, delay, 4 btt;2 to concoct, coquere, 24, 56 Dpi sweet, agreeable, 67 D'C2 to tread, trample, 188 i2 to spread out or abroad, 4, 7 n2 capacity, room, place, 7, 68 bn2 to separate, sever, 15, 44, 113 pn2 to cut in pieces, 174 -in2 to divide asunder PLURILITERALS. n'?i2 pearl n3?b2 without, besides, except b3>^'72 unprofitableness '?n2 iron, 6 DWl , see under m "| Miwi , 125 > Parkhurst 'iWl , tJ j nw to increase, rise, swell, 34, 98 205, 209 N''3 , or 3 , a valley, or more properly a rising ground, 125 *5N3 to vindicate, recover, 29, 85 23 gibbosity, protuberance, 83, 239 K2: a pit, ditch, or pool, 147 n2J to be high, tall, lofty, 8 nil bald before, forehead bald, 79 '?2a to setup a boundary, 9, 15 pa , see under 2a , 83 Vl^ conicalness of form, 27, 166 123 to be strong, to prevail, 7, 8 023 in Arabic, to shave off, 173 33 in Arabic, to expand, 32 13 to assault, rush upon, 17, 64, 167 biy any kind of greatness, 2, 9 S?ia to break, cut, or cast down, or off, 46 G G 2 340 INDEX. rpy to reproach, revile, blaspheme, defy, 133, 203 lli to make a fence, fence in, 52 xm: to heap, heap up, 43, 265 m to repair, restore to its former state, 183 irra to stoop, bend downwards, 129 n^y to form into a mass, or body, 9, 29 S"i; to labour, or pant for breath, to expire, 7, 226, 269 U to take off, or away, 40 bu to take away by violence, 14 CW in Syriac, to cut short or off, 186 ru to cut, cutoff, 130 -IW to divide, cut off, 12 m to break, burst forth, 45 bna to glow, shine, 56 ipy to bow down, 4 'a and N'J, see under rwj, 125 tyy, w:, IV. (Park- hurst, 318) bi reciprocation, or circularity of motion, any rotundity of motion or form, 64 )hi to roll over and over, 10, 17 vby Chaldee, from Hebrew r6a, to dis- cover, reveal ab: a barber, or shaver, 171 iby Chaldee, to congeal, condense, crust over, 272 nhy to remove or be removed, 9 n^j to shave, 55 uby to wrap, or roll up together, 130, 178 vii to deride, scorn, taunt, 253 "Cba to shine, glister, glisten, 290 Da full, copious, abundant, 87, 155 d: a pond, a pool, 60, 137 nd: to sup up, swallow, 15, 59 I'd! to be contracted, 177 rraa to appear, 195 ^a retribution or return, 11 yoa Chaldee, to dig, dig up, a pit, 298 IQa finishing, making an end of, 204 p to protect, defend, 3, 11 ]:a to protect entirely, or completely, 130 aaa to steal or be stolen, 18 "laa to treasure or lay up, 178 ya , see under yia and nra nya to low, or bellow, as a bull or cow, 48 ^ya to cast away, 53, 173 "lya to restrain, repress, 20 t;ya to shake, 58 r^a , see under F|a3, 65 pa, P]aa, 23 -Da some kind of wood, of which Noah's ark was built, as the cedar, cypress, fir, &c., 7, 13 na to sojourn, 10, 12, 169 ana a scab, scurvy, 83 Tia to scrape oneself, 263 ma to excite, move, stir up, 31, 55 ina to cut off, 110 na stony, "ma a lot, 254 Dia to bare, make bare, 30 pa , see under ma cna to break or wear to pieces, 236 ma to subtract, withhold, 60 rj-ia to wrap, or roll together, down, or away, 39 nna to sojourn continually, 1 K. xvii. 20 iria to expel, drive out, &c., 5, 6 wa to touch, feel, see ti?aa , 267 Dira to lie or lean hard upon, 8 WOa to feel for over and over again,l56 na cutting, beating, pounding, 40 PLURILITERALS. ^yia boiled, i.e., podded or in pod, 61 "laia Chaldee> a treasurer, 306 "il'ja Chaldee, a treasurer, 313 Tinba a rock, weight, affliction, 263 *|12a a treasury, 323 nana, see under ma, 244 NT Chaldee answering to Hebrew m, this, 133 li to faint or fail, 119 axT to be troubled, in agitation, 36 ni to fly, 78 ;ni, see p INI , see yi n to murmur, grumble, 20 n strength, 125 nm Chaldee, from the Hebrew n^T, to sacrifice, 315 fn Chaldee, to place or lay in rows, 315 bll Arabic, to dry up, wither, 52 pn to adhere, cleave, 4, 13, 53 "lai (Cocceius) to drive, lead, bring, agere, ducere, 43, 49, 61, 97, 103 INDEX 341 ^\D2l to conglutinate, honey, 32 yi to multiply, or increase exceed- ingly, 2 byi to enlighten, dazzle, glister, a moveable beacon, 89 1JT to sit on eggs, or young ones, 149 11 some vessel of a roundish form, 60, 224 nn that which is of a round pro- tuberant form, 165 am Chaldee, as 2m gold Dm Arabic, overwhelmed, stupified, 163 "xm to prance, spring, or bound, 39, 194 rm to languish, be faint, 79 TXm to drive, thrust forth or down, 56, 204 ^m Chaldee, as ^m , to fear ]m , see nm ^m to urge, impel, hasten, 241 pm to thrust, press upon, distress, 38 n enough, sufficiency, plenty, 40 nn blackness, or darkness of colour, 107, 166 "IT Ciialdee, this, that NDl to break, break down, crush, 167 mi to beat, bray, or break, 93 F]31, nc'DIi the upupa or hoop, 78 13T Chaldee, from 121 to remember y'Tl to leap, bound, 149 rtbi to draw, draw out, 13 n"?! to trouble or disturb, 179 F]"?! to drop, distil, 254 pbi to press upon, 19 rbi , see under 'nbl riQi equable, even, level, uniform, 2, 5, 34, 185 pi to pollute, defile, 132 roi to ooze out, 66 p to direct, rule, judge, 7, 11 3:i soft, yielding, melting, 190 nn Chaldee, this, a pronoun pi to go, or burn out, as fire, 152 ^1, see r]i3 pDi to knock, knock against, strike, 19 yi to leap, spring, bound, exult, 286 pi to beat or be beaten, small, 24, 64 ipi to stab, to pierce, 42 n or 111 to encompass, go round, 5, 7, 9, 143 n , in Arabic, to repel, 158 ail to be sharp, acute, 49 ail in Syriac, to proceed gradually, 180 "jll to go, come, or put forwards, to proceed or stretch out or forth, 5, 39, 92 Dll, Dill, the south, 125 Vll Chaldee, from yn , the arm, 305 \tni to inquire or require, 9, 16, 106 ttJl to thrash, beat, or shatter to pieces, 41 ttJl to spring, sprout forth, germi- nate, 2 ]Xi:i to fill or plump up, 42 m to appoint, set, place, 124 ni Chaldee, from tdi , grass, 308 PLURILITERALS. pil, see ail, a sickle pDll a drakmon or daric, 314 lam Chaldee, from m , a statute, and la , to declare, make plain, 306 n a particle, prefixed to a noun is emphatical, the, or, this, pre- fixed to a participle, who, which, postfixed to words of time, or place, to, towards n behold, lo, see, hah ! 29 TfiiTi aha. Job xxxix. 