\ /ss BANCROFT LIBRARY <> THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL Life Insurance Company, POST-OFFICE SQUARE. BOSTON, MASS. Statement off Business for 1889. Net Ledger Assets, January 1, 1889, $18,214,534 45 RECEIPTS. For Premiums $2,628,885 75 For Interest, Rents, and Profit and Loss, less Taxes, . . 998,062 35 3,626,948 10 $21,841,482 55 DISBURSEMENTS. Death Claim?, $1,190,832 00 Matured and Discounted Endowments, 259,135 00 Canceled and Surrendered Policies, 243,064 89 Distribution of Surplus 561,010 73 Total paid to Policy-holders, $2,254,042 62 Amount paid for Commissions to Agents, Salaries, Medi- cal Fees, Advertising, Printing, Stationery, and all other Incidental Expenses at the Home Office and at Agencies 492,326 82 Amount paid for Accrued Interest on Investments pur- chased during the year, 12,263 95 2,758,633 39 Net Ledger Assets, December 31, 1889, $19,082,849 16 Market Value of Securities over Ledger Cost, $1,192,94255 Interest and Rents accrued December 31, 1889, .... 219,954 68 Gross Premiums in course of collection, . . $183,129 07 Deduct 10 per cent, loading, 18,312 91 164,816 16 1,577,713 39 Gross Assets, December 31, 1889, $20,660,562 55 LIABILITIES. Reserve at Massachusetts Standard, 4 per cent, ..... $17,871,353 51 Balance of Distributions unpaid, 106,195 15 Death and Endowment Claims approved, 127,245 00 18,104,793 66 $2,555,768 89 Every policy has endorsed thereon the cash surrender and paid-up insurance values to which the insured is entitled by the Massachusetts statute. Life-Kate Endow- ment policies are issued at the old life-rate premium. Annual Cash distributions are paid upon all policies. Pamphlets, rates, and values for any age sent on application to the Company's office, or to any Agent of the Company. BEN J. F. STEVENS, S. F. TRULL, President. Secretary. JOS. M. GIBBONS, WM. B. TURNER, Vice-President. Assistant Secretary. The Real Estate Trust Company OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL, $500,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No, 1340 Chestnut Street, "T^ECEIVES deposits of money, payable by check on demand, and allows interest r"\ thereon. Accounts of individuals, associations, religious organizations, charita- ble institutions, etc., solicited. Receives Ar safe-keeping, securities, plate, jewelry, deeds, mortgages, and other valuables, at reasonable rates. Receives and receipts for wills for safe-keeping, without any charge. Rents safe deposit boxes in its burglar proof vaults, affording security against loss by robbery, tire, or accident. These boxes vary in size, and are rented according to size and location, at from $5 to $-50 per annum. Collects ground rents, interest on mortgages, dividends and income of all kinds whatsoever, and makes prompt remittance top same. Acts as transfer agent or registrar of stocks and bonds of corporation;; or municipalities. Acts as trustee, guardian, executor, administrator, assignee, receiver, committee, attorney, etc. Receives and executes trusts of every description under tin- appointment of courts, corporations, and individuals ; and becomes surety for such offir Acts as agent or attorney for buying, holding, leasing and selling property in the city of Philadelphia and its vicinity ; negotiates mortgages, and places ground rents. Collects rents and assumes general charge and management of property. Issues policies of title insurance to real *state and real estate securities, in Phila- delphia and adjoining counties, thereby affording absolute security to purchasers and their heirs, at a nominal cost. Issues policies of special insurance against decedents' debts, mechanic-' liens, judg- ments, old ground rents, etc., the charges for which will depend upon the nature of the case. All trust funds and investments are kept separate and apart from those of the Company. OFFICERS. FRANK K. HIPPLE, President. \\ M . It. PHILLER, Secretary. WILLIAM F. NORTH, Treasurer. THOMAS B. PROSSER, Real Estate Officer. GEORGE JUNKIN, Solicitor. DIRECTORS. Frank I.. Hippie, Win. M. gingerly, Charles W. Henry. Henry C. Gibson, John Wauaraalter, John F. Betz, Lemuel Coffin, George Philler, Thomas Uolan. Beauveau Borie, Edward T. Steel, R. Dale Benson. POWELL'S RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY, BY WILLIAM H. POWELL, .Major 22d Infantry, U. S. A. PHILADELPHIA: L. R. HAMERSLY & CO. 1890. Copyright, 1990, fey L. R. HAMERSI.Y. PRESS or THE JAS. B. RODQERS PRINTING CO. 62 * 64 NORTH SIXTH ST.. PHILADELPHIA. Y *7 b a / HONOR TO WHOM HONOR -IS DUE. MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE WORK A. A. G. Assistant Adjutant General. A. A. A. G. Acting Assistant Adjutant General. A. Q. M. Assistant Quartermaster. A. A. Q. M. Acting Assistant Quartermaster. A. A. I. G. Acting Assistant Inspector General. A. C. S. Acting Commissary of Subsistence. A. D. C. Aid-de-Camp. Adj. Adjutant. A. O. O. Acting Ordnance Officer. Art Artillery. Bat. Battery. Batt. Battalion. Brig. Brigadier. Bvt. Brevet. Capt. Captain. Cav. Cavalry. Co. Company. Col. Colonel. Com. Commanding. Corp. Corporal . C. 8. Commissary of Subsistence. Dep. Department. Div. Division. D. Q. M. G. Deputy Quartermaster General. Drag. Dragoons. Eng. Engineer. Gen. General. Hon. Must. Honorably Mustered. Inf. Infantry. Lieut. Lieutenant. Lt. Light. Mil. Military. Ord. Ordnance. Pvt. or Priv. Private Q. M. Quartermaster. Q. M. G. Quartermaster General. R. Q. M. Regimental Quartermaster. Serg't. Sergeant. Tre. or Trans. Transferred. Vet. Res. Veteran Reserve. Vol. Volunteer. PREPACK. THE subscriber cannot place this Book before the public without returning" his thanks to each and every officer who has voluntarily submitted his record ; and particularly to Major General JOHN M. SCHOFIELD, Com- manding the Army, who was among the first to comply with the request for Records, and thus gave to the author confidence in the undertaking. While it has been found necessary to contract the records under certain defined headings, the work contains more information concerning the services of army officers than can be gathered from any other one book ever published. If some records appear less complete than others the fault must lie with those who furnished them ; for all officers (over 2700 in number) were invited to give full and complete accounts of their services. WILLIAM H. POWELL. Commander-in-Chief. His Excellency, BENJAMIN C. HARRISON, of Indiana, President of the United States. Secretary of War. Hon. RBDFIELD PROCTOR, of Vermont. Commanding the Army. Major General JOHN M. SCHOFIELD, U.S.A. Adjutant General. Brigadier General JOHN C. KELTON, U.S.A. Inspector General. Brigadier General JOSEPH C. BRECKINRIDGE, U.S.A. % Judge Advocate General. Brigadier General DAVID G. SWAIM, U.S A. Quartermaster General. Brigadier General SAMUEL B. HOLABIRD, U.S.A. Commissary General of Subsistence. Brigadier General ROBERT McFEELY, U.S.A. Surgeon General. Brigadier General JOHN MOORE, U.S.A. Paymaster General. Brigadier General WILLIAM SMITH, U.S.A. Chief of Engineers. Brigadier General THOMAS L. CASEY, U.S.A. Chief of Ordnance. Brigadier General STEPHEN V. BENET, U.S.A. Chief Signal Officer. Brigadier General ADOLPHUS W. GREELY, U.S.A. Commanders of Divisions and Departments. Division of the Atlantic Major General O. O. HOWARD. Division of the Missouri Division of the Pacific Major General N. A. MILES. Department of Texas Brig. Gen. D. S. STANLEY. Department of the Columbia Brig. Gen. JOHN GIBBON. Department of Dakota Brig. Gen. T. H. RUGER. Department of the Missouri Brig. Gen. W. MERRITT. Department of the Platte Brig. Gen. J. R. BROOKE. Department of Arizona Brig. Gen. B. H. GRIERSON. POWELL'S RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY. Abbot, Charles W. (First Lieut. 12th Inf.), Born in Rhode Island July 8, 1860. Retiring year 1924; appointed from Rhode Island Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 12th Inf. Feb. 16, '81, 1st Lieut. 12th Inf. Sept. 1, '87. Service Joined regiment in Arizona; at Fort Leavenworth, Ks., from Sep., '81, to July, '83, rejoined regiment in Dept. of East, and served there until 87, then went to Dept. of Dakota, at present serving at Fort Yates, N. D. Staff positions occupied App. Regimental Adj. May 13, '89, to present date. History Graduated from First Class at School of application for Inf. and Cav., Fort Leavenworth, Ks., '83. Abbot, P. V. (Capt. of Engineers). Born in Massachusetts. Appointed from. N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '75; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank 2d Lieut. Eng. June 13, 79; 1st Lieut. June 17, '81; Capt. July 22, '88. Abbot, Henry L. (Colonel U. S. Army). Born in Massachusetts Aug. 13, 1831. Retiring year 1895 ; appointed from Mass. ; graduate of M. A. class of '54. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lt. Top. En?. July 1, '54; 2d Lt. Oct. 2, '55 ; 1st Lt. July 1,'57; Capt. June 18, '62 ; Major of Eng. Nov. 11, '65; Lieut, Col. March 31, ''80; Col. Oct. 12, '86 ; Col. 1st Conn. Art. Jan. 19, '63. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. July 21, '61, for gallant and meritorious services in battle of Bull Run, Va. ; Bvt. Major May 4, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Yorktown, Va. ; Brevetted Lieut. Col., Col. and Brig. Genl. U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services in the field ; Bvt. Brig. Genl. Vola. Aug. 1, '64, for gal- lant and distinguished services in the operations before Richmond; Bvt. Maj. Gen'l Vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned In report of General Daniel Tyler on Battle of Bull Run, " Records of the Rebellion," Series I. Vol. II. p. 351, by General Barnard, Series I. Vol. XI. Parti, p. 125; and by General Humphreys, same, p, 154; also by General Barnard, same, pages 320-3; as far as published. Service From '54 to '57 in office of Pacific Railroad surveys in Washington; on survey of a route for railroad between California and Oregon; as asst. in office of explorations and surveys in Washington, D. C., from '57 to '61 ; on hydrographic survey of the delta of the Mississippi River; served during the Civil War in the Man- assas campaign, '61 ; in the construction of the defenses of Washington, '61-2; Chief Top. Engr. of the Banks Expedition, Nov., '62, to Feb., '63, field service dur- ing the war ; since the war, at Willets' Point, N. Y., in charge of construction of Fort Schuyler and Fort at Willets' Point and of experiments with Torpedoes ; member of the permanent Board of Engineers, and its President in '88 ; and of a Board to remodel the bridge equipage of the army ; and of a commi-sion of Engineers to report a plan for reclaiming the Mississippi Valley from overflows; and of the joint Gun Foundry Board of Army and Navy officers ; the Board on Fortifications or other defenses (Endicott Board) ; of the Board on Ordnance and 9 10 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. ABB Fortification (Schofield Board) ; and of many special engineer boards. Astrono- neer of North East Division '89. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Manassas cam- paign, '61 ; Blackburn's Ford and Bull Run, Va., in the Virginia Peninsula, '62 ; engaged at Yorktown and the Seven Days' operations before Richmond ; defenses of Washington ; siege of Richmond and Petersburg, being engaged in several battles; at the storming of Fort Fisher, N. C. Commands held Brigade in de- fenses of Washington; the Siege Artillery (organized as a separate Brigade) dur- ing siege of Richmond and Petersburg ; Chief of Art. at storming of Fort Fiaher, N. C., and same Dept. of Va. after capture of Richmond ; the Engineer Post and Depot, the Batt. of Engineers, and the Engineer School of Application at Willets' Point, N. Y. History Member of National Academy of Sciences, of American Academy of Arts and Sciences, of American Philosophical Society, etc.; LL.D. Harvard University. Abbott, Asa T. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Maine. Retired; ap- pointed from Minnesota Civil Life. Actual rank Private Co. E, 1st Minn. Vol. Inf., and Signal Corps, April 20, '61, to Sept. 4, 63; 2d Lieut. Vol. Signal Corps, Aug. 31, '63; accepted Sept. 5, '63; honorably mustered out Aug. 29, '65; app. 2d Lieutenant 28th U. S. Inf. March 7, '67 ; accepted April 26, '67; unsigned March 31, '69; assigned to 3d U. S. Art. July 14, '69; 1st Lieut. June 30, '76. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. March 7, '67. Abbott, Lemuel A. (Capt. U. S. A.). Born in Vermont. Retired ; ap- pointed from Vermont Civil Life. Actuhl rank 1st Sergt. Co. "B," 10th Ver- mont Inf., July 28, '62, to Jan. 25, '63; 2d Lieut. 10th Vt. Inf. Jan. 26, '63 ; 1st Lieut. June 17, '64; Capt. Dec. 19, '64; hon. must, out Jun .it-iit. and Adjt. 97th U. S. Col. Inf. Nov. 6, '65; hon. must, out April 6, '6'i; iM Lieut. 6th Cav. July 2, '67 ; accepted July 22, '67; 1st Lieut. Sept. 10, '67 ; Capt. June 3, '80 ; retired Jan. 3, '85. Service In the field during the Civil War '(\~1 to '05 ; at New Orleans, La., to Feb., '68; seriously ill with yellow fever at New Orleans, La., in Sept., '67; at Fort Richardson, Tex., April to Sept., '68 ; scouting on the Wach- ita River for Comanche Indians June, '68 ; on civil service in Texas protecting loyal citizens and arresting desperadoes Sept. to Dec., '68; Bervicesofficially acknowl- edged by the commanding general 5th Military District for the arrest of four noted desperadoes, at Jefferson, Texas, from March to June, '69 ; Shreveport, La., to Dec., '69, and from Jan. to Feb , '70; Nov. 25, '69, to May 17, at Fort Richardson, Texas, April to Dec., '70, and from Jan. to March, 71 ; with regiment on the march to Fort Hays, Kan., March to May, 71 ; at Fort Riley, Kan., to Dec., 71, and from Jan. to May, 72; in the field to Oct., in camp near Fort Hays, Kan., from Oct., 72, to Nov., 72 ; on leave of absence from Nov., 72, to May, 73; at Fort Hayes, Kan., from June, 73, to July, 74, on duty and scouting after hostiles ; with the Miles Ind. Ter. expedition from Aug., 74, to Jan., 75, and at Cantonment on the Sweetwater, Tex., from Feb. to July, 75; en-route to Ariz., from Aug. to Oct., 75; at Fort Grant, A. T., from Oct., 75, to May, 77 ; on duty as inspector of Indian Supplies, at San Carlos Indian Reservation, from June, 77, to June, 78; and from July to Dec., 78 ; on leave of absence, from Dec., 78. to Dec., 79; at Camp Thomas, A. T., to June, '80 ; at Fort Verde, A. T., from July, '80, to March, '81, doing duty, scouting, etc.; on sick leave of absence from April, '81, to April, '82; at Fort Apache, A. T., and in the field scouting after hostile Apache Indians, etc., from May to Nov., '82 ; at Fort Lowell, A. T., from Nov., '82, to Aug., '83. Staff posi- tions occupied Adj. 97th U. S. C. Inf. March to Dec., '66 ; A. A. Q. M. in the field, from Aug., 74, to Jan., 75 ; and from Feb. to July, 75 ; Act. Eng. Off. with regt. en route to Ariz., Aug. to Oct., 75 ; Post Adj. A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Grant, A. T., from October, 75, to May, 77 ; R. Q. M. 6th Cav. November 25, '69, to May, 17, 73. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In the defenses of Washington, D. C., to June, '63; and engaged in the pursuit of the enemy to Warrington, Rap- idan campaign, battles of Rapidan Station, Kelly's Ford, action of Brandy ADA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 11 Station, operations at Mine Run, and action of Locust Grove ; with 6th Corps, Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the battles of the Wilderness (slightly wounded), Spottsvlvania, North Anna, Tolopotoiny, Cold Harbor, and the siege of and battles around Petersburg, Va.; engaged in the defenses of Maryland against the rebel raid under General Early ; battle of Monocacy (severely wounded), Shenandoah campaign, action of Snicker's Gap, Charleslown, and battle of Opequan Creek (twice severely wounded) ; in the Richmond campaign, Army of the Potomac, Dec., '64, to April, '65 ; engaged in the siege of Peters- burg, capture of the entrenched picket line of the enemy, assault which termina- ted the siege, pursuit of the rebel army, battle of Sailor's Creek and capitulation of the rebel army at Appomattox Court-House, Va.; on the march to North Caro- lina to operate against the rebel army under General Johnston, and return to Washington, D. C.; engaged in battle with White Mountain Apache Indians at Chevalon's Fork of the Little Colorado Eiver, A. T., July 17, '62. Commands held Camp Thomas, A. T., from Jan. to June, '80. Abercrombie, W. R. (First Lieut. 2d Inf.). Born in Minnesota. Appointed from New York Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. March 1, 77; ac- cepted March 10, 77 ; 1st Lieut. March 20, '85. Staff positions held A. D. C., from May 29, '84, to July 3, '85. vice At Newport Barracks, Ky., from Oct., 1874, to March, 1875; ordered to Dept. of Tex., Feb. 23, 1875; at Ringgold Barracks, Tex., to June, 1875; in the field with Col. Shafter to Dec., 1875; on duty at Fort McKavett, Tex., to March, 1876 ; Post Surg. Fort Richardson, Tex., to July, 1877 ; at Fort Brown, Tex., to May, 1879; on leave of absence, June to Sept., 1879; ordered to Dept. of the East, Aug. 25, 1879; Post Surg. Fort Mackinac, Mich., to Sept., 1881; ordered to Dept. of Dakota, Oct. 11, 1881 ; Post Surg. Fort Missoula, M. T., from Nov., 1881, to May, 1886; Post Surg. Fort Brady, Mich., from Aug., 1886, to Oct., 1888 ; Post Surg. Fort Robinson, Neb., from Oct., 1888, to present time. Adair, Samuel B. (2d Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from W.Va. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, July 1, 79 ; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th Cav. June 13, '83. Adam, Emil (Major 6th Cav.). Born in Germany, Feb. 20, 1831. Retiring year 1895; appointed from Illinois Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 9th 111. Vol. Inf. April 25, '61 ; 1st Lieut. July 28, '61 ; Captain Nov. 14, '61 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 20, '64 ; Private Co. E, 144th 111. Vol. Inf., from Sep. 1 to 9, '64; Captain 144th 111. Vol. Inf. Sep. 10, '64; Major March 18. '65; honorably mustered out July 14, '65 ; app. 1st Lieut. 39th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Jan. 28, '67 ; Captain May 31, '67 ; unassigned April 20, '69 ; assigned to 5th U. S. Cav. Dec. 15, 70 ; Major 6th Cav. Oct. 19, '87. Honorably mentioned Received special thanks of Gen. G. M. Dodge for gallant and valuable services in holding the town of Athens, Ala., preventing the capture of the government stores, and frustrating the attempt to destroy the trestle work, by the enemy. Was twice nominated to the U. S. Senate to be a brevet-major, to date from Sep. 25, '72. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion, '61-5 ; served during the period of enlistment (three months) at Cairo, and participated in a few reconnois- sauces into Kentucky and Missouri ; marched from Cairo to Paducah, Kentucky ; on provost-guard duty until Sept.; under the command of Brigadier-General Chas. F. Smith, and continued in that position until Nov. 14, '61 ; at Paducah until Jan., '62, when he participated in the Tennessee campaign ; in the movement against Forts Henry and Donelson ; conducted a captured Tennessee regiment to Lafayette, Ind.; rejoined the army in time to participate, although on sick report, in the battle of Shiloh, where he was dangerously wounded ; rejoined his company from a wounded furlough May 29, '62, and marched with the advance the day before the evacuation of Corinth ; after returning from the pursuit of the enemy, served near that place until July ; then employed at Burnsville until Oct. in guarding the railroad ; moved to the railroad bridge three miles from Corinth, where he 12 EECOEDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. ADA served on outpost duty during the battle of the 3d and 4th ; stationed at Glendale until Dec., when he rejoined his regiment at Rienzi and served near Corinth until April, '63 ; regiment was mounted and attached to the second division of the Six- teenth Corps, Army of the Tennessee, and employed in making raids inside of the enemy's lines; actively employed in Alabama and Mississippi until the end of '63. He was conspicuous for a successful defense of Athens, Ala., on the 26th of January, 1864, where the enemy, about eight hundred strong with two guns, under General Roddy, attacked him at 3 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of captur- ing the government stores at that place and diverting attention from a movement having for its object the destruction of a railway trestle six miles to the rear, on the Nashville road. Having been warned of the contemplated movement, he met the enemy on the west side of the town with about one hundred men deployed as skirmishers, and, although driven back by overwhelming numbers, he successfully delayed their advance and by excellent management so impressed the enemy with the belief that they had unexpectedly encountered a superior force, that thry abandoned the enterprise and retreated across the Tennessee River. General Roddy's report of the affair as published in a Southern newspaper, said that after half an hour's hard fighting he succeeded in driving the National troops from their encampment to the east side of the town, when he was compelled by the arrival of reinforcements to retire, having suffered a loss of seventeen men killed and wounded; was actively employed during the spring of '64 upon raids and reconnoissances on the Tennessee River ; on the 8th of March led the advance of his regiment across the river and bivouacked in the streets of Decatur, and the next day engaged the enemy at Courtland, and again, on the ICKh, ut Nancy Creek; then returned to Decatur, where a supply station was established, and \v;n employed until May in making reconuoissances within the enemy's line*; moved in May, '64, from Decatur to Cnattanooga, and participated in the Atlanta cam- paign ; employed on foraging expeditions until June, then participated in the closing operations at Kenesaw Mountain ; on prison guard duty at Alton from Sept. 10, '64, to Jan., '65; at St. Louis on provost duty until July 14, '65 ; out of service until Jan., '67 ; on duty with regiment (39th Inf.) at New Orleans, Ship Islaud and Fort St. Philip until April 20, '69; on reconstruction duty in Vir- '71, and on the 12th accompanied the second detachment of the regiment to Ari- zona, via San Francisco and Gulf of California; at Camp McDowell, Jan. to June, 72; in the field until Feb., '73; stationed at Camps Grant, McDowell, Apache, San Carlos and Ljwell, to May, '75, when he marched with the head- quarters of the regiment to FortLyon, Col., and thence to Camp Supply, Ind. Ten; on leave from Oct., '75, to April, '76 ; participated in the campaigns against the hostile Sioux in the Black Hills of Wyoming, and in the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition of 76, under Gen. Crook ; at Fort McPherson, Neb., until July, 77, when ordered to Chicago to control railroad riots; on Wind River expedition against Nez Perces, Sept. and Oot., 77; at Fort McKinney, Wyo., to 79; on Ute expedition until Nov. 29, 79 ; at Fort Russell, Fort Sidney, and Omaha, and other places in Dept. of Platte, to '87, and in New Mexico to present time. Staff positions occupied A. A. A. Gen. of 2d Brigade of the forces under Gen. C. F. Smith, from September to November 14, '61. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In the capture of Forts Henry and Donelson, Tenn., in the battle of Shiloh (dangerously wounded); action at Cherokee and Lundy's Lane, April 17/63 (wounded); com- bats and skirmishes at Town Creek, Florence, Hamburg, Mud Creek, Rocky Run, Athens, Decatur, Morrisville and other affairs of less importance, '63 ; Kenesaw Mountain and Nickajack Creek, '64; combat at Muchos Canons, and in the affairs on the Santa Maria, Sycamore Creek, Hell Canon, and Pinto Creek, 73 ; Slim Buttes, Dak., 76. Commands held Commanded a batt. of cavalry in the AVind River Expedition, 77; command batt. of three companies sent to Omaha, Neb., in 77, to assist in maintaining order during the labor riots in that city. Adams, Granger (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in New York. Appointed ADA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 13 from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 72; graduated June 15, 76. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. June 15, 76 ; 1st Lieut. March 30, ''84. Adams, Henry H. (Captain 18th Inf.). Born in Ohio, Sep. 4, 1845. Retiring year 1909; appointed from Ohio Civil Life. Actual rank Private and corporal Co. C, 98th Ohio Vol. Inf., Feb. 2, '64, to June 26, '65 ; app. 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66; accepted May 4, '66; transferred to 25th Inf. Sep. 21, '66; 1st Lieut. Sep. 21, '66; transferred to 18th Inf. April 26, '69 ; Captain October 15, '86. Adams, Henry M- (Major of Engineers). Born in Mass. May 8, 1844. Retiring year 1908 ; appointed from Mass.; graduate M. A. class of 1866. Actual rank2d Lieut. Engineers June 18, 1866 ; 1st Lieut, July 10, 1866 ; Capt. Sept. 2, 74 ; Major Jan. 10, 1887. Service Served with Eng'r Co. at West Point, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1866, to Aug. 31, 1867, at the Mil. Acad., as asst. prof, of eng., Aug. 31, 1867, to Aug. 28, 1869 ; as asst. engr. on the defenses of New Orleans, La., improve- ment of the mouth of the Mississippi River, and of Galveston Harbor, Tex., and surveys for river and harbor works in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, Sept. 1, 1869, to June 1, 1874 ; on survey of the northern and northwestern lakes and the Mississippi River, June 6, 1874, to Dec. 31, 1878 ; as assistant to the Chief of Engineers U. S. Army at Washington, D. C., Jan. 2, 1879, to April 25, 1887 ; assistant to the Secretary of War, Washington, D. C., April 25, 1887, to March 2, 1889; in charge of the River and Harbor Division in the office of the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army, since March 18, 1889; member of Boards of Engineers to consider the subject of a bridge over the Detroit River, Mich., 1889; laying the new water main on canal road, Washington, D. C., 1889; changes in the Muscle Shoals Canal system, Tennessee River, 1889-90. Adams, John Q. (Captain 1st Cav.). Born in N. Y. May 29, 1843. Retiring year 1907; appointed from Mass. Civil Life. Actual rankPvt. Co. C, 88th Ohio Vol., May 26, 1862; disch. Sep. 26, 1862; Q. M. Sergt. Co. I, 10th Ohio Cav., Oct. 15, 1862; Pvt, Co. B, Batt. of Cav. Mis*. M., Feb. 23,1863; 2d Lieut. Signal Corps, March 3, 1863; mustered out Aug. 22, 1865; 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. Aug. 17, 1867; 1st Lieut. 1st Cav., Sep. 14, 1869; Capt. 1st Cav. Oct. 31, 1884. Brevet ra/ik Brevet 1st Lieut. U.S.A., for gallant and meritorious services in the Signal Corps, at the battle of Allatoona, Ga.; Brevet Captain U. S. A., for gallant and meritorious services in the Signal Corps at the Capture of Fort McAllister and Savannah, Ga., and during the war. Staff positions occupied Signal Officer 15th Army Corps, from Sept. 10, 1864, to Aug. 22, 1865. Depot Quartermaster at Vancouver, W. T.; from Feb., 1879, to Sept., 1882; A. D. C. to Bvt. Major-General Howard, from Sept. 17, 1879, to May 1, 1880. Battles, *//>/// /V/rx, etc. Attached to left wing 16th Army Corps as Lieut. Signal Corps, Capture of Decatur, Ala., and march to Chattanooga, Tenn.; Cam- paign ending in Capture of Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 10, 1864; battles of Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mt., and Jonesboro'; engagement at Allatoona, Ga.,Oct. 5, 1&64; the "March to the Sea;" engagement at Fort McAllister, near Savannah; Cam- paign from Savannah, Ga., through the Carolinaa, including the engagements at Columbia, Bentonville, Raleigh, and ending with surrender of Johnston's Army ; Grand Review in Washington, D. C.; Modoc War 1873, and the Nez Perces War 1877. Adams, Milton B. (Major of Engineers). Born in Penna. April 11, 1845. Retiring year, 1909 ; appointed from Ohio Graduate of the U. S. Military Acad- emy, clai-s of '65. Actual rank 1st Lieut, of U. S. Engineers June 23, '65; Cap- tain Jan. 6, 70; Major July 3, '83. Service Asst. engineer on harbor improve- ments on Mass, bay, '65-6; on engineer recruiting service, '65-6; Asst. Prof, of Natural and Experimental Philosophy at U. S. Military Academy, '66-8 ; Asst. engineer on harbor improvements and fortifications at New Orleans, La., '68-9 ; on duty under immediate orders of Brevet Major Gen. Weitzel, at Chattanooga, Tenn., 70-1; with batt. of Engineers, Whitestone, W. T., to 72; on duty under immediate orders of Gen. Weitzel, at Louisville, Ky., 72-4; at Buffalo, N. Y., Cleveland, O., Erie, Pa., 74 to '83; in charge of 'improvements of harbors of Dunkirk, N. Y., Ashtabula, and Conneaut, O., and Erie, Pa., '82-3 ; in charge of 14 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. ALD river improvements at Little Rock, Ark., '83-4 ; at San Francisco. Gal., Sep. '84, to Feb., '85 ; in charge of river and harbor improvements New York and Ver- mont, and of Fort Montgomery, N. Y., Feb. 21, '85, to date. Staff positions occu- pied Engineer officer on staff of Commanding Gen. Dep. of the Platte, '69-70 ; Chief Engineer on staff of Commanding Gen. Mil. Division of the Pacific, Sept., '84, to Feb., '85. Adams, Moses N. (Post Chaplain). Born in Ohio Feb. 14, 1822. Retired Feb. 14,' 86; appointed from Minnesota Civil Life. Actual rank Post Chaplain U. S. A., Feb. 14, 76; accepted March 1, 76. Adams, Thos. B (First Lieut. 5th Art). Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Mississippi. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 16, '63 ; graduated June 17, '67. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art., June 17, '67 ; 1st Lieut. March 2, 71. Ahern, George P. (Second Lieut. 25th Inf.). Born in Wisconsin. Appointed from Wisconsin. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 78; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank2d. Lieut. 25th Infantry June 13, '82. Ainsworth, Frederick C. (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Vermont. Appointed from Vermont Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg., N<>\ . 10, 1874; ace. Nov. 13, 1874 ; Capt., Asst. Surg., Nov. 10, 1879. Service At U. S. Mil. Acad., West Point, N. Y., Dec., 1874, to July, 1875; ordered to Dept. of Columbia, July 20, 1875; at Fort Vancouver, W. T., to April, 1876; Post Sur- geon Sitka, Alaska, to Oct., 1876; at Fort Vancouver, W. T., to Dec. 1876; or- dered to Dept. of Arizona Nov. 3, 1876; at Fort Yuma, Gal., to Feb., 1 Post Surgeon, Camp Grant, Ariz., to Oct., 1877; Post Surgeon, Fort Whipple, Ariz., to June, 1878; on detached service to San Francisco, June, 1878; in the field with Batt. 8th Inf., July to Oct., 1878; Post Surgeon, Fort Whipple, Ariz., to Aug., 1880 ; on leave of absence to March, 1881 ; ordered to Dept. of Texas, March 30, 1881 ; at San Antonio, Texas, to June, 1881 ; at Fort Clark, Texas, to July, 1881; Post Surgeon Fort Mclnto^h, Texas, to Sept., 1885; on Army Medical Examining Board, N. Y. City, to Dec., 1886; on duty in Surgeon General's Office to July, 1889; in charge of Record and Pension Division <>t th> War Dept., Secretary's Office, to present time. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Bannock Indian War, 1878. Albee, George P. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in New Hampshire. Retired; appointed from Minnesota Civil Life. Actual rank Private Co. <. First United States Sharpshooter*, June :>'>, M2; discharged O,-t. 22, '62 ; private Third Battery, 1st Wisconsin Light Art., Dec. 23, '63; discharged Man li 7, Y,4 ; :M Lieut. 36th Wis. Vol. Inf. March 8, '64; 1st Lieut. Jan. 16, '65; honorably mus- tered out July 12, '65; 2d Lieut. 36th U. S. Col. Inf. Sep. 18, '6~> ; honorably mustered out Oct. 28, '66; app. 2d Lieut. 41st U. S. Inf. Julv 28, '66; accepted Jan. 3, '67; 1st Lieut. Nov. 4, '67; transferred to 24th U. S. Inf. Nov. 11, '69. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va. (declined) ; Brevet 1st Lieut. Vols. Man-h 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the War. Albright, Prank H. (Second Lieut. 9th Inf). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83 ; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank Additional 2d Lieut. 12th Inf. June 12, '87 ; 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. Oct. 2, '87. Service At present at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Alden, Charles H. (Lieut. Col. and Surgeon). Born in Phila., Pa., April 26, '36. Retiring year 1900 ; appointed from Penna. Civil Life. Actual rank Employed under contract June, 59; A*st. Surg. June 23, '60 ; ace. July 31, '60 ; Major and Surg. July 28, '66 ; Lieut. Col. and Surg. Nov. 14, '88. Brevet rank Brevet Major and Brevet Lieut. Colonel March 13, '65, for faithful and meritor- ious services during the War. Service Ordered to New Mexico with recruits, June, '59; Fort Defiance, N. M., and in the field, '59; Fort Garland. Hatch's Ranch, Taos, Fort Marcy, and Fort Fillmore, N. M., '60-61 ; taken prisoner by Confederates with Major Lynde's command, near Las Cruces, N. M., Aug., '<)!*; on parole; to Fort Leavenworth with 7th Inf. and at Jefferson Bks., Mo., '61; Rouse's Point, N. Y., '62; Surg. Genl's Office, Washington, D. C., '62-3; or- ALL, RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 15 ganized Georgetown College Hosp. July, '62 ; discharged from parole fall '62 ; nttached temporarily to Hd. Qrs. Army of the Potomac, Dec., '62 ; in charge Turner's Lane Gen'l. Hosp., Phila., Pa. ; recorder of Army Med. Examining Board, Phila., and on inspection duty, in connection with the draft in Penna., 1863-4; asst. to Med. Purveyor, Phila., 1865; in the field in Wyomirg Ter., with 30th Inf., '67; Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., '67; Fort Gratiot, Mich., to Aug , '72; Fort Porter, N. Y., to April, 73 ; on leave in Europe (4 months) to Oct., '73 ; Walla Walla, W. T., to Sept., '76; Fort Townsend, W. T., to Sept., 77 ; recorder Army Medical Examining Board, Nov., 77 to July, '82 ; on leave to Nov., '82; Fort Yates, D. T., from Dec., '82, to Oct., '84; Fort'Snelling, Minn., to July, '87; on leave to Oct., '87; U. S. M. A., West Point, N. Y., to Dec., '88; President Army Medical Examining Board, N. Y. City, Oct., '88 and May, '89 ; Medical Director Dept. Dakota, St. Paul, Minn., from Dec., '88 to . BaWes, skirmishes, etc. Campaign against Navajoes, '59 ; battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. '62 ; expedition to Wallowa Valley, 75 ; campaign against Nez Perces, 77. History Master of Arts, Brown University, '56 ; Doctor Medicine, Med. Dept. Penua. Coll., Phila., Pa., '58 ; appointed by Army Medical Examining Board, '59. Aleshire, James B. (Second Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, June 14, 76; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st Cav., June 1*2, '86. Alexander, Charles T. (Lieut. Col. and Surgeon). Born in Indian Terri- tory, May 3, 1833. Retiring year 1897 ; appointed from Ark. Civil Life. Actual rank Asst. surg. Oct. 1, 56;*accepted Oct. 25, '56 ; Capt. asst. surg. Oct. 1, '61; Maj. Surg. Feb. 9, '63 ; Lieut. Col. Surg. July 26, '86. Brevet rank Lieut. Col. March 1.3, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the War. Service At Ringgold Barracks, Tex., to March, '59 ; in the field in Texas, to Nov., '59 ; at Fort Cobb, Texas, to May, '60; in the field, Texas, to Sept., '60; at Fort Smith, Ark., to Feb., '61 ; Attending Surgeon, St. Louis, Mo., to Aug., '61; Medi- cal Purveyor, St. Louis, Mo., to Oct., '62 ; General Hospital duty, St. Louis, Mo., to Dec., '63 ; Medical Purveyor, St. Louis, Mo., March. '66 ; at Fort Snelline:, Minn., April to Nov., '66 ; Fort Ripley, Minn., to April, '67 ; at Fort Sully, D. T., from April, '67, to 71, and at various stations in the country to present date. Alexander, John H. (Second Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in Helena, Arkansas. Appointed from Ohio as a Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. in '83; graduated June, '87. Actual rank2d Lieut. 9th Cav. June 12, 1887. Alexander, Robert (Second Lieut. 7th Inf.). Born in Maryland Oct. 17, 1863. Retiring year 1927; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private, Sergt. and 1st Sergeant Co. G, 4th Inf., from April 7, '86, to Jan. 29, '90; 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. Dec. 17, '89; accepted Jan. 30, '90. Service At Fort Omaha, Neb., from April to July, '86 ; at Boise Bks., Idaho, to '90; at Fort Laramie, Wyo., to present date. Alexander, Walter S. (First Lieut 4th Art.). Born in Massachusetts. Appointed from California. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75; graduated- June 13, 79. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf. June 13, 79; trans- ferred to 4th Art. July 11, 79; 1st Lieut. March 31, '87. Alexander, Wm. L. (Capt. and Com. Sub.). Born in Iowa. Appointed from Iowa Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 30th Iowa Inf. Sept. 23, '62; Captain Oct. 1, '63; honorably mustered out July 27, '65; appointed Captain and Com. Sub. U. S. A. October 4, J 89 ; accepted October 9, '89. Service Served during the War of the Rebellion, '61-65, in the field with the Army of the West to close of the War ; at Fort Monroe, Va., from appointment '89 to present time. History kd). Gen'l. of the State of Iowa from '82 to '89. Allaire, Wm. H. (Second Lieut 23d Inf.). Born in Arkansas. Appointed from- Illinois. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 77; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank -2d Lieut. 23d Inf. June 13, '82. Allen, Charles J. (Major of Engineers). Born in New York Jan. 31,1840. Retiring year 1904j appointed from New York. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '60 ; graduated June 13, '64. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Eng. June 13, '64; Capt. Mar. 7, '67 ; Maj. Jan. 10, '83. Brevet rank Capt. Aug. 24, 16 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. ALL '64, for highly meritorious services in the sieges of Forts Gaines and Morgan, Ala. ; Maj. Mar. 26, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign against the city of Mobile and its defenses. Service Served during the War of the Rebellion, '64-66, in the Military Division of West Mississippi, July 26, '64, to July 16, '65, and in the Department of Louisiana July 16 to August 5, '60, being engaged in the siege and capture of Fort Gaines, Ala., August 4 8, '64 ; siege and capture of Fort Morgan, Ala., August 9-23, '64; in repairing and mounting guns on Fortifications; river and harbor improvements and other engineer duties from the close of the war to '90, his present station being at Gal- veston, Texas. Allen, Henry T. (First Lieut. 2d Cav.). Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentucky. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1,78; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. June 13, '82 ; 1st Lieut. June 22, '89. Service In Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, with regiment from '82 to '88; at U. S. Military Academy as Instructor in Modern Languages from '88 to present time. Allen, James (Capt. 3d Cav.). Born in Indiana. Appointed from Indiana. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July, '68; graduated June 14, 72. Actual ran/fc 2d Lieut. 3d Cav. June 14, 72; 1st Lieut. July 24, 79; Capt. Oct. 29, '88. Staff positions occupied Adjutant 3d Cav. Aug. 25 to Nov. 7, '86. Allen, Leven C. (First Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born in Missouri. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at the U.S. Military Academy July 1,'68; graduated June 14, 72. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 16th Inf. June 14, 72; 1st Lieut. July 1, '80. Allen, Samuel B. (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in Indiana. Appointed from Indiana. Cadet to the U. S. Military Academy July 1,77; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. June 11, '81 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 26, '86. Service With regiment at Atlanta, Ga., from Sept, 30, '81, to Oct. 9, '81; at Fort Schuyler, N. Y., to Dec. 26, '81 ; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., to Oct. 3, '83 ; on leave to Dec. 24, '83 ; at Fort Columbus, N. Y., to Oct. 3, '87 ; at Fort I glas, Utah, to Oct. 2, '89; on leave to Nov. 1, '89; at Fort Columbus, N. Y., to Jan. 8. '90; temporary duty in office of Inspector of Artillery Practice, Division of the Atlantic. Staff positions occupied Inspector of Rifle Practice, Dep. of the East, from Dec., '83, to Nov. 13, '86; temporary duty as acting A. D. C. to Major- Gen. Hancock July 30 to Aug. 12, '85, during ceremonies connected with the obsequies of General Grant. Allensworth, Allen (Post Chaplain). Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentucky Civil Life. Actual rank Chap. 24th U. S. Inf. April 1, '86 ; accepted April 30, '86. Alligood, Charles A. (Captain and M. S. K., Q. M. D.). Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pen na. Civil Life. Actual rank Military Storekeeper Ordnance Dep., Mar. 27, '61 ; accepted April 9, '61 ; Military Storekeeper Q M. D., Sept. 19, '61 ; accepted Sept. 27, '61 ; Captain and Military Storekeeper, July 28, '66. Allison, James N. (First Lieut.. 2d Cav.). Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '67; graduated June 12, 71. Actual rank Pvt. Co. C, 39th Ky. Inf., Aug. 10, '63; discharged June 3, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Cav. June 12, 71 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 20, '80. Allsworth, Edward (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in New York Nov. 23, '23. Retired. Appointed from New York Civil Life. Actual rank Enlisted in Co. "H," 2nd Art., July 1, '42, for 5 yrs ; transferred to Light Co. "A," 2nd Art,, Feb. 3, '47; discharged July 1, 47, for expiration of service; re-enlisted in Co. "H," 2nd Art., July 27, '47, for the term of during the War with Mexico; discharged Aug. 19, '48, for expiration of service; enlisted in Co. "C," 1st Art., Nov. 3, '48, served as Corp. and private; discharged Nov. 3, '53, expiration of service; enlisted in Co. "G," 38th Mass. Vols., June 5, '64; discharged Jan. 3, '65, to accept app. of Captain 119th U.S. Colored .Inf.; must, out April 27, '66; app. 2nd Lieut 4oth Inf. July 28, '66; transferred to 25th Inf. April 20, '69; '1st Lieut. Jan. 25, 72. Retired June 28, 78, for disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieutenant U. S. A. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious service during the AND RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 17 War. Battks, skirmishes, etc. Mexican War: engaged in the siege and tak- ing of Vera Cruz, battle of Cerro Gordo, affair at Amozouque, battles of Con- treras, Churubusco, Molino del Rey, storming of Chapultepec, and capture of the city of Mexico. War of theRebellion : engaged in Red River Campaign, battles of Cane River, Mansura Plains, and numerous Skirmishes, and in Genl. Sheri- dan's Shenandoah Valley Campaign ; engaged in battles of Opequan or Winches- ter, Fisher's Hill and Ce^ar Creek. Almy, William B. (First Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in Washington, D. C., Nov. 9, 1856. Retiring year 1920. Graduated from Mil. Acad. June, 1879, and from Cav. and Inf. School at Fort Leavenworth, Kas., July 1, 1885. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Inf., June 13, 1879; transferred at his own request to 5ih Cav. to rank from Sept. 4, 1879; 1st Lieut. 5th Cavalry Aug. 21, 1888. Service Joined at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., Sept. 29, 1879 ; participated (staff) in the expedition against the hostile Utes of Colorado Oct.-Nov., 1879 ; Served at the White River Agency, Col., until Nov. 22d ; returned to Fort D. A. Russell on the 29th, where he served till April 27, '80, when he was transferred to Fort Sidney, Neb., where he served with occasional tours of detached service and leave of absence; on duty at Fort McKinney, Wyo., till Aug. 9, 1883; at Inf. and Cav. School at Fort Leavenworth, Kas., from Sept. 1, 1883, till July 1, 1885; on duty at Fort Reno, I. T., and in the field from Sept, 1, 1885, till Oct. 25, 1886 ; on duty with troop at Fort Leavenworth, Kas., till Oct., 1889 ; at present on duty at Mil. Prison. Staff positions occupied Cavalry Adj. troops in the field Oct.-Nov., 1879; Post Adj., Sig. and Ord. Officer at Fort Sidney, Neb. ; A. A. Q. M. at U. S. Mil. Prison, Fort Leavenworth, Kas., since Oct. 1, 1889. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in raising the siege and action at Milk Creek, Col., Oct. -Nov., 1879. Command* held Commanding Company at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., and Fort Sidney, Neb. History Son of Rear Admiral J. J. Almy, U. S. N. Alyord, Benjamin (2<1 Lieut. 20th Inf.). Born in the State of Washington. Appointed from D. C. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '77; gradu- ated June 13, '82. Actual rank 2cl Lieut. 20th Inf. June 13, '82. Ames, Luther S. (Captain 2d Inf.). Born in N. Y., April 22, 1833. Retiring year 1897; appointed from Illinois Civil Life. Actual rank Private Co. A., and Q. M. Sergeant and Sergeant-Major 64th 111. Vol. Inf. from Sept. 25, '61, to Dec. 9, '63; 1st Lieut. 64th 111. Vol. Inf. Dec. 10, '63; Captain Sept. 17, '64; honorably mustered out July 11, '65; appointed 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. May 11, '66; accepted Oct. 13, '66 ; transferred to 2d Inf. April 17, '69; 1st Lieut. March 18, '72 ; Capt. Feb. 27, '87. Ames, Robert F. (First Lieut. 8th Inf.). Born in Rhode Island. Appointed from New York Civil Life. Actual ran/fc 2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Inf. Sept. 1, 79; accepted Sept. 8, '79; 1st Lieut. May 20, '86. Anderson, Edward (Second Lieut. 15th Inf.). Born in Virginia. Ap- pointed from Va. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '84 ; graduated June 11, '88. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 15th U. S. Inf. June 11, '88. Anderson, George Li. (First Lieut 4th Art). Born in Wisconsin. Ap- pointed from Wis. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '70; graduated June 17, '74. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art. June 17, 74 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 11, '81. Anderson, George S. (Capt. 6th Cav.). Born in N. J. Sept. 30, 1849. Retiring year 1913; appointed from N. J. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '67 ; graduated June 12, 71. Actualrank 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Cav. June 12, 71 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 20, 74; Capt. March 20, '85. Anderson, Harry R. (First L'eut. 4th Art). Born in Ohio. Appointed from O;no Civil Life. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy from July 1, '64, to Jan. 18, '65. Actual rank Capt. 6th U. S. Vol. Inf. April 28, '65; honorably mustered out June 12, '65; app. 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf. March 7, '67; accepted May 8, '67 ; unassigned April 22, '69; assigned to 4th Art. July 14, '69; 1st Lieut. April 29, 73. Anderson, James T. (Second Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born in Germany. Ap- pointed from Ohio Civil Life. Actualrank 2d Lieut. 16th Inf. Oct. 30, 1884. 18 RECORDS OF LIVIXG OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. AND Service Joined regiment at Fort Concho, Texas ; changed station Sept., 1886, to San Antonio, Texas; changed station to Fort Du Chesne, Utah, May, 1888 ; ordered to David's Island, N. Y. H., Nov., 1889. History Graduated from the Ohio State University in 1884. Anderson John (First Lieut. 18th Inf.). Born in Monson, Mass. Appointed from Mass. Civil Life. Actual rank Private in Co. E, 1st Mich. Sharpshooters, Jan. 5, '63, to Feb. 9, '64 ; 2d Lieut, 57th Mass. Vols. Feb. 10, '64 ; discharged for disability arising from wounds, Jan. 21, '65; 2d Lieut. 20th Reg. Veteran Re- serve Corps, March 25, '65 ; honorably mustered out June 30, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 25th U. S. Inf. Aug. 10, '67 ; transferred to 18th Inf. April 26, '69 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 17, '78. Brevet Rank 1st Lieut. Vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battles before Petersburg, Va. ; Brevet Captain same date and occa- sion. Service In the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Corps, Army of Potomac, '63-4; at Wheeling, West Va., in connection with mustering out West Va. Vols. to Nov., '65 ; in Tennessee, Geqrgia and South Carolina during "reconstruction ;" at Fort Assineboine, Mont., from April, '79, to May, '85 ; in the campaign in Northern Montana, Jan. and Feb., *81 ; Fort Gibson, I. T., from Jan., '85, to Nov., '89; Fort Clark, Texas, from '89 to . Staff positions occupied A.. A. Q. M. and A. C.'S. at Columbia, Newberry and Greenville, S. C.; A. A. Q. M. at Fort Gibson, I. T. ; Regimental Q. M. 18th Infantry from November, 1889, to . Battles, skirmishes, etc. Commanded Co. E, 57th Mass. Vols., through the Wilderness Campaign and engaged in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania C. H., North Anna River, Cold Harbor; in the charge upon the rebel works around Petersburg, Va., June 17-18, '64; in trenches in front of Petersburg duringthe siege; in Mine Explosion (wounded) ; campaign in Northern Montana against Sioux Indians under Sitting Bull and Gall, Jan. and Feb., '81. Anderson, Robert H. (Second Lieut. 9th Inf.). Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Inf. Oct. 30, '84; accepted Oct. 31, '84. Anderson, Thomas M. (Colonel 14th Inf.). Born in Ohio, Jan. 21, 1836. Retiring year 1900; appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. A, 6th Ohio Vol. Inf., April 20, '61 ; discharged May 15, '61 ; app. 2d Lieut. iM Cav. (5th Cav.) May 7, '61 ; accepted May K>, '61; Captain 12th U. S. Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted Oct. 8, '61; transferred to 21st Inf. Sep. 21, '66 ; Major March 26, '68; unassiened March 15, '69; assigned to 10th Inf. June 24, Mil); Lieut. Col. 9th Inf. March 20, '79; Colonel 14th Inf. Sept. 6, '86. Brevet rmd- Brevet Major U. S. A. Aug. 7, '64, for gallant service in the battle of the Wilderness ; Brevet Lieut-Col. Aug. 1, '64, for gallant services in the battle of Spottsvlvania. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion ; in the Cedar Mountain and Second Bull Run campaigns '62 ; in the Antietam and Fredericksburg cam- paigns '62 ; in the Chancellorsville campaign '63; in the Wilderness campaign '64, and severely wounded; organized 1st Batt. of Invalid Corps; organized and mustered into service regiments from rebel prisoners, known as the repentant rebel regiments, and must, out 16,000 paroled prisoners at Camp Chase ; attorney for the U. S. in the Mexican cattle claims cases on the Rio Grande '69 to 72; disbursing officer at Vicksburg, Miss., '73-74; second in command MeKenzie's Kiowa campaign '74. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the battles of Cedar Mountain, Va., Second Bull Run, Va., Antietam, Md., Fredericksburg, Va., Chancellorsville, Va., Wilderness, Va., Laurel Hill, Va., and Spottsylvania C. H., Va. (severely wounded). Comma ml* held In command of 12th Inf. in the Wilderness campaign of '64, until wounded; Fort Mclnto.sh, Tex., Aug., '69, to June, 71; Ringgold Bks., Tex., to Sept., 72; Ft. McKavett, Tex., 76; of 10th Inf. from 77 to 78; Columbus Barracks, general recruiting service, from Oct., 78, to Oct., '80; of 9th Inf. from Feb., '82, to June, '83; Forts McKinney, Russell and Bridger to '85; Batt. 9th Inf. at Crisfield, Kan., '85; expedition sent to Evanston, on U. P.R.R., to protect Chinamen, Sept. and Oct., '85 ; Vancouver Bks., Wash'n, and Regiment to present time. History Grandson of Brig.-Gen. Duncan McArthur, second in command to Gen. Harrison in the Army of the Northwest during War of 1812; his other grandfather was a Lieut.-Col. in the AND RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 19 Continental Army. He is the nephew of Gen. Kobert Anderson, of Fort Sumter fame. Andrews, Avery D. (Second Lieut. 5th Art.). Born at Massena, N. Y., April 4, 1864. Retiring year 1928 ; appointed to U. S. Mil. Acad. from N. Y., entered July 1, '82; graduated June 17, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Art, June 12, '86. Service Assigned to Battery "A" and served at Fort Columbus, Gover- nor's Island, until Sept. 1, '89 ; during this time was on Special Duty at lid. Qrs. Div. of the Atlantic in connection with a system of Artillery Target Prac- tice, from Feb. 23 to May 12, '88 ; on duty at Hd. Qrs. of the army, Washing- ton, D. C., from Sept. 1, '89, to present time. Staff positions occupied Post Adj., A. C. S., Post Treas., Ord. and Sig. Officer for Fort Columbus and Governor's Island ; app. A. D. C. to the Major-General Commanding the Army, Dec. 1, 89. Andrews, George (First Lieut, and Adj. 25th Inf.). Born in Rhode Island. Appointed from Arizona. Cadet at the U.S. Military Academy, July 1,'72; graduated June 15, 76. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 25th U. S. Inf. June 15, '76 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 19, '83. Andrews, George Lippitt (Col. 25th Inf.). Born in Rhode Island, April 22, 1828. Retiring year 1892; appointed from Missouri Civil Life. Actual rank Lieut. Col. 1st Mo. Vol. Inf. April 24, '61; transferred to 1st Mo. Vol. Light Art. Sept. 1, '61; honorably mustered out Sept. 5, '61 ; app. Major 17th U. S. Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted Sept. 5, '61 ; Lieut. Col. 13th U. S. Inf. Oct. 14, '64 ; unassigned March 15, '69; assigned to 25th Inf. Dec. 15, 70.; Col. 25th Inf. Jan. 1, 71. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. Aug. 30, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Second Bull Run, Va. ; Bvt. Col. May 3, '63, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. Honorably mentioned In the Records of the Rebellion, in reports on the Battle of Games' Mill, Va., Vol. XI. Part II. pp. 252, 367, 371 ; battle of Second Bull Run, Vol. XII. Part II. pp. 484, 496, 499; battle of Antietam, XIX. Part I. pp. 175, 361; battle of Fredericksburg, XXI. pp. 56, 136, 400, 415, 416, 428, 931 ; battle of Chancellorsville, Vol. XXV. Part I. pp. 163, 525, 533. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion, in the campaign in Missouri, '61, terminating with the battle of Wilson's Creek; with 2d Brigade (regular) 2d Division, 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, on the peninsula, and through succeeding campaigns, from March, '62, to May, '63 ; on regimental recruiting service at Fort Preble, Me., '63-64; at Newport Barracks, Ky., Camp Denison, O., and Jefferson Barracks, Mo., '65-6 ; located and partially built Fort Sully, Dak., '66-7 ; at Camp Cook, Mont., '67-8 ; at Fort Shaw, Mont., '68-9 ; superintendent of Indian Affairs for Arizona Ter., at Yuma, '69-71 ; Fort Clark, Tex., 71 ; Fort Davis, Tex., in 72 to 78; on Courts and Boards at Forts Clark, Mclntosh and San An- tonio, Tex., 79-80 ; Fort Randall, D. T., '80-83 ; Fort Snelling, Minn., '83-88 ; Fort Missoula, Mont., May, '88, to present date. Battles, skirmishes, etc. At Camp Jackson, Booneville (of which he was Military Governor), Dug Spring, and McCullough's Store, and at Wilson's Creek (wounded and horse shot under him) in '61 ; in siege of Yorktown, April and May, '62 ; battle of Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, '62; Seven Days' battles, Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, '62; Second Bull Run, Aug. 30, '62; Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, '62; reconnoissance .across the Potomac river below Sharpsburg and to Leetown, Snicker's Gap, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 12-15, '62, and Chancellorsville, Va., May 1-3, '63. Commands held Commanding battalions of 10th and 17th U. S. Inf. at Gaines' Mill; comg. 2d Regular Brigade of Infantry at Fredericksburg; comg. Regi- ment, post and District of Montana, '68-9 ; comg. all other posts where serving. History Was private of 5th Ward City Guards at Providence, R. I., during Dorr's Rebellion, '42; Private Providence Marine Corps of Artillery, '44; Sergeant, '47 ; Major, '48-52; Colonel Commandant, '53-6; Captain and Commissary 2d Brigade R. I. Militia, '56-7 ; Captain and Q. M., '57-8 ; 2d Lieut, and Captain Co. B, Engineer Battalion, at St. Louis, Mo., '60, and engaged in the Southwest expe- dition. Andrews, George L. (Professor U. S. M. A.). Born in Massachusetts. Ap- pointed from Mass. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '47 ; grad. July 1, '51. 20 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. AND Actual rank-Evt. 2d Lieut, of Eng. July 1, '51; 2d Lieut. Feb. 2, '54; re- signed Sept. 1, '55; Lieut. Col. 2d Mass. Vol. Inf. May 25. '61 ; Col. June 13, '62; Brig. Gen. Vols. Nov. 10, '62 ; ace. Nov. 10, '62; honorably mustered out Aug. 24, '65 ; appointed Professor of the French language at the U. S. Military Academy Feb. 28, '71; accepted April 1, '71; Professor of modern languages June 30, '82. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Gen'l Vols. March 26, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the campaign against the city of Mobile and its defenses. Service With the Engineer Corps '51-5; in the field during the War of the Rebellion, '61-5 ; at West Point, N. Y., since appointment as Professor. Andrews, Henry M. (First Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '70; graduated June 17, '74. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Art. June 17, '74 ; 1st Lieut. July 6, '78. Andrews. John N. (Major 21st Inf., Bvt. Lieut. Col.). Born in Delaware Sept. 16, 1838. Retiring year 1902; appointed from Del. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '55 ; graduated July 1, '60. Aetna? rank Bvt. 2>i Lieut. 4th Inf. July 1, '60; 2d Lieut. 8th Inf. Jan. 28, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61 ; Capt. June 21, '64; Maj. 21st Inf. April 19, '86. Brevet rankKvt. Capt. Amr. 9, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. ; Bvt. Maj. Nov. 29, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Franklin, Tenn.; Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion, '61-~> ; with the Army of the Potomac, '61-3 ; in the Army of the West in the campaigns of '64 ; to Feb. 22, 'o5. Battle*, skirmishes, etc. In battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, '62 ; battle of Franklin, Tenn. Nov. 29, '64. Andrus, Edwin P. (First Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in New York Nov. 17, 1851. Retiring year 1915; graduated from the Military Academy .Turn- 1 Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th Cav. June 15, '75; declined a transfer as 2d Lieut. 7th Cavalry, to date froYn June 26, '76; 1st Lieut. 5th Cavalry March 29, '83. Service Joined at Fort Wallace, Kan., Oct. 1, '75, where he had station, with frequent tours of field service, until July, '76; when transferred to Fort Robin- son, N*b., and served in summer camp until Nov. 1, when he joined the Powder River Expedition, Nov.-Dec., '76; had station at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo.. from Jan., "77, to Oct., '78; and was employed on field service and in the NeV, 1% campaign during the summer and fall of '77, and on field service in Northern Wyoming during the summer of 78; served at Fort Mi-Pliersim, Xel>., until Oct., '79, when he proceeded to Rawlins, Wyo., and participated in the operations against the hostile Ute* of Col. until Nov., when he returned to Fort McPherson for the purpose of closing his accounts as commissary and quartermaster, and, upon the completion of these duties, was assigned to Fort D. A. Russell, where he served until April, '80 ; then changed station to Fort Niobrara, Neb., and served at that post and Fort Robinson, being chiefly employed in mikinir surveys and reconnoissances, until Oct., when ho was placed ia charge of the ordnance depot at Cheyenne, Wyo., and continued on that dutv until Jan., '81 ; he then rejoined his companv at Fort Robinson, where he served with occasional tours of detached service until March 29, '83, when he joined his new troop, by promotion, at Fort McKinney, Wyo. ; served at that post, with tours of detached service, until May, '85, when, with his regiment, he changed station to Indian Ter., being assigned, with his troop, to Fort Supply; he has since served at that post, with frequent tours of detached service. 'Staff positions occupied Adj. for a Batt. 5th Cav. in the Nez Perces campaign, during the summer and fall of '77; Adj. A. C. S., A. A. Q. M., at Fort McPherson, Neb., until Oct., 79; Post Adj., A. C. S., A. A. Q. M., at Fort Robinson from Jan., '81, until March, '83 ; Post Adj.. A. C. S. and Ord. Officer at Fort McKinney, Wyoming, from March, '83, until May, '85. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the affair on Canon Creek, Kan., 76 ; en- gaged in the affair on Chadron Creek, Neb.. 76 ; and participated in the brilliant action at Bates' Creek (north branch of Powder River), Wyo., 76 ; in the Nez Perces APP RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 21 campaign during summer and fall of 77 ; participated in the operations against the hostile Utes of Col., Oct.-Nov., '79. Commands held In command of Indian scouis during summer and fall of 77 ; in command of his Troop since Nov., '84. Andrus, Frank B. (Second Lieut. 4th Inf.). Born in Niles, Mich., Mar. 4, 1855. Retiring year 1919; appointed Cadet to U. S. Military Academy from 13th Congressional dist. oflnd. in 77 ; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Inf. June 11, '81. /Service Joined Regiment at Fort Sun- ders, Wyo., Aug, '81 ; on duty with Co. B, 4th Inf., at Park City ; Fort Thorn- burgh road, Utah, Sep. and Oct., '81; at Fort Sanders to Nov., '81; Fort Fet- terman, Wyo., from Nov., '81, to May, '82 ; Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., from May to Aug., '82 ; Fort Omaha, Neb., from Aug., '82, to Oct. 23, '83 ; Inf. and Cav. School, Fort, Leavenworth, Kan., from Oct. 23, '82, to July 1, '85 ; in field with Co. G, 4rh Inf., in Southern Kan. from July 10 to Aug. 7, '85 (relinquished leave of absence to take the field) ; at Fort Omaha, Neb., from Aug. 7, '85, to July 13, '86; Boise Bks., Idaho, Ironi July 16, '86, to Oct. 25, '89; Fort Sherman, Idaho, from Oct. 28, '89, to . Staff positions occupied Acting Ordnance officer at Fort Fetterman from Dec., '81, to May, '82, and Post Adj. and A. C. S., from Mar. to May, '82 ; Post Adj., A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., A. O. O., A. S. O. and R. O. at Fort Omaha, Neb., June and July, '82 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Boise Bks., Aug., '86, to Jan., '87 ; also Post Adj., A. O. O., A. S. O., R. 0., and A. E. O., from Mar. 1, '87, to Oct., '89. Andruss, B. Van A. (Captain 1st Art.) Born in New Jersey, Dec. 18, 1839. Retiring year 1903; appointed from New Jersey. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '60; graduated June 13,1864. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Art. June 13, '64; 1st Lieut. May 10, '65; Captain Jan. 2, '81. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. April 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Petersburg, Va. ; Brevet Captain April 9, '65, for gallant and meri- torious services in the campaign ending with the surrender of the Rebel Army of Northern Va. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion ; in the Army of the Potomac '64-65; at various stations on the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts since the close of the War; at the Presidio of San Francisco, April, '90, but under orders to change to the Atlantic Coast. Anglum, Daniel P. (Second Lieut. 12th Inf.). Born in Worcester, Mass. Appointed from the Army ; graduated at U. S. Inf. and Cav. School, '85. Actual rank Enlisted June 11, '74, and served as Pvt., Corp'l., Serg't. and 1st Serg't. Co. C, 12th Inf., until promoted Mar. 27, '82; 2d Lieut. 12th Inf. Mar. 27, '82. Service At Governor's Island, N. Y. H., and Fort Hall, Idaho, 74; at Fort Hall, Fort Halleck, Nev., and Angel Island, Cal., 75-6; at Fort Yurna, Cal., Angel Island, Cal., and Fort Apache, Ariz., 76-8 ; Fort Apache, Fort Thomas and Fort Apache, Ariz., 79-82 ; Madison Bks. and Plattsburgh Bks., N. Y., '82-3; Fort Leavenworth, Kan., '83-5; Madison Bks. and Plattsburgh Bks., '85-6 ; Fort Sully, S. Dak., '87-9, and to date. Staff Positions occupied A.. A. Q. M. at Fort Thomas, Ariz., '82; Post Adj., A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. and all other Post Staff position*, Plattsburgh Bks., '86; Post Adj., A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. and all other Post Staff positions, Fort Sully, South Dakota, '87 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of Fort Sully, South Dakota, '89, and to date. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Against Piute Indians in S. E. Nev., 75; against Nez Perces Indians in Oregon, Idaho, Wyo- ming, and Montana, with Gen'l Howard on long march of this campaign, 77 ; campaign against Bannock Indians in Idaho and Oregon, 78 ; campaigns against different bands of Apache Indians in Ariz., '80-1. Appel, Aaron H. (Capt. and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Pennsylvania. Ap- pointed Jrom Pennsylvania Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and Asst. Sur- geon U. S A. June 3, 79; accepted July 8, 79; Captain and Asst. Surgeon June 3, '84. Appel, Daniel M, (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Pennsylvania Oct. 28, 1854. Retiring year 1918 ; appointed from Pennsylvania Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon Aug. 5, 76 ; accepted Aug. 20,76; Captain, Assistant Surgeon Aug. 5, '81. Service At Fort Monroe, Va., to Sept., 76 ; ord. to Dept. Mo. Aug. 28, 76 ; Post Surgeon Fort Staaton, N. ft 22 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. ARN M., Oct., 76, to Nov., 79; on leave of absence Dec., 79, to Jan., '80; Post Surgeon Fort Supply, Ind. T., Feb., '80, to Oct., '81; Post Surgeon Fort Elliott, Tex., to Oct., '83 ; ordered to the Dept. of the East, Sept. 14, '83 ; on leave of absence Nov. to Dec., '83; at Fort Porter, N. Y., to Jan., '85; Post Armes, Geo. A. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Virginia. Retired ; appointed from D. C. Civil Life. Actual rank Private Co. B, 16th Va. Volunteer Infantry, from Sept. 1, '62, to Nov. 25, '62; 2d Lieutenant 16th Va. Volunteer Infantry Nov. 26, '62 ; honorably mustered out June 10, '63; 2cl Lieutenant Veteran Reserve Corps July 1, '63 ; accepted July 2, '63 ; resigned Oct. 28, '64 ; Captain 2d N. Y. Volunteer Heavy Artillery Nov. 7, '64; honorably mustered out Sept. 29, '65; app. 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. April 19, '66; accepted May 25, '66 ; Captain 10th U. S. Cav. July 28, '66 ; accepted Feb. 20, '67 ; dismissed June A v/L'i v/<* v / > accepted May 11, 78. Brevet rank Brevet Major March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Hatcher's Run, Va.; Brevet Major of Vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaigns of '64-5. Armstrong 1 , Robert G. (Captain 1st Inf.). Born in Pennsylvania March 20, 1841. Retiring year 1905; appointed from Pennsylvania Civil Life. Actual rank Private Co. G, llth Penna. Reserves, April 27, '61; discharged June 13, '64; app. 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Inf. Jan. 22, '67 ; accepted March 20, '67 ; 1st Lieut. May 29, 74; Captain Dec. 14, '83. Service In the war of the Rebellion '61-4; at New Orleans, on the Northern frontier, on the Plains, and other stations, since '67. Staff position* occupied Adj. 1st Inf. from May 21, '68, to April 20, Armstrong", Samuel B (Captain U.S. Army). Born in Indiana. Retired ; appointed from Indiana Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieutenant 1st Indiana Volunteer Heavy Artillery July 24, '61 ; Captain Oct. 21, '63; Major July 12, '65; honorably mustered out Feb. 3, '66 ; app. 2d Lieut. 41st U.S. Inf. July 28, '66; 1st Lieut. May 2, '67; accepted June 5, '67; unassigned Nov. 11, '69; assigned to 24th Inf. May 3, 70; Captain May 27, 71. Service In the war of the Rebellion '61-5. Retired for disability in line of duty June 28, 78. Arnold, Abraham K. (Lieut. -Col. 1st Cav.). Born in Penna., March 24, '37. Retiring year, 1901; graduated from Mil. Acad. July 1, '59. Actual rankE\t. 2d Lieut. 5th (old 2d) Cav. July 1, '59; 2d Lieut. June 28, '60 ; 1st Lieut. Apr. 6, '61; Captain July 17, '62; Major 6th Cav. June 22, '69; Lieut. Col. 1st Cav. June 11, '86. Brevet rank Brevet Captain June 27, '62, for gallant and meritor- ious service in the battle of Gaines' Mill, Va. ; Brevet Major May 6, '64, for gal- lant and meritorious service at the battle of Todd's Tavern, Va. Honorably men- tioned lu the " Records of the Rebellion," Part I. Vol. XI. pp. H84-6-9, 691-2, 711-12 and 1007 ; Part II." Vol. XI. page 47, as far as published. Service Served at Carlisle until Oct., '60 ; conducted a detachment of recruits from New York by sea to Indianola; inarched by way of San Antonio to Fort Inge, Tex.; joined Dec. 2d in the field '61 ; marched from Fort Inge, March 19, '61, for sea- coast; embarked at Indianola, on steamship "Empire City," iust in time to escape capture, and sailed for N. Y. ; at Carlisle April 27th ; served in the defenses of Washington and in the field during the winter of '61-2, until wounded at Gaines' Mills, which disabled him from service until Sept., '62 ; app. mustering and dis- bursing officer at New York and Boston until Sept., '63 ; in the field '63-4 ; on leave of absence ; asst. instructor of Cav. tactics at Mil. Acad. from Aug. 23, '64, to Aug. 28, '69 ; served at Fort Brown and Waco and at Fort Richardson, Tex., and in Kansas from June 18, 70, until Sept., 72, on garrison and field duties ; app. a disbursing officer in the Freedmen's Bureau and served at New Orleans, La., until Nov., 78; on leave of absence until spring of 79 ; joined regiment in Arizona and in the field until Oct., '89; at Fort Grant, Ariz., until Nov., '80; on staff duty until Aug. 2, '84; at Fort Wingate, N. M., until Sept. 18, '84; at ART RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 23 Fort Bayard, N. M., until April 17, '85 ; on leave of absence for 3 mos. ; on duty at Inf. and Cav. School, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., in charge of the " i^ Q !*<* of War," from Sept. 1, '85, to Aug. 1, '87 ; at Fort Custer, Mont., until Nov. 1, '88 ; in the field Nov., '87 ; at Fort Maginnis, Mont., until March 4, '89; at Fort Custer until ; on D. S. from Aug. 15 to Sept. 26, '89, at Camp of Instruction on Little Missouri River and on leave of absence from Oct. 8, '8y, to Jan. 8, '90. August 2, '84; Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen. in the field during Cibicu campaign '81. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Operations against hostile Indians in Texas, winter and spring '60-61; pursued a party of Comanches, who had organized a for- midable raid upon settlements between Camp Wood and Fcrt Inge Feb., '61; participated in Genl. Patterson's Shenandoah campaign, was engaged in the ac- tion at Falling Waters and in the skirmishes near Martiusburg and Bunker Hill; in the defenses of Washington during the winter of '61-2; participated in the Manassas and Virginia Peninsula Campaigns, and engaged in the siege of York- town, the battle of Williamsburg and almost daily skirmishes during the advance towards Richmond ; engaged with the enemy at the Hanover Court-House ; par- ticipated in the reconnoissance towards Ashland ; severely wounded in the disas- trous charge at Games' Mill ; engaged in the combat at Bristoe Station, the oper- ations at Mine Run, in the raid to and action at Charlottesville, the action at Stannardsville, the skirmish near Morton's Ford, the battle of Todd's Tavern and Meadow Bridge, the skirmish near Mechanicsville, the battles of Cold Harbor and Trevilliau Station; and marched to the relief of General Wilson at Ream's Station when that officer made his raid on the South Side Railroad. Commanding field operations in Southeastern Arizona against hostile Apaches, raiding in New Mexico, spring of '79; served with an expedition into old Mexico, in the neigh- borhood of L ike Guzman and co-operated with the forces in New Mexico and Mexican troops, which resulted in destroying a large band of savages, until Oct., '79; in the field during the Cibicu campaign, in Ariz. '81 ; against the disaffected Crows Nov., '87, in combat which resulted in killing their chief and bringing them to terms. Commands held Com. Co. during the last tour of field service, periormed in Texas, by any part of regiment '61 ; in command of Co. May 9, '62 ; in com- mand of the regiment almost continuously from Oct. 12, '63, to July 24, '64; in command of field operations in Southeastern Ariz, from the spring until Oct., 79; Fort Grant, Ariz., until Nov., '80; Fort Bayard, N. M., and regiment until April 17, '86 ; Batt. of reg't in the field Nov., '87 ; Post of Fort Maginnis, Mont., Nov. 1. '88, to March 4, '89 ; Fort Custer, Montana, and 1st Cavalry until Sept. 25, '89. History Grandson of Capt. P. P. Walter, 32d U. S. Infy., War of 1812, and grandson of Peter Arnold, a soldier of the Revolutionary War. Arnold, Isaac (Major of Ordnance). Born in Connecticut March 20, 1840. Retiring year 1904; appointed from Conn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '58 ; graduated June 17, '62. ActuaLrank 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. June 17, '62 ; transferred to Ordnance Dept. April 27, '63 ; 1st Lieut. April 27, '63 ; Captain March 7, '67 ; Major May 29, '79. Brevet rank Brevet Captain March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service Senior ord. officer Department of South to '65; assistant at Allegheny Arsenal '65-66; commanding San Antonio Arsenal '66-69 ; assistant Springfield Armory '69-71 ; asst. at Allegheny Arsenal '71-73 ; asst. at Benicia Arsenal '73-75 ; asst. at In- dianapolis Arsenal '75-83; at Columbia, Tenn., at present time. Arrasmith, James M. (Second Lieut. 2d Inf.). Born in Iowa; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Prvt., Corp. and Sgt. Co. B, 4th Cav., from May 3, '72, to May 3, '77 ; private and corporal Co. C, 7th Cav., from July 22, '80, to July 5, '83 ; app. 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Inf. July 3, '83; accepted July 6, ; 83. Arthur, William (Major in Pay Dep.). Born in Vermont May 28, 1834. Retiring year 1898; appointed from New York Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 4th N. Y. Vol. Art. January 29, '62 ; Captain January 1, '63 ; Major De- cember 23, '63 ; honorably mustered out April 6, '65 ; Captain Vet. Res. Corps 24 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. ATW '75. Brevet rank Brevet Captain March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Spottsylvania, Va. ; Brevet Major March 2, '07, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of Ream's Station, Va. ; Brevet Major of Vols. February 20/65; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel of Volunteers March 13, '65, for gallant conduct in the battles of Spottsylvania and Ream's Station, Va. Service In the war of the Rebellion ; in the Army of the Potomac during the campaign of '64-65; through the Wilderness and Spottsylvania C. H., and subse- Gen. Crook's column on the campaign against Sitting Bull and hostile Sioax In- dians '76 ; at Omaha, Neb., to '81 ; at New York City and other points to date, his present station being San Antonio, Texas. Arthur, William H. (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Pennsylvania April 1, 18o6. Retiring year 1920; appointed from Maryland Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Asst. Surg. February 18, '81; Captain, Asst. Surg. February 18, '86. Service Joined at Willet's Point, N. Y. H., as A. A. Surg. (approved candidate) Nov. 10, '80; left Willet's Point, March 17, '81 ; Fort Sanders, W.T., to July 26, '81 ; Fort Omaha, Neb. (temporary duty), to Sept. 4, '81 ; Fort Sanders to Nov. 8,*'81 ; Post Surg. Fort Washakie, W.T., to Oct. 22, '83 ; Fort Douglas, Utah, to April 15, '85 ; Post Surg. Fort Niagara to Dec. 30, '87 ; on leave in H. Y. City ; entered at X. Y. Polycliuic from Jan. 1 to April 15, '88; Post Surg. at Fort Bowie, Ariz., to Nov. 23, '88 ; Fort Bayard, N. M., to ; on D. S. at San Carlos, as P*t Surg. from July 4 to Aug. 4; and from Sept. 6 to Oct. 18, '89, as Surg. in Chief, Camp of Instruction near Fort Grant, Ariz., and Med. Officer with Cav. Batt. on the march from Fort Bayard to Fort Grant and back. Atkinson, BeDJamin Walker (2d Lieut. 6th Inf.). Born in St. Louis, Mo., 1859. Retiring year, 1923; appointed from Mo. Civil life; graduated in 1st Class at Inf. and Cav. School, Fort Leaven worth, Kas., July 1, '87. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. Oct. 10, '83. Service Served at Fort Douglas. Utah, from Nov. 17/83, to Sept. 1, '85; on duty at Inf. and Cav. School, Fort Leuvt-n worth, Kas., from Sept. 1, '85, to July 1,'87; at Fort Leavenworth, Kas., from July 1, '87, to Sept. 31, '89 ; on duty with Co., and on duty since Oct. 3, '89, at Fort ('Jih- son, I. T. Staff positions occupiedA. C. S., A. A. Q. M., A. O. O., A. S. 0., R. O., Post Treas. at Port Gibson, I. T. History GrantUon of the late Major and Paymaster Benjamin Walker, and Grandson of the late Bvt. Brig.-Genl. and Col. Henry Atkinson, 6th Inf. Atwell, William P. (Captain U. S. Army). Born in Warren, Ohio. Jan. 22, 1845. Appointed from Wisconsin Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 37th Wis. Vol. May 13/64; must, out Dec. 1, '64; commissioned as Capt. 37th Wis. Vol. Nov. 18, '64, but not mustered; 24 Lieut. 43d Inf. Jan. 22, '67; Captain, retired, Dec. 31, '70; unassigned April 8, '69. Brevet rank Capt. Vol. March 13, '65. for gallant and meritorious conduct in action before Petersburg, Va., and bvt. Major Vols. March 13, '65; 1st Lieut, bvt. March 2, '64, for gallant and meritorious ser- vice in the assault on Petersburg, Va., July 30, '64; Captain bvt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious service during the war. History Retired with rank of Captain Dec. 31, '70, lor loss of right leg from wounds received in line of duty; has asked Congress for Act mustering him as Captain 37th Wis. Vols. from Nov. 18. '64. Atwood, Edwin B. (Captain and A. Q. M.). Born in Ohio March 18, 1842. Retiring year, 1906 ; appointed from Ohio Civil Life. Actual rank Sergeant- major 4lst Ohio Vol. Inf. Sept. 19, '61 ; discharged Jan. 20, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 41st Ohio Vol. Inf. Jan. 21, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Ocl. 31, '62 ; Captain May 1, '64 ; honorably mustered out Nov. 27, '65; app. 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. May 11, '66; accepted May 16, '67 ; trans, to 2d Inf. April 17, '69 ; trans, to 6th Inf. Dec. 31, '70 ; 1st Lieut. Mar. 1, '72; app. Capt and A. Q. M., U. S. A., Apr. 24, 75 ; accepted Apr. 28, '7<3. AUG RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 25 Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn. ; Brevet Captain March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. ; Brevet-Major March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Mission Eidge, Tenn. ; Brevet- Major of Vols. March 13, '65, for valuable and conspicuous services during the war. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. of Vols Dec. 8, '62, to Jan. 5, '64. Service In the field during the war of the Rebellion in the Army of the Wt-st '61 to '64; at the siege of Corinth, Miss., in the spring of '62 ; in the march with Buell's army through Northern Alabama and to the Ohio River ; in the pursuit of Buell after Bragg's army south through Tennessee ; in the operations resulting in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. ; in the movement upon Orchard Knob, Tenn., and Mission Ridge; in the movement to the relief of Knoxville, Tenn. ; on duty in the ordnance department at Nashville, Tenu., and wiih the 4th Army Corps in Texas in '65; joined the regiment in the Indian Territory in January, '71; strved at Forts Gibson and Supply until the spring of '72, and from that date until his appointment in the quartermaster's department in '75; on duty as acting assistant quarterms'r, and served as such with the Northern Boundary Survey Commission in the field in 74. Augur, Ammon A. (First Lieut. 24th Inf.). Born in Michigan. Appointed from Mich. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Academy July 1, '73; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank2<\ Lieut. 24th Inf. June 15, 77; 1st Lieut. June 18, '80. Augur, Colon (Captain 2d Cav.). Born in New York. Appointed from D. C. Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. Aug. 3, '68; accepted Aug. 17, '68 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 15, 73 ; Captain Jan. 9, '86. Augur, Christopher C. (Brigadier and Brevet Major-Gen. U. S. A.). Born in New Yoik July 10, 1821. Retired. Appointed from Mich., Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July, '39; graduated '43. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. July 1,'43; 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. Sept., '45; 1st Lieut. Feb. 16, '47; Captain Aug. 1/52; Major 13th Inf. May 14, '61; accepted Aug. 17, "61 ; Lt. Col. 12th Inf. Julv 1, '63; Brig. Gen. Vols. Nov. 12, '61; accepted Nov. 18, '61; Major-Gen. Vota. Au jr. 9, '62; accepted Nov. 14, '62; honorably mustered out Sep. 1, '66; Colonel 12th U. S. Inf. March 15, '66 ; Brigadier-General U. S. A., March 4, '69; accepted March 12, '69. Brevet rank Brevet Colonel Aug. 9, '62, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. ; Brevet Brigadier-General March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services at the cap- ture of Port Hudson, La. ; Brevet Major-General March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war. Honorably mentioned In the " Re- cords of the Rebellion;" also had the rank of Major- Gen eralVols. conferred upon him for distinguished and meritorious services in the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. /Service Served in Texas, '44-6, and actively tngaged in the Mexican War '46-7; on the Lakes, '48-52; on the Pacific Coast, '52-61; in the defenses of Washington, '61-2; in operations on the Rappahannock and in the Shenandoah Vailey, '62; in siege of Port Hudson, '63; Washington City, '64-5; on frontier duty in Nebraska and Wyoming, '66-9; Dep. of the South, '69-82; Dep. of the Mo., '82-5, when retired on arriving at 64 years of age, July 10, 1885. Staff posi- tions occupied A. D. C. April 3, '47, to Sep. 1, '47, and from Oct. 9, '47, to May 30, '48; commandant of Cadets at U. S. Mil. Academy from Aug. to Dec. 5, '61. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. (severely wounded), Aug., '62; in action and siege of Port Hudson, La., '63. Commands held Com- manded Dep. of Washington, '64-5; Department of the Platte, '66-9; Dep. of the South, '69-82; Dep. of the Missouri, '82-5. Augur, Jacob A. (Captain 5th Cav.). Born in New York Aug. 21, 1849. Retiring year 1913; graduated from the Mil. Acad. June 15, '69. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Cav. June 15, '69; 1st Lieut. Jan. 11, 71 ; Captain June 14, 79. Service. Relinquished graduating leave, July 7, and joined Co. ; at Fort McPher- son, Neb. Aug. 2, and in the field, ordered to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo.; on leave of absence until March, 70, when attached for duty to Co. " K," en route from Washington, D. C. to the Dept. of the Platte; at Pine Bluffs, Neb. until Aug.; marched to Fort D. A. Russell, where stationed until Aug. 16,71; on escort 2 26 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. AUS duty with the Indian Commissioners to Fort Laramie and with an expedition from Fort McPherson to the Republican River during the fall of 70; at Omaha, San Antonio and New Orleans (Staff) from Aug. 17, 71, until relieved at his own re- quest June 30, 78; joined Co. in the field in Northern Wyoming July 27, 78 ; at Fort D. A. Russell until April, '80 ; on field service in Western Nebraska during Jan. and Feb., 79; and in the Ute expedition during the fall and winter of 79 ; at Fort Laramie, Wyo., from April, '80, to April, '83 ; at Fort Sidney, Neb., April to Aug., '83; detailed as Instructor of Cav. U. S. M. A., West Point, N. Y., Aug. 28, '83, till Aug. 31, '87; on leave of absence until Dec. 16, '87 ; at Fort Supply, Ind. Ter., from Dec. 16, '87, to . Staff positions occupied. Appointed A. D. C. to Brigadier-General Augur, and served in that position from Aug. 17, 71, to June 30, 78, when relieved at his own request. A. A. A. G. Dept. of Texas from Feb. 5, 72, to May 6, 73, and from Nov. 1, 73, to Jan. 20, 74; as acting Eng. Officer Dept. of Texas from July 22, 73, to May 11, 74; and as Acting Judge-Advocate Department of the Gulf from January to July, 78. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Served with the Republican River expedi- tion of '69, was engaged in the affair on Prairie Dog Creek ; on field service in Western Nebraska during Jan. and Feb., 79; and in the Ute expedition during the fall and winter of 79; participated in raising the siege and action of Milk Creek, Col. Commands held Acting Commandant Corps of Cadets, Aug. 10 to Aug. 31, '87; Acting Superintendent U. S. M. A. and Commanding Post of \ Point, N. Y. from Aug. 10 to Aug. 28, '87. History Son of Brig. Gen. C. C. Augur. Auman, William (Captain 13th Inf.). Born in Pennsylvania Oct. 17 Retiring year 1902; appointed from Pennsylvania Civil Lite. Actual ran/: l\t. Co. B, 25th Pa. Inf., Apr. 18, '61 ; discharged July 29, '61 ; Corpl. and Sgt. C 48th Pa. Inf., from Sept. 9, '61, to July 23, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 48th Pa. Inf. Jul 1st Lieut. 48th Pa. Inf. Sept. 12, '64 ; *Capt. 48th Pa. Inf. June 4, '65 ; hon. must. out July 17, '65; 2d Lieut. 13th U. S. Inf. May 11, '66 ; accepted Dec. 22, 1st Lieut. Oct. 5, '67; Capt. March 26, 79. Brevet rank Brevet Captuin Vol. April 2, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services before Petersburg, Virginia. Service In the field during the war of the Rebellion '61-5; with the army of the Potomac in its various campaigns through Virginia, Maryland and Penn- sylvania; on frontier duty in the West from '67 to date. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 13th Inf. from Jan. 1, 70, to Aug. 1, 71. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in seventeen general engagements, and severely wounded in the face in the assault on Petersburg, Va., April 2, ';">. Austine, William (Major and lin-vrt-Col. U. S. A.). Born in Connecticut. Retired; appointed from Conn. Cadet at the U.S. Military Academy Sept. 1, graduated July 1, '38. 'Arfmil /,/// 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Dragoons July 1, '38; transferred to 3d Art. July 12, '38; 1st Lieut. Nov. 5, '39; Captain Aug. 13, '47; Major Third Artillery July 23, '61. Brevet rank Brevet-Major Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churu- busco, Mexico ; Lieut-Col, and Col. Sept. 28, '65, for long and faithful service. Service At Fort Moultrie, South Carolina, from '42 to '46 ; served in the war with Mexico from '46 to '48 ; on duty at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, '48 ; in garrison at Fort Adams, Rhode Island, '48 to '49; in Florida hostilities against the Seminole Indians '49 and '50 ; in garrison at Fort Adams, R. I., '51 and '52 ; at Fort Constitution, N. H., in '53 and '54, and at Fort Columbus, N. Y., in '54; on sick-leave "54 to '61 ; served in the war of the Rebellion as commander of Fort Point, San Francisco Harbor, Cal., in '61 and '62; chief must, and dis- bursing officer and supt. vol. recruiting service of Vermont from March to May, '62, and from July to Dec., '62, at Burlington, and at Brattleboro' to May, '63 ; must, and disbursing officer, military commander, and commander of draft rendez- vous at Brattleboro' to Oct., '64; A. A. pro.-mar.-gen. of Vermont, chief mustering and disbursing officer, and supt. of vol. recruiting service from Oct., '64, to Nov., '66 ; retired for disability in line of duty Feb. 20, '62. Staff positions occ>i Adjutant 3d Art. May 1, '41, to Aug. 13, '47; A. A. A. G. 8th Military Dept. at Sullivan's Island, South Carolina, from '44 to '46. Battles, skirmishes, etc. AYR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 27 In the siege of Vera Cruz, March 9 to March 29, '47 ; battle of Cerro Gordo April 18, '47; skirmish of Amozoque May 14, '47; capture of San Antonio Aug. 20, '47; battle of Churubusco Aug 20, '47. Averell, Wm. W. (Captain and Brevet Major-Gen. U. S. A.). Born in New York. Retired. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '51; graduated July 1, '55. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. Mounted Rifles July 1, '55; 2d Lieut. May 1, '56; 1st Lieut. 6th U. S. Cav. (declined) May 14, '61; 1st Lieut. Mounted Rifles (3d Cav.) May 14, '61 ; Captain July 17, '62; resigned May 18, '65 ; Colonel 3d P*. Vol. Cav. Aug. 23, '61; Brig.- Gen. Vols. Sept. 26, '62 ; accepted Oct. 15, '62; resigned May 18, '65; app. Capt. U. S. A. Aug. 17, '88 ; Retired Aug. 31, '88. Brevet rankBvt. Maj. Mar. 17, '63, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Kelly's Ford, Va. ; Lieut.- Col. Nov. 6, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Droop Mountain, Va. ; Colonel Dec. 15, '63, for gallant and meritorious services during the Salem expedition in Virginia; Brig.-Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious with the Army of the Potomac, in the campaigns of the Peninsula, and in the Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia campaigns. Avery, Prank P, (First Lieut. 3d Inf.). Born in Michigan. Appointed from Mich.; Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 74 ; graduated June 14, '78. Actual rank Additional 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Inf. June 14, '78 ; 2d Lieut. June 28, '78 ; 1st Lieut. July 1, '85. Avery, Robert (Lieut. Col. U. S. A.). Born in Pennsylvania Sept. 22, 1839. Retired. Appointed from N. Y. Civil Life. Actual rank Capt. 102d N. Y. Inf. Dec. 17, '61 ; Lieut. Col. Jan. 1, '63 ; hon. musi. out June 27, '64 ; Maj. Vet. Res. Corps April 27, '65 ; accepted May 22, '65 ; hon. must, out April 17, '67; 1st Lieut. 44th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Jan. 9, '67 ; unassigned May 27, '69. Brevet rank Capt. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the' bat- tle of Chancellorsville, Virginia; Maj. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Lookout Mountain, Tennessee; Lieut. Col. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia; Col. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Look- out Mountain, Tenn, ; Brig. Gen. Vol. Mar. 13, '65. for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Lookout Mountain, Tenn. ; Maj. Gen. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services. Service In the field during the war of the Rebellion '61-4 ; with Army of the Potomac in '63 and with the Army of the West in '64; Retired with the rank of Lieut. Col. Dec. 31, '70, for* loss of right leg from wounds received in line of duty at battle of Lookout Mountain, Tenn., and woundjj on face and neck at battle of Chancellorsville, Va. Battles, skir- mishes, etc. In the battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 4-6, '63 ; battle of Look- out Mountain, Tenn. Avis, Edward S. (Second Lieut. 5th Inf.). Born in Virginia. Appointed from West Virginia, Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, '76 ; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank Second Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf. June 12, '80. Ayer, Waldo B. (2d Lieut. 12th Inf.). Born in Massachusetts. Appointed from Mass. ; entered Military Academy at West Point in 1880 ; graduated in June, 1884. Actual rank2d Lieutenant 12th Infantry June 15, 1884. Service Joined regiment at Fort Ontario, New York and served on garrison duty for three years ; accompanied regiment to Dakota and served at Fort Yates to present time. History In Sept., 1877, was a competitor at Annapolis for the position of cadet engineer in the Naval Academy. The class was limited by law to 25 members, and he failed to receive app't. In Sept., 1879, appeared again before the Board, and again failed. Ayres, Charles Q. (First Lieut. 10th Cav.). Born in New York. Ap- pointed from New York Civil Life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 25th U. S. Inf. 28 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICEKJ3 OF U. S. ARMY. BAB Oct. 31, 74; accepted Nov. 9, 74; transferred to 10th U. S. Cav. Sep. 18, 75; ls^ Lieut. Dec. 21, '82. Ayres, James C, (Capt. of Ordnance). Born in Wisconsin. Appointed from \Vis. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, '67. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d Inf. June 12, 71 ; 1st. Lieut. Ord. Nov. 1, 74; accepted Nov. 5, 74 ; Capt. Mar. 5, '83. Babbitt, Edwin B. (First Lieut, of Ordnance). Born in New York. Ap- pointed from D. C. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '80; graduated June 15, '84. Actual rank 2^ Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. June 15, '84; 1st Lieut, of Ord. Apr. 15, '89 ; accepted Apr. 17, '89. Babbitt, Lawrence S. (Major of Ordnance). Born in Boston, Mass., Feb. 18,1839. Retiring year 1903. Appointed "at large" Cadet to U. S. Military Academy July 1,'57; graduated June, '61. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Arty. June 24, '61 ; transferred to Ordnance Dept. Oct. 26, '61 ; 1st Lieut. March 3, '63; Captain Dec. 22, '66; Major May 10, 78. Brevet rank Brevet First Lieut. July 21, '61, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Bull Run, Va. ; Bvt. Capt. Mch. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the Ordnance Dept. during the war. Honorably mentioned In *' Records of ttie Re- bellion," Series I. Vol. II. pp. 312, 348, 380, 382. Service In the field with Army of the Potomac '61-4; Louisville, Ky., '64-5 ; Vancouver Bks., \Va.>h., '65 to 71 ; St. Louis, Mo., 71-6; Vancouver Bks. 76-9; in the field in Nez Perces Cam- ?aign 77; in the Bannock War 78; Fort Monroe, Va., 79 to '87 ; San Antonio, 'exas, Nov., '87, to present date. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Nov., V, Aug., 70; Asst. Ordnance Officer Army of the Potomac March to M iy. Chief Ord. Officer Dep. of Columbia, 76-9; Chief Ordnance Officer Dep. of Texas from Nov., '87, to . Battles, skirmishts, etc. Engaged in the action at Blackburn's Ford, Va., July 16, '61 ; battle of Bull Run, July 21, '61 ; siege of Yorktown, '62 ; skirmish at Cottonwood Ranche, Idaho, July 3, 4, 5, 77 ; battle of the Clearwater, Idaho, July 12-13,77; battle at the Umatilla Agency. July 13, 78. Commands held Commanding Louisville Ord. Depot '64-a Louis Arsenal 71-6; Fort Monroe Arsenal 79 to '87; San Antonio Arsenal Nov., '87. History Sou of Brevet Brig. Gen. E. B. Babbitt, U. S. A., deceased. Babcock, John B. (Capt. 5th Cav., Bvt. Major). Born in Louisiana, Feb. 7, 1843. Retiring year 1907. Appointed from Conn. Civil Life. Actual rank Sergt. Co. G, 37th N. Y. S. M., May 29, '62; discharged Sept. 2, '62; I'd Lieut. 174th N. Y. Vol. Inf. Nov. 13, '62; 1st Lieut. Dec. 1, '63; transferred to 1;:M N. Y. Vol. Inf. June 26/64 ; Capt. Dec. 9, '64 : Maj. Jan. 1. '65 ; resigned July 23, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Cav. Jan. 22, '67; accepted Mar. 28, '67; 1st Lieut. February 14, '68; Captain May 9, 77. Brevtt rank First Lieutenant, Cap- tain and Major March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of tSabine Cross Roads, Pleasant Hill and Cane River Crossing, La. Service Served in the War of the Rebellion, '61-5; in the campaign and sirs*e of Port Hudson, La., March, '63; in the Red River campaign until June, '61, when his regiment was consolidated with the 162d N. Y. Vols., and trans- ferred to the Army of the James, where he participated in the operations preceding the explosion of the mine in front of Petersburg; in the Shenamloah Valley campaign of '64; joined 5th Cav. in South Carolina in April, 77, se p ving at Aiken and Edgetield until Nov., 77; on duty in Washington, D. C., with Gen. Grant's escort, until Aug., '68; on sick leave of absence until Nov., '68; joined regiment in Kan., and engaged in the campaigns against hostile Sioux and Cheyennes to July 17, '69 ; with the Canadian River expedition, '68-9 ; with the Republican River expedition in June and July, '69; on sick leave of absence until April, 70; joined regiment in Dept. of the Platte, and serve 1 at Fort McPherson, Plum Creek, North Platte and D. A. Russell, to Dec., 71 ; accom- panied the second detachment of the regiment, via San Francisco and the Gulf of California, to Arizona, in Feb., 72, and served at Fort Bowie, Camp Grant and Camp Apache, 72-73 ; in the Apache campaigns of 73-4; at the San Carlos Agency to Oct., 74; on recruiting service to Dec , 76; rejoined regiment at Fort McPherson, and served there until July, 77, when ordered to Chicago to assist BAD RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 29 in quelling the railroad riots ; at Fort McKinney, Wyo., with a tour of field service to the Little. Missouri River, until May, 78 ; on field service in Northern Wyoming to Dec., '78 ; at Fort D. A. Russell to April, '80 ; on field service in the sand hills of Western Nebraska during Jan. and Feb., 79 ; in the Ute expedition during the fall and winter of 79, and participated in raising the siege and action of Milk Creek, Col., 79; at Camp Sheridan, Neb., to Oct., '80 ; on leave of ab- sence to May, '81 ; at Fort Robinson, Neb., to '85, when regiment was transferred to Dept. of Missouri ; served in Kan. and Indian Ter. to present date. Staff posi- tions occupied Adj. 174th N. Y. Vols., '62-3; A. A. A. G., Dist. of Ga., in '65. Battles, skirmishes, etc. First and second assaults ori Port Hudson, Louisiana, and was a volunteer for the storming party, '63; battles of Sabine Cross Roads and Pleasant Hill, La. ; led the assault in battle of Cane River, La. ; at the siege of Alexandria and the engigement on Mensura Plains, La. ; in the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., and other combats and engagements of less importance, in '64; while marching across the country from Fort Lyon to Fort McPherson, Neb., was engaged, in May, '69, in the combats with hostile Sioux and Cheyennes at Beaver and Spring Creeks ; his company (M) was surrounded at Spring Creek by a large force of Indians under Tall Bull, but their assaults were successfully resisted until the arrival of the main column; engaged in the sand-hills, near Frenchman's Fork, in July, '69, in repulsing a night attack of the enemy at Rock Creek, and in the action at Summit Springs; in the combats northeast of the forks of Tonto Creek, in Sunflower Valley, near Four Peaks, at Wild Rye Creek, and near the headwaters of Cherry Creek, Ariz., in 73-4. Bache, Dallas '(Maj. and Surg.). Born in District of Columbia Jan. 23, 1838. Retiring year 1902; appointed from Penna. Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surg. May 28, '61 ; accepted May 30, '61 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. May 28, '66 ; Maj. and Surg. Aug. 5, '67. Brevet rank-^Evt. Capt. and MMJ. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Backus, George B. (First Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Pennsylvania. Ap- Sointed from Colo. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 71 ; graduated une 16, 75. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Cav. June 16, 75 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 12, '80. Bacon, John M. (Major 7th Cavalry). Born in Kentucky, April 17, 1844. Retiring year 1908. Appointed from Kentucky Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieutenant llth Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry rtep. 22, '62; honorably mustered out Nov. 4, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Ky. Vol. Cav. Nov. 5, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 1, '63; Capt. Mar. 14, '63; Maj. Nov. 20, '64 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 21, '65 ; app. Capt. 9th Cav. July 28, '66; accepted Jan. 14, '67; Major 7th Cav. April 14, '84. Brevet rank Brevet Maj. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Resaca, Ga. Service In the War of the Rebellion, '61-5 ; in the Army of the West, and participated in the Atlanta Campaign, '64; in Dept. of Texas to 71 ; at Washington, D. C., on Staff duty to '84; with Regiment in Dept. of Dak. to '88; in Dept. of the Missouri to '90; at present stationed at Fort Riley, Kan. Staff position* occupied Col. and A. D. C. to the Genl. of the Army from Jan. 1. 71, to Feb. 8, '84. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In the siege and battle of Resaca, Ga. Badeau, Adam (Captain U. S. Army.). Born in New York, Dec. 29, 1831. Retired ; appointed from New York Civil Life. Acfual rank Capt. and A. A. D. C. Vol. April 29, '62 ; hon. mus. out July 1, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. March 22, '66 ; 1st Lieut. July 28, '66 ; retired with rank of Captain May 18, '69, for inca- pacity arising from wounds received in the assault on Port Hudson. Brevet rank Brevet Col. Vol. for faithful and meritorious services ; Brevet Brig. Gen. Vol. for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under Gen. Robert E. Lee ; Bvt. Capt., Maj., Lieut. Col., Col. and Brig. Gen. U. S. A. for faithful and meritorious services during the War. Honorably mentioned Reports of Generals W. T. Sherman and Gillmore; and quoted as authority in Personal Memoirs of Generals Grant and "VV. T. Sherman. Service Volunteer aide-de-camp to Gen.' W. T. Sherman, without rank or pay, from February to April, '62 ; volunteer A. D. C. to Brig. 30 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BAD Gen. Gillmore; staff of Gen. W. T. Sherman April, '62, to May, '63, in Depart- ment of the South ; A. D. C. to Gen. Grant from May, '63 ; unable, on account of wounds, to join him until Feb., '64; on duty with Gen. Grant as Lieut.-Col. and Military Secretary during Wilderness Campaign and operations in front of Richmond and Petersburg, Virginia ; on duty by special order at the Executive Mansion under President Grant, from December, '69, to May, '70. Battles, skir- mishes, etc. In operations at Port Royal and before Savannah from Feb. to April, '62; in siege of Fort Pulaski April, '62; operations before Corinth; assault on Port Hudson May 27, '63 (wounded); in all the battles of the Wilder- ness Campaign, and in front of Richmond and Petersburg, Va., '64; at the sur- render of Gen. Lee at Appomattox, Va., April 9, '65. Staff positions occupied Lieut. Col. and Military Secretary to Gen. Grant ; Col. and A. D. C. to the Gen. of the Army, from Mar., '65, to Mar., '69. History Secretary of legation at London from May to Dec., '69 ; Con.-Gen. at London from May, '70, to Sep., '81 ; appointed Minister resident to Belgium, Aug., '75, by PrrsMent Grunt; declined appointment; permitted by the State and War Departments to attend ex-President Grant during his stay in Great Britain and part of his tour in Europe, '77; nominated charge d'affaires to Copenhagen by President (Jar- field March, '81; declined appointment; Con.-Gen. at Havana May, '82, to April, '84; author of "Military History of Ulysses S. Grant"; also of " Con- spiracy, a Cuban Romance," of " Aristocracy in England," and of " Grant in Peace, a Personal Memoir." Badger, William (Captain U.S. Army). Born in New Hampshire Aug., 1826. Retired; appointed from New Hampshire Civil Life. Actual rani: dipt. 4th N. H. Vol. Inf. Sept. 18, '61 ; commissioned Col. 4th N. H. Vol. Inf. Feb. 2i'. not must. ; Capt. 9th U. S. Vet. Inf. June 18, '65 ; hon. must, out April 20, '(36 ; 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. May 19, '66; 1st Lieut. Feb. 9, '67; Capt. Dec. 15, '80; Retired Jan. 25, '89. Brevetrank Bvt. Major Vols. and Bvt. Capt. U. S. A. for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service Served in Dept. of the South from Sept., '61, to April, '64; at Hilton Head, S. C., from Aug., T)U, to Ant:., '67; at Columbia, S. C. ; Greensboro' and Raleigh, N. C., '68; at Citadel in Charles- ton, S. C., to March, '69; at Fort Gibson, I. T., from there to Southeastern Kansas, Camp near Baxter Springs, An jr., '69, to Sept.. '71 ; at Forts Hayes and Lamed from October, 71, to May, 72; at Fort Buford, Dakota, June, 78; repairing road from Fort Buford to Fort Stevenson, Dak., fall of '72; changed station to Fort A. Lincoln, Dak., Oct., '73, then to Standing Rook, now Fort Yates, June, 75; Fort Rice, Dak., Oct., 77 ; Fort A. Lim-oln, Feb., 79; in the field from April 1 to Nov. 1, 79, locating and building wairon road from Mandan, Dak., to Glendive, Mont., 225 miles, near survey and guarding N. P. R. R. Sur- veyors ; with Co. at White River, Col., '80; at Fort Cameron, U. T., Aug., '81 ; on recruiting service at Providence, R. I., Sept. 15, '81, and David's Island, N. Y. H., Oct. 1, '82 ; on duty as executive officer at U. S. Mil. Prison, Fort Leaven- worth, Kans., Oct. 31, '82; relieved and joined Co. at Fort Douglas, Utah, Jan., '83; Fort Lewis, Col., June, '88. Staff positions occupied Post Adj., A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., Post Treas. Hilton Head, S. C., from Aug., '66, to Aug., '67 ; Adj., A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. of troops temporarily in the field, '68; Post Adj. and Sig. Officer at Fort Lamed, Kans., 72 ; Adj. Inf. Batt. at Fort A. Lincoln, Dak., Oct., 73, to June, 75 ; A. A. Q. M., and A. C. S., at Fort Yates, Dak., about two years ; A. A. Q. M., and A. C. S., at Fort Rice, Dak., from Oct., 77, to Feb., 79; A. A. Q. M.. and A. C. S., in the field from April 1 to Nov. 1, 79. I\djt. 5th Inf. March 27, '83, to March 31, '87 ; Captain and Acting Judge Advocate De- partment of Arizona from Aug. 12, '87, to . Bailey, Thomas C. J. (Capt. and Brevet Major U. S. A.). Born in Dela- ware. Appointed from Delaware Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 17th U. S. Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 26, '61 ; Capt. Dec. 14, '62. Brevet rank Brevet Major, Aug. 19, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battl. the Weldon Railroad. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion ; with the Army of the Potomac '61-4. Retired Aug. 18, '65, for disability result- ing from disease contracted in line of duty. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In battle of Weldon R. R., Va., Aug. 19, '64. Baily, Elisha I. (Colonel U. S. \.). Born in Pennsylvania, Nov. 14, 1824. Retired. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil Life. Actual rani- 1st Lieut. and Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Feb. 16, '47 ; accepted Feb. 2."), '47 ; Captain and Asst. Surgeon Feb. 16, '52 ; Major and Surgeon May 15, '61 ; Lieut. -Col. and Sur- geon June 26,76; accepted Aug. 11, 76; Colonel and Surgeon Jan. 30, '83; retired, by operation of law, Nov. 14, '88. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut.- Col. March 13, '65, for faithfuj and meritorious services during the war. Service With the Army of Invasion and Occupation of Mexico to Jan., '48; at Fort Gibson, Ark., to Aug.. '48 ; Fort Washita, Ark., to July, '51 ; Fort Belk- nap, Tex., to Sep., '53 ; Fort Ripley, Minn., to July, '57; Medical Purveyor in Utah to Aug., '58; temporary duty, Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., Feb. t> May, '59 ; at Albuquerque, in the field in New Mexico, and Medical Director, Santa Fe, X. M., to Jan., '63; Hospital duty and Member of a Retiring Board, Wilmington, Del., to Jan., '66 ; at Fort Warren, Mass., from Jan., '66, to . Baily, Joseph C. (Lieut.-Col. and Surgeon.) Born in Pennsylvania, Feb. 25, 1834. Retiring year, 1898; appointed from Pennsylvania Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon Oct. 27, '57 ; accepted March 22, '58 ; Captain and Asst. Surgeon Oct. 27, '62 ; Major and Surgeon Dec. 1, '64 ; Lieut.- Col. and Asst. Medical Purveyor Nov. 18, '86. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut.- Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service In the field and at Fort Bridger, Utah, to July, '60 ; in the field in New Mexico to Oct., '61 ; at Fort Craig, N. M., to Nov., '62; Albuquerque, N. M., to Feb., '63; in the medical director's office and in charge of post hospital. Fort Mon- roe, Va., to July, '63 ; with the Army of the Potomac to Dec., '63 ; at Fort Colum- bus, New York, to Sep., '64; with the Army of the Potomac to Dec., '64 ; at Bald- BAI RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 33 more, Md., to Aug., '65 ; Camp Reynolds and Benicia, Cal., to Dec., '65 ; Fort Humboldt, Cal., to July, '66; in Arizona to June, '67 ; at Fort Yuma, Cal., from July, '67. Bainbridge, Aug. H. (Captain 14th Infantry). Born in New York, De- cember 7, 1836. Retiring year, 1900 ; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. general service and Sergeant Co. A, 2d Battalion, 14th U. S. Inf., Aug. 11, '58, to July 30, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 14th Inf. July 14, '62 ; accepted July 30, '62 ; 1st Lieut. June 9, '64 ; Capt. Aug. 11, '66. Brevet rankBvt. Capt. Aug. 18, '64, for gallant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad. Service In the field with the Army of the Potomac '62-5, and in different parts of the country with his regiment from '65 to '90 ; present station at Fort Townseud, Wash. Bainbridg-e, Edmund C. (Major 3d Art., Brev. Lieut. Col.)., Born in Va., March 18, 1835. Retiring year, 1899. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '52 ; graduated July 1, '56. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut, 3d Art, July 1, '56; 2d Lieut. 4th Art. Oct. 31, '56; 1st Lieut. Nov. 2, T 59 ; trs. to 5th Art. May 14, '61 ; Capt. A. Qm. Aug. 3, '61 ; accepted Aug. 28, '61 ; Capt. 5th Art. Aug. 30, ''62; Maj. A. D. C. Vol. Sept. 3, '64; accepted Feb. 19, '65; hon. must, out July 1, '66 ; Maj. 1st Art. March 6, '82; trs. to 3d Art. May 5, '82. Brevet rank Brevet Maj. and Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Baird, Absalom (Brigadier General and Brevet Major-Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Pennsylvania, Aug. 20, 1824. Retired. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '45; graduated July 1, '49. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. 2d "U. S. Art, July 1, '49; 2d Lieut. 1st Art., April 1, '50; 1st Lieut, Dec. 24, '53; Brevet Captain and A. A. G., May 11, '61; accepted May 13, '61; Capt. and A. A. G., Aug. 3, '61 ; Major and A. Insp. Gen. Nov. 12, '61 ; accepted Nov. 14, '61 ; Brig. Gen. of Vols. April 28, '62; accepted May 7, '62; honorably must- ered out Sep. 1, '66; app. Lieut. Col. and Asst. Insp. Gen. June 20, '74, to rank from June 13, '67; Colonel and Insp. Gen. March 11, '85; Brig. Gen. and Insp. Gen. Feb. 27, '89 ; accepted March 2, '89 ; Retired from active service, by oper- ation of law, August 20, '88. Brevet rank Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Sept. 20, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. ; Col. Nov. 24, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chattanooga, Tenn.; Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the cap- ture of Atlanta, Ga.; Major-Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the field during the war; Major-Gen, of Vols. Sept. 1, '64, for faithful services and distinguished conduct during the Atlanta campaign, and particu- larly in the battles of Resaca and Jonesboro', and for general good conduct in the command of his division against Savannah. Service Served with regiment to Sep., '56; Principal Asst. Prof, of Mathematics at U. S. Mil. Academy from Sep. 9, '56, to Aug. 31, '59; in the field during the War of the Rebellion, '61-5; in the Army of the West in all the operations connected with the '63 and '64 cam- paigns; in the march with Sherman's army to the sea and through the Carolinas, '64-5; on duty as Inspector-General at various Dept. and Division Headquarters from '65 to '84; at Washington, D. C., until retirement. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In the battle of Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, '63 ; battle of Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 24, '63 ; battles of Resaca and Jonesboro', and the siege and capture of Atlanta, Ga., '64; in the capture of Savannah, Ga., '64. Commands held Commanded a Division in the march to the sea and in the capture of Savannah. Baird, George W. (Major and Paymaster). Born in Connecticut Dec. 13, 1839. Retiring year, 1903. Appointed from Connecticut Civil Life. Actual rank Private 1st Battery, Connecticut Vol. L. Art., August 25, '62 ; transferred to Co. H, 13th Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 19, '63 ; discharged March 14, '64 ; Colonel 32d U.S. Col. Inf. March 18, '64 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 22, '65; app. 2d Lieut. 19th U. S. Inf. May 11, '66; transferred to 37th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; accepted Feb. 28, '67; 1st Lieut. April 27, '67 ; transferred to 5th Inf. May 19, '69; ap- pointed Major and Paymaster June 23, '79; accepted June 26, '79. Staff positions occupied. Adjutant 5th Inf. Jan. 1, 71, to June 26, '79. 34 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF IT. S. ARMY. BAK Baird, William (First Lieut. 6th Cav.). Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 22, 1852. Retiring year 1916 ; app. cadet at Mil. Acad. from " at large " Sept., 70 ; graduated June 16, 75 ; at Signal School, Fort Myer, Va., and graduated as Act. Signal Officer, '82. Actual rankId. Lieut. 6th Cav. June 16, 75 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 15, '81. Service Joined and served at Fort Apache, Ariz., Nov., 75; escorting funds to Tucson, Ariz, June, 77; served at Fort Verde and Whipple Bar- racks, A. T., till July, 78 ; returned to Fort Verde July 6 ; relieved December, 78 ; on sick-leave till Aug.,79 ; conducted recruits from Jefferson Bks., Mo., to Ariz., Aug., 79 ; served at Fort Verde 79 ; along the road from Prescott to Ehrenburg, A. T., and in the field April and May, '80 ; president of board for purchase of pack-mules July, '80, serving in Arizona and California; at Fort Myer, Va., '82 ; in the field at Ash Creek, Ariz. ; ordered to Fort Apache ; on Board to examine Candidates, '83; Recruiting Service in Washington, D. C., May, '83; at Fort Lewis, Col., '84 ; at Fort Bayard, N. M., and in the field, J 85 ; ordered to duty at Cav. Depot, Jefferson Bks., Mo., '86; at Fort Myer, Va. '87, recorder of Board making new rules for Horse-Shoeing in the army ; at Centennial Review before the President of the U. S. at Phila., Pa., Oct., '87 ; in Inaugural ceremonies, Washington, D. C., '89 ; and in N. Y. City, in Centennial ceremonies, April 30, '89 ; escort to the Maj.-Gen. commanding the Army July, '89; marched from Fort Myer to Mt. Gretna, Pa., and on special duty of instruction with Penna. Militia ; on duty at Fort Myer, Va., '90. Staff positions occupied A. A. G. and Chief Q. M. in the field, Dist. of the Colorado, April and May, '80; app Reg. Adj. Nov., '84; A. A. A. G. in the field, Dist. of Southern New Mexico, '85; Adj. of Cav. Batt. at Fort Myer, Va., '87 ; Adj. of Batt. of Cav. at Centennial Review at Phila., Pa., October, '87; same at Inaugural ceremonies, '89 ; same at Centennial cere- monies at N. Y. City, '89 ; Adjutant of the encampment of troops at Mt. Gretna, Penna., '89. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Present at movement of Chiricahua tribe from Southern Arizona and Old Mexico to San Carlos, Ariz.; also in attack on Ft. Apache by renegade Apaches, 76 ; scouting operations in Tonto Basin ; cam- paign against Chiricahua Indians, April and May, '80; scouting in Eastern Arizona during Chevalon's Fork Campaign; Crook's Campaign in Ari/ona and Mexico, '83; the Geronimo Campaign, '85. Command* //'/, '61, to Sept. 30, '62, and from Feb. 14, '63, to Dec. 2, '64. Baker, Stephen (Captain 6th Inf.). Born in Michigan, Dec. 19, '40. Re- tiring year 1904. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private Co. E, 6th Inf., Aug. 20, '60; Corporal March 7, '62; Sergeant Major 6th Inf. April 1, '63; private Co. F, 6th U. S. Inf., Aug. 24, '63 ; Sergeant Sept. 1, '63 ; Sergeant Co. D, 6th Inf., March 18, '64; 1st Sergeant March 20, '64; discharged July 10, '64; 1st Sergeant Co. D, 6th Inf., July 11, '64; Q. M. Sergeant 6th Inf. Oct. 6, '64; ap- pointed 2d Lieut, and 1st Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf. May 3, '65; accepted May 12, '65; Captain June 8, 74. Service In the field during the war of the Rebellion with the Army of the Potomac (in 1st Brigade, 2d Div., 5th Corps) from March, '62, to Aug., '63; at posts in N. Y. harbor winter '63-64; in the field with Army of Potomac '64-5 ; served at various posts throughout the country from '65 to pres- ent date ; in field on expedition of General Terry against Sitting Bull, summer of 76. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. from March 1, '67, to Sept. 1, '68. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Siege of Yorktown and battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Petersburg, Va., Antietam, Md., and Gettysburg, Pa. Baldridge, Benjamin L. (Post Chaplain). Born in Ohio, Feb. 9, 1821. Retired ; appointed from Kansas Civil Life. Actual rank Post Chaplain with rank of Captain, June 8,76; accepted June 30, 76. Retired Feb. 9, '85, by operation of law. Baldwin, Frank D. (Captain 5th Infantry). Born in Michigan June 26, 1842. Retiring year 1906 ; appointed from Michigan Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieutenant Michigan Horseg'ds Sept. 19, '61 ; hon. must, out Nov. 22, '61; 1st Lieut. 19th Mich. Vol. Inf. Sept. 5, '62; Captain March 1, '64: hon. must, out June 10, '65; 2d Lieut. 19th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted May 10, '66; trs. to 37th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; trs. to 5th Inf. May 19, '69; Capt. Mar. 20, 79. Brevet rank Nominated to the Senate for brevets of captain fed Major, and recommendation for brevet of lieutenant-colonel on file in A. G. O. Service Guarding railroad bridge near Brentwood, Tenn.; command sur- rendered to General Forrest by Captain Baasett March 25, '63; in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., to June, '63, when exchanged ; Nov., Dec., '63, in the defense of a railroad bridge near Murfreesboro', Tenn.; attacked by, and surrendered to, General Wheeler, C. S. A., Oct. 5, and released without parole; in command of detachment of mounted troops in pursuit and dispersion of band of rebel guerrillas in Tennessee; in General Sherman's Atlanta and 36 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. BAL Carolina Campaigns; at Newport Barracks, Ky., June, '66; at Little Rock and Jacksonport, Ark., to Oct., '66; Fort Marker, Kan., Nov., '66, to Sep., '67 ; en route for New Mexico, Sep., '67, to Jan., '68; at old Fort Wingate, Jan. to June, '68; reoc'cupied old Fort Fontleroy (present Fort Wingate), N. M., from June to Sep., '68 ; at Forts Harker, Hays and Lamed from '68 to 72 ; recruit- ing service, stationed at Detroit, Mich., and Newport, Ky , from Jan., '73, to June, '74 ; participating in Indian Territory expedition under command of Gen- eral Nelson A. Miles, July. '74, to March, '75 ; Aug, 16, 74, detached from main column, in command of scout and detachment of cavalry ; from April, '75, to March, '76, at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.; from April, '76, to July, in command of escort to exploring expedition to head waters of Red River, Texas ; December 1, detached from main column in command of three companies 5th Infantry ; from Nov., 78, to July, 79, on sick leave; from Nov., '80, to Oct., '81, on sick leave in Europe; Nov., '81, acting judge-advocate, Dept. Columbia. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. to June, 1869, joining regt. at Fort H:irker, Kan., in July ; A. A. Q. M. from April to Oct., 70 ; A. C. S. from April to Nov., 71 ; at Fort Harker, Kan., fora Nov., 71, to April, 72; A. C. S. and A. A. Q. M. at Fort Lamed, Kan., from April to July, 72; July 12, 76, adjutant of battalion f>th Inf. en route to Yellowstone country; Nov., A. A. Adj. General of Yellowstone command, Brevet Major-General Nelson A. Miles commanding; A. A. D. C. to General Miles in 77; A. A. A. G. District of the Yellowstone from July, 79. to July, '80. Battles, *L -inn /.', Ben- tonville, and capture of Raleigh, N. C. in '64; Aug. 19, 74, attacked by, but defeated band of host.ile Indians at Adobe Walks, Tex., the following day ; attacked and defeated party of hostile Indians on Chicken Creek, Tex., A 30 ; engaged in the battle of Red River, Tex., Sep. 7 and 8 ; while enronte with 3 scouts, oearing dispatches, attacked by 75 Indians at Whitefish Creek, Tex ; des- perate 6ght ensuing, continuing thence to Canadian River, Nov. 4; detached from main column, in command of 2 companies and 1 mountain -gun, on the 8th of Nov.; attacked and defeated large camp of Indians under Gray Bt-ard, on Mc- Clellan Creek, Texas, recapturing two (2) white children, Adelaide and Julia Germain; Dec. 7, 76, attacked Sitting Bull's camp near Fort Peck, M. T., driv- ing him south of the Missouri River; Dec. 18, attacked and defeated Sitting Bull on the Red Water River, M. T ; Jan. 7 and 8, 77, participated in battle of Little Wolf Mountains. Wy. Ty.; participated in the campaigns of the troops in the District of the Yellowstone during 77 and 78 ; March 9, '80, comdg. troops in encounter with hostile Indians, Porcupine Creek, M. T. Baldwin, James H. (Captain 18th Inf.). Born in Mass. Oct. 9, 1836. Re- tiring year 1900. Appointed from Mass. Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 35th Mass. Vol. Inf. Aug. 16, '62; trs. to 3d Co., Mass. H. Art., Jan. 19, ';.", ; < '.ipt. 1st Batt., Mas?. H. Art., May 26, '63; hon. must, out Oct. 20, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 16th Inf. March 30, '66 ; accepted May 23, '66; trs. to 25th Inf. Sept. 21. '66: 1st Lieut. July 31, '67; accepted Sept. 21, '67 ; trs. to 18th Inf. Apr. 26. '69; Capt. Oct. 6, '87. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 18th Inf. April 20, '69, to June 30, 79. Baldwin, John A. (First Lieut. 9th Inf.). Born in Iowa. Appointed from New York Civil Life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Inf. July 27, 72 ; ac- cented Aug. 1, 72; 1st Lt. May 19, '81. Service In Nebraska and Wyoming at Tort Omaha, Fort Russell and Fort McKinney from 72 to '83; at School of Application at Fort Leavenworth, '83 to '85 ; in the field with battalion 9th Inf. in Southern Kansas, '85 ; in Texas and Arizona to present date. Baldwin, Theodore A. (Major 7th Cav.). Born in New Jersey, Dec. 31, 1839. Retiring year 1903. Appointed from the Army. Actual rant: Pvt. and Qm. Sgt. 19th U. S. Inf. from May 3, '62, to May 3, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 19th Inf. Feb. 9, '65 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 9, '65; accepted May 19, '65; Capt. Julv 23, '67; unassigned Mar. 13, '69; assd. to 10th Cav. Dec. 15, 70; Maj. 7th Cav. Oct. 5, '87. Service Stationed at Fort Sill, Ind. Ter., '90. BAL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 37 Baldwin, Wm. H. (Second Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in Pennsylvania. Ap- pointed from Pennsylvania. Cadet at the U.S. Military Academy Sep. 1, '73 ; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank Additional 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Cav. June 15, 77; 2d Lieut. 7th Cav. Sep. 30, 77. Staff positions occupied Regimental Q. M. 7th Cav. April 9, '80, to Nov. 30, '81. Ball, Robert B. (First Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Virginia. App. from Virginia Civil Lite. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Nov. 19, '86 ; accepted Nov. 22, '86. Ballance, John G. (First Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born at Peoria, 111., May 9, '53. Retiring year, 1917. Appointed from 111. Cadet at Mil. Acad. from July 1, 71, to June 15,75. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 16th Inf. June 16,75; transferred to 22d Inf. July 1, 75; 1st Lieut. Feb. 25, '81. Service On leave of absence until September 30, 75 ; joined Company Oct. 1, 75 ; Company transferred from Fort Wayne to Fort Brady, Mich., April 24, 76 ; Company transferred to Fort Wayne, Mich.; on D. S. at Fort Brady from June 24, 77; rejoined Company September 19, 77; Company transferred to Fort Mackinac, Mich., October 14, 77 ; on D. S. at Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., conducting military convicts, from September 1 to 13, 78; on leave from Dec. 6, 78, to March 4, 79; at Fort Mackinac, Mich., left May 14, 79, en route to Dept. of Texas; at Fort Gibson, I. T., May 18, 79 ; on D. S. at Washita, I. T., from June 22. to 24, 79; on D. S. at Fort Gibson (Co. having been ordered to Colorado) until about 1 Jan., '80 ; rejoined Co. at Fort Clark, Tex., March 4, '80; on sick leave from Aug. 5 to Nov. 4, '80 ; on sick leave from Dec. 1, '80, to Jan. 31, '81 ; sick leave extended for various periods until Jan., '82 ; joined Co. Jan. 13, '82 ; on D. S. at Fort Duncan, Tex. ; left Fort Clark Nov. 16, '82, en route to Dist. of New Mex- ico; at Siinta Fe, N. M., Nov. 22, '82 ; transferred from Fort Marcy, N. M., to Fort Lewis, Col. ; taken sick at Las Vegas, N. M., March 20, '83, while en route to Fort Lewis; absent, sick, until April 17, '83; on sick leave 'from April 17 to July 20, '83; on D. S. at Amargo, N. M., from Aug. 14 to 21, '83; transferred to Santa Fe, N. M. ; on D. S. at Fort Bayard, N. M., from Jan. 3d to 6th, and at Fort Selden, N. M., from Jan. 8 to 13, '84, and from April 6 to 17, '84 ; ordered to report to Brig.-Gen. Stanley for staff duty April 22, '84; on D. S. to accompany Gen. Stanley from about Oct. 8 to 28, '84 ; on D. S. accompanied Brig.-Gen. D. S. Stanley to West Point, N. Y., from June 3 to July 8, '85 ; at Fort Clark, Tex., Aug. 10 to 29, '85; at Austin, Tex., Sept. 25, '85 ; at Fort Clark, Tex., from Sept. 29 to Oct. 11, '85; and from Oct. 12 to Nov. 15, '85 ; at Fort Davis from Jan. 16 to 20, '86 ; Recorder of Army Retiring Board at San Antonio, Tex., from Jan. 16 to 20, '86 ; in same capacity at Fort Davis, Tex. ; at Houston, Tex., from June 10 to 13, '86, examining the title of certain land which formerly belonged to the Republic of Texas and which is thought to belong to the U. S. ; at Austin, Tex., investigating the archives of the State of Texas, in connection with the title to certain land in Houston, Tex , July 1, '86 ; at El Paso, Tex., from July 21 to 25, '86, investigating and perfecting the title to the Fort Bliss Military reservation ; at Fort Randall, Dak., and Poplar River, Mont., from Aug. 1 to 29, '86, on pub- lic business connected with the perfection of the title to the Fort Bliss Military Reservation ; on D. S. from Sept. 30 to October 2, from Oct. 8 to 11, '86, and from Feb. 1 to 10, '87, on public business connected with the survey of the Fort Bliss Military Reservation ; absent from March 2 fc to 10, '87, on public business connected with the title of the Fort Brown Military Reservation; absent on April 19, '87, on public business connected with the cession of Jurisdiction, by the State of Texas, over the target and drill ground at San Antonio, Tex. ; absent on leave from July 2 to 31, '87, extended to Aug. 14, '87 ; absent from Apiil 25 to 26, '88, on public business connected with the transfer to the City of Austin, Tex., for school purposes, of a tract of land known as the Arsenal Block, ceded by the general government; absent from June 25 to July 16, '87, accompanying the Dept. Commander to Chicago and New York; absent on leave from Sept. 8 to 30 and from Oct. 1 to 5, '88 ; absent on Oct. 10, '88, on public business connected with the transfer of the "Arsenal Block,' 1 Austin, Tex.; Recorder of a Retiring Board July and Aug., '89. Staff positions occupied Post Treas. Fort Brady, Mich., 38 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BAN May 23, 76, and Post Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. July 11, 76, until Sept., 77; Post Adj., Treas., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S., Fort Mackinac, Mich., Oct. 17, 77 ; relieved as Adj. Nov. 8, 77, and from other duties March 16, 78 ; A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. and Post Treas., Fort Mackinac, Mich., from April 14, 78, to Dec. 1, 78; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Gibson, I. T., from May 29, 79, to Jan. 31, '80 ; R. Q. M. 22d Inf. Sept. 22, '82 ; A. A. Q. M. Fort Clark, Tex., Sept. 25 to Nov., '82 ; A. A. Q. M. Santa Fe, N. M., Nov. 22, '82, to Feb., '83 ; Depot Q. M. at Santa Fe, N. M., Nov. 6, '83 ; Chief C. S. of Dist. from Nov. 21 to 30, '83 ; A. A. A. G. of Dist. from Feb. 8 to 20, '84 ; Act. Reg. Adj. during same period ; relieved as Depot Q. M. March 31, '84 ; resigned as R. Q. M. 22d Inf. Sept. 1, '84 ; Act. Reg. Adj. May 5 to June 6, '84 ; A. D. C. to Brig.-Gen. D. S. Stanley May 8, '84; relieved Aug. 17, '84, and app. Acting Judge Advocate, Dept. of Texas; A. A. A. G. of Dept. Sept. 2 to 4, '84 ; in charge of office of Insp. Gen. of Dept. from Aug. 6 to 30, '86 ; in charge of office of Insp. of S. A. P. and Engineer Officer of Dept. from Sept. 1 to 18, '89. Commands held Co. from Dec. 31, 75, to Jan. 19, 76 ; Co. and post Fort Brady, Mich., March 12, 77, to June 24, 77; Co. Sept. 19, 77; Co. "E," 22d Inf., from March 5 to 16, 78; Co. from April 28 to May 15, 79 ; Co. from June 25 to July 30 and from Sept. 29 to Oct. 4, 79 ; Fort Gibson from Oct. 4, 79, to Jan. 23, '80 ; Co. from Feb. 6 to 8, April 1 to 3, May 28 to July 19, July 27 to Aug. 4, Aug. 10 to 23, Aug. 27 to Sept. 20, '82. Ballou, Charles C. (Second Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born in New York. Ap- pointed from 111. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '82; graduated July 1, '86. Bancroft, Eugene A. (Captain 4th Art.). Born in Massachusetts June 17, 1825. Retired. Appointed from Mass. Civil Life. Actual rank Private Stur- gis 111. Rifles April to Nov., '61 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Art. Oct. 24, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 13, '62 ; Captain 15th Inf. (declined) Jan. 22, '67; Captain 4th Art. April 29, 73. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut, for gallant and meritorious services in action near Fair Oaks, Va., June 25, '62; Brevet Captain for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, '63. Service In the field in Gen. McClellan's campaign in W. Va.; with Array of the Potomac in Peninsula cam- paign and throughout to include July 3, '63 ; with the llth Corps, under General Howard, in the Western army ; in the raid of Gen. J. H. Wilson into Alabama ; in campaign against Modoc Indians, Gal. ; in Alaska 76-77 ; in General Howard's campaign against the Nez Perce Indians. Retired for age June 17, '89. / v positions occupied Chief of Artillery Eleventh Corps (temporarily) March, '64 ; Regt. Q. M. 4th Art., July 12, '65, to April 26, 73. Battles, skirmisher Siege of Yorktown, Va., May and June, '62; Fair Oaks, Va., June 25, '62; Glendale, Malvern Hill and Second Malvern ; Chantilly, Va., Aug. 31, '62; Fred- ericksburg, Va., Dec. 11-13, '62; Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-4; battles about Chatta- nooga, Teun.; Charlotte Pike and Pulaski, Ala.; battle of Clear Water, Washing- ton, July 11, 77. Commands held Commanding battery in action July 1-4, '63 ; commanded Fort Wrangel, Alaska, 76-7. Banister, John M. (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Greensboro', Ala., Aug. 17, '64. Retiring year, 1918. Appointed from Alabama Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Asst. Surgeon June 3, 79; ace. July 9, 79; Capt., Asst. Surgeon June 3, '84. /Service On duty as A. A. Surgeon at Columbus Barracks, Ohio, from Dec. 27, 78, to July 9, 79, and as Asst. Surgeon to Aug., 79 ; at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas (temporary duty), Aug., 79, to Sept., 79 ; Post Surgeon Fort Reno, Ind. Ty., from Sept., 79, to April, '82 ; in the field with 4th Cav. and 23d Inf. in Oklahoma and on Kansas border from Dec. 5, '80, to latter part of Jan., '81 ; on leave Jan., '82, to April, '82; Post Surgeon Fort Sill, Ind. Ty., from April, '82, to July, '82 ; in the field with one company 9th Cav. in Ind. Ty., June, '82 ; in the field with 9th Cav. in Western and Nor.'West'n Colorado, July, '82, to Oct. 1st, '82; on leave of absence to Dec., '82; Post Surgeon camp on White River, Colorado, Dec. 21st, '82, to Aug. 7th, '83 (post abandoned last men- tioned date) ; at Fort Leavenworth to latter part of Aug., '83: ordered to Dept. of the East Aug. 9th,'83 ; on duty at Fort Adams, R. I., from Sept., '83, to April, 1st, '86; on leave of absence June 15th to July 15th, '84 ; on leave of absence BAR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 39 April 1st, '86, to May 1st, '86; ordered to Dept. of the Columbia, April, '86; Post Surgeon at Fort Canby, W. T., from May, '86, to Jan., '87 ; on duty at Fort Sher- man, Idaho, from Jan. 27th, '87, to present time, Feb. 18th, '90 ; on leave of absence Sept. 17th, '88, to Dec. 16th, '88 ; in the field in Washington Ty. and Oregon with Battalion of 4th Inf. Sept. llth, '89, to Oct. 17th, '89 ; detached from command from Sept. 17th to Sept. 28th, '89. History Bachelor of Arts, Wash- ington and Lee University, Va., '74; Doctor of Medicine, University of Va., '78; great-grandson of Col. John Banister of Va. (Estate "Battersee" near Petersburg) a distinguished officer of Va. Vol. during Revolutionary War. Banister, Wm. B. (First Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Alabama. Ap- pointed from Alabama Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Jan. 26, '86; accepted Aug. 25, '86. Bankhead, Henry C. (Major and Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Md. Retired; app. from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '46; graduated July 1, '50. Actual rankEvt. 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf. July 1, '50; 2d Lieut. Aug. 4, '51 ; 1st Lieut. July 19, '55 ; Capt. June 25, '61 ; Lieut. Col. and A. Insp. Gen. Vols. Jan. 1, '63, to Aug. 1, '65; trs. to 8th Cav. Dec. 15, '70; Major 4th Cavalry November 12, 79; retired November 12, '79. Brevet rank Brevet Major ^Tuly 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel May 8, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spottsylvania, Virginia; Brevet Colonel Apr. 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in front ot Petersburg, Va.; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Oct. 1, '68, for the prompt, energetic and meritorious services rendered by him during the campaign against hostile Indians, and especially in the prompt relief of Col. Forsyth's beleaguered party on the Republican, in Sept., '68 ; Bvt. Col. Vol. Aug. 1, '64, for brave conduct and efficient services in the battles and marches of the campaign ; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vol. for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Five Forks, Va. Honorably mentioned In the Records of the Rebellion from '61 to '65; and in General Orders from War Dept., '68. Service In Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico from '50 to '61 ; in the field during the War of the Rebellion '63-5; with the Army of the Potomac in the Gettysburg campaign '63, in the Wilderness campaign of '64 and the campaign terminating with the surrender of Gen. Lee's Confederate forces, '65; on the Plains in Kansas and Colorado '66 to '70 ; and in various Western Departments with 8th Cavalry from '70 to '79. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In the battle of Gettys- burg July 1-3, '63; battle of the Wilderness May 6, '64; battle of Spottsylvania Court-House May 8, '64 ; and in the engagements of the Army of the Potomac during '64; in the battle of Five Forks, Va., April 1, '65 ; in the capture of Peters- burg, Va., April 2, '65, and in the engagement causing the surrender of Gen. Lee April 9, '65 ; in engagement with hostile Indians on the Republican River, Kansas, in '68. Bannister, John (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Retired ; app. from N. Y. Civil Life. Actual rank Private and corporal Co. K, 27th N. Y. Vol. Inf., May 16, '61, to May 31, '63 ; private and 1st sergeant Co. M, 24th N. Y. Vol. Cav., Dec. 8, '63, to June 8, '64; 2d Lieut. 24th N. Y. Cav. June 9, '64; 1st Lieut. Dec. 17, '64; honorably mustered out July 19, '65 ; app. 2d Lieut. 43d U. S. Inf. Jan. 22, '67 ; accepted March 29, '67 ; unassigned April 8, '69 ; assigned to 20th Inf. July 14, '69; 1st Lieut. July 12, '73. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Petersburg, Va., July 8, '64. Service In the field during the war of the Rebellion ; with the Army of the Poto- mac '64. . Retired Nov. 30, '79, for loss of right arm from wound in line of duty. Barber, Henry A. (Second Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Md. ; app. from the army. Actual rankPvt., Corpl., Sgt. and 1st. Sgt., troop E, 7th Cav., from Mar. 5, '85, to Mar. 3, '89 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. Feb. 11, '89; accepted Mar. 4 '89. Ser- viceStationed at Fort Custer, Mont., '90. Barber, Merritt (Major and Asst. Adjutant General). Born in Vt. May 31, 1838. Retiring year 1902 ; app. from Vt. Civil Life. Actual rankPriv. Co. E, 10th Vt. Inf., from June 2 to Aug. 6, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 7, '62; Capt. June 17, '64; Capt. and A. A. G. of Vols. Dec. 31, '64 ; accepted May 18, '65 ; hon. must. 40 RECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICEKS OF U. 8. ARMY. BAR out Sept. 19, '65 ; 2d Lieut, and 1st Lieut. 16th Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; trans, to 34th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; trans, to 16th Inf. April 14, '69; Capt. 16th Inf. March 4, -79; Major and A. A. G. June 29, '82 ; accepted July 8, '82. Brevet ran Bvt. Capt. U. S. A. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va. ; Bvt. Maj. U. S. A. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cedar Creek, Va. ; Bvt. Maj. Vols. Oct. 19, '64, for having borne himself with distinguished gallantry in every engagement since May 5, '64, particularly in the engagement of Cedar Creek, Virginia. Service In the field during the Civil War, '62 to '65; on duty at Washington, D. C., '82 to '86; at Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Columbia to '89; at Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Dakota to . Staff portions occupied Adj. 34th Inf. Feb. 15, 68, to April 14, "69; Adj. 16th Inf. April 14, '69, to April 30, '72. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at Kelly's Ford, operations at Mine Run, and battles of the Wildernes*, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Va., and Monocacy, Md. (wounded); engaged in action at Charlestown, battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill (wounded), and Cedar Creek ; engaged at the storming of Petersburg, battle of Sailor's Creek, and capitulation of Appomattox Court-House, Va. Harbour, John L. (Second Lieut. 7th Inf.). Born in Mo. ; app. from Ohio. Cadet at the U. a. Military Academy Sept. 1, '77; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank2& Lieut. 7th U. 8. Inf. June 11, '81 ; 1st Lieut. July 23, '89. Service Ft. A. Lincoln, Dak., Sept. 29, '81, to Nov. 10, '82; Ft. Larumie, Wyo., Nov. 23, '82, to March 1, '87 ; Ft. McKinney, Wyo., March 6, '87, to July 17, 88 ; Ft. Laramie, Wyo., July 27, '88, to Aug. 8, 89; Camp Pilot Butte, Wyo., Sept. 27ih to . JBarlow, John W. (Lieut. Colonel of Engineers). Born in N. Y. Jan. 26, 1838. Retiring year 1902; app. from Wis. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '56 ; graduated May 6, '61. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. May 6, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 15, '61 ; trans, to Topographical Engineers July 24, '62; trana. to Engineers March 3, '63 ; Capt. July 3, '63 ; Maj. April 23, '69 ; Lieut. Col. March 19, '84. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt., May 27, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Hanover Court-House, Va. ; Bvt. Maj. July 4, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in. the Atlanta campaign ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Mar. 33, '65, for gallant and meritorious service* in the battles before Nashville, Tenn. Service In seven days' battles before Richmond, Va., especially at Malvern Hill, July 1, '62, remaining with rear guard during the movement of army to James River, and the transfer of the Army to the defense of Washington, D. C. ; at Military Academy as asst. prof, of mathematics and ethics Sept., '62, to Jan. 18, '63 ; with Engineer battalion Army of the Potomac, June 28, '63, to Feb. 17, '64 ; in con- structing bridge over Potomac River at Berlin, July 18, '63; in laying, repairing, and guarding bridges over the Rappahannock, Aug. 1-23, over Bull Run at Blackburn's Ford, Oct. 17, '63, and across the Rappahannock at Kelly's Ford Nov., 7, '63; in the Mine Run operations, Nov. 26 and Dec. 3, '63. and in making roads and reconnoissances, building block-houses and erecting defensive works; at the Military Academy as asst. prof, of mathematics, Feb. 26 to June 20, V>4 ; in the Georgia campaign, July 12 to Aug. 27, '64; as chief engineer of the 17th Army Corps, July 22 to Aug. 27, '64 ; on sick leave of absence Aug. 27 to Nov. 13, J 64; in charge of the defenses of Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 13, '64, to Oct. 1, '65 ; as superintending engineer of the construction of Fort Clinch, Fla., Oct. 20, '65, to Nov. 19, '67; of Fort Montgomery, N. Y., and harbor improvements on Lake Champlain, Dec., '67, to May 30, '70; at Chicago and other stations on engineer duty from '69 to present time. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In battles around Rich- mond during the Peninsula campaign : battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3, '63; in the battle of Atlanta, Ga., July 22, '64, and siege of Atlanta to Aug. 27, '64, including the repulse of the sortie of July 28, '64. Barnard, Pbineas P. (1st Lieut. U. S. Army). Born in New York, Oct. 13, '20. Retired ; appointed from Mich.- Civil Life. Actual rank.C&pt. and A. Q. M. Vol. May 13, '63, to Dec. 6, '65; 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. March 7, '67; un- assigued March 23, '69; assigned to 5th Cavalry July 14, '69 ; 1st Lieutenant June 4, '75 ; retired, by operation of law, October 13, '84. Brevet rank Brevet Major of Volunteers March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious str- BAR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 41 vices; Brevet 1st Lieut, and Capt. U. S. A. March 7, '67, for faithful and mer- itorious services during the War of the Rebellion. Service During Vol. service was Q. M. of a Div. in the field, and on duty in that capacity until the close of the war; at Fort Laramie, Wyo., until March 23, '69; at Fort McPherson, Neb., from Sept., '69, to Nov., '71 ; accompanied first det. of reg. by way of San Fran- cisco and Gulf of Gal. to Arizona ; at Camp McDowell, from Jan. to June, '72 ; at Ehrenburg, on the Colorado River, until May, '75 ; on leave of absence ur.til Sept. ; at Fort Hays, Kan., Fort Robinson and Fort McPherson, Neb., and Fort McKinney, Wyo., until Get., '79; ordered before a Retiring Board in Dec., '79. Staff portions occupied A. C. S. and A. A. Q. M. at Camp McDowell, Ariz., from Jan. to June '72; Receiving and Shipping Qr. Mr. at Ehrenburg, Ariz., from June, '72, to May. 75 ; A. C. S. and A. A. Q. M. at Fort Hays, Kan., Fort Robinson and Fort McPherson, Neb., and Fort McKinney, Wvo., from Sept., '75, to Oct., '79. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Expedition to Fort Fisher. Command* held Co. during summer '78. Barnett, Charles Ridgely (Capt. and A. Q. M.). Born in Missouri in 1846. Retiring year 1910; appointed from Ky. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad., from Sept. 1, '64. to June 15, '68; grad. June 15, '68. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Art. June M, T,S; 1st Lieut. May 1, '75; app. Capt. and A. Q. M., U.S. A., Feb. 18, '81. Service At Fort Macon, N. C., with Battery H, 5th Art., from Sept. 30, '68, to Feb. 5, '69; Fort Adams, R. I., to March, '70; Fort Trumbull, Conn., to Get. 1, '70; Fort Adams, R. I., with Light Battery F, 5th Art., from Oct. 1, '70, to Oct. 1, '72; Fort Sullivan, Me., with Battery K, 5th Art., to April, '73 ; at U. S. Art. School, Fort Monroe, Ya., with Battery C, 5th Art., to May 1, '74; Fort Adams, R. I., with Battery L, 5th Art., to May, '75 ; Madison B'ks, N. Y., with Battery K, to Dec., '75 ; Saint Francis B'ks, Fla., to Dec. 22, '75 ; at Penna. Military Acad- emy, as Prof, of Mil. Science and Tactics, to July, '81 ; Omaha, Neb., as Awst. to Depot Q. M., to May, '82; Fort McKinney, Wyo., completing post buildings, to Jan., '84 ; Portland, Ore., as Depot and Disbursing Q. M., to Nov., '87 ; Los An- geles, Gal., as Asst. to Chief Q. M., Dept. of Arizona, to April, '88; Baltimore, M<1., as Depot and Disbursing Q. M.; to Dec., '89; New York City, at General Depot Q. M. D., to . : Barnett, John T. (Second Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Indiana Sept. 2, 1851. Retired ; appointed from Ind. Cadet at the U. S. Militarv Academy July 1, '73 ; graduated June 13, '78. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Cavalry June 14, '7. Barr, Thomas P. (Lieut. Col. and Dep. Judge Adv. Gen.). Born in Massa- chusetts Nov. 18, 1837. Retiring year 1901 ; appointed from Mass. Civil Life. Actual rank Maj. and Judge Adv. of Vols. Feb. 26, '65 ; accepted April 13, '65 ; transferred to permanent establishment as Maj. and Judge Adv. U. S. A. Feb. 25, '67; Lieut. Col. and Dep. Judge Adv. Gen. July 5, '84; accepted July 8, '84. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. of Vols. Dec. 2, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service On duty in the Judge Adv. GenTs Office at Washington, D. C., from April 22, '65 (on temporary duty in the 4th Military District from Sept. 17 to Oct. 17, '67, and in April and June, '69) to March, '70 ; Judge Adv. of the Dept. of the East (on temporary duty in the Judge Adv. General's Office from July 13 to Oct. 31, 72) to April 25, '73; Judge Adv. of the Div. of the South to June 19, 73 ; on special duty as member of a Board, "upon a subject to be presented by the Secretary of War,' 1 to Oct. 4, '73, and member of the Military Prison Board to Nov. 22, 73 ; Judge Adv. of the Dept. of Dakota, and member of the Military Prison Board to Jan. 10, '80; Military Sec- retary to the Secretary of War to Got. 10, '85 ; Judge Adv. of the Dept. of Dakota to Sept. 1, '86; Judge Adv. of the Div. of the Missouri to March 12, '89; Military Secretary to the Secretary of War to date; also member of the Military Prison Board to date. Barrett, Addison (Capt. and M. S. K.)- Born in Massachusetts May 15, 1841. Ratiring year 19J5 ; appointed fr.jm Mass. Civil Life. Actail rank Sergt. Gen. Service U. S. A. Aug. 16, '62; discharged April 1, '63; Capt. and C. S. of Vols. Dec. 21, '6i; Capt. and M. S. K., U.S. A., July 28, '66; mustered out of Vol. service Dec. 8, '66. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. of Vols. Sept. 14, '65, for faithful and meritorious service during the war. Service At Charleston, B.C., to Dec., 70; at San Francisco, Cal., to April, 73; at Jeffersonville, Ind., siuce April 8, 73. Barrett, Gregory, Jr. (Capt. 10th Inf.). Born in Maryland Nov. 22, 1835. Retiring year 1899. Appointed from Md. Civil Life. Actual rank Capt. 4th Md. Vol. Inf. Aug. 15, '62 ; Lieut. Col. March 9, '64 ; honorably mustered out May 31, '65 ; 1st Lieut. 26th U. S. Inf. July 2<, '66; accepted Novl 19, '66 ; trans- ferred to 10th Inf. May 19, '69 ; Capt. April 8, '84. Brevet rank Bvt. Col. of Vols. Jan. 4, '65. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion, '61-5 ; on the plains, and in Texas, since the war. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 26th Inf. from March 1, '69, to May 10, '69; R. Q. M. 10th Inf. Irom July 12 ,'69, to April 8, 84. Barrette, John D. (Second Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Iowa. Cadet at U.S. Military Academy July 1, '81 ; graduated June 14 '85. Acfual rank- 2d L'eut, 3d U. S. Art. June 14, '85. Barriger, John W. (Major and C. S., Brevet Brigadier-General). Born in Kentucky January 9, 1832. Retiring year 1896. Appointed from Kentucky. Cadet at United States Military Academy September 1, '52; graduated July 1, '56. Actual rank Second Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. July 1, '56; First Lieut. May 2, '61; app. 1st Lieut. 5th Art. May 14, '61 (declined); Captain and Com- missary U. S. A. Aug. 3, '61 ; Lieut. Col. and C. S. Vols. Nov. 17, '63, to Aug. 15, BAR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. g. ARMY. 43 '65 ; Major and C. S., U. S. A., Nov. 21, '75. Brevet rank Brevet Captain U. S. A. July 21, '61, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Bull Run. Va. ; Brevet Major, Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel and Brigadier General U. S. A. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service At Newport Bks., Kentucky, '56-7; Fort Columbus, N. Y., and Fort Adams, R. I., '57 ; Fort Monroe (Artillery School for Practice), '57-9; on frontier duty at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., '59-61 ; served during the War of the Rebellion in garrison at Washington, D. C., Jan. to May, '61 ; in Mana.-sas Campaign, '61 ; in the defences of Washington, D. C., July and August, '61 ; in Indiana, '61 ; Western Va., '61-2; inspecting subsistence depots in the Middle Department, July to Sep., '62; forwarding subsistence supplies from Baltimore to Frederick, Md., for the Army of the Potomac during Antietam campaign, Sep. to Dec., '62 ; in West Va., '62-3 ; Inspecting Commissary Dep. of the Ohio, April to Nov., '63 ; Purchasing and Depot C. S. at Louisville, Ky., from Dec., '65, to Feb., '67 ; at Omaha, Neb., '67 to '73 ; Purchasing and Depot C. S. at Chicago, III., Nov. 30, '80, to Nov. 30, '87 ; Purchasing and Depot C. S. at St. Louis, Mo., since Oct. 4, '89. Staff posi- tions occupied Adjutant of Artillery School for Practice at Fort Monroe, Va., '58 ; Chief C. S. for the State of Indiana, at Indianapolis, from Aug. 20 to Nov. 30, '61; Chief C.S. Dep. of West Virginia, Dec., '61, to July, '62; Chief C. S. Dep. of West Virginia, Dec., '62, to April. '63 ; Chief C. S. Dep. of the Ohio (com- prising the Army of the Ohio), Nov., '63, to Feb., '65; Chief C. S. Dep. of N. C. (comprising the Army of the Ohio), Feb., '65, to Aug., '65; Chief C. S. Dep. of N. C., Aug. 1, '65, to Dec. 25, '65 ; Chief C. S. of Dep. of the Platte, and Purchasing and Depot C. S. at Omaha, Neb., Feb. 20, '67, to Nov. 10, '73 ; Assist- ant to the Commissary General of Subsistence at Washington, D. C., Nov. 12, '73, to Nov. 20, '79; Chief C. S. of Dep. of the South and Purchasing and Depot C. S. at Cincinnati, O., Nov. 22, '79, to Nov. 29, '80; Chief C. S. of the Dep. of the Platte and Purchasing and Depot C. S. at Omaha, Neb., Dec. 1, '87, to Sep., '89. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Battle of Bull Run, Va., July 21, '61. Commands held In command of Fort Ellsworth, Va , May to July, '81. History Author of "Leg- islative History of the Subsistence Dep., U. S. A., from July 16, '75, to Aug. 15, 76," 76- Barroll, Morris K. (Second Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in Maryland. Appointed from Md. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy June 14, '85 ; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Art. June 12, '89 ; 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art. Aug. 14, '89. Barry, Thomas H. (First Lieut. 1st Infty.). Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 73 ; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank2d Lieut. 7th U. S. Cav. June 15, 77 ; trans, to 1st U. S. Infty. Aug. 31, '80; Ibt Lieut. March 11, '82. Staff positions occupied Reg. Qm. 1st U. S. Infty. March 11, '82, to May 11, '87. Barry, Thomas W. (Post Chaplain). Born in Brockville, Can., September 28, 1852. Retiring year 1916 ; appointed from Kansas Civil Life. Received classical training at Ontario College, Pictou, where he won the Governor-General's first prize for Latin and Greek three years in succession ; also first prizes in divinity and chemistry; entered Nashotah Theological Seminary, in Wisconsin, 71, and graduated in 74 with the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. Actual rank Chaplain U. S. A. Aug., '82. Service At Fort Leaven worth, Kan., from appoint- ment to present date. History Ordained to the Diaconate in April, 74, in the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, Chicago, by the late Bishop Whitehouse, of Illinois; immediately appointed to the curacy of St. Mark's Church, Kingston, Ontario, where he served one year; in 75 called to the rectorship of Trinity Church, Gouverneur, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. ; advanced to priesthood by Binhop Huntington, of Central New York, in Trinity Church, Watertown, N. Y., in Jan., 78 ; in 78 called to the rectorship of St. Paul's Church, Leavenworth, Kansas, where he ftiinistered with great success for five years; appointed Chaplain by President Arthur upon the request of Major-General Pope, Senators Ingalls and Plumb, of Kansas, and over one hundred officers of the army. Barstow, George F. (Captain and Brevet Major, U. S. A.). Born in Massa- 44 RECOEDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. BAR chusetts April 14, 1828. Retired; appointed from Mass. Civil Life. AHn : :ipj>. \>i Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. May 14, '67; accepted May J">. '67 ; Taj. tain and Asst. Surgeon May 23, '69; Major and Surgeon Jan. 4,'- ' ///*/ Brevet Captain Vols., Oct. 6, '65, for faithful and meritorious services. *S In the field during the war of the Rebellion '61-<)~>. Bartlett, Charles G. (Colonel 9th Inf.). Born in N. Y., Sept. 7, 1835. Re- tiring year, 1899; appointed from N. Y. Civil Life. Actual ran!: >^ -rireant Co. F, 7th N. Y. S. M., April 17, '61; discharged May 8, '61 ; Capt. .'.th N. ^ . Vol. Inf. May 9, '61; hon. must, out Sept. 8, '61; Captain liith U. S. Inf. Auir. 5, '61; accepted Sept. 10, '61 ; Lieut. Col. 150th N. Y. Vol. Inf. Sept. 29, hon. must, out Dec. 31, '64; Col. 119th U. S. C. Inf. May 10, '65; hon. u\\\>\. out Apr. 27, '66; trs. to 30th U. S. Inf. Sept. 21, '66; tre. to 4th U. S. Inf. Mar. 23, '69; Maj. llth U.S. Inf. Jan. 10, '76; Lieut, Col. 1-t U. S. Inf. March 10, '83; Colonel 9th U. S. Inf. April 23, '90. Brevet rant: Bvt. .Major May 14, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Resaca, < Lieut. Col. Mar. 13, '65, and Brig. Gen. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and merito- rious* services during the war. Service In the War of the Rebellion, '61-') ; engaged in building Fort Federal Hill, Baltimore, Md.; recruiting duty, Rutland, Vt., and Saratoga Springs, N. Y., to July, '62; mustering and disbursing duty, Augusta, Me., to Sept., '62; with the Army of the Potomac in the Gettysburg campaign and in the pursuit of Lee's Army to the Rapidan River, Va.; with the Army of the West, in '63, guarding Nashville and Chattanooga R. R.; in the Dept.of the Ohio, May, '64, to Jan., '65; in operations of the 23d Corps to April, '64; at Knoxville, Tenn., and Lexington, Ky. ; in the' Department of Kentucky, part of '65; president of a board of examiners, and chief of office for "Collec- tion of Missing Rolls and Returns from ex-Kentucky Regiments," Louisville, Ky. ; in the the Dept. of Platte, '67 to 71 ; in the Dept. of South to 73 ; in Dept. of Platte to 76; in Dept. of Dakota to '83; in the Depts. of California and Ari- zona to '90. Staff positions occupied A. A. Insp. Gen. Dept, of the Ohio from May, '64, to Jan., '65 ; Inspector of Rifle Practice, Division of the Missouri, from Nov. 4, '84, to June 1, '86. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the action of Big Bethel, Va., '61; battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3, '63: battle of Resaca, Ga., May 13-16, '64. Bartlett, George T. (First Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in New Hampshire. Ap- BAT RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 45 pointed from Kan., Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, July 1, 77; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. June 11, ''81 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 10. '89. Bartlett, "William C. (Captain 3d Inf., Brevet-Major). Born in New York, June 2*, 1839. Retiring year, 1903. Appointed from New York. Cadet a* the United States Military Academy July 1, '58; graduated June 17, '62. Actual Rank Capt. A. D. C.*Vol. Mar. 19, '64; accepted Aug. 10, '64; lion, must, out Nov. 16, '64; Lieut.-Col. 2d N. C. M. Inf. Nov. 17, '64; hon. must, out, Aug. 16, '65 ; 2d Lieut, 3d U. S. Art. June 17, '62 ; 1st Lieut, Oct. 14, '64 ; trs. to 3d U. S. Inf. Feb. 5, 72; Capt. Sept. 12, '85. Brevet rank~Bvt. 1st Lieut. Sept. 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Ma.; Bvt. Capt. Nov. 16, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Campbell's Station, Tenn.; Bvt.-Maj. Sept. 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign ; Bvt. Brig.-Gen. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, for meritorious services. Service In the field during the war of the Rebellion, '61- 5; in the Antietam campaign, '62, and in the Atlanta campaign of '64, with Gen. Sherman's Army ; in Dakota and Montana from 72 to present time. atf/cx, skirmish''*, etc. In battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, '62 ; action at Campbell's Station, Tenn.. Nov. 16, '63; in battle of Atlanta, '64. Bartlett, William H. C. (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Pennsylvania, Feb. 14, 1809. Retired. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '22; graduated July 1, '26. Actual run/: Bvt. 2d Lieut. Eng. July 1, '26 ; 2d Lieut. July 1, '26 ; Prof. M. A. April 20, '36. Service Princ. Asst. Prof. Civ. and Mil. Eng. M. A. April 21, '27. to Aug. 30, '29 ; Act. Prof. Nat. and Exp. Phil. M. A. Nov. 22, '34', to Apr. 20, '36. Bash, Daniel N. (Major and Paymaster). Born in Ohio. Appointed from III. Civil Life. Actual rank Major Paymaster February 18, '81 ; accepted March 3, '81. Bass, Edgar W. (Prof. Mil. Acad.) Born at Prairie du Chi*n, Wis., Oct. 30, 1843. Retiring year, 1907; appointed from Wis. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad., July 1, '64; graduated June 15, '68. Actual rank Private Co. K, 8th Minn. Vols., Aug. 13, '62; Sergeant, Aug., '62; Q. M. Sergeant, Dec., '62; Brevet 2d Lieut., Corps of Engineers U. S. A., June 15, '68; Second Lieut., Feb. 15, '69; First Lieut., Feb. 14, 71 ; appointed Professor of Mathematics at U. S. Mil. Academv, S. Military Academy, Aug. 28, '69. to Feb. 27, 74; detached service as Assist. Astronomer with U. S. Transit-of- Venus Expedition to New Zealand, March 1, 74. to Sep. 30, 75 ; Professor at Mil. Academy to date. Staff positions occupied Adjutant Batt. of Engineers to Sep. 15, 76. Commands held Com. Co. A, Batt. of 'Engineers, at Willet's Point,'N. Y., Sept. 30 B 75, to Feb. 28. 76. Batchelder, Richard N. (Lieut. Col. and D. Q. M. G., Brevet Col.). Born in New Hampshire, July 27, 1832. Retiring year, 1896. Appointed from N. H. Civil Life. Actual rank 1st. Lieut. R. Q/M., 1st N. H. Vol. Inf., May 2, '61 ; hon. must, out Aug. 9, '61 ; Capt. A. Q. M. Vol., Aug. 3, '61 ; accepted Aug. 10, '61 ; Lieut. Col. Qm. Vol., Jan. 1, '63, to Aug. 1, '64; Col. Qm. Vol., Aug. 2, '64, to Sept. 5, '65; Capt. A. Q. M. U.S.A. Feb. 16, '65; accepted June 8, '65; Major Q. M., Jan. 18, '67 ; accepted March 23, '67 ; Lieut. Col. and D. Q. M. Gen., March 10, '82. Brevet rank Brevet Major, Lieut. Col. and Colonel U. S. A., March 13. '65; and Brevet Major, Lieut. Col., Colonel and Brig. Gen. Vols., March 13, '65; all for faithful and meritorious services during the war. frrvice A. A. Q. M., 7th Brigade, Army of the Shenandoah, July to Aug., '61; Chief Quartermaster Corps of Observation, Poolesvil'e, Md., to March, '62; Chief Quartermaster, 2d Division, 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac, to Jan., '63; Chief Quartermaster 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac, to June, '64; Acting Chief Quar- termaster Army of the Potomac, to Aug., '64 ; Chief Quartermaster Army of t\ e Potomac, to June, '65; Chief Quartermaster Military Division of the Atlantic, Philadelphia, Pa., to Oct., '65; temporary duty in charge of the 4th division of 46 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BAT the Quartermaster-General's Office, Washington, D. C., to Nov., '65; Chief Quar- termaster Dep. of Kentucky, to Dec., '66 ; Chief Quartermaster Depot of Jeffer- son ville, Ind., to Jan., '68; Depot Quartermaster, New Orleans, La., to Sep., '68 ; Chief Quartermaster District of Arkansas, Little Rock, Ark., from Sep., 1868 ; and at various other stations to the present one in New York City, '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc Present at the battles of Ball's Bluff, Fair Oaks, Seven Days' Fight, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Mine Run, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, siege of Petersburg and capitulation of Appomattox C. H., from '61 to '65. Batchelor, Jos. B., Jr. (Second Lieut. 24th Infty.). Born in North Caro- lina. Appointed from N. C. Civil Life; Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, June 14, 76, to June 15, '80. Actual rank 2d Lieut., 24th U. S. Infty., Nov. 2*9, >80 ; accepted Dec. 4, '80. Bates, Alfred B. (Major and Paymaster). Born at Monroe, Mich , July 15, 1840. Retiring year 1904 ; Appointed to U. S. Mil. Academy from M-ch. June, '61; graduated Julv 1, '65. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d Cav. July 1, '65; 1st Lieut. Oct. 19, '65; Captain Jan. 26, '69; app. Major and Paymaster March 3, 75. Honorably mentioned Complimented in General Orders. Dep. of the Platte, for engagement with Northern Arapahoes in Owl Creek Mountains, July 4, 74. Service Served at Fort Wallace, Kansas, Forts McPherson, Neb., Laramie and Washakie, Wyo., '65 to '69; at U. S. Mil. Acad. as Asst. Instructor of Cavalry Tac- tics from Aug., '69, to July, 73 ; member of Board Revising U. S. Cavalry Tac- tics from Nov., 72, to July, 73; scouting in Wind River country and Big Horn Mountains summer of 74; at Fort Washakie, Wyo., to 75; on dury as Paymas- ter in Texas from May, 75, to April, '80 ; in Dep. of Dakota, stationed at Forts Buford, Keogh and Snelling, from May, "80, to May, '82; at Washington, D. C., as Post Paymaster from June, '82, to July, '86; at St. Paul, Minn., from July, '86, to . Staff positions occupied Regimental Q. M. 2d Cav. from Sept. 1, '66, to May 1, '67 ; Adjutant 2d Cav. from >fay 1, '67, to Jan. 26, '69. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In action with Northern Arapahoea in Owl Creek Mountains, July 4, 74. Bates, Francis Henry (Captain U. S. Army). Born in Maryland Sept. 23, '27. Retired; Appointed from Ma*s. Cadet at Mil. Acad. July, '45; graduated July 1, '50. Actual ra/i Bvt. 2J Lieut. 4th Inf. July 1, '50; 2d Lieut. April 15, '52; 1st Lieut. Nov. 22, '51; promoted Captain May 14, '61 ; retired Oct. 19, '63. Brevet rank Brevet Major June 27, '62, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Games' Mill, June 27, '62. Service Served at Fort Niagara, N. Y., '50-'52; Fort Columbus, N. Y., '52; accompanied reg to California via Isthmus of Panama, July and Aug., '52; at Benicia, Cal., '52; Fort Reading, Cal., '52-54 ; at Presidio, San Francisco, and conducting det. of Art. to Oregon latter part '54; on sick leave 4 mos. '54-55 ; Bedloe's Island Recruiting Depot till July, '55 ; on duty conducting recruits to California July-Aug., '55; Fort Humboldt, Cal., '55-57; and Fort Townend, Wash., '57-58; on Recruiting service '58-60 ; at Fort Mojave, N. M., '60-61 ; Los Angeles, Cal., and near San Diego, Cal., '61. Served during Rebellion on the defences of Washington, D. C., Dec. 10, '61, to March 10, '62 ; in the Va. Peninsula Campaign March 10, '62, to July, '62 ; on sick leave from June 30 to Aug. 4, '62; New York City to Feb., '63 ; New Jersey, May 16, '63. to Aug. 12, '65 ; at St. Louis, Mo., to March 30, '66; Dept. of Mo., Oct. 19, '66, to June, '69, when relieved and ordered to his home. Staff positions occupied On Recruiting and mustering duty N. Y. City, Au?. 4, '62. t Feb. '63 ; Asst. to the A. A. Provost Marshal General State of N. J., from May 16, '63, to Aug. 12, '65 ; Mustering and Disbursing Officer at Trenton, N. J., Oc'. 28, '63, to Aug. 12, '65 ; and at St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 12, '65, to March 30. '66; Supt. of Vol. Recruiting Service and Chief Mustering and Disbursing Officer State of Mo., to March 30, '66; Com. of Musters for Dept. of Mo., from Oct. 19, '66, to June, '69. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Siege of Yorktown, April 5 to May 4, '62; battle of Games' Mill, Va., June 27, '62. History Instructor in Arillery and Infantry Tactics and Mathematics at Pa. Mil. Acad., Chester, Pa., from March, 1871, to April, 1873 ; in charge of High School Corps of Cadets at BAT KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 47 Washington, D. C M from November, 1883, to close of academic term in June, 1884, since when, on no duty or businas of a strictly military character. Bates, James A. (Capt. and Bvt. Lt.-Col. U. S. A.). Born in Scotland. Re- tired. Appointed from N. Y. Civil Life. Actual Rank Pvt. Co. F, 12th N. Y. S. M., Apr. 19, '61 ; discharged Aug. 5, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 12th N. Y. Vol. Inf. Dec. 10, '61 ; Capt. Dec. 14, '62; Hon. must, out April 21, '64; 1st Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps June 3, '64; accepted June 15, '64; Capt. Vet. Res. Corps March 15, '65 ; accepted March 19, '65 ; Hon. must, out Oct. 2, '66 ; Capt. 43d U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Oct. 3, '66; unassigned Apr. 8, '69; retired Dec. 15. 70, for loss of right leg from wound in line of duty. Brevet rank Brevet Major Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war; Lieut. Col. Vol. March 19, '65, for faithful and meritorious services ; Major U. S. A. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gaines' Mill, Va. ; Lieut.-Col. U. S. A. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Malvern Hill, Va. Bates, John C. (Lieut.-Colonel 13th Inf.). Born in Missouri, Aug. 26, 1842. Retiring year, 1906. Appointed from Mo. Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, llth U. S. Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 26, '61 ; Capt. May 1, '63 ; trs. to 20th U. S. Inf. Sept. 26, '66 ; Maj. 5th Inf. May 6, '82 ; trs. to 20th Inf. May 24, '82 ; Lieut.-Col. 13th Inf. Oct. 1.9, '86. Brevet rank Bvt. Major Aug. 1, '64, for faithful and meritorious services in the field ; Bvt. Lieut.-Col. Apr. 9, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the recent operations resulting in the rail of Richmond, Va., and the surrender of the insurgent army under Gen. R. E. Lee. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion '61-5; with the Army of the Potomac in the campaigns of '63-5; on recruiting service Feb. to Nov., 65 ; on the Plains in Dakota, Montana, Texas, New Mexico and other stations from '65 to present time ; on Board for the Revision of Tactics for the Array at Washington, D. C., '87-8, and at Leavenworth, Kan., '89-90. Staff* positions occupied A. D. C. 2d Brigade, 2d Div., 5th Corps, July to Dec., '64; Adjutant 1st Bat, llth Inf., from Dec. 20, '62, to May 1, '63. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Tn battles of Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, Chapel House and Hatcher's Run. Va., '64. Bates, Robert P. (Capt. 18th Infantry). Born in New York. Appointed from Pa. Civil Life. Actual rankPriv. Co. " D," 53d N. Y. Inf., Sept. 16, '61 ; dis- charged March 21, '62 ; Sergt. Co. " D," 121st Pa. Inf., Aug. 13, '62 : discharged Feb. 29, '64; 1st Lieut. 121st Pa. Inf. March 1, '64; hon. must, out June 2, '65; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. March 7, '67; accepted April 12, '67; 1st Lieut. March 28, 73 ; Capt. Dec. 26, '88. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. March 7, '67, pallant and meritorious service* in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Honorably mentioned At the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec* 13, '62, was complimented by the colonel of his regiment, Chapman Biddle, and also by Brigadier-General Seymour, commanding brigade, for his conduct on the field when the division, under command of General Meade, advanced against the enemy ; was also compli- mented by his regimental and brigade commanders for conduct at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, '63, for bringing off the colors of his regiment after he had been severely wounded ; complimented in S. O. No. 32. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF DAKOTA. St. Paul, Minn., April 1, 1889. *********** 2. Captain Robert F. Bate*, 18th Infantry, is relieved from temporary duty at these Headquarters. The Department Commander desires to express his commendation and thanks for the very faithful and efficient performance of duty by Captain Bate* for nearly three years past as Aide-de-Camp, and also aa in- spector of Small-Arm* Practice during the greater part of the same time. *********** BY COMMAND OF BKIGAWEB-GEXERAL RUOER : H. CLAY WOOD, Auiataul Adjutant General. 48 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BAY Service With the Burnside expedition ; was in a very severe storm at sea, and as the vessel could not cross the bar at Hatteras Inlet, the regiment returned to Fortress Monroe, and thence to Washington, D. C. ; in the Gettysburg cam- paiga '63 ; by reason of wounds received was absent from July 1, '63, until Feb. 27, '64; Oct. 1, '64, was taken prisoner, paroled in Feb., '65, and when exchanged joined regiment at Burksville, Va., in April, '65 ; on staff duty Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Dakota from May 26, '86, to April 1, '89 ; joined Co. at Fort Logan, Col. ; at present on duty at Fort Clark, Tex. Staff positions occupied Adj. 121st Pa. Inf. from July 19, '64, to June 2, '6>; Adj. 18th Inf. Julv 1, '79, to May 26, '86; A. D. C. to Brig.-Gen. Thomas H. Ruger, U. S. A., June 7. '86, to *Dec. 26, '88 ; A. A. A. G. at Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Dakota to April 1, '89. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in the battles of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62 ; Chancel- lorsville, Va., in May, '63 ; Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, '63 ; and in all the battles in which the Fifth Army Corps was engaged, from the beginning of the cam- paign, in '64, up to and including Oct. 1st. Commands held Company in battle of Gettysburg;, Pa. ; Co. " G," 18th Inf., from '73 to 79. Baxter, Jedediah H. (Col. and Chief Med. Purveyor.) Born in Vermont, May 11,1837. Retiring year, 1901 ; appointed from Vt. Civil Life. Arhinf rank Surgeon 12th Mass. Inf. June 26, 61 ; hon. must, out April 17, '62 ; Surg. U. S. Vols. April 4, '62; vacated July 30, '67; Lieut. Colonel and Assistant Medi- cal Purveyor July 20, '67; accepted July 30, '67; Lieut. Col. and Chief Medical Purveyor Mar. 12, 72; Col. and Chief Med. Purveyor June 23, 74; accepted June 25, 74. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut. Col. of Vols. March 30, Y>~>, for meri- torious and faithful services in the recruitment of the Armies of the U. S.; Brevet Col. Vols. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; Brevet Colonel U. S. A. July 20, '67, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service At Washignton, D. C. on special duty compiling Medical Statistics of Provost Marshal General's Bureau, from Aug. 28, '66, to Oct. 1, 73 ; at Washington, D. C. on duty as Chief Medical Purveyor U. S. A. from Oct. 1, 73. to present time. Baxter, John Jr. (First Lieut. 9th In fly.). Born in New Jersey. Ap- pointed from N. J. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 73; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 19th U. S. Infty. June 15. 77; 2d Lieut. 9 k ,h U. S. Infty. July 1, 77 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 3, '85. Baylies, James (Second Lieut. 5th Inf.). Born in Massachusetts. Ap- pointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp., and Sgt. Cos. B and A, f>th U. S. Infty. Feb. 7, '83, to March 19, '88; 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Infty. Feb. 6, '88 ; accepted March 20, '88. Baylor, Thomas G. (Colonel of Ordnance). Born in Virginia, May 4, '37. Retiring year 1901. Appointed from Va.; graduated from Mil. Acad. July 1, 57. Actual rankBvt. 2d Lieut. Ordnance July 11, '57; 2d Lieut. Jan. 25, V,l ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 1, '61 ; Captain 12th Infantry (declined) May 14, '61; Captain Ordnance March 3, '63; Major March 7, '67; Lieut. Col. May 29, 79; Ool. Dec. 4, '82. Brevet rankBvt. Maj. Sept. 1, '64, for gallant services in the capture of Atlanta; Bvt. Lt. Col. Dec. 21, '64, for gallant services in the capture of Savannah ; Bvt. Col. March 13, '65, for meritorious services in the campaigns of Atlanta, Savannah, and the Carolina?. Service On duty at Watervliet Arsenal '57-58 ; Special duty at Fort Monroe Arsenal '58-61; Fort Monroe Arsenal '61-63; Senior Ord. Officer Army of the Cumberland '63-64 ; Senior Ord. Officer Mil. Div. of Miss. '64-65 ; Fort Monroe Arsenal '65-76; Member of Ordnance and Armament Boards '67; Member of Ordnance Board 70; Member of Board on Expl. Guns 74-75; Member of Board on Arsenals 74-75; N. Y. Arsenal and Member of Ord. Board 76-81; Member of Armament Board '84; Mem- ber of Gun Foundry Board '83-84; Comdg. N. Y. Arsenal '81-86; Rock Island Arsenal, Ills., '86-89 ; Frankford Arsenal '89, '90. Battles, sformi*/!.-*, rfr. Capture of Savannah, Campaigns of Atlanta, Savannah, and the Carolinas. Commands held Fort Monroe Arsenal '61-63 ; and from '65-76 ; N. Y. Arsenal 76-81, and '81-86; Rock Island Arsenal '86-89; Frankford Arsenal '89-90. Bayne, Andrew C. (Second Lieut, and Brevt. Captain U. S. A.). Borii in Scot- BEA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 49 land. Retired. Appointed from N. Y. Civil Life. Actual rank Sgt. Co. G, 16th N. Y. Vol. Inf., May 15, '61 ; discharged Sept. 12, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 16th N. Y. Vol. Inf. Sept. 13, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 21, '62; hon. must, out June 3, '63 ; 1st L : eut. Vet. Res. Corps July 16, '63; accepted July 24, '63; Capt. May 24, '64; accepted June 17, '64; hon. must, out Sept. 14, '66; 2d Lieut. 42d U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Jan. 15, '67; trs. to 6th Inf. Apr. 22, '69; retired for disability March 25, 71. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; Bvt. Capt. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Petersburg, Va. Beach, Francis H. (Second Lieut. 6th Cav.). Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U.S. Military Academy, Sep. 1, .'83 ; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Cav., June 12, '87 ; 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Cav., Oct. 5, '87. Beach, Laosing" H. (First Lieut, of Engineers). Born in Iowa. Appointed from Iowa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '78; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. U. S. Eng. June 13, '82 ; 2d Lieut. June 30, '82 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 10, '84. Beach, William D. (First Lieut. 3d Cav.). Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at Military Academy, from July 1, 75, to June 13, 79; Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d Cav., June 13, 79; 1st Lieut. Nov. 17, '83. ^n-lce At Ft. Fred Steele, Wyo., from Sept. 30 to Oct. 24, 79; on Colorado Ute Expedition to Nov. 27, 79; at Fort Fred Steele, Wyo., to July 3, '82; on leave from Anr. 10 to June 10, '81, and from Apr. 25 to May 25, '82 ; at Fort Apache and Camp Hentig, Ariz., to Oct. 9, '82 ; at Fort Grant, Ariz., and Mexican Border, to Nov. 22, '83 ; member of Rifle Teams of Dept. of Ariz., and Div. of Pacific, in '83 ; at Fort Thomas, Ariz., to June 8, '84 ; on leave to Aug. 28, '84 ; at the U. S. Military Academy as Instructor of Drawing, from Aug. 28, '84, to Aug. 28, '88, and as Instructor of Cav. Tactics from Aug. 28, '85, to Aug. 28, '88; on leave to Dec. 4, '88 ; at Camp at Eagle Pass, Tex., from Aug. 1, '89, to . Mnff in*ithnx mw/yy/W Post Adj., A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., A. S. 0., A. 0., A. E. O., at Fort Fred Steele, Wyo., from Aug. 31, '80, to Mar. 31, '81, and from Oct. 1, '81, to May 31, '82 ; A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., A. O. O., A. S. O., at Camp at Eagle Pass, Tex., from Aug. 1, '89, to . Battles, skirmishes, etc. Colorado Ute Expedition, 79; scouting from Fort Fred Steele, Wyo., '81; from Camp Hentig, Ariz., T 82, and on Mexican Border, '83. Commands held Troop at Fort Apache and Camp Hentig, Ariz., from July 3, '82, to Oct. 9, '82, and on Mexican Border to Nov. 22, '83. Beacom, John H. (First Lieut. 3d Inf.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad., July 1, 78 ; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 18th U. S. Inf., June 13, '82; trans, to 3d U. S. Inf., April 19, '83; 1st Lieut. Jan. 20, '88. Beall, Fielder M. M. (Second Lieut. Signal Corps.). Born in Maryland. Appointed from the Army.. Actual rank Private U. S. Signal Corps, Sept. 1, 70; promoted Sergeant same day; app. 2d Lieut.Signal Corps, Oct. 15, '83. Service Successively in charge of Signal Stations at Rochester, N. Y., New York City, Philadelphia, and MadUon, Wis. ; at Washington, D. C., as Officer in charge of Signal Station, from July 16, '84, to Jan. 21, '86; at Washington, D. C., to Oct., '89; at Chicago, 111., from Oct. 1, '89, to . Honorably mentioned Commended at Phila. by the Chief Signal Officer for "promptitude, steadiness, tember, '87. Hixtnry Passed course of Meteorological instruction; prepared the official weather forecasts for the U. S., Jan. and June, '87. ' Beall, George T. (Captain and M. S. K.). Born in District of Columbia, Feb. 25, 1830. Retiring year 1894. Appointed from New Mexico Civil Life. Actual rank Captain and Med. Storekeeper, July 28, '66; accepted Nov. 1, '66. Service M Sante Fe, N. M., to April, 70; Act/Asst. Medical Purveyor at St. 50 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BEA Louis, Mo., at present time. History Son of the late Colonel Benjamin L. Beall, 1st U. S. Cav., and grandson of Major Lloyd Beall, of the Revolutionary army. Bean, John W. (Captain 15th Infantry). Born in Vermont, March 8, 1833. Retiring year 1897 ; appointed from N. H. Civil Life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th N. H. Vol. Inf. Oct. 15, '61 ; 1st Lieut. July 31, '62 ; Capt. Jan. 1, '63 ; hon. mustered out Sept. 20, '64; 2d Lieut. 35th U. S. Inf. Jan. 22, 67; accepted March 22, '67; tr?. to 15th U. S. Inf. Aug. 12, '69; 1st Lieut. Dec. 13, 71 ; Capt. Mar. 5, 79. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Mar. 2, '67, for gallantry and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; Bvt. Capt. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and mer- itoiious services in the battle of Cold Harbor, Va. Service In the field during the war of the Rebellion ',61-5; with the Army of the Potomac in the campaigns of '63-4; out of service from Sept. 20, '64, to March 22, '67; joined regiment on the Plains, and served on frontier duty from '67 to '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 11-13, '62 ; battle of Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, '64. Be^n, William H, (Second Lieut. 2d Cav.). Born in Pennsylvania. Ap- pointed from PH. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. July 1, '86. Beardsley, Joseph C. (Second Lieut. 8th Inf.). Born at Cleveland, O., March 1, 1863. Retiring year 1927 ; appointed from the army. Actual rankPvt., Corp. and Sgt. Co. B, 4th Inf., Jan. 12, '85, to Mar. 21, '88; 2d Lieut. 8th Inf. Feb. 6, '88 ; accepted Mar. 22, '88; transferred from Co. D to Co. E Feb. 17, '90. Service At Fort Omaha, Neb., Jan. 12, '85, to July 1, '86; at Fort Spokane, Wash., till Mar. 22, '88 ; ordered, April 11, '88, to appear before Dept. Board con- vened at Fort Sherman, Idaho, Col. Wm. P. Carlin, Pres. ; detailed to assist Lieut. Leyden, 4th Inf., in making a survev of Lake Cocur D'Alene; relieved and sent back at his own request to Fort Spokane, Wash., July 23, '87 ; ordered to appear before board convened at Fort Monroe Sept. 14, '87 ; returned to Fort Spokane Feb. 3, '88, after four months' leave of absence; commissioned 2d L'eut. 8th Inf. Mar. 22, '88; joined the regiment at Fort Robinson April 26, '88; ordered to Fort Leavenworth School of Application S^pt. 1, '89, and still at that post. Beaumont, Eugene B. (Major 4th Cav., Bvt. Lieut. Col). Born in Pa M Aug. 2, 1837. Retiring year 1901 ; appointed from Pa. Cadet Mil. Acad. ; graduated May 6, '61. Actual rank -2nd Lieut. 1st Cav. (4th Cav.) May 6, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 4th Cav. Sept. 14, '61; Capt. July 25, '65; Major Nov. 12, 79; Capt. A. D. C. Vol. May 13, '63; Major A. A. G. Vol. Oct. 29, '64; hon. must, out Vol. service March 19, '66. Brevet rankRvt. Lieut.-Col. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in Tennessee: Bvt. Col. Vol. April 2, '65, for gallant and distinguished services in the battle of Selma, Ala. ; Bvt. Major, April 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Selma, Ala.; Bvt. Lieut-Col. April 2, '65, for gallant and meiitoriou* services during the war. Honorably mentioned "Gen. Burnside's Report of First Bull Run;" Recom- mended for promotion by Gen. Geo. H. Thomas in '65. Service Engaged in the actions of the Manassas, Va., Peninsula, Rappahannock, Pennsylvania, Rapidan and Richmond Campaigns '61 to '64 ; Shenandoah Campaign and actions of the Mil. Div. of the Mississippi '64-65 ; at Fort Martin Scott, Texas, Oct., '66 ; Fort Mc- Kavett, Texa?, Nov., '68; Dist. of Lamposa '69; in the field 73-74; Instructor at West Point, from March 1, 75, to Aug. 28, 79; Fort Reno, Jan.-Feb., '80 ; Expedition to Uncompahgre River, '81 ; at Fort Bowie and Fort Huachuca, Ari- zona, from June 17, '84, to Dec. 12, '88; assigned to Staff duty Dept. of Texas, Dec. 22, '89. Staff positions occupied Acting Inspect. Gen. Dept. of Texas, from Dec. 22, '89, to . Battles, skirmishes, etc. Gettysburg, Rappahannock Station, Mine Run, Wilderness, Cold Harbor, White Oak Station, Nottaway Station, Roanoke Station, Stony Creek Station, Ream's Station, Shepherdstown, Va., Na*h- ville, Hollow Tree Gap,' Tenn., Richland Creek, Pulaski, Ebenezer Church, Ala., Selma, Columbus, Ga., Surrender of Macon, Ga., Attack on Kickapoos and Lipans, Old Mexico, May 18, 73 ; Fight in Palo Daro Canon, Red River, Sept. 28, 74; in the field to bring in Uncompahgre Utes to fulfill the treaty March, '80. Commands held Fort, Martin Scott, Texas, Oct., '63; Fort McKavett, Texas, EEC RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 51 Nov., '68 ; Dist. of Lamposa, '69; Batt. 4th Cavalry in the field, March, '80 ; Fort Reno, Jan. and Feb., '80; Batt. 4 Go's Cav. and 6 Go's Inf. in the field, '81 ; Fort Bowie and Fort Huachuca, Ariz , '84 to '88. Beck, William B. (Captain 5th Art., Brevet Lieut. Colonel). Born in Pennsylvania July 31, 1837. Retiring year 1901 ; appointed from Pennsyl- vania. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '55, to Oct. 24, '56. Actual rani- 1st Lieut, llth Pa. Vol. Inf. Apr. 24, 61 ; hon. must, out June 26, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 27, '61; 1st Lieut. Jan. 26, '65; Capt. Oct. 30, 76. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. May 10, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle near the crossing of the Po River, Va. ; Bvt. Capt. Oct. 27, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle on the Boydton Plank Road, Va. ; Bvt. Maj. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritoiious services dur- ing the siege of Petersburg, Va. ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meri- torious services during the war. Service In the field during the war of the Re- bellion, '61-5; recruiting, mustering, and disbursing duty to Jan., '63; with bat- tery in the field to November, '63; and in Washington to Feb.; commanding battery and consolidated batteries 5th U. S. Art. in the campaign of the Wilder- ness, and through the siege of Petersburg during the year '64; at Newport Bar- racks March, '65; Fort Richmond, N. Y., to Oct., '65; with battery at Fort Mon- roe and Columbus to Nov., '67; at Columbus to Jan., '68; Richmond, Va., to Oct., '68; Fort Jefferson, Florida, to March, '69; at various other stations in the country from '69 to '89 ; at present at Fort Columbus, N. Y. Staff positions oc- cupied K. Q. M. 5th Art. and A. C. S. Oct.,' 67, to Oct. 30, 76 ; A. A. Insp. Gen. of Dist, of Fort Monroe, Va., Nov., '65, to April, 76. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In the battles of the Wilderness, Po River, Spotfc-yivania, North Anna, Tolopotomy , Cold Harbor, siege of Petersburg, Deep Bottom, Hatcher's Run, and action of Bovdton Road, Va. Beck, William H. (Captain 10th Cav.). Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Ap- pointed from Illinois Civil Life. Actualrank Corporal Co. B, 10th Illinois Vol. Inf., April 16, '61 ; discharged July 29, '61 ; Q. M. Sergt. 6th 111. Cav. Sept. 21, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 6th 111. Cav. Oct. 21, '62; resigned Feb. 28, '63; 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Cav. June 18, '67; 1st Lieut Dec. 11, '67; Captain Dec. 23, '87. Service Served in the Army of the West during the War of the Rebellion, and severely wounded at Co'dwater, Miss., Oct. 21, '62; served in the field in Mexico and Arizona. Staff positions occupied Adjutant 6th 111. Cav. from Nov. 1, '62, to Feb. 28, '63 ; A. A. Q. M. of district in '80. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Action at Cold- water, Miss., Oct. 21, '62 ; actions against numerous Apache Indians at Sierra Carmen, Mex., Nov. 1, 77 ; action with Victorio, at Tenajos de Irs Palmos, Tex., July 30, '80; action with Victorio at Rattlesnake Canon, Aug. 6, '80; in the cap- ture of the Chiricahua Indians at Fort Apache, Arizona, Aug. 30, '86. Commands held Commanded troop A, 10th Cav., in the field against Indians. Beckurts, Charles L. (Second Lieut. 6th Inf.). Born in Louisville, Ky., Dec. 30, 1860. Retiring year, 1924. Appointed from Ky. Graduated No. 3 in the Class of '80 at the Va. Military Institute, Lexington, Va. Actual rank2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf., Oct. 30, '84. Service Joined regiment Dec. 2, '84, at Fort Douglas, Utah, and served there until July, '86 ; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., from July, '86, to June, '89: Student Officer U.'S. Inf. and Cav. School, Sept., '87, to June, '89, graduating No. 4 in Class of '89; at Newport Bks., Ky., from July, '89, to . Staff positions occupitdPost Adjutant, Newport Bks., Ky., from July 3, '89, to . Beck-with, Amos (Colonel and Brevet Major General U. S. A.). Born in Vermont, Oct. 4, 1825. Retired. Appointed from Vt. Cadet at the U. S. Mili- tary Academy July 1, '46 ; graduated July 1, '50. Actual mn Brevet 2d Lieut. 1st United States Art. July 1, '50; 2d Lieutenant Feb. 22, '51 ; 1st Lieutenant August 21, '54; Captain Com. Sub. May 10, '61; accepted May 16, '61; Maj. Com, Sub. September 29, '61 ; Lieut. Col. Asst. Com. Gen. June 23, 74; accepted July 3, 74; Col. Asst. Com. Gen. Aug. 28, '88 ; Col. and A. D. C. Vols. Jan. 1, '62; accepted July 11, '62; honorably mustered out May 31, '66. Brevet rank Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel September 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services 52 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BEL in the Atlanta Campaign; Bvt. Col. Sept. 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the campaign against Atlanta; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign terminating in the surrender of the large insurgent army under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston ; Brevet Major General March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the subsistence department during the war; Brevet Brigadier General Volunteers January 12, '65. Service At various military posts until the commencement of the Civil War. In the War of the Rebellion from '61-5 in Washington City, '61-3; in the field with the Army of the West '64-5 ; in the Atlanta campaign terminating in the cap- ture of that city; in the March to the Sea under Gen. Sherman, and in the campaign through the Carolinas, terminating in the surrender of the insurgent army of Gen. J. E. Johnston. Retired by operation of law, Oct. 4, '89. Belcher, John H. (Major and Q. M.). Born in Massachusetts, April 20, 1828. Retiring year 1892; appointed from Cal. Civil Life. Actual rani: l.'apt. and A. Q. M. Vols. Oct., '64 ; Capt. and A. Q.|M., U. S. A., June, '66; Maj. and Q. M. July, '83. Brevet rank Brevet Maj. Vols., for faithful services during the war ; Brevet Maj. U. S. A., for meritorious services in the Q. M. Dept. during the war. Service At Louisville, Ky., Nov., '64, to Aug., '66; in charge of public prop- erty, transportation and disbursements at Jefferson vi lie, Ind., and Louisville, Ky., to Jan., '67 ; Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Jan. to Oct., '67; Fort Sanders, Wyo., Nov., '67, to July, '68; Fort Bridger, W. T., Aug., '68, to March, 70; Omaha, Neb., Apr. 70, to June, 75; SanteFe, N.M., July, 75, to Nov., 78; Charleston, S. C., Dec., 78, to July, 79; Fort Sidney, Neb., Jan., '80, to Jan., '81 ; Fort Leavi-n- worth, Kan., Jan. to April, '81; David's Island, N. Y. H., June, '81, to Oct. 1, '83; Denver, Col., from Nov., '83, to '87 ; Portland, Oregon, from Nov., '87, to . Staff positions occupied Depot and post duties at Louisville, Ky., Nov., '64, to Aug., '66; Depot Q. M. at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Jan. to Oct., '67 ; Depot Q. M. at Omaha, Neb., April, 70, to June, 75; Chief Q. M. Dist of N. M. July. to Nov., 78 ; Depot Q. M. at Fort Leaveuworth, Kan., Jan. to April, '81 ; Depot Q. M. at David's Island, N. Y. H., June, '81, to Oct., 83; Disbursing <.J. M. and in charge of transportation, Nov., '83, to '87 ; Purchasing and Disbursing Q. M., Depot and Transportation Q. M. at Portland, Ore., Nov., '87, to . Belger, James (Major U. S. A.). Born in New York. Retired; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt M Corpl., and Sergt. Co. H, and Sgt. Maj. 2d U. S. Inf. from Nov. 7, '32, to Oct. 15, '38 ; 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf. Oct. 15, '38 ; accepted Oct. 15, '38; 1st Lieut. Feb. 27, '43; Capt. A. Q. M. June 18, '46; ac- cepted Aug. 26, '46; out of service Nov. 30, '63; app. Maj. Q. M. Mar. h :!, 71 ; accepted April 13, 71 ; Col. and A. A. D. C. Vols. July 11, '62; accepted July 12, '62. Brevet rank Brevet Maj. May 30, '48, for meritorious conduct, particu- larly in the performance of his duty in the prosecution of the War with Mexico. Service In the War with Mexico, '46-8 ; and in the War of the Rebellion, '61 to '63. Retired for being over sixty-two years of age, June 19, 79. Bell, George (Col. and A. C. G. S., Brevet Brig. Gen.). Born in Maryland, March 12, 1828. Retiring year 1892 ; appointed from Maryland. Cadet at" 1 Military Academy July 1,*'48 ; graduated July 1, '53. Actual rani: Brevet 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art. July 1, '53; 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Art. October 31, '53; 1st Lieut. June 30, '55; Capt. 14th U. S. Inf. May 14. '61 (declined); Capt. Com. Sub. U. S. A., Aug. 3, '61 ; accepted Aug. 22, '61 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Com. Sub. Vol. Aug. 20, '62, to Aug. 1, '65; Major Com. Sub. U. S. A. April 25, '65; Lieu- tenant-Colonel Asst. Com. Gen. Nov. 9, '84; Col. Asst. Com. Gen. October 4, '89. Brevet rank Brevet Major March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for meritorious services during the war; Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; Brig. Gen. April 9, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the Subsistence Department during the war. Bell, George, Jr. (First Lieut. 3d Inf.). Born in Maryland. Appointed from D. C. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy June 14, 76 ; graduated June 12, '80. Actual ran 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Inf. June 12, '80; 1st Lieut. April 24, '86. Bell, James P. (Second Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in Kentucky. ' Appointed BEX RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 53 from Ky. Cadet at the U.S. Military Academy Sept, 1, 74; graduated June 14, 78. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Cav. June 14, 78; 2d Lieut". June 28, 78 ; trs. to 7th U. S. Cav. Aug. 9, 78. Service Stationed at Fort Riley, Kan.. '90. Bell, James M. (Capt. 7th Cav., Bvt. Maj.). Born in Pennsylvania Oct. 1, 1837. Retiring year, 1901 ; appointed from Pa. Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, 86th Ohio Vol. Inf. June 10, '62; hon. must, out Sept. 25, '62; Capt. Ind. Co. Pa. Vol. Cav. June 30, '63; hon. must, out Aug. 9, '63; Capt. 13th Pa. Vol. Cav. Oct. 8, '63 ; hon. must, out July 14, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 7th U. S. Cav. July 28, '66; accepted Nov. 27, '66; 1st Lieut. April 2, '67; Capt. June 25, 76. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut, and Bvt. Captain March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the \Vilderness, Va. ; Bvt. Maj. March 2, '67, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of Ream's Station, Va. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion, '61-5; in the campaign of the Wil- derness and succeeding operations to and in front of Petersburg, Va., '64-5 ; on the plains on frontier duty, and in campaign from '67 to '88; at Fort Sill, Ind. Ter., to present time. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 7th Cav. Nov. 1, J 67, to March 31, '69, and from Oct. 26, '69, to Dec. 31, 70. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In the battle of the Wilderness, Va., May 5-7, '64; battle of Ream's Station, Va., June 29, '64. Bell, William H. (Maj. and Commissary of Subsistence). Born in Pennsyl- vania Jan. 28, 1834. Retiring year, 1898 ; appointed from Pa. Graduated from Mil. Acad. July 1, '58. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 3d Inf. July 1, '58 ; 2d Lieut. Dec. 6, '58; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61; Capt. Com. of Sub. June 11, '62; Major Com. of Sub. Aug. 14, '83. Brevet rank Brevet Major March 13, '>"), for faithful and meritorious services in New Mexico. Service Served on frontier duty '59-61 ; in garrison at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., '61 ; operations on the Upper Potomac May to June, '61 ; Mana.*sas campaign, provost duty Washington, D. C., July to Aug., '61 ; Military Academy Sept., '61, to June, '62 ; on duty at Aquia Creek Aug. to Dec., '62; frontier duty '63-65 ; Sept., '66, relieved from duty in New Mexico; May, '67, to April, '68, on duty as Chief C. S., Dept. C. S., at Fort Harker, Kan. ; May, '68, on duty in office Comm'y-Gen'l. of Sub., Washington, D. C. ; Sept., '68, ordered for duty as Chief C. S., Dept. of Alaska, at Sitka, Alaska ; Chief C. S., Dept. Alaska, from Feb., '69, to Jan., 70 ; Nov., 70, assigned as Chief C. S., Dept. of the Columbia, at Portland, Ore. ; in- spector of Indian supplies July, 76; Oct., 78, relieved from duty as Chief C. S., Dept. Columbia; Jan., 79, temporary duty in office Comm'y Gen'l Sub.; Jan. 30, 79, to New Orleans, La., as purchasing and Depot C. S. ; May, 79, ordered to Washington as purchasing and Depot C. S. ; Oct. 1, 79, performing duties of purchasing C. S. temporarily in Baltimore, Md. ; Dec., '81, on duty as Chief C. S., Dept. of the South, at Newport, Ky., and purchasing commissary at Cincinnati, Ohio; Aug. 14, '83, to Feb. 13, '84,*on Gov. Relief for sufferers from the flood in Ohio River and tributaries, under Col. Amos Beckwith, A. C. G. S. ; March 1, '84, in charge of Gov. Relief for sufferers from flood in Ohio River and tributaries, to June 4, '84; Dec. 1, '84, ordered to Cheyenne Depot, Wyo. Ter. ; Oct. 8, '85, temporary duty at Denver, Colo., in addition to duty at Cheyenne ; March 5, '86, retired from duty at Cheyenne, and ordered to Denver, Col; Aug., '89, relieved at Denver, Col., and ordered* to Omaha, Neb., as Chief C. S., Dept. of the Platte. Bellas, Henry H. (Fir4 Lieut. U. S. A ). Born in Pennsylvania. Retired. Appointed Jrom Va. Civil Life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Cav. Oct. 1, 73 ; accepted Oct. 11, 73 ; 1st Lieut. April 2, 79. Retired for disability in line of dutv May 26, '86. Bellinger, John B. (Second Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in South Carolina. Ap- pointed from S. C. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '0 ; graduated June 15, '84. Actual rank2d Lieut. 7th U. S. Cav. June 15, '84 ; trans, to 5th U. S. Cav. Oct. 13, '84. Bendire, Charles (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Germany. Retired. Ap- pointed from the Army. Actual rank Private and Corpl. Co. D, 1st Drag., June 10, '54, to June 10, '59; Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. D, 1st Cav., and Hospital Stew- 54 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BEN ard 4th Cav. from June 8, '60, to Sept. 9, '64; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. May 18, '64 ; ac- cepted Sept. 9, '64; trs. to 1st Cav. Sept. 9, '64; 1st Lieut. Nov. 12, '64; Captain Feb. 21, '73. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. June 11, '64, for gallant and merito- rious services in the battle of Trevillian Station, Va. Service In the War of the Rebellion, '61-5; in the field with the Army of the Potomac. Retired for disa- bility in the line of duty April 24, '86. Benet, J. Walker (First Lieut, of Ordnance). Born in Richmond, Ky., July 16, 1857. Retiring year, 1921 ; appointed from at large. Cadet at Mili- tary Academy, July, 1875; graduated June 12, 1880. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. June 12, '80; transferred to 5th Art. March 18, '81 ; 1st Lieut. July 18, '86; transferred to Ordnance Department October 27, '86. Service On sick leave from Mil. Acad. Jan., '77, to Sept., '77 ; at Fort Marcy, N. M. from Sept. 30 to Dec. 3, '80 ; conducting recruits to and with regiment at Fort Bliss, Tex., to March 27, '81 ; at Atlanta, Ga., from April 12 to Oct. 9, '81 ; at Yorktown, Va., and Fort Columbus, N. Y., to Nov. 18, '81 ; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., to April 22, '82; at Art. School of Practice, Fort Monroe, Va., to May 1, '84; at Fort Hamil- ton, N. Y., to Oct. 29, '86; Asst. at the Nat. Armory, Springfield, Mass., from Nov. 17, '86, to Sept. 21, '89; in the office of Chief of Ord., Washington, D. C., from Sept. 30, '89, to . Benet, Stephen V. (Brigadier General and Chief of Ordnance). Born in Florida, Jan. 22, 1827. Retiring year 1891. Appointed from Florida. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '45; graduated July 1, '49. Actual rank Bvt. 2J Lieut. Ord. July 1, '49; 2d Lieut. July 10, '51 ; 1st Lieut. July 1, '53; Capt. Aug. 3, '61; Major Dec. 22, '66; Brig. Gen. Chf. of Ord. June 23, '74; accepted June 25, '74. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. and Bvt. Lieut. Col. Mar. 13, '65, for faith- ful and meritorious services in the Ordnance Department. Service On special duty Ordnance Bureau, '50-2, and on duty at various arsenals, '52-9 ; Military Academy, '59-61, as principal asst. professor of geography, history, ethics, and as instructor of ordnance and gunnery, '61-4, and in addition to his duties at the Military Academy, served on various important boards and conducted experiments with Parrott guns at the West Point foundry; served in command of various arsenals and on special duty until June 23, 74, when he was promoted to the com- mand of his corps with the rank of Brigadier General, and has been stationed at Washington from that date to present time. Benham, Daniel W. (Major 7th Inf.). Born in Ohio Dec. 23, 1837. Re- tiring year 1901. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actualrank Pvt. Co. B, 6ih Ohio Vol. Inf., April 20, '61; discharged Aug. 21, '61; 2d Lieut. 18th U. S. Inf. Oct. 24, '61; accepted Nov. 8, '61; 1st Lieut. Feb. 19, '62 ; Captain Feb. 8, '65; transferred to 36th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; transferred to 7th Inf. May 19, '69 ; Major Dec. 16, '88. Brevet rank Brevet Captain Dec. 31, '62, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn. ; Major March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign. Honorably mentioned Complimented in report of Battalion Commander for de- fending and saving the Battalion train from capture and destruction by Confed- erate cavalry at the- battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn., Dec. 31, '62; highly corn- Louisville, Ky., July 9, '65, the BrevetMajor Gen. Com. the Division wrote with his own hand, and published the following : " In relieving Captain Benham, I wish to assure him that he has performed his duties at these headquarters in the most admirable and satisfactory manner ; that in severing his connection with the 1st Division, whose history is his, he has every reason to feel proud of his record while with it, and for his gallant and meritorious services at Perryville, Stone River, Murfreesboro', Chickamauga, the great Atlanta campaign, from Dalton to Jones- boro', on the memorable campaign through Georgia and the Carolinas with Sherman, and at the battle of Bentonville, he will be remembered by those with whom he served as the thorough soldier." When relieved from duty under orders of the Secretary of War in connection with the Mississippi River flood, in '82, General Sheridan published the following in orders : " The Lieut. Genera BEN RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 55 takes pleasure in complying with the instructions of the Secretary of War 'to convey the expression of his appreciation for the admirable manner in which he has discharged the duty imposed upon him.' The Secretary, 'as an acknowledg- ment of the services rendered, grants him a delay of thirty days in joining his sta- tion.'" Service Served continuously with his regiment and in various staff positions, in the field, in Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North Car- olina and Virginia, from Dec., '61, to July, '65; General The mas' campaign to Mill Springs, Ky., '61-62; Central Buell's march to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., '62; siege of Corinth, Miss., '62; pursuit of Confederates when they evacuated Corinth, '62; General Buell's pursuit of Bragg through Tennessee and Kentucky to Crab Orchard, '62 ; General Rosecrans' campaign from Nashville to Murfrees- boro', '62; General Rosecrans' campaign from Murfreesboro 1 to Chattanooga, '63 ; pursuit of Confederates after battle of Missionary Ridge, '64; General Sherman's campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta, '64 ; General Sherman's campaign from Atlanta to Savannah, '64 ; General Shern an's campaign through South and North Carolina to Goldsboro', '64 ; marched with General Sherman's army tc Washington, and participated in the grand review there at the end of the war, '65; on recruit- ing service at Indianapolis and Terre Haute, Ind., and at Columbus, Ohio, to March, '66; with regiment at Jefferson Bks., Mo., to April, '66; marched with regiment from Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to Camp Douglas, Utah, to July, '66 ; at Camp Douglas, Utah, to April, '70 ; marched with regiment to Fort Shaw, Mont., to June, 70 ; at Fort Shaw, Mont., to Jan., '71 ; on recruiting service at Cincinnati, Ohio, Newport Bks., Ky., and Sprinpfield, ill., to Jan., '73; awaiting orders and conducting recruits to ngiment to June, '73 ; with regiment at Fort Shaw, Mont., to Nov., 74 ; at Fort Ellis, Mont., to Oct., 77 ; at Fort Shaw, Mont, to Sept., 78; on sick leave at Springfield, 111., to Dec. 78; member of Board <-n Intrenching Tools and Equipments at Washington, D. C., to March, 79 ; with regiment at FortSnelling, Minn., to Oct., 79 ; on Ute Indian expedition to White River, Col., to June, '80 ; at Fort Snelling, Minn., to Aug., '81 ; on detached ser- vice with Co. C, 7th Inf., at Green Bay Indian Agency, Keshena, Wis., to Oct., '81 ; at Fort Snelling, Minn., to Nov., '81 ; conducting recruits to 5th Inf. at Fort Keogh, Mont., to Dec., '81; on Menominee Indian expedition to Green Bay Agency, Wis., Sept.-Oct., '81 ; on Ute Indian expedition to White River, Col., frcm Oct., 79, to June, '80 ; on detached service in the submerged districts on the lower Mississippi River to make report to the Secretary of War of the condition and wants of sufferers by the flood, to April, '82; at Fort Snelling, Minn., and on de- tached service to Nov., '82 ; at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., to April, '83 ; at Fort Laramie, Wyo., to Nov. '84 ; on detached service with Co. C, 7th Inf., construct- ing military telegraph line from Fort Laramie, Wyo., to Fort Robinson, Neb., to Dee., '84; at Fort Laramie, Wyo., to August, '85 ; at Camp of Instruction, near Pine Bluffs, Wyo., to Sept., '85 ; at Fort Laramie, Wyo., to July, '86 ; on detached ser- vice at Cheyenne, Wyo., to Aug., '86 ; at Fort MoKinney, Wyo., to Oct., '87 ; on detached service, in the field, with Co. C, 7th Inf., to suppress threatened out- break of Crow Indians in Montana, to Nov., '87; at Fort McKinney to July, '88; at FortLantmie, Wyo., to March, '89; on detached service at Omaha, Neb., to June, '89; on detached service at Believue Rifle Range to Sept., '89 ; at Omaha, Neb., to present date. Staff positions occupied A. A Q. M. 1st Batt., 18th Inf., from March 10, '62, to Feb. 8, '65 ; A. C. S. for Gen. Buell's army at Eastport, Miss., June-Aug., '62; Adjutant 1st Batt, 18th Inf., June-July, '64; A. A. Q. M., Regular Brigade, 14th Corps, July-Sept, '64 ; Ordnance Officer, 1st Div., 14th Corps, Oct., *64, to July, '65 ; Aide-de-Camp of Vols. from July, '64, to June, '65; Inspector Indian Supplies at Crow Agency, Mont, 76-77 ; Inspector Small Arms Practice, Dep. of the Platte, from Sept., '89, to present date. Battles, skirmishes, etc, Corinth, Miss.; Perryville, Ky.; Murfreesboro', Tenn.; Hoover's Gap, Tenn.; Chickamauga, Gi.; Missionary Ridge, Tenn.; Resaca, Ga.; New Hope Church, Ga.; Kene.*aw Mountain, Ga.; Ne.il Dow Station, Ga.; Peach Tree Creek, Ga.; Utoy Creek, Ga. ; Atlanta, Ga.; Bentonville, N. Car.; Crow Agency, Mont. Commands held Commanding party exploring country to Highwood Mountains, Mont, Sept-Oct, 70; det of recruits en route from Newport Bks., Ky., to Texas, 56 RECORDS OF I.IVIXG OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BEX from Fort Snelling, Minn., to FortShaw, Mon^,,Sept.-Oct., 79; But. 7th Inf.. Oos. B, C, E, F, H and K, at White River, Col., Jan.-June, '8'J ; Fort Snelling, Minn., Sept.-Nov., '80; det. of recruits en route from Fort Snelling, Minn., to 5th Inf. in Montana, Nov., '81 ; 7th Inf., July-Aug., '83; FortLaramie, Wyo., May-Nov., '84; B;itt. 7th Inf. (six companies and band) to and from Camp of Instruction, near Pine Bluffs, Wyo., Aug.-Sept., '85; Co. C, 7th Inf., and troops D and H, 9th Cav., from Fort McKinney, Wyo., tr> Crow Indian Agency, Mont., and return to suppress threatened outbreak of Crow Indians, Oct.-Nov. r '87; Post of Fort McKinney, Wyo., Nov., '87, to Jan., '88; Bellevue Rifle Range, Neb. Dep., Cav. and Distinguished Marksmen's Competitions, July-Sept., '89. Benham, Henry H. (First Lieut. 2d Inf.). Born in Massachusetts Ap- pointed from New York Civil Life. Actual rani: App. 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Inf. Sept. 1, '79; accepted Sept. 9, 79 ; 1st Lieut. June 15, '89. tiercice Joined reg- iment at Fort Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; on detaQhed service with Indian Scouts and Sharpshooters in '80 ; instructing recruits aad with Company in '81 ; in Europe. '82; in camp on Spokane River, Washington Ter., and Reconnoissance and Survey of Lake Chelan, '83 ; on recruiting service at David's Island, N. Y., '84; Marksman and Sharpshooter, '85; at Fort Omaha, as Range Officer Dep. Platte, '86; Prof, of Military Science and Tactics at Union College, N. Y., '8 ; detailed as Instructor at State Gimp, N. G. S. N. Y., at Peek-skill, X. Y., '88. Staff positions occupied Post Adjutant, A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Town- send, W. T., '85; Ordnance Officer and Post Treasurer, Fort Omaha, Neb., '86. History Son of Gen. Henry W. Benham, U. S. Engineers; grandson of Gen. Jno. McNeil, U. S. A. Entered service from Harvard University on recommen- dation of Board of Examination ; admitted as Attorney- a t-La\v and Counsellor Washington Territorial Bar, '85 ; to the California Bar, '86 ; and to New York Bar in '88 ; elected Captain 37th Sep. Co., N. G. S. N. Y., May, '88 ; Degree of A. B. conferred by Union College, N. Y., in '89. Benham, Robert B. (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Ohio April 6, 1853. Retiring year, 1917; appointed from IViuia. Civil Life. Actnn/ 1st Lieut, and Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. June 16, '80 ; accepted June 23, '80 ; Captain and Asst. Surgeon June 16, '85. Service At Fort Snelling. Minn., July to Oct., '80; Chief medical officer Major Merrill's command on line of N. P. R. H., Oct. to Dec., '80; Fort Abraham Lincoln, N. D, Dec., '80, to May, '81 ; Post Surgeon at Fort Apsinaboine, Mont., May, '81, to Sept., '83 5 Post Surgeon Fort Abraham Lincoln, N. D., Sept., '83, to March, '84 ; Post Surgeon Fort Sissi-ton, Dak., to June, '84; at Fort Brown, Tex., from July, '84, to May, '86; at Fort Omaha to Aug., '86 ; Medical officer with 4th U. S. Inf., changing station from Omaha to Fort Sherman, Idaho, '86; medical officer with batt. 21st Inf. en route to Fort Da Ches-e, Utah, Aug., '86, to Nov., '87; medical officer with 6th I Inf. from Fort Douglas, Utah, to Fort Lewis, Col., June, '88; Asst. Surgeon at Fort Du Chesne Nov., '87, to July, '88 ; Post surgeon Fort Laramie, Wyo., Aug., '89, to abandonment of that post in '89 : medical officer with 7th Inf. (2 Cos.) en route from Fort Laramie, Wyo.. to Fort Logan, Col., '89. Benjamin, Edward A. (Second Lieut. U. S. A.) Born in Connecticut. Retired; appointed from L\. Civil Life. A>'t><. 1860. Retiring year, 1924; appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Miliitary Academy from July 1, 79, to Jan. 15, '80. Actual rant:2d Lieut. Ut 1 Inf. Oct. 30, '84; accepted Nov. 1, '84. Service In Arizona all through the Apache war, '85-6, at different times in command of troops in pursuit of hostile Indians; in the spring of '86 commanded a troop of cavalry in a scout to intercept Indians in the Sulphur Springs Valley, Ariz.; in June, '86, commanded a Co. of infantry, mounted on mules, on a scout in Arizona and New Mexico, in pursuit BEN RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 57 of Indians; at the Infantry and Cavalry School of Application, Fort Leaven- worth, Kan., '87 to '89, graduating June 15, '89; in the field in Dec. ,'85, expelling "boomers" from the Indian Territory; at present serving at Benicia Bks., Cal. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. in the field in the boomer campaign of '85-6, and filled at various times nearly every po^t staff position. History Before entering the army had two years of sea service, and when sixteen years old was Petty officer (1st Captain of a Top and Captain of a gun's crew) on the U. S. Ship "St. Mary's" this for eight months; the balance of the two years was spent in the merchant service. Bennett, Charles A. (First Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in New Jersey. Appointed from JS. J. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 77 ; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank-2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. June 11, '81 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 16, '89. Bennett, Clarence E. (Captain 17th Inf.). Born in New York December 2, '33. Retiring year 1897; appointed from Arizona. Cadet at the United States Military Academy July 1, '51; graduated July 1, '55. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut, 3d U. S. Infantry July 1, '55; 2d Lieut. 10th Infantry August 16, '55; resigned Sep. 10, '60; Major 1st Cal. Vol. Cav. Feb. 9, '63; Lieut, Col. Dec. 31, '63; hon. must, out Aug 15, '66; app. 2d Lieut. 6th U S. Cav. Feb. 23, '66; 1st Lieut. July 28, '66 ; accepted Nov. 8, '66; Capt. 17th U. S. Inf. Jan. 22, '67; accepted Oct. 5, '67. Brev, and with Gen. Crook in Ariz, and Mexico against Geronimo's Chiricahuas. ( 'ormnands held 6th Ind. Cav. on Morgan's Raid ; Brigade of Cav. at Campbell's Station ; 1st Brigade, Cav. Div., 23d Army Corps ; Brigade on Stoneman's raid ; 21 Brigade, 6th Div., at Nashville, Gen. Wilson's Command; Batt. 6th Cav. on Gen. Miles' Campaign. 75. History Grandson of Col. Clement Biddle, Deputy Qr. Mr. General U. S. A., who nerved on Gen. Washington's Staff as A. D. C. fora time. Biddle, John (First Lieut, of Engineers). Born atDetn.it, Mich., Feb. 2, '59. Retiring vear 1923; appointed from Michigan. Cadet at the U.S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 77 ; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank 2d Lieut. U. S. En- gineers, June 11, '81 ; First Lieut. Jan. 10, '83. Service At Willet's Point, N. Y., Oct., '81, to June, '84; at Fort Soelling, Minn., to Nov. '86; at St. Paul, Minn., to Dec., '87 ; in campaign against Crow Indians, Mont., Oct. and Nov., '87 : at West Point. N. Y., from Dec., '87, to present time. Staff positions occupied Chief Engineer officer on staff of C. G., Department of Dakota, from June, '84, to Dec., '87. Biddle, Wm. S., Jr. (Second Lieut. 13th Inf.). Born in Detroit, Mich., May 14, '63. Retiring year 1927 ; appointed from Mich. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, July 1. '81 ; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 13th U. Bigelow, John, Jr. (First Lieut. 10th Cav.). Born in New York. Ap- pointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 73; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Cav. June 15, 77; 1st Lieut. Sept. 24, '83. Billings, John S. (Major and Surgeon, Bvt. Lieut.-Col.). Born in Indiana April 12, 1838. Retiring year, 1902; appointed from Ohio Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon April 16, '62; accepted July 16, '62 ; Captain and Asst. Surgeon July 28, '66 ; Major and Surgeon Dec. 2, 76. Brecet rank BIR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 63 Brevet Captain, Major and Lieut.-Col. U. S. A. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service In charge of hospitals at Wash- ington, D. C., and West Philadelphia, Pa., to March, '63; operating surgeon field hospital 2d Division, 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac, at Chancellorsville, Va., with the 7th and 10th U. S. Inf. May, '63 ; in charge of field hospital 2d Division, 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac, at Gettysburg, Pa. ; hospital duty at David's and Bedloe's Islands, New York, Oct., '63, to Feb., '64; member of a board of enroll- ment, with the special expedition to the Isle a Vache, W. I., Feb., '64 ; acting medical inspector Army of the Potomac April, '64; in the office of the medical director Army of the Potomac, Aug. to December, '64 ; in the office of the Sur- geon-General, Washington, D. C., from Dec., '64, to date. Bingham, Gonzales S. (Second Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in Florida Oct. 10, 1857. Retiring year, 1921 ; appointed from Indiana Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th U.S. Inf. Oct. 10, '83; accepted Oct. 11, '83; trans, to 9th U. S. Cav. Aug. 4, '84, to rank in Cav. July 8, '84. Service Joined and a c sumed com- mand of Troop A, 9th Cav., Sept. 9, '84, then in the field on the Chikaskie river, Indian Territory, engaged in removing "boomers" from Oklahoma; made a scout in the vicinity of Rock Falls, Ind. Ter., to ascertain if a new attempt at settlement was be'ng made by unauthorized persons Sept. 18, '84 ; Sept. 24, '84, marched to Fort Elliot, Texas, and took station; in the field at Arkansas City, Kan., May, '85 ; at Fort Niobrara from '85 to present date. Staff positions occupied Adjutant in the field at Camp Russell, Ind. Ter., March 3, '85; B*tt. Adju ant camp on Chilocco Creek, Ind. Ter., May 10, '85 ; A. A. A. Gen. of troops in the field, Arkansas City, Kin., May 17, '85 ; range officer Fort Niobrara, Neb., Sept. 2, '85 ; acting Post Ajdj. Fort Niobrara Oct. 22, '85; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Fort Niobrara Oct. 25, '85 ; Batt. Adjutant Camp Brooke, Neb.. Sept. 1, '88; Batt. Adjutant Camp Geo. Crooke, Neb., Sept. 1, '89. Commands held In command of Troop A, 9th Cav., from Sept. 9, '84, in the field until Sept. 18, and again on the 24th of Sept., '84, in the march to Fort Elli >tt, Tex.; had charge of a band of Sioux Indians at Grand Army of Republic reunion. Aug., '86, and '87. History Son of Col. Judson D. Bingham, Asst. Q. M. General U. S. A. Bingrham, Judson D. (Col. and A. Q. M. Gen., Bvt. Brig.-Gen.). Born in N. Y. May 16, 1831. Retiring year 1895; app. from Ind. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '50 ; graduated July 1, '54. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Artillery July 1, '54; 1st Lieut. March 12, 56; app. Captain and A. Q. M. May 13, '61 ; accepted May 15, '61 ; Lieut.-Col. and Q. M. of Vols. Jan. 1, '63 ; Colonel and Q. M. Vols. Aug. 2, '64, to Jan. 1, '67 ; Major and Q. M. U. S. A. July 29, '66; Lieut.-Col. and Dep. Q. M. Gen. March 3, 75; Colonel and As0, '61 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 16, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Del. Vol. Inf. April 11, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 1, '62 ; Capt. Mar. 15, '63 ; honorably mustered out June 30, '64; Lieu,t.-Col. 9th Del. Inf. Sept. 3, '64; honorably mustered out Dec. 23, '64; Lieut.-Col. 1st U. S. Vet. Inf. Jan. 25, '65; Col. May 30, '65; honorably mustered out Jan. 19, '66; 2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. May 11, '66; accepted Aug. 21, '66; transferred to 23d Inf. Sept. 23, '66 ; 1st Lieut. May 23, '67 ; Captain and A. Q. M. Mar. 14, '82; accepted Mar. 20, '82. f revet rank Brevet 1st Lieut, and Brevet Captain Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericks- burp, Va. ; Brevet Major Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spottsylvania, Va. ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meri- 64 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TT. S. ARMY. BIS torious services in the battle of Petersburg, Va., June 30, '64. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion '61-5; with the Array of the Potomac in the various campaigns through Virginia and Maryland; served on the Pacific Coast at various stations with regiment from March, '67, to Sept., 73; in Dep. of Platte to Sept., 74 ; and in Dep. of the East to Sept., 76 ; March 14, '82, stationed at Fort Snelling; transferred to Fort Spokane Oct. 31, '83; transferred to Helena, Mont., Aug. 10, '84 ; transferred to Fort Monroe, Va., Sept. 20, '88. Staff positions occu- piedA. D. C. Vols. Sept. 28, '61, to Mar. 31, '62 ; Adjt. 23d Inf. Aug. 1, 73. to Oct. 1, 76 ; A. A. Q. M., Angel Island, Cal., Mar., '67 ; Camp Watson, Ore., May, '67; Ft. Boise, Idaho, Sept.. '67 ; San Juan Island, W. T., Oct., '68; Ft. Bowie, A. T., July, 70; Adjt. and Dep. Q. M., Prescott, A. T., Sept., 73; Adj., Omaha Barracks, Neb., Sept., 74; A. A. Q. M., Ft. Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, Sept., 76. Jiafflcs, skirmishes, etc. In battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec.11-14, '62; Spottsylvania C. H.. Va., May. '64 ; Petersburg Va., June. '64. Birkhimer, William B. (First Lieut. 3d Art., Captain and J. A.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Iowa. Cadet at the U. S Military Academy Sept. 1, '66; graduated June 15, 70. Actual rank Pvt. Co. M, 4th Iowa Vol. Tax-., M;. 1851. Retiring year, 1915; appointed from Md. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy S^pt. 1, '68; graduated June 14. 72. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 13th Inf. June 14, 72; 1st Lieut. Feb. 18, 74; tre. to Ord. June 13, 78; Capt. (14 years Ben-ice) June 14. '86. Bisbee, William H. (Captain 4th Inf.). Born in R. I. Jan. 28, 1840. Re- tiring year 1904. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. and 1st Sgt. Co. A, and Sgt. Maj. 2d Batt, 18th Inf., from Sept 2, '61, to July 11, 'l>2 ; 2d Lieut 18th Inf. June 9, '62; accepted July 11, '62; 1st Lieut. Dec. 31, '62; trs. to 27th Inf. Sept. 21. '66; Capt Dec- 21, 5 66 ; unassigned June 14. '69; assd. to 2">th Inf. July 5, 70 ; trs. to 4th Inf. Oct. 27, 70. Jin-rcf mnf: Bvt. 1st Lieut. Dec. 31, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Murfreesboro', TVnn.; i Capt Sept. 1,'64, for gallantand meritorious service* in the battle of Chattanoogn, Tenn. ftrrice Served during the War of the Rebel ion '61-5 ; in the Army of the West and in the M'.ll Spring campaign, siege of Corinth and pursuit of Gen. Bragg's forces '62 ; in the Tullahoma campaign '63; on mustering and disburs- ing duty at Boston, Mass., Sept., '63, to April, '64 ; in the Atlanta rjunpriign '64; at Lookout Mountain. Ga., Oct., '64, to Sept, '65; at Louisville to Oct., '65; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., en route to Fort Kearney, Neb., Dec., '65; at Fort Kearney to May, '66; Fort Phil Kearney to Dec., '66 ; in expeditions against hostile Indians '66-7 ; at various poHts in the Dep. of Platte to 71; Louisville, Ky., 71-^ ; at Little Rock, Ark., 73; in the Dept of the Platte and engaged in FUppressing the railroad riots of 77 at Chicago, 111. ; at various posts to '86 ; in the Dep. of Columbia and at Fort Sherman, Idaho, to present time; en recrirt- ing service '88-9. Staff positions occupied My 2d Batt. 18th Inf. April 27, '63, to (M., '63, and from Aug. 20, '64. to Sep. 21, '66; A. D. C. and A. A. A. G. Dep. of the Platte Dec. 28, '66, to Sap. 1, '68. Bittlts. skirmishes, etc. Battles of Perry ville and Stone River; battle of Hoover's Gap (wounded); engaged at the action of Pumpkin-Vine Creek; battles of New-Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain faction of Neal Dow Station ; battle of Peach-Tree Creek; action of Utov Creek; sieere of Atlanta (wounded); and battle of Jonesboro', Ga. Bishop, Hoel S. (First Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in Wisconsin. Appointed from Wis. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '69 ; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th Cav. June 13, 73; 1st Lieut May 1, 79. Bishop, John S. (Captain 13th Infantry). Born in Pennsylvania, March 23, 1834. Retiring year, 1898. Appointed from Indiana Civil Life. BIX RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 65 Actual rank Sergt. Co. A, 68th 111. Vol. Inf. May 27, '62; discharged June 20, '62; 1st Lieut. 68th 111. Inf. June 20, '62; honorably mustered out Sept. 26, '62; Lieut. Col. 108th U. S. Col. Inf. July 1, '64; Col. Sept. 19. '65; honorably mus- tered out March 21, '66; app. 2d Lieut, 30th U. S Inf. March 7, '67; accepted April 27, '67; transferred to 4th Inf. March 23, '69; unassigned June 17, '69; assigned to 13th Inf. Nov. 22, '69; 1st Lieut. Jan. 19, 72; Captain March 1, '87. Service At Camn Butler, 111., to July 5, '62; in the defenses of Washington to Sept. 17, '62; at Taylor Bk*., Ky., and other places in Ky. from June 28, '64. to Sept. '64; at Rock Island, 111., Sept. 26, '64, to Sept. 1, '65; in Dept. of the Mis- sissippi Sept. 22, '65, guarding M. & O. R. R. from Corinth to Went Point, sub- assistant Com'r Freedman's Bureau, member of Board of Appraisal to fix rental and damage to buildings used by the U.S. in Northern District of Miss., member of Board of examination for officers U. S. Colored Troops, to March, '66 ; joined 30th U. S. Inf. at Larren's Forks, Wyo., July 12, '67; in the field in Wyo. and Neb. to June 30, '68; at Fort Sanders, July 5, '68, to July 27, '69; scouting after hostile Indians, Sept., '68; awaiting orders from July 27 to Nov. 22, '69; joined 13th Inf. at Camp Cooke, Mont., Dec. 6, '69, and at that poet to June 11, 70, when it was abandoned ; en route to Fort Benton, and thence to Provo, Utah ; marched from Camp Cooke, Mont., to Corinne, Utah, and from Salt Lake City to Provo, Utah, 650 miles, from June 11 to Aug. 10, 70; at Fort Rawlins, Camp Douglas, and Fort Bridser, 71-2 ; on sick leave from April 14 to Oct. 14, 72; rejoined Co. at Camp Stambaugh, Wyo., Oct. 26, 72 ; and served there to Oct. 20, 73; at Ft. Fred Steele to Feb. 15, 70; in the field on Sioux expedition to Camp Robinson, Neb., to June 2, 74; at Fort Steele to Sept. 11, 74; as guard with Indian prison- ers to Fort Marion, Iowa, and on leave to Oct. 11, 74; joined Co. at St. Louis, Mo., en route to New Orleans, La., Oct. 12, 74; at Jackson Bks., La., to May 14, 75; at Holly Springs, Miss, (on leave for thirteen days, and on leave from June 10 to Aug. 18), to Dec. 21, 76 ; in Louisiana to July 25, 77 ; at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., during riots of 77 ; in Louisiana (30 days' delay) to July 25, 78; at Little Rock Bks., to June, '80; Instructor of Military Science and Tactics at St. John's Col- lege, Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 16, 79, to June 15, '80; at Fort Leavenworth to July 3, '80 ; in New Mexico, at Forts Wingate, Cummings and Selden to Oct. 1, '85; in the Geronimo campaign, in the Tulerosa and Mogallon Mountains, to Sept., '86, and at Fort Wingate to March 29, '87; at Fort Stanton, N. M., to May 30, '88 ; at Fort Reno, Ind. Ter., to (with leave from Oct. 28 to Feb. 27, '89) April 28, '89; at Camp Schofield (camp of instruction), Ind. Ter., to Sept. 19, '89; marched from Fort Gibson to that point, and returned, arriving at Little Rock Bks. Oct. 11, '89 present station- Staff positions occupied Adit. 68th 111. Vol. Inf. from June 4, '62, to Sept. 17, '62; A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., and Adjutant Camp Whittlesey, Wyo., and of Camp Sargeant, North Platte, Neb., from July 14, '67, to June 30, '68; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Camp Cooke, Mont., at Camp Stam- b uigh May 16 to Oct. 26, 73, and at Holly Springs, Miss., May 9, 75, to June 9, 76; again at same place from Sept. 1, to Dec. 5, 76, and at Columbus, Miss., Oct. 7 to Nov. 11, 76; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Autr. 5 to Nov. 21, 77; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Baton Rouge, La., May 3, 78, to July 23, 79 ; A. A. Q. M. at Fort Wingate, N. M., June 23, '80, to March 1, '82, and A. C. S. from June 29, '80, to Feb. 1, '82; Regimental Q. M. 13th Inf. Sept. 1, '80, to March 1, '82; A. O. O. and A. S. O. at Little Rock Bks. from May 3, '89, to . Commands held Commanding Owensboro and Mumfordville and depen- dencies August and Sept., '64; Sub-dist. of Miss. Sept. 25 to Oct. 10, '65; Post at Okalona. Miss., Sept. 22 to Dec., '65; Post of Columbus, Miss., Dec., '65, to Feb., '66; Northern Dist. of Miss. Jan., '66, to Feb., '66 ; Post of Columbus, Miss., Oct.7 to Nov. 11, 76; com'g battalion in the field Jan. 30 to April 27, '86; com'g Little Rock Bks. from July 4 to Sept. 2, '89. History Was engaged in drilling three mom hs' volunteers April and May, '61, receiving recruiting commissions of Major and Lieut. Col. 111. Vols. Oct. and Nov., '61 ; Major 32d 111. Vols. Nov. 12. '61 (not mustered) ; resigned Dec. 6, '61, to allow consolidation of regiments. Bixby, William H. (Capt. of Engineers). Born in Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 27, 1849. Retiring year, 1913. Appointed from Mass. Cadet U. S. Military 66 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BLA. Academy July 1, 1869; graduated June 13, 73. Actual rank 2d Lieut. Engi- neers June 13, '73; 1st Lieut. Eng'rs Dec. 9, 75; Capt. Engineer* April 16, '83. Service On duty at Willet's Point, N. Y. Harbor, 73 to 75; Acting As't Pro- fessor 75 to 78, and Ass't Professor 78 to 79 of Military and Civil Engineering at U. S. M. A., West Point, N. Y. ; scholar 79 to '81 at French Governmental School of Ponts et Chaussees. Paris, France; delegated by United States Sept., '80, to attend the Autumn Manoeuvres of the French Army in France; and decorated by France Sept., '80, as Chevalier, Legion d'Honneur; delegated by United States '81-'82 to examine and report upon the turrets, armor plate, etc., of the Sea Coast Fortifications of England, Belgium, Holland, Germany and Italy ; on duty '83-'84 at New York City preparing Report on Sea Coast Fortifi- cations in Europe; in charge '84 to '89 of River and Harbor Improvements ii North and South Carolina ; delegated by War Dept. Sept., '86, to inspect sm h buildings in Charleston, S. C., as were injured by the '86 earthquake ; ordered to Naval War College, winter '86, to deliver course of lectures on Sea Coast Fortifi- cations. Staff positions occupied Adjt. battalion Engineers July 1,'82, to June 30, '83. Black, Charles S. (Captain and As*t. Surgeon). Born in Ireland. Appointed from New York Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon U.S. A. Dec. 3, '83; accepted Feb. 12, *84; Captain and Asst. Surgeon Dec. 3, '88. Black, Henry M. (Colonel 23d Inf.). Born in Penna. Jan. 15, 1827. Retiring year 1891. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1. graduated July 1, '47. Actual ran/: Hvt. 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Inf. July 1, '47 ; lM Lieut, 7th Inf.'Aug. 20, '47 ; 1st Lieut. 9th Inf. Mar. 3. '.V> ; accepted Apr. 14, Capt. Sept. 10, '50; Col. 6th Cal. Vol. Inf. Feb. 1, '-8; on frontier duty from '48 to '61 ; on the Pacific coast from '61 to '64 ; at the U. S. Military Academy, as Commandant of Cadets, from '64 to '68; in various parts of the country with regiment from 70 to present time; at present stationed at De- troit, Mich., under orders for Dep. of Texas. Black, William (First Lieut. 24th Inlt.). Born in Iowa. App.from the Army. Actual rani; Pvt. and sergt. Sig. Corps Oct. 7, 71, to Aug. 30, 79; 2d Lieut. 24th U. S. Inf. Sept. 1. 79; accepted Sept. 1, 79; 1st Lieut. March 11, '85. Black, William M. (Capt. of Engineers). Born in Pennsylvania Dec. 8, 1 Retiring year 1919. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 73 ; graduated June 15,77. Actual Rank 2d Lt. Engineers" June 15,"'77;"lst Lt. Mar. 31, '80; Capt. Dec. 31, '86. Service Stationed at present at St. Augus- tine. Fla. Blaine, Malnor C. (Post Chaplain). Born in Kentucky Nov. 25, 1847. Retir- ing year 1911. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil Life. Actual rank Private of Co. H, 54th Ky. Mounted Inf., Sept. *1, '64; discharged Sept. 1. '65; app. Post Chaplain U, S. A. June 16, '80; accepted June 25, '80. Service In the field dur- ing the War of the Rebellion '64-65; on duty as Chaplaia at David's Island. X. Y., Fort Ciark, Texas; Fort Spokane, Washington, and Fort Logan, Col. History Great- graiul-on of Gen. Blaine, who was Commissary General in the Rev. Army. Blake, Charles M. (Chaplain U. S. A.). Born in Maine. Retired; appointed from Pa. Civil Life. Actual rank Chaplain U. S. Vol. Aug. 13, '61 ; Ho*p. Chap. June 4, '62; accepted June 7, '62; resigned July 21, '63; Capt. 3d IT. S. Colored Inf. July 26, '63; hon. must, out Aug. 11, '64; Hosp. Chap. Vol. Sept. 26, '64; accepted Dec. 26, '64; discharged May 10, '65; Chap. U. S. A. May 17, '66 ; Post Chaplain Apr. 3, '67; accepted June 10, '67; resigned Mar. 17, '69; Post Chap. Oct. 2, 78; expired by const, lira. Mar. 4, 79; Post Chap. May 20, '81; accepted Mav 23, '81 ; retired Dec. 24, '83, by operation of law. Blake, Edmund M. (Second Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in South Carolina. Appointed from N. C. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, June 14, '85; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th U.S. Art. June 12 '89. BLI RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF V. S. ARMY. 67 Blatchford, Richard M. (Second Lieut, llth Inf.). Born in New York. Appointed from New York Civil Life. Actual rank-2d Lieut, llth U. S. Inf., Oct. 10, '83 ; accented Oct. 13, '83; 1st Lieut. Dec. 7, '87. Blauvelt, "William F. (Second Lieut. 15th Inf.). Born in New York. Ap- pointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp., and Serg't. Batt. D, 4th U. S. Art., Feb. 28, 78, to July 7, '80; 2d Lieut. 15th U. S. Inf., June 24, '80 ; accepted July 8, '80. Bliss, Tasker H. (First Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sep. 1, 71 ; graduated June 16, 75. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Art., June 16, 75; 1st Lieut. July 1, '80. Staff positions occupied Adj. Art, School, May 1, '84, to Sep. 1, '85 ; A. D. C. to Ma]. -Gen. Schofield, Commanding the Army, May 16, '88. Bliss, Zenas R. (Colonel 24th U. S. Inf.). Born in Rhode Island, April 17, 1835. Retiring year 1899; appointed from R. I. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '50 ; graduated July 1, '54. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. July, '54; 2d Lieut. 8th Inf. Mar. 3, '55; 1st Lieut. Oct. 17, '60; Capt. May 14, '61; 'Col. 10th R. I. Inf., May 26, '62; trans, to 7th R. I. Inf., Aug. 21, '62; must, out June 9, '65; Major 39th U. S. Inf., Aug. 6, '67; trans, to 25th Inf., March 15, '69; Lieut.-Col. Nineteenth Inf., March 4, 79; Col. 24th Inf., April 20, '86. Brevet rank Brevet Major December 13, '62, for gallant and merito- rious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, May 7, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va. Honorably mentioned Complimented in orders, and recommended for promo- tion to Brig. Gen. Vols. by all superior officers, including Com. Gen. Army of the Potomac, Dec., '62, at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; recommended for pro- motion to rank Brig. Gen. Vol. by all superior officers, and promotion requested by Gen. Grant, for gallantry and good conduct on Vicksburg Campaign ; recom- mended for promotion while in command of Mil. Dist. of Middle Tenn., April, '64. Service At Fort Duncan, Tex., and served at that post and Fort Chadbourne till Sept., '55 ; joined regiment at Fort Davis, Tex., Oct., '55; at Forts Davis, Hudson, Inge and Mason to April, '60 ; on leave of absence for six months ; at Fort Quitman, Tex., till April 5, '61; under orders from Gen. Twiggy com. Dep. of Tex., abandoned Fort Quitman April 5, and joined five other companies of the 8th Inf., and marched 600 miles to San Antonio, under command ot Capt. I. V. D. Reeve, 8th Inf.; on May 9, '61, was met by Rebel Army under Gen. Earl Van Dorn at Adams' Hill, Tex., and was surrendered to overwhelming force, composed of two thousand two hundred men, organized into a battery of Art., a regt. of Cav, a regt. of Inf., and an independent Co. of Inf., numbering about one hundred men. The detachment of ihe 8th Inf. had but one day's rations, and very few rounds of ammunition, having been ordered to move down the country with only ammunition enough to protect themselves from Indians ; was held as prisoner of war at San Antonio, Tex., and in Negro Jail in Richmond, Va., till Apr. 5, '62, when he was exchanged; trans, to the Dept. of the Ohio, and served in Ky. to May, '63; trans, to Vicksburg, Miss., and served in Gen. Sherman's Army, on march to and capture of Jackson, Miss.; re-trans, to Dept. of O., and served in Ky. till Dec., '63; trans, to Army of the Potomac, April, '64; on sick leave of absence; joined Brig, in front of Petersburg, and commanded it during the siege, and at the explosion of the mine, which was confetructed by the 48th Pa. Vols., a regiment of this Brig. ; on sick leave from Sep. to Oct., '64 ; president Board of Examination to Jur.e, '65; on recruiting service to Mar., '66; on duty with Co. at Hancock Bks., Md.; Schuylkill Arsenal, Phila.; atFortPorter, N. Y.; trans, to South Carolina; Asst. Com. of Freedmen and Abandoned Lands to Aug., '66; on recruiting service to Dec., '67; joined regt. at New Orleans, Dec., '67 ; trans. to 25th U. S. Inf. ; trans, to Dept. of Tex., and at Forts Duncan, Clark, Stockton, Davis and Bliss to Mar., 77; on duty at headquarters Dept. of Tex., and on duty at Fort Clark, part of the time in com. of same, till Mar., 78; on leave of absence in 74 and '78; in command of Principal Depot Gen. Rec. Service, DavW's Island, New York Harbor, from Oct., 78, to Oct., '80; promoted Lieut.-Col. 19th U. S. Inf., Mar. 4, 79 ; at Fort Hays, Kan., till Oct., '81 ; trans, to Dept. of Tex., and 68 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. BLU at Fort Ringgold, Tex., till Mar., '82; on sick leave; rejoined at Fort Duncan in fall of '82, and commanded that post, and on duty at Fort Clark, commanding it from about Mar., '85, to Mar., '86; promoted Col. 24th U. S. Inf., April 20, '86; joined regt., and at Fort Supply, Indian Territory, from April, '86, to June, '88; on sick leave from Sept. '87, to Mar., '88 ; trans, to Dept. of Ariz., June, '88 ; in command of Fort Bayard, New Mexico, from June, '88, to . Staff posi- tions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Forts Hudson, Inge and Mason, from '56 to. '60. Battles,' Skirmishes, etc Engaged in the battle of Fredericksburg, Dec., '62; siege of Petersburg, and at the explosion of the mine; in the battles of Wilderness and Spottsylvania. Commands held In command Co. 8th Inf. to '56; com. detachment Mounted Inf. at Forts Davi, Hudson, Inge and Mason to April, '60; Fort Quitman, Tex., till April 5, '61; com. of Northern defenses of Washington, D. C., till Aug. 21, '62; Mil. Dist. of Middle Tenn., to April, '64; Fort Porter, N. Y., and Northern line from Niagara to Erie, during Fenian trou- bles; mil. dist. of Chester, S. C. ; Forts Jackson and St. Philip, Ship Island and Jackson Bks., to April, '70; Forts Duncan, Clark, Stockton, Davis and Bliss to Mar., '77; Fort Hays, Kan., till Oot., '81; Fort Ringgold, Tex., till Mar., '82; Fort Duncan fall of '82; Fort Clark from Mar., '85, till Mar, '86; Fort Supply, I. T.. April, '86. to June, '88; Fort Bayard, N. M., from June, '88, to ; Com. 7th R. I. Vols. in Rappahannock Campaign to Mar., '63; Com. of Ord. Depot of supplies at Alexandria, Va., April, '64; 1st Brig., 2d Div., 9th Army Corps, in the battles of Wilderness and Spottsylvania. Blocksom, Augustus P. (First Lieut. 6th Cav.) Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, Sept. 1, 73 ; graduated June 15, '77. Actual mn 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Cav., June 15, 77; 1st Lieut., Jan. 15, '84. Blow, William N., Jr. (Second Lieut. 15th Inf.). Born in Virginia. Ap- pointed from Va. Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 15th U. S. Inf., Oct. 30, '84 ; accepted Oct. 3 1 , 84. Blunt, Albert C. (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in New York, May 25, 1859. Retiring year, 1923. Appointed from Texas. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Academy, July 1, 77; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank Additional 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art., June 11, '81; 2d Lieut. 5th Art., Oct. 29, '81; 1st Lieut., Aug. 10, '87. Service Asst.. Instructor of Tactics at Mil. Acad., July 25 to August 8, '81 ; with regiment to June 1, '84; at Artillery School, Fort. Monroe, Va., to July 26, '86; with regiment to present date History Son of Col. M. M. Blunt, 16th Inf., and grandson of the late Prof. A. E. Church, U. S. M. A. Blunt, Charles E. (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in New Hampshire. Retired. Appointed from N. Y.; graduated from Mil. Acad., July 1, '46. "if; Brev. 2d Lieut. Eng., July 1, '46; 2d Lieut, Feb. 28, '48; 1st Lieut., Feb. 2, '54; Captain (14 years' service), July 1, '60; Major, Mar. 3, '63; Lieut. Col., Mar. 7, '67; Col., June 30, '82; retired, at his own request, over 40 years' service, Jan. 10, '87. Service Served Assistant Engineer in the construction of Fort \Vinthrop, Mass., '46 to '54; Superintending Engineer of Survey of East Dennis Breakwater, Wood's Hole, and Provincetown Harbor, Mass., and repairs of Hyannis Break- water, Mass., Plymouth Beach, Mass., '52-'53; Fort Montgomery, Rouse's Point, N. Y., '54-'65; repairs of Forts Mackinac, Wayne, Porter, Niagara and Ontario, '54-'61 ; served during the War of the Rebellion : Assist. Eng. defenses of Wash- ington, May-Nov., '61 ; Sup. Eng. of the defenses of Boston Harbor and Massa- chusetts Bav, Nov., '61-Jan., '65; in charge of Forts Porter and Niagara, Nov., '61-May, '63 ; Fort Montgomery and harbor improvements on Lakes Champlain and Ontario, '61-66; construction of Forts Independence and Warren, Mass., June, '65-April, '67; member of a Board of Engineers on the d-fenses in the vicinity of Boston, Mass., Jan., '65-May, '67; construction of Fort Ontario, and river and harbor improvements on Lake Ontario and River St. Lawrence, '67 to '69; construction of Forts Taylor and Jefferson, Fla., and Eng. 7th L. H. District, '69 to 74; construction of defenses of Portsmouth Harbor, N. H., Feb. to June, 74; conduction of Forts Wayne and Porter, river and harbor improvements on Lake Erie, and Eng. 10th L. H. District, 74 to 77; construction of Fort Porter and river and harbor improvements on Lake Erie (east of Sandusky), 77; con- BLU RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 69 struction of defenses of coasts of Maine and N. H., and Eng. 1st L. H. District, 79 to '83, and of 1st and 2d Districts, '82; in charge of river and harbor improve- ments Maine and New Hampshire, '83 to Oct., '86; was assigned to duty in April as "Supervising Engineer" of the woiVs in charge of sundry Engineer Officers, in Maine and N. H., and on Lake Champlain, River St. Lawrence, Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, as far we*t as Cleveland or thereabouts; on four mos. leave from Sept. 10, '86, until retired. Blunt, J. Y. Mason (Second Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in District of Colum- bia. Appointed from Maryland Civil Life. Actual rani 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Inf. Feb. 26, '85; accepted March 6, '85; trans, to 5th U. S. Cav. Nov. 4, '86, to rank in Cav. Oct. 23, '86. Blunt, Matthew M. (Colonel 16th Inf.). Born in New York Aug. 13, 1830. Retiring year, 1894. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduated from M. A. July 1, '53. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. 1st Art. July 1, '53; 2d Lieut, 2d Art. Sept, 30, '53 ; 1st Lieut. March 31, '55; Capt. 12th Inf. May 14, '61 ; Major 7th Inf. July 30, '65; transferred to 14th Inf. March 15, '69 ; Lieut-Col. 25th Inf. Oct. 7, '74; Col. 16th Inf. July 3, '83. Brevet rank Brevet Major July 1, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Malvern Hill, Va. ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. Dec. 13, '62, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Frtdtricksburg, Va.; Brevet Col. June 19, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in front of Pe- tersburg, Va. Service In Florida, '52-55; Asst. Prof. Mil. Acad., '55-59; Fort Independence, Mass., '59-61 ; at Tortugas and Fort Pickens, '6-1-62; in the field, '62-63; Superintendent Reg. Recruiting Service Aug., '63-May, '64; in the field, June-July, '64 ; on mustering duty in N. Y. and Del. Oct., '64, to Oct., 65 ; Flor- ida, Oct., '65, to Jan., '66. Battles, skirmishes, etc.-*- Against the Seminole Indiana in Florida, '53-55; engaged in the actions of the Virginia Peninsular Campaigns March-Aug., '62 ; wounded at battle of Gaines' Mill, June 27, '62; engaged in the Northern Virginia Campaign, Aug.-Sept., '62; at battle of Manassas; actions of the Maryland Campaign, Sept.-Nov., '62; in the Rappahanuock Campaign, Dec., '62, July, '63; engaged in the actions of the Richmond Campaign June- July, '64. Commands held Regiment at battle of Manassas ; Regiment in Florida Oct., '65, to Jan., '66. History Degrees of A. B. and A. M. conferred by Columbia Col- lege, N. Y. Blunt, Stanhope English (Captain of Ordnance). Born at the Boston Navy Yard JSept. 29, 1850. Retiring year, 1914; app. from N. Y. to Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, '68; graduated No. 3 June 14, '72. Actual rank 2d Lieut, 13th Inf. June 14, '72; 1st Lieut. Mar. 27, '74 ; transferred to Ord. Dept. Nov. 1, 74 ; Capt. April 24, '80. Honorably mentioned Complimented in,G. O. by Lt.-Gen. Sheridan for services in connection with first rifle competition of theDiv. of Mo. Oct., '81 ; for the perform- ance of his duties in connection with the inspection of the methods of conducting rifle practice at the various poste in the Dept. of Dak., '80-84 ; was thanked m orders Oct. 31, '84, by Brig. General Terry, "for the invaluable service which he "has rendered service that can be justly appreciated only by thoce to \shom the "magnitude and difficulty of his work has been known;'' upon being relieved from duty as Inspector of S. A. P. at Army Hd. Qrs. July 2, '89, the orders of General Schofiela then published stating that his "services in connection with "the development of an effective system of rifle practice in the Army have been of "the highest importance, and his name will long be honorably connected with "this great advance in the military service of the country.'' Service Cadet Acting Assistant Professor of French Aug. 30, '71, to June 19, '72; on grad- uating leave of absence until Sept. 30, '72, when he joined his company at Camp Douglas, Salt Lake City, U. Ter.; on leave of absence April 1-30, '73; on duty a* ast. engineer in military reconnoissance to Northwestern Wyoming and the Yellowstone National Park irom May to Oct., '73 ; leave of absence Nov. 1-30, '73; on duty as assistant to chief engineer Dept. of the Platte, Omaha, Ntb., until April, 74 ; on duty at Ft. Fred. Steele and Medicine Bow, Wyo. Ter., until Aug., 74; in charge of a field party of Lieut. Wheeler's explorations and surveys west of the 100th Meridian in Colorado and New Mexico until Dec., 74, and on 70 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BOM office duty in Washington, D. C., until Jan., 75 ; assistant at the Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, from Jan., 75, to Aug., 76; on duty at Mil. Acad. as act- ing asst. Prof, of Mathematics from Aug. 30, 76, to Aug. 28, '80, and in addition as assist, inst. of Ordnance and Gunnery from Sept. 1, 78, to Aug. 28, '80 ; at Headquarters Department of Dakota, St. Paul and Fort Snelling, Minn., as Chief Ordnance Officer Sept. 13, '80, to Nov. 3, '84, and a* Inspector of Hide Practice Oct. 9, '80, to Nov. 3, '84 ; in charge of the first rifle competition of the Division of the Mis- souri Oct., '81 ; Leaveof absence June, '82; In charge of the rifle competition of the Department of Dakota Aug., '82, Sept., '83, and Aug., '84, competing in several matches and winning various prizes and medals; member of Board of Officers to examine non-commissioned officers for commissions in the Army Feb., '83 ; Inspecting the Ordnance stores and methods of conducting rifle practice at vari- ous posts in the Department of Dakota, '80-84; at the Headquarters of the Army, Washington, D. C., as Inspector of Rifle Practice from Nov. 1, '84, to Dec. 31, '88, and as Inspector of Small-Arms Practice after January 1, '89 ; Author of the "Rifle and Carbine Firing " adopted by the Secretary of War for the guidance of the Army March 14, '85; Inspecting the rifle competitions of the Departments of the Missouri, Platte and Dakota and Divisions of the Missouri and Atlantic August and Sept., '85, and of those of the Divisions of the Atlantic and Missouri, and in charge of the Army competition Sept., '86; Author of the article, "Target Practice," in Farrow's Military Encyclopedia, '85; Inspecting the rifle competi- tions of the Department of the East, of the Division of the Atlantic, and of the Distinguished Marksmen Aug. and Sept., '87 ; In charge of the Army rifle com- petition Sept., '88; Author of the " Firing Regulations for Small-Arms," adopted for the Army and Militia January 1, '89 ; prepared under the direction of Major General Schofield the det tiled orders for assembling, moving and disbanding the troops of the Army and National Guard participating in the Centennial parade at New York April 29, '89; Relieved from auty as Inspector of Small- Arms Practice at Army Headquarters July 2, '89 ; On temporary duty in the Ordnance Office, Washington, D. C., July, '89 ; Assistant at the National Armory, Springfield, Mass., Aug. 1, '89, to , as Inspector of Gatling Guns manufactured by the Gatling Gun Co. Sept. 19, '89. to , and as Inspector of Revolvers manufac- tured by the Coil's Fire Arms Co., Nov. 23, '89, to ; Now at the Springfield Armory, Mass. Staff positions occupied Post Ad. Camp Douglas, U. T., from Nov., 72, to Jan.. 73; aide de-camp to the Commanding General, with the rank of Lieut.-Colonel, from Nov. 6, '85, to May 31, '88, and with the rank of Colonel from June 1, '88, until the death of General Sheridan, Aug. 5, '88. Gtrnmands held Co. and pot, Medicine Bow, Wyo., 74. History Son of Col. Charles E. Blunt, Corps of Engineers U. S. Army, and the grandson of Major Thomas S. Eng- lish, Marine Corps, U. S. Navy. Boehm, Peter M. (Captain U. S. A.). Bjrn in New York. Retired. Ap- pointed trom Mont. Civil Life. Actual rank Pvt. general mounted service and bugler Co. B, 2d U. S. Cav.,from July 3, '58, to July 3, '63 ; Pvt. general service Sept. 3, '63; discharged March 1, '65; 2d Lieut. 15th N. Y. Vol. Cav. March 1, '65; hon. must, out Oct. 4, '65; 2d L.eut. 4th U. S. Cav. May 1, '66; accepted May 19, '66; 1st Lieut. Sept. 27, '66 ; Capt. May 1,73. Retired from active service for wounds received in line of duty March 1, 78. Boltpn, Edwin B. (First Lieut. 23d Inf.). Born in Mississippi. Appointed from Miss. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 71; graduated June 16, 75. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 23d U. S. Inf. June 16, 75; 1st Lieut Feb. 15, '84; transferred to Co. C March, '82. Service Joined Co. E Sept. 30, 75, and served with it to Nov. 21, 79; Prof, of Mil. Science and Tactics at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Miss. (Starkville), from July, '80, to March, Y 83 ; joined Co. at Fort Bliss, Texas, March, '83; with Co. G from Feb. 15, to April 1, '86; at regimental headquarters since that date. Staff positions occupied Regimental adjutant from April 1, '86, to . Bomford, George N. (Captain 18th Inf.). Born at Madison Barracks, N. Y., June 18, 1841. Retiring year 1905. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private Co. C, 7th N. Y. S. M., April 29, '61 ; 1st Lieut, and Adjutant 42d N. Y. BOO RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 71 Vols. (Tammany Regiment) June 28, '61; Captain Feb. 19, '62; Lieut. Col. Aug. 2, 't>2; honorably mustered out March 16, '63; Piivate and Sergeant 1st Batt, 15th U. S. Inf., Aug. "25, '64, to Dec. 9, '64; appointed 2d and 1st Lieut. 7th U. S. Inf. Nov. 12, '64; accepted Dec. 10, '64; transferred to 18th U. S. Inf. Nov. 28. 71; Captain 18th U. S. Inf. Feb. 6, '82. Brevet rank Brevet Captain U. S. A. March 2, 67, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antietam; Brevet Major for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. Service In Army of the Potomac during the War of the Rebellion from '61 to '65; in Florida, '65 -6. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 42d N. Y. Vols. June, '61, to Feb., '62 ; A. A. A. G., A. A. Insp. G. and A. D. C. for Gen. Jno. Newton, Com'g Dist. of Middle, Western and Southern Florida, '65-6; Post Adju tan t San Augustine, Florida, '67. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Battle of Bail's Bluff., '01; siege of Yorktown, Va.; ac- tion at West Point. Va. ; battle of Fair Oaka, Va. ; action at Peach Orchard Sta- tion. Va. ; battle of Savage Station, Va. ; action at White Oak Swamp, Va. ; battles of G.endale and Malvern Hill, Va., Antietam, Md., and Fredericksburg, Va., '62. Commands held Commanded regiment at the battles of Antietam and Fredericks- burg. History Son of Brevet Brig. Gen. J. V. Bom ford, U. S. Army, retired; grandson of Col. Geo. Bom ford, U. S. A., (deceased) the first Chief of Ordnance U. S. A.; also, grandson of Brevet Brig. Gen. N. S. Clarke (deceased). Col. 6th U. S. Inf., and nephew of Bvt. Col. Francis N. Clarke (deceased), Major 5th Art. Bomford, J. V. (Colonel U. S. Army). Born on Governor's Island, N. Y., in 1811. Retired. Appointed from I). C. to Mil. Acad. Sept. 28, '28; graduated in '32. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. July 1, '32; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. Oct. 6, '34; 1st Lieut. 8th Inf. July 7, '38; Captain March 4, '45; Major 6th Inf. Oct. 17, '60; Lieut. Col. 16th Inf. Jan. 10, '62; Col. 8th Inf. May 18, '64. Brevet rank Brevet Major Augu.-t 20, '47; Brevet Lieut. Col. September 8, '47; Brevet Col. October 8, '62. Service On Black Hawk expedition, '32; on Engineering duty from Sept. 28, '32, to May 1, '34; from that date to July 7, '38; served in garrison at Forts Mack- inac and Gratiot, Mich., Hancock Bk's., Maine, Fort Independence, Mass., Fort Howard, Wis., and in Florida, '37-38; on the Northern frontier during the Can- ada Border disturbances; in Florida, from '42 to '45; in Military occupation of Texas, '45-46; in war with Mexico, '46-48; served in Texas at various posts, from '49 to '60; prisoner of war in Texas, from May 9, '61, to April 9, '62; in the field, '62-63-64; and at following stations: Fort Columbus, N. Y. H.; Baltimore, Md.; Winchester, Va. ; Raleigh, N. C. ; Charleston, S. C. ; David's Island, N. Y. H. ; Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo.; placed on the Retired List June 8, '74. Staff positions occupied Adi 8'h Inf. at Sackert's Harbor, N. Y., '38; Chief of Staff' of Maj. (Jen. Alex. McD. McCook Oct., '62; A. A. Provost Marshal Gen. Western Disk of Penna., from May 30, '63, to July 31, '64. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Seminole War in Florida, '37-38; in Mexican War, '46-48; engaged in battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, Siege of Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, capture of San Antonio, battle of Churubuaco, Molino del Rey, storming of Chapultepec, assault and capture of the City of Mexico; in the retrograde movement of Army commanded by Maj. Gen. Buell, from Alabama to Kentucky and in its subsequent advance; wounded in the battle of Perry ville, Kv., Oct. 8, '62. Commands held Fort Columbus, N. Y. H.; Baltimore. Md.; Winchester, Va.; Raleigh, N. C.; Charleston, S. C.; David's Island, N. Y. H.; Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. Bomus, Peter S. (Captain l*t Cav.). Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '66; graduated June 15, '70. Actual Rank2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Cav. June 15, '70; 1st Lieut. June 5, '76; Capt. March 26, '88. Bonesteel, Charles H. (1st Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in Connecticut. Ap- pointed from Dak. Cadet U. S Military Academy July 1, '72; graduated June 15, *76. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 21st U. S. Inf. June 15, 76; 1st Lieut. July 17, '83. Bookmiller, Edwin Victor (Second Lieut. 2d Inf.). Born at Findlay, O., Oct. 2, 1867. Retiring year 1931 ; appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Mil- itary Academy June 14, '85; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d J. S. Inf. June 12, '89. Service Joined regiment at Fort Omaha, Neb., Sept. 30, '89, and serving there at present time. .72 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BOR Bootes, Levi C. (Lieut. Colonel and Brevet Colonel, U. S. A.). Born in District oi Columbia. Retired ; app. from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. and Sgc. Co. F, M. Rif., June 19, '46, to July 25, '48; Bvt. 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf. June 28, '48; accepted July 25, '48; 2d Lieut. Sept. 28, '48; 1st Lieut. June 9, '53; Capt. June 5, '60 ; Maj. 17th Inf. Sept. 20, '63; tra. to 26th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; unassigned Mar. 15, '69; assd. to 20th Inf. Dec. 15, 70; Lieut. Col. 25th Inf. Jan. 1, 71. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. July 1, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Malvern Hili, Va.; Bvt. Lieutenant-Colonel Dec. 13, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredencksburg, Va.; Bvt. Col. July 2, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Honorably men- tioned In the Records of the Rebellion, in various reports of the operations of the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 5th Corps. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion '61-5; with the Army of rhe Potomac, and most of the time in command of the 6th Inf. in the Peninsula, Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania campaigns, '61-3; engaged in the suppression of the N. Y. Riots, Aug. and Sept., '63; sta- tioned in N. Y. H., '64-5; at various po*ts from '65 to 74, when he was retired for being over 62 years of age, Oct. 7, 74. Baftlr*, tMnfUftfot, etc. In siege of Yorktown, April and May, '62; battle of Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, '62; Malvern Hill, July 1, '62; second Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30, '62; Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, '62; Fredencksburg, Va., Dec. 11-13, '62; Chanceliorsville, Va., May 1-3, '63; Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-4, '63. Booth/ Charles* A. (Captain and A. Q. M.). Born in New York. Sept. 18, 1840. Retiring year 1904; appointed from New York Civil Life. Actual rank Capt. A. A. G. Vol. June 20, '63; accepted June 23, '63; hon. mustered out Feb. 10, '66; 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Inf. M:ir. 7, '67 ; accepted May 15, '67; l>t Lieut. Mar. 1, 78; Capt. A. Q. M. Feb. 9, '83; accepted Mar. 7, '83. Brevet ra^ Bvt. MHJ. and Lieut. Col. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service Stationed at San Francisco, Cal., '90. Booth, Charles A. (First Lieut. 7th Inf.). Born in Vermont; appointed from Vermont. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July I, '68 ; graduated June 14, 72. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th T. S. Inf. June 14, 72; 1st Lieut. Apr. 15, 78. Service Stationed at Fort Logan, Col., '90. Borden, George P. (First Lieut. 5th Inf.). Born at Fort Wayne, Ind., April 24, 1844. Retiring year 1908 ; appointed from Ind. Cadet at Mil. Acad. from Sept., '63, to Jan., '64. Actual rank Private in Co. C, 121st N. Y. Vols., July 23, hou. discharged Oct. 12, '63; 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. Oct., 1, '66; 1st Lieut. Sept. 4. Service Served in 2d Brig., 1st Div., 6th Corps, Army of the Potomac ; taken prisoner May 3, '63, and sent to Richmond; discharged from the Army Oct. IL', *63; assigned to Co. K, 5th Inf., as 2d Lieut. ; ordered to Fort Marker, Kans., for temporary duty with Co. H, 3d Inf., from Dec., '66, to May, '67 ; ordered with to Fort Lamed, Kans., Mtureh, '67, and sent to Fort Zarah, to take charge of post; relieved in April and joined Gen. Hancock's expedition against the Chey- enne and Arapahoe Indians; accompanied expedition to Fort Dodge, Kans. ; relieved in May, '67, and joined regiment in New Mexico; assigned to temporary duty with Co. C, 5th Inf., at Old Fort Wingate, N. M., until Oct., '67; on Court Martial duty at Fort Union, N. M.; ordered Nov., '67, to join Co. K at Fort Har- ker, Kan., until May, '68; at Fort Riley, Kans., until July; in the Held, Fort Hayes, Kans., Oct., '68 ; in the field during winter of '68-69; ordered to Fort Hayes; at Fort Harker from April, '69, to Jan., 71 ; staff duty at Louisville, Ky., until Feb., 72 ; rejoined regiment at Fort Leavenworth, Kans. ; on duty there until Aug., 74; in the field at Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, Ind. Ter., until Feb., 75 ; on det. ser. with surveying party from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Union, N. M., over the old Santa Fe trail, till Sept., 75 ; rejoined regiment in the field, mouth of the Toague River, Mont., April, 77 ; on field duty during the years 77-82; at Terry's Landing with Co. I, 5th Inf., guarding stores; at Fort Custer, Mont., from Oct., '82, to Sept., 1, '86 ; changed station to Fort Keogh, Mont.; on recruiting service at Denver, Col., Oct. 1,'86, to Dec. 31, '87 ; at Colum- bus Bks. until Feb., '88; opened recruiting rendezvous at Memphis, Tenn., re- maining there until Oct. 1, '88 ; joined Co. at Fort Ringgold, Texas. Staff posi- BOU RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 73 lions occupied P^t Adj., A. A. Q. M., and A. C. S. at Old Fort Wingate, N. M., until Oct., '67 ; Post Adj. Fort, Barker, Kans., from Nov., '67, to May, '68 ; A. A. Q. M. at Fort Riley, Kans., from May to July, '68 ; A. D. C. to Gen. Halleck from Jan. 1, '71, until his death, Feb., 72. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in the engagement* of South Mountain and Antietam, Md., Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Va. ; Gen'l Hancock's expedition against the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians, April-May, '67 ; expedition against the Southern Cheyennes and Arapahoes, under General Alfred Sully, winter of '68-9 ; participated in the expedition of General Miles against Chief Joseph and Nez Perces, fall of '77, and expedition against Sitting Bull, summer of '79, participating in an engagement against the Sioux Indians, under Sitting Bull on Milk River, Mont., July 22. Commands held Co. H, 3d Inf., from Dec., '66, to May, '67; Co. K, 5th Inf.. Julv. '68; Co. I. 5th Inf., summer of '79. Borden, William C. (Captain and Asst. Surg.). Born in New York. Ap- pointed from New York Civil Life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. ^c. 3, '83; ac- cepted Feb. 16, '84; Capt., asst. sure. Dec. 3, '88. Borup, Henry D. (Captain of Ordnance). Born in Minnesota. Appointed from Minn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 72; graduated June 15,76. Actual rank2f] Lieut. 2d Art. June 15, 76 ; 1st Lieut. Ord. Sept. 13, 79 ; accented Sept, 17, 79 ; Captain June 15, '90. Boswell, Benjamin D. (First Lieut, and Brevet Captain U. S. A.) Born in Indiana. Appointed from Iowa Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Sgt. Co. I, 4th W. Va. Vol. Inf., Aug. 1, '61 ; discharged Nov. 10, '61 ; 2d Lieut, 4th W. Va. Vol. Inf. Nov. 11, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 8, '62; Capt. Mar. 1, '63; trs. to 2d W. Va. Vol. Inf. Deo. 21. '64; Maj. Dec. 29, '64; hon. mustered out July 16, '65; 2d Lieut. 29th U. S. Inf. June 18, '67; accepted July 22, '67; trs. to llth Inf. Apr. 2o, '69; 1st Lieut. Feb. 8, 77. Brevet rankRvt. 1st Lieut. June 18, '67, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; Bvt. Capt. June 1H, '67, for meritori >us services during the war. Service In the war of the Re- bellion '61-5; in the field in the operations about and around Vicksburg, '63; Retired June 28. 78, for disability in line of duty. Boughton, Daniel H. (First Lieut. 3d Cav.). Born in Minnesota. Appointed from Minnesota. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, 77 ; graduated June 11, '81. Actualranb2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Cv. June 11, '81 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 27, '85. '? Joined rrgiment at Fort McKinney, Wyo., and served with it from 30. '81, to May 2, '82; at Fort Thomas, Arizona, and scouting in the field to July 27, '84 ; on leave to Nov. 5, '84; at Fort Apache, Arizona, to April, '85; at Fort Concho., Texas, to Aug. 21, '85; at the Infantry and Cavalry School of Application atLeavenworth, Kan., from Sep. 1, '85, to July 7, '87, when he gradu- ated ; on leave from Sept. 1 to Oct. 23. '87 ; at Fort Brown, Texas, to Oct. 28, '88 ; on duty at Jefferson Barracks, Nov., '89, to March, '90; on detached service, in connection with the establishment of canteens at certain military posts west of the Mississippi river, from Nov. 21 to Dec. 21, '89; detailed on duty at the Mili- tary Academy at West Point, N. Y., March, '90. Staff positions occupied Acted in the several capacities of A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. and Acljutant, while serving at Forts Thomas, Apache and Brown. Commands held In command of Indian Scouts in thp field in Arizona from Aug. 28 to Oct. 1, '82. History Was tendered a position as Instructor at the Fort Leavenworth School of Application, which he declined. Bourke, John G. (Captain 3d Cav.). Born in Pennsylvania, June 23, 1846. Retiring year 1910; appointed from 111. Cadet at the U.S. Military Academy, Oct, 17, '65; graduated June 15, '69. Actual rank Pvt. Cos. E and D, 15th Pa. Vol. Cav., irom Aug. 12, '62, to July 5, '65; 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Cav. June 15, '69; 1st Lieut. May 17. 76 ; Cant. June 26, '82. Bourne, William R. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born at Lyons, New York, Vol., for gallant and meritorious services during the war; Brevet 1st Lieut. U. 5 74 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BOW 8. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Service Served at Armory Square U. S. Gen. Hospital, Washington, D. C., as Military Asst. to Dr. D. W. Bliss; Danville, Ky., in Freedman's Bureau, from '65 to July, '66 ; Retired from service Dec., 70, on the full rank of the command held by him when he was wounded. Battles, skirmishes, etc., Gettysburg, Pa. (wounded). Boutelle, Prazier A. (Captain 1st Cav.). Born in New York, Sept. 14, 1840. Retiring year 1904; appointed from the Army. Actuc., 77; on sick leave Nov., 78, to June 7, 79, when retired from active service for disability in- curred in the line of duty. Staff positions occupied Regimental Quarterns 12th Inf. Oct. 16, '65; A. A. Q. M , A. C. S., Post Treas. and Ord. Officer Fort Hamilton, N. Y. H., Oct., '65, to July, '66 ; Adj. 30th Inf. Sept. 1, '68, to Nov. 10, '68; Post Adj. Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., Nov., '68, to June, '69; Post Adj.. \ A. Q. M., Post Treas. and Ord. Officer Newport Bks., Ky., June to Oct., '69. Battles, skirmishes, etc Scouting against hostile Sioux Indians, Col. and Wyo., June to Oct., '67 ; Campaign against hostile Comanche and Kiowa Indians, Tex., Sep. to Dec., 71 ; Campaign against hostile Kiowa, Comanche and Cheyenne Indians in Tex. and Ind. Ter. July to Dec., 74; participated in the pursuit, attack on camp and capture of the Nokone tribe of Comanche Indians, Elk Creek, Ind. Ter., Nov., 74 ; disarming Sioux Indian camps and for the relief of the Indian Mission at McKenzie's Point, Mo. River, Dak., Nov., 76 ; Campaign against hostile Sioux Indians, Black Hills, Dak., Oct. to Dec., 77. Commands held Troops in the field, McKenzie's Point, Mo. River, Nov., 76. History Prof, of Mil. Science and Tactics at the Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, '81-82. Bowen, Wm. H. C. (First Lieut. 5tb Inf.). Born at Fort Union, N. M., Jan. 7, '52. Retiring year 1916; Appointed from Maine Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf. Oct. 15, 75 ; accepted Nov. 6, 75 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 30, 7i. Service Joined regiment at Fort Keogh, and served with Gen. N. A. Miles in his campaigns against the Sioux Indians in 76-7-8-9 and '80 ; at Fort Totten '87-8 ; moved with regiment to Texas, and served at Fort Davis from '89 to present time. BOY RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 75 Staff positions held A. A. Q. M., in the field during summer campaign of 79 ; in charge of transportation at Fort Keogh, Mont., winter and spring of 78-9 ; A. A. Q. M. at Fort Totten, N. D., '87-8 ; A. A. Q. M. at Fort Dav;s, Texas, '89-90. History Son of Capt. Isaac Bowen, Com. of Sub. U. S. A., who died Oct. 3, '58. Bowker, Hugh D. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Sullivan, Ohio. Retired; Appointed from Ohio Civil Life. Actual rank Private Co. " C," 13th O. V. Inf., April 17 to June 6, '61 ; Private and Corporal Co. " D," 8th O. V. Inf., June 7, '61, to Aug. 26, '62, when discharged by reason of severe wound received at Winches- ter, Va. ; Private and Sergeant Vet. Reserve Corps, July 24, '63, to Jan. 16, '65; 1st Lieut. 122d U. S. Colored Troops Jan. 17, '65 ; hon. must out Feb. 8, '66 ; 1st Lieut. 45th Inf. April 22, '67; unassigned July 22, '69; assigned to 22d Inf. July 27, '69; relieved and nssigned to 13th Inf. Sept. 1, '69; unassigned May 7, 70. Service In the field '61-2-3; at Columbus, O., as Voucher Clerk in office of Provost Marshal General, July 24, '63, to June 16, '65 ; in front of Richmond and Petersburg, Va., and en route to the Rio Grande River, and Dept. of the Gulf, Feb. 13 to May 23, '65; at Jefferson ville, Ind., Springfield, Nashville and Hum- boldt, Tenn., from June 16, '67, to July 27, '69 ; in the field and at Forts Shaw and Benton, M. T., Oct. 11, '69, to June 30, 70 ; retired for disability Dec. 25, 70. Staff positions occupied A.. A. D. C. and Staff Qr. Mr. 1st Div., 25th A. C., Feb.. 13 to May 23, '65; R. Q. M. 122d U. S. C. T. Dec. 8, '65, also Provost Marshal and Ord. Office, 2d Brig., 1st Div., 25th A. C. Jlattles, skirmishes, etc. Red House, Va., July 15. '61 ; Hanging Rock, Va., Sept. 24, '61 ; Romney, Va., Sept. 25 and Oct. 26, '61 ; Blue Gap. Va., Jan. 7, '62 ; French's Store, Va., Jan. 29, '62 ; Bloom- ing Gap, Va., Feb. 14, '62; Cedar Creek, Va., March 17, '62; Strasburg, Va., March 18, '62; Kearnstown, Ta., March 22, '62; Winchester, Va., March 23, '62. Ciinnn'tud* h'*ldQn. " G," 45th Inf., from June 16, '67, to July 27, '69. Bowman, Alpheus H. (Captain 9th Infantry). Born in L udoun Co., Va., Feb. 28, '42. Retiring year, 1908; appointed from Va. Civil Life. Actual Rank Capt. 91st Penn. Inf. Dec. 3, '61 ; hon. mut-t. out Sept. 25, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Penn. Art. March 24, '64 ; 1st Lieut 2d Penn. Art. Sept, 1, '64; hon. must, out Nov. 9, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 27th Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 3, '66 ; 1st Lieut. March 5, '67; transferred to 9th Inf. June 14, '69; Capt. May 19, '81. Service In the field from Dec., '61, to April, '62, scouting country he knew all about; participated in campaigns, Army of the Potomac in Virginia, Mary- land and Penn., '62 and '63 ,- at Art. School Dec. 24, '63, to March 21, '64; ac- tively engaged against hostile Indians in northwestern Wyoming, particularly with reference to Ft. Phil Kearney, Ft. C. F. Smith and Ft. Reno, as the Regl. Adjt. 27th Inf. ; at Ft. Kearney, Dec., '66, to Oct., '68; engaged in operations in the field Oct., Nov. and Dec., '68, against hostile Indians southwestern Nebraska and Kansas ; in campaign against hostile Cheyenne Indians, Nov., 76, to Jan., 77; in campaign against hostile Indians fall and winter of 79 and '80; frontier of Wyoming to '84; also Chinese riots, Wyoming and Utah, '84; Indian disorders frontier of Kansas, '85, and various Indian duties in Arizona. Staff positions occupied Post Adjutant at Fort Kearney and A. A. G. Dist. of the Powder River Country, Dec., '66, to Oct., '68; Adj. 27th Inf. Jan. 1, '67, to June 14, '69. Battles, skirmishes, etc. On special duty engaged at the battle of Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1, '62; horse killed under him in assault in carrying railroad cross- ing; injured by fall and left on the field during night; in campaign and battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17 and 18, '62; in campaign and battle of Chan- cellorsville, Va., May 1 and 3, '63 ; slightly wounded in leit leg by rifle bullet in battle, May 3, '63 (not absent from command in consequence thereof) ; in cam- paign and battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1 to 3, '63. Commands held Company in battles of Antietam, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg; in the field, Nov., 76, to Jan., 77 ; in the field fall and winter of 79-80 ; on the frontier of Wyoming to '84. History Cadet Penna. Mil. Acad. '60-61 ; out of service in Europe during winter of '65-66. Boyle, William H. (Capt. 2d Inf.). Born in Bay Ridge, Long Island. N. Y., Nov. 13. 1837. Retiring year, 1901; appointed from New York Civil Life. Actual Rank Appointed 2d Lieut. 5th N. Y. Art. Jan. 19, '62; 1st Lieut. Dec. 27, 76 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BOY '64; hon. mint, out Mar. 9, '65; C.ipt. 5th N. Y. Art. Mar. 25, '65; Maj. May 20, '65; hon. must, out July 19, '65; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. May 10, '66; 1st Lieut. Aug. 15, '67 ; awaiting orders from Apr., '69; assigned to 21st Inf. Dec. 15, '70 ; Capt. Apr. 23, '77. Service Served in N. Y. H., and Baltimore, Md., to May, '62 ; at Harper's Ferry, Va., up to the surrender of that place by Gen. Dixon Mile*, Sept. 15, '62; prisoner of war; on duty at Annapolis, Md., and Chicago, 111., to Nov., '62 (when exchanged) ; at West Hospital Building, Baltimore, Md., guarding wounded Con- federate officers, to Sept., '63; Fort Marshall, Md., to March, '64 ; ordered to Harper's Ferry, Dept. of W. Va., Gen. Franz Sigel commanding, and in the field to Nov., '64; Asst. Provost Marshal at Harper's Ferry Nov. 6, '64; in the field ; joined 2d Inf. at Taylor B'ks, Louisville, Ky., and assigned to Co. B, at Jefler- eonville, Ind., to Dec., '66; at Taylor B'ks to May, '67; Warsaw, Kv., t> Sept., '68; on duty as executive officer Freedmen's Bureau to Dec., '68; at Taylor B'ks, Ky., and Atlanta, Ga., to April, '69; awaiting orders at Bay Ridge, Long Island, N. Y., to July, '69; acting Indian Agent, Umatilla Indian Agency, Oregon, to May, '71 ; en route to join Co. in Dept. of Ariz., in charge of recruits, from May to Aug., '71 ; at Whipple B'ks, Ariz., to Feb., 72; en route to Dept. of Columbia from Aug. to Oct., 72; at Vancouver B'ks, W. T., to Dec., 72; on duty in the field to July, 73; on staff duty from Aug., 73, to Sept. 1, 74, and to Nov. 21, 74; and from June 27, 76, to Sept. 7, 76 ; inspector of Indian supplies, by order Secretary of War, for Oregon, Wash. Ter. and Alaska, from Oct. 20, 74, to July 30, 76; staff duty, Dapt. of Columbia, from May 13, 75, to June 4, 77 ; at Fort Lapwai, Idaho, from June 8, 77, to Sept. 28, 77; en route to Vancouver B'ks, W. T., Oct 9-17, 77; in the field until Sept. 17, 78, when returned to Vancouver B'ks; ordered with Co. Nov. 20, 78, to proceed to John Day River, and cap- ture Hiacheny and his band of Indians, who had left their reservation without permission and would not return ; captured the band on the 22d, and sent them to their reservation, and brought Hiacheny and seven of his chief men to Van- couver B'ks Nov. 26, 78; stationed there till March, 79; detailed in charge of delegation of Indians (Moses and chiefs of Umatillu, Walla Walla and Ca> Indians), conducting them to Washington, D. C., from March L'i; t . M.iy 1". at Vancouver B'ks to March 8, '80; en route to San Francisco, Cal., with < arrived March 11, '80; at Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., to May 3, '80; then re- turned to Vancouver B'ks; remained there to April 20, '83; in the field at Foster Creek, W. T., to June 10, '83; from F<>-HT Creek to Ritzville, W. T., July 1, '83; then returned to Vancouver B'ks; changed station with regiment to Fort Sidney, Neb., June 25, '84; in the field at Crisfield, Kan., from July 1 to Sept '85; at G. A. R. reunion, Grand Island, Neb., Sept.. '*<;. and also at Omaha; at Fort Sidney to Sept. 6, '88; on recruiting service at N. Y. City, from Oct. 1, '88, to . Staff positions occupied, etc. Post Adj. at Fort Marshall, Md., Sept., '63, to March, '64; Post Adj. at Jefferson vi lie, Ind., to Dec., '66; Act. Adj., A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. of Batt. 21st Inf. in the field Dec. 4, 72, and A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. for troops in the field Dec. 20, 72; A. A. A. G., Dept. of the Columbia (in the field), June 23 to July 28, 73; A. D. C. to Bvt. Maj. Gen. Jeff. C. Davis, from Aug. 1, 73, to Sept. 1, 74; Act, Chief Com. of Sub., and Depot Com. of Sub., Dept. of the Columbia, from Jan. 21, 74, to Nov. 21, 74, and from June 17, 76, to Sept. 7, 76; A. D. C. to Bvt. Maj. Gen. O. O. Howard, commanding Dept. of Columbia, from May 13, 75, to June 4, 77. Battles, skirmishc*, etc, At sur- render of Harper's Ferry, Va. ; in the engagement Sept. 13-15, '62; present in all engagements and battles during the campaigns of the army under Gen. David Hunter, to Lynchburg, Va., and his retreat over the W. Va. Mountains into the Kanawha Valley ; also Gen. George Crook, U. S. A., in his campaign in Loudonn and Shenandoah Valleys, and Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, U. S. A., in his campaign in the Shenandoah and Virginia Valleys, to Nov., '64; in the defenses of Mary- land Heights, '65; participated in two s :outs in Ariz., and recomme"ndevl for a Brevet by Dept. Commander, 72; campaign against Modoc Indians, and recom- mended for a Brevet by Gen. Davis, Dec. 1, 72, to July, 73; in the campaign agaiiiAt hostile Bannock and Piute Indians June 5 to Sept. 8, 78; engaged in battle of Umatilla Agency. Commands held Guard at West Hospital Building, BRA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 77 Baltimore, Md., Nov., '62, to Sept., '63 ; Co. during W. Va. campaigns, '64'; Battery and troop in the defenses of Maryland Heights ; post of Warsaw, Ky., to Sept., '68; Co. and post Whipple B'ks, Ariz., Aug., 71, to Feb., 72; Fort Lapwai, Idaho, from June 8 to Sept. 28, 77 ; Batt (G and H Go's, 2lst Inf.) in the field at Foster Creek, W. T.. April 20, to June 10, '83 ; Batt. 21st Inf. at G. A. R. reunion, Grand Island, Neb., Sept., '66 ; also Batt. (five Co's ) 21st Inf. at reunion of G. A. R. at Omaha, Neb. Brackett, Albert Gallatin (Colonel 3d Cav.). Born in Cherry Valley, Otsego Co., New York, Feb. 14, '29. Retiring year 1893. Appointed from In- diana Civil Life. Actual Rank 2d Lieut. 4th Ind. Vol. June, '47; promoted 1st Lieut, same month; honorably discharged July 16, '48 ; Captain 2d Cav. March 3, '55; Major 1st Cav. July 17, '62; Lieut.-Col. 2d Cav. June 9, '68; Col. 3d Cav. March 20, 79; Col. 9th 111. Cav. Oct., '61. Brevet rank Brevet Major, Lieut.-Col. and Colonel for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned In the "Records of the Rebellion," in Gen. Heintzel- mnn's report of Invasion of Virginia, Vol.11, pp. 40-41; in Col. Richardson's report of battle of Blackburn's Ford, Va., Vol. II. pp. 313-314; in Major I. N. Palmer's report of battle of Bull Run, Va., Vol. II. p. 393 ; Reconnoissance towards Augusta, Ark., Vol. XIII. p. 130; Reconnoissance from Jacksonport and skirmish at Cache River Bridge, Ark., Vol. XIII. p. 83; affair at Galloway's Farm, Ark., Vol. XIII. p. 97; Waddell Farm. Ark., Vol. XIII. p. 122; Stewart's Plantation, Ark., Gen. Steele's Report, Vol. XIII. pp. 133-4 and 454; Waddell Farm. Gen. Curtis' Report, Vol. XIIF. p. 428; app. Chief of Cav. Dept. Mo., Vol. XXII. p. 876; Invasion of Virginia, report of Maj.-Genl. Sanford, Vol. II. p. 39 ; escape from Texas, reports and order?. Vol. I. pp. 582, 584, 597, all at present published. Service Served in'the Mexican War '47-8 ; in Texas from '55 to '60 ; at breaking out of Civil War went with Co. to Key West, Fla., thence to Havana, Cuba, to New York, and Carlisle Barracks ; refitted and sent to Washington ; in active field service during the war; at New Orleans, thence by sea to San Fran- cisco, passing through the U. S. of Colombia, S. A. ; in the Depts. California and Columbia '66-67-68; sent to Arizona as a member of a Court of Inquiry in '68 ; at Fort McPherson, Neb., March, '69; in Montana May, June and July, '69 ; held a council with the Crow Indians and distributed goods to them on the Yel- lowstone River in Dec., '69; at Omaha, Fort Bridger and Camp Stambaugh, Wyo., 1872-73; sent to Fort Sanders, Wyo., and from there, in 77, to Fort Cus- ter, near the scene of the massacre of Gen. Custer's Command, which post he helped to construct ; in the field operating against Ute Indians Oct. to Dec., 79; at Fort Laramie and Fort Russell, Wyo., from July, 79, to M*y, '82 ; then to Arizona with regiment; met the head men of the Apaches in council at Fort Thomas in May, '82, when they made their grievances known ; in the field against the Apaches July and Aug., '82; Superintendent of M. R. S. at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., from Oct. 1, '82, to Oct. 1, '84; at Whipple Barracks, Ariz., from '84 to March, '85; marched through Arizona, New Mexico and a part of Chihua- hua, Mex., to Fort Davis, Tex. ; at that post from May 12 to Oct. 24, '87 ; at Fort Clark, Texas, until January 9, '90; at Fort Mclntosh, Texas, from January 17, '90, to . Staff positions occupied Appointed Acting Inspector General of Cav. and Special Insp. of Cav. for the Cav. Bureau, Army of the Cumberland July, '64. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Attached to Gen. Joseph Lane's Brigade and participated in the skirmishes at Paso de Ovejas and La Hoya, the battle of Huamantla, the siege of Puebla and the bombardment of Atlixco in Sept. and Oct., '47; in '55 was sent to Texas to fight the Indians; met and defeated the Lipanson Guadalupe River in March, '56. recapturing much valuable property; the Comanches at Arroyo de las Encinas Feb. 1, '57, and near Presidio de San Vincente, Chihuahua, May 2, '59, and engaged in suppressing the Cortinas troubles near Brownsville, and along the Rio Grande Frontier in '60 ; in the bat- tles of Blackburn's Ford and Bull Run July, '61 ; participated in the actions at the Waddell Farm, Stewart's Plantation and Cache Bayou, Ark., June, '62, being severely wounded at Stewart's Plantation, where he saved a valuable train from falling into the hands of the Confederates ; engaged in defending the Mem- 78 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BRA phis and Charleston R. R. in West Tenn. Jan. and Feb., '64; participated in siege of Atlanta, Ga., battle of Ezra Church, G.i., and back to Nashville with Gen. Thomas, taking part in battle of Nashville, Tenn., Dec., '64; assisted mate- rially in quelling the hostile Piute Indian disturbances in '66-67-63 ; operating against hostile Sioux 72-73: and quieted disturbances among coal miners at Carbon; in the field operating against the Ute Indians, who had missacred Thornburg's command, from O;t. to Dec., 79; in operations against the Apache-* in Ariz, in July and Aug., '82. Commands held 2d Brigade, Cav. Div., li>th Army Corps (Army of the Tennessee), in West Tenn., in Jan. and Feb., '64; 1st Cav. from New Madrid to Depts. of California and Columbia; several posts iti those Depts.; Districts of Nevada and Summit Lake; District of Wind River 72-73; District of the Yellowstone in the spring and summer of 79; Fort Laramie and Fort Russell, Wyo., from July, 79, to May, '82; of field operations against the Apaches in July and Aug., '82; Fort Davis, Tex., from May 12 to Oct. 24, '87; Fort Clark, Tex., until Jan. 9, '90; Fort Mclntosh, Laredo, Ter., from Jan. 17, '90, to . History After the close of the war with Mexico he published a book called "Lane's Brigade in Ceny-al Mexico;" he published a history of the U. S. Cavalry in '65, which is now considered a standard work. Braden, C/harles (First Lieut. U. S. Army). Bora in Michigan Nov. 2'}, '47. Retired. Appointed from Michigan to Military Academy Oct. 17, '65; graduated No. 19 in a class of 39 June 15, '69. Actual rank Second Lieutenant 7th Cav. June 15, '69; 1st Lieut. Dec. 9, 75; retired June 28, 76. SrviceOn graduating leave until Sept. 29, '65 ; joined regiment near Fort Hays, Ks. ; marched with regiment to Fort Leavenworth, Ks., Oct. 20 to Nov. 5, '69 ; on duty with detachment of recruit* from Fort Loavenworth to Fort Union, N. M., Dec. 1 to Dec. 20, '69, marching from Sheridan, Ks., to Fort Union ; on duty at Fort Leavenworth to March 19, 70 ; at Fort Lyon, Col., to about May, 20, 70. being on an expedition under Col. R. I. Dodge to locate a road from Lvon to Union ; scouting in Colorado and Kansas to Nov. 30, 70, marching over 2000 miles during the .summer; at Fort Wallace, Ks., from Nov. 30, 70, to May, 71 ; at Columbia, S. C., and Winnsboro', S. C., to Oct. 14, 71 ; at Yorkville. 8. C., from Oct., 71, to Dec. 18, 72, engaged in Ku-Klux operations; on leave of absence from May 20, 72, to Aug. 15, 72; at New Orleans, La., from Dec. 23, 72, to April 1, 73, during political troubles; at Yankton, Dak., from April 12 to May 7, 72, being with regiment during the great snow-storm of April, 73 ; on expedition to and up the Yellowstone under Gen. Stanley from May to Oct.. at St. Paul, Minn., from Nov., 73, to March, 74, under treatment; on sick-leave to Aug. 18, 76; on mounted recruiting service to Sept. 30, 76, conducting a de- tachment of 500 recruits from St. Louis, Mo., to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. ; on sick leave from Oct.. 76, to June 28, 78, when retired " for wounds received in action." Staff positions occupied Adjutant and A. A. Q. M. of expedition in Kansas, 70. Battlts, skirmishes, etc. Scouting in Col. and Kas. Nov. 30, 70; engaged in chase after Indians Aug. 4, 73, and in a fight with Sioux Indians near mouth of the Big Horn River, Mont., Aug. 11, 73, where in command of the advanced guard of 17 men he was wounded in the left thigh, the bone bring badly shattered ; was carried 400 miles in a litter, and then sent to Fort A. Lincoln, Dak., for treatment. Commands held Co. of Indian scouts, expedition in Ks. 70. History After being retired wa.s engaged at a private school at Riverdale, N. Y., from Dec., 78. to June, 79; at West Point, N. Y., teaching a private school, from Sept., 79, to Nov., '81 ; residing in Philadelphia, Pa., engage-! in manufac- turing enterprise, to Sept., '82 ; at West Point, N. Y., from Sept., 1882, to ; Prof, at N. Y. Mil. Acad., Cornwall, N. Y., from Nov. 1, '88, to . Bradford, James H. (Captain 19th Inf.). Born in Delaware Oct. 13, 1844. Retiring year 1908 ; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. 1st Batt., Del. Vol. Light Art., Oct. 20, '62; discharged Nov. 18, '62; Pvt. 17th U. S. Inf. Nov. 18, '62; 2d Lieut, 17th Inf. Nov. 18, '62; accepted Nov. 18, '62; 1st Lieut. May 1, '63; Capt. Dec. 1, '65; trs. to 26th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; unassigned May 19, '69; assd. to 19th Inf. Aug. 16, '69. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Aug. 1, '64, for gallant services in the battle of Spottsylvania, and during the campaign before Rich- BRA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 79 mond, Va. Service In the field during the war of the Rebellion '61-5 ; with the the Plains at various posts, and at present ('90) at San Antonio, Texas. Staff po- sitions occupied Adj. 2d Batt, 17th Inf., from Oct. 19, '64, to Dec. 1, '65. Battles, skirmishes, etc. At the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Va., and Get- tysburg. Penn. (wounded); in the Mine Run campaign; assistant provost-mar- shal 2d Division, 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac, .Tan. to Sept., '64; at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, South Anna, Bethesda Church, Petersburg, and the Weldon Railroad, Va., '64. Bradley, Alfred E. (First Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon). Born at Jamestown, N. Y., Nov. 25,1864. Retiring year 1928; appointed from New Y"ork Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon Oct. 29, '88; accepted Nov. 3, '88. Service At David's Island, N. Y., from date of appointment to Oct. 25, '89; at Fort Omaha, Neb., since then to present date. Bradley, Luther P. (Col. and Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Connecti- cut Dec. 8, 1822. Retired ; appointed from 111. Civil Life. Actual rank Lieut.-Col. 51st III. Vol. Inf. Nov. 6, '61; Col. Oct. 15, '62; Brig.-Gen. July 30, '64 ; accepted July 30, '64 ; resigned June 30, '65 ; Lieut.-Col. 27th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Dec. 7, '66; tr*. to 9th Inf. Mar. 15, '69; Col. 3d Inf. Mar. 20, 79 ; trs. to 31st Inf. June 14, 79. Brevet rank Bvt.-Col. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga.; Bvt. Brig.-Gen. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Resaca, Ga. Service In the war of the Rebellion, '61-5; on recruiting duty to Feb., '62; in the field with the Army of the West, and engaged in all the operations of that army to and in- cluding the Atlanta campaign, '64; in the campaign against the rebel Gen. Hood, '65;-on the Plains in Wyoming, Kansas, New Mexico, and other places from '66 to '86, when he was retired by operation of law, Dec. 8, '86. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the capture of Island No. 10, New Madrid, actions of Farming- ton and Nashville, TVnn.; engaged at the battles of Stone River, Chickamauga (wounded), Resaca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach-Tree Creek, Atlanta, and Jonesboro', Ga.; engaged at the battle of Spring Hill, Tenn. (wounded). Commands held Commanded brigade in the Chickamauga campaign '62 ; in command of the numerous posts at which he served. Bradley, Thomas Henry (Captain 21st Inf.). Born at Carlyle, 111., Feb. 12, 1838. Retiring year 1902; appointed from Missouri Civil Life. Actual rankPvt. 2d Mo. Vol. Cav., Dec. 16, '61 ; discharged June 9, '63 ; Captain and A. A. G. Vols., June 6, '63 ; accepted June 9, '63 ; Majorand A. A. G. Vols., May 1, '65 ; accepted May 8, '65 ; honorably mustered out Sep. 1, '66 ; app. 2d Lieut, llth U.S. Inf., May 11, '66; accepted Aug. 28, '66; 1st Lieut. Aug. 12, '68; unassigned April 14, 'G9 ; assigned to 21st Inf., Dec. 15, 70; Capt. Sep. 17, '83. Brevet Rank 1st Lieut, and Capt., Mar. 2, '67, for faithful and meritorious ser- vices during the War. Service First employed by the Government as Pilot on U. S. transport John Warner, on the Mo. river, Sep. and Oct., '61 ; clerk at head- quarters Dep. Mo. and Miss., St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 18, '61, to Aug. 4, '62 ; at head- quarters of the Army, Washington, D. C., Aug. 7 to Sep. 15, '62, when relieved at his own request; clerk and chief clerk at headquarters Dep. of Ohio, Cincin- nati, Sep. 17, '62, to June 6, '63 ; by Secretary of War ordered to Washington, D. C. ; detained by Dept. Com. (Burnside), and on his staff organizing certain Tenn. troops in field June 16 to Aug. 13, '63; on special duty (Examiner of Claims), office Secretary of War, Aug. 22, '63, to Mar. 20, '82 ; also member In- terior Dept. Board Investigation of charges against Chief Clerk Indian Bureau, and of irregularities in Indian service, June 7, '77, to June 8, 78 ; Examiner State Claims, office Sec. of War, June 23, 79. to March 20, '82; joined Co. June 27, '82; at Fort Townsend, W. T., to July 20, '82; detached service commanding re- connoi^ance and making pack trail through unexplored region Olympic Moun- tains, W. T., July 21 to Sept. 23, '82 ; com'g. Co. Sep. 24, '82, to Dec. 15, '86, meantime changed station to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., July, '84, and thence to 80 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BRA Fort Bridger, Wyo., Aug. 6, '84; marched to Summer encanrpment, Camp Murray, Utah, Aug., '85, thence via U. P. Ry. to Camp Pilot Butte, Wyo., Sep. 6, '85, and on duty at Camp Rock Springs, Wyo., on account Chinese massacre, until Oct. 22, '85, when returned to station, Fort Bridger, Wyo. ; in the field Com.'g Reserve Battalion (two companies) 21st Inf., to establish Fort Du Chesne, Utah, Aug. 16 to Sept. 5, '86 ; on leave Dec. 16, '86, to Mar. 28, '87 ; com'g. Co. Mar. 29, '87, to Aug. 1, '89, and from Sept. 27, '89, to date, March 1, '90, during which marched to and from Summer Encampment, Strawberry Valley, Utah, Aug. 5, '88, to Sep. 19, '88 ; Station Fort Bridger, Wyo., Aug. 6, '84, to date, Mar. 1, '90. Staff positions occupied On staff of General Burnside, organizing Tennessee troops in the field, June 16 to Aug. 13, '63 ; on staff of Brig. Gen. W. S. Ketchum, at Washington, D. C., from Aue. 22, '63 to Dec. 15, '70. Commands held Commanding recounoissance in Olympic Mountains; W. T., '82 ; com. Reserve Batt. (two companies) 21st Infantry, to establish Fort Du Chesne, Utah, '86. History Son of Joshua T. Bradley, lawyer, who was private Co. A, 3d regi- ment, 3d brig.. 111. Vols., Black Hawk War, and paymaster's clerk, '46 to '(it); grands n of Rev. Joshua Bradley, who was president Middlebury Academy, Wyoming, N. Y. and pioneer Baptist minister, St. Paul, Minn. ; great-^nindson of Hopestill Bradley, who was a soldier of the Revolution ; education, primarily, 111. common school, and Wyman's high school, St. Louis, Mo. ; occupation, Western steamboat clerk, mate, pilot, etc.; graduate A. B., University of Georgetown, D. C., June 20, '74; preside it University Law Association, 74-5; admitted to bar Supreme court D. C., June 24, 74. and to bar Supreme C-.mrt U. S., April 3, '82. Brady, Georg-eK. (Major 18th Inf. and Brevet Lieut. Colonel). Born in Pennsylvania Dec. 9, 1839. Retiring year 1903; appointed from Pa. Civil Life. Actual Rank Pvt. Co. B. 12th Pa. Vol. Inf., Apr. 25, '61; discharged July 8, '61; 1st Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. May 14. '61; accepted July 8, '61; Cupt. June 1<, '64; trs. to 23d Inf. Sept. 21, '66; Maj. 18th Inf. Mar. 1, "'86. Brevet rank Bvt. Mai. Aug. 18, '64, for gallant services during operations on the Weldon Railroad, Va; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Mar. 16, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service At Fort Trumbull, Conn., July to D^c., '61 ; joined regt. in the Army of the Potomac, Jan., '62, and participated in the Peninsula camji in the Chancellorsville and Gettysburg campaigns of '63; the Wilderness cam- piign of '64 and succeeding operation-* about Petersburg until the battle of the Weldon R R. ; on duty at Richmond, Va., until the regiment was ordered to the Pacific Coast; stationed at various posts there in Washington, Oregon, California and Arizona; also stationed in the Departments of the Platte, the .Mi^ouri and Texas, from '65 to '90, present station being Fort Clark, Texas. Staff /*>.' occupied R. Q. M. 14th Inf., Jan. 1, T.2, to June 10, '64; A. A. A. G. 1st Brigade of Regulars, Army of the Potomac, '64. Battles, skirmishes, etc In^the battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, second Bull Ran, action of Snicker's Gap, battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, WiHerness, Laurel Hill, and Petersburg, Va.; the battle of the Weldon Railroad (wounded, and taken prisoner); paroled from Libby Prison, S^pt., 1864. Brainard, David L. (Second Lieutenant 2d Cavalry). Born in Norway, New York, Dee. 21, 1856. Retiring year 1920; appoiuted from N. Y. Civil Life. Actual raik Private, Oorp->r*l *nd Ser*'t troop L, 2d Cav., Sept, 18, 76, to July 31, '84; Serg't Signal C>rps, Aug. 1, '84. to Oct. 21, '8(5; app. 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. Oct. 22, '86; accepted Oct. 26, '86. Honorably mentioned Commission as 2d Lieut, given "as a recognition of the gallant and meritorious services rendered by him in the Arctic expedition of '81-4." /&rr/r With regiment in Montana from 77 to '81 ; on duty with the L tdy Franklin Bay Arctic Expedition from April, '81, until its return in August, '84 ; accompanied Lieut. Lockwood, U. S. A., on journey with dog-pledge to the highest latitude on our globe ever attained by man. Lieut. B. is the only survivor of that journey. On duty in Washington, D. C., to Jan. 4, '87 ; at Fort Walla Walla, Wash'n, to Sept. 3, '88 ; at Fort Bidwell, (Xl., since Oct. 16, '88. Brand, Thomas T. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ohio. Retired; app. from Ohio (Jivil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 2d Ohio Vol. Inf. April 29, 'ol ; re- BRA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 81 signed June 22, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 18th U. S. Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 22, '61 ; Captain Sept. 11, '63. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Mar. 13, '6% for gallant and meri- torious services in the battles of -Slone River, Tenn., and Chickamauga, Ga. Brannan, John M. (Colonel and Brevet Major General U. S. A.). Born in District of Columbia. Retired; app. from Ind. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, '37; graduated July 1, '41. Actual rankEvt. 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Art. July 1. '41 ; 2d Lieut. May 6, '42 ; 1st Lieut, Mar. 3, '47 ; Capt. Nov. 4, '54; Brig. Geii. Vol. Sept, 28, '61 ; accepted Oct. 23, '61 ; hon. must, out May 31, '66 ; Lieut. Col. 22d U. S. Inf. (declined) July 28, '66 ; Lieut. Col. 4th Art. Jan. 10, '77 ; trans, to 1st Art. Mar. 16, '77 ; Col. 4th Art. Mar. 15, '81. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churu- busco; Lieut. Col. Sept. 25, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Jacksonville, Fla. ; Col. Sept. 20, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. ; Brig. Gen. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign against Atlanta, Ga. ; Maj. Gen. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; Maj. Gen. Vol. Jan. 23, '65. Servic? In the War with Mexico '46-8 ; in the campaign ending with the capture of the City of Mexico '47; served in the operations against hostile Seminoles in Florida, and on garrison duty to the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion, when he took the field and commanded the forces engaged in the reduction of the enemy's works on the St. John River, compelling the evacuation of Jacksonville. Fla., and in the action of Pucotaligo. Sept. 25, '62; in the field with the army of Cumberland, '63; in the advance on Tullahoma ; through the Atlanta campaign, and all the opera- tions of that army ; at various posts from '66 until retired, for being over 62 years of age, April 19, ''82. 8tnff positions occupied Adj. 1st Art. from April 17, '47, to Nov. 4, '54. Battles, skirmishes, etc. -In the siege of Vera Cruz, the battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras and Churubusco, and the capture of the city of Mexico, being severely wounded at the latter in '47 ; in the battle of Jacksonville, Fla., Sept, 25, '62 ; in the action of Hoover's Gap, the advance on Tullahoma, and the battle of Chickamauga, Sept. 20, '63; in the battles of Missionary Ridge, Resaca, Dal- las and Kenesaw Mountain, the passage of the Chattahoochie, and the siege of Atlanta, '64. Comm'inds held Chief of Artillery and Com'g Artillery Reserve in the Dep. of the Cumberland '63 ; commanded a Division in the Army of the Cum- ber 1 ind '63-4. Brant, Louis P. (First Lieut. 1st. Inf.). Born in Ohio; app. from N, Y. Cadet at the U.S. Military Academy Julv 1, '69; graduated June 13, 73. Actual rank 2<1 Lieut. 21st U. S. Inf. June 13, '73; resigned March 31,76; appointed 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. Aug. 7, 79; accepted Aug. 19, 79; 1st Lieut. Feb. 20, '84. Brayton, George M. (Lieut. Col. 9 h Inf.). Born in Massachusetts Feb. 24 1834. Retiring year, 1898; app. from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 15th Inf. May 14, '61; accepted July 2, '61 ; Capt. Jan. 3, '63 ; trans, to 33d Inf. Sept. 21, '66; transferred to 8th Inf. May 3, '69; Major 15th Inf. Feb. 6, '82; Lieut. Col. 9th Inf. Sept. 6, '86. Brevet rank Brevet Major U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Missionary Ridge, Tenn. Service Recruiting duty July, '61, to May, '62; Reg. Q. M. May, '62, to Jan., '63; Mustering and Disbursing Officer Harrisburg, Pa., to Oct., '63; joined regi- ment in the field at Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct., '63; mustering and disbursing duty Louisville, Ky.; joined Battalion at Lookout Mountain, Tenn., Oct , '64; com- manding 3d Batt.,' 15th Inf., Dec., '64; Prov. Mar. District of Etovvah, Jan. to July, '65 ; joined company at Fort Adams, R. I.; joined regiment and at Mobile. Ala., Jan. to May, '66 ; commanding batteries Glodden and Mclntosh, Mobile Bay, to July, '66, and Fort Morgan, Ala., to Jan., '67 ; joined company and at Macon, Ga., to April, '67 ; at Atlanta, Ga., to June, '68; at post of Augusta, Ga.; Mont- gomery, Ala.; Huntsville, Ala.; Selma, Ala.; Montgomery, Ala., and Fort Macon, N. C., and at Fort Macon, N. C., to Feb., 70 ; at Columbia and Newberry, S. C., to Oct., 70; at David's Island, N. Y. Harbor, from Oct., 70, to July, 72; en route to Fort Rice, D. T., to Aug., 72; on Yellowstone expedition, escort to surveying party Northern Pacific Railroad, from Fort Rice, D. T., west to the Yellowstone River, Mont., and return, from Aug , 72, to Oct., 72, and Fort D. A. Russell, U. 82 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BRE T., from Oct., 72; with regiment in the Dep. of Arizona. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 15th Inf. from May 8 to Oct. 3, '62 ; A. I. G. Dept. of Ga., Aug. to Dec., '65. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle of Missionary Ridge, Tenn., and action of Taylor's Bridge, Ga. Commands held 3d Batt., 15th Inf., Dec., '64; Batteries Glodden and Mclnto-h, Mobile Bay, from May to July, '66; post of Augusta, Ga. ; Montgomery, Ala.; Fort Macon, N. C., from May to Aug., '69. Brechemin, Louis (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Philadelphia, Pa., May 25, 1852. Retiring year, 1916; appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Actual rank A.. A. Surgeon U. S. A. Feb. 1 to July 8,78; 1st Lieut, and A Surgeon June 6, 78; accepted July 9,78; Captain* Asst. Surgeon June 6, '83. Service At St. Louis Bks., Mo., Feb. 5 to May 11, 78; at Fort Sully, D. T., May 28 to June 9, 78; infield with Batt. 1st and llth Inf., under orders to establish summer camp near Bear Butte, D. T., and at Camp J. G. S:urgis, D. T., June 9 to Sept. 1, 78; Post Surgeon Camp Ruger, Bear Butte Creek, D. T., (Fort Meade) Sept. 2, 78, to Nov. 1, 79; at Fort Meade, D. T., to May 29, '81 ; Post Surgeon Fort Yates, D. T., June 4, '81, to Oct. 17, '82 ; on leave of absence to March 12, '83; Post Surgeon Fort Brady, SaultSte. Marie, Mich., March 24, to Oct. 9, '83; Post Surgeon Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. H., Oct. 13, '83, to May 14, '85 ; Post Surgeon Fort Omaha, Neb., May 20 to June 3, '85 ; Post Surgeon Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., June 4 to Oct. 14, '85; Post Surgeon F..rt Laramie, Wyo., Oct. 16, '85, to Oct. 12, '89; at Presidio, San Francisco, Cal.. Nov. 13, '89, to ; Instructor of Med. Officers and Hosp. Corps, encampment of 111. Nat. Guard, Springfield, 111., July 23 to Aug. 15, '89, at Fort Lpavenworth, Kan., '90. Breck, Samuel (Lieut. Col. and A. A. G. Bvt. Brig. Ger.). Born at Middle- borough, Mass., Feb. 25, 1834. Retiring year, 1898; appointed from M:. Cadat at the U. S. Mil. Acad. from July 1, '51 ; graduated (class rank 7) July 1, '55. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut, of Art. July 1, '55; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. 'July 1, '55; 1st Lieut. April 11, '61; appointed Asnt. Adjt. General with rank of Captain U. S. A., Nov. 29, '61 ; appointed Add. A. D. C., with rank of Major IT. S. A., May 23, '62; appointed Asst. Adjt. General with the rank of Major U. S. A., July 17, '62; appointed Asst. Adjt. General with the rank of Lieut. Col. U. S. A., Feb. 28, '8Z. Brevet rank Brevet. Lieut. Col. Sept. 24, '64, for meritorious and faithful services during the Rebellion; Brevet Col. March 13, '65, for diligent, faithful and meritorious services in the Adj. General's Dep. during the Re- bellion ; Brevet Brig. General U. S. A. March 13/65, for diligent, faithful and meritorious services in the Adjt. General's Dep. during the Rebellion. X>rrice Served in Florida, hostilities against Seminole Indians, '55-6 ; at Fort Moultrie, S. C., '56-7; Fort McHenry, Md., '57 to '59; en route to Tex., marching from Helena, Ark., to Fort Ciark, Tex., '59 ; Fort Moultri^, S. C., '59-60 ; U. S. Military Academy as Asst. Prof, of Geography, History and Ethics, Sept. 24, '60, to April 26, '61, and Prin. Asst. Prof, from April 26 to Dec. 3, '61 ; served against the Rebellion of the seceding states a* Asst. Adjt. General of General McDowell's Div., Army of the Potomac, in the defenses of Washington, D. C., from Dec. 9, '61, to March 24, '62 ; as A. A. G. 1st Army Corps, March 24. '62, and of the Dep. of the Rappahannock, April 4 to June 20, '62, being engaged in the occupation of Fredericksburg, Va., April 18, '62, and expedition to the Shenandoah Valley, Va., to intercept the retreat of the Rebel forces under General Jackson, May and June, '62; Asst. in the Adjt. General's office at Washington, D. C., from July, '62, to 70, in charge of rolls, returns, books, blanks and business pertaining to the enlisted men of the regular and volunteer forces, and of the records of discon- tinued commands and the preparation and publication of the Volunteer Army Register; since 1870, served in California, New York, Washington, D. C., Min- nesota, at Headquarters Dep. of the Platte, Omaha, Neb., and since '89 at Wash- ington, D. C. Hiitoni Descended from Edward Breck, who came to Dorchester, Mass., from Ashton, England, about 1630. Breckinridge, Joseph Cabell (Brigadier and Inspector General). Born in Baltimore, Maryland, Jan. 14, 1842. Retiring year 1906; Appointed from Ky. Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and A. D. C. Vol. Aug. 80, '61, to June 5, BRE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 83 '62; 2d Lieut. 2d Art. April 14, '62; accepted June 5, '62; 1st Lieut. Aug. 1, '63 ; Capt. June 17, 74; Maj. and Inspector Gen. Jan. 19, '81 ; accepted Jan. 20, '81 ; Lieut. Col. and Inspector Gen. Feb. 5, '85; Col. and Inspector Gen. Sept. 22, '85; Brig. Gen. and Inspector Gen. Jan. 30, '89. Brevet rank Bvt. Cap., for gallant and meritorious service in battle in front of Atlanta, Georgia, July 22, '64; Major, fir gallant and meritorious services during the war, March 13, '65, Service Joined Gen. William Nelson Aug. 30, '61, at Camp Dick Robinson, Ky., where Kentucky and Tennessee volunteers were being organized; A. D. C. to Gen. George H. Thomas through both advances toward East Tennessee, ter- minating in the victory of Mill Spring, Ky., Jan. 19, '62; then in the movement to Nashville, Tenn.. and toward Shiloh, and through the siege of Corinth, Miss. ; accepted commission in 2d Art. in '62 ; joined Battery C at Pensacola, and after- ward Battery H, at Fort Barrancas, Fla. ; commanded boat and scouting expedi- tion, and performed engineer, ordnance, and other local staff duties ; joined Battery F, on Atlanta campaign, '64; captured near time and place of Gen. McPherson's death; confined at Macon, Ga., and Charleston, S. C. ; exchanged under Gen. Sherman's cartel ; on sick leave ; mustering officer for Eastern Dist. of Ky., Jan. 18, '65 ; went with regiment to Cal. Sept., '65 ; A. D. C. to Gen. H. W. Hal- leek May 28, '66; recruiting duty; transferred to Light Battery A, '67, and to Light Battery M, '69 ; leave of absence, '68 ; Battery K, Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., '70 ; Adj. of the Artillery School, '70-74; Capt. Battery B, June,74; at Fort Foote, Bid., '75-78; preserving the peace in Petersburg. Va., Nov. 7, 76; with command opening railroad to Pittsburgh, Pa., during strike and riots, 77 ; with Artillery troops, Washington Arsenal, 78-81 ; service in general staff, '81 ; Maj. and Asst. Inspector General Jan. 19, '81 ; stationed first in Washington City, afterward in San Francisco, Cal.; at Washington, D. C., as Inspector General of the Army since '89. Staff positions occupied A. A. A. G. at Camp Dick Robinson Aug. 30, '61; A. D. C. to General George H. Thomas, '62; A. D. C. to Gen. H. W. Halleck May 28, '66, to Jan. 1, '67; Adj. Art. School Oct. 24, 70, to June 24, 74. Commands held Boat and scouting expedition at Fort Bar- ranca*, Fla. ; Fort Foote, Md., 75-78; Art. troops at Washington Arsenal, 78-81. Brereton, J. J. (First Lieut. 24th Inf.). Born in New Jersey. Appointed fr m N. J. Cadet U. S. Mil. Acad., from July 1, 73, to June 15, 77. Actual rankr 2d Lieut. 24th Inf. June 15, 77; promoted 1st Lieut. May 20, '82. Service On Det. Ser. from April 15 to 21, 78; escort to Brig. Gen. Falcon, Mexican Army, San Antonio, Tex. ; Old Mexico June 10-24, 78 ; at Fort Clarke, Tex., in connexion with border troubles, from Aug. 30 to Sept. 26,78; escort to Maj. Gen. Trevino, Mexican Army, from Dec. 23, 78, to Jan. 10, 79; on det. ser. at Yavagosa, Mex., investigating outrages on American citizens, from Jan. 29, '80, to Feb. 1, '80; Provost Marshal at Cantonment, I. T., Feb. 3 to April 27, '81 ; in the field with Indian scouts, in Oklahoma, Oct. 23 to Dec. 9 '85; from Dec. 20 to 31, '86 ; also from Feb. 12 to 18, '86, and March 24 to April 8, '86; at Fort Bayard, N. M., from June 5, '88, to . Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. 3., at Fort Elliott, Tex., Oct. 17, '82, to Feb. 2, '84; acting Reg. Adj. June 20, '86; appointed Reg. Adj. Aug. 1, '86. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Scouting in Old Mexico June 10-24, 78. Commands held Escort to Brig. Gen. Falcon, Mex- ican Army, April J.5-21, 78; same to Maj. Gen. Trevino, Mexican Army, Dec. 23. 78, to Jan. 10. 79 ; Co. B, Indian scouts, July 29, '85, to July 28, '86. Brett, James E. (First Lieut. 24th Inf.). Born in Washington, North Caro- lina, Jan. 4, 1853. Retiring year 1917. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private Co. K, 12th U. S. Inf., from Sept. 23, 70, to Sept. 21, 71 ; Hospital Steward to July 12, '80; appointed 2d Lieut. 24th Inf. June 24, '80; 1st Lieut. Dec. 22, '87. Service In the Victoria campaign in the fall of '80, in command of eighteen infantrymen and six cavalrymen; at Fort Sill, '81; Cantonment, I. T., Oct.. '81, to June 14, '82 ; at Fort Elliott, Tex., Sept., '82, to June, '88 ; Fort Selden, N. M., Aug., '88, to present time. Staff positions occupied Acting Adj., Fort Sill, I. T.,in '81 ; Post Adj., Cantonment, I. T., Oct., '81, to June 14, '82; Adj. and A. A. Q. M., Batt. 24th Inf., en route from Cantonment, I. T., to Fort Elliott, Tex., from Sept., '82, to April, '83 ; Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S., Fort 84 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BRE Elliott, Aug., '86, to June, '88; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S., Fort Selden, N. M., Aug. to Nov., '88, and A. A. Q. M. April, '89, to present date. During whole service has been almost continuously on duty as either A. O. O., A. S. O. t A. E. O., or Post Treasurer. Command* held Cora. Troop A, 9th Cav., part of '84, and Troop I, 3d Cav., part of '86, as well as large detachments scouting through the Indian Territory, '85-6 ; commanding Fort Selden, N. M., from Aug. to Nov., '88. and from April. '89. to present time Brett, Lloyd M. (First Lieut. 