25, Ezek. xxv. 3 an dusky, dark-coloured, black, 45 b2Ti to emit a vapour, exhale, evapo- rate, 158 ]an, see an, ebony, 178 lan to cut, cut ofl; 153 mn to bring, carry forth or away, 57, 137 i;n, see la:, 4 pn directly, straightforward, elegant, 181 7MT( to send, thrust, or dart forth, 138, 165 Din a footstool, or rest for the feet,292 Din the myrtle- tree, 151 P]in to thrust, push, 102 lin to adorn, decorate, deck, 66 nn ah, 178 in oh, fl, heu "in permanent existence or sub- sistence, 4 nn, see nin, the darting forth of light, 196 mn to fall, subsist, settle (Schultens), 172, 265 'in ah! ho! huil 199 G G 3 342 INDEX. mn sleepy, drowsy, 155 'rr bey ! ho ! hei ! K>n as Nin to subsist, be. She, it rrrr to be, exist, subsist, 1, 22 yr\ how? ^n Chaldee, as "jbrt, to go, come bDH large, roomy, spacious, 1 K. vi. 5 "i3n to know again, recollect, 17, 54 bn to move quickly, exult, shine, 106, 165 bbn to move violently, or tumultu- ously, 6, 10, 204 hr\ to remove or cast to a distance, 83 nbn , see bn -pn local motion, 3, 7, 266 Dbn to beat, smite, strike upon, 12, 70 ncrr multitude, tumult, turbulency, 1, 8, 12 can to put into a great tumult, dis- turb, or discomfort exceedingly, 34 borr, see "jn pn, see non non a breach or disruption, 241 nn to be ready, or present, 3, 7 cn to be silent, hist I hush ! 38 TEn to turn or change the condition, form, state, situation, or course of a thing, 5, 13 ->2n, see -D ]jjn a warlike chariot, 176 a^n to kill, 5, 6 mr to protuberate, swell, be tumid, elevated, to rise in height, 4, 5, 8, 105 D"in to cut into little pieces tra to break through, break in, 40 nnn to hasten, bring with haste, 142 Vnn to mock, banter, trifle, 18 PLURILITERALS. nnn Chaldee, from TH, glory, and "cn , to speak or lead, 308 'n'rr, see nnx, he caused to come N137n according to Dr. Kenuicott, Josh. X. 24, iD'^rm they went w^irsn, see -}:d biVin the mountain or mount of God, from m and bi* , 181 ^ a connective particle, and, also, with, or, but, &c. &c. ?T to connect, join, or link together, 69 '\y) to be laden, carry a burden, wicked (Schultens), 256 '\b^ , as i"?' , a child 3l impetuosity, to move forward with quickness, 31 S-NT Chaldee, see ^^, 309 nt, see m, 4 m to gush, spring or issue out, 32 nat to endow, 18 mi to slay, 8, 28 by) to dwell, 18 pi Chaldee, to buy, redeem, 304 ai to join, connect, 91 11 to swell, be tumid, 16 m this, this here, eminence, dis- tinction, like ouros and hie. am clear, bright, resplendent, 3, 15 Dm Chaldee, to pollute, defile, 281 nm to shine, be clear, 64 mi to incline towards a certain point, 152, 242 11 to move, move to and fro, 44 m to impel, remove from its place, 71 bm to skulk, hide oneself through fear or shame, 123 n to be bright, splendid, 8 TO! to be clear, clean, pellucid, 69, 84 IDl strength, vigour, &c., as -|31 p a stout, masculine son, Jcr. xx. 15, 2,8 ^1 loose, lax, profuse from laxity, 55 bbll profuse, prodigal, 141 ybt curvature, crookedness of form, 47 nVt , see bl , 55 Dl to devise, imagine, think, 10 Di to devise or consider thoroughly, 98 pi to appoint, constitute, 302 noi to cut off, to prune, to sing har- moniously, 27, 203 ]1 to prepare, provide, 28 a:i the extremity or hindmost part of a thing, 35 mi to encompass, enclose, 20, 22, 73 nai to cast off, remove to a distance, 141 p31 to spring or leap forth, 125 yi to move, agitate, 5, 181 nyi to be abridged, cut short, 272 D^l to froth or foam at the mouth, 99 riyi to be troubled, agitated (Schultens), 23 pri to cry out, cry aloud, 12 , INDEX. 343 *iri to be small, little, 138 riDT to overlay, pitch, 59 pi to strain off, 152 \p^ to be old, grown old, 12 F]pT to set upright, erect, 243 TJ to compress, squeeze, 41, 165 N"\T nauseous, loathsome, 93 m to burn, scorch, 266 rm to scatter, disperse, 266 mi to be diffused, 19, 22 D"n to pour forth or over, 135, 176 V^^^ to spread abroad, 2 pit to sprinkle, 61 m"J, see mi, 150 PLURILTTERALS, ncy"?! , from ^bf , to be corrupt, as a wound, and tv$ to vibrate, 205 ^I'PI, from rm, to scatter, and nci to overflow, 218 an to be bound, obliged to payment, or punishment, 124, 175 Nin to hide, conceal, 4, 18 n^rr to hide, hide oneself, 32 tDin to thrash or beat, 31 bin to bind, tie, connect, 32 ^2r\ to fold together, 17 nan to conjoin, join, or fit together, 6, 11, 162 ^'an to bind round, or about, 14 nan flat, plain or flatted, 75, 171 jn circularity of motion or form, 46 J2n to dance round and round in circles, 53 3n to turn round this way and that for terror, 142 ajn the cucullated species of locust, 78, 151 "?an to go round in a circle, 24 *i;n to gird, gird round, 4, 38 in to penetrate, be sharp, 43 mn to brighten, exhilarate, 64, 260 bin "a negation of an act whether begun or not; it also denies ex- istence : not to act, not to speak, not to be " (Cocceius), 10, 12, 108 pm sharp, acute, 192 yrn to surround, encompass, fence round, 27, 38 Wi to renew, restore, 8, 97 mn to declare, discover, show, 5, 35, 101 in to cut in, indent, 200 mn to fasten, settle, 1 1 pin to bind hard or tight, 13 nin Chaldee, to encompass, surround, 77 nn to catch or hold with a hook, 49, 74 ton to compact, fasten together, 11 Wion to deviate from, or miss a scope or aim, 5, 14, 76, 212 atan to hew, carve, 34 men delicate, delicious, 40 DTQn to refrain, restrain, 153 tmn to seize suddenly, catch, 46, 205 -iTOn to move this way and that, 138, 251 mn to be strong, vigorous, 2, 5, 6, 7, 220 jn to scratch, rub, scrape, 195, 197 nan to wait, tarry, 131 bb^n red, sparkling, cheerful, 30 an wise, skilful, prudent, 24, 40 jn to make a hole, or opening, 7, 18, 13, 182 b'jn to open eminently, to pierce much, 51 '7n to wear, wear away, 120 a'^'n soft, unctuous, 5, 12 ibn to creep insensibly, or by degrees, 78 nbn to be or made faint, or languid, 29, 182, 236 Tabn to catch at or up, 129 C7n to break, break off' or away, 13, 266 nbn passing, so change, renewal, 18, 19, 28, 268 '^bn to loose, set loose, 32 p'^n smooth, even, equable, 11, 17, 54 TUbn to throw, or cast down, 64 cn to be or grow warm or hot, 7, 8, 14 ran to disturb, agitate, 12 ion to desire earnestly, 3, 17, 266 non a wall, 21, 47 TDon a kind of lizard, 78 bon soft, tender, 13 Dran to cast or pluck off', 7, 12 *^*)an to ferment, 62 pran to withdraw, retire, 165 "iran to disturb, trouble, 9, II, 241 on to array, set in array, 2, 25 p kindness, affection, 7, 16, 26 344< INDEX* pn to be very kind, 166 nzrf to fix, settle, 31 !Q2n to embalm, 31 "J3n to initiate, 6, 11 f]:n to pollute, defile, 102, 267 p:n to strangle, suffocate, 57, 267 on to spare, pity, 28 non succulent abundance, swelling out, and readily overflowing (Schultens), 14, 150 TOn to shelter oneself, take shelter, 135 ten to consume, eat up, 118, 128 Don to shut, shut up, 115, 210 "pn to be strong, stout, firm, 134 norr to abate, diminish, be wanting, 8 En to cover, conceal, 133 nsn to cover, veil, overlay, 30, 39, 102, 206 ?Dn to haste, hurry, 51 yon to bend, incline to, 95 ion to sink, penetrate, 14, 16, 134 TCDTT to free from encumbrance, 19, 28 2!?n to cut out, hew, 104 nsn to part, divide asunder, 7, 23 pn Arabic, to defend, cherish, 176 F]!?n Chaldee, strong, urgent ySTf to divide into a great number of shares or portions, 20, 262 nsn to surround, confine, 16, 35 pn to describe, trace out, 29 rrpn to imprint, engrave, 12 ypn to search minutely and exactly, to explore, 44, 55-, 211 "in to be of a white or pale colour, 23, 101 nn Chaldee, to burn, be hot, 132 2"in to waste, diminish, destroy, con- sume, 5, 8, 264 jnn to shake, shudder, or quake with fear, 206 Tin to move with quickness, 17, 26 Tvm to heat, burn, or be burned, 5 nn Syriac, to put in order, dispose regularly, 287 nin Arabic, slenderness of shape, 131 *]"in to enclose or catch in a net or toil, 251 b-m a briar, bramble, 197 C-\n a total separation of a thing or person, from their former state or condition, 32 Din the solar orb, 41, 118, 164, 268 ^"tn to strip, make naked, 8, 18 pn to shorten, cut short, 35, 61 pin to grate, grind, gnash, 209 in silent thought, or attention, 6, 15, 48 nin to engrave, as tDin, Exod. xxxii. 16 n to hasten, make haste, 45 IMjn to add, superadd, 7, 11 nt?n forbearance of speaking or action, 55, 155 nttjn Chaldee, to have need, or occa- sion for, 307 [Wn to impede action, or motion, to restrain, stop, 1, 18 ^c;n to wear out, spend, 116 ^n Arabic, rough, rugged, 67 F]\Dn to strip, make bare, 18 p\Dn to connect, join, 20 "wn to collect, gather together, 58 nn to be broken, 9, 46 nnn to keep fire alive, 68, 266 "jnn to be decided, determined, 312 bnn to swathe, swaddle, 173 Dnn to cloise, close up, 22 pn to contract affinity by marriage, 13 Finn to take away by violence, 257, 268 nnn to dig, dig downwards, 66, 190 PLURILITERALS. nbssn a rose-bud, 288 3'7n afflicted, dejected. n'?n faint, and nN2 to beat down, 205 n3'?n greatly afflicted, nbn faint, and nDn to smite, 205 HD'obn a hard stone or rock. D'jn to break, and TWO to recede, 105 ^n:n a kind of freezing, n^n to fix, and vapour, a rime. ^D to cut off; 223 DCDn as if pounded by a pestle, ppn to beat, and DD a piece, 64 by\n a kind of locust, from :in to shake, and br\ the foot, 78 DTQin a kind of diviners, from r:"in a pen, and Dn to perfect, 24 ttJDin a sickle, from Din to separate, and nu:a remove, 109 niJin a knot, from pn a lump, and nau to swell, 219 Va^rn a mixed metal of gold and INDEX. 345 copper, from "an: , copper, and bbi2 gold, 170 WtSSID to sweep repeatedly, 189 3NID Chaldee, for mT2 well pleased, cheerful, glad, 310 2TQ good, goodly, pleasant, 1 rT20 to butcher, slay, 21 bl!3 to dip, immerge, plunge, 21 nn to sink, 25 12TD height or rising, 42 na'yD. na:? to swell irro to be pure, clean, clear, 7, 20, 36 nv^ to spin, 74 rra to overlay, 80, 212 nrrD to impel, drive forward, 14 |rra to reduce to powder, 44 irra Arabic, to fetch one's breath deep, 48, 59 TDTD Chaldee, to spot, 58 fpin to fix, fasten, 62 bTi to cast or send forth, 17 bblD Chaldee, for Hebrew b"?!? to cover, to shelter, 317 nVd to spot with large spots, 18, 34 n^LS , as ^!0 , to spot, 48 Mnn to pollute, defile, 20 notD to be vile or contemptible, 273 p!2 to hide, cover up, 20 N2TD a wicker or twig basket, 116 F]2:q to defile, 289 ny:D to err, deviate from a way, 173 DJ?T2 to taste, distinguish, 17, 51 IVm to pierce, stab, 28 tp Arabic, nimble, active, 27 nCTQ to spread out, extend, 68, 188 bcri to fasten, 173 "ID'J , from Hebrew "iD!? a nail, 308 KSf^TD to be gross, insensible, 236 ^n order, regularity, 16 m^ to weary, tire, wear away, 102 m:D Arabic, to fill, fill up, 3 F]in to tear, or pluck off, 8, 174 TVLi to impel, thrust forward, 254 m:D newness, freshness, 44 PLURILITERAL. nCDTD Chaldee, a captain, commander, from DDtQ make quiet, and ID a ruler, 169 2' to desire earnestly, 237 Vn' to will, resolve, determine, 13 > to renounce, give over, 52, 267 n' to consent, agree, see nriN, to come together 31' to cry out aloud, 40 iy to bring or carry along, 33 or to marry, or take to wife by right of affinity, 21 !' to dry, dry up, 2, 8 nr to afflict, grieve, 26 yr to labour i:i> to shrink, 51 HT to put forward, hold, or thrust forth, 3, 5, 56, 68, 77 yT to perceive, or feel by the body, or outward senses, 3, 4, 5, 23, 82 in' to give, supply, also TtlTt, 9, 17, 22 in* to unite, make one, 1, 14 bn'> to remain, wait, expect, 6, 8, 19, 20 DH' to conceive, 18 f]n' footworn, 56 cn* to reckon up, number according to families, 320 ITQ"- to be good, well, agreeable, 5 bTO' to cast, cast down, 51 y , see rT2' , to press, squeeze W to be plain, manifest, evident, 14, 15, 266 by power or ability, 10, 17 b"* to cry, or shriek out, 47, 122 lb' to procreate or breed young, 3, 4, 5, 6, 59 "j^' , as *|brT , to walk, go D' , as DH , tumultuous motion, 1 p>'to be steady, firm, 10 ID' to change, alter, 158 Q' to feel, grope, 44 n:' to press, squeeze, oppress, 8, 9 pT to suck, 14, 15, 174 nO' to found, lay the foundation, 33 "[D' to smear over, anoint, 55 F]D' to add, increase, 5, 8 ID' to restrain, check, 35 IT to appoint, constitute, 2, 12, 65 TO' to overturn, 145 W to strengthen, 148 TQ^' to cover, Chaldee, to counsel, 156, 309 ?' to profit, 51 F]2>' to dissolve, melt, 16, 39 V^' to advise, give counsel, 99 ns' to be fair, beautiful, 23 HD' to breathe or blow, 3 346 INDEX. 3?D' to radiate, irradiate, 25, 268 ' HD* , as nnD , to persuade, 9 ' S' to come, or go forth, or out, 2 M' fixedness, steadiness, 33 JS' to place in a certain situation, or condition, 18 p2" to pour, pour out, 17 i:?' to form, fashion, shape, 3, 7, 34 n:?' to burn or be burned, 34 lp> to burn, as fire, 122 np' to obey readily and cheerfully, 30 yp' to strain, stretch, distend, 176 yp to awake, 8, 9 np> bright, splendid, shining, 280 ip^ to lay, set, or spread, 37 JO' to fear, be afraid, 4, 9 Ti' to descend, 9, 15 m^ to direct, guide, aim, 19, 36, 101 nT the lunar light, or flux of light, reflected from the moon's body or orb, 32, 59 TtT to turn aside or over, 272 p>, as -fw, long yv , as n , to break, 55 py to throw out somewhat liquid or moist, 3 XCrv to succeed another in a possession, 11, 15 2ttr to sit, sit down, 6, 9 TW existence, subsistence, reality, 4, 7, 192, 206, 245, 254 :ciD' to extend, stretch out, 301 pC to be in a sound sleep, 4, 17, 19 ytD' to save, deliver, 57 rit?' a jasper-stone, 71 "ITC' straight, even, right, 35 2ns Chaldee, as ItDS to sit to dwell, 310 ID' , or im , to thrust in, fix firmly, 38, 69 Dn' Arabic, single, solitary, 29 nn' to exceed, abound, 18, 28 PLURILITERALS. >"nrp , see rrr , see Gen. xxix. 35 mm , see mn , see Isaiah xlii. 8 ; Hosea xii. 4, 5 D , from riD , a particle, like, as, &c. 2D to mar, spoil, 20 n3 to