2d Cav.). Born in Maine. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academv July 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. June 13, 79; 1st Lieut. May 4, '86. Brewer, Edwin P. (First Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 71, to Nov. 14, 71. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th U. S. Cav. Aug. 31,76; accepted Sept. 4, 76 ; 1st L ; ent. Sept. 23, '85. Brewerton, Henry P. (Captain 5th Artillery). Born in New York June 30, 1838. Retiring year 1902; appointed from Md. Civil Life. Act >:/ r6 ; trans, to 9 h U. S. Cav, Sept. 8, '66; Maj. 2d U. S. Cav. Jan. 1,'68; Lieur, Col. 9th U.S. Cav. June 6, '85; Col. 1st U. S. Cav. Aug. 20, '89. Brevet Rank Maj. June 9, '63. for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Beverly Ford, Va. ; Lieut. Col. Dec. 19, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Marion, East Tennessee ; Colonel March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war; Brigadier-General Volunteers Dec. U, '6 1; Major-General Vol. Mar. 13, '65, for meritorious services during the war. Service In the field during the war of the Rebellion '6L-5; engaged in the first Bull Run campaign July, '61 ; in the Peninsula campaign with the Army of the Pot->m ic '62; in Gi-5 ; on duty on the Plains at various posts from tha close of the war to '89, when he took station at Fort Ouster, Mont. Staff positions occupied Chiet of Staff to Gen. Burbridge, in Kentucky, '64. Battles, skirmishes, etc., In battle of Bull Run, Va. (twice wounded), July 21, '61 ; battle of Sabine Cross Roads, battle of Beverly Ford, Va., June 9, '63 ; battle of Marion, Tenn., Dec. i:>. Y.4. Command* held Commanded a division in Kentucky, under General Bur- bridge, '64. Bristol, Henry B. (Captain and Bvt. Lieut. Col. U. S. A.). Born in Detroit, Mich., April 25, 1838. Retired. App. from Mich. Civil Life. A< Lieut. 5th Inf., May 15, '57; accepted May 20, '57 ; 1st Lieut. May 13, '61 ; dipt. Junel, '61. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. I'.S.A. Mar. 13. '65, forfaithful and meritorious services in N. M.; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in N. M., and particularly for his untiring zeal and energy in controlling the Nav- ajoe tribe of Indians at the Bosque Redondo Reservation, and for his praiseworthy efforts in advancing their condition from that of savages to that of civilized men. Service Utah Expedition '57; Fort Bridger, W. T., '58; Camp Floyd, W. T., '59 ; Goose Creek, W. T., scouting, Spanish trail to Santa Fe", New Mexico ; at Fort Marcy, Albuquerque, Fort Defiance, Navajoe Campaign, scouting San Juan country, Chusco Valley, Forts Craig and Union ; engaged with C mtederates at Los Pinos ; pursued hostile Texans down the Rio Grande t> Fort Sumner ; Mil. Supt. of Navajoe Indians at Bosque Redondo reservation ; A. C. Subs, and acting agent to '66 ; recruiting duty N. Y. Harbor and Detroit, Mich., '67 ; Bedloe's Isl- and, N. Y. H., conducting recruits to San Francisco and recruiting in Chit 111., '68; Fort Reynolds, Colorado, '69; Fort Marker, Ks., and Fort Larned, Ks. (commanding), '71 ; to Fort Dodge, Ks., along line A., T. and S. F. R. R. west to Col. line, engaged in Comanche Campaign, Fort Riley, Ks., Indian Territory, Fort Reno, to Montana ; engaged in Sioux Campaign at Fort Keogh, M. T., 77 to time of retirement, Mar. 20, 79; retired for disability Mar. 20, '79. Battle*, skirmishes, etc. Goose Creek, W. T., scouting; Navajoe Campaign ; pursued hos- tile Texans down the Rio Grande to Fort Sumner; from '60 to '66, Comanche Campaign and Sioux Campaign of '77. Commands held Fort Reynolds, Col., '59 ; Fort Larned, Kan., '70. Britton, Thomas (Captain U. S. Army). Born in England. Retired. Ap- pointed from the Army. Actual ran* Pvt. Co. I, 4th Ky. Vol. Inf., Oct. 26, '47 ; discharged July 25, '48; Pvt. and Corp. Co. D, 6th U. S. Inf., Dec. 22, '48, to Mar. 3, '50; Pvt. gen. ser. and Co. D, 6th U. S. Inf., May 25, '50, to July 30, '54; BRO RECORDS OF LIVING OEFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 87 Pvt., Corp., Sergt. and 1st Sergt. Co. H, 6th U. S. Inf., and Ord. Sergfc., Oct. 3, '54, to Dec. 7, '62; 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf., Nov. 18, '62; accepted Dec. 8, '62; 1st Lieut. Mar. 23, '65; Capt. 39th U. S. Inf. (declined) July 28, '66; Capt. 6th U. S. Inf., Mar. 1, 72; retired July 16, '89. Brevet rankBvt. 1st Lieut. July 2, '63, and Capt. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Bronson, Nelson (First Lieut, U. S. A.). Bora in Connecticut, Mar. 14, 1831. Retired. Appointed from Connecticut Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Sergt. Co. E, 8th Conn. Inf., Sept. 25, '61; discharged Mar. 17, '62; 1st Lieut. 8th Conn. Inf., Mar. 18, '62; hon. must, out Jan. 17, '63; 1st Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps, Aug. 19, '63; accepted Aug. 22, '63; hon. must, out Oct. 16, '66; 2d Lieut. 42d Inf., July 28, '66; accepted Jan. 1, '67; trans, to 6th Inf., April 22, '69; 1st Lieut. June 8, '74; retired Nov. 30, 79. Service In the War or the Rebellion from '61 to '63 ; at the retreat of Gen. Pope from the Rappahannock, detailed with 30 men from Co. E, 8th Conn. Vols., to burn the depot and public stores at Falmouth, Va., which detail was thoroughly executed; wounded at Antietam in the right fore-arm ; granted sick leave of 20 days; confined from Sept. 28 till Dec. 25, '62, with inflammation and suppuration of right fore-arm ; joined regt. at Falmoutb, Va., about Jan. 1, '63; app. 1st Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps, Aug. 19, '63; accepted Aug. 22, '63; ordered to Baltimore, Md., Oct. 31, '63, as 1st A set. at Camden St. Nat'l. Gen. Hospital ; organized a Co. of convalescents of 65 men and served 10 days in the trenches in the defence of Baltimore, July 14, '64; was detailed for duty in Bureau of F. R. and A. L. ; reported to Gen. Tilson, Com'r for Ga. and Ala.; was fired upon while acting as escort for a steamboat with 25 men ol Co. G, 6th Inf., on the Yellowstone River, by Silting Bull's com- mand, Aug. 25, '66, and had one man, Dennis Shields, killed ; returned the fire, killing two Indians; was placed in charge of bureau of F. R. and A. L. at Sav- annah, Ga., from Nov. 30, '65, till Oct. 25, '66. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Roanoke Island, Newberu, siege of Fort Macon, South Mountain and Antietam. Com- mands field Com. 72d and 89th Go's., 2d Bait. V. R. C., '63 ; 89th Co., 2d Batt., at the funeral obsequies of Pres. Lincoln in Baltimore; Co. K, 3d Rtgt. V. R. C., May 5, '65, till Nov. 30, '65. Stiff positions occupied A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., A. O. O. at dep -t camp for must, out Vols. ; special disbursing officer for a fund for organizing, drilling and tram-porting Vols., at Hartford, Conn., May 5, '65, till Nov. 30, : 6->; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S., at Fort .Niagara from Mar., '67, to April, '68; A. Sub. Com. of B. of R. F. and A. L., at Thibadeaux, La., to Nov. 30, '68; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Niagara, N. Y., to April 1, '69; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Larned from April 1 to April 30, 72. Honorably mentioned At Baltimore, Maryland, in Gen. Orders No. 64, dated H 2, Middle. Drpjirtment, 8th A. C., August 19, '64, for defence of Baltimore, July 14, '64. History A great-grandfather was a soldier throughout the Revolutionary War, also in the French War, and climbed the Heights of Abraham at the taking of the city of Quebec. Brooke, Edmund H. (Major U. S. A.). Born in Maryland, Dec. 28, 1817. Retired. Appointed from Maryland Civil Life. Actual rank Major and Ad- ditional Paymaster U. S. Vols., April 1, '65; Major and Paymaster U. S. Army, Jan. 17, '67. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut. Col. U. S. Vols., April 1, '65, for faith- ful and meritorious services. Service In Paymaster-General's office, Washing- ton, D. C., to July, 70; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., from July, 7u, to Oct., 77; at Detroit, Mich., from Oct., 77, to June 30, '82, when retired by operation of law. Brooke, Edward H. (First. Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in Oregon. Appointed from Oregon. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 75, to June 26, 77. Actual rank2d Lieut. 21st U. S. Inf., Nov. 28, 79; accepted Dec. 12, 79; 1st Lieut., March 6, '88. Service At Vancouver Bks., Washington, from 79 to '83; in Dept. of the Piatte, at Forts Sidney and Bridger, to '90; in the field with Batt. 21st Inf , in Southern Kansas, July and Aug., '85. Brooke, John (Major and Surgeon). Born in Pennsylvania, Feb. 22, 1834. Retiring year, 1898. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil Life. Actual rank lat Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon U. S. A., Nov. 22, '62; accepted Nov. 26, '62; Captain 88 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BRO and Asst. Surgeon, July 28, '66; Major and Surgeon, March 2, '82. Brevet rank Brevet Capt. and Major, Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion, '61-65. Brooke, John R. (Brigadier General, Com'g Department). Born in Penn- sylvania, July 21, 1838. Retiring year, 1902. Appointed from Penna. Civil Life. Actual rank Captain 4th Pa. Vol. Inf., April 20, '61 ; Colonel 53d Penna. Vol. Inf., Nov. 7, '61; Brigadier-General of Vols.. May 12, '64; accepted June 23, '64; resigned Feb. 1, '66; app. Lieut. Col.. 37th U. S. Inf., July 28, '66; accepted Sept. 15, '66; transferred to 3d U. S. Inf., March 15, '69; Colonel 13th Inf., March 20, 79; transferred to 3d Inf., June 14, '79; app. Brigadier-General U. S. A., April 6, '88; accepted April 24, '88. Brevet rank -Brvt. Colonel U. S. A., March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; Brevet Brigadier-General U.S.A., March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Spottsylvania C. H., Va. ; Brevet Major General of Vols., Aug. 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Tolopotomy and Cold Harbor, Va. Honorably mentioned In the "Records of the Rebellion," on the Peninsula campaign, Vol. XIX., Part II., pp. 836, 839, 902; on the battle of Antietam, Vol. XIX., Part I., pp. 58-9, 172, 192, 277-8, 281-2, 285, 301, 304, 324, 328, 333-4; on the battle of Frederk-kshurg, Vol. XXI., pp.50, 22!, 927; on the Chancellorville campaign, Vol. XXV., Part I., pp. 1 .">:>. 17*>, Ml 2, 315 to 319. 338 to 343, 345 to 347; on the battle of Gettysburg, Vol. XXVII., PartJL, pp. 157, 175, 369, 379, 380, 383, 389, 392, 403-4,408 to 412, 415 as far as pub- lished. Received the commission of Brig. Gen. of Vols. "for di>tinferred to troop " G,'' 8th Cav., at his own re- quest ; joined troop " G " by rail at Camp Pena, Col., Texas, May 16, '* from Camp Ptfia, Colorado, May 21, '88, and marched with troop " \jr Concho, Texas, where the remainder of the 8th Cav. had rendezvoused started to Ft. started with entire regiment from Fort Concho, June 2, '88, and marched via Forts Sill, Reno, Sidney and Robinson to Fort Meade, and from Meade marched with troops F and G, 8th Cavalry, to Fort Yates, N. D., arriving there September 17, '88 ; distance marched, 1950 miles; since above date he has served at Fort Yates. Staff positions occupied Acted as field Q. M. for troops C and H, 8th Cav., aa far as Ft. Clark, and then as field Q. M. for troops A, C, H and L, 8th Cav., from Ft. Clark to Ft. Davis. History During the school year of '80-'81 attended the Oregon State University at Eugene City, Oregon ; marksman, '87 ; sharp- shooter, '88; marksman, '89. Brooks, Horace (Colooel and Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Massachu- setts. Retired; appd. from Mass.; graduated at Military Academy, class of '35. Actual rankBvt. 2d Lieut. 2d Art. July 1, '35 ; 2d Lieut. Dec. 28, '35 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 8, '37 ; Capt. June 18, '46 ; Major April 28, '61 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 6 90 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BRO October 26, '61 ; Colonel 4th Artillery August 1, '63 ; retired January 10, 77. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. Dec. 31, '35, gallantry and good conduct in the war against the Florida Indians ; received the brevets of Major Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco, and of Lieut.-Col. Sept. 8, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Molino del Key; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Mar. 13, '65, meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned During the Canada war received a letter from the judge of the court (that tried McCloud) for handling his company with much discretion on the critical occasion, and he escorted McCloud to Montreal, with Gen. Ander- son, and turned him over to the civil authorities; received the compliments of Gen. Mansfield, Inspector General, for having one of the best drilled companies in New Mexico in 1851 ; received the formal thanks of the citizens of Santa Fe, N. Mexico, for cutting through the palace and placing a mountain howkzer in position to flank the plaza, there being fears of an insurrection of the Spanish population which caused the Americans to stand guard night and day. Sen-ice Served in the war against the Florida Indians; was on duty at the Military Academy as assistant professor of Mathematics '36-'39 ; on frontier, recruiting and garrison duty, to 1846 ; in war with Mexico, on garrison and^ frontier duty, including the Utah expedition, Indian skirmishing, and the bordeV troubles in Kansas, to 1861 ; at beginning of civil war was in command of the Light Bat- tery School of Practice; transferred his command by way of Chicago to Baltimore, through a reception of artillery salutes as he passed through the States ; Feb. 22, '61, passed his companies in review before President Buchanan, the event caus- ing some excitement; had a Light Battery stationed at the Treasury Dept. pre- pared for action on the inauguration of President Lincoln ; soon after was placed in command of a steamer, sailing under sealed orders, which proved to be Fort Pickens, Pensacola, and took part in the Council of War, which was held to de- termine whether the fort should be held or abandoned ; WHS in command at Tor- tugas at the time of the Mason and Slidell capture and suppressed a strike by the New York Wilson Zuaves which might result in consequence of the labor in mounting heavy guns ; ordered by Sec. of War to the command of Philadelphia, Pa. ; Supt. ot Vol. Recruiting at Columbus, O., at the time of the Morgan Raid, also Chief Mustering and Disbursing officer; was for some time commissioner for the States of Maryland and Delaware on account of the Freedman's Bureau ; was detached on the Board to select officers from the volunteer service to appoint- ments in the regular army. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in siege of Vera Cruz, battles of Cerro Gordo, Amazoque, San Antonio, Contreras, Churubusco, Molino del Rey, Chapultepec, and capture of the city of Mexico. Command* held Relieved General Can by in the command of the Department of Washington ; was in command of Fort Washington and the 4th Regiment of Artillery ar the time of the attack on Washington City by Gen. Early. History Title of A. B. conferred by the faculty of Geneva (New York) College in '38; his mother was Maria Gowen Brooks, the authoress of "Tophiel and other Poems;" in the Doctor Southey, after quoting from "Topheil," adds that "Maria del Occidente was the most imaginative and impassioned of all poetesses." Brooks, J. C. W. (First Lieut. 4th Art.). Born at Binghampton, N. Y., July 14, 1862. Retiring year 1926. Appointed a Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Academy from Erie, Pa., July 1, '81 ; graduated June 13, '85. Actual rank -2d Lieut. 4tli U. S. Art., June 14, '85 ; 1st Lieut. 4th Art., Aug. 14, '89. Service Joined Battery G at Fort Adams, R. I., Sept. 30, '85; transferred to Battery I at Fort Monroe, Va., Sept. 1, '86; transferred to Battery M at Fort Prehle, Me., Sept. 1, '88 ; grad- uated at the Artillery School at Fort Monroe, Va., Aug. 31, '88 ; ordered May 9, '89, to conduct a detachment of troops to Fort Barrancas, Fla., and to take charge of the post until the arrival of the garrison (2d Art. was changing station with the 4th, and the latter was to go into camp for the summer at Atlanta, Ga.) ; at Fort Barrancas from May 22 to Aug. 20, '89; Asst. Instructor in the Dept of Ordnance and Gunnery at U. S. Mil. Academy from Aug. 28, '89, to date. Staff positions occupied Acting Regimental Adjutant March, '86; Post Adju- tant Fort Preble, '88-89; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Barrancas from May BRO RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 91 22 to Aug. 20, '89. Commands held In command of Forts Barrancas and Pickers from May 22 to Aug. 20, '89. History Son of Chief Engineer (Uaptain) Wm. B. Brooks, U. S. Navy. Brown, Andrew M. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Illinois. Ketired. Ap- pointed from Illinois Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Mo. Vol. Inf. June 11, '61; hon. must, out Nov. 14, '61; 1st Lieut. 15th U, S. Inf. Oct. 26, '61; accepted Nov. 15, '61 ; Captain Aug. 21, '65; trs. to 24th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; un- assigned Apr. 25, '69: assd. to 13th Inf. July 14, '69; Retired Aug. 31, '71. Brown, Austin H. (Second Lieut. 4th Inf.). Born in Illinois. Appointed from 111. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, July 1, '81 ; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Inf. June 14, '85. Service Joined Regi- ment at Fort Omaha, Neb., and moved with it in July, '86, to the Pacific Coast ; Stationed at Fort Spokane, Wash'n, from that date to present time. Staff positions occupied Post Adjutant Fort Spokane, '86-87. Brown, Edward T. (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in Maine. Appointed from Maine. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '69 ; graduated June 13, '73. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. June 13, 73 ; 1st Lieut. June 13, '82. Service-^St&tioned at Fort Columbus, N. Y. ; regiment under orders for the Pacific coast. Brown, George Le R. (First Lieut, llth Inf.). Born in Michigan. App'd from Mich. Cadet at the U. S. Mi). Acad. July 1, 1868; graduated June 14, 1872. Actual rank Id Lieut, llth U. S. Inf. June 14, '72 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 23, '82. Brown, Hugh G. (Captain 12th Inf., Brevet Major). Born in Penn- sylvania Dec. 28, 1835. Retiring year 1899. Appointed from Iowa Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 15th Iowa Vol. Inf. Dec. 1, '61 ; 1st Lieut. July 9, '62; hon. must, out Sept. 13, '63; Capt., A. D. C. Aus?. 28, '63; accepted Sept. 14, '63; hon. must. out. July 10, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 18th U. S. Inf. May 2, '66 ; accepted June 18, '66 ; trans, to 36th U. S. Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 25, '66 ; unas- signed May 19, '69; assigned to 12th U. S. Inf. Dec. 15, '70; Capt. March 20, '79. Brevet rank Bvt. Captain March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; Maj. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious serviced in the capture of Fort Harrison, Va., Major Vol. Sept. 29, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign of '64 ; Lieut. Col. Vol. March 31, '65, for gallant conduct in the field. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5 ; with the Army of the West in the field, in the Shiloh and ether campaigns; on staff of Gen. Ord, and engaged at the siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; Captain and A. D. C., U. S. Vols., July, '63 ; engaged in Sherman's pursuit of the rebel General Johnston, and Gen. Banks' expedition in Western Louisiana ; Temporary duty in the Middle Military Department during the rebel General Early's raid on Washington, D. C.; with 18th Corps, in front of Petersburg, Va., and engaged at the battle of the Mine, capture of Fort Harrison, action of Fair Oaks, and in the operations of the Army of the James, terminating in the surrender of General Lee, April 9, '65; in Arizona; on the Lakes, and on frontier duty in Dakota, '81 to '90; Present station, Fort Yates, N. D. Staff positions held A. D. C. to Gen. Ord, July, '62 ; temporary duty on the staff of Gen. Wright, com. Dept. of the Ohio; A. D. C. Aug. 29, '66, to Dec. 6, '80 ; Dec. 9, '80, to Jan. 3, '81; Act. Si?. Officer Dept. Cal. Nov. 25, 70, to Dec. 6, '71 ; Act. A. A. G. and Act. J. A. and Act. Eng. Officer Dept. Ark. Jan. 15, '81, to May 10, '81; Battles, skirmishes, etc. In the battle of Shiloh, Dec., '61 ; battle of luka, and action of David's Bridge, Mi^s., '62 ; battle of Vicksburg, Miss., July 1 to 4, '63 ; battle of the Mine, capture of Fort Harrison, action of Fair Oaks, and in the operations of the Army of the James, terminating in the surrender of Gen. Lee. Brown, Joseph B. (Colonel and Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in N Y. Juiy 26, 1822. Retired ; appointed from Michigan Civil Lite. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and Asst Surg. U. S. A. June 29, '49; accepted July 13, '49; Capt. and Asst. Surg. June 29, '54; Major and Surgeon U. S. A. July 4, '61 ; Lieut. Col. and Surgeon June 30, '82 ; Colonel and Surgeon Jan. 24, '86. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut. Colonel and Colonel U. S. A. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; Brvt. Brigadier General U. S.A. Sept. 28, '66, for meritc- 92 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BRO rious and distinguished services at Fort Columbus, N. Y., where cholera prevailed. Service At Fort Mackinac, Mich., to Aug., '50; San Antonio. Tex., to Nov., '50; Corpus Christi, Fort Clark, in the field, and at Ringgold Bks.,Texa, to July, '54; Fort Mackinac, Mich., to July, '55; Jefferson Barracks, Mo., where cholera pre- vailed, and with Sioux expedition from Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to Dec., '55; in the field in Washinghton Ter. and Oregon, '56; in Washington Ter. to Jan., '57; at Fort Dalles, Oregon, to July, '59 ; Fort Steiiacome, W. T,, to Nov., '60 ; Fort Townsend and Fort Vancouver, W. T., to Dec., '61 ; Chief Medical Officer Artil- lery Reserve; Medical Director 4th Army Corps, and Med. Director 6th Prov. Corps; with the Army of the Potomac, and present in all the engagements on Peninsula to Harrison's Landing, to July, '62, and Acting Asst. Surgeon-General during great part of the operations of Genls. Grant and Sherman on Miss. River and to Atlanta; in the office of the Assistant Surgeon-General, St. Louis, Mo., and Louisville, Ky., to July, '65; Post Surgeon Governor's Island, N. Y. Har- bor, from September, '65, and president of the Medical Examining Board, New York City, N. Y., '67 ; Med. Director Dept. Platte, Omaha, from '69 to '74 ; de- tailed as president of successive army med. ex. boards till retired. Retired by operation of law, July 26, '86. Battles, skirmishes, etc. At siege* of Yorktown, Va., battles of Williamsburg, Mechanicsville, Games' Mill and Malvern Hill, Va., '62. Brown, Justus M. (Major and Surgeon). Born in Ohio Dec. 8, 1840. Re- tiring year 1904 ; appointed from Ohio Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon U.S. A. July 11, '62; accepted Aug. 13, '62; Captain and A&st. Surgeon July 28, '66 ; Major and Surgeon April 13, '81. Brevet rank Brevet Captain and Major March 13, '65, for faithful and meritoiious services during the war. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion, '61-5 ; ill Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona. Texas, Nebraska and Dakota. Brown, Nathan W. (Brigadier Gen. U. S. A.). Born at Brownsville, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1819. Retired. Appointed from New York Civil Lite. Actual Rank App. Major and Paymaster U. S. Army Sep. 5, '49; Lieut. -Colonel and Deputy Paymaster General U. S. A. April 4, '64; Colonel and Asst. Paymaster General July 28, '66; Brigadier General and Paymaster General June 8, '80. 11 rank Brevet Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General U. S. A. Mareh IS, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service In Florida to California to '55, New York City to '57, Florida to '58, Fort Kearney, Neb. Ter., to '60, Fort Smith, Arkansas, to '61 ; with Sturgis' command when he evacuated the post of Fort Smith, April, '61 ; joined Emory's command at Fort Washita, and en route to Fort Leavenworth ; at St. Louis to '69; Charge of Pay District of the Missouri to '69. Retired, being over sixty-two years of age, Feb. 6, '82. Brown, Oscar J. (First Lieut. 1st Cav.~). Born in Georgia. Appointed from Ga. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '72; graduated Juue 15, 77. Actual Rank MA. 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Cav. June 15, 77 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. Sept. 30, 77 ; 1st Lieut. Apr. 24, '86. Brown, Paul R. (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in New York Nov. 4, 1846. Retiring year 1910. Appointed from New York Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon Nov. 10, 74; accepted Nov. 13, 74; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Nov. 10, 79. Service Ordered to Mil. Div. of the Atlantic Nov. 30, 74 ; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., to July, 75; ordered to Dep. of Dakota July 20, 75 ; Post Surg. Fort Shaw, Mont., to May, 79; in the field with batt. 2d Cav. from April to Oct., 77; Post Surg. Fort Bennett, Dak., to Sep., 79 ; on leave of absence to March, '80; ordered to Dep. of the East Mar. 2, '80; at Fort' Hamilton, N. Y., to Oct., '81 ; ordered to Dept. of Texas Oct. 24, '81 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Davis, Texas, to May, '82; on sick leave to Nov., '83; ordered to Dep. of Arizona Nov. 28, '83; Post Surgeon Fort Huachuca, Arizona, from Jan., '84, to Nov.. '87; Post Surgeon at Fort Niagara, N. Y., Dec., 87, to Sep., '88; Post Surgeon Sidney Bks., Neb., Sep. to Nov., '88; Post Surgeon Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., Nov., '88, to May, '89 ; on sick leave to Dec., '89 ; at Army and Navy Hospital from Dec., '89, to present date. Brown, Robert A. (Second Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in Pennsylvania. Ap- BRU RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 93 pointed from Pa.; Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '81 ; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th U. S Cav. June 14, '85. Brown, Rufus P. (First Lieut, and R. Q. M. 4th Inf.). Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '62; graduated June 18, '66. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Inf. June 18, '66; 1st Lieut. Jan. 10, 76. Service Joined regiment at Plattsburg Bks., N. Y., and served there until March, '67, when the regiment was ordered to the Plains ; served in the Department of the Platte, at Forts Laramie, Fetterman, to 71 ; in Dept. of the South, and served at Lexington, Ky., and Little Rock Bks. to May, 73 ; in Dep. of the Platte, and served at Forts Russell, Fred. Steele, Bridger, Laramie, Fetterman, and Omaha to July, '86 ; in the Dept. of the Columbia and at Fort Sherman Idaho, to present date. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Fetterman, at Lexington, and at Fort Omaha; R. Q. M. 4th Inf. Nov. 1, '87, to present date. Brown, William C. (First Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Minnesota Dec. 19, 1854. Retiring year 1918; Appointed from Minn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 73 ; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. June 15, 77 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. July 3, 77 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 19, '84. Honorably mentioned -See Reports of Secretarv of War for 79, Vol., J. pp. 161 and 163; '80, Vol. I. p. 205; '82, Vol. I. p. 174; '84, Vol. III. p. 110; G. O. No. 2 A. G. O. '83. Recommended by Commanding General Department Columbia for brevet of First Lieut, for "Distinguished perseverance, energy and gallantry in the field against hostile Indians of Middle Idaho campaign of 79." Service Joined regiment at Ft. Walla Walla, W. T., Dec. 16, 77, and stationed there until May 27, 78; in the field in Bannock Campaign until Oct. 23, 78 ; at Ft. Klamath, Ogn., until May 2,79; escorting Indian prisoners to Vancouver Bks, W. T., and on detached service with Indian Scouts, at Umatilla Indian Agency, Ogn., until July 8, 79; in the field with Indian Scouts against hostile " Sheepeater " Indians in Middle Idaho until Nov. 14, 79; at Ft. Klamath until June 5, '80; in the field on reconnoitering duty until Sept. 26, '80; on leave of absence from Nov. 22, '80, to Mar. 15, '81 ; at Ft. Klamath, scouting and con- structing military telegraph line, until Nov. 20, '81 ; on duty at U, S. Inf. and Cav. School at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., from Dec. 20, '81, to July 1, '85 (from Dec. 20, 1881, to Sept. 1, '83, as student and instructor, and from latter date to July 1, '85, as Instructor under War Dept. orders) ; at West Point, N. Y., as Adju- tant U. S. Military Academy from Aug. 1, '85, to July 1, '90. S'aff positions oc- cupied Adjutant and Quartermaster at various other times at Ft. Klamath, Ogn.; Adjutant Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., June 1 to June 15, '85; Adjt. Mil. Acdy. Aug. 1, '85, to July 1, '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Battle of Birch Creek, Ogn., July 8, 78 ; skirmish on North Fork of John Day River, Ogn., July 20, 78. History Original Compiler of " Memoranda of Decisions on Points of Tactics," and originator of Automatic arrangement for overcoming drift on rear sight of Springfield Rifle. Browne, Edward H. (Second Lieut. 4th Inf.). Born in Michigan. Ap- pointed from Mich. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 75; grad- uated June 13, 79. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Inf. June 13, 79. Brownell, Francis E. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Retired; Appointed from N. Y. Civil Life. Actual EankPvt.Co.A, llth N. Y. Vol. Inf., Apr. 20, '61 ; discharged July 4, '61 ; 2d Lieut, llth U. S. Inf. May 14, '61; ac- cepted July 5. '61 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 24, '61 ; retired Nov. 4, '63. Bruce, William E. (Second Lieut. 22d Inf.). Born in Pennsylvania. App. from Ohio, Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 22d U. S. Inf. June 12, '87. Bruff, Lawrence L. (First Lieut. Ordnance). Born in Maryland 1855. Re- tiring year 1919; appointed from Md. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, 72; graduated June 15, 76. Actual Hank 2d Lieut. 3d Art. June 15, 76; app. 1st Lieut of Ord. Oct. 30, 79. Service Served at Fort Reno, I. Ty., Oct., 76, to Jan., 77; Indianapolis Arsenal, Ind., Jan. to April, 77; Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., April to July, 77; Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H., July, 77, to April, 78; Railroad Riots July 94 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BRY and Aug., 77 ; Fort Monroe, Va. (Art. School), April, 78, to Nov. 79; Rock Island Arsenal, 111., Dec., 79, to April, '83; sick leave April, '83, to Oct., '83; Watertown Arsenal, Ma&s., Oct., '83, to Aug., '84; assistant Instructor of Ordnance and Gun- nery U. S. Military Academy Sept., '84, to Sept., '86; Inspector of Ordnance, West Point Foundry, Cold Spring, N. Y., Sept., '86, to Sept., '87 ; Watervliet Arse- nal, Gun Factory, Sept., '87, to date. Brumback, Virgil J. (Second Lieut. 2d Inf.). Born in Indiana. Appointed from Idaho. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1,77; graduated June II, '81. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Inf. June 11, '81. Brush, Daniel H. (First. Lieut. 17th Inf.). Born in Illinois. Appointed from III. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '67; graduated June 12, 71. Actual rankPvt. Co. F, 145th 111. Vol. Inf., May 22, '64, to Sept. 23, '64; 2d Lieut. 17th U. S. Inf. June 12, 71; 1st Lieut. Aug. 4, 76. Bryan, Roger B. (Second Lieut. 2d Cav.). Born in Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 21, 1860. Retiring year, 1924. Appointed to U. S. Military Academy, from Mass., in 1879; graduated 1883. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d Cav. June 13, '83. Service Joined 2d Cav. at Fort Cu-ter, Mont., Sept. 30, '83; marched to the Pacific Coast with regiment May and June, '84; stationed at Fort Walla- Walla, Wash.; Fort Lapwai, Idaho, from Aug. to Dec., '84; at Fort Walla- Walla to Dec., '85; Fort Spokane, Wash., Dec., '85, to May, '86; Fort Sherman, Idaho, '87; returned to troop duty at Fort Vancouver, Wash., and after field trip to duty with troop, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to date. Commands held In command of Fort Lapwai, Nez Percts Indian Reserve, Aug. to Dec., '84, with detachment of 25 men, 2d Cav. History Graduate of Leavenworth School of Application, '89. Bryant, Cullen (Captain of Ordnance). Born in Illinois 1839. Retiring year, 1903. Appointed from 111. Cadet at Mil. Acad., 1860 ; graduated Class of ' >\. Actual Rank 2d Lieut. Ord. June 13, '64; 1st Lieut. July 5, '67; Capt. June 23, '74. Service Assistant at Watervliet Araenal '64-65; Assistant at New York Ar- senal '65-70; Ass't at Leavenworth Arsenal, 70-72; at Indianapolis Arsenal 72; Assistant at Rock Island Arsenal 72; at Orn-iha Ordnance Depot and Chief Ordnance Officer Department of the Platte 72-73; Assistant at Watertown Arsenal 73-75 ; Assistant at Watervliet Arsenal 75-76 ; Assistant to < structor of Ordnance and on Foundry Duty at Boston, Mass., 76-82; at Van- couver Barracks Ordnance Depot and Chief Ordnance Officer Department of the Columbia, '82-84; Assistant at Benicia Arsenal '84-87; Assistant at Frankford Arsenal since Dec., '87. Commands held Indianapolis Arsenal (temporarily), Omaha Ord. Depot, 72-73 ; Vancouver Bks. Ord. Depot, '82-84. Bryant, Montgomery (Colonel 13th Inf.). Born in Kansas, Dec. 28, 1831. Retiring year, 1895; appointed from Missouri Civil Life. Actual rank Second Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf. Feb. 21, '57; accepted April 9, '57; 1st Lieut. May 3. '61 ; 1st Lieut. 16th Inf. (declined) May 14, '61; Capt. 6th Inf. June 10, '61; Major 14th Inf. Oct. 7, 74; Lieut. Col. 8th Inf. June 22, '82; Col. 13th Inf. Dec. 16, '88. Brevet rank Bre\et Major December 13, 1862, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia. Honorably mentioned \n the Records of the Rebellion, in reports on battles of Gaines' Mill and Malvern Hill, Vol. XL, Part II., p. 374; in Second Bull Run, Vol. XII., Part II., p. 498. Service En route to Utah with the Utah expedition, and en route to Benicia, Cal. ; at Fort Yuma Gal.; engaged in expedition against the Mojave Indians; at Fort Mojave, A. T., April, '59, to May, '61 ; en route across the desert to Los An- geles, Cal., and at that post to Aug., '61 ; commanding two companies en route to reinforce Fort Yuma, Cal., and at that post to Oct., '61 ; en route to San Diego, Cal., and Washington, D. C., to Dec., '61 ; in the War of the Rebellion from '61 to "63; in the field with Army of the Potomac, and participated in the campaigns in Virginia '62-3; at Fort Hamilton, Willett's Point, and Fort Wood, N. Y., Aug., '63, to May, '6- 1 ) ; recruiting duty Oct., '63, to March, '64 ; in the Dept of the South, at Hilton Head, S. C., '68; commanding post of Fort Gibson, C.N., June to Oct., '67; commanding post of Fort Gibson, C. N., from Jan., '68, to '69; at various posts in different parts of the country from 70 to '90 ; present station, Fort Supply, Ind. Ter. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the siege of York- BUF RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 95 town, battles of Games' Mill, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, and Fredericks- burg, Va., in '62. Bubb, John W. (Captain 4th Inf.). Born in Pennsylvania April 26, 1843. Retiring year, 1907; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private, Sergeant and 1st Sergeant Co. E, 1st Batt., 12th U. S. Inf. Sept. 13, '61, to April 24, '66; app. 2d Lieut. 12th U. S. Inf. Feb. 5, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 5, '66; accepted April 25, '66 ; transferred to 30th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; transferred to 4th Inf. March 23, '69 ; Captain March 16, '79. Service At Fredericksburg, Virginia, Fort Sidney, Nebraska, Fort Sanders, Wyo., Fort Laramie, Wyo., Frankfort, Kentucky; on Sioux Expedition with Genl. Crook ; at Fort Fetterman, Wyo., at Cantonment Reno, at Fort McKinney, Wyo., Fort Omaha, Neb., and Fort Sherman, Idaho. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. at Fredericksburg from July, '66, to Jan., '67 ; A. A. Q. M. at Fort Sidnev, Neb., from Dec., '67, to July, '68; A. A. Q. M. at Fort Sanders from July, '68, to March, '71 ; app. Regimental Q. M. 4th Inf. April 1, 72, and served to' June 1, 75; Chief C. S. B>g Horn and Yellowstone Expedition in 76; A. A. Q. M. Fort Fetterman from Dec., 76, to July, 77; A. A. Q. M. Cantonment Reno and Fort McKinney from Jan., 78, to Nov., 78. Battle*, skirmishes, etc. In action with Sioux Indians at Rosebud Creek, Mont., and at Slim Buttes, N. D., 76. Buchanan, James A. (First Lieut. 14th Inf.). Born in Maryland. Ap- pointed from Md. Civil Life. Actual rank -2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. March 7, '67; accepted May 27, '67; 1st Lieut. Dec. 10, 73. Service Served with regiment in Arizona, in the Department of the Platte, and on the Pacific Coast; on duty at Washington, D. C., at present time. Staff positions occupied Adjutant 14th Inf. from April 10, '86, to July 25, '87. Buck, Beaumont B. (Second Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born at Mayhew, Miss., Jan. 16, 1860. Retiring year, 1924; appointed from Texas. Cadet at U. S. Mili- tary Academy July, '80; graduated Junes 14, '85. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. June 14, '85. Service Present in April, '86, at the riots in Laredo, Texas, and formed part of the command of U. S. troops which suppressed that riot; at Fort Douglas, Utah, from May, '88, to Sept., '89; ordered to Fort Hall Indian Agency (Idaho), Feb., '89, to witness Government issues to the Bannock and Shoshone Indians; Professor of Military Science and Tactics at University of Mo. (Columbia). Torn Sept. 1, '89, to . History Member of Dept of Texas Rifle Team, '86; Dept. of Piatte Team, '88; Division of the Missouri Team, '88; Dept. of Platte team, '89, thus becoming entitled to Division Medal, Dept. Medal and Distinguished Marksman's Medal ; Became Distinguished Marksman Sept., ; 89. Buck, William L. (First Lieut. 13lonel and Inspector General). B^rn in Dela- ware, Jan. 12, 1843. Retiring year 1907. Appointed from Delaware. Cadet at the United States Military Academy Jif.y 1, '61 ; graduated June 23. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 12th U. S. Inf. June 23. '65; 1st Lieut. June 23, '65; transferred to 21st Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; Captain Aug. 16, '71 ; Major and Inspector General M rch 27, '85; accepted April 1, '85 ; Lieut. Col. and Inspector General Aug. 31, '88. Service Served with regiment at \Vashington, D. C.. in Ari/ona, and on the Pacific coast to '83 ; in the Modoc Indian Campaign, '73 ; in th Perces Indian War, '77; in the Bannock Indian War; in the Dept. of Platte, at Fort Sidn?y, from '83 to '85. Staff positions occupied Adj. 2 t'learwater with Nez Perces Indians July 11-12, 77. ffonorabfy mentioned \V:i* rvcmn- mended for brevet for distinguished service in the Lava Beds of Northern California. Burton, Henry G. (Captain and Assistant Surgeon). Born in Vermont Oct., 1846. Retiring year 1910. Appointed from Vermont Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and Asat. Surgeon U. S. A. Aug. 5, 76; accepted Aug. 21, 76 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Aug. 5, '81. Service Po*t Surgeon Fort Bowie, A. T., from Oct., 76, to May, 78; Post Surgeon at Fort McDowell, A. T., to Aug., 78; Poet Sur- geon Fort Verde, A. T., to Sep., '80; on leave of absence Nov. and Dec., '80; Post Surgeon at Fort Niagara, N. Y., from Jan. to May, '81 ; Post Surgeon at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. (temporary duty), to May, '81 ; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., to Oct., '82; on leave of absence from Nov., '82, to April, '83; Post Sin Fort A. Lincoln, N. D. (temporary duty), to Aug. 1, '83; Post Surgeon at Assinaboine, Mont., from Sep., '83, to May 1, '87; on sick leave from Ma\ '87, to Oct. 22, '87 ; Post Surgeon at Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., from Nov., '87, to Feb.. '88 ; on sick leave* from Feb. 2, '88, to Oct. 1, '89; on temporary duty at David's Island, N. Y., from Oct. 1, '89, to present time. Bush, Edward G. (Lieut.-Colonel llth Inf.). Born in'Illinois Feb. 5, 1838. Retiring year 1902. Appointed from Illinois to Mil. Acad. '54; graduated Juiy 1, '59. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. July 1, '59; 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. Aug. 7, '59; 1st Lieut. 12th Inf. May 14, '61 (declined); 1st Lieut. 10th Inf. May 14, '61; Captain March 13, '63; Major 6th Inf. April 11/82; Lieut. -Col. llth Inf. October, 13, '86. Brevet rank Brevet Major July 2, '63. Honorably mentioned In the "Records of the Rebellion," by Brigade Commander, Col. S. Burbank, 2d Inf., Vol. XXV. Series 1. p. 533 all at present published. Service Served at Newport Bks., Ky., from Sept. 30, V>9, to July, '6^; on fron- tier duty, Fort Wise, Kas., Sept., '60 ; at Mil. Acad. (in Spanish) Oct., Nov., "Dec., '60; leave of absence Dec. '60, to April, '61 ; at Fort Wise from April, '61, to Sept., '61; Adjt. 10th luf. Sept., '61, at Fort Laramie N. T.; was Adjt, 10th Inf. till promoted Captain, actually till after the battle of Chancellorsville, May 1, '63, where he commanded 10th Inf., not having heard of his promotion previous BUT RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 101 to that time; no field officer or Captain with regiment at that time; served during War of Rebellion ; at Fort Laramie, N. T., Sept., '61, to June, '62 ; at Fort Kearney, Neb., from June, '62, to April, '63 (engaged in actions of the Rappahannock Campaign and Pennsylvania Campaign, '63 ; slightly wounded at the battle of Gettysburg) ; on duty in the Department of the Missouri, in office of the A. A. Provost-Marshal-General, August, '63, to January, '65 ; Military Academy (in Spanish) from January, '65, to June, '68; Fort Ripley, Minnesota, Sept., '68, to May, '69; on duty during winter of '68-69 as witness of Indian payments in Minnesota; Brownsville, Tex., June, '69 ; Corpus Christi, Tex., June, '69 ; Ringgold Barracks, May, 70, to April, 72 ; on leave April, 72, to Aug., 72 ; San Antonio, Tex., Aug., 72, to Oct., 72 ; Fort McKavett, Tex., Oct., '72, to June, 73 ; S in Felipe, Tex., June, 73, to Aug., 73 ; Fort Stockton, Tex., Aug. 30, 73, to May, 75; at Fort McKavett, Tex., May, 75, to Sept., 76 ; at Gover- nor's Island from Oct. 1, 75, to Oct. 19, 76 ; at Columbia, S. C., from Oct., 76, to January, 77; Governor's Island, N. Y. H., from July, 77, to July, 78, and at David's Island from July, 78, till Oct., 78; Fort McKavett, Tex., Dec., 78, to May, 79; Fort Brady, Mich., May, 79, to May, '82 ; joined 6th Inf. as Major May, '82, Fort Douglas, U. T. ; Fort Thoraburgh, U. T., from June till Oct., '83 ; Fort Douglas, U. T., from Oct., '83, to Oct., '86 ; Fort Yates, D. T., from Nov. 10, '86, to July 28, '87; at Madison Bks., N. Y., from Aug., '87, to Staff posi- tions occupied Adj. 10th Inf. Aug. 1, '61, to March 13, '63. Bottles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in actions of the Rappahannock Campaign and Pennsylvania Campaign, '63; slightly wounded at the battle of Gettysburg. Commands held Fort Ripiey, Minn., Sept., '68, to May, '69; Fort Stockton, Tex., Aug. 30, 73, to May, 75; Governor's Island, N. Y. H., from July, 77, to July, 78; Fort Brady, Mich., May, 79, to May, '82; Fort Thornburgh, U. T., June to Oct., '83 ; Fort Yates, D. t., Nov. 10, '*6, to July 28, '87. Bush, James C. (First Lieut. 5th Art). Born in Connecticut. Appointed from Conn. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 71; graduated June 16, 75. Actual RnnkW Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. June 16, 75; 1st Lieut. Nov. 1, '82. Service Stationed at Fort Columbus, N. Y., '90, under orders with regiment for Pacific coast. Bushnell, George B. (Capt. and Asst. Surg.) Born in Massachusetts Sept. 10, 1853. Retiring year 1917; appointed from Wisconsin Civil Life. Actual rankl&t L : eut. and Asst. Surg., U. S. A., Feb. 18, '81 ; accepted March 8, '81 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Feb. 18, '86. Butler, Edmund (Maj. 2d Inf.). Born in Ireland March 19, 1827. Retiring year 1891 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil Life. Actual Rank 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. Oct. 7, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 20, '62; Capt. May 14, '64; Maj 2d Inf. Oct. 8, '85. Honorably mentioned Complimented officially by Dept. Com. for settling, without resort to force, "difficult and delicate" question of claim of certain Kansas troops on the Missouri border, not to have been enlisted lor three years or during the war, as shown by the muster-rolls, but as " Home-Guards," and refusal of troops raised as artillery to serve as infantry ; for services in expedition agaiiint Navajo Indians, '65, thanked by Dept. Com., and recommended for brevet majority for gallantry and success; recommended by Gen. Miles for a brevet majority for " conspicuous gallantry in leading his command against greatly superior numbers of hostile Indians, strongly entrenched at Wolf Moun- tain, 'W. TX, Jan. 8, 1877." Service In '61, special duty with Inspector of Volunteer troops in Kansas and Missouri; attached to Co. E, Ibt U. S. Infantry '62; mustering officer, consolidating and re-mustering Kansas volun- teers; '62, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; ordered to New Mexico; joined 6th Infantry in Camp Peralto, New Mexico; Albuquerque, New Mexico; '63, Loa Pinos, N. M.; 64, marched to Texas, with head-quarters 5th Infantry; rebuilt Fort 'Bliss, Tex., after re-occupation ; '65, ordered to Navajo country to take com- mand of old Fort Wingate, Jan. 1 ; in command of expedition composed of Cali- fornia and New Mexican Vol. Cav., Pueblo Indians,and citizen volunteers, against Navajo Indians in Canon de Chelle ; struck tribe under Manoelito Grande return- ing from Apache country to their old home in Chuaca Valley ; attack in the 102 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BUT Cienega Amarilla, and recapture of large herd of sheep, ponies, etc. ; capture of Sarcilio Largo's family; attack in Chusca Valley ; drove Indians out of the Canon de Chelle ; marched 720 miles in 22 days, 21 hours in saddle on one occasion, 18 in another; two days without rations; results of expedition dispersion of Indiana, abandoning everything, 31 Indians killed, 27 prisoners, recapture of stolen herds, received surrender of Manoelito Grande, 2000 to 3000 prisoners sent to new reservation on the Pecos River; '66, ordered to proposed line of Kansas Pacific Railway; marched from Ft. Wingate, N. M., to Ft. Wallace, Kans., Nov. and Dec., 600 miles; Dec., '68, ordered to Arickeree Fork with 80 Inf. men to bring in bodies of killed in Forsyth affair; two feet of snow; exhumed bodies under fire of main body of Sioux; two bodies, those of Lt. Beecher,3d Iiifty., and Dr. Moers had been taken out of graves by Sioux, probably in revenge for rifling of Sioux graves on the Republican by camp followers; articles of clothing belong- ing to the two officers found in the graves ; '69, guarding Smoky Hill Stage Route from Wallace to Denver; Indian operations; volunteered with his company for expedition against Pawnees under Gen. C. R. Woods ; '71, guarding line of Kansas Pacific ; October, ordered with two companies to Southeastern Kansas for protec- tion of Missouri River, Fort Scott, and Gulf Railroad against organized land- leaguers; 72, Oct., ordered to the plains; Dec., camp fever; on sick-leave in Europe; '73, June, rejoined at Ft. Dodge, Ks.; on line of Atchison and Santa F6 Railroad; '74, served through expedition against Comauches and Kiowas in the Indian country and Texas, under Gen. N. A. Miles; 75, in camp on North Fork of Red River, Texas; April, Ft. Riley, Kansas; 76, ordered to Yellowstone on Snelling, Minn., on special duty under private instructions of Department com- mander at Standing Rock, D. T.; June, '81, rejoined regiment at Ft. Keogh, M. T.; Sept., in the field guarding working parties on Northern Pacific Railroad ; '82, at Ft. Keogh, M. T.; April. '83, recorder of court of inquiry at Fort Custer, M. T.; '85,FortTownsend,W.T.; '86, April, Memberof Board ol Officers for examination of non-comd. officers, for promotion, at Vancouver Bks.; July, Fort Omaha, Neb.; with Batt. 2d Inf. at G. A. R. Encampment, Grand Inland, Neb.; '87, June. M.-mber of Board of Visitors at Fort Leavenworth School of Application ; Sept., at G. A. R. Encampment, Omaha, Neb.; '88, Mav, at Rifle Range, Bellevue, Neb.; Member of Board of Officers at Omaha, to examine non-comd. officers for promotion; August, at G. A. R. Encampment at Norfolk, Neb.; Sept., at Camp of Instruction, Kearney, Neb.; '89, April, Member of Board of Officers at Omaha, Neb., for examination of non-comd. officers for promotion ; May, June, at Rifle Range, Bellevue, Neb.; Aug., at G. A. R. Encampment, Kearney, Neb.; Sept., at Camp of Instruction, Fore Rob- inson, Neb.; Oct., Fort Omaha, Neb., to . Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. at Fort Leavenworth, Ks., and Albuquerque, N. M., '62; Act. R. Q. M. en route to Texas, '64. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Expedition against Navajo Indians, '65; expedition against Pawnees, under Gen. C. R. Wood, '69; expedition against Co- manches and Kiowas in the Indian Country and Texas, under Gen. N. A. Miles, 74; in attack by Sioux Indians on steamboats near Glendive redoubt, at mouth of Tongue River, Aug., 76 ; cutting a route through Bad Lands north of present Fort Keogh, to head of Ouster Creek, Sept., 76; in expedition under Gen. Miles against Sitting Bull; present at council on Cedar Creek, and, in subsequent en- gagement, commanded centre six companies and in pursuit which ended with surrender of eight chiefs, claiming to represent 700 lodges, and flight of Sitting Bull with 30 lodges, and Gall with 15, British line; shot at by Gall, after council on Cabin Creek, while relieving an outpost ; November, in Fort Peck expedition under Gen. Miles; commanding reconnoissance of Black Butte Creek to develop Sitting Bull's whereabouts; 77, in expedition against confederated Sioux and Cheyennes under Crazy Horse, in the Wolf Mountains ; led attack against Indians fortified on a steep bluff, and massing in rear of Miles' position ; horse shot under him; took position and ended fight. Commands held Co. "A," 1st Missouri Cavalry, '61; LOB Pino*, New Mexico, '63; Old Fort Wingate, New Mexico, BUT KECOEDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 103 Jan. 1, '65 ; expedition against Navajo Indians '65 ; fortified camp at Hedinger Lake, '68 ; Fort Wallace, Kansas, and Southeastern Kansas, 71 ; guards on line of Atchison and Santa Fe R. II., '73; Fort Gibson, Ind. Ty., 76; Fort Townsend, VV. T., '85 ; Batt. 2d Inf. at G. A. R. Encampment, Grand Island, Neb., '86; Regiment at G. A. R. Encampment, Omaha, Neb., '87; Rifle Range, Belle- vue, Neb., May, : 88; Hd. Qrs. Baud and Batt. at G. A. R. Encampment at Nor- folk, Neb., '88; Batt. at Camp of Instruction, Kearney, Neb., '88; Rifle Range at Bellevue, Neb., May-June; Regt. at G. A. R. Encampment at Kearney, Neb,. Aug.; and Regt. at Camp of Instruction, Fort Robinson, Neb., '89. Butler, John G. (Captain of Ordnance). Bom in Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 23, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed to Mil. Acad., in 1859; graduated June 11, 1863. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th Art., June 11, '63; transferred to Ord. Dept., Jan. 29, '64; 1st Lieut., March 7, '67; Capt., June 23, '74. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Sept. 20, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga; Bvt. 1st Lieut, for meritorious services in Ord. Dept. (declined). Honorably mentiontd [Extract from report of Fit-it Lt. F. L. D. Bustell, 1th Art., on battle of Chickamauga, Sept., 1863.] ***** f Lieutenant Butler, the only officer with me, distinguished himself by his cool and gallant conduct, and rendered me the most essential service. Service In Army of the Cumberland, August, '63, to Jan., '64; at Chattanooga, Tenn., and at Bridgeport, Ala., until Jan., '64; ordered on recruiting duty Jan., '64; declined, by permission, said detail; ordered to appear at Washington for exami- nation for transfer to the Ord. Dept.; Asst. Ord. officer at Frankford Arsenal, Pa., Feb. 1 to Dec. 11, '64, being detached May 19 to July 1 to arm and tquip New Jersey troops; sailed under sealed orders Nov., '64, in charge of ordnance stores and material to anticipate the arrival of General Sherman's army on the Atlantic Coast; Asst. to Insptr. of Ord., New York, Boston, Philadelphia, West Point and Reading, Dec. 11, '64, to June, '67, and Asst. Const, of Ord. at Scott Foundry, Reading, Pa., Jan. 4, '67, to June, '67; Asst. at Leavenworth Arsenal, Kan., June '67, to May, 70; detached duty in Philadelphia until Sept., 70; Asst. at Fort Monroe Arsenal, Va., May 9, 70, to Sept., 73; on detached duty at U. S. Ord. Agency, N. Y., May to Sept., 73; Asst. to Const, of Ord., Sept., 73, to April 22, 76; Asst. at VVatervliet Arsenal, N. Y., May, 76, to May, '80; Asst. at Watertown Arsenal, Mass., May 20, '80, to April 5, '83; Asst. at Rock Island Arsenal, Ills., May 20, '83, to Sept., '86; Asst. at the Nat. Armory. Springfield, Mass., Sept., '86, to Dec. 24, '87; at the St. Louis Powder Depot, Mo., from Jan. 6, '88 to . Battles, skirmishes, etc. Battle of Chickamauga, Sept. 19 and 20, '63. Commands heldM. S. Ord. Agency, May to Sept., '83 ; the St. Louis Powder Depot, Mo., from Jan. 6, '88, to . History Son of John B. Butler, Major and P. M. in Mexican War, on staff of Gen. Taylor and later in Ord. Dept. U. S. A., and grand- son of John Butler, whose military records for three generations extend back through the four great wars in which the country has been engaged the War of the Revolution, the War of 1812, the Mexican War and the War of the Seced- ing States, '61-66. Capt. Butler is the author of " Projectiles and Rifled Cannon," and of various articles and publications upon the subjects of ordnance, the Na- tional defence, etc. He is also the inventor of th "Butler projectile," in use with rifled guns for the past ten or twelve years, and in the proof of both breech and muzzle-loading guns adopted in U. S. service. Butler, John H. (Capt. and Bvt. Major U. S. A.). Born in Massachusetts Retired. Appointed from Conn. Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. May 22, '61; accepted June 3, '61 ; 1st Lieut. June 10, '61 ; retired Feb. 7, '65; Capt. 42d U.S. Inf. Jan. 22, '67 ; accepted April 1, '67; unassigned April 22, '69; retired with rank of Capt. mtd. May 14, 70. Brevet rank Bvt. Captain June 30, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Glendale, Va. ; Major Nov. 8, '63, lor gallant and meritorious services in the action near Culpeper, Va. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion '61-5. 104 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. BYR Butler, Matthew C., Jr. (Second Lieut 9th Inf.). Born in South Carolina. Appointed from 8. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83; gradu- ated June 11, '88. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. June 11, '88; 2d Lieut. 9 h Inf. Oct. 17, '88. Buttler, "William C. (First Lieut. 3d Inf.). Born in New Jersey. Appointed from IS T . J. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 72; graduated June 15,76. Actual rank 2^ Lieut. 3d U.S. Inf. June 15,76; 1st Lieut. Apr. 16, '85. Service Stationed at David's Island, N. Y., '90. Byram, George L. (Second Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Mississippi. Appoint- ed from Ala. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '81 ; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rankI^ Lieut. 1st U. S. Cav. Jun*i 14, '85. Byrne, Bernard A. (First Lieut. 6th Inf.). Born in Kentucky. Appointed from D. C. Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 6th U.S. Inf. Oct. 15, 75; accepted Oct. 20, 75; 1st Lieut. Dec. 31, '82. Byrne, Charles (First Lieut. 6th Inf.). Born in Washington. Appointed from Texah Civil Life. Actual rankId. Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf. Jan. 9,77; accepted Jan. 18, 77 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 31, '83. Byrne, Charles B. (Captain and Asst. Surg.). Born in Md. Jan. 18, 1846. Re- tiring year 1910; appointed from Md. Civil Life. Actual rank \*l Lieut, and Asst. Surg. Nov. 16, '68 ; accepted Dec. 21, '68 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Nov. 16, 71. Service Ordered to Dept. ot the Columbia Aug., '68 ; Post Surgeon Camp Lyon, Idaho, to April, '69; Post Surgeon Fort Boise, Idaho, to Oct., '69 ; Post Surgeon Camp Harney, Oregon, to Sept., 71; Post Surgeon Camp Warner, Oregon, to July, 73; on leave of absence to Oct., 73 ; at Willet's Point, Nr\v York Harbor, to Oct. 1, 75; ordered to Dept. of Texas, Sept. 9, 75; PostSur- Fort Brown, Texas, to June, 76; at San Antonio, Texas, to March, 77; Post Surgeon Fort Duncan, Texas, to Nov., 79 ; on leave of absence, Dec., 79, to May, '80; ordered to Dep. of the South May 14, '80; Post Surgeon Fort John- son, N. C., to Feb., '81 ; Post Surgeon Fort Barrancas. Ela., to Mav, '83 ; ordered to Dept. of the Missouri May 3, '83; Post Surgeon Fort Craig, N. M., to Aug., '83; Post Surgeon Fort Lewis, Colo., to June, '84 ; Post Surgeon Fort Gibson, Inuian Ty., from July, '84, to Aug., '87; on duty at Washington Bks, D. C., from Oct., '87, to Aug., '88; Post Surgeon Fort McHenry, from latter date to the present time, March 22, '90. Byrne, Charles C. (Lieut. Col. and Surgeon). Born in Maryland in 1837. Retiring year lyul. Appointed from Maryland Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon U. S. A., June 23, '60; accepted June 27, '60; Cap- tain and Asst. Surgeon June 23, '66 ; Maj. and Surgeon July 28, '66; Lieut.-Col. and Surgeon March 29, '89. Brevet rank Brevet Major and Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service Stationed at Camp Verde and at Fort Mclntoh, Texas, until that State seceded, March, '61; in May, '61, was (with the command of Maj. C. C. Sibley, 3d Inf.) captured and paroled at Matagorda Bay, Texas, by the rebels under Gen. Van Dorn ; on duty in charge gen. hospital at Annapolis, Md., from July, 'Gl, to May, '62 ; Post Surgeon at Fort Warren, Mass., from May, 62, to Aug., '62 ; on duty in the office of the Surg. Gen. U. S. A. from Sept., '62, to May, '63; in charge of Armory Square Hospital, Washington, D. C., May and June, '63; in charge of hospital No. 4, Nashville, Tenn., July and Aug., '63; in charge of officers' hospital and the general field hospital at Chattanooga, Tenn., from Sept., '63, to Sept., '64, during which time the battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge took place ; in charge of general hospital No. 8, in Nashville, Tenn., from Nov., '64, to April, '65 ; chief med. officer of the regular brigade sta- tioned on Lookout Mountain, from April, '65, to Sept., '65; Post Sur. at Jackson- ville and St. Augustine, Fla., from Oct., '65, to Dec., '66; Post Surg. at Fort Smith, Ark., from Jan., '67, to May, '67 ; chief medical officer mil. dist. of Ark., from May, '67, and Post Surg. at Little Rock arsenal until May, 71; Post Surg. CAL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 105 at Willet's Point, N. Y., from June, 71, to May, 75 ; Post Surg. at Fort A. Lin- coln, Dak., from May, 75, to Oct., 75; Post Surg. at Fort Snelling, Minn., from Oct. 75, to May, '80; Post Surg. at Angel Island, Gal., from July, '80, to Oct., '81 ; Post Surg. at Benicia arsenal and Bks, Cal., from Oct., '81, to Oct., '84 ; attending Surg. at the U. S. Soldiers' Home, Washington, D. C., from May, '85, to the present time. Byron, Joseph C. (Second Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y., cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82; graduated July 1, '86. Actual RankW Lieut. 8th U. S. Cav. July 1, '86. Cabaniss, Archibald Atkinson (Second Lieut. 20th Inf.). Born in Yreka Cal., Dec. 25, '59. Retiring year 1923 ; app. from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp. and Sergt. Troop B, 4th Cav., from Jan. 3, '85, to Mar. 14, '88; 2d Lieut. 20th Inf. Feb. 6, '88 ; accepted Mar. 15, '88. Honorably mentioned For gallantry in action at Lava Beds, Cal., against Modoc Indians ; official report of Col. A. G. Gillara, 1st Cav. Com'g. Service Served in Campaign against Chiri- cahua Apache Indians under Chief Geronimo, in Ariz., N. M. and Mexico, from May, '85, to Sep., '86 ; on duty with Co. at Fort Assinaboine, Mont., since May 2, '88. History Grandfather, James Cabaniss, served during War of '12, in Gen. Harrison's command as member of "Richmond (Va.) Blues;" grandfather, Thomas Gray, served as Capt., Com. Sub. U. S. Vol., from Oct. 31, '61, to May 31, '66 ; father, Thomas T. Cabaniss, served as A. A. Surgeon, U. S. A., from Feb. 10, 73, to April 30, 75, and from April 1, '80, to Oct. 31, '83. Cajjaniss, Charles H , Jr. (First Lieut. 18th Inf.). Born in Va. ; app. from Va. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad., July 1, 70 ; graduated June 17, 74. Actual rank2d Lieut. 18th U. S. Inf., June 17, 74; 1st Lieut. Nov. 18, '83. Cabell, De Rosey C. (Second Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in Ark. Retiring year 1926 ; appointed from Ark. Cadet at U. S Mil. Acad., July 1, '80; gradu- ated June 15, '84. Actual rank2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Cav., June 15, '84. Service Joined Regt, at San Antonio, Tex., '84; in Geronimo Campaign, N. M., and Ariz., June, '85, to Oct., .'85 ; in Dept. of Dak., '88 to . Battles, skirmishes, fie. In skirmish with Apache Indians (slightly wounded) at Little Dry Creek, N. M., Dec. 19, '85. Cabell, Henry C., Jr. (Second Lieut. 14th Inf.). Born in Va. ; appointed from Va. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 79 ; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank Id. Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf., June 13, '83. Service At Vancouver Bks., Washington. Cabell, Julian M. (First Lieut, and Asst. Surg.). Born in Virginia ; app. from Va. Civil Life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. U. S. A., April 14, '87 ; accepted April 18, '87. Service At Fort Niobrara, Neb. Galdwell, Daniel G. (Major and Surgeon.) Born in Penna., Nov. 12, '34. Retiring year '98 ; app. from Pa. Civil Life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. 74th Pa. Vol. Inf., Aug. 4, '62 ; hon. must, out Oct. 21, '63 ; Asst. Surg. U. S. A., Feb. 28, '66 ; accepted Sept. 11, '66 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Dec. 11, '67 ; Maj. Surg. Dec. 14, '82. Service At Jefferson Bks., Mo., '90. Calef, John H. (Captain 2d Art., Bvt. Maj.). Born in Mass. Sept. 24, 1841. Retiring year 1905 ; app. from Mass. Cadet to the U. S. M:l. Acad. July 1, '58; graduated June 17, '62. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. June 17, '62; transferred to 2d U. S. Art. Oct. 6, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 4, '63 ; Capt. 10th U. S. Cav. June 12, '67 (declined); Capt. 2d Art. March 16, 75. 'Brevet rank - Bvt. Capt. July 6, '64, for gallantry and good conduct in the battle of Gettys- burg, Pa., and in the campaign from the Rapidan to Petersburg, Va. ; Bvt. Maj. March 13, '65, for good conduct and gallant services during the war. Honorably mentioned In the Records of the Rebellion, in reports on the battle of Gettys- burg, series i, vol. xxvii, pp. 167, 927, 935*, 936, 1028. Service Served in the field with the Army of the Potomac during the War of the Rebellion, from '62 to '65 ; (record from ''65 to 75 not given) ; at Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., as Instructor in the Art of War, from May 11, 75, to April 8, '88. Staff positions occupied Adj. 2d Art. from Nov. 18, '64, to March 16. 75. History Great 7 106 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. CAM grandson of Col. John Calef, of Kingston, N. H., an officer in the Revolutionary army. Calhoun, Frederic S. (First Lieut. 14th Inf.). Born in Ohio; app. from Dak. Civil "Lite. Actual rankPvt. Co. B, 137th Ohio Vol. Inf., May 12, '64; dis- charged Aug. 19, '64; 2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. March 10, 75; accepted April 2, 75 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 3, '86. Service Served in the Dept. of the Platte, 75-6 ; in campaign agaiust hostile Sioux Indian*, with ren. Crook, from June to Oct., 76; at Fort Douglass, Utah, to '83; at Vancouver Bks., Wash., to present date. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Action at Slim Buttes, Dak., Sept., 76. Califf, Joseph M. (First Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in Pa. ; app. from Pa. Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th U. S. Col. Inf. Oct. 8, '63; 1st Lieut. March 5, '65 ; hon. must, out Oct. 13, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Art. Aug. 17, '67 ; ace. Aug. 27, '67 ; 1st Lieut. May 21, 75. Brevet rank Capt. Vol. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services. Service In Md. and Va. to March, '64; in S. C. and Fla. March to Aug., '64; in Va. from Aug., '64, to April, '65; in Tex. to Nov., '06; Provost Marshal, post of Lanaca, Tex. ; at Fort Macon, N. C., and Fort Pulaski, Ga., '69 ; Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. H., and Fort Reno, Ind. Ter., 76-77 ; Fort Brooke, Fla., Key West and Fort Jefferson, Fla., '81-84 ; Alt. Vernon Bks., Ala., '83-84 ; on duty at the State University of Iowa, '86-89 ; with Light Battery C, Washington Bks., D. C., from March, '90, to . Staff position* occupied *Post Adj., Fort Macon, N. C., and Fort Pulaski, Ga., '69; Post Adj., Fort \V;id.sworth, N. Y. H., and Fort Reno, Ind. Ter., 76-77 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S., Fort Brooke, Fla., '81-82 ; A. A. Q. M., Key West and Fort Jefferson, Fla., '81 to '84 ; Post Adj., Mt. Vernon Bks., Ala., '83-84. Baltic*, skirmishes, dc. Engaged in operations before Richmond and Petersburg, actions of Darbytown Road, Fort Harrison, Armstrong's Mills, Hatcher's Run, assault on Petersburg, and capitu- lation of Appomattox Court-House, Va. Callahan, Charles M. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ireland. Retired ; app. from Mo. Civil Life. Actual ran* Sergt. Co. K, 1st. Mo. Vol. Inf., April 20, '61 ; discharged Aug. 9, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Mo. Vol. L. Art. Sept. 1, '61 ; l.t Lu-ut. Sept. 1, '62; Capt: Jan. 26, '65; hon. must, out June 16, '65; 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. Feb. 23, '66; accepted April 17, '66; 1st Lieut. July 28, '66; trans, to 4th I'. S. Cav. Jan. 13, 74; Capt. April 2, 79. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Bentonville, N. C. Served during the War of the Rebellion, '61-5 ; in the field in the Army of the West; in Sherman's march to the sea and through the Carolinas; retired for dis- ability in the line of duty Feb. 11, '87. Callinan, Daniel P. (Captain 1st Inf.). Born inlreland July.24,1839. Retiring year 1903; app. from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl., Sergt.,and 1st Sergt. Co. E, 1st U. S. Inf., from Sept. 5, '60, to Oct. 2, '63; 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Inf. Aug. 10, '63; accepted Oct. 2, '63; 1st Lieut. July 28, '66; Capt. July 1, 79. Cameron, George H. (Second Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in 111. ; app. from 111. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 79 ; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank- 2d Lieut. 7th U. S. Cav. June 13, '83. Service At Presidio of San Francisco, Cal. Campbell, Archibald (Second Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in Philadelphia, Pa., July 16, 1865. Retiring year 1929; app. from N. Y. ; graduated Mil. Acad., class of '89. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 5th Art. June 12, '89; 2d Lieut. 3d Art., Dec. 10, '89. Service At Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H., four months ; at Washington Bks., D. C. one month. Staff positions occupied Post. Adj. at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H. History One year at U. S. Naval Acad.; son of Col. John Campbell, U. S. A., retired. Campbell, George J. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Scotland Sept. 26, 1824. Retired. Appointed troin the Army. Actual rank Private and Artificer Co. " N " Eng. Jan. 13, '51, to Nov. 28, '60 ; Private, Corporal and Sergeant Bat. " C " and reg. qr. mr. Sgt. 3d Art. Dec. 11, '60, to June 13, *64 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Cav., May 18, '64 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 6, '86. /Service Joined regiment en route for New Mexico ; arrived at Fort Union, Aug. 12, 1866; was sent in command of company to Maxwell's Ranche, Cimarrou, N. M., to quell trouble with Ute and Apache CAN RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 107 Indians ; had charge of them as A. C. S., I. D., until June, '67 ; on duty as Eng. Officer At Little Rock ; on the expedition to Princeton, Ark. Staff positions oc- cupiedPost Q. M. at Fort Union, June 16, '67 to Sept. '67 ; A. A. Gen. on a Cav. expedition to Dardanelle, Ark. ; A. C. S. at Maxwell's Ranche, N. M., '67-8. Com- mands held Com. Co. F. and Post of Pine Bluff, Ark., Jan., '66-April, '66; com. of a section of Art. in action with Apache Indians, and slightly wounded in thigh. Retired July 29, '68, for loss of left arm and eye and portion of the right hand. Campbell, John (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Sept, 16, 1821. Retired ; appointed from N. Y. Civil Life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Dec. 13, '47 ; accepted Mar. 22, '48; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Dec. 13, '52; Maj. and Surg. May 21, '61 ; Col. Med. Dir. Vol. from Feb. 25, '65, to June 30, '65; Lieut. Col. and Surg. U. S. A. Nov. 8, 77; Col. and Surg. Dec. 7, '84; retired by operation of law Sept. 16, '85. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. and Col. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service Served in the war with Mexico; in Texas, California, New York City, Fort Crawford, Wis., Fort Ridgely, Minn., Military Academy, Plattsburgh Barracks, N. Y., Washington, D. C., '48-61 ; at Fort Pickens, Fla., Washington, D. C., as medical director, Fort Wood, New York Harbor, '61-63; member of a retiring board, Wilmington, Del., '63; at Philadelphia to '65 as medical director; Augusta, Ga., to '66 as medical director; post surgeon Madison Barracks, Sackett's Harbor, New York, '66; Fort Trumbull, Conn., Nov., '67; Fort Randall, Dakota, Nov., 70; Fort Adams, R. I., June, 72; medical director Dept. of the South May, 78; at Newport Barracks, Ky., till Nov. 1, '83. Campbell, Joseph B. (Captain 4th Art. and Brevet Major). Born in Pa. Nov. 26, 1837. Retiring year 1901 ; appointed from N. H. Cadet at the Military Academy July 1, '57 ; graduated July 24, '61. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art. June 24, '61 ; 2d Lieut. June 24, '61 ; 1st Lieut. June 24, '61 ; Capt. A. A. D. C. Vol. May 16, '62; accepted May 22, '62; hon. must, out July 10, '65; Capt. 16th U. S. Inf. (declined) July 28, '66; Capt. 4th U. S. Art. Feb. 5, '67. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Aug. 30, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Bull Ran (2d), Va. ; Maj. Sept. 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Md. Service In the defenses of Washington '61-2; in the field with the Army of the Potomac, participating in its various campaigns '62-4; at numerous posts on the Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf coasts from '65 to 90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In battle of Second Bull Run., Va., Aug. 30, '62; battle of Antietam, Md., Sep. 17, '62. Staff" positions occupied A.. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Barry from '62 to '64. Campbell, Lafayette B (Captain and A. Q. M.). Born in Ohio May 9, 1844. Retiring year 1908; appointed from Ohio Civil Life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. F., 3d Iowa Vol. Cav., July 20, '62; discharged Feb. 22, '65; 1st Lieut. 3d U. S. Vol. Inf. Feb. 22- '65; hon. must, out Nov. 29, '65; 2d Lieut. 15th U. S. Inf. May 11, '66; ace. Au*. 20, '66 ; trans, to 33d U. S. Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 11, '68; unassigned May 3, '69; assd. to 22d Inf. July 23, '69; Capt. and A. Q. M. May 29, 76; accepted June 28, 76. Campbell, William A. (Second Lieut. 9th Inf.). Born in N. J. ; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. K, 12th U. S. Inf., from Oct. 13, '85, to Mar. 5, '89; 2d Lieut. 9th U.S. Inf. Feb. 11, '89; accepted Mar. 6, '89. Service At Fort McDowell, Ariz. Canby, JamesP. (Major and Paymaster). Born in Del. Jan. 7, 1833. Retiring year 1897; appointed from Del, Civil Life. Actual rank Add. Pm. Vol. May 28, '64; accepted June 30 r '64; vacated May 2, '67; Maj. Pm. U. S. A. Jan. 17, '67 ; ace. May 2, '67. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Colonel Vol. Jan. 8, '67. for faith- ful and meritorious services in the pay department. Service Served during the war of the Rebellion '64-5; at various stations throughout the country since; at present in Portland, Oregon. Candee, Georg-e W. (Major and Paymaster). Born in New Jersey, April 2, '36. Retiring year 1900. App. from Illinois Civil Life. Actual rank Add. Paymaster Feb. 23, '64; ace. Apr. 18, '64; hon. must, out Jan. 15, '66; Major and Paymaster Jan. 17, '67; accepted April 11, '67. Service Served on the Missis- 108 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. CAR sippi River as far south as New Orleans, La.; stationed at Mobile; was the nearest man to the scene of the explosion of 180 tons of gunpowder and 360 tons of fixed ammunition, by which 21 blocks of buildings were torn down and *18 steamboats blown up or burned; worked 48 hours in the vicinity of the ruins, exposed to bursting shells, to recover his field safe, in 28 feet of water, for which service he was reprimanded for having his papers in such poor condition ; entered the regu- lar service in '67 ; at Fort Smith, Ark., where he paid the troops at Fort Smith, Fort Gibson, Fort Arbuckle, Fayetteville, Little Rock, Ark. (part of the time), Fort Sill and troops on the Canadian, where Fort Reno now is, traveling 1300 miles by ambulance every 60 days ; in '70 was ordered to St. Paul, and in Jan. of that year was sent to Helena, Mont., paying the troops at Fort Shaw, Fort Beaton, Fort Ellis and Camp Baker; in Sept., '70, was ordered to Sioux City, Iowa, where with another officer, paid all the Posts on the Missouri River as far north as Fort Bu- ford until the completion of the N. P. R. R., when he paid Fort Randall, Fort Sully, Brule Agency, Cheyenne Agency and Standing Rock Agency, a trip tak- ing in the winter from 35 to 40 days by ambulance, exposed to the extreme cold ; was badly frozen twice and remained 36 hours in a cooly buried in snow during a blizzard; in '78 was ordered to Washington, where he paid the Signal Corps of the Army and the troops stationed around Washington; in Sept., '82, was ordered to Chicago on the staff of Gen. Sheridan; in '86 was ordered to St. Louis, paying the troops in the Indian Territory, the same assignment he had nad 19 years before; in '87 was ordered to Helena, where he now is, pay- ing the troops at Fort Missoula, Fort Shaw, Fort Assinaboine and part of the time those at Fort Maginnis, Fort Custer, Fort Keogh and the troops in the Yel- lowstone Park. It will be seen from this that out of 23 years of service in the regular army he had 15 years of hard frontier service. Capron, Allyn (Captain 1st Art.). Born in Fla.; appointed from N. C. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept 1, '63; graduated June 17, '67. Actual rank 2^ Lieut. 1st Art. June 17, '67; 1st Lieut. Aug. 19, '63; Capt. Dec. 4, '88. & At Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., at present time. Capron, Thaddeus H. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Wis. Retired; from III. Civil Life. Actual rankPvt. Co. C, and Qm. Sgt. 5:>th Inf. from Sept. 9, '61, to Dec. 27, '62; 2d Lieut. 55th 111. Inf. Dec. appointed 111. Vol. ] 1st Lieut. Nov. 8, 71 ; retired for disability in the line of duty Aug. 30, '87. Carbaugh, Harvey C. (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in Pa. Appointed from III. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1,78; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Art. June 13, '82; 1st Lieut. Apr. 25, '88. Card, Benjamin C. (LieuVCol. and Brevet Brig.-Gen. U. S. A.). Born in R. 1. Feb. 15, 1825. Retired; appointed from Kansas Civil Life. A' rank 1st. Lieut. 12th Inf. Sep. 27, '61 ; Captain, Asst. Q. M., Sep. 27, '61 ; Col- onel Q. M. Vols. Aug. 2, '64, to June 6, '67 ; Major Q. M. June 6, 72 ; Lieut. - Col. Dep. Q. M. Genl. Aug. 31, '83. Brevet rank Brevet Major, Lieut.-Col. and Colonel U. S. A. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. A. for faithful and meritorious services in the Q. M. Dep. during the war. /Service Assistant to chief quartermaster, Army of the Potomac, to '62; assistant in the office of the quartermaster-general '62 to Sep., '67 ; depot quartermaster at Fort Leavenworth, Kas., Oct., '67, to Sep., '69; act. chief quartermaster Dep. of the Missouri April, '68, to Dec., '68; assistant qr. mr., Fort Ellis, M. T., Oct., '69, to April, 70 ; depot quartermaster, San An- tonio, Tex., May, 70, to April, 73 ; chief quartermaster, Dep. of Dakota, May, 73, to Nov., 77; on special duty in that department Dec., 77, to April, 78; chief quartermaster, Department of Texas, May, 78, to March, '81 ; depot quar- termaster at Washington, D. C., April, '81, to May, '82; assistant in the office of the Quartermaster-General from June 2, '82, to Feb. 15, '89, when retired from active service by operation of law act of June 30, '83. Carey, Asa B. (Major and Paymaster, Brevet Lieut. Colonel). Born in CAR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 109 Conn. July 12, 1835. Retiring year, 1899; appointed from Conn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, July 1, '54; graduated July 1, '58. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf. July 1, '58; 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. Oct. 22, '58; 1st Lieut. 13th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted Sept. 2, '61 ; Capt. Oct. 24, '61 ; Maj. and Pm. Oct. 5, '67; accepted Oct. 11, '67. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Mar. 28, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the Battle of Apache Canon, N. M. ; Lieut. Col. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the war against the Navajo Indians. Carleton, Guy (First Lieut. 2d Cav.). Born in Texas. Appointed from Texas. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '77 ; graduated June 11, '81; Actual rank 1& Lieut. 2d Cav. June 11, '81*; 1st Lieut. July 24, '88. Carlin, William P. (Colonel 4th Inf. and Brevet Major General). Born in III. Nov. 24, 1829. Retiring year, 1893 ; appointed from 111. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, July 1, '46 ; graduated July 1, '50. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf. July 1, '50; '2d Lieut. Apr. 15, '51 ; 1st Lieut. Mar. 3, '55; Capt. Mar. 2, '61; Col. 38th III. Vol. Inf. Aug. 15, '61; Brig. Gen. Nov. 29, '62; accepted May 6, '63 ; Maj. 16th U. S. Inf. Feb. 8, '64; hon. must, out of Vol. Aug. 24, '65; trs to 34th U. S. Inf. Sept. 21, '66; trs. to 16th U. S. Inf. Mar. 15, '69; Lieut. Col. 17th U. S. Inf. July 1, '72; Col. 4th Inf. Apr. 11, '82. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. Nov. 24, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chattanooga, Tenn. ; Col. Sept. 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Jonesboro', Ga. ; Brig. Gen. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Bentonville, N. C. ; Maj. Gen. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war; Maj. Gen. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service On the Plains, in overland march of 6th Inf to California, and on the Pacific Coast from '50 to '61 ; in the war of the Rebellion from '61 to '65 ; ip the field in the Army of the West, in all the various campaigns connected with that army, in- cluding Sherman's " march to the sea, 1 ' and through the Carolinas, where he particularly distinguished himself while in command of a division in the battle of Bentonville, N. C. ; in the Dep. of the South, at Taylor Bks., Ky., and other stations, to '73; in the Dep. of Dakota, at Forts Lincoln and Yates, to '82; in the Dep. of the Platte, at Forts Russell and Omaha, to '86; in the Dep. of the Columbia, at Fort Sherman, to . Battle*, skirmishes, -etc. In battle of Fredericktown, Mo., Oct. 21, '61; Pitman's Ferry, Ark., April 3, '62 ; bat- tle of Perryville, Ky., Oct. 8, '62; battle of Stone's River, Tenn., Dec. 31, '62, to Jan. 2, '63; Liberty Gap, Tenn., June 26, '63; Chickamauga, Ga., Sep. 19-20, '63; Chattanooga, Nov. 24, '63; Jonesboro', Ga., Aug. 31 and Sep. 1, '64; assault and capture of Atlanta Sep. 2, '64 ; Bentonville, N. C., March 19-21, '65. Hon- orably mentioned In ten volumes of Records of Rebellion, from vol. iii. Series i. to vol. xiii. series i., as far as published. In report of Gen. R. B. Mitchell, comg. 9th Div. Army of the Ohio, he says: "I have already spoken of the gal- lant conduct and skillful management of Colonel Carlin, comg. 31st Brigade, out cannot refrain from again calling your attention to the eminent services and brave actions of this modest and efficient officer in this engagement (Perryville). By his courage and skill the enemy's centre, a strong position, was broken, and the rebels thrown into confusion." Command* held In command at Pilot Knob, Mo., '61 ; commanding forces engaged at Fredericktown, Mo., Oct. 21, '61; comg. forces engaged at Pitman's Ferry April 1, '62; comg. brigade, left wing, Army of the Miss., June, '62; comg. Reserves in Army of the Miss, and of the Tenn. June, '62; in advance at battle of Perryville '62, "charged the enemy with intrepidity and drove him through the town, capturing 2 caissons and 15 wagons loaded with ammunition and the guard that was with them 3 officers and 138 men ;" comg. brigade at battle of Stone's River, Tenn., Dec. 31, '62, to Jan. 2, '63 ; comg. brigade in 20th Army Corps '63-4 ; commanded a division in the battle of Ben- tonville, N. C., '64. Carlton, Caleb H. (Lieut. Col. 7th Cav.). Born in Ohio Sept. 1. 1836. Re- tiring year, 1900; app. from Ohio; graduated from Mil. Acad. Class of '59. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. July 1, '59 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. Oct. 12, '59; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61; Capt. June 30, '62; unassigned March 23, '69; assigned 110 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. CAR to 10th Cav. Dec. 15, 70 ; Major 3d Cav. May 17, 76 ; Lieut. Col. 7th Cav. April 11, '89; Col. 89th Ohio Inf. July 7, '63; hon. must. out. June 23, '65. Brevet rank Brevet major July 4, '62, for gallant and meritorious services during the Peninsular campaign; brevet lieut. col. Sept. 20, '63, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. Honorably mentioned In the " Rec- ords of the Rebellion," series i. vol. xix. part i., pp. 352-355-357, as far as published. Service At Newport Barracks Oct. 1, '59, to April, '60; Jefferson Barracks, Mo., April, '60 ; with Blake's expedition from St. Louis, Mo., to Fort Vancouver, W. T., via head-waters Missouri River and Military Road, May to Oct., '60 ; at Fort Hoskins, Oregon, Oct. 15, '60, to April, '61 ; Presidio, Cal., and San Bernardina, Southern Cal., April to Oct., 61 ; on duty at \Vashington, D. C., Nov., '61, to March, '62 ; in the field uutil Nov., '62; on recruiting service Nov. 24, '62, to Feb. 19, '63; on mustering-out duty at Washington, D. C., March 17 to June 24, '63 ; prisoner of war Sept. 20, '63, to March 7, '64 ; at Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. 17, '64, to May 13, '65; Western Dist, of Ky. May 13 to June 23, at Fort Wood, N. Y. H., July 28 to Sept. 28, '65; at Fort Ontario, N. Y., Oct. '65, to March, '67 ; camp at Omaha, Neb., March-May, '67 ; Ft. Laramie and Ft. Fetterman, W. T., May, '67, to May, '69; professor military science at Miami University, Ohio, Nov. 23, '69, to Oct., 71 ; at Ft. Sill and in field Oct., 71, to Nov. 12, 72; on leave and in Europe Nov., 72, to June, 78; at Ft. Sill and in field in Kiowa and Comanche Expeditions June, 73, to March 27, 75; Ft. McKavett, Texas, and in field April 17, 75, to July 11, 76 ; Ft. Fetterman Nov. 12, 76, to May 25, 77 ; recorder of board for post schools, post and co. funds, member of retiring board, board of survey, etc., Oct. 10, 77, to May 3, 7S ; in the field and on Cheyenne Expedition in Dak. and Neb. June to Dec. 21, 78; at Fort Sidney, Neb., from March, 79, to Oct. 8, 79,- in field Oct. 8 to Dec., 79 ; at Ft. Sidney 'Dec., 79, to April, '80; Ft. Sanders April-May, '80; in field June, '80; sick leave July 8, '80, to June, '81 ; inspector of national cemeteries June 18, '81, to April 1, '82; leave April 1, '82, to Nov., '82 ; on duty to Ft. Lowell, A T., from Nov., '82, to April, '85 ; marched with regiment April and May, '85, to Fort Davis, Tex., remained there until Sent., '86; at Fort Elliott, Tex., until Jul\ '87; marched with Batt. 3d Cav. to Fort Brown, Tex. (one thousand miles), ar- rived Oct. 20, '87, left May 4, '89; at Fort Sill, Ind. Ter., since Sept. 5, '89. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in siege of Yorktown April 15 to M:iy 4, '62; captain June 30, '62; participated in battles of Gaines' Mills June 27, '62, and Malvern Hill July 1, '<>2 : participated in the battle of 21 Hull Run Aug. 30, '62, and Antietam Sept. 17, '62 ; participated in the battle of Chicka- mauga Sept. 19-20, '63 ; participated in the battle of Kenesaw Mountain June 20 to July 2, '64, and siege of Atlanta July 22 to Sept. 2, '64. Commands held Commanding post of Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. 17, 64, to May 13, '65 ; command- ing Western District of Kentucky May 13 to June 23, '65; comni'indin? regi- ment at Ft. Wood, N. Y. H., July 28 to Sept. 28, '65; in command of Ft. On- tario, N. Y., Oct., '65, to March, '67 ; Fort Fetterman, Wyo., Nov. 12, 76, to May 25, 77 ; Fort Sidney, Neb., March to Oct. 8, 79, and from Dec., 79, to April', '80 ; Fort Elliott, Tex., Sept.. '86, to July, '87 ; Batt. 3d Cav. on march to Fort Brown, Tex., until Oct. 20, '87 ; latter post until May 4, '89; Fort Sill, Ind. Ter., from Sept. 5, '89, to . Carnahan, Earl C. (Second Lieut. 12th Inf.). Born in Mississippi, August 18, 1862. Retiring year, 1926. Appointed from the Army. Actual raw/- Pri- vate and Corporal Co. G, 16th Inf., from Oct. 10, '83, to March 22, '88 ; app. 2d Lieut. 12th U. S. Inf. Feb. 6, '88 ; accepted March 23, '88. Service In the De- partment of Dakota, at Fort Sully, since appointment. Staff positions occupied Post Adj. at Fort Sully. S. D., since Oct. 8, '89. Carpenter, Gilbert S. (Captain 14th Inf.). Born in Ohio, April 17, 1836. Retiring yeir, 1900. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 19ih Ohio Vol. Inf. April 22, '61 ; hou. mast, out Aug. 31, '61 ; Private, Sergt. and 1st Sergt. Co. F, 2d Batt. 18th U. S. Inf. from Sept. 14, '61, to July 11, '62; 2d Lieut. 18th U. S. Inf. June 9, '62; accepted July 11, '62; 1st Lieut. Nov. 25, '62; Capt. Dec. 21, '66; Capt. 45th U. S. Inf. Jan. 22, '67; trs. to 14th Inf. July 22, '69. CAR RECORDS OF LIVIXG OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. Ill Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Dec. 31, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn. Carpenter, Louis H. (Major 5th Cavalry; Brevet Col.). Born in Glass- boro', N. J., Feb. 11, 1839. Retiring year, 1903. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private, Corporal and Sergeant 6th U. S. Cav. Nov., '61, to July, '62; 2d Lieut. 6th Cav. July 17, '62; 1st Lieut. Sept. 28, '64; Lieut. Col. 5th U. S. Colored Cav. Oct 1, '64 ; Colonel 5th U. S. Colored Cav. Nov. 2, '65 ; Captain 10th U. S. Cav. July 28, '66 ; Major 5th Cav. Feb. 17, '83. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. U. S. A. July 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; Brevet Captain U. S. A., Sept. 19, '64, for gallant and merito- rious services in the battle of Winchester, Va. ; Brevet Major and Lieut. Col. U. S. A. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the War; Colonel Oct. 18, '68, for gallant and meritorious services in the engagement with Indians on Beaver Creek, Kan., Oct. 18, '68 ; Col. Vol. Sept. 28, '65, for meritorious ser- vices during the War. Service Served during the War of the Rebellion ; on Provost duty, Hdqrs. Cav. Corps, Jan., '64; joined the Army of the Shenandoah '64 ; engaged in organization of Cav. '65 ; guarding line of railroad against guer- rillas, from Lexington to Covington, Ky., to June, '65 ; member of Board of Ex- aminers to examine Volunteer Officers, Dept. of Kentucky, to Nov., '65 ; joined 6th U. S. Cav. at Austin, Tex., July, '66 ; recruiting duty, Louisville and Phila- delphia, to July, '67; joined company at Fort Leavenworth, and engaged in Gen. Hancock's Indian campaign, and guarding line of Kansas Pacific Railroad to Dec., '67; at Fort Riley winter of '67 to '68 ; engaged in Sheridan's campaign against the Indian-*, in relief of Col. Forsythe's command, by a forced march, and engaged in other Indian scouts '68 to '69; at Camp Supply, Ind. T., to '70 ; in campaign against hostile Comanches in '69; at Fort Sill, '70; engaged in scouting against the Kiowas and Comanches; at Fort Gibson, I. T., July, '72, occupied in guarding Northern boundary of Ind. Ter. against unauthorized in- truders and settlers; at Fort Sill, I. T., April, '73; member and Recorder of the Board on Cav. Equipments Nov. '29, '73, at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and Water- vliet Arsenal, Jan. to May, '74; in the campaign against the Comanches, Cheyenne, and Kiowa Indians, 74; marched to Fort Davis, Tex., March, '75; engaged in scouts against the Apaches '75-6 ; member of Board for the Purchase of Cavalry Horses lor Dept. Texas May and June, '76, and Dec., '76, to July, '77 ; rejoined at Fort Davis, Tex. ; assisted in quelling riot of Mexicans at San Martin, Tex., Dec, '77, to Jan., 78; in scouts against Apaches to Aug., 78; constantly in the field against Indians, 79-80 ; on leave in Europe June, '81, to June, '82; marched with Regt. (5th Cav.) down the Valley of the Platte, from Laramie to Kansas, '85 ; detached with four Troops and proceeded to Fort Reno, I. T., to provide for an outbreak of the Cheyennes ; at Fort Supply, I. T., Aug. 11, '85; member of Board for the Examination of N. C. O. Candidates for Commission for Dept. of Mo., at Leavenworth, Kan., April, '86; Com. Fort Myer, Va., since July, '87 ; participated with command in Centennial Ceremonies at Philadelphia, Sept. ,'87; and in the Centennial Celebration at New York, April 30, '89. Staff positions held Act. Adj. 6th U. S. Cav. June, '63; Act. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Sheridan; Acting A. D. C. to General Gregg, Army of the Potomac, August, '64. Bat- tles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in a reconnoissance to Malvern Hill, and skirm- ish operations covering withdrawal of Army to Yorktown, and skirmishes after the second battle of Bull Run ; engaged in the march to Falmouth, actions of Philamont, Union, Upperville, Barbour's Cross-Roads, Corbin's Cross-Roads, Sulphur' Springs, battle of Fredericksburg, Stoneman's raid to Richmond, and action of Beverly Ford ; engaged at the actions of Aldie, Middleburg, Upperville, pursuit of Stuart's Cavalry, battle of Gettysburg, pursuit of the enemy, actions of Antietam Creek, Williarasport, Funkstown, Brandy Station, Culpeper Court- House, Raccoon Ford, and Mine Run campaign ; engaged at the battle of the Wilderness; action of Todd's Tavern, Sheridan's raid to Haxall's Landing, action at Beaver Dam, battle of Yellow Tavern, actions of Meadow Bridge and Me- chanicsville ; guided the advance of the Army of the Potomac to Hanovertown, prior to the battle of Cold Harbor ; at the battle of Hawes' Shop, action of Me- 112 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. CAR tadequin Creek, battle of Cold Harbor, Sheridan's raid to Gordonsville, battle of Trevillian Station, action of St. Mary's Church, siege of Petersburg, actions of Darbytown and Lee's Mills, Barryville, Halltown, Smithfield ; and battles of Winchester and Fisher's Hill; action with Indians at Snake Creek, I. T., '69; action with Indians Wichita Agency, I. T., Oct., 74; actions with Apache Indians at Rattlesnake Canon, Texas, Aug., '80. Honorably mentioned For Gettysburg, in "Records of the Rebellion," series i., vol. 27, part i, pages 948-949, so far aa published ; mentioned in Dept. G. O. for action at Beaver Creek, I. T. Com- mands held Com. Regt. and Post of Camp Nelson, Ky., '64 to April, '65; Com. of Posts of Paris and Covington, Ky., to June, '65; Com. Regt. at Louisville, Ky., and en route to Helena, Ark., March, '66 ; Com. a Batt. of six Troops, 10th Cav., near Fort Clark, Tex., July, 77, to Oct., '77 ; Com. Fort Davis, Tex., Aug., 78, to Oct., 79 ; Com. Fort Robinson, Neb., April 30, '83, to May, '85 ; Com. Fort Myer, Va., since July, '87. Carpenter, William L. (Captain 9th Inf.). Born in New York, Jan. 13, 1844. Retiring year, 1908. Appointed from the Army. Actual run/: Private, Corporal and Sergt. Cos. D and L, 2d U. S. Art., from July 29, '64. to June 11, '67; 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. April 5, '67; accepted June 11, '67; IsfLieut. Dec. 31, 73 ; Capt. Oct. 2, '87. Carr, Camillo C. C. (Captain 1st Cav.). Born in Virginia, March 3, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from the Army. Actual ran/: Private, Cor- poral, Sergt. and 1st Sergt. Co. F and Sergt. Maj. 1st U. S. Cav. from Aug. 15, *62, to Nov. 11, '63; 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. Oct. 31, '63; accepted Nov. 12, 't>3 ; 1st Lieut. June 28, '64 ; Capt. April 8, '69. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. Mav 6, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Todd's Tavern, Va. ; Capt. Sept. 19, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Win- chester, Va. Carr, Eugene A. (Colonel 6th Cav. Bvt. Major Gen.). Born in N. Y., Mar. 20, '30. Retiring year '94; app. from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad., Sep. 1, '46; graduated July 1, '50. Actual rank -Bvt. 2d Lieut, M. R. (now 3d Cav.) July 1, '50 ; 2d Lieut. June 30, '51 ; 1st Lieut. 1st Cav. Mar. 3, '55 ; Capt. 4th Cav. June 11, '58; Maj. 5th Cav. July 17, '62 ; Col. 3d III. Cav. Au;u he and Lowell, and was conspicuously presented to the favorable attention of the country by a gallant and successful defense against the attempted massacre of his com- mand by the White Mountain Apaches at Cibicu Greet, in Aug. '81, because of the arrest and subsequent killing of the medicine-man and prophet, Nockaydet- klinne, which paralyzed the hostile White Mountain Indians ; marched his Regt. from Ariz. t-> New Mexico in June, '84, and Htationed at Fort Bayard till (). t.. when appointed Superintendent of Mounted Recruiting service at St. Louis, Mo., where he served till autumn of '86, when he returned to the command of his Regt. at Fort Bayard, N. M. ; marched from that pont to Fort Wingate, N. M., in June, '88; assigned to command of the Dist. of N. M., which he assumed \ '88 : made several trips to the Navajoe, Zuni and Accomac Reservations; com'd field operations from Fort Wingate in Sep. and Oct., '89, mirching into the Zuni, Navajoe and Moqui countries, and in Nov. and Dec. inspected the Troops of his Regt. stationed at Forts Union and Stanton, N. M. He has, up to date, lu-ld twenty-eight commands larger than those of his rank at the time; has lived eight vears and nine months without a roof, partly in tents and partly en bivouac ; been in thirty-seven fights, fifteen Indian, of which thirteen were since the War of the Rebellion ; been hit four times, his sabre hit twice and horses hit twice. Battle*, skirmishes, etc. In action of Dug Springs and the battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo., Aug. 10, '61 ; battle of Pea Ridge, Ark., Mar. 7, '62; battles of Magnolia Church and Port Gibson (leading), capture of Jackson, action at Edward's Station (commanding), battle of Champion Hill, capture of the enemy's works at Big Black River Bridge, the assaults upon Vicksburg, 18th (leading) and 22d of May, and the siege and capture of Vicksburg, May 23 to July 4, '63; ac- tions at the crossing of Little Red River, at Poison Sprins: (commanding), at Prairie D'Ane, and crossing of the Saline River at Jenkins' Ferry, 'G4 ; action at Clarendon, Ark., June 20, '64; siege and capture of Spanish Fort, near Mobile, '65; assault on Fort Blakely, Mar. 11, '65; combats against hostile Indians on Beaver and Shuter Creeks, and on the north branch of Solomon River, Kan., Oct. 18, 25 and 26, '68 ; actions of Beaver Creek, Kan., and Spring Creek, Neb., May, '69; Summit Springs, Colorado, July 11, '69; action at Slim Buttes, Dakota, September, 76 ; affair with White Mountain Apaches, at Cibicu Creek, Arizona, August, '81. CAB EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 115 Carrington, Prank de L. (First Lieut. 1st Inf.). Born in Ga. Appointed from Ga. Cadet at Mil. Acad. ; graduated June 14, 78. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. June 14, 78 ; 2d Lieut. 23d Inf. June 25, 78 ; transferred to 1st Inf. June 28, 78 ; 1st Lieut. March 7, '83. Service Joined regiment Sep. 30, 78, at Fort Randall, Dak. ; in the field constructing military telegraph line to Novem- ber 25 ; at Ft. Randall to July 13, '80 ; at sub-post at Edinburgh, Texas, Aug. 2d to Feb. 17, '81 ; with company at Fort Ringgold, Tex., to April 5, '81 ; en route marching to Fort Davis, Texas, April 6 to Dec. 4, '81 ; at sub-post at Pena Col- orado, Texas; on scout, Oct. 6 to Nov. 30, '81 ; conducting miFt'y convicts to Ft. Leavenworth, Kas., Dec. 4 to 21 ; with company at Ft. Davis, Texas, Jany. 1 to May 20, '82 ; en route from Ft. Davis, Tex., to Fort Grant, Arizona, to July 5, '82 ; in field with company during Apache outbreak until Sept. 29th ; at Ft. Grant with Co. " G," 1st Inf., until Nov. 27 ; en route to new station until Dec. 5, '82 ; with company at Ft. McDowell, A. T., until Mcb. 26, '83 ; in the field during Apache outbreak until Aug. 24; joined Co. "E" at Ft. Verde, A. T., until Feb. 26, '89 ; Jany. 9 to March 22 in the field with company constructing military tele- graph lines ; at Ft. Verde until April 27 ; with escort to Dept. Comdr. to and from San Carlos Indian Aerency until May 16, '84 ; Feb. 15 until July 30. '86, at Whip- pie Barracks, A. T. ; Inspector of Rifle Practice of the Department of Arizona from May 29, '85, to July 15, '86 ; on sick leave from Sept., '85, to Jany. 9, '86 ; July 30 to Aug. 31 en route to new station ; Aug. 3 to July 5, '87, at Angel Island, Cal. ; July 6 to Sept. 15 in summer camp at Santa Cruz, Cal. ; at Angel Island until Oct. 17 ; at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., until June 22, '88 ; in summer camp at Santa Barbara, Cal., until Sept. 28; at Alcatraz Island, Cal., until May 9 ; officer in charge of prisoners from Oct. 1, '88, to April 30, '89; May 10 to 19 en route to Fort Gaston, Cal.; at Fort Gaston from May 19, '89, to Oct. 31, '89 ; Oct. 31 to Nov. 3 en route to Angel Island ; joined company -at Angel Island Nov. 3 ; at Angel Island since Nov. 3 to date. Staff positions occupied A. C. S. from Aug. 27, and A. A. Q. M. from Sept. 10, '80, to Feb. 10, '81, at Fort Ringgold, Tex. ; A. A. Q. M. from April 8 to 30, and A. C. S. from April 8 to Nov. 30, '81, at Camp Pena Colorado, Tex. ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. in the field during Apache out- break, '83 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. from June 30, '84, to Feb. 15, '85 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Whipple Bks., Ariz., March 11 to Sept., '85 ; Inspector of Rifle Practice, Dept. of Ariz., May 29, '85, to July 15, '86 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Alcatraz Island, Cal., Oct. 1, '88, to April 30, '89; A. A. Q. M. nd A. C. S. at Fort Gaston, Cal., from May 19 to Oct. 31, '89. Commands held Sub-post at E linburgh, Tex., Aug. 2, '80, to Feb. 17, '81 ; Co. " E" from Aug. 24, '83, to Feb. 26, '89 ; escort to Dept. Commander to and from San Carlos Indian Agency uutil May 16, '84. Carrington, Henry Beebe (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Conn. March 24, 1824. Retired; appointed from Ohio Civil Life. Actual rank Appointed Col- onel 18th U. S. Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 24, '61; Brigadier General of Vols. Nov. 29, '62 ; accepted April 6, '63 ; honorablv mustered out of vol. service Aug. 24, '65; unassigned as Colonel March 15, '69. Honorably mentioned Compli- mented by the Secretary of War and by Generals Scott and Wool, as Adjutant- General Ohio when war began in '61 for forwarding two regiments in sixty hours from first call, and organizing and placing in West Virginia nine regiments State Militia before muster of three months' U. S. Volunters ; also received thanks of Governor Bramlette of Ky. for aid in raising the siege of Frankfort, Ky. 'Service Assigned to command Camp of Instruction for 15th, 16th, 18th and 19th U. S. Infantry at Camp Thomas, Ohio ; took the field with twelve companies 18th and four companies 16th Infantry Nov., '61 ; designated by General Buell to com- mand brigade of 9th and 35th Ohio, 2d Minnesota and 18th Infantry ; reported with command to General Thomas, Lebanon, Ky. ; ordered by Adjutant-General to first complete regiment; filled the three battalions to maximum ensuing sea- son ; ordered to Indiana as Chief M. and D. Officer July, '62 ; took command District of Indiana March 23, '63 ; ordered to Cleveland, Ohio, June, '63, to or- ganize ten regiments of onrt-hundred-day men ; on invasion of Morgan, July 8, ordered back to Indiana ; commanded State Militia, District and Draft Rendez- 116 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. CAB vous, while in Indiana; exposed "Sons of Liberty; " joined his regiment in De- partment of the Cumberland upon muster out as General U. S. Vol., Sep., '65 ; President Military Commission at Louisville, Ky., to try guerrillas, Nov., '65 ; ordered with regiment to the Plains ; commanded Fort Kearney, Neb., Dec., '65 ; East Sub-district, Neb., Jan., '66, and the expedition of '66 to open wagon road to Powder River; established the line during harassing warfare with the Sioux ; commanded Fort Phil. Kearney and "Rocky Mountain District," '66; Fort McPherson, Neb., '67, and Fort Sedgwick, Col. Ter., '68 and '69; retired from active service Dec. 15, '70, for accidental wound in line of duty ; Professor mili- tary science and tactics at Wabash College, Indiana, Dec. 11, '69, to 73. History His grandfather, James Carrington, manufacturer and inventor, was partner of Eli Whitney; and his great-grandfather, Captain Jeremiah Carrington, enter- tained Washington at his house in 1789. His maternal grandfather and great- grandfather graduated at Yale, the latter in 1745, and took part in the old French and Indian War. The subject of this sketch graduated in 1845, giving up the West Point course because of lung troubles. He became professor of natural science and Greek at the Irving Institute, Tarrytown, N. Y., in '46 ; was for a time amanuensis for Washington Irving, and, under his advice, began the " Bat- tles of the American Revolution," which, was completed in 1876, after personal surveys and exceptional access to European records. While at Yale Law School he was also professor of natural science at Root's New Haven Institute. He practiced law at Columbus, Ohio, with Perry & Carrington, then for nine years with Dennison & Carrington, became and still is a member of the United States Supreme Court bar, and was attorney for the leading Ohio railroads until 1861. He was for some years trustee of Marietta College, Ohio; received literary honor-* at home and abroad ; the courtesies of the Athenaeum and other London clubs, of the British Association of Science, the Royal Geographical, the Royal Anthro- pological and other British societies. He escorted the Prince of Wales from Cin- cinnati to Columbus in 1859, and was of the escort of President-elect Lincoln, as far as Columbus, in 1861. His published works, other than historical, scientific and educational pamphlets and addresses, are, "Scourge of the Alps "('47), "Russia among the Nations" ('49), "Crisis Thoughts" ('61), " Hints to Soldiers taking the Field" ('62), " Battles of the American Revolution " (4th thousand), "Absaraka, or Indian Operations on the Plains "(6'h ed.), " Ocean to Ocean," "The Washington Obelisk and Its Voices " ('88), " Patriotic Reader, or Human Liberty Developed " ('89). He has in preparation " Battles of the Bible, " Pre- Christihe Assurances of Immortality," " Patriotic Manual for Intermediate Schools," " History as a Patriotic Force," "The Rent Veil and other Poems, light and grave," and " The Dream of Columbus Developed." Carroll, Henry (Major 1st Cav.). Born in N. Y. May 20, 1838. Retiring Er 1902; appointed from the Army. AHn-il rnnk Pvt., Corpl., Sgt. and 1st Co. F, 3d U. S. Art., from Jan. 13, '59, to Jan. 13. '64; Pvt. and Sgt. Co. G, Vrt., from Feb. 3, '64, to June 4, '64; 2d Lieut. 3d Cav. May 18, '64; accepted June 4, '64; 1st Lieut. April 14, '66; Capt. 9th Cav. Jan. 22, T 67; accepted May 11, '67; Maj. 1st Cav. July 3, '85. Serrirr At Fort Ridgely, Minn.; engaged in expeditions against hostile Indians in Dakota Territory; engaged in the Port Rogal, S. C., expedition; occupation of Jacksonville and Fernandina, Fla.; oper- ations on James Island, S. C.; in the field with the Army of the Potomac, and participated in the Wilderness campaign of '64; joined 3d Cavalry in Arkansas in June, '64; in Colorado and New Mexico to '67; at various stations with 9th and 1st Cavalry to present date. Staff* positions omipifl A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. and Adjutant to June, '66; A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., A. O. O. and Adjutant at Fort Ste- phens. Col., Aug. to Nov., '66; A. C. S. Los Pintos, N. M., to Jan., '67. Battle*, skirmishes, etc. Capture of Morris Island ; siege and bombardment of Forts Sum- ter, Wagner and Gregg, S. C. ; slightly wounded during the operations on Morris Island, S. C.; in the battle of the Wilderness May 5-6, '64. Carroll, Samuel S. (Major-General U. S. A.). Retired; appointed from D. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '52; graduated July 1, '56. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Inf., July 1, '56; 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Inf., CAR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 117 Oct. 1, '56; Col. 8th Ohio Vol. Inf., Dec. 7, '61 ; 1st Lieut. U. S. A., April 25, '6J ; 1st Lieut. 19th U. S. Inf. (declined), May 14, '61; Capt. 10th U. S. Inf., Nov. 1, '61 ; hon. must, out of Vol. Jan. 15, '66; Lieut. Col. 21st U. S. Inf. Jan. 22, '67; accepted April 1, '67 ; retired for wounds in line of duty June 9, '69, with rank of Major-General. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. May 3, '63, for gallant and meritori- ous services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va.; Lieut. Col. July 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; Col. May 5, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va. ; Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spottsyl- vania, Va. ; Maj. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and njeritorious services in the field during the war; Maj. Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Carson, John M., Jr. (Second Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in Pa. June 26, '64. Retiring year, 1928 ; appointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '81 ; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th Cav. June 14, '85. Service Joined regiment and served at Fort Reno, Ind. Ter., from Oct. 1, '85, to Dec. 13, '89; in the field with regiment to Dec. 24, '85; Post Adjutant and in the field to Aug. 14, '87; with regiment and in the field to Dec. 13, '89. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M., Asst. to Chief Quartermaster, Dept. of the Missouri, in charge of Quartermaster Depot at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., from Dec. 13, '89, to present date. Carter, Edward C. (Captain and Asst. Surg.). Born in Va. Appointed from Va. Civil Life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Oct. 22, '81 ; accepted Oct. 31, '81; Capt. and Asst. Surg., Oct. 22, '86. Service At Fort Walla- Walla, '90. Carter, Jesse Mel. (Second Lieut. .3d Cav.). Born in Mo. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82; graduated July 1, 86. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d Cav. July 1, '86. Service On college duty at North- field, Vt., '90. Carter, Mason (Captain 5th Inf.). Born in Ga., Jan. 26, '34. Retiring year '98; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private and Corp. Co. B, 1st Inf. from Feb. 1, '60. to May 21, '62; 1st Lieut. 1st Mo. Vol Cav. May 21, '62; resigned May 29, '62; 2d Lieut. 5th U.S. Inf. May 12, '62; accepted "May 29, '62; 1st Lieut. May 14, '64; Captain Sept. 4, 78. Brevet rank Brevet captain Oct. 18, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in an affair with Indians en route from Fort Hayes to Fort Harker, Kan. Staff positions occupied Adjutant 5th Inf. from Nov. 1, '64, to June 4, '69. Battiest, skirmishes, etc., engaged in Skirmish with Indians in Kansas Oct. 18, '67; engagement with Sitting Bull in '76; with Crazy Horse June, '77; with Chief Joseph Sept. 30, '77, where he lost thirty- three per cent, of his company in half an nour. Carter, Oberlin M. (First Lieut, of Engineers). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Academy June 14, '76; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank 2d Lieut, of Engineers June 12, '80; 1st Lieut. June 15, '82. Carter, Robert Goldthwait (First Lieutenant U. S. A.). Born in Maine, Oct. 29, 1845. Retired; app. from Mass. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '65 ; graduated June 15, '70. Actual Rank Entered service originally as Private Co. H, 22d Mass. Vol. Inf., Aug. 5, '62 ; discharged Oct. 4, '64 ; app. 2d. Lieut. 4th U. S. Cav. June 15, '70 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 21, '75. Honorably mentioned Re- ceived the thanks of Dept. Commander in General Orders, and a Joint Resolution of thanks from the State Legislature of Texas, for services on the Mexican border, in engagements with the Kickapoo and Lipan Indians. Service At the "Sol- diers' Rest," Washington, D. C. ; Alexandria, Va. ; Camp of Provisional Guard, near Fort Ellsworth, afterward known as Camp Convalescent ; in camp near Fairfax Seminary, and at foot of Arlington Heights, until Sept, 4, '62, when he joined the regiment as it came from the field of the second battle of Bull Run ; at Fort Worth and Fort Corcoran until Sept. 12, '62 ; in the first Maryland cam- giign ; on secret reconnoissance to Hartwood Church, Va., Dec. 3, '62; on the urnside"mud march," Jan. 20-22, '63; reconnoissance and skirmish at Richards' Ford, Rappahannock River, and return, via Ellia' Ford, Dec. 31, '62, to Jan. 1, '63 ; 118 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. CAR on the Chancellorsville campaign April 27/63, to May 6, '63; rear guard (Barnes' Brigade, Griffin's Division, Fifth Corps) covering the withdrawal of the Army of the Potomac May 6, '63; taking in the pontoon bridges at U. S. Ford; guarding fords of the Rappahannock Kiver from May 29 to June 13, '63 ; on the Gettys- burg campaign, part of the support'jr force of the Cavalry of the Army of the Potomac; at battle of Aldie, June 22, '63 ; guard for Corps supply train to Fairfax Station ; June 25, destroyed station and convoyed tram across the Potomac at Edwards' Ferry; on reconnoissance of July 4; in pursuit of enemy to Williams- port, Md.; in various skirmishes ; detached July 18, '63, on duty with Provisional Guard of veterans and Provost Guard at Stony and Galloupe's Islands, Boston Harbor; guarding drafted men and substitutes to the Army of the Potomac ; con- tinued on this duty several months; assigned to Co. E, 4th U. S. Cav., at Fort Concho, Tex. ; engaged in numerous scouts after Indians to the headwaters of the Concho and Colorado Rivers until March, 71 ; changed to Fort Richardson, Tex., March, '71 ; Post Adj., Fort R., from April to Aug., '71 ; on expedition as Adj. to Gypsum Belt, up the North Fork of Red River, McClellan's Creek, etc., after Kicking Bird's band of Kiowa Indians (one company of Cav. and two of Inf.), which resulted in the surrender of Satanta, and return of the Kiowas to the Fort Sill reservation ; on expedition to the Fresh Fork of Brazos River; on numerous *couts and expeditions, and in pursuit of deserters up to March 4, 73 ; escort to Satanta and Big Tree, Kiowa chiefs, from Dallas, Tex., to Atocha, Indian Nation, Sept., 72 ; transferred at special request of Gen. Mackenzie by a War Dept. order to command of Co. A, 4th Cav., at Fort Clark, Tex., March 4 to April 1, 73, and Quartermaster in charge of all transportation, etc.; raid into Mexico May 19, 73; on Board for the purchase of horses from May 25 to July 4, 75; retired for disability incident to the service June 28, 76 ; Prof, of Military Science at Institute of Technology, Boston, Mas*., 78-9; Special Instructor in Military Science and Hygiene at the Newton High School, Mass., 77-81. Staff positions occupied Post. Adj., Fort Richardson, April to Aug., 71 ; Acting Regimental Adj. Oct., 72, and Post Adj. to Dec., 72; A. A. Q. M. of an expedition against Indians to Mexico. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, '62; Blockford's Ford, near Shepardstown, Md,, Sept. 20, '62; Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13-14, '62; skirmish at Richards' Ford of Rappahannock, Va., Dec. 31, '62, and Jan. 1, '63; battle of Chancel lorevillc, Va., May 1, '63; Aldie June 22, '63; Gettysburg July 2-3, '63; action with Mow-wi's band Comanche Indians Oct. 10, 71, near Canon Blanco, Panhandle of Texas, and subsequent pursuit on the Staked Plains; engagement with the Kickapoo and Lipan Indians, near Rey Molino, Mexico, May 19, 73. History Manager Washington Bureau Public Service Publishing Co., of N. Y. City, '87. Carter, W. Fitzhugii (Captain and Asst. Surg.) Born in Va. Appointed from Va. Civil Lite. Actual rank Asst. Surg. U. S. A.June 3,79; accepted July 8, 79, Capt. and Asst. Surg. June 6, '83. Service At Fort Riuggold, Tex., '90. Carter, William H. (Captain 6th Cav.). Born in Davidson Co., Tenn., Nov. 19, '51. Retiring year 1915; graduated trom Mil. Acad. June 13, 73. Act- ualrank2d Lieut. 8th Inf. June 13, 73; transferred to 6th Cav. Nov. 28, 74; 1st Lieut. April 14, 79; Capt, Nov. 20, '89. Service Joined 8th Inf. at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., Sept. 30, 73; on escort duty, Nov., 73, to Fort Fetterman, W. T., and with a det. of recruits to Forts Fetterman and Laramie, W. T., Jan. 8, 74; with Co., Feb. 23, 74, on expedition against Brule and Ogallala Sioux and Chey- enne Indians; detached from Co. March 8, for staff duty ; joined Bat t. 8th Inf. July 12, 74, and marched to Cheyenne and proceeded to California, en route to Ari- zona; detached at San Francisco from Aug. 5 to Sept. 10, 74; joined Co. at Fort McDowell, Ariz.; transferred to 6th Cav. Nov. 28, 74; relieved from duty at Fort McDowell, Ariz., Dec. 23, 74, and Feb. 8, 75, was assigned to duty with 5th Cav. at Fort Verde, A. T., until May 2, 75; marched to Santa Fe, N.M., and June 8, reported to the Hd. Qrs. 6th Cav. and was attached to " L" Troop; marched via Forts Bayard, Bowie and Grant to Camp San Carlos, A. T., arriving in July and remaining there until the middle of Oct. when the post was abandoned; marched CAS RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 119 to Camp Bowie and upon arrival there, was relieved from duty, and ordered to join "E" Troop at Fort Verde, A. T., arriving Nov. 21, 75; on Dec. 10, scouted with Indians and a Detachment of " E " and " I " Troops, 6th Cav., in pursuit of a war party depredating near post, to near White Mountain Reservation ; participa- ted with Indians and a detachment of "E" Troop, 6th Cav., in expedition to the Mexican border; and later in the removal of Chiricahuas from their old reser- vation to San Carlos, A.-T., being in the field from April to July, 76 ; ordered to Fort Apache, May, 77; on July 11, in charge of construction of telegraph line from Fort Grant to Fort Apache, Ariz., until Nov. 21 ; on detached duty March 7 to San Carlos arranging for removal of settlers from Indian Reservation; March 21 to May 25, 78, scouting in N. M., Ariz, and Sonora; Aug. 23, ordered to report to Regimental Commander for appointment as R. Q. M., but detained from same by assignment of Capt. Faulk to regiment by an act of Congress; remained on dutv at Fort Lowell; on duty at Tucson, A. T., Nov. 7, 78, until March 14, 79; with C. O. Field operations Dec. 20, 79, in tour to Globe City, Forts Apache, Thomas and Grant, A. T.; in the field June 16 to Oct. 13, '80; final campaign 1 against Victoria, and in the border operations against violators of the "Neutrality Laws"; leave of absence from Oct. 15, '80, to Jan. 1, '81; at Fort Lowell, A. T., until June 5, '81; at Fort Apache until Oct. 1, '82; leave of absence until Dec. 14, '82; at Fort Lowell, A. T., Jan. 1, '83, to May 31, '84; on field duty from March 30 to April 6, '83; Fort Bayard, N. M., June 7, '84; leave of absence Sept. 1 to 30, '87 ; recruiting service at Newark, N. J., from Oct. 1, '87, to Oct. 2, '89. Staff positions occupied Adj. Batt. 3d Cav., 8th and 14th Inf. from Feb. 23, and as A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. from March 12 until July 12, 74; Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of Batt. 8th Inf, July 28 to Aug. 5, 74, en route to California; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Fort McDowell, A. T., from Sept. 29 to Dec. 31, 74; Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of Batt. 5th Cav. May 2 to June 8, 7$; A. A. Q. M. at Fort Lowell, A. T., Aug. 23, 78; app. R. Q. M. April 14, 79; disbursing Q. M. at Tucson, A. T., Nov. 7, 78, to March 14, 79; A. C. S. at Fort Lowell, A. T., Jan. 1 to June 5, '81; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Apache, A. T., Jan. 1 to Oct. 1, '82; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Lowell, A. T., Jan. 1, '83 until May 31, '84; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Bayard, N. M., June 28, '84; relieved as A. A. Q. M. March 31, as R. Q. M. April 4, and as A. C. S. Aug. 31, '87. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in action on Cibicu Creek, A. T., Aug. 30, '81, and was present at the attack on Fort Apache, A. T., Sept. 1, '81. Commands held Co. " A," 5th Cav., Feb. 14, until April 28, 75; Co. "B" Indian scouts at Fort Verde, A. T., Nov. 22, 75; of Co. "A" Indian scouts at Fort Apache, A. T., June 26, 77, until July 11, and from Jan. 11, 78. Cartwright, George S. (Second Lieut. 24th Inf.). Born in N. Y. July 1 9, 1862. Retiring year 1926 ; appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 81; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 24th Inf. June 14, '85. .Service Served at Fort Sill, Ind. Ter., from Oct. 1, '85, to May 28, '88; measured road from Fort Sill to Paul's Valley, and prepared map of same in April, '88; in the field with a detachment of 5th Cav., guarding a cattle trail near Elk Creek, I. T., from May 12, '88 ; at Fort Apache, Ariz., from June 13 to Oct. 16, '88; on leave to Feb. 15, '89; on the field with detachments 10th Cav., from Aug. 11 to Oct. 2, '88; on duty in connection with civil authorities, and making maps in connection with investigation of robbery of Paymaster J. W. Wham, U. S. Army, May 11 to Sept. 19, '89. Witness before civil court, Tucson, A. T., Sept. 20, '89 to Dec. 8, '89 ; San Carlos, A. T., Dec. 21, '89, to Feb. 27, '90 ; engineer officer assisting Ind. agent in construction of irrigation works, David's Island, N. Y. Harbor, March 13, '90, to present time. History Son of Assistant Surgeon Cart- wright, of the 134ih N. Y. S. Volunteers. Casey, Edward W. (First Lieut. 22d Inf.). Born in Cal. ; appointed from La. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '69; graduated June 13, 73. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 22d Inf. June 13, 73; 1st Lieut. Jan. 11, '80. Service With regiment on the Plains; served in the Dep. of Dakota, Texas, and the Missouri to '83; Senior Asst. Instructor of Infantry and Artillery Tactics at the U. S. Military Academy from Aug. 28, '83, to Aug. 20, '84; Fort Lewis, Col., to 120 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. CAT '87 ; at Fort Keogh, Mont., to present time. Staff positions occupied Adjutant 22d Inf. from Sept. 1, '81, to Jan. 31, '87. Casey, James S. (Lieut. Col. 1st Inf.). Born in Pa. Jan. 28, 1833. Retiring year 1897 ; appointed from Pa. Civil Life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. H, 7th N. Y. S. M., April 17, '61 ; discharged June 3, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf. Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Aug. 26, '61; 1st Lieut. Sept. 25, '61; Captain Dec. 1, '63; Major 17th U. S. Inf. June 27, '84. Brevet rank Brevet Major March 25, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the attack on Fort Stedman, Va. Casey, Thomas L. (Brigadier General and Chief of Engineers). Born in N. Y. May 10, 1831. Retiring year 1895 ; appointed from R. I. Cadet at the U. 5. Military Academy July 1, Y 48; graduated July 1, '52. Actual ra?i Bvt. 2d Lieut. Eng. July 1, *'52 ; 2d Lieut. June 22, '54 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 1, '56 ; Capt. Aug. 6, '61; Maj. Oct. 2, '63; Lieut. Col. Sept. 2, '74; Col. Mar. 12, '84; Brig. Gen. Chief of Eng. July 6, '88; accepted July 23, '88. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut. Col. and Col. Mar. 31, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service Served during the war of the Rebellion '61-5 ; colonel and superinten- dent of public buildings March 3, '77, to April 1, '81 ; in charge of construction of the State, War and Navy Department building, of the Washington Aqueduct, the Washington National Monument, and of the improvements over the grave of Thomas Jefferson at Monticello, Va., and of the erection of a monument at New- burg, N. Y., 1883. Casey, Thomas L Jr. (Captain of Eng.). Born in N. Y. ; app. from D. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank2d Lieut. Eng. June 13, '79; "1st Lieut. June 17, '81 ; Capt. July 23, '88. Catley, Henry (Captain 2d Inf.). Born in Ohio Sept. 9, is ring year 1898; appointed from Oregon Civil Life. Actualrank 1st Lieut. 1st Oreg. Vol. Inf. Jan. 2, '65; hon. must, out Feb. 9, '66; Pvt. and Corpl. Co. K, .rh U.S. Inf. and Hosp. Stwd. from July 3, '55, to Dec. 31, '64; 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted May 31, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 5, '66 ; tre. to 2d Inf. Apr. 17, '69; Capt. June 22, '82. Catlin, Edward H. (First Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in N. H. ; appointed from N. H. Cadet at theU. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '76 ; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rani- 2d Lieut 2d U. S. Art. June 12, '80 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 4, '86. Catlin, Isaac S (Colonel United States Army). Born at Oswego, New York, July 8, 1835. Retired. Appointed from New York Civil Life. Actual rank Capt. 3d N. Y. Inf. May 14, '61; resigned March 14, '62 ; 1st Lieut. 109th N. Y. Inf. Aug. 2, '62; Lieut. Col. Aug. 28, '62; Col. July 29, '64; app. Captain 45th U. S. Inf. May 6, '67; accepted Mav 10, '67 ; unassigned July 22, '69. Re- tired with the rank of Colonel May 6, 70. Brevet ran/t Brevet Major U. S. A. May 6, '67, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, Va. ; Brevet Lieut. Col. May 6, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Petersburg, Va. ; Brevet Brig. Gen. of Vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and merit- orious services during the war; Brevet MajorGen. of Vols. March 1:?, '<>">. for gal- lant and meritorious services in the battles before Petersburg, Va. Honorably mentioned In report of Col. Frederick Townsend, Com'g 109th N. Y., with regard to the battle of Big Bethel, Va., he said of him: "He was at Bethel and I do not hesitate to say there was no man or officer more distinguished on that field than he." Service In the field with Army of the Potomac during the War of the Re- bellion; had separate command in '63-4 at Falls' Church, Va., which was kept in active service watching the predatory movements of Mosby and other guerrillas; in May, '64, his regiment joined the 9th Corps, and was assigned to the 1st Bri- gade, 3d Division; sick in hospital at Washington, D. C., with gastric fever, for several weeks after the action at Games' Farm, Va. ; rejoined command in front of Petersburg, Va., July, '64; and on July 30, while Com'g a Provisional Brigade of three Regiments at the battle of " Crater," he lost his right leg and received oth- er severe wounds. As soon as he recovered sufficiently to walk with crutches the Secretary of War assigned him to duty as President of a Court Martial and Mili- tary Commission at Washington, D. C., where he served with his Brevet Rank of Major General until mustered out June 4, '65. In '67, by reason of the severity CAT RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 121 of his wounds, he applied for a Captaincy in the Army, to which he was prompt- ly appointed; and in May, 70 he was retired as a Colonel of Infantry, being the lineal rank he held when wounded. Staff positions occupied Adjutant 109th N. Y. Vol. Inf. March, '62. Battle*, skirmishes etc. In the battle of Big Bethel, Va., March, '62; Wilderness, and succeeding engagements; Spottsylvania, North Anna, Gaines' Farm, and other engagements from the Rappahannock to James River, and in the battle of the "Crater," in front of Petersburg, Va., '64. (wounded). Commands held After the wounding of Col. Tracy, May 6, '64, he commanded his regiment in all engagements up to Games' Farm. Commanded a Provisional Brigade at the battle of the " Crater." History When the Rebel- lion was inaugurated he was a member of law firm of Tracy and Catlin at Owego, N. Y., the senior member being the present Secretary of the Navy, Honorable Benjamin F. Tracy. Catlin was also Mayor of Owego at that time, having been elected in November, '60, without opposition. On the 17th of April, '61, the date of Lincoln's first proclamation for volunteers, he officially approved a call for a meeting to raise a company of volunteers. On that evening he enrolled himself, with others, as an enlisted man, and before the meeting adjourned the minimum number of men for a company was enrolled, with himself unanimously elected as Captain. It is claimed to have been one of the first, if not the very first, company cf actual volunteers enlisted in this State. The Company was attached to the 3d New York Volunteers. He served with it at Big Bethel, Virginia. In March, '62, he resigned for the purpose of helping to raise a new regiment, and when General B. F. Tracy was assigned to the 24th Senatorial or Regimental District by Governor E. D. Morgan, Catlin was first made Adjutant of the Post, then Lieut. Colonel of the 109th N. Y. Vols. After the war, in '65, he was nom- inated for District Attorney of Tioga Co., N. Y., and received the largest majori- ty ever given a candidate in that county. In 70 he was appointed Ass't U. S. District Attorney, which position he held for two years, and then went into part- nership with Gen. Tracy, the present Secretary of the Navy, in the practice of the law. In 74 he was nominated for Dis. Atty. in Kings Co., N. Y., against the late Gen. Philip S.Crooke, but subsequently retired in favor of the latter, who was defeat- ed. In 77 he was again, against his own protest, unanimously nominated by accla- mation, and, overcoming an opposing majority qf about 14,000, he was elected by about 3,000 majority. He was unanimously re-nominated by acclamation in '80, against nated by the County Convention, by acclamation, for Surrogate, and after declin- ing on the spot, he was in a short time again put in nomination with immense enthusiasm, but he again declined peremptorily. Two days after he declined the nomination for Surrogate, he was unanimously nominated for Mayor, but was de- feated in consequence of the nomination of an independent candidate, who received about 13,000 votes. Gen. Catlin received 37,000 votes. In addition to the foregoing statement it is proper to say, that in '86 it was universally conceded he could have had the nomination for District Attorney if he had desired it, but he refused to allow hia name to go before the Convention. Early in '87 Gen. Catlin withdrew from active politics, devoting himself earnestly to the vigorous prosecution of his large law practice, though he was diverted from it long enough in the fall of '88, to en- ter heartily into the Presidential contest, in the interest of Grover Cleveland, and again in the fall of '89, in the interest of Alfred C. Chapin for Mayor of Brook- lyn. He has steadily and firmly refused to allow his name to be presented for official honors, preferring the honors and emoluments of private life to those of public position. Catlin, Lynde (Captain and Brevet Major U. S. A.). Born in New York. Retired. Appointed from New York Civil Life. Actual rank Capt. 15th U. 8. Inf. Oct. 26, '61 ; accepted Oct. 30, '61 ; Lieut. Col., A. I. G. Vol. from April 1, '64, to Auar. 1. '65: trs. to 24th U. S. Inf. Sept. 21, '66; trs. to llth U.S. Inf. April 25, '69; retired June 28, 78. Brevet rank Brevet Major March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. 8 122 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. GHA Catlin, Robert (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Illinois, Oct. 5, '40. Retired. Appointed from Washington Ter. Graduated at Military Acad., Class of '63. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th Art. June 11, '63; Capt. 43d Inf. July 28, '66; ac- cepted Nov. 24, '66 ; unassigned April 8, '69; retired Dec. 15, 70, tor loss of left leg, from wounds received in battle. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieul. Aug. 18, '64, for gallant and meritorious service during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, Va. ; Bvt. Captain Aug. 21, '64, for gallant and meritorious service on the Wel- don Railroad, Va. Service Deputy Governor U. S. Soldiers' Home, D. C., from May, '85, to . Cavenaugh, Harry G. (Captain 13th Inf.) Born in Pennsylvania, July 23, 1843. Retiring year, 1907. Appointed from Delaware Civil Life. Actual rank Corporal and Sergt. Co. I, 1st Del. Vol. Inf., from Sept. 2, '61, to July 25, '64; 1st Lieut. 1st Del. Vet. Inf. July 26, '64; Capt. Dec. 26, '64; hou. must, out July 12, '65; 2d Lieut. 37th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Oct. 29, '66; trs. to 5th U. S. Inf. May 19, '69; unassigned June 5, '69; assd. to 13th Inf. March 31, 70 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 4, 71 ; Capt. Aug. 16, '84. Caziarc, Louis V. (First Lieut. 2d Artillery). Born in Massachusetts, July 4 f 1844. Retiring year, 1908. Appointed from Massachusetts Civil Life. Actual rank Sergeant and 1st Sergt. Co. I, 38th Mass. Vol. Inf., from Aug. 16, '62, to April 19, '64; 1st Lieut. 89ih U. S. Col. Inf. April 24, '64; honorably mustered out, Aug. 11, '64; 1st Lieut. 81st U. S. Col. Inf., Aug. 30, '64; honorably must'd out Oct. 11, '64; 1st Lieut. 73d U. S. Col. Inf. Oct. 12, '64; honorably mustered out Aug. 22, '65; 1st Lieut. 81st U. S. Col. Inf. Aug. 23, '65; honorably mustered out Sept. 9, '66; 2d Lieut, llth U. S. Inf. July 20, '66; accepted Sept. 10, '66; 1st Lieut. Nov. 23, '68; unassigned April 14, '69; assigned to 2*d Artillery Dec. 31, 70. Brevet rank Brevet Captain of Vols. March 26, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the campaign against the city of Mobile and its de- fenses. Service In the field during NYar of the Rebellion ; on staff duty from '66 to 73; Prof, of Mil. Science at Bowdoin College, Me., from Nov., 75, to July, 79. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. to Brevet Maj. Gen. G. L. Andrews, Aug., '64, to Aug., '65; A. D. C. to Brevet Maj. Gen. E. R. S. Canbv, March, '66, to Feb., 73; A. A. A. G. 2d Mil. Dist. Aug., '67, to Auar., '68 ; and of the 5th Dist. from Dec., '68, to April, '69; of the 1st Dist. and of the Dept. of Va., May, '69, to April, 70; A. A. A. G. and J. A., Dept. of the Columbia, Aug., 70, to Feb.. 73; A. A. G. Signal Bureau May, '81, to Aug., '85; Adj. U. S. Artillery School May, '87, to present time. History A. M., Bowdoin College, June, 79. Cecil, G-eorg-e R. (First Lieut. 13th Inf.). Born in Pulaski, Va., Feb. 12, '49. Retiring year, 1913. Appointed from Virginia ; graduated at Mil. Acad., Class of 74. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 13th Inf. June 15, 76; 1st Lieut. July 24, '83. Service Joined Co. E at Fort Sanders, Wyo., Sept. 28, 74 ; at New Orleans, La., Oct. 18, 74; at Baton Rouge, La., June 1, 75; at Little Rock Bks., Ark., July 24, 76 ; in the field, suppressing Labor Riots, Sept. 1 to Nov. 4, 77 ; again at Little Rock Bks. Nov. 4, 77 ; at Hot Springs, Ark., Dec. 7, 78; on D. S., Prof. Mil. Science and Tactics at the Michigan Military Academy, April 11, 79, to July 1, '82 ; at Fort Stanton, N. M., July 24, '82 ; at Fort Selden, N. M., Oct. 13, '83; at Fort Cummings, N. M., Oct. 24, '83 ; at Fort Bayard, N. M,, Aug. 13, '84, to March 5, '87, when appointed Regimental Adjutant; at Fort Wingate, N. M., March 18, '87 ; at Fort Supply, Ind. Ter., June 4, '89, to . Staff positions occupied Post Adj. Baton Rouge Bks., La., Feb. 26 to June 24, 76 j A. C. S. from June 10, 75, and A. A. Q. M. from Dec., 75, to June 16, 76; Post Adj. at Little Rock Bks., Ark., Oct. 13, 76, to July 6, 77; Nov. 5, 77, to July 2, 78 ; Nov. 19 to Dec. 6. 78 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Stanton, N. M., from July 4 to Sept. 30, '83; at Fort Cummings, N. M., Dec. 11, '83, to Aug. 13, '84; Post Adj. Fort Cummings, N. M., March 29 to June 8, '84; at Fort Wingate, N. M., March 18, '87, to June 1, '88 ; at Fort Supply, Ind. Ter., June 4, '88, to pres- ent time; Adj. 13th Inf. March 5, '87, to present time. Chaffee, Adna R. (Major 9th Cav.). Born in Ohio April 14, 1842. Retiring year, 1906 ; appointed Irom the Army. Actual rank Pvt. Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. CHA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 123 "K," 6th Cav., July 22, '61, to May 12, '63; 2d Lieut 6th Cav. Mar. 13, '63; ac- cepted May 12, '63; 1st Lieut Feb. 22, '65 ; resigned Mar. 13, '67; reinstated Apr. 8, '67 ; Capt. Oct. 12, '67 ; Maj. 9th Cav. July 7, '88. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. July 3, '63, for .gallant and meritorious service* in the battle of Gettys- burg, Penn.; Bvt. Capt. Mar. 31, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Di a widdie Court-House, Va. ; Bvt. Major Mar. 7, '68, for gallant and efficient services in an engagement with Comanche Indians on Point Creek, Texas, Mar. 7, '68. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5; participated in all the various campaigns of the Army of the Potomac up to the surrender o? Lee's Army '65 ; on the plains and participated in numerous campaigns against hostile Indians ; engaged in the " Miles " campaign against Cheyenne Indians, Indian Territory, Aug., '74, to Feby., '75 ; charge of San Carlos Indian reserva- tion July, '79, to May 31, '80; took part in-the campaigns against White Moun- tain Indians Sept. to Nov., '81 r with General Crook in his campaign into the Sierra Madre Mountains, Sonora, Mexico, '83; Fort McDowell, A. T., July, '83; in Dep. of Missouri to '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle of Williamsburg, action of Slatersviile, battles of Meehanicsville, Hanover Court-House, actions of Sugar-Loaf Mountain, Philomont, Unioutown, Upper- ville, Barber's Cross-Roads, battle of Fredericksburg, and General Stoneman's raid of April, '63, the actions of Fairfield (severely wounded), battle of Brandy Station (wounded), and action of Todd's Tavern ; in General Sheridan's raid, and engaged at the actions of Yellow Tavern, Salem Church, battles of Trevillian Station, Deep Bottom, Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek ; engaged at the battles of Dinwiddie Court-House, Five Forks, Sailor's Creek, and capitula- tion of Appomattox Court-House; engagement with Comanche Indians on Paint Creek, Texas. Honorably mentioned Recommended for brevet oflieut. colonel U. S. A. " for distinguished services in successfully leading a cavalry charge over rough and precipitous bluffs, held by hostile Indians, in the battle of Red River, August 30, '74, and for diligent and faithful services during the campaign;" commended in department orders for part taken in engagement with renegade White Mountain Indians on "Big Dry Wash," Arizona, July 17, '82. Staff positions occupied Adjutant 6th Cav. Nov. 11, '64, to Dec. 12, '66; R. Q. M. 6th Cav. from Dec. 12, '66, to Oct. 12, '67. Chamberlin, John L. (First Lieut. 1st Art). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '76; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Art. June 12, '80; 1st Lieut. Aug. 14, '87. Service At Fort Monroe, Va., '90. Chance, Jesse C. (Captain 13th Inf.). Born in Ohio January 26, 1843. Re- tiring year, 1907 ; appointed from Ohio Civil Life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. "E," 20th Ohio Inf., Aug. 9, '62 ; discharged Mar. 17, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 103d U. S. C. Inf. Mar. 17, '65; honorably mustered out Apr. 16, '66; 2d Lieut. 13th Inf. Jan. 22, '67; accepted Apr. 4, '67; unassigned July 20, '69; assigned to 13th Inf. Mar. 4, 70; 1st Lieut. Oct. 18, '71 ; Capt. Oct. 16, '84. Chandler, Elias (First Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born in Illinois Dec. 29, 1856. Retiring year, 1920; appointed from 111. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy June 14, '76 ; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. June 12, '80 ; 1st Lieut. April 14, '87, Service From date of assignment to Dec. 3, '80, at Fort Wallace, Kan., Dec. 3, '80, to March 14, '81, at Fort Davis, Texas ; Mch. 14 to May 25, '81, at Fort McKavett, Texas; May 25 to Dec. 9, '81, at San An- tonio, Texas ; Dec. 9 to Dec. 29, '81, at Fort McKavett, Texas ; Dec. 29, '81, to Nov. 10, '84, at the town of Fort Griffin, Texas (abandoned in '81), as Acting Indian Agent, in charge of the Tonkawa Special Indian Agency; Nov. 10, '84, to April 27, '87, at San Antonio, Texas ; April 27, '87, to June 30, '88, at Fort Mc- Intosh, Texas ; June 30, '88, to date, at Fort Douglas, Utah. Staff positions occu- pied M Fort Mclntoih, Texas. Was Post Adjutant, A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. from Nov. 20, '87, to June 30, '88 ; at Fort Douglas, Utah, A. C. S. and A. O. O. from Jan. 1, '90, to date. Chandler, John G. (Lieut. Col., D. Q. M. G., Brevet Col.). Born in Mass. Dec. 31, 1830. Retiring year, 1894 ; appointed from Mass. Cadet U. S. Military 124 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. CHA Academy Sept. 1, '48 ; graduated July 1, '53. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. July 1, '53 ; 2d Lieut. Dec. 24, '53 ; 1st Lieut. May 31, '56; Captain A. Q. M. May 17, '61; Lieut. Col. Q. M. Vols. Jan. 1, '63, to Aug 1, '65 ; Major Q. M. Jan. 18, '67 ; Lieut. Col. D. Q. M. Gen. March 4, 79. Brevet rank Brevet Major, Lieut. Col. and Colonel U. S. A. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritori- ous services during the war. Service Voyage to Cal., '53 ; New York, '54 ; fron- tier duty, '54 to '61 ; served during the War of the Rebellion ; chief quartermas- ter, Department of West Virginia, July, '61, to Feb., '62; of the 4th Division, Army of the Ohio, Feb. to April, '62; of the Pittsburg Landing Depot, Tenn., April to July, '62 ; and of the Army of the Ohio July to Nov., '62 ; Chief Quarter- master of the 19ih Army Corps, Dep. of the Gulf, Nov., '62, to Aug., '65; depot quartermaster at New Orleans, La., Aug. to Oct., '65, and Dec., '65, to April, '66 ; Chief Quartermaster, Dep. of Dakota, Sept., 1866, to Feb., '67 ; Chief Q. M. Holly Springs, Miss., 1867-8 ; Chief Q. M. 1st Mil. Dist., Richmond, Va., '69-70 ; Chief Q. M. 2d Dist., Dep. of the East, '70 to 73; in charge of Depot, Ft. Leavenworth, 73-74 ; Chief Q. M..Dep. Arizona, 74-76 ; Chief Q. M. Dep. of the South, 76-80 ; Chief Q. M. Mil. Div. of the Gulf, '81 ; Q. M. Gen.'s Office, Washington, '82-88; New York Depot Jan., '88, to Aug., '89 ; Philadelphia Depot since Aug., '89. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged during the war in the action at Carnifex Ferry, battle of Shiloh, battle of Perry viile, siege of Port Hudson, expedition to Saline Pass, Red River expedition, action of Mansfield, and battle of Pleasant Hill, and the operations of the 13th Army Corps in Texas. Staff positions occupied Adjutant 3d Art. Dec. 27, '57, to May 17, '61. Chapin, Alonzp B. (Captain and Asst. Surg.). Born in Chicago, 111., 1859. Retiring year, 1925; appointed from IllinoisCivil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Dec. 3, '83 ; Captain and Asst. Surgeon Dec. :',, 1888. Service At Fort Douglas, Utah, from June, 1883, to April, 1884 ; at Fort Laramie, Wyo., from May, 1884, to Oct., 1886; at Fort Washakie from Nov., 1886, to July, 1887 ; at Newport B'ks, Ky. r from Aug., 1887, to Oct., 1889 ; at Fort Yates, N. D., from Nov., 1889, to ; on temporary duty at Fort Bridger, Nov., 1883, and Fort Robinson Dec., 1885, to Jan., 1886; with troops en route from Fort Laramie to Fort Washakie, from Fort Washakie to Fort Riley, and in camp in Southern Kansas and Indian Territory April to Sept., 1885; in camp on Montezuma Creek, Utah, from June to Oct., 1886 ; Post Surgeon at Newport Bks., Ky., and Fort Yates, N. D., '89-90. Chapin, Edward S. (Captain 15th Inf.). Born in Conn. Appointed from Iowa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, I860; graduated June 15, 1870. Actual rank Pvt. Co. A, 44th Iowa Inf., May 11, '64; discharged Sept. 1">, '64; 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art. June 15, 70 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 19, 73; transferred to 15th Inf. Aug. 12, '82 ; Capt. Feb. 27, '88. Chase, Constantino (First Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Mass. Art. Sept. 9, '63 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 15, '64; Bvt. Capt. Mar. 13, '65; honorably mustered out Sept. 18, '()>; 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Art. May 11, '66; accepted Aug. 6, '66; transferred to 3d Art. Sept. 28, '66; 1st Lieut. Mar. 26, '68. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services during the war; Bvt. Capt. Vols. Mir. 13, 65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Chase, Dudley (Chaplain U. S. A.). Born in Conn. Retired ; appointed from Cal. Civil Lite. Actual rank Hosp. Chap. Vol. Apr. 7, '64; accepted June 7, '64; hon. must, out Aug. 21, '65; Chap. U. S. A. Apr. 17, '66; Posv Chap. Apr. 3, '67 ; accepted July 15, '67. Chase, Geo. P. (Captain 3d Cav.). Born in 111. Appointed from 111. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '67 ; graduated June 12, 71. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. June 12, 71; transferred to 3d Cav. May 8, 72; 1st Lieut. Mar. 20, 79 ; Capt. Nov. 25, '87. Chase, George N. (First Lieut. 4th Inf.). Born in Wis. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1,73; graduated June 15,77. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut, 1st Inf, June 15, 77; 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. July 1, 77; CHE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 125 1st Lieut. Nov. 10, '86. Service Served in Wyoming with regiment to '81 ; at Fort Leavemvorth and other posts to '85 ; on staff duty in California and N. Y. City to '89 ; on leave of absence to '90. Staff positions occupied Adjutant, A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Fetterman, Wyo,, 79-80; A. D. C. to Major Gen. Howard from Nov. 9, '85, to Dec. 4, '89. Chase, Wilson (Second Lieut. 20th Inf.). Born in Tenn. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl., Sgt. and 1st Sgt., troop B, 7th Cav., from Mar. 18* '85, to Mar. 4, '89; 2d Lieut. 20th Inf. Feb. 11, '89; accepted Mar. 5, '89. Service At Fort Assinaboine, Mont,, '90. Chatfield, Walter H. (Second Lieut. 5th Inf.). Born in Connecticut, March 11, 1852. Retiring year 1916 ; appointed from the army. Actual rank Pvt. and Corp. Co. G, and Qm. Sergt. 7th U. S. Cav. Oct. 4, '78, to Oct. 16, '80 ; 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf. Oct. 4, '80 ; accepted Oct. 16, '80. Service. In the field; expedi- tion to Sioux Indian Agency, Poplar River, Mont., July to Oct., '81 ; guarding constructioirof Northern Pacific Railroad, June to Dec., '82 ; expedition to Chey- enne Indian Agency, Mont., Oct. and Nov., '86; expedition to Crow Indian Agency, Mont., Oct. and Nov., '87 ; permanent station, Fort Keogh, Mont., June, '81. to May, '88 ; Fort Brown, Texas, July, '88, to date. Staff positions occupied Adjutant and Quartermaster, Battalion 5th Inf., expedition '81 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at headquarters Northern Pacific Railroad Escort, July to Dec., '82; charged with supplying and settling accounts for troops stationed at points on the N. P. R. R., from the Little Missouri River on the east to Big Timber Creek on the west; Adjutant, Quartermaster and Commissary Officer, expedition to Cheyenne Agency, '86 ; Post Adjutant at Fort Brown, Texas, Oct. and Nov., '88, and from Aug. to Oct.. '89; Quartermaster, Commissary Officer, Acting Ordnance Officer and Range Officer at Fort Brown, Texas, Oct. 17, '89, to date. History Destined for Went Point from early youth, but prevented from entering that in- stitution by opposition of relatives. Applied for a civilian appointment in '76, but, despairing of obtaining it, entered the ranks Oct. 4, '78, and was appointed a second lieutenant just two years later, commission being dated Oct. 4, 1880 ; son of Colonel John L. Chatfield, 6th Conn. Vol. (See Records of Rebellion). Cheever, Benjamin H., Jr. (First Lieut, 6th Cav.). Born in Washington, D. C., June 7, '50. Retiring year 1914; app. from D. C. Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 6th Cav. Aug. 15, '76 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 30, '81. Service At Ft. Grant, A. T., about two and one-half years; Ft. Thomas, A. T., about one and one-half years; Ft. Huachuca, A. T., about a year in order named; ordered to Ft. Leaven worth Inf. and Cav. School, Dec. 20, '81 ; after graduating there, joined troop at Apache, A. T., and remained with it until ordered to U. S. Mil. Prison at Ft. Leavenworth, Kas., in April, '84, where he remained four years and a little over; then joined troop at Ft. Lewis, Col., until it changed to this post; arrived here Oct. 4, ''90. Commands held Troop " F" since '88. Cherbonnier, Andrew V. (Captain and M. S. K.). Born in Louisiana, Oct. 12, '26. Retiring year 1890; appointed from Md. Civil Life. Actual rank Capt. and Med. Storekeeper, July 28, '66; accepted Nov. 19, '66. Service- Served at St. Louis, Mo., from '66 to 70; from '70 to '71, at Santa Fe, N. M. ; at San Antonio, Texas, from 71 to 74; at St. Louis, Mo., from 74 to '82 ; at New York City, from '82 to Sept., '84; at St. Louis, Mo., from Sept., '84, to present time ; served during the entire war as Acting Asst. Surgeon ; in the office of the Attending Surgeon. TI. S. A., Washington, D. C., up to the time of appointment as Capt. and Med. Storekeeper. Battles, skirmishes, etc. At the battles of South Mountain and Antietam. . Chester, James (Captain 3d Art.). Born in Scotland, Feb. 10, 1834. Re- tiring year 189-<; appointed from the army. Actual rank Private, Corporal, Sergeant and First Sergeant Co. "E," 1st Art., Dec.l, '62, to April 18, '63; Bvt. 2d Lieut. 1st Art. Feb. 19, '63; 2d Lieut. April 17, '63; 1st Lieut. Jan. 14, '65; Captain 3d U. S. Art. Sept. 20, '80. Brevet ran Brevet 1st Lieut, for gallant and meritorious services in the Gettysburg Campaign, July 3, '63 ; Brevet Captain for gallant and meritorious conduct in the action of Kearueysville, Va., Aug. 25, RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. CHI '64. Service At Fort Monroe, Va., '54 to '56; in campaign against hostile In- dians in Florida '56 and '57 ; at Fort Moultrie, S. C., '58 to '60 ; in Fort Sumter, S* C., and engaged in the defense of that place in '61 ; in the Shenandoah Valley and Peninsular campaigns '61 and '62; joined at Raleigh, N. C., Sept., '65; at Atlanta, Ga., with battery to March 1, '69; on leave in Europe to Aug. 1, '69; at St. Auguftine, Fla., Aug", '69 ; com. battery at Fort Pulas-ki, Ga., from Aug., '69, to April, 71 ; at U. S. Art. School from May, 71, to May, 72 ; at Charleston, S. C., com. battery, 72; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., from 72 to 76; prof. Mil. Science at Iowa State University from Jan. 1, 76, to Jan. 1, '80; at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., from Jan. to May, '80; assistant instructor in engineering at the U. S. Art. School, Fort Monroe, Va., from May to Sept., '80; instructor in engineering at U.S. Art. School Sept. 20, '80, to May 1, '85; aide-de-camp to Bvt. Maj.-Gen. Getty, from Dec., 1880, to March, '83 ; in Europe from May to Oct., '81 ; detailed to attend the autumn maneuvers of the French army in '81 ; Chevalier of the Legion of Honor of France, '81 ; in Europe May to Oct., '85; detailed to attend the autumn maneuvers of the French armv, '85; with Bat. at Washington, D. C., Oct., '85, to Jan., '89; Inspector of Art. Target Practice Div. Atlantic, Jan., '89, to June, '89; in Europe July to Oct., '89; with Bat. at Washington, D. C., since Nov. 1, '89. Staff positions heldA.. A. A. G. 2d Brig, of Horse Art. '64 ; Aide-de-camp to Gen.Hardin Oct. 20 to Dec. 14, '65; A. A. Insp. Gen. Mil. Com. of N. C., Dec., '65, to April, '67; Post Adj., A. A. Qm. and A. C. S. at Hilton Head, S. C., June to Nov., '67 ; Post Adj. Nov., '67, to Aug , '68, at Columbia, S. C. ; Aide-de-Camp to Bvt. Maj. Gen. Getty Dec., '80, to March, '83. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in the battles of Glendale and Malvern Hill, Va. ; commanded a section of artillery, and engaged at the battles of Second Bull Run, Antietam and Frederi'-ksburjf ; com. battery at battle of Chancellorsville ; com. section of aitillery in the actions of Aldie, Middletown, Upperville, battle of Gettysburg, and action of Shepherdatown, Va. ; engaged in Gen. Sheridan's cam- paigns in the Army of the Potomac and the Shenandoah Valley, Va. ; wounded in the action at Kearneysville, Va., Aug. 25, '64. Honorably mentioned la Re- bellion Record, Vol. XL, Part II. 241, 256. Commands held In command of Bat. Post of Hilton Head and Di-t. of Beaufort, S. C., April to June, '67. JHttory Author of "The Practical Study of Surveying Instruments;" "Practical In- struction in Surveying;" " Military Bridge* ;" "Roads;" "Railroads;" " Tem- Ciry Fortifications;" " Permanent Fortifications, etc.;** Text and Reference ks U. S. Art. School. Chipman, Henry L. (Lieut. Col. U. S. A.). Born in Canandaigua, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1823. Retired; app. from Mich. Civil Life. Actual rank Lieut.-Col. 2d Mich. Inf. May 25, '61 ; resigned June 24, '61 ; Col. 102d U. S. Col. Inf. April 15, '63 ; hon. must, out Sep. 30, '65 ; Capt. llth Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 24, '61; transferred to 29th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; transferred to llth Inf. April 25, '69; Major 3d Inf. Oct. 29, 73; Lieut.-Col. 7th Inf.- May 19, '81 ; retired Feb. 1, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. major U. S. A., for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va.; bvt. lieut.-colonel for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; brevet brig.-gen. volunteers for gallant and meri- torious services during the war. Honorably mentioned Brig.-Gen. E. C. Potter, who commanded, mentioned him, in his report of the affair at Honey Hill, S. C., as follows: " I entertain a high opinion of Col. Chipman's abilities and conduct. In the engagement of Dec. 9th he commanded the supports, consisting of the 144th N. Y., 56th N. Y., 102d U. S. C. T., and the battalion of sailor Infantry. Through- out the day he displayed great coolness and courage, and excellent judgment. *' Was with the first troops that entered Charleston, S. C. Bvt. Maj.-Gen. John P. Hatch speaks of his services as follows, in an endorsement sent to the War De- partment: "Colonel Chipman is a man of fine abilities, a first-class officer and a thorough gentleman. He has gained the esteem of all with whom he has been thrown, by the exercise of the above qualities; by Aw gallant conduct and good judg- ment he rendered important services in the campaign closing with the occupation of Charleston. He merits, and I hope will obtain, a recognition of his services by his government." Honorably mentioned in the " Records of the Rebellion " on CHI RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 127 the battle of Chancellorsville, Vol. XXV. Part I., p. 526 ; and on Gettysburg Series I., Vol. XXVII. Part I., p. 635. Service Left Detroit, Mich., with 2d Mich. Inf. June 6, '61, for Washington, D.C.; resigned from the volunteer service and en- * tered the regular army June 24, '61 ; joined Hd. Qrs. llth Inf. at Fort Indepen- dence, Mass., and remained there until Oct. 14, assisting in organizing the regi- ment; mustered into the U. S. service the 18th and 20th Regiments Masschusetts Volunteers; was assigned to Co. " D," 1st Batt., llth Inf.; Oct. 14, left with company as a part of a batt. of the llth Inf. for Perry ville, Md.; was engaged doing guard duty here until March, '62; went to Washington, D. C., with the batt. to join the Army of the Potomac; served continually with this army till April, '64; went through the Peninsular campaign under Gen. McClellan ; soon after the battle of Antietam was appointed acting field officer of the 1st Batt., llth Inf.; was with Maj. C. S. Lovel's command on a reconnoissance from the Potomac River to Le- town, Va.; the troops fording the river had continuous sharp skirmishing for two days, until the command recrossed the Potomac River, near Shepherdstown, Va.; was engaged on the skirmish line the most of the time; March 21, '63, was ap- pointed by Maj. -Gen. Meade acting assistant inspector-general of the 2d Div., 5th Corps (Sykes' division of regular*); from the close of the Mine Run campaign was engaged as acting assistant inspector-general until April 1, '64, when, having been appointed colonel of the 102d Regiment U. S. Colored Troops, left the Army of the Potomac and went with regiment to Hilton Head, S. C.; was engaged doing picket duty, and for a time was in command of the defenses of Hilton Head; on the 30th of August, '64, went with regiment to Jacksonville, Fla., and was engaged in destroying the railroad leading from Jacksonville to Tallahassee, Fla.; built an earth-work at Magnolia, on the St. John's River ; after the completion of this work went to Beaufort, S. C., with regiment, where he remained until Nov. 30, '64, in command of an extended picket line, taking in three of the Sea Islands. At the above date started with five companies of regiment to join an expedition, under command of Gen. John P. Hatch, at Boyd's Landing, S. C., for the purpose of capturing the Charleston and Savannah Railroad ; the result was a severe battle at Honey Hill, S. C.; commanded a brigade a part of the time during this battle ; two days after this commanded a reconnoissance towards the railroad, about five miles from where the battle was fought, and had a sharp skirmish with the enemy ; on the 9th of Dec., '64, another attempt was made to capture the railroad, about thirty miles distant from Honey Hill, towards Charleston ; in this affair, which was quite severe, he commanded a brigade composed of three regiments and a battalion of sailors and marines from the Navy; was with the first troops that entered Charleston, S. C. On April 1, '65, left Charleston with two wagon loads of ammunition and two hundred and fifty men to join an expedition at Nelson's Ferry, on the Santee River, a command from Georgetown, S. C., under Gen. Pot- ter; on reaching the ferry learned that he had gone on towards Camden, some days before, so crossed the river and followed his command for five days, when he joined Gen. Potter, fought his way through to him; one officer and nine men were wounded and one man killed while making this march; the day after joining Gen. Potter took his own regiment and five companies of another regiment to drive the enemy from a strong earth-work, immediately in their front and across the road of the line of march ; turned the enemy's flank and drove him out after a severe fight of thirty minutes ; on the 17th of April, '65, while on the march back to Georgetown, the enemy sent in a flag of truce with the intelligence of Gen. Lee's and Johnston's surrender, and of the assassination of President Lincoln ; have been told that this command did the last fighting of the war; served in South Carolina, commanding a district part of the time, extending from Columbia to the north line of the State; was in command of the regiment at the time; after being mustered out of the volunteer service reported at Fort Independence, Boston Harbor, and was assigned to Co. " D," 3d Battallion, llth Infantry ; pro- ceeded with it to Richmond, Va.; served a short time here and then went to Bristol, Va.; remained here until the last of June, when the post was abandoned; was then sent to Yorktown, Va.; remained fourteen months in command of the sub-district of Yorktown. From Yorktown went to Alexandria, Va., and was in 128 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. CHI command of the sub-district of Alexandria and Battery Rogers for six months; in Oct., same year ('68), went to Texas with regiment and stationed at Jefferson, Texas, from Dec. 14, '68, until June 11, 71 ; the troops were withdrawn from there at the latter date, and went to Fort Richardson, Texas, under his command ; served at this post from June 30, 71, till Oct. 29, 73; at Fort Riley, Kan., three months, and then sent to command Camp Supply, I. T., temporarily; returned to Fort Riley two months, subsequently ; on the 2d of July, 74, accompanied the regiment to Holly Springs, Miss., where he remained until Sept. 16, 74, when he started, in command of five companies of the regiment, for New Orleans, La.; on arrival there was at once sent with command to protect the U. S. Mint from any depredations from the mob, who were trying to depose Governor Kellogg from office; after the riot ceased did duty at Jackson Barracks, La., until Dec., when he was sent to Jackson, Miss., to take command of the troopa there during an extra session of the Mississippi Legislature ; remained here till the Legislature ad- journed, and then returned to Jackson Barracks, La.; went from here in Dec., 75, to command the post at Alexandria, Li.; remained here until May, 77, when the post was abandoned ; at Mt. Vernon Barracks, Ala., two months ; ordered to take three companies of the 3d Inf., and proceed to Louisville, Ky., thence to Newport Barracks, Kv.; from there was sent in command of three companies, 3d Inf., and two companies, 5th Art., to Pittsburgh, Pa., and from there with same command to Wilkesbarre, Pa., on account of a general strike among the coal miners, and threats to burn the city of VVilkesbarre ; on the 21st of Sept., 77, he started in command of the 3d Inf. (which concentrated at Wilkesbarre), for Montana Terri- tory, by railroad to Corinne, Utah. The regiment marched five hundred miles from Corinne, Utah, to Helena, Mont., crossing the Rocky Mountains when the tem- perature, at times, was sixteen degrees below zero, and the ground coverel with snow, which had to be scraped away to pitch tents. The ladies of the regiment, and their children, and the laundresses an 1 their children were along. This inarch was made in just thirty days; soon after reaching Montana was sent to Fort Mis- soula, Mont.; was in command from April 1, 78, until Aug., 79. when he left there and took command of Fort Logan, Mont.; remained at Fort Logan until Oct., '80, when the post was broken up ; went from there to Fort Shaw, Mont., and spent the winter there; went from Fort Shaw to Fort Buford, Dak., where he remained until Aug. 13, '82; at Fort Pembiua, Dak., until Nov., when the regiment was sent to the Department of the Platte, at Fort Bridger, Wyo., from Dec., '82, to April, '83 ; at Fort Steele, Wyo., until the 6th of Oct., '86, at which time the post was abandoned; this was the last of his active service. Staff positions or ////>/ A. A. I. G., 2d Div., 5th Corps, from March 21, '63, to April 1, '64; A. D. C. to Gen. R. B. Ayres, in the battle of Gettysburg. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Was at the sie^e of Yorktown ; under fire while working in the trenches; was engaged in the battle of Gaines' Mill and Malvern Hill, and in a skirmish the morning after the army reached Harrison's Landing; was in the second battle of Bull Run and at Antietam ; was in the battle of Frederick -burg, Va.,.Dec. 13, '62; in the battle of Chancellorsville as Aide to Gen. Sykes; was in the bactle ot Gettysburg, acting as aide on Gen. R. B. Ayres' staff (who then was in command of the division of regulars); was engaged in the affair at Rappahannock Station, Va. (after the battle of Gettysburg); he acted as aide to Gen. Ayres in this affair; he was in the Mine Run Campaign (acting as Gen. Ayres' aide), and was in a sharp skirmish. Command* held Brigade during battle of Honey Hill, S. C.; Dist. in S. C., ex- tending to north line of State, '65; post at Bristol, Va., until June, '65 ; S:ib. Dist. of Yorktown for fourteen months ; Sub Dist. of Alexandria and Battery Ro/ers for six months; Jefferson, Tex., one year; Camp Supply, I. T., temporarily; Batt. of 6 C >s. en route to New Orleans, Li., an I while there 74; the troop* at Jackson, Miss., during session of Legislature; post at Alexandria, La., from Dec., 75, to May, 77; Mount Vernon, Barracks, Ala., two months; of B:itt. of 3 Cos. 3d Inf., and 2 Cos. 5th Art. at Pittsburgh and Wilkesbarre during the strike among the coal miners; 3d Inf. en route to Montana; Fort Missoula, Mont., from April 1, 78, to August, 79; Fort Logan, Mont, until Oct., '80; Fort Buford, Dak., until Ausr. 13, '82; Fort Pembina, Dak., until Nov. '82; Fort Bridger, Wyo., from Dec., '82, CLA KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 129 to April, '83 ; Fort Steele, Wyo., April, 6, '83, to Oct. 6, '86. History Grandson of Hon. Nathaniel Chipman, of Vermont, an officer in the Continental Army ; he was with the army at "Valley Forge" during that terrible winter of suffering. Two maternal uncles were officers in the U. S. Army Lieut.-Col. Daniel Baker or tjie 6th, and 1st Lieut. H. N. Baker of the 3d Infc. Chittenden, Hiram M. (First Lieut, of Engineers). Bnrn in N. Y. Ap- pointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '80 ; graduated June 15, '84. Actual rank 2d Lieut. Eng. July 15, '84 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 12, '86. Service At Omaha, Neb., '90. Chrisman, Edward R (Second Lieut. 2d Inf.). Born in Ind. Appointed from Ind. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 15, '84; graduated June 11, '88. Actual rank2& Lieut. 2d Inf. June 11, '88. Service At Fort Omaha, Neb., since graduating to present time. Chubb, Charles St. J. (First Lieutenant 17th Inf.). Born in Washington, D. C., Sept. 29, 1854. Retiring year 1918; appointed from the Army. ^Actual rank Private Gen. Ser. Oct. 6, 73; 2d Lieut. 17th Inf. Jan. 20, '75; 1st Lieut. Sep. 11, '80. Service On duty as clerk in A. G. O , Washington, D. C., Oct. 6, 73, to Feb. 6, 75 ; under instruction at Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., to July, 75 ; at Fort A. Lincoln, D. T., to Oct. 75 ; at Bismarck, D. T., to June, 78 ; at Fort Yates, D. T., to Oct., '80; at Fort Pembiua, D. T., to Aug., '82; at Fort Yates, D. T., to July, '86 ; at Cheyenne, Wyo., to Dec., '87, and at Fort Bridger, Wyo., since Dec., '87. Staff positions held Depot Q. M. and C. S. at Bismarck, D. T., Oct., 75, to June, 78; Post Adj., Q. M. and C. S. at Fort Pembina, D. T., Oct., '80, to Aug., '82 ; C. S. at Fort Yates, D. T., Aug., '82, to July, '86 ; Depot and Purchasing C. S. at Cheyenne, Wyo., July, '86, to Dec., '87 ; C. S. at Fort Bridger, Wyo., since Dec., '87. History Grandson of the late Commodore Lewis Warrington, U. S. Navy. Churchill, Charles A. (First Lieut. 5th Inf.). Born in Mo. Appointed from Kv. Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. Sept. 1, 79; accepted Sept. 13, 79; 1st Lieut. May 12, '86. Service Served in the Department of Da- kota to '87 : in the Dept. of Texas to present time. Churchill, Charles C. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Retired ; appointed from Pa. Civil Life. Actual ran 2d Lieut. 3d Art. Mar. 3, '48; accepted Mar. 13, '48; 1st Lieut. June 30, '52 ; Capt. May 14, '61. Retired for disability Feb. 28, '62. Chyaoweth. Edward (First Lieut. 17th Inf.). B>rn in N. Y. Appointed from VVis. Cadet at the Military Academy Sept. 1, 73; graduated June 15, 77. Actual ran 2d Lieut. 17th Inf. June 15, 77 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 26, '84. Service At Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., '90. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 17th Iiif. Clagett, J, Rozier (First Lieut. 23d Inf.), Born in D. C. Appointed from D. C. Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 23d Inf. Aug. 15, 75; accepted Dec. 7, 76 ; 1st Lieut. Apr. 9, '81. Siroici At Fort Wayn % Mich., from '84 to presen t time; under order* for Djpt. of Texas. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 23d Inf. from June 9, '84, to June 9, '88. Clagiie, John J. (Captain and Com. Sub.). Born in England. Appointed from Minnesota Civil Life. Actual rank Private, Sergeant, and First Sergeant Co. F, 6th Minn. Vol. Inf., June 28, '62, to Oct. 11, '64; Captain 18th U. S. Col'd laf. Aug. 3D, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 40th Inf. March 7, '67 ; assgd. to 12th Inf. Aug. 3, 70 ; 1st Lieut. Sep. 1, 73 ; Captain Com. Sub-j. Aug. 30, '80. Service Served against the Sioux Indians during the great massacre in Minn, in '62, and part of '63 ; in Missouri, Kentucky and the Army of the Cumberland, until mustered out at Huntsville, Ala., Feb. 21, '66; was Inspector Genl. Huntsville, Ala, ; served in N. and S. C. '67-69; in Deps. Ariz, and Cal. 70-75 ; on duty at Leavenworth Mil. Prison 75-79; A. C. S. at Yankton, Dak., Helena, Mont., Santa Fe, N. M., and Boston, Mass, since Aug. 30, '80. Staff positions occupied Adj. at the Leaven- worth Prison 75-79; C. S. at Yankton, Dak., Helena, Mont., Santa Fe, N. M., and Boston. Mass. Clapp, William H. (Captain 16th Inf.). Born in Ohio Sep. 7, 1836. Re- 130 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. CLA tiring year 1900; appointed from Ohio Civil Life. Actual rank Private Co. A, 71st N. Y. State Vols. April 19, '61, to July 30, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 42d Ohio Vols. Sept, 25, '61 ; let Lieut. March 14, '62 : Captain and A. A. A. G. U. S. Vols. May 15, '63 ; 2d Lieut, llth U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '66 ; trs. to 16th Inf. April 14, '69; Captain Dec. 25, 74. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut. Col. U. S, Vols. for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied A. A. A. G. U. S. Vols. to April, '62; Adj. 42d Ohio Vols. April, '62; A. A. A. G. U. S. Vols. May, '62; on the staff of Gen. Herron to July, '64; Adj. llth U. S. Inf. Dec., '66 ; Adj. 16th Inf. May, 72, to Aug., 74 ; R. Q. M. Kith Inf. Aug., 74, to Dec., 74. Honorably mentioned Mentioned in Gen. Orders by Maj. Gen. Herron for conduct at siege of Vicksburg. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle of First Bull Run, Va.; engaged in the campaign in East- ern Kentucky ; as A. A. A. G. U. S. Vols. to April, '62; engaged at the action of Middle Creek, Ky., capture of Cumberland Gap, Ky., action of Tazewell, Tenn., first assault on Vick.sburg, action of Chickasaw Bayou, capture of Arkan- sas Post, and siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; engaged in the capture of Yazoo City; present at the capture and surrender of Brownsville, Texas, and Trans-Mississippi Department. Clark, Charles H. (First Lieut, of Ordnance). Born in Mass ; app. from Mass. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, 71 ; graduated June 16, 75. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Art. June 16, 75 ; 1st Lieut. Ord. June 16, '80 ; accepted June 23, '80. Service In charge of Ord. Depot at Vancouver B'ks, Wash'n, '90. Clark, Dillard H. (First Lieut. 15th Inf.). Born in Ky. ; app. from Ky. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '69; graduated June 18,78. AHunl rank Pvt. Co. D, 14th Ky. Vol. Cav., Aug. 20, '62; discharged Sept. 16, '63; 2<1 Lieut. 15th U. S. Inf. June 13, 73; 1st Lieut. Feb. 29, 76. Service Served during the War of the Rebellion, '62-3 ; at various posts with 15th Inf. since graduating ; at pres- ent on college duty at Lexington, Ky. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 15th Inf. from Jan. 1, '81. to March 31, '87. Clark, Edwin R. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in N. H. Retired ; app. from Mass. Civil Life. Actual rank Capt. 30th Mass. Vol. Inf. May 12, '(52 ; hon. must, out April 25, '65; Capt. 30th Mass. Vet. Vol. Inf. May 3, '65; hon. must, out June 5, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 26th U. S. Inf. May 16, '67 ; accepted May 30, '67 ; trs. to 10th Inf. May 19, '69; out of service July 12, 76; re-apn. June 12, 79; 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. June 12, 79 ; accepted June 28, 79 ; l*t Lieut. Dec. 14, '81 ; retired for disability not incident to the service March 17, '83. Clark, Joseph C., Jr. (Major and Bvt. Col. U. S. A ). Born in N. J. Nov. 28, 1825. Retired; app. from N. J. Cadet at the U.S. Mil. Acad. Julv 1.'44; graduated July 1, '48. Actual ra>* Bvt. 2d Lieut. 3d Art. July 1. '48 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Art, Jan. 6, '49; 1st Lieutenant Dec. 11, '50; Captain May 14, '61 ; retired. Brevet rank Brevet Major June 9, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign of the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Sept. 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Md. ; Bvt. Col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service Act. Asst. Prof, of Mathematics at U. S. Mil. Acad. Aug., '49, to Aug., '51 ; Asst. U. S. Coast Survey Feb., '54, to Aug., '58 ; stationed at Camp Floyd at the commencement of the Rebellion ; remained in command of Fort Bridger. when most of the troops were withdrawn, until Jan., '62 ; Chief of Artillery, Reno'a Div., 9th Army Corps, Aug. and Sept., '62; Asst. Prof, of Philosophv at'the U. S. Mil. Acad. Aug., '63, to Feb., 70, when relieved through Act of Congress, and retired with the rank of Major July 23, '66. for disability resulting from wounds received in line of duty ; Deputy Governor Soldiers' Home, at Washington, D. C., Sept. 1, 75, to May 3, 77. Batiks, skirmishes, etc. Battles of Winchester and Port Republic, Va. ; Kettle Run, Second Bull Run, and Chantilly, Va. ; South Mountain and Antietam, Md. (severely wounded and disabled from further active service). Clark, Sidney B. (First Lieut. 2d Inf.). Born in Conn. FeK 1, 1834. Re- tiring year 1898 ; app. from Conn. Civil Life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. G, 2d Conn. Vols., May 7 to Aug. 7, '61 ; Capt. 12th Conn. Vols. Jan. 1, '62, to Oct. 13, CLA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. 131 '64; Maj. 12th Conn. Vols. Oct. 13, '64, to Aug. 12, '65; 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; trans, to 2d Inf. April 7, '69; 1st Lieut. Aug. 1, '65. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. U. S. A. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Winchester, Va. ; Bvt. Capt. U. S. A. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service Served during the War of the Kebellion ; in Dept. of the Gulf Feb., '62, to July, '64. Staff positions occupied Post Q. M. and A. C. S. May, 71, to Jan., 72; Nov., 73, to July, 74, and Dec., 74, to Aug., 75 ; Reg. and Post Q M. Aug. 1, 75, to March 7, '87 ; A. O. S. Aug. 1, 75, to July, 86. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in battle of first Bull Bun, Va. ; action of Georgia Landing, La.. Oct. 27, '62; at the capture of Brashear City, La.; action of Bayou Teche, Fort Bisland and* Port Hudson; wounded at Port Hudson June 11, '63 ; Com. Reg., and engaged at the battles of Win- chester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek, in the Shenandoah Valley. Clark, Wallis O. (First Lieut. 12th Inf.). Born in Mass. July 12, 1854. Re- tiring year 1918; app. from Mass. Cadet U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 73; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 7th Cav. June 15, 77 ; 2d Lieut. 6ih Cav. Dec. 31, 77 ; trans, to 12th Inf. Feb. 13, '82 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 12, '86. Service At Fort A. Lincoln and Fort Rice, D. T., Dec., 77; at Fort Bowie, Ariz., June 17,78, to March, '80; assumed command of Co. C.Indian scouts, March, '80, from which time to July 1, '82, engaged scouting in Southeastern Arizona, being stationed in the meantime at Forts Apache, Thomas, Grant, Bowie, and Camp Price ; at Madison B'ks, N. Y., Nov. 10, '82, to Oct., '86 ; on D. S. with Co. H, at Fort Ontario, Oswego, N. Y., Oct. 11, '86, to July 25, '87; Judge at National Drill, Washington, D. C., May and June, '87 ; at Fort Abraham Lincoln, N. D., since Aug. 4, '87 ; under name of " Romney," took third place among eleven competitors in Prize Essay Competition of Military Service Institu- tion, '85, subject: " The Enlisted Soldier " ; member of Div. Atlantic Rifle Team, and alternate on Army Rifle Team, '86 ; member of Dept. Dakota Rifle Team, '87-8-9; winning third place and Div. Gold Medal, Div. Atlantic, '86; first place and Dept. Gold Medal, Dept, Dakota, '88, and second place and Dept. Silver Medal, Depc. Dakota, '89; received distinguished marksman's badge, '89; wharp- sbooter, '84, '85, '86, '88, Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. and Adj. at Fort Bowie, Ariz., June, 78, to March, '80; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort A. Lincoln, N. D., Sept. 13, '87, to Aug. 10, '89, and since Oct., '89. Clarke, Charles E. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Conn. Retired ; app. from Mich. Civil Life. Actual rank Capt. 6th Mich. Inf. Aug. 20, '61 ; Maj. June 21, '62; Lieut. Col. May 1, '64; hon. must, out Sept, 7, '65 ; Capt. 38th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 23, '66 ; unassigned Nov. 11, '69 ; assigned to 17th Inf. April 25, 70 ; retired June 28, 78. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. March 2, '67, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the siege of Port Hudson, La. Clarke, Charles J. T. (First Lieut. 10th Inf.). Born in N. Y. ; app. from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. 22d Inf. Band from Nov. 15, 70, to Nov. 15, 75 ; Pvt. and Prin. Mus. Band, and Corpl. and Sergt. Co'. K, 22d Inf., from Dec. 15, 75, to April 27, '82 ; 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. March 27, '82 ; accepted April 28, '82 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 1, '86. Service At Fort Leavenworth School of Application, '83-5 ; at pres- ent on Gen. Recruiting Service at David's Island, N. Y. Clarke, Francis (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ireland June 2, 1825. Re- tired ; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl., Sergt. and 1st Sgt. Co. "G," 3d Inf., from June 4, ''50, to June 28, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 13th Inf. May 14, '61; accepted June 28, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 24, '61; Capt. Oct. 10, '65; trans- ferred to 31*t Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; transferred to 22d Inf. May 15, '69 ; retired June 2, '89, Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. July 4, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; Bvt. Maj. Nov. 25, '63, for gallant and merit- orious services in the battle of Missionary Ridge, Tenn. Clarke, Powhatan H. (Second Lieut. 10th Cav.). Born in La. Appointed from La. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '80; graduated June 15, '84. Actual rank2d Lieut. 10th U*. S. Cav. June 12, '87. Service At present stationed at Fort Thomas, Ariz. Clarke, Robert D. (Major U. S. A.). Born in Brownsville, Penn., April 29, 132 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. CLE 1816. Retired; appointed from Pennsylvania Civil Life. Actual rank Add. P. M. Aug. 12, '63; Major P. M. Jan. 17, '67; retired by operation of law, June 30, '82. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut.-Colonel Vols. for faithful and meritorious services in the Pay Department March 20, '67. Claiy, Robert E. (Colonel and Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Mass. Retired; appointed from Mass. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '23; graduated July 1, '28. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. Inf. July 1, '28 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. July 1, 28; 1st Lieut. Apr. 1, '36; Capt., A. Q. M. July 7, '38 ; accepted Aug. 14, '38; Capt. 5th Inf. Apr. 3, '39; Maj., Q. M. May 17, '61 ; Lt.-Col., A. Q. M. Gen. Apr. 15, '64; Col. A. Q. M. Gen. July 29, '66; retired Feb. 22, '69. Col. A. A. D. C. July 5,'62 ; accepted July 10, '62; honorably mustered out May 31, '66. Brevet rank Bvt. Col. Mar. 13, '65 ; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Clay, Charles D. (Second Lieut. 17th Inf.). Born in Ky. ; appointed from Ky. Civil Life. Actual rank 2d L : eut 17th U. S. Inf. Oct. 10, '83 ; accepted Oct. 11, '83. Service At Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., '90. Clay, Thomas J. (First Lieut. 10th Inf.). Born in Ky. April 5, 1853. Re- tiring year 1917 ; appointed from Kentucky Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. April 25, '77 ; 1st Lieut. Sep. 15, '84. Service On duty a few weeks at Governor's Island, N. Y. H., '77; with company at Fort McKavett, Tex., '77; served in Tex. about two years, mo.-t of the time in the field scouting; with Genl. Mackenzie on his scout into Mexico, 78; in com. of Troop "A," 4th Cav., on a scout into Mexico with a battalion of Cav. under com. of Lieut. Win. A. Thompson, 4th Cav.; stationed at Fort Brady, Mich., about two years; at U. S. Inf. and Cav. School, Ft. Leavenworth, Ks. ; graduated June 30, '83; in command of company in Supply Camp at Lang's Ranch, N. M., in '85 ; with Captain Lawton as Bat- talion Adj. in S. M. in pursuit of hostile Apache Indians, under Geronimo, in '86; and since then Inspector of Small Arms Practice, Dep. of Ariz.; member of the Div. of the Atlantic Rifle Team at Creedmoor in '79, winning two rifles, given by the Winchester and Remington Arms Cos. to the best shot on any of the Div. Teams; won first Div. and second Army Medals at Fort Leavenworth, Ks., in '84. Staff positions occupied Post A<)j. at Fort Brady, Mich.; Battalion Adj. in S. M., and Inspector of Small Arms Practice, Dep. of Ariz. Cleary, Peter J. A. (Major and Surgeon). Born in Malta, N. Y. Appointed from New York Civil Life. Actual ran* Asst. Surg. U. S. Vol., Oct. 4, '62; accepted Oct. 28, '62; Surg. U. S. Vols. April 13, '63; accepted April 17, '63; hon. must, out Aug. 10, '73; Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Oct. 9, '67; accepted Oct. 14. '67; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Dec. 26, '67; out of service July 2, '68; reinstated March 8, '69; Capt. and Asst. Surg. March 8, '69; Major and Surg. Oct. 8, '83. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. Vols. Auj?. 9, '63, for faithful and meritorious ser- vices. Service M.- Fort Wingate, N. M., '90. Cleghorn, John P. (Ciptain U.S. A.). Born in Canada. Retired. Ap- pointed from Illinois Civil Life. Actual rankI^ Lieut. 20th III., Inf. April 22, '61 ; 1st Lieut. June 3, '61 ; Captain Feb. 28, '62 ; 1st Lieut. 22d Re*t. V. R. C. Jan. 22, '64; Captain llth Regt. V. R. C., Feb. 21, '65 ; 1st Lieut. 4'uh U. S. Inf. July 28, '66. Brevet rank Brevet Major and Lieut. Col. U. S. V., for faith- ful and gallant services during the War; Brevet Captain U.S. A., for gallant and meritorious services at capture of Vicksburg. N-rnVr In the field during the War of the Rebellion; in Army of the West. Retired, with rank of Captain, Doc. 15, '70, f<>r disability arising from wounds incurred in line of duty. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaared at the action of Fredericktown, Mo. ; capture of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson ; battle of Shiloh, severely wounded, lost use of right arm; Gen. Grant's campaign through Miss., battles of Port Gibson, Ray- mond, Jarkson, Canton, Champaign Hill ; siege and assault of Vicksburg, right arm and shoulder injured by piece of rail broken by shell. Clem, John Lincoln '(Captain and A. Q. M.). Born in Newark, Ohio, Aug. 13, 1851. Retiring year, 1915. Appointed from Ohio Civil Life. Actual rank Entered the Volunteer service, as a drummer, in May, '61, but, on account of his youth (not ten years old), was not enlisted although* he served as a drum- CLI EECORD8 OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 133 raer until enlisted until May 1, '63, as drummer in Co. C, 22d Mich. Inf. ; pro- moted Sergeant of Co. C, 22d Mich. Inf., at the battle of Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63; discharged Sept. 19, '64; appointed 2d Lieut. 24th U. S. Inf. Dec. 18, 71; 1st Lieut. Oct. 5, 74 ; app. Captain and A. Q. M., U. S. A., May 4, '82. Service- in the field, with the Army of the West, from '61 to '64 ; on Signal duty, at Fort Whipple, Va., June, 72, to Feb., 73 ; graduate of the Artillery School^ Class of 75 | Professor of Military Science at Galesville University, June 8, 79, to May 4, '82; with Regiment in Texas to July 18, '82; on duty at Schuylkill Arsenal, "Phila., Pa., '82-3 ; Fort McHenry, Bait., '83-6; Depot Q. M. at Ogden, Utah, '86-8; Columbus, 0., '88 to . Staff positions occupied On Gen. George H. Thomas' staff, January 1, '64, to September 19, '64. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In battle of Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63. Hwtory Captain Clem is probably the youngest soldier on record, and began active service when about eleven years of age. Shortly after the death of hi* mother, he offered his services to the 3d Ohio Regiment as drummer, but was rejected, being then not ten years of age. He afterwards offered himself to the 22d Michigan Regiment, but was again rejected. He determined, however, to cast his fortunes with the 22d Michigan, and April, 1862, found him beating the "long-roll" before Shiloh, where his bravery was so great that he was mustered in, and was known as "Johnny Shiloh." But it was on the 23d of September, 1863, at the battle of Chickamauga, that he won the name which will live long after he has parsed away. Here, though just past his twelfth year, he had laid aside the drum for the musket, and, alter acting for a while as a marker, with a musket, the barrel of which had been cut down ex- pressly for his use, he took his place in the ranks. As the day closed, and the army retired to Chattanooga, his brigade was ordered to surrender by the enemy, and "Little Johnny" himself was covered by the sword of a Con federate Colonel, but quickly bringing his gun into position he shot the Confederate Colonel. His regiment was then fired into, and, falling as if shot, the juvenile soldier laid close until dark, when he went to Chattanooga and joined his command. For his bravery he was made a Sergeant by General Rosecrans, and attached to the head- quarters of the army at Cumberland, and was presented with a silver medal by Miss Kate Chase, a daughter of the Chief Justice. He was afterward captured and held prisoner for sixty-three days, and after his release was made Orderly Sergeant by General Thomas, who had succeeded General Rosecrans, and was attached to his staff. At the close of the war he went to school and graduated at the Newark High School. In 1871 General Grant, in recognition of his merits, appointed him Second Lieutenant. Clendenin, David R. (Colonel 2d Cav.). Born in Pennsylvania, Jan. 24, 1830. Retiring year, 1894. Appointed from Illinois Civil Life. Actual rank Capt. 8th 111. Cav. Sept. 18, '61 ; Major Sept. 18, '61 ; Lt. Col. Dec. 5, '62 ; Brevet Brig. Gen. July 11, '65; honorably mustered out July 17, '65; Major 8th U. S. Cav. Jan. 22, '67; accepted April 16, '67 ; Lt. Col. 3d Cav. Nov. 1, '82; Col. 2d Cav. Oct. 29, '88. Brevet rank Brevet Col. Vols. Feb. 20, '65, for meritorious services; Brevet Brigadier General Vols., July 11, '65, for meritorious cervices. Service Engaged in the Cavalry campaigns of the Army of the Potomac Walla- Walla, Wash'n, '90. Clendenin, Paul (First Lieut, and Asst. Surg. U. S. A.). Born in Illinois. Appointed from IllinoisCivil Life. Actual rank Asat. Surg. U. S. A. Nov. 5, '86. ^Service At Camp Eagle Pass, Tex., '90. Clifford, Joseph O. (Captain of Ordnance). Born in Massachusetts Sept. 10, 1839. Retiring year 1903; appointed from N. H. Civil Life. Actual rank- la Sgt. Co. "B," 42d Mass. Inf., Sept. 3, '62; discharged Nov. 12, '62; 2d Lieut. 42d Mass. Inf. Nov. 12, '62; honorably mustered out Aug. 20, '63; 1st Lieut. 1st N. H. Art. Sept. 8, '64; honorablv mustered out June i5, '65; 2d Lieut. Ordnance June 9, '65; accepted June 23, '65 j 1st Lieut. June 2$, 74; Capt. Apr. 14, 75. 134 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. CLO Clinch, Charles N. (Second Lieut. 3d Cav.). Born in Connecticut; ap- pointed from N. Y. Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 24th Inf. Oct. 10, '83; accepted Oct. 16, '83; trs. to 3d Cav. Jan. 4, '87 (to rank in Cav. June 15, '84). Service At Fort Brown, Texas, '90. Cloman, Sydney A. (Second Lieut. 1st Inf.). Born in Ohio; appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, '85 ; graduated June 12 r '89. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. June 12, '89. Service At Angel Island, Cal., '90. Closson, Henry W. (Colonel 4th Art.). Born in Vermont June 16, 1832. Retiring year 1896; appointed from Vt. Cadet at Military Academy Sept. 1, '50; graduated July 1, '54. Aduilrank 2d Lieut. 1st Art. July 1, '54; 1st Lieut. Oct. 31, '56; Capt. 19th Inf. May 14, '61 (declined) ; Capt. 1st Art. May 14, '61; Maj. 5th Art. Nov. 1, 76; Lt. Col. Sept. 14, '83; Col. 4th Art. Apr. 25, '88. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. July 8, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Port Hudson, La.; Bvt. Lieut. Cjl. Aug. 23, '64, for gallant and meritorious serv- ices in the capture of Ft. Morgan, Ala. Clous, John "W. (Major and Judge Advocate). Born in Germany June 9, 1837. Retiring year 1901 ; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private Co. " K" and Band 9th Inf. Feb. 2, '57, to Nov. 5, '60; Private and'Corporal Co. " K " and Qr. Mr. Sergeant 6th Inf. Feb. 9, '61, to Dec. 7, '62; 2d Lieut. Nov. 29. ace. Dec. 7, '62; 1st Lieut. March 28, '65; Captain 38th Inf. Jan. 22, '67; trs. to 24th Inf. Nov. 11, '69; Major, Judge Advocate April 1, '86. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. July 2, '63 and Brevet Captain U. S. A. March 13, '6-3, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Honorably mi'iitinnnl Men- tioned in Rebellion Records, serial vol. No. 39, page 536, and No. 42, page 640; specially mentioned in General Orders No. 99, Hdqrs. of the Army, A. G. O., Washington, D. C., Nov. 19, 72, for gallant conduct in an engagement with hos- tile Indians Sept. 29, 72, on the North Fork of Red River, Texas. Serri.ce Served with 6th Inf. from date of enlistment Feb. 9, '61, to Dec.; participating in the op- erations of the Army of the Potomac on the Peninsula; served with Regiment as a Commissioned Officer in the Army of the Potomac ; in Garrison Dec. 7, '63, to March 28, '67 ; on waiting orders Sept. 5, '67, to March, '68 ; and then joined 38th Inf. in the Den. of the Missouri, taking the field and escorting the construction party of the Kansas Pacific Railway until Nov., '68; at Fort McKavett, Texas, and on scouting duty to June, 72; in the field against Indians crossing and re- crossing the Staked Plains, with Gen. McKenzie'a Cav. Command; Com. C>. and Actg. Engineer Officer in chargeof astronomical observations June to Dec., 72 ; at Fort Brown, Texas, from Jan. 1, 73, to May 6, 77, com. for the first three years of that period a mounted company of Inf., and scouting on the lower Rio Grande and along the coast during the Mexican border disturbances; on sick leave from May 6, 77, to Jan. 1, 78; on duty at Headquarters Dept. of Texas as Recruiting Officer and as Judge Advocate of General Courts-Martial convened for the trial of officers ; Rifle Comptn. as statistical Officer in '87 ; changed station to FortSill, Aug. ; there from Jan. 1, 78, to Jan. 31, '81 ; at Fort Reno, I. T., from July 7, to Aug. 22, '81 ; In- spector of Rifle Practice Dept. of Texas to Nov., '84; at FortSill, I. T., from Nov. 9, to Dec. 20, '84; on leave of absence to March 2, '85; Judge Advocate of the Gen. Court-Martial convened at Washington, for the trial of Brig. Gen. W. B. Hazen; Chief Signal Officer, from March 2 to 24, '85; at Fort Sill, I. T., from April 1, '85, to May 11, '86, Com'g Co. and, for the greater portion of that period, the Post; on duty in the Judge Advocate General's Office, War Dept., Washington, D. C., as Assistant to the Acting Judge Advocate General, since May 24, '86. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 6th Inf. Feb. 1, '64, to April 1, '66; Adj. 6th Int. April 1, '65, to March 28, '67; Adj. Gen. Dept. of the South, Dept. of the Car- olinas, Dept. S. C., and of the Second District March, '66, toSept. 5, '67 ; Aide de Camp to Major Gen. Sickles Nov. 1, '66, to Jan. 1, '68; Add. Aide de Camp to Maj. Gen. P. H. Sheridan while on winter campaign against hostile Indians in Ks. and Ind. Terr.; Judge Advocate Dept. of Texas Feb. 1, to July 1, '81; Judge Advocate Dept. of Texas Sept. 7, '81, to Aug. 22, '84. Battles, skirmishes dr. Participated in the Siege of Yorktown ; seven days' battles in June, '62; Mai- COE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 135 vern Hill, Second Bull HUD, and Antietam ; battles of Fredericksburg, Chancel- lorsville, and Gettysburg. Commands held Com. a Batt. 38th Inf. on a march from Fort Hays, Ks., to Fort Robinson, Texas, May to Aug., '69; Com. Fort Griffin, Texas, Aug., '69, to July, 70. Coates, Edwin M. (Captain 4th Inf.). Born in New York Jan. 29, 1836. Retiring yeais!900; appointed from 111. Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, llth N. Y. Inf. May 7, '61 ; resigned Aug. 4, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Aug. 29, '61 ; transferred to 12th Inf. Sept. 20, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 24, '61 ; Capt. Apr. 11, '65; transferred to 30th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; transferred to 4th Inf. Mar. 23, '69. Brevet rankBvt. Capt. Aug. 1, '64, for gallant services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va., and during the campaign before Richmond, Va. Service Member of the Ellsworth Zouaves August, '60; 1st Lieut, llth N. Y. (Fire Zouaves) Inf. April, '61 ; engaged in the advance on Alexandria, Va.; re- signed July, '61 ; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Harbor, January, '63; joined regiment at Falmouth, Va. ; in the field with regiment, Army of the Potomac, to Sept., '64; left field by being disabled from the fall of his horse; on recruiting duty to Sept., '66 ; joined regiment in Washington Oct., '66 ; left for plains Jan., '67 ; with regi- ment at Fort Sedgwick, C. T. ; at Fort D. A. Russell ; served iii West until Mar., '71 ; reg't sent to Kentucky, remaining until Dec., '72, and then to Little Rock} left there May, '73, for Lava Beds, but were stopped over at Dept. of Platte ; at Forts Bridger, Fetterman, Robinson and Sherman, Idaho, from '73 to '89 ; at Boise B'ks, '90 ; in the field against hostile Sioux Indiana, '76. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In the battle of the Wilderness, Va., May, '64. Staff positions occu- piedButt. Q. M. 12th Inf. March, '62 ; Adjt. 1st Batt. 12th Inf. '63-4. Commands held Com'g Fort Sanders, Wyo., '69-70 ; Lebanon, Ky., '71-2 ; Fort Fetterman, Wyo., '76-8. Cochran, Charles H. (Second Lieut. 7th Inf.). Born in Georgetown, O. : ap- pointed from Ohio. Cadet to the U. S. Mil. Academy July 1, '78; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank2d Lieut. 7th U. S. Inf. June 13, '83. Service served with Dept. of the Platte Rifle Team from Sept. 29 to Oct. 3, '83 ; with regiment at Fort Laramie, Wyo., from Oct. 3, '83, to July 7, '87 ; in Rifle Competition, Belle- vue, Neb., July 7 to Oct. 6, '87 ; with regiment at Camp Pilot Butte, Rock Springs, Wyo., from Oct. 6, '87, to date ; also on duty with Dept. of the Platte Rifle Com- petitions, '84-5-6 and '89. Staff positions occupied A. C. S. at Camp Pilot Butte, from Oct. 5, '87, and A. A. Q. M. from March 31, '88, to date. Cochran, John J, (Captain and Asst. Surg.). Born in Massachusetts; ap- pointed from N. Y. Civil Life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Feb. 17, '80 ; accepted March 6, '80 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Feb. 17, '85. Service At Fort Adams, R. I., 90. Cochran, Melville A. (Lieut. Colonel 5th Inf.). Born in Maine July 18, 1836. Retiring year 1900 ; appointed from Me. Civil Life. Actual rank Capt. 16th U. S. Inf. Aug. 5, '81 ; accepted Sept. 15, '61 ; trs. to 2d Inf. Apr. 17, '69 Maj. 12th Inf. Mar. 4, '79 ; Lieut. Col. 6th Inf. May 31, '83. Brevet rankBvt. Maj. Sept. 20, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chicka- mauga, Ga. Service Served during the War of the Rebellion, '61-5; in the field with the Army of the West, and participated in various Campaigns, '62-5; in the Dept. of the South, Dept. of the Columbia, Dept. of Dakota and Dept. of Texas since the close of the War; at present on leave of absence. Coe, John Nichols {Captain 20th Infantry). Born in Portland, Maine, July 21, 1836. Retiring year 1900 ; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private, Corporal, Sergeant and 1st Sergeant Co. "H." 1st Batt. and Commissary and Quartermaster Sergeant llth Inf. April 14, '62, to April 1, '66 ; 2d Lieut, llth Inf. March 12, '65 ; 1st Lieut. March 12, '65; tra. to 20th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; Captain Co. "H," 20th Inf., June 19, '68. Service Served with regiment in the field from Dec., '62, to the close of the War of the Rebellion ; stationed at Richmond, Va., from May, '65, to Jan., '67; in Louisiana from Jan., '67, to April, '69; at various posts in Indian country (Dakota) most of the time from May, '69, to Dec., l /77 ; in Texas (along the Rio Grande) from Jan., 78, to Nov., '81 ; at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Nov., '81, to July, '83; at Fort Supply, I. T., from July, '83, to May, '85; 136 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. COL at Fort Assinaboine, Mont., since June, '85. Staff positions occupied Adj. 2d Batt., llth Inf., June 18, '65. to Oct. 4, '65; Q, M. 2d Batt., llth Inf., Oct. 4, '65, to Sept. 21, '66 ; R, Q. M. 20th Inf. Dec. 6, '66, to June 19, '68. Coffin, William H. (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in D. C. Appointed from D. C. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, '69; graduated June 13, 73. Act- ual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Art. June 13, 73; 1st Lieut. Mar. 6, '82. Service Served at various posts on the Atlantic Coast to '83; with Light Battery D, 5th Art., at Fort Omaha, Neb., from '83 to '85; on college duty at Burlington, Vt., '85-7; at Fort Hamilton to present time; under orders for the Pacific Coast. Staff positions occupied Adjutant 5th Art. from April 15, '89, to . CofFmaD, Joseph C. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Ohio. Retired. Ap- pointed from Ohio. Civil Life. Actual rankPvt. and Corpl. Co. " I," 36th Ohio Inf., Aug. 13, '61. to Sept. 22, '64; 2d Lieut. 173d Ohio Inf. Sept. 29, '64; hon. must, out June' 26, '65; 2d Lieut. 19th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66; accepted Apr. 30, '66; transferred to 37th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; 1st Lieut. Dec. 14, '66; retired July 21, '68. Cole, Edwin T. (Second Lieut. 8th Inf.). Born in Md. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, '85 ; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Inf. June 12, '89. Service At Fort Niobrara, Neb., '90. Cole, James A. (Second Lieut. 6th Cav.). Born in New York. Appointed from Wisconsin. Cadet at Mil. Acad. July 1, '80; graduated June 15, '84. Act- ual rank 2d Lieut. 6th Cav. June 15, '84. Cole, Haydn S. (Second Lieut. 3d Inf.). Born in N. Y., Oct. 12, 1861. Retiring year 1925. Appointed from 111. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. Julv 1, '81; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Inf. June 14, '85. Service At Fort Ellis, Mont., from Sept. 30, '85, to Sept., '86; at Fort Ouster to May 18, '88; at Fort Snelling, Minn., to June 22, '88; on staff duty at St. Paul to present time. Staff positions occupied A. C. S. at Fort Ellis from Dec. 1, '85, to Aug. 31, '86; A. C. S. at Fort Custer from Nov. 1, '86, to March 1, '88; Acting Eng. officer at H'd'q'rs Dept. of Dakota, from June 22, '88, to . Battles, skir- mishes, etc. In action with Crow Indians, near Crow Agency, Mont., Nov. 5, '87. Collier, Georgre W. (Chaplain U. S. A.). Born in Ohio, Aug. 29, 1825. Retired. Appointed from Ohio Civil Life. Actual rank Chap. 34th Ohio Vol. Inf. Sep. 14, '61; trs. to 36th Ohio Vol. Inf. Feb. 24, '65; hon. mu*t. out July 27, '65; Post Chap. U. S. A. June 23, 79; accepted June 30, 79; retired by operation of law Aug. 29, '89. Collins, Charles L. (Second Lieut. 24th Inf.). Born in Ky. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 78; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank -2d Lieut. 24th Inf. June 13, '82. Service At Fort Bayard, N. M., '90. Collins, Edward (Lieut. Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Mass. Retired. Ap- pointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Art., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. A, Eng. from June 4, '46, to June 4. '51; Sgt, Co. A, Eng. from June 11, '51, to June 11, '61; 1st Lieut. 17th U. S. Inf. May 14, '61 ; ace. July 9, '61 ; Capt. May 25, '63; Maj. 1st Inf. June 26, '82; Lieut. Col. 7th Inf. Feb. 1, '87; retired at his own request, after forty years' service, Jan. 1, '88. Collins, Gamaliel (Chaplain U. S. A.). Born in Provincetown, Mass., 1817. Retired ; appointed from Pennsylvania Civil Life. Actual rank Chaplain 72d Pa. Inf. Aug. 10, '61, to Aug. 24, '64; Post Chaplain Oct. 10, '67, to Oct. 3, 79. Service Served with Reg. in the battle* of the Armv of the Potomac ; at Antietam his horse was shot under him, and he received a spinal injury from which he has never fully recovered ;. Post Chaplain in U. S. A. at Colorado, Kan- sas, Alaska, Washington and Wyoming Territories, '67 to 79. Honorably men- tioned Col. C. H , in his " History of the Philadelphia Brigade," recognizes his services as an aide-de-camp ; Gen. Burns, U. S. A., says : " A more faithful, pains- taking and efficient Chaplain did not follow our troops into the field and share their dangers and hardships." Gen. J. T. Owen says : " His services were valua- ble in his capacity of Chaplain, in offices of kindness to the wounded, and even aa a Private in the ranks, in time of danger." COM RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 137 Comba, Richard (Major 9th Inf.). Born in Ireland July 25, 1837. Re- tiring vear, 1901 ; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt, Corpl., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Cos. K, B, and E, 7th Inf., Jan. 30, '55, to Mar. 26, '63 ; 2d Lt. 7th Inf. Feb. 19, '63 ; accepted Mar. 26, '63 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 30, '63 ; Capt. Mar. 14, '65; Major 9th Inf. May 15, '89. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. July 2, '63; Bvt. Capt. Mar. 13, '65; Bvt-Maj., Mar. 13, '65; all for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Gettysburg, Penn. Service In the Utah expedition of '58, and in New Mexico to June, '61; engaged in an expedition against the Navajo Indians, and in action with rebels at S in Augustine Springs, N. M. ; command surrendered and paroled ; at Rouse's Point, N. Y., July, '61, to Sept., '62 ; joined regiment in the Army of the Potomac (commanding company as first sergeant) ; engaged in the Cbancellorsville and Gettysburg campaigns, '63 ; on regimental recruiting duty Sept., '63, to Oct., '64; at Marianna, W. Fla., Dec., '65, to April, '66; at Fort Brooke, Fla., to April, '68; on frontier duty from '68 to present time. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In action at Snicker's Gap and battle of Fredericks- burg, '62; battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May, '63; battle of Gettysburg, Pa. (wounded), July, '63. Commands held Comg. Post of Marianna, Fla., '65-6 ; Fort Brooke, Fla., '66-8. Comegys, Edward T. (Captain and Asst. Surg.). Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 15, 1849. Retiring year, 1913 ; appointed from Ohio Civil Life. Actual rank App. actg. Asst. Surg. June 9, '75 ; 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg. June 26, '75 ; Captain, Asst. Surg. June 26, '80. Service At Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., as afcsist- ant and Post Surgeon from June 15 to Oct. 31, 75 ; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., as Assistant from Nov. 1, '75, to April 6, '76; on det. ser. 12 days; at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., as Post Surgeon from April 7-23, '76, when ordered to Dept. of Texas ; at Fort Duncan, Texas, as Post Surgeon, from May to Oct., '76 ; at Post San Felipe, Texas, as Post Surgeon, from Nov., 76, to May, 78; on special det. ser. at Fort Clark, Texas, from Dec. 2, 76, to Feb. 14, 77 ; on det. ser. m the field from Nov. 10 to Dec. 17, 77; in action with hostile Indians in Sierra Carmtl Mountains, Mex., Nov. 29, 77 ; at Fort Clark, Texas, as assistant, from May 7, 78, to Nov., 79 ; on det. ser. in the field (as chief medical officer of Cav. column) with Gen. Mackenzie's expedition (12 Cos. Inf., 9 troops Cav. and 2 batteries Art.) into Mexico from Mav 14 to June 23, 78 ; on det. ser. in the field Aug. to Oct., 78 ; on det. ser. in the field from Dec. 25, 78, to May 24, 79; on det. ser. in the field from July 27 to Aug. 7, 79 ; on det. ser. in the field Sept. and Oct., 79 ; at Fort Duncan, Texas, as Post Surgeon, Nov. and part of Dec., 79; at Post San Diego, Texas, as Post Surgeon, from Dec., 79, to Aug., '86, when relieved from duty in Dept. of Texas; on leave of absence from Sept., '80, to Jan., '81 ; on sick leave from Jan., '81, to May, '81, awaiting orders until July, '81 ; at Columbus Barracks, O., as assistant, from July, '81, to Feb., '82, when ordered to Dept. of Missouri ; at Fort Stanton, New Mex., as Post Surgeon, from March to Sept., '82 ; at Fort Supply, Ind. Ter., as Post Surgeon, from October, '82, to May, '86, when ordered to D^pt. of East; at Madison Barracks, New York, from June, '86, to Oct. '88, when ordered to Dept. of Arizona ; at Fort Bayard, New Mexico, since Nov. 6, '88. Comegys, William H. (Major and Paymaster). Born in Ohio Feb. 15, 1853. Retiring year, 1917 ; appointed from Ohio Civil Life. Actual rank Maj. and Pm. Feb. 18, '81 ; accepted Mar. 2, '81. Service At Atlanta, Ga., '90. Comley, Clifton (Major of Ordnance). Born in Dayton, Ohio, May 31, '41. Retiring year, 1905 ; app. from Ohio. Cadet at Mil. Acad ; graduated June 17, '62. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st Cav. June 17, '62 ; 1st Lieut., July 27, '62 ; trans, to Ord. May 26, '63 ; Capt. Dec. 15, '67 ; Major Aug. 2, 79. Brevet rankG ap March 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services in the Ord. Dept. Service Served in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign (Army of the Potomac) July-Aug., '62 ; in the Maryland Campaign (Army of the Potomac) Sept.-Oct. '62; det. ser- Oct.-Nov., '62 ; in the Rappahannock Campaign (Army of the Potomac) Dec., '62-May, '63 ; served aa assistant ordnance officer Watertown Arsenal, Mass., June 11, '63, to June 1, '64; as assistant in the Ordnance Bureau, Washing- ton, D. C., June 10-Dec. 1, '64 ; at Fort Pitt Foundry, Washington, D. C., 9 138 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. COM as assistant constructor and assistant inspector of cannon and projectiles Deccember, '64, to May, '67 ; as chief ordnance officer Department of the Plaite, May, '67, December, '67; as assistant ordnance officer Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois, December, '67, to June, '71, and at San Antonio Arsenal, Texas, as chief ordnance officer, Department of Texas, June, '71-November '79; member of Ordnance Board, New York City, Nov., 79-Aug., '81 ; instructor of ordnance and gunnery U. S. Military Academy Aug. 28, '81-Aug. 28, '86 ; at Indianapolis Arsenal Aug. 31, '86, to April 2, '89 ; in charge of the establishment of Columbia Arsenal, Tenn., April 3 to Dec. 1, '89 ; at Indianapolis Arsenal from Dec. 4, '89, to . /Staff positions occupied Adj. 1st Cav. from July 19, '62, to May 26, '63. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Ebgaged in the combat of Crampton's Gap Sept. 14, '62 ; battle of Antietam Sept. 17, '62; skirmish at Sharpsburg September ID. ,_> ; engaged in the action at Kelly's Ford, Va., March 17, '63; engaged in "Stone- man's Raid" toward Richmond, Va., April 28 to May 8, '63. Commands held San Antonio Arsenal, Tex., June, '71, to Nov., '79; Indianapolis Arsenal from Aug. 31, '86, to April 2, '89, and from Dec. 4, '89, to . Compton, Charles B. (Colonel 4th Cav.). Born in N. J. Jan. 24, 1836. Re- tiring year 1900; Appointed from Iowa Civil life. Actual rank First Sergeant Co. "A," and Sergeant Major 1st Iowa Inf. May 7, '61 ; Captain llth Iowa Inf. Oct. 10, '61 ; Maj. 47th U. S. Colored Inf. May 5, '63 ; Lieut.-Col. 53d U. S. Col'd Inf. Dec. 9, '64; Maj. 40th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; Maj. 6th U. S. Cav. Dec. 15, 70 ; Lieut.-Col. 5th U. S. Cav. April 29, 79 ; Colonel 4th U. S. Cav. Oct. 19, '87. Brevet rank Lieut. Col. U. S. A. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the Campaign against Mobile, Ala. Service Served in Lyon's Campaign in Southwestern Missouri ; employed near Davenport until Dec., '61, in recruit- ing and organizing his company; at Benton Barracks, near St. Louis; moved in the spring of '62 to Pittsburg Landing, where his regiment formed a part of the Iowa brigade in Gen. McClernand's division and participated in the battle of Shiloh ; moved thence to Corinth in May, and remained until Sept.; he marched with his regiment to luka ; returned to Corinth for the battle of the 3d of Oct. ; remained there until Dec.; sent to Holly Springs, Miss., and thence to Memphis, Tenn., and in Jan., '63, was ordered to Lake Providence, La. ; continued on duty at that station until Feb., '64, when he participated in Gen. Sherman's Meridian campaign, serving as an A. D. C. for Brig. Gen. Crocker, commanding a division in the 17th Corps ; assigned May, '64, to duty in the office of the inspector-gen- eral of the army at Washington, and was thus employed until Sept.; in the de- fense of Washington during Gen. Early's raid in July, '64 ; joined his regiment at Vicksburg in Oct., '64, and was appointed inspector of Gen. Hawkins' division of the U. S. colored troops, and continued on that duty until April, '65 ; accom- panied Gen. Hawkins' division in Jan., '65, from Vicksburg to Algiers (opposite New Orleans), and thence, in Feb., to Pensacola by water, whence the division was marched overland to participate in the operations against Mobile ; after the fall of Mobile he returned to special duty in the office of the inspector-general of the army, where he served until Sept., '65, when appointed inspector-general of the Dept. of the South, and continued in that position until he was mustered out of volunteer service; at Camp Distribution, Va., and assigned to the command of the station and to duty connected with the organization of his regiment ; em- barked in Feb., '67, with six companies for North Carolina, and while en route the command was shipwrecked near Fort Fisher, the vessel, government stores, and all personal effects being lost; served at Forts Johnson and Macon and at Golds- boro', N. C., and was actively employed during the reconstruction period and until March 15, '69, when, because of the reduction of the army, he WAS trans- ferred to the list of unassigned officers and placed on duty in the Freedmen's Bureau as assistant commissioner for North Carolina ; continued in the discharge of the duty until May, when transferred to Nashville as superintendent of educa- tion in the Freedman's Bureau for Tennessee; received thanks of Gen. Howard for the promptness, fidelity, and accuracy displayed by him in transacting and closing the business of the office; assigned Dec. 15, 70, with his original rank to the 6th Cav., and joined in Feb., 71, at Fort Richardson, Texas, where he served COM RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 139 until March, 71, when ordered to Kansas and had stations at Forts Hays, Harker, and Dodge until Aug., 75 ; while en route with a small escort to Camp Supply, I. T., on an inspecting tour, was attacked June 22, 74, by a party of hostile Indians at Buffalo Greek, and, after a running combat for twelve miles, defeated the enemy with the loss of only one man wounded ; two days later, when returning to his station, was again attacked by hostile Indians in Bear Creek Hills, thirty-five miles south of Fort Dodge, and after a severe combat again defeated them with a loss of nearly all their property and seventeen warriors killed and wounded ; par- ticipated in Col. Miles' campaign of 74-75, during which he commanded a bat- talion of the 6th Cav. and operated chiefly in the Indian Territory and Northern Texas from July, 74, to Feb., 75; resumed station at Fort Dodge, until his regi- ment was ordered to Arizona ; conducted the second battalion to Santa Fe, where the six companies separated for their respective stations, and he proceeded to Camp Lowell, where he arrived in Oct., 75 ; served at Camps Lowell, Grant, and Apache; had charge of the field operations in S mtheastern Ariz, from April, 78, to July, 79 ; proceeded to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he arrived Aug. 22 ; served with the troops which were dispatched under the command of Col. Merritt to the relief of the besieged troops at Milk Creek, Col. ; participated in raising the siege and skirmish at that place on Oct. 5th, and marched thence to the Ute Agency on White River, where he had command of the cavalry until Nov., when he returned to Fort D. A. Russell ; proceeded in March, '80, to White River, and conducted the cavalry to Rawlins, Wyo.; marched from Fort D. A. Russell April 27, with two companies of the regiment; arrived at Fort Sidney, Neb., May 1, and assumed command of the post, which he retained until Jan. 15, '82 ; was employed on general court-martial duty at Salt Lake, Fort D. A. Russell, and Fort McKinney ; he then availed himself of a leave of absence until May 15., '82, when he rejoined at Fort Sidney. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Action of Dug Springs and battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo., '61; battle of Shiloh, '62; in the defenses of Washington, D. C., during Early's raid, '64; capture of Fort Blakely, Ala., '65 ; skirmish with Indians at Buffalo Creek, End. Ty., June 22,74; skirmish at Bear Creek Hills, Ind. Ty., June 24, 74; combat with the Kiowas, Comanches and Cheyennes on Red River, Tex., Aug. 30, 74. Honorably mentioned Compli- mented in orders for gallantry in combat on Red River, 74; complimented by his department commander, in his annual report of 79, for ability displayed in the conduct of Indian affairs in Southeast Arizona, 78-9. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Vols. '64 ; Insp.-Gen. of Vols. from Oct., '64, to April, '65 ; Insp.-Gen. Dep. of the South from Sep., '65, to March, '66. Commands held Commanded 5th Cav. from Oct. 16, 75, to March 2, 76 ; from Oct. 9, 76, to July, 78 ; and from May 12, 79, to July 6, 79 ; when Col. Merritt was appointed superintendent of the Military Academy, Col. C >mpton succeeded to the command of the regi- ment, which he held from Aug. 4, '82, until May, '87, retaining the same contin- uously for nearly five years ; during this period he commanded Fort McKinney, Wyoming, and Fort Riley, Kansas ; he commanded a battalion of his regiment in the field during the Cheyenne outbreak, '85, and later another battalion of the 4th Cav., and three companies of the 18th Inf., on the borders of Ind. Ty ; at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, Feb. 25, '88; commanding that station until Nov. 29, '88, when his regimental headquarters were transferred to Fort Lowell, Arizona; during the months of Sept and Oct., '89, he commanded the troops of the Dept. of Arizona, then in Camp of Instruction a Fort Grant, Arizona. Comstock, Cyrus B. (Colonel of Eng., Bvt. Brig. Gen.). Born in Mass. Feb. 3, 1831. Retiring year 1895; appointed from Mass. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, July 1, '51 ; graduated July 1, '55. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. Eng. July 1, '55 ; 2d Lieut. Sept. 1, '55 ; 1st Lieut July 1, '60 ; Capt. Mar. 3, '63 ; Maj. Dec. 28, '65; Lt. Col. July 17, '81 ; Col. April 7, '88 ; Lt. Col. A. I. G. Nov. 19, '63, to Mar. 28, '64 ; Bvt. Maj. Genl. Vols. Mar. 26, 65. Brevet rankEvt. Maj. July 4, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; Bvt. Lt. Col. May 6, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va.; Bvt. Col. Jan. 15, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Fort Fisher, N. C.; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and 140 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. COX meritorious services in the campaign ending with the capture of Mobile, Ala.; Bvt. Col. and Brig. Genl. Vols. Jan. 15, '65, for gallant services in the capture of Fort Fisher ; Bvt. Maj. Gen. Vols. March 26, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the campaign against the City of Mobile and its defenses. Conklin, John, Jr. (Second Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '80 ; graduated June 15, '84. Actual rankW Lieut. 2d Art. June 15, '84. Service At Fort Monroe. Va., '90. Conline, John (Captain 9th Cav.). Born in Vt. Feb. 9, 1844. Retiring year 1908; appointed from Ga. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 9, '63; discharged June 30, '68; re-instated Jan. 30, '69; graduated June 15, 70. Actual rankPvi. Co. E, 1st Vt. Vol. Inf., May 2, '61 ; discharged Aug. 15, '61 ; Pvt. Co. F, 4th Vt. Vol. Inf., Mar. 1, '62 ; discharged Sept. 5, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Cav. June 15, 70; 1st Lieut. Nov. 15, 75; Capt. Feb. 11, '87. NT'-//-* In the War of the Rebellion '61-3 ; on duty with Regiment west of the Missouri River since 70 ; at Fort Du Chesne, Utah, '90. Connolly, Thomas (First Lieut. 1st Inf.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. C, 19th Inf. from June 12, 71, to June 12, 76; Pvt., Corp. and Sgt. Co. H, and Sgt. Maj. 21st Inf. and Sgt. Gen. Ser. from July 12, 76, to July 13, '80 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. June 24, '80 accepted July 13, '80 ; 1st Lieut. Apr. 23, '89. Service At Angel Island, Cal., '90* Conrad, Casper H. (Captain 15th Inf.). Born in N. Y. March 30, 1844." Retiring year 1908 ; appointed from D. C. Civil Life. A<'tn1 1 Q f T ;* Lieut. 2d Inf., Oct. 12, '57; 1st Lieut. 12th Inf. (declined) May 14, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 2d Inf., May 14, '61 ; Capt. 12th Inf. (declined), Oct. 24, '61 ; Capt. 2d Inf., Nov. 1, '61 ; Maj. 17th Inf., April 27, 79; Lieut.-Col. 22d Inf., June 27, '84. Brevet rank Bvt. Major Aug. 1, '64, tor gallant services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va. ; Lieut.-Col. Aug. 1, '64, gallant services in the battle of the North Anna River, Va. ; Col. Mar. 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the Campaign under Gen. W. S. Hancock in '64. Honorably mentioned Recommended for Bvt. for battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo. (not conferred), '61 ; honorably mentioned in the "Records of the Rebellion," series I, Vol. Ill, pp. 56-70. Service In field in Northwestern Minn, with expedition to treat with Sioux Indians, from May until Aug., starting from Fort Ridgley, Minn. ; same fall moved from Ridgley to Fort Kearney, Neb., '60; in the spring of '61 left Fort Leavenworth, Kan., with troops under command of Maj. S. D. Sturgis, to join Gen. N. Lyon in the Campaign of Southwest Mo., Aug., '61 ; on duty at Gen. McClellan's h'd'q'rs, Washington, D. C., fall of '61, and on other duty in same city until Jan.,'64 j joined 2d Inf. at Cat- CON RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 141 lett's Station, Va. ; served during the Campaign of the Wilderness, and until after the battle of Cold Harbor, when appointed Commissary of Musters on the staff of Gen. W. S. Hancock, comd'g 2d Corps ; with the 2d Corps, during its various marches and battles until Sept., '64; trans, to the Provost Marshal General's Dep. of the Army of the Potomac, and on duty at Ft. Monroe, Va., until the spring of '65 ; joined Co. stationed at Governor's Island, N. Y. Harbor; at the Gen. Recruiting D^pot, Governor's Island, until the winter of '68; joined Co. at Louisville, Ky., doing garrison duty until the Regt. moved to Atlanta, Ga., in the spring of '69, and from there to Huntsville, Ala. ; subsequently stationed at various points in the South until the spring of 70 ; Asst. Instructor in Inf. Tactics at the U. S. Military Academy until Oct., 74 ; joined Co. at Atlanta, Ga. ; the same summer was detailed to disburse the funds appropriated by Congress for the Government Exhibit at the Centennial 76; stationed at Washington, D. C., from 75 to the Bummer of 77; joined Co. at Atlanta, Ga. ; in the summer of 77 accompanied the Regt. to the Dep. of the Columbia, and marched with it to Spokane Falls, where he remained with two companies until the following spring, and then went with other troops to establish the post of Fort Sherman, Idaho; in the fall took post at Fort Colville, W. T.; trans, to Fort Totten, D. T. ; at that post until May, '84; at Fort Lincoln, D. T., until July, '84, when ordered to Fort Lyon, Col.; at Fort Lewis, Col., until the Regt. moved in June, '88, and was then assigned to the command of Fort Totten, N. D., to present time. Staff position* occupied-*- Post Adj. at Fort Kearney, Neb., fall of '59, until '60; A. C. S. of command under Maj. S. D. Sturgis, en route to join Gen. N. Lyon, '61 ; add. A. D. C., IT. S. A., with rank of Lieut.-Col., from May, '62, to Jan., '64; Adj.-Gen. of the Regular Brig., Army of the Potomac, from April, '64, to June, '64; Com. of Must, and Judge Advocate on 2d Corps staff from June, '64, to Oct., '64. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the battle of Wilson's Creek (wounded), Mo., as A. C. S. and A. D. C. to Gen. N. Lvon ; in the battle of the Wilderness, Va., May, '64, and with the 2d Corps, Army of Potomac, in the battles about Petersburg, Va., Deep Bot- tom, Va., and Ream's Station, Va. Commands held Command of 2d Inf. at Cat- lett's Station, Va., Jan., '64 ; Fort Colville, W. T., fall of 78, to May, 79 ; Fort Totten, Dak., until Mav, 84; Fort Abraham Lincoln, N. D., until July, '84; Fort Lyon, Col., until May, '88; Fort Lewis, Col., until June, '88 ; Fort Totten, N. D., to . Converse, George L. Jr. (First Lieut. 3d Cav.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 75 ; graduated June 12. '80. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Cav. June 12, '80 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 15, '84. Converse. Oscar I. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in N. H. Appointed from N. H. Civil Life. Actual rankPvt. 1st Battery, N. H. Light Art., Aug. 24, '61 ; discharged May 26, '63; 2d Lieut. 1st N. H. Cav. July 21, '64; honorably mus- tered out July 15, '65 : 2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted May 6, '66 ; 1st Lieut. May 31, '66; retired Oct. 19, '68. Conway, Edwin J. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ireland. Retired ; ap- pointed from Mo. Civil life. Actual rankPvt. and Corpl. Co. H, 1st U. S. Drag., from Apr. 22, '52, to Apr. 22, '57; Pvt. Co. B, 1st U. S. Cav., Nov. '28, '59; discharged Dec. 4, '62 ; 1st Lieut, and Adj't. 18th Mo. Vol. Inf. Dec. 4, '62 ; hon. must, out Apr. 7, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Cav. Feb. 19, '63 ; accepted Apr. 8, '63 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 7, '64; Capt. Aug. 16, '67. Brevet rank By t. Capt. Apr. 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Selma, Ala. Conway, William (Captain 22d Infantry). Born in Albany, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1832. Retiring year 1896; appointed from N. Y. Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 74th N. Y. Inf. June 27, '61 ; Capt. Jan. 14, '63 ; hon. must, out June 19, '64; 2d Lieut. 16th Inf. March 22, '66; transferred to 25th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; 1st Lieut. Apr. 4, '67; assg'd to 22d Inf. April 6, 70; Captain 22d Inf. April 6, 79. Service Assisted to recruit and organize Co. "G." 73d N. Y. Vols.; defenses of Washington until Nov., '61 ; expedition to lower Maryland on the Potomac '61; night expedition from Port Tobacco, Md., to Mathias Point, Va., accompanied by gunboats Dec., '61 ; night expedition into Virginia on lower Potomac accompanied by gunboat Jan., '62 ; expedition to Stafford C. H. spring '62; siege of Yorktown, 142 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. OOO Va., April and May, '62; employed in Drafting Bureau, N. Y., '65 ; to Nashville, Tenn., July, '66; Middle Tenn. Sept., '66 ; Memphis, Tenn., Dec., '66; Paducah spring '67; joined company at Memphis, Tenn., fall '67 ; at Covington and Mason Depot, Tenn., and to Pulaski, Dodge, Twiggs, and Wilcox Counties, Ga., during the election '68 ; unassigned April, '69; ordered to open rendezvous at Davenport, Iowa, July, '69; Leaven worth, Kan., Depot Dec., '69; Fort Sully, Dak., Aug., '70; escorting engineers N. P. R. R. survey to Powder River, Mont., under Gen. Stanley, '72; expedition up Yellowstone under Genl. Stanley, '73; Fort Gratiot, Mich., July, '74; New Orleans, La., during riots, '74; returned to Fort Gratiot, Mich., May, '75; to Yellowstone River, Mont., with companies of regt. to reinforce command under Genl. Terry in operations against hostile Indians under Sitting Bull July, '76; expedition against hostile Indians under Genl's Terry and Crook Aug. and Sept., '76; in cantonment on Yellowstone River near Glendive Creek, Mont., Sept., '67; escorting supplies from cantonment to Fort Keogh, on Tongue River, Mont., till May, '67; Ft. Keogh. Mont., May, '67; expedition on Powder and Little Missouri Rivers under Col. Lazelle, after hostile Indians, June, '77; Chicago, 111., during riots, also Pittsburgh and Wilkesbarre, Pa., July, 77; Ft. Gratiot, Mich., Oct., '77; recruiting service Sept., '78; stationed at David's Island, N. Y. H. ; at Fort Clark, Texas, Nov., '80; Fort Mclntosh, Tex., Aug., '81 ; Fort Duncan, Tex., Dec., '81 ; Fort Lewis, Col., Nov., '82, to May '88 ; at Fort Keogh, Mont., since June, '88. Battle*, skirmishes, etc. Participated in the following engagements : Williamsburg, Va., May, '62 ; Fair Oaks, Va., May 31 and June 27, '62; Seven Days' retreat before Richmond, Va., June and July, '62; Frazer's Farm, Va., June, '62; Malvern Hill, Va., July, '62; expedition to Malvern Hill, Aug., '62; Haymarket, Bristoe Station, Aug., '62; Bull Run, Va., Aug., '62; Chantilly, Va., Sept., '62; Chancellorsville, Va., May, 63; Gettysburg, Pa., July 2 and 3, '63; Manassas Gap, Wapping Heights, Va., July, '63; 'L<> Grove, Mine Run, Va., fall '63; Wilderness, Va., May, '64; Spottsylvania. Va., May, '64; North Anna River, Va., May, '64; Cold Harbor, Va., May, '64; Pi burg, Va., June, '64; affairs with the 'Indians, Powder River, July 29, 76; Red Wood Creek, Oct. 10, 76; and Beaver Creek, Mont., Oct. 10, 76. S tion occupied Depot Adj. at Columbus Bks, O., and David's Island, N. Y. H., 79- 80. Honorably mentioned Records of the Rebellion Vol. 27, serial No. 45, page 794. Commands held Com. 74th N. Y. V., Organization of the Army of the Potomac, July 31, '63. Cook, Henry C. (Major 13th Inf.). Born in Mans. Sep. 29, 1837. Retiring year, 1901 ; appointed from Mass. Civil Life. Actual rank 2 Lieut. R. I. Inf. June 5, '61 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 7, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Aug. 7, '61 ; Capt. Sept. 24, '64; transferred to 2d Inf. Apr. 17, '69 ; major 13th Inf. Feb. 27, '87. Brevet rankBvt. Capt. Sept. 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign and in the battle of Jones- boro', Ga. Cooke, George F. (First Lieut. 15th Inf.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio Civil Life. Actual m>/ 2d Lieut. 15th U. S. Inf. Oct. 15, 75; accepted Oct. 23, 75 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 3, 79. Service At Fort Buford, N. D., '90. Cooke, Lorenzo W. (First Lieut. 3d Inf.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from Kan. Civil Life. Actual rank Pvt. and Corpl. Co. H, 27th Wis. Vol. Inf., July 26, '62, to Dec. 11, '62; Pvt. Co. E, 1st Batt., 13th U. S. Inf.. from Dec. 11, '62, to Dec. 11, '65; Pvt. Gen. Ser. from Dec. 13, 65, to Oct. 1, '66; 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Inf. Sept. 21, '66; accepted Oct. 1, '66; 1st Lieut. Sept. 17, '68; hon. must, out Jan. 1, 71 ; App. 2d Lieut. 3d Inf. Oct. 13, '71 ; accepted Oct. 16, 71 ; 1st Lieut. May 31, '83. Service In the war of the Rebellion '61-5 ; at FortSnelling, Minn., '90. Cooke, Philip St. George (Brigadier and Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Virginia June 13, 1809. Retired ; appointed Cadet from Va. July, '23 ; grad- uated at the U. S. Military Academy '27. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. July 1, '27; app. 1st Lieut. 1st U. S. Dragoons Mar. 4, '33; accepted March 30, Captain May 31, '35 ; Major 2d Dragoons Feb. 16, '47 ; Lieut. Col. July 15. '53 ; Colonel June 14, '58; Brigadier General U. S. A. Nov. 12, '61 ; accepted Nov. COO RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY, 143 28, '61; Brigadier Gen. of Vola. Nov. 12, '61 ; accepted Nov. 19, but vacated to accept same grade in regular army. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut Col. Feb. 20, '47, for meritorious conduct in California; Brevet Major General U. S. A.March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service At Jefferson Bks., Mo., '27-9; conducted recruits in Maekinac boats to Fort Snelling in fall of '28, returning in Nov., '29 ; transferred in a selected battalion to Fort Leaven- worth, Kan., whic.h marched in May as first escort of Santa Fe traders ; in camp on National boundary the Arkansas River four months, awaiting return of caravans ; caravan returned in October, escorted by Mexicans, commanded by the Inspector General of the Mexican army camped together, with interchange of civilities, a review and two dinners ; marched back to Fort Leavenworth ; served there until '32 ; volunteered to accompany two cos. to regimental head- quarters in the field, in Illinois; returned by steamer to Rock Island and there the regulars suffered great loss from Asiatic cholera ; on recruiting service '33 ; rejoined at Jefferson Bks. in Nov. ; marched to Fort Gibson in Dec. ; in camp there to June, '34, thermometer ranging from 10 to 105, then marched several hundred miles southwest and returned, losing, by fevers, one-fourth of all officers and enlisted men ; the command, with Brevet Brig. Gen. Leavenworth included, returned very sick to Jefferson Bks. ; on recruiting service '35 ; on application ordered to his troop, at Fort Jesup, La. ; marched to Nacogdoches, Texas ; there the squadrons hutted themselves, but in June, '36, marched back to Fort Gibson, I. T. ; there until '39 ; at Carlisle Bks. and temporary cjmp of three arms of the service Trenton, N. J. ; returned in '40 to camp on Cherokee boundary, called Fort Wayne, '39 ; marched to Fort Leavenworth and then under Col. Kearny to Fort Gibson, on occasion of an alarm caused by large bodies of emigrant Creek Indians and their negro slaves becoming unmanageable ; marched back to Fort Leavenworth ; '41-2 on several excursions to Indian tribes; '43 escorting Mexi- can caravan ; returned to Fort Leavenworth: marched again in August to pro- tect another caravan to boundary and returned to Fort Leavenworth, arriving there in Nov. ; '45 with the regiment 3 squadrons in an expedition commanded by Col. S. W. Kearny Dep. Commander to South Pass of the Rocky Moun- tains, thence returning by Bent's Fort, Ark. River, to Fort Leavenworth, 2100 miles in 99 days, horses living entirely on grass; '46 transferred with his troop in May to reoccupy Fort Crawford, Wis. ; returned in June to Fort Leavenworth, to follow the " Army of the West," then marching to New Mexico, and found it in camp near Bent's Fort Aug. 1 ; sent forward next day on a mission to Santa Fe, escorted by a sergeant and 12 troopers; arrived ^fog. 12; finding that ancient city overflowing with volunteers, had two interviews with Genl. Amigo [Governor], and took leave at sunrise Aug. 13; met the Army at Tecolote, and witnessed there Gen. Keamy's meeting with Alcalde and people, requiring them to take an oath of allegiance to the United States. Army camped Aug. 17 at Pecos River, at the ruins of an ancient (Aztec) temple; and that day Amigo retreated from a very strong position three miles on at a stream, which he had strength- ened and occupied with double our force, at the least, and six or eight pieces of cannon (but I had discovered a way to turn the position). The army arrived be- fore Santa Fe, about sundown, Aug. 18, without rations, and after a march of 28 miles! The city was summoned before the arrival of our single battery, and of our only two companies of infantry. The General slept in the (adobe) palace, surrounded or occupied by 100 men commanded by Captain Cooke , the army in camp on the hill, by which it was approached. Having established a civil gov- ernment, Genl. Kearny, having Doniphan's regiment and a very large regiment under Col. Price approaching marched, Sept. 26th, with three hundred Dra- goons, on mule*, for California. Oct. 4th he appointed Capt. Cooke a Lt. Colonel of an infantry battalion of volunteers, then expected at Santa Fe. He was ordered to return there, and prepare the battalion as soon as possible, and march, with a wagon train, if possible, to California. He found the army chest empty, and our army officials without credit the new citizens had enough of their OLD patriotism left to refuse to sell their mules. He marched, Oct. 19, '46, with a small wagon train, containing thirty days' rations of pork and sixty of flour, for, 144 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. COO in the main, a wilderness march without a road which proved to require one hundred and three days ; numbers of mules were abandoned the first day. 1847, Jan. 29th, arrived at San Diego (for two weeks previously, and for six more weeks, the battalion subsisted, exclusively, on beef). Feb. 1st marched for the old mission, San Luis Rey, and there quartered the battalion. March 14th Major Turner, A. A. Genl., came; he had communicated to Col. Fremont, at Los Angeles, a proclamation of Genl. Kearny's at Monterey, assuming the Governor- ship (in obedience to the President); also orders to Col. F. to disband his " bat- talion, 1J and assigning Lt. Col. Cooke to the command of the " southern half of California/' Col. Cooke immediately sent a courier to Col. F., and ascertained that he declined to obey the order to disband the battalion. Whereupon he broke up quarters at San Luis Rey, and marched for Los Angeles; arrived and camped there Mirch 23d, finding thatLt. Col. Fremont had left for Monterey the previous diyi May 31st, having resigned his volunteer commission, he left Monterey for Fort Leavenworth with Genl. Kearny and a party of 40 officers and attendants ; all carried government rifles, and reached there in 83 days, riding, on an average, 33 miles every day; their provisions were exhausted sev- eral days before meeting the advance of emigration, on Snake River, Oregon. 1847, proceeded immediately to Vera Cruz; on arrival found orders for New York City. Detained in attendance on Gen. C. M. on Lt. Col. Fremont all winter. 1848, proceeded, in March, to City of Mexico. In command there of 2d Drags, until its evacuation. 1848-52, in command of Carlisle Bks., Pa., superin- tendent Cavy. Recg. Serv. ; ordered to Texas in October. 1853, in cornel, of Fort Mason, Texas (and of 2d Dragoons); marched in a campaign against Lipan Indians; defeated and drove them across the Rio Grande, and ordered to N en- Mexico. 1853-54, in command of Fort Union, N. Mexico; operations against Jicarilla Apaches. Mar. 31st received despatch from Comdr. of Fort Burgwin, near Taos, on ridge of Rocky Mountains; his iroop had been defeated with much loss of men and h >rses ; had retreated to the Fort, which WHS still beleaguered by savages; marched in an hour with squad "Cav."and one Comp. of ;i 1 Infantry ; and with Cav. reached Ft. Burgwin that evening, 52 miles, and made ascent of mountain, and by next evening, when the Inf. arrived, had raised a company of Pueblo Indian trackers and guides commanded by Lt. Gov. of Ter'y and marched next morning, with a troop 2d Drags, added, all equipped and provi- sioned. Tracked the enemy across the Rio Grande ; found they had made a path through snow 3 to 4 feet deen. by leading the captured Dragn. horses in single file, passable for baggage and families ; trail followed among the mountains 150 miles, when their camp, at Apuas Calientes, was surprised, captured and de- stroyed ; the Indians were routed, several killed ; pursuit continued several days, until they scattered. Soon after discovered they had doubled, and found the re- united trail, followed it until, by a fall of snow, it was lost. Dept. instructions, afterwards received, were all anticipated, even the responsibility of raising irregulars. Gen. Garland, in his Dept. report, " All has been done which was in the power of troops to do. I approve most cordially of the manner in which Lt. Col. Cooke has conducted his campaign. The Jicarilla Apaches have been most thoroughly humbled, and sue for peace." Gen. O. No. 9, '54, Secy, of War, announcing re- ports of engagements in N. Mexico and Texas: "In these encounters Lt. Col. Cooke and . . . merit special praise. The gallantry and devotion exhibited by the troops in every instance of combat, and in the most arduous pursuit of the enemy . . . receive the marked approbation of the President and of this Depart- ment." Fall of '54 marched to Fort Leavenworth and assumed command. 1855, marched to Platte River, comdg. 2d Dragoons; patrolled it several months ; joined there by Gen. Harney, on "Sioux Expedition;" comdg. Cavalry and two mounted comps. of Arty, and Infty., crossed the Platte by night, and by circuit- ous march of many miles reached Blue Water, above the farthest Indian camp. At signal, after sunrise, of Gen. H.'s approach with Infty. Bat'n the Indians having embodied charged, routed and pursued them 8 miles, killing, as reported by Cavy. commanders, 73 ; their loss, 12 killed and wounded. Marched to Fort Laramie ; return march to Fort Riley, and assigned to its command in NOT., COO RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 145 1856-7, with Hd. Qrs. at Riley, and after at Ft. Leav'th ; was generally in com- mand of troops in the field, quelling the disorders and combats of the great polit- ical and armed contest in Kansas. Report of Gen. Persifer Smith, Dept. Comdr., Sep. 11, '56, Extract: "I approve therefore highly of Col. Cooke's refusal to send a command to Topeka; . . . you will see by the enclosed papers that a party from Lawrence (comd. by Gen. Jas. Lane) . . . threatened to attack Lecompton, and were prevented by Lt. Col. Cooke. The embarrassments arising from the com- binations of different parties can hardly be estimated away from here." Gen. S.'s Dept. Report, Nov. 11, '56, extract: "The troops in the field have been under the immediate command of Lt. Col. Philip St. Geo. Cooke, 2d Drags. The sound judgment he has displayed, and his promptness, energy and good management have had a large share in producing the happy state of affairs at present exist- ing; for there were moments when the want of either of these qualities might have led to the most fatal disasters." Endorsement of Secy, of War, Nov. 8: "The discrimination and good judgment displayed by Lt. Colonel Cooke receives unqualified commendation ; . . . the course which Lt. Col. Cooke pursued mani- fests that energy and discrimination which, under the circumstances, could alone have prevented a secret armed invasion, and further disturbances to the peace and good order of Kansas." 1857, in camp at Lawrence, KM. (in July marched 98 miles in 28 hours on application of comdr. of Fort Riley, as threatened, with its women and children, and only remnant of garrison, by bodies of hostiles ; he had been deceived). Recalled to Ft. Leav'th in Sept. Marched Sept. 22d in comd. of 3 squadrons 2d Drag., to follow the "Mormon Expedition ;" arrived at Ft. Bridger Nov. 19th (the cold in the mountains intense, little or no fuel corn all consumed on arrival at South Pass ; about one-fourth of horses and mules starved and frozen to death) ; on arrival ordered, with regt. dismounted, to pass winter in mountain valley*, where grass good there in winter could be found under shallow snow, guarding above 7000 animals at first; danger of stampede by Mormons, who had burned two supply trains; in consequence the army subsisted for seven months on moribund beef, without salt, 12 ozs. pork a week and halt rations of flour. 1858, June llth, marched, in the advance of the army, in a three hours' snow, for Salt Lake City (horses had gotten from N. Mexico); it was found depopulated. On leave of absence, and in Dec., at Washington, ordered to write a new system of Cavy. Tactics. 1859, in June went to Italy to witness the campaign against Austria; returned to Washington in Oct., 1860; ordered to the corad. of Mil. Dept. of Utah (a march or ride, from Fort Leav'th, of several months!), 1861, broke up Dept. of Utah and marched, in July, for Wash.; ar- rived Oct. 19th ; employed several weeks in getting out the cavalry tactics, which had been officially approved. Assigned to comd. of "Cavy. Reserve," all regu- lar Cavy. at Wash. 1862, in comd. of a Cavy. Division Army Potomac; in Pen- insular campaign, present Apr. 5th to May 4th, at the "siege "of earth breast- work and ditch, extending from Yorktown across Peninsula; in comd. of ad- vance guard at the combat near Williamsburg, May 4th. June 27th, at the bat- tle of Gaines' Mill, Gen. Cooke, with a weak brigade of his Cavalry Division present, and three batteries of artillery were posted in reserve, in rear of the left of the army; the latter with large intervals and about a fourth of a mile in ad- vance of the cavalry. After this neither Cavy. nor Arty. Comdr. received any order the whole day, as is believed, save one, to the left, Robertson's battery, given by Gen. C. About 6 P.M. nearly the whole of the army in eight seemed suddenly to disappear, in confusion, to the rear, and the three batteries opened a furious fire; there was no hope left, save in this feeble force in reserve (hap- pily unconscious of an impending fire in their rear, literal as well as metaphori- cal). Then Gen. C. instantly advanced, to support the batteries ; sending, while in motion, the regt. of Lancers to the battery on the left, and formed two lines in rear of the interval of the right batteries. Then he gave orders, both to the comdr. of 5th Cavy., front line, and to Col. Blake, comdr. of the brigade, to sup- port their fire as long as possible, and to charge, if necessary, to bring them off; he then rode to Robertson's battery, which, unsupported and isolated, had begun to limber to the rear, and saw the fire renewed. The fire of the batteries "with 146 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. COO spherical case and shell " was reported very effective. But very soon the charge was made with all the success expected ; for, a destructive fire having been pro- longed, the batteries were brought off safe, except part of one, which had been wholly disabled by the enemy's fire. Gen. C., with the Lancers and the battery, then saw that they were the very last upon the field; the battery was then lim- bered up and drove off, at a walk, with Rush's Lancers in their rear; passing round a shoulder of the hill, Blake was found there, and two lines were again formed facing the enemy, then appearing very near, on the brow of the hill ; then a battery of ours, about a half-mile to our rear, opened a fire of shrapnel, to which the cavalry on the slope were more exposed than were the enemy ; a message was sent to stop the fire. The enemy withdrew from our front and the battle was closed. The Confederates emerging in disorder from the wooded ravines, expect- ing nothing but pursuit of a routed army, were thus met by a heavy artillery fire, supported by lines of cavalry and a bold charge. In their mind a line of fresh troops were before them, and daylight failing, it was but natural that they should hesitate and halt to prepare for a new emergency. They did so, and that night the cavalry bivouacked at the edge of the battle-field, between any other part of our army and the enemy they had checked. And so that wing of the army was probably saved from further disaster and narrowly escaped a new Roman Lake Thrasemine in the flooded river and swamps close at its rear. It so remained until after midnight, and furnished litter-bearers and lantern-bearers for our surgeons who went over that part of the field of battle, succoring and attending the wounded. It crossed theChickahominy before daylight, destroying the bridge as ordered. In command of remnant of Cavalry Division present in the retreat from Savage Station to Harrison's Landing. Then applied to be relieved from duty with the Army of the Potomac, and July 6th was ordered to report at Washington. President Gen. Ct. Ml. at St. Louis, Mo., '62-3, and member of a ("cotton ") Court of Inquiry there, and at camp of our army before Vicksburg; in command at Baton Rouge of District of La. to May, '64 ; then superintended Gen. Rectg. Serv. in N. York to Mar. 19, '66 ; on Retiring Board of disable.! officers '65-6 ; Apr. 1, '66, established and in comd. of new Mil. Dept. of the Platte; and at Omaha until Jan. 9, '67; on special duty, Louisville, Ky., until Aug., '67 ; President Retg. Boards at New York and Phila. from Aug. 18, '67, to Apr., '69 ; in comd. Dept. of the Cumberland from May 1, '69, to May 1, '70 : in comd. of the Dept. of the Lakes, at Detroit, May 5, '70, to Oct. 29, 7*3, when placed on retired list. Civil history Licensed to practice law in Va. '38 ; in Supreme Court May 24, '50 ; published " Scenes and Adventures in the Army " '57; "Conquest of 'New Mexico and California" 78; New Cavalry Tactics '83 ; Degree of A.M. conferred by University of Michigan '83 ; Honorary Member Kansas Historical Society '88 ; Honorary Member Cavalry Association '88 ; Hon. Member N. Western Literary and Historical Society, Iowa, '86. Coolidge, Charles A. (Captain 7th Inf.). Born in Mass. July 19, 1844. Re- tiring year 1908 ; app. from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. Co. H, 3d Ba't. 16th Inf., Oct. 23, '62; app. 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. May 18, '64; 1st Lieut. July 20/64; Capt. Aug. 9, 77. ServwtM Camp Douglas, Chicago, 111., to Nov., '62; on Reg. Recg. Serv. at Buffalo and Utica, N. Y. ; at Fort Lafavette and Richmond, N. Y. H., to May, '65; in Florida May, '65, to April, '69; in Utah June, '69, to May, 70; in Montana, '69 to Jan., 70; G. R. S. Feb., 70, to June, 73; in Forts Ellis and Shaw, Mont., June, 73, to Sept., 77; in Yellowstone campaign, 76; in campaign against Nez Perces, 77; on six months' sick leave, 77-78; on leave in Europe, April to Sept., 78 ; oo duty in Montana, 78-9; at Fort Snelling Nov., 79, to May, '80; Fort Buford, D. T., '80 to '82; at Fort Pembina, D. T., '82; at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., Nov., '82, to March, '83 ; at Fort Laramie, Wyo., May, '84, to July 7, '87 ; at Camp Pilot Butte, Wyo., since July 7, '87. 8mf position* nwipitd Act'g Asst. Surg. in Custer's campaign June 28 to July 3, 76 ; Act'g Ast. Sur*. at Post July 5 to 20, '87 ; on Gen. Howard's staff, as Instructor in Rifle Practice, March, '83, to Dec., '84, at Omaha, Neb. Commands heldCom. Dep. Rifle Camp July and Aug., '88 ; Com. Camp Pilot Butte since Oct. 18, '89. Cooney, Michael (Major 4th Cav.). Born in Ireland May 1, 1836. Retiring COR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 147 year 1900 ; app. from N. Y. Civil Life. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl. and 1st Sergt. Co. A, 1st Cav., Dec. 4, '56, to Dec. 4, '61 ; Pvt. and 1st Serert. Co. M, Sad. Sergt. and Q. M. Sergt. 6th Cav. Dec. 18 to 30, '64; Capt. 5th U. S. Cav. Jan. 1, '65; hon. must, out Mar. 16, '66 ; 1st Lieut. 9th Cav. July 28, '66 ; accepted Jan. 15, '67; Capt. Jan. 1, '68 ; Major 4th Cav. Dec. 10, '88. Cooper, Charles L. (Captain 10th Cav.). Born in N. Y. March 6, 1845. Re- tiring year 1909; app. from Pa. Civil Life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. B, 71st Keg. N. G. S. N. Y., May 27, '62, to Sept. 2, '62; Pvt. Co. A, 21st Reg. N. G. S. N. Y., June 27, '63, to Aug. 6, '63 ; 2 1 Lieut. 127th U. S. Col. Inf. Sept. 5, '64 ; 1st Lieut. March 5 '65 ; 2d Lieut. 39th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 5, '67 ; assgd. to 10th U. S. Cav. Jan. 1, '71 ; Capt. Sept. 15, '83. Service With regiment in Ind. Ter. and Texas to '89; on R. S. since Oct. 1, '89. Honorably mentioned Com- mended in Orders by Brig. Gen. Nelson A. Miles, commd'g Dept. of Arizona, for skill and enterprise exhibited and valuable services rendered in the capture of the Chiricahua Apache Chief Mangus, and his entire band of hostile Indians, in Ariz., Oct. 18, '86 ; thanked by Brig. Gen. N. A. Miles, commd'g Dept. of Arizona, for valuable services rendered in the capture of five Indian murderers, nearSan Carlos, Ariz., in Sept., '88 ; sharpshooter for past four years. Staff positions occupied Served on staff of Brig. Gen. William Birney, U. S. Vols., in 2d Div., 10th Army Corps; Adj. 10th Cav. Dec. 21, '82. Commands heldGom. Post of San Carlos, Ariz., from Sept., '88, to March, '89. Coppinger, John J. (Lieut. Col. 18th Inf.). Born in Ireland Oct. 11, 1835. Retiring year 1899; app. from N. Y. Civil Life. Actual rank Capt. 14th Inf. Sept. 30, '61; accepted Oct. 30, '61 ; Col. 15th N. Y. Cav. Jan. 27, '65; hon. must, out June 17, '65 ; transferred to 23d U. S. Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; Maj. 10th Inf. March 20, 79; Lieut. Col. 18th Inf. Oct. 31, '83. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. June 12, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Trevillian Station, Va. ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Oct. 19, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cedar Creek, Va. ; Bvt. Col. Dec. 1, '68, for zeal and energy while in command of troops operating against hostile Indians in '66, '67 and '68. Service - Capt. Roman Army ; made chevalier for gallantry in defense of La Rocca gateway Sept., '60; joined the Army of the Potomac July, '62, and participated in the various campaigns of that Army, from the battle of Bull Run (when severely wounded), except the Antietam and Fredericksburg campaigns, to the close of tne war, terminating with the sur- render of Lee ; on frontier duty in the field and at various posts to '88 ; Supt. Gen. Rec. Service from '88 to present time. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of second Bull Run (severely wounded), Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, operations at Mine Run; buttle of the Wilderness; actions of Yellow Tavern, Meadow Bridge, Johnson's Crossing, Hawes' Shop, Old Church ; battles of Cold Harbor, Trevillian Station, Deep Bottom ; action of Newtown ; battle of Win- chester ; actions of Shepherdstown, Smithfield; battle of Fisher's Hill ; actions of Waynesboro', Woodstock ; battle of Cedar Creek ; action of Liberty Mills ; battle of Five Forks ; the subsequent action and final capitulation of Appomattox Court- House (wounded), '65. titnff positions occupied A. D. C., Cav. Corps, May, '64; A. A. Insp. Gen., Dept. of the Missouri, May, 79. Corbin, Henry C. (Lieut. Col. and A. A. G.) Born in Ohio Sept. 15, 1842. Retiring year 1906 ; app. from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank Id Lieut. 83d Ohio Inf. July 28, '62; transferred to 79th Ohio Inf. Aug. 29, '62; 1st Lieut. May 11, '63 ; resigned Nov. 13, '63 ; Maj. 14th U. S. C. Inf. Nov. 14, '63 ; Lieut. Col. March 4, '64; Bvt. Brig. Gen. March 13, '65; Col. 14th U. S. C. Inf. Sept. 23, '65 ; hon. must, out March 26, '66; 2d Lieut. 17th Inf. May 11, '66; accepted Aug. 20, '66; Capt. 38th Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Dec. 31, '66; transferred to 24th Inf. Nov. 11, '69 ; Maj. A. A. G. June 16, '80 ; accepted June 18, '80 ; Lieut. Col., A. A. G. June 7, '89. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. March 2, '67, for gal. and merit, serv. in action at Decatur, Ala. ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 2, '67, for gal. and merit, serv. in the bat- tle of Nashville, Tenn. ; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vols. March 13, '65, for meritorious services. Service In the War of the Rebellion, '62-5; at headquarters Dept. of the Ohio to Dec., '62; in the field with Army of the West; at headquarters Army of the Cum- berland to Nov., '63; in Gen. .Steadman's Div., Gen. Thomas' army, '64; on 148 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. COR frontier duty at various stations to '80 ; at Washington, D. C., to '83 ; at Chicago, III., to present time. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Action with rebel Gen. Forrest's Cav., and at Pulaski, Tenn. ; in the siege of Decatur, battle of Nashville, and pur- suit of Gen. HooH. Corbusier, William Henry (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in X. Y City April 10, 1844. Retiring year 1908. Appointed from California Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., Aug. 5, 76 ; Captain Asst. Sur- geon, U. S. A., Aug. 5, '81. Service Acting Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., from May 30, '64, to June 14, '65; Surgeon in charge 6th 111. Cav. until Jan. 24, '65, and farticipated in the following engagements: Abbey ville and Oxford, Miss., Aug. 2; Hurricane Creek, Miss., Aug. 14; Shoal Creek, Ala., Nov. 9 ; Lawrenceburg, Tenn., Nov. 22; Campbellvilleand Lynnville, Tenn., Nov. 24; Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 15 and 16; Hollow Tree Gap, Tenn., Dec. 17 ; Rutherford Creek, Tenn., Dec. 19, and Pulaski, Tenn., Dec. 25, '64; Surgeon in charge 9th 111. Cav. from Jan. 24 to March 16, '65; in charge of small-pox hospital, Eastport, Miss., from March 16 to June 11, '65; Act. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., from Aug. 19, '67, to Dec. 16, '68; Post Surgeon Amite City, La.; Act. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., from July 17, '69, to May 30, '75; Post Surgeon Camp McDermit, Nev., until Nov. 16, '72; accompanied recruits from San Francisco, Cal., to Camp Date Creek, Ariz. Ter., Nov. 27, '72, to Jan. 4, '73 ; Post Surgeon Camp Date Creek from Jan. 5 to Aug. 30, 73; Rio Verde Indian Agency, Ariz., from Sept. 12. 73, to Feb. 27, 75; inspected annuities and witnessed their issue at the Rio Verde Agency in Feb. 74; in the field against hostile Apaches in Arizona from Feb. 18 to May 28, '7 1 ; assisted in removing the Apache tribes from the Rio Verde Agency to the San Carlos Agency in March, 75; and present at a fight on March 8. on the east branch of the Rio Verde, between the Tonto tribes on one side and the Yavapai and Tulkepai on the other; at Camp Verde, Ariz., from Mirrh 30 to May 2. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., from May 1 to August 5, 76; Pot Surgeon Fort Macon, N. C., from May 9, 76, to April 29, 77; on duty at Charleston, S. C., from Mav 1 to June 7,77; Post Surgeon Chattanooga. Tenn., from June 9 to July 24, 77; Q. M. Depot Jeffersonville, Ind., from July 25 to Nov. 3, 77; Camp Sheridan, Neb., from Nov. 23, 77, to April 27, '80; Inspector of Cattle and Annu- ities at the Pine Ridge Indian Agency, Dik. Ty., from Nov., 78, to April, '80; Post Surgeon Fort Washakie, Wyp. Ty., from June 2, '80, to Nov. 9, '81 ; in- snected annuities and witnessed their i^sueatthe Shoshoneand Bannock Agency, Wyo. Ty., in Oct., '80; on leave of absence from Nov. 27, '81, to March 27, '82 ; Post Surgeon Fort Mackinac, Mich., from April 23, '82, to Sept, 30, '84; at Fort Bowie, Ariz., from Oct. 23 to Nov. 10, '84; Post Surgeon Fort Grant, Ariz., from November 10, '84, to October 23, '88; in the field against hostile Chiricahua Indians from May 19 to June 19, and from July 26 to August 1, '85; on leave of absence from April 5 to May 5. '87; Post Surgeon Fort Havs, Kan., from Octo- ber 29, '88, to Novvember 12, '89; Fort Lewis, Col., since Nov. 15, '89; present station. Corliss, Augustus W. (Captain 8th Inf.). Born in Maine, March 25. '37. Retiring year 1901. Appointed from the army. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st X. E. (afterwards 1st R. I.) Cav. Dec. 26, '61; lit 'Lieut, same Regt. June 14, '62; Major June 24 to Oct. 2, '62 ; Major 2d R. I. Cav. Dec. 24, '62; Lieut. Col. Jan. 19 to July 11, '63; private and 1st Sergeant Co. H, 2d Batt., 15th Inf., March 14 to Aug. 9, '65; 2d Lieut, and 1st Lieut. 15th Inf., Julv 21, '65; transferred to 33d Inf. Sept. 21, '66; transferred to 8th Inf. May 3, '69; Captain May 29, 73. .SirnVe Served during the war of the Rebellion; in charge of National cemeteries at Marietta and Anderson ville, Ga., from May 9, '67, to March 27, '69; in reduction of the army was assigned to Co. A, 8th U. S. Inf., at Goldsboro', N. C., May 3, '69; on duty with company at Goldsboro' until Nov. 1, '69; Raleieh Nov. 1, '69, and Chapel Hill, N.C., from Nov. 6, '69, to Feb. 22, 70; on duty with company at Charleston, S. C., and with detachments at Brunswick. Ga., and at Abbeville, S. C., from Feb. 22, 70, until Oct. 24, 70; with Co. at David's Island. N. Y., from Oct. 28, 70, to July 5, 72; com. Co. on Yellowstone expedition, 72; on duty with Co. at Omaha Brks., Neb., from Oct. 18, 72, until May 24, 73; Captain 8th COR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 149 U. S. Inf., Co. C, May 29, 73 ; com. co. on Yellowstone expedition from May 24 to Oct. 14, 73 ; on duty with Co. at Fort David A. Russell, Wyo., from Oct. 14, 73, to Feb. 22, 74; com. Co. in Sioux expedition and at Spotted Tail Indian Agency from Feb. 22, 74, to July 15, 74; ordered with regiment to Arizona July 29, 74 ; on duty with company in the Bannock Indian campaign June to Sept., 78; on duty with Co. at Benicia Brks., Cal., from May 3, '80, to May 19, '80; on duty with Co. at Angel Island, Cal., from May 20, '80, to Aug. 9, '82; ex- cept while on duty with Co. in the Apache campaign in Arizona from Sept, to Dec., '81; on duty with Co. at Fort Halleck, Nev., from Aug. 11, '82, to April 11, '85; on duty with Co. at Angel Island, Cal., April 11, '85, to Dec. 29, '85; on duty with Co. in Apache campaign in Ariz, and N. M. from Dec. 29, '85, to June 29, '86; with Co. at Mojave, Ariz., June 29, '86, to Nov. 19, '86, and at Fort Robin- son, Neb., since Nov. 25, '86. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 1st R. I. Cav. Dec. 26, '61, to Feb. 24, '62 ; Adjt. 1st Batt., 15th Inf., Feb. 9, '66, to Sept. 21, '66 ; R. Q. M. 33d Inf., Jan 17, '67, to May 3, '69. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in battles at Harper's Ferry, Va., and Antietam, Md., in Sept., '62 ; at Franklin, La., and siege and capture of Port Hudson, La., in '63. Honorably mentioned In Vol. XIX, Series 1, Part 1, Records of Rebellion. Commands held Com. Fort McDowell, Ariz., Sept. 27, 74, to June 23, 78 ; Fort McDermit, Neb., Sept., 78, to April 29, '80 ; Fort Halleck, Nev., Oct. 3, '83, to April 11, '85 ; Fort Mo- jave, Ariz., June 29, '86, to Nov. 19, '86. Cornman, Daniel (Captain 21st Inf.). Born in Pennsylvania, Appointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '69 ; graduated June 13, 73. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 21st U. S. Inf. June 13, 73; 1st Lieut. June 17, 77; Cap- tain March 6, '88. Cornish, George A. (First Lieut. 15th Inf.). Born in Alabama. Appointed from Ala. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '69; graduated June 13, 73. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. June 13, 73 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 25, 76. Cornish, Lester W. (Second Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in Massachusetts. Ap- pointed from Mass. Cadet U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 77; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Cav. June 11. '81. Corson, Joseph K. (Major and Surgeon). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Corp. and Sergt. Co. K, 4th Pa, Inf., April 20, and meritorious services in the Wilderness Campaign in Va. Service Acting Ass't Surgeon, U. S. Army, from Nov. 15, '64, to May 15, '65 ; at Camp Discharge, Phila., Pa., to May, '65 ; at Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, from Nov. 15, '67, to May 15, '68 ; at Carlisle Barracks, Pa., to Sept. 22, '68 ; Post Surgeon Fort Fred Steele, Wyo. T., to Dec., '69 ; Post Surgeon at Omaha Barracks, Neb., to July, 70 ; Post Surgeon at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., to Sept., 70 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Bridger, Wyo. T., to Nov. 11, 72 ; on leave of absence Dec., 72, to April, 73 ; or- dered to Dept. of the South April 9, 73 ; Post Surgeon Mobile, Ala., to Sept., 73 ; Post Surgeon Mt. Vernon Bks., Ala., to May, 76 ; ordered to Mil. Div. of the Atlantic, April 8, 76 ; Post Surgeon Plattsburg Barracks, N, Y., from June, 76, to May, 78 ; ordered to Dept. of Arizona, May 10, 78; at Fort Whipple, A. T., to Oct. 12, 78; Post Surgeon Fort Yuma, Cal., to Aug., '80; leave of absence June to Aug., 79, and June to Oct., '81 ; in the field with 4th Art. Oct., '81 ; leave of absence Sept. to Nov., '82 ; at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to Nov. 23, '86 ; or- dered to Dept. of Columbia; Post Surg. Fort Cceur d' Alene and Fort Sherman, Idaho, from Jan. 8, '87, to . Battles, skirmishes, etc. Present at Battles of Gettysburg, Manassas Gap, Rappahannock Station, operations at Mine Run, battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, action at Jericho Ford, and battle at Bethesda Church, Va. History Acting Medical Cadet, U. S. Army, at General Hospital, Phila., Pa., '61. Cortelyou, David H. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in New York. Retired ; appointed from W. Va. Civil life. Actual rank. Corp. and Sgt. Co. E, and 8gt. Maj. 6th N. Y. Vol. Cav., from Sept. 18, '61, to April 6, '64; 1st Lieut. 6th 150 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. COW N. Y. Vol. Cav. April 6, '64; hon. must, out March 16, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Cav. May 15, '67; accepted May 20, '67 ; 1st Lieut. July 31, '67; retired with rink of Captain (in >unte 1) D :C. 15, '70, and with rank of 1st Lieut. M ir^h 3, 75. Corthell, Charles L. (First Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '80 ; graduated June 15, '84. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art. June 15, 84; 1st Lieut. April 24, '89. Service At Fort Monroe, Va., '9J. Cory, William O. (First Lieut, loth Inf.). Born in Ohio, Jan. 7, 1844. Re- tiring year 1908; appointed from the Army. Arfu-il rank Pvt., Corp. and Sgt. C >. H, and Co n. Sg;. 7th U. S. Inf. from O^t. 5, '64, to May 21, '67 ; 21 Lieut. 24ih U. S. Inf. Jan. 22, '67 ; accepted May 21, '67 ; 1st Lieut. July 16, '68 ; unas- signed April 25, '69 ; assigned to 24th Inf. Dec. 15, 70 ; hon. must, out Jan. 1, 71 ; appointed 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. Oct. 1, 73; accepted Oct. 11, 73; 1st Lieut. Feb. 22, 77. Coster, John H.( Captain U.S. A.). Born in New York. Retired; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. A<-tnnl r,tn/:-Pvt. Co. K, 7th N. Y. S. M., April 26, '61 ; discharged June 3, '61; Capt. 1st N. Y. Vol. Inf. Sept. 12, '61 ; hon. must, out March 3, '63 ; 1st Lieut. 6th Cal. Vol. Inf. Sept. 20, '65 ; hon. must, out Oct. 25, '65; 1st Lieut. 7th Cal. Vol. Inf. Nov. 18/65; hon. must, out March 31, '66; Capt. 1st Ariz. Vol. Inf. April 1. '66 ; hon. must, out June 13, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. (declined) July 28, '66; 1st Lieut. 30th U. S. Inf. March 7, V>7 ; ac- cepted April 1, '67 ; unassigned March 3, '69 ; assd. to 8th Cav. Dec. 15, 70 ; Capt. Mar. 29, 73. /.'/ "/ /"/// Bvt. Capt. Mar. 7. '67, for gallant and meritor- ious services in action at Glendale, Va. ; Maj. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Cottel, Hamden 8. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Maine, Sept. 10, 1837. Retired ; appointed from Illinois Civil life. A<-tnnt rnnk Sergt. Com. C, 15th 111. Inf., May 24, '61 ; discharged Dec. 10, '62; 2d Lieut. 15th 111. Inf., Dec. U, Y,:! ; Capt. Aug. 20, '63 ; hon. must, out June 3, '64 ; 1st Sergt. 9th U. S. Vet. Inf. April 12, '65; disch. July 19, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 30th U. S. C. Inf. Aug. 17, '65 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 26, '65; hon. must, out Dec. 10, '65; 2d Lieut. 39th Inf. June 18, '67 ; unass. April 20, 69; ass. to 15th Inf. Aug. 30, 70; 1st Lieut. March 3, retired Feb. 2 ( ., 7(1, for disability in line of duty. Cotter, John (Second Lieut. 15th Inf.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from the army. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Batty. A, 2d U. S. Art., from Mar. 27, 77, to Apr. 20, '82 ; 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. Mar. 27', '82 ; accepted Apr. 21, '82. Cotton, Gilbert P. (Captain 1st Art.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from La. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 16, '63 ; graduated June 17, '67. Ac- tual nud-2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Art. June 17, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 11, 73 ; Capt. Mar. 2, '89. Cowdrey, Stevens G. (Captain and Asst, Surg ). Born in Plymouth, X. H., June 13, '38. Retiring year 1902; appointed from N. Y. Civil Life. Actual ran* 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Nov. 16, '68; accepted Nov. 25, '68; Captain and Asst. Surgeon Nov. 16, 71. Service At Carlisle Bks., Pa., from Dec. 18, '68, to Feb. 10, 70 ; in field with Cos. " I " and " K," 7th Cav., and Lt. Btty. "A," 2d Arty., to Oct., 70; on leave from Oct. 27, 70, to Nov. 21, 70 ; Post Surgeon. Fort Gibson, I. T., from Oct. 10 Nov. 25, 71 ; Post Surgeon, Camp Sup- ply, I. T., from Oct., 71, to Oct, 72 ; on leave from Oct. 27, 72, to Dec., 72 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Lamed, Kan., from Dec. 8, 72, to June, 75 ; on leave from July 13, 75, to Nov., 75; Post Surgeon, Jackson Bks., La., from Dec. 18, 75, to May 20, 77 ; Post Surgeon, Alt. Ver. Bks., Ala., from May, 77, to Aug., 77 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Cameron, Utah, from Dec. 8, 77, to Sept., '81 ; on leave from Oct. 12/81, to April 30, '82; Fort Monroe, Va., from May 10, '82, to April 27, '85; Post Surgeon, Fort Bliss, Texas, from May 7, '85, to June 14, '89 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Marcy, Santa Fe, N. M., from June 16, '89, to present time. On scouting expedition up James River, 1882, and with 16th Inf. to Salt Lake, Utah, May, '88. History A.B. in '61 and A.M. in '64 ; Harvard, M.D. Cowles, Calvin Duval (First Lieut. 23d Inf.). Born in N. C. Appointed CRA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 151 from N. C. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Academy July 1, '69 ; graduated June 13, 73. Actual rank2d Lieut. 23d U. S. Int. June 13, 73 ; 1st Lieut. March 20, 79. Serv- ict In the field in pursuit of Dull Knife's band of hostile Cheyennes in Western Kansas, Sep. and Oct., 78 ; with Fort Garland column to the Uncompahgre Ute country May to Oct., '80; with regiment on the frontier from 73 to '84; at Fort Mackinac, Mich., July to Sep., '84; on recruiting service at David's Island, N. Y., Oct., '84, to June, '87 ; at Fort Mackinac July, '87, to March, '89 ; on duty in the Publication Office of "War Records," Washington, D. C., March, '89, to . Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., Post Adjutant and Treasurer for about five years, at different times and places ; with regiment on the frontier, 73 to '84. Cowles, Warren H. (First Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Dak. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, 76 ; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. June 12, '80; 1st Lieut. Sept. 6, 76. Coxe, Frank M. (Major and Paymaster). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 87th U. S. Colored Inf. Nov. 2, '63 ; 1st Lt. May 9, '64; 1st Lt. 81st U. S. Colored Inf. Dec. 1, '64; Capt. 87th U. S. Col- ored Inf. July 7, '65 ; Capt. 84th U. S. Colored Inf. Aug. 31, '65 ; hon. must, out March 14, '66 ; Capt. 40th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Nov. 17, '66 ; trs. to 25th Inf. April 20, '69 ; Major and Pm. March 3, 75 ; accepted April 9, 75. Bre- vet rankEvt. Maj., Lieut.-Col. and Col. Vols. March 13, '65, lor faithful and rious services during the war. Crabb, George W. (Captain 5th Art.) Born in Pennsylvania Feb. 6, 1840. Retiring year, 19U4. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. I, 2d Pa. Vol. Inf., April 20, '61 ; discharged July 2, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. May 14, '61 ; accepted July 2, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 22, '65 ; Captain April 17, '81. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Sept. 17, '62, for gallant and merito- rious services in the Battle of Antietam, Md. ; Capt. April 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Petersburg, Va. Service In the army during the War of the Rebellion, '61-5; with the Army of the Potomac in the field until the battle of Winchester, when he was taken prisoner by the rebels and confined in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va,, till he escaped by means of the "Tunnel," and after much exposure regained Union lines; with Regiment at various stations on the Atlantic and on Gulf coasts since the War ; under orders for change of station to the Pacific Coast, '90. Craft, David L. (First Lieut. 6th Inf., Brevet Captain). Born in Pennsyl- vania. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. D, 8th Pa. Vol. Res., May 1, '61 ; "trs. to Sig. Corps Sept. 2, '63 ; discharged Jan. 20, '64; 2d Lieut. Vol. Sig. Corps Sept. 2, '63; accepted Jan. 20, '64; hon. must, out Sept. 4, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf. Aug. 24, '67 ; accepted Aug. 31, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 31, 76. Brtvet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. Aug. 24, '67, for gallantry in maintaining his position under great exposure on the Appomattox signal tower during the siege of Petersburg, Va., in the late war, while his station was for some time deliberately cannonaded by the rebel batteries; Capt. Aug. 24, '67, for faithful and meritorious service in the Signal Corps during the war. Craig, Louis A. (First Lieut. 6th Cav.). Born in Missouri. Appointed from Missouri. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1869; graduated June 17, 1874. Actual rankZd Lieut. 9th U, S. Inf. June 17, 74; trs. to 6th U. S. Cav. May 25, 75 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 30, 79. Craig, Robert (Captain and A. Q. M.). Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Pennsylvania. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1862 ; graduated June 18, 1866. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art. June 18, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 5, '67 ; Capt. and A. Q. M. Dec. 10, '88 ; accepted Jan. 16, '89. Craighill, William Edward (First Lieut, of Engrs.). Born at Baltimore, Md., Dec. 20, 1863. Retiring year, 1927. Appointed at large to U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, '81 ; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rank 2d Lieut. Corps of Engineers June 14, '85 ; 1st Lieut. July 22, '88. /Service Served with Co. A, Batt. of En- gineer*, at Willet's Point, N. Y., until July 7, '88; received gold medal for 4th place on Div. Team, Div. of the Atlantic,*in '87; served in Detroit, Mich., July 152 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARM,Y. CRA 9, '87, to April 5, '88; on temporary duty in Baltimore Jan. 12 to April 3, '83; since April 9, '88, on duty in St. Paul an 1 the Yellowstone National Park. History^ Son of Col. Wm. P. Craighill, Corps of Engineers. Craighill, William P. (Colonel of Engineers). Born in Virginia, Julv 1, 1833. Retiring year 1897. Appointed from Virginia. Cadet at the U. S. Mili- tary Academy July 1. '49; graduated July 1, '53. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. Eng. July 1, '53 ; 2d Lieut. Mar. 3, '55; 1st Lieut. July 1, '59; Capt. Mar. 3, '63; Maj. Nov. 23, '65; Lieut.-Col. Jan. 2, '81 ; Col. Jan. 10, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorous services during the war, and particularly for his services in the defense of Cumberland Gap and the ulterior operations of Gen. Morgan's forces; Col. $lar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war (declined). 1 Craigie, David J. (Captain 12th Inf.). Born in Brooraieside, Scotland, Dec. 6, 1840. Retiring year 1904. Appointed from Iowa Civil life. A"fn it rank 1st Lieut. 8th Iowa Vol. Inf. Sept. 12, '61; hon. mus. out July 23, '64; Capt. and A. A. Gen. Vols. July 2, '64; accepted July 26, '64; hon. mm. out Sept. 19, '65; app. 2d Lieut. 12th U. S. Inf. May 11, '66; accepted Aug. 10, '66; 1st Lieut. Oct. 17, '67; Captain Dec. 16, '80. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. ; Capt. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of luka, Miss. Honorably mentioned In the Records of the Rebellion, in the reports on the battle of Shiloh, Tenn., Vol. X. Service In the War of the Rebellion, from '61 to '65 ; in the field in the Campaign against Price and Van D>rn, near Springfield, Mo., in the fall of '61 ; thence to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., March '62, in the 2d Div. Armv of Tennessee ; absent, wounded, to Aug., '62 ; rejoined near Corinth,. Miss., and participated in the luka and Corinth Campaigns Sept. and Oct. '62, and the pursuit of the enemy; at Columbus, Ky., on staff duty from Nov., '62, to Mar., '63 ; at Rolla, Mo., on staff duty to Dec.,*'63 ; at Fort Leaven- worth, Kan., on staff duty to Jan. ,'65; at Madison, Wis., on staff duty to Aug., '65 ; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., on staff duty until Sept., '65 ; joined 12th U. S. Inf. at Washington, D. C., Aug., '66; at Washington to April, '69; moved with regiment to the Pacific Coast, and stationed at Angel Island, Cal.', until Nov. '69 ; at Fort Yuma and Yuma Q. M. Depot, Arizona, to Aug., 71; at Angel Island, Cal., to Nov., '75; in Washington, D. C., settling accounts to Au?., 76; at Camp Halleck, Nev., until Nov., 77 ; on duty at San Francisco Dec., 77, and Jan.. 78 ; on leave to April, 78; at Whipple Bks, Ariz., to June, 78 ; at Fort Verde, Ariz., to Aug., 78 ; at Whipple Bks, Ariz., to Nov., 78; at Yuma Q. M. Depot to Mar., 79; at Whipple Bks. to June, 79; at Washington, D. C., on Rebellion Records to April, '81 ; at Fort Grant, Ariz., to Julv, '81 ; at Fort Bowie to Dec., '81 ; on duty at San Diego, Cal., to July, '82 ; at Fort Bowie to Sept., '82; moved with regt. to the Div. of the Atlantic, and stationed at Plattsburg Bks., N. Y., to Nov., '8-1; at Madison Bks., N. Y., to Julv, '87 ; moved with regiment to Dept. of Dakota, and stationed at Fort Yates, N. D., to present date; in the field at Camp of In- struction on the Cannon Ball River, N. D., Sept., '89. Staff positions held A. D. C. of Vols. Sept. 6, '62, to July 25, '64 ; Captain and A. A. G. Vols. July 2, '64, to Sept. 19, '65; Adj. 1st Batt. 12 Inf. from Sept. 1 to Dec. 1, '66; Regimental Adj. 12th Inf. from Dec. 1, '66, to Oct. 31, '69 ; R. Q. M. 12th Inf. March 1, 71, to Jan. 31, 76. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in .the battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 6-7, '62, and severely wounded, having been taken prisoner after being, wounded and left lying on the battle-field all night and until the following even- ing, when re-taken by the Federal forces. Commands held Was in command of a Company of the 8th Iowa Vols. at the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. ; in command, Yuma Q. M. Depot, 71. Crampton, Louis W. (Captain and Asst. Surg.). Born in Maryland 1852. Retiring year 1912; appointed from Pennsylvania Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Asst. Surg., June 26, 75 ; Captain Asst. Surg., June 26, '80. Service Or- d-red to Dep. of the Gulf., July 20, 75; in camp with troops from New Orleans, Mississippi City and Holly Springs, Miss., Aug.-Nov., 75 ; Post Surg. at Natchi- toches, La., to 'May, 76 ; 'Post Surg. at Vicksburg, Miss., to Dec., 76 ; at New CRA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 153 Orleans, La., to May, 77 ; at Holly Springs, Miss., to Sept., 77 ; at Jackson Bks. to May, 78 ; ordered to Dep. Dakota, May 10, 78; Post Surg. at Fort Randall, D. T., June, 78- Aug., 79 ; Post Surg. at Fort Buford, D. T,, to Nov., '82 ; ordered to Dep. of the East, Oct. 11, '82; on leave of absence, Dec., '82, to April, '83; at Fort Wayne, Mich , April, '83-April, '85; ordered to Dep. of the Platte, April, '85; Post Surg. at Fort Bridger, Wyo., April, '85-May, '89; ordered to Dep. of Mo., April. '89; Post Surg. at Fort Lyon, Col., May, '89-Nov., '89; Post Surg. at Fort Sheridan since Nov., '89. Crandal, Frederick M. (Captain 24th Inf., Brevet Lieut.-Col.). Born in Pa. May 12, 1831. Retiring year 1895; appointed from Md. Cadet at the U. S. Mili- tary Academy from July 1, '48, to Nov. 13, '49. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 33d III. Vol. Inf., Aug. 15, '61 ; hon. must, out Nov. 23, '62; Capt., A. A. G. Vol., Oct. 2, '62 ; accepted Nov. 23, '62 : vacated Aug. 8, '63; Col. 48th U. S. Colored Inf., Aug. 8, '63 ; hon. must, out Jan. 4, '66 ; 1st Lieut. 38th U. S. Inf., July 28, '66 ; accepted Mar. 14, '67; Capt. 41st U. S. Inf. June 12, '67; accepted Aug. 9, '67; trs. to 24th U. S. Inf., Nov. 11, '69. Brevet rankBvt. Capt. and Maj., Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Arkansas Post, Arkansas ; Lieut.-Col., March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture* of Fort Blakely, Ala.; Brig.-Gen. Vol., Oct. 24, '65, for gallant and meritorious services. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5 ; in the field with the Army of the West, and participated in the campaigns of the Southwest and operations against Mobile, Ala.; on duty with regiment in the Departments of Texas and the Missouri; at Fort Bayard, N. M., '90. Crane, Cbarles J. (First Lieut. 24th Infantry). Born in Miss. April 30, 1852. Retiring year 1916 ; appointed from Texas. Cadet U. S. Militarv Academy Sept. 1, 72; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 24th Inf., June 15, 77 ; 1st Lieut. March 29, 79. Service Served at Fort Clark, Tex., from 19th Dec., 77, to 24th Feb., 78; at Ft. Duncan, Tex., from Feb. 27, 78, to June 24, 79, much of the time in command of company; from Ft. Duncan was with Genl. MacKenzie's expedition into Mexico in June, 78, and on several scouts with Co. E, 4th Cav.; left Ft. Duncan June 24, 79, to join Co. C ; at Ft. Ringgold, Tex., July 9, 79 to June 1, '80; at Ft. Davis, Tex., from Sept. 12 to Nov. 18 ; arrived at Fort Sill, Ind. Tery., Jan. 2, '81; at Ft. Sill till March 22; ordered by dept. comdr. to report at Ft. Elliott, Tex.; prof, military science and tactics at the Ag- ricultural and Mechanical College of Texas from Jan. 19, '82, to Nov. 26, '83; at Fort Sill, Ind. Ter., till June 6, '88 ; at San Carlos, Ariz., till Aug. 15, '88 ; Senior Asst. Inst. of Inf. Tactics at the U. S. Mil. Acad. since Aug. 28, '88. Stop posi- tions occupiedA. A. Q. M. and A. C. S., at Ft. Elliott, Tex., March 27 to Dec. 31, '81 ; Post Adj. at San Carlos, Ariz., most of the time from Nov. 26, '83, to June 6, '88. Commands held Com. Co. "C," at Ft. Ringgold, Tex., July 9 to Dec. 19, 79, and March 19 to June 1, '80; Com. at Pena Colorado, Tex., July 6 to Sept. 10, '80. Crawford, Alexander MoL. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Retired; appointed from Pa. Civil Life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 12th Pa. Vol. Cav. Apr. 22, '62; hon. must, out Nov. 21, '64; 2d Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps Feb. 21, '65; ac- cepted Apr. 21, '65; 2d Lieut 38th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Jan. 4, '67; hon. must, out Vol. Jan. 3, '67 ; 1st Lieut. U. S. A. March 29, '67 ; unassigned Nov. 11, '69; retired for disability Dec. 31, 70. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Vol. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; Maj. Vol. March 13, '65, for meritorious conduct in the battle of the Wilderness and that campaign. Crawford, Charles (Second Lieut. 10th Inf.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Kan. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, '85; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rarc 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Inf. June 12, '89. Service At Okla- homa, Ind. Ter., '90, with regiment. Crawford, Medorem, Jr. (First Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in Oregon. Appointed from Oregon. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '63 ; graduated June 17, '67. Actual rank2d Li^ut. 2d Art. June 17, '67 ; 1st Lieut. June 17, 74. Crawford, Samuel W. (Brig, and Brev. Maj. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Pa. 10 154 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. CRE Retired ; appointed from Pa. civil life. Actual Rank Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Mar. 10, '51 ; accepted May 6, '51 ; Major 13th U. S. Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted Sept. 2, '61; Brig. Gen. Apr. 25, '62; accepted April 30, '62; hon. must, out Jan. 25, '66; Lieut. Col. 2d U. S. Inf. Feb. 17, '64; Col. 16th Inf. Feb. 22, '69; trans, to 2d U. S. Inf. March 15, '69. Brevet rank Bvt. Col. July 2, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg ; Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Five Forks, Va. ; Maj. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war; Maj. Gen. Vol. Aug. 1, '64, for conspicuous gallantry in the battles of the Wil- derness, Spottsylvania Court-House, Jericho Mills, Bethesda Church, Petersburg and Globe Tavern (Weldon Railroad), and for faithful services in the campaign. Service With recruits from New York City to San Antonio, Texas, Feb. to March, '51 ; at Fort Croghan to March, '52; Fort McKavett to Sept., '53; with 8ih U. S. Inf. en route at Fort Bliss, Texas, to Oct., '56 ; en route to and at Fort Adams, R. I., May, '57, to May, '58; at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to June, '58; with troops en route from Fort Scott to Fort Randall Aug., '58 ; at Fort Randall to May, '59 ; with Sioux Indian expedition to Aug., '59; at Fort Laramie to March, '60; Fort Moultrie, S. C., Sept. to Dec., '60; Fort Sumter to April 13, '61, the date the fort was evacuated by the U. S. troops under Major Anderson after his defence against the Rebel bombardment; at Fort Columbus, N. Y., to Aug., '61 ; vacated commission of Asst. Surg. U. S. A. May 14, '61 ; served with distinction in theShen- andoah campaign; participated in battle of Antietam, succeeding Gen. Mansfield in the command of his division, and was severely wounded ; in the spring of '63 was assigned to the command of the Pennsylvania Reserves, then stationed in the Department of Washington, and in June proceeded with his command to join the Army of the Potomac, then en route for Pennsylvania; in command of the Pennsylvania Reserves, constituting the 3d Division, 5th Army Corps, he participated with much distinction in the battle of Gettysburg, the subsequent operations at Williamsport and the pursuit of Lee ; he participated in all of the subsequent operations of the Army of the Potomac up to the closing scenes at Appomattox Court-House; served with his regiment in the South; he commanded his regiment till, owing to disability resulting from wounds received in the line of duty, he was retired Feb. 19, '73, and with the rank of Brig. Gen. March 3, Battles, skirmishes, etc. In the defense of Fort Sumter, S. C., '61 ; battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, '62; battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-4, '63; Wilder- ness, Spottsylvania C. H., Jericho Mills, Bethesda Church, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, in '64, and Five Forks, Va., '65. Craycroft, William T. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Kentucky. Retired; appointed from Ky. Cadet at the U. fe. Miliary Academy July 1, '65 ; graduated June 15, '69 ; retired June 28, '78. Actual ran* 2d Lieut. 7th Cav. June 15, '69 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 2. 75. Creary, William E. (Major and Paymaster). Born in Niagara Co., N. Y., 1842. Retiring year 1906 ; appointed from Michigan Civil Life. Actual rank Private Co. " F," 3d Mich. Inft, May 13, '61, to Oct. 19, '63 ; Private 2d Batt. Vet. Res. Corps June 13, '64, to Aug. 23, '66 ; Major Paymaster U. S. A. June 23, 79. Service Served during the War of the Rebellion ; on det. serv. in the War Dept., '64; was detailed as chief clerk of 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 3d Army Corps, and acted as aide-de-camp to General H. G. Berry, of Maine, and General Regis de Trobriand, of New York, until transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. History Graduated from Columbia College, Washington, D. C., June, 70; admitted to Supreme Court, D. C., July, 70; and entered into practice of law until 71; app. asst. postmaster U. S. Senate in 71 ; promoted to paymaster 74; continued as postmaster until app. major and paymaster June 23, 79 ; was indorsed on per- sonal merit by nearly all U. S. senators, the Michigan delegation in the House of Representatives, and others, for the position of major and paymaster, and was by Pres dent Hayes nominated "on account of war record and social standing as an officer of the U. S. Senate" ; was unanimously confirmed by the U. S. Senate without a reference to Military Committee. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in the following engagements : First Bull Run, Va, July 19 and 21, '61; Yorktown, ORO RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 155 Va., April, '62; Williamsburg, Va., May 5, '62; Fair Oaks, or Seven Pines, Va., May 31 and June 1, '62 ; battle of the Orchard, front of Richmond, June 25, '62; Charles City Cross-Roads, Va., June 30, '62 ; Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, '62 : Harri- son's Landing, close of seven days' fight, July 2, '62 ; Second Bull Run, or Groveton, Va., Aug. 29 and 30, '62; Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62; Chancellorsville, Va., May, '63 ; Gettysburg, Pa., July 2 and 3, '63 ; Falling Waters, Md., July, '63 ; Man- assas Gap, near Front Royal, Va., July, '63 ; also a number of skirmishes after the battle ot Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62. Cree, John K. (Second Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '81 ; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. June 14, '85. Service At Fort Mc- Henry, Md., '90. Cress, George Oscar (Second Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in Warsaw, Ills. Ap- pointed from Ills. Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, '80; graduated June 15, J 84. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th Cav. June 15, '84. Service Served with Troip " E," 7th Cav., at Fort Meade, D. T. ; Range Officer in the Rifle Compet'n at Fort Snelling, Minn., '85; changed station to Fort Yates, D. T., Oct. 6, '86 ; marched overland 205 miles with two troops Cav. ; ordered to Fort Snelling, Minn., on Rifle Competition as Statistical Officer in '87 ; changed station to Fort Sill, I. T.; left Fort Yates May 19, '88 ; reached Fort Sill Aug. 14, '88 ; on duty at Brox Col- lege, Galesburg, Ills., as Prof. Military Science and Tactics since April 8, '89. Staff positions occupied Post Signal and Topographical Officer at Fort Yates, D. T. ; Post Adj. at Fort Sill, Ind. Ter., '88-89. Cresson, Charles C. (First Lieut, and Brevet Major U. S. A.). Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 66th Pa. Vol. Inf. Aug. 3, '61 ; trs. to 73d Pa. Vol. Inf. March, '62 ; 1st Lieut. March 13, '62 ; Capt. Aug. 30, '62 ; Major Jan. 1, '64; Lieut. Col. Dec. 24, '64 ; hon. must, out Aug. 24. '65 ; 2d Lieut. 17th U. S. Inf. May 11, '66 ; accepted Aug. 18, '66 ; trs. to 35th U. S. Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 7, '67 ; unassigned Aug. 12, '69 ; assd. to 7th U. S. Cav. Dec. 15, 70 ; trs. to 1st U. S. Cay. Dec. 23, '70. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Mill Creek, Ga. ; Capt March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Resaoa, Ga. ; Major March 2, '67, for gallant and merit- orious services in the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. Service Served during the War of the Rebellion, '61-5 ; in the field with the Army of the West and par- ticipated in its numerous campaigns; in Arizona, with regiment until retired, on account of wounds received in line of duty, April 4, '79. Crittenden, John J. (First Lieut. 22d Inf.). Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Ky. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 22d U. S. Inf. Dec. 14, '76 ; ac- cepted Jan. 1, '77 ; 1st Lieut. July 20, '82. Service With regiment in Dept. of the East, Dept. of the Missouri and Dept. ef Dakota, '76 to present time ; at Fort Totten, N. D., '90. Crittenden, Thomas L. (Colonel and Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Kentucky. Retired. Appointed from Ky. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Ky. Vol. lof. Aug. 17, '36 ; discharged Sept. 18, '36; Lieut. Col., 3d Ky. Vol. Inf., Oct. 4, '47 ; hon. must, out July 21, '48 ; Brig. Gen. Sept. 27, '61 ; accepted Oct. 4, '61 ; Major Gen. July 17, '62 ; accepted Aug. 8, '62 ; resigned Dec. 13, '64; Col. 32d U. 5. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 8, '66 ; trs. to 17th Inf. March 15, '69 ; retired at his own request May 19, '81. Brevet rankBvt. Brig. Gen. Mar. 2, '67, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of Stone River, Tenn. Croffcon, Robert B. A. (Colonel 15th Inf.). Born in Ireland Dec. 18, 1834. Retiring year 1898. Appointed from Del. Civil life. Actual rank. Capt. 16th U. S. Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 21, '61 ; Maj. 14th Inf. Sept. 25, '68 ; trs. to 17th Inf. March 15, '69 ; Lieut. Col. 13th Inf. April 27, '79 ; Col. 15th Inf. Oct. 19, '86. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. April 7, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. ; Lieut. Col. Nov. 25, '63, for gallanf and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga., and Mission Ridge, Tenn. Crone, Louis B. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Saxony Sept. 30, 1826. Re- tired. Appointed from Massachusetts Civil Life. Actual rank Corporal Co. 156 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. CRO E, 22d Mass. Vol. Inf., Sept. 20, '61, to Sept. 4, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 22d Mas'. Vol. Inf. Oct. 31, '62; 1st Lieut. Dec. 16, '62; 2d Lieut. Vet. Kes. Corps June 15, '63, to July 3, '66 ; Captain 42d U. S. Inf. July 28, '66. Service Served during the War of the Rebellion ; transferred to Vet. Res. Corps June 20, '63; on Provost duty at Indianapolis, Ind ; at Burnside Bks., Ind.; at Camp Morton guarding rebel prisoners until Oct., '64 ; at U. S. Arsenal May, '65 ; at Hart Island, N. Y. H., to assist organizing the 42d Inf. Oct., '66; placed in com. of Co. B, March, '67; at Pittsburgh Bks., N. Y., April, '69 ; on waiting orders June, '69 ; ordered to Car- lisle Bks., Pa., July, '69, to conduct reciuits to Fort McPherson, Neb.; on R. S. at Madison, Wis., until March, 70, and at N. Y. City until Dec., 70. Retired Dec. 15, 70, for loss of left arm from wound in line of duty (Aug. 3, '61). Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the battles of Hanover C. H., Yorktown, Mechan- icsville, Games' Mills (Wounded in the left arm while rescuing the colors of the Regt.), Chancellorsville, and near Aldie, Va. Cronin, Marcus D. (Second Lieut. 20th Inf.). Born in Mass. Jan. 9, 1865. Retiring year 1929; appointed from Mass. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Academy July 1, 83; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 20th Inf. June 12, '87. Service With regiment at Fort Assinaboine, Mont., to June 1, '88 ; at Fort Maginnis, Mont., to present time. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q M. and A. C. S. at Fort Maginnis from Sept. 30, '89, to . Cronkhite, Adelbert (First Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from Ariz. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 78 ; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art. June 13, '82 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 25, '89. Service At Barrancas Bk., Fla., '90. Cronkhite, Henry M. (Major and Surgeon). Born in N. Y. Appointed from Cal. Civil lite. Acttual rankPvt. Co. C, 26th N. Y. Vol. Inf. July 29, '61 ; dis- charged May 28, '63 ; Asst. Surg. U. S. A. May 14, '67; accepted June 1, '67; Capt. and as Lieut. 1st Mo. Vol. Cav. June 7, '62; honor- ably mustered out Sep. 1, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Cav. Augr. 17, '67 ; accepted Oct. 9, '<>7 ; 1st Lieut. March 3, 73 ; Capt. May 10, '88. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 10th Cav. from Sep. 1, 78, to Sep. 30, '81. Davis, William B (Captain and A*st. Surgeon). Born in Virginia. Ap- pointed from Va Civil life. Actual rank A.sst. Surgeon, U. S. A., Jan. 9,77; accepted Jan. 16, 77; Captain and Asst. Surgeon Jan. 9, '82. Davis, Wirt (Captain 4th Cav., Bvt. Maj.). Born in Va. May 28, 1839. Re- tiring year 1903 ; app. from the Army. Actual rankPvt. and Corp. Co. " K," 1st Cav. ; Sjrt. Co. " L," and 1st Sgt. Co. " K," 4th Cav., from May 12,' 60, to May 5, '63 ; 2d Lt. 4th Cav. Apr. 22, '63 ; ace. May 5, '63 ; 1st Lt. Apr. 2, '65 ; Capt. June 19, '68. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Sept. 19, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in 11 170 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. DAY the battle of Chickamauga, Ga.; Bvt. Capt. Feb. 20, '64, for gallant and merito- rious services during the cavalry expedition in Miss.; Bvt. Major April 2/65, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Selma, Ala. Staff positions occupied Adj. 4th Cav. Mar. 1, '65, to June 19, ; 68. /Service In the War of the Rebellion, '61-5 ; in the field with Army of the West, participating in all its cam- paigns and in the cavalry expedition through Mississippi ; also in the operations about Selma ; on frontier duty at various stations since the war ; at present on duty at Fort Huachuca, Ariz. Davison, James (Second Lieut, and Brevet Captain U. S. A.). Born in England. Retired. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Cojpl., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. B, and Qm. Sgt. 3d U. S. Art. from March 22, '54, to Oct. 30, '62 ; Brevet 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. Oct. 22, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Art. Oct. 22, '62 ; accepted Oct. 30, '62; retired March 3, 75. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Dec. 13, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; Capt. July 2, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettys- burg, Pa. Davison, Lorenzo P. (Second Lieut, llth Inf.) Born in Wis. Appointed from Iowa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '81 ; graduated Aug. 28, '85. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th Cav. Aug. 28, '85; transferred to llth Inf. Mar. 12, '86. . Dawson, Byron (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ind. Appointed from Ind. Civil lite. Actual rank 1st Sgt. Co. " L," 3d Ind. Cav., Sept. 5, '62; discharged Aug. 31, '64; 2d Lieut. 3d Ind. Cav. Sept. 1, '64; transferred to 8th Ind. Cav. April 1, '65; Capt. May 4, '65; honorably mustered out July 20, '65; 2<1 Lieut. 9th U. S. Cav., July 28, '66 ; accepted May 10, '67 ; 1st Lieut. July 31, '67 ; Capt April 4, 79 ; retired June 15, '88. Day, Frederick R. (Second Lieut. Signal Corps). Born in New York. Ap- pointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. and Sgt. Sig. Corps Aug. 6, '80, to July 24, '84; 2d Lieut. Sig. Corps July 15, '84; accepted July 25, '84. Day, Hannibal (Col. and Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Montpelier, Vt., 1804. Retired ; app. from Vt.; graduate of Mil. Acad., Class of '23. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. July 1, '23 ; 1st Lieut. April 4, '32 ; Capt. July 7, '38 ; Major Feb. 2S, '52 ; Lieut.-Col. Feb. 25, '61 ; Col. 6th Inf. June 7, '62 ; retired Aug. 1, '63. Brevtt rank On March 13, '65, was brevetted brigadier-general for long and faithful service in the army. Service On garrison, engineering, recruiting and frontier duty to thfe time of the Florida war ; participated in the Florida and Mexican wars, and served on frontier duty in California to '52; on garrison and frontier duty in Northwestern Territories to '61 ; commanded a Brigade in the Pennsylva- nia campaign of '63, and thence to New York to quell the Draft Riots of '63. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the batt e of Gettysburg, '63, where he had a horse killed under him in the action of second day, near Little Round-Top. Com- mands held The first Brigade of Regulars in the Pennsylvania Campaign of '63, until it arrived in New York City. Day, Matthias W. (First Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 73 ; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 10th Cav. June 15, 77; 2d Lieut. 9th Cav. March 1, 78 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 31, '83. Day, Selden A. (Captain 5th Artillery). Born in Chillicothe, Ohio, July 22, 1838. Retiring year 1902; app. from the Army; graduated from the Art. School, '66; Capt. July 18, '86. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut, for "gallant and merito- rious services at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va.," June 3, '64 ; Brevet Captain for " gallant and meritorious services during the war," March 13, '65. Honorably mentioned Promoted Sergeant and recommended for a commission for bnuvrv in action at the battle of Winchester, Va., March 23, '62. Service In the field during the Civil War '61-65; stationed at Washington, D. C., in Batteries "C" and " I/' from May to Oct., '65 ; on duty to Fort Monroe, Va., with Battery," C," and in DEE EECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 171 charge of cholera quarantine at Craney Island ; commanding Battery " F " at Richmond, Va., and again on duty at Fort Monroe from Oct., '65, to May, '67 ; President of Board of Registration and Elections Cumberland Co., Va.; on special duty at Headquarters 1st Military District, Richmond, Va., and Military Commis- sioner of the Tenth Division (Amelia, Cumberland and Powhatan Counties, Va.), under the reconstruction Act-*, from May, '67, to Sept., '68 ; on duty with Battery " A," 5th Arty., at Richmond and Norfolk, Va., to Jan., '69 ; stationed at Fort Adams, Newport, R. I.; Acting Ordnance Officer of Forts Adams and Walcott, and Dutch Island ; also instructor in signaling and Rifle-practice at Fort Adams, R. I., to April, 73 ; stationed at Fort Trumbull, Conn., to Dec., 75 ; at Fort Bar- rancas, Fla., to April, 77, and on duty at Charleston, S. C., and Atlanta, Ga., to July, '81 ; on detached service at New York City and Springfield, Mass., Recorder of Board of Magazine guns from July, '81, to Oct. '82 ; on duty at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. H., to March, '87 ; on duty at Fort Wood, Bedloe's Island, N. Y. H., from March to June, '87; traveling in Europe from April to Sept., '88; now on duty (March, 1890) at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Present at the capture of the town of Weston, West Va., June 30, '61, and in the action of Cross Lanes Aug. 26, '61 ; engaged in the operations of Generals McClellan, Cox and Lander in West Va. that year, including several skirmishes ; engaged at the battle of Winchester March 23,, '62 (slightly wounded in left shoulder) ; promoted Ser- geant and recommended for commission for bravery in that action, being one of the first over the stone-wall forming the defense of the enemy on the right of the line, capturing several prisoners, including a staff officer of General Jackson (Lieut. Junkin), and being one of the first three to follow Major Casement, of the 7th Ohio, into a battery, capturing the guns; engaged at the battle of Port Republic June 9, 62 (slightly wounded in both knees) ; engaged in the battle of Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9, '62, at the close of which commanded the remnant of three Companies; joined Battery "A," 5th Arty., while engaged in the battle of Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, '64, and served through the siege of Petersburg and operations around Richmond, Va.; in Batteries " A " and r> ; :M Lieut. 1st Art. February 23, '66; accepted April 12, '66; 1st Lieut. May 1, '66; Capt. June 30, '82. Brevet rank Brevet Major Vols. and Brevet Lieut Col. Vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. 1st Art. March 1, 75, to June 30, >QO Dimmick, Eugene D. (Captain 9th Cav.). Born in Athens, N. Y. July 31, 1840. Retiring year 1904 ; appointed from New York Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. G, 2d N. Y. S. M., April 26, '61 ; discharged July 31, '61 ; 1st Sergt Co. M, 5th N. Y. Cav., Oct. 7, '61, to May 8, '62; 2d Lieut. 5th N. Y. Cav. May 9, '62; 1st Lieut. Oct. 10, '62; Capt. July 5, '63; 2d Lieut. 18th Reg., Vet. Res. Corps, Feb., '64 ; 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Cav. Aug. 9, '67; 1st Lieut. Jan. 10,70; Capt. Oct. 25, '83. Service Served during the War of the Rebellion ; at Albany, N. Y., and on the Canada border during the Fenian raids; in Texas, '67-75 ; iit Fort Wallace, Kan.; Lyon, Col., 76; Fort Union, N. M., 77-8; the campaign against Victorio, 79-80 ; New Mexico, Arizona and Old Mexico; R. S., '82-4; Fort Rilev, '84-5; Boomer campaign, Indian Ter. ; Fort McKinney, Wyo., since '85. Staff positions occupied Q. M. and A. C. S., part of time, '67-78. Softies, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the actions of Harrisonburg, Culpepper ; battles of Cedar Mountain (commanding company), second Bull Run (escort to Gen. Banks), South Mountain, Antietam, Brandy Station, Chantilly ; actions of Warrenton Junction, Thoroughfare Gap, Beverly Ford, Hanover Junction ; battle of Gettys- burg, and actions of Boonsboro' and Hagerstown (.-severely wounded, taken prisoner and released) ; discharged on account of disability arising from wounds Nov., '63; small skirmishes with Indians in Texas. Commands held Com. Batt. D and H, Troop 9th Cav., at the affair, Crow Agency, Mont., Nov. 5, '87, when "Sword Bearer" was killed. Dinwiddie, William A. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Ind. Retired : app. from Iowa Civil Life. Actual rank Hospital Steward 40th Iowa Inf. Aug. 13, '62, to May 15, '63 ; Asst. Surgeon 22d Iowa Inf. May 16, '63; hon. must, out Feb. 21, DOD RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 177 '65 ; 2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Cav. June 20, '68 ; accepted Aug. 1, '68 ; transferred to 2d Cav. March 22, '69; 1st Lieut. March 3, 75; retired July 26, '86. Doane, Gustavus C. (Captain 2d Cav.). Born in 111. May 29, '40. Retiring year 1904 ; app. from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank Private and Sergt. Cos. I and A, 2d Mass. Cav,, Oct. 30, '62, to March 22, '64; 1st Lieut. Cav. Miss. M. B. March 23, ; 64; honorably mustered out Jan. 23, '65; 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. July 5, '68 ; accepted Aug.'l, '68; 1st Lieut. Dec. 4, '71 ; Cant. Sept. 22, '84. Dodd, George A. (Captain 3d Cav.). Born in Penn. Appointed from Penn. Cadet at U.S. Military Academy July 1, 72; graduated June 15,76. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Cav. June 15, 76 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 29, '80 ; Capt. Aug. 31, '89. Dodd, Stephen G. (Post Chaplain). Born in N. J. Appointed from N. J. Civil life. Actual rank Chaplain 25th Mass. Inf. May 28, '64 ; honorably mustered out July 13, '65; Post Chaplain June 23, 79; accepted July 8, 79. Dodds, Prank L. (First Lieut. 9th Inf.). Born in Penn. Appointed from 111. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank2d Lieut. 9th Inf. June 13, 79 ; 1st Lieut. June 15, '87. Service Asst. Professor Dept. of History, Geography and Ethics at Military Academy, West Point, N. Y.. since Aug. 27, '87. Dodge, Charles Jr. (First Lieut 24th Inf.). Born in D. C. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. and Sgt., gen. ser., June 14, 75, to Oct. 28, 78 ; 2d Lieut. 24tb Inf. Oct. 25, 78 ; accepted Oct. 29, 78; 1st Lieut. June 30, '83. Staff positions occupied. Adj. 24th Inf. Jan. 1, '84, to Apr. 30, '86 ; A. D. C. Apr. 30, '86, to Oct. 12, '86; Nov. 16, '86, to Apr. 16, '87 ; A. D. C. to Genl. Merritt June 30, '83, to Sept. 1, '87. Dodge, Francis S. (Major and Paymaster). Born in Mass. Sept. 11, 1842. Retiring: year, 1906 ; appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. and Corpl. Co. F, 23d Mass. Vol. Inf., from Oct. 9, '61, to Dec. 19, '63; 1st Lieut, 2d U. S. Colored Cav. Dec. 20, '63 ; Capt. July 6, '65; hon. must, out Feb. 12, '66 ; 1st Lieut. 9th U. S. Cav. July 28, '66; accepted Jan. 24, '67 ; Capt. July 31, '67 ; accepted Sept. 6, '67; Maj. and Pm. Jan. 13, '80; accepted Jan. 25, '80. Service Engaged in the operations of the Army of the James, north of the James River, action of Fair Oaks, capture of Ft. Fisher, and campaign in North Carolina ; in Texas July to Nov., '65 ; on duty in Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Aban- doned Lands, La., Nov., '65, to Jan., '66; stationed in Texas from '67 to 75, in- clusive, and in New Mexico during 76-79 ; participated in numerous scouts and expeditions against hostile Indians during this period, among them one (com- posed entirely of the 9th Cavalry) to the Guadaloupe Mountains in Jan. ,70, which, under his command, destroyed a large camp of Indians, killed their chief and captured a number of ponies; a second camp was subsequently destroyed in this vicinity in the summer of 72; in Sept., 79, while in command of his company, and on scouting duty in Northwestern Colorado, hearing of the attack by the White River Utes on the command of Maj. Thornburg, he marched at once to their relief, and joined them in their rifle-pits near Milk Creek; for this action he was appointed major and paymaster to date from Jan. 13, '80. Dodge, Frederick Li. (Captain 23d Inf.). Born in N. H. Appointed from N. H. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. F, 44th Mass. Vol. Inf., Aug. 29, '62; discharged June 18, '63; 1st Lieut. 18th N. H. Vol. Inf. Mar. 22, '65 ; hon. must, out Julv 29, '65; 2d Lieut. 23d U. S. Inf. Mar. 7, '67; accepted June 7, '67; 1st Lieut. Jan. 22, 73 ; Capt. June 22, '89. Dodge, Richard I. (Colonel llth Inf.). Born in N. C. May 19, 1827. Re- tiring year, 1891 ; appointed from N. C. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '44; graduated July 1, '48. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. July 1, '48; 2d Lieut. Dec. 24, '48 ; 1st Lieut. Mar. 3, '55 ; Capt. May 3, '61 ; Lt. Col. A. I. G. Jan. 1, ,63, to Feb. 24, '63; Maj. 12th Inf. June 21, '64; transferred to 30th Inf. Sept. 21, 66 ; transferred to 3d Inf. Mar. 15, '69 ; Lt. Col. 23d Inf. Oct. 29, 73; Col. llth Inf. June 26, '82. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. Mar. 30, '65, for meritorious and faithful services in the recruitment of the Armies of the United States ; Bvt. Col. Mar. 30, '65, for faithful and meritorious services connected with the organization of the Volunteer Armies of the United States during the war. Staff" positions oc- 178 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. DOU cupied Adj. 8th Inf. Sept., '54, to Oct. 1, '55; Col. A. D. C. to the Gen. Jan. 1, '81, to June 26, '82. Dodge, Theodore Ayrault (Captain and Bvt. Lieut. Col. U. S. A.). Born in Pittstield, Mass., May 28, '42. Retired ; app. from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 101st N. Y. Inf. Feb. 13, '62; resigned Oct. 16, '62 ; 1st Lieut. 101st N. Y. vices at Gettysburg, Dec. 2, '65 ; Bvt. Col. Vols. for gallant and meritorious services during war Dec. 2, '65 ; Capt. and Bvt. Maj. U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Gettysburg Mar. 2, '67 ; Bvt. Lt. Col. U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services during war Mar. 2, '67. Service In the field during the war '62-3-4; Chief of the Bureau of Enrolment P. M. G. Office, War Dept., March, '64. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In defenses of Washington and in Barney's div., 3d Corps, from Fair Oaks, through Seven Days' Fight and Pope's campaign (slightly wounded at Manassa*), to Chantilly (wounded) ; served with Army Potomac in Schurz's div., 1 1th Corps, from Fredericksburg through Chancellorsville Campaign to Gettysburg (wounded and captured lost right leg). History Educated in Bel- gium, 1850 to 1854; in Berlin under Major General von Froieich, of the Prussian Army, 1854-1858 ; studied in Heidelberg; graduated London University 1861 ; re- turned home and enlisted in N. Y. in battalion which by consolidation became 101st N. Y. Vols. Dolphin, John P. (Chaplain U. S. A.). Born in Mass. Appointed from Minn. Civil life. Actual rank Post Chaplain Mar. 5, '88; accepted April 3, '88. Donaldson, Charles Victor (Second Lieut. 24th Inf.). Born in Sweden Jan. 11,1864. Retiring year, 1928; app. from Iowa; graduated at Mil. Acad. June 11, '88. Actual rank2d Lieut. 24th Inf. June 11, '88. Commands held Co. almost continuously since Oct. 2, '88. History His father came to the U. S. in August, 1868, and settled in Iowa. From the 10th Congressional District of Iowa he was appointed a Cadet iniJune, 1883, by Hon. A. J. Holmes, now Sergeant-at- Arms, House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. Donaldson, T. Q. (Second Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in S. C. June 26, '64. Re- tiring year 1928 ; appointed from S. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sep. 1, '83; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 7th U. S. Cav. June 12, '87; 2d Lieut. 7th Cav. Sep. 1, '87. Service At Fort Riley, Kan., from Sep. 30, '87, to present time; marched with 2d Batt., 7th Cav., to the G. A. R. encampment at Topeka, Kan., '88; participated in the fall manoeuvres of the Dep. of the Missouri in the Indian Territory, '89. Dorst, Joseph H. (Captain 4th Cav.). Born in Ky. April 2, 1856. Retiring year 1916; appointed from Ind. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '69; graduated June 13, 73. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th Cav. June 13, '73 ; 1st Lieut. Mar. 20, '79 ; Capt. March 2, '85. Staff positions occupied Adj. 4th Cav. May 17, 78, to Jan. 1, '83; A. D. C. Jan. 1, '83, to March 24, '84; Instructor of Cavalry Tac- tics at U. S. Mil. Academy since Aug. 28, '89. Doubleday, Abner (Colonel and Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. Army). Born at Balls- ton Spa, N. Y. Retired. App. from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sep. 1, 1838; graduated July 1, '42. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. 3d Art. July 1, '42 ; 2i Lieut. 1st Art. Feb. 24, '45 ; 1st Lieut. March 3, '47 ; Captain March 3, '55 ; Major 17th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 22, '61 ; Brig. Gen. of Vols. Feb. 3, '62 ; accepted Feb. 28, '62 ; Major-Gen, of Vols. Nov. 29, '62 ; accepted March 28, '63 ; Lieut.-Col. 17th U. S. Inf. Sept. 20, '63 ; honorably mustered out of Volunteer service Aug. 24, '65; Colonel 35th U. S. Inf. Sep. 15, '67 ; unassigned March 15, '69 ; assigned to the 24th U. S. Inf. Dec. 15, 70. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut.-Col. U. S. A. Sep. 