bruise, break, &c., 27, 173 13 to pierce, penetrate, 207 na3 to be heavy, weighty, 10, 18 n23 to extinguish, put out, 47 jiD Chaldee, to bind, enchain, 231, 243 033 to wash, cleanse thoroughly, 57 ^33 to stop, keep off", 50 n33 multiplicity, frequency, abundance, 51 \r>33 to subdue, subject, 2, 13 n3 to propel, dart forth, 15 313 Chaldee, failing, deceitful, 304 m3 Arabic, turbid, agitated, 271 nn3 restriction, constriction, 1, 16, 266 ^ns Chaldee, as b^, to be able, 305 ]n3 to minister, intercede, 11, 25 m3 to burn, scorch, 66 3"t3 to fail, in a natural sense, 21 in to break with force, 123 n3 strong, vigorous, firm, 5 in3 to take off; or away, 29, 33, 47 bn3 to colour, paint, tinge, 176 n3 to fail, be deficient in substance, 12 '3 that, because, but, &c., from nn3, to restrain 333 to glisten, shine, 2 "133 a flat roundish form, 10, 41, 68 ^3 to hold, contain, Isaiah xl. 12 b3 separation, restraint, 8 lb2 to clap close together, 114 n'?3 totality, completion, finishing, 3, 7, 10, 16, 21 nb3 Arab., to be of a crabbed, wrinkled countenance, 265 bdb'2 to hold or contain entirely, 164 bb'2 to complete entirely, 71 ^3'?3 to nourish, support with food, 57 d'?3 shyness arising from shame, 44 fp^ Arabic, to impel, urge, force, 220 1D3 as or like the very, or actually, repeated, as. So Jud. viii. 18, 28 "5D3 to gather, or compress into a roundish form, 74 p3 to hide, lay up, hoard, 313 DD3 to lay up, treasure up, 123 "ID3 to convolve, contract, 27, 134 003 Arabic, swift, active. See Jer. xlviii. 7 p to make ready, to fit, adapt, pre- pare, machinate, 2, 24, 26 n:3 to surname, or to call a person by a name which does not strictly belong to him, 26 INDEX. 347 D23 to gather, or heap together, 71 r:3 to lay down, place on the ground, 38 r|33 extremity, outermost, 2, 8 "123 a musical instrument of the stringed kind, 6 D3 to reckon, number, count, 62 D3 to set, settle, 25 nD3 to cover, overspread, 8, 12 nD3 Chaldee, to prune, cut off, 136 jDD stiffness, rigidity, 76, 264, 268 DD3 to have long hair, 61 F]D3 to be pale, wan, 10, 18 nD3 Syriac, gibbous, protuberant, 173 ]3^3 now, now then, 307 DS?3 to be angry, so \ijyD , 38, 204 rrD3 to curve, bend, 8, 19 bDD to double, 68 |D3 Chaldee, to hunger, 265 DD3 Syriac, to connect, fasten toge- ther, 195 r]D3 to bend down very much, 214 ID3 to cover, overspread, 7, 64 ttJC3 to feed, see Lxx., 293 nSD to bind, 307 n3 Arabic, to be round, 19, 158 113 Tni2 , a cherub, compounded of 3 like, and 3T1 the majesty. (See Parkhurst's Lexicon.) m3 to cut, cut up, penetrate, 16, 139 n3 Chaldee, to cry aloud, 309 -p3 Chaldee, to wrap up, 302 D13 Syriac, to prune, cut off, 9 3n3 to bow, sink down, 30 M513 to contract, gather together, 169 m3 to cut off, 9, 25 3^:3 a sheep, a lamb, 18 bXD'2 to Stumble, 46 F]iri3 Arabic, to discover, reveal, 60 1^3 straight, direct, right, 216 n3 to pound, beat, wear to pieces, 69 3ri3 to mark, engrave, 31 ^n3 Arabic, to confine, restrain, 288 Dn3 to mark with an engraving, im- pression, stamp, &c., 139 ]n3 to adliere, stick closely, 5 P]n3 Arabic, to bind together, 35, 69 -in3 to enclose, encompass, 127, 170 nn3 the repetition of the above action, 146 ttjn3 to bray, pound, 44 PLURILITERALS. MQ33 after this manner, of this kind, from p thus, and nn what, 314 -inD3 a round or spherical knob, from nD3, and ^n, 68 33n3 a kerb or ledge, from 3 like, and 33n a carriage, 69 '>3"i3 Chaldee, to clothe, invest, 322 D3"i3 the crocus or saffron, one of the greatest cordials in nature, from m3 to cut, and HM hot, 289 '?m3 fruitfulness, from m3 to cut off, and ^bn to fill, 76 Dn3 a throne, from Heb. ND3, 810 b a particle, from ^m, to, into, towards, for, according to, of, concerning, at, about, &c. 3b Arabic, to be thirsty, 185 nab to be weary, 13 TDN^ to hide, 19 *T"7 to send, serve, minister unto, 3, 12, 223 Dn"? Arabic, to meet together, agree, 16 3"? to vibrate, move to and fro. (See Gen. xlv. 26, and Parkhurst.) 33b to move, or toss up and down, 56 3b to milk, to suckle, 30, 175 rilb to fall, tumble, 249 pb to whiten, make white, 9 ^L'lb to put on, clothe, 5 2b a log, the smallest measure of capacity, 80 r^b to faint, fail, 29, 259 in"? to flame, burn, kindle, 38 jnb meditation, study, see mn , 299 tcnb to burn up, set on fire, 5 onb to be soft, mild, gentle, 103 |nb, as the Hebrew pb therefore, besides, but, 304 TTib to join, add, associate, 66 mb Clialdee, a particle, with n^b p from lb , or i^b to turn aside, depart, 18, 40 rrnb smoothness, or the like, 18, 44, 67 jnb to lick, lick up, 98 nnb food, victual, 5, 10 rcnb Chaldee, a concubine, 309 \^nb to press, squeeze, crush, 38 Cjnb a lo\r I'issing or whispering sound, 55 348 INDEX. "E^ to hide, wrap up or over, 21 N^)"? to adhere, or stick close, 78 tJtcb to whet, sharpen, or set an edge, 6 T^b to take, 33 V) to wind, turn, or move round, or out of a rectilinear course, 1 vhb to wind, or turn round, 68 ID^ to accustom or habituate, learn rrab wherefore, 5 ]*? to stay, abide, remain, 13 Vb to lick up, absorb, swallow down, 64 Vb to reject, detest, 120 nrb to deride, sneer, 333 Wb to mock, deride, sneer, scorn, 133 tvb barbarous, 234 rsr? to swallow down, 16 iDb to shine, 12 riDb to incline, turn aside, decline, 44, 266 rfb to deride, scoff, scorn, 145, 19 3 pb to lick or lap with the tongue, 41, 186 npb to take, receive, accept. This root often drops its initial b, 3, 22, 68, 207 rspb to pick, pick up, or gather, 19 Wpb to crop or cut off, so to gather, 106 t?b to knead, as dough, 12, 146 ItJb to be wet, moist, liquid, 208 ydb a chamber, room, 166 Db a kind of precious stone, 70 ]? to speak against, 9, 230 nnb a measure of capacity, 182 ynb to break in pieces, 214 PLURILITERALS. '^n^^b the leviathan, from 1^b coupled, and ^n a large serpent, 220 iib^b if not, unless, except, from lb if, and ab not, 27 blb if not, unless, from ^b if, and ''b defect, failing, as s"?!"? O an abbreviation of p, from n2n to distribute, from, without, of, rather than, more than, because of, according to, &c. Chaldee, from Hebrew MD what lD to be strong, copious, vehement, 3 nr) Arabic, to extend, dilate, 6 DXD the least thing, 14 |NQ to refuse, 23 DMQ Arabic, to be dilated, reject with contempt or disgust, 42 1ND Arabic, to grow sore again, rankle, 80, 178 an to dissolve, melt, 32 i:q Arabic, to excel, 15 pQ to pour, pour forth with profusion, n:D to throw, or cast down, 175, 190 ID to measure, 47 HD who, which, what ^rra to mix, mingle. Isaiah i. 22 ina to haste, hasten, 12, 51 ma a spot, a blemish, 83 JD to consume or be consumed, 123 -ilD corrupt, rotten, 183 nn to strike or clap the hands, 155 nrTQ to wipe, wipe clean, 7, 102, 135 yno to drive, plunge in, 58 prra to break, break through, 39 "ino to exchange or barter one thing for another, 18 TQD to slide or slip, 22, 29 Kion and rrtQD, Chaldee, to reach unto, 307 IIQQ to shower down, cause to rain, 3 "JD to decay, fall to decay, 85 "iDD to deliver or give up, 16 bi2 to cut or pluck off; 12, 49 Nbo to be full, or filled, 2, 7, 67, 71 n'ja to fill, or be filled, 206 n'jn to dissolve, be dissolved, 11 TDbn to set free or loose, 13 'T'?a to reign, 9 b^n to cut oflf entirely, 14 ybn smoothness, 26 pbo to wring or pinch off; 75 HDD to distribute by number, order, or the like, 2, 4 5?3Q to withhold, prohibit, restrain, 18 "I3D a weaver's beam or roller, 50 nOD the disunion or dissolution of the texture or consistence of any- thing, 30, 36, 266 "JDO to mix, intermix, 44 IDD to deliver from one to another, 100 im to totter, stagger, slip, 58 n^D to be lax, loose, 11, 16 cm to be diminished, lessened, 29, 116 INDEX. 349 ^0 to compress, squeeze, crush, 52 fl?0 to decline, deflect, go aside, 33, 225 pD to remain, dwell, 47 SD to find, 4, 6 Tmn to squeeze, press, 13, 52 po to be dissolved, 87 bpQ a light rod or twig, 50 ^Q to be bitter, 16 mo to be very bitter, 62, 95 H'XO to raise or swell up, 55 3"iD to impel, drive forward, 59 mo to rebel, revolt, 11 mo to resist, rebel against, 53 mo to overspread or smear over, 150 TO"\D to make or wear smooth, 79, 127 yra force or violence, 125 p^O to scour, cleanse, 40 ttJO to feel, 13 rrttjo to draw out, or forth, 31 n-co to smear or rub over with some unctuous matter, 89 JWD to draw, 21 bttJQ to rule, to have dominion, 2, 4 ytJO Arabic, to wipe with a gentle hand, 173 p3D to comb, tear, lacerate, 181 VWa to feel over and over again, 19, 265 DQ, or niQ to die, naturally or spi- ritually, 3, 6, 97 JHQ the bit, or iron part of a bridle nnn to extend, stretch out, 26 ^na firm, solid, stable, 57 pHD to be sweet, agreeable to the taste, 63 3 to fail, be deficient, 10 nw a bottle of skin, 34 bM to be foolish, mad, distracted, 169 N3 to say, assert, affirm or pronounce solemnly nN3 to satiate one's thirst by drinking, 65, 159, 174 ym to cast off, reject, despise, 47, 55 pN3 to groan, make a doleful noise, 38 T3 to cast off or away, 227 33 to put forth, bud, produce fruit, 42 Na3 to prophesy, 14 nn3 to prophesy, as 33 n33 to bark, 155 tjl3 to look, behold, regard, 11, 13, 94 "T33 to be entangled, perplexed, 63 bi: to fall or flow down, 20, 48, 54 33 to gush, spring, or bubble up, 254 333 to be dry, parched, 10, 13 133 to stand before or above others, 3, 4, 9 na3 to be bright, glitter, shine, 58, 66 m3 to push, strike, or butt, 66 p3 to strike or play on a musical in- strument, 50 r33 to touch, meddle with, 4, 10, 18 ^^33 to hit, strike against, 23, 65 133 to spread out or abroad, 164 ^33 being close to, confining, pressing, 12, 13 13 to move or remove, 6 313 free, liberal, 39 113 to move or remove quickly, 19 ni3 to impel, force, thrust, 56 F113 to drive or hurry away, 37 113 to vow, promise to God, consecrate to God by a solemn dedication, 17 3713 to carry, carry away, 18, 51 rTn3 to lament, bewail, 161 ^rt3 to tend, lead on or guide gently, and with care, 29 Dn3 to grumble or growl, 136 pn3 to bray, 266 in3 to flow or run, as water, 3, 15 m3 to dwell, reside, be settled in a habitation, 55 jlS to give, present, 315 m3 to leap, leap out, 72 ^"53 to distil, trickle or run down, 39 73 connecting closely with a clasp, 15 pt3 to damage, impair, 301 113 to be separated, set apart, 42, 157 713 to rest or settle, 3, 6, 8 71773 to lead, or bring along, 5, 13, 63 bn3 to inherit, to take, receive or possess by inheritance, 31 0113 denotes change of mind, or affec- tion, 6, 7 yn3 to hasten, urge, 51 1113 to snort, to force the breath with violence through the nostrils, 151 tDrT3 to view, eye, observe attentively, to use attentive or subtle obser- vation, 4, 6 n7i3 to descend, come down, 2, 6, 7 7TO3 to stretch, stretch out or forth, to tend, verge, decline, incline, 10, 15 II H f550 ^c: to impose or lay on, as a burden or yoke, 59 rca to plant, fix, infix, 3, 9 ?]02 to distil, drop down, 39 103 to watch, mark, observe, 51 tcr!: to loose, loosen, set loose, 18, 165, 268 "7j: posterity, progeny, remote off- spring, 14 rT33 to smite, strike, 6, 8, 14 rG3 straightness, directness, rightness, 17 b2: to devise, contrive deceitfully, 20 "\3: to estrange, alienate, make strange, 12, 18 r63 to complete, consummate, 148 103 Arabic, to variegate, spot with various colours, 138, 150 12 to propagate, spread successively, 14, 219 C: a quick, waving, or tremulous motion, 11, 97 3D3 to recede, retire, go back, 53 rrt32 to try, attempt, prove, 14, 26 nD3 to take, pull, or pluck away, 212 jd: to spread abroad, diffuse, 20 rc: to remove from place to place, 9, 10, 88 pD3 to ascend, go up, 240 y: to move, ren\ove, wander, 6, 42 bs-S to fasten, make fast, 1 1 DJ>3 to be pleasant, sweet, agreeable, 30 yy3 Chaldee, to fix, infix, 155 y^z to agitate, move briskly, 8, 14 F]3 to reach out, stretch forth, 34 rTQ3 to breathe, blow with a blast of air, nearly related to HE', 158, 258 JC3 an emerald, 70, 178 bD3 to fall, in almost any manner, 4, 7, 94 y-33 to dissipate, disperse, 9 ^33 to bring or draw forth, 58 ^.^3 to breathe, respire, 2, 15, 83, 166 i<23 to shoot, rush, or flee away, 168 inz to stand, stand up, 12, 13 n23 to shoot, break, or burst forth, 24, 78, 59 n!J3 superiority, being above, over, or beyond, 50, 203 i'iZ to take away, 19 -IS3 to keep, guard, preserve, reserve, 73 lp3 to make hollow, bore, pierce, 2, IS np3 to mark with spots, to spot, 18 Dp3 to avenge, 6, 211 np3 to go round, surround, encompass, 33, 146 -Ip3 to bore, dig, or cut out, 48, 73, 158 \Dp3 to lay snares, catch in a snare, 52 13 to split, separate, or divide, 11, 60, 159 "n3 spikenard, or nard 3 to bear, take or lift up, 4, 5, 8, 16, 29 3ttJ3 to breathe, blow, 11 3^3 to overtake, reach, attain to, 18, 27 rTO3 loosing, laxity, relaxation, 6, 19 j3 to bite, 30, 66 ^3 to cast, or drive out, 104 D3 to breathe, breathe out, 3, 8, 78 F]tt}3 to blow, 53, 267 p'3 to kiss, clash, smack, &c., 17 1103 to lacerate, cut or tear in pieces, 54, 64 2*13 wearing with the feet, 39, 151 nn3 to cut in pieces, 45 in3 to be poured out, to distil, 57 ]n3 to give, i.e., to make a thing be any where, or with any one, or belong to any one (Cocceius), 2, 10, 36 Dn3 to demolish, destroy, spoil, 279 yTi3 to break to pieces, destroy, 40 pn3 to draw away, withdraw, 32, 164 in3 to loose, let loose, set free, 78, 243, 258 tt?n3 to pluck up, extirpate, 129 PLURILITERALS. nnn3 Chaldee, a gift or reward. 