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the bat- tle of Antietam, Md. ; Brevet Colonel U. S. A. July 2, '63, for gallant and merit- orious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; Brevet Brig, and Major-Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned In " Records of the Rebellion," vols. and pages too numerous to DOU RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 179 enumerate. Service In the field in the war with Mexico, '46 to '48 ; in opera- tions connected with the battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 22-3, '47 ; sent to Mexico, at the request of the U. S. Senate Committee, to investigate the Gardner Min claim, Oct. 1 1, '52 ; on frontier duty in Texas, '54-5 ; engaged in hostilities with Florida Indians, '56-'58 ; was second in command ,at Fort Sumter, S. C., at the time of its first bombardment, April 12-14, '61, on which occasion he aimed the firht gun of the war on the side of the Union ; in Shenandoah campaign of Gen. Patterson, June 3, '61 ; in the defenses of Washington, D. C., from Aug. 30, '61, to May 22, '62 ; in Cedar Mountain and Second Bull Run campaigns from Aug. 10 to Sep. 1, '62 ; in the Antietam campaign from Sep. 1, to Oct. 30, '62 ; in the Fredericksburg campaign from Nov. 1 to Dec. 16, '62 ; in camp near Fredericks- burg to April 20, '63 ; sent with two regiments to make a demonstration against Port Con way, on the lower Rappahannock, with a view to attack the enemy in that di r ection, and thus facilitate the crossing of Gen. Hooker's army above, April 20-1, '63; co-operated under fire in passage of the river below Fredericksburg, April 29-30 and May 1, '63 ; arrived at Chancellorsville in time to take position with First Corps on the right of the army, in the place of the llth Corps, May 2 to 5, '63 ; in the Gettysburg campaign in command of the 1st Corps ; on July 1 he went forward to Gettysburg, by order of Gen. Reynolds, to reinforce Buford's Cavalry, who were holding the ridge west of the Seminary, and Gen. Reynolds was killed within fifteen minutes after the firing began ; Gen. Doubleday took his place, acting for some hours in command of the field, when Gen. Howard made his presence known. The llth Corps was thrown in on the right of the 1st Corps, but soon gave way. This threw the weight of all the Confederate forces on the 1st Corps, which had been contending from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. in a single line against double lines of A. P. Hill's troops, who outflanked them for a quarter of a mile on the left, while two 'divisions, under Ewell, came down upon its right flank. The 1st Corps, after successive and desperate echelons of resistance, fell back to the cemetery above the town. The 1st Corps went into this contest about 8200 strong and came out with only about 3500 men. The men fought desper- ately, and there seemed to be no straggling. On this occasion the 1st Corps cap- tured Archer's Brigade, the greater part of Davis' Brigade, and almost annihi- lated Iverson's Brigade. When the enemy pierced the centre of Gen. Meade's line on the ridge the second day Gen. Doubleday's Division (including a brigade of fresh troops from Vermont, under Gen. Stannard, which had been ordered to report to him) was sent to assist in regaining the position. The enemy were already retreating when he arrived, but he followed them up and retook six guns which they had captured. When Pickett's grand charge advanced against the left centre of Gen. Meade's line of battle on the third day it struck Gen. Webb's Division on the right of Gen. Doubleday's command. In their advance the charging column exposed their right flank, and Gen. Doubleday's front line, under Gen. Stannard, wheeled, threw themselves upon the vulnerable point and disordered the enemy's advance to such an extent that they were easily repulsed. On their retreat they occupied temporarily a slashing where trees had been cut to clear the ground for our artillery fire. There two of Gen. Doubleday's regi- ments, under Colonel (now General) Gates, of the 20th New York S. M., charged the slashing, drove out the enemy and completed the rout of Pickett's force. At the close of the action Gen. Doubleday was struck by a piece of shell and knocked from his horse. After the battle Gen. Doubleday ascertained that a junior officer was assigned to the command of the corps. He remonstrated against this and was ordered to report to Washington. President of a military commission at Washington, D. C., for the punishment of fraudulent contractors, deserters and bounty-jumper*, winter of '63-4; July 12, '64, was assigned to the command of a division composed of citizen clerks and about 1200 soldiers in the forts southeast of Washington, D. C., during Early's raid on Washington; April 14, '65, on invi- tation from the War Dept., accompanied an expedition to raise over Fort Sumter the same old flag which had floated there at the beginning of the war ; at Hart Island, N. Y., during a cholera epidemic in 17th Inf., May, '65 ; at Galveston, Texas, during yellow fever epidemic from May, '66, to Sep., '67; at New York 180 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. DOU City as member of a retiring board, '68 ; in chargB of recruiting service on the Pacific Coast, at San Francisco, from April 26, '69, to Dec. 15, 70 ; at Fort Mc- Kavett, Texas, to 72, and then ordered with his regiment to Brownsville, Texas. Oa his way to Brownsville, while crossing the sand desert beyond Corpus Christi, wa-i stung in the night by some venomous reptile. His health was seriously im- paired, and as he had been more than thirty years in service, he applied to be retired. He was offered an indefinite sick leave, but as he could not reconcile himself to receive full pay without rendering any equivalent, he preferred to retire. He did so Dec. 11, 73, on the lineal rank of Colonel. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21-3, '46 ; in Fort Sumter, S. C., when it was first bom- barded, April 12-14, '61 ; in artillery duels with Confederates, Aug. 21-2, '62 ; in baUle of Groveton, Va., Aug. 28, '62 ; in battle of Second Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29-30, '62; in battle of South Mountain, Md., Sep. 14, '62; in battle of Antietam, M'l., Sep. 16-17, '62; in battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec, 12-13, '62 ; in battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 2-5, '63 ; in battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3, '63. Commands held In command of the artillery defenses of Washington, D. C., Aug. 30, '61 , and assigned to the command of the defenses of Washington, D. C., Feb. 3, '62; commanded brigade in King's Division of McDowell's Corps from May to Aug. 30, '62; commanded division Aug. 30, '62 ; in command of brigade from Aug. 30, '62, to Sep. 16, '62 ; commanded division in Army of Po- tomac from Sep. 16, '62; to July 1, '63; commanded 1st Corps July 1, '63; in command of Recruiting Rendezvous at Hart Island, N. Y., from May 15, '65, to '66 ; in command of Galveston, Texas, from May, '66, to Sep., '67. Dougherty, John J. (First Lieut, llth Inf.). Born in 111. Appointed from 111. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '68; graduated June 14, 72. Actual rank2d Lieut, llth Inf. June 14, 72 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 21, '80. Dougherty, William B. (Captain 1st Inf.). Born in Ireland Sept. 29, 1841. Retiring year 1905. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Prv. gen. ser., Corpl., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Go's. K and G, 1st Inf. April 10, '60, to Mar. 18, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. Feb. 19, '63 ; accepted Mar. 18, '63 ; 1st Lieut. April 9. '65 ; Capt. Mar. 1, 78. Brevet rankEvi. 1st Lieut. July 4, '63, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5; in the Peninsula and Fredericksburg campaigns, with Army of Potomac '62 ; in the Vicksburg campaign of '63, with Army of the West; in the Teche and Red River expeditions '64 ; with regiment at New Orleans, La., Aug., '64, to May, '65 ; provost-marshal of the parishes of Jefferson and Orleans, La., to May, "66 ; agent for " Lower Brule " and " Yanktonnai '' Sioux, in Dakota, from March, 78, to November, '81; in Arizona and on the Pacific coast to '90 ; at Fort Gaston, Cal., t> present time. Battles, skirmishes, etc. At the battles of 2d Bull Run, Antietam, action of Shepherdstown, battles of Fredericksburg (com- manding company), action of Leestown (tw> actions), and Snicker's Gap (com- manding company); battle of Big Black River and siege of Vicksburg, Miss., wounded at the siege of Vicksburg; assistant commissary of musters 3d Division; 13th Army Corp;?, Miy, '63, to August, '6t; in the Teche expedition, and engaged at the actions of Grand Coteau (2 actions) and Spanish Lake ; in the Red River expedition, and engaged at the battle* of Mansfield, Pleasant Hill, actions of Bayou Rapids, Alexandria and Bayou de Glaize, La ; engaged in seven (7) minor actions on Bayou Rapids, and in lines covering Alexandria, La., in April, '64 ; battle of Avoyelles Prairie, and action near Mansura, La., April, '64 ; battle on Bayou de Glaize, La., April, '64. Douglass, Henry (Colonel 10th Inf.) Born in N. Y., March 9. 1827. Re- July tiring year 1891 ; appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Academy 1, '47; graduated July T, '52. Actual rankBvt. 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. July 1, '52; 2d Lieut. 8th Inf. Dec. 31, '53 ; 2d Lieut. 9th In Mar. 3, '55 ; 1st Lieut. S^j.t. 10, '56; Capt. 18th Inf. May 14, '61; accepted July 15, '61; Maj. 3d Inf. July 28, '66 ; unassigned Mar. 15, '69 ; Assd. to llth Inf. Dec. 31, 70 ; Lieut. Col. 14th Inf. Jan. 10, 76; C >1. 10th Inf. July 1, '85. Brevet rankBvt. Maj. Dec. 31. for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn. Douglass, William O. (First Lieut, and Brevet Captain U. S. A.) Born in DRE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 181 N. Y. Retired. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. and Sgt. Co. F, 2d Batt, 14th U. S. Inf., from Mar. 10, '62, to July 19, '62; 2d Lieut. 14th Inf. June 30, '62; accepted July 19, '62 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '64. Retired Dec 31, '64, on account of wounds. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. July 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Dowdy, Robert W. (First Lieut. 17th Inf.). Born in Miss. Jan. 31, '54. Retiring year 1918; appointed from Ark. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 75; graduated June 13, 79. ' Actual rank 2d Lieut. 17th Inf. June 13, 79: 1st Lieut. Dec. 12, '85. Service Served at Fort Sisseton, Oct. 28, 79, to March 16, "80; at Fort Yates, D. T. from June 20, '80, till July 10, '83; Prof, of Military Science and Tactics at the University of the South, Teun., Aug. 15, '83, till Aug. 15, '86; with regiment at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., till Nov. 29, '89; on duty at Nashville, Tenn., organizing the National Guard of that State, Nov. 29, '89, to June 1, '90. Staff positions occupied Post. Adj. at Fort Sisseton, Oct. 28, 79, till March 16, '80; Post Adj. of Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., March 15 to April 15, '88. Commands held Indian Scouts at Fort Yates, D. T., from Nov. 15, '80, till June 30, '81. Downey, George M. (Captain and Bvt. Maj. U. S. A.). Born in Maryland. Retired. App. from Va. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 14th Inf. Oct. 26, '61 ; accepted Feb. 13, '62 ; Capt. Oct. 5, '65 ; transferred to 32d Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; trans- ferred to 21st Inf. April 19, '69 ; retired March 6, '88. Brevet rankEvt. Capt. July 2, '63 ; Bvt. Major Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Penna. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. 2d Batt., 14th Inf., Oct., '62, to Mar., '63; Adjt. 2d Batt., 14th Inf., Nov., '64, to Dec. 11, '64; Adj. 14th Inf. Dec. 11, '64, to Oct. 5, '65. Drake, Alexander B. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Louisville, Ky., June 8, 1818. Retired. App. from Kentucky Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. Feb. 21, '57 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61 ; Capt. Oct. 9, '61 ; retired Aug. 27, '62; Colonel 1st Provisional Ohio M., Morgan's Raid, '63. Brevet rank Brevet Major, Lieut.-Col. and Colonel May 31, '65, for faithful and meritorious ser- vices. Honorably mentioned Has letters from Genla. Scott, Gaines, Taylor and others commending him for services in Florida, Mexico, etc. Major Sprague, in his " History of the Florida War," from '36 to '40, speaks in commendatory terms of his services. Service On staff of Col. Loomis, 5th Inf., in the cam- paign during summer of '57 ; at Fort Columbus '58 ; at Forts Randall and Lara- mie, latter part of '58, to July, '60 ; at Camp Joe Holt until July 18, '61, assisted in raising ''Rousseau's Brigade" ; and in Army of Potomac until retired ; re- construction duty, President of Courts '67-69. Staff positions occupied Chief of Engineers on staff of Col. Loomis, 5th Inf., '57 ; Post Adj. Fort Columbus first part of '58; Post Adj. at Forts Randall and Larauiie latter part of '58, to July, '60 ; A. I. G., Phila., Pa., '63 to Nov., '65. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Campaign during summer of '57, resulting in capture and removal west of " Billy Bow- legn." Commands held "Rousseau's Brigade" at break-out of Rebellion at " Camp Joe Holt" until July 18, '61. History Midshipman U. S. Navy June 24, '34; resigned Jan. 28, '37; Civil Eng. attached to Corp-* Topographical Eng- gineers, '39-40 ; Acting Lieut. Co. H, 2d Drag., Post No. 4, Florida, '40 ; Civil Eng. attached to Eng. Corps, Ohio River Improvement Breakwater, Cleveland. Ohio, etc., '42-6; Mexico '47-8; Military Surveyor, Fts. Jackson and St. Philip, Louisiana, '49 ; S. Pacific R. R. Survey '50 ; Florida Ship Canal Survey '53-4 ; Bureau of Construction '54 to Feb. 28, '57. Dravo, Edward B. (First Lieut. 6th Cav.) Born in Penn. Appointed from Penna. Cadet in U. S. Military Academy July 1, 72 ; graduated June 15, 76. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 6th Cav. June 15, 76 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 30, '81. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 6th Cav. May 31, '83, to Oct. 11, '83. JJrew, George A. (Captain 3d Cav.). Born in Mich., March 15, 1832. Re- tiring year 1896. Appointed from Mich.Civil Life. Actual rank dipt. 6th Mich. Vol. Cav. Oct. 11, '62; Maj. Sept. 24, '63; hon. mus. out Oct. 11, '65; 2d Lieut. lOih U. S. Inf. May 15, '66; accepted July 11, '66; 1st Lieut. Mar. 26, '68; uuassigned May 19/69; assd. to 3d Cav. Jan. 1,71; Capt. March 20, 79. 182 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. DRU Jsrevet rank 1st JLieut. Mar. 2, bv, lor gallant ana mentorio campaigns in the Shenandoah Valley, in '64; Capt. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant meritorious services in the campaign against Richmond, Va., in 1865 ; Li< Col. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, for highly distinguished and meritorious services in Brevet rank 1st Lieut. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant^ and meritorious services in the '67, for gallant and Lieut.- Shenaudoah Valley ; Col. Vol. Apr. 9, '65, for highly distinguished and merito- rious services in the campaign against Richmond, Va. Druien, James L. (Second Lieut. 17th Inf.). Born in Mo. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank2d Lieut. 17th Inf. July 1, '86. Drum. John (Captain 10th Inf.). Born in Ireland, June 13, 1840. Retiring year 1904. Appointed from Cal. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 8th Cal. Inf. Dec. 5, '64 ; hon. must, out Oct. 24, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted December 12, '66; 1st Lieut. July 31, '67 ; accepted September 30, J o7 ; unassigned July 22, '69 ; asa'd to 10th Inf. December 15, '70 ; Capt. September 15, '84. Drum, Richard C. (Brigadier General U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Retired. Ap- pointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. K, 1st Pa. Vol. Inf., Dec. It',, M6 ; discharged March 1, '47; 2d Lieut. U. S. Inf., Feb. 18, '47; ace. March 17, '47 ; 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Inf., April 9, '47 ; trans, to 4th Ait., March S, '4* ; l8, to Jan., '60 ; Ord. Officer Art. School, Jan. 9, '60, to April 21, '60. Service Joined the 9th Inf. May 19, '47, and served therewith in the war with Mexico to July, '48, when he joined the 4th Art. and served with that regiment enroutefrom Mex- ico to Fort Monroe, Va., to Aug. 14, '48; at Fort Monroe, Va., to Oct. 21, Fort Pickens, Fla., to April 25, '49 ; Baton Rouge, La., to June 4, '50; on 1 to Oct. 20, '50; on detached service with light battery to March 11, '51 ; with regiment at Fort Columbus, N. Y., to May .23, '51 ; on detached service, conduct- ing recruits to Fort Kearney, Neb., to July 21, '51; with regiment at Ft. Colum- bus, N. Y. H., to Aug 12, '51; Fort Johnson, N. C., to June 6, '52 ; Fort Brady, Mich., to Oct., '53; Fort Leaven worth, Kan , to May 25, '55; on detached service as acting commissary of subsistence of a battalion of the 6th Inf. en route to Fort Kearney, Neb., to July 1, '55; commanding section of Art. in the Topeka expe- dition, July, '56; acting Depot Quartermaster at Fort Leavenworth, Oct., '56; with Regt. at the Art. School, Fort Monroe, Va., from June 4, '58, to April 3, 'Cl ; awaiting orders and en route to Cal., to May 6, '61 ; on duty as Asat. Adj. -Gen. at H'dq'rs Dep. of the Pacific, San Francisco, Cal., to June, '65 ; H'dq'rs Dept. of Cal. to Oct. 1, '66 ; H'dq'rs Dept. of the East, New York City, from Dec. 27, '60, to Jan. 6, '68 ; H'dq'rs 3d Mil. Dist. Atlanta, Ga., to Aug. 1, '68, and of the Dep. of the South to March 20, '69; at H'dq'rs Military Division of the Atlantic, Philadelphia, Pa., from April 3, '69, to Dec. 16, '72, and at New York City to Nov. 26, '73; H'dq'rs Military Division of the Missouri, at Chicago, 111., irom Nov. 28, '73, to May 2, 78 ; on duty in the Adj. -General's offices, Washington, D. C., to date of retirement. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Con- treras, Churubusco, Molino Del Rey, Chapultepec, and Garita de Belen, Mexico, Drum, William P. (Lieut.-Col. 12th Inf.). Born on Governor's Island, N. Y. H., Nov. 16, '33. Retiring year 1897. App. from Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. F, 2d Ohio Inf., June 1, '61, to July 31, '61 ; Lieut.-Col. 5th N. Y. Inf., April 1, '65 ; Col. May 29, '65 ; must, out Aug. 21, '65 ; Cadet Mil. Acad. from July 1, '50, to May 29, '51, and from July 1, '51, to May 11, '52 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf., Aug. 6, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 9, '61; Capt. May 1, '63; Major 14th Inf., June 22, DUA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 183 Lieut.-Col. 12th Inf., Dec. 8, '86. Brevet rank Brevet Major, U. S. A., for gal- lant services during the campaign of '64, before Kichmond, Va.; Brevet Lieut.- G>1., U. S. A., for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Five Forks, Va. Honorably mentioned Received honorable mention in report of Medical Director, Army of the Potomac, '64 (see p. 167, part 1st, Med. Vol., Med. and Surg. History of the Rebellion) ; honorably mentioned in the "Records of the Rebellion," in reports on the battle of Games' Mill, Vol. IX, part II, p. 372 ; second Bull Run, Vol. XII, part II, p. 499 ; Antietam, Vol. XIX, part I, p. 363 ; Chancellorsville, Vol. XXV, part I, pp. 534-5, so far published. Service On duty with company at Georgetown and Washington, D. C.; provost duty to Mar., '62 ; in the field '62-3 ; Acting Inspector, Provost Marshal's Dep. State of Wis., May to July, '63; rejoined Co. in Army of the Potomac, July, '63; Com. Co. in New York City, Aug. to Sep., '63 ; in New York Harbor, and Inspector of Prison Camp, Elmira, N. Y., to Feb., '65 ; rejoined Army of the Potomac March, '65 ; guarding mustered-out troops, Hart's Island, June to Aug., '65; must, out of Vol. service and joined Co. C, 2d U. S. Inf., Aug., '65 ; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., to Nov., '65 ; with Co. at Louisville, Ky., to Sep., '66 ; Military District of Ky., Louisville, Ky., to March, '69 ; on duty with Co. in States of Ala., Ga., Miss, and S. C., to Sep., '76 ; on re- cruiting service at Boston, Mass., to July, '77 ; relieved at his own request and joined Co. in Dep. of the Columbia, participating\in campaigns incident to Nez Perces and Bannock wars of '77 and '78 ; on recruiting service at Boston, Mass., to Oct., '80 ; on duty with company at Fort Colville, Washington Ter., to Aug., '82 ; at Camp on White River, Col., with 14th Inf., to Aug., '83 ; at Fort Sidney, Neb., to June, '84 ; at Vancouver Bks., Washington Ter. Staff positions occupied A. A. A. G. Military District of Ky., to March, '69; Chiei Ambulance Officer, 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac, Feb. to Nov., '64 ; Acting Inspector Gen. for Dep. of Columbia to June, '85 ; trans, as Acting Inspector Gen. to Dep. of Ariz., h'dq'rs at Whipple Bks., Prescott, Ariz., July, '85 ; changed station, with Dep. h'dq'rs, to Los Angeles, Cal., Jan., '87; trans, as A. Ins. Gen. to Dep. of Dakota at St. Paul, Minn., Aug., '88 ; present station '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in first battleof Bull Run, July 21, '61 ; engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, Antietam, action of Shepherdstown Ford, and battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville; and with reserve at the battles of Hanover Court House, Mechanicsville and White Oak Swamp ; engaged at the operations at Mine Run, and with reserve at the battles of Rappahannock Station and Bristoe Station ; present at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna,Tolopotomy, Bethesda Church, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, Poplar Grove Church and first Hatcher's Run ; engaged at the battle of Five Forks, and capitulation of Lee's Army, Appomattox Court House, ya. History Son of Captain Simon A. Drum, 4th Art., who fell while commanding his battery at the Belen Gate, City of Mexico, Sept. 13, '47; at Owatonna, Minn., in the spring of '61, and, at their request, drilled young men for Vol. service; proceeded to Wash- ington, D. C., in May, '61, and made application.for commission in Regular Army; joined Co. F, 2dlnf; commissioned by Governor of Ohio to raise Co. of three years' Vols. ; while so engaged at Springfield, Ohio, received appointment in Reg- ular Army, and resigned State appointment. Duane, James C. (Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Retired. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '44; graduated July 1, '48. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lt. Eng. July 1, '48 ; 2d Lt. Mar. 16, '53 ; 1st Lt. July 1, '55; Capt. 12th Inf. May 14, 61 (declined); Capt. Eng. Aug. 6, '61; Maj. Mar. 3, '63; Lt. Col. Mar. 7, '67; Col. Jan. 10, '83; Brig. Gen. Chief of Eng. Oct. 11/86; accepted Oct. 12, '86; retired June 30, '88. Brevet rank Bvt. Lt. Col. and Bvt. Col. July 6, '64, for meritorious and faithful services in the field in the campaign from the Rapidan to the James, and particularly for distinguished professional services in the operations before Petersburg, Va. ; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Petersburg, Va., and in the campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under Gen. Robert E. Lee. Service Served at West Point, N. Y., company of Sappers and Miners and Pontoniera '48-54; asst. instructor in Practical Military Engineering 184 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. DUC at the Military Academy Sept., '52-Aug., '54; asst. eng. Fort Trumbull, Ct., and Fort Carroll, Md., '54-56; light-house engineer New York District Aug., '56-Mar., '58; in command of Engineer Company, Utah Expedition, Mar.-Oct., '58; in- structor of Practical Military Engineering, and in command of Sappers, Miners and Pontoniera Oct., '58-Jan., '61; served during the war of the Rebellion, in command of Engineer companv, Washington, D. C., Jan.-April, '61 ; Fort Pickens, Fla., Apr.-Sept, '61; defenses of Washington, D. C., Oct., '61-Mar., '62; Harper's Ferry, Va., Feb.-Mar., '62; in command of Engineer Battalion, in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign, Army of the Potomac, and engaged in the actions incident thereto, and in construction of field-works and building bridges across Chickahominy and White Oak Swamp; chief engineer of the Army of the Potomac in ihe Maryland Campaign, and engaged in the actions of that cam- paign, Sept.-Nov., '62; chief engineer of the Department of the South Nov., '62- June, '63; chief engineer of the Army of the Potomac July, '63-June, '65; en- gaged in the actions of the Rapidan and Richmond Campaigns, ending with the capitulation of Gen. Lee; commanding at Willet's Point, N. Y., and superin- tending engineer of the defenses of the eastern entrance to N. Y. Harbor; at eastern stations to '86; at Washington, D. C., as Chief of Engineers to '88, date of retirement. Du Barry, Beekman (Col. and Asst. C. G. of Sub.). Born in New Jersey Dec. 4, 1828. Retiring year, 1892; appointed from N. J. Cadet at the U. S. Sub. Feb. 9, '63; Lieut. Col. Asst. Com'y Gen. May 20, '82; Col. Asst. Com'y Gen. Sept. 3, '89. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for meritorious services during the war; Colonel March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious ser- vices during the war. Staff positions occupied Princ. Asst. Professor of French t the U. S. Mil. Academy from Aug. 31, '59, to May 11, '61; treasurer at the Mil. Academv from Sept. 7, '79, to Aug. 28, '81. Dubois, Richard C. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Retired ; appointed from the Army. Actual r>mk Pvt. Co. K, 6th Pa. Res., Apr. 23. '61 ; discharged Jan. 27, '62; Sgt. Co. B, 17th Pa. Vol. Cav., Sept. 15, '62; discharged Nov. 29, '62; 1st Lieut, and Adj. 158th Pa. Mil. Nov. 30, '62 ; hon. must, out Aug. 12, '63 ; Pvt. Gen.^er. from Mar. 6, '64, to Oct. 10, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. Oct. D, '65; 1st Lieut. Oct. 9, '65; accepted Oct. 10, '65; retired Dec. 15,70, for disa- bility in line of duty. Ducat, Arthur C.( First Lieut. 24th Inf.). B'irn in Chicago, 111.. Sept. 25, 1856. Retiring year, 1920 ; Cadet at Mil. Acad. in 75 ; graduated in 79. Actual rank2d Lieut, llth Inf. June 13, 79; transferred to 3d Cav. Sept. 8, 79; M Lieut. Nov. 30, '83 ; transferred to 24th Inf. Feb. 23, '87. Service Reported for duty at Fort McKinney, Wyo., Oct. 2, 79, and was ordered into the field, with his troop, the next day, to take part in the field operations against the hostile Utes; was initiated into the service by a 250 mile march, in the winter, in Wy- oming; at the close of this campaign was ordered to Fort Sanders, Wyo., with his troop, and served there two years; employed in rebuilding the military road from Rock Creek to Fort Fetterman, and in constructing a bridge over the marshy land between Fort Sanders and the city of Laramie; while en route, in 1881, to take advantage of a long leave of absence, he turned back to his command, hav- ing heard ihat they were ordered after the Ute Indians in Colorado ; was attached to Col. Curleton's command; this command encountered on the 20th of June, in this year, a severe snow-storm, this showing the uncertainty of summer weath-r in Colorado and Wyoming. In '82 was ordered, with his troop, to Fort Russell, Wyo. ; in the summer of '82 his regiment was ordered, post haste, to Arizona, to assist the 6th Cav. in the A.pache campaign ; was in the saddle for 11 of the 12 months he served in Arizona, the time being mostly spent in scouting after Indians and looking up their whereabouts, with small, swift-moving detachments; while stationed at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., was detailed, under instructions from Gen. Crook, to move along the boundary line between the United States and DUD RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 185 Mexico, from New Mexico to the Gulf of California, and to report the condition of affairs there, and examine the position of the monument;! marking the bound- ary line, as a preliminary survey for the information of the Engineer detachment, which was soon to survey the same. The report submitted by Lt. Ducat upon this occasion was of great interest, no one having been over the line since 1854; much that was new and strange was related ; was complimented by Capt. Sy- monds, of the Engineers, for the usefulness of his report. It was of great service to Lt. Ducat later in his long trip over the line. He marched 760 miles in 73 days on this trip, being once three days without water ; detailed as a student at the School of Application at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, graduating there with good standing; reported to his troop at Fort Davis, Texas; the day alter arriv- ing there was sent out in command of a troop of cavalry to guard Viejo Pass, on the Rio Grande, and the water-holes thereabouts, against a party of Apaches, who were said to be coming northward under the chief Geronimo, from Sonora, in Mexico. Upon his return to Fort Davis, was sent, with his troop, to take station at Camp Pena Colorado, Texas ; in the fall of '86 was ordered, in command of his troop, back to Fort Davis ; shortly alter this was ordered, with a troop, to investigate the cattle-stealing and the atrocities of highwaymen on the Mexican frontier, and in the vicinity of Presidio del Norte and Fort Quitman, on the Eio Grande. His report brought him into a little paper war with the Mexican min- i.-ter in Washington. In '87, having grown too heavy for the cavalry service (weighing 245 IDS.), he transferred to the 24th Inf. He reported at Fort Sill, I. T. While here commanded a troop of cavalry in the Indian troubles at Anadarko, the Kiowas having broken out. In May, '88, was ordered to Arizona; he was sent in command of his company to San Carlos, Ariz. In Oct., '88, was Prof, of Mil. Science and Tactics at the Nevada State University ; was the first military officer at this college, and organize! the Military Department there. Staff posi- tions occupied Post Adj., A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., Ord. Officer, Signal Officer and Range Officer at Camp Pena Colorado, Tex. ; Post Adj. and A. A. Q. M. at San Carlos, Ariz. Commands heldC&mp Pena Colorado, Tex. ; Troop in fall of '86 ; Troop of Cav. in the Indian troubles at Anadarko ; Co. at San Carlos, Ariz. History Son of Gen. A. C. Ducat, of Ch cago, who wan the Inspector General of the Armies of the Cumberland and Tennessee, under Rose rans and Thomas. Gen. Ducat was lately the Major General commanding the Illinois State Militia, and commanded it in the great Chicago jiots. Dudley, Edgar S. (First Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in New York, June 14, 1845. Retiring year 1909; appointed from New York. Cadet U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '66; graduated June 15, 70. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st N. Y. L. Art. May 28, '64 ; hon. must. out. Nov. 28, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. June 15, 70; 1st Lieut. Oct. 29, '75. Strvice Reported for duty at regimental headquarters 2d Art., Presidio of San Francisco, Sept. 29, '70; assigned to Battery E, 2d Art.; served at Fort Cape Disappointment (now Fort Canby), W. T., Oct. 10, 70, to Nov. 8, 72 ; Disbursing Officer Freedman's Branch A. G. O. at Fort Macon and Newberne, N. C., December 12, 72, to Aug. 20, 74; on leave of absence Aug. 25, 74, to May 1, 75 ; graduated at Albany Law School, Albany, N. Y. ; Fort Mon- roe, Va. (artillery school), May 1, 75, to May 1, '76 ; on sick-leave of absence July 6 to Nov. 28, 75 ; awaiting orders May 1 to May 30, 76 ; on sick-leave of absence May 30, 76, to Aug. 19, 76 ; Professor of Military Science and Tactics, University of Nebraska, Sept. 2, 76, to June 30, 79; Fort McHenry, Md., with Light Battery "A," 2d Art., July 7, 79, to Feb. 20, '81 ; Washington Barracks, D. C., Feb. 20, '81, to Oct. 1, '81 ; on sick-leave and leave of absence Oct. 1, '81, to Jan. 14, '82; Newport Barrack?, Ky., Jan. 14, '82, to Nov. 21, '84; Prof. Mil. Science, etc., University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 21, '84, to Sept. 1, '88 ; inspecting Neb. N. G. Sept. 1, '88, to Sept. 12, '88, with Reg. and Bat. at Camp structor Department of Law U. S. Inf. and Cav. School, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., since Nov. 2, '89. Staff" positions occupiedA. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Oct. 14, 70, 1SI 186 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. DUD to Nov. 8, 72, and a portion of that time Post Adj. at Fort Canby, W. T. ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Jan. 1, 73, to May 6, 73, at Fort Macon, N. C. ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. March 31 to Sept. 30, '82; Post Adj. Jan. 19, '82, to Nov. 21, '84, at Newport Bks., Ky. ; Aide-de-Camp to Brevet Major General Henry J. Hunt, U 8. A., Com. Dep. South, Aug. 1, '82, to March 3, '83 ; Act. Aide-de-Camp March 3, '83, to Sept. 14, '83, date of Gen. Hunt's retirement ; Act. Judge Advocate Dept. of the South Sept. 18, '82, to Oct, 31, '83 ; Act. Chief O. O. Dep. of the South May 1, '83, to Oct. 31, '83 , when Dep. merged into Dep. East ; Act. Signal Officer A. A.Q. M. and A. C. S. Dec. 31, '83, to March 31, '84; app. Colonel and Aide-de- Camp to Gen. John M. Thayer, Governor Neb., April 8, '87 ; Post Adj. Fort Bar- rancas, Fla., Jan. 27, '89, to May 22, '89. Commands held In command of Bat. and Post Fort Macon, N. C., Nov. 24, 72, to Aug. 25, 74 ; in command of Bat. " G," 2d Art., and Post of Newport Bks. Ky., July 2, '82, to Sept. 29. '82. Dudley, Nathan A. M (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Mass., Aug. 28, 1825. Retired ; appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 10th Inf. March 3, '55 ; accepted March 23, '55; Capt. May 7, '61; Maj. 15ih Inf. Sept 13, '64 ; transferred to 24th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; unassigned March 15, '69 ; ass'd to 3d Cav. Dec. 15,70; Lieutenant-Colonel 9th Cav. July 1, 76; Colonel lt Cav. June 6, '85; Colonel 30th Massachusetts Infantry March 1,'62; honorably mus- tered out of Volunteer service Feb. 16, '65. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Aug. 5, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Baton Rouge, La. ; Brevet Lieut.-Cjl. June 14, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Port Hudson, La. ; Bvt. Col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services dur- ing the war; BvU Brig.-Gen. Vols. Jan. 18, '65. Service Recruited for hU own Co. (E), at Springfield, Mass. ; conducted 250 recruits to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., in Aug., '55; attached to Sioux Expedition under Gen. Harney, with his Co. mounted on ponies '55-6; marched from Fort Laramie, Wyo., to Fort Snelling, Minn., fall of '56 ; on expedition in Jan., '57, from Fort Snelling in pursuit of In-ka-pa-du-ka's band of Sioux; in the Utah expedition of '57, when the com- mand was forced to winter on Black's Fork, and subsist on half rations without salt, for five months; in rearguard of the expedition in abandoning Salt Lake Valley in '61 ; at Washington, D. C., to Feb. 5, '62 ; on duty in Boston inspect- ing volunteer troops until expedition sailed for New Orleans ; assigned to the command of the steamship " Mississippi " with 1600 men on board, and took part in the operations terminating with the capture of New Orleans, '62 ; in June, '62, ordered with three regiments to Baton Rauge, La. ; in July ordered to the point opposite Vicksburg to assist in making a new channel for the boats to pass that point ; returned to Baton Rouge with his regiment Aug. 1 and on the 1th was assign3d to the command of the right wing of the forces at that place, consisting of the 30th Mass., 21st Ind., 4th Wis., 6th Mich., 7th Vt., mortar section of bat- tery attached to 21st Ind., two batteries Mass. Vol. Art., and one troop of Mass. Cav. ; in the battle of 5th, upon the fall of Gen. Williams, was in command of all the f >rces engaged ; the movements of all the troops, after the death of Gen. Williams, were controlled by him ; from Aug. 18, '62, was in the defenses of New Orleans, La., and on staff duty in the city to the spring of '63 ; in expedition to Port Hudson, March, '63 ; made two reconnoisances to Port Hudson May 17-19, '63, and in the capture of that place July 8, '63; in various expeditions and en- gagements in Louisiana in the remaining part of '63 ; in the Red River expedi- tion '64 ; ordered to New Orleans in command of Camp Carrollton, to organize a cavalry force for the expedition to Mobile in May ; relieved from duty in the Dep. of the Gulf, at his own request, on the cessation of hostilities in that region, and ordered to 19th Army Corps in the Shenandoah Valley; on reaching Wash- ington was assigned to the command of all the convalescent cavalry there, some 2000 in number, and moved with them toMonocacy Junction, where he distribu- uted them to thair proper organizations ; assigned to command 3d Brig. 19th Corp*, Oct. 12, '64 ; in Feb., '65, ordered to report to Gen. Thomas, Com'g Dep. of the C -lumbia, and was assigned to duty on his brevet rank of troops stationed at Tullahoma, Tenn., March 7, '65, consisting of nine regiments of infantry and one of cavalry, with one battery of artillery, known as the "defenses of Chattanooga DUN RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 187 and Nashville E. R. ;" held this command to the close of the war; in charge of Freedman'a Bureau at Memphis, Tenn. ; relieved by Gen. Howard, but reinstated by the President; assigned to command district of Vicksburg, Miss., to '68 ; in command of Natchez, Miss., until fall of '68 ; at Galveston, Tex., to '69 ; Military Supt. of Prisons at Huntsville, Tex., to 70 ; in Dept. of Arizona to Jan., 71 ; in Dept. of Platte to 76; in New Mexico to '80; on expedition to Mexico in pur- suit of Apaches in '80 ; in New Mexico until '81 ; on leave of absence for gix months to fall of '81 ; in New Mexico to '82 ; in Kansas to '85; in Indian Terri- tory to June, '85 ; in Dep. of Dakota to '89. Commands held In command of party to capture Cheyenne Indians '56 ; expedition against Sioux Indians '57 ; at Baton Rouge to Aug. 18 ; defenses of New Orleans to Dec., '62 ; 3d Brig., Augur's division, operations against Port Hudson, La. ; expedition up Mississippi River to open communication with Com. Farragut; forces stationed at Merrill's Plantation to May 21, '63 ; brigade, naval batteries and four horse batteries in ciptureof Port Hudson, July, '63; expedition to Cox's Plantation; defenses of Biton R mge to fall of '63; cavalry brigade in Red River expedition to April 20, '64; Camp Carrollton, La., May, '64; 3d Brigade, 1st Div., 19th Corps, Oct. 12, '64; troops in and about Tullahoma, Tenn., from March 7, '65, to close of war; exercised command of various stations on the Indian frontier from the close of the war until retired from active service. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Action of Blue Water, I. T., Sept. 3, '55; capture of New Orleans, '62; battle of Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5, '62; battle of Plain Store, May 21, '62; capture of Port Hudson, La., July 8, '63; Cox's Plantation, July 11, '62; Cane River, Wilson's Log Cabin, Death's Hill, Vermilion Bayou and Sabine X Roads, '64. Duff, George (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Scotland. Retired ; app. from p a ._ Civil life. Actual rank Priv., Corp. and 1st Serg't Co. D 102d Pa. Inf., August 16, '61, to January 1, '63; 2d Lieut. 102d Pa. Infantry January 1, '63; hon. must, out September 23, '64; 2d Lieut. Veteran Reserve Corps September 15, '64 ; accepted Sept. 24, '64 ; hon. must, out Nov. 23, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 43d Inf., July 28, '66 ; accepted Nov. 24, '66 ; transferred to 1st Inf. April 8, '69 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 13, 73 ; retired June 28, 78. Service Belonged to Couch's Division, 4th Corps, on the Peninsula, the Division being afterwards transferred to the 6th Corps. The Brigade Commanders were Gens. J. J. Peck, A. P. Howe and Frank Wheaton; commencing with the Peninsula Campaign '62, participated in all the campaigns, skirmishes and battles incident thereto that fell to the lot of that part of the above command to which he belonged, until wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 6, '64. Duff, Robert J. (Second Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in Penna. Appointed from Mich. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 79 ; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank2d Lt. 8th Cav., June 13, '83. Dugan, Thomas B. (First Lieut. 3d Cav.). Born in Md. Appointed from Md. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 78; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank Add. 2d Lt. 10th Cav. June 13, '82; 2d Lieut. 3d Cav. June 26, '82 ; 1st Lt. Oct. 29, '88. Duggan, Walter T. (Captain 10th Inf.). Born in England April 11, 1843. Retiring year 1907 ; appointed from the Army. Actual rankPvt. Co. B, 5th Wis. Vol. Inf., June 13, '61 ; discharged Aug. 31, '63 ; Hosp. Stwd. U. S. A. Sept. 7, '63 ; discharged Mar. 23, '63; 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Inf. Jan. 3, '67; accepted Mar. 23, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 13, 74; Capt. Aug. 1, '86. Dunbar, George W. (Post Chaplain). Born in New York. Appointed from Wisconsin Civil life. Actual rank Post Chaplain Aug. 15, 76 ; accepted Sept. 7, 76. Duncan, George B. (Second Lieut. 9th Inf.). Born in Ky. Appointed from Ky. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82; graduated July 1, 86. Actual rank2d Lt. 9th Inf. July 1, '86. Duncan, Joseph Wilson (Captain 21st Inf.). Born at Fort Ewell, Tex., 188 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. DUN June 29, 1853. Ketiring year 1917. Appointed from Mo. Civil life. Actual rank'2d Lieut. 21st Int. Oct. 1, 73; 1st Lieut. May 10, 78; Captain April 24/88. Service Joined at Fort Vancouver, Wash. Ter., Dec. 1, 73 ; joined Co. " H " at Camp San Juan Island, San Juan Archipelago, Jan. 5, 74, until abandonment of post, July 17, 74; from there to Fort Townsend, Wash. Ter., which had been practically abandoned for many years ; on det. ser., arresting and delivering to C. O. Fort Townsend, *' Aiah," a chief of the Neah Bay Indians, from Oct. 12 to 16, 74 ; changed station, by sea, to Fort Vancouver, W. T., remained thereuntil Sept. 16, 74; on leave to Dec. 15, 76 ; at Fort Vancouver, W. T., April 30, 77 ; changed station to Fort Walla Walla, W. T. ; det. ser. at Fort Lapwai, Idaho, from June 16 to 20, 77 ; in the field, Nez Perce Campaign, from June 21 to July 22, 77 ; sick at Camp Sully, Idaho, from July 22 until Aug. 10; reported convalescent at Fort Lapwai, Aug. 13 ; marked "duty '' Aug. 20 ; left Fort Lapwai Sept. 3, and pro- ceeded, in charge of property belonging to Gen. Howard's Command, to Fort Vancouver, W. T., remaining there irom Sept. 11, 77, to June 5, 78 ; in the field, Bannock Campaign, until Aug. 13,78; at Baker City, Oregon, on duty, until Sept. 23 ; reported at Fort Walla Walla, W. T., remaining until Oct. 23, disburs- ing funds and settling Q. M. accounts ; joined Co. at Fort Klarnath, Oregon, Nov. 3, 78 ; on det. ser. at Vancouver Bks., W. T., from July 9 to 27, 79, as a rep- resentative shot from Fort Klamath, competing for the Division Commander's Prize ; on leave of absence from Oct. 15, '80, to April 5, '81 ; on det. ser. conduct- ing recruits from David's Island, N. Y., to Fort Lowell, Ariz., to May 17, '81 ; at Vancouver Bks., W. T., until June 19, '82; on det. ser. at Fort Klamath, Oregon, from Oct. 30, '82, to Feb. 8, '83; at Vancouver Bks. from March 1 to Aug. 31. '83; on General Recruiting Service, at David's Island, N. Y. H., from Sept. 3, '83, to Nov. 7, '84; at which date he rejoined Co. at Fort Sidney, Neb. ; on leive from Sept. 5 to 12, '85; at Camp Howard, Beatrice, Neb., G. A. R. Encampment ; left Fort Sidney Aug. 7, '86 ; proceeded to Fort Bridger, Wyo. ; left Aug. 10, marched 123 miles, to establish Fort Du Chesue, Utah, arriving there Aug. 19; on det. ser. at "Ouray Ind. Agency," inspecting Beef Cattle, from Oct. 10 to 15; on leave from Nov. 27, '86, to March 10, '87 ; reporting at Fort Sidney March 15, '87, for regimental Staff duty to May 21, '88; promoted Captain Co. "E"; on det. ser. with Co. from Aug. 12 to Oct. 11, '88, at Camp of Instruction, Camp John R. Brooke, Kearney, Neb., marched 438 miles ; on leave from Oct. 22 to Nov. H, '88; on det. ser. with Co. from Aug. 11 to .Sept. 28, '89, at Camp of Instruction, Camp George Crook, Fort Robinson, Neb., marched 228 miles; at Fort Sidney, Neb., to . Staff position* occupied Post Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S.at C.imi Juan Island Jan. 5 to July 17, 74 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Towiueml, W. Ter., from July 18 to Oct. 12, 74; Adj. of Art. and Inf. Batt. in the field. " Perce Campaign, 1 ' June 21 to 30, 77 ; Adj. Inf. Batt., Go's B, C, D, E, H and I, 2lst Inf., June 30, 77 ; and Batt. Q. M. July 14, 77 ; Q. M. of Batt. Inf. and Art. in the field, Bannock Campaign ; Depot Q. M. at Baker C/ty, Oregon, from Am:. 13 to Sept. 23, 78 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Klamath, Oregon, from Nov. 21, 78, to Dec. 31, 79 ; Post Adj. Fort Klamath, Oregon, from Jan. 1 to June 4, '80; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S.at Vancouver Bks., W. T., March 1 to 16, '82 ; Post Adj. and Act. Reg. Adj. 21st inf. from June 14 to Oct. 16, '85; A. A. Q. M. from July 10 to Aug. 11, and A. C. S. from July 10 to Aug. 31, '85 ; A. A. G- to Gen. H. A. Morrow, Com g encampment G. A. R. of Neb., at Camp Howard, Beatrice, Neb.; Post Adj. Fort Sidney, Neb., from July 1 to Aug. 7, '86; Range Officer from July 17 to Aug. 7, '86; Post Adj. Fort Du Chesne from Aug. 23 to Sept. 27, '86 ; Regi- mental Adj. 21st Inf. March 15 to May 21, '88. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Partici- pated in engagement with hostile Nez Perce Indians on South Fork of the Clear- water River, Idaho, July 11 and 12, 77 ; present and participated in an engage- ment against hostile Indians at Umatilla Agency, Oregon, July 13, 78. Com- mands held Pout at Fort Townsend, W. T., from Sept. 8 to Oct. 12, 74 ; Co. " H '' Nov. 11, 74, until Sept. 16, 75 ; Co."F" from Feb. 2 to March 2, and from April 1 to 28, '80; Co. "F" June 5, '80, to Sept. 12, '80; Co. "F" from Oct. 27 to Nov. 28, '81 ; Co. " F " from June 5 to 19, '82 ; Co. " C " from Oct. 30, '82, to Feb. 8, '83 ; Post at Fort Sidney, Neb., from July 20 to Aug. 8, '85; Co. "A" from July 17 to DtT RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 189 Aug. 7, '86 ; Batt. 21st Inf., Go's B, F, I and K, on march from Fort Bridger Wyo to Fort Du Chesne, Utah, Aug. 10 to Aug. 23, '86. Dunn, Beverly W. (Second Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in La. Appointed from La. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 79; graduated June 13, '33. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d Art. June 13, '83. Dunn, Thomas S. (Major and Brevet Lieut. Col. U. S. A.). Born in Ind. Retired. Appointed from lad. Civil Life. Actual rankPvt. Co. G, 1st Ind. Vol. Inf., June 14, '46; discharged June 15, '47; Capt. 9th Ind. Vol. Inf. Apr. 24, '61 ; hon. must, out July 29, '61 ; Capt. 12th U. S. Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted July 4, '61 ; trs. to 21st Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; Maj. 8th Inf. Feb. 19, 73; trs. to 12th Inf. May 14, 77; retired June 29, 78, for disability not incident to service. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Aug. 1, '64, for gallant services in the battle of the Wil- derness and during the campaign before Richmond, Va.; Lieut. Col. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Dunn, "William McK. (Captain 2d Art. and Brevet Major). Born in Ind. Aug. 20, 1843. Retiring year 1907; appointed from Ind. Civil Life. Actual rankPvt. Co. K. 6th Ind. Vol. Inf., Apr. 18, '61; discharged Aug. 2, '61; Pvt. Co. C. 67th Ind. Vol. Inf., Aug. 8, '62; discharged Nov. 19, '62; 2d Lieut. 83d Ind. Vol. Inf. Nov. 19, '62; 1st Lieut. Oct 4, '63; hon. must, out Apr. 20, '65; Capt. A. A. G. Vol. Apr. 9, '65; accepted Apr. 21, '65 ; hon. must, out May 3, '66 ; 1st Lieut. 10th U. S. Inf. Nov. 29, '65 ; accepted Mar. 2, '66 ; Capt. 21st Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Dec. 10, '66 ; unassigned Apr. 19, '69 ; assd. to 2d Art. Jan. 1, 71. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaigns and battles of Vicksburg, Mississippi, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Richmond and Petersburg, Va. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5; in the field with Army of the West, and engaged in Sherman's first assault on Vicks- burg, and in the various campaigns for which he was brevetted. Dunning, Samuel W. (First Lieut. 16th Inf.) Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy June 14, 76 ; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank2d Lt. 16th Inf. June 12, '80; 1st Lieut, Sept. 6, '86. Staff positions occupied Adj. 16th Inf. Apr. 26, '87. Dunton, Warren R. (First Lieut. U. S. A.) Born in Vt. Retired. Ap- pointed from Vt. Civil life. Actual rank 1st. Sgt. Co. E, 5th Vt. Inf., Sept. 16, '61 ; discharged June 20, '62; 2d Lt. 5th Vt. Inf. June 21, '62 ; 1st Lt. Dec. 14, '62 ; hon. must, out Mar, 31, '63; 1st Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps Oct. 15, '63 ; accepted Oct. 21, '63; Capt. Jan. 5, '65; accepted Jan. 13, '65; Bvt. Maj. Mar. 13, '65; hon. must, out June 30, '66 ; 2d Lt. 2d U. S. Inf. Jan. 22, '67 ; accepted M ir. 26, '67 ; unassigned Mar. 28, 70; assd. to 19th Inf. Aug. 3, 70; 1st Lt. Dec. 31, 72; retired June 28, 78. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lt. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; Bvt. Maj. Vols. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious serviceR during the war. Dunwoody, Henry H. C. (Capt. 4th Art.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Iowa. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad., Sept, 1, '62; graduated June 18, '66. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th Art. June 18, '66; 1st Lieut. Feb. 5, '67; Capt. June 17, '89. Durfee, Lucius L. (Second Lieut. 17th Inf.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U, S. Military Academy July 1, '82; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 17th Inf. July 1, '86. Durham, Cass (Captain U. S. Army). Born in Ind. Retired. Appointed from Ind. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '60 ; graduated June 23, '65. Actual rank2d Lieut. 16th Inf. June 23, '65 ; 1st Lieut. June 23, '65; transferred to 25th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; transferred to 18th Inf. Apr. 26, '69; Capt. June 30, 77. Retired June 15, '87. Staff positions occupied A.. A. Q. M. 25th Inf. June 22, '68, to Apr. 26, '69. Dutton, Clarence B. (Captain of Ordnance). Born in Conn. May 15, 1841. Retiring year 1905; appointed from Conn. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lt. Adj. 21st Conn. Inf. Sept. 5, '62 ; Capt. Mar. 1, '63; hon. must, out June 14, '64; 2d Lieut Ord. Jan. 29, '64; accepted June 14, '64; 1st Lieut, Mar. 7, '67 ; Capt, June 23, 74. Service In the War of the Rebellion '62-5 ; in the field with Army of the PotDmac in the campaigns of Fredericksburg and Southeast Va., and before 190 RECOBDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. Richmond from '62 to '65 ; at Watervliet Arsenal, West Troy, N. Y., from Jan., '65, to Oct.. 70 ; at Frankford Arsenal from Oct., 70, to Nov. ; at Washington, D. C., '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle of Frederickaburg, siege of Suffolk, battle of Cold Harbor, action of Bermuda Hundred, and battle of Drury's Bluff. Duval, J. Harry (First Lieut. 18th Inf.). Born in D. C. Appointed from Penn. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Sig. Corps Aug. 10. '80; discharged Oct. 29, '80 ; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. Oct. 10, '83 ; accepted Oct. 13, '83 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 16, '89. Duval, William P. (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in Maryland Jan. 13, '47. Retiring year, 1911; graduated at Mil. Acad. June 15, '69. Actual raw* 2J Lieut. 5th Art. June 15, '69 ; 1st Lieut. April 9,77. Service Joined regiment Sept. 30, '69 ; served with it at Fort Adams and at Artillery School till Aug. 28, 72 ; Instructor in Mathematiis at West Point from Aug. 28, 72, to Aug. 28, 79; on duty with Battery at Atlanta, Ga., till April 27, '80, from Nov. 1, 79, having per- mission to delay joining till this last date on account of yellow fever in the South ; served at Artillery School from May 1, '80, to July 25, '81; Professor of Military Science and Tactics at Pennsylvania Mil. Acad. till July 1, '84; on duty with battery till July 5, '84; on duty in Adjutant General's Office, Washington, from July 7, '84, to Sept. 10, '89 ; from July, '84, to Nov., '86, was disbursing officer of the Government Expositions at New Orleans, Louisville and Cincinnati ; from July, '84, to Sept., '84, was Recorder of Board of Kansas War Claims, and from July 7, '84, to Sept. 10, '89, Secretary and Treasurer Army Mutual Aid Associa- tion ; on duty with Battery at Fort Schuyler, N. Y., from Sept. 12, '89, to date. & positions occupied A.. C. S. at West Point, N. Y., the last four years of duty, end- iiuAu*. 28, 79. Dwyer, Charles G. (Second Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in Texas. Appointed from Texas. Cadet at tbe U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank2d Lieut. 21st Inf. July 1, '86. Dyer, Alexander B. (First Lieut. 4th Artillery). Born at Fayetteville Arsenal, N. C., March 28, '52. Retiring year, 1916 ; app. from at large ; gradu- ated at Mil. Acad., class of 73. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th Art. June 13,73; 1st Lieut. Aug. 13, 75. Staff positions occupied Adj. 4th Art. Sept. 6, 79, to March 31, '87. History Eldest son of the late Gen. A. B. Dyer, Chief of Ord- nance. Dyer, S. Allen (First Lieut. 23d Inf.). Born in Ark. Appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2Sd Inf. Aug. 31, 76 ; accepted Aug. 31, 76 ; 1st Liert. April 10, '85. Eagun, Charles P. (Captain and C. S.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from Wash. Ter. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 1st Wash. Ter. Inf. June 21, '62 ; hon. must, out April 1, '65; 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Inf. Aug. 30, '66; accepted Sept. 5, '66; 1st Lieut. Jan. 2, '69; unassigned June 14, '69; ass'd to 12ch Inf. Dec. 31, 70 ; Capt. Com. Sub. June 23, 74 ; accepted July 3, 74. Eakin, Chandler P. (Captain and Bvt. Maj. U. S. A.). Born in Phila., Pa., Dec. 26, '36. Retired; app. from Penna. Civil life. Actual rank Private Ind. Co. Pa. Hy. Art. Apr. 24, '61 ; discharged June 25, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. Aug. 5, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 26, '61 ; Capt. 42d Inf. (declined) July 28, '66; Capt. 1st Art Oct. 1, 74; retired Jan. 14, '88. Brevet rank Brevet Captain for gallant and merit- orious services in the battle of Williamsburg, Va., and Brevet Major for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Service With Co. in Maryland to Oct., '61; in the field '62-3; joined battery Jan., '64; on recruiting duty April, '64, to Jan., '65 ; joined and commanding battery in front of Peters- burg, Va., and engaged in General Sheridan's march to North Carolina; at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H., Oct., !65, to April, '66; recruiting duty Philadelphia to Feb., '67; court-martial duty New York City Nov., '66; at Fort Monroe, Va., Jan. 28, '68, to Nov., '68; en route to and at McPherson Barracks, Atlanta, Ga., Nov., '68 ; at Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., from Dec., '68, to May 1, '69; at Fort Schuyler, New York Harbor, from May 31, '69; at Fort Wood, N. Y. H., until Nov., 72; at Key West, Fla., from Nov., 72, until March, 74; at Barrancas in EAR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 191 74, during yellow fever epidemic, his old wounds re-opening, he was taken to New Orleans, from there to his home in Phila., Oct., where he remained on sick leave until Dec., 75, when he joined his Battery *'F" at Fort Adams, R I.; remained there until July, 76 ; from there to Fort Sill, Ind. Ter., during the T II . - A.t- - A. J.i . 1-A_T^-_.i-C.ll f TTT 1 -r^. s~* rV then to Mauch Chunk; returned to Fort Adams in Nov., 77; joined, with bat- tery, the troops in the Yorktown celebration, '81 ; in Nov., '81, changed station in the siege of Yorktown and battle of Williamsburg (severely wounded) ; com- manding battery and engaged at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. (severely wounded). Commands held Battery at battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; in front of Petersburg, Va. ; ten batteries of regiment during the riots of 77. History Son of Lieut. C. M. Eakin, 2d Art., and Grandson of Paymaster Samuel H. Eakin, U. S. A. Earle, Richard T. (First Lieut. 2d Inf.) Born in Maryland. Appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank Cadet at Military Academy from Sept. 1, '64, to Dec. 26, '67 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf., Nov. 5, 75 ; accepted Nov. 9, 75 ; 1st Lieut., June 22, '82. Earnest, Cyrus A. (Captain 8th Inf., Brevet Major). Born in Pickaway Co., Ohio, Feb. 15, 1840. Retiring year 1904. App. from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank Private 2d Ohio Vol. Inf. April 17; '61 ; discharged July 31, '61 ; Serg.Co. H, 30th Ohio Vol. Inf., Aug. 21, '61 ; discharged Dec. 20, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 30th Ohio Vol. Inf. Dec. 20, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 12, '62; Captain Sept. 1, '63; hon. must, out Aug. 13, '63 ; appointed 2d Lieut. 33d U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted April 3, '67; transferred to 8th U. S. Inf. May 3, '69 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 1, 72; Cap- tain April 19, '86. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. U. S. A. March 2, '67, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; Brevet Captain U. S. A. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta cam- paign ; Brevet Major U. S. A. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Fort McAllister, Ga.; Brevet Lieut. Col. of Vols. March 13, '65, for valuable and constant services during the war. Honorably mentioned By the Com. Gen. Dept. of the Columbia, through the A. A. Insp. Gen., on the Nez Per- ces Indian campaign of 77, as follows : " The General commanding the Depart- ment directs me to express to you his appreciation of your services on two occa- sions during the late campaign. In obtaining supplies from Ft. Custer, Mont., and in spite of obstacles bringing them to the troops at the right time and place, you displayed an energy and zeal worthy of commendation. Again, in making a forced journey of about eighty miles through an Indian country, with- out rest or regard to your personal safety, thereby accomplishing the result de- sired, you showed that the confidence of the Commanding General in your zeal, energy and perseverance, which had led to your selection for the duty, had been well placed. ' Service In the Army of the Potomac during the War of the Re- bellion ; on the first Bull Run campaign, '61 ; in the W. Va. campaign, having marched from Clarksburg, Sept. 2, '61, and making winter quarters at Fayette C. H., took part in the several attempts to strike the Va. and E. Tenn. R. R., en- camping subsequently from May to Aug., '62, on Flat-top Mountain ; joined the Army of the Potomac with the Kanawha Div. at Warrenton Junction, Aug. 25, '62, and assigned with left wing to Gen. J. C. Robinson, Com. Prov. Brig. Kear- ney's Div.; in the second Bull Run and the Antietam campaigns; returned with Kanawha Div. to W. Va. and camped for the winter on Kanawha River ; em- barked with Kanawha Brig. (30th, 37th and 47th Ohio, and 4th Mo. Inf.) Dec. 31, '62, on steamboats and joined Gen. Sherman's army at the mouth of White River, Ark., Jan. 15, '63, the brigade becoming 1st Brig , 2d Div., 15th Army Corps, and so remaining with unimportant changes to the close of the war; in oper- ations in and about Vicksburg, which culminated in the surrender of that 192 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. EA8 place, July 4, '63 ; in siege of Jackson, Miss., July 10-17, '63 ; on recruiting ser- vice in Ohio from Aug. to Nov., '63 ; rejoined army Nov. 28, 63 ; at Chattanooga and in Cantonment at Larkinsville, Ala., winter of '63-4; on "veteran furlough" March to May, '64, and subsequently participated in the Atlanta campaign and " the march to the sea " and through the Carolinas, '64-5 ; in the march to Wash- ington, D. C*, participating in the grand review at that place in May, '65 ; joined 33d U. S. Inf. at Atlanta, Ga., April 18, '67, and was employed in reconstruction duty in the State of Alabama to June, '68 ; on company duty at Huntsville, Ala., until consolidation of 8th and 33d regiments, May 3, '69, and then at Charleston, S. C., to June, '69, when transferred to Co. K, June, '69 ; subsequently changed station to Charleston Oct., '69, and then with regiment transferred by sea to David's Inland, N. Y., where stationed to July, 72 ; on Yellowstone expeditions '72-3-4; transferred to Arizona Aug. 14, '74, and remained there to 77; on the Nez Perce* campaign July to Nov., 77; at Fort Yuma, Cal., Nov., 77, to Feb., 78; at San Diego, Cal., Feb. and March, 78; on leave of absence in Europe April to Nov., 78; on general recruiting service Oct., '80, to Oct., '81 ; at Angel Island, Cal., Oct., '83, to Aug., '86 ; at Fort McDowell, Ariz., Aug. to Nov., '86 ; regiment transferred to Dept Platte Dec., '86 ; at Fort Niobrara from Dec., '86, to present date; on summer march and camp, '87 ; on summer march and camp (Brooke), '88; on summer march and camp (George Crook), '89. Staff posit in us occupied Adjt. 30th Ohio Vol. Inf. March 29, '63, to May 22, '63; A. A. Insp. Gen. 2d Div., 15th Corps, Aug. 5, '64, to May 31, '65 ; Senior A. D. C. 15th Army Corps in grand review at Wahington. May, '65; A, D. C. with rank of Major to Gen. W. B. Hazen, June 22, '65, to Feb. 10, '66; Post. Adjt. at Rome, Ga., June to Aug., '68 ; A. A. Q. M. at Demopolis Oct. and Nov., '88 ; A. A. Q. M. at Fort Yuma, Cal., 74 to 78 ; A. A. Q. M. at Benicia Brks., Cal., Feb. to Sept., '80; A. A. Q. M. Fort Bidwell, Cal., Jan.. '82, to Sept, '83 ; Reg. Q. M. 8th Inf. and A. A. Q. M. at Angel Island, Cal.. March 1, '84, to June 30, '86. Battles, skirmishes, ^c.Bitt'e of first Bull Run, Va., July 21, '61; engagement at Cornifex Ferry, Sept. 10, '61; battle of Second Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29-30, '62; battles of South Mountain and Antietam, Sept. 14 and 17, '62 ; in demonstration on Snyder's Bluff, Miss., May 18, '63 ; in sie?e and capture of Vicksburg, Miss., from May 18, including assaults of May 19 and 22, (wounded) to July 4, '63 ; battles of Kenesaw Mountain June 27, Nickajack Creek, July 3, Decatur July 20, and Atlanta, Ga., July 22-28 ; in the minor affairs of Halesboro' and Clinton, Ga., and the assault and capture of Fort McAllister, Ga., Dec. 13, '64; in skirmishes at Anglesey's Cro s Roads, North Edisto River, Saluda and Broad Rivers, and Peay's Ferry, S. C., and the battle of Bentonville. N. C., March 20, '65. Commands held Com. Co. in affair at Frederick City, Md., and battles of South Mountain and Antietam ; com. escort to special paymaster to Eastern Cherokees Sept., '69; comg. Co. in Yellowstone expedition of 73 ; comg. Fort Yuma, Cal., Nov., 77, to Feb., 78; comg. San Diego Brks., Cal., Feb. to May, 79 ; comg. Belleview Rifle Range, Neb., during competitions of '87. History Student of the Ohio Wealeyan Uni- versity at breaking out of the Rebellion ; at the close of the war graduated at Starling Medical College, Columbus, Ohio, Feb.26, '67. On the Nez Perces expe- dition under the personal orders of Gen. O. O. Howard, Com., left the com- mand at reveille at Canon Creek and rode to Fort Caster, Mont., near 70 miles, by retreat, and then back the next day between 2 A. M. and 10 P. M. over an unbroken road, with loaded wagons, clothing and equigage, rejoining the command at Bak- er's battle-field, on the Yellowstone, about 45 miles ; also left the command on Cedar Creek, Judith Basin, at 12 M., Oct. 27, and rode to Carrol, Mont., to inter- cept if possible and secure a steamer to tranfer the command across the Missouri, arriving at 6 A. M., Oct. 28, 80 miles, using a single horse only and traveling for the most part in the wake of the enemy. Eastman, Frank F. (Second Lieut. 14th Inf.). Born in Illinois. App. from 111. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank2d Lieut. 14th Inf. June 13, 79. Eastman, James E. (First Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in Massachusetts. Ap- pointed from Mich. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, July 1, '62 ; graduated BBS KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 193 June 18, '66. Actual rank 23. Lieut. 2d Art. June 18, '66 ; 1st Lieut. May 6, Eaton, John B. (First Lieut. 3d Art. and Brevet Captain). Barn in New York. Appointed from New York Civil life. Actual rank Captain 27th Battery N. Y. Vol. Art. Dec. 17, '62 ; hon. must, out June 22, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. May 27, '67; accepted June 7, '67; 1st Lieut. April 7, '70. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. May 27, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in action before Peters- burg June 17, '64 ; Captain May 27, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in action before Petersburg April 2, '65 ; Maj. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious conduct in action before Petersburg, Va., June 17, '64; Lieut. Col. Vol. April 2, '65, for erallant and meritorious conduct before Petersburg, Va. Eaton, Joseph Horace (Major and Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Salem, Mass., Oct. 12, 1815. Retired. Appointed from 111. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, '31 ; graduated July 1, '35. Actual rankRvt. 2d Lieut. 3d Inf. July 1, '35 ; 2d Lieut. Oct. 30, '36 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 3, '38 ; Capt. June 18, 46 ; resigned Dec. 31, '56; Major, Paymaster April 21, '64; ace. April 29, '64; retired Jan. 24, '81 ; Major and additional Paymaster June 1, '61; vacated April 29, '64.- Brevet rank Brevet Major Sept. 23, '46, gallant and meritorious conduct in the several conflicts at Monterey; Lieut.-Col Feb. 23, '47, gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Buena Vista, Mexico; Lieut.-Col. March 13, '65, merito- rious and valuable services in the pay department during the war; Col. March 13, '65, meritorious and valuable services as assistant to the Paymaster-General ; Brig.-Gen., faithful and meritorious services in the pay department. Service On duty frontier of Texas, '36, with Genl. Gaines; Asst. instructor of Inf. Tactics U. S. Military Academy, '39-43 ; with Genl. Zachary Taylor in Mexican War '45-48; with Genl. Fremont in Missouri in '61 ; Paymaster with troops in Kansas '61-63; Assistant to Paymaster-General U. S. A. in P. M. G. office, Washington, D. C., Gen. Gaines, Comdg. Western Div. at New Orleans, La., Feb. to June, '49; A. D. C. to Gen. Fremont, in Missouri, in '61. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Palo Alto, Eesaca de la Palma, Monterey and Buena Vista, in Mexican War. History Son of Asst. Surer. Joseph Eaton, U. S. A., who died March, '60. Ebert, Rudolph GK (Captain and Asst. Surg.). Born in New York; ap- pointed from Oregon Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. June 16, '80 ; accepted June 24, '80 ; Capt. Asst. Surg. June 16, '85. Ebstein, Frederick H. E. (Captain 21st Inf.). Born in Prussia Apr. 21, 1847. Retiring year 1911 ; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. " H," 4th Inf., Nov. 18, '64, to Oct. 19, '67 ; 2d Lt. 18th Inf. Sept. 12, '67; accepted Oct. 19, '67 ; unassigned April 26, '69; ass'd to 21st Inf. July 14, '69; 1st Lieut. Feb. 19, '73; Capt. April 1, '85. Service Joined company in Virginia; served at Battery Barracks, N. Y. H., Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H., Fort Wayne, Mich., '65-66 ; chief clerk Headquarters Dept. of the Ohio and Headqrs. Dept. of the Lakes, Detroit, Mich., to March, '67; at Headquarters Dept. of the Platte, Omaha, Neb., March to Oct., '67 ; at Fort Fetterman, D. T., to June, '68 ; at Fort Sedgwick, Col. T., to March, '69, and at Atlanta, Georgia, April, '69; on waiting orders, by reason of consolidation of 18th and 25th Inf., to July, '69; at Camp Date Creek, A. T. (and in charge of Apache-Mojave and Apache- Yuma Indians), Sept., '69, to August, 72 ; at Camp San Juan Island, W. T., Sept., '72, to March, '74 ; on detached service at Sitka, Alaska, Sept. and Oct., '73 ; at Vancouver Bar- racks, W. T., to May, 73, and at Fort Klamath, Oregon* May, 74, to July, 76, and Vancouver Barracks, W. T.; Nez Perce Expedition June to Oct., 77; engaged against hostile Nez Perce" Indians at Cottonwood, Idaho, and Camas Meadows, Montana; Bannock Expedition June to Sept., 78; engaged against hostile Bannock Indians at Umatilla Agency, Oregon ; Vancouver Barracks, W. T., Sept., 78, to Dec., '79 ; at Vancouver Barracks, W. T., to Sept., '80 ; on general recruiting service David's Island, N. Y. H., Oct., '80, to Oct., '82 ; on leave of absence in Europe to May, '83; at Fort Canby, W. T., May, '83, to Sept., '83;. at 194 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. ECK Vancouver Barracks, W. T., to June, '84; at Fort Sidney, Nebraska, since July, '84 ; in the field, Southern Kansas, July and Aug., '85 ; in the field Rock Springs, Wyo., Sept. and Oct., '85 ; in camp at Grand Island, Neb., Sept., '86, and at Omaha, Neb., Sept., '87 ; member of Examining Board Omaha, Neb., May, '88; in summer Camp Kearney, Neb., Aug. and Sept., '88 ; member of Examining Board Omaha, Neb., March and April, '89 ; in summer camp at Fort Robinson, Neb., Aug. and Sept., '89 ; Recorder Court of Inquiry Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Oct., '89 ; on special duty Washington, D. C., in connection with establishment of Canteens since Nov., '89. Staff positions occupied Post. Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. June, '68, to March, '69; Post Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Sept., '69, to Auor., 72 ; Post. Adj. A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Sept., 72, to March, '74; A. A. A. G., district of the Lakes, and Post Adj. May, '74, to July, '76; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. June to Oct., '77; A. C. Q. M. staff of Brevet Maj.-Gen. O. O. Howard June to Oct., 77 ; Chief Q. M. in field Staff Gen. Howard June to Sept., 78; disbursing Q. M. Sept., 78, to Dec., 79; depot Adj. principal depot David's Island, N. Y. H., Oct., '80, to Oct., '82; Post Adj. A. A.'Q. M. and A. C. S. May to Sept., '83; A. A. A. G. July and Aug., '85. Eckels, William H. (Major and Paymaster). Born in Cumberland Co., Pa., Feb. 11, '31. Retiring year 1895. App. from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 9th Pa. Cav. Oct 17, '61 ; Capt. May 22, '63 ; hon. must, out Nov. '64; Major and Paymaster March 3, 75 ; ace. March 22, 75. Service The regi- ment, upon its organization, was sent to Kentucky, and his whole volunteer ser- vice was in the Army of the Cumberland; was originally assigned to duty as Regimental Staff Officer, and afterwards with Brigadier General Green Clay Smith's Cavalry Brigade, at Franklin, Tenn.; when relieved of this duty, May, '63, was assigned by Major Gen. Rosecrans as Asst. Commissary of Musters to one of the Brigades, 2d Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland ; upon the re-enlistment of the troops as veterans, was directed by the Commanding Gene- ral (General Geo. Crook), to proceed to Nashville, Tenn., and re-muster there the veterans of the Brigade upon the completion of this duty, was directed by Major General George H. Thomas (March, '64) to report for similar duty to Major General L. H. Rousseau, and on whose staff he served until date of muster out of service ; was with Brigadier General Carter on his raid into East Ten- nessee (Dec., '62), when he burned the railroad bridges at Union and Carter Sta- tions on the East Tennessee Railroad, just previous to the battle of Stone's River ; served as Paymaster at various points in Departments of the South, Arizona, California, Columbia, Platte and Dakota. Staff" positions occupied R. Com. and R. Q. M. of 9th Pa. Cav., afterwards A. A. Q. M., of Brig. Gen. Green Clay Smith's Cav. Brigade until May, '63. Battles, skirmishes, etc. During service participated in numerous scouts, raids and skirmishes made by our Cavalry and in pursuit of Rebel Cavalry raiding within our lines, in Kentucky and Tennes- see, Northern Georgia and Alabama; participated in the battles around Rich- mond and Lexington, Ky., Perryville, Ky., and Chickamauga, Tenn. History 1st Lieut. Lochiel Cavalry (afterwards designated 9th Penna. Cavy.) by Col. E. C. Williams, who was authorized by the Secretary of War (Hon. Simon Cameron) to recruit for the U. S. Service a regiment of Cavalry, at Camp Cameron, Har- risburg, Pa. ; appointed Paymaster by President U. S. Grant. Eckerson, Theodore H. (First Lieut. 19th Inf.). Born in Oregon, March 16, '51. Retiring year 1915. App. from at large, from Wash. Ter. ; graduated from Mil. Acad. June 17, 74. Actual rank2d Lieut. 6th Inf. June 17, 74; resigned Sept. 15, 75 f 2d Lieut. 19th Inf. Aug. 15,76; ace. Aug. 27, 76; 1st Lieut. Oct. 11, '82. Service Served on frontier duty at Fort Lincoln, Dak. Ter., Oct. 3 to Dec., 74, and Standing Rock Indian Agency to Sept. 15, 75; resigned Sept. 15, 75 ; served at Recruiting Depot, Fort Columbus, N. Y., Sept. 17, 76, to March 3, 77; on frontier duty Rt Fort Dodge, Kan., March 11 to July 9, 77, and Fort Elliott, Texas, July 21, 77, to Dec. 8, 78, and on leave of absence Dec. 8, 78, to March 9, 79; at Ft. Elliott, Tex., March 9, 79, to Sept. 22. 79, and at Ft. Dodge, Kan., Oct. 3, 79, to Oct. 27, 79; in the field with Gen'l Mackenzie's ECK RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 195 Ute expedition Oct. 27, 79, to Nov. 7, '80; at Ft. Hays, Kan., Nov. 9, '80, to Dec. 6, '80; on leave of absence Dec. 6, '80, to Jan. 5, '81 ; at Ft. Hays, Kan., Jan. 5, '81, to Oct. 30, '81; at Ft. Brown, Tex., Nov. 7, '81, to Dec. 12, '82, passing through yellow fever epedemic; at Ft. Clark, Tex., Dec. 13, '82, to April 4, '83; on leave of absence (Boston, Mass.) April 4, '83, to July 3, '83; at Fort Clark, Tex., July 3, '83, to May 12, '89 ; on det. ser. at Camp Neville Springs, Tex., Feb. 7 to July 18, '87, and at Camp Del Rio, Tex., May 15 to Sept. 15, '88; at Mt. Vernon Bks., Ala., May 12, '89, to . Staff positions occupied Adj. Batt. 16th and 19th Inf. and of 3d Batt. Inf. Column (also A. A. A. G. during the last month) in the field with Gen. Mackenzie's Ute expedition Oct. 27, '79, to Nov. 7, '80 ; Post Adj. Fort Clark, Tex., Aug. to Oct., '86 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. 8. at Mt. Vernon Bks., Ala., May to July 23, '89. Commands held Seminole Negro Indian Scouts, Feb. 7 to July, '87 ; Camp Del Rio, Tex., May 15 to Sept. 15, '88 ; Co. " F, " 19th Inf. at Mt. Vernon Bks., Ala., to . History Prof, of Mili- tary Science and Tactics Riverview Military Academy, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; telegraphed for appointment to serve in the field after Custer Massacre ; 2d Lieut. 5th Cavalry Aug. 15, '76 ; cancelled Sept., '76, there being no vacancy ; son of Major Theo. Eckerson, Quartermaster U. S. Army. Eckerson, Theodore J. (Major U. S. A ). Born in New York, Jan. 22, '21. Retired. Appointed from Wash. Ter. Civil life. Actual rank Private Co.'s "I" and"C," 3d Inf., Dec. 20, '38, to Dec. 20, '43; Private Co. " C," 3d Inf., Dec. 25, '43, to Jan. 21, '48; Private, Corp., Sergt. and 1st Sergt. Co.'s "H" and " L," 1st Art., Sept. 15, '48, to Feb. 17, '53 ; M. S. K. Ord. Dept. Sept. 16, '53 ; accepted Oct. 31, '63 ; Capt. A. Q M. March 21, '65; accepted May 10, '65 ; Major Q. M. Jan. 24, '81 ; retired Jan. 22, '85. Brevet rank Brevet Major March 21, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the Qr. Mr. Dept. Service Joined 3d U. S. Inf. at Fort Towson, Choctaw Nation, May 3, '39; served in Florida Campaigns of '41 and '42; at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., April, '43, to May, '44; at Camp Wilkins, near Fort Jessup, La., May, '44, to July, '45 ; with the army for the occupation of Mexico and on march to the Rio Grande July, '45, to April, '46 ; on march to Monterey via Tampico Dec. 11, '46, to Jan. 20, '47 ; in Camp at Tam- pico and on voyage to Vera Cruz Jan. 21 to March 9, '47, and in investment of Vera Cruz to March 29, '47 ; on march to interior and in party of reconnois- sance of heights of Cerro Gordo to April 17, '47 ; dis. Jan. 21, '43 ; enlisted in 1st U. S. Artillery Sept. 15, '48 ; en route to Fort Vancouver, Oregon, on board U. S. S. "Massachusetts," via Rio de Janeiro, Straits of Magellan, Valparaiso, and Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, November 10, '48, to May 15, '49 ; agent of the U. S. Ord. Dept. in charge of Ord. Depot, Vancouver, W. T., April 1 to Sept. 15, '53 ; com. as Military Storekeeper of Ordnance Sept. 16, '53, and in charge of Vancouver Ord. Depot to Dec., '58 ; at Benicia Arsenal, Cal., Jan. 18, '59, to Nov. 5, '61 ; Vancouver Arsenal Nov. 12, '61, to Nov. 17, '65 ; member of board for examination of Candidates for commissions in the U. S. Army Nov., '65 ; Depot and Post Q. M., Fort Boise, and Chief Q. M. and Chief Com. of Sub., Dis. of Boise, Idaho, April, '66, to Jan., '67 ; P. Q. M., Little Rock Arsenal, Depot Q. M. Little Rock, and Chief Q. M., Dis. of Ark. Mar. 17, '68, to Sept. 15, '68; Post Q. M., Shreveport, La., and Depot Q. M. and Depot Com. of Sub., Shreveport, La., Nov. 12, '68, to Mav 7, '69; Depot Q. M., Jefferson, Texas, Sept. 1, '69, to Aug. 12, 70; Depot Q. M., Waco, Texas, Aug. 23 to Nov. 17, '70; Post Q. M., Fort Richardson, Texas, Dec. 1, '70, to April 15, '71 ; P. Q. M. and Q. M. of Art. School, Fort Monroe, Va., Oct. 19,72, to March 11,75; Depot Q. M., Bis- marck, N. D., April 23 to July 9, 75 ; Post Q. M., Fort Adams, R. I., August 1, 75, to June 23. 77 ; P. Q. M., Fort Brown, Texas, and Chief and Dis. Q. M., District of the Rio Grande, July 12, 77, to Feb. 28, '81 ; Depot Q. M., Boston, Mass., April 27, '81; Chief Q. M. and Dis. Officer Dist. of Mont., Aug. 20, '83. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In battle of Palo Alto May 8, '46 ; in battle of Resaca de la Palma May 9, '46; in occupation of Matamoras and march to Monterey May 17 to Sept. 19, '46 ; in battle of Monterey Sept. 21, 22 and 23, '46 ; in battle of Cerro Gordo (member of storming party) April 18, '47 ; in capture and occu- pation of Jalapa, and on march to and in occupation of Puebla April 18 to Aug. 196 EECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. EDQ 7, '47 ; in battle of Contreras August 19 and 20, '47, and battle of Churubusco (in storming party) Aug. 20, '47 ; in battle of Chapultepec and capture of City of Mexico Sept. 13 and 14, '47. Commands held Vancouver Arsenal Nov. 12, '61, to Nov. 17, '65. Edgar, William Francis (Major U. S. A.). Born in Kentucky. Retired. Appointed from Mo. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Mar. 2, 49; ace. April 15, '49; Capt. Asst. Surg. March 2, '54; Major Surg. May 21, '61 ; retired Aug. 27, '62 Service At Jefferson Barracks, Mo., en route with 2d U. S. Dra- goons to Fort Leaven worth, Kan.; with U. S. Mounted Rifles and en route to Oregon ; in an expedition to Utah and at Fort Hall (Cantonment Loring), Rocky Mts., to April, '50; in Oregon and Washington Territories to April, '51 ; in an ex- pedition against the Rogue River Indians with 1st U. S. Dragoons; en route to California to Aug., '51 ; at Sonoma and Benicia, Cal., with 1st Dragoons and 2d Infantry'; at Camp Miller, Headwaters San Joaquin River, with 20th Infantry; in an expedition with 2d Inf. against hostile Indians in Yosemite Valley and Sierra Nevada Mountains to Sept., '52; at Fort Redding, headwaters Sac- ramento River, with 4th Infantry ; en route with 1st United States Dragoons to establish Fort Tejon, Southern California; paralyzed on the morning of December 9, '54, the result of the previous night's exposure in a snow-storm in the mountains, and exhaustion from unusual exertion while hunting for a wounded soldier; en route for Washington, D. C., April, '55; at Jefferson Bar- racks, Mo., with 2d U. S. Cavalry; en route to Texas by sea; at Hd. Qrs. Dept. Texas in '56 ; en route by sea, and in Florida with 2d U. S. Art. in '5'>; en route by sea, with the sick of the troops serving in Florida for New York Harbor ; at Fort Wood, N. Y. H., to '57;* en route by sea to Cal., with recruits; at Fort Miller, Cal., with 3d Art.; at the Presidio, San Francisco, with recruits; on sick report; at Benicia, Cal., with 6th U. S. Inf.; in an expedition with 1st Dragons against the Mojavs Indians, on the Colorado River, to '58; in an expedition against the Mojave Indians in Arizona with 6th Inf. and 3d Art. to '."'. ; at Camp Prentice, Southern California; at San Diego, California, with tkli and 4th Infantries, to November, '61 ; en route by sea with 4th Infantry for Wash- ington, D. C. ; in the Army of the Potomac; in General Buell's Army in Ky. ; in charge of Gen. Hospital in Louisville; Medical Director, Dist. Cairo, Ills., to '62 ; sickness relapse of old infirmities not able w> take the field ; re- tired from active service August '62 ("for disability in line of duty"); in Medical Director's Office, Department of East, as Examining Surgeon ; in Washington, D. C., as member of a Board to organize the Signal Corps; sell- ing out and closing up the Genl. Hospitals Dept. of the East to v : en route by sea, with Cavalry recruits, for Cal., March, '66; Post Surg. at Drum Bks., Cal., to May 21, '69, when upon application was relieved from duty for one year ; was not again aligned to duty. Eagerly, Windfleld S. (Captain 7th Cav.). Born in N. H. May 29, 1846. Retiring year, 1910 ; appointed from N. H. Cadet at the U. S. Military Acad- emy July 1, '66 ; graduated June 15, '70. Actual ran/:2d Lieut 7th U. S. Cav. June 15, '70 ; 1st Lieut. June 25, 76 ; Capt. Sept. 22, '83. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 7th Cav. from June 25, 76, to Nov. 14, 76. Edgerton, Wright P. (First Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in Ohio Nov. 14, 1852. Retiring year, 1916; appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 70 ; graduated July 17, 74. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Art. June 17, 74 ; 1st Lieut. Mar. 23, '81. Service Assigned to Battery M, 2d Art., serving at Unionville, S. C., and at Ft. Johnson, N. C., till May 1,76; at the Artillery EGB RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 197 structor and asst. professor of Mathematics from Aug. 28, '82, till Aug. 28, '87 ; with Batteries I and K at Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, La., until Aug. 1, '#8 ; with Batterv K at Ft. Wadsworth, N. Y. H., until Jan. 28, '89 ; at the Military Academy, West Point, as instructor of Mathematics. Staff positions occupied On detached service as A. A. Q. M. in charge of the Army and Navy GenJ. Hos- pital, Hot Springs, Ark., from Aug. 1, '88, till Nov. 1, '88. Bdie, Guy L. (Captain and Asst. Surg.). Born in Va. Appointed from Va. Civil life. Actual rankA&st. Surg. Dec. 3, '83; accepted Feb. 18, '84: Capt Asst. Surg. Dec. 3, '88. Edmunds, Frank H. (Captain 1st Inf.). Born in Mich. Appointed from Dak. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '66 ; graduated June 12, '71. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Inf. June 12, '71; 1st Lieut. May 6, 79; Capt. Jan. 24, '89. Edwards, Clarence R. (Second Lieut. 23d Inf.). Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '79; gradu- ated June 13, '83. Actual rank2d Lieut. 23d Inf. June 13, '83. Edwards, Eaton A. (First Lieut. 25th Inf.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from the Army. Actual rankPvt. Co. K, 10th Conn. Inf., Oct. 16, '61 ; dis- charged Aug. 25, '64; hosp. steward Aug. 26, '64; discharged July 16, '80; 2d Lieut. 25th Inf. June 24, '80 ; accepted July 16, '80 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 1, '87. Edwards, Frank A. (First Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Pa. Appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Cav. Oct. 1, '73: accepted Oct. 13, '73; 1st Lieut, Sept. 7, 79. Egan, John (Major 1st Art,). Born in Vt. July 23, 1837. Retiring year, 1901; appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1,'58; graduated June 17, '62. Actual ra?ik2d Lt. 1st U. S. Art. June 17, '62 ; 1st Lieut. May 19, '64; Capt. llth Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Nov. 26, '66 ; unas- signed Apr. 1-1, '69 ; assd. to 23d Inf. Sept. 1, '69; trantferred to Art. Arm Dec. 31, 70 ; assd. to 4th Art. Dec. 31, 70 ; Major 1st Art, Jan. 25, '89. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Sept. 17, '62, lor gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Md. ; Bvt. Capt. July 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Penn. ; Bvt. Major June 1, '64, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Cold Harbor, Va. Service In war of the Be- bellion, '62-5 ; in the field with the Army of the Potomac, '62-4 ; prisoner of war from June to Dec., '64 ; in the Army of the James, '65. Egan, Peter R. (Capt. and Asst. Surg.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rankAs&t. Surg. May 23, '82 ; accepted June 17, '82 ; Capt. Asst, Surg. May 23, '87. Egbert, Augustus B. (Captain 2d Infantry). Born in N. J. Appointed from N. J. Civil life. Actual rank Surg. U. S. Vol. Nov. 5, '61 ; accepted Nov. 15, '61 ; hon.must. out Oct. 7, '65; 2dLt. 21st U.S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Jan. 4, '67; unassigned Apr. 19, '69; assd. to 8th Inf. July 14, '69; transferred to 2d Infantry May 26, 70 ; First Lieutenant December 18, '73 ; Captain May 27, '89. Brevet rank Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Volunteers October 6, '65, lor faith- ful and meritorious services. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. December 18, 73, to March 8, '87. Service In San Francisco, Cal., to March, '62; chief medical officer District of Humboldt, Cal., and in charge of the Humboldt Gen- eral Hospital to March, '64 ; in charge of the Wright General Hospital, and post surgeon at Presidio of San Francisco, Point San Jose, and Fort Point, Cal., to July, '64 ; chief medical officer District of Oregon to July, ; 65 ; chief medical officer District of Arizona to Oct. '65 ; acting assistant surgeon U. S. A., '65 ; at Tallahassee, Fia., '66-9; at Tallahassee, Fla., Dec., 70; at St. Augustine, Fla., May, 71 ; at Atlanta, Ga., Jan., 73 ; at Jefferson vi lie, Ind., 77 ; in the Nez Perces War in Washington and Idaho Territories, 77; at Spokane Falls, W.T., 77; at Fort Cceur d'Aldne, Idaho, 78; at Fort Colville, W. T., 78; at camp on the Columbia River at Foster Creek, W. T., 79; at Vancouver Barracks, W. T., '80; at Fort Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, '81 to '86; at Fort Omaha, Neb., to . Egbert, Harry C. (Major 17th Infantry). Born in Pa., Jan. 3, '39. Ke- tiring year 1903. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 12th Inf. Sept. 23, '61 ; accepted Sept. 24, '61 ; Capt. April 1, '65 ; Major 17th Inf. 198 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. EKI April 23, '90. Brevet rank Brevet Captain for gallant services at the battle of North Anna, Va. ; Brevet Major U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Bethesda Church, Va. Honorably mentioned In the " Records of the Rebellion," in the report* of Gens. Doubleday and Newton on the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., series I, Vol. XXVII, part 1, pp. 256-263, as far as published. Service In the field during the Civil War, '61-5 ; Commissary of Musters 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac, March, '63; on Inspection duty in the state of Illinois; at Georgetown, S. C., '68 ; Montgomery, Ala., '68-9 ; at various posts and in the field in California and Arizona from '69 to '82 ; Judge Advocate Dept. of Arizona, '80-2, and engaged in campaigns against White Mountain and Chiricahua Indians, '81-2; on duty at Madison Barracks, N. Y., '83 to 87; on recruiting service at Columbus Bks., Ohio, from '87 to '89; at Fort Sully, S. D., to . Staff posi- tions occupied Adj. 2d Batt., 12th Inf., March, '62. Battles, skirmishes, etc. En- giged at the battle of Cedar Mountain, captured and confined in Libby Prison ; exchanged Nov., '62; engaged at the battle of Fredericksburg; engaged at the battles of Rippahannock Station, Chancellorsville, Va., and Gettysburg, Penna. ; captured by rebels, and escaped; engaged in the operations at Mine Run, battles of the Wilderness, Liurel Hill,Spottsylvania, North Anna, and Bethesda Church, Va. (wounded). Commands held At Georgetown, S. C., com. post, '68; com- manding post of Montgomery, A!a., '68-9; commanding post of Camp Indepen- dence, Cat., '69-73 ; commanding post of Fort Yuma, Cal., '74-5 ; commanding battalion 12th Inf. in Nez Perces campaign, '77 ; commanding post of Benici* Birracks, Cal., '77-8; commanding battalion 12th Inf. in Bannock campaign, '78; commanding post of Fort Verde, Ariz., 78-80; at Fort Sully, S. D., since '89. H'Mort/ Member of the Pnila. B.ir, '60; son of Medical D, rector Daniel Egbert, U. S. N., and grandson of Col. Richard Dennis, 18th Inf., in 1815. Bafglestan Millard P. (First Lieut. 10th Civ.). Born in Ind. Appointed from Ind. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1,73; graduated June 15,77. Actual RankZ\ Lieut. 10th Cav. June 15, 77: 1st Lieut. April 30. Bkin, Jamea Adams (Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General U. S. A.). Born in PH., Aug. 31, 1819. Retired. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. A rank 1st Lieut. 12th Pa. Vol. Inf. April 25, '61; hon. must, out Aug. 5, '61 ; Captain and A. Q. M. of VoK Aug. 7, '61 ; accepted Aug. 10, '61 ; vacated April 14, '63; Lieut. Col. and Q. M. Vol. Feb. 15 to Aug. 1, '64; Cjl. and Q M. V Aug. 2, '64 to Jan. 1, 67; appointed Captain and A. Q. M. U. S. A. March 13. accepted April 14, '63; Lieut. Cjl. and Deputy Quartermaster General July '66; accepted Dae. 3, '66; Col. and Asst. Q. M. Gen'l Feb. 13, '82. Brevet rank Bvt. Brig. Gan. of Vols. March 8, '65; Bvt. Major, Lieut. Col. and Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. ^ for faithful and meritorious services in the Quartermaster's Department during the war. Honorably mentioned lu various reports by Gen. M. C. Meigs, Q. M. Gen. of the Army; specially commended in direct communication by President Lincoln, the Hon. Eo>in M. Stanton, Secretary of War, General Halleok, Chief of Staff, General J. J. Reynolds, commanding Fifth Military District, Hon. Oliver P. Morton, Governor of Indiana, Maj. Gen. Irvin McDowell, U. S. A., and the Hon. Thomas A. Scott, Assistant Secretary of War. Service A. Q. M., A. C. S., A. O. O., and in charge of fund for collecting, drilling and organizing volunteers, at Pittsburgh, Pa., to Oct., '61 ; A. Q. M. at Indinapolis, Ind., to Dec. 24, '63 ; Chief Q. M. Cav. Bureau at Washington, D. C., to Feb. '64; Chief Q. M. Cav. Corps, Army of the Potomac, to Aug., '64; Cjl. and Q. M. in charge of 1st Division of the Q. M. General's Office, Washington, D. C., Aug., '64; on duty in the office of the Q. M. General, Acting Q. M. General of the Army, in the absence of the Q. M. General, April, 70; Chief Q. M. of the 5th Military District and Department of Texas, May, 70; Chief Q. M. Div. and Department of the South, May 8, 72j in charge of the Jefiersonville depot of the Q. M. Dept. and Disbursing Agent of the Q. M. D.; Louisville, Ky., Aug. 31, '83 ; retired from active service at Jeffer- Bonville depot of the Q. M. D. and disbursing Agent of the Q. M. D., Louisville, Ky., under the provision of Section 1, of the Act of Congress, approved June 30, '82 (S. 0. 200, Headquarters of the Army). History -Member of the Guard ELL, RECORDS OF LIVING OEFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 199 of Honor at the funeral of President Lincoln in '65 ; member of the commission that tried the murderers of President Lincoln in '65. General Ekin is a grandson of Col. Stephen Bayard, a Lieut. Col. in the Revolutionary War, of distinguished record, and a friend of Gen. Washington. Elbrey, Frederick W. (Captain U. S. A). Born in Va., 1841. Retired; app. Irom N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Nov. 16, '68; ace. Nov. 26, '68; Capt. Asst. Surg. Nov. 16, '71 ; retired. Service At Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., from Dec., '68, to '70 ; at Omaha Barracks, Neb., to '70 ; Post Surgeon Fort McPherson, Neb., to June, 72; Post Surgeon Beaver City, Utah, to oept., 74; on leave of absence Oct, 74, to April, 75 ; Post Surgeon Lebanon, Ky., to Aug., 75; Post Surgeon Frankfort, Ky., to June, 76; Post Surgeon McPnerson Bar- racks, Atlanta, Ga, to Jan., 77 ; on detached service with 2d Inf., to Idaho in field and in temporary camp at Spokane Falls, Wash. Ter., July to Nov., 77 ; Post Surgeon Oglethorpe Barracks, Savannah, Ga., to April, 79; on sick leave to Nov., 79; Post Surgeon Fort Bayard, N. M., to Feb., ; 81 ; Post Surgeon Fort Union, N. M., to June, '82 ; on sick leave from July, '82; found incapacitated for service on acc't of injuries incurred in line of duty by a Retiring Board May, '87. Elderkin, William A. (Major and C. S.). Born in Potsdam, N. Y., May 15, 1839. Retiring year 1903 ; app. from N. Y. ; graduated Mil. Academy, class of '61. Actual rank 2d It. 1st Art. May 6, '61 ; 1st it. May 14, '61 ; Capt. Com. sub. July 4, '64 ; ace. July 21, '64 ; resigned commission of 1st lieut. 1st Art. Aug. 16, '64 ; Major and C. S. Sept. 3, '89. Brevet rank Maj. bvt. March 13, '65, " for faithful and meritorious ser. during the war." Service Purchasing and Depot Commissary, Yankton, Dak., to Sept. 26, '80; Purchasing and Depot Commissary, Cheyenne, Wy., to Jan. 25, '81 ; Chief Commissary, Department of Arkansas, Little Rock, Ark., to May 25, '81 ; Purchasing and Depot Commissary, Cheyenne, Wyoming, to April 13, '83 ; Chief Commissary, Dep't. of the Columbia, Vancouver Bks., Wash. Ter., to Nov. 18, '84; Purchasing and Depot Commissary, Newport Bks., Kentucky, to Sept. 30, '88 ; Chief Commissary, Dep't. of Arizona, Los Angeles, Cal., Oct.* 11, '88, to date. Eldridge, Bogardus (First Lieut. 10th Inf.). Born in Ala. Appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 10th Inf. Aug. 31, 76 ; accepted Sept. 12, 76 ; 1st Lieut. May 21, '83. Elliot, George H. (Lieut. Col. of Engineers). Born in Mass. March 31, 1831. Retiring year 1895; appointed from Mass. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '51 ; graduated July 1, '55. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lt. 4th Art. July 1, '55 ; 2d Lt. 1st Art. July 1, '55 ; transferred to Engineers Jan. 26, '57; 1st Lt. Aug. 3, '61 ; Captain March 3, '63 ; Maj. March 7, '67 ; Lt.-Col. Aug. 8, '82. Brevet rank~Bvi. Maj. March 13, '65, for meritorious services during the war. /Service Served in garrison at Fort Columbus, N. Y., '55; frontier duty, '56; Fort McHenry, Md., '56-57 ; assist, eng. in the construction of the defenses of San Francisco Harbor, '57-61; served during the War of the Rebellion; superintending engineer forti- fications San Francisco Harbor July-Nov., '61 ; asst. engineer in the defenses of the Pacific Coast Nov., '61, to Nov., '65; superintending-engineer of the fortifica- tions of Alcatraz Island March, '62, to Jan., '67 ; of the fort at Fort Point Jan., '67, to Feb., 70 ; of defenses of the Pacific Coast, Nov., '65, to Jan., '67, and of sur- veys for military defenses near San Francisco, Cal., Jan., '67, to April, '69; member of Board of Engineers for Pacific Coast Dec., '66, to Feb., 70; engineer, secretary of the Light-house Board, April, 70, to May, 74 ; inspecting light-house system in Europe April-Sept., 73 ; in charge of the Washington Aqueduct Nov., 70, to Oct., 71 ; assistant to the chief of Engineers May, 74, to Nov., '82; super- intending engineer of the improvement of the Conn. R., Conn., Nov., '82, to May, '83; of the harbor of Scituate, Provincetown, and Plymouth, Massachusetts, March-April, '83 ; of the harbors of Wareham and Hyannis, Mass., and Stoning- ton, Conn., March, '83, to April 1, '87 ; of the harbors of Nantucket and Wood s Holl, Mass., Newport and Block Island, R. I., the rivers Taunton, Mass., and Providence and Pawtucket, R. I., Narragansett Bay, R. I., Little Narrangansett Bay, R. 1. and Conn., and of the defenses of Narragansett Bay, R. I., and New Bedford, Mass., Nov., '82, to Apr. 1, '87 ; member of Joint Board of Army and Navy 200 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. EME Officers on location, etc., of bridge over the Thames River at New London, Conn., June-July, '83; on sick leave of absence in Europe from June, J 87, to July, '89 ; Chief Eng., Washington Aqueduct July, '89, to date. Civil history Author of ''Light- house Establishments in Europe," 74; and of the "Presidio of San Fran- cisco," 74. Elliott, William George (Second Lieut. 9th Inf.). ; Born in San Fran- cisco, Cal., May 22, 1863. Retiring year 1927; app. from D. C. ; graduated from Military Academy, class of '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. June 15, '8(5. Service Sept. 28-Nov. 7, '86, Ft. Thomas, Ariz.; Nov. 7-Dec. 1, '86, in the field with Tr. M, 10th Cav. ; Dec. 1-Dec. 12, '86, Ft. Thoma?, Ariz. ; Dec. 12, '86-Mardi 31, '88, in tbe field at San Carlos Apache Indian Agency, police control of White Mt. Ind. Res.; March 3l-May 13, '88, Ft. Thomas, Ariz.; May 12-May 23, '88, in the field ; May 23-June 15, '88, Ft. Thomas, Ariz. ; June 15-July 3, '88, in the field; July 3-Dec. 10, '88, Whipple Barracks, Ariz.; Dec. 10, '88-Jan. 17, '89, in the field with Tr. I, 10th Cav. ; Feb. 6-June 22, '89, Ft. Mojave, Ariz. ; Sept. 1, '89, to present time, '90, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. Staff positions occupied March 11-Aug. 21, '87, Adjt. San Carlos, Ariz.; March 11-Aug. 23, '87, A. A. Q. M.. A. C. S. San Carlos, Ariz.; Apr. 3-June 12, '88, Adjt. Ft. Thomas, Ariz. ; Feb. 5- June 30, '89, A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. Ft. Mojave, Ariz. Commands held Go. A Indian Scouts March 11-Nov. 30, '87, San Carlos, Ariz. HutorySon of Lt. Col. G. H. Elliot, Corps of Engineers U. S. Army. Elliott, Charles P. (First Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in S. C. Appointed from S. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 78; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank2d Lieut. 13ih U. S. Inf. June 13, '82; trs. to 4th Cav. June 7, '83 (to rank in Cav. June 28, '82) ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 2, '88. Elliott, Stephen H. (Second Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in Ga. Appointed from Texas. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82; graduated July 1. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 4th Cav. July'l, '86; 2d Lt. th Cav. July 5, '86 ; transferred to 5th Cav. June 20, '87, to rank from Oct. 24, '86. Ellis, Eugene A. (First Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 72; graduated June 15, 76. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 8th Cav. June 15, 76; 1st. Lieut. Oct. 9/82. Service Asst. Prof, of French at Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. ; bince August 28, '84. Ellis, Prank W. (Second Lieut. Signal Corps). Born in Texas. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. and Sgt. Sig. Corps Jan. 5, '82, to Aug. 16, '85 ; 2d Lt. Sig. Corps Aug. 15, '85 ; accepted Aug. 17, '85. Ellis, Phillip H. (Captain 13th Inf.). Born in Md. Oct. 23, 1842. Retiring year, 1906; appointed from Md. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. and Sgt. Co. " L," 6th Penn. Cav., Nov. 11, '62, to May 1, '63; 2d Lt. 6th Penn. Cav. May 1, '63; 1st Lieut. Mar. 12, '64; hon. must, out Nov. 3, '64; 2d Lt. 13th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66; accepted Apr. 27, '66; transferred to 31st Inf. Sept, 21, 'M; 1st Lieut. Dec. 28, '66; unassigned June 21, '69; assigned to 13th Inf. Dec. 31, 70; Capt. Apr. 1, 72. Ellis, Wilmot E. (Second Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in N. J. Appointed from N. J. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Academy June 14, '85 ; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. June 12, '89. Service At Fort Wads- worth, N. Y., from Sept. 30, '89, to . Eltingr, Oscar (Captain 3d Cav.). Born in N. Y. Aug. 8, 1831. Retiring year, 1895 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. and Corpl. Co. 'A," 1st N. Y. Cav., July 30, '61 ; discharged Aug. 22, '66; 2d Lieut. 3d U. 6. Cav. July 22, '67; accepted Aug. 1, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 17, '69; Capt. Jan. 30, '81. Eltonhead, Francis E. (First Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in Penn. Appointed from Penn. Cadet at Military Academy July 1,71; graduated June 16,75. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 21st Inf. June 16, 75 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 15, '80. Emery, Jonas A. (First Lieut, llth Inf.). Born in Ind. Appointed from Ind. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 77 ; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank 2d Lieut, llth Inf. June 11, '81; 1st Lieut. Dec. 8, '86. ERN RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 201 Emmet, Robert T. (First Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1,73; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 9th Cav. June 15, 77; 1st Lieut. Jan. 20, '83. Bnnis, William (Captain 4th Art.). Born in R. I. Appointed from R. I. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '60 ; graduated June 13, '64. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th Art. June 13, '54; 1st Lieut. May 8, '66; Capt. Oct. 5, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lt. Nov. 30, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Franklin, Tenn. ; Bvt. Capt. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant services at Nash- ville, Tenn., Dec. 15 and 16, '64. btaff positions occupied A. D. C. Nov. 23, J 66, to Apr. 5, 75 ; Adjt. 4th Art. April 1, '87, to Oct. 5, '87. Enos, Herbert M. (Major and Bvt. Col. U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Retired. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '52 ; graduated July 1, '56. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lt. M. Rif. July 1, '56; 2d Lieut. Jan. 26, '57; 1st Lt. 6th Cav. May 14, '61 ; accepted Sept. 9, '61 ; Capt. A. Q. M. Aug. 3, '61 ; accepted Oct. 3, '61 ; Maj. Q. M. Vol. Aug. 2, '64, to June 3, '65 ; Col. Q. M. Vol. June 3, '65, to Jan. 8, ; 66 ; Maj. Q. M. June 6, 72 ; retired May 29, 76, for disability. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj., Bvt. Lt. Col., Bvt. Col. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Ernst, Oswald H. (Major of Engineers). Born near Cincinnati, O., June 27, '42. Retiring year 1906; appointed from Ohio; graduated from Mil. Acad. June, '64. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Eng. June 13, '64; Capt. March 7, '67; Major May 5, '82. Brevet rank Capt. March 13, '65, faithful and meritorious service. Service Served as assistant chief engineer of the Army of the Tennessee to the close of the Atlanta campaign, '64; at the Mil. Acad. as Assist. Prof, of Engineer- ing, Oct. 5 to 18, '64; as assict. engineer in construction of fortifications on the Pacific Coast '64 to '68, having the immediate superintendence of the great blast at Lime Point, Cal., '68 ; commanded a company of engineer troops at Willet'a Point, N. Y.. '68-71, being detached to serve as astronomer with the commission sent by the U. S. Government to Spain to observe the solar eclipse of Dec., 70; instructor of practical military engineering and military signaling and telegraphy at the U.S. Mil. Acad., performing also the duties of architect for the more im- portant structures at that place, 71-78 ; assist, engineer on western river improve- ments, 78-80; in charge of improvement of Mississippi River between the Illi- nois and Ohio Rivers. 80-86; of Osage River, '80-86 ; of harbors of Alton, 111., acd Cape Girardeau, Mo., '81-86; of haibor of St Louis, Mo., '82-86 ; of harbors at Galveston, Tex., Brazos River, Texas, Pass Cavallo, Texas, Aransas Pass, Texas, and Brazos Santiago, Texas, '86-89; of improvement of Buffalo Bayou, Texas, .* / rr-. j t-k m 1 r\ t /~*l _1 __ ^1 .1 i. 13 T* charge of surveys of Ste. Genevieve Harbor, Mo., '81 ; Meramec River, '81 ; Fish Bend, '81 ; Osage River, with view to movable dams, '85 ; Kaskaskia River, '86 ; Misnissippi River, at Rush Island Bend, and Ivy Landing, '86; preliminary ex- amination Cedar Bayou, Texas, '86 ; Rio Grande River, trom Embudo, N. M., to El Paso, Texas, '88; Guadalupe River, Texas, '88; Caney Creek, Texas, '88; member of Board of Engineers of New Orleans Harbor, '81-82; to examine can- didates for promotion, '82; upon railway bridge at Van Buren, Ark., '83; upon Portage Lake and River Improvement Co., and Lake Superior Ship Canal Rail- way and Iron Company, Mich., '86 ; bridge over Mississippi River at Memphis, Tenn., '87; on special duty under the Department of State, in an examination of the works of bank protection constructed by the Mexican Government in the Rio Grande River opposite El Paso, Texas, Nov. and Dec., '88 ; has been, since May, '88, and is now, a member of the Mississippi River Commission created by Act of Congress approved June 28, 79 ; has been since its first organization, and in fortifying Marietta, Aug. 5 to Sept. 3, '64. Commands held Co. of Eng. troops at Willet'a Point, N. Y., '68-71. History Author of a manual of Practical 13 202 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. EVA Military Engineering, 73, and of various articles upon military subjects in John- son's Cyclopedia, 75-76. Erwin, James B. (First Lieut. 4th. Cav.). Born in Ga. App. from Ga. Cauet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75 ; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank 2^. Lieut- 4th U. S. Cav. June 12, '80 ; 1st Lieut. Apr. 24, '86. Eskridge, Richard I. (Captain 23d Inf.). Born in Mo. Dec. 15, 1840. Re- tiring year 1904; appointed from Mo. Civil life. Actual rank Mus. 2d Iowa Vol. Inf. Sept. 10, '61 ; discharged May 1, '62; Pvt. and Sgt. Co. I, 2d Mo. Vol. Cav., from Jan. 9, '64, to Feb. 8, '65 ; 1st Lt. 14th Mo. Vol. Cav. Feb. 8, '65; Capt. Aug. 28, '65 ; hon. must, out Nov. 17, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Mar. 22, '66 ; accepted May 7, '66; tre. to 23d Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; Capt. Sept. 1, 73. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Sept. 26, '67, for conspicuous gillantry in charging a large band of Indians strongly fortified in the Infernal Caverns, Pitt River, Cal., Sept. 26, '67. Evans, Andrew W. (Lieut.-Col. and Bvt. Col. U. S. A.) Born in Md. Retired. App. from Md. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '48 ; graduated July 1. '52. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lt. 7th Inf. July 1, '52 ; 2d'Lt. Mar. 3, '55 ; 1st Lt. Sept. 20, '56 ; Capt. 6th Cav. May 14, '61 ; accepted Sept. 4, '61 ; Col. 1st Md. C*v. Apr. 15, '64; hon. must, out Aug. 8, '65; Maj. 3d U. S. Cav. May 10, '67 ; Lt. Col. 7th Cav. Apr. 2, '83 ; retired Sept. 22, '83. Brevet roniBrt. Maj. Feb. 21, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Valverde, N. M.; Hvi. Lt. Col. Apr. 9, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the cavalry action at Appomattox Court House, Va. ; Bvt. Col. Dec. 25, '68, for gallant and meritorious services resulting in the capture and destruction of a Comanche Indian Village at the western base of the Wichita Mountains Dec. 25, '68. Service Served at Newport Barracks, on frontier duty and coast survey, '52-61 ; served in the war of the Rebellion; served in New Mexico '61-63; Army of the Potomac '63-65; on frontier duty west of the Mississippi River, from '66-83. Evans, Elwood W. (Second Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born at Laurel, Md., April 26, 1866. Retiring year 1930; app. from Md. ; graduated from Military Academy in '87. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 8th Cav. June 12, '87. Service Reported tor duty with his Troop at San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 30, '87 ; marched from San Antonio to Fort Concho, Texa, with Troop, reaehing Concho about Oct. 30, '87; served with Troop at Fort Concho till June, '88, when he marched with the 8th Cav., over 2000 miles, to Fort Meade, S. D., reaching there Sept. 3, '88. Staff positions occupied Acting Post Adj. at Fort Concho, Tuxas, for 20 days ; A. S. O. about 8 months at Fort Meade, S. D.; Asat. Top. Officer at Camp Alex. Chamber*, Mont., in the summer of '89, and also Adj.. of 1st Batt., 8th Cav., at same Camp. Commands held Troop for one month at Fort Concho, Texas, and from Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, '89, at Fort Meade, S. D. History Son of Captain Geo. W. Evans, 1st (Eastern Shore) Md. Vols., and subsequently in the 32d U. S. Inf., but consoli- dated into the 21st U. S. Inf. Evans, Frederic D. (Second Lieut. 18th Inf.). Born in 111.; app. from 111. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '83; graduated July 1, '87. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 22d Inf. July 1, '87 ; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. Oct. 6, '87. Evans, George H. (First Lieut. 10th Cav.). Born in Pa. ; app. from Pa. Cadet attheU. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '68; graduated June 14, 72. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Cav. June 14, 72; 1st Lieut. Nov. 18, '81. Evans, George W. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Md. Dec. 17, 1841. Retired ; app. from Md. Civil life. Actual rank Captain 1st Md. Inf. Dec. 23, '61 ; mus- tered out Dec. 23, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 32d Inf. Jan. 22, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 9, '67 ; un- assigned April 19, '69; assigned to 21st Inf. Oct. 21, '69; Captain March 20, 79; retired April 24, 86, for disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services during the war; Brevet Captain March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied Mj 21st Inf. from Aug. 31, 71, to March 20, 79. Evaos, Robert K. (First Lieut. 12th Inf.). Born in Miss.; app. from Miss. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 71 ; graduated June 16, 75. Actual 2d Lieut. 12th U. S. Inf. June 16, 75 ; lat Lieut. Jan. 8, '82. EWI RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 203 Fort Dodge, Kan., to Oct. 27, 79; at Fort Girland, Col., to Sept., '80; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to Oct. 31, '81 ; at Fort Brown, Tex., to Sept. 30, '82 ; on duty at the Military Prison, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to July 1, '85 ; on leave to Aug. 28, '85 ; at the Military Academy, as instructor of History and Law, to July 1, '87 ; with regiment at Fort Clark, Tex., to Nov. 17, '87 ; at San Antonio, Tex., to , and on duty in connection with construction of public buildings at Post of San Antonio, Tex., from Jan. 30, '89, to . Staff positions occupied R,. Q. M., 19th Inf., from Oct. 13, '86, to . Everett, William (First Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in Me. Appointed from N. H. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '64; graduated June 15, '68. Actual rank2d Lt. 4th Art. June 15, '68 ; 1st Lt. Apr. 26, 73. Everts, Edward (Captain and Asst. Surg.). Born in Texas. Appointed from Cal. Civil life. Actual rank A^at. Surg. May 23, '82 ; accepted June 20 '82 ; Capt. A Harbor ; on recruiting service at Elmira, N. Y., Aug., '66, to Jan., '68 ; at post of Lexington, Ky., from '68 to '69 ; in '69-70 at Huntsville, Ala., Corinth, Mi>s.,and Somerville, Ga. ; 70, at Huntsville, Ala. ; 71, at Columbia, S. C., Cheraw, S. C., and Spartansburg, S. C., until 74; at Atlanta, Ga., from 74 to July, 77 ; trans- lerred to Idaho Ty. 77 ; engaged in Nez Perce campaign, left wing with < Wheaton; at Fort Lapwai, Idaho, until 79; at Camp Cheian, W. T., until '80. Staff positions occupied Acting assii^tant inspector-general in the 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac, '62; Adj. 2d Inf. Nov. 1, '63, to Nov. 30, '64; aide-de-camp im'l acting assistant inspector-general on the statf of General J. C. Davi*, command- ing the Department of Kentucky, May 1, '66, to Aug. 24, '66. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown ; battles ot Games' Mill, Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, Va. ; Maryland campaign and battle of Antietam,Md. ; and en- gaged at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; engaged at the battles of Chancel lors- ville, Va., Gettysburg, Pa., Wilderness and fepottsylvania Court House, Va. (wounded). Commands held Commanded Co. of 2d U. S. Inf. at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; Post of Lexington, Ky., from '68 to '69 ; Post of Spartans- burg, S. C., till 74. Far ber, Charles W. (Second Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from the Army. Actual rankPvt., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. gen. M't'd ser., and Pvt., Corp'l., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. troop " H," 8th Cav., Oct. 14, '79, to Aug. 16, '85 ; 2d Lieut. 8th Cav. Aug. 15, '85 ; accepted Aug. 17, '85. June 24, '61; 2d Lieut. June 24, '61; transferred to Ord. Corps Oct. 24, '61 ; 1st Lieut. March 3, '63 ; Capt. April 6, '66 ; Major March 25, 76 ; Lieut. Col. Feb. 28, '89. Brevet rank Brevet Captain, March 13, '65, meritorious services in the Ord. Dept. during the War. /Service Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, '61-66 ; in the defenses of Washington and during the Bull Run Campaign, on the Staff of Gen. J. F. K. Mansfield, and later with Horse Battery " A," 2d Art., from June 24 to Oct. 24, '61 ; Asst. Ord. Officer at Watertown Arsenal and Asst. Inspect, at South Boston and other foundries, Nov. 1, '61, to June 10, '63 ; Asst. Ord. Officer in operations against Charleston, S. C., June 20, '63, to Feb. 16, FAR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 205 '64 ; at Ord. Dept. of the South until Feb. 16, '63 ; Asst. Ord. Officer Allegheny Ar- senal, Pa., and Asst. Inspect, of foundries in Pittsburgh, Pa., Feb. 23, '64, to Aug. 27, '64; Ord. Dept. of the Arm v of the Potomac and Armies operating against Rich- mond Sept. 4, '64, to March 12. '65 ; Asst. Prof, of Drawing at Military Academy Mar. 21, '65, to Oct. 8, '67 ; As*t Ord. Officer at Washington Arsenal, D. C., Oct. 17, '67, to Oct. 20, '68 ; Asst. Ord. Officer at Frankford Arsenal, Pa., Oct. 20, '68, to July 25, '71 ; Asst. Ord. Officer at Rock Island Arsenal, 111., July 28, '71, to June 29, '74; Asst. Ord. Officer at Springfield Armory, and Inspect, at Colt's Factory and Smith and Wesson's Factory, Julv 1, '74, to May 17, '76; at Kennebec Ars- enal, Md., May 20, 76, to April 16, '83; dismounting guns at Fort Knox, Maine, July 30. '76, to Aug. 30, 76 ; Member of a Board to select a Magazine Gun for U. S. service April 3, 78, to Sept. 25, 78; President of a Board for examination of Officers for transfer to the Ord. Dept. Oct. 24, '81, to Nov. 2, '82 ; charged with the construction of the new post and powder depot, Dover, N. J., from April 21, '83, to July, '87; inspector of structural iron work at Paterson, N. J., April 14 to Aug. 30, '85 ; Member of a Board to examine Ord. Officers for promotion, from June 1 to June 5, '86 ; Member of Statutory Board Testing Rifled Cannon June 27, '87, to ; Member of the Ord. Board, with station at New York Arsenal, Aug. 15, '87, to ; President of Board for examination of Officers for transfer to Ord. Dept. March 26, '89, to April 19, '89 ; inspector of Pneumatic Dynamite Guns, and mounting of the same at Sandy Hook, N. J., Fort Schuyler N.Y., and Fort Warren, Mass., June 25, '89, to ; Insp. of steel wire for the 10" Woodbridge Rifle Feb. 13, '90. Staff positions occupied On the Staff of Gen. J. F. K. Mansfield, Com. defenses of Washington ; on the Staff of Gen. Seymour during the siege opera- tions in Charleston Harbor, S. C., July, '63. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Bull Run Cam- paign ; engaged in the operations against Charleston, S. C., June 20, '63, to Feb. 16, '64; engaged in the descent upon Morris Inland July 10, '63 ; engaged in the bombardment of Forts Sumter, Wagner and Gregg July 18 to 23, '63. Commands held Commanding four batteries, 24 guns, per S. O. No. 174, Hd. Qrs. Folly Is., S. C., July 8, '63 ; Ord. Dept., Dept. of the South, until Feb. 16, '83 ; Ord. Dept. of the Army of the Potomac and Armies operating against Richmond, Sept. 4, '64, to March 12, '65; Frankford Arsenal, Pa., from Oct. 20, '68, to April, '69; Kenne- bec Arsenal, Maine, May 20, 76, to April 16, '83. History Grandson of Capt John Farley, U. S. Art., and son of Capt. John Farley, 1st U. S. Art. Farnsworth, Charles S. (Second Lieut. 25th Inf.). Born :n Lycoming Co , Pa., Oct. 28. '62. Retiring year 1926; appointed from Pa.; graduated at Military Academy, class of '87. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 25th Inf. June 12, '87. Service Joined Co. "E" at Fort Sisseton, D. T M Sep. 30, '87; ordered to Fort Shaw, Mont., with Co. May 23, '88; arrived May 27; stationed there to . Staff positions occupied Post Adj., A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. at Fort Shaw, Mont., from April 1, '89, to . Commands held Go. "E" from April 1 to May 22, '88, and from Oct. 26, '89, to Jan. 25, '90. Farrow, Edward S. (First Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in Maryland 1855. Retiring year 1919; appointed from Md.; graduated from Mil. Acad. June 16, 76. Actual rank2d Lieut. 21st Inf. June 15, 76; 1st Lieut. Sep. 17, '83. Honorably men- tioned The accompanying letters are worthy of record in a military history : HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF WEST POINT, U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY, WEST POINT, NEW YORK, November 26, 1881. To whom it may concern: Lieutenant Edward S. Farrow, 21st Infantry, went through the two lengthy campaigns against Indians in the Northwest, viz :-The Nez Perce of '77, and that of the Piute and Bannock of '78. He commanded a Company during both, and at the close I gave him special commendation for his gallant conduct. Again he won placed by me in commuid of a Company of Scouts which took part in an ex- pedition against the Snake Indians, sometimes called "Sheep- Eaters." during the season of '79. In this ex- pedition Lieutenant Farrow had a marked success in consummating the capture of the entire band of Indian outlaws. He again received the highest praino of prudence, bravery, and enterprise, and was recommended for two brevets, viz. : that of First Lieutenant and of Captain. In '80, I entrusted him with a larger and till more important command, owing to my confidence in his energy and willingness to do hard work in a rough, almost inaccessible country where the worst of renegades had congregated to raid upon the settle- ments, or catch and rob the passers by. He brought to us valuable information of that wild region, until then quite unknown, situated near the headwaters of the Salmon River of Northeastern Idaho. He hag since then been detailed as an Instructor of Tactics at the Military Academy, where he has, by untiring in- dustry, added materially to the instruction of the Cadets, by putting into practical form a Military System of Gymnastics this in addition to his ordinary work of the instruction in Tactics. I have found in him the 206 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. FEg best of qualities for a thorough soldier, viz. Fidelity to the duty in hand, much enterprise in adding to aud circulating military knowledge, aud very great energy of character. His habits of life are regular and without reproach. WAB DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, May 28, 1886. First Lieut. Edward S. Farrow, 21st Infantry, Sea Side Park. New Jersey. Sir: Referring to your letter of the 19th instant, . . . I am instructed by the Secretary of War to say that he has no desire to thwart any wish you may have in regard to quitting the service, but he thinks that the services of an officer who has shown so much spirit as you have, and who is so accomplished in his pro- fession, should not be lost to the Government, and he therefore declines to now accept your resignation. nominated by President Hayes for the brevets of First Lieut, and Capt. Service In the field 77,78 and in 79; instructor of tactics at Military Academy, Feb., 23; at present acting as Chief Engineer of construction at Barnegat Park, N. J., the Army and Navy Home and resort. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Nez Perec cam- paign in 77; Bannock and Piute War in 78 ; and captured the tribe of hostile "Sheep Eater" Indians in Salmon River Mountains in 79. Commands held Commanded Co. throughout the Nez Perce campaign in 77 ; commanded a Co. throughout the Bannock and Piute war in 78 ; commanded troops and Indian scouts in the field, capturing the tribe of hostile "Sheep- Eater" Indians in Sal- mon River Mountain in 79. History Author of "Mountain Scouting" and " Mili- tary Gymnastics," adopted as text-book at West Point, and " Farrow's Military Encyclopedia," which work has received the highest commendation from mili- tary men and the press generally. Febig-er, George L. (Col. U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Dec. 8, 1822. Retired ; appointed from Del. Civil life. Actual rank Major and Paymaster May 3, '61 ; accepted May 4, '61 ; Lieut.-Col. Deputy Paymaster General Dec. 31, 79 ; Col. and Asst. Paymaster General, Jan. 24, '81 ; Retired Dec. 8, '86. Brevet ran/: Bn-vi t Lieut.-Col. U. S. A., for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service At St. Louis, Mo., Aug., '61 ; chief of Pay-Districts of Miss, to Jan., '63 ; and of Ohio and Kentucky, to Nov., '64 ; president of the Board for the Examination of Paymasters of the'Western District, Dec., '64; atSt. Louis, Mo., to M.v chief of Pay-District of Louisville, K>., May, '67 to Jan. 1,70; New Orleans, La., Jan. 1, 70, to Jan. 1, 75; New York, June 1, 75, to April, '80; St. Paul, Minn., April, '80, to July, '80 ; Washington, D. C., July, '80, to April, '82 ; San Francisco, Cal., April, '82, to June, '86; Chicago, Ills., June, '86. Febig-er, Lea (First Lieut., 23d Inf.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from N. Y. civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 23d Inf., Aug. 15, 76; accepted Aug. 19, 76: 1st Lieut. June 9, '84. Fechet, Edmond G. (Captain 8th Cav.). Born in Michigan, July 11, 1844. Retiring year 1908; appointed from Mich. civil life. Actual ran* Sergt. and 1st Sergt. Co. "A," 7th Mich. Inf., June 19, '61, to Sept. 17, '62; 2d Lieut. 7th Mich. Inf., Sept. 17, '62; 1st Lieut., June 18, '63; resigned July 31, '63; Q. M. Sergeant Co. "G," 10th Michigan Cavalrv, Oct. 13, '63, to Jan. 23, '64; Second Lieut. Tenth Michigan Cavalry Jan. 23, '64; 1st Lieut. April 1, '65; hon. must, out Nov. 21, '65; 2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Cav., July 28, '66; accepted Nov. 26, '66; 1st Lieut., July 31, '67; Capt., May 23, 70. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut., Bvt. Capt., March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antie- tam. Md. Fenton, Charles W. (Second Lieut. 9th Inf.). Born in Michigan. Appointed from Mich. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '84; graduated June 11 '88. AHual ra?tk2d Lieut. 9th Inf., June 11, '88. Ferris. Frank O. (Second Lieut. 1st Inf.). Born in New York. Appointed from the army. Actual rank Private and Corp'l battery " L," 3d Art., Dec. 6 '81. to Aug. 6, '84; 2d Lieut. 1st Inf., Aug. 4, '84; accepted Aug. 7. '84. Fessenden, Francis (Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Maine, March 18, '39. accepted June 19, '61; Lieut. Col. 45th Inf. (declined), July 28, '66; transferred to 28th Inf., Sept. 21, '66 ; retired on his own application with the rank of Brig. FIE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 207 Gen. U. S. A., for wounds received in line of duty, Nov. 1, '66. Brevet rank Brevet Major U. S. A., July 6, '64, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Shiloh, Tenn.; Brevet Lieut. Col. U. S. A., same date, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Mpntell's Bluff, La. ; Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A., March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war; Brevet Major-General U. S. A., same date, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service On recruiting duty July, '61, to Jan., '62; com. Co., Army of the Cumberland, to April, '62; in the Dept. of Washington, D. C. ; member of Board for Examination of Officers and member of a General Court- martial ; at Chantilly, Va. ; in the Red River campaign ; member of a Military Commission, Washington, D. C., Oct., '64, to March, '65; member of Board for Examination of Officers, July to Aug., '65; member of the Wirtz Military Com., Aug. to Oct., '65 ; president of Court of Inquiry and of a Military Commission, Nov., '65, lo March, '66; Assistant Commissioner Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Land?, Districts of Maryland, West Virginia and the Shenandoah Valley, July to Sept., '66. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle of Shi- loh (severely wounded in the arm), and at the battles of Pleasant Hill and Mo- nett's Bluff, La. (severely wounded and lost right leg). Commands held Co. Armv of the Cumberland; com. 3d Brigade, Carey's Division, in the Dept. of Washington, D. C. ; com. 1st Brigade, Abercrombie's Division, temporarily en- camped at Chantilly, Va., and engaged in the Red River campaign ; com. regi- ment and engaged at the battle of Sabine Cross-Roads ; com. Brigade in the battles of Pleasant Hill and Monett's Bluff, La. ; com. 1st Inf. Division, Dept. of West Virginia, to July, '65 ; com. 1st Brigade, Hancock's Corps, July, '65. Fes?enden, Joshua A. (Captain 5th Art.). Born in Maine, Feb. 15, 1841. Retiring year 1905 ; appointed from Maine Civil life. Actual rank Sgt. Co. " B," 1st Elaine Cav., Sept. 18, '61 ; discharged April 1, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Cav. March 24. '62; accepted April 1, '62; resigned Aug. 6, '62; 2d Lieut. 5th Art. Sept. 6, '62 ; accepted Sept. 13, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 30, '65 ; Capt. June 26, '82. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Dec. 3, '62; for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Stone River, Tenn., Bvt. Capt. Sept. 20, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. Fiebeg-er, Gustav J. (First Lieut, of Engineers). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut, of Eng. June 13, 79; 2d Lieut. Oct. 31, 79 ; l*t Lieut. June 15, '82. Field, Edward (Captain 4th Artillery). Born in Princeton, N. J., May 18, '41. Retiring year 1905; app. from N. J. Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st N. J. Cav. Aug. 29, '61; hon. must, out Feb. 28, '62; 2d Lieut. 4th Art. Feb. 19, '62; accepted March 10, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 11, '63; Capt. April 29,73. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of White Oak Swamp, Va. ; Brevet Captain for gallant and meritorious services in action at Meadow Bridge, Virginia. Honorably mentioned AtFredericksburg, White Oak Swamp and Ohancellorsville, Va. Service Served with Army of the Potomac from March, '62, to June, '64 ; and from Jan. 15 to April, '65 ; Detached Service at Chicago, 111., from Aug., '64, to Jan. 15, '65 ; on recruiting service at New York City, Aug., '67, to Jan., '68 ; Freedman's Bureau, Alexandria, Va., from April, '68, to Jan., '69; Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., May 1, '69, to April 30, 70 ; Modoc War from April to June, 73 ; Nez Perces Campaign July to Oct., 77 ; campaign against White Mountain Apaches, Oct., '81 ; served at the folio wing posts: Fort McHenry, Md., Fort Foote, Va., Fort Washington, Va., Raleigh, N. C., Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., Alcatraz Island, Gal., Fort Point, Cal., Fort Adams, R. I., Fort McPherson, Ga., Sitka, Alaska. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Fair Oaks, Va., Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Va., Antietam, Md., Fredericksburg, Va., Chancellorsville, Va., Buckland Mills, Va., Stevensburg, Va., Spottsylvania, Va., Meadow Bridge, Va., Raccoon Ford. Commands held Battery "E," from Oct., '63, to April, '64. History Son of Hon. Richard Stock- ton Field, Attorney, State of N. J.; U. S. Senator; IT. S. District Judge; Great Grandson of Richard Stockton, signer of the Declaration of Independence. 208 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. FLA Finley, James A. (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Ky. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual Rank Asst. Surg. Nov. 10, 74; accepted Nov. 14, 74; Cpt. and Asst. Surg. Nov. 10, 79. Finley, John P. (Second Lieut. Signal Corps). Born in Mich. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp. and Sgt. Sig. Corps, March 8, 77, to Julv 10, '84; 2d Lieut. Sig. Corps July 1, '84; accepted July 11, '84. Finley, Leig-hton (First Lieut. 10th Cav.). Born in S. C. Appointed from g. C. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. Sept. 1, 79; accepted Sept. 1, 79 ; transferred to 10th Cav. Nov. 11, 79; 1st Lieut. Oct. 5, '87. Finley, "Walter L. (First Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in Penn. Appointed from Penn. Cadet at U.S. Military Academy July 1, 75; graduated June 13,79. Actual rank -2d Lieut. 9th Cav. June 13, 79; 1st Lieut. Oct. 25, '83. Fisher, W. W. R. (Captain and Assistant Sunjeon). Born inStrasburg, Va., July 29, '56. Retiring year 1920. Appointed from Va. Actual rank Assistant Surgeon, Dec. 3, '83 ; accepted Feb. 18, '84; Capt., Assistant Surgeon, Dec. 3, *8S. Service Served at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., from 1st of June, '82, until Sept 1, '84, when ordered to Fort Apache, Ariz.; at the latter place served as Post Surgeon until July 6, '85, when ordered into the field ; during the Apache Indian Campaign of '85-6 served in the field in Southern Ariz, and Mexico from July 6, '85. until Sept. 1, '86, with the 4th Cav.; Nov. 10, '86, ordered to station at Fort Bidwell. Cal., where he remained as Post Surgeon until March, '88; at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., from March, '88, to Dec., '89; on temporary duty at Benicia Bks., Cal., as Post Surgeon from July to Dec., '89 ; at Fort Assinaboine, Mont, from Dec., '89, to . Fisk, Walter L. (Captain of Engineers). Born in Illinois, Jan. 8, 1854. Re- tiring year 1918. Appointed from Iowa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sep. 1,73; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank2d Lieut. Eag. June 15, 77; 1st Lieut. April 9, '80; Capt. Jan. 10, '87. Staff positions occupied Adj. Batt. Eng. March 31, '80, to Sept. 14, '80. Fitch, Graham Denby (Firt Lieut, of Engineers). Born in Chicago, 111. Appointed from 111. Cadet at Military Academy from July 1, 78, to June 12, '82. Actual rank 2d Lieut 5th Art. June 13, '82; trans, to Eng. June 7, '83; 1st Lieut. March 17, '84. Service Served with his regiment at Fort Wadsworih, N. Y., from Sept. 30, '82, to June 13, '83 ; with the Batt. of Engineers at Willet's Point, N. Y., from June 23, '83, with Co. C from June 24 to Dec. 10, '83, and with Co. B from Dec. 10, '83, to Sept, '85 ; on duty under the immediate order* of Major King from Sept 23, '85, to March 22, '86 ; of Lieut-Col. Barlow from Mar. 22 to April 27, '86; of Capt. Marshall from April 30, '86, to Aug. 24, '88; of Ma.j. Davis from Aug. 24, '88, to Nov. 5, '89, and of Major Quinn since. Commands held Co. B, Eng., from Dec. 3, '84, to Feb. 25, '85. History Son of Major H. S. Fitch, U. S. Vols., and grandson of Col. G. N. Fitch, Ind. Vols. Fitch, William G. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Hartford, Conn., Aug. 23, '33. Retired. Appointed from Conn. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut 4th Conn. Vol., May 22, '61 ; must out Aug. 7, '61; paid to Nov. 15, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. Oct. 29, '61; accepted Nov. 16, '61; 1st Lieut. Sept 12, '62; retired Nov. 16, '63, for disability resulting from sickness and exposure in line of duty, (act Aug. 3, '61. sees. 16 a"nd 17). Fitz-Gerald, Michael J. (Captain U. S. A.). Born iii Ireland. Retired. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. and Sen$t Co. E, 1st U. S. Art; Pvt. and Artf. Ord. from Jan. 5, '55, to Feb. 23, '61 ; Hosp. Stwd. from March 14, '61, to June 5, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. June 1, '63; accepted June 5, '63; 1st Lieut. March 4, '64 ; Capt Dec. 31, 73 ; retired May 1, 79, for wounds in line of duty. Flagler, Clement A. F. (Add. 2d Lieut, of Engineers). Born in Georgia. Appointed from Iowa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, '85 ; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut Eng. June 12 '89. Flag-ler, Daniel W, (Lieut. Col. of Ordnance). Born in New York March 24,1835. Retiring year 1899; appointed from New York. Cadet at Military Academy from July 1, '56, to June 24 ; '61 ; graduated No. 5 in his class. Actual FLA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 209 rank Brevet 2d Lieut. Ord. June 24, '61 ; 2d Lieut. June 24, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 3, '61 ; Captain March 3, '63 ; Major June 23, 74; Lieut. Col. Aug. 23, '81. Brevet rank Brevet Captain March 14, '62, for gallant services at battle of Nevvbcrn, N. C. ; Brevet Major April 26, '62, for gallant services at siege of Fort Macon, N. C. ; Brevet Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for distinguished services in the field during the War of the Rebellion. Honorably mentioned In " War of the Rebellion Records," Vol. XIX, Part I, p. 421 ; Vol. II, pp. 382-386 ; Vol. IX, pp. 80, 206, 272, 284, 285, 365; Vol. XVIII, p. 457. Service Served during the Rebellion of the seceding States, '61 to '66; in drilling Volunteers at Washington, D. C., July 1-15, '61 ; in the Manassas campaign Julv, '61 ; in the defenses of Washing- ton July and August, '61; Asst. Ordnance Officer at Allegheny Arsenal, Pa., and on Foundry Duty at Fort Pitt Foundry, Pittsburgh, Pa., inspecting Ordnance for fitting out the Mississippi River Flotilla, Aug. to Dec., '61 ; as Chief of Ord- nance to Gen. Burnsides' Expedition to North Carolina Dec., '61, to Aug., '62; in charge of transportation of siege-train across country, Newbern to Fort Macon, N. C., and of construction of approaches and batteries in front of Fort Macon, March and April, '62; in the Maryland campaign (Army of the Potomac) as Asst. Ordnance Officer and aide-de-camp Sept. and Oct., '62 ; (promoted to Captain of Ordnance March 3, '63); in hospital O^t. and Nov., '62; on Inspection Duty at the West Point Foundry, N. Y., Nov., '63, to May, '64; Asst. to Chief of Ord- nance, U. S. A., Washington, D. C., May, '64, to June, '65, and on special duty inspecting arms, Army of Potomac, Feb., '65 ; in charge of Tredegar Iron Workn, Richmond. Va., April and May, '65; on tour of inspection of Western Arsenals, with Chief of Ordnance, U. S. A., May, '65; in charge of receiving arms from dis- banded Volunteers from Delaware and Pennsylvania at Wilmington, Del., and Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Pa., May and June, '65 ; on special Ordnance In- spection duty, breaking up Ordnance Depots, and removing Ordnance from forti- fications in Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama, June to Sept., '65; Asst. Ordnance Officer, Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., Oct. to Dec., '65; at Arsenal and Augusta Powder Works, Ga., Jan., '66, to May, 71, having charge also of Con- federate Ordnance establishments, depots and stores, and disposal of same, at Atlanta, Macon, Athens and Savannah, Ga.. Jan., '66, to Jan., '69, and on special Ordnance Inspection duty at Fort Fisher, N. C., Dec., '66, Selma, Ala., Feb., '69, and Fort Pickens, Fla., Feb., 71 ; at Rock Island Armory and Arsenal June, 71, to May 31, '86 ; member of Board on Heavy Gun Carriages, at New York, Jan. to March, 73; special inspection of Fort Union Arsenal, N. M., with view of break- ing up same, Sept., '80; on Board at Indianapolis, Ind., in regard to removal of Indianapolis Arsenal, Jan. ,'83; on Ordnance Inspection duty, San Antonio, Tex., Fort Lowell, Arizona, and Benicia, Cal., Feb. and March, '83; at Frankford Arsenal, Pa., May 31, '86, to Nov. 11, '89; on sick leave June 26, '86, to Feb. 23, '87 ; President of Board on site for Gun Foundry March 22 to May 14, '87 ; Presi- dent of Board on comparative merits of Morse and service reloading cartridges March 3 to May 1, '88 ; on special duty to select site and make plans for Columbia Arsenal, Tenn., May 29 to June 30/88; President of Board for testing rifled cannon and projectiles from Feb. 15, '89, to ; at Watertown Arsenal, Mass., from Nov. 29, '89, to . Staff positions occupied A. D. C. to Col. Hunter in the Manassas campaign of July, '61 ; A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. McDowell in the defenses of Washington, D. C., July and August, '61 ; A. D. C. Sept. to Oct., '62. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Battle of Bull Run July 21, '61 ; the battle and capture of Roanoke Island Feb. 7-8, '62; battle of Newbern, N. C., March 14, '62, and in command of mortar batteries in bombardment of Fort Macon, resulting in cap- ture April 26, '62 ; engaged in the battle of South Mountain Sept. 14, '62 ; battle of Antietam Sept. 17, '62; as Chief of Ordnance, Army of the Potomac, Nov., '62, to Nov., '63; engaged in the battle of Fredericksburg Dec. 13/62; battle of Chan- cellorsville, Va., May 2-4, '63, and battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3, '63. Commands held Mortar batteries in bombardment of Fort Macon ; Augusta Arsenal and Powder Works, Ga., Jan., '66, to May, 71 ; Rock Island Armory and Arsenal June, 71, to May 31, '86; Frankford Arsenal, Pa., May 31, '86, to Nov. 11, '89; Watertown Arsenal, Mass., from Nov. 29, '89, to . 210 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. FLE Pa. Actual 9th Inf. March 3, '55 ; 1st Lieut. June 7, '56 ; Capt. 16th Inf. (declined) May 14, '61 ; Capt. 9th Inf. May 14, '61 ; Major 19th Inf. July 28, '66 ; transferred to 38th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; transferred to 5th Inf. March 15, '69; unassigned June 9, '69; retired Dec. 15, '70, for disability. Fletcher, Edmund L. (First Lieut. 13th Inf.). Born in New York; app. from the Army. A dual rank Private Co. E, 15th Inf., Aug. 2, '72; discharged March 11, '73; 2d Lieut. 13th Inf. Jan. 9, '73; accepted March 11, 73; 1st Lieut. June 30, 79. Fletcher, Joshua S. (Lieut. Col. 2d Inf.). Born in Pa. Feb. 6, 1840. Re- tiring year 1904; app. from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, llth Inf. ness, Va. ; Brevet Lieut. Col. Aug. 18, '64, for gallant services in the battle on the Weldon Railroad, Va. Staff positions occupied Com'y of Musters 2d Div., . r >th Corps, Sept., '64 ; A. D. C. to Gen. Ayres, '64-5. Service In the War of the Rebellion, '61-65; at Boston, Mass., to Sept., '61; at Perryville, Md., to March, '62; in the field with the Army of the Potomac, '62; recruiting and mustering duty at Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. to Sept., 63; in the field with the Army of the Potomac, '64-5; at Camp Grant, Richmond, Va., '65; on frontier duty since that date. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, Va., Antietam, Md.; actions of Shepherdstown, Snicker's Gap, and battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; in New York City during the riots; re- cruiting and mustering duty, Philadelphia, Feb. to Sept., '63 ; engaged at the battle of Rappahannock Station ; operations at Mine Run ; battles of the Wilder- ness, Laurel Hill, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor, and Petersburg, Va. ; at the battle of the Weldon Railroad, Va. ; battles of Chapin's Farm, and action of Hatcher's Run, Va. Fletcher, Robert H. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Cincinnati, O., July 21, '50. Retired. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 21s"t Inf. July 27, 72; ace. Aug. 5, 72; 1st Lieut. April 23, 77; retired Oct. 21, '86. Service Joined regiment in Dept. of Columbia, Sept., 72; served with company G. at Fort Lapwai, Idaho Ty.; also occasional detached service as topographical officer with expedition under Dept. Comdr. Genl. J. C. Davis, in 74; same with Capt. D. Perry, 1st Cav., 75; special duty at Lapwai Indian Agency, 76, etc. Temporarily attached to D Co. in the field at Walluh, W. T., June 4, 77; on special duty in Engineer office, Division of Pacific, October 20, 77, until Oct., 79 ; on sick leave under treatment and on light duty in San Francisco till July, '80; on light duty at San Diego Barracks, Cal., August 2, '80; rejoined regiment and proper station at Fort Klamath, Oregon, June, '83, returning to light duty at San Diego, same month; ordered before Retiring Board, March 28, '84; remain- ing on duty at San Diego Barracks (Post Adjutant and Quartermaster, and tem- porarily in command) until June, '86, when ordered home to Washington to await retirement. Retired from active service October 22, '86, on account of disability contracted in line of duty. Staff positions occupied Occasional service as Post Adj., A. A. Q. M., etc., at Fort Lapwai, Idaho ; Post Adj., A. A. Q. M. at San Diego Bks., Cal., until June, '86 ; appointed A. A. D. C. to Dept. Comdr. Genl. O. O. Howard, in the field, June 15, 77, serving in that capacity, topographical and signal officer, through the Nez Perce Indian campaign. Battles, skirmishes etc. Participating in skirmishes at Salmon River, June 28; Kamsah, July 13, Camas Meadows, Aug. 20; fight near Yellowstone River, Sept. 13, and battle of the Clearwater, July 11 and 12. Commands held Cav. det. at Fort Lapwai and San Diego Bks., Cal. temporarily; of Scouts in the Nez Perce campaign. History Son of Dr. Robert Fletcher, Brevet Colonel and Surgeon U. S. Vols., '61-65; entered the Naval Academy as Cadet Midshipman, June 21, '68; appointed FLI RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 211 (at large) by President Johnson ; graduated June 4, '72 ; Sea service 9 months ; transferred to the Army. Fletcher, "William (Captain U. S. A.). Born in New York. Ketired. Ap- pointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. Co. G, 1st Ohio Inf., June 10, '46; discharged June 14, '47 ; pvt. and corp Co. A, 2d Ohio Inf., July 31, '47, to July 26, '48 ; pvt. and Corp. Co. F, 1st U. S. Art., Dec. 9, '48, to Oct. 9, '58; pvt. and sgt. Co. F, 8th Inf., June 23, '59, to Nov. 1, '61 ; 2d Lieut, llth Inf. Oct. 29, '61; accepted Nov. 1, '61 ; transferred to 20th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; Capt. Nov. 2, '66; retired Aug. 31, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Aug. 30, 62, for gallant and meri- torious service? in the battle of 2d Bull Run, Va. Staff positions occupied Q. M. 1st batt., llth Inf., July 1, '63, to Sept. 21, '66. Service In the war with Mexico '46-8 ; in Texas, and engaged scouting hostile Indians ; in the war of the Rebel- lion '61-5; in the field with army of the Potomac, and participated in the cam- paigns through Virginia, Md. and Penna. ; on mustering duty. Feb. to Nov., '64; rejoined regiment, and engaged in the operations in front of Petersburg, Va. ; at Baton Rouge, La., and on frontier duty, to '87. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Battles of Monterey, Buena Vista, Cerro Gordo and defense of Pueblo, Mex., '46-7; Gaines' Mill, Seven Days' Fight, Second Bull Run, Antietam, Chancellorsville and Petersburg, Va. Flint, Franklin F. (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in New Hampshire, April 29, '21. Retired. App. from Mass. Cadet at Mil. Acad. July, 1, '37 ; graduated July 1, '41. Actual rank2d Lieut. 6th Inf. July 1, '41 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 12, '47; Capt. Sept. 16, '56 ; Major 16th Inf. May 14, '61 ; ace. Oct. 2, '61 ; Lieut. Col. 7th Inf. Oct. 20, '63; Col. 4th Inf. July 8, '68. Retired April 11, '82. Service In the Florida War '40-42; in garrison at Jefferson Bks., Mo., '42; on frontier duty at Fort Towson, I. T., '42; Fort Gibson, I. T., '42-46 ; staff duty at Hd. Qrs. 2d and 6th Mil. Dent. Aug. 6, '46, to May 18, '51; on frontier duty at Fort Ripley, Minn., '51-54; on Recruiting Service, '54-56; on frontier duty in quelling Kansas dis- turbances, '56-57; on march to the Rockv Mountains and surveying and opening route through Bridger's Pass via Lodge Pole Creek and Cheyenne Pass, '57 ; in Utah expedition, '58 ; on march to California, '58; Benicia, Cal.. '58-59; march t> Fort Crook, Cal.. '59; Benicia, Cal., '60 ; Fort Churchill, Nev., '60; Expedition to Carson Valley, '60; at Fort Churchill, Nev., '60-61; served during the Rebel- lion of the seceding States, '61-66; at City of Louisville, Jan. to June, '62; Alton, 111., June to Sept., '62; in defense of Cincinnati, O., Sept., '62; Staff duty Dept. of Ohio, Sept., '62, to March, '63 ; Chief Com. of Musters of the Dept. of Ohio and Ky., to Nov. 25, '65; at Tallahassee Jan. 19 till Sept. 6, '66 ; staff duty Dist. of Florida, to Oct. 1, '66; at Tallahassee to Sept. 26, '68; on leave of absence to April 20, '69; at Fort Laramie, April 27, '69, to March 16, '71; Frankfort, Ky., March 30, '71, to Feb. 4, '73; at Little Rock, Ark., Feb. 5 to May 8, '73 ; at Fort Bridger, Wyo., May 14, '73, to Aug. 30. '76, an^ Nov. 7, '76, to May 23, '78: on leave of absence, June 19 to Aug. 161, 75, and Aug. 30 to Nov. 7, 76, and Court Martial duty, Dec. 18, '76, to Feb. 13, '77; at Fort Sanders, Wyo., May 24, '78, to Oct. 6, '80; on sick leave from Oct. 7, '80, to April 11, '82, when retired at his own request for over forty years' service. Staff' positions filled A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Arbuckle, and A. A. A. G. of 2d and 6th Mil. Depts. Fort Smith, Ark., Au*. 6, '46, to May 18, '51 ; A. I. G. Dept. of the Ohio, Sept. 17, '62, to March 23, '63 ; A. A. I. G. Dist. of Florida, Sept. 7 to Oct. 1, '66. Battles, skirmishes, etc. En- gaged with hostile Indians near Pyramid Lake, Nev., July 2, '60. Commands held City of Louisville, Jan. to June, '62 ; of Mil. Depot and Batt. 13th Inf. at Alton, 111., June to Sept., '62; Batt. 13th and 15th Inf. in defense of Cincinnati, O., Sept. '62; Regiment at Tallahassee, Fla., Jan. 19 to Julv 29, '66, and of Post till Sept. 7, '66, and from Oct. 1, '66, to Sept. 26, '68; Fort Laramie, Wyo., April 27, '69, to March 16, '71 ; Frankfort, Ky., March 30, '71, to Feb. 4, '73 ; of Little Rrxjk, Ark., Feb. 5 to May 8, '73 ; Fort Bridger, Wyo., May 14, '73, to Aug. 30, '76, and Nov. 7, '76, to May 23, '78 ; Fort Sanders, Wyo., May 24, '78, to Oct. 6, '80. History During Col. Flint's frontier service, while in command of Fort Laramie, Wyo.. from 1869-71, his wise counsel and firm treatment of Red Cloud's tribe of Ogallallah Sioux tended greatly towards bringing them to terms of peace, 212 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. FOO they having previously to the fall of 1868 refused to have anything to do with the Government. Floyd, Daniel H. (Captain and A. Q. M.). Born in Frederick Co., Md., Sept. 25, '49. Retiring year 1913. Appointed from Ind. ; graduated at Military Academv June 15, 70 ; graduated at Artillery School, Fort Monroe, 76. Actual rank2d Lieut. 9th Cav. June 15, 70; transferred to 18th Inf. Sept. 18, 75; 1st Lieut. July 1, 79; Capt. A. Q. M. May 2, '83 ; ace. May 12, '83. Service Served on frontier of Texas and New Mexico as 2d Lieut. 9th Cav. until 75; graduated at Fort Monroe Art. School in 76; from 76 to 79 served at Atlanta, Ga., and North and South Carolina ; served on frontier of Montana from 79 until appointed Captain and A. Q. M. May 2, '83; building Fort Huachuca, Ariz, from '83 to '86; Depot Q. M., Buffalo, N. Y., '86 to '87; Depot Q. M., St. Paul, Minn., from '87 to present date. Floyd-Jones, De Lancey (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Retired. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '41 ; graduated July 1, '46. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. July 1, '46 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. Nov. 27, '46 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 1, '49; Captain July 31, '54 ; Major llth Inf. May 14, '61 ; ace. Aug. 26, '61 ; Lieut. Col. 19th Inf. Aug. 1, '63 ; Col. 6th Inf. June 26, '67 ; una.-s. Mar. 15, '69 ; assd. to 3d Inf. Jan. 1, 71 ; retired Mar. 20, 79, at his own request ; over 30yearb'ser. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Sep. 8, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Molino del Rey; Lieut. Col. July 4, '62, for gallant and meritorious services during the Peninsula campaign in Va.; Col. July 2, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Staff positions occupied A.. D. C. from Feb. 12, '49, to Oct. 27, '49. Service Served in the war with Mexico; on frontier duty, expeditions against hostile Indians, and recruiting service t > the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion; participated in the sev- eral campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, '62-3. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Siege of Vera Cruz, battles of Cerro Gordo, Molino del Rey, and capture of the City of Mexico. '46-8; suge of Yorktown, Va., April and May, '62; battle of Gaines' Mill, June 27, '62; Malvern Hill, July 1, '62; Bull Run, Aug. 30, '62; Antietam, Sept. 17, '62; and Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-4, '63. Flynn, William F. (Second Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in Conn. Appointed from Conn. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 79; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank2d Lieut. 8th Cav. June 13, '83. Service On duty at Mil. Acad., West Point, N. Y., as instructor Dept. of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology since Aug. 28, '88. Foltz, Frederick S. (First Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Penna. App. from Penna. C^det at Mil. Acad. from July 1, 75, to June 13, 79. Actual rcinklb Lieut. 1st Cav. June 13, 79 ; 1st Lieut. March 26, '88. Service Served with regi- ment at Fort Colville, Washington T'y, from Oct. 9, 79, to Dec. 3, '81 ; at Ft. Spo- kane, Washington T'y, to April, '82; at Fort Walla Walla, Washinston T'v, to Dec. 6, '83; at Fort Lapwai, Idaho, to May 23, '84; at Fort Walla Walla, Wash- ington T'y, to June 10, '84; at Fort Custer, Mont., to Aug. 7, '84 ; at the Mil. Acad. as Instructor Modern Languages, from Aug. 28, '84, to Aug. 28, '88; with regiment, Fort Assinaboine, Mont., to . History Sjn of late Surgeon J M Foltz, Med. Director. U. S. Navy. Foote, George F. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in New York. Retired. Ap- pointed from Tenn. Civil life. Actunl rank Pvt. and 1st Si?t. Co. " E," 14th 24, '86. Brevet ran* Bvt. 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Stone River, Tenn. ; Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Jonesboro', Ga. ; Bvt. Maj. Vol., Bvt. L:.- Col. Vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 8th Cav. May 1, 70, to Aug. 31 '80. Foote, Morris C. (Captain 9th Inf.). Born at Madison Bks., N. Y., Sept. FOR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 213 16, 1843. Retiring year 1907 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. "C," 44th N. Y. Inf., Sept. 3, '61 ; discharged June 20, '62; 2d Lieut. 92d N. Y. Inf. June 21, '62; hon. must, out Dec. 31, '64; 1st Lieut. 121st N. Y. Inf. March 26, '65 ; hon. must, out July 17, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 9th May 7, '66 ; ace. June 14, '66 ; lat Lieut. March 7, '67 ; Capt. Jan. 26, '83. Brevet rank Brevet Captain Vols. April 6, '65, for gallant and mer. service before Petersburg and in the battle of Little Sailor's Creek, Va. ; hon. must, out July 16, '65. Service Served through the Peninsula campaign, Army of the Potomac, with 44th N. Y. Vols. ; prisoner of war from April 20 to Dec. 14, '64 at Libby Prison, Va., Ma- con, Ga., Charleston, S. C., and Columbia, S. C. ; was among the 600 officers, prisoners of war, at Charleston, S. C., placed under fire of our batteries on Mor- ris Island to stop the shelling of the city, and was the only officer hit, receiving slight flesh wound from piece of shell. Escaped from prison at Columbia, S. C., 14, '64. Black Hills expedition, under Col. R. I. Dodge, May 20, 75, to Oct. 13, and taken on board U. S. Gunboat ~>th Ohio Vols., 51st Indiana Vols. and 14th Kentucky VoL., Jan. and Feb., '62 ; as- signed to Division of Major Gen. T. J. Wood; marched said command irom Louisville to Bardstown, Ky., and from thence to Danville, Ky. ; not having authority from the War Department to remain on detached volunteer duty, was relieved from this command by Gen. Don Carlos Buell, com. Dep of the Ohio and ordered to report to the Adj. Grn. of the Army ; assigned to duty with the Army of the Potomac as A. A. I. G. to the Provost Marshal General, and re- mained attached to the Headquarters of the Army of the Potomac from March, '62, to April, '63; doing duty as A. D. C. to Major Gen. George B. McClellan, during the Peninsula Campaign; detached and assigned to duty as A. D. C. to Major Gen. J. K. Mansfield, com. the 12th Army Corps, Sept. 15, 'G2, and re- ma, ned on duty with him until his death, during the battle of Antietam, Md. f Sept. 17, '62 ; Acting Deputy Provost Marshal Gen. Army of the Potomac during the winter of '62-3; in charge of office, etc., at Acquia Creek, Va. ; relieved Irom duty with Army of the Potomac, spring of '63; joined 18th U. S. Inf. in the Army of the Cumberland at Murfreesboro', Tenn., May, '63; A. A. A. G. of the Brigade of Regular Inf. from May, '63, to April, '64; ordered to report to Major Gen. P. H. Sheridan, com. Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, and appointed by him Lieut. Colonel and Inspector General of that Corps, April 19, '64, and assigned to duty by him as Chief of his Staff; continuing on that duty until Aug. 4, '64; repaired to Washington August 4, '64, with Major General Sheridan, who was assigned to the command of the Middle Military Divi.-ion and the Army of the Shenandoah ; and was announced by him as Chief of his Staff, and continued on this duty until May 22, '65; Staff duty Mil. Div. of the Gulf from May 22 to July 7, '65; in the latter part of July left Headquarters of the Military Divii-ion of the Gulf, New Orleans, and took command of a Brigade of Cavalry, consisting of the 7th Indiana, 9th and 12th Illinois Cav., in the Diyision organized by Gen. G. A. Custer, U. S. Vols. at Alexandria, La., for duty in Texas, and marched said command from Alexandria, La., via Burns Ferry, Sabine River, to Heinstead, Texas, en route from Aug. 7 to Sept. 15, '65; Staff duty at Hd. Qre. Mil. Div. of the Gulf, New Orleans, La., during the years '65-66-67; Inspector and Superin- tendent, of Registration of the State of Louisiana, as required by the Law of Re- construction in '67, under General Sheridan's instructions and orders; Staff duty Dept. of Mo. '68-69; participated in the winter campaign against the Contain* he, Cheyeunes, Arrapahoe and Kiowa Indians throughout the winter of '68-9; on FOR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 217 Staff duty Hd. Qra. Mil. Div. of Mo., Chicago, Ills., March, '69; by authority of the War Department accompanied Lieut. Gen. Sheridan to Europe on leave of absence; sailed from New York July 7, '70; by permission of King William of Prussia joined his Headquarters in the field at Pont-a-Mousson, France, Wednes- day, Aug. 17, '70, and remained with Headquarters of the King of Prussia until after the establishment of the Prussian Army around Paris, Headquarters being located at Versailles, on Saturday, Sept. 24, 70, remaining at Versailles until Oct. 14, '70 ; present with the King of Prussia and his Headquarters and witness- ing the battles of Gravelotte Aug. 18th, Beaumont Aug. 30th and Sedan Sept. 1, 70; during time at Versailles witnessed the minor operations attending the com- plete investment of Paris; after leaving Versailles made a tour of Europe, re- turning to Paris in March, 71, the last day of the occupancy of that City by the Prussians, and remained in Paris during the reign of the Commune, leaving there just before the investment of the City by Marshal McMahon, then returning to the United States ; passing through England and Ireland, reporting to the Secre- tary of War in Washington about May 1, 71, and immediately thereafter returned to duty at the Headquarters Mil. Div. of the Missouri at Chicago, Ills. ; took part in what was known as "Sioux Expedition' 1 (under special instructions from the Lieut. General), organized at Fort Laramie in March, 74; the column consisting of 8 troops of the 2d and 3d Cav., and 8 Companies of the 8th, 13th and 14th Inf., under command of Col. John E. Smith, 14th Inf. ; under special instructions from Lieut. Gen. Sheridan, left Chicago May 20, 75, proceeding toBismark, Dak., there taking steamer on the Missouri River to Fort Buford, taking on board at this point three Companies of the 6th Inf., consisting of six officers and 100 men ; made the first Steam Exploration that had ever been made of the Yellowstone River, locating sites for posts on the Big Horn and Tongue Rivers; the result of this expedition was the settlement of the question as to the navigability of the Yellowstone; up to this date nothing positive having been known on this sub- ject; continued on duty at Headquarters Mil. Div. of the Missouri, until pro- moted Lieut. Colonel 1st Cav., to date from April 4, 78; joined 1st Cav. at Fort Walla Walla, W. T., July 12, 78; left post same day with eight troops for duty in the field against the Bannock Indians, driving them through the Blue Moun- tains, Eastern Oregon, Northern Nevada and Idaho; at the crossing of Snake River was called by Brig. Gen. Howard to Boise City, and placed in command of that district, which included all the forces in the field, against these Indians; remained on this duty, completing the campaign and driving the Bannocks to their reservation in Montana; then returned the different organizations to their proper stations, and repaired to Fort Walla Walla Sept. 23,78; in June, 79, left post, in command of troops, as an escort to the Department Commander and Governor of Washington Territory, on expedition made for the purpose of visit- ing all the Indian tribes in the Upper Columbia River Country and locating Chief Moses on the new reservation set apart for him by the Interior Department ; absent on detached service at New York City, before the Warren Court of In- quiry, from April 25 to July 10, '80; left post in command of four troops of the 1st Cavalry for Kittitas Valley, W. T., Aug. 16th, and returned Sept. 5, '80 ; expedition being made under special telegraphic instructions from Department Commander, in connection with Indian AtFairs; left Fort Walla Walla, W. T., en route for Governor's Island, N. Y., as witness before the Warren Court of In- quiry Oct. 7, '80, on completion of which duty was ordered to report for tem- porary duty at Headquarters Mil. Div. of the Missouri at Chicago, 111., and upon so reporting was assigned to duty as Inspector of Cav. in the Mil. Div. of the Missouri; relieved from duty as Inspector of Cav. in the Mil. Div. of the Mis- souri, to take effect July 1, '85; assigned to duty at Fort Maginnis, M. T., Da- kota, '85, and assumed command July 8, '85, and remained in command until May 1, '86; absent with leave /or two months from May 1, '86; promoted from Lieut. Colonel 1st Cav. to Colonel 7th Cav. July 11, '86; assumed command of the regi- ment July 26, '86, at Fort Meade, D. T. ; marched with Headquarters, Band and four troops of the regiment from that post to Fort Riley, Kansas (present station), leaving Meade July 25th and arriving there Sept. 8, '87. Staff positions occupied 14 218 RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. FOR A. A. I. G. to the Provost Marshal General, Army of the Potomac, from March, A. I. G. of Mil. Div. of the Gulf '65-66-67 ; Inspector General of the Dep. of the Missouri under command of Major Gen. P. H. Sheridan in '68 and '69; app. Lieut. Colonel and A. D. C. by Lieut. Gen. P. H. Sheridan March, '69, and on duty atjphicago, 111., Headquarters Mil. Div. of the Missouri; relieved from^duty as A. Battles capture June 27, '62; White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30, '62; Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, '62, and in the Maryland Campaign at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, '62 ; led the brigade in its charge at Hoover's Gap in the advance on Tullahoma, Tenn., June, '63 ; crossed the Cumberland Mountains and the Tennessee River and took part in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga.,Sept. 19 and 20, '63 ; with the Army of the Cumberland at Chattanooga, Tenn., while besieged from Sept. 21 to Nov. 24, '63 ; took part in the battle of Missionary Ridge Nov. 24 and 25, '63, riding the lines and charging the heights with the brigade ; took part with command in the skirmish at Rocky Faced Ridge, in advance on Dalton, Ga., in the spring of '- souri River, below Fort A. Lincoln, especially at Standing Rock and Cheyenne, Oct. 15 to Nov. 10, 76 ; Post Adj., Post Treasurer and Acting Signal Officer, Fort Pembina, Dakota, Nov. 27,76, to Dec. 17, 77 ; conducting insane soldier to Washington, D. C. ; on delay, and en route to station Dec. 20, 77, to Jan. 31, 78; at Fort Brown, Texas, Feb. 1, 78, to May 18, '80, except while on leave of absence, Feb. 27 to June 3, 79, and on detached service at Santa Maria, Tex., Oct. 14 to 22, 79, to take charge of and ship to Fort Brown the public May 3, '81 ; Instructor of Military Signaling in Battery ; absent with leave, on Surgeon's certificate of disability, on account of injuries received in line of duty, May 8 to Nov. 30, '81 ; assigned to Co. E; at Fort Dodge, Kan., Nov. 30, '81, to Oct. 2, '82, except while on detached service as member of General Court .Mar- tial at Fort Lyon, Col., April 22 to May 7, '82; and conducting military con- victs to military prison, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., June 15 to 20, 82; and inves- tigating trouble between soldiers and civilians at Fort Larned, Kan., July 29 to 30, '82; at Fort Supply, Indian Territory, Oct. 9, '82, to Oct. 1, '83, except while on detached service conducting recruits from Cantonment, on North Fork of the Canadian River, I. T., to Fort Supply, I. T., Nov. 2 to 7, '82; on leave of absence Oct. 1, '83, to March 16, '84, except while on duty as witness before a 7 7 -wj w *uv Wj V^/j VVT \ItllV, V- -V V. V k' I- V11111V \J U detached service as Competitor in Department Rifle Competition at Fort Snell- ing, Minn., July 21 to Sept. 2, '85; on detached service commanding escort to Pay- master Nov. 2 to 7, '85; on leave of absence July 10 to Nov. 9, '86 ; on detached service as Shipping and Receiving Officer at Broadwater's Landing, Montana, Nov. 14, '86, to May 1, '87; on detached service with Co. at Log Camp in Bear Paw Mountains, Mont., Aug. 25 to Sept. 12, '87 ; with troops in the field, march of instruction, Sept. 24 to 30, '88; and with troops in the field, march and camp of instruction Aug. 21 to Sept. 18, '89. Staff positions occupied Act. Regimental Adj. and Post Adj. at Fort Brown, Tex., and A. A. G. Dis. of the Rio Grande May 14 to June 17, 78; Post Adj. June 7 to Oct. 2, '82, at Fort Dodge Kan. ; Post Adj. at Fort Supply, I. T., Aug. 15 to Sept. 19, '83 ; A. C. S. Jan. 1 to June 30, '86; A. C. S. and Post Treasurer June 1, '88, to July 31, '89; Adj. and Quar- FRA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 221 master, Second Column, troops in the field, Sept. 24 to 28, and of troops in the field (first and second columns united) Sept. 28 to 30, '88 ; A. A. Q. M., troops in the field, Aug. 21 to 26, '89; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S., Camp on Lodge Pole Creek, Montana, Aug. 26 to Sept. 14, '89 ; A. A. Q. M., troops in the field, Sept. 14 to 18, '89 ; Post Treasurer and Acting Signal Officer Oct. 14, '89, to date. Com- mands held Co. Sept. 8 to 30, '83 ; March 16, '84, to July 20, '85 ; Sept. 3 to Oct. 18, '85 ; May 2, '87, to May 11, '88; June 14 to August 26, '88 ; April 11 to July 30, '89 ; and Jan. 20 to Feb. 11, '90. History-Sou of 1st Lieut. S. H. Foster, 1st Vermont Heavy Artillery, llth Vermont Vols. Fountain, Samuel W. (Captain 8th Cav.). Born in Va. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '66 ; graduated June 15, 70. Actual rank Pvt. Co. K, 140th Ohio Vol. Inf., May 2, '64 ; discharged Sept. 3, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Cav. June 15, 70; 1st Lieut. Oct. 22, 78; Capt. April 11, '89. Service Served in Kanawha Valley, West Va., and on Hunter's raid to Lynchburg as far as Meddow's Bluff; served on frontier duty, scouting in New Mexico, Arizona and Texas ; was stationed at Forts Wingate, McRae and Selde'n, N. M. ; Forts Ringgold, Mclntoah, Brown and Clark, and Camps Edinburg, Ala- mo, Santa Maria and Del Rio, Texas; was on duty as A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. while building Fort Wingate, N. M. ; was promoted 1st Lieut. Oct. 22, 78 ; should have been promoted June 28, 78, except for the error of the Adjutant- General of the Army, such error having occurred by reason of a misinterpreta- tion of the act of June 18, '78; the error was acknowledged by the A. G. O., but redress was refused ; was on duty as Adjutant, Fort Ringgold, Sept., 77, and accompanied the commanding officer when U. S. troops crossed the Rio Grande; on duty with regiment to date. Fowler, Charles S. (Second Lieut. 19th Inf.). Born in Me. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Saddler, Corpl.,Sergt. and Pvt. Co. E., 4th Cav. Nov. 14, 72, to Nov. 14, 77; Pvt., Corpl. and Sergt. Co. C., 19th Inf., Aug. 22, 78, t > July 6, '82; 2d Lieut. 19th Inf. June 7, '82 ; accepted July 7, '82. Fowler, Joshua L. (Captain 2d Cav.). Born at East Fishkill, N. Y., Feb. 20, '46. Retiring year 1910 ; appointed Cadet to the U. S. Military Academy Sep. 1, '64 ; graduated June 15, '68. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav., June 15, '68; 1st Lieut. Nov. 4, '69; Captain Oct. 26, '81. Service Reported for duty with troop E, 2d Cav., Sep. 30, '68, at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo.; in the field scout- ing to Feb., '69 ; sick to Sep., '69 ; on march with troop E, 2d Cav., to Omaha, Neb., to Nov. 4, '69, from Ft. D. A. Russell ; Omaha Barracks to March, 70; in the field scouting in Southeastern Neb. and Kan. from March to Nov., 70 with troop C, 2d Cav.; transferred to troop K Dec., 70 ; at Omaha Bks. to April, 71 ; in the field scouting from Camp W. P. Clark, near North Platte, to July, 71, and in the field scouting to Nov., 71 ; at North Platte Bks. to Jan. 15, 72 ; in the field locating Camp Alexis, to Feb., 72 ; at North Platte Bks. to May, 72 ; then marched to Ft. Laramie, Wyo.; in the field scouting to Nov., 72 ; at Ft. Laramie to April, 73 ; in the field scouting to Nov., 73 ; at Fort Laramie to Feb., 74 ; at Fort Sanders, Wyo., to Sep. 3, 77 ; marched to Fort Custer, Mont., Sep., 77 ; promoted to troop A, but transferred to troop M, March, '82 ; marched to Fort Assinaboine, Mont., July, '83, and there to June 3, '84 ; at Fort Klamath, Oregon, from July, '84, to March, '86; marched to Fort Bidwell, Cal., and there to Sep., '88; at Fort Walla Walla, Wash., Nov.. '88, to . Staff positions occupied Adj. Cav. battalion in the field, 74; Regimental Q. M. 2d Cav. Sep. 15, 74; R. Q. M., and A. C. S. at Fort Sanders, Wyo., to Sep. 3, 77 ; A. C. S. to Feb. 9, 78, at Fort Custer, Mont.; R. Q. M., and A. A. Q. M. from July, 78, to May 4, '80 ; resigned position as R. Q. M., May 4, '80. Commands A^, 'S2 ; re- joined Co. Nov. 15, '82 ; temporary duty Co. " D " March 1 to June 29, 'S3 ; I >. S. with his Co. " K " at Log Camp near Laramie Peak, Wyo. Aug. 15 to Sep. !'., '83, and from Aug. 7 to Sep. 23, '85 ; joined Co. "F" Nov. 26, '85 ; D. S. at Cheyenne, Wyo.; G. C. M. duty from July 16 to Aug. 14, '86 ; absent with 1> from Nov. 17, '88, to March 16, '89; on temporary duty with Co. " C " from April 4 to 25, '89, and with Co. "D" from Apr. 25 to June 1, '89; at Ft. Logan, Col., to . Staff positions occupied Adj. Batt., 7th Inf., at White Kiver. Col.. Jan. 6 to June 23, '80; Post Adj., Treas., Act. Signal officer and Ord. otlicer. Fort Snell- ing, Minn., and Acting Regt'l. Adj. Sep. 16 to Nov. 22, '80 ; Post Adj.. A< tin- Signal and Ord. Officer, Fort Steven son, D. T., June 13 to Nov. 3, '82 ; Adj. Batt, 7th Inf., Nov. 12 to 21, '82; A. A. Q. M. at Fort Laramie, Wyo. Aug. K' to Sep. 19, '84; Acting Post Adj. from Feb. 25 to March 3, '86 ; from Sept. 30 to < c -t. '.'. '86; Post Adj. and Treas., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Logan, Col.: relie\,d from duty as' Post Adj. Oct. 18, and as A. A. Q. M. and A . r. S. Nov. ;. "S9. < to* mands heldComdg. Co. from Dec. 26, 78, to March 3, 79; from May 24 to July 31, '81 ; Co. " G" and Indian Scouts at Fort Stevenson, D. T., June 13 to Nov. 3, '82 ; Co. from Aug. 19 to Sept. 18, '86 ; from Oct. 7 to 18, '87 ; from April 11 to May 12, '88 ; Co. " D " from Aug. 23 to Oct. 5, '88 ; Co. Oct. 6 to Nov. 16, '88 ; Oct. 12 to 17, '89 ; Nov. 6 to Dec. 24, '89 ; Dec. 31, '89, to Jan. 3, '90. Preeland, Harry (Second Lieut. 3d Inf.). Born in Md. Appointed from Md. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sep. 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut, 3d Inf. July 1, '86. Freeman, Henry Blanchard (Captain 7th Inf., and Brevet Major.) Born in Ohio, Jan. 17, '37. Retiring year 1901; app. from the Armv. Actual rank Pvt. Co. " G," 10th Inf., July 16, '55 ; dis. Feb. 5, '56 ; Pvt. and 1st Sergt. Co. " B," 2d Batt., 18th Inf., July 8 to Nov. 4, '61; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. Oct. 30, '61 ; ace. Nov. 4, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 30, '62; Capt. July 28, '66 ; trs. to 27ttf Inf., Sep. 21, '66; unass. Juno M. '69; ass'd. to 7th Inf. Jan. 7, 70. Brevet ran* Bvt. Capt. Dec. 31, '62, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn.; Bvt. Maj., Sep. 20, '63, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. Service Prisoner of war Sept., '63; escaped from Libby prison, Richmond, Va., through tunnel, Feb. 14, '64; recaptured three days later on Appomattox River, above City Point ; one of officers placed under fire at Charleston, S. C., Aug., '64 ; escaped FEE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. 223 from Ry. train on Savannah and Charleston Ey. Aug., '64 ; surrendered to avoid starvation ; six days later escaped from prison, Camp Sorghum, near Columbia, S. C., Nov., '64; recaptured ten days later; escaped from prison, Columbia, S. C., Feb. 14, '65; joined General Sherman's Army; with 17th Corps from that date to April, '65; on duty with Head Qrs.Kilpatrick's Cav. Corps from Win nsboro',S. C., to Fayetteville, N. C.; since '66, on frontier in Depts. of Dakota and the Platte; in the field, '66-69 ; at Milk River, Mont., fall of 71 ; Camp Baker, Mont., from April, 72, to July, 75; in the field 76 ; with escort to Sitting Bull Commission to Fort Walsh, Canada, 77 ; Rock Springs, Wyo., July 13, '87, to Sept. 20, '89; on special detail recruiting service, St. Paul, Minn., from Sep. 30, '89, to . Staff positions occupied Adj. 1st Batt, 18th Inf., March 16, '63, to Nov. 1, '65 ; A. A. A. G. 17th Corps from Feb. 14, '65, to April, '65. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Sioux war '66-68 ; campaign of '69, Republican River, Kan. Commands held Com- mand of two Go's and with detachment 7th Inf. against Half Breeds, Milk River, Mont., fall of 71 ; of Camp Baker, Mont, from April, 72, to July, 75 ; of six Go's 7th Inf., Sioux campaign 76 ; of escort to Sitting Bull Commission to Fort Walsh, Canada, 77 ; of troops at Rock Springs, Wyo., July 13, '87, to Sept. 20, '89. Freeman, Samuel D. (Second Lieut. 10th Cav.). Born in Va. Appointed from N. C. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 79; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 10th Cav. June 13, '83". Staff positions occupied In- structor Dept. Mathematics at Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., since Aug. 27, '87. Fremont, Francis P. (First Lieut. 3d Inf.). Born in D. C. Appointed from Arizona Civil life. Actual rank Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 72, to Sept. 8, 74 ; 2<1 Lieut. 3d Inf. Sept. 1, 79; accepted Sept. 20, 79; 1st Lieut. April 20, '86. Staff positions occupied Adjutant May 24, '88. French, Charles G. (Second Lieut. 25th Inf.). Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy June 15, '84; graduated June 11, '88. Actual ran k Add. 2d Lieut. 20th Inf. June 11, '88; 2d Lieut. 25th Inf., Sept 1, '88. French, Francis H. (First Lieut. 19th Inf.), Born in Ind. Appointed from Ind. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rankM Lieut. 19th Inf. June 13, 79; 1st Lieut. March 24, '88. French, George Edgar (Second Lieut. 4th Inf.). Born in Boston, Mass., June 2, '58. Retiring year 1922. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private, Corporal and Sergeant Co. A, 1st Inf., from April 14, '84, to Get. 22, '86; 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. Oct. 22, '86; accepted Oct. 23, '86. Service Now at Inf. and Cav. School, Fort Leavenwortb, Kan., taking prescribed course. French, John T., Jr. (First Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 72; graduated June 15, 76. AH>,I rank 2d Lieut. 4th Art. June 15, 76; 1st Lieut. Sept. 23, '85. French, John W. (Captain 25th Inf.). Born in D. C., June 2, 1843. Re- tiring year J907. Appointed from D. C. Actual rank Pvt. Co. F, 7th N. Y. S. M., April 17, '61 ; discharged June 3, '61; 2d Lieut. 8th Inf., Oct. 24, '61; ac- cepted Nov. 2, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 9, '66 ; Capt. 40th Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Nov. 20, '66 ; trans, to 25th Inf. April 20, '69. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut, for gallant and meritorious services in battle of Weldon Railroad, and Captain same for Hatcher's Run ; confirmed, but not commissioned, as Major, Lieut.-Col. and Col. by brevet. Service On recruiting and mustering services, arid with Regt. to Dec., '63 ; in Gettysburg Campaign ; on staff duty and pass officer, New York City, from Dec., '63, to April 25, '64 ; joined Regt. April 30, '64, and served with it through Wilderness Campaign to James River ; Asst. Com. musters, 2d Div., 9th A. C., from June 14, '64, to Jan. 18, '65 ; Acting Com. of musters, 9th A. C., from Sept. 30 to Dec., '64; staff duty of the Armies operating against Richmond, Jan. 18 to Sept. 19, '65; served in the Carolinas and Louisiana till May, 70; then in Texas until July, '80, when trans, to Dakota; on recruiting service Oct. 1, '84, to Oct. 1, '86 ; at Fort Meade, S. D., Oct., '86, to May, '88 ; at Fort Custer, Mont., from June 10, '88. to . Staff positions occupied A. D. C. to Gen. Stannard, and pass officer, City and Harbor of New York, from Dec., '63, to April 25, '64 ; 224 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. FRY A. D. C. to Gen. R. Ingalls, Chief Quartermaster of the Armies operating against Richmond, from Jan. 18, '65, to Sept. 19, '65 ; Adj. 8th Inf., Jan. 31, '66, to Nov. 20, '66; A. A. G. Dist. of N. C.; was Acting Judge Advocate, in charge of Inspect- or's office and Chief Commissary of Subsistence (twice) of the Dept. of Texas. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in battles about Petersburg Mine, Weldon Railroad, Hatcher's Run, etc.; volunteered to, and did, sink obstructions in Trent's Reach, James River, under Rebel batteries, to prevent descent of iron- clads to raid on depots at City Point; in last Campaign of the Armies operating against Richmond. French, William B. P. (First Lieut. 3d Inf.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75, to June 26, 77 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Inf., Sept. 1, 79 ; accepted Sept. 9, 79 ; 1st Lieut., Sept. 12, '85. Prick, Euclid Bernardo (First Lieut, and Asst. Surg.). Born in IMiila.. Pa., July 29, '67. Retiring year, 1931. App. from Cal. Civil life. Ac/mif rank 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surg., Oct. 29, '89; accepted Nov. 4, '89. Service M Fort Keogh, Mont., since Nov. 18, '89. History Graduated from Medical hepart- ment, University of Cal., with the Class of ''88; son of Acting Assistant Surgeon A. P. Frick, now stationed at Fort Selden, New Mex. ; appeared before the Army Medical Examining Board in May, '89, and, after undergoing six days' ex:unini- tion, withdrew by advice of the Board ; was appointed House Surgeon at Barnes' Hospital, U. S. Soldiers' Home, Washington, D. C., July 1, '89, and serve- 1 there- until Oct. 21, '89, when resigned to accept present commission, having been rec- ommended for appointment by the Army Medical Examining Board that met in New York in Oct., '89. Frier, James H. (Second Lieut. 17th Inf.). Born in Missouri. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 17th U. S. Inf. July 1, '86. Frost, Alfred S. (Second Lieut. 25th Inf.). Born in Illinois. Appointed from the army. Actual rank Private, Corpl. and Sergt. Co. A, llth Inf., Sept. 13, '81, to Aug. 6, '84; 2d Lieut. 25th Inf., Aug. 4, '84 ; accepted Aug. 7, '84. Fry, James B. (Colonel and Brevet Major-General U.S. A.). Born in 111. Retired; appointed from 111. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '!.".; graduated July 1, '47. Actual rank Bvt, 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. July L '47; iM Lieut. 1st Art. Aug. 20, '47; 1st Lieut. Feb. 22, '51; Bvt. Capt. A. A. C. March 16, '61; accepted March 20, '61; Capt. A. A. G. Aug. 3, '61; Col. A. A. D. C. Vol. Nov. 14, '61; accepted April 14, '62; Major U. S. A. April 2L', V,:>: Lieut. Col. Dec. 31, '62; Col. Gen. Pro. Mar. Gen. Vol. March 17, '63; Brig. (Jen. IV... Mar. Gen. April 21, '64; accepted May 20, '64; exp. by law Aug. 27, V,; ; (',,!. U. S. A. March 3, 75; retired July 1, '81, at his own request; over thirty years' service. Brevet rank Bvt. Col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Bull Run (1st), Va. ; Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Shiloh, Tenn., and Perryville, Ky. ; Major-Gen. March 13, '65, for faithful, meritorious and distinguished services in the provost-marshal general's department during the war. /S/tt//'/KW/W.s mr///>/V/ Adj. U. S. Mil. Acad. from Aug. 1, '54, to Aug. 31, '59; Chief of StafV to Brig. Gen. McDowell, '61; Chief of Staff to Major-Gen. Buell, '61-2. Service Joined of the U. S. (Brigadier-General) from '63 to '66; (as' Provost-Marshal General he put into the army by conscription, substitution and voluntary enlistment 1,120, '>_'! men; arrested and returned to the army 76,562 deserters; made an exact enrol- ment of the national forces, showing that there remained in the country liable to conscription, but not called out, 2,254,073 men, and collected, under a money- commutation clause of the enrolment act, $26,366,316.78) ; served since 1866 as Assistant Adjutant-General of the Military Divisions of the Pacific, the South and the Atlantic, and retired at his own request, for over thirty years' service, FUL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 225 July 1, '81. Battles, skirmishes, etc. First Bull Run, June 27, '61; Shiloh, Tenn.; Perryville, Ky. Fryer, Blencowe B. (Major and Surg.). Born in England, Oct. 26, 1837. Retiring year 1901 ; app. from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. May 28, '61 ; ace. May 31, '61 ; Capt., Asst. Surg. May 28, '66 ; Major, Surg. Oct. 30, '67. Brevet rank Brevet Capt. and Major March 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service On hospital duty in Washington till August '61 ; on duty with Co. of 2d Dragoons and at Hd. Qrs. of Gen. McDowell at Ar- lington till Oct., '61 ; on duty with Med. Director Army of Potomac till March, '62; on duty in charge of " Mount Pleasant" and "Stone*' Gen. Hospitals at Washington till Aug., '62 ; on duty with Asst. Surgeon General U. S. A. until Oct., '63, and while on that duty was at Vicksburg when Gen. Grant's Army first went there; was also on inspecting duty with Asst. Surgeon General at Memphis, Nashville, Louisville, Cairo, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis ; in charge " Brown " General Hospital at Louisville till June, '65 ; on duty in Asst. Surg. General's Office till Nov., '65 ; Act. Med. Director Dept. Ohio, to March, '66 ; Attending Surg. and in Med. Director's Office, Detroit and Post Surg. Fort Wayne, till Aug., '67 ; Post Surg. at Fort Barker, Kan., to April, '72; Post Surg. Fort Union, N. M., May, '73 ; Post Surg. Fort Wood, N. Y. H., May, '74 ; Post Surg. Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., July, '70; Member of Army Med. Examining Board N. Y. City, from Aug., 74, till Dec., 76 ; Post Surg. Fort Leavenworth, Kan., till July, '84 ; on leave to July, '85; on sick leave to Feb., '87 ; at Fort Lowell, Ariz., till May, '87; ordered before a Retiring Board at San Francisco, May, '87, found incapacitated for active service and granted leave of absence on account of disability, awaiting retirement. Fuger, Frederick (Captain 4th Art.). Born in Germany, June 18, 1835. Retiring year 1899; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. " A," 4th Art., Aug. 21, '56, to Nov. 9, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Art. Oct. 31, '63 ; accepted Nov. 9, '63 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 21, '65 ; Capt. March 5, '87 ; Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. May 11, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Yellow Tavern, Va. ; Bvt. Capt. March 31, '65, for gallant and mer- itorious services in the battle of Dinwiddie Court House, Va. fitqff" positions oc- t-tijtifd Reg. Q. M. 4th Art. Aug. 1, 75, to March 5, '87. Service In the war of the Rebellion '61-5; in the field with the Army of the Potomac and participated in the Peninsula campaign '62; in the Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellors- ville and Gettysburg campaigns '62-3; in the Wilderness campaign ; in Sheri- dan's raid from May 9 to 25, '64 ; in Wilson's raid from June 22 to July 2, '64 ; in the Shenandoah campaign '64 ; General Sheridan's raid via the Shenandoah Valley, and joined the Army of the Potomac in front of Petersburg, Va., Feb., '65 ; in the capture of Petersburg and closing operations of the war ; on duty at various stations on the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts from '66 to '90. Battles, skir- ,nhh^, etc. In the battles of Fair Oaks, June 1, '62 ; Allen's Farm, June 29, '62 ; Savage Station, June 29, '62; White Oak Swamp, June 30, '62; Malvern Hill, July 1, '62 ; (slightly wounded in the head at White Oak Swamp June 30, '62 ; engaged at the battle of Antietam (slightly wounded in left arm), Fredericks- burg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg ; actions of Sulphur Springs and Bristoe Station ; engaged at Parker's Store, Va. ; engaged at the battle of Rappahannock Station, operations at Mine Run, battle of the Wilderness ; actions of Meadow Bridge, Strawberry Hill, Hawes' Shop, and Yellow Tavern ; engaged at White Oak Swamp and Riddle's House June 13, '64; actions of Nottoway Court-House, Stony Creek, Ream's Station, and engaged at the battle of Winchester, Va., ac- tions of Summit Point, Kearneysville, Berryville, and Bunker Hill ; engaged at the battles of Dinwiddie Court-House, Five Forks, actions of Scott's Cross-Roads, Wilson's Farm, battle of Sailor's Creek, and capitulation of Appomattox Court- House, Va. Commands held In command of Horse Battery A, 4th Art., from Dec , '63, to May, '64. Puller, Alfred M. (First Lieut. 2d Cav.). Born in Uniontown, Pa. App. from Pa. ; graduated at Mil. Acad., Class of 76. Actual raro& 2d Lieut. 10th Cav. June 15, 76 ; transferred to 2d Cav. July 28, 76 ; 1st Lieut. March 27, '83. 226 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. Service Military Instructor at Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa., '84 to '87. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Wounded in an engagement with Mmneconju gioux dians on Little Muddy, Mont., May 7, 77. History Son of Col. A. B. duller, 112th Pa. Vols. Fuller Alvarado M. (First Lieut. 2d Cav.). Born in R. I. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank-Pvt., Corpl., Sgt. Co. " B," 2d Cav., Jan 1, 70, to Jan. 1, 75; Pvt. and Sgt. Maj. 2d Cav. April 1, 76, to July 8, 79; 2d Lieut. 2d . June 28, 79; accepted July 8, 79 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 28, '88. Cav Puller, Ezra B. (First Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in 111. Appointed from 111. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '69; graduated June 13, 73. Actual rank Pvt. Co. " E," 141st 111. Inf., May 17, '64; discharged Oct. 10, '64; Pvt " M " 8th 111. Cav., Feb. 2, '65 ; discharged July 17, '65; 2d Lieut. 8th U S. Cav. June 13, 73 ; transferred to 7th Cav. June 26, 76 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 30, 77. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. Sept. 30, 77, to Nov. 7, '87. Purey, John V. (Major and Quartermaster.) Born in N. Y. May 22, 1839. Retiring year 1903 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. /-< r. A . i kT ~v.r -\r -i TC * 1O >1 . I :... I ..,_...,. 1 Q^nf Ofi 'AO . Oonf anrl Om k Bvt. Maj.' Vol'. March 13, '65, for meritorious services in the Quartermas- ter's Department during the war. Gageby, James H. (Captain 3d Inf.). Born in Pa. Sep. 5, 1836. Retiring year 1900; appointed from army. Actual rankSgl. Co. " K," 3d Penn. Inf., April 19, '61; discharged July 30, '61 ; 1st Sgt. Co. "G," 1st Batt., 19th U. S. Inf., Oct. 25, '61, to June 9, '63 ; 2d Lt. 19th Inf. June 1, '63 ; accepted June 9, '63 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 28, '63 ; Capt. 37th Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Dec. 13, '66 ; trans- ferred to 3d Inf. Aug. 11, '69. Brevet rankEvt. 1st Lt. June 26, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Hoover's Gap, Tenn.; Bvt. Capt. Nov. 25, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chattanooga, Tenn. Gaillard, David Du B. (First Lieut, of Engineers). Born in fc. < J. Appointed from S. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '80; graduated June 15, '84. Actual rank 2d Lieut. Eng. June 15, '84 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 22, '87. Galbraith, Jacob G. (Firat Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Minn. Appointed from Penn. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 73 ; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. June 15, 77 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 31, '84. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. April 1, '87. Galbraith, William W. (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in Carlisle, Pa., Ben. 30, 1851. Retiring year 1915 ; appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Acad- emy July 1, 73 ; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th Art. June 15,77; 1st Lieut. Sep. 23, '85. Service Served with Bat. " I " at Charleston, S. C., Dec., 77 ; at Atlanta, Ga., May, 79; with L. Bat. " F " from Aug. 27, 79, to Oct., '81 ; Inspector on public property at the abandonment as military post f Charleston, S. C., in 79, and Fort Johnson, N. C., in '80 ; at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H., Jan..'82; at Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., May, '82, to April 30, '84; at Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., June, '84 ; Professor of Military Science and Tac- tics, Pa. Mil. Acad., July, '84, to July, '85 ; relieved at his own request and or- dered to Fort Columbus, N. Y. H. ; with Batt. " M " at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. H., Sep., '85; Bedloe's Island, March, '87; Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H., May, '87; at U. S. Mil. Acad., Asst. Instructor of Tactics, Com. Cadet Company, Aug. 28, '87. Staff positions occupied Post Adjt. at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H., '82, and again '87. Gale, George H. G. (First 'Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in Me. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th Cav. June 13, ''79 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 26, '84. Gallagher, Hugh J. (Second Lieut. 6th Cav.). Born in Canada. Appointed from Iowa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '80 ; graduated June 15, '84. Actual rank2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Cav. June 15, '84. Gallup, Charles C. (Second Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in N. Y. Appointed GAR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 227 from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '84 ; graduated June 11, '88. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. June 11, '88. Gallupe, George S. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in New York. Retired. Appointed from Penn. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 8th Pa. Res. April 17, *61 ; Capt. July 29, '61 ; Maj. Nov. 2, '63; hon. must, out May 24, '64; Col. 5th Pa. Art. Sept. 10/64; hon. must, out June 30, '65; Capt. 45th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 20, '66; appt. revoked Nov. 30, '66; Appt. Capt. 43d Inf. Mar. 15, '67, to rank from July 28, '66; accepted Apr. 1, '67; unassigned Apr. 8, '69; assd. to 1st Inf. June 7, '69; retired Mar. 1, '78. Brevet rankBvt. Maj. and Bvt. Lt. Col. Mar. 2, '67, for meritorious services during the war. Gandy, Charles M. (Captain and Asst. Surg.). Born at Ocean View, N. J., Nov. 6, 1857. Retiring year, 1921 ; appointed from N. J. Civil life. Actual rank Act. Asst. Surg. May 8, '83 ; 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon Dec. 3, '83 ; Captain and Asst. Surgeon Dec. 3, '88. Service At Fort Columbus, N. Y., May 8 to Sept. 30, '83; Post Surgeon Fort Brady, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Oct. 5, '83, to Aug., '86 ; Post Surgeon Fort Concho, Tex., Sept. 22, '86, until abandonment of Post June 23, '89; at Fort Clark, Tex., since July 24, '89, portion of time as Post Surgeon ; in field with Battalions 3d and 8th Cav. portion of summer of '87; in field with Batt. 3d Cav. and Co. 19th Inf. portion of summer of '89. Gardener, Cornelius (First Lieut. 19th Inf.). Born in Netherland Sept. 4, 1849. Retiring year, 1913; appointed from Mich.; graduated from U.S. Mili- tary Academy June, '73. Actual rank -2d Lieut. 19th U.S. Inf. June 13, '73; 1st Lieut. June 22, '79. /V/vvVr Participated in Campaign under Gen. Miles against Southern Chcyennes and Kiowas, 74; in pursuit of Northern Cheyennes under Dull Knife, '87; in campaign against Utes, '80. Map pnxitionx occupied Post Alj. i 'amp Supply, Ind. Ty., July, 74-July, '76; Post Adj. Fort Dodge, Ks., July, 76-March, 79; Battalion Adj. under Lt. Col. W. H. Lewis, 19th Inf., in pursuit of Northern Cheyennes, '87; Q. M. of Gen. Buell's column, '80; A. A. Q.M. and A. C. S. at Fort Brown, Tex., since Dec., '82. Battle*, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in action with Cheyennes at Punished Woman's Fork, Ks., Sept. 27, '87. Gardiner, Asa Bird (Major U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Sept. 30, 1839. Re- tired ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 31st N. Y. Vol. Inf. May 27, '61; honorably mustered out Aug. 7, '61; Captain 22d N. Y. S. M. May 31, '62; hon. must, out Sept. 5, '62; Captain 22d N. Y. S. M. June 18, '63; hon. must, out July 24, '63; 1st Lieut. Vet. R. C., Feb. 11, '65 ; accepted May 16, '65; hon. must, out Aug. 13, '66; 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Inf. July 20, '66; accepted Aug. 13, '66; 1st Lieut. Feb. 14, '68; trans, to 1st Art. April 3, '69; Major and Judge Advocate Aug. 18, 73; accepted Aug. 19, 73; retired Dec. 8, '88, lor dis- ability in line of duty. Brevet rank Brevet Captain Vols. March 13, '65, for gal- lant and meritorious services during the war. Rtaff positions occupied Adj. 7th V. II. C. from May 29, '65, to Aug. 13, '66 ; acting* Judge Advocate Dep. of the Kast from July 5, 71, to Nov. 1, 72; acting Signal officer Dep. of the East from March 14, 72, to Dec. 5, 72; A. D. C. Oct. 4, 72, to Aug. 19, 73; acting Judge Advocate Division of the South from May 1, 73, to Aug. 19, 73; A. A. A. Gen. Division of the South from May 9, 73, to July 11, 73; Professor of law at U. S. Military Academy July 29, 74, to Aug. 28, 78. Service In the War of the Re- bellion '61-5; served with regiment in the field in Virginia '61 ; on regimental recruiting service at N. Y. City, July 30, '61 ; resigned from that duty Aug. 7, '61, and resumed the practice of law ; under subsequent proclamation of the President calling for troops, raised a company (22d N. Y. S. Vols.) and served with regiment in 8th Corps in Maryland and Shenandoah Valley from May 31 to Sept. 5, '62 ; out of service to June 18, '63, when, as Capt. of same regiment, under call of the President for troops, served in the field successively in the Army of the Susque- hanna and in the 6th Corps Army of the Potomac, in Pennsylvania and Maryland to the close of the campaign at Williarnsport, Md. ; during this period had charge of the erection of a two-gun field work at Bridgeport, Pa., June 26-9, to protect the great railroad bridge at that point over the Susquehanna, threatened by the vanguard of the 2d Conf. Armv Corps under Gen. Ewell, whose headquarters were at Carlisle; specially detached with his Co. July 1, '63, to follow and ascertain 228 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. GAR the position of the retiring enemy, and led the advance of the Army of the Sus- quehanna from Sporting Hill to Carlisle ; in the successful defense of Carlisle and wounded during the bombardment which ensued (July 1-2, '63) after the place had been thrice summoned to surrender; out of service from July 24, '63, having been mustered out by expiration of term ; again entered service Feb. 11, '65, and served in 23d Army Corps, in the defenses of Washington, D. C., to Dec. 2, '65 ; waiting orders to Dec. 13, '65 ; ordered on special duty to Raleigh, N. C., Dec. 23, '65 ; employed in Judicial duties to May 8, '66, and thereafter on the staffs successively of Bvt. Maj. Genl. Thomas H. Rugeraud Bvt. Maj. Genl. John C.Robinson, command ing depart- ment of North Carolina ; also Judge Advocate of several military commissions and general Courts Martial, and President of the Commission which investigated the summary execution by the Confederate Commanding General in North Carolina, in violation of the laws of war, of twenty-two soldiers of the 2d Regt. N. C. Vol. Inf. in the United States' Service, captured by the Confederate forces in the attack on Newbern, N. C., Feb. 1, '64. On duty on the Staff of Bvt. Major General Francis Fessenden, U. S. A., at Baltimore, 5ld., June 18, '66 to Aug. _ 1. '66 ; at Newport Barracks, Ky. Aug. 28, '66, to Oct. 9, '66, and at Headquarters Gen. Rec. Ser. U. S. A., N. Y. City; A. A. A. G. and Disbursing Officer, on the Staffs successively of Bvt. Major Genl. Daniel Butterfield, U. S. A., and Bvt. Brig. Genl. Isaac V. D. Reeve, U. S. A., Oct. 11, '66, to June 23, '69; on sick leave of absence June 23, '69, to Sept. J3, '69, when he joined his battery at Fort Schuyler,N. Y.; on G. C. M. duty at Fort A. lams, R. I., Oct. 14, '69, to' Nov. IL>, '69, and then on duty with his battery successively at Forts Schuyler and Hamilton, N. Y., Nov. 14, '60, to July 5, 71, having meanwhile, in addition to such battery duties as could conveniently be performed, been Recorder of an Army Retiring Board in New York City, April 14, 70, to Jan. 7, 71, before whom a large number of officers appeared during the reduction and o.nsolidation of the Army ; on staff duty to Feb. 4, 71, and then on duty with his battery ; on MaHMuty from July ~>, 71, to Dec. 9, 72, and specially assigned by the Secretary of War " to such other special staff duty in connection with Habeas Corpus and other cases before tin- Civil Courts as might be required ; " on G. C. M. at Fort Treble, Me., in Nov., 7J ; on inspection and Court of Inquiry duty at St. Augustine, Fla., Feb.-March, 73 ; Lieut. Colonel at West Point, N. Y., *74-8 ; on G. C. M. duty at Fort Monroe, Va., July 25-Aug. 2, 79; on temporary on the staff of General W. T. Sherman, General in Chief, at Army Headquarters, Washington, Feb. 19 to Man h L', '80; on sick leave for three months, on surgeon's certificate, from August 3, '81. hut re- linquished same October 5, in order to accompany Major General Hancock, Com- manding Division of the Atlantic, at his desire, in the capacity of A. A. A. G. to the forces assembled at Yorktown, Va., for the National Centennial Celebration of the Capitulation of the British Army under which field service terminated < k-t. 23, '81 ; on sick leave on surgeon's certificate for two months from July 22, '84, but relinquished same Aug. 25, '84; ordered by the Secretary of War, March 5, '85, to take station in New York City for the purpose of preparing a suitable text book for the Corps of Cadets at the U. S. Mil. Acad. on the subject of military and martial law, and the practice and procedure of Military Tribunals and Boards under the laws of the United States and laws of Nations, with permission to reside in Garden City, N. Y., on account of his health, but to continue to per- form such duties as Division Judge Advocate as the Commanding General Division of the Atlantic might desire; served as A. A. A. G. for two weeks during the mouths of July and Aug., '85, on the occasion of the obsequies of Gen- eral U. S. Grant, Ex-President of the United States, and accompanied the Com- manding General of the Division of the Atlantic to Mount McGregor, N. Y., An-. 2, 85, for which services Maior General Hancock, in a written communication dated August 31, 85, expressed his appreciation and thanks ; relieved from duty as Judge Adv. Div. of the Atlantic, Sept. 3, '86, and granted twelve months' leave of absence on surgeon's certificate, which leave was extended to Dec. 1, '87 ; mean- while, however, Nov. 17, '86, he was requested by the Secretary of War to con- tinue the preparation of the text book, previously requested, in addition to his other duties; pursuant to request of the Secretary of War of July 25, '87, he pro- GAR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 229 ceeded to Detroit, Mich, and successfully defended Sergeant James Clark, 23d U. S. Inf., in the U. S. Circuit Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, on the charge of murder for killing a military convict. (Circular, War Dept., A. G. O., Nov. 1, '87) ; on October 25, '87, assigned to duty by the Secretary of War as As- sistant in his office and continued on this duty in the War Department, Washing- ton, until Nov. 17, '88 ; during this employment he successfully argued for the War Department in the Court of Claims under the " Bowman Act" of March 3, '83, six cases of great importance to the army involving the validity of adverse decisions by the Treasury Department, that Department being represented and defended by the Attorney General's Department; he was also President of a Board of officers to prepare a revision of the Articles of War for consideration of Congress ; from October, '66, in addition to his other duties, he was employed under successive Secretaries of War in very many important cases in the Civil Courts (State and United States), affecting the Army or Navy, for which, on several occasions, he received the thanks, respectively, of the War or Navy De- Sartment. Among those of special interest to the military service were Private ohn M. Finkbone's case in the Ohio Supreme Court in bane, in April, '70 ; Private John McConologue's case in Massachusetts, Supreme Judicial Court in bane, in April, 171 ; Private Abijah Tarble's case in Circuit Court for Dane County, Wisconsin, in August, '69, and in United States Supreme Court (G. O. 16, Army Hd. Qrs. A. G. O. April 16, 72) ; Sergeant John Anderson Mason's case in U. S. Circuit Court for Northern District of New York and in U. S. Supreme Court (G. O. '61, Army Hd. Qrs. A. G. O., June 7, '82) ; Ordnance Sergeant Dennis Kelly's case, charged with murder, in Maine Supreme Judicial Court in bane, in July '83. In a number of cases he was called upon to defend officers of the Army against whom actions had been brought for damages for acts done by them in their public capacity, or to take by writ of error to appellate Courts cases involving performance of military duty, which had been unsuccessfully defended by local counsel. He also served, in addition to his other duties, on several mili- tary Courts and Boards of extraordinary importance, viz.: as Counsel for Surgeon Elisha I. Bailey, on his trial and "honorable " acquittal by General Court Mar- tial, July, 70 ; on the Army Military Prison Board, which went to Canada to investigate the system of Military Prison discipline in the British Army, July- August, 70; as counsel for government and Recorder in the investigation of the charges made by the Secretary of War as to the administration of the Freedman's Bureau and disbursement of public funds by Major General O. O. Howard, Com- missioner, before the Special Court of Inquiry ordered by Congress, February 13, 74, of which General Sherman was President, March 3, 74, to May 9, 74; Counsel for Government and Recorder in the Fitz-John Porter case, June 20, 78- March 12, 79 ; Counsel for General Grant and Lieutenant General P. H. Sheridan Respondents, in the Court of Inquiry as to Maj. Genl. G. K. Warren's conduct as commander of the Fifth Army Corps, in the battles, in '65, of Gravelly Run and Five Forks, May 4, '80-July 30, '81 ; Judge Advocate of the General Court Martial in the trial of colored cadet J. C. Whittaker in New York City, January 20 to May, '81, and in the trial of Judge Advocate General D. G. Swaim, U. S. A., in Washing- ton, January 20 to March 2, '85. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Skirmish near Fair- fax C. H., Va., July 17, '61; action at Blackburn's Ford, Va., July 18, '61; battles of Bull Run, Va., July 21, '61 ; combat at Sporting Hill. Pa., June 30, '63 ; defenses of Carlisle, Pa. (wounded), July 1-2, '63. Honorably mentioned In Re- cords of Rebellion, Vol. II, p. 435, in reports of action at Bull Run ; received a "Medal of Honor" for the Gettysburg campaign, under Act of Congress, March 3, '63; pursuant to the Act of Congress of March 2, '67, which authorized brevet rank to be conferred on officers of the army for gallant and meritorious conduct in the Volunteer service in the War of the Rebellion, prirfr to appointment in the regular army, he was, on the recommendation of General U. S. Grant, confirmed by the U. S. Senate, March 1, '69, for the brevet of 1st Lieut. U. S. A., for gallant and distinguished services in the field during the Gettysburg Campaign of '63, and for the brevet of Captain U. S. A., for "gallant and meritorious services in the field during the War," to rank from March 2, '67; the passage, however, by 230 RBCORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. GAR Congress, on March 1, '69, of an act limiting the date of conferring brevet rank to time of actual war, prevented the issuance of these commissions. History Graduated at the College of the City of New York, with the degree of the.-A. \\. , in '59, and from the Law Department of the New York University, with the degree of LL.D., in '60, and was admitted to the Bar at the General Term of the New York Supreme Court, Nov. 20, '60, and entered on the practice of law in his native City ; in the following year, by invitation of the Faculty, he delivered the Alumni address at Commencement to the graduating class of '61, of the Law De- partment of the New York University. Received the degree of A. M. from the Mijtreme Jan. 27, '65. Judge of the Provisional Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions at Raleigh, N. C., Jan. 4, '66, to May 8, '66. Author of a publication on the " Jurisdic- tion and Powers of the U. S. and State Courts in reference to Writs of lli* Corpus as affecting the Army and Navy;" and another on " Evidence and Prac- tice in Military Courts," and Practical Forms for use in Courts Mar. and remarks as to Procedure." Author also of a number of historical addresses, some of which have been published, including "The Rhode Island Continental f!inein the Revolu- tion;" "Uniforms of the American Army from 1775;" "Martial Law during the Revolution ; " " Biographical Sketch of Col. and Bvt. Brig. Genl. Henry Burlu-ek. Commandant U.S. Artillerists and Engineers; " "Chaplains of the American Army from 1775;" "The Allied Forces of France in America during the Revolution and the Society of the Cincinnati in France." Member of the American Ethnologi- cal, Phi Beta Kappa and New York Historical Societies. One of the incorpora- tors of the Military Service Institution of the United States, and of the Society of the " Sons of the Revolution " instituted in '83. Corresponding member of the New England Historico Genealogical Society, and of the Rhode Island, Rockland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Chicago, and other Historical Societies, and contributor to the American Supplement of the Encyclopaedia Britannica and to Johnson'- Encyclopaedia. Secretary General of the Society of the Cincinnati since May. '8 1 Member of the Union, West Point, Seventh Regiment Veteran and Delta Kappa Epsilon Clubs and of the Church Club. Gardiner, John de B. W. (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Md. ; app. from Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon .Finn- Capt. and Asst. Surgeon June 26, '80. Service Post Surgeon, North Platte, Neb., 73-4; at Red Cloud Agency, Wyo., 74; troops in the field under (Jen. Smith ; the above services performed as Act'g Asst. Surgeon ; ordered to Dept. of A ri/ona ; Post Surgeon, Fort Apache, Arizona, to July, 77 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Lowell, Arizona, to Dec., 78; Post Surgeon, Huachuca, Arizona, Feb., '81 ; Post Surgeon, Mqjaye, Arizona, March, '81; on leave of absence to March, '82; ordered to hi-j.t. of Arizona March 28, '82; Post Surg., Fort Huachuca, Arizona, to Nov., '83; I'o>t Surg., Fort Bowie, Ariz., to Dec., '84; sick leave of absence to April 1,'85; Pot Surg., Fort McHenry, Md., to July, '86; Post Surgeon, Newport B'ks, Kentucky, to Aug., '87; sick leave of absence for one year; Act'g Post Surg. and Asst., Fort Leaven worth, from Aug., '88, to July, '89; Post Surgeon, Fort Reno, Indian Ter., to Dec., '89; Post Surgeon, Fort Supply, Indian Ter., since Dec., '89. J/ifnn/ Grandson of the late Brevet Brig. Gen. John de B. Walbach, Col. 4th Art. Gardner, Edwin P. (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Maine ; appointed from Maine Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. A, 1st Batt. Maine Inf., March 22, '65 ; discharged April 5, '66 ; Asst. Surgeon Aug. 5, 76 ; accepted Aug. 19 Capt. Asst. Surg. Au ? . 5, '81. Gardner, Hezekiah (Captain U. S. A.). Born in 111. Retired ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. I, 100th 111. Inf., Aug. 5, discharged Aug. 18, '62; Capt. 100th 111. Inf. Aug. 30, '62; hon. must, out Aug. 18, '64; Capt. Vet. Res. Corps Sept. 15, '64; accepted Sept. 21, '64; Brevet Lieut QAR EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 231 gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Missionary Ridge, Tenn. ; Brevet Major Vol. and Brevet Lieut. Col. Vols., for meritorious conduct in the battle of Chattanooga, and in the charge on Missionary Ridge, Tenn. Gardner, John H. (First Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in 111. ; appointed from 111. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, 76 ; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Cav. June 11, '81 ; 2d Lieut. 9th Cav. Aug. 19, '81; 1st Lieut. June 15, '88. Gardner, William H. (Major and Surgeon). Born in N. C. April 7, 1837. Retiring year 1901; appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank Med. Cadet Sept. 24, '61, to Sept. 24, '62; Asst. Surgeon Nov. 22, '62; accepted Nov. 26, '62; Captain, Asst. Surgeon, July 28, '66 ; Major, Surgeon, June 23, '82. Brevet rank Brevet Captain and Major, U. S. A., March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service On U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, as aid to Prof. Mitchell, from Feb., '57, to Sept. 24, '61 ; at Hygeia Hospital, Fort Monroe, Va., to June, '62; at Washington, D. C., to Nov., '62; Act'g Asst. Surg., U. S. A., Sept. to Nov. 26, '62; at Point Lookout Hospital, Md., to Aug., '65; at Washington, D. C., with 10th Inf. and 1st Brigade, to Oct., '65 ; at Fort Snelling, Minn., to April, '66; Post Surgeon, Fort Abercrombie, D. T., to Oct., '69; Post '74; Post Surgeon, Fort Union, N. M., to Sept., '76 ; leave of absence Oct., '76, to Feb., 77; Post Surgeon, Greenville, S. C., to July, 77; Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburgh, Pa., to Oct., 77; Post Surgeon, Atlanta, Ga., to Aug., 78; Post Sur- geon, St. Francis Bks., St. Augustine, Fla., to May, '81 ; sick leave from June, '81, to Jan., '82; Post Surgeon, Fort Concho, Tex., to April, '82; Post Surgeon, Fort Davis, Tex., to Sept., '86; on leave from Sept., '86, to Jan., '87; Post Surgeon, Fort McHenry, Md., to July, '88; Post Surgeon, Washington Bks., D. C., since '88. Garlington, Ernest A. (First Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in S. C. ; appointed from Ga. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 72; graduated June 15, 76. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th U. S. Cav. June 15, 76 ; 1st Lieut, June 25, 76. Staff positions occupied Adj. 7th Cav. from June 6, 77, to Nov. 30, '81. Garrard, Joseph (Captain 9th Cav.). Born in Ky. Dec. 20, 1851. Retiring year, 1915; appointed from Ky. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1,'69; graduated June 13, 73. Actual ran 2d Lieut. 4th Art. June 13, 73 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 1, 75; transferred to 9th Cav. Feb. 8, '86; Captain 9th Cav. Dec. 10, '88. Service Stationed at Alcatraz Island and Presidio, Cal. ; served with Light Bat- tery B from Aug., 74, to Sept. 30, 76 ; in Nevada Indian scare, Sept. and Oct., 75; on leave of absence from Sept. 25, 75, to Jan. 17, 76 ; professor of military science and in command of the Infantry Battalion of Cadets at North Georgia Agricultural College, Dahlonega, Ga., from Jan., 77, to June, '80; with regiment at San Francisco and New London, Conn., to May, '82; on leave of absence from April 1 to May 1, '82 ; graduated at U. S. Art. School May, '84 ; at Fort Adams (Newport, R. I.); with regiment to Jan. 15, '86; on leave of absence to April 20, '86 ; -transferred to 9th Cav., with commission dated June 28, 78, Feb. 8, '86 ; with regiment at Fort McKinney, Wyo., to Dec., '87; com. Troop D. from Oct., '86, to Aug., '87 ; present at the " Swordbearer '' engagement with Crows, Crow Agency, Mont., in Nov., '87 ; on duty with redment Fort Robinson, Neb. ; on duty to Feb. 1, '89; joined troop atFortNiobrara, Neb.. Feb. 6, '89 ; "distinguished marks- man," member of Department Teams : California, '81 ; Platte, '86 and '87 ; Divi- sion of Atlantic, '85 ; Army Team, '88; Distinguished Marksmen's Team, '89; on duty with troop Feb., '90. Staff positions occupied Adj. 9th Cav. from May 9 to Dec. 10, '88. Commands heldIu command of Fort Yuma Sept. and Oct., '87. Garretty, Prank D. (Captain 17th Inf.). Bore in Ireland Feb. 4, 1828. *v4- ~! ^ _ "I Of fcO . >.,,;. ,4-^. ,7 <",. T7"r / *i TI! 1 1 Cf\ A sititrtl f**n/n 1* Qfl T jlPlI t.. 232 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. < i M> April 8, '69; Assd. to 17th Inf. Dec. 15, 70; Capt. June 26, '82. Brcret rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Gaston, Joseph A. (First Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at U.S. Military Academy July 1,77; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 8th Cav. June 11. '81; 1st Lieut. April 27, '86. N Joined Troop H, 8th Cav., in Camp on the Medina in Sept., '81 ; served at Dun- can, Tex., U years ; at Fort Clark, Tex., 3 months; at San Antonio, Tex. ,4 years; at Fort Davis 6 months, and at Fort Keogh, Mont., since Sept., '88; made the ordinary scouts while in Texas, and was in the Geronimo Campaign in New Mexico and Arizona June, '85, to Oct., '86 ; part of the time in command of Troop; marched with Regiment from Texas to Dept. of Dakota in '88. Gatchell, George W. (Second Lieut. 4th Art.) Born in R. I. Appointed from R. I. Cadet at the U. 8. Military Academy July 1,'83; graduated June \'l, '87. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. June 12, '87; 2d Lieut. Aug. 10, '87 ; trs. to 4th Art. Nov. 12, '87. Gatewood, Charles B. (First Lieut. 6th Cav.). Born in Va. Appointed from Va. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 73 ; graduated June !.". 77. Actual rankZd Lieut. 6th Cav. June 15, 77; 1st Lieut. Jan. 3, '85. ,S'//// positions occupiedA. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Nelson A. Miles Sept. 14, '86. Gayle, Edward B. (First Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in Va. Man-h ,, 1854 Retiring year, 1918; appointed from N. C. Cadet at U. S. Military A.-ademy July 1,72; graduated June 15,76. Actual rank 2d Lieut, lid Art.. Inn. 76 ; 1st Lieut. Mar. 18, '85. Service On duty in South Carolina during Presiden- tial election, from Oct. 5, 76, to Feb. 7, 77; stationed at Washington Ban from Feb. 7, 77, to July, 77; on duty along line of B. and (>. Railroad duriin riots till Aug. 17, 77; at Fort McHenry, Md., till July 25, '81 ; at U. S. Mil. Acad. as Acting Asst. Professor of Drawing from Aug. 28, '81, to Aug. 28, and as Asst. Instructor of Inf. Tactics from July 1, '83, to Aug. 28, '85; on dut\ with regiment at Jackson Barracks, L&., till Aug. 24, '86; on duty at Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., till Sept. 1, '88; graduate of Artillery School, rial's of '88; on duty at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn., as Pn>t, of Mil. Science and Tactics since Oct. 5, '88. Geary, Woodbridge (Second Lieut. 19th Inf.). Born in Oregon. Ap- pointed from Oregon. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 78 ; gradu- ated June 13, '82. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 19th U. S. Inf. June 13, '82 ; I'd Lieut. June 15, '82. Gelray, Joseph W. (Captain U.S.A.). Born in England Feb. 28,1836. Retired; appointed from Maas. Civil life. Aetna/ rani: Private and Corporal Co. A and Sergeant Co. H, 2d Mass. Inf., May 28, '61, to Feb. 12, '<::; ; I'd Lieut. 2d Mass. Vol. Dec. 22, '61; 1st Lieut. July 23, '63; Captain 57th Mass. Inf. ( Kt. 19, '64; Major 4th Mass. H. Art. Dec. 7, '64 ; Captain 45th Inf. July iix V,.;. Brevet rani: Brevet Major March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle Cedar Mountain, Va. ; Brevet Lieut. Colonel March 2, '(17, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Service Retired Dec. 15, 70, for loss of right arm from wounds received in line of duty ; commissioned colonel 59th Mass. Vet. Vol. Inf. Aug. 22, '64, but never had sufficient number of men to muster as such under existing orders; commissioned colonel of the militia of Massachusetts, and appointed assistant inspector-general on the statf of Governor John A. Andrew, of that State, Sept. 4, '65, and served as such to the end of his term as Governor ; present residence, Boston, Mass. George, Charles P. (Second Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born in Concord, N. H.. March 8, 1860. Retiring year, 1924 ; appointed from N. H. Cadet at the U. S. Naval Academy July 6, 76 ; graduated June 10, '81; entered army from civil life. Actual rant: Id Lieut. 16th Inf. Oct. 10, '83 ; accepted Oct. 11, '8:: Served with Co. F, 16th Inf., at Fort Stockton, Texas, Nov. 2, '83, to May ft, '85; at Fort Concho, Tex., to Sept. 27, '87; com. Co. June 9, '85, to Oct. ' and March 16, '86, to April 8, '87 ; at San Antonio, Tex., Sept., '87, to May 28, '88; at Fort Du Chesne, Utah, since June, '88. Staff /tom'tinn* occupied Post Adj. at Fort Concho, Tex., from June 9, '87, to Sept. 27, '87; Post Adj. at Fort GET RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 233 Du Chesne, Utah, since June 30, '89. History After spending two years at sea in the South Sea Islands, China and Japan, was honorably discharged from the Navy after passing an Ensign's examination July 1, '83, pursuant to an Act of Congress of August 5, '82. Gerhardt, Charles (Second Lieut. 20th Inf.). Born at Baltimore, Md., Mar. 19, 1863. Retiring year 1927. Appointed from N. C. Cadet at the U. S. Mil- itary Academy July 1, '83; graduated June 11, '87. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 20th Inf. June 12, '87. Service Assigned to Co. G, 20th Inf., at Camp Poplar River, Mont. ; at that place to Oct. 17, '89; at Fort Assinniboine, Mont., from Oct. 17, '89, to . Staff positions occupied Post Signal Officer Oct. 3, '87, to Oct. 17, '89; Post Topographical Officer Sept. 29, '87, to Oct. 17, '89; Special Inspector of Wood Jan. 28, '88, to Jan. 31, '89 ; Post Adjutant April 30, '88, to April 8, '89; in charge of Artillery Target Practice Sept. 17, '88, to Sept. 30, '88; A. A. Q. M. and A. O. O. Jan. 31, '89, to Aug. 8, '89 ; in charge of Post Schools Feb. 23, J 89, to Oct. 17, '89 ; Range Officer May 31, '89, to Oct. 17, '89; A. C. S. Dec. 7, '89, to ; Asst. to Signal Officer Jan. 12, '90, to Jan. 25, '90. Commands held Com. Co. G at Poplar River from Oct. 15, '87, to April 30, '88, and from Sept. 30, '89, to Dec. 7, '89. Gerlach, William (First Lieut. 3d Inf.). Born in Germany Nov. 15, 1835. Retiring year 1899. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private Co. H, 4th ArCan^Hospital Steward U. S. A., Feb. 26, '56, to June 15, '67 ; 2d Lieut. 37th Inf. May 22, '67 ; accepted June 15, '67 ; transferred to 3d Inf. Aug. 11, '69 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 8, '79. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 3d Inf. at Fort Snelling, Minn., since Jan. 21, '88. Getty, George W. (Colonel and Brevet Maj. General U. S. A.). Born in Georgetown, D. U., 1819. Retired. Appointed from D. C. Graduated at Mili- tary Academy, Cla-s of '40. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th Art. July 1, '40; 1st Lieut. Oct. 31, '45; Capt. Nov. 4, '53; transferred to 5th Art. May 14, '61 ; Major Aug. 1, '63; Col. 37th Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Oct. 22, '66; transferred to 3d Inf. March 15, '69; transferred to 3d Art. Dec. 31, '70; transferred to 4th Art. July 17, '82; retired Oct. 2, '83; Vol. Service, Lieut. Colonel and A. A. D. C. Sept. 28, '61 ; accepted Oct. 1, '61 ; Brig. Gen. Sept. 25, '62; accepted Oct. 1, '62 ; hon. must, out Oct. 9, '66. Brevet rank Brevtt Capt. Aug. 20, '47, forgallantand meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco; Lieut. Col. April 19, '63, gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Suffolk, Va. ; Colonel May 5, '64, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va. ; Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Peters- burg, Va.; Maj. Gen. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the field dur- ing the war; Maj. Gen. Vol. Aug. 1, '64, gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Winchester and Fisher's Hill, Va. Honorably mentioned Endorsement on General Getty's Petition to be retired with the grade of General : HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY, WASHINGTON, D. C., January 26th, 1883. This Petition of Colonel George W. Getty, 4th Artillery, Brevet Major Genera) U. 8. Army, is hereby most respectfully forwarded to the Honorable Secretary of War with an earnest recommendation that he will forward a copy to each of the two Houses of Congress, with such favorable recommendation as will command the attention of tlint Body. On the second day of October, 1883, General Getty will be 64 years of age, and, by Existing Law, will be retired on three four i ha of the pay proper of a Colonel. His petition recites in de- tail his most honorable career of service in the Army of the United States continuously since the year 1836, and it so happens that I am able from memory to verify nearly every fact therein set forth. As we were class- mates at West Point, and have from time to time been associated ever since, I ask the privilege not only to en- dorse his petition, but to add my own, that this act of simple justice may be done as an example to younger men who may thereby be encouraged to imitate his example. George Getty as a boy and man, through a long eventful life, has been a Model Gentleman and Soldier, of unexceptional habits, of superior intelligence, and high professional acquirements. He has ahva s been selected in war nd peace for high and responsible corn- man U Mo lent to a fault, he has never pushed himself forward into undue prominence, but has done well all that he was appointed to do, and has always been sought for by his services, for posts requiring high qualifica- tion arid professional excellence. He has commanded Divisions in Battle, Departments or Districts in Peace, and is now serving on his Brevet Rank of Major-General. It does seeni to me unfair that a Great Nation liko the United States should compel a Colonel to do the work of a Major-General on the pay of a Colonel through years of life, and, when age brings its natural infirmity, to turn him out on the diminished pay of his lowest rank. It would seem more just to meet these exceptional cases by a General Law but, as Congress reserves to itself to deal with these cases, I most respectfully represent that the principle of Common Justice seems to demand that General Getty should, (luring his few remaining years, have for the support of himself and of his dependent family, the retired pay of a Major-General Even this will fall far sh< it of compensation for the la- bor and responsibility imposed on him by Superior Authority, in exacting fnm him the work >fa Major-Gen- eral on ihe pay of a Colone!. (Signed) W. T. SHERMAN, General. 15 234 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OJb U. S. ARMY. GET Service In the State of Michigan, engaged during the fall and winter of '40-41, in removing the Pottawattomie tribe of Indians from that State to their Reserva- tion west of the Mississippi River, and on the northern frontier during the Canada border disturbances '41-42 ; served in the War with Mexico '47^18 ; in the Florida hostilities against the Seininole Indians '49-50 and '56-57 ; on frontier duty in Kansas '57-58, in quelling disturbances in that State; on frontier duty, Platte Bridge, Neb., Fort Laramie, Wyo., Fort Randall, Dak., '58-61; served during the Rebellion of the seceding States '61-66. Staff 1 positions occupied A. A. D. C. Sept. 28, '61 ; Acting Inspector General of the Annv of the Potomac Jan. 27 to March 18, '64. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Mexican "War, battles Contreras and Churubusco Aug. 19-20, '47; battle of Molino del Rey Sept. 8, '47 ; the storming of Chapultepec Sept. 13, '47, and the assault and capture of ihe City of Mexico, Sept. 13-14, '47 ; during the Rebellion, engaged with Confederate Batteries on the Potomac River near Budd's Ferry, Md., Nov.-Dec., '61 ; Va. Peninsular cam- paign ; engaged in the siege of Yorktown, April 5-May 4, '62 ; battle of Gainea' Mill, June 27, '62, and battle of Malvern Hill, July 1, '62 ; in the Maryland cam- paign, Army of the Potomac, Sept.-Nov., '62, being engaged in the battle of South Mountain, Sept. 14, '62: battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, '62, and the march to Falmouth, Virginia, Oct.-Nov., '62 ; served in the Kappahannock campaign, Army of the Potomac, Dec., '62-March, '63, being engaged in the battle of Fred- ericksburg, Virginia, Dec. 13, '62; in the operations about Suffolk, Virginia, on the line of the Nansemond River. In command of the 3d Division of the 9th Army Corps during the defense of Suffolk, April 11-May 3, '63 ; in command of storming column in the assault of Hill's Point Works and Battery, April 19, '63; in making reconnoissance and commanding in engagement on Providence Church Road, near Suffolk, May 3, '63 ; in the Richmond campaign, being engaged in the battle of the Wilderness, May 5-6, '64, whore he was severely wounded while in command of the Division ; on the march from White House, Virginia, to James River, June, '64, and in the siege of Petersburg, and expedition to Reams' Station and Weldon Railroad, June 28-July 10, '64 ; in the defense of Washington (My, July 11-12, '64, and in the pursuit of the Army under General Early to the Shen- andoah Valley, July 13 to Aug. 9, '64; served "in the Shenandoah campaign, Aug. 10 to Dec. 2, '64, being engaged in the action of Charlestown, Aug. 21, '04; battle of Opequan, Sept. 19, '64; battle of Fisher's Hill, Sept. 22-23, '64; and battle of Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, '64 ; served in the siege of Petersburg, Dec. 12, 'G4, to April 2, '65, being engaged in the assaults of March 25 and April 2, '65, upon the enemy's works; in the pursuit of the Army of Northern Virginia, April 3 to 9, '65 ; being engaged in the battle of Sailor's Creek, April 6, '65, and was at the capitulation of Gen. R. E. Lee, with that Army, at Appomattox Court- House, Virginia, April 9, '65; was on the march to Danville, Virginia, and to and about Washington, D. C., April 10 to June 28, '65. Commands held Of Art. Batt. at Cincinnati, Ohio, May-Aug., '61 ; of the Artillery in engagement near Budd's Ferry, Md., Nov.-Dec., '61 ; of four batteries of Field Artillery March-Aug., '62 ; of 3d Div., 9th Army Corps, April 11 to May 3, '63 ; of stormiog column in the as- sault of Hill's Point Works and Battery April 19, '63 ; and in command of troops constructing intrenched lines covering Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia, May 13-June 23, '63 ; in command of expedition from White House to South Anna Bridges, July 1-8, '63; in command of the2d Div., 6th Array Corps, in Richmond lillerv from March, '71, to March 1,77; in command of the United States Artillery School by special assignment by the President from March 1, '77, to Oct. 2 '83. Getty, Robert N. (First Lieut. 22d Inf.). Born in Fort Hamilton N. Y. GIB RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 235 to June, '81 ; on det. serv. Feb. 9 to March 1, '80 ; in charge of Tonkawa Indian delegation to the Ind. Ter. ; at San Antonio, Texas, to Nov. 17, '82 ; at Fort Garland, Col., to Dec. 1, '83 ; at Fort Lewis, Col., to Aug. 8, '88 ; attached to Troop " F/' 6th Cav., in the field from July 7 to Oct. 31, '84 ; at Fort Keogh, Mont., since Aug., '88. Skiff positions occupied A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., at Fort Griffin, Texas; A. A Q. M., A. C. S., at San Antonio, Texas; A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., at Fort Garland, Colo., and A. C. S. at Fort Keogh, Mont., since Aug., '88. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in skirmish with renegade Ute Indians, July, 17, '84, in Southeast Utah. Commands held Com. Post of Fort Garland, Colo., Sept. 8 to Oct. 21, '83. History Son of Gen. G. W. Getty, U. S. A. Gibbon, David J. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Ohio. Retired ; ap- pointed from the Army. Actual rankPit. Co. K, 5th Ohio Vol. Inf., June 20, '61 ; discharged Oct. 13, '62 ; Sgt. Sig. Corps from Sept. 12, '70, to March 21, 72 ; 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Cav. March 4, 72; accepted March 22, 72; 1st Lieut. June 28, 78; retired July 16, '88, for disability in line of duty. % Gibbon, John (Brig, and Bvt. Major General, Com'g Department). Born in Pa., April 20, 1827. Retiring year 1891 ; appointed from N. C. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1,'42; graduated July 1, '47. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 3d Art. July 1, '47 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Art, Sept. 13, '47 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 12, '50; Capt. Nov. 2, '59 ; Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols. May 2, '62 ; Major Gen. U. S. Vols. June 7, '64; Colonel 36 h II. S. Inf. July 28, '66; transferred to 7th Inf. March 15, '69 ; Brigadier General U. S. A. July 10, '85. Brevet rank Brevet Major U. S. A. Sept. 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battlepf Antietam,Md.; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Dec. 13, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Freder- icksburg, Va. ; Bvt. Col. U. S. A. July 4, '63, for gallant and meritoriousservicesin the battle of Spottsylvania, Va.; Brevet Major General U. S. A. March 13, '66, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Petersburg, Va. Service Served in the war of Mexico; frontier duty '48-54; at Mil. Acad. '54-59; in Utah '60-61 ; served during the Civil War as Chief of Art. of General McDowell's Army of the Potomac and engaged in the N. V. Campaign '62 ; in Nov., '62, placed in command of a Division ; on leave, disabled by wound, July 4 to Nov. 15, '63; engaged in Gen. Grant's Richmond Campaign ; subsequently Com. 24th Army Corps and was constantly engaged in the operations about Petersburg, Va., against the Army of Gen. Lee up to the surrender of latter in April, '65 ; one of the commissioners to carry into effect the stipulations for the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia ; on frontier duty '68-85 ; engaged with Nez Perce In- dians 77 ; in command of the Dep. of Columbia since July 10, ; 85. Battles, skir- mishes, efc. Engaged in the battles of Gainsvitle, Manassas, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, storming of Marye's Rights; battles of Gettysburg (severely wounded), Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, etc. ; battle of Big Hole, Mont.. Aug. 9, 77 (severely wounded). Gibson, Augustus A. (Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Maine. Ap- pointed from Maine. Cadet at the U.S. Military Academy July 1, '35; grad- uated July 1, '39. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. July 1, '39; 1st Lieut. June 14, '46; Capt, July 9. '53; Col. 2d Pa. H. Vol. Art. June 25, '62; hon. must, out July 22, 64; Maj. 3d U.S. Art. July 25, '63 ; Lieut. Col. April 4, '69 ; retired at his own request Dec. 15, 70 ; over 30 years' service. Gibson, Edwin O. (Captain U. S. A.) Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank2<\ Lieut. 114th N. Y. Inf. Sept. 3, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 1, '63 ; hon. must, out June 8, '65; 2d Lieut 17th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66; accepted May 2, '66; transferred to 26th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; 1st Lieut. July 28, '66 ; transferred to 10th Inf. May 19, '69; Capt, May 21, '83 ; retired Feb. 16, '85, loss of right leg in line of duty. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 10th Inf. Dec. 13, 71, to June 1, 79. Gibson, Francis M. (Captain 7th Cav.). Born in Penn., Dec. 14, 1847. Retiring year 1911 ; appointed from Penn. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th Cav. Get 5, '67 ; accepted Oct. 28, '67 ; 1st Lieut. July 11, 71 ; Capt. Feb. 5, '80. Gibson, Horatio G. (Colonel 3d Art.). Born in Md., May 22, 1827. Retir- ing year 1891; appointed from Penn. Cadet at the U. Sw Military Academy 236 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. GIB July 1, '43 ; graduated July 1, '47. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 2d Art. July 1, '47 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Art. Sept. 8, '47 ; 1st Lieut. May 26, '51 ; Capt. May 14, '61 ; Lieut. Col. 2d Ohio Art. Aug. 1, '63 ; Col. Aug. 15, '63 ; hon. must, out Aug. 23, '65 ; Major 3d U. S. Art. Feb. 5, '67 ; Lieut. Col. 2d Art. April 19, '82; Col. 3d Art. Dec. 1, '83. Brevet rank Bvt. Major May 5, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Williamsburg, Va. ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Sept. 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Md. ; Bvt. C>1. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. May 28, '50, to July 31, '50; Reg. Q. M. 3d Art. Nov. 1, '58, to May 14, '61. Service Served in the war with Mexico; on duty Fort Monroe, Va., and Fort Columbus, New York, '48; frontier duty '49- 52; engaged during that period in various actions with the Indians; California and Oregon, Fort Sullivan, Me., Jeff. Bks., Mo., Fort Gibson and Fort Waahita, I. T., '52-54; Cal. and Ore. '55-61 ; defenses of Washington, '61 ; engaged in the actions of the Virginia Peninsular and Maryland campaigns '62 ; Rappahannock campaign '62-63; operations in Kentucky and East Tenn. '63-64; in command of brigade, 23d;Corps,and Dept. Cumb. '65; on duty in Mo. and Maine '65-67 ; at various stations in the country from '67 to '90. Gibson, Joseph R. (Major and Surgeon, Bvt. Lieut. C>1.). Born in Penna. Jan. 2, 1838. Retiring year, 1902. Appointed from Penna. Civil life. Actual. rank Asst. Surg. April 16, '62; accepted Aug. 1, '62; Capt., Asst. Surg. July 28, '66; Maj.,Surg. March 19, 77. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. and Bvt. Maj. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; Bvt. Lt. Cl. Sept. 28, '66, for meritorious and distinguished services at Hart's Island, N. -Y. Harbor, where cholera prevailed. Gibson, Robert J. (Captain and Asst. Surg.). Born in Conn. Appointed from Conn. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. June 16, '80; accepted June 30, '80; Capt.. Asst. Surg. June 16, '85. Gibson, William R. (Lieut. Col. and Deputy Pay master General). Born in South Carolina May 30, '31. Retiring year 1895; app. from Oregon Civil life. cepted April 1, '67; Lieut. Col. and Deputy Paymaster General Dec. 8, '86. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut. Col. Vols. March 13, '65, faithful and valuable services in the pay department. Service. On duty in Dept. New Mexico, to April 1, '61; comdg. Schuyikill Arsenal, Phila., Pa., from April 1, '61, to Oct. 14, '61; reported in person Nov. 1, '61, and assigned to duty at Washington, D. C., paying troops in the field; April 1, '62, sick report broken leg injury received in line of duty; sent to Phila., Pa., for medical treatment; July 29, '62, reported at Baltimore, Md., for light duty ; Sept. 8, '62, reported for duty at Trenton, N. J.; Oct. 18, '62, reported at Phila. forduty on crutches ; July 3, '63. reported at Fort Monroe, Va., as Chief Paymaster, Pay District of Virginia and N. U. ; Mar-h 12, '64, reported at New Orleans, La., as Chief Paymaster Pay District of the Gulf; relieved January ? 65; Feb. 7, '65, assigned to duty as Acting Inspector of 19, '69, reported for duty as Chief Paymaster Dept. of the Columbia; July 19, 70, reported for duty at Omaha, Neb.; relieved Dec. 6, 71 ; Dec. 16, 71, reported for duty as Chief Paymaster Dept. of Texas; relieved Sept. 22, 77 ; Oct. 1, 77, assigned to duty at Leavenworth, Kan. ; Aug. 14, '88, Chief Paymaster Dept. of Missouri; July 10, '85, relieved and ordered to Texas; July 30, '85, reported for duty as Chief Pavmaster Dept. of Texas. Gibson, William W. (First Lieut, of Ordnance). B >rn in Conn. Ap- pointed from Conn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, July 1, 75; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank >2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf. June 13, 79; tre. to 3d Art. July 11, 79 ; 1st Liaut. Ord. Jan. 10, '87 ; accepted Feb. 21, '87. GIL, RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 237 Giffbrd, John H. (First Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in Ind. Appointed from InH. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '63 ; graduated June 17, '67. Actual rank Pvt. Co. E, 16th Ind. Vol. Inf., Apr. 23, '61; discharged May 23 '62; 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. June 17, '67; 1st Lieut. Nov. 1, 74. Gilbert, Charles C. (C lonel IT. S. A.). Born in Ohio. Retired. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '42 ; graduated July 1, '46. Actual rankRvt. 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Inf. July 1, '46; 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. Sept. 27, '46 ; 1st Lieut. June 10, '50 ; Capt. Dec. 8. ''55 ; Brig. Gen. Vol. Sept. 9, '62; accepted Sept. 15, '62; expired by Con. lim. Mair.h 4, '63; Maj. 19th U. S. Inf. July 3, '63; trs. to 28th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; Lieut. Col. 7th Inf. 'July 8. '68; Col. 17th Inf. May 19, '81 ; Retired March 1, '86, by operation of law. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Apr. 7, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. ; Lieut. Col. Sept. 1. '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Richmond, Ky. ; Col. Oct. 8, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Va. Staff positions occu- pied. Prin. Asst. Prof, of History, Geology and Ethics, at U. S. Mil. Academy from May 16, '50, to Sept. 28, '55. Service -Served in the war with Mexico '46- 48 ; frontier duty '48-50 ; at West Point, N. Y., from '50-55 ; frontier duty '55- 61 ; Southeast Missouri June 26 to Aug. 20, '61 ; inspector-general of the Dept. of the Cumberland and the Army of the Ohio, and in the field, from Sept., '61, to Aug., '62 ; in the Army of Kentucky, and with the Army of the Ohio Sep. and Oct., '62 ; in 10th Div/, Army of the Ohio, Oct., '62, to Feb., '63; in garrison at Franklin, Tenn., and Louisville, Ky., '63; engaged in organizing Invalid Corps for Penna., Conn, and Rhode Island '65-66; chief mustering and disbursing officer at Philadelphia and Hartford '65-66; Arkansas, '66; on frontier duty to '86. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Actions of Dug Springs and Wilson's Creek '61 (severely wounded); Shiloh, Tenn., Richmond, Ky., Springfield, Mo., Pitlsburg Landing, Tenn., Perryville, Ky., Fredericksburg, Va., Chancellorsville, Va., '63. Commands held Acting Major General in command of the Army of Kentucky ; in comd. of 3d Provincial Corps, Army of the Ohio, Sept. and Oct., '62 ; in comd. of 10th Div., Army of the Ohio, Oct., '62, to Feb., '63 ; in comd. of 2d Batt., 19th Inf., '66. Gilbreatb, Erasmus C. (Captain llth Inf.). Born in Guernsey Co., O., May 13,18*0. Retiring year 1904; appointed from Ind. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 20th Ind. Vol. Inf. July 22, '61 ; Captain 20th Indiana Vol. Inf. Dec. 7, '62 ; Major 20th Indiana Vol. Inf. July 27, '63; Honorably mustered out Oct. 19, '64; Captain and A. Q. M. Vols. Jan. 23, '65 ; Honorably mustered out July 28, '65 ; 2d Lieut, and 1st Lieut. 15th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; Transferred to 24th U. S. Inf. Sep. 21, '66 ; Transferred to llth U. S. Inf. April 25, '69; Captain llth U. S. Inf. Dec. 23, '73 ; On application approved by Maj. Gen. W. S. Hancock, U. S. A., was appointed Lieut. Col. in " Hancock's Corps'" by letter from Adju- tant General's Office, dated Feb. 14, '65. Service Served in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 3d Army Corps, from June 8, '62, to the breaking up of the 3d Corps in March, '64, and from that time to Oct. 19. '64, in the 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 2d Army Corps; Served with Regiment 20th Ind. Vols. at N. Y. City just after the Riots in July, '63; Com. 20th Ind. Vol. Inf. during the Battle of Get- tysburg, from the time of the death of Colonel Wheeler, at the beginning of the action, to the close of the fighting on the 2d ; Lieut. Col. Taylor having been wounded, acted as Major of the 20'.h Ind. Vols. from the 4th of July, 1863, when cominiHsioned, though not formally mustered into service as Major until July 27, 1863, at Warrenton, Va.; com. the 17th Maine Vol. Inf. by order of Maj. Gen. D. B. Birney, U. S. Vols., from June 17 to about June 30, '64, and in command of that Regiment in the charge on the Confederate lines in front of Petersburg June 17, '64; and a-rain in the charge at the Hare House June 18, '64; after the close of the Civil War, and appointment to the Regular Army, was assigned to various complicated duties in connection with the Reconstruction of States of Mississippi and Texas ; in Mississippi, as 1st Lieut. 15th and 24th Inf.; Sub- Commissioner of Freedman's Bureau in charge of that district, having charge of the Counties now called Copiah, Simpson, Lincoln, Lawrence, Amite, Pike and 238 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. GIL, Marion, 18,000 freedmen living in the district ; had charge of the registration and election in the Cos. named in Oct., 1867 (see testimony of Brevet Maj. Gen. A. C. Gillem, U. S. A., before the Committee on the Conduct of the War, given in 1868 in relation thereto); in Texas had charge of the Reconstruction and Reor- ganization of Montgomery County from Sept., '68, to May, '69; on leave of absence for two months from about July 15, '67, to Sept., '67; on General Re- cruiting Service from Dec. 21, 72, to Nov. 8, 74; promoted Capt. of Co. H, llth Inf., Dec. 23, 73; joined Co. from General Recruiting Service at Camp in the Field Nov. 8, 74 ; in com. of Co. H, lith Inf., in the campaign against hostile Comanche Indians from Nov. 8, 74, to Jan. 20, 75; on Sick Report on account of wound received at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62, and on Sick leave of absence from same cause from May 17, 75, to March 27, 76; in com. of Co. in movement on Oct. 22, 1876, at Standing Rock, D. T., the result of which move- ment was the disarming of the Biackfeet and Yankton Indians at that Agency ; selected the site for and established the Depot at Terry's Landing, M. T., at the head of navigation on the Yellowstone River ; in the field with Co. against hostile Bannock Indians from Aug. 31 to Sep. 13, 78; in charge of the construc- tion of the military telegraph line from Fort Custer, M. T., to the Yellowstone River 48 miles from Dec. 3 to 16, 78; Provost Marshal and Receiving Officer at Fort Custer, M. T., June 22, 79; Inspector of Indian Supplies at the Crow Agency, M. T., from Sept. 5, 79, to July 28, '80; while Inspector of Indian Sup- plies at the Crow Agency, M. T., assisted the Agent for the 3300 Crow Indians in negotiating a treaty by which they gave up and sold 2,000,000 acres of land at the west end of their reservation, and he signed this treaty in his official capacity; Superintendent of Post Schools, Fort Custer, M. T., from'March 31 t j Nov. 1, '80; in com. of Cos. C and H, llth Inf., from Feb. 4 to March 15, '81 ; in com of H, llth Inf , and Depot at Terry's Landing, M. T., from April 8 to Aug. 10, '81 ; Inspector of Supplies at Crow Agency, M. T., from April 17 to 25, '82 ; Instructor of Mi-sketry at Fort Custer, M. T., from March 23 to July 1, '82 ; in Com. of Cos. C and H, llth Inf., changing station from Fort Custer, Mont., to Fort Buford, D. T., July 31 to Aug. 10, '82; Instructor of Musketry at Fort Buford, D. T, Aug. 10, '83, to Aug. 10, '86; Act. Ord. Off. at Fort Buford, D. T., from April 23 to Aug. 10, '86; Com. Cos. C and H, llth Inf., while changing station from Fort Buford, 1). T., to Fort Yates, D. T. ; Inspector of Indian Supplies at Standing Rock Agency, D. T., from Oct. 12, '86, to Julv 12, '87 (7000 Indians); in charge of the Post School at Madison Bks., N. Y., March 7 to Oct. 5, '89 ; Com. Co. H, llth Inf., on a practice march from Aug. 20-27, '86. Staff positions occupied A. C. S. at Fort Griffin, Tex., from July, '69, to March, 72 ; A. A. Q. M. at same Post from July to Aug., 79. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Oct. 5, '61. Chii-kami- comico, near Fort Hatteras, N. C. ; March 8, '62, Merrimac Fight with the Con- gress and Cumberland; May 11, '62, Occupation of Norfolk, Va. ; June 25, Orchard or Oak Grove, Va. ; June 26 to July 1, '62, Seven Davs*; Aug. 23 to 25, ' ' (slightly wounded) ; July 1 to 4, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.; Nov. 7, '63, Kelly's Ford, Va. ; Nov. 27 and 28, '63, Mine Run, Va. (especially Locust Grove); May 5 to 7, '64, Wilderness ; May 8 to 18, '64, Spottsylvania ; June 1 to 12, '64, Oold Harbor ; July 15 to Oct. 19, '64, Siege of Petersburg, Va., including all the move- ments and operations of the 3d Division, 2d Army Corps, except that to Reams' Station. Commands held Com. Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H., for a time in '63 ; Com. Post of Grenada, Miss., and Co. B, 27th Inf., Nov., '66, ti May 1, '67 ; Com. Co. B, and Post of Brookhaven, Miss., May 1 to Nov., '67; Com. Ton Ka \Va Indian Scouts and Fort Griffin, Tex., from May 2 to Dec. 20. 72; C >m. Troop H, 4th Cav., from April to June and from Sept. 12 to Oct. 25, 72 ; Com. Depot at Terry's Landing, M. T., from July 25 to Dec. 23, 77; Com. same D^n. April 8 to Aug. 10, '87; Com. Fort Buford, D. T., from Aug. 13 to Sept. 28, '82, April 15 to Aug. 10, '83, and Feb. 29 to March 15, '84; Com. Fort Yates, D. T., from Sept 23 to 26, '86. GIL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 239 Gilbreth, BeDJamin H. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Me. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Retired. Actual Rank Ord. sk. ord. dept. May 11. '61; ac- cepted May 24, '61; Capt. ord. sk. July 8, '66; retired June 30, '82. Gile, Geo. W. (Lieut. Col. U. S. A.). Born in N. H. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Retired. Actual roft*lft Lieut. 22d Penn. Inf. Apr. 23, '61 ; hon. must, out Aug. 7, '61 ; Maj. 88th Penn. Inf. Sept. 18, '61 ; Lt. Col. Sept. 1, '62 ; Col. Jan. 24, '63; hon. must, out Mar. 2, '63; Maj. Vet. Res. Corps May 22, '63; ac- Dec. 15, 70 ; retired with rank of Lt. Col. Mar. 3, 75, wounds in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Mar. 2. '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the bat- tle of 2d Bull Run, Va.; Bvt. Maj. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of South Mountain, Md.; Bvt. Lt. Col. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battie of Antietam, Md.; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vols. May 6, '65, for energy and good conduct in assisting to repel the attack on Fort Slocum' D. C. Service la the War of the Rebellion '61-63; in the field during Gen. Pope's campaign and during the Bull Run and Antietam campaigns with the Army of the Potomac. Battles, skirmishes, ^c. Engaged at the battle of Cedar Mountain, actions on the Rappahannock, actions of Thoroughfare Gap, battles of 2d Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain and Antietam; wounded in thigh and lamed for life; assisted to repel the attack upon Fort Slocum, Dis- trict of Columbia, '64. Gillespie, George L. (Lieut. Col. of Engineers). Born in Tenn, Oct. 7, '41. Retiring year 1905 ; appointed from Tenn. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '58; graduated June 17, '62. Actual rank 2d Lieut. Eng. June 17, '62; 1st Lieut. March 3, '63 ; Capt. April 22. '64 ; Maj. Sept. 5, 71 ; Lt. Col. Oct. 12, '86. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. August 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign before Richmond, Va.; Bvt. Lt. Col. April 9, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign from Winchester to Appomattox Court House, Va. Gillette, Cassias E. (First Lieut, of Engineers). Born in N. Y. Dec. 19, '59. Retiring year 1923 ; appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '80; graduated June 15, '84. Actual Rank 2d Lieut. Corps of Engineers; 1st Lieut. Jan. 10, '87. Service Served in the Dept. of the East from '84 to '90 ; be- cime distinguished marksman '86; 1st prize Dept. East '86, gold medal; 2d prize Div. Atl. '86, gold medal ; 5th prize Army team, '86, silver medal. Gillis, James (Major and Quartermaster). Born in D. C. July 8, 1840. Re- tiring year 1904; appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Art. May 14, '61 ; 1st Lieut. April 27, '63 ; Capt. A. Q. M. August 10, '64; Maj.Q. M. Jan. 22, '81. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. July 1, '62, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Malvern Hill, Va.; Brevet Captain May 12, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spottsylvania Court House, Va. Service With artillery reserve and 2d and 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac, to August, '64; in the field in Virginia and Middle Military Division to Oct., 64; taken prisoner at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, '64 ; in office of Gen. Rucker, Chief Quartermaster of Depot, Washington, D. C., March to Oct., '65; Oregon and Idaho Jan., '66, to Jan., '69 ; Sioux City, la., to April, 70; at Chicago, III., from April, 70, to Nov., 75 ; at Cheyenne Depot, W. T., to July, '80 ; at Ft. Monroe, Va., from Sept., '80, to Nov., 83; Chief Q. M. Dep. of Missouri Nov., '83 to Dec., '87 ; on duty in Quartermaster General's Office since Jan., '88. Gillmore, Quincy O'M. (First Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Julv 1, '69; graduated June 13 73. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Cav. June 13, 73; resigned Nov. 12, 74; appointed 2d Lieut. 8th Cav. March 19, 75 ; accepted April 3, 75 ; 1st Lieut. June 26, '82. Staff positions occupied Q. M. at the U. S. Mil. Academy from Auaruat 1, '84, to July 1, '85. Gilnxan, Benjamin H. (First Lieut. 13th Inf.). Born in Meredith Village, N. H., February 4, '50. Retiring year 1914 ; appointed from III.; graduated at 240 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. GIR Mil. Acad., Class of 72. Actual rank 2.1 Lieut. 13th Inf. June 14, 72 ; 1st Lieut. June 13, 78. Service On D. S. as Acting Signal Officer at Office Chief Signal Officer and Fort Mver, Va . June, 78, to Nov., '81 ; Inspector and Instructor Sig- nal Service Feb., 79, to N >v., '81; at Leavenworth Military Prison, Executive Officer, Nov. 15, '89, to . Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 13 r h Inf. Sept. 1, '86, to Nov. 15, '89. History Father was a 2d Lieut. 13th 111. Vol. Inf. May, '61 ; died March, '63. Oilman, Jeremiah H. (Major and C. S., Bvt. Lieut. Col.). Born in Me. Nov. 11, 1831. Retiring year 1895; appointed from Me. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Julv 1, '52; graduitad July 1, '56. Aduil raik Bvt. 2d Lt. 10th Inf. July 1, '56; 2d Lieut. O ;fc. 31, '56; 1st Lieut. April 27, '61 ; Capt. 19th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 29, '61 ; Capt. Com. Sub. Feb. 9, '63 ; accepted March 19, '63 ; Maj. Cora. Sub. Nov. 9, '84. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. April 7, '62, for gallant and meritoriou-j services in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn.; Bvt. Lt. Col. Dec. 31, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Stone River, Tenn. "Gilnaore, Alexander (Chaplain U. S. A.). Born in N. J. Retired ; ap- pointed from N. J. Civil life. Actual rank Post Chap. July 2, 70 ; accepted August 16, 70; retired May 17, 79, at his own request, over sixty-two years of age. Gilmore, John C. (Captain 24th Inf., Bvt. Lieut. Col.). Born in Canada, April 18, 1837. Retiring year 1901. App. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank- Capt. 16th N. Y. Vol. Inf., May 15, '61 ; Major, Feb. 11, '63 ; Lieut.-Col. 193d N. Y. Vol. Inf., March 28, '65; 2d Lieut. 12th U. S. Inf., March 11, '63; ac- cepted Sept. 13, '66; transferred to 30th U. S. Inf., Sept. 21, '66 ; Capt. 38th Inf., Jan. 22, '67 ; accepted March 29, '67 ; transferred to 24th Inf., Nov. 11, '69. Brevet rank Bvt. Col. Vols. Nov. 14, '65, for gallant and meritorious services ; Bvt. Major U. S. A. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious service* in the battle of Antietam, Md. ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. March 2. '67, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. Service Served during the War of the Rebellion in the Shenandoah Valley ; at Fort Sedgwick, Col., to Feb. 9, '67 ; at Jefferson Bks., Mo., and Fort Barker, Kan., to Oct., '67 ; at Fort Quifman, Texas, to March, 71 ; on Reg. R. S. at Nashville, Tenn., and Richmon.l, Va., to May, 72; on leave of absence to July, 72; on expedition against Indians under Gen. Mackenzie, to Oct., 72; at Fort Brown, Texas, to April, 78; at Fort Mclntosh, Texas, from April, 78, to April, '80 ; en route to Fort Davis, Texas, from April to June, '80 ; on expedition against Victorio's band of Apache Indians under Gen. Grierson, from June to Oct., '80; on Gen. R. S. from Oct., '80, to Oct., '81; at Fort Elliott, Texas, from Nov., '81, to July, '83 ; in charge of the Dep. of Mo. Rifle content and captain of Team in Sept. and Oct., '83, at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.; at Fort Supply, Ind. Ter., from Feb., '84, to Jan., '88; on Tactical B >urd since Feb. 10, '88; marksman and sharpshooter in the Army. Staff positions oc- cupied Adj. 30th U. S. Inf., Dec. 10, '66, to Feb. 9, '67. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle of first Bull Run ; action of Pohick Church and Wi-st Point; battles of Mechanicsvilie, Gaines' Mill (wounded in two places), Golding Farm, Charles City Cross Roads, Glendale, Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, Va.; Crampton Pass, Antietam, Md.; first and second Fredericksburg, Marye's Heights and Salem's Heights, Va. Cjmmands heldCom. Fort McRea, N. M., '67 to < '69; Com. Fort Elliott, Texas, from Nov., '81, ti April, 82. History Graduate Universitv Law School, Albany, N. Y. Profession, lawyer. Girard, Alfred C. (Major and Surgeon). Born in Switzerland, July 31, '41. Retiring year 1905. Appointed from N. Y. Civil lifr. Actual rank Asst. Surg. May 14, '67; accepted M.iy 30, '67; Capt. and Asst. Surg. May 14, 70; Mnjor and Surgeon N >v. 17, '87. Service With 6th Inf., Charleston, S. C., and Ind. Ter., to Oct., '67 ; Charleston, S. C., to Dsc., '67 ; Aiken. S. C., with 5th Cav. to March, '68; Fort Pike, La., with 39th Inf. to Jan., '69; Baton Rouge, Li., with 20th and 19th Inf. to July, 70 ; Fort McKavett.Tex., with 9th Cav., 24th and 25th Inf., to Nov., 70 ; Fort Duncan, Texas, with 24th, 25th Inf. and 9th Cav. to Aug., 71 ; Fort Brown, Texas, with 10th Inf. and 4th Cav. to Sept., 72 ; Ringgold Bks., Texas, with 10th Inf. and 9th Cav. to Nov., 72; Fort Pulaski, Ga., wiih 1st Art. to Sept., 73; Yorkville, S. C., with 18th Inf. to May, 74; U. S. Military Acad- GLE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 241 emy, West Point, to Oct., 76 ; Fort Randall, W. T., with 1st Inf. to June, 78; Fort Kfogh. M. T., with 5th Inf. and 2d Cav. to June, '84; on leave abroad, dele- pate to the International Congress at Copenhagen and the Hague ; returned Dec., '84; on duty at Fort Porter, N. Y., with 23d Inf. to July, '85 ; at Boise Barrack*, with 2d Cav. and 4th Inf. to Dec.. '89; at Fort Niagara, N. Y., with llth Inf. to . Girard, Joseph B. (Major and Surgeon). Born in France, Dec. 26, 1846. Re- tiring year 1910. Appointed from Mich. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surer. U. S. A. May 14. '67 ; accepted June 10, '67 ; Captain Asst. Surgeon May 14, 70 ; Major Surgeon March 22, '88. Service Served in Dep. of Platte from May, '67, to June, 71, inclusive, as follows: At Fort Morgan, Col.. May, '67, to May, '68 ; at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., May, '68, to April, '69 ; at Fort Laramie, W. T., April to July, '69; at Fort D. A. Russell, W. T., July to Oct., '69; at Fort Fetter- man, W. T.. Oct., '69, to Jan., 70 ; at Sidney Barracks, Neb., Feb. to April, 70 ; at Fort Fred Steele, W. T., April, 70, to June, 71 ; on leave of absence M Jan., 72; at Newport Barracks, Ky., Feb. and Mrch, 72; in Dep. of Ariz, from April, 72, to May, 76. inclusive, as" follows: At Fort McDowell, A. T., and in the field with Gen. Crook against Apache Indians, from May, 72, to May, 73 ; at Fort Apache, A. T., June, 73, to May, 74 ; at Fort Lowell, A. T., May, 74, to May, 76; in Dep. of the East from Aug., 76, to April, 79; at Fort Wayne, Mich., dur- ing the entire period ; in Dep. of Texas from April, 79, to Feb., '81 ; at Fort Davis, Texas, during the entire period ; in Dep. of Arizona from Feb., '81 ; at Fort Grant, A. T . March, '81, to July, '82 ; at Fort Lowell, A. T., from July, '82, to June, '84; in Div. of the Atlantic from July, '84, to Aucr., '87 ; at Pittsburgh Bks., N. Y., July, '84, to Jan., '85 ; at Fort Schuyler, N. Y., Jan., '85, to Aug., '87 ; in Dep. of Arizona, at Fort Lowell, A. T., since Sep., '87. Glass, John N. (First Lieut. 6th Cav.). Born in Term. Appointed from Tenn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 73 ; graduated June 14, 78. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. C.iv., June 14, 78; 2d Lieut. June 25, 78 : trans, to 6th C*v. Aug. 9, '68 ; 1st Lieut. March 20, '85. Glasaford, "William A. (Second Lieut. Signal Corps). Born in Indiana, April 11, 1856. Retiring year 1920. Appointed from the army. Actual Rank Priv. andSergt. Signal Corps Nov. 20, 74, to Nov. 13, 79 ; 2d Lieut. Signal Corps Nov. 1, 74; accepted Nov. 14, 74. Service. Stationed at office of the Chief Sig- nal Officer Nov. 20, 74. to Sept. 6, 77; at Fort Myer under instruction to Nov. 6,77; at New Haven, Conn., till Nov. 25, 79; Fort Myer under instruction till May 24, '80; inspecting in Penna., Ohio, Mich., 111., Mo., Minn., Dak., Iowa, Idaho, Oregon, Wash. Ty., Gal., Ariz., Texas and New Mexico till Jan. 1, '81 ; at Santa Fe as Officer in charge of Military Telegraph Lines till July 20; inspecting in New Mexico, Ariz., Texas, Ind. Ty., Kan. and Col. till Jan. 18, '82 ; at Leaven- worth, Kan., as Signal Officer Dept. Mo. and in charge of telegraph lines in the Dept. till Dec. 4, '83; while at Leavenworth made inspections several times in New Mexico, Col., Texas, Ind. Ty., Wyo. and Kan.; built observatory and tele- graph lines at Pike's Peak ; was Instructor in Signaling at the School of Applica- tion ; at Washington under instruction for forecasting from Dec. 10, "83, till made an Asst. to the Chief Signal Officer, July 21, '84, then preparing indications and performing other work till Jan. 2, '85; then investigating washouts in N. Mex. and inspecting in N. Mey., Texas, La., Ind. Ty., Ark., Kan. and Mo. till May 18, '85 ; at indications and other work till Dec. 12; at San Francisco. Gal., as Officer inChanre Pacific Coast Div. till Jan., '87; inspecting in Cal. and Ariz, till March, '87 ; at Prescott, Ariz., till O^t. 9, '89, as O'ficer in Charge Telegraph Lines ; dur- ing this period inspected at various times stations in Ariz., N. Mex., Cal. and Col.; made reconnoissance and established points for signal and heliograph stations on mountains connecting military posts in Ariz.; at Washington, D. C., from Oct. 19. '89, to . Glenn, Edwin P. (First Lieut. 25th Inf.) Born in North Carolina. Ap- pointed from N. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 73 ; graduated June 15, 77. Actual ank2l. W. E. Merrill, Corps of Engineers from Sept. 18 to Oct. 22, '89 (under both of the above, stationed at Cincinnati, O.) ; under immediate orders of Lt.-Col. J. W. Barlow, Corps of Engineers, since Oct. 22, '89, at Nashville, Tenn. Goldman, Henry J. (First Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in Germany. Appointed from N. Y. C idet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 73; graduated June 15, 77. Ac'ualrank 2d Lieut. 5th U. 8. CAT. June 15, 77; 1st Lieut. Apr. 24, '86. Goodale, Greenleaf A. (Captain 23d Inf.). Born in Orrington,Me.. July 4, 1839. Retiring year 1903; appointed from Me. Civil life. Actualrank Private, Corp. and Sergeant Co. E, 6th Me. Inf., March 7, 61, to Jan. 2, '64; 1st Lieut. 77th U. S. Cjlorel [nf. Jan. 2, '64; Captain May 24, '64; 1st Lieut. 23d Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Nov. 24, '68 ; Ciptain June 2), 78. Brevet rank Brevet M-tjor U. S. Vols. March 13, '65, f>r faithful and meritorious services during the War; Brevet Cintam U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Get- tvs l )urg, Pa. Service Served with Army of the Potomac; Coil. Co. at F>rt St. Philip, Pass Manchse, Chalinette and Camp Parapel, Li., and Ship Island. GOR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 243 Com. Co. Feb., '67, to Oct. 74, and Oct., 76, to '93 in California, Oregon, Wash. Ter., Arizona, Nebraska, Wyoming, Kansas, Indian Ter., New Mexico and Fort Mackinac, Mich.; on recruiting service in N. Y. City from 74 to 76. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In Siege of Yorktown, Hancock's Brig, at Lee's Mills, Williams- burg; Hancock's charge (believed to be) first bayonet of the War ; Gelding's Farm, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Second Bull Run, Marye's Heights, only successful assault ever made at Fredericksburg Heights, Salem Heights and Get- tvsburg. Commands held Com. Fort Stephens at Pass Manchae, La., one of the defenses of New Orleans '64-65 ; com. Fort Klamath, Ga., June, '69, to June, 71; Com. Fort Mackinac, Mich., and Superintendent Mackinac National Park from March 4, '86, to '90. History Great-grandson of Lieut. Ebenezer Buck, of 2d Co. of Col. Jonathan Buck's 5th Keg. of Militia, Lincoln Co., Mass., in the Revo- lutionary War. Goode, George W. (Second Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Mo. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank 2d Lieut. June 12, '80 (out of service June 26, 77 ; reinstated Aug. 28, 77). Goodin, James A. (Second Lieut. 7th Inf.). Born in Ky. Appointed from Ky. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 78; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank2d Lieut. 7th U. S*. Inf. June 13, '82. Goodloe, Archibald H. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ky. Retired. Ap- pointed from Ky. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '6l ; graduated June 23, '65. Actual rank2d Lieut. 13th Inf. June 23,*'65; 1st Lieut. June 23, '65 ; transferred to 22d Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; Capt. July 1, 72 ; retired April 24, '83. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 2d batt., 13th Inf., May 8, '66, to Sept. 21, '66; Reg. Q. M. 22d Inf. Jan. 1, '67, to Jan. 31, '68 ; Adjt. 22d Inf. Jan. 31, '68, to March 1, '69; Reg. Q. M. 22d Inf. July 30, '69, to July'l, 72. Goodwin, William P. (First Lieut. i4th Inf.). Born in 111. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. Aug. 15, 76 ; ac- cepted Aug. 21, 76; 1st Lieut. April 8, '89. Gordon, Charles G. (Captain U. S. A ). Born in N. C. Appointed from Cal. Civil life. Retired. Corp'l and Pv't Co. B, 2d Cal. Cav., Sept, 14, '61, to April 25, '64; 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Cav. Sept. 26. '67; accepted Oct. 3, '67; 1st Lieut. Feb. 21, 70; Capt. Aug. 30, '81; retired Oct. 5, '87, disability in line of duty. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 6th Cav. April 4, 74, to Sept. 3, 78. Gordon, David S. (Lieut. Col. 2d Cav.). Born in Pa. May 23, 1831. Re- tiring year 1895. Appointed from Kan. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Dragoons April 26. '61 ; accepted April 27, '61 ; 1st Lieut. (2d Cav.) June 1, '61 ; Capt. 2d Cav. April 25, '63; Major June 25, 77; Lieut. -Col. Nov. 20, '89. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. July 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the Gettysburg campaign. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. V-ls. from June, '61, to July 21, '61 ; A. A. A. G. to Gen. Schenk at Baltimore, Md., '63. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61 to '65; with Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the battle of first Bull Run ; taken prisoner by rebels, and confined in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Castle Pinckney, Charleston^ and Columbia jails, S. C., and Salisbury, N. C. ; exchanged Aug., '62 ; inspector of Parole Camp, Annapolis, Md.; in the* Shenandoah Valley Aug. to Oct., '64; recruiting duty, Cincinnati, O., Nov., '64, to Jan.. '65; Point of Rocks, Md., March to Nov., '65; en route to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and Fort Lvon, C. T., to Dec., '65; at Fort Lyon, C. T., to Oct., '66; en route to and at Fort Laramie, D. T., to Jan., '67 ; en route to the relief of Fort Kearney, D. T., and at that Post to July, '68 ; engaged in actions with hostile Indians, and escorting mail and government trains; en route to Forts Fetterman and Russell, D. T. ; at Fort D. A. Russell, D. T., Aug., '68, and at various other Posts on frontier duty to present time. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Action at Fairfax C. H., Va., '61; battle of first Bull Run (taken prisoner); Gettysburg, Pa., '63; actions at Manassas Gap, Rappahannook Station, Culpep- per C. H., Barnett's Ford, Furnaces, battle of Todd's Tavern; raid to Haxall s Landing and Chatfeld's Station ; actions of Yellow Tavern, Deep Bottom, Old Church; battle of Cold Harbor; action of Hawes''Shop, raid to Charlottes ville 244 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. GRA and battle of Trevillian Station, '64. Commands held Com'g 2d Cav. in the Shenandoah Valley Aug. to Oct., '64; com'g 2d Cav. at Point of Rocks, Md., March to Nov., '65. Gordon, "Walter H. (Second Lieut. 12th Inf.). Born in Mass. Appointed from La. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual Rank 3d Lieut. 12th U. S. Inf. July 1, '86. Service At Sackett'a Harbor, N. Y., from '86 to '87 ; accompanied regiment to the plains, and station- ed at Fort Yates. N. D., from '87 to present time. Gordon, William B. (First Lieut, of Ordnance). Born in Leesburg, Pa., May 7, '53. Retiring year 1917. Appointed from Pennsylvania. Cadet at U. 5. Military Academy Julv 1, 73 ; graduated June 15, '77. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th "Art. June 15, 77; 1st Lieut, of Ordnance Nov. 4, '81 ; accepted Nov. 6, '81. Service Instr. Arty. Tactics Mil. Acad. July-Aug., 77; on dutv at Fort Townsend, W. T. f Dec., 77-June, 78; Bannock campaign June, 78-Sept. 78; Fort Point, Cal., Sept., 78-May, '80; Member of Div. Pac. Rifle Team at Creed- moor, L. L, '89; Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., May, '80-Nov., '81 ; trans- ferred to Ord. Dept. Nov., '81; Frankford Arsenal Nov., '81-Nov., '82; Water- vliet Arsenal Nov., '82-Aug., '84; Military Academy Instr. and Asst. Prof. Dept. Phil., Aug., '84-Aug, '88; Watervliet Arsenal Oct., '88; Member Army Gun Factory Board O-t., '88. Gorgas, William C. (Capt.and Asst.Surg.). Born in Ala., Oct., '54. Retiring year 1918. Appointed from Ala. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. June 16, '80; accepted June 28, '80; Capt. Asst. Surg. June 16, '85. Gould, William P. (Major and Paymaster^. Born in R. I. May 26, '30; Retiring year 1894. Appointed from R. I. Civil life. Actual rank Add. I'm. June 1, '61 ; ace. June 17, '61 ; must, out July 1, '67 ; Maj. Pm. Oct. 18, '67 ; ace. Oct. 21, '67 ; negatived by the Senate July 25, '68, and revoked Aug. 1, '63 ; paid to Oct. 30, '68; re-apptd. March 8, '69, to rank from Oct. 18, '67; ace. .March 22, '69. Brevet rank Lieut.-Col. Vols. March 13, '65, for faithful and merito- rious services during the war. Graham, Lawrence P. (Col. and Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Va. Jan. 8, '15. Retired. App. from Va. Civil life. Actual rant2d Lieut. 2d Dragoons Oct. 13, '37; 1st Lieut. Jan. 1, '39; Captain Aug. 31, '43; Major 2d Dragoons June 14/58; Brigadier Gen. Vols. Aug. 31, '61; Lieut.-Col., 5th U. S. Cav. Oct. 1, '61 ; Colonel 4th U. S. Cav. May 9, '64. Brevet Itank Brevet Major U. S. Army May 9, '46, for gallantry and good conduct at the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma; Brevet Brigadier General U. S. Army March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service In Florida to June, '42, against the Seminole Indians; at Fort Jesup, La., to '45; Captain iM Dragoons Aug. 31, '43; en route to and at Corpus Christi to '46; in the war with Mexico; commanding two squadrons en route from Monterey, Mexico, to Los Angeles, Cal., June to Nov., '48; in California to June, '49; en route with a de- tachment of recruits from Carlisle, Pa., to Santa F6, N. M., April to July, '50; in New Mexico to August, '52 ; engaged in the Navajo Indian expedition '52 ; on cavalry recruiting duty N. Y. City October, '52, to October, '54; at Forts Leavenworth, Kan., Laramie, D. T., Randall, D. T., and in the n>ld in Kansas ; engaged in expeditions on the plains and in the expedition to Utah ; superin- tendent cavalry recruiting service and commanding depot, Carlisle Barracks, Pa., to Sept., '61 ; organizing and commanding cavalry brigade at Washington, D. C., and in the Army of the Potomac to April, '62; president of a General Court- Martial, St. Louis, Mo. ; president of a board for examination of invalid officers and non-commissioned officers for promotion, Annapolis, Md., to fall of '66; member of board of examination of applicants for commissions in the cavalry, Washington, D. C., to Dec., '67; Inspector General 5th Military District, New Orleans, La., Jan. to June, '68; president of a retiring board, St. Louis, Mo., Julv to Dec., '68; commanded regiment in Texas to Dec. 15, 70, when he was re- tired at his own request, for over thirty years' service. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Battle of Locohatchee, Flu., '42 ; battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Texas, and Monterey, Mexico, '46. GRE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 245 Graham, William M. (Lieut.-Col. 1st Art. and Brevet Brigadier General). Born in D. C., Sept. 28, 1834. Retiring year 1898 ; appointed from D. C Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Art. June 7, '55; accepted June 13, '55; 1st Lieut. March 1, '61 ; Capt. Oct. 26, '61 ; Col. 2d D. C. Vol. Inf. April 7, '65; hon. must, out Sep. 12, '65; Maj. 4th U. S. Art. July 18, '79; Lieut.-Col. 1st Art. Aug. 10, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. Major July 1, '62, for gallant and meritorious services during the Peninsular campaign in Va. ; Lieut.-Col. Sept. 17, '62, lor gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Md. ; Col. July 3, '63, lor gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war. Staff positions occupied A. A. Insp. Gen. Middle Military Division March 15, '65. Service In the Everglades of Florida, July, '55, to Nov., '56 ; on the frontiers of Texas, Dec., '56, to April, '61, commanding company and engaged in the attack on and pursuit of the Mexican bandit, Cortmas, Dec., '59, to Feb., '60 ; engaged in the operations of the Army of the Potomac, Dec., '61, to April, '64; command- ing 2d Brigade Horse Artillery, Army of the Potomac, Aug., '63, to April, '64; mustering and disbursing duty, Concord, N. H., July, '64, to Feb., '65; Assistant In.-pector General, Middle Military Divi.-ion, March, '65. Granger, R. S. (Colonel and Bvt. Major Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Ohio. Re- tired. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '33; graduated July 1,38. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. July 1, '38; 1st Lieut. March 14, '39; Capt. Sept. 8, '47; Maj. 5th Inf. Sept. 9, '61 ; Brig. Gen. Oct. 20, '62; accepted Nov. 8, '62 ; hon. must, out Aug. 24, '65 ; Lt.-Col. llth Inf. June 12, '65 ; transferred to 16th Inf. March 15, '69; Col. 21st Inf. Aug. 16, '71; retired at his own request Dec. 10, '73, over thirty years' service. Brevet rank Bvt. Col. Oct. 9, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Lawrence- burg, Ky.; Bvt. Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the defense of Decatur, Ala. ; Bvt. Maj. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and mer- itorious services during the war. Service In the war with Mexico from March, '47, to July, '48; on frontier of Texas scouting after Indians, or in garrison, to April, '61 ; prisoner of war, April 27 to Aug., '62; captured with Maj. Sibley's command; Brig. Gen. Ky. Vols., Sept. 1, '62; in command of Union forces in action at Lawrenceburg, Ky., Oct. 20, '62; in command of Dist. of N. Ala., June 1, '64, to Dec., '64 ; engaged in the capture of Roddy's Camp, at Courtland, Ala.; expulsion of Wheeler's and Forrest's forces from Southern Tenn., participating in several engagements with their commands; defense of Decatur, Ala., against Hood's army from Oct. 26 to 29, and sorties against rebel works, '64; in Dep. of South, '69 to '73. Graves, 'William S. (Second Lieut. 7th Inf.). Born in Texas. Appointed from Texas. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 15, '84; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th U.'S. Inf. June 12, '89. Gray, Alonz (Second Lieut. 6th Cav.). Born in Wis. Appointed from Iowa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 5th Cav. June 12, '87 ; 2d Lieut. 6th Cav. Oct. 19, '87. Gray, William W. (Captain and Asst. Surg.). Born in Tenn. Appointed from Tenn. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. June 6, '78; accepted June 20, 78 ; Capt., Asst. Surg. June 6, '83. Grealish, Micbiel J. (Captain and Ordnance Storekeeper). Born in Ireland. Appointed from Kan. Civil life. Actual rank Ord. Sk. June 4, '66 ; accepted July 20, '66 ; Capt. Ord. Sk. July 28, '66. Service In charge of Hilton Depot, 8. C., to '67; in charge of Pikesville Arsenal, Md., '67 to '76; at Augusta Ar- senal, '76 to '83; at Rock Island Arsenal, '90. Greble, Edwin Pt. J. (First Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '77 ; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank2<\ Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. June 11, '81 ; 1st Lieut. May 2, '87. Staff po- sitions occupied A. D. C. from Dec-. 15. '85, to Oct. 5, '89. Service With battery from '81 to '83; at Fort Leavenworth School of Application, '83 to '85, when he graduated; at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., since Oct. 5, '89. Greely, Adolphus W. (Brigadier General and Chief Signal Officer). Bora 246 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. GKE in Mass. Appointed from La. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt, Corpl. and 1st Sgt. Co. B, 19th Mass. Vol. Inf., from July 26, '61, to March 18, '63; 2d Lieut. 8l8t U. S. Colored Inf. March 18, '63; 1st Lieut. April 26, '64; Capt 81st U. S. Colored Inf. April 4, '65 ; hon. must, out March 22, '67 ; 2d Lieut. 36th U. S. Inf. March 7, '67 ; accepted May 20, '67 ; unassigned May 19, '69 ; asd. to 4th Cav. July 14, '69; 1st Lieut. May 27, '73; Capt, June 11, '86; Brig. Gen., Chief Sig. Offi." March 3, '87 ; accepted March 8, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. Major Vols. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Staff posi- tions occupied Acting Chief Signal Officer Dep. Platte from Sep. 10, '69, to Feb. 28, 71. Service In the War or the Rebellion, '61-5 ; in the field with Army of the Potomac, '62; in the Army of the West, '63; recruiting duty, '65-6 ; on Iron- tier duty in the West to '69; on staff duty at Omaha to 71 ; was assigned to duty in the office of the Chief Signal Officer of the Array, where he served until June, '81, and was employed as a Station Inspector, as superintendent of the con*truc- tion of military telegraph lines in Texas, and as a general assistant in the Wash- ington office. He was assigned to the command of the Arctic expedition of '80, but the order was subsequently revoked, because of an unfavorable report made by a board of naval officer* upon the vessel which had been selected for the serv- ice. The Lady Franklin Bay expedition was then organized during the spring and summer of '81, and in July he sailed from St. John's, N. F.. in command, with the intention of remaining absent for two years. The object of the expe- dition was to establish a supply and meteorological station at Lady Franklin Bay and make explorations northward from that place. Lieutenant Greely wan for six years a student of Arctic explorations, and his experiences of twelve years in the signal service in the army, particularly in compiling observations and fore- casting the daily weather reports, were such as to quality him for the scientific part of the work; the results of his researches have added valuable information to the subject of Arctic explorations, although his expedition met with the misfor- tune of being shipwrecked, and the entire party reduced to a state of starvation before the remnnnU of it were discovered by a naval expedition sent to their re- lief. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, action of West Point, battles of Fair Oak*, Peach Orchard, Sivage Station, White-Oak Swamp (wounded), Malvern Hill, Va,, Antietam, Md. (wounded), and Fredericksburg, Va., siege of Port Hudson, La. Green, James O. (Second Lieut. 25th Inf.) Born in Wis. ; appointed from Wis. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 78 ; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rnnk 2-i Lieut 25th Inf. June 13, '82. Green, John (Lieut. Col. U. S. A.). Born in Germany Nov. 20, 1825. Re- tired; appointed from the Army. Actual rani' Sergt. and 1st Sergt. Co. B, Sergt. Major, M. Rif., from July 1, '46, to Aug. 27, '48; Pvt. and Sergt Co. B, M. Rif., from Sept. 18, '52, to July 5, '55; 2d Lieut. 2d Drag. June 18, '55; accepted June 5, '55; 1st Lieut March 3, '61 ; Capt. 2d Cav. Aug. 13, '61 ; Major 1st Cav. June 9, '68; Lieut. Col. 2d Cav. July 3, 85; retired Nov. 20, '89, by operation of law. Brevet rank Brevet Major July 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the Gettysburg campaign ; Lieut Cjl. April 15, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied On staff of Maj. Gen. Pleasanton Mav to Oct., '63; special Inspector of Cav., Dept. of the Ohio, July, '64: on staff of (jren. Wilson, '64; special Inspector of Cav., Div. of the Mississippi, '64. Ser- viceAt Jefferson B'ks, Mo., to Dec., *46; in the Mexican War, '46-S ; disbanded in '48; out of service to '52 ; in Texas to '55; engaged scouting against hostile Indians; en route from Texas to Fort Riley, Kan., fall of '55; at Fort Riley to fall of '57; in the expedition to and in Uiah to July, '61 ; at Fort Laramie, ^ to Nov., '61 ; at Washington, D. C., to Dec., '62; *in the War of the Rebellion, '61-5; in the field with Army of the Potomac, and participated in its campaigns, '62; on Gen. Stoneman's raid in April, '63; in the Gettysburg campaign, inspecting cavalry horses in the West to July, '64; Department of the Ohio July, '64; joined Gen. Schofield, in front of Atlanta, and engaged in his campaign; equipping Cavalry regiments in Kentuckv ; charge of Cavalry Depot, Nashville, Tenu., to May, '65; with regiment on the Plains to June, '68; en route to join regi- ORE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 247 ment in the Military Div. of the Pacific Sept., '68, and at various posts on frontier duty from '68 to '89. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Siege of Vera Cruz ; battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco, Chapultepec, and City of Mexico, '46-7 ; siege of Yorktown ; battles of Gaines' Mill, Seven Days' Fight, Antietam and Fredericksburg, '62; actions of Beverly Ford, Aldie, Upperville, and battle of Gettysburg, Pa., '63; battles of Jonesboro' and Lovejoy's Station, Ga., '64; battle of Nas-hville, Tenn., '64. Greene, Charles H. (Captain 17th Inf.). Born in R. I. Feb. 13, 1838. Re- tiring year 1902; appointed from R. I. Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th R. I. Inf. Oct. 30, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 20, '61; Capt. Aug. 11, '62; hon. must, out Sept. 30, '62; Capt. 4th R. I. Inf. May 2, '63; honorably mustered out Oct. 15, '64; 2d Lieut. 17th Inf. Jan. 22, '67; accepted March 29, '67; 1st Lieut. Nov. 1, '67; Capt. May 19, '81. Service In the War of the Rebellion, '61-^; in the field with the Army of the Potomac, '61-2, and part of '63-4; on duty in Tex., Dept. of Dakota, and Dept. of the Platte, from '67 to '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the capture 6f Roanoke Island, N. C.; action of New- bern; bombardment of Fort Macon, N. C.; battles of South Mountain and Antie- tam, Md.; battle of Fredericksburg, Va., and siege of Suffolk, N. C.; engaged at the siege of Petersburg; explosion of the Mine; battles of the Weldon Railroad, Poplar-Spring Church, and Reams' Station, Va. Staff positions occupied Asst. Inj*p. Gen. on staff of Gen. Getty, commanding defenses of Portsmouth aud Nor- folk, Va.; Ar-st. Insp. Gen. Dec., '63, to April, '64; commanding Provost Guard, Norfolk, Va., to June, '64. Greene, Charles T. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Md. Retired; app. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. G, 22d N. Y. S. M., May 28, '62; discharged Aug. 8, } 62 ; 2d Lieut. 60.h N. Y. Inf. Aug. 21, '62; 1st Lieut. Aug. 10, '63; hon. must, out Sept. 12, '63; Capt. A. A. G. Sept. 4, '63; accepted Sept. 13, '63; hon. must, out Sept. 19, '65; Capt. 42d U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Oct. 2, '66; unassigned April 22, '69; retired with rank of Capt. m't'd Dec. 15, '70, loss of right leg from wound in line of duty. Brevet rank Brevet Major March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Ringgoid, Ga., Nov. 27, '63; Brevet Major Vols. March 13, '65, for meiitorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Vol. Aug. 21, '62, to Sept. 13, '63. Service In the \Vttr of the Rebellion, '61-3; in the field with Army of the Potomac, in 2d Div.,2d Corps, '62; in 3d Brig., 12th Corps, Army of the West, '63; on court-mar- tial duty, New York City, May, '64, to May, '65; on the staff of the commanding Gen. 3d Brig., 14th Corps, and Bartlett's Div. ; on mustering duty, New York, July to Sept., '65; on recruiting duty, Boston, Mass., Nov., '66, to April, '67; Brevet Major U. S. A., for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Ringgoid, Ga. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the action of Culpepper; battles of Antietam, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg; engaged at the action of Wauhatchie, Tenn.; battles of Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and Ringgoid (severely wounded, lost right leg). Greene, Frank (Second Lieut. Signal Corps). Born in Pa.; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private aud Sergt. Signal Corps from April 19, '72, to March 20, '82; 2d Lieut. Signal Corp* Jan. 27, '82 ; accepted April 5, '82. Oreene, Henry A. (First Lieut. 20th Inf.). Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the United States Military Academy July 1, '75; gradu- ated June 13,79. Actual rank2d Lieut. 20th U. S. Inf. June 13, '79; 1st Lieut. July 24, '86. Greene, Lewis D. (First Lieut. 7th Inf.). Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '74; graduated June 14, 78. Actual rank2d Lieut. 7th Inf. June 14, 78; 1st Lieut. Dec. 16, '88. Strvice Fred Steele, Wyo., to Dec. 20, '85 ; at Camp Pilot Butte, Rock Springs, Wyo., to July 13, '87; Fort Laramie, Wyo., to July 20, '87; on D. S. at Bellevue, Neb., to 248 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. ORE Oct. 1, '87; with Co. at Fort Logan, Col., June 10, '89; at Fort Laramie, Wyo., July 2-Nov. 20, '89 ; at Fort Logan, Col., since. Staff positions occupie-l Field Q. M. May and June, '80 ; Camp Q. M. at Poplar River, Mont., Nov. 26, '81-Mav, '82 ; A. A. Q. M. at Fort Fred Steel?, Wyo., May 30, '84-Dec. 1, '85; A. A. Q. M., A. C.S.,&c., at Camp Pilot Butte, Wyo., Jan.-Nov., '86 ; Q. M. Dept. Platto and Div. Mo. Rifle Camp, Bellevue, Neb., July-Oct., '87 ; A. D. C. to Gen. Crook, Oct. 8, '87-June 8, '89, at Omaha and Chicago ; R. Q. M. 7th Inf. since June 13, ? 89. Greene, Oliver D. (Lieut. Col. and Asst. Adjt. Gen.). Born in New York, Jan. 25, 1833. Retiring year 1897. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Mili- tary Academy July 1, '49; graduated July 1, '54. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 3d Art. July 1, '54; 2d Lieut. 2d Art. Nov. 25, '54 ; 1st Lieut. April 25, '61 ; (\ip- Uin A. A. G. Aug. 3, '61 ; accepted Aug. 18, '61 ; Maj. A. A. G. July 17, Lieut. Col. A. A. G. Vol. Aug. 20, '62; Captain 2d Art. Oct. 1, '63; Lieut. Col. A. A. G. U. S. A. Feb. 28, '87. Brevet rank Brevet Captain U. S. A. July 21, '61, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Bull Run, Va.; Brevet Lieut. Col. U. S. A. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the but- tle of Crampton's Gap, Md.; Brevet Col. U. S. A. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Md.; Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Greenleaf, Charles B. (Major andSurgeon). Born in Pennsylvania, Jan. 1, 1838. Retiring year 1902. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank- Asst. Surg. 5th Ohio Inf. May 9, '61 ; Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Aug. 5, '61 ; ace. Aug. 22, '61; Capt. Asst. Surg. July 28, '66; Maj. Surg. June 26, 76. Brevet rank Brevet Captain and Major U. S. A. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious ser- vices during the war. Honorably mentioned Mentioned in the records of the Re- bellion, series 1, vol. xi, part 1, pages 184, 190, 196, 201, 205. Strvice Asst. in the office of the Medical Director and Attending Surgeon at the Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D. C., to Aug., '61 ; Asit. to the Medical Director Army of the Potomac to Aug., '62 ; Asst. in making plans for the Mower General Hospital, Chestnut Hill, Phila.; Medical Director at Hagerstown, Md., and Medical Direc- tor at Harrisburg, Pa.; Executive Officer Mower General Hospital, Phila., Pa., Dec., '62, to Oct., '63; Asst. to the Medical Director Middle Dept. Baltimore, Md., to Oct., '66 ; Attending Surgeon and member of an examining board for ap- plicants in the U. S. Inf., Louisville, Ky., from '67 to '69; ordered to Dept. cf the Columbia, '69; Post Surgeon Fort Lapwai, Idaho, to June, 73; on leave of ab- sence to Nov., 73 ; ordered to Dept. of the South Nov. 14, 73 ; Post Surgeon, Huntsville, Ala., to Nov., 75; Po*t Surgeon Nashville, Tenn., to Feb., 77; or- dered to Dept. of the Gulf Feb. 7, 77 ; in Medical Director's office, New Or- leans, La., to June, 77; Post Surgeon Huntsville, Ala., to Sept.. 77; ordered to Dept. of Dakota, 77; Post Surgeon Helena, Mont., to Sept., 78 ; Post Surgeon Fort Shaw, Mont., to May, '82 ; Post Surgeon Columbus Brks., O., July, '82, to Nov., '86; Attending Surgeon Hdqrs. Div. Mo. Nov., '86, to March, '87; As*t. to the Surgeon Gen. since March, '87. Greenough, George Q. (Captain 4th Art.). Born in D. C., Dec. 8, 1844. Retiring year 1908. Appointed from N. Y. Cidet at the U. S. Military Acad- emy July 1, '61 ; graduated June 23, '65. Actual rank2d Lieut. 12th U. S. Inf. June 23, '65; 1st Lieut. June 23, '65 ; transferred to 21st Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; unas- signed April 19, '69; assigned to 4th Art. Dec. 15, 70 ; Captain Dec. 1, '83. St.aff' positions occupied Prin. Asst. Prof, of French at the U. S. Military Academy from Feb. 21, 70, to Jan. 17, 73. Service During cadet furlough, '63, served in defenses of Baltimore when that city was threatened by rebels; joined Army of thePotomac at Frederick, Md., as volunteer aide on staff of 3d Army Corps (Maj. Gen. W. H. French); present at action of Falling Waters, Md., and at that at Wapping Heights and Manassas Gap shortly after ; was honorably mentioned in official report of Corps Com. for the latter engagement ; graduated and promoted in the army to 2d Lieut. 12th Inf. June 23, '65; in garrison at Fort Hamilton, X. Y. H., Oct., '65, to March, '66, in charge of unassigned recruits 12th Inf.; in gar- rison Washington, D. C., March to Dec., '66, with 3d Batt., 12th Inf. ; in garrison ORE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 249 Point San Jose, Cal., March 7 to Oct., 73, except while on Modoc expedition, Lava Beds, Northern Cal,, April 18 to July 6, 73 ; in garrison Presidio, S. F., Cal., Oct., 73, to April, 76, except while conveying Modoc prisoners from Oregon to Camp McPherson, Neb., Oct., 73 ; except while with expedition into Southeast- ern Nevada against Shoshone Indians May 8, 75, to Oct. 5, 75, and except while Prof. Military Science and Tactics at University of California May 8, 77, to May', 79; in garrison at Fort Point, May, 79, to Aug., 79; in garrison Fort Canby, W. T., Sept. 1, 79, to April 15, '80 ; in garrison Fort Monroe, Va., May 1, '80, to May 1, '82, except while on duty at Washington Arsenal during the Guiteau ex- citement ; mounted recruiting service (Jefferson Brks., Mo., and taking recruits to 6th Cav. in Ariz.) May 3, '82, to June, '82 ; in garrison Fort Adams, R. I., from July 5, '82, to date ; in the field and in garrison has had frequent details as A. A. Q. M., A. A. C. S., Adjt., etc., such as fall to many officers, if not all ; at vari- ous posts on the Atlantic coast since '82 to present time. Greer, John E. (Captain of Ordnance). Born in Pennsylvania, 1845. Retiring year 1909. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '63 ; graduated June 17, '67. Actual rank 2d Lieut, of Ordnance June 17, '67; 1st Lieut. June 23, 74 ; Captain May 10, 78. Service Asst. Watervliet Arsenal, West Troy, N. Y., '67-68 ; Asst. Frankford Arsenal, Phila., Pa., '68-70; Act. Asst. Prof, of Mathematics at Military Academy, 70-73 ; Asst. Augusta Ar- senal, Ga., 73-76 ; Asst. National Armory, Springfield, Mass., 76-83 ; Chief Ordnance Officer Dept. of the Mo., '83-87; Asst. New York Arsenal since July 24, '87; member of the Ordnance Board and member of Board for testing rifled can- non, etc., since July 24, '87. Commands held Com. Fort Leavenworth Ordnance Depot, '83 to July 12, '87. Gregg-, John C. (Second Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born in Pennsylvania. Ap- pointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '83; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. June 12, '87. Gregg-, John I. (Colonel and Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Pennsylva- nia. Appointed from Penna. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank Pvt. Co. D, 2d Penna. Inf., December 29, '46 ; discharged May 6, '47; Col. 16th Penna. Cav. November 14, '62; hon. must, out August 11, '65 ; 1st Lieut. Infantry February 18, '47 ; 1st Lieut, llth Inf. April 9, '47 ; accepted May 7, '47; Captain September 5, '47; disbanded Aug. 14, '48 ; Captain 6th Cav. May *14, '61 ; accepted June 21, '61 ; Col. 8th Cav. July 28, '66; ace. Oct. 9, '66; retired Apr. 2, 79, disability in line of duty. Brevet raw Brvt. Maj. Mar. 17, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Kelly's Ford, Va. ; Brevet Lieut. Col. Oct. 12, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Sulphur Springs, Va. ; Brevet Col. Oct. 7, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Deep Bottom, Va. ; Brevet Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war ; Brevet Brig. Gen. Vol. Aug. 1, '64, for gallant and distinguished services in the engagement at the defenses of Richmond on the Brock Turnpike and at Trevillian Station ; Bvt. Maj. Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritor- ious services. /Service In the War of the Rebellion, '61-5 ; in the field with Army of the Potomac in its various campaigns to the close of the war ; prisoner in the hands of the rebels April 6 to 9, '65; in Southwest Va. to August, '65; bureau duty New Orleans, La., to Oct. '66 ; present at the New Orleans riots and member of the Investigating Commission ; with regiment on the Pacific coast till retired for disability incurred in line of duty April 2, 79. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Williamaburg ; actions of Slatersville, Ellison's Mills; battle of Hanover Court House and the first two days of the Seven Days' Fight ; battle of Kelly's Ford; actions of Beverly Ford, Aldie, Middleburg, Upperville; battle of Gettysburg; actions of Shepherdstown, Culpepper, Sulphur Springs, Bris- 16 250 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. ORE toe Station; battle of Todd's Tavern ; actions of Ground Squirrel Church, Hawes' Shop; battles of Cold Harbor, Trevillian Station; actions of St. Mary's Church, Deep Bottom (severely wounded), Stony Creek, Hatcher's Run (wounded) ; bat- tles of Dinwiddie Court House, Five Forks; action of Amelia Court House (wounded) ; battle at Sailor's Creek and action at Farmville. Commands held Com. Cav. Brig. Army of the Potomac from April, '63, to April, '65 ; Com. Dist. of Southwest Va. from April to Aug., '65. Gregg, Thomas J. (Captain and Bvt. Maj. U.S. A.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Retired. Actual rankPvt. and Corpl. Co. C, 125th Pa. Inf., Aug. 7, '62; discharged Oct. 30, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 6th Pa. Cav. Nov. 1, '62 ; hon. must, out Oct. 3, '64 ; Capt. 8th Pa. Cav. June 24, '65 ; trans, to 16th Pa. Cav. July 24, '65 ; hon. must out Aug. 11, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Cav. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted April 9, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 1, '66; Captain June 25, 77 ; retired for disability, '90. H rank Brevet Captain and Brevet Major March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied Reg. Com. 2d Cav. Nov. 3, '68, to July 15, '70. Service- In the War of the Rebellion, '61-5 ; engaged in the Rappahannock campaign and Stoneman's raid, '63 ; raids in the Shenandoah Val- ley and operations aoout Richmond, '64; on frontier duty in the Depta. of the Platte, Dakota and Columbia to '86; on sick leave to '90. Battles, skirmish**, etc. tion, St. Mary's Church, Darbytown, Lee's Mills, Deep Bottom and battle of Reams' Station. Gregory, James F. (Major of Engineers). Born in New York Nov. 22, '43. Retiring year, 1907 ; app. from N. Y.; graduated at Mil. Acad., class of '65. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Art. June 23, '65 ; transferred to Engineers May 1, '66; 1st Lieut. May 1, '66; Capt. Jan. 13, 74; Major Oct. 12, '86. Service Re- ported for duty at Headauarters 5th Artillery, Ft. Wadsworth, N. Y., Sept. 1, '65 ; assigned to Battery 1, 5th Art., and joined it at Fort Ethan Allen, Va., Sept.. '65 ; at Fort Jefferson, Dry Tprtugas, Fla., Oct., '65 ; transferred to Light Bat- tery G, 5th Art., and joined it at Little Rock, Ark., Dec., '65; transferred to Corps of Engineers May 1, '66; Assistant Engineer Survey of Northern and Northwestern Lakes July, '66, to Nov., '69, with station at Detroit, Mich. ; . C. and A. A. A. G. 1st Brig., 1st Div., 3d Corps, Army of the Potomac, to April, '04 ; Post Adj. Hdqrs. Army of the Potomac to Dec., '64 ; Adj. 3d Pa. Cav. to May, '65 ; . Q. M., 2d Cav. and A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Laramie, W. T., Fort ., Neb., McPherson and Omaha Bks., Neb., Nov., '67, to Julv, 70. Battle*, $Hrmitkm, etc. Engaged at the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, action of Orange Grove, operations at Mine Run, actions of Auburn, Brandy Station, Kelly's Ford, battles of Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Cold Harbor, and Siege and Capture of Petersburg, battle of Hatcher's Run, and the Campaign ending in the surrender of Gen. R. E. Lee. Grumley, Edward I. (First Lieut. 17th Inf.). Born in Cleveland, O., Sept. 13, 1847. Retiring year 191 1 ; appointed from the Army. Actual ran/: Private 13th Batt. Wise. Vol. L. Art. Nov. 16, '63 to July 15, '64 ; 1st Lieut. 37th Wise. Vols. Oct. 28, '64, to July 27, '65 ; Private, Corporal, Sergeant and First Sergeant Cos. A and G, 21st Inf. August 13, '70, to July 12, '80 ; appt. 2d Lieut. 17th U. S. Inf. June 24, '80 ; accepted July 13, '80; 1st Lieut. July 15, '88. Service Partici- pated in reconnoissance in force of 9th Army Corps of Oct., '64 ; the movement in support of the 2d and 5th Army Corps in front of Petersburg, Va., Dec. 8,9 and 10, '64 ; the final assault of Petersburg, Va., April, '65 ; served in Arizona Jan., 71, to '72 ; with Co. Bannock Campaign, '78. Guard, Alex. McC. (First Lieut. 19th Inf.). Born in Ills. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '66 ; graduated June 12, 71. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 19th U. S. Inf. June 12, 71 ; 1st Lieut. Mar. 20, '79. Guenther, Francis L. (Major 2d Art., Bvt. Col.). Born in Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1838. Retiring year 1902. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '54; graduated July 1, '59. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 1st Art. July 1, '59; 2d Lieut. 4th Art. Nov. 2, '59; 1st Lieut. 5th Art. May 14, '61 ; Captain 5th Art. July 2, '63 ; Major 2d Art. June 26, '82. Brevet rank Brevet Capt. U. S. A. April 7, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Shi- GUR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 253 loh, Tenn. ; Brevet Major U. S. A. Dec. 31, '62, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Stone River, Tenn.; Brevet Lieut.-Col. and Colonel U. S. A. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Honor- ably mentioned Mentioned in Rebellion records, Vol. 10, part 1, pp. 321-22, re- ports on action at Greenbrier, Va. ; Vol. 16, part 1, pp. 1135, action near Salt River; Vol. 20, part 1, pp. 177, 204, 238-9, 242, 380, 394, 396, 397, action of Stone's River, or Murfreesboro'. Service Served at Fort Monroe, Va. (Art. School for Practice), '59-60 ; at Harper's Ferry, Va., for the suppression of John Brown's raid, '59; on frontier duty at Fort Randall, Dak., '60-61 ; served during the War of the Rebellion ; in the Western Virginia campaign June- Dec., '61 ; with Bat. H, 5th Art., at Camp Wood, Ky., Dec. 1, '61, to Feb. 13, '62 ; march to Pittsburgh Landing, Tenn., Feb.-April, '62 ; advance upon and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 10-May 30, '62 ; Com. Batt. H, 5th Art. (Army of the Ohio) in operations in Alabama, and movements through Tennessee to Louis- ville, Ky. ; Com. Bat. H, 5th Art. in Gen. Rosecrans' campaign, Tenn. (Army of the Cumberland) Oct., '62, to Aug., '63 ; advance on Tullahoma, Tenn., June 24- president of Board of Registration for Floyd Co., Va., at Jacksonville, Va., Apr. 20-Oct. 30, '67 ; in charge of civil affairs at Columbia, S. C., to Aug., '68 ; in gar- rison at Fort Macon, N. C., Aug. 26, '68, to Feb., '69 ; Fort Adams, R. I., Feb. 9, '69, to Feb. 18, 70; Fort Trumbull, Conn., Feb. 18, '70, to Dec. 1, '75 ; Key West Barracks, Fla., Dec. 9, '75, to May 13, '76 ; Fort Brooke, Tampa, Fla., May 15 to Dec. 12, 76 ; Key West Barracks, Fla., Dec. 16, 76, to June 16, 77 ; Fort Brooke, Tampa, Fla., June to Nov. 1, 77 ; Key West Barracks, Fla., Nov. 4, 77, to July 12, 78; Fort Jefferson, Fla., to Nov. 7, 78; and Key West Barracks, Fla., Nov. 8, 78, to Feb. 26, '80; at McPherson Barracks, Atlanta, Ga., March 1, advance into Ky. June-Sept., '62; engaged in action at Antioch, Tenn., Dec. 6, '62 ; battle of Stone's River, Tenn., Dec. 31, '62-Jan. 3, '63 ; battle of Hoover's Gap, Tenn., June 26, '63 ; battle of Missionary Ridge, Tenn., Nov. 25, '63. Com- mands held In command of Camp Marshall, Washington, D. C., Sept. 1-Oct. 2, '63 ; Com. Post at Columbia, S. C., Nov. 10-Dec. 24, '67 ; Com. Newport Bks., Ky., June 22, '80-Nov. 2, '81; Com. Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., Nov. 3, '81-Nov. 10, '82 ; Com. Newport Bks., Ky., Nov. 1, '83-June 4, '85 ; Com. Little Rock Bks., Ark., June 11, '85-May 25, '89 ; Com. Fort Trumbull, Conn., since June 4, '89. Quest, John (First Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Md. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Cav. Aug. 15, 76; accepted Aug. 21, 76 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 16, '84. Guilfoyle, John P. (First Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in Md. Appointed from Md. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 72 ; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank2d Lieut. 9th Cav. June 15, 77 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 1, '81. Staff posi- tions occupied Reg. Q. M. 9th Cav. May 7, '84, to Jan. 8, '85; Adjt. 9th Cav. Jan. 8, '85, to May 9, '88. Gunther, Sebastian (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Grossrinderfeld, Baden, Germany, Feb. 6, 1831. Retired ; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private, Corporal and Sergeant Co. B, 1st and Com . Serg. 4th Cav., Aug. 27, 55, to Aug. 28, '63; 2d Lieut. 4th Cav. Aug. 10, '63; 1st Lieut. July 25, '65; Captain Feb. 10, 70. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. U. S. A. Dec. 16, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the pursuit of the rebel forces under Gen. Hood; Cap- tain April 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture ot kelma, Ala. Staff positions occupied Reg. C. S. 4th Cav. Dec. 31, '63, to Nov. 30, 67. Retired Nov. 26, '84 (disability in line of duty). Gurovits, Odon. (Second Lieut, llth Inf.). Born in Hungary. Appointed from the Army. Actual rankPvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co, C and Sgt. Maj. 6th U. 254 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF IT. S. ARMY. HAG S. Inf. from March 16, '80, to Oct. 22, '86; 2d Lieut, llth Inf. Oct. 22, '86; ac- cepted Oct. 23, '86. Gustin, Joseph H. (First Lieut. 14th Inf.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 71 ; graduated June 16, 75. Actual rank2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. June 16, 75 ; 1st Lieut. June 15, '87. Guthrie, John B. (Captain 13th Inf.). Born in Ohio June 16, 1844. Re- tiring year 1908; appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank Private, Cor- poral, Sergeant and First Sergeant Co. C, 1st Ky. Inf., April 30, '61, to Dec. 6, *62 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Ky. Inf. Dec. 7, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 13th Inf. July 28, '66; 1st Lieut. Sept. 1, 71 ; Captain May 7, '82. Service Served during the War of the Rebel- lion on Regimental Recruiting duty '63 ; at Fort Leavenworth, Ks., Dec., '66- April, '67 ; at Fort Shaw, Mont., from '67 to '69; on duty at Provo, Utah, 'i!> to 71 ; at Camp Stambaugh, Wy. Ty., May, 71, to Oct., 71; at Camp Brown, \Vy. Ty. (now Fort Washakie), Oct., 71, to Oct., 74 ; at New Orleans, La., Vicksl Miss., and Holly Springs to Sept., 78; on general recruiting service Oct. '7 Oct., '80; on duty in Dept. Mo., May, '81, to date; in the entire campaign end- ing with the capture and surrender of Chiricahua Indians under Geronimo ; at Fort Bayard, N. M., June, '84-June, '88; at Fort Sill, Ind. Ty., June, '88-Feb., '89; Special Recr. Serv. Feb. 25, '89-Dec. 30, '89; at Fort Sill, Ind. Ty., to date. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Shaw, Mont., June- Sept., '67. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the actions of Secession ville, W. Va., Charlestown, Cotton Mountain, and pursuit of the rebel General Floyd ; wounded at Cotton Mtn. ; transferred to the Dep. of the Ohio Jan., 'i\*2 ; engaged at the battle of Shiloh, siege of Corinth, action of Sparta, battle of Perryville, action of Manchester and battle of Stone River (wounded) ; engap'd at the battle* of Chattanooga, Chickamauga ; action of Dalton and battle of Resaca ; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Dec., '66, to April, '67; engaged in action with hostile In- dians in Stein's Pass Range, Ariz., April, '82. Hackney, Stephen M. (Second Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born in Ala. Appointed from the Army. Actual RankPvt. and Corp'l Co. G, 16th Inf., April 24, '83, to Oct. 22, '86; 2d Lieut. 16th Inf., Oct. 22, '86; accepted Oct. 23, "86. Haden, John J. (First Lieut. 8th Inf.). Born in Mo. Appointed from Texas. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 73; graduated June 15, 77. A< rank2d Lieut. 8th Inf. June 15, 77 ; 1st Lieut. April 8, '85. Hagadorn, Charles B. (Second Lieut. 23d Inf.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the IT. S. Military Academy June 14, '85; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank2d Lieut. 23d U. S. Inf. June 12, '89. Hagner, Peter V. (Col. and Bvt. Brig. Gen. U.S. A.). Born in D.C., Aug. 28, 1815. Retired. App. from D. C. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July I graduated July 1, '36. Actual rankEvt. 2d Lieut. 1st Art., July 1, '36 : 2d Lieut. Aug. 6, '36: 2d Lieut. Ord. July 9, '38; 1st Lieut. May 22, '40; Capt. July IM, '51 ; Major Aug. 3, '61 ; Lieut-Col. June 1, '63; Col. March 7, '67; retired June 1, '81. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. April 18, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Cerro Gordo ; Bvt. Major Sept. 13, '47, for gallant and meritor- ious conduct in the battle of Chapultepec ; Bvt. Col. and Bvt. Brig.-Gen. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the Ordnance Dept. skirmishes, etc. In battle of Cerro Gordo April 17-18, '47 ; skirmish at Amazoque May 14, '47; battle of Molinodel Rey Sept. 8, '47; battle of Chapultepec Sept, 13, '47, and assault and capture of the City of Mexico Sept 13-14, '47, when he was wounded at the Garita of San Cosine. Commands held Commanded a company of unassigned recruits on Niagara frontier during disturbances from the burning of the str. "Caroline," and in command of the battalion of these recruits on the march to their regiments on the Miss, in July and Aug., '38; in command of siege train company of ordnance at the siege of Vera Cruz March 9 to 29, '47 ; in command of Charleston Arsenal, S. C., '49 to '51; of Frankford Arsenal, Penna, '51 to V,o ; Leavenworth Arsenal, '60; St. Louis Arsenal, Mo., from Jan. to Marrh. 'ill ; Watervliet Arsenal. Dec. 25, '63, till Nov., '83. Service Served on topographical HAI RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF -U. S. ARMY. 255 duty during graduation furlough, assisting on survey of sites for defensive works on Lake Champlain July 18 to Sept. 18, '36 ; joined company in Florida Oct., '36; served with field battery at battle of Wahoo Swamp Nov. 21, '36, and as Ordnance Officer to Gen. Jesup's Army in '37 ; served at Arsenals '38 to '42 ; in charge of the inspection of muskets at all Arsenals for alteration to percussion, '42 to '45 ; assistant at Washington Arsenal, '45-46; served in the war with Mexico ; ordered to Europe on professional duty, inspecting arsenals, laboratories, and percussion- powder factories, etc., etc., '48-49; on special duty in the Ordnance Office to Dec., '49 ; at Charleston Arsenal, S. C., '49-51 ; at Frankford Arsenal, Penna., '51 to '60 ; inspector of powder '51-55 ; member of the Ordnance Board '56 to '58 and '60; at Leavenworth Arsenal '60; at St. Louis Arsenal, Mo., from January to March, '61 ; served during the Rebellion of the seceding States '61 to '65 ; in charge of the purchase, inspection, manufacture, and issue of Military sup- plies of all kinds in the Middle and Eastern States, '61-2; member of com- mission on ordnance contracts and claims, '62; in charge of the manufacture, inspection and receipt of all small-arms made by contractors for the U. S. from April, '61, to Dec., '63; member of Ordnance Board Sept., '63; at Water- vliet Arsenal Dec. 25, '63 ; member of the board for the trial of breech -loading small-arms, sitting at Washington City, April 5 to June 8, '66; member of board appointed pursuant to the act of Congress approved June 1, 72, to select a breech-loading system for muskets and carbines Sept., '72, to May 5, '73; also (see for date between '66 and '78, Cullum'ssupplement. vol. iii, No. 866) at Water- vliet Arsenal till Nov., '83, when detached on sick leave ; retired June 1, '81, at his own request, after having served more than forty consecutive years as a com- missioned officer (R. S. section 1263). Haines, Abner (Captain 2d Inf.). Born in Ohio Nov. 14, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank Corp'l Co. C, 20th Ohio Vol. Inf., Apr. 17, '61 ; discharged Aug. 18, '61; Pvt. Co. E, 87th Ohio Vol. Inf., June 2, '62 ; discharged Oct. 3, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 54th Ohio Vol. Inf. April 2, '64 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 1, '65 ; Capt. Mar. 28, '65 ; hon. must, out Aug. 15, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. Mar. 28, '66 ; accepted May 25, '66 ; trs. to 2d Inf. April 17, '69; 1st Lieut. Jan. 1, 71 ; Capt. Mar. 15, '83. ServiceIn the War of the Rebel- lion, '61-^5 ; taken prisoner at Harper's Ferry Sept., '62 ; in the Army of the West, and participated in the campaigns of '64, including Gen. Sherman's March to the Sea, and through the Carolinas, '64-5 ; in Kentucky '66-7; on frontier duty in the West from '68 to '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Re- saca, Dalton, Kenesaw Mountain, Nickajack Creek (wounded), Jonesboro', Love- joy's Station, and the siege of Atlanta, Ga. ; in General Sherman's Carolina Cam- paign, and engaged at battle of Bentonville, and capture of Raleigh, N. C. Haines, John T. (Second Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in Missouri. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th Cav. July 1, '86. Hains, John P. (Second Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from D. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, '85 ; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Art. June 12, '89 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Art. Dec. 16, '89. History Sou of Lieut. Col. P. C. Hains, U. S. Engineers, and a grandson of Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins, U. S. Navy. Hains, Peter C. (Lieutenant Col. of Engineers). Born in Philadelphia, Pa., July 6, 1840. Retiring year 1904. Appointed from N. J. ; graduated from Mili- tary Academy, Class of '61. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d Art. June 24, '61; 1st Lieut. June 24, '61 ; trans, to Top. Eng. July 24, '62 ; trans, to Eng. March 3, '63 ; Captain July 18, '63 ; Major Sept. 22, 70 ; Lieut, Col. Sept. 16, '86 ; Colonel of the 10th N. J. Vols. May 29, '65. Brevet rank Brevet Captain May 27, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in battle of Hanover Court-House, Va. ; Brevet Major July 4, '63, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicks- burg, Miss. ; Brevet Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned Honorably mentioned in " Records of the Rebellion," in reports on battle of 1st Bull Run, vol. ii. p. 348 ; Peninsular Campaign, vol. xi. part ii. p. 966 ; Antietam, vol. xix. part i, p. 212; Vicksburg, vol. xxiv. 256 RECOKDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. HAL parts i. and ii. pp. 130, 157, 174, 182, as far as published. Service Served during the War of the Rebellion ; superintending engineer of the construction of the de- fenses of Natchez Aug., '63-April, '64 ; chief eng. Department of the Gulf July, '64- July, '65 ; examination of the condition of Forte Macon and Caswell, N. C., Aug., '65-July, '66 ; asst. engineer of the improvement of the Des Moines and Rock Island Rapids Aug., '66 ; in command of the eng. depot and post of Jefferson Barracks, Mo., from Sept., '67, to Oct., 70 ; engineer of the 5th Light-House Dist. from Oct., 70, to July, 74, and, in addition, engineer of the 6th Light-House Dist. from July, 71, to July, 74; engineer secretary to light-house board July, 74, to July, 79; engineer 6th Light-House Dist. from July, 79, to Aug., '82 ; in charge of the improvement of the Potomac River in front of the city of Wash- ington, D. C. (Potomac flats), since Aug., '82; of defenses of Washington, 1> since Nov., '82 ; and of Hampton Roads and Gosport Navy-Yard since April, '88 ; in addition thereto reconstructed the Aqueduct Bridge, Georgetown, I). C., con- structed an iron bridge across the Eastern Branch, Washington, D. <'., an inm wharf and an iron bridge at Fort Monroe, Va., and made surveys for a national road from the Capital to Mount Vernon ; in charge of the improvement of the James River, Va., from July, '84, to Aug., '86, and of the Shenandoah Ri\vr. \V. Va., since July, '84. Battles, tkirmuhe*, etc. Engaged in the Manassas campaign and defenses of Washington ; July, '61, to March, '62, engaged in the actions of the Virginia Peninsula, Maryland, Rappahannock and Vicksburg campaigns, ending with the surrender of Vicksburg and capture of Jackson July !', Commands held Eng. dopot and Post of Jefferson Barracks, Mo., from Sept., '67, to Oct., 70. Hale, Clayton (Captain 16th Inf. and Brevet Lieut. Col.). Born in Pa. Jan. 7, 1832. Retiring year 1896; appointed from 111. Civil life. A'-twil r i - _i . tir _/? A.I T>U11J^., T^^ >9 tn Ton 'fiS 258 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. HAL leave Aug.-Nov., '64; Fort Porter, N. Y., Burksville, Va., and Washington, D. C., Dec., '64, to Oct., '65; frontier duty '65-71 ; at U. S. Military Academy 71-78; on frontier duty 78-79 ; on duty at Fort Porter, N. Y., 79-83 ; on frontier duty '83 ; on frontier duty '83-5; in Dept. of the Platte from June, '85, to April, '89 ; in Dept. of Arizona April, '89, to . Staff positions occupied A. D. C. of Vols. Sept. 25, '63, to July 25, '64; Adjutant U. S. Mil. Academy Sept. 1, 71, to July 1, 78; A. D. C. July 1, 78, to Oct. 18, 78 ; Acting Insp. Gen. Dep. of the Platte at Omaha, Neb., from June, '85, to April, '89 ; Acting Insp. Gen. Dep. of Arizona from April, '89, to . Battles, skirmishe*, etc. Engaged at the battle of Lookout Mountain, Tenn., Nov. 24, '63 ; battle of the Weldon Railroad, Va., Aug. 19, '64. Commands held Commanding 10th U. S. Inf. Aug., '64; in the field; Com. Regi- ment at Fort Columbus, N. Y., and at Fort Porter, N. Y., Nov. to Dec., V,4. Hall, William P. (Captain 5th Cav.). Born in Mo. June 11, 1848. Retiring year 1912; appointed from Mo. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '64; graduated June 15, '68. Actual RankW Lieut. 19th U. S. Inf. June 15, '68; unassigned March 31, '69; assd. to 5th Cav. July 14, '69; 1st Lieut. July 1, 76 ; Capt. March 8, '87. Waft' positions occupied R. Qm. 5th Cav. from Oct. 5, 76, to March 8, '87. Service With his regiment at Batesville, Ark., until Maqch 31, '69 ; unassigned to July 14, '69; joined at Fort McPherson, Neb., Aup IS, and served with the Republican River expedition until Nov.; had stations at Fort McPherson, Plum Creek and North Platte, with occasional tours of field service, until Nov., 71 ; leave of absence until Feb., 72; at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., and a few weeks later accompanied a detachment of the regiment, by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of California, to Arizona, and arrived at Camp Crittenden in June ; Jan., 73, was charged with the difficult duty of protecting the settlers in the Senorita Valley against the incursions of predatory Apaches who infested the border. During this period he had three affairs (in tlu- valley) and one combat (Whetstone Mountains) with the enemy, and conducted his opera- tions with so much energy and judgment as to win the congratulations of the de- partment commander ; participated in the Apache campaign of 73 ; served as commissary (relieved July, 74), and quartermaster at Camp Grant from Oct., 73, to Sept., 74; on sick-leave of absence until Sept., 75 ; assigned to temporary duty at St. Louis Barracks until Dec.; rejoined at Fort Dodge, Kan., where he had station until June, 76 ; participated in the Sioux campaign in Northern Wyoming, and in the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition of 76 ; at Fort D. A. Russell until April, '80 ; employed as quartermaster for the Wind River expedi- tion of 77, for the field operations of the regiment in Northern Wyoming during the summer of 78, and as chief quartermaster for the expedition aga'inst the hostile Utes of Colorado during the fall of 79 ; participated in raising the siege and ar of Milk Creek, Col., and in the affair (commanding) at Rifle Creek, Col., Oct. 20, 79, where he repelled the attacks of a superior force of the enemy and suc- cessfully extricated his small command from a perilous position ; changed sta- tion in April, '80, to Fort Laramie, Wyo., where he served as post and regimental quartermaster until Aug., '82, when he was transferred with the regimental head- quarters to Fort Sidney, Neb.; in Depts. of the Missouri and Texas to '90. Bat- tles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the affair on Prairie- Dog Creek Nov. '69 ; in the affair at Indian Creek, Wyo., and the battle of Slim Buttes, Dak., Sept., 76. Hall, "William R. (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Mo. Appointed from Mo. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. June 26,75; accepted July 1, 75 ; Capt. and Asst. Surgeon June 26, '80. Halleck, "Walter F. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Detroit, Mich., Aug. 25, '45. Retired. Appointed from Mich. Civil life. Actual ran/t Priv. Co. I, llth Mich. Inf., July 25, '62; discharged Aug. 13, '63; 2d Lieut. Veteran Re- serve Corps April 14, '64 ; accepted April 16, '64 ; hon. must, out Sept. 6, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. May 30, '66 ; accepted Aug. 29, '66 ; transferred to 27th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 31, '67 ; retired Sept. 29, '68, for disability result- ing from wounds and injury received in line of duty. N rnVr Engaged with regiment in pursuit of the Confederate Gen. Morgan through Kentucky July, Aug. and Sept., '62; while serving with the regiment in the 2d Brigade, 2d Div., HAL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 259 14th Corps, at the battle of Stone River, Term., Dec. 31, '62, received gunshot wound resulting in total loss of left eye, also severe wound under left eye and in right cheek, causing capture and confinement in Libby Prison ; after exchange rejoined regiment; discharged Aug. 13, for disability arising from wounds re- ceived in battle ; commissioned by President Lincoln as 2d Lieut. Veteran Re- serve Corps April 14, '64; served in the defenses of Washington, D. C., com. Co. during Confederate raid in July, '64, and while field officer of the day, July 16, '64, received severe injury to right foot ; engaged in conducting Confederate prisoners from Washington to New York, Indianapolis and Johnson's Island ; Com. Co. detailed to guard the conspirators during trial for the assassination of President Lincoln ; member of Board to appraise amount of damage done to private property in the construction of fortifications in and around the National Capital '64-65. Staff positions occtipiedPoat Adjutant and A. A. Q. M. and A\ C. S. at Fort Sedgwick, Col., '66-67 ; A. A. Q. M. and C. S. at Fort C. F. Smith, on the Big Horn River, Mont., '68, having charge of the construction of the Posts. Battles, xkirmixhe*, etc. Took part in the actions at Gallatin, Tenn., Aug. 13, '62, and wilh guerrillas at Fort Riley, on the Cumberland River, Tenn., Oct. 5, '62 ; besieged in Nashville prior to the advance of the Army of the Cumber- land, under Gen. Rosecrans,in Dec., '62 ; at the battle of Stone River, Tenn., Dec. 31, '62; took part in the advance on Tullahoma, action at Elk River, Tenu., July 1, '63, and march into Georgia; engaged in actions with Sioux and Chey- enne Indians on Fish Creek, Wyo., while in charge of escort and train of ninety- four wagons, '67 ; and at Hayfield, near Fort C. F. Smith, in Mont., '67. History Appointed special and disbursing agent for the Interior Department in '82 to take a census of the Winnebago Indians, locate them upon homesteads, and pay them the money appropriated by act of Jan. 18, '81. Upon the completion of this important duty he was complimented by the Secretary of the Interior and Commissioner of Indian Affairs in their reports of '84 ; present residence, Wash- ington, D. C. Haller, Granville O. (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in York, Pa., Jan. 31, 19. Retired. Appointed from Wash. T. Civil life. Actual rank~2d Lieut. 4th Inf. Nov. 17, '39; accepted Nov. 25, '39; 1st. Lieut. July 12, '46; Capt. Jan. 1, '48; Major 7th Inf. Sept. 25, '61 ; out of service July 25, '63; Col. Inf. July 1, '79'; accepted July 1, 79; assigned to 23d Inf. Dec. 11, 79; retired Feb. 6, '82. firevet rank Brevet Captain Sept., '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Molino del Rey ; Brevetted Major Sept. 13, '47, for gallant andmer- torious conduct in the battle of Chapultepec. Honorably mentioned For services in Florida (See Lieut. Gates', 8th Inf., Diary in " Sprague's Florida War," '48; pp. 360 to 376, for character of service in Florida ; also briefly described by Major Belknap, last par. p. 356 they are fair, unvarnished history) ; especially noticed in report of Lt.-Col. Garland, in his report on battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. Service Joined Army at Madison Barracks, N. Y., garrisoned by 8th Infantry, where a School of Instruction, under Capt. George Wright, 8th Inf., was instituted for the new Infantry appointments; the spring of '40, was or- dered to Governor's Island, N. Y. ; assigned to Lieut. Braxton Bragg's (3d Art.) Co. of Inf. Recruits organized for instruction ; in '40, ordered to Carlisle Bar- racks, Pa., to accompany Detachment Dragoon Recruits to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., under Bvt. Maj. Wm. Graham, 4th Infantry ; thence proceeded overland to and joined the Headquarters 4th Inf., at Fort Gibson, Indian Ty ; detached to Old Fort Holmes (mouth of Little River) to purchase and supply provisions to destitute Indians (driven out of the Choctaw and Chickasaw countries) through the winter of '40-1 ; recalled to move with regiment into Florida ; arrived in Oct. '41 ; accompanied Major Belknap's (8th Infantry) expedition into the Big Cypress Swamp in Dec. ; 4th Infantry embarked Sept. 30, '42, for New Orleans, thence to Jefferson Barracks ; as Act. Adjt. was directed to receive and receipt for all medical stores and relieve the medical officer who was ordered to Pascagoula, Miss., on his arrival at New Orleans ; served in the Army of Observation, near Fort Jesup, La., under Gen. Taylor, '44 ; then in Army of Occupation, Cor- pus Christi, Texas, '45 ; Brigade Major, 3d Brigade, Army of Occupation ; A, C, 260 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. HAL S., 3d Brigade; received and receipted for all the subs, stores escorted by Gen. Taylor's Army from Brazos Santiago, en route to Fort Brown (then Taylor) ; re- ceived and accounted for the vast supplies of subsistence captured May 9th ; on arrival at Comargo, Mexico, discharged the duties, in addition to Commissary of 3d Brigade, that of A. A. Q, M. and A. C. S. of 1st Division, Gen. Twiggs commanding; at Walnut Springs, near Monterey, the entire supply of provisions for Gen. Taylor's Army was taken up and accounted for; ordered with regiment to join Gen. Scott's Army, and became a part of Gen. Worth's Division ; resigned the duty of Com. of Subs, to retain command of C Co. 4th Infantry, on embark- ing at Brazos Santiago for the general rendezvous at Lobos Island ; thence to Isle of Sacrificios in front of Vera Cruz; landed, approached, and began siege of Vera Cruz ; from Vera Cruz, marched afoot to City of Mexico, participating in every great combat en route ; assigned to command of a Bat. of Recruits en- listed for the war (which had arrived in Pueblo, Mexico, just as peace was re-es- tablished), and preceded regiment to New Orleans to muster them out of service ; then ordered to Dalton and Columbus, Ga., to muster out the recruit* enlisted there for the War with Mexico; detailed on recruiting service '48-49; joined Co. I, 4th Inf. at Fort Howard, Wis., '50 ; ordered with Co. to Fort Columbus, N. Y., in Nov., '52 ; embarked on U. S. Store Ship " Fredonia " and sailed around Cape Horn, arriving at Vancouver Barracks, Wash., in June, '53; assigned to Fort Dalles, Oregon ; in '54 proceeded from Fort Dalles, Oregon, with !>' enlisted men to the east of the Hudson Bay, Old Fort Boise (en route an equal number of volunteers joined), and chastised in a measure the band of Indian* who were engaged in the massacre of the Ward train of immigrants en route to WoHtern Washington Territory ; returning in '55 with regulars, scouted to the head- waters of the Missouri River ; hastening back to Fort Dalles, found the Indians greatly excited, the Yakima Indians under arms, and their agent, Major Boland, murdered ; proceeding with 102 enlisted men and four officers early in October, into the Yakima country, when, near the present site of Fort Simcoe, was at- tacked by a large force of Indians, who were driven out of the timber ; next morning his camp was completely surrounded, his animals cut off from grass and water; hourly during the day souads of mounted Indians were seen approach- ing and joining the war party ; Father Pandoza, a Catholic priest, who was held as a prisoner, declared the number exceeded two thousand fit to bear arms; they made, however, little impression this day upon the command and withdrew at night, affording an opportunity to reach ground more favorable for marching in retreat that night, and the third day successfully kept a body of pursuing war- riors at bay, while retreating to the Dalles, bringing all the wounded, and the commissary -sergeant, who, in the last charge upon the savages, was killed ; re- turned under Major Rains, 4th Inf., and again under Col. George Wright, 9th Inf. into the Yakima country '55 and '56 ; ordered to Fort Townsend with Co. and landed Oct., '56, to construct a Post as an asylum for inhabitants when mo- lested by Northern Indians ; relieved Whatcom when invaded by Nootsack war- riors ; participated in the San Juan imbroglio '59, from first to last ; ordered to Fort Mojave, Arizona, '60, and to Washington, D. C., '61, to participate in the Rebellion ; served during the War of the Rebellion on the staff of Gen. McClel- lan as commandant of general headquarters, having under his command in that capacity the 93d Regiment N. Y. Vols., and remaining so employed through the Virginia and Maryland campaigns of Gen. McClellan, the subsequent campaign of Gen. Burnside, and through a portion of Gen. Hooker's; was appointed Pro- vost-Marshal-General for Maryland, but in consequence of Gen. Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania, was assigned to duty on the staff of Gen. Couch, commanding at Harrisburg, Penna., and served thereon until July 25, '63 ; dismissed * from the *"Maj. Gen. Darius N. Couch, U. S. Vols., in the trial before the Court of Inquiry to determine whether Maj. Haller was ' wrongfully dismissed,' in his certified copy of the proceedings, page 18, is recorded as follows : " Quest, by Petitioner. Did Major Haller discharge this duty to your satisfaction, and how do you regard him? " Answer. Major Haller's service while on duty with me was wholly and entirely satisfactory. I do not think there were any of the fighting Generals of the Army of the Potomac, if they had been in York, HAM RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 261 service by Secretary Stanton for alleged " disloyal conduct and the utterance of disloyal sentiments " July 25, '63 ; allowed a court of inquiry by joint reso- lution of Congress March 3, 79 ; declared " wrongfully dismissed," and returned to service from Washington Territory July 1, 79, as Col. of Infantry, to rank from Feb. 19,73; assigned to 23d Infantry, Dec. 11, 79; retired Feb. 6, '82. Staff positions occupied Act. Adj. 4th Inf., '42 ; A. C. S. of 3d Brigade, Army of Occupation, '44; also A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of 1st Division; Adj. 4th Inf., Jan. 1, '43, to Sept. 10, '45 ; on the staff of Gen. McClellan and Gen. Couch dur- ing the War of the Rebellion, until July 25, '63. Battles, skirmwhes, etc. Partici- pated in Col. Worth's fight April 19, '42, at Paloclakata Hammocks, which vir- tually closed the war ; and participated in the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma May 8 and 9, '46, as ex-officip Aid to Lt. Col. Garland, 4th Inf., Com. 3d Brigade, and especially noticed in his Report ; one of the storming party at El Molino del Rey Sept. 8, '47. Commands heldButt, of Recruits at Pueblo, Mexico, enlisted for the war with Mexico ; Commandant of general headquarters during Virginia and Maryland campaigns on Gen. McClellan's staff. Halloran, James (Captain 12th Inf.). Born in .Ireland, March 17, 1840. Retiring year 1904 ; appointed from Oregon Civil life. Actual rank Mus. Co. K, 9th U. S. Inf., April 18, '55; discharged April 18, '60 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Wash. T. Vol. Inf. Sept. 17, '62 ; hon. must, out March 17, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 12th U. S. Inf. Dec. 1, '66 ; accepted Feb. 23, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 30, 71 ; Capt. Oct. 16, '82. Hambright, Henry A. (Major and Brevet Colonel U. S. A.) Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank 1st Sgt. Co. G, 2d Pa. Vol. Inf., Dec. 6, '46 ; discharged Aug. 10, '47; 1st Lieut. 2d Pa. Vol. Inf. Aug. 10, '47 ; hon. must, out July 12, '48 ; 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf. (declined), March 23, '61; Capt. 1st Pa. Vol. Inf. April 20, '61; Capt. llth U.S. Inf. May 14, '61 ; hon. must, out of Vol, July 12, '48 ; accepted to U. S. A. July 30, '61 ; Col. 79th Pa. Vol. Inf. Oct. 18, '61 ; hon. must, out July 20, '65 ; trs. to 29th U. S. Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; Major 32d Inf. Jan. 27, '69 ; trs. to 19th Inf. March 15, '69 ; retired May 6, 79, for disability in line of duty. Brevet rankBvt. Maj. Dec. 31, '62, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn. ; Lieut. Col. Sept. 20, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. ; Col. Sept. 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign ; Brig. Gen. Vol. June 7, '65, for meritorious services. Hamilton, Frank B. (Captain 2d Art). Born in Ohio, Aug. 31, 1838. Re- tiring year 1902 ; appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '58 ; graduated June 17, '62. Actual ran 2d Lieut. 3d Art. June 17, '62 ; 1st Lieut. June 18, '64 ; Capt. 14th Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Nov. 26, '66 ; trans- ferred to 2d Art. Dec. 15, 70. Brevet rankBvt. 1st Lieut. Sept. 17, '62, forgal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Md ; Bvt. Capt. July 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Penn. Hamilton, John (Colonel U. S. A.). Born at sea. Appointed from Ind. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '43 ; graduated July 1, '47. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. July 1, '47; 1st Lieut. Feb. 13, '50 ; Captain April 27, '61 ; Major 1st Art. Aug. 13, '66 ; Lieut. Col. 5th Art. Jan. 2, '81 ; Col. Sept. 14, '83 ; retired Aug. 10, '87, by operation of law. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. April 11, '62, for gallant and meritorious services during the investment of Fort Pu- laski, Ga. ; Lieut. Col. June 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Secessionville, James Island, S. C. ; Col. Feb. 20, '64, for gallant and meritor- ious services in the battle of Olustee, Fla. in the position of Major Haller, that could hare done any better than he did. I thought so at that time and I think BO now. " Quct, by Petitioner. Did you ever hear it said that Maj. Haller was disloyal prior to the time you heard of his dismissal ? " Answer. Not to ray remembrance. When I heard that Major Haller was accused of disloyalty, I was as much surprised and astounded as though I had been accused of the same crime, or any other in the Unifoni States, etc., etc. " Report of Gen. McClellan, etc., etc., from July 26, '61, to Nov. 7, '62, on page 30, find ' Commandant of General Head Quarters.' The General mentions his appointment of Maj. G. 0. Haller, and the duties ' were always satisfactorily performed,' See also page 181, doing field duty. He recommended his name for Brevet Lieutenant-Colom ' f 262 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. HAM Hamilton, John (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from the Army ; retired. Actual rank Pvt., Corp., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. A, 1st Inf. and Ord. Sgt., Oct. 14, '60, to June 21, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. May 12, '63 ; accepted June 22, '63 ; 1st Lieut. March 15, '66 ; Capt. May 6, 79; retired April 14, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. July 4, '63, for gallant and meritorious services dur- ing the siege of Vickaburg, Miss. Hamilton, John M. (Major 1st Cav.). Born in Canada, June 1, 1839. Re- tiring year 1903: appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. and Corp. Co. "H," 33d N. Y. Inf., May 1, '61, to June 2, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. C. Inf. December 24, '63 ; 1st Lieut. 9th U. S. C. Inf. May 15, '65 ; hon. must, out June 20, '67; Capt. 39th U. S. Inf. June 6, '67; accepted June 21, '67; unassigned April 20, '69; assigned to 5th Cav. December 30, 70; Maj. 1st Cav. April 21, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Vol. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the War. Hamilton, Samuel T. (Captain 2d Cav.). Born in Pa., March 10, 1844. Retiring year 1908 ; appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co.'s "I" and "B," and Com. Sgt. and Q. M. Sgt. Co. " B," 15th Penn. Cav., Aug. 22, '62, to June 21, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. June 18, '67 ; accepted July 25, V 67 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 27, '68 ; Capt. June 14, 79. Hamilton, William R. (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born at Fond-du-Lac, Wis., June 13, '55. Retiring year 1919; app. from Wis.; graduated from Mil. Acad. class of 76. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Art. June 15, 76 ; 1st Lieut. April 18, '83. Service Served in garrison and camp at Fort Barrancas, Fla., 76 to 78; at Mariana, Fla., and Greenwood, Fla., during election riots Nov., 76 ; at New- port, Ky., Pittsburgh, Wilkeabarre and Scranton, Pa., during railroad riots July, 77, to Nov., 77 ; appointed Chief Ordnance Officer of troops at Wilkesbarre, Pa"., Aug. and Sept., 77; served in garrison at Charleston, S. C., and Atlanta, Ga., 78 to July, 79 ; detailed as Prof, of Military Science and Tactics at Asbury I'ni- versity, Greencastle, Ind., and State University, La Fayette, Ind., 79-83 ; in gar- rison Forts Wadsworth and Hamilton, N. Y. Harbor, '83-87 ; Fort Omaha, N Oct. 1, '84, to Dec. 5, '85 ; at Salt Lake City, Dec. 5, '85, to Oct. 1, '86 ; at < < ernor's Island, N. Y., '86-7 ; Instructor of Conn. National Guard '87; Instructor of N. Y. National Guard June 22, '88, to . Staff positions o<:-><)>'t> I \ '. -t Adj. Governor's Island, N. Y., '87-88. History Son of Charles S. Hamilton, class of '48, U. S. M. A. ; Lieut. Col. Indiana Legion, and Chief of Art. State* of Indiana, '80-83; degree of M.S. conferred by Asbury University '82; author of " 1'nu -tk-al Instructions for the National Guard," " Authorized Tactics for the Order of Knights of Pythias," " Elementary Principles connected with the Art of War," " Cadet Days," " Our Young Soldiers," etc. Hammond, Andrew Q. (First Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in Hartford, Conn., May 26, '57. Retiring year 1921 ; app. from Conn.; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '81. Actual rank2d Lieut. 8th Cav. June 11, '81; 1st Lieut. April 11, '89. Service Served with regiment in the field at Del Rio and Maver's Spring, Texas, from Sept. 29, '81, to Feb. 22, '82; on leave to May 1, '82; with regiment at Fort Clark, Texas, and scouting (Mayer's Spring, May 4 to July 5) to May 3, '8,3 ; at Fort Duncan, Texas, to Aug. 30, '83 ; at Fort Clark and in the field, Texas, to June 3, '85 ; in the field, New Mexico, to Nov. 14, '85 ; served as Adjutant, Quartermaster and Commissary of San Antonio Battalion of 8th Cav. till Aug. 28 ; the rest of the time in command of Troop " K," 8th Cav., at Fort Clark, Texas, and in the field to May 1, '87 ; on leave to Sept. 1, '87 ; with regiment at Fort Hancock, Texas, as Post Adjutant, Quartermaster, Commissary, etc., to May 9, '88 ; with regiment in the march to the Dep. of Dakota from May 9, '88, to Sept. 16, '88, and at Fort Keogh, Mont, to Aug. 2, '89 ; under instruction at the U. S. Inf. and Cav. School of Application, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Sept. 1, '89, to . Staff positions occupied^., A. A. Qm. and A. C. S. of Batt. 8th Cav. in the field till Aug. 28, '85 ; Post Adj., A. A. Qm. and A. C. S. at Fort Hancock, Tex., from Sep. 1, '87, to May 9, '88. Commands held Of Troop " K " in the field from Aug. 28 to Nov. 14, '85. Hammond, Brant C. (Post Chaplain). Born in Bradford, Pa., Nov. "1: HAN RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. 263 Retiring year 1903 ; appointed from Iowa. Actual rank Chaplain 5th Wis. Inf. Oct. 1, '64 ; hon. must, out June 20, '65 ; Post Chaplain Feb. 26, '85 ; accepted March 16, '85. History Spent his youth mainly in Wis., whither his parents removed when he was but seven years of age ; was educated in the Wis. State University, Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis., and Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, 111., and became a member of the West Wisconsin Annual Conference of Methodist Ministers in '63. The following year he helped to recruit a com- pany of volunteers at Albany, Green Co., Wis., which was assigned to the 5th Wis. Vol. Inf.; reorganized as a twelve months' regiment, with three veteran three years' companies. He was elected Chaplain of this regiment by the field and line officers, and mustered in Oct. 1, '64, and remained with the regiment till the close of the war, when it was disbanded, and the three veteran companies attached to the 36th Wis. Vol. Inf. When the 5th Wis. was mustered out of service he was elected Chaplain of the 36th Wis., but, being home at the time and the war being over, did not go back to be mustered in as Chaplain of this regiment. Hammond, "William A. (Brig. General U. S. A.). Born in Md., Aug. 28, '28. Retired ; appointed from Md. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. June 29, '49 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. June 29, '54 ; resigned Oct. 31, '60 ; Asst. Surg. May '28, 61 ; Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen. April 25, '62 ; out of service Aug. 18, '64 ; re- stored to the Army and placed on the retired list as Brig. Gen. and Surg. Gen. Aug. 27, 79, under a,ct of March 15, 78. Hamner, William H. (Captain 20th Inf.). Born in Tenn. April 22, '38. Retiring year 1902 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d R. I. Art. Oct. 15, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 8, '63 ; Capt. June 9, '63 ; hon. must, out Aug. 4, '65 ; Pvt., Corpl., Sergt. and 1st Sergt. Co. " H," and Qm. Sergt., 1st Art., Feb. 13, '56, to Oct. 14, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 20th Inf. Oct. 16, '67 ; accepted Oct. 17, '67; 1st Lieut. July 27, 75 ; Capt. Aug. 31, '87. Service Engaged in the defense of Fort Sumter, S. C. t April, '61 ; in the Dept. of the South and engaged on Gen. Sherman's Port Royal expedition; on duty in the U. S. Signal Corps fifteen months. Hampson, Jesse A. P. (Major 12th Inf.). Born in Pa. May 10, 1838. Retiring year 1902 ; appointed from Iowa Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. M, 4th Iowa Vol.Cav., Nov. 6, '61 ; discharged April 1, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Inf. Feb. 19, '62 -, accepted April 1, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 31, '63 ; Capt. Feb. 3, '65 ; Maj. 12th Inf. Aug. 21, '88. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. May 3, '63, for gallant and merit- orious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va.; Capt. July 2, '63, and Maj. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Service At Fort Laramie, D. T., May to June, '62 ; com. Co. at Ft. Kearney, Neb., to Feb., '63 ; joined the Army of the Potomac and engaged at the battles of Chan- cellorsville and Gettysburg ; on regimental recruiting service Nov., '63, to March, '64; commanded regiment and engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Spott- sylvania Court House, North Anna, Cold Harbor and the siege of Petersburg; on frontier duty with regiment from '65 to '88 ; at Fort Sully, D. T., to '89 ; on sick leave to '90. Hancock, William P. (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 79 ; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th Art. June 13, '83 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 4, '89. Handbury, Thomas H. (Major of Engineers). Born in Pa. Oct. 15, 1841. i^i? _ -/\/\F . 1 / Tfc /^( 1_A i. TT LJ Vf ? 1 !4-*i-*r A s0/lntvt \r Till 17 Major June 2, '84. Hanna, Cadet at HannayrJohn w7(Captain Sd'fnf.)." BonTin England Sept. 15, 1845. Re- tiring year 1905; appointed from Penn. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 198th Pa. Inf. Oct. 29, '64 ; resigned Feb. 15, '65 ; 1st Lieut. 8th U. S. C. H. Art. 264 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. HAR March 10, '65 ; hon. must, out Feb. 10, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Inf. Sept. 28, '66 ; ac- cepted Feb. 15, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 15, 73 ; Capt. Feb. 1, '87. Hanson, Thomas G. (Second Lieut. 19th Inf.). Born in Cal. Appointed from Cal. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '82 ; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank2d Lieut. 19th Inf. June 12, '87. Happersett, John C. G. (Major and Surgeon). Born in Pa. Dec. 24, 1837. Retiring year 1901 ; app. from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Aaat. Surg. Aug. 26, '61 ; accepted Aug. 29, '61 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. July 28, '66; Maj. and Surg. Oct. 1, 76. Brevet rankBvt. Captain and Maj. March 13, '65, for faithful and merit- orious services during the war. Service -On duty at U. S. A. Gen. Hospital, St. Louis, Mo., until Nov., '61 ; with battalion of regular troops, in the field, in Mis- souri, and on march with the same to St. Charles, Mo.; in the operations result- ing in the capture of New Madrid and Island No. 10 ; with battalion 1st U. S. Inf. in the advance upon Corinth, Miss., from Hamburg Landing, Tenn. River, and in operations resulting in the evacuation of same ; in fortifications there and at battle of Oct. 2 and 3, '62 ; retired from field duty Oct., '62, and assigned in charge of Gen. Hosp. No. 2, Jackson, Tenn.; March, '63, on duty in office of Supt. of Genl. Hospitals, Memphis, Tenn. ; May, '63, in charge of Overton Genl. Hos- pital, Memphis, Tenn., until Feb. 7, '65; Executive Officer Jefferson Genl. Hos- pital, Jefferson vi lie, Ind., to June, '65; office of Asst.-Surgeon General U. S. A., Louisville, Ky., until June, '65; in charge of Crittenden Genl. Hospital, Louis- ville, Ky., to Nov., '65; Jefferson Hospital, Jefferson vi lie, Ind., until Dec., '65; Medical Director's office, Dept. of the Carolinas, Charleston, S. C., to Sept., '66 ; Surgeon-in-Chief, Bureau Freedmen, etc., to April, '67 ; Post Surgeon, Charles- ton, S. C., to Aug., '68; Post Surgeon, Fort Washington, Md., to July, 71 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Garland, Col., to June, 73; Post Surgeon, Fort Lyon, C>1., to April, 76 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Hamilton, N. Y., to June, '80; Post Surgeon, Fort Ringgold, Texas, to Oct., '80 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Brown, Texas. Harbach, Abram A. (Captain 20th Inf.). Born in Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 14, 1841. Retiring year, 1905; app. from the Army. Actual rank Sergt. Co. E, 1st Iowa Inf., May 7, '61 ; discharged Aug. 20, '61; Priv. and Corp. Co. H, 1st Batt., llth Inf.. Dec. 7, '61. to June 20, '62 ; 2d Lieut, llth Inf. June 1 1 , V,2 ; ac- cepted June 20, '62; 1st Lieut. July 2, '63; transferred to 20th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; Capt. June 20, '67 ; accepted April 10, '67. Brevet rank Brevet captain U. S. Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Scr- vic--Served under Gen. Lyon; on regimental recruiting service (llth Inf.) to April, '63; mustering and disbursing duty in Iowa and Pennsylvania Feb., '64, to May, '65 ; stationed at Richmond, Va., from May, '65, to Jan., '67 ; at Baton Rouge, La., to April, '69 ; at Forts Pembina and Totten, Dak., from May, '69, to Dec., 77 ; on escort duty with Northern Boundary Survey 72-73 ; Dept. of Texas (Fort Brown) from Jan.*, 78, to Nov., '81 ; General Recruiting Service, Columbus Bks., Ohio, 79-80; Fort Gibson, Ind. Ter., from Nov., '81, to May, '85; Fort Assinniboine, Mont., from June, '85, to . Staff positions occupied Adj. Batt., " " I, '67. sythe, ville, Va., and Gettysburg, Pa. (wounded), Tlappahannock Station, and opera- tions at Mine Run, Va. Hardeman, Letcher (Second Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in Mo. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 1, '82; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th Cav. July 1, '86. Hardie, Francis H. (First Lieut. 3d Cav.). Born in Cal. Appointed from N. J. Civil life. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 72, to Ma\ 75 (resigned Jan. 10, 73 ; reinstated Feb. 10, 73). Actual ran* 2d Lieut. 3d Cav. July 28, 76; accepted Aug. 18, 76; 1st Lieut. Feb. 21, '81. Staff / occupied Reg. Q. M. 3d Cav. Nov. 22, '84, to Aug. 31, '88. Hardin, Charles B. (First Lieut. 18th Inf.). Born in 111. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. and Corpl. Co. G, 1st U. S. Cav., from Aug. 17, 72, to June 6, 77 ; Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. G, 1st Cav., from Oct. 15, 78, to Apr. HAR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF IT. 8. ARMY. 265 23, |82; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. Mar. 27, '82; accepted April 24, '82; 1st Lieut. Dec. Hardin, Edward B. (First Lieut. 7th Inf.). Born in Ky. Appointed from 3 17,74. 'taff posi- 7th Inf. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., since Sept. 7, '87. Hardin, Martin D. (Brigadier General U. S. A.). Born in 111. Appointed from 111. Cadet at '59. Actual ran i 1st Lieut. May '62 ; hon. must. hon. must, out Jan. 15, '66 ; Maj. 43d~U. S. Inf. "July 28^ '66; 'accepted Sept. 7, '66 ; trs. to 1st Inf. March 15, '69; retired with rank of Brig. Gen. Dec. 15, '70, for loss of left arm and wounds in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Aug. 29, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Groveton, Va. ; Maj. Aug. 30, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Bull Run (2d), Va. ; Lieut. Col. Dec. 14, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in an encounter with a band of guerrillas ; Col. May 23, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of North Anna River, Va. ; Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meri- torious services in the field during the war. Service On garrison and frontier duty '59-61 ; in the defenses of Washington and as A. D. C. to Col. H. J. Hunt, commanding Reserve Artillery, Army of the Potomac ; participated in the siege of Yorktown, seven days' battles in front of Richmond, battles of Groveton and the second Bull Run, in the latter of which he was twice wounded, '61-2 ; in de- fenses of Washington ; on provost and court-martial duty in Washington ; com- manding his regiment and engaged at the battle of Gettysburg and the action of Falling Waters ; commanding a brigade and engaged in the Rapidan campaign ; while engaged in guarding the railroad at Catlett's Station, Va., he was severely wounded by a guerrilla, resulting in the loss of his left arm, '62-3 ; on court- martial duty ; commanding draft rendezvous at Pittsburgh, Pa. ; in campaign of '64 to Richmond ; engaged in the defense of Washington against General Early, and commanding district of Raleigh, N. C., '64-5 ; superintended recruitment of his regiment at Detroit, Mich., and commanded it to March 15, '69, when it having been consolidated with the 1st Infantry, he was transferred to the latter. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at Groveton and Second Bull Run, in addition to the Peninsula battles ; Bristoe Station, Rappahannock Station, Spottsylvania, North Anna. Tolopotomy and Bethesda Church. Commands held Comg. 3d Brig. Pa. Res. Sept., '62 ; comg. brigade in campaign of '64. Harding', Chester (Additional Second Lieut, of Engineers). Born in Miss. Appointed from Ala. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, '85 ; gradu- ated June 12, '89. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut, of Eng. June 12, '89. Hare, Luther R. (First Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in Ind. Appointed from Texas. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '70 ; graduated June 17, '74. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th Cav. June 17, '74 ; 1st Lieut. June 25, '76. Staff posi- tions occupied Reg. Q. M. 7th Cav. Nov. 30, '81, to Nov. 7, '83; A. D. C. Nov. 20, '83, to May 10, '86; Adjt. 7th Cav. Aug. 14, '86, to July 20, '87; A. D. C. Sept. 4, '87, to April 5, '88. Hargous, Charles B. (Captain 5th Inf.). Born in N. Y. April 13, 1844. Retiring year, 1908; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 15th N. Y. Eng. Dec. 1, '62; hon. must, out June 25, '63; 1st Lieut. 15th N. Y. Bvt. 1st Lt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services at Sedgwick's Crossing, Va. ; Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services dur- ing the war. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 40th Inf. May 15, '67, to Dec. 24, '67. 17 266 EECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. HAR Harkins, Charles (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from Nev. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. H, 6th U. S. Inf., from Dec. 3, '53, to Dec. 3, '58 ; Pvt. and Corpl. Co. F, 2d Mass. Vol. Cav., from March 26, '63, to Jan. 9, '65 ; hon. must, out Oct. 24, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66; accepted April 21, '66; 1st Lieut. July 28, '66; Capt. Sept. 26, '81; retired March 20, '85, for disability in the line of duty. Harlow, Frank S. (First Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in Vermont. Appointed from Vt. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. June 13, 79; transferred to 1st Art. Aug. 11. 79 ; 1st Lieut. July 7, '86. Harman, John A. (Second Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in Va. Appointed from Va. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank Add. 2d Lt. 7th Cav. June 12, '87; 2d Lieut. July 5, '87. Harmon, Millard P. (First Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 76; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. June 12, '80 ; transferred to 1st Art. July 21, '80 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 4, '88. Harris, Floyd W. (Second Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in W. Va. Appoint.'.! from \V. Va. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th Cav. July 1, '86. Harris, Henry L. (First Lieut, and Adj. 1st Art.). Born in Pa. Appointed from N. .1. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Dec. 4, '65 ; graduated June I v Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Art. June 15, '69; 1st Lieut. Nov. 1, 76. Sta/ posi- tions occupied Adj. April 15, '87. Harris, Henry S. T. (First Lieut, and Asst. Surg.). Born at Churl.. ville, Va., Nov. 25, '63. Retiring year 1927. Appointed from Va. Civil lite. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Jan. 5, '86; accepted Aug. 11, '86. Service In the Dep. of Texas, at Post of San Antonio, Forts Clark, Ringgold, Mclntosh, Davis, ( 'amp* at Eagle Pass and Pena Col.; in the Dept. of Dakota at Fort Keogh and old Fort Pierre. Hitory Graduated from the Collegiate department of the Columbian University, Washington, D. C., and from the Medical department of the same in- stitution '84 ; served in Children's Hospital, D. C., and at Washington Asylum Hospital. Harris, Moses (Captain 1st Cav.). Born in New Hampshire, Sept. 6, 1839. Retiring year 1903. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp'l and Sergt. Co. G, 1st Cav., and 1st Sergt. Co. G, 4th Cav., March 19, '57, to June 15, '64; 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. May 18, '64; accepted June 15, '64; 1st Lieut. Aug. 15, '64 ; Capt. June 20, 72. Brevet rank Brevet Capt. Sept. 19, '64, for gallant and meritorious service? at the battle of Winchester, Va. Service At Fort Leaven- worth, Kansas, April 30, '57 ; May to Oct., '57, on expedition against Cheyenne Indians under Col. E. V. Sumner, 1st Cav.; with troop at Fort Riley, Kansas, Nov., '57, to May, '60 ; summer of '58 marched with troop to Sweet Water River, Neb., en route to Salt Lake City, Utah, and returned to Fort Riley; with troop on expedition against Kiowa Indians under Major John Sedgwick, 1st Cav., May to Aug., '60 ; Sept., '60, to Dec., '61, with troop at Fort Wise, Kan. (designation of regiment changed from 1st to 4th Cav. by act of Aug. 3, 'til); with troop at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Jan., '62 ; re-enlisted 20th Jan., '62, and received a furlough for two months; rejoined troop in the field at Nashville, Tenn., March, '62, and took part in the various marches and campaigns of the Army of the Cum- berland from March, '62, to June, '64 ; took part m Atlanta campaign as far as Kenesaw Mountain, participating in various Cavalry affairs and skirmish e> : joined the 1st Cav. near Light-house Point, Va., 12th July, '64; 28th July, '<14, accompanied his regiment into the Shenandoah Valley, taking part in all of the various operations of his regiment incident to the campaign in that region to Feb., '64 ; Feb. 27, '65, accompanied his regiment with the Cav. Corps, Army of the Potomac, under Gen. Sheridan, on an expedition towards Lynchburg, Va.; with his regiment at New Orleans, La., May to Dec., '65 ; with his troop (M, 1st Cav.) at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., Jan. to April, '$(} ; with troop at Camp Lyon, I. T., May, '66, to April, '69, in various scouts and skirmishes ; from HAR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 267 27th April to llth Sept., '69, marched with his troop from Camp Lycn, T. T., to Camp Grant, A. T.; with troop at Camp Grant, A. T., engaged in scouting opera- tions against hostile Apache Indians from Sept., '69, to March, '70, taking part in several small engagements ; March to May, 70, engaged in constructing a wagon- road to the new post in the White Mountains, A. T.; May, 70, to Feb., 71, on re- detachment of recruits to the 5th Cav., at Camp Lowell, A. T., and 1st Cav., Camp Apache, A. T. ; 18th of May to 14th of Aug., 73, marched with a detachment of the 1st Cav. (troops L and M) from Camp Apache, A. T., to Fort Walla- Walla, W. T. ; Aug. to Oct., 73, on court-martial duty at Sitka, Alaska ; Oct., 73, to May, 75, at Fort Walla- Walla, W. T.; summer of 74 in Wallowa Valley, W. T., watching restless Nez Perce Indians under Chief Joseph ; May, 75, to Oct., 77, at Fort Colville, W. T. ; continued at Fort Colville, W. T., until April, 78, when received leave of absence for six months; his troop being ordered into the field against the hostile Snake and Bannock Indians, he surrendered the unexpired por- tion of his leave of absence and joined his troop in the field Aug- 6, 78, and partici- pated in that campaign under Gen. O. O. Howard ; at Fort Walla- Walla, W. T., until February 11, 79, when received leave of absence for two months, rejoining his troop at Fort Walla-Walla April 5, 79 ; May and June, 79, in command of his troop, forming a portion of the escort to the Dep. Commander and Governor Ferry of Washington Territory in visiting the Columbia River Indians ; from July 6, '80, to August 28, '80, on detached service in connection with rifle prac- tice competition, winning a place on the Department Team in the competition held at Vancouver Barracks, W. T., on the 19th, 20th and 21st days of July, '80, and commanding the Department Team in the Division competition held at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., August, '80; performing garrison and scouting duty at Fort Walla-Walla, until Sept. 6, '81, when was ordered to report with his troop at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., in readiness for field duty in Ariz. ; proceeded by rail to Roseburg, Oregon, marched to Reading Cal., thence by rail, to Lathrop, Cal., where the troop was ordered into camp to await orders ; Sept. 24 on Board of Officers for the purchase of horses at Sacramento, Cal., and Sept. 27 on Board of Officers at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., in connection with mounted rifle practice ; October 4 left Lathrop with troop by rail for Arizona ; Oct. 7 took the trail of hostile Apaches at San Simeon Station, Arizona, and pur- sued to the Mexican line ; scouting with troop against hostile Apaches, and at Camp Huachuca and Fort Bowie, Arizona, until January 20, '82, when took sta- tion at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal. ; February, '82, on Board for the pur- chase of Cavalry horses ; April 11, '82, left Presidio with troop for field service in Arizona ; scouting against hostile Apaches in Arizona until May 25, when re- turned to station at the Presidio of San Francisco ; performing garrison duty at the Presidio and on various boards for the inspection and purchase of Cavalry horses until Aug., '83, when established CampSchofield at San Rafael, California, returning to station at the Presidio Oct. 8, '83 ; March 28 to April 12, '84, con- ducting recruits for the 1st Cav. to Fort Walla-Walla, Washington Territory ; June 20, '84, changed station with troop to Fort Custer, Montana, proceeding by rail to Helena, Montana, and marching from thence to Fort Custer, where he ar- rived July 15, '84 ; on duty with troop at Fort Custer, being engaged in various scouting operations until .June 17, '85, when received leave of absence for three months, returning to Fort Custer Sept. 17, '85 ; continued with troop at Fort Cus- ter, engaged in garrison duties and scouting work until Aug. 15, '86, when, in compliance with telegraphic instructions from Headquarters of the Army and the orders of the Department Commander, proceeded to take station in the Yellow- stone National Park, receiving orders to report to the Secretary of the Interior for instructions relative to the protection of the National Park; having so reported, was directed by the Secretary of the Interior to perform the civil duties theretofore performed by the Superintendent of the Park and his assistants ; in comph- 268 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. IIAR ance with orders established the post of Camp Sheridan at Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming, within the National Park, and continued to perform the civil duties pertaining to the office of the Superintendent of the Yellowstone National Park, and at the post of Camp Sheridan until June 1, '89, when with troop took station at Fort Custer, Montana ; on practice march and at Camp Alexander Chambers (summer camp of instruction) from Aug. 15 to Sept. 25, '89 ; on leave of absence from Sept. 29 to Dec. 29, '89; on recruiting duty at Milwaukee, Wis., from Feb. 1, '90, to date, April 14, '90. Staff positions occupied A.. A. Q. M. at Camp Apache, A. T., March to Sept., 71. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In action at Solo- mon's Fork, Kansas, July 29, '57 ; engagement at Blackwater Springs, Kan., July 11, '60 ; Shiloh, Tenn., 6th and 7th of April, '62 ; Corinth, Miss., 9th and 14th of May and 14th of June, '62 ; Perryville, Ky., 8th of Oct., '62 ; Stone River, Tenn., Dec. 30, '62, to 5th Jan., '63; Spring Hill, Tenn., 9th March, '63; Snow Hill, Teim., 1st April, '63 ; Franklin, Tenn., 10th April, '63 ; Middleton, Tenn., 20th and 23d May, '63 ; Shelbyville, Tenn., 27th and 30th June, '63 ; Ringgold, Ga., Sept. 18 and 19, '63; Chickamauga Creek, Ga., 19th to 25th Sept., '63 ; en- gagement at Dallas, Ga., May 26 and 28, '64 ; engagement at Deep Bottom, Va., Aug., '64; Newtown, Va., llth Aug, '64; Shepherdstown, Va., 25th Aug., '04; Leetown, Va., 28th Aug., '64; Smithfield, Va., 29th Aug., '64; Winchester, 19th Sep., '64; Millford, Va., 22d Sept., '64 ; Waynesboro', Va., 28th Sept., '64 ; Tom's Creek, Va., 9th Oct., '64; Cedar Creek, Va., 19th Oct., '64; and Appomattox Court-Houoe, Virginia, 9th April, '65 ; campaign against hostile Snake and Piute Indians '67-8. Commands held Command of a detachment 1st Cavalry May 18, '78, to August 14, 73 ; command of troop October, 73, to May, 75 ; Fort Colville, W. T., May, 75, to Oct., 77 ; command of troop at Fort Walla- Walla May and June, 79 ; Camp Schofield, San Rafael, Cal., Aug., '83, to Oct. 8, '83 ; Camp Sheridan, Wyoming, till June 1, '89. Harris, Peter C. (Second Lieut. 13th Inf.). Born in Kingston, Ga., Nov. 10, '65. Retiring year 1929. Appointed from Ga. Graduated at Mil. Acad., Class of '88. Actual rank2d Lieut. 13th Inf. June 11, '88. Service Field service in Oklahoma, shortly after the opening of Oklahoma for settlement; from June 14, '89, to Feb. 18, '90, at Camp Wade, near Kingfisher, Ind. Ter. Commands /^A/- Camp Wade from Oct. 14, '89, to Jan. 28, '90 ; Co. D, Indian Scouts, at Fort Sill, I. T., from March 6, '90, to . Harrison, George P. B. (First Lieut. 2d Art). Born in California Nov. 8, 1851. Retiring year 1915. Appointed from Cal. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '69; graduated June 13, 73. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Art. June 13, 73; 1st Lieut. Jan. 20, '81. Service Served with regiment till Jan., 75 ; ordered to West Point Military Academy as instructor in the Dept. of Lan- guages ; relieved from duty at Military Academy Aug., 79; absent in Europe till May, '80 ; ordered for instruction to Artillery School at Ft. Monroe, Va. ; gradu- ated from Artillery School May, '82 ; on duty with regiment in Maryland, Kansas and Alabama until Mar., '86 ; while on duty with light batterv K of regiment at Ft. Leaven worth from '83 to '85, was on additional duty at Infantry and Cav- alry School of Application as Instructor of Artillery and Engineering; on duty since '86 as Professor of Military Science and Tactics at the University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Cal. Harrison, Ralph (Second Lieut. 2d Cav.). Born in Missouri. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy June 14, 1885 ; graduated June 12, '89. Actual RankK&&. 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. June 12, '89 ; 2d Lieut. June 22, '89. Harrold, Christopher W. (First Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in New Hampshire, inted from Mass. Civil life. Actual rankPvt. and Sgt. Co. B, 17th N. H. '., Nov. 7, '62, to April 16, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 1st N. H. Art. Aug. 25, '63 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 14, '64; hon. must, out Sept. 11, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. Nov. 7, '06 j accepted Nov. 20, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Sei>t. 21, '68. Hart, William H. (Second Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in Minn. Appointed from Dak. ; Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. June 15, '84; graduated June 11, '88. Actual Jtank2d Lieut. 20th Inf. June 11, '88 ; trans, to 4th Cav. Feb. 11, '89. HAR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. 8. ARMY. 269 Hartman, John D. L. (Second Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Pennsylvania. Ap- pointed from Penna. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83 ; graduated June 11, '88. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st Cav. June 11, '88. Harts, William W. (Additional Second Lieut, of Engineers). Born in 111. Appointed from 111. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '85 ; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. Eng. June 12, '89. Hartsuff, Albert (Major and Surgeon, Bvt. Lieut-Col.). Born in N. Y. Feb. 4, 1837. Retiring year 1901 ; app. from Mich. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Aug. 5, '61; accepted Aug. 28, '61 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. July 28, '66; Major and Surg. June 26, 76. Brevet rank Capt. and maj. March 13, '65, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; " Lieut.-Col. Nov. 26, '66, " for mer. and dis. ser. dur. the outbreak and continuance of cholera in New Orleans, La.'' Service In campaign in West Virginia, to '62 ; at U. S. Mil. Acad. to '63 ; at Washington, D. C., to '63; ordered to Dept. of the Gulf, '63; at New Orleans, La., '67; ordered to Dept. of California, '67; Post Surgeon, Fort Churchill, Nevada, to '69; Post Surgeon, Drum Barracks, Cal., to '70; Post Surgeon, Sitka, Alaska, to Apr., '71 ; ordered to Dept. of the East March 18, 71 ; Attending Surgeon and Examiner of Recruits, Detroit, Mich., Mar., 71, to June, 73; ordered to Dept. of the Platte, May 26, 73; Post Surgeon Sidney Barracks, Neb., to Sept., 74 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Laramie, Wy. T., to Nov., 77 ; in the field, on Sioux Expedition, June to Oct., 76 ; ordered to Dept. of the East, Oct. 25, 77 ; Post Surgeon Fort Gratiot, Mich., to April, 79 ; Post Surgeon Fort Wayne, Mich., to May, '81 ; ordered to Dept. of the Missouri May 6, '81 ; in the field with Gen. Mackenzie in Col., N. M. and Ariz., to Oct., '81 ; on leave of absence to Aug., '82, in Europe ; Post Surgeon Fort Union, N. M., to '83 ; Post Surgeon Fort Riley, Kans.; Post Surgeon Fort Hamilton, N. Y., to June, '89; Post Surgeon Fort Omaha, to present, '90. Hartz, Wilson T. (Captain 15th Inf. and Brevet Major). Born in Pa. Sept. accepted Oct. 29, '62; hon. must, out Sept. 1, '67, 2d Lieut. 15th U. S. Inf. May 11, '66; accepted Sept. 11, '66; 1st Lieut. June 17, '67; Capt. Aug. 23, 77. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut, and Capt. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fair Oaks, Va. ; Maj. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meri- terious service in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. Maj. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services. Harvey, Philip P. (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Ohio in Dec., 1844. Retiring year 1908 ; appointed from Iowa. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Nov. 16, '68 ; accepted Nov. 26, '68 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Nov. 16, 71. Harwood, Paul (Captain 20th Inf.). Born in Pa. May 28, 1841. Retiring year 1905; appointed from Conn. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. E, 8th N. Y. S. M. Apr. 25, '61; discharged Aug. 2, '61; 2d Lieut. 1st Conn. Vol. Art. Apr. 11, '62; 1st Lieut. Dec. 11, 63 ; hon. must, out June 8, '64; Maj. 57th U S. Colored Inf. July 20, '64; Col. Jan. 9, '65; hon. must, out Oct. 19, '66; 2d Lieut. 27th U. S. Inf. March 7, '67 ; accepted May 20, '67; 1st Lieut. Jan. 8, '68; unassigned June 14, '69; assd. to 20th Inf. Sept. 3, '69; Capt. Sept. 19 84. Service In the War of the Rebellion, '61-5; in the field, in Maryland, Washing- ton, D. C., and Virginia, and engaged at the battle of first Bull Run, Va. ; in the Virginia Peninsular campaign, being captured at the battle of Gaines Mill, and exchanged, August, '62 ; in the defenses of Alexandria, Va., to May, '64; joined the Army of the James, and engaged in the operations in front of Bermuda Hun- dred, Va., to June, '64; commanding regiment at Huntsville, Ark., to August, '64 ; in the Department of Arkansas to June, '66 ; of Fort Stanton, N. M., August, '66 ; en route to Fort Union, N. M., Oct., '66 ; joined regiment at Fort Phil. Kearney, D. T., July, '67; at Fort C. F. Smith, M. T., Aug., '67, to June, 68; at Fort Phil. Kearney, D. T., at Fort Reno, D. T., Aug., '68; engaged in a campaign against the Sioux and Cheyenne Indians, August, 68. Jiames, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at First Bull Run, Va., July, '61 ; Gaines Mill, Va., 270 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. HAS June 27, '62. Staff positions occupied A. A. A. G. of U. S. Col. Troops Dep. of Ark., to June, '65; Post Adj. Fort C. F. Smith from Jan. to June, '68; Act. Reg'l. Adj. 27th Inf. Aug., '68. Commands heldCom^. 57th U. S. Col. Troops, July and Aug., '64 ; Fort Stanton, N. M., Aug., '66. Hasbrouck, Alfred, Jr. (Second Lieut. 14th Inf.). Born in New York. Ap- pointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '79; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 14th Inf. June 13, '83. Hasbrouck, Henry C. (Major 4th Art.). Born in New York Oct. 26, 1839. Retiring year 1903. Appointed from N. Y. Graduate of the U. S. Military Academy, Class of '61. Acfuol rn,,/:~ 2d Lieut. 4th Art. May 6, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61 ; Captain July 26, '66 ; Major 4th Art. March 5, '87. Jirwf rank Brevet Captain Oct. 25, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Blackwater bridge, near Suffolk, Va. ; Brevet Major April 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Petersburg, Va., (declined) In Army of the Potomac from '61-2 ; in Southeastern Virginia '62-3 ; on duty at U. S. Mil. Acad. '64; with Army of the Potomac '65; at U. S. Mil. Acad. Iron, to '88. Commandant of Cadets at U. S. Mil. Acad. from Aug. 23, '82, to 1Y1>. 1 , '88. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Action of Blackwater bridge, near Suffolk, Va., Oct. 25, '62. Hascall, Herbert A. (Captain and Bvt. Lieut.-Col. U. S. A.). Bom in N. T. Retired. App. from N. Y. Grad. from Mil. Acad., Class of '56. .!'// ,-,mk 2d Lieut. 4th Art. July 1, '56 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 27, '59; transferred to :>th Artillery May 14, '61 ; Capt. and A. Q. M. Aug. 3, '61 ; accepted Aug. 27, 'til : ( 'apt. f.th Art. July 13, '62 ; retired Nov. 10, '74. Brerrt rank Brevet Major and Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services during the war At Boston '56 ; in Florida during the Seminole War, engaged in scouting, etc., to '57 ; at Fort Leavenworth '57-9 ; ordered to Utah in '59 ; at West Point, N. Y.. to July, '61 ; in the field with Army of the Potomac '61 ; Q. M. at Hilton H.-.-.d. S. C., '63; at West Point, N. Y., from June 18, '63, to Aug. 31. 71. frtff '.-.*, *///- mishe*, etc. Engaged in the battle of First Bull Run 'il. Muff jm*it inn *>;> pnnl On staff of Gen. Keyes, during First Bull Run Campaign ; at the U. S. Military Academy, as Prin. Asst. Prof, of Mathematics, from June 18, '63, to An-. '.1 .71. Jfixfory Was recommended highly for Professor of Mathematics at tne U. S. Mil. Academy just as his health gave way, which soon caused his retirement from active service. Haskell, Harry L. (Captain 12th Inf.). Born in Me. Appointed from N. y .Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. A, and Sgt. Maj. 125th N. Y. Inf., Aug. 26, '62, to March 16, '63; 2d Lieutenant 125th New York Infantry March H, Captain Dec. 7, '63; honorably mustered out Sept. 22, '61; Captain 7th U. S. Vet. Infantry May 10, '65; honorably mustered out April 27, V.r, ; i_M Lieutenant 12th Infantry Aug. 30, '67; accepted Sept. 3, '67; unsigned June 3, '<>'.; assd. to 12th Inf. Aug. 3, 70: 1st Lieut. June 30, 77; Capt. Jan. 2, '88. 8t 61 ; A. A. Insp. Gen. Dept. ofTexas, '66-8. /?;/- Uet t ttirmwte9 t ete, Engaged in the battles of Contreras, Churubusco, Chapulte- IKT. and capture of the City of Mexico, '46-8 ; in the combat at Groveton and bat- tles of Manasaas and Charlotteville, Va., and South Mountain, Md., '62; Win T i-hester, Va., skirmishes in the march of Gen. Sherman, '65. Hatfield, Charles A. P. (Captain 4th Cav.). Born in Ala. Dec. 9, 1850. Re- tiring year 1914; appointed from Md. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '68 ; graduated June 14, 72. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th Cav. June 14, 72 ; 1st Lieut. June 28, 78 ; Capt. Nov. 26, '84. Hathaway, Forrest H. (Captain and A. Q. M.). Born in Vt. Oct. 7, 1*11. Retiring year 190X; appointed from Vt. Civil life. Acttml r'/v/v/ rank Brevet 1st Lieut. March 7, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fair Oaks, Va., Oct. 27, '64 ; Brevet Capt. March 7, '67, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Newmarket, Va. Muff pnxifintm occupied Reg. ( l M. loth Inf. Dec. 24, '67, to April 20, '69; Adj. 5th Inf. Jan. 31, 70, to June 10, 70 ; Reg. Q, M. 5th Inf. June 10, 70, to Feb. 22, '82. Haughey, James A. (Captain 21st Inf.). Born in Del. July 5, 1842. Re- tiring year 1906; appointed from Del. Civil life. Aetna! rank 1st Lieut. 3d Del. Inf. Nov. 7, '61 ; Capt. Dec. 1, '62; hon. must. out. Dec. 6, '64; Capt. 8th U. S. Vet, Inf. Aug. 21, '65; hon. must, out April '28, '66; 2d Lieut. 36th U. S. Inf. HAY RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 273 July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 15, '66; 1st Lieut. May 21, '68; unassigned May 19 '69 ; assigned to 21st Inf. Dec. 15, 70 ; Capt. Aug. 15, '80. Havard, Valery (Captain and Asat. Surgeon). Born in France Feb. 18, 1846. Retiring year 1910 ; appointed from New York Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Asst. Surg. Nov. 10, 74; accepted Nov. 20,74; Capt. Asst. Surg. Nov. 10, 79. ordered to Department of the South Oct. 10, 78; Post Surgeon, Chattanooga, Tenn., to June, 79 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Johnston, N. C., to June, '80 ; ordered to Department of Texas April 3, '80 ; in the field with 1st Inf. from Aug., '80, to May, '81 ; in the field, expedition for the exploration of Western Texas, to Dec., '81 ; at San Antonio, Texas, to July, '82 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Duncan, Texas, to June, '83 ; in the field, expedition for the exploration of Western Texas, to Oct., '83 ; at San Antonio, Texas, to Oct., '84; ordered to Department of the East Aug., '84; Post Surgeon, Fort Schuyler, N. Y., to July, '85; Post Surgeon, Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., to Aug., '87 ; ordered to Department of Dakota April 24, '87 ; Post Sur- geon, Fort A. Lincoln, N. D., to May, '89; Post Surgeon, Fort Buford, N. D., to thepresent time. Hawkins, Hamilton S. (Lieutenant-Colonel 23d Inf.). Born in S. C. Nov. 13, 1834. Retiring year 1898 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '52, to Jan. 31, '55; 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. April 26, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61 ; accepted May 17, '61 ; Capt. Sept. 20, '63 ; Maj. 10th Inf. Oct. 31, '83 ; Lt. Col. Feb. 17, '89. Brevet rankBvt. Capt. July 2, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. (declined) ; Brevet Major Oct. 11, '65, for meritorious services (declined). Staff positions occu- pied Reg. Q. M. 6th Inf. Dec. 25, '61, to Sept. 20, '63. Hawkins, John P. (Lieutenant-Colonel Sub. Dept., Brevet Major-Gen.). Born in Ind., Sep. 29, 1830. Retiring year 1894. Appointed from Ind. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '48 ; graduated July 1, '52. Actual rankE\t. 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf. July 1, '52; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. June 23, '54; 1st Lieut. Oct. 12, '67 ; 1st Lieut. 14th Inf. (declined) May 14, '61 ; Capt., Com. Sub. Aug. 3, '61 ; accepted Aug. 20, '61 ; Lieut.-Col. C. S. Vol. from Nov. 1, '62, to April 13, '63 ; Brig. Gen. Vol. April 13, '63 ; ace. April 13, '63 ; hon. must, out Feb. 1, '66 ; Major Com. Sub. U. S. A. June 23, 74 ; Lieut.-Col., Asst. Com. Gen. Sept. 3, '89. lircret m/// Bvt. Major March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Mobile, Ala.; Lieut.-Col. and Col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the War ; Brig. Gen. and Major Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the War ; Major Gen. Vol. June 30, '65, Tor gallant and meritorious services during the War. Hawley, William (Major U. S. A.). Born in D. C. Retired. Appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual ra>i Pvt. Co. H, 3d Batt. D. C. Inf., April 15, '61, to July 15, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Cav. Aug. 5, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Aug. 15, '61 ; Capt. Feb. 15, '64; Major 4th Cav. Mar. 20, 79 ; retired June 14, 79, disability in line of duty. Hawthorne, Harry L. (Second Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in Minn. Appointed from Ky. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d Art. Oct. 30, '84 ; accepted Nov. 1, '84. Hay, Charles (Captain and Com. of Sub.). Born in Holmes Co., Ohio, Aug. 23, 1840. Retiring year 1904. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. C, 8th Ohio Vol. Inf., April 23 to July 23, '61 ; Pvt. and Corp'l Cos. H and B, and Com. Sergt. 23d Ohio Vol. Inf., July 24, '61, to July 24, '64; Capt. 5th U. S. Vet. Vol. Inf. (Hancock's 1st Army Corps), Feb. 20, '65, to May 28, '66 ; appointed Captain and Commissary of Subsistence December 10, '88; ac- cepted Jan. 24, '89. Service Stationed at Camp Taylor, Cleveland, Ohio, April 274 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. HAY 23 to May 2, '61 ; Camp Dennison, Ohio, May to June, '61 ; Camp Chase, Ohio, July, '61 ; in various parts of West Virginia, July, '61, to July, '64, except from Aug. to Oct., '62, when at Washington, D. C., Alexandria, Va., and marching through, and in camp in Md.; at Camp Stoneman, near Washington, D. C., April to July, '65; Washington, D. C., July, '65, as guard during trial and execution of Surratt conspirators; Hartford, Conn.. July, '65; Providence, R. I., July to Aug., '65; Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., Aug.. '65, to March, '66; Hart's Island, N. Y., Mar. to May, '66; North Platte, Neb., May, '67 ; in camp near the present Ogalalla Station, Neb., May to June, '67 ; Fort Sedgwick, Neb., June, '67 ; Fort Sanders, Wyo., June to Aug., '67 ; at old Fort Halleck, Wyo., Aug. to Oct., '67 ; Fort Sanders, Wyo., Oct., '67, to April, '68 ; in the field from May to Sept., '68; Camp Douglas, Utah, Oct., '68, to May, '69 ; on waiting orders June to July, '69; Fort Boise, Idaho, Sept., '69, to May, 71 ; Camp Harney, Ore., June, '71 ; Vancouver Barracks, W. T., June, '71, to Feb., '72; Camp McDowell, Ariz., April, 72, to July, 74; Omaha Barracks, Neb., Nov.. 74, to May, 76 ; Sidney Barracks, Nek, May to Dec., 76 ; Fort Leaven worth, K:in., Jan., 77, to July, 78; Fort Hays, Kan., July, 78, to Oct., 79; Cantonment on North Fork of Canadian River, Ind. Ter., Nov., 79. to May, '80; in the field in Uncompahgre Valley, Col.. May to Sep., '80; at Cantonment on Qnoompahgre (now Fort Crawford), Col., Sep., '80, to Oct., '81 ; Fort Bliss, Texas, Oct., '81, to June, '84; Fort Porter, N. Y., June, '84, to Sept., '89; Denver, Col., Sep., '89, to . Ma ft' position* o Post Adi. Fort Boise, Idaho, Sep., '69, to May, 71 ; Fort Hays, Kans., July, 78. to Feb., 79; Cantonment on North Fork Canadian River, Ind. Ter., Jan. to May, '80, and in the field and at Cantonment on Uncompahgre (now Fort Crawford), Col., May to Oct., '80 ; Fort Bliss, Texas, Oct., '81, to July, '83, and Dec., '83, to June, '84; Fort Porter, N.Y., June, '84. to Jan., '89; A.C. 8. Fort Saoden, Wyo.. Dec., '67, to Jan., '68 ; Camp Douglas, Utah, March to May, '69 ; Camp McDowell, Ariz., Oct., 72, to June, 74; Omaha Barracks, Neb., Jan.. 75, to May. 7i : Sid- ney Barracks, Neb., May to Nov., 76; Fort Leavenworth, Kan., April, 77, to July, '78; Fort Hays, Kan., Feb. to October, 79; Fort Bliss, Texas, Jan., '82. to June, '83 ; Fort Porter, N. Y., Oct., '84, to July, '89; Acting Reg. Q. M .. 3;th Inf., Dec., '67, to Jan., '68 ; A. A. Q. M. Camp McDowell, Ariz., Oct., 72, to June, 74; Sidney Barracks, Neb., May to Nov., 76; Fort Hays, Kan., Feb. to Oct., 79; Fort Bliss, Texas, Jan., '82, to June, '83 ; Fort Porter, N. Y., Sep., '84, to June, "89. Battles, s/cin/n'n/i^, etc. In engagement at Carnifex Ferry, W. Va., Sep. 10, '61 ; Giles' C. H., W. Va., May 10, '62 ; Princeton, W. Va.. May 15-18, '62 ; South Mountain. Md. t Sep. 14, '62; Antietam, Md., Sep. 17, '62; Buffington Island, Ohio (Morgan's raid), July 19, '63; Buffalo Gap, W. Va., June 6, '64; Lexington, Va., June 10-11, '64 ; Buchanan, Va., June 14, '64; Otter Creek, Va., June 16, '64; Lynchburg, Virginia, June 17-18, '64; Buford's Gap, Virginia, June 21, '64; engagement with Indians near Ogalalla, Nebraska, May, '67. Commands held Post of Park and Silvey Barracks, Providence, R. I., July to August, '65; Camp McDowell, Ariz., March-May, 73, and June-Nov.. Fort Hays, Kan., Feb. -Oct., 79 ; Com. detachment at Ogalalla, Neb., for pro- tection of railway construction, May-June, '67 ; Com. Co. "A," 36th Inf. as guard for 100 miles of Old Overland Stage route from Cooper Lake to Bridger Pass, Wyo., August to Oct., '67 ; escorting prisoners from Fort Sanders, Wyo., to Iowa Penitentiary March, '68 ; conducting recruits from Carlisle Barracks, Penn., to San Francisco, Cal., Aug., '69; escorting Indians from Boise City to Fort Hall Reser- vation, Idaho, Oct. to Nov., '69; escort duty from Fort Boise to Fort Hall, Idaho, Oct. to Nov., 70; Fort Boise, Idaho, to Camps Harney and Warner, Ore.. Jan.. 70, March-April, 70, Jan.-Feb., 71 ; conducting recruits from Camp McDowell to Fort Whipple, Ariz., Aug., 72; special duty to Texas Oct.-Nov., 78, 1>\ assignment of the President; Com. Co. "A," 36th Inf., June-Nov., '67; Co. " C," 23d Inf., July-Oct., 71, Dec., 72-Nov., 73, Nov., 79-June, '80, May-July, '83, June,'88-Jan., '89. Hay, Leonard (Captain 9th Inf.). Born in Salem, Ind. Dec. 3, '35. Retiring 5 ear 1899; app. from the army. Actual rankPn\. Co. " D," 3d Batt. 15th Inf., uly 18, '64, to July 11, '64; 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. July 2, '64; accepted July 12, HAY RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 275 '64; 1st Lieut. Sept. 29, '64; Capt. March 11, 78. Service Served, at Fort Adams, R. I. ; on temporary duty at Governor's Island, N. Y. H. ; joined regiment at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., August, '64; at Point San Jose and Angel Island, Cal., Nov., '64, to July, '69 ; at Fort Laramie, Wyo., Aug., 74, to Nov., 76 ; in Black Hills expedition March, 75 ; Fort McKinney, Wyo., 78 ; Ute winter campaign, 79-80 ; Omaha Bks., Fort McKinney and Fort D. A. Russell, '81-86 ; Fort Verde, San Carlos and Whipple Bks., Ariz., '88 ; Fort Wingate, N. M., '90. Staff position* occupied Acting Adj. of Regt. April to July, '65; Post Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Angel Island, Cal., from Feb., '67, to May, '69; Adj. 9th Inf. July 1, '65, to March 11, 78. Hay, William H. (Second Lieut. 3d Cav.). Born in Fla. Appointed from Fla. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Cav. July 1, '86. Hayden, John L. (Second Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in 111. Appointed from Wash. Ter. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 15, '84; graduated June 11, '88. A<-tmi1 rnnl-2d Lieut. 1st Art. June 11, '88. Hayes, Edward M. (Captain 5th Cav.). Born in New York Dec. 23, '42. Retiring year 1906; appointed from N. J. Civil life. Actual rank Musician gen. mounted service and bugler, Cos. " H " and " B," 5th Cav. (old Second), Aug. 28, '55, to Aug. 28, '60 ; 1st Lieut. 10th Ohio Cav. Jan. 15, '63; Capt. March 24, '64 ; hon. must, out July 24, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Cav. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted April 14, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 20, '66 ; Capt. Aug. 15, 74. Brevet rank Brevet Major Vols. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the campaigns in Georgia and the Carolinas. Honorably uit'nfiont'd Was specially mentioned in Dept. G. O. for good conduct in the affair at Pecan Bayou in Jan., '60. Serv- irf Stationed at Carlisle and Jefferson Bks. until Dec., '56 ; joined Co. at Camp Cooper, Tex., Feb., '57 ; upon expiration of enlistment returned to his home in Ohio until April, '61 ; entered the Military Telegraph Service, and was assigned to the national army in W. Va. until the spring of '62 ; was then attached to Mitchell's division of Gen. Buell's army, at Huntsville, Ala.; served with the Cavalry Corps of the Army of the Cumberland ; upon the reorganization of the Cavalry Corps his regiment was assigned to the 3d Division, and participated in Gen. Sherman's campaigns to the end of the war; on staff of Gen. Kilpatrick from May, '64, to July, Y 65 ; in charge of ordnance and commissary stores at Harper's Ferry from May to Aug., '66 ; assigned to reconstruction duty in North Carolina served at Raleigh, Fort Hatteras and Morgantown until Sept., '68, when transferred to frontier service and participated in the campaigns against the hostile Sioux and Cheyennes in Kansas, Colorado and the Indian Territory, Oct., '68 ; on leave of absence, and rejoined his company at Fort McPherson, Neb., and served as Quartermaster of the Republican River expedition from June 9 to Aug. 24, '69; served at Fort McPherson until May 1, 72; with the escort for Lieutenant-General Sheridan and the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia in the Republican River Valley during Jan., 72. When the first detachment of the regiment moved, in Nov., 71, to Arizona, he was . retained at Fort McPherson until April, 72, in charge of enlisted men and horses awaiting the arrival of the 3d Cav.; on the staff Brevet Major-Gen. William H. Emory, com. Dep. of the Gulf; served at New Orleans until April, 75; promoted Captain, to date from Aug. 15, 74 ; reported at Fort Leaven worth, and, while awaiting the arrival of his company from Arizona, served as Quartermaster for a battalion of the 6th Cav. en route from Fort Lyon to Santa Fe ; returned with the First Batt. of the regiment to Fort Lyon ; joined Co. in Sept., 75, and conducted it to Camp Sup- ply, I. T , where he had station, with occasional tours of field service, until June 9, 76, when he proceeded to Cheyenne, Wyo., and served during the operations against the hostile Sioux in the Black Hills of Wyoming, and with the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition ; upon the disbandment of the expedition at Fort Robinson, Neb., in Oct., was assigned to Fort McPherson, Neb., where he had station until Aug., 77, being detached at Chicago during the railway riots of July, 77 ; changed station to Fort Washakie, Wyo., where he served until Sep., 78 ; on leave of absence until July, 79 ; appointed recorder of a board of om- 276 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. HAY cers convened at Washington, D. C., to examine candidates for superintendents of national cemeteries ; continued on that duty until June, '80 ; rejoined Co. at Fort Laramie, Wyo., where he had station until May, '82, when he was transferred to Fort Washakie, Wyo.; with escort to President Arthur to the Yellowstone Na- tional Park, Aug. to Oct., '83; on recruiting service at Charlotte, N. C., Nov., '83, to Oct., '84; at Fort Washakie, Wyo., Nov., '84, to May, '85; on the march to Fort Riley, Kan., May to July, '85; in the field (Indian Territory) on account of threatened outbreak of Cheyennes and Arrapahoes and for the enforcement of the President's order for the removal of cattle from the Territory from July to Oct., and removing boomers from Oklahoma till Dec., '85 ; on leave of absence until April, '86 ; reioined Troop at Fort Reno, Ind. Ter., April, '86 ; in the field enforcing cattle order and assisting Indian Agent at Sac ana Fox Agency in con- trolling disaffected Indians from May, '86, until March, '87 ; at Fort Reno till March, '89 ; in the field (Cherokee Strip and Oklahoma) keeping intruders out of territory and escorting intending settlers at the opening of Oklahoma from March until Aug., '89; Camp of Manoeuvres till Oct., '89; at Fort Reno to . *syif. Participated in the combat at the head-waters of the Brazos River, the actions at Wichita Village and at Small Creek, a tributary of the Nescutunga, the operations of the Wichita expedition of '58-59; was en- gaged in the battle of Rich Mountain, the capture of Pegram's forces and the town of Beverly ; in the spring of '62 had charge, as a volunteer, of two guns at the repulse of the enemy near Fairmont; was severely wounded in a Hkirmiah near Fayetteville, Tenn., Aujr '27, '62, during the retreat towards Louisville, Ky.; participated in the action at Liberty Gap and in many skirmishes about Murfrees- boro' during the winter and spring of '63; participated in the battles at Resaca (wounded), the raid around the Confederate Army at Atlanta, and in the battles and engagements at Lovejoy's Station, Waynesboro', Joneaboro', Macon, Gris- wold and Savannah, Ga., Aiken, S. C., Monroe Cross Roads, Averysboro' and Bentonville, N. C.; was present at the surrender of Gen. Johnston's army at Dur- ham Station, N. C., April 26, '65; was engaged, in Oct., '68, in the affairs on Prairie Dog Creek, Shuter Creek and the north branch of Solomon River; in the summer of '69 was engaged in the affair at Rock Creek, action at Summit Springs, the affair in the sand hills south of Julesburg, and in the Niobrara pursuit; in an affair with hostile Sioux at Birdwood, Creek, Neb., May 24, 71 ; in 76 was en- gaged in the affairs at War Bonnett (Indian Creek), Wyo., and the skirmishes at Slim Buttes, Dak. Oomimind* held Detachment of the regiment in the affair at Birdwood Creek, Neb., May 24, 71 ; Fort Washakie, Wyo., from July, 77, to Sept., 78 ; escort to President Arthur to the Yellowstone National Park, Aug. to Oct., '83; Fort Washakie, Wyo., Nov., '84, to May, '85. Hayman, Samuel B. (Lieut. Col. and Bvt. Col. U. S. A.). Born in Pa. June 5, 1820. Retired. Appointed at large. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '38 ; graduated July 1, '42. Actual runic Bvt. 2<1 Lieut. 1st Inf. July 1, '42; 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. July 21, '44; 1st Lieut. Feb. 16, '47; Capt. March 3, >55; Col. 37th N. Y. Inf. Sept. 28, '61 ; honorably mustered out June 22, '63 ; Major 10th U. S. Inf. Jan. 21. '63 ; Lt. Col. 17th Inf. Sept 15, '67 ; Retired at his own request July 1, 72. Brerct nuilc Bvt. Lieut. Col. May 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. ; Bvt. ( 1 ol. May 6, Y.4, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va. ; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vols. March 13, '65, for gallant services in the battle of Fair Oaks, Va. Battle* and ttirmuket In Mexico at the defense of Fort Brown May 3 to 9, '46 ; skirmish of Paso Ovegas '47-48 ; at the battle of Contreras Aug. 19-20, '47 ; b;ittlo of Churubusco Aug. 20, '47 ; battle of Molino del Rey Sept. 8, '47 ; and assault HE A RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 277 and capture of the City of Mexico Sept. 13-14, '47 ; in the Rebellion at the battle of Williamsburg May 5, '62 ; Fair Oaks May 31 to June 1, '62 ; skirmish on the picket line near Richmond June 25, '62 ; battle of Glendale June 30, '62 ; Mal- vern Hill July 1, '62 ; skirmish at Harrison's Landing July 2, '62; Manassas Aug. 30, '62; Chantilly Sept. 1, '62 ; Fredericksburg Dec. 13, '62; skirmish at Wapping Heights July 24, '63, while pursuing the enemy to Warrenton ; skirmish near Au- burn Oct. 13, '63; skirmish at Kelly's Ford Nov. 26, '63; at the battle of the Wild- erness May 5, '64, being wounded. Service Served in garrison at Fort Winne- bago, Wis., '42 to '44 ; Fort Wood, La., '44 ; Baton Rouge, La., '44-45 ; Fort Mc- Ree, Fla., '45 ; in Military occupation in Texas '45-46 ; at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., '48 ; on recruiting service '48-50 ; on frontier duty at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, '50-51 ; Fort Towson, I. T., '51-54; Fort Arbuckle, I. T., '54-56; Jefferson Bar- racks, Mo., '58 ; on frontier duty in Utah Expedition '58-60; march to New Mex- ico '60 ; Fort Buchanan, N. M., '60 ; on leave of absence '60-61 ; in garrison at Fort Columbus, N. Y., '61 ; in defense of Washington, D. C., Sept. 28, '61, to March 17, '62 ; siege of Yorktown April 5 to May 4, '62 ; on sick leave, disabled by wound, May 6 to July 11, '64 ; in defense of Fort Stevens, Washington, D. C., July /* , -i. lll _ nf* _ i_ T _ _1 ___! 2-4, '63 ; com. 10th U. S. Inf. at battle of Wilderness April 26 to May 6, '64 ; com. of Fort Wadsworth, Dak., May 18, '66; com. of Forts Griffin, Texas; Camp Grant, Richmond,Va. ; Lynchburg.Va. ; Raleigh, N. C. ; and Fort Stevenson, Dak. Staff positions occupied A. I. G. 3d Army Corps Nov. 26, '63 ; Acting Asst. Pro- vost Marshal General, Supt. Vol. recruiting service, and Chief Mustering and Disbursing Officer at Elmira, N. Y., from April 10, '65, to Jan. 12, '66 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Forts Winnebago, Wis. ; Wood, La. ; McRee, Fla. ; Towson, and Arbuckle, Choctaw Nation. Honorably mentioned By Gen. Phil. Kearney in his report of the battle of Fair Oaks, Va. Haynes, Ira A. (Second Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Ky. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '79; graduated June 13, '83. Actual ra;i 2d Lieut. 3d Art. June 13, '83. Haynsworth, Henry J. (Captain and A. Q. M.). Born in S. C. Oct. 25, 1827. Retiring year 1891 ; appointed from New York Civil life. Actual r* * J *- f J Vt J.l**OOJt IH-/V*. Jl.LS.ft 11 * V J v '* / 9 M ' J Al. April 20, '86. Brevet rank Brevet Major Aug. 1, '64, for gallant services m the battle of Spottsylvania. Staff positions occupied Adj. llth Inf. Oct. 1, bZ, t< Head, John P. (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Boston, Mass., Jan. 9, 1821. Re- tired ; appointed from Mass. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Aug. 6, 46 ; accepted Aug. 13, '46; Capt. Asst. Surg. Aug. 6, '51; Major Surg. Sept. 6, '60; Lieut. Col. Surg. 278 RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. II EA June 26, 76 ; accepted July 29, 76 ; Col. Surg. June 30, '82 ; retired Jan. 9, '85. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious ser- vices during the war. Service At Fort Columbus, N. Y., to Sept., '46; ordered to Brazos Santiago, with Mounted Rifles, Sept., '46 ; at Fort Brown and Mata- moras ; on temporaryduty in New York, N. Y. ; ordered to Vera Cruz with recruits May, '48 ; at Carrolton, La., to Aug., '48 ; at Fort Snelling and Fort Ripley, Minn., to Dec., '53 ; on temporary duty in Boston Harbor, Mass., to March, '54 ; on duty in Texas and Florida to June, '57 ; at Fort Snelling, Minn., and Fort Mackinac, Mich., to Oct., '59; leave of absence (in Europe) to May, '60; en route to Oregon, via Forts Benton and Walla Walla, May, '60; Post Surgeon, Fort Hoskins, Ore- gon, to Nov., '61 ; ordered to Washington, D. C., with troops, ria Panama, N '61, to Jan., '62; at IT. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., to July, Y.2 ; in charge of hospitals in Kentucky, to July, '63; member of Board on disabled offi- cers, at Columbus, Ohio, to Oct., '64 ; Post Surgeon, U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., Oct. 18, '64, to July 14, '68; Post Surgeon, Fort Adams, R. 1.. to July, 70; Medical Director, Department of Dakota, to April, 75 ; Medical Direc- tor, Department of the South, to April, 78; Post Surgeon, Fort Independence, Mass., to Aug., 79; Attending Surgeon and Examiner of recruits, Boston, Mass., Aug., 79, to date of retirement. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Present at siege of Vera Cruz, and battles of Contreras and Churubusco. Heap, David P. (Major of Engineers). Born in Asia, March 24, 1843. Re- tiring year 1907 ; appointed from Pa. ; graduated at Military Academy, cla^s of '64. Actual rant: 1st Lieut. Eng. June 13, '64 ; Capt. March 7, '67 ; Major June 23, '82. Brevet rank Brevet Capt. April 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices during the siege of Petersburg, Va. Service With Engineer Battalion. Army of Potomac, in the Richmond campaign and siege of Petersburg '64-5 ; at Willet's Point, N. Y., '65-66; construction of Fort Ontario '66-67; imp: ments of harbors on Lakes Superior and Michigan '67-70; Engineer Officer De- partment of Dakota 70-71; with Major Barlow during summer of 71, making reconnoissanre and exploration of region afterwards designated as Yellowstone National Park ; asst. to Gen. Gillmore, Charleston, S. C., 71-73 ; on duty under Gen. Warren, Newport, R. I., 73-80; on detached duty in charge of engii exhibit, Centennial Exhibition, 75-77; L. H. Engineer 10th Dist. '80-81 ; on detached service as military representative of the U. S. to congress of electri- cians, and honorary commissioner of the U. S. to the Paris Electncal Exhibition of '81 ; in charge of harbor improvements on east shore of Lake Michigan '82- 83 ; Engineer Secretary Light-House Board '83 to '87 ; Engineer 3d Light-House District '87 to . Heard, John W. (Second Lieutenant 3d Cavalry). Born in Mississippi. Appointed from Miss. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Academy July 1, 79 ; graduated June 13, '83. Ai-twi! ra,,l:2A Lieut. 3d Cav. June 13, '83. Hearn, James A. (Captain and Bvt. Major U. S. A.). Born in Ireland 1826. Appointed from the army. Retired. Actual rank Private, Cor- disability duty. ' Brrt't't rani: 6revet Mai. March 2, '66, for faithful and meritorious ser- vices during the war. rtrrice Served through the entire Mexican \Var '46-48 ; served at Fort Gibson, the Cherokee Nation, from Sept., '49, till July, '51, under Gen. Belknap ; in Eastern and Western Texas from July, '51, till Nov., '56 ; in Florida in the cypress swamps from Nov.,'56 till July, '56 ; Utah expedition from winter of '57 till spring '58; Fort Randall Aug. '58 till Feb. 27, '63; with 16th and 34th Inf. until April 14, '69. Jlntflc*, tftrnMiAei, <(< Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma May 8-9, '46; present at the capture and surrender of Monterey Sept. 20, '46 ; was present at the siege of Vera Cruz from March 7 till March 29, ' 47 ; Cerro Gordo April '47 ; Contreras and Churubusco Aug. 19 and 20, '47 ; was pres- ent at the storming and capture of Chapultepec Sept. 19, '47 ; and at the surren- der and occupation of the city of Mexico Sept. 14, '47, till June, '48. Staff pori- HEI RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 279 tions occupied Mustering and Disbursing Officer, Assistant Commissary of Mus- ter, Acting Ordnance Officer at Sioux City, la., under Gen. Sully from May, '63, Nov. 15, 70. Hearn, Lawrence J. (First Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in Texas. Appointed from Ky. Civil life Actual rank2d Lieut. 21st Inf. Nov. 24 '80 accepted Nov. 27, '80 ; 1st Lieut. July 10, '88. Heath, Frank (Captain of Ordnance). Born in England June 13. '45. Re- tiring year 1909. Appointed from N. Y.; graduated at Military Academy, class of -68. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Art. June 15, '68 ; 1st Lieut. Ordnance Nov. 1, 74; captain Dec. 18, '80. Service Acting asst. Prof, of mathematics at M. A. 71-75; asst. at Frankford Arsenal 76-78; asst at Rock Island 78, 79; at the Cheyenne Ord. Dept. 79-83 ; asst. at National armory '83-86 ; asst. at Watervliet Arsenal '86 to . Commands held Cheyenne Ord. Depot 79-83. Hedburg 1 , Alfred (Captain 15th Inf.). Born in Sweden. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. 15th U. S. Inf. unassigned from Nov. 19, '62, to July 20, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. July 21, '63 ; accepted July 22, '63 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 11, '64 ; Capt. June 17, '67; out of service Jan. 15, 73, to Mar. 1, '89; Capt. 15th Inf. March 1, '89; accepted March 1, '89. Hedekin, Charles A. (Second Lieut. 3d Cav.). Born in Ind. Appointed from Ind. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '83 ; graduated June 11, '88. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Cav. June 11, '88. Heg-er, Anthony (Lieut. Colonel, and Asst. Medical Purveyor). Born in Austria Dec. 4, 1828. Retiring year 1892. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Ai-t mil rank Asst. Surg. Aug. 25, '56 ; accepted Sept. 11, '56; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Aug. 29, '61 ; Major and Surg. Sept. 17, '62 ; Lieut. Colonel and Surg. Jan. 24, '86. Hein, Otto L. (Captain 1st Cav.). Born in D. C. Appointed from D. C. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '66; graduated June 15,70. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st Cav. June 15, '70; 1st Lieut. Sept. 30, 77 ; Capt. Jan. 16, '89. Heiner, Robert G. (Captain 1st Inf.). Born in Penna. Aug. 10, '39. Retir- ing year 1903 ; app. from Penna. Civil life. Actual rank~2d Lieut. 22d U. S. Col. Inf. Dec. 26, '63 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 25, '65 ; hon. must, out Oct. 16, '65 ; 2d Lieut, llth Inf. Feb. 23, '66; accepted April 27, '66; transferred to 29th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; 1st Lieut. July 28, '66 ; unassigned April 25, '69 ; asnigned to 1st Inf. July 14, '69 ; Capt. Sept. 29, 79. Honorably mentioned Twice tendered promotion by Gen. B. C. Ludlow, Chief of Staff to Gen. Butler. /Service Par- ticipated as a member of the 57th Penna. Militia in the capture of the Rebel Gen. John Morgan near Salinesville, Ohio ; Joined regiment (22d U. S. Col. Inf.) at Philadelphia, Pa., and proceeded with it to Fortress Monroe, Va., Feb., '64; joined the command of Gen. B. F. Butler, in the advance to Yorktown and Wil- liamsburg ; Detailed for special duty on Dutch Gap Canal August 26, '64 ; con- tinuously under fire from August 26 to December 20, '64, day and night ; had entire charge and direction of work on the canal for over two months, working from 300 to 400 men daily ; crossed the James River Nov. 1, by direction of Gen. Butler, in charge of troops in open pontoon boats under fire of the enemy, captur- ing the pickets on the opposite side of river from the canal and forcing the enemy to establish a line a mile to the rear, thereby stopping picket firing by the enemy on the working parties on the canal ; of more than two hundred officers the only one who remained continuously on the work till completed ; entered Richmond on the morning of April 3, '65, commanding the first company of occupation of the city ; assisted in extinguishing the flames of the burning city and bridges ; with three other officers placed the first picket line around the city ; proceeded to Washington City with Regiment, by selection and order of Secv. Stanton, to represent that branch of the service at the obsequies of President Lincoln ; 280 RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF IT. S. ARMY. II El commanded the second company in the funeral escort of the President ; pro- ceeded with Regiment by order of Secretary of War to Maryland in search of the assassin Booth ; embarked with regiment on board of steamer near Chapel Point, Maryland, June 1, '68; proceeded to Brazos Santiago, Texas, joining Genl. WeitzeFs command and marching rapidly to Brownsville, Texas, to in- tercept the remnant of the command of Genl. Kirby Smith in its flight to Mexico ; received a sunstroke near Brownsville, Texas, July 1, '65 (twenty-three days in Hospital) ; mustered out of Volunteer Service Oct. 16, '65 ; proceeded with Regiment by steamer to Philadelphia, Pa., there disbanded Nov. 23, V,r, ; joined llth United States Infantry at Camp Grant, Richmond, May, '66; pro- ceeded to Camp Hamilton, Fort Monroe, August, '66, to April, '67 ; President of the Registration of Rappahannock Co., Virginia, under the Reconstruct ion Acts of Congress from April to Oct., '67 ; Assistant Commissioner of Freed- man's Bureau and Military Commissioner under the Reconstruction Acts of ( On gress for Nash, Wilson and Edgecombe Counties, N. C., from June to Dec., '68 ; joined regiment at Jefferson, Tex., March, '69; proceeded to Canton, Tex.; re- mained there until July, '69; member of a Military Commission at Jefferson, Tex., from July to Dec., '69; at Fort Wayne, Mich., Feb. 1, '70; engaged with Co. in quelling the mining riots of the upper peninsula of Michigan May and June, '72 ; proceeded to Dakota June, '74 ; in the defence of Ponca against Sioux Indians Summer and Fall of '74; field duty on the Niobrara and Keyhapaha Rivers in '75, '76, '77; on expedition to Bear Butte and Black Hills May to (K-t.. '78, marching over 300 miles ; promoted Captain September, 71); proceeded with Regiment to San Antonio, Texas, June, '80 ; marched with Regiment to and up the Rio Grande, marching 250 miles; in command of the Post of Mayer's Springs, Texas, from September, '80, to May, '81 ; marched with Company to Fort Stock- ton, Texas, (200 miles) May, '81 ; proceeded to Fort Mohave, Arizona, in Septem- ber, '82; in command of Fort Mohave, from October, '82, to July, 'fi fded with Company July, '83, to Fort Grant, Arizona ; in command of 1 "it (Jrant, August, September, October and part of December, '83, and part of February and March, '84; proceeded to Fort Apache, Arizona, June 1, '84, and remained there until August 3, '86 ; accompanied Regiment to Department of California August, '86; stationed at Benicia Barracks from Aug. 11, '86, until Oct., '87 ; proceeded to Angel Island, San Francisco harbor, October, '87; marched to Santa Cru/, ( ali- fornia, June 1, '87; in Summer encampment at Santa Cruz from June 1 to Sep- tember 1, '87; in Summer encampment at Santa Barbara, California, from June 24, '88, until September 7, '88; on recruiting duty at Columbus Barracks, Ohio, from October 1, '88, to February 11, '89; on Recruiting duty at Cleveland, Ohio, from Feb. 11, '89, to May, 29, '89; on Recruiting Duty at Pittsburgh, Pa., from May 29, '89, until present date, 4th March, '90. Staff petition* o Post Adjt. and A. A. Q. M. at Camp Hamilton, Fort Monroe, Va., A 112., '<><>, to April, '67. Buffi, *A ///// /x///-x, etc. Participated in the Dahlgren and Kilpatrick raid to Richmond, and skirmishes near Bottom's Bridge; with Butler's advance up the James River; in the Battle of Wilson's Wharf, and the repulse of the at- tack on Fort Powhatan in May, '64; Butler's advance on the Bermuda Front to Richmond and Petersburg R. R. ; in the advance and battles before Petersburg from the 15th to the 26th of June, '64; slightly wounded on the 18th of June, in the left leg, and wounded by a Minie ball through left shoulder on the 26th of June, '64 (forty days in Hospital); rejoined Regiment in front of Petersburg, Va. : in actions of Newmarket Height, Dutch Gap, Chapin's Farm and Fair Oaks. Commands field First Co. at occupation of Richmond, Va.; Second Co. at funeral escort to President Lincoln; of Det. in defence of Ponco 74; Post of M: Springs, Tex., from Sept., '80, to May, '81; Fort Mohave, Ariz., Oct., 82, to July, '83; Fort Grant, Ariz., Aug. to Dec., 83, and part of Feb. and March, M Histwy Student at Kittanning Academy and Witherspoon, Pa., from '58 to '<>" ; entered Allegheny College, Meadville, Penna., April, '61 ; while there founded the Alpha Chapter of the A. T. A. Greek Letter Fraternity; upon the advent of the Rebel Army under Gen. R. E. Lee, into the State of Penna., enlisted with other students from College July 1, '63, and was made Sergeant of Co. K, 57th Penna. Militia. HEN RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF TT. S. ARMY. 281 Heistand, Henry O. S. (First Lieut, llth Inf.). Born in Richwood, Ohio, 6th Inf., at Fort Buford, Dak., from Oct. 2 to 19, 78; joined Co. Nov. 4, 78, at Terry's Landing, Mont.; on detached service constructing telegraph lines from Nov.* 5 to Dec. 19, 78, Dec. 26, 78, to Feb. 1, 79, and Feb. 6 to March 6, 79; conducting recruits May 26 to June 12, 79; at Terry's Landing, Mont., shipping government stores from Oct. 4 to Nov. 1, 79 ; constructing bridges from March 20 to 28, '80, and from April 29 to May 7, '80; reconnoitering a wagon road from Fort Ouster, Mont., to Fort McKinney, Wyo., from July 2 to 9, '80 ; on detached service from July 31, '86, to Sept. 17, '86, at Dept. Rifle Camp, Fort Snelling, Minn. Slop positions occupied A. A. Q. M. in the field Nov. 5 to Dec. 19, 78, Dec. 26, 78, to Feb. 1, 79, and from Feb. 6 to March 6, 79 ; at Terry's Landing, Mont., Oct. 4 to Nov. 1, 79; Batt. Adjt. llth Inf. at FortCuster, Mont., May 1, 79, to Sept. 25, '80 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. in the field Sept. 25 to Oct. 12, '80 ; Post Adjt. at Camp Poplar River, Mont., from Oct. 14 to Sept. 25, '80, and from April 27 to Oct. 26, '81 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at same post from Oct. 12, '80, to Oct. 16, '81, and from Aug. 26, '82, to May 24, '84; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Abraham Lincoln, Dak., from June 18, '84, to Dec. 27, '84; A. A. Q. M. at same post from Dec. 1, '85, to June 15, '86 ; A. C. S. from Jan. 31 to June 15, '86, and Post Adjt. from May 27 to June 15, '86 ; Adjt., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Dept. Rifle Camp, Fort Snelling, Minn., from Aug. 7 to Sept. 17, '86 ; A. A. Q. M. at Fort Yates, Dak., Oct. 1, '86, to July 16, '87 ; Adjt., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of Batt. llth Inf. en route to Duluth, Minn. ; Post Adjt., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Ontario, N. Y., from Aug. 9, '86, to . Commands held Cos. B, C and F at various times from April, 79, to Feb. 11, '90 ; of Indian scouts at Fort Custer, Mont., from March 1, '80, to Sept. 25, '80, and at Fort Yates, Dak., from Oct. 1, '86, to July 27, '87 ; of Fort Ontario, N. Y., at various times from Sept. 1, '87, to Feb., '90. Heizmann, Charles L. (Major and Surgeon). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. May 14, '67; accepted June 5, '67; Capt. and Asst. Surg. May 14, 70 ; Major and Surg. Nov. 18, '86. Helmick, Eli A. (Second Lieut. 4th Inf.). Born in Ind. Appointed from Kansas. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy June 15, '84 ; grad. June 11, '88. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut, llth Inf. June 11, '88 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. Aug. 5, '88. Hendershott, Henry B. (Capt. and Brevet Col. U. S. A.). Born in Ky. May 23, 1824. Retired. Appointed from Ohio ; graduated from Military Academy, class of '47. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. July 1, '47 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. Aug. 20, '47 ; 1st Lieut. June 30, '50; transferred to 2d Art. Oct. 21, '59; Capt. April 27, '61 ; retired March 30, '64. Brevet rank Brevet Major, Lieut. Col. and Col. March 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services connected with the recruit- ment and organization of the Volunteer Armies of the United States during the war. Service Served in war against Digger Indians, camp Far West, Cal., '49 to '50; at Fort Yuma, Cal. '51 to '54; in war with Yumas, Cocopabs and Apache Indians ; served on Plains in '59 and '60, against Sioux Indians (Brule); Superin- tendent of recruiting service State of Iowa '60 to '61. Staff positions occupied A. A. G. Southern Dist. of Cal. '50-52. History Met with a serious injury in '61, breaking thigh and internal injuries, whilst en route to join Light Battery. Hennissee, Argulus G. (Captain 8th Cav.). Born in Maryland Jan. 16, 1839. Retiring year 1903. Appointed from Maryland Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 1st Eastern Shore, Md., Vols., Sept. 30, '61 ; Capt. July 24, '62; hon. must, out Feb. 11, '65; 2d Lieut. 19th Inf. Jan. 22, '67; accepted March 28, '67 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '68; unassigned March 31, '69; assigned to 8th Cav. Dec. 31, 70; Capt. March 16, '81. Service Engaged in protecting telegraph lines and prevention of blockade runners supplying rebels to June, '63 ; Judge Adv., Gen 1 Court Martial at Harper's Ferry, Wilmington, Del., and Baltimore, Md., '63-4-5; at post of Madison, Ark., from May, '67, to March, '69 ; Agent for Mescalero and Southern Apache Indians, in New Mexico, from July, '69, to Dec., 70 ; stationed 18 282 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. HEN in Southern Texas from Aug., 75, to Sept., '85; on Recruiting Service at Chicago, 111., from Oct. '85, to Oct. 10, '87 ; marched with Regiment to Dakota in '88; sta- tioned in Dak. since Sep., '88. Staff positions occupied A. A. A. G. 3d Separate Brigade, 8th Corps, May to Aug., '64; Adj. 8th Cav. Oct. 22, '68, to March 16, '81 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Stanton, N. M., three periods in 72-3-4. battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Henry, Guy V. (Major 9th Cav. and Brevet Col. U. S. A.) Born at Fort Smith, Ind. Ter., March 9, 1839. Retiring year 1903 ; appointed from New York ; graduated at Military Academy, Class of r 6L Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st Art. May 6, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61 ; Capt. Dec. 1, '65 ; transferred to 3d Cav. Dec. 15, 70 ; Major 9th Cav. June 26, '81 ; volunteer service, Col. 4,0th Mass. Inf., Nov. 9, '63; hon. must out June 30, '65. Brevet rank Brevet Capt. Oct. '2'2. gallant and meritorious services in action near Pocotaligo River, S. C. ; Mjor Feb. 20, '64, gallant and meritorious service** in the battle of Olustee, Fla. ; Lieut. Col. Sept. 29, '64, gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va. ; Col. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the war; Brig. Gen. Vols. Oct. 28, '64, gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in front of Petersburg. Va. Honorably mentioned Extract from Qen. J. M. Brannan's official report of battle of Pocotaligo, 8. C., Oct. 22, 1862: " I desire to call the attention of the Major Gen. commanding Department (Mitchell) to the gallant and distinguished conduct of 1st Lieut. Guy V. Henry, 1st Art., commanding section of Artillery. His pieces were served admir- ably during the engagement. He had two horses shot under him." [Signed] J. M. BRANNAN, Gtn.-in- Chief. Report of Major Gen. Gilmore to Major-Gen. Halleck on advance in Florida : " * * The advance under Col. Guy V. Henry, comprising the 40th filass. M'td Inf., Independent Battalion of Man. Car. under Mgor Stevens, and Elder's Horse Battery, 1st Art, pushed forward into the entrance on the night of the 8th, captnr.-.! th, battery at Camp Finnegan, and taken without the loss of a man, about 100 prisoners, eight pieces of artillery in serviceable condition, and well supplied with ammunition, and other valuable property to a large amount." [Signed] Q. A. GII.LMORK, Major Gen. CWdy. HEADQUARTERS Bio HORN AND YELLOWSTONE EXPEDITION, CAMP ROBINSON, NEB., Oct. 24, 1871. ON ROSE BUD (see 1876, in record), General Orders No. 8. " If iu the future it should transpire that the avenues for recognition of distinguished services and gallant conduct are opened, those rendered in this campaign will be recommended for suitable reward ; providing that the following-named officers and men are mentioned as carrying on their persons honorable marks of distinc- tion in the severe wounds they have received at the hands of the enemy." ************** CAPT. GUY V. HENRY, 3d Oav. [Signed]" JOHN G. BOURSE, lit Lieut. 3d Cav., A. D. C. and A. A. Qen. By command of Brig. Gen. Crook. [Signed] 7. Boui Service Served during the rebellion of the seceding states '61-65 ; in drilling volunteers at Washington, D. C., May-July, '61 ; in the Manassea campaign of July, '61 ; on the staff of Brig.-Gen. McDowell Sept., '64, to Feb., '65 ; assigned to duty by the President according to grade of Brig. General ; on leave of ab- sence Feb. to April, '65 ; in command of sub-district of the Plains, Military Div. of the Missouri, April to July, '65 ; awaiting orders Aug. to Oct. 17, '65 ; in gar- rison at Fort Hamilton, N. Y ., Oct. 17 to Nov. 6, '65 ; as aid-de-camp to Major Gen. Parke, commanding Southern District of New York, Nov. 6, '65, to Jan. 27, '66 ; in garrison at Fort Knox, Me., February to March, '66 ; Fort Preble, Me., March to April, '66 ; Calais, Me., April to June, '66 ; and Fort Schuyler, N. Y., June, '66, to April, '67 ; on leave of absence Apr. 4, '67, to June '67 ; at Fort Schuyler, N. Y., to Dec., '67 ; instructor at Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va,, to June, '69; member of Board of Artillery Officers to witness experiments with heavy guns at Ft. Delaware, Del., Nov., '68 ; at Ft. Wadsworth,N. Y., to Dec., 70 ; engaged in quelling Fenian disturbances on the Canadian frontier, and in breaking up illicit whisky distilleries, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; at Camp Halleck, Nev., and en route to Angel Island, Gal., Feb., '71 ; en route to and at Camp McDowell, Ariz., to July, '71 ; joined Gen. Crook at Tucson, A. T., July, '71 ; commanding three companies of cavalry and engaged scouting Apache Indians to Dec., '71 ; en route to and at Beuicia, Cal., to March, '72 ; eii route to and at Fort D. A. Rus- sell, W. T., March to May, '73; at Fort Laramie (Indian disturbances), March, 72 ; member of Board to purchase cavalry horses, Omaha, Neb., Oct., 72 ; com- HEN RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 283 manding Camp on Laramie River, W. T., and engaged scouting LVlay to Nov. 73 ; at Fort Russell, W. T., to Jan., 74 ; member of Board of Officers to deter- mine and fix the cavalry accoutrements, equipments and supplies, Fort Leaven- worth, Kan., Jan. 6, 74, to Feb., 74; sick-leave of absence to May, 74; at Ft. Russell, W. T., and Camp Robinson, Neb., to May, 75; commanding expedition to the Black Hills Dec. 26, 74, to Jan. 11, 75, when himself and command were badly fro/en ; sick-leave of absence to April, 76; at Fort Russell, W. T., to May, 76 ; commanding battalion in the Big fclorn and Yellowstone expedition against Sitting Bull and Sioux Indians; command of Benicia Barracks, Cal., to June, 77 ; at Fort Laramie, W. T., to Aug., 77 ; Camp Robinson and scouting to Oct., Ute River expedition Sept. to Dec., 79 ; at Fort Sanders, W. T., to May, '80 ; on sick-leave in California to April, '81 ; on special duty at Salt Lake, Utah, to Jane, '81 ; at Fort Stanton, and scouting in New Mexico to Nov., '81 ; commanding Fort Sill, Indian Territory, from Nov., '81, to Jan., '83 ; member of Board of Officers to determine and fix on cavalry accoutrements, equipments and supplies, Washington, District Columbia, to July, '83 ; on leave of absence to September '83; at Fort McKinney, Wyoming, from September, '89, to - Staff positions occupied \. D. C. Vol. July, '61 ; and from Nov. 6, '65, to Jan. 27, '66 ; Inspector of Rifle Practice, Dept. of the Mo., Leavenworth, Kan., to April, '85 ; Inspector of Rifle Practice, Dept. of the Platte, Omaha, Neb., from April, '85, to Sept., '89 ; relieved at his own request as Inspector of Small Arms Prac- tice. Battle*, s kirmishes, etc. Engaged in the battle of Bull Run July 21, '61 ; in the defenses of Washington, D. C., July to Dec., '61 ; engaged in the action of Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22, '62; with General Hunter's advance on Charleston, S. C. (commanding battalion), April, '63; in operations against Charleston, S. C. (commanding battery), July-Nov., '63, being engaged in the descent upon Morris Island July 10, bombardment of Fort Sumter Aug. 17-23, siege of Fort Wagner July 10 to Sept. 7, '63, and as Acting Chief of Artillery, Department of the South, June, '63 (Colonel 40th Massachusetts Volunteers Nov. 9, '63) ; in command of regiment at Folly Island, S. C., Nov., '63, to Jan., '64, and engaged in expedition to adjacent islands ; in command of light brigade in expedition to Florida Feb. 4 to April 24, '63, being engaged in the action of Camp Finnegan Feb. 8, '64; en- gaged in battle of Olustee, Feb. 26, '64, and skirmishes at Gainesville, Baldwin, Starke, Lake City and Cedar Creek Feb. to April, '64, capturing artillery ot enemy and destroying a large amount of supplies; in command of brigade, 18th Corps (Army of the James), May, '64, to Jan., '65 ; in operations before Rich- mond, Va., being engaged at Bermuda Hundred May 6 to 29, '64, participating in the attack on Drury's Bluff May 12 to 16, '64, battles Cold Harbor June 1 to 3, '64, siege of Petersburg June to Sept., '64, including the mine assault July 30, '64, and in front of Fort Harrison ; engaged at Tongue River and battle of Rose Bud Creek, Montana, where he was severely wounded through the face, losing use of left eye June 17, 76; at Fort Russell recovering from wound to Oct., 76. ( 'o.uiiiands held In command of Co. at Key West, Fla., Dec., '61, to May, '62 ; in command of battery at Hilton Head and Beaufort, S. C., May, '62, to June, '63 ; in command of battery in operations against Charleston, S. C., July- Nov., '63 ; of Regiment at Folly Island, S. C., Nov., '63, to Jan., '64; of Light Brigade in expedition to Florida Feb. 4 to April 24, '63 ; of Brigade, 18th Corps (Army of the James), May, '64, to Jan., '65; of sub-dist. of the Plains, Mil. Div. of the Missouri, April to July, '65 ; Batt. of Cav. in scouting against Apaches from July to December, 71 ; camp on Laramie River May to November, 73 ; expedition to the Black Hills, December 26, 74, to January 11, 75 ; Batt. in the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition; Benicia Barracks, Cal., to June, 77 ; Batt. at capture of Crazy Horae village; Fort Sill, Indian Territory, from November, '81, to January, '83 ; Fort McKinney, Wyo., from September, 89, to . History Son of Major Wm. Seaton Henry, 3d U. S. Inf., who graduated at the U. S. Mil. Acad. in 1835, and grandson of Daniel D. Tompkins, who was 284 RECOEDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. HES twice Governor of N. Y., and Vice-President of the U. S. ; also of Smith Thomp- son, who was Secretary U. S. Navy, and Judge of the U. S. Supreme Court. Author of " Military Records of Civilian Appointments, U. S. Army/' and " Army Catechisms for Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers, U. S. Army," "Pam- phlet on Target Practice," and " Practical Information for Non-Commissioned Officers on Field Dutv." Henton, James (Captain 23d Inf.). Born in England Feb. 2, 1835. Retir- ing year 1899; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl., Sgt. and 1st Sgt Co. D, 6th Inf., Nov. 22, '53, to Nov. 22, '58 ; pvt. gen. ser. and pvt. and 1st Sgt. Co. A, 2d batt., 14th Inf., May 14, '60, to Oct. 25, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 14th Inf., Oct. 5, '61 ; accepted Oct. 25, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 19, '62 ; Capt. Nov. 4, '65 ; trans- ferred to 23d Inf. Sept. 21, '66. firevet rankBvt. Capt. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Staff portion occupied Adjt. 2d batt. 14th Inf. Aug. 1, '65, to Nov. 4, '65. Herrick, Osgood B. (Post Chaplain). Born in Windsor, Vt., April 25, 1826. Retiring year 1890 ; app. from Fla. Actual rank Chaplain (Act. July 5, '38) Nov. 4, '64; Post Chaplain, April 3, '67; accepted May 7, '67. Honorably tioned Extract from Gen. Orders No. 4, Hdqtt. 3d Artillery, Key TPe*, Florida, Sept. 10, 1869. " 2. To Rev. Osgood E. llerrick, Chaplain U. S. A., and his estimable wife. There is probably not a single officer or soldier strickou down who does not feel greatly indebted for their sympathies and tin-ir kind an.! OOMtMlt Attention*. The arduous services, too, of the Chaplain, both a* pantor and friend, am. mi; t In- .-trii-kon in the city, as well as in garrison, were unremitting to the extent of sacrificing his own li.-.iltli fur tli of i.ili.Ts. Contrary to tin- advice of tin- Commanding Officer and hi* physician, this otfi.-er insisted np.>n keeping bis post in Hpite of ill health, and continuing in the performance of every dnt.v I.TH!, and social -until this epidemic was stayed ; and he has thereby shown how well the great military virtue of self-sacrifice combines with the higher virtues of religion." By order of Brev. Maj.-Gen. W. T. SHERMAN. JKO. R. MERBICK, Brev. Maj., 1st Lieut 3d Art'y., Adjt Service Officiating at Key West and Fort Jefferson (Dry Tortugas), Florida, till '69; ordered to Fort Warren, Mass., Jan., 70; ordered to Fort Monroe, Va., June, "75, where stationed to present time. History Ordained deacon in Trinity Church, Geneva, New York, June 15, '51 ; ordained priest in Trinity Church, Geneva, New York, July 2, '52; rector of Emmanuel Church, Adams, New York. '51 ; rector of Christ Church, Manlius, New York, '53; rector of St. Paul's Church Key West, Florida, '56. Hersey, Mark L. (Second Lieut. 9th Inf.). Born at Stetson, Maine, Dec. 1. 1863. Retiring year 1927; app. from Maine; graduated at Mil. Acad., class of '87. Actual rank Additional 2d Lieut. 19th Inf. June 12, '87; 2d Lieut. !th Inf. Aug. 30, '87. Service With mounted detachment in the field for purpose of instruction, Sept. and Oct., '89; marched 500 miles, visited the Grand Canon of the Colorado, in Oct. Commands held Mounted detachment Sept. and Oct., '89. Hess, Frank W. (Captain 3d Art., Bvt. Major). Born in Pa., Dec. 15, '36. Retiring year 1900; app. from Pa. Civil life ; graduated at Art. School, class of '73. Actual rank Capt. 15th Pa. Inf. April 23, '61 ; hon. must, out Aug. 7, 'ill ; \>\ Lieut. 3d Pa. Cav. Nov. 14, '61 ; capt. July 8, '62; major Oct. 31, '64 ; lion. must, out Aug. 7, '65 ; 2d Lieut, llth Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, V,iJ ; trans, to 29th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; trans, to llth Inf. Apr. 25, '69; trans, to 3d Art. Dec. 15, TO : capt. Mar. 15, '81. Brevet rank App. Bvt. Capt. for " Gallant and mer. ser. in the battle of Kelly's Ford, Va," and Bvt. Major for "gallant and mer. ser. in the battle of Gettysburg." Honorably mentioned In the " Records of the Rebellion." Vol. xi. part ii. ; Reports of Gen's Sykes, Warren and Averill, pages 350, 380, 955. Service Served at Lincoln Barracks and Garrison of Washington, '67-68; Mayor of City, Marshall, Tex., under the Reconstruction Act of Congress, '69 ; at Jefferson, Tex., '70; in Light Battery 73-74; Prof. Military Science and Tactics Allegheny College, Pa., March, 77, to Sept., '80 ; at Tampa, Fla., April, '82, to Oct., 83; at Mount Vernon Barracks, Ala., from Dec., '83, to June, Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. of Lincoln Barracks and Garrison of Wash- ington '67 and '68, and at Jefferson, Tex., 70. Battles, skirmishes, dr. During Rebellion was in the following engagements: Yorktown, Va., Williamsburg, HEW RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 285 Savage Station, Jordan Ford on Chickahominy, Charles City Cross-Roads, Malvern Hill, White Oak Swamp Bridge, Nance's Mill, Antietam, Md., Kearneysville and Leetown, Va., Manaasas Gap, Unionville, Piedmont, Middleburg, Goose Creek Bridge, Ashby's Gap, Amosville, Kelly's Ford, Rapidan Station, Brandy Station, Aldie, Gettysburg, Pa., Shepherdstown, Va., Hartwood Church, Warrenton, Spottsylvania, Milford Bridge, North Anna River, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Hatcher's Run (three engagements), Farmville, Appomattox C. H. Commands heldComdg. Post Tampa, Fla., Apr., '82, to Oct., '83; Comdg. Mount Vernon Bar- racks, Ala., from Oct., '82, to June, '84. Heuer, William H. (Major of Engineers). Born at St. Louis, Mo., March 2, 1843. Retiring year 1907. App. from Missouri; graduated at Mil. Acad., Class of '65. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Engineers, June 23, '65 ; Capt. Sept. 22, 70 ; Major March 17, '84. Service Served on Pacific Coast from '65 to '71, as Ass't Engineer on River and Harbor works, including Columbia and Willamette Rivers, Ore., Sacramento river, San Diego Bay, Blossom Rock, Cal., and engaged as -As- sistant in the Military reconnoissance for a wagon road in Nevada, Oregon and Idaho ; then Ass't Engineer in local charge of work at Hallett's Point and Flood Rock, Hell Gate, N. Y. Harbor, from '72 to '76 ; during this time made an exami- nation of Isthmus of Darien, Panama and Nicaragua with the Interoceanic Canal Commission ; in '76 measured Pacific Railroad from Sacramento, Cal., to Battle Mountain, Nev. ; 76 to '80 stationed at Key West, Fla., as Engineer of the 7th Lighthouse Dist. ; erected the Lighthouses at Fowey Rocks and American Shoal, Florida Reef, and the large Beacon and iron Lighthouse on Rebecca Shoal ; in charge of Forts Jefferson and Taylor, Fla. ; from '80 to '84 on duty in New Or- leans, Engineer of 7th and 8th Lighthouse Dists. ; built the Lighthouse at the Jetties, and a small Light in Lake Maurepas, La. ; in charge of Forts Jefferson, Taylor, and other Forts for the defence of New Orleans, and in charge of River and Harbor Works at Sabine Pass, Sabine and Nueces Rivers, Texas, and Inspect- ing Officer of the Jetties at mouth of Mississippi River ; on duty in Philadelphia from '84 to '85 as Engineer of the 4th Lighthouse Dist., in charge of River and Harbor Works on the Delaware River and Bay and tributaries ; also of the Forts in that vicinity ; in '85 returned to New Orleans, resumed same duties as from '80 to '84, and, in addition, the following rivers and streams were placed under his charge : Amite, Tangipahoa, Tickfaw, Tchefuncte, Bogue Falia, Calcasieu, Sa- bine and Nueces Rivers, Bayous Terrebonne, Black, Teche, Lafourche, Cortableau, Pierre, and Harbor Work at Calcasieu Pass, La. ; in '87 returned to San Francisco, Cal., in charge of Improvement of Humboldt Harbor and Bay, Sacramento, Feather, San Joaquin and Mokelumne Rivers and Petaluma Creek ; member of Board of Engineeers to establish harbor lines of San Francisco and San Diego Harbors and adjacent waters, and to investigate the mining debris question in California; Engineer of the 12th Lighthouse Dist. Staff positions occupied- Ad}. Batt. of Eng. June 16, 71, to June 17, 72. Hewitt, Christian C. (First Lieut. 19th Inf.). Born in Va. Appointed from W. Va.; grad. from Mil. Acad., class of 74. Actual rank2d Lieut. 19th Inf. June 17, 74; 1st Lieut. June 15, '82. Honorably mentioned In G. O. No. 11 Head. Qrs. Dep. of Mo. May 7, 75 ; services in an engagement with Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians on Sappa Creek, Kan., April 23, 75. Service At Fort Wallace, Kan., from Sep. 29, 74, to June 13, 77; on detached service Oct. 1 and 2, 74, with a detachment of Co " K," 19th Inf., in pursuit of a band of Cheyenne Indians who had murdered five members and carried off captive four young girls of an emigrant family named Germain. The remains of the five members killed were buried by the detachment 45 miles east of Wallace ; on detached service from Fort Wallace, Kan., from Jan. 3, 75, to Jan. 7, 75; with a detachment of nine men of Co. " K," 19th Inf., and a detachment of six men of the 5th Inf. under the command of 2d Lieut. F. S. Hinkle, 5th Inf., in pursuit of a band of Cheyenne Indians who had killed a buffalo hunter near Wallace, Kan.; four Indians, together with their ponies and arms, were captured and taken to Fort Wallace, Kan.; on detached service from June 20, 76, to Oct. 4, 76, commanding U. b. surveying party making a chain measurement of the overland freight road be- 286 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF IT. S. ARMY. HIL tween Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and Fort Laramie, Wyo.; at Fort Lyon, Col., from June 13, 77, to March 6, '80; on detached service with company from July 25, 77, to Aug. 15, 77, at St. Louis, Mo., during the riote ; on detached service with company from Fort Lyon, Col., from Sep. 18, 78, to Oct. 4, 78, in vicinity of Pierce ville, Kan., scouting after Indians; on detached service from Fort Lyon, Col., with company in field in the Tnd. Ty., from March 8, '80, until July 29, '81, repelling invaders from the Indian Territory ; in Aug., '80, was on detached ser- vice from company, escorting Capt. Payne and other prisoners from Caldwell, Kan., to Fort Smith, Ark.; at Fort Gibson, Ind. Ty., from July 29, '81, to Nov. 1, '81 ; at Fort Brown, Texas, from Nov. 1, '81, to Dec. 12, '82; at Fort Clark, Texas, from Dec. 15, '82, to Oct. 24, '87 ; on detached service from Fort Clark, Texas, from June 15, '85, to Aug. 18, '85; in the field in New Mexico with batt. 8th Cav. under command of Maj. J. A. Wilcox, 8th Cav., at San Antonio, Texas, from Oct. 24, '87, to . Staff position* <<>/], h-rf Post Adj. and Signal officer at Fort Wallace, Kan., from Nov. 1, 74, to June 20, 76, and from Jan. 8, 77, to June 13, 77; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of surveying party from Fort L.-aven- worth, Kan., to Fort Laramie, \Vyo., from June 23, 76, to Oct. 4, 7(5; Acting Reg'l Adj., Post Adj. and Post Treas. at Fort Lyon, Col., from June 27, 7> Aug. 10, 78, and from Oct. 11 until Dec. 19, 78 ; A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., Po-a Adj. and Post Treas. at Fort Lyon, Col., from Feb. 9, 79, to March 1, '80; A. \ M. and A. C. S. of camp near Coffey ville, Kan., from Oct. 7, 'so. to .Ian. 7, '81 ; acting Regimental Adj., Post. Adj. and Post Treas. at Fort Clark, Texas, from Julv 9, '84, to Jan. V,, 's. r ; Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of Batt. XthCav., under command of Major J. A. Wilcox, 8th Cav.; in the field in New Mexico. from June 15, '85, to Aug. 18, '85; appointed Adj. I'.Mh Inf., March 31, '87, /'"'- firs, skii'miithi'*, etc. On detached service from Fort Wallace, Kan., from Apri 75, to April 26, 75, with 40 men of Troop " II," r.th Cav.. under command of I'd Lieut. Austin Henely, 6th Cav., in pursuit of a band of hostile Cheyemi" ami Arapahoe Indians. The Indians were overtaken, surprised and routed on Sapp:i Creek, Kan., April 25, 75; and in an engagement of several hours' duration 19 Indian warriors were killc'l and left on the field. Commam!.* // P. M. a very fierce and strong attack was made upon McCall's Division in the first ln>. \vlii h after a short resistance retired ..... Burns went immediately t<> meet the enemy, and I "avis' and Sully's Brigades were recalled, again marching a part of the way Jit double quick. The Nineteen! Hinks, was the first to arrive, and, scarcely pausing to draw breath, gallantly daHhcd tit the ii"iuv. Th* others followed and wont to the front as they came up. . . . The entire division was now hotly engaged, th-- greater part of it until night, and not only did these troops meet and repulse the assaultx of the enemy, but were forced to withstand the demoralizing influence of the panic among th<**> of tin- lii-t line, who in many instances broke through our ranks in their haute to move out of reach of t IIP enemy's fire. . . . \Ve ha\- (> deplore the loss of several valuable officers. Col. Minks, Nineteenth Massachusetts, fell, wounded, during the action at Glendale while gallantly leading his regiment. Major Howe, of the sam- ment, fell at the same time." Report of Kattlet of Glendalt, by (Jen. John Slywick, rol jri. jxirt it. pm K\ cellency, . . . Colonel Hinks, of the Nineteenth. . . Great credit to due to them officer* for tb splendid condition in which their regiments took the field. The Fifteenth and Nineteenth are in my opin- ion fully equal to any two in the service. "1 have on two occasions strongly recommended the appointment of Colonel Hinks a* Brigadier General. He disciplined and brought into (lie tield one of the finest regiments, and has been twice wounded while gal- lantly leading it in battle. I again urge the appointment." From General Orders of Gen. W. F. Smith, June 17, 1864. ****** "To the colored troops, comprising the Division of General Hinks, the General commanding would call the attention of his command. With the veterans of the 18th Corps they have stormed the works of the enemy a n^ .-4-T rt ^,l-^..- TIT-J i. ^ A 11 * f* A . _! ffcl T\ -t r* 1 ^N tory Governor National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Southern Branch, Hampton, Va., March 9, 72 ; transferred to Northwestern Branch, Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 1, 73 ; resigned as Governor Oct. 15, '80. Hinman, Frederick A. (Captain of Engineers). Born in Michigan July 30, '46. Retiring year 1910. Appointed from Va. ; graduated at Mil. Acad., Class of '67. Actual rank2d Lieut, of Eng. June 17, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 1, '69 ; Capt. June 17, '81. Nr/vVr At Wil let's Point, N. Y. Harbor, with Co. B, Battalion of Engineers, Aug. 17, '67, to Sept. 25, 72, with the following exceptions: at Gettys- burg, Pa., with detachment of Engineers surveying battle-field, Aug., Sept. and Oct., '69; Signal officer Battalion of Engineers, and commanding officer Co. D, Battalion of Engineers, May 1. 71, to June 16, 71 ; at Chicago, 111., as Asst. En- gineer on river and harbor improvements Oct. 4, 72, to Dec. 19, 73 ; at Mobile, Ala., as Asst. Engineer on river, harbor, fortification and light-house works, Dec. 28, 73, to July 8, 74 ; at Chicago, 111., Madison, Wis., and Milwaukee, Wis., as Asst. Engineer on the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers improvement July 14, 74, to June 21, '83; on leave of absence abroad Dec. 27, '82, to May 31, '83; at Mil- waukee, Wis., as Superintending Engineer in temporary charge of the river and harbor improvements on Lake Superior, east of Superior City, on Green Bay, and on the western shore of Lake Michigan north of Milwaukee, including water- level observations on Lake Superior and removal of wreck of schooner " Petrel " in Sheboygan Harbor, from June 22, '83, to Dec. 12, '83 ; at New Orleans, La., as Asst. Engineer on fortification, river and harbor work from Dec. 31, '83, to March 26, '84 ; at Norfolk, Va., in charge of construction of Fort Macon, N. C., and of various work of river and harbor improvements in Virginia, N. C., and S. C., from March 31, '84, to Aug. 12, '84, and of similar work of improvement in Virginia and North Carolina, including preliminary examinations and surveys of certain rivers and the removal of wrecks of schooners " Lawrence " in Scuppernong River, N. C., " Tarry Not" on Craney Island Flats, Va., and "Anthea Godfrey " in Lynn Haven Roads, Va., and the steamer "Concord" in Pamlico River, N. C., from March 31, '84, to Oct. 11, '87 ; member of Advisory Board to State (Virginia), Harbor Commissioner of Norfolk, Portsmouth and Norfolk County, Va., from March 31, '84, to June 27, '87; member of Board on Improving Approach to Nor- folk Harbor and the U. S. Navy- Yard, Va., Aug. 27, '84; on leave of absence on surgeon's certificate of disability since Oct. 24, '87 ; examined by an Army Re- tiring Board on May 31, '89, and found incapacitated for active service. Staff pnsifif,,,* rr, v ,,W A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of Det. at Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. to Oct. '69; Adj. Batt. of Engineers May 1 to June 16, 71. Commands heldCo.D, Batt. of Engineers, from May 1 to June 16, 71. Hinton, Charles B. (Captain 18th Inf.). Born in D. C. Appointed from D.C. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 25th U. S. Inf. May 6, '67; accepted May 20, '67 ; transferred to 18th Inf. April 26, '69 ; 1st Lieut. May 4, 74 ; Capt. Nov. 8, '89. Staff positions occupied R,. Q. M. 18th Inf. from Dec. 22, '88, to Nov. 8, '89. Hirst, Robert L. (Second Lieut, llth Inf.). Born in Penna. Appointed from Penna. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rankU Lieut, llth Inf. July 1, '86. Hoag, John M. (Captain U. S. Army). Born in Macedon, Wayne County, o ^ _.,--,- Captain Dec.TsT^oT " Brevet rank Bvt.Captain" March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Chapin's Farm, Va. ; Bvt. Major and Lieut. 290 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. HOB Col. Vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned "HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA. " ARMr or THE JAMES BEFORE RICHMOND, VA., October 11, 1864. "Soldiert of the Army of the James : "The time has come when it is due to yon, that some word should be said of your deeds. . . . 1st. Lieut. J. Murray Hoag, 4th U. S. C. T., although on sick list and suffering from the effects of fever, in- sisted on leading his Company until he fell, wounded in two places, at the enemy's inner line of abattis. He is promoted to be Captain. . . . " By command of Major General Butler. "Official, JOHN CASSELS, Captain and A. D. C. ED. W. SMITH, Aitt Adjt. G." Service With Army of the Potomac and Arrny of the James ; lost left arm and was severely wounded through right shoulder in charge on New Market Heights, Va., Sept. 29. '64. Hobart, Charles W. (Captain 3d Inf.). Born in M:ias. ; appointed from Ore- gon Civil life. Arfunl runt: 2d Lieut. 1st Oregon Vol. Cav. Jan. 16, '62; 1st Lieut. Oct. 12, '65; hon. must, out July 25, '66; 1st Lieut. 8th U. S. Cav. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 18, '66 ; Capt. March 26, '68 ; transferred to 3d Inf. Dec. 29, 73. H(r /Mxifioits on-upifdA.iY]. 8th Cav. from June 10, '67, to March 26, '68. Hobbs, Charles W. (First Lieut. 3d Art. Bvt. Capt.). Born in N. Y M Feb. 2, 1842. Retiring year 1906; appointed from N. Y. Civil life; graduated at Art. School, Class of 71. Actual rank- 2d Lieut. 113th N. Y. Inf. Aug. 19, V2 ; transferred to 7th N. Y. Art. Dec. 19, '62 ; 1st Lieut. July 13, V,:', . ( 'apt. Nov. 1 -2. '64; Maj Mar. 22, '65; hon. must, out July 3, 65; 2d Lieut. 3d Art. Sept L'l ace. Sept. 24, '67; 1st Lieut. Dec. 20, 75. Brevet raw/!- Bvt. Lt. Col. of N. Y. Vols., for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; Bvt. 1st Lieut. U. S. A., for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania ; Brevet Captain for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va. N In the defenses of Washington to May, '64, and in the Army of the Potomac, '64-5 ; at Fort Warren, Boston, from Oct., '65, to Feb., '67 ; at Fort Johnson, N.C., from Feb., '67, to March, '69; at Oglethorpe Barracks, Savannah, Ga., from March, '69, to May, 70 ; at the Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., from May, 70, to May, 71 ; on duty at Key West Barracks, Fla., from Aug., 71, to S with Light Bat. C,at Charleston, S. C., from Oct. to Nov., 72 ; and at Fort Hamil- ton, N. Y. H., from Nov., 72, to Oct., 74; at Fort Wood, N. Y. H., from Oct., 74, to Jan., 75 ; at Fort Niagara. N. Y., from Jan., 75, to July, 76 ; at Fort Wood and in South Carolina from July, 76, to March, 77 ; at Platteburg Barrack- Y., from March, 77, to Nov., '81 ; atPittsburgh and Scranton, Pa., during labor riots of 77 ; at Yorktown Centennial Oct., '81 ; at Fort Barrancas, Fla., from Nov., '81, to '85 ; in charge of the post in absence of the command during yellow-fever epidemic at Pensacola, summer of '82 ; at Camp Mitchell, Atlanta, <3ra., '83; at Fort Barrancas, Fla., and Atlanta, Ga., to June, '85 ; at Newport Bks., Ky., June, '85, to Aug., '86; at Fort Monroe, Va. (Art. School), Sept., '86, to Oct., '88; at Washington Bks., D. C., with Lt. Batt. C, 3d Art., from Oct., '88, to ; on practice march and encampment of Pa. N. G. and regular mounted troops at Mt. Gretna, Pa., July 25 to Aug. 31, '89. Staff prnitiom occupied Act. Asst. Inspec- tor Gen. 2d Brig., 22d Corps, June, '63, to May, '64; Regt. Adj. from Nov., '63, to Nov., '64; on staff of Gen. Haskin, Chief of Art. Dept. of Washington, D. ('., Sept. to Nov., '64; at Baltimore, and Act. Brig. Inspector to July, '65. BatH--.*, tkirmishes, etc Joined the Army of the Potomac and engaged at the battl* Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy and Cold Harbor, Va. (wounded in hand and leg) ; joined regiment and engaged in the siege of Petersburg, Va., to Feb., '65. Hobbs, Frank B. (First Lieut, of Ordnance). Born in Maine, April 16, 1855. Retiring year 1819; app from Maine; graduated from Mil. Acad. in class of 78. Actual rank -2d Lieut. 2d Art. June 14, 78; 1st Lieut, of Ord. Dec. 16, '82 ; accepted Jan. 22, '83. Service On duty at West Point, N. Y., and Wash- ington Arsenal, D. C., to June, '81 ; member of the Military Division of the At- lantic Rifle Team in 79 and in '80 ; Recorder of the Getty Board on Heavy Ord- nance and Projectiles '81-2 ; on duty in office of Chief of Ordnance June to Nov., '82; on duty as Acting Signal Officer in office of Chief Signal Officer Nov., App. 1, '51. HOF RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 291 '82, to Jan., '83 ; on duty in office of Chief of Ordnance Jan. to Sept., '83 ; on duty as Inspector of steel for guns at Midvale Steel Works Sept., '83, to June, '89 ; on duty in Europe procuring samples of war material Nov., '88, to April, '89 ; on duty as Inspector of steel for guns at the Bethlehem Iron Works since June, '89. Hodges, Charles L. (First Lieut. 25th Inf.). Born in R. I. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp. and Sgt. Co.'s H, E-and G, and Sgt. Major 65th N. Y. Vol. Inf. from Aug. 20, '61, to July 17, '65; Pvt., Corp., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. D, and Sgt. Maj. 18th U. S. Inf. and Pvt. and Corp. Gen.Ser., from Nov 17, '69, to Feb. 13, 75 ; 2d Lieut. 25th Inf. Jan. 20, '75; accepted Feb. 13, '75; 1st Lieut. June 1, '80. Staff positions occupied R. Qm. 25th Inf., from Jan. 1 '82, to March 31, '87. Hodges, Harry F. (First Lieut, of Engineers). Born in Massachusetts. Appointed from Massachusetts. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, July 1, '77 > graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. Eng. June 11/81; 2d Lieut. June 17, '81 ; 1st Lieut., Feb. 20, '83. Staff positions occupied Adj. Batt. Eng. from Nov. 19, '83. to April 30, '85. Hodges, Henry C. (Colonel and Asst. Q. M. Gen'l). Born in Vermont. from Vermont. Cadet at theU. S. Mil. Acad., July 1, '47 ; graduated July ntil rth I Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 17, '66 ; unassigned July 22, '69 ; retired I > c. Ml , 70, from loss of left arm from wound in line of duty. Br> Bvt. 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Freder- icksburg, Va. ; 1st Lieut, and Capt. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the War. Holabird, Samuel B. (Brigadier and Quartermaster General). Born in Conn. Sept. 12, 1824. Retiring year 1890. Appointed from Connecticut. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Academy July 1, '45; graduated July 1. I 1 rank Brevet 2d Lieut. 1st Inf! July 1, '49; 2d Lieut. June 10, '50; 1st Lieut, May 31, '55; Captain and A. Q. M. May 13, '61 ; accepted May 16, '61 ; Major additional Aide-de-Camp July 2, '62; Colonel additional Aide-de-Camp July 11, '62; Mustered out of Volunteer service May 31, '66 ; Lieut. Colonel Deputy Quartermaster General July 29, '66 ; Colonel Assistant Quartermaster General January 22, '81 ; Brig. General, Quartermaster General July 2, '83. Rr; t ,-,//,/ Brevet Major, Lieut. Colonel, Colonel, and Brig. General March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious service during the War. Service Served on frontier duty '49 to '58 ; Regimental Quartermaster July 1, '52, to May 31, '58 ; Recruiting Service '58-59 ; Adjutant Military Academy Sept. 2, '59, to May 13, '61 ; Lieut. Col. Vols. Inspec- tor General Dix's Division (1st Division New York Vols.) May 1 to 13, V.I ; Captain and Asst. Quartermaster May 13, '61 ; served during the War of the Re- bellion ; May 29, '61, to June 10, '61, Quartermaster at Harrisburg, Penna ; June 10, '61, to August 13, '61, in the field Hagerstown, Maryland, with Patterson's Columns ; August 21, '61, to March 31, '62, at Frederick, Maryland ; March to June, '62, Chief Quartermaster of the Division commanded by Major General Banks; July to October, '62, Chief Quartermaster 2d Army Corps, under General Pope, afterwards made the 13th Army Corps, commanded by General William-, and engaged in the actions of the Northern Virginia Campaign and the Mary- land Campaign ; October 27, '62, to Dec. 4, '62, at New York engaged in fitting out Banks expedition ; accompanied expedition to Ship Island, Miss. ; Chief Quartermaster Department of the Gulf Dec. 17, '62, to July 15, '65 ; at the siege of Port Hudson; Depot Quartermaster New Orleans, La., Oct.-Dec., '65; Chiet Quartermaster Department of La., Oct., '65, to March, '66; Washington, D. C., March, '66, to Feb., '67 ; Chief Quartermaster Department of Dakota, Matvh IL', '67, to April 18, 72 ; Chief Quartermaster Department of Texas, June 6, 72, to August 15, 75; Chief Quartermaster Military Division of the Missouri, Oct. 31, 75, to May 6, 78 ; Chief Quartermaster Military Division of the Pacific and De- partment of California, May 12, 78, to October 15, 79; on duty in Quartermaster General's Office Washington, D. C., Nov. 11, 79, to April 30, '82; in chan the General Depot of Quartermaster's Department Philadelphia, Penna., May 1. '82, to July 2, '83 ; at Washington, D. C., as Chief of Q. M. Bureau to present HOL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF IT. S. ARMY. 293 time. Batiks, skirmishes, etc. Actions of the Northern Virginia and Maryland till June, '62 ; Chief Q. M. 2d Array Corps, under Gen. Pope, from July to Oct., '62; Chief Q. M. Dept. of the Gulf, Dec. 17, '62, to July 15, '65; Chief Q. M. Dept. of La., Oct., '65, to March, '66 ; at Washington, D. C., March '66, to Feb., '67 ; Chief Q. M. Dept. of Dak., March 12, '67, to Apr. 18, '72 ; Chief Q. M. Dept. of Texas, June 6, 72, to Aug. 15, '75 ; Chief Q. M. Military division of the Missouri, Oct. 31, 75, to May 6, 78 ; Chief Q. M. Military division of the Pacific and Dept. of California, May 12, 78, to Oct. 15, 79. Holbrook, Willard A. (Second Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Wisconsin. App. from Wis.; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '85. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. June 14, '85. Service Joined at Fort Ellis, Mont. ; upon the abandonment of that post the latter part of July, '86, was designated to remain in charge until Dec. 23, when the possession of the post and reservation was surrendered to Mr. Evans, of Miss., who had been appointed custodian by the Interior Dept.; mean- while had been charged with the purchase of supplies and material for the con- struction of Camp Sheridan, Wyp.; from Fort Ellis went to Fort Custer and was with regiment during the Crow difficulties; qualified every year as a Sharpshooter and represented regiment in the rifle competitions of '87-88-89, becoming distin- guished the last year; participated in first revolver competition held at Bellevue, Neb., and won forth place on team ; at present taking course of study at the School of Application, Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Staff positions occupied Post Adj. and A. A. Q. M. at Fort Ellis, Mont., until July, '86. Battles, skirmishes, etc. En- gagement with Crows Nov. 5, '87. Holley, D wight B. (Second Lieut. 1st Inf.). Born in Conn. Appointed from Conn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Inf. July 1, '86. Hollis, Magnus O. (Second Lieut. 4th Inf.). Born in Ga. Appointed from Ga. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 77 ; graduated June 13, '82. Ar/nal m///: 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Inf. June 13, '82. Holmes, Charles (Captain U. S. A.). Born in N. H. Appointed from N. H. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank 1st Sgt. Co. B, 2d N. H. Vol. Inf., May 27, '61 ; discharged June 30, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 2d N. H. Vol. Inf. July 1, '61 ; hon. must, out Nov. 1, '61 ; Capt. 17th U. S. Inf. Oct. 26, '61; accepted Nov. 12, '61; retired Nov. 28, '63, for wounds in line of duty. Holt, Joseph (Brig, and Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Ky., Jan. 6, 1807. Retired. App. from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank Colonel and Judge Advocate General U. S. A., Sept. 3, '62 ; Brigadier General and Chief of the Bureau of Mili- tary Justice June 22, '64. Brevet rank Brevet Major General March 13, '65, for faithful, meritorious and distinguished services in the Bureau of Military Justice luring the War. Service Served during the War of the Rebellion in charge of the Bureau of Military Justice at Washington, D. C., and bore a conspicuous part in various courts-martial, courts of inquiry and Military Commissions, notably that before which were arraigned the assassins of President Lincoln. He was re- tired at his own request Dec. 1 , 75, being over 62 years of age. History General Holt was educated at St. Joseph's College, Bardstown, Ky., and at Centre College, Danville, Ky. In 1857 he was appointed Commissioner of Patents, and in 1859 was called into President Buchanan's Cabinet as Postmaster General. He suc- ceeded John B. Floyd as Secretary of War Jan., '61, while the Cabinet was em- barrassed with the secession movement. He firmly maintained the right and duty of the National Government to resist attacks on its existence and property. At the close of Buchanan's administration he retired from the War Department; but on the occasion of the inauguration of President Lincoln he actively co-operated with theGeneral-in-chiefin maintaining order and suppressing threatened trai- torous outbreaks at the capital. 294 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. HOR Holton, Frederick D. (First Lieut. 2d Cav.). Born in Vt. Appointed from Vt. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, 76 ; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. June 12, '80 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 12, '86. Homer, William B. (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '66 ; graduated June 15, 70. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. June 15, 70 ; 1st Lieut. April 17, '81. Staff positions occupied Sen. Asst. Inst. of Art. tactics, M. A., from Sept. 29, '84, to Aug. 28, '88. Hpneycutt, John T. (First Lieut. 1st Art). Born in Miss., Jan. 5, 1851. Retiring year 1915. Appointed from Miss. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July, 70; graduated June, 74. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Art. June 17, 74; 1st Lieut July 18, 79. Service At the Art. School, Fort Monroe, V:i., and grad- uated in 78 ; Act. Asst. Prof, of mathematics at the U. S. Mil. Acad. from *> 28, 78, to Aug. 28, '81; Asst. Prof, of mathematics from Aug. 28, '81, to Aug. 28, '82; Prof, of Military Science and Tactics at Rutgers College, New Burnswick, N. J., from Oct. 1, '85, to Oct. 1, '88; at Alcatraz Island, CaL, from '88 to - Hood, Charles C. (Captain 24th Inf.). Born in Ohio, Aug. 28, 1841. Retir- ing year 1905. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual run I: Pvt., Corp'l and Sgt. Co. G, 31st Ohio Inf., Aug. 20, '61, to Feb. 3, '64 ; 1st Lieut. 31st Ohio Inf. Feb. 3, '64 ; Capt. Oct. 26, '64 ; hon. must, out July 20, '65 ; Capt. 41st U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 24, '66 ; transferred to 24th Inf. Oct. 1 1 , Hooton, Mott (Captain 22d Inf.). Born in Penna. April 16, 1838. Retir- ing year 1902. Appointed from Penna. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Sgt. Co. A, 1st Pa. Res. Inf., June 4, '61, to June 10, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Pa. Res. Inf. June 11, '61; Capt. Oct. 16, '61; hon. must, out June 13, '64; 2d Lieut. 13th U. S. Int. Feb. 23, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted April 23, '66 ; trans, to 31st Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; trans, to 22d Inf. May 15, '69 ; Capt. Aug. 5, 72. ///< / / V* K/V* VVT J-^**VVV/*J .ft. y J.VU. AHBV| C*V A V* ^ IH- 1 lil-IfiL , V/lsl/* A.) W j l\S maining about two years ; attended, with battery, the International Encampment at Chicago in '87 ; transferred to Battery A, at Ft. Trumbull, June, '89 ; at Ft. Barrancas, Fla., till July 20, '89; detailed Professor Military Science and Tactics at Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, la., July 20, '89. Howell, Daniel L. (First Lieut. 7th Inf.). Born in Iowa. Appointed from Iowa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 74; resigned Jan. 12, 75; reinstated July 1, 75; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th U. S. Inf. June 13, 79; 1st Lieut. Apr. 23, '89 . Howland, Carver (First Lieut. 4th Inf.). Born in Rhode Island. Appoint- ed from R. I. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 72 ; graduated June 15, 76. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Inf. June 15, 76; 1st Lieut. Oct. 1, '86. Howze, Robert L. (Second Lieut. 6th Cav.). Born in Texas. Appointed from Texas. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83 ; graduated June 11, '88. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Cav. June 11, '88; 2d Lieut. 6th Cav. July 7, '88. HOY RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 299 Hoxie, Richard L. (Captain of Engineers). Born in New York Aug. 7, 1844. Retiring year 1908. Appointed from Iowa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 64 ; graduated June 15, '68. Actual rank Bugler, Pvt. and Corp'l Co. F, 1st Iowa Cav., June 13, '61, to June 9, '64 ; 2d Lieut. Eng. June 15, '68 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 22, 70 ; Capt. (14 years ser.) June 15, '82. Hoyle, Eli D, (First Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in Georgia. Appointed from Ala. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 71 ; graduated June 16, 75. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d Art. June 16, 75; 1st Lieut. Oct. 28, '83. Staff positions oc- Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. June 13, 72 ; 1st Lieut. April 29, 79. Hoyt, Charles H. (Major U. S. A.). Born in Conn. Sept. 30, 1825. Eetired ; and Q. M. Feb. 15, '89 ; retired Sept. 30, '89. Brevet rankEvt. Major, Lieut. - Col. and Col. of Vols. for faithful and meritorious services during the war; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vol. for meritorious services in the Northern Department, March 13, '65. Service Chief Quartermaster 1st Div., 2d Army Corps, Army of Potomac, to Jan., '64; on duty in Quartermaster General's office to Sept., '64; Chief Quar- termaster Northern Department, Hdqrs. at Columbus, Ohio, to Oct., '64 ; Chief Quartermaster Department of Ohio, Hdqrs. at Cincinnati, Ohio, and Detroit, Mich., to Sept., '66 ; President of Board for the examination of officers of the Q. M. Dept. in Northern and Northwestern Departments, '64, '65 ; Chief Q. M. Dept. of the Lakes, Hdqrs. Detroit, Mich., to Dec. 31, '66; member of the Board for the examination of officers of the Q. M. Dept. at Washington, D. C., to Mar., '67 j special duty at Galveston and San Antonio, Tex., to June, '67 ; Senior and Super- vising Q. M. Sub Dist. of the Rio Grande, Hdqrs. at Brownsville, Tex., and Dept. Q. M. at Brownsville and Brazos Santiago, Tex., to Feb., '68 ; disbursing officer, Hdqrs. 5th Mil. Dist., New Orleans, La. , and in charge of National Cemeteries to Nov., '68 ; special duty at Austin and San Antonio, Texas, to Dec., '68 ; establishing depot for supply of troops in Northeastern Texas, and in charge of same at Jefferson, Texas, to Sept., '69 ; general inspection duty Hdqrs. at Baltimore, Md., to March, 70 ; in charge of General Depot of the Quartermaster's Dept. at Washington, D. C., to May, 70 ; in charge of the General Depot of the Quartermaster's Dept. at Jeffersonville, Ind., and the construction of fire-proof warehouses and offices for Jeffersonville Arsenal of the Q. M. Depot until Nov., 72, when buildings were completed ; disbursing officer district of the Lakes, at Camp Warner, Ore., to Feb., 73 ; Chief Quartermaster and disbursing officer, Modoc expedition, in the field, Oregon and Cal., to June, 73 ; disbursing officer district of the Lakes, at Fort Klamath, Oregon, to Aug., 73 ; special duty at Portland, Oregon, to Sept., 73 ; special duty at Sitka, Alaska ; disbursing officer at Fort Walla, Wash. Ty., to June, 74 ; depot and disbursing Quartermaster, and in charge of fitting out expeditions against hostile Indians at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to June, '80 ; Chief Quartermaster Dept. of West Point, to Aug., '82 ; Post Quartermaster, Quartermaster and disbursing officer of the Military Academy, member of Advis- T 1 1 i i ,. * ,/>! _1 _ A TT * L ~ 1 J. 1TT^4- T>^i4- Sept. 30, '89. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Present with command at battles of Wil- liamsburg, Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville. Commands Me? Com- pany of Office Batt. Q. M. Gen. Ofiice during siege of Washington/64^ Etc 1839. 1st Sergt. Inf. ' 300 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. HUB *. hori. must, out July 3, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. June 18, '67 ; accepted July 20, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 5, 74 ; Capt. and A. Q. M. Oct. 5, '89. Service Field service during the Civil War; in the field against hostile Indians and stationed at Fort Reno, I. T., to June, '68 ; at Fort D. A. Russell, W. T., to April, '69 ; at Atlanta, Ga. (and on detached service therefrom), Edgfield, Columbia, Spartanburg and Greenville, S. C., and Chattanooga, Tenn., from April, '69, to April, '79; at Fort Assiniboine, W. T., from May, '79, to May, '85 ; Forte Leavenworth and Hays, Kan., from June, '85, to April, '88 ; exective offices at U. S. Military Prison from May 1, '88, to October, '89 ; Depot Quartermaster at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., from November 1, '89. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 18th Infantry from June 30, 79, to March 31, '87 ; A. A. Q. M. at Fort D. A. Russell, W. T., from December 14, '68, to March 22, '69 ; A. C. 8. at Warrenton, Georgia, October 31 to December 24, 70; A. A. Q. M. at Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 30, 71, to July 31, 72; A. C. S. at Atlanta, Ga., Nov., 71, to Dec., 73; Post Adjutant at At- lanta, Ga., July, 72, to Sept., 73 ; A. A. Q. M. at Atlanta, Ga., Sept., 73, to Dec., 73 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Atlanta, Ga., June, 74, to Nov., 75 ; Post Adju- tant Edgfield, S. C., Sept. to Nov., 76 ; A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. and Adjt. Spartan- burg, S. C., Feb. to April, 77 ; Post Adjutant Greenville, April to July, 77 ; A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. and Adj. Chattanooga, Tenn., July, 77, to April, 79 ; A. A. Q. M. Fort Assinikyne, M. T., June 30, 79, to June, '85; A. C. S. Fort Assini- boine, M. T., Oct. 1, 79, to June, '81; A. A. Q. M. Fort Leavenworth, Kans., June, '85, to June, '86 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Fort Hays, Kans., July, '86, to March, '87. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In action at Rappahannock Station and Warrenton Springs, Va., battles of Gainesville, Bull Run (2d), and Chantilly, Va., South Mountain and Antietam, Md., and Fredericksburg, Va., '62 ; engaged in battle of Chancellorsville and action at Fitz Hugh Crossing, Va. ; battles ot Brandy Station, Va., Gettysburg, Pa., and operations at Mine Run in '63 ; battles of the Wilderness (wounded), Petersburg, Weldon R. R., and action at Hatcher's Run, Va., '64; battles of Dabney's Mills (Hatcher's Run), and at Appomattox C. H., April, '65. Hoyt, Ralph W. (First Lieut, llth Inf.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '68; graduated June 14, 71 Actual rank 2d Lieut, llth Inf. June 14, 72 ; 1st Lieut. June 7, 79. Staff posi- tions occupied Reg. Q. M. llth Inf. June 7, 79, to May 31, '86. Hubbard, Elmer W. (Second Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in Connecticut, Sept. 27, 1861. Retiring year 1925 ; appointed Cadet to U. S. Mil. Academy from Conn., July 1, '81 ; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Art. June 14, '85. Service Served at Fort Canby, Wash., to Oct., '87 ; with light battery K, at Presidio of San Francisco, from Oct., '87, to Aug. 28, '89 ; Instructor of chemistry, electricity, mineralogy and geology at the U. S. Mil. Academy from Aug. 28,*'89, to . Staff positions occupied Post Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Canby, '86-7. Hubbard, Van Buren (Major and Surgeon). Born in Ohio, May 1, 1833. Retiring year 1897 ; appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. July 11, '62; accepted Aug. 2, '62 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. July 28, '66 ; Maj. and Surg. Aug. 10, '81. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. and Maj. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the War. Hubbard, Wm. F. (Post Chaplain). Bom at Plymouth, Chenango County, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1844. Retiring year 1908. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. D, 149th N. Y. Inf., Sept. 4, '62, to June 8, '64 ; Post Chaplain Jan. 21, '87; accepted March 5, '87. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Present at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Hubbell, Henry W. (Captain 1st Art.). Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Graduated from Art. School, May, 72. Actual rank Private Co. H, 7th N. Y. S. M., April 17, '61 ; discharged June 3, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 4th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 4, '61 ; hon. must, out Oct. 4, '63; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. June 18, '67; accepted July 17, '67; 1st Lieut. Nov. 17, 73 ; Captain Aug. 7, '89. Service Served in the defenses of Washington, D. C., '61; on staff duty Dec., '61; accom- panied Gen. Wright to headquarters Dept. of the Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept., HUG RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 301 '62; on temporary duty on the staff of Brig. Gen. Gillmore in Kentucky, Oct., Nov. and Dec., same year; accompanied Gen. Wright to the Army of the Potomac in April, '63 ; reported for duty at regimental headquarters 1st Art., Fort Hamil- ton, N. Y. H., Aug. 17, and assigned to Battery M, stationed at that post, Dec., '68 ; ordered to Light Battery K and joined it at Sedgwick Barracks, New Orleans, La. ; in March proceeded with battery by steamer to Fort Leavenworth, Kan. ; April, marched to Fort Riley, Kan., to form part of the command designated as a school of instruction for field artillery (Light Batteries K, 1st, A, 2d, C, 3d and B, 4th Art.) ; during the summer scouting against hostile Indians on the Republican River, battery equipped as cavalry; in Sept., 70, relieved from duty with Light Battery and ordered to Battery B, Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. Harbor; in May, 71, ordered to the Artillery School at Fort Monroe, Va. ; graduated May, 72, and ordered to Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Harbor ; in Nov., proceeded with Battery C to Fort Pulaski, Georgia ; Oct., 73, to Oct., 74, at St. Francis Barracks, St. Augus- tine, Florida ; Oct., Nov. and Dec., at Charleston Arsenal, S. C., and in camp to science and tactics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. ; Sept., 78, to Nov., '81, at Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, N. Y. Harbor, post adjutant; on special duty on the staff of Major- General Hancock during the centennial celebration at Yorktown, Va., Oct., '81 ; proceeded with regiment to California in Nov., '81, and stationed at Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Harbor, post adjutant ; Alcatraz IsPd., to Oct., '83; Professor Military Science and Tactics, Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., to Sept., '86 ; Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., to Sept., '88 ; in charge of Recruiting rendezvous, Augusta, Ga., to Sept., '89; at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., to May, '90. Staff positions occupied Vol. A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. H. G. Wright, Commanding 3d Brigade, Sherman's Division, Expeditionary Corps to Port Royal, S. C., Nov., '61 ; A. D. C. of Vol. Dec. 24, '61, to Oct. 4, 63 ; Post Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at St. Francis Bks., Fla., Oct., 73, to Oct., 74; Post Adjt., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Oct. to Dec., 73, at Charleston Arsenal and in camp at Summerville, S. C. ; Post. Adj. at Alcatraz Island, Cal. Battle*, skirmishes, etc. Tybee Island, Georgia, Decem- ber 24, and at investment of Fort Pulaski,, Ga., occupation of Fernandina and Jacksonville, and operations against Charleston, S. C., including action at Secess- ion ville, Jaines Inland, S. C., June 15, 62 ; honorably mentioned. Hubert, Edgar (First Lieut. 8th Inf.). Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, June 14, 1876 ; graduated June 12, 1880. Actual rank2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Inf. June 12, '80; 1st Lieut. Oct. 29, '87. services in the battle of the Wilderness and during the campaign before Rich- mond, Va. ; Brevet Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. June 15, '55, to July 18, 55 ; Huggins/Elf L'. (Captain 2d Cav.). Born in Illinois Aug. 1, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from Minnesota-Civil life. A<^^J^ & Corporal Co. E, 2d Minn. Inf., July. 5, '61, to July 14 '61 ; Private Co K, 1st Minn. Art., Feb. 16, '65, to Feb. 28, '65; 1st Lieut 1st .Minn. Art. March L 1 65, hon. must/out Sept. 27, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Art. Feb 23, 66 ; accepted April 16 '66; 1st Lieut. Dec. 24, '66; transferred to 2d Cav. April 11, 79; Captain April 23 79 Hughes, James B. (Second Lieut. 10th Cav.). Born in North Carolina. 302 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. AR\fY. HUM Appointed from North Carolina. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, July 1, '80 ; graduated June 15, '84. Actual rank2d Lieut. 10th Cav. June 15, '84. Hughes, Martin B. (Captain 9th Cav.). Born in Pennsylvania, May 16, 1847. Retiring year 1911. Appointed from Pennsylvania. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Academy, July 1, '65 ; graduated June 15, '69. Actual Rank1& Lieut. 9th Cav. June 15, '69; 1st Lieut. May 24, 73 ; Captain June 6, '85. Hughes, Robert P. (Colonel and Inspector Gen'l). Born in Pennsylvania April 11, 1839. Retiring year 1903. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. E, 12th Penn. Inf., April 25, '61 ; discharged August 5, '61; 1st Lieut. 85th Pa. Inf. Oct. 11, '61; Captain May 20, '62; hon. must, out Dec. 6, '64; Lieut. Col. 199th Pa. Inf. Dec. 7, '64; Brevet Colonel April 2, '65 ; hon. must, out June 28, '65; Captain 18th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Nov. 27, '66; unassigned April 26. '69 ; assigned to 3d Inf. July 5, 70 ; Major and Insp. Gen'l Feb. 19, '85; accepted March 2, '85 ; Lieut. Col. and Insp. Gen'l March 11, '85; Colonel and Insp. Gen'l Aug. 31, '88. Brevet rank Brevet Major March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the assault on Fort Gregg, Va. ; Brevet Colonel Vols. April 2, '65, for gallant and distinguished services at Fort Gregg, Va. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Nov. 30, '69, to July 31, 70 ; April L'3, 73, to March 3, '83. Hughes, "William B. (Lieut. Col. and D. Q. M. G .). Born in Tenn., Oct. 13, '32. Retiring year 1896. Appointed from Tenn. Cadet at U. S. Military Aoidemy July 1, '52 ; graduated July 1, '56. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. .Inly 1 . '56; 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. Sept. 30, '56; lat Lieut. April 1, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 18th Int. May 14, '61 (declined); Capt. 18th Inf. Oct. 24, '61 (declined) ; Capt., A. Q. M. Feb. 19, '63; accepted April 25, '63; Maj. Q. M. May 29, 76; Lieut. Col. and Dep. Q. M. Gen. Feb. 15, '89. Hughes, William N. (Second Lieut. 13th Inf.). Born in Tenn. Appointed from Tenn. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 13th Inf. Sept. 1, 79; accepted Nov. 11, 79. Hull, Gustavus A. (Captain M. S. K. Q. M. Dept.). Born in N. V. \|> Jointed from Ky. Civil life. Actual rank M. S. K. July 21, '62 ; accepted Auu r , '62 ; Capt. M. S. K. July 28, '66. Humphrey, Charles F. (Captain and A. Q. M.). Born in N. Y., Sept. 2, 1844. Retiring year 1908. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp' I. Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. E, 5th U. S. Art., from March 17, '63, to June 28, '66 ; :M Lieut. 5th Art. May 8, '66; accepted June 28, '66; trans, to 4th Art. Oct 3, 1st Lieut. May 28, ''68 ; Capt., A. Q. M. June 23, 79; accepted July 9, 79. Humphrey, Harry D. (Second Lieut. 20th Inf.). Born in Wis. Appointed from Idaho Civil life. Actual rank Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, '81, to June 14, '82 ; 2d Lieut 20th Inf. Jan. 10. '87 ; accepted Feb. 25, '87. Humphreys, Charles (First Lieut. 3d Art). Born in Phila., Pa., May 12, 1844. Retiring year 1908. Appointed from District of Columbia Civil life. A>1- ual rank 2d Lieut. 1st N. Y. Art. Feb. 14, '65 ; honorably mustered out June 16, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. May 9, '67 ; accepted Mav 15, '67; 1st Lieut. Jan. 1, 70. Service Mustered into service Feb. 14, '65, as 2d Lieut. 1st N. Y. Lt. Art. ; being considered too young to receive commission, served as volunteer aid without pay on staff of Maj. -Gen. Humphreys from Sept., '63, till Nov., '64, at which time reported for duty with light battery F, 1st N. Y. Art., as an acting officer awaiting appointment; mustered out of service at Elmira, N. Y., June 16, '65. Staff / tions occupied Volunteer on Maj.-Gen. Humphreys' staff from Sept., '63, till Nov., '64; Aide-de-Camp to Brig. Gen. Wm. Hays, 5th Art.; Post Adjutant, A. A. Q. M., A. A. C. S., Signal and Ordnance officer at various posts. Baffles, skirmishes, etc. Morton's Ford, Mine Run, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Cold Harbor and all the battles and operations against and including Petersburg. His- tory Son of Gen. Humphreys, who was Chief of Engineers U. S. Army, grand- son of Samuel Humphreys, 1st and Chief Naval Constructor U. S. Navy, and great-grandson of Joshua Humphreys, the father of the American Navy, the architect and designer of the five famous frigates, the " Constitution " being one of them. Humphreys, Henry H. (Captain and Bvt. Lieut. Col. 15th Inf.). Born in HTTN RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF II. S. ARMY. 303 Pa. June 5, '40. Retiring year 1904; appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 2d Pa. H. Art. Oct. 3, '62 ; resigned Apr. 26, '65 ; Maj. A. D. C. Apr. 5, '65 ; ace. Apr. 27, '65 ; Bvt. Lt. Col. April 9, '65 ; hon. must, out Nov. 10, '65 ; 2d Lt. 17th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '66; ace. April 23, '66 ; trans, to 35th Inf. Sept., 21, '66 ; transferred to 15th Inf. Aug. 12, '69; Capt. Jan. 15, '73. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; Bvt. Maj. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 2, '67, for gal- lant and meritorious services at the fall of Petersburg, and in the pursuit of the rebel army under Gen. R. E. Lee; Bvt. Capt, Vol. Aug. 1, '64; for faithful and meri- torious services in the field; Bvt. Maj. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meri- torious services during the war; Bvt. Lieut. Col Vol. April 9, '65, for valuable and meritorious services during the recent campaign terminating with the sur- render of the insurgent army under Gen. R. E. Lee. Hunt, Levi P. (First Lieut. 10th Cav.). Born in Missouri. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '66 ; graduated June 15, '70. Actual rankId. Lieut. 10th U. S. Cav. June 15, 70 ; 1st Lieut. June 30, '75. Hunt, Thomas B. (Captain and Bvt. Lieut. Col. U. S. A.) Born in Canada. App. from Minn. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank 1st Lieut. R. Q. M. 4th Minn. Inf. Dec. 23, '61 ; hon. must, out April 24, '63 ; Capt. A. Q. M. Nov. 26, '62 ; ace. April 25, '63 ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. July 28, '65 ; vacated Apr. 2, '67 ; Capt. A. Q. M. Jan. 18, '67 ; accepted April 2, '67 ; out of service Feb. 26, '74; reappointed June 12, '79, with former rank and date of commission ; accepted June 16, '79 ; retired Feb. 20, '85, disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. and Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 2, '67, or faithful and meritorious services in the quartermaster's dept. during the war ; Bvt. Maj. Vol. and Bvt. Lieut Col. Vol. July 28, '65, for meritorious services in hi* department. Hunter, Alfred M. (Second Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in Illinois. Appointed from III. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83 ; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th Cav. June 12, '87; 'transferred to 4th Art. April 3, '88 ; to rank in Art. Deo. 31, '87. Hunter, Charles H. (First Lieut. 1st Art). Born in Pennsylvania. Ap- pointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy June 14, '76 ; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 19th Inf. June 12, '80 ; transferred to 1st Art, March 18, '81 ; 1st Lieut. March 2, '89. Hunter, Edward (Major and Judge Advocate). Born in Maine Nov. 20, 1839. Retiring year 1903 ; appointed from Maine. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '60; graduated June 23, '65. Actual rank2d Lieut 12th Inf. June 23, '65 ; 1st Lieut. June 23. '65 ; transferred to 1st Cav. Feb. 19, '70 ; Capt. Aug. 21, '79; Maj. Judge Adv. Dec. 10, '88; accepted Jan. 16, '89. Staff positions occupied Q. M. 3d batt., 12th Inf., Feb. 23, '66, to Aug. 11, '66 ; R. Q. M. 12th Inf. Aug. 11, '66, to Feb. 28, '69; A. D. C. May 1, '67, to April 6, '69; Adjt. 12th Inf. Oct. 31, '69, to Feb. 19, '70 ; R. Q. M. 1st Cav. Sept. 19, '70, to May 1, '73 ; Adjt. 1st Cav. Nov. 26. '77, to Aug, 21, '79. Hunter, George K. (First Lieut. 3d Cav.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '73 ; graduated June 15, '77. Actual, rank Add. 2d Lieut. 4th Cav. June 15, '77 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Cav. Dec. 14, '77 ; 1st Lieut. May 24, '81. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 3d Cav. Nov. 27, '85, to Aug. eye >o/? Huntington, David L. (Major and Surgeon, Brevet Lieut. Colonel). Born in Massachusetts April 10, 1834. Retiring year 1898. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Ami. Surg. July 11, '62 ; accepted Aug. 18, '62 ; Col. and Med. Dir. Vol. from Feb. 25, '65, to June 30, '65 ; C*pt. and Asst. Surg. July 28, 66; Maj. and Surgeon Jan. 10, '79. Brevet ranfc-Bvt. Capt. and Maj. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Huntt, George G. (Lieutenant Colonel 10th Cav.). Born in District of Co- ItmbiaSept. 1, 1835. Retiring year 1899. Appointed from D. C. Civil lite. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. (4th Cav.) March 27, '61; accepted March 30, 61 ; 304 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. IL6 1st Lieut. May 2, '61 ; Capt. 4th Cav. July 17, '62 ; Maj. 1st Cav. Feb. 10, '70 ; Lieut. Col. 10th Cav. April 21, '87. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 4th Cav. from Sept. 1, '61, to July 17, '62. Hurst, Joseph H. (Captain 12th Inf.). Born in England May 31, 1838. Re- tiring year 1902. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Actual rank Sgt. Co. A, 141st Pa. Inf., Aug. 7, '62; discharged Feb. 16, '63; 1st Lieut. 141st Pa. services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. ; Brevet Capt. March 7, '67, for gal lant and meritorious services in the battle of Spottsylvania, Va. Huston, Joseph F. (First Lieut. 20th Inf.). Born in New York. Appoint- ed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '69 ; graduated June 13, 73. Actual rank2d Lieut. 20th Inf. June 13, '73 ; 1st Lieut. June 28, 78. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 20th Inf. June 30, '83, to Sept. 1, '87. Hutcheson, Grote (Second Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 79 ; graduated June 15, '84. Actual rankZd Lieut. 9th Cav. June 15, '84. Hutchinson, Merrill N. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in N. H. Appointed from the Army. Retired. Actual rankPvt. and Sgt. Co. " G," 1st Bait. 18th Inf. Oct. 12, '61, to July 16, '62; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. June 9, '62 ; accepted July 16, '62; 1st Lieut. Jan. 14, '63 ; retired Jan. 6, '64, disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Sept. 20, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. Hutton, James A. (First Lieut. 8th Inf.). Born in Cal. Appointed from Cal. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 72 ; graduated June 15, AHunl ,-nnk 2d Lieut. 8th Inf. June 15, 76 ; 1st Lieut. May 23, '84. Huxford, William P, (Captain and Bvt. Maj. U. S. A.). Born in N. V. A p. from N. Y. Civil life. Retired. Actual ,-nkP\i. and Corp. Co. " D," 4th Mich. Inf., June 10, '61, t o Aug. 15, '62; Pvt. Co. " B," and Sgt. Maj. 162d N. Y. Inf. Sept. 6, '62, to Jan. 3, '63 ; Capt. 162d N. Y. Inf. Jan 3, '63 ; hon. must, out < >ct. 12, '65 ; Cant. 42d U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted October 13, '66 ; retired Sept. 10, '68, disability resulting from wound in line of duty. Brevet ran/: Bvt. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious service in the assault on Port Hudson, La. Hyde, John McB. (Capt. and A. Q. M.). Born in New York, Nov. 1, '41. Retiring year 1905. App. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rankPriv. Co. " A," 71st N. Y. S. M., June 16, '61 ; discharged July 30, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 38th N. Y. Inf. Jan. 11, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 1, '62 ; hon. must, out June 22, '63 ; 1st Lieut. 38th N. Y. Inf. June 29, '63 ; hon. must, out Oct. 14, '63 ; 1st Lieut. 39th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 22, '63; Major Jan. 27, '65 ; hon. must, out May 15, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 33d Inf. Sept. 3, '67; transferred to 8th Inf. May 3, '69; 1st' Lieut. March 26, 78; Capt. and A. Q. M. Oct., '89 ; Resigned line commission Dec. 16, '89. Bwrf rank Bvt. Lt.-Col. Vols. for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Cold Harbor, Va. ; Col. Vols. for gallant and meritorious services in front of P Va. Service On recruiting duty in New York City June to Oct., '63. 6 positions occupied Adj. 8th Int. from May, '86, to Oct., '89 ; Adj. 38th and 39th N. Y. Inf. Vols. '63. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle of 1st Bull Run, Va. (wounded) ; engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles ot second Bull Run (wounded), Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville ; engaged at the action of Morton's Ford, battles of the Wilderness, action of Po River, battles of Spottsylvania Court House, North Anna, Tolopotoiny, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Deep Bottom, Farmville, and capitulation of Appomattox Court-House, History The 38th N. Y. Vols. was a two years' organization and mustered out in June, 63 ; was adjutant Nov., '62, and mustered out with Regt ; then was com- missioned 1st Lieut, and Adj. in June, '63, to reorganize the Regt., which expired in Oct., '63. Ilsley, Charles S. (Captain 7th Cav.). Born in Me. Aug. 4, 1836. Retiring year 1900; appointed from Me. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. C, 71st N. Y. IRV RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. 305 S. M., April 20, '61; discharged July 30, '61; Capt. 15th Me. Vol. Inf. Pec 23 '61 ; hon. must, out March 25, '65; Capt. 5th N. Y. Vol. Art. April 3, '65 hon' must, out July 19, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23 '66, accepted April 25, '66; unassigned April 17, '69; assigned to 1st Cav. Dec. 15 70 ; trs. to 7th Cav. Dec. 23, 70 ; Capt. July 11, 71. Brevet rankBvt. Capt. March 2, '67, for gal. and mer. serv. during the war. Staff positions occupied A. A. Insp. Gen. in Texas to April, '64; A. A. Insp. Gen. on staff of Gen. Seward, Nov., '64, to May, '65 ; on staff of Gen. Fessenden to June, '65 ; A. D. C.Vols. from June 3 to July 15, '65 ; A. D. C. to Gen. Pope from Jan. 1, '68, to Aug. 28, 79. Service In the War of the Rebellion, 61-5 ; in the Army of the Potomac, cam- paign of '61 ; at Ship Island, Miss., and Fort Pickens, Fla.; at Brazos Santiago, Tex., to April, '64; in the Red River campaign ; in Gen. Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley campaign, '64. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in First Bull Run, Va., '61 ; capture of New Orleans, action of Thibadoux, La., Mustang Island and Fort Esperazo, Tex., '62; Sabine Cross Roads, Pleasant Hill and Cane River, La., and Winchester, Va., '63-4. Ingalls, Charles H. (Captain and A. Q. M.). Born in Me. Jan. 17, 1855. Retiring year 1919; appointed from Me. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf. Feb. 29, 76 ; accepted March 21, 76 ; 1st Lieut. June 26, '83 ; Capt., A. Q. M. July 2, '83; accepted July 13, '83. Ingalls, James M. (Captain 1st Art.). Born in Vt. Jan. 25, 1837. Retiring year 1901 ; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. and Corpl. Co. A, 2d Batt., 16th U. S. Inf., and Com. Sgt. and Qm. Sgt. 16th Inf. from Jan. 2, '64, to May 21, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 16th Inf. May 3, '65 ; 1st Lieut. May 3, '65; accepted May 21, '65; trs. to 2d Inf. April 17, '69; trs. to Art. Arm Jan. 1, 71 ; assigned to 1st Art. Jan. 1, 71 ; Capt. July 1, '80. Staff positions occupied Qm. 1st Batt., 16th U. S. Inf., from June 4, '65, to Sept. 21,' 66. Ing-alls, Rufue (Brigadier General and Brevet Major General U. S. A.). Born in Me. Retired. Appointed from Me. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '39; graduated July 1, '43. Actual rankBvt. 2d Lieut. Rifles July 1, '43; 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Drag. March 17, '45 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 16, '47; Capt. and A. Q. M. Jan. 12, '48; accepted Jan. 12, '48; Capt. 1st Drag. Oct. 22, '54; Lieut.-Col. A. A. D. C. Vol. Sept. 28, '61; accepted Oct. 1, '61; Maj. and Qm. U. S. A. (fourteen yrs. service) Jan. 12, '62; Brig. Gen. Vol. May 23, '63 ; accepted May 26, '63 ; hon. must, out Sept. 1, '66 ; Lieut.-Col., D. Qm. Gen. U. S. A. July 28, '66 ; ac- cepted Nov. 8, '66; Col. A. Qm. Gen. July 29, '66; Brig. Gen. Qm. Gen. Feb. 23, '82; accepted March 10, '82; retired July 1, '83, at his own request, forty years' service. ^ Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Feb. 4, '47, for gallant and meri- torious conduct in the conflicts of Embudo and Taos, N. M.; Lieut.-Col., Col., and Brig. Gen. July 6, '64, for meritorious and distinguished services during the war; Maj. Gen. and Maj. Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service On the Indian frontier and at other points from '43 to '61 ; in the War of the Rebellion, '61-5 ; served with distinction as Chief Qm. of the Army of the Potomac, '64-5, displaying great executive ability in supplying that vat army with stores always at the proper time and in the proper place ; at Chicago, 111., and Washington, D. C. until retirement. Ingersoll, Edward (Major U. S. A.). Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank Ord. Sk. Ord. Dept. May 24, '41 ; accepted May 28, '41 ; Capt. Ord. Sk. July 28, '66 ; Maj. Pm. S. Armory July 28, '66 ; re- tired June 30, '82, by operation of law. Irons, James A.. (First Lieut. 20th Inf.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank2d Lieut. 20th U. S. Inf. June 13, 79; 1st Lieut. May 14, '87. Irvine, Javan B. (Captain 22d Inf.). Born in New York, April 3, 1831. Retiring year 1895. App. from Minnesota Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. A, 1st Minn. Inf., April 29, '61 ; discharged May 15, '61 ; private Co. A, 1st Minn. JLOU i.T~LlUll. J.11J..| rL|^/t&I ""f "* t V4IOV/11.CH.^\^V* A.JUt* 7 -a-Wj vr ^- j * Inf., July 9, '61 ; discharged Dec. 2, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 13th Inf. Oct. 26, '61 ; Capt. April 7, '66 ; transferred to 22d Inf. Sept. 2, '66. Staff positions occupied -R. Q. M. 13th Inf. Nov. 1, '62, to March 1, '65. Service See W. A. Gorman, 1st Minn. 306 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. IRW Vol8., of part taken by 1st Minn. Eegiment in 1st Battle of Bull Run July 21, '61 ; Report is dated July 26, '61, Washington, D. C., rendered to Col. Franklin, Act'g Brig. Genl. commanding 1st Brigade, Col. Heintzelman's Division, N. E. Virginia. See page 257, Annual Report of the Adjutant-General to the Legislature of Min- nesota, Session of 1862. See also pages 672-5 NeilPs History of Minnesota, published by J. B. Lippincott & Co., Phila., and T. T. Bacheller & Co., Minne- apolis, Minn., 1873. Irvine, Robert J. C. (First Lieut, llth Inf.). Born in New Brunswick, Canada. App. from Georgia Civil life. Graduated from Art. School, Class of '83. Actual rank2d Lieut, llth Inf., Sept. ] , 79 ; accepted Sept. 9, '79 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 24, '86. Service Served at Fort Custer, M. T., and afterward at Poplar River, M. T., during the Indian troubles in Jan. and Feb., '81; at Cav. and Inf. School at Fort Leavenworth, Ks., from '81 to '83 ; at Fort Abraham Lincoln, N. D., from July, '84, to July,'86 ; at Fort Yates, D. T., to Sept., '86 ; at Fort Sully, D. T., to July, '87; Madison Bks. from Aug., '87, to Dec., '89; Fort Wood, Bedloe's Isd., Dec., '89. Staff positions occupied- Adj. in the field on the march from Fort Custer to Poplar River Oct., '80 ; A. C. S. from July, '84, to July, '86, at Fort Abraham Lincoln, D. T. ; A. C. S. at Fort Yates, D. T., to Sept, '86 ; Adj. llth Inf. from Sept. 5, '86, to Dec. 1, '89. Commands AeW Fort Wood, N. Y. H., Dec., '89, to . Irwin, Bernard J. D. (Lieut. Col. and Ass't Med. Purveyor Bvt. Col). Born in Ireland, June 28, 1830. Retiring year 1894. Appointed from New York- Civil life. Actual rank Ass't Surg. Aug. 28, '56 ; accepted Nov. 7, '56; Captain and As't Surgeon Aug. 28, '61 ; Major and Surgeon Sept. 16, '62; Lieut. Col. and Ass't Med. Purveyor Sep. 16, '85. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. and Col. U. S. A. for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned In an engagement with Chiricahua Indians near Apache Pass, Ariz-, Feb., '61, and com- plimented in Department General Orders for distinguished services on that oc- casion : HEADQUARTERS FOUETH DIVISION ARMY or THE OHIO, FIELD OF SHILOH, April 12, 1862. COL. J. B. FRY, Au't Adjt. GeiCl, Chief of Staff. Sir: I desire to call the especial attention of the General commanding this Army to the admirable hospital accommodations adopted by Dr. Irwin, U. 8. A., Medical Inspector of the Division, during the battle of the 7th inst. They will be found as nearly perfect as the circumstances would allow. The wounded in the Division did not suffer from the inclement weather ; they were all promptly sheltered and cared for. I beg to recommend Dr. Irwin to the favorable consideration of his superiors. Very respectfully, (Signed) W. NELSON, Brigadier General. Honorably mentioned in " Records of the Rebellion," vol. x., series i., part i., pp. 325-6; vol. xvi., p. 915: HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF ARIZONA, WHIPPLE BARRACKS, PRESCOTT, October 17, 1885. General Orders No.'2\. In compliance with Paragraph 2, Special Orders No. 233, current series, Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant General's office, Lieutenant Colonel Bernard J. D. Irwin, Assistant Medical Purveyor, is relieved from duty as Medical Director of this Department. In relieving Lieutenant Colonel Irwin the Department Commander is pleased to recognize the able and satisfactory performance of his duties as Medical Director, and congratulates him on his deserved promotion. By order of Brigadier General Crook. W. F. DRUM, Major Uth Infantry, Acting Auittant Adjutant Gmfral. Service Acting Assistant Surgeon, '55 ; Fort Columbus, Corpus Christi, Texas ; in New Mexico and Arizona to October, '61 ; served with expeditions against hostile Navajoe and Apache Indians ; Post Surg. Fort Union, N. M., from Jan. to May, '56 ; Post Surg. Fort Defiance, N. M., May, '56, to Dec., '57 ; Post Surg. Fort Buchanan, Dec., '57, to Aug., '61 ; in the field Feb., '61 ; accompanied troops evacuating Arizona to New Mexico ; Post Surg. Fort Craig, N. M. ; with troops en route from Fort Union, N. M., to Fort Leavenworth. Kan., Sept., '61 ; Post Surg. Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Nov., '61 ; Med. Director, Dept. of W. Va., Dec,, '61; order rescinded and assigned to Army of the Ohio; Med. Director, Gen. Boyle's Brigade, Jan., '62 : Div. Med. Inspector 4th Div. Nelson's March, '62; Med. Director, Army of Kentucky, '62; Med. Director Army of the South- IVE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 307 west Oct., '62; with White River expedition, co-operating in the capture of Fort Hindman, Ark., Jan., '63 ; organizing Army General Hospitals St. Louis, Mo., Feb., '63 ; Superintendent U. S. Army Gen. Hospitals ten hospitals, with 4,600 beds Memphis, Tenn., March, '63, to July, '65, during which some 60,000 sick and wounded soldiers were successfully provided for in those hospitals ; Execu- tive officer to and Acting Asst. Surgeon General U. S. Army, Louisville, Ky., Aug., '65 ; Attending Surgeon St. Louis, Mo., Oct., '65 ; Post Surg. Fort Riley, Kan., March, '66, to Aug., '66; Post Surg. Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Aug., '66, to July, '67; Post Surg. Fort Riley, Kan., July, '67, -to Sept., '67; Post Surg. Fort Wayne, Mich., Sept., '67, to April, 71 ; Post Surg. Fort Riley, Kan., May, 71, to Oct., 73; Post Surg. U. S. Mil. Acad., West Point, N. Y., Oct., 73, to Sept., 78; on leave of absence in Europe, Sept., 78, to Sept., 79, during which visited Ger- many, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Switzerland, France, Belgium and Great Britain; in Dept. of Dak. Oct., 79 ; Post Surg. Fort Meade, Dak., Oct., 79, to June, '80 ; Act. Med. Director Dept. of Dak. July, to Aug., '80 ; Post Surg. Fort Snelling, Minn., Aug., '80; Attending Surg., Headquarters Military Division of Missouri, Chicago, 111., Sept., '80, to Oct., '82; Medical Director Department of Arizona Oct., '82, to Oct., '85. In charge of Army Medical Purveying Depot, New York City, Oct., '65, to Dec., '86 ; in charge of Army Medical Purveying Depot, San Francisco, Cal., Dec., '86, to . Battles, skirmishes, etc. Commanded detach- ment from Companies C and H, 7th U.S. Inf., in an engagement with Chiricahua Indians near Apache Pass, Arizona, Feb., '61 ; present at battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 6 and 7, '62, and specially commended for distinguished services on the field; present at siege of Corinth, Miss.; campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee ; participated in battle of Richmond, Ky., Aug. 31, '62, on which occa- sion was taken prisoner. History Companion of the Military Order Loyal Legion U. S., New York Commandery, Dec., '67 ; member of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland, '68; member ofthe Society of the Army of the Tennes- see, '68 ; companion of Detroit Commandery, Knights Templar, '69. Irwin, David A. (Captain U. S. A.). * Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 12th Pa. Vol. Cav. March 18, '62; - . - . ~ ~, Lieut CaDt tioru occupied R. Com. 4th Cav., from Nov.liO, '67, to July 15, 70; R. Cav., April 1, 75, to Sept. 1, 76. Irwin, Francis GK (Second Lieut. 2d Cav.). Born in Ky. Appointed from Tenn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Acadmy July 1, 77 ; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. June 13, '82. Irwin, George Le R. (Additional Second Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in Mich. Appointed from 111. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept, 1, '85 ; graduated June 12, '89, Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. June 12, '89. Ives, Francis J. (First Lieut, and Asst. Surg.). Born in Boston, Mass., July 19,1857. Retiring year 1921 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. July 25, '85 ; accepted Aug. 1, '85. Service Acting Asst. Surgeon from June 18, '80, to Mar. 18, '81, most of the time in the field in New Mexico during the Apache War ; Acting Asst. Surgeon from Apr. 2, '84, to July 25, '85, being stationed during that period at Hdqrs. Dept. of the Platte, Omaha, Neb., Fts. Omaha and Niobrara, Neb., Fte. D. A. Russell, Bridger and Laramie, Wyoming; Jan. 2, '86 ; at camp of 8th Cav. at Alma, New Mexico, about 90 miles N. W. of Fort Bayard ; served continuously in the field until the middle of Sept., 86 ; re- turned with 8th Cav. to San Antonio, Texas, and reported at Fort Russell, Nov., '86; remained on duty there until Feb., '88, when ordered to Fort Laramie tor temporary duty of six weeks ; Aug. 5, '88, left Russell with battalion of the 17th Inf. and marched to and returned from Kearney, Neb., a distance of about 701 miles, arriving at Russell, Oct. 18, '88 ; Relieved from duty at Russell June, 89, 308 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. JAC and reported at Fort Lyon, Colo., June 29, '89; left Fort Lyon July 16, '89, and reported for duty in the Field at Oklahoma City, I. T. ; remained there until the latter part of Oct. ; returned to Lyon and remained until its abandonment, when stationed at Ft. Sill, I. T., reporting Dec. 13, '89, where serving to date. History Graduated at the University of Va. June 27, 78 ; son of Joseph C. Ives, who was a graduate of the U. S. Military Academy, class of '52, and an engineer officer until the breaking out of the war, when he joined the Confederate Army, being a Lieut. Col. in the latter service, first on the staff of Gen. Lee, and later on that of Jeff Davis. Jackson, Alan H. (Captain 7th Inf. and Brevet Major). Born in N. Y. Jan. 24, 1835. Retiring year 1899. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Capt. 91st N. Y. Vol. Inf. Dec. 18, '61 ; hon. must, out Feb. 23, '63 ; Lieut.-Col. 134th N. Y. Vol. Inf. April 3, '63 ; hon. must, out June 10, '65 ; 2d Lieut 7th U. S. Inf. May 11, '66 ; accepted Aug. 11, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 1, 71 ; Capt. Nov. 14, '85. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va.; Capt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; Major March 2. '67, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of Chattanooga, Tenn. Staff position* occupied Adj. 7th Inf. from Jan. 1, '67, to June 15, '67; Acting J. A. Dep. of Columbia from Oct. 1, '85, to June 1, '86. Service At Key West and Pensacola, Fla., New Orleans and Baton Rogue, La., to Feb., '63 ; in the Chancelloreville and Gettysburjr Campaigns, '63 ; trans, to the Dep. of the Cumberland Sep., '63 ; par- ticinated in the campaigns with the Army of the West in '63-4-5; in Florida on staff duty in '66; at various other posts on regimental and staff duty from the close of the war to '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Chan- cellorsville, Va., and Gettysburg, Pa., '63 ; engaged at the action of Wauhatchie, battle of Chattanooga, campaign to Knoxville, action of Rocky-Face Ridge, bat- tles of Resaca, Dallas, Peach-Tree Creek (wounded), actions of Pine Mountain, Gulp's Farm, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta, Sherman's march to the sea, and cap- ture of Savannah, Ga., '63-4 ; engaged in the campaign of the Carolinas, and present at the surrender of the rebel Gen. Johnston, '65. Jackson, Alfred B (First Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 79; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. CAV. June 13, '83 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 1, '89. Jackson, Harold L. (Second Lieut. 15th Inf.). Born in Pa.; appointed from the Army. Artwtl rank Pvt. and Corp'l Co. F, 13th U. S. Inf, and Pvt. and Corp'l Co. F, 15th Inf., from April 1, '85, to March 5, '89; 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. Feb. 11, '89; accepted March 6, '89. Jackson, Henry (Captain 7th Cav.). Born in England, May 31, 1837. Re- tiring year 1901. Apnointed from 111. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. and Corp'l Co. A, 14th 111. Vol. Cav., and Sgt. Maj. 5th U. S. Colored Cav. from Dec. 28, '63, to May 13, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Colored Cav. May 14, '65 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 28, '65 ; hon. must, out March 16, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 7th U. S. Cav. July 28, '66 ; ac- cepted Nov. 12, '66; 1st Lieut. July 31, '67; accepted Oct. 22, '67"; Capt. June 25. 76. Staff positions occupied A.. D. C. Vol. from Oct. 18, '65, to Oct. 26, '65. Jackson, James (Major 2d Cav.). Born in New Jersey Nov. 21, '33. Re- tiring year 1897 ; appointed from the army. Actual rank Pvt. and Sgt. Co. C, 2d Bait, 12th U. S. Inf., from Nov. 8, '61.' to April 28, '63; 2d Lieut. 12th Inf. April 22, '63 ; accepted April 28, '63 ; 1st Lieut. August 31, '63 ; trs. to 30th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; Capt. Feb. 17, '68; unassigned March 23, '69; assd. to 1st Cav. Jan. 1, 71 ; Maj. 2d Cav. Nov. 20, '89. Brtvet rank Bvt. Capt. August 1, '64, for gallant services in the battle of North Anna River, Va.; Maj. August 18, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Nashville, Tenn. Staff positions occupied Acting A. I. G. Div. of the Atlantic from Oct. 4, '88, to Dec. 3, '88. Jackson, James B. (First Lieut. 7th Inf.). Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Indiana. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 73 ; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf. June 15, 77 ; 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. August 9, 77 ; 1st Lieut. April 18, '84. JAM RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 309 Jackson, John W. (Chaplain U. S. A.). Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Actual rank Post. Chap. March 3, 77 ; accepted March 12, 77 ; retired March 20, '88, by operation of law. Jackson, Mason (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from the army. Actual rank Pvt. Co. C, Fremont's body guard, from August 20, '61, to Nov. 30, '61; Pvt. 15th U. S. Inf. Dec. 17, '61; discharged Dec. 1, '62; 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. Nov. 24, '62 ; accepted Dec. 1, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 17, '63 ; trs. to 24th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; Capt. Sept. 14, '67 ; trs. to llth Inf. April 25, '69 ; retired April 24, '86. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Sept. 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign. Staff positions occupied Q. M. 1st Batt., 15th Inf. from Feb. 9, '66, to August 15, '66. Jackson, Richara H. (Lieutenant Colonel 4th Art. and Brevet Brigadier General). Born in Ireland July 14, 1830. Retiring year 1894. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. L, 4th U. S. Art., from Dec. 12, '51, to April 23, '60; Bvt. 2d Lieut. 4th Art. Sept. 13, '59; accepted April 24, '60 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. July 13, '60 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61 ; Capt. Feb. 20, '62; Lieut. Col. A. I. G. Vol. from April 15, '63, to May, 23, '65 ; Brig. Gen. Vol. May 19, '65; accepted May 24, '65; hon. must, out Feb. 1, '66; Maj. 5th U. S. Art. July 1, '80 ; Lieut. Col. 4th Art. Dec. 4, '88. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. May 16, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Drury's Bluff, Va.; Lieut. Col. Oct. 7, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Newmarket Heights, Va.; Col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war; Brig. Gen. Vol. Jan. 1, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign of '64 ; Maj. Gen. Vol. Nov. 24, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service Served in Florida, Indian Territory and Ne- braska from '51-59 ; at Fort Monroe, Va., and in Texas to '61 ; in the defense of Fort Pickens, Fla., during the bombardment of that place, '61 ; in the field with 10th Army Corps, Dep. of the South ; on Morris and Folly Islands, S. C., during the operations against Fort Sumter ; in Army of the James and participated in the campaign terminating with the surrender of Lee, '65 ; after surrender at Appomattox marched to Richmond and then to Washington; took part in grand review Army of the Potomac ; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., Feb., '66, to July, '66 ; at N. Y. City on staff duty to '67 ; at Fort Porter, N. Y M '67-68 ; at various other posts from '68-90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. At Fort Pickens, Fla., during bombardment by rebels, '61 ; battle of Drury's Bluff, Newmarket Heights, Va., '64. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Vols. from Feb. 24, '62, to August, '62; A. A. A. G. and A. Insp. Gen. at Fort Pickens, Fla.; A. A. Insp. Gen. 10th Corps, Dep. of the South, '62 ; Acting Chief of Art. and A. Insp. Gen. during operations against Fort Sumter ; A. Insp. Gen. and Chief of Artillery, 10th and 25th Corps, Army of the James, '64 ; A. Insp. Gen. Dep. of the East July, '66. Jacobs, Joshua W. (Captain and A. Q. M.). Born in Ky. June 24, 1843. Retiring year 1907 ; appointed from Ky. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. U K" and Serg. Maj. 4th Ky. Vol. Inf. from Nov. 10, '61, to Sept. 25, '62; 1st Lieut. 4th Ky. Vol. Inf. Sept. 25, '62; Capt. Sept. 1, '63; hon. must, out May 15, '65; Maj. 4th Ky. Vol. Inf. July 1, '65: hon. must, out Aug. 17, '65; 2d Lieut. 18th U. S. Inf. June 28, '66; accepted Aug. 22, '66; trs. to 36th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; Capt. and A. Q. M. March 8, '82 ; accepted March 20, '82. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 7th Inf. from June 1, '69, to March 20, '82. Jamar, Mitchell F, (First Lieut. 13th Inf.). Born in Md. Appointed from Md. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '68 ; graduated June 14, 72. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 13th U. S. Inf. June 14, 72 ; 1st Lieut. March 26, 79. James, William H. W. (First Lieut. 24th Inf.). Born in Charlotte, Tenn. Oct. 2, 1849. Retiring year 1913 ; appointed from Tenn. Cadet U. S. Military 310 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. JEN 8, '75 (constructing telegraph line to Ringgold Barracks, Texas, June 25 to Sept. 4, 75) ; Ringgold Barracks, Texas, Dec. 12, 75, to May 14, 76 ; on leave of absence from May 14 to July 12, 76 ; on temporary duty at Columbus Barracks, Ohio, from July 12 to Aug., 76, and witness before Court Martial at San Antonio, Texas, to Oct. 15, 76 ; at Fort Duncan, Texas, to Nov., 77 ; at Carizzo, Texas, from Nov., 77, to Jan., 78 ; at Ringgold Barracks, Texas, from Jan. to Oct. 4, 78 ; at Fort Duncan, Texas, from Oct. 14, 78, to June 4, 79 ; on leave of absence from June 4 to Oct. 15, 79, when he rejoined at Fort Duncan, and served there until May 1, '80; at San Felipe, Texas, from May 4 to June 8, '80; at Fort Davis, Texas, from June 14 to Oct. 15, '80 ; on march from Fort Davis, Texas, to Fort Supply, Ind. Ty., from Oct. 15 to Dec. 16, '80; served at Fort Supply until Dec. 24, '80 ; on leave of absence from Dec. 24, 80, to Feb. 24, '81 ; served at Fort Supply from Feb. 24, '81, to Aug. 19, '83; on leave of absence from Aug. 19 to Sept. 19, '83 ; in charge of Indian Territory Division of U. S. Military Telegraph lines from Feb., 82. to April, '83 ; on leave of absence from Feb. 5 to May 25, '84; at Fort Sill, Ind. Ty., until April 20, '85 ; absent as witness before U. S. District Court at Fort Smith, Ark., from June 25 to July 20, '85 ; served at Fort Sill, Ind. Ty., till Aug. 20, '85 ; at Fort Reno, Ind. Ty., from Aug. 20 to Dec. 20, '85; on leave of absence from Dec. 20, '85, to March 20, '86 ; rejoined at Fort Reno, Ind. Ty., March 20, '86; changed station to Fort Grant, Arizona, at which post he arrived July 12, '88; at Fort Grant, Arizona, from July 25, '89, to April 1, '90. Command* held In command of Fort Gibson, Ind. Ty., from April 22 to June 14, '85; in command of Co. "K," 24th Inf., from Sept. 6, '87, to May 28, '88; in command of Co. " K," 24th Inf., from July 13, '88, to July 25, '89. Janeway, John H. (Major and Surgeon, Bvt. Lieut. Col.). Born in Penna. in 1829. Retiring year 1893 ; app. from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Aug. 26, '61 ; accepted Aug. 28, '61 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. July 28, '66 ; Major and Surg. June 26, 76. Brevet rank Brevet Captain U. S. A., for gal- lant and meritorious services at the battle of Olustee, Fla. ; Brevet Major and Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. A., for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service At Fort Wise, Kan., to June, '62 ; in charge of general hospital Newark, N. J., to July, '63 ; hospital duty and in charge of purveying, Beaufort Depot, S. C., to Feb., '64 ; when the 10th Corps left S. C. with Seymour's Expe- dition in Florida attached for duty with brigade and in the field accompanied the 10th Corps to Va. ; in the office of the Medical Director and Acting Medical In- spector, 10th Corps, Army of the James, to Oct., '64 ; Assistant Medical Purveyor, Dep. of Virginia and North Carolina, Fort Monroe, Va., to Feb., '65; Assistant Medical Purveyor, Dep. of Virginia, and in the office of the Medical Director to June, '65 ; Purveyor Richmond, Va., to Aug., '66 ; Attending Surgeon Headqrs. Dep. of Va., Richmond, Va., to May, '67 ; at Camp Hamilton, with Headqrs. near Fort Monroe, Va., to Sept., '67 ; Attending Surgeon Headquarters Dept. of Va., Richmond, Va., from Sept., '67, to April, '69 ; Post Surgeon at Willet's Point, N. Y., from April, '69, to June, 71 ; Post Surgeon Fort Hays, Kansas, July, 71, to Aug., 74; Fort Wallace, Kan., Aug., 74, to July, 75 ; St. Augustine, from Oct., 75, to Nov., 78; Fort Wood, N. Y. H., from Dec., 78, to July, 79; Post Surgeon Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., July, 79, and Attending Surg. Head- quarters Division of Atlantic and Department of the East, Governor's Island ; member Med. Examining Board from March 1, '83, to July 27, '87 ; Post Surg. Benicia Bks. and Attending Surgeon Benicia Arsenal, to present time. Jarvis, Nathan S. (First Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Md. App. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Oct. 14, '87 ; accepted Oct. 17, '87. Jenkins, John M. (Second Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in S. C. Appointed from S. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83 ; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Cav. June 12, '87. Jennings, Gilbert S. (First Lieut, and Bvt. Capt. U. S. A.). Born in New York, May 1. 1817. Retired ; app. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Major 26th N. Y. Vols. May 21, '61 ; Lieut.-Col. Sept. 20, '62 ; must, out May 28, '63 ; Major Vet. Res. Corps July 16, '63 ; ace. July 23, '63 ; Lieut.-Col. Sept. 25, '63 ; ace. Oct. 3, JOH RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 311 '63 ; mustered out Sept. 11, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 43d Inf. Jan. 22, '67 ; ace. March 28, '67 ; transferred to 1st Inf. April 8, '69 ; 1st Lieut. May 4, '73 ; retired June 28, '78, for disability resulting from wound received in line of duty (sec. 1251, rev. stats.). Brevet rank 1st Lieut. Bvt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Groveton, Va. ; Captain Bvt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; Col. Vol. Bvt. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. History Grandfather served in Gen. Washington's Army during the Revolutionary War. Father was an officer of artillery in New York Harbor during the War of '12-14 ; in N. Y. Uniformed Militia from '38 to '61 ; Captain Rochester Citizens' Corps Co. E, 54th N. Y. S. M., from '53 to April, '61. Jervey, Henry (Second Lieut, of Engineers). Born in Va. Appointed from S. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 15, '84 ; graduated June 11, '88. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. Eng. June 11, '88 ; 2d Lieut. June 15, '88. Jewett, Horace (Lieutenant-Colonel 3d Inf.). Born in Me. March 31, 1834. Retiring year 1898 ; appointed from Me. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 15th U. S. Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 29, '61 ; Capt. Dec. 31, '62 ; Maj. 16th Inf. Jan. 31, '82 ; Lieut.-Col. 3d Inf. Aug. 1, '86. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Dec. 31, 62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Shiloh and Murfreesboro', Tenn.; Maj. Sept. 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign and in the battle of Jonesboro', Ga. Jocelyn, Stephen P. (Captain 21st Inf.). Born in Vermont March 1, 1843. Retiring year 1907 ; appointed from Vt. Civil life. Actual rankPvt. Co. A, 6th Vt. Vol. Inf., Aug. 22, '63 ; discharged July 6, '64; 1st Lieut. 115th U. S. Col- ored Inf. Aug. 1, '64 ; hon. must, out $ eb. 10, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted April 13, '66 ; 1st Lieut. July 28, '66 ; hon. must, out Jan. 1, '71 ; app. 2d Lieut. 21st Inf. March 9, 71 ; accepted May 23, '71 ; App. 1st Lieut. Apr. 14, 73, with rank from July 28, '66 ; Capt. May 19, 74. Service In the office of the Assist. Provost-Marshal-General, Brattleboro', Vt., Sept., '63, to Aug., '64; joined regiment in the Dept. of the Ohio Aug., '64 ; on recruiting duty to Oct., '64 ; engaged against guerrillas in Southwest Kentucky ; guarding Louisville and Nashville Railroad, and conducting rebel prisoners to Johnson's Island and Camp Chase, Ohio, to Nov., '64; commanding company guarding Kentucky Central Railroad, Military Superintendent Louisville and Lexington Railroad, and en- ist guerrillas to Dec., '64; in the 25th Corps, Army of the James, Jan. to lil .. 1 / T* I . 1 TT . J 4-1-. XN ,v ,-*^.i -i r.4-1 ^--> at vuuuraiCBMHl. o. v., uuiiV) uu, i/u uau., u Deps. of the Columbia and Platte to '90. Johnson, Alfred B. (First Lieut. 7th Inf.). Born at Fort Terrett, Tex. (now abandoned). App. from Minn. Civil life. Actualrank 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. Oct. 15, 75 5 accepted Oct. 23, 75; 1st Lieut. May 1, '82. Service Ordered to duty at Fort Shaw, Mont.; participated in the Sioux campaign on the Yellowstone in 76 ; -i i i , *- t_ TUT J. J.^ ' .I1J 4-1~. ^ during summer of 79 on Muscleshell River, in Mont.; in Oct. was ordered to Ft. Snelling, Minn., with his Co. ; remained until July, '80 ; ordered to Fort Stevenson, D. T., remaining there until Oct., '80 ; ordered to the headquarters of the Depart- ment of Dakota for duty; remained until Nov., '82; relieved and ordered to join his company then en route to Fort Bridger, Wyo., remaining there until April, 83; at Fort Fred. Steele, Wyo., until May 1, '83; when entered to report to Brig.- General Alfred H. Terry, U. S. A., Ft. Snelling, Minn., for duty as A. D. C.; Re- corder of a Retiring Board fron Oct. to Dec., '83; in May, '86, was ordered to ac- v- e*j ,* till Oct. 17, '89; at Fort Logan, Col., from Oct., 18, '89, to . Sta/ positions 312 RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. JOH occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Missoula, Mont., 77; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Bridger, Wyo., Nov., '82, to April '83; Post Adj. at Fort Fred. 'Steele, Wyo., from April to May, '83; A. D. C. to Brig, and Maj.-Gen. A. H. Terry from May 17, '83, to July 1, '87 ; A. D. C. to Gen. A. V. Kautz at Camp Geo. Crook, Aug., '89 ; Adj. 7th Inf. Sept. 1, '89, to ; Post Adj. at Fort Logan Col., Oct. 18, '89, to . Command* held Co. from Nov., '82, to April, '83; in command of Co. E, at Camp of Instruction, at Caspar, Wyo., summer of '88, and of Co. B, at Camp of Instruction, Camp Geo. Crook, summer of '89. Johnson, Arthur (Second Lieut, llth Inf.). Born in Minnesota. Appoint- ed from Minn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82; graduated Aug. 28, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut, llth U. S. Inf. Aug. 28, '86. Johnson, Carter P. (Second Lieut. 10th Cav.). Born in Virginia. Appoint- ed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. F, 3d U. S. Cav., from Sept. 12, '76, to April 24, '82 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. March 27, '82 ; accepted April 25, '82 ; transferred to 10th Cav. Sept. 19, '83 (to rank in Cav. June 14, '83). Johnson, Charles A. (First Lieut. 14th Inf.). Born in Pennsylvania. Ap- pointed from Wis. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. B, 1st Wis. Vol. Inf., April 20, *61 ; discharged Aug. 21, '61 ; Pvt, Sgt. and 1st Sgt. 13th Batt., Wis. 1st Vol. Art., from July 4, '63, to March 22, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 51st Wis. Vol. Inf. April 6, '65 ; hon. must, out May 6, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. Aug. 9, '67; accepted Oct. 19, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 23, 76. Johnson, David D. (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in Pennsylvania Dec. 11, 1846. Retiring year 1909. Appointed from Pa. Graduated from Military Acad- emy, class of '68. Graduated from Art. School, Fort Monroe, Va., class of '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Art. June 15, '68; 1st Lieut. 5th Art. March 1, 75. Service In garrison at Fort Jefferson, Fla., Sept. 25, '68, to March, '69; Fort Preble, Maine, March 19, '69, to March 17, 70; Washington, D. C., April 2 to July 2, 70, and at Fort Adams, R. I., July 4, 70, to Aug., 72; at the Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., as acting assistant professor of chemistry, mineral- ogy and geology, Aug. 25, 72, to Aug. 20, 73, and principal assistant professor same department Aug. 20, 73, to Aug. 28, 79; also assistant instructor of artillery tactics Sept. 30, 74, to April 10, 75 ; in Europe under authority of War Depart- ment "for the purpose of observing the methods and systems of the German universities, and or taking a course of instruction in one or more of these univer- sities on the subjects of chemistry, mineralogy, geology and electrics," from Aug., 79, to Aug., '81 ; in garrison at St. Augustine, Fla., Sept. 1 to Nov., '81, and at Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, Nov., '81, to May 1, '84; at Fort Monroe to Sept. 1, '86 ; at Fort Columbus, N. Y., to July, '88 ; on leave of absence to July 11, '89; at Fort Columbus to Oct. 1, '89; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., to present time. Johnson, Evan M. (Second Lieut. 10th Inf.). Born in New York. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp. and Sgt. Co. F, 10th U. S. Inf., from June 12, '82, to Aug. 16, '85 ; 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. Aug. 15, '85; accepted Aug. 17, '85. Johnson, Franklin O. (First Lieut. 3d Cav.). Born in Minn. Appointed from Minn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 77 ; graduated June 11, '81. Actualrank 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Cav. June 11, '81 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 31, '85. Johnson, Henry (Captain and M. S. K.). Born in South America March 24, 1827. Retiring year 1891. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Actual rank Medical Storekeeper of Vols. Aug. 13, '62 ; accepted Aug. 25, '62 ; vacated May 16, '67 ; app. Captain and Medical Storekeeper U. S. A. July 28, '66 ; accepted May 16, '67. Service At Washington D. C., to 70; at Medical Purveying Depot, San Francisco, CaL, to the present time. Johnson, John B. (Captain 3d Cav.). Born in Massachusetts, Nov. 29, 1847. Retiring year 1911. Appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual Rank 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Colored Inf. Sept. 8, '63 ; hon. must, out Jan. 20, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 7th U. S. Inf. Apr. 23, '66; accepted May 23, '66; 1st Lieut. Mar. 26, '68; unassigned May 19, '69; assd.to 3d Cav. Jan. 1, 71 ; Capt. Mar. 20, 79. Staff positions occupied Adj't 3d Cav. from May 15, 71, to Apr. 4, 78. Service Engaged in front of Petersburg, Va., explosion of the mine, and action of Newmarket Heights, Va.. JOH RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF IT. S. ARMY. 313 (wounded) ; mustered out (for disability arising from wounds) Jan., '65 , reinstated Feb., '65; joined regiment at Fort Fisher, N. C. ; engaged at the action of Cox's Bridge, N. C., and surrender of the rebel General Johnston ; with company and post-adjutant Fernandina, Fla., from '67 to '69; on frontier duty from '69 to '90. Johnson, Lewis (Captain 24th Inf. and Brevet Lieut.-Colonel). Born in Germany March 20, 1841. Retiring year 1905. Appointed from Ind. Civil life. Actual rankPvt. Co. E, 10th Ind. Vol. Inf., Apr. 18, '61; discharged Aug. 6, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 10th Ind. Vol. Inf. Sept. 18, '61 ; Capt. Aug. 29, '62 ; hon. must, out Sept. 15, '64 ; Col. 44th U. S. Colored Inf. Sept. 16, '64 ; hon. must, out Apr. 30, '66 ; 1st Lieut. 41st U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Nov. 20, '66 ; Capt. Dec. 12, '67; trs. to 24th Inf. Nov. 11, '69. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Mar. 2, '67, for rllant and meritorious services in the battle of Mill Springs, Ky. ; Maj. March '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Corinth, Miss. ; Lieut- Col. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Missionary Ridge, Teun.; Brig.-Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service In the war of the Rebellion, '61-5 ; participated in the campaigns and battles of the West; engaged with the rebel Genl. Forrest at the action of Mill Creek, and at the battles of Nashville, Tenn. (wounded) ; command- ing 1st Colored Brigade, Army of the Cumberland ; 2d Brigade, District of East Tenn. ; District of Northern Alabama, and post of Huntsville, Ala., to April, '66. Johnson, Richard W. (Brigadier and Brevet Major General U. S. A.). Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentucky. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '44; graduated July 1, '49. Actual ratt Brevet 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf., July 1, '49; 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. June 10, '50 ; 1st Lieut. 2d Cav. March 3, '55; accepted April 12, '55 ; Captain Dec. 1, '56; Brigadier General Vols. Oct. 11, '61 ; accepted Oct. 14, '61 ; Major 4th U. S. Cav. July 17, '62 ; hon. must, out Vols. Jan. lf>, '66; retired with rank of Major General Oct. 12, '67 ; and with rank of Brigadier General March 3, '75, for wounds in line of duty. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut. Col. Sept. 20, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the bat- tle of Cliic.kamauga, Ga. ; Colonel Nov. 24, '63, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Chattanooga, Tenn. ; Brigadier General March 13, '65, for fallant and meritorious services in the battle of Nashville, Tenn. ; Major General lurch KJ, '6">, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war; Major General Vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles before Nashville, Tenn. Staff positions occupied Adjutant 1st Inf. from March 3, '53, to April 12, '55 ; Regimental Q. M. 2d Cav. from June 12, '55, to Sept. 30, '56. Service Joined at Fort Snelling, Minn. , where he served until 51 ; transferred to Texas, and had stations at Forts Duncan and Terrett until March 3, '53 ; joined at Louisville, Ky., June 7, and soon thereafter proceeded to Jeffer- son Barracks, where stationed to Oct. 17, when he marched with the regiment to Fort Mason, Texas, where he arrived Jan. 14, '56; served at Forts Mason and Belknap, and Camps Colorado, Radziminski and Cooper to Dec. 1, '56 ; Dec., 56, in a combat with a band of Comanches on the head-waters of the Concho River, where, after a sharp conflict, he defeated the Indians with a severe loss, captured their horses and camp equipage, and rescued a Mexican captive; participated in the Wichita expedition of '58, and engaged in the brilliant action at Wichita Village Oct. 1 ; defeated a party of hostile Indians Feb. 13, '60, between Kickapoo and Brady Creeks, and he accompanied Maj. Thomas during the summer of 60 m an expedition to the head-waters of the Concho and Colorado Rivers ; was In quently commended in orders from the headquarters of the army and the Dept. of Texas for services in the field and gallantry in action ; was serving at *ort Mason, commanding a squadron and the non-commissioned staff and band oi tne regiment, when Texas was surrendered to the insurgents ; he could do no b< than obey the order, and he accordingly abandoned the post March 29, 61, ai marched to Indianola ; embarked on the steamship " Empire City just in time t( escape capture, and sailed for N. Y., and proceeded thence to Carlisle, where tney arrived April 27 ; proceeded in June to Chambersburg, Pa., and participated General Patterson^ Shenaridoah campaign, and was engaged m the acti at Falling Waters and the skirmishes at Martinsburg and Bunker Hill ; on leave . 20 314 RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. JOH absence August 28, for the purpose of accepting the the Lieutenant Colonelcy of the 3d Kentucky Cav., and proceeded to Louisville ; placed in command of the Home Guards, numbering twelve hundred men, and ordered to Lebanon Junct'n, march to Nashville and through Tennessee en route to Pittsburg Landing, until he was prostrated at Columbia, Tenn., by malarial fever, and compelled to return to Louisville for medical treatment ; rejoined brigade after the battle of Shiloh,. and participated in the skirmishes (routing the enemy in his front May 28) and marches of the army during the advance upon Corinth from April 9 to May 30, '62 ; command formed a part of the Army of the Ohio, under General Buell, on the march through North Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky; was defeated Aug. 28, '62, in an engagement with Morgan's Confederate cavalry near Gallatin, Tenn., and in striving to rally his troops was captured by the enemy ; was soon exchanged, and a partial reorganization of the army gave him a division, which he commanded at the battle of Stone River, where he won the commendation of General Rosecrans as an officer who "ought to be made a Major General" ; par- ticipated in the advance on Tullahoma, June 24 to July 4, '63, and fought with his Division at Liberty Gap, Tenn., June 24-5; his Division behaved hand- somely at Chickamauga, driving the enemy a mile and a half and capturing seven of the enemy immediately thereafter ; General Grant, who was so situated as to have a full view of the entire line, says in his report, "The Divisions of BairtI, Sheridan and Johnson moved up the hill in line, and simultaneously carried the crest of the Ridge." Commanded a Division of the Fourteenth Corps, Army ot the Cumberland, during the invasion of Georgia, May and June, '64, and was en- gaged in the operations around Dalton, the demonstrations against Resaca, and the pursuit of the enemy with constant skirmishing, including the battle of New Hope Church, where he was severely wounded by a shell and compelled to retire from the field; rejoined his Division June 13, and commanded it until Aug. '2'2, when it became evident that he was too weak to endure the hardships of field service. General Sherman then appointed him Chief of Cavalry of the Mil. Div. of the Mississippi, and dispatched him to Nashville to equip and forward cavalry from that station ; but when the march to the sea was begun, and General Hood invested Nashville, his occupation was gone, and he reported to General Thonui-*, who assigned him, Nov. 8, to the command of a Division of Cavalry, which he retained until Oct. 12, '65 ; was engaged in the battle of Nashville, and was highly complimented on the field by General Thomas for "skill, energy, and ability," and in the telegraphic report to the President at the end of the first day's battle, General Thomas said : "1 must not forget to report the operations ot Brigadier General Richard W. Johnson in successfully driving the enemy, with the aid of the gunboats under Lieutenant Commander Fitch, from their estab- lished batteries on the Cumberland below the city of Nashville." Was then as- signed to the command of the Middle District of Tennessee, and held that position until Jan. 15, '66, when he was mustered out of volunteer service. Was Provost Marshal General of the Mil. Div. of the Tennessee from Oct. 12, '65, to Aug. 13, '65, and Acting Judge Advocate of the same Division from Dec. 5, '65, to Aug. 13, '66, and of the Dept. of the Tennessee from Aug. 13, '66, to March 15, '67, and of the Dept. of the Cumberland from March 15, '67, to Oct. 12, '67, when he was retired from active service with the rank of Major General (changed to Brig- adier General by act of Congress of March 3, '75, not having "lost a leg or arm") for wounds received in the line of duty. He is the author of a pamphlet entitled "Manual of Arms for Colt's Breech- Loading Carbine and Navy Revolver"; was orator at the organization of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland, Feb. 7, '67, in Mozart Hall, Cincinnati ; was Professor of Military Science in the Mis- souri State University from July, '68, to July, '69, when he, in common with all JOH RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF IT. S. ARMY. 315 officers on the retired list, was relieved from duty ; the degree of A. M. was con- ferred upon him by the University ; was elected, in Sept., '69, Professor of Mili- tary Science in the University of Minnesota, but resigned the position Jan. 1, 71. He published, in the spring of '81, an admirably written "Memoir of Major General George H. Thomas." Johnson, Richard W. (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Texas. Ap- pointed from Minnesota Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Oct. 22, '81; ace. Nov. 11, '81 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Oct. 22, '86. Johnson, William S. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Illinois. Appointed from Mich. Civil life. Retired. Actual rankPvi. Co. A, 4th Batt. D. C. Vol. Inf. April 17, '61 ; discharged July 10, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 1st Ark, Vol. Cav. Oct. 1, '62; Capt. Feb. 5, '63; hon. must, out July 21, '64; 1st Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps Sept. 15, '64; accepted Oct. 3, '64; hon. must, out Aug. 20, '66 ; 1st Lieut. 43d U. S. Inf. June 12, '67s accepted June 17, '67; unassigned April 8, '69; out of service Oct. 4, '69 ; appointed First Lieutenant of Infantry Jan. 24, 70 ; accepted Feb. 3, 70; hon. must, out Jan. 1, 71 ; appointed Second Lieutenant. 24th Inf. Mar. 9, 71 ; accepted May 20, 71 ; retired with rank of Capt. Mtd. May 20, 71, for wound in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. and Maj. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. titaff positions occupied R. Qm. 43d Inf. from July 20, '67, to April 8, '69. Johnston, John A. (First Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in Pennsylvania. Ap- pointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75; graduated June 13, 79. Actual ran 2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Cav. June 13, 79; 1st Lieut. Jan. 20, '86. Johnston, John L. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Philadelphia, Pa., May 10, 1841. Retired. Appointed from Penna. Civil life. Actual rank Corpl. Co. H, 2d Penna. Inf., April 20, '61 ; discharged July 26, '61 ; 1st Sgt. Co. fl, 148th Penna. Inf., Aug. 8, '62, to Nov. 1, '62; 1st Lieut. 148th Penna. Inf. Nov. 1, '62 ; Capt. Nov. 15, '63; hon. must, out June 1, '65; Capt. 3d U. S. Vet. Inf. Aug. 8, '65 ; hon. must, out April 21, '66 ; 1st Lieut. 21st Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 27, '66; Capt. May 29, 74; retired June 28, 78. Brevet rank. Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the first assault on Petersburg, Va. Service Joined regiment at Fort Fisher, N. C., Feb., '65; at Elmira, N. Y., to June, '65 ; with Company at Fernandina, Fla. ; at the Post of Hicksford, Va. titaff positions occupied A. I. G. 3d Brigade, 1st Div., 2d Corps, June, '64; A. Adjutant 21st Infantry June 2, '68, to April 5, '69; A. A. Q. M. 21st Infantry April 5, '69, to May 29, 74; Post Adj. at Fernandina, Fla. Battles, skirmishes, etc. At the battle of Chancellorsville, '63 ; engaged in front of Petersburg Va. ; at the battle of Cold Harbor and first assault on Petersburg, Va. (wounded) ; explosion of the mine and action of Newmarket Heights, Va. (wounded); en- gaged at the action of Cox's Bridge, N. C., and surrender of the rebel (ren. Johnston. Johnston, William H. (Lieut. Col. U. S. A.). Born in Ohio Sept. 6 1824. Retired. App. from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank Major and additional pay- master vol. Sept. 5, '61 ; mustered out July 20, '66 ; major and paymaster July 28 '66; accepted Dec. 8, '66 ; Lieut. Col., Deputy P. M. Gen. July 5, '84; accepted July 15, '84; retired Sept. 6, '88. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut. Col. March 2 67, for faithful and meritorious services in the pay department during the war; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Vol. March 12, '66, for faithful services in the pay department. Service Served under Generals Rosecrans and Fremont in West Va. to July, bZ; Army of the Potomac ; 15th Corps, Western army ; States of Kentucky, Lenne see and Georgia; 23d Army Corps while advancing on Atlanta, Ga., and Army of the Tennessee, '64; at Cin. and Columbus, Ohio, '65, to '66; on duty at Wash- ington, D. C., Richmond, Va., Forts Randall and Dakota, D. T.. and Fort Van- 316 RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. JON Paymaster, until Sept. 6, '88. History Grandson of Capt. Samuel Johnston, who served his country in the Revolutionary War. Johnston, William H., Jr. (Second Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. Oct. 10, '83 ; accepted Oct. 13, '83. Jones, Edward N. (Second Lieut. 8th Infantry). Born in Alabama. Ap- pointed from Ala. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Inf. July 1, '86. Jones, Francis B. (Captain and A. Q. M.). Born in Pa. Oct. 26, 1837. Re- tiring year 1901. App. from Pa. Civil life. Actual Rank\st Lieut. 149th Pa. Vol. Aug. 30, '62 ; Capt. March 25, '63; must, out April 6, '65 ; Lieut-Col 215th Pa. Vol. April 16, '65 ; must, out July 31, '66 ; paid to Aug. 2, '65; 2d Lieut. 19th Inf. May 11, '66; accepted Aug. 28, '66 ; trans, to 37th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; 1st Lieut. July 21, '68 ; Regtl. Qm. Dec. 31, '68, to Aug. 11, '69 ; trans, to 3d Inf. Aug. 11, '69 ; Capt. and A. Q. M. April 16, '85 ; accepted April 16, '85. Staff positions oc- cupied R,. Q. M. 37th Inf. Dec. 31, '68, to Aug. 11, '69 ; R.Q. M. 3d Inf. Aug. 11, '69, to April 16, '85. Jones, Frank B. (First Lieut. 22d Inf.). Born in Miss. Appointed from Miss. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 22d U. S. Inf. June*13, '79; 1st Lieut. Jan. 1, '88. Jones, Henry Roger (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in New Hartford, Conn., March 23, 1837. Retired ; app. from Conn. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Sergt. Co. C, 8th Conn. Inf., Sept. 25, '61 ; discharged June 5, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 8th Conn. Inf. June 5, '62 ; hon. must, out Jan. 17, '63 ; 2d Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps July h 1 ., '63; accepted July 24. '63 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 11, '64; accepted Nov. 23, '64 ; Capt. April 3, '65 ; accepted April 29, '65 ; hon. must, out June 30, '66 ; 1st Lu-ut. 4:id Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Nov. 24, '66 ; transferred to 1st Inf. April 8, '69 ; re- tired June 28, '78. Service Went to North Carolina with the Burnside Expfli- tion and in the field during the war from '62-5 ; assisted in the mustering out of Union troops at Wheeling, W. Va., and in the preservation of order upon the re- turn of rebel soldiers of that State to Nov. 30, '65 ; at home awaiting orders until June 30, '66, when mustered out ; ordered to Detroit, Mich., and assisted in the recruiting of his new regiment, 43d U. S. Inf.; recruiting officer at Bedloe's and Governor's Islands, N. Y.; on duty at Forts Gratiot and Brady, Mich., until Apr. 8, '69; after consolidation into 1st Inf., served at Forts Brady and Wayne, Mich., until Aug., 74 ; on sick leave until retired, from wounds received in service at Antietam. Staff positions occupied Adj. llth Vet. Res. Corps '63^. (at this battle was severely wounded and left for dead on the field) ; was captured by rebel forces and paroled Sep. 19, '62. Commands held Fort Lincoln, Point Lookout, Md., April, '65 ; in May, '65, commanded three Companies, 20th Regt. V. R. C., en route to and at Wheeling, W. Va. History Since retirement has held various civil offices, among which waa that of Judge of the Probate Court, and trial Justice of the Peace, since Dec., '80; was editor and publisher of The Tribune, a weekly newspaper printed in New Hartford, Conn. ; is an original com- panion of the first class of the Military order Loyal Legion U. S.; a comrade in the Grand Army of the Republic ; ana at the present time President of the Con- necticut Association of ex-Union Prisoners of War. Jones, Samuel R. (First Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '62 ; graduated June 17, '67. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art. June 17, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 22, 71. Jones, Thaddeus W. (First Lieut. 10th Cav.). Born in N. C. Appointed from N. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '68 ; graduated June 14, 72. Actual rankId. Lieut. 10th U. S. Cav. June 14, 72 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 20, 79. Stag-position* occupied R. Qm. 10th Cav. from Oct. 1, '87, to Dec. 1, '88. Jones, William Albert (Major of Engineers). Bora in Mo., Jan. 9, 1841. Retiring year 1905. App. from 111. Graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '64. JOR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. 317 Actual rank 1st Lieut, of Engineers June 13, '64 ; Capt. March 7, '67 ; Major June 30, '82. Service Served during the war of the Rebellion, '64 to '66 ; as Asst. Engineer in the defense of Prison Camp at Point Lookout, Md., July 16 to Sept. 9, '64 ; at the U. S. Mil. Acad., Act. Asst. Professor of Military and Civil Engineering, of Law and Ethics and Instructor of Practical Military Engineering; Asst. Engineer in the construction of Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas, Fla. ; Fort Taylor, Key West, Fla. ; Fort Ontario, Oswego, N. Y. ; Fort Niagara, N. Y. and Asst. Engineer on improvements of St. Lawrence River, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. ; improvement of Oswego Harbor, Little Sodus Harbor, Great Sodus Harbor, Charlotte Harbor, and Olcutt Harbor, N. Y., '66 to '70 ; Chief Engineer, Dept. of the Platte, '70 to '74; made reconnoissance of the Uintah Mts. of Utah, '71 ; with exploring expedition from Fort Bridger, Wyo., into Yellowstone National Park and region about headwaters of the Big Horn, Wind, Snake, and Yellow- stone River, "73 ; Asst. Engineer in the construction of Fort Schuyler, N. Y. ; improvement of Savannah River and Harbor, '74; Engineer 6th Light House District on South Atlantic Coast, '75-79 ; built Sea coast Light-House and Station at Morris Island, Charleston Harbor, S. C.; Screw pile Light-House on Fort Ripley Shoal, Charleston Harbor, S. C. ; harbor light-house at Oak Island, Mouth of Cape Fear River, N. C. ; Sea coast light-house and station at Hunting Island, S. C. ; three harbor light-houses, Tybee Roads, entrance to Savannah River, Ga. ; harbor light-house at Lapelo, Ga. ; ditto at Amelia Island, Fernan- dina, Fla. ; two harbor light-houses at Hilton Head, Port Royal Harbor, S. C. ; completed sea coast light-house and station at St. Augustine, Fla. ; Chief Engineer Mil. Div. of the Pacific, '79 to '84 ; Engineer in charge, with station at Portland, Oregon, of Cascades Canal, Columbia River; improvement Upper Columbia and Snake Rivers, Columbia and Lower Willamette Rivers, Upper Willamette River, Cowlitz River; Member and President of Board of Engineers on Bridge over Willamette River at Salem, Oregon ; Member and President of Board of Engineers on Bridge over Willamette River at Portland, Oregon; Member of Board of Engineers on improvement of harbors at Yaquima Bay and Coos Bay, Oregon ; supervision of construction of Oregon Railway and Navi- gation Company's Railroad Bridge over the Snake River at Riparia, Wash.; Survey of the Columbia River from Wallula to the International Boundary; Assisting Board of Engineers for the Dalles Obstructions, Columbia River, in preparation of projects for a Boat Railway ; Examination and Report to Congress upon whole subject of Salmon Fisheries of the Columbia River, '84-89; Engineer in charge, with station at St. Paul, Minn., of construction and operation of Reservoirs at headwaters of the Mississipi River, Improvements of the Chippewa River, of the Minnesota River, of the Saint Croix River, of the Red River of the North, of the Mississippi River above the Falls of St. Anthony, of the Yellowstone River; construction and improvement of roads and bridges m the Yellowstone National Park ; gauging the waters of the Mississippi River and its tributaries at or near St. Paul, Minn. ; examination and surveys of the sources of the Mississippi, Saint Croix, Chippewa and Wisconsin Rivers with the view of ascertaining the practicability and cost of maintaining reservoirs ; super- vision over construction of bridges across the Red River of the North at Alpha de Mers, and at Grand Forks, Dak., Nov., '89. Staff positions occupied Treasurer -at the Mil. Acad., 64-'66. Commands heldGo. "A," Engineer troops at Mil. Acad., '64-66; exploring expedition to the Yellowstone National Park, 76. History Author of " Explorations of Northwestern Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park ; " " The Salmon Fisheries of the Columbia River." 318 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. JUD Jordan, William H, (Lieut.-Col. 19th Inf.). Bora in Ohio June 22, 1837. Retiring year 1901 ; app. from Ohio. Graduated at Mil. Acad., class of '60. Ac- tual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. July 1, '60 ; 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. Feb. 20, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61; Captain 9th Inf. Dec. 31, '62; Major 8th Cal. Vols. Feb. 3, '65 ; mustered out of volunteer service Oct. 24, '65; Major 3d Inf. May 19, '81 ; Lieut.-Col. 19th Inf. April 20, '86. Brevet rank Brevet Captain June 27, '62, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Games' Mill, Va. frrrire Served on frontier duty, '60-61; defenses of AVashington, D. C., Aug., '61, to March, '62 ; engaged in the actions of the Virginia Peninsula campaign, March to June, '62 ; severely wounded at battle of Games' Mill ; captured at Savage Station; exchanged July, '62; sick leave, July, '62, to April, '63; mustering and disbursing duty, April to Nov., '63 ; frontier duty, '64-78 ; recruiting duty, Oct. 1, '78, to Oct. 1, '80; on special duty Hd. Qrs. Div. of Mo., Oct. 1, '80, to May 13, '81 ; on frontier duty, June, '81, to Oct., '89; general recruiting service, Oct., '89, to present time. Commands held General Recruiting Depot, Columbus Bks., Ohio, Oct., '89, to . Judd, Edwin D. (Major U. S. A.). Born in Conn. Oct. 31, 1833. Retired; appointed from Conn. Civil life. Actual rank Major and Add. Paymaster U. S. Army June 1, '61 ; accepted June 15, '61 ; hon. must, out July 20, '66 ; Major and Paymaster Jan. 17, '67 ; accepted March 19, '67 ; retired June 4, 79. Brerct rank Brevet Lieut.-Col. of Vols. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious serv- ices during the war. Service On duty in the Army of the Potomac, with head- quarters at Washington, D. C., from June, '61, until Feb., '62; in the Army of the St. Louis until Sep. 30, '63, when ordered to Washington, D. C.; Chief Paymaster District of the South, headquarters at Hilton Head, S. C., from Nov., '68. until June, '64; Senior Paymaster Sub-district of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, June 18, '64, until Nov., '64 ; member of the Central Examining Boanl of the Pay Department, Nov. 11, '64, until June, '65"; paying off discharged volunteers in New York Harbor until Nov., '65, and troops in North Carolina and Washington, D. C., until July 20, '66, when he was honorably mustered out of the service of the United States ; nominated and confirmed by the Senate Brevet Lieut.-Col. U. S. Army from March 2, '67; expired by act of Congress March 1, 'CD; Paymaster of troops and Disbursing Officer of Reconstruction Fund Third Military District, staff of Gen. Pope and of Gen. Meade, from April, Y>7, until Dec. 14 '68 ; on duty in Louisiana and Texas until April 26, '75 ; Chief Paymaster Fifth Military Dis- trict (Texas) from April 15, '69, until April 16, 70, and Disbursing Officer of the Reconstruction Fund until March 31, '71 ; transferred to the Military Div. of the Atlantic April, 75 stations, Detroit and New York City; retired from active service June 4, 79, on account of disability incurred in line of duty. Judd, George E. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Mass. App. from Mich. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank 1st Sergt. Co. " A," 3d Mich. Inf., June 10, '61 ; discharged Aug. 1, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Mich. Inf. Aug. 1, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 28, '61 ; Capt. June 23, '62 ; hon. must, out Feb. 7, '64 ; Capt. Vet. Res. Corps Jan. 29, '64; accepted Feb. 8, '64 ; hon. must, out Aug. 27, '68; 2d Lieut. 4">th Inf. Aug. 19, '68 ; accepted Aug. 25, '68 ; transferred to 14th Inf. Aug. 14, '69 ; Unas- signed Sept. 27, '69 ; retired with rank of Capt. May 28, 70. Sennet In the War of the Rebellion '61-5 ; in the field with Army of the Potomac ; in the Peninsula Campaign '62 ; at Fair Oaks was ordered to charge a position in the enemy's line (company being the right of the line) ; went into this charge with forty-five men, and in a few seconds lost 28 out of the 45 men, and was himself wounded so as to necessitate the amputation of his left arm at the shoulder joint ; on recruiting service from '62 until the spring of '63 ; appointed Inspector in the Provost Mar- shal's Dept. of Mich. ; on duty at Davenport, Iowa, Jan. 1, '64 ; at Camp Kearney, a prison tor Indians, had 300 Indian prisoners in charge; on said duty until Dec., ',:>; ordered to Tennessee in Jan., '66; was continually on duty in connection with the reconstruction in Tenn. and Ky., until Aug., '69. Battles, skirmishes, KAU KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 319 etc. Battle of Blackburn's Ford ; various small skirmishes up to Mar^h, '62 ; en- gaged in the battle of Williamsburg ; at the battle of Fair Oaks. Commands held Company at battle of Fair Oaks ; Camp Kearney '64r-5. History Entrusted with the duty of informing Capt. Carter (then in command of the steamer "Michigan"), and the commanding officer at Johnson's Island, of the plot that was matured in Canada to get possession of several vessels and to proceed to Johnson's Island and capture the steamer " Michigan," and to liberate the prisoners on the Island and with these prisoners to man the vessels and then proceed to devastate the cities on the lake shore. This information was considered of so much importance that Col. Smith did not think it safe to send written dispatches, so entrusted to him en- tirely the getting of the proper information to the officers, and seeing that the necessary precautions were taken to prevent the consummation of the plot. Col. Smith commended him highly for his work. Judd, Henry B. (Major and Brevet Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Conn. Re- tired ; appointed from Conn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '35 ; graduated July 1, '39. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. July 1, '39; 1st Lieut. Dec. 26, '40 ; Cap. Feb. 13, '50 ; Major 4th Art. Nov. 1, '61 ; retired Nov. 21, '61, for disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 25, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Medelin ; Lieut. Col. Nov. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services connected with the mustering and dis- banding of the volunteer armies of the United States ; Col. Nov. 13, '65, for faith- ful and meritorious services connected with the organization of the volunteer armies of the United States during the war. Staff positions occupied Adj. 3d Art. from Jan. 20, '48, to June 1, '48. Judson, William V. (Second Lieut, of Engineers). Born in Ind. App. from Ind. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 15, '84 ; graduated June 11, '88. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. Engineers June 11, '88 ; 2d Lieut. July 23, '88. Kalk, Prank G. (Second Lieut. 3d Inf.). Born in Wis. Appointed from Wis. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '81 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Inf. July 1, '86. Kauffman, Albert B. (Captain 8th Cav.). Born in Pa. July 16, 1828. Re- tiring year 1892. Appointed from Mo. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt., Corp'l and Sgt. Co. " D," llth Inf., Mar. 18, '47, to Aug. 16, '48 ; Pvt., Corp'l, Sgt. and 1st Sg't.Co."F," 6th Inf., Jan. 11, '50, to Nov.21,'59; Pvt. Corp'l, Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. " T," 1st and 4th Cav., Sept. 12, '60, to Sept. 14, '63 ; 1st Lieut. 8th Cav. July 28, '66 ; accepted Jan. 16, '67 ; Capt. May 13, '69. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 8th Cav. Aug. 26, '67, to May 13, '69. Service Engaged in the war with Mexico; with the 6th U. S. Inf., on the western frontier, '50 to '60; with the 4th U. S. Cav., Sept., '60, to Sept., '63 ; in the War of the Rebellion '61-5 ; on frontier duty since the war. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Wilson's Creek, Shiloh, siege of Corinth, battles of Murfreesboro', Franklin, actions of Ringgold, Middleton and Shelbyville. Kautz, August V. (Colonel 8th Inf., Bvt. Maj. Gen.). Born in Germany / x-vi j~+ 1 j_ _ A. TT O UTil A ,-i vl Tiilvv 28, '66; accepted September 22, '66; transferred to 15th Inf. March 15 69; Col. 8th Inf. June 8, 74. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. June 9, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Monticello, Ky. ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. June 9, 54, loi gallant and meritorious services in an attack on Petersburg, Va. ; Bvt. Col. Oct. 7, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in action on the Darbytown Koad, Va.; Bvt. Brig. Gen. and Bvt. Maj. Gen. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant nd ra, e " to / lou * ser ; vices in the field during the War; Bvt. Maj. Gen. Vol., Oct. 28, '64, for gallant 320 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF IT. S. ARMY. KAU and meritorious services during the campaign against Richmond, Va. Honorably mentioned Commended for gallantry in G. O. No. 14 from the Hdqra. of the Army dated Nov. 13, '57, by Gen. Scott for services at the Indian War on Puget Sound. Service Served in the Mexican War on the Northern Campaign under Gen. Taylor; in Oregon and Washington Ter., until the Civil War; participated in the Rogue River War, '53 and '55; was wounded in the latter and again wounded in the Spring of '56 in the Indian War on Puget Sound ; served through the Pen nsular Campaign of '62, and at South Mountain Sept. 10, '62 ; ordered to Camp C'hase, Ohio, to remount and refit, and remained there from Dec '62, to A pr., '63; early in Apr., '63, in the field and served in Ky., his regiment forming a part of Gen. Carter's Division of the Army of the Ohio ; participated in a number of engagements until the Morgan Raid, which he joined from the Cumberland River to Portland, Ohio; his judicious attack on Morgan's rear early in the morning with simply the advance of Hobson's force, which was fifteen miles in rear, pre- vented Morgan from recrossing the Ohio and caused his rout which led to the capture on that day and the day following; upon the organization of the i'->?'///' positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 2d Inf. Aug. 20, 73, to July 20, 75. Keller, Jacob W. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Prussia. Retired; appointed from Conn. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. " K," 6th Mass. Inf.. April LL', '61 ; discharged Aug. 2, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 5th N. H. Inf. Oct. 12, '61 ; Capt. May 1, '63; hon. must, out Jan. 26, '64 ; Capt. Vet. Res. Corps Jan. 22, '64 ; accept.,} Jan. 27, '64 ; hon. must, out Jan. 1 1, '67 ; 2d Lieut. 42d U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Jan. 12, '67 ; 1st Lieut. March 20, '67 ; unaasigned April 22, '69; retired with rank of Captain Dec. 15, 70, wounded in line of duty. Service In the field with the Army of the Potomac, from March, '61, to Dec., '62; with regi- ment at Washington, D. C., and on the Lake frontier to '69. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Fair Oaks, Peach Orchard, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, Antietam and Fredericksburg (wounded in right forearm). Kelley, Joseph M. (Captain 10th Cav.) Born in N. Y. Sept. 29, 1844. Re- tiring year 1908; appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. <: G," 19th Pa. Inf., April 18, '61; discharged Aug. 8, '61; 1st Lieut. 69th Pa. Inf. tag, 26, '61; hon. must, out March 4, '63; 1st Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps March 8, U ; accepted March 12, '64 ; Captain April 3, '65 ; accepted April 30, '65; hon. mus. out Nov. 20, '65 ; 1st Lieut. 38th U. S. Inf. March 7, '67 ; accepted May 22, '67 ; unassigned Nov. 11, '69 ; assigned to 10th Cav. Dec 15, 70; Captain April 15, 75. N-/ / -we In the field with Army of Potomac, '61-62 ; in Vet. Res. Corps, '63-65; at various posts and on frontier duty from '69 to date. Battles, skirmishes, etc, Engaged in Banks' advance on Winchester, Va., Feb., '62; siege of Yorktown, battles of Fair Oaks, Seven Days' Fight, Pope's Virginia campaign, battles of South Mountain, Antietam and Fredericksburg (wounded) '62. Kelley, Moses J. (Chaplain U. S. A.). Born in Maine. Retired ; appointed from Maine. Actual rank Chaplain 6th Maine Inf. Aug. 14, '62 ; hon. mustered out Aug. 15, '64 ; Post Chaplain July 2, 70 ; accepted Aug. 16, 70 ; retired Oct. 3, 79. Kelliher, John (Captain and Bvt. Major U. S. A.). Born in N. B. Retired; app. from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. " F," 20th Mass. Inf., July 26, '61, to Dec. 14, '62; 2d Lt. 20th Mass. Inf. Dec. 14, '62; 1st Lt. Sep. 5, '63; Captain Nov. 11, '63; Major Dec. 24, '64; hon. mustered out July 16, '65; 1st Lieut. 42d Inf. July 28/66; accepted Jan. 1,'67; uuassigned April 22, '69 J KEL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 323 retired with rank of Capt. Dec. 15, 70 ; loss of right arm from wound in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Captain March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services* in the battle of Gettysburg Pa.; Bvt. Major Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spottsylvania, Va. Kellogg, Edgar R. (Major 8th Inf.). Born in New York, March 25, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank -Sergt. Co. A and Sergt. Major 24th Ohio Inf. April 22, '61, to July 23, '61 j 2d Lieut. 24th Ohio Inf. July 23, '61 ; resigned Oct. 28, '61 ; Private Co. B and Sergt. Major 1st Batt. 16th U. S. Inf., Nov. 29, '61, to Aug. 1, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 16th Inf. April 7, '62 ; 1st Lieut. May 3, '62; accepted Aug. 1, '62; Captain Feb. 16, '65; transferred to 25th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; transferred to 18th Inf. April 26, '69; Major 8th Inf. Dec. 26, '88. Brevet rank Brevet Captain Dec. 31, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn. ; Brevet Major Sept. 1, '64, for gallant and mer- itorious services during the Atlanta Campaign and in the battle of Jonesboro', Ga. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion, '61-5; in West Vir- ginia campaign, '61 ; in the campaigns of the Army of the West up to and in- cluding the battle of Jonesboro', Ga., '64 (wounded) ; rejoined regiment in Jan., '65 ; on recruiting duty from March, '65, to Feb., '66 ; with regiment to Aug., '66, and from that date to '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the action of Green- brier River, W. Va., '61 ; engaged at the battle of Shiloh, '62 ; engaged at the bat- tie of Murfreesboro"63; in the Atlanta campaign and engaged in the battle of Jonesboro', Ga. (wounded). Kellogg, Josiah H. (Captain and Bvt. Major U.S. A.) Born in Pa. Retired. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '55 ; graduated July 1, '60. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. 1st Drag. July 1, '60 ; 2d Lieut. Jan. 8, '61 -j 1st Lieut. 1st Cav. M ly 13, '61 ; Captain 1st Cav. May 20, '62 ; Col. 17th Penna. Cav. Nov. 19, '62; hon. must, out Dec. 17, '64; retired Feb. 6, '65, for in- juries in line of duty. Brevet rank Brevet Major July 3, '63, for gallant and mer- itorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Penna. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 1st Cav. Jan. 13, '62, to May 20, '62. Service Assistant Professor Natural and Experimental Philosophy, West Point M. A., '65 to '67 ; Assistant Professor Engineering and Military Science, Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J., from '67 to 71 ; Professor Military Science, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, from '81 to J 83. History Actuary 111. Insurance Dept. from 71 to '81 ; insurance busi- ness in Chicago, '83 to '89 ; Actuary Standard Accident Ins. Co., Detroit, Mich., '89 to . Kellogg, Sanford C. (Captain 5th Cav. and Brevet Lieut. -Col.). Born in N. Y., May 10, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rankSgt. and Pvt Co. G, 37th N. Y. S. M., from May 29, '62, to Sept. 2, '62; Capt. A. D. C. March 11, '63; accepted April 7, '63; hon. must, out July 10, '66; 2d Lieut, 18th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66; accepted May 5, '66; 1st Lieut. May 15, '66; unassigned April 26, '69; assigned to 5th Cav. Dec. 15, 70; Capt. Jan. 11, 71. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chattanooga, Tenn.; Major March 2, '67, for gallant and meritor- ious services in the battle of Atlanta, Ga.; Lieut.-Col. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Nashville, Tenn.; Maj. Vol. June 3, '65, for faithful services; Lieut.-Col. and Col. Vol. June 3, '65, for gallant and meri- torious services during the Atlanta Campaign and in the battle of Nashville, Tenn. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. from July 11, '66, to March 28, 70; act- ing Judge Adv., Dept. of the Lakes, from June 1, 70, to Jan. 31, 71 ; Lieut.-Col. A. D. C. to the Lieut.-Gen. from Nov. 6, '85, to June 1, '88; Col. A. D. C. to the Gen. from June 1, '88, to Aug. 5, '88. Service In the War of the Rebellion '62-5 ; served in the field on the staff of Major-Gen. Thomas through the entire war, and until the death of that officer March 28, 70; served on the staff of Gen. Cooke at Detroit, Mich., from June 1, 70, to Feb. 1, 71 ; joined 5th Cav. at Fort Mc- Pherson, Neb., Feb. 6, 71, and remained until the 27th of Nov., 71, when he moved with the 1st detachment of the regiment, by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of California, to Arizona, and while en route wasordered, Dec. 3, to report at the h'dq'rs of the Military Div. of the Mo., where he served on the staff of 324 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. KEL Lieut. Gen. Sheridan until Feb., 73, during which period he had station at Chi- cago, and participated in a reconnoissance of the Yellowstone River to the mouth of Powder River, and was engaged in several skirmishes with hostile Sioux dur- ing the movement; remained on duty with Gen. Sheridan in Chicago and Wash- ington, D. C., until the death of the Gen., and then on duty to the present time, under orders of the War Dept. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Present at every battle in which Gen. Thomas was engaged from April, '63, to the end of the War of the Rebellion, among which may be named Hoover's Gap; the battles around Chat- tanooga, including Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain; Buzzard's Roost, Resaca, Adairsville, Cassville, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, and the battles about Atlanta during August, '54, ending with the battle of Jonesboro' and the occupation of Atlanta ; the battle of Nawnville and the pursuit of Gen. Hood's army into Alabama. Kellog, William L, (Major 19th Inf.). Born in Ohio Nov. 1, 1841. Re- tiring year 1905; app. from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. August 5, '61; accepted August 21, '61; 1st Lieut. March 13, '63; Capt. Jan. 1, '64 ; Major 19th Inf. Sept. 15, '84. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. May 3, '63, gal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va.; Capt. and Maj., gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. N In the field during the war '61-3; on Recruiting Service Sept. '63, to Feb., '65; at Fort Ridgely, Minn., from Nov., '65, to May, '67 ; at Fort Ransom, D. T., from June, '67, to March, '69; at Fort Brown, Tex., from July, '69, to Dec., '70 ; on re- cruiting service to Jan., '73 ; at Fort Clark, Tex., to July, '75; in command of Fort Duncan, Tex., to Dec., '75; at Fort Clark, Tex., to May, 76; in command of Fort Duncan, Tex., during summer of 76 ; at Fort Clark, Tex., to fall of at Fort Wayne, Mich., to May, '84 ; at Fort Bliss, Tex., to Sept.. '84; Major l!th Inf. Sept. 15, '84; in command of Fort Ringgold, Tex., to fall of '85; in com- mand of Fort Brown, Tex., to Sept, '86 ; on Genl. Rectg. Service to Oct. 1, '89 ; at Mt. Vernon, Bks., Ala., to . Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, seven days' fight (wounded), battle of Second BuU Run, action of Sharpsburg and battle of Antietam ; member of 2d Brigade staff, 5th Corps ; en- gaged at the battle of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Com- mands held Co. Dec. '61 ; Feb. to April, '62, and from July to Sept., '62 ; Fort Ridgely, Minn., from Nov., '65, to May, '67 ; Fort Duncan, Tex., July to Dec., 75, and during summer of 76 ; Fort Ringgold, Tex., to fall of '85; Fort Brown, Tex., to Sept., '86; Columbus Bks., Ohio, to Oct., '89; Mt. Vernon Bks., Ala., to . Kelton, Dwight H. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Montpelier, Vt., Oct. 4, '43. Retired ; appointed from Vt. Civil life. Actual ran* Pvt. Co. " B," 98th N. Y. Inf., Jan. 29, '64 ; discharged Oct. 14, '64 ; Capt. 115th U. S. C. Inf. Oct. ir>, V.4 . hon. must, out Feb. 10, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Inf. July 20, '66 ; accepted August 23, '66; 1st Lieut. March 26, '68; unassigned May 19, '69; ass'd. to 10th Inf. Dec. 15,70; Capt. Feb. 16, '85; retired March 6, '88. Service Served at Louisville, Ky.; at Fort Snelling, Minn.; at Fort Brown, Tex.; stationed at Fort Mackinac, Mich., from May 31, 79, till June, '84 ; then at Fort Union, N. M., till May, '85; and at Fort Crawford, Col., from June 3, '85, till June 6, '87. History Author of "Annals of Fort Mackinac "and "History of the Sault Ste. Marie Canal ; " received from Norwich University in 70, 72 and '89 the degrees of B.S., A.M. and LL.D. respectively; member of the Vermont State Historical So- ciety; corresponding member of the Chicago Historical Society, Wisconsin State Historical Society, Minnesota State Historical Society and Kansas State Histor- ical Society. Kelton, John C. (Brigadier General and Adjutant General). Born in Penn- sylvania June 24, 1828. Retiring year 1892. Appointed from Pennsylvania. Ca- det at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '47; graduated Julv 1, '51. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. July 1, '51 ; 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. Dec. 31, '51 ; 1st Lieut. 6th Inf. May 9, '55 ; Brevet Captain and Assistant Adjutant General May 11/61 ; Captain and Assistant Adjutant General Aug. 3, '61 ; Colonel 9th Missouri Inf. from Sept. 19, '61, to March 1, '62; Colonel and Additional Aide-de-Camp KEN RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF IT. S. ARMY. 325 from Jan. 4, '62, to May 31, '66 ; Major and Assistant Adjutant General July 17, '62 ; Lieut. Colonel and Assistant Adjutant General March 23, '66 ; Colonel and Assistant Adjutant General June 15, '80 ; Brigadier General and Adjutant General June 7, '89. Brevet rank Brevet Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel March 13, '65, "for most valuable and arduous services both in the field and at headquarters," and Brigadier General March 13, '65, "for valuable and arduous services during the war, both in the field and at headquarters." Service At Fort Snelling, Minn., Sept. 29, '51, to Nov. 15, '52; at Traverse de Sioux, Minn., to Dec. 4, '52 ; at Fort Snelling, Minn., to April 26, '53 ; at Fort Ridgely, Minn., to July 26, '54 ; on an exploring expedition to Aug. 21, '54; at Fort Ridgely, Minn., to Sept, 30, '54; at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to Nov. 4, '54 ; on recruiting service to Dec. 1, '54 ; at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to April 16, '55 ; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to June 9, '55 ; on the march to and at Fort Laramie, Neb., to Nov. 21, '56 ; at Fort Leaven- worth, Kans., to Jan. 3, '57 ; at the U. S. Military Academy, as Asst. Instructor of Infantry Tactics, from March 6, '57, to Feb. 28, '58, and as Instructor in the use of Small Arms and Military Gymnastics, &c. (on leave June 15, '59, to June 15, '60), to April 24, '61 ; purchasing commissary of subsistence at St. Louis, Mo M from May 11 to Aug. 5, '61, and Assistant Adjutant General of the Department of the West from June 13 to Sept. 19, '61 ; in command of a brigade in military operations in Missouri Sept. 21 to Nov. 21, '61 ; Asst. Adjutant General of the Department of the Missouri Nov. 24, '61, to March 11, '62, and of the Depart- ment of the Mississippi March 11 to July 11, '62; participating in the advance upon, and siege and occupation of Corinth, Miss., April 19 to July 17, '62 ; Asst. Adjutant General on the Staff of Major General Halleck, while General-iri-Chiet of the Armies of the United States, July 11, '62, to March 12, '64, while Chief of Staff to the Army March 12, '64, to April 19, '65, and while at Richmond, Va., com- manding the Military Division of the James, April 22 to July 1, '65 ; on duty in the Adjutant General's Office at Washington, D. C., from July 6, '65, to Feb. 10, 70; on special service in Europe to July 21, '70; Asst. Adjutant General of the Division of the Pacific from Aug. 3, 70, to Sept. 26, 85; on duty in the Adjutant General's Office at Washington, D. C., from Oct. 13, '85, to June 7, '89; and Ad- jutant General of the Army since that date. Staff positions (not pertaining to com- mission). Regimental Quartermaster 6th Inf. from Nov. 27, '55, to Feb. 15, '57. Kemp, Ulysses G. (Second Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, '85 ; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Cav. June 12, '89; 2d Lieut. 8th Cav. Sept. 28, '89. Kendall, Frederic A. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in N. H. Aug. 28, 1838. Retired. Appointed from N. H. Civil life. Actual rankPvt. Co. B, llth Ind. Inf., June 18, '61 ; transferred to Co. I, 1st N. H. Inf., July 23, '61 ; discharged Aug. 9, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 4th N. H. Inf. Sept. 18, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 2, '62; Capt. Sept. 27, '64; resigned Aug. 17, '65 ; Capt. 8th U. S. C. Art. Oct. 9, '65 ; hon. must, out Feb. 10, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 40th Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Jan. 4, '67 ; 1st Lieut. July 31, '67 ; accepted Aug. 21, '67 ; transferred to 25th Inf. April 20, '69 ; Capt. March 22, 79 ; retired Dec. 4, 84, disability in line of duty. Brevet ranbBvt. 1st Lieut, and Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services at Ft. Harrison, Va. Staff positions occupied K. A. Q. M. at Ft. Macon, N. C., '67; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Post of Goldsboro', N. C., '68; Post Adj., Post Q. M. and A. C. S. Ft. Duncan, 70. Service Engaged in the Port Royal expedition ; in the Dept. of the South to April, '64; operations against Forts Sumter and Wagner, S. C., and in the expedition to Florida Jan., '64; with Co. in 4th N. H. Vol. in the Army of the James ; assistant commissary of musters 3d Division, 10th Corps, Sept., '64; mustering duty Richmond and Petersburg, Va., to Aug., '65; in Texas Oct., '65; asst. commissary of musters District of the Rio Grande to March, '66 ; served as A. A. U. S. Marshal Western Texas, 70 ; with regiment till 74 ; general recruiting service from 74 to 76, and college duty from 76 to 79. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the action of Pocotaligo, S. C.; engaged at the actions of Bermuda Hundred, Drury's Bluff, battles of Cold Harbor, Petersburg, explosion of the mine and battle of FussePs Mills, Va.; engaged at the capture of 326 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. KEN Fort Harrison and in the operations terminating in the surrender of General Lee. History Graduate of Bowdpin College, Maine, in '60; degree of M. A. conferred by same college in '68 ; while on duty at the Military Academy he was assigned to duty by the Governor of Ohio, in connection with the National Guard, being appointed special Aide-de-Camp with rank of Col. in State Militia, by Governors Young and Bishop, in all 3 years. Kendall, Henry F. (First Lieut 8th Cav.) Born in France. Appointed from Texas. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 74; graduated June 14, 78. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 3d InfT June 14, 78 ; 2d Lieut. June 28, 78 ; transferred to 20th Inf. Sept. 9, 78 ; transferred to 8th Cav. June 3, 79 ; 1st Lieut. April 4, '85. Kendall, Henry M. (Captain 6th Cav.). Born in Mass., Sept. 17, 1839. Re- tiring year 1903 ; appointed from Ind. Civil life. Actual rank Corp. and Pvt. 5th Batt. Ind. Vol. L. Art. from Sept. 23, '61, to Jan. 5, '63; 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Cav. July 17, '67 ; accepted Aug. 29, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 11, '69 ; Capt. Feb. lo, 81. Kendall, William P. (First Lieut., Ass't Surg.). Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. Civil life. AHn. AHwil rnnlc Brevet 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Inf. July 1, '35; 2d Lieut. April 1, '36; transferred to 2d Art. June 16, '36 ; 1st Lieut. June 20, '37; Captain June 18, '46; Prof. M. A. March 3, '57; retired with pay of Col. Dec. 13, '80, at his own request, over 62 years of age and 45 years' service. Brevet rank Bvt. Major Oct. 12, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the defense ofPuebla. Staff posit inn* <>,;-,< f ,ic<;;,/>i>2 ; accepted Oct. 12, '62; 1st Lieut. May 1, '63; out of service April 21 reinstated July 22, '64; Captain Aug. 8, '66 ; unassigned April 17, '69; assigned to 10th Inf. July 5, 70. Brevet rank Brevet Captain July 2, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Lacey, Francis B., Jr. (Second Lieut." iOth Inf.). Born in Guyandotte, W. Va. Appointed from 1st Congressional District of Michigan. Graduated U. S. Military Academy June 12, '89. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. June 12, '89. Service Joined Co. C, 10th Inf., June 24, '89 ; transferred to Co. A, 10th Inf., Aug. 1, '89. Staff positions occupied Post Adj. at Fort Crawford, Colo., since Dec. 1, '89. History Son of Capt, F. E. Lacey, 10th Inf. Ladd, Eugene F. (Second Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in Vermont. Appointed from Vt. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 79; graduated June 15, '84. Actual m/* 2d Lieut. 9th Cav. June 15, '84. Lafferty, John (Captain U. S. A.). Born in New York. Appointed from Cal. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 1st Batt., Cal. Vol. Cav., July 21, '64; hon. must, out March 15, '66; 2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Cav. July 28, '66; accepted Nov. 16, '66 ; 1st Lieut. July 31, '67 ; accepted Sept, 15, '67 ; Capt. Oct. 3, 76 ; re- tired June 28, 78, for wounds in the line of duty. La Garde, Louis A. (Capt. and Asst. Surg.). Born in Louisiana. App. from Ky. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. June 6,78; accepted June 19, 78; Capt. and Asst, Surg. June 6, '83. Lancaster, James M. (Captain 3d Art.). Born in Ky. Oct. 13, 1840. Retir- ing year 1904. App. from Ky. Cad^t at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '57 ; grad. June 17, '62. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. June 17, '62 ; 1st Lieut. June 24, LAN RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 339 '64 ; Capt. March 20, 79. Brevet rank Brevet Capt. March 13, '65, for good con- duct and gallant services during the war. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. from July 11, '66, to April 8, '67 ; Adj. 3d Art. from March 26, '67, to Sept. 24, '67. Service In the field with the Army of the Potomac '62-3 ; at West Point, N. Y., '64^5 ; on staff duty '66-7 ; since then serving with his battery. Landers, George P. (Second Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in Md. Appointed from Md. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83 ; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th Art. June 12, '87. Landis, J. F. Reynolds (First Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '74 ; graduated June 14, '78. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. June 14, 78 ; 2d Lieut. June 15, 78 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 11, '87. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Feb. 1, '81, to Aug. 2, '81. Service Instructor in Dept. of Modern Languages at Military Academy West Point, N. Y., since March 24, '86. Lane, William B. (Major U. S. Army). Born in Kentucky, Oct. 25, 1825. Retired ; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private, Corporal, Sergeant and 1st Sergeant Co. D, Mounted Rifles, from July 17, '46, to Jan. 21, '48 ; Pvt. Co. A, 4th Ky. Vol. Inf., Jan. 21, '48, to July 25, '48; appointed a Brevet Second Lieut. Mounted Rifles June 28, '48, " for distinguished services in the Mexican War ;" accepted July 25, '48 ; 2d Lieut. Mounted Rifles Oct. 31, '48 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 16, '53 ; Captain May 14, '61 ; Major 3d U. S. Cav. Nov. 9, '66. Brevet rank Brevet Major March 30, '65, for meritorious and faithful services in the recruitment of the armies of the U. S. ; Brevet Lieut. Colonel Nov. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in connection with the mustering out of service and disbanding of the volunteer army of the U. S. Service In the field during the war with Mexico, from July, '46, to June, '48 ; joined Mounted Rifles at Jef- ferson Bks. Mo., and marched with two companies via Fort Leaven worth, Kan., to Fort Kearney, Neb., in fall of '48 ; on arrival of the other eight Co.'s of the regiment at Fort Kearney in the spring of '49, marched with them for Oregon ; in Oregon City, in '49, engaged in capturing deserters ; in spring of '50 was en route to Jefferson Bks. via Panama ; on regimental recruiting duty to '52, and then joined regiment in Texas ; on general recruiting service at Carlisle Bks. Pa., to '53 ; at Fort Inge, Texas, in '55 ; at San Antonio, Texas, to '56 ; at Fort Mcln- tosh, Texas, in '56, and marched from that post to Cantonment Burgwin, near Taos, N. M. ; at Fort Union, Hatch's Ranch, and Fort Stanton, N. M., '57-8 ; part of the winter of '57 stationed on the Rio Pecos with a detachment of twenty- five mounted during '59-60. more in spring of '61 ; on an expedition to Dog Canon against Apache Indians ; on escort duty to Fort Craig and Santa F6, N. M,, and again on duty at Fort Union. During term of duty in New Mexico, from '56 to '61, was with regiment, engaged in various ways commanding companies, com'g post, escort to mail stages, trains, surveying parties, etc. ; in '61 was refused permission to accept the Lieut. Colonelcy of a Kentucky Cavalry regiment ; on mustering and disbursing duty in Philadelphia in the fall and winter of '61 ; Chief Mustering and Disbursing Officer and Superintendent of Volunteer Recruiting Service for Penna., and stationed at Harrisburg from May, '62, to '63 ; Chief Mustering and Disbursing Officer, Supt. Vol. Rec. Service and Acting Provost Marshal General for Eastern Division of Pa., from '63 to '66 ; en route to New Mexico in June, '66, and at Fort Union in Aug., '66 ; at Fort Marcy to spring of '67 ; on sick leave in winter of '67 ; on duty in Philadelphia in '68, closing up and shipping records of the Chief Mustering and Disbursing Officer to the Adjutant General of the Army; en route to New Mexico, Nov., '68, via New Orleans and San Antonio, Texas; reached Fort Selden, N. M., in March, '69 ; applied to be retired and en route for the east, on sick leave, in the fall of '69 ; retired from active service for disability in line of duty Dec. 15, 70. Staff positions occupiedA. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Inge, Texas, '53 to '55 ; Acting R. Q. M. at San Antonio to '56 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Union, N. M., in '57, and at Fort Stanton '57-8 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. 340 RECORDS -OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. LAN S. at Fort Bliss, Tex, '59 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. and Purchasing Commissary of Subsistence for Southern New Mexico and Arizona, station at Fort Fillmore, to the spring of '61. Battles, skirmishes, etc. At the siege of Vera Cruz, Mexico ; skirmish of Puente del Medio (wounded) ; battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco, Chapultepec and City of Mexico, '47-8. Commands held Com. Co. E, Mounted Rifles, in '56, from Fort Mclntosh to Cantonment Burgwin, N. M. ; com'g det. of 25 men on Rio Pecos in '57 ; in command of Fort Fillmore in '61 ; com'g Co. A, Mounted Rifles, against Apache Indians '61 ; com'g Fort Marcy and regiment '66-7; com'g Fort Union, N. M., until fall of '67. History Re- ceived officially the thanks of the city of Philadelphia for " his ability, efficiency and watchful integrity" from '63 to '66. Langdon, Loomis L. (Colonel 1st Art.). Born in New York, Oct. 25, 1830. Retiring year 1894. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '50 ; graduated July 1, '54. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. 4th Art. July 1,'54; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. Aug. 21, 54; 1st Lieut. July 13, '60; Captain Aug. 28, '61 ; Major 2d Art. March 20, 79; Lieut. Col. Dec. 1, '83; Colonel 1st Art. Jan. 25, '89. Brevet rank Brevet Major U. S. A. Feb. 20, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Olustee, Fla. ; Lieut. Col. U. S. A. Sept. 29, T>4, for g.tl- lant and meritorious services in the attack on Fort Gilmer, Va. Service Served in garrison at Fort Monroe, Va., '54; in Florida, hostilities against the Seminole Indians, '54-56, being stationed at Fort Dallas, Key Biscayne Bay, Fla.; Acting Engineer Officer of the expedition through the Everglades; stationed at Camp Daniels, near Fort Myers; scouting from Fort Dallas along the banks of the Miami River and through the. "Hunting Grounds" on the eastern coast of Flor- ida; on frontier duty at Fort Brown, Texas, and at Brazos Santiago, Texas, '57- 60 ; at Fort Brown during the yellow fever epidemic, which carried off half the command, in Aug., Sept., Oct. and Nov., '58 ; during the withdrawal of the gar- risons from the Rio Grande poste, being in charge as A. A. Q. M. of the dis- mantling of Fort Duncan, Fort Mclntosh, Ringgold Barracks and Fort Brown, Texas, and of the transportation of the public property therefrom, and in charge of the Depot at Brazos Santiago, '59-60; in the yellow fever epidemic of '59 at Brownsville, Texas ; in the absence of the river frontier garrisons, organizing the citizens of Brownsville, Texas, into a defensive force and assisting them to de- fend their lives and property from the attacks of the Outlaw Cortinas and his band, '59-60, for which he received the public thanks of the citizens; served during the Rebellion of the seceding States, '61-66; in garrison at Fort Jefferson, Dry Tor- tugas, Fla., Feb.-June, '62 ; in operations in South Carolina June 20, '62, to Feb. 5, '64; in the operations on the James River, Va., from Bermuda Hundred, Va., as Chief of Art., 1st Div., 10th Army Corps, May 5 to Sept. 28, '64; superintend- ing the Batteries of the 24th and 25th Corps in collecting the field artillery aban- doned by the enemy, over 300 guns, in the earthworks around Richmond, '65 ; Chief of Art. with Gen. Weitzel's expedition to the Rio Grande to recover muni- tions of war sold to the Imperialists under Maximillian, in Mexico, by the Con- federates June to Aug., '65; Asst. Insp. Gen. June 22 to July 10, '65; on sick l^ave of absence Aug. to Nov., '65 ; in command of Battery M, 1st Art., at Browns- ville, Texas, and Brazos Santiago, Texas, Nov. and Dec., '65, and at Fort Hamil- ton, N. Y., Jan. and May, '66 ; Judge Advocate of a G. C. M. in New York City May, '66, to April 20, '67; during part of this time Acting Judge Advocate of the Dept. of the East under Gen. Hooker; on leave of absence in Europe April 21 to Oct. 20, '67; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. (com. battery), Oct. 21, '67, to March 17, 71, being detached at various times on special service in connection with the sup- pression of the Fenian disturbances on the northern frontier, and in charge of the U. S. Q. M. Depot at Pittsburgh, Pa.; in command of battery at Plattsburg Brks., N. Y., March 18, 71, to Oct. 29, 72, being detailed on various occasions on C. M. duty at New York City ; at David's Island Rendezvous, N. Y., Oct. 31 to Nov., 72; (present with battery during the yellow fever epidemic at the Dry Tortugas, Fla., Sept. 6 to Oct., 73) com. battery at Barrancas Brks., Fla., Jan. 4. 74, to Oct. 5, 75; (present with command during the yellow fever epidemic at Barran- cas, Fla., July 20 to Aug. 25, 75) ; engaged in the suppression of the election dis- LAN RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. ti. ARMY. 341 turbances at New Orleans, La. ; at Fort Barrancas, Fla., Dec., 74, to Oct., 75 ; on leave of absence from Oct. 6 to Dec. 27, 75 ; at Fort Trumbull, Conn., Dec. 29, 75, to Oct., 76 ; com. battery at Columbia, Blackville and Charleston, S. C., 76 -7 ; com. battery at Fort Trumbull, Conn., March 8, 77, to June 27, 79, being detached to various points in Pennsylvania and engaged with his com. in the sup- pression of the railroad riots July 23 to Oct. 25, 77, at Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Reading, Pa. ; on leave of absence (in Europe) June 29, 79, to Jan. 6, '80 ; on special duty Hdqrs. Dept. of the East Jan. 21, '80, and on G. C. M. service at Fort Wayne, Mich., and Boston, Mass., to April 1, '80 ; Recorder of the Warren Court of Inquiry April 2, '80, to Dec. 9, '81 ; in garrison at Fort McHenry, Md., Dec. 10, '81 ; member of the G. C. M. sitting at Washington City for the trial of Sergt. Mason, 2d Art., " for shooting Guiteau," Feb., '82; in camp at Camp Wash- ington, Md., with regiment, as Superintendent of Rifle Practice and Instructor in Inf. Tactics, from July to Nov., '82 ; on the practice march of the 2d U. S. Art. to South Mountain and Antietam, Md., and to Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 2-12, '82; in garrison at Washington Brks., D. C., Nov. 13, '82, to June, '83 ; in camp a second time at Gaithersburg, Md., June to Nov., '83; Supt. of Inf. and Art. Ins. and of Rifle Practice from Nov., '82, to Nov. 30, '83; ordered Feb. 2, '84, to Manchester, N. H., as Inspector and Instructor of the officers o-f the N. H. National Guard ; in camp at Fauquier Springs, Va., July-No v., '84, as Tactical Instructor; inspecting the National Guard of N. H. in their encampment at Concord in Sept., '84; on leave of absence from Oct. 18 to Dec. 22, '86. Staff positions occupied Chief Q. M. Dept. of Florida, '61-2; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Pickens, Fla., during the same period, and A. D. C. to Col. Harvey Brown, commanding. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in action at Big Cypress Swamp against Billy Bowlegs April 7, '56; defense of Fort Pickens, Fla., Feb. 7, '61, to Jan. 7, '62; repulse of the attack on Santa Rose Island, Fla., Oct. 9, '61 ; in the descent on and capture of Morris Island from Folly Island, S. C., June 10, '63, and in the siege of Fort Wagner July 10-26, '63 ; in the battle of Olustee (Ocean Pond) Fla., Feb. 20, '64 ; in the actions at " Hewlett's House " and " Wer Bottom Church," Va., May 10, '64, " Assault and Capture of the Enemy's Defences near Chester Station," and the "Capture of the Right of the Enemy's Entrenchments," May 11, 13 and 14, '64 ; in the Battle of Drury's Bluff, May 16, '64 ; Defense of Bermuda Hundred Intrenchments, with frequent Skirmishes and Artillery Duels, from May 20 to Aug. 28, '64, and Siege of Petersburg Sept., '64; in command of Battery ("M" 1st Art., mounted) in operations before Richmond Sept, 29, '64, to March 27, '65; be- ing engaged in the Assault and Capture of New Market Heights Sept. 29, '64 ; engaged in the Repulse of the Attack on the Federal position on the New Market Roa< Feb. mond, lotte's Harbor in search of captives taken by Chief Esmarto's band of Seminoles ; in command of the Advance Guard attacking Billy Bowlegs in his village (Billy's Town) in the heart of the Big Cypress Swamp April 7, '56, and in command of Det. guarding the Depot at Punta Rasea, at the mouth of the Ca-loo-sa-hat-chee River; in command of Mortar Battery in Fort Pickens, Fla., during the Bombard- ments of that place Nov. 22-23, '61, and Jan. 1, '62; in command of Lt. Batt. B, D, M and C 1st Art., and camped at Hilton Head, S. C. ; command'g Siege and Field Batteries in the descent on and capture of Morris Island from Folly Island, S. C., June 10, '63, and in the Siege of Fort Wagner July 10-26, '63 ; in com- mand of Batt. M, 1st Art., mounted, and of the Art. Brig, in the expedition under Gen. Seymour to Florida Feb. 5, to April 26, '64; in command of Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas, Fla., Nov. 17, 72, to Jan., 74; command'g Mobile Bks., Ala., Sept. 17 to Dec. 4, 74; command'g at Barnwell C. H., S. ., during the election dis- turbances Oct. 20, 76, to Feb. 4, 77 ; command'g Fort McHenry, Md., May 25, '82, and com. Batt. 2d U. S. Art. on Practice march ffom Baltimore to Camp Washington, Montgomery Co., Md., June 27-30, '82; com. Fort McHenry, Md , Dec. 21, '83, to June 8, '85; com. Batt. of the 2d U. S. Art. (Batteries B, B, H, L and M) at the Dedication of the Washington Monument at Washington City, 342 RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. LAR D. C., Feb. 22, '85 ; in com. of all the Regular Artillery at the Inauguration ot President Cleveland in Washington City March 4, '85 ; in com. of Fort Barrancas, Fla., June-July, '85 ; in com. of Camp Wm. G.Mitchell (Batteries B, and H, 2d U. S. Artillery), West End, Atlanta, Georgia, July 24 to Dec. 1, '85 ; during this encampment detached Oct. 2, temporarily, to inspect public funds at Atlanta, Ga., and Augusta Arsenal, Ga.; in com. of Fort Barrancas, Fla., Dec. 2, '85, to June 12, '86 ; in com. of hip regiment and the post of St. Francis Bks., Fla., and of the battalion comprising Batteries G and L, 2d Art., June 15 to,Oct. 1, '86, having charge at the same time of 470 Warm Spring Apache Indians brought from Arizona to Fort Marion (Castle San Marco) St. Augustine, Fla., during the summer of '86, and confided to his custody as prisoners of war; in com. of Camp Hancock, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 7-17, '86; in com. of Fort Barrancas, Fla., and of Fort Pickens, Fla., Dec. 23, '86, to Feb. 28, '89, having charge of 48 Apache Indians from Arizona, including the Chiefs, Geronimo, Natchez and Mangus, and 45 men, women and children belonging to their bands, all confined as prisoners of war in Fort Pickens, Fla. ; assumed command of regiment, 2d U. S. Art., with Headquarters at Fort Barrancas, Fla., May 2, '87 ; relinquished command of regiment Oct. 22, '87; assumed command of regiment April 1, '88; in com. of regiment and Camp* Instruction at Camp Monte Sano, near Hunts- ville, Ala., July 6 to Nov. 30, '88; in com. of regiment and of Fort Barrancas, Fla., Dec. 1, '88; relinquished command of the 2d U. S. Art. Jan. 30, '89; left Fort Barrancas March 8, '89; in com. of the 1st U. S. Art., and command of the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., March 21, '89. Langfltt, William G. (First Lieut, of Engineers). Born in Virginia (now W. Va.). Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 1878 ; grad- uated June 13, 1883. Actual rank2d Lieut. Eng. June 13, '83 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 30, '84. Service Out of service July 25, 79 ; reinstated July 26, '80 ; reported at Engineer School of Application, at Willet's Point, N. Y. H., Sept. 30, '83 ; on duty at Sandy Hook, N. J., June 19, '86, to Oct. 26, '86; in charge of experiments with submarine minee ; relieved from duty at Willet's Point and ordered to re- port to commanding General Dept. of Columbia, as Engineer officer of that Dept., in orders dated Oct. 29, '86 ; relieved by orders dated Aug. 15, '88, and ordered to report to Major O. H. Ernst, Corps of Engrs., for duty under his immediate orders, at Galveston, Tex. Langhorne, George T. (Second Lieut. 3d Cav.). Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Virginia. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, '85 ; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 5th Cav., June 12, '89; 2d Lieut. 3d Cav. Aug. 31, '89. Service At San Antonio, Tex., since Nov. 1, '89. Larkin, William J. (Post Chaplain). Born in Ireland. Appointed from Illinois. Actual rank Post Chaplain Dec. 10, '88; accepted Dec. 19, '88. Lamed, Charles W. (Professor at Mil. Acad.). Born in New York, March 9, 1850. Retiring year 1914. Appointed from Illinois. Cadet at U, S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 1866 ; graduated June 15, 1870. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Cav. June 15, 70 ; transferred to 7th Cav. Oct. 10, 70 ; 1st Lieut. June 25, 76 ; Prof, at U. S. Mil. Acad., Lieut. Col., July 25, 76 ; Colonel July 25, '86. Service Reported for duty at Fort Leaven worth, Kan., Oct. 23, 70 ; assigned to Troop F, 7th Cavalry, same date, and ordered to report to Lieut. Col. G. A. Custer, at Fort Hays, Kan., for temporary duty with Troop D ; took com. of troop and marched with Col. Custer's command to Fort Leavenworth ; winter quarters ; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., on duty with Troop F ; with regiment, by boat, from Leav- enworth to Louisville, Ky., in the spring of 71 ; on duty with troop at Taylor Bks., Ky. ; temporary duty as Post and Regt. Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. ; with Regt. en route to Dakota April, 73 ; in camp with Regt. at Yankton, Dak., same month ; marched from Yankton to Fort Lincoln, Dak. ; marched with Stanley's expedition from Fort Lincoln June 25, 73 ; on special duty as Topo- graphical officer during campaign ; on special duty with Secretary of War Dec. 24, 73, to July 18, 74; on duty at U. S. Mil. Acad. Aug. 28, 74 ; Professor U. S. Mil. Acad. since July 26, 76. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in battle with Sioux Indians under Sitting Bull, at mouth of Big Horn River, Aug. 11, 73. LAT RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 343 Commands held Com. a det. of 7th Cav., at Livingston, Ky., Jan. 3, 73, to assist U. S. Marshal in breaking up illicit distilleries, until middle of Feb., 73. His- tory Son of late Major Wm. Lamed, Add. Paymaster U. S. A. Lamed, Daniel R. (Major and Paymaster). Born in Connecticut June 26, '28. Retiring year 1892; appointed from Conn. Civil life. Actual rank Capt. A. A. G. Vol. March 13, '63 ; accepted March 25, '63 ; resigned June 1, '65 ; Maj. and Pm. U. S. A. June 23, 79 ; accepted July 2, 79. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Vol. August 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in East Tennessee, at the siege of Knoxyille and in the battles of the late campaign from Rapidan to Petersburg, Va.; Lieut. Col. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign from the Rapidan to Petersburg. Larned, Frank H. (Major U. S. A.). Born in Mich. Appointed from Mich. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank 2d Lieut, of Inf. March 8, '47 ; accepted March 18, '47 ; 2d Lieut, of Voltigeurs April 9, '47 ; 1st Lieut. July 1, '52 ; Capt. 2d U. S. Artillery April 28, '61 ; Major 1st U. S. Artillery Jan. 3, '67. Ser- vice Engaged in the Mexican War ; transferred to the 2d U. S. Artillery June, '48 ; engaged in the Florida Indian War, '49 to '57 ; Kansas troubles and expedition to Utah ; at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, '61 ; com. Co. and engaged at the captures of Forts Hatteras, Clarke and Hatteras Inlet, N. C. ; joined Co. at Fort Pickens, Fla., and engaged in the defense of Fort Pickens ; com. battalion of regulars and volunteers at Barrancas, Fla., to '64 ; at head- quarters 2d U. S. Art., Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Md., to '65; on the Pacific coast to '67 ; retired Feb., '67, for disability in line of duty. Lasseigne, Armand I. (Second Lieutenant 7th Inf.). Born in Louisiana. Appointed from La. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank2d Lieut. 7th Inf. July 1, '86. Lassiter, William (First Lieutenant 16th Inf.). Born in Oxford, N. C., Jan. 6, '51. Retiring year 1915 ; appointed from N. C. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy from Sept. 1, '68, to July 19, 71. Actual rank2d Lieut. 16th Inf. Oct. 1, 73; accepted Oct. 14, 73 ; 1st Lieut. April 26, '83. Service Joined Reg't. at Jackson, Miss., 73, and served with it in various Depts. to present date. Staff positions occupied App. Post Adjt. at Jackson, Miss., June 8, 74; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Colfax, La., June 29, 74, and at Jackson, Miss., Nov. 22, 74 ; Topographical Officer of command in the field from Ft. Sill, I. T., Capt. Nicholas Nolan, 10th Cav., Com., May 18, 78 ; Post Adjt. at Ft. Sill, I. T., March 17, 79, and at Ft. Reno, I. T., Sept. 20, '80 ; Post Adj. at Ft. Stockton, Tex., June 3, '82; Post Adj. at Ft. Concho, Tex., June 3, '85; Q. M. 16th Inf. July 1, '85; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Ft. Concho and Ft. Bliss, Tex., and Ft. Douglas, Utah, at different periods ; A. C. S. and A. O. O. at Fort Douglas, Utah, since Oct. 1, '89. Commands held In Com. of Det. of Troop G, 10th Cav., April 25, 78 ; sent to cap- ture certain troublesome Indians near Paint Rock Creek, I. T.; in com. of Troop I, 10th Cav., Jan. 4, 79, and sent to Pan Handle of Texas to overtake and return marauding Indians to their reservation ; Com. Sub-Post of Grierson's Springs, Tex., in the fall and winter of '81. Lassiter, William (Second Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Va.; appointed from Va. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, '85 ; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th Art. June 12, '89; retired in '90. Latimer, Alfred B. (Major U. 8. A.). Born in S. C.; appointed from S. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1/48 ; graduated July 1, '53. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Inf. July 1, '53; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. Feb. 5, '55; 1st Lieut. April 18, '59 ; Capt. llth Inf. May 14, '.61 ; accepted Aug. 25, '61 ; trans. to 29th Inf. Sept 21, '66 ; Major 19th Inf. June 25, '67 ; unassigned March 15, '69; assigned to 4th Cav. Dec. 15, 70 ; retired March 20, 79, at his own request ; over 40 years' service. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. March 13, '65 for gallant and meritor- ious services. LaTourrette, James A. M. (Post Chaplain). Born inN. Y.; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank Chaplain Feb. 6, '65; Post Chaplain April 3, '67; accepted April 27, '67. 344 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. LEA Lauderdale, John V. (Major and Surgeon). Born in N. Y.; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. May 14, '67 ; accepted May 25, '67 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. May 14, '70 ; Major and Surg. July 3, '88. Lawson,Gaines (Captain 25th Inf., Bvt. Lieut.-Col.). Born in Tenn., Sept. 4,1840. Retiring year 1904. Appointed from Tenn. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. and 1st Sergt. 4th Tenn. Vok Dec. 21, '62, to Aug. 9, '64 ; Capt. 4th Tenn. Vols. Aug. 10, '64; Major 4th Tenn. Vols. June 5, '65 ; Captain 39th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; trans, to 25th U. S. Inf. April 20, '69. Brevet rank Brevet Major and Lieut.-Col. U. S. A. Mar. 2, '67, for faithful and meritorious service. Service In the War of the Rebellion '62-5 ; in the field with Army of the West, and par- ticipated in various campaigns '63-4. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the action of Strawberry Plains, siege of Knoxville, actions of Bull's Gap, Paint Rock, Greenville, Kingston, capture of Cumberland Gap, and action of McMinnville, Tenn. (taken prisoner by rebels). Lawton, Edward t*. (Second Lieut. 13th Inf.). Born in Ga. Appointed from Ga. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '80; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 13th Inf. June 14, '85. Liawton, Henry W. (Lieutenant Colonel and Inspector General). Born in Ohio March 17, 1843. Retiring year 1907; appointed from Ind. Civil life. Ac- tual rank Set. Co. E, 9th Ind. Vol. Inf. April 18, '61 ; discharged July 29, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 30th Ind. Vol. Inf. Aug. 20, '61; Capt. May 17, '62; Lieut. Col. Nov. 15. '64 ; hon. must, out Nov. 25, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 41st U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted May 4, '67; 1st Lieut. July 31, '67; trs. to 24th Inf. Nov. 11, '69; trs. to Cav. arm Jan. 1, 71; assd. to 4th Cav. Jan. 1, 71; Capt. March 20, 79; Maj., Ins. Gen. Sep. 17, '88 ; accepted Oct. 2, '88 ; Lieut. Col., Ins. Gen. Feb. 12, '89. Bre- vet rank Bvt. Col. Vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied R. Qm. 41st Inf. June 1, '68, to Nov. 11, '69 ; R. Qm. 24th Inf. from Nov. 11, '69, to Jan. 1, 71 ; R. Qm. 4th Cav. from May 1, 72, to March 20, 75, and from Sep. 1, 76, to March 20, 79; Acting A. I. G. Dep. Ark. from Jan. 15, '81, to May 10, '81. Lazelle, Henry M. (Colonel 18th Inf.). Born in Mass. Sep. 8, 1832. Re- tiring year 1896 ; appointed from Mass. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '50 ; graduated July 1, '55. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Inf. July 1, '55; 2d Lieut. 8th Inf. Oct. 9, '55; 1st Lieut. April 27, '61 ; Capt. June 11, '61 ; Col. 6th N. Y. Vol. Cav. Oct. 23, '63; resigned Oct. 19, '64 ; Maj. 1st U. S. Inf. Dec. 15, 74; Lieut. Col. 23d Inf. June 26, '82 ; Col. 18th Inf. Feb. 17, '89. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Sep. 19, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in action near Culpepper, Va. Staff positions occupied Comdt. of Cadets at M. A. from July 1, 79, to Aug. 4, '82; Acting A. I. G. Dep. of Columbia from July 1, '85, to May 31, '87. Leach, Smith S. (Captain of Engrs.). Born in Ind. April 27, 1851. Retir- ing year 1915; appointed from Ind. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 71 ; graduated June 16, 75. Actual rank2d Lieut. Engrs. June 16, 75 ; 1st Lieut. March 4, 79 ; Captain Sep. 30, '84. Service On duty with batt. of Engrs. Sept. 14, 76, to 78 ; Recorder of Board of Eng. on improvement of Miss, and Mo. Rivers, 78-79 ; Secretary and Disbursing Officer of the Miss. River Commission, 7$-85 ; in charge of 1st and 2d Dist., imp. Miss. River, '85-88, and '88 to . Leahy, Michael (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from the Army. Retired. Actual rank Pvt. Co. B, 3d U. S. Art., and Pvt., Corpl., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. 1st Art. from July 15, '53, to Nov. 30, '63; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. Oct., 31, '63; accepted Nov. 30, '63; 1st Lieut. Oct. 14, '64; trs. to 18th Inf. Aug. 3, '69; Capt. June 15, '87; retired, Nov. 8, '89, for disability in line of duty. Bre- vet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Feb. 20, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Olustee, Fla.; Capt. Oct. 7, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in action on Darbytown Road, near Richmond, v a. Staff positions occupied R. Qm. 18th Inf. from March 31, '87, to June 15, '87. Leary, Peter, Jr. (First Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in Md. Appointed from Md. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. Ind. Co. Md. Vol. L. Art. Aug. 11, '62; 1st Lieut. April 5, '65 ; hon. must, out June 17, '65 ; 2d Lieut 4th U. S. Art. July LEE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. 345 2, '67 ; accepted Aug. 2, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 24, 73. ServiceIn the War of the Rebellion ; in the field and engaged in the battles of the Opequan, Winchester, Va., actions of Catoctin Mountain, Frederick, Md., and the battle of Monocacy, Md. Leavel!, Benjamin W. (First Lieut. 24th Inf.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual raw/fc 2d Lieut. 24th Inf. June 13, 79 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 7, '84. Leavy, James T, (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Ky. Civil life. Actual rank Sergt. Co. H, 3d Ky. Vol. Cav., Oct. 1, '61; discharged April 7, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Ky. Vol. Cav., April 8, '62 ; hoii. must, out Dec. 26, '64; app. 2d Lieut. 7th U. S. Cav. Jan. 22, '67 ; accepted April 17, '67 ; retired July 31, '68; wholly retired July 1, '69; restored to retired list April 2, 78, to date July 31, '68. Brevet rankBvt. 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. ; Captain same date, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the capture of Savannah, Ga. Lebo, Thomas C. (Captain 10th Cav.). Born in Pennsylvania Nov. 17, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut, llth Pa. Vol. Inf. April 26, '61 ; hon. must, out July 31, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Pa. Vol. Cav. Nov. 28, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 12, '63 ; Capt. Dec. 13, '64 ; trs. to 2d Pa. Prov. Cav. June 17, '65; hon. must, out Aug. 7, '65; 1st Lieut. 10th U. S. Cav. June 12, '67; ace. July 17, '67 ; Capt. May 17, 76. Lee, D. Mortimer (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Connecticut. Appointed from Conn. Civil life. Retired. Actual rankP\t. Co. E, 2d Conn. Vol. Inf., May 7, '61 ; discharged Aug. 7, '61 ; Sgt. Co. K, 1st Conn. Vol. H. Art., April 4, '62; discharged Dec. 31, '63; 2d Lieut. 29th Conn. Colored Inf. Jan. 1, '64; 1st Lieut. Feb. 1, '65; hon. must, out Oct. 24, '65; 2d Lieut. 19th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted May 3, '66; trs. to 37th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 12, '66; trs. to 5th Inf. May 19, '69; unassigned June 22, '69; assd. to 6th Inf. Jan. 1, 71 ; Capt. Oct. 31, 76 ; retired June 26, '83, for disability in line of duty. Lee, Harry R. (Second Lieut, llth Inf.). Born in Rhode Island. Appointed from R. I. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, '85 ; graduated June 12, '89. At'twi! rnk 2d Lieut, llth U. S. Inf. June 12, '89. Service At Madison Barracks, N. Y. since Oct. 1, '89. Lee, James G. C. (Major and Q. M., Bvt. Lieut. Col.). Born in Canada Aug. 12, 1836. Retiring year 1900. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual /^///Captain and A. Q. M. Vols. Nov. 26, '62 ; Captain and A. Q. M. U. S. A. July 2, '64; Major and Q. M. July 2, 79. Brevet rank Brevet Major July 31, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; Brevet Lieut. Col. July 31, '65, for faithful and meritorious services. Service -Served at Headquarters llth Corps, Army of the Potomac, to Jan., '63 ; Acting Chief Q. M. llth Corps to Feb., '63 ; depot Q. M. Hope Landing, Va., to April, '63 ; in charge of depots of supply, Brooks' Station, Potomac Creek and Stoneman's Station, Va., with supply depot on Orange & Alexandria R. R. to June, '63 ; Acting Chief Q. M. Cavalry Corps during the Gettysburg Campaign, and to Aug., '63 ; in the Division of Ac- counts, Returns and Roster Q. M. General's office, Washington, D. C., to Dec., '63; in charge of depot at Alexandria, Va., to March, '66; on duty closing up depots at 6th st. wharf and Giesboro', Md., from Feb. 10, '66, to Aug. 31, '66 ; in charge of Q. M. Depot, San Antonio, Tex., Oct. 16, '66, to Oct., '69 ; Chief Q. M. Central Sub-district and District of Texas ; Depot Quartermaster at Tucson, and Chief Q. M. and Chief Commissary District of Southern Arizona to July, 71 ; Depot Q. M. Yuma Depot and Chief disbursing Quartermaster and Commissary Southern Disbursing District of Arizona, to Oct., 72 ; on temporary duty in Washington, D. C., to March 31, 73 ; in charge of construction and purchase at Jefferson ville Depot to March 31, 74; Post Q. M. Charleston, S. C., to May, 75 ; Chief Q. M., 2d Q. M. Dist,, Division of the Atlantic, May, 75, to Feb., 77 ; on Board at Philadelphia, Pa., for consideration of various subjects pertaining to the Q. M. Dept, from Jan. 3, 76, to June, 76 ; Acting Chief Q. M. Dept. of the South from Oct. 26, 76, to Nov. 23, 76 ; in charge of transportation of military supplies on the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers during season of 77; Depot Q. M. at St. Paul, Minn., from Sept., 77, to May, 79 ; in charge of Con- 22 346 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. LEE struction at Fort Assinniboine to Oct., 79; promoted to Major and Quartermaster July 2, 79 ; Depot Q. M. at St. Paul, Nov. 1, 79, to July 10, '80; in charge of Construction at Fort Assinaboine to Oct. 28, '80 ; Chief Q. M. Dist ot New Mex- ico Nov. 13, '80, to Dec. 31, '81 ; Depot Q. M. St. Louis, Mo., to Jan. 2, '82 ; Depot Q. M. Buffalo, N. Y., to May 1, '82 ; Chief Q. M. Dept. of Texas, San Antonio, Texas, to May 5, '86 ; Depot Q. M. at Chicago, from May 16, '86, to Feb. 28, '88; Chief Quartermaster Department of the Columbia, from March 6, '88, (present incumbent). Honorably mentioned Colonel Lee has commendatory letters from Generals Stoneman, Ekin, the Quartermaster General, Bradley, Hatch, Terry, Ruger, Pope and Stanley. Commands held Colonel 3d Regt., Q. M. Vols. Aug. 3, '64, to '65, and as such commanded the right wing of the defences of Alexandria, Va., in '64. Lee, Jesse M. (Captain 9th Inf.). Born in Ind. Jan. 2, 1843. Retiring year 1907. Appointed from Ind. Civil life. Actual rankPvt. Co. B, and Com. Sgt. 59th Ind. Vol. Inf. from Nov. 13, '61, to Oct. 13, '62; 2d Lieut. 59th Ind. Vol. Inf. Oct. 13, '62; 1st Lieut. Feb. 14, '63; Capt. Aug. 11, '63; hon. must, out July 17, '65 ; Capt. 38th U.S. Col. Inf. Aug. 23, '65 ; hon. must, out Jan. 25, '67 ; 2d Lieut. 39th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 7, '67 ; ace. Jan. 25, '67 ; tre. to itft h 1 n f. Apr. 20, '69; unassigned Apr. 24, '69 ; assd. to 9th Inf. Jan. 1. 71 ; Capt. May 1 Service At Camp of Instruction, Gosport, Ind., Nov. 13, '61, to Feb. 12, '62 ; in the field with the Army of the West, participating in the various important cam- paigns, including the " March to the Sea," and through the Carolinas, from '62-5 ; at Brazos Santiago, Brownsville and Indianola, Texas; at Forts Jackson and St. Philip, La. ; Ship Island, Miss. ; Jackson Barracks, La., to '69 ; Indian Agent in Nevada, '69-70; at Fort Russell, Wyo. ; on recruiting service at Springfield, 111. ; Camp Robinson and Camp Sheridan, Neb. ; on Powder River Expedition ; Indian Agent for Brule Sioux at Spotted Tail Indian Agencies in Neb., and Dak. ; at Fort Omaha, Neb., Fort McKinney, Wyo., Fort Omaha to '82 ; Fort Douglas, Utah, Fort Russell, Wyo. ; expedition to Southern Kan., '85 ; Indian Agent for Chevenne and Arapahoe Indian, in Indian T., '85-6 ; at Fort Thomas, Camp near Nogales, and at Kd Cav.", June 11, '63 ; 1st Lieut. May 30, '64 ; Captain 8th Cav., July 28, '66 ; resigned May 13, '69; 2d Lieut. 24th Inf., Aug. 6, '73; transferred to 8th Cav., Oct. 31, '76; 1st Lieut., April 4, '84, Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. U. S. A., May (J, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Todd's Tavern, Va. ; Brevet Captain U. S. A., July 27, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Deep Bottom. Va. Service At Fort Brown, Tex., from March, 74, till Nov., 74 ; same Post, Oct., 76, till Jan., 77 ; on leave till July, 77 ; same Post till < M. 18, 79; at Ft. Clark, Tex., and on leave till Nov., '80 ; same Post Nov., '81, till Nov., '82; at San Antonio, Tex., till June 1, '84; on leave of absence, May 1, '88, till Dec. 1, '88; at Fort Buford, N. D., from Dec., '88, till April, '89; on sick leave since April, '89. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. and A. A. A. G. Cav. Res. Brig. Army of the Potomac, from Jan.. '63, to July, '64 ; A. D. C. to Gen. Torbert to Sept., '65 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Austin, Tex., Nov., 74, to Oct., 76 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Ft. Duncan, Tex., Nov., '80, to Nov., 81 ; A. C. g. at Ft. Clark, Tex., June 1, '84, to March 1, '87 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Camp Del Rio, Tex., March, '87, to May 1, '88. Lewis, Bdson A. (Second Lieut. 18th Inf.). Born in Canada. Appointed from Mich. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Academy, July 1, '83; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 18th Inf., June 12, '87 ; 2d Lieut. June 15, '87. Lewis, Edward M. (Second Lieut, llth Inf.). Born in Ind. Appointed from Ind. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, Sept. 1, '81 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut, llth Inf., July 1, '86. Service On duty at Fort Yates, D. T., until Aug., '87; at Fort Wood, N. Y., to present time. Staff positions occupied Post Adj., A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., etc., at Fort Wood, N. Y., since Aug., '87. , Commands held In command of Fort Wood, N. Y., from Aug. 12, '89, to Dec. 20, '89. Lewis, Granville (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank Pvt. Co. "D," band and Co. "K," M. Rif., Oct. 16, '55, to Sept. 30, '60 ; Pvt. and Sgt. Co. " A," and Sgt. Maj. 4th N. Y. Inf., Feb. 8, '62, to May 28, '62 ; lot Lieut. 4th N. Y. Inf., May 28, '62 ; hon. must, out May 25, '63 ; pvt. gen. ser., Feb. 9, '64 ; discharged Feb. 1, '65 ; 2d Lt. 5th Inf., May 11, '66 ; accepted May 25, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 29, '67 ; retired Nov. 30, 79, wounds in line of duty. Service Served in Texas, Utah and New Mexico ; in Maryland, and at Fort McHenry, Md. ; joined Army of the Potomac, Sept., '62; Clerk in Adjutant-General's Office, Washington, D. C., to Feb., '65; Second Lieutenant War Department Rifles ; First Lieutenant and Adjutant War Department Rifles, Dec., '64 ; engaged in the defense of Washington during the rebel General Early's raid ; joined regiment at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. ; at Fort Union, N. M., and other stations until retirement in 79. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the battles of Antietam, Md., Fredericksburg, Chancellors- ville and the Wilderness, Va. LIE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 349 Lewis, Isaac N. (Second Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in Pa.; appointed from Kan. Cadet at U.S. Military Academy July 1, '80; graduated June 15, '84. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d Art. June 15, '84. Lewis, John R. (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Pa.; appointed from Vt. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank Sgt. Co. H, 1st Vt. Inf., May 2, '61 ; discharged Aug. 15, '61 ; Capt. 5th Vt. Inf. Sep. 16, '61 ; Major July 16, '62 ; Lieut.-Col. Oct. 6, '62; Col. June 5, '64; hon. must, out Sep. 11, '64; Col. Vet. Res. Corps Sep. 8, '64; accepted Sep. 12, '64; Bvt. Brig. Gen. March 13, '65; hon. must, out March 31, '67 ; Major 44th U. S. Inf. Jan. 22, '67 ; accepted April 1, '67 ; unassigned March 15, '69 ; retired with rank of Col. April 28, '70, loss of left arm from wound in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut.-Col. March 2, '67, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of White Oak Swamp, Va.; Bvt. Col. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va.; Bvt. Brig. General Volunteers March 13, '65, for gallant services in the Wilderness, Va. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5; in the field with Army of the Potomac '61-4, in its various campaigns; also participated in suppressing the draft riots in N. Y. City '63; after losing an arm was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps as Col. of the 1st Regiment ; member of Board for the Examination of Officers and Men for the Veteran Reserve Corps ; comdg. Provisional Brigade, and guarding prisoners at Elmira, N. Y.; A. A. Insp.-Gen. Nashville, Tenn., and in Ga.; Asst. Commissioner Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Atlanta, Ga. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the action of Big Bethel, V.; action of Lee's Mill, battle of Williamsburg, Golding's Farm, Savage Station, and White-Oak Swamp (wounded in the right leg); action of Crampton's Gap; battles of Fredericksburg, Marye's Heights, Salem Heights, second Fredericks- burg, Gettysburg, action of Funkstown, and battle of the Wilderness (lost left arm). Lewis, John V. (Post Chaplain). Born in Mass.; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Post Chaplain Dec. 12, '83 ; accepted Feb. 19, '84. Lewis, Thos. J. (First Lieut. 2d Cav.). Born in La.; appointed from La. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 75; graduated June 13, '79. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d Cav. June 13, '79; 1st Lieut. July 26, '86. /Service In Mont, to '84, serving on various scouts, and on duty in Yellowstone Park during the period while stationed at Fort Custer, M. T.; at Fort Walla- Walla to Aug., '86, and employed in scouting until ; at Boise Bks., Idaho, until '90 ; on expedi- tion to suppress outbreak of Indians south of Snake River, '87; under orders for change of station to Arizona. Leyden, James A. (First Lieut. 4th Inf.). Born in Tenn.; appointed from Penna. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '75, to June 13, 79. Actual mn/t 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. June 13, 79; 1st Lieut. 4th Inf. Dec. 16, '89. Service- Served with his regiment in the field Oct. 2, 79, to July 18, '80, and at posts Fort Fred Steele, Fort Sanders, and Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., and Fort Omaha, Neb., to June 26, '83 ; Prof, of Military Science at the Pa. State College to May 11, '86; served at Fort Omaha and Fort Sherman, Idaho, to date, Feb. 22, '90 ; on duty with Pa. National Guard April 24 to Aug. 14, '88; performed the duties of all Regimental and Post Staff offices at various times and places ; on Survey and ex- ploration work in Idaho and Washington during part of the summers of '87-89. Lieber, Guido Norman (Colonel and Asst. J. Adv. Gen.). Born in S. C. May 21, '37. Retiring year 1901 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Major and Judge sistant Judge Advocate July 5, '84. Brevet rank Brevet Captain U, S. A. June 27, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Games' Mill, Va.; Brevet Major U. S. A. May 28, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the Red River Campaign ; Brevet Lieut. Col. U. S. A. March 13, '65, for gal- lant and meritorious services during the war. Service Served with regiment at Fort Independence, Mass., from July to Oct., '61 ; in Maryland from Sept. 18, '61, to Oct. 1, '82, and in the Army of the Potomac in the Virginia Peninsular 350 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. US Campaign to August 22, '62; Judge Advocate of the Dep. of the Gulf from Dec. 17, '62, to July 2, '63; on duty in the Bureau of Military Justice at Washington, D. C., from July 13 to Aug. 14, '65, and in the Rebel Archive Office to April itf. '67; Judge Advocate of the f>th Mil. Disk from May 21, '67, to August, '68; of the Dep. of Dakota to Oct. 5, '72; of the Division of the South from Jan. 2, 73, to May 1, '73 ; of the Dep. of the East to Nov. 1, 73 ; of the Division of the At- lantic to August 27, 78 ; Professor of Law at the U. S. Mil. Acad. from August 28, 78, to August 28, '82 ; on duty as Assistant in the Judge Advocate General's Office at Washington, D. C., from Sept. 4, '82, to July 25, '84; Acting Judge Ad- vocate General of the Army since July 25, '84. Staff position* ow/>/W Adj. 1 1th Inf. Sept. 18, '61, to Oct 1, '62 ; A. D. C. to the General in Chief from August 23, '62, to Nov. 13, '62. Liggit, Hunter (First Lieutenant 5th Inf.). Born in Pennsylvania. Ap- pointed from Pennsylvania. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual ran/t 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf. June 13/79; 1st Lieut. June 27, '84. Lincoln, Sumner H. (Captain 10th Inf.). Born in Massachusetts Dec. 21, 1842. Retiring year 1906; appointed from Vt Civil life. Jr/WrawX- Pvt. Co. B, 1st Vt. Inf., May 2, '61 ; discharged August 15, '61 ; Corpl. Co. B, 6th Vt. Inf., Oct. 15, '61; discharged Feb. 21, 63; 1st Lieut. Adjt. <>th Vt. Inf. Feb. 21, '63; hon. must, out Oct. 28, '64; Major 6th Vt. Inf. Nov. 1<, V,-l ; Lieut. Col. Feb. 6, '65; hon. must, out June 26, '65; 2d Lieut. 17th Int. IVh. :>:{. V><; ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted April 23, '66; trans, to 26th Inf. Sept. L'l. V,r, ; trans. to 10th Inf. May 19, '69; Captain March 24, 78. Staff portion occupied Adjt. 26th Inf. May 1, '68, to May 19, '69. Lindesmith, Eli W. J. (Post Chaplain). Born in Ohio; appointed from Ohio. Act mtf rani: Post Chaplain June 19, '80; accepted July 2, '80. Lippincott Henry (Major and Surgeon). Born in Nova Scotia Sept. J'J, '39. Retiring year 1903; appointed from Cal. Civil life. Actual rani: Asst. Surg. 6th Cal. Vol. Inf. May 18, '65; hon. must, out Oct. 31, '(15 ; Asst. Surg. Feb. 28, '66; accepted May 30, '66; Capt. aud Asst. Surg. Nov. 11, '68; Mai. and Surg. Aug. 17, '84. *ra >53 Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. 1st Art. July 1, '53; 2d Lieut. 3d Art. Dec. 24, '53; 1st Lieut. Jan. 3, '56; Capt. Oct. 26, '61 ; Major 4th Art. April 10, 79 ; Lieut. Col. 3d Art. March 5, '87. 352 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. LOC Brevet rank Bvt. Major July 1, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Malvern Hill, Va. ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Aug. 28, '64, for gallant and merito- rious services in the battle of Smithfield, Va. Service Served in Florida and on frontier duty '53-61 ; engaged in the actions of the Virginia, Peninsular, Rappa- hannock and Shenandoah campaigns '62-65 ; at various posts from the close of the war to '90, his present station being Fort McHenry, Md. Lloyd, Edward (Second Lieut. 15th Inf.). Born in Virginia. Appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank Private and Sgt. Sig. Corps July 22, 71, to Nov. 26, '80; 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. Nov. 26, '80; accepted Nov. 27, '80. Lloyd, Thomas J. (Captain 18th Inf.). Born in Pennsylvania Oct. 18, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '61; graduated June 23, '65. Actual rankI^ Lieut. 13th Inf. June '65; 1st Lieut. June 23, '65; Capt. Dec. 3, '68; unassigned June 11, '69; assigned to 18th Inf. Dec. 31, 70. SkfpoMoM occupied Adit. 1st Batt. 13th Inf. Oct. 1, '65, to July 15, '66 ; Adjt. 13th Inf. July 15, 66, to June 1, '68. Lochridgfe, P. D. (Second Lieut. 2d Cav.). Born in Alabama. Aj>|>. from Miss. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83 ; graduated June 12, '87. ual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Cav. June 12, '87. Lockett, James (First Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in Georgia. Appointed from Ga. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75; graduated June 13, 79. A>-f- ualrank 2d Lieut. 4th Cav. June 13, 79; 1st Lieut. March 1, '86. Lockwood, Benjamin C. (Captain 22d Inf.). Born in Kenturky Feb. 28, 1844. Retiring year 1908. Appointed from Ky. Civil life. .\Hn-il rank Pvt. Co. F, 6th Ky. Inf., Oct. 2, '61, to April 7, '62; 2d Lieut, Mth Ky. Inf. Bert '64, to Sept. 1, '65; 2d Lieut. 31st Inf. March 7, '67; transferred to UiM Inf. May 15, '69 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 5, 72; Captain June 2, '89. Scrrirr -Served during the War of the Rebellion ; in the campaign of the Army of the West '61-5 ; with Co. "B" at Fort Rice, Dak., '69; at Fort Randall, Dak., 72-3; with Co. to rein- force Gen. Terry at the mouth of the Rosebud Creek in 76 ; participated in the campaigns of Gen. Terry and Gen. Miles against hostile Indians during the \ of 76-7 ; on sick leave from June, 77, to tfov., 77, when he joined Oo. t J at Fort Porter, N. Y. ; moved with co. to Texas in 79; served at Fort MrKavett until July, '80 ; trans, to com. Co. B, and served there until Jan., '81 ; at Fort Duncan until Oct., '82 ; at Fort Clark until Oct., '82 ; on leave until May, '83 ; and rejoined co. at Fort Lewis, Col., '84; on rec. ser. from '87 to '89; and joined < lo. "I " at Fort A. Lincoln, Dak., Oct., '89. Staff 1 position* occupied Post Adj. at Fort Tot- ten, Dak., July, '67, to Dec., '67 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort'Buford, Dak.. Oct. 1, '68, to June, '69 ; Post Adj. at Fort Stevenson June, '69, to < Post Adj. at Fort Randall, Dak., Aug., 70, to July, 71; Post Adj. at Lower Brnle Agency July, 71, to Sept., 72 ; Post Adj. at Fort Randall, Dak., May. 73. to June, 74 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Brady, Mich., May, 75, to May. 76 : A. C. S. at Fort Lewis, Col., '84-5 ; Post Adj. at Columbus Barracks, ()., '87 to June 2, '89. Battles, skirmishes, ete. Engaged during the War of the Rebellion in battles of Shiloh, Cumberland Gap, Charlestown, Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, siege of Vicksburg, Pound Gap, Saltville, Marion Heights, Aberdeen, Z >11- icoffer, Leadville, N. C., Bardstown, Ky., and engaged with guerrillas in remain- der of war service ; engaged in skirmishes with Indians in '68 at Fort Totten ; in '68-9 at Fort Buford ; and in '69 at Fort Stevenson ; also on Yellowstone River in 76 ; and Tongue River in 77. Lockwood, Daniel W. (Major of Engineers). Born in New York Sept. 21, 1845. Retiring year 1909 ; appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Acad. July 1, '62 ; graduated June 18, '66. Actual rank2<\ Lieut. Engre. June 18, .'66 ; 1st Lieut. March 7, '67; Captain June 30, 79; Major July 23, '88. SerriceOn duty with Co. " D," Eng. Batt., '67-68 ; on det. ser. hdqrs. Mil. Div. of the Pacific '69-70 ; engineer officer on staff of commanding general Department of Arizona, 70-71 ; on duty with Lieut. Wheeler's expeditions 71-72; on duty under Major Comstock, Detroit, Mich., 72-79 ; on duty under order of Major Howell, New Orleans, La., '80-82 ; in charge of the improvement of harbors on Lake Michi- gan and of the Grand River, '83 ; in charge of the improvement of the Buckhan- LON RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 353 non and Little Kanawha River, W. Va., the Big Sandy River, W. Va. and Ky., the Kentucky, Green, Barren and Fresh Water Rivers, April 13, '89. Lockwood, John Alexander (First Lieut. 