7m3 the idol of the Avites, from n23 to bark, and mrt to see. 2 Kings xvii. 31, 304 ttrQ3 Syriac, to be inflamed, set on fire, 309 riND to measure, mete, 538 "laD Syriac, to shoe, i.e., cover the feet, 137 3D to turn, turn about, aside, or round xao to drink hard, guzzle, swill, 112 31D to turn, turn about, encompass entirely or repeatedly, 3 JSD to inweave, interweave, 14 INDEX. 351 "jno to support, bear, carry away, 30 ^D to recede, go or turn back, 116, 134, 196 n;D to bow, bow down to the ground, 152 73D Chaldee, to gain or acquire to oneself, 64 pD a prince or noble, 169 "13D to shut, shut up, close, 4, 8 ID to obstruct or stop up, 29, 160 pD to loose, let loose, 43 "no Chaldee, to order, dispose of, 38, 269 "irro round, of a round form, 23 ino to drag, draw by force, 57 rmo to sweep or scrape off, 224 fpD to sweep, drive, 167 "ino to move to and fro, 15, 26 no to spring, spring up, 133 niED to decline, go out of the way, as "ID to overspread, cover, hide, 20, 101, 119 ^DD to pervert, turn away, 18 pD to lay up, lay in store, store or treasure up, 59 "(DD to close, shut, shut up, 8, 215 n3D Arabic, to be silent, 116 ^D to raise, elevate, exalt, 24 xbo , as nbo to strew, compare, 294 i)d to shake or strike the ground with exultation, 266 ri^io to strew, strew down, compared, 12 n'?D to loose, relax, remit, 76 DbD a ladder, 17 ]'7D a thorn y'?D Arabic, to cut, break, &c., 38 rj'jD to pervert, subvert, 66 pbo Chaldee, to ascend, go up DD a drug, spice, 67 "JOD to support, sustain, uphold, 17 ^OD a figure, image, idol, 104, 172 pD to mark, appoint, 145 -)QD to be rough, sharp pointed, 151, 237 p to pmir out, 25 7r3D a bush, 59, 177 -\3D dazzling from excessive light, 13 DD brisk, active, sprightly, 150, 154 12?D to support, sustain, uphold, 12 r\VD to split, divide, rive, 43 -tfD turbulent, tumultuous, 130, 146 rp cavity, concave, hollow, 57, 170 DD to scrape or sweep together, 15, 26 IDD to moan, lament, 14 rTDD to scrape, sweep, 13 nCD to join, unite, 47 bCD a bowl or dish, 39 pD to cover, protect, secure, 28, 126 pCD to smite, strike, clap, &c., 99 -iDD to tell, count, number, 6, 17, 70 bpD to pelt, i.e., either to throw, or strike with something thrown, 33 ^D to decline, turn aside, 8, 64 l^D to scorch or parch, 170 mo to spread, or stretch out, beyond, or abroad, 68, 168 ID to serve, minister, attend, 21 F|-iD to anoint, 188 nD to stir, raise, or rouse up, 35 DnD to stop, stop up, 16, 212 "inD to hide, conceal, 6 PLURILITERALS. ITDD a bunch of vine-buds, from CD to place, and M round TQ2D the fia of a fish, from n:D a thorn, and ID to break bmo to cover, clothe rp^D a long branch, from "iD to decline, and F]y to move to and fro 123> to serve, labour, work, 3, 98 my to be thick, gross, 58, 65, 127 :q13> to turn aside, divert, 108, 186 -inj^ to pass, 5, 8, 187 ^y to rot, become rotten or mouldv, 186 n23> to twine, complicate, 43 ys to bake upon, or under the coals, 62 2y$ to be set, or joined upon, 6, 179 uy$ to be grieved, afilicted ^y^ a crane, a bird of passage, 150 ly beyond, further, or besides, 6, 21, 27, 43 rn2? to pass over or upon, 54 p^ pleasure, delight, 3 F]13> superabundant, excess, 64. iiy to separate, sever, set apart, 17 126 MJTT a kind of pulse, 16 my to turn out of its proper situation or course, to distort, pervert, 51, 97, 165 H H 2 352 INDEX. Iiy blind, destitute, 60 my to incline, 295 ^V strength', vigour, 11, 12, 78 SW to leave, forsake, let go, 4, 15 jW round, orbicular, 11, 28 pW to surround with a fence, 135 n^y to help, aid, assist, 3 'jjy to move, remove, hurry away, 11, 143, 153 rray involution, 52 Fj^y to obscure, cover, hide, 18 iToy to encompass, surround, 51 CTDr to sneeze, 286 IDS? to trouble, disturb, 20 j'jy to stammer, or stutter, 147 n^ to ascend, mount upwards, to go or come up, 1, 3, 7, 11, 54, 87 bbs to ascend repeatedly, 41, 46 fjy to exult, leap for joy, 135 n"jy gross, cross, thick, 11 D"jy to hide, conceal, 5, 7, 266 Dbr to move quickly to and fro, 248 y^y to swallow, swallow down, 285 rpS to cover over, 154 yby to exult, leap for joy, 46 pbs to adhere, stick close to, 261 cy to collect, gather together, 4, 68 Dny Chaldee, to hide, conceal, 178 nor to continue, subsist, be sustained, or supported, 4, 28 boy to toil, labour, travail, 39 VOV to lift, bear, or hold up, 28 poy deepness, profundity, 11 "loy to press, squeeze into a narrow compass, 84 Ijy connecting, conjoining, 23 j;y delight, pleasure, joy, 118 n:y to bind, bind round, 247 7133? to act upon, to affect, produce eifects upon, to act or speak, to return, give, or send back, 4, 6, 8, 9, 65, 78 wy to shoot, send forth shoots, 84, 174 p2y to encompass, surround, 41 iD2y to mulct, fine, 65 noy Chaldee, time, opportunity, 314 DOy wine, the juice pressed from the grape by treading, 153 nyy to roar, roar out, 140 P]y to vibrate, to flutter, 2, 41 jDy to be elevated, raised up, 47 -icy to reduce to dust or powder, 3, 10 i:?y labour or travail, 4, 6, 53 n:jy to cut, cut off, 161 nijy to fix, make firm or steady, 2 jijy to be slothful, idle, to loiter, 44 D^y strength, substance, solidity, firm- ness, 4, 8, 16 isy to restrain, retain, stop, detain, 12 py to confine, straiten, compress, 112 apy the end, extremity, consequence, 4, 16 ipy to bind, bind about, 14 jpy crooked, perverted, 39 -ipy to cut, cut off, lop, 10, 17 ^py to pervert, distort, make crooked, 58 "ly to raise, lift up oneself, 6, 52 a">y to mix, mingle, 1, 4, 8, 61 r\S to stretch, stretch out, desire eagerly, 174 Tiy the wild ass, from his harsh dis- agreeable braying, 284 my to bare, make bare, uncover, strip, make naked, or empty, 5, 9, 11, 13, 17 jTy to set in order, or array, to order, dispose, 11 V\$ to be superfluous, 12 ly to be naked, 4, 34, 265 Diy to knead, 95 F]ny to distil, fall down in drops, 29 yny to agitate, shake violently, 31 piy Chaldee, to flee, Arabic, to gnaw, 279 tt5iy bed-furniture, 103 ttjy to consume, destroy, 153, 268 XDXDV to be consumed, or wasted, 204 l^y herbage, 2 nw to make, form, do, act, 2 ]t5y to smoke picy to oppress, press, rush upon, 16 Ty to be or become rich, 6, 11, 17 n\Dy to shine, look glossy, 160, 243 ny time, season, opportunity, 81" iny to prepare, make ready, 92 Dny to be burnt up, 137 pny to remove, be removed, 10, 16 nny to expand, dilate, diffuse, 16 PLURILITERALS. inay a mouse, 47 tra^y a spider, 156 INDEX. 35IJ ^"U> thick darkness, 08 nsD aside, part, quarter, bound, 17, 35 >ND to adorn, decorate, beautify, 41 2D to fail, faint, 28, 195 ^30 to pollute, defile, 77 WQ to meet, lijjht upon, 15, 267 t:3D to meet, 19 no Syriac, to fail, 279 mo to separate, deliver, 61 "no Arabic, to fail or faint through langour, 75 HD to obvert, or turn towards, 34 ID solidity, compactness, strength, 30 llD to disperse, scatter, 159 HD to expand, spread out, 37 inc to shake, 19 WD to overflow, 29, 42 nnD to dig, dig up, 80, 168 TED a precious stone, 70 -i!QD to open, 51, 62, 74 "O'HD to strike, smite, pound, 151 "fD to dissolve, disjoin, pulverize, 48, 181 n'?D to be extraordinary, wonderful, 12, 269 rs'^D to divide, dissever, 203 nbo to separate, divide, distinguish, 29 nbo to cleave, cut or split, 42 TD^D to escape, flee, be delivered, 11 -]bD to support, sustain, 54 Jsbu to make level, or even, 144 pD to tremble, 129 'SSbQ to roll oneself, 63 DD a mouth, aperture, 308 n^D to turn, turn oneself, 1, 4, 15, 63, 197 pOD to make delicate, 261 DD to diminish, or be diminished, 56, 205 3DD to divide, dissect, 35 noD to pass or leap over, by intervals, 32, 83 boD to hew, chip, cut with a tool, 38, 73 b3?D to work, prepare, contrive, 82 crD to smite, agitate by turns, strike or smite alternately, 4, 24 "13?D to gape open wide, 99 nSD to let loose, open, deliver, 5 n:?D to break with a noise, 139 b'2^ to take off* the bark, 1 8 d:?D to break or burst open, 214 rSD to wound, hurt, 6, 66 "i:?D to press hard, 13 pD to totter, stagger, stumble, 52 npD to take notice or care of, 14, 22, 75 npD to open, 4, 14 ypD Chaldee, to rive, cleave, break, 126, 127 ID to break, rive, shatter, 12, 56 HID to run wild, 12, 163 mo to divide, separate, 3, 9, 56 mD to bear or produce fruit, 2, 3 no to disperse, scatter, 39 niD to break forth, bud, flourish !D-\D to cut or break off; 31, 8], 188 "JID to break, rend, 59 0-iD to rend, 77 DID to part, break in pieces, 61 y-iD to free, set free or loose, 18, 23 y-iD to break out or through. Is. v. 5 piD to break, break off, 17 "no to break or divide entirely, 40 ttJlD to spread, stretch out, 37 n^CD to spread, be diffused, 32 tCTTiD to divest, strip off", 20 y^iD to pass, go forwards, 145 pttJD to distend, open, 174 no to part, dispart, divide, 12 nD sudden, hasty, 91 nriD to draw aside, withdraw, entice, persuade, 7 rrriD to open, or loose, 5, 8, 15, 70, 97 briD to twist, wreathe, intwine,- 18 pD to stir, move, disturb, 47, 172 yriD to break in pieces, 91 TTID to expound, explain, interpret, 23 PLURILITERALS. ^a^D a concubine, from 3^D,and iri::, 14 DT^D an orchard, garden, enclosed plantation, 317 TJTiD evacuated, 38 ]N!J to be fruitful, abundant, 5, 10 !!? to incline, bend downwards, 17,25 !!? to assemble, or meet together in a regular stated manner, 3, 14, 75. 267 ni!? to swell, grow turgid, 53 ^ 158, 210 y22 to form longish lines, or streaks, 40, 162 ins to collect, gather together, 25, 132 ms Chaldee, to look sideways, 7, 9, 16, 51 H H 3 354^ pTS the equal poise of a balance, 7, 115 im? to shine, glare, 816 ^n:? to cause or make to shine, 138 "in!? to be clear, transparent, 7, 27 m!? to command, give orders, 3, 10 ms to cry aloud, shout, 143 TTTfS to be white or clear, 50, 176 ps to corrupt, contaminate, 186 pns to laugh, to sport, 12, 16 "in:? white, shining, 39 ^2 dryness, drought, 100, 134 jS to shade, shadow, shelter, 13, 55 bba to be overshadowed, 63 Nbi? Chaldee, to pray, supplicate, 315 n^S to roast, toast, or bake, 41, 63 n'?2 to pass on, advance, go forwards, 15 d'?^ to figure, delineate, 2, 9 y!'!? to be, or go on the side, 4, 19 !f empty, meagre, thin, 38 NOS to thirst, 64 no:? to couple or join together, 15 nos to spring, sprout, or shoot up, 3, 13 po:i to be dry, without moisture, 52 ins soft, tender, 41, 174 no2 to cut off, destroy, 58, 206 ^2 pointed, sharp pointed, 37, 38 n:s to throw or drive downwards, 35 D3:? hard, dry, 25 yjS modest, humble, 192 riiS to turn, or roll round and round, 71 p2 confining, shutting up, 165 i::? a subterraneous passage for water, 54 ni?S to step, walk, go forwards, 30, 206 m5?2 to spread, stretch out, 126 r)!?S a kind of vail, 15, 21 pi?:? to cry out, or aloud, 5 "1^2 smallness, littleness, meanness HDS to overspread, 19, 131 rrD2 a pitcher, 64 p:? to hide, conceal, 10, 25 Vd:s to cast, or dart forth with force, 138, 143 nc:? to move quickly, 8, 171 ys to break or burst forth as a flower, 71 p2 to press, press down, straiten, 43 i:? to bind close, 11, 26, 141 "ns to bind up very closely, 26, 52 m:? to burn, scorch, 79, 253 m2 to flow, 21 m:? to cry aloud, 42 rns to smite or strike, 37, 67 ?|"a to melt or refine, 41 PLURILITERALS. n"ra'?S shadow of death, from "?:? and mo :6ns:^ a frog, from "ad:? and ri' Np to vomit, 78 mp to curse, execrate, 98 bap to receive, accept, take, 68 yap to press down, oppress, 50 ynp to collect, gather together, 29 nip to bury, inter, 14 ip to cut, divide, 27, 178 nip to kindle, 86, 157 Dip precedency, antiquity, 3 "Mp dark, obscure, black, 129 XD-\p to separate, set apart, 2, 22, 87 nnp to be blunt, 166 bnp to collect, assemble, 17, 95 mp to stretch, stretch out, 2, 4 "Op to loathe, nauseate, 171 yVip to cut, cut off, ] 23 jTDp to cut off; kill, slay, 189 pp to be small, little, 2, 19 r]TDp to crop, or pluck off, 114, 267 j ntop to fume, fumigate, 13 : "nbp levity, lightness, &c., 4, 8, 33 ! bbp to be exceedingly vile, 10 ! tobp to contract, 33 Dbp to sport in contempt, to deride, i 130 ybp curve, bending, hollow, 45 vbp attenuated, wasted, 49 Dp to rise, stand up, be established, 2, 7, 10, 12, 52, 66 Ti'Op meal, flour, &c., 57 jop to wither, fade, 141 ynp to grasp, 25 XD-Qp agitation, 149 p to lament, wail, 53 2p to eat into, corrode, as fire, 16 n:p to hold, contain, 5, 6, 7, 10, 68 D:p smell strong, 72 DDp to divine, prognosticate, 35 DDp to cut or pluck off", 174 nop an inkhorn, 172 INDEX. S55 p to make a mark, to stigmatize, 82 irp to be deep, 68 NEp to be condensed, 63, 268 lp to hasten or hurry along, 139 tup Arabic, to leap, 149 yep to contract, shut up, skip, 108, 154 yp to fret, lacerate, wound, 5 ysp to cut equally, exactly, 126 rrsp to make an extremity, or end, 5, 7 ysp to cut or scrape off the extremity, or surface, 69 r]!?p to foam, froth, 23 iSp to cut short, shorten, 8 pp hollow, 162 ">p to spring up or gush out, 79 Nnp to meet, occur, call, 1, 34, 264 T\p to approach, 10, 25 mp to meet, join, coalesce, 8, 13, 38 mp to be smooth, 19, 266 Dip to superinduce, bring over, 180 pp to shoot forth, diffuse, 14 Dip to bend, stoop, 68 yip to rend or rent, 21 *flp to move, agitate, 209 Trip to compact, fasten together, 68, 177 XDp to collect one by one, 60, 197 aiDp to hearken, attend, listen, 129 T\irp to be stiff, tough, 9, 20, 77 t:^L'p truth, rectitude, integrity, 37, 214 IMjp to bind, bind about, 18, 28 rwp a bow to shoot with, 16 PLURILITERALS. Dllp a hatchet or axe, 42 jDip the sole of the foot, from mp and bo ypip a pavement or floor, from mp and ypi n.yi to see, look, look at, 1, 3, 10, 74 Df manslaughter or murder, 45 ysT to pierce through, 65 f^^2^ to strew or spread, 133, 136 1t\ to evacuate, exhaust, 7, 11, 267 apT to rot, become putrid, 151 ipT to leap, skip, bound, 139 Tr{n to make a composition of various spices, 48 DpT variety of colour or figure ypT motion of different parts of the same thing at the same time, one part the one way, and the other the other way, with force, 1 "n to excern, ooze with, 51, 266 ttJi to lack, be in want, be poor, 28 3?un the scales of unfairness, 49, 66, 115 Film to glow or flash, 123, 265 nm to tremble, shake, 185 nm to boil, 176 m to bind, tie, fasten, 129, 238 pm to swathe, gird round, 126 C an abbreviation of n^CM or ttj> , who, which, that, for, because, when 2H-0 to draw, as water, 15 :n^ to roar, 43 n^ to be confounded, 15, 124, 137 "CNU5 to despise, insult, 174 "rWTD to ask, 15, 122 ]MJ to be tranquil, quiet, 133 DS1C to spoil, plunder, 165 p|X7 to draw, suck, or sup in, 151, 267 "IK to remain, be left, 8, 11, 27 ittJ to turn, 5, 8, 11, 70 nSM) to lead or carry away captive, 39 naw to soothe, calm, praise, 215 oa^J to extend, draw out in length, 30 ~\2V to implicate, entangle, 57, 127 b2)0 to impel, thrust forward, 24 yaiu sufficiency, satisfaction, saturity, 3, 6, 70 yai to close, enclose, straiten, 53 pa to leave, let alone, 315 -la to separate, 26, 58 na to cease, leave off; 3, 9, 204 N3 to expatiate, luxuriate, 307 a3\D to lift, or be lifted up above reach, 103, 204 m to expatiate, luxuriate, run wild, 7, 27, 76 "S^W to view attentively, 139, 209 ba to lie carnally with a woman, 118 r: to be distracted, mad, 51, 165, 201 -D to emit, send forth, 62, 116 IV to shatter, demolish, waste, 39, 140, 148 m to pour out or forth, to shed, 3, 11 Di Arabic, to choke, suffocate, 123 fpv to blast or blight, 24 niMJ to order, dispose, arrange, 126 n a Iamb or kid, 14, 33, 141 in to witness, bear witness, 272 DH an onyx, 3, 67, 71 Ni vanity, falsehood, 65 m to make equal, plain, level, 58 VW to open, cry out, vociferate, 21, 190 TittJ to view, behold, regard, 19, 48, 204 2W Chaldee, to rescue, set free, 307 n^W to look or glance at, 287 "IT to twist together, to twine, 68 n to incline, bow, bend downwards, 3, 14, 188, 213 in to make a present, to present a bribe, 66y 266 Tmv to swim, 144, 204 Tcn to drain, 14, 24 jn dark coloured, black, 73 ]n warm, hot, 61 on to spring up, 150 tpV to waste, consume away, 78 yn to lift u]), be lofty, 278 INDEX. 357 pmu to conflict, grind, wear to pieces, 44, 150 Tfxo to be dark coloured, dusky, 13, 41 nnMJ to corrupt, spoil, destroy, 7, 40 n^TD to decline, go, or turn aside, 37, 128 nTDMJ to spread abroad, 57, 161 DTQ^ to bear malice against, 17, 30 \Qt3 to oppose, be an adversary to, 16 f]'tO'ttJ to cover with water, 77 ntOttJ an inferior officer, 31, 93 ]'>X0 to urine, 52 "|ttJ to stop, assuage, check, 8 331U to lie, lie down, 13, 16 nxo to be like, resemble, 86, 254 TO to fail, relax, let go, 17, 24 jD" to direct oneself wisely, 4, 17, 67, 123 DD\i: readiness, forwardness, diligence, 9, 13 piD to dwell, inhabit, 5, 9, 11 n3 to satisfy, satiate, 17, 27 hv to loose, loosen, let loose, 33 I'jTT to be disposed or put in order, to correspond, answer, 68 y^\D to be bright, shine, 59 r^bw to be quiet, easy, secure, 21 nViD to send, send forth, out, or away, 5, 8, 14 13^ to be over, or before, 26, 55 nb to cast, cast down or away, 42 d"? to make whole, entire, complete, 20, 27 nbttJ to draw, or push out or off, 33 obiD three, to divide into three parts, 2, 6, 63 ov to place, set, put, 1, 3, 7, 93 DDU: to place, or dispose with great care, to be exceedingly desolate, 29, 56 lO^y to destroy, abolish, 46 nauj to move briskly and alternately, vibrate with a quick motion, 114 TDQ to let go, remit, 55, 108 JDTO to recline, 38 bntu to surround on all sides, clothe, 9, 24 puj to abound, superabound, 6 3^ to hear, perceive by hearing, 4, 10 yn' to mutter, murmur, whisper, 73 Tan? to keep, preserve, 3, 5, 9 ttJDiO to serve, minister unto, 11, 34 m:mj to hate, dislike, be averse from, 15 n2\tJ Arabic, to be cool, 40, 248 Ttw to iterate, repeat, do again, 2, 6, 32, 49, 51 D^XO to gird up. 129 riD'O to rob, plunder, pillage, 38 WO to split, cleave, rend, 52, 75, 77 F]D\D to cut or hew in pieces, 50 nj? to look, regard, have respect, 5, 60 TDS?" to stamp, to rush forward, 168 ^y\D hollow, concave, 43, 173 p to incline, recline, 12, 53 r]rttj to seize, hurry away, madden, 264 nj? to stand erect or upright, 13, 16, 145, 149, 212 fjUJ to cover, overwhelm, 30, 63 no to dash, crush, or break by im- pulse, 4, 9, 57, 99, 160, 239 nC' to depress, humble, subject, 8, 12 Dt7 regulation, disposal, 24 ]Q to pour out, shed, 9, 113 ^D to humble oneself, be humbled, 34, 79 DD the upper lip, 57, 177 p to cover in, to hide, 77 rc to flow together, 124 pD to clap, strike, or smite together, 129 nD seemly, goodly, elegant, 30 no to put or set in order, dispose, 30 rjS little, small or short, 154 p to move, run, or push forwards, 4, 5, 11 np to wake, watch, 27, 68 np to irrigate, moisten with water or other liquor, 3, 10 tDp to be quiet, 35 ^p to weigh, 15 Dp the sycamore-tree, 128 3>p to sink, subside, 93, 179 r|p to look, turn towards, 12 y-p to abominate, abhor, detest, 77 lp to lie, speak, act, or deal falsely, 14 -I to regulate, direct, rule, 18, 171 m to scorch, parch, 34 yw to be wreathed, twisted, or twined together, 23 n to leave, or be left behind, 39 m to be strong, 50 S58 IN niTD to scarify, cut, or wound, 82 "p\3 to twine, wind, or bend about, 11 DIW to cut, cleave, 166 yi to stretch out, 83 rpxD to burn, burn up, 9, 96, 97 *pTD to produce or increase abund- antly, 2 ^MD to be yellow, tawney, 30 tnxD to root, take root, 39 mw personal attendance, or ministry, 22, 56 tro to be brisk, active, sprightly, cheerful, 3, 6, 25, 67 nttJH? Vermillion, 164' n\D to set, place, settle, dispose, con- stitute, appoint, 4, 6, 129 nn\D to drink, 9, 13 'nvj to plant, 181- Dn\D to shut, shut up or out, as ODD pniJJ to be still or calm, 190 '^nxa to be hidden, 47 biKsXS the left hand, 10 nwn to waste, consume away, 188 rrNn to limit, bound, 102 DNn to be connected, 22 >f