17th Inf.). Born in Dresden, Germany, Oct. 30, 1856. Retiring year 1920 ; son of U. S. Naval Officer; app. from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank "Id Lieut. 17th U. S. Inf. Nov. 23, '80 ; 1st Lieut. June 22, '89. -Service Graduate U. S. Inf. and Cav. School Fort Leaven- worth, '83 ; Prof, of Military Science and Tactics at the Michigan Agricultural College '84-87. Lodor, Richard (Lieut. Col. 5th Art. and Brevet Col.). Born in N. Y. Oct. 29, 1832. Retiring year 1896 ; appointed from N. J. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '52 ; graduated July 1, '56. Actual rankEvt. 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art. July 1, '56 ; 2d Lieut. Oct. 31, '56 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 1, '61 ; Capt. No^ 29, '61 ; Maj. 3d Art. Aug. 25, '79 ; Lieut. Col. 5th Art. April 25, '88. Brevet rank Byt. Major Dec. 31, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Stone River, Tenn.; Lieut. Col. and Col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices during the war. Logan, Thomas H. (Captain 5th Inf.). Born in Ohio Sep. 25, 1840. Retir- ing year 1904 ; appointed from Ind. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 20th Ind. Inf. July 22, '61 ; Capt. Nov. 15, '62; hon. must, out Aug. 26, '64 ; Major 28th U. S. C. Inf. Aug. 29, '64 ; Lieut. Col. Oct. 18, '64 ; hon. must, out Nov. 8, '65 ; 1st Lieut. 40th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 10, '66 ; unassigned April 20, '69 ; assigned to 6th Inf. Nov. 26, '69; Captain Oct. 21, '81. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; Bvt. Maj. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, *Va. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 40th Inf. Dec. 1, '66, to April 22, '67. Service In Maryland, to Aug., '61 ; in the Hatteras ex- pedition ; at Newport News and Fort Monroe, Va., to May, '62, taking part in the occupation of Norfolk, Va.; with the Army of the Potomac participating in the Peninsula campaign of '62 ; on recruiting duty from Aug. to Nov., '62; in the Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg campaigns '63 ; suppressing N. Y. riots '63; in the field with the Army of the Potomac and participated in the campaigns ot '64-65 ; in Texas, to July, '66 ; in Montana, to '87 ; in Texas, to '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Peach Orchard, Savage Station (wounded), Glendale and Malvern Hill (wounded); battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg (wounded) ; action of Kelly's Ford, and opera- tions at Mine Run ; battles of the Wilderness (wounded), and in front of Peters- burg, Va.; battle of Hatcher's Run. Lomia, Luigi (First Lieut. 5th Artillery). Born in Canicatti, Sicily, Sept. 16, 1843. Retiring year 1907. App. from Texas. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '63 ; graduated June 17, '67. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th Art. ; 1st Lieut. March 24, '69. Service In '68 he was ordered to West Point as assistant Professor of Spanish, and while there, from '68 to '70, he also instructed in the French language and literature. In 76 he was appointed Professor of Military Science and Tactics at the Ohio State University, which position he held for five years to '81. While at this institution he was made also Assistant Professor of pure mathe- matics, and taught for five years the elements of Analytical Geometry and the Differential Integral Calculus. He was here also the instructor in elocution. In '85 he received a second College detail at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, where he served from '85 to '88. While at this institution he was also professor of the French language and literature. Civil history Came to this country in '57, landing in New York City; attended public schools there till '58 ; entered the College of the City of New York (then called the Free Academy), graduating therefrom five years later, in '63, as Bachelor of Sciences ; received a medal there for greatest proficiency in Spanish language and literature in class ; also received a prize in elocution and Belles Lettres, delivering the 1st Disserta- tion given for highest merit in the above just mentioned, at graduation. London, Robert (First Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in N. C. Appointed from N. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '69 ; graduated June 13, '73. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Cav., June 13, '73 ; 1st Lieut. May 1, '79. Ser- 354 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. LON vice He reported at Camp Lowell, A. T., Nov. 18, 73, and joined his company at Camp Grant Dec. 12; participated in the Apache campaign of 74 ; served as commissary at San Carlos Agency May-Nov., 74, and at Camp Apache with tours of field service until June, 75, when he returned to San Carlos in command of a company ; but orders having arrived for the transfer of the regiment to the Dept. of the Missouri, he returned to Camp Apache in July, and marched by the way of Fort Wingate, Santa Fe", and Fort Union to Fort Lyon, Col., and proceeded thence to Fort Gibson, I. T. ; arrived in Sept., and served as adjutant and com- missary until Dec. ; on leave of absence until Feb., 76, when he was assigned to duty at St. Louis Barracks, where he served until June, when he rejoined his company and participated in the campaign against the hostile Sioux in the Black Hills, of Wyoming and in the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition until Oct., 77 ; upon the disbandment of the expedition he was assigned to Fort McKinney, Wyo., where he served until May, 78, when he entered upon a tour of field service with a battalion of the regiment", which continued until Dec. ; at FortD. A. Rus- sell, Wyo., until Sept., 79 ; on sick-leave of absence until April, '80; at Fort D. A. Russell, and soon thereafter was transferred to Camp Sheridan, Neb., where he served as a post and company commander until May, '81, when he changed station to Fort Robinson, Neb. ; and subsequently to the Dept. of the Mo., where he is now serving at Fort Reno, Ind. Ter. /><{///<-*, xl:inni*h'*, d He was commended in the official report for valuable services during these operations, and was twice nominated to the United States Senate to be a brevet first lieuten- ant, to date from April 3, 74, for gallant and distinguished services in the cam- paign against the San Carlos Apache Indians. Long, Eli (Brigadier and Bvt. Maj.-Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Ky. Appointed from Ky. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Cav., June 27, '56 ; accepted July 28, '56 ; 1st Lieut. Mar. 1, '61 ; Capt. May 24, '61 ; Col. 4th Ohio Cav., Feb. 23, '63; Brig. Gen., Aug. 18, '64 ; accepted Sept. 1, '64 ; Bvt. Maj.-(n n ., Mar. 13, '65; hon. must, out Jan. 15, '66 ; retired with rank of Maj.-'/<. -On frontier duty at Fort Fetterman, Wy., to Dec., 78; Fort Sanders, Wyo., Dec. 21, 78, to Oct. 1, 79; in the field (Ute expedition) to Jan. 22, '80 ; camp on Bear River, Col., to March 17, '80; on leave to Sep. 16, '80; at Fort Fred Steele to Aug. 3, '81; U. S. Military Academy as Asst Prof, of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology to Aug. 28, '85; at I "it Omaha, Neb., to July 2, '86 ; Fort Sherman, Idaho, to Aug. 28, '88 ; H. Qre. Dep. of Columbia to present date. Staff positions occupied Post Adj. Fort Fetterman, Wyo., Nov. 1, 77, to Feb. 15, 78; A. A. Qm. and A. C. S. same post, Dec. 1, 77, to Dec. 1, 78 ; A. A. Qm. and A. C. S. Fort Fred Steele, June 1 to Aug. 1, '81 ; Acting Engineer Officer Dep. of the Columbia to Aug. 15, '89; A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. John Gibbon, U. S. A., to . Commands held Com. Camp on Bear River, Col., Feb. 15 to March 15, '80. Lowe, Percival G. (Second Lieut. 18th Inf.). Born in Kans. Appointed from the Army. Anna! nm Pvt, Corpl. and Sgt Co. B, 18th U. S. Inf., from Sep. 29, '85, to March 4, '89; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. Feb. 11, '89; accepted March 5, '89. Lucas, B. W. Van C. (Second Lieut of Engineers). Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from Conn. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sep. 1, '83; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank2d Lieut 1st Art. June 12, '87 ; transferred to Engs. May 14, '88. Ludington, Elisha H. (Major U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Va. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank Capt. 17th Inf. Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Aug. 30, '61 ; Major, A. Ins. Gen. April 20, '64; accepted April 20, '64; retired March 27, 79, disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt Maj. July 2, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; Bvt. Lieut Col. March 13, '65, for meritorious services during the war ; Bvt. Col. March 13, '65, for faith- ful and meritorious services in his department Service In the field with Army of the Potomac, '63; at Washington, D. C., '64-5, and at other stations as Asst. I nsp. Gen. to date of retirement Battle*, f&rfnuto, cf<: Engaged in the battles of Cbancellorsville, Va., and Gettysburg, Pa. Ludington, Marshall I. (Lieutenant-Colonel and D. Q. M. G.). Born in Pa. July 4, 1839. Retiring year 1903. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Captain and A. Q. M. U. S. Vols. Oct. 20, '62; Major and Q. M. Vols. Aug. 2, '64; Colonel and Q. M. Vols. Oct. 24, '64; Major and Q. M. U. S. A. Jan. LUN RECORDS OF LIVING OEFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 357 18, '67; Lieut-Colonel and D. Q. M. General March 15, '83. Brevet rank Brevet Major, Lieut-Colonel and Colonel U. S. Vols. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the War ; Brevet Brigadier General U. S. Vols. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the Quartermaster's De- partment during the war; Brevet Lieut-Col. U. S. A., March 2, '67, for faithful and meritorious services in the Quartermaster's Department during the War. Service Chief Q. M., 3d Div. 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, December, '62, to Nov., '63 ; engaged in the Chancellorsville and Gettysburg campaigns ; present at the battle of Chancellorsville ; Chief Q. M. 3d Div., Cav. Corps, Army of the Potomac, to July, '64 ; engaged in the " Wilderness " campaign ; present at the battle of Spottsylvania Court House ; Chief Q. M. 1st Div., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to Nov., '64 ; engaged in campaign in front of Petersburg ; Colonel and Chief Q. M., Dep. of Washington, Washington, D. C., from Nov., '64, to January, '67 ; Chief Q. M. Dep. of Washington, D. C., Jan. to July, '67 ; Chief Q. M. District of New Mexico, Santa Fe, N. M., Oct., '67 ; on duty in the Quartermaster-General's office, Washington, D. C., from May, '70, to Oct., '75; Chief Q. M. Dep. of the Platte, Omaha, Neb., Nov., '75, to Nov., '82 ; Lieut.-Col- onel and Deputy Quartermaster-General March, '83 ; on .duty in the Quarter- master-General's office, May to July, '83 ; in charge of the general depot of the quartermaster's department, Philadelphia, Pa., July, '83, to Aug., '89; in charge of the general depot of the quartermaster's department San Francisco, Cal., since Nov. 5, '89. Ludlow, Henry H. (First Lieutenant 3d Art.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Tenn. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '72; graduated June 15, '76. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d Art. June 15, 76 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 3, '82. Ludlow, William (Major of Engineers). Born in N. Y. Nov. 27, 1843. Re- tiring year 1907. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July I, '60 ; graduated June 13, '64. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Eng. June 13, '64 ; Capt. Mar. 7, '67 ; Major June 30, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. July 20, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the defense of Allatoona Pass ; Bvt. Maj. Dec. 21, '64, for meritorious services in the campaign through Georgia in '64 ; Bvt. Lieut-Col. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious conduct 'in the campaign of the Carolinas. Luff, Edmund (Captain 8th Cav.). Born in Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., June II, 1841. Retiring year 1905. Appointed from 111. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. and Corp'l Board of Trade battery 111. Art July 23, '62, to Feb. 18, '64 ; 1st Lieut 12th 111. Cav. Feb. 19, '64; Capt. July 3, '64; hon. must out Oct. 2, '65; 2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Cav. Nov. 20, '67 ; accepted Nov. 30, '67 ; 1st Lieut. May 23, '70 ; Capt. Apr. 2, '83. Staff position occupied Reg. Q. M. 8th Cav. Sept. 1, '81, to Apr. 2, '83. Luhn, Gerhard L. (Captain 4th Inf.). Born in Germany, Feb'y 19, 1831. Retiring year, 1895. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private, Corp'l, Sergt. and 1st Sergt Co. E, 6th Inf., Jan. 10, '53, to Nov. 16, '62 ; 2d Lieut 4th Inf., Feb. 19, '63; accepted April 3, '63; 1st Lieut June 29, '64; Capt. Dec. 31, '75. Brevet rank Bvt Capt April 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va. Staff positions occupied Regt, Q. M. 4th Inf. Jan. 31, '69, to Jan. 1, '71. Lundeen, John A. (First Lieut 4th Art.). Born in Sweden, March 6, 1848. Retiring year 1912. Appointed from Minnesota. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '69 ; graduated June 13, '73. Actual rank2d Lieut 4th Art. June 13, '73 ; 1st Lieut. March 7, '74. Service Served at the U. S. Mil. Acad., as Instructor of Military Engineering, from July 5 to Sept 1, '73 ; on leave of absence to Nov. 29,73; in garrison at Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., to Dec. 11, '74 ; at Fort Wrangel, Alaska, to Aug. 19, '75, and at Sitka, Alaska, to Aug. 26, 76; Professor of Mil. Science and Tactics at the University of Minnesota from Sept 22, 76, to July 5, 79 ; in garrison at Fort Stevens, Ore., June 20, 79, to May 8,' '80 ; at the Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., from June 1, '80, to May 1, '82; on leave of absence to Aug. 1 ; at Fort Trurabull, Conn., from Aug. 1 to Sept 28 ; and at Ft Adams, R. I., with Light Battery B, to Nov. 14, '82; at Fort Snelling, Minn., 358 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. LYL with Light Battery F, from Nov. 21, '82, to Oct. 1, '85 ; at Fort Warren, Mass., from Oct. 14, '85, to Aug. 17, '87 ; at the U. S. Mil. Acad., as Ass't Professor of Mathematics, from Aug. 29, '87, to . Lusk, James L. (Captain of Engineers). Born in Pennsylvania. Ap- pointed from Pennsylvania. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, "74 ; gradu- ated June 14, 74. Actual rank2d Lieut. Eng. June 14, 78 ; 1st Lieut. June 14, '81; Capt. June 15, '88. Maff positions occupied Adj. M. A. from Sept. 8, '81, to July 18, '82; Q. M. Batt. Eng. from July 1, '83, to July 1, '86. Lydecker, Garrett J. (Major of Engineers). Born in New Jersey, Nov. 15, 1843. Retiring year 1907. Appointed from New York. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, '60 ; graduated June 13, '64. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Eng'rs June 13, '64; Captain Aug. 8, '66; Major March 31, '80. Brevet ran k Brevet Captain April 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Peters- burg, Va. Lyle, David A. (Captain of Ordnance). Born in Ohio, Jan. 21, 1845. Retiring year 1909. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, Oct. 17, '65; graduated June 15, '69. Actual r"">, '37. Retiring year 1901; appointed from Ky. Civil life. Actual run/. -:M Lieut. Uh Ky. Vol. Cav. Feb. 6, '63 ; hon. must, out July 14, '65; Capt. 6th Ky. Vol. Cav. August 1, '65; hon. must, out Sept. 6, '65; 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. March 7, '67; accepted August 15, '67 ; 1st Lieut. June 18, '68 ; Capt. May 9, 79. Mac Arthur, Arthur, Jr. (Major and Asst. Adjt. Gen. Born in Massachu- setts June 1, 1845. K. tiriim year 1909; app. from Wis. Civil life. A<-tn,il 1st Lieut. 24th Wisconsin Vol. August 4, '62; Maj. Jan. 25, V,4 ; Lieut. Col. 24th Wie. Vol. May 18, '65; must, out June 10, '65; paid to June L'l, '66 j iM Lieut, and 1st Lieut. 17th Inf. Feb. 23, '66; ace. April 30, '66; tre. to 2ith Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; Capt. 36th Inf. July 28, '66; ace. Oct. 12, '66; unassd. May 19, assd. to 13th Inf. July 5, 70; Major and Asst. Adjt. Gen. Brevet m/i/- LU-ut. Col. Vol. Bvt. March 13. '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle .f Perryville, Kentucky, Stone River, Tenn., Mission Ridge and Dandridge, < Ja.; Col. Vol. Bvt. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Franklin, Tenu., and in the Atlanta campaign. Honorably mentioned In the " Records of the Rebelion," series i., vol. xx., part i., pp. 357-365, vol. xliii., p. 208. Macauley, C. N. Berkeley (Captain and Asst. Surg.). Born in St. Paul, Minn., July 28, '59. Retiring year 1923; app. from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. August 10, '82; accepted August 12, '82; Captain and \ Surgeon August 10, '87. Service At Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., August 26, '82, to May 5, '83 ; Post Surgeon Fort Bennett, Dak., June 22, '83, to August 31, '84 ; Post Surgeon Fort Sisseton, Dak., Oct., '84, to June 4, '85 ; Ft. A. Lincoln, Dak., June 10, '85, to Sept. 25, '85; Post Surgeon Camp Poplar River, Mont, Oct. ,. '85, to July 27, '87 ; Post Surgeon Ft. Gibson, Ind. Ter., August 3, '87, to March 11, '88; Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., March 13 to ; in field in Oklahoma with tr April 19, '89, to Oct. 28, '89 ; Marksman '83-88 ; Sharpshooter, '85 and '88. ///<- tory Son of Rear Admiral Etlw. Yorke Macauley, U. S. N.; grandson of Lieut. Daniel S. Macauley, U. S. N. ; grand-nephew of Commodore Chas. Stewart MacCauley, and great-grand-nephew of Commodore Chas.Stewart, U. S. N. MacConnell, Charles C. (Captain and Brevet Major U. S. A.). Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Retired. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. May 14, '61 ; accepted July 15, '61 ; 1st Lieut. August 1, '63; Captain May 1, 75; retired April 18, '83, for disability in line of duty. I Ire ret rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. June L'7, V.:2, tor gallant and meritorious services in the Peninsula campaign in Va.; Capt. July 2, '63, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; Maj. March 25, '65, for gallant and merito- rious services during the attack on Fort Steadinan, Va. Macdonald, Godfrey H. (Second Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Illinois. Ap- pointed from 111. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 78; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st Cav. June 13, T 83. MAC RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF TT. S. ARMY. 361 Macfeely, Robert (Brigadier and Com. Gen.). Born in Pennsylvania, July 1, 1826. Retiring year 1890. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. Juli ' 1 Ma to Sept. 3, '64 ; Major and'Com. Sub. Feb. 9, '63; Brig. Gen. and Com. Gen. of Sub., April 14, 75; accepted April 30, 75. Brevet rank Lieut. Col. and Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied ~R. Q. M. 4th Inf. Sept. 10, '56, to May 18, '61. MaoGowan, Alexander B. (Captain 12th Inf.). Born in Edinburgh, Scot- land, Dec. 16, 1830. Retiring year 1894. Appointed from Cal. Civil life. Ac- tual rank 1st Lieut. 1st Cal. Inf. Aug. 16, '61 ; hon. must, out July 10, '63 ; Cap- tain 6th Cal. Inf. July 11, '63; hon. must, out Oct. 31, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 12th Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted April 17, '66 ; Captain Aug. 30, 71. Honorably mentioned In defense of Fort Apache against attack by Apache Indians Aug.-Sept., '81 ; reported for "distinguished gallantry and as worthy of especial commendation and reward for exposing himself freely in defense of Post, and for retaking the saw-mill from which guard had been driven. (Signed E. A. Carr, Colonel 6th Cav. Bvt. Maj. Gen. Commanding)." Service Served in Cal., Ariz, and N. Mex. until mustered out in Oct., '65 ; served in N. Y., Va., Wash., S. C., Cal., Idaho, in the Nez Perces and Bannock campaigns, Ariz. ; at present in S. Dak. Staff positions occupied At various times Acting A. Q. M. and A. C. S., Ord. Officer, Signal Officer, Indian Agent at Fort Yuma, Cal., and several times as a doctor when in the field. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In defense of Fort Apache against the attacks made by Apaches on that post in Aug. and Sept., '81. Mackay, James O. (First Lieut. 3d Cav.). Born in N. S. Appointed from Nevada. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d Cav. June 13, 79 ; 1st Lieut. May 8, '83. Mackenzie, Alexander (Major of Engineers). Born in Wisconsin, May 25, 1844. Retiring year 1908. Appointed from 111. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '64. Actual rank 1st Lieut, of Engineers June 13, '64; Captain March 7, '67; Major April 5, '82. Brevet rank Brevet Captain March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service Asst. Engr. Dept. of Arkansas, '64-65 ; Asst. Engr. repairs at Fort Washington, '65 ; examining levees of Lower Mississippi, '65-66; improvement of harbors of Lake Michigan, '66-68; at Wil- let's Point, '68-74; Asst. Engr. repairs of Louisville and Portland Canal and im- provement of Falls of the Ohio at Louisville, Ky., 74-77 ; on works under charge of Maj. Weitzel, 77-78, being in temporary charge, 78; in charge of improve- ment of Upper Mississippi, 79, to ; member of Missouri River Commission created by Act of Congress July 5, '84. Commands held Co. A, Batt. of Eugrs., at Willet's Point, '68-74. Macklin, James B. (First Lieut, llth Inf.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from Ind. Civil life. Actual rank Private and Corporal Co. "B," 16th Ind. Vol. Inf., from April 22, '61, to May 23, '62; Pvt. Co. "K," 16th Ind. Vol. Inf., June 1, '62; discharged Aug. 18, '62; 2d Lieut. 16th Ind. Vol. Inf. Aug. 19, '62; 1st Lieut. March 1, '63 ; Captain Dec. 20, '64; hon. mustered out June 30, '65; 2d Lieut. 31st U. S. Inf. Aug. 9, '67 ; accepted Aug. 16, '67 ; unassigned May 15, '69 ; assigned to 22d U. S. Inf. July 14, '69 ; out of service Nov. 20, 76 ; app. 2d Lieut, llth Inf. Jan. 12, 77; accepted Jan. 17, 77; 1st Lieut. April 24, '86. MacMurray, Junius W. (Captain 1st Art.). Born near Carondelet, Mo., May 1, 1843. Retiring year 1907; appointed from Mo. Civil life; graduated at Art. School, Fort Monroe. Va., class of 71. Actual rank 2d Lieut 1st Mo. Inf. April 29, '61 ; transferred to 1st Mo. Light Art. June 10, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Sep. 1, '61 ; Capt. Nov. 1; '63 ; hon. mus. out July 20, '65 ; Capt. 2d Mo. Light Art. July 21, '65; hon. mus. out Nov. 20, '65; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. Feb. 23, '66; 1st Lieut. March 20, '66 ; accepted April 7, '66 ; Capt. April 19, '82. Brevet rank Captain March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Corinth, Miss.; Major March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; Brevet Major of Volunteers March 13, '65, for gallant and mer- 23 362 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF IT. S. ARMY. MAC itorious services during the war; Brevet Lieut. Col. of Vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned Recom- mended for commission in regular army by Gens. Quinby, Logan, McPherson and Grant ; commanding Brigade, Division, Corps and Army of Tenn. Service Engaged in blockade of the Mississippi River at Marine Hospital, against steam- ers bringing munitions of war captured by Confederates at Baton Rouge Arsenal, La., to St. Louis, Mo.; moved with Gen. Lyon's command up the river by trans- port; expedition into Southwestern Mo.; assigned to recruiting service; regiment reorganized and ordered to Camp of Instruction near St. Louis, Mo.; with Fre- mont's expedition in Southwest Missouri; in Regular Brigade, Oct., 61, to Feb., '62; transferred to Army of the Mississippi, Feb. 22, '82 ; assigned to Cav. Div.; member of a general Court Martial and of Military Commission for trial of spies, etc.; at St. Louis, Mo., from Dec., '64, to Feb., '65 ; assigned to duty as assistant to Chief of Artillery, Dept. of Missouri, and as Inspector of Artillery Feb., '',:>; in charge of reconstruction of fortifications at New Madrid, Mo.; served with Pow- der River Indian Expedition on march from Franklin, Mo., to Valley of the Powder River, Mont., from June 1st to Nov. 12, '65 ; in charge of scouts, recon- noisance, etc.; engaged with Sioux, Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians near Yellow- stone River and thence to mouth of Little Powder River, Sept. 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, '65. Hegular service Joined at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. H., Oct. 10, '66; transferred to Battery " G ," at Artillery School at Fort Monroe, Va.; joined May 1, 70; detailed as rroi. 01 Military science and lactica, university 01 mi8souri,aiv_/t bia, Mo., and Rolla, Mo., from March 1, 72, to Feb. 26, 73; in charge of instruc- tion in engineering and land surveying ; in charge of parks and grounds of the University; transferred to the Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., March 1, '?:>; (in charge of park and landscape engineering); relieved June 17, 75; temporari- ly attached to Battery " H " near Charleston, S. C.; ordered to report for duty :il regimental headquarters on its arrival at New York City, Nov. _"., 7-~>; joined :it Fort Adams, R. 1., Dec. 29, 75; on temporary duty in Dept. of Mo., at Fort Sill, Ind. Ty., 76 ; in camps on Buck Creek, Texas and Ind. Ty., from Sep. 30 to iVr 6, 76; en route to post at U. S. Arsenal, Washington, D. C.; arrived Dec. 6, at Fort Adams, R. I., from April 11, 77, to Dec., 79; at Union College, Scheuec- tady, N. Y., Dec. 20, 79 ; in charge of sanitary and landscape engineering of the College campus, park and buildings and instructor of photography in connection with chemical laboratory ; designed and constructed system of sewers for college ; relieved June 30, '83 ; at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., to Sept. 14, '83 ; at Fort Canby, Wyo. Ty., from Sept. 16, '83, to Jan. 11, '84; on suggestion of the Medical Director of the Department of the Columbia, directed by the Department Commander to make plans and estimates for sanitary system for Vancouver Bks., Wash. Ty.; absent on detached service investigating grievances of the Lower Columbia River Indians, and in surveying lands, claimed as im- provements by Indians in the region between the Cascades of Columbia and Priest's Rapids; in addition to other duties directed to take charge of the office and act as Engineer Officer Dept. of the Columbia, and to take station at Port- land, Oregon ; in charge of the manufacture of drain and sewer pipes for sewer system at Vancouver Bks., Wash. Ty., at Buena Vista potteries near Portland, Oregon; assigned to station at Vancouver Bks., Wash. Ty.; designed sanitary sys- tem for Fort Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; member of board of Art. officers to report on places for defense of entrances to Admiralty Inlet and Puget Sound, Wash. Ty.; designed a system of wells, pumps, reservoir for water supply of Vancouver Bks., Wash. Ty.; relieved from duty at hdqrs Dept. of Columbia, Oct. 30, '85; at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal.; on special duty inspecting the water works and sewerage system at Forts Grant and Apache, Arizona, and Fort Wingate, N. M., and in preparing plans for construction and reconstruction of works at these stations, from Jan. 4 to Feb. 8, '89 ; at Ft. Mason, Cal., Feb. 8, '89. Mn.*ifin* occupied A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. Ft. Wadsworth, N. Y. H., Sep. 13, '67, to Jan. l>!, 70. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the capture of Camp Jackson and about MAC RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 363 1200 rebel prisoners May 10, '61 ; at capture of Jefferson City, Mo., June 15, '61 ; in engagement near Booneville, Mo., June 19, '61 (commanded skirmish line) ; engaged near Springfield, Mo., Nov. 4, '61 ; engagement and capture of 1500 pris- oners at Blackwater, Mo., Dec. 20, '61 ; engaged at siege of New Madrid and Isl- and No. 10, March, '62 ; engaged with gun-boats at Point Pleasant, Mo., April 5-12, '62 (five attacks by two to five steamers) ; engaged in blockade of the Miss, against rebel gun -boat fleet at Riddle's Point, Mo., and Tiptonville, Ky., March i O 4-/-V A ^..il >f!O . tV...*. "DJ11~ m T< A :i ft. ' I _i T7> ' June 3, '62 ; affair at Rienzi, Miss., June 5, '62 ; affair nearBlackland, Miss., June 7, '62; engagement at Booneville, Miss., July 1, '62; affair near Tuscumbia, Ala. Miss., Nov. 12, '62; Coffeeville, Miss., Dec. 5, '62; attack on Fort Hindman, Miss., March 20, '63; battle of Port Gibson, Miss., May 1, '63; Bayou Pierre, Miss., May 2, '63 ; Hankinson's Ferry, Miss., May 3, '63 ; battle of Raymond, Miss., May 12, '63 ; affair at Clinton, Miss., May 13, '63 ; battle of Jackson, Miss., May 14, '63 ; battle of Champion Hills, Miss., May 16, '63 ; battle of the Big Black, Miss., May 17, '63 ; assault on Vicksburg, Miss., May 22, '63 ; siege of Vicksburg, Miss., May 18 to July 4, '63 (two 11-inch Dahlgren guns from gun- boat "Tuscumbia," added to the battery armament); siege of Jackson, Miss., July 5 to 15, '63. Gtm/iuimls held Bait, of 2d Mo. Lt. Art. (serving as Cav.) '65 ; Battery M, 1st Mo. Lt. Art., Sept, 20 to Oct. 26, '63; defenses at Springfield, Mo., from May, '64, to Feb., '65 ; Battery and post Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. H., from Nov. 1 to Dec. 28, '66 ; Battery from June 20 to July 17, '67 ; from Oct. 16 to Nov. 2, '69; from Jan. 21 to Feb. 10, '70; Battery and post of Fort Ontario, N. Y., from June 19 to July 15, 71, and from Aug. 29 to Sept. 20, 71 ; Battery from April 13 to 17, 76; from May 7 to 13, 76 ; from Aug. 30 to Sept. 3, 76 ; from Sep. 30 to Dec. 6, 76 ; from Dec. 24 to 28, 76 ; from June 27 to July 6, 77; from Dec. 4, 77, to Jan. 2, 78; from April 2 to 15, 78; from May 5 to 11, 78 ; from May 16 to 26, 78 ; from June 27 to 30, 78 ; from Dec. 3 to 8, 78 ; from Dec. 23, 78, to Jan. 9, 79; from June 11 to 15, 79; from June 30 to July 29, 79; from Nov. 15 to 21,79; post of Fort Canby, Washington Territory, from September 16, '83, to January 11, '84; and post of Fort Mason, California, February 8, '89. History 1, '43. Educated for civil engineer. Volunteered as a substitute in Co. B, Engineer Battalion National Guard S. Mo., during campaign Kansas Border in Missouri, October, November and December, '60, under order Governor of that State. "Master of Arts," University of Missouri. Editor "History of the Schenectady Patent, a History of the Lower Mohawk River in Dutch and English Times, 1614 to 1800." Compiler of " Notarial Papers and Translations from Dutch Records of Fort Orange (Albany, N. Y.)." Writer of various Cvssays on Sanitary Engineering for small towns and villages. Member of the Grand Army of the Republic (Garfield Post, Portland, Oregon) ; member of the Loyal Legion (Charter member Oregon Commandery) ; member Society Army of the Tennessee; member U. S. Service Institution ; member Naval Institute. Sharp- shooters no medals; during the bombardment of Fort Sumter, S. C., commenced recruiting volunteers in State of Missouri under call of the President of the United States, but in opposition to the Governor of the State of Missouri ; re- cruited a company, which was accepted for defense of the U. S. Arsenal at St. Louis, Mo. ; was sworn in with this company after midnight of April 20, '61, in St. Louis Arsenal, by Captain Nathaniel Lyon, 2d U.S. Infantry; Brigadier General Harney. Cemd'g Dept. of the West, refused to recognize the swearing in of volunteers for this purpose by Capt. Lyon, without authority from the Gov- ernor of Missouri, but the men and officers were retained in the Arsenal, armed for its defense and performing the duties of guards; on the 25th of April, '61, the 364 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. MAD command was sworn in by Lieut. Rufus Saxton, 4th Artillery, as Co. B, Rifle Battalion, 1st Missouri Volunteers ; Lieut Saxton not being a regularly designated Mustering Officer, the company was again duly sworn into service on the 29th of April, '61, by Lieut. John M. Schofield, 1st U. S. Artillery, Mustering Officer (Major 1st Missouri Infantry Volunteers), as Co. B, Saxton Rifle Battalion of the 1st Missouri Volunteers. MacNutt, Ira (Captain of Ordnance). Born in Pennsylvania, July 25, 1850. Retiring year 1914. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Academy, July 1, '66 ; graduated June 15, '70. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art., June 15, 70; 1st Lieut. Ord., June 13, 78 ; accepted June 28, 78 ; Capt. (fourteen years' ser- vice) June 14, '86. Maoomb, Augustus C. (First Lieutenant 5th Cav.). Born in Michigan. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rankZA Lieut. 4th U. S. Inf., Jan. 23, 78; accepted Jan. 29, 78; transferred to 5th Cav., June 3, 79; 1st Lieut., March 11, '87. Macomb, Montgomery M. (First Lieutenant 4th Art.). Born in Mich. Appointed from 111. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Academy Sept. 1, 70; graduated June 17, 74. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th Art., June 17, 74; 1st Lieut. Sept. 6, '79. Service Asst. Professor Dept. of Drawing at Mil. Academy, West Point, N. Y since Aug. 27, '87. Staff ' petition occupied A. D. C., Aug. 3, 75, to April 21, 76. Macomber, John H. (Post Chaplain). Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Corp. and Sgt. Co. C, 1st Vt. Vol. H. Art., from Aug. 12, '62, to July 10, '63 ; 1st Lieut. 1st Vt. Vol. H. Art., July 11, '63 ; Capt. 1st Vt. Vol. H. Art., May 23, '65 ; hon. must. out. Aug. 25, '65 ; Post Chap. U. S. A., June 16, '80 ; accepted Sept. 15, '80. Brevet rankE\t. Capt. Vol., April 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the assault before Petersburg, Va. Service In the War of the Rebellion, '62-65 ; in the field with the Army of the Potomac, '64 ; wounded in head at battle of Cold Harbor; taken pri.som-r near Weldon Railroad, below Petersburg, Va., June 23, '64 ; paroled Aug., Y.4 ; shot through the body in the battle before Petersburg, April 2, '65 ; assigned to duty at Fort Custer, Montana, Oct. 20, '80 ; at Fort Sherman, '90. Madden, Daniel (Major U. S. A.). Born in England. Appointed from the Army. Retired. Actual rank Pvt. Co. E, 2d U. S. Drag., and Co. 11, 1st Drag., from Dec. 9, '50, to Dec. 9, '55 ; Pvt., Corp., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. B, 2d Drag., from May 1, '56, to April 28, '61 ; Com. Sgt. 6th Cavalry, from August 14, '61. to Nov. 3, '61; 2d Lieut. 6th Cav., Nov. 1, '61 ; accepted Nov. 3, '61 ; 1st Lieut., May 4, '64; Capt., May 10, '67; Maj. 7th Cav., May 21, '86; retired Oct. 5. at his own reauest, over thirty years' service. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut., June 9, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Beverly Ford, Va. ; Capt., April 9, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign termina- ting with the surrender of the insurgent Army under Gen. R. E. Lee. Service At Carlisle Barracks, Pa., to March, '52 ; in New Mexico, to Dec., '55 ; engaged in expeditions against the Navajo, Apache, and White Mountain Apache In- dians ; at Fort Riley, Kan., May, '56 ; in Kan., to Sept., '57 ; in the Utah expe- dition, and in Utah, to May, '61 ; at Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept., '61 ; in the War of the Rebellion, '61-65 ; in the field with the Army of the Potomac, and participated in the campaigns of '62-63 until wounded ; Mustering and Disbursing Officer at Boston, Mass., from Sept., '63, to May, '64 ; participated in the campaign of the Army of the Potomac, '64 ; Asst. Provost-Marshal Army of the Shenandoah, Nov., '64, to Feb., '65 ; on duty with Maj.-Gen. Casey, Washington, D. C., March to April, '65 ; at Fort Richardson, Tex,, and at posts in other parts of the South- west until retired. Battle*, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle of Williams- burg ; actions of Slatersville, New Kent Court-House, New Bridge, Mechanics- ville ; battle of Hanover Court-House, Seven Days' Fight (acting Aide-de-Camp to Gen. McClellan), actions of Falls Church, Charlestown, Hillsboro', Philemont, Uniontown, Upperville, Barber's Cross-Roads, Amiaville, Sulphur Springs, and battle of Beverly Ford (wounded); battle of Trevillian Station, action of Darby's Mill, and battle of Deep Bottom, Va. MAH RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 365 Madden, Frank (Second Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Ireland Jan. 4, 1846. Retired. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. B, 55th, Co-. K, 88th, and Co. H, 40th N. Y. Inf., March 1, '62, to April 23, '64 ; Private gen- eral service and Co. K, 44th Inf., July 19, '65, to Nov. 14, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 42d Inf. July 28, '66 ; unassigned April 22, '69 ; retired Dec. 31, 70, loss of left leg from wound in line of duty. Service Served in Peninsular Campaign April, '62, to June, '63 ; at Platteburg Barracks, N. Y., March, '67, to April, '69 ; Recruiting Officer Mounted Service at St. Louis, Mo., Aug., '69, to March, '70 ; at Carlisle Barracks, Pa., May to Dec. 31, '70. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in the following battles, viz. : Williamsburg, Va., Fair Oaks or Seven Pines, Malvern Hill, Va., Fredericksburg, Va., Chancellorsville, Va., Second Bull Run and at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63, where he was wounded, losing left leg. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., March, '67, to April, '69 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Cav. Depot, Carlisle Barracks, Pa., May to Dec. 31, '70. Magnitzky, Gustave (Second Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Prussia March 28, 1840. Retiring year 1904. Appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. and sergeant Co. C, sergeant and 1st sergeant Co. G, 20th Mass. Inf., and Co. E, 21st Veteran Reserve Corps, July 18, '61, to March 29, '64 ;. 1st lieutenant 20th Mass. Inf. March 29, '64 ; captain 20th Mass. Inf. June 30, '64 ; mustered out July 16, '65 ; 2d lieutenant 30th Inf. March 7, '67; unassigned April 20, '69; assigned to 14th Inf. Aug. 3, '70 ; retired Nov. 14, 71, wounds in line of duty. Brevet rank Brevet 1st lieutenant U. S. A., for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; brevet captain U. S. A., for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Petersburg, Va. Magrruder, David L. (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Maryland April 23, 1825. Retired. Appointed from Va. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Feb. 1, '50; accepted March 22, '50 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Feb. 1, '55 ; Major and Surg. April 16, '62; Lieut. Col. and Surg. June 30, '82 ; Col. and Surg. July 26, '86; retired April 23, '89. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, faithful and merit- orious services during the war. Service In New Mexico to Oct., '54 ; at Fort Pierre, Dakota Ty., to July, '56 ; at Fort Lookout, Dakota Ty., to June, '57 ; at Fort Randall, Dakota Ty., to Oct.; '60 ; in charge Infirmary Hospital, Washington, D. C.,, to June, '61 ; Medical Director Gen. McDowell's Army to Aug., '62 ; pres- ent at Battle of First Bull Run July, '61 ; at Philadelphia, Pa., to Feb., '63 ; Med- ical Director Department of Missouri, St. Louis, Mo., to Oct., '63 ; Chief Medical Purveyor of Western Department, Louisville, Ky., to March, '66 ; Medical Direc- tor Department of the Platte, Omaha, Neb., to June, '66 ; Attending Surgeon St. Louis, Mo., to May, '67 ; Post Surgeon Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to Oct., 70 ; Post Surgeon Fort Riley, Kansas, to Feb., 71 ; Attending Surgeon St. Louis, Mo., to Sept., 73; Medical Director Department of Arizona to Jan., 77; leave of ab- sence to April, 77 ; Attending Surgeon St. Louis, Mo., to March, '80 ; Medical Di- rector Department of the Missouri, Fort ^eavenworth, Kansas, to June, '84 ; 'At- tending Surgeon Philadelphia, Pa., to April 23, '89. Magnire, Edward (Captain of Engineers). Born in Tennessee Aug. 31, 1847. Retiring year 1911. Appointed from Tenn. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 29, '63 ; graduated June 17, '67. Actual rank2d Lieut. Eng. June 17, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 15, '69; Capt. June 14, '81. Staff positions occupied Adj. Batt. Eng. from Dec. 7, '68, to May 1, 71. Service On duty with Eng ; Batt. '67-69; under orders of Major Comstock, Detroit, Mich., 71-75 ; under orders of Major Craighill, Baltimore, Md!, 75-76; Eng. Officer Department of Dakota 76-83; on duty at Louisville, Ky., '90. at Mil. Acad., Class of '67. Actual rank 2d Lieut, of Engineers June 17, '67; 1st Lieut. Feb. 22, '69; Captain (14 years' service) June 17, '81. Service Served on Artillery duty at the Mil. Acad. July 4 to Aug. 28, '67 ; waiting orders Aug. 28 to Sept. 27, '67 ; on duty with Engineer Batt. at Willet's Point, Sept. 27, '67, to July 27, '69 ; and at West Point July 27, '69, to Aug. 28, 72 ; Ass't Engineer of the Survey of West Shore Railway in the neighborhood of West Point, N. Y., 366 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. MAL July 28 to Dec. 24, '69; Ass't Professor of Engineering at Military Academy Oct. 5, '69, to July 1, '70 ; Ass't Instructor of Practical Military Engineering Feb. 1, 70, to Aug. 28, 72 ; Ass't Engineer of the Improvement of the Ohio River, near Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 14 to Dec. 3, 72 ; of examination of water gauges on the lower Mississippi and its tributaries Dec. 6, 72, to Jan. 23, 73 ; of survey of Youghiogheny River from West Newton to McKeesport, Aug. to Sept., 73; Fort Pulaski, Ga., Dec. 12, 73, to April 28, 74; of improvement of Ohio River, May 10, 74, to Aug.. 14, '84 ; survey of Allegheny River July to Sept., 74 ; leave of absence in Europe, for professional studies, March 7 to June 7, 76 ; Re- corder of Board of Engineers to select site for Movable Dam on the Ohio River, April, 75; for improvement of the Ohio River, Feb., 77; and for plan of Lock- gate for Movable Dam, Jan., 78; Superintending Engineer of the improvement of the Ohio, Monongahela and Little Kanawha Rivers, March 23 to July 8, 78 ; and of construction of Harbor of Refuge near Cincinnati, O., and improvement of Guyandotte and Big Sandy Rivers, June 26 to Julv 8, 78; Resident Engineer in local charge of construction of Lock and Movable Dam on the Ohio River, near Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 17, 78, to Aug. 14, '84; on sick leave of absence April 1 to Dec. 1, '81 ; absent in Europe, for professional studies, Oct. 11, '83, to June 11, '84; Ass't to Engineer Commissioner, D. p., May 11, '80, to June 30, '86; Ass't to Colonel Q. A. Gillmore, Corps of Engineers, at New York City, .Inly 1 to Aug. 29, '86; in charge of improvement of Harbors of Hrie, Pa., Dunkirk, Buffalo, Wilson, Olcott and Oak Orchard, N. Y., and of Niagara River, N. Y., since Aug. 30, '86. Command* held Co. A, Batt. of Engineers, Aug. 15, '84, to May 10, '85. History Son of Professor D. H. Mahan, Professor <-t Civil and Military Engineering and Art of War at U. S. Mil. A cad. Maize, William R. (Captain 20th Inf.). Born in Indiana, Pa., Feb. 14, 1844, Retiring year 1908. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. .!'//// /'////Private Co. K, 19th Penn. Vols., April 18, '61 ; discharged An- '. "1 ; 2d Lieut. 78th Pa. Vols. Aug. 27, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 1, '63; must, out Nv. 1, '>4; app. 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. April 23, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 22, '67; unassigned April 17, '69; assigned to L'Oth Inf. April 2, 70; Capt. May 6, '82. Brevet rank- Brevet Captain March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Stone River, Tenn. ; unassigned April 17, '69. Service In the field during the war ; at the Cav. Depot, Carlisle, Pa., Sept., '69, to May, 70 ; Fort Ransom, D. T., summer of 70 ; Fort Abercrombie, D. T., 70-71 ; Fort Wadsworth, D. T., 72-73 ; Fort Pembina, D. T., Oct., 73, to May, 75 ; Fort Seward, D. T., May, 75, to Aug., 76 ; Fort Brown, Tex., June, 77, to Jan., 79 ; Fort Ringgold, Tex., summer of '80; Fort Hays, Kan., Nov., '81, to May, '82; Fort Riley, Kan., June to Nov., '82; Fort Maginnis, Mont., June, '85, to Aug., '86; Camp Poplar River, Mont., Aug., '86, to Sept., '87; Inspector of Indian supplies at Fort Peck Ind. Agency, Aug., '86, to Aug., '87; awaiting retirement, for disability contracted in line^of duty, since Marcn 19, '88. 8taff position* o<><-u}>i,-th Inf. Aug. 23, 77 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 23, '85. Mang-an, Michael (Second Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from Wisconsin Civil life. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl. and Sfct. Co. E, 6th Wis. Vol. Inf., from June 28, '61, to June 15, '63; 1st, Lieut. 6th Wis. Vol. Inf. June 16, '63; hon. must, out April 3, '64; 2d Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps March 18, '64; accepted April 4, '64; hon. must, out Sept. 6, '66; 2d Lieut. 45th U. S. Inf. Jan. 22, '67; accented March 28, '67; unassigned July 22, '69; retired Dec. 31, 70, from loss of right leg from wound in line of duty. MAN RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 369 Manley, John A. (Captain 20th Inf.). Born in New York May 22, '37. Re- tiring year 1901. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Corpl. and S*t. Co. F, 64th N.Y. Vol. Inf., from Aug. 20, '61, to March 1, '63; 1st Lieut. 64th N. Y. Vol. Inf. March 1, '63 ; Capt. July 3, '63; hon. must, out Dec. 16, '64; 2d Lieut. 18th U. S. Inf. March 7, '67 ; accepted May 21, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 21, '68; unassigned April 26, '69; ass'd to 20th Inf. Dec. 15, '70; Capt. May 14, '87. Mann, James D. (Second Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in Ind. Appointed from Ind. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '73 ; graduated June 15, 77. Ac- tual ra 2d Lieut, 7th Cav. June 15, '77. Manr, William A. (First Lieut. 17th Inf.) Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Aug. 1, '71 ; graduated June 16, '75. Ac- twd r,m/;2d Lieut. 17th Inf. June 16, 75 ; 1st Lieut. May 19, '81. Staff positions occupied Adj. Jan. 30, '85. Manning;', William C. (Captain 23d Inf.). Born in New York, Sept. 29, 1842. Retiring year 1904 ; app. from Maine Civil life. Actual rank Pvt., Mus., Corp. Co. D, and Sgt. Maj. 1st Mass. Inf. May 22, '61, to Feb. 20, '63, when discharged at Falmouth, Va., on account of wounds received at " 2d Bull Run ;" 1st Lieut. 35th U. S. C. T. May 18, '63, to Aug. 6, '64 ; Capt. same regiment from last date to Feb. 26, '65 ; Major 103d U. S. C. T. Feb. 27, '65, to May 5, '66, when honorably mustered out; Second Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. May 11, '66; transferred to 23d U. S. Inf. on its organization Sept. 21, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 7, '67 ; Captain March 1, '86. Service Superintendent of the Free Schools of Savannah, Ga., June and July, '65 ; served in Department of California, '66-7 ; Dept. Columbia, '67 to 72 ; Dept. Arizona, 72-3 ; General Recruiting Service New York City, 73-4; in Dept. Platte, 74 to 77 ; Dept. Missouri, 77 to '84; Acting General In- structor of Musketrv, Department of the Missouri, from April 2, '81, to April 18, '83; on duty at Military Prison Fort Leavenworth, Kan., June 1, '83, to Aug. 31, '83 ; Inspector of Rifle Practice Department of the Missouri, Dec. 5, '83, to Oct. 9, '84 ; Dept. of the East '84 to . Staff positions occupied Adj. 35th U. S. C. T. May 18, '63, to Aug. 6, '64 ; A. A. A. G. of various Districts and Brigades, Dept. South, from June 11, '64, to Feb. 27, '65 ; Adj. 23d Inf. July 8, '68, to Dec. 7, '69; A. A. G. Gen. Rec. Ser. N. Y. City, 73-74. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in the following battles, sieges and minor actions : First Bull Run, Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Kettle Run, Second Bull Run (severely wounded), Fredericksburg, Olustee (severely wounded), Honey Hill ; sieges, Yorktown, Charleston ; actions, Blackburn's Ford, Va., July 18, '61 ; Fair Oaks, Va., June 25, '62 (wounded) ; Boyd's Neck, S. C., Dec. 5, '64 ; Gregory's Landing, S. C., Dec. 6, '64; Coosahatchie Road, S. C., Dec. 7-9, '64; Tonto Basin, Arizona (with Tonto Apaches), Dec. 13, 72. Commands held Com- manding Regt. from July 2 to No\. 2, '65 ; commanding Fort Pulaski, Ga., from July 16 to Oct. 9, '65 ; commanding Post of Savannah, Ga. (including thirty -two counties and two regiments), March and April, '66. Mansfield, Francis W. (Captain llth Inf.). Born in Ohio Nov. 11, 1848. Retiring year 1912; appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '66; graduated June 12, 71. Actual rank2d Lieut, llth Inf. June 12, 72, till June 14, 73, was attached to Company I, llth Inf., and with that Com- pany and Company K, 4th Cav., performed escort duty with surveying party Texas Pacific Railroad during the period named ; at Fort Concho, Texas, from June 30 (about) till Aug. 1, 72; at El Paso, Texas, from Jan. 1 till Feb. 19, 73 ; returned to Fort Richardson June 14,73; in the field at Camp Augur, Texas, from about March 4, 74, till June, 74 ; stationed at Fort Sill, I. T., from June, 74, to July 31, 75; on Indian expedition under command of Gen. Davidson, 10oh Cav., from Sept. 6, 74, to Oct. 29, '64; on D. S. to Wichita Agency from Feb. 7 to Feb. 23, 75 ; on leave of absence from Aug. 1, 75, to Feb. 1, 76 ; conducting recruits from Columbus Barracks, Ohio, to Ft. Brown, Texas, to Feb. 20, 76 ; at Ft. Brown, Texas, from about Feb. 20, 76, to Aug. 12, 76 ; en route to Cheyenne 370 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF IT. S. ARMY. MAR Agency, Dak. (now Ft. Bennett), from Aug. 12, 76, to Aug. 26, 76; stationed at Cheyenne Agency, D. T., from Aug. 26, 76, to April 18, 78 ; a tour of D. S. with company at Fort Sully, D. T., from May 3, 77, till July 3, 77; with Indian expe- dition consisting of Companies E, I and K, 10th Inf., under command of Major Bartlett's Inf., to the Black Hills, D. T., from Dec. 12, 77, to Jan. 15, 78 ; on leave of aWnce from April 18, 78, till Oct. 18, 78 ; conducted recruits from Ft. Snelling, Minn., to Cheyenne Agency, D. T., Oct. 18 to Nov. 3, 78; at Cheyenne Agency, D. T., Nov. 3, 78, till Nov. 14, 78 ; at Newport Barracks, Ky., from Nov. 14, 78, to April, '80; from April, '80, till June, '80, en route to Ft. Custer, Mont.; at Ft. Custer till Oct., '80 ; during this period repaired telegraph line in the Yel- lowstone Valley, between Ft. Keogh and Fort Custer, from Aug. 9 to Sept. 15, '80; on leave from Oct. 21, '80, to April 21, '81 ; on temporary duty at Ft. knell- ing, Minn., from April 21, '81, to M.ay 23, '81 ; en route to Ft. Custer till about June 12, '81 ; at Terry's Landing, Mont., on D. S., with Co. H, 10th Inf., till Aug. 12 '81; en route to Ft. Maginnis, on D. S., from Aug. 12, '81, till An-. 22. '81 ; Aug. 22, '81, on D. S. building telegraph line from Ft. Maginnis, Montana, to the Missouri River, till Oct. 28, '81 ; en route from Fort Maginnis, M. T., from Nov. 1, till Nov. 8, '81, to Ft. Custer, Montana; stationed at Fort raster, Montana, till July 30, '82; en route to and stationed at Fort Buford, Dakota Territory, from Aug. 3, '82, till Aug. 23, '83; on duty at Infantry and Cavalry School, Fort Leaven- worth, Kansas, till July 1, '85, when he was graduated (during this time he was on leave one month in Aug., '84, and seven days in April, 'Sf>); on delay and leave from July 1, '85, till Sept. 10, '85; at Ft. Bayard, D. T., from Sept. 10, "S5. till Dec. 5, '85; at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, from Dec. 5, '85, till Sept. 11, '86; at A. Lincoln from Sept. 11, '86, to July 31, '87; from July 31 to Dec. 9, '87, en route to and stationed at Madison Barracks, N. Y .; on leave and sick-leave from i 9, '87, to May 30, '88 ; at Madison Barracks from May 30, 88, to March 14, '89 ; on leave from March 14, '89, to April 20, '89 ; at Madison Barracks, N. Y., since April 20, '89; at N. Y. from April 27 to May 5, '89, with battalion llth Inf. to take part in Centennial celebration. N 1 '///' i>nxitinn* m, ,//,/,,/ \. \. tj. M. of Ft. Sill, Ind. Ter., from Feb., 75, to May 11, 75 ; A. C. S. of Post of Ft. Brown, Tex., from May 1, 76, to Aug. 12, 76; A. A. Q. M. of Indian expedition from Dec. 12, 77, to Jan. 15, 78; Post Q. M. at Ft. Buford from Aug. 3, '82, to March 1, '83 ; Post Commissary from Aug. 3, '82, to May 1, '83; A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. and Ord- nance Officer at Fort Lincoln, Dak., from Sept. 14, 86, to July 1, '87. History- Sou of Hon. E. D. Mansfield, class of 1819, Military Academy, and grandson of Professor Jared Mansfield, first Professor of Philosophy at the Military Academy at West Point, N. Y. Mansfield, Samuel M. (Lieut. -Col. of Engineers). Born in Conn., Sept. 25, 1839. Retiring year 1903. Appointed from Conn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '58; graduated June 17, '62. A'-timl runic 2d Lieut. Eng., June 17, '62; Col. 24th Conn. Inf., Nov. 18, '62; hon. must, out Sept. 30, 1st Lieut. Eng., Mar. 3, '63; Capt. Aug. 15, '64; Maj. Sept. 2, 74; Lt.-Col. July 22, '88. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. June 14, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Port Hudson, La. ; Bvt. Major and Bvt. Lt.-Col. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff position* /r///*iVrf A. D. C. Vol., July 10, '62, to Sept. 18, '02. March, Peyton C. (Second Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June J5, '84 ; graduated June 11, '88. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 3d Art., June 11, '88; 2d Lieut, Nov. 30, '88. Marcotte, Henry (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in England. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank Corp'l, Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. " I," 2d N. Y. Inf., May 14, '61, to Feb. 12, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 2d N. Y. Inf., Feb. 12, '63 ; hon. must, out May 26, '63 ; 2d Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps, Oct. 12, '63 ; accepted Nov. 4, '63 ; Bvt. Capt. Mar. 13, '65 ; hon. must, out Nov. 23, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 44th U. S. Inf., July 28, '66 ; accepted Nov. 24, '66 ; 1st Lieut. June 5, '67 ; transferred to 17th Inf., May 27, '69 ; retired June 28, 78, wound in line of duty. J: rank Bvt. 1st Lieut, and Bvt. Capt. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. ; Bvt. 1st Lieut. Vol. and Bvt. ('apt. MAR RECOUPS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 371 Vol., Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Big Bethel, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Ya. Markland, Matthew (Captain 1st Inf.). Born in Ky., Oct. 5, 1838. Retir- ing year 1902. Appointed from Ky. Civil life. Actual rankPvt. Co. " F," 22d Ky. Inf., Dec. 2, '61 ; discharged Jan. 20, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Inf., Oct. 24, '67 ; accepted Oct. 26, '67 ; 1st Lieut. June 28, '78 ; Capt. Sept. 23, '85. Markley, Alfred C. (Captain 24th Inf.). Born in Pa., April 18, 1843. Retiring year 1907. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Sgt. Co. "K," 197th Pa. Inf., July 11, '64 ; discharged Sept. 5, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 127th U. S. C. Inf., Sept. 9, '64 ; 1st Lieut. Mar. 5, '65 ; hon. must, out Oct. 20, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 41st U. S. Inf., July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 13, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Mar. 31/68; trans- ferred to 24th Inf., Nov. 11, '69; Capt. Mar. 20,79. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 41nt Inf., Dec. 25, '66, to June 14, '67 ; A. A. A. G. of Brigade from June to Oct. 1, '65 ; A. A. Q. M. 5 years ; A. C. S. 6 years. Service In the field with the Army of the Potomac, and participated in the campaign and battles from Petersburg to Appomattox, Va., '65 ; out of service from Oct. 20, '65, to July 28, '66; on scouting expedition May to Dec., 75, and May to Sept., 76, in Western Texas and Northern Mexico 21 years on frontier service ; on recruiting service, 78-9; present station Fort Thomas, Arizona. Marsh, Frederick (First Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in New York. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, 73 ; graduated June 15, 77. Actual raw* Add. 2d Lieut. 2d Art. June 15, 77; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. March 15, 78 ; 1st Lieut. July 9, '84. Marshall, James M. (Captain and A. Q. M.). Born in Illinois, May 31, 1844. Retiring year* 1908. Appointed from 111. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '65. Actual rank2d Lieut. 13th Inf. June 23, '65 ; 1st Lieut. June 23, '65 ; transferred to 31st Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; transferred to 22d Inf. May 15, '69 ; transferred to 4th Art. Dec. 15, 70 ; Captain and A. Q. M. April 24, 75 ; accepted April 28, 75. Service On duty at the U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept., '69, to July, 75 ; on duty at Las Animas, Colorado, Fort Dodge, Kan., and Fort Ellis, Mont., to Sept., 77; at Baltimore, Md., to June, '80; in charge of construction of buildings at Fort Wayne, Mich., to Feb., '81 ; Chief Q. M. Dept. of Arkansas to May, 81 ; inchargeof construction of buildings, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to Nov., '81 ; Chief Q. M. Disc, of N. M. (Santa Fe) to Oct., '83 ; Depot Q. M. and in charge of construction of buildings at St. Paul, Minn., to Nov., '85; on duty at Philadel- phia, Pa., to Oct., '87; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to June, '89 ; inchargeof clothing depot, St. Louis, Mo., June '89, to . Staff positions occupied Q. M. 3d Batt. 13th Inf. Jan. 1, '66, to Sept. 21, '66; R. Q. M. 31st Inf. Dec. 28, '66, to March 31, '67; Adj. 31st Inf. March 31, '67, to May '15, '69; Q. M. Mil. Acad. Aug. 28, 72, to July 1, 75. Marshall, William L. (Captain of Engineers). Born in Kentucky, June 11, 1846. Retiring year 1910. Appointed from Ky. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '68. Actual rank Priv. Co. A, 10th Ky. Vol. Cav., Aug. 16, '62; dis- charged Sept. 17, '63 ; Bvt. 2d Lieut, of Engineers June 15, '68 ; 2d Lieut. Feb. 22, '69; 1st Lieut. June 21, 71; Captain June 15, '82. Service On duty with Engr. Batt., '68-70, and 71-72 ; Act. Asst. Prof. Nat. and Expr. Phil. U. S. M. A., 70-71 ; on duty with Wheeler's explorations and surveys, west 100th merid- ian, '72 to 76, and in command of Colorado section of this survey, 75; discovered "Marshall Pass" across Rocky Mountains, now used by Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, and gold placers o"n San Miguel River at " Marshall Basin," J0ol., 74-75 ; on duty as Asst. Engr. Tennessee and Coosa River improvements, 76 to '81 ; in charge of 3d Dist. improvement Mississippi River, under Mississippi River ( 'ommission, '81-84; in charge of Fox and Wisconsin Rivers improvement and of harbors on Lake Michigan from Milwaukee south to Waukegan, 111., '84 to '88, and of harbors on south shore of Lake Superior and west shore of Lake Michigan, '86-87; in charge of harbor works at Chicago and Calumet, 111., and of Illinois and Calumet River improvements, '88 to date; Engr. Officer Div. of the Mo., '88 to date ; member of various boards of engineers on western river and harbor improve- ments, '82 to date. 372 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TT. S. ARMY. MAS Martin, Charles H. (Second Lieut. 14th Inf.). Born in Illinois. Appointed from 111. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '82; discharged June 24, '84; reap- pointed Sept. 4, '84; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank2d Lieut. 14th Inf. June 12, '87. Martin, George W. (Second Lieut. 18th Inf.). Born in Mississippi. Ap- pointed from the army. Actual rank Priv., Corpl. and Sergt. Co. G, 2d Inf., June 23, '80, to June 22, '85; Priv. and Corpl. Co. H, 1st Inf., July 18, '85, to Oct. 22, '86 ; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. Oct. 22, '86 ; accepted Oct. 23, '86. Martin, James P. (Lieutenant Colonel and Asst. Adj. Gen.). Born in Ken- tucky, Sept. 27, 1836. Retiring year 1900. Appointed from Ky. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '55; graduated July 1, '60. AHunl mnk Bvt. 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. July 1, '60; 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. Dec. 20, '60; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61 ; Captain Jan. 2, '63; Major A. A. G. April 10, '69; accepted April 20, '69; Lieut. Col. A. A. G. Feb. 28, '87. Br< />/ rank Bvt. Major July 2, '63, for gallant and meritor- ious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Penna. ; Brvt. Lieut. Col. July 22, '65, for faithful and meritorious services. Martin, John T. (Second Lieutenant 4th Art.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Academy June 13, '85; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rankM Lieut. 4th U. S. Art., June 12, '89. Martin, John W. (Captain 4th Cav.). Born in New York, Sept. 24, 1850. Retiring year 1914. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. A<-t>i,,l rnnk Cadet at U. S. Mil. Academy, July 1, '69, to Feb. 15. 71 ; 2d Lieut. 4th < ' iv., July 27, 72 ; accepted Aug. 20, 72 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 4, 79 ; Capt. Nov. 26, 'si. Martin, Medad C. (First Lieutenant 22d Inf.). Born in Vermont, Oct. 3, 1854. Retiring year 1918. Appointed from Vt.; graduated from Mil. Academy, Class of 77. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 22d Inf., June 15, 77 ; 1st Lieut., April 24, '83. Service Joined regiment at Fort Porter, N. Y., Dec. 2, 77; at Fort Mc- Kavett, Tex., May 15, 79 ; at Fort Clark, Tex., Feb. 10, '81 ; on detached ser- vice with expedition for surveying Northern Texas, June 6, '81, to Jan. 21, '82 ; on special duty in charge of Post Rifle Team, June 20, '82 ; at Port Lewis, Col., Nov. 26,'82 ; on detached service, May 2, '83, survey ing eastern boundary of Nava- joe Indian reservation ; on detached service at Fort Lyon, Col., April 15, '88 ; at Fort Keogh, Montana, May 14, '88, to . Staff positions occupied A. A. Qm. and A. C S. at Fort McKavett, Tex., Oct. 16, 79, to Dec. 30, '80 ; Adj. and Batt. Qm. Camp on Rio Pecos, Tex., March 14, '81 ; Adj. and Qm. in the field, June 6, '81, to Jan. 21, '82 ; A. A. Qm. and A. C. S. at Fort Lewis, Col., Aug. 31, '83, to Oct. 31, '84; A. C. S. from Aug. 18, '85, to March 31, '88; A. A. Qm. Fort Keogh, Montana, from May 15, '88, to ; R. Qm. 22d Inf., May 22, 88, to . Commands held Go. G, Sept. 21, '82, to Jan 6, '83. Martin, William P. (Second Lieutenant 25th Inf.). Born in Ohio. Ap- pointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Academy, July 1, '81 ; graduated June 14 '85. AHwil >vm 2d Lieut. 25th Inf., June 14, '85. Marye, William A. (Major of Ordnance). Born in Maryland, April 21, 1840. Retiring year, 1904. Appointed from Cal. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Academy, July 1, '58 ; graduated June 17, '62. A<-f,,l r .. '68-69; Post Surgeon Fort Stevenson, D. T., to 70; Post Surgeon Fort Huford, D. T., to Oct., 72 ; Post Surg. David's Island, N. Y. Harbor, Dec., 72 ; Post. Surg. at Willet's Point, N. Y. Harbor, from Dec., 72, to May, 73 ; Post Surgeon Fort Wood, N. Y. Harbor, to June, 73 ; Post surgeon Fort Sullivan, Me., to Nov., 73 ; Post Surgeon David's Island, New York Harbor, to November, 74; at Fort Hamilton and Fort Wood, N. Y. Harbor, April, 75; ordered to Drpt. of against Bannock Indians, 78; at Camp Bidwell, Gal., to June 30, '80 ; ordered to Dept. of Missouri Sept. 7, '80; Post Surg. Fort Wingate, N. M., from Get, '80, to April, '84; A. G. G. Washington, D. C., April 14, '84, to . Maus, Louis M. (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Md. Appointed from Md. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Nov. 10, 74; accepted Nov. 16, 74 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Nov. 10, 79. Maus, Marion P. (First Lieutenant 1st Inf.). Born in Md. Appointed from Md. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1,70; graduated June 17, '74 Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. June 17, 74; 1st Lieut. Sept. 29, 72. Maxneld, Joseph B. (Second Lieutenant Signal Corps). Born in Mass. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. and Sgt. Sig. Corps Jan. 4, '82, to July 21, '84; 2d Lieut. Sig. Corps July 14, '84; accepted July 22, '84. Maxon, Mason M. (Captain 10th Cav.). Born in Wis. Appointed from Wis. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '64 ; graduated June 15, '69. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 10th Cav. June 15, '69 ; 1st Lieut. Apr. 24, 75 ; Capt. Dec. 25, '89. Maff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 10th Cav. Get. 1, '81, to April 21, '87. Maxwell, Marcus (Second Lieut. 15th Inf.). Born in Ark. Appointed from Ark. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '82; graduated July 1, '86. Actual ranb2d Lieut. 15th Inf. July 1, '86. May, Will T. (First Lieut. 15th Inf.). Born in Ind. Appointed from Ind. Cadet at U.S. Military Academy July 1,75; graduated June 13,79. Actnnl ran/: 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. June 13, 79; 1st Lieut. Feb. 27, '88. Maynadier, William M. (Major and Paymaster). Born in Md. Jan. 7, 1837. Retiring year 1901 ; appointed from Md. Civil life. Arfwil rank lM Lieut. 1st Art. May 1, '61 ; accepted May 1, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61 ; Capt. June 4, '64; must, out Dec. 8, 70; Maj., P. M. Apr. 26, 75; accepted Apr. :!'., 75. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Sept. 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious service- in the battle of Antietam, Md. ; Bvt. Major Mar. 13, '65, for good conduct and gal- lant services during the war. Service At Fort Monroe, Va., to Sept., '61 ; nal Gfficer on staff of General Butler, and present at the bombardment of Hat- teras Inlet, N. C. ; commanding battery of the 3d U. S. Artillery at Washington, D. C., to Jan., '62 ; joined battery of the 1st U. S. Artillery ; in the field with the Army of the Potomac, and participated in all the campaigns of '62 to July, '64 ; in General Wilson's Cavalry raid, being captured by the rebels June 29, '64 ; escaped and was re-captured July 1, '64, and confined in rebel prisons at Colum- bia and Charleston, S. C., till he was paroled Dec., '64 ; paying commutation of MCC RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 375 rations to paroled prisoners at St. Louis, Mo., to July, '65; at Fort Independence, Mass., to Oct., '65 ; at Fort Lafayette, N. Y., to May, '68, commanding that post from Jan., '66 ; engaged quelling Fenian disturbances on the Canada frontier June, '66 ; at Fort Hamilton, New York Harbor, from May, '68, to 70 ; out of service until April, '75 ; at various stations in the country as Paymaster to '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the siege of Yorktown, action of Golding's Farm, Seven Days' Fight, battles of Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Beverly Ford, Gettysburg, actions of Williamsport, Boonsboro', battles of Brandy Station, Cold Harbor, actions of Barker's Mills and Roanoke Station. McAdam, William T. (Post Chaplain U. S. A.). Born in Ohio. App. from Iowa. Retired. Actual rank Chaplain 57th Pa. Inf. Dec. 14, '61 ; hon. must, out June 29, '65 ; Post Chaplain, June 16, '80 ; accepted June 25, '80 ; re- tired Aug. 7, '87. Service In the Army of the Potomac from '61 to '65. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In all the engagements of the Army of the Potomac except An- tietam. Me Alexander, Ulysses G. (Second Lieutenant 25th Inf.). Born in Minn. Appointed from Kansas. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83 ; grad- uated June 12, '87. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 25th Inf. June 12, '87. McAnaney, William D. (Second Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. blacksmith, Corp'l, Sgt and 1st Sgt. troop " M," 8th Cav., June 11, '79, to Aug. 6, '84; 2d Lieut. 9th Cav. Aug. 4, '84; ace. Aug. 7, '84. McAndrew, James W. (Second Lieutenant 21st Inf.). Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 15, '84; graduated June 11, '88. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 21st Inf. June 11, '88. McArthur, Joseph H! (Major U. S. A.). Born in Mo. Retired. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '45; graduated July 1, '49. Actual fiankBvt. 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. July 1, '49; 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. Aug. 12, '50; 1st Lieut. 2d Cav. Mar. 3, '55; accepted Apr. 11, '55 ; Capt.Sth Cav. June 28, '60; Lieut-Col. 6th Pa. Cav. Sept. 11, '61; hon. must, out Feb. 3, '62; Maj. 3d U. S. Cav. Sept. 25, '63 ; retired Nov. 2, '63, disability in line of duty. McBlain, John P. (First Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in Pa. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. L, 2d Cav., Oct. 7, '72, to June 29, '77 ; Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. L, 2d Cav., Oct. 22, '78, to July 16, '80; 2d Lieut. 9th Cav. June 24, '80 ; accepted July 16, '80 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 11, '87. McCain, Henry P. (Second Lieut. 3d Inf.) Born in Miss. Appointed from Miss. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '81 ; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d Inf. June 14, '85. McCaleb, Thomas S. (First Lieut. 9th Inf.). Born in Va. Appointed from Va. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '71 ; graduated June 16, '75. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 19th U. S. Inf. June 16, '75; 1st Lieut. March 4, '83. McCammon, Wm. W. (First Lieut. 14th Inf.). Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, May 28, 1838. Retiring year 1902 ; app. from Mo. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 22d Mo. Inf. Oct. 15, '61 ; Capt. 24th Mo. Inf. Oct. 13, '62; hon. must, out April 20, '65 ; Capt. and A. A. G. Vol. Feb. 3, '65 ; accepted April 21, '65 ; hon. must, out Feb. 2, '66; 2d Lieut. 14th Inf. June 18, '67; accepted Aug. 7, '67; 1st Lieut. Dec. 10, '73. Brevet rankBvt. Major Vol. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned At Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 2, '66; in the " Records of the Rebellion." Service In the field during the civil war '61-65; served at Fort Yuma, Cal., '67-69; on duty at Red Cloud Agency on North Platte River during winter of '71-2; on Sioux Expedition under Bvt. Maj. Gen. John E. Smith, which established Fort Robinson, Neb., 74; on duty with Co. C, at Vancouver Bks. '86-87 ; at Fort Klamath, Oregon, Oct. 1. '87, to . Staff positions occupied Provost Marshal 3d Div., Army of the Miss.; A. A. G. and A. I. G. 2d Brigade, 3d Div., 17th Army Corps; similar duties same Brigade after its transfer to 15th Army Corps ; A. A. G. Art. Brigade, 15th Army Corps ; A. A. G. 15th Army Corps, Army of the Tenn. ; A. A. G. Dist. of West Tenn., stationed at Memphis, Tenn.; A. A. G. Dept. .of West Tenn., 376 RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. MCC same station ; A. A. Q. M. and A.C. S. at Fort Yuma, Cal., December 22, '67, to February 28, '69; Adj. 14th Inf. April 22, '69, to April 10, '86; A. A. G. Sioux Expedition 74; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Klamath, Oregon, from Oct. 1, '87, to . Battles, skirmishes, etc. Capture of New Madrid and Island No. 10, '62; Battle of luka, Miss.; Battles of Corinth, Miss., Oct. 3 and 4, '62; Campaign to Oxford, Miss.; in action at Holly Springs, Miss.; Yazoo (Coldwater) Expedition; Battle of Raymond, Miss.; Battle of Jackson, Miss.; Battle of Champion Hills, Miss.; Siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; March from Mem- phis to Chattanooga; Battle of Missionary Ridge ; Battle of Resaca, Oct. 11 and 12, '64; Commanding Battln. formed of veterans of 10th and 24th Mo. Vol. Inf. during Atlanta Campaign ; March to the Sea from Atlanta ; Siege of Savannah ; March through the Carolinas; Action at Columbia, S. C.; Battle of Bentouville, N. C. Command* held Fort Klamath, Oregon, Aug. 9. '89, to . McCarthy, Daniel B. (First Lieut. 12th Inf.). Born in New York. App. from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 77; graduated June 11, '81. Actual RankM Lieut. 12th Inf. June 11, '81 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 2, '88. McCaskey, Edward W. (Second Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in Pa. AJ>J>. from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rnl:l(\ Lieut. 21st Inf. July 1, '86. McCaskey, William S. (Captain 20th Inf.). Born in Penna., Oct. 2, 1843. Retiring year 1907 ; app. from Pa. Civil life. Actual nnt/:Pvt. 1st Pa. Inf., April to July, '61 ; 1st Sgt. Co. B, 79th Pa. Inf., Sept., '61, to Oct., '62 ; 2d Lieut. (Jet. 9, T52 ; 1st Lieut. April 10, '63 ; Captain July 1, '63 ; regiment served as veteran volunteers to July, '65 ; hon. must, out July 12, '65 ; 2d Lieut, and 1st Lieut. 13ih Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted April 27, '66; transferred to 22d Inf. Sept. 21, '66; trans, to 20th Inf. July 14, '69 ; Capt. Sept. 5, 71. Service In the field, during the War '61 to '65 ; at Fort Ripley, Minn., from Oct., 71, to 73; Fort Abraham Lincoln, D. T., 76; Forts Ripley and Snelling, Minn., to Dec., 77; Dept. ot Texas, Fort Brown, until Sept., '81 ; on recruiting service David's Island, N. V. H., '81 to Oct., '83 ; Fort Gibson, I. T., to May, '85 ; Fort Assiniboine, Mont., '85 to ; at Camp SweetGrass Hills, Mont., May to Oct., '87. xt<(ff pnsitinn* occupi> / Adj. 2d Batt. 13th Inf. July 20, '66, to Sept. 21, '66; Adj. 22d Inf. Jan. 1, ',:. to May 12, '67 ; R. Q. M. 22d Inf. Feb. 1, '68, to July 14, '69 ; R. Q. M. 20th Inf. Jan. 1, 71, to Sept. 5, 71. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle ot Perry ville, Ky. ; engaged at the action of Stone River, Tenn., Deep Gap, battle ot Chickamauga, siege of Chattanooga, 1st and 2d actions of Buzzard a Roost, buttle of Resaca, Keuesaw Mountain, Peach-Tree Creek, action on the Chattahoochee River, investment of Atlanta, battle of Jonesboro', Sherman's march to the sea, investment of Savannah, campaign through the Carolinas and Virginia, battles ot Averysboro' and Bentonville, N. C. Command* h>td Fort Ripley, Minn., from Oct., 71, to 73 ; Fort Abraham Lincoln, D. T., May to Sept., 76 ; Camp Sweet Grass Hills, Mont., May to Oct., '87. U. S. Art. June 15, 70 ; trs. to 3d Cav. Oct. 7, 78 ; 1st Lieut. May 5, 79 ; Capt. A. Q. M. Feb. 18, '81 ; accepted Feb. 21, '81. McCaw, Walter D. (First Lieut, and Ass't Surgeon). Born in Va. Ap- pointed from Va. Civil life. Actual rank Ass't Surg. Aug. 20, '84 ; accepted Aug. 28, '84. McCleave, William (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ireland. Retired. App. from California Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. K, 1st Drag., Oct. 7, '50 ; Sergt. Aug. 1, '51 ; Private Dec. 26, '51 ; Corp. June 1, '52; Sergt. April 11, '53; 1st Sergt. June 1, '53; discharged Oct. 1, '55; 1st Sergt. Co. K, 1st Drag., Oct. 1, '55 ; discharged Oct. 1, '60 ; Capt. 1st Cal. Cav. Aug. 23, '61 ; Major May 1, '63 ; mustered out Oct. 19, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 8th Cav. July 28, '66 ; 1st Lieut. March 6, '67 ; Capt. Aug. 10, '69; retired March 20, 79, for disability resulting from injury received and disease contracted in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. MCC RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 377 Vpls. March 13, '65, for his successful pursuit and gallantry in the engagement with the Apache Indians. McCleery, John B. (Post Chaplain). Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Kansas. Actual rank Post Chaplain, May 20, '81 ; accepted May 31, '81. McClellan, Ely (Major and Surgeon). Born in Pennsylvania Aug. 3, 1834. Retiring year 1898. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Actual rank Ass't Surg. Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Aug. 25, '61 ; Capt. and Ass't Surg. July 28, '66; Major and Surgeon June 26, 76. Brevet rankBvt. Capt. and Bvt. Major March 13, '65, " for faithful and meritorious service during the war." Service In the field with Army of the Potomac, 2d Artillery, Franklin's Division, and Attend'g Surgeon Headquarters of the Army of the Potomac to Aug., '62 ; ordered to Fortress Monroe to prepare sheds to receive sick and stragglers in movement of the army to front of Washington ; at General Hospital, at Hampton, a new col- lection of hot wards, to March, '64 ; at Hampton and Chesapeake Hospitals, Fort Monroe, Va., to Aug., '64, the Chesapeake Hospital as a distinct organization abandoned and merged in the General Hospital at Hampton ; at Gen'l Hospital, Fort Monroe, Va., to July, '65, all hospital accommodations outside of Fortress land, Colorado, to Sept., 71 ; leave of absence Oct., 71 ; ordered to Dept. of the South Nov., 71 ; Post Surg'n Crab Orchard, Ky., to Dec., 72 ; Post Surg'n Leba- non, Ky., to April, 74 ; on special duty to investigate and report upon causes of Cholera epidemic of 1873 in the U. S., and ordered to take station at Lebanon, Ky., to pursue investigations, to June, 75 ; on duty in office of Medical Director, Dept. of the South, to Oct., 76 ; Attending Surgeon Hd. Qrs. Dept. of the South, Atlanta, Ga., to March, 78 ; Post Surg'n Fort Lapwai, Idaho, to April, '81 ; at Fort Vancouver, W. T., to Sept., '81 ; ordered to Dept. of the East Nov. 8, '81 ; Post Surg'n Fort McHenry, Md., to Dec., '81 ; Post Surg'n Fort Trumbull,Conn., to Nov., '84 ; Depot Surgeon, Cavalry Depot, Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to Nov., '89 ; Attending Surgeon Headquarters Mil. Div'n of the Missouri, Chicago, 111., to . McClellan, John (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in Chicago, 111., April 11, 1847. Retiring year 1911. Appointed from Minn. Graduated at Mil. Acad., Class of '67 ; graduated at Art. School, Fort Monroe, Va., Class of '88. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Art. June 17, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 5, 70. Honorably men- tioned Received from the Secretary of State (letter of Nov. 24, '83) the thanks of the Department of State "for valuable services, and for the faithful, courteous and effective manner in which you have performed the delicate duties assigned to you." Service On leave of absence (three months in Europe) June 17, '67, to March, '68, when joined Battery K, 5th Art., at New Orleans, La.; came North on sick leave Feb. 2, '69, and joined Battery I, 5th Art., at Fort Warren, Mass., in April, '69 ; Recruiting Officer Boston, Mass., April 14 to June, '69; in garrison at Fort Warren, Mass., June, '69, to Sept., 75; reported for duty to the Chief Signal Officer of the Army at Washington, D. C., Oct. 1, 75; Instructor of the Signal Service at Fort Whipple, Va., Aug. 10, 76, to Jan. 17, 78; Inspector of the Signal Service Jan. 17, 78, to April 30, '81 ; engaged in inspecting the differ- ent stations of the Signal Service throughout the United States and the West India Islands ; laid Sub-Marine Telegraph Cable at Cape Ann, Mass., and selected route for Cable to Black Island, Mass.; relieved from Signal duty May 1, '81, and granted leave of absence for six months, with permission to cross the sea; served with Lt. Battery F, 5th Art., at Fort Hamilton, New York, Nov., '81, to Oct., '83; Aug. 22, '83, reported to Maj. Gen. Hancock for special duty, and Aug. 23 was sent to report to Asst. Secretary of State as the officer to accompany the Lord Chief Justice of England during his tour through this country ; returned to duty at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. H., Nov. 9, '83; joined Battery I, 5th Art.; assigned to Lt. Battery F, 5th Art., for duty till Jan. 1, '84 ; May 9, '84, granted sick leave of absence for six months, with permission to cross the sea, and went to Europe ; joined Bat. K, 5th Art,, at FortSchuyler, N. Y.H.Nov.24, '84; May 4, '85, granted 24 378 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. MCC leave of absence for three months, with permission to cross the sea, and went to Europe; Sept. 10 to Oct. 14, '85, with Bat. K, 5th Art., at Camp Grant, Riverside Park, N. Y. City ; at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H., Dec. 1, '85, to Aug. 26, '86 ; at Art. School, Fort Monroe, Va., Sept. 1, '86, to Sept. 1, '88 ; joined Battery A at Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., Oct. 1, m Staff positions occupied Post Adj. Dry Tortugas (Fort Jefferson, Fla.) June 15 to Nov. 18, '68 ; Post Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. 8. at Fort Warren, Mass., at different times from June, '69, to Sept., 75; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Camp Grant, Riverside Park, N. Y. City, Sept. 10 to Oct. 14, '85 ; A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. and Ord. Officer at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H., Dec. 1, '85, to Aug. 26, '86. Commands held Several times in command in Battery D from '69 to 75 ; Lt. Battery F June 30 to Oct. 1, '82, and Battery G from Nov. 4, '86, to March 31, '87. History Son of the late Bvt. Lieut. Col. John McClellan, Captain Topographical Engineers U. S. Army. McClernand, Edward J. (Captain 2d Cav.). Born in Jacksonville, 111., Dec. 29, '49. Retiring year 1913. Appointed from 111. Graduated at Mil. Acad., Class of 70. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d Cav. June 15, 70 ; 1st Lieut. May 9, 79; Captain April 5, '90. Service Served in Montana from Oct., 70, to July 20, 79 ; in campaign against Sitting Bull, northern Montana, June and July, 79; Assistant Instructor in Tactics U. S. M. A., West Point, N. Y., Aug. 28, 79, to Aug. 28, '83 ; Fort Maginnis, Mont., Aug. 28, '83, to June 5, '84 ; ordered to Presidio, San Francisco, serving there until Aug. 14, '85. Staff positions occupied A. A. A. G. Dist. of the Yellowstone, Dec. 1, 78, to March 12, 79; A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. John Gibbon, from Aug. 20, '85, to -- . BuHl*-*, skirmishes, etc. Participated in the engagement with the hostile Sioux, Aug. 14, 72, on the Yellowstone River, near Prior's Creek ; in the campaign against the same Indians, and the Arapahoes and Cheyennes, from April 1, 76 to Sept. 30, 76 ; in engagement with Nez Perce Indians at the Bear Paw Mountains, or Snake Creek, Montana, Sept. 30 to Oct. 5, 77. McClure, Charles (Major and Paymaster). Born in Penna., Feb. 20, 1838. Retiring year 1902. Appointed from renn. Civil life. Actual rant: Capt. and Com. Sub. Vol. April 28, '62; accepted May 3, '62 ; vacated Sept. 1, '66; Capt. and Com. Sub. Aug. 17, '66 ; accepted Sept. 1, '66 ; Major and Paymaster Aug. 30, '80 ; accepted Sept. 4, '80. Brevet rank Brevet Major Aug. 17, '66, for faithful services in the subsistence department; brevet major vol., It. col. vol., and col. vol., Oct. 21, '65, for faithful and meritorious services; bt. It.-col. Dec. 1, '68, U. S. A., for gallant and meritorious services in the field with the Army of the Potomac in '62 ; confirmed by the Senate, but no brevet commissions issued after Mar. 4, 77, decision of Atty.-Gen. Service Served brigade com. sub. 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac, to Feb., '63; chief commissary of subsistence 1st Div., First Corps, to July, '63 ; acting chief C. S. 1st Corps to April, '64 ; chief com. of IV from Sept., '65 to Oct., '66; chief com. of sub. Dist. of New Mexico, Oct., '66, to May, 70 ; on temporary duty in the office of the Com. Gen. Sub. U. S. A., Washington, Mar. 25, '69 to May 7, '69 ; assistant to Com. Gen. Sub. U. S. A., 2, 75 to Dec., 75 ; on duty enrolling for Gov't. aid Settlers in Union, Clay, Yank- ton and Bon hoi n me Counties, Dakota, suffering from ravages of grasshoppers Mar. 1 to Mar. 30, 75 ; engaged Ma; and June, 76, making a special inspection of Sub. Dep. at all the posts on the Missouri River under orders of Comdg. Gen. Dept. Dakota, of May 3, 76 ; Chief C. S. Dept. of Dakota, St. Paul, Minn., from 'Aug. 22, 76, to May, 77 ; Acting Chief C. S. from May to Sept., 77; purchasing and depot C. S., St. Paul, Minn., from May to Dec. 23, 77 ; inspector Indian supplies St. Paul, Minn., from Oct., 76, to Dec., 77 ; purchasing and depot C. S., Washington, D. C., Jan. 23, 78, to May, 78 ; purchasing and depot C. S., Boston, Mass., from May 11, 78, to Oct. 18, '80; by direction Secty. of War, June 16, '80, MCC RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 379 attended the Miller's International Exhibition, Cincinnati, Ohio, and to report upon the Flour Mills on exhibition, and the processes of improved manufacture of flour in all its details; on duty as paymaster Leavenworth, Kan., Nov., '80, to Dec., '82 ; paymaster, Boston, Mass., from Dec., '82 to Sept., '86 ; at Newport Bks., Ky., as paymaster from Sept. 23, '86, to July, '87 ; at El Paso, Texas, to June 4, '89 ; at Sioux City, la., to July 19, '89 ; at Huron, So. Dakota, to Oct. 1, '89 ; at Helena, Montana, from Oct. 16, '89, to . Battles, skirmishes, etc. Acting as aide-de-camp in Gen. Pope's Virginia Campaign, and at the battles of South Mountain, Antietam, Gettysburg, Mine Run, Raccoon Ford, Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania and Petersburg. McClure, Daniel (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Ind. Retired. Appointed from Ind. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '45 ; graduated July 1, '49. Actual rank-Evt. 2d Lieut. M. Rif., July 1, '49 ; resigned Nov. 30, '50 ; Maj. P. M. Oct. 23, '58 ; accepted Oct. 29, '58 ; Col. asst. p. m. gen. July 28, '66 ; accepted Dec. 6, '66 ; retired Dec. 30, '88. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut.-Col. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; Bvt. Col. Mar. 13, '65, for faith- ful and meritorious services in the pay department. McClure, Nathaniel P. (Second Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in Ky. Appointed from Ky. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, Sept. 1, '83 ; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th Cav., June 12, '87. McConihe, Samuel (Captain, 4th Inf. and Brevet Lieut.-Colonel). Born in N. H., Sept. 8, 1836. Retiring year 1900. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Capt. 93d N. Y. Vol. Inf., Jan. 9, '62 ; Maj. Dec. 3, '63 ; hon. must, out Feb. 15, '65; 2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf., Feb. 23, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted Apr. 25, '66 ; Capt. Feb. 25, '76. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va. ; Maj. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spottsylvanitf, Va., ; Lieut.-Col. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; Col. and Brig.-Gen. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, for conspicuous gallantry in the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, and for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service In the War of the Rebellion, '61-5 ; in the field with the Army of the Potomac, and participated in all its campaigns from the commencement to the close of the war ; guard at Hd'qrs of the Army Sept., '62 ; at Richmond, Va, '65 ; on the Pacific coast to '70 ; in the Dept. of the Platte to '85 ; in the Dept. of Columbia to present time station being at Vancouver Bks., '90. Battles, skir- mishes, etc. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, and battle of Williamsburg ; the battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville ; the battles of the Wil- derness (commanding regiment), Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, action of Strawberry Plains, battles of Deep Bottom, Poplar Spring Church, Petersburg and first Boy dton Road ; the battles of Hatcher's Run and second Boydton Road. McCook, Alexander McD. (Colonel 6th Inf. and Brevet Major-General). Born in Ohio, Apl. 22, 1831. App. from Ohio. Retiring year 1895. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '47 ; graduated July 1, '52. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 3d U. IQth July 21, '61, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Bull Run, Va. ; Lieut.-Col. Mar. 3, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Nashville, Tenn. ; Col. Apr. 7, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. ; Brig.-Gen. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Perryville, Ky. ; Maj. -Gen. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war. Staff positions occupied Sen. Asst. Inst. of Inf. Tactics at M. A. from Jan. 13, '61, to Apr. 24, '61 ; acting A. I. G. Dept. of the Mo. from Dec. 19, '74, to June 11, '75 ; Col. A. D. C. to the Gen. of the Army from June 11, '75, to Dec. 15, '80. Service Frontier duty, '52-58; Army of Potomac, '61; in Army of the Ohio, '62, and Army of Cumberland, '63-64; in 380 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. MCC command dist. east of Ark., ; 65 ; Gen. McCook commanded a division at the battle of Shiloh and siege of Corinth, and 1st Army Corps at Stone River and Chicka- mauga, and the troops at the defense of the Capital at the time of Early's attack on Washington, July, '64. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the battle of First Bull Eun, Va., '61 ; capture of Nashville, Tenn., and battle of Shiloh, Tenn., '62 ; battle of Perry ville, siege of Corinth, Stone River and Chickamauga. History Gen. McCook is son of Major Daniel McCook, who was born in 1796, and killed in battle by Morgan's guerrillas near Buffington Island, Ohio, July 19, '63. Seven of his brothers took part in the war for the Union, three of whom, like their father, were killed. Four of the eight brothers attained the rank of general. McCormick, Lloyd S. (First Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '72 ; graduated June 15, '76. Actual rankId Lieut. 10th Cav. June 15, 76 ; trans, to 7th Cav. June 26, '76 ; 1st Lieut. June 30, '78. Staff positions occupied Adjt. Sept. 14, '87. McCoy, Frank B. (First Lieut. 3d Inf.). Born in Ga. Appointed from Mo. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 24th Inf. Nov. 26, '80 ; accepted Nov. 29, '80 ; transferred to 3d Inf. Feb. 20, '83; 1st Lieut. Feb. 1, '87. McCrea, Tully (Major 5th Art.). Born in Miss. July 23, 1839. Retiring year, 1903; app. from Ohio. Graduated in Mil. A cad., class of '62. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Art. June 17, '62; 1st Lieut. Nov. 4, '63; Capt 42d Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Nov. 20, '66; unassigned April 22, '69; assigned to 1st Art. Dec. 16, '70 ; Major 5th Art. Dec. 4, '88. Brevet rank Army of Potomac '62-63 ; Bvt. 1st Lieut. Sept. 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Antie- tam ; Bvt. Capt. July 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg ; Bvt. Maj. Feb. 20, '64, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Olustee, Fla. (where he was severely wounded). Honorably mentioned In the " Records of the Rebellion," in the report of the Chief of Artillery, 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, on the cattle of Gettysburg, vol. xxvii. part i. Service Served in the Army of the Potomac '62-63 ; on sick leave (result of wound) Feb. to Oct., '64 ; at West Point as Asst. Professor of Geography, History and Ethics, Oct. 10, '64, to Aug. 31, '65; as Asst. Prof, of Mathematics Aug. 31, '65, to June 23, '66 ; as Quartermaster of 1st Art. June 20 to Nov. 20, '66, at Ft. Hamilton, N. Y. ; on recruiting service at Newark, N. J., and Harrisburg, Pa., Sept., '66, to April, '67 ; at Madison Barracks, N. Y., in command of Company, April, '67, to Aug., '67 ; at Fort Porter, N. Y., Aug., '67, to May, '68; conducting recruits to California June, '68, to Aug., '68; awaiting orders June, '68, to Oct., '68; at West Point, N. Y., as Quartermaster of the Military Academy Oct., '68, to Aug., '72 ; at Washington, D. C., as Deputy Governor of the Soldiers' Home Sept., '72, to July, '75 ; at St. Augustine, Fla., from Oct., '75, to Dec., '75 ; at Ft. Trumbull, Ct., Dec., 75, to July, '76; at Ft. Sill, Indian Ter., from July, 76, to Nov., '86; at Washington, D. C., from Dec., 76, to April, 77; at Ft. Trumbull, Ct., from April, 77, to July, 77 ; in suppressing railroad disturbances in Penn. July to Nov., 77; at Ft. Trumbul), Ct., from Nov., 77, to Nov., '81 ; at Presidio, Cal., from Nov., '81, to Dec., '83; at Ft. Winfield Scott, Col., Dec., '83, to Oct., '86; at Presidio, Cal., Oct., '86, to Nov., '8^; at Vancouver Bks., Wash. Ter., Nov., '86, to Feb., '89 ; at Governor's Island Feb., '89, to . Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 1st Art. June 20, '66, to Nov. 20, '66; Q. M. Mil. Acad. Sept. 30, '68, to Aug. 28, 72. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in the battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. McCreery, George (Captain and Asst. Surg.). Born in N. Y. July^2, 1854. Retiring year, 1918; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Feb. 17, '80 ; accepted Feb. 28, '80 ; Capt. Asst. Surg. Feb. 17, '85. Service At Ft. Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, to Mar., '80 ; ordered to Dept. of Arizona Mar. 22, '80 ; Post Surgeon Ft. Apache, Arizona, to Aug., '82 ; at Whipple Barracks, Ari- zona, to Sept., '82, had frequent and extended field service during this time; was with Gen. Carr at the Cibicu Aug. 30, '81, when he had a fight with the White Mountain Apaches, and also two days later in a small skirmish with same In- dians near Ft. Apache ; on detached service with batt. of 12th Inf. to Madison Barracks, N. Y., and on leave of absence to Oct., '82 ; at Whipple Barracks, Ari- MCD RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 381 zona, to May, '83 ; in the field near San Bernardino, Arizona ; Post Surgeon, Whipple Barracks ; at Ft. Meade, Dak., from '84 to '88, post surgeon most of the time, during which time made two marches to Ft. Riley, Kansas, with 7th Cav., '87 and '88 ; from Aug., '88, to present time as Post Surgeon at Fort Warren, Mass. McDonald, Jo* n (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from the Army. Retired. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. K, 1st Cav., Aug. 18, '57, to Oct. 1, '62; 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. July 17, '62; accepted Oct. 1, '62; 1st Lieut. Dec. 29, '63; Capt. July 1, '68; retired July 1, '68, disability in line of duty. McDonald, John B. (Second Lieut. 10th Cav.) Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Cadet U. S. Mil. Acad. June 14, '76 ; out of service March 2, '77; reinstated June 8, '77 ; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. June 11, '81 ; 2d Lieut. 25th Inf. Aug. 6, '81 ; transferred to 10th Cav. March 2, '82. McDonald, Robert (Captain U. S. A.). Born in New York. Appointed from the Army. Retired. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. E, 5th Inf., July 21, '56, to Sept. 9, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. July 2, 64; accepted Sept. 9, '64; 1st Lieut. Sept. 28, '65 ; Capt. March 20, '79; retired May 12, '86. Staff posi- tions occupied Reg. Q. M. 5th Inf. Nov. 18, '66, to Aug. 10, '69 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Franklin and Fort Bliss, Texas; Fort Hays (twice), Riley and Harker, Kansas; cantonment Tongue River, and Fort Keogh, Montana ; Chief Commis- sary on the staff of Gen. Miles in his southern and northern campaigns in Texas and Montana. Service In charge of ordnance magazine, ordnance stores, and field-works, Fort Union, N. M., '61 and '62 ; Provost-Marshal, Franklin, Texas ; commanding company at Fort Sumner, N. M. ; charge of Navajo Indian subsist- ence and farm, Fort Suraner. N. M. ; in Montana, and participated in campaign in Wolf Mountains. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged with the Seminoles, Mor- mons, Navajos, Apaches, Kiowas, Comanches, insurgent Rebels, Southern Cheyennes, Arapahoes and Northern Cheyennes and Sioux. Honorably mentioned Thrice recommended for promotion by brevet ; first, for leading the Navajos against the Comanches ; again, at great risk of life quelling a dangerous conflict between the troops and Navajos at Fort Sumner, N. M. ; and last, for the affair of Wolf Mountain, Montana. McDougall, Thomas M. (Captain 7th Cav.). Born at Ft. Crawford, Prairie Du Chien, Wis., May 21, 1845. Retiring year 1909. Appointed from Kansas Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut 48th U. S. C. Inf. Feb. 18, '64 ; hon. must. out. June 1, '65; Capt. 5th U. S. Vol. Inf. June 2, '65; hon. must, out Aug. 10, '66; 2d Lieut, 14th Inf. May 10, '66; accepted July. 20, '66; transferred to 22d Infantry September 21, '66; 1st Lieut. Nov. 5, '66; transferred to 21st Inf. Apr. 19, '69; unassigned Oct. 21, '69; Ass'd to 7th Cav. Dec. 31, '70; Capt. Dec. 15, '75. Brevet rankRvt. Capt. Mar. 2, '67, for faithful and meri- torious services. Service At Barrancas, Florida, Feb. 26, '65; from thence marched through Florida and Alabama ; relieved from duty while at Montgomery, Ala., as A. D. C. to accept promotion ; proceeding to Mobile, N. O., St. Louis, at Ft. Riley, Kan.. June 9, '65 ; marched with company to Selina, Kansas, and in affair with Indians near Fort Ellsworth, Kansas; marched with his company to Fort Riley, Kas., and from there marched with his company to Denver, arriving Oct. 16, '65 ; stationed at Camp Collins, C. T., June 11, '66, to muster out the 21st N. Y. Vol. Cav.; ordered to Fort Columbus, N. Y., June 19, '66, from Fort Leaven- worth, Kansas; left New York by steamer with Recruits for California, Oct. 26, '66 ; assigned to Com. D, 8th Cavalry, '66 ; ordered to duty at Angel Island, Cal. ; ordered with D Troop, 8th Cavalry, to Fort Vancouver, W. T.; then proceeded to take station at Fort Walla Walla, W. T. ; proceeded to San Francisco, Cal., and reported to Commanding General, Department of Cal., March 18, '67; ordered to duty at Drum Barracks, Wilmington, Cal. ; remained at Post during July and a part of Aug., '67 ; with detachment 14th U. S. Inf. to Prescott, A. T., with a view to join his regiment, S. O. No. 19, Headquarters Camp Majavi, A. T., Aug. 26, '67; on duty at Prescott, Sept. 17, '67, and at Camp McPherson, Date Creek, A. T., 382 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF 17. S. ARMY. MCD Sept. 20, '67 ; reported at Headquarters, District of Tucson, A. T., and ordered to Camp Grant, A. T. ; Oct. 14, '67, ordered to Camp Goodwin, A. T., with Com. B, 32d Infantry ; remained about six months, when ordered again to Camp Grant, A. T. ; engaged in continual scouting; ordered from Arizona to Fort Vancouver, W. T., and assigned to duty at Vancouver Arsenal, W. T., July 16, '69 ; proceeded from Fort Vancouver, W. T., to his home in St. Louis, Mo. ; detailed as recruiting officer, April, 70, at St. Louis, Mo. ; relieved June 1, 70, and ordered to report to Brevet Brigader General Sidell, U. S. A., Ft. Leaven worth, Kas. ; conducted large party of recruits to Fort Union, N. M., via Kit Carson and Fort Lyons, C. T. ; returned to Fort Leavenworth ; again detailed to conduct a large party of recruits to Fort Omaha, Neb., June 21, 70 ; Nov. 2, 70, conducted all general service recruits (Cavalry and Infantry) to Newport Barracks, Ky., and Carlisle Barracks, Pa.; returning conducted recruits for the Artillery from Carlisle, Pa., to Fort Leavenworth and Fort Riley, Kas. ; relieved from duty Dec. 30, 70 ; assigned to 7th Cav. Jan. I, 71, and assigned to Troop " E " ; on detached service with Troop "I" Fort Barker, Kas., from Jan. 23 to April 18, 71 ; stationed at Bagdad, Ky. ; joined Troop " E" Spartanburg, 8. C., May, 71 ; on detached service at Spartan- burg, S. C., from April 29 to May 18, 72 ; absent with leave from May 19 to July 15, 72; joined the Regiment with Troop at Memphis, Tenn., April 3, 73; in camp at Yankton, D. T., to M ay 7, 73 ; with Stanley's Yellowstone expedition, escorting Northern Pacific Railroad survey, May 7 to Oct. 1, 73 ; at Fort A. Lin- coln, D. T., to Oct. 9, 73; absent with leave to Nov., 73; returned Custer expe- dition to Fort A. Lincoln, D. T., Aug. 30, 74; left Fort A. Lincoln, D. T., with Troops, Sept. 29, 74, en route to New Orleans, La. ; from thence to station at Greensborough, Ala., with Troop, Oct. 11,74; marched with Troop to Opelika, Ala., Dec. 25, 74; proceeded with Troop to Yankton, D. T., in the field; in Camp near Fort Randall and on White River and Wounded Knee, Neb., from June !>, to Aug. 30, 75 ; marched with Troop from Fort Randall, D. T., to Fort A. Lincoln, D. T. ; marched from Fort A. Lincoln, D. T., to Fort Totten, D. T., arriving Oct. 17, 75 ; relieved at Fort Totten, D. T., March 10, 76, and marched with Cavalry Battalion to Fort Seward, Jamestown, D. T. ; relieved from command of Troop E, March 22, 76, en route to join Station, Shreveport, La. ; station changed from Shreveport, La., to Fort A. Lincoln, D. T. ; joined Troop B, May 10, 7H, in the field with expedition of 76; he availed himself of leave of absence Sept 76, for one month ; returned and resumed command of Troop at Fort A. Lincoln, D. T.; accompanied Regiment, and in command of Troop, Mav 1. '77. on the march to Fort Buford, D. T.; May 23, left for Cedar Creek, M. T. ; arrived and went into camp May 29, 77 ; June 12, ordered with Troop to Camp Sherman on the Yellowstone river, M. T. ; June 17, 77, left the Yellowstone and joined Col. Lazelles' command in the field and scouted all the summer, after which ordered to join Regiment on the upper Missouri ; marched with Troop to Squaw Creek, M. T. ; joined Regiment with Battalion on the upper Missouri; changed station and marched with Troop from Fort A. Lincoln to Standing Rock agency, Nov., 77 ; remained there until June, '80, when ordered into the field with Troop to protect the Northern Pacific Railroad construction train ; relieved Sept. 28, and ordered on recruiting service at Baltimore, Md. ; relieved from recruiting service Oct. 25, '82; absent with leave to Dec. 22; marched with Troop B, 7th Cav., to Ft. Meade, D. T., arriving Oct. 17, '86; remained with Troop until May 17, '88, when granted a sick leave; appeared before a Retiring Board at San An- tonio, Texas, June 11, '89, and found incapacitated for active service. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. John P. Hawkins, com. 1st Div. U. S. Col. Troops Feb. 19, '64; relieved Oct. 17, '64; Asst. Com. of Musters of the Port and defenses of Vicksburg, Miss., Oct. 17, '64; relieved and appointed A. D. C. and Com. of Musters, Feo., '65 ; afterwards appointed Com. of Musters of the Div. of Col. Inf. Feb. 26, '65; on the staff of Major Gen. Emory Upton as Provost Marshal, Dist. of Colorado, Oct. 16, '65; also appointed Asst. Com. of Musters of the Dist. of Colorado Oct. 16, '65 ; appointed Adj. and Q. M. Nov., '66; Post Adj., A. C. S. and A. Q. M; relieved in April, '67, and ordered to Arizona, April 28, '67; Adj. Batt. 8th Cav. going to Ariz. Ty. ; detailed A. A. A. G. Dist. MCG RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 383 of the Upper Colorado Aug. 21, '67: Post Adj. Jan. 20, '68; also Becruiting Officer for the 32d Inf. Feb. 2, '68; Depot Adj. and Depot Treasurer, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Sept. 17, 70. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Haines' Bluff, Yazoo City, Port Gib- son and Grand Gulf, Miss. ; Perdido Eiver, Fla. ; siege and assault of Fort Blakely, Ala. ; capture of Mobile, Ala. ; engagements with Indians at Aravipa Canon, Tontp Basin, Point of Mountain and Rock Springs, A. T. ; in skirmish with illicit distillers at McGownsville and Limestone Springs, S. C., '71 ; in action at mouth of Big Horn with hostile Indians Aug. 11, '63. Honorably mentioned Recommended by Gen. Emory Upton, the Dist. Commander, for promotion to a Captain in the U. S. Army, dated Headquarters, Dist. of Colorado, Feb. 27, '66; complimented by the Com.* Gen. of the Dist., S. O. 10, Headquarters, Dist. of Col- orado, dated Denver, Col. Ty., April 30, '66. Commands held Fort Ellsworth, Kan., June 9, '65, to Aug. 2, '65 ; assumed command of Co. B, 32d Inf., at Camp Grant, A. T., Oct. 31, '67; in command of escort composed of Troop C, 1st Cav., to the surveying party to the Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Oct. 22, '67; also com- manded escort to the engineering party of the Union Pacific Railroad through Arizona to Sacaton, Dec. 2, '67; commanded Troop E, Spartanburg, S. C., from July to Nov., '71 ; troop and post at Unionville, S. C., from July 16, '72, to March 29, '73; troop at Unionville, S. C., from Jan., '72, to April 1, '72; troop in the field with headquarters and a portion of the regiment on Custer's expedition to the Black Hills, D. T., leaving Fort A. Lincoln July 1, '74 ; post at Greensboro', Ala., Oct. 11, '74 ; post atOpelika, Ala., Dec. 25, '74 ; troop from Apr. 4 to Aug., '75 ; Troop E, 7th Cav., and the Cay. Batt. (Troops E and L) at Fort Totten, D. T. ; troop, and was rear guard and in charge of the pack train of Custer's command, and in the battle of the Little Big Horn, M. T., June 25 and 26, '76 ; remained in command of troop with expedition until Sept. 23, '76 ; March 10, '76, in command of Cav. Batt. to FortSeward, Jamestown, Dak. ; Oct., '76, in command of troop at Fort Lincoln, Dak. ; Batt. 7th Cav. (Troops B, F and G) Oct. 21, '77; 3d Batt., 7th Cav., as part of escort to Chief Joseph and his band of Indians to camp opposite Fort A. Lincoln, D. T. ; resumed command of troop at Fort Yates, D. T., Jan. 2, '83; the Cav. Batt. at Fort Yates, D. T., until ordered to Fort Meade, D. T., Oct. 5, '86 ; troop at Fort Meade, Dak., from Oct. 17, '86, to May 17, '88. History- Son of Brvt. Brig. Gen. Charles McDougall, Surgeon U. S. Army, deceased ; served as 2d Lieut, and Vol. A. D. C. when only seventeen years of age, at Milliken's Bend and Goodrich Landing, La., until Jan. 22, '64. McElderry, Henry (Major and Surgeon). Born in Md. Aug. 12, 1842. Re- tiring year, 1906 ; appointed from Md. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. A, 10th Md. Vol. Inf., June 19, '63 ; hosp. stwd. July 6, '63 ; discharged Jan. 29, '64; Med. Cadet from Mar. 30, '64, to Mar. 30, '65 ; Asst. Surg. Feb. 28, '66 ; accepted May 26, '66; Capt.and Asst. Surg. Feb. 28, '69; Maj. and Surg. Jan. 9, '85. Me Parian d, Munroe (Second Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in Baltimore, Md., June 28, 1867. Retiring year, 1931 ; app. from Md. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '88. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 21st Inf. June 11, '88. McFarland, "William C. (First Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ky. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '68 ; graduated June 14, 72. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 16th Inf. June 14, '72; 1st Lieut. July 8, '82. McGilvray, John (Captain U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from the Army. Retired. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. K, 2d Art., June 20, '53, to June 20, '58 ; Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. G, and Sgt. Major 4th Art., Oct. 5, '58, to Mar. 28, '63 ; Bvt. 2d Lieut. 4th Art. Feb. 19, '63 ; accepted Mar. 28, '63; 2d Lieut. 2d Art. Apr. 27, '63; 1st Lieut. May 6, '64; Capt. Jan. 20, '81 ; retired Oct. 16, '84, disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Sept. 22, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fisher's Hill, Va. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 2d Atf. March 20, '77, to Jan. 20, '81. McGinness, John R. (Major of Ordnance). Born in Ireland Sept. 17, 1840. Retiring year, 1904; appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '59; graduated June 11, '63. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Ord. June 11, '63; Capt. Feb. 10, '69 ; Maj. June 1, '81. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Morris Island, S. C. ; 384 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. . MCG Maj. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the operations be- fore Charleston, S. C. Staff positions occupied Inst. of Ordnance and Gunnery, M. A., from July 25, 72, to Aug. 30, 74. Service On duty at Ord. office '65-66 ; under orders of chief of Ord. at Washington, D. C., '66-67; asst. to chief of Ord., '67-68; asst. at Springfield Armory, '68-69; chief Ord. officer Dept. of Platte, '69-71; comdg. Omaha Ord. Dept. '71-72; instructor of ord. and gunnery at M. A.. '72-74; asst. at Watertown Arsenal, 74-76; chief Ord. officer, Dept. of South', 76-78 ; comdg. the St. Louis Powder Depot, 78-83 ; at Fort Monroe, Va., '90. McGinnis, James T. (Captain and Brevet Major U. S. A.). Born in Penn- sylvania. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. E, 1st Ohio Vol. Inf., April 14, '61 ; discharged August 1, '61 ; Pvt. and Sgt. Co. E, 84th Ohio Vol. Inf., from May 26, '62, to Sept. 20, '62; 2d Lieut. 124th Ohio Vol. Inf., Sept. 29, '62; 1st Lieut. April 17, '63; Capt. Jan. 4, '65; hon. must, out July 9, '65; 2d Lieut. 13th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted April 30, '66 ; Capt. August 31, 71 ; retired March 26, 79, for wounds in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga.; Maj. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Missionary Ridge, Tenn.; Maj. Vol. March 13, '65, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the battles of Chickamauga, Ga., Missionary Ridge, Tenn., and Dallas, Ga. Staff positions occupied R. Q. 13th Inf. from July 1, '67, to June 1, '68; Adjt. 13th Inf. from June 1, '68, to August 31, 71. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5; in the defense- <>t \V:ishington, D. C.; engaged at the action of Vienna and battle of first Bull Run, Va.; on re- cruiting duty in Ohio to Jan., '63 ; at Franklin, Tenn., Feb. to June, '63 ; engaged in the defense of Franklin, Tenn., pursuit of the rebel General Van Dorn, action- of Thompson's Station and Triune, advance on Tullahoma, battle of Chicka- mauga (twice wounded), actions of Rossville, operations about Chattanooga, ac- tion of Byron's Ferry, Orchard Knob (wounded), battle of Missionary Kidge, East Tennessee campaign, pursuit of the rebel General Longstrect, :u tions of Dalton, Rocky-Face Ridge, battle of Resaca, actions of Adairsville, Cassville, battles of New Hope Church and Dallas (twice wounded) ; recorder of an exam- ining board Oct. to Dec., '64 ; at Fort Columbus, N. Y., to June, '66 ; joined regi- ment at Fort Leaven worth, Kan.; adjutant of the 1st Battalion of the 13th U. S. Inf. July to Dec., '66; at Camp Cook, M. T., July, '66, to August, '67; at Fort Shaw, M. T., from August, '67-69. McGlachlin, Edward P. (Second Lieutenant 5th Art.). Born in Wisconsin. Appointed from Wis. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, '85; gradu- ated June 12, '89. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. June 12, '80 ; iM . Lieut. 5th Art. Oct. 4, '89. McGonnigfle, Andrew J. (Major and Quartermaster). Born in New York March 4, 1829. Retiring year 1893 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. I rank Captain A. Q. M. March 18, '64; accepted April 13, '64; Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 13, '65; vacated May 26, '65; Capt. A. Q. M. May 19, '65 ; accepted May 26, '65; Major Q. M. Feb. 13, '82. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. March 2, '67, for gal- lantry in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek, Va.; Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 2, '67, for gallantry in the battles of Five Forks, Sailor's Creek and Appomattox Court-Houae, Va.; Bvt. Col. Feb. 11, '69, for meritorious services during the Indian Campaign; Bvt. Maj. Vol. and Bvt. Lieut. Col. Vol. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the quartermaster's department during the war. McGown, George .(Coptain U. S. A.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from the Army. Retired. Actual rank Pvt. and Corp. Co. C, 2d Inf., June 1, '58, to Dec. 2, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. Nov. 29, '61 ; accepted Dec. 2, '61 ; 1st Lieut. July 4, '63; Capt. Sept. 19, '64; retired March 14, '65, disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Nov. 15, '65, for faithful and meritorious services connected with the muster out and disbanding of the volunteer armies of the United States. Serric*- Joined at Fort Ridgley, Minn., July, '58; at Governor's Island, N. Y., to June, MCK RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 385 Island, New York Harbor, to Dec., '64 ; with company at Battery Barracks, N. Y., Feb., '65; on Mustering and Disbursing duty at Wheeling, Va., to Jan., '66; Acting Asst. Prov. Marshal General, Chief Mustering and Disbursing Officer, and Superintendent Volunteer Recruiting Service for the State of West Virginia to June, '66, and from August, '66, to June, '67 ; on mustering duty in Ohio to August, '66 ; in charge of the Disbursing Branch of the Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., to retirement. McGrath, Hugh J. (First Lieutenant 4th Cav.). Born in Fqnd-du-Lac, Wis., April 8, 1856. Retiring year 1920. Appointed from Wis. ; graduated at Mil. Academy, Class of '80; graduated at Inf. and Cav. School, Fort Leaven - worth, Kan., Class of '87. Actual rankI^. Lieut. 4th Cav., June 12, '80; 1st Lieut., May 26, '86. Service Joined regiment at Fort Reno, Indian Ter., in Sept., 80; in Dec., '80, and Jan., '81, was employed with a detachment of twenty- four men in removing from the Pottawattomie Indian reservation about eighty men who had settled there in violation of law. During the remainder of that winter and in the spring of '81 was employed in preventing the so-called " Okla- homa boomers " from settling on lands in Oklahoma, Indian Terr. In the fall of '81, 350 of the Northern Cheyennes, who were in the Indian Terr., at Fort Reno, were ordered removed to the Pine Ridge Agency, Dak.; with Troop G, 4th Cav., accompanied them as escort as far as Sidney, Neb., about 800 miles ; in Nov., '81, took station at Fort Bayard, New Mexico, and during the next four years served in New Mexico and Arizona. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Took part under General George A. Forsyth in the campaign of '82 again-t the Apaches under Nana and Loco, and participated in the fight at Horseshoe Canon, April 23, '82 ; took part under Gen. George A. Forsyth in the campaign of '83, against the Apaches un- der Geronimo and Chatto; took part under General Crook in the campaign of '85 against the Apaches under Geronimo. History Graduated at the Eau Claire, Wis., High School in '73 ; attended the University of Wisconsin, at Madison, 73-74-75. McGregor, Thomas (Major 2d Cav.). Born in Scotland, June 26, 1837. Retiring year 1901. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. A, 1st Drae., April 8, '58, to Oct. 1, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Cav., July 17, '62 ; accepted Oct. 1, '62; 1st Lieut. Sept. 10, '63 ; Capt., Oct. 15, '66 ; Major 2d Cav., Dec. 19, '84. Brevet rank En. Capt., May 6, '64, for gallant and mer- itorious services in the battle of Todd's Tavern, Va. Staff position occupied Adjt. -1st (lav., Oct. 1, '64, to April 1, '65. McGuire, Thomas H. (2d Lieutenant 25th Inf.). Born in New York. Ap- pointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp. and Sgt. Co. B, 18th Inf.. Jan. 12. '83, to March 17, '88; 2d Lieut. 25th Inf., Feb. 6, '88 ; accepted March 18, '88. McGunnegle, George K. (First Lieutenant 15th Inf.). Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. Oct. 1, '73; accepted Oct. 13, '73; 1st Lieut., Aug. 23, '77. Staff positions occupied Adjt., Sept. 1, '86. Mclntyre, Prank (Second Lieut. 19th Inf.). Born in Ala. Appointed from Ala. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 19th Inf. July 1, '86. Mclver, George W. (Second Lieut. 7th Inf.). Born in N. C. Appointed from N. C. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '77 ; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. June 13, '82. McKee, George W. (Major of Ordnance). Born in Ky. March 29, 1842. Retiring year 1906 ; appointed from Ky. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '58 ; graduated June 11, '63. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Ord. June 11, '63 ; Capt. June 23, '74; Major Aug. 23, '81. Brevet rankEn. Capt. and Bvt. Major March 13, '65, for efficient and valuable services during the war. Service Senior ord- nance officer at Winchester, W. Va., to '65; asst. at Allegheny Arsenal (on tem- porary duty in La. and Texas), '65-66; on duty at M. A., West Point, '66-67; asst. 386 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. MCK at Watertown Arsenal '67-68; asst. at Benicia Arsenal '68-71; asst. at St. Louis Arsenal '71-73; asst. at Nat. Armory, Biloxi, Mass, (temporarily detached), 73-74; asst. at Nat. Armory, Springfield, Mass., '74-75 ; recorder of Board on experimen- tal guns '75-76; asst. Nat. Armory, Springfield, Mass., 76-78; commanding Washington Arsenal 78-80 ; assistant at Rock Island Arsenal '80-81 ; member of Ordnance Board '81-83; comg. Allegheny Arsenal, Pa., '90. McKee, James C. (Lieut. Colonel and Surgeon, Asst. Medical Purveyor). Born in Penna. May 18, 1830. Retiring year 1894. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Oct. 2, '59; ace. Dec. 1, '59; Capt.and Asst. Surg. Oct. 2, '63 ; Maj. and Surg. Dec. 22, '64 ; Lieut. Col. and Surg. Nov. 17, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service Took contract as act. asst. surg. U. S. A. in August, '57; enroute to Fort Union, N. M., via Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to Nov., '57 ; at Fort Union, N. M., to Feb., '58; at Fort Massachusetts (now Fort Garland), Col., to May, '58; at Fort Defiance, N. M., to fall of '59; in winter of '58-9 on duty with a column of troops under Col. Dixon S. Miles, 3d U. S. Inf., at war with the Navajo Indians; mentioned in general orders by Gen. W. S. Scott, commander- in-chief U. S. A., as " distinguished" in this campaign; at Fort Fillmore, N. M., until Dec. '59; at Ft. Buchanan, now A. T., on duty with a column of troops under Col. J. V. D. Reeve, 8th U. S. Inf., operating against the Pinal Apache Indians; at Fort Fillmore, N. M., in April, '60 ; rn route m the following Oct. for Fort De- fiance, N. M., and in the absence of line officers, commanded Company G, U. S. Mounted Rifles (now 3d Cav.), for two weeks ; charged, killed and dispersed a body of hostile Indians ; on arrival at Fort Fauntleroy (now Fort Wingate), N. M., was relieved of his command by Lieut. E. P. Cussy, U. S. A. ; in same winter, whilst in the valley of "Tchusca," and in the absence of available line officers, volunteered and took command of a company of the 5th Inf., charged the Indians, drove them off, and captured a herd of some five or six thousand sheep ; peace was made with the Indians in April, '61 ; at Fort Fillmore, N. M., to Aug. ; pres- ent in engagement with the Texans (Confederates) at Mesilla, N. M. ; surrendered in July, '61, to the Rebels by Major Isaac Lynde, 7th U S. Inf.; paroled as a prisoner of war ; author of a pamphlet called " Narrative of the Surrender of a Command of U. S. Forces at Fort Fillmore, N. M., July, '61;" en //,///,- to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; at Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, Mo.; at Fort Wayne, Detroit, Mich., under orders for Fort Brady, Sault St. Mary's, Mich. ; at " Camp Butler," Springfield, 111., organizing hospitals, etc., for prisoners of war; ex- changed June, '62; at general hospital, Chester, Pa., July, '62; on duty with the " Army of Virginia " as assistant to the medical direclor; present in the second battle of Bull Run ; in charge of field hospital at the Stone Bridge ; afterwards superintendent of transportation of sick and wounded from Fairfax R. R. station to Alexandria, Va. ; in fall of '62, acting medical purveyor at Frederick, Md., and on the battle-field of Antietam ; in spring of '63, medical director of hos- pitals in Frederick City and vicinity; in June, '63, in office of the medical direc- tor and in charge of Calvert Street Hospital, Baltimore, Md. ; at Pittsburgh, Pa., in charge of and organizing U. S. general hospital, and examining recruits ; fall of '63, at Washington, D. C., in charge of Lincoln U. S. A. general hospital of 3000 beds, to the end of the war in '65 ; commissioned major and surgeon in Dec., '64; surgeon -in-chief of the defenses of Washington, D. C.; chief medical officer of the district of New Mexico, Santa Fe", N. M., till '68; at Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, N. Y. H., till 73; at Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., till 76; at Whipple Barracks, Prescott, A. A., as medical director of the Department of Ari- zona till '80; on sick leave till '82; at Fort Winfield Scott, Cal., as post surgeon to June, '83 ; at Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., as post surgeon ; Med. Director Dept. of the Columbia '83; at present Medical Director at Philadelphia, Pa. McKee ver, Chauncey (Colonel Assistant Adjt. General). Born in Md. Aug. 31, 1829. Retiring year, 1893 ; appointed from Md. Cadet at U. S. Mili- tary Academy July 1, '45 ; graduated July 1, '49. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 1st Art. July 1, '49; 2d Lieut. 3d Art. July 27, '50 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 24, '53 ; Bvt. Capt. A. A. G. July 1, '61 ; accepted July 4, '61 ; Capt. A. A. G. Aug. 3, '61 ; MCL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 387 Major A. A. G. July 17, '62; Lieut. Col. A. A. G. March 3, 75; Col. A. A. G. Feb. 28, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. Xieut. Col. Sept. 24, '64, for meritorious and faithful services during the war ; Bvt. Col. March 13, '65, for diligent, faithful and meritorious services in the Adjutant General's Department during the war ; Bvt. Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. McKeever, Samuel (Captain 2d Inf.). Born in N. B. Nov. 16, 1833. Re- tiring year, 1897; appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank~\st Lieut. 16th Mass. Inf. July 22, '61 ; hon. must, out Aug. 10, '62 ; Capt. 28th Mass. Inf. Oct. 31, '62 ; hon. must, oat July 27, '63 ; Capt. Vet. Kes. Corps Aug. 20, '63 ; accepted Aug. 24, '63 ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 13, '65 ; hon. must out April 17, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted April 17, '66 ; trans, to 2d Inf. April 17, '69 ; Capt. March 4, 79. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67 ; Bvt. Maj. Vol. and Bvt. Lieut. Col. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. McKibbin, Chambers (Captain 15th Inf.). Born inPenna. Nov. 2, 1840. Re- tiring year 1904 ; app. from the Army. Actual rank Priv. general service Sept. 22, '62; discharged Sept. 24, '62; 2d Lieut. 14th Inf. Sept. 22, '62; accepted Sept. 24, '62 ; 1st Lieut. June 10, '64; transferred to 32d Inf. Sept, 21, '66 ; Capt. 35th Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Jan. 5, '67 ; transferred to 15th Inf. Aug. 12, '69. Brevet rank Brevet Captain U. S. A. for gallant services in the battle of North Anna River, Va., and during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, Va. Staff positions occupied Adj. 1st Batt. 14th Inf. Oct., '63, to Oct., '64 ; Q. M. 2d Batt. 14th Inf., Sept., '65, to Sept. 21, '66. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Served with regi- ment in the campaigns Army of the Potomac, except Gettysburg, being wounded at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. ; engaged at the battle of the Weldon Rail- road (wounded), and severely wounded Aug. 18, '64. History Sutler 14th Inf ; at Games' Mill burned his stores and fought in the ranks of the 14th Inf. ; was severely wounded ; recom'd by the officers of that regiment on the field for ap- pointment as 2d Lieut. ; enlisted at the suggestion of Secretary Stanton in Genl. Service Sept. 22, '62, and received commission as 2d Lieut. 14th Inf. same day for gallant conduct at the battle of Gaines' Mill, Va. McKibbin, David B. (Major U.S.A.). Born in Pa. Retired; appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, '46, to Oct. 31, '48; 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. March 3, '55 ; accepted March 27, '55; 1st Lieut. March 1, '61 ; Capt. 14th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted July 3, '61 ; Col. 158th Pa. Inf. Nov. 24, '62; hon. must, out Aug. 12, '63; Bvt. Brig. Gen. March 13, '65 ; Col. 214th Pa. Inf. April 5, '65 ; hon. must, out April 30, '66 ; transferred to 32d U. S. Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; Major 10th Inf. Sept. 15, '67 ; unassigned March 15, '69; assgd. to 10th Cav. Dec. 31, 70; retired May 31, 75, disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Aug. 1, '64, for gallant services in the battle of North Anna, Va. ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Aug. 1, '64, for gallant services in the battle of Bethesda Church, Va. ; Bvt. Col., Bvt. Brig. Gen. and Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. McKinstry, Charles H. (Second Lieut. Eng's). Born in California. App. from California. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, '84 ; graduated June 11, '88. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. Eng's June 11, '88; 2d Lieut. July 22, '88. McLaughlin, William H. (Captain 18th Inf.). Born in Pennsylvania, Aug. 12, 1842. Retiring year 1906, Appointed from Pennsylvania. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '61 ; graduated June 23, '65. Actual rank2d Lieut. '66, to Aug. 1, '66. McLellan, Curwen B. (Major 10th Cav.). Born in Scotland April 7, 1829. 388 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. MCX Major 10th Cav. Dec. 30, '81. Brevet rankB\t. 1st Lieut. May 5, '62, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Williamsburg, Va. ; Byt. Capt. July 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the Gettysburg campaign ; Bvt. Major March 31, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Dinwiddie Court House, Va. McLougrhlin, George H. (Captain and Brevet Major U. 8. A.) Born in Ireland. Appointed from the Army. Retired. Actual rank Enlisted in the U. S. Army '49 ; served as an enlisted man to Oct., '61 ; 1st Lieut, and Adj. 8th Iowa Vols. Oct., '61 ; resigned Nov. 20, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. Oct. 24, '61 ; ac- cepted Nov. 8, '61; 1st Lieut. Feb. 15, '62; Captain Dec. 1, '63; retired Dec. 31, '70. Brevet rank Brvt. Major U. S. A., for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Spottsylvania Court House, Va. Service In the field, '61 to latter part of '64; recruiting latter part of '64; mustering duty '65; Provost Marshal of Louisville, Ky., '65 and '66; served in Kentucky, West Virginia, Georgia and Alabama until retired, Dec. 30, '70. Staff positions occupied On Gen. Steele'a staff through Fremont's Missouri campaign to Nov., '61 ; Regt. Q. M. 2d Inf. Sept. 24, '62, to Dec. 1, '63. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged and commanded Company in skirmish at Dung's Springs, Mo., '61 ; battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo., Aug., '61 ; joined Regiment in Washington, Dec., '61 ; commanded Co. D at the battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, Groveton, Va., and An- tietam, Md., '62; present at the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Va. ; volunteer Aide-de-camp at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. (wounded) ; com- manding Regiment at the battles of Spottsylvania Court House, North Anna and South Anna Rivers, Va. McMahon, John B. (Second Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th Art. Julv 1, '86. McMartin, John (First Lieut. 25th Inf.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U.S. Military Academy July 1, 73; graduated June 15, 77. A,t,mlrank 2d Lieut. 25th Inf. June 15, '77 ; 1st Lieut. June 30, '83. McMillan, James (Major U. S. A.) Born in N. Y. Retired ; appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '52; graduated July 1 Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. July 1, '56 ; 2d" Lieut. Sept. 30, '56 ; 1st Lieut. May 3, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 12th Inf. May 14, '61 (declined) ; Capt. 2d Inf. Aug. 10, '61 ; unassigned April 17, '69 ; ass'd to llth Inf. Feb. 15, '70 ; trans, to Art. arm Dec. 31, '70; ass'd to 3d Art. Dec. 31, '70 ; Maj. 2d Art. July 2, 77; retired June 26, '82, disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. March 30, '65, for mer- itorious and faithful services in the recruitment of the Armies of the United States. Staff positions "//>/>,/ Adjt. 2d Inf. July 1, '61, to Aug. 10, '61. McMinn, William H. (First Lieut, U. S. A.). Born in Wis. Appointed from 111. Civil life. Actual rnnk -Pvt. and 1st Sgt. Co. " F," 3d Cal. Inf. Nov. 12, '61, to March 16, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Cal. Inf. March 27, '62; resigned June 20, '63; 1st Lieut. 196th Pa. Inf. July 22, '64; hon. must, out Nov. 17, '64; Capt. 213th Pa. Inf. March 1, '65 ; hon. must, out Nov. 18, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 8th Inf., Mar. 7, '67 ; accepted May 27, '67 ; 1st Lieut. May 17, 77 ; retired Oct. 29, '87. McNally, Valentine (Captain and Ordnance Storekeeper). Born in land. Appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank Capt. Ord. Sk. May 5, '82 ; accepted May 25, '82. McNamee, Michael M. (Second Lieut. 3d Cav.). Born in Wis. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp., Set, and 1st Sgt. Troop G, 7th U. S. Cav., from Nov. 15, '82, to March 4, '89; 2d Lieut. 3d Cav. Feb. 11, '89; accepted March 5, '89. McNaught, John S. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Mass. March 22, 1843. Retired ; appointed from the army. Actual rank Priv., Sergt. and IstSergt. Cos. G, B and C, 1st Batt., llth Inf., Aug. 16, '61, to March 25, '63; 2d Lieut, llth Inf. Feb. 19, '63; 1st Lieut. May 29. '64; transferred to 20th Inf. Sept, 21, '66; Capt. Oct. 5, '67 ; retired Oct. 15, '87. Brevet rank Brevet Capt. Aug. 1, '64, gallant services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va. Sei-vice Served with regi- ment in the Army of the Potomac to Aug. 14, '63 ; in New York City (during MCP RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 389 draft riots) to Sept. 12, '63; in the Army of the Potomac to May 5, '64; wounded in action at the battle of the Wilderness, Va; on sick leave to Aug., '64; at Camp Taylor, Va., to Sept., '64; with regiment in the Army of the Potomac to Nov., '64; on duty in the Department of Washington to Dec., '64; with regiment at Annapolis, Md., to Jan. 27, '65; in the Army of the Potomac to May, '65; at Richmond, Va., to Aug., '66; on general recruiting service at Governor's Island and Bedioe's Island, N. Y. Harbor, and Newport Barracks, Ky., to Jan., '69; with regiment in Louisiana to April, '69; with company at Fort Abercrombie, Dak., to Sept., 70; at Fort Wadsworth, Dak., to Oct., 73; at Fort Pembina, Dak., to Dec., 77 ; at Fort Clark, Texas, to (in the field, Texas, Sept. 27, 79, to Nov. 17, 79) April, '80 ; at Fort Duncan, Texas, to Jan., '81 ; en route to and at Fort Ringgold, Texas, to April, '81 ; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to July, '83 ; at Fort Hays, Kan., to May, '85 ; at Fort Assiniboine, Mont, to Sept., '85 ; on general recruiting service at Cincinnati, Ohio, and Columbus Barracks, Ohio, to Aug., '86; on sick leave to Oct. 15, '87; retired from active service Oct. 15, '87, on account of disability incident to the service. Battles, skirmishes, etc. En- gaged at the siege of Yorktown, Va., battles of Mechanicsville, Va., Games' Mills, Va., White Oak Swamp, Va., Malvern Hill, Va., Bull Run (2d), Va., Antietam, Md., Blackburn's Ford, Va., Leetown, Va., Fredericksburg, Va., Chancellors- ville, Va., Gettysburg, Pa., operations at Mine Run, Va., battle of the Wilder- ness, Va. (wounded), trenches before Petersburg, Va. (wounded), trenches before Petersburg, Va., Poplar Springs Church, Va., Hatcher's Run, Va., Boydtown Plank Road, Va., Vaughn Road, Va., Dabney's Mill, Va., Five Forks, Va. McNett, Andrew J. (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Henderson, Jeff. Co., N. Y. Retired ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Capt. 93d N. Y. Inf. Oct. 11, '61 ; hon. mus. out June 12, '63; Lieut. Col. 141st N. Y. Inf. Feb. 13, '64; hon. mus. out June 8, '65; Capt. 44th Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Oct. 3, '66 ; unassigned May 27, '69; retired with rank of Col. Dec. 15, 70, for loss of right arm from wound in line of duty. Brevet rank Brevet Brig. Gen. Vol. July 28, '66, for distinguished services at battles of Resaca, Dallas, Gulp's Farm and Peach Tree Creek ; Brevet Major March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at battle of Resaca, Ga.; Brevet Lieut. Col. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services at battle of Peach Tree Creek. McNutt, Albert S. (First Lieut. 9th Inf.). Born in Ind. Appointed from Ind. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 77; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank2d Lieut. 9th Inf. June 11, '81 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 17, '88. McParlin, Thomas A. (Col. U. S. A.). Born in Md. July 10, 1825. Retir- ed ; appointed from Md. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Mar. 3, '49; ace. March 14, '49 : Capt., Asst. Surg. March 3, '54 ; Major Surg. May 21, '61 ; Col., ' " ol. Asst. Med. Pur. April 13, '81 ; Med. Dir. Feb. 25, '65, to June 30, '65 ; Lieut. Col. Col. Surg. Feb. 16, '85 ; retired July 10, '89. Brevet nm Jbrevet i^ieut. uoi. Aug. 1, '64, for faithful and meritorious services in the field ; Brevet Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; Brevet Brig. Gen. Nov. 26, '66, for meritorious and distinguished services at New Orleans, where cholera and yellow fever prevailed. Service Acting Asst. Surg. U. S. A. March 15, '48; at Vera Cruz, Mexico, April to June, '48 ; Asst. Surg. U. S. A. March 3, '49 ; at Las Vegas, N. M., to Aug., '51 ; Fort Union, N. M., to June, '52 ; with V\J X/V/V.j W j JL V/l. V JJA VVVUj J- V^-A.C*Oj V\S \S\sV*j W y * ,--, - ' J venworth, to Jan., '58 ; Fort Walla Walla and Cascades, W. T., May, '59, to Nov., '61 ; at Chicago, Ills., to June, '62 ; medical director of the Army of Virginia (Gen. Pope's Army) to Sept., '62 ; general hospital duty, Annapolis, Md., to Jan., '64 ; medical director, Army of the Potomac, from Jan. 16, '64, to July, '65 ; Dec., '64, was assigned to duty by the President according to his brevet rank of Lieut. Col.; Col. and med. dir., Army of Potomac, Feb. 25, '65, to June 30, '65 ; med. dir., Mil. Div. of the Gulf, and medical director, 3d Military District, '67-68; med. dir. Department of Louisiana, Sept., '65-67; at U. S. Military Academy, 390 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. MEI West Point, N. Y., from July, '68 ; Surg. U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., July, '68, to Oct., 73; post surgeon, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Oct., 73, to Oct., 75 ; chief medical officer, District of New Mexico, Nov., 75, to Oct., 77 ; attending surgeon U. S. A., New York City, Nov., 77 ; Fort Hamilton, Aug., 78; .-~,1i_,_ . \* , ... "V -.!,. J 1?*- v Af ,r 1^C\ 4.*+. A , . .. C 1 *Q"I . GAV* UMA *-h.s*s*,<-h O 1 the Platte, Jan. 24, '86, and on duty as med. dir., to July 10, '89, and member of the Retiring Board when in session at Omaha, Nebr., for the same period ; attend- ing surgeon, hdqrs. Dept. of the Piatte from '87 to July 10, '88. Honorably mentioned His name was honorably mentiened by Major General Jno. Pope, in his Report of the Campaign of the Army of Virginia, see " Records of Rebell- ion " for July and Aug., '62. McQuiston, Charles (Second Lieut. 4th Inf.). Born in Indiana. Appointed from Indiana. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 79; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th Inf. June 13, '83. McQuiston, Henry (Second Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from the Army. Retired. Actual rank Pvt. and Sgt. Co. K, 6th Cav., July 31, '61, to Sept. 22, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 6th Cav. July 17, '62 ; accepted Sept. 22, '62 ; retired Sept. 26, 63, wound in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. June 9, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Beverly Ford, Va. ; Bvt. Capt. June 21, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Upperville, Va. McRae, James H. (Second Lieut. 3d Inf.). Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Academy July 1, '82; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Inf. July 1, '86. McVay, Harlan E. (First Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon). Born at Mt. Blanchard, Ohio, March 4, '62. Retiring year, 1926. Appointed from Ohio. Actual ?_:.,.,*-^ r^yv TVT " 1of ~\7n T-nf "NTrkir 17 '54, to Oct. 24, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. July 18, '62 ; accepted Oct. 24, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 19, '63; Capt. July 18, '66; retired March 20,79. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. May 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chancelloraville, Va.; Brevet Capt. July 2, '63, for gallant and meritorious ser- 402 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. MIL vices in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Honorably mentioned Complimented by Major H. Dryer, 4th Inf., Commanding Regt. at Antietam, Sept. 16, '62 (after a hot skirmish with the enemy's pickets, of several hours' duration, in which we lost several men wounded), saying, " You have done so splendidly that I thought you were in the right place, and consequently did not relieve you before;" it was then sunset. Service Served in Mexico, '47-48 ; Carmargo to Buena Vista ; participated in expedition against Yakima Indians in Wash. Ty., under Major Raiver, 4th Inf., in winter '55 ; participated in expedition against hostile Yakima Indians under Col. G. Wright, 9th Inf., in spring and summer '56 ; in affairs with Indians at Yam Hill agency, Oregon, '58 ; engaged in siege of Yorktown ; at Fort Wood, N. Y. H., '63-64; in the field '64; mustering and disbursing officer Pittsburgh, Pa., '65 ; at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., Jan., '66, to July, '66 ; partici- pated in suppression of Fenian troubles on Canadian border '66 ; at Fort Brady, Mich., '66-67 ; ordered from Fort Sedgwick, Col., with company to Julesburg, Wyo., for protection of citizens and maintenance of order, during troubles at the latter place '67 ; ordered from Fort Sedgwick, Col., to Plum Creek iStation, U. P. R. R., Neb., to assist in suppressing hostilities at that point, remaining in camp for pro- tection of R. R. and people during summer '67 ; ordered from Fort Fetterman, Wyo., to Box Alder Creek, Wyo., for the arrest and capture of outlaws in hiding in Indian Camp at that point '69; marched from Fort D. A. Russell to Fort Fet- terman, Wyo., during threatened attack by Indians on latter Fort '73. Battles, skirmishes, etc. At battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, Manassas, Antietam (wounded), Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Staff positions occupied Q. M. Gen. Dent's staff during draft troubles New York City '63 ; Post Quartermaster and Adj. Fort Wood, New York Harbor, '63-64. Commands field Com. Co. and Post Fort Brady, Mich., '66-67 ; Batt. 4th Inf. 73. History Obtained patent for improvement in cartridge-boxes, 71 which was submitted to Ordnance Dept., and used in service ; great-grand-nephew of Gen. Wolfe, of Quebec fame; near rela- tive of the late Sir Thomas Ross, K. C. B., British Navy. Miller, Marcus P. (Major 5th Art.). Born in Mass. March 27, 1835. Retiring year 1899. App. from Mass. Cadet U. S. Mil. Academy Sept. 1, '54; graduated July 1, '58. Actual rankEvt. 2d Lieut. 4th Art. July 1, '58 ; 2d Lieut. Sept. 27, '59; 1st Lieut, May 14, '61 ; Capt. May 11, '64 ; Maj. 5th Art. Sept. 14, '83. 7? rank Bvt. Capt. July 12, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Malvern Hill, Va. ; Bvt. Maj. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the Cavalry Campaign from Winchester to Richmond, Va. ; Bvt. Lieut.- Colonel March 31, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Din- widdie Court-House, Va. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 4th Art,. Feb. 14, '62, to April 1, '62; Adj. 4th Art. April 1, '62, to May 11, '64. Miller, Samuel W. (First Lieut. 5th Inf.). Born in Pennsylvania. Ap- pointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf. June 13, 79 ; 1st Lieut. March 7, '85. Miller, William H. (First Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Alabama. Appointed from Ala. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '68 ; graduated June 14, 72. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Cav. June 14, 72 ; 1st Lieut. March 4, 79. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 1st Cav., from Aug. 15, 78, to March 31, '87. Miller, William A. (Captain 18th Inf.). Born in Kentucky July 24, 1845. Retiring year 1909. Appointed from Ky. Civil life. Actual ran Pvt. and 1st Sgt. Go's F and E, 8th Ky. Vol. Inf., from Sept. 17, '61, to March 20, '65; 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. FefT 23, '66 ; accepted April 28, '66 ; transferred to 25th Inf. Sept. 21, 66; 1st Lieut. Sept. 21, '66 ; transferred to 18th Inf. April 26, '69; Capt. Feb. 20, '82. Miller, William H. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Erie, Pa., May 11, 1840. Retired. Appointed from 111. Civil life. Actual rank Prv. Co. " I," 9th Jnd. Inf., April 18, '61 ; discharged July 29, '61 ; Sergt. Co. "E," 48th Ind. Inf., Oct. MIL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 403 June 28, 78. Honorably mentioned HEADQU ASTERS IBT BRIG , 3o Div., 15th A. C., NEAR PEDEE RIVEB, S. C., March 6, 1865. Special Order No. 38. The General Commanding is highly gratified with the excellent soldierly conduct and appearance of the provost guard under command of Capt. W. H. Miller, 48th Indiana Vols.,that the detail will continue another two weeks. By order of BHIG.-GEN'L WM. T. CLARK, J. B. STANFORD, Capt. and Adjt. Genl. Mentioned in a report of a special Inspection made on the 3d day of April, '65, by Lieut.-Col. and Inspector General Wm. E. Strong, of General Sherman's Army. In his report to Gen. J. A. Hardie, Ins. Gen., U. S. A., of his particular inspec- tion of 1st Brig., 3d Div., 5th Army Corps, Gen. Strong mentions him by name as having " one of the finest commands in Gen. Sherman's Army," and recommends him for promotion. Service In the field during the war, '61 to '65 ; latter part of '67, left Fort Sedgwick for Fort Phil Kearney; at Fort C. F. Smith during the winter of '67-8; in the spring of '68 with Co. "G," 27th Inf. rescued Capt. Thompson's (12th Inf.) command, who were corraled on the Trout Creek, and escorted them to Fort Phil. Kearney ; went to Cheyenne in July, '68 ; with Gen. Bradley's column to the relief of Gen. (Sandy) Forsyth, Oct., '68; at Omaha, Dec. 3, '68 ; at Fort Sedgwick, Apr. 30, '69, to Aug., '70 ; then at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. ; on duty at mouth of Red Willow Creek on the Republican River until ordered before a Retiring Board in Washington ; Professor of Military Science and Tactics at St. John's School, Salina, Kas,, Dec. 15, '88 to . Staff positions occupied Post Adj. at Fort Sedgwick, April 30, '69, to Aug. '70; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at mouth of Red Willow Creek on the Republican River. Battles, skir- mishes, etc. Engaged at the actions of Philippi, Bealington, Carrick's Ford and Laurel Hill, W. Va. ; engaged at the siege of Corinth, battles of luka, Corinth, and the Tallahatchie campaign ; in General Grant's expedition to Oxford, Miss. '62 ; in the Yazoo Pass expedition, and engaged at the action of Lake Provi- dence, battles of Port Gibson, Jackson, Champion Hill, Raymond ; on expedi- tion called army of observation under Gen. Frank P. Blair, and siege and assaults of Vicksburg, Miss. ; at Vicksburg, Miss., to Sept., '63 ; in the march to Chatta- nooga, Nov., '63 ; and engaged at the battle of Missionary Ridge and action of Huntsville, Ala., in General Sherman's Atlanta campaign of '63, and in his Georgia and Carolina campaigns, being engaged at the siege of Savannah, capture of Columbia, actions of Cheraw, Fayetteville, battle of Bentonville, and actions of Goldsboro' and Raleigh, N. C. ; engaged with Indians on the Powder River (Crazy Women's Fork) Nov., '67 ; and many skirmishes while at Fort C. F. Smith, '67-8. Commands held In command of Co. while 2d Lieut. History Was educated in South Bend, Ind., and studied law under Gen. (U. S. Senator) John F. Miller ; from '65 to '67, was engaged in graduating from Eastman's Com- mercial College; in '83-5-7 was clerk in the House of the Michigan Legislature. Millis, John (First Lieut, of Engineers). Born in Michigan. Appointed from Michigan. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 77 ; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rankZd Lieut. Engineers June 11, '81; 1st Lieut. June 15, '82. Waff positions occupied Adj. Batt. Eng'rs from July 18, '83, to Nov. 19, '83. Mills, Albert L. (First Lieut. 1st Cavalry). Born in New York. App. from New York. Graduated at Mil. Acad., Class of '79. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st Cav. June 13, 79; 1st Lieut. Jan. 23, '89. Honorably mentioned Officially thanked by commanding General Dept. of the Columbia, for the manner in which he performed "arduous and dangerous duty" in the field, '84. Service At the Military Academy, as Ass't Instructor of Tactics, from July 5 to Aug. 28, 79 ; on leave of absence to Dec. 1, 79; joined and with regiment at Fort Walla Walla, Wash. Ty., to June 13, '82 ; at Fort Colville, Wash. Ty., to Nov. 6, '82 ; 404 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. MIL at Fort Cceur d'Alene and in the field to Aug. 7, '83 ; on leave of absence to Nov. 24, '83 ; on duty at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to March 1, '84 ; with regiment at Fort Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Ty., and in the* field to June 16, '84; May 14, '84, field ; at Fort Keogh, Mont. Ty., and in the field to Oct. 16, '84 ; at Fort Ouster, Mont. Ty., and in the field to July 22, '86. Professor of Military Science at So. Carolina Military Academy, Charleston, S. 0., to July 1, '87 ; rejoined regiment at Fort Ouster, Mont. Ty., July 25, '87 ; in the field and with regiment to . Staff positions occupied Post Adj. at Fort Colville, Wash. Ty., from June to Nov., '82 ; A. C. S., A. O. O., Post Treas. and Range Officer at Fort Ouster, from Dec. 1, '85, to June 30, '86, and from May 14, '89, to . Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in Crow Indian campaign, and in action near Crow Agency, Mont. Ty., Nov. 5, '87. Commands held Troop B, during campaign against Crow In- dians, Nov., '87. Mills, Anson (Major 10th Cav.). Born in Ind., Aug. 31, 1834. Retiring year 1898. Appointed from Texas Civil life. Actual rank Cadet U. S. Military Academy July 1, '55, to Feb. 18, '57 ; 1st Lieut. 18th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 22, '61 ; Capt. April 27, '63; trans, to Cav. arm Dec. 31, '70; assd. to 3d Cav. Dec. 31, '70; Major 10th Cav. April 4, '78. Brevet ran Bvt. Capt. Dec. 31, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn ; bvt. Major Sept. 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chicka- mauga, Ga., and during the Atlanta Campaign; bvt. Lieut. Col. Dec. 16, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Nashville, Tenn. Staff position* occupied Adj. 18th Inf. Feb. to Oct., '62; A. C. S. Reg. Brig. Western Army to April, '63; A. A. Insp. Gen. Dist. of Etowa, '64. -Service Sergeant Clay Guards, Washington Volunteers, March to May, '61 ; recruiting and mustering duty in Ohio to February, '62; joined detachment of the three Battalions of Regiment at Nashville, Tenn.; in the Corinth, Chickamauga and Atlantic Campaigns, with the Army of the West, and participated in all its campaigns until the battle of De- cat ur, Ala.; on recruiting duty Feb. to Nov., '65; en route in command of troops, via Jefferson Bks., Mo., Forts Leavenworth and Riley, Kan., to Fort Aubrey, Kan., Nov., '65; commanding Fort Bridger, Utah, Nov., '66, to Sept., '67; at Fort Sedgwick, C. T., and other posts from '67 to '76; participated in various Indian expeditions, particularly the one against Sitting Bull's band of hostile Sioux In- dians in '76-7; at present stationed at Fort Bliss, Tex. Battles, skirmishes, et<\ Engaged at the battles of Corinth, Miss.; battle of Stone River, Tenn.; actions of Hoover's Gap, battles of Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Tenn., Resaca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, action of Neal Dow Station, battles of Utoy Creek, Atlanta (wounded), and Jonesboro', Ga. ; commanding 1st Battalion, 18th Inf., and detachment Sep. to Oct., '64; on staff of Gen. Steadman to Feb., '65; en- gaged at the battles of Nashville, Tenn., and Decatur, Ala.; action at Slim Buttes, Dak., and capture of Indian Village, Sep., '76. Civil history Surveyor of the El Paso and Presidio District, Tex., '58-59 ; Surveyor for the State of Texas, on the boundary survey between Texas and New Mexico, '60 ; member of the Board of Visitors to the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., from Texas, June, '66. Mills, Prank H. (First Lieutenant 24th Inf.). Born in Texas. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 24th U. S. Inf. Oct. 1, '73; ac- cented Oct. 18, '73; 1st Lieut. August 20, 78. Mills, Samuel Myers (Capt. 5th Art.). Born in Pottsville, Schuylkill Co., Pa., Dec. 15, '43. Retiring year 1907; app. from Pa.; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '65 ; graduated at Art. School, Fort Monroe, Va., class of '82. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 19th Inf. June 23, '65 ; 1st Lieut. June 23, '65; transferred to 28th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; transferred to 19th Inf. March 31, '69; transferred to 5th Art. May 10,70; Captain April 18, '83. Honorably mentioned For the successful arrest and delivery to the U. S. Marshal of certain desperadoes ; congratulated in or- ders by Gen. E. O. C. Ord. Commanding the Department. Service Joined regi- ment at Augusta, Ga., Oct. 1, '65 ; in command of several night parties (50 men) in the arrest of those constituting themselves " regulators "of freedmen ; on the staff of Bvt. Maj. Gen. John H. King, commanding Dist. of Ga.; relieved in Jan., '66, to MIL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 405 accompany regiment to Department of Arkansas ; at Paraclifta, Ark., until April 25, '66; ordered to Camden, Ark., on staff duty, Ouachita River District, until District was discontinued ; in command Nov. 9 and 10, '66, of an expedition (50 men, mounted and dismounted) in the successful arrest and delivery to the U. S. Marshal of certain desperadoes ; on staff duty at Little Rock, Ark., early in '67, of the Sub-Dist. of Arkansas, organized under the reconstruction Acts of Congress, Bvt. Maj. Gen. C. H. Smith commanding; staff duty Bureau of R. F. and A. L.; member of Board for the appointment of Registrars for the Dist. of Ark.; contin- ued in these duties until the District was discontinued in '69 ; transferred to the 5th Art. May, '70; joined battery and served at New London, Conn., until Oct., 71 ; engaged with battery in enforcing election laws in New York City, tempo- rarily performing staff duty; transferred to Light Battery F (Dupont's) at New- port, R. I.; served with it until Aug., '72, when ordered to duty at Military Academy ; served as Instructor in tactics with Cav. and Art. detachment and in various '80; reported to Mai. Gen. Hancock, commanding Div. of the Atlantic, for staff duty May 1, '82 ; relieved Dec. 15, '82 ; ordered to Washington. D. C., and as- signed to duty in the office of the Chief Signal Officer of Army as Acting Signal Officer, property and disbursing officer, arid assistant quartermaster of the Signal Service ; as second ranking officer from '83-85, frequently performing the duties of Chief Signal Officer, by direction of the President, during the absence of Gen. W. B. Hazen, Chief Signal Officer ; relieved from duty (at own request) in Signal Service and from Washington, D. C., June, '85; ordered to duty in command of battery Fort Monroe, Va., and as Instructor of Practical Artillery Exercises at the Artillery School ; joined for duty at Fort Monroe, Va., Sept. 21, '85 ; designated by the President as one of two representatives from the army to witness the been reopened after previous settlement; on duty at the Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., in command of battery, instructor practical artillery exercises, and in charge of Sea Coast Artillery firing practice up to March, '90, and to . Staff positions occupied A. D. C. and A. A. G. Dist. of Ga. to Jan., '66; A. A. G. and A. A. I. G. Ouachita River Dist. '66 ; Adj. 2d Batt., 19th Inf., May 1, '66, to Sept. 21, '66 ; Adj. 28th Inf. Nov. 30, '66, to March 31, '69 ; A. A. A. G. Sub-Dist. of Ark and A. A. A. G. of Bureau of R. F. and A. L. same District '67-69; Adj. 19th Inf. April 12, '69, to May 10, 70 ; A. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. McDowell (tem- porarily) ; Treasurer of the Mil. Academy June, 75, and A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of Cadets Aug. 7, 76; relieved Sept., 79; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of Div. and Dept. Staff and Post, Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, N. Y., from May 1, '82, to Dec. 15, '82; A. A. Q. M. of Signal Service, '83-85. Commands held In com- mand of Co, at Augusta, Ga., '65; of Cos. E and D, 2d Batt., 19th Inf., en route to Little Rock, Ark., '66 ; Cav. detachment at the Mil. Acad. from June to Sept., 73 ; of Light Battery Sept., 73, at same place, and of Cav. detachment from Nov., 74, to March, 75. Mills, Stephen C. (First Lieut. 12th Inf.). Born in New York May 8, 1854. Retiring year 1918. Appointed from 111. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 73; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 17th Inf. June 15, 77 ; 2d Lieut. 12th Inf. June 30, 77 ; 1st Lieut. May 28, '84. Service Leave of absence and waiting orders June-Dec., 77 ; served at Angel Island, Gal., Dec., 77- April, 78; detached service in Arizona April-June; in the field against Ban- nock Indians June-Sept.; changing station Sept.-Oct. ; at Fort Apache and Camp Thomas, A. T., Oct., 78-Feb., '80; in the field with Co. D, Indian Scouts, D. of A., Feb., '80-June, '81; scouting in New Mexico, Arizona and Mexico; engaged with Warm Spring Apaches, San Andreas CaBon, N. M., April 7, 80 ; with Mescalero Apaches La Luz Caflon, N. M., April 17, '80; leave of absence 406 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. MIT June-Sept., '81 ; in the field with Indian scouts Sept., '81-June, '82 ; engaged with Chiricahua Apaches at Mount Graham, A. T., Oct. 2, '81 ; at Dragoon Moun- tains, Oct. 4, '81 ; scouting Mexico border winter of '81 and '82 ; pursuit of Chiri- cahua and Warm Spring Apaches April, '82 ; engaged at Sierra Media, Mexico, April 28, '82; Whipple Barracks, A. T., and changing station July-Sept., '82; Madison Barracks, N. Y., Sept., '82, to Nov., '84 ; Professor Military Science and Tactics, Knox College, Galesburg, 111., Dec. '84-June, '86 ; relieved by Secretary of War and ordered to take command of tne Chiricahua Apaches, prisoners of war; at St. Augustine, Fla., June, '86-Feb., '87; leave of absence to Feb., '88; Fort Sully, D. T., Feb. -Dec., '88; leave of absence on surgeon's certificate of disability Dec., '88-March, '90. Commands held Com. Indian Scouts Feb., '80, to June, '81 ; Com. Indian scouta in the field Sept., '81, to June, '82. Mills, William (Captain 2d Inf.). Born in Mich. Sept. 19, 1836. Retiring year 1900; appointed from the army. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl., Sergt. and 1st Sergt. Co. C, 5th Inf., Oct. 28, '58, to Feb. 23, '63; Acting 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. Jan. 6, '62, to Feb. 23, '63; 2d Lieut. 16th Inf. Feb. 19, '63; 1st Lieut. Feb. 19, '63; accepted Feb. 24, '63; Capt. Feb. 13, '66; transferred to 2d Inf., April 17, 69. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Sept. 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign and in the battle of Jonesboro', Ga. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Vol. Oct. 2, '64, to Nov. 1, '64; Reg. Q. M. 16th Inf. Oct. 12, '65, to Feb. 13, '66. Miltimore, Alonzo E. (Captain and Asst. Quartermaster). Born in Illinois Oct. 12, 1844. Retiring year, 1908. Appointed from Wis. Civil life. Actual /th Batt. Wis. Vol. Lt. Art. Jan. 5, '64 ; discharged Nov. 8, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Wis. Vol. Inf. Nov. 17/64 ; hon. must, out June 26,'65; 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Art. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted April 11/66; 1st Lieut. July 28/66; Capt. A.Q. M. June 23/79 ; accepted July 1, 79. Service Q. M. Fort Preble, Me., to Oct., 79; Fort Clark, Texas, to Sept., '80; Post Q.M. Fort Mclntosh, Texas, to June, '81; Post Q. M. Fort Brown, Texas, to March, '82 ; on duty at general depot New York City to Nov., '82 ; Post Q. M. Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Nov. 18, '82; depot Q. M. at Tucson, Ari- zona, '90. Miner, Charles W. (Capt. 22d Inf.). Born in Ohio Nov. 2, 1840. Retiring year 1904. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. D, 2d Ohio Inf., April 17, '61 ; discharged Aug. 9, '61 ; Capt 22d Ohio Inf. May 1, '62; hon. must, out Aug. 28/65 ; 2d Lieut. 19th Inf. March 31, '66 ; accepted May 22 ; trans- ferred to 28th Inf. Sept. 21, '6H; 1st Lieut. Jan. 1, '67; Capt. 22d Inf. March 7, '67. accepted Feb. 28, '68. Miner, Christopher O. (First Lieut. 9th Inf.). Born in Connecticut. Ap- pointed from Conn. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank 2d Lieutenant 9th Infantry June 13, 79 ; 1st Lieutenant Oct. 2, '87. Minor, William C. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in East Indies. Retired. Ap- pointed from New York Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Feb. 28, '66; ac- cepted May 30, '66 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. May 30, '69 ; retired Dec. 15, 70 ; dis- ability resulting from sickness and exposure in line of duty. Brevet rank Capt. bvt. Sept. 28, '66, for meritorious and distinguished service at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, where cholera prevailed. Mitcham, Orin B. (Captain of Ordnance). Born in Virginia July 25, 1853. Retiring year 1917. Appointed from Virginia. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 70; graduated June 17, 74. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th Art. June 17, 74; 1st Lieut. Ord. June 23, 79; accepted July 9, 79; Capt. June 17, '88. Service Asst. Instructor Dep. of Ordnance and Gunnery at Military Academy West Point, N. Y., since Sept. 11, '86. Mitchell, David D. (First Lieut. 15th Inf.). Born in Mo. Appointed from Mo. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. Feb. 29, 76 ; accepted March 17, 76; 1st Lieut. Jan. 31, '82. MIZ RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 407 Mitchell, George (Captain 2d Art). Born in Ireland March 11, 1845. Re- tiring year 1909. Appointed from Connecticut Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 57th N.Y. Inf. Nov. 1/62 ; hon. must out Nov. 1, '64 ; Bvt. Lieut.-Col. March assigned to 2d Art. Dec. 15, 70 ; Capt. March 22, '85. Brevet rankRvt. Maj. Vol. March 13, '65, for faithful services ; Bvt. Lieut.-Colonel Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied Adj. 2d Art. May 21, '75, to March 24, '77 ; Jan. 27, '81, to March 22, '85. Mitchell, James (Second Lieut. Signal Corps). Born in Ireland. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. troop " L," and Q. M. Sgt. 7th Cav. Dec. 6, '67, to Dec. 6, '72; Pvt. and Sgt. Sig. Corps Dec. 19, '72, to Aug. 17, '85 ; 2d Lieut. ^ig. Corps Aug. 15, '85 ; accepted Aug. 18, '85. Mitchell, William (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ireland. Retired. Ap- rinted from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. D, 2d U. Inf., from Jan. 4, '55, to April 26, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Inf. April 22, '63 ; accepted A.pril 26, '63; 1st Lieut. Nov. 10, '64; Capt. May 31, '83; retired April 24, '86, for disability in the line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. July 2, ; 63, and Bvt. Capt. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettys- burg, Pa. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 3d Inf. from Aug. 1, '66, to Aug. 11 '69. Mizner, Henry R. (Colonel 17th Inf.). Born in Geneva, Ontario Co., N. Y., Aug. 1, 1827. Retiring year 1891. Appointed from Mich. Civil life. Actual rani Colonel 14th Mich. Inf. Dec. 22, '62; honorably mustered out July 18, '65 ; Captain 18th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted July 3, '61; transferred to 36th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; Major 20th Inf. Feb. 22, '69 ; transferred to 12th Inf. March 15, '69 ; transferred to 8th Inf. May 14, '77 ; Lieut. Colonel 10th Inf. Dec. 15, '80 ; Colonel 17th Inf. Jan. 2, '88. Brevet rank Brevet major U. S. A. for gallant and merit- orious services in the battle of Stone River ; brevet lieutenant-colonel for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta Campaign and in the battle of Jones- boro', Georgia ; brevet brigadier-general volunteers for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned Major General Jefferson C. Davis, commanding 14th Corps, referring to the 14th Michigan Infantry Volunteers, wrote the Secretary of War as follows : " Colonel Mizner and regiment joined my command early in the campaign against Atlanta and served with distinction to its close. This regiment was one of the best in the Corps under my command, and upon every occasion where the enemy was met invariably signalized its cour- age and discipline. In the assault of the Corps upon the enemy's works at Jones- boro', which resulted in the fall of Atlanta, the colors of this regiment were among the first carried over the works. Colonel Mizner had been long in com- mand of this regiment, and without doubt much was due his exertion and skill in promoting that excellent discipline and spirit of gallantry for which his regi- ment was conspicuous throughout the war. Colonel Mizner's personal bearing on the field was no less conspicuous than that of his regiment." /Service On recruit- ing duty to Sept., '61 ; mustering and disbursing officer, quartermaster and com- missary for the State of Michigan to Oct., '61 ; mustering and disbursing officer to Jan., '62 ; recruiting duty to May, '62 ; with regiment from May, '62, and in the field to the close of the Atlanta Campaign ; on duty on the plains in Wyom- ing Territory; locating and constructing Fori, Sanders, Wyo. Ter., '66 to '67, and at Fort Bridger, W. T., from April, '66, to April, '69 ; on duty in Cal. and Arizona April, '69, to Aug., '80, including Bannock Indian campaign in Oregon and Wash- A. Russell, Wyo., from Feb. 9, '88, to . Battles, skirmishes, etc Engaged in the battle of Perryville, Ky., Oct. 8, '62 ; pursuit of the rebel General Bragg and the battle of Stone River, Tenn. ; colonel 14th Michigan Infantry Feb., '63 ; com- manding regiment as Mounted Infantry, securing horses from the country, being 408 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. MON furnished Cav. equipments, revolvers and 100 Spencer Rifles and employed in M., Aug. 20, '85, to Nov. 15, '85; Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., Feb. 9, '88, to . History At Jonesboro', Ga., Sept. 1, '64, the 14th Mich, charged the earthworks on the run, capturing with the bayonet Swett's Battery of Cleburne's Division, Hardee's Corps, 4 12-pd. Napoleon Guns, Brig. Gen. D. C. Govan (with the sword of Major Sidney Cooledge, 16th U. S. Inf., lost at Chickamauga), Capt. Williams A. A. G., Major Weeks, 2d Arkansas, Battle flag 1st Arkansas and 300 other pris- oners. Mizner, John K, (Lieutenant-Colonel 8th Cavalry). Born in N. Y. March 2, 1834. Retiring year 1898. Appointed from Mich. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '52; graduated July 1, '56. Actual rank Bvt. '2d Lieut. 2d Drag. July 1, '56 ; 2d Lieut. Feb. 28, '57 ; 1st Lieut. 2d Cav. May 9, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 6th Cav. May 14, '61 (declined) ; Capt. 2d Cav. Nov. 12, '61 ; Col. 3d Mich. Cav. Mar. 7, '62; Bvt. Brig. Gen. March 13, '65; hon. must, out Feb. 12, '66 ; Maj. 4th Cav. Jan. 26, '69; Lieut.-Col. 8th Cav. Jan. 9, '86. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Oct. 4, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Corinth, Miss. ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. June 12, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Panola, Miss. ; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Moale, Edward (Major 1st Infantry). Bora in Md. Jan. 29, 1840. Retiring year 1904. Appointed from Md. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 19th Inf. May 14, '61; accepted June 28, '61; Capt. Sept. 13, '64; Lieut. Col. A. A. G. March 21, '65, to Aug. 1, '65; Bvt. Col. March 13, '65; transferred to 37th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; transferred to 3d Inf. Aug. 11, '69; Mai. 1st Inf. Feb. 1, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Dec. 2, '64, for gallant and distinguished services in the battle of Spottsylvania and during the campaign before Richmond, Va. ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Apr. 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va. ; Bvt. Col. Vols., for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 19th Inf. Aug. 22, '61 to July 20, '62; A. D. C. Vol. July 28, f 62, to March 21, '65 ; Nov. 27, '65, to Dec. 19, '65. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5; in the field with the Army of the Potomac, and participated in ite various campaigns, terminating with the surrender of Lee ; joined regiment in Georgia, Nov., '65; Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Department of Georgia, to Decem- ber, '65; in Arkansas, Jan. to Oct., '66; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to March, '67 ; commanding General Hancock's Headquarters Guard, in his Indian expedi- tion, March to April, '67; on frontier duty in several Departments from '67 to '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the action of Hanover Court- House, battles of Cedar Mountain, Fredericksburg, Marye's Heights, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Po River, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, Petersburg and Reams' Station, Va. Moffatt, William (Second Lieutenant 2d Inf.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Mus. Cos. F and H, 17th U. S. Inf., from Jan. 12, '71 to Jan. 12, 76; Mus. and Corp'l Co. A, 21st Inf., and Pvt. and Corp'l Gen. Ser. from June 2, 76, to July 13, '80 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. June 24, '80 ; accepted July 13, '80. Monahan, Deane (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from the Army. Retired. Actual rank Pvt. Corp'l and Sgt. Co. " I," Mt, Rif. ; 1st Sgt. Co. "I," and Sgt. Major 3d Cav. July 29, '56, to Dec. 20, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Cav. July 17, '62; accepted Dec. 20, '62; 1st Lieut. May 18, '65; Capt. July 9, '68 ; retired Nov. 26, '84, disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Nov. 15, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in action near Tuscumbia, Ala. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 3d Cav. May 29, '67, to July 9, '68. Montgomery, Alexander (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Retired. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '30 ; graduated July 1, '34. Actual rankK\t. 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. July 1, '34; 2d Lieut. Dec. 3, '36; 1st Lieut. July 7, '38; Capt. A. Q. M. May 11, '46 ; accepted June 7, '46 ; MON RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 409 Capt. 7th Inf. Feb. 16, '47 ; Maj. Q. M. May 17, '61 ; out of service July 18, '63 ; reinstated June 14, '64 ; Lieut. Col. D. Q. M. Gen. June 6, 72 ; retired Jan. 15, 74. Montgomery, Robert H. (Captain 5th Cav.). Born in Pennsylvania, April 16, 1838. Retiring year 1902. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private, Corp'l, Sergt. and 1st Sergt. Co. C, 2d Cav., Aug. 6, '60, to Dec. 17, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Cav. Nov. 29, '62 ; accepted Dec. 17, '62 ; out of service Nov. 19, '63 ; reinstated Feb. 16, '65 ; 1st Lieut. April 25, '65 ; Captain June 3, 70. Bre- vet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. June 9, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Beverly Ford, Va. ; Brevet Captain Aug. 1, '63, for gallant and merito- rious services in the battle of Brandy Station, Va. Staff positions occupied Regimental Q. M. 5th Cav. Aug. 3, '65, to Dec. 31, '66; A*. D. C. Nov. 30, '67, to Aug. 14, '68 ; Adj. 5th Cav. Dec. 31, '66, to July 12, '69. Service Joined 5th (old 2d) Cav. at Fort Inge, Tex., Dec., '60 ; was surrendered to the rebels, when he marched to Indianola and embarked with the second detachment of his regi- ment for New York, and thence to Carlisle, arriving there April 27, '61 ; partici- pated in Gen. Patterson's Shenandoah campaign of '61 ; in the defenses of Wash- ington '61-2 ; in the Manassas, Peninsula, Maryland and Fredericksburg cam- paigns, '62 ; also in the Chancellorsville and Gettysburg campaigns of '63 ; was captured Oct. 29, '63, while on picket duty at Elk Run, Va., and his name was dropped from the rolls of the army ; but when the circumstances attending his capture were fully understood he was restored to the service, and rejoined the regiment from a prisoner of war April 29, '65 ; on regimental staff duty at Wash- ington, D. C., to '68 ; on frontier duty in the Dept. of the Platte, and participated in the closing operations of the Republican River expedition '68 ; was assigned in Nov. to Ft. D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he had station, with occasional tours of field service, until Dec. 12, 71 ; accompanied the second detachment of the regiment from Fort D. A. Russell by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of California to Arizona, and arrived at Camp McDowell in Jan., 72 ; served until June ; field service to Feb., 73 ; at Camp Grant until May; transferred to Camp McDowell, and thence to Camp Apache ; arrived in June ; on leave of absence until Oct., when he conducted a detachment of recruits to the Pacific Coast, and rejoined his company at Camp Apache in Jan., 74 ; at Camp Apache until July, 75, when he conducted a detachment (B, G, I) of the regiment from Arizona to Fort Lyon, Col., whence he moved by rail with his company to Fort Hays, Kan., where he arrived in Sept., and had station, with occasional tours of field service, until June, 76, when he moved by rail with a detachment of the regiment to Cheyenne, and participated in the Sioux campaign in Northern Wyoming, Da- kota, and Montana, and was assigned, upon the disbandment of the expedition in October, to Fort D. A. Russell, where he had station until April, '80, and was employed on field service in Northern Wyoming during the summer of 77-78, in the capture of disaffected Indians at Ross Fork (Idaho) Agency in Jan., 78, and in the Ute expedition during the fall and winter of 79 ; participated in raising the siege and action of Mill Creek, Col.; was transferred in April, '80, to Fort Niobrara, Nebraska ; served as a company, and at times as a post, commander, until '85; in the Indian Territory to '88, and on recruiting service to 90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the siege of Yorktown, the battle of Wil- liamsburg, and in almost daily skirmishes with the enemy during the advance towards Richmond, the battle of Hanover Court House, the reconnoissance towards Ashland, the action at Old Church, the reconnoissance towards the White House, the skirmish in the White Oak Swamp, the battles of South Mountain and Antietam, the skirmish near Shepherdstown, the engagement near Halltown, the skirmishes near Union and Upperville, the action at Mark ham Station, the skirmish at Barbee's Cross Roads, the action at Amisville, the battle of Fredericksburg, and the skirmish and reconnoissance near * almoutn ; in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, Pa.; actions at Williamsport, 410 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. MOO brara pursuit ; served as Quartermaster of the expedition during Sept. and Oct., and participated in the affair on Prairie Dog Creek, Kan. ; engaged in the bril- liant combat at Muchos Canon, the affairs on the Santa Maria, in the Red Rock country, and on Pinto Creek; engaged in the affair at War Bonnet (Indian Creek), Wyo., and in the skirmishes at Slim Buttes, Dak. Honorably mentioned Was recommended in the fall of '68 by Generals Emory and Merritt for the ap- pointment of Brevet Major, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg. He was twice nominated to the United States Senate to be a Brevet Major, to date from Sept. 25, 72, for gallant conduct in the engagement at Mu- chos Caflon, and a Brevet Lieut. Col., to date from Dec. 8, 74, for gallant and distinguished conduct during a reconnoissance made by him through Tonto Basin during Nov. and Dec., 74. Moody, Thomas M. (Second Lieut. 22d Inf.). Born in Wis.; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp'l and Sgt. Co. D, and Sgt. Maj. 9th Inf. March 8, 79, to March 26, '88 ; 2d Lieut. 22d Inf. Feb. 6, '88 ; accepted Mar. 27, '88. Moon, Henry B., Jr. (First Lieut. 20th Inf.). Born in N. J., March 17, 1856. Retiring year 1920. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. June 14, 76; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 20th Inf. June 12, '80; 1st Lieut. at Fort Assinniboine, Mont., to Oct. 17, '89; at Camp Poplar River to . positions occupied A. C. S. and A. O. O. of post at Fort Brown, Tex., with 19th Inf. from Nov. 7, 'SI, to Dec. 20, '81; at various times as Co. Commander, Poat Adj., A. C. S., A. O. O., A. S. O.; in charge of Post Schools, Post Treasurer, Top. Officer and Range Officer. Moore, Francis (Captain 9th Cav.). Born in Scotland, April 6, 1841. Re- tiring year 1905. Appointed from La. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt.andSgt Co. M, 1st Colo. Cav., Sept. 10, '61, to Dec. 29, '63; Capt. 65th U. S. C. Inf. Dec. 29, '63; Lieut. Col. 65th U. S. C. Inf. Feb. 18, '65; bvt. Lieut. Col. March 13, '65; hon. must, out June 21, '65 ; Major 65th U. S. C. Inf. June 21, '65 ; hon. must, out Jan. 8, '67; 2d Lieut. 9th Cav. July 28, '66; accepted Nov. 21, '66; 1st Lieut. July 12, '67; Capt. Aug. 24, 72. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the War. Staff positions occupied Reg. Com. 9th Cav. May 15, '67, to July 15, 70 ; Reg. Q. M. 9th Cav. Sept. 1, 70, to Aug. 24, 72. Moore, James M. (Lieut. Col. and Dep. Q. M. Gen.). Born in Pa., Oct 26, '37. Retiring year 1901. App. from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. " G," 19th Pa. Inf. ; discharged Aug. 8, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 90th Pa. Inf. Feb. 21, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Mch. 10, '62 ; resigned Apr. 7, '63; Captain and Asst. Qr. Mr. Vol. Mch. 11, '63; Captain A. Q. M.July 2, '64; Major and Qr. Mr. June 13, '67; Lieut.-col. and deputy Qr. Mr. Gen. July 2, '83. Brevd rank En. major Mch. 13, '65, and bvt. Lieut.-col. Nov. 24, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned For gallantry at the battle of Antietam by Gen. James B. Ricketts, Commanding, 2d Div., 3d Corps; in the "Records of the Rebellion," series 1, vol. xix., part 1, p. 260, all at present published. Service On duty in Washington, D. C., as A. A. Q. M. to the depot Qr. Mr. from Jan. 12, '63, to Mch. 11, '63 ; Asst. Qr. Mr. and depot Qr. Mr. from that date to Aug. 31, '67 ; per- formed during that period many and various duties in connection with supplying the army, establishing National Cemeteries, etc., etc. ; Chief Qr. Mr. 1st Military District, Richmond, Va., from Sept. 1, '67, to March 31, '69; on sick-leave from April 1 to July 25, '69 ; awaiting assignment and en route to station from July 26 to Aug. 31, '69 ; depot Qr. Mr. Fort Leavenworth, Sept. 1, 69, to June 30, 72; acting Chief Qr. Mr. Dept. of the Mo. from May 27 to June 30, 72 ; transferring Sroperty, etc., awating completion of transfer, and en route to new station from uly 1 to Aug. 31, 72 ; depot Qr. Mr. Cheyenne Depot, Sept. 1, 72, to Sept. 30, 75; transferring property and en route to new station from Oct. 1 to 31, 75; purchasing and disbursing quartermaster, Chicago, 111., from Nov. 1, 75, to Oct. MOO RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 411 81, '78 ; in charge of the office chief Qr. Mr. Mil. Div. of the Mo. from May 4 to July 1, 78 ; transferring property and en route to new station from Nov. 1 to 24, 78 ; Nov. 25, 78, to May 27, '83, on duty in the office of the Quartermaster- General U. S. A., Washington, D. C. (with exception of temporary duty per- n . 1 J TVI ?1 11 1 T-k f* TT^ 1 -v- . - *- - _ i rt x transferring property and en route to new station ; in charge of the General Depot of the Qr. Mr. Dept. St. Louis, Mo., from Nov. 28, '87, to . battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the battles of Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock Station, Thorough- fare Gap, and battles of 2d Bull Run and Antietam (wounded). Moore, John (Brigadier General and Surgeon General). Born in Ind., Aug. 16, 1826. Retiring year 1890. Appointed from Ind. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. U. S. A. June 29, '53; accepted July 18, '53 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. June 29, '58; Maj. and Surg. June 11, '62 ; Lieut. Col. Asst. Med. Pur. Oct. 8> '83; Brig. Gen. Surg. Gen. Nov. 18, '86; accepted Nov. 18, '86. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. Sept. 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlantic Campaign ; Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service At Fort Myers, Fla., to Dec., 56 ; in Boston, and at Fort Independence, Mass., to July, '57; with the Utah expedition to Sept., '61; at the Marine .Hospital, Cincinnati, to Aug., '62; Medical Director Central Grand Division, Army of the Potomac, to May, '63 ; Medical Director Dept. of the Tennessee, to Sept., '65 ; Medical Director Dept. of the Mississippi, to Sept., '66 ; at Fort Wadsworth, New York, to Jan., '67 ; at Fort Columbus, New York, to Oct., '67 ; Examining Surgeon of Recruits and Member of the Medical Board, New York City, from Oct., '67, and at other stations to '86 ; at Washington, D. C., to '90. Moore, Michael (Second Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in New York July 4, 1800. Retired. App. from the Army. Actual rank Musician 13th Inf. April 30, '12 ; discharged May 1, '17 ; Musician Co. A, 2d Inf., Feb. 4, '19, to Feb. 4, '24, from April 20, '24, to May 12, '30, and from June 11, '30, to Feb. 12, '34; Musician Co. A, and Principal Musician 2d Inf. Sept. 2, '34, to Sept. 2, '40 ; Sergt. Co. B, music boys, May 4, '41, to March 27, '69 ; 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. Jan. 19, '69 ; accepted March 27, '69; unassigned June 14, '69; retired Dec. 15, 70. Service First enlisted in N. Y. City under Capt. John Sproull in the 13th Inf., then commanded by Peter B. Schuyler and Lieut.-Col. Jonn Christie, joining the regiment, which was then in progress of organization at Greenbush, opposite Albany, N. Y.; from here the regiment was ordered to the frontier; was with the regiment at the capture of Fort George, the subsequent pursuit of the enemy, and the battle of Stony Creek; returning to Fort George, the regiment went with Gen. Wilkinson's Army in the movement down the River St. Lawrence, the contemplated attack on Montreal, and participated in the battle of Williamsburg, after which event the regiment went into winter-quarters at French Mills, in '14; the regiment, then at Plattsburg, was ordered to Sackett'a Harbor with the army under command of Gen. Izyard ; upon arrival part of the army was sent to re-enforce the Army of Fort Erie, Can- ada; the others remained at Sackett's Habor until the close of the war with Great Britain ; the regiment was one of those consolidated to form the 5th Inf. and was ordered to Detroit, Mich.; next enlisted at Hudson City, N. Y., in the 2d Inf., Col. Hugh Brady, joining Co. A, Lieut. Griswold commanding, at Sackett's Har- bor, N. Y.; in '21 accompanied five companies of the 2d, Col. Brady commanding, to Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., for the purpose of establishing a military post at that point ; from here, in '26, went with 2 companies of this regiment to the head of Lake Superior as escort to Governor Cass, who proposed effecting a treaty with the Indians ; the means of transportation were batteaux of our own construction, which were rowed the entire way up and back, there being no vessels on the lake at that time ; accompanied the same two companies, A and B, to Mackinac, where they rebuilt the barracks and placed the fort in the best possible order ; thence were ordered to Fort Gratiot, which was found a heap of ruins, and which was at once rebuilt and put in perfect order ; in '32 was ordered to the Black Hawk War, 412 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. MOR or, as the lamented General Scott termed it, " The Cholera Campaign ; " in '34 was promoted to the rank of Principal Musician, and from that time held the rank of Sergeant until he was commissioned ; in '37 was ordered to Florida and took part in the Indian War then in progress, where he served three years and was discharged at Fort King, East Florida, by reason of expiration of service ; in '41 joined the Depot at Bedloe's Island, N. Y. H., and remained at the principal recruiting depot. Moore, Orlando H. (Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Mich. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. June 27, '56 ; accepted July 31, '56; 1st Lieutenant March 2, '61; 1st Lieut 19th Infantry May 14/61 (declined); Captain 6th Infantry May 26, '61; Lieutenant-Colonel 13th Michigan Infantry January 17, '62; resigned July 4, '62: Colonel 25th Mich. Inf. Sept. 22, '62; hon. must, out June 24, '65; Major 6th Inf. June 8, 74; Lieut.-Co). 17th Inf. April 11, '82; retired Sept. 15, '84, disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. July 4, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Tebb's Bend, Kv.; Bvt. Lieut-Col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meri- torious services during the war. Service On frontier duty '56-8 ; en route from Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to Utah and Benicia, Cal., '58 ; on duty on Pacific coast to '61 ; Mustering and Disbursing Officer Illinois '61 (order revoked at his own request) ; Provost Marshal Louisville, Ky., April, '63, to July, '63 ; commanding regiment in the defeat of General Morgan's Division at the battle of Tebb's Bend, Ky.; commanding post of Lebanon, Ky., and 2d Division, 23d Corps; command- ing 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 23d Corps, fall of '64 ; with regiment in South Caro- lina '65-9 ; in Dept of Platte and at various posts to date of retirement Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged against the Cheyenne Indians '57 ; battles of Shiloh and Corinth, Miss.; Tebb's Bend, Ky.; in actions of Columbia, Duck River and Spring Hill ; battles of Nashville and Franklin, Tenn.; en route to Alexandria, Va., and to Cape Fear River, N. C.; engaged in the capture of Fort Anderson, N. C. Moore, Tredwell W. (Second Lieut. 22d Inf.). Born in Nev. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actwil rank 2d Lieut. 22d U. S. Inf. Oct. 30, '84; ac- cepted Oct. 31, '84. Mordecai, Alfred (Lieut. Col. of Ordnance). Born in Penna. June 30, 1840. Retiring year, 1904; app. from at large; graduated at Mil. Acad., class of '61. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. Top. Eng. June 24, '61 ; 2d Lieut. Aug. 3, '61 ; transferred to Ordnance Oct. 23, '61 ; 1st Lieut. March 3, '63; Capt June 1, '63; Major June 23, '64; Lieut Col. Dec. 4, '82. Brevet rank Brevet Major Sept. 7, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Fort Wagner, S. C. ; Brevet Lieut Col. March 13, '65, for distinguished services in the field and faith- ful and meritorious services in the Ordnance Department during the war. Ser- vice Senior Ordnance Officer in Gen. Thomas' army, '64-65 ; Instructor of Ord- nance and Gunnery at M. A., '65-69 ; asst at Rock Island Arsenal, '69-70 ; at Ft. Leavenworth Arsenal and Chief Ordnance Officer Dept of Mo., 70-73 ; comd'g Fort Leavenworth Arsenal, 73-74 ; Instructor of Ordnance and Gunnery at M. A., 74-81 ; at the Watervliet Arsenal, '81-86 ; member of Ordnance Board and Board for Testing Rifled Cannon, '86 to ; at New York Arsenal from '87 to ; mem- ber Board of Ordnance and Fortifications Oct., '88, to . Commands held Fort Leavenworth Arsenal, 70-73 ; Watervliet Arsenal, '81-86 ; New York Arsenal, '87 to . Morgan, Algernon S. M. (Ordnance Storekeeper). Born in Penn. May 9, 1831. Retiring year, 1895 ; app. from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut 12th Pa. Inf. April 25, '61 ; hon. must, out July 31, '61 ; Lieut Col. 63d Pa. Inf. Aug. 1/61; Col. Oct. 6, '62 ; hon. discharged for disability from wounds received in battle ; Ord. Storekeeper Dec. 5, '63 ; accepted Dec. 12, '63 ; Capt. and Ord. Storekeeper July 28, '66. Service Served with Kearny's Division, 3d Corps, in Peninsular Campaign, '61-62 ; on duty at Allegheny Arsenal, '64-75 ; at Rock Island Arse- nal, 75-79 ; at Allegheny Arsenal since 79. Battles, skirmishes, etc.} -Engaged in the battle of "Fair Oaks,"" severely wounded. Morgan, George H. (First Lieut. 3d Cav.). Born in Canada. Appointed from Minn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, 76 ; graduated June MOR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 413 12, '80. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Cav. June 12, '80 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 26, o4. Morgan, Henry C. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 12th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 20, '61 ; Capt. June 16, '63 ; transferred to 30th Inf. Sep. 21, '66 ; retired Feb. 17, '68, loss of left leg from wound in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt Maj. July 2, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; Bvt. Lieut. Col. May 5, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va. Service On recruiting and mustering duty to Jan., '63 ; in the field with the Army of the Potomac, participating in the campaigns of '63-4 ; Mustering Officer, Philadelphia, Dec., '64, to Dec., '65; organizing company at Fort Hamilton, N. Y.; in Washington, D. C., to May, '66 ; on general recruiting service, Pottsville, Penn., to Dec., '67 ; at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor (settling accounts), '67-8. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg; in New York City during the riots, and Qm. at Bedloe's Island, New York Harbor, to Oct., '63 ; in the Mine Run campaign of the Army of the Potomac and battle of the Wilderness (wounded twice, losing left leg by amputation). 'Morgan, James N. (Captain 24th Inf.). Born in 111. Nov. 2, 1839. Retir- ing year 1903; appointed from 111. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 22d 111. Inf. June 25, '61 ; 1st Lieut. March 1, '62 ; Capt. June 13, '62 ; hon. must, out July 7, '64; Capt. 144th 111. Inf. Sep. 10, '64; Maj. Sep. 26, '64 ; Lieut. Col. Mar. 18, '65 ; hon. must, out July 14, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 38th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; ac- cepted Jan. 28, '67 ; 1st Lieut. June 12, '67 ; trans, to 24th Inf. Nov. 11, '69 ; Capt. June 20, 73. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut, and Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Stone River, Tenn.; Bvt. Maj. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of New Hope Church, Ga. Service In the War of the Rebellion, 61-5 ; in the field with the Army of the West, 61-4, participating in the campaigns of those years ; out of service from '65-67, when he was ordered to New Mexico, and has occupied vari- ous stations in Texas and Arizona to '90, his present station being San Carlos, Ariz. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the actions of Charleston and Belmont, Mo., capture of New Madrid, action of Farmington and siege of Corinth, Miss., battle of Nashville, actions of Nolansville, Columbia, battle of Stone River, ac- tions of Dandridge, Dal ton, battle of Resaca, action of Adairsville and battle of New Hope Church, Ga. Morgan, Michael R. (Major and C. S.). Born in Nova Scotia Jan. 18, 1833. Col. and Insp. Sub. Dept. Vols. June 6, '65, to Dec. 29, '65 ; Major and C. S. Nov. 17, '65; Lieut. Col. and Asst. Com. Gen. Aug. 28, '88. Brevet rank Brevet Major, Lieut. Col. and Col. July 6, '64, distinguished services as Chief Commis- sary of Subsistence of the armies operating in the campaign of '64 before Rich- mond, Va. ; Brig. Gen. April 9, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under Gen. Robert E. Lee. Service In garrison at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., 54-55 ; Fort Snelling, Minn., '55-56; Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., '57; on frontier duty at Forts Jones and Miller, Cal., '57, and Nome Lackee Reservation Cal., '57-58; in garrison at Benicia and Fort Miller, Cal., '58; on Spokane Expedition, Wash. T., '58; on frontier duty at Fort Vancouver, W. T., '58; in garrison at Fort Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for practice), '59; on Harper's Ferry Expedi- tion to suppress John Brown's Raid '59; in garrison at Fort Monroe, Va (Artil- lery School for practice), '59-61 ; at Washington, D. C., Aug. 10, 61; ordered to N. Y. City Aug. 16th ; on Expeditionary Corps Sept. 28, '61 ; Chief of Commissariat to the Port Royal Expedition, S. C., to March 31, '62, at which date he was re- lieved from duty in the Department of the South, and ordered to report m person to the Commissary General of Subsistence ; ordered to return to Hilton Head and 414 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. AKMY. MOR resume his duties as C. S. Dep. of the South April 8, '62 ; ordered to report to the Commissary General of Subsistence Oct. 2, '62 ; assigned temporarily to duty in Washington, D. C., Oct. 28, '62; Nov. 8, '62, assigned to 10th Army Corps Bor- dered to report to Maj. Gen. David Hunter, Washington, D. C., Dec. 30, '62; ordered to proceed to Hilton Head, S. C., Dec. 31, '62; announced as Chief C. S. Dep. of the South Jan. 20, '63 ; on leave of absence May 27, '63 ; present on Morris Island during operations against Forts Sumter, Wagner and Gregg July- Nov., '63 ; relieved from duty as Chief C. S. Dep. of the South, and ordered to report to Commanding General 10th Army Corps, in order to be Chief of Staff of 10th Army Corps, May 1, '64 ; appointed Chief C. S. of the Army in the Field, Dep. of Virginia and North Carolina, on the staff of Maj. Gen. B. F. Butler, U. S. Vols., present near Bermuda Hundred, May 5-June 17, '64; announced as Chief C. S. of the armies operating against Richmond ; assigned to duty at Headquarters Armies of the United States as Inspector of the Subsistence Department, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel, June 6, '65 ; ordered to Fort Leavenworth, Ks., to take charge of the Subsistence Depot at that place, Aug. 25, '65 ; announced as Chief C. S., United States Forces, Kansas and Territories, Nov. 6, '65; Lieuten- ant Colonel by assignment, to remain on duty at Fort Leavenworth, Kas., as Pur- chasing and Depot C. S., and to have * * * general charge of the Subsistence Department at the occupied posts supplied by him Dec. 5, '65; relieved from assignment as Inspector of the Subsistence Department Dec. 29, '65; announced as Chief C. S., Dep. of the Missouri, May 28, '66, and served as such (on the staffs of Ma|. Gen. John Pope, U. S. Vols., Maj. Gen. W. S. Hancock, U. S. A., Brevet Maj. en. A. J. Smith, U. S. A., Maj. Gen. P. H. Sheridan, U. S. A., Maj. Gen. J. M. Schofield, U. S. A., and Brig, and Brevet Maj. Gen. John Pope, U. S. A.) at Fort Leavenworth, Kas., to Sept. 12, '68; at Fort Hays, Kas., during the organization, by Maj. Gen. Sheridan, of expedition against hostile Indians, from Sept. 13 to Nov. 19, '68; at Fort Leavenworth Nov. 20, '68, to Sept. 30, '69; at St. Louis, Mo., from Oct. 1, '69, to June 30, '70; and at Fort Leavenworth from July 1, 70, to Nov. 11, '73 ; relieved from duty as Purchasing and Depot C. S. at Fort Leavenworth Oct. 11, '69; ordered to proceed to New Orleans, La., and re- port in person to Chief C. S., Dept. of Louisiana, and on completion of duty to return to his station, Jan. 4, '70 ; ordered to Washington to confer with the Com- missary General of Subsistence and return to his station Sept. 23, '70; assigned to duty as Purchasing and Depot C. S. at Fort Leavenworth Jan. 13, '71 ; ordered to report for duty at the Headquarters Dept. of the East Sept. 12, '73 ; to report to Com. Gen. Mil. Div. of the Atlantic for assignment to duty as Depot and Pur- chasing C. S. at N. Y. City Oct. 31, 73; relieved from duty in Dept. of Missouri Nov. 11, 73; ordered to proceed to Boston, Mass., to inspect accounts of disburs- ing officers of the Quartermaster's and Subsistence Departments, on duty in that city and return to his station Jan. 2, 74; ordered to proceed to Fort Trumbull, Conn., on public business connected with the Subsistence Department, and upon completion thereof to return to his station, July 14, 74; ordered to report to Fort Leavenworth on public business, and upon completion thereof to return to his station, Aug. 6, 74; ordered to Fort Adams, R. I., Independence and Warren, Mass., and Preble, Maine, on duty connected with the Subsistence Department, July 21, 75; ordered to proceed to Fort Monroe, Va., on business connected with the Subsistence Department April 19, 76 ; ordered to proceed to Madison Bar- racks, Forts Ontario, Porter and Niagara, and Plattsburg, N. Y., on business connected with the Subsistence Department, and on completion of the same to return to his station, June 30, 76 ; to perform duties of Chief C. S. Mil. Div. of the Atlantic and Dept. of the East during the temporary absence of the Chief Commissary Dec. 6, 76 ; ordered to report in person to Com. Gen. Dept. of Dak. for assignment to duty as Chief C. S. March 6, 77 ; ordered to report in person to the Commissary General of Subsistence, and upon completion of the duties to re- turn to his station, April 17, 77 ; relieved from duty as Purchasing and Depot C. S. at N. Y. City May 10, 77; announced as Chief C. S. Dept. of Dak. May 12. 77; ordered to inspect the Subsistence Department at posts on the Missouri River, from Fort A. Lincoln upward, and those in the Territory of Montana, May MOR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 415 24, '77 ; ordered to inspect the Subsistence Department at posts situated in Da- kota Territory, east of the Missouri River, Sept. 5, '77 ; ordered to proceed to Fort A. Lincoln, D. T., on public business, and upon completion thereof to return to his station, March 27, '78 ; ordered to proceed to Chicago, 111. (in pursuance of instructions from the Lieutenant General commanding Military Division of the Missouri), on public business, and upon completion thereof to return to his sta- tion, April 8, '78 ; ordered to proceed on public business to Sioux City, la., and Yankton, D. T., thence to inspect the Subsistence Department at certain posts on the Missouri River up to and including Bismarck, April 16, '78 ; station changed from St. Paul, Minn., to Fort Snelling, Minn., the Headquarters of the Depart- ment of Dakota having been removed to that post, June 26, '78 ; ordered to pro- ceed, via Dulufch, Minn., to Bismarck, D. T., on public business, and upon com- pletion thereof to return to his station, July 17, '78; station changed from Fort Snelling, Minn., to St. Paul, Minn., the Headquarters of the Department of Dakota having been re-established in that city, Aug. 9, '78 ; on leave of absence Jan. 3, '79; assigned to duty as Purchasing and Depot C. S. at St. Paul, Minn., in addition to his other duties, April 5, '79 ; ordered to proceed to Fort Peck, M. T., on public business, and upon completion thereof to return to his station, Aug. 9, '79 ; ordered to proceed to Fort Sisseton, D. T., on public business, and upon completion thereof to return to his station May 8, '80 ; ordered to proceed to Chicago, Ills, (in pursuance of instructions from Headquarters Military Division of the Missouri), on public business, and upon completion thereof to return to his station May 12, '80; ordered to make an inspection of the Subsistence Depart- ment at Forts Stevenson and Buford, D. T., and the several posts in the Districts of the Yellowstone and Montana, June 12, '80; ordered to proceed to the Canton- ment Bad Lands, D. T., on public business, and upon completion thereof to return to his station, Oct. 30, '80; station changed from St. Paul, Minn., to Fort Snelling, Minn., the Headquarters of the Department of Dakota having been transferred to that post June 4, '81 ; ordered to proceed to Chicago, Ills, (in ac- cordance with instructions from Headquarters Military Division of the Missouri), on public business, and on completion thereof to return to his station, Aug. 30, '82 ; authorized to proceed to St. Paul, Minn., whenever, in his judgment, the business connected with the Subsistence depot, of which he was in charge, made it necessary, Sept. 2, '81 ; ordered to proceed to Bismarck, D. T., Glendive, M. T., and end of Northern Pacific Railroad track, on public business, and on comple- tion thereof to return to his station, Oct. 17, '81 ; on leave of absence for one month, Jan. 23, '82 ; ordered to proceed on or before Nov. 1, to St. Louis, Mo., for duty as purchasing and Depot C. S. in that city, Sept. 21, '82 ; order so amend- ed as to direct him to proceed to San Francisco, Cal., and report in person to the Com. Gen. Mil. Div. of the Pacific, and Dept. of Cal., for assignment to duty; Chief C. S. of that Div. and Dept. Oct. 2, '82 ; relieved from duty as Chief C. S. Dept. of Dak., Oct. 31, '82; relieved from duty in the Dept. of Dak., Nov. 9, '82; announced Chief C. S. Mil. Div. of the Pacific and Depart, of Cal., Nov. 21, '82, to take effect from Nov. 18, '82 ; ordered to proceed to Fort McDermit, Nev., under special instructions of the Dept. Commander, and upon completion of this duty to return to his station, May 9, ? 84 ; ordered to proceed to Los Angeles, Cal., on business connected with the Subsistence Department and on completion there- of to return to his station, Oct. 23, '84; on leave of absence for one month Dec. 24, '85; leave extended ten days Jan. 19, '86 ; ordered to proceed to Fort Bowie, Arizona, Santa Fe", N. M., and Whipple Barracks, Arizona, on business con- nected with the Subsistence Department, and on completion thereof to return to his station, May 17, '6 ; leave of absence for one month June 16, '86 ; ordered to take station in San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 26, '86 ; ordered to proceed to Fort Gaston, Cal., and such points on the Klamath River, Cal., as he may find neces- sary, under special instructions from the Dept. Commander, and on completion of such duty to return to his station Aug. 12, '87 ; ordered to proceed to Boston, Mass., for duty as Purchasing and Depot C. S. in that city Oct. 6, '87 ; order re- voked Oct. 10, '87; member of G. C. M. at Portland, Oregon, Oct. 31, '87 ; on leave of absence for four months with permission to go beyond the sea June 21, 416 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. MOR '88 ; relieved from dyty in the Division of the Pacific, and upon expiration of leave of absence to report to the Commanding General, Division of the Mo., for duty as Chief C. S. Aug. 30, '88 ; announced as Chief C. S. Div. of the Mo., Oct. 31/88; ordered to proceed to Fort Leaven worth, Kan., Fort Logan, Col., and Forts Bliss and Davis and San Antonio, Texas, on public business, and on com- pletion thereof to return to his station April 29, '89 ; member of an Army Retiring Board at Chicago, Ills., Nov. 18, '89. Battles, skirmishes, etc. On the staff of Lieut. General U. S. Grant, June 16, '64; at siege of Petersburg, June 17-Sept. 28, '64 ; combat of Chapin's Farm, Sept. 29, '64 ; siege of Petersburg, Sept. 30, '64-March 29, '65 ; engagements before Petersburg, March 30 to April 2, '65, and pursuit of the Insurgent Army, terminating April 9, '65, in the capitulation of General R. E. Lee, at Appomattox C. H. Moriarty, Ambrose I. (Second Lieut. 9th Inf.). Born in Conn. ; appointed from Conn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83 ; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank2d Lieut. 6th U. 8. Inf. June 12, '87; resigned Dec. 15, '87 ; app. 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. Dec. 21, '89; accepted Jan. 30, '90. Morris, Arthur (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Va. ; appointed from Md. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th Art. March 24, '62 ; accepted March 27, '62; 1st Lieut. Nov. 12, '63; Capt. Jan. 10, '77; retired Oct. 5, '87, disability in line of duty. Brevet rank JJvt. 1st Lieut. June 30, '62, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of White-Oak Swamp, Va. ; bvt. Capt. Sept. 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Ma. Morris, Charles (Captain 5th Art.). Born in Mass., May 3, 1844. Retiring year 1908. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept 1, '61 ; graduated June 23, '65. Actual raw* 2d Lieut. 19th Inf. June 23, '65 ; 1st Lieut. June 23, '65 ; trans, to 37th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; trans, to 5th Inf. May 19, '69; trans, to 5th Art. Dec. 15, 70; Capt. March 6, '82. Staff positions occupied Adj. 3d Batt., 19th Inf., March 28/66, to Sept. 21, '66; Adj. 37th Inf. Dec. 14, '66, to Oct. 31, '68 ; Reg. Q. M. 5ch Inf. Aug. 10, '69, to June 10, 70 ; Adj. 5th Inf. June 10, 70, to Dec. 15, 70. Morris, Edward R. (First Lieut, and Asst. Surg.). Born in Ind.; appointed from Ind. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surgeon Sept. 17, '85 ; accepted Oct. 2 '85 1 Morris, Louis T. (Major 3d Cav.). Born in Ind. Dec. 21, 1840. Retiring year 1904. Appointed from Ind. Civil life. Actual raw 1st Lieut. 19th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted Sept. 2, '61 ; Capt. Feb. 15, '65; trans, to 28th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; transferred to 37th Infantry Nov. 30, '67; transferred to 3d Infantry Aug. 11, '69; transferred to 8th Cavalry Dec. 29, 73; Major 3d Cavalry April 11, '89. Brevet rank Brevet Captain Sept. 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta Campaign ; Brevet Maior Dec. 16, '64, for gallant and meritorious services during the battle of Nashville, Tenn. Staff positions occupied Q. M. 1st Batt. 19th Inf. Feb. to May, '63; Commissary of musters 1st Div., 14th Corps, staff officer Div. of Cavalry Corps. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5 ; in the field with the Army of the West, and participated in the campaigns of '63-4 ; on the frontier since the war, and engaged in operations against the Cheyennes and Kiowas. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the battles of Hoover's Gap, McElmore's, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge. Buzzard Roost, Dalton, Resaca, New Hope Church, Peach-tree Creek, Atlanta, Columbia, Franklin and Nashville. Morris, Robert M. (Major and Brevet Lieut. Colonel U. S. A.) Born in D. C. Retired. Appointed from D. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, '41, to Jan. 17, '42. Actual ran/: 2d Lieut. M. Rif. May 27, '46 ; accepted June 11, '46; 1st Lieut. June 8, '48 ; Capt. June 14, '58; Mai. 6th Cav. March 11, '63; retired Feb. 21, 73, for disability not incident to the service. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Contreras; Capt. Sept. 13, '47, for gallant and meritorous conduct in the battle of Chapultepec; Maj. Feb. 21, '62, for gallant and meritorious service* in the battle of Valverde, N. M.; Lieut. Col. March 31, '65, for gallant and mer- itorious services in the battle of Dinwiddie Court House, Va. Service In th MOR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 417 War with Mexico '46-8, and served through that war; in the War of the Re- bellion '61-5, and served in the field with the Army of the Potomac ; was also engaged in the battle of Valverde, N. M., as well as those connected with the De- partment in which he served. Morrison, Charles C. (Captain of Ordnance). Born in Ohio May 6, 1849. Retiring year 1913. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '67; graduated June 12, 71. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 6th Cav. June 12, 71; 1st Lieut. Jan. 27, 75; trans, to ord. April 14, 79; Captain June 14, '86. Service Asst. at Nat. Armory, Springfield, Mass., '80-83; at Midvale Steel Works, Pa., '90. Morrison, John F. (Second Lieut. 20th Inf.). Born at Charlotteville, N. Y., Dec. 20, '57. Retiring year 1921 ; app. from N. Y. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '81 ; graduated from Inf. and Cav. School, Fort Leaven worth, Kan., Class of '85. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 20th Inf. June 11, '81. Service Professor of Military Science and Tactics at Kansas State Agricultural College from Aug. 11, '87, to . Morrison, John T. (Captain U. S. Army). Born in New York. Retired. Appointed from Minn. Civil life. Actual rank Private and Corp. Co. A, 1st Minn. Inf., April 29, '61 ; discharged March 11, '62; 1st Lieut. Adjt. 2d Minn. Cav., Oct. 20, '63 ; hon. must, out Nov. 17, '65; 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Cav., March 7, '67; accepted May 4, '67; 1st Lieut., July 31, '67; Captain Dec.*19, '82; re- tired Dec. 23, '87, disability in line of duty. Staff positions occupied Reg. Qm. 10th Cav., June 30, 75, to Aug. 31, 78; Adjt. 10th Cav., Nov. 18, '81, to Dec. 21, '82. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion, '61-65 ; part of the time with the Army of the Potomac, and from Oct., '63, to '65, in the Northwest. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at first battle of Bull Run, actions of Ball's Bluff and Berryville, Va.; engaged in actions against Sioux Indians on the upper Missouri River. Morrison, Theophilus W. (Captain 16th Inf.). Born in Indiana, March 4, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from Indiana. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 18th Indiana Inf., Aug. 16, '61 ; 1st Lieut., Nov. 1, '62 ; hon. must, out Feb. 27, '63 ; Captain and A. A. G. Vol., Feb. 27, '63 ; accepted Feb. 28, '63; resigned Jan. 25, '65; Lieut. Col. 146th Indiana Inf., April 25, '65; hon. must, out August 31, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 34th Inf., July 28, '66 ; accepted Feb. 5, '67 ; transferred to 16th Inf., April 14, '69 ; 1st Lieut, Aug. 6, 73 ; Captain, Sept. 6, '86. Service With regiment to Feb., '62; in the campaign in Missouri, under General Fremont; Asst. Adjt.-Gen. 14th Army Corps, Aug., '64. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. and Acting Asst. Adjt.-Gen. on the staff of General Jeff. C. Davis, commanding Division. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle of Pea Ridge, and in campaign in Mississippi, under Generals Pope and Rosecrans ; engaged at the action of Nolansville and battle of Stone River ; engaged at the battles of Chickamauga and Chattanooga, Sherman's campaign to Knoxville, Tenn., and in actions of Dalton, and Dallas, battles of Resaca, Kenesaw, Peach- tree Creek, and in front of Atlanta, Ga.; engaged at the battle of Jonesboro', Ga., and campaign to Savannah, Ga. Morrow, Albert P. (Lieutenant-Colonel 6th Cavalry). Born in Illinois; March 10, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Actual rank Sgt. Co. K, 17th Pa. Inf., April 18, '61 ; discharged Aug. 1, '61; Sgt. Co. C, 1st Sgt. Co. I, and Sgt. Major 6th Pa. Cav., Sept. 9, '61, to March 27, '62 ; 9 d Lieut. 6th Pa. Cav., March 27, '62; 1st Lieut., Nov. 20, '62; Captain Feb. 8, Z 4; Major, Feb. 10, '65; Bvt. Col., March 13, '65; Lieut.-Col. 6th Pa. Cav., March 29, '65; hon. must, out Aug. 6, '65 ; Captain 7th U. S. Cav., July 28, '66; accepted October 26, '66 ; Major 9th Cav., March 6, '67 ; accepted April 20, '67 , Lieut.-Col. 6th Cav., Dec. 17, '82. Brevet rank Bvt. Col. Vol., March 13, '65, for conspicuous gallantry in action. Staff position occupied Col. A. D. C. to the Gen., Jan. 1, '81, to June 1, '83. Honorably mentioned Commended by Col. Hatch, commanding District of New Mexico, '80, for his persistent pursuit of Indians, in which he exerted himself to such an extent as to produce a dangerous hem- orrhage. Service Served with his first regiment in the defenses of Washington, 418 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. MOR the Rockville expedition and Patterson's operations in the Shenandoah Valley, and with the cavalry regiment in the Army of the Potomac, until captured by the enemy near White House, Va., June 13, '62 ; prisoner of war at Richmond, Va., to Aug. 12, '62 ; with regiment from Sept., '62, to May 3, '63, when captured at Chancellorsville, Va.; prisoner of war to May 25, '63 ; with regiment to July 13, '63 ; A. I. D. C. to Gen. John Buford to Dec. 16, '63 ; with regiment in the Army of the Potomac to July, '64; in the Shenandoah Valley to March, '65, and in the operations against Richmond, Va., to March 31, '65, when wounded in action at Dinwiddie Court-House, Va.; with 7th Cav. Dec. 20, '66, at Fort Hays, Kansas, to May 18, '67; with 9th Cav. at Brownsville, Texas, from June to Dec., '67; at Fort Mclntosh, Texas, to Feb. 22, '68 ; at Fort Clark, Texas, to Dec., '68 ; and at Fort Quitman, Texas, to March, '69 ; on court martial duty at San Antonio, Texas, to Aug. 19. '69; at Fort Quitman to April 3, '70; expedition in the field to May 26, '70; Fort Quitman, Texas, to Feb. 7, '71 ; expedition against Indians to March 29, 71; Fort Quitman, Texas, to August 10, '72; on duty at Fort Clark, Texas, to Nov. 24, '72 ; and at Fort McKavett, Texas, to June 16, 73; with battalion in the field to Aug. 5, 73 ; member of Board for the purchasing of lands for the U. S. in Texas, at San Antonio, Texas, to Feb., 74 ; on duty at Fort Concho, Texas, to August 23,74; with battalion in the field under Colonel Mackenzie in the Indian Territory to Jan. 15, 75 ; on duty at Fort Clark, Texas, to Feb. 15, 76 ; with battalion en route to New Mexico to April 3, 76 ; post of Fort Bayard, N. M., to July 25, 76 ; in the field, campaign against Indians to Sept. 1, 76; at Fort Bayard to Nov. 17, 76; on sick leave and surgeon's certifi- cate of disability to Sept. 3, 77 ; at Fort Union, N. M., to April 3, 78; in the field with expedition against the Ute Indians to Sept. 9, 78 ; at Fort Union, N. M., to Dec. 2, 78; at Fort Bayard, N. M., to Jan. 30, 79; on scout in the field to Feb. 10, 79 ; at Fort Bayard, N. M., to March 29, 79 ; on scout in the field to April 13, 79 ; at Fort Bayard, N. M., to Jan. 5, '80 ; with battalion of troops in the field, N. M., operating against hostile Indians to June 12, '80 ; at Fort Bay- ard, N. Mt, from June 12 to July 27, '80, when he again left for the field, and on Aug. 22, '80, proceeded to Washington, D. C., to receive instructions, having been designated as one of the officers to witness the manceuvres of the French Army during that autumn, and on the completion of that duty he was granted a delay in returning to the United States until Jan., '81, when appointed A. D. C. to the General and served till June 1, '83, when relieved at his own request, at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., from July 27 to Sept. 24, '83 ; at various posts in Dept. of Ariz, to present time. Commands held Fort Quitman, Texas, Aug. 19, '69, to April 3, 70; battalion in field June 6 to Aug. 5, 73; com. battalion in field Aug. 23, 74, to Jan. 15, 75 ; battalion en route to N. M. Feb. 15, 76, to April 3, 76 ; post of Fort Bayard, N. M., April 3, 76, to July 25, 76 ; Fort Bayard, N. M., Sept. 1, 76, to Nov. 17, 76 ; post of Fort Union, N. M., Sept. 3, 77, to April 3, 78 ; ex- pedition against the Ute Indians April 3, 78, to Sept. 9, 78 ; Fort Union, N. M., to Dec. 2, 78; Fort Bayard, N. M., to Jan. 30, 79; battalion of troops in the field, N. M., Jan. 5, '80, to June 12, '80; Fort Bayard till July 27, '80 ; Fort Huachuca, Ariz., July 27 to Sept. 24, '83, and various posts in Dept. of Ariz, to present time. Morrow, Henry A. (Colonel 21st Inf.). Born in Virginia, July 10, 1829. Retiring year 1893. Appointed from Mich. Civil life. Actual rankPrvt. Co. C, D. C. and Md. Inf., May 18, '46 ; discharged May 30, '47; Col. 24th Mich. Inf. Aug. 15, '62; Brevet Major Gen. March 13, '65; hon. must, out July 19, '65; Lieut. Col. 36th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Jan. 17, '67 ; transferred to 13th Inf. March 15, '69; Col. 21st Inf. April 27, 79. Brevet rank Brevet Colonel March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Hatcher's Run, Va.,Feb. 6, '65; Brevet Brig. Gen. Vol. Aug. 1, '64, for gallant and distinguished services during the campaign before Richmond, Va. ; Brevet Major Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, for distinguished and conspicuous gallantry and for good conduct before Petersburg, Va. Service In the War of the Rebellion, '61-^5 ; in the field with the Army of the Potomac, '62-5 ; participated inthe campaigns of that army, '62-6; on frontier duty in Dept. of thePlatte to 79; on Pacific coast to '82; in MOR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 419 the field in command of troops in Southern Kansas at Crisfield, '85 ; at Fort Sid- ney, Neb., to present time. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle of Fredericksburg ; action of Fitzhugh Crossing ; battles of Chancellorsville, Gettys- burg (wounded), Wilderness (wounded) and Dabney's Mills, Va. (severely wounded), in the War of the Rebellion. Commands held Commanding Brig, winter of '63 to '64 ; expedition to Port Royal, Va., April, '63 ; expedition to Westmoreland Court-House, Va., June, '63 ; Brig, in the operations of the Army of the Potomac under Gen. Grant, and assigned to duty according to his brevet rank of Brig. Gen. U. S. Vol. ; commanding Brigs, of Inf. and Cav. at Crisfield, Kan., during Indian hostilities, '85. Morse, Benjamin C. (Second Lieut. 23d Inf.) Born in Macon, Mo., Oct.. 15, 1859. Retiring year 1923. Appointed from Mich. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '84. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 23d Inf. June 15, '84. Service Sta- tioned at Forts Brady and Mackinac, Mich. Staff positions occupied Post. Adj., A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., Post Treas. and Act. Sig. Officer at various times at Forts Brady and Mackinac, Mich. Morse, Charles E. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in England. Appointed from the army. Retired. Actual rank Prvt. and Sergt. Cos. C and B, 1st and 2d Batt., and Q. M. Sergt. 2d Batt., 17th Inf., June 8, '63, to Oct. 16, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 17th Inf. Oct. 9, '65; 1st Lieut. Oct. 9, '65 ; accepted Oct. 16, '65; transferred to 26th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; Captain Oct. 2, '68 ; unassigned May 19, '69 ; assigned to 16th Inf. Dec. 31, '70; retired Nov. 26, '84, disability in line of duty. Staff posi- tions occupied kd). 3d Batt., 17th Inf., Oct. 30, '65. to Sept. 21, '66; A. D. C. Oct. 2, '66, to Nov. 1, '66, Dec. 28, '67, to Dec. 22, '68, April 8, '69, to Jan. 31, '71. Morton, Alfred (Captain 9th Inf.). Born in Maine, Jan. 16, 1834. Retiring year 1898. Appointed from Cal. Civil life. Actual rank Sergt. Co. F and Com. Sergt. 2d Cal. Cav. Sept. 13, '61, to Jan. 6, J 62; 1st Lieut. 2d Cal. Inf. Jan. 6, 62 ; Captain Feb. 14, '63 ; hon. must, out Nov. 25, 64 ; Major 7th Cal. Inf. Nov. 25, '64; hon. must, out March 17, '66; 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. March 3, '66; accepted May 15, '66; 1st Lieut. July 28, '66 ; Captain March 20, 79. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 9th Inf. June 1, '66, to March 20, 79. Service On duty in California; engaged in an expedition against the Indians in the Humboldt Mil. Dist., summer '63; Prov. Mar. of San Francisco and California ; joined 9th Inf. in '66 ; on duty in California to '69 ; at various posts in the Dept. of the Platte and Arizona to '69. Morton, Charles (Captain 3d Cavalry). Born in Ohio March 18, '46. Re- tiring year 1910 ; appointed from Mo. Cadet at U. S. Military Academv July 1, '65 ; graduated June 15, '69. Actual rankPvi. Co. I, 13th and 25th Mo. Inf., and Co. H, 1st Mo. Eng., July 29, '61, to Sept. 14, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Cav. June 15, '69; 1st Lieut. Sept. 25, 76; Capt. Nov. 17, '83. Honorably mentioned Com- mended by Gen. Davidson and presented by him with a pistol for gallantry in leading a battalion of Cavalry in a charge on a guerrilla camp; publicly thanked by the people of Arizona by a series of resolutions passed at a mass-meeting held in Arizona, and presented with a pair of pistols for successfully defeating Apache Indians; complimented in G. O. Hdqrs. Dept. of Arizona and recommended to Congress for brevet for gallantry in action ; recommended for promotion for con- spicuous conduct at the battle of the " Rosebud," June 17, 76. Service Joined July 29, '61, at Cameron, Mo.; captured on steamer " Little Blue" at Napoleon, Mo., Sept., 61, at the siege of Lexington, but escaped without parole, his entire regiment being captured at that siege; left Benton Barracks, St. Louis, Mo., March 25, '62, on the steamer " Continental," and arrived at Pittsburg Landing March 28, '62 ; participated in the siege of Corinth and the campaign of the Army of "Southeast Missouri"; in the campaign down the Mississippi and against the rebel Gen. Forrest in Western Tenn.; his regiment was consolidated with the Engineer Corps of the West at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 17, '64, forming the 1st Eng. Mo. Vols.; assigned to Co. H as artificer, serving on the Nashville and Northwestern R. R., siege of Atlanta, and participating in the flank movement around Atlanta ; discharged Sept. 14, '64, having participated with his regiment in all its marches, campaigns, skirmishes and battles ; organized the Enrolled Militia in three counties in Mo. to meet the invasion of the rebel Genral Price, 420 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. MOR and participated in the engagements on Fishing River, Mo., Oct. 15, '64, where the guerrilla chieftain, " Bill Anderson," and many of his band (composed of the notorious James and Younger brothers and like characters) were killed, June 15, '69 ; was assigned to the 3d Cav. and joined his troop (A) at Fort Union, N. M.; was sent to Sheridan, Kan., and conducted to Fort Union a detachment of recruits, Dec., '69, encountering heavy storms; served at Cimarron, Ute Agency, winter of '69- 70; with his regiment from Fort Union, N. M., to and at Camp Rawlins, Ariz., Feb. 20 to August 10, 70 ; with troop at Camp Verde, Ariz., from August 16, 70, to Dec. 11,71, making plans, estimates and practically building Fort Verde; while in temporary command of troop in June, 71, was ordered in pursuit of a hostile band of Tonto and Final Apaches that had attacked Agua Trio Ranch, killed the herders and driven off 160 head of horses, mules and cattle, following them into Tonto Basin, having four successive and successful engagements ; ac- companied regiments to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he remained until he took a month's leave from March 24, 72, rejoining at Sidney Barracks, Neb.; served until April 5, 75, performing active scouting duty most of the time ; was with the expedition after the renegade Cheyennes, spring of 75, and Engineer Officer of the Black Hills' expedition, May 25 to Oct. 19, 75, and engineer duty at Omaha, Neb., Nov. and Dec., 75, making maps from his field notes, which comprised the first authentic information of that unexplored region ; at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., winter of 75-6, and with the Big Horn expedi- tion February and March, 76, participating in all the skirmishes of that expedition ; with the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition summer and fall of 76; served at Fort Laramie, Wyo., from November 1, 76, to July 5, 77 ; on leave from July 5 to Oct. 26, 77 ; with troop on winter expedition to the Black Hills of Dakota from Fort Laramie Dec., 77 and Jan., 78, and expedition to Little Missouri from Fort Laramie to Sept. 10, 78, when he was selected for the Mounted Recruiting Service; at the Cavalry Depot, Jefferson Barracks, Mo., from October 1. 78, to February 1, '81; en route to his troop at Fort McKinney, Wyo., till May 11, '81, and on duty with troop, at the latter post, until it was ordered to Dept, of Arizona, May 2, '82, upon the outbreak of tne Apache Indians at San Carlos, taking station at Fort Thomas, Ariz., May 24, '82 ; participated in the hard field work and accompanied expedition after hostile Apaches ; at Fort Thomas with troop till June, '84, when he went into camp on the White Mount- ain Indian Reservation, taking station at Fort Apache, Oct. 12 the same year ; promoted Captain, but remained by transfer with the troop, of which he had been both Second and First Lieutenant ; ordered to the Dept. of Texas, and marched with his troop from Fort Apache, March 25, and arrived at his station, Fort Con- cho, June 1, '85 ; by direction of the Secretary of War, he left Fort Concho, April I, '86, went to Arizona, and accompanied the remains of Captain Emmet Craw- ford, of his regiment, killed in action by Mexicans, to Kearney, Neb., for inter- ment, taking a leave from the completion of that duty till June 16, '86 ; serving at Fort Concho until Sept. 12, '87, when he marched with his troop to Fort Clark, Texas, arriving Sept. 23 ; serving there until May 9, '88, when he marched to old Fort Duncan, on the Rio Grande, at Eagle Pass, Texas, where he has been in com- mand since May 10th of that year. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Siege of Lexington, Mo., Sept., '61 ; battle of Shiloh ; siege of Corinth ; siege of Atlanta, Ga. ; engage- ment on Fishing River Oct. 15, '64; Crazy Horse Village, Wyo., March 17, ':> ; skirmish on Tongue River June 9, 76 ; battle of the Rosebud June 17, 76 ; skirmish at Slim Buttes June 17, 76 ; engagement on Chevelon's Fork, Arizona, July 17, '82. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. 3d Cav. Feb. 20 to Aug. 10, 70 ; A. A. Q. M., A. C. S and Post Adjutant at Fort Verde, Ariz., Aug. 16, 70, to Dec. II, 71; Adjt. Cav. Batt. at Fort D. A. Russell; Post Adit, at Sidney Barracks, Neb., from April 24, 72, to April 5, 75 ; A. C. S. at Fort D. A. Russell winter of 75-76 ; Adjt. Big Horn expedition Feb. and March, 76 ; Reg. Adjt. and Q. M. of Cavalry with the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition ; Post Adjutant at Fort Laramie Nov. 1, 76, to July 5, 77 ; Post Adjt, and Treasurer at Cav. Depot, Jeff- erson Barracks, Mo., from Oct. 1, 78, to Feb. 1, '81 ; Post Adjutant at Fort Thomas July 17, '82, to June, '84. Command* held Commanded Co. in engagement on MUL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 421 Fishing River, Mo., Oct. 15, '64 ; troop at Fort Verde, Ariz., June, 71 ; troop Sept. 25, '76, to Sept. 10, 78 ; troop Dec., 77, and Jan., 78; Fort Thomas from July 17, '82, to June, '84 ; Fort Duncan, Texas, from May 10, '88, to present time. Morton, Charles G. (Second Lieut. 6th Inf.), Born in Me.; appointed from Mass. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 79 ; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank2d Lieut. 6th Inf. June 13, '83. Moseley, Edward B. (Captain and Asst. Surg.). Born in Pa.; appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg Nov. 10, 74 ; accepted Nov. 20, 74 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Nov. 10, 79. Mosner, Theodore (First Lieut. 22d Inf.). Born in Md.; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt and Sgt. Sig. Corps from Aug. 8, 70, to April 20, 77; 2d Lieut. 22d Inf. April 19, 77 ; expired by Con. Lim. Dec. 3, 77 ; re-app. Jan. 26, 78, with rank from April 19, 77; accepted April 20, 77; 2d Lieut. 22d Inf. Jan. 26, 78 ; accepted Jan. 28, 78 ; 1st Lieut. Sep. 22, '82. Mott, T. Bentley (Second*Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in Va.; appointed from Va. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 1st Art. July 1, '86 ; 2d Lieut. July 7, '86. Mott, Wallace (First Lieut. 8th Inf.). Born in New York, April 4, 1847. Retiring year 1911. App. from New York ; graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of 71. Actual rank2d Lieut 8th Inf. June 12, 71 ; 1st Lieut. July 26, '80. Service On duty at the Military Academy since March, '84. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 8th Inf. March 1, '82, to Feb. 29, '84. Moylan, Myles (Captain 7th Cav.). Born in Mass. Dec. 17, 1838. Retiring year 1902 ; appointed from the army. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl., Sergt. and 1st Sergt. Co. C, 2d Drag, and 2d Cav. June 8, '57, to March 28, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Cav. Feb. 19, '63; accepted March 28, '63; out of service Oct. 20, '63; Pvt. and tiergt. Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav., Dec. 2, '63, to Jan. 25, '64; 1st Lieut. 4th Mass. Cav. Jan. 25, '64 ; Capt. Dec. 1, '64 ; Bvt. Major April 9, '65 ; hon. must, out Nov. 14, '65; Pvt. and Corpl. Gen. Mtd. Ser.; Pvt. and Sgt. Major 7th Cav., Jan. 25, '66, to Dec. 16, '66; 1st Lieut. 7th Cav. July 28, '66; accepted Dec. 16, '66 ; Captain March 1, 72. Brevet rank Bvt. Major Vol. April 9, '65, for gallant and distin- guished services during the late campaign in Va. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 7th Cav. Feb. 21, '67, to Dec. 31, 70. Service On frontier duty from '57 to '61 ; in the War of the Rebellion '61-5 ; in the field with the Army of the Potomac, '63-4; out of service Oct., '63, to Jan., '64; at Hd. Qrs. 24th Corps and engaged in the terminating campaign of the Army of the Potomac, '65 ; on frontier duty, '66-7 ; in Kentucky and on the frontier to '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the actions of Beverly Ford, Aldie, Upperville, Ashby's Gap, Williams' Ford, Boonsboro', Funkstown, battle of Gettysburg, actions of Brandy and Bristoe Sta- tions. Muhlenberg-, John C. (Major and Paymaster). Born in Pa. July 21, 1848. Retiring year 1912; appointed from Pa. civil life. Actual rank Major P. M. March 20, '82; accepted April 6, '82. Muir, Charles H. (Second Lieut. 17th Inf.). Born in Michigan. Appointed from Mich. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '81 ; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rank2d Lieut. 17th Inf. June 14, '85. Mulhall, Stephen J. (First Lieut. 14th Inf.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from the army. Actual rank Pvt. and Mus. 4th Art. June 25, '62, to June 25, '65 ; Pvt. and Mus. Co. I, 42d Inf. and 6th Inf. July 20, '67, to July 23, '69 ; Pvt. Gen. Ser. July 7, 75 ; discharged March 18, 76; 2d Lieut. 14th Inf. Feb. 29, 76 ; accepted March 18, 76 ; 1st Lieut. July 1, '88. M/ulliken, James B. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born at New Brunswick, N. J., Nov. 1, 1836. Retired; app. from Ind. Civil life. Actual rank Capt. 35th Inf. Dec. 9, '61; hon. must, out Nov. 24, '61 ; Prv. and Sergt. Co. A., 124th Ind. Inf., Oct. 8, '63, to March 16, '64 ; 1st Lieut. 25th U. S. Col. Inf. March 16, '64 ; trans- ferrred to 97th U. S. Col. Inf. Dec. 7, '65 ; hon. must, out April 30, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. Feb. 23, '66; accepted May 1, '66 ; 1st Lieut. July 18, '66 ; unassigned March 23, '69; retired Dec. 15, 70. Service Provost Marshal, Bardstown, Ky., Dec., '61 ; Com. steamer " Emma Duncan," Cumberland River fleet, Feb., '62 ; 422 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. MtTR Provost Marshal 5th Cong. Dist. of Ind. during May, '63 ; Chief Mustering and Disbursing Officer Eastern District of Pennsylvania May, '65, to Sept. 6, '66 ; at Fort Gratiot, Mich., Sept., '66, to March, '67 ; Cheyenne and Sioux Campaigns, '67-8 ; Military Commissioner, Brunswick Co., Va., '69. Staff positions occupied Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Fort Gratiot, Mich., Sept., '66, to March, '67. Battles, skirmishes, etc. At capture of Nashville, Tenn., Feb., '62 ; in skirmish at Mount Pleasant, Tenn., April, '62 ; engaged in the battle of Perryville, Ky., Oct. 8, '62, where he was wounded. Mullins, George Q. (Chaplain 25th Inf.). Born in Ky. Appointed from 111. Ciril life. Actual rank Chaplain 25th Inf. Jan. 20, 75 ; accepted Feb. 15 '75. Mumford, Thomas S. (First Lieut. 13th Inf.). Born in Texas. Appointed from Md. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '67 ; graduated June 12, 71. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 9th Cav. June 12, 71 ; transferred to 13th Inf. June 13, 72 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 8, 73. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 13th Inf. March 1, '82, to Sept. 1, '86. Munday, Benjamin (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Va. Appointed from Va. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. May 23, '82 ; accepted June 20, '82 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. May 23, '87. Munn, Curtis B. (Major and Surgeon). Born in Vt. in Feb., 1836. Retiring year, 1900; Appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank flosp. Stwd. 1st Mass. Vol. Cav. Dec. 21, '61 ; discharged July 10, '63 ; Asst. Surg. 27th Mass. Vol. Inf. July 11, '63; hon. must, out Dec. 30, '64; Surg. 2d Mass. Vol. Inf. Jan. 19, '65 ; hon. must, out July 14, '65 ; Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Nov. 16, '68 ; accepted Dec. 5, '68; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Dec. 23, '69; Maj. and Surg. March 26, '89. Munson, Jacob P. (Captain 6th Inf.). Born in N. Y. Nov. 19, 1832. Re- tiring year, 1896 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. C, 83d N. Y. Inf., Sept. 14, '61, to Oct. 21, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 83d N. Y. Inf. Oct. 21, '63 ; hon. must, out June 23, '64; 2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Vet. Inf. Dec. 31, '64; Bvt. Capt. March 13, '65 ; hon. must, out Feb. 15, '66; 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. May 11, '66 ; accepted May 28, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 31, '66 ; Capt. Dec. 15, '80. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Vol. and Bvt. Capt. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Vol. Sept. 1, '65, to Nov. 18, '65 ; Adjt 6th Inf. Apr. 1, '67, to April 22, '69, and from May 29, '69, to Jan. 31, 75. Murphy, John (First Lieut. 14th Inf.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank- Pvt., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. det. Drag, and Co. D, 5th Art., May 21, '58, to May 21, '63; Pvt., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. det. Cav. and Co. I, 5th Art, June 4, '67, to Aug. 21, '67; 2d Lieut. 14th Inf. Aug. 16, '67; accepted Aug. 21, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 1, 76. Murray, Arthur (First Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in Mo. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1,70; graduated June 17,74. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Art. June 17, 74 ; 1st Lieut. June 14, 78. Serrice Actg. Judge-Advocate Dept. of the Mo., with the rank of Capt. of Cav. from Oct. 12/87. Murray, Ounliffe H. (First Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in S. C. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 73 ; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th Cav. June 15, 77 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 2, 79. Murray, Robert (Brigadier General U. S. A.). Born in Md. Appointed from Md. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank Assist. Surg. June 29, '46 ; accepted July 10, '46 ; Capt. and Aast. Surg. June 29, '51 ; Maj. and Surg. June 23, '60 ; Lieut. Col. Asst. Med. Pur. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 17, '66 ; Col. and Surg. June 26, 76 ; accepted Aug. 8, 76 ; Col., Asst. Surg. Gen. Dec. 14, '82 ; Brig. Gen., Surg. Gen. Nov. 23, '83 ; accepted Nov. 26, '83 ; retired Aug. 6, '86, by opera- tion of law. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut. Col. and Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service At Fort Gratiot, Mich., to Sep., '46 ; en route to Cal., Sept., '46 ; at Los Angeles, Monterey and Camp Far West, Cal., to Oct., '50 ; at Fort Independence, Boston, Mass., to Jan., '52 ; in New York City to April, '54; in Cal. to June, '61 ; surg. U. S. Army, June, '60 ; in Washington, D. C., July to Sept., '61 ; medical director and Purveyor, Depart- MYR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 423 ment of the Cumberland, to Dec., '62 ; medical purveyor, Philadelphia, to April, '65 ; medical purveyor, Military Division of the Pacific, San Francisco, Cal.; medical purveyor, San Francisco, Cal., '67 to 76 ; medical director Division of Missouri, 78 to '82 ; appointed asst. surg. gen. Dec., '82 ; medical director Div. of the Atlantic and Dept. of the East Sept., '82, to Nov., '83 ; at Washington, D. C., until retired. Murry, Alexander (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Retired; appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '47, to Jan. 10, '48 ; 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. March 3, '55 ; accepted March 28, '55 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 19, '61 ; transferred to 13th Inf. May 14, '61 ; Capt. Oct. 24, '61 ; re- tired March 3, '64, disability in line of duty. Myer, Albert L. (Capt. llth Inf.). Born in N. Y. Nov. 14, 1846. Retiring year 1910; appointed from the Army. Actual rankPvt. Co. " F," 3d Batt., llth Inf., and Sgt. and Q. M. Sgt. Co. " F," 29th Inf., Oct. 26, '65, to June 11, '68 ; 2d Lieut. 29th Inf. Dec. 6, '67 ; accepted June 12, '68 ; trans, to llth Inf. April 25, '69 ; 1st Lieut. June 28, 78 ; Captain Dec. 8, '86. Myers, John B. (First Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from Neb. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '69; graduated June 13, 73. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Art. June 13, 73 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 20, '80. Myrick, John R. (Captain 3d Art. and Brevet Major). Born in New Jersey, Nov. 9, 1841. Retiring year 1905. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Priv. Co. B, 13th N. Y. S. M., April 23, '61 ; discharged Aug. 6, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Art., Nov. 18, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 18, '61 ; accepted Nov. 18, '61 ; Capt. 38th Inf. (declined), July 28, '66 ; Capt. 3d Art., Dec. 1, 72. Brevet rank Brevet Capt. Feb. 20, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Olustee, Fla. ; Major Oct. 7, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in action on the Newmarket Road, near Richmond, Va. Service Served at Annapolis and Baltimore, Md., from April 23 to Aug. 6, '61 ; served with battery M, 3d Art., to Dec., '61 ; Ordered to join Battery D, 3d Art., on Pacific coast ; served with Battery at Alcatraz Island, Cal., Jan., '62, to Aug., '62 ; left Alcatraz Island, Cal., Aug. 21, '62, to join Light Co. E, 3d Art. ; joined Light Co. E, 3d Art., at Hil- ton Head, S. C., Sept. 25, '62 ; served with it at Hilton Head, S. C., until June, '63; at Folly and Morris Island, S. C., until Feb. 1, '64; in Florida, Feb., '64; absent wounded and in hospital at Annapolis, Md., until May, '64 ; joined May, '64, and served with Light Co. E, 3d Art., at Bermuda Hundred, Va. ; at Raleigh, N. C., from April 14, '65, to Nov., '66 ; with Battery I at Portsmouth, N. H., July to Oct., '67 ; on duty at Regimental Headquarters at Fort Adams, R. I., till Feb., '69 ; at Key West, Fla., till April, 71 ; at Charleston, S. C., till Nov., 72; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., till May, 73; joined May 5, 73, Battery M, 3d Art., David's Island, N. Y., till April, 74 ; then transferred to Battery A, 3d Art. ; instructor at Artillery School U. S. A., Fort Monroe, Va., till May, 75 ; then transferred to Battery I, 3d Art., at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., till Oct., 76 ; at Columbia, Blackville and Charleston, S. C. Presidential election till Dec., 76 ; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., till Feb., 77; at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., till July, 77 ; at Baltimore, Md., Piedmont and Martinsburg, W. Va., and Mauch Chunk, vuu, ou ; joined Battery A, m. j.'uibiu.is.u.ciiij', -LU.U., v^w. ^. t w r w nj*.** *.v t ^-^ , -^^. staff duty to April, '88 ; on leave to Nov., '88 ; at Fort McHenry, Md., from Nov. 9, '88, to . Staff positions occupied Post Adj. at Alcatraz Island, Cal., , '62, to Aug., '62; Post Adj. at Raleigh, N. C., during summer of '66; Acting Judge Advocate, Dept. of South and Second Military District, Charleston, S. C., Nov., '66, to July, '67 ; A. D. C. to Major-Gen. D. E. Sickles, U. S. V., March 21, to July 20, '67 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Portsmouth, N. H., July to Oct., '67 ; Adj. 3d Art., Oct. 10, '67, to Dec. 1, 72 ; A. D. C. to Bvt. Maior-Gen. Terry, U. S. A., Fort Snelling, Minn., April 7, '82, to March 3, '83 ; Acting Judge Advocate Dept. of Dak., April 7, '82, to Oct. 1, '85 ; A. D.C. to Maj.-Gen. A. H. Terry, U. S. 424 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. NEI A., April 14, '86, to April 4, '88. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at capture of Morris Island, Forts Wagner and Gregg, and bombardment of Fort Sumter, S. C., until Sep., '63 ; at Folly Island, S. C., until Feb., '64 ; in Florida, at battle of Olus- tee, Feb. 20, 64 (wounded) ; at Bermuda Hundred, Va. ; in front of Petersburg, Va. ; in front of Richmond, Va. ; battle of Darbytown road, Oct. 7, '64 ; first Fort Fisher expedition ; second expedition to and capture of Fort Fisher, N. C. ; march from Fort Fisher to Raleigh, N. C. Commands held Comdg. Light Co. E, from Oct. 21 to Nov. 20, '62 ; from June to Oct., '63 ; and from May, 64, to Oct., '65 ; commanding post at Mount Vernon Bks., Ala., Nov., '81 to April 2, '82; at Fort McHenry, Md., March 11 to June 5, and from Oct. 20 to Nov. 1, '89. Nance, John T. (Second Lieut. 2d Cav.) Born in Illinois. Appointed from Illinois. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. July 1, '86. Nash, William H. (Captain and C. S., Bvt. Major). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank Capt. Com. Sub. Nov. 26, '62 ; accepted Dec. 18, '62; vacated Dec. 15, 65; Capt. Com. Sub. U. S. A. Nov. 17, '65; accepted Dec. 15, '65. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Nov. 17, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the Sub. Dept. during the war; Maj. Vol. March 31, '65, for gallant and distinguished services. Service First entered service as Military Telegraph Operator at Parkersburg, W. Va., June 1, '61, serving as such until Nov. 26, '62; served during the remainder of the War of the Rebellion, and at various posts in the country to the present time. Nave, Andrew H. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Tenn. Retired. Appointed from Tenn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '67 ; graduated June 12, 71. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th U. S. Cav. June 12, 71 ; 1st Lieut. June 25, 76; Capt. Jan. 16, '84; retired Sept. 23, '85, for disability in the line of duty. Nave, Orville J. (Post Chaplain). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Actual rankPvt. Co. "A," lllth 111. Inf., Aug. 14, '62; discharged June 6, '65; Post Chaplain July 27, '82; accepted Aug. 14, '82. Neall, John M. (Second Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in California. Appointed from Nev. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 79; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Cav. June 13, '83. Neary, William C. (Second Lieut. 3d Inf.). Born in Georgia. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. and Corpl. Co. F, Batt. Eng., from Oct. 2, '84, to March 15, '88 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Inf. Feb. 6, '88 ; accepted March 16, '88. Neide, Horace (Captain 4th Inf.). Born in Pennsylvania, Dec. 21, 1837. Retiring year 1901. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Pa. Res. Vol. Inf. May 27, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 12, '61 ; Capt. April 2, '62 ; Maj. Aug. 1, '62 ; resigned Nov. 24, '62 ; Capt. V. R. C. June 8, 'H3 ; accepted June 11, '63; Major Dec. 4, '63; accepted Dec. 24, '63; Lieut. Col. June 20, '64; accepted Aug. 11, '64; hon. must, out Jan. 10, '67 ; 1st Lieut. 44th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Jan. 10, '67 ; unassigned May 27, '69 ; assigned to 4th Inf. Dec. 15, 70 ; Capt. April 27, '80. Brevet rank Brevet Caotain March 2, '67, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of Games' Mill, Va. ; Major March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Glendale, Va. ; Colonel Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Mechanics- ville, Games' Mill, and Charles City Cross-Roads, Va. ; Brig. Gen. Vols. March 13, '65, for gallant services in the battles of Mechanicsville, Games' Mill, and Charles City Cross-Roads, Va., and for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5 ; in the field with the Army of the Potomac on the Peninsula and Second Bull Run campaigns ; in Veteran Reserve Corps from '63 to '69, on duty in Washington and in South Carolina; on frontier duty at Fort Laramie, Wyo., 70-71 ; in Kentucky 71-3 ; in Arkansas Jan. to May, 73 ; at Forts Bridger and Sanders, 73-9; at Fort Fetterman 79-80; at Fort Laramie '80-2; at Fort Omaha '82-6; at Fort Spokane '86 to present time. Staff position* occupied Acting Adj. 4th Inf. from May to Oct., 73 ; A. A. Q. M. ana A. C. S. at Forte Sanders and Fetterman. Battles, skirmisbet, etc. Engaged at the battles of Mechanicsville, Games' Mill and Glendale ; taken NEW RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 425 prisoner, and paroled July, '62, and exchanged Aug., '62; received gunshot wound in left arm. Nelson, William (Captain and Brevet Major U. S. A.). Born in Indiana. Appointed from the Army. Retired. Actual rank Private, Sergt. and 1st Sergt. Co. B, 1st Batt. 13th U. S. Inf., from Sept. 5, '61, to June 20, '62; 2d Lieut. 13th Inf. May 31, '62; accepted June 20, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 2, '62 ; transferred to 22d Inf. Sept. 21, '66; Capt. July 9, '67; unassigned May 15, '69; assigned to 21st Inf., Dec. 15, 70 ; retired May 29, 74, for disability in line of duty. Nelson, William H. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Tennessee. App. from Tennessee Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 5th Tenn. Vol. Cav. Aug. 6, '63 ; Capt. June 25, '65 ; hon. must, out Aug. 14, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 7th U. S. Inf. May 18, '66 ; accepted Oct. 24, '66 ; 1st Lieut. March 7, 71 ; retired March 20, 79, for disability in line of duty. Newcomb, Warren P. (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in Connecticut. Ap- pointed from Connecticut. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 78 ; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. June *13, '82 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 9, '87. Newcomer, Henry C. (First Lieut, of Engineers). Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Illinois. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '82; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank2d Lieut, of Eng's July 1, '86 ; 1st Lieut. July 23, '88. Newton, John (Brigadier and Brevet Major General U. S. A.). Born in Va. Retired. Appointed from Va. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '38; fraduated July 1, '42. Actual rank2d Lieut. Eng. July 1, '42 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 6, '52 ; Capt. (14 yrs. ser.) July 1, '56 ; Maj. Aug. 6, '61 ; 'Lieut. Col. Dec. 28, '65 ; Brig. Gen. Vol. Sep. 23, '61 ; accepted Sept. 24, '61 ; Maj. Gen. Mar. 30, '63 ; ac- cepted March 31, '63 ; revoked April 18, '64 ; Brig. Gen. April 18, '64 ; hon. must, out Jan. 31, '66; Col. U. S. A. June 30, 79; Brig. Gen. Chf. of Eng. March 6, '84; accepted March 12, '84; retired Aug. 27, '86, at his own request; over 40 years' service. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. Sept. 17, '62, for gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Antietam, Md. ; Col. July 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Peach Tree Creek, Ga., and in the Campaign against Atlanta, Ga. ; Maj. Gen. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meri- torious services in the field during the war ; Maj. Gen. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff" positions occupied Prin. Asst. Prof. Civ. and Mil. Eng. M. A. from Aug. 31, '44, to July 1, '46. Service With the ex- ception of some three years at West Point as professor of engineering and while chief engineer of the Utah expedition of '58, he was engaged in constructing fortifications on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts until the outbreak of the civil war in '61, when, after serving as chief engineer of the Department of Pennsylvania and of the Shenandoah, he was, in Aug., '61, appointed brigadier-general of vol- unteers and commanded a brigade in the defenses of Washington, at the same time performing the duties of an engineer in the construction of those works until the spring of '62 ; with the Army of the Potomac he led his command in the expedition to West Point, Ga., at Games' Mill, and at Glendale, Va., at South Mountain and Antietam, Md., and at Fredericksburg, Dec., '62, where he com- manded a division ; commanded the Third Division of the Sixth Corps in the storming of Marye's Heights, May 3, '63 ; at Gettysburg he succeeded to the com- mand of the First Corps July 2, '63, which he retained until the reorganization of the army, March, '64, when he was transferred to the West, where he led a divis- ion of the Fourth Corps in the campaign which resulted in the capture of At- lanta, Sept., '64 ; commanded various districts in Florida from Oct., '64, to Jan., '66, when he resumed duty with his corps, in which he had risen to be lieutenant- colonel, and since that date has been charged with important engineering duties, the most important of which was in removing the obstructions at Hell Gate and other points on East River, New York Harbor. Newton, John (First Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from Kans. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf.- Sept. 1, 79; accepted Sept. 13, 79 ; 1st Lieut. March 20, '85. 27 426 RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. NIC Nichols, Frederic C. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Canada, Aug. 14, 1823. Retired. Appointed from Mo. Civil life. Actual rank^-C&pt. 25th Mo. Inf. June 20, '61; Maj. Apr. 25, '62 ; trans, to 1st Mo. Eng. Feb. 17, '64; hon. must, out Nov. 18, '64; Maj. 9th U. S. Vet, Inf. Jan. 20, '65 ; Bvt. Col. Mar. 13, '65 ; hon. must, out Mar. 31, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. Jan. 22, '67 ; accepted Apr. 26, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 19, '68; unassigned July 22, '69 ; Assd. to 1st Art. Dec. 31, '70; Capt. Aug. 11, '87 ; retired Aug. 14, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. Lt. Col. Vol. and Bvt. Col. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned Complimented by Col. commanding regiment for services at skirmish at the cemetery Sept., '61. Service Served in the War of the Rebellion from '61 to 65 ; marched with company from Lexington, Mo., to Warins- burg, Mo., about 300 miles, returning to Lexington Sept., '61 ; marched from Lexington, Mo., to Jefferson, Mo., being a prisoner of war Sept. and Oct., '61 ; marched from Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., to Corinth, arriving June, '62 ; on leave of absence for two months ; joining after leave of absence, marched from Pilot Knob, Mo., to Salem, Ark., and back with Army of the Southeast Missouri Com-, manded by Gen. Davidson, in the fall and winter of '62 and '63; in spring of '63 with detachment of regiment hunting bushwhackers in N. W. Missouri ; summer of '63, stationed at New Madrid, Miss., provost marshal at thin station ; fall and winter of '63 with regiment on march from Union City, Tenn., to Huntington, Tenn., and return ; this service he volunteered to perform while awaiting at Columbus, Ky., for transportation to Nashville, Tenn. ; marched from Nashville, Tenn., with 1st Battalion Mo. Eng. to Johnsville, Tenn., constructing railroad, returning after its completion in the spring of '64 ; marched from Chattahoochee River, Ga., to Jonesboro', Ga., Sept., '64; returning to Atlanta Oct. 1, '64; with 9th Regt., 1st Army Corps, from Camp Stoneman on Potomac River to Washing- ton, D. C., Aug., '65; and from Indianapolis, Ind., to Camp Burnside, Aug., '65; miles, leaving July 20, '67, arriving Aug. 8, '67 ; Ft. Mojave to Camp Willow Grove, A. T., 80 miles, Sept., '67 ; from Camp Willow Grove to Ft. Mojave Apr., '68 ; at La Paz, A. T. ; at Camp Date Creek, A. T., March, '69 ; at Prescott, A. T.; at Mojave ; at Dunn Bks. ; marched 300 miles en route to Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., and to Louisville, Ky., May and June, '69; at Humboldt, Tenn., Jan., '71 ; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. H., Feb., 71, to April, 75 ; at St. Augustine, Fla. ; at Fort Monroe, May 1, 75 ; at Artillery School one year ; at Fort Independence, Mass. ; at Ft. Canby, W. T., from March, '82, to Sept., '84 ; at Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., to Oct. 1, '84; on detached service as recruiting officer and attached to Batt. " I, " 1st Art. ; Instructor of Military Tactics at San Diego College in winter of '88. Staff portions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Humboldt, Tenn., Jan., 71 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Mojave, A. T., Apr., '68, to Mar., '69 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. June, '69 ; Adjt. at Fort Independence, Boston, Mass., 76. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Skirmish with bushwhackers July, '61 ; Siege of Lexington, Mo., Sept. 11, '61, to Sept. 20, '61 ; under fire night and day, detailed with two companies to hold the enemy in check on the morning, and succeeded until outflanked by about one thousand men, Battle of Shiloh, Apr. 6 and 7, '62; Battle of Jonesboro', Ga., Sept. 5, '64 ; Lovejoy's Station, Ga., Oct., '64. Com- mands held In command of two companies at Siege of Lexington, Mo. ; in com- mand of regiment from Lexington, Mo., to Warinsburg, Mo. ; commanded regiment '62-63 ; Camp McClellan Aug., '65, to Feb., '66 ; Battery " C," 1st Art., Feb., 71, to Apr., 75 ; Battery " L," 1st Art., Mar., '82, to July, '83, and from Jan., '84, to Sept., '84. History Served in the British Army in the Canadian Rebellion in '37 ana '38 ; served in the Mexican War '46 and '47 ; grandson of Dr. Moses Nichols, who was Surgeon's Mate on board of a Privateer, war 1775 ; great-grand- Bon of Dr. Moses Nichols, who was Col. of 5th N. H. Inf. in war of 1775, and fought at the battle of Bennington, Vt. Nichols, Maury (Second Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born in D. C. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. Nov. 21, '83 ; accepted NOT. 26, '83. NIX RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 427 Nichols, William A. (First Lieut. 23d Inf.). Born in New Mexico. Ap- pointed from Kan. Civil life. Actual rank 2^. Lieut. 23d U. S. Inf. May 7, 77; accepted May 10, 77; expired by con. lim. Dec. 3, 77; re-appointed Jan. 26, 78, with rank from May 7, 77; accepted Jan. 28, 78 ; 1st Lieut. March 1, '86. Nicholson, William J. (First Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in D. C. Appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank 2^ Lieut. 7th U. S. Cav. Aug. 15, 76 ; ac- cepted Aug. 19, 76 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 16, '84. Nickerson, James D. (First Lieut. 17th Inf.) Born in Illinois. Appointed from the army. Actual rank Prvt. Co. H, 141st 111. Vol. Inf., May 20, '64; dis- charged Oct., '64; Prvt. Co. H, 9th 111. Vol. Cav., March 20, '65 ; discharged Oct. 31, '65 ; Prvt. Co. A, 10th Inf., and Prvt. and Corpl. Gen. Ser. from Sept. 13, '67, to Oct. 23, 75 ; 2d Lieut. 17th Inf. Oct. 15, 75; accepted Oct. 23, 75; 1st Lieut. June 26, '82. Niles, Alanson B. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Pa. App. from Pa. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank Capt. 1st Pa. Vol. Rif. May 31, '61 ; Maj. March 1, '63; Lieut. Col. May 16, '63 ; resigned March 26, '64; Maj. Vet. Res. Corps April 14, '64; accepted April 21, '64; hon. must, out Jan. 4, '67; 2d Lieut. 42d U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 4, '67 ; accepted Jan. 5, '67 ; unassigned April 22, '69 ; retired with rank of Capt. Dec. 15, 70, from wounds in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the. battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; Lieut. Col. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war; Col. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant conduct at Gettys- burg, Pa. Service In the War of the Rebellion, '61-5 ; in the field with the Army of the Potomac, '62-3; joined Vet. Res. Corps, '64; at Point Lookout, Md., to Ar>ril, '65 ; in charge of the mustering-out depot, Albany, N. Y., to Dec., '65 ; member of the Court of Inquiry, Rochester, N. Y.; Sub-assistant Commissioner Bureau Freedmen, Refugees and Abandoned Lands for the districts of Green- ville, Pickens and Williamsburgh, S. C., to July, '66. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at action of Drainesville (wounded) and battle of Mechanicsville (taken prisoner and confined in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., till paroled, Aug., '61); engaged at the battles of South Mountain and Fredericksburg ; battle of Gettys- burg (wounded); commanding four companies at Belle Plain, Port Royal and White House, Va.; engaged in repulsing an attack of the Rebel General Wade Hamuton at the White House Landing, Va. Niles, Lotus (First Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in 111. Appointed from 111. Ca- det at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 70; graduated June 16, 75. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. June 16, 75; 1st Lieut. Jan. 29, '82. Nixon, John B. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Va. April 6, 1828. Retired. Appointed from III. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 102d 111. Inf. Sep. 2, '62; 1st Lieut. April 20, '63 ; hon. must, out Dec. 2, '63 ; Capt. 17th U. S. C. Inf. Dec. 3, '63 ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 13, '65 ; hon. must, out Nov. 3, '66 ; 1st Lieut. 38th U. S. Inf. June 12, '67 ; accepted July 20, '67 ; transferred to 24th Inf. Nov. 11, '69; Capt. Jan. 5, 77; retired Nov. 26, '84, disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Vol. and Bvt. Col. Vol. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious serv- ices during the war. Staff positions occupied A. I. G. on the staff of Brig. Gen. John F. Miller, commanding Dist. of Nashville, Tenn., from March 26, '65, 'to Oct. 30, '65 ;.Reg. Qm. 24th Inf. March 1, 71, to Jan. 5, 77; Post Quartermas- ter and Commissary, Fort McRae, N. M.; Post Commissary, Quartermaster and Adjutant, Fort Con cho, Texas ; Post Quartermaster, Commissary and Adjutant, Fort McKavett, Texas ; Post Quartermaster, Commissary and Disbursing Quar- termaster District of the Rio Grande, at Fort Brown, Texas. Service Served in the field from date of entry, Sep. 2, '62, to March 26, '65, with 17th U. S. C. Inf. from Nov. 1, '65, to Jan. 30, '66 ; at the post of Lebanon, Tenn., from Feb. 1, '66, to March 15, '66 ; with battalion of 15th and 17th U. S. C. Inf. from Nashville, Tenn., to Stevenson, Ala., from Aug., '64, to Nov. 20, '64 ; followed Hood's re- treating army to Tuscumbia, Ala., returning to Nashville, Jan. 15, '65; at Steven- son, Ala., from March, '66, to May, '66 ; at Fort Hays, Kansas, Forts Union, Mc- Rae and Seldon, N. M., Forts Bliss, Quitman, Davis, Concho, McKavett, Brown, Duncan, Clark and Elliott, Texas, Fort Sill and Cantonment on the North Fork 428 RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. NOR Canadian, I. T. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In battle of Nashville, Dec. 15 and 16, '64. Commands held Commanded 17th U. 8. C. Inf. from Nov. 1, '65, to Jan. 30, '66, and commanded the post of Lebanon, Tenn., from Feb. 1, '66, to March 15, '66 ; sent in command of a battalion of 15th and 17th U. S. C. Inf. from Nash- ville, Tenn., to Stevenson, Ala., to guard the fortification and town ; served there two months, and from Aug., '64, to Nov. 20, '64, commanded a battalion of four companies of the regiment in the field guarding Quartermaster's Dep. procuring lumber on the Cumberland River above Nashville; commanded company at battle of Nashville, Dec. 15 and 16, '64. Noble, Charles H. (Captain 16th Inf.). Born in Ohio, May 10, 1843. Re- tiring year 1907. Appointed from Ind. Civil Life. Actual rankPrvt. and CorpI Co. K, 1st Ind. Vol. Cav., from June 20, 61, to June 19, ' 64 ; 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted May 4, '66 ; transferred to 34th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; 1st Lieut. Feb. 10, '67; transferred to 16th Inf. April 14, '69 ; Captain Nov. 26, '84. ServiceServed in W. Va. under Gens. Reynolds and Milroy; es- cort to Gens. Fremont, Sigel and Howard in their Virginia campaigns; taken prisoner by the rebels at the battle of Second Bull Run, Va. ; joined Army of the Potomac and attached to the headquarters of the army and engaged in the Rich- mond campaign in June, '64 ; out of service to '66 ; with 16th Inf. in Mississippi and at other stations from '66 to '90. Noble, Henry B. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in New York. Retired. Ap- pointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '56 ; graduated May 6, '61. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 8th Inf. May 6, '61; 1st Lieut. June 11, '61; Captain Feb. 13, '66 ; retired Feb. 18, '69. Brevet rank Brevet Captain Aug. 9, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. Noble, Robert H. (Second Lieut. 1st Inf.). Born in Maryland. Appointed from Md. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '80; graduated June 15, '84. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Inf. June 15, '84. Nolan, James B. (Second Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in Wisconsin. Appointed from Wis. Cadet at the U. S. Mjl. Acad. Sept. 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Cav. July 1, '86. Nordstrom, Charles B. (Captain 10th Cav.). Born in Maine. Appointed from Me. Civil life. Actual rank Prvt. Co E, 1st Me. Vol. Cav., Aug. 20, '62 ; discharged May 28, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Cav. June 18, '67 ; accepted July 13, '67; 1st Lieut. Sept. 1, '69; Captain Aug. 20, '89. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 10th Cav. from Dec. 1, '88, to Aug. 20, '89. Normoyle, James E. (Second Lieut. 23d Inf.). Born in Michigan. Ap- pointed from 111. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. June 15, '84 ; graduated June 12, m Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 23d U. S. Inf. June 12, '89; 2d Lieut. June 22, '89. Norris, Basil (Colonel and Surgeon). Born in Md. Mardh 9, 1828. Retiring year 1892. Appointed from Md. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Oct. 11, '52; accepted Oct. 18, '52; Capt. Asst. Surg. Oct. 11, '57; Maj. Surg. Apr. 16, '62 ; Lieut. Col. Surgeon Dec. 14, '82; Col. Surg. Nov. 14, '88. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services dur- ing the war; Col. Mar. 13, '65, for meritorious services and diligent discharge of duties during the war. Honorably mentioned In Rebellion Records, page 492, series 1, vol. ix. report of Col. Canby of the battle of Val Verde, dated Head- quarters Department of New Mexico, Fort Craig, New Mexico, March 1, 1862 : Higher thanks than any I can bestow are due to the Medical Officers of the Command, etc." Service With recruits en route to Texas, Nov., '52 ; in Texas until June, '57 ; reported in person to the Sur. Gen. July, '57 ; reported Feb. 8, '57, to General Persife/ F. Smith at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., for duty with the Expedition fitting out for the Utah campaign ; March, '68, detached duty as far as Big Blue River, with escort, for advance provision trains, from Laramie to Fort Bridger ; in May, '58, reported to Colonel Charles May for duty with 3d Column of the Utah Expedition; in Sept., '58, reported to General Albert Sidney John- ston, commanding Dept. of Utah ; was assigned to duty at Camp Floyd, Senior Surg. with 2d Drag, and Reynolds' Light Battery ; in May and Nor., '59, on de- NOR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. B. ARMY. 429 tached service ; in May, '60, with 7th Inf. and detachment of 2d Dragoons on the march, changing station from Utah to New Mexico ; at Fort Craig, N. M., from Sept., '60, to July, '61 ; at Albuquerque, N. M., from July to Dec., '61, as Medi- cal Purveyor of the Department and Surgeon of the Post; in Dec., '61, reported to Col. E. R. S. Canby at camp near Belin, N. M., as Medical Director and Pur- veyor of troops in the field ; Feb. 21, '62, at the battle of Val Verde, N. M.; re- ported in person to the Sur.-Gen. Oct., '62 ; Medical Inspector of Hospitals from Oct. to Dec., '62 ; Dec. 6, reported to General Franklin's headquarters as Medical Director Left Grand Div. Army of the Potomac ; Feb. 23, '63, reported to Sur.- General in person, as attending Surgeon at Washington, D. C.; Oct., 15, '84, was assigned to duty at San Francisco, Cal., as Medical Director Division of the Pa- cific and Dept. of California; Nov., '85, was assigned to duty as Medical Director of the Dept. of the Columbia ; Nov., '88, was assigned to duty as Med. Dir. of the Div. of the Pacific and Dept. of Cal., and on duty as such at that station to '90. HistoryAt Fort Clark, Texas, in '54, amputated thigh of Private Kinny, 1st Inf., for accidental gunshot wound through knee joint; in '55 amputated arm of Corporal Ives for gunshot wound through elbow-joint, received in attack of Indians on Paymaster's Escort at crossing of Devil's River; in '56 ligated brachial artery of Lieut. Crosby, U. S. Mounted Riflemen, for cure of aneurism from arrow wound received fighting Indians at Lake Trinidad; in '59 at a time of great excitement was dispatched from Camp Floyd to Salt Lake City to attend Sergeant Pike, 10th U. S. Inf., who, when in uniform and present in obedience to summons of U. S. Court, was waylaid at noon in the public street, shot and mortally wounded by Spencer, in front of the public hotel ; nothing was done to prevent the assassin's escape or bring him to justice; was Post Surgeon at Albuquerque, N. M., in the summer of '61 during the prevalence of small-pox; vaccination had been almost entirely neglected by the native population up to that date, and in consequence small-pox made its appearance in New Mexico without fail at intervals of five or six years ; commencing at El Paso and pre- sumably from Old Mexico, it progressed from one village to another in regular sequence, and, like measles and scarlet fever, was limited almost exclusively to young children ; the attention of Governor Connolly was called to the importance of providing for public vaccination at the public expense and the matter was by him officially referred to the Legislature, but without result ; in Washington, in May, '63, amputated thigh of Lieut. Kirby for gunshot fracture of the femur by two bullets from spherical case-shot at Chancellorsville ; in '64 amputated thigh of General John C. Robinson for gunshot wound of knee-joint from rifle ball re- ceived in battle in the "Wilderness;'' in Washington, amputated leg of Lieut. Smedberg, for disease of bone after primary amputation for gunshot wound of foot from shell explosion battle in the Wilderness. The following from Lieut. B. F. Rittenhouse, U. S. Army, retired, was written by request : "August 1, 1885. " I was wounded on the 19th of June, '64, and entered the hospital at Annapolis, Md., about 1 or 2 A.M. on the 21ef of June. The date of the operation in Georgetown, D. C., will show how long it was post- poned ; I think it was eighteen or nineteen days. It was performed on Thursday, and I began to sink. Saturday night I wan as cold as marble. 1 drank a bottle of whisky a day for a few days, and on Saturday drank more than a bottle ; also beef tea, alternating beef tea and whiskey every half-hour. On Sunday I was better and from that date I improved rapidly. I lessened the whiskey as my appetite increased. In a few days I was able to eat. At first I Buffered a good deal. I had no chills, but had profuse night-sweats. At no time had I numbness or any unusual feelings in my feet or limbs. At the time that I was shot it was very warm, but I became cold and requested to have my blanket put over me. The ball struck me on the left Bide of the back, on my tenth rib, three and a half inches from the centre of the spine, passed across it, and then buried itsef in the muscles on the right side of it. The course of the ball, after it arrived on the right of the spine, was at right angles to its previous course. The distance from the entrance of the ball to the point of extraction is four and one half inches. I had no pain in my back after the first two or three days, but was very weak in it." In Washington attended Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, for double fracture of the inferior maxillary bone caused by a fall from his carriage April 4, '65, and for wounds inflicted by Payne at 10 o'clock on the evening of April 14, '65. It was by authority of Mr. Stanton, Secretary of War, that Surg. Gen. Barnes directed a daily detail from Douglas Hospital of two enlisted men to keep watch by turns in the sick chamber at night ; from that circumstance the 430 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. NOR assassination of Mr. Seward was prevented by George F. Robinson, 8th Maine Vols., now a paymaster in the army ; in Washington in '78, amputated arm of Sergeant Penrod, Signal Service, for injury to elbow from fall on roof of station on Broadway, N. Y., in 77 ; in Washington, had charge of medical and surgical practice in all its department, including officers and general service men on duty in the War Department and their families and others as described and published in testimony or Attending Surgeon before Committees on Military Affairs, House of Reps., '78; the duty of Attending Surgeon in Washington included medical attendance at the Executive Mansion from May, '65, to March, 77, including the terms of office of President Andrew Johnson and Gen. U. S. Grant. Norton, Thomas H. (Captain and Brevet Major U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Retired. Appointed from Va. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Va. Vol. Inf. May 11, *61 ; hon. must, out Aug. 27, '61 ; Capt. 15th U. S. Inf. Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Sept. 18, '61 ; trs. to 24th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; tre. to llth Inf. Apr. 25, '69; unassigned Dec. 17, '69; retired Dec. 15, 70, for disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Sept. 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Missionary Ridge, Tenn., and in the Atlanta campaign and in the battle of Jonesboro', Ga. Norvell, John M. (Captain 12th Inf. and Brevet Major). Born in Mich. July 22, 1832. Retiring year 1896. Appointed from Mich. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Mich. Vol. Inf. May 25, '61 ; hon. must, out Aug. 31, '61 ; Capt. A. A. G. Vol. Aug. 30, '61 ; ace. Sept. 1, '61 ; Maj. A. A. G. Aug. 22, '62 ; accepted Sept. 8, '62; resigned June 21, '65; 1st Lieut. 31st U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Oct. 2, '66 ; unassigned May 15, '69; assd. to 12th Inf. Jan. 1, 71 ; Capt. Jan. 31, 74. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; Maj. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious sen in the battle of the Wilderness, Va. ; Lieut. Col. Vol. April 9, '65, for meritorious services in the recent campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under Gen. R. E. Lee. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Vol. from July 30, '61, to Aug. 30, '61 ; Adj't. 12th Inf. from Feb. 7, 71, to Jan. 17, 7.". In the War of the Rebellion '61-5 ; in the field with Array of the Potomac, and en- gaged in all its campaigns to '65 ; on the Upper Missouri River in '66 ; at Fort Buford, D. T., for two years; built most of post; at post of Angel Island, Cal., and at various posts in other departments from 71 to '90 ; present station being Fort Yates, Dak. ftattlr*, *kirmi*hc#, etc. Engaged at the action of Blackburn's Ford and battle of first Bull Run, Va.; with First Division, 2d Army Corps, and engaged in the Peninsular campaign, battle of Fair Oaks, and Seven Days' Fight; engaged at the battles of Antietam, Chancellorsville, and (lettysburg ; assigned to 3d Corps, Army of the Potomac, Sept., '63, to March, '64 ; with 2d Division, 2d Corps, to the close of the war, and engaged in all its battles from the Wilderness to the surrender of General Lee. Norvell, Stevens T. (Captain 10th Cav.). Born in Detroit, Mich., Feb. 14, 1835. Retiring year 1899 ; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private, Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. "A," 5th U. S. Inf., from Jan. 23, '58, to Feb. 19, '63; Actg. 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. from Jan. 28, '62, to Feb. 19, '63; 2d Lieut 13th U. S. Inf. Feb. 19, '63; 1st Lieut. July 12, '63; trans, to 31st Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; Capt. June 10, '68; unass. May 15, '69; assd. to 10th Cav. Dec. 31,70. Service Served in the Utah expedition of '58 ; stationed at Camp Floyd, Utah, from Aug. 31, '58, to May 31, '60; marched with regiment (5th Inf.) to N. M.; stationed at Ft, Defiance, N. M., and took part in the Navajo campaign of '60-61 ; stationed at Fort Fauntle- roy (now Fort Wingate), Albuquerque, Fort Stanton and Fort Union, N. M., '61-62; at Fort Craig, Los Pinos and Albuquerque, '62-63 ; joined regiment (13th Inf.) at Newport Bks., Ky., Sept., '63; served in Div. of the Mississippi till close of war in '65; at Nashville, Tenn., during operations of armies unaer Thomas and Hood, which ended in the battle of Nasnville; with Batt., guarding bridge of S. & N. R. R. over the Cumberland River; regiment transferred to Dep. of Dakota in '66 ; stationed at Fort Sully, '66-67 ; at Fort Rice, '67 ; at Fort Steven- son, '68-69; joined 10th Cav. at Fort Sill, Ind. Ty., in March, 71 ; in campaign against the Kiowas, Comanches and Cheyennes, 74-75 ; stationed in Dep. of NOY RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 431 Texas, from 75-83 ; at Fort Stockton, 75-77 ; at Fort Clark, 77-78 ; at Fort Concbo, 78-82 ; at Ft. Davis, '82-83 ; atPena Colorado, '83 ; on Eecr. Ser. at Balti- more, '83-85 ; joined regiment in Dept. of Arizona, Oct., '85, at Fort Verde ; in campaign against Apaches in '85-86, operating from Fort Thomas ; stationed at ing ye N. Y. Bks., Mo., and Fort Lamed, Kan.; A. A. Inspector General District of the Upper Missouri, '67-68 ; while unassigned, stationed at hdqrs. Dep. of Dakota, as Signal Officer and A. A. Q. M. '69-70. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in action with advance guard of Confederate forces at Apache Canon, N. M., March 26, and in battle of Apache Canon (" Glorietta "), March 28, '62 ; also in demon- stration on Peralta, N. M. (occupied by Confederate forces), April 15, '62. In the same campaign was engaged in the pursuit of the Confederate forces until they were driven out of New Mexico, '62 ; took part in capture of Nacoriee tribe of Comanches in Sept., 74 ; and in action with Cheyennes at the Cheyenne Agency, April 6, 75. Norwood, Randolph (Capt. U. S. A.). Born in Md. Retired ; app. from Md. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st Md. Vol. Cav. Oct. 30, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 14, '63 ; Capt. Sep. 1, '63: hon. must, out Oct. 27, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 2d U.S. Cav. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted April 21, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 31, '66 ; Capt. July 19, 76 ; retired June 22, '89, for disability in line of duty. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 2d Cav. from July 1, 76, to July 19, 76. Service Engaged in the Shenandoah Val- ley, '62. and actions of Cavalry Corps, Army of Potomac, to Aug., '63 ; on recruit- ing and staff duty to June, '64; with army in front of Petersburg, and Cav. Div., 10th Army Corps, to Nov., '64. Nolan, Henry J. (Captain 7th Cav.). Born in Corfu June 17, 1837. Retir- ear 1901 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 14th . Vol. Cav. Jan. 17, '63; Capt. Oct. 24, '64; trs. to 18th N. Y. Vol. Cav. June 29, '65 ; hon. must, out May 31, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 7th U. S. Cav. July 28, '66; ac- cepted Oct. 23, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 3, '66 ; Capt. June 25, 76. Staff positions occupied &. Com. 7th Cav. from Nov. 1, '67, to July 15, 70 ; R. Qm. 7th Cav. from March 1, 72, to June 25, 76. Service In the War of the Rebellion '63-5 ; engaged in the Red River campaign '63 ; investment and siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana, and operations in that vicinity; captured by the rebels June, '63 ; es- caped from them March, '65; with the 15th Corps in Sherman's campaign through the Carolina* ; rejoined regiment at New Orleans, La., May, '65 ; with expedition to Texas, being severely wounded at Yorktown, Texas; engaged in Indian expe- ditions under Generals Hancock and Custer '67, and under Generals Sully and Custer '68 and '69; served in expedition under Gen. Terry against Sitting Bull's band of Sioux in 76, and pursuit and fight with hostile Nez Perces at Canon Creek, Montana, in 77 ; in the Departments of Dakota and the Missouri to '90 ; now on recruiting service in Chicago, 111. Noyes, Charles R. (First Lieut. 9th Inf.). Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. June 13, 79 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 28, '87. Service Instructor Dept. of Mathematics at Military Academy West Point, N. Y., since Aug. 28, '88. Noyes, Henry B. (Major 4th Cav.). Born in Me. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '57; graduated June 24, '61. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Drag. June 24, '61 ; 2 Lieut. (2d Cav.) June 24, '61; vices in the capture of Selma, Ala. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Vol. from Julv 8, '64, to Dec. 14, '64. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5; in the field and engaged in the actions of the Manassas campaign, defenses of Washing- ton, Port Royal, S. C., Florida, Maryland, Rappahannock and Pennsylvania cam- paigns '61-63; operations before Petersburg, actions of the Shenandoah campaign, 432 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. OAK acting assistant inspector-general cavalry corps, Military Division of the Missis- sippi, battle of Nashville, assault and capture of Selma, Ala., '64-65 ; on frontier duty from the close of the war to '90, his present station being Fort Bowie, Arizona. Nugent, Robert (Major and Bvt. Col. U. 8. A.). Born in Ireland. Ap- pointed from N. Y. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank Lieut. -Col. 69th N. Y. Vol. Inf. April 20, '61 ; hon. must, out Aug. 3, '61 ; Captain 13th U. S. Inf. Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Aug. 27, '61 ; Col. 69th N. Y. Vol. Inf. Nov. 1, '61; hon. must, out Nov. 28, '63; Col. 69th N. Y. Vol. Inf. Oct. 30, '64; hon. must, out June 30, '65 ; Major 24th U. S. Inf. June 10, 76 ; retired March 20, 79, for wounds in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Major U. 8. A. June 27, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Games' Mill, Va.; Lieut.-Col. Dec. 13, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Frederickaburg, Va.; Colonel April 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va.; Brig.-Gen. Vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5; commanding brigade in the 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac, Dec. to Feb., '62; engaged in the expedition to the Rappahannock River; commanding regiment and engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Fair Oaks and Games' ^lill ; commanding brigade to June, '62, and engaged at the battle of Savage Station; commanding regiment and engaged in the action of White-Oak Swamp, battles of Glendale, Malvern Hill and Frederickaburg, Va.; commanding brigade and engaged at the storming of Marye's Heights, (wounded); acting assistant provost- marshal New York City April to Nov., engaged in suppressing the New York riots (losing house and contents) ; super, n- tendent of the recruiting and mustering for the 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac, to Oct., '64; commanding 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Corps, Army of the Poto- mac, in front of Petersburg, Va., and in the campaign terminating in the surrender of General R. E. Lee; on frontier duty from '66 to 74, and in New Orleans to date of retirement. Nye, Frank B. (Captain and C. S.). Born in Me. Appointed from Me. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '65 ; graduated June 15, '69. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. June 15, '69; resigned April 10, 73; app. Capt. Com. Sub. Nov. 13, '84 ; accepted Nov. 20, '84. Oakes, James (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Retired ; appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '42; graduated July 1, 46. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 2d Drag. July 1, '46; 2d Lieut. July 29, '47; 1st Lieut. June 30, '51; Capt. 2d Cav. March 3, '55; accepted March 29, '55; Maj. 5th Cav. April ;. '61 ; Brig. Gen. May 17, '61 ; declined Lieut. Col. 4th Cav. Nov. 12, '61; Col. r.th Cav. July 31, '66; retired April 29, 79, at his own request, over 30 years' service. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. March 25, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the affair at Medelin ; Bvt. Capt. Sept. 8, '47, for gallant and meritorious con- duct in the battle of Molino Del Rev; Bvt. Col. March 30, '65, and Bvt. Brig. Gen. March 30, '65, for meritorious and faithful services in the recruitment of the Armies of the United States. Honorably mentioned Especially mentioned for distinguished services and gallantry at the battle of Cerro Gordo, and was com- mended in the highest terms by Major Sumner for efficiency at Molino del Rey ; commended in orders from the headquarters of the Army for success and gal- lantry in Indian troubles on Aug. 30, *56; he received a vote of thanks enrolled on parchment from the Secession Convention for sending an expedition against hostile Indians (under Lieut. Arnold) after the State had seceded, which resulted in driving them across the Rio Grande, and it may be added that for performing this service he was reprimanded by the department commander. Service Served in the war with Mexico, and was engaged in the principal battles and engage- ments ending with the operations before and the capture of the city of Mexico. The skirmish at Medelin >yas ended by the Second Dragoons under Maj. Sumner, charging the stone bridge in column of fours. The leading four consisted of Sum- ner, Adjt. Neill, Reg. Q. M. Lowry and Oakes. The Mexican force was followed several miles on a road which was lined with fences, woods and undergrowth. Lieut. Oakes, accompanied by Sergt. Leutz and Private Keith, getting ahead of OAK RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 433 the column, came on the rear of the retreating enemy, when about thirty took a road to the right, while the main body continued on the direct road. He followed the detachment until he had sabred and dismounted nearly all of them, when he re- turned to his command in the town of Medelin, and was then sent back to the camp near Vera Cruz for medical assistance. After the Mexican war he was ordered to Texas, where he served until June, '53, and had stations at Austin and at Forts Graham, Lincoln, Mason and Terrett. He was engaged in two combats with the Comanches between the Nueces and Rio Grande on the llth of July and 12th of Aug., '50, and in the latter was twice severely wounded ; employed on the Coast Survey from Sept. 29, '53, to April 4, '54, and was on cavalry recruiting service at Jefferson Barracks. He recruited a company at Pittsburgh and joined at Jef- ferson Barracks Aug. 24, '54, and marched with the regiment to Texas, and ar- rived at Fort Mason Jan. 14, '56, and was actively employed in the field during the following spring and summer. He overtook a party of Waco Indians on the 22d of Feb., '56, near the head-waters of the Nueces and severely punished them. He routed a party of Comanches on the 1st of May near the head-waters of the Concho, and on the 30th of August had three engagements with hostile Indians near the junction of the Pecos and the Rio Grande, in which he killed and wounded some and compelled the others to seek safety in Mexico ; changed sta- tion to Ft. Clark in Aug., '56, and remained till May, '58, when he removed with his company to Ft. Belknap, where the regiment was ordered to concentrate for the march to Utah ; but the order was countermanded, and he returned to Ft. Clark and served there until Dec., '58, when the condition of his wounds com- pelled him to accept a sick-leave of absence. Rejoined his company at Ft. Inge in Feb., '60, where he was serving when the Secession movement was inaugu- rated. He was a man of energy and determined purpose, and when he received " Twiggs' Order of Exercises," which required him to surrender the government property to the State commissioners and march his company to Indianola and there embark for New York, he dispatched couriers to Fort Duncan, Fort Clark and Camp Wood and urged a united action for the purpose of moving northward, out of the State, in defiance of the order, and requested that officers might be sent to Fort Inge to discuss the proposition and adopt a plan of action. Unfor- tunately for his plans Captain French had abandoned Fort Duncan and started for the mouth of the Rio Grande before the courier had arrived there. An answer was returned from Fort Clark that it was impossible to move the four companies of infantry as proposed, because they had no transportation. Lieut. Hood was sent from Camp Wood to make the necessary arrangements, but when he an- nounced his purpose to resign if Kentucky should secede, Captain Oakes said that it was useless for himself to undertake the movement alone, as he had only seven days' rations, and some of the posts farther north were already in the pos- session of the State troops, having been surrendered before he received the order of exercises. He accordingly started from Ft. Inge on the 19th of March, '61, and marched his command to Green Lake, where he was again compelled to avail himself of the sick-leave of absence. He then returned to San Antonio to await the arrival of the last troops before leaving the State, and while there learned that it was intended to capture the infantry under the command of Col. Reeve, in violation of the agreement made with the insurgents. Although in feeble health, he volunteered to take his old guide and travel across the country until he met Col. Reeve beyond Fort Clark and turn him back, to leave the State by the way of the El Paso and Santa Fe roads. But the department com- mander, relying upon the good faith of the insurgents, and perhaps afraid to trust any person because so many were deceiving him, declined the offer, and the re- sult was that the entire command was captured and paroled, and five days after making this offer the department commander and all his staff were in the power of the insurgents. He was then intrusted with dispatches, and made his way out of the State by the way of Austin, Brenham and Galveston, and escaped capture. He relinquished his sick-leave in May and proceeded to Wheeling, Va., where he served on mustering duty until Sept., when he rejoined the regiment at Washing- ton until Jan. 14, '62. Joined 4th Cav. then serving with the Army of the 434 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. o'fiR Ohio and commanded it during the Tennessee and Mississippi campaign. He was transferred with his regiment in Sept., '62, to the Army of the Mississippi, and assigned to mustering and disbursing duty at Jackson, Mich., where ne served until April 29, '63, when he was appointed assistant provost- marshal- general for Illinois, and was stationed at Springfield until Sept., '66. He was, at the same time, mustering and disbursing officer and superintendent of the volun- teer recruiting service for the State. Joined 6th Cav. at Austin, Texas, on the 1st of Feb., '67 ; served with it in Texa, the Indian Territory, Kansas and Ari- zona, and had stations at Austin and at Forts Richardson, Riley, Hays and Low- ell, and performed the duties pertaining to a post and regimental commander until April 29, '79, when he was retired from active service, at his own request, having served over thirty years. Staff positions occupied On the Staff of Col. Harney at the battle of Cerro Gordo ; Acting Adjt. 2d Dragoons April, '47, to Oct. 30, '47 ; Reg. Q. M. 2d Dragoons Oct. 30, '47, to Aug. 15, '49. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the Chihuahua Expedition, the siege of Vera Cruz, the skirmish at Medefin, the battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco, Molino del Rey and the operations before and capture of the city of Mexico; engaged in two com- bats with Cpmanche Indians July 11 and Aug. 12, '50; three engagements with hostile Indians Aug. 30, '56; with the Army of the Ohio during the Tenn. and Miss, campaign, and participated in the movement on Nashville, the March to Pittsburgh Landing, the battle of Shiloh, and the advance on and siege of Cor- inth ; in the Army of the Miss, and engaged in the battle of Corinth. < Commands hcldFi. Clark Aug., '56, to May, '58 ; 5th Cav. at Washington from Sept., '61, to Jan. 14, '62; 4th Cav. during Tenn. and Miss, campaign ; Dist. of 111. from Sept., '65, to Aug., '66; Post and regimental commander at Fts. Richardson, Riley, Hays and Lowell from '67 till April 29, 79. 6'Beirne, Richard P. (Lieut. Colonel 15th Inf.). Born in Canada Oct. 25, 1833. Retiring year 1897. Appointed from Mich. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 14th Inf. May, '61 ; ace. June 21, '61 ; Capt. Oct. 25, '61 ; ace. Oct. 31, '61 ; trs. to 32d Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; tre. to 21st Inf. Apr. 19, '69 ; Maj. 24th Inf. Mar. 20,'79 ; Lieut. Col. 15th Inf. April 18, '84. Brevet rank Brevet major U. S. Army Aug. 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of North Anna, Va. ; brevet heut.-colonel U. S. Army Aug. 18, '64, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Weldon Railroad, Va. Service On recruiting duty to May, '62 ; in the field till March, '63 ; on recruiting duty March to July, '63 ; in the field till member of a military commission Jan. to July, '65 ; in Washington and Idaho Territories ; engaged against hostile Indians Oct., '66 ; scouting duty and conduct- ing recruits from San Francisco to Fort Yuma, Cal., and Tucson, A. T. Staff po- sitions occupied Q. M. 2d Batt. 14th Inf. Sept. 10, '61, to Oct. 31, '61 ; ordnance officer, Regular Division, 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac ; ordnance officer on staff of General Hunt, commanding the city of New York ; A. 1). C. April 8, '75, to March 20, '79. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the actions of Leetown, Snicker's Gap, and operations at Mine Run, Va. ; engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Laurel Hill, Spotteylvania, North Anna ; action of Shady Grove Road ; battles of Bethesda Church, Petersburg and the Weldon Railroad (wounded) ; action of Owyhee Canon against hostile Indians Oct., '66. O'Brien, John J. (First Lieut. 4th Inf.). Born in Ireland May 15, 1835. Re- tiring year 1899. App. from the Army. Actual rankPvi., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. F, 4th Art, Sept. 1, '54, to Sept. 1, '59; Corpl., Sgt. and 1st Sgt, Cos. B, K and F, IstN. Y. Cav., July 19, '61, to March 31, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 1st N. Y. Cav. April 1, '64 ; Capt. Dec. 27, '64 ; hon. must, out June 27, '65 ; Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. F, 12th Inf., July 29, '65, to May 15, '67 ; 2d Lieut. 30th Inf. May 6, '67 ; ace. May 15, '67 ; trs. to 4th Inf. Mar. 23, '69 ; 1st Lieut. Mar. 16, 79. Service In the field in the War of the Rebellion from '61 to '65 ; taken prisoner by rebels near Centreville, Va., Nov., '61 ; rejoined regiment Nov., '62. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the action of Moorfield, battles of Winchester, New Market, Piedmont, action of Lexington, and battle of Lynchburg ; commanding escort to General Hunter ; on duty with General Torbert, and engaged at the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, actions of Nineveh, Waynesboro', battles of Dinwiddie Court-House, Five Forks, Sailor's Creek and capitulation of Appomattox Court-House, Va. OTT RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. 435 O'Brien, Lyster M. (Captain 7th Inf.). Born in Michigan Dec. 7, 1836. Re- tiring year 1900. Appointed from Mich. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 27th Mich. Vol. Inf. Feb. 25, '63; 1st Lieut. March 8, '64; Adj. 27th Mich. Vols. 22, '79. Brevet rank Brevet Major U.S. Vol. March 13, '64, for gallant and merit- orious services before Petersburg, Va. Service Served during the War of the Re- bellion ; on reconstruction duty in Virginia and Mississippi up to Spring of 70 ; in Dakota from 71 to 86, at Cheyenne Agency, Fort Rice and Fort Sisseton ; on escort duty to N. P. R. R. in Oct., 72, and on Yellowstone Expedition of 73 ; on recruiting service at Columbus Barracks, O., from Oct., 76, to Oct., 78 ; at Fort Yates from Jan. 1, 79, to July 13, '86 ; since then in the Dept. of the Platte at Fort D. A. Russell and Fort Bridger, Wyo. Ter. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Vicks- burg, Jackson (Miss.), Blue Springs, Campbell Station, siege of Knoxville, Mossy Creek (East Tenn.), The Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor, Petersburg (wounded June 17, '64), Poplar Grove Church, Hatcher's Run, siege of Petersburg, Fort Steadman, capture of Petersburg. O'Brien, Michael (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from the Army. Retired. Actual rank Pvt., Artf. and Armorer Ord. and Hos- pital Steward July 11, '59, to June 4, '64; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. May 18, '64; accepted June 5, '64; 1st Lieut. Nov. 30, '64; resigned Feb. 12, '67; reappointed April 15, '67; accepted April 26, '67; hon. must, out Jan. 1, 71 ; appointed 1st Lieut. 4th Art. Sept. 1, 79, with former date and rank from April 15, '67 ; accepted Sept. 6, 79; retired Sept. 23, '85, disability in line of duty. O'Brien, Michael J. (Second Lieut. 13th Inf.). Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '81 ; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rank2d Lieut. 13th Inf. June 14, '85. O'Connell, John J. (Captain 1st Inf.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. and Artf. Co. " A," Eng., Feb. 3, '65, to Nov. 11, '67 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. Oct. 28, '67 ; accepted Nov. 11, '67; 1st Lieut. June 28,78; Capt. April 14, '87. O'Connell, William. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from the Army. Retired. Actual rank Pvt. Det. Drag, and Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. "B," 1st Cav., Nov., 24, '54, to Aug. 21, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 3d 111. Cav. Aug. 29, '61 ; discharged Nov. 7, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Cav. Oct. 24, '61 ; accepted Nov. 8, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 14, '62; Capt. Sept. 27, '66; retired April 2, 79, wound in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. May 22, '63, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in action at Middleton, Tenn. ; Bvt. Maj. April 2, '65, for gallant and merit- orious services in the capture of Selma, Ala. O'Connor, Charles M. (First Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in Iowa; appointed from Iowa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '69 ; graduated June 13, 73. Actual rank2d Lieut. 8th Cav. June 13, 73 ; 1st Lieut. March 17, '81. Staff positions occupied Adj. March 31, '87. O'Connor, Stephen (First Lieut. 23d Inf.). Born in N. Y.; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp'l, Sgt. and Q. M. Sgt. Cos. B, E and C, 8th Inf., June 21, '60, to March 26, '67 ; 2d Lieut. 8th Inf. Dec. 28, '66 ; accepted Mar. 26, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 4, '69 ; unassigned May 3, '69 ; assigned to 23d Inf., Dec. 31, 70; out of service March 16, 77 ; 2d Lieut. 23d Inf. June 9, 77 ; accepted June 9, 77 ; expired by Con. Lim. Dec. 3, 77 ; reappointed 2d Lieut. 23d Inf. Feb. 11, 78, with rank from June 9, 77; accepted Feb. 15, 78; 1st Lieut. April 1, '86. Service Served in New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas; surrendered prisoner of war May 9, '61, San Antonio, Texas; prisoner of war until Dec. 10, '62; es- caped across the Rio Grande and rejoined at Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., via Eagle Pass, Texas, Monterey, mouth of Rio Grande, and Mexico and New Orleans^ served during Gettysburg and Wilderness campaigns; re-enlisted in front of Petersburg July 9, '64. Ottley, Robert H. (Lieutenant Colonel 17th Inf.). Born in N. Y., Feb. 28, 1836. Retiring year 1900. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 436 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. ORL 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. May 14, '57; accepted May 18, '57; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61; Capt. Nov. 23, '61 ; Major 19th Inf. May 6, 79 ; Lieut. Col. 17th Inf. Sep. 15, '84. Brevet rank Bvt. Mai. July 4, '63, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. Ogle, Alexander (First Lieut. 17th Inf.). Born in Pa.; appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '68 ; graduated June 14, 72. Actual rank2d Lieut. 17th Inf. June 14, 72; 1st Lieut. June 28, 78. O'Hara, James (Captain 3d Art.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. 8. Military Academy July 1, '62 ; graduated June 18, '66. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d Art. June 18, '66 ! 1st Lieut. March 26, '67 ; Captain Nov. 30, '88. Olmstead, Freeman B. (First Lieut. U. 8. A.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from Mich. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank Corp. Co. " C," 18th Mich. Inf., Aug. 7, '62 ; discharged March 22, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 12th Tenn. Cav. March 23, '64 ; resigned May 12, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted May 16, '66 ; 1st Lieut. July 28, '66 ; retired June 28, 78, disability in line of duty. Ser- vice In the War of the Rebellion, '61-5 ; engaged in the defense of Covington, Ky. ; on duty in Provost-Marshal's Office, Lexington, Ky., and Nashville, Tenn. ; engaged in the pursuit of the rebel General Wheeler through Tennessee, and pur- suit of the rebel Generals Forrest and Hood, and engagements and battles inci- dent thereto ; at Fort Snelling, Minn., and other stations to 78. Olmstead, Jerauld A. (Captain 9th Cav.). Born in N. Y., July 28, 1846. Retiring year 1910; appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U.S. Military Academy July 1, '66 ; graduated June 15, 70. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th Cav. June 15, 70; transferred to 13th Inf. June 13, 72; 1st Lieut. July 1, 72; trans, to 9th Cav. Aug. 1, '81 ; Capt. April 14, '84. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 13th Inf. Aug. 1, 74, to Sept. 1, '80 ; Reg. Q. M. 9th Cav. May 1, '83, to April 14, '84. O'Neil, Joseph P. (Second Lieut. 14th Inf.). Bora in N. Y. Appointed from Neb. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. Feb. 4, '84; ac- cepted March 10, '84. Ord, Edward O. C. (First Lieut. 22d Inf.) Born in Cal. Appointed from TexasCivil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 22d Inf. Sept. 1, 79 ; accepted Sept. 27, 79 ; 1st Lieut, June 2, '89. Ord, James C. (First Lieut. 25th Inf.). Born in Mich. Appointed from Wyo. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 25th U. S. Inf. Oct. 1, 73; accepted Oct. 15, 73 ; 1st Lieut. March 20, 79. O'Reilly, Robert M. (Major and Surgeon). Born in Pa., Jan., 1845. Retir- ing year 1909; appointed from Pa. Actual rank Med. Cadet Jan. 7, '64, to Jan. 8/65 ; Med. Cadet Feb. 6, '65, to Sept. 23, '65 ; Asst. Surg. May 14, '67 ; accepted May 25, '67 ; Capt. Asst. Surg. May 14, 70 ; Maj. Surg. Nov. 1, '86. Service On duty at General Hospitals in Philadelphia and Chattanooga, and in the office of the Medical Director, Army of the Cumberland ; at Drum Barracks, San Fran- cisco, Cal., and at numerous other stations ; at Washington, D. C., '90. Orleman, Louis H. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Germany, June 14, 1841. Retired ; app. from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank Priv. Co. C, 103d N. Y. Inf. Jan. 29, '62; discharged May 8, '62; 1st Lieut. 119th N. Y. Inf. Aug. 11, '62; Capt. Sept. 1, '63 ; hon. must, out June 27, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 10th Cav. Sept. 20, '67; accepted Sept. 24, '67; 1st Lieut. Oct. 16, 74; retired Nov. 20, 79. Honorably mentioned Mentioned in General Dept. Orders for services in action of Beaver Creek, Kan., Oct., '68, and recommended for Brevet* for gallantry ; won special mention in official report of Genl. J. W. Davidson for forced march from Sweet- water Creek to Fort Sill, Ind. Ter., a distance of 150 miles in the face of a fear- ful storm of snow and sleet, in two days, with an escort of eight men, seven of which arrived badly frost-bitten ; mentioned in " Records of the Rebellion " in the report of the Brigade Commander in vol. xxv. parti, page 667. Service Engaged in reconnoissances in North Carolina ; engaged in the Rappahannock campaign, topographical engineer officer of brigade and division llth Armv Corps Jan., '63, to Aug., '64 ; surveys along the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, Virginia, and surveys about Bridgeport, Alabama, and the Chattanooga Railroad ; OTI RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 437 constructing defenses in Tennessee and Alabama, Dec., '63, to Aug., '64; topo- graphical engineer, Hd. Qrs., Military Division of the Mississippi, to July, '65 ; erecting defenses at Atlanta; constructing and surveying defenses at Savannah; on the march to Washington, and with Gen. Schurz on his tour of inspection through the Southern States July to Dec., '65 ; at Forts Riley, Hays and Wallace to '69 ; engaged in Sheridan's Indian Campaign, '68, in the relief of Gen. For- syth's command, Oct., '68, and action of Beaver Creeek, Kansas; scouting duty to '69; at Camp Supply to 70; at Fort Sill, Indian Territory, from Oct., '70, to March, 75 ; engaged in expedition against hostile Indians from July, '74, to Jan., 75 ; at Fort Griffin, Tex., 75 ; in campaign against hostile Indians (under Col. Shafter) into Mexico, 76-7; at Fort Duncan, Tex., 77; at Fort Stockton, Tex., 78-9; retired Nov. 20, 79; on duty by direction of the President of the U. S. as Professor of Military Science and Tactics at the Florida State College from '87, to July 1, '89, and at the Peekskill, New York, Military Academy from July 1, '89, to the present date, titaff positions occupied Post Adj., A. A. Q. M. and Fort Griffin, Tex., in 75; Post Adj. Fort Duncan, Tex., 77. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in battle of Fredericksburg ; engaged at the battles of Chancellors- rille, Gettysburg, pursuit of the enemy ; engaged at the action of Wauhatchie, battle of Missionary Ridge, and expedition for the relief of Knoxville ; engaged at the siege of Atlanta, battle of Jonesboro', March to the Sea, siege of Savannah, invasion of the Carolinas, battles of Averysboro', Bentonville, occupation of Goldsboro', capture of Raleigh, and capitulation of the rebel army at Durham Station, N. C. ; participated in action with hostile Indians at Wichita Agency, Ind. Ter. (under Gen. J. W. Davidson), and Elk Creek, Ind. Ter. (under Col. J. W. Schofield), jn 74. Commands held Co. B, in the field 76-7, and Co. at Fort Stockton, Tex., 78-9. Osborne, Nathan W. (Colonel Fifth Inf.). Born in Mass. Sept. 5, 1834. Retiring year 1898 ; appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank Capt. 13th U. S. Inf. May 14, '61; accepted Sept. 2, '61; Major 15th Inf. Dec. 11, 73; Lieut. Col. 6th Inf. Feb. 6, '82; Col. 5th Inf. Aug. 5, '88. Brevet rank En. Major July 4, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. Osgood, Henry B. (Captain and C. S.). Born in Maine. Appointed from Maine. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '63 ; graduated June 17, '67. Actual rank2d Lieut. 27th Me. Vol. Inf. Sept. 30, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 15, '62 ; hon. must, out July 17, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. July 17, '67 ; 1st Lieut. April 25, 70; Capt. Com. Sub. Oct. 5, '89; accepted Oct. 6, '89. Ostheim, Louis (Second Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in Pa. Dec. 11, 1859. Re- tiring year 1923. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at U, S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 78 ; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d Art. June 13, '83. Service Served at Jackson Barracks, La., to June, '85 ; on duty distributing rations to destitute during overflow of Mississippi River, etc., '84 ; at Washington Barracks, D. C., from June, '85 ; detached to take charge of Fort Myer, Va., Dec. 16, '87 ; at Fort Monroe, Va., since Sept. 1, '88. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Myer, Va., '87-88. Otis, Elmer (Colonel 8th Cav.). Born near Westfield, Mass., Feb. 27, 1830. Retiring year 1894. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '49; graduated July 1, '53. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. July 1, '53 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. Feb. 3, '55 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. March 3, '55 ; 1st Lieut. 1st Cav. Feb. 28, '56 ; Capt. 1st Cav. May 1, '61 (4th Cav.) ; Maj. 1st Cav. May 9, '64 ; Lieut. -Colonel 7th Cav. June 25, 76 ; Colonel 8th Cav. April 2, '83. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut-Col. U. S. A. Oct. 19, '64, for industry, zeal and faithful ser- vices; Brevet Colonel U. S. A. April 15, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned In vol. xx. parts 1 and 2, pages 182, 188, 199, 203, 220, 620-21-26, 984-5; vol. xxiii. part 1, pages 336, 339; Records of the Rebellion as far as published. Service Served in garrison at Newport Barracks, Ky., '53 ; on frontier duty at Fort Clark, Tex., '54 ; Camp Blake, Tex., '54 ; Fort Duncan, Tex., '54; Fort Clark, Tex., '54-55 ; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.; expedi- tion against the Sioux,'55 ; at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan.,'55-56 ; march to Ft. Thorne, N. M., '56 ; on recruiting service, '56-57 ; on frontier duty in escorting Kansas 438 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. OVE Boundary Commissioner,'57 ; at Leavenworth, Kan., '57-58 ; Utah expedition, '58 ; on frontier duty at Fort Riey, Kan., '59-60; march to Fort Atkinson, Kan., '59; expedition against Kiowa Indians, '60 ; at Fort Wise, Col., '60-61 ; served during the rebellion of the seceding States, '61-66 ; on sick leave March 8 to July 16/62; on sick leave Feb. 24 to April 10, '63 ; on sick leave June 24 to Sept. 1, '63 ; Chief Mustering and Disbursing Officer and Superintendent of Recruiting Service of the State of Ohio, from Sept. 1, '63, to Nov. '63, and Mustering and Disbursing Officer of the State of Ohio, from Sept. 1, '63, to July 4, '64 ; Special Inspector of Cav. for the Dept. of West Virginia July 5-21, '64; Special Inspector of Cav. for the Army of the Potomac July 21 to Nov. 14, '64 ; for the Army of the Shenandoah, headquarters at Harper's Ferry, Va., Nov. 14/64, to May 31, '65 ; at Washington, D. C., June 1 to Sept. 30, '65 ; Special Inspector of Cav. for the Mil. Div. of the Mississippi at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. 1, '65 to Aug. 6, '66 ; for the Mil. l)iv. of the Missouri at St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 6/66, to May 29/67 ; en route to Reg- iment June to Dec., '67; on frontier duty at Camp Warner, Oregon, Oct. 71, to Aug., 72; at Camp Harney, Oregon, Aug. 27, '72, to July 13, 75; at Fort Walla Walla, Wash. Ter., July 26, 75, to Sept. 10, 76 ; on leave of absence Oct. 5, 76, to Feb. 5, 77 ; on frontier duty at Fort Rice, Dakota, Feb. 24, 77, to July 28, 77 ; scouting July 22 to Aug. 9, 78 ; on C. M. duty Fort Keogh, Mont., to Nov., 78 ; on sick leave May, '81, to Nov., '81 ; on leave of absence June 2, '82, to July 6, '82 ; on leave of absence May 18, '83, to June 30, '83 ; on sick leave July 7, '86, to Oct. 9, '86; on sick leave May 17, '88, to April 26, '89. Staff positions occupied Acting Adj. 1st Cav. at St. Louis, Mo., '58. Battles, skirmisltes, etc. In engage- ment against Kiowa Indians, '60; engaged in the battle of Perryville Oct. 8, '62 ; in the battle of Stone River Dec. 31, 62, to Jan. 3/63. Command* held In com- mand of six Go's of Cav. at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Dec. 25, '61, to Feb. 11, '62 ; of Major-Gen. Buell's escort Feb. 14 to March 3/62 ; in command of Convalescent Barracks at Louisville, Ky., July 15, '62, and of the Post of Louisville, Ky., Sept. 14 to Oct. 1, '62; in command of 4th Cav. (Army of the Ohio) in the advance into Kentucky Oct., '62 ; com. Regiment Nov. 7, '62, to Jan. 7, '63 ; com. Brigade Jan. 7 to Feb. 24, '63 (Army of the Cumberland), in Major-Gen. Rosecrans' Ten- nessee Campaign; in com. of 4th Cav. atMurfreesboro',Tenn., April 10 to June 24, '63 ; in command of District of Nevada Dec. 1, '67, to June, '68 ; of District of Owyhee June 20, '68, to April 19, '69, and of the District of the Lakes June 24, '69, to Oct.,71 ; in com. of Ft. Yates, Dak., Dec. 13/78, to June 25,79; com. Ft. A. Lincoln, Dakota, July 1, 79, to May, '81 ; com. 7th Cav. and Fort A. Lincoln, Dakota, Nov., '81, to June 2, '82 ; com. Reg. and Fort Meade, Dakota, July 6, '82, to May 1, '83, com. 8th Cav. and Post of San Antonio, Texas, July 13, '83, to Oct. 18, '87; com. Fort Davis, Texas, Oct. 21, '87, to May 17, '88; com. Fort Meade, Dakota, since April 26, '89, and com. Camp Alex. Chambers, Mont., Aug. 27 to Sept. 14, '89 Otis, Elwell Stephen (Colonel 20th Inf.). Born in Md., March 25, 1838. Retiring year 1902. Appointed from New York Civil life. Actual rank -Capt. 140th N. Y. Vols., Sept. 13, '62 ; Lieut.-Col. same regt., Dec. 23, '63 ; app. Lieut.- Col. 22d Inf., July 28, '66 ; accepted Feb. 7, '67 ; Col. 20th Inf., Feb. 8, '80. Brevet rank Brevet Col. and Brig.-Gen. of Vols. Mar. 13, '65, foi gallant and meritorious services at Spottsylvania and Chapel House, Va. ; Brevet Col. U. S. A., March 2, '67, for gallant services at Spottsylvania, Va. Service Served during the War of the Rebellion ; wounded Oct. 1, '64, and discharged Jan. 24, '65, because of pro- longed sick leave occasioned by wound ; served in permanent establishment, for the most part, at frontier posts and on the plains ; organized the United States Inf. and Cav. School '81, and conducted the affairs of the same until '85. Staff positions occupied Asst. Insp. Genl. Dept. of Dakota, '74-5. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in all the general engagements of the 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac, from Sept., '62, to Oct., '64. Commands held Com. the Regular Brigade of the Army of the Potomac in the operations around Petersburg, Va., and during the early fall of '64, on and near the Weldon Railroad. Ovenshine, Samuel (Major 23d Inf.). Born in Pa., April 2, 1843. Retiring year 1907. Appointed from Md. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. PAD RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF u. s. ARMY. 439 Inf., Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Aug. 29, '61 ; 1st Lieut Sept. 25, '61 ; Capt. March 30, '64; Maj. 23d Inf., July 10, '85. Staff positions occupied Adj. 5th Inf. from Jan. 1, '63, to Mar. 30, '64. ' Overman, Lewis C. (Major of Engineers). Born in Pa., Dec. 20, 1842. Retiring year 1906. App. from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Academy ; July 1/61; fraduated June 23, '65. Actual rank 1st. Lieut. Eng., June 23, '65; Capt. June , '67; Maj. March 26, '83. Service On duty with Eng. Batallion at Willet's Point, N. Y., and with Co. B, Eng. Battalion, Whitestone, N. Y., '65-7; improve- ment of the Des Moinea River, Keokuk, Iowa, '67-9 ; on detached service on staff of commanding general 5th Military District, Austin, Texas, '69-71 ; on duty at Chattanooga and Nashville, Tenn., '71-82 ; in charge of improvement of various harbors on Lake Erie, of rivers emptying into that lake, and of water-level obser- vations on Lake Erie, with station at Cleveland, O., since Nov. 1, '82. Overton, Clougfh (Second Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in Indiana. Appointed from Texas. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, '84; graduated June 11, '88. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Cav. June 11, '88. Overton, Gilbert B. (Captain 6th Cav.). Born in New York, March 18, 1845. Retiring year, 1909. Appointed from New York Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th N. Y. Vol. Cav. Sept. 26, '61 ; hon. must, out April 29, '62 ; 1st Lieut, and Adjt. 12th N. Y. Vol. Cav. Oct. 25, '62 ; hon. must, out March 2, '63 ; 1st Lieut. 12th N. Y. Vol. Cav. Sept. 21, '63 ; hon. must, out July 19, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Cav. Oct. 2, '67; accepted Oct. 5, '67; 1st Lieut. May 22, '72; Captain Dec. 30, '81. Staff positions occupied Adj. 6th Cav. from April 5, 73, to April 3, '74. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5 ; in the Shenandoah Valley campaign, '62 ; in campaign in North Carolina '63-5 ; out of service to '67 ; joined 6th Cav. at Fort Richardson, Texas, '67 ; in Texas, New Mexico and Indian Territory to '90 ; at present on leave in Europe. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the Shenandoah Valley ; at the actions of Newbern, Kingston and Wise's Forks, N. C. Owen, Prank (Second Lieut. 8th Inf.). Born in Oregon. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private, Corporal and Sergt. Co. C, 9th U. S. Inf., from Jan. 12, '85, to Oct. 22, '86; 2d Lieut. Oct. 22, '86; accepted Oct. 23, '86. Owen, William O., Jr. (Captain and Ass't Surgeon). Born in Tennessee, Appointed from Virginia Civil life. Actual rank Ass't Surg. May 23, '82; accepted June 14, '82 ; Captain, Ass't Surg., May 23, '87. Oyster, Joseph S. (First Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from District of Columbia. Cadet at theU. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '70 ; graduated June 17, 74. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Art. June 17, 74; 1st Lieut. May 15, '80. Paddock, George H. (Captain 5th Cav.) Born in 111. Appointed from 111. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '69; graduated June 13, 73. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th Art. June 13, 73 ; 1st Lieut. April 19, 77 ; trans, to 5th Cav. June 12, '84, to rank in Cav. Aug. 23, 78. Paddock, James V. S. (First Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in 111. Appointed from 111. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 73 ; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Cav. June 15, 77 ; 1st Lieut. June 11, '86- Service He joined at Fort Sidney, Neb., on the 6th of Dec., where he had station until May 15, 78, when he entered upon a tour of field service in Northern Wyoming, which continued to the llth of Dec. ; then assigned to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he had station until Sept., 79, when he joined Major Thornburgh's expedi- tion against the disaffected Utes of Colorado, and marched from Fort Fred Steele, Wyo., towards the agency on White River, Col. (commanding company), and was twice wounded during the memorable action and siege at Mill Creek, Col., 29th of Sept., 5th of Oct. ; was absent, on a certificate of disability and leave of absence, from Oct. 18, 79, to Oct. 2, '80, when he joined his company at Fort Niobrara, Neb. Honorably mentioned Received an honorable mention m department orders and a joint resolution of thanks from the Sixth Legislative Assembly of Wyoming 440 RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. PAL Territory for his bravery, heroic conduct, and efficient services during the engage- ment and subsequent siege. Paddock, Richard B. (Second Lieut. 6th Cav.). Born in 111. Appointed from 111. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 13th Inf. Oct. 10, '83; accepted Oct. 11, '83 ; trans, to the 6th Cav. Feb. 26, '85, to rank in Cav. Aug. 5, '84. Pag-e, Charles (Lieutenant Colonel and Surgeon U. S. A.). Born in Vir- ginia, 1829. Retiring year 1893. Appointed from Va. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Dec. 2, '51 ; accepted Feb. 25, '52 ; Captain Asst. Sur- geon Dec. 2, '56 ; Major Surgeon Aipril 16, '62; Lieut. Col. Surgeon June 30, '82. Brevet rani- Brevet Lieut. Col. U. S. A. for faithful and meritorious services dur- ing the war. Service At Key West Brks., Fla., from Dec., "51, to May 15, '52; with troops en route to New Mexico from June to Aug., '52; at Fort Laramie, O. K., from Aug. 29, '52, to Nov. 20, '56 ; at Fort Smith, Ark., from June, '57, to Feb., '58 ; at Jefferson Brks. from Feb. 19 to May, '58 ; at Fort Leavenworth from June 21, '58, to Nov. 25, '58 ; at Ft. Washita from Dec. 20, '58, to June, '61 ; at Baltimore, Md. (Medical Director Gen. Banks' Div.), July to Nov., '61 ; at West Point, N. Y., from Nov., '61, to May, '62; in charge Columbian Hospital, Wash- ington, D. C., from June, '62, to Dec., '62; at Hagerstown, Md., (Medical Direc- tor) from Dec., '62, to Jan., '63; in charge of Convalescent Camp, Alexandria, Va., from Jan. to March, '63 ; in charge 1st Division Hospital, Alexandria, Va., from March, '63, to Aug., '64; Asst. Medical Director, Army of the Potomac, from Sept., '64, to March, ? 65 ; Medical Director 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac, from March to Aug., '65 ; Surgeon-in-Chief Dist. of N. E. Va., Fredericksburg, Va., from Sept., '65, to May, '66; also in charge of Post Hospital, Fredericksburg, Va., from Dec., '65, to May, '66 ; Medical Director, Raleigh, N. C., May, '60 ; Medical Director Dept. of the Carol in as from June, '66, to March, '67 ; Medical Director 2d Mil. Dist. from April, '67, to Aug., '68 ; at Fort Columbus. N. Y. H., from Oct. 7, '68, to June, '72 ; (Post Surgeon from Oct. 7, '68, to April, '71) ; Post Surgeon Ft. D. A. Russell, Wyo. Ty., from July 4, '72, to Sept., 73; Post Surgeon Omaha Brks., Neb., from Sept. 29, 73, to May, 79 ; (Acting Medical Director Dept. Platte July to Oct., 74) ; Post Surgeon Fort Monroe, Va,, from June 3, 79, to July 1, '84 ; Medical Director Dept. Missouri from Aug. 8, '84, to date. Page, John JL (Major llth Inf.). Born in Delaware March 26, 1842. Re- tiring year 1906. Appointed from Illinois Civil life. Actual rank Prvt. Co. meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; Brevet Major July 2, '68, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Penn. Service In the War of the Rebellion, '61-5 ; in the Army of the Potomac during its various campaigns, '61-5 ; served in Kansas and Ind. Ty., Indian war against Chevennes and Arapahoes from'66-70 ; at various poste in the country from 70 to '90, his present station being Fort Niagara, N. Y. Battle*, skirmishes, etc. With regiment and engaged at the siege of Yorktowii ; battles of Games' Mill, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Chancellorsville and Mine Run; siege of Petersburg ; surrender of Lee, Appomattox. Pag-ue, Samuel S. (First Lieut. 15th Inf.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 72 ; graduated June 15, 76. Actual rank 'Mi Lieut. 15th U. S. Inf. June 15, 76 ; 1st Lieut. June 27, '84. Palfrey, Carl F. (Captain of Engineers). Born in Mass., July 4, 1846. Retiring year 1910. Appointed from Me. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Oct. 17, '65 ; graduated June 15, 70. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Art. June 15, 70 ; trans, to Eng. June 10, 72; 1st Lieut. Sept. 2, 74 ; Capt. Mar. 26, '83. Palmer, Alfred M. (First Lieut, and R. Q. M. 24th Inf.). Born in Ind., Feb. 28, 1847. Retiring year 1911. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private Co. "I," 5th Art., Apr. 22, '67, to Apr. 22, 70; Private, Corporal and Sergeant Co. "M," and Sergt,, Major and Q. M. Sergeant 4th Art. May 16, 70, to July 7, '80 ; 2d Lieut. 24th Inf. June 24, '80 ; accepted July 8, '80 ; 1st Lieut. Apr. 29, '86. Service Served as A. 0. O. at Fort Mclntosh, Tex., from Sept. 30, PAL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. 441 '80, to Oct. 28, '80 ; Post Adj. O. and S. O. at Fort Sill, I. T., from Dec. 19, '80, to Feb. 1, '81 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Sill, I. T., from Jan. 28, '81, to July 13, '82 ; A. O. O. at Fort Sill, I. T., from March 30, '81, to July 13, '82; Post Adj. and Post Treasurer at Fort Sill, I. T., from Apr. 17, '83, to July 31, '83 ; Post Treasurer O. and S. O. at Fort Supply, I. T., from March 6, '84, to May 19, '84; Act. R. Q. M. 24th Inf. and A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Supply, I. T., from June 30, '84, to Jan. 14, '85 ; A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., O. S. O. at Fort Riley, Kan., from May 7, '85, to July 8, '85 ; as Act. Reg. Adj. 24th Inf. and Post Adj. Fort Supply, I. T., from Sept. 3, '85, to Nov. 11, '85 ; as O. O. and Post Treasurer at Fort Supply, I. T., from Dec. 16, '85, to Apr. 20, '85 ; R. Q. M., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Forts Supply and Sill, I. T., and at Fort Bayard, N. M., since April 18, '87. Palmer, Charles D. (Second Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Iowa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, June 15, '84 ; graduated June 11, '88. Actual ran&2d Lieut. 4th Art. June 11, '88. Palmer, Frederick L. (Second Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in Ga. Appointed from Georgia. Cadet at U. 8. Military Academy, July 1, '80; graduated June 15, '84. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 21st Inf. June 15, '84. Palmer, George (First Lieut. 9th Inf.). Born in Wis. Appointed from Wis. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, June 1, '72 ; graduated June 15, '76. Actual rank2d Lieut. 24th Inf. July 15, 76 ; transferred to 9th Inf. July 28, '76; 1st Lieut. June 15, '83. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. July 1, '87. Palmer, George H. (Captain 16th Inf.). Born in New York, April 16,1839. Retiring year 1903. Appointed from Illinois Civil life. Actual rank Bu- gler Co. G. 1st 111. Cav., April 24, '61 ; discharged Oct. 9, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 83d III. Inf. Aug. 21, '62 ; Capt. March 2, '63 ; hon. must, out June 26, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 27th U. S. Inf. Jan. 22, '67; accepted April 15, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 2, '67 ; unassigned June 14, '69 ; assigned to 16th Inf. Dec. 15, '70 ; Capt. March 20, '85. Service Engaged in Mulligan's defense and surrender of Lexington, Mo., Sept. 18, 19 and 20, '61 ; engaged at the battle of Fort Donelson, Tenn., Feb. 3, '63, when Wheeler, Wharton and Forrest attacked the place with 8,000 men; Union strength 850 men ; the rebels beaten, and lost in killed, wounded and prisoners 670 men, or three-fourths as many men as the Union troops had in the fight ; en- gaged in pursuit of rebel Gens. Forrest and Wheeler in Ky. and Tenn. in '64, and at the actions of Nashville, Franklin, Pulaski and Florence 5 '64-65, com- manding a company of mounted infantry selected men and engaged in scout- ing duty in Kentucky and Tennessee ; engaged in fifteen tights with rebel scout- ing parties and guerrillas ; April, '65, in pursuit of Capt. J. C. Lea, commanding Confederate Cavalry raiding through Tennessee and Kentucky; fight with him on the 2d of May, '65, near Henderson, Ky.; drove him across Green River and broke up his command; stationed at Forts C. F. Smith, M. T., and Phil Kearney, D. T. ; engaged in scouting duty after hostile Indians until May, '68 ; served in Wyoming and Col. until July, '69 ; unassigned and awaiting orders from June 23, '69, to July 19, '69 ; on duty in Miss, (reconstruction) until May, '70 ; on duty in the Southern States until June, '77; served in Kansas and Colorado until Nov., '80; commanding company in pursuit of hostile Indians under Dullknife, 79 ; on mounted duty in Middle Park, Colo., in '80 ; served in Texas Nov., '80, and then in Utah, present station being Fort Douglas. Palmer, Innis N. (Colonel and Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Army). Born in New York. Retired. Appointed from New York. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, July 1, '42; graduated July 1, '46. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. M. Rif. July 1, '46 ; 2d Lieut. July 20, '47 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 27, '53 ; Capt. 2d Cav. March 3, '55 ; accepted March 25, '55 ; Major 5th Cav. April 25, '61 ; Brig.-Gen. Sept. 23, '61 ; accepted Oct. 1, '61 ; Bvt. Maj.-Gen. March 13, '65 ; hon. must. out. Jan. 15, '66 ; Lieut. Col. 2d Cav. Sept. 23, '63 ; Col. June 9, '68 ; retired March 20, 79, at his own request, over 30 years' service. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. Aug. 20/47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churu- busco ; Brevet Capt. Sept 13, '47, for gallant conduct at Chapultepec ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. July 21, '61, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Bull Run, 28 442 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. PAL Va. ; Brevet Col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; Brevet Brig.-Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war; Brevet Maj. Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, for long and merito- rious services. Service Joined his regiment at Jefferson Barracks Oct. 29, '46, and started from that station Dec. 11 for service in the Mexican War, and ar- rived at Vera Cruz March 9, '47 ; participated in the siege of Vera Cruz, the bat- tles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco, Chapultepec (severely wounded), and in the assault upon, and capture of, the city of Mexico; commanded Co. B of the police in the city of Mexico from Dec. 18, '47, to June 5, '48 ; returned to Jeffer- son Barracks in July, '48 ; he served as acting adjutant of his regiment from Nov. 25, '48, to March 25, '49, when he was assigned to regimental recruiting service at St. Louis, where he served until May, when he rejoined his regiment at Camp Sumner, near Fort Leavenworth, and marched with it to Oregon City, where he arrived about the 15th of Oct. ; he served as acting adjutant of his regiment from Oct. 14, '49, to May 1, '50, and held the position until July 1, '54; served during this period at Oregon City and Fort Vancouver ; and, returning East, served at Jefferson Barracks in '51. and during the years '52-54 was employed in Indian campaigns in Texas, ana had stations at Forts Merrill, Ewell and Inge ; on re- cruiting service in Baltimore when appointed a Captain in the 5th (old 2d) Cav., to date from March 3, '55 ; joined at Jefferson Barracks Aug. 27, '55, and marched with the regiment to Texas, and arrived at Fort Mason Jan. 14, '56, where he served until July, when he was assigned to the command of Camp Verde, which he retained until May, '58, and was employed during Jan. and Feb., '58, in op- erations against hostile Indians near the headwaters of the Brazos and Colorado Rivers; returned to Fort Mason in May, '58, and about one month later pro- ceeded to Fort Belknap, where the regiment was ordered to concentrate for the march to Utah ; but the order was revoked, and he was assigned 27th July, to duty at that post, where he served until Jan., '59, when he was ordered to Wash- ington and assigned to special duty until May on a leave of absence with per- mission to visit Europe. He returned to duty in Oct., '60, and conducted a de- tachments of recruits to Texas, and rejoined his company at Camp Cooper Jan. 5, '61 ; started from that station Feb. 21, and marched company to Green Lake, where he was joined by five other companies, which composed the first detach- ment of the regiment out of Texas ; conducted the battalion to Indianola, and there embarked on the steamship " Coatzacoalcos," and arrived in New York Harbor April 11, '61 ; proceeded with Cos. D and H directly to Washington, where he was employed in guarding the Treasury building and served in the de- fenses of the city ; commanded the regular cavalry in the Manassas campaign ; was commended in the report of his brigade commander ; served as a member of a board convened at Washington in Aug., '61, for the examination of officers who were reported to be unable to perform field service ; commanded the regi- ment in the defenses of Washington from Aug. 28 to Sept. 26, '61 ; continued to serve in the defenses of Washington until March, '62, when he participated in the Virginia Peninsular campaign as a brigade commander in the 4tn Corps Army of the Potomac, and was engaged in the siege of Yorktown and in the battles of Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Glendale and Malvern Hill ; he was then employed in organizing and forwarding to the field New Jersey and Delaware volunteers, and in superintending camps of drafted men at Philadelphia, until Dec., '62, when he was transferred to North Carolina, where he served until June, '65 ; commanded at different periods the 1st Division of the 18th Army Corps, the Dept.of North Carolina, the District of Pamlico, the 18th Army Corps, the defenses of Newbern, the Districts of North Carolina and Beaufort, and partici- pated in March, '65, in General Sherman's movements, and was engaged in the action of Kingston ; joined his regiment at Fort Ellsworth, Kan., on the 21st of May, and commanded it until Sept.; on leave of absence until Dec., and rejoined the regiment at Fort Laramie, Wyo., and commanded it until Aug., '67, and again from Nov., '67, to July, '68 ; served as a member of a board convened at Washington to pass upon a system of cavalry tactics from July, '68, to June, '69, when he rejoined his regiment and served at Omaha Barracks until Sept., 72 ; PAR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 443 transferred with his regimental headquarters, to Fort Sanders, Wyoming, where he served until the fall of 76 ; he also commanded the District of the East Platte during the summer of 72 ; served as a member of a Cavalry Equipment Board convened at Fort Leayenworth in 74, and as a member of a Board on a Carbine Cartridge in 75 ; on sick leave of absence from Sept., 76, to March 20, 79, when he was retired from active service, at his own request, having served over thirty years. Pardee, William J. (Second Lieut. 18th Inf.). Born in N. Y.; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 18th Inf. Oct. 30, '84 : accepted Oct. 31, '84. Parke, John B. (Major 16th Inf.). Born in Pa., Oct. 22, 1839. Retiring year 1903. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rankPvt. Co. F, 25th Pa. Inf., May 2, '61 ; discharged June 26, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 17th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 26, '61 ; Capt. July 14, '64; trans, to 26th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; trans, to 10th Inf. May 19, '69 ; Major 16th Inf. Aug. 1, '86. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Aug. 1, '64, for gallant services in the battle of Spottsylvania and during the operations before Richmond, Va.; Bvt. Lieut. Col. April 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services at Fort Steadman and in the assault on Fort Sedgwick, Va. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Vol. June 17, '64, to Sept. 18, '65. Service In the War of the Rebel- lion '61-5 ; on duty in Washington, D. C. ; on mustering, disbursing and recruiting duty to Nov., '62 ; engaged at the battle of Fredericksburg and Burnside's Vir- ginia Campaign Jan., '63 ; commanding company to May, '64, and engaged at the battles of Mine Run and Laurel Hill, 1st and 2d days' fighting in the Wilderness, Laurel Hill or Todd's Tavern, North Anna River, the fighting in front of Peters- burg, Va., and all the battles of the Regular Brigade up to and including the three days' fighting on the Weldon Railroad ; appointed A. D. C. 9th Corps just after the fighting on the Weldon Railroad, and engaged in all the battles up to the surrender of Gen. Lee ; commanding regiment to June, '64, and engaged at the battles of Cold Harbor and Petersburg, Va.; Asst. Adj. Gen. and A. D. C. on the staff of the Regular Brigade, and engaged at the battle of the Weldon Rail- road ; served at numerous posts since the close of the war, present station being Fort Douglas, Utah. Parke, John Q. (Colonel of Engineers, Bvt. Maj. Gen.). Born in Pennsylva- nia Sept. 22, '27. Retired ; appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '45 ; graduated July 1, '49. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. Top. Eng. July 1, '49 ; 2d Lieut. April 18, '54 ; 1st Lieut. July 1, '56 ; Capt. 13th Inf. May 14, '61 (declined); Capt. Top. Eng. Sept. 9, '61 ; Brig. Gen. Nov. 23, '61 ; accepted Nov. 25, '61; Maj. Gen. July 18, '62; accepted August 1, '62; hon. must, out Jan. 15, '66 ; trans, to Eng. March 3, '63; Maj. Eng. June 17, '64; Lieut. Col. March 4, 79; Col. March 17, '84; retired at his own request July 2, '89. Brevet rank Bvt Lieut. Col. April 26, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Ft. Macon, N. C.; Bvt. Col. July 12, '63, gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Jackson, Miss.; Bvt. Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the defense of Knoxville, Tenn.; Bvt. Maj. Gen. March 13, '65, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the repulse of Ft. Steadman, Va. Staff positions occupied Superintendent and Commandant Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., August 28, '87, to June 24, '89. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5 ; accompanied the Burnside expedition to North Carolina, participating in the various engagements, including the capture of Fort Macon, where he was in com- mand; promoted Maj. Gen. July 18, '62; served as chief of staff, 9th Corps, in battles of South Mountain and Antietam ; chief of staff to Maj. Gen. Burnside, commanding Army of the Potomac, and participated in battle of Fredericksburg ; in command of 9th Corps during its march to Vicksburg, and temporarily of left wing of General Sherman's army; engaged in Tennessee in siege of Knoxville, etc., and in Richmond campaign of '64 as a division commander; again obtaining command of 9th Corps before Petersburg August, '64, in which command he re- mained through the subsequent operations terminating in the surrender of Lee's army at Appomattox Court- House ; was for several years in charge of a division in the office of the Chief of Engineers in Washington to '87 ; at West Point, N. Y., to '89. 444 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. PAR Parke, John S., Jr. (First Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in Tennessee. Appointed from Tenn. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 21st Inf. June 13, 79 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 21, '86. Parker, Charles (Captain 9th Cav.). Born in New York March 20, '43. Re- tiring year 1907 ; appointed from Illinois Civil life. Actual rank Captain 71st 111. Inf. July 22, '62; mustered out Oct. 29, '62 ; Captain 17th 111. Cav. Jan. 7, '64; Major 17th 111. Cav. Nov. 1, '65 ; mustered out Nov. 23, '65; app. 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Cav. July 28, '66 ; accepted April 22, '67 ; 1st Lieut. June 12, '67 ; Captain Jan. 16, 70; honorably mustered out Jan. 1, 71, under sec. 12, act July 15,70; reapp. Captain 9th Cav. May 1, 74, with rank from Jan. 16, 70. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut and Captain March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in battle. Service Guarding Mobile and Ohio Railroad from July, '62, to Nov., '62 ; in the Army of the West during the War of the Rebellion ; in Arizona, Texas, and Nebraska since. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged against rebel guerrillas at Rocheport, Fayette, Holtzclaw's Farm and Point of Rocks ; marched to the relief of General Ewing at Leesburg, Mo.; actions of Boonville, Lexington, Independ- ence, Little Blue and Osage ; in affairs with Mescalero Apaches in the fall of '68 and spring of 70 on the Pecos River, Texas ; in the campaign and several affairs with the Comanches, Kiowas and Cheyenne Indians in the fall and winter of 74; commanding in a severe affair against "Nana," Sabine and Warm Spring Apaches August 12, '81, near Saliual, New Mexico. History Commanding squadron accompanying flag-of-truce to arrange terms of surrender of rebel Gen- eral Thompson. Parker, Charles P. (Second Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in Ala. Appointed from Ala. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '81 ; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Art. June 14, '85. Parker, Dangerfleld (Lieutenant Col. 20th Inf.). Born in N. Y. May 23. 1832. Retiring year, 1896 ; appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Inf. April 26, '61 ; accepted May 3, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 30, '61 ; Capt. Oct. 20, '63 ; Major 9th Inf. April 14, '84 ; Lieut. Col. 20th Inf. May 15, '89. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. July 2, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5 ; in the field in Gen. Patterson's Virginia campaign '61 ; with regiment enforcing draft in New York City ; on recruiting duty, Washington, D. C. (and commanding Fort Slocum during the attack of the rebel General Early upon Washington, D. C.), to the fall of '64; captain 3d Infantry October 20, '63; at Governor's Island, N. Y., and commanding three companies of regiment in Washington, D. C., to commanding regiment at headquarters, Army of the Potomac, spring of '65 ; commanding Military Prison, St. Louis, Mo., Oct., '65, to April, '66 ; at Fort Leavenwortn, Kan., and commanding a detachment engaged in an expedition against hostile Indians to Oct., '66 ; at Fort Marker, Kan., temporarily command- ing post and commanding a battalion engaged in an expedition against hostile Indians to Sept., '67 ; at Fort Leavenwortn, Kan., to Sept., '68 ; commanding Fort Lamed, Kan., part of autumn '68, and from the summer of '69 to Oct., 70; stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., from Oct., 70, to July, 74; accompanied regt. to the South, with hdqrs. at Holly Springs, Miss., until Sept., 74; com- manding garrison at Shreveport, La., from Sept., 74, to July, 76 ; stationed in New Orleans winter of 76-7 ; in Holly Springs and commanding post of Jackson, Miss., part of spring and summer of 77 ; stationed with regiment at Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., during labor riots in 77 ; stationed in Montana (posts of Shaw, Logan and Maginnis) from that time to Sept., '82 ; on recruiting service from Oct., '82, to Oct., '84; in command of Recruiting Depot at David s Island, N. Y., '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of first and second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg (wounded). Parker, Francis H. (Lieutenant-Colonel of Ordnance). Born in New York July 1, 1838. Retiring year 1902 ; app. from New York ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '61. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d Dragoons (2d Cav.) June 24, '61 ; transferred to Ordnance Oct. 24, '61 ; 1st Lieut. March 8, '63 ; Capt. Dec. 1, '65 ; Major April 14, 75 ; Lieut.-Col. Jan. 3, '87. Brevet rank Brevet Captain March PAR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 445 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the Ordnance Dept. ; Brevet Major March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the Ordnance Dept. and in the field. Service Served during the War of the Rebellion drilling volunteers at Washington, D. C. ; in the field on duty at Hd. Qrs. Dist. of Washington and at Hd. Qrs. Army of the Potomac to Oct., '61 ; transferred to the Ordnance Corps Oct. 24, '61 ; on duty at Washington Arsenal, D. C.,to Jan., '62; at Head quarters Army of the Potomac to March, '62 ; in the Peninsular Campaign as Ordnance Officer 4th Corps d'Armee, and as Asst. at Headquarters Army of the Potomac to July, '62 ; in the Maryland Campaign in charge of a large supply train ; at Ord. Depot at Frederick, Md.,to Oct., '62 ; asst. at St. Louis Arsenal, Mo., to July, '63 ; Chief Ordnance Officer Dept. and Army of the Tennessee, to Jan., '64, being en- gaged in General Sherman's march to Chattanooga ; Asst. at Watervliet Arsenal to July, '64; at Cincinnati Ordnance Depot to Dec., '64 ; Chief Ordnance Officer Army of the Potomac to June, '65, being engaged in the operations terminating with the surrender of the Confederate Army under General Lee ; Assistant at Wate.r- town Arsenal, Mass., to Oct., '65; at Charleston Arsenal, S. C., and Ordnance Officer of the Military District to Nov., '68 ; Asst. at Rock Island Arsenal, Ills., to Nov., '69; at Detroit Arsenal, Mich., to Nov., 71 ; Asst. at Washington Arsenal, D. C., to Nov., 73 ; Asst. at Fort Monroe Arsenal to July, 79 ; member of the Board to select a magazine arm for the Service in 78 ; on duty selecting a site for the Atlantic Powder Depot, purchasing the land and planning and building the depot to April, '83 ; member of the Board on Heavy Ordnance and Projectiles in '81 and '82 ; member of the Board for Testing Rifle Cannon '84 to ; and of Board for the location of the gun factory in '87 ; and of the Gun Factory Board from '88 to ; at the Watertowii Arsenal, Mass., to Nov., '89 ; at the Water- vliet Arsenal and Gun Factory to . Staff positions occupied A. D. C. to Col. Wilcox at first battle of Bull Run. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In the first battle of Bull Run ; battle of Antietam ; battle of Missionary Ridge. Commands held Ordnance Depot at Frederick, Md., to Oct., '62 ; Cincinnati Ord. Depot to Dec., '64 ; Charleston Arsenal, S. C., to Nov., '68 ; Detroit Arsenal, Mich., to Nov., 71 ; Fort Monroe Arsenal to July, 79 ; Watertown Arsenal, Mass., to Nov., '89 ; Watervliet Arsenal and Gun Factory to . Parker, James (Captain 4th Cav.). Born in N. J., Feb. 20, 1854. Retiring year 1918; appointed from N. J. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 72 ; graduated June 15, 76. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th Cav. June 15, 76 ; 1st Lieut. July 23, 79 ; Capt. Oct. 2, '88. Service Stationed at Fort Sill, Ind. Ter., 76 and 77 ; scouting against Cohardic Comanches Nov. and Dec., 76 ; scouting against horse thieves April, 77 ; on leave May 31 to June 29, 77 ; in camp and scouting i Expedition May 15 to Sept. 5, 'Si"; in the field against hostile White Mountain Apaches Sept. 5 to Oct. 21, '81 ; at Fort Wingate, N. M., Nov. 12, '81, to June 11, '84 ; scouting May and June, '82 ; scouting April, '83 ; in the field on mil. reconnoissance, exploring and mapping Northwestern New Mexico, May to July, '83 ; on leave Aug. 27, 83, to Jan. 16, '84; scouting and changing station June, '84; stationed at Fort Apache, Ariz., June 19, '84, to Jan. 14, '86 ; in the field in pursuit of Geronimo's band of Chiricahua Apaches May and June, '85 ; stationed at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., Jan. 19, '86, to June 3, '88 ; in the field scouting June to Sept., '86 ; on leave June 3, '88, to Sept. 23, '88 ; stationed at Fort Myer, Va., since Oct. 2, '88. Staff positions occupied Adj. of Batt. 4th Cav. changing station Dec., 77, to Feb., 78 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Hays, Kas., Dec., 79, to April, '80 ; A. A. Q. M. at Fort Apache, Ariz., April 1 to Dec. 30, '85 ; Adj. 4th Cav. Jan. 1 to June 16, '86 ; A. A. A. G. District of Huachuca, April to June, '86 ; R. Q. M. 4th Cav. May 1, '87, to Oct. 2, '88 ; A. C. S. at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., June 1, '87, to June 1, '88. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in action with Chiricahua Indians at Devil's Creek May 22, '85. Commands held Com. expedition into Mexico against hostile Apaches July to Sept., '86. 446 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. PAR Parker, John D. (Post Chaplain). Born in N. Y. Appointed from Mo. Actual rank Post Chaplain July 29, '82; accepted Aug. 15, '82. Service Edu- cated at the University of Michigan and the Chicago Theological Seminary ; elected Professor of Natural Science in Lincoln College, Topeka, Kansas, in '67 ; appointed superintendent of the Kansas Institution for the Blind in 71 ; founded the Kansas Academy of Science in '67 ; founded the Kansas City Academy of Science in '75 ; stationed at Fort McKavett, Texas, until the fort was abandoned, June 30, '83, when he was stationed at Fort Stockton, Texas ; transferred in Oct., '83, to Fort Hays, Kansas; at Fort Riley, Kan., '90. Parker, Leopold O. (Captain 1st Inf.). Born in Mo. Nov. 6, 1843. Retir- ing year 1907 ; appointed from Va. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Vol. Inf. Jan. 14, '65 ; hon. must, out June 18, '66; 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. Oct. 9, '66 ; accepted Oct. 22, '66 ; trans, to 4th Cav. Sep. 16, '69; 1st Lieut. Feb. 10, 70 ; Capt. Nov. 12, 79; trans, to 1st Inf. Dec. 6, '80. Staff positions occupied Adj. 1st Inf. Sep. 25, '67, to May 20, '68; A. D. C. Sep. 16, '68, to March 29, '69; Adj. 4th Cav. Jan. 1, 72, to May 6, 75. Parker, Montgomery D. (First Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in Mass. Ap- pointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 9th Cav. Sep. 1, 79 ; ac- cented Sep. 26, 79 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 22, '84. JParker, Richard C. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Sgt. Maj. 5th Pa. Inf. April 21, '61 ; discharged June 25, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 12th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 25, '61 ; Capt. Dec. 31, '63 ; retired March 20, 79, disability in line of duty. Brevet rankBvt. Capt. May 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va.; Bvt. Maj. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the buttle of Get- tysburg, Penn. Service In the War of the Rebellion, '61-5 ; in the field with the Army of the Potomac, and participated in all its campaigns up to and includ- ing Gettysburg, Pa., '62-3 ; on mustering and disbursing duty, and chief muster- ing officer, Volunteer Committee Rooms, New York City, '64-5 : with regiment on Pacific Coast until retired. Battles, skirmisher, etc. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Games' Mill and Malvern Hill, Aide-de-camp and Assist- ant Inspector General on staff of Gen. Ayers, and engaged at the battle of Chan- cellorsville; with regiment and engaged at the battle of Gettysburg. Parkhurst, Charles D. (First Lieut. 4th Art.) Born in Massachusetts. Appointed from R. I. Cadet at Mil. Acad. July 1, '68 ; graduated June 14, 72. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th Cav. June 14, 72; 1st Lieut. Aug. 23, 78; transferred to 4th Art., June 12, '84. Service He was assigned to duty at Benicia Barracks (conducting recruits to Nevada) and San Francisco until Oct. 19, when he sailed on the steamship " Newbern " as Commissary and Quartermaster for a detachment of recruits by the way of the Gulf of California and the Colorado River to Ari- zona, and joined his company at Camp Date Creek Nov. 29 ; participated in the Apache campaign of 72-73, and was engaged in the affairs on the north fork of Baby Canon (commanding), in repulsing a night attack at the forks of Baby Canon, at Indian Run, and on the east branch of the Verde River ; he served as Adjutant at Camp Date Creek, March-May, 73, and as Adjutant, company com- mander, Signal Officer, Commissary, and Quartermaster at Camp McDowell until May, 75, having occasional tours of field service; participated in the Apache campaign of 74, and was engaged in three affairs in the Arivapa and Mazatzal Mountains during April and May, 74; on leave of absence from May 14 to Oct. 14, 75 ; rejoined at Fort Hays, Kan., where he had station, with occasional tours of field service, until July 17, 76 ; he then proceeded by rail to Cheyenne, and marched thence to Goose Creek, Wyo., where he joined the Big Horn and Yel- lowstone expedition, and was engaged in the skirmish at Slim Buttes, Dak. ; upon the disbandment of the expedition at Fort Hobinson, Neb., in Oct., he was ass'd to Fort McPherson, Neb., where he had station until A ; ug., 77, and was employed in Omaha during the railway riots of July, 77 ; participated in the operations of the Wind River expedition against the Nez Perces during Sept. and Oct., 77 ; upon the disbandment of the expedition was assigned to Fort McKinney, Wyo., where he had station, with occasional tours of field service, until Sept., 78 ; on PAR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 447 leave of absence until July, 79, when he rejoined at Fort McPherson and com- manded a company at that station and during the operations of the expedition against the hostile Utes of Colorado until Oct., and thereafter served on company duty until Jan., '80, when he was appointed Quartermaster of the Ute expedi- tion, and discharged the duties of the position until May, '80, when he rejoined his company at Fort Robinson, where he served chiefly as Quartermaster until March, '82 ; he then changed station to Fort Sidney, Neb., where he served as a company commander and Quartermaster until Aug., when he was transferred to Fort McKinney, where he served until transferred. Present station, Fort Riley, Kan. Honorably mentioned He was twice nominated to the United States Senate to be a Brevet First Lieutenant, to date from Jan. 1, '73, for gallant con- duct in the Tonto Basin. Parmerter, Almon L. (Second Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in New York. Ap- pointed from New York. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '81 ; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rank2d Lieut. 21st Inf., June 14, '85. Parnell, William R, (Captain and Bvt. Lieut. Col. U. S. A.). Born in Dub- lin, Ireland, Aug. 13, 1835. Retired; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 4th N. Y. Cav. Aug. 29, '61 ; Capt. Dec. 19, '61 ; Major May 25, '63 ; Lieut. Col. Jan. 28, '64; hon. must. out. Dec. 15, '64; 2d Lieut. 1st Cav., Feb. 23, '66; accepted April 11, '66; 1st Lieut. Oct. 15, '66; Capt. April 29, '79; re- tired Feb. 11, '87. Brevet rank Capt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Upperville, Va., June 21, '63; Major March 2, '67, for gal- Corps Army of the Potomac; proceeded to Washington; during the winter '61-62 camped at Hunter's Chapel, Va., Blenker's Division ; marched with it in March, '61, to the Shenandoah Valley ; thence to West Va., and joined Fremont's com- mand ; thence back to the valley in pursuit of Jackson as far as Port Republic ; thence back to Luray Valley under Sigel, participating in Manassas, etc. ; win- tered at Spotted Tavern, '62-3, and beeame part of the Cavalry Corps on its organization by Gen. Stoneman, until final muster-out of regiment on expiration of its term of service in the winter of '64 ; on duty as Mustering Officer, for a few months in the fall of '64, 1st Div. Cav. Corps ; assigned to Co. L, 1st Cav., sta- tioned at Camp McDermit, Nev. ; reported for duty at Carlisle Brks., Pa., April 29, '66 ; conducting recruits to Nashville, Tenu., for 5th Cav. from July 2 to 10, '66 ; on duty with the nucleus (400 men) of the 7th Cav., then being organized, to Fort Riley, Kan., Aug. 20 to Sept. 6, '66 ; ordered to join regiment on the Pacific Coast Sept. 13, '66 ; left Carlisle Brks. Sept. 18 ; took passage on Steamer " Santiago de Cuba " Sept. 29 ; suffered shipwreck off Hatteras Oct. 3, and re- turned to New York ; started again in Steamer " San Francis ;" arrived at San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 7, '66, and assigned to duty with the 8th Cav., then being organized; at Angel Island, Cal., until Jan. 26, '67; at Alcatraz Island until Feb. 10, and at Benicia Barracks until June 4, '67 ; proceeded to join Troop H, 1st Cav., at Camp C. F. Smith, Oregon, marching overland via Sacramento and Placer- ville, Cal., Virginia City, Fort Churchill and Camp McDermit, Nev. ; reached Camp C. F. Smith July 6; on July 21 marched troop to Camp Warner, prepara- tory to campaign against hostile Indians under Gen. George Crook ; Aug. 30 on scout to Goose Lake Valley and the mountains west of it until Sept. 28 ; returned to Camp Warner Oct. 5, '67 ; on scout through Abert and Goose Lake Country Dec. 7 to 12, '67 ; on detached service at Fort Boise, Idaho, from Dec. 17, '67, to Feb. 1, '68, procuring Indians for service as scouts in the Stein's Mountain Coun- try, during which trip much toil and suffering were experienced in the Blue Mountains from deep snows and extreme cold ; on scout in Stein Mountain from Feb. 11 to 22, '68; on scout through Warner Valley and Abert Lake Valley from May 2 to 8, 68 ; from June 26 to July 5, accompanied Gen. Crook to Camp Har- ney, Oregon, to hold council with Indians who had surrendered and were finally located on the Malheur Reservation; on scout (with Gen. Crook's command) through Goose Lake and Pitt River country from July 23 to Aug. 20, '68; changed 448 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. PAR station to Camp Harney, Oregon, and on duty there until Nov. 14, 72 ; on leave of absence for one year ; joined troop at Camp Harney Oct. 14, 73 ; at Fort Walla Walla, W. T., June 23, 75 ; on Indian expedition in Blue Mountains and Grande Ronde Valley, Oregon, from Jan. 1 to 11, 76; moved to Fort Lapwai, Idaho, May 6, 77, to await results of negotiations with the Non-treaty Nez Perce Indians; on campaign against hostile Indiana, who, under Chief Joseph, opened hostilities on Salmon River, Idaho, by murder of whites and destruction of prop- erty, and on Spokane expedition from July to Oct., 77 ; returned to Fort Walla Walla Oct. 14, 77 ; changed station with troop to Fort Lapwai, I. T., under orders for field service, pending action of hostile Bannock and Snake Indians ; left Fort Lapwai, under forced marching orders, to join Gen. Howard's command operating against hostile Indians; reported at Pilot Rock, Oregon, July 7, 78; remained with pursuing column under Lieut. Col. J. W. Forsyth, until Aug. 1J; ordered to Boise Barracks (sick) Aug. 18, and thence to Walla Walla; joined troop at Fort Lapwai Sept. 24, and changed station with it to Fort Colville Sept. 26, 78; on special duty with a detachment of ten enlisted men, guide and inter- preter Feb. 22, 79, to the Okanagau Pass, passing through British Columbia ; encountered deep snows and ice for 130 miles through the mountains and the valley of Kettle River; joined Troop F as captain Aug. 2, 79, at Fort Walla Walla, W. T.; changed station to Boise Barracks, Idaho, May 13, '80; (.11 Hold service to Salmon River Meadows, I. T., from June 28 to July 30, and on special Indian service to Western Shoshone Indian reservation from Aug. 3 to 28, '81 ; changed Aug. 21, '82, to Fort Walla Walla, W. T., and on April 1!', '88, to Fort Spokane, W. T.; on leave for one year from July 26, '83; on temporary duty at Jefferson Brks., Mo., July 26 to Aug. 31, '84; joined troop at Fort Maginnis, Mont., Sept. 20, '84; absent sick from April 23, '85, awaiting retirement; retired Feb. 11, '87, on account of " wounds in line of duty." Staff positions or<>// Post Adj., A. A. Qm. and A. C. 8. at Camp Harney, Oregon, Aug. 24, '68, until Nov. 14,72. Battk*, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the following battles: Cross Keys, Port Republic, Cedar Mountain, Rapidan River, Manassas, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Upperville (wounded and prisoner), Mine Run, Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House, Trevillian Station, Malvern Hill, '64, Petersburg, Lee's Mills, Richmond, Kearnstown, Winchester, Cedar Creek, Bristoe's Station, Annandale Church, Kelly's Ford, Stoneman's raid, Beverly Ford, Ely's Ford, Brandy Station (twice), Aldie, Middleburg, Culpepper, Raccoon Ford, Rapidan River, Madison Court House (twice), Sperryville, Stevensburg, Snicker's Gap, Pamunkey, Oak Hill, Liberty, Bealton Station, Rickerville, Beverly Green, Jones' Bridge, Deep Bottom, White Post, Newton, Front Royal, Berry ville, Shepardstown, Smithfield, Opequan, Goose Creek, Halltown, Snicker's Gap (2d time), Ashby's Gap ; participated in a serious engagement with hostile Indians, strongly forti- fied in the " Infernal Caverns," Pitt River, Cal., the loss to the troops being Lieut. Madigan and seven men killed and eleven men wounded two mortally ; had a skirmish with hostile Indians in Stein Mountain, at midnight, Feb. 14, '68, made some captures ; engaged a band of Indians March, '68, on " Dunder and Blitzen'* Creek and was sligntly wounded (arrow wound); in the battle with hostile In- dians at White Bird Canon, I. T., June 17, 77; and battle of Clearwater July 11-12, 77 ; fight on Birch Creek July 8, 78 ; and took part in action at crossing of" John Day" River July 20, 78. Commands held Go. M, 8th Cav., Feb. to June, '67 ; Troop H, 1st Cav., July 6, '67 ; Troop in July, 78. History Was wounded and taken prisoner June 21, '63, at Upperville, Va. ; left in a farm- house for a couple of weeks, when taken to Winchester, Va., by the rebels, and on their retreat from Gettysburg was started on the road to Richmond ; escaped from Staunton, Va., through the mountains of W. Va. and reached Averill's command at Petersburg, W. Va., Aug. 14, '63. Partello, Joseph M. T. (First Lieut. 5th Inf.). Born in Ohio, March 4, 1854. Retiring year 1918. Appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. and Sgt. Gen. Ser. Aug. 2, 72, to May 11, 78 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. Sept. 1, 79; accepted Sept. 1, 79; 1st Lieut. July 10, '85. Service Served with Indian Ex- pedition from FortKeogh, M. T., in winter of '80-81, Col. Guido Ilges Com'd'g, PAT RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 449 which resulted in the capture of large body of Indians, including Gall, and the breaking up of Sitting Bull's band and thelatter's consequent surrender ; in '81 he was made Instructor of Musketry and performed those duties about five years ; changed station with Kegiment to Fort Davis, Texas, in June, '88 : since then has been entirely connected with target practice and rifle shooting. Staff positions oc- cupied Adj., Commissary and Q. M. of Indian Expedition winter '80-81 ; A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. and Post Adj. Fort Davis, Texas, June, '88; A. C. S. and Post Adj., also Recruiting Officer at Fort Davis, Texas, at present time. History In '83 he became a distinguished marksman, among the very first who were retired ; he won the Div. of Mo. gold medal in '82, also Dep. of Dak. gold medal in '82, and a Div. of Mo. silver medal in '83 ; he won skirmish match in Dak. at the meeting of Dep. of Dak. riflemen, but it was then a subscription match given at the meeting. Patch, Alexander M. (First Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in Pa. ; appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sep. 1, 73 ; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 8th Cav. June 15, 77 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Cav. Dec. 7, 77 ; 1st Lieut. May 5, '80. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 4th Cav. Oct. 1, '80, to May 1, '87. Patrick, Mason M. (First Lieut, of Engineers). Born in W. Va., Dec. 13, 1863. Retiring year 1927. Appointed from W. Va. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sep. 1, '82; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. JSng. July 1, '86 ; 2d Lieut. Sept. 16, '86 ; 1st Lieut. July 2, '89. Service Reported for duty at Willet's Point, N. Y. H., with Co. A, Batt. of Eng., Oct. 1, '86 ; on tem- porary duty with detachment of Eng. Batt. at Johnstown, Pa., from June 5, '89, to July 16, '89; on temporary duty with National Guard of Pa. with detachment of Eng. Batt. from Aug. 5, '89, to Aug. 12, '89 ; ordered to duty at Wilmington, N. C., Sep. 28, '89, on River and Harbor Improvements in North and South Carolina, under the immediate orders of Capt. Wm. H. Bixby, Corps of Eng., U. S. Army. Patten, George H. (Second Lieut. 22d Inf.). Born in Me. Appointed from Me. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 77 ; out of service June 25, 78; reinstated Aug. 5, 78; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 22d U. S. Inf. June 13, '82. Patten, William S. (Captain and A. Q. M.). Born in N. Y. April 13, 1852. Retiring year, 1916 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. Oct. 15, 75 ; accepted Oct. 20, 75 ; Capt. A. Q. M. Sept. 12, '83 ; ac- cepted Sept. 14, '83. Patterson, George T. T. (First Lieut. 14th Inf.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '68 ; graduated June 14, 72. Actual rankPvt. 22d Batty. Ohio Lt. Art., July 6, '63 ; discharged July 13, '65; 2d Lieut. 14th Inf. June 14, 72; 1st Lieut. Mar. 15, '83. Staff* positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 14th Inf. April 23, 79, to June 30, '86. Patterson, John H. (Captain 20th Inf.). Born in N. Y. Feb. 10, 1843. Re- tiring year, 1907 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, llth Inf. May 14, '61; accepted July 8, '61; transferred to 20th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; Capt. July 28, '66. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Oct. 1, '64, gallant services in the battle of Chapel House, Va. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Vols. Sept. 19, '64, to Nov. 1, '64. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5 ; in the field with the Army of the Potomac and engaged in its various campaigns to '65 ; on re- cruiting duty from Aug., '62, to March, '63 ; on recruiting duty Feb. to Nov., '65 ; transferred by the reorganization of the Army to the Department of the Gulf 70 ; at various posts in several departments from 70 to '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Gaines' Mills and Malvern Hill, Va. ; battles of Chancellorsville, Va., Gettysburg, Penn., Rappahannock Station, operations at Mine Run, battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Bethesda Church, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, Chapel House and Hatcher's Run, Va. Patterson, Robert H. (First Lieutenant 1st Art.). Born in D. C. Ap- pointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Art. Sept. 23, '67; accepted Sept. 25, '67; 1st Lieut. Oct. 1, 74. 450 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. PAY Patterson, Thomas C. (First Lieutenant 1st Art.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '73; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st Art. June 15, 77 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 2, '81. Patzki, Julius H. (Captain Ass't. Surgeon). Born in Prussia in 1838. Re- tiring year 1902. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. "G," 15th N. Y. H. Art., July 13, '63 ; discharged Jan. 10, '64; Ass't. Surg. 15th N. Y. H. Art. Jan. 11, '64; hon. must, out Aug. 22, '65; Ass't. Surg. Nov. 11, '67; accepted Nov. 15, '67; Capt. Ass't. Surg. March 30, '69. Paul, Charles R. (Captain 18th Inf.). Born in Pa. Sept. 11, 1843. Retiring year 1907. Appointed from N. J. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. " C," and Com. Sgt. 7th N. J. Inf. Aug. 28, '61, to Aug. 15, '62; 2d Lieut, 15th N. J. Inf. Aug. 25, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 10, '63; Capt. Sept. 10, '64; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Apr. 2, '65 ; hon. must, out July 11, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted Apr. 26, '66 ; trans, to 25th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; trans, to 18th Inf. Apr. 26, '69 ; Capt. Mar. 20, 79. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Petersburg, Va., Bvt. Maj. Vol. Oct. 19, '64, gallantry throughout the campaign before Richmond, Va., and par- ticularly in tne engagements at Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek, in the valley of the Shenandoah ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Apr. 2, '65, gallant and meritorious services before Petersburg, Va. Service PL. D. C. to General Revere, Army of the Poto., Jan. to May 1, '63 ; A. D. C. to Gen. Torbert, 6th Corps, Army of the Potomac, to May, '64 ; in the Army of the Potomac, during the war, and with the 6th Corps under General Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley; Com. Co. at Memphis, Tenn., to May, '67; Transferred to the 25th U. S. Infantry^ by the re-organization of the Army ; at the Post of Union City, Tenn., and at numerous other poste from the close of the war to the present time. Pauldingf, William (First Lieut. 10th Inf.). Born in N. Y. April 6, 1852. Retiring year 1916. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. Oct. 1, 73; 1st Lieut. April 11, '82. Service Post and detached service. Paxton, Alexis R. (First Lieut. 15th Inf.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 16th Inf. March 3, 77 ; accepted March 8,77; 1st Lieut. Oct. 31, '84. Paxton, Robert G. (Second Lieut. 10th Cav.). Born in Va. Appointed from Va. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank2d Lieut. 10th Cav. June 12, '87. Payne, John A. (First Lieut. 19th Inf.). Born in Ind. Appointed from 111. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co.*A, 12th 111. Inf., April 26, '61 ; discharged July 31, '61 ; Pvt. Co. I, 1st Mo. S. M., Dec. 27, '61 ; discharged March 13, '62 ; 1st Lieut. 1st Mo. S. M. March 13, '62; Capt. Oct. 1, '62; hon. must. out. Dec. 2, '64; Capt. 14tli Mo. Cav. Dec. 3, '64; Maj. July 31, '65; hon. must, out Nov. 1, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 28th U. S. Inf. May 6, '67 ; accepted Oct. 7, '67 ; transferred to 19th Inf. Mar. 31, '69; 1st Lieut. May 13, 78. Service Recruiting and drilling men ; served in Southeast and Southwest Missouri ; served on the plains against hostile Indians, and at many posts since the close of the war. Payne, J. Scott (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Virginia Dec. 7, '44. Retired ; appointed from Mo. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '62 ; graduated June 18, '66. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th Cav. June 18, '66 ; 1st Lieut. May 23, '67 ; resigned Sept. 12, '68 ; app. 2d Lieut. 6th Cav. Feb. 3, 73 ; accepted Feb. 22, 73; reapp. 1st Lieut. 5th Cav. Sept. 8, 74, with rank, from May 23, '67 ; ac- cepted Sept. 25, 74; Captain June 4, 75 ; retired April 24, '86, for disability inci- dent to the service. Service He joined his company at Washington, D. C., Oct. 2, '66, where he had station until April, '67 ; assigned to reconstruction duty in the Southern States and served in Alabama and Tennessee, having stations at Montgomery, Demopolis, Nashville and Knoxville until Sept. 12, '68, when he resigned his commission and located at Knoxville, Tenn., where he engaged in the practice of law. He also served as United States Commissioner for the United States Circuit Court, District of East Tennessee, 71-3, and was associate editor of the Knoxville Daily Whig from Oct., '69, to Feb., 70, and editor of the Knoxville Daily Whig and Register during 70-1 ; he was reappointed a 2d Lieut, in the 6th PEA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 451 Cav. to date from Feb. 3, 73; he joined his regiment in Kansas, and bad station at Forts Dodge, Lyon and Wallace, and participated in field operations in Kansas and Texas until Sept., 74, and was engaged in a combat with hostile Cheyennes, Kiowas and Comanches on Red River, Texas, August 30, 74, and served as adju- tant for Major Riddle's battalion of the 6th Cav.; transferred by act of Congress of June 23, 74, to the 5th Cav. as a first lieutenant with his original rank, and joined at Camp McDowell, A. T,, in Feb., 75; he commanded a company at that station and en route, by the way of Camp Verde and Fort Wingate, to Santa Fe until June, when, having been promoted a captain, he joined his company and conducted it from Fort Union, N. M., to Fort Dodge, Kan., where he arrived on the 10th of July, and served, commanding company and post, with occasional tours of field service, until July 17, 76. He then proceeded by rail to Cheyenne, and while marching thence to Fort Laramie was intercepted at Chug Water by a dispatch which directed him to join the regiment then in the field. He made forced marches and joined Gen. Merritt's column, then en route to reinforce Gen. Crook, on the north branch of the North Cheyenne River, and served with the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition, and was engaged at Slim Buttes, Dak. Upon the dhbandment of the expedition at Fort Robinson, Neb., in Oct., he was assigned to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he had station until Jan., 78, and was engaged in the Wind River expedition against the Nez Perces during Sept. and Oct., 77, and in the capture of disaffected Bannock Indians at Ross Fork (Idaho) Agency in Jan., 78; at Fort Fred. Steele, Wyo., until March; on leave of absence until June ; then rejoined his company and served with a batt. of the regiment in Northern Wyoming until Dec.; soon thereafter availed himself of a sick-leave of absence until July, 79, when he conducted a detachment of recruits to Cheyenne, and rejoined his company at Fort D. A. Russell, August 28. He was ordered in Sept. to field service against the disaffected Utes of Colorado, and, joining Major Thornburgh's command at Fort Fred. Steele, participated in the march towards the agency on White River, during which occurred the memorable action and subsequent bloody siege at Mill Creek, Col., 29th of Sept. to 5th of Oct., 79, where he exercised the command (b,eing twice wounded) after the death of Major Thornburgh, who fell early in the engagement, and until the arrival, five days thereafter, of Captain Dodge, 9th Cav. The occasion was one demand- ing the exercise of the highest qualities an officer can possess, and his conduct during the prolonged defense, under the most disheartening circumstances, was beyond praise. He was thanked and complimented in orders, letters and reports of Generals Sherman, Sheridan and Cook for distinguished services, and also re- ceived the thanks, by joint resolution, of the 6th Legislative Assembly of Wyo- ming Territory for his bravery, heroic conduct and efficient services during the engagement and subsequent siege. He returned to duty with his company at Fort D. A. Russell on the 29th of Nov., and in Jan., '80, was summoned to Wash- ington to testify before a Congressional committee concerning the causes which led to the Ute outbreak. He returned to his station in Feb., where he served un- til April, when he was transferred to Fort Niobrara, in Northern Nebraska, where he served as a company, and at times as a post, commander until August 10. '82, when he proceeded to Fort D. A. Russell, where he had station until Nov. 12, '82, when he was transferred to Fort Sidney, Neb. July 23, '83, he was trans- ferred with his troop to Fort Robinson, Neb.; on sick leave of absence from July 8, '84, to June 9, '85 ; on field duty in Southwestern Kansas until August 31 ; at Fort Riley, Kan., when ordered before retiring board, which gave him leave of absence until retired. Pearson, Daniel C. (Captain 2d Cav.). Born in Mass, in 1845. Retiring * swvrv A if - r ^-N 1 * t TT Ol Tl"1*A A 1 T._ 1 "I '/?C . Sioux expedition spring 74, to Dec., 75; at Fort Fetterman, Wyo.; Powder River expedition March, 76 ; with expedition against hostile Sioux and Chey- ennes May to Oct, 76 ; changing station from Fort Fetterman to Fort Sanders, Wyo., in Dec., '76; regiment moving to Montana August 7; stationed at Fort 452 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. APMY. PEN Keogh to August, 79; at Fort Ellis, Mont, to Dec., '80; at Fort Ouster, Mont.; at Fort Walla Walla, W. T., '84 to '87 ; at Fort Spokane, W. T., Com. H Troop, August, '88, to April, '89; returning to Ft. Walla Walla, W. T., and then to Fort Sherman, Idaho, to Oct., '89, and at Fort Walla Walla, W. T., with Troop L, since. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. and Adj. at Fort Fred. Steele, Wyo.; Post Adj. Fort Keogh, Mont., April to Nov., 79 ; A. A. Q. M. at Fort Ellis, Mont., to Dec., 80; R. Q. M. Sept., '81, to March, '87. Battles, skir- mishes, etc. Engaged during the expedition against hostile Sioux and Chey- ennes in action of June 17, 76, on the Rosebud ; of Slim Buttes Sept. 17, 76. Pearson, Edward P. (Lieut-Colonel 24th Inf.). Born in Pa., Feb. 22, 1837. Retiring year 1901. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. A, 25th Pa. Inf., Apr. 18, '61 ; discharged May 1, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Adjt. 25th Pa. Inf., May 1, '61 ; hon. must, out June 24/61 ; 1st Lieut 17th Inf., May 14, '61 ; accepted June 24, '61 ; Capt. Aug. 16, '62; Maj. 21st Inf., May 19, '81; Lieut-Col. 24th Inf., April 19, '86. Brevet rank Bvt Maj. May 3, '63, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. ; Bvt. Lieut-Col. Sept 1, '64, gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign. titnff portion* occupied Adj. 25th Pa. Vol., May 1, '61, to June 24, '61. Service At Fort Preble, Me., to March, '62 ; Comg. co. in Sykes' Division, Army of the Potomac, and engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Games' Mill, Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, Antietam and Fredericksburg ; mustering officer, llth Corps; on Gen. Howard's staff, and engaged at the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, < 'huttunooga, and march on Knoxville, Dec., '63 ; in the Atlanta campaign ; mustering officer, Army of the Tennessee; on the staff of General Howard, in Sherman's Geprgi a and Carolina campaigns, and engaged at the battle of Bentonville, and action of Goldsboro', N. C., '64-5 ; on frontier duty on the Pacific coast, in the Department of the Platte, and in Arizona since the war, his present station being Fort Grant, Arizona. Pearson, William H. (Post Chaplain). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. C, 56th Ohio Inf., Mar. 7, '65, to Mar. 6, '66 ; Post Chaplain Apr. 1, '86 ; accepted May 1, '86. Pease, William B. (Captain U. 8. A.). Born in Conn. Retired. App. from Conn. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. H, 15th Conn. Inf., Aug. 11, '62 ; discharged Jan. 5, '63 ; 2d Lieut 8th U. S. C. Inf., Oct. 15, '63; 1st Lieut. Dec. 3, '64 ; resigned Sep. 18, '65 ; 1st Lieut, llth U. S. Inf., Mar. 7, '67 ; accepted Apr. L'7, '67 ; unassigned April 14, '69; assd. to 9th Inf., Dec. 15, 70 ; Capt April 2, '83 ; retired June 16, '87 (disability in line of duty). Staff positions occupied Adjt 9th Inf., Mar._4/83, to Apr. 2, '83. Pease, William K. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in New York. Retired. App. from New York. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '51 ; graduated July 1, '55. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 10th Inf., July 1, '55; 2d Lieut. 7th Inf., Oct. 16, '55; 1st Lieut. March 23, '61 ; Capt. June 8, '61 ; Col. 117th N. Y. Inf., Aug. 15, '62; resigned Aug. 26, '63; Bvt Brig.-Gen. March 13, '65; retired Aug. 28, '63 (disability in line of duty). Brevet rank Bvt Maj. May 4, '63; gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Suffolk, Va. ; Bvt Lieut. -Col. Nov. 9, '65, faithful and meritorious services connected with the muster out and disbanding of the volunteer armies of the United States; Bvt Brig.-Gen. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Peck, Fremont P. (Second Lieut. 1st Art). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '83 ; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut 4th Art. June 12, '87 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. Aug. 14, '87. Peirce, William S. (Second Lieut. 2d Art). Born in Vermont Appointed from Vt Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept, 1, '84; graduated June 11, '88. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut 1st Art. June 11, '88; 2d Lieut. 2d Art, Sept 3, '88. Pendleton, Edwin Palmer (First Lieut 23d Inf.). Born in R. I. July 20, 1857. Retiring year, 1921 ; appointed from R. I. Cadet at U. S. Military Acad- emy July 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, '89. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 23d Inf. June 13, 79; 1st Lieut Jan. 24, '89. Service Served with Co. I, 23d Inf. (mounted), PEN RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 453 at Cantonment, Ind. Ter., Oct., 79, to Feb., '80; at camp on Bluff Creek near Porter, N. Y., since March, '89. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of Fort Reno, Ind. Ter., Nov., '80, to Jan., '81; Adj. of camp at Bluff Creek March to May, '80 ; A. A. Q. M. of Fort Porter, N. Y., since July 1, '89 ; and A. C.S. since July 13. '89. Penn, Julius A., Jr. (Second Lieut. 13th Inf.). Born in 111. Feb. 19, '65. Retiring year, 1929 ; appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank2d Lieut. 13th Inf. July 1, '86. Service Joined Co. C, 13th Inf., at Fort Stanton, N. M., Sep. 17, '86 ; in tem- porary com. of Troop E, 6th Cav., in field after Jicarrilla Apache Indians and at Fort Union, N. M., Sep. 29 to Nov., '86; on duty with Co. at Fort Stanton Nov. 19, '86, to March 1, '87; Recruiting Officer at Fort Stanton from Mar. 1, '87, to May 29, '88; on duty with Troop D, 6th Cav., in pursuit and capture of a party of Mescalero Apaches and Comanche Indians Aug. 2 to Aug. 9, '87, and on duty with same troop in the field manoeuvres in Dept. of Arizona from Sep. 17 to Nov., '87 ; A. S. O. and A. E. O. at Fort Stanton Feb. 4 to May 29, '88 ; on duty with Co. C, 13th Inf., en route to and at Fort Reno, I. T., May 29, '88, to Aug. 30, '89 ; in com. of Co. A, Indian Scouts, Fort Reno, I. T., Sept. 17, '88, to Oct., '88; as- sisted in the opening of the Oklahoma country to settlers on April 22, '89; on duty at Inf. and Cav. School of Application at Fort Leaven worth, Kansas, since Sep. 1, '88. Staff" positions occupied Post Adj. at Fort Stanton, N. M., March 1, '87, to May 29, '88. History Son of late Major J. A. Penn, 22d Ohio Vols. Penney, Charles G. (Captain 6th Inf.). Born in Ohio July 14, 1844. Retir- ing year 1908. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rankPvt. Co. C, 76th Ohio Inf. Aug. 16, '62; discharged July 10, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 51st U. S. C. Inf. July 10, '63 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 8, '64 ; Capt. MTarch 20, '64 ; hon. must, out June 16, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 38th Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 3, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 4, '67 ; un- assigned Nov. 11, '69; aasd. to 6th Inf. Dec. 15, 70 ; Capt. June 26, '83. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Vicksburg, Miss.; Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Fort Blakely, Ala. Staff positions occupied Adj. 38th Inf. May 4, '67, to Nov. 11, '69 ; Reg. Qm. 6th Inf. Oct. 30, 71, to March 1, '83. Penningfton, Alexander O. M. (Major 4th Art., Bvt. Col.). Born in N. J. Jan. 8, 1838. Retiring year 1902. Appointed from N. J. Cadet at U. S. Military Acad- emy July 1, '55 ; graduated July 1, '60. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 2d Art. July 1, '60; 2d Lieut. Feb. 1, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61 ; Capt. March 3, '64; Col. 3d N. J. Cav. Oct. 1, '64; Bvt. Brig. Gen. July 15, '65; hon. must, out Aug. 1, '65 ; Maj. 4th Art. Nov. 8, '82. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. June 9, '63, gallant and merit- orious services in the battle of Beverly Ford, Va.; Bvt. Major July 3, '63, gallant and meritorious services during the Gettysburg campaign ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Oct. 19, '64, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cedar Creek, Va.; Bvt. Col. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the war; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vol. July 15, '65, faithful and meritorious services. Honorably mentioned Mentioned on pages of " Rebellion Record" as follows : Vol. vi., series i., 473, 475, 478, 479, 480, 497 ; vol. i., part i., series xi., pp. 315, 352, 353, 656, 657 ; vpl.xi., part ii., reports, etc., series i., pp. 242, 245 ; vol. xix., part ii., reports, series i., pp. 12, 126, 128; vol. xix., part i., reports, series i., p. 212; vol. xxi., series i., pp. 53, 896, 928, 220 ; vol. xxv., part i., reports, series i., p. 788 ; vol. xxv., part ii., series i., page 584 ; vol. xxvii., part i., series i., pp. 957, 962, 990, 992, 994, 995, 1000, 1007, 1021 ; vol. xxvii., part iii., series i., pp. 11, 775, 805. Service Served in garrison at Fort Monroe, Va., '60-61 ; served during the rebellion of the seceding States, '60-66; in garrison at Washington, D. C., Feb. 10 to April 4, '61 ; in garrison with Battery M, 2d Art., in San Francisco Harbor, Cal., '65-71 ; in garrison at Fort Stevens, Oregon, May, 71, to Oct., 72 ; in garrison at Fort Johnston, N. C., Nov. 17, 72, to July, 77 ; encamped at Union, S. C., September-November, 74, and at Marion, S. C., Sep., 76, to Jan., 77 ; participated in suppression of riots of 77 ; in 454 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. PEN garrison at Pittsburgh Arsenal until Oct., 77 ; in garrison at Fort McHenry, Md., Oct., 77, to Feb., '81, with Battery M, 2d Art.; transferred to Light Battery A, 2d Art., March 18, 79; in garrison at Washington Barracks, D. C., Feb., '81, to Nov., '82 ; march to Yorktown, Va., and return, Oct. to Nov., '81 ; in camp at Gaithersburg, Md., June to Nov., '82; march to Antietam and Gettysburg, thence to Washington, Nov., '82 ; in garrison at Fort Trumbull, Conn., Dec. 1, '82, to Sep. 1, '85 ; stationed at U. S. Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., Sep. 1, '85, to ; member of staff of the School and Director of Instruction. Baffles, skir- mishes, etc. Attached to Light Battery of 1st Artillery (Magruder's), defense of mac, March to Aug., '62, being engagedl in siege of Yorktown, April 8 to May 4, '62; battle of Williamsburg, May 5, '62; action of Mechanicsville, May 23-24, '62; battle of Games' Mill, June 27, '62; in seven days' retreat to James River, and battle of Malvern Hill, July 1, '62 ; in the Maryland campaign (Army of Potomac) in Light Battery A, 2d Art. (Horse Battery), Sept., '62, being engaged in the action ot Boonsboro', Sep. 15, '62; battle of Antietam, Sep. 16-17, '62; ac- tion of Shepardstown Ford, Sep. 19, '62, attached to Pleasanton's Cavalry Bri- gade; action near Martinsburg, Va., Oct. 2, '62; march to Falmouth, Va., with Light Battery M, 2d Artillery (Horse Battery), September to November, '62 ; Nolan's Ford Oct. 12, Philomont Nov. 2, Union Nov. 3, Upperville Nov. 4, Bar- ber's Cross-Roads Nov. 6, and Corbin's Cross-Roads Nov. 11, '62; in the Rappa- hannock campaign with Horse Batterv M, 2d Art. (Army of the Potomac); battle of Fredericksburg Dec. 13, '62; battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 2-4, ';:* ; Beverly Ford June 9, '63 ; in Pennsylvania campaign with Horse Battery M, 2d Artillery, attached to Ouster's Brigade, Kilpatrick's division of cavalry (Army of the Potomac), June-July, '63, being engaged in skirmish at Hanover, Pa., June 30, '63; action at Hunterstown, Pa., July 2, '63; battle of Gettys- burg, Pa., July 3, '63, and pursuit of the enemy to Warrenton, Va., with skirmishes at Monterey Springs July 4th, Williamsport July 6th, Boons- boro' July 8th, Hagerstown July 12, '63, and action at Falling Waters July 14, '63 ; in the Rapidan campaign with Horse Battery M, 2d Art., attached to Custer's Brigade of cavalry (Army of the Potomac), being engaged in action* of James City, Va., Oct. 10, Brandy Station, Va., Oct. 11, Buckland Mills, Oct. 19, and Morton's Ford, Nov. 26, '63; in Richmond campaign, with Horse Batterv M. 2d Are., attached to Wilson's Cavalry Division, being engaged in battle of Wil- derness May 5-8, '64; Sheridan's raid to Haxall Landing and returning to New- castle May 9-29, '64 ; participating in combats of Yellow Tavern May 11, and Meadow Bridge May 12, '64; Sheridan's Raid towards Gordonsville June 7-28, '64, participating (attached to Custer's Brigade of Cav.) in battle of Trevillian Station June 11-12, '64; in General Sheridan's Shenandoah campaign, with Horse Battery M, 2d Artillery, attached to Wilson's Division of cavalry, Aug.- Oct., '64; engaged in action of Winchester Aug. 17, Summit Point Aug. 21, Kearneysville Aug. 25, and Opequan Sept. 13, '64 ; with 1st Brigade, 3d Cavalry Division (Custer's); remained until mustered out July 31, '65 ; engaged in action of Tom's Brook Oct. 9, '64 ; battle of Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, '64; action on Back Road Nov. 12, '64; Mount Jackson November 22, '64 ; Lacey Springs December 21, '64; "Sheridan's Raid" February 27-March 26, '65, from Winchester to Petersburg, participating in assault at Waynesborp', Va., March 2, '65 ; action at Ashland, Va., March 15, '65 ; in Richmond campaign March-April, '65, being engaged in battle of Dinwiddie Court-House March 31, '65 ; battle of Five Forks, Va., April, 1, '65 ; battle of Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6, '65 ; action at Appomattox Station, Va., April 8, '65, and capitulation of General Lee at Appomattox C. H., April 9, '65 ; march to Danville, Va., and return to Peters- burg, and thence to Washington, D. C., April-May, '65. Commands held In command of Light Battery M, 2d Art. ( Horse Battery), Sept.-Nov., '62 ; also in the Rappahannock campaign (Army or the Potomac) ; also in the Penna. cam- paign attached to Custer's Brigade, Jvilpatrick's Division (Army of the Potauiac), PEN RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 455 also in the Rapidan campaign attached to Ouster's Brigade of Cavalry (Army of the Potomac); also in Richmond campaign attached to Wilson's Cavalry Division!, also in Gen. Sheridan's Shenandoah campaign attached to Wilson's Division of Cavalry Aug.-Oct., '64; 1st Brigade, 3d Cavalry Division (Glister's), from Oct. 1, '64, to Aug. 1, '65 ; Command of Battery M, 2d Art., in San Francisco Harbor, '65 to 71 ; Ft. Stevens, Oregon, May, 71, to Oct., 72 ; Ft. Johnson, N. C., Nov. 17, 72, to July, 77 ; Battery M, 2d Art. at Ft. McHenry, Md., Oct., 77, to Feb. '81 ; Ft. Trumbull, Conn., Dec. 1, '82, to Sept. 1, '85. History Degree of A. M. conferred by College of New Jersey July, '64. Pennypacker, G-alusha (Colonel and Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Pa. App. from Pa. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank Q. M. Sergt. 9th Pa. Infantry April 22, '61 ; discharged July 29, 61 ; Captain 97th Pennsylvania Inf. Aug. 22, '61; Major Oct. 7, '61 ; Lieut. Col. April 3, '64; Col. Aug. 15, '64; Brig. Gen. Vol. Feb. 18, '65 ; accepted May 8, '65; resigned April 30, '66 ; Col. 34th Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Dec. 10, 66; transferred to 16th Inf. March 15, '69 ; retired July 3, '83 (disability from wounds in line of duty). Brevet rank Brevet Brig. Gen. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the cap- ture of Fort Fisher, N. C. ; Maj. Gen. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; Brig. Gen. Vol. Jan. 15, '65, for gallant services in the capture of Fort Fisher ; Maj. Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service Engaged in operations in and against Charles- ton ; with the 10th Corps, Army of the James, he participated in the attack on Drury's Bluff May, '64 (thrice wounded), and engaged in operations on the north side of James River, and in front of Petersburg to Sept., '64 ; commanded a brigade in the assault and capture of Fort Harrison (wounded) and action of Dar- bytown Road ; "in the final and successful attack upon Fort Fisher he led his brigade with great bravery, receiving severe wounds which confined him to the hospital till April, '66, when he resigned, being meanwhile (Feb., '65) appointed brigadier general ; in July, '66, he was appointed colonel of the 34th Infantry, U. S. A.; transferred to the 16th Regiment in '69 ; he served in command of his regiment on garrison and frontier duty till '83, when he was retired for disability resulting from wounds received in line of duty. Penrose, Charles B. (Captain and C. S.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank-*- Capt. Com. Sub. Aug. 3, '61 ; accepted Aug. 16, '61 ; Bvt. Maj. March 13, '65 ; vacated May 27, '65 ; Capt. Com. Sub. May 13, '65 ; accepted May 27, '65. Brevet nm Bvt. Maj. May 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services in the Subsistence Department during the war ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Nov. 11, '67, faithful and meritorious services during the war ; Bvt. Maj. Vol. March 13, '65, meritorious services during the war. Penrose, Charles W. (Second Lieut, llth Inf.). Born in Mich. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut, llth Inf. Oct. 30, '84 ; accepted Oct. 31, '84. Penrose, "William H. '(Lieut. Col. 16th Inf.). Born in New York, March 10, 1832. Retiring year 1896. Appointed from Mich. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d Inf. Apr. 13, '61 ; accepted May 1, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61 ; Capt. Sep. 11, '63 ; Maj. 12th Inf. May 31 , '83 ; Lieut. Col. 16th Inf. Aug. 21, '88 ; Col. 15th N. J. Vol. Inf. Apr. 18, '63 ; Brig. Gen. Vol. June 27, '65 ; accepted July 4, '65 ; hon. must, out Jan. 15, '66. Brevet rankC&pt. May 3, '63, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Marye's Heights, Va. ; Major, July 2, '63, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; Lieut. Col. May 5, '64, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va. ; Col. Oct. 19, '64, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cedar Creek, Va. ; Brig. Gen. April 9, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war; Brig. Gen. Vol. Oct. 19, '64, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Middletown, Va. Staff positions occupied Adj. 3d Inf. March 1, '63, to April 18, '63; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. '62-3; Service At Fort Randall, D. T., to July, '61; joined regiment at Arlington, Va. ; engaged at the battles of Games' Mill, White-Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, and Second Bull Run, Va.; Military Instructor of regi- menta at Washington, D. C. ; Regimental Adjutant, March, '63 ; engaged at the 456 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. PER battle of first Fredericksburg, Va. ; engaged at the battles of second Fredericks- burg, Marye's Heights, Salem Heights, Gettysburg, action of Farmville, battle of Rappahannock Station, and operations at Mine Eun, Va. ; commanding brigade, and engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvauia, Cold Harbor, Siege of Petersburg, defense of Washington during the rebel General Early's raid, battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek (wounded), and in the operations terminating in the capture of Petersburg (wounded), and the surrender of Gen. B. E. Lee ; on frontier duty at Fort Niagara, N. Y., at Fort Sully, N. D., and at Fort Douglas, Utah, from '66 to 90. Perin, Glover (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Ohio, Nov. 17,1823. Retired. Ap- pointed from Ohio. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Dec. 4, '47; accepted Jan. 8, '48 ; Capt. Asst. Surg. Dec. 4 '52 ; Maj. Surg. May 21, '61 ; Lieut. Col. Surg. Apr. 28, 77 ; Col. Asst. Sur.-Gen. July 2, '84 ; retired Nov. 17, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. /Service Served in the war with Mexico; in Texas, Newport Barracks, Ky., Florida, Fort Snelling, Minn., New Mexico and Military Academy, '48-61 ; Department of the Cumberland to '62 ; Department of the Ohio to '62 ; medical director department of the Cumberland to 64 ; Evansville, Ind., and Cincinnati, Ohio, to '65 ; Newport Barracks, Ky., from '65 to '70 ; Post Surg. Fort Leaven- worth, Kan., 70 to 71 ; medical director Department of Missouri until '80 ; medical director Department of Dakota from '80, to Nov. 17, '87, date of retire- ment. Perkins, Frederick (Second Lieut. 5th Inf.). Born in Maine. Appointed from Maine. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '83. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. June 13, '83. Perkins, Rollin (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Vermont Appointed from Massachusetts Civil life. Retired. Actual rank Corp'l Co. K, 6tn Mass. Vol. Inf., Aug. 30, '62; discharged June 3, '63; Private and Corp'l Co. B, t>th Mass. Vol. Inf., from July 7, '64, to Oct. 27, '64; 1st Lieut. 24th U. S. Colored Inf. April 11, '65; honorably muestered out Sept. 30, '65; 2d Lieut 8th I Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted April 27, '66 ; 1st Lieut. July 28, '66 ; retired Juue 10, '68. Perley, Harry Otis (Captain and Ass't Surgeon). Born in Maine Nov. 13, 1852. Retiring year 1916. Appointed from Michigan Civil life. Actual run/: 1st Lieut and Ass't Surgeon Aug. 6, 76 ; accepted Sept. 1, 76 ; Captain and Ass't Surgeon Aug. 5, '81. Service At Fort Monroe, Va., from Sept., 76, to Feb., 77; at Jeffersonville Clothing Depot, Indiana, from Feb., 77, to April, 77 ; ordered to Dept. of Dakota, Feb. 23, 77 ; Post Surgeon Fort Pembina, Dak. Ty., from April, 77, to April, 79 ; Post Surgeon Fort Assinniboine, M. T., from April, 79, to July 1, '81 ; Ordered to Detroit, Mich. ; on leave of absence from Aug. to Dec., '81 ; at Fort Columbus, Wyo., from Dec., '81, to June, '83 ; Post Surgeon Fort Pembina, Dak., from July, '83, to Nov., '86 ; on sick leave Nov., '86, to Feb., '87 ; Post Surgeon Fort Maginnis, Mont, April, '87, to June, '87 ; Post Surgeon Fort Snelling, Minn., June, '87, to Aug., '87 ; on duty at Fort Wayne, Mich., since Aug., '87. Perrine, Henry P. (Captain 6th Cav.). Born in New Jersey, April 10, 1846. Retiring year 1910. Appointed from N. J. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 65; graduated June 15, '69. Actual rank 2d Lieut 6th U. S. Cav. June 15, '69; 1st Lieut June 20, 72; Captain Jan. 15, '84. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. from Sept 11, 77, to Jan. 17, 78. Perry, Alexander J. (Colonel and Asst. Q. M. Gen.). Born in Connecticut, Dec. 11, 1828. Retiring year 1892. Appointed from Conn. Cadet at U. S. Mil- itary Academy July 1, '47; graduated July 1, '51. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut 2d Art July 1, '51 ; 2d Lieut. July 1, '52 ; 1st Lieut Sept 27, '54 ; Captain A. Q. M. May 17, '61 ; accepted June 4, '61 ; Lieut Col. Q. M. Aug. 20, '62, to Jan. 15, '63; Col. Q. M. Aug. 2, '64, to Jan. 1, '67 ; Maj. Q. M. July 29, '66; Lieut. Col. A. Q. M. Gen. March 3, 75; Col. A. Q. M. Gen. Aug. 31, '83. Brevet rank Brevet Major and Brevet Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; Brevet Col. and Brevet Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for PHE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 457 faithful and meritorious services in the Quartermaster's department during the war. Perry, Alexander W. (Second Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in D. C. Appointed from New York. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83 ; graduated June 11, '88. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Inf. June 11, '88 ; 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. Aug. 21, '88 ; transferred to 9th Cav. Feb. 11, '89 ; (to rank in Cav. Feb. 11, '89}. Perry, David (Major 6th Cav. and Brevet Colonel). Born in Connecticut, June 11, 1841. Retiring year 1905. Appointed from New Jersey Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Cav. March 24, '62 ; accepted April 7, '62 ; 1st Lieut. July 27, '62; Captain Nov. 12, '64; Major 6th Cav. April 29, '79. Brevet rank Brevet Major April 1, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; Lieut. Col. Dec. 26, '66, for gallantry in an engagement with a large band of Indians on the Owyhee River, Idaho, Dec. 26, '66 ; Colonel April 5, '68, for gal- lantry in an engagement with a large band of Indians on the Malheur River, Ore.- gon, April 5, '69. Perry, John Adams (Second Lieut. 10th Inf.). Born in Kansas. Appointed from Conn. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Inf. Oct. 10, '83 ; ac- cepted Oct. 11, '83. Perching", John J. (Second Lieut. 6th Cav.). Born in Mo.; appointed from Mo. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut 6th U. S. Cav. July 1, '86. Peshine, John H. H. (First Lieut. 13th Inf.). Born in N. J. Appointed from N. J. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 31st U. S. Colored Inf. Dec. 14, '64 ; hon. mus. out Nov. 7, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 13th U. S. Inf. Oct. 1, '73 ; accepted Oct. 13, '73 ; 1st Lieut. May 7, '82. Peterson, Matthew R. (Second Lieut. 10th Inf.). Born in N. C. Appointed from N. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, '85 ; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Inf. June 12, '89. Pettit, Colville M. (2d Lieut. 8th Inf.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '82; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Inf. July 1, '86. Pettit, James S. (First Lieut. 1st Inf.). Born in Ohio Aug. 4, 1856. Retir- ing year 1920. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '74; grad. June 14, '78. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. June 14, '78; 1st Lieut. Sept. 15, '82. Service Assigned to Co. "H," 1st U. S. Inf.; joined company at Fort Sully, Dak., Oct. 1, '78 ; served in the field on escort duty and construction of military telegraph line from Fort Meade to Deadwood City, from Oct 2 until Nov. 24,74; transferred to 3d Art. June 14, '79 ; transfer annul led at his own request July 1, '79 ; changed station to Fort Meade, Dak., Aug., '79 ; and to Fort Randall, Dak., May 1, '80 ; Actg. Regml. Q. M. 1st Inf., A. C. S. from May 12 to July 24, '80, during change of station of regiment from Dakota to Texas ; on duty at the U. S. Military Academy as Asst. Instructor of Drawing and Tactics from Aug. 28, '80, to Aug. 28, '84 ; joined Co. at Fort Grant, Arizona, in Sept., '84 ; changed station to Fort Apache June, '85 ; ordered to report to Gen. Crook at Fort Bowie for field duty June 13, '85 ; on field duty to June, '86 ; joined Co. at Benicia Bks., Cal., Aug. 6, '86 ; at Angel Island, Cal., until Aug. 28, '88 ; on duty at U. S. Military Academy as Asst. Instructor Dept of Philosophy since Aug. 28, '88. Staff positions occupied Ordered into the field as A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. in command of Supply Depot for troops in Apache campaign at Lang's Ranch, N. M., '85 ; A. A. A. G. District of Bowie from June 30, '86, to Aug. 1, '86; A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., Adj. R. O. and S. O. at Benicia Bks. until Oct., '87. Commands held In command of Troop " L," 3d Cav., from Sept., '84, to Dec. 23, '84. Phelps, Frederick B. (Captain 8th Cav.). Born in Ohio ; appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '65 ; graduated June 15, '70. Actual rank2d Lieut. 8th Cav. June 15, '70 ; 1st Lieut. March 20, '79 ; Capt. Sep. 28, '89. Service Served in conducting recruits to New Mexico Sep. 27 to Nov. 10, '70 ; Fort Craig, N. M., to July, 71 ; Fort Bayard, N. M., to March 25, 74 ; 458 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. PHE sick leave of absence May 6, 74, to May 15, 75; with Batt., 6th CAV., on march from Kansas to Arizona May 15 to June 15, 75 ; Fort Bayard, N. M., to Dec., 75; in charge of construction of U. S. military telegraph line from Las Lunas, N. M., to Fort Craig, N. M., to April 12, 76; Ringgold Barracks, Texas, to July 8, 76 ; leave of absence from April 14 to June 7, 76; Fort Bayard, N. M., to Aug., 76 ; Ringgold Barracks, Texas, to July 2, 77 ; leave of absence Sep. 8 to Oct. 12, 76 ; Fort Clark, Texas, July, 77, to March 2, 78 ; scouting against Apaches and Lipan Indians ; in the field from March 2 to May 11, 78; Fort Clark, Texas (sick), to Oct. 23, 78, and scouting from Oct. 23, 78, to Jan. 2, 79 ; Fort Clark, Texas, to Aug., 79 ; at Fort Mclntosh, Texas, Sep., 79, to May, '83 ; on leave of absence Sep. 20, '80, to Feb. 5, '81 ; on temporary duty at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Feb. 6 to Sep. 1, '81 ; at Fort Mclntosh, Texas, to April 30, '83 ; in th% field July 9, '83, to Sep. 1, '83 ; at Fort Clark, Texas, to Feb. 1, '84 ; at Del Rio, Texas, to Aug. 24, '84 ; professor of military science and tactics at the agricultural and me- chanical college of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky., Sep. 26, '84, to Sep. 1, '87 ; at Fort Clark, Texas, to Sep. 26, '87 ; marching to Fort Davis, Texas, Sep. 26 to Oct. 18, '87 ; at Fort Davis, Texas, to May 17, 88, when he marched with his regiment to Dakota, a distance of over 2000 miles ; at Fort Yates, N. D., to . Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged while scouting against Apaches, in fights July 30 and Aug. 20, 72; engaged while scouting against Apache and Lipan Indians, in fighta Sep. 29 and Nov. 30. 77. Command* held Com. Rifle Teams Dep. of Texas at Fort Leaven worth, Kan., Aug., '83, and Aug. and Sep., '84. Philbrick, John H. (First Lieut, llth Inf.). Born in Me. July 12, 1853. Retiring year, 1917 ; appointed from Me. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 73; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank 2d Lieut, llth Inf. June 15, 77 ; 1st Lieut. April 24, '86. Service On graduating leave and awaiting orders till Dec. 17, 77 ; with Reg. at Cheyenne Agency, D. T. (now Fort Bennett, S. D.), till Aug. 28, 79 ; Actg. Asst. Professor of Modern Languages at U. S. Mil. Acad. till Aug. 23, '83 ; on leave till Dec. 15, '83; with Reg. at Fort Bennett, D. T., till June 8, '86; at Fort Sully, D. T., until Aug. 9, '87; and at Madison Bka., N. Y., since. Staff positions occupied Adj. llth Inf. since Dec. 1, '89. Phillips, Charles L. (First Lieut 4th Art). Born in 111. Appointed from Me. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 77 ; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art June 11, '81 ; 2d Lieut. July 1, '81 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 31, '87. Phillips, John L. (Captain and Asst Surgeon). Born in N. C. April 1, 1859. Retiring year, 1923; appointed from N. C. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon Dec. 3, '83 ; Captain and Asst Surgeon Dec. 3, '88. Service Ordered to Dep. of the East Feb., '84 ; to Fort Warren, Mass., March, '84 ; to Fort Preble, Me., May, '84; ordered to Dept Dakota Oct. '84; to Fort Keogh, Mont., Nov., '84; to Fort Sisseton, Dak., May, '86 ; to Ft. Lyon, Colo., Dep. Mo., Oct., '88; to Fort Crawford; Colo., May, '89. Phillips, William A. (Second Lieut. 22d Inf.). Born in Texas. Appointed from Tenn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '85 ; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank2d Lieut. 22d U. S. Inf. June 12, '89. . Phipps, Frank H. (Major of Ordnance). Born in Mass., Aug. 9, 1843. Re- tiring year 1907 ; appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '59 ; graduated June 11, '63. Actual rank 1st Lieut, of Ordnance June 11, '63 ; Captain June 23, 74 ; Major Dec. 4, '82. Brevet rank Brevet Captain U. S. A. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the Ordnance Department. Service Served at Fort Monroe Arsenal, Va., July to Dec., '63; at St. Louis Ar- senal Jan., '64, to '65 ; Senior Ordnance Officer Dept. of the Mississippi '65, serv- ing on staff of Generals Dana and G. K. Warren; Assistant St. Louis Arsenal '65 to '67; Assistant Watertown Arsenal '67-68 ; Assistant Washineton Arsenal '68- 71 ; Assistant Frankford Arsenal 71-75 ; Chief Ordnance Officer Dept of the Gulf 75-76; Recorder of Ordnance Board 76-79; Chief Ordnance Officer Dep. of Texas, 79-82; Assistant Rock Island Arsenal '82-83. Commands held Tempo- rarily in command of Augusta Arsenal, Ga., 71 ; Com. San Antonio Arsenal 79- 82 ; Com. Kennebec Arsenal '83-87 ; Com. U. S. Powder Depot since '87. PIE RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 459 Phister, Nat. P. (First Lieut. lt Inf.). Born in Ky., April 12, 185 i Retir- ing year 1918; appointed from Ky. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 74; graduated June 13, 78. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. June 14, 78 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. June 28, 78 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 14, '83. Service On graduating leave of absence from June 13 to Sept. 28, 78 ; joined regt. at Fort Randall, Dak., Sept. 28, 78 ; at Fort Randall, Dak., to May 31, '80 ; at San Antonio, Tex., to Aug. 4, '80; at Mayer's Spring, Tex., to April 30, '81 ; at Fort Stockton, Tex., to Jan. 18, '82 ; on leave to May 15, '82 ; at Fort Grant, Ariz., to Aug. 10, '82 ; at Fort Mojave, Ariz., to July 25, '83 ; at Fort Grant, Ariz., to March 5, '84 ; at Fort Mojave, Ariz., to May 3, '86; at the Presidio of San Francisco, Gal., to July 5, '87 ; at camp at Santa Cruz, Gal., to Sept. 13, '87 ; at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., to Oct. 17, '87 ; at Benicia Barracks, Cal., to June 21, '88; at camp at Santa Barbara, Cal., to Sept. 2, '88; on leave to Sept. 7, '88 ; at Benicia Barracks, Cal., to July 6, '89 ; at camp near Monterey, Cal., to Sept. 22, '89 ; at Angel Island, Cal., since. Commands held Com. Post of Fort Mojave, Ariz., Feb. 25, '85, to May 3, '86 ; com. Co. " G," 1st Inf., Feb. '85, to Nov., '88. Pickering, Abner (First Lieut. 2d Inf.). Born in Indiana July 11, 1854. Retiring year 1918. Appointed from Indiana. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 74; graduated June 14, 78. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d Inf. June 14, 78; 1st Lieut. Feb. 27, '87. Service Served at Fort Harney, Oregon, Oct. 23, 78, to June 3, '80 ; attached to Troop A, 1st Cav., escorting Indian prisoners, Jan. 1, 79, to May 1, 79 ; at Camp Chelan, Fort Spokane, W. T., Fort Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and Fort Omaha, Neb., Aug. '80, to Oct., '88 ; on detached service, build- ing Mil. Telegraph Line, Oct., '81, to July, '82, from Port Angeles to Cape Flat- tery, W. T. (seventy-four miles) ; on college duty at University, Lafay- ette, Ind., since Oct., '88 ; detailed, Inspector at the Annual Encampment of Indiana State Militia, July, '89. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. 5. at Fort Harney, Ore., and Fort Spokane, W. T. ; A. C. S. at Camp of Dept. Rifle Competition, at Bellevue, Neb. ; Acting Adjutant and Q. M. 2d Inf. during change of station of 2d Inf. from Idaho and W. T., to Fort Omaha, Neb. Pierce, Charles C. (Post Chaplain). Born in New Jersey Feb. 6, 1858. Retiring year 1922. Appointed from Illinois Civil life. Actual rank Chap- lain 9th Cav. Dec. 12, '82; accepted Jan. 2, '83; resigned June 30, '84; appointed Post Chaplain (from Penn'a) May 12, '88; accepted Aug. 1, '88. HistoryHe graduated from the New Jersey State Normal School before he had reached the age of nineteen, and became Principal of an Academy ; entered Crozer Theo- logical Seminary in 79, but before completing his course became pastor of the First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, 111., with the privilege of completing his theological course in the Divinity School of Shurtleff College, from which insti- tution he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Divinity, in June, 1880 ; was ordained July 4, 1880. Pierce, Francis B. (Captain 1st Inf.) Born in New York July 6, 1833. Retiring year 1897. Appointed from New York Civil life. Actual rank Capt. 108th New York Vol. Inf. Aug. 18, '62 ; Major Sept. 17, '62 ; Lieut.-Colonel March 2, '63; hon. must, out May 28, '65; Colonel 8th U. S..Vet. Vol. Inf. June 15, '65 ; hon. must, out March 22, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Inf. May 8, '66 ; accepted June 9, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 9, '67 ; Capt. Jan. 8, '80. Brevet rank Bvt. Brigadier- Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 1st Inf., from Feb. 20, 74, to Jan. 8, '80. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-65 ; in the field with the Army of the Potomac, from the Campaign in Maryland, '62, to the Surrender of Lee at Ap- pomattox, Va., '65 ; with regiment at Trenton, N. J., and Hart's Island, N. Y., to Nov., '65; at Washington, D. C., to March, '66; at Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, La., '66. and at various stations in the country from that time to '90 ; his present station being Angel Island, Cal. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle of Antietam ; the battles of Frederickburg.Chancellorsville, Va. (wounded), Gettysburg, Pa. (wounded), operations at Mine Run, action of Morton's Ford (severely wounded), battle of the Wilderness, actioa of Po River, battle of Spott- sylvania, siege of Petersburg, battle of Deep Bottom, explosion of the Mine, battle 460 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. PIT of Hatcher's Run, capture of Petersburg ; actions of High Bridge, Farmville and capitualation at Appomattox Court-House, Va. Pilcher, James B. Born in Michigan March 18, '57. Retiring year 1921. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rant 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon Dec. 3, '83 ; accepted Feb. 22, '84 ; Captain and Asst. Surgeon Dec. 3, '88. Service Ordered to Dept. of Dakota June 7, '83 ; temporary duty at Fort Abraham Lincoln, N. D., June 20 to Aug. 11, '83; Camp Poplar River, Mont., Aug. 11, '83, to Nov. 25, '84; Fort Custer, Mont., Nov. 25, '84, to Aug. 13, '86 ; Camp Sheridan, Yellowstone National Park, Aug. 13 to Aug. 27, '86 ; Fort Custer, Mont. Aug. 27, '86, to July 7, '87 ; Fort Monroe, Va., July 8 to Aug. 5, '87; Fort Wood, N. Y., Aug. 5, '87, to Nov. 26, '89; also at Governor's Island, N. Y., June 3 to June 12, '89, and Oct. 17 to Nov. 14, '89; Fort Clark, Tex., Nov. 26, '89; member of medi- cal examining board at West Point, N. Y., June 4 to June 14 and Aug. 24 to Aug. 28, '88 ; instructing hospital corps, National Guard of Pennsylvania, Feb. 8 to 10 and 22 to 24, '89; member of Retiring Board at Governor's Island, N. Y., Oct. 18 to Nov. 27, '89. History Has published the following papers on Military subjects : The Transportation of the Disabled with Special Reference to Convey- ance by Human Bearers, Journal of the Military Service Institution, vol. ix. No. 34, 1888, and Pamphlet same, 8vo, j>p. 23; also, Public Service Review, July, 1889; An Exercise in the Extemporization of Litters from Rifles and Gun-slings, Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, June 7, 1888 ; The Transportation of the Disabled on Land, Reference Handbook of Medical Sciences, New York, Win. Wood & Co., 1888, imp. 8vo, pp. 16, 52 illustrations ; The Uniform of the West Point Cadet, Journal of the Military Service Institution, Sept., 1889, 8vo, pp. 9 ; Note on the Concentration of Troops at the Washington Inaugural Centennial, Journal of the Medical Service Institution, Nov., 1889; A New Field of Honor, Scribner's Magazine, Nov., 1889, roy. 8vo, pp. 15, 26 illustrations. Piper, Alexander (Col. 5th Art.). Born in Pa., May 11, 1828. Retiring L,ieut. uec. iz, 01; ist i^ieut. Jan. si, 'oo; uapt. lotn int. (^declined) May 10, '61 ; Capt 3d Art. May 14, '61 ; Col. 10th N. Y. Vol. Art. Jan. 7, '63 ; hon. must, out July 6, '65 ; Maj. 4th U. S. Art Dec. 20, '75 ; Lieut.-Col. 1st Art. Nov. 8, '82 ; tre. to 3d Art. Nov. 10, '82; tre. to 1st Art. Jan. 25, '84; Col. 5th Art. Aug. 10, '87. Brevet Rank Brevet Major Aug. 30, '62, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in Northern Va.; Lieut. Col. June 16, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the Siege of Petersburg, Va. Staff positions occupied Prin. Asst. Prof, of Chem., Min., Geo. M. A. from Sept. 11, '61, to June 16, '72 ; Asst. Instr. Art. Tactics M. A. from July 24, '65, to Aug. 28, 72 ; Sept. 5, 76, to Aug. 28, '81. Service On duty in Mass., Rhode Island and Minnesota '51-53 ; Asst. Prof, at the U. S. Military Academy '53-54 ; on frontier duty from '54-60 ; in the war of the Rebellion '61-64 ; in the field with Army of Potomac, in the defenses of Washington '61 ; participated in the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac '61-64 ; chief of Artillery 18th Corps '64 ; Asst. Instr. of Art. Tactics at U. S. Mil. Academy '65 ; at various posts and stations from '68 to '90 ; present station being Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the actions of. the Manassas, Northern Virginia and Richmond campaigns '61-64. Piper, Alexander R. (Second Lieut. 8th Inf.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from Idaho. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, '85 ; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Inf. June 12, '89. Pitcher, John (First Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Texas. Appointed from D. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 72 ; graduated June 15, 76. Actual rank2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Inf. June 15, 76 ; tre. to 1st Cav. July 28, 76 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 27, '82. Staff positions occupied Adj. 1st Cav. from Nov. 27, '82, to Nov. 30, '85 ; A. D. C. from Dec. 1, '85, to Dec. 1, '89. Pitcher, Thomas G. (Colonel and Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Ind. Retired; appointed from Ind. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '41 ; graduated July 1, '45. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. July 1/45; 2d Lieut. 8th Inf. Sept. 21, '46 ; 1st Lieut. June 26, '49 ; Capt. Oct. 19, '58 ; Brig. PLE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 461 Gen. Vols. Nov. 29, '62; Maj. 16th Inf. Sept. 19, '63; Colonel 44th Inf, July 28, '66 ; accepted Aug. 11, '66 ; unassigned March 15, '69 ; assigned to 1st Inf. Dec. 15, '70. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. U. S. A. Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco ; Brevet Major U. S. A. Aug. 9, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. ; Brevet Lieut. Col. and Colonel U. S. A. March 13, '65, for gal- lant and meritorious services during the war ; Brevet Brig. General U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war. Service Partici- pated in the military occupation of Texas and the war with Mexico; on frontier duty in Texas and New Mexico to the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion, when he participated in the Virginia campaign of '62 ; assistant to Provost Mar- shal General in Vermont and Indiana, '63-66 ; superintendent of the Military Academy, '66-71 ; governor Soldiers' Home, Washington, D. C., '71-77 ; retired for wounds received in line of duty June 28, '78 ; superintendent N. Y. State Soldiers' and Sailors' Home from March 1, '80, to Oct. 15, '87. Staff positions oc- cupiedReg. Q. M. Oct. 2, '48, to July 9, '49 ; Reg. Adj. July 9, '49, to July 1, '54. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, siege of Vera Cruz, battles of Cerro Gordo, San Antonio, Con- treras and Churubusco, Molmo del Rey, Chapultepec and capture of the city of Mexico; engaged, severely wounded and permanently disabled in the battle of Cedar Mountain. Va. Pitcher, William L. (First Lieut. 8th Inf.). Born in Texas. Appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Cav. Dec. 18, 71 ; ace. Jan. 6, 72 ; trs. to 8th Inf. June 13, 72 ; 1st Lieut. March 1, '82. Pitman, John (Captain of Ordnance). Born in R. I. Nov. 12, 1842. Retiring year, 1906 ; appointed from Tenn. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 29, '63 ; graduated June 17, '67. Actual rank Private Co. G, 1st Regt. R. I. Vol., July 18, '61, to Aug. 2, '61 ; Prv. Co. D, 10th Regt. R. I. Vol., May 26, '62, to Sept. 1,'62 ; Sergt. Maj. llth Regt. R. I. Vol. Oct. 1, '62, to April 14, '63 ; 2d Lieut, llth Regt R.I. Vol. Apr. 15, '63, to July 13, '63 ; 2d Lieut. Ord. Dept.of U. S. A., June 17, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Ord. Dept. U. S. A., June 23, 74; Capt. Ord. Dept. U. S. A., May 27, 78. Service Stationed as Assistant at St. Louis Arsenal Aug. 31, '67, to May, 70 ; attached to Small-Arms Board, convened by G. O. 72, A. G. O. '69; at Mil. Acad. June, 70, to Aug. 28, 72 as Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology, and as Asst. Instr. of Ordnance and Gunnery Jan. 15 to Feb. 3, 72 ; Assistant at Watervliet Arsenal Aug. 29, 72, to Oct. 14, 75 ; at- tached to Cav. Board, convened by S. O. 238 and 253, A. G. 0., 73, and to Inf. Board, convened by S. O. 120, A. G. O., 74; Assistant at Watertown Arsenal Oct. 25, 75, to Nov. 10, 79 ; on chemical work connected with the U. S. testing machine ; on duty as chemist with the U. S. Geological Survey, Newport, R. I., Nov. 13, '79, to Oct. 3, '81 ; returned to Watertown Arsenal Oct. 20, '81, to June 23, '86 ; at Fort Lincoln, N. D., July 16, '86, to Nov. 28, '89; at Fort Snelling, Minn., from Dec. 1, '89, to . Staff positions occupied Chief Ordnance Officer, Dept. of Dakota, since July 14, '86. Commands held In command of Fort A. Lincoln Ord. Depot. July 16, '86, to Nov. 28, '89 ; in command of Fort Snelling, Ord. Depot since Dec. 1, '89. Pleasonton, Alfred (Major and Brevet Major General U. S. A.). Born in Dis- trict of Columbia. Appointed from D. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '40 ; graduated July 1, '44. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Drag. July 1, '44 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Drag. Nov. 3, '45 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 30, '49 ; Capt. 2d Cav. March 3, '55 ; Major 2d Cav. Feb. 15, '62; resigned Jan. 1/68; Brig. Gen. Vol. July 16, '62 ; accepted July 25, '62 ; Maj. Gen. June 22, '63; accepted June 25, '63 ; honorably mustered out Jan. 15, '66 ; appointed Maj. U. S. A. Oct. 19, '88 ; retired Oct. 23, '88, Act Oct. 19, '88. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. May 9, '46, for gallant conduct in the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma ; Lieut. Col. Sept. 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of An- tietam, Md. ; Colonel July 2, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign against the Insurgent forces under the rebel Gen. Price, in 462 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. POL Missouri ; Maj. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 2d Drag, from July 1, '54, to March 3, '55. Plummer, Edward H. (First Lieut. 10th Inf.). Born in Maryland Sept. 24, 1855. Retiring year 1919. Appointed from Md. Cadet at U. S. Military Acad- emy July 1, 73 ; graduated June 14, 77. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. June 15, 77 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 29, '84. Service Served with U. S. Corps Cadet at Cen- tennial Exposition, Philadelphia, Penna., July, 76 ; assigned to Co. C, 10th Inf., June 27, 77 ; joined regiment in field at Fort Clark, Texas, Dec. 21, 77, and at- tached to Co. I ; joined Co. C Jan. 13, 78 ; Co. C ordered to Fort McKavett, Tex.; stationed at Fort McKavett, Texas, from Jan. 26, 78, to May 11, 79; 10th Inf. transferred to Dept. of East; stationed at Fort Mackinac, Mich., from May 31, 79, to JuneS, '84; attached to Co. D, 10th Inf., from Oct. 5 to Oct. 29, '81, serving with it at Yorktown Centennial celebration ; station changed to Fort Union, N. M., June, '84 ; on det. ser. from April 13 to June 15, '85, measuring with odom- eters Old Star mail route, from Las Vegas, N. M., to Mobita, Texas, and testify- ing before U. S. Court on measurement. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M.. \ C. S. and Adjt. Batt. 10th Inf. (Cos. F & I), in the field, Geromino Campaign, from July 4 to Nov. 25, '85; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. in the field at Datil Creek. N. M., (with Co. C) and Battalion Adjutant (Cos. C, 10th Inf., and D and F, 13th Inf.) from April 24 to Oct. 7, '86, Geromino Campaign ; Post Adjt. Fort Union, N. M., from Nov. 5, '86, to Feb. 22, '87 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Fort Union, N. M., from Sept. 1 to Dec. 1, '87 ; App. R. Q. M. 10th Inf. May 7, '88 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Fort Union, N. M., from May 1 to Dec. 18, '88; station changed to Fort Marcy, Sante Fe, N. M., Dec. 18, '88 ; A. C. S. Fort Marcy, N. M., from Jan. 23 to Dec. 1, '89 ; in charge of office of Chief C. S. District of N. M., from Jan. 23 to Nov. 1, '89 ; Act. Disbursing Quartermaster at Sante Fe, N. M., from Jan. 23 to Aug. 31, '89. Plummer, Henry V. (Chaplain 9th Cav.). Born in Md. Appointed from Md. Civil life. Actual rank Chap. 9th Cav., July 1, '84; accepted July 12, '84. Poe, Orlando M. (Colonel of Eng. and Brevet Brigadier-General). Born in Ohio, March 7, 1832. Retiring year 1896. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, Sept. 1, '52; graduated July 1, '56. ,1 >/// rank Brevet 2d Lieut. Top. Engineers, July 1, '56 ; 2d Lieut. October 7, '56 ; 1st Lieut. July 1, '60; Col. Mich. Vol. Inf., September 16, 71 ; hon. mustered out Feb. 1H, '63; Brig.-Gen.Nov. iM), '>:> ; accepted Feb. 16, '63 ; exp. by Con. lim. Mar. 4, '63 ; trs. to U. S. Eng., Mar. 3, '63 ; Capt. Mar. 3, '63 ; Maj. Mar. 7, '67 ; Lieut.-Col. June 30, '82; Col. July 23, '88. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. July 6, '64, for gallant services in the siege of Knoxville; Lieut.-Col. Sep. 1, '64, for gallant services in the capture of Atlanta; Col. Dec. 21, '64, for gallant services in the capture of Savannah; Brig- Gen. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign terminating, with the surrender of the insurgent army under Gen. J. E. Johnston. Staff positions occupied Col A. D. C. to the Gen. from Jan. I, 73, to Feb. 8, '84. Poindexter, Jefferson D. (First Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Va., Nov. 28, 1865. Retiring year 1929. App. from Va. Civil life. Actual rank Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83, to Jan. 16, '84 ; Asst. Surg. March 11, '87 ; accepted Mar. 14, '87. Poland, John S. (Lieut.-Colonel 21st Inf.). Born in Ind., Oct. 14, 1836. Re- tiring year 1900. App. from Ind. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '56 ; graduated May 6, '61. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Inf., May 6, '>f ; 1st Lieut. June 6, '61 ; Capt. June 27, 62 ; unassigned Apr. 17, '69 ; assd. to 6th Inf., July 14, '69; Maj. 18th Inf., Dec. 15, '80; Lieut.-Col. 21st Inf., March 1, '86. Brevet rank Brevet Maj. Dec. 13, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Antietam and Shepardstown Ford, Md., and Fredericksburg, Va., Lieut.-Col. May 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chan- cellorsville, Va. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 2d Inf. from Aug. 10, '61, to June 27, '62; Prin. Asst. Prof, of Hist., Geo. and Ethics, M. A., from July 1, '65, to July 1, '66; Aug. 31, 71, to Aug. 28, 72. POL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 463 Polhemus, Adrian S. (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in New York. Appointed from New York Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Dec. 8, ; 83 ; accepted Feb. 19, '84; Capt. Asst. Surg. Dec. 3, '88. Pollock, Otis W. (Captain 23d Inf.). Born in Pa. Aug. 7, 1833. Retiring year 1897. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 63d Ohio Inf. Oct. 10, '61 ; Capt. June 30, '62; hon. must, out July 8, '65; 2d Lieut. 14th Inf. Feb. 23, '66; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '66; accepted Apr. 30, '66; transferred to 23d Inf. Sept. 21, '66; Capt. Jan. 22,73. Honorably mentioned By Col. John W. Sprague, who commanded the 63d Ohio Vol. Inf. (for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Corinth Oct. 4, '62), in his official report. Service Sta- tioned at Marietta, Ohio ; moved with the regiment to Commerce, Mo., the latter part of Feb., '62 ; there joined Gen. Pope's array and marched on New Madrid; after which accompanied same army on transports down the Mississippi to the neighborhood of Fort Pillow, which movement being abandoned, returned up the Mississippi, Ohio and Tennessee to Hamburg Landing, and there joined in the advance on Corinth under Gen. Halleck ; was present at the affair at Farmington, also immediately after at the evacuation of Corinth and its occupation by Gen. Halleck ; present at battle of luka. Miss., Sept. 19, '62, under Gen. Rosecrans ; resisting attack by Confederate troops under Price and Van Dorn ; accompanied Grant's movement towards Grenada, Miss. ; ordered back from near Oxford with Fuller's Ohio brigade to repel Forrest's attack on our communications in Ten- nessee ; returned to Corinth May, '63 ; relieved troops in Memphis, which were ordered to Vicksburg ; on duty as member of general court-martial at Memphis during the summer of '63 ; in the fall joined the troops returning from Vicksburg and marched to and occupied the railroad between Nashville, Tenn., and Hunts- ville, Ala.; present at the capture of Decatur, Ala., its occupation and defense, in the spring of '64 ; when the troops marched thence to Chattanooga in April he occupied the same position on staff of 4th Div., 16th Army Corps, and continued to do so until Jan., '65, the division in the mean time having been changed to 1st Div., 17th Corps; commenced the Atlanta campaign about the 1st of May, '64; assist. provost-marshal and judge-advocate 17th Corps from April, '65, until mustered out July 8, '65 ; at Governor's Island, N. Y., from May to Dec., '66 ; in California, to March, '67 ; at Ft. Vancouver, W. T., and Ft. Dalles, Oregon ; stationed at Camp Warner, Oregon, and on recruiting service from Oct., '67, to Dec., '69; stationed at Portland, Oregon, and Fort Vancouver, W. Ty., until February 3, '72 ; moved thence to Arizona ; stationed at Fort Whipple, A. T., from March 20, to Jan. 22, '73; rejoined at Ft. McDowell, A. T., Nov. 7, 73; with Co. C, at post, until July 7, 74 ; moved thence with regiment to Dept. of the Platte ; stationed at Fort Omaha from Sept. 4, 74, until March 11, 76; moved thence to Sidney Bar- racks ; with company at post until Nov. 2, 76 ; went thence on Powder River ex- pedition under General Crook until Jan., 77 ; after returning was stationed at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., until July 21, 78; during the summer of 77 was at St. Louis, Mo., with eight companies of the regiment with other troops, who were ordered there for the purpose of suppressing the labor rioters ; stationed at Fort Hays, Kan., from July, 78, until Feb., 79; was in the campaign in pursuit of the Chey- ennes who had escaped from the Indian Territory in the fall of 78 ; went from Fort Hays in Feb., 79, to North Fork of the Canadian ; remained there in can- tonment until May, '80 ; moved thence to the Uncompahgre River in Colorado ; was in the field during the summer, and escort to the Ute commission during their negotiations with the Utes, which resulted in the removal of the Uncompahgre Utes to their present reservation in Utah, and the Southern Utea to their present location ; stationed at cantonment on the Uncompahgre, Col., from the fall of '80 until Sept., '81 ; moved thence to Fort Bliss, Texas, Oct., '81 ; at Fort Porter, N. Y., since June, '84. Staff positions occupied A. A. A. G. of Fuller's Ohio Brigade, from Nov., '63, to Mar., '64 ; chief of grand guards on the staff of Gen. John D. Stevenson in '64, and same position on staff of 4th Div., 16th Army Corps, from April, '64, till Jan., '65 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of a detachment in the field '67 ; A. A. A. G., Dist. of the Lakes, Oregon; Adjt. 23d Inf. Dec. 7, '69, to Jan. 22, 73; Battles, skirmishes, etc. Siege and capture of New Madrid and Island No. 10 ; 464 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. POO battle of luka, Miss., Sept 19, '62; battle of Corinth Oct. 4, '62; the battles of Resaca, Dallas, action of Big Shanty, battles of Kenesaw Mountain and neighbor- hood of Atlanta; pursuit of the rebel General Hood, Sherman's march to the sea, and capture of Savannah, Ga.; commanded the 63d Ohio Infantry during the Carolina campaign, and engaged at the actions of Salkahatchie and Edisto, Parker's Cross Roadb, Decatur, Ala., in '64. Commands held Co. C, 23d Inf. and Post of Ft. McDowell, A. T., Nov. 7, 73, to July 7, 74 ; Co. and Post of Sidney Barracks from May 11, 76, to Nov. 2, 76. History He is a Marksman and Sharp- shooter and wears the badges, but has received no medals ; his great-grandfather (James Jordon Heron) was a Major in the War of the Revolution under Wash- ington; he took part in the grand review of Sherman's Army at Washington in the spring of 1865, as a member of the staff of Gen. F. P. Blair, commanding 17th Army Corps. Pollock, Robert (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Pennsylvania Sept. 17, 1819- Retired. Appointed from California -Civil life. Actual ran Sergeant Co. H, 1st Va. Vol. Inf. Jan'y 6, '47; discharged May 6, '47; 2d Lieut. 1st Va. Vol. Inf. May 6, '47; hon. must, out July 31, '48; Major 3d Cal. Vol. Inf., Sept. 4, '61 ; Lieut. Col. Dec. 12, '61 ; Colonel March 29, '63; hon. must, out Nov. 14, '64; Lieut. Col. 2d Cal. Vol. Inf., Jan. 7, '65; hon. must, out June 23, '66 ; 1st Lieut. 32d U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Feb. 18, '67; trs. to 21st Inf. April 19, '69; Capt. Feb. 19, 73; retired Sept. 17, '83, by operation of law. Brevet rank Brevet Colonel Vols. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services. Pond, George E. (Captain and Ass't Quartermaster). Born in Connecticut. Appointed from Connecticut. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '68; gradu- ated June 14, 72. Actual rank Private Co. K, 21st Conn. Vol. Inf. Dec. 9, '63; discharged June 7, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Cav. June 14, 72 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 18, '81 ; Captain and Ass't Quartermaster, Oct. 13, '83; accepted Oct. 30, '83. Poole, De Witt C. (Major and Paymaster). Born in New York Sept, 28, 1828. Retiring year 1892. Appointed from Wisconsin Civil life. Actual rank-l&t Lieut. 1st Wis. Vol. Inf., May 17, '61 ; hon. must, out August 21, '61 ; Lieut. Col. 12th Wis. Vol. Inf. Oct. 31, '61 ; resigned July 3, '63; Lieut. Colonel Vet. Res. Corps Nov. 15, '63 ; accepted Nov. 25, '63 ; resigned Feb. 10, '66 ; Captain 25th U. S. Inf. Jan. 22, '67 ; accepted April 1, '67 ; unassigned April 2', '69; assigned to 22d Inf. Oct. 25, 70 ; Major and Paymaster July 5, '82; accepted July 20, '82. Staff i,*itin* occupied AHj't 1st Wis. Vol. Inf. Irom June 24, '61, to Aug. 21, '61. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5; in campaign of Upper Potomac '61; with regiment in campaign in Southwestern Missouri winter of '62; in expedition sent to reinforce army in New Mexico, from Fort Riley, Kansas ; joined expedition into Central Mississippi winter of '63 ; in advance on the Tallahatchie River, Miss. ; returned to Memphis, Tenn. ; ordered to Vicks- burg '63; ordered to duty in Washington June, '64; joined regiment at White House Landing, Va. ; ordered to Washington, Acting Provost Marshal District of Columbia, July, '64; ordered in charge Provost Marshal's office, Utica, New York, thence to Baltimore, Md., thence to Scranton, Penn'a, thence to duty with Chief Mustering Officer State of Wisconsin '64-5 ; Dec., '65, Commissioner Freed- man's Bureau, Atlanta, Ga., resigned March, '56 ; joined regiment Memphis, Tenn. ; on reconstruction duty with company in Western Tennessee and Georgia '67-68; Indian Agent Sioux Indiana, Dakota, from June, '69, to Dec., 70; ass'd to 22d Inf. Oct., 70; with company in expeditions to Yellowstone country in 71 to 73 ; garrison duty, 72 ; riots New Orleans 74-5 ; Sioux Indian war 76-7 ; labor riots Chicago and Wilkes-Barre, Pa., July, 77 ; garrison duty 78; Western Texas, 79-80; recruiting service New York, '81-82; at different stations from '82 to '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In the engagement at Falling Waters, Va., '61 ; engagement on the Cold Water and at Hernando, Miss., May, '63 ; in the siege and capture of Vicksburg, Miss., June and July, '63. Poore, Benjamin A. (Second Lieut. 12th Inf.). Born in Ala. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. , \ctual rank 2d Lieut. 12th Inf. July 1, '86. POP RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 465 Pope, Benjamin F. (Major and Surgeon U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. in 1843. Retiring year 1907 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surgeon 10th N. Y. H. Art. July 18, '64, to July 19, '65 ; Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. May 14, '67 ; Captain and Asst. Surgeon May 13, '69 ; Major and Surgeon Sept. 16, '85. Service Served with regiment, 18th Corps, Army of the James, in front of Petersburg and Richmond, Va. ; present in General Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley campaign, and at the occupation of Petersburg, Va., to date of discharge; at Fort Adams, R. I., from April, '67, to Sept., '68, when ordered to Dept. of Cali- fornia; at Fort Halleck, Nevada, Nov., '68, to Nov., '69; Dep. of Arizona to Feb., 71 ; Dep. of South at Elizabethtown, Ky., and Humboldt, Tenn., to May, '74 ; Dep. of Texas at Fort Stockton to May, '78 ; ordered to New York for ex- amination for promotion May, '78 ; Dep. of the East at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H., to Sept., '80 ; Dep. of Dakota at Fort Sully, D. T., to April, '82 ; on duty in the office of the Surgeon-General U. S. A., in charge of the division of records and pensions to Dec., '86 ; on duty in Dep. of Texas at Fort Clark, Tex., Feb., '87, to Oct., '89; in Dep. of Arizona at Whipple Bks., A. T., since Oct., '89. Pope, James Worden (Captain and Asst. Quar.). Born in Louisville, Ky., June 6, 1846. Retiring year 1910 ; appointed from Ind. Cadet at U. S. Military Acad. Sept, 1, '64 ; graduated June 15, '68. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf. June 15, '68 ; 1st Lieut. March 20, '79; Captain and A. Q. M. Feb. 20, '85. Ser- vice Joined 5th Inf. at Fort Riley, and was assigned to Co. A, at Fort Lyon,Col. ; served, at his own request, with a detachment in the Indian expedition under Gen. Carr in the winter of '68 and '69 ; served with Co. in the Indian expedition from Kit Carson, Col., in '69; stationed at Fort Wallace, '69 and '70 ; went with Co. to quell Indian disturbance below Pueblo, Col., in '73 ; served at his own re- quest throughout Gen. Miles' campaign against the Cheyenne, Arapahoe and Kiowa Indians in '74 and '75, as Artillery and Ordnance Officer ; recommended for a brevet captaincy for distinguished and* valuable services in bringing the artillery detachment into action in the engagement of Aug. 3, '74, and important services rendered during the campaign ; relieved at his own request from duty as Adj. at U. S. Mil. Prison to join his Co., going to take part in Sioux campaign after the death of Custer; served in Gen. Miles' campaigns against the Sioux in '76 and '77, and took part in the Indian fights of Cedar Creek and Wolf Mountains ; ap- pointed Acting Ordnance Officer in charge of Tongue River Ordnance Depot in '77 ; served at Fort Keogh, Mont. Ter., Jan., '84, to April, '85 ; stationed at the General Depot of the Q. M. Dep. Philadelphia, Pa., April to Sept., '85. Staff po- sitions occupied Post Adj. at Fort Lyon, Col., in '69; Post Adj. and A. C. S. at Fort Leavenworth, Kas., '71 to '73 ; Adj. at U. S. Mil. Prison '75-76; Adj. of the Cantonment of Tongue River, M. T. ; Adj. U. S. Mil. Prison May, '81, to Jan., '84 ; A. A. Q. M. and Disbursing Officer of the Q. M. Dep. at the U. S. Mil. Prison, Ft. Leavenworth, Kas., Sept. 26, '85. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Took part in the Indian fights of Cedar Creek and Wolf Mountains '77. Commands held Com. Co. " E," 5th Inf., in Sioux campaign '76 ; in command of Tongue River Ordnance Depot until Aug., 79 ; in command of the prison guard at U. S. Mil. Prison until May, '81 ; Com. Co. " E," 5th Inf., Sept., '84, to March, '85 ; commandant of the Leav- enworth Military Prison since Jan. 1, '88. History Grandson of Colonel James Johnson, of Kentucky, who was Lieut.-Colonel of the Kentucky Cavalry Regiment of his brother, Colonel Richard M. Johnson (afterwards Vice-President of the United States), which took a distinguished part in the campaign which culmin- ated in the battle of the Thames in '13. Pope, John (Major General U. S. A.). Born in Ky. Retired ; appointed from 111. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '38; graduated July 1, '42. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. Top. Eog. July 1, '42 ; 2d Lieut. May 9, '46 ; 1st Lieut. March 3, '53 ; Capt. July 1, '56; Brig. Gen. July 14, '62; Brig. Gen. Vol. May 17, '61; accepted June 18, '61; Maj. Gen. March 21, '62 ; accepted March 22, '82; hon. must, out Sept. 1, '66; Maj. Gen. U. S. A. Oct. 26, '82 ; ac- cepted Oct. 30, '82 ; retired March 16, '86, by operation of law. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Sept. 23, '46, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the several conflicts at Monterey, Mexico ; Capt. Feb. 23, '47, for gallant and meritorious 466 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. FOR conduct in the battle of Buena Vista, Mexico; Maj. Gen. March 13, '65, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the capture of Island No. 10. Pope, John, Jr. (First Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in 111. Appointed from 111. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '64 ; graduated June 15, '68. Actual rank2d Lieut. 26th U. S. Inf. June 15, '68; unassigned May 19, '69; assd. to 1st Art. July 14, '69 ; 1st. Lieut. Nov. 22, 77. Porter, Charles (Captain 8th Inf.). Born in Ireland Nov. 23, 1838. Retir- ing year, 1902; appointed from the Army. Actual Rank Pvt. and Corpl. Co. E and Qm. Sgt. 5th U. S. Inf. from April 26, '58, to Nov. 27, '63; 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. Oct. 31, '63; accepted Nov. 27, '63; 1st Lieut. Feb. 20, '65; trs. to 8th Inf. Jan. 18, '70; Capt. Aug. 1, 72. Service At various posts in Utah and New Mexico ; participated in campaign against Navajo Indians winter of '60-61, and in opera- tions against Confederate forces in New Mexico '62; operating against Indians on the plains and in New Mexico Sep. to Dec., '64, March to July, "65 ; at Fort Lyon, Col., from Nov., '67, to April, '68 ; en route to Jefferson City Penitentiary, Mo., with prisoners, April, '68; on leave of absence April-May, '68; on duty at Bedloe's Island, New York, May to Aug., '68; en route with recruits to Fifth In- fantry Aug. and Sep., '68 ; operating against hostile Indians on the plains from Oct., '68, to Feb., '69 ; en route to and at Fort Bayard, N. M., '66 to June, '67; at Fort Sumter, N. M., with Co. A, until November, '67 ; transferred to Co. H, 8th Infantry, Jan. 18, 70 ; on duty with Co. at Columbia, S. C., and with Co. C at Spartanburg, S. C., from March to Oct., 70 ; at David's Island, N. Y., with Co. from Oct., 70, to July 5, 72 ; en route to Fort Rice, Dak., and on Yellowstone expedition to Oct., 72 ; at Omaha Barracks, Neb., from Oct., 7:2, to May, 73 ; en route to Dakota on Yellowstone expedition and on return route therefrom to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., from May to Oct.. 73 ; at Fort D. A. Russell to Feb. 22, 74; en route to and at Spotted tail Agency, Dak., Feb. until July, 74; en route to Camp Verde, Ariz., until Sep., 74 ; at Camp Verde until Oct., 75; at Prescott, Ariz., until July, 76; at Camp Verde, A. T., until July, 78; on Bannock campaign in Oregon and Idaho July to Oct., 78 ; on leave of absence April to Aug., 79; on general recruiting service Aug., 79, to Aug., '80; at Benicia Barracks, Cal., until Sep., '81 ; on detached service against nostile Apaches in Arizona Sep. 6 to Dec. 21, '81 ; at Benicia Barracks, Cal., from Dec. 21, '81, to July 26, '82; en route to, stationed at, in command of, Fort Gaaton, Cal., from July 26, '82, to Feb. 26, '83, present date; acting Indian agent Hoopa Valley Agency, Cal., Aug. 1, '82, to '85 ; at Fort Niobrara, Neb., '90. Staff posi- tion* occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Fort Bayard '66-7 ; A. A. Q. M. at Fort Wallace, Kansas, Oct. to Dec., '69. Commands held Commanding Fort Marcy, N. M., Aug. to Nov., '65; in command of Co. E, 5th Inf., Sep. to Dec., '66; de- tachments of Cos. I and G, 3d Cav., in action against Navajo Indians at the Bosyne Redundo, N. M., July, '67 (slightly wounded) ; Co. B, Indian Scoute, on scouts after hostile Apaches in Sep. and Oct., 76 ; post June to Dec., 77; May to July, 78; Co. B, Indian Scouts, June, 77, to July, 78; scouts after hostile Apaches Sep., 77, Jan., Feb., April, May and June, 78; at Fort Yuma, Cal., in command of post Oct., 78, to April, 79. Porter, Pitz-John (Colonel and Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in N. H. '22. Retired. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '41 ; graduated July 1, '45. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 4th Art. July 1, '45 ; 2d Lieut. June 18, '46 ; 1st Lieut. May 29, '47 ; Bvt. Capt. A. A. G. June 27, '56 ; accepted August 3, '56; Col. 15th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 26, '61 ; Brig. Gen. May 17, '61; accepted August 9, '61 ; Maj. Gen. July 4, '62; accepted July 26, '62; out of service Jan. 21, '63 ; Col. of Inf. August 5, '86, to rank May 14, '61 ; accepted August 7, '86 ; retired August 7, '86. Staff positions occupied A. A. G. on staff of Gen. P. F. Smith, com'dg. in Kansas in '56 ; on the staff of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston in '57; A. I. G. at Hdqrs N. Y. City in '60. Brevet ra/i/fc Bvt. Capt. Sept. 8, '47, gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Molino del Rey; Bvt. Maj. Sept. 13, '47, gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Chapultepec; Bvt. Brig. Gen. June 27, '62, gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Chickahomiuy, Va. History Sou of Capt. John Porter, of the U. S. FOR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 467 Navy, and nephew of Com. David Porter, of "Essex " renown. He received his initial instruction at the school of Benj. Hallowell, Alexandria, Va. His educa- tion was continued at the well-known Phillips Academy, Exeter, N. H., and he prepared for the Mil. Academy at West Point by a course of study at the school of Stephen M. Weld, at Jamaica Plains, Mass., in '45; at West Point as an assistant in the Dep. of Art. and Cav., and engaged in instructing the cadets during en- campment, and was later sent to join his regiment at Fort Monroe. In July, '46, joined the army operating against Mexico at Port Isabel, Texas, and saw active service at Saltillo in the same year. In Jan., '47, he embarked at Brazos and ac- companied Gen. Scott's army, performing more or less conspicuous service during the siege of Vera Cruz and the battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Molino del Rey, and at the siege of Chapultepec and the capture of Mexico. At Contreras Porter's company recaptured two guns belonging to his regiment which had been taken at Buena Vista. Gen. Scott then mounted the company. At the last ac- tion during the war the sanguinary fight at the capture of the Garita of Belen Porter was wounded, while the other two officers of his company were killed, arid 27 put of 30 non-com, officers and privates were killed or wounded. In '49 was assigned to duty at the Mil. Acad., where he remained until '55. Here he occu- pied the positions, successively, of Asst. Inst. of Nat. and Exp. Phil., Asst. Ins. of Art., Adj. of the Mil. Acad., and, finally, Ins. of Art. and Cav. In Kansas and served during the Kansas troubles. In '57, while on duty at the headquarters of the army in N. Y. City, Porter was assigned to duty on the staff of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, and accompanied that officer to Utah, enduring with him the hardships and annoyances of that campaign in the Rocky Mountains, and of two years' residence among the resentful and murderous Mormons. On one occasion during this campaign, while at Salt Lake City, it fell to Major Porter to exercise an act of discretion which doubtless prevented a bloody riot. A sergeant in the U. S. army was brutally murdered by a Mormon in the public streets. There were nearly a thousand Gentiles in the city, who were roused by the act to the highest pitch of resentment, and it needed but a word from Major Porter, who was in command, to have at once brought about reprisals. Recognizing the importance of his attitude, however, Porter refrained from any word or act that might have given occasion for retaliation, and the danger was avoided. His private reports to Gen. Scott of this and other Mormon outrages were sent by the latter to the government, indorsed as follows, in his own handwriting: " This is a private letter from Johnston's Chief of Staff, but very interesting. I wish the Se jretary of War may find time to read and return it. ... This familiar letter, written in the freedom of friendship, is full of information and encouragement. Asking the Secretary's indulgence towards the capital soldier, the writer- gallant, intelligent and frank the Department cannot fail to profit by its perusal, and so may the com- mander of the Utah reinforcements. WINFIELD SCOTT." In the autumn of '60 Porter was assigned to duty at the headquarters of the army in N. Y. City as Asst. Insp. Gen., in which capacity, in Nov., he inspected, by order of the War Department, the defenses in Charleston Harbor, and recom- mended that they should be strengthened and supplied with additional force, ammunition and provisions. As a result of this inspection and of Major Porter's recommendations, Maj. Robert Anderson was placed in command of Ft. Moultrie and carried out the plans recommended by Porter and arranged between them, to, at the proper time, abandon Moultrie and take possession of Sumter. The secession of the Southern States now began, and Major Porter was sent to Texas and to reinforce the garrison at Key West and Dry Tortugas, a task requiring great judgment, patience and tact. He acquitted himself to the satisfaction of his superior officers, and saved to the service a brave and useful force of regular troops which would else have been swallowed up or crippled as all others were by the Confederacy. In April, '61, Porter was on duty in the Adj. -General's office in Washington, when he was chosen by the Sec. of War, Hon. Simon Cameron, and by Gen. Scott, to superintend the protection of the railroad between Baltimore and Harrisburg against Baltimore rioters and maintain communication through Baltimore to Washington. For this purpose he was directed to make use of "any troops to be found in Harrisburg or thereabouts" these being about 3000 "ninety-days' " volunteers, and 400 regulars from Carlisle Barracks, under Major 468 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. FOR George H. Thomas. His exertions in carrying out this important move were so judicious and energetic that he obtained through it the entire confidence of Secretary Cameron and the Governor of Pennsylvania (Curtin), which was never afterwards shaken. The failure to reopen communication with Washington was alone prevented by the President ordering him to withdraw the troops from the vicinity of Baltimore and send them to Washington via Philadelphia and Annapolis. It was at this time that, having been shown telegrams from Hon. Frank P. Blair which had been sent to Governor Curtin, and which asked for per- mission to muster in troops for the protection of Missouri, communications with Washington being then interrupted, Porter took upon himself the responsibility of replying to the telegrams in the name of the Secretary of War, and of giving the necessary authorization. This act was afterwards approved by the War Depart- ment, and General Blair personally thanked him for the interposition, "which saved Missouri to (he Union" Porter's duty at this period included the organizing three-months' volunteers in Pennsylvania to protect the country north of the Potomac, and for this purpose he was assigned to the staff of Gen. Robert Patterson, then commanding the Dept. of Pennsylvania. Many of the organi- zations which he then effected afterwards became the nucleus of the celebrated " Army of the Potomac." Until Aug., '61, he served with this army in the field, under Gen. Patterson and his successor, Gen. Banks. In recognition of his services Major Porter was now appointed, by the Secretary of War, Colonel of the Fifteenth Inf., and soon afterwards Brig.-Gen. of Vols., and was assigned to duty in Washington to organize regiments into brigades and assign them to divisions. Gen. Porter was next assigned to Fort Corcoran to relieve Gen. William T. Sherman, transferred to command in the West. Here he organized a division which soon obtained a high reputation as a model for the discipline and drill of its members. In the spring of '62 General Porter was assigned with his division to Heintzelman's corps, and ordered to the Peninsula. He was appointed Governor of the Siege of Yorktown, and after the surrender of that stronghold received, with the sanction of the President, the command of the Fifth Army Corps, composed of his own divisien (subsequently Morell'sV Sykes' division of regulars and volunteers, and Hunt's reserve artillery, and subsequently McCall's division of Penn. volunteers. With this corps he fought the battles of New Bridge, Hanover Court-house, Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, Turkey Bridge and Malvern. For meritorious services in this campaign Gen. Porter was, without solicitation, brevetted a Brig.-Gen. in the regular army and appointed a Maj.-Gen. of Vol. From the Peninsula Gen. Porter was transferred with his corps to Northern Virginia. While marching to Fort Monroe, whence he was to embark for Aquia Creek, he was ordered to stop at Williarasburg till all the army should pass him, when he would become the rear-guard. Becoming reliably informed that Lee was hastening to crush Pope before he could be reinforced by the Army of the Potomac, Porter resumed the responsibility and continued his march, and therebv joined Pope at least four days earlier than if he had complied with orders. This deviation from orders was at first condemned, but when informed of the reason was highly approved by the commander of the Army of the Potomac. He served under Gen. Pope for several days at the close of his remarkable cam- paign, fighting under him the memorable second battle of Bull Run. He was then assigned to command on the west bank of the Potomac in order to secure the defenses of Washington, his lines extending from Ft. Corcoran to Hunting Creek. The purpose of this order having been achieved, Gen. Porter was directed to rejoin the Army of the Potomac, then under the command of Gen. McClellan, moving against Lee in Maryland. As a special proof of the confidence placed in him, Gen. Porter was directed by the Sec. of War (Stanton) and the Gen. -in-Chief (Halleck) to select a division of 12,000 men from among several divisions, and of a commander from among twenty general officers, and add them to his corps. A t Antietam Gen. Porter commanded the centre of the line of battle, with those troops not in action, protecting the supply-trains of the whole army gathered be- hind it. He sent to the assistance of other corps a large part of his command not otherwise employed in the battle. He was prompt in following the enemy in FOR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY, 469 his retreat into Virginia, and with his corps alone fought the battle of Shepherds- town, capturing four guns, two of which had been lost at the first battle of Bull Run by one of his brigade commanders, Gen. Griffin. Porter continued in com- mand of this corps until Nov., '62, when, without any reason being assigned, he was relieved in the presence of the enemy. This was on Nov. 12, and Gen. Mc- Clellan had been removed from the command of the Army of the Potomac on the 5th. Soon after his arrival in Washington an order was issued from the War Department directing the formation of a Military Commission to examine into charges which had been preferred against him by Gen. Pope. This order was afterwards revoked and a court-martial ordered. On Nov. 25 Gen. Porter was placed under arrest, without the nature of the charges made by Gen. Pope being communicated to him, though he immediately made a request that this should be done. It was not until Dec. 1 that the accused knew with what offense he had been charged, though the court-martial met on Nov. 27, and not under the order of the President, as required by law, but that of the Gen.-in-Chief, Maj. Gen. Halleck.* The proceedings instituted by Pope were the most indefensible and the most indecent ever submitted by our Government to the judgment of a court. The court-martial found Gen. Porter guilty of the charges preferred against him, and he was dismissed from the United States Army Jan. 27, '63. To use Gen. Porter's own words, he was " convicted of wilfully refusing to obey orders ; of refraining from giving battle in aid of my brother soldiers ; of neglecting to aid in achieving a success, the failure to gain which caused the loss of the lives of thousands of men, with woful disaster to my country." For fifteen years Gen, Porter languished under the stigma of the infamy attached to such a verdict. Then, on the 20th of June, 78, a Board of Officers, convened by order of Presi- dent Hayes, after repeated applications had been made to the Government, met, " to examine, in connection with the record of the trial by court-martial of Major Gen. Porter, such new evidence relating to the merits of said case as is now on file in the VVar Department, together with such other evidence as may be pre- sented to said Board, and to report, with the reasons for their conclusions, what action, if any, in their opinion, justice requires should be taken by the President." This Board, or Military Commission, consisting of Gens. Schofield, Terry and Getty, after a patient and thorough examination of all attainable evidence, and after most elaborate arguments on both sides by counsel of exceptional learning and acuteness, rendered a decision showing the errors which led to the conviction of Porter, and completely vindicating him from all the charges. In this decision they say : " Porter's faithful, subordinate and intelligent conduct that afternoon (August 29) saved the Union army from the defeat which would otherwise have resulted that day from the enemy's more speedy concentration. . . . Porter had understood and appreciated the military situation, and so far as he had acted upon his own judgment his action had been wise and judicious." Further, in just criticism of the verdict of the court-martial, the Board of Officers say : " These charges and specifications certainly bear no discernible resemblance to the facts of the case as now established." A bill authorizing the President to restore him to his rank was continuously defeated until, in 1885, it finally passed both houses and was vetoed by President Arthur, on the ground that Congress was without constitutional authority to pass such a bill. Following is the bill in question, entitled "A bill for the Relief of Fitz- John Porter " : "Whenat, The board of Army officers convened by the President of the United States by special orders numbered seventy-eight, headquarters of the Army, April twelfth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, to examine into and report upon the case of Fit/.-John Porter, late a major-general of the United States volun- teers and a brevet brigadier-general and colonel of the Army, having, by their report of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy nine, stated that, in their opinion, 'justice requires at his [the President s] hands such action as may be necessary to annul and set aside the findings and sentence of the court-martial in the case of Major-General Fitz-John Porter, and to restore him to the positions of which that sentence de- prived him, such restoration to take effect from the date of dismissal from the service ;' and "Whereas, The President, on the fourth day of May, eighteen hundred and eighty two, remitted so much of the sentence of said court-martial remaining unexecuted as 'forever disqualified the said Fitz-John Porter from holding any office of trust or profit under the Government of the United States : ' Therefore, that jus- tice may be done the said Fitz-John Porter, and to carry into effect the recommendation of said board See "Records of the Rebellion," series i., vol. xii., part ii. 470 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. FOR " B* it enacted by the Senate and House of RepreneutiUioes of the United State* of America in Cungrett aitenilled, That the President be, and he in hereby, authorized to nominate and, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint Fits-John Porter, late a Major General of the United States Volunteers and a Brevet Brigadier General and Colonel of the Army, to the position of Colonel in the Army of the United State*, of the same grade and rank held by him at the time of his dismissal from the Army by sentence of court-mar- tial promulgated January twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and, in his discretion, to place him on the retired list of the Army as of that grade, the retired list being thereby increased in number to that extent ; and all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are suspended for this purpose only : Pro- vided, That said Fitz-John Porter shall receive no pay, compensation or allowance whatsoever prior to his appointment under this act." This act left General Porter completely vindicated both by the Military Commis- sion and by the Congress of the United States. From the date of the order promul- gating Porter's sentence (Jan. 27, '63) to the spring of '64 he was virtually with- out business or professional occupation. In 1864 he went to Colorado in the in- terest of a mining company, but the injury occasioned by the verdict against him followed him there, and a bill was even introduced into the Legislature ot the Territory requiring his expulsion therefrom. During the next few vears Porter was a member of the firm of Randolph Brothers in New York, Hon. Theodore F. Randolph, of New Jersey, remaining his firm friend through evil as through good repute. He was next put in charge of the construction, at Morristpwn, N. J., of an asylum for the insane, on which was expended two and a half millions of dol- lars under his superintendence. He was appointed Commissioner of Public Works in the city of New York to fill an unexpired term, and a year later was nominated for the full term, but defeated in the Board of Aldermen on political grounds. He was next made Assistant Receiver to the Central Railroad of New Jersey, which office he held until 1882, when, the necessity for the position hav- ing ceased to exist, he resigned. In 1884 General Porter was appointed one of the Police Commissioners of New York, which office he held till May, 1888 when, on expiration of his term, he was appointed Fire Commissioner. He retired to private life May, 1889, and is a resident of New York City. In 1& the Khedive of Egypt offered to General Porter the position of commander of his army, with the rank of Major-General. This brilliant offer General Porter declined, prefer- ring to remain in his own country to secure, in time, the vindication he knew he deserved. He recommended for the position General Charles P. Stone, who ac- cepted service in the Egyptian army. The case of Fitz-John Porter stands alone in the annals of our military history. Numerous appeals to reopen the case were addressed to the President by ex-Presidents Franklin Pierce and Millard Fillmpre, Senators Wilson, Lafayette F. S. Foster, John Sherman, Ira Harris, William Wright, and Edward Everett, Robert C. Winthrop, Amos A. Lawrence, Gardner Howland Shaw, General Banks, Governor Curtin, Horace Greeley, and others. Petitions flowed in, signed by hundreds of officers of his old Fifth Corps and other corps of the Army of the Potomac, all urging, in the name of truth and justice, a rehearing ; and to these were joined the memorials for the same purpose from the Legislatures of N. H., N. J., Pennsylvania and Nevada, and from members of the Legislature and citizens of Minnesota, without distinction of party. The sudden death of President Lincoln prevented the fulfillment of his expressed intention to reopen the case. President Johnson's promise to grant a rehearing was not fulfilled only because of General Grant's sudden change of mind to opposition, and because Porter did not desire it without Grant's recom- mendation. President Hayes, having before him the appeal and statement of facts from Hon. John Tucker, Assistant Secretary of War during the trial, on the earnest and persistent appeals of Senator Randolph, of New Jersey, and against the pressure of politicians, convened the Schofield-Terry-Gettv Advisory Board, by tne judgment of which, sustained by acts of Congress and despite the veto of President Arthur, Porter stands before his countrymen completely and trium- phantly exonerated morally, if not legally, of all that has been alleged against nim. And this, too, independent of party, by the united action of all Demo- cratic members of the U. S. Senate and House of Representatives, and of the voice and vote of Republican Senators Sewell, Hoar, Cameron of Pennsylvania, Jones of Nevada, Sabin and Pike, and Representatives Phelps, Ray of N. Y., Ray of New Hampshire, Bayne, Lyman, Burleigh, Laird, Ranney, Bedford, Rice, POS RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 471 Rockwell, A. H. Smith, O'Hara, Howey, Haynes, Long and others. But the most marked among Republican acts in the case is the change of mind of General Grant, the honored of his country and trusted leader of the Republican Party. In September, 1879, Porter asked of General Grant on what ground he had ex- pressed certain opinions in support of the justice of his sentence. He received assurance from Grant that though he never studied the case thoroughly, he deem- ed it just to himself as well as to Porter to investigate it then, and if wrong in opinion, entertained and possibly expressed, he would be glad of the opportunity to revoke it and to express his conclusions in writing prior to the meeting of Con- gress on Dec. 2d. That date was fixed by Porter, as he said on his conclusions would depend whether he appealed for justice to Congress direct or through the President. During a patient and earnest study of the case running up to Dec. 19th, General Grant, under date of Dec. 9th, wrote to Porter, who was disturbed by the delay : " I can say now, from what I have read, I believe I have heretofore done you a great injustice both in thought and speech; and if of the same opin- ion when through the examination of your case, I will regard it a most solemn obligation on my part to correct the wrong so far as I have any responsibility for it." On Dec. 19th he wrote : " I am through reading the papers in your case. I have seen nothing to change the views I have already expressed to you." He ex- pressed those views in a letter addressed to the President under date of Dec. 23d, which he sent to Porter with the assurance that " I expect to follow it up by such course as circumstances hereafter may dictate as necessary and proper. I sincerely hope that the day is not far distant when you will receive the justice which I feel sure is due to you." That truth and justice were higher and mightier aims to General Grant in this decision than political expediency and personal preference is made manifest in the following letter written to a friend a U. S. Senator who had inquired the grounds on which he had taken action in Porter's behalf : NEW YORK, December 30, 1881. My De*r General : I have your letter of yesterday. It is true that I have re-examined the proceedings of the Court Martial and Court of Inquiry in Fitz-John Porter's case, and believe sincerely that I have done him an injuatice, and have so written to the President. When I gave General Porter the letter I requested him to send you a copy. If he has not done so, he will or I will. That letter will explain all that I would otherwise write you on the subject. I reluctantly came to the conclusion I did, but was convinced beyond all preconceived notions, and felt it due to un accused man to say so. Very truly yours, GIN. JOHN A. LOGAN. U. S. GRANT. The Comte de Paris, on satisfying himself that the pages in his history which recounted the facts involving the case of General Porter had done the latter an injustice, hastened to correct them, and ranged himself on the side of the accused. A determination not to rest or be silent until justice was done him, combined with the stanch fidelity of friends who were loyal to him by reason of conviction of his innocence, has enabled General Porter to live down the vile accusations of his enemies, and to accomplish almost entirely his cherished purpose of restoring himself to his proper position in the esteem of his countrymen. It remains only for an upright government to complete its share of this great moral purpose. An act of Congress (the same as that vetoed by President Arthur) was approved by President Cleveland, July, 1886. Porter was reappointed Colonel in the Army, his commission dating May 14, 1861. Thus his record of former service was counted and the records of the Court Martial annulled and set aside. Porter, Jeremiah (Chaplain U. S. A.). Born in Mass. Appointed from Texas Civil life. Actual rank Chap. 1st 111. Vol. L. Art. Feb. 1, '62 ; hon. must, out July 31, '65; Post Chap. U. S. A. July 2,' 70; accepted Sept. 2, 70; re- tired June 30, '82, by operation of law. Post, James C. (Major of Engineers). Born in N. Y. July 30, 1844. Re- tiring year 1908. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '61 ; graduated June 23, '65. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. June 23, '65 ; trs. to Eng. May 1, '66 ; 1st Lieut. May 1, '66 ; Capt. Oct. 10, 71 ; Maj. Sept. 16, '86. Staff positions occupied Adjt. Batt. Eng. from June 17, 72, to Sept. 13, 72. Service Served on artillery duty at the Military Academy July 5 to Sept. 1, '65 ; in garrison at Little Rock, Ark., Dec. 8, '65, to Jan. 10, '66 ; as acting ordnance officer, Dept. of Arkansas, Jan. 10 to July 1, '66 (transferred to 472 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. POT Engineers May 1, '66) ; served with Co. E, Eng. Batt., at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., July 1, '66, to March 1, '67 ; as assistant engineer in the improvement of Boston Harbor, Mass., May 23 to July 24, '67 ; in the construction of the defenses of Portsmouth, N. H., July 24 to Sept. 1, '67; at the Military Acad., Instructor of Mathematics, Sept. 1, '67, to Sept., 71 ; with Co. B, Eng. Batt, Willet's Point, N. Y., Sept. 1, '71, to June 17, '72; com. Co. C, Batt. of Eng., Sept. 13, 72, to May 21, 74 ; assistant engineer in the construction of the defenses of Hampton Roads, Va., Charleston Harbor, S. C., Savannah, Ga., and of the river and harbor im- provement in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida May 21, 74, to Nov. 28, '82 ; in temporary charge as engineer of this same district Nov. 28, '82, to March 31, '83 ; consulting engineer to National Board of Health on South Atlantic coast 79 and '80 ; in charge of the improvements of the Kentucky, Tradewater, Big Sandy, Guyandotte and Little Kanawha Rivers, Kentucky and West Virginia, April 13, '83, to '87; attached to U. S. Legation at London, Eng., '90. Postlethwaite, William M. (Professor M. A.). Born in Ky. Appointed from Md. Civil life. A dual rank Professor Dec. 21, '81 ; accepted Jan. 3, '82. Potter, Carroll H. (Captain 18th Inf.). Born in R. I. Oct. 25, 1838. Re- tiring year 1902. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, '55, to Jan. 15, '57. Actual rank Capt. A. A. G. Vol. Oct. 21, '61 ; accepted Oct. 23, '61 ; Maj. A. A. G. Feb. 25, '65 ; accepted March 28, 75 ; vaca- ted March 28, '65; Col. 6th U. S. Vol. Inf. March 27, '65; hon. must, out Oct. 10, '66; 1st Lieut. 18th U.S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Oct. 26, '66; Capt. March 20, 79. Brevet rank Brig. Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, for meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 18th Inf. from Jan. 1, '67, to March 20, 79. Potter, Charles Lewis (Second Lieut, of Engrs.). Born in Me., Jan. 24, 1864. Retiring year 1928. Appointed from Me. Cadet at U. S. Military Acad- emy June 10, y 82; graduated June 12, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Cav. July 1, '86 ; 2d Lieut. Corps of Engrs. Feb. 2, '87. Service Joined troop M, 6th Cav., at Fort Supply, Ind. Ter., Oct. 1, '86 ; left Fort Supply with troop Oct. 1, '86, and arrived at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. 10, '86; left Fort Leaven - worth March 31, '87, and reported at Willet's Point, N. Y. H., April 4, '87 ; fin- ished course of Engineer School of Application ia May, '89 ; Range Officer of Post of Willet's Point for target season '89; took part in Dep. and Div. competi- tion at Fort Niagara in Sep., '89, winning 2d place in former and 4th place in latter competition ; ordered (S. O. 226, A. G. 0. Sep. 28, '89) to report to Capt. Philip M. Price, Corps of Engineers, at Montgomery, Ala.; reported at Montgom- ery Oct. 15, '89, and since that time has been on duty under the immediate orders of Capt. Price. Potter, James B. M. (Lieutenant Col. U. S. A.). Born in R. I. Retired ; ap- pointed from R. I. Civil life. Actual rank Add. Pm. Vol. Junel, '61; accepted June 18, '61; vacated Aug^ 1, '64; Maj. Pm. U. S. A. July 15, '64; accepted Aug. 1, '64 ; Lieut. Col. D. Pin. Gen. March 17, '82; retired Oct. 1, '82, by opera- tion of law. Brevet rankB\t. Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meri- torious services during the war. Potter, Joseph A. (Post Chaplain). Born in Ohio.; appointed from Ind. Civil life. Actual rank Mus. Cos. K and B, 60th Ind. Vol. Inf., from Nov. 21, '61, to March 21, '65 ; Post Chap. Feb. 26, '85 ; accepted March 7, '85. Potter, Joseph H. (Brigadier General U. S. A.). Born in N. H. Retired ; appointed from N. H. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '39; gradu- ated July 1, '43. Actual rankR\t. 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Inf. July 1, '43 ; 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. Oct. 21, '45 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 30, '47 ; Capt. Jan. 9, '56 ; Col. 12th N. H. Vol. Inf. Sep. 22, '62 ; Major 19th U. S. Inf. July 4, '63; Brig. Gen. Vol. May 1, '65; accepted May 14, '65 ; hon. must, out Jan. 15, '66; Lieut. Col. 30th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Sep. 19, '66; trans, to 4th Inf. March 15, '69 ; Col. 24th Inf. Dec. 11, 73 ; Brig. Gen. April 1, '86; accepted April 20, '86; retired Oct. 12, '86, by operation of law. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Sep. 23, '46, for gallant and meritorious conductin the battle of Monterey ; Lieut. Col. Dec. 13, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va.; Col. May POW RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 473 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellors nils, Va.; Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under R. E. Lee. Staff positions occupied Adj. 7th Inf. from Nov. 16, '53, to Feb. 13, '56. Potter, Reuben M. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in N. J. Feb. 14, 1802. Re- tired ; appointed from Texas Civil life. Actual rankM.. Sk. Qm. Dept. March 23, '48; accepted April 1, '48 ; Capt. M. Sk. July 28, '66; retired June 30, '82, by operation of law. Service Assigned soon after to duty in the Quartermaster- General's office ; in May, '50, he was assigned to the charge of the depot of army clothing and equipage at New Orleans ; in April, '51, he was ordered by the Quartermaster-General to accompany Bvt. Brig.-Gen. Whiting, asst. Quarter- master-Gen., on a tour of inspection to the several posts of Texas; when the in- spection was concluded the military storekeeper, after a two months' leave of ab- sence, returned to New Orleans in Nov., '51, and resumed the charge of the depot of clothing and equipage ; in May, '53, he was assigned to the charge of the cloth- ing and equipage arsenal on Schuylkill, at Philadelphia, and took the accounta- bility of the same on the 1st of July following, and continued in that charge till Dec., '57, when he was ordered to San Antonio, Texas, where he took the account- ability of the depot of clothing and equipage in March, '58, and continued in that charge till Jan. or Feb., '61, when the place was occupied and the public prop- erty seized by a rebel force under Gen. Ben McCulloch. It may be a coincidence of civil war worthy of note that on this occasion the military storekeeper was re- lieved of accountability by force of arms in the hand of an old friend, who was one of his own sureties, for McCulloch's name at that time figured on Potter's bond. The latter was subsequently arrested, and released under parole, along with the other officers of that post ; he reported at Washington in May, '61, and in July following was assigned to the accountability of a new and extensive depot of army cloth and equipage in New York City, in charge of which he continued till Dec., '66 ; while in this position he received, with the rest of his class, the ef- fective rank of captain, by virtue of the act of July 28, '66 ; in the fall of '66 he requested that he should be relieved that he might settle his voluminous accounts ; he was relieved accordingly, and the duty of adjusting his accountability occupied about a year, for the property which had rolled in and out of his charge under the confusing pressure of war necessity amounted in value to $120,000,000; awaiting orders till June, '69, when he was assigned to duty as acting assistant quarter- master at Pittsburgh, Pa., where he remained till June, 73, when he was assigned to Fort Wood, N. Y. H., as post quartermaster; he remained in that position till July 19, 75, when he was placed on sick-leave, and continued thereon till retired, on the 30th of June, '82, by virtue of the act of that date. Potts, Ramsay D. (First Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in D. C. Appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. March 7, '67 ; accepted April 26, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 2, '69. Service With Co. at Fort Independence, Boston, Mass., to Dec., '67 ; at Artillery School, U. S. Army, Fort Monroe, Va., from Dec., '67, to Oct., 68 ; at Columbia, S. C., Oct., '68 ; at the Artillery School U. S. Army, Fort Monroe, Va., from Nov., '68, to July 1, . Powell, Charles P. (Captain of Engineers). Born in Illinois, August 13, 1843. Retiring year 1907. Appointed from South Carolina. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 29, '63 ; graduated June 17, '67. Actual rank Private and Corp. Co. B, and Sgt. Major 5th Wis. Vol. Inf. from May 10, '61, to Sept. 28, '63 vicej May _, ._. Batt. of Eng., Detroit, Mich., 71-4 ; under orders of Major Comstock, Detroit, Mich., 74-6 ; under orders of Captain Adams, Memphis, Tenn., 77-8 ; under or- ders Major Gillespie, Oregon, 79-80 ; in charge of improvements harbor, rivers and defenses of coast, Oregon, '81-2 ; Eng. 13th L. H. Dist. '81-3. Powell, James (Captain and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Army). Born in Maryland. Retired. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private Co, H, llth U. S. Inf., Feb. 11, *48 ; discharged Aug. 15, '48 ; Private Co. I, 1st Drag.. 30 474 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. POW March 26, '51 ; discharged March 26, '60 ; Private, Corp., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. I, 1st Cav., from Nov. 17, '60, to Aug. 6, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. May 14, '61 ; ac- cepted ferred Brevet the battle services during the Atlanta campaign and in the battle of Jonesboro', Ga.; Lieut. Col. Aug. 2, '67, for gallant conduct in the fight with the Indians near Fort Philip Kearney, Dakota Terr., Aug. 2, '67. Powell, James W., Jr. (Captain 6th Infantry). Born in New York Oct. 1, 1840. Retiring year 1904. App. from New York Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. B, 7th N. Y. S. M., April 17, to June 3, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 71st N. Y. Inf. June 20, '61 ; hon. must. out. May 27, '63 ; 1st Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps May 22, '63 ; ace. May 28, '63 ; Capt. Oct. 28, '63 ; ace. Nov. 18, '63 ; hon. must, out June 3, '66 ; Captain 42d U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 20, '66 ; transferred to 6th Inf. April 22, '69. Brevet rank Brevet Major and Lieut. Col. U. S. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service Served through the war ; Army of the Potomac ; defenses of Washington ; riots in N. Y. City ; wounded in action at Bristoe Station, Va. (2d Bull Run), Aug., '62 ; wounded in soldiers' riot at Altoona April, '65 ; service since close of war, generally in the territories or at frontier posts, with Kiowas, Comanches and Sioux Indians; In- dian campaigns in Yellowstone country ; at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y.; Fort Arbuckle, Indian Terr.; Fort Sill, Indian Terr.; Camp Supply, Indian Terr. ; Fort Abraham Lincoln, Dak., Fort Buford, Dak.; Glendive Creek, Montana; White River, Wyo. ; Fort Douglas, Utah ; Fort Lewis, Colo. ; Fort Riley, Kan. ; marksman and sharpshooter. Staff positions occupied A. D. C., A. A. A. G. of Brigades and Divisions, Judge Advocate, A. A. Q. M., Reg. Adjt., Actg. Signal Offi- cer of the Army, and others. Commands held In command of Fort Lewis, Colo., with a garrison of 8 companies Inf. and Cav., from Aug., '88, to Aug., '89. His- tory Son of Surgeon J. W. Powell, in the Army of the Potomac ; member Mili- tary Order Loyal Legion and Grand Army of the Republic; marksman and sharpshooter; length of service as a captain, over a quarter of a century. Powell, Junius L. (Captain and Asa't Surg'n). Born in Virginia. Ap- pointed from Maryland Civil life. Actual rank Ass't Surgeon June 6, 78 ; accepted Feb. 22, 79 ; Captain and Ass't Surg'n June 6, '83. Powell, Philip P. (First Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in Virginia. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private, Corporal and Sergeant Co. D, 6th U. S. Cav., from Oct. 27, 75, to July 24, '80 ; 2d Lieut. 9th Cav. June 24, '80 ; accepted July 24, '80 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 13, '86. Powell, William H. (Major 22d Inf.). Born in Washington, D. C., Sept. 21, 1838. Retiring year 1902 ; appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank Private in Co. E, 4th Batt. D. C. Militia, April 17, '61 ; discharged July 17, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Inf. Oct. 24, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 16, '62 ; Captain Feb. 2, '65 ; Major 22d Inf. Aug. 5, '88. Brevet rank Brevet Captain Sept. 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Antietam, Md.; Major April 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va. Service Guarding the public buildings of the government against interior foes at Washington, D. C., April, and the bridges across the Potomac River from May to July, '61 ; at Gov- ernor's Island, N. Y., from Oct. to Nov., and at Bedloe's island to Dec., '61 ; in" the defenses of Washington, with the 4th Inf. to March, '62; in the field with the Army of the Potomac and participated in the Peninsula, Second Bull Run, An- tietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and Rappahannock cam- paigns of '62-3 ; ordered to New York City, from the Rappahannock River, with the regular division, to quell the draft riots Aug., '63 ; at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., from Sept., '63, to Jan., '64 ; in New York City on staff duty to May 1, '64 ; in the field with the Army of the Potomac from May 1, '64, to April 12, '65, participating in the campaigns of that army to the surrender of Lee ; at Richmond, Va., on staff duty, from April 12 to June 1, '65; at Trenton, N. J., mustering out volun- teer troops, from June to Aug., '65 ; at New York City on staff duty from Aug. to POW RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 475 Oct., '65; at Madison Bks., N. Y., from Oct., '65, to March, '67, taking part in suppressing the Fenian raid into Canada in '66, and guarding over a million dol- lars' worth of munitions of war seized from them and transported to Sackett's Harbor from Ogdensburg, N. Y. ; ordered to the Plains, and m camp at Omaha, Neb., from March to May, 67 5 on march across the plains, from North Platte, Neb., to Fort Morgan, Col., May and June, '67 ; at Fort Morgan to May, '68, when that post was abandoned ; on the march from Fort Morgan via Denver to Fort Laramie, Wyo., May and June, '68 ; at Fort Laramie from June, '68, to March, 71; Frankfort, Ky., from March, 71, to April, 72; Padmcah, Ky., from April, 72, to Jan., 73, when that post was abandoned ; Little Rocks Bks. from Jan. to May, 73 ; Fort Sanders, Wyo., from May, 73, to June, 76 ; quelling miners' riots at Carbon, Wyo., Dec., 75 ; on campaign of General Crook against hostile Sioux Indians, through the Tongue, Powder and Yellowstone River coun- tries, from June to Sept., 76; recruiting service at Buffalo, N. Y., from Oct., 76, to Oct., 78; at Fort Sanders, Wyo.. from Oct., 78, to April, 79; at Fort Fetter- man, Wyo., from April, 79, to May, '82, when that post was abandoned; Fort Inf. from March, '62, to Jan., '63 ; A. A. A. G. 1st Briarade Regulars, Army of the Potomac (2d Div., 5th Corps), from June, '62, to March, '63 ; A. C. S. 1st Brigade Regulars from March to May, '63; Chief Commissary Regular Division 5th Corps May, '63; A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Ayres from July 1, '63, to Sept. 10, '63; A. A. Qm. and A. C. S. at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., from Sept., 63, to Jan., '64; A. A. Insp. G. of N. Y. City and Harbor, from Jan. to May, '64 ; Judge Adv. 1st Div., 9th Corps, from June to Aug., '64; A. A. A. G. of the City of Richmond, Va., April and May, '65 ; Asst. to the Chief Mustering Officer at Trenton, N. J., from June 7 to July 31, '65 ; Chief of Ordnance and Artillery N. Y. City and Harbor from Aug. 2 to Oct. 3, '65. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Reconnoissance with regular brigade to feel the enemy on the right of the army June 24-6, '62 ; support at battle of Mechanicsville, Va., June 16, '62; battle of Games' Mill, Va., June 27, '62 ; skirmish at White Oak Swamp, Va., June 29, '62 ; battle of Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, '62 ; rear guard from battle-field of Malvern Hill July 2, '62 ; battle of Second Bull Run Aug. 30, '62; battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 16-17, '62; rec- onnoissance to Snicker's Ferry, Nov., '62; battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 11- 13, '62; Burnside's mud march Jan., 63; Chancellorsville May 1-3, '63; battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-4, '63 ; New York riots Aug., '63 ; battle of Cold Har- bor, Va., June 13, '64; battle of Bethesda Church, Va., June, '64; carrying of three lines of works in front of Petersburg, Va., June 16, 17 and 18, '64; Peters- burg Mine Explosion, July 30, '64 ; attack on works in front of Petersburg, Va., April 2, '65 ; surrender of Army of Northern Virginia to Gen. Grant at Appo- mattox C. H., Va., April 9, '65; skirmish .with Indians on South Platte River, Col., June 1, '67; miners' riots at Carbon, Wyo., Dec., 75; action with Indians at Slim Buttes, N. D., 76. Honorably mentioned In the " Records of the Rebel- lion," in the reports on the Seven Days' Battles before Richmond, Va., vol. xi., p. 361 ; second Bull Run, vol. xxi., pp. 419 ; Antietam, vol. xix., p. 355 ; Freder- icksburg, Va., vol. xxi., pp. 419 and 425; Gettysburg, Pa., vol. xxvii., p. 365 all at present published. Commands held Commanding Madison Bks., N. Y., from Sept., '66, to March, '67; Fort Morgan, Col., from June 3, '67, to May 18, '68; post of Paducah, Ky., from April 4, 72, to Jan. 4, 73 ; troops at Carbon, Wyo. ; Fort Fetterman, Wyo.; Batt. of 4th Inf. on border of Indian Territory, and Fort A. Lincoln, N. D. History On April 16, '61, the day that the first gun was fired upon Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor, at the commencement of the War of the Rebellion, Co. E, 4th Batt. D. C. Militia, held a meeting in Washington City and resolved to offer its services to the General Government for the protection of the public buildings and archives therein. Accordingly, the organization pre- sented itself at the War Department the following morning at ten o'clock; but the members were informed that their services could not be accepted unless they were mustered into the U. S. service for three months. This was a serious occa- 476 RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. PRI sion, for nearly all the young men had business plans and expectations which would be ruined by an absence of three months. They were given ten minutes to decide. Arms were stacked, and a consultation ensued. It was well-known among the members that there were secret organizations drilling every night in the city, whose intentions were to seize the public buildings and turn them, with archives and money, over to the Confederacy at the first practicable moment. (See article of Gen. C. P. Stone in vol. i., " Battles and Leaders of the Civil War/') Under these circumstances it did not take the company long to decide ; and when time was up, the entire organization, with the exception of two men, was mustered into the service, and the first duty assigned to it was the guarding of the State Department and the U. S. Treasury. Up to the present time the government has failed to recognize the services of the D. C. militia by bounty or otherwise. He has published several works, "The History of the Fourth U. S. Inf." (1871), " Tactical Queries " (1882), " Records of Living Officers U. S. Army " (1890). Pratt, Edward B. (First Lieut. 23d Inf.). Born in Va. May 7, 1853. Retiring year 1917. Appointed from Mich. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 23d Inf., Dec. 12,72; accepted June 18,73; 1st Lieut. June 25, 78. Service W&s on the " Powder River expedition," winter of 76-7 ; was on duty at St. Louis for three weeks during the railroad riots of 77. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., Adj., etc., at different posts. History Son of Major H. C. Pratt, Pay Dep., and grandson of Capt. John Glitz, 2d Inf. Pratt, Richard H. (Captain 10th Cav.). Born in N. Y. Dec. 6, 1840. Re- tiring year 1904. Appointed from Ind. Civil life. Actual rank Corp'l Co. "A," 9th Ind. Inf. Apr. 20, '61 ; discharged July 29, '61 ; Sgt. Co. "A," 2d Inf. Cav., Sep. 18, '61, to Apr. 19, '64; 1st Lieut, llth Ind. Cav. Apr. 20, '64; Capt. Sept. 1, '04 ; hon. must, out May 29, '65; 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Cav. Mar. 7, '67 ; accepted May 18, '67 ; 1st Lieut. July 31, '67 ; Capt. Feb. 17, '83. Brevet raw* Bvt. 1st Lieut, and Bvt. Capt. Mar. 7, '67, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Pratt, Sedgwick (First Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in D. C. Appointed from Ala. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 29, '63 ; graduated June 17, '67. Artnal rank 2d Lieut. 4th N. Y. Vol. H. Art. June 11, r 63 ; hon. must, out Sept. 9, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. June 17, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 21, 71. Staff positions occupied Prin. Asst. Prof, of Drawing M. A. from Aug. 30, 74, to Aug. 30, 76 ; R. Qm. 3d Art. from Nov. 1, 77, to May 1, '80; May 20, '84, to Mar. 1, '87. Preston, Guy H. (Second Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at the U.S. Military Academy June 15, '84; graduated June 11, '88. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Cav., June 11, '88 ; 2d Lieut. 9th Cav., June 16, '88. Price, Butler D. (Captain 4th Inf.). Born in Pa., May 27, 1845. Retiring year 1909. App. from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Pa. Vol. Cav., Dec. 6, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 2, '63 ; Capt. Feb. 23, '64 ; hon. must, out Jan. 5, '65; 2d Lieut. 4th U.S. Inf., May 11, '66; accepted Aug. 2, '66; 1st Lieut. Nov. 25, 73; Capt. Sept. 17, '86. Staff positions occupied Adj. 4th Inf. from Sept. 1, '81, to Sept. 17, 86. Service Served with regiment through all the cam- paigns of the Army of the Potomac (except that of the Wilderness), to Mar., '65. ftice, Curtis B. (Captain and Assist. Surg.). Born in Ohio September, 1840. Retiring year 1904. Appointed from 111. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. 12th Tenn. Cav., May 11, '64; Surg. Mar. 10, '65 ; Bvt. Lieut.-Col. Mar. 13, '65; hon. must, out Oct. 7, '65; Ass. Surg. June 26, 75; accepted July 29, 75; Capt. Asst. Surg. June 26, '80. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut.-Col. Vol. March 13, '65, for valuable and meritorious services during the war, and more especially for gallant conduct in the battle of Nashville, Tenn. Price, David (First Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in Wales. Appointed from Iowa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 73 ; graduated June 15, 77. Actual r'/ rank Brevet 1st Lieut. U. 8. A. Aug. 30, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the second battle of Bull Run, Va. ; Brevet Captain Jan. 23, '65. frruii-e Served in Washington, D. C., April 15 to June, '61 ; in Col. Stone's Brigade, Gen. Patterson's Army, June to Aug. 1, '61 ; mustered out of volunteer service July 15, '61 ; served Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, Aug. 19 to Dec., '61 ; Washington, D. C., Dec., '61, to March 10, '62; with 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac, till Aug. 30, '62; wounded (lost left leg) in second battle of Hull Run, Va., Aug. 30, '62; prisoner; exchanged Oct., '62 ; disabled until \ on duty Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Harbor, Nov., '63, to Jan., '64 ; recruiting duty Newark, N. J., and New York, N. Y., Jan. to May, '64; disabled May to (K-t!, '64; inspector and mustering officer, office assistant provost- marshal-general and superintendent volunteer recruiting service, Southern District of New York, Oct., '64, to May, '65 ; served at Hart Island, N. Y. H., Nov., '66, to April, V,7 : cruiting Officer at Washington, D. C., June 1, '69, to Feb., 70 ; retired from active service Dec. 15, '70, for disability resulting from wounds received in the line of duty; entered the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church June 4. and has held several charges in the same. Staff positions occupied Post adjutant post of Savannah, Ga., June, '65 ; acting judge-advocate District of Port Royal, Hilton Head, S. C., July to Nov., '65; acting judge-advocate Dept. of South Caro- lina, Dept. of the Carolinas, and Dept. of the South, Charleston, S. C., Nov., '65, to Nov., '66 ; acting signal officer and assistant to chief signal officer, Washington, D. C., April 18, '70, to Dec. 15, 70. Battle*, fkirmishe*, etc. Engaged in skirmish near Edwards' Ferry, Md., June, '61; siege of Yorktown, Va., '62; skirmish on Chickahominy River, Va., June, '62; battle of Mechanicsville, Va., June 26, ML' ; battle of Games' Mill, Va., June 27, '62; affair near White-Oak Swamp, Va., June 29, '62; attack on Malvern Hill, Va., June 30, '62; battle of Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, '62 ; affair at Harrison's Landing, Va., July, '62 ; skirmish near Sudley Chapel, Va., Aug. 29, '62 ; 2d battle of Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30, '62. Commands held In command of Fort Niagara, N. Y., April, '67, to April, '69 ; com. Reg. April, '69. (Second Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in Pa. Appointed S. Military Academy June 15, '84; graduated June 1. 2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Cav. June 11, '88; 2d Lieut. 5th Quay, Andrew G. C. (Second Lieut. 5th Cav.). from Pa. Cadet at the U. 11, '88. Actual rank Add. Cav. Aug. 21, '88. Quentin, Julius B. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Germany. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank Capt. 103d N. Y. Vol. Inf. March 6, '62; hon. must, out March 16, accepted Jan. 8, '67; 1st Lieut. March 1, '67; trs. to 14th Inf. July 22, '69; Capt. June 15, '87; retired June 15, '88, for disability in line of duty. Service- la the War of the Rebellion '62-3 ; in the field with Army of the Potomac in the Gettysburg campaign. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Cedar QUI RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. 481 Creek (wounded in the wrist), defense of Suffolk, and battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; in Europe and engaged at the battles of Monticello, Magenta and Solferino. Quinby, Ira (Captain llth Inf.). Born in N. Y. March 13, 1835. Retiring year 1899. Appointed from Colo. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Sgt. Co. D, 2d Colo. Vol. Inf., Sept. 5, '61 ; discharged June 5, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Colo. Vol. Cav. June 5, '62 ; 1st Lieut. May 7, '64; hon. must, out Nov. 18, '65; 2d Lieut. 15th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66; 1st Lieut. March 28, '66; accepted April 27, '66; trs. to 24th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; trs. to llth Inf. Apr. 25, '69 ; Capt. Dec. 21, '80. Staff positions occupied R. Qm. 24th Inf. from March 1, '67, to April 25, '69; R. Qm. llth Inf. from April 25, '69, to Sept. 3, 78. Quinn, James B. (Major of Engineers). Born in Ohio June 9, 1843. Re- tiring year 1907. Appointed from Ohio, Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '62; graduated June 18, '66. Actual rank. 2d Lieut. Eng. June 18, '66*; 1st Lieut. March 7, '67 ; Capt. March 4, '79 ; Major July 22, '88. Staff positions occupied Qm. Batt. Eng. from Dec. 22, '76, to Feb. 29, '80. Service On duty with Engineer Battalion '67-8 ; in charge of con. Forts Jefferson and Taylor '69-70; on duty under Col. Thorn, Boston, Mass., 71-2; on duty under Capt. Howell, Galveston, Texas, 72-6; quartermaster Battalion Engineers Dec. 22, 76, to Feb. 29, '80 ; comdg. Co. A, Batt. of Engrs., to April 30, '81 ; in charge of the improvement of the Yellowstone River and of the Missouri River above the mouth of the Yellowstone '81-3 ; Engineer officer Dept. of Platte at Omaha '83-6 ; on Engineer duty at Duluth, Minn., '90. Quinn, Thomas P. (Captain 4th Inf.). Born in Ireland Nov. 17, 1840. Re- tiring year 1904. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Mus. gen. ser. and Co. C, 2d U. S. Art., from April 14, '53, to April 13, '58 ; Pvt. gen. ser. and Pvt. Band, Drum Major, Prin. Mus., and Sgt. Major 4th U. S. Inf. from Feb. 3, '59, to Nov. 6, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. Oct. 31, '63 ; accepted Nov. 6, '63; 1st Lieut. Feb. 2, '65 ; Capt. Jan. 10, 76. Brevet rank Brevet Captain April 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va. /Service At San Pedro, Cal., to Nov., '61 ; at Washington, D. C., to March, '62 ; principal musician of regi- ment Dec., '61 ; with Army of the Potomac from '62 to '63 ; in New York City during riots of '63 ; at Forts Richmond and Wood, N. Y. Harbor, to April, '64 ; regimental and general recruiting service to Jan., '65 ; at Gen. Grant's head- quarters during the pursuit and surrender of the rebel army under Gen. R. E. Lee Feb., '65 ; provost duty Richmond, Va., to July, '65 ; N. Y. Harbor to Oct., '65 ; at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., to March, '67 ; engaged in suppressing Fenian hostil- ities on Northern frontier ; at Forts Fetterman and Laramie, Wyo., from June, '67, to March, 71 ; at Frankfort, Ky., from March, 71, to Dec., 72; on general recruit- ing service from Jan., 73, to Jan., 74; at Fort Bridger, Wyo., from Feb., 74, to March,76 ; at Camp Brown from April, 76, to Sept., 76 ; at Cantonment Reno, Powder River, Wyo. Ty., from Oct., 76, until July, 78 ; on leave until Feb., 79 ; at Fort Laramie to '82; at Fort Omaha, Neb., to '86; at Fort Spokane to '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Quinton, William (Captain 7th Inf.). Born in Ireland Oct. 15, 1838. Re- tiring year 1902. Appointed from 111. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Sgt. Co. C, 19th 111. Vol. Inf., June 17, '61 ; discharged Nov. 2, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 19th 111. Vol. Inf. Nov. 2, '61 ; 1st Lieut. March 1, '63; honorably mustered out Sept. 10, '64; 2d Lieut. Vol. Sig. Corps March 3, '63 : accepted Sept. 10, '64 ; honorably mus- tered out May 1, '66 ; 1st Lieut. 33d U. S. Inf. June 12, '67; accepted July 19, '67; unassigned May 3, '69; assigned to 7th Inf. May 3, 70; Captain April 18, '84. /Service On duty in the U. S. Signal Corps Dec., '61 ; engaged at the battles of Perry ville, Stone River and Chickamauga ; engaged at the battle of Missionary Ridge, action of Buzzard's Roost and in the Atlanta Campaign ; at San Antonio, Texas, to May, '66 ; on frontier duty in Montana, Dakota, Wyoming and Colora- do since the war ; at present stationed at Fort Logan, Col. Quirk, Paul (Captain and Brevet Major U. S. A.). Born in Ireland. Retired. Appointed from the Army. Actual Rank Pvt., Corpl., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. F, 482 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TT. S. ARMY. RAN 2d Drag. (2d Cav.), from April 15, '52, to Sept. 23, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Cav. July 17, '62 ; accepted Sept. 23, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 13, '64 ; retired Jan. 5, '65, for wounds in line of duty, and with rank of Captain July 28, '66. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. Sept. 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious services during the Maryland Cam- paign ; Captain June 9, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Beverly Ford, Va.; Major March 13. '65, for gallant and meritorious services dur- ing the war. Rafferty, Ogden (First Lieut, and Ass't Surg'n). Born in New Jersey. Appointed from New Jersey Civil life. Actual rank Ass't Surgeon March 26, '88 ; accepted April 13, '88. Rafferty, William A. (Major 2d Cav.). Born in New Jersey Feb. 16, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from New Jersey. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '61 ; graduated June 23, '65. Actual rank- 2d Lieut. 6th Cav. June 23, '65; 1st Lieut, May 1, '66; Captain May 14, '68; Major 2d Cav. Nov. 20, '89. Staff position occupied Adj. 6th Cav. Dec. 12, '66, to May 14, '68. Service Served in Texas 1 65 to 71 ; Kansas and Indian Territory '71 ; Colorado (Fort Lyon) '71 to '73; Ass't Instructor of Cavalry Tactics at West Point '73-4; Indian Territory '75 ; Arizona 75 to '84 ; New Mexico, '85 ; Fort Leaven worth '85 to '89; Fort Lewis, Col., Oct. and Nov., '89; Boise Barracks, Idaho, Dec. 30, '89, to pre- sent time. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged with hostile Indians Oct. 5, 70, Little Wichita River, Texas ; Cheyenne Agency, Indian Territory, April 6, 75; Souber Mountain, in Mexico, near Arizona and N. M. line, April 28, '82. Rafferty, William C. (First Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in Indiana. Appointed from Illinois. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. June 14, 76; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Art. June 12, '80 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 11, '87. Ramsay, Joseph G. (Captain 2d Art.). Born in Pennsylvania Dec. 15, 1843. Retiring year 1907. Appointed from District of Columbia. Civil life. Actual rank Capt., A. A. G. Vols., Nov. 17, '64; accepted Dec. 31, '64; hon. must, out Aug. 3, '65; 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Aug. 15, V.I ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 12, '61 ; Captain Feb. 5, '67. Brevet rank Brevet Capt. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions w'u- piedAdjt. 2d Art. from Nov. 4, '63, to Nov. 17, '64 ; Regt. Q. M. 2d Art. from June 23, '66, to Feb. 5, '67. Ramsey, Frank De W. (Second Lieut. 9th Inf.). Born in New York. Appointed from New York. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 1881 ; gradu- ated June 14, '85. Actual rank2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Inf. June 14, '85. Randall, Edward L. (Captain 5th Inf.). Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 13, 1836. Retiring year 1900. Appointed from Pennsylvania -Civil life. Actual rank Corporal Co. E, 33d Pa. Mil., June 24, '63 ; discharged July 31, '63; 2d Lieut. 1st U. s. C. Inf. Jan. 29, '64 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 13, '64 ; hon. mut out Sept. 29, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted April 28, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 31, '66 ; Capt. June 27, '84. Randall, George M. (Captain 23d Inf. and Brevet Major). Born in Ohio Oct. 8, 1841. Retiring year 1905. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. A, 4th Pa. Vol. Inf., April 20, '61 ; discharged July 25, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Inf. Oct. 24, '61 ; accepted Nov. 6, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 6, '62 ; Major 14th N. Y. Vol. Art. Aug. 16, '64; Lieut. Col. 14th N. Y. V. Art. June 1, '65 ; hon. must, out Aug. 26, '65 ; Captain U. S. A. Sept. 23, '65 ; un- assigned March 23, '69 ; ass'd to 23d Inf. Jan. 1, 71. Brevet rank Brevet Cant. Sept. 17. '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Ma. ; Major April 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va. ; Lieut. Col. Vols., and Colonel Vols., March 26, '65, for gallantry in the attack on Fort Steadman, Va. Randlett, James P. (Major 9th Cav.). Born in New Hampshire Dec. 8, RAW RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 483 July 20, '67 ; unassigned April 20, '69 ; ass'd to 8th Cav. Dec. 15, 70 ; Maior 9th Cav. July 5, '86. Randolph, Benjamin H. (First Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in Rhode Island. Appointed from Rhode Island. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '66 ; grad. June 15, 70. Actual mn 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. June 15, 70 ; 1st Lieut. April Randolph, Wallace F. (Major 3d Art.). Born in Pennsylvania June 11, 1841. Retiring year 1905. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. F, 17th Pa. Vol. Inf., April 18, '61 ; discharged June 28, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 29, '61 ; 1st Lieut. March 1, '62 ; Captain July 28, '66 ; Major 3d Art. April 25, '88. Brevet rank Brevet Captain June 14, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the defense' of Win- chester, Va. ; Major March 13, '65, for good conduct and meritorious services during the war. Raphall, Alfred M. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in England. Appointed from New York Civil life. Actual rank2(\ Lieut. 40th N. Y. Vol. Inf. June 14, '61 ; 1st Lieut, and Adjutant June 27, '61 ; hon. must, out Jan. 24, '62 ; 1st Lieut. 40th N. Y. Vol. Inf. July 29, '62 ; Captain Feb. 4, '64 ; hon. must, out July 24, '64; 1st Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps Oct. 3, '64; accepted Oct. 5, '64; hon. must, out June 30, '66; 2d Lieut. 43d U. S. Inf. Jan. 22, '67; accepted March 30, '67 ; unassigned April 8, '69 ; ass'd to llth Inf. Aug. 3, 70 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 30, 70 ; retired Augf 24, '86, for loss of right arm from wound and disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; Captain Vols. March 13, '65, for gal- lant services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; Major Vols. March 13, '65, for highly meritorious services while in the field and on detached duty with General Sickles in South America. Rawles, Jac9b B. (Major 4th Art.). Born in Mich. Aug. 4, 1839. Retiring year, 1903 ; appointed from Mich. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '56 ; graduated May 6, '61. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Art. May 6, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 5th Art. May 14, '61; accepted June 28, '61; Capt. July 28, '66; Maj. 4th Art. Aug. 10, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. July 8, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Port Hudson, La. ; Bvt. Maj. April 9, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent forces under Gen. R. E. Lee. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 5th Art. Nov., '61, to Nov., '62. Service Was engaged from May 7, '61, till about July 15, '61, in drilling volunteers in and about Washington City, D. C.; was thus occupied with the 69th N. Y. Infantry (Irish), the Second Conn. Infantry (General Terry's Regiment) and the 6th Maine Infantry ; on recruiting service in connec- tion with the organization of the 5th Artillery from about July 5, '61, until Oct., '61 ; serving at Camp Greble, Harrisburg, Pa., and at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Har- bor, till November, '62, and joined Light Battery "G," 5th U. S. Artillery, Dec. 1, ; 62; sailed from N. Y. Harbor on the clipper ship "Jennie Beals,'' with other vessels of Banks' expedition, bound for New Orleans, La., December 9, '62 ; served in the Department of the Gulf from date of arrival at N. O., December 25, '62, until after the surrender of Fort Morgan, Mobile Bay, Ala., August, '64; participated in the first attack upon Port Hudson, La., operations about Baton Rouge, La., spring of '63, and the final siege of the former-named place, termin- ating July 8, '63, returning to N. O. with Battery fall of same year; in the spring of "'64 participated in the Red River campaign, being present and actively engaged with Light Battery "G," 5th Art., at the battle of Sabine Cross Roads, or Mansfield, La., April 8, '64 ; after the retreat of the Army of the Gulf, returned to N. O., remaining there until the operations of the Army about Mobile Bay, La., and the siege of Fort Morgan ; took part in all those operations which cul- minated in the surrender of the latter place ; after the surrender of Fort Morgan returned to New Orleans, La., and from there, in the month of August, '64, was transferred with Light Battery "G,'' 5th Art., to the Army of the Potomac ; the winter of '64 and '65 was passed with the Art. Reserve 5th Corps, occupying win- ter-quarters on the Jerusalem Plank Road, rear defensive line of the Army of the 484 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. RAY Potomac ; in the spring campaign '65 participated in most of the actions, skir- mishes and battles of the 5th Corps, terminating with the surrender of the Rebel Army of Northern Virginia April 8, '65; after the Rebellion, with Light Battery 41 G," 5th Art., at Camp Bailey, Bladensburg, Md., and at Little Rock, Arkansas, until July 28, '66 ; served at Fort Warren, Mass., with Battery (" D," 5th Art.) from March, '69, until Dec., 75; at Oglethorpe Barracks, Savannah, Ga., until 79; McPherson Barracks, Ga., from April 1,79, until February, '80 ; at Key West Barracks, Fla. (second time), and Fort Brook, Tampa, Florida, until July, '81; ou leave of absence from July, '81, till Dec., '81 ; at Fort Schuyler, N. Y. H.,from Dec., '81, until Sep., '82; left Fort Schuyler, N. Y., for Omaha, Neb., with Battery " D," 5th Art., Sept. 10, '82 ; during the fall of that year the Battery was mounted, equipped and organized as a mounted Battery ; absent from Fort Omaha during the months of Oct., Nov. and Dec., '82, as a member of a Horse Board for purchasing horses for the Battery and for the Cavalry service ; ordered with Battery to Fort Douglas, Utah, Dec., '85; serving there until Nov., '86; during sojourn at that post built large, commodious stables for Battery, capable of accommodating eighty horses; from Fort Douglas took station Dec., '86, at Fort Schuyler, N. Y., having been transferred to Battery " E '' ; in May, '87, ordered to duty with Battery at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. ; ordered to Fort Preble, Maine; served at Fort Preble until the 4th Art. was transferred South, to Fort McPhereon, Atlanta, Ga., May 28, '89; present station, the latter-named post Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in the first attack on Port Hudson, La. ; operations about Baton Rouge, La., spring of '63, and final siege of Port Hudson, La., July 8, '63 ; battle of Sabine Cross Roads or Mansfield, La., April 8, '64; siege of Fort Morgan. Commands held During the fall, winter and spring of '64 and '65 commanded Light Batteries "D" and "G," 5th U. S. Artillery, being attached to the 5th Corps ; commanded Light Battery 5th Art. at Camp Bailey, Md., till July 28, '66 ; commanded Key West Barracks from June, '67, until March, '69; commanded Ft. Warren, Mass., Mar., '69, to Dec., 75. Bawolle, William C. (Captain 2d Cav.). Born in Prussia, Aug. 28, 1840. Retiring year 1904; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d N. Y. Vol. Art. Oct. 26, '61 ; 1st Lieut. March 4, '62 ; hon. must, out June 24, '62 ; Capt. A. A. D. C. Vol. June 21, '62; accepted June 25, '62; resigned Aug. 11, '65 ; 2d Lieut. U. S. Cav. June 6, '68; accepted Aug. 6, '68 ; 1st Lieut. April 26, '69; Capt. Dec. 20, '80. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Vol. March 13, '65, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the Army of the Potomac, from Aug., '62, to Jan., '63, including the battles of Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, War- renton, Sulphur Springs and Fredericksburg ; Lieut. Col. Vol. March 13, '65, for services in the West, including the Cavalry campaign in East Tenn., and expedi- tions to Northern Miss., and for gallant, daring and good conduct in the battle ol Brice's Cross Roads, Miss. Staff positions occupied R. Qm. 2d Cav. from July 15, 70, to Sep. 15, 74 ; Adjt. 2d Cav. from March 31, 78, to Aug. 31, '80. Service Captain and Add. A. D. C. U. S. Vol. June 21, '62 ; in the Army of the Poto- mac, from Aug., '62, to Jan., '63 ; the Cavalry campaign in East Tennessee, and expeditions into Northern Mississippi ; out of service from '65 to '68 ; on frontier duty in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and Washington, from '68 to '90 ; under orders with regiment for Arizona. Bat-ties, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of 2d Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Warrenton, Sulphur Springs, and Fredericksburg, '62 ; Brice's Cross Roads, Miss., '64. Ray, P. Henry (Captain 8th Inf.). Born in Wis., May 8, 1842. Retiring year 1906; appointed from Wis. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt., Corp., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co.'s <5 K " and " A," 2d Wis. Inf. and 1st Wis. H. Art., May 7, '61, to July 12, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Wis. H. Art. July 13, '63 ; Capt. Sept. 13, '64 ; hon. must, out June 26, '65; Capt. 6th U. S. Vet. Inf. Aug. 9, '65; hon. must, out April 12, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 33d U. S. Inf. March 7, '67 ; accepted May 18, '67 ; transferred to 8th Inf. May 3, '69; 1st Lieut. Dec. 31, 75 ; Captain May 27, '89. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at McPherson Barracks Nov., '67, to Aug. 30, '68 ; Acting Chief Commissary of Sub. Dept. of the South to Oct., '68; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Selma, Ala., Nov. 1, '68, to March 6, '69; A. A. Q. M. and A. RAY RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 485 C. S. at Montgomery, Ala., April 4, '69, to May 3, '69; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Johnson, N. C., May 3, '69, to Feb. 21, 70; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Raleigh, N. C., to Oct. 27, 70 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Batt. 8th Inf. Chief Q. M. and Chief Com. of expedition against Sioux Indians 74 ; Depot Commissary at Yuma Depot, Ariz., Oct., 74, to May, 75 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Lowell, Ariz., till July, 77 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Fort Apache, Ariz., Dec. 77, to April, 78 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Fort Halleck, Nev.,May, 79, to May, '81 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Fort Gaston, Gal., June, '85, to July, '85 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Ft. McDowell, Ariz., July, '86, to Dec., '86; Acting Judge Advo- cate (with rank of Captain) Dept. of the Platte, from April 21, '87, to present time. Commands held Commanding Co. A, Indian scouts, from July, 77, to Dec., 77 ; Post of Ft. -Halleck, Nev., Oct., 78, to May, 79. Service Served through the War of the Rebellion; joined 33d Inf. at Atlanta, Ga., May, '67 ; on special duty constructing McPherson Barracks to Nov., '67 ; at Huntsville, Ala., to Nov., '68; at Selma, Ala., to March 6, '69; at Tuscaloosa, Ala., with detach- ment 33d Inf. during election of Nov., '68 ; at Mobile, Ala., to April 4, '69; at Montgomery, Ala., to May 3, '69; at Fort Johnson, N. C., to Feb. 21, 70; at Columbia, S. C., to April 30, 70 ; at Raleigh, N. C., to Oct. 27, 70 ; David's Island, N. Y. H., to July, 72 ; in the field with first expedition to the Yellow- stone River (General Stanley's), to Nov., 72; at Omaha Barracks until May, 73; in the field with the second expedition to Yellowstone River (General Stanley's), to Oct., 73 ; stationed at Fort D. A. Russell, W. T., to Feb. 22, 74 ; in the field with expedition against the Sioux Indians (General J. E. Smith Com.), until July, 74 ; en route to Arizona to Sep., 74 ; stationed at Yuma Depot, A. T., until April, 76 ; at Fort Lowell, A. T., till July, 77 ; at Fort Apache, A. T., from July, 77, to April, 78 ; on leave of absence sick to Oct., 78 ; stationed at Fort Halleck, Nev., until May, '81 ; Acting Signal Officer from May, '81, to June, '85 ; assigned to command of International Polar Expedition to Point Barrow, Alaska, June, '81 ; organizing and outfitting expedition in San Francisco, Cal., to July, '81 ; sailed from San Francisco, Cal., to July, '81 ; landed at Plover Bay, Siberia, Aug. 21, '81, and at Point Barrow, Alaska, Sept. 8, '81 ; established and commanded Meteorological Sta. at Uglaamie, Alaska, to Aug. 22, '83, when station was abandoned ; during '82 and '83 made two expeditions into the interior, traveling over 1000 miles in an unexplored region with dogs and sledge ; discov- ered and partly surveyed Meade River ; sailed from Uglaamie, Alaska, Aug. 23, '83 ; picked up Lieut. Schwatka and party at Redoubt Michaelofsky, Sept. 13 '83 ; landed in San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 7, '83; disbanded expedition Oct. 15, '83; on duty in office Chief Signal Officer, Washington, D. C., preparing report Interna- tional Polar Expedition to June, '85 ; United States Delegate to International Polar Congress at Vienna, Austria, from March, '84, to July, '84 ; on duty in Washington, D. C., from July, '84, to April, '85 ; elected Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society June, '84; published report Dec., '84 (see Ex-Doc. 44, second session, 48th Congress) ; on leave of absence from April, '85, to June, '85 ; stationed at Fort Gaston, Cal., until July, '86 ; Acting Indian Agent Hoopa Val- ley Reservation Aug. and Sept., '85 ; stationed at Fort McDowell, A. T., to Dec., '86 ; at Fort Niobrara, Neb., until April, '87 ; Acting Judge Advocate Dept. of the Platte (Captain), from April, '87, to date. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at Blackburn's Ford July 18, '61; Bull Run July 21, '61 ; at Fort De Russey, de- fense of Washington (Early's raid), July 13 and 14, '64. Honorably mentioned HEADQUARTERS EIGHTH U. S. INFANTRY, DAVID'S ISLAND, NEW YORK HARBOR, January 27, 1871. ORDERS No. 11. Extract. II. The Colonel commanding desires to express his commendation of the conduct of Second Lieutenant P. H. Ray, and Sergeant Hill, Company E, and Privates Welch, Company B ; Pope, Company E ; Dugan, Com- pany H ; and Breckenridge and Jones First, Company I, 8th Infantry, who periled their lives in the fearful storm of yesterday, to save the lives of two citizens, discovered helplessly drifting in the vicinity of this island, and who, notwithstanding their inability to return without assistance, knowing none could be afforded at the time, still persevered and succeeded in the object for which they had endangered their lives. To First Lieutenants A. W. Corliss and Samuel Craig, Second Lieutenants C. A. Earnest and J. W. Smumer- hause, Sergeant Suyder, Company H, Corporal Lasher and Privates Coyne and Steinman, Company B, and Feruald, Company I, 8th Infantry, who in their voluntary efforts rescued Lieutenant Ray and his almost 486 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. RAY frozen crew from their perilous conditition this morning, a* well as to all herein mentioned, the greatest praise is due for their generous daring and fidelity to the honor of their profession. By command of COLONEL J. B. BOMFOBD, THOS. WILHELH, Firtt Lieutenant and Adjutant. Raymond, Charles W. (Major of Engineers). Born in Connecticut, Jan* 14, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from New York. Cadet at the U. S- Military Academy July 1, '61 ; graduated June 23, '65. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Engineers June 23, '65 ; Captain March 21, '67; Major Feb. 20, '83. Staff posi- tions occupied Prin. Asst. Prof. Nat. and Exp. Phil. M. A. from Aug. 28, 72, to Feb. 27, 74, Aug. 31, 75, to July 1, 78 ; Inst. Practical Eng. M. A. from Aug. 28, 78, to Aug. 28, '81. Service In the War of the Rebellion, '63; Act. A. D. C. tq Major General D. N. Couch, at Harrisburg, Pa., by authority of Secretary of War, July, '63; graduated '65; Recorder of special Board of Engineers at Boston, Mass., '65-66; Asst. Engineer defenses at Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Harbor, '66 ; Recorder of Board of Engineers for Pacific coast, '68-69 ; Asst. Engineer de- fenses at Lime Point, San Francisco Harbor, '68-69 ; Asst. Engineer repairs and reconstruction of Fort Stevens, Oregon, '68 ; Special Engineer Officer on staffs of Major General Halleck, San Francisco, Cal., '69, and Major General Thomas, San Francisco, Cal., '69-70; in command of exploration of the Yukon River, Alaska, '69; Secretary of the Board of Engineers, New York, 70-71 ; Com. Engineer Co. at Willet's Point, N. Y. f 71-72 ; at U. S. M. A., West Point, 72-74, and 75-78 ; Com. U. S. expedition to Northern Tasmania to observe the transit of Venus, 74 -75 ; at U. S. M. A. and in command of Engineer Co., West Point, 78-81 ; Chief Engineer on staff of Major General Schofield, 78-81 ; in charge of construction of water-works, hospital and barracks, 78-81 ; in command of Engineer Co. and member of Board of Instructors at the engineer school of application, Willet's Point, N. Y., '81-83 ; in charge of river and harbor improvements in Massachu- setts and Engineer 1st and 2d Light-house Districts, '83 ; on duty at Philadelphia, '90. Raymond, Henry I. (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Indiana. Ap- pointed from Ind. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surgeon Oct. 22, '81 ; accepted Oct. 31, '81 ; resigned Sept. 1, '83; re-appointed Jan. 12, '85; accepted Feb. 7, '85; Captain Jan. 12, '90. Raynolds, William F. (Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General U. S. A.). Born in Ohio. Retired. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '39; graduated July 1, '43. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf. July 1, '43; transferred to Top. Engr. July 20, '43; 2d Lieut. March 3, '47; 1st Lieut. March 3, '53 ; Captain (14 years' service ) July 1, '57 ; transfer red to Engr. March 3, '63; Col. A. A. D. C. Vol. March 31, '62 ; accepted April iM, '62 ; hon. must, out May 31, '66; Major U. S. A. March 3, '63; Lieut. Col. March 7, '67 ; Col. Jan. 2, '81 ; retired March 17, '84, by operation of law. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut. Col. and Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services dur- ing the war; Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for meritorious services in the field during the war. Service Second Asst. Top. Engineer in the improvement of the Ohio River, '43-44; survey of the northeastern boundary of the United States, '44-47 ; in the war with Mexico, '47-48; preparing maps of northeastern boundary survey, '48-50; survey for water-supply to. Washington, D. C., '50-51; 1st Lieut. March 3, '53; survey of northern lakes, '51-56 ; light-house duty, '56-59; in charge of ex- ploration of Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers, '59-61; Chief Top. Engineer of the Dept. of Virginia July-Oct., '61; Dept. of West Virginia Oct., '61-April, '62; Mountain Dept. April-June, '62 ; Chief Engineer of Middle Dept. and 8th Army Corps Jan., '63-April, '64 ; transferred to engineers March 3, '63 ; in charge of the defenses of Harper's Ferry during the rebel invasion of Pennsylvania June, '63 ; Chief Engineer of the defenses of Baltimore, Md., June 28, '63; Superintending Engineer of survey of North and Northwest Lakes and Engineer of light-houses on Northern Lakes, and in charge of harbor improvements of the entire Lake re- gion from April 14, '64-April, 70; in charge of improvement of Western rivers, St. Louis, Mo., from April, 70-Jan. 7, 73; charge of harbor improvement, Mobile, Ala., Jan. to April, 73 ; Engineer 4th Light-house Diat. from April, 73, bo -. RE A RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 487 Read, George W. (Second Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in Iowa Nov. 19, 1860. Retiring year 1924. Appointed from Iowa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 79 ; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank2d Lieut. 16th Inf. June 13, '83 ; transferred to 5th Cav. Sept. 13, '83 ; to rank in Cav. from June 13, '83. Ser- viceWith regiment at Fort Washakie, Wyo., and in the field from Sept. 27, '83, (on rifle competition July 28 to Sept. 3, '84) to May 17, '85 ; in the field May 17 professor of Military Science and Tactics at the Iowa State University, Iowa City, Iowa, to present time. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Washakie, Wyo., from Dec. 1, '84, to April 30, '85; A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. and Adjutant battalion in the field May 17 to May 31, '85 ; Adjutant battalion from July 8, '85, to Aug. 31, '85 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. from Oct. 1, '87, to May 31, '88. Read, Robert D., Jr. (First Lieut. 10th Cav.). Born in Tennessee. Appoint- ed from Tenn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 73 ; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank23. Lieut. 10th U. S. Cav. June 15, 77 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 24, '83. Reade, Harry (Captain 25th Inf.). Born in Lowell, Mass., Aug. 5, 1841. Retiring year 1905. Appointed from Kan. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 25th Inf. March 4, 72; accepted March 31, 72 ; 1st Lieut. April 11, 78 ; Capt. April 1, '88. Service Joined Co. D at Fort Quitman, Texas; marched to Fort Davis, Texas, from Oct. 3 to Nov., 72, remaining there to July, 74 ; in Sept., 73, on detached service in pursuit of deserters, marched 90 miles ; at Presidio del Norte, Texas, Dec., '73, protecting Dep. Collector of Customs; attached to Co. E latter part of July, 74, en route to Fort Concho, Texas ; marched 240 miles ; ar- rived at Concho Aug. 12, 74 ; returned to Fort Davis March 12, 75 ; made a scout to Presidio del Norte, in pursuit of Indians in Nov.-Dec., 75 ; at Fort Stockton, Texas, Aug. 5, 76 ; on leave of absence from Oct. 22, 78, to Feb. 21, 79 ; on special recruiting detail at Boston, Mass., from March 1 to May 10, 79 ; on sick leave from June 1, 79, to May 8, '80 ; at Camp Charlotte, Texas, from May 10 to June 27, '80 ; en route from Fort Concho, Texas, to Fort Meade, Dakota, from July 5 to Aug. 17, '80 ; taken sick while on the march and left in the hospital at Fort McKavett, Texas, from July 7 to 17, '80 ; rejoined command at San Antonio, Tex. ; served at Ft. Meadte until Aug. 30, '85 ; in the field on Little Missouri River from July 8 to Oct. 15, '81; distance marched, 180 miles ; on leave of absence from July 29, '83, to Jan. 28, '84; served at Inf. and Cav. School, Fort Leaven worth, Kansas, from Sept. 1, '85>, to July, '87 ; returned to Fort Meade, Dakota, July 20, '87 ; served at that post till May 11, '88 ; detailed as Range Officer at Bellevue Rifle Range from Aug. 26 to Sept. 10, '87 ; joined Co. E at Ft. Sisseton, D. T., Apr. 19; left April 23; arrived at Fort Shaw, Mont. May 27, '88; at that post until Aug. 31, '89; participated in practice march for 8 days in Oct., '88, marched 100 miles ; on sick leave from Sept. 1, '89, to . Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Ft. Stockton, Texas, from Jan. 14, 78, to Feb. 21, 79 ; Adjt., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. troops in the field from July 8 to Oct. 15, '81 ; A. C. S. at Fort Meade, Dakota, from April 1, '82, to April 1, '83. Reade, Philip (Captain 3d Inf.). Born in Lowell, Mass., Oct. 13, 1844. Retiring year 1908. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at -the U. S. Mil. Academy from July 1, '64, to Jan. 14, '65, and from June 20, '65, to Jan. 21, '67; appointed from civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Inf. May 13, '67 ; accepted May 20, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 8, 78 ; Capt. Nov. 13, '89. Service Reported for duty at headquarters of his regiment, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., June, '67, and ordered to his company at Fort Dodge, Kan. ; took command of Co. H, July, '67 ; on duty there and at various points in Colorado and Indian Territory until fall of 71, when changed station with his company to Fort Wallace, Kan. ; during this period was on escort duty with wagon trains, Southern Overland Mail Co., stage stations, Railroad surveying parties and in connection with hostile Cheyenne and Kiowa Indians ; at Regimental Hdqrs. from June, '69, to March 12, 71 ; on leave 488 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. REA of absence from Nov., 71, to April 4, 72; on latter-named date assigned to duty at Headquarters Dep. of the Mo., Fort Leavenworth, Kan., as Acting Signal Of- ficer; relieved from duty as Chief Signal Officer Dep. of the Missouri Aug. 27, 74; during the period April 4, 72, to Aug. 27, 74, was engaged in giving in- struction in military signaling and telegraphy to classes composed of officers and enlisted men at the following-named posts : Forts Leavenworth, Riley, Lamed, Dodge, Hays and Wallace, and camps of the 6th U. S. Cavalry in Kansas; also at Camp Supply, I. T., at Forts Lyon, Reynolds and Garland, Col., and at Forts Union, Marcy, Stanton, McRae, Selden, Craig, Bayard, Tulerosa and Wingate, N. M. ; Oct. 18, 74, was relieved as a member of a Gen. Court Mar., on which he had been temporarily detailed at Fort Leavenworth, and ordered to proceed to Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, La., for duty with his company (" H ) ; Dec. 1, 74, he was ordered to report in person to the Chief Signal Officer for duty, but was permitted, at his own request, to delay in New Orleans until after it was evi- dent that no active services would be required of his regiment in the South inci- dent to the then-troubled condition of state and local affairs in Louisiana; Jan. 8, 75, assigned to instruction duty at Fort Whipple, Va., as Assistant to the Chief Signal Officer of the Army and for orders relative to his instruction in more ex- tended branches of military signaling, electric telegraphy, heliographing, cipher and meteorology; June 2, 75, was relieved from duty at Fort Whipple, Va., and directed to proceed to San Diego, Cal., and assume charge of the construction nd operation of the lines of telegraph in California, Arizona and New Mexico, provided for by acts of Congress, he to establish his office and station in Sun Diego, Cal., and be governed in the discharge of his duties by such instructions as he might receive from the Chief Signal Officer of the army ; after about 400 miles of the New Mexican military telegraph line had been constructed and was in working order, he was relieved from duty in connection with the New Mexican section of the proposed entire line, and its further completion in New Mexico devolved upon another officer March 29, 76, and he was ordered to Washington for verbal consultation with General Myer; for the two years succeeding April, 76, he was engaged in like duty in Arizona; Feb. 28, 78, he was relieved from the charge of the completed line of military telegraph then stretching from San Diego, Cal., to the capital of New Mexico, and was given a leave of absence until Nov. 13, 78, on which date he reported for duty at Fort Whipple, Arlington Heights, Va., now called Fort Myer; Jan. 4, 79, he was ordered to proceed to Cape Henry, Va., and construct a telephone line connecting the signal office at that place with Kittyhawk on the coast of North Carolina and all intermediate stations of the Life-saving Service; he spent some wintry weeks on the sand- sprit separating Currituck, Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds from the Atlantic; he was engaged in the joint duty of constructing a telephone line and in teaching the men of the Life-saving Service military methods in signaling ; after the com- pletion of this dutv he was ordered, April 8, '79, to Forts Fetterman and McKin- ney, Wyo., to render any assistance needed in the completion, management, etc., of the telegraph line and to make the necessary arrangements with the Com- manding General Department of the Platte ; Oct. 4, 79, the Com. Gen. Dep. of the Missouri made application for the detail of Lieut. Reade to that department for the stated purpose of assuming general supervision of the Government tele- graph lines connecting those headquarters with the military posts in the Indian country, Colorado and New Mexico; so ordered, and on Oct. 20 he was assigned to signal duty at headquarters Dep. of the Missouri, Fort Leavenworth, Kan. ; continued on duty in that connection until Feb. 14, '81, on which date he re- ceived leave of absence for six months on surgeon's certificate of disability; this was further extended on July 30 ; relieved from duty in the Signal Service May 1, '81, and joined his Co. ("H," 3d Inf.) at Fort Missoula, Mont., Sept. 30 of that year; at Fort Missoula, Mont, until Sept., when he was transferred to Fort Shaw, Mont.; he qualified as marksman in 1882-9, and performed the duties of Adjutant of the regiment for the four months succeeding Nov. 30, '83; he also Qualified as sharpshooter in '84-6 and in '87-9; July 9, '85, he was detailed for duty on the Dep. of Dakota Rifle Range in connection with the annual rifle RE A RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 489 competition of selected marksmen, and continued on duty at the Fort Snelling Rifle Range until Sept. 11, '85; on leave of absence Dec. 11, '85: returned to "CVvi-f Qn^llinrv ATi.^r, Yf.,,..^U Ct >QC * Ui-l- J _ i - _ 1 A A duty as Range Officer in connection with the Dep. of Dakota rifle competition ; August 2, '86, Lieut. Reade was directed to report in person at Headquarters Division of the Missouri, Chicago, III., with a view to assignment to duty on Major General Terry's Staff as Inspector of Rifle Practice of the Div- ision ; this assignment was officially made August 10, '86, and he conducted Rifle Range. Neb., Oct., '86 ; conducted 7th annual contest for places on the Division Rifle team at Bellevue, Neb., Sept., '87 ; inspected the Dakota and Platte rifle competitions at Fort Snelling, Minn., and Bellevue, Aug., '87; in charge of the 8th annual division contest at San Aatonio, Tex., and in charge of special contest to determine the division quota and alternate Sept., '88 ; ordered to witness the fourth biennial competition of the army team at Fort Niagara, N. Y., Sept., '88; inspected the 8th annual rifle competitions of the Dept. of T\ _ 1 A A. TD j_ il 1 i TTX I* i l * , -r- . -r . 4-. to present time. Honorably mentioned Honorably mentioned in various orders ; also by officials of State and town authorities ; by the National Guard of Wis- consin and 111., etc., all too numerous to be mentioned here ; two only are here quoted : In communication dated February 28, '76, Honorables Samuel B. Axtell, then Governor of New Mexico, and W. G. Ritch, Secretary of New Mexico, wrote to the officer of the Military Telegraph Line as follows : " We desire to express to Lieutenant Reade, both for ourselves and also for the people of this Territory, our sincere thanks for the efficient manner in which he has, within the last year, performed the important work of constructing from Santa Fe, to a point near Fort Bowie, Arizona Territory, the first Military Tele- graph Line through our Territory. We did not believe it possible when he first came here, and, with only one assistant, a sergeant in the army, undertook so vital and substantial a work for the public welfare, that he could instruct a hundred raw recruits of the loth U. S. Infantry, turned over to him by General Pope, in the use of linemen's tools, construction appliances, electrical instruments, etc., etc. He has labored night and day. He has had vexations, trials, dangers, and has played a conspicuous part in this old, young territory. He is in- separably connected with its development. If his ambition had pointed that way, he could have been elected our delegate to Congress without opposition. To procure and haul poles in our sparsely-wooded country to the places where they were needed to support the wire, has been a great task. Four of these poles frequently weigh a ton. We personally know of enormous distances, sometimes over 100 miles, that Lieutenant Reade has had to drag these poles through mountain defiles and over arid deserts. His work has been impeded by covetousness, ignorance, superstition and menace. Especial credit is due him in that he baa not had skilled experts to supervise and assist him. He has taught a force of three young Lieutenants and a hundred en- listed men just what was essential, and the labor and the result redounds to the credit of the U. S. Army through Lieutenant Reade as its representative who has toiled to complete this national enterprise." Many New eluded The appreciation of Gov. Jeremiah Rusk, then the Executive of Wisconsin, of the value of the instructions given by Captain Reade was attested to in a communi- cation addressed to Assistant Adjutant General R. Williams, Headquarters Div. of Missouri, dated Madison, April 9, 1888. The following is a copy : STATE OF WISCONSIN, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, MADISON, April 9, 1888. GEN. R. WILLIAMS, Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters Division of Missouri. Sir: Through the interest and courtesy of Major-General Terry, the National Guard of this State has been able to receive valued lectures and practical instructions from Lieut. Philip Reade, 3d Infantry, U. S. A , Inspector of Rifle Practice. I have the honor to forward this day copies of the "Proceedings of the Sixth and Seventh Annual Conventions of the Officers of the Wisconsin National Guard," that the General Com- manding may see with what earnest appreciation and soldierly profit the troops of this State have availed themselves of the lessons given t>y this accomplished officer. I trust that it may not be considered inap- pii.|.riate that I should make further reference to the services rendered by Lieut. Philip Reade. While no words of mine are needed to add to the appreciation in which he is held, I should fall far short of the wishes 31 490 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY, REE of both officers and men of the Wisconsin National Guard were I to fail to express our deep obligation for the minute instruction and most intelligent direction he has given to the rifle practice of our State force. Every previous effort, and several vigorous efforts had been nrtMe to thoroughly interest our State troops in rifle practice, bad proved a failure. That the impulse received from Lieut. Philip Reade has tended t<> -u!- stantial results, I cite the paper of Captain George Graham in the 7th convention report and th appended thereto showing the work done by the team under Captain Graham's command at Fort Snelling. Trie instruction of Captain Graham and the men begun under Lieut Philip Reade in January, 1887, at our 6th convention; they have had no other assistance. While we trust that in his honored and well-earned re- tirement General Terry may flnd renewed health and years of life and happiness, we cannot but reijret the departure of a Commander who has so cordially and substantially aided us. In the earnest hope that his distinguished successor will prove as warm a friend of the National Guard and that in the future, as in the past, we may count upon the valued services of Lieut. Philip Reade as an important factor toward increased efficiency, I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, (Signed; CHANDLER P. CHAPMAN, Adjutant General Wisconsin. Reber, Samuel (Second Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in Missouri. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rankW Lieut. 4th U. S. Cav. July 1, '86. Reed, Harvey D. (First Lieut. 25th Inf.). Born in New York. Appointed from the army. Actual rank Private and Corporal Co. E, Batt. Engineers, from June 1, 76, to Aug. 19, 79; 2d Lieut. 25th Inf. Aug. 14, 79; accepted Aug. 80, 79; 1st Lieut. Aug. 17, '86. Reed, Henry A. (First Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in New York. Appointed from Wis. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '66 ; graduated June 15, 70. Actual rank Sergeant and 1st Sergeant Co. I, 24th Wis. Vol. Inf., from Aug. 14, '62, to Feb. 19, '65; 1st Lieut. 24th Wis. Vol. Inf,Feb. 19, '65 ; honorably mutered out June 10, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. June 15, 70 ; 1st Lieut. May 21,75. Staff position* occupied Prin. Asst. Prof, of Drawing M. A. from Aug. 30, '66, to Aug. 28, '80, Aug. 28, '83, to Aug. 28, '88. Service In the War of the Rebellion, '62-5, and served continuously until mustered out at the close of the war, June 10, '65; promoted through the different grades of non-commissioned officer to 1st Lieut. ; entered U. S. Military Academy, '66 ; graduated No. lu in a class of 58 members, 70; served with regiment in California, Virginia and Mary- land, and with 1st Cav. in Nevada, performing both line and staff duties, '7" graduated in artillery course for officers at Fort Monroe, Va., 74, and at siiriml service school at Fort Whipple, Va., 75; in signal service till ordered to r. > A . A. Aug. 28, 76; served with regiment since Sept. I, '80, in Maryland, Louisiana, Georgia and Virginia ; with Light Battery F at school of application for Inf. and Cav., Fort Leavenworth, Kan. ; also Instructor in Artillery Tactics and Topog- raphy, '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in battles of Perry ville, Stone River, Chattanooga campaign ; Chickamauga; defense of Chattanooga, Missionary Ridge ; East Tennessee and Atlanta campaigns, and Nashville. Reed, Hugh T. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Indiana. Appointed from Ind. Retired. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '69 ; graduated June 13, 73. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Inf. June 13, 73; 1st Lieut. July 1, 79; retired April 23, '89, for disability in line of duty. Reed, Thomas B. (Second Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Pennsylvania. Ap- pointed from Penna. Civil life. Actual rank Sergt. and 1st Sergt. Co. D, 5th Pa. Res., from June 5, '61, to March 5, '63 ; 1st Lieut. 5th Pa. Res. March 5, '63; hon. must, out June 11, '64; Captain 205th Pa. Vol. Inf. Sept. 3, '64; hon. must, out June 2, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 29th U. S. Inf. July 22, '67; accepted July 27, '67 ; un- assigned April 25, '68; assigned to 9th Cav. July 14, '69; transferred to 24th Inf. Feb. 3, 70; retired Nov. 14, 71, for disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Brevet Captain Vol. March 13, '64, for gallant conduct in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; Lieut. Col. Vol. June 1, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Reed, Walter (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Va., Sept. 13, 1857. Retiring year 1921. Appointed from Va. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. June 26, 75 ; accepted July 3, 75 ; Capt. Asst. Surg. June 26, '80. Service At Willet's Point, N. Y. Harbor, from July, 75, to April, 76 : ordered to Dept. of Arizona, April 8, 76 ; Post Surgeon, Camp Lowell, Ariz., May, 76, to July, '77 : Camp Apache, Ariz., to May, '80 ; on leave of absence June to Aug., '80 ; ordered to Dept. of the East Aug. 28, '80; Post Surgeon, Fort Ontario, N. Y., from Sept., REE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 491 '80, to Mar., '81 ; at Fort McHenry, Md., to May, '81 ; at Washington Barracks, D. C., to June, '82; at Camp Washington, Gaithersburg, Md., to November, '82; ordered to Dept. of the Platte, Nov. 13, '82 ; attending Surgeon, Dept. Hdqrs. and at Omaha, Neb., Dec., '82, to Sept., '83 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Sidney, Neb., Sept., '83, to Aug., '84; Post Surgeon, Fort Robinson, Neb., Aug., '84, to Aug., '87 ; ordered to Dept. of the East July, '87 ; Post Surgeon, Mt. Vernon Bks., Ala., Aug., '87, to present time. Reed, William I. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Mass. Appointed from Cal. Civil life. Retired. Actual rank 1st, Lieut. R. Qm. 6th Cal. Vol. Inf., March 14, '63; hon. must, out October 31, '65; 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf., Feb. 23, 66; accepted June 6, '66 ; 1st Lieut. July 28, '66 ; unassigned May 19, '69 ; assd. to 7th Inf. Jan. 1, '71 ; Capt. Feb. 23, '83 ; retired Apr. 23, '89, for disability not in- cident to the service. Rees, Thomas H. (Second Lieut, of Engineers). Born in Mich. Appointed from Mich. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1 , '86. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. Eng. July 1, '86 ; 2d Lieut. Dec. 31, '86. Reese, Henry B. (Major U. S. A.). Born in Ohio. Retired. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank Add. Pm. Vol. June 1, '61 ; accepted July 11, '61 ; vacated Aug. 8, '67 ; Maj. Pm. U. S. A. Jan. 17, '67 ; accepted Aug. 8, '67 ; retired July 3, '88. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut.-Col. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Reeve, Isaac V. D. (Colonel and Bvt. Brig.-Gen. U. S. A.). Born in N. Y., July 29, 181 3. Retired. App. from N. Y, Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '31 ; graduated July 1, '35. Actual rankEvL 2d Lieut. 4th Inf., July 1, '35 ; 2d Lieut. May 2, '36 ; 1st Lieut. 8th Inf., July 7, '38 ; accepted Sept. 30, '38 ; Capt. June 18, '46; Major 1st Inf., May 14, '61 ; Lieut.-Col. 13th Inf., Sept. 16, '62; Col. Oct. 14, '64 ; unassigned Mar. 15, '69; retired Jan. 1, '71, at his own request for over 30 years' service. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco ; Bvt. Lieut.-Col. Sept. 8, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Molino del Rey; Bvt. Brig.-Gen. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious service during the war. Service {Served in Florida, '36-7, participating in several skirmishes with the Seminoles ; (sick leave 10 mos., '37-8) ; served on northern fron tier, '38-9-40, participating in removal of Winnebago Indians, '40 ; served in Florida against the Seminoles, '40-1-2 ; (leave of absence 4 mos., '42); stationed at Key West, Fla., to Sept., '45 ; (leave of absence 4 mos., J 44) ; participated in the military occu- pation of Texas, '45 ; served in the war with Mexico ; left Mexico July, '48 (leave of absence 4 mos., '48) ; served in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona till breaking out of the War of the Rebellion ; general recruiting service two years, '52-4 ; (leave of absence 6 mos., '56), (leave of absence 10 mos, '59) ; with two expeditions against Gila Apaches, '58 ; made prisoner of war in Texas May, '61, by the rebels ; exchanged Aug., '62 ; chief mustering and disbursing officer N. Y. City, '62-3 ; commander of draft rendezvous at Pittsburgh, Pa., '64-5 ; frontier service in com- mand of regiment and Dist. of Upper Missouri, '65-6-7-8 ; (leave of absence 6 mos., '68) ; member of Retiring Board at St. Louis, Mo., winter of '68-9 ; Supt. Gen. recruiting service N. Y. City from May, '69, until retired. Battles, skir- mishes, etc. Engaged in the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, siege of Vera Cruz, battles of Cerro Gordo, San Antonio, Churubusco, Molino del Rey, Reeves, Thomas H. (Captain and Brevet Lieut.-Colonel U. S. A.). Born in North Carolina. Retired. Appointed from Tennessee Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. D, 4th Tenn. Vol. Inf., Nov. 15, '61 ; discharged Feb. 19, '63 ; 1st Lieut. 4th Tenn. Vol. Inf. Feb. 19, '63; Capt. May 29, '63 ; Major Aug. 10, '64; Lieut.- Colonel June 5, '65 ; hon. must, out Aug. 2, '65 ; Capt. 39th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Nov. 23, '66 ; retired June 5, '68, for disability not incident to the service. Brevet rankE\L Major and Lieut.-Colonel March 2, '67, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. 492 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. REX Regan, James (Captain 9th Inf.). Born in New York Dec. 14, 1844. Retiring year 1908 ; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Mus. Co. H, 2d U. S. In* J-une 1/58 ; discharged June 1/63 ; Mus. and Sgt. Co. B, Gen. Ser. from March 8/64, to Dec. 31, '66; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. Dec. 1, '66 ; accepted Dec. 31, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 12, '67 ; unassigned April 26, '69; ass'd to 9th Inf. Dec. 15, 70; Capt. June 15, '87. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 9th Inf. from June 22, 79, to Oct. 1, '86. * Reichmann, Carl (Second Lieut. 24th Inf.). Born in Germany. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Priv., Corpl., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. I, 20th U. S. Inf. from Dec. 6, '81, to Aug. 6, '84 ; 2d Lieut. 24th Inf. Aug. 4, '84 ; accepted Aug. 7, '84. Keilly, Henry J. (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. B, 5th U. S. Art., from Sept. 22, '64, to Dec. 30, '66; 2d Lieut. 5th Art. Dec. 1, '66 ; accepted Dec. 30, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 18, '68. Service At Fort Jefferson, Tortugas, Fla., to March, and at Key West, Fla., to Sept., '67 ; volunteered his services during the yellow fever epidemic, at Tortugas, Fla.; com. battery, Fort Jefferson, Tortugas, Fla., Sept., '67, to Jan., '68 ; Post Adj., Fort Jefferson, to June, '68 ; Post Adj., Key West, Fla., to OcD./68 ; with light battery of regiment, Washington, D. C., from Nov./68, to . History Enlisted in the U. S. Navy, Feb., '63 ; joined the Mississippi squadron at Cairo, 111., and engaged running the batteries at Vicksburg, action at Grand Gulf, first Red-River expedition, and bombardment of Vicksburg, Miss., from June to July, '63, the date of its surrender. Discharged Feb., '64. Reilly, James W. (Major of Ordnance). Born in Pa. Aug. 2, 1839. Retiring year 1903; app. from Pa.; graduated at the Military Academy, Class of '63. Actual rank 1st. Lieut, of Ord. June 11, '63 ; Capt. June 23, 74 ; Major May 9, '85. Jjrevet rank Brevet Capt. March 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services of Nov. and Dec., 1864, including the battles of Franklin and Nashville. Service Served as assistant ordnance officer at Watertown Arsenal, Mass., July '23, '63, to Feb. 24/64 ; as inspector of ordnance at Fort Pitt and other foundries, Pittsburgh, Pa., March 9, '64, to July, '64; as inspector of ordnance Department and Army of the Tennessee July 11, '64, to Nov. 11, '64, being engaged in the campaign of Atlanta, Ga.; as chief ordnance officer Department and Army of the Ohio Nov. 11, '64, to April, '65, being engaged in the campaign of Nov. and Dec., '64, in Tennessee; on leave of absence April, '65 ; as assistant ordnance officer \V:i-h- ington Arsenal May, '66, to June, '67 ; as assistant ordnance officer Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., June 13, '67, to Sept. 11, 71, except while on detached duty at West Point, June, July and Aug. of '69, 70 and 71 ; at West Point as assistant instructor of ordnance and gunnery, and assistant professor of chemistry, min- eralogy and geology Sept. 16, 71, to Aug. 16, 72, and as principal assistant pro- fessor of law and ethics, from Aug. 28, 72, to Aug. 30, 74 ; as assistant ordnance officer Benicia Arsenal, Cal., Oct. 8, 74, to June 11, 75 ; on the staff of the lieuten- ant-general commanding Military Division of the Missouri, as chief ordnance officer, from June 22, 75, to July 10, '80; on leave of absence to Oct. 10, '80; as assistant ordnance officer Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., Oct. 10, '80, to Nov. 10, '80; at Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburgh, Pa., from Dec. 1/80, to May 26/86; at Augusta Arsenal, from June 3, '86, to . Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the battles of July 22 and 29, '64, in the Atlanta Campaign. Commands held Allegheny Arsenal, Pa., from Dec. 1, '80, to May 26, '86 ; Augusta Arsenal, Ga., June 3, '86, to . Remington, Philip H. (Captain 19th Inf.). Born in Conn. Dec. 9, 1838. Retiring year, 1902 ; appointed from 111. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '57; graduated June 24, '61. Actual ank2d Lieut. 18th U. S. Inf. June 24, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 23 '61 ; Capt. July 28, '66 ; unassigned May 3, '69 ; assd. to 19th Inf. Dec. 28, '69. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 8th Inf. from April 21, '63, to Oct. 18, '64; and from E*eb. 2, '65, to Jan. 31, '66. Rexford, William H. (Captain and Ordnance Storekeeper). Born in Mich. Appointed from Mich. Civil life. Actual Rank 1st Lieut. 24th Mich. Vol. Inf. Aug. 13, '62; Capt. Dec. 20, '62; hon. must, out Nov. 21, '63; Ord. sk. May 16, RHE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 493 '65; accepted May 22, '65 ; Capt. Ord. Sk. July 28, '66. Service With the Array of the Potomac during the first invasion of Maryland ; engaged at the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg (wounded) ; at the Detroit Ar- senal, Mich., June, '65, to June, '67 ; at the Mount Vernon Arsenal, Va., from June, '67, to 73 ; on duty at Benicia Arsenal '73-8; awaiting orders at Benicia Barracks '78-9 ; on temporary duty at Benicia Barracks '79 to '81 ; on duty at Indianapolis Arsenal '81-3; on duty at Springfield Armory, Mass., '90. Reynolds, Alfred (First Lieut. 20th Inf,). Born in Pa. Appointed from N. J. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '70 ; graduated June 17, '74. Actual rank2d Lieut. 20th U. S. Inf. June 17, 74 ; 1st Lieut. June 1, '80. Reynolds, Bainbridge (Captain 3d Cav.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from Ind. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '69; graduated June 13, 73. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d U. S, Cav. June 13, 73 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 21, 79 ; Capt. Jan. 17, '89. Staff positions occupied Adj. 3d U. S. Cav. from Aug. 31, 79, to Sept. 1, '83 ; R. Qm. 3d Cav. from Sept. 1, '83, to Nov. 22, '84. Reynolds, Charles A. (Lieutenant Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Md. Re- tired ; app. frcm Md. Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. F, District of Col- umbia and Maryland Battalion of Infantry, June 23, '47 ; discharged Feb. 6, '48 ; 2d Lieut. 9th Infantry March 3, '55 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 20, '61 ; Lieut. Col. Qm. Vols. Nov. 1, '62, to April 22, '63; Captain, A. Qm. Nov. 18, '61; Major Qm. Mar. 3, 75; Lieut. Col. and Deputy Qr. Mr. Gen. April 9, '85 ; retired Nov. 11, '87. Brevet rank Brevet Major and Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service Served in the war with Mex- ico ; recruiting duty and at Fortress Monroe, Va., to Dec., '55 ; en route to and in Oregon Ter. to Jan., '61 ; engaged against Indians on Northwest Boundary Sur- vey and acting Asst. Quartermaster and Commissary of Subsistence at Cairo, 111., and Chief Quartermaster for Gen. Grant April, '63; during which time was on Tennessee and Mississippi Rivers in charge of transportation atShiloh and Vicks- burg, the latter during first part of operations ; in charge of the Quartermaster's Department in the movement of the army operating in rear of Vicksburg; super- intending construction of depot for prisoners of war Rock Island, 111.; at Nash- ville, Tenn., and Chief Quartermaster Johnsonville, Tenn. ; at Cheyenne Depot, W. T., to Aug., 72 ; Department of the Missouri 72 ; in charge of supplying Gen. Miles' command in Ind, Ter. Kiowa-Cheyenne-Comanche campaign ; served in the Dept. of Arizona as Chief Qr. Mr. 76-8 ; in the East until '85 ; ordered to Oregon ; served as Chief Qr. Mr. Dept. of Columbia, '86-7. Honorably mentioned Complimented in orders in conjunction with Col. Lewis, Comdg. Officer Fort Supply for services in Gen. Miles' campaign 72. R-eynolds, Joseph J. (Colonel and Brevet Maj.-Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Ky. 39; accept 26th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Sept. 21, '66 ; unassig'ned March 15, '69 ; assigned to 25th Inf. Jan. 8, 70 ; trs. to 3d Cav. Dec. 15, 70 ; retired June 25, 77, for disability in line of duty. Brevet rankBvt. Brig. Gen. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga.; Maj.-Gen. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Missionary Ridge. Staff positions occupied Prin. Asst. Prof. Nat. Exp. Phil. M. A. from Aug. 17, '49, to July 1, '55. Reynolds, William B. (Second Lieut. 14th Inf.). Born in Wash. Appoint- ed from Md. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '65 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. June 13, 79. Rheem, Edward B. (Captain 21st Inf.). Born in Pa., Jan. 24, 1845. Retir- ing year 1909; appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rankPvt. Co. "A," 7th Pa. Vol. Res. Inf., July 8, '61 ; discharged June 16, '64; 2d Lieut. 32d U. S. Inf. Oct. 30, '67 ; accepted Nov. 12, '67 ; trs. to 21at Inf. April 19, '69 ; unassig 494 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U.' S. ARMY. RIC Aug. 19, '69; assigned to 21st Inf. Jan. 29, 70; 1st Lieut. July 8, 74; Captain April 24, '86. Service In the war of the Rebellion '61-64 ; in the field with the Array of the Potomac, and participated in the campaigns of '62; Clerk to the Military Governor of Alexandria, Va., Jan. to June, '64; out of service to Nov., '67 ; on duty in Arizona, and on the Pacific coast from '68 to '82 ; in the Dep. of the Platte to '87 ; at present on sick leave. Battles, skirmishes etc. Engaged at the battles of Mechanicsville, Games' Mill, Newmarket Cross-Roads, Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antletam and Fredericksburg, YrJ. Rhodes, Charles D. (Second Lieut. 6th Cav.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, '85; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. June 12, '89 ; 2d Lieut. 6th Cav. Aug. 19, '89. Rice, Edmund (Captain 5th Inf.). Born in Mass., Dec. 2, 1841. Retiring year 1905. Appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank Capt. 19th M Inf. Aug. 28, '61; Major Oct. 1, '62; Lieut. Col. July 27, '64; hon. must, out June 30, '65; 1st Lieut. 40th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Dec. 29, '66; un- assigned April 20, '69 ; assigned to 5th Inf. Dec. 31, 70; Capt. March 10, '83. Brevet rank Brevet Capt. U. S. Army March 2, '67, for gallant and meritor services at the battle of Antietam, Md. ; Brevet Major U. S. Army Man-h - for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; l.ivvet Lieut. Col. U. S. Army March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, Va. Service Served in the War of the Rebellion from '61 to '(55 ; in '66 was on duty at Camp Distribution, near Washington, D. C. ; in Feb., '67, ordered to proceed to and take command of Fort Caawell, N. C. ; while en route, with troops, steamer " Flambeaux " was wrecked near the mouth of Cape Fear River; ordered to Post of Hilton Head, S. C., June, '68; detailed on duty at the Springfield Armory, Mass., superintending the manufacture of m<>
  • ld Camp Alexander, St. Louis, Mo., July, '63. Rice, Sedgwick (Second Lieut. 2d Cav.). Born in Minnesota. Appointed from Minn. Civil life. Actual rankId. Lieut. 22d U. S. Inf. Oct. 10, '83 ; ac- cepted Oct. 11, '83 ; transferred to 7th Cav. June 10, '86 ; (to rank in Cav. August 29, '85). Richard, Charles (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in New York, Nov. 10,1854. Retiring year 1918. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actunl rank Asst. Surgeon June 3, 79 ; accepted July 8, 79 ; Captain and Asst. Surgeon June 3, '84. Service At David's Island, N. Y. H., as A. A. Surgeon U. S. A. from March, 79 to July, 79 ; ordered to Dept. of Dakota July 15, 79 ; at Fort Buford, D. T., to Dec., 79 ; at Fort Snelling, Minn., to Sept., '80; Post Surgeon at Fort Maginnis, M. T.,to June, '83; ordered to Dept. of the East June 7, at Fort Adams, R. I., to Nov., '83; leave of absence Sept. to Nov., '83 ; at Jackson Barracks, La., to Sept., '85; retired from duty in Dept. of the East and ordered to RIC RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 497 Willet's Point, N. Y. H., Sept. 3, '85; at Willet's Point, N. Y. H., to Dec., '87 ; on sick leave of absence April to Sept., '87 ; on leave of absence from Nov. to Dec., '87 ; relieved from duty at Willet's Point, N. Y. H,, and ordered to post near Den- ver, Colorado (now Fort Logan), Nov. 19, '87; Post Surgeon Fort Logan, Col., Dec., '87, to present date. Richards, James R. Jr. (First. Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in Va. Appointed from Va. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, July 1, 74 ; graduated June 14,78. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Cav., June 14/78; 2d Lieut. June 28, 78 ; trs. to 4th Cav., Sept. 5, 78 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 28, '82. Staff positions occupied Adj. 4th Cav. from Mar. 24, '83, to Dec. 31, '85. Richards, Melzah C. (First Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in Mich. Appointed from N. Y. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '81. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d Art., June 11, '81 ; 1st Lieut, Nov. 20, '87. Service Served with Light Battery A, 2d Art., at Washington Barracks, D. C., and Yorktown, Va., and on march from former to latter place from Oct. 1 to Oct. 25, '81 ; at Little Rock Bks., Ark., with Battery E to Mar. 18, '82 ; on detached service under immediate orders of the Secretary or War in inundated dist. State of Arkansas during overflow of Missis- sippi River to Apr. 6, '82; at Little Rock Bks., Ark., to July 31, '82; with same bat- tery to Dec. 22, '82; under instruction at the Torpedo School, Willet's Point, N". Y. H. ; from Jan. 2 to June 30, '83 ; with Battery E, 2d Art., at Little Rock Bar- racks, Ark., Aug. 1, '83 ; with Light Battery A, 2d Art., at Washington Barracks, D. C., to July 7, '84; on march to and in camp at Fauquier, White Sulphur Springs, Va., to Oct. 15, '84 ; on march to Washington Bks., D. C., to Oct. 21, '84 ; at Washington Barracks, D. C., to June 4, '85 ; with Light Battery A, 2d Art., en route from Washington Barracks, D. C., to Little Rock Barracks, Ark., and at latter place to August 21, '85; on leave to October 1, '85 ; Professor of Military Science and Tactics and Commandant of Cadets at the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, and A. and M. College to Sept. 11, '88 ; on sick leave at Ypnkers, N. Y., and at Lucerne, Switzerland, Aug. 20, '88, to Aug. 20, '89 ; with regiment in com- mand of Battery C, 2d Art., at Fort Adams, R. I., and Fisher's Island, N. Y., to Sept. 7, '89; on sick leave at Yonkers, N. Y., to Oct. 7, '89 ; with Light Battery A, 2d Art., at Light Artillery School, Fort Riley, Kansas, Oct. 13, '89, to present time. Staff positions occupied A. A. Qm. at Washington Barracks. Commands Ae/rf Batt. E and Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 3 to 30, '81 ; Batt. E from July 31 to Oct. 4, '82; and from Aug. 17 to Sept. 21, '88; Batt. C Aug. 20 to Sept. 7, '89. History Third son of Lieut. Col. Melzah Richards, 24th N. Y. Cav., U. S. Vol., who was killed in action near Amelia Springs, Va., April 5, '65, while in com- mand of his regiment. Richards, William V. (Captain 16th Inf.). Born in Ireland Aug. 15, 1842. Retiring year 1906 ; appointed from Mich. Civil life. Actual rank*lt Lieut. 1st U. S. Lancers Nov. 1, '51 ; hon. must, out March 20, '62 ; 1st Lieut. 17th Mich. Vol. Inf. July 2, '62; Capt. Aug. 4, '64; hon. must, out June 3, '65; 2d Mountain, Md.; Captain March 2, '67, for'gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spottsylvania, Va.; Maj. Vol. Dec. 2, '64, for gallant services during the war. Staff positions occupied A. A. A. G. 1st Div., 9th Corps, to March, '63 ; A. D. C. to Gen. Wilcox and A. A. A. G. '64 ; Judge Adv. 9th Corps from Dec., '64, to April '65 ; Regmtl. Quartermaster llth Inf. from Aug. 12, '68, to April 14, '69; R. Q. M. 16th Inf. from April 14, '69, to Aug. 1, 74 ; Adj. 16th Inf. from Aug. 1, 74, to June 30, '80 ; A. D. C. from July 26, 76, to Sept. 8, 76 ; R. Q. M. 16th Inf. from July 1, '80, to June 28, '85. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61- 65; in the field with the Army of the Potomac and with the 9th Corps in East Tennessee to June, '65 ; at Richmond, Va.; on provost duty '66 ; on duty in vari- ous departments from '66 to '90 ; present station being Fort Douglas, Utah. Bat- tles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of South Mountain, Antietam (severe- ly wounded), and Fredericksburg, Va.; the action of Bull's Gap, East Tenn., Blue Springs, Clinches' Ford, Walker's Ford, Strawberry Plains, Mossy Creek 498 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. RIT and Morristown, East Tenn.; battles of the Wilderness, action of Nye River, battle of Spotteylvania, action of Shady Grove, Va., battles of Bethesda Church, Coal Harbor, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, Peeble's Farm, Boydton Road and Fort Steadman, Va ; capture of Petersburg, Va., '65. Richardson, Wilds P. (First Lieut. 8th Inf.). Born in Texas March 20, 1861. Retiring year 1925; appointed from Texas; graduated from Military Academy, class of '84. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 8th Inf. June 15, '84; 1st Lieut. Dec. 16, '89. Service Joined Regt. and Co. " H " Sept. 30, '84 ; served with Co. at Angel Island, Cal., until Dec. 29, '85, when orders were received for Co. to go to Arizona in Apache campaign pursuit of Geronimo '85-86; served at Bowie Station and Fort Bowie, Ariz., till June 27, '84; in the field from June 27 till Sept. 10, '86 ; at Fort Lowell, Ariz , till Nov. 26, '86 ; at Fort Niobrara, Nebr., from Nov., '86, to the present time. Staff position* ,-,//-/,,/ p,,st \,lj. at Fort Bowie and Adj. of the Military District of Bowie. Ariz., from its establishment to time of going into field June 27, '86 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of Command and Acting Engineer officer on the march to Camp Crook Aug., '89 ; Acting R. Q. M. and Brig. Q. M. in Camp Aug. 20 to Sept. 20, '89; appointed Regimental Adj. Oct. 25, '89. Riche, Charles S. (First Lieut. Eng.). Born in Peim. July 1!, JS64. Retir- ing year 1928. Appointed from Penn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, ? 86. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut, Eng. July 1, '86 ; 2d Lieut. Oct. 12, '86 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 5, '89. Richmond, Eph'm T. C. (First Lieut. 2d Art). Born in Maryland. Ap- pointed from Maryland. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, V>3; graduated June 17, '67. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. June 17, '67 ; 1st Lieut. April 1, 7i>. Kidgway, Thomas (Second Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in New York. Appointed from New York. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 79; graduated June 13, '83. Acfual ran* 2<1 Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. June 13, '83. Ripley, Henry L. (First Lieut. 3d Cav.). Born in Mass. Sept. 16, 1848. Re- tiring year 1912. Appointed from the Army. Graduated from lof. and Cav. School at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., June, '85. Actual rank Pvt. and Corpl. Co. "E,"batt. Eng. April 1, 76, to July 9,79; 2d Lieut. 24th Inf. June 28, 79; accepted July 10,79; 1st Lieut. Nov. 26, '84; trans, to 3d Cav. Feb. 2,'i, Service On special duty as clerk to the Recorder of the Board of Officers in the Fitz-John Porter case, from June 20, 78, to Junel, 79; on special duty a* Act- ing Engineer Officer Dept. of the Mo., from Oct. 3, '85, to July 5, '87 ; at ^ Point, N. Y. ; at New York City, N. Y. ; at Fort Ringgold, Tex.; at Fort Stock- ton, Tex. ; at Fort Concho, Tex.; at Fort Sill, I. T.; at Cantonment on North Fork of the Canadian River, I. T.; at Fort Reno, I. T.; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.; at San Antonio, Tex., with troop, from July 5, '87, to present time, dtqf mmtiotu occupied A. A. Q. M. at posts and in field ; A. C. S. and post and field Adj. at various times. History Graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as Civil Engineer, Class of 73 ; Asst. Engineer on the Providence Water Works in Dec. 73 ; resigned in 76. Rittenhouse, Benjamin P. (Captain and Brevet Major U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Retired; appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rnnk 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 22, '61; 1st Lieut. July 13, '62; Capt. 30th Inf. (declined) July 28, '66; Capt. 5th Art. Jan. 5, 70; retired Oct. 7, 74, for wounds in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Aug. 1, '64, for gallant service in the battle of Bethesda Church and during the campaign before Richmond, Va. ; Major March 13, '65, for good conduct and gallant services during the war. vice In the War of the Rebellion '61-5; on recruiting duty in Penn., Ohio and Kentucky to October, '61 ; in Buell's campaign in Miss., Ala., Tenn. and Ken- tucky ; promoted and ordered to Griffin's Battery D, 5th Art., in Oct., "62 ; in the Army of the Potomac '624, participating in all the campaigns of those years from Oct., '62; mustering duty in Chicago, 111., Nov., '64, to May, '65; mustering out paroled prisoners of war at Annapolis, Md., May to July, '65; at Dry Tortu- gas, Fla., from Nov., '65, to May 15, '67; at Key West, Fla., April 15 to "May 15, EGA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 499 '67 ; at the post and artillery school, Fort Monroe, from June, '67, to May, '69; served in Battery K, 5th Art., Fort Sullivan, Eastport, Me., from May, '69, to Jan., 70 ; at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass., from May, 70, to Sept., 70, and at Fort Adams from Sept., 70, to Oct., 74; retired Oct. 7, 74, for disability August, ' with Buell's Army iiTthe siege of Corinth '62 ; the battles of Fredericksburg Dec., '62; Chancellorsville, Va., guarding fords of the Rappahannock River, the battle of Gettysburg, '63 ; the battle of Rappahannock Station, operations at Mine Run, battles of Wilderness, Laurel Hill, Po River, Spottsylvania Court- House, North Anna, Bethesda Church and siege of Petersburg, Va., '64-5. Staff positions occu- pit-,1 Chief of Art. Genl. Ayers' Division, 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac, in June, '64. Commands 7/rA/ Com. Battery D, 5th Art., from July 2, '63, to June 19, '64; from Nov., '65, to May 15, '67 ; post of Key West, Fla., from April 15 to May 15, '67; Battery C, 5th Art., from June, '67, to May, '69 ; Battery L from May, 70, to Sep., 70. Ritzius, Henry P. (Capt. 25th Inf.). Born in Prussia Jan. 3,1839. Retiring year, 1903 ; appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt, Co. A, 5th N. Y. . M., May 1, '61 ; discharged Aug. 7, '61; 1st Sgt. Co. G, 52d N. Y. Vol. Inf., Vet. Inf. Aug. 10, '65 ; hon. must, out April 30, '66 ; 2<1 Lieut. 39' h U. S. Inf. Oct. 23, '67 ; accepted Oct. 25, '67 ; trs. to 25th Inf. April 20, '69 ; IstLieut. March 3, 75; Capt. Sept. 1, '87. Staff positions occupied R. Qm. 25th Inf. from Jan. 1, 78, to Jan. 1, '82. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5; in the field with the Army of the Potomac and provost-marshal 1st Division, 2d Corps, September, '62, to March, '63 ; participating in the campaigns of '62-4; Lieutenant colonel 52d N. Y. Vol. May, '65 (but was not mustered owing to the regiment being below the required number of men); in 7th Regiment U. S. Veteran Vol., Hancock's Corps, Aug., '65 ; with company and on court-martial duty at Philadelphia, Pa., Fort Delaware, Del., and Harrisburg, Pa., to May, '66 ; on duty in various de- partments Indian Territory, Texas, Dakota and Montana since the close of the war, present station being Fort Missoula,"Montana, '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Fair Oaks, Peach Orchard, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Va., and Antietam, Md. ; with regiment and engaged at the battles of Chancellorsville, Va., and Gettysburg, Pa. ; engaged at the opera- tions at Mine Run, Va. ; engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Po River, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, siege of Petersburg, action of Strawberry Plains, and battles of Deep Bottom and Ream's Station, Va. Rivers, Tyree R. (First Lieut. 3d Cav.). Born in Miss. Appointed from Tenn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 79 ; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rani 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Cav. June 13, '83 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 17, '89. Rivers, William C. (Second Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Tenn. Appointed from Tenn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83; graduated June 12, '87. Actual raw/t 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Cav. June 12, '87. Rives, Wright (Captain and Brevet Lieut. Colonel U. S. A.). Born in D. C. Retired ; appointed from D. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '56 ; graduated May 6, '61. Actual rank2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf. May 6, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 17, '61 ; Capt. A. A. D. C. Vol. June 4, '62 ; accepted June 21, '62 ; vacated Feb. 23, '64 ; Capt. U. S. A. Feb. 23, '64 ; unassigned April 22, '69 ; re- tired Dec. 31, 70. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. and Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the advance on Corinth and at the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Vol. from April 14, '62, to June 21, '62. Roach, George H. (First Lieut. 17th Inf.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. F, 26th 111. Vol. Inf., Feb. 27, '64 ; dia- 500 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. ROB charged July 20, '65; 2d Lieut. 17th U. S. Inf. Oct. 1, 73 ; accepted Oct. 14, 73; 1st Lieut. June 28, 78. Roach, Hampton M. (Second Lieut. 1st Inf.). Born in 111. Appointed from the Army. Actual ran Pvt., Corp., Sergt. and 1st Sergt. Co. F, 5th U. S. Cav. from Dec. 6, '81, to July 5, '83 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. July 3, '83; accepted July 'Robe, Charles F. (Captain 25th Inf.), Born in New York, Nov. 23, 1841. Retiring year 1905; appointed from Mich. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 147th N. Y. Vol. Inf. Sept. 11, '62; Capt. Nov. 10, '63; hon. must, out March 11, '64 ; Capt. Vet. Res. Corps March 5, '64 ; accepted March 5, '64 ; hon. must, out Sept. 7, '66; 1st Lieut. 29th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 31, '66 ; un- assigned April 25, '69; assigned to 25th Inf. Jan. 31, 70; Capt. Jan. 25, '82. Robert, Henry M. (Lieutenant Colonel of Engineers). Born in S. C., May 2, 1837. Retiring year 1901 ; appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '53 ; graduated July 1, '57. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. Eng. July 1, '57 ; 2d Lieut. Dec. 13, '58 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 23, '61 ; Capt. March 3, '63; Major March 7, '67 ; Lieut. Col. Jan. 10, '83. Staff positions occupied Treasurer M. A. from Aug. 31, '65, to Aug. 31, '67; Inst. Practical Eng. M. A. from Aug. 31, '65, to Aug. 31, '67. Roberts, Benjamin K. (Captain 5th Art.). Born in Tenn. Appointed from Conn. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th Ohio Vol. Cav. July 25, '63 ; hon. must, out Dec. 22, '64 ; Capt. A. A. G. Nov. 12, '64 ; accepted Dec. 23, '64 ; hon. must, out July 1, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. April 18, '66 ; accepted July 2, '66; 1st Lieut. Feb. 7, '67; Capt. April 25, '88. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Vol. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Roberts, Cyrus 8. (Captain 17th Inf.). Born in Conn., Aug. 23, 1841. Re- tiring year 1905; appointed from Conn. Civil life. Actual rnnk Pvt. Co 22d N. Y. S. M., and Pvt. Co. A, and Sgt. Maj. 150th N. Y. Vol. Inf., from May 28, '62, to Feb. 13, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 150th N. Y. Vol. Inf. Feb. 13, '63 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 1, '65; hon. must, out June 8, '65; Capt. A. D. D. Vol. June '22, '85 ; ac- cepted June 26, '85 ; hon. must, out Dec. 7, '85 ; 2d Lieut. 17th U. S. Inf. May 11, '66 ; accepted Sept. 24, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 18, '67 ; Capt. June 28, 78. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, '64 ; Oapt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fisher's Hill, Va., Sept. 22, '64; Capt. Vol. March 13,. '65, for gallant and meritorious services ; Maj. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in West Virginia and in the Shenandoah Valley. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Vol. from Dec. 9, '64, to June 26, '65; A. D. C. from Feb. 21, '68, to April 10, '69; July 26, '80, to March 3, '83; Acting Judge Advocate Dept. of the Platte, from April 25 to Aug. 30, '82 ; Acting Judge Advocate Dept. of Arizona, from June 3, '85, to April 11, '86 ; on staff duty at H. Qrs. Mil. Div. of the Missouri since '89. Roberts, Harris L. (Second Lieut. 19th Inf.). Born in Georgetown, D. C., May 6, 1858. Retiring year 1922. Appointed from D. C. Graduated from Military Academy, Class of '80. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th. Inf. June 12, '80; transferred to 19th Inf. March 22, '81. Service On detached service as Prof. Mil. Science and Tactics at Ohio Normal University July, '84, to Jan., '87 ; served at following stations, FortFetterman, Wyo. ; Fort Leaven worth, Kan. ; Fort Dodge, Kan. ; Fort Lyon, Col. ; Fort Brown, Tex. ; Fort Ringgold, Tex. ; Fort Clark, Tex. ; San Antonio, Tex. History Son of Gen. B. S. Roberts, U. S. A., deceased. Roberts, Joseph (Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General, U. S. A.). Born in Del. Retired. Appointed from Del. Cadet at the IT. S. Military Academy Sept " Juh Maj. hon. wounds in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Col. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; Brig. Gen. and Brig. Gen. Vols. Mar. 13, '65, for meritorious and distinguished services during the war. Staff positions occu- ROB RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 501 pied Prin. Asst. Prof. Nat. and Exp. Phil. M. A. from Sept. 1, '39, to Aug. 17, '49. Service On garrison and frontier duty '35-39 ; on Staff duty at West Point to '49 ; engaged in operations against the Seminoles in Florida, and on duty at the Art. School at Fort Monroe until the breaking out of the Civil War in '61 ; he served through the entire war to its close, when he was retired. Robertson, Edgar B. (First Lieut. 9th Inf.). Born in Charleston, Mass., Dec. 17, 1852. Retiring year 1916. Appointed from Mass. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of 74. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. June 17, '74; 1st Lieut. June 15, '81. Service Joined Co. " A," at Fort Robinson, Neb., Oct. 19, '74 ; transferred to Co. " H," 9th Inf., Nov. 21, '75 ; joined Co. at Fort Laramie, Wyo., Nov. 25, '75 ; on duty with Co. Big Horn and Yellowstone Expedition May 22, 76, to Oct. 27, 76 ; at Sidney Barracks, Neb., Nov. 8, 76, to Jan. 10, 77 ; at Fort Omaha, Neb., Jan. 11,77, to July 25, 77; Chicago, 111. (Railroad Riots) July 26, 77, to Aug. 19,77; Fort Omaha, Neb., Aug. 20, 77, to May 18, 78; on Expedition to Little Missouri River and Black Hills May 20, 78, to Oct. 23, 78 ; Fort Omaha, Neb., Oct. 27, 78, to April 11, 79; with Co. at Hastings, Neb., pre- serving public peace, Olive Trial, Apr. 11, 79, to Apr. 18 r 79; Fort Omaha, Neb., April 17, 79, to Oct. 7, '80; Fort McKinney, Wyo., Oct. 26, '80, to July 9, '81 ; at Cheyenne Depot, Wyo., July 18, '81, to Aug. 8, '82 ; Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., Aug. 8, '82, to July 20, '86 ; Whipple Bk*., Ariz., July 26, '86, to Aug. 9, '87 ; at San Diego Bks., Gal., Aug. 12, '87, to . Staff positions occupied Post Adj. Camp Robinson, Neb., Jan. 6, 75, to Oct. 1, 75 ; Adj. of expedition in the field May 27, 78,:to Oct. 21, 78; Acting Reg. and Post Adj. at Fort Omaha, Neb., Jan. 11, 79, to Feb. 28, 79; Adj. 9th Inf. June 15, '83, to July 1, '87 ; Acting Reg. and Post Q. M. at Whipple Bks., Ariz., Aug. 1 to Nov. 28, '86; A. C. S. Aug. 1, '86, to July 31, '87 ; A. C. S. in charge of issues to Hualpai Indians, Hackberry, Ariz., Dec. 1, '86, to June 30, '87 ; Post Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. afc San Diego Bks., Cal., Aug. 12, '87, to -. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In action with Indians Big Horn and Yellowstone Exped. Tongue River, Mont., June 9, 76 ; Rosebud, Mont., June 17, 76 ; Slim Butte, Dak., Sept. 9, 76. Commands held Co. " H," March 16 to May 7, 76 ; Troop " A," Cav. from Feb. 1, '81, to May 12, '81 ; Co. " H," from Dec. 26, '82, to March 8, '83 ; Co. " E," Feb. 8, '88, to Nov. 12, '89; San Diego Bks., Cal., from May 23 to Nov. 12, '89. Robertson, James M. (Major and Brevet Brigadier General U.S. A.). Born in New Hampshire. Retired. Appointed from the army. Actual rank Prvt., Corpl. and Artf. Cos. F and H, and Q. M. Sergeant 2dU. S. Art. from Dec. 8, '38, to August 17, '48; Brevet 2d Lieut. 2d Art. June 28, '48; 2d Lieut. June 28, '48; accepted August 17, '48 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 28, '52 ; Captain May 14, '61 ; Major June 17, 74; transferred to 3d Art. Feb. 1, 75 ; retired March 20, 79, at his own request, over 40 years' service. Brevet rank Brevet Major June 27, '62, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of Games' Mill., Va. ; Lieut. Col. July 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the Gettysburg campaign ; Colonel May 31, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cold Harbor; Brig. Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, for distinguished services while chief of horse artil- lery attached to the Cav. Corps of the Army of the Potomac during the campaigns from May to August, '64, including the battles of the Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Hawes' Shop and Trevillian Station, Va. Service In the war with Mexico and acted as Com. Sergt. of subsistence for Worth's Division ; in Florida during the Indian troubles, '49 to '53 ; at Fort Monroe, Va., to '54; in Florida to '57; at Forts Brady, Mich., and Snelling, Minn., to March, '58; with light battery of reg- iment to '60 ; at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., March, '60, to Jan., '61 ; at Fort Mc- Henry, Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. C., and Fort Hamilton, N. Y., to April, '61 ; on Santa Rosa Island to Jan., '62 ; joined battery at Washington, D. C., Feb., '62 ; in the Peninsultar campaign, engaged in Stoneman's raid, April to May, '63; with Army of the Potomac to August, '64; inspecting government horses at St. Louis, Mo., Aug., '64, to Jan., '65 ; Pleasant Valley, Va., and Blad- ensburg, Md., to Sept., '65 ; en route to and at Monterey, Cal., and on duty on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts to 79. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In the war with Mex- ico and engaged at the siege of Vera Cruz ; battles of Churubusco, Molino del 502 RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. ROB Rey, Chapultepec ; action of Gareta San Cosme, and assault and capture of the City of Mexico; in the War of the Rebellion and engaged in the defense of Fort Pickens and bombardment of the Pensacola Navy Yard May, '61 ; engaged at the actions of Slatersville, Chickahominy, Mechanicsville, Meadow Bridge ; battles of Games' Mill, Malvern Hill and action of Malvern Hill ; engaged covering re- treat from Fairfax Court-House to Alexandria ; actions of Fairfax Court-House, Poolesville, Cococton Pass ; battle of South Mountain ; action of Sharpsburg ; bat- tle of Antietain ; actions of Shepherdstown, Charlestown and Warrenton ; battles of Beverly Ford, Gettysburg; action of Cul pepper Court-House ; battles of Todd Tavern, Spottsylvania Court-House ; actions of Yellow Tavern, Hawes' Shop, Old Church ; defense of the government supplies at White-House Landing and action of Jones' Bridge. ('mm/nimh held Com. Brigade of Horse Artillery in Stone- man's raid, '63, and Horse Art. Brigade in Pleasant Valley, Va., and at Bladens- burg, Md., from Jan. to Sept., '65. Robertson, Reuben L. (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Virginia, Nov. 23, 1859. Retiring year 1923. Appointed from Va. Civil life. AHn.il rank Asst. Surgeon Dec. 3, '83 ; accepted Feb. 19, '84 ; Captain Asst. Surgeon Dec. 3, '88. Service At Fort Ringgold, Texas, from '83 to *86, with temporary duty at Forte Duncan and Brown; on temporary duty at Fort Snelling, Minn., '86; at Fort Keogh, Mont., from '86 to '88; at Fort Buford, N. D., '88-9; durin-r an epidemic of diphtheria ordered to Fort A. Lincoln, N. D , April, '89, present station. History Graduate of the Virginia Military Institute and University \. While in Mexico, Lieut. Robinson applied for the app't. of Asst. Q. Master. His application was indorsed by Gen. Worth as follows : I take special pleasure in cordially recommending Lieut. Robinson as qualified in every respect by habits, services in the field, experience in the Department and gallant conduct in action for the appointment he desires. Indeed, I know of no young officer with higher claims or better qualification*. (Signed) W. S. WORTH. fi*. Brigadier-Oemcral, Com'g Divmo*. Copy of letter of Major-General Wool : HEADQUARTERS DEPT. or VIRGINIA. FORT MONROE, VA., March 28, 1862. HON. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War : SIR : Col. J. C. Robinson, of the Int. Mich. Regiment, is desirous of the appointment of Rrig.-Qen. As the brt evidence of his qualifications I would state that he had one of the finest regiments in service. He is in the regular service a Major. I would earnestly commend him to your particular notice and consideration I have the honor to be very respectfully your obedient servant. JOHN E. WOOL. Major General. This was endorsed by the Maryland Delegation in Congress as follows : HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. March 31, 1862. HON. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of Wr : SIR: We cheerfully endorse the recommendation of Gen. Wool in favor of Colon*! Robinson, and in so do- ing we beg to state, il was mainly owing to the determined stand taken by Colonel Robinson during the ex- citement in Baltimore, that Fort Mclleury was retained by the Goverment, and we beg to call the special at- tention of the Secretary to the facts of that caae. , CHAS. B. CALVERT, EDWIN H. WEBSTER, C. L. L. LEAVT, REVERDY JOHNSON. At the battle of Glendale Genl. Robinson's Brigade repulsed repeated attacks of a superior force. The following is an extract from Gent. Kearny's report : "I have reserved Genl. Robinson for the last. To him this day is due above all others in this division the honors of this battle. The attack was on his wing. Everywhere present, by personal supervision and noble example he secured to us the honor of victory. . . . Our loss has been severe, and when it is remembered that this occurs to mere skeletons of regiments, there is but one observation to be made, that previous military his- tory presents no such parallel." Extract from a letter of Major-General G. K. Warren to the Adjt.-Genl. U. S. A., dated April 16, 1866, relating to Spottsylvania C. H. : " In the flank movement to the left, begun at dark of the 7th of May, the 5th Corps again had the lead, with General Robinson's division in the advance. Delayed as we were by darkness and bad roads, crowded with troops, until it was probable the enemy had anticipated us in reaching the desired point, yet urged by the importance of time to our success, Genl. Robinson marched rapidly on, driving the light troops of the enemy before him, till charging directly the desired position, himself animating the advance by leading in person, he fell dangerously wounded and his command was repulsed by the opposing infantry already arrayed in strong force." History Dept. Commander Dept. of N. York G. A. R. 70; Commander-in- Chief G. A, R. '77-8 ; President Society Army of the Potomac '87. &rncc At ROC RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 505 Ringgold Barracks, Tex., to fall of '56 ; en route to and in Florida to summer of '57 ; commanding expeditions against Indians in the Everglades, Palm Ham- mock and Big Cypress Swamp, Fla. ; en route to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and in the Utah expedition to Nov., '57 ; at Fort Bridger, Utah, to '58 ; at Camp Floyd, Utah, and Fort Ephraim, San Pete Valley, to summer of '59 ; at Fort Columbus, New York, to Feb., '61 ; at Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Md., to May, '61 ; muster- ing duty Detroit, Mich., to Sept., '61 ; with Brigade at Newport News and troops in the neighborhood of Portsmouth, Va., to May, '62 ; in the war of the Rebellion '61 to '66 ; at military districts of Northern and Western New York to Jan., '66 ; military commander and assistant commissioner Bureau of F., R. and A. L. for the State of North Carolina to Nov., '66 ; in Department of the South to May, '67 ; in Department of the Lakes to Feb., '68 ; judge-advocate Department of the Lakes, Detroit, Mich., to May, '68 ; with regiment at post of Fort Wayne, De- troit, Mich., from May, '68, until retired with the rank of major-general May 6, '69. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma ; the battle of Monterey, Mexico ; in the march to and occupation of the city of Mexico via Saltillo, Point Isabel and Vera Cruz ; engaged at the bat- tles of Peach Orchard, Savage Station, Glendale, Malvern Hill, action of Bristoe Station, battles of second Bull Run, Chantilly and Fredericksburg ; at the battles of second Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, operations at Mine Run, action of Mitchell's Station, battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court-House and Todd's Tavern, and while leading his division was wounded in knee, result- ing in the loss of his left leg. Commands held Commanding expeditions against Indians in Fla. in '57 ; Fort Bridger, Utah, to '58 ; Fort Ephraim, San Pete Val- ley, to summer of '59 ; Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Md., Feb., '61, to May, '61 ; Brigade at Newport News and troops in the neighborhood of Portsmouth, Va., to May, '62; Military Division of Northern and Western N. Y. to Jan., '66; Dept. of the South Nov., '66, to May, '67; Dept. of the Lakes to Feb., '68; regiment and post of Fort Wayne, Mich., May, '68, to May, '69. Robinson, Samuel Q. (Captain and Assistant Surgeon). Born in Mass., Jan., 1854. Retiring year 1918. Appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Jan. 9, 77 ; accepted Jan. 20, 77 ; Captain Asst. Surgeon Jan. 9, '82. Service AtU. S. Mil. Acad., West Point, N. Y., Feb. to Sept., 77 ; ordered with 3d U. S. Inf., to Montana, Sept. 1, 77; Post Surgeon, Fort Missoula, M. T., to Sept., '81 ; leave of absence Oct., '81, to Jan., '82 ; ordered to Dept. of the Columbia, Mar. 28, '82 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Spokane, Wash. Ter., from April, '82, to Jan., '85, but on detached service in Alaska for last 6 months of that time ; Post Surgeon, Fort Klamath, Oregon, Feb., '85, to June, '86 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Brown, Texas, July, '86, to April, '89; Asst. Surg., Fort Hamilton, N. Y. H., May, '80, to present time. Robinson, Thomas B. (Captain U. S. A.). Born at sea. Appointed from Army. Actual rankYvt. and Corpl. Co. B, 2d Battery, and Qm. Sgt. 2d and 1st Batt., 12th U. S. Inf., from Apr. 30, '62, to Aug. 27, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 8th Inf., June 16, '66 ; accepted Aug. 27, '66 ; 1st Lieut. August 6, '67 ; unassigned May 3, '69 ; assigned to 19th Inf., Sept. 1, '69; Capt. Nov. 24, 79; retired March 24, '88, for disability in line of duty. Robinson, William W. (First Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Wis. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, July 1, '65; graduated June 15, '69. Actual rankPvt Co. E, 7th Wis. Vol. Inf., March 17, '65; discharged June 30, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Cav., June 15, '69 ; trs. to 7th Cav., June 26, 76 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 14, 76. Staff positions occupied E,. Qm. 7th Cav. from Nov. 7, '83, to Aug. 14, '86. Robinson, Wirt (Second Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in Va. Appointed from Va. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83 ; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art., June 12, '87. Roche, James R. (Major and Paymaster). Born in Maryland June 7, '30. Retiring year 1894; appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank Maj. Pm. March 3, 75 ; accepted April 1, 75. 32 506 RECORDS OF LIVIXQ OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. ROD Rochester, William B. (Brigadier General and Paymaster General). Born in New York April 23, '26. Retired April 23, '90 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Add. Pm. Vol. June 1, '61 ; accepted June 29, '61 ; vacated rious services during the war. Rockefeller, Charles M. (Captain 9th Inf.) Bora in New York Sept. 18, '44. Retiring year 1908 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. E, 7th N. Y., and Co. C, 8th N. Y. S. M., from April 26, '61, to August 2, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 178th N. Y. Vol. Inf. Oct. 17, '63 ; hon. must, out April 20, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Inf. Sept. 3, '67; accepted Sept. 7, '67; 1st Lieut. March 11, 78; Capt. August 15, '89. Rockwell, Almon F. (Major and Quartermaster and Brevet Lieut. Colonel). Born in N. Y. Oct. 17, '35. Retiring year 1899; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. A. D. Vol. from Oct. 26, '61, to Sept. 17, '63 ; Capt. A. A. G. Vol. Sept. 15, '63 ; accepted Sept. 18, '63 ; Maj. A. A. G. Feb. 23, '65 ; ac- cepted March 24, '65; hon. must, out April 1, '67 ; Capt. A. Qm. U. S. A. Jan. 18, '67; accepted April 1, '67; Maj. Qm. Jan. 22, '85. Brevet rank Byt. Maj. and Lieut. Col. March 2, '67, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; Lieut. Col. Vol. March 13, '65, for efficient and meritorious services. Staff position* occupied In charge of public buildings and grounds, D. C., from April 1, '81, to June 1, '85. Service 'With Army of the Potomac; A. D. C. on staff of Generals Buell and Rosecrans, com. Dep. of the Ohio,Nov., '61, to July, '63; inspector of the Provost Marshal's Bureau State of New Hampshire, to Sejpt., '63 ; in Bureau of Colored Troops, Adjutant General's office, Washington, D. C., to May, '67 ; post quartermaster Fort Lamed, Kansas, June, '67, to April, '68 ; depot quarter- master and commissary Fort Gibson, C. N., May, '68, to Dec., '69 ; at Fort Sill Feb., '70, to July, 79 ; at Fort Yuma Depot '79 to '82; at Washington, D. C., to '85; Chief Qrmr. Dep. of Dakota '90. Rockwell, James, Jr. (Captain of Ordnance). Born in New York Sept. 6, '48. Retiring year 1912; appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '66; graduated June 15, '70. Actual ran* 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Cav. June 15, '70 ; 1st Lieut. Ord. Nov. 1, 74; accepted Nov. 16, 74; Capt. Dec. 4, '82. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 1st Cav. from Feb. 1, 72, to August 31, 74. Service Asst. at Nat. Armory, Springfield, Mass., 75-6 ; asst. at Rock Island Ar- senal 76-8 ; asst. instructor of ord. and gunnery at M. A. 78-81 ; comdg. Ft. Abraham Lincoln ord. depot '81-3; at Rock Island Arsenal, 111., '90. Rodenbough, Theoph's P. (Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General). Born in Pa. Retired; appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual ran/: 2d Lieut. 2d U. 5. Dragoons March 27, '61 ; accepted April 8, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61 ; Capt. 2d Cav. July 17, '62 ; Col. 18th Pa. Vol. Cav. April 29, '65 ; hon. must, out Oct. 31, '65; Maj. 42d U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Sept. 24, '66; unassigned March 15, '69 ; retired with rank of Col. Dec. 15, 70, for loss of right arm from wound in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Sept. 19, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Trevillian Station and Opequan, va.; Luut. Col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; Col. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Todd's Tavern, VH.; Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cold Harbor, Va.; Brig. Gen. Vol. April 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied Adj. and A. A. Q. M. Carlisle Bks. '61- 62 ; on staff of Maior Gen. Dodge and A. Q. M. Gen. in Kansas '65-66. Service At Carlisle Barracks, Pa., to Jan., '62; in the defense of Washington, and com- manding company in the Peninsular campaign, being captured by the rebels near Centreville, Va., and paroled and exchanged one week after ; organizing com- pany Oct., '62, to Jan., '63; performing picket duty winter of '63 and '64 and in Gen. Sheridan's Cavalry campaign ; on general recruiting service Philadelphia Nov., '64, to April, '65; member of board to examine breech-loading arms, Springfield Armory, Mass., Jan., '65 ; assigned to duty according to his brevet ROE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 507 rank, and comdg. brigade, Dis. of Cumberland, June to Nov., '65; in Kansas and the Territories, Dec., '65, to May, '66 ; with regiment and prest. of a board of examination to May, '67 ; at Plattsburg, N. Y., to Dec., '67 ; at Madison Bks. from Dec., '67, to '69 ; unassigned March 15, '69. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle of Beverly Ford, action of Uupperville, battle of Gettysburg, actions ^f YIT:II: L r> i > T^ i_..i -m_n \TT_I.. . -\ir /~i __ .1 (wounded and lost right arm). Commands held Comdg. 2d Cav. winter of '63- '64 ; brigade in Dist. of Cumberland June to Nov., '65 ; Plattsburg, N. Y., to Dec., '67 ; 42d Inf. and Madison Bks., N. Y., from Dec., '67 to '69. Rodgers, Alexander (Captain 4th Cav.). Born in N. J., Sept. 23, 1852. Re- tiring year 1916 ; appointed from D. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 71 ; graduated June 16, 75. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Cav. June 16, 75; 1st Lieut. July 6, 79; Capt. Feb. 11, '87. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 4th Cav. from Feb. 1, '80, to Oct. 1, '80; A. D. C. from Dec. 20, '82, to March 17, '84; Prin. Asst. Prof, of French, M. A., from Aug. 28, '84, to April 5, '86; Prin. Asst. Prof, of Spanish, M. A., from April 5, '86, to July 1, '87. Rodgers, John P. (Capt. and Military storekeeper). Born in Conn. Ap- pointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank M. Sk. July 1, '62; accepted Aug. 2, '62 ; Capt. M. Sk. July 28, '65. Rodgers, John I. (Major 1st Art.). Born Pa., April 8, 1839. Retiring year 1903 ; appointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '56 ; graduated May 6, '81. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. May 6, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61 ; Capt. June 11, '64 ; Maj. 1st Art. Oct. 2, '83. Rodman, John B. (Capt. 20th Inf.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '63 ; graduated June 15, '68. Actual rank2d Lieut. 20th U. S. Inf. June 15, '68; 1st Lieut. Aug. 4, 75; Capt. Oct. 15, '87. Staff positions occupied A.. D. C. from Sept. 7, 70, to Oct. 31, 71 ; Adj. 20th Inf. from Nov. 4, 73, to Oct. 22, '86. Rodman, Samuel, Jr. (Second Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 78; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 5th Art. June 13, '82 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. June 30, '82. Rodney, George B. (Capt. 4th Art.). Born in Del., Oct. 17, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from Del. Civil life. Actual rank Private Ind. Co. Pa. Vol. Art. April 24, '61 ; discharged Aug. 5, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art. Aug. 5, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Aug. 15, '61 ; Capt. Aug. 4, '69. Roe, Charles P. (Captain llth Inf.). Born in N. Y. March 17, 1830. Retir- ing year 1894; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Private and Corpl. Co. "C," 9th N. Y. Vol. Inf., from May 4, '61, to May 20, '63 ; 1st Lieut. 3d U. S. Colored Inf. Aug. 11, '63 ; hon. must, out Oct. 31, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 26th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Jan. 3, '67 ; unassigned May 19, '69; assigned to llth Inf. Dec. 15, 70 ; Capt. April 24, '86. Roe, Payette W. (First Lieut. 3d Inf.). Born in Va., May 23, 1850. Re- tiring year 1914. Appointed from W. Va. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '67 ; graduated June 12, 71. Actual rank2d Lieut. 24th Inf. June 12, 71 ; transferred to 3d Inf. Aug. 4, 71 ; 1st Lieut. March 15, '83. Service At Ft. Lyon, Col., Sept., 71, to May, 72 ; at Camp Supply, I. T., May, 72, to June, 72 ; at Ft. Lyon, Col., June, 73, to June, 74; at Holly Springs, Miss., July, 74, to Sept., 74 ; at New Orleans, La., Sept., 74, to Oct., 74 ; at Monroe, La., Oct., 74, to Jan., 75; at Vicksburg, Miss., Jan., 75, to June, 75; at Jackson Bks., La., June, 75, to June, 76 ; at Baton Rouge, La., June, 76, to Nov., 76 ; at Orleans Bks., New Orleans, La., Nov., 76, to Apr., 77 ; at Jackson Bks., La., April, 77, to May, 77 ; en route to Montana Ter., Sep., 77, to Nov., 77 ; at Camp Baker, M. T., Nov., 77, to May, 78 ; at Fort Shaw, M. T., May, 78, to Oct., 79 ; at Fort Ellis, M. T., Oct., 79, to July, '80 ; at Fort Shaw, M. T., July, '80, to April, '83 ; en route from Fort Shaw, M.T., to Dillon, M. T., Sept. 26 to Oct. 4, '81 ; at Fort Ellis till Sept., 84 ; at Fort Shaw till April, '88. Commands held Comdg. Co. " C," 3d 508 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. ROQ Inf., Fort Ellis, M. T., Oct., 79, to July, '80 ; Comdg. escort of the Marquis of Lome, Governor General of Canada, and suite, en route from Fort Shaw, M. T., to Dillon, M. T., Sept. 26 to Oct. 4, '81. Staff positions occupied Adj. Camp Supply, I. T., May, 72, to June, 72; Adj. Fort Lyon, Col., June, 73, to June, 74; A. D. C. to Comdg. Officer, U. 8. Troops, City of New Orleans, La., Sept., 74, to Oct., 74; Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. S. C., Monroe, La., Oct., 74, to Jan., 76; Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S., Vicksburg, Miss., Jan., 75, to June, 76 ; A. A. A. G., District of Baton Rouge (part of Mississippi and Louisiana), June, 76, to Nov., 76 ; Adj., A. A. Q. M., U. S. Troops, Orleans Barracks, City of New Orleans, La., Nov., 76, to April, 77 ; Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S., Camp Baker, M. T., Nov., 77, to May, 78 ; Q. M. and A. C. S., Fort Ellis, M. T., May, '83, to Sept., '84 ; Appointed Adjutant of the Third Infantry, March 26, '85 ; A. A. A. G., District of Montana, May, '85, with station at Fort Shaw, M. T.; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S., Fort Shaw, M. T., Jan., '88, to April, '88; relieved from duty as Adjutant Third Infantry and A. A. A. G., District of Montana, May 24, '88, and appointed Aid-de-Camp to Commanding General, Dept. of the Platte, May 25, '88. History Presented with Portrait of Governor General of Canada by that officer, through Depts. of State and War, Feb., '82. Roemer, Paul (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Germany. Retired. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Gen. Ser. and Co. C, 6th U. S. Art., from Aug. 23, '58, to April 27/65 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Art. April 8, '65 ; accepted April 27, '65; 1st Lieut. Aug. 13, '66 ; Capt. Aug. 10, '87 ; retired Oct. 1, '89, at his own request; over thirty years' service. Service At Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., to Sept., '61 ; in the field with the Army of the Potomac to Aug., '63, and from June, '64, to April, '65, participating in all the campaigns of that army during that period ; discharged Aug., '63, and re-enlisted ; regimental recruiting service to June, '64 ; in 6th Art. and with battery at Chattanooga July to Oct., '65 ; Key West, Fla., to April, '66, and Tampa to Dec., '66 ; at Key West, Fla., to April, '67 ; at Fort Jefferson to Dec., '67 ; Com. battery Aug., '66, to Dec., '67; Com. Fort Jefferson during the prevalence of the yellow fever epidemic Sept. to Nov., '67 ; with battery at Key West, Fla., Dec., '67, to May, '68, and from Nov., '68, to Men., '69; Post Treasurer and Adjutant Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, to Aug., '69 ; with light Battery of regiment at Washington, D. C., from Aug., Y'J, to July, 70, and with light battery at Fort Adams from July, 70, to Oct. 1, 71 ; transferred to Battery H, 5th Art., Fort Trumbull, Conn. ; at Fort Trumbull until Oct. 28, 72 ; in command at Ft. McHenry, Md., until Nov. 23, 72 ; with battery at Fort Trumbull until May 1, 74; at Art. School until May 1, 75; transferred to Battery G, 5th Art., Plattsburg, N. Y.; transferred to Key West, Fla., Dec., 75 ; in command of battery from June, 76, to Dec., 76 ; Comdg. battery from Dec., 77, to Feb., 79 ; battery transferred to Atlanta, Ga., March 1, '80 ; Comdg. battery from May, '80, to Sept., '80; transferred to Fort Hamilton with Battery G, Nov., '81 ; transferred to Fort Columbus, N. Y. H., June 4, '83. Battles, skir- mishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Mechanicsville, Games' Mill, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg; engaged at the battles of Deep Bottom, Va., Boydton Road, Siege of Petersburg, and repulse of the rebel attack on Fort Steadman. Roessler, Solomon W. (Captain of Engineers). Born in 111. Appointed from 111. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy 1873 ; graduated June 15, 77. * Actual rank 2d Lieut. Eng. June 15, 77; 1st Lieut. Dec. 31, '80; Capt. Dec. 1, '87. Staff positions occupied Adjt. Batt. Eng. from May 1, '85, to April 30, '87. Rog< Retirinj 1st 1st 21 '66 1st Lieut. Feb. 18, '67 ; unassigned July 9, 70 ; assigned to 13th Inf. Jan. 1, 71 ; Capt. Feb. 18, 74. Rogers, James S. (First Lieutenant 20th Inf.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Colo. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, 76 ; graduated June ROG RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 509 12, '80. Actual rank2d Lieut. 20th U. S. Inf. June 12, '80; 1st Lieut. Aug. 25, '87. Rogers, Robert M. (First Lieutenant 2d Art.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Ga. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 29, '63; graduated June 17, '67. Actual rankPvt. Co. A, 3d W. Va. Vol. Cav., Oct. 19, '61 ; discharged April 8, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 5th W. Va. Vol. Inf. April 8, '62 ; hon. must, out Nov. 20, '62 ; 1st Lieut, 73d Ohio Vol. Inf. Nov. 20, '62 ; hon. must, out Nov. 5, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. June 17, '67; 1st Lieut. April 13, '70. Rogers, William P. (Captain 17th Inf.). Born in Maryland, Sep. 16, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from Md. Civil life. Actual rank Corpl. Co. H, 7th Md. Inf., Aug. 21, '62 ; discharged May 4, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 44th Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 24, '66 ; trans, to 17th Inf. May 27, '69 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 3, 72 ; Capt. Dec. 23, '84. Service Served with regiment in the operations of the Army of the Potomac '62 to '65 ; at Fort Greble, Md., from Dec., '66, till Oct., '67, guarding public property; stationed in Washington, D. C., till Jan., '69 ; at Lynchburg, Va., from Feb. to May. '69 ; at Richmond, Va., till Jan., '70 ; at Ra- leigh, N. C., until Mar., '70; at Cheyenne Agency, Dak., from April, '70, to July, 72; at Fort Rice, Dak., from July, 72, to Oct., 73 ; with expedition to and up the valley of the Yellowstone River, Mont., guarding Engineers of the N. P. R. R. from Julv, 72, to Oct., 72 ; again in the the following year, guarding Engin- eers of the N. P. R. R. in the valley of the Yellowstone River from June 23 to Sep. 27, '83 ; stationed at Fort Abercrombie, Dak., from Oct. 10, 73, to Aug. 15, 76 ; at Standing Rock Agency (Fort Yates), Dak., from Aug. 16, 76, to Nov., 78 ; Nov., 76, engaged with forces disarming and dismounting Sioux Indians at the Standing Rock Agency; changed station to Fort Totten, Dak., Nov. 11, 78; re- turned to Fort Yates May 24, 79 ; at Fort Abraham Lincoln, Dak., from Jan., '85, to July, '86 ; changed station to Fort D. A. Rusaell, Wyo., July, '86 ; on Gen. recruiting service from Oct. 1, '88, to . Staff positions occupied Post Adj. at Raleigh, N. C., Jan. to March, 70 ; Post Adj., A. A. Q. M and A. C. S. at Fort Rice, Dak., from July, 72, to Oct., 73 ; Adj. of Batt., 17th Inf., on Yellowstone Expedition from July to Oct., 72; Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of Batt., 17th Inf., on Yellowstone "Expedition June 23 to Sep. 27, 73 ; Adj. 17th Inf. July 25, 74, to Dec. 23, '84; Post Adj. at Fort Yates, Dak.; A. A. A. G. Middle Dist., Dep. of Dak., from June, 77, to Feb., 78, and from July 28, 79, to Aug. 12, 79 ; Post Adj. and Treasurer Fort Totten, Dak., Nov. 11, 78, to May 24, 79; Post Adj. and Treasurer Fort Yates, Dak., May 24, 79, to Aug. 12, 79. Battles, skir- mishes, etc. Engaged in the battle of Spottsylvania Court House May, '64, where wounded, resulting in the loss of left arm ; in an affair with a band of Sioux In- dians under Chief " Gall " on Heart River, Dak., Oct. 3, 72. Commands held Detachment at Fort Greblp, Md., from Dec., '66, to Oct., '67 ; Co. H, 44th Inf., at Washington, D. C.; Batt., 17th Inf., in field Camp, Colorado, '87. Rogers, William W. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Retired. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rankPvt. Co. B, 3d Pa. Vol. Cav., July 23, '61 ; discharged Dec. 5, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Pa. Vol. Cav. Dec. 6, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 1, '62; Capt. May 1, '63 ; hon. must, out Feb. 16, '64; Capt. Vet. Res. Corps Feb. 6, '64 ; accepted Feb. 17, '64 ; hon. must, out Jan. 13, '67 ; 1st Lieut. 45th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Jan. 14, '67 ; trans, to 14th Inf. July 22, '69 ; trans, to 9th Inf. May 22, 71 ; Capt. March 27, 79 ; retired Aug. 15, '89, for disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritor- ious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; Maj. Vol. March 13, '65, for gal- lant and meritorious services ; Lieut. Col. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant conduct in the field. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5 ; in the field with the Army of the Potomac during the campaigns of '61-3, until wounded; on duty with Vet. Res. Corps until consolidation of regiments, and then on frontier duty until retired. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Eneaged at the battles of Yorktown, Will- iamsburg, Kelly's Ford, Brandy Station, Seven Pines, White-Oak Swamp, Mal- vern Hill, Mine Run, Manassas and Gettysburg (wounded in right shoulder and left breast). 510 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. ROO Rollins, James H. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Mo., April 29, 1841. Re- tired ; appointed from Mo. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '57 ; grad- uated June 17, '62. Actual rankEvt. 2d Lieut. 4th Art. June 17, '62; 2d Lieut. 2d Art. July 24, '62 ; transferred to Ord. April 27, '63 ; 1st Lieut. April 27, '63 ; Capt. July 5, '67 ; retired March 15, '83, disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the Ordnance Department. Service On duty at U. S. Military Academy, West Point, New York, as Asst. Instructor of Artillery and Infantry Tactics from June 17, '62, to June 25, '63 ; on duty at Watervliet Arsenal, West Troy, N. Y., as Asst. Ordnance "Officer from July 2, '63, to Feb. 28, '64 ; on duty in Ordnance Office, Washington, D. C., as Asst. to the Chief of Ordnance from Feb. 29, '64, to Oct. 31, '64 ; on duty at St. Louis Arsenal, St. Louis, Mo., from Nov., '64, to July, 71 ; detached to Springfield and Chicago, Illinois, during July and Aug., '65, receiving the ord- nance and ordnance stores of Illinois troops preparatory to their being mustered out of service ; at Augusta Arsenal, Georgia, from July, 71, to Nov., 73 ; on duty at Watervliet Arsenal, West Troy, N. Y., from Nov., 73. until retired from active service on account of disability incident to the service March 15, '83. Command* held St. Louis Arsenal, St. Louis, Mo., from Jan., 71, to July, 71 ; Augusta Ar- senal, Augusta, Ga., from July, 71, to Nov., 73. Romeyn, Henry (Captain 5th Inf.). Born in New York, June 1, 1833. Re- tiring year 1807; app. from Mich. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt., Corp. andSgt. Co. ii r,m/:~ Brevet 2d Lieut. Eng. July 1, '54; resigned April 1, '55; Lieut. Col. 3d Wis. Vol. Inf. June 29, '61 ; Col. Sept. 1, '61 ; Briaj. Gen. Nov. 29, '62; accepted April 24, '63; hon. must, out Sept. 1, '66; Col. 33d U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Sept. 4, '66; trs. to 18th Inf. March 15, '69; Brig. Gen. March 18, '86; accepted April 19, '86. Brevet rank Bvt. Brig. Gen. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; Maj. Gen. Vol. Nov. 30, '64, for gallant and merit- orious services in the battle of Franklin, Tenn. Staff positions occupied Supt. M. A. from Sept. 1, 71, to Sept. 1, 76; Comdt. Inf. and Cav. School from June 29, '85, to April 8, '86. Ruggles, George D. (Colonel and A. A. G. Bvt. Brig. General). Born in N. Y. Sept. 11, 1833. Retiring year 1897; appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '51 ; graduated July 1, '55. Actual ra/i Bvt. 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Inf. July 1, '55; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. July 1, '55; 1st Lieut. May 2, '61; 1st Lieut. 12th In f" (declined). May 14, '61; Bvt. Capt. A. A. G. July 1, '61; accepted July 2, '61 ; Capt. A. A. G. Aug. 3, '61 ; Major A. A. G. July 17, '62; Col. A. A. D. C. Vol. June 28, '62; accepted June 29, '62; hon. must, out May 31, '66; Lieut. Cy hostile Indians in '66, from the burial-ground near site of old Fort Phil. Kearney, Wyo., to the Ouster battle-ground, Little Big Horn River, Mont. ; at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, as Instructor in charge Department of Law, U. S. Inf. and Cav. School, from Aug. 4, '89, to present time. Staff posi- tions occupied A. A. A. G. District of East Florida Nov. 6, '65, to Dec., '66 ; Adjt. 7th Inf. Sept. 5, '64, to May 19, '69; Asst. Adjt. and Inspector Gen. of the Dist. of Florida Sept. 21, '68, to March, '69 ; Adjt. 7th Inf. Sept. 1, '69, to May 15, 71; A. A. A. G. District of Montana, June, 70, to Nov. 23, 70; A. A. A. G. Dist. of Montana June to Oct., 71 ; A. A. A. G. to the Supt. of Genl. Recruiting Service at N. Y. City Nov. 9, 78, to Sept. 30, '80. Sargent, Frederic H. (Second Lieut. 7th Inf.). Born in 111. Appointed from the army. Actual rank Pvt. and Corpl. Co. G., 7th U. 8. Inf., from Jan. 21, '86, to Mar. 7, '89; 2d Lieut. 7th Inf., Feb. 11, '89; accepted Mar. 8, '89. Sargent, Herbert H. (Second Lieut. 2d Cav.). Born in III. Appointed from 111. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, July 1, 79 ; graduated June 13, '83. Actual raw* 2d Lieut. 2d Cav., June 13, '83. Sarson, Horace B. (First Lieut. 2d Inf.). Born in England, Oct. 16, 1836. Retiring year 1900. Appointed from the army. Actual rank Pvt. Co. H., 3d Batt, Sept. 6, '64, and Acting Sergeant Major 16th U. S. Inf., from Aug. to Dec., '65; Sgt. Maj. 3d Batt , 16th Inf., from Jan. 1, '66, to Nov. 16, '66; app. 2d Lieut. 16th Inf., Nov. 16, '66; accepted Nov. 20, '66; transferred to 2d Int., April 17, '69 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 16, '76. Service Served in Savannah and Atlanta, Ga., Montgomery and Hunteville, Ala., and at Chattanooga, Tenn., from Nov. 28, '68, to July 7, 77; in the Nez Perces campaign in Washington, Oregon and Idaho in 77 ; at Fort Stevens and Fort Harney, Oregon, from April 27, 78, to Dec. 31, 79 ; on det. service with Battery L, 4th Art., from April 27 to Oct. 1, 78; in the field from May 20 to 30, '86 ; at Fort Omaha, Neb., '86-8 ; in the field Aug. 16 to Oct. 11, '88 ; at Fort Omaha, Neb., to present time. Staff positions occupied Post Adj. Savannah, Ga., from February, '67, to July, '68; Post Adit. Atlanta, Ga., and Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 28, '68, to July, '69; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Hunts- ville, Ala., Jan. 31, 72, to Sept. 19, 76; at Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept. 20, 76, to July 7, 77 ; at Fort Stevens, Ore., June 1, 78, to Sept. 30, 78 ; at Fort Harney, Oregon, Oct. 19, 78, to Dec. 31, 79; of 2d Inf. in the field Aug. 16 to Oct. 11, '88 ; A. O. O. and A. C. S. at Fort Omaha, Neb., Dec. 23, '88, to June 15, '89 ; R. Q. M. 2d Inf. June 15, '89, to present time. Commands held In command of Co. F, 2d Inf., and post of Chattanooga, Tenn., from June 2 to July 7, 77 ; in command of Co. F, 2d Inf., in Nez Perces campaign ; in command of same from June 28, '80, to April, '85 ; in command of Troop L, 2d Cav., in the field May 20 to 30, '86. Satterlee, Charles B. (First Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in Penna. Appointed from Penna. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 72 ; graduated June 15, 76. Actual rank 2d Lieut, 3d Art. June 15, 76 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 31, '83 ; Staff positions oc- cupied Reg. Q. M. 3d Art. March 1, '87, to May 1, '87 ; Adjt. May 1, '87, to . Service Served in garrison at Fort Niagara, N. Y., Oct., 76; Jan. to July, 7, ; Oct., 77-Jan., 78 ; at Columbia and Gowdeysville, S. C., Nov. and Dec., 76 ; at Tallahassee, Florida, and Columbia, S. C., Dec., 76, and Jan., 77 ; at Fort Co- lumbus, N. Y.. West Philadelphia, and Scranton, Pa., during suppression of Labor Riots July to Oct., 77 ; in garrison at Fort Ontario, N: Y., Feb. to May, '78 ; at U. S. Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., June, 78, to May, '80; at Fort Hamil- ton, N. Y., June, '80, to Sept., '81 ; with Light Battery C, 3d Artillery, on march of 901 miles from N. Y. City to Yorktown, Va., and return, Sept. 15 to Nov. 2f>, SAW RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 523 '81 ; in garrison at Little Eock Barracks, Arkansas, Dec., '81, to May, '82 ; on duty in Mississippi River Valley during overflow of '82 ; in garrison at Fort Bar- rancas, Florida, May-June, '82 ; Professor Military Science and Tactics at Or- chard Lake, Michigan, July, '82-Sept. 15, '83 ; in garrison at Jackson Barracks, Louisiana, Oct., '83, to '86 ; at Washington Barracks, D. C., to '90. Savage, Egbert B. (Captain 8th Inf.). Born in N. Y. Feb. 2, 1843. Re- tiring year, 1907 ; app. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 115th N. Y. Inf. Aug. 26, '62; Capt. Nov. 1, '62; hon. must, out Aug. 30, '65; 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '66 ; ace. Apr. 28, '66 ; trans, to 33d Inf. Sep. 21, '66; trans, to 8th Inf. May 3, '69; Capt. May 30, '77. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion ; in the defenses of Harper's Ferry to Sept., '62 ; at Parole Camp, Chicago, 111., to Nov., '62 ; in the Department of the South, and participated in the Olustee campaign ; in the Army of the James, and partici- pated in its campaigns, and in the first and second expeditions to Fort Fisher; at post of Selma, Ala., from '66 to '69 ; with 8th Inf. at various posts and stations from the close of the war to '90 ; at present serving at Fort Nioorara, Neb. Bat- tles, Skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the actions of Maryland and Bolivar Heights and Harper's Ferry, Va., and at the surrender of that post to the rebels Sept., '62 ; engaged at the action of Camp Finnegan and battle of Olustee, Fla. ; en- gaged at the action of Chester Heights, Bermuda Hundred, battles of Cold Harbor, Petersburg, explosion of the mine, actions at Deep Bottom, Chapin's Farm (wounded), first and second expeditions to Fort Fisher, N. C. Sawtelle, Charles G. (Lieut. Col. and D. Q. M. G., Brvt. Brig. Gen.). Born in Maine, May 10, 1834. Retiring year 1898 ; appointed from Maine ; graduated from Military Academy July 1, '54. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. July 1, '54 ; 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. March 3, '65 ; 1st Lieut. June 5, '60 ; Captain and A. Q. M. May 17, '61 ; accepted June 14, '61 ; Lieut. Col. and Q. M. Vol. Aug. 20 to Oct. 4, '62 ; Lieut. Col. and Q. M. Vol. Nov. 12, '62, to Feb. 15, '64 ; Lieut. Col. and Q. M. Vol. May 27, '64, to May 24, '65 ; Col. and Q. M. May 25, '65, to Jan. 1, '67; Major and Q. M. Jan. 18, '67 ; accepted March 26, '67 ; Lieut. Col. and Deputy Q. M. Gen. Jan. 24, '81. Brevet rankEvt. Major, Lieut. Col. and Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the Rebellion ; Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A., March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the Quartermaster's Department during the Rebellion. Honorably mentioned In the Records of the Rebellion as follows : Vol. v. series 1, page 27, by Major Gen. Geo. B. McClellan ; vol. xi. series 1, part 3, page 575, by Lieut. Col. Rufus Ingalls, Quartermaster's Department ; vol. xix. series 1, pages 96 and 106, by Brig. Gen. Rufus Ingalls, Chief Quartermaster, Army of the Potomac ; vol. xxi. series 1, page 220, and vol. xxv. series 1, part 2, page 52, by Brevet Major General E. V. Sum- ner, U. S. Army, comd.g right Grand Div. Army of the Potomac. /Service Served on frontier duty at Ft. Ripley, Minn., '54-55 ; on Sioux expedition '55 ; Ft. Laramie, Dak., '55-56; at Ft. Pierre, Dak., '56; Ft. Leaven worth, Kan., '56-57; quelling Kan. disturbances '57-58 ; Utah expedition '58 ; and on march to Cal. '58 ; in garrison at Benicia, Cal., '58, and Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., '58-59; at Quartermas- ter on Mojave expedition to southern Cal. and Ariz. '59 ; in garrison at Benicia, Cal., '59-61 ; served during the Rebellion of the seceding States '61-66 ; in charge of the Qm. Depot at Perry ville, Md., Aug., '61, to Mar., '62; in the Va. Peninsular campaign, disembarking and forwarding troops and supplies for the Army of the Potomac from Fort Monroe March-May, '62 ; from the White House on the Pamunkey River, May 15-June 30, '62 ; and from Harrison's Landing, July 1-Aug. 17, '62 ; in superintending the embarkation of the Army of the Potomac from Fort Monroe, Newport News, Hampton and Yorktown, Va., Aug. 18-Sept. 7, '62; as Acting Chief Quartermaster of the Army of the Potomac, Sept. 7-Nov. 12, '62; supervising the forwarding of supplies from Washington during the Maryland campaign ; as Chief Quartermaster of the 2d Corps in the Rappahannock cam- paign (Army of the Potomac), Nov. 12, '62, to Jan. 24, '63, being present at the battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, '62, as Chief Quartermaster of the right Grand Division ; as Chief Quartermaster of Cavalry Corps (Army of Potomac), Jan. 24- June 13, '63, being engaged on " Stoneman's Raid " towards Richmond, May, '63 ; 524 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. SAW in superintending the removal of stores from Aquia Creek to Alexandria, Va., June, '63 ; as Asst. Chief Quartermaster of the Army of the Potomac, June 21- Aug. 6, '63, being engaged in forwarding supplies from Washington to Alexan- dria, Va., for the Pennsylvania campaign ; as Chief Quartermaster of the Cavalry Bureau at Washington, D. C., Aug. 6, '63, to Feb. 15, '64 ; as Chief Quartermas- ter at Brownsville, Texas, of the forces on the Rio Grande, Feb.-April 30, '64 ; in charge of transports and supplies, May 15-19, '64, for the relief of Gen. Banks' Army returning from Red River, which he met at Atchafalaya, and constructed a bridge, 900 feet across the river, using 21 large steamers as pontoons ; in charge of the steam transportation in the Department of the Gulf, May 19-June 6, '64; aa Chief Quartermaster of the Military Div. of West Mississippi, June 6, '64, to June 2, '65, being engaged in forwarding troops and supplies for the Mobile campaign and expedition terminating in the surrender of the Rebel forces under General Taylor; as Chief Quartermaster of the Military Division of the Southwest June 3 -July 17, '65, of the Military Division of the Gulf July 17, '65, to Aug. 15, '66, and of the Dept. of the Gulf Aug. 15, '66, to April 1, '67, and of Fifth Military District, April 1 to Aug. 31, '67 ; in charge of Clothing Depot, and Asst. to the Depot Quartermaster at New York City, Sept. 9, '67, to April 10, '69 ; as Chief Quartermaster of the Department of California, May 4, '69, to Aug. 15, 72 ; of Third Quartermaster's District, Department of the East, Aug. 23, '72, to Oct. 31, '73; of Third District, Division of the Atlantic, Nov. 1, 73, to July 7, 74, and of First District July 15, 74, to Oct. 31, 76 ; as Quartermaster, New York City, Oct. 31, 7Q, to Nov. 10, 77; and as Chief Quartermaster Department of the East, Nov. 10, 77, to March 25, 78, and of the Department of the Columbia, May 14, 78, to April 12, '81, and of the Department of the South April 27, '81, to April 27, '82, and of the Military Division of the Atlantic and Department of the East, May 1, '82, to Oct. 29, '83; in Office of Quartermaster General, Washington, D. C., from Oct. 29, '83, to '90. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 6th Inf. Feb. 15, '57, to June 19, '61 ; Acting Regimental Adj. April 29 to July 10, '61. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Present at the battle of Fredericksburg and in the en- gagements on "Stoneinan's Raid " toward Richmond. Sawyer, J. Estcourt (First Lieut. 6th Art.). Born in D. C. Appointed from N. J. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Art. Nov. 11, '67; accepted Nov. 12, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 10, 74. Service Joined the regiment at Columbia, 8. C., and served with it in Maine, Rhode Island, Conn., New York, Md., Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia and Fla., performing the ordinary routine poet duty ; July to Sept., '84, was acting Judge Advocate of the Division of the Atlantic and Dept. of the East; in '85 was in camp at Riverside Park, N. Y., with the 1st battery of Artillery, sent as a guard to the tomb of Gen. Grant ; graduated from the Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., in 71. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., Adjt, Treas. and Signal Officer at various times at different posts ; during the latter half of 77 was in charge of Q. M. Depot at Charleston, S. C. ; from '86 to 88 was A. D. C. to the Commanding General, Division of the Atlantic ; and from Aug., '88, to Feb., '89, A. D. C. to the Comdg. General of the Army. History His great-great-grandfather was in Abercrombie's Army at Ticonderoga in 1758 ; his great-grandfather was a major at Bunker Hill and a lieutenant- colonel at Saratoga; his grandfather was at Bunker Hill, commissioned an ensign in the 1st Regiment U. S. Infantry, and at the storming of Yorktown ; his great- uncles Ephraim was a captain, John a lieutenant and Josiah an ensign in the Revolution ; his father, Horace B., entered the Navy at the age of fifteen ; served through the wars of 1812 and Mexico ; was given a sword by his native State, Vermont, for his part in the action of the "Constitution" ("Old Ironsides ") when she captured the two British frigates, "Cyane" and "Levant;" he died in 1860, after an honorable career of forty-seven years, having attained the highest grade held in the Navy ; his uncles Frederick A., an officer of the Army, and George F., an officer in the Navy served during the wars of 1812 and Mexico; his brother, George A., an officer in the Navy, served through the war-of-the Rebellion ; James Estcourt served during the Rebellion under Admiral Winslow and Chief Engineer Moore, U. S. N., at Boston, and at sea on a man-of-war SAX RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 525 nearly two years ; including this officer, five generations in direct descent have been in the military or naval service of the United States. Saxton, Rufus (Colonel and Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Green- field, Mass., Oct. 19, 1824. Retired. Appointed from Massachusetts; graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '49. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. 3d Art. July 1, '49; 2d Lieut. 4th Art. Sept. 12, '50; 1st Lieut. March 2, '55; Capt. and A. Q. M. May 13, '61 ; accepted May 18, '61 ; Major and Quartermaster July 29, '66 ; Lieut. Col. and Deputy Quartermaster Gen'l June 6, 72 ; Colonel and Ass't Quarter- master Gen'l March 10, '82 ; retired Aug. 28, '88 ; Brig. Gen'l Vols. April 15, '62 ; accepted April 21, '62 ; hon. must, out Jan. 15, '66. Brevet rank Major, Lieut. Col., Colonel, by Brevet, March 13, '65 ; Brig. Gen'l April 9, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; Brevet Major Gen'l Vols. Jan. 12, '65. Honorably mentioned For service conducting exploring expedition across the Continent, received the following recognition : N. P. R. R. EXPLORATION AND SURVEY, CAMP DOBBIN, NEAR FORT BENTON, Sept. 16, 1853. Order No. 18. The Chief of the Expedition congratulates Lieut Saxton and his party upon their safe arrival at Fort Benton, from the Mouth of the Columbia. For indomitable energy, sound judgment, and the most crowning accomplishment. Lieut. Saxton has the thanks of all his associates, and deserves honorable mention at the hands of all men who seek to advance the honor and renown of their country. (Signed) ISAAC I. STEVENS, Governor of Wash. Ter., in charge of Expedition. Not allowed to accept appointment as Colonel 22d Mass. Vols., as will appear from the following : QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, Sept. 27, 1861. MY DEAR CAPTAIN : I beg that you will feel that in advising against your being detailed for the command of the Massa- chusetts Regiment, so flatteringly offered you, I consult only the interests of the public service, and not my own convenience. I heard of it on my return from St. Louis. General Sherman, whose expedition is deferred, not abandoned, whose Army is here temporarily only, protests that no man can take your place, and I think that having gone thus far with the preparation of the expedition it would be a serious injury to have you leave it. I, therefore, have let the matter stand, saying that I could not recommend now (as I did before you were engaged in this particular service) your being allowed to leave the Quartermaster's De- partment to accept higher rank in the Volunteers. I am sure you will feel that I have done right for you and for the country. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, (Signed) M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General. CAPT. RUFXJS SAXTON, U. S. A., New York. He received the following commendatory letter from the Quartermaster Gen'l : QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON CITY, Nov. 16, 1861. CAPTAIN Rurus SAXTON, Chief Quartermaster, Army of the South, Port Royal, 8. C. CAPTAIN : It is very gratifying to me that your chartered vessels have all escaped so well. Some losses of vessels chartered by other parties have occurred, and two steamers purchased by agents of the War De- partment for keeping up the communication between Fortress Monroe and Hatteras during the winter have proved unable to weather uninjured the gale to which all were exposed. Congratulating you upon the success which has thus far attended the expedition, I am, Very truly and respectfully, your friend and servant, M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General. HEADQUARTERS or THE ARMY, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan'y 10, 1862. BRIG. GEN. W. T. SHERMAN, U. 8. V., Commanding, etc.. Port Royal, S. C. SIR : The following is the endorsement of the Quartermaster General on your endorsement of Dec. 16th, in relation to Capt. Saxton, Ass't Quartermaster : "The Quartermaster's Department has no more intelligent or zealous officer. I have no one who could be spared to replace him at present. " If the wishes of officers alone are to govern the department, there are few who will not find temptation, in the high rank attainable in the Volunteer Service, to leave their posts less advantageous in rank than colonelcies of regiments, but more valuable and important to the public service. " I should rejoice were it possible to give Capt. Saxton higher rank ; but I doubt whether it would be possible to put him in a place where he can better serve the country. ****** (Signed) "M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General." I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient ervant, (Signed) L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. 526 KECORD8 OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. SO A 1862, Brigadier Gen'l of Volunteers, in Army of the Potomac, and in command of defenses of Harper's Ferry, Va. ; for this service he received the following : [Letter of thank* from the War Department for defcnte of Harper'* Ferry.] WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., June 17, 1862. To BRIGADIER GENERAL SAXTON. GENERAL: The thanks of this Department are cordially tendered to you for your late able and gal- lant defense of Harper's Ferry against the rebel forces under command of General Jackson. You were placed in command at that point at a moment of extreme danger, and under circumstance* of extraordinary difficulty. By your gallantry and skill great service was rendered to the country, which I feel it to be the duty of this Department to acknowledge and place on record, assuring you at the same time of my personal confi- dence and regard. .Yours truly, (Signed) EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. [Received the following recognition of Bfrvicet from the War-Governor of hit native Stale, John A. Andrew, nf MauachuKtU:] BOSTON, February 15, 1866. MAJ. GEN. Burus SAXTON, Beaufort, 8. O. **** *** GENERAL : But, more than all, I thank you for the fidelity to liberty and justice and to every duty, and the zeal and ability which have distinguished your service of the country and mankind, during the Rebel- lion. Among the sons of Massachusetts, none will leave behind them a more gracious memory, or a more honorable name, than yours. * * *** Believe me always, Your friend and servant, (tfiynrd) JOHN A. ANDREW. Mentioned in the "Records of the Rebellion" as follows: Series i. vol. vi.; series i. vol. xii. part i. ; series i. vol. xii. part iii. ; vol. xi. part iii. ; vol. xiv. series 1. Service Served in Florida Indian War '49-50; in Texas '50-52; N. P. R. R. ex- ploration '53-54; conducted*expedition from the mouth of the Columbia River across the continent to the north of Lewis and Clarke's route through a region of country never traversed by white men ; on Coast Survey duty '55-59 ; Asst. In- structor of Artillery Tactics at Military Academy ; app. Col. of Mo. Vol., but not allowed to accept '61; Chief Q. M. on Staff of Gen. Lyon in military operations in Missouri '61 ; Chief Q. M. on Staff of Gen. McClellan in W. Va. Campaign '61; app. Col. 22d Mass. Vol., but not allowed to accept '61 ; Chief Q. M. of Gen. Sher- man's expeditionary Corps to Port Royal, S. C., and of the Dept. of the South ; had entire charge of organization in New York City of the transportation for this expedition; 13,000 men, 1200 horses, ammunition, heavy siege ordnance, and sup- plies for a six months' siege, were put afloat at once. The fleet passed in safety through one of the severest storms ever known off Cape Hatteras; '62-65, Military Governor of the Department of the South, being charged with the organization and recruitment of colored troops, and command of the District of Beaufort, S. C. Also, between same dates; '65, Superintendent Volunteer Recruiting Service, and Assistant Commissioner of Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands for States of George, South Carolina, and Florida ; '66, Chief Quartermaster on Northern frontier, Major and Quartermaster ; 67-69, Chief Quartermaster, Third Military District and Department of the South; '69-73, Chief Quartermaster, De- partment of the Columbia ; '73-74, Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Lakes; '74-75, Chief Quartermaster, Fourth Quartermaster's District, Depart- ment of the East; '75, in charge of Philadelphia General Depot of the Quarter- master's Department ; '75-79, Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Missouri ; 79-82, Chief Quartermaster, Military Division of the Pacific and Department of California; in charge of Jefferson ville General Depot of the Q. M. Dept. '88; re- tired from active service at the age of 64. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. in Texas '50-52 ; Chief Q. M. N. P. R. R. Exploration '53-4. Commands held Morris Island and of the bombardment of Charleston between '62 and '65. Sayre, Farrand (Second Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in Missouri. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '80 ; graduated June 15, '84. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 8th Cav. June 15, '84. Scantling, John C. (Captain 2d Art). Born in Indiana Oct. 1, 1836. Retir- ing year 1900. Appointed from Ind. Civil life. Actual rank Corpl. Co. K, 9th Ind. Inf., April 20, '61 ; discharged July 29, '61 ; Captain 157th Ind. Inf. April 3, '65; transferred to 155th Ind. Inf. April, '65; Major April 20, '65 ; hon. must, out 8CH RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 527 Aug. 4, '65 ; Pvt. and 1st Sgt. Co. A, 2d Batt. 17th Inf., Jan. 1, '62, to Dec. 31, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. May 11, '66 ; accepted Sept. 6, '66 ; transferred to 33d Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; 1st Lieut. July 1, '68 ; unassigned May 3, '69 ; assigned to 2d Art. Dec. 31, 70 ; Captain May 2, '87. Staff positions occupied A.. A. Q. M. and C. 8. post of Dahlonega, Ga., Jan. 26, '67, to Aug. 9, '68 ; A. A. Q. M. post of Union Springs, Ala., Oct. 23 to Nov. 11, '68 ; A. A. Q. M, and A. C. S. Goldsboro', N. C., May 26 to Nov. 19, '69; on duty in the office of chief commissary of subsistence, Dept. of the South, Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 3, '69, to Jan. 11, 76 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. posts of Marion and Morgantown, N. C., May 31, 75, to Sept. 26, 76 ; Acting Ordnance Officer Washington Barracks, D. C., Oct. '81. Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5 ; en route to the field via Wheeling and Grafton, W. Va. ; Philippi, Laurel Hill and Carrick's Ford Campaigns May, June and July, '61 ; on recruiting service Logansport, Ind., Jan. to July, '62 ; Fort Preble, Maine, Aug. to Dec., '62 ; Falraouth, Va., winter of '62-63 ; Chancellorsville Campaign April 28 to May 6, '63; May 7-June 11, '63, at Falmouth, Va. ; Gettysburg campaign June 11 to July 6, '63 ; cantonment Warrenton Junction, Va., July 26, '63 ; New York City riots Aug.-Sept., '63 ; cantonment Culpepper, Va., Sept.-Oct., '63 ; in the Rapidan campaign Oct. 11-Nov. 7, '63 ; also Mine Run campaign Nov. 26 to Dec. 3, '63; cantonment Kettle Run, Va., guarding the Orange and Alexandria R. R. Dec., '63-May, 64; in hospital, sick, Alexandria, Va., May 10-Aug. ; on det. ser. Fort Preble, Maine, Sept.-Dec. 31, '64; on recruiting service Logansport, Ind., March 20 pany and Alexandria, '66; en route for Mo'bile, Ala., $ept. 21, '66; on duty at post of Macon, Gat, Jan! 8-16, '67; en route to the post of Huntsville, Ala., Aug. 24-25, '68; on leave of absence Sept. 1-Oct. 22, '68; on duty at post of Huntsville, Ala., Noy.-Dec., '68- Jan., Feb., March, '69; on duty post of Columbia, S. C., March, April, May, '69; assigned to duty headquarters Dept. of the South, Atlanta, Ga., May 15, '69 ; as- signed to the 24 Artillery Jan. 1, 71; Fort Cape Disappointment, Washington Territory, Feb. 14, 71-Oct., 72; en route east with regiment commanding Batt. E, 2d Art., Nov. 1-14, 72; on duty Fort Macon, N. C., commanding Battery E, 2dArt., Nov., 72- April, 74; on leave of absence December 9, 72- Jan., Feb., March 8, 73 ; on sick-leave March to June, 73 ; on leave of absence April, 74; at United States Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., May 1, 74, to May, 75; on duty Light Battery A, 2d Art., Fort McHenry, Md., 1st Oct., 76, to 1st Oct., 78 ; on leave of absence July, 77 ; on leave of absence 16th June-15th Aug., '80 ; transferred with battery to Washington Barracks, D. C., 25th Feb., '81 ; on leave of absence 28th Aug.-18th Oct., '81 ; in summer encampment at Camp Washing- ton, Gaithersburg, Md., 22d June to 1st Nov., '82, and 22d June to 10th Oct., '83 ; at present stationed at Fort Warren, Mass., '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the actions at Philippi 3d June, Laurel Hill, July, and Carrick's Ford, W. Va., July, '61 ; at the battle of Chancellorsville 30th April, May 1-4, '63 ; engaged at the battle of Gettysburg July 2-4, '63 ; pursuit of the retreating Confederate Army to Williamsport, Md., being engaged in many minor affairs 6th-15th July, '63 ; re-crossed Potomac at Berlin 17th July, being engaged at Wapping Heights in Mauassas Gap 23d July, '63 ; engaged at the actions of Brandy and Rappa- hannock Stations, Va. Commands held Commanding regiment Dover, Del., and Eastern Shore of Maryland May and Aug., '65 ; Provisional Brigade, Dover, Del., June and July, '65 ; Cos. I and K, 1st Batt. 15th Inf., 29th Oct.-2d Nov. ; in quarantine Fort Mclntosh, Mobile Bay, commanding I and K Cos., 15th Inf. (16 cases cholera), 3d Nov.-19th Nov., '66; post of Mobile, Ala., comdg. Co. I, 15th Inf., Nov.-Dec., '66-Jan., '67 ; en route to the port of Mobile, Ala., 12th-16th Aug., '68 ; comdg. Co. F, 33d Inf. ; commanding Carlisle Barracks, Pa., 1st Oct., 78, to 2d Jan., 79 ; Battery D, 2d Art., Ft. McHenry, Md., Jan., 79, to Sept., '81. Schenck, Alexander D. (First Lieut, 2d Art.). Born in Ohio, Oct. 27, 1843. Retiring year 1907. Appointed from Ala. Cadet at U. S. Military Acad- emy Sep. 29, '63 ; graduated June 17, '67. Actual rank Pvt. Co. F, 1st Ohio 528 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. SCH Inf., April 17, '61 ; discharged Aug. 16, '61 ; Sergt. Co. B, 2d Ohio Inf., Aug. 31, '61 ; discharged Sep. 18, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Art. June 17, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 27, '73. Honorably mentioned Recommended for commission as Colonel of Engi- neers in the ligyptian Army in '74 (declined). Service At Columbus, O., Lan- caster and Philadelphia, Pa., and Washington, D. C.; Manassas Campaign July, '61 ; in operations in Kentucky '61-62 ; acting hospital steward at Louisville, Ky., June-July, '62 ; in Major Gen. Rosecrans' Tenn. Campaign (Rosecrans' Div., Scribner's Brigade, 14th Corps, Army of the Cumberland, Nov. 7, '62, to Jan. 5, '63); at M. A., West Point, N. Y. f till June 17, '67 ; on graduating leave to Oct. 30, '67 ; in garrison at Alcatraz Island, harbor of San Francisco, Cal., to 24th Feb., '68 ; at U. S. Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., to 1st May, '69 ; in garri- son, commanding detachment at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., '69-70; with re- cruits to Tucson, Arizona, '70 ; in command of detachment of recruits to Fort Yuma, Cal. ; Fort Klamath, Ore. ; Fort Vancouver, W. Ter. ; Camp McDermitt, Nev., '70; on leave to March, '71; on duty at Cavalry Recruiting Depot. >t. Louis, Mo., '71; in command of detachment to San Francisco, Cal., '71 ; Camp Tulare, Cal., July-Aug., '71 ; A. A. Q. M. Presidio, Cal., 71-72; Point Jan Jose, Cal., 72 ; Charlotte, N. C., 72-73 ; Fort McHenry, Md., 73-74 ; at State Univer- sity of Iowa, Iowa City, as Professor of military science and tactics 74 to 77 ; en- gaged in organization of Iowa State Guards; at Washington Arsenal, D. C., 77 ; Martinsburg, W. Va. (B. &O. R. R. riots), 77; Fort McHenry, Md., 77; Fort Johnson, N. C., and in charge of the National Cemeteries at Wilmington, New- bern, Raleigh and Salisbury, N. C., and Florence and Beaufort, S. C., 77-80 ; Fort Brown, Texas, '80 ; Fort McHenry, Md., '80 ; Washington Barracks, D. C., '81 ; Yorktown, Va. t celebration '81; Camp at Gaithereburg, Md., '82; with light battery '82 ; Washington Barracks, D. C., '83 ; at various stations till '90 ; on leave at Cold Spring, N. Y., to . Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M., A. C.S. and Post Treasurer at Fort Johnson, N. C., 77 to '80, Battles, skirmishes, etc. En- faged in the action at Vienna, Va., June 17, '61 ; battle of Bull Run, Va., July 1, '61 ; the actions at West Liberty, Ky., Oct., '61, and at Piketon, Ky., Dec., '61; operations in Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama, '62-63, being engaged in the movement on Bowling Green, Ky., and Nashville, Tenn., Feb., '62 ; march to Huntsville, Ala., under Gen. O. M. Mitchell, Feb.-April, '62 ; in skirmishes near Battle Creek, Ala., July, '62 ; in advance to Nashville, Tenn , and into Kentucky, Aug.-Oct., '62, being engaged in the battle of Perrysville, Ky. (wounded), Oct. 8, '62, and in pursuit of Gen. Bragg's rebel forces, and movement to Nashville, Tenn., '62 ; engaged in the battle of Stone River, Tenn., Dec. 31, '62, to Jan. 3, '63 ; ad- vance on Tullahoma, Tenn., June 24 to July 4, '63 ; action at Hoover's Gap, Tenn., June 25-6, '63; passage of Elk River July 3 and Tennessee River Sep. 2, '63 ; movement on Chattanooga, Tenn., to Sep. 8, '63, when received appointment and left the Army to report as cadet at U. S. Military Academy. Schenck, Bard P. (Second Lieut. 12th Inf.). Born in Baltimore, Md., May 8, 1864. Retiring year 1928 ; appointed from New York. Cadet at U. S. Militarv Academy July 1, '83; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. June 12 '87 ; 2d Lieut. 12th Inf. Sept. 1, '87. Service Joined company at Ft. A. Lincoln Sept. 30, '87, and at present serving there. Staff positions occupied Post signal officer, Post range officer and Recruiting officer, Gen. Rec. Service D. D. May 31, '88; Post Adjutant June 6, '88; Post Topographical officer Oct. 0, '88 ; A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. and Post A. O. O. Aug. 10, '89, to Oct. 1, '89. Schindel, Jeremiah P. (Captain 6th Inf.). Born in Penna. Jan. 18, 1839. Retiring year 1903; appointed from Penna. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Sgt. Co. A, 104th Pa. Inf., Sept. 6, '61 ; discharged Nov. 16, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. Oct. 24, '61 ; accepted Nov. 16, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 8, '64 ; Capt. Feb. 25, '68. li rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Aug. 30, '62, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of 2d Bull Run, Va.; Bvt. Capt. July, '63, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Staff position occupied Reg. Q. M. 6th Inf. July 1, '65, to Aug. 1, '66. Schofleld, Charles B. (First Lieut. 2d Cav.). Born in 111. Appointed from 111. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '66 ; graduated June 15, 70. Actual SCH RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 529 rank 2d Lieut. 2d Cav. June 15, 70; 1st Lieut. June 14, 79. Staff position occu- pied A. D. C. October 18, 78, to September 1, '85 ; Adjt. May 1, '86, to October, '88 ; A. D. C. from '88 to . Service Served with the regiment in Montana from Oct., 70, to Aug., 78; in engagement with hostile Indians on Yellowstone River in Aug., 72; served in the Indian campaign of 76, under General Terry; in engagement with hostile Indians May, 77, under General Miles; served in Nez Perces campaign in fall of 77 ; in Washington, D. C., on the staff of General J. M. Schofield, U. S. A., Oct., 78 ; served with Gen. Schofield at West Point from Oct., 78, to Jan., '81 ; at New Orleans from Jan., 81, to May, '81; in Europe to May, '82, and at San Francisco, California, from Oct., '82, to '85, and then in Montana to '88; at present on the staff of Major-Gen. Schofield. Schofield, John M. (Major-General, Commanding the Army). Born in New York Sept. 29, 1831. Retiring year 1895. Appointed from Illinois. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July, '49 ; graduated July 1, '53. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut, of Art. July 1, '53; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. Aug. 31, '53; Major 1st Missouri Vol. Inf. April 26, '61; Captain llth U. S. Inf. May 14, '61 (declined); Captain 1st U. S. Art. May 14, '61 ; Brigadier-General Vols. Nov. 21, '61 ; Brigadier-Gen. Missouri State Militia Nov. 26, '61 ; Major-Gen. U. S. Vols. Nov. 29, '62 ; Brig. Gen. U. S. Army Nov. 30, '64; Major-Gen. U. S. Army March 4, '69. Brevet rank Brevet Major-Gen. U. S. Army March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Franklin, Tenn. Service At Fort Moultrie, S. C., '53 ; in Florida '54-5 ; Act. Asst. Prof, of Natural and Experimental Philosophy at the U. S. Military Academy Nov. 19, '55, to Sep. 30, '56 ; and Asst. Prof. Sept. 30, '56, to Aug. 28, '60 ; on leave of absence, Prof, of Physics at Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., '60-1 ; Mustering Officer for the State of Missouri April 20 to May 20, '61 ; Chief of Staff to General Lyon May 25 to Aug. 10, '61 ; from Aug. to Nov., '61, engaged in re-organizing the 1st Mo. Inf. Vols. as an artillery regi- ment, during which time he hastily put on the cars at St. Louis the men, guns, horses and harness of a battery, and joined our forces near Fredericktown, Mo. ; organized and equipped the battery, and took part in the battle of Fredericktown Oct. 21, '61 ; commanding the District of St. Louis Nov. 27, '61, to Feb., '62, and District of Missouri from Feb. 15 to Sept. 26, '62; organized and commanded the Missouri State Militia during this period ; member of Army and Navy Board to examine the condition and fitness of the Mississippi Gun and Mortar-boat Flo- tilla Dec. 9 to 31, '61 ; from Sept., '62, to April, '63, organized and commanded the Army of the Frontier in Southwest Missouri and Northwest Arkansas, forcing the Confederates south of the Arkansas River ; in command of the 3d Division. 14th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, April 20 to May 13, '63 ; in com- mand of the Department of the Missouri (ex-officio Major-General, commanding Missouri State Militia) May 13, '63, to Jan. 31,' '64, during which time the forces under his command operated with success in Arkansas as far south as Little Rock, and cleared the State of Missouri of armed bands of partisans and guer- rillas ; assigned to and commanded the Department and Army of the Ohio Jan. 31, '64, to Jan. 29, '65, forming the left wing of Gen. Sherman's army (opposing Johnston), participating in all the operations and movements thereof, including the Atlanta campaign. In Oct., '64, he was sent with the 23d Corps to report to General Thomas at Nashville, Tenn., and commanded the troops in the field- opposed to the Confederate General Hood from November 13 to December 1, '64, including the battle of Franklin, November 30; this campaign was ended by the decisive victory gained by General Thomas near Nashville, December 15-16, in which General Schofield participated with the Twenty-third Army Corps ; in pursuit of the Army under General Hood to Jan. 14, '65 ; at this time the 23d Army Corps, Army of the Ohio, General Schofield commanding, was transported, with all its material, from Clifton, Tenn., to Washington, D. C., in fourteen days, and transferred to North Carolina by the 8th of Feb., '65 ; com- manded the Department of North Carolina and Army of the Ohio, Feb. 8, '65, capturing numerous places from the enemy (see list under heading of Battles, etc.), and forming a junction with General Sherman at Goldsboro' March 22/65; pre- sent at Durham's Station, N. C., April 26, '65, and entrusted with the execution 530 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. SCH of the terms of capitulation ; in command of the Department of North Carolina April to June 21, '65 ; on special mission to Europe Nov., '65, to May, '66 ; in command of the Department of the Potomac, Richmond, Va., Aug. 16, '66, to March 13, '67, and of the First Military District of Virginia to June, '68. In com- mand of the Department of the Missouri March 20, '69, to May 3, 70, when he became commander of the Military Division of the Pacific, which he held until July, 76 ; on special mission to the Hawaiian Islands Dec. 30, 72, to April, 73. Appointed Superintendent U. S. Military Academy July, 76, and Commander of the Department of West Point March 2,77, to Jan. 21/81, when he was ordered to the command of the Military Division of the Gulf, which was discontinued May 9, '81, and General Schofield spent a year in travel in Europe. In command of the Military Division of the Pacific Oct. 15, '82, to Nov. 1, '83, when he suc- ceeded Lieut.-General Sheridan in command of the Division of the Missouri ; re- lieved from the command of the Division of Missouri and assigned to the command of the Division of the Atlantic April 13, '86, until assigned to the command of the Army of the United States, by order of the President Aug. 14, '88 ; at pre- sent in command ; President of Board of Ordnance and Fortifications, created by Act of Congress, approved Sept. 22, '88. Battle*, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the affairs at Dug Springs and Curran Post Office Aug. 2-3-4, '61 ; battle of Wil- son's Creek Aug. 10, '61 ; demonstrations on Buzzard's Roost May 8-10, '64; battle of Resaca May 14-15, '64 ; battle of Dallas May 25-8, '64 ; movement against Lost Mountain, with numerous severe engagements, May 28 to June 18, '64; action of Kulp's Farm June 22, '64 ; battle of Kenesaw Mountain June 27 to July 2, '64 ; Passage of the Chattahoochee River July 8, '64; operations and battles in front of Atlanta July 19-22, '64 ; Siege of Atlanta July 22 to Sept. 2, '64 ; affairs at Colum- bia and Spring Hill, Nov. 24-29, '64; and battle of Franklin Nov. 30, '64, which resulted in the repulse of Hood, with a loss of 1,750 killed, 3,800 wounded and about 700 prisoners ; entire loss of the Union Army was 2,300 ; com- manded the 23d Corps in the decisive victory near Nashville Dec. 15-16, '64 ; captured Fort Anderson, N. C., Feb. 19, '65; Wilmington, N. C., Feb. 22, '65, and Kmston on the Neuse March 8-10, '65. Commands held Commanding the Dis- trict of St. Louis Nov. 27, '61, to Feb., '62, and commanded the Missouri State Militia during this period ; commanded the Army of the Frontier in Southwest Missouri and Northwest Arkansas, from Sept., '62, to April, '63; commanded the 3d Division, 14th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, from April 20 to May 13. '63; commanded the Dept. of the Missouri State Militia May 13, '63, to Jan. 31, '64 ; commanded the Dept. and the Army of the Ohio Jan. 31, '64, to Jan. 29, '65 ; commanded the 23d Army Corps (under Gen. Thomas), from Nov. 13, to Dec. 1, '64; commanded the Dept. of North Carolina and Army of the Ohio in Feb. and March, '65; commanded the Dept. of the Potomac Aug. 16, '66, to March 13, '67 ; commanded the First Military District of Virginia to June, '68 ; commanded the Dept. of Missouri March 20, '69, to May 3,70; commanded the Military Division of the Pacific to July, 76 ; commanded the Dept. of West Point, N. Y., March 2, 77, to Jan. 21, '81 ; commanded the Military Division of the Gulf to May 9, 81 ; commanded the Military Division of the Pacific Oct. 15, '82, to Nov. 1, '85 ; commanded the Military Division of the Missouri, from Nov. 1, '83, to April 13, '86; commanded the Military Division of the Atlantic, from April 13, 86, until assigned to the command of the Army of the United States, by order of the President Aug. 14, '88 ; at present in command. History Secretary of War from June 2, '68, to March 14, '69. Schofleld, Richmond McA. (Second Lieut. 4th Cav.) Born in Va Ap- pointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Cav. Feb 11, '89 ; accepted March 8, '89. Schooley, David (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Penna. Retired. Appointed from Penna. Civil Life. Actual rank Capt 2d Pa. Art. Aug. 26, '62; Major April 26, '65 ; hon. must, out Jan. 29, '66 ; Capt. 40th Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Nov. 21, '66 ; transferred to 25th Inf. April 20, '69; retired April 1, '88. NT,- In front of Petersburg, Va., spring of '65; captured by the rebels and exchanged after the surrender ; in North Carolina, and in various Departments from the close of the War of the Rebellion to date of retirement. 8CH RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 531 Schreiner, Herman (Capt. U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Retired; app. from Pa. Civil life. Actual rankG&pt. and Com. of Sub. Aug. 30, '62 ; accepted Sept. 2, '62 ; hon. must, out May 31, '66 ; 2d Lieut, llth Inf. Feb. 24, '66 ; accepted April 26, '66; transferred to 20th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; 1st Lieut. Nov. 1, '66; unassigned May 22, '69; assigned to 9th Cav. Dec. 31, 70; Capt. Dec. 9, 71; retired March 20, '69. Brevet rank Bvt. Major Vol. March 13, '65, " meritorious services in hia department during the war; u Lieut Col. Vol. May 15, '66, "long, faithful and zealous services." Schriver, Edmund (Colonel and Bvt. Major General). Born in Pa. Retired ; appointed from Pa. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '33. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 2d Art. July 1, '33; 2d Lieut. July 31, '34; 1st Lieut. Nov. 1, '36; Capt. and A. A. G. July 7, '38 ; accepted July 12, '38 ; Capt. 2d Art. Aug. 17, '42, to June 18, '46 (resigned July 31, '46) ; Lieut. Col. llth Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted July 2, '61 ; Col. A. A. D. C. Vol. May 18, '62 ; accepted May 21, '62 ; vacated March 13, '63 ; Col. and Inspector General March 13, '63 ; retired Jan. 4, '81. Brevet rank Bvt. Brig. Gen. Aug. 1, '64, faithful and meritorious services in the field ; Maj. Gen. March 13, '65, meritorious and distinguished service during the war. Staff positions occupied Inspector Mil. Acad. July 30, '66, to April 15, 71. Service On garrison duty at the Mili- tary Academy as asst. instructor of Infantry tactics in the Adjutant-General's office in Washington, and in the Florida war to '46, when he resigned (July 31) ; re-entered the army May 14, '61, as Lieut. Col. llth Inf, ; received the appointment of Col. and A. A. D. C. May 18, '62; chief of staff of 1st Corps (Army of the Potomac) March 15, '62, to Jan., '63; participated in the Rappa- hannock and Richmond campaigns; Inspector General of the Military Division of the Pacific; retired Jan. 4, '81, being over sixty-two years of age. Schumm, Herman C. (Second Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in Wis. App. from Wis. ; graduated from Mil, Acad., class of '87. Actual rank Additional 2d Lieut. 3d Art. June 12, '87 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Art. Nov. '20, *87. Schuyler, Walter S. (Captain 5th Cav.). Born in N. Y. App. from N. Y. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of 70. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th Cav. June 15, 70; 1st Lieut. July 29, 76; Capt. April 21, '87. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. May 30, 76, to Jan. 19, '82. Service He joined at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. t Oct. 9, where he served (on escort duty with a surveying party during the summer of 71) until Dec., 71, when he accompanied the second detachment of the regiment, by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of California, to Arizona, and arrived at Camp McDowell in Feb., 72, where he had station, with occasional tours of detached duty, until June ; he then entered upon a tour of field service, which continued, with few interruptions, until Feb., 75 ; /he participated in all the Apache campaigns of that period, and was engaged in the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition of 76 ; served subsequently in the Depts. of the Platte, the Missouri and Texas to '90, his present station being Fort Elliott, Texas. Schwan, Theodore (Major and Assistant Adjutant General). Born in Ger- many, July 9, 1841. Retiring year 1905. Appointed from the army. Actual ra/i/fc Prvt, Corpl., Sergt. and 1st Sergt. Co. K, and Qm. Sergt. 10th Inf. June 12, '57, to Nov. 6, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. Oct. 31, '63 ; accepted Nov. 6, '63 ; 1st Lieut. April 9, '64; Captain March 14, '66; unassigned May 19, '69; assigned to llth Inf. Dec. 13, '69; Major and Asst. Adi. July 6, '86; accepted Aug. 7, '86. Brevet rank- Brevet Captain Oct. 1, '64, "gallant services in the battle of Chapel Houne, Va. ; " Major March 2, '67, " gallant and meritorious services during the war." Staff positions occupied E,. Q. M. 10th Inf. Dec. 6, '64, to March 14, '66; burg, Va. ; Q. M. of the Prov. Mar. Gen.'s Brigade, Army of the Potomac, April, '65 ; Depot Q. M. and Chief Q. M. Dist. of Minnesota, Fort Snelling, Minn., from May, '66, to May, '67. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion from '61 to '65 ; at Fort Lafayette, N. Y. Harbor, to April, '64 ; in N. Y. Harbor ; Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y. (protecting property), and at Fort Porter, N. Y., Oct.> 532 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. SCO '64, to April, '65; at FortSnelling May, '66, to May, '67; on leave of absence from May to Oct., '67 ; commanding Co. at Fort Snelling, Minn., to April, '69 ; Unas- signed May, '69; on duty at Galveston, Indianola, Corpus Christi and Jefferson, Texas, '69; on frontier duty at Ft. Griffin, Tex., 70-73 and 74-76 (the interven- ing ten months having been spent on sick leave of absence), and at Cheyenne River agency, D. T., Fort Custer, M. T., Cheyenne River agency, D. T., and Fort Sully, D. T., 76-80; on recruiting service at David's Island, N. Y., '80-2; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., '82 to '86 ; at Washington, D. C., '86, to present time. Com- mands held Commanding regiment at the battle of Chapel Houee, Va. ; com- manding Co. at Fort Snelling, Minn., May, '66, to May, '67. Schwenk, Samuel K. (Captain and Bvt. Lieut. 'Col. U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Retired. App. from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 50th Pa. Inf. Sept. 9, '61 ; Capt. Nov. 1, '62 ; hon. must out Oct. 12, '64; Major 50th Pa. Vet. Inf. Feb. 28, '65 ; Lieut. Col. May 18, '65 ; hon. must, out July 30, '65 ; Capt. 9th U, S. Vet. Inf. Oct. 25, '65; hon. must. out. April 25, '66; 1st Lieut. 41st Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Dec. 28, '67; Capt. Dec. 16, '67 ; unsigned Nov. 11, '69; assigned to 8th Cav. Dec. 31, 70; retired May 17, 76 (wounds in line of duty). Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the bat- gallantry before Petersburg and in the assault on Fort Steadman, Va. ; Col. and Brig. Gen. Vol. July 24, '65, meritorious services during the war. Maff positi occupied Adj. 41st Inf. July 1, '67, to Dec. 16, '67. Service In the field in the War of the Rebellion from '61 to '65 ; at Indianapolis, Ind., to Novem- ber, '65; at Jackson, Miss., to April, '66; joined 41st Inf. at Baton Rouge, La.; at Brownsville, Tex., June to August, '67, and at various post* till May, 76, when he was retired. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the action of Port Royal Ferry, S. C., battles of second Bull Run, Va., Chantilly, South Mountain (woun- ded), and Antietam ; engaged at the battle of Fredericksburg, siege of Vicksburg, (wounded), Fort Steadman, Petersburg, and operations terminating in the sur- render of General R. E. Lee. Scott, Albert B. (Second Lieut. 13th Inf.). Born at San Antonio, Texas, Oct. 28, 1858. Retiring year 1922. Appointed from Md. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, 76 ; graduated June 12, '80. Artu.,1 rant: 2<1 Lieut. 13th Inf. June 12, '80. N >>/,, On duty at Colorado, N. M., from Oct., '80, to Jan., '81 ; at Ft. Wingate, N. M., till Feb., '85 ; at Ft. Craig, N. M., till July, '85 ; at Ft. Wingate, N.M., till June, '88; at Ft. Elliott, Texas, till Oct., '88; at the Md. Agricultural College as Prof, of Military Science and Tactics from Oct., '88, to present time. HistoryHe is a grandson of Gen. R. H. K. Whiteley, Colonel (retired). Scott. Douglas M. (Captain and C. S.). Born in Massachusetts. Ap- pointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th Cav. June 19, '67 ; accepted July 6, '67 ; transferred to 1st Inf. Sept. 16, '69; 1st Lieut. June 28, 78 ; Captain Feb. 20, '84; Capt, and Com. of Sub. Dec. 10, '88 ; accepted Jan. 24, '89; Malpositions occupied A. D. C. Sept. 5, 72, to Oct. 31, 73. Scott, George L. (First Lieutenant 6th Cav.). Born in Oregon. App. from Oregon ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of 75. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 6th Cav. June 16, 75 ; 1st Lieut. May 29, '81. Scott, Hugh L. (First Lieutenant 7th Cav.). Born in Kentucky. App. from N. J.; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of 76. Actual rant: 2d Lieut. 9th Cav. June 15, 76 ; transferred to 7th Cav. June 26, 76 ; 1st Lieut. June 28, 78. Ser- viceOn Sioux expedition from Fort A. Lincoln, D. T., Oct., 76; on Nez Perce expedition 77 ; on scout from Fort A. Lincoln towards the Black Hills Dec., 77: on the Black Hills and Cheyenne Indian expedition 78; on frontier garrison duty at Fort Totten, D. T., from Dec., 78, to Oct., '82 ; on frontier and garrison SOU RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 533 duty at Fort Meade, D. T., from '82 to '88; in Indian Territory since '88; present station being Fort Sill, '90. Scott, Walter S. (First Lieutenant 25th Inf.). Born in Arkansas. App. from Cal. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 25th Inf. Oct. 31, 74 ; accepted Nov. 16, 74; 1st Lieut. March 22, 79. Scott, William H. (Post Chaplain). Born in Pennsylvania. App. from 111. Civil life. Actual rank Post Chaplain Feb. 19, '84; accepted March 24, '84. Scott, William S. (Second Lieutenant 1st Cav.). Born in Texas. App. from Texas; graduated from the Mil. Acad., class of '80. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st Cav. June 12, '80. Scott, Winfleld (Post Chaplain). Born in Mich., Feb. 26, 1837. Retiring year 1901 ; appointed from Nev. Civil life. Actual rank Capt. 126th N. Y. Inf. Aug. 22, '62 ; hon. must, out Sept. 23, '64 ; Post Chaplain July 27, '82 ; ac- cepted Aug. 14, '82. Honorably mentioned Recommended by Brigade and Divis- ion Commander Col. C. D. McDougall, lllth N. Y. Vols. and Brig. Gen. Francis C. Barlow, for promotion to the Colonelcy of the regiment for gallantry, but was mustered out Sept. 23, '64, from wounds, S. O. Adj. Gen. Office No. 265, before commission was received. Service In the field in the War of the Rebellion from Aug. 22, '62, to Sept. 23, '64 ; captured, paroled and exchanged with the regiment Nov. 19, '62 ; Asst. Provost Marshal of Abercrombie's Div., with Hdqrs. at Center- ville, Va., from March, '63, to June 24, '63 ; joined the 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, June 24, '63. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In battle of Harper's Ferry, Va., Sept. 13 to 15, '62; severely wounded on Maryland Heights, Md., Sept. 13, '62 ; battle of Gettysburg, Pa., from July 1 to July 5, '63 (wounded twice) in battles of Auburn Ford and Bristoe Station, Oct. 14, '63 ; campaign of Mine Run from Nov .7 to Dec. 1, '63 ; battles of Morton's Ford Feb. 6, '64 ; Wilderness May 6 and 7, '64 ; Todd's Tavern May 8, '64 ; Po River May 10, '64 ; Spottsylvania at the bloody angle May 12, and again at same place May 18, '64 ; wounded in the breast May 12 slightly ; wounded very severely in right thigh with shell May 18, '64. Commands held In command of the 126th N. Y. Vol. May 1, '64 ; com- manded the 126th and 125th Regts. of N. Y. Vol., consolidated for fighting pur- poses, from May 6, '64, to May 18, '61 History Graduate of the University of Rochester, N. Y., class of '59; Rochester Theological Seminary '61 ; honorary de- gree of D. D. conferred by California College '81 ; received marksman's button and badge '83-84-85-86 and '89; sharpshooter's badge '87. Scriven, George P. (First Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in Pa. Appointed from 111. Graduated from the Mil. Acad., Class of 78. Actual rank2d Lieut. 8th Inf. June 14, 78 ; transferred to 3d Art. June 13, 79; 1st Lieut. Apr. 6, '85. Scully, James W. (Major and Quartermaster, Bvt. Colonel). Born in Ireland, Feb. 19, 1837. Retiring year 1901. Appointed from Tenn. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and R. Q. M. 10th Tenn. Inf. July 14, '62 ; Lieut. Col. Aug. 21, '63 ; Col. June 6, '64 ; hon. must, out May 25, '65 ; Capt. and A. Q. M. Vol. Sept, 25, '65 ; accepted Oct. 2, '65 ; vacated Oct. 2, '65 ; Priv., Corp. and Sergt. Co. K, 1st Art., Sept. 20, '56, to Sept. 20, '61 } Capt. and A. Q. M. Sept. 27, '65 ; accepted Oct. 2, '65 ; Major and Q. M. Jan. 25, '83. Brevet rank En. Major Sept. 27, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Mill Springs, Ky.; Lieut. Col. Sept. 27, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn.; Col. Sept. 27, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Nash- ville, Tenn. Service With regiment in the Army of the Cumberland ; comdg. regiment and troops on Nashville and N. W. Railroad to June, '64 ; special service with regiment and disbursing officer of quartermaster's and commissary depart- ments of expedition against Gen. Morgan in Tenn.; Quartermaster-General State of Tenn. Aug. to Nov., '64 ; commanding regiment in the field ; depot quarter- master Natchez, Miss., Jan. to May, '66; depot quartermaster Vicksburg, Miss., to June, '67 ; inspector of the Freedmen's Bureau, State of Miss., Dec., '67, to Feb., '68 ; depot quartermaster Vicksburg, Miss., to March, '69 ; inspecting duty Texas, April to July, '69 ; depot and post quartermaster Corpus Christi, Texas, to June, 70; Ringgold Barracks, Texas, Aug., 71 ; Sioux City, Iowa, Dec., 71, to 534 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 8EL April, 72 ; Fort Rice, Dakota, 72 to 78 ; Camp Thomas, A. T., 79 to '82 ; Fort Adams, '83 ; and at various other stations till '90 ; present station, Atlanta, Ga. Sears, Clinton B. (Captain of Engineers). Born in N. Y. June 2, 1844. Retiring year, 1908 ; appointed from Va. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 16, '63 ; graduated June 17, '67. Actual rank Pvt. and Corpl. Co. G, 95th Ohio Inf., July 24, '62, to Sept. 15, '63 ; 2d Lieut. Eng. June 17, '67 ; 1st Lieut. June 17, '67 ; Capt. April 9, '80. Honorably mentioned Rj G. O. No. 53, 1863, Hdqrs. 95th Regt. Ohio Vol. Inf., is specially commended tor gallantry in volun- teering to carry the regimental colors, and he was appointed Color Sergeant Apr. 25, '63 ; meritorious mention by name in G. O. No. 66, 1863, Hdqrs. 15th Army Corps, and recommended to Sec. of War for appointment as Cadet at U. S. Mili- tary Academy; also recommended for cadetship by Gens. Grant and Sherman. Service Participated in Buell's campaign after Bragg ; and in Rosecrans' Stone River campaign, being on detached auty ; rejoined regiment in Feb., '63, at Mem- phis, Tenn., and participated in the Vicksburg campaign, and in several minor en- gagements ; accepted a cadetship to which he had been appointed by President Lincoln ; asst. instructor artillery tactics and practical military engineering at U. S. Military Academy July 5 to Aug. 31, '67 ; on duty with Engineer Battalion Nov. 1, '67, to Feb. 1, '69; asst. instructor practical military engineering, signal- ing and telegraphy at U. 8. Military Academy to Feb. 1, 70; assistant engineer on Lake Erie harbor improvements to March 23, 70 ; engineer officer on the gen- eral staff Military Div. of the Pacific to July 21, 70 ; chief engineer on staff of Genl. Canby, Dept. of the Columbia, to May 6, 71 ; assistant engineer on the de- fenses of San Francisco Harbor to Aug. 14, 71 ; executive engineer in charge of improvement of Wilmington Harbor, Cal., to Sept. 3, 75; temporarily detached Feb., 73, to make a survey for the improvement of Estero Bay, at Moro, Cal. ; on leave Oct. 1, 75, to Jan. 1, 76; assistant engineer defenses of Boston Harbor to Aug. 28, 76 ; at the U. S. Military Academy as principal assistant Professor of Civil and Military Engineering to Aug. 25, 77 ; Prin. Asst. Prof. Geography, History and Ethics to July 1, 78; and Prin. Asst. Prof, of Nat. and Ex. Philoso- phy and Astronomy to April 13, '82; also during the last year in charge of the construction of the new astronomical observatory at West Point ; executive offi- cer Construction Department, Mississippi River Commission, with station at St. Louis, Mo., from April, '82, to April, '84 ; in charge of 3d Dist. improving Miss. River, with station at Vicksburg, Miss., and afterwards at Memphis, Tenn., to May 14, '86; temporarily in charge of the 2d Dist. from Aug. 31, '84, to March 10, '85; and of the 1st and 2d Diste. from July 6 to Oct. 6, '85; on leave of ab- sence to Sept. 14, '86 ; in charge of th improvement of Upper Missouri and Yel- lowstone Rivers, and from March 28, '87, of the improvement of Roads and Bridges Yellowstone National Park to April 16, '88, with station at Bismarck, D. T., and afterward at St. Paul, Minn.; Asst. to the Chief of Engineers in charge of the 1st and 2d Div. of the office at Washington, D. C., to the present time; on special duty in June, '89, at Johnstown, Pa., in charge of construction of pontoon bridges in aid of the survivors of the great flood. Battle*, skirmishes, etc. Was in the battle of Richmond, Ky., battle of Perryville, Ky., both assaults on Vicksburg, Miss., and two attacks on Jackson, Miss. History Member American Society of Civil Engineers ; Fellow National Academy of Design ; member Military Order Loyal Legion, U. 8. ; honorary degrees of A. B. from Ohio Wes. University, '81 ; of A. M., '84. Seay, Samuel, Jr., (Second Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in Tennessee. Ap- pointed from Tenn. Graduated from Military Academy, Class of '87. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 21st Inf. June 12, '87. Sehon, John L. (Second Lieut. 4th Inf.). Born in Georgia. Appointed from Ky. Civil life. Actual rank -2d Lieut. 4th Inf. Oct. 10, '83; accepted Oct. 12, '83. Seibold, John S. (Post Chaplain). Born in New York.| Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Post Chaplain April 1, '86 ; accepted May 1, '86. Sellmer, Charles (First. Lieut. 3d Art. Bvt. Capt.). Born in Germany Feb. 20, 1832. Retiring year 1896. App. from Me. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl., 8EY RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF IT. S. ARMY. 535 llth Me. must. Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. D., 1st Art., Nov, 8, '54, to June 30, '63 ; lat Lieut. 1H Inf., June 13, T 63 ; Capt. July 17, '64 ; Bvt. Lieut.-Col. Mar. 13, '65 ; hon. out Feb. 9, '66; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf., Sept. 2, '67; accepted Sept. 17, '67 ; unassigned Apr. 17, '69 ; assigned to 3d Art. July 14, '69 ; 1st Lieut. July 2 T 77. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Sept. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Fort Gregg, Va. ; Bvt. Capt. Sept. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Appomattox Court House, Va. ; Bvt. Maj. Vol. April 2, '65, for con- spicuous gallantry in the assault on Fort Gregg, Va.; Bvt. Lieut.-Col. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service In the field in the War of the Rebellion from '63 to '65 ; on det. ser. depot C. S. Charleston, S. C., from June, '69, to Sept., 70 ; on det. service with detachment of recruits for 3d Art. at Atlanta, Ga. ; joined Battery D at Key West, Fla., Feb. 71 ; transferred to Art. School, Fort Monroe, Va. ; graduated number 6 April 25, 72 ; joined Battery H at Fort Pulaski, Ga., May, 72 ; on riot duty from July 20 to October 27, 77 ; changed station to Fort Barrancas, Fla., Nov., '81 ; transferred to Light Battery F at San Antonio, Tex., March 8, '83 ; to Battery L, Washington Barracks, D. C., and inspector-general of Department of Va; A. A. Q. M. at different posts for five years and as A. C. S. for six years. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in following engagements : siege of Charleston, S. C. ; Richmond and Petersburg Turnpike, Va., 7 to 10 May, '64; Drury Bluff, Va., 12 to 16 May, '64; Bermuda Hundred, Va., May 16 to June 21, '64; Strawberry Plains, Va., 26 July, '64; Deep Bottom, Va., July 28 and 14 Aug., '64 ; Fussell's Mill, Va., 16 and 18 Aug., Petersbnrg, Va., 27 Aug. to 25 Sept., '64; Newmarket Road, Va., 29 Sept., 3 and 7 Oct., '64 ; Darbytown and Charles City Roads, Va., 13, 27 and 28 Oct., '64 ; New Market Heights, Va., 10 Dec., '64; Hatcher's Run, Va., 30 March to April, '65 ; assault on Fort Gregg, Petersburg, Va., April 2, '65 ; Rice's Station, Va., 6 April, '65 ; Deer Creek, Va., 7 April, '65 ; Appomattox Court House, Va., 9 April, '65 ; wounded by bursting of " Swamp Angel " gun (internal injury to left ear), and slightly at Fussell's Mill, Va., August 18, '64. Commands held In command of Battery I at Fort McHenry Oct. 21, '86, to Oct., '88 ; in command of several bat- teries during the siege of Charleston, S. C. (one of them the famous Swamp Angel while bombarding the city). Seton, Henry (Captain 4th Inf.). Born in New York Nov. 25, 1841. Retir- ing year 1905. Appointed from New York Civil life. Actual rank Capt. 54th N. Y. Vol. Inf. April 16, '64; hon. must, out April 14, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Inf. May 11, '66 ; accepted June 7, '66 ; 1st Lieut. May 17, 72 ; Capt. Jan. 3, '85. Seyburn, Stephen Y. (First Lieutenant 10th Inf.). Born in Maine November 7, 1856. Retiring year 1920. Appointed from Louisiana Civil life. Actual rank Second Lieut. 10th Infantry October 15, 75; ac- cepted Oct. 26, 75 ; 1st Lieut. March 17, '83. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 10th Inf. Jan. 1, '89. Service Joined regt. Nov., 75; assigned to duty at San Antonio, Tex.; joined Co. at Ft. Concho, Tex., Dec. 17, 75; served with expedition under Gen. Shafter against hostile Lipan and Apache Indians during summer of 76, and took part in various raids made by that expedition into Mexico ; on scouting duty in command of mounted detachments during latter part of year on Staked Plains and Mexican border ; stationed at Forts Duncan and Clark, Texas, winter 77 ; accompanied expedition against Apache Indians in the Santa Rosa Mountains, Coahuila, Mexico, Jan., 77; took part in raid upon Indian villages near the town of Zaragoza, Coahuila, Mexico, with Lieuts. Bullis and Phelps Sept., 77; rejoined company April, 78, and accompanied it on expedition under General R. S. Mackenzie into Mexico May until Dec., 78; served with regiment on garrison duty at Forts Wayne, Detroit, Mich., Porter, Buffalo, N. Y., and Camp Garfield, Cleveland, Ohio, from May, 79, to June 1, '84 ; on duty at Fort Union, New Mexico, from June, '84, until the fall of '85, from which time served in the field against Chiricahua Apaches under Geronimo up to Sept., '86 ; on duty 536 EECOEDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. SHA as recruiting officer at this station since Sept. 6, '86 ; stationed to present time at Fort Marcy, Santa Fe, N. M. Seymour, Truman (Major and Brevet Major Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Ver- to 5th Art. May 14, '61 ; Brig. Gen. April 28, '62 ; accepted May 6, '62 ; honorably mustered out Aug. 24, '65; Major 5th Art. Aug. 13/66; retired Nov. 1, 76, at his own request, over 30 years' service. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. April 18, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Cerro Gordo ; Brevet Cap- tain Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco; Brevet Major April 14, '61, for gallant and meritorious services during the defense of Fort Sumter, S. C. ; Brevet Lieut. Col. Sept. 14, '62, for gal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of South Mountain, Aid.; Brevet Col. Sept. 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Md. ; Brevet Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the cap- ture of Petersburg, Va. ; Brevet Major Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meri- torious services in the field during the war ; Brevet Major Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, for ability and energy in handling his division and for gallantry and valuable services in action. Shafber, William R. (Colonel 1st Inf.). Born in Michigan, Oct. 16, 1835. Ketiring year 1899. Appointed from Mich. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 7th Mich. Inf. Aug. 22, '61 ; hon. must, out Aug. 22, '62 ; Major 19th Mich. Inf. Sept. 5, '62 ; Lieut. Col. June 5, '63 ; hon. must, out April 18, '64 ; Col. 17th U. S. Inf. April 19, 64; Brevet Brig. Gen. March 13, '65 ; hon. must, out Nov. 2, '66; Lieut. Col. 41st Inf. July 28, V 66 ; accepted Jan. 26, '67 ; unassigned March 15, '69 ; assigned to 24th Inf. April 14, '69 ; Col. 1st Inf. March 4, 79. Brevet rank Brevet Col. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fair Oaks, Va.; Brevet Brig. Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned In the " Records of the Rebelli series 1, vol. xi. part 1, pages 808-812; vol. xxiii. part 1, pages 84-90-96-100-41 G. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown ; action of West Point ; battles of Fair Oaks, Savage Station, Glendale and Malvern Hill ; engaged at the action of Thompson Station, Tenn. (taken prisoner March, '63, and exchanged May, '63). Shaler, Charles (Captain of Ordnance). Born in Pa. May 23, 1843. Retiring year 1907 ; app. from Fla.; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '67. Actual rank Sergt. Co. I, 12th Pa. Inf., April 25, '61 ; discharged Aug. 5, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Art. June 17, '67 ; transferred to Ordnance July 5, '67 ; 1st Lieut. June 23, 74 ; Capt. March 4, 79. Service Asst. at Rock Island Arsenal to '68 ; on duty at M. A. '68-70 ; Asst. at Rock Island Arsenal 70-74; Asst. Instructor of Ord. and Gun- nery at M. A. 74-77 ; Asst. at San Antonio Arsenal 77-78 ; Chief of Ordnance Department of South 78-80; Asst. to Constructor of Ordnance, Boston, Mass., '80-81 ; member of Ordnance Board, N. Y., '81-82 ; member to Ordnance Board '82-83 ; at Watervliet Arsenal, Troy, N. Y., '90. Shanks, David C. (Second Lieut. 18th Inf.). Born in Va. App. from Va.; fraduated from Mil. Acad., class of '84. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. June 5, '84. Shannon, William C. (Captain and Assistant Surgeon). Born in N. H. May 8, 1851. Retiring year 1915; app. from Maine Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. June 26, 75; accepted July 2, 75; Capt. and Asst. Surg. June 26, '80. Service Ordered to Mil. Div. of the Atlantic, July 20, 75 ; at Fort Porter, N. Y., to April, 76 ; ordered to Dept. of Texas April 8, 76 ; at Fort Clark, Tex., to Oct., 76; Post Surgeon Fort Duncan, Tex., to March, 77; at Fort Clark, Tex., to attending Surgeon Hdqrs. Dept. of the Platte March to Oct., '85 ; on leave of SHA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TT. S. ARMY. 537 absence to Feb., J 86 ; Fort Warren, Mass., to Aug., '88 ; Fort Meade, Dak., to July, '89; Fort Yates, Dak., to Nov., '89 ; Fort Apache, Ariz., to . Sharp, Alexander (Major U. S. A.). Born in Pa. July 29, '25. Retired ; app. from Mo. Civil life. Actual rank Major and Paymaster Jan. 26, 77 ; ac- cepted March 19, 77; retired July 29, '89. Sharp, Frederick D. (First Lieut. 20th Inf.). Born in Mo. Appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 20th Inf. Dec. 14, '76 ; accepted Jan. 1,77; 1st Lieut. Sept. 19, '84. Sharp, Thomas (Captain 17th Inf.). Born in Pa. Dec. 6, 1836. Retiring year, 1900 ; appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual ran Pvt. Co. A, 7th Pa. Res. Inf., April 21, '61 ; discharged Nov. 18, '61 ; Capt. 65th U. S. Colored Inf. Dec. 29, '63 ; hon. must, out Aug. 15, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 41st U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Feb. 12, '67; 1st Lieut. Feb. 14, '68; unassigned Nov. 11, '69; assd. to 1st Inf. Jan. 1, 71 ; trs. to 17th Inf. April 23, 78 ; Capt. Nov. 26, '84. Sharpe, Alfred C. (First Lieut. 22d Inf.). Born in Ohio Sept. 12, 1850. Retiring year, 1914 ; appointed from Iowa. Cadet July 1, 72 ; resigned June 29, 75. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 10th Cav. June 21, 76 ; accepted July 26, 76 ; transferred to 22d Inf. July 28, 76 ; 1st Lieut. June 30, '81. Honorably mentioned Recommended by Col. E. S. Otis for brevet for " conspicuous bravery and fear- less exposure " in actions against hostile Sioux Indians near Clear Creek, Mont., Oct. 15 and 16, 76. Service In the field in Montana under command of Col. E. S. Otis and Gen. N. A. Miles fall and winter 76-77, and spring 77; at Chicago and Wilkesbarre, Pa., during labor riots summer and fall 77 ; at Detroit (Fort Wayne) 78-9; Forts McKavett, Clark and Griffin, Texas, '80-2; Fort Lyon, Colorado, '83 ; Prof. Military Science and Tactics, Wooater University, Ohio, '84-88; Inspector Ohio National Guard '87-8; Fort A. Lincoln, North Dakota, '88-90. Staff positions occupied A. C. S. and A. A. Q. M. Fort Lyon, Col., '83 ; Post Adjutant, Fort Griffin, Texas, '80-1 ; A. A. A. Gen. staff of Gov. of Ohio '88. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Near Clear Creek, M. T., with hostile In- dians, Oct. 10-11, 76, and Oct. 15-16, 76 ; Muddy Creek, M. T., May 1, 77. Commands held Commanding Co. I, 22d Inf., '81-2 and '89 ; Post of Fort Griffin, Texas, '80. History Descended from Horatio Sharpe, Provincial Gov. of Mary- land, maternal grandson of Captain Nicholas Snider, Adjutant 3d Maryland Reg- iment, War of 1812, and subsequently ('30-41) U. S. Marshal of Maryland. Re- moved from Ohio to Iowa in boyhood. Resigned from M. A. at end of third year on account of severe accident at Cavalry drill, necessitating protracted course of special surgical treatment. While stationed at Detroit read law and was examined and admitted to the Bar by the Supreme Court of Michigan April 17, 79 ; detail as Prof, of Military Science extended one year and three months pursuant to the following authority : WAR DEp't, ADJ'T GENL'S OFFICE, ) WASHINGTON, Dec. 23, 1886. / The President of the University of Wooster, Wootter, Ohio. SIR, I have the honor to 'inform jou that, aa a recognition of the success of First Lieut. Alfred 0. Sharpe, 22d Infantry, as Professor of Military Science and Tactics at the University of Wooater, aa shown by the report of Colonel Roger Jones, Inspector General, the Secretary of War authorizes the retention of that officer on duty at the University until July 1, 1888. Very respectfully, Your Obedient Servant, R. 0. DRUM, Adjutant General. Gold Medallist Military Service Institution '87; subject of Essay, "Organiza- tion and Training of a National Reserve for Military Service." Board of Award Gen. H. W. Slocum, N. Y. ; Gov. J. B. Gordon, Ga. ; Gov. J. F. Hartranft, Pa. Sharpe, Henry G. (Captain and Commissary of Subsistence). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y.; graduated from Military Academy, class of '80. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. June 12, '80 ; resigned June 1, '82 ; Capt. and Com. ot Sub. Sept. 12, '83; accepted Sept. 19, '83. Shattuck, Amos B. (Second Lieut. 6th Inf.). Born in N. H. Appointed from N. H.; graduated from Military Academy, class of '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. July 1, '86. Shaw, Richard G. (Capt. 1st Art.). Born in R. I., June 29, 1832. Retiring year 1896 ; appointed from R. I. Civil life. Actual raw Capt. 3d R. I. Art. 34 538 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. SHE Sept. 7, '61; hon. must, out Jan. 13, '64; Major 14th R. I. C. Art. Jan. 31, '64; hon. must, out Oct. 2, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. March 27, '66; accepted May 4, '66 ; 1st Lieut. July 28, '66 ; Capt. Sept. 20, '83. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services on Morris Island, S. C. Shea, Thomas (Lieutenant Colonel U.S.A.). Born in Indiana. Retired; f T-. J />! .11 MC- t ~t 7 1, 1 -A T:~.,4. Of)J T_tf A .,~ 1K >1 . /^l^ Capt. June 5, '67; accepted June 6, '67; transferred to 17th Inf. May 27, '69; re- tired with rank of Lieut. Col. Dec. 15, '70 (loss of left arm from wound in line of duty). Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. and Major March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in action at Rome, Ga.; Lieut. Col. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Peach Tree Creek, Ga.; Col. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services during the war. Shepherd, Oliver L. (Colonel and Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in New York. Retired ; app. from N. Y.; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '40. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. July 1, '40; 2d Lieut. 3d Inf. Oct. 2, '40 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 3, '45 ; Capt. Dec. 1, '47 ; Lieut. Col. 18th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 25, '61; Col. 15th Inf. Jan. 21, '63; retired at his own request for over thirty years' service Dec. 15, '70. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. August 20, '47, gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco ; Major Sept. 13, '47, gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Chapultepec ; Col. May 17, '62, gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Corinth, Miss.; Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Stone River, Tenn. Ser- vice Served in the Florida war, the Military Occupation of Texas and the war with Mexico; on garrison and frontier duty, including scouting and skirmishing with Indians, to '61 ; participated in the Tennessee and Mississippi campaigns of '61-2: Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, National Bridge, Plan del Rio, Oka Lake, Contreras, Churubusco. Chaj>- ultepec and capture of the city of Mexico. Commands held Commanded a bri- gade of regulars in the battles of Stone River '62-3. Sheridan, Michael V. (Major and Assist. Adjutant-General, Bvt. Lieut. Col.). Born in Ohio May 24, 1840. Retiring year 1904. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 2d Mo. Inf. Sept. 7, '63, to June 28, '64 ; Capt. A. D. C. May 18, '64; accepted June 29, '64; Bvt. Major March 13, '65; hon. must, out Aug. 1, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Cav. Feb. 23, '66; accepted April 12, '66; Capt. 7th Cav. July 28, '66; accepted Oct. 23, '66; Major A. A. G. June 7, '83; accepted June 11, '83. Brevet rank Bvt. Major March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Opequan ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fisher's Hill, Va. ; Brevet Major Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services. Service In the field in the War of the Rebellion from '63 to '65 ; accompanied General Sheridan on expe- dition to join General Sherman's army April 24 to May 3, '65; thence to Dept. Gulf, where served till mustered out of volunteer service Aug. 1, '66 ; on duty as Major and Assist. Adjutant-General at War Department to Oct. 31, '89; Adjut. General Department Platte from Nov. 1, '89, to present time. Staff positions oc- cupiedA. D. C. June 3, '67, to March 13, '69 ; Lieut. Col. A. D. C. to the Lieut. Gen. Aug. 1, '70, to April 9, '78; Lieut. Col. and Mil. Sec. to the Lieut. Gen. April 9, 78, to June 1, '88 ; Col. A. D. C. to the Gen. June 1, '88, to Aug. 5, '88. battle Spottsylvania C. H., May 8, '64 ; on raid to Haxall Landing and return to Chatfield Station May 9 to 24, '64, during which was in action at Beaver Dam May 10, '64; battle Yellow Tavern May 11, '64, and combat of Meadow Bridge May 12, '64; in actions of Hanovertown and Tolopotomy Creek May 27, '64; bat- tle of Hawes' Shop May 28, '64 ; action at Metadequin Creek May 30, '64 ; battle of Cold Harbor May 31 and June 1/64; on expedition to Trevillian Station and SHE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 539 return June 7 to 28, '64; in battle Trevillian Station June 11 and 12, '64; action atTunstall Station June 21, '64; action at St. Mary's Church June 24, '64, and action at Darbytown, June 28, '64; accompanied Major-General Sheridan to Army Sfcenandoah Aug. 4, '64 ; in battle of Opequan (often miscalled Winches- ter) Sept. 19, '64; battle Fisher's Hill Sept. 22, '64, and arrived on battle-field of Cedar Creek from Martinsburg, Va., just as the battle was won by a general attack on rebel lines ; accompanied Major-General Sheridan from Winchester to Petersburg Feb. 27 to March 24, '65, and in the last campaign of General Grant's armies around Petersburg and Richmond, and to Appomattox from March 25 to April 9, '65, during which was in battle of Dinwiddie C. H., March 31, '65; battle of Five Forks April 1, '65; battle of Sailor's Creek May 6, '65; action at Appo- mattox Station April 8, '65 ; at the surrender of Lee's army April 9, '65, and the evening of that day reported personally to General Lee to inform him that 25,000 Union rations were ordered sent into his camp for his starving soldiers. Sherman, William T. (General U. S. A.). Born in Ohio Feb. 8, 1820. Re- tired. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '36 ; graduated July 1, '40. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d Art. July 1, '40 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 30, '41 ; Captain Com. Sub. Sept. 27, '50; resigned Sept. 6, '53; Colonel 13th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 19, '61 ; Brig. General May 17, '61 ; accepted Aug. 16, '61 ; Major General May 1, '62; accepted May 2, '62 ; vacated Aug. 12, '64; Brig. General July 4, '63 ; Major General Aug. 12, '64 ; Lieut. General July 25, '66 ; accepted Aug. 1, '66; General March 4, '69 ; accepted March 8, '69; re- tired Feb. 8, '84. Commission conferred for distinguished services Major General Aug. 12, '64, for gallant and distinguished services as Commander of the Missis- sippi Division in the conduct of the campaign in Georgia. Brevet rank Brevet Captain May 30, '48, for gallant and meritorious services in California during the war with Mexico. Honorably mentioned By Congress in the following joint reso- lution of thanks, viz. : Feb. 19, '64, "To Major General W. T. Sherman and the officers and soldiers of the Army of the Tennessee for their gallant and arduous services in marching to the relief of the Army of the Cumberland, and for their gallantry and heroism in the battle of Chattanooga, which contributed in a great degree to the success of our Arms in that glorious victory." June 10, '65, " To Major General W. T. Sherman and officers and soldiers of his command for their gallantry and good conduct in their late campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta and the triumphal march thence through Georgia to Savannah, terminating in the capture and occupation of that city." /Service Served in Florida war '40-42; on duty in various Southern States and in Pennsylvania '42-46 ; on breaking out of war with Mexico applied for duty in the field, and was assigned to Co. F, 3d Art., then under orders for California ; bearer of dispatches from Gen. Smith to War Department, and after six months' leave of absence joined Co. C, 3d Art., at Jeff- erson Barracks, Mo. ; stationed at St. Louis, Mo., and New Orleans, La., '50-52 ; out of service from '53 to '61 ; re-entered the army by appointment as colonel 13th Inf. May 14, '61 ; assigned to duty in the Dept. of the Cumberland, Oct.- Nov., '61, when he was transferred for duty to the Dept. of the Missouri, and ordered to report to Major-General Halleck at St. Louis ; on inspection duty at Sedalia, Mo., and commanding camp of instruction at Benton Barracks, Mo., '61- 62 ; at post of Paducah, Ky., expediting and facilitating operations in progress up the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers, and organizing a division to be com- manded by himself; bore a distinguished part in the battle of Shiloh and in the operations against Corinth ; commanding Dist. of Memphis and an expedition against Vicksburg '62; assigned to command of 15th Army Corps Jan., '63 ; par- ticipated in capture of Arkansas Post ; took part in operations preceding and at- tending siege of Vicksburg ; assigned to command of the Dept. of the Tennessee Oct. 27, '63 ; joined his forces to the army under Gen. Grant at Chattanooga, Tenn., and bore a conspicuous part in the battle of that name ; moved with great energy to the relief of Gen. Burnside at Knoxville, Tenn., and returned to Chat- tanooga '63 ; made an expedition from Vicksburg to Meridian, Miss., destroying much railroad and war material thereabouts, and returned to Vicksburg ; assumed command Mil. Div. of the Mississippi March 18, '64 ; captured Atlanta, Ga., and 540 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. SHU made his march to the sea which terminated in the capture of Savannah, Qa., Dec. 21, '64; marched northward from Savannah, captured Columbia, S. C., com- pelling the evacuation of Charleston ; repulsed the enemy under Gen. J. E. John- ston at Bentonville, and joined his forces with those of Gen. Schofield at Golds- boro'; moved against Gen. Johnston, who, on April 26, surrendered his army on the same terms as had been granted Gen. Lee; assigned to com. of Mil. Div. of the Mississippi '65 ; assigned to command of Mil. Div. of the Misssouri ; sent on special mission to Mexico '66 ; relinquished command of the army Nov. 1, '83, and proceeded to his home in St. Louis, Mo., to await retirement; retired Feb. 8, '84, by operation of law. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. S. W. Kearney, Military Gov. of Cal. ; A. A. G. on the staffs of Col. R. B. Mason and Brig. Gen. P. F. Smith '47-49; A. C. S. Sept. 27, '50. Battles, skirmishes, etc. 1st Bull Run July 21, '61 ; battle of Shiloh and operations against Corinth ; cap- ture of Arkansas Post; took part in the operations preceding and attending siege of Vicksburg; Chattanooga, Tenn.; actions connected with siege and capture of Atlanta, Ga., and Savannah, Ga. ; captured Columbia, S. C. ; at battle of Benton- ville, N. C., compelling the surrender of Johnston's army. Commands held Com- manded a brigade at the battle of 1st Bull Run ; Dept. of the Cumberland Oct.-Nov., '61 ; camp of instruction at Benton Barracks, Mo., '61-62 ; post of Paducah, Ky./ Dist. of Memphis, and an expedition against Vicksburg '62 ; 15th Army Corps Jan., '63 ; Dept. of the Tenn. Oct. 27, '63 ; Mil. Div. of the Miss. March 18, '64 ; Mil. Div. of the Miss. '65; Mil. Div. Mo. '66; Com. of the Army of U. S. March 4, '69, to Nov. 1, '83. Shillock, Paul (First Lieut, and Assistant Surgeon). Born in Minn. Ap- pointed from Minn. Civil life. Actual rank- -Asst. Surg. Jan. 31, '88 ; accepted Feb. 25, '88. Shipp, William B. (First Lieut. 10th Cav.). Born in N. C. Appointed from N. C.; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '83. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 10th Cav. June 13, '83 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 25, '89. Shollenberger, John H. (First Lieut. 10th Inf.). Born in Pa.; appointed from Pa.; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '83. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. June 13, '83 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 23, '88. Shorkley, George (Captain and Bvt. Major U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Re- tired ; app. from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 51st Pa. Inf. Oct. 9, '61 ; Capt. April 22, '64; hon. must, out July 27, '65; 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted April 25, '66 ; Capt. Oct. 13, '67 ; retired Sep. 23, '85. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the battle of Antietam, Md. ; Major March 2, '67, gallant and meritor- ious services in the engagement at Fort Steadman, Va.; Major Vol. July 30, '64, gallant and distinguished services in the operations before Petersburg, -Va ; Lieut. Col. Vol. March 25, '65, gallant and meritorious services at Fort Steadman, Va. ; Col. Vol. April 9, '65, long, faithfiil and valuable services. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion '61-65; with regiment and on special reconstruc- tion duty on staff, Dep. of Ala., '66-68 ; with regt. in Texas '68-69, and on Indian frontier in New Mexico and Colorado '69-79 ; on special duty connected with rifle- firing and small-arms for the army from '79 to '83 ; Captain and coach of the Rifle Team of Regulars, Division of the Missouri, winning the Hilton Trophy at Creed- moor in '80, etc. Staff positions occupied A. A. G. and A. I. G. on Gen. Hart- ran it's staff, 9th Army Corps. Battles, skirmisher, etc. Participated in thirty- seven battles and affrays ; six times wounded, and seriously wounded in left arm at Antietam, Md. (ball extracted), and at "mine," Petersburg, Va., fingers of right hand carried away by cannon-ball, and at Fort Steadman, Va., in right thigh (ball extracted). Shufeldt, Robert W. (Captain and Ass't Surgeon). Born in New York Dec., 1850. Retiring year 1914. Appointed from District of Columbia. Actual rank Ass't Surgeon Aug. 5, 76 ; accepted Aug. 18, 76; Captain, Ass't Surgeon, Aug. 5, '81. Service At Fort McHenry, Md., to , 77 ; at Indianapolis Ar- senal, Ind., to April, 77 ; ordered to Dept. of the Platte, Feb. 23, 77 ; at Fort Laramie, Wyo. T., April-May, 77. In the field with 5th Cav., near Fort Reno, STG RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 541 Wyo. T., to Dec., 77 ; at Omaha Barracks, Neb., to May, 78 ; Post Surgeon Ft. Laramie, Wyo. T., to Nov., 79 ; Post Surgeon Fort Fetterman, Wyo. T., to May, '81 ; on duty in Surgeon General's office, Washington, D. C., to April, '82 ; on leave of absence, May to Sept., '82 ; ordered to Dept. of the South, Sept. 8, '82 ; at Jackson Barracks, La., to Sept., '83 ; on sick leave to Dec., '83 ; at U. S. Army Dispensary, at Washington, D. C. ; at Fort Wingate, N. M., Nov., '84, to Jan., '89 ; and March 9, '89, was found incapacitated for active service by an Army Retiring Board. History He is the author of some three hundred published books, essays, monographs and critiques, and a member of fifteen learned societies of this country and Europe. Shunk, Francis R. (Second Lieut, of Engineers). Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Pennsylvania; graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '87. Actual rank Additional 2d Lieut, of Engineers June 12, '87; 2d Lieut. Oct. 22, '87. Shunk, William A. (First Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in Indiana. Appointed from Indiana. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of 79. Actual rankM Lieut. 8th Cav. June 13, 79 ; 1st Lieut. July 23, '85. Shurly, Edmund R. P. (First Lieut, and Bvt. Capt. U. S. A.). Born in England. Retired. Appointed from 111. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 26th N. Y. Inf. May 21, '61 ; Capt. Aug. 7, '61 ; hon. must, out April 25, '63 ; Capt. V. R. C. Aug. 28, '63; accepted Aug. 31, '63; hon. must, out Oct. 7, '65; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. May 11, '66; accepted Aug. 18, '66; transferred to 27th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; resigned Feb. 12, '67 ; 2d Lieut. 27th Inf. March 15, '67 ; accepted April 2, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 29, '68 ; retired Dec. 2, '68, wounds in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. March 15, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va.; Capt. March 15, '67, gallant and meritorious services during the war; Major Vol. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg Va., Dec. 13, '62 ; Lieut. Col. Vol. Mch. 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion '61-4 ; at Camp Douglas, Chicago, 111., to fall of '65; aided in suppressing the conspiracy to release the prisoners of war and destroy Chicago ; on duty on the plains ; at Forts Philip Kearney, C. F. Smith, D. A. Russell, Laramie and Fetterman, D. T. Staff positions occupied A. A. A. G. Camp Douglas, Chicago, 111., to fall of '65 ; on Staff of Gen. Ord, Detroit, Mich., to Nov., '65. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in following-named battles during the Rebellion: 1st Bull Run, Slaughter Mountain, Va., Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, South Mountain, 2d Bull Run, Chantilly, Antietam, Rappa- hannock Station and Fredericksburg (sev. wounded) ; engaged in actions with hostile Indians (severely wounded). Commands held Commanded troops in battle with Indians at Fort Reno, '67. Sibert, William L. (First Lieut, of Engineers). Born in Ala. Appointed from Ala. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '84. Actual rank 2d Lieut, of Engineers June 15, '84 ; 1st Lieut. April 7, '88. Sibley, Frederick W. (First Lieut. 2d Cavalry). Born in Texas. App. from Ga. Graduated from Mil. Acad. Class, of 74. Actual rankId. Lieut. 2d Cav. June 17, 74; 1st Lieut. Oct. 20, '81. Sickel, Horatio G., Jr. (First Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of 76. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 14th Inf. June 15, 76 ; transferred to 7th Cav. July 28, 76 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 17, '82. Sickles, Daniel B. (Major General U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Retired ; ap- pointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Col. 70th N. Y. Inf. June 29, '61 ; Brig. Gen. Vol. Sept. 3, '61 ; accepted Sept. 3, '61 ; Maj. Gen. Vol. Nov. 29, '62 ; accepted March 29, '63 ; hon. must, out Jan. 1, '68 ; Col. 42d Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Sept. 18, '66 ; retired with rank of Mai. Gen. April 14, '69 ; loss of left leg from wound in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Brig. Gen. March 2, '67, " gal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ;" Maj. Gen. March 2, '67, " gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa." Sigrworth, John M. (Second Lieut. 10th Inf.). Born in Pa. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. and Corpl. Batty. L, 1st U. S. Art., from 542 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. SIM Jan. 6, '86, to March 7, '89; 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. Feb. 11, '89; accepted March 8, '89. Simpson, George W. (Post Chaplain). Born in Md. Appointed from Md. Civil life. Actual rank Post Chaplain Feb. 1, 76; accepted Feb. 17, 76. Simpson, James P. (Captain U. S. A.). Born at Hingham, Mass., Oct. 25, '41. Retired. App. from Conn. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 14th Conn. Inf. Aug. 20, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 4, '63 ; Capt. Oct. 20, '63 ; hon. must, out Nov. 14, '64 ; Capt. 2d U. S. Vet. Inf. Feb. 16, '65 ; hon. must, out March 26, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 40th Inf. Aug. 17, '67 : accepted Aug. 23, '67 ; transferred to 25th Inf. April 20, '69; transferred to 3d Cav. March 15, '71 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 14, '77; Capt. Nov. 26, '84 ; retired Nov. 25, '87. Brevet rank Brevet First Lieut, U. S. A. Aug. 17, '67, for gallantry and meritorious service in the battle of the Wilderness, Va. ; Captain U. 8. A. Aug. 17, '67, for gallantry and meritorious service in the battle of Ream's Station, Va. Service In the field during the War of the Re- bellion '62-5; and since at various posts in the Southern States, and in the Depts. of Arizona, the Platte and Texas until retired. Staff position* occupied Served as A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Hilton Head, S. C. ; as A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Goldsboro', N. C., Raleigh, N. C., Baton Rouge, La. ; as A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Ship Island, Miss., Jacksou Barracks, New Orleans, La. ; Fort Dun- can, Tex., as A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. ; at Camp Date Creek, A. T., Fort Mc- Phereon, Neb., as A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. ; Camp Sheridan, Wyo. Ter., Fort Robinson, Neb., Fort Laramie, Neb., as Post Q. M. and A. C. S.; Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. Ter., as A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. ; Whipple Barracks, A. T., as A. A. Q. M., also as Dept. Q. M. at Whipple Depot, A. T.; R. Q. M. 3d Cav. July J4, '79, to Sept. 1, '83. Battles, engagements, etc. Wounded in action at Ream's Station, Weldon R. R., Va. ; participated in the following battles in Virginia; Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Spottsylvania (Chancellorsville previously) taken prisoner in this battle, confined in Libby prison, Richmond, Va., paroled and exchanged ; after this took part in the actions of the Wilderness, Spottsylva- nia, Cold Harbor, North Anna River, Bristoe Station, and in the actions in front of and near Petersburg, Va., and in other actions and skirmishes with the Regi- ment, in the Army of the Potomac in Virginia ; engagements with hostile Indians, Rose Bud, Dakota, June 17, '76 ; Slim Buttes, Dak., Sept., '76 ; Cheyenne Indian outbreak at Fort Robinson, Nebraska. Simpson, John (Captain and Asst. Quartermaster). Born in Ohio Jan. 21, '40. Retiring year 1904; appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. A, 5th Ohio Vol. Cav., Sept. 27, '62 ; discharged May 28, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art. August 17, '67 ; accepted Sept. 6, '67 ; 1st Lieut. March 2, '73 ; Capt. A. Qm. July 17, '75; accepted July 30, '75. Staff position occupied R. Pm. 4th Art. from May 1, 73, to July 30, '75. Simpson, Marcus D. L. (Colonel and Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Retired; appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '42; graduated July 1, '46. Actual rankEvt. 2d Lieut. 2d Art. July 1, '46 ; 2d Lieut. March 3, '47 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 27, '47 ; Capt. Com. Sub. March 26, '55 ; ace. April 3, '55 ; Maj. Com. Sub. July 1, '61 ; Lieut. Col. Asst. Com. Gen. Feb. 9, '63 ; Col. Asst. Com. Gen. June 23, '74 ; retired August 28, '88. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. August 20, '47, gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubuaco; Bvt. Capt. Sept. 13, '47, gallant and meritorious con- duct in the battle of Chapultepec ; Bvt. Col., Bvt. Brig. Gen. and Bvt. Maj. Gen. March 13, '65, meritorious services during the war. Staff" positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 2d Art. March 8, '48, to March 26, '55. Simpson, Wendell L. (Second Lieutenant 24th Inf.). Born in N..Y. Appointed from Mich. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '80 ; graduated June 15, '84. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d Cav. June 15, '84 ; transferred to 24th Inf. Jan. 4, '87. Simpson, William A. (First Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1854. Retiring year 1918. Appointed from New York ; graduated at Military Academy, Class of '75. Actual ran 2d Lieut. 2d Art. June 16, 75 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 8, '82. Service Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 30, 75, to Sept. 19, 76 ; de- SKI RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 543 tached service Fort Magon, N. C., Sept. 20, 76, to May 7, 77 ; Washington Arsenal, D. C. (with battery), May 10 to July 18, 77; during labor troubles at points along B. & O. Railroad July 18, 77, to Aug. 17, 77 ; Fort McHenry, Md., Aug. 17-30, 77 ; Carlisle Barracks, Pa., Aug. 30 to Sept. 20, 77 ; Wilkes-Barre, Pa., till Oct. 1; Light Artillery detail Fort McHenry, Md., till Oct. 1, 79 ; joined Battery E, at San Antonio, Texas, Oct. 28 ; on march to Fort Brown, Texas, Nov. 18 to Dec. 6,79; Ft. Monroe, Va., May 1/80, to May 1/82 (graduated); Ft. McHenry, Md., to June 30 ; camp at Gaithersburg, Md., till Nov. 2 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 8, '82 ; Fort McHenry, Md., to Feb. 24, '83 ; Fort Monroe, Va., as instructor, to Aug. 10, '83; West Point (U. S. Mil. Academy) instructor in Dept. Mod. Languages Aug. 28, '83, to Aug. 28, '87; Mt. Vernon Barracks, Ala., to Sept. 24, '87; Little Rock Barracks, Ark. (Light Battery), Oct. 1, '87, to April 30, '89 ; Fort Riley, Kan., Light Art. and Cav. School, May 29, '89, to Oct. 1, '89 ; Fort Adams, R. I., Oct. 9, '89, to present time. Staff positions occupied Adjutant 2d Artillery Oct. 9, '89. to . Sinclair, William (Major 2d Art.) Born in Ohio Feb. 15, 1835. Retiring year 1899. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '53 ; graduated July 1, '57. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 2d Art. July 1, '57 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Art. July 31/58 ; 1st Lieut. April 30/61 ; Col. 6th Pa. Res. Corps June 27, '62 ; hon. must, out June 6, '63 ; Lieut.-Col. A. I. G. Vol. Oct. 12, '63, to July 3, '65 ; Capt. 3d U. S. Art. Dec. 11, '65 ; Major 2d Art. April 6, '85. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. May 4, '62, gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Yorktown, Va. ; Bvt. Major Dec. 13, '62, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. Staff positions occupied Q. Mi M. A. Sept. 30, '65, to Sept. 30, '68. Service Frontier duty '58-9 and '60-61 ; Army of the Potomac '61-3, and severely wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. ; commanding battery in Vicksburg Campaign ; Assistant Inspector General 13th Army Corps '63-64 ; special service '64-5; Military Academy 65-6, and since then acting with his bat- terv to date of promotion, '85, at Fort Warren, Mass., '90. Skerrett, Delamere (Second Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from New York. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, '85 ; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. June 12, '89 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. Sept. 30, '89. Skinner, John O. (Capt. and Asst. Surg.). Born in Md. May, 1845. Re- tiring year 1909 ; appointed from Md. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Nov. 10, 74; accepted Nov. 24, 74; Capt. Asst, Surg. Nov. 10, 79. Service A. A. Surgeon on duty at Ft. Vancouver, W. T., from March, 71, to Jan., 72 ; with de- tachment 23d Inf. to San Francisco, Gal., from Jan. 26, 72, arriving at Ft. Blunt, Angel Island, Cal., Jan. 31, 72 ; left Ft. Blunt Feb. 15, 72, for Ft. Yuma, Dept. of Ariz.; arrived March 1, 72; left Ft. Yuma April 23, 72 ; arrived at Ft. Van- couver, W. T., May 23, 72 ; assigned as medical officer to attend Co. I, 21st Inf., from Ft. Vancouver to Ft. Colville May 24 ; left Ft. Vancouver May 27, 72; re- turned and resumed duty at Ft. Vancouver July 1, 72; Oct. 19, 72, ordered for temporary duty at Ft. Stevens, Oregon ; at Ft. Stevens Oct. 22, 72 ; at Ft. Cape Disappointment Nov. 23, 72 ; at Ft. Stevens Nov. 30, 72 ; at Rosebury, Oregon, Dec. 31, 72; in the field in Modoc country from Jan. 15, 73, to Jan. 22, 73; at Ft. Klamath, Ore., till March 27, 73 ; on duty in the field in Modoc country Apr. 30 to June 20, 73 ; in the field and at Ft. Walla Walla Aug. 1 to Sept. 2, 73 ; on leave of absence till Oct. 6, 73 ; at Ft. Vancouver to Nov. 10, 73 ; at Ft. Lapwai, I. T., to Dec. 31, 73; Asst. Surg. and ordered to Dept. of Columbia Nov. 30, 74; on leave of absence to June, 75 ; Post Surg. St. Augustine, Fla., to Oct., 75 ; on leave of absence to Dec., 75 ; Post Surgeon Yorkville, S. C., to Feb., 77 ; Post Surgeon Ft. Johnson, N. C., to May, 78; on D.S. with troops during the strike in Penn. July, Aug., Sept. and Oct., 77 ; Post Surgeon Carlisle Barracks Nov., 77 ; ordered to Dept. of Ariz. May 10, 78 ; Post Surgeon Camp Bowel, Ariz., to Dec., 78 ; Post Surg. Camp Lowell, Ariz., Aug., '80 ; D. S. at Ft. Huachuca, Ariz., '80 ; Post Surg. Whipple Barracks, Ariz., to Dec., '82; D. S. at Ft. Verde, Ariz., '81 ; in the field Sept. to Nov., '81 (Apache campaign) ; in the field Sept. to Dec., '82 ; on duty in Surgeon Gen's, office, Washington, D. C., from Feb., '83, to July, '87 ; 544 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. SLA on sick leave from July, '87, to Nov., '87 ; Post Surgeon. Ft. Ontario, N. Y., from Dec., '87, to present time ; on temporary duty at West Point, N. Y., June and Aug. 88 and '89. Sladen, Joseph A. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in England. Retired ; ap- pointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. and Corpl. Co. A, 33d Mass. Inf., Aug. 6, '62, to Nov. 25, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. Nov. 25, '64 ; 1st. Lieut. Oct. 24, '65; hon. must, out March 26, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Inf. March 27, '66; accepted May 19, '66 ; transferred to 26th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; 1st Lieut. July 17, '67; unassigned May 19, '69; assigned to 14th Inf. Dec. 15, 70; Capt. June 15, '88; retired. Brevet ran/fc Bvt. 1st Lieut, and Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Jonesboro', Ga. ; Bvt. 1st Lieut. Vol. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious conduct during the Atlanta and Carolina campaigns. Service On duty with regiment at Arlington Heights, Alexandria and Fairfax Court-House, Aug.-Nov., '62 ; on picket duty with regiment in Army of Potomac winter of '62-63 ; detailed as clerk at Gen. Howard's headquarters, llth Army Corps, May 21, '63; in the Pennsylvania campaign June-Sept, took part in the pursuit of the enemy to Warrenton, Va. ; on duty with the Eleventh Corps guarding the Orange and Alexandria Railroad July, '63 ; en route with same command to the Army of the Cumberland, in Tennessee, Sept. 24-Oct. 4, '63; on duty with the command during the winter operations for tne relief of Chattanooga, its occupation, and during the battle of Missionary Ridge, winter of '63-64 ; transferred with General Howard to headquarters of the 4th Army Corps April 10, '64 ; engaged in the Atlanta campaign ; transferred to headquarters of the army and Department of the Tennessee with Major-General Howard, who assumed command thereof July 27, '64 ; on Staff duty in Washington, D. C., May 12, '65 ; recorder of military commission to investigate bounty and pension frauds against colored soldiers and sailors in Tennessee, Alabama and [Washington, D.C., Dec. 17, '69-March 5, '70 ; on duty as quartermaster of expedition under General Howard, visiting the hostile Indians of New Mexico and Arizona, 72 ; on duty as Special Indian Commissioner, by request of the Honorable the Secretary of the Interior, April-June, 73 ; transferred with General Howard to headquarters De- partment of the Columbia Aug., 74 ; in the field during the Bannock campaign Aug. 21 to Sept. 15, 78; on duty at West Point, N. Y., Jan. 20, '81, to Sept. 1, '83, when transferred to Dept. of Platte. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Howard ; app. A. A. A. G. of the Art. Brigade at hdqre. of the Tenn. Dec. 24, '64; A. D. C. Vol. June 16, '65, to March 26, '66 ; A. D. C. May 22, '66, to Nov. 1, '85; Acting Judge-Advocate of the Department of Columbia Sept. 1, 74-Feb., 78; on duty as Adjutant-General of the Department of the Columbia Aug. 6-Sept., '75 ; during the Nez Perce war from July 17-Sept. 22, 77 ; assigned as Adjutant-General of the Department April 18-Aug. 3, 78, during the Bannock War ; on duty as depot quartermaster Vancouver Depot, W. T., Sept., 78-April, 79; re-assigned to duty as Adjutant-General of the Department of the Columbia Feb. 24-June 5, 79 ; transferred to West Point, N. Y., as aide-de-camp to Bvt. Maj. Gen. Howard Jan. 20, '81 ; assigned to duty as Adjutant-General of the De- partment of West Point January 21, '81-Sept. 1, '82; transferred to Hdqrs. Dept. of the Platte as aide-de-camp to Brig. Gen. Howard Sept. 1, '83 ; R. Q. M. 14th Inf. July 25, '87, to June 15, '88. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in battle of Chancellorsville May 24, '63; battle of Gettysburg July 1-3, '63; actively parti- cipating in the engagements at Tunnel Hill, Rocky Face Ridge, and Buzzard's Roost, and the capture of Dalton, Ga., May 7-12, '64 ; engaged in battle of Resaca Ga., May 13-15, '64; action of Adairsville, Ga., May 17, '64; action of Cassville, Ga., May 19, '64; battle of Dallas, Ga., May 25, '64; battle of Pickett's Mill, Ga., May 27, '64 ; engagements and skirmishes about Pine and Kenesaw Mountains, Ga., June 20-July 2, '64, including the battle of Little Kenesaw June 27, '64 ; action of Smyrna Camp-Ground, Ga., July 4, '64; action at Powers' Ferry, Ga., June 18, '64 ; in battle of Peach-Tree Creek July 20, '64 ; engaged in siege of Atlanta July 22-Sept. 2, '64; engaged in the battle of Jonesboro', Ga., Aug. 31- Sept. 1, '64, which resulted in the capture of Atlanta Sept. 2, '64; in occupation of Atlanta Sept. 2-Oct. 4, '64; in pursuit of rebels under General Hood into Ala- SMA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 545 bama, with frequent engagements, Oct. 4-Nov. 11, '64 ; march to the sea from Atlanta to Savannah, Ga., Nov. 16-Dec. 13, '64, participating in numerous actions and skirmishes, including the combat of Griswoldville ; in siege of Savannah Dec. 13-21, '64; surrender of Savannah Dec. 21, '64; in the invasion of the Carolinas Jan. 4-April 26, '65, being engaged in the action of Pocotaligo, S. C., Jan. 14, '65 ; Rivers Bridge, S. C., Feb. 3, '65 ; Orangeburg, S. C., Feb. 12, '65 ; Congaree Creek Feb. 15, '65; Cheraw, S. C., March 3, '65; Fayetteville, N. C., March 11, '65; battle of Bentonville, N. C., March 20-21, '65; occupation of Goldsboro', N. C., March 25, '65. Slaker, Adam (First Lieutenant 1st Art.). Born in Illinois. Appointed from Illinois. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 73 ; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank Additional 2d Lieut. 5th Art. June 15, 77 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. Oct. 13, 77 ; 1st Lieut. June 30, '82. Slavens, Thomas H. (Second Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in Ind. Appointed from Mo.; Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83 ; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th Cav. June 12, '87. Slocum, Herbert J. (First Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from 111. Civil life. Actual rank Cadet M. A. July 1, 72, to June '22, 76; 2d Lieut. 25th Inf. June 21, 76; accepted July 26, 76; transferred to 7th Cav. July 28, 76 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 22, '83. Slocum, Stephen L. H. (First Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born at Cincinnati, O., August 11,1859. Retiring year 1923; appointed from New York Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 18th U. S. Inf. Sept. 1, 79; accepted Sept. 3, 79; trans- ferred to 8th Cav. June 1, '83, to rank in Cavalry June 27, '82 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 26, '89. Service Served in Montana with regiment until Nov., '81 ; graduated at the Infantry and Cavalry School at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., class of '83 ; with regiment on lower Rio Grande to June 4, '86 ; at Hdqrs. Dep. of Texas to April, * '87 ; joined troop at Fort Brown, Texas, and marched with the regiment from Texas to Fort Meade, S. D., in '88 ; joined troop on promotion at Fort Yates, N. D., Oct. 26, '89, present station. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. on staff of Brig. Gen. D. S. Stanley until Sept. 30, '86; in charge of office of Judge Advo- cate, Inspector of Rifle Practice and Engineer Officer at Hdqrs. Dep. of Texas un- til Dec. 1, '86. History Participated with the 7th Cav., as a volunteer A. D. C., in engagement with Nez Perces Indians at Cafion Creek, Mont., Sept. 13, 77, and with the 7th Cav. in the Black Hills expedition of 78. Small, Michael P. (Lieutenant Col. and Asst. Com. Gen. Bvt. Brig. Gen.). Born in York, Pa., Aug. 9, 1831. Retiring year 1895 ; app. from Pa. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '55. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 3d Art. July 1, '55 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Art. Sept. 21, '55 ; 1st Lieut. April 27, '61 ; Capt. and Com. of Sub. Aug. 3, '61 ; accepted Aug. 24, '61 ; Lieut. Col. and Com. of Sub. Vol. Aug. 14, '63 ; Col. and Com. of Sub. Vol. May 25 to Dec. 29, '65 ; Major and Com. of Sub. June 23, 74 ; Lieut. Col. and Asst. Com. Gen. Oct. 4, '89. Brtvet rankEvt. Maj., Bvt. Lieut. Col. and Bvt. Col. March 13, '65, for meritorious services in the Subsistence Department during the Rebellion ; Bvt. Brig. Gen. April 9, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the Subsistence Department during the Re- bellion ; Bvt. Col. U. S. Vol. Jan. 1, '65, for distinguished and meritorious ser- vices in the campaign of '63 and '64. Service Served on frontier duty at Benicia, Cal., '55 ; in Florida hostilities against the Seminole Indians '56-57 ; in garrison at Fort Lafayette, N. Y., '57, and Fort McHenry, Md., '57 ; on frontier duty at Fort Leavenworth, quelling Kansas disturbances '57-58 ; marched to Utah, '58, served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, '61-66, as chief Commissary and Quartermaster at Rolla, Mo., of the Southwestern District of Missouri, Sep. 14, '61, to Jan. 31, '63 ; as Mustering Officer and Depot Commissary and Quarter- master at Rolla, Mo., Jan. 21, '62, to Jan. 31, '63; as Inspecting Commissary of Subsistence of the Dept. of the Missouri, Feb. 1 to March 31, '63 ; as Chief of Commissariat of the District of Minnesota, Dept. of the Northwest, and Depot and 546 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. SMF Purchasing Commissary at St. Paul, Minn., April 10 to Aug. 22, '63 ; as Chief Commissary of the 13th Army Corps, and of the Army in the field, in the Teche Campaign (Dept. of the Gulf), Sept. 15 to Nov. 9, '63; as Purchasing and Depot Commissary at Chicago, 111., and Supervising Commissary of the States of Illinois and Indiana, Dec. 30, '63, to Feb. 15, '64 ; as Chief Commissary of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina, at Fort Monroe, Va., supplying the " Armies operating against Richmond" (on the James River), Feb. 22, '64-Feb. 21, '65; of the Army of the James and Dept. of Virginia, Feb. 21 to June, '65 ; Chief Com- missary of the Army of the James during tne Appomattox Campaign against the Confederate Army of Virginia ; issued rations to Lee's Army at the surrender from the supply trains of the Army of the James; Chief Commissary of the Mil- itary Division of the Southwest and Division of the Gulf, May 25 to Dec. 29, '65; as Purchasing and Depot Commissary at New Orleans, La., July 25 to Dec. 5, '65 ; as Purchasing and Depot Commissary at Nashville, Tenn., and Supervising Commissary of Subsistence of the States of Kentucky, Tennessee, and portions of Alabama and Georgia, Feb. 17 to Nov. 6, '66 ; as Chief Commissary Department of the Tennessee, Nov. 6, '66, to March 16, '67, and of the Department of the Cumberland, March 16, '67, to July 26, '69 ; and Purchasing and Depot Com- missary at Louisville, Ky., Dec. 1, '66, to July 26, '69 ; in settling accounts at Washington, D. C., to Sept., '69 ; as Chief Commissary Dept. of California, and Purchasing and Depot Commissary at San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 30, '69, to Dec. 12, '72 ; as Chief Commissary Dept. of Arizona, at Prescott, Ariz., Feb. 20, '73, to May 25, '75 ; and Acting Chief Quartermaster June 23 to May 10, 74; and Pur- chasing and Depot Commissary Chicago, 111., June 25, 75, to Nov. 30, '80 ; as Chief Commissary Dept. of Texas, and Purchasing and Depot Commissary atSan Antonio, Texas, from Nov. 30, '80, to Aug. 31, '83 ; Purchasing and Depot Com- 'missary at New York City, N. Y., from Sept. 22, '83, to Oct. 31, '84; Purchasing and Depot Commissary at Baltimore, Md., from Nov. 1, '84, to Aug. 31, '89 ; Chief Commissary of Subsistence Division of the Atlantic and Department of the East at Governor's Island, New York, from Sept. 1, '89, up to the present time. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 2d Art. July 10, '61, to Aug. 3, '61. Smart, Charles (Maior and Surgeon). Born in Scotland, Sept. 18, 1841. Retiring year 1905 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. 63d N. Y. Nov. 5, '62 ; must, out April 15, '64 ; 1st Lieut. Asst. Surgeon March 30, '64 ; accepted April 16, '64 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. July 28, '66 ; Major and Surg. June 30, '83. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Dec. 2, '64, " for meritorious services in the field during the present campaign before Richmond, Va." Service With Regiment to Dec., '63; Med. Insp., 2d Corps, Army of Potomac to June, '65 ; Post Surgeon Camps McDowell and Tucson, Arizona, to '69; Post Surgeon Sedg- wick Barracks, Washington, D. C., to 70; leave of absence Oct., 70; at Fort Monroe, Va., to July, 73; Post Surgeon, Fort Bridger, Wyo., to July, 76; Post Surgeon Camp Douglass, Utah, to Nov., 77 ; field duty Camp Brown, Wyo. Sept. to Oct., 77; awaiting orders in N. Y. City Jan. to March, 78 ; Post Surgeon Ft. Preble, Me. (temporary duty) to Sept., 79 ; special duty in National Board of Health at Washington, D. C., and in Surgeon General's Office from Sept., 79, to the present time. Smedberg, William R. (Capt. and Bvt. Lieut. Col. U. S. A.). Born in N. Y., March 19, 1839. Retired; appointed from Mo. Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. "A," 3d batt. D. C. Inf., April 15, '61 ; discharged July 4, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted July 5, '61 ; Capt. Oct. 25, '61 ; Capt. 45th Inf. Jan. 22, '67 (declined); unassigned July 22, '69 ; retired with rank of Capt. mtd. Dec. 15, 70, loss of right leg from wound in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Major July 2, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; Bvt. Lieut. Col. May 5, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va. Service From April, '61, to May 5, '64, his service in the field was continuous with the Army of the Potomac, excepting a few months' absence on sick leave and recruiting service, after which he served as Recruiting and Mustering Officer until the close of the war, when he went with his regiment to California, in Nov., '65. Staff position* occupied Division SMT RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. 547 Inspector, First Division, Fifth Army Corps, March, '64, till wounded, May 5, '64; he was Asst. Inspector of the Dept. of California from Dec., '65, to May 26, '66, on the staff of Gen. Irvin McDowell ; A. D. C. of the Military Division of the Pacific from that period to May 31, '69 ; on the staff of Maj. Gen. H. W. Halleck, and Acting Adj. Gen. on the staffs of Maj. Generals George H. Thomas and J. M. Schofield from June, '69, to Dec. 15, '70, when he was retired from active service, with the rank of Mounted Captain, on account of the loss of his right leg, from a wound received at the battle of the Wilderness. Battles, skirmishes, etc. With Sykes' Brigade (afterward 1st Brigade), 2d Div., 5th Army Corps, in the Peninsular campaign at Yorktown, Gainesville, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, Antietam, Snicker's Gap, Fredericksburg, Mine Run, at the battle of the Wilderness, at which battle a piece of shell carried away his right foot, on account of which his leg was amputated just below the knee. History He enter- ed Columbia College, N. Y., in '53, graduating in June, '57. He enlisted in Co. F of the New York Seventh Regiment in July, '58, remaining with it until '60, when he was honorably discharged on account of his removal to Washington, D. C., where he joined the National Rifles in '61, and resided until the breaking out of the war. Col. Smedberg's connection with the N. G. California dates from Sept., '74, when he was commissioned Lieut. Col. and Div. Inspector, on the staff of Major Gen. D. W. C. Thompson ; Brigade Inspector on the staff of Gen. John McComb, Second Brigade, Jan. 19, '76, and elected Col. of Second Inf. (now the Second Artillery Regiment) Oct., '76, being successively re-elected in '80 and '84, but resigned the position in Dec., '85; Asst. Adj. Gen. Dept. of Cal. G. A. R. Feb., '85, to Feb., '86 ; elected Dept. Com. of Cal.' G. A. R., Feb. 19, '86, by the nineteenth Dept. Encampment at Sacramento, Cal.; served to Feb., '86 ; Recorder of the Commandery of California, Military Order Loyal Legion U. S., from its organization, May, 71, until the present time. In the Insurance business in San Francisco, Cal. Smiley, Samuel B. (Second Lieut. 8th Inf.). Born in Ind.; appointed from N. J. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '81 ; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rank2d Lieut. 8th Inf. June 14, '85. Smith, Abiel L. (First Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in Mo.; appointed from Mo. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '74 ; graduated June 14, '78. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 19th U. S. Inf. ; 2d Lieut. June 28, '78 ; trans, to 4th Cav. Feb. 3, '79; 1st Lieut, June 30, '83. Smith, Alfred T. (Lieutenant Col. 8th Inf.). Born in Mo., May 29, 1838. Retiring year 1902. Appointed from 111. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 55; graduated July 1, '60. Actual rankBvt. 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Inf. July 1, '60 ; 2d Lieut. 8th Inf. Oct. 17, '60 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61 ; Capt. Sep. 19, '63; Col. 156th 111. Vol. Inf. April 4, '65; hon. must, out Sept. 20, '65; Maj. 7th U. S. Inf. July 3, '83 ; Lieut. Col. 8th Inf. Dec. 16. '88. Brevet rankEvt. Capt. July 1, '62, for gallant and meritorious services during the Peninsula Cam- paign ; Major and Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied Sen. Asst. Inst. of Inf. Tactics, M. A., from Aug. 29, '63, to March 20, '65; acting Judge Advocate Dep. of Arizona from March 6, '78, to May 13, '78 ; Insp. of rifle practice Dep. of the Platte from Jan. 10, '84, to April 6, '85. Smith, Allen (Captain 4th Cav.). Born in Fla., April 21, 1849. Re- tiring year 1913. Appointed from Pa. Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Inf. July, 18, '66 ; accepted Aug. 15, '66 ; 1st Lieut. April 22, '68 ; Capt. May 21, '80 ; transferred to 4th Cav. Dec. 6, '80. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 1st Inf. from April 21, '69, to March 16, '80 ; R. Qm. 1st Inf. from March 16, '80, to May 1, '80. 16, '47 ; Major 1st Cav. May 13, '61; Lieut. Col. 5th Cav. May 9, '64; Col. 7th Cav. July 28, '66 ; accepted Sept. 7, '66 ; resigned May 6, '69 ; Col. 2d Cal. Vol. Cav. Oct. 2, '61 ; resigned Nov. 13, '61 ; Brig. Gen. March 17, '62 ; accepted May 548 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. SMI 13, '62; Maj. Gen. May 12, '64 ; accepted June 20, '64; hon. must, out Jan. 15, '66 ; appointed Col. of U. S. Cav. Jan. 5, '89; accepted Feb. 6, '89 ; retired Jan. 22, '89, Act Dec. 24, '88. Brevet rank Bvt. Col. April 10, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Pleasant Hill, La.; Brig. Gen. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Tupelo, Miss.; Major Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Nashville, Tenn. Smith, Andrew K. (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Conn., Feb. 9, 1826. Re- tired. Appointed from Conn. Actual rank Assistant Surg. July 26, '53 ; accepted Aug. 4, '53 ; Captain Assistant Surgeon July 26, '58 ; Major Sure. June 11, '62; Lieut. Col. Surg. July 2, '84 ; Col. Surg. July 10, '89 ; retired Feb. 9, '90. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned Honorably mentioned in Rebellion Record (see operations on the Peninsula under McClellan). Service In the Dept. of Texas to '58; Pensacola, Fla., Aug., '58, to June, '60; Dakota to June, V,i ; in Washington City, D. C., to March, '62 ; with Hd. Qrs. Army of the Potomac to July, '62 ; medical director of transportation Philadelphia, Pa., July, '62 ; and member of an examining board, as well as organizing hospitals Hagerstown, Md.. Chambereburg and Harrisburg, Pa., to Sept., '62; charge of army chemical laboratory, Philadelphia, to Dec., '65 ; medical director Dept. of the South, Dec., '65 ; chief medical officer North Carolina, June, '66 ; at Fort Snelling, Minn., from Nov., '66, to May, '68 : attending surgeon headquarters Dept. of the South to Nov., '69; post surgeon McPherson Barracks, Atlanta, Ga., to May, 73 ; chief medical officer District of New Mexico to Sept., 74 ; post surgeon Fort Hayes, Kansas, to Sept., 75 ; post surgeon Governor's Island, N. Y., to June, 78 ; poet surgeon David's Island, N. Y., to April, '80; medical director Dept. of Arizona, to Aug., '82; 'post surgeon Willet's Point, N. Y., to Oct., '83; post surgeon U. S. Military Academy, West Point, to '87 ; attending surgeon N. Y. City from Nov., '87, to Feb. 9, '90. Smith, Charles H. (Colonel 19th Inf., Brevet Mai. Gen'l). Born in Hollis, Maine, Nov. 1, 1827. Retiring year 1891. Appointed from Maine Civil life. Actual rank Capt. 1st Maine Cav. Oct. 19, '61; Major Feb. 16, '63; Lieut. Col. March 1, '63; Colonel June 18, '63; hon. must, out Aug. 11, '65; Colonel 28th Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Sept. 17, '66 ; transferred to 19th Inf. March 15, '69. Brevet rank Brevet Brig. Gen. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Sailor's Creek, Va. ; Maj. Gen. March 2, '67, for gallant and mer- itorious services during the war; Brig. Gen. Vols. Aug. 1, '64, for distinguished conduct in the engagement at St. Mary's Church ; Maj. Gen. Vols. March 13, '65, for highly distinguished and meritorious services. Service Sent to Augusta in charge of squad for regiment soon after enlistment ; sent with company from Washington to Upton Hill, Va., to take charge of camps abandoned by Army of the Potomac on its departure for the Peninsula, March, '62; assigned to duty as Provost Marshal of Frederick, Sept. 13, and remained there until he rejoined company Jan. 16, '63 ; and in the field to the close of the war. Battles, skirm- ishes, etc. Participated in the campaign of '62, including the reccnnoissance to Front Royal, the battle of Cedar Mountain (after which he was detailed with company to collect wounded and bury dead on battle-field, under a flag of truce), the retreat of General Pope; the second battle of Bull Run, and the engagement at Frederick City ; with regiment on Stoneman's raid ; participated in the battle of Brandy Station, June 9, and after the charge rallied and conducted the regi- ment from the enemy's rear ; commanded regiment at Middleburg, where a horse was shot under him ; commanded regiment at Upperville, and led the charge through the town ; commanded regiment in skirmish with the enemy's rear guard at Westminster, Pa. ; in battle of Gettysburg and the pursuit of the enemy that followed ; in skirmish at Halltown, and in the battle of Shepardstown ; com- manded 1st Maine and 16th Pa. Cav. on reconnoissance from near Auburn to White Plains, through Thoroughfare and Hopewell Gaps, Aug. 16 and 17 ; com- manded regiment upon a reconnoissance to the Blue Ridge as far as Sperryville, the regiment being cut off twice by the enemy on the return, Oct. 12 and 13 ; SMI RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 549 conducted a reconnoissance from Centreville to Manassas, finding and fighting the enemy Oct. 14 ; commanded 1st Maine and 2d Pa. Cav. in a movement from Fayetteville towards Rappahannock Station, driving the enemy's pickets and out- posts all the way, and fell back at evening by orders, Oct. 22 ; repeated the move- ment with the same force Oct. 23, meeting firmer resistance ; commanded regi- ment through the Mine Run campaign, and conducted the rear guard of the left column of the army on its retreat from Mine Run to and across the Rapidan, Nov. 26 to Dec. 1 ; commanded four regiments from Bealton Station to Luray, finding and fighting the enemy at Little Washington, Sperryville, and Luray December 21 to 24 ; commanded regiment as part of a reconnoissance in force from Bealton Station to Front Royal and return, fighting the enemy at Salem, Jan. 1 to 4, '64 ; commanded regiment on a reconnoissance to Sulphur Springs and Jefferson April 18 ; commanded regiment in the campaign of '64 from April 29 to June .24, fighting May 4; reconnoissance from Chancellorsville to Frederickaburg and return, and participating in the fight at Todd's Tavern, May 5 ; hard fight at Todd's Tavern May 7 ; commanding regiment and 2d Pa. at Todd's Tavern May 8 ; conducting the advance from Beaver Dam Station to Ground Squirrel Bridge, and fighting part of the way, May 10 ; conducting rear guard of the cords, having a severe fight near Ground Squirrel Bridge and a skirmish later in the day and having a horse shot under him, May 11 ; fighting all day in front of Richmond May 12 ; conducting the regiment and the pioneers of the division from HaxhalFs Landing to the Chickahominy to build bridges, and driving off the enemy May 16 to 18 ; fighting at Hawes' Shop May 28 ; command- ing regiment and 2d Penna. in the fight at Barker's Mills June 2, being under fire but not engaged June 5 and 6 ; fighting at Trevillian Station June 11 ; conduct- ing a reconnoisance to Louisa Court-House and skirmishing with the enemy June 12 ; fighting at White House Landing June 21 ; commanded regiment at the bat- tle of St. Mary's Church June 24, where he had two horses shot under him and was himself shot through the thigh, about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, but did not re- linquish command of the regiment till the day was done ; commanded 2d Brigade in the severe engagement west of Ream's Station Aug. 23, where he lost three reg- imental commanders and was wounded in the ankle ; commanded brigade in the battle of Ream's Station Aug. 25, in a dash from the Weldon Railroad to and be- yond Peeble's Farm, running over the enemy's pickets and outposts, to Sept. 2 ; in a skirmish on the Jerusalem plank road (cattle raid) Sept. 16 ; in the fight at Wyatt Farm Sept. 29, and under fire supporting the 1st Brigade on the Vaughan road Oct. 1 ; commanded 3d Brigade in the battle of Boydton plank road Oct. 27 ; charged and drove the enemy at Rowanty Creek and again at Gravelly Run, formed on the right of infantry on the plank road to repel an assault and afterwards pro- tected the rear of the 2d Corps against Hampton's Cavalry in a hard fight till dark four separate fights in four different places in one day ; commanded brigade in reconnoissance and skirmish down Weldon Railroad Nov. 7 ; in movement to Stony Creek, where he fought and defeated the enemy Dec. 1, and in movement to Bellefield Dec. 7-12, skirmishing with enemy 8th, fighting him 9th, covering the rear on the return march to the crossing of the Nottaway, and fighting the enemy all day 10th ; commanded brigade in Appomattox campaign March 29 to April 9, '65 ; in the fight all day at Dinwiddie Court-House (where he was hit in the leg by a bullet which had passed through his horse); in the sharp fight at Jettersville April 5, in the attack on the retreating enemy's flank, and in the bat- tles of Sailor's Creek April 6, at Briery Creek and at Farmville April 7, and at Appomattox April 9 ; commanded brigade in movement against Johnston's army April 24 and following days. Commands held Regiment from May 5 to June 7, '63 ; 1st Me. and 16th Pa. Cav. on reconnoissance Aug. 16-17, '63 ; 1st Me. and 2d Pa. Cav. Oct. 22, '63 ; four regiments from Bealton to Luray Dec. 21 to 24, '63 ; brigade Jan. 8 to Feb. 17 (division Feb. 11-12) and from March 25 to April 25, '64 ; 1st Me. and 2d Pa. at Todd's Tavern May 8, '64 ; same command at Barker's Mills June 2, '64 ; brigade Aug. 20, '64 ; division on the Weldon R. R. Aug. 21- 22, and brigade at Ream's Station Aug. 23, '64 ; took command of a new brigade (3d) authorized and organized especially for him Oct. 18, '64. History Was 650 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. SMI under fire in person about sixty different times ; was hit by bullets three times ; had five horses shot under him. Smith, Charles S. (Captain of Ordnance). Born in Vt. Dec. 26, 1843. Retir- ing year, 1907 ; appointed from 111. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1/62; graduated June 18, '66. Actualrank 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art. June 18, '66; 1st Lieut. July 28, '66; trs. to Ord. Nov. 1, 74; Capt. Aug. 2, 79. Service Asst. at Ft. Monroe Arsenal 75-6 ; Asst. at N. Y. agency 76-81 ; Principal Asst. in Ord. Bureau '81-83; at present on duty at Washington, D. C., '90. Smith, Edmund D. (First Lieut. 19th Inf.). Born in Conn. Appointed from Conn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75; graduated June 13,79. Actual ran* 2d Lieut. 19th U. S. Inf. June 13,79; 1st Lieut. Dec. 3, '89. Smith, Erneste V. (Second Lieut. 3d Inf.). Born in Mo. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Inf. July 1, '86. Smith, Prank G. Born in Pennsylvania February 16, 1840. Retiring year, 1904; appointed from Ohio. Graduated as Civil Engineer at Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute, Troy, N. Y., class of 1859. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th Art. Aug. 5, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 5, '61 ; Captain Feb. 5, '67. Brevet raw* Brevet Captain Dec- 31, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Stone River, Tenn. ; Brevet Major Sep. 20, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. Honorably mentioned In reports on battle of Perry ville, vol. xvi. pp. 1075-6; Chickamauga, vol. xlii. pp. 95, 404, 431, Records of the Rebellion. Service At Camp Duncan to Dec., *61 ; with Battery I, 4th Art., in the field from Jan., '62, throughout the War of the Rebellion, except last campaign ; in garrison at Nashville, Tenn., from May, '64, to Dec., '64 ; then with Wilson's Cavalry Corps (battery equipped as a horse battery); Gruntly Springs, Miss., March to May, '65 ; Atlanta, Ga., May to July, '65 ; Augusta, Ga., July to Oct., '65 ; in garrison at Fort McHenry, Md., Oct., '65. to Feb., '67 ; Fort Whipple, Va.. Oct., '67; Fort McHenry, Md., Oct., '67, to July, 70; Raleigh, N. C., and other places until Nov., 72 ; Fort Canby, Wash., Dec., 72, to July, 76 ; in the field in Nebraska and Dakota Aug., 76, to Jan., 77; Alcatraz Island, Cal., Feb., 77, to July, 78; in the field in Nevada, Oregon and Idaho July to Oct., 78; Angel Island, Cal., Oct., 78, to Jan., '80; Presidio of San Francisco Jan., '80, to Sep., '81 ; in the field in Arizona Sep. and Oct., '81 ; Plattsburg Bks., N. Y., Nov. 13 to 30, '81 ; Madison Bks., N. Y., Dec., '81, to Sep., '82; Fort Snell- ing, Minn., organizing Light Battery F, 4th Art., Sep., '82, to Nov., '86 ; Fort Adams, R. I., Nov., '86, to May, '89 ; Fort McPherson, Ga., May, '89, to . Staff positions occupied Adjutant of Camp Duncan Dec., '61 ; staff of Maj. Gen. D. C. Buell at Louisville, Ky., Dec., '61, to Jan., '62. Battle*, skirmishes, etc. In the siege and capture of Corinth, Miss., April and May, '62 ; campaign of Buell against Bragg, ending in the battle of Perryville, Ky., Oct. 8, '62 ; in the opera- tions of the same army under Rosecrans, through the Murfreesboro', Tullahoma and Chickamauga campaigns to Oct. 19, '63 ; siege of Chattanooga and battle of Missionary Ridge Nov. 23-5, '63; battle of Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 15-16, '64; in Sep. Oct., '81. Commands' held Cfommanding Battery I, 4th* Art., from Aug., 62, to Nov., '63 ; Fort Canby, Wash., from Dec., 72, to July, 76 ; in charge of Red Cloud Reservation as Acting Indian Agent Dec., 76 ; battalion of three batteries 4th Art. in the field Sep. and Oct., '81 ; Plattsburg Bks., N. Y., Nov., '81. Smith, Frederick A. (First Lieut. 12th Inf.). Born in N. Y. May 15, 1849. Retiring year 1913. Appointed from N. Y. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of 73. Actual ran 2d Lieut. 12th Inf., June 13, 73 ; 1st Lieut. June 28, 78. Service Reported at Angel Island, Cal., from graduating leave Sept. 30, 73 ; joined company at Redding, Cal., Oct., 73, which was detailed as guard with Batt. B, 4th Art, to conduct Modoc Indian prisoners from Fort Klamath, Oregon, SMI RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 551 to Fort McPherson, Neb. ; on duty with company and stationed at Angel Island, Cal., until July 15, 75 ; on detached service conducting recruits to Fort Yuma, Cal., from May 17 to June 20, 74; absent with leave for 4 months from July 15, 75 ; conducted a detachment of 160 recruits from St. Louis, Mo., to San Fran- cisco, Cal., Nov., 75 ; joined company at Camp Bidwell, Cal., Dec. 1, 75 ; on de- tached service in command of a detachment of cavalry sent to investigate trouble between Piute Indians and settlers at Painter's Flat, Nev., May 30 to June 6, 76 ; absent with leave from Sept. 17 to Nov. 17, 78 ; joined at Fort Whipple, Arizona, Nov. 17, 78 ; building ana repairing Military Telegraph Line, from April 30 to May 23, 79 ; in the field Nov. 23 to Dec. 20, '81 ; at Madison Barracks, N. Y., from Sept., '82, to Aug., '87 ; Competitor in Rifle Competition, Division of Atlan- tic, '85, and member of Hilton Trophy Team ; one of the Judges at a prize drill of the various divisions of the Order of the " Knights of Pythias of the World " at Toronto, Canada, July, '86, by authority of the War Department ; Competitor in Rifle Contest Division of the Atlantic and member of Division Team, '86 ; member of Hilton Trophy Team, Creedmoor, N. Y., '86 ; one of the Board of Judges of the National Drill at Washington, D. C., May, '87 ; Range Officer, '87 ; in charge of Post and property at Madison Barracks, N. Y., July 19 to August 24, '87 ; at Fort Yates, Dakota, from Sept. 1, '87; Competitor Department Rifle Team Fort Snelling, Minn., July, '88 ; on sick leave of absence from May 17 to Nov. 17, '89 ; on duty at Columbus Barracks, Ohio, since Nov. 17, '89. Staff positions occupied Post Adj. A. S. O. and Post Treas. Camp Bidwell, Cal., from Jan. 1, 76, to Dec. 3, 77; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. same Post July, 77, to Sept., 78 ; Adjt. 12th Inf. Nov. 17, 78, to March 31, '87; Post Adj., A. S. O. and R. O. Fort Whipple, Ariz., from Nov. 17, 78, to Jan. 31, 79; Acting Engineer Officer Dept. of Ariz., from Jan. 31 to Nov., 79; Post Adj. and Treas. A. S. O. at Fort Whipple, A. T., from Oct. 11, 79, to Sept., '82 ; Acting Judge Advocate Depart- ment of Arizona, during part of 79 ; A. A. A. G. Dept. of Arizona, Sept. 9, 79 ; A. C. S. in the field in connection with distribution of rations to Hualapai Indians, Arizona, Sept. and Oct., 79 ; A. A. A. G. in the field May, '80 ; Inspector of Target Ranges Dept. of Ariz., '80 ; A. A. A. G. Dept. Arizona Aug. 26 to Aug. 30 and Oct. 1 to Dec. 27, '80 ; A. C. S. in the field issuing rations to Hualapai Indians, Arizona, from Dec. 16, '80 ; Acting Chief Comsy. of Subsistence Dept. of Arizona Jan. 4 to Feb. 2, '81 ; A. A. A. G. Dept. of Ariz. July 6 to July 13, '81 ; Acting Depot Quartermaster Whipple Depot, A. T., Sept. 6 to Oct. 28, '81 ; in charge of Office of Chief Quartermaster and Chief Commissary Department of Ariz. Sept. 21 to Oct. 28, '81 ; A. A. A. G. Dept. of Arizona Oct. 31, '81 ; A. A. A. G. in the field Nov. 18 to Dec. 20, '81 ; Acting Chief Commissary Dept. of Arizona Feb. 1 to July 1, '82 ; in charge Department of Arizona Rifle Contest Aug., '82 ; on detached service with Comdg. General Dept. of Arizona from Nov. 23 to Dec. 20, '81, as A. A. A. G. in the field; Post Adjutant, Signal, Recruiting and Ordnance Officer Sept. 19, '82, to March 31, '87 ; A. C. S. at Fort Yates, Dak., May 1, '88, to May 1, '89. Commands held Commanding Co. from Jan. 1 to 13, 74 ; from Sept. 10 to Dec. 26, 74; Co. and Post, Camp Bidwell, Cal., Sept. 27 to Dec., 77 ; Post of Fort Whipple, A. T., from June 8 to July 31, '80 ; Co. A, from Oct. 2 to Nov. 11, '80; Co. G, from July, '88, to May 18, '89; Co. B, of Instruction at Columbus Bks., Ohio. Smith, Gilbert C, (Major and Quartermaster). Born in N. Y., June 27, 1839. Retiring year 1903. Appointed from Cal. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Sgt. Co. D, 5th Cal. Vol. Inf., Sept. 17, '61 ; discharged Dec. 27, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Cal. Vol. Inf., Dec. 27, '61 ; hon. must, out July 24, '64 ; Capt. A. Qm. May 18, '64; accepted July 25, '64 ; hon. must, out Nov. 3, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Inf., May 12, '66; accepted Oct. 15, '66 ; Capt. A. Qm. Jan. 18, '67 ; accepted May 13, '67 ; 1st Lieut. 9th Inf. from Sept. 10, '67, to Feb. 14, '68 ; Mai. Qm. Apr. 9, '85. Smith, George R. (Major and Paymaster). Born in N. Y., May 7, 1850. Retiring year 1914. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Acad. July 1, 70 ; out of service Dec. 10, 70 ; reinstated July 1, 71 ; graduated June 16, 75. Actual rank2d Lieut. 12th U. S. Inf., June 16, 75 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 11, '81; Maj. Pm. July 5, '82; accepted July 19, '82. 552 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. SMI Smith, Jacob H. (Captain 19th Inf. and Brevet Major). Born in Ohio., Jan. 29, 1840. Retiring year 1904. Appointed from 111. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 2d Ky. Vol. Inf., June 5, '61 ; Capt. Jan. 28, '62 ; hon. must, out June 29, '63 ; Capt. Vet. Res. Corps, June 25, '63; accepted June 30, '63; hon. must, out Oct. 21, '65 ; Capt. 13th U. S. Inf., Mar. 7, '67 ; accepted May 1, '67; Maj. Judge Adv. May 25, '69; accepted May 26, '69; app. of Maj. Judge Adv. revoked by the President Dec. 10, '69, and reversed to position of Capt of Inf. unassigned Mar. 25, '69; assd. to 19th Inf., Dec. 15, '70. Brevet raw Bvt. Maj. Mar. 7, '67, for gallant conduct in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 6, '62. Service Was in service continuously from 8th day of May, '61, to 31st Oct, '65 ; served in Western Virginia until Jan., '62, and was wounded in an engagement at Barboursville, Virginia, and in engagements on that line ; served in Jan., '62, Buell's army until Shiloh, Tenn., where he was severely wounded ; on frontier and other duty since the close of the war; under orders from the Dept. of Texas to the Dept. of the East, '90. Smith, James M. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 29th U. S. Colored Inf., Dec. 8, '64 ; hon. must, out Nov. 6, '65; 2d Lieut. 19th U. S. Inf., Feb. 23, '66; accepted Apr. 17, '66 ; trs. to 28th Inf., Sept. 21, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 30, '66; unassigned March 31, '69; retired Dec. 31, 70, for disability in line of duty. Smith, Jared A. (Lieut. Colonel of Engineers). Born in Me. July 6, 1840. Retiring year 1904. Appointed from Me. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1/58 ; graduated June 17, '62. Actual rani 2d Lieut. Eng. June 17, '62; 1st Lieut. March 3, '63; Capt. June 25, '64; Major Jan. 13, '74; Lieut. Col. April 7, '88. Brevet rankBvt. 1st Lieut. Aug. 9, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. ; Major March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war of the Rebellion. Service Assistant Engineer of army corps under Major General Banks, in Northern Virginia, July 10 to Nov. 24, '62 ; on leave of absence and in hospital from injuries and sick- ness incurred in field from Aug. 28 to Nov. 22, '62 ; Assistant Professor Geography, History and Ethics, U. S. Military Academy, Nov. 26, '62, to Aug. 11, '63; Assist- ant Engineer in construction of fortifications and batteries on coast of Maine Aug. 19, '63, to Aug. 9, '64; on engineer recruiting service Dec. 1, '63, to Aug. 9, '64; Assistant Engineer of defenses of Baltimore, Md., Aug. 10 to Sept. *J:2, of Fort Montgomery, N. Y., Sept. 8, '64, to March 2, '65, and of Fort Ontario, N. Y. (in local charge), March 3, 65, to Nov., '66 ; Assistant Engineer on harbor im- provements on Lake Ontario '66; Superintending Engineer of construction of defenses of New Bedford, Mass., and improvement of Plymouth Beach, Mass., Nov., '66, to June 1, '69; of examinations for improvement of Taunton River and Duxbury Beach, Mass., '68; Assistant Engineer on Geodetic Survey of the Northern Lakes June 1, '69, to April 1, '71 ; and on surveys and plans for a harbor of refuge in Lake Huron April 1, '71, to Dec. 1, '73 ; on leave of absence in Europe May 28 to Sept. 26, '73 ; Assistant Engineer on defenses of Key West and Dry Tortugas, Fla., Dec. 12, '73, to Jan. 29, '74; Superintending Engineer of con- struction of defenses of Key West and Dry Tortugas, Fla., and of construction and repair of light-houses in Seventh District Jan. 29, '74, to Dec. 16, 76 ; Super- intending Engineer Wabash River improvements, Ind. and 111., Jan. 22, '76, to July 16, '84; of improvements of harbors of Michigan City, Ind., and New Buffalo, Mich., July 1, '78, to July 16, '84; of surveys and improvements on White River, Ind., July 8, '78, and of various surveys on the Kankakee River, Ind., and 111., to July 16, '74 ; Consulting Engineer in selection of plans for state- house in Indiana in 77 ; and of various civil works 77 to '84; Engineer of 5th and 6th Light- House Districts June 20, '84, to Feb. 18, '86 ; in charge of numer- ous river and harbor improvements and surveys in Me. and N. H., and in charge of the construction of the defenses of Penobscot River, Kennebec River, and Portland Harbor, Maine, and of Portsmouth Harbor, Maine and New Hamp- shire, from Feb. 28, '86, to date ; member of Board of Engineers under Act of Congress March 2, '89, to examine coast of Texas and report upon subject of a Deep Water Harbor, March 16 to Dec. 16, '89. Battle*, skirmish**, etc. Engaged SMI EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 553 in battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, '62 ; also in skirmishes near Rappa- hannock, Bealton and Catlett Stations in Aug., '62. Smith, John E. (Colonel and Brevet Major General U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Retired. Appointed from 111. Civil life. Actual rankCo\. 45th 111. Vol. Inf. July 23, '61; Brig. Gen. Nov. 29, '62; accepted Dec. 15, '62; hon. must, out Apr. 30, '66 ; Col. 27th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 29, '66 ; unassigned Mar. 15, '69 ; assd. to 15th Inf. Dec. 15, 70 ; trs. to 14th Inf. Dec. 20, 70 ; retired May 19, '81, for being over 62 years of age. Brevet rank Bvt. Brig. Gen. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. ; Maj. Gen. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Savannah, Ga. ; December, '64; Maj. Gen. Vol. Jan. 12, '65, for faithful and efficient services and for gallantry in action. /Service In the War of the Rebellion '61-5; in the field with the Army of the West ; in the campaigns against Forts Henry and Donel- son, and succeeding campaigns of that Army ; on frontier duty from close of the war to retirement. Commands held Assigned to the command of the 8th Divi- sion, left wing, 16th Army Corps, Dec., '62 ; Commanding 1st Division, 17th Army Corps, June, '63 ; Division transferred to the 15th Army Corps, Sept., '63 ; Relieved from duty with the Army of the Tennessee, April, '65 ; Commanding District of West Tennessee to April, '66. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the capture of Forts Henry and Donelson, Tenn., battle of Shiloh, siege of Corinth, action of Meadow Station, and the Mississippi campaign ; in the expedition to Yazoo Pass, battles of Fort Gibson, Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hill, and Big Black River; siege of Vicksburg, battle of Missionary Ridge, Atlanta campaign, May to Sept., '64; Sherman's Georgia and Carolina campaign, Nov., '64, to April, '65, and battle of Bentonville, N. C. Smith, Joseph R. (Colonel and Surgeon). Born in N. Y. 1831. Retiring year 1895; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Dec. 15, '54; accepted Feb. 28, '55 ; Capt. Asst. Surg. Dec. 16, '59 ; Maj. Surg. June 11, '62; Lieut.-Col. Surg. Jan. 9, '85 ; Col. Surg. Feb. 9, '90. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut.- Col. March 13, '65, for superior ability and excellent management of the affairs of his department ; Bvt. Col. Nov. 22, '66, for meritorious services and devotion to the sick during the prevalence of the Cholera at Little Rock, Ark. Honorably mentioned Recommended by his commanding general for the Brev of Brig.-Gen. Service At Ft. Mclntosh, Texas, '54; Jan., '55, accompanied expedition of Maj. Pat. Calhoun against hostile Indians in Wichita Mts.; at Ringgold Ba/racks, Apr., '55 ; with 1st Inf. at San Antonio July, '55; at Ft. McKavett to Aug., '56; on duty at Camp Verde, the place selected for acclimation and breeding of camels in '57 ; chief medical officer 6th column of the Utah expedition in '58 ; at Ft. Lancaster, Texas, '59-60; asst. med. director Dept. of Texas '61; captured and made prisoner of war at San Antonio April, '61 ; paroled and exchanged ; organized genl. hos- pitals in Georgetown, D. C., June, '61 ; in charge of same till July, '62 ; member of Retiring Boards '61-2, 79, '83, '85, '87, '88-90 ; member of Board to revise regu- lations of the Medical Dept. Aug., '62; senior assistant in office of Surg. Genl. to Sept., '63 ; member of boards for the examination of Asst. Surgs. for promotion '62-3 ; appointed by the President acting Surg. General in Aug., '62, and by S. O. 384, A. G. O., Wash., '63 ; again assigned to duty in the Bureau of Surgeon Genl. as Acting Surgeon General Medical Director Army of the Arkansas, winter of '63-64 ; Medical Director 7th Army Corps and Dept. of Arkansas '64-5-6 ; Med. Director 4th Mil. Dist. '67 ; Post Surg. Jeff. Barracks to April, 71 ; Post Surg. Ft. Wayne, Detroit, to Oct., 74 ; accompanied 1st Inf. as Medical Officer from Dept. of the Lakes to Dakota ; Post Surg. Ft. Monroe, Va., to June, 79 ; Medical Director Dept. of Texas from June, 79, to Dec., '85 ; selected and detailed to rep- resent the Med. Dept. of the army at meetings of the Am. Med. Assn. and Am. Pub. Health Assn. for the years 74-5-6-7-8, '80-2-3-4-5; Vice- President Am. Med. Assn. 77-8 ; detailed by the Secretary of War to represent the medical corps of the army at the International Medical Congress which convened at Philadel- phia Sept., 76 ; Attending Surgeon New York City Dec., '85, to Dec., '87 ; Presi- dent Army Medical Board for examination of candidates for appointments as Asst. Surgeons '87 ; member of Board to prepare rules and regulations for the 35 554 REOORIW OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. SMI government of the newly-organized Hospital Corps of the Army April, '87 ; se- lected by the Surgeon General to represent the Medical Corps of the Army at the 9th International Medical Congress, of which Congress was Vice-President Sept., '87 ; Medical Director Dept. of Dakota '87-8 ; Medical Director Dept. of Arizona '88-9-90. History (Son of Bvt. Brig.-Genl. Jos. R. Smith, U. S. A.); received degree of A. B. from University of Michigan in '48, and A. M. from same university in y 51 ; employed as engineer by Topographical Bureau in '50; laying out boundary line between the Creeks and Cherokees, and in '51 locating territorial roads in Minnesota ; rec'd degree of M. D. from University of Buffalo in '53 ; author of papers published on the "Ration of the Soldier," on " Retiremente in the Army,*' on " Compulsory Retirement," on "Comparative Sickness and Mortality in the Army," on "Disease among Texas Cattle," and "Observations on Cattle Tempera- tures and Relative Weights of Liver and Spleen ;" author of papers read before 9th Int. Med. Cong, on the best "Ration for the Soldier " and the " Best Form of report of Sick and Wounded." Smith, Leslie (Lieut. Col. U. S. A.). Born in Ireland, May 15, 1825. Re- tired. Appointed from Mich. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt., Corp'l and Sergt. Gen. Ser. July 27, '49, to July 27, '54 : 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. April 30, '61 ; accepted May 1, '61 ; 1st Lieut. June 11, '61 ; Capt. April 6, '62; Major 2d Inf. May 21, '80; Lieut. Col. 20th Inf. Oct. 8, '85; retired May 15, '89. Brevet rank Brevet Major March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service Joined principal recruiting depot, Governor's Island, N. Y. H., Aug., '49; detailed as'clerk in depot office Sep., '49 ; appointed chief clerk July, '50, performing the duties till July 27, '54, when discharged by expiration of service ; appointed pay- master's clerk to Major R. H. Chilton, paymaster U. S. Army in '54, and remained on duty with him till he resigned April 29, '61, having served five years of the time in Texas; ordered to report to tne Com. Gen. of Sub. in Washington, D. C., for duty; reported for duty May 10, '61, and was assigned to the duty of receiving and issuing the subsistence stores to the large army then forming in and around Washington ; remaining on this duty until Oct., '63, having accounted for more than twenty million dollars' worth of stores; and six months after being relieved accounts were closed in the Treasury Dep. without an error or one cent of loss to the government; reported for duty with regiment at New Orleans, La., Oct. 31, '63; provost marshal of Algiers, La., from Nov. 22, '63, till Feb. 29, '64; with regiment until April 26, '68, when ordered to Dep. of the South as Commissary of Musters ; reported for duty at Hilton Head, S. C. May 26, '64, and remained on duty till Sep., '66, the last year in Charleston performing the duties of mustering officer in addition to those of commissary of musters; with regiment at Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, La., from Sep., '66, till March, '69 ; Judge Advocate of a military commission in New Orleans, La., trying citizens from Jan. till Sep., '67, when taken down with yellow fever ; in the field in the fall of '76 disarming Sioux Indians ; at Fort Sully from May until Nov., '77; made a winter march from Fort Sully to Standing Rock ; struck by a blizzard Jan. 3, '78, and lost two men frozen to death ; all officers and men were more or leas frost-bitten ; with company at Standing Rock until May, '78, when ordered to Black Hills ; at Camp Bear Butte, Black Hills, from June 22 until Sep. 20, '78, and at FortMeade, Dakota, until the post was completed ; in the meantime out with company as escort to an engineer party surveying the Cheyenne River from the Fort Pierre crossing to its mouth at the Mo. River ; regiment being under orders for Tex., left Fort Meade with four companies May 13, and arrived at Fort Randall, Dakota, May 22, '80 ; granted four months' leave ; with four companies of the 1st Inf. from Fort Randall to Yankton, remaining on duty with regiment until arrival at Saint Joseph, Mo., where leave of absence was taken advantage of June 1, '80; reported to Com'd'g General Dep. of the Columbia, Vancouver Barracks, W. T., Oct. 6, '80, and as- signed to temporary duty at Dep. H'dq'rs as chief commissary of subsistence of the Dep. ; relieved Nov. 15 and assigned to Camp Spokane, W. T. ; at Camp and Fort Spokane from Dec., 13, '80, until Sep. 30, '82, when trans, to Fort Lapwai, Idaho ; at latter post from Oct. 24, '82, till Aug. 12, '84, when the post was aban- doned ; at Fort Klamath, Ore., from Oct. 26, '84, till Oct. 12, '85 ; trans, to the SMI RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 555 Dep. of Dak., arriving at Fort Maginnis, M. T., Nov. 12, '85 ; remained to Nov., '88 ; on D. S. Nov., '86, till Nov., '87 ; Nov. 15, '88, ordered home to await retire- ment. Commands held In command of four companies in the field in the fall of '76 ; Fort Sully from May to Nov., '77 ; in command of four companies from Fort Meade to Fort Randall May 13 to May 22, '80 ; in command of four companies, 1st Inf., from Fort Randall to Yankton ; Camp and Fort Spokane Dec. 13, '80, to Sep. 30, '82 ; Fort Lapwai, Idaho, from Oct. 24, '82, till Aug. 12, '84 ; Fort Kla- math, Ore., Oct. 26, '84, to Oct. 12, '85 ; temporary command of Fort Maginnis, M. T., Dec. 12, '85, to Jan. 26, '86; permanent command from April 16, '86, till Nov. 15, '88 ; in command of the 20th Inf. from Nov., '86, till Nov., '87. . Smith, Oskaloosa M. (First Lieut. 22d Inf.). Born in Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 11, '45. Retiring year 1911. App. from Ind. Civil life. Actual Rank Mus. Co. " I " and Q. M. Sgt. 13th Ind. Inf. Dec. 1, '61, to Nov. 30, '64 ; 1st Lieut, and Adj. 155th Ind. Inf. April 25, '65; hon. must, out Aug. 4, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 81st Inf. June 18, '67 ; accepted Aug. 6, '67 ; transferred to 22d Inf. May 15, '69; 1st Lieut. June 28, '76. Honorably mentioned Mentioned in the report of Colonel E. S. Otis, with reference to an engagement with the Indians at Clear Creek, Mont., Oct. 15, '76. Service Served in Western Virginia in Dec., '61; from Jan. to March, '62, at Green Spring Run, Va. ; in Shields' Division in the Shenandoah Valley during his Campaign of '62 ; at Harrison's Landing, Va., July, '62 ; at Suffolk, Va., Aug. '62, to May, '63 ; on Morris and Folly Islands, S. C., from Aug. '63, to Feb. '64 ; at Jacksonville, Fla., from Feb. to May, '64 ; in the Army of the James May to Nov., '64 ; in Front at Petersburg and at Cold Harbor ; served in Virginia and Delaware July to Aug., '65 ; at Fort Totten, D.T., Oct., '67, to July, '69; served in the field many times during that period ; at Fort Sully, D. T., July, '69, to Aug., 70; at Crow Creek Agency, D.T., Aug., '70, to May, 71 ; at Fort Sully and on the expedition to the Yellowstone River May to Nov., 71 ; at Fort Randall, D. T., May, 72, to June. 74 ; during part of that time served at Indian Agencies and on the Yellowstone expedition of 73; at Fort Wayne, Mich., July to Sept., 74; at New Orleans, La., Sept., 74, to May, 75, during the White League difficulties ; at Fort Wayne, Mich., May, 75, to July, 76; in Montana during the Sioux Campaign July, 76 to July, 77 ; at Chicago, 111., during the riots July, 77 ; at Fort Wayne, Mich., Aug., 77, to June, 79 ; at Fort McKavett, Tex., July to Nov., 79 ; at Fort Clark, Tex., Nov., 79, to Nov., '82; at Santa Fe, N. M., Nov. 22/82, to Feb. 23, '83; at Fort Lewis, Col., March to Nov.,'83; at Santa F6, N. M.,.Nov. 5, '83, to May 1, '84; on staff duty May 8, '84, to May 22, '88; Fort Keogh, Mont., Jan. '89, to . Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 22d Inf. Jan. 25, 79, to Oct. 1, '81; Adj. 22d Inf. Oct. 1, '81, to May 22, '84; A. D. C. to Brig. -General Stanley May 8, '84, to May 22, '88 ; Insp. rifle practice Dept. Tex. Nov. 5, '84. to Dec. 31, '88 ; Act. Engineer Officer Dept. Tex. March 29 to Oct. 4, '86 ; Act. Insp. General Dept. Tex. July 1 to Sept. 5, '86 ; Act. Asst. Adj. General Dept. Tex. Sept. 26, '87, to Feb. 15, '88, and from April 2 to Oct. 15, '88. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Commanded the detachment of the 22d Infantry in the fight with the Brule Indians in their attack on Ponca Agency, D. T., June 14, 72. Smith, Rodney (Colonel and Ass't Paymaster General). Born in Vermont Jan. 3, 1829. Retiring year 1893. Appointed from Kentucky Civil life. Actual rank Major, Paymaster, Feb. 23, '64 ; accepted March 4, '64 ; Lieut. Col., Dep. Paymaster Gen'l, Jan. 24, '81 ; Colonel, Ass't Paymaster Gen'l, Dec. 8, '86. Smith, Sebree (First Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in Missouri. Appointed from Kansas. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '66 ; graduated June 15, 70. Actual rank2& Lieut. 6th U. S. Cav. June 15, 70; 1st Lieut. Oct. 4, 72 ; trans, to 2d Art. Feb. 9, 77 (to rank in Art. Nov. 16, 74. Staff positions occupied Regt. Quartermaster 6th Cav. from May 17, 73, to April 4, 74; Regt. Quarter- master 2d Art. from Jan. 20, '81, to May 5, '87. Smith, Thomas C. H. (Major U. S. A.). Born in Massachusetts. Retired. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank Lieut. Col. 1st Ohio Vol. Cav. Sept. 5, '61 ; hon. must, out April 25, '63; Brig. Gen. Nov. 29, '62; accepted Sept. 27, '63 ; hon. must, out Jan. 15, '66 ; Major, Paymaster U. S. A., April 17, 78 ; accepted May 6, 78 ; retired March 24, '83, by operation of law. 556 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. SMI Smith, Thomas M K. (Captain 23d Inf.). Born in Pennsylvania May 19, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private, Corporal and Sergt. Co. B, 1st Batt. 17th U. S. Inf., from March 31, '64, to July 23, *64 ; 2d Lieut. 17th Inf. July 2, '64 ; 1st Lieut. July 2, '64 ; accepted July 23, '64; trans, to 26th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; Captain March 7, '67; unassigned May 19. '69; assigned to 23d Inf. Dec. 15, '70. Staff positions occupied Quartermaster 3d Batt. 17th Inf. from Oct. 31, '65, to Aug. 15, '66. Smith, William (Brigadier General, Paymaster General). Born in Vt. March 26, '31. Retiring year 1895; appointed from Minn. Civil life. Actual rank Add. P. M. August 29, '61; accepted Sept. 4, '61; Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 13, '65 ; hon. must, out July 20, '66 ; Major P. M. Jan. 17, '67 ; accepted March 26, 67; Lieut. Col. Dep. P. M. Gen. Sept. 6, '88; Brig, and Paymaster General March 10, '90 ; accepted March 15, '90. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. Vol. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service He reported for duty in Washington in Sept., '61, where he remained until Feb., '62, when or- dered to Louisville, Ky., where he remained two years and a half, employed in field payments in Kentucky and Tennessee. In the fall of '64 was ordered to St. Paul, and was on duty there until mustered out July 20, '66. Since his reappoint- ment he has served two years in Louisville, one year in San Antonio, two years in New Orleans, one year in Sioux City, seven vears in St. Paul, two years in Washington, four years in St. Paul, two years in Chicago, one and a half years in St. Paul, and at Washington, D. C., since March 26, '90. History March 26 was his birth-day; March 26 date of acceptance of appointment as Paymaster in '67; March 26 reported in Washington as Pm. Genl. His father was Lieut. Israel Smith, who served as Paymaster in the war of 1812. His letter of acceptance was written in Orwell, Vt., May 15, '13, and marked as received in Washington May 24, '13. He was Paymaster of the 30th Inf., and served something over a year, when he resigned. Smith, William P. (Major U. S. A.). Born in Vt. Retired. Appointed from Vt. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '41 ; graduated July 1, '45. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. Top. Eng. July 1, '45; 2d Lieut. July 14, '49; 1st Lieut. March 3, '53; Capt. (14 yrs. *er.) July 1, '59; Trans, to Eng. March 3, '63 ; Major March 3, '63 ; Col. 3d Vt. Vol. Inf., July 22, '61 ; Brig. Gen. Aug. 13, '61 ; accepted Aug. 15, '61 ; Mai. Gen. July 4, '62 ; accepted Aug. 4, '62 ; Exp. by Con. Lim. March 4, '63; Brig. Gen. March 4, '63; Major Gen. March 9, '64; accepted March 24, '64; resigned Nov. 4, '65 ; App. Maj. of Eng. March 1, '89, to rank from Feb. 27, '89 ; retired March 1, '89, Act Feb. 14, '89. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. June 28, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of White Oak Swamp, Va.; Col. Sept. 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Md.; Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallanj and meri- torious services in the battle of Chattanooga, Tenn ; Maj. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war. Staff positions occu- pied Prin. Asst. Prof, of Mathematics, M. A. from Sept. 4, '55, to Sept 8, '56. Smith, William H. (Second Lieut. 10th Cav.). Born in Mo. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '79; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rani- 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Cav. June 13, '83. Smither, Robert Q. (Captain U.S. A.). Born in Ind. Retired. Appointed from Ind. Civil life. Actual rankPvt. Co. I, 26th Ind. Vol. Inf., July 28, '61 ; discharged Nov. 4, '62 ; 1st Sgt. Co. H, 7th Ind. Vol. Cav., from Aug. 9, '63, to Sept. 29, '64; 2d Lieut. 7th Ind. Vol. Cav. Sept. 30, '64 ; 1st Lieut. March 7, '65 ; hon. must, out Feb. 18, '66; 1st Lieut. 10th U. S. Cav. June 12, '67; accepted July 18, '67 ; Capt. Nov. 18, '81 ; retired May 10, '88, for disability from wound in line of duty. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 10th Cav. from Jan. 25, 77, to Nov. 18, '81. Service Served in 107th Regiment Ind. Vol. Inf. from July 9 to July 18, '63, inclusive (during Morgan's raid through Indiana) ; re-entered the service in 7th Regiment Ind. Cav. Vol.; commissioned as captain of same company June 1,65, but could not muster as such until mustered out at Austin, Texas, Feb. 18, '66, on account of the officer who was commissioned as major not being able to muster in as such, the regiment being reduced below the authorized number; SPA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 557 he performed the duties of captain from date of receiving commission as such, and conducted company from Austin, Texas, to Indianapolis, Ind., as its captain, and where it was disbanded March 16, '66 ; the company then being designated as Co. A, it having been consolidated with Co. I in Sept., '65 ; was severely wounded through the base of the neck in the sabre charge of his regiment at the battle of Okolona, Miss., Feb. 22, '64 ; in a charge of the regiment at the battle of Egypt Station, Miss., on General Grierson's raid, Dec. 28, '64, was severely wounded in the right thigh ; during the last three months that he was connected with the 7th Ind. Cav. served on the staff of General George A. Custer as com- mander of his escort, consisting of two companies ; organized and commanded for several years troop K, 10th Cav.; A. A. A. and C. C. S. with troops in the field Sept. 10 to Nov. 30, 74 ; post adjutant Fort Coiicho, Texas, from Feb. 5, 77, to March 19, '80 ; A. A. A. District of the Pecos Jan. 28, 78, to Feb. 7, '81. Smoke, Samuel A. (Second Lieut. 18th Inf.). Born in Fla. Appointed from Fla. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83 ; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf. June 12, '87 ; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. Sept. 30, '87. Sniffen, Culver C. (Major and Paymaster). Born in N. Y., Jan. 1, 1844. Retiring year 1908; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Major Pm. March 3, 77 ; accepted March 6, 77. Snyder,' James A. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in D. C. Retired; appointed from Va. Civil life. Actual rankId Lieut. 3d U. S. Inf. Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Aug. 10, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 3, '63 ; Capt. Dec. 31, '67 ; retired Nov. 13, '89, for disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. May 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. ; Capt. July 2, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Staff" positions occupied A. D. C. Vol. from Feb., '62, to Nov., '64; Adjt. 3d U. S. Infantry from Jan. 1, '66, to Aug. 6, '66. Snyder, Simon (Lieut. Col. 10th Inf.). Born in Pa., Feb. 9, 1839. Retiring year 1903 ; app. from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th U.S. Inf. April 26, '61 ; ace. May 6, '61 ; Capt. July 1, '63 ; Maj. llth Inf. March 10, '83 ; trs. to 5th Inf. May 17, '83 ; Lieut. Col. 10th Inf. Jan. 2, '88. /Service At Governor's Island, New York, to Sept., '61 ; in charge of Recruiting Rendezvous, Detroit, Mich., to Nov., '62; and at Baltimore, Md., to May, '63; at Harrisburg, Peiin., to Nov., '64, on Mustering and Disbursing duty ; A. D. C. to General Couch during the rebel raid into Maryland and Pennsylvania, '64 ; Acting A. D. C. to General Torbert, com. Cavalry Corps, Middle Military Division ; A. D. C. to General Merritt in Sheri- dan's Campaign, spring of '65 ; Mustering and Disbursing duty, Louisville, Ky., May, '65, to May, 66 ; joined regiment at Fort Union, N. M., Aug., '66 ; at Fort Garland, C. T., to May, '67; at Pueblo, C. T., to July, '67; at Fort Reynolds, C. T., to Oct., '67 ; at Cedar Point, C. T., and various other posts from '67 to '90, his present station being Fort Marcy N. M. Sparrow, Solomon B. (First Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in Mattapoisett, Mass., April 26, 1855. Retiring year 1919. Appointed from Mass. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of 78. Actual rank2d Lieut. 21st Inf. June 14, 78; 1st Lieut. April 1, '85. Service With Co. Camp Harney, Oreg., Oct. 7, 78, to Jan. 2, 79; with Co. E, 1st Cav., in charge of prisoners; Batt. 1st Cav., moving Piute-Ban- nock war prisoners from Camp Harney, Oreg., to Yakima Indian Agency, Wash- ington, to May 2, 79; with Co. Camp Harney to June 13, '80; D. S., abandoning old Fort Harney, to Aug. 30, '80; with Co. Fort Canby, Washington, to Jan. 22, '81 ; sick leave to March 4, '81 ; with Co. Fort Stevens, Oregon, to Sept. 16, '81 ; D. S. Fort Stevens to Dec. 16, '81 ; with regiment Vancouver Bks. to April 9, '82, spec, duty ; in charge Vancouver Bks. Ord. Depot to June 24, '82 ; with regiment Vancouver Bks., W. T., to Aug. 4, '82 ; on leave to Aug. 28, '82 ; with regiment Vancouver Bks., W. T., to April 19, '83 ; D. S. with Co. in field to Aug. 27, '83 ; with regiment Vancouver Bks., W. T., to April 9, '84 ; special duty Hdqrs. Dept. Columbia; in charge J. A. Office to May 13, '84, and June 2 to 25, '84; with regt. changing station June 25 to July 2, '84; with Co. Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., to Oct. 20, '84; on leave to April 20, '85; 1st Lieut. April 1, '85; with regt. Fort 558 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. SPR Sidney, Neb., to date, except on leave Oct. 27, '87, to April 15, '88, and Oct. 5, '89, to Feb. 5, '90. Staff positions occupied Adj. A. A. Qm., A. C. S., Batt. 1st Cav., en route from Camp Harney, Oregon, to Yakima Indian Agency, W. T., Jan. 2 to May 2, 79. Spencer, Eugene J. (First Lieutenant Engineers). Born in Mo. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 78; graduated June 13, '82. Actual Ranlfr- 2d Lieut. 4th Cav. June 13, '82; trans, to Eng. June 7, '83; 1st Lieut. March 19, '84. Service On duty as Instructor Department of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology at Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., since August 27, '87. Spencer, George K. (First Lieutenant 19th Inf.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Iowa Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. B, 2d Iowa Vol. Inf., May 27, '61 ; discharged Sept. 18, '62; 1st Lieut. 35th Iowa Vol. Inf. Sept. 18, '62; Capt. Nov. 22, '63; hon. must, out Aug. 10, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 19th U. S. Inf. Aug. 17, '67 ; ac- cepted Aug. 26, '67 ; 1st Lieut. June 28, 78. Service In the War of the Rebel- lion, '61-5 ; in the field with the Army of the West, and on duty at various posts since the war. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle of Jackson. Miss., May, '63; siege of Vicksburg, battles of Jackson, Miss., July, '63, Pleasant Hill, La., action of Bayou-de-Glaze, La., and Old River Lake, Ark., battle of Tupelo, pursuit of the rebel General Price through Arkansas, Missouri and Kansas, battle of Nashville, and the siege of Fort Spanish, Ala. Spencer, James H. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Mass. Retired. Appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. K, 6th Mass. Vol. Inf., April 1>, '61 ; discharged Aug. 2, '61 ; Sgt. Co. F, 20th Mass. Vol. Inf., Aug. 23, '61 ; discharged Nov. 23, '68; 1st Lieut. 20th Mass. Vol. Inf. Nov. 23, '63; Capt. July 6, $4; hon. must, out July 16, '65; 2d Lieut. 12th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, *66; 1st Lieut. February 23, '66; accepted April 23, '66; tre. to 30th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; trs. to 4th Inf. March 23, '69; Capt. March 20, 79; retired Jan. 3, '85, for wound and injury in line of duty. Spencer, William G. (Captain and Assistant Surgeon). Born in New York May 3, 1853. Retiring year 1917. Appointed from New York. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. June 26, 75 ; ace. July 3, 75 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. June 26, '80. Service Ordered to Dep't of the South, July 20, 75; Post Surgeon, Lebanon, K\ . to June, 76 ; Post Surgeon, Raleigh, N. C., to December, 76 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Barrancas, Fla., to Nov., 77; ordered to Dep't of the Columbia, Oct. 31, 77; Post Surgeon, Fort Townsend, Wash. T., from Jan., 78; in Bannock Indian War 78 to April, '81 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Coeur d' Alene, Idaho T., to March, '82; on leave of absence to Sept., '82 ; on sick leave to May, '83; ordered to Dep't of the East, May 3, '83 ; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Harbor, from May, '83, to May, '85 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Sisseton, D. T., to '86 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Yates, D. T., March, '86, to May, '89; Post Surgeon, Fort Bridger, Wyo., May 10, '89, to - Sprague, Charles J. (Major U. S. A.). Born in Me. Retired. Appointed from Cal. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, '38, to Dec. 8, '38, and from Sept. 1, '39, to Feb. 3, '40. 'Actual ran 1st Lieut. Inf. Mar. 24, ' 17 ; accepted March 26, '47 ; 1st Lieut. 9th Inf., April 9, '47 ; Capt. Oct. 9, '47 ; dis- banded Aug. 26, '48 ; Add. Pm. Vol. Aug. 17, '61 ; accepted Sept. 12, '61 ; vacated Nov. 21, '67 ; app. Maj. Pm. U. S. A., Jan. 17, '67 ; accepted Nov. 21, '67 ; retired Apr. 12, '87, by operation of law. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco ; Lieut.-Col. Vol. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied Adj. 9th Inf. from June, '47, to Oct. 9, '47. Spragrue, Wellington G. (Captain and Bvt. Lieut. Col. U. S. A.). Born in Ohio. Retired. Appointed from Wis. Civil life. Actual Rank Pvt. andCorp'l Co. A, 1st Wis. Vol. H. Art., from March 31, '62, to Sep. 26, '63 ; Capt. 1st U. S. Colored Inf. Oct. 7, '63; hon. must, out Sep. 29, '65; 2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. April 3, '66 ; accepted May 19, '66 ; trans, to 34th Inf. Sep. 21, '66 ; unassigned April 14, '69; retired with rank of Capt. May 21, 70. Brevet rank Bvt. Major and Lieut. Col. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant conduct before Petersburg, Va., and for general good conduct and meritorious services. STA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 559 Sprole, Henry W. (Captain 8th Cav.). Born in N. Y., Oct. 16, 1847. Retir- ing year 1911. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Oct. 17, '65 ; graduated June 15, '69. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Cav., June 15, '69 ; 1st Lieut. Mar. 29, '73 ; Capt. July 23, '85. Spurgin, William F. (Captain 21st Inf.). Born in Ky., Oct. 18, 1838. Retir- ing year 1902. Appointed from Ind. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, '58, to March 12, '61. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Adj't. 54th Ind. Vol. Inf. June 10, '62; hon. must, out Sept. 26, '62; Captain 15th U. S. Colored Inf. April 9, '64 ; transferred to 100th U. S. Colored Inf. June 9, '64; hon. must, out Dec. 26, '65 ; 1st Lieut. 38th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 15, '66 ; transferred to 24th Inf. Nov. 11, '69; unassigned April 14, '70; assigned to 21st Inf. Jan. 1, '71; Capt. June 2, '76. Brevet rank Bvt. Captain March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Johnsonville, Tenn. ; Major March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Nashville, Tenn. ; Major Vol. March 13, '65, for special gallantry at Johnsonville in Nov., '64, and at Nash- ville, Tenn., Dec. 16, '64, and for faithful and meritorious services in the bureau of refugees, freedmen and abandoned lands. Squier, George O. (Second Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in Michigan. Appointed from Michigan. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1/83; graduated June 12, '87. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. June 12, '87. Squiers, Herbert Goldsmith (Second Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in Canada, April 26, 1859. Retiring year 1923. Appointed from Minn. Civil life. Grad- uated at Art. School, Fort Monroe, Va., May 1, '82. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. Oct. 12, '77 ; ace. Oct. 15, '77 ; expired by constitutional limitation Dec. 3, '77 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. Jan. 26, '78 ; ace. Jan. 28, '78 ; trans, to 7th Cav. Aug. 31, '80. Service Joined his regiment Nov. 12, '87; served with regiment at Forts Randall, Sully, Hale and Bear Butte, Dak. Ty., until April 20, '80 ; on duty at the U. S. Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., until graduation May 1, '82 ; transferred to the 7th Cav. Aug. 31, '80 ; joined regiment at Fort Yates, Dak., June 1, '82 ; on duty Adj. Gen.'s office, Mil. Div. of the Missouri, Chicago, 111., Oct. 10, '82, to May 1, '83 ; joined regiment at Fort Meade, Dak., June 1, '83 ; on duty as Pro- fessor Military Science and Tactics at St. John's College, Fordham, N. Y., from Oct. 1, '85, to date. Stafford, John (First Lieut. 8th Inf.). Born in Illinois. Appointed from the army. Actual rank Private, Corporal and Sergeant Co. K, 1st U. S. Cav., from June 2, '76, to May 2, '82 ; 2d Lieut. 8th Inf. March 27, '82 ; accepted May 3, '82 ; 1st Lieut. May 27, '89. Stafford, Stephen R. (Captain 15th Inf.). Born in New York, July 28, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. G, 13th N. Y. Vol. Inf., and Co. K, 3d N. Y. Vol. Cav., from May 2, '61, to Sept. 18, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 8th N. Y. Vol. Art. Aug. 22, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 22, '64; Captain Jan. 10, '65 ; honorably mustered out June 5, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 38th U. S. Inf. May 21, '67 ; accepted May 27, '67 ; unassigned Nov. 11, '69 ; assigned to 15th Inf. March 5, '70; 1st Lieut. Jan. ,15, '73; Captain Jan. 31, '82. Brevet rank Brevet Major Vol. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied R. Qm. 15th Inf. from Jan. 1, 75, to April 22, '77. Stamper, Willson Y. (Second Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1856. Retiring year 1920. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 21st U. S. Inf. Nov. 21, '83. Service Served at David's Island, N. Y. ; Vancouver Barracks, Wash. ; Fort Townsend, Wash. ; Fort Leavenworth, Kan. ; Fort D. A. Russell and Fort Bridger, Wyo. History Graduate of the U. S. Inf. and Cav. School, Class of '85-7. Stanhope, Philip W. (Major and Bvt. Lieut. Col. U. S. A.). Born in Rhode Island. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Retired. Actual rank Captain 12th U. S. Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 30, '61 ; hon. must, out Jan. 1, '71 ; app. Major of Inf. May 27, 79 (by act of Congress), to rank from Dec. 10, 73, that be- ing the grade and rank he would have attained had he remained continuously in service; retired May 27, 79. Brevet rank Brevet Major Aug. 18, '64, for gallant 560 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. STA and meritorious service? during the operations on the Weldon R. R., Va. ; Lieut. Col. Oct 2, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Saltville, Va. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. May 15, '64, to July, '64. Service On recruiting duty to Nov., '61 ; Colonel 2d Cincinnati Vols. Sept., '62 ; commanding regiment and brigade in the defense of Cincinnati and Covington during the rebel Gen. Mor- gan's raid ; on mustering duty in Washington, D. C., Nov. to Dec., '62 ; muster- ing and disbursing duty Cincinnati, Ohio, April to Nov., '63; on the staff of Gen. Carter during the rebel attack on Hickman's Bridge, in Kentucky ; commanding a battalion of volunteers in the advance to Port Royal, Va. ; provost-marshal on staff of Gen. Abercrombie in the action of White House, Va. ; on the staff of Gen. Getty '64; in the field in N. C. and Ky. '64 ; rejoined 12th U. S. Inf. April, '65 ; at Fort Hamilton, New York, April, '65; commanding post of Norfolk and the sub-district of the Peninsula, Va. ; commanding Russell Barracks, Washington. D. C., '66. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown and battle of Gaines' Mill, Va. (wounded and taken prisoner) ; exch'd Aug., '62 ; in the action of Jones' Bridge, Charles City Court-House and Ream's Station, Va. ; command- ing 12th U. S. Inf., and engaged at the battles of the Weldon Railroad and in the explosion ot the mine, Petersburg, Va. ; engaged in the Saltville raid, N. C., and in guerrilla fighting in Kentucky. Stanley, David S. (Brigadier and Bvt. Major General Comg. Department]. Born in Ohio June 1, 1828. Retiring year, 1892; appointed from Ohio. Grad- uate M.A., class of '52; Brevet 2d Lieut. 2d Dragoons July 1, '52; 2d Lieut. Sept. 6, '53 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. March 3, '55; Captain 4th Cav. March 16, V>1 ; Brig. Gen. Vols. Sep. 28, '61 ; Major Gen. Volg. Nov. 29, '62 ; accepted April 10, '63; hon. must, out Feb. 1, '66; Major 5th U. S. Cav. Dec. 1, '63; Col. 22d Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Sep. 13, '66; Brig. Gen. U. S. A. March 24, '84; accepted April 18, '84. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. U. S. A. Dec. 31, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Stone River, Tenn. ; Colonel May 15, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Resaca, Ga ; Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Ruff's Station, Ga. ; Major Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Franklin, Tenn. Service On frontier duty '52-61, serving with distinction against Indians, especially the Comanches ; served in several actions in Missouri in '61 ; he commanded a division of the army of General Rosecrans at the battle of Corinth Oct. 4, '62, and distinguished himself as commander of all the cavalry at the great battle of Stone River, which ended Jan. 2, '63 ; on Tullahoma cam- paign, action Guy's Gap, and Shelbyville, Tenn., June 24, '63 ; Chickamauga campaign Sept., '63; Missionary Ridge Nov., '63; Atlanta campaign '64; about Aug. 1, '64, he obtained command of 4th Corps in Sherman's army, then near At- lanta. He was, with his Corps, sent back to Nashville in Oct., '64, with order* to report to General Thomas; took part in the battle of Franklin, Nov. 30, '64, where he was severely wounded ; led the brigade which restored the break in the main line of battle which had just been penetrated by the Confederate force ; in 72-3 he commanded expeditions in Dakota and Montana, where he had several successful encounters with hostile Sioux Indians; left Dakota in '74; stationed in Detroit until '76 ; in New York City Superintendent General Recruiting Service '76-8; commissioned to locate Brule Indians under Spotted Tail and Ogallalla Indians under Red Cloud summer of 78 ; com. regiment in Texas 79; at Fort Clark, Texas, from 79 to '82 ; in summer '82 sent out a scout under Lieut. Bullis, 24th Inf., which exterminated the last party of hostile Indians that set foot on and committed murder in Texas ; '82 in New Mexico, Headquarters at Santa Fe ; '83 Headquarters removed to Fort Lewis, Col. ; engaged during the year in paci- fying semi-hostile Navajo Indians; '84 Headquarters at Santa Fe; commanding Department of Texas from '84 until present date, April 21, '90. Battles, skir- mishes, etc. In actions with Comanches and other Indians from '52 to '61 ; en- gaged in battles of Corinth Oct. 4, '62 ; Stone River Jan. 2, '62 ; Guy's Gap and Shelbyville, Tenn., June 24, '63 ; Chickamauga Sep., '63; Missionary Ridge Nov., '63; Resaca, Ga., May 15, '64; Ruff's Station, Ga., '64; Atlanta campaign '64: battle of Franklin, Teun., Nov. 30, '64. Commands AW Commanded a division STA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 561 in Gen. Rosecrana' Army and all the Cavalry at battle of Corinth '62 ; 4th Corps in Sherman's Army in battle of Franklin, Tenn. ; Expeditions in Dakota and Montana '72-3 ; District of Nueces, Texas, 79-82 ; District of New Mexico '84 ; Dep. of Texas from '84 to present time, '90. Stanton, Thaddeus H. (Major, Bvt. Lieut. Col. and Paymaster). Born in Ind., Jan. 30, 1835. Retiring year 1899 ; appointed from Iowa Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. "A," 3d Batt., D. C. Inf., April 15, '61 ; discharged July 15, '61 ; Capt. 19th Iowa Inf. Aug. 18, '62 ; hon. must, out Dec, 18, '62 ; Add. Pm. Oct. 3, '62; accepted Dec. 18, '62 ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 13, '65; vacated Aprils, '67; Maj. Pm. Jan. 17, '67; accepted April , '67. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col.. Vol. March 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned Nov., '64, Gen. Canby solicited his assignment as Chief Paymaster. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Vol. Oct. 30, '62, to Dec. 18, '62; on staff of Maj. Gen. Samuel R. Curtis, Comdg. Dept. of the Army of the Frontier '62. Service Service continuous since Aug. 18, '62; raised Co. "C," 19th Iowa Inf., Aug. 18, '62 ; in the Army of the Frontier and participated in its campaigns until Nov., '62 ; was sent to Des Arc, Ark., to exchange the 21st Texas Cav.; was sent to Memphis and Vicksburg in Feb., '63, and was present during the operations which resulted in the surrender of the latter city ; followed the Army of the Tenu. on its march to Chattanooga as far as Tuscumbia, paying the troops. Returned to Vicksburg to pay the 16th Corps ; ordered to New Orleans in Nov., '64; order- ed to Washington, D. C. in Jan., '65, and to the Army of the Potomac; upon the fall of Richmond he was selected by the Secretary of War to take post in that city, where he remained until '70, most of the time as Chief Paymaster of the Department, being assigned to duty with his brevet rank, the only officer of the pay department so assigned during the war, and in addition to these duties he was put in charge of the disbursements of Reconstruction funds for the 1st Mil. District. He was appointed by the Department Commander to be Auditor of public accounts for the State of Va., and had charge of collecting all the taxes and payment of the expenses of the State under Reconstruction acts. In '71 he was a member of the Board to adjust war claims of the State of Kansas against the United States ; November, "71, he was ordered to San Francisco, going to every Military post in the Territory ; November, '72, he was ordered to the Department of the Platte, and took station at Cheyenne, Wyo.; he was with the column under Gen. John E. Smith in '74 to place the Sioux Indians on the reser- vations at the Red Cloud and Spotted Tail Agencies, and the establishing of Fort Robinson and Camp Sheridan ; with Gen. Crook on the Black Hill expedi- tion in '75; made a reconnoissance of the Bad Lands of Southern Dakota in Sep. and Oct., 75; in Feb., 76, he was Chief of Scouts for Gen. Crook in his movements against the Northern hostiles and took part in his engagement with Crazv Horse on Powder River, Mont., March 17, 76; in May he was sent by Gen. Sheridan to report to Gen. Carr and subsequently to Gen. Merritt for field duty, and took part in the movements to prevent the Cheyennes from joining Sitting Bui]; joined Gen. Crook on Goose Creek, Mont., in Aug. and took command of scouting column against Sitting Bull ; participated in the battle of Slim Buttes, Sept. 10, 76 ; was with column under Gen. Crook in Nov. and Dec. against the the threatened outbreak of the Bannocks near Fort Hall, Idaho, in 78 ; Nov., 79, was sent to pay the column operating against the Utes after the Thornburg Massacre ; Dec., 79, ordered to Omaha as Chief Paymaster Dept. of the Platte ; Aug., '84, detailed as member of a Board in Washington, D. C., to adjust addition- al war claims of the State of Kansas against the United States ; in '85 again or- dered to Salt Lake City to take station ; in '86 detailed by Gen. Crook for special duty in the field in connection with the movement to prevent outbreak of the Uncompahgre and White River Utes and to establish Fort Du Chesne; in Sept., '88, ordered to duty at hdqrs Div. of the Missouri, Chicago, Ills. Battles, skir- mishes, etc. Engagement with Crazy Horse on Powder River, Mont., March 17, 562 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. STA 76; battle of Slim Buttes, Mont., Sept. 10, 76. History He was with John Brown and Gen. Jas. H. Lane in Kansas '57-58 and engaged in nearly all the armed conflicts between the Free State and Pro-Slavery parties those years ; was elected to the General Assembly of the State of Iowa and served from '61 to April, '62, and also at the extra session of Sept. the same year. Stanton, William (Captain 6th Cav.). Born in N. Y. Oct. 13, 1843. Retir- ing year 1907. Appointed from Mich. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. G, 43d Ohio Vol. Inf., from Sept. 3, '62, to March 11, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Art. Sept. 3, '67 ; accepted Sept. 9, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 16, 74 ; trs. to 6th Cav. Feb. 9, 77; Capt. May 21, '86. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. from April 19, '86, to Aug. 28, '86. Stanton, William S. (Major of Engineers). Born in N. Y. Sept. 9. 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Acad- emy July 1, '61 ; graduated June 23, '65. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Eng. June 23, '65; Capt. Feb. 14, 71 ; Major March 19, '84. Staff positions occupied Inst. Prac- tical Eng. M. A. from Aug. 28, '81, to Aug. 28, '85. Service Asst. Eng. on re- pairs of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, Louisiana ; on the improvement or Galves- ton Harbor, Texas, '65-68; on temporary duty at Boston, Mass., '68-70 ; on duty with Battalion of Engineers, Whitestone, New York, 70-72; on duty at Boston, Mass., 72-74; Eng. Officer Dept. of Platte 75-81 ; at Mil. Acad. as Instructor of Practical and Military Eng., Military Signaling and Telegraphy, and in comd. of Co. E, Batt. of Eng. ; in charge of extension to Cadet Barracks, of new water works and supply line West Point, N. Y., '82; at present on duty at Boston, Mass., '90. Starr, Charles G. (First Lieut. 1st. Inf.). Born at Kankakee, 111., Feb. 25, 1857. Retiring year 1921. App. from 111. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of 78. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. June 14, 78 ; 2d Lieut. June 28, 78 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 20, '83. Service Ft. Meade, D. T. Sept. 28, 78, to May 13, '80 ; D. S. at Ft. Lincoln, D. T., Dec., 78, to Feb., 79; San Antonio, Texas, June, '80, to Aug., '80 ; Camp at Mouth of Rio Pecos, Texas, Sept., '80, to Feb., '81 : Clark, Texas, Feb., '81, to March, '81. Ft. Davis, Texas, April, '81, to June, '81 ; Presidio of Del Norte, Texas, June, '81, to Sept., '81 ; Ft. Davis, Texas, Sept., '81, to April, '82 ; D. S. with Dept. Rifle Team Oct. to Nov., '81 ; Camp at Pinery, Texas, April to May, '82; Ft. Bowie, A. T., May to June, '82; Camp Price, A. f ., June to Nov., '82; D. S. at Ft. Grant, A. T., July, '82 ; Ft. Bowie, A. T., Nov., '82, to May, '83; Prof, of Mil. Science and Tactics, Southern Illionis Normal Uni- versity, Carbondale, Ills., July, '83, to July, '86 ; Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., July, '86, to Sept., '86 ; D. S. at Ft. Gaston, Cal., Aug., '86 ; Benicia Bka., Cal., Sept., '86, to April, '87; Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., April, '87, to June, '88; Summer Camp at Santa Cruz, Cal., July and Aug., '87; Camp at Santa Barbara, Cal., June to Sept., '88; Angel Island, Cal., Sept., '88, to date; Summer Camp at Monterey and Santa Cruz, Cal., July to Sept, '89. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Camp at Mouth of Rio Pecos, Tex., Sept., '80, to Feb., '81 ; A. C. S. Presidio of Del Norte, Tex., June, '81, to Sept.. '81 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Camp Price, A. T., June to Nov., '82 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Benicia Bks., Cal., Sept.. '86, to April, '87 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Camp at Santa Bar- bara, Cal., June to Sept., '88 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Angel Island, Cal., Sept., '88, to ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Summer Camp at Monterey and Santa Cruz, Cal., July to Sept., '89 ; R. Q. M. 1st Inf. Aug. 5, '88, to . Starr, Samuel H. (Colonel U. S. A.). Born at Leyden, N. Y., July 31, 1810. Retired ; app. from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp. and Sergt. Co. "G," 4th Art., Oct. 27, '32, to Oct. 26, '37 ; Pvt., Corp. and Sergt. Co. " A," Engineers. June '63 ; retired with rank of Colonel Dec. 15, 70. Brevet rank Brevet Major May 4, '62, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Williamsburg, Va. ; Lieut. Col. June 21, '63, gallant and meritorious services in action at Upperville, Va. ; Col. July 2, '63, gallant and meritorious services in the Getttysburg campaign. STA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 563 Honorably mentioned (Original commission) for distinguished services in the Mexican War ; General Hooker's report of this Peninsula campaign says of Col- onel Starr while in command of the brigade : " His energy and courage were con- spicuous in every part of the field." Referring to the battle of Fairfield, Pa., July 3, '63, Colonel Harper, late Grand Commander G. A. E. Department of Pennsyl- vania, in an address delivered at Allentowu, spoke of it as follows : " Comrades, they hold up to our view as a hero the leader of that desperate charge, but they neglect to give credit to those loyal and brave men who not only resisted, but re- pulsed that terrible onslaught. But what appears to me worse than all is the fact that they failed to even mention the greatest act of heroism and bravery in the history of the Civil War. namely, the struggle that occurred in that little hamlet, Fairfield, Pa., where a handful of our cavalry, under the leadership of Major S. H. Starr, attacked two brigades of cavalry and a battery of artillery, Confederate troops, and for several hours successfully withstood and repulsed charge after charge until reinforcements came to their rescue, although nine-tenths of them were killed, wounded or taken prisoners. This heroic act on their part completed the success of our arms, and drove the enemy in dismay from Pennsylvania soil, and to them belongs an equal share of honor." The order given by Major Starr on that memorable occasion was in these words. " By Fours, Forward March, Trot, Gallop, Charge," and these are watchwords of the survivors of the United States Sixth Cavalry, at their annual reunions. Service Stationed at Fort Moultrie, from '34 to '37 ; served in the campaign against the Creek and Seminole Indians in Alabama and Florida. In the latter year he retired from the service ; but upon the declaration of war with Mexico, re-entered the army as a Sergeant in the Corps of United States Engineers, and participated in all of the principal battles, and continued in Mexico until the conclusion of peace in '48, having been engaged in seventeen pitched battles ; served in Texas from '48 to '54, and in Kansas during the Border Ruffian troubles, in '55 ; in the Sioux Indian and Utah Expeditions of '55-56, and in the Western Territories until '61 ; in the War of the Rebellion he was assigned to the Staff of Brigadier-General J. K. F. Mansfield as A. D. C., and in May, '61, was appointed Provost Marshal of the City of Washington, D. C. ; subsequently was ordered on mustering duty to St. Johnsbury, Vermont, and Philadelphia, Pa. ; in Dec., '61, four New Jersey regiments were ordered to report to General Hooker, near Budd's Ferry, Md., and, being formed into a brigade as a part of the Army of the Potomac, Colonel Starr, the senior officer, was appointed to its command ; continued in command of the brigade, devoting his energies to its drill and discipline during the winter and spring of '61-62, and also during the movement of the army down the Potomac to Fortress Monroe, and its ad- vance up the Peninsula ; and at the Siege of Yorktown, until May, '62 ; here, at the close of the siege, he was relieved of the command of the brigade, which was of his creation, and resumed com. of his regiment ; was assigned as Chief Must, and Dis. Officer for the State of Ohio, from Oct., '63, to Sept., '64, when he was ordered to join Sheridan's Army in the Shenandoah Valley, Va ; he com. Remount Camp, Pleasant Valley, Md., in Nov., '64, and was Special Inspector of Cavalry for the Armies of the Potomac and the James from Nov., '64, to Aug., '65 ; in Oct., '65, he was ordered with his regiment to Texas, and placed in command of Austin ; later, he was appointed to the command of the post at Tyler, Smith County. While in Texas he served on two military commissions, one held at Houston, and the other at Jefferson, being President of one. Battles, skirmishes, etc. He was engaged in the siege of Vera Cruz, the battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras and Cherubusco, and led the forlorn hope at the storming and capture of Molino del Rey ; he took part in the capture of the Castle of Chapultepec and of the City of Mexico. On May 4, '62, he was engaged at the battle of Williamsburg, where his regiment lost heavily and he was wounded ; he was again placed in com- mand of the brigade, and was engaged at the battle of Fair Oaks, May 31, and at Seven Pines, June 1 ; again resuming command of his regiment, he was engaged with it at the battles of White Oak Swamp, Chickahominy, Seven Days' Battles and Malvern Hill, during the retreat of the Army of the Potomac to Harrison's Landing, in '62 ; the command of the brigade of Regular Cavalry devolved on 564 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. STE him June 13, and in the action of Upperville, Va., June 21, he was wounded in the side by a sabre thrust received during a charge on the rebel cavalry ; during Lee's march for the invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania, hung on the flank of the Confederate army with his cavalry, skirmishing frequently with the enemy until they crossed the Potomac into Maryland, and on the 3d of July, at Fair- field, Pa., with the 6th U. S. Cav., reduced by casualties to less than three hun- dred men, he engaged two brigades of the enemy's cavalry, checked their advance, and, after a severe engagement in which the regiment lost heavily, frus- trated the object of the Confederates to make a flank attack upon a Union bri- gade. Col. Starr was severely wounded in this action, receiving a sabre stroke on the head and a pistol ball through the right arm, which shattered the bone and rendered amputation necessary ; this was performed four inches below the shoulder-joint, July 4th ; he was taken prisoner after the action, while lying wounded at the house of Mrs. Blythe, in Fairfield, but was immediately released. Staff positions occupied A.. D. C. to Brig. Gen'l J. K. F. Mansfield, '61. Com- mands held Brigade from Dec., '61, to May, '62 ; Remount Camp, Pleasant Val- ley, Md., Nov., '64 ; in command at Austin, Tex., and later, the post at Tyler, Bmith County, Tex. History His father, who was a man of much more than ordinary intelligence, and remarkable for his wonderful memory, was the propri- etor of a hotel in Rome, and it was he who entertained General Lafayette when he made his memorable visit to this country. His mother was a daughter of the Rev. Henry and Achsah Ely, of Connecticut. Stedman, Clarence A (Captain 9th Cav.). Born in Massachusetts, March 29,1846. Retiring year 1910. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '65 ; graduated June 15, 70. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 9th U. S. Cav. June 15, 70 ; 1st Lieut. April 19, 75 ; Captain July 3, '85. Staff position* occupied R. Qm. 9th Cav. from June 24, 79, to March 17, '80; Adj. 9th Cav. from March 18, '80, to June 8, '85. Steedman, Richard R. (First Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 16th Inf. Feb. 1, 76 ; accepted Feb. 19, 76 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 20, '83. Steele, Charles L. (First Lieut. ISth Inf.). Born in Mississippi. Appointed from Tenn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75; graduated June 13,79. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. June 13, 79; 1st Lieut. Oct. 6, '87. Service Served with detachment of recruits delayed en route to regiment at Fort Snelling, Minn., from Oct., 79, to June 1, '80 ; with company in Montana, at Fort Shaw, Fort Maginnis and camp at Rocky Point to May, '85 ; at Fort Reno, I. T., to Aug., '85; at Fort Riley, Kan., to Oct., '87; at Fort Logan, Col., from Oct.. '87, to Oct., '89 ; with regiment at Fort Clark, Texas, to Jan., '90 ; at David's Island, N. Y. H., on recruiting service, to . Commands held Commanded Co. A, 18th Inf., at Fort Logan, Col., Oct., '87, to Oct., '89. History Member Dept. Rifle Teams, '84, '85 and '89 ; member Division Rifle Team and distin- guished marksman Sept., '89. Steele, Matthew P. (Second Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in Aia., June 19, 1861. Retiring year 1925. Appointed from Ala. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 79 ; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank2d Lieut. 8th Cav. June 13, '83. Service Assigned to troop F and joined at Fort Clark, Tex., Oct. 1 ; at Fort Clark to Jan. 1, '84; at Camp Del Rio, Tex., to July, '85; with troop against threatened outbreak of Cheyennes in Camp at Crisfield, Kan., and marched with Batt. of Cav. (4 troops of 8th and 6 troops of 3d) from Crisfield to Henrietta, Tex., in July; resumed station with troop at Fort Clark, Tex., Aug.; at Fort Clark, scouting, and at Camp Langtry, Tex., to Sep. 6, '86 ; on leave to Nov. 7 ; at Fort Clark and Camp Langtry to Aug. 22, '87 ; on rifle competition (range officer) at Bellevue, Neb., to Oct. 1 ; on leave to Nov. 15 ; at Fort Davis, Texas, with troop to May 17, '88; on march with regiment to Dakota to Sep. 17 ; at Ft. Yates, N. D., to Aug. 2, '89; on Cav. competition (competitor) at Bellevue, Neb., to Sep. 1 (won bronze medal for pistol practice) ; at Fort Yates to March 10, '90 ; en route to and from and at Chicago, Til., for trial by G. C. M. to April 1 ; at Fort Yates to present, April 12, '90. Staff positions occupied A.. A. Q. M. and A. C. STE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 565 S. at Camp Del Rio, Tex., Jan., '84, to July, '85 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of Battalion to Aug, '85. Steelhammer, Charles (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Sweden. Retired. Ap- pointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. Co. B, 83d N. Y. Inf., May 27, '61 ; discharged May 12, '62 ; hosp. Steward May 12, '62 ; discharged Sep. 6, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 17th Inf. Sep. 2, '64; 1st Lieut, Sep. 2, '64; accepted Sep. 6, '64; trans, to 35th Inf. Sep. 21, '66 ; Capt. Nov. 1, '66; trans, to 15th Inf. Aug. 12, '69 ; retired Oct. 31, '84, disability in line of duty. Steever, Edgar Z. (Captain 3d Cav.). Born in Pennsylvania Aug. 20, 1849. Retiring year 1913. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '67 ; graduated June 12, '71. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Cav. June 12, '71; 1st Lieut. Mav 18, 78; Capt. Jan. 18, '86; served as Captain under letter of promo- tion issued during recess from March 4, '85, to July 2, '86. Staff positions occu- pied Adjt. 3d Cav. Sept. 1, '83, to March 4, '85. Service On duty as Assistant Instructor of Tactics and Military Signaling and Telegraphy at Military Academy from July 5, '71, to Aug. 21, '71 ; on graduating leave Aug. 28 to Nov. 30, 76 ; with regiment on frontier service in Nebraska and Dakota Nov. 30, 71, to Oct. 1, 72; on detached service in command of American Palestine Exploring Expe- dition, engaged in a topographical survey of Moab, Gilead, Bashan and the Hau- ran, Asia, from Oct. 1, 72, to Oct. 1, 74; with regiment on frontier service in Nebraska and Wyoming Oct. 1, '74, to Sept. 9, 76; on duty as Acting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at West Point Military Academy Sept. 9, 76, to Aug. 28, '80; 1st Lieut. May 18, 78; on duty with regiment on frontier service in Wyoming Sept. 27, 80, to May 2, '82 ; on detached service conducting reconnois- sance in Northern Wyoming and parts of Montana and Idaho June 18, '81, to Sept. 8, '81 ; on duty with regiment in New Mexico and Arizona May 2, "82, and at various other stations till '90, present station being at San Antonio, Texas. Steinmetz, William B. (Captain and Assistant Surgeon). Born in Ger- many Sept. 8, 1835. Retiring -year, 1899 ; appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. gen. ser. May 3, '60 ; hosp. stwd. Jan. 23, '61 ; dischgd. March 16, '65 ; 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg. Nov. 16, '68; ace. Nov. 24, '68; Capt., Asst. Surg. Nov. 16, 71. Service From May, '60, to Jan., '64, at Carlisle Barracks, Pa.; from Jan., '64, to March, '65, on duty in Surgeon General's Office, Washington, D. C. ; was discharged from Surg. Gen.'s Office March, '65, to accept position of A. A. Surg. ; served as such from April to Oct., '65, at the General Hospitals of Jackson Bks., Wilmington, N. C., Smithville, N. C., and Moorehead City, N. C.; from April, '67, to Oct., '67, as Post Surg. of Camp on the Big Black River, Miss., and Yazoo City, Miss. ; from Sept. 8 to Nov. 16, '68, at Fort McHenry, Md. ; Post Surgeon, Fort Griffin, Texas, to Sept., 71 ; Post Surgeon Fort Duncan, Texas, to May, '74; on leave of absence June to Aug., 74; at Fort McHenry, Md., to May, 75; ordered to the Dept. of the Missouri May 17, 75 ; Post Surgeon Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, Ind. Ty., to Feb., 76 ; Post Surgeon Fort Wallace, Kansas, to Sept., 78; on leave of absence to Sept., 79; found incapacitated for active ser- vice by a Retiring Board Sept. 10, 79, and on sick leave to July 20, '89 ; Post Surgeon Watertown Arsenal, Mass., from July 26, '89, to present time. Stembel, James McB. (First Lieut. 9th Inf.). Bom in Ohio. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 27th Inf. Oct. 19, '67 ; accepted Oct. 22, '67; transferred to 9th Inf. June 14, '69; 1st Lieut. Mar. 27, 79. Staff positions occupied R,eg. Q. M. 9th Inf. Nov. 28, '86, to July 1, '87; Adjt. July 1, '87. Stephenson, William (Capt. and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Portland, Me., March 3, 1856. Retiring year, 1920 ; appointed from Maine Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. Dec. 3, '83 ; accepted Feb. 15, '84; Captain and Asst. Surgeon Dec. 3, '88. Service In the Department of the Plaite from '84 to '86 ; in the Dept. of Arizona from '86 to '90 ; ordered to Dept. of the East and stationed at David's Island, N. Y., to date. Stephenson, William (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in England. Retired; appointed from Army. Actual rankP\i., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. C, 1st Batt., and Sgt. Major 13th Inf. Nov. 16, '64, to Aug. 17/67 ; 2d Lieut. 27th Inf. June 8, '67 ; 566 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. STE acc. Aug. 17, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 2, '68 ; unassigned June 14, '69 ; aasd. to 8th Cav. Dec. 31, '70 ; retired April 23, '79, disability in line of duty. Steinberg, George M. (Major and Surgeon). Born in New York June 8, 1838. Retiring year 1902; appointed from New York Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. May 28, '61 ; accepted May 31, '61 ; Capt. and A&rt. Surg. May 28, '66 ; Major and Surgeon Dec. 1, 75. Brevet rank Brevet Captain and Major U. S. A. for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service With Gen. Sykes' command, Army of the Potomac, to Aug., '62 ; hospital duty Ports- mouth Grove, R. I., to Nov., '62 ; with General Banks' expedition, and in the office of the medical director, Department of the Gulf, to Jan., '64 ; in office of medical director, Columbus, Ohio, and in charge of U. S. General Hospital at Cleveland, Ohio, to July, '65 ; with the 13th U. S. Inf. Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to April, '66 ; at Fort Marker, Kan., to Oct., '67 (cholera epidemic); at Ft. Riley, Kan., and in the field from April, '68, to 70 (Indian campaign) ; Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, to May, '71 (yellow fever epidemic) ; Fort Hamilton N. Y. Harbor, to June, 71 ; Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass., to Aug., 72 ; ordered to Dept. of the Gulf July 22, 72 ; in medical director's office, New Orleans, La., to Oct., 72; Post Surgeon Fort Barrancas, Fla., to Aug., 75 (epidemics of yellow fever in 73 and 75) ; on sick leave to May, 76 ; ordered to Dept. of the Columbia May 11, 76 ; Attending Surgeon Department Headquarters to Sept., 76 ; Post Surgeon Fort Walla Walla, W. T., to May, 79; in the field, Nez Perces Expedition, 77 ; on special duty with National Board of Health from July, 79, to Aug., '81 (Mem- ber of Havana Yellow Fever Commission, 79) ; ordered to Dept. of California Aug. 10, '81 ; Post Surgeon Fort Mason, Cal., to May, '84 ; Attending Surgeon and Examiner of Recruits at Baltimore, Md., to the present time ; Delegate from the United States to the International Sanitary Conference at Rome, '85 ; de- tailed by the President to make investigations relating to the cause and preven- tion of yellow fever. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Present at the battle of first Bull Run July 21, '61 ; at Games' Mill and at Malvern Hill. History In Brazil and in Mexico, '87, and in Cuba '88 and '89 ; Honorary Member of the American Academy of Medicine, of the Epidemiological Society of London, of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Rome, of the Imperial Academy of Medicine of Rio de Janeiro, etc. Stevens, Charles J. (First Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in New York. Ap- pointed from New York. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 77 ; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 9th Cavalry June 13, '82; 1st Lieut. July 16, '88. Stevens, Gustave W. S. (Second Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in Virginia. Ap- rinted from La. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July '86. Actual rank Additional 2d Lieut. 4th Art. July 1, '86 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Art, July 18, '86. Stevens, Raymond R. (Second Lieut. 23d Infantry). Born in Pa. Ap- pointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual ran* 2d Lieut. 23d Inf. Oct. 30, '84 ; accepted Oct. 31, '84. Stevens, Robert R. (First Lieut. 6th Inf.). Born in Texas. Appointed from Miss. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 2, 73 ; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank Id Lieut. 6th Inf. June 15, 77 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 16, '84. Stewart, Cecil (Second Lieut. 3d Cav.). Born at Fort Monroe, Va., April 12, 1864. Retiring year 1928; app. from Cal.; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '86. Actual rank2d Lieut 3d Cav. July 1, '86. Staff positions occupied A. \. Q. M. and A, C. S. at Camp at Eagle Pass, Tex., for one year '88-9. History Medals won at Rifle and Cavalry Competitions, Div. of the Mo. '88 (silver) ; Army '88 (silver); Cavalry at Fort Leaven worth, Kans., '89 (silver); distinguished Marksman '89 ; son of Col. C. Seaforth Stewart (retired), late of the Engre.; g. g. grandson of Col. Chas. Stewart, Com. Gen. of Issues on staff of Genl. Washington. Stewart, Charles S. (Colonel U. S. A.). Born at sea. Retired. Ai from N. J. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '42 ; graduated July 1, '46; Actual rankId Lieut. Eng. July 1, '46; 1st Lieut. July 1, '53; Capt. (14 yrs. aer.) July 1, '60 ; Maj. March 3, '63; Lieut.-Col. March 7, '67; Col. June 30, '82; STE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 567 retired Sept. 16, '86, at his own request over, 40 years' service. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. -Col. Feb. 25, '65, long, faithful and efficient services ; Bvt. Col. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the war (declined). Service Served from date of graduation to '61 as professor of mathematics M. A., and superintend- ing the construction of the forts in Boston Harbor; was actively employed during the entire period of the rebellion, and participated in the battle of Williamsburg, etc.; '66-67 ; at Philadelphia in charge of harbor improvements to the Delaware ; he was senior member of the Board of Engineers of the Pacific Coast, and in charge of the construction of Fort Scott and the fortifications at Angel Island, etc., till '86, when he was retired. Stewart, James (Captain and Brevet Major U. S. A.). Born in Scotland. Retired. Appointed from the army. Actual rank Private, Corporal, Sergeant and 1st Sergeant Co. B, 4th U. S. Art., from Oct. 29, '51, to Nov. 22, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Art. Nov. 15, '61 ; accepted Nov. 22, '61 ; 1st Lieut. July 3, '63 ; Captain 18th Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Nov. 22, '66; retired March 20, 79. Brevet rank Brevet Captain August 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spottsylvania Court-House and during the campaign before Richmond, Va. ; Major Aug. 18, '64, for gallant and meritorious services on the Weldon Railroad, Virginia. Stewart, Joseph (Lieutenant Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Kentucky. Re- tired. Appointed from Ky. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '38 ; grad- uated July 1, '42. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. 1st Art. July 1, '42 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Art. June 27, '43 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 17, '46 ; Captain Jan. 3, '56 ; Major 4th Art. Dec. 11, '65; Lieut. Col. 3rd Art. July 18, 79; retired Aug. 25, 79, at his own request, over 30 years' service. Service Served in garrison at Fort Adams, R. I., '42-43, and at Hancock Barracks, Me., '43 ; at Fort McHenry, Md., '43 ; Fort Moultrie, S. C., '44-45, and Augusta Arsenal, Ga., '45-46 ; served in the war with Mexico from June, '46, to July, 48 ; depot commissary at Serralvo, Mexico, '46, and at Monterey, Mexico, '47; in garrison at Orizaba Feb.-April, '48; in the City of Mexico May, '48 ; in garrison at Fort Monroe, Va., '48 ; Fort Trumbull, Ct., '48- 49; at Fort Adams, R. I., '49-50; Fort Constitution, N. H., '50-51; Fort Sullivan, Me., '51; Fort Constitution, N. H., '51-53; on frontier duty at Fort Snel ling, Minn., '53-55; Fort Miller, Gal., '55-56; located, built and served at Fort Ump- qua, Ore., '56-58; at San Bernardino, Cal., '58 ; Fort Yuma, Cal., '58-59; Pre- sidio of San Francisco, Cal., '59; at Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Harbor, Cal., '59-61; with expedition to]' Washoe" (Western Utah) '60; engaged in combat with Indians on Truckee River, a few miles below the present town of Wadsworth, Nev., June 2, '60 ; located Fort Churchill in Utah (now Nevada), '60 ; served dur- ing the Rebellion, '61-65 ; in the defenses of Washington, D. C., Nov. 18, '61, to March 6, '62 ; on duty in Alexandria, Va., and as military commissioner under the reconstruction acts from June, '67, to Feb., '68; member of board for the exam- ination of candidates for the artillery arm of service in '67-68; in garrison at Fort McHenry, Md., from Feb. to June, '68 ; on leave from June to Dec., '68; in gar- rison at Fort McHenry, Md., from 'Dec., '68, to May, '69 ; at Fort Delaware, Del., from May, '69, to Feb., 70 ; at Fort Macon, N. C., from Feb., 70, to Nov., 72 ; at Sitka, Alaska, from Dec., 72, to April, 74 ; in garrison at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., from May, 74, to June, 75 ; on Yerba Buena Island (Goat Island), San Francisco Harbor, Cal., from June, 75, to Sept., 76 ; at Fort Canby, W. T., from Sept., 76, to Aug., 79 ; on campaign against Bannock and Piute Indians in Eastern Oregon from June 4 to August 14, 78, and retired at his own request Aug. 25, 79; total length of service as a commissioned officer thirty-seven years and two months ; aggregate of leaves of absence about eighteen months; residence, Berkley, Cal. Commands held Commanding artillery in skirmish with guerril- las Feb., '48, above Vera Cruz; commanding company as part of escort for cap- tured ordnance, which left the City of Mexico May 30, '48, being the initial movement of the evacuation of the city by the American army ; Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Harbor, Cal., '59-61 ; expedition to " Washoe," Western Utah, '60; Fort Churchill, Utah (now Nevada), '60; Sub-District of Alexandria June, '67, to Feb., '68. 568 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. STE Stewart, William P. (Captain 4th Art.)- Born at Fort Adams, Rhode Island. Appointed from R. I. Civil life. Actual rank Second Lieutenant 4th Art. Dec. 1, '66; accepted Dec. 29, '66; 1st Lieut. Nov. 19, '69; Captain Aug. 14, '69. Service Awaiting orders at Fort Whipple, Va., Dec., '66, and Jan., '67; served with battery at Erie, Pa., Jan. to April, '67; suppressing Fenian raid into Canada, Fort Porter, N. Y., April to Aug., '67 ; on detached service, court-martial duty, at Fort Niagara, N. Y., July, '67 ; at Fort Washing- ton, Md., Aug., '67, to Nov., '68 ; on leave of absence from Dec., '67, to Jan., '68 ; at Fort Wayne, Mich., with light battery, Nov., '68, to May, '69 ; on detached service at Fort Leaven worth, Kan., March, '69; Fort Monroe, Va., artillery school of practice, May, '69, to May, 71 ; on detached service Richmond, Va., July, '69 ; at Fort Wayne, Mich., June to Aug., '69 ; at Fort McHenry, Md., May to Aug., 71 ; detached service, court martial duty, at Carlisle Bks., Pa., and Fort Foote, Md., June, 71 ; at Raleigh, N. C., Aug., 71, to Nov., 72; on detached service in Hide County, N. C., looking up pension claimants, Sept., and at Fort Johnson, N. C., special inspector of subsistence stores, Nov., 72; Alcatraz Island, Cal., Dec., 72, to June, 73; frontier duty Sitka, Alaska, July, 73, to Aug., 74; Presidio of S. F., Cal., Sept., 74, to April, 76 ; on detached service, recruiting at Sacramento, Cal., May and June, 75 ; as witness before U. S. Court at Portland, Oregon, March and Nov. and Dec., 75 ; conducting recruits from Angel Island, Cal., to Vancouver Bks. W. T., Nov., 75; at Yerba Buena Island, Cal., April, 76, to March, 77; frontier duty Fort Canby, W. T., March, 77, to Nov., 78; witness before U. S. Court at Portland, Oregon, June, 77 ; served in the Nez Perces campaign June to Aug., 77 ; conducting Indian prisoners and sick and wounded soldiers from Fort Lapwai, I. T., to Fort Vancouver, W. T., Aug., 77; on duty guarding Indian Prisoners at Fort Vancouver, W. T., Aug. 7 to 29, 77 ; at Fort Canby, W. T., Sept., 77, to June, 78 ; on Bannock campaign June to Oct., 78; at Camp Harney, Oregon, July, Malheur agency August, and Camp Harney Aug. and Sept., 78 ; in charge of Indian prisoners, Aug. and Sept., 78 ; served at Fort Point, Cal., Nov., 78, to Jan., 79 ; Presidio of S. F., Cal., Jan., 79, to July, '81 ; with light battery Jan., 79, to Oct., '80; member of an examining board March, '80, to examine non-commissioned officers for promotion to the grade of 2d Lieut.; on recruiting duty '80 to June, '81 ; on detached service, court martial duty, Ft. Gaston, Cal., Feb., '81 ; conducting party of insane soldiers from the Presidio of S. F., Cal., to Washington, D. C., June, and recruits from Columbus Bks., Ohio, to the Presidio, S. F., Cal., July, '81 ; frontier duty Fort Canby, W. T M July to Oct., '81 ; at Fort Warren, Mass., Nov., '81, to Sept., '82; on leave of absence Dec., '81 ; detached service Governor's Island, N. Y., May, '82; at Fort Snelling, Minn., with light battery Sept., '82, to Oct., '85 ; A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., Act. Signal Officer and Act. Ordnance Officer Nov. and Dec., '82; on leave of absence Mch. and April, '83; on detached service with battery at Militia Camp, Dubuque, Iowa, June, *85 ; in camp of G. A. R.; with platoon of light battery at Minneapolis, Minn., July, '85; at Fort Warren, Mass., Oct., '85, to June, '89; at Fort McPherson, Ga., June 5 to Oct. 24, '89; at St. Francis Bks., Fla., Oct. 25, '89, to . Staff positions occupied A. A. D. C. to Bvt. Maj. Gen. Barry on tour of in- spection through northern New York, April, '67; Post Adjutant Fort Porter, New York, April to Aug., '67 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Washington, Md., February to November, '68 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Wayne, Mich., December, '68, and January, '69 ; Post Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Raleigh, N. C., Aug., 71, to March, 72 ; Post Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Sitka, Alaska, July to Dec., 73 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Yerba Buena Id., Cal., April, 76, to March, 77 ; Post Adj. and A. S. O. at Fort Canby, W. T., 77-8 ; Adj. of Art. Batt. in Nez Perces campaign June to Aug., 77 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Canby, W. T., Sept., 77, to June, 78 ; Adj. of Art. and Inf. Batt. on Bannock campaign and of Dist. of the Malheur, June and July, 78 ; A. A. Q. M., A. C. 8., A. S. O. and Act. Ord. Off. at Fort Snelling, Minn., Nov. and Dec., '82 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Oct., '86, to May, '89, and A. S. O. from Sept., '87, to at Fort Warren, Mass. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in action of the Clear Water, Idaho Territory, July 11 and 12, and skirmish at 8TI RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 569 Kamiah, I. T., July 13, 77. Commands held Detachment and Post at Yerba Buena Island, Cal., April, 76, to March, 77. History Son of Lieut. Col. J. Stewart, U. S. Army, retired. Stickney, Amos (Major of Engineers). Born in Missouri Aug. 27, 1843. Retiring year 1907. Appointed from New York. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '60 ; graduated June 13, '64. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Eng. June 13, '64; Capt. March 7, '67 ; Major Jan. 2, '81. Brevet rank Brevet Captain Dec. 21, '64, for zeal and efficiency in the discharge of his duties with the Army of the Ten- nessee during the campaign in Georgia, in '64 ; Brevet Major March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the campaign through Georgia and the Carolinas. Service Dept. of the Missouri '64 ; Army of the Tennessee '64-65 ; con. of Fort Winthrop '65 ; Fort Monroe '66 ; West Point, Aug., '67 ; Willet's Point '67 ; on duty at Mil. Acad. '68 ; on Upper Mississippi '69-76 ; in charge of improvements of Des Moines Rapids 77-80 ; in charge of improvements and de- fenses of harbor of New Orleans '81 ; at Buffalo, N. Y., '90. Stiles, Daniel F. (Captain 10th Inf.). Born in Massachusetts. Appointed from District of Columbia Civil life. Actual rank Quartermaster- Sgt. and Com. Sergt. 1st D. C. Inf. Au?. 6, '61, to Nov. 30, '62; 2d Lieut. 1st D. C. Inf. Dec. 1, '62 ; transferred to 2d D. C. Inf. Feb. 28, '65 ; 1st Lieut. March 21, '65 ; hon. must. out Sept. 12, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 26th U. S. Inf. Jan. 22, '67 ; accepted March 27, '67 ; transferred to 10th Inf. May 19, '69 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 2, 76 ; Capt. March 6, '88. Service In the War of the Rebellion '62-65 ; in the field and participated in Pope's campaign in the Shenandoah Valley, and the Maryland campaign of '62 ; in the defenses of Washington and Alexandria '64-5 ; on frontier and other duty since the close of the war; present station Oklahoma, Ind. Ter., '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle of first Bull Run, actions of Winchester, Bolivar Heights ; battles of Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock River, second Bull Run and Antietam ; the actions of Fairfax Station and Dumfries, Va. Stille, Louis R. (Captain 23d Inf.). Born in Maryland March 27, 1837. Retiring year 1901. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. *3d Pa. Cav. Sept. 9, '62 ; 1st Lieut. May 1, '63 ; Capt. May 2, '64 ; trans- ferred 1st April 9, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, Va., and the surrender of the insurgent army under Gen. R, E. Lee. Staff position occupied A. D. C. May 13, 70, to June 30, 70. Stivers, Charles B. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentucky. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '52 ; graduated July 1, '56. Actual rank2d Lieut. 7th Inf. July 1, '56 ; 1st Lieut, April 20, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 17th Inf. May 14, '61 (declined); Capt. 7th Inf. Sept. 9, '61; out of service July 14, '63 ; reinstated Aug. 11, '63 ; retired Dec. 30, '64, for disability in line of duty. Staff positions occupied Regt. Quartermaster 7th Inf. April 1, '60, to Sept. 9, '61. Stivers, Edwin J. (Captain 25th Inf.). Born in Bolivar, Ohio, June 14, 1836. Retiring year 1900. Appointed from 111. Civil life. Actual rank FiferandPvt. Co. K, and Fife Major and Sergt. Major 89th 111. Inf., Aug. 7, '62, to Dec. 1, '63; 2d Lieut. 17th U. S. Colored Inf. Dec. 2, '63; 1st Lieut. Feb. 5, '64 ; Capt. Aug. 2, '65 ; hon. mustered out Nov. 3, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 40th Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Feb. 5, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 15, '68 ; transferred to 25th Inf. April 20, '69 ; Capt. Feb. 19, '83. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, for gallant and merit- orious services in the battle of Nashville, Tenn. Honorably mentioned In the " Records of the Rebellion," vol. xxx. part 1, page 545, in the report of the battle of Chickamauga by the Commander of the 89th 111. Inf. as follows : "Sgt. Major E. J. Stivers deserves especial mention for brave and intrepid conduct," also re- ferred to by Gen. Rosecrans, in same vol., page 99. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion '62-5 ; he was captured by four guerrillas in Alabama during the Hood Campaign, but escaped after a few hours' captivity ; performed garrison duty at various posts until 79; when examined by a Retiring Board, on account of disability from injuries incidental to the service and after nearly two 36 570 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. STR years' absence on account of disability, returned to active service, which continued until May 4, '88, when he was ordered, by the Hon. Secretary of War, to his home on account of disability incurred in the line of duty. Staff positions occu- piedA. A. Q. M., A. C. S. and Post Treasurer at Fort Macon, N. C., and at Ra- leigh, N. C. ; Post Adjt., A. A. Q. M., A. C. S. at Fort Pike, La. ; A. S. O. at Ft. Clark, Texas, '70-1. battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the battles of Stone River, Liberty Gap, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and Nashville. Stockle, George B. (Second Lieut. 25th Inf.). Born in Nev. Nov. 29, 1866. Retiring year 1930. Appointed from Nev. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy June 15, '84; graduated June 11, '88. Actual rank Id Lieut. 26th Inf. June 11, '88. Stone, Bbenezer W. (Captain 21st Inf. and Bvt. Lieut. Col. U. S. A.). Born in Mass. Oct. 23, 1837. Retiring year 1901. Appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank Capt. 1st Mass. Inf. May 24, '61 ; hon. must, out May 25, '64; Lieut. Col. 61st Mass. Inf. Feb. 28, '65 ; hon. must, out July 16, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 12th Inf. May 11, '66 ; accepted Sept. 7, '66 ; transferred to 21st Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; 1st Lieut. March 26, '68; unassigned April 19, '69; assigned to 21st Inf. Dec. 15, '70; Capt. Nov. 11, 79. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut, and Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Williamsburg, Va. ; Bvt. Major March, 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Chancellors- ville, Va. ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Penna. ; Bvt. Col. Vol. April 9, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign resulting in the fall of Richmond, Va., and the surrender of the insurgent army under Gen. R. E. Lee. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Sept. 25, '68, to May 1, '69. Stone, William P. (Second Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in Ark. Appointed from Ark. Cadet at the U. S. MilitaryAcademy July 1, 78; out of service July 25, 79; reinstated July 26, '80 ; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Art. June 13, '83. Story, John P. (Captain 4th Art.). Born in Wis. Aug. 25, 1841. Retiring year 1905. Appointed from Wis. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '61 ; graduated June 23, '65. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 16th Inf. June 23, '65; 1st Lieut. June 23, '65; transferred to 34th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; unassigned April 14, '69; as- signed to 2d Art. Dec. 15, 70; transferred to 4th Art. Dec. 31, 70; Capt. Sept. 14, '83. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Vol. Nov. 1, '65, to Feb. 2, '66; Q. M. 3d bait. 16th Inf. April 20, '66, to Aug. 15, '66. Stotsenburg, John M. (Second Lieut. 6th Cavalry). Born in Indiana. Ap- pointed from Indiana. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 77 ; graduated June 11, '81. Acfual r! ; Capt. April 25, '62; Col. 1st. N. O. Inf. April 25, '65; hon. must, out Aug. 15, '65 ; transferred to 6th Cav. Dec. 31, 70 ; retired May 17, '76. Brevet rank Bvt. Major and Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service On duty drilling 69th N. Y. Vol., 2d Maine Vol. and 2d Conn. Vol. until July 1, '61 ; with Battal. 3d Inf. U. S. A. until Sept., '61 ; joined company at Governor's Island, N. Y. H., on its return from Texas on parole ; on Recruiting Service, '61; served as mustering and disbursing officer Buffalo, N. Y., '61-3; Banks and Dept. Muster- ing Officer and A. A. Provost Marshal Gen. for Mil. Div. West Miss., conducting the enrolment and draft; held same position under Maj. Gen. Sheridan '65-6; on leave of absence from July to Oct., '66 ; granted leave from regular service to serve as Col. of 1st N. O. Inf. Vol. ; joined Co. at Jackson Barracks, La., and served with it until Nov., '68, being detached in the meantime for several months as Supervising Officer of Registration for the Nine Southern Parishes of La,, in- cluding N. O., La., under the direction of Maj. Gen. Sheridan, U. S. A., until at- SUM RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 573 tacked with yellow fever; granted leave of absence for five months; rejoined Com- pany at N. O., La,, April '69, and served with it at Fort Wayne, Mich., and Fort Porter, N. Y., until Jan. 1, 71 ; transferred to 6th Cav. U. S. A. Jan. 1, 71, and served with Co. H at Ft. Richardson, Texas, Ft. Hayes, Kas., Aberdeen, Miss., Ft. Riley, Kas., and scouting in the Indian country until Oct., 72 ; on leave of absence ; retired from active service May 17, 76, for disability under Sec. 1252 Rev. Stats. Sturgfis, Samuel D. (Second Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in Mo. App. from Dak. Graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '84. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Art. June 15, '84. Styer, Henry D. (Second Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '84. Actual rank2d Lieut. 21st Inf. June 15, '84. Sullivan, Thomas C. (Major and C. S., Bvt. Lieut. Col.). Born in Ohio Nov. 14, 1833. Retiring year, 1897 ; appointed from Ohio. Graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '56. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Art. July 1, '56 ; 1st Lieut. April 27, '61 ; Capt. 18th Inf. (declined) May 14, '61 ; Capt. and Com. of Sub. Aug. 3, '61 ; accepted Aug. 22, '61 ; Lieut. Col. and Com. of Sub. Vol. Aug. 20, '62, to Jan. 27, '63, and from March 21 to Aug. 1, '65; Major and Com. of Sub. April 14, 75. Brevet rank Bvt. Major and Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services during the war. Summerhayes, John W. (Captain and A. Q. M.). Born in N. Y. Jan. 6, 1836. Retiring year, 1900; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Priv., Corp. and Sergt. Co. I and Sergt. Major 20th Mass. Inf. Sept. 9, '61, to Mar. 14, '63; 2d Lieut. 20th Mass. Inf. March 14, '63; 1st Lieut. Sept. 8, '63; Capt. Oct. 10, '63 ; hon. must, out June 6, '65; 2d Lieut. 33d Inf. Jan. 22, '67 ; accepted April 12, '67; transferred to 8th Inf. May 3, '69; 1st Lieut. Dec. 15, 74; Capt. and A. Q. M. Feb. 25. '89. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Ball's Bluff, Va. ; Capt. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cold Harbor, Va. ; Major Vol. April 9, '65, meritorious services in the recent campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under Gen. R. E. Lee. Staff positions occupied Adj. 8th Inf. from Jan. 1, '86, to May 19, '86; A. A. I. G. 2d Div., 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac. Service In the field during the war of the Rebellion '61-5. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the action of Ball's Biuff, Va. (wounded, taken prisoner by rebels and escaped) ; the siege of Yorktown, action of West Point, battles of Fair Oaks, Savage Station, White-Oak Swamp, Glendale (wounded), Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Freder- icksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, action of Falling Waters, operations at Mine Run (wounded), actions of Bristoe Station and Morton's Ford, Va. ; the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, action of Bowling Green, battles of North Anna, Po River, Cold Harbor, action of Games' Farm, siege of Petersburg, battle of Five Forks. Summers, John B. (Col. U. S. A.). Born in Va., Jan. 24, '22. Retired ; appointed from Va. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut., Asst. Surg. Dec. 13, '47; accepted Feb. 22, '48; Capt. Asst. Surg. Dec. 13, '52; Maj. Surg. May 21, '61 ; Lieut. Col. Med. Ins. Feb. 27, '63 ; ace. March 25, '63 ; must, out as Lieut. Col. Med. Ins. Oct. 31, '65 ; Lieut. Col., Surg. March 17, '80 ; Col. and Surg. Jan. 9, '85 ; retired Jan. 24, '86. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war (declined). Service In war with Mexico to July, '48; at San Diego, Gal., to Oct., '52; at Fort Dalles, Oregon, to Nov., '54 ; at Fort Snelling, Minn., to Aug., '56 ; at Fort Kearney, Nebr., to Jan., '62 ; at general hospital, Alexandria, Va., to March, '63 ; Lieut. Col. and Med. Inspector March, '63, of hos. in Memphis, Tenn., and Med. Dir. Dept. of Tenn. to Oct., '66 ; with Grant's army in the field to Oct. 31, '65 ; Med. Dir. Dept. of Dakota, St. Paul, Minn., to Sept., 70 ; Post Surg. Fortress Monroe, Va., to Sept., 74 ; Med. Dir. Dept. of the Platte, Omaha, Nebr., to Jan. 24, '86, when retired from active service by the operation of law. r )74 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. sT'T Sumner, Edwin V. (Major 5th Cav., Bvt. Lieut. Col.). Born in Pa., Aug. 16, 1835. Retiring year 1899 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. Aug. 5, '61; accepted Aug. 17, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 12, '61 ; Capt. Sept. 23, '63 ; Major and A. D. C. Vol. May 19, '63 ; accepted June 5, '63 ; hon. must, out Aug. 15, '63; Col. 1st N. Y. Mtd. Rifles Sept. 8, '64 ; hon. must, out Nov. 29, '65 ; Major 5th Cav. March 4, 79. Brevet rankEvt. Major May 6, '64, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Todd's Tavern, Va.; Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the war ; Brig. Gen. Vol. March 28, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the field. Stiff positions occupied A. D. C. Vol. Sept. 15, '61, to May 18, '63 ; A. D. C. May 2, 73, to Sep. 1, 74. Sumner, Samuel S. (Major 8th Cav.). Born in Pa., Feb. 6, 1842. Retiring year 1906. App. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d Cav. (5th Cav.) June 11, '61; accepted June 14, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 5th Cav. June 17, '62 ; Capt. 'and A. D. C. Vol. Aug. 20, '62 ; accepted Aug. 29, '62; hon. must, out Aug. 15, '63 ; Capt. 5th Cav. March 30, '64 ; Major 8th Cav. April 2, 79. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. June 1, '62, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fair Oaks, Va. ; Capt. Sept. 17, '62, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of A n- tietam, Md. ; Major March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious conduct during the campaign against Vicksburg, Miss. Honorably mentioned Recommended for Bvt. Lieut. Col. for gallantry at battle of Summit Springs against hostile Indians July, '69. Service -Served with regiment at Washington and Poolsville, M-l., until Nov., '61 ; served with Army Potomac until June 30, '62 ; sent to Fortress Monroe sick; rejoined Army Potomac at Harrison Landing Aug., '62; served with army until March, '63 ; rejoined regiment in Army Potomac Nov., '63 ; served until Jan., '64, and was then selected for disbursing duty and ordered to Spring- field, 111. ; remained on such duty until April, '65, and then rejoined regiment at Washington, D. C. ; served as escort to General Grant until Nov., '65, and was then ordered to Nashville, Tenn.; remained on duty until Man h. '<17, and was then ordered with two companies to Vicksburg and Jackson, Miss. ; was on re- construction duty until April, '69, and then ordered to Dep. of Platte ; rejoined the regiment at Fort McPherson May, '69, and served with regiment in campaign of that summer ; was on duty with regiment at Fort Russell until May, 71 ; absent on a year's leave, visiting Europe ; rejoined regiment in Arizona July, 72, and commanded Camp Bower until 75 ; served in Kansas until May, 76, and then joined expedition against Indians in Dep. of Platte ; served through campaign and took station at Fort Sidney, Neb., Nov., 76 ; served in Dep. of Platte until promoted ; reported at San Antonio, Texas, Oct., 79, and was assigned command of Fort Mclntosh, Texas ; in command of Fort Mclntosh and various other sta- tions, and at present at Vancouver Barracks, Wash. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Nov. 29, '61, to Aug. 28, '62, and from Sep. 7, '63, to Oct. 16, '63 ; appointed Captain A. D. C. Aug. 20, '62; on death of Gen. Sumner was transferred to staff of Gen. Wool in N. Y. City; served until May, and was transferred by request to staff of Gen. Burnside, Cincinnati, Ohio; accompanied the 9th Corps to Vu-k>- burg, by request, as A. D. C to Gen. Parke ; returned to Kentucky Aug., '63 ; served on staff of Gen. Potter, commanding 9th Corps, until Sep., '63, and then rejoined Gen. Burnside at Knoxville. Suplee, Edwin M. (Second Lieut. 2d Cav.). Born in Pa.; appointed from Iowa ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '88. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Cav. July 24, '88. Suter, Charles R. (Lieutenant Colonel of Engineers). Born in New York, May 5, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from N. Y. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '62. Actual rank2d Lieut, of Engineers June 17. '62 ; 1st Lieut. March 3, '63; Captain June 17, '64; Major Oct. 10, 71 ; Lieut. Col. Jan. 10, '87. Brevet rank Brevet Captain July 18, '63, "gallant and meritorious services dur- ing the siege of Morris Island, S. C. ; " Brevet Major March 13, '65, " faithful and meritorious services during the war." Service Engaged in the War of the Rebel- lion of '61-5; Army of the Potomac, '62-63; Dept. ofthe South, '63-65; examin- ing condition of various forts on Georgia and South Carolina coasts, '65-66 ; sur- SWA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 575 vey of Upper Mississippi, '66-68; on duty at Cincinnati, Ohio, '69-70 ; in charge of improvement of the Mississippi, Missouri and Arkansas Rivers, and Engineer 15th L. H. District, 'YO-83 ; on engineer duty at St. Louis, Mo., '90. Suter, William N. (First Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon). Born in Vir- ginia. Appointed Irom Va. Civil life. Actual rank Assistant Surgeon May 16, '87; accepted May 18, '87. Sutherland, Charles (Colonel and Surgeon). Born in Philadelphia, Penna., 1830. Retiring year 1894. Appointed from Penna. Actual ran Ass't Surg. Aug. 5, '52; accepted Nov. 14, '52; Capt. Ass't. Sure. Aug. 5, '57; Maj. Surg. April 16, '62; Lieut. Col. Ass't. Med. Pur. July 28, '66; accepted Sept. 21, '66; Col. Surgeon June 26, 76 ; accepted Aug. 1, 76. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; Byt. Col. March 13, '65, for meritorious services and diligent discharge of duties during the war. Service Assigned to duty as acting assistant surgeon at Fortress Monroe, Va., and in New Mexico from Nov., '51, to April, '52 ; served with troops on the plains, also at Fort Webster, Fort Fillmore, Fort Craig, Santa F6, and Fort Stan- ton, New Mexico, to Sept., '57 ; Fort Moultrie, S. C., to Jan. 18, '58 ; on leave until Sept., '58 ; Fort Davis and Fort Duncan, Texas, to Feb., '61 ; not taken prisoner on the secession of Texas and left that state with Artillery and Infantry troops for New York City ; reported for duty to surgeon-general March, '61 ; sailed April, '61, on secret expedition to FortPickens, Santa Rosa Island, Florida ; at FortPickens to March, '62; Fort Warren, Mass., to June, '62; medical pur- veyor to the armies under Major-General Halleck, Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. ; established a large depot at Columbus, Ky. ; fitted out nine general hospitals and a second purveying depot at Memphis, Tenn. ; appointed Medical Inspector of Camps and Transports of the Army of the Tennessee in and about Vicksburg, Miss. ; with the Army of the Tennessee in the campaign and siege of Vicksburg and participated in the surrender of that place July 4, '63 ; medical director, De- partment of Virginia and North Carolina, to Nov., '63 ; member retiring board, Wilmington, Del., to Jan., '64; medical director of hospitals, Annapolis, Md., to May, '64; purchasing medical purveyor, Washington, D. C., until close of the re- bellion ; in Washington, D. C., to June, '70 ; member of retiring board New York City, from Oct., 70, to March, 71 ; acting chief medical purveyor, New York City, to June, 76 ; acting assistant medical purveyor, New York, to July, 78 ; on leave to Sept., 79 ; on duty as medical director of the Military Division of the Pacific, Presidio of San Francisco, Oct. 27, 79, to May, '84; member of re- tiring board ; member of a board convened by Pres. Arthur to locate a site for a Quarantine station San Francisco, Cal. ; Medical Director Division of the Atlantic, from May, '84, and member of Retiring Board, at Governor's Island, N. Y., '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in the two bombardments of Fort Pickens ; in the assault on Wilson's Camp on the Island of Santa Rosa, Fla. ; at the siege and surrender of Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, '63. Swaim, David G. (Brig. Gen. and Judge Advocate General). Born in Ohio Jan. 30, 1832. Retiring year, 1896. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 65th Ohio Inf. Oct. 4, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 4, '61 ; hon. mustered out June 17, '62; Capt. and A. A. G. Vol. May 16, '62; accepted June 18, '62; Major and A. A. G. Vol. Feb. 7, '65; accepted March 28, '65; hon. must, out Sept. 15, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 34th Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Feb. 28, '67 ; unassigned April 14, '69 ; Major and Judge Advocate Dec. 9, '69 ; accepted Jan. 29, 70 ; Brig. Gen. and Judge Advocate General Feb. 18, '81 ; accepted Feb. 22, '81. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut., Capt., Major March 2, '67, for gallant and merit- orious services during the war; Bvt. Lt. Col. and Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious ser. during the war. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Oct. 1, '68, to Dec. 9, '69 ; A. A. A. G. 20th Brigade, 6th Div., Army of the Ohio ; A. A. G. U. S. Vol. May, '62 ; A. A. G. on the staff of Gen. Rosecrans and Thomas to Nov., '63 ; A. A. G. Dept. of the Mo. to Sept., '66 ; Asst. Judge Advocate 4th Mil. Dist. from . Battles, skirmishes, etc. Battles of Shiloh and Murfreesboro', Tenn., Perry- ville, Ky., and Chickamauga, Ga. (wounded) and Missionary Ridge. Service In > the field during the War of the Rebellion from '61 to '65 ; in Washington, D. C., 576 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. SWA Dec., '62; mustering duty at Wilmington, Del., Jan. to Oct., '64 ; and at various other stations from the close of the war to '81, his present station being at Wash- ington, D. C. Swaine, Peter T. (Colonel 22d Inf.). Born in New York Jan. 21, 1831. Retiring year 1895. Appointed from New York. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, '47; graduated July 1, '52. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. July 1, *52; 2d Lieut. Dec. 31, '52; 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. March 3, '55 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 8, '55 ; Capt. 15th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted July 1, '61 ; Colonel 99th Ohio Inf. Sept. 4, '62; hon. must out Dec. 31, '64; Major 16th Inf. Dec. 29, '65; trans, to 25th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; transferred to 2d Inf. March 15, '69; Lieut. Col. 15th Inf. Oct. 24, 74 ; Colonel 22d Inf. April 18, '84. Brevet rank Brevet Major April 7, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. ; Lieut. Col. Dec. 31, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Mur- freesboro' (Stone River), Tenn,; Colonel March 13, '65, for faithful and merito- rious services during the war. Service In garrison at Fort Columbus, N. Y. ; Carlisle Barracks, and on frontier duty '52-57 ; in Utah expedition under General Albert Sidney Johnston July '57, to July, '60 ; recruiting service, Newport Bur- racks, Ky., '60-61 ; served during the War of the Rebellion ; engaged in the actions of the Tennessee and Mississippi campaign March to June, 62 ; opera- tions through North Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky June to Sept., '62 ; in defense of Cincinnati, Ohio, and relief of Lexington, Ky., Sept. 4 to Nov. 17, '! '1 ; in command of a temporary brigade ; engaged in the actions of the Tennessee campaign under General Rosecrans Nov., '62, to Sept., '63 ; wounded at battle of Stone River; Ass't Supt. Recruiting Service for Ohio, Dec., '63, to Jan., '64; at Cincinnati, O., Feb. to April, '64; with 2d Brig., 1st Div., 23d Army Corps, in- vasion of Georgia; engaged in the various actions and skirmishes from June 23, '64, to Aug. 18, '64; leading in the flank attack at Kenesaw Mountain, and in the capture of Decatur, Ga., by a charge of this brigade while at head of the 23d Corps iu advance upon Atlanta July, '64 ; at District of Newport and Covington, Ky., Sept., '64, to March, '65; at Dept. of Tenn., Feb. to Aug., '65; Judge Ad- vocate, Dist. of Augusta, Ga., Aug. to Dec., '65; in Alabama, Jan. to April, 'tiii ; at Memphis, Tenn., June 17, '66, to '67 ; at Paducah, Ky., '67 to '69; Montgom- ery, Ala., and Atlanta, Ga., '69 to 72; disbursing officer for War Dept., and sta- tioned in St. Louis, Mo., 72-76 ; on frontier duty in New Mexico, Colorado and Dakota 76-83, commanding 15th Inf. the greater portion of this period. Hnttle*, skirmishes, etc. Battles of Stone River, Shiloh, Chickamauga ; siege of Corinth ; engaged in the battles in front of Atlanta, siege of July and Aug., '64. Com- mands held In command of 1st Battalion, 15th Inf., at battle of Shiloh, April 7, '62, and siege of Corinth, Miss., May 28, '62 ; of 99th Ohio Vpls. at battle of Stone River ; brigade at battle of Chickamauga ; of Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. to April, '64; 2d Brig., 1st Div., 23d Army Corps, invasion of Georgia; District of Newport and Covington, Ky., Sept. to March, '64-65; of 2d Batt., 15th Inf., Dept. of Tenn., Feb. to Aug., '65; of 1st Batt., 15th Inf., Ala., Jan. to April, ''i'i ; Dist. of Memphis, Tenn., June 17, '66-67 ; Paducah, Ky., '67-69, and of Mont- gomery, Ala., and Atlanta, Ga., '69-72. Swaine, William M. (Second Lieut. 22d Inf.). Born at Camp Floyd, Utah, May 18, 1860. Retiring year, 1924. Appointed from New Mexico. Grad- uated from Mil. Acad., Class of '86. Actual rank Second Lieut. 22d Inf. July 1, '86. Service Joined Co. C at Fort Lyon, Col., Sept., 21, '86 ; changed station with regiment to Fort Keogh, Mont., in June, '88, where he is at present serving. Swayne, Wager (Col. and Bvt. Maj. General U. S. A.). Born in Ohio. Re- tired. App. from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank Major 43d Ohio Inf. Aug. 31, '61 ; Lieut. Colonel Dec. 14, '61; Colonel Oct. 18, '62; Brig. General (Vol.) March 8, '65; accepted April 25, '65; Major General (Vol.) June 20, '65; accepted May 21, '66; hon. must out Sept. 1, '67 ; Col. 45th Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Sept. 10, '66 ; unassigned March 15, '69 ; retired July 1, 70 (loss of right leg from wound in line of duty). Brevet rank Bvt. Brig. General March 2, '67, gallant and Meritorious services in the action of River's Bridge, S. C. ; Bvt. Major General March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services during the war ; Bvt. Brig. General SWE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. 577 Vols. Feb. 5, '65. Service Engaged at the battles of luka, Corinth, and raid in- to Alabama; participated in the Atlanta campaign, Sherman's March to the Sea, and campaign of the Carolinas ; severely wounded, with loss of right leg, at the action of River's Bridge, S. C. Sweene, Henry (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Indiana Nov., 1831; retired. Appointed from Arkansas Civil life. Actual mn Prvt., Bugler and Corpl. Co. H, 2d Dragoons, and Hospital Steward Sept., '54, to Oct. 8, 63; Captain 60th U. S. Colored Inf. Vol. Oct. 15, '63 ; hon. must, out Aug. 11, '67 ; 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. June 18, '67; accepted July 22, '67; 1st Lieut. July 27, '68 ; unassigned Aug. 12, 59; assigned to 4th Cav. Dec. 31, '70 ; Captain April 2, '79 ; retired April 24, '86. Brevet rank Bvt. Major Vol. March 13, '65, long and faithful service. Service Served at the following posts: Fort Williams, Governor's Island, N. Y. H., Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Fort Riley, Kan., Fort Kearney, Neb. (twice), Fort Lararaie, Neb., Fort Pierre, Neb., Fort Randall, Neb., Camp Douglass, Utah, '58-9, St. Louis, Mo., '63, Jefferson Barracks, Mo. (twice), Mobile, Ala., Hunts- ville, Ala., Tuscumbia, Ala., Marshall, Tex., Jefferson City, Tex., Lampasas, Tex., Fort Concho, Tex. (twice), Fort McKavett, Tex., Fort Richardson, Tex., Fort Sill, Tex., Fort Reno, Tex., Fort Clark, Tex. (twice), Fort Duncan, Tex., Fort Griffin, Tex., Fort Garland, Col. Sweeny, Thomas W. (Brigadier General U. S. A.). Born in Ireland. Re- tired; app. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d N. Y. Inf. Nov. 23, '46 ; hon. must, out March 16, '48 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. March 3, '48 ; accepted March 17, '48; 1st Lieut. June 11, '51; Capt. Jan. 19, '61; Brig. Gen. Mo. Inf. Vol. May 20, '61 ; hon. must, out Aug. 14, '61 ; Col. 52d III. Inf. Jan. 21, '62 ; Brig. Gen. Vol. Nov. 29, '62 ; accepted April 21, '63 ; hon. must, out Aue. 24, '65 ; Major 16th Inf. Oct. 20, '63 (out of service Dec. 29, '65 ; reinstated Nov. 8, '66) ; unasigned March 15, '69; retired with the rank of Brig. Gen. May 11, '70 (loss of right arm and wounds in line of duty). Service Engaged in the war with Mexico, being wounded and losing his right arm at the battle of Churubusco ; at Ft. Yuma and San Diego, Cal., to '54; engaged in actions against hostile Indians; '62 ; at Nashville, Tenn., July, '64, to July, '65; out of service Dec., '65, to Nov., '66 ; at Augusta and Atlanta, Ga. ; at McPherson Barracks, Atlanta, Ga., to May, '70, when retired. Staff positions occupied A. A. A. G. of a Division in General Fremont's campaign in Southwestern Mo. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Churubusco, defense of St. Louis Arsenal and capture of Camp Jackson, Mo.; engaged in Gen. Lyons' Mo. campaign, and at the battle of Wilson's Creek (severely wounded) ; engaged at the capture of Fort Donelson, Tenn., battle of Shiloh, siege of Corinth, pursuit of the rebel Gen. Beauregard, battles of luka and Corinth (wounded), com- manding Div. 16th Army Corps, and engaged protecting the Memphis and Charleston Railroad ; at Pulaski, Nov., '63 ; in the Atlanta campaign, and en- gaged in the occupation and defense of Snake-Tree Gap, battles of Resaca, Dal- las, Kenesaw Mountain, action of Ruffs Mills and in repulse of an attack of the rebels July 22, '64. Commands held Post of Nashville, Tenn., July, '64, to July, '65 ; Posts of Augusta and Atlanta, Ga. History Received the brevet of Capt. from the Gov. of N. Y., and a silver medal from the city of N. Y. for his services in the Mexican War ; received a sword from the city of Brooklyn for services during the War of the Rebellion ; engaged in Fenian movement Sept., '65, to Oct., '66. Sweet, Owen J. (Captain 25th Inf.). Born in Conn., Sept. 4, 1845. Retiring year 1909 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 137th N. Y. Inf. Sept. 6, '62 ; 1st Lieut. March 19, '63 ; Capt. March 12, '64 ; hon. must, out June 9, '65; 2d Lieut. 40th Inf. May 27, '67; accepted June 15, '67 ; transferred to 25th Inf. April 20, '69 ; 1st Lieut. March 3, '75 ; Capt. Sept. 1, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. Major Vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the Rebellion. Service In the field during the war of the rebellion ; in the Shenan- doah Valley '62 ; with the Army of the Potomac in the campaigns of '62-63, to 578 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. >WE include Gettysburg, Pa.; in the Army of the West, and participated in its cam- paigns of '64 ; the march to the sea, and through the Carolinas in '65 ; superin- tendent of civil affairs eleven counties, comprising the limits of Post of Plymouth, N. C., part of '67 ; Assistant Commissioner Bureau R. F. and A. L. Carteret Co., N. C., part of '68 ; Military commissioner of Carteret County, part of '68 ; trans, to 25th U.S. Inf. April 25, '69; in expedition against Apache Indians through Sacramento and Guadaloupe Mountains to the Llano Estacado, Texas, winter 71 ; in skirmish with Apache Indians near Cafion Los Lamentus, Texas, Aug., 72 ; promoted 1st Lieut. Aug. 19, 72; commanding escort to government surveying party in vicinity of Canadian River, Indian Territory, during Nov., 73 ; in skir- mish with Kiowa Indians on China Tree Creek, Texas, April, 74 ; in Ind. Ty. and Texas 74-75; in Dept. of Dakota with station at Fort Custer, Mont., '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In '62 in skirmishes at Bolivar Heights, Halltown, Charles- town, Berryville and Winchester, Va.; 1st Lieut. 137th N. Y. Inf. March 19, '63 ; in '63, in skirmishes at Occoquan Creek, Dumfries, Snicker's and Mana*sas Gaps, Va., near Gettysburg, Pa., and at Fairplay, Md.; engaged in the battles of Fred- ericksburg and Chancellorsville, Va., and Gettysburg, Pa.; captain 137th N. Y. Inf. March 12, '64 ; in '64, in Sherman's Atlanta campaign, in skirmishes at Villa- npw, Gordonsville, Snake Creek Gap, Pumpkin-Vine Creek, Powder Spring, Nick- ajack Creek, Steep Banks, Price's Ferry, Turner's Ferry, Chattahoochee River, and Macon R. R., Ga.; in battles and engagements at Rocky Face Ridge, Resa- ca, New Hope Church, Allatoona Mts., Dallas, Lost Mt., Pine Knob (wounded in right shoulder), Nase's Creek, Kulp's Farm, in front of Marietta, Kenesaw Mt., Peach-Tree Creek, near Decatur, fighting in front, siege and capture of Atlanta. Ga., Sherman's march to the sea, skirmishes at Davisboro', near Milledgeville, Louisville, Sandersville, near Millen and Buckhead Creek, Williamson's Planta- tion, and fighting in front, and siege and capture of Savannah; in '65, Sherman's campaign through the Carolinas ; in skirmishes at Blackville, Little and Big Edisto Rivers, Maxwell's Meadows, and New Bridges on the Blackwater River, Lexington C. H., William's Mills, McDaniel's, Evans' and Sikes' Plantations, Fayetteville, Cheraw, Jackson's Cross- Roads, Winnsboro', Wadesboro', Little River, near Goldsboro', at Smithfield, near Raleigh, and at Jones' Cross-Roads ; engagements at Averysboro' and Bentonville ; engaged in the operations against the Apache, Kiowa and Comanche Indians, resulting in their capture and sur- render in Ind. Ty. and Texas 74-75. Sweitzer, Nelson B. (Colonel and Bvt. Brig. Gen. U.S. A.). Born in Pennsyl- vania Dec. 12, 1828. Retired. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '49 ; graduated July 1, '53. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. iM Drag. July 1, '53 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Drag. July 25, '54; 2d Lieut. 2d Cav. March 3, '55 (declined) ; 1st Lieut. 1st Drag. Sept. 4, '55; Captain 1st Cav. May 7, '61 ; Captain 16th Inf. May 14, '61 (declined) ; Lieut. Col. A. A. D. C. Sept. 28, '61 ; accepted Oct. 2, '61 ; honorably mustered out March 31, '63 ; Colonel 16th N. Y. Cav. Nov. 12, '64 ; Brevet Brig. Gen. March 13, '65 ; Colonel 3d N. Y. Pro. Cav. June 23, '65 ; honorably mustered out Sept. 21, '65 ; Major 2d U. S. Cav. July 28, '66 ; Lieut. Colonel 8th Cav. June 25, 77 ; Colonel 2d Cav. Jan. 9, '86 ; retired Oct. 29, '88, at his own request ; over 30 years' service. Brevet rank Bvt. Major July 1, '62, for gallant and meritorious services during the Peninsular Campaign in Va. ; Brevet iLieut. Colonel Sept. 19, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Winchester, Va. ; Brevet Colonel March 13, '65, for distinguished gallantry in the battles of Yellow Tavern and Meadow Bridge, Va. ; Brevet Brig. General March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war ; Brevet Brig. Gen. Vols. March 13, '65, for meritorious and distinguished services. Service Served at Cavalry Depots Carlisle, Pa., and Jefferson Barracks, Mo., until spring '54; joiYied D troop, 2d Drag., New Mexico; at Fort Lowe, Oregon, spring '55; scouted Rogue River country March 3, '55, to fall '56 ; in several Indian fights on Applegate Creek, capturing band of Illinois River Indians on war path, also a party of Shasta Indians ; in Rogue River war, in fights at mouth of Illinois Riv- er, crossing Rojrue River Chetoco River April 28, '56; Big Bend of Rogue River May 27 and 28, '56, against comb'd force of Rogue River Indians ; 2 days' fighting, SWE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 579 ending by surrender and removal of all Indians in Southern Oregon to reserva- tions in Northeastern Oregon ; joined troop E, 1st Drag., Dec., '56, at cantonment in Walla Walla Valley ; on leave of absence from Jan., '58, and recruiting in New Orleans for Utah Expedition until Aug., '58 ; rejoined troop at Walla Walla, W. T., Oct., '56 ; com'g escort to Wagon Road Expedition from Fort Dalles, Ore- gon, to Salt Lake, Utah, during summer and fall of '59 ; on recruiting service from May, '60, to July, '61 ; present assisting in organizing Army of the Potomac and fortifying Washington until April, '62; present in the various movements of the Army of the Potomac under General McClellan; accompanied General Mc- Clellan to New York on his being relieved from command of Army of the Poto- mac Nov. 10, '62, and assisted writing report of operations of Army Potomac un- til July, '63 ; applied to join Army Potomac ; engaged part of July and Aug., '63, at Washington, District of Columbia, reorganizing dismounted Cavalry, Army of the Potomac; joined First United States Cavalry, Cavalry Corps Army Potomac; on assassination of President Lincoln, 16th N. Y. Cav. ordered to Washington April 16, '65 ; patrolled Southern Maryland and Virginia, between Potomac and James Rivers, for assassins of President; Booth, the assassin, killed and Harold and Mudd conspirators, were arrested by detachment of the regiment; in command of District of the Northern Neck, Virginia, from May to Sept., '65 ; proceeded to New York with regiment and honorably mustered out of Volunteer Service Sept. 21, '65 ; on recruiting service from Oct., '65, to July, '66 ; commanding battalion of regiment and Sedgwick Barracks, Washington, D. C.; joined 2d Cav. at Fort Laramie, Wyo.; scouted North Platte and Sweetwater country to South Pass ; re-establishing telegraph stations and line destroyed by Indians; selected location for Fort Fetterman ; established route for road from proposed site of Fort Fetter- man on North Platte, South to projected line of U. P. R. R. on Laramie Plains; sent with battalion of 2d Cav. to patrol road and protect supply trains from Sioux Indians on road leading from North Platte to Forts Reno, Phil. Kearney and C. F. Smith, in Powder River and Big Horn country, until Oct. 20, '67 ; on leave of absence from Nov., '67, to April, '68; Inspector General Department of the Platte April, '68, to March, '71 ; rejoined Regiment stationed at Fort Omaha ; scouting country of Platte and Loup Rivers until Oct., 72; March, 73, at Fort Ellis, Mont., to Sept., 75; guarding Galatin Valley and scouting country from Yellowstone to Musselshell and Missouri Rivers ; on duty in Washington, D. C., on Board on Army Ambulances until Feb., 77; joined 2d Cav. Feb., 77; took command of Fort Saneers and Regiment (in absence of Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel) ; joined 8th Cav. (Colonel being absent) ; took command of Regiment and District of the Rio Grande, consisting of posts on the Rio Grande frontier of Mexico, from Fort Brown to Fort Mclntosh, Texas; served in Dep. of Texas, changing Headquarters of Regiment to Forts Ringgold, Clark and San Antonio, Texas, until March, '84; on detached service at Chicago, 111., and St. Louis, Mo., on Board inspecting and purchasing horses for Cavalry until Aug. 20, '85 ; rejoined post at San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 25, '85 ; on Retiring Board detailed by authority of the President Dec. 18, '85, to April, '86; at Fort Walla Walla, W. T., May 1, '86, to Oct. 29, '88. fitojf positions occupied Volunteer A. D. C. to General McClellan in West Vir- ginia campaign ; appointed A. D. C. to General McClellan July, '61 ; additional A. D. C., with rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, Sept. 28, '61, to March 31, '63 ; volun- teer aide to Gen. Buford at the battle of Falling Waters, Md., July 14, '63 ; In- spector General Dept. of the Platte April, '68, to March, 71. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In several Indian fights on Applegate Creek, Oregon ; in Rogue River War, fights at mouth of Illinois River, crossing Rogue River Cheteco River April 28, '56 ; Big Bend of Rogue River May 27 and 28, '56 ; siege of Yorktown, April, '62 ; battles Williamsburg, Hanover Court-House, Fair Oaks, Games' Mill, Savage Station and Malvern Hill; in Maryland Campaign, at Forcing Catoctin Pass Sept. 12, '62 ; South Mountain, Antietam, Falling Water, Md., July 14, '63; at Crossing Rappahannock and engagement near Culpepper Court- House Nov. 8, '63; Custer's raid to Charlottes ville Feb., '64; battle Todd's Tavern May 6, '64 ; battle Spottsyl- vania; raid under General Sheridan in rear of Rebel Army ; engagement at Beaver- dam ; battle Yellow Tavern ; at defenses of Richmond ; Meadow Bridge; selected 580 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. SWI by order of General Sheridan to take 1st and 2d U. S. Cav. and dislodge, at any cost, enemy from ridge commanding Meadow Bridge, General Ouster reporting his being unable to dislodge them with his brigade ; the two regiments dislodged the enemy; engaged in combat Mechanicsville ; Cavalry joinea Army Potomac near Chatfield Station, Va.; engaged in Cavalry actions at Hanover Town and Tolopotomy Creek ; Battle Hawes' Shop ; action Matadequin Creek ; Battle Cold Harbor May 31 and June 1, '64; skirmish Chickahominy June 6, '64; Sheridan's raid towards Charlottesville, Va., cutting Virginia Central and Richmond R. R.; battle of Trevillian Station June 11 and 12; action White House, Tunstall's Station, St. Mary's Church and Darby Town ; left with 1st Cav. Div. under Gen. Sheridan for Washington Aug., '64, and joined the Army of the Shenandoah, Shenandoah Valley, Va.; in combat at Berryville, Va., Stone Church, New Town, near Winchester, Front Royal, Shepardstown and Smithfield Aug. 28; made sabre charge with 1st Cav. on the advance of enemy consisting of a regiment and bat- talion, and drove them back on main body of enemy, disabling and capturing a number; second engagement at Smithfield August 28, Hall Town, Berryville, Opequan Creek and fighting about Winchester September, '64 ; scouting Loudoun county, Va., for Guerrillas several skirmishes. Commands held CpmmandingCo. 4th Inf. at Rogue River War '56 ; escort to Wagon Road expedition from Fort Dalles, Ore., to St. Lake, Utah, during Summer and Fall '59; 1st U. S. Cav. Nov. 8, '63, to '64; regt. in combat at Berryville, Va.; Disk of Northern Neck, Va., from May to Sept., '65 ; battalion of regt. and Sedgwick Barracks, Washington, D. C. ; Ft. Ellis, Mont. March, 73, to Sept., 75 ; 2d Cav. and Fort Sanders Feb., 77 ; June 25, 77, 8th Cav. and District of the Rio Grande, consisting of posts on the Rio Grande frontier of Mexico from Ft. Brown to Ft. Mclntoeh, Texas; 2d Cav. and Ft. Walla Walla, W. T., from May 1, '86, to Oct. 29, '88. Swift, Bben (First Lieut. 5th Cavalry). Born in Texas. App. from Ky. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of 76. Actual rankIA Lieut. 14th Inf. June 15, 76; transferred to 5th Cav. July 28, 76; 1st Lieut. Oct. 13, '84. Service Joined the regiment in the Black Hills of Dakota, Oct. 12 ; upon thedisbandment of the expedition at Fort Robinson, Neb., in Oct., was assigned to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he had station until April, '80; participated in the Nez Perces campaign during the summer of 77 ; and in the capture of disaffected Bannock Indians at Ross Fork (Idaho) Agency in Jan., 78 ; in field operations in Northern Wyoming during the summer and fall of 78 ; in field operations against hostile Cheyennesm the sand-hills of Western Nebraska, Jan. -Feb., 79; and in the expedition against the hostile Utes of Colorado, Oct.-Dec., 79 ; changed station, in April, '80, to Fort Laramie, Wyo., where he served until Aug., '82, when he was transferred with the regimental headquarters to Fort Sidney, Neb. ; at Fort Sidney, to July 10, '83 ; at Fort McKinney, Wyo., to May 20, '85 ; at Fort Riley, Kan., to March 22, '87 ; in the Indian Ter., to June 9, '87 ; staff duty since June 13, '87. Staff positions occupied Batt. Adj. in the field 77 ; Batt. Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A.' C. S. in the field Jan., 78 ; Batt. Adj. in the field Jan.-Feb., 79 ; A. A. A. G. in expedition against Utes of Col., Oct.-Dec., 79 ; Acting Adj. 5th Cav. Jan. 28, 78, to April 23, 79 ; Adj. 5th Cav. June 4, 78, to March 9, '87 ; Post Adj. Fort Laramie, Wyo., April, '80, to Aug., '82 ; A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Merritt June 13, '87, to ; Acting Eng. Officer Dept. of Mo., to . Battle*, skirmishes, etc. Action at Ross Fork, Idaho, 78 ; participated in raising the siege and action of Milk Creek, Col., 79. Commands held Co. in the field in 77 and in 79. Swift, Eugene L. (First Lieut, and Assistant Surgeon). Born in Pa. App. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Aug. 12/87; accepted Aug. 16, '87. Swift, Henry (Post Chaplain). Born in Pennoylvania. Appointed from Dak. Civil life. Actual rank Post Chaplain Jan. 21, '87 ; accepted March 4, 87. Swifk James A. (Second Lieut. Signal Corps). Born in Maryland. Ap- pointed from the army. Actual ran& Sergeant Signal Corps Oct. 30, 78 ; dis- charged Oct. 31, 78 ; 2d Lieut. Signal Corps Nov. 1, 78 ; accepted Nov. 1, 78. TA8 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. 581 Swigert, Samuel M. (Captain 2d Cav.). Born in Kentucky, Nov. 28, 1847. Retiring year 1911. Appointed from Ky. Graduated from Military Academy, Class of '68. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d Cav. June 15, '68 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 26, '69; Captain Oct. 20, '81. Sydenham, Alvin H. (Second Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born at Mt. Pleasant, Henry Co., Iowa, June 28, 1867. Retiring year 1931. Appointed from Iowa. Graduated from Military Academy, Class of '89. Actual rank 2^ Lieut. 8th Cav. June 12, '89. Service Joined Troop L at Fort Keogh, Mont., where he is at pres- ent serving. Sy names, John C. (Captain U. S. A.). Bom in Kentucky. Appointed from Ohio. Graduated from Military Academy, Claas of '47. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th Art. July 1 , '47 ; transferred to Ordnance April 24, '49 ; 1st Lieut. July 1, '53 ; Captain 10th Inf. (declined) March 3, '55 ; Captain of Ordnance July 1, '61 ; retired Nov. 1, '61. Symons, Thomas W. (Captain of Engineers). Born in New York, Feb. 7, 1849. Retiring year 1913. Appointed from Michigan. Graduated from Mil- itary Academy, Class of 74. Actual rank 2d Lieut, of Engineers June 17, '74 ; 1st Lieut. May 2, '78 ; Captain June 2, '84. Service With Batt. of Engineers, '74-76; with Lieut. Wheeler's exploring expedition, '76-79; Engineer Officer Dept. of Columbia, '79-82 ; on duty at Portland, Ore., '90. Taber, Henry S. (Captain of Engineers). Born in New York July 11, 1849. Retiring year 1913. Appointed from New York ; graduated from Military Acad., class of '73. Actual rank 2d Lieut, of Engineers June 13, '73 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 29, '77 ; Captain July 3, '83. Staff positions occupied Q. M. Batt. of Engineers Sept. 2, '76, to Dec. 22, 76. Service On duty with Batt. of Engineers 75-78 ; on duty at M. A. 78-79 ; on duty at M. A. as Asst. Instructor of Practical Mil. Eng. '80-82; on duty in Dept. of Dakota '82-83, and at various other stations till '90, present station being Little Rock, Ark. Tag-garb, Blmore P. (Second Lieut. 6th Inf.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Graduated from Military Academy, class of 79. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. June 13, '83. Tassin, Augustus GK (Captain 12th Inf.). Born in France, Oct. 12, 1843. Retiring year 1907. Appointed from Ind. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 35th Ind. Inf., Oct. 9, '61 ; Capt. June 17, '63; Lieut.-Col. Aug. 9, '64; Col. Mar. 4, '65 ; hon. must, out Sept. 30, '65 ; Capt. 12th Inf., July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 12, '66; hon. discharged Dec. 1, 70; pvt. Sig. Corps, June 18, 72; discharged April 3, 73 ; 2d Lieut. 12th Inf., March 19, 73 ; accepted April 3, 73 ; 1st Lieut. June 28, 78 ; Capt. April 23, '90. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Missionary Ridge, Tenn. ; Bvt. Lieut.- Col. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Atlanta, Ga. ; Bvt. Col. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Nashville, Tenn. Honorably mentioned Received the thanks of the General commanding the Army of the Cumberland for distinguished service on the field of battle, and further commended by him as follows as per original on file in the War Department : "Of all the Officers who served under my orders in the Army of the Cumberland, none are more worthy of an appointment in the regular army than Colonel Augustus G. Tassin." (Signed) GEORGB H. THOMAS, Major- General, U. S. A., Commanding Army of the Cumberland. Received the thanks of the Governor and Legislature of the State of Ind. for " dis- tinguished services during the war," '65 ; presented with sword of honor by his company (I, 12th Inf.) and citizens of Nevada on leaving the United States ser- vice for that of France, 70 ; received the thanks of the Chief Signal Officer, United States Army, " for meritorious work and reports," and diplomas at the Cincinnati and Memphis Expositions, 73 ; received the thanks of the Major-Gen, commanding the Division of the Pacific, for surveys and maps of Northern Cali- fornia, 74 ; received the thanks of France, tendered in orders of the French Secretary of War, for services in the Franco-German War, 75 ; received the thanks of the Smithsonian Institute for illustrated reports on Ariz., the Colorado 582 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. TAS River and customs and languages of Amer. Indians, 78 ; received the thanks of the Commanding General of the Dept. of Arizona, the General of the Army, the Commissioner of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior, for reports on the forestry of the Pacific Coast, '78 ; received the thanks of the Commanding Officer, United States Artillery School, "for the zeal and intelligence with which he per- formed the important duties of Instructor of Small-arms Practice at the School, and his regret that by change of station the Artillery School is to lose services both creditable to himself and advantageous to the service," '86 ; received the thanks of France through its Minister of Foreign Affairs, President of the Council of Ministers, "for the courtesy, tact, intelligence and distinguished services with which he upheld the dignity of the representatives of France during the ceremo- nies of the official acceptance by the President of the United States of the statue of " Liberty Enlightening the World," " presented by France to her sister republic, the United States of North America," '87; declined, as an American officer, to receive the crosses and diplomas of Grand Officer and Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor of France, but accepted by his eldest son as a private citizen of the United States, '87; received "honorable mention" from the "Academic Fran- yaise" and the " Acad6miedes Sciences," of France, for " valuable original papers and translations," '87 ; received the thanks of the Smithsonian Institute and National Museum for donations of numerous valuable ornithological specimens, '87 ; knight of several European orders of knighthood for different services and writings, '61-90 ; Honorary Member of the Literary and Historical Societies of nearly all the States of the Union, " as expressions of the recognition by the societies of his distinguished record as a brave and capable officer, and their ap- preciation of the value of his services to the country during the war, as well as of nis valuable contributions to science, history and literature generally," '61-90; received the following thanks of the citizens of Fort Pierre, South Dakota, for the manner in which he performed his duties while among them in connection with the opening of the Great Sioux reservation : COLONEL A. G. TASSIN, V. 8. A , Sir: At a large and enthusiastic meeting f the Citizens of Fort Pierre, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That we the Citizens of Fort Pierre, in meeting assembled, tender our sincere thanks to Colonel A. 6. Taasin for bis judicious management of the affairs under his control during the try- ing circumstances through which we have just passed, as well as his kind and gentlemanly conduct towards us. We hope the military may never again patrol our streets, but should such an event happen, we hope to be so fortunate as that such duty may fall upon Colonel Tassin, and the efficient and gentlemanly officers and soldiers now under his command, each and every one of whom has deported himself in a kind, efficient and soldierly manner. (Signed) J. R. ROOT, Mayor. (Signed) W. H. THEILMAN, Clerk. (Signed) JUDGE 6. P. WA.LDRON, (Signed) JAMES MCGARRT, (Signed) GEORGE D. MATHISSON, OommtttM on Prnmtatio*. Fort Pierre, South Dakota, February, 1890. Commended and thanked by the Commanding General Department of Dakota, for his good judgment and the energetic and prudent manner in which he admin- istered the responsible and delicate duties imposed upon him during the exciting period of his station at Fort Pierre, January, February and March, '90. Service In the field in the war of the Rebellion, frond '61 to '65 ; In charge of supply trains, Army of the Cumberland; Chief of Pontooniers, Commanding Pontoon train, Army of the Cumberland ; Received the thanks of Major General George H. Thomas, commanding the Army, for constructing within two (2) hours, in the face of the enemy, and under fire of Forrest's Cavalry covering the retreat of Hood's shattered forces after the battle of Nashville, the pontoon bridge across Duck river at Columbia, Tennessee, on which the Army of the Cumberland crossed in pursuit of Hood's retreating army ; Commanding Brigade in Texas, October, '65, when honorably mustered out of Volunteer Service at the close of the war; Stationed with regiment at Washington, D. C., from October, '66, to April, '69 ; at Forts Whipple, Strong, Corcoran and Greble, Virginia parts of the old defenses of the National Capitol, March-October, '68 ; Ordered to Pacific Coast, April, '69, and in garrison and scouting duty at Camp Halleck, Nevada, April, '69; December, '70, at Camp Halleck, with garrison of Infantry and Cavalry; Honorably discharged the service of the United States at his own request, Decem- TAS RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 583 ber 1, 70, to enable him to accept commission in the French army during the Franco-German war of 70-1 ; Private United States Signal Corps, June 18, 72, to April 3, 73 ; in charge of Signal Corps exhibits at the expositions of Cincin- nati and Memphis ; Declined promotion in the Corps ; on duty as Signal Officer at the School of Instruction of the Signal Service, Fort Whipple, Virginia, by order of the President of the United States, April-August, 73, with Company " K," 12th Infantry, at Camp Gaston, California, September-Depember, 73 ; on duty with Company " A," 12th Infantry; at camp Wright, California during parts of 73-4-5 ; on duty with Company " A," 12th Infantry, at Fort Mojave, Arizona, during parts of 75-7-8 ; commanding Post and Quartermaster Depot at Ehren- berg, Arizona, September, 76- August, 77 ; in charge of Public Buildings, Roads and Grounds, Headquarters Department of Arizona, April-July, 78; applied to be assigned for duty in the field with one of the Companies of the regiment then engaged in the Bannock Indian War in Eastern Oregon ; request not granted by Department Commander on the ground that his services at his present station were too valuable to be dispensed with ; on duty in the field with Company " I," 12th Infantry, and temporarily in command of Company " H," 8th Infantry, in Eastern Oregon, Department of the Columbia, in the Oregon Indian war of 78, July-October, 78; Depot Quartermaster at Umatilla, Oregon, charged with breaking up and shipping back the supplies accumulated for the war, October, 78 ; on duty with Company " I," 12th Infantry, at Fort Grant, Arizona, November- December, 78; commanding Company "D," Indian Scouts, Department of Ari- zona, in the field against hostile Chiricahua Apaches, in Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico, January-March, 79 ; with Company " D," 12th Infantry, at Fort Apache, Arizona, March-June, 79 ; on detached service in San Francisco, Cali- fornia, at Headquarters Division of the Pacific, July, 79 ; at Fort Grant, Arizona, August, 79- August, '80; Inspector of Indian Supplies at the San Carlos Indian Agency, Arizona ; commanding Company " H," 12th Infantry and temporarily Troop "G," 6th Cavalry, Fort Thomas, Arizona, September, '80-February, '81; on duty with company "A," 12th Infantry, at Fort Mojave, Arizona, March, '81 ; on sick leave in America and Europe, May, '81-September, '82; Instructor of Musketry and Infantry and Range Officer in charge of small-arms practice at the United States Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Virginia, October, '82-Atigust, '86 ; on duty with Company " A, M 12th Infantry, and detached Court Martial service at Madison Bks., Plattsburg Bks. and Fort Ontario, Northern N. Y., Aug., Sept. and Oct., '86; Aide-de-camp to the Maj. Gen. Commanding the Div. of the Atlantic during the ceremonies attending the acceptance by the President of the United States of Bartholdi's Statute of Liberty Enlightening the World, in New York City and Harbor, and charged with the reception of the French delegation to the United States Oct. and Nov., '86 ; with Co. A, 12th Infantry, at Madison Barracks, N. Y., Dec. and Jan., '87 ; on duty with Co. A, 12th Inf., at Bedloe's Island, New York Harbor, May 16 to June 25, '87 ; charged with the duties of representing Major General Schofield in the official reception of foreign men-of-war entering the harbor of New York; at Bedloe's Island with Co. B, llth Inf., and detach- ment 5th Art. June 25 to Dec. 1, '87 ; on duty with Co. A, 12th Inf., at Fort Sully, South Dakota, Dec. 11, '87, to Nov. 26, '88 ; with Co. B, 12th Inf., at Fort Sully, Nov. 26, '88, to Jan. 16, '90 ; commanding Co. A, 12th Inf. and Post and City of Fort Pierre, South Dakota, from Jan. 16, '90, to ; charged with duties con- nected with the opening, by proclamation of the President of the United States, of the great Sioux Indian Reservation. Staff positions occupied Aid-de-Camp on the staff of General Nelson ; Topographical Engineer on the staff of General Whitaker ; Provost Marshal and Judge Advocate on the staff of General Barnes; Post Adjt., Quartermaster, Commissary, Signal officer and Treasurer at Camp Gaston, Cal., Sept.-Dec., 73; Post Adjt., Quartermaster, Commissary, Signal Officer and Treas. at Camp Wright, Cal., during part of 73-4-5 ; Post Adjt., Q. M., Comdg. Signal Officer and Treas. at Fort Mojave, Ariz., during parts of 75-7-8 ; Depot Q. M. at Umatilla, Ore., Oct., 78 ; Post Q. M. and Comsy. at Fort Grant, Ariz., Aug., 79, to Aug., '80 ; Post Treas. and Engineer Officer at Fort Thomas, Ariz., Sept., '80, to Feb., '81 ; A. D. C. to the Major Gen. Comdg. the Div. of the 584 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. TAY Atlantic during the acceptance of the Bartholdi Statute. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at Mills' Springs, New Hope, Dubbin's Ford, Stone River, Snow Hill ; Capt. 35th Indiana Inf. June, '63 ; engaged at Crab Orchard, Cumberland Gap, Perry ville, Shell mound, Chickamauga (wounded), Ringgold, Lookout Moun- tain (wounded), Chattanooga, Mission Ridge, Ringgold (2), Tunnel Hill, Rocky Face Ridge, Buzzard's Roost, Dalton, Resaca, Pumpkin-vine Ridge, Dallas, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain (wounded three times); engaged at Smyrna, Chattahoochee River, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta, Jonesborough, Love- joy Station, Athens, Columbia, Franklin (wounded), Nashville (wounded). Com- mands held Commanded Forts Whipple, Strong, Corcoran and Greble, Va., Mch.- Oct., '68 ; Camp Halleck, Nev.; Co. K, 12th Inf., at Camp Gastoa, Cal.,Sept.-Dec., 73 ; Post and Q. M. depot at Ehrenberg, Ariz., Sept., 76 ; Co. D, Indian Scouts, Dept. of Ariz, in the field Jan.-March, 79 ; Co. D, 12th Inf., at Fort Apache, Ariz., March to June, 79; Co. H, 12th Inf., and temporarily troop G, 6th Cav., at Fort Thomas, Ariz., Sept., '80, to Feb., '81 ; Co. A, 12th Inf., at Madison Barracks, N. Y., Dec., '86, to Jan, '87 ; Bedloe's Island, Co. B, llth Inf. and detachment 5th Art. June 25 to Dec, 1, '87 ; Co. B, 12th Inf., at Fort Sully, Nov. 26, '88, to Jan. 16, '90; Co. A, 12th Inf., Post and City of Fort Pierre, South Dakota, Jan. 16, '90, to . History His family were crusaders 'of France and Louisiana planters under grant of Louis XIV., before purchase of Mississippi Valley from France by the United States ; direct descendant of the first French Governors of Louisiana and of one of the most distinguished general officers in the French contingent during the American Revolutionary War of Independence, one of the first commissioned by Congress with temporary rank in Washington's Army ; unanimously elected by the officers and soldiers of the 35th Indiana Volunteers to represent them in the Legion of Honor of the Army of the Cumberland, after the battle of Stone River, Jan., '63 ; Colonel of Cav. and General-de-Brigade in the service of France ; Aid-de-Camp on the staff of Marshal MacMahon in the battles against the Commune; Knight, Officer and Commander in the Legion of Honor of France, " for distinguished gallantry and exceptionally distinguished services in the face of the enemy ; " resigned and returned to the United States at the close of hostilities; author of "Northern California Indians," " The Flora and Fauna of the Pacific Coast," "Apercu of the Mojaves," "The North American Indians," " Considerations politiques et militaires sur 1'etat de 1'Europe ver la fine du xix. sie~cle," " Aran9ons nous ou reculons nous," " La Guerre et la Paix," " La civilisation tue," " Pioneer Sketches," " An Episode in Old Mendocino," " Chronicles of Camp Wright," "Comanche," " Haunted," "A Question of Will Power," " Was it a Coincidence? " " Noltche"," " Lord John," " How Jones came to Join the Church," "Reminiscences of Indian Scouting," "Among the Apaches," " Growing up with Dakota," "A New Year's Eve in New Mexico," "Martin," " Told by a Cat," "Among the Sioux," "The Mile Square," " Ramifications of the Sioux Nation," etc., etc.; surveys and illustrated reports on Arizona, Cali- fornia, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada, Dakota, etc., etc., and translation of military works. Tate, Daniel L. (Second Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Ky. ; appointed from Ky. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '80. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. June 12, '80. Service Asst. Instructor of Tactics at the Mil. Acad. from Dec. 17, '88, to . Taylor, Alfred B. (Captain U.S. A.) Born in D. C. Retired ; app.fro'm the Army. Actual rank Pvt. Co. H, 22d N. Y. S. M., May 28, '62 ; discharged Sep. 5/62; Pvt. Co. K, 5th Cav., June 29, '63; discharged Nov. 12, '63; 2d Lieut. 5th Cav. Oct. 31, '63 ; accepted Nov. 12, '63 ; 1st Lieut. Sep. 12, '64; Capt. June 22, '64; retired May 1, 79. Taylor, Alexander H. M. (First Lieut. 19th Inf.). Born in England ; app. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. B, 83d N. Y. Inf., Nov. 30, '61 ; discharged Sep. 10, '62 ; Sergt. Gen. service Sep. 10, '62 ; discharged April 30, '63; Sergt. Gen. service March 5, '64; discharged March 31, '64; 2d Lieut. 17th Inf. March 16, '66 ; accepted April 25, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Sep. 1, '67 ; honorably dis- charged Dec. 1, 70 ; Hosp. Steward May 24, 72 ; discharged Oct. 15, 73 ; 2d TAY RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 585 Lieut. 19th Inf. Oct. 1, 73 ; accepted Oct. 15, 73 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 24, 79. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion '61-2 ; transferred to the general service U. S. Army as Sergt. Sep., '62; clerk in the War Dep., Washington, D. C., to April, 66 ; at Hart's Island, New York Harbor, to July, '66 ; on special duty in Washington July, '67. Staff positions occupiedA.. D. C. Dec. 12, '66, to Sep. 15, '67 ; A. A. A. G., Dist. of Texas, Jan., '67 ; A. A. A. G. 5th Mil. Dist., New Or- leans, La., Nov., '67. .Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock Station, action of Bristoe Station, and battle of second Bull Run, Va. Commands held Commanding detachment of the 4th Cav. en route to Brownsville, Texas, Nov., '66. Taylor, Arthur W. (Captain and Assist. Surg.). Born in Maryland in 1857. Retiring year 1921. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Assist. Surg. June 16, '80 ; accepted March 1, '80 ; Capt. and Assist. Surg. Feb. 18, '86. Taylor, Asher C. (Captain 2d Art.). Born in New York. Appointed from Wis. Civil Life. Actual rank Corp. and Sergt. Co. D, and Sergt. Major 3d Wis. Inf. April 25, '61, to Oct. 28, '64; 1st Lieut. 3d Wis. Vet. Inf. Oct. 29, '64; hon. must, out July 18, '65; 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. Oct. 16, '67; accepted Oct. 26, '67; 1st Lieut. Aug. 25, '68; unassigned Aug. 12, '69; assigned to 2d Art. Dec. 31, 70 ; Capt. Jan. 20, '89. Staff positions occupied Adj. 3d Wis. Vet. Inf. April 1, '65, to July 18, '65. Service In the field in the War of the Rebellion, '61 to '65 ; at the post of San Augustine, Texas, and at various other posts from the close of the war to '90, present station being Fort Warren, Mass. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Winchester, Cedar Mountain, Antietam, Chancel- lorsville (wounded), Gettysburg and Falling Waters ; in General Sherman's At- lanta, Georgia, and Carolina campaigns, being engaged at the battles of Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, siege of Atlanta, siege of Savan- nah and battles of Averysboro 1 and Bentonville. Taylor, Blair D. (Captain and Asst. Surg.). Born in Virginia Jan. 15, 1848. Retiring year 1912. Appointed from Virginia Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surgeon June 26, 75 ; accepted July 1, 75 ; Captain and Asst. Surgeon June 26, '80. Taylor, Charles W. (First Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in New York May 27, 1856. Retiring year 1920. App. from New York. Cadet at U. S. Military Acad. July 1, 74. Graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank2d Lieut. 9th Cav. June 13, 79 ; 1st Lieut. May 7, '84. Service On graduating leave of absence from June 13 to Sept. 26, 79 ; on detached service in the field with Commanding Officer Dist. of New Mexico; Ute Campaign in Colorado Oct. 3, 79, to Jan. 13, '80; with escort to Ute Commission, of which Gen. Ed. Hatch, Col. 9th Cav., was President, Nov. and Dec., 79; in the field against hostile Apache Indians, Southern New Mexico, Jan. 13 to Aug. 28, '80 ; sick at Fort Bayard, N. M., to Oct. 1, '80 ; with troop in field against Indians to April 17, '81 ; at Fort Bayard, N. M., to July 8, '81 ; in the field against Indians in New Mexico and Old Mexico to Dec. 5, '81 ; April 6 and 7, '80, with troop in action with Warm Spring and Mescalero Apache Indians, San Andreas Mountains, N. M.; Aug. 25, '81, with company Indian scouts and detachment cavalry in action against Nana's band Warm Spring Apache Indians, San Mateo Mountains, N. M.; stationed at Fort Reno from Dec., '81, to June, '84, making frequent scouts in Oklahoma County and after renegade Ind- ians; at Fort Riley, Kan., to Jan. 5, '85 ; on sick leave from injuries sustained in the field, Oklahoma County, I. T., to April 1, '85; on duty at Ft. Riley, Kan., April 1 to May 31 , '85 ; on duty with reg't on the march through Kansas, Nebraska and Wyoming to Aug. 13, '85 ; at Fort McKinney, Wyo., Aug. 13, '85, to May 3, '87 ; at Fort Robinson, Neb., and in charge of construction new post May 17, '87, to Nov. 30, '87 ; on leave of absence Dec. 5, '87, to March 16, '88 ; on duty at Fort Robinson April '88, to the present time. Staff positions occupied Chief Quarter- master District of Oklahoma June 15, '84, to Nov. 27, '84; Reg. Q. M, Feb. 12, '85, to Feb. 28, 89 ; Post Q. M. Fort Riley, Kan., April 1 to May 31, '85 ; Post Q. M. Fort McKinney, Wyo., Aug. 13, '85, to May 3, '87; Post Q. M. Fort Robinson, Neb., May 17/87, to Nov. 30/87 ; Post Q. M. at Ft. Robinson, Neb., April 1,'88, to . Commands held Commanded escort to Ute Commission Nov. and Dec. 79 37 586 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. TAY troop April 6 to Aug. 28, '80 ; troop in field against Indians Oct. 1, '80, to April 17, '81 ; com. of Indian scouts and detachment of Cav. June 29, '81 ; troop in action with Apache Indians in N. M. April 6 and 7, '80 ; com. of Indian scouts and detachment of Cav. Aug. 25, '81. Taylor, Daniel M. (Captain of Ordnance). Born in D. C., AugustSl, 1847. Retiring year 1911. Appointed from D. C. Graduated from Military Academy, Class of '69. Actual rank-2d Lieut. 1st Art. June 15, '69; 1st Lieut, of Ord- nance Nov. 1, '74 ; accepted Nov. 9, 74; Captain June 1, '81. Service Served in garrison at Fort Schuyler, N. Y., July 31, '69, to Oct., 70 ; conducting recruits to Fort Randall, Dak. Ty., Nov. 15 to Dec. 16, '69 ; in garrison at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., Oct. 81, 70, to Aug., 72 ; engaged during this time also on three occasions, in suppressing illicit distilleries in Brooklyn, N. Y., and in conducting recruits from New York to Newport Barracks, Ky. ; also in enforcing election laws in New York City ; at U. S. Military Academy as Acting Assistant Professor of French Aug. 28, 72, to Jan. 19, 76," and Assistant Instructor of Artillery Tactics April 2 to Aug. 29, 74; transferred to Ordnance Dept. as 1st Lieut, of Ord. Nov. 1, 74; served as Assistant at Rock Island Arsenal, 111., Feb. 15, 76, to Aug.- 6, 78; Chief Ordnance Officer of the Dept. of the Missouri, Fort Leavenworth Ordnance De- pot, Aug. 7, 78. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. June 18, '81, to March 16, '86. Commands held Fort Leavenworth Ord. Depot Aug. 7, 78. Taylor, P. Beers (Captain 9th Cav.). Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 25th Inf. Sept. 5, '67 ; accepted Sept. 13, '67 ; transferred to 18th Inf. April 26, '69 ; transferred to 9th Cav. Sept. 18, 75 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 25, 76 ; Captain June 15, '88. Taylor, Frank (First Lieut. 14th Inf.). Born in France. Appointed from Iowa Civil life. Actual rank Private and Sergt. Gen. Service Oct. 24, '60, to April 1, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. Oct. 29, '67 ; accepted Nov. 1, '67 ; unassigned April 17, '69; assigned to 14th Inf. July 31, '69; 1st Lieut. Feb. 25, 76. Taylor, Harry (First Lieut, of Engineers). Born in N. H. June 26, 1862. Retiring year 1926; app. from N. H.; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '84. Actual rank 2d Lieut, of Engineers June 15, '84; 1st Lieut. Dec. 1, '87. Taylor, John R. M. (Second Lieut. 7th Inf.). Born in D. C. Appointed from D. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, '85 ; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank 3d Lieut. 7th U. S. Inf. June 12, '89. Taylor, Marcus B. (Captain and Assistant Surgeon). Born in Miss. July 17, 1851. Retiring year 1915 ; app. from Miss. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. June 26, 75 ; accepted July 4, 75 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. June 26, '80. Service Under contract from May 1 to June 26, 75 (from appointment) ; in camp at Miss. City and Holly Springs, Miss., with troops from New Orleans to Dec., 75 ; Post Surgeon Colfax, La., to Jan., 76 ; Post Surgeon McComb City, Miss., to May, 76 ; Post Surgeon Baton Rouge, La., to Nov., 76 ; in Orleans Hotel at New Orleans, La., to May, 77 ; Ordered to Dept. of the Gulf July 20, 75 ; with troops at Louisville, Ky., and Wilkesbarre, Pa., during riots in 77 ; Post Surg. Baton Rouge, La., to June, 78; ordered to Dept. of the Missouri May 10, 78 ; Post Surgeon Fort Bliss, Texas, from June, 78, to May, '82 ; at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to Aug., '82 ; on leave of absence Aug., '82, to Feb., '83 ; at David's Island, N. Y. Harbor, to Oct. 16, '84; on leave to Feb. 14, '85 ; at Fort Stanton, New Mexico, till Dec. 8, '89, excepting a leave of absence from Nov. 1, '88, to Feb. 2, '89 ; at Boise Barracks, Idaho, to present time. Taylor, Rodney M. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. App. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Capt. 12th N. Y. Cav. Dec. 18, '62 ; Major Jan. 5, '64; hon. must, out July 19,'65 ; 1st Lieut. 12th Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted March 13, '67; unassigned Aug. 16, '69; assigned to 20th Inf. Dec. 31, 70; Capt. Oct. J. 76 ; retired Sept. 19, '84. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. and Col. Vol. March 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services. Taylor, Sydney W. (First Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in D. C. App. from N. Y Civil life. Actual ran* 2d Lieut. 4th Art. Sept. 3, '67 ; accepted Sept. 5, '67 ; 1st Lieut. April 26, 73. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 4th Art. Oct. 15, '87, to . Service Served with battery at Fort McHenry, Md., from Oct., TER RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 587 '67, to May, '69 ; served with battery at Fortress Monroe, Va., from May, '69, to May, 71 ; served with battery at Fort McHenry, Md., from May, '71, to Aug., 71 ; served with battery at Rutherford County, N. C., during Ku-Klux troubles, from Aug., '71, to Oct., '72 ; on leave of absence during the month of Oct., '72; assigned to light battery of regiment and served with it at the Presidio of San Francisco, Gal., from Nov., '72, to March, '73 ; participated in the Modoc war from March, '73, to June, '73 ; served with light battery at Fort Klamath, Oregon, from June, 73, to Oct., '73, guarding captured Modoc Indians ; present with light battery at Fort Klamath, Oct. 3, '73, during the execution of the Modoc Indians; served with light battery at the Presidio of San Francisco, from Oct., 73, to June, '74; on leave of absence from June, '74, to Sept., '74; assigned to a foot battery of regiment Oct. 1, '74, and served at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., until Jan., 75 ; served with battery at Alcatraz Island, Cal., from Jan., '75, to April, '76; served with battery at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., from April to Aug., '76; served with battery at Red Cloud Agency, Neb., from Aug. to Nov., '76 ; served on winter campaign in Neb. against hostile Sioux Indians from Nov., '76, to Jan., '77; served with battery at the Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., from Jan. to July, "77 ; served with bat- tery during campaign against hostile Nez Perces Indians from July to Nov., 77 ; served with battery at the Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., from Nov., 77, to June, 78 ; served with battery at Alcatraz Island, Cal., from June, 78, to July, '81 ; on leave of absence during the month of June, '80 ; served with battery at Fort Winfield Scott, Cal., from July to Oct., 81; served with bat- tery at Wilcox, Arizona, from Oct. to Nov., '81 ; guarding the Southern Pa- cific R. R. during Apache outbreak; on duty with battery at Fort Adams, R. I., from Nov., '81, to Sept.l, '83. Taylor, "Walter L. (Second Lieut. 20th Inf.). Born in Ga. App. from Ga. Graduated from Mil, Acad.. class of '87. Actual rank Additional 2d Lieut. 16th Inf. June 12, '87 ; 2d Lieut. 20th Inf. Aug. 31, '87. Tayman, Charles E. (Second Lieut. 24th Inf.). Born in Pa. App. from the Army. Actual rankPriv., Corp. and Sergt. Co. K, 1st Inf., Oct. 22, '84, to March 22, '88; 2d Lieut. ^4th Inf. Feb. 6, '88 ; accepted March 23, '88. Ten Byck, Benjamin L. (1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. June 7, '89; ac- cepted June 10, '89. Terrell, Charles M. (Lieutenant Col. and Deputy Paymaster General). Born in Indiana Feb. 24, 1832. Retiring year, 1896 ; appointed from Ky. Civil life. Actual rank Additional Paymaster June 30, '62 ; accepted July 20, '62 ; vacated March 5, '67 ; Major and Paymaster Jan. 17, '67 ; accepted March 5, '67 ; Lieut. Col. and Deputy Paymaster General Dec. 30, '88. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut. Col. Vol. Aug. 15, '65, faithful and meritorious services. Service Ap- pointed Paymaster and entered on duty as such prior to confirmation March, '62 ; on duty in Memphis, Tenn., July and Aug., '62; in Dept. of the Ohio from Aug., '62, until June, 63 ; was assigned as senior Paymaster in charge of field pay- ments to 21st Army Corps Jan., '63 ; in charge of field payments to 20th and 21st Army Corps Feb., '63 ; in charge of all payments to the Army of the Cumberland March, '63 ; relieved from duty with Army of the Cumberland and stationed at Cairo, 111., during fall of '63; at Indianapolis Jan. 1, '64; on duty in Tenn. Mar. and April, '64 ; on duty in Indianapolis until July, '66 ; at Detroit July, '66, until April, '67 ; retained in service at close of the war by selection of the President on the recommendation of the Paymaster General, under authority of the 18th and 31st Sections of the Act of July 28, '66 ; stationed at New Orleans May, '67 ; Galveston June, '67 ; New Orleans July 1, '67, to Oct. 15, '67; Holly Springs, Miss., Oct. 16 to Dec. 1, '67 ; New Orleans Dec., '67, to Feb., '68 ; in Texas Feb., '68, to Dec., 71; Chief Paymaster Dept. of the Platte Jan. 1, 72, to July, 72; on duty in Dept. of the Platte until Feb., 74; on duty in Dept. Mo. until Aug., 74; on duty in Dept. of the Platte and Dept. of the Mo. under orders of General Sheridan, commanding the Division, until Sept., 75; on duty in Dept. of the 588 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. TES Lakes at Detroit Oct., 75, until Sept., 77 ; Chief Paymaster Dept. of Texas Sept., 77, to June, '85 ; Chief Paymaster Dept. of the Platte since June, '85. Terrett, Colville P. (First Lieut. 8th Inf.). Born in D. C. Api>. from Md. Civil life. Actual rank Private Signal Corps July 13, 78 ; discharged Oct. 16,79; 2d Lieutenant 8th Inf. Sept. 1, 79; accepted Oct. 17, 79; 1st Lieut. July 2, '86. Terry, Alfred H. (Major General U. S. A.). Born in Conn., Nov. 10, 1827. Retired ; app. from Conn. Civil life. Actual rank Col. 2d Conn. Inf. May 7, '61 ; hon. must, out Aug. 7, '61 ; Col. 7th Conn. Inf. Sept. 17, '61 ; Brig. Gen. Vol. April 25, '62; accepted May 15, '62; Maj. Gen. (provisional) Jan. 15, '65; ace. Jan. 16, '65 ; Maj. Gen. (commission) April 20, '65; hon. must, out Sept. 1, '66 ; Brig. Gen. Jan. 15, '65, "for distinguished services during the war and for gal- lantry and generalship in the capture of Fort Fisher, N. C."; Maj. Gen. March 3, '86 ; retired April 5, '88, " disability in line of duty." Brevet rankBvt. Maj. Gen. March 13, '65, " gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Wilming- ton, N. C. ;" Mai. Gen. Vol. Aug. 26, '64, " meritorious and distinguished services during the war. Honorably mentioned Received the thanks of Congress, Jan. 24, '65 : u To Brevet Maj. Gen. A. H. Terry and the officers and soldiers under his command for the unsurpassed gallantry and skill exhibited by them in the attack upon Fort Fisher, and the brilliant and decisive victory by which that important work has been captured from the rebel forces and placed in the possession and under the authority of the United States, and for their long and faithful service and unwavering devotion to the cause of the country in the midst of the greatest difficulties and dangers." Battles, skirmishes, etc. Served in the three months' campaign in Virginia, and engaged in the battle of the first Bull Run, Va. ; in Gen. Sherman's Port Royal expedition Nov., '61, and in the Dept. of the South to April, '64; engaged at the bombardment of Fort Pulaski, Ga., and action of Pocotaligp, S. C. ; engaged at the actions on James Island, S. C., and operations against Forts Sumter, Wagner and Gregg, on Morris Island, S. C. ; engaged at the action of Chester Station, battle of Drury's Bluffs, actions in front of Bermuda Hundred, Va., Deep Bottom, battle of Fussel's Mills, siege of Petersburg, actions of Newmarket Heights, Newmarket Roads, and Williamsburg Road, Va. ; com- manding corps and engaged in the capture of Wilmington, N. C., and action of Northeast Creek, N. C. Commands held Comdg. Div. of 10th Corps, Army of the James, May to Dec., '64 ; expedition in the attack and capture of Fort Fisher, N. C. ; Dept. of Virginia, June, '65, to Aug., '66 ; Dept. of Dak., Sept., '66, to April, '88. Tesson, Louis S. (Captain and Assistant Surgeon). Born in Missouri Feb. 14, '42. Retiring year 1906; app. from Mo. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. June 26, 75 ; accepted July 3, 75 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. June 26, '80. Service Act. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. March 8, '64 ; ordered for duty in the field Army of the Tennessee ; detained at Chattanooga, Tenn., and ordered for duty at Gen. Field Hospital, No. 3; in charge Small-pox Hospital, Chattanooga, Tenn., March, '64, to July, '64; in charge Gen. Field Hospital, No. 4, Chattanooga, Tenn., July, '64, to Jan., '65; contract annulled Jan., '65, to avail himself of leave of absence; contract not renewed by reason of fall of Richmond ; Act. Asst. Surgeon Sept. 29, '68 ; on duty in the field in Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Northern Texas and In- dian Territory until Nov., '69 ; Ft. D. A. Russell till spring of 70 ; Post Surgeon Fort Laramie, W. T., till fall of 70 ; Ft. D. A. Russell till fall of 71 ; on duty with 3d and 5th Cavalry, changing station between Depts. of Arizona and the Platte till spring of 72 j in the field summer of 72 ; Fort McPherson, Neb., winter of 72-3 ; Post Surgeon Camp Brown (now Fort Washakie) till Sept. 29, 73 ; con- tract annulled at his own request ; appeared before Army Medical Examining Board Nov. 16, 74, awaiting issuance of commission ; accepted contract Jan. 13, 75; attending surgeon Fort Leayenworth Military Prison till July 3, 75, when contract was annulled to enable him to accept appointment as Asst. Surgeon U. S. A.; on duty in same capacity as Asst. Surgeon at same place till July 8, 76 ; ordered with 5th Inf. to Dept. Dakota field service July 8, 76 ; in the field and at Can- tonment. Tongue River, W. T., until April, 77 ; Post Surgeon fort at mouth of THO RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 589 Little Big Horn River (now Fort Cuater, W. T.,) till April, '80 ; Jefferson Bar- racks, Mo., till June, '82 ; ordered to Dept. Texas June, '82 ; Fort Clark, Texas, Oct., '82, to Feb. '83; Post Surgeon Ringgold Barracks, Texas, till July 24, '83; at Fort Davis, Texas, till Sept., '84 ; Post Surgeon Fort Stockton till August, '85 ; Ft. Davis till Dec., 85 ; Geronimo campaign, N. M., and Arizona, till Nov., '86 ; leave till Feb., '87; attending surgeon Chicago, Ills., to Jan., '88; Post Surgeon Watervliet Arsenal, West Troy, N. Y., till May, '89; Post Surgeon Fort Sidney, Neb., to date. Thayer, Arthur (Second Lieutenant 3d Cav.). Born in Indiana. App. from Ind.; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '86. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d Cav. July 1, '86. Theaker, Hugh A. (Major 15th Inf.). Born in Ohio Feb. 4, '42. Retiring year 1906; app. from Ohio Civil life. Actualrank 1st Lieut. 16th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted July 25, '61 ; Captain July 28, '64 ; transferred to 34th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; transferred to 16th Inf. April 14, '69; Major 15th Inf. Sept. 6, '86. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion ; commanding company engaged at action of Hoover's Gap, battles of Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and action of Buzzard's Roost ; A. C. S. and ordnance officer Dept. of Dakota April, '64, to Dec., 65; on frontier and other duty from '65 to '90, present station being Mount Ver- non Barracks, Ala. Thibaut, Frederick W.(Captain 6th Inf.). Born in Germany ; app. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th N. Y. Inf. April 23, '61 ; 1st Lieut. July 11, '61 ; Capt. Sep. 28, '62 ; hon. must, out May 8, ; 63 ; Capt. V. R. C. Oct. 15, '63 ; accepted Oct. 19, '63 ; hon. must, out June 29, '67 ; 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. Jan. 22, '67; accepted June 30, '67; 1st Lieut. Feb. 25, '68 ; Captain June 6, '86. Brevet rank Bvt. Major Vol. July 19, '65, gallant and meritorious services dur- ing the war. Thorn, George (Colonel and Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in N. H. Re- tired. App. from N. H. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '39. Actualrank Bvt. 2d Lieut. Top. Engineers July 1, '39 ; 2d Lieut. July 18, '40 ; 1st Lieut. Sep. 26, '49; Capt. (14 years' service) July 1, '53; Major Sep. 9, '61; transferred to Engineers March 3, '63 ; Lieut. Col July 10, '66 ; Col. March 31, '80 ; retired Feb. 20, '83, at his own request ; over 40 years service ; Col. and A. A. D. C. of Vol. Nov. 16, '61; accepted Dec. 5, '61 ; hon. must, out May 31, '66. Brevet rank Brevet Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, meritorious services during the war ; Col. and Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service Served on various surveys (including the survey and marking of the northeastern boundary of the U. S.) from '39 to the period x>f the Mexican War, in which he participated as Aide-de-Camp to Gen. Pierce, and afterward attached to the staff of Gen. Scott ; on survey duty (including that of the U. S. and Mexi- can boundary) and in charge of military works, etc., in the northwest and on the Pacific coast from '48 to '61 ; was constantly employed, filling various positions of importance in the line of his profession, as Colonel on the staff of Major Gen. Halleck during the period of the Civil War part of the time in the field, partici- pating in the Corinth campaign, in the battle of Cedar Creek, etc., and part of the time at the headquarters of the Army and elsewhere ; from the close of the Re- bellion to his retirement in Feb., '83, Col. Thorn was constantly employed, in charge of numerous fortifications, and of the harbor and river improvements, in Maine, New Hampshire and on the eastern coast of Massachusetts, and on many other duties in the line of his profession. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. July 1, '47, to Aug. 4, '47. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In the battle of Cedar Creek. Thomas, Earl D. (Captain 5th Cav.). Born in Illinois Jan. 4, 1847. Retir- ing year 1911. Appointed from 111. Graduated from Military Academy class of '69. Actual rank Private and Corp'l Co. H, and Serg't Major 8th 111. Cav., April 1, '62, to April 23, '65; 2d Lieut. 5th Cav. June 15, '69 ; 1st Lieut. March 1, '72 ; Captain April 1, '85. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C, S. at Camp Hualpai July-Aug., '73 ; Depot Q. M. at Fort Whi^ple, July, '74, to June, '75; appointed March 22, '75, an A. D. C. for General Kautz, commanding Dept. of Arizona, and engineer officer on the department staff until March 6, '78 ; con- 590 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. THO tinned to serve as engineer officer until April 30, 78 ; quartermaster from Sept. 2, 75, to April 16, 76 ; in connection with the construction of military roads in Arizona, and his operations included the reconnoissance and construction of wa- gon roads from Prescott to Skull Valley and from Prescott to Camps Verde and McDowell. Honorably mentioned Highly commended in general orders for conspicuous gallantry at the battle with hostile Sioux at Red Willow Creek, Neb., June 10, 70 ; he was twice nominated to the U. S. Senate to be a brevet Captain to date from Dec. 28, 72, for gallant conduct in the engagement with the Tonto-Apache Indians at the Caves, and a brevet Major to date from April 4, 74, for distinguished services in the campaign against the Hualpai Indians; in connection with the construction of military roads in Ariz.; the department commander mentions his excellent management in the annual report for 75-76, and says " that the aid furnished through the military service has had the effect to secure the greatest possible amount of work that could be obtained out of the money appropriated, probably nearly doubling the result that would have been obtained had the work been let to contractors." Sen-i'-c In the field with the Army of the Potomac during the War of the Rebellion from '62 to '65; joined 5th Cav. at Fort McPherson, Neb., Sept. 30, '69, until March, 72; when the first detachment of the regiment moved from Fort McPherson in Nov.. 71, to Arizona, continued on duty at that station, in charge of public property, until March, 72 ; at Omaha as witness before the U. S. court, and in June conducted a detachment of recruits, by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of California, to Arizona, and arrived at Camp McDowell in Aug. ; participated in the Apache campaigns of 74; also employed in making a wagon road reconnoissance from Camp McDowell to Wickenberg in Oct., 72 ; in superintending the removal of Jamaspaie's baud of Apache-Mojaves from the Colorado River to the Verde res- ervation in June, 73 ; at Camp Hualpai, preparatory to the abandonment of the station July- Aug., 73 ; in operating against hostile Apache in the Santa Maria, Bradshaw and New River Mountains Dec., 73 ; in operating against the Hualpais with Apache-Mojave scouts Feb. -April, 74, until he compelled all the Indinns belonging to that tribe to surrender at the La Paz Reservation ; at Fort Whipple from July, 74, to June, 75 ; made new surveysof Camps Grant (including the tim- ber lands of Mount Graham), Verde, Thomas, Apache and McDowell; on leave of absence until Oct., 78; rejoined the regiment at Fort Washakie, Wyo.; at that station until Jan., '80, and was employed during May and June, 79, in construct- ing a wagon road from Fort Washakie to Raw 1 ins, Wyo. ; on escort duty during Aug. and Sept., 79, with a U. S. surveying party in the Yellowstone Park ; quartermaster at Rawlins, Wyo., until June, '80, when he was appointed property quartermaster at the headquarters of the Dept. of the Platte, at Omaha, Neb. ; after being relieved at that station, served at various other stations till '90, present station being Fort Sill, I. T. Battles, skirmishe*, etc. Siege of Yorktown ; battle of Williamsburg; in Gen. Stoneman's raid towards Mechanicsville; in the seven days' battle, ending in the evacuation of the Peninsula ; battles of South Mountain, Antietam ; actions at Darnestown and Boonesboro' ; Cav. Campaign in Loudoun Valley ; battles of Fredericksburg, Beverly Ford and Gettysburg ; action at Falling Waters ; with Cav. Corps '63-64 ; at Washington and Fairfax Court-House ; combat with Sioux Indians at Red Willow Creek June 8, 70; in the affair north of the Four Peaks ; the action at the Caves in Salt River Canon ; the affair on Pinto Creek, in the Music Mountains, in the Diamond River country and in the Cerbat Mountains. Thomas, Henry Q. (Major, Paymaster and Brevet Brig. Gen.). Born in Portland, Maine, April 5, 1837. Retiring year 1901, Appointed from Maine Civil life. Actual rank Captain 5th Maine Inf. June 24, '61 ; hon. must, out Aug. 26, '61 ; Col. 79th U. S. Colored Inf. March 20, '63 ; hon. must out July 11, '63 ; Col. 19th U. S. Colored Inf. Jan. 16, '64; Brig. Gen. Vol. Nov. 30, '64; ac- cepted Dec. 9, '64; hoii. must, out Jan. 15, '66 ; Captain llth Inf. Aug. 5, '61 ; ac- cepted Aug. 24, '61 ; Major 41st Inf. July 28, '66 (declined on medical statement that " climate of extreme South wwuld, as experience showed, almost certainly prove fatal ") ; transferred to 20th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; Major 4th Inf. Oct. 22, 76 ; THO RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 591 transferred to Pay Department May 23, 78. Brevet rank Brevet Major for gal- lant and meritorious services in battle ofSpottsylvania May 12, '64; Brevet Lieut. Col. for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va., July 30, '64 ; Col. and Brig. Gen. U. S. A. and Major Gen. Vols. for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned Recommended for Captaincy in regular army by Gen. 0. O. Howard for conduct in first Bull Run ; appointed Brig. Gen. of Vols. on recommendation of Gen. Burnside "for his uniform good conduct, particularly his conspicuous gallantry on July 30, '64, before Peters- burg." Service Regimental recruiting service Oct., '61, to July, '62; mustering and disbursing officer in Massachusetts until Oct., '62 ; joined regiment in the field October, '62; proceeded to Department of the Gulf with regiment April, '63; sent North with fever June, '63 ; joined llth Inf. at Culpepper September '63; at Camp Stanton, Md., Jan. and Feb., '64; Baltimore, Md., March and April, '64; joined Army of the Potomac April 20, '64; transferred to the Army of the James Nov., '64, until April, '65; served with regiment (llth Inf.) at Richmond, Va., '66 ; recruiting service Portland, Me., Oct., '66, to Sept., '67 ; Fort Wood, from Sept., '67, to expiration of detail ; Freedmen's Bureau in Ky. and Va. to spring of '69 ; then joined regiment at St. Paul, serving at Fort Snelling, Fort Totten, D. T., and Fort Ransom, D. T. ; in command of troops pro- tecting construction N. P. R. R. from Cheyenne R. to Missouri R. '72 ; stationed at Fort Snelling from Oct., '72, to spring '76 ; removed Winnebago Indians from Wis- consin winter of '74-5; on duty with Govt. exhibit at Philadelphia Centennial, 76 ; at Fort Fred Steele, Wyo., until fall of 78 ; after transfer to Pay Dept. stationed successively at Omaha, Fort Sidney, Omaha, Fort Buford, D. T., Pueblo and Denver ; on sick leave since Mar. 7, '84. Battles, skirmishes, etc. In action at Snicker's Gap ; Bristoe, Rappahannock and Brandy Stations ; Mine Run ; in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Petersburg; explosion of mine, Welden R. R., Hatcher's Run and taking of Richmond. Commands held Commanding 19th, 30th and 39th U. S. C. T. and 800 unassigned recruits at Camp Birney, Bal- timore, Md., March and April, '64; joined Army of the Potomac with this com- mand April 20, '64 ; in command of 2d Brig., 4th Div., 9th Corps, May 1 to Nov., '64; assigned to the command of 3d Brig., 1st Div., 25th Corps, in Nov., '64; temporarily in command of Div. Jan., '65 ; in temporary command of Corps while fitting out for Texas April, '65 ; Fort Wood, N. Y., Sept., '67, to expiration of re- cruiting detail ; Fort Ransom, D. T.. and Fort Fred Steele, Wyo. History Grad- uated at Amherst College, '58 (4 B K Amherst Chapter) ; read law with Judge Edward Fox, Portland, member of Cumberland Bar. Thompson, Ai B. (Captain and Brevet Major U. S. A.). Born in N. H. Retired ; appointed from N. H. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d N. H. Vol. Inf. June 3, '61 ; hon. must, out Aug. 7, '61 ; Capt. 18th U. S. Inf. Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Sept. 28, '61 ; retired May 6, '64. Brevet rankEvt. Maj. Dec. 31, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn. Thompson, Charles B. (First Lieut. 5th Inf.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf. Jan. 9, 77 ; accepted Jan. 20, 77 ; 1st Lieut. March 14, '82. Staff positions occupied E>. Qm. 5th Inf. from'Oct. 14, '85, to Sept. 30, '89. Thompson, James K. (Second Lieut. 23d Inf.). Born in Iowa. Appointed from Iowa. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '80 ; graduated June 15, '84. Actual rank2d Lieut. 23d U. S. Inf. June 15, '84. Thompson, J. Milton (Captain 24th Inf.). Born in N. H. Aug. 1, 1842. Retiring year, 1906 ; appointed from N. H. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. E, 7th N. H. Vol. Inf., Nov. 7, '61; discharged Jan. 14, '63; 2d Lieut. 33d U. S. Colored Inf. Jan. 15, '63 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 27, '63 ; Capt. Nov. 7, '63 ; hon. must, out Jan. 31, '66; 2d Lieut. 38th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Nov. 12, '66; 1st Lieut. Nov. 4, '67; trs. to 24th Inf. Nov. 11, '69; Capt. Dec. 23, 78. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the affair with Indians en route from Fort Hays to Fort Harker, Kansas. Thompson, John P. (Captain 3d Inf.). Born in N. H. July 22, 1845. Re- tiring year, 1909 ; appointed from N. H. Civil life. Actual rankBvi. Co. I, 592 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. THO IstR. I. Vol. Cav., Oct. 28, '61; discharged April 22, '64; 2d Lieut. 1st N. H. Vol. Cav. April 23, '64 ; hon. must, out July 15, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66; accepted May 1, '66; 1st Lieut. July 24, '67; Capt. April 24, '86. Thompson, John T. (First Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in Ky. Appointed from Ky. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 78; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank2d Lieut, 2d U.S. Art. June 13, '82; 1st Lieut, Jan. 20, '89. Service Light Battery F at Fort Leavenworth ; afterwards transferred to Battery G, 2d Artillery, at Newport Bks., Ky., where he reported July 18, '82; apptd. A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Oct. 1, '82 ; on duty at various posts from '82 to '90, his present station being Fort Monroe, Va. Thompson, Richard B. (First Lieut. 6th Inf.). Born in Me. Appointed from R. I. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '64 ; graduated June 15, '68. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 6th U. S. Inf. June 15, '68; 1st Lieut. March 30, '80. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 6th Inf. from March 30, '80, to April 10, '82. Thompson, "William (Captain U. S. A., Bvt. Lieut. Col.). Born in Pa. Re- tired ; app. from Iowa Civil life. Actual rank Capt. 1st Iowa Vol. Cav. July 31, '61; Major May 18, '63; Col. June 20, '64; hon. must, out March 15, '66; Capt. 7th U. S. Cav. July 28, '66 ; retired Dec. 15, 75, at his own request ; over 62 years of age. Brevet rank Bvt. Major March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Prairie Grove; Lieut. Col. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meri- torious services in action at Bayou Metoe, Arkansas; Brig. Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services. Thompson, William A. (Captain 4th Cav.). Born in Md. Aug. 27, 1845. Retiring year, 1909; appointed from Md. Civil life. Actual rankPvt. Co. G and Qm. Sgt. 1st Md. Vol. Inf. from Aug. 18, '62, to June 3, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Cav. June 18, '67 ; accepted July 16, '67 ; 1st Lieut. July 31, '6! ; < apt. July 23, 79. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 4th Cav. from Sept. 1, 77, to March 1, 78. Thome, Platt M. (Captain 22d Inf.). Born in N. Y. May 11, 1837. Retir- ing year, 1901; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Capt. 150th N. Y. Vol. Inf. Oct. 10, '62 ; hon. must, out June 8, '65 ; Lieut. Col. A. I. G. Vol. from May 26, '65, to Aug. 1, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 13th U. 8. Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; 1st Lieut. April 5, '66; accepted April 26, '66; trs. to 31st Inf. Sept. 21, '66; tre. to 22d Inf. May 15, '69; Capt. March 14,79. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. Vol. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services. Staff positions occupied R. Qra. 22d Inf. from July 1, 72, to March 4, 79. Thorp, Frank (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in Me. Appointed from Me. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 28th Me. Inf. Oct. 14, '62; hon. must, out Aug. 31, '63; 2d Lieut. 1st Me. Lt. Art. Dec. 30, '63; hon. must, out June 21, '65; 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Art. May 11, '66; accepted Dec. H, '66; 1st Lieut. June 6, '67. Service At Fort Schuyler, N. Y. and East New York, Long Island, Nov. and Dec., '62 (Banks Expedition); at Camp Chalmette, La., Warrenton and Pensa- cola, Fla., Jan. and Feb., '63 ; at Donaldsonville, La. (Fort Butler), April and May, '63 ; in the siege of Port Hudson, La., June, '63 ; at Donaldsonville and Baton Rouge, La., July and Aug., '63; at Camp Barry, Washington, D. 0., Jan. to March, '64 ; April, '64, joined Artillery Brigade 9th Army Corps*, Army of the Potomac; at Alexandria, Va., May and June, '65; in Grand Review at Washington ; at Fort Jefferson, Fla., Jan. and Feb., '67 ; Key West, Fla.. March, '67, to Jan., '68; at Fort Jefferson, Fla., Jan., '68, to March, '69; Fort Warren, Mass., March, '69, to Sept., 70 ; at Fort Trumbull, Conn., from Sept., 70, to May, 74; Graduated Artillery School, U. S. Army, 75 ; at Fort Monroe, Va., May, 74, to May, 75 ; at Fort Adams, R. I., June, 75, to Nov., 75 ; at Charleston, S. C., Nov., 75, to May, 79; at Atlanta, Ga., from May, 79, to Nov., '81 ; at Fort Ham- ilton, N. Y. H., from Nov., '81, to April, '87; at Fort Columbus, N. Y., from April, '87, to Oct., '88 ; at Fisher's Island, N. Y., July and Aug., '88 (Rifle Camp of Instruction) ; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., from Oct., '88, to date, March, '90. Staff positions occupied A.. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Key West, Fla., March, '67, to Jan., '68; Post Adjt. at Ft. Warren, Mass., Aug., '69, to Sept., 70; Post Adjt. TID RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. 593 at Ft. Trumbull, Conn., Sept., 70, to May, 74 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Charleston, S. C., from Nov., 76, to July, 77; A. C. S. from Nov., 76, to July, 77 ; A. C. S. from Nov., 77, to May, 79 ; A. C. S. of Post at Atlanta, Ga,, from May, 79, to Nov., '81; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of Post at Ft. Hamilton, N. Y. H., Nov., '81, to April, '87 ; Reg. Q. M. Nov. 22, 76, to April 15, '87 ; A. C. S. Hdqts. Div. of the Atlantic and Post of Ft. Columbus, Oct., '87, to Oct., '88; Camp Q. M. and Commissary at Fisher's Island, N. Y., July and Aug., '88. Bat- tles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the Battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House, North Anna River, Tolopotomy Creek, Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor, Siege of Petersburg, Ream's Station, Poplar Spring Church, the actions in front of Petersburg and pursuit of Lee's Army as far as Farmville, Va. Com- mands held Commanding Co. June, '63. History Great-grandson of Capt. Eli- phalet Thorp, 7th Mass. Bay Regiment, Continental Line. Throckmorton, Charles B. (Major 2d Art.). Born in Va. May 27, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from Md. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th U. 8. Art. March 16, '61; accepted March 28, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61 ; Capt. July 18, '64; Major 2d Art. Dec. 1, '83. Brevet rankEvt, Major March 13, '65', for gallant and meritorious conduct during the war. Staff positions occu- pied A. D. C. Vol. from Sept. 10, '61, to Oct. 8, '61 ; March, '62, to Aug., '62. Thurston, George A. (Captain 3d Art.). Born in N. Y. Feb. 22, 1834. Retiring year 1898. Appointed from Nev. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 1st Nev. Vol. Inf. April 10, '64; Capt. June 28, '64; hon. must, out Dec. 15, '65; 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Cav. March 7, '67 ; accepted May 28, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 15, '68 ; trs. to 3d Art. Jan. 13, 74 ; Capt. Dec. 10, '89. Thurston, Walter A. (First Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born in Ala. Appointed from Ala. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank2d Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. June 13, 79; 1st Lieut. Nov. 26, '84. Tidball, John C. (Colonel and Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Virginia 1825. Retired. Appointed from Ohio, Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '44; graduated July 1, '48. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 3d Art. July 1, '48; 2d Lieut. 2d Art. Feb. 14, '49; 1st Lieut. March 31, '53; Capt. 12th Inf. May 14, 61 (de- clined) ; Capt. 2d Art. May 14,' 61 ; Col. 4th N. Y. H. Art. Aug. 28, '63; Bvt. Maj. Gen. April 2, '65; hon. must, out Sept. 26, '65; Major 2d Art. Feb. 5, '67; Lieut, Col. 3d Art. June 30, '82; transf. to 1st Art. Nov. 10, '82; transf. to 3d Art. June 25, '84; Col. 1st Art. March 22, '85; retired Jan. 25, '89. Brevet rank Brevet Major June 27, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Games' Mill, Va. ; Lieut. Col. Sept. 17, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam ; Brig. Gen. Vol. Aug. 1, '64, for gallant and distinguished services in the battles of the Po, Spottsylvania Court-House and during the oper- ations in front of Petersburg, Va.; Col. 'March 13, '65. for gallant and meritorious services during the rebel attack on Fort Steadman, Va. ; Brig. Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war; Major- Gen. Vol. April 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services at Forts Steadman and Sedgwick, Va. Service Served in garrison at Fort Adams, R. I., '49; in Florida hostilities against the Seminole Indians, '49-50; in garrison at Fort Moultrie, S. C., '50-52; Castle Pinckney, S. C., '52-3 ; Fort Moultrie, S. C., '53; on frontier duty at Fort Defiance, N. M., '53; in exploring route to California, '53-4 ; on Coast Survey, Sept. 6, '54, to Sept. 20, '59 ; in garrison at Fort Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Practice), '59; on Harper's Ferry expedition to suppress John Brown's raid, '59; in garrison at Fort Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Practice), '59-60; on frontier duty at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., '60-61; and in garrison at Washington, D. C., '61; served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, '61-66; in the defense of Fort Pickens. Fla., April 19 to July 3, '61; in the defenses of Washington, D. C., July 18, '61 ; with battery in the Manassas Campaign of July, '61, and succeeding campaigns of the Army of the Potomac to '64 ; march to and in the vicinity of Washington, D. C., April-June, '65, and with company at the Presidio of San Francisco, Gal., Dec., '65, to April 4, '67; at District of Astoria, Headquarters Fort Stevens, Ore., Aug. 28, '67, to July, '68; District of Kenai, headquarters Kodiak, Alaska, Sept., '68, to Oct. 7, '69, and May- 594 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. TIE XI W T JLj t JUy dllVi. LSWOU Vfi J-Vt*A V>I2*J} ^^ ^"*J *'^** * W f > tendent of Artillery Instruction at the U. S. Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., to Jan. 1, '80 ; at U. S. Artillery School and Post of Fort Monroe, Va., from Nov. 1, '83, to Jan. 25, '89. Staff positions occupied Commander of Cadets Military Academy July 10, '64, to Sept. 22, '64; Col. A. D. C. to the Gen. Jan. 1, '81, to Feb. 8, '84. Battles, skirmishes.etc.lnthe battle of Bull Run July 21, '61; in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., July 23, '61, to March 10, '62; in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign (Army of the Potomac) March to August, '62, being en- gaged in the siege of Yorktown April 5 to May 4, '62 ; battle of Williamsburg May 5, '62 ; action at New Bridge May 23, '62 ; action at Mechanicsville May 27, '62; battle of Games' Mill June 27, '62 ; battle of Malvern Hill July 1, '62, and skirmish of Harrison's Landing July 2, '62; in the Maryland Campaign (Army of the Potomac) Sept. to Nov., 62, being engaged in the skirmish at Boonsboro' Sept. 15, '62 ; battle of Antietam Sept. 17, '62; skirmish at Shepardstown Sept. 19, '62, and march to Falmouth, Va., Oct. to Nov., '62, being engaged in the skir- mishes of Upperville, Markham and Araisville Nov. '62; on leave of absence Dec. 31, '62, to March 3, '63 ; in the Rappahannock Campaign (Army of the Potomac) March to May, '63, being engaged in Stoneman's raid toward Richmond April 13 to May 2, '63, skirmishing at Rappahannock and Rapidan'Stations, and at Ely's Ford and battle of Chancellorsville, May 2-4, '63 ; in the Pennsylvania Campaign (Army of the Potomac) June to July, '63 ; with 2d Brigade Horse Artillery, being engaged in the skirmishes of Aldie and Upperville, Va., June, '63; battle of Get- tvsburg, Pa., July 1-3, '63, and pursuit or the enemy to VVarrenton July, 63 ; in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., August, '63, to March, '64; with Artillery of the 2d Corps (Army of the Potomac) in the Richmond Campaign April 1 to July 3, '64, being engaged in the battle ot the Wilderness May 5-6, '64 ; battle around Spottsylvania May 9-20, '64; battle of the North Anna May 23, '64; battle of Tolopotomy May 30, '64; battles of Cold Harbor June 3-5, '64; crossing James River and march to Petersburg June 15-18, '64, and siege of Petersburg June 18 to July 4, '64; at the Military Academy as Commandant of Cadets and Instructor of Artillery, Infantry and Cavalry Tactics, July 10 to Sept 22, '64; with Artil- lery of 9th Corps (Army of the Potomac) Oct. 9, '64, to April 2, '65, being engaged in the siege of Petersburg Oct. 9, '64, to April 2, '65, including the repulse of the attack on Fort Steadman, March 25, and assault from Ft. Sedgwick upon the Rebel Works, April 1, '65; pursuit of the Rebel Army, terminating in the capitu- lation of General R. E. Lee at Appomattox C. H., April 9, '65. Commands held In command of a battery in the Manassas Campaign of July, '61 ; 2d Bri- gade Horse Artillery June, '63 ; Artillery 2d Corps (Army of the Potomac) in the Richmond Campaign April 1 to July 3, '64; Artillery of 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac, Oct. 9, '64, to April 2, '65 ; Company at Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., Dec., '65, to April 4, '67 ; District of Astoria, Oregon, August 28, '67, to July, '68 ; District of Kenai, Hdqrs Kodiak, Alaska, Sept., '68, to Oct. 7, '69, and May to Sept., 70 ; District of Alaska, Hdqrs. at Sitka, Sept. 23, '70, to Sept. 20, '71 ; Yerba Buena Island, Cal., Nov. 1, '71, to Nov. 1, '72; Post of Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 16, 72, to April 29, 74 ; U. S. Artillery School and Post of Fort Monroe, Va., Nov. 1, '83, to Jan. 25, '89. History Author of " Manual of Heavy Artillery Service for U. S. Army," 1880. Tidball, Joseph L. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Pennsylvania. Retired. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '45 ; graduated July 1, '49. Actual rankBrevet 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Inf., July 1, '49 ; 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. March 31, '50; 1st Lieut. 10th Inf. March 3, '55; accepted March 31, '55; Captain Aug. 25, '55 ; retired Nov. 1, '61, for disability in line of duty. Tiernon, John L. (Captain 3d Art.). Born in Indiana Jan. 18, 1841. Re- tiring year 1905. Appointed from Missouri Civil life. Actual rank 2^. Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. Feb. 19, '62; accepted June 20, '62; 1st Lieut. Jan. 20, '64; Capt. July 2, 77. TIL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 595 Tilford, Joseph G. (Colonel 9th Cav.). Born in Kentucky Nov. 26, 1828. Retiring year 1892. Appointed from Kentucky. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, It7 ; graduated July 1, '51. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. Mount. Rifles July 1, '51; 2d Lieut. Jan. 27, '53; 1st Lieut. June 14, '58 ; Capt. 3d Cav. July 31, '61 ; Major 7th Cav. Nov. 14, '67; Lieut. Col. Sept. 22, '83; Colonel 9th Cav. April 11, '89. Brevet rank Brvt. Major Feb. 21, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Valverde, N. M. ; Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Tillman, Samuel B. (Professor Military Academy). Born in Tennessee. Appointed from Tennessee. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '65; gradu- ated June 15, '69. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Art. June 15, '69; trans, to Eng'rs June 10, 72; 1st Lieut. June 10, 72; Prof. Dec. 21, '80; accepted Dec. 31, '80. Staff positions occupied Prin. Ass't Prof. Chem. Min. and Geo. M. A. from Sept. 39, 72, to Aug. 20, 73 ; Prof. Nat. and Exp. Phil. M. A. from July 1, 75, to Aug. 31, 75; Prin. Ass't Prof. Chem., Min. and Geo. M. A. from Aug. 28, 79, to Dec. 21, '80. Tillson, John C. P. (First Lieut. 5th Inf.) Born in New York. Appointed from New York. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 74; graduated June 14, 78. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf. June 14, 78 ; 2d Lieut. June 21, 78 ; 1st Lieut. March 24, '83. Tilton, Henry R. (Major and Surgeon). Born in New Jersey, Feb. 1, 1836. Retiring year 1900 ; appointed from N. J. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Aug. 26, '61 ; accepted Sept. 1, '61 ; Capt. Asst. Surg. July 28, '66 ; Maj. Surg. June 26, 76. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. and Bvt. Major March 13, '65, faithful and meritor- ious services during the war. Service On duty at Key West Bks., Fla., Sept. to Dec., '61 ; on sick leave to March, '62 ; on duty at Fort Taylor, Key West, Fla., to June, '62, also in charge of the Marine Hospital at Key West ; on duty with battery of artillery and in charge of General Hospital No. 3 at Beaufort, S. C., to Oct., '62 ; on sick leave to Jan., '63 ; on duty in St. Louis, Mo., to May, '63 ; in charge of the floating Hospital, Nashville, on the Mississippi River, during the siege of Vicksburg, to Aug., '6C ; on duty as executive officer at the General Hospital at Jefferson Bks., Mo., Sept., '63, to Dec. 31, '64; in charge to Oct., '65; on duty with the 3d Inf. at Schofield Bks., St. Louis, Mo., to April, '66 ; Post Surg. at Fort Lyon, Col., till Nov., 70; in skirmishes with Cheyenne Indians, Sept. 8 and Oct. 7, '68 ; on leave to March, 71 ; Post Surg. at David's Island, N. Y., to July, 72 ; with 6 companies 8th Inf. on Gen. Stanley's expedition to the Valley of the Yellowstone River, Mont., to Oct., 72 ; at David's Island Nov., 73, to April, 74 ; Post Surg. at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., to May, 74 ; Post Surg. at Fort Sully, Dakota, till July, 76; at Fort Buford, Dakota, to Oct., 76 ; Post Surg. at Cantonment, mouth of Tongue River, and Fort Keogh, Mont., Nov., 76, to July, 78 ; in fight with Cheyennes, Jan. 8, 77 ; on Gen. Miles' expedition after Nez Perces. from Sept. 18 to Oct. 22, 77, which resulted in their capture ; on leave from July, 78, to March, 79; Post Surg. Fort Riley, Kan., from March, 79, to May, '83 ; leave of absence June to Sept., '83 ; Post Surg. Fort Wayne, Mich., to May 10, '86 ; on leave of absence March and April, '86 ; Post Surg. at Presidio of San Francisco, Gal., June 1, '86, to Dec. 31, '88; Post Surg. at West Point, N. Y., Jan. 26, '89, to . History Graduated at the Medical Dept. of the University of tPenna., '59. Tilton, Palmer (First Lieut. 20th Inf.). Born in Boston, Mass., Jan. 28, 1852. Retiring year 1916; appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 20th Inf. Oct. 15, 75 ; accepted Oct. 19, 75 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 22, '81. Ser- vice Under instructions at Fort Columbus, N. Y. H.; from Nov., 75, to April 2, 76 ; joined Co. at Fort Seward, D. T., and on duty there to Oct., 77 ; at Fort Sisseton, D. T., from Oct. to Dec., 77 ; Inspector of Annuities for Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux Nov., 77 ; en route to Texas Dec., 77 ; at San Antonio, Texas, Jan. to July, 78 ; injury received while on duty June 18, 78, San Antonio, Tex.; on sick leave from July, 78, to Dec. 1, '81 ; rejoined regiment and company, Dec. 1, '81, at Fort Dodge, Kan;; served at Fort Dodge, Kan., from Dec. 1, 81, to June, '82 ; en route with regimental battalion and company to Fort Reno, Ind. Ty., 596 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. TOM June, '82 ; on duty Fort Reno, Ind. Ty., June, '82, to Feb., '84 ; on leave from Feb., '82, to June, '84 ; rejoined Co. at Fort Reno, Ind. Ty., June, '84 ; on sick leave Aug. 4, '84, to May, '85 ; served at Fort Reno as Inspector of bee*f issues and Inspector of Annuities for Cheyennes and Arapahoes, Darlington, Ind. Ty.; in the field in Oklahoma, about 8 months, winter of '83 ; on duty at Fort Snell- ing, Minn., attached to a company of the 25th Inf. May to Dec., '85 ; examined by a retiring board at Fort Snelling, Minn., and found incapacitated for active service; ordered to home, Washington, D. C., Dec., '85, on leave till further orders ; on duty in office of Adj. Gen. U. 8. A. Nov. 8, '88, to Jan. 8, '89 ; on leave till further orders. Staff position* occupied Adj. at pot of San Antonio, Texas, Jan. to July, '78. Commands heldCo. June to Aug., '84. Tisdall, William N. (Captain 1st Inf.). Born in Penna. April 6, 1834. Re- tiring year 1898. Appointed from Penna. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Inf. Oct. 24, '61 ; accepted Nov. 2, '61 ; 1st Lieut. July 2, '63 ; Captain Jan. 13, '69 ; unassigned April 8, '69; assigned to 1st Inf. Jan. 1, 71. Staff posi- tions occupied-E.ee. Quartermaster 1st Inf. from May 8,'65, to Jan. 13, '69. Service Com. Co. at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., Nov., '61, to'Aug.,'62 ; at Ft. Scott, Kan., to Jan., '63; conveying public funds from Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., via Ft. Kearney, Neb., Denver City, C. T., to Santa Fe", N. M., Feb. to April, '63 : en route from Fort Union, N. M., to join regiment April to June, '63 ; engaged in the siege of Vicksburg, and at Vickaburg, Miss., to Aug., '63 ; at Carrollton, La., to Oct., '63 ; engaged in a campaign in Western Louisiana Oct., '63; at New Orleans, La., to March, '64; on general recruiting service, Philadelphia, Pa., to May. '64 ; muster- ing and disbursing officer, Trenton, N. J., to Aug., '64; on general recruiting service, and mustering and disbursing officer, Philadelphia, Pa., to Nov., '64 ; general recruiting service, Buffalo, N. Y., to Jan., '65 ; at New Orleans, La,, to Nov., '65 ; at Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, La., Nov., '65 ; on the Lake frontier, in the Depts. of Dakota, Arizona, and California, to '90, present station being Benicia Barracks, Cal. Tobey, Thomas F. (Captain 14th Inf.). Born in Rhode Island Sept. 30, '40. Retiring year 1904. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Sgt. Co. D, 10th R. I. Inf., May 26/62 ; discharged Aug. 6, '62 ; Captain 7th R. I. Inf. Sept. 4, '62 ; Maj. Jan. 7/63 ; hon. must, out Feb. 9/64 ; Pvt. and Sgt. Co. F, 2d batt. 14th Inf., Feb. 27, '65, to May 15, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 14th Inf. May 3, '65 ; lt Lieut. May 6, '65 ; ac- cepted May 15, '65 ; Captain Nov. 23, '74. .Staf positions occupied^}. 14th Inf. Jan. 16, '66, to Sept. 30, '67. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the actions of A mis vi lie and Warrenton, Va.,and battle of Fredericksburg, Va. (wounded) ; en- gaged at the siege of Vicksburg and occupation of Jackson. Miss.; engaged in the action against Indians near Jordan Creek, Oregon ; capt. Nov. 23, '64. SerHce In the war of the Rebellion, '62 to '65 ; and at various posts from the close of the war to '90, present station being Vancouver Bks., Wash. Todd, Albert (First Lieut. 1st Art.) Born in R. I., Oct. 21, '54. Retiring year 1918 ; app. from Kansas; graduated at Mil. Acad., class of '77. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Art. June 15, '77 ; 1st Lieut. April 19, '82. Service On graduat- ing leave of absence and waiting orders to Dec. 5, 77 ; served in garrison at Fort Adams, R. I.. Dec. 5, '77, to May 1, '80 ; at Artillery School for practice, Fort Monroe, Va., May 1, '80, to Aug. i, '81 ; professor of Military Science and Tactics at State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kansas, Aug. 1, '81,jto July 1, '84; at Artillery School for practice Fort Monroe, Va., July 1, '84, to Sept. 1, '86 ; on duty with Light Battery " E," at Vancouver Bks., W. T., Oct. 1, '86, to Nov. 25, '88; during this period took part in two practice marches, total distance 500 miles ; at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., from Nov., '88, to . Tomkins, James S. (Captain U.S. A.). Born in 111. Retired; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. and Corp. Co. "G," 1st Batt. 12th Inf., Jan. 27 to June 9, '65; 2d Lieut. 12th Inf. May 26, '65 ; 1st Lieut. May 26, '65; ace. June 9, '65 ; transferred to 30th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; Capt. July 30, '68 ; unassigned March 23, '69 ; assigned to 25th Inf. Dec. 31, '70 ; retired March 20. 79, disability in line of duty. Staff positions occupied Adj. 30th Inf. Feb. 9, '67, to July 30, '68. TOT RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 597 Tompkins, Charles H. (Colonel and Asst. Q. M. G., Bvt. Brig. Gen.). Born in Va., Sept. 12, 1830. Retiring year 1894 ; appointed from New York Civil life. Actual rank Cadet at Military Academy July 1, '47, to June 23, '49 ; Pvt., Corp. and Sgt. Co. F, 1st Drag., Jan. 21, '56, to Jan. 10, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Cav. (old 2d) March 23, '61 ; accepted March 30, '61 ; 1st Lieut. April 30, '61 ; Capt. A. Q. M. Nov. 13, '61 ; accepted Nov. 13, '61 ; Lieut. Col. D. Q. M. Gen. July 29, '66 ; accepted Dec. 1, '66 ; Col. A. Q. M. Gen. Jan. 24, '81 ; Col. 1st Vt. Cav. April 24, '62 ; resigned Sept. 9, '62 ; Lieut. Col. Q. M. July 1, '65, to June 11, '66 ; Col. Q. M. June 13, '66, to Jan. 1, '67. Brevet rankRe was made (March 13, '65, to date from May 31, '61) a Brevet Major for gallant conduct at Fairfax Court- House ; a Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel for meritorious services in the campaigns of General Banks and McDowell in '62-63 ; a Brevet Colonel for meritorious services in the Quartermaster's Department '63-65 ; and a Brevet Brigadier General, for faithful and meritorious services during the war of the Rebellion. Honorably men tioned He was commended by his brigade commander for conspicious gallantry at the battle of Bull Run, Va., July 21, '61 ; and was recommended for the appoint- ment of Brig. Gen. of Vol. for conspicuous services at the battle of Cedar Creek. Service Cadet at Military Academy '47 to '49, when he resigned to engage in civil pursuits until Jan. 21, '56 ; joined 5th Cav. at Carlisle on the 30th of March, '61, and transferred to Washington, where he served as assistant instructor in a cav- alry school which was established for the instruction of officers who had been ap- pointed directly from private life, until the 3d of May, when he crossed the Poto- mac and established a cavalry camp at Ball's Cross-Roads ; while serving at that place he made a brilliant attack on a Confederate force stationed at Fairfax Court- House, Va., May 31, '61 ; he had several men wounded and missing ; two horses were shot under him, and he was severely injured by the second horse falling 011 him ; his brilliant charges resulted in a complete victory over the enemy, who suf- fered an estimated loss of twenty-five killed and wounded, including the captain of the Warrenton Rifles ; this cavalry success, the first of the war, made Lieut. Tompkins deservedly conspicuous in the National Army. He participated in the Manassas campaign '61 ; and served with the regiment in the defenses of Wash- ington until he was appointed an Assistant Quartermaster ; he has served since the war as Depot Quartermaster at Washington ; as Chief Quartermaster of the Fifth Military District, and of the Departments of Alaska, Arizona and Texas, the Di- vision of the South, and the Department of Dakota ; and was assigned, in Feb., '81, to duty at Chicago, Ills., as Chief Quartermaster of the Division of the Mo. ; was assigned May 28, '86, as Chief Quartermaster of the Division of the Atlantic, Governor's Island, N. Y., where he is still serving. Staff positions occupied A. A. A. G. for Brigadier-General Stoneman, and also served for a time as an In- spector of Cavalry; Regimental Quartermaster Aug. 28, '61, to Nov. 13, '61. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in a combat with hostile Indians at Pyramid Lake, Nevada, July 2, '60 ; Fairfax Court- House, Va., May 31, '61 ; battle of Bull Run, Virginia, July 21, '61 ; he participated in the battles and engagements of Generals Banks' and Pope's campaigns in the Shenandoah Valley, and the Second Bull Run, and returned to staff duty after the Antietam campaign. Tompkins, Selah R. H. (Second Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in D. C. ; appointed from 111. Civil life. Actual rank 23 Lieut. 7th Inf. Oct. 30, '84 ; accepted Oct. 31, '84 ; transferred to 7th Cav. March 12, '86, to rank in Cav. Aug. 28, '85. Torney, George H. (Captain and Assistant Surgeon). Born in Md., June 1, 1850. Retiring year 1914. App. from Md. Civil life. Actual rankAmi. Surg. June 26, 75 ; accepted July 1, '75 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. June 26, '80. Torrey, Zerah W. (First Lieut. 6th Inf.). Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy June 14, '76 ; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank2d Lieut. 6th Inf. June 12, '80 ; 1st Lieut. June 6, '86. Totten, Charles A. L. (First Lieut. 4th Art). Born in Conn. Appointed from Conn. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sep. 1, '69; graduated June 13, '73. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th Art. June 13, '73 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 1, 74. Totten, John E. (First Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in Fla.; appointed from Neb. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 74 ; graduated June 14, '78. Actual 598 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. TOW rank 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. June 14, 78; transferred to 4th Art. June 23, 79; 1st Lieut. Jan. 2, '86. Service Asst. Prof, of Spanish, Dep. of Modern Languages at Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., since Aug. 28, '84. Tourtellotte, John B. (Major and Brevet Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Con- necticut. Retired. Appointed from Minnesota Civil life. Actual rank Pri- vate Co. H, 4th Minn. Inf. Sept. 30, '61, to Dec. 12, '61 ; Captain 4th Minn. Inf. Dec. 13, '61 ; Lieut. Col. Sept. 1, '62; Colonel Oct. 5, '64; hon. must, out June 21, '65; Captain 28th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Oct. 11, '66; unassigned March 31, '69; ass'd to 7th Cav. Dec. 15, 70; Major Sept. 22, '83 ; retired March 20, '85. Brevet rank Brevet Major March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the siege ef Vicksburg, Miss. ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in battle of Allatoona, Ga. ; Bvt. Col. Mar. 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Bentonville, Ga. ; Brevet. Brig. Gen'l Vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services. Staff positions OC<-H- pied Colonel, A. D.C. to the Gen'l, Jan. 1, 71, to Feb. 8, '84. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of luka, Corinth, and siege of Corinth, Miss. ;' com- manding regiment and engaged at the battles of Raymond, capture of Jackson, battles of Champion Hill, Missionary Ridge, and assault and siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; commanding brigade and engaged at the defense of Allatoona, Ga. (wounded); in Sherman's march to the sea and campaign of the Carolinas, and engaged at the siege of Savannah, Ga., and battle of Bentonville. To war, Albert S. (Major and Paymaster). Born in Canada Nov. 10, 1845. Retiring year 1909. Appointed from Michigan Civil life. Actual rank Major, Paymaster, March 3, 75 ; accepted March 23, 75. Tower, Z. B. (Colonel and Brevet Maj. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Massachu- setts. Retired. Appointed from Massachusetts. ' Cadet at the U. S. Mil. A cad. July 1, '37; graduated July 1, '41. Actual rank 2d Lieut. Engrs. July 1, '41 ; 1st Lieut. April 24, '47; Capt. (fourteen years' service) July 1, '55; Major Aug. 6, '61; Lieut. Col. Nov. 11, '65; Colonel Jan. 13, 74; retired Jan. 10, '83, at his own request, over forty years' service. Brig. Gen. Vol. Nov. 23, '61 ; accepted June 14, '62; hon. must, out Jan. 15, '66. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. April 18, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Cerro Gordo ; Brevet Capt. Aug. 20, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Contreras ana Churubusco ; Brevet Major Sept. 13, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Chapultepec; Brevet Lieut. Col. Nov. 22, '61, for gallant and meritorious services during the defense of Fort Pickens, Fla, ; Brevet Colonel Aug. 9, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. ; Bvt. Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Groveton, Va. ; Brvt. Major Gen'l March 13, '65, for gallant and merito- rious services in the field during the war; Brevet Major Gen. Vols. June 12, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied Supt. M. A. July 8, '64,to Sept. 8, '64. Towers, John A. (Second Lieut. 1st Art). Born in S. C. Appointed from S. C. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Art. July 1, '86. Towle, George P. (Captain 19th Inf. and Bvt. Lieut. Col. U. S. A. Born in N. H., Aug. 4, '1835. Retiring year 1899. Appointed from N. H. Civil life. Actual rank 1*1 Lieut. 4th N. H. Inf. Sep. 18, '61 ; Capt. Feb. 13, '62 ; Major Feb. 3, '65 ; Lieut. Col. A. I. G. Vol. April 22, '65, to Aug. 1, '65 ; tarn. must, out Aug. 23, '65; 2d Lieut. 19th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '66 ; ac- cepted May 9, '66 ; trans, to 28th Inf. Sep. 21, '66 ; trans, to 19th Inf. March 31, '69; Capt. March 18, 78. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, gallant and mer- itorious services at Fort Wagner, S. C. ; Bvt. Major March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services at FusselPs Mill; Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Fort Fisher, N. C. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. April 27, '82, to March 3, '83, and from May 10, '86, to April 6, '88; In- spector General U. S. forces Morris Island ; on the staff of Gen. Terry in the Dep. of the South, of the 1st Div., 10th Corps, and of the 10th Corps, Army of the James; engaged as Inspector of Terry's Division ; Inspector General Department TOW RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF XT. S. ARMY. 599 of North Carolina and Army of the Ohio July, '65 ; Ordnance Officer, Depart- ment of the Arkansas Oct., '66, to Nov., '67 ; Post Quartermaster, Commissary and Adjutant at Camden, Ark., Oct., '68 ; Post Signal Officer Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, La., May to Sep., '70 ; Depot Adjutant Newport Barracks, Ky., April, 72 ; Post Adjutant Alexandria, La. Service In Gen. Sherman's expedi- tion to Port Royal, S. C., Nov., '61 ; in Wright's Brigade, Florida expedition, Jan., '62; provost marshal at Fernandina to March, '62; provost marshal at St. Augustine, Fla., to Sep., '62 ; in the first expedition against Charleston, S. C. ; at Folly Island, and present at the descent on Morris Island and operations against Fort Sumter '63 ; detailed on duty paroling Gen. Johnson's ' army April, '65 ; on duty at Newport Barracks, Ky., May to July, '66 ; with company at Cam- den, Ark., July to Oct., '66 ; with company at Little Rock Arsenal Oct., '66, to Nov., '67 ; on duty at Hamburg, Ark., to Aug., '68 ; on duty at Little Rock, Ark., March, '69, to May, '70 ; on duty with company on Ship Island, Miss., to Nov., '70 ; at Greenville and Jackson Barracks to Dec. 31, 70 ; in charge of recruiting rendezvous Milwaukee, Wis., Jan., 71, to Feb., 72; in charge of recruiting ren- dezvous at Providence, R. I., June to Dec. 31, 72 ; on duty with company at Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, Jan., 73 ; ordered with detachment to Colfax, La., March, 73 ; at Post Alexandria, La., Sep., 73 ; on duty with company at Baton Rouge, La., Nov., 73 ; at Harrisonburg, La.J commanding detachments to May, 74; with company at Fort Lyon, Colorado, to July, 75 ; at Fort Dodge, Kansas, to Oct., 76 ; at Fort Lamed, Kansas, Dec., 76 ; at Fort Dodge, Kan., to July, 77 ; at Fort Elliott, Texas, to April, 78; Captain 19th U. S. Infantry Mar. 18, 78 ; at Ft. Lyon, Colo.; in the field for interception of the runaway Cheyennes Aug. and Sep., 78; at Fort Lyon to May, 79; ordered with company from Fort Lyon, Colo., to Baxter Springs, Kan., May, 79 ; detached service with company in the field continuously from May, 79* to July, '81, guarding the N. E. part of Indian Territory against unlawful invasion and removing intruders ; at Fort Gib- son, I. T., July, '81, to Nov., '81 ; at Fort Brown, Texas, Nov., '81, to April, '82, and at various other stations till '80, present station being San Antonio, Texas. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Battle of Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22, '62 ; siege of Fort Wagner and Fort Gregg, S. C., July 10 to Sep. 7, '63; at the actions of Swift Cr., Chester Station, Weir Bottom Church, battle of Drury's Bluff, three actions in front of Bermuda Hundred, siege of Petersburg, action of Deep Bottom, battle of Fussell's Mills. Commands held In command of boat expedition, capturing the blockade runner " British Empire "at Matanzas Inlet, Fla., April, *62 ; Co. at battle of Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22, '62 ; Co. at Camden, Ark., July to Oct., '66 ; Co. at Little Rock Arsenal, Ark., Oct., '66, to Nov., '67 ; Post of Alexandria, La., Sep., 73 ; Co. at Fort Lyon, Colorado, May, 74, to July, 75 ; Co. and Post of Fort Dodge, Kan., to Oct., 76; Fort Larned, Kan., Dec., 76; Fort Lyon Sep., 78, to May, 79. History Served six months in a company of Texan Rangers and engaged against hostile Indians in '59 ; cadet at Western Military Institute and University of Nashville, Tenn. ; county surveyor in Texas to April, '61, Town, Francis L. (Major, Surgeon and Brevet Lieut. Col.). Born in New Hampshire, Jan. 11, 1836. Retiring year 1900. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual ran& Asst. Surg. May 28, '61 ; accepted May 30, '61 ; Captain and Asst. Surg. May 28, '66 ; Major and Snrg. Oct. 20, '66. Brevet rank Brevet Captain and Major March 13, '65, "faithful and meritorious services ; " Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, " faithful and meritorious services during the war." Service At Newport Brks., Ky., to Aug., '61 ; in the field with Army of the Cumberland and in charge of general hospital at Nashville, Tenn., from Aug., '61, to July, '63; established the "Harvey' 1 General Hospital for State of Wisconsin at Madison, Wis., and Surgeon in charge to Nov., '63 ; in the office of the Asst. Surg. Gen., Louisville, Ky., to Dec., '65 ; on hospital duty and Attending Surgeon at Louisville, Ky., and Chief Surg. of the Freedmen's Bureau for State of Kentucky to March, '67; Post Surgeon at Camp Cooke and Fort Shaw, Mont., from April, '67, to April, 71 ; Post Surg. at Fort Preble, Me., to May, 74 ; Post Surg. at Fort Sill, Ind. Ty., to May, 78; on leave (across the sea and in the Eastern States) to March, 79 ; Post Surg. Fort Walla- Walla, W. T., to Feb., '83 ; Post Surg. at Vancouver Brks., W. 600 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. TOW T., and at various other stations till '90, present station being at the Presidio, San Francisco, Cal. Townsend, Alfred (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Pennsylvania. Retired. Appointed from the army. Actual rank Private Co. H, 9th renna. Res., May 24/61; discharged Nov. 9, '62; Pvt. gen. ser. Nov. 10, '62; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. Nov. 10, '62 ; accepted Nov. 10, '62 ; 1st Lieut. May 30, '63 ; retired Feb. 1, '65, and with the rank of Captain July 28, '66, wounds in line of duty. Brevet rank Brevet Captain Sept. 20, '63, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chick- am auga, Ga. Townsend, Curtis McD. (First Lieut, of Engineers). Born in New York. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. Engineers June 13, 79 ; 2d Lieut. June 30, 79 ; 1st Lieut. June 15, '82. Staff" positions occupied Qm. Batt. Eng. July 1, '86, to April 30, '87. Townsend, Edward D. (Brigadier General and Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Mass. Retired. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '33 ; graduated July 1, '37. Actual rank2d Lieut. 2d Art. July 1, '37; 1st Lieut. Sept. 16, '38 ; Bvt. Capt. A. A. G. Aug. 8, '46 ; accepted Aug. 13, '46 ; Capt. 2d Art. April 21, 48 ; Bvt. Maj. A. A. G. July 15, '52 ; Lieut. Col. A. A. G. March 7, '61 ; 061. A. A. G. Aug. 3, '61 ; Brig. Gen. A. G. Feb. 22, '69; accepted April 20, '69; retired June 15, 80. Brevet rankEvt. Brig. Gen. Sept. 24, '64, meritorious and faithful services during the war; Bvt. Maj. Gen. March 13, '65, faithful, meritorious and distinguished services in the Adjutant General's department during the war. Staff positions occupied Adj. 2d Art. July 7, '38, to Aug. 18, '46. Townsend, Edwin P. (Colonel 12th Infantry). Born in New York July 14, 1833. Retiring year 1897. Appointed from New York. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '50 ; graduated July 1, '54. Actual ran* Bvt. 2d Lieut. 3d Art. July 1, ? 54; 2d Lieut. Jan. 31, '55; resigned March 11, '56 ; App. 1st Lieut. 14th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted July 1, '61 ; Capt 16th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted Aug. 27, '61 ; transferred to 25th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; Maj. 27th Inf. June 22, '68; transferred to 9th Inf. March 15, '69; Lieut. Col. llth Inf. March 20, 79; Col. 12th Inf. Oct. 13, '86. Brevet ran* Bvt. Maj. April 7, '62, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn., Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, continued and faithful services in the ordnance department. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 14th Inf. July 8, '61, to Aug. 27, '61. Townsend, Thomas G. (First Lieutenant 6th Inf.). Born in Washington, D. C. Nov. 9, '49. Retiring year 1913. App. from D. C. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of 71. Actual rank2d Lieut. 6th Inf. June 12, 71 ; 1st Lieut, Dec. 15, '80. Service. Stationed at Forts Lamed and Hays, Kan., until June, 72 ; at Fort Buford, D. T., till Sept., 75 ; Exploring navigation of Yellowstone River in steamers " Key West" and '* Josephine ' during the summers of 73-5 ; on Northern Boundary survey, summer 74; on one year's leave of absence in Europe, Sept., 75, to Aug., 76 ; Instructor at U. S. Military Academy West Point, N. Y., Aug. 28, 76, to Aug. 28, '80 ; at Fort Garland, Cel., till March, '81 ; at Camp on Snake River, Wyo., till Sept., '81 ; Fort Douglas, U. T., Sept., '81, till June, '83 ; Build- ing road on Uinta Mts., Utah, June till Sept., '83; Range officer Fort Omaha, Neb., till Oct., '83; on leave of absence till Dec. 31, '83; on duty at Military Prison, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Jan. 1, '84, till May 1, '88; Fort Sheridan, Ills., Aug. 1, '88, till . Commands held Commanding escort to Commissioners Northern Boundary Survey, 74; Co. and Camp on Snake River, Wyo., March to Sept., '81. History Son of Brigadier General E. D. Townsend, Adjutant Gen- eral U. S. A. (retired) ; grandson of Major David S. Townsend, who lost a leg in the war of 1812 ; great-grandson of Major David Townsend, surgeon in the Revo- lutionary army. Townsley, Clarence P. (First Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in De Kalb, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1855. Retiring year 1919. Appointed from Iowa. Graduated at Mil. Acad., Class of '81 ; graduated at Art. School, Fort Monroe, Va., Class of '84 ; graduated at Torpedo School, Willet's Point, N. Y., July 1, '85. Actual rank TRA RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF IT. S. ARMY. 601 Additional 2d Lieut. 4th Art. June 11, '81 ; 2d Lieut. Oct. 21, '81 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 16, '88. Service With regiment at the Presidio of San Francisco, Gal., Sept. 30, '81 ; in the field in Arizona Oct. 3 to Oct. 26, '81 ; Apache troubles, no engage- ments, to Nov. 4, '81 ; at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., to Nov. 30, '81 ; at Madison Barracks, N. Y., to Dec. 7, '81 ; at Fort Preble, Me., to April 20, '82 ; at Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., to May 1, '84; at Fort Warren, Mass., to Dec. 26, '84; detached at Willet's Point. N. Y., Jan. 1, '85, to July 1, '85 (completed the course at Torpedo School) ; with regiment at Fort Warren, Mass., to July 29, '85 ; on leave to Aug. 28, '85, detached at U. S. Mil. Acad. as instructor of drawing, to Oct. 26, '88 ; with regiment at Fort Truinbull, Conn., to Nov. 2, '88 ; at Fort Warren, Mass., to May 13, '89; at Jackson Barracks, La., to Oct. 9, '89; at Fort Adams, R. I., light battery B, 4th Art., to . Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Adams, R. I., May 16 to Sept. 30, '89. Commands held Jackson Barracks, La., from May 22 to Aug., '89. Towsley, Charles D. (Second Lieut. 2d Inf.). Born in Wis. Appointed from Wis. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, July 1, '81 ; graduated June 14, '85 ; Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. June 14, '85. Tracy, Albert (Major and Bvt. Col. U. S. A.). Born in Buffalo, N. Y. Re- tired ; appointed from Maine Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, of Inf. Feb. 24, '47; accepted March 2, '47 ; 1st Lieut. 9th Inf. April 9, '47 ; Capt. Feb. 23, '48 (disbanded Aug. 26, '48); Capt. 10th Inf. March 3, *55 ; accepted March 21, '55 ; Col. and A. A. D. C. of Vol. March 31, '62 ; accepted April 10, '62 ; hon. must.out Nov. 25, '63 ; Major 15th Inf. June 1, '63 ; retired Nov. 4, '65. Brevet rank Bvt. Captain Sept. 13, '47, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Chapultepec; Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for meritorious services during the cam- paign of '62 under General Fremont in Virginia ; Colonel March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service En route from Fort Adams, R. I., to Vera Cruz, Mex., June, '47 ; marched with command of Gen. Franklin Pierce from Camp Vergaro, Vera Cruz, for city of Puebla, Mex., July, '47 ; marched with column of Gen. Scott from Puebla for City of Mexico Aug. 6 ; City of Mexico Sept. 17 to Dec. 28, '47, when marched with regiment for Pachuca, near Real del Monte, Mex. ; special service at Hdqrs. Gen. Worth, Tacubaya, March 20 to June, '48; June 6, '48, on evacuation City of Mexico, marched with brigade of Gen. Riley, rejoining regt. at Jalapa, Mex., June 28; marched with regt. from Jalapa for Vera Cruz July, '48 ; sailed with detachment of 9th Inf. from Vera Cruz tor Fort Adams, R. I., at which point disbanded with regt. Aug. 26, '48; March 3, '55, reappointed Captain and assigned to 10th Regt. U. S. Inf. ; sota; April, '57, on expedition under Capt. Frank Gardner, 10th Inf., against Sioux Indians in Blue Earth Country, Minn. ; July, '57, Fort Leavenworth, Kan- sas ; July 24 to Nov. 28, '57, on march with expedition against Mormons in Utah Territory; Dec., '57, to June, '58, at Camp Winfield Scott (Fort Bridger), Utah; June 15 to July, '58, on march with column under Gen. A. S. Johnson for Salt Lake Valley ; Sept. to Oct. 25, '58, commanding expedition against Ute Indians, near Spanish Fork CaBon, east of Lake Utah ; Spring of '59 on expedition under command of Major Paul, 7th Inf., for protection of U. S. Courts at Provo City, Utah, against Mormons ; April, '60, on leave from Camp Floyd, Cedar Valley, Utah ; Feb., '61, at Governor's Island, N. Y. Harbor, whence ordered to Jeffn. Bks., Mo. ; March, '61, re enforced with 480 men, Captain Nathaniel Lyon, at St. Louis Arsenal, where stationed until April, '61, when detached with command of U. S. Recruits to guard Magazines near Jeffn. Bks. ; July 28 to Sept. 28 on duty as Mustering Officer at St. Louis Arsenal, where also in command during portion of Aug., '61 ; served in column under Gen. Fremont on march from Jeffn. City to Springfield, Mo. ; Nov. 29, '61, to March, '62, A. D. C. to Gen. Fremont, stations New York, N. Y., and Washington, D. C. ; March 31, '62, to Nov. 25, '63, A. A. D. C. and Acting Assistant Adjt. General to Gen. Fremont ; March 31 to May 3, '62, Wheeling, West Va., where in march with column under Gen. Fremont in 38 602 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. TRI campaign of the Valley of Shenandoah ; present at affairs occurring in pursuit of rebel General Jackson June 1 to June 8; July, '62, to Aug., '63, at New York ; Aug. 10 to Nov. 25, '63, on G. C. M., Washington, D. C. ; Dec. 30, '63, to Feb., '64, at Chattanooga, Tenn. ; Feb., '64, on reconnoissance under Gen. Thomas from Chattanooga to Tunnel Hill, Ga. ; Feb. 28 to May 3, '64, at Tyner's Station and Qraysville, Ga. ; May 3 to May 7, '64, with column under Gen. Sherman in march to the sea ; May 8 on leave of absence from near Dalton, Ga. ; at Lookout Mountain, Ga., '64-5 ; May 1, '65, on sick leave ; Nov. 4, '65, retired from active service by reason of disability in line of duty ; Nov., '66, to July, '68, with brief interval of leave, on duty as member of G. C. M. at New York City. Staff posi- tions occupied Adj. of Batt., 9th Inf., en route to Vera Cruz June, '47; A. Chief Com. of Sub. Dept. of the West Oct. 3 to Nov., '61 ; A. D. C. Oct. 3 to Nov. 12, '61, and from Nov. 29, '61, to March 31, '62; A. A. G. to Gen. Fremont March 31 to May 3, '62. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Present with regt. in affairs with guerrillas at Tuoloma, Plan del Rio and Puente Nacionale, en route ; present, commanding company, at battles of Contreras, Churubusco, Molino del Rey, Chapultepec and the Garita Belen ; present at battle of Cross Keys; at affair at Mill Creek Gap or Buzzard's Roost Feb. 25, '64. Commands heldGo, during Mexican War; expedi- tion against Ute Indians Sept. to Oct. 25, '58 ; St. Louis Arsenal portion of Aug., '61; 15th Inf. at affair of Buzzard's Roost Feb. 25, '64; 15th Inf. from Dec., '64, to April 30, '65. History Adjutant General of the State of Maine Oct., '52, to Feb., '55. Traub, Peter E. (Second Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Ac- tual rank 1A Lieut. 1st Cav. July 1, '86. Travis, Pierce M. B. (First Lieut, llth Inf.). Born in Ala. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '76 ; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank2d Lieut, llth Inf. June 12, '80 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 24, '86. Treat, Charles G. (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in Me. Appointed from Wis. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 78 ; graduated June 13, '82. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Art. June 13, '82 ; 1st Lieut. April 15, '89. Tremaine, William S. (Major and Surgeon). Born in Prince Edward's life. Ac- April 12, Asst. Surg. Vol. Sept 1, '64; accepted Sept.* 5, '64; ' hon. Inust. out June 4, '66; Asst. Surg. Feb. 28, '66; accepted June 12, '66; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Sept. 16, '66; Major and Surgeon June 30, '82. Trimble, Joel G. (Captain and Bvt. Major U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Re- tired; appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp. and Sgt. Co. E, 1st Drag., Feb. 5, '55, to Feb. 5, '60 ; Prt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. A, 2d Cav., June 16, '60, to April 7, '63; 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. Feb. 19, '63; accepted April 7, '63 ; 1st Lieut. June 3, '64 ; Capt. 9th Cav. July 28, '66 (declined) ; Capt. 1st Cav. Dec. 26, '68; retired Aug. 21, '79, disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. June 11, '64, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Trevillian Cav. April 25, '67, to Dec. 26, '68 ; on the Staff of Genera'l Merritt during the last cavalry campaign of the Army of the Potomac and in Texas. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the action of Kelly's Ford, battle of Gettysburg, actions of Williamsport, Falling Waters and battle of Todd's Tavern ; 1st Lieut. 1st U. S. Cavalry June, '64 ; engaged at the battles of Cold Harbor, Trevillian Station, actions of Smith field, Woodstock, battles of Cedar Creek, Dinwiddie Court-House, Five Forks, action of Rice's Station and capitulation of Appomattox Court- House ; twice wounded during the war. Tripp, Frederick A. (Second Lieut. 1st Inf.). Born in Mich. App. from N. Y. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '87. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st Inf. June 12, '87. TRTJ RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 603 Trippe, Percy B. (First Lieut. 10th Cav.). Born in Ga. Appointed from Ga. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy June 14, 76 ; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank2d Lieut. 10th Cav. June 12, '80; 1st Lieut. Jan. 17, '88. Trotter, Frederick E. (Captain 14th Inf., Bvt. Lieut. Col.). Born in N. Y. April 25, 1838. Retiring year 1902. App. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual Hank Priv. Co. G, 7th N. Y. S. M., April 26, '61; discharged June 3, '61 ; Capt. 102d N. Y. Inf. Dec. 18, '61 ; Major July 16, '62 ; hon. must, out March 18, '63 ; Capt. V. R. C. June 18, -'63; accepted June 21, '63; Major Oct. 15, '63; accepted Oct. 17, '63; Lieut. Col. March 30, '64; accepted April 7, '64; hon. must. out. Oct. 11, '66 ; Major 44th Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 11, '66 ; cancelled by the Presi- dent, Dec. 8, '66; Capt. 45th Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted March 25, '67; trans, to 14th Inf. July 22, '69. Brevet rank Bvt. Major and Lieut. Col. March 2, '67, faithful and meritorious services during the war; Col. and Brig. Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service In the defenses of Washington, '61 ; in the field during the War of the Rebellion '61-3 ; in the Provost Marshal's Bureau, Washington, D. C., and Superintendent War Depart- ment building to Nov., '64; on duty with Vet. Res. Corps and subsequently served with the 14th Inf., and on recruiting service to '88 ; stationed at Vancouver Bks. '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the actions of Bolivar and Maryland Heights and Banks' Shenandoah Valley campaign ; engaged at the battle of Cedar Mountain (wounded in foot and arm). Commands held Comdg. Draft Rendezvous, camp of rebel prisoners, provisional brigade, and Provost Marshal of troops, Elmira, N. Y. Trout, Harry G-. (Second Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '82; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 9th Cav. July 1, '86. Trout, John P. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Retired. Appointed from Pa, Civil life. Actual rankPvt. Co. A, 10th Pa. Inf., April 24, '61 ; dis- charged July 31, '61 ; 1st Sgt. Co. B, 45th Pa. Inf., September 2, '61 ; discharged September 4, '62 ; Captain 45th Pennsylvania Infantry September 4, '62 ; Major December 27, '64; honorably mustered out July 17, '65; 2d Lieut. 9th Infantry May 15, '66 ; accepted June 12, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 10, '67 ; out of service Jan. 2, '69 ; app. 1st Lieut, of Inf. March 25, 70, with rank from Nov. 10, '67 ; accepted April 5, '70; assigned to 23d Inf. Dec. 31, '70; retired March 15, '83, disability in line of duty. Troxel, Thomas G. (Captain 17th Inf.). Born in Pa. July 26, 1844. Retir- ing year 1908 ; appointed from Iowa Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. and 1st Sgt. Co. E, 25th Iowa Inf., Aug. 21, '62, to June 6, '65; 2d Lieut. 17th Inf. Feb. 23, '66; accepted April 27, '66 ; 1st Lieut. July 6, '67 ; Capt. June 28, '78 Staff position occupied Reg. Q. M. 17th Inf. Oct. 20, '72, to June 28, '78. True, Theodore B. (Captain and A. Q. M.). Born in 111. 1843. Retiring year 1905 ; app. from Illinois Civil life. Actual rank Corp. Co. B, 7th 111. Inf., April 25, '61 ; discharged July 25, '61; Sergt. Co. D, 41st 111. Inf., July 30, '61 ; discharged Feb. 15, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 41st 111. Inf. Feb. 15, '62 ; hon. must, out Nov. 28, '63; Capt. 6th U. S. C. Art. Nov. 28, '63; resigned Sept. 14, '64; 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. July 24, '66 ; accepted Aug. 29, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 26, '76 ; Capt. and A. Q. M. Oct. 22, '89; accepted. Staff positions occupied Adj. 4th Inf. Feb. 26, '76, to Sept. 1, '81. Service Engaged in the field during the War of the Rebellion ; out of service from '64 to '66 ; on frontier duty at Forts Morgan and Laramie to '71 ; in Kentucky '71-2 ; at Little Rock Bks. and Fort Russell, Wyo., to '74 ; at Forts Bridger and Sanders '76 to '81 ; at Fort Russell and Omaha from '82 to '86 ; at Fort Sherman from '86 to '89 ; at Los Angeles and Tucson to '90. Truitt, Charles M. (First Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in Ky., May 23, 1857. Retiring year 1921. Appointed from Kansas. Cadet at U. S. Military Acad. July 1, '75; graduated June 13, '79. Actual rank2d Lieut. 21st Inf., June 13, '79; 1st Lieut. Apr. 24, '86. Service Joined regiment and company from graduat- ing leave of absence Sept. 30, '79 ; with Co. at Fort Townsend, W. T. ; on D. S. at Vancouver Barracks, W. T., from March 8 to April 24, '80 ; absent on public business from Feb. 4 to Feb. 9, '81 ; with Co. July 28 to Aug. 21, '81 ; on detached 604 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. TCFL service at San Francisco, Gal., escorting military convicts from Oct. 14 to Nov. 6, '81 ; at Fort Townsend ; on G. C. M. duty at Fort Townsend, W. T., April 4, '88 ; on D. S. with Batt. 21st Inf in the field ; on duty with Co. G, 21st Inf., April 29, '83 ; left Fort Townsend April 19, '88, and proceeded to Portland, Oregon ; pro- ceeded by steamboat and rail to Spokane Falls, W. T., arriving April 21, '83 ; left Spokane Falls same day en route to Camp Foster Creek, W. T., arriving May 5, '83 ; relieved from duty with Co. G, 21st Inf., May 6, '83 ; on duty with Co. H May 6, '83 ; camped at Foster Creek May 6 to July 18, '83 ; nfarched to Custom House on Lake Osonyoos, arriving July 27, '83, distance 78 miles ; remained in camp till Aug. 18, '83; then proceeded" to Sprague, W. T., arriving Aug. 27, '83; rejoined Co. D at Fort Townsend, W. T., from D. S. in the field Sept. 6, '83 ; leave of absence October 2, '83, to Jan. 26, '84 ; on D. S. with exploring party in the Olympia Mountains May 17 to May 26, '84; at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., July 7 to August 7, '84 ; leave of absence Sept. 12, '84, to Oct. 26, '84 ; on D. S. at Fort McKinney, Wyo., as member of G. C. M. November 14 to Nov. 26, '84 ; at Fort Bridger, Wyo., on D. S. inspecting Indian supplies at Rawlins, Wyo., Sept. 14-16, *84 ; on D. S. at Fort Bridger, Wyo. ; at Fort Fred Steele, Wyo., July 9, '86 ; on D. S. at Cheyenne depot, Wyo., July 16 to Aug. 16, '86, as member of Gen'l C. M. ; with Co. en route to Fort Du Chesne, Utah ; on leave of absence 2 months ; rejoined Co. June 7, '87 ; on D. S. at Price, Utah, July 29 to Aug. 4, '87 ; I. Qm. supplies at Price, Utah, Sept. 23, '87 ; rejoined Co. Oct. 3, '87 ; leave of absence for 1 month; leave of absence extended 1 month; on D. S. at Ft. Douglass, Utah, as witness at Gen. C. M. Jan. 25, '88 ; on D. S. at Omaha, Neb., June 1, '88 ; on duty as A. D. C. to Brig.-Gen. Com'dg Dept. of the Platte, June 1, '88, to . Staff positions held Post Adj. at Fort Townsend, W. T., Oct. 24, '79, to Apr. 4, '83; Post Sig'l Officer at Fort Townsend Nov. 1, 79; Post Q. M. and Post Commissary of Subsistence Apr. 29, '80, to Apr. 4, '83 ; Batt. Adit. May 6, '83 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Batt. 21st Inf. at Fort D. A. Russell, VVyo., July 7 to Aug. 7, '84 ; Post Adj., Post Treasurer and Ordnance Officer at Fort Bridger, April 13, '86; relieved from Post Treas. Oct. 29, '86, and from A. C. S. Nov. 10, '86 ; relieved from Post Adj., A. A. Q. M. and Ordnance Offier June 20, '86 ; A. C. S. at Fort Fred. Steele, Wyo., July 9, '86, to Aug. 7, '86 ; Post A. C. S. at Fort Du Chesne Aug. 23, '86, to Sept. 27, '86 ; A. A. Q. M. at Fort Du Chesne Sept. 27, '86, to Apr. 1, '87; A. D. C. to Brig.-Gen. Com'dg Dept. of the Platte June 1, '88, to - Commands held Commanding Co. from July 28 to Aug. 21, '81 ; from March 27 to May 27, '82; from June 5 to 27, '82; from July 3 to August 10, '82; and from Sept. 2 to Sept. 22, '82 ; from Dec. 10 to Dec. 25, '82 ; from Mar. 3 to Mar. 12, '84; Oct. 26 to 30, '84 ; Dec. 29, '84, to Jan. 10, '85 ; June 3 to June 5, '86 ; Aug. 16 to Dec. 26, '86 ; Apr. 2 to Apr. 6, '87 ; June 7 to July 29, '87 ; Aug. 4 to Sept. 23, '87 ; Oct. 3 to Nov. 29, '87 ; Feb. 12, '88, to Mar. 24, '88. Tucker, William P. (Major and Paymaster). Born in Mass., March 1, 1854. Retiring year 1918. Appointed from 111. Civil life. Actual rank Maj. P. M. Feb. 21, '82 ; accepted Feb. 23, '82. Tully, Redmond (First Lieu*. 25th Inf.). Born in Ireland Oct. 29, 1837. Retiring year 1901 ; app. from the army, Md. Actual RankPnv., Corp., Sergt. and 1st Sergt. Co. K, 1st Art., June 12, '55, to Dec. 11, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. Nov. 15, '61; accepted Dec. 11, '61;. 1st Lieut. June 1, '63 ; transferred to 12th Inf. March 5, '69; hon. must, out Jan. 1, '71; 1st Lieut. Inf. March 22, '81 (Act of Congress March 3, '81) ; accepted March 25, '81 ; assigned to 25th Inf. April 5, '81. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Oct. 7, '64, gallant and meritorious services in action on the Darbytown Road, near Richmond, Va. Service At Key West, Fla., March, '61, to June, '62 ; in the Department of the South to April, '63 ; in North Carolina to July, '64; with the Army of the James in Texas to Jan., '66; and at various other stations till '90. Battle*, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the attack at Port Royal Ferry, S. C., and the first attack on Fort Sumter, S. C. ; actions of Deep Bot- tom and Deep Run, Va., in front of Petersburg, Va., and engaged at the battle of Laurel Hill, Va. ; with the 25th Army Corps, Army of the James, in the occupa- tion of Richmond, Va., April, '66. Commands held Commanding section of artil- lery in an expedition to Fort Myers, Fla. ; commanding Light Battery K, 1st U. TUR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 605 S. Art., en route to Washington, Jan., '62; en route to Beaufort, S. C., June, '62; commanding four pieces of artillery in the raid against Jacksonville, N. C. ; and commanding battery at the actions of Deep Bottom and Deep Run, Va. Tully, William K. (Post Chaplain). Born in N. Y. Nov. 9, 1851. Retiring year 1915 ; app. from Florida Civil life. Actual rank Post chaplain April 23, '87 ; accepted April 23, '87. Service At Jefferson Bks., Mo., one and a half years ; at Fort Wingate, N. M., one and a half years. History Graduated at Princeton, '75 ; his father was chaplain of the 77th N. Y. Vols. during the war. Tupper, Tullius C. (Major 6th Cav.). Born in Ohio Sept. 23, 1838. Retiring year 1902 ; appointed from the army. Actual rank Pvt. and 1st Sgt. Co. E, and Sgt.-Maj. 6th Cav. July 19, '61, to Sept. 22, '62; 2d Lieut. 6th Cav. July 17, '62; accepted Sept. 22, '62; 1st Lieut. Sept. 28, '64; Capt. Sept. 17, '67; Maj. Oct. 19, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. July 3, '63, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; Bvt. Capt. and Bvt. Maj. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied Adj. 6th Cav. Oct. 25, '63, to Nov. 11, '64. Service In the iield in the War of the Rebellion from '61 to '65 ; on general recruiting service, Jan. to Sept., '65 ; joined regiment in Maryland, Sept., '65 ; with regiment in Texas and at various other stations from the close of the war till '90, present station being Ft. Lewis, Col. Battles, skir- mishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Williamsburg and Hanover Court-House, Va., battle of Beverly Ford, action of Upperville, battle of Gettysburg, Pa., action of Funkstown, and battle of Brandy Station, Va. Turnbull, John Q. (Captain 3d Art., Bvt. Maior). Born in D. C. Sept. 9, '43. Retiring year 1907. Appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Art. Aug. 5, '61; 1st Lieut. Aug. 5, '61; accepted Aug. 8, '61; Capt. April 20, '70. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. May 3, '63, " gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. ;" Major July 3, '63, "gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa." Turner, George L. (First Lieutenant 18th Inf.). Born in Maine. Appointed from Maine. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '70 ; graduated June 17, '74. Actual rank2d Lieut. 18th Inf. June 17, '74; 1st Lieut. Jan. 16, '84. Staff position occupied Adjt. Sept. 8, '86, to . Turner, Reuben B. (First Lieutenant 6th Inf.). Born in Fort Edward, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1*57. Retiring year 1921. Appointed from N. Y. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '81. Actual rank2d Lieut. 6th Inf. June 11, '81 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 25, '89. Service Served at Fort Douglas, Utah, Fort Sheridan, 111., and at Newport Bks., Ky. Staff positions occupied K. C. S. at Fort Douglas, Utah, from July 1, '86, to Jan. 16, '88; A. A. Qm., A. C. S. and A. O. 0., Fort Sheridan, 111., from Feb. 1, '88, to Aug. 6, '88; A. A. Qm., A. C. S. and A. O. O. at Newport Barracks, Ky., from April 27, '89, to . Turner, William J, (First Lieut. 2d Inf.). Born in R. I. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. H, 5th Cav. Oct. 3, 70 ; discharged June 26, '71 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. Oct. 1, 73; accepted Oct. 22, 73 ; 1st Lieut. May 8, '81. Turrill, Henry S. (Captain and Assistant Surgeon). Born in Conn., Sept. $, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Aast. Surg. 17th Conn. Inf. Feb. 13, '64; hon. must, out July 19, '65; Asst. Surg. June 26, 75 ; accepted July 24, 75 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. June 86, '80. Turtle, Thomas (Captain of Engineers). Born in Ireland, April 7, 1844. Retiring year 1908. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, July 1, '63 ; graduated June 17, '67. Actual rank2d Lieut. Eng. June 17, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 13, '67; Capt. Jan. 2, '81. Service On duty with engineer battalion Aug. 14, '67, till Aug., 70; detached on survey of Gettysburg Battle-field ^ l following defenses of Washington, D. C., and improvement of Potomac River April, 73, to Nov., 73 ; construction of batteries at Fort Monroe, Va., Nov., 73, to June, 74 ; surveys for Central Water Line June, 74, to Aug. 28, 76 ; improvement of Great Kanawha River, W. Va., Aug. 29, 76, to Aug. 28, '80 ; defenses of Baltimore Aug. 006 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 1YL, 29, '80; defenses of Washington Aug. 29, '80, to Nov., '82; improvement of Appomattox River, Va., July, '81 ; improvement of James River, Va., Sept. 1, '81 ; and on surveys for ship canal across the peninsula of Maryland, Delaware, '81-82; temporarily in charge of Col. CraighilFs works, except those in W. Va., Sept., '82, to Nov., '82; member of Board of Engineers on Davis Island Dam, '81 ; recorder of Board of Engineers on Central Water Line on Great Kanawha River, on Cape Fear River and on Potomac River; relieved from duties as Asst. to Col. Craighill Jan., '84; assigned to duty with station at New Orleans as engineer in charge of 7th and 8th Light-house Districts, of examination and survey at the south pass of the Miss. River to determine the width and depth of channel main- tained by Mr. Eads ; in charge of the improvement of the Sabine and Neches Rivers and of Sabine Pass; July, '84, was assigned to the charge of other river improvements in Louisiana west of the Miss. River and south of the Red River ; relieved of these duties and detached as Secy, to the Miss. River Committee with station at St. Louis, Mo., Feb., '85 ; relieved of the latter and ordered to Washing- ton for duty in the office of the Chief of Engineers April, '87. Tutherly, Herbert B. (First Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Claremont, N. H., April 5, 1848. Retiring year 1912. Appointed from N. H. Graduated from Military Academy, Class of '72. Actual rank2A Lieut. 1st Cav. June 14, 72 ; 1st Lieut. April 4, 79. Service In garrison at Benicia Brks., Cal. ; conducting re- cruits to Fort Halleck, Nev., and Yuma, Ariz., and guarding funds for U. S. De- pository at Tucson, A. T., till Nov., 72; com. Troop D, 1st Cav., in the field in Arizona during Apache campaign and in garrison at Fort McDowell, A. T., and at Benicia Brks., Cal., from Nov., 72, to Nov., 74; in garrison at Benicia Brks., Cal., Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., and in the field in Southeastern Nevada; on expedition under Gen. W. L. Elliott Nov., 74, to July, 77 ; on frontier duty at Fort Walla- Walla, Wash. Ty. ; at Camp Harney, Oregon, from June, 78, to Jan., 79; in the field in Oregon and Washington with the Bannock Indians; in the field pursuing Columbia River Indians from Jan. 2, 79, to July, 79 ; in garrison at Fort Halleck, Nev., and Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., from July, 79, to July '80; in the field in Southern California and at Fort Halleck from July, '80, to Feb., '81 ; Professor of Military Science and Tactics at the University of Vermont from '8J to '85; in the field in Kansas and Indian Ty. duringsummer of '85; at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. ; Fort Custer, M. T. ; Camp Sheridan, Yellow- stone Park, and at Bellevue Rifle range, Neb., from '85 to Oct. 1, '89 ; Professor of Military Science and Tactics at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., Oct. 1, V . Staff positions occupied Adj. of expedition under Gen. W. L. EllioW, Nov., 74, to July, 77; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of Batt. under Captain Winters, and Adj. of Maj. Green's command from Jan. to July, 79; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. in the field, 79-80 ; A. A, Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Halleck, Nev., from July, '80, to Feb., '81 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. in the field summer of '85 ; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Camp Sheridan. Commands held Troop D in the field in Ari- zona during Apache campaign. History Degree of A. M. conferred by Univer- sity of Vermont, '85. Tyler, Charles R. (First Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Ky. Graduated from Military Academy, Class of 74. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 16th Inf. June 17, 74; 1st Lieut. Aug. 9, '83. Tyler, Richard W. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Michigan Jan. 1, 1842. Retired. Appointed from Michigan Civil life. Actual rank -Sgt. and 1st Co. K, 1st U. S. Sh. Sh., Dec. 26, '61, to May 25, '64; 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Sh. Sh. May 25, '64; 1st Lieut. Aug. 4, '64; resigned Nov. 9, '64; 2d Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps Oct. 25, '64; accepted Nov. 10, '64; Bvt. Capt. March 13, '65 ; hon. must, out Oct. 15, '66 ; 1st Lieut. 44th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 15, '66 ; unassigned May 27, '69 ; retired with rank of Captain Dec. 15, 70 (loss of left arm from wound in line of duty). Brevet rank Bvt. Captain March 2, '67, gal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of Deep Bottom, Va.; Bvt. 1st Lieut. Vol. and Bvt. Captain Vol. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Honorably mentioned Specially recommended by General U. S. Grant for promotion from the Volunteer Service to Regular Army. Service TTLI RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 607 Served in the field in the war of the Rebellion, from '61 to 65 ; served with troops and on special duty at the War Dep't in Washington, from '65 to '68; and with troops at Norfolk, Va., in '69 ; on special duty at the War Dep't in '70 until retired; was sent by direction of Gen. Grant to inspect Bull Run battle- field in '66, and afterwards in charge of a Corps of men to gather up the remains of the Union dead there and remove the same to Arlington Cemetery, where they were placed in what is now known as the tomb of the Unknown ; was detailed for special duty between Baltimore and Washington for the apprehension and arrest (if found) of J. Wilkes Booth after the Assassination of President Lincoln, and was afterwards on duty as officer of the day at the trial of the assassins, and also at the trial of Wirz, who was convicted and hung for cruelty to Union prisoners at Andersonville. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in the following battles : Big Bethel, attack and siege of Yorktown, Williamsburg, Hanover Court-House, Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, Savage Station, Glendale, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, Aug. 29 and 30, '62 ; received gun shot wound through left leg below knee (bone fractured) at Second Bull Run (Aug. 30, '62; also, Chancellorsville (three days), Gettysburg (two days), Wapping Heights, Kelly's Ford, Locust Grove, Nov. 27, '64; Mine Run, Wilderness May 5, 6 and 7/64 ; Todd's Tavern, May 8, '64 ; Spottsylvania, North Anna, Hanoverton, Cold Harbor, siege of Peters- burg, Jerusalem Plank Road, 1st Deep Bottom, the Mine Explosion, Second Deep Bottom, and Hatcher's Run ; also, Groveton, Auburn and Po River; gun-shot in left arm at Second Deep Bottom Aug. 16, '64, resulting in amputation at middle third above elbow ; was sent to Judiciary Square Hospital, Washington, D. C., after Second Bull Run, and Turner's Lane Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., after Sec- ond Deep Bottom. History By a suit in his own behalf, commenced in '81, in which he made the principal arguments in the Court of Claims and the U. S. Supreme Court, was established the right of officers of the Army to reckon time after retirement the same as active service in computing service or longevity pay. The cases are reported in 16th C. C. 223, and 105th U. S. L. C. 244 ; he was ad- mitted to practice in the U. S. Supreme Court in May, 1887, and is a resident of the City of Washington, D. C. Tyler, William W. (First Lieut. 13th Inf.). Born in New York. App'd from New York Civil life. Actual rank Private and Sergt. Co. E. 94th N. Y. Inf., Oct. 14, '61, to May 19, '62; 1st Lieut. 94th N. Y. Inf., May 20, '62 ; Captain March 2, '63; hon. must, out March 17, '63; 1st Lieut. V. R. C. June 6, '63; ac- cepted June 10, '63 ; Capt. Dec. 10, '63 ; accepted Dec. 23, '63 ; hon. must. out. Sept. 30, '67; 2d Lieut. 9th Cav. Aug. 13, '67; accepted Oct. 1, '67; 1st Lieut. Dec. 9, 71 ; trans, to 13th Inf. Aug. 1, '81. Tyson, Laurence D. (Second Lieut. 9th Inf.). Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Cadet at the U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, '79 ; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. June 13, '83. Ulio, James (Captain 2d Inf.). Born in Ireland May 29, 1832. Retiring year 1896. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Private, Sergt. and 1st Sergt. Co. I, 9th Inf., May 29, '55, to May 31, '60 ; 1st Sergt. Co. I, 9th Inf., Nov. 7, '60, to Oct. 28, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 6th Cal. Inf. Oct. 29, '62; 1st Lieut. Feb. 20, '63; Capt. Aug. 6, '64 ; hon. must, out Oct. 25, '65 ; Priv. and 1st Sergt. Co. F, 3d Batt., 16th Inf., Feb. 9, '66, to June 2, '66; 2d Lieut. 16th Inf. April 25, '66; accepted June 2, '66 ; transferred to 2d Inf. April 17, '69 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 21, '71 ; Captain March 20, '85. Brevet rank Brevet Major Vols. March 13, '65, for " faithful and meritorious services." Staff positions occupied Adj. 1st Batt. 16th Inf. Aug. 23, '66, to Sept. 21, '66; Adj. 16th Inf. Sept. 25, '68, to April 17, '69; Adj. 6th Cav. Feb., '63; Post Adj. at Benicia Barracks, Cal., March, '63, to Feb., '64; Post Adj. Fort Humboldt, Cal., and A. A. G. Dist of Humboldt to Aug., '64; Post Adj. Macon, Ga., March, '67, to Aug., '68; Regt. Adj. Sept., '68 ; A. A. G. District of Georgia, Atlanta, Ga., Aug., '68. Service At Fort Monroe, Va., to Dec., '55; en route to and at Fort Vancouver, W. T., Jan. to April, '56; at Fort Dalles, Ore., to May, '56 ; engaged in an expedition against the Yakima Indians to Oct., '56; at Fort Simcoe, W. T., to May, '59 ; with the escort to the Northwest Boundary 008 KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. UPtf Commission to Nov., '59 ; at Fort Colville, W. T., to May, '61 ; at Fort Yamhill, Ore., to Nov., '61 ; at the Presidio of San Francisco, Gal., to Oct., '62 ; at San Francisco, Gal., to Mar., '63 ; at Benicia Barracks, Gal., to Sept., '64 ; command'g Provost Guard, San Francisco, Gal., to July, '65; at Benicia Barracks, Gal., Aug. to Oct., '65; at Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., to April, '66; at Sibley Barracks, Nash- ville, Tenn., to May, '66 ; at Memphis, Tenn., May to June, and July to Aug., '66 j command'g company Sept., '67, to Aug., '68; at McPherson Barracks, Atlanta, Ga., and at various other stations till '90, present station being at Ft. Omaha, Neb. Upham, Frank Kidder (Captain 1st Cav.). Born in Castine, Maine, May 30, 1841. Retiring year 1905. Appointed from California Civil life. Actual ra 2d Lieut. 7th Gal. Inf. Nov. 1, '64; hon. must, out April 26. '66 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. March 7, '67 ; accepted July 2, '67 (performed duty aa 2d Lieut, from May 23, '67, under orders of Division Commander) ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 27, '69; Capt. Nov. 1, '82. Service -Served in California and Arizona during Indian hostilities until mustered out in '67 ; in Nevada and Oregon during hostilities with Piute and Snake Indians; went to Arizona in the spring of '69, and was there employed in scouting against hostile Apaches; changea station to Washington Territory in spring of 73 ; during summers of '74-5 in Wallowa Valley, Ore., with troops ob- serving movements of Chief Joseph, and preventing hostilities with Nez Perces ; on recruiting service at Chicago, 111., from Oct., '78, to Sept., 79; stationed in California and Washington Territory until Spring of '84, then changed station with regiment to Montana; stationed at Fort Custer, and employed in various duties in connection with Indians on the Crow Reservation. A/'///' pied Regt. Quartermaster 1st Cav. Sept. 3, '76, to Aug. 15, 78; Adjt. 1st Cav. Sept. 7, 79, to Nov. 1, '82. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Commanded Troop G, First Cav. in the Sword Bearer fight at Crow Agency Nov. 5, '87, where Sword Bearer, or Wraps-his-tail, was killed under the fire of this troop, and the Crow outbreak suppressed. Up to this publication, this was the last Indian fight in this country. Upham, John J. (Lieut. Col. 3d Cav.). Born in Del. July 25, 1837. Retir- ing year 1901. App. from Wis. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '59. Actnnl rankBvi. 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. July 1, '59; 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. Dec. 2, '59; 1st Lieut. May 4, '61; Capt. Sept. 9, '61 ; transferred to Cav. arm. Dec. 31, 70; as- signed to 6th Cav. Dec. 31, 70; Major 5th Cav.. Aug. 1, 74; Lieut. Col. 3d Cav. Oct. 29, '88. Brevet rant Bvt. Major July 2, '63, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Staff positions occupied Adj. 6th Inf. July 1, '61, to Sept. 9, '61. Service On the expiration of his graduating leave was as- signtd to Governor's Island, where he had station until after his transfer to the 6th Inf. ; proceeded to California and served at Fort Crook and Benicia Barracks dur- ing '60-61 ; stationed in New York Harbor from Aug., '63, to Jan., '64, when assigned to duty as mustering and disbursing officer, and served in that capacity until April, '65, and had stations at Elmira, Philadelphia and Detroit; in Georgia and South Carolina until June, '66 ; on leave of absence and visited Europe '66 ; returned in April, '67, and served in the Carolinas until March, V9, and had stations at Charleston, Wilmington and Florence ; on the frontier and served at Fort Gibson, I. T., Fort Smith, Ark., and Crawfordsville and Girard, Kan., until Jan. 1, 71, when he was transferred to the 6th Cav. and continued to serve in Kansas, Texas and the Indian Territory, where he had field service until Aug. 13, 74 ; at Fort Leavenworth from Jan. to April, 74, as a member of a board of offi- cers convened to report upon changes, if any, to be made in horse-equipments, and continued on duty in the Dept. of the Missouri until the regiment arrived at Fort Lyon, Col., and the companies were assigned to stations ; Sept. 7, 75, he assumed command of Fort Gibson, I. T., where ne served until June 6, 76, when he was ordered to field service in the Dept. of the Platte ; joined the headquar- ters of the regiment June 10, and served in the District of the Black Hills and with the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition until the following Oct. ; assigned at the end of the campaign to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo.. where he served until Nov. 24; on leave of absence until Jan. 24, 77; then assigned to special duty in the Indian Department for the purpose of investigating the management of the Union Agency in the Indian Territory, and was thus employed until June 26, VAN RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY; 609 when he resumed his leave of absence and again visited Europe; returned in June, 78, and commanded Fort Washakie, in Northwestern Wyo.,from Aug., 78, to April, '80, when he was transferred to Fort Niobrara, Neb., where he exercised the command until June, '81 ; on leave of absence till Dec., '81 ; assigned to Ft. Leaven worth, Kan., School of Instruction as Executive Officer; at various other stations till '90, present station being Ft. Brown, Tex. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Served in the defenses of Washington during the winter of '61-62 ; partici- pated in the Virginia Peninsular campaign, and was engaged in the siege of York- town and the battle of Malvern Hill, and served in the defenses of Washington during the summer of '62 ; participated in the Pennsylvania campaign and was engaged in the battle of Gettysburg and in the pursuit of the enemy to Warren- ton ; engaged in the combat at War Bonnet (Indian Creek), Wyo., the skirmish at Slim Buttes, Dak., and commanded the rear guard (a battalion of the regiment) in the second skirmish at Slim Buttes on the morning of the 10th of Sept., 76. Valois, Gustavus (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Prussia. Retired. App. from the Array. Actual rank Sgt. Co. "C," 4th Md., and 1st Sgt. Co. "E" and Q. M. Sgt. 3d Md. Inf., Apr. 12, '62 to April 26, '64; 1st Lieut. 3d Md. Inf. April 27, '64 ; Capt, May 9, '65 ; hon. must, out May 29, '65 ; Priv., Corp. and Sgt. Co. "I," 5th Cav.,Dec. 11, '65, to Aug. 11, '68; 2d Lieut. 9th Cav. July 18, '68; accepted Aug. 11, '68; 1st Lieut. Aug. 25, 72; Capt. Nov. 22, '84; retired Feb. 11, '87. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 9th Cav. March 18, '80, to Dec. 31, '80. Vance, Capers D. (Second Lieut. 16th Inf.). Born in Ark. App. from Ark. Graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '88. Actual rank Additional 2d Lieut. 21st Inf. June 11, '88; 2d Lieut. 16th Inf. Oct. 1, '88. Vance, Richard (Captain 19th Inf.). Born in Ky. Sept. 15, 1833. Retiring year 1897. App. from Ky. Civil life. Actual rank Hosp. Steward 26th Ky. Inf. Oct. 1, '61 ; discharged June 21, '62; 2d Lieut. 26th Ky. Inf. June 22, '62; 1st Lieut. Jan. 31, '63; hon. must, out July 10, '65; 2d Lieut. 19th Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted Sept. 8, '66 ; transferred to 28th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. '66; transferred to 19th Inf. 'March 31, '69; Capt. June 19, 79. Vance, Zebulon B. (Second Lieut. 19th Inf.). Born in N. C. Appointed from N. C. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 19th Inf. Jan. 2, '84; accepted Feb. 11, '84. Van Derslice, Joseph H. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Penn. June 29, 1828. Retired; appointed from the Army. Actval rank Pvt., Artf., Corp), and Sgt. Co. A, Eng., Jan. 30, '51, to Aug. 28, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 14th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted Aug. 28, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 24, '61 ; out of service May 10, '65 ; rein- stated Dec. 27, '65; Capt. March 22, '66 ; retired April 23, 79 (disability in line of duty). Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Sept. 17, '62, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Md. Service From Aug., '53, to May, '54, with de- tachment of Co. A, Engrs., on Military Survey duty in Texas ; on Coast Survey duty in charge of station at West Point, N. Y., taking observation of the tidal wave of the Hudson River from June, '56, to Sept., '56 ; from March, '57, to Nov., '57, with Co. A, Engineers, on expedition against the Mormons; April, '61, with Co. A, Engineers, on engineering duty at Fort Pickens, Fla. ; joined at head- quarters 14th U. S. Inf. at New London, Conn., Aug., '61 ; on recruiting service to May, '62 ; joined 2d Battalion 14th Inf. May, '62, at New London, Conn.; in the field with 2d Battalion May, '62, till May, '65 ; Garrison and Scouting duty at Camp McDowell, Arizona Ter., until May, '69 ; on duty with Co. at Nashville, Tenn., July, 79; on duty with Co. at Fort Randall and Whetstone Agency, Spotted Tail Reservation of Sioux Indians, Dakota Ter., May, 70 ; from May, 70, to Aug., 70, at Whetstone Agency, Dakota, and engaged with Co. building stock- ade and Block-houses ; on duty with Co. at Fort Sanders, Wyo., Sept., 70 ; on duty with Co. at Fort Fetterman, Wyo., from March, 71, to July, 74; on duty with Co. at Fort Cameron, Utah, July, 74, until July, 76 ; on duty with Co. at Red Cloud Agency, Wyo., Aug., 76, to Nov., 76 ; ordered to Fort Fetterman, Wyo., Nov., 76 ; joined the expedition against the Sioux Indians; on return from campaign against the Indians went to Camp Douglass, Utah., Feb., 77 ; Nov., 77, 610 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. VAN on duty with Co. at Bannock Reservation, Idaho ; returned to Camp Douglass, Utah, April, 78; retired 23d April, 79, for disability in line of duty. Staff 'posi- tions occupied Adjt. 2d Batt., 14th Inf., May 25, '62, to April, '63; Q. M. 2d Batt., 14th Inf., April, '63, to '64. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Took part in battle of Bull Run, Va., 30th Aug., '62 ; Antietam, Md., 17th Sept., '62 ; Snicker's Gap., Va., 3d and 4th Nov., '62 ; Fredericksburg, Va., 13th Dec., '62 ; Chancellorsville, Va., 2d, 3d and 4th May, '63 ; Gettysburg, Pa., July 2-3, '63. Commands held In command of Co. B, 2d Battalion, 6th May, '66 ; Post Whetstone Agency, Dak., May to Aug., 70. Van Deusen, George W. (Second Lieutenant 1st Art.). Born in Massa- chusetts. Appointed from Mass.; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '80. Actualrank 2d Lieut. 4th Cav. June 12, '80; transferred to 1st Art. Jan. 31, '84; to rank in Art. June 13, '82. Van Horn, James J. (Lieutenant Colonel 25th Inf.). Born in Ohio Feb. 6, '35. Retiring year 1899. App. from Ohio. Graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '58. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 1st Inf. July 1, '58; 2d Lieut. 8th Inf. July 19, '58; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61; Capt. Feb. 19, '62; Majpr 13th Inf. June 7, 79; Lieut. Col. 25th Inf. June 28, '85. Brevet rank Bvt. Major June 4, '64, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cold Harbor, Va. Van Home, Thomas B. (Post Chaplain). Born in Ohio. Retired ; app. from Wis. Civil life. Actual rank Chaplain 13th Ohio Inf. July 10, '62 ; hon. must, out June 26, '64; Chaplain (act of July 5, '38), Oct. 14, '64; Post Chaplain April 3, '67; accepted April 29, '67; resigned August 2, '69; Post Chaplain July 2, 70; accepted Oct 1, 70; retired Feb. 26, '85. Van Home, William M. (Captain 17th Inf.). Born in Ohio August 22, '42. Retiring year 1906; appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rankPvt. Co. E, 2d Ohio Vol. Inf., August 14, '61 ; discharged Oct. 10, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 184th Ohio Vol. Inf. Jan. 4, '65; transferred to 195th Vol. Inf. March 17, '65 ; Captain March 17, '65; hon. must, out Dec. 18, '65; 2d Lieut. 17th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '66; accepted April 26, '66; Capt. Dec. 31, 72. Staff positions occupied Adj. 17th Inf. Feb. 1, '69, to Dec. 15, 70 ; R. Q. M. 17th Inf. Dec. 15, 70, to July 24, 72. Van Liew, Frederick T. (Second Lieutenant 2d Inf.). Born in New York ; app. from New York ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '81. Actualrank Ad- ditional 2d Lieut, 16th Inf. June 11, '81 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. Sept 26, '81. Van Ness, William P. (First Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in N. Y. App. from Mich. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Art. Sept. 20, '67 ; accepted Sep. 30, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 1, 74. Van Orsdale, John T. (Captain 7th Inf.). Born in N. Y. App. from N. Y. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of 72. Actual rank2d Lieut. 7th Inf. June 14, 72 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 20, 72 ; Captain Nov. 30, '89. Staff position occupied R. Q. M. 7th Inf. June 1, '85, to . Van Reed, William B. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Pa. April 4, 1841. Re- tired. App. from Pa. Civil life. Aetna/ rank Corp. Co. H, 5th Pa. Inf., April 20, '61; discharged June 22, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Art. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 22, '61 ; 1st Lieut. July 2, '63 ; Capt. March 1, 75 ; retired Dec. 9, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Aug. 18, '64, gallant services during the operations on the Weldon Railroad, Va. Service With regiment to May, '61 ; in the War De- partment, Washington, D. C., to June, '61 ; in the field during the War of the Rebellion '61 to '65; at the post of Key West, Fla., and various other stations, till retired Dec. 9, '87. Battles, skirmishes, etc. With battery, and engaged at the s ege of Yorktown, battles of Mechanicsville, Games' Mill, Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, and Fredericksburg, Va. ; battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy, and Bethesda Church ; com. battery, and engaged at the siege of Petersburg,' battles of Weldon Railroad, Hatcher's Run, Boydton Plank-Road, and capitulation of Appomattox Court- House, Va. Vanvalzah, David D. (Major 20th Inf.). Born in 111. Jan. 5, 1840. Re- tiring year, 1904. App. from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut 12th Int. VAN RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 611 May 14, '61 ; accepted June 29, '61 ; Capt. Aug. 10, '64 ; transferred to 30th Inf. Sep. 21, 66; unassigned March 23, '69; assigned to 25th Inf. Dec. 31, 70; Major 20th Inf. Oct. 19, '86. Brevet rank En. Capt. Aug. 1, '64, gallant services in the battle of the Wilderness and during the campaign before Richmond, Va. Van Vliet, Robert C. (First Lieutenant 10th Inf.). Born in Kansas Aug. 22, 1857. Retiring year 1921. Appointed from N. J. Civil life. Actual rank Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75, to Dec. 29, 75; 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. Dec. 14, 76; accepted Dec. 30, 76; 1st Lieut. May 7, '84. Service In '83 was offered the position of Inspector of Rifle Practice, Division of the Atlantic, but declined ; in '84, during the great flood on the Ohio River, he was ordered by the Secretary of War to command one of the relief boats, and distributed 75,000 ra- tions; in 77 was with MacKenzie when he crossed the Rio Grande River into Mexico, and has performed the usual scouting duties. Staff positions occupied Adjt. 10th Inf. Jan. 1, '85, to Dec. 31, '88. History In '81-83 he won division medals in Division of Atlantic ; also first in Dept. team, '81 ; Alternate on first army team ; member of distinguished marksmen's team '89 ; selected in '81 and '82 as a member of Hilton Rifle Trophy Team ; grandson of Major Jacob Brown, killed at the storming of Fort Brown, Texas, in '46; son of Gea. Stewart Van Vliet, Col. Qm. Dept., retired. Van Vliet, Stewart (Colonel and Brevet Major General U. S. A.). Born in Ferrisburg, Vt., July 21,1815. Retired; appointed from N. Y.; graduated from Military Academy, class of '40. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d Art July 1, '40 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 19, '43 ; Capt. and A. Q. M. June 4, '47 ; accepted June 7, '47 ; Capt. 3d Art. Dec. 24, '53 ; Major and Quartermaster (14 years' service) Aug. 3, '61 ; Brig. Gen. Vols. Sept. 23, '61 ; accepted Sept. 23, '61 ; expired by constitutional limit. July 17, '62 ; Brig. Gen. March 13, '65 ; accepted March 13, '65 ; hon. must, out Sept. 1, '66; Lieut. Col. arid Deputy Quartermaster Gen. July 29, '66; Col. and Asst. Quartermaster Gen. June 6, 72 ; retired Jan. 22, '81. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col., Bvt. Col. and Bvt. Brig. General U. S. A. Oct. 28, '64, for faith- ful and meritorious services during the rebellion ; Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. V. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war ; Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A. March 13, '65, for faithful and distinguished services in Quarter master Dept. during the war. Service In Florida War, '40-42; Asst. Prof, of Mathematics at the Military Academy Sept. 20 to Nov. 15, '41 ; In garrison at Fort Pike, Fla., and Fort Macon, N. C., '42 ; Savannah, Ga., '43 ; Fort Moultrie, S. C., '43-44 ; duty at Savannah, Ga., '44-46 ; war with Mexico '46-47 ; duty with Missouri mtd. Vols. on the Oregon Route '47-51 ; Fort Kearney, Nebr., '47-49 ; Fort Laramie, Dak., '49-51 ; St. Louis, Mo., '51-52 ; Fort Brown, Texas, '52-55 ; Brazos Santiago, Texas, '53-54 ; Sioux expedition April, '55, to July, '56 ; on duty in Utah, '57 and in New York City '57-58; in the Peninsular campaign, Va., March to July, '62 ; duty at New York July, '62-March, '67, furnishing supplies and transportation to the Armies in the field ; Depot Quartermaster at Baltimore, Md., '67-69 ; in charge of Schuylkill Arsenal, Pa., May, '69, and as Chief Quartermaster Division of the Atlantic, '69-72 ; Chief Quartermaster Dept. of Missouri, Oct. 28, 72-July 13, 75 ; Inspector of Quartermaster's Department Hdqrs. Washington, D, C., Nov. 12, 75 ; Chief Quartermaster Phila., Depot of Quartermaster stores July 17-Nov. 8, 75 ; retired Jan. 22, '81. Staff positions occupied R,. Q. M. 3d Art. March 28, '47, to June 4, '47. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged with Seminole Indians in Eastern Florida ; storming of Monterey, Sept. 21-23, '46, and capture of Gen. Ampudia, siege of Vera Cruz, March 9-29, '47 ; action of Blue Water, Sept. 3, '55 ; siege of Yorktown April 3-May 4, battles of Williamsburg May 5, Fair Oaks May 31- June 1, Gaines Mill June 27, White Oak Swamp June 30, Malvern Hill July 1, '62. Commands held Battery March 28 to June 4, '47. Van Voast, James (Colonel U. S. A.). Born inN. Y. Retired. Appointed from N. Y. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '52. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 3d Art. July 1, '52 ; 2d Lieut. Aug. 22, '53 ; 1st Lieut. 9th Inf. Mar. 3, '55 ; accepted May 6, '55 ; Capt. March 1, '61 ; Major 18th Inf. Dec. 29, '63 ; Lieut. Col. 16th Inf. Aug. 16, 71 ; Col. 9th Inf. Feb. 20, '82 ; retired April 2, '83. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 9th Inf. July 4, '55, to June 11, '58. 612 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TT. S. ARMY. VIE Van Wyck, George P. (Poet Chaplain). Born in N. Y. Retired. App. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Chaplain 56th N. Y. Inf. April 8, '63 ; hon. must, out Oct. 17, '65 ; Post Chaplain Aug. 7, '67 ; accepted Aug. 20, '67 ; retired Aug. 1, 79. Varney, Almon L. (Captain of Ordnance). Born in Maine, April 5, 1839. Retiring year 1903. Appointed from Maine Civil life. Actual rank let Lieut. 13th Me. Inf. Dec. 9, '61 ; Capt. Nov. 22, '61 ; hon. must, out Jan. 6, '65 ; 2d Lieut, of Ordnance Feb. 15, '65 ; accepted April 7, '65 ; 1st Lieut. June 23, '74; Capt. Oct. 29, 74. Varnum, Charles A. (First Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from Fla. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of 72. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th Cav. June 14, 72; 1st Lieut. June 25, 76. Staff positions occupied R. Q. M. 7th Cav. Nov. 14, 76, to Oct. 31, 79. Vedder, Nicholas (Major U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Retired. Appointed from 111. Civil life. Actual rank Additional Paymaster Sept. 5, '61 ; accepted Sept. 7, '61 ; vacated March 27, '67 ; Major and Paymaster Jan. 17, '67 ; accepted March 27. '67 ; retired Sept. 2, '82. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services during the war. Vedder, Simon O. (First Lieut. 19th Inf.). Born in N. Y. June 18, 1841. Retiring year 1905. App. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 16th N. Y. Inf. May 15. '61 ; hon. must, out Sept. 13, '62 ; Capt. and C. S. Vol. July 22, '64; accepted Aug. 3, '64; hon. must, out June 14, '65; 2d Lieut. 28th Inf. March 7, '67; accepted April 11, '67 ; transferred to 19th Inf. March 31, '69; 1st Lieut. March 8, 78. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. March 7, '67, " gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gaines' Mill, Va.;" Major Vol. June 3, '65, " meritorious services." Staff positions occupied 'R. Q. M. 19th Inf. Feb. "24, '82, to March 31, '87. Service In the field in the war of Rebellion from '61 to '65 ; in the Department of Washington, Washington, D. C., to June, '65; and at various stations from the close of the war till '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. En- gaged at the first battle of Bull Run, Va. ; and engaged at the action of West Point, battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, Golden Farm, and Charles City Cross Roads, second Bull Run, Va. Vernou, Charles A. (Captain 19th Inf.). Born in Pa. June 16, 1843. Re- tiring year 1907. Appointed from Pa. Civil Life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Pa. Cav. April 18, '62 ; hon. must, out July 8, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Pa. Cav. May 9, '63 ; hon. must, out Aug. 24, '64 ; 1st Lieut 6th Pa. Cav. Feb. 19, '65 ; Capt. March 22, '65; hon. must, out Aug. 7, '65; 2d Lieut. 4th Cav. March 7, '67; accepted April 11, 67; 1st Lieut. Jan 13, '68; transferred to 19th Inf. July 10, 73 ; Capt. Dec. 18, '86. Service In the field in the War of the Rebellion '62 to '65 ; at Car- lisle Barracks, Penn., Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and in Texas, en route from Fort Inge, Tex., to Brownsville, March, '68 ; at the post of Brownsville, Tex., March, '68, and at various other stations till '90, present station being San An- tonio, Tex., under orders for the Mil. Division of the Atlantic. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the siege of Yorktown, battles of Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Seven Days' Fight, actions of Kelly's Ford, Brandy Station, Cul pepper, Rapidan, operations at Mine Run, action of New-Hope Chapel, battles of Gettysburg, Wilderness, and Petersburg, Va. Engaged in General Sheridan's last raid, battle of Five Forks, and capitulation of Appomattox Court-House, Va. Vestal, Solomon P, (Second Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in N. C. Appointed from Ind. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy June 15, '84 ; graduated June 11, '88. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Cav. June 11, '88. Vickery, Richard S. (Major and Surgeon). Born in Ireland Dec. 7, 1831. Retiring year 1895; app. from Mich. Civil life. Actual rank Priv. Co. F, 2d Mich. Inf., May 17, '61 ; discharged Aug. 31, '62 ; Asst. Surg. 2d Mich. Inf. Sept. 1, '62; Surgeon Sept. 19, '64; hon. must, out March 11, '65; Asst. Surg. May 14, '67; accepted July 14, '67 ; Capt. and Asst. Sorg. Dec. 28, '67; Major and 'Sur- geon Oct. 8. '83. Viele, Charles D. (Major 1st Cavalry). Born in N. Y. Feb. 7, 1841. Retir- ing year 1905; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut 1st VIE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMV. 613 Inf. Oct. 24, '61 ; accepted Nov. 7, '61 ; 1st Lieut. April 6, '62; Capt. April 22, '68; unassigned April 8, '69; assd. to 10th Cav. Dec. 31, 70; Major 1st Cav. Aug. 20, '89. Brevet rankBvt. Capt. July 4, '63, gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. Honorably mentioned Mentioned in report of Lieut. Gen. P. H. Sheridan in "Records of Engagements with Hostile In- dians," pp. 48 and 109. Service On duty at Governor's Island, N. Y., to March, '62 ; on recruiting service at Troy, N. Y., until latter part of May, '62 ; on duty with Co. G, 1st Inf., in defenses of Washington until June, '62 ; served with Reg- ular Division 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, until Sept., '62 ; absent sick until April, '63 ; joined Co. E, 1st Inf., at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., April 19, '63; joined regiment with Co. in front of Vicksburg, Mis*., May 6, '63, the 1st Inf. serving as Artillery in this campaign ; participated in Campaign in Western Louisiana Oct. and Nov., '63 ; on Provost duty at New Orleans, La., until Feb., '64; served on Red River campaign with Cavalry Division; rejoined regiment at New Orleans, La., April 20, '64; stationed at Jackson Barracks, La., and Carroll- ton, La., until March, '69 ; on duty at Hd. Qrs. Dept. of the Lakes, Detroit, Mich., until June, '70; on duty at Governor's Lsland, N. Y., from July till Dec., 31, '70 ; joined troop in the field Feb. 28, '71; escorted surveying party of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad through Indian Territory to Albuquerque, N. M., returning to station of troop, Camp Supply, I. T., Oct. 21, '71; on leave from Jan. 1 till Feb. 28, '72; at Fort Griffin, Texas, from May till Dec., '73 ; at Fort Sill, I. T., Jan., '74 ; left Fort Sill for field service against hostile Cheyenne, Coman^ che and Kiowa Indians ; returning to station, Fort Sill, I. T., Nov. 29,74; at Fort McKavett, Texas, May 5, 75; left Fort McKavett June 17 for field service with expedition into the Staked Plains of Texas ; returned to Fort McKavett, Tex., Dec. 10, 75, having thoroughly scouted the Staked Plains; left Fort McKavett May, 77, on sick leave; rejoined troop in the field near Fort Clark, Texas, in Oct., 77, and returned to Fort McKavett March 1, 78 ; at Fort Davis, Tex., Aug. 19, 78 ; left Fort Davis for field service in the Eagle Mountains, scouting that section until Dec. 1, 78, returning to Fort Davis ; left Fort Davis April 7, 79, for field service in the Guadaloupe Mountains ; struck a small camp of Indians near " Wild-Horse Tanks " April 12 and captured all the stock and camp outfit ; scouted in these mountains until Aug. 2, 79, when the troop re- turned to Fort Davis ; left Fort Davis Jan. 12, '80, for field service in the Chinate Mountains, returning to Fort Davis May 26, '80 ; left Fort Davis July 25, '80, after Victorio's band of Apaches ; returned to Fort Davis Nov. 15 ; left Fort Davis April 20, '81, with orders to protect working party of the Texas and Pacific Railroad in the vicinity of the Pecos River, returning to Fort Davis June 4, '81 ; left Fort Davis Jan., '82, for field service at PeSa Colorado, Texas, remaining there until April, '83, when the troop returned to Fort Davis ; assigned to duty at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., July 17, '83 ; ordered to take charge of Recruiting Rendezvous at St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 26, '84 ; received telegraphic order from Ad- jutant-General of the Army to take charge of the distribution of supplies to citi- zens rendered destitute by the overflow of the Mississippi River ; completing this duty, returned to St. Louis and resumed charge of the rendezvous April 22, '84 ; relieved from recruiting duty July 1, '84 ; on leave of absence from Oct. 1 till Dec. 29, '84; detailed to inspect and purchase Cavalry horses until Aug. 15, '85; on leave of absence till Sept. 17, '85; reported for duty at Fort Thomas, A. T., on that date ; joined troop in the field at Cave Canon, Chiricahua Mts., Arizona, Sept. 25, remaining in the field, campaigning against Geronimo's band of hostile Apaches, until April 25, '86 ; ordered to Fort Apache, A. T., taking station at that post May 10, '86 ; took part in the capture of Chiricahua Indians near Fort Apache in Aug., '86 ; left Fort Apache for field service at San Carlos, Arizona, Jan. 28, '87, remaining there until Aug. 2, '87, when troop changed station to Fort Grant, A. T. ; at Fort Custer, Montana, Sept. 17, '89, with 1st Cav., and re- maining there to date. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. on staff of Gen. N. A. M. Dudley, comdg. 4th Brigade Cav., A. A. I. G. U. S. forces in defenses of New Orleans. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Manassas Gap, Second Bull Run, Big Black, siege of Vicksburg, Cane River, Deattis Hill, Vermilion Bayon, Natchitoches, 614 RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. VOG 20, '80, in which, after a sharp fight, the Indians retreated into Mexico ; skirmish with the same band Aug. 6, '80, near Rattlesnake Springs, Texas, the Indiana again retreating into Mexico, where, they being out of ammunition, surrendered to Mexican troops. Command* held In command of Co. G in defenses of Wash- ington May, '62, to June, '62 ; siege Battery Co. A, 1st Inf., with the 13th Corps till June 30, '63; "Battery Logan," 17th Corps, Cos. E and I, 1st Inf., at the sur- render of Vicksburg. Vinal, William H. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ohio, Dec. 3, 1844. Re- tired; appointed from Ohio Civil Life. Actual rank Mus., Pvt. and Corp'l 17th Battery Ohio Lt. Art. July 28, '62, to Aug. 16, '65 ; 2d Lieut, llth Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted April 27. '66 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 4, '66 ; transferred to 16th Inf. April 14, '69 ; Captain April 11, '83 ; retired April 14, '87. Staff positions occu- piedAdj. 16th Inf. July 1, '80, to April 11, '83. Vincent, Thomas M. (Lieutenant Col. and A. A. G. Bvt. Brig. Gen.). Born in Ohio, Nov. 15, 1832. Retiring year 1896 ; appointed from Ohio ; Cadet at U. 5. Military Academy July 1, '49; graduated July 1, '53. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 2d Art. July 1, '53 ; 2d Lieut. Oct. 8, '53 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 20, '55; Capt. 18th Inf. May 14, '61 (declined) ; Bvt. Capt. A. A G. July 3, '61 ; accepted July 6, '61 ; Capt. A. A. G. Aug. 3, '61 ; Maj. A. A. G. July 17, '62 ; Capt. 2d Art. July 25, '63, to June 11, '64 ; Lieut. Col. A. A. G. July 1, '81. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. and Bvt. Col. Sept. 24, '64, meritorious and faithful services during the waa ; Bvt. Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 2d Art. June 1, '61, to July 1, '61. Viven, John L. (Captain 12th Inf.). Born in N. Y. March 5, 1833. Retiring year 1897; appointed from New Mexico Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. and Sgt. Co. D, 1st Cal. Cav., Sept. 6, '61, to March 15, '64 ; 2d Lieut 1st N. M. Cav. March 16, '64; 1st Lieut. March 25, '65; hon. must, out April 19, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 12th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted April 17, '66 ; Capt. August 30, 71. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service District Clerk and provost-sergeant at Fort Craig, N. M. ; engaged against the rebels at Pichacho Pass, Tucson, A. T., and in scouting Yuma, Cal., '78-79; Fort Apache, '80-81 ; Fort Thomas, A. T., '81 ; '81 to '83 on general recruiting service at St. Louis, Mo. ; '83-84 at Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. ; r 84-87 at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y. j '87-90 at Fort Sully, South Dakota. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. on staff of General Carleton Dec. 8, '65, to May 12, '66 ; R. Q. M. 12th Inf. March 1, '69, to Feb. 28, '71. Commands heldComdg. Co. and Post of Fort Yuma, Cal., '76 ; Co. through Nez Perce campaign 77 ; Co. through Bannock campaign '78; Fort Apache, A. T., '80; Fort Thorn aa, A. T., '81 ; '83-84 Co. at Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. ; Co. and Post at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., '84-87 ; Co. at Fort Sully, South Dakota, '87-90. N. Y., Dec., '63, to April, '64 ; in expedition to Texas with the 25th Army Corps ; rejoined regiment at Richmond, Va., July, '65; served at Fort Wayne, Mich., 66, to April, '67 ; at Omaha, and on duty with the U. P. R. R. from '67 to July, '68; at Fort Laramie, W. T., July, '68, to April, '69; unassigned and reassigned to 4th Inf., April, '69; at Fort Fetterman, W. T., from April, '69, to Mar. 7, 71 ; VOL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 615 at Lexington, Ky., from March, 71, to Dec. 23, 72; Little Rock, Ark., Jan., 73, to May, 73; Fort Russell, W. T., 73, to Aug., 73 ; at Fort Fetterman from Aug., 73, to May 22, 75 ; served at Fort Trumbull, Conn., May, 75, to Nov., 75 ; at Key West, Fla., Dec. 9, 75, to Jan., 77 ; joined Light Battery F, 5th Art., Feb., 77, and served with it at Charleston, S. C., and Atlanta, Ga., until relieved Oct., 79; at the artillery school, Fort Monroe, Va., May 1, '80, to May 1, '82 ; on duty at the artillery school as instructor of geology and military geography May 1, '82 ; and at various stations till '90, present station being Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Bat- tles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the siege of Forts Sumter, Wagner and Gregg, 8. C. ; at the action of Port Walthall, Weir Bottom Church and Bermuda Hun- dred ; assigned to duty with Light Bat. M, 1st U. S. Art., July 14, '64 ; engaged at the siege of Petersburg, action at New Market Heights, battle Darbytown Road, action at Laurel Hill, battle Hatcher's Run, and capitulation of Appomattox C. H., Va. Vogfdes, Charles B. (Second Lieut. 1st Inf.). Born in Fla. Appointed from R. I. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 4, 76; graduated June 12, '80. Actual rank 2^ Lieut. 1st. Inf., June 12, J 80. Volkmar, William J. (Major and A. A. G.). Born in Pa. June 29, 1847. Retiring year 1911. App. from Pa.; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '68. Actual rank Serg't. Co. " D," 33d Pa. Inf., June 19, '63 ; discharged Aug. 4, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Cav. June 15, '68; 1st Lieut. March 19, 70; Capt. April 2, 79; Major and A. A. G. March 27, '85; accepted April 1, '85. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Dec. 1, 76, to June 28, 79 ; Jan. 8, '80, to June 5, '81 ; Lieut. Col. and A. D. C. to the Lieut. Gen. June 6, '81, to March 28, '85. Honorably mentioned Recommended for the brevet of first lieutenant for conspicuous gal- lantry upon the occasion of the battle of Spring Creek, May, '69 ; recommended for the brevet of Capt. for gallantry at the battle of Rock Creek ; won a special mention in the official report of the battle of Prairie Dog Creek, "as meriting the highest praise for dash and gallantry," and also for having, in connection with Lieutenant Price, Fifth Cavalry, " undoubtedly saved the lives of Major Frank North (commanding Pawnee scouts) and the guide, William Cody." Service Served during the Confederate invasion of Pennsylvania from June 19 to Aug. 4, '63 ; reported at Fort Harker, Kan., Oct. 4, '68, and served until the 2d of Nov.' when he accompanied detachment to Fort Dodge, Kan. ; was engaged en route in a combat (Nov. 15) with Cheyenne Indians near Fort Lamed ; serving as an acting aide-de-camp for Colonel Sully, commanding the Indian Territory expedi- tion, when ordered to join his company, then with another column, at Fort Wal- lace, Kan. ; served (commanding company) with the Canadian River expediton and in camp near Fort Lyon during the winter and spring of '68-9; participated as acting engineer and signal officer in the operations of the Republican River ex- pedition from June to Nov., '69 ; at Fort McPherson, where he was principally employed as acting engineer and signal officer, quartermaster and commissary until Feb., 71 ; on sick leave of absence until May, when he joined his Co. at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., and served at that station until Dec., 71, when he accompanied the second detachment of the regiment, by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of California, to Arizona and arrived at Camp McDowell in Jan., 72 ; was soon thereafter assigned, at the request of Brigadier-General Oliver O. Howard, to the difficult and dangerous duty of attempting, under a flag of truce, to open communication with the hostile Apaches ; was then employed in con- ducting recruits to Camps Grant, Lowell, and Apache, and served on general court-martial duty at Camp Apache until July ; rejoined his Co. in the field near Camp Hualpai ; was selected in Aug. r 72, to command Camp Date Creek, where he rende red important and highly valuable services during the outbreak of the Apache- Yuma Indiana, Sept. 8 ; was selected in Dec., 72, for recruiting service, and had stations at Cleveland, Philadelphia, and St. Louis, and was adjutant of the Cavalry station at St. Louis Barracks until May, 75, when be was assigned to temporary duty in the office of the chief engineer of the Department of Missouri ; served in that position until Dec., when he was appointed chief signal officer of the department, until Dec., 76; appointed aide-de-camp for Brigadier-General 616 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. VOL Pope ; continued in the discharge of the duties of these offices, and performed at intervals the duties of A. A. G., judge-advocate, and chief ordnance and engineer officer until after his promotion to a captaincy in the regiment, when he was relieved in July, 79, from staff duty at his own request and joined his company at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. ; joined Major Thornburgh's command, which was organized in Sept. to operate against the disaffected Utes on White River, Col. ; but before the command marched from Fort Fred Steele, Wyo., he was recalled by the Lieu tenant-General of the Army for special duty at Chicago, 111., aa recorder of a board of officers which was convened to consider disputed matters relating to the battles of Chickamauga and Stone River ; before completing this duty, and in Jan., '80, was again appointed an aide-de-camp for Brigadier-General Pope, and served in that position at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., until June 6, '81, when he was appointed an aide-de-camp (with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel) for the Lieuten- ant-General of the army, serving till March, '85; and at various other stations till '90, present station being Los Angeles, Cal. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in May, '69, in the combats with hostile Sioux and Cheyennes at Beaver and Spring Creeks, and narrowly escaped death in the combat at the latter place ; engaged in the affair at Rock Creek, the action at Summit Springs, the affair in the sand-hills south of Julesburg, the Niobrara pursuit and the affair on Prairie Dog Creek. History Upon the recommendations of his captain and colonel, for gallant con- duct in battle during the Gettysburg campaign, and of the faculty of the high school of Philadelphia, from which institution he held the degrees of B. A. and M. A., he was appointed a cadet at the Military Academy. Vollum, Edward P. Born in New York, Sept. 11, 1827. Commissioned Asst Surgeon May 31, '53. July, '53, assigned as Post Surgeon at Fort Belknap; '53-4-5, was medical attendant to three tribes of Comanches under Chiefs Kati- missi, Buffalo Hump and Sonacho, without pay, at the request of the Indian Dept., as a pacific measure. During the autumn of '53, in the absence of any medical attendant at Fort Phantom Hill, 75 miles from his own station, he attended that Post also. The entire 5th Infantry occupied these two Posts. During his trips between them, he was overtaken by the hostile Comanches twice, and released after having been held and robbed, on the discovery that he was a medical man ; July 1, '65, arrived in New York on leave, and was at once ordered to Ft. Hamil- ton, N. Y. H., to attend in the yellow fever epidemic there. The Post Surg. was sick, and the civil physicians thereabouts having died or disappeared, the Post and neighboring settlements fell to his care; the epidemic partly subsiding at Fort Hamilton, he followed it to Governor's Island, and there remained till it disap- peared ; his Honor Geo. Hall, Mayor of Brooklyn, and others appealed unavail- ingly to Gen. Winfield Scott for his retention at Fort Hamilton till the epidemic ceased in that neighborhood ; September 1, '56, ordered to the Pacific Coast via Panama; assigned to Fort Umpqua as Post Surgeon ; en route thither was ship- wrecked and rescued by the Coast Indians ; Aug. 15, '66, ordered to Fort Crook, Cal., as Post Surg. ; Oct. 26, '61, ordered to accompany detachments of 1st Dra- goons, 4th and 6th Inf. from San Pedro, Cal., to New York, via Panama ; Jan. 1, '62, at the request of Hon. Jonas Nesmith, of the Mil. Committee of the Senate, Dr. Vollum wrote an account of the Relative Rank of Officers in the European Armies, with suggestions for the partial adoption of that system in the Army of the United States ; Feb. 14, '62, ordered to report to the Surgeon General and was employed in providing accommodations lor the sick and wounded sent to Wash- ington from the Army of the Potomac; Feb. 19, '62, assigned as Attending Surg. at Washington, D. C., for regulars and volunteers ; while so employed he opened and eouipped "The Convalescent Hospital," "Judiciary Square Hospital/' "Mount Pleasant General Hospital," " Carver General Hospital," supplied them with phy- sicians, cooks and nurses; also intercurrently he inspected the troops and camps in the Military District of Columbia ; April 16, '62, was relieved as Attg Surg. at Washington, D. C., and continued in charge of the General Hospitals he had opened, also of the transportation to them of the sick and wounded from the Army of the. Potomac; Jan. 2, '62, he took possession of the Naval Academy and converted it into an Army General Hospital ; June 17, '62, ordered to Fortress VOL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF IT. S. ARMY. 617 Monroe, Yorktown and White House Landing, Va., to organize a more efficient system of transportation of the sick and wounded from the Army of the Potomac; to assume control of all the vessels which had been turned over to the Sanitary Commission, Christian Commission, State Agents, etc., in this connection, and to fit them up as a fleet of floating hospitals; to take along a sufficient number of medical officers, cooks, nurses, and medical supplies, with authority to employ civil physicians as needed ; June 11, '62. commissioned Medical Inspector with the rank of Lieut.-Col. U. S. A. ; July 23, '62, ordered to make a minute inspection of the hospitals and stations of Maj.-Gen. Pope's army ; to examine into the num- ber and efficiency of the medical officers, stewards, attendants and everything con- nected with its sanitary condition ; Aug. 11, '62, ordered to Culpepper, Va., with " competent discretion " to take immediate steps to promote the efficient adminis- tration of medical aid to the sick and wounded at that point and in the Army of Virginia ; Ausr. 23, '62, ordered to report to Maj.-Gen. Pope and to confer with his Medical Director, in view of the impending battle, and to perform such pro- fessional service as might be most expedient; he remained with the Army of Va. throughout its campaign of second battle of Bull Run, up to its falling back upon the defenses of Washington, established field hospitals, took charge of the trans- portation of the wounded, and directed surgical operations; after the Second Battle of Bull Eun he remained at Centreville with the sick and wounded, and gathered up some thirty medical officers to help care for them and fell into the hands of the enemy ; under the direction of Medical Inspector Coolidge, he utilized the buildings and organized thirteen hospitals for the wounded of both armies, and he induced Col. S. Flournoy, 6th Virginia Cavalry., C. S. A., who commanded the place, to return to him the captured hospital supplies, to be used for the wounded of both sides ; Sept. 15, '62, ordered to inquire into the sani- tary condition of Maj.-Gen. McClellan's army, the efficiency of the medical officers, the causes of disease and discomforts among the troops, the number killed, wounded and losses from discharge?, desertions and deaths, the prevailing nationality, physical and moral condition, and all circumstances of value for use in the sanitary and medical statistics; Sep. 18, '62, ordered to the field of Antietam with a R. R. train of hospital supplies and a corps of volunteer civil physicians; Monocacy Bridge was down, the train was detained there ; he returned to Washington, arrived at midnight ; he fitted out a train of miscellaneous vehicles procured by the Sanitary Com., filled it with hospital supplies, regular and irregular, and by daylight on the following day he took a shortcut to Antietam, where he arrived the following day, and distributed his supplies to all the field hospitals, where they were sorely needed. He remained among the field hospitals directing the labors of the volunteer phy- sicians and operating himself until the stress was over; Jan. 30, '63, assigned as Medical Inspector of the Army of the Potomac; July 7, '63, ordered to Gettys- burg in connection with the care of the wounded on the field of battle and their transportation to general hospitals ; he assumed entire charge of their distribu- tion to Baltimore, York, Pa., Harrisburg and New York; in connection with the Sanitary Commission he established a reception camp at the R. R. depot for sort- ing, feeding and dressing the wounded before transferring them to the cars; find- ing that anodynes were exhausted in the field hospitals, he seized a lot from the druggists in Gettysburg that had been hidden away to keep them from the enemy ; Oct. 1, '63, ordered to report to Major General Rosencrans as Medical Inspector of the Department of the Cumberland ; on his arrival he reported to Major General Thomas; Nov. 21, '63, ordered to report to Major General Grant at Nash- ville, to assignment to duty ; during the period when preparations were on foot for attacking the enemy on Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, he advised a clearing of the hospitals in Chattanooga, to provide needed space for the wounded of the impending battle, and he planned a special medical train to con- vey the wounded to Nashville; these plans were approved by Major General Grant, and his Chief Quartermaster, Col. McKay, was ordered to carry them out; he was present at the battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge and assisted the Medical Director in his duties on the field, and aided the surgeons professionally ; April 14, '64, ordered to take station at Helena, Ark., and to 39 618 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. VON inspect the Department of Arkansas ; May 7, '64, ordered to add the Department of the Gulf to his sphere of inspections in the Department of Arkansas; May 21, '64, ordered to establish his headquarters at Natchez, Miss., and July 11 they were transferred to New Orleans; July 14, '64, ordered to take general supervi- sion and direction of the Medical Department of the Military Division of West Mississippi and the Posts on the east bank of the Mississippi River, under the designation of Chief Medical Officer and Medical Inspector; this charge em- braced all the camps, posts and hospitals within the States of Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana and Florida; Oct. 31, '65, honorably mastered out a* Medical Inspec- tor on the reduction of the Medical Department; Nov. 2, '65, assi gned as Medi- cal Director Department of Texas, Headquarters, Galveston ; Nov. 3, '65, bre- vetted Lieut. Col. U. S. A.; Sep. 7, '65, ordered to New York, and Sep. 28 was assigned as Examiner of Recruits in New York and from Brooklyn ; Oct. 3, '67, ordered to Madison Barracks, N. Y., as Post Surgeon; July 5, 70, ordered to Department of the Platte and assigned to Camp Douglas, Utah, as Post Surgeon ; June 16, '76, ordered to rep rt to Supt. Mounted Recruiting Service at St. Louis Barracks as Post Surgeon and Examiner of Recruits ; Ddc. 13, '78, he obtained leave of absence to g<7 to Washington with the intention of establish! ng an Army Mutual Aid Association ; Jan. 10, following, he gathered the officers stationed in Washington, to consider the subject, and, at the conclusion of his address, his plan was accepted, and on the 13th of the same month it was fully organized and launched into existence, with Col. Roger Jones, Injector General, as President, and Major Robert N. Scott, Third Artillery, as Secretary and Treasurer ; the tenth annual report, 1890, of the association showed that $283,794.02 had been distributed to the heirs of deceased officers, and that the available resources amounted to $156,399.86; he gave his plan to Dr. Thoa. J. Turner, U nited States Navy, and from it a similar association was organized for the Navy ; Jan. 1, '81, granted six months' leave to go beyond the sea for the relief of septic inoculation he received from a surgical operation he performed in Utah in 76; Jan. 30, '83, commissioned Surgeon with the rank of Lieut. Col. U. S. A.; Jan. 14, '85, ordered to the Department of the Platte on temporary duty as Attending Surgeon at Omaha to wait the retirement of the Medical Director, to succeed to his duties ; Nov. 11, '85, ordered to Department of Texas as Medical Director of the Department, Head- quarters, San Antonio; Nov. 1, '88, ordered to take charge of the Medical Pur- veying Dept. of New York ; Sep. 2, '89, in addition to his duties as Medical Pur- veyor, he was ordered as President of the Army Medical Examining Board ; April 23, '89, commissioned as Surgeon with the rank of Cjlonel; April 3, '90, Presideat of Army Medical Examining Board and in charge of the Medical Purveying Depot, New York. Von Schrader, Frederick (First Lieut, 12th Inf.). Born in Ills. Feb. 12, 1851. Retiring vear 1915; appointed from Mich. Civil life. Actual rank'2d Lieut. 12th Inf. Oct. 1, '73 ; accepted Oct. 15, '73'; 1st Lieut. Nov. 17, 78. Honor- ably mentioned Mentioned in Gen. Order No. 1, Headquarters Field Operations in S. E. Arizona Jan. 3, '81. Service Served at Fort Hall, Idaho Ter., Angel Island, Gal., Alcatraz Island, Cal., Camp McDermit, Nev., Camp McDowell, Ari- zona Ter., Madison Barracks, N. Y.,and Fort Yates, N. D. ; took an active part in the various Indian campaigns in Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Ari- zona Ter. from '74 until '82 ; passed the course of study and practice at Fort Meyer, Va., as Acting Signal Officer; afterwards in charge of the U. S. military telegraph lines in Arizona and New' Mexico. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 12th Inf. April 1, '87, to . Commands held Commanded Apache and Hualpai Indian Scouts in Arizona for periods embracing nearly two years from 79 until '82. His- tory Educated at Michigan University, Ann Arbor, Mich. ; great-grandson of Gen. Daniel Bissell, U. S. Army. Von Schirach, Frederick O. (Captain U. S. A.). Birn in Prussia. Retired ; appointed from Mo. Civil life. Actualrank Mus. band and Co. A, 54th N. Y. Inf., Oct. 14, '61, to M ir. 1, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 54th N. Y. Inf. Mar. 1 , '62 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 1, '63 ; hon. must, out May 27, '63 ; 1st Lieut. Vet. Res. C.>rps May 26, '63 ; accepted May 28, '63 ; Capt. Vet. Res. Corps March 25, '65 ; accepted April 1, '65 ; hon. must, out WAG RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY 619 Jan. 6, '67 ; 1st Lieut. 43d Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Jan. 7, '67 ; unassigned April 7, '69 ; retired with rank of Capt. Dae. 15, 70, loss of right leg from wound in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious ser- vices in the 2d battle of Bull Run, Va.; Bvt. Maj. Vols. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service Served at New York, Annapolis, Washington, Georgetown Heights, and campaign under General Patterson ; on duty at Harrisburg, Williamsport and Elmira, guarding prisoners of war; Scran- ton and other places to quell dralt riots ; garrison duty and guarding medical stores at Washington, D. C. ; awaiting orders at St. Louis; staff duty in Freed- men's Bureau at Baltimore; Fort Wayne, Mich ; unassigned April 7, '69 ; wait- ing orders at Philadelphia; on duty under General Canby, Va., in summer '69 ; waiting orders at Philadelphia; on duty at Freedmen'a Bureau, Charleston, 8. C. ; in charge of claims and bounty cases from fall of '69 to February, '70 ; retired with full rank of Captain Dec. 15, '70. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the campaigns of Shenandoah Valley, Luray Valley, R'ippahannock, Rapidan, en- gagements and baltles at Cross Keys, Freeman's Ford, Rapidan, Manassas Junc- tion, 2d Bull Run, and minor engagements and skirmishes; at 2d battle of Bull Run, Aug. 29, '62 (severely wounded and lost right foot), left on the battle-field and made a prisoner of war Aug. 31, f 62, and exchanged Sept., '62. Vose, William P. (Captain 2d Art.). Born in Me., July 19, 1839. Retiring year 1903. Appointed from Me. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, July 1, '60; graduated June 13, '64. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Art. June 13, '64; 1st Lieut. March 8, '65 ; Captain Oct. 2, '83. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. March 29, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the Siege of Petersburg, Va. Vroom, Peter D. (Major and Inspector General). Born in N. J., April 18, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from N. J. Civil life. Actual rank Isc Lieut. Adjt. 1st N. J. Inf. Aug. 13, '62; resigned Sept. 19/63; Major 2d N. J. Cav. Sept. 25, '63; hon. must, out Oct. 24, '65; 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Cav. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted April 9, '66; 1st Lieut. July 28, '66 ; Capt. May 17, '76'; Major and Ins. Gen. Dec. 10, '88; accepted Jan. 17, '89. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. Vol. and Bvt. Col. Vol. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied Reg. Com. 3d Cav. D*c. 1, '66, to May 28, '67; Adjt. 3d Cav. Dec. 28, '68, to May 15, 71. Service In the field during the war of the Rebellion '62 to '65; serv-d in New Mexico and at Camp Halleck, Nevada; on general recruiting service Jan., '71, to Jan., '73 ; with regiment at various stations till '88 ; at Omaha, Neb., as Ins. Gen. Dep. Platte, '90. "Wade, James P. (Colonel 5th Cav.). Born in Ohio, April 14, 1843. Re- tiring year 1907. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 6th Cav. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 24, '61; Lieut. Col. 6th U. S. C. Cav. May 1, '64; Col. Sept. 19, '64 ; hon. must, out April 15, '66; Captain 6th Cav. May 1,*'66; Major 9th Cav. July 28, '66; accepted Sept. 17, '66; Lieut. Col. 10th Cav. March 20, 79; Colonel 5th Cav. April 21, '87. Brevet rank Brevet Captain June 9, '63, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Beverly Ford, Va. ; Brevet Major Dec. 19, '64, gallant and meritorious services in the action at Marion, E. Tenn. ; Brevet Lieut. Colonel and Brevet Colonel March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the war; Brevet Brig. Gen. Vol. Feb. 13, '65, gallant services in the campaign in Southwestern Va. Wagner, Arthur L. (First Lieut. 6th Inf.). Born in Illinois. Appointed from 111. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 70 ; graduated June 16, 75. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. June 16, 75; 1st Lieut. Oct. 18, '82. Wagner, Henry (Captain 1st Cav.). Born in Germany, Jan. 9, 1836. Re- tiring year 1900. Appointed from the army. Actual rank Private, Corporal arid Sergeant general service Co. G, 1st Inf., and Co. F, 3d Inf., April 14, '56, to July 14, '62 ; Com. Sgt. 1st Batt. and Q. M. Sgt. llth Inf. July 14, '62, to March 23, '63; 2d Lieut, llth Infantry Feb. 19, '63; accepted March 23, '63; 1st Lieut. May 5, '64; transferred to 29th Infantry Sept. 21, '66; Captain January 27, '69; unassigned April 25, '69; assigned to 1st Cav. Dae. 31, 70. Brevet rank Brevet Captain April 2, '65, gallant and meritorious services in front of Peters- 620 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. WAL burg, Va. Staff positions occupied Adj. 3d Batt., llth Inf., Nov. 1, '65, to Dec. 9, '65 ; Q. M. 3d Bait., llth Inf., Dec. 9, '65, to Sept. 21, '66; Reg. Q. M. 29th Inf. Dec. 6, '66, to April 25, '69. Wainwright, R. P. Page (First Lieut. 1st Cav.). Born in Philadelphia, Pa., May 19, 1852 ; retiring year 1916. Appointed from New York. Graduated from Military Academy, class of 75. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Cav. June 16, 75 ; 1st Lieut. June 12, '80. Service Assigned to troop K ; joined at Camp Harney, Oregon, Oct. 15, 75; in the field, Nez Perce Campaign, July to Oct., 77; parti- cipated in Bannock Campaign, 78 ; relieved from duty with troop K, and joined troop A as 1st Lieut. July 9, '80; s ationed at Fort Bidwell, Cal., Fort Maginnis, Mont., and Fort Custer, Mont. ; participated in campaign against Crow Indians in '87. Staff positions occupied^., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Camp Harney, Oregon, from Sept., 76, to April 1, 77, when relieved at his own request; Adj. of Maj. Green's command (denominated " Reserve Column ") in Nez Perce Campaign ; from July 2 to Oct. 9, 77 ; Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. of Maj. Green's com- mand, in the field, Bannock Campaign until its close; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. troops in the field, Lieut.-Colonel Forsyth commanding; escort to Dept. Com- mander and Governor of Washington Territory May 22 to June 23, 7'.; Adj. for troops in the field under Lieut.-Colonel Forsyth, from Aug. 16 to Sept. 5, '80; Adj. A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. in summer camp, from April 20 to May 6, '83; Post Adj. ai Fort Bidwell, Cal., April 10 to June 9, '84; A. A. Q. M. and'A. C. S. for troop while changing station from Fort Bidwell, Cal., to Fort Maginnis, Mont., June 9 to July 7, '84; Post Adj., A. O. O., R. 0. at Fort Maginnis, Mont., from Aug. 1, '84, to Jan. 31, '85, when appointed A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Oct. 5, '85 ; relieved from these duties Oct. 1, '86, when appointed Adj. 1st Cav. ; A. A. A. ( \. of troops in the field during "Crow" outbreak, '87. Battles, skirmishes, etc. With troop K in an engagement near Brick Creek, Oregon, July 8, 78, and at Umatilla Agency July 13, 78 ; with troops during tl\e engagement at Crow Agency, Mont., Nov. 5, '87, when "Sword Bearer," or " Wraps up his tail," was killed; up to the present time this was the last Indian fiiht in this country. Commands held In. command of troop K, from May 19 to June 30, '80; troop A, from Julv 16 t > July 28, '80 ; from Oct. 21 to Nov. 19, '80, and from Jan. 25 to Feb. 9, '81 ; in command of troop from May 9 to 25, '84, and from May 23 to June 24, '85. Waite, Henry De H. (First Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in N. Y. App. from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 75 ; graduated June 13, 79. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d Inf. June 13, 79 ; transferred to the 5th Cav. Sep. 4, 79 ; 1st Lieut. June 4, '88. Wakeman, William J. (Capt. and Asst. Surg.). Born in Conn. Dec. 30, 1854. Retiring year, 1918. Appointed from Conn. Civil life. A<-tu. Surg. U. S. A. May 23, '82 ; accepted June 15, '82 ; Capt. and Asst. Surgeon May 23, '87. Service At Columbus Bks, O., Feb., '82, to Aug., as Acting Asst. Surgeon and Asst. Surgeon ; Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., to Sep., '82; Fort Dougla, Utah, to Oct., '82; Fort Fred. Steele, Wyo., to Feb., ? 83 ; Fort D. A. Russell to April, '83; Fort Sidney, Neb., to June, '83; Fort D. A. Russell to Aug., '83; Fort Sidney to Sep., '83; Fort D. A. Russell to July, '84; Fort Washakie, Wyo., to Nov , '86 ; on leave four months; Fort Walla Walla, Wa^h., to Jan., '89 ; Vancouver Bks.,Wash., to Feb., '89; Fort Walla Walla to Nov., '89; Fort Bidwell, Cal., to date. Walcott, William H. (Captain and Bvt. Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Mass. Retired. Appointed from R. I. Civil life. Actual rankPvt. R. I. Lt. Art. May 2, '61; discharged June 1, '61; Sgt. Co. A, 1st R. I. Lt. Art., June 6, '61 ; dis*- torious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ; Bvt. Lieut. Col. and Bvt. Col. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the war. Service In the field in the War of the Rebellion, '61 to '65. Battles, skirmishes, etc. While en- gaged in the 1st Bull Run battle as Sergt. of Co. A, 1st R. I. Lt. Art., a regiment of soldiers was ordered up to support battery ; the officers had left it, and he WAL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 621 took command and marched the regiment into the fight; President Lincoln was informed by some one of his action, and appointed him 1st Lieut. 17th Inf. ; took part in the battle of Gettysburg, and on the second day of the fight lost a leg. Remained fourteen hours before surgical attention was received ; the ampu- tation was accomplished under fire; subsequent examination showed it to have been most unskill fully done, and led to the conclusion that the saw had been withdrawn before going through, and that the unsawed portion of the bone had been broken off. He was borne away, and remained twenty-four hours without shelter and exposed to the beating of a violent storm. During this time the insufficient dressing came off wounded limb, the flesh flaps were unloosed, and a brother who came to his relief found it infected with vermin. Five months after this he was compelled to submit to an operation for necrosis. This left him with a conical stump ; to remove this and thereby be able to wear an artificial limb, another and the third amputation was made on the sixth day of Feb., A.D. '64. Walcutt, Charles, Jr. (Second Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '81 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank2d Lieut. 8th Cav. July 1, '86. Wales, Philip G. (First Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Pa. Appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Feb. 7, '84; ace. March 24, '84; resiarned Nov. 5, '86; re-app. Asst. Surg. June 7, '89 ; accepted June 7, '89. Walke, Willoughby (Second Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in Va. Appointed from Va. Cadet at U.S. Military Academy July 1, 79; graduated June 13, '83. Actual ran 2d Lieut. 2d Art. June 13, '83. Walker, Edgar S. (Second Lieut. 17th Inf.). Born in Mo. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy September 1, '78 ; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank2d Lieut, 17th Inf. June 13, '83. Walker, Freeman V. (First Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Ga. Ap- pointed from Ga. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Asst. Surgeon July 27, '86; accepted Aug. 28, '86. Walker, George B. (First Lieut. 6th Inf.). Born in Ind. Appointed from Ind. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '68; graduated June 14, '72. Ac- tual rank 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. June 14/72 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 15, '80. Walker, John H. (Captain and Bvt. Maj. U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Retired. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rankPvt. Co. D, 13th N. Y. S. M., April 23, '61; discharged June 20, '61; 1st Lieut. 14th Inf. May 14, '61; accepted June 21, '61 ; Capt. May 6, '65; transferred to 23d Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; retired March 27, '69, injuries in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. June 27, '62, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Games' Mill, Va.; Bvt. Maj. Sept. 17, '62, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Md. Staff positions occupied Adj. 2d Batt. 14th Inf., Feb., '65, to May 6, '65. Walker, John P. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ohio. Retired. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '61 ; graduated June 18, '66. Actual rank2d Lieut. 13th Inf. June 18, '66; transferred to 22,1 Inf. Sept. 21, '66; 1st Lieut. Jan. 5, '69 ; unas'-igned May 15, '69 ; assigned to 3d Cav. Dec. 31, 70 ; Capt. Nov. 30, 79 ; retired Nov. 17, '83, disability in line of duty. Staff positions occupied M]. 22d Inf. May 12, '67, to Jan. 31, '68. Walker, Leverett H. (First Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in Penn. Appointed from III. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '67 ; graduated June 12, 71. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. June 12, 71 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 2, 75; transferred to 4th Art. Aug. 12, '82. Service Acting Engineer Officer District of New Mex- ico from March to Sept., 76 ; commanding escort to Wheeler's expedition west of 100th meridian from July to Dec., 73 ; on duty at U. S. Military Academy as Asst. Instructor of Tactics from Sep. 1, 76, to Sep. 3, '80 ; transferred to 4th Art. Aug. 12, '82 ; at various stations till '90, present station being Atlanta, Ga. Walker, Moses B. (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Ohio. Retired. App. from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank Capt. 12th Inf. Aug. 23, '61 ; accepted Nov. 15, '61 ; retired Feb. 19, '66, and with rank of Colonel Nov. 1, '67, for wounds in line of duty; Colonel 31st Ohio Inf. Sept. 27, '61 ; hon. must, out July 20, '65. Jlrevet rank Brevet Major and Brevet Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for gallant and 622 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. WAI, meritorious services during the war ; Brevet Brig. Gen. Vols. March 27, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Walker," Robert C. (Major U. S. A.). Born in Pennsylvania. Retired- signed Sept. 3, 74; reappointed Major, P. M., June 19, '78; accepted June 22, 78 ; retired June 22, '78. Service With Gen. Porter's Division, Army of the Potomac, to May, '62 ; A. C. S. of a Brigade in the 5th Corp*, during General McClellan's and Burnside's campaigns, To Dec., '62; at Newbern, N. C., May to Sept., '63; at Norfolk, Va., to Sept., '64; Baltimore, Md., to June, '65; Harris- burg, Pa., to Aug., '65 ; Atlanta, Ga., and paying troops in Georgia, Sept. to Ort, '65; at St. Louis, Mo., July to Sept., '66 ; paying troops in Arkansas and the In- dian Territory, and Chief Paymaster Dist. of the Northwest; at St. Paul, Minn., Sept., '66, and at various other stations till June, 78, when retired. Walker, Samuel (Second Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Pennsylvania. Retired- Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. H, 13th Pa. Inf., April 25, '61 ; discharged Aug. 6, '61 ; Private and Sergt. Co. F, l">">th Pa. Inf., Aug. 22, '62, to March 12, '64; 2d Lieut. V. R. C. Feb. 20, '64; accepted March 12, '64; hon. must, out Aug. 27, '68; 2d Lieut. 45th Inf. Sept. 16, '68; ac- cepted Sept. 26, '68; unassigned July 22, '69; retired Dec. 31, 70, loss of right leg from wound in line of duty. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. Vols. and Capt, Vols. March 13, '65, for "gallant and meritorious services during the war." Walker, Thomas W. (Captain and Bvt. Major U. S. A.). Born in New Al- bany, Ind., June 16, '33. Retired; appointed from Ind. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '56. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Inf. July 1, '56 ; 1st Lieut. April 11, '61 ; Capt. May 20, '61 ; retired Sept. 11, '63. Brevet rank Bvt. Major June 27, '62, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gaines' Mill, Va. Service At Fort Defiance, N. M., from '56 to '61 ; in the field during the War of the Rebellion '61-3. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the battle of Gaines' Mill. Commands held Regiment at battle of Gaines' Mill. History His parents came from an ancestry of devout ministers and were desirous of having him enter the ministry, but he preferred the profession of arms; President of Norwich Univer- sity at Northfield, Vt., from '67 to '68; studied law in New Jersey and admitted to the Bar of that State, practiced in the Courts from 74 to '83 ; his health fail- ing, he went to Europe, where he has spent much of the time since. Wallace, George D. (Captain 7th Cav.). Born in S. C., June 29, 1849. Retiring year 1913 ; app. from S. C. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of 72. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th Cav. June 14, 72 ; 1st Lieut. June 25, 76 ; Capt. Sept. 23, '85. Sta/ positions occupied Adj. 7th Cavalry June 25, 76, to June 6, Wallace, William M. (Captain 6th Cav.). Born in Wis., Jan. 9, 1844. Retiring year 1908; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 13th N. Y. Art. March 29, '64: hon. must, out May 6, '64; 2d Lieut. 8th Inf. Oct. 2, '66 ; accepted Oct. 26, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 25, '67 ; unassigned May 3, '69; assigned to 6th Cav. Dec. 15, 70; Capt. May 17, 76. Walsh, Robert D. (Second Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in Cal. Appointed from California. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 78 ; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank2d Lieut, 22d Inf. June 13, '83 ; transferred to 4th Cav. Sep. 13, '83, to rank in Cav. June 13, '83. Walshe, John C. (Second Lieut. Signal Corps). Born in England. App. from the Army. Actual ran Pvt., Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. 1, 19th Inf., Dec. 20, '69, to Dec. 20, 74 ; Pvt. and Sgt. Sig. Corps Jan. 15, 75, to April 27, '83; 2d Lieut. Sip. Corps April 27, '83 ; accepted April 28, '83. positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 4th Cav. March 25, 70, to April 30, 72. WAR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 623 Waltz, Millard P. (First Lieut. 12th Inf.). Born in Mas*. Appointed from Mass. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 74 ; graduated June 14, 78. A ct- ual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 12th Inf. June 14, 78 ; 2d Lieut. June 28, 78 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 15, '84. Ward, Edward W. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Ky. Appointed from Kv. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. Ky. Scouts Dec. 26, '61 ; Capt. March 24, '63 ; trans, to 3d Ky. Cav. July 27,. '63; hon. must, out July 15, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Cav. July 22, '67 ; accepted Aug. 2, '67 ; 1st Lieut. April 25, '69 ; Capt. Aug. 23, 78 ; retired May 1, 79, disability in line of duty. Staff position occupied A. D. C. Vol. Sept. 4, '62, to March, '63 ; Feb., '65 to July, '65. Ward, Frederick K. (Captain l*t Cav.). Born in Ohio March 19, 1847. Retiring year 1911 ; appointed from Ohio. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '66 ; graduated June 15, 70. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st U. S. CHV. June 15, 70; 1st Lieut. Nov. 11, 75; Capt. Feb. 11, '87. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. from Dec. 29, 73, to'Sept. 1, 74; acting Eng. Off. Dept. Columbia, from Jan. 26, 74, to June 21, 75 ; acting Sig Off. Dept. Columbia from Sept. 1, 74, to June 21, 75; Adjt. 1st Cav. from Dec. 1, '85, to Sept. 30, '86. Ward,G. S. Luttrell (Captain 22d Inf.). Born in Pa. Feb. 12, 1841. Retir- ing year 1905; appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Pa. Cav. May 17, '63 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 5, '64; Capt. Oct. 31, '64; hon. must, out Aug. 7, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 13th Inf. May 11, '66 ; accepted August 11, '66 ; transferred to 31st Infantry September 21, '66 ; transferred to 22d Infantry May 15, '69; 1st Lieutenant July 1, 72 ; Captain April 24, '83. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. August 22, '68, to March 19, '69, November 1, 71, to October 20, '85; A. O. O., A. Chief S. O., A. A. Q. M., July 5, 70, to Feb. 7, 71. Honorably mentioned Brevet confirmations by the U. S. Senate March 1, '69, for which no commissions were issued in consequence of an act of Congress approved March 1, '69; 1-st Lieut, for gallant services at the battle of Hatcher's Run, Va., Dec. 8, '64 ; captain for gallant and meritorious service* in the campaign terminating in Lee's surrender April 9, '65, to rank from March 2, '67. Service In the field in the War of the Rebellion '63 to '65; accepted Aug. 11, '66; reported for duty at Newport Bks., Ky., Sept., '66 ; transferred to 31st Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; in command of Co. K, 31st Inf., en route from Governor's Island, N. Y. H., to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Oct., '66 ; on duty at Fort Leavenworth until May, '67 ; comdg. Co. and adjt. Bat. 13th, 22d and 31st Inf., en route to Ft. Stevenson, Dakota; comdg. Bat. 21st Inf. at Ft. Stevenson until June, '68 ; on leave from June, '68, to Aug. 22, '68 ; on duty at Ft. Stevenson from April, '69, to May 27, '69 ; on leave June, '69, to July, '69; at Fort Sully until June 12, 70; on duty at hdqrs. Dept. of Dakota, St. Paul, Minn., from July 5, 70, to Feb. 7, 71 ; awaiting orders, Fort Snelling, Minn., Feb. 7, 71, to May, 71 ; on duty at Ft. Randall, D. T., from May, 71, to Sept., 71 ; on Yellowstone expedition commanded by Maj. J. N. G. Whistler Sept. and Oct., 71, and at various stations till '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle of Brandy Station, action of Aldie, battle of Gettysburg, actions of Shepherdstown, Cul pepper Court- House, Occoquan, battle of New Hope Church and action of Parker's Store : at headquarters Army of the Potomac Feb., '64; engaged at the battles of the Wilderness SpottsylvaniaC. H.,,'North AnnaJCold Harbor and siege of Petersburg June to Dec., '64; engaged at the battle of Boydton Road, Va.; commanding squadron and engaged at battle of Hatcher's Run, Va., Dec. 8, '64 (severely wounded). Ward, Henry Clay (Captain 16th Inf.). Born in Worcester, Mass., Sept. 10,1843. Retiring year 1907 ; app. from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank Priv. Co. D, and Sgt. Major 15th Mass. Inf., July 31, '61, to April 9, '63; 2d Lieut. 15th Mass. Inf. April 9, '63; hon. must, out Sept. 4, '63; 1st Lieut. 57th Mass. Inf. March 9, '64; Capt. July 31, '64; hon. must, out July 30, '65; 2d Lieut,, llth Inf. Feb. 23, '66; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '66; accepted May 1, '66; transferred to 16th Inf. April 14, '69; Capt. Feb. 8, '80. Brevet rankBvt. Capt. March 2, '67, gal- lant and meritorious services in action at Fort Steadman, Va., March 24, '65. Service In the field during the war of the Rebellion '61-5; assigned to 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, on organization, spring of '62 ; in Grand Review 624 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. WAR of Army of Potomac, in Washington, at close of war. Staff positions occupied K. Q. M. 16th Inf. March 1, 75, to Feb. 8, '80. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Partici- pated in battles of Ball's Bluff, Va., Oct. 21, '61 ; swam Potomac River at night after the battle to prevent capture ; engaged in battles before Yorktown, Chicka- hominy Swamps, Fair Oaks, battles before Richmond, Va., Seven Days' Battles, including Malvern Hill and White Oak Swamp, Second Bull Run, Frederu-ks- burg and Aritietam (wounded); volunteered to assist in laying of pontoon bridge in front of Fredericksburg, on Rappahannock River, under deadly fire of enemy; at 2d battle of Fredericksburg and at Gettysburg; joined Army" of Potomac in battle's of Wilderness May 6, '64 ; assisted in saving colors of 57th Mass., when regiment was almost decimated; Spottsylvania May 10 and 12, '64 (wounded), battles of Cold Harbor, before Petersburg, Weldon R. R., Yellow Tavern and Fort Steadman, March 24, '65, when taken prisoner while in command of the picket line covering the front of 9th Corps directly in front of Petersburg ; con- fined in Libby prison at Richmond, Va., until Sunday, April 2, '65, when released with all prisoners in the city, immediately exchanged, joined regiment in closing battles of war. Commands held Regiment at close of war. ///*/ //// Descendant of Gen. Artemas Ward and brother of Gen. George H. Ward, U. S. Vol., killed at Gettvsburg. Ward, Thomas (Major and Asst. Adj. General). Born in N. V. March 18, 1839. Retiring year 1903 ; appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Acad- emy July 1, '59; graduated June 11, '63. Actual ran 2d Lieut. 1st Art. June 11, '63 ; 1st Lieut. July 18, '64 ; Capt. Nov. 1, 76; Major A. A. G. June 28, '84 ; accepted July 9, '84. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. June 3, '64, gallant and meri- torious services in the battle of Cold Harbor, Va. ; Bvt. Capt. March 13, '65, gal- lant and meritorious services during the war. Waring 1 , John K. (First Lieut. 2d Inf.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. May 8, '67 ; accepted May 11, '67 ; 1st Lieut. April 27, 79. Warner, Edward R. (Major and Bvt. Lieut Col. U. S. A.). Born in Pa. Ketired; appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1,'53 ; grad. July 1, '57. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 1st Art. July 1, '57 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Art. Dec. 3, '58 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61 ; Lieut. Col. 1st N. Y. Art. Nov. 1, VJ ; lion, must, out June 21, '65 ; Capt. 3d Art. July 28, '6, to Feb.. '67 ; transferred to 27th Inf. Sept., '63 ; 1st Lieut. 27th Inf. Jan. 7, '67 ; at Fort McPhewon, Neb., to May, '67 ; en route with recruits to Fort Philip Kear- WAT EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICEES OF U. S. ARMY. 625 ney, D. T., to July, '67 ; regimental Quartermaster July, '67, to June, '69 ; post commissary of subsistence to Dec., '67, and post Quartermaster to Aug., '68 ; en route to Fort D. A. Russell, D. T., and North Platte Station, Neb., engaged in an expedition against hostile Indians from Sept., '68 ; transferred to 9th Inf. June 14, '69; transferred to 14th Inf. May 22, '71 ; Regt Q. M. 14th Inf. Jan. 1, 73 ; resigned R. Q.M. 14th Inf. June 30, '78; Capt. 14th Inf. April 2, '83. "Warren, James G. (First Lieut, of Engineers). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '77; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank Additional 2d Lieut. Eng. June 11, '81; 2d Lieut. April 5, '82; 1st Lieut. March 26, '83. Staff position* occupied Batt. Adjt. Dec. 6, '87. Warwick, Oliver B. (First Lieut. 18th Inf.). Born in Ala. Appointed from Ala. Civil life. Actual rank Cadet M. A. Sept. 1, '68. to Feb. 6, 73 ; 2d Linir. 18th Inf. Oct. 1, 73 ; accepted Oct. 15, 73; 1st Lieut. Feb. 20, '82. Waterbury, William M. (Capt. 13th Inf.). Born iu N. Y. April 21, 1841. Retiring year 1905; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank 2iv.. until Aug., '63 ; resigned as Capt. 1st Mich. Cav., and joined 8th Inf. at N. Y. City Aug. 2, '63; on detached service with Confederate prisoners of war to Johnson Island, O., Oct. 29, '63 ; on d. H. with prisoners to New Orleans, La., Dec. 26. Y,:J : <>n d. s. with prisoners to Fortress Monroe, Va., Feb. 8, '64; at Hart's Island, N. Y., w^th com- pany until April 21, '64 ; leaving that day, arrived at Warrenton June., Va., April 28, '64, reporting for duty with Army of the Potomac, 9th Army Corps, remaining until June 21, '64, with that Corps; detailed as Com. of Musters, 18ih Army Corps; remained on duty as such till Dec. 16, '64, when relieved at his own re- quest and ordered to duty with regiment ; while on duty with 18th Army Corps engaged in siege of Petersburg; joined regiment at Baltimore, Md., Dec. 26, <>. History Grandson of Major General Alexander Macomb, U. S. Army; enlisted as private in Capt. Landis' Independent Company Vol. Art. Sep. 15, '62; served in defense of Penna. at Chambersburg; hon. discharged with company Sep. 26, '62; appointed aid U. S. coast survey Nov. 26, '62; served with North and South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, IT. S. Navy, during the war; resigned Aug. 1, ''.<;. Wever, Benjamin S. (First Lieut. 1st Inf.). Born in N. Y. App. from N. Y. Graduated Irom Mil. Acad., class of '80. Actual rank 2d Lieut 1st Inf. June 12, '80; 1st Lieut, April 14, '87. Wham, Joseph W. (M.ijor and Paymaster). Born in 111., Jan. 18, 1840. Retiring year 1904. App. from 111. Civil life. Actual rankPvt. and Sgt. ( ' >. G, 21st 111 Inf., June 10, '61, to July 27, '65; 1st Lieut. 21st III. Inf. July '65; hon. must. out. Dec. 16, '65; 2d Lieut. 35th Inf. May 22, '67; accepted May 31, '67; hon. discharged Jan. 1, 71; Major and Paymaster March 3, 77; accepted March 6, 77. Wharton, John S. (Captain U. S. A.) Born in X. Y. Retired. App. from N . Y. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 14th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 28, '61; Capt, June 30, '65 ; unassigned July 22, '69; assigned to 19th Inf. Deo. 70 ; retired Dec. 18, '86. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt, Aug. 30, '62, gallant and mer- itorious services in the battle of Bull Run (2d), Va. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. May 27, '69, to Aug. 20, '85. Wheato -, Charles (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Rhode Island May 31, 1835. Retired. Appointed from K. I. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 2-1 M Inf. May 25, '61 ; hon. must, out July 2U. '>2; Capt. and C m. of Sub. (Vol.) July 17, '62; accepted July 27, '62 ; Lieut. Col. and Com. of Sub (Vol ) June 9, '(i Jan. 8, '66 ; hon. must, out May 31, '66; Capt. 33d Inf. July 17, '67; accepted Aug. 12, '67; unassigned May 3, '69; assigned to 23d Inf. Dec. 15, 70; retired June 22, '89. Brevet rank Brevet Major Vol. March 13, '65, for meritorious serv- ices in his department during the war; Brevet Lieut. Col. and Col. Vol. Dec. 1, '65, for faithful and meritorious services in the subsistence department. Honor- ably mentioned In " Records of the Rebellion," in reports on the battle of Antie- tam, vol. xix. series 1, part 1, pp. 495-7. Service In the field in Virginia and the Shenandoah Valley '61-2 ; Insp. of Sub. Dept. of the South Aug., '63, to Feb., '64 ; Chief C. S. in the field in Florida '64; Chief Com. of Sub. in the field, Army of the James, July, '64, to Jan., '65; Acting Chief Com. of Sub. 25th Corps Jan.. to June, '65; Lieut. Col., Chief Com. of Sub. 25th Corps June, '65, to Jan., '66, and of the Dist. of the Rio Grande, Texas; joined regiment Sept., '67, at At- lanta, Ga., and on company and garrison duty at that station to Dec., '67 ; Pro- visional Secretary of State and Comptroller General of State of Georgia Dec., '67, to Aug., '68, uncier reconstruction laws; at Huntsville and Jacksonville, Ala., Aug., '68, to March, '69; and on duty at Columbia, S. C., March, '69, to May, '69; unassigned May 3, '69; and on reconstruction duty in Virginia, and recruiting at Boston, Mass., May, '69, to Feb., 71 ; assigned to 23d Inf. Jan. 1, 71 ; joined at Fort Colville, Wash. Ty., May 21, 71, to June, 72 ; en route for Dept. of Arizona June, 72, and in Arizona, station Camp Hualpai, to May, 73; at Fort Yuma, Cal., May, 73, to July, 74; en route for, and at Omaha Barracks, Neb., July, 74. to May, 75; at camp on Pawnee Reservation Neb., May to Aug., 75; and at Omaha Barracks, Neb., to May, 76 ; en route for, and at Fort McPheraon, Neb., May to Oct., 76; in winter campaign, under Gen. Crook, against Sioux Indians, Oct., 76, to Jan., 77 ; on duty at Omaha Barracks, Neb., to Feb., 77 ; at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Feb., 77, to Feb., 79; and en route for Camp on North Fork Canadian River, Indian Ty., Feb. and March, 79; in camp and cantonment North Fork Canadian River, Indian Ty., March, 79, to Sept., '80 ; on recruiting WHE KECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 633 detail at Buffalo, N. Y., Oct., '80, to Oct., '82; at Fort Bliss, Texas, Oct., '82, to June, '84 ; at Fort Wayne, Mich., June, '84, to Feb., '89 ; at International Encamp- ment, Chicago, 111., Oct., '87; and in camp with State Troops Michigan at Mack- inac Island, Mich., July, '88; retired June 22, '89, for disability contracted in line of duty. Staff positions occupied A. A. D. C. in the Florida campaign '64. Battle*, skirmishes, etc. In actions at Newtown, Bartonsville, Kernstown Heights and Winchester, Va., in March, April and May, '62 ; engaged in battles of Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock Station, South Mountain, Antietam and Chancellors- ville, Va. ; in the Florida campaign, and engaged in the batlle of Olustee and action of King's Road, Fla., '64; Army of the James July, '64, to Jan., '65; pres- ent at attack on Fort Darling, and actions of Deep Bottom, Laurel Hill, Fort Harri- son, New Market Heights, siege of Petersburg and Richmond, operations around Richmond, Va., and occupation of same on the morning of April 3, '65. G>m- mands held Fort Colville, W. T., May 21, 71, to June, '72 ; Fort Yuma. Cal., May, '73, to July, '74; camp on Pawnee Reservation, Neb., May to Aug., '75; canton- ment on North Fork of Canadian River, Ind. Ter., at various times between March, '79, and Sept., '80 ; Fort Bliss, Texas, at various times between Oct., '82, and June, '84 ; Fort Wayne, Mich., at various times between June, '84, and Feb., '89. Wheaton, Frank (Colonel 2d Inf., Bvt. Major Gen. U. S. A.). Born in R. I. May 8, 1833. Retiring year 1897. Appointed from R. I. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 1st Cav. March 3, '55 ; accepted July 20, '55 ; Capt. 4th Cav. March 1, '61 ; Major 2d Cav. Nov. 5, '63 ; Lieut. Col. 39th Inf. July 28, '66 ; ac- cepted Nov. 15, '66; trans, to 21st Inf. March 15, '69 ; C .1. 2d Inf. Dec. 15, 74 ; Lieut. Col. 2d R. I. Vol. Inf. July 10, '61 ; Col. July 21, '61 ; Brig. Gen. Nov. 29, '62 ; accepted Dec. 14, '62 ; hon. must. out. April 30, '66. Brevet rank Brevet Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Army May 5, '64, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Wilderness, Va. ; Colonel U. S. Army Oct. 19, '64, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cedar Creek, Va. ; Brigadier General U. S. Army March 13, '65, for gallant and mtritorious services at the capture of Petersburg, Va. ; Maj. Gen. U. S. Army March 13, '65, for gal. and mer. services in the field during the war; Major General U.S. Vols. Oct. 19, '64, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of the Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Middle- ton, Va. Service At Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, Mo., Nov., '55; Ft. Leaven- worth and in quelling Kansas border troubles to Aug., '56 ; escorting Sioux cap- tive chiefs to Fort Kearney, Neb., Aug., '55, and engaged in action with Cheyenne Indians on Wood River, near Ft. Kearney; at Ft. Leavenworth Nov., '56; on reg. recruiting service to Feb., '57 ; Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, to May, '57 ; on Cheyenne expedition to July, '57 ; at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., to Nov., '57 ; and at Washington, D. C., Philadelphia, Pa., St. Louis, Mo., and while organizing the Utah expedition, at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., till May, '58; with regiment en route to Council Grove, I. T., and Ft. Gibson, C. N., and in the protection of Fort Ar- buckle, C. N. ; scouting duty, on survey of the Military Reservation of Fort Arbuckle and establishment of FortCobb, I. T., to April, '60; on general recruit- ing service, mustering and inspecting duty, Albany, N. Y., to July, '61 ; in the field in the war of the Rebellion from '61 to '65 ; organizing regiment and at New Orleans, La., Dec., '66, to Sept., '67; member of Retiring Bo ird, New York City, March to Nov., '68 ; at Fort Sherman, Idaho, Dec., 74, to 'a6 ; at Fort Omaha, '86 to . Staff positions occupied Adjutant, Quartermaster and Commissary of Subsistence on the staff of Major Sedgwick, commanding centre column Cheyenne expedition, to July, '57 ; Regimenial Quartermaster and Aide-de-Camp to Colonel Summer, commanding the expedition ; Aide-de-Camp to General Smith, commanding Department of the West, Nov. 25, '57, till his death, May 17, '58; Aide-de-Camp to General Harney, commanding Utah expedition, to Au, for faithful and meritorious services during the campaign against the city of Mobile and its de- fenses. Honorably mentioned In the Records of Rebellion," in report on bat- tle of Shiloh, vol. x. part i. p. 127 ; capture of Vicksburg, vol. xxiv. part i. p. 649, as far as published ; for services in suppressing Fenian raid and capture of raiders on the Province of Manitoba, October, '71 ; received the thanks, officially, of Major-General W. S. Hancock, Commander Department of Dakota, and of the British Government, conveyed by the British Minister at Washington, through the Secretary of War, also thanks of the Lieutenant-Governor of Mani- toba. Service In the field during the war of the rebellion '61, to '65 ; in western Louisiana and eastern Texas until mustered out of volunteer service May 4, '66; at Nashville and Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Grenada, Mississippi, Octo- ber, '66, until May, '67 ; on reconstruction duty in Mississippi, May, '(57, to Oct., '67, at Corinth, Miss., until April, '69; at Headquarters Department of Mississippi until Sept., '69; at Fort Ripley, Minn., Oct. and Nov., '69; at Fort Abercrombie, Dak., Nov., '69, to May, '70 ; established post of Fort Pembina, Dak. ; at post 70- 73; suppressed Fenian raid and captured raiders on the Province of Manitoba, Oct., '71; in Custer's expedition to the Black Hills, July and Autany, etc. (See p. 137 et seg., vol. i.) The organization ceased to exist for want of funds ; its records and results rest in the archives of the Engineer Dept., and it* functions, as a whole, are not represented elsewhere in the Government. These surveys have received the approval and commendation of the highest authorities connected with the elaborate and most accurate physical surveys of Europe, in- cluding Field Marshal General the Count von Moltke. He has matured projects for the Astronomic, Geodetic, Topographic, Hypsometric and Cartographic field and office operations necessary for the complete Geographic Survey of the greatest accuracy of the whole U. S. after the most approved scientific methods, and haa received diplomas as Honorary and Corresponding Member of more than forty scientific and other learned societies at home and abroad. During the expedition of '69 the plan was conceived for a connected and systematic physical survey of the whole Western Mountain Region, a project for which was authorized by Act of Congress of June 10, 72. During the progress of Geographical Surveys he in- troduced many new instruments and apparatus and added largely to the progress of field and office method* of extended surveying, especially in the Astronomic, Geodetic, Topographic and Hypsometric Departments. At present engaged upon the completion of a report and notes on organization and functions of General Staff and Intelligence Departments. 638 EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. WHE Wheeler, Homer W. (First Lieut. 5th Cav.). Born in Vermont. App. fromJCansas Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 5th Cav. Oct. 15, 75; accepted Nov. 4, 75; 1st Lieut. Oct. J3, '84. Wheeler, William B. (First Lieut. 18th Inf.). Born in New York. App. from Iowa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '67 ; graduated June 12, 71. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. June 12, 71 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 6. '82. Wheeler, William H. (First Lieut, llth Inf.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Wisconsin. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. Sept. 1, 70; graduated June 17, 74. Actual rank2(\ Lieut, llth Inf. June 17, 74; 1st Lieut. Oct. 9, '85. Wherry, William M. (Captain 6th Inf., Brevet Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Missouri Sept. 13, 1836. Retiring year 1900. Appointed from Missouri Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 3d Mo. Inf. May 8, '61; hon. must, out Aug. 17, '61 ; Major, A. D. C., Mav 12, '64; accepted May 31, '64; hon. must, out Feb. 9, '66 ; 1st Lieut. 13th U. S. Inf. Oct. 26, *61 ; accepted Oct. 26, '61 ; Captain April 5, '66; transferred to 31st Inf. Sept. 21, '66; unassigned May 15, '69 ; assigned to 6th Inf. Feb. 15, 70. firevet rank Brevet Captain Sept. 1, '64, for gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign ; Brevet Major Dec. 16, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Franklin and Nashville, Tenn. ; Brevet Lieut. Col. and Brevet Colonel March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war; Brevet Col. Vols. March 13, '65, for gallant and merito- rious services during the late campaign in Georgia and Tennessee ; Brevet Brig. Gen. Vols., for gallant and meritorious services. Service At Rolla, Mo., June to July, '61 ; en route to Springfield, Mo,, July 1, '61 ; at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Oct. to Dec., '61; mustering and disbursing officer St. Louis, Mo., to July, '62; commanding paroled U. S. prisoners of war at Benton Barracks, Mo., to Sept., '62 ; engaged in campaigns in Southwest Mi-souri and Northwest Arkansas to April, '63; and in Middle Tennessee to May, '63; at Headquarters Dept. of Mis- souri, St. Louis, Mo., to Jan., '64; with the Army of the Ohio to Jan., '65; in the campaign against and pursuit of the rebel General Hood Jan. to Feb., bearer of rolls and terms of surrender of General Johnston's army to Washing- ton, D. C. ; with General Schofield in Europe Nov., '65, to Jan., '66; at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and en route to and at Fort Rice, I). T., to April, '07; assigned to duty at the Headquarters Dept. of Dakota, St. Paul, Minn, (order changed while en route) ; at Headquarters Dept. of the Missouri, Fort Leaveuworth, Kan., and St. Louis, Mo., March, '69, to May, 70 ; with General Schofield at Headquarters Mil. Div'n of the Pacific, May, 70, to July, 76 ; at U. S. Mil. Acad., West Point, N. Y., July, 76, to Jan., '81 ; at New York City Jan., '81, to Oct., '82 ; at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., Oct., '82, to Nov., '83 (on leave of absence June to Oct., '83), at Headquarters Div. of the Missouri, Chicago, III., Nov., '83, to Oct. 1, '85 ; on leave of absence during the month of Oct., '85 ; joined regiment at Fort Douglass, Utah, Oct. 29, '85, to July, '86; en route from Fort Douglass to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., July 2 to July 4, '86; at Fort Leavenworth, July 4, '86. to April 25, '89; Instructor of Military, Constitutional and International Law, U. S. Inf. and Cav. School, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., Sept., '86, to Nov., '87 ; Instructor in charge of Department of Law, U. S. Inf. and Cav. School, Nov. 15, '87, to April 25, '89 ; at Newport Barracks, Ky., April 27, '89, to . Staff positions occupied Adjt. of Battalion, July, '61; Aid-de-camp to Gen. N. Lyon July 19, '61, to Aucr. 10, '61 ; Aid-de-camp to Gen. Schofield Sept., '62, to Feb., '66 ; Major and Aid-de-Camp U. S. Vols. May, '64; Aid-de-Camp and Mil. Sec. to General Sohofield commanding 1st Mil. District, Richmond, Va., May, '67, to June, '68 ; Aid-de-camp to General Schofield, Sect'y of War, Washington, D. C , June, '68, to March, '69; A. A. A. G. of Dept. of West Point, in addition to duties as Aid- de-camp, April, 77, to Jan., '81 ; Aid-de-camp to Gen. Schofield at Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., Oct., '82, to Nov., '83. Battle*, *!:irmi*he*, etc. Engaged at the capture of Camp Jackson, Mo., '61 ; action of Dug Spring and battle of Wil- son's Creek, Mo., Aug., '61 ; at the demonstration against Buzzard's Roost, battles of Resaca and Dallas ; movement against Lost Mountain, action of Gulp's Farm, battle of Kenesaw Mountain ; operations in front of Atlanta, battle and siege of A'lanta, action of Rough and Ready Station, and battles of Jonesboro' and Love- WHI EECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 639 joy Station ; actions of Columbia and Spring Hill, battles of Franklin and Nash- ville; in the movement to the mouth of Cape Fear River, via Washington, D. C , and Cincinnati, O., Jan. to Feb'y, '65; engaged at the action of Sugarloaf Hill, captures of Fort Anderson and Wilmington, N. C., action near Kingston, occupa- tion of that place, and the surrender of the rebel General J. E. Johnston at Dur- ham Station. Commands held Commanded company at Holla, Mo., June to July, '61; commanded company at Fort Douglass, Utah, Oct. 29, '85, to July, '86; company at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., July 4, '86, to April 25, '89; company and Post of Newport Barracks, April 27, '89, to - Whipple, Charles H. (Major and Paymaster). Born in N. Y. June 12, 1849. Retiring year, 1913. Appointed from Minn. Civil life. Actual rank Major, P. M., Feb. 18, '81 ; accented Mar. 11, '81. Whipple, Charles W. (Captain of Ordnance). Born in N. H. Sep. 28, 1846. Retiring year, 1910. Appointed from D. C. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '64 ; graduated June 15, '68. Actual rank2d Lieut. 3d Art. June 15, '68 ; 1st Lieut. Ord. July 19, 75 ; accepted Aug. 15, '75; Captain (14 yrs. ser.) May 9, '85. Service A*st. to Lieut. Metcalf at Phila. '76-77 ; Asst. to Constructor of Ord. Cold Spring, N. Y., 79-81; Asst. on foundry duty at West Point Foundry, '81-83 ; in charee of Ft. Leavenworth Ordnance Depot, Kans. "Whipple, Herbert S. (Second Lieut. 10th Cav.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Wis. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '81 ; graduated June 14, '85. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 10th Cav. June 14, '85. "Whipple, Stephen G. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in Vt. Appointed from Cal. Civil life. Adu il rank Lieut. Col. 1st Batt. Cal. Inf. June 22, '63 ; hon. must. out June 14, '65; Capt. 32d Inf. Jan. 22, '67; accepted Mar. 28, '67 ; unassigned Apr. 19, '69; assigned to 1st Cav. Dec. 15, 70; retired Oct. 31, '84, disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Col. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services. Whipple, William D. (Colonel, Asst. Adjt. Gen. and Bvt. Ma|. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Aug. 2, 1826. Retiring year, 1890 ; appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, '47; graduated July 1, '51. Actual rankRvt. 2d Lieut. 3d Inf. July 1, '51 ; 2d Lieut. Sept. 9, '51; 1st Lieu'. Dec. 31, '56 ; Bvt. Capt. A. A. G. May 11, '61 ; accepted May 18, '61 ; Capt. A. A. G. Aug. 3, '61; Maj. A. A. G. July 17, '62; Lieut. Col. A. A. G. March 3, 75; Col. A. A. G. Feb. 28, '87; Lieut. Col. A. A. D. C. Vol. Feb. 10, '62; accepted April 4, '62; Brig. Gen. July 17, '63; accepted July 17, '63; exp. by con. lim. July 4, '64; Brig. Gen. Sept. 6, '64; accepted Sept. 26, '64; hon. must, out Jan. 15, '66. Brevet, rank Bvt. Lieut. Col., Bvt. Col. and Bvt. Brig. Gen. Mar. 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the Atlanta campaign and in the battles before Nashville, Ten. ; Bvt. Maj. Gen. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the field during the war. Staff positions occupied Col. A. D. C. to the Gen. Jan. 1, 73, to Jan. 1, '81. Whistler, Garland N. (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th Art. Oct. 9, '67 ; accepted Oct. 12, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 7, 74. Whitall, Samuel R. (Captain 16th Inf.). Born in Mich. May 7, 1844. Retir- ing year, 1908 ; appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d N. Y. Art. May 5, '64; hon. must, out Sept. 23, '64; 2d Lieut, llth Inf. March 7, '67; accepted April 10, '67 ; transferred to 16th Inf. April 14, '69; 1st Lieut. March 4, 79 ; Capt. April 14, '87. White, David ( Chaplain U. S. A.). Born in Tenn. Retired; appointed from 111. Civil lite. Actual rankPvt. Co. I, 107th 111. Inf. Aug. 2, '62; dis- charged March 10, '64; Chaplain 107th 111. Inf. March 10, '64; hon. must, out June 21, '65; Chaplain May 15, '66; Post Chaplain April 3, '67 ; accepted June 17. '67 ; retired June 30, '82. White, George Q. (Captain and Bvt. Major U. S. A.). Born in Mass. Re- tired ; appointed from III. Civil life. Actual rankPvt.Co. B, 1st 111. Lt. Art., July 16, '61 ; discharged Jan. 20, '62 ; Capt. A. Q. M. May 12, '62 ; accepted May 31, '62 ; Capt. 44th Inf. July 2, '67 ; accepted July 20, '67 ; unassigned May 27, 640 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. WHI '69; retired Dec. 15, '70, loss of right arm from wound in line of duty. Brewt rank Bvt. Maj. July 2, '67, meritorious services during the Rebellion ; Bvt. Maj. Vol. April 26, '66, faithful services in the Q. M. Dept. (vacated July 20. '67). Service On duty with Mississippi River ram fleet and marine brigades as Quar- termaster and Ordnance Officer from June, '62, to Nov., '64; assigned to duty at New Orleans, La., Dec. 1, '64, as assistant to Gen. S. B. Holabird, Chief Quarter- ,.*~ T\.. .,* * 4 U ,. /^..lf . /"IK I * f ^"V _1 "Tv? 1 _ yx ir of right arm in battle at Belmont, Mo., Nov. 7, '61. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Par- ticipated in engagements at Fredericktown Oct. 21 and Brlmont, Mo., Nov. 7, '61 ; at first siege of Vicksburg June, '62; engagements at Milliken's Bend., La., and Haines' Bluff, Aug., '62; Fort Hindman, Arkansas River, Jan., '63; second siege of Vicksburg March to July, '63, and skirmishes on Mississippi, Yazoo and Tennessee Rivers. White, John C. (Captain U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Retired. Appointed from the Armv. Actual rankPvt. C). A, 17th Pa. Inf., Apr. 18, '61 ; discharged Aug. 2, '61; Pvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. B, 1st Batt. llth Inf., May 8, '63. to June 10, '64; 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. May 18, '64; accepted June 10, '64; 1st Lieut. Sepr. 13, '64; unassigned May 19, '69; assigned to 1st Art. Dec. 31, 70; Capt. July 18, '79; retired Sept. 20, '83, disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. June 18, '64, gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va.; Bvt. Capt. Aug. 19, '64, gallant and meritorious services in the ba'tle on the Weldon Railroad, Va. Staff positions occupied A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Ft. Snelling, Minn.; A. Reg. Q. M. and Chief Q. M., Dist. of Minn., to Mar. 15, '69. Service In the field in the War of the Rebellion '61 to '65 ; served with regiment in Va., near Washington, at Fort Ridgely, Minn., Fort Ransom, D. T., Fort Snellinjr, Minn.; on sick-leave and awaiting orders " by reason of sickness;" unitssigiu'ii May 19, '69; on mounted recruiting service May to Nov., '70; served with regi- ment at Fortress Monroe (graduate Artillery School), Fort Ontario, O^wego, Fort Hamilton, N. Y., Charleston, S. C., Savannah, Geo., Platteburg Barracks ; politi- cal troubles of 76-7, at E>lgefie!d, C. H.,and Columbia, S. C., Tallahassee. Fla.; at Plattsburg Barracks Feb. to Apr., 77; moved with battery D to Fort Independence, B. H.; served in labor riots, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Reading ; at Fort Wood, New York Harbor, from July, 78, to July, 79; with Battery I, at Fort Warren, B. H., and Fort Canby, W. T.; with battery at Fort Stevens. Oregon, Dec., '81, to Apr., '83 ; retired Sept. 20, '83. Battles, skirmishes, etc. With regiment in the 5th Corps, Army of the Potomec; engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Laurel Hill, Spottsylvania, Noith Anna and Bethesda Church, Va.; with regiment in the 9th ana 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac ; in the assault on Petersburg '64 ; with 14th Inf. and engaged at the battle of Weldon Railroad, Va., Aug., '64; captured by rebels and in Libbv Prison, Richmond, Va., to Oct., '64; exchanged Dec., '64; joined regiment at Fort Porter, N. Y. History Responded to President's call for troops in Sept., '62, prior to Antietam, by enrolling with Washington Grays of Philadelphia, and going with them to Harriaiburg (Camp Curtin), and Camp 'Me- Clure, near Chambersburg (service not recognized in record of War Department); after recruiting for some time as captain for 180th Pennsylvania Volunteers (18th Cav.), was mustered as regimental adjutant (1st Lieut.) Nov. 10, '62; mustered out Feb. 26, '63, in consolidation (service not recognized in record of War Dept. Com- mands he Id Plattsburg Barracks Feb. to Apr., 77 ; Fort Wood, N. Y. H., July, 78, to July, 79; Battery I, at Fort Warren, Boston, and Fort Canby, W. T., of Battery and Post of Ft. Stevens, Ore., Dec., '81, to Apr., '83. White, John V. (First Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in Miss. Appointed from Miss. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, Sept. 1, 73; graduated June 15, 77; Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 4th Art. June 15, 77 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. Nov. 22, 77 ; 1st Lieut, Sept. 20, '83. White, Robert H. (Major and Surgeon). Born in Va. Appointed from Pa. Actual rank Asst. Surg. May 14, '67 ; accepted May 31, '67 ; Capt., As*t. Surg. May 14, 70 ; Maj., Surg. May 14, '87. Service At Jacksonville and St. Augustine, WHI RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 641 Fla., to Dec., '67; post surgeon Mobile, Ala., from Dec., '67, to Apr., '73 ; post surg. Fort Porter, N. Y., May, 73, to Nov., '75 ; on det. ser. at New Orleans, La., from Sept., 71, to Feb., 75; on staff of Gen. Brooke, comdg. troops in New Orleans from Nov., 75, to Dec. 29, 79 ; service on staff of Gen. Ord, as attending surgeon, Headqrs. Dept. of Texas, San Antonio, and as post. surg. at Fort Ring- gold, from Jan., '80, to Nov., '83 ; on duty in N. Y. City, and at the U. S. Mil. Acad., West Point, N. Y. Staff positions occupied On s'aff' of Generals Schofield, Howard and Merritt. History Graduate of Jefferson College, Penna., and of the Universitv of N. Y. City. Whiteley, Robert H. K (Col. and Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Md. Retired. Appointed from Del. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, July 1, '26 ; graduated July 1. '30. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 2d Art. July 1,''30; 2d Lieut. July 1, 30; 1st Lieut. Dec. 28, '35; 1st Lieut. Ord. July 9, '38; Capt. March 27, '42 ; Maj. Aug. 3, '61 ; Lieut. Col. June 1, '63 ; Col. Apr. 6, '66 ; retired Apr. 34, 75. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. July 19, '36, gallant conduct in the war against the Florida Indians; Bvt. Col. Mar. 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services in the Ordnance Department ; Bvt. Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, meritorious services in the Ord nance Dept. Whiting, Daniel P. (Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Retired. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U.S. Military Academy July 1. '28; graduated July 1, '32. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. July 1, '32 ; 2d Lieut. Dec. 15, '33; 1st Lieut. June 8, '36 ; Capt. April 18, '45; Major 10th Inf. Dec. 20, '60 ; Lieut. Col. 6th Inf. Feb. 15, '62; retired Nov. 4, '63. Brevet rank Bvt. Major April 18, '47, gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Cerro Gordo. whitman, Royal E. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Me. Retired. Ap- pointed from Me. Civil life. Actual rankSgt. Maj. 23d Me. Inf. Sep. 10, '62 ; discharged March 1, '63; Capt. 23d Me. Inf. March 1, '63 ; hon. must, out Juiy 15, '63 ; Major 30th Me. Inf. Dec. 29, '63 ; Lieut. Col. Sep. 1, '64 ; Col. Aug. 14, '65 ; hon. must, out Aug. 20, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Cav. July 2, '67 ; accepted July 15, '67; 1st Lieut. Aug. 12, '69; retired March 2^ 79, injury in line of duty. Whitney, Folliot A. (Captain 8th Inf.). Born in D". C, March 27, 1842. Retiring year 1906. Appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 1st Md. Vol. Cav. April 25, '62 ; hon. must, out April 7, '63 ; 2d Lieut. Vet. Res. Corps June 6, '63 ; accepted June 11, '63 ; hon. must, out June 18, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Inf. May 15, '66; accepted June 20, '66; 1st Lieut. Nov. 21, '66 ; C*pt. Feb. 6, '82. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut,, Capt. and Major Vol. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services. Staff positions occu/ied A. D. C. from Ort. 16, 75, to March 5, 78 ; R. Q. M. 8th Inf. from May 17, 77, to Oct. 1, 78 ; Adj. 8ih Inf. from July 4, 79, to Feb. 6, '82. Whitney, John (Captain U. S. A.). Born in M^ss. Retired. Appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rank-^gt. Co. D, 2d Ohio Vol. Infantry, April 17, '61 ; discharged Aug. 9, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Inf. Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Aug. 21, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 11, '63 ; resigned April 25, '65 ; Capt. 8th U. S. Vet. Inf. July 31, '65 ; hon. must, out April 27, '66 ; app.2d Lieut. 15th U. S. Inf. May 11, '66; accepted May 25, '66; trans to 24th Inf. Sep. 21, '66 ; 1st Lieut. March 1, '67; trane. to llth Inf. April 25, '69 ; C^pt. Oct. 9, '85; retired April 24, '86, for disability in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Major and Lieut. Col. Vol. Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied Ac-ting A. A. G. Dep. Texas from Nov. 5, 70, to Jan. 6, 71. Whitside, Samuel M. (Major 7th Cav.). Born in Canada Jan. 9, 1839. Retiring year 1903. App. from the Army. Actual rank Priv. General Mounted Ser. and Serg't. Maj. 6th Cav. Nov. 10, '58, to Nov. 4, '61 ; 2 1 Lieut. 6th Cav. Nov. 1 , '61 ; ace. Nov. 4, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 25, '64 ; Capt. Oct. 20, '66 ; Maj. 7th Cav. Apr. 14, '84. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. and Major, March 13, '65, faithful and meritorious service. Service In the field during war of the rebellion '61 to '65; mustering and disbursing officer, State of Rhode Island, Providence, April, '64, to Feb., '65; chief commissary of musters Army of the Shenandoah, mustering out of service 30,000 men; with regiment in Texas from Nov., '6% to Jan., 71 ; on recruiting service at Philadelphia, Pa., Jan., 71, to Jan., 73; with regiment in Arizona 642 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. WIL from Deo., 75, to July, '82; on general recruiting service July, '82, at Washing- ton, D. C M and at various other stations till '90, present station being Fort Riley, Kans. btaff positions occupied A. A. D. C. to General McClellan, and engaged in all the battles of the Army of the Potomac while said army was under his command ; A. A. D. C. to General Banks, and engaged in the operations before Port Hudson; A. A. Q. M. of command; A. D. C. to General Martindale, com- manding District of Washington ; A. D. C. to General Pleasonton, Army of the Pot'-mac ; severely injured at Culpepper Court Jlouse, Va. Whittemore, Edward W. (Major 10th Inf.). Born in Mass. Feb. 13, 1834. Retiring year 1898. App from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 17th Inf. Oct. 24, '61 ; accepted Nov. 4, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 10, '62; Capt. March 10, '65; transferred to 35th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; transferred to 15th Inf. May 12, '69; AIior 10th Inf. Feb. 17, '89. Brevet rank Bvt. Major March 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services. "Whittemore, James M. (Colonel of Ordnance). Born in Mass. March 5, 1836. Retiring year 1900. App. from Mass. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '60. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 2d Art. July 1, *60; 2d Lieut. 3d Art. Sept. 27, '60; transferred to Ordnance May 5, '61 ; l*t Lieut. July 1, '61 ; Capt. March 3, '63 ; Major June 23, '74 ; Lieut. Col. Aug. 2, 79; C.>1. Jan. 3, '87. Brevet n////: Bvt. Major March 13, '65, meritorious services in the ordnance department during the war. Service In the field in the war of the rebellion '61 to '65. Commands held Comdg. Indianapolis Arsenal '65-6; asst. at Watervleit Arsenal '66-9; comdg. Kennebeck Arsenal 70-6; comdg. Frankford Arsenal 76-80; on duty at office of chief of Ord. and in temporary command of Washington Arsenal '80-3, and at various other stations till '90, present station being Rock Island Arsenal, 111. Why te, Frederick (Captain U. S. A.). Born in England. Retired. App. from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank Artificer of Ord. Aug. 1, '43; di* -harir^l Oct. 31, '45; Ord. Storekeeper, Oct. 9, '65; accepted Oct. 10, '65 ; Capt. and Ord. Storekeeper July 28, '66 ; retired June 30, '82. Wietmg, Orlando L. (Firs* Lieutenant 23d Inf.). Born in Pa. App. from N. Y. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of 70. Actual rank Priv. Co. " F," 1st Pa. Lt. Art., June 4. '64; discharged June 9, '65; 2d Lieut. 3dCav. June 15. 7<> ; resigned Dec. 29, 70; 2d Lieut. 23d Inf. July 30, 72; accepted Aug. 3, 72; 1st Lieut. April 25, 77. Wikoff, Charles A. (Major 14th Inf.). Born in Pa. March 8, 1837. Retir- ing year 1901. App. from. Pa. Civil life. Actual rankPn. Co. H., 1st Pa. Inf., April 20, '61 ; discharged June 25, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 15th Inf. May 14, '61 ; accepted June 25, '61 ; Capt. Ausr. 15, '64; transferred to 24th Inf. Sept. 21, '66 ; transferred to llth Inf. April 25, '69; M-ijor 14th Inf. Dec. 8, '86. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. April 7, '62, "gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn.; '' Major Nov. 25, '63, "gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Chicka- maiisra, Ga., and Missionary Ridge, Tenn." Wilcox, John A. (Major 8th Cav.). Born in D. C. Appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st. Cav. March 28, '61 ; accepted April 1, 'til ; 1st Lieut. 4th Cav. May 14, '61 ; Capt. 4th Cav. Dec. 1, '63 ; Major 8th Cav. April 2, 79. Honorably mentioned Complimented by Gen. Griffin commanding 5th Mil. Dist. for surprising Indians ana capturing horses, etc., Mar. 12, '67, fight on Pecos River, Texas; in G. O. No. 6 Hdqrs. Dept. of Texas June 2, 73, mentioned in orders for fight with Kickapoo and Lipan Indians May 18th at Red Molina, Mex. Service Did picket and other duty in Wash, 'till Aug., 61 ; at Fort Leaven- worth from Aug. till Oct., '61 ; at Ft. Kearney and Ft. Laramie scout, and other duty till Dec., '63 ; must, and dis. offr. Dist. of Neb. from Dec.. '63, 'till Aug., '65; parto'f this time was Supt. Vol. Rec. ser. for Kansas and Neb.; Established Coin, depot at Omaha; stationed at. and near San Antonio, Tex.; during Cholera epidemic in camp on Medina; at Fort Griffin latter part of '66; at Fort Mclntosh part of '68 ; when ordered to Ft. Union, N. M., returned to Ft. Mclntosh at own request in '69; did duty at that post 'till 71 ; at Ft. Richardson, Texas, and had manv scouts from that post and captured horses from Indians in 71; in 73 at Ft. Clark doing scouting duty; from 73 'till 79 occupied in scouting duty in Indian WIL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 643 Ter., putting out intruders, etc., and in scouting in Texas', on Staked Plains, '79; stationed at Fork Clark '82 to '84 ; recruiting duty '84 till '88 ; did duty in Texas May, '88 ; marched from Ft. Davis, Texas, to Fort Keogh, Montana, 2200 miles ; stationed there since Sept. 18th, day of arrival. Staff positions occupied Chief Com. of Subs, for the Dist. of Kansas and Neb. Aug., '65 ; A. O. O. and A. Q. M. latter part of '65 ; Dept. C. S. at Ft, Union, N. M., in '68. Commands held Ft. Clark latter part of '66 ; Ft. Mclntosh part of '68. Wilcox, Timothy B. (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in N. Y. Ap- pointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. 6th N. Y. Vol. H. Art., Jan. 4, '65 ; hon. must, out May 11, '65 ; Asst. Surg. U. S. Vol. April 25, '65; ac- cepted May 12, '65 ; hon. must, out June 4, '66; Asst. Surg. U. S. A. May 14, '67 ; accepted May 25, '67; resigned July 1, '68; reapp. Asst. Surg. Nov. 10, '74; ac- cented Nov. 15, '74 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Nov. 10, 79. Wild, Frederick S. (Second Lieut. 17th Inf.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from the Army. Actual rankPvt., Corpl. and Sgt. Co. B, 17th U. S. Inf., from Feb. 21, '87, to Jan. 30, '90 ; 2d Lieut. 17th Inf. Dec. 17, '89 ; accepted Jan. 31, '90. Wilder, Wilber B. (First Lieut. 4th Cav.). Born in Mich. Appointed from Mich. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '77. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th Cav. June 15. 77 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 12, 79. Wilder, William T. (Second Lieut. 19th Inf.). Born in N. C. Appointed from N. C. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '88. Actual rank2d Lieut. 19th Inf. June 11, '88. Wildrick, Abram C. (Major 5th Art., Bvt. Lieut. Col.). Born in N. J. Aug. 5, 1836. Retiring year 1900; appointed from N. J. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '57. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 3d Art. July 1, '57 ; 2d Lieut. Oct. 5, '57 ; 1st Lieut. April 27, '61 ; Capt. Feb. 8, '64 ; Col. 39th N. J. Inf. Oct. 11, '64 ; hon. must, out June 17, '65 ; Major 5th Art. Sep. 14, '83. Brevet rank Bvt, Maj. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Petersburg, Va.; Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the war ; Brig. Gen. Vol. April 2, '65, gallant and meritorious services in front of Peters- burg, Va. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Sep., 14, '69, to May 25, 71. Wilhelm, Thomas (Captain 8th Inf., Bvt. Maj.). Born in Pa., June 30,1839. Retiring year 1903 ; appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Capt. 6th Pa. Rifles April 22, '61 ; hon. must, out July 26, '61 ; Capt. 2d Pa. Heavy Art. Dec. 19, '61; Major Nov. 25, '62; Col. 2d Pro. Pa. Heavy Art. April 20, '64; hon. must, out July 11, '65; Capt. 7th U. S. Vet. Inf. July 19, '65; hon. must, out April 24, '66; 2d Lieut. 8th Inf. May 11, '66; accepted June 13, '66; 1st Lieut. Aug. 14, '66 ; Capt. June 7, 79. Brevet rank Brevet Capt. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of the Wilderness, Va.; Major March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cold Harbor, Va. Staff positions occupied Adj. 8th Inf. March 1, '68, to June 7, 79 ; A. A. I. G. 1st Div., 22d Corps, Army of the Potomac, '64 ; A. A. Qm. and A. C. S. Dec. 28, '67, to June 23, '68 ; A. A. A. G. Dist. of S. C. from Aug. 14, '68, to Feb. 1, '69 ; A. A. A. G. and acting Judge advocate of the Dept. of Arizona from March, 75, to 'Feb., 78 ; on duty as acting Judge advocate at hdqrs. Division of the Pacific and Dept. of Cal. from Feb. 25, '82, to Nov. 8, '82. Service In the field during the war of the rebellion '61 to '65 ; comdg. 1st Brigade, 1st Div., 9th Corps, Army of the Poto- mac '64 ; wounded at the battle of Cold Harbor ; ordered to Philadelphia, Pa., as provost-marshal of that city '66 ; on duty with Co. F, 8th Inf., at Newbern, N. C. from June 30, '66, to Dec. 26, '67 ; on duty with Co. C, at Georgetown, S. C.; on detached service at Salisbury, N. C. superintending work at the National Ceme- tery from Jan. 23 to Feb. 26, '68 ; on duty at Raleigh, N. C., from March 1 to 16 ; at Charleston, S. C., from May 18 to July 20, '68; at Sommerville, S. C., July- Aug., '68 ; at Columbia, S. C., from Aug. 25, '68, to Oct. 23, 70 ; at David's Island, N. Y., from Oct. 28, 70, to July 5, 72; en route to Omaha Barracks, Neb., from July 5-11, 72; at Omaha Barracks, Neb., from July 11, 72, to Oct. 1, 72 ; at Fort D. A. Russell, W. T., from Oct. 2, 72, to July 18, 74; en route to Ariz., from July 18, 74, to Sept. 4, 74 ; at Fort Whipple, Arizona, from Sept. 4, 74, to March 12, 78 ; at Angel Island, Cal., from March 21, 78, to June 27, 78 ; at 644 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. WIL Benicia Barracks, Cal., from June 27, 78, to Feb. 5, '80, and at Angel Island, Cal., Feb. 6, '80 ; at various other stations till '90, present station being Fort Niobrara, Nebr. Wilhelm, William H. (Second Lieut. 10th Inf.). Born in Pa. Appointed from Pa.; graduated from Military Academy, class of '88. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. June 11, '88. Wilkens, Harry E. (Second Lieut. 2d Inf.). Born in Ills., April 22, 1861. Retiring year 192.5 ; appointed from Iowa; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '87. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. June 12, '87. Wilkins, John D. (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Retired. App. from Pa.; graduated from the Mil. Acad. '46. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. July 1, '46; 2d Lieut. 3d Inf. Dec. 31, '46; 1st Lieut. Nov. 10, '51; Capt. April 17, '61 ; Major 15th Inf. May 6, '64; trans, to 33d Inf. Sep. 21, '66; trans, to 8th Inf. March 15, '69; Lieut, Col. Feb. 19, '73: Col. 5th Inf. June 22, '82; retired Aug. 1, '86. Brevtt rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Aug. 20, '47, gallant and meri orious conduct in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco ; Major July 1, '62, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Malvern Hill; Lieut. Col. May 3, '61, gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellors- ville, Va. Staff portion* occupied Mj. 3d Inf. Jan. 19, '56, to May 1, '60. "Wilkinson, John W. (First Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in M >. App. from Mont. Graduated from Mil. Acad., class of 72. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 8th Cav. June 14, 72; trans, to 7th Cav. June 26, 76 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 9, 76. Staff" posi- tion* occupied Adj. 7th Cav. Nov. 30, '81, to Aug. 14, '86. Wilkinson, Melville C. (Captain 3d Inf.). Born in N. Y., Nov. 14, 1835. Retiring year 1899. App. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual ran!:]$t Lieut. 23d N. Y. Inf. May 16, '61; resigned Nov. 7, '61; 1st Lieut. 107th N. Y. Inf. July 28, '62; Capt. Aug. 9, '62; resigned Jan. 26, '63; 1st Lieut. V. R. C. Aug. 13, '63; accepted Aug. 20, '63; Cipt. Dec. 10. '63; accepted Dec. 26, '63; hon. must, out June 30, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 42d Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Oct. 10, '66 ; trans, to 6th Inf. April 22, '69; unassigned June 28, '69; assigned to 3d Inf. Aug. 3, '60 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 1, 71 ; C.ipt. April 24, '86. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Md. ; Capt. March 2, '67, pallant and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Vol. Oct. 16 '65, to Jan. 1, '66 ; A. D. C. April 1, 71, to Aug. 21, 78. Willard, John P. (Major and Paymaster and Brevet Lieut. Colonel). Born in New York, April 18, 1831. Retiring year 1895. Appointed from Wis. Civil life. Actual ra/nfeUt Lieut. 31st Wis. Inf. Dec. 24, '62; hon. must, out April 11, '63; Captain A. D. C. March 11, '63; accepted April 11, '63; hon. must, cut July 10, '66; 2d Lieut. 17th Inf. Feb. 23, '66; lt Lieut. Feb. 23, '66; accepted June 6, '66 ; transferred to 26th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; unas*igned May 19, '69; as- signed to loth Inf. Dec. 15, 70; Captain March 31, 74; Major P.M. March 3, 75; accepted April 11, 75. Brevet rank Brevet Captain March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chattanooga, Tenn.; Brevet Major March 2. '67, gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Atlanta, Ga. ; Brevet Lieut. Colonel March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Nashville, Tenn. ; Brevet Major Vol. June 3, '65, faithful services ; Brevet Lieut. Colonel Vol. and Brevet Colonel Vol. June 3, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the Atlanta campaign and at the battle of Nashville, Tenn. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. July 11, '66, to March 28, 70 ; Reg. Qm. 15th Inf. Oct. 1, 71, to March 31, 74. Service In the field in the War of the Rebellion, '62 to '65 ; at various stations from the close of the war till '90, present otation being Los An- geles, Cal. Battles, skirmishes, etc Engaged at the action of Horner's Gap ; ad- vance on Tullahoma; battles of Lookout mountain, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Missionary Ridge; reconnoissance to Buzzard's Roost; campaign and capture of Atlanta, Ga., and battle of Nashville, Tenn. "Willard, Joseph H. (Captain of Engineers). Born in Illinois, Feb. 28, 1844. Retiring year 1908. Appointed from Illinois. Graduated from Military Academy, Class of '68. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut, of Engineers June 15, '68 ; 2d Lieut. April 23, '69; 1st Lieut. July 11, 71; Captain (14 years' service) June WIL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 645 15, '82. Service On duty with Eng. Batt., '68-72 ; under orders of Col. Newton, Albany, N. Y., '72-0 ; on duty with Eng. Batt., '81-3. Staff positions occvpied Adj. Batt. of Engineers Jan. 3, '81, to June 15, '82. Commands held In command of Co. B, Batt. of Engineers, '82-3. Willard, Wells (Captain and C. S.). Born in Massachusetts. Appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 21st Mass. Inf. Aug. 5, '61 ; hon. must, out Oct. 1, '62; Captain 34th Mass. Inf. Oct. 2, '62; hon. must, out June 16, '65; 2d Lieut. 19th Inf. May 11, '66; accepted Aug. 27, '66; transferred to 37th Inf. Sept. 21, '66; 1st Lieut. Nov. 5, '68; unassigned Aug. 11, '69; assigned to 5th Art. Dec. 31, '70 ; Captain and C. S. May 24, '82 ; accepted June 13, '82. Brevet rank Brevet 1st Lieut. March 2, '67, "gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chantilly, Va. ; " Captain March 2, '67, "gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Newmarket, Va." Staff positions occupied A. D. C. April5, '81, to June 13, '82. Willcox, Charles (First Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Pa. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Oct. 29, '89 ; accepted Oct. 31, '89. Willcox, Cornells De W. (Second Lieut. 2d Art.). Born in Switzerland. App. from Ga. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '85. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Art, June 14, '85. Willcox, Elon P. (First Lieut. 6th Cav.). Born in Detroit, Mich., Nov. 6, 1855. Retiring year 1919 ; app. from Cal. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '78. Actual rank Additional 2d Lieut. 12th Inf. June 14, '78; 2d Lieut. June 28, '78; transferred to 6th Cav. Feb. 13, '82; 1st Lieut. May 21, '86. Service Served continuously in Arizona and New Mexico from Sept., 78, to Oct., '86 ; at Whipple Barracks, Forts Grant, Huachuca, Cummings, Bayard and Stanton ; at Fort Lewis, Colorado, from Sept., '87, to Nov. 28, '90. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. to Comdg. General Department of Arizona, Dec. 5, 78 ; relieved Sept. 4, '82 ; appointed Adj. 6th Cav. in '84 ; appointment disapproved by (Secretary of War on ground of being 2d Lieut. ; was Post Adj. at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., and Forts Cummings and Bayard, N. M., and Lewis, Colorado ; was Acting Judge Advocate, Acting Engineer Officer and Inspector of Target Practice, Department of Arizona, at times from 79 to '82; appointed A. D. C. to Comdg. General Dept. of the Missouri, Oct. 16, '86; relieved April, '87 ; Adj. and Q. M. of Batt. in the field most of time from Sept., '85, to June, '86. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Partici- pated in Cibicu campaign against White Mountain Apaches under Col. Bed wood Price, 6th Cav., in '81, and in the Chiricahua campaign of that year, also in Chir- icahua campaign of succeeding year ; in the field under Gen. George Crook in his Mexican campaign against Ch ricahua Apaches in '83; was actively engaged in the field operating against Geronimo's Apaches continuously from Sept., '85, to June, '86, under Gen. Geo. Crook and afterwards under General Miles. History Son of Brig, and Bvt. M-j. Gen. O. B. Wilcox, of Mich., and grandson of Chan- cellor Elon Farnsworth, First Chancellor of Mich. Willcox, Francis W. (Second Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in Memphis, Tenn. Graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '89. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th Art. June 12, '89. Willcox, Orlando B. (Brig, and Bvt. Major-General U. S. A.). Born in Mich. April 16, 1823 ; retired. Appointed from Mich. Graduated from Mil. Academy, Class ot '47. Actual rank2d Lieut. 4th Art. July 1, '47 ; 1st Lieut. April 30, '50 ; resigned Sept. 10, '57; Colonel 1st Mich Inf. May 1, '61 ; hon. must, out Aug. 16, '62; Brig.-Gen. Vol. July 21, '61; accepted Aug. 20, '62 ; hon. must, out Jan. 15, '66; Coi. 29th Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Sept. 10, '66; transferred to 12th Inf. March 15, '69; Brig.-Gen. Oct. 13, '86; accepted Oct. 13, '86; retired April 16, '67, by operation ot law. Brevet rank Bvt. Brig.-Gen. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spottsylvania Court-House, Va.; Major-Gen. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Petersburg, Va. ; Major-General Vol. Aug. 1, '64, distinguished and gallant services in the several actions since crossing the Kapidan. Service Served with Light Battery G, in war with Mexico, from Sept., '47, to June, '48, and in the summer expedition on the 646 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. WIL Plains, '50 ; served with trraops 4th Art. and Marines in the Anthony Burns Riot, Boston, Mass., May 27 to June 3, '54, and with Co. in Florida, Billy Bowlegs' war, '56-7 ; in the field in the war of the Rebellion, '61 to '65 ; accepted surrender of Petersburg from civil authorities, and took command of city and vicinity until re- lieved by General Warren about April 5 ; marched in command of division to Burksville, Va., April 5, and thence to Washington, D. C., on the assassination of the President; commanded District of Lynchburg, Virginia, from Sep- tember, '66, to March, '69, reconstruction difficulties; transferred as Colonel to the 12th Infantry March 15, '69, and moved with regiment to Pacific Coast; Superintendent general recruiting service from August, 73, to October 74; commanded Dept. of Arizona on brevet commission of Major-General from March, '78, to Sept., '82, operating against Apaches, Chimehuevas, and minor bands of Indians; in command of regiment at Madison Barracks, Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., until retirement April, '87; Military Governor of the Soldiers' Home at Washington, D. C., '90. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Commanded in the capture of Alexandria, Va. ; and Ball's Cav. May 21, '61; captured Fairfax Station, Va., July 18 ; served in command of 2d Brig., 3d Div., Heintzelman's, at battle of Ball Run, July 21, '61, where he was severely wounded in a charge and ciipturnl ; prisoner of war in the Almshouse Hospital, Richmond, Va., Charleston Jail (hostage for the privateers), Castle Pinckney, and Columbia Jail, S. C., and at 8 ilUbury and L : bby Prisons one year and twenty-four days ; exchanged in Aug., '62; commanded 1st Div., 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac, in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam Sept. 14-17, '62 ; commanded 9th Corps in Oct. and Nov., '62; supporting Pleasonton's Cav. operations in the advance of th< and Michigan during the enrollment riots, from June 10 to Sept. 11, '63; marched in command of Division of Rein orcementa for East Tennessee from Nicholasville, Ky., Sept. 17, '63, with which served in Burnside's battle Blue Springs, E. T., Oct. 10, '63, and in command of left wing on retreat from Bull's Gap; occupied Cumberland Gap, holding open communications with Kentucky during siege of Kaoxville, and operated successfully at Mulberry Gap, Jonesville, Jacksonbon/ and Maynanlsviile Nov., '63, and defeated Wheeler's Civalry at Walker's Ford, Clinch River Dec. 2, '63; commanding District of the Clinch until Jan. 15, '64 ; commanded 2,1 Division and the 9th C>rps in skirmishes ;it Straw- berry Plains, rear-guard of the Army of the Ohio, Jan. 21, and near Knoxville Jan. 22, retreating from Dandridge, and in subsequent operations in East Tenn., from Jan. 26 to March 16, '64; commanded 9th Corps en route to Annapolis, Md., inarch and part of April, '64; commanded 3d Division, 9th Cjrps (reorgan- ized under Burnsidt), battles of the Wilderness May 6; North Anna River May 9 (commanding two divisions); 3d Division, Spottsylvania May 12; skirmishes on Tolopotomy May 31 and June 1; battle of Bethesda Church June 3; at Peters- burg June 17 and 18, and July 30; in action on Weldon R. R. Aug. 1<>, 21. 2" ; commanding 1st Division (consolidated), 9th Corps, in action Pegram Hou-c Sept. 30 ; in skirmishes near same Oct. 2 and 8, and at Hatcher's Run <),-t. 27, '64; commanding division in the trenches, siege of Petersburg, from Nov. 29, '64, to Apr.l 3, '65; engaged in action Fort Steadman March 25, and the lines of Petersburg, from March 29 to April 3, when the city fell. History Resigned from 4th Artillery Sept. 10, '57, and settled at Detroit, Mich., in the practice of the law until May, '61; secretary Historical Society of Michigan ; member of Mili- tary State Board for reorganization of Militia; captain Detroit Zouaves; author of " Shoepac Recollections," *' Faca,' 1 an army memoir, and " Philip," a tale of West Point; lectured before University and Legislature of Michigan on preparation for the Civil War. Williams, Arthur (1st Lieut. 3d Inf.). Born in Philadelphia, Pa., April 29, 1849. Retiring year 1913 ; app. from Ky. Civil life; graduated at Inf. and Cav. School Fort Leaven worth, Kan., class of '83. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d Inf. < 31, '74; accepted Nov. 9, 74; l*t Lieut, March 26, '85. Honorably mentioned WIL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 647 Received favorable mention in letters from the Major of the regiment to regimen- tal and department commanders; specially mentioned in reports of the command- ant of the Civ. and Infantry School for '82 and on graduation of the class in '83 ; favorably mentioned in orders No. 10, U. S. Inf. and Cav. School July 16, '87. Service Reported far duty at Jackson Birracks, La., Dec., 74 ; joining Co. I at Alexandria, La., Dec., 71, and at Pineville, La., until May, 77, when posts on Red River, (L i.) were discontinued ; at Mt. Vernon Bks., Ala.; on regiment being ordered North to assist in suppression of labor riots, was left in charge of post; rejoined regiment at Pittsburgh, Pa., in September, 77, and proceeded with it via Cjrinne, Utah, to Montana, with Battalion (Cos. B, D, H and I) on the march from C^rinne t> Missoula; post adjutant, post treas., ordnance and engineer officer at Fort Missoula, from Nov. 14, 77, until Aug., '81; on temporary duty (recruit- ing service) at Columbus Barracks, Ohio, from Sept., '81, to Nov., '81 ; acted in double capacity of student, officer and instructor at U. S. Inf. and Cav. School, Fort Leavenworth, from Dec., '81, to June 3'), '83; detailed as instructor at the U. S. Inf. and Cav. School by order of the Secretary of War July, '83, and assigned as instructor in charge of the Department of Military Surveying and Topography ; continued on duty at the school by special authority of the Secretary of War from July 1, '85, till June 30, '87; joined C >. at Fort Custer, Mont., July 19, '87 ; on duty there during the Crow outbreak Nov., '87 ; appointed Post Topog. officer at Fort Custer and as such surveyed the reservation, autumn '87 and spring of '88 ; changed station to Fort Meade, S. Dak., May, '88. Staff positions occupied Adj., A. A. Q. M., A. C. S., Post Treas. at Alexandria, La., and at Pineville, La., from Dec., 74, until May, 77 ; Adj. of Batt. en route from Corinne to Fort Missoula, M. T., 77; on special duty as Adjutant to Lieut.-Col. George Gibson in connection with the Mullen road improvement, between Forts Missoula and Coeur d' Aiene (Sherman), Idaho, during summer of '80 and '81 ; A. C. S. at Fort Meade, S. D., Aug. 1, '89, to . Commands held Co. from July 19, '87, to . History Graduated at Central High School, Philadelphia, class of Feb., '68, with degree of B. A.; afterwards granted degree of A. M.; Array Paymaster's Clerk '68-74; he is the descendant of soldiers of the wars of the Revolution, of 1812 and of the Black Hawk War, but cannot give the rank held by either his great-grandfather or his grandfather. "Williams, Charles A. (First Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in Va. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 70 ; graduated June 17, 74. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 21st Inf. June *17, 74; 1st Lieut. Nov. 11, 79. Stnff positions occupied Re?. Q. M. 21st Inf. March 25, '84, to March 25, '88. Williams, Charles W. (Captain Asst. Quartermaster). Born in Ky. Sept. 17, 1853. Retiring year 1917. Appointed from Ky. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 71 ; graduated June 16, 75. Actual rank2d Lieut. 18th Inf. June 16, 75 ; Capt. A. Q. M. June 30, 79 ; accepted July 14, 79. Staff positions occupied Disbursing Officer and Post Q. M. Mil. Acad./West Point, N. Y., since Julv 1, '86. Service Awaiting orders and on duty McPherson Bks., Atlanta, Ga., to Jan., '82 ; post Q. M. Fort Brown, Texas, to March, '83 ; at Fort Davis, Texas, to Sept., '83 ; Ch. Q. M. Dept. of Arizona since Oct. 23, '83 ; and at various other stations till '86 ; present station being West Point, N. Y. Williams, Constant (Captain 7th Inf.). Born in Pa. May 25, 1843. Re- tiring year 1907. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. and Sgt. Co. B, 31st and 82d Pa. Inf., July 23, '61, to Sept. 11, '62'; Pvt. Gen. Ser. Feb. 20, '63; discharged June 29, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. June 29, '63 ; accepted June 29, '63 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 1, '64 ; Capt. May 10, 73. Service In the Army of the Potomac, July, '61, to Oct., '62 ; with regiment in the Army of the Potomac to Aug., '63 ; at Fort Schuyler, N. Y., Sept., '63, to March, '64 ; on recruiting duty, New York City, to Oct., '64 ; in New York Harbor to May, '65 ; at St. Augustine, Fla., to Aug., '65; at Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. to Oct., '65; at St. Augustine, Fla., to Dec., '65; at Jacksonville, Fla., to Aug., '66; on general recruiting service, in New York and Pennsylvania, to April, '67 ; general recruiting service, Bedloe's Island, New York, April, '67, and at various other stations till '90, present station being Ft. Logan, Col. Staff positions occupied Aide-de-Camp at headquarters. District 648 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. WIL of East Florida, Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. to Oct., '65 ; Post Adjutant and Provost Marshal General, St. Augustine, Fla., to Dec., '65; Post Adjutant, Jacksonville, Fla., to Feb., '66 ; A. C. S. of Depot and Post of Tallahassee, Fla., to Aug., '66 ; Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. Bedloe's Island April, '67. Williams, Ephraim (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Mass. Appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. Co. C, 27th Mass. Vol. Inf., Aug. 27, '62; discharged April 17, '64; 2d Lieut. l*t U. S. Vol. Inf. April 18, '64; 1st Lieut. July 9, '64; hon. must, out May 10, '66; 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66; ac- cepted May 15, '66 ; 1st Lieut. July 28, '66; retired April 3, '69, for loss of left leg from wound in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Sept. 23, '67, for coolness, gallantry and good conduct in action with the Cheyenne Indians near Pawnee Fork, Kansas, Sept. 23, '67. Williams, George (First Lieut, and Bvt. Capt. U. S. A.). Born in Ohio. Retired; appointed from Oregon Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. April 14, '62; accepted June 28, '62; 1st Lieut. July 14, '63; retired Nov. 11, loss of right leg from wound in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. July '2, 'G3, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. Nov. 22, '66, to Feb. 21, 70. Williams, Henry R. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Retired; ap- pointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Pvt. and Corpl. Co. I), 84:h N. V. Inf., May 18, '61, to Oct. 1, '62; 2d Lieut. 84;h N. Y. Inf. Oct. 1, '62; 1st Lieut. Aug. 18, '63; hon. must, out April 25, '64; pvt. gen. ser. June 16, '64; discharged Jan. 8, '65; 2d L : eut. Vet. Res. Corps Jan. 5, '65; accep'ed Jan. 9, '65; hon. mint. out Jan. 17, '67; 2d Lieut. 45th U. S. Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Jan. 18, 1st Lieut. Dec. 12, '68; unassigned July 22, '69; retired Dec. 15, '70, wounds in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Vols. Nov. 7, '65, gallant and meritori- ous services. Williams, John R. (First Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 72; graduated June 15, 76 ; .Actual rank 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art. June 15, 76 ; 1st Lieut. March 15, '81. Staff positions occupied Prin. Asst. Prof, of French M. A. from Aug. 29, '81, to Aug. 38, '83. Williams, Richard A. (Captain 8th Cav.). Born in Pa. Oct. 13, 1846. Retiring year, 1910; appointed from Pa. Graduated from Mil. Acad., class of 70. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 8th Cav. June 15, 70; 1st Lieut. May 17, 76; Capt. April 24, '86. Service Served and took part in various campaigns again>t Mi-sealero and Jacarilla Apaches in 70-71-72 in New Mexico; campaigns against the Ules and Cheyennes in Colorado and Indian Ter. 73-74; served on Texas border of Rio Grande, between Fort Brown and Fort Ringgold, 75 to 79; participating in several crossings to Mexico in border troubles 75 and 76; at Fort Brown, Texas; scouting at Fort Clark, Texas, part of 79 and '80; Adjutant mounted recruiting service at Cavalry Depot, Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, '81 and '82 (temporary duty); Fort Duncan, Texas, Oct., '82, to April 29, '83; at Fort Clark, Texas, and at various other stations until '90. Staff positions occupied A. A. A. G. Dist. of Rio Grande June, 77, to Jan. 1, 78; Adj. mounted recruiting service at Cav. Depot, Jefferson Barracks, Mo.. '81-2. Battles, skirmishes, etc.lu affair with Kiowas and Comanche Indians June 12, 72, near Ute Creek, N. M., and in action with Kiowa Indians Aug. 16, 72, at Palo Duro River, Texas. Williams, Robert (Colonel and Bvt. Brig. Gen.). Born in Va. Nov. 5, 1829. Retiring year 1893 ; appointed from Va. Graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '61. Actual rankRvt. 2d Lieut. 1st Dragoons July 1, '51 ; 2d Lieut. July 15, '63 ; 1st Lieut. June 7, '66 ; Bvt. Capt, and A. A. G. May 11, '61 ; accepted "May 16, '61 ; Capt. and A. A. G. Aug. 3, '61 ; Col. 1st Mass. Cav. Oct. 7, '61 ; resigned Oct. 1, '62; Major and A. A. G. July 17, '62; Lieut. Col. and A. A. G. Feb. 22, '69; Col. and A. A. G. July 1, '81. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. C.)l. Sept. 24, '64, meritorious and faithful services during the war; C>)L and Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, diligent, faithful and meritorious services in the Adjutant General's department during the war. WIL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 649 Williams, Robert O. (Second Lieut. 15th Inf.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Graduated from Mil. Acad., 'class of '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. July 1, '86. Williams, William M. (First Lieut. 19th Inf.). Born in Ohio May 10, 1841. Retiring year, 1905 ; appointed from Ohio Civil life. Actual rankPriv. Co. G, and Q. M. Sergt. 45th Ohio Inf. July 31 '62, to June 12, '63; 2d Lieut. 45th Ohio Inf. June 12/63; 1st Lieut. April 2, '64; Capt. Feb. 18, '65 ; hon. must. out. June 12, '65; 2d Lieut. 28th Inf. Nov. 13, '67; accepted Nov. 18, '67; transferred to 19th Inf. March 31, '69; 1st Lieut. Nov. 27, '78. Brevet rankBvt. Major Vol. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the pursuit of the rebel guerrilla Morgan through Indiana and Ohio. Williams, William N. (Second Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in Ireland. Re- tired ; appointed from Indiana Civil life. Actual rank 1st Serg't Co. A, 6th Ind. Inf., April 19, '61 ; discharged August 2, '61 ; Serg't Major 6th Ind. Inf., Sept. 20, '61 ; discharged March 29, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 6th Ind. Inf., March 30, '62 ; 1st Lieut., May 29, '62 ; hon. must, out May 3, '64; 1st Lieut. V. R. C., April 23, '64 ; accepted May 4, '64 ; resigned June 30, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Inf., June 18, '67 ; accepted Oct. 19, '67 ; retired June 28, '78. Staff positions occupied A.. D. C. Vol., July 1, '62, to May 5, '63. Williamson, George McK. (Second Lieut. 6th Cav.). Born in Pa. ; app. from Pa. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class, of '87. Actual rank Additional 2d Lieut, 6th Cav., June 12, '87 ; 2d Lieut. Sept. 28, '87. Williston, Edward B. (Major 3d Artillery and Bvt. Col.). Born in Vt., July 15, 1836. Retiring year 1900 ; app. from Cal. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Art., Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Sept. 23, '61 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 27, '61 ; Capt. March 8, '65 ; Major 3d Art., March 22, '85. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt., May 3, '63, gallant and meritorious services in action at Salem Heights, Va. ; Major July 3, '63, gallant and meritorious services in the Gettysburg Campaign ; Lieut. Col., Sept. 19, '64, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Winchester, Va. ; Col. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the war. /Ser- vice On duty with 3d Art. in California, and en route to Washington, D. C., to Dec., '61 ; on duty with Light Battery D, 2d Art., Franklin's Div., and 6th Corps, Army of the Potomac, to July 15, '63 ; en route to California and stationed at San Diego, Fort Yuma and Presidio of San Francisco, to Jan., '67 ; en route to and stationed at Fort Monroe, Va. ; instructor in U. S. Art. School to June, '69 ; transferred to Battery F, 2d Art., and en route to Alaska, commanding District of Renay and post of Kodiak, and A. A. I. G. on the staff' of commanding general, Dept. of Alaska, to Nov., '70 ; stationed at Presidio, en route to Raleigh, N. C., '70-73 ; stationed at Marion and Morganton, N. C., assisting in the suppression of illicit distilling, to April, '77 ; stationed in Washington, D. C., and en route to Texas ; stationed at San Antonio, Fort Clark, Fort Duncan, Corpus Christi and Fort Ringgold, member of the Light Battery Board, etc., to Dec., '81 ; command- ing Light Battery F, 2d Art., at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. ; and instructor of ar- tillery U. S. Inf. and Cav. School. Staff positions occupied A. A. I. G. Dept. of Alaska, to Nov., '70. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the following bat- tles and actions : Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Marye's Heights, Salem Church, Franklin's Crossing, Gettysburg and Funkstown; commanding Horse Battery D, 2d Art., 1st Brigade Horse Art., Army of the Po- tomac, from July 15, '63, to Aug. 8, '65 ; and engaged in the following battles and actions : Culpepper, Raccoon Ford, Rapidan Station, Jack's Shop, Madison Court-House, Rapidan, Morton's Ford, Stevensburg, White Sulphur Springs, Brentville, Oak Hill, second Rapidau, Bealton, Rappahannock Bridge, Muddy Run, Rixeyville, Mine Run, Todd's Tavern, Spottsylvania, C. H., Beaver Dam Station, Ground Squirrel Bridge, Yellow Tavern, Ashland Cross-Roads, Meadow Bridge, Mechanicsville, Milford Station, Hanoverton, Hawes' Shop, Old Church, Cold Harbor, Trevillian Station, White House, Berry ville, Sulphur Springs Bridge, Newtown, Strasburg, Summit Point, Kearneyville, Smithfield, Opequan, second Berryville, Lockis Ford, Winchester, Woodstock, Front Royal, Luray. Commands held Li. Batt. D, from Aug. 5, '62, to July 15, '63 ; District of Renay 41 660 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. WIL and post of Kodiak, Alaska, 70. History Graduate of Norwich University, Vt. ; Civil engineer. Wills, David (Chaplain U. S. A.). Born in Penna. Retired. Appointed from D. C. Actual rank Post Chaplain June 3, 79 ; accepted June 14, 79 ; re- tired Jan. 7, '86. Service At Ft. Walla Walla, W. T., and Ft. Huachuca, Ariz. ; was serving at the latter post during the late Apache war, when three of the cavalry companies stationed there, under the command of Major Lawton, rendered such valuable service in the pursuit and capture of the hostile Indians. This position in the Army brought him more or less in contact with the Indian tribes from Fort Colville to the borders of Mexico. Wills, John H. (Second Lieut. 22d Inf.). Born in Virginia. Appointed from Mo. Graduated from Military Academy, class of '81. Actual rani Add. 2d Lieut. 22d Inf. June 11, '81 ; 2d Lieut. June 30, '81. Wilson, Charles I. (Major and Paymaster). Born in Washington, D. C., May 3, 1837. Retiring year 1901. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rant Asst. Surg. May 28, '61 ; accepted May 31, '61 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. May 28, '66 ; resigned Jan. 1, '67 ; Capt. 16th Inf. Jan. 22, '67 ; accepted March 23, '67 ; unassigned April 17, '69; hon. discharged Dec. 31, 70; Major and Paymaster March 3, 75 ; accepted March 22, 75. Brevet rank Brevet Captain March 13, '65, for meritorious and distinguished services in the battle of Toad's Tavern and Yellow Tavern, Virginia ; Brevet Major March 13, '65, for highly meritorious and distinguished services in his department in twelve engagements in theShenandoah Valley, Virginia; Brevet Major March 2, '67, for meritorious services in battle of Todd's Tavern. Service On duty as Post Surgeon at Fort Leavenworth, and Fort Lamed, Kansas, from Sept., '61, to Sept., '62; on duty at Frederick, Md., from Sept., '62, to Dec., '62, in charge of Confederate Hospitals; reported for duty in Army of the Potomac Dec., '62 ; assigned to duty with Regular Cavalry, and was successively Regimental Surgeon 2d U. S. Cavalry, Surgeon-in-chief Regular Cav- alry Reserve Brigade, Surgeon-in-chief 1st Cavalry Division and Acting Medical Director Cavalry Corps, Middle Military Division (Shenandoah Valley), until early spring of '65 ; as Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. with rank of 1st Lieutenant, parti- cipated in all the Cavalry engagements from spring of '65 ; was on duty in Wash- ington as Hospital Surgeon, Surgeon-in-chief of the defenses of Washington and Post Surgeon at Fort Washington, Md., until Jan. 1, '67, when he resigned the service; appointed Captain 16th Inf., to date Jan. 22, '67, and served with regi- ment until April, '69 ; was then unassigned and shortly after ordered on duty on re- cruiting service ; appointed Major and Paymaster U. S. A. March 3, 75 ; was as- signed to duty in the Dept. of Texas, and served there until May, '81 ; then ordered to the Dept. of the East, station New York City, and served there until June, '85 ; was then ordered to the Dept. of the Platte, station Omaha, Neb., and served there until July, '87 ; was then ordered to Dept. of the Missouri, station St. Louis, Mo., where he has been since, and is at present serving. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Participated in the first battle of Bull Run and in all the Cav. engagements of the Array of the Potomac and Shenandoah Valley. Commands held In command of Bedloe's Island, a sub-depot of recruits and also at David's Island, N. Y. Har- bor, until Dec. 31, 70, when he was honorably discharged the service, at his own request. Wilson, David (Post Chaplain). Born in Pa. Retired ; app. from D. C. Civil life. Actual rankPost, Chaplain June 16, '80 ; accepted June 23, '80 ; re- tired. Wilson, David B. (Captain 25th Inf.). Born in Pa., March 12, 1838. Re- tiring year 1902. App. from Va. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 131st Pa. Inf. Aug. 18, '62 ; hon. must, out May 23, '63 ; 1st Lieut. 1st U. S. Vet. Inf. Aug. 4, '64; hon. must out. Sep. 29, '65; 2d Lieut. 40th Inf. July 28, '66; accepted March 5, '67 ; trans, to 25th Inf. April 20, '69 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 20, 71 ; Capt. July 16, '86. Staff positions occupied Adj. 40th Inf. July 13, '68, to Sep. 15, '68 ; Adj. 25th Inf. Jan. 1, 76, to July 16, '86. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion '62 to '65, and at various stations from the close of the war till '90, pres- ent station being Fort Missoula, Mont. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the WIL RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 651 battles of Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chan- cellorsville and action at Drury's Bluff, Va. Wilson, Eugene T. (Second Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in Ohio. App. from Ohio ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '88. Actual rank Additional 2d Lieut. 5th Art. June 11, '88; 2d Lieut. 1st Art. Dec. 4, '88. Wilson, George S. (Captain 12th Inf.). Born in Ind., Oct. 30, 1842. Re- tiring year 1906. Appointed from Ind. Civil life. Actual rank Corpl. and Sgt. Co. C, 17th Ind. Vol. Inf., from May 31, '61, to Feb. 29, '64; 2d Lieut. 17th Ind. Vol. Inf. March 1, '64; 1st Lieut. June 3, '64; hon. must, out Aug. 8, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 12th U. S. Inf. July 2, '67 ; accepted July 12, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 28, '76; Capt. Feb. 12, '86. Staff positions occupied Adj. 12th Inf. from June 12, 73, to Feb. 20, '75. Service Served during the War of Rebellion '61-65 ; July to Nov., '61, in West Virginia ; Dec., '61, to Feb., '65, in Army of the Cumberland, participating with his regiment in the campaign of that army in Kentucky, Ten- nessee, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia ; regiment served as mounted infantry in " Wilder's Brigade '' from Feb., '63, until mustered out of service ; Feb. to May, '65, on cavalry raid, under Major-General J. H. Wilson, through Alabama and Georgia ; Aug. 8, '65, to July 2, '67, out of service ; reported for duty with 12th Infantry Aug. 1, '67; served in Washington, D. C., and West Va. Aug. to Dec., Dep. bus Bks., Ohio. Battks, xJdrmishes, etc. Participated in the following engage- ments : Assault on Green Briar, W. Va., Oct. 2, '61 ; battle of Hoover's Gap, Tenn., June 24, '63; operations around Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 20 to Sep. 10, '63 ; affair at Thompson's Cove, Tenn., Oct. 3, '63 ; affair at McMinnville, Tenn., Oct. 4, '63 ; battle of Farmington, Tenn., Oct. 7, '63 ; affairs at Woodland, Pumpkin-Vine (twice), Big Shanty, Ga., May 18 to 28, '64 (Atlanta campaign); battle of Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 27, '64 ; affair at Stone Mountain, July 19, '64 ; affair at Flat Rock, Ga., July 27-28, '64 ; in trenches around Atlanta, Ga., under fire Aug. 1 to 14, '64; from Atlanta, Ga., via Rome, down Coosa River, Oct. 5 to 31, '64, ten engagements; Ebenezer Church, Fla., April 1, and Selma, Ala., April 2, '65 (Wilson's cavalry raid); in latter engagement was severely wounded while commanding company. Wilson, James B. (Second Lieut. 5th Inf.). Born in Ireland. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Priv., Corp. and Sergt. Cos. C and D, Batt. of Engineers, and Priv. and Corp. General Service Aug. 23, 73, to Apr. 23, '82 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. March 27, '82 ; accepted Apr. 24, '82. Wilson, James L. (First Lieut. 4th Art.). Born in Va. Appointed from W. Va. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of 74. Actual rankPirf. and Bugler Co. K, 2d W. Va. Inf., Dec. 1, '62, to Dec. 4, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Art. June 17, 74 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 1, '80. Service Joined 2d W. Va. Inf. in Sept., '62, at the age of 13 years and 10 months ; was regularly enrolled as drummer Dec. 1, '62 ; regt. made mounted infantry Aug., '63 ; enrolled as bugler ; regt. consolidated with 3d W. Va. mounted infantry in Sept., '64 ; made 6th W. Va. Vet. Vol. Cav.; con- tinued as bugler ; captured in action in Nov., '64 ; taken to Richmond and served in Pemberton Prison till Feb. 15, '65, when he was paroled ; sent to Col., Ohio ; ex- changed in March ; joined regt. in Washington in April ; ordered with regiment to Fort Leaven worth, Kansas, in June, to Julesburg, Colorado, in July, to Fort Laramie, Dakota Ter., in Sept., to Laramie Bridge, North Platte, in Oct., when term of service expired ; discharged at Omaha Dec., 5 '65 ; appointed through competitive ex. to West Point in 70 ; joined regiment in San Francisco, Cal.; ordered to artillery school, May, 75 ; relieved May, 76 ; joined regt. in Cal.; ordered to Red Cloud Agency with Batt. 4th Art. Aug., 76 (Sioux war) ; to Light Battery, Presidio, Cal., Oct., 76 ; ordered to the field with Light Battery B, 4th Art., equipped as Cav., in 77 ; Nez Perces war in 78, with Light Battery B, as Cav.; Bannock war Sept., '81 ; to Arizona with Battalion 4th Art.; Apache war ; reg. changed station with 1st Art. Nov., '81 ; at various other stations till '90, present station being Jackson Barracks, La. 652 RECORDS OP LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. WIL Wilson, John M. (Lieut. Col. of Engineers and Bvt. Colonel). Born in District of Columbia, Oct. 8, '37. Retiring year 1901 ; appointed from Washing- ton Ter. Graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '60. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 1st Art., July 1, '60; trans, to Ordnance Oct. 9, '60; trans, to 1st Art. Jan. 14, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Art. Jan. 28, '61 ; 1st Lieut. May 14, '61 ; trans, to Top. Eng. July 24, '63 ; trans, to Engineers March 3, '63 ; Captain June 1, '63 ; Lieut. Col. and A. I. G. Vol. May 26, '64, to Aug. 1, '65 ; Major of Engineers June 3, '67 ; Lieut. Col. March 17, '84. Brevet rank Brevet Captain June 27, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Games' Mills, Va. ; Major July 1, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Malvern Hill, Va. ; Lieut. Col. April 8, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Spanish Fort, Mobile Harbor, Ala. ; Col. April 8, '65, for gallant and meritorious services at Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely, Ala. ; Colonel of Volunteers March 26, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the campaign against the city of Mobile and its defenses. Service Served as Asst. Ordnance Officer at Fort Monroe Arsenal, Va., '60-61 ; and at Washington Arsenal '60-61 ; served during the War of the Rebellion in the defenses of Washington April-July, '61 ; in the Manassas Campaign July, '61 ; in the defenses of Washington July, '61, to March, '62 ; in the Virginia Peninsula Campaign March-Aug., '62 ; in the Maryland Cam- paign as Assistant Topographical Engineer, Sept.-Oct. ; '62, as Supt. Engi- neer of construction of defenses of Harper's Ferry, Va., Nov. 1, '62, to March 20, : 63 ; Asst. Prof, of Spanish at U. 8. M. A. March-June, '63 ; Asst. Engineer of the construction of defenses at Baltimore, Md., June- July, '63 ; Superintending Engineer of the defensive works at Memphis, Vicksburg and Natchez Aug., '63, to May, '64; Inspector-General Mil. Div. West Mississippi May, '64, to Sept., '65; in the Mobile Campaign March-May, '65 ; detailed to present to the Secretary of War the Confederate flags captured in the Mobile Campaign May, '65 ; in charge of the construction of fort at Ship Island, Miss., and defenses of New Orleans Sept. 16, '65, to Jan. 10, '66 ; at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and in charge of dispo- sition of engineer property in Arkansas and Missouri Jan. 28, '66, to Sept. 4, '66 ; Asst. Engineer in the improvement of the Hudson River Sept. 4, '66, to Jan. 21, 71 ; Superintending Engineer of Fort* Ontario and Niagara, of harbor improve- ments on Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River, and of the survey of the Third Sub- division of the Northern Transportation route, from the Great Lakes to tide- water, Jan., '71, to Dec. 75 ; Supt. Engineer of Forts Stevens and Canby, of river and harbor improvements in Oregon and Washington Territories, including Columbia, Willamette and Snake Rivers and Cascade Canal, and engineer 13th Light-house District, Dec., 75, to Oct. 21, 78; Supt. Engineer of the river and harbor improvements of Lake Erie west of Dunkirk, Dec., 78, to Oct. 24, '82, and engineer of the 10th Light-house District July, '81, to Dec., '81 ; in charge of the 1st and 2d Divisions, office of the Chief of Engineers, U. S. A., since Oct. 26, '82. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the battle of Bull Run, July 21, '61 ; in the siege of Yorktown, April 5 to May 4, '62; battle of Williamsburg, May 4-5, '62 ; action of Slatersville, May 9, '62 ; skirmish at Gaines' Mill, May 23, '62 ; action of Mechanicsville, May 23-4, '62 ; battle of Gaines' Mill, June 27, '62, battle of Malvern Hill, June 30-July 1, '62; skirmish at Harrison's Landing July 2, '62 ; action at Malvern Hill, Aug." 5, '62; battle of South Mountain, Sept. 14, '62 ; battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, '62 ; skirmish at Charlestown, Va., Oct. 17, '62 ; being engaged in the siege and capture of Spanish Fort, March 28-April 8, '65; storming of Blakely, April 9, '65 ; occupation of Mobile, April 12, '65 ; and sur- render of General Dick Taylor's army at Citronelle, Ala., May 4, '65; Commands held Engineer Depot and Co., at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Jan. to Sept, '68. Wilson, Richard H. (First Lieut. 8th Inf.). Born in Michigan. App. from Michigan. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of 77. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 8th Inf. June 15, 77 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 1 '86. Wilson, Thomas (Major andC. S., Brevet Brig. Gen.). Born in District of Columbia, June 10, 1832. Retiring year 1896. Appointed from District of Co- lumbia. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '53. Actual rank Brevet 2d Lieut. 6th Inf. July 1, '53; 2d Lieut. 5th Inf., Oct. 26, '54; 1st Lieut. April 1, '57 ; Capt. WIST RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF u. s. ARMY. 653 and C. S. Oct. 25, '61 ; accepted Oct. 25, '61 ; Lieut. Col. and C. S. Vols. Dec. 26, '63, to Aug. 1, '65 ; Major and C. S. May 20, '82. Brevet rank Brevet Major, Lieut. Col., Colonel ana Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, for "faithful and meritorious services during the war"; Brevet Colonel Vols. Aug. 1, '64, for "faithful and meritorious services in the field" ; Brig. Gen. Vols. March 13, '65, for "faithful and meritorious services during the war. Staff positions occupied A.. A. A. G. defenses of Washington July to Oct., '61 ; Commissary of Subsistence, Annapo- lis, Md., Oct., '61, to May, '62 ; Chief of Commissariat, Army of the Potomac, in the Richmond campaign ending with the capitulation at Appomattox C. H., '65. Service Served on frontier duty '53-56; against the Seminole Indians, in Florida, '56-57 ; in the Virginia, Peninsular, Maryland and Rappahannock campaigns May, '62, to June, '63 ; defenses of Washington June to Dec., '63 ; and at various stations from the close of the war till '90, present station being Chicago, 111. Wilson, Thomas H. (Second Lieut. 2d Inf.). Born in Virginia. App. from the Army. Actual rank Private, Corp. and Sergt. Co. K, 4th Cav., Sept. 24, 78, to Aug. 18, '82; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. July 26, '82; accepted Aug. 19, '82. Winn, Frank L. (Second Lieut. 1st Inf.). Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentucky. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '86. Actual ranb2d Lieut. 1st Inf., July 1, '86. Winn, John S. (Second Lieut. 2d Cav.). Born in Ky. App. from Ky. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '88. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d Cav. June 11, '88. Winne, Charles K. (Captain and Asst. Surgeon, Bvt. Lieut. Col.). Born in New York June 30, 1838. Retiring year 1902; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Sep. 4, '61 ; Capt., Asst. Surg. July 28, 66; resigned Oct. 15, '73; reappointed Asst. Surg. Nov. 10, '74; accepted Nov. 16, 74; Capt., Asst. Surg. Nov. 10, 79. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Mar. 13, '65, and Bvt. Mai. March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war; Bvt. Lieut. Col. Sep. 28, '66, merit, and dis. services at Tybee Island, Ga., where cholera prevailed. Honorably mentioned Gen. G. K. Warren writes, under date April 23, '66 : " I also made last winter especial application for you to have two brevets for '64;" Gen. Warren, in his report to Gen. Morgan, Recorder of the Board on Brevet Rank, wrote : "As members of my staff, while commanding 5th Corps, I would especially mention Dr. J. J. Wilham, Medical Director, and Dr. C. K. Winne, Medical Inspector, through whose hands so many hundreds of sick and wounded have passed during the campaigns. Their uniform energy and courageous efforts and iron nerves carried them successfully through an execution of duties quite unprecedented, and deserves for them the highest honors that heroic efforts in their noble profession can confer." Service On duty in Western Va., first with Gen. McClellan's column, subsequently on hospital duty at Beverly, Clarksburg and Parkersburg until Oct., '62 ; Chief Medical Officer at Evansville, Ind., in charge of five hospitals, to Feb., '63 ; in charge construction Gen. Hos- pital, Madison, Ind.; Acting Medical Purveyor, Pittsburgh, Pa., until July, '63; on duty with Army of the Potomac as Surgeon-in-Chief, Artillery Brigade, 5th Corps; Surg.-in Chief 2d DJV., 5th Corps; Medical Inspector 5th Corps to July, '65; Post Surgeon Madison Barracks, Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., to July, '66; charge of Quarantine Hospital, Tybee Island, Ga., to Sep., '66 ; Post Surgeon, Mobile, Ala., to March, '67 ; Post Surgeon, Oglethorpe Bks., Savannah, to June '68; on leave of absence in Europe until Jan., '69; Post Surgeon, Fort Niagara, N. Y., until Nov., '69; Post Surgeon, Fort Ripley, Minn., until Sep., 71 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Shaw, Mon., until April, 73 ; Post Surg., Sidney Barracks, Neb., until Nov., 77 ; Post Surg., Fort McPherson, Neb., until Feb., 78 ; on sick leave to May, 79 ; Post Surgeon, Fort Washakie, Wy., until June, '80 ; Post Surg., Fort Brady, Mich., July to Oct., '80 ; Post Surg., Fort Schuyler, until March, '83 ; on leave of absence to June, '83; Post Surgeon, Fort Winfield Scott., Cal., June, '83 ; Post Surgeon, Angel Island, Cal., from Nov. 14, '83 ; Post Surgeon, Benicia Bks., and Attending Surgeon, Benicia Arsenal, Cal., from Sep., '84; Post Sur- geon, Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. H., from July 8, '87. 654 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. WIT Winslow, B. Bveleth (Second Lieut, of Engineers). Born in D. C. Ap- pointed from Mass. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, '85 ; gradu- ated June 12, '89. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. Eng. June 12, '89*; 2d Lieut. July 2, '89. Winslow, Gordon (Captain U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Aug. 30, 1838. Re- tired. App. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 5th N. Y. Inf. Aug. 30, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 29, '62; hon. must, out May 14, '63 ; 1st Lieut. 5th N. Y. Vet, Inf. Oct. 19, '63 ; out of service Feb. 8, '64; Priv. Co. B, 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf. March 21, '64; discharged July 27, '64; Capt. 5th N. Y. Vet. Inf. July 28, '64; hon. must, out Aug. 21, '65; 2d Lieut. 15th Inf. March 3, '66 ; accepted March 31, '66; transferred to 33d Inf. Sept. 21, '66; 1st Lieut. Jan. 17, '67; transferred to 8th Inf. May 3, '69; Capt. May 23, '84; retired May 27, '89. Brevet rank Bvt. Major, Vol. April 1, '65, " gallant and meritorious services during the war." Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion, *62-'65 ; on garrison duty at various stations to '89. Staff positions occupied A. A. D. C. to Gen. Warren Nov. '64. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battle of Antietam, action of Blackford's Ford, and battle of Fredencksburg, Va. ; engaged at the battle of Chancellors- ville ; engaged at the battles of Bethesda Church and Petersburg, Va., and en- at the battles of the Weldon Railroad, Chapel House, and Hatcher's Run, a., and engaged at the battles of Dabney Mills, actions of Quaker Road, Boyd- ton Plank Koad, White Oak Road, battle of Five Forks, and capitulation of Appomattox Court-House, Va. Winston, Edward T. (Second Lieut. 14th Inf.). Born in Tenn. Appointed from Tenn. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 15, '84; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. June 12, '89. Wint, Theodore J. (Captain 4th Cav.). Born in Pa. March 6, 1843. Retir- ing year 1909. App. from the Army. Actual rani Priv., Corp. and Sergt. Co. F, 6th Pa. Cav. Oct. 12, '61, to July 1, '64; 1st Lieut. 6th Pa. Cav. July 1, '64; hon. must, out Sept. 30, '64; Priv. Gen. mounted service Feb. 20, to Dec. 1, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Cav. Nov. 24, '65 ; accepted Dec. 1, '65; 1st Lieut. May 9, '66 ; Capt. April 21, '72. Staff positions occupied Adj. 4th Cav. Aug. 26, '68, to Dec. 31, '71. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Peninsula campaigns, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Regular Cavalry Brigade, '62 ; Stoneman's raid, Beverly Ford, '63 ; reserve Cav. Brigade, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, Todd's Tavern, Sheridan's raid, Hawes' Shop, Cold Harbor, Trevillian Station, and Smithfield, '63 to '64. Winthrop, William (Lieutenant-Col. Deputy Judge Advocate General). Born in Conn., Aug. 3, 1831. Retiring year 1895 ; appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rankPvt. Co. F. 7th N. Y. S. M., April 17, '61 ; discharged June3, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 1st U. S. Sh. Sh. Oct. 1. '61 ; Capt, Sept. 22, '62 ; hon. muft. out Sept. 16, '64; Maj. Judge Advocate Sept. 19, '64; accepted Sept. 24, '64; tran?. to per. estab. Feb. 25, '67 ; Major Judge Advocate Feb. 25, '67 ; Lieut. Col. Dep. J. Adv. Gen. July 5, '84; accepted July 14, '84. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. Vol. March 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services in his department in the field ; Bvt. Col. Vol. March 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services in the field and in the bureau of Military Justice. Service Professor Dept. of Law, Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., by assignment under act of June 6, '74. Staff posi- tions occupied A. D. C. Vol. March 10, '63, to April 14, '63. Wisser, John P. (First Lieut. 1st Art.). Born in Mo. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, 70; graduated June 17, 74. Actnni rank2d Lieut, 1st Art. June 17, 74; 1st Lieutf. Jan. 13, '80. Staff position occu- piedr^-A. D. C. Jan. 2, '86, to Aug. 5, '86. Service Asst. Prof. Dept. of Chemis- try, Mineralogy and Geology at Mil. Academy since Aug. 28, '86. Witcher, John S. (Major and Paymaster). Born in Va., July 15, 1839. Retiring year 1903 ; appointed from W. Va. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 3d W. Va. Cav. Dec. 13, '62; Capt. Sept. 8, '63; Maj. May 23, '64; Lieut. -Col. May 6, '65 ; hon. must, out June 30, '65 ; Maj. P. M. Aug. 30, '80 ; accepted Oct. 5, '80. Brevet rank Bvt. Col. Vol. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious ser- vices during the Shenandoah campaign of '64 and in the final campaign around Richmond and Petersburg, Va., in the spring of '65 especially at the battle of WOA RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 655 Ford's Station, Va. ; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vol. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the Shenandoah campaign of '64 and in the final campaign around Eichmond and Petersburg, Va., in the spring of '65. Witherell, Charles T. (Captain 19th Inf. Bvt. Major U. S. A.). Born in Me., Oct. 11, 1837. Eetiring year 1901 ; appointed from Me. Civil life. Actual rank Sgt. Co. K, 6th Me. Inf., May 7, '61 ; discharged March 10, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 6th Me. Iiif. March 10, '62 ; 1st Lieut. Feb. 12, '63 ; Capt. Aug. 13, '63 ; trans- ferred to 1st Me. Vet. Inf. Aug. 21, '64; hon. must, out June 28, '65; 1st Lieut. 28th Inf. July 28, '66 ; accepted Dec. 20, '66; trans, to 19th Inf. March 31, '69 ; Capt. March 20, '79. Brevet rankE\i. Capt. March 2, '67, gallant and meritor- ious services in the battle of Marye's Heights, Va. ; Bvt. Major March 2, '67, gal- lant and meritorious services in the battle of Rappahannock Station, Va. ; Bvt. Maj. Vol. Oct. 19, '64, gallant conduct during the whole campaign before Rich- mond and especially in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek, Va. Wittenmyer, Edmund (Second Lieut. 9th Inf.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '83 ; graduated June 12, '87. Actual ran^-Add. 2d Lieut. 9th Inf. June 12, '87 ; 2d Lieut. June 15, '87. Wittich, Willis (First Lieut. 21st Inf.). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '70 ; graduated June 17, 74. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 21st Inf. June 17, '74; 1st Lieut. Aug. 7, '79. Staff posi- tion occupied Adjt. July 10, '88. Woart, John (Chaplain U. S. A.). Born in Mass. Retired ; appointed from Pa. Actual rank Hosp. Chap. March 22, '65; accepted April 3, '65; hon. mus. out June 2, '66 ; Chaplain June 2, '66 ; Post Chaplain April 3, '67 ; accepted May 9, '67; retired June 30, '82. Service The first few months he was stationed at Savannah. Afterwards he took charge of a large hospital at Hilton Head, S. C. At the same time, by request of army officers and their families residing there, he acted as chaplain at that post. On June 2, '66, he was must, out of the volunteer service and received an appointment as post chaplain at Fort Union, N. M. In the autumn of '69 he was ordered to the Dept. of Dakota, and resided at Aber- crombie until the spring of the year '73, when he was ordered to Fort Snelling, Minnesota. In the autumn of that year he was ordered to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., where he remained until the spring of '82. In the Dept. of the Missouri and in Dakota he was accustomed to go to different posts not provided with chap- lains, and to visit extensive neighborhoods, by permission of department com- manders, to render services. Upon leaving Leavenworth he had an order to report for duty to the commander of the Dept. of the Pacific, and was assigned to Angel Island, in the harbor of San Francisco; in June of that year his name was K laced upon the Army Retired List by act of Congress. History After his col- jgiate studies were concluded he studied law in his native city. Just before he was to be allowed to commence the practice of law he entered his name as a can- didate for Holy Orders in the Protestant Episcopal Church. The desire to do so dated back to his earliest recollections. He pursued his divinity studies at the theological seminary in Virginia in order to be near a dear brother who was then residing in that State. His first parish was in Maryland, for one year. His second in New Jersey, for five years. He then removed to Boston, Mass., and was rector of Christ Church in that city for ten years. His health failed somewhat owing to extrordinary duties, and after remaiuing one year without a charge, he spent nearly two years in the care of a parish in the western part of that State. For the further benefit of his health he then went to New Orleans, and performed ministerial duties in that city and in St. Mary's Parish, on Bayou Teche, for several years, when he was invited to the rectorship of a church at Dayton. Ohio ; from which city, in less than three years, he went to Philadelphia, and officiated in a large parish near that city until the second year of the late rebellion, when his great interest in the struggle then going on induced him to give most of his time to hospitals and afflicted families, unofficially, until he was applied to to go the South as a hospital chaplain. 656 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF C. S. ARMY. WOO Wolf, Silas A. (First Lieut. 4th Inf.) Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 74; graduated June 14, 78. Actual ran Additional 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. June 14, 78; 2d Lieut. June 28, 78; 1st Lieut. Aug. 5, '88. Wolverton, "William D. (Major, Surgeon and Brevet Lieut. Colonel). Born in New Jersey, 1836. Retiring year 1900. Appointed from N. J. Actual rank Asst. Surgeon Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Aug. 22, '61 ; Captain Asst. Surgeon July 28, '66 ; Major Surgeon June 26, 76. Brevet rank Brevet Captain, Alajor and Lieut. Colonel March 13, '65, " for faithful and meritorious services during the war." Service At Seminary Hospital, Georgetown, D. C., to March, '62; at Fort Pickens, Fla., to Dec., '63 ; in office of Medical Director, Dept. of the South, to April, '64; in the field with troops to Aug., '64; at General Hospital, Fort Monroe, Va., to Sept., '66; near Richmond, Va., with llth Inf. to Jan., '67; Post Surgeon at Baton Rouge, La., to Nov., '68 ; Post Surgeon post of New Orleans, La., to April, '69; Post Surgeon at Fort Snelling, Minn., to Oct., '69; Post Surgeon Fort Abercrombie, Dak. Ty., to Sept., 73 ; leave of absence Oct.-Nov., 73; or- dered to Dept. of the South tf ov. 14, 73 ; Post Surgeon, Nashville, Tenn., to May, 75; ordered to Dept. of Dakota April 27, 75; Post Surgeon Fort Abercrombie, D. T., to Aug., 76; Post Surgeon. Standing Rock agency, I). T., to April, 77 ; Post Surgeon, Fort A. Lincoln, D. T., to June, 79; leave of absence June to Oct., 79; ordered to Dept. of Dakota Oct. 4, 79 ; Post Surgeon, Fort A. Lincoln, D. T., to April, '83; sick leave April to Sept., '83; ordered to Dept. East Sept. 14, '83 ; Post Surgeon, Washington Brks., D. C., from Nov., '83, to Aug., '88 ; Post Surgeon, Fort D. A.Russell, Wyo., from Aug. to Nov., '88; Post Surgeon, Fort Douglas, Utah, Nov., '88, to Dec., '89; on leave from Dec. 18, '89, to Jan. 24, '90 ; Post Surgeon from Jan. 24, '90, to present time. Wood, Abram B. (Captain 4th Cav.). Born in Iowa, Sept. 4, 1844. Re- tiring year 1908. Appointed from Iowa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '68 ; graduated June 14, 72. Actual rank Corpl.. Sgt. and IstSgt. Co. F, 13th Iowa Inf., Oct. 4, '61, to June 6, '65; 2d Lieut. 13th Iowa Inf. June 7, '65; hon. must, out July 21, '65 ; 2d Lieut. 4th Cav. June 14, 72 ; 1st Lieut. Nov. 25, 76 ; Captain June 30, '83. Staff positions occupied Reg. Q. M. 4th Cav. July 6, 79, to Feb. 1, '80. Wood, Edward B. (Captain 8th Cavalry). Born in Penn. Sept. 17, 1846. Retiring year 1910. Appointed from Pa. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '66; graduated June 15, 70. Actual rank Com. Sgt. and 1st Sgt. Co. C, 17th Penn. Cav., Sept. 8, '62, to July 22, '64; 1st Lieut. 17th Penn. Cav. July 22, hon. must, out Aug. 7, '65; 2d Lieut. 8th U. S. Cav. June 15, 70 ; 1st Lieut. July 31, 73 ; Capt. Jan. 20, '86. Service Captured at O.coquan, Va., Dec. 27, '62 ; in the field and present in campaign, battle* and engagements of the First Div. Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac in '63-64-65 ; Asst. Prof, of French U. S. Military Academy Aug. 28, 76, to June 24, 79 ; Asst. Prof, of French U. S. Mil- itary Academy Aug. 28, '83, to Aug. 28, '84; Asst. Prof. Spanish U. S. Military Academy Aug. 28, '84, to April 5, '86, and since Aug. 28, '89. Staff positions O'v;/"- pied Acting Adj. 17th Penn. Cav. from Oct. 6, '64, to June 16, '65, date of muster out of the regiment; A. C. Musters on the staff of 1st Cav. Div., Army of the Potomac, June to July, '65; A. D. C. to Mai. Gen. Schofield June 24, 79, to Nov. 15, '82. Commands held Commanded Co. C, 17th Penn. Cav., Aug. 10, '64, to Oct. 6, '64. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Present in the campaigns, battles and en- gagements, 1st Div. Cav. Corps '63-4, including the Wilderness, Shenandoah Valley, Five Forks and Appomattox. Wood, Henry C. (Lieut. Col. and Asst. Adj. Gen., Bvt. Col. U. S. A.). Born in Me. May 26, 1832. Retiring year 1896. Appointed from Me. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 1st Inf. June 27; '56 ; accepted July 30, '56 ; 1st Lieut. May 10, '61 ; 1st Lieut, llth Inf. May 14, '61 ; Capt. Oct. 24, '61 ; accepted April 15, '62 ; Major A. A. G. June 24, '64; accepted July 8, '64; Lieut. Col. A. A. G. Feb. 28, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo., Auc. 10, '61 ; Bvt. Col. March 18, '65, diligent, faithful and meritorious services in the Adj. Gen's. Dept. during the WOO RECOEDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 657 war. Service Frontier service '56-61 ; Fort Leavenworth, Kan., '61 ; in the war of the Rebellion '61-65, and at various stations from the close of the war till '90, present station being Washington, D. C. Staff positions occupied Ordnance Officer on the staff of Gen. Fremont '62; Provost Marshal General's office, Wash- ington, '64 ; Major and A. A. G. U. S. A. June 24, '64; in the Adj. General's office, Washington, D. C., to Sept., '67 ; A. A. G. 3d Mil. Dist, Atlanta, Ga., to Jan., '68 ; A. A. G. Dept. of the Lakes, Detroit, Mich., Jan., '68. Battles, skir- mishes, etc. Engaged at the action of Independence, Dug Spring, and battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo., and slightly wounded. Wood, Leonard (First Lieut, and Asst. Surg.). Born in N. H. Appointed from Mass. Civil life. Actual rank Assistant Surgeon Jan. 5, '86 : accepted Aug. 11, '86. Wood, Marshall W. (Captain and Assistant Surgeon). Born in New York June 3, 1846. Retiring year 1910 ; appointed from New York Civil life. Actual ron/^-Priv. Co. E, 186th N. Y. Inf., Sept. 5, '64; disch'g'd June 15, '65; Hosp. Stwd. U. S. A. July 15, 70; disch'g'd Feb. 12, 75 ; Act, Asst. Surg. U. S. A. Feb. 13, 75 ; Asst. Surg. (1st Lieut.) June 26, 75 ; accepted July 2, 75 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. June 26, '80. Service Dept. of the PlaUe July, 75, to Oct., 80 (Camp Douglas, Utah, Aug. to Oct., 75; Camp Sheridan, Neb., Oct., 75, to Oct., 76; in the field (Powder River Expedition) November, 76, to January, 77; Camp Robinson, Neb., January to February, 77 ; on leave February to March, 77 ; Cantonment Reno, Wyo., April, 77, to July, 78; Fort McPhefeon, Neb., July, 78, to May, '80 ; on leave May to November, '80) ; Dept. of the East November, '80, to Jan., '83 (Fort Brady, Mich., Nov., '80, to Jan., '83 ; on leave Jan. to Feb., '83) ; Dept of the Columbia March, '83, to July, '88 (Fort Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, March, '83, to Feb., '86 ; Fort Walla Walla, Wash., March, '86, to July, '88) ; Dept. of Dakota from July, '88, to (Fort Randall, S. D., July, '88, to ). Wood, Oliver B. (First Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in Hartford, Conn., June 6, 1844. Retiring year 1908 ; app. from Va. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of '67. Actual rankPriv. Co. B., 1st Conn. Cav., July 29, '62 ; discharged Sept. 9, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Art. June 17, '67 ; graduated from Art. School May 1, '69; 1st Lieut. June 11, 70. Service Under instruction at U. S. Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., May 1, '68; on detached service with Battery C at Raleigh, N. C., during the " election troubles " in Oct. and Nov., '68 ; on detached service with Battery L at St. Albans, Vt., and Malone, N. Y., during the so-called " Fenian Invasion '' in May and June, 70 ; under instruction at U. S. Art'y School, Fort Monroe, Va. (second tour), from Sept. 1, '86, to Sept,, '88 ; ordinary garrison service during years not mentioned. Staff positions occupied On duty as A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Sullivan, Maine, from 70 to 73 ; at Madison Barracks, N. Y., in 74; at Fort Barrancas, Fla., in 75 and 76 ; and at Creedmoor. L. L, in '86 ; Act'g Ord. Officer and Act'g Signal Officer at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., from '81 to '84; and at Fort Columbus, N. Y., from '88 to '90. Wood, Palmer G. (First Lieut. 12th Inf.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from Cal. Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th Cal. Inf. Oct. 28, '64; 1st Lieut. Dec. 7, '65; hon. must, out April 26, '66 ; 2d Lieut. 5th U. S. Inf. Feb. 23, '66 ; accepted May 27, '66; 1st Lieut. Jan. 7, '67; unassigned May 19, '69; assigned to 12th Inf. July 14, '69; resigned May 24, 73 ; app. 2d Lieut. 12th Inf. March 1, 77 ; accepted March 31, 77 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 16, '82. Wood, Thomas J. (Brigadier and Bvt. Maj. Gen. U. S. A.). Born in Ky. Sept. 25, 1823. Retired ; appointed from Ky. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '41 ; graduated July 1, '45. Actual rankEvt. 2d Lieut. Top" Eng. July 1, '45 ; trans, to 2d Drag. Oct. 19, '46 ; 2d Lieut. Dec. 2, '46 ; 1st Lieut. June 30, '51 ; Capt. 1st Cav. March 3, '55 ; accepted March 24, '55 ; Major March 16, '61 ; Lieut. Col. 4th Cav. May 9, '61 ; Col. 2d Cav. Nov. 12, '61 ; retired with rank of Maj. Gen. June 9, '68 ; and with rank of Brig. Gen. March 3, 75 ; Brig. Gen. Oct. 11, '61; accepted Oct. 14, '61 ; Maj. Gen. Jan. 27, '65; accepted April 29, '65; hon. must, out Sept. 1, '66. Brevet rank Bvt. 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '47, gal- lant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Buena Vista; Bvt. Brig. Gen. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Chickamauga, Ga. ; 658 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. WOO Bvt. Major Gen. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Nashville, Tenn. Honorably mentioned (Copy.) HEADQUARTERS MILITARY DIVISION OF THE TENNESSEE, NASHVILLE, TEN*., July 30, 18 His EXCELLENCY ANDREW JOHNSON, PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES, WASHINGTON, D C. Sir: I take the liberty of recommending to your favorable consideration Major General Thomas J. Wood, U. S. Volunteers, and Colonel 2d Cavalry, U. 8. Army, for promotion to the grade of Brigadier General, U. 8. Army. J have known General Wood for many yean, during which period he has alwayt sustained the rep- utation of being an efficient and zealous officer. Since the fall of 1863 General Wood has been under my com- mand. He commanded during the Atlanta campaign, and at the battle of Franklin, Tenn., November 11, 1864, with dectdtd ability. After the concentration of the United States forces at Nashville, December 2, 1864, General Wood (though wounded Sept. 2, 1864, at Lovejoy's Station, Georgia, in the Atlanta campaign, had never left the field) succeeded General Stanley in command of the 4th Corps ; and in the operations around Nashville, and in the battle of Nashville, December 15 and 16, 1864, as also in the retreat of the enemy from Tennessee. General Wood handled his troops with marked ability. Subsequently as commander of the Depart- ment of the Mississippi, General Wood has exhibited decided administrative ability ; having by his firm, but mild course succeeded in reconciling the citizens of that state to the situation to which the war reduced them ; to such an extent that immigrants to the state now feel confident of being received kindly and treated with fairness and justice. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, GEO. H. THOMAS, Major General U. B. Army, Oomrnandmg. Stop positions occupied Adit. 2d Drag. Sept. 23, '49, to July 1, '54. Service- Ordered to report for duty to Genl. Zachary Taylor, in command of " The Army of Occupation," headquarters at Corpus Christi, Texas. After a dreary winter, '45-46, passed under canvas at Corpus Christi, in March, '46, the Army of Occu- pation marched to the Rio Grande, which brought on war with Mexico. On May 8, '46, was fought the battle of Palo Alto, and on the following day the battle of Resaca was fought, in both of which the American Army was victorious. After the battles of the 8th and 9th May, '46, followed the crossipg of the Rio Grande and the occupation of Matamoras. Then, during the summer, the ascent of the Rio Grande to Camargo, preparatory to invading Mexico and capturing Monterey. In Sept., '46, the army advanced to Monterey; on the march made most of the reconnoissances in advance of the army to determine the line of march ; Sept. 21 to 23, '46, the operations for the capture of Monterey were b*gun and carried so far toward success that Genl. Ampudia proposed to surrender the city and have his army paroled as prisoners of war. Genl. Taylor accepted the terms, the Mex- ican Army evacuated the town, and the American Army occupied it. At this period, having been in active service more than a year as a staff-officer, and find- ing that no staff-officers resigned, and few were killed, thus leaving no room for promotion, he applied to the President to be transferred to the Cavalry arm of the service, as giving him more opportunity for participation in actual conflict. His application was granted, ana he was transferred to the 2d Regiment of Dragoons, then on duty with the Army of Occupation. July 22 and 23, '47, was fought the great battle of Buena Vista, in which 4500 American soldiers, under Genl. Taylor, defeated and routed more than 20,000 Mexican troops under Gen- eral Santa Anna, the facile princeps of the Mexican Army. " Grim-visaged war doth occasionally smooth his wrinkled front." A pleasant instance of this oc- curred on May 8, '47 (being the first anniversary of the battle of Palo Alto), as the following invitation shows : "General Taylor requests the pleasure of Lieut. Wood's company at dinner to-morrow, May 8, to meet others who were at the battle of Palo Alto." HEADQUARTERS May 7, 1847. At this dinner-party were assembled officers who had already achieved national reputation (one afterward was President of the United States, Genl. Taylor) and others subsequently won national renown. Alas ! this was 40 years ago, and of all who were at that dinner T. J. Wood only remains. After the cessation of active operations, in the autumn of '47, on Genl. Taylor's line, he applied to be transferred to the army under Genl. Scott in the city of Mexico. The application was granted ; joined the army in the " city of the Montezumas," and remained with it till Mexico was evacuated, in the summer of '48, by the American troops. In the autumn of '48 he accompanied his regiment to the Indian frontier of Tex. He was engaged on frontier service from the autumn of '48 to the autumn of '69. During this interim he was transferred from his old regiment, the 2d Dragoons, to a captaincy in the 1st Cavalry, a new regiment added to the army in '55; on WOO RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 659 leave in Europe from early in '60 to March 31, '61 ; visited every capital in Eu- rope but Madrid and Lisbon, and had traveled in Western Asia and Northern Africa; proceeding at once to Washington, he reported to the War Department for duty ; was ordered to Indiana to muster into service the quota of that State ; he remained in Indiana on mustering duty from April, '61, to October, '61, and in the interval organized, equipped, mustered into service and sent into the field 40,000 volunteers. In October, '61, he was appointed Brigadier-General U. S. Vol. and ordered to report to Genl. W. T. Sherman, then in command of the Na- tional forces in Kentucky. Proceeding at once to Louisville, he reported to Genl. Sherman, and was assigned to the command of a brigade with the advance of the army, then fifty miles south of Louisville. This command he exercised but a few weeks, when a new division was organized, and he was assigned to the com- mand of it. In the meantime Genl. Buell had relieved Gen. Sherman in com- mand of the troops in Kentucky. The first work before the National troops in Kentucky was the expulsion of the rebel troops from that State. The victory of Mill Springs in Southeastern Kentucky (the National troops being commanded by Genl. Thomas) and the fall of Forts Henry and Donelson, compelled the rebels not only to evacuate Kentucky, but to abandon Nashville, Tennessee. As rapidly as possible the divisions of Genl. Buell were concentrated at Nashville ; and as soon as the necessary preparations could be made the march was commenced to form a junction in the vicinity of Savannah, on the Tennessee River, with the Army of the Tennessee, commanded by Genl. Grant. Sunday morning, April 6, '62, as Wood's division was pursuing its march, the booming of cannon from the southwest brought tidings of the progress of battle. The march-step was quick- ened. At 11 o'clock A.M. an orde"r was received to cut loose from the baggage- train and to press forward, by forced march, to the Tennessee River the assist- ance of the division being needed. This was at once done, and through the Sun- day afternoon the foot-sore troops pressed on. About nightfall the rain began to fall in torrents, but the troops were to know no rest. The roar of artillery told that the battle was still on. All night long through darkness, rain and mud, wading streams swollen by the rain the division pressed forward and reached the Tennessee River shortly after daylight the morning of the 7th. The division had marched 24 hours without food or rest, and had accomplished more than 30 miles. As rapidly as steamboats could be obtained, after the arrival of the divi- sion at Savannah, the troops were embarked and hurried forward to Pittsburgh Landing. The bulk of the division reached the battle-field between 12 M. and 1 P.M. April 7 ; and though the tide of battle had, by this time, been turned in favor of the National arms, the division, after its wearisome night inarch, had the proud satisfaction of joining in the pursuit of the enemy, and the night of the 7th Divpuacked farther to the front than any other of the National troops. Wood's division participated in the campaign (April and May, '62) which resulted in the capture of Corinth, Miss. ; during June and July, '62, the division was employed in repairing the Charleston and Memphis Railroad from Corinth, eastward, to Decatur, Ala. During Aug., '62, the division was engaged in repairing and guarding the railroads in Middle Tennessee and watching the expected invasion of that State by Bragg. Early in Sept., '62, it became evident Bragg was moving into Kentucky. Wood's division, with the remainder of the army, joined in the race to get between Bragg's army and the Ohio River. The National movement was successful ; and during the month of Oct., '62, Bragg was expelled from Ken- tucky. Oct. 8, '62, occurred the battle of Perryville, in which Wood's division participated. In November, '62, the divisions of what was then christened " the Army of the Cumberland " were concentrated at Nashville, and Genl. Rosecrans placed in command. Dec. 26, '62, the advance from Nashville to Murfreesboro' was begun, and on the 30th of Dec. the two armies confronted each other at Stone River; and on the Dec. 31, '62, the battle of Stone River was fought; Wood's division held the extreme left of the National army. Wood's division joined in the campaign of the summer of '63, which expelled Bragg's army from Tennessee. The division crossed the Tennessee River with the rest of the Array of the Cumberland early in Sept., '63, and on Sept. 9th the division was the first 660 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. WOO body of National troops to occupy Chattanooga. Sept. 19 and 20, '63, was fought the bloody battle of Chickamauga. Wood's division participated in the conflict on both days, and remained on the battle-field till after night-fall of the 25th, when it fell back, with the remainder of the army, by order, toward Chattanooga. Genl. Wood's horse was killed under him on the 19th, and he was struck several times and severely contused on the 20th. During October and November, '63, Wood's division was in Chattanooga. Nov. 23d it opened the ball which termin- ated in routing Bragg's Army, and compelling the abandonment of the effort to recapture Chattanooga. On the 25th of November the division participated in the grand final and successful assault of Missionary Ridge, and was the first body of troops to gain the crest. The winter of '63-64 Wood's division was on duty in East Tennessee. May 3, '64, the Atlanta campaign was opened, and closed Sept. 2, '64, with the capture of Atlanta. Wood's division participated in all the im- portant battles, actions and conflicts of that most brilliant campaign. In the last action of the campaign, on the 2d of Sept., '64, at Lovejoy's Station, south of At- lanta, Genl. Wood was severely wounded, but never left the field, remaining with his command to the close of the war. Wood's division took part in the battle of Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, '64. Genl. Stanley, who commanded the 4th Corps in the battle of Franklin, was wounded in the battle. Genl. Wood succeeded to the command of the 4th Corps, which he commanded in the battle of Nashville, Dec. 15 and 16, '64, and in the pursuit of the retreating rebels to the Tennessee River, more than 120 miles from Nashville. In the summer of '65, after the cessation of hostilities, Genl. Wood was ordered to Little Rock, Ark. ; but he remained there but a short time, being transferred, on the application of Genl. Thomas, then commanding "the Military Division of the South," to the command of the Department of Mississippi, headouarters at Vicksburg. He retained this command from autumn of '65 to Jan., '67, wnen he was ordered to duty on the Indian frontier. In the winter of '66-67, while Gen. Wood was on duty on the Indian frontier of the Northwest, finding the infirmity, arising from the wounds and injuries he had received during the war, was increasing and rendering him unfit for active field duty, he applied to be retired from active duty; June 9, '68, he was placed on the "Retired List" with the rank of Major General. General Wood is a member of " The Military Service Institution of the United States ; " a member of the Society of the Armv of the Cumberland; a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. History The sub- ject of these notes was born September 25, '23, in Mumfordville, Hart County, Kentucky ; his ancestors, for nearly two centuries, through colonial times, resided in Virginia and migrated to Kentucky near the close of the 18th century, when the region in which they settled was a wilderness, infested by Indians, rendering it necessary for the pioneers "to fort." He was at the Academy with many cadets, who subsequently, as officers, achieved great distinction in the Mexican War and more especially in the war for the suppression of "The Great Rebellion." First among these must always be named Gen. Grant ; he and T. J. Wood during one term occupied a room together ; then was commenced an acquaintance and friendship which remained unbroken till the great soldier and ex-President de- parted this life. McClellan, Hancock, Stone, Gordon, Granger, W. F. Smith and others who distinguished themselves in the National Armies were also at the Academy with T. J. Wood. Also, Longstreet, "Stonewall Jackson," D. H. Hill, A. P. Hill, Heth, Pickett and others, all of whom, as Confederate generals, dis- played military capacity of a high order. 'Wood, William T. (First Lieutenant 18th Inf.). Born in 111. Appointed from 111. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 73; graduated June 15, 77. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 4th Inf. June 15, 77; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf. June 30, 77 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 15, '86. Staff position occupied Reg. Q. M. 18th Inf. June 21, '87. to Dec. 22, '88. Wood, Winthrop 8. (Second Lieutenant 10th Cav.). Born in D. C. Ap- pointed from Me. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy June 14, '85 ; graduated June 12, '89. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 2d U. S. Cav. June 12, '89; 2d Lieut. 10th Cav. Aug. 20, '89. WOO RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 661 Woodbridge, Francis (First Lieutenant 7th Inf.). Born in Michigan. Ap- pointed from Penna. Civil life. Actual rankPvi. Gen. Ser. May 11, '69; dis- charged July 1, 74; 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. Feb. 1, '76; accepted Feb. 19,76; 1st Lieut. Feb. 23, '83. Woodbury, Thomas C. (First Lieutenant 16th Inf.). Born in Ky. Ap- pointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '68 ; graduated June 14, 72. Actual rank2d Lieut. 16th Inf. June 14, 72 ; 1st Lieut. Mar. 9, '30. Woodhull, Alfred A. (Major and Surgeon and Brevet Lieut. Colonel). Born in N. J., Apr. 13, 1837. Retiring year 1901. Appointed from Kans. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. Sept. 19, '61 ; accepted Sept. 21, '61 ; Capt., Asst. Surg. July 28, '66; Maj. Surg. June 26, 76. Brevet rankRvt. Capt., Maj. and Lieut. Col. Mar. 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious services during the war. /Service On hospital duty Georgetown, D. C., to Oct., '61 ; with 2d U. S. Inf. and other troops, Washington, to March, '62 ; with 23d and other regular infantry, Army Potomac, to Nov., '62 ; charge of Stewart mansion general hospital and attending officers, Baltimore, to Dec., '62 ; in the office of the medical director, Middle Military Department, Baltimore, to Oct., '63; in the office of the medical director, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, Fort Monroe, Va., to May, '64 ; medical director's office Army of the James, to May, '65 ; acting medical inspector from Aug., '64; hospital duty, Point of Rocks, Va., May, '65; in the office of the surgeon-general, Washington, D. C., from June, '65, to Apr., '68 (chiefly occupied with catalogue, surgical section, Army Medical Museum); member Army Medical Board, New York, May-Dec., '68; temporary duty Fort Leaven worth, Feb.-May, '69 ; post surgeon Fort Larned, Kan., June, '69, to Nov., 70 ; post surgeon Fort Lyon, Colorado, Nov., 70, to June, 73 ; post surgeon McPherson Barracks, Atlanta, Ga., July, 73, to Nov., 75 ; post surgeon Oglethorpe Barracks, Savannah, Ga., Nov., 75, to Apr., 77 ; post surgeon Alcatraz Island, Cal., June, 77, to May, 78, with duties at Fort Halleck, Nov.-June-Oct., 77 ; post surgeon Point San Jose, Cal., May, 78, to Sept., '81 ; leave of absence Oct., '81, to March, '82; depot surgeon David's Island, New York, Apr., '82 ; at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., '90. Woodruff, Carle A. (Captain 2d Art., Bvt. Lieut. Col. U. S. A.). Born in N. Y., Aug. 8, 1841. Retiring year 1905. Appointed from D. C. Civil life. Actual rankId. Lieut. 2d Art. Oct. 22, '61 ; accepted Oct. 23, '61 ; 1st Lieut. July 24, '62 ; Capt 12th Inf. July 28, '66 (declined) ; Capt. Art. May 6, '69. Brevet rank Brevet Captain July 3, '63, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; Major June 11, '64, for gallant a.nd meritorious services at the battle of Trevillian Station, Va.; Lieut. Col. March 13, '65, for good conduct and fillant services during the war. Service At Camp Duncan, Washington, D. C., eb., '62 ; with horse artillery, engaged in the operations of the Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, '62 to '65 ; May 24, '65, en route with 2d Art. to California ; stationed at Angel Island, Fort Point, Presidio and on duty in San Francisco, Cal., mustering out California Volunteers until July, '66 ; Aug., '66, to Jan., '68, on recruiting service at Washington, D. C., and Governor's Island, N. Y.; at Alcatraz Island, Cal., until Apr., 70 ; joined Battery G, 2d Art., May, 70, at Ft. Kodiak, Alaska; remained until Oct., 70; at Presidio, Cal., to Sept., 71 ; at Alcatraz Island to Jan., 72 ; at Presidio, Cal., to Nov., 72, when the 2d Art. was ordered to the Division of the Atlantic; at Raleigh, N. C., until Sept., 74; at Spartanburg, S. C., to Nov., 74 ; at Raleigh, N. C., to Aug., 75 ; at Summerville, S. C., and Charleston, S. C., to July, 76 ; at Fort Reno, Indian Ter., to Dec., 76 ; at Washington Arsenal, D. C., Wilkesbarre, Pa., and Carlisle Barracks, Pa., to Dec., 77 ; San Antonio, Texas, and Fort Brown, Texas, to Nov., '80 ; at Little Rock Barracks, Ark., to Nov., '81 ; at Newport Barracks, Ky., Nov., '81 ; present station Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Staff positions occupied Asst. Commissary of Musters at San Francisco, Cal., '65; A. C. S., A. A. Q. M., Post Adjt. and Post Treas. at Alcatraz Island, Cal., in 70. Battles, skirmishes, etc. At Siege of York- town ; battle of Williamsburg ; actions of Slatersville, Chickahominy, Mechanics- ville, Meadow Bridge, Seven Days' Fight; battles of Games' Mills and Malvern Hill ; 1st Lieut. 2d Art. July 24, '62 ; actions of Shepherdstown, Charlestown and Warren ton; battle of Fredericksburg (in reserve); Stoneman's raid towards 662 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. WOO Richmond; battle of Beverly Ford, Va; actions of Hanover and Hunterstown, and battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; actions of Monterey Springs, Williamsport, Boons- boro', Hagerstown, and Falling Waters, Md., and Battle Mountain, Va.; expe- dition to Hart wood Church ; actions of James City and Brandy Station ; move- ment to Centre ville ; actions of Buckland Mills and Morton's Ford ; Sheridan's raid towards Richmond, May, '64; actions of Craig's Meeting-House and Meadow Bridge ; Sheridan's raid toward Gordonsville, Va., June, '64 ; battle of Trevillian Station ; movement to Shenandoah Valley ; actions of Walpert's Cross-Roads and Opequan Creek ; action of Lacey Springs, Va., Dec. 2, '64 ; march of Sheridan's Cavalry from Winchester, Va., to near Petersburg, Va., Feb. and March, '65 ; battles of Waynesboro', Dinwiddie C. H., Five Forks ; skirmish at Namozine Creek ; battle of Sailor's Creek ; action of Appouiattox Station and capitulation of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox C. H., April 9, '65; chief of artillery 3d Division, Cavalry Corps, A. P. (General Custer's Division); march of Sheridan's Cavalry to unite with General Sherman in North Carolina Apr., '65. Commands held-- Commanding Battery B, 2d Art., at Camp Duncan, Washington, D. C., to Feb., '62 ; portion of Horse Battery M, 2d Art., Apr. and May, '63 ; Horse Battery M, 2d Art., Sept., '64, to Aug., '65; Horse Battery M, 2d Art., at grand review of Army of the Potomac in Washington, D. C., Aug., '65; Post of Alcatraz Island, Cal., in 70 ; Fort Kodiak, Alaska, from May to Oct., 70 ; Post of Spartanburg, S. C., Sept. to Nov., 74; Little Rock Barracks, Ark., Nov., '8(Xtp Nov., '81; Newport Barracks, Ky., since Nov., '81. Woodruff, Charles A. (Captain and Com. of Sub.). Born in V^. Appointed from Vt. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '67 ; graduated June 12, 71. Actual raw* Pvt. and Corpl. Co. A, 10th Vt Inf., June 5, '62, to Aug. 18, '65; 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. June 12, 71 ; 1st Lieut. Aug. 9, 77; Capt. Com. Sub. March 28, 78 ; accepted April 15, 78. Service In the field in the War of the Rebellion from June, '62, to Aug., '65 ; commissioned Lieut, at expiration of service, but not mustered on account of wounds ; recovered from wounds and surrendered pension Sept., '66 ; served in Mont, to Oct. 30, 77 ; on reconnoissance through Nort'n Idaho, East'n Washington and West'n Mont., on Yellowstone campaign, 76 ; in Nez Perce campaign, 77; on sick leave Oct., 77, to May, 78; on duty in office Commissary-General to Aug., 78 ; Depot C. S., Fort Leavenworth, to Oct., 79; Act. Chief C. S. Dept. of the Missouri from July 30 to Sept. 30, 79; Chief C. S. District of New Mexico, at Santa Fe, to Nov., '84 ; Chief C. S. Department of the Columbia, and Pur. and Depot C. S. at Vancouver Barracks from Nov., '84, to Aug., '89 ; Purchasing and Depot C. 8. at San Francisco, Cal., from Aug. 9, '89, to . Staff position* occupied Acting. Reg. Adjt. and A. A. A. G. Dist. of Mont. July to Oct., 74 ; Adjt. Inf. Batt. on Yellowstone campaign, 76 ; Adjt. Gen. Gibbon's command in Nez Perce campaign, 77; Act. Judge Advocate of the Department of the Columbia from July 21, '86, to Nov. 30, '86, and A. A. A. G. from Oct. 27 to Dec. 6, '86; Act. Chief Signal Officer and Act. Chief Ordnance Officer Dept. of the Columbia, and in charge of Ordnance Depot from Feb. 14 to May 14, '89. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Picketing the Potomac, evacuation of Maryland Heights, Gettysburg campaign, retreat to Union Mills and advance to Brandy Station, Mine Run campaign, including action of Lo- cust; Grove Grant's overland campaign, including the battles of the Wilder- ness, Spottsylvania, North Anna and Cold Harbor; wounded three times times. Commands held In command of mounted detachment scouting, etc., in Mont, in 77; command of mounted detachment in Judith Basin June 1 to Oct. 17, 76. Woodruff, Charles B. (First Lieut, and Asst. Surg.). Born in Phila., Pa,, Oct. 2, 1860. Retiring year 1924 ; app. from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. April 14, '87; accepted April 21, '87. Service At Fort Wayne, Mich., May 4 to July 18, '87 ; at Fort Mackinac, Mich., as Post Surgeon July 20, '87, to April 23, '89; since then at Fort Gaston, Cal. History Cadet at U. S. Naval WOO RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 663 Academy Oct., 79, to March, '83 ; Asst. Surgeon U. 8. Navy May 16, '86, to April 18, '87. : Woodruff, Dickinson (Lieut. Col. U.S. A.). Born in N. J. Retired; appointed from N. J. Civil life. Actual rank Lieut. Col. Batt. N. J. Inf., Sept. 4, '47 ; discharged July 20, '48 ; Capt. 9th Inf. March 3, '55 ; accepted Mar. 22, '55; Maj. 12th Inf. May 30, '63; trans, to 21st Inf. Sept. 21, '66; Lieut. Col. 9th Inf. March 26, '68 ; unassigned March 15, '69 ; retired Dec. 15, 70, disability in line of duty. Service Lieut. Col. commanding a battalion of New Jersey Volunteers for the Mexican War ; served on the Pacific coast ; superintendent regimental recruiting service Jan., '64, to June, '66 ; commanding sub-district 1st Military District, headquarters Norfolk, Va., Feb. to June, '68 ; Asst. Inspector General 1st Military District, Richmond, Va. Woodruff, Edward C. (Major 5th Infantry). Born in N. Y., Jan. 6, 1839. Retiring year 1903 ; appointed from N. J. Civil life. Actual rank Drum Maj. and Hosp. Steward 2d N. J. Inf. May 2, '61, to July 31, '61 ; 1st Lieut. 5th N. Y. Cav. Oct. 31, '61 ; hon. must, out April 6, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. March 24, '62 ; accepted April 7, '62; 1st Lieut. Sept. 10, '63; Capt. Dec. 30, '64; unassigned May 19, '69 ; ass'd to 12th Inf. July 14, '69; Maj. 5th Inf. Jan. 2, '88. Brevet rankBvt. 1st Lieut. July 2, '63; and Bvt. Maj. March 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Honorably mentioned In "Records of Rebellion," Series i. vol. xxvii. page 648. Service With 2d N. J. Inf. and 5th N. Y. Cav. till April, '62 ; joined 7th U. S. Inf. at Rouse's Point, N. Y., in April, '62 ; ordered to the Army of the Potomac Oct., '62 ; in the field Nov., '62, to '63 ; ordered to Florida in '65 and remained till May, '69 ; on waiting orders from May 19 to July 14, '69 ; assd. to 12th Inf. and joined regt. in Div. of the Pacific Aug., '69 ; at Camp Wright, Cal., till July, 75 ; ordered to Fort Mojave, Ariz., and remained till April, 78 ; at Whipple Barracks, Ariz., till Oct., 78 ; on general recruiting service till Oct., '80, in charge of rendezvous at Har- risburg, Pa. ; returned to Whipple Barracks in Dec., '80 ; remaining till Feb., '81 ; at Fort Mojave, Ariz., till Aug., '82, when with his regiment was ordered to Dept of the East; at Madison Barracks, N. Y., Sept., '82, to April, '86 ; transferred to Co. H, 12th Inf., at Fort Ontario, N. Y., remaining till July, '87 ; during tour of duty at Madison Bks. and Fort Ontario, was detailed by War Dept. to inspect New Hampshire Militia, and instructed the officers of same, and by authority of the Lieut. General commanding the Army, acted as judge of competition drills at Toronto, Canada, and at National drills held at Washington, D. C. ; accompanied his regiment to Dept. of Dakota, in July, '87, and while en route from Buffalo, N. Y., to Duluth, Minn. ; served at Fort Yates until Jan. 2, '88, when promoted ; joined regiment at Fort Mclntosh, Texas, Aug., '88 ; on duty thereuntil Jan., '89, when ordered to Fort Ringgold, Texas, at which post he has since been serving. Staff positions occupied On staff (as aide) of Brig. Gen. Runyon in the battle of 1st Bull Run ; Acting Adjt. Batt. 7th Inf. in the field Nov., '62; Reg. Adj. Jan. 1, '63, to Sept. 5, '64; Provost Marshal District East Florida, on staff of Brig. Gen. Vogdes U. S. Vol. May to Aug., '65; A. D. C. and A. A. A. G. on staff of Maj. Gen. J. G. Foster U. S. Vol. Comdg. Dept. of Florida, Aug., '65, to Dec., '66 ; A. A. A. G. and A. I. G. District of Florida, under command of Col. J. T. Sprague till May, '67. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Battle of 1st Bull Run, skirmish at Snicker's Gap, Va., the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Va., and Gettysburg, Pa. ) in last mentioned was wounded. Commands held Post of Camp Wright, Cal., and Co. A, 12th Inf., Aug., ^69, till July,_75 ; Fort Mojave t., 78; till April, 78 ; Whipple Barracks till Oct., 78; Fort Mojave, Feb., '81, till Aug., '82 ; Co. A, 12th Inf., at Madison Barracks, N. Y., Sept., '82, till April, '86 ; Fort Ontario, N. Y., April, '86, till July, '87 ; regiment while en route from Buffalo, N. Y., to Duluth, Minn. ; Fort Ringgold, Texas, since Jan., '89. History At the outbreak of the Civil War he was a student at medical college. Woodruff, Ezra (Captain and Asst. Surgeon). Born in Ky. Appointed from Ky. Actual rank Hosp. Steward 15th Ky. Inf. Dec. 3, '61 ; discharged March 6, '63 ; Asst. Surg. 15th Ky. Inf. March 7, '63 ; hon. must, out Nov. 18, '63 ; Asst. Surg. Nov. 16, '68 ; accepted Nov. 25, '68 ; Capt. Asst. Surg. March 7, 71. 664 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. WOO Woodruff, Thomas M. (First Lieut. 5th Inf.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from D. C. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '67 ; graduated June 12, 71. Actual ran/fc 2d Lieut. 5th Inf. June 12, 71 ; 1st Lieut. July 5, 79. Woodson, Albert B. (Captain 5th Cav.). Born in Ky. May 10, 1840. Re- tiring year 1904. Appointed from Idaho Civil life. Actual rankPvi. Co. E and Hosp. Steward, 1st Wash. T. Inf., May 27, '62, to April 14, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Wash. T. Inf. April 14, '63; hon. must, out March 25, '65; 1st Lieut. 36th Inf. August 5, '67; accepted Sept. 14, '67; unassigned May 19, '69; assd. to 5th Cav. Dec. 15, 70 ; Capt. July 1, 76. Honorably mentioned Was highly complimented by the Commissary-General of Subsistence for faithful and efficient services at the Whetstone Agency, where he discharged the duties of his office in a satisfactory and business-like manner, and was twice nominated to the United States Senate to be a brevet captain to date from Dec. 31, 72, for gallant conduct in an engagement with the Apache-Mojave Indians in the Red Rock country. Service Served at Forts Walla Walla and Vancouver until March 25, '65, when he was mustered out of service and returned to civil pursuits ; appointed from Idaho Tery. a first Lieutenant in the Thirty-sixth Infantry, to date from August 5, '67, and served at Fort Sanders (employed during the summer of '68 on escort duty* with engineers of the Union Pacific Railway), Forte Bridger and Douglas until May 19, '69, when, his regiment having been consolidated with the Seventh Infautrv, he was placed on the list of unassigned officers and served as Commissary at the Whet- stone Indian Agency and on recruiting service at Sioux City until Nov., 70 ; he was assigned Dec. 15, 70, to the Fifth Cav. with his original rank and joined at Fort McPherson, Neb., on March 10, 71, where he had station until Nov., when he accompanied the first detachment of the regiment (commanding company), by the way of San Francisco and the Gulf of California, to Arizona and arrived at Camp McDowell in January, 72, whence he marched, in April, to Camp Verde, where he had station until March, 73 ; commanded a company during the Apache campaigns of 72-73 ; he was a member of a board of officers convened at Los Angeles for the purchase of cavalry horses from April to May, 73 ; on leave of absence until Feb., 74, when he was placed on duty at the headquarters of the Military Division of the Pacific and finally rejoined at Camp Grant in April, where he served as a Company Commander and Commissary until July, 75; con- ducted a detachment (D, H, L) of the regiment from Arizona to Fort Lyon, Col., where he arrived in Sept. and served until July, 76, when he moved by rail to Cheyenne to participate in the Sioux campaign in Northern Wyoming, Dakota and Montana ; joined his company on the north branch of the North Cheyenne River and served with the Big Horn and Yellowstone expedition ; upon the dis- bandment of the expedition at Fort Robinson, Neb., in Oct., was assigned to Fort Sidney, Neb., where he had station until Aug., 77, being detached at Omaha during the railway riots of July, 77 ; changed station to Fort Washakie, Wyo., where he served until May, 78, and was engaged in the Wind River expedition against the Nez Perces during Sept., 77 ; employed on field service in Northern Wyoming until July, when he was assigned to Fort McKinney ; in Sept., 78, on leave of absence until Feb., 79, when he was appointed recorder of a retiring board convened at New York City and continued on that duty until Sept., when he resumed his leave of absence; but having been informed of the military opera- tions against the hostile Utes of Colorado, he rejoined his company at Rawlina, Wyo., on Oct. 17th and served with the reserve of the Ute expediton until Nov. 29th ; then assigned to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., where he served until April, '80, when he changed station to Fort Laramie; served at various other stations till '90, present station being Ft. Reno, Ind. T. Bottles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the affairs at the Mexican crossing of the Verde River and on the west side of the Verde River south of Camp Verde, and was engaged in the skirmish at Slim Buttes, Dak. History He removed in '59 to Washington Territory, where he engaged in civil pursuits and was for a time the Private Secretary of the Governor of the Territory. Woodward, Charles G. (First Lieut. 3d Art.). Born in Maryland. Ap- pointed from Md. Cadet at U. S. Mil. Acad. July 1, 73; graduated June 15, 77. WOO RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 665 Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 4th Art. June 15, 77 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Art. July 2, 77 ; 1st Lieut Dec. 3, '84. Woodward, George A. (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Pennsylvania. Re- tired. Appointed from Pa. Civil life. Actual rank Captain 2d Pa. Res. May 27, '61 ; Major April 2, '62 ; Lieut. Col. Feb. 20, '63 ; hon. must, out Aug. 29, '63 ; Major Vet. Res. Corps Aug. 24, '63 ; accepted Aug. 30, '63 ; Lieut. Col. Sept. 25, '63; accepted Oct. 2, '63 ; Col. Dec. 4, '63; accepted Dec. 22, '63 ; hon. must, out July 20, '66 ; Lieut. Col. 45th Inf. July 28, '66; accepted Sept. 26, '66; trans, to 14th Inf. March 15, '69; Col. 15th Inf. Jan. 10, 76 ; retired March 20, 79, disa- bility from wounds in line of duty. Brevet rank Bvt. Col. March 2, '67, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. Service In the field during the War of the Rebellion, '61 to '65; at close of Gettysburg campaign ap- plied for honorable discharge on account of disability from wounds ; withdrew that application at request of Division Commander, by whom was tendered the position of Inspector General of the Division ; pending con^deration of such tender, received an appointment as Major in Invalid Corps accompanied by a let- ter from the Provost Marshal General explaining that no higher grade than that of Major had yet been created in that corps, but that if, as was expected would soon be the case, higher grades should be authorized, his claim to higher rank would be duly considered ; performed duty while in Vet. Res. Corps, commanding the depot camp of the corps in Washington, and camps in Philadelphia, Columbus and Cleveland; member and subsequently president of a board for the examination of applicants for commissions in the Vet. Res. Corps; special duty in the' Inspector General's department making "investigations within the cities of Washington and Alexandria, and the Department of Washington into the matter of granting passes at the various pass offices and headquarters issuing them," and "a general exam- ination of the subject of the transit across our lines and the Potomac River of per- sons and goods within the Department of Washington and as high up the Poto- mac as Harper's Ferry; '* president of a military commission, Washington, D. C. ; tour of inspection duty to Hartford, Conn., on returning from which found com- munication with Washington cut by enemy ; reported for duty to Gen. Cadwal- lader in Philadelphia, and by his orders proceeded to Washington by sea, in com- mand of five companies of convalescents organized from hospitals to assist in the defense of Washington ; president of a board for transferring enlisted men to Vet. Res. Corps; being in Washington awaiting orders on the night of President Lin- coln's assassination, established Camp Lovell ; proceeded with regiment to Omaha, Neb., and by order of Department Commander established regimental headquarters at Fort Sedgwick, Col. ; in spring of 71, with four companies, marched to Fort Fetterman, Wyo. Ty. ; was offered and declined appointment of Acting Inspector General of Department; at Sidney Brks., Neb., May, 73; commanding post of Fort McPherson and District of the Republican, Neb., to June, 74, when pro- ceeded to Fort Cameron, Utah; on sick leave on account of breaking out of an old wound in foot; retired for disability resulting from wounds March 20, 79. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Mechanicsville (commanding extreme right of Union lines), Games' Mill and Charles City Cross Roads (or Glen - dale), in which battle was twice wounded ; taken prisoner and confined in Lihby Prison, Richmond, Va. ; commanding regiment and engaged at the battle of Get- tysburg July 2-3, '63. Commands held Depot camp of Vet. Res. Corps at Wash- ington, Philadelphia, Columbus and Cleveland; command of five companies of convalescents in defense of Washington, D. C. ; command of regiment to Omaha, Neb. ; four companies and post of Fort Fetterman, Wyo. ; Sidney Brks., Neb., May, 73 ; Fort McPherson and District of the Republican, Neb., to June, 74 ; Fort Cameron, Utah. Woodward, Samuel L. (Captain 10th Civ. and Bvt. Major U. S. A.), Born in N. J. Oct. 28, 1840. Retiring year 1904. Appointed from Ky. Civil life. Actual rank?\i. Co. " G," 6th 111. Cav., Feb. 1, '62, to Oct. 31, '62; 1. 1 Lieut. 6th III. Cav. Nov. 1, '62; hon. must, out Aug. 22, '63; Capt. A. A. G. July 21, '63; accepted Au?. 23, '63; Maj. A. A. G. Feb. 11, '65; accepted April 10, '65; hon. must, oui Sept. 19, '65; 2d Lieut. 10th Cav. June 18, 67; accepted 43 666 RECODRS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. WOO July 27, '67 ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 11, '67; Capt. Oct. 5, '87. Brevet rank Bvt. Capt. Dec. 11. 67, gallant and meritorious services during the raid through Mias. in April, '63 ; Bvt. Major Dec. 11, '67, gallantry during the fight at Egypt Station, Miss., Dec. 28, '64. Service He was detailed as clerk in the office of tne A. A. G. of Brig. Gen. Sherman ; after being commissioned was assigned to duty with an In- fantry Brigade commanded by Col. David Stuart in the Corps of Gen. W. T. Sherman, where he served till Nov. 25, '62, when he rejoined his regiment and took part in the operations of Gen. Grant's Miss. Campaign, during which he was with a Division of Cavalry organized for the pursuit of the Rebel Gen. Van Dorn in his raid into Northern Miss, and West Tenn ; on the termination of this Expe- dition he was with the 1st Cav. Brig., Army of the Tenn., Dec., '62, and parti- cipated in all of the operations and engagements of this Brigade in Northern Miss, and West Tenn., including the raid known as Grier-son's raid, under Col. Grierson from La Grange, Tenn., to Baton Rouge, La., where the Brigade arrived May 2, '63; took part in the expeditions of Gens. Win. Sooy Smith, Sturgis, A. J. Smith and Grierson in Miss., from Aug., '63, to Jan., '65; participated in the capture of Mobile, Ala., March, '65, and the expedition from Mobile Bay to Eufaula, Alabama, Georgetown, Georgia, Montgomery, Alabama, and Columbus, Missis- sippi, March, April and May, '65, and in the reorganization of the Cavalry in New Orleans, for service in Texas; at Fort Riley, Kansas, October 14, '67, to April 17, '68; took part in the campaign of '68 and '69, against the hostile Kiowas, Comanches, Cheyennes and Arapahoes and numerous scouts, marches and expeditions in the Indian Territory and Teras ; at Camp Wichita and Fort Sill I. T., from June, '69, to Sept., '71; he was charged with the escort of horse thieves and desperadoes from Fort Sill, I. T., to Fort Smith, Ark., and ordered to appear as a witness against them, before the U. S. Circuit Court, during May and June, '70, after which he was granted four months' leave of absence on account of sickness, and returned to duty in Nov., '70; at Ft. Gibson, I. T., from May 20 to Sept. 13, '72, and was engaged in removing intruders and outlaws, from the Indian Territory; wa-< sick from Sept. 13, to Oct. 15, 72, when granted leave of absence until May 31, '73; rejoined at Ft. Sill, I.T. ; changed station with his reg- iment from Ft. Sill, I. T., to Ft. Conch >, Texas, in April, '75; on recruiting service at Baltim >re, Md., Cinn., O., and St. Lmis, Mo., from Oct. 1, '76, to Oct. 9, 78; granted leave of absence on account ot sickness from Nov. 9, 78, to Nov. 1, 79; rejoined and was on duty with Troop "K," 10th Cav., from Nov. 1, 79, to May 10, '8i), and took part in an expedition against hostile Indians in the Guadaloupe and Sacramento Mts., New Mexico, in March, April and May, '80 ; absent with leave from Dec., '82, to April 15, '83, at the termination of which he was assigned to duty at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., from April 15 to Sept. 20, '83 ; at Ft. Davi*, Tex., from Nov., '83, to Sept., '84 ; leave of absence from Sept. 16, '84, to Nov. 15, '84 ; rejoined and remained at Ft. Davis, Tex., till April 1, '85; left Ft. Davis, Tex., with regiment and marched to Whipple Barracks, Ariz., arriving May 20, '85 ; remaintd till July 13, '86; left Whipple Barracks, July 13, '86, and marched with non-com in isbioned staff and band of the 10th Cav. to Fort Grant, Ariz., arriving July 21, '86; remained till Nov. 30, when he was ordered to Santa Fe, New Mexico, Dec. 1, '86, and continued until September 30, '87; on leave of absence and conducting recruits until April 13, '88, when he assumed command of his troop, "I," Fort Verde, Arizona, Dec. 11, '88; marched from Ft. Verde to change station to Fort Apache, Arizona, arriving December 24, '88 ; October 10, '89, changed station to San Carlos, Arizona, arriving Oct. 14, '89, present station. Stuff positions occupied A. A. A. G. of Inf. Brigade Nov. 1, '62, to Nov. 25, '62; A. A. A. G. of 1st Cav. Brigade Dec. 30, '62, till May 2, '63 ; Adj. Gen. of Cav., Dep. of the Gulf, May to July, '63; Adj. Gen. Cav. Div., 16th Army Corps, and Cav. Corps Dint, of West Tenn. from Aug., '63, to Jan., '65 ; Reg. Adj. 10th Cav. Oct. 1, '67, to Oct. 1, 76; Post AHj. Fort R ley, Kan., from Oct. 14. '67, to April 17, '68; A. A. A. G. Dist. of the Indian Ter. July, '68, to May, '69: Post Adj. Camp Wichita and Fort Sill, I. T., June, '69, to April, 70 ; A. Sig. Officer at Fort Sill, I. T., May 1, 71, to May 31, 72, and Post Adj. Aug. 9, 71, to Sep. 4, 71 ; A. A. A. G. Dist. of I. T., May 20 to Sep. 13, 72; A. A. D. C. and A. A. A. G. in the WOR RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 667 field Aug. to Dec., 74; Adj. Fort Concho, Tex., April, 75, to Sep., 76; A. A. Q. M. and recruiting officer at St. Louis Barracks, Mo., from March 17 to Nov. 30, 77; A. A. Q. M.~and A. C. S. at Fort Davis, Texas, and for troops in the field against hostile Indians May 10 to Dec. 1, '80; A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. at Fort Davis, Texas, May 1 to Oct. 31, '82; Reg. Adj. 10th Cav. Sep. 24, '83, to Sep. 30, '87 ; Post Adj., Sig. and Ord. Officer and A. C. S. at Fort Davis, Tex., from Nov., '83, to Sep., '84, and from Dec. 1, '84, to March 31, '85; Post Adj. and A. C. S. Fort Grant, Ariz., Aug. 1 to Nov. 30, '86; A. A. A. G. Dist. of N. M. Dec. 1, '86, to Sep. 30, '87. During Sep., Oct. and Nov., '87, in addition to his other duties, he performed those of Chief Com. of Sub. of the Dist. of N. M. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Took part in the engagements at Bolivar and Middleburg, Tenn., and Ripley, Miss., Dec. 24 and 25, '62; actions at Clinton, Redwood Bridge, Pretty Creek, Plain Stone and investment and assault on and surrender of Port Hudson, La., May to July, '63 ; engagements at West Point, Okolona and Ivy Farm, Mi*s;, in Feb., '64; near Ripley, Miss., June 7, '64; battles of Guntown June 16, '64; Tupelo July 14, and Oldtown Creek July 15, '64 ; engagements at Hurricane Creek, Miss., Aug. 13 and 19, '64, and Egypt Station, Miss., Dec. 28, '64; took part in an engagement with hostile Kiowas at Fort Sill, I. T., April 27, 71, and personally pursued and captured the Kiowa Chief " Big Tree," in a running fight; took part in the engagements at Wichita Agency and McClellan Creek, and the long and arduous marches and scouts incident to the campaign ; in engagements with In- dians at Shake Hand Spring and Mescalero Agency, N. M., March, April and May, '80. Commands held Commanded troop K, 10th Cav., from Dec. 13, *80, to May 8, '82, and Camp on the Rio Grande near Fort Quitman, Texas, from April to Oct., '81 ; in command of Co. A of Instruction, General Mounted Rec. Ser., from April 15 to Sep. 20, '83. History When the War of the Rebellion com- menced he was living in Paducah. Ky., where he was severely persecuted, and his life threatened, on account of his sentiments of loyalty to the Government. This becoming unbearable, he left his home and enlisted as a private in Troop G, 6th 111. Cav., Feb. 1, '62. Wooley, Frederick (First Lieut. 10th Inf.) Born in N. C. Appointed from N. C. Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 74 ; graduated June 14,78. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 10th U. S. Inf. June 14, 78; 1st Lieut. Feb. 16, '85. Worden, Charles A. (First Lieut. 7th Inf.). Born in Syracuse, N. Y., March 25, 1847. Retiring year 1911. App. from N. Y. ; graduated from Mil. Acad., Clas of 72. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 7th Inf. June 14, 72; 1st Lieut. March 20, 79. Service Served at Fort Shaw and Fort Ellis, Mont., from Sept., 72. to Oct., 78 ; at Fort Soelling, Minn./ from Oct., 78, to March, 79 ; at U. S. M. A. as Asst. Instructor in the Dept. of Drawing, from March, 78, to Aug., 79 ; Asst. Professor of same from Aug., 79, to Aug., '83 ; at Fort Laramie, Wyo., from Aug., '83, to Oct., '89. Staff positions occupied Adj. 7th Inf. from Oct., '85, to Oct., '89; Engineer Officer Dept. of the Platte, from Oct , '89, to . Worth, William S. (Captain 8th Inf., Bvt. Maj.). Born in N. Y. Jan. 6, 1840. Retiring year 1904. Appointed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank2d Lieut. 8th Inf. April 26, '61 ; accepted May 2, '61 ; 1st Lieut. June 7, ? 61; Capf. Jan. 14, '66. Brevet rank Bvt.-Capt. Aug. 1, '64, gallant and distinguished ser- vices in the assault on the enemy's lines before Petersburg and in the operations in the campaign against Richmond, Va. ; Bvt. Major April 9, '65, gallant and meritorious services during the campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under Gen. R. E. Lee. Staff positions occupied Adj. 8th Inf. Sept. 25, '61, to April 13, '62 ; A. D. C. Vol. Dec. 8, '62, to March 23, '63 ; July 11, '63, to June 21, '65 ; A. D. C. to General A. J. Smith, and engaged in the Corinth campaign ; A. D. C. to General Hunt, chief of artillery, Army of the Potomac, and engaged in the different campaigns of that army from Sept., '62, to April, '65. Worthingfton, James C. (Captain and Ass't Surgeon). Born in Maryland Jan. 19, 1853. Retiring year 1917. Appointed from Maryland. Actual rank Ass't Surg. June 26, 75 ; accepted July 1, 75; Captain, Ass't Surg., June 26, '80. Service Ordered to Division of the Atlantic July 20, 75; at Fort McHenry, Md., as Junior Med. Officer to June 30, 76 ; as Post Surgeon to Aug. 1, 76 ; ordered 668 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. WRI to Dept. of Arizona, July 23, 76 ; Post Surgeon Fort Whipple, A. T., Sept. 7, 76, to Sept. 28, 77 ; in charge of Med. Director's office, Headq'rs Dept. of Arizona, April and May, 77 ; Pobt Surgeon Fort Grant, A. T., Oct. 7, 77, to Feb. 12, '80 ; special duty to Fort Huachuca, A. T., May, 79 ; special duty to San Francisco, Cal., Oct., 79 ; with troops in the field against hostile Indians in West'n Arizona, April and May, '80 ; Post Surgeon Fort McDowell, A. T., Feb. 20, '80, to Oct. 7, '80 ; ordered to Baltimore, Md., Aug. 28, '80; at Baltimore, Md., Oct. 27, '80, to Nov. 11, '80; on leave of absence Nov. 12, '80, to March 12, '81 ; ordered, Feb. 19, '81, to appear before Medical Examining Board ; examined and found quali- fied for promotion to Surgeon Feb. 25, '81 ; ordered to Dept. of the East March 30, '81 ; at Fort Wayne, Mich., as Junior Med. Officer, May 28, '81, to May 9, '83; with troops in the field, centennial celebration, Yorktown, Va., Oct., '81 ; special duty to Jeffersonville, Ind., Jan., '82; ordered to Dept. of the Missouri, April 30, '83 ; on leave of absence May 10, '83, to June 20, '83 ; Post Surgeon at Canton- ment on the Uncompahgre River (name of post changed to Fort Crawford, Col., Dec. 15, '86) June 28, '83, to Sept. 15, '88 ; with troops in the field, summer camp on Cimarron River, Col., Oct., '86 ; with troops in the field, summer camp on Ciniarron River, Col., Aug., '87 ; special duty to Fort Lewis, Col., Oct., '87 ; leave of absence May 15, '88, to Sept. 14, '88; ordered to Dept. of the Columbia, Sept. 6, '88 ; Post Surgeon Fort Townsend, Wash., Oct. 1, '88, to present time. titnjf positions occupied Post Treasurer, Fort Grant, A. T., June, 78. to Jan., '80; Post Treasurer at Fort Crawford, Col., Aug., '86, to April, '88. History Sharpshooter '85 ; marksman '83-4-5-6-7. Wotherspoon, "William W. (First Lieut. lth Inf.). Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from District of Columbia Civil life. Artuul r-tnk Second Lieut. 12th Inf., Oct. 1, 73; accepted Oct. 10, 73; First Lieut. March 20, 79. Staff positions occupied Regt. Quartermaster 12th Inf. July 1, 79, to March 31, '87. Wren, William C. (Second Lieut. 10th Inf.). Born in Minnesota. Appoint- ed from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rank Cadet M. A. July 15, '80, to Feb. 15, '82 ; 2d Lieut. 10th Inf. Oct. 30, '84; accepted Nov. 1, '84. Wright, Edmund S. (Second Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in Georgia. Appoint- ed irooi Ky. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '82 ; graduated July 1, '86. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 9th Cav. July 1, '86. Wright, Henry H. (First Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in D. C. Nov. 6, 1850. Re- tiring year 1914. Appoiuted from D. C. Civil life. Actual ran/: 2d Lieut. '.i:h Cav. Dec. 12,72; accepted Jan. 14, 73; 1st Lieut. March 18, '80. Honorably mentioned By letter Headquarters Dist. New Mexico Oct. 14, 76; General Orders No. 5, Headquarters Fort Bayard, N. M., Feb. 5, 77 ; G. O. No. 2, H'dq'rs Dist. N. M , Aug. 25, 77; Telegram Dept, Commander, H'dq'rs Dept. Mo., June 9, 79; Telegram Dist. Commander, H'dq'rs Dist. N. Mex., June 14, 79, and G. O. No. 24, H'dq'rs Dept. Mo., Oct., '81. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Engagement with Apa- che Indians, under Victorio, on Rio Luchello Negro, N. M., Sept. 2, 76 ; Chirica- hua Apaches, under '"Imp," on Florida Mts., N. M., Jan. 24, 77 ; Warm Spring Southern Apaches, near Ojo Caliente, N. M., May 3, 77 ; near Luera Mts., N. M., with Warm Spring Apaches, Oct. 9, 77 ; Alamo Canon, Sacramento Mts., N. M., with Mescalero Apaches, July 29, 78; Dog Canon, Sacramento Mts.,N. M., with Mescalero Apaches, Aug. 5, 78 ; San Francisco Mts., N.M ., with Apaches under Victorio, May 29, 79 ; Rio Las Animas, N. M., with Apaches under Nane and Victorio, Sept. 18, 79; Miembres Mts., N. M., with Apaches under Victorio, Sept. 29 and 30, 79; near Hillsboro', N. M., with Mescalero and Warm Spring Apaches, March 21, '80. Commands held He commanded detachment Navajo Indian Scouts 76-79. History Son of Edward Wright, Captain and Com. Sub. Vol. (deceased) ; member Rifle Team, Dept. of the Platte, '88; member Cavalry Car- bine Team, Dept. of the Platte, '89, Silver Medal. Wright, Horatio G. (Brig.-Geueral and Brevet Major-General U. S. A.). Born in Connecticut. Retired. Appointed from Connecticut. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, '37; graduated July 1, '41. Actual rank 2d Lieut. Eng. July 1, '41; 1st Lieut. Febr. 28, '48; Captain (14 years service) July 1, '55 ; WYE RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 669 Major 13th Inf. May 14, '61 (declined) ; Major Eng. Aug. 6, '61 ; Brig.-Gen. Vol. Sept. 14, '61 ; accepted Sept. 17, '61 ; Major-Gen. July 18, '62 ; accepted Aug. 19, '62; neg. and revoked March 24, '63; Brig.-Gen. March 24, '63; Maj.-Gen. May 12, '64; accepted May 20, '64; hon. must, out Sept. 1, '66; Lieut.-Colonel Eng. Nov, 23, '65; Colonel March 4, 79; Brig.-Gen. Chief of Engineers June 30, 79; accepted July 2, 79 ; retired March 6, '84. Brevet rank Bvt. Lieut.-Col. Nov. 8, '63, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Rappahannock Station, Va. ; Bvt. Colonel May 12, '64, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Spott- Bylvania, Va. ; Bvt. Brig.-Gen. May 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Cold Harbor, Va. ; Bvt. Major-Gen. March 13, '65, gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Petersburg, Va. "Wright, Joseph P. (Lieut-Colonel and Surgeon). Born in Wilkes-Barre^ Pa., Dec. 25, 1826. Retiring year 1900. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Actual rank Asst. Surg. May 28, '61 ; accepted June 1, '61 ; Captain and Asst. Surg. May 28, '61 ; Major and Surg. July 28, '66 ; Lieut.-Col. and Surg. April 23, '89. Brevet rankE\t. Capt., Maj. and Lieut.-Col. March 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services during the war. Service On duty in the field with Headquarters and four batteries 4th U. S. Art. during June, July and Aug., '61 ; on duty at Headquarters Dept. Ohio, from Aug., '61, until July, '62 ; reported to General Grant in the field near Corinth, Miss., in Aug., '62; and on duty at Camp Clear Creek, near Corinth, Miss., with Rosecrans' Division ; and at luka, Mis*., until the middle of Sept., '62; in charge of sick and wounded; removed from luka, Miss., to Jackson, Tenn.,Sept.,'62, and in charge of a Field Hospital at the latter place during the autumn and winter of '62 ; from June, '63, until Jan., '64, in charge of a Gen. Hospital at Memphis, Tenn. ( Washington 1 Gen. Hospital), of capacity for 500 beds ; in Jan., '64, relieved from this duty and directed to report to Gen. Geo. H. Thomas, Headquarters Dept. and Army of the Cumber- land, for duty as Asst. Medical Director, which positson he held during the At- lanta Campaign and until after the battles of Franklin and Nashville; early in '65, he was assigned to the charge of the Overton General Hospital, Memphis, Tenn., of capacity for the accommodation of 600 patients ; and subsequently to the charge of the Gayoso General Hospital, Memphis, Tenn., of sufficient capacity to accommodate 400 patients ; July, '65, assigned to duty as Superintendent of Gen. Hosp'-< at Memphis, Tenn.; exam'd for promotion and reported as eligible therefor Oct. '65; since the war on duty in Boston Harbor to Sept., '69 ; Post Surg. Fort Sully, Dakota, to May, 74 ; in the field as Chief Medical Officer of a force of twenty -two Companies under General D. S. Stanley for escort duty of Surveyors North Pacific Railway, to the Yellowstone and Powder Rivers, Mont, July to Oct., 72; Chief Medical Officer District New Mexico to Oct., 75; Post Surgeon Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to Feb., 77; Attending Surg. Leavenworth Military Prison to July, '84 ; on leave of absence to Nov., '84; Post Surgeon San Antonio, Texas, to Nov. 17, '86; Attending Surgeon Leavenworth Military Prison to the present time. History Son of Bvt. Brig.-Gen. J. J. B. Wright, Surgeon U. S. A. ; grad- uated in arts at Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., July, '58; in Medicine March, '60 ; degree of Master of Arts conferred in July, '61. Wright, Walter K. (First Lieut 16th Inf.). Born in N. Y. Appointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy July 1, 79; graduated June 13, '83. Actual rank2d Lieut. 16th Inf. June 13, '83 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 1, '88. Wright, William D. (Second Lieut. Signal Corps). Born in Ga. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt. and Sgt. Signal Corps April 19, 72, to March 20, '82; 2d Lieut. Signal Corps Jan. 27, '82 ; accepted March 21, '82. Wright, William M. (Second Lieut. 2d Inf.). Born in N. J. Appointed from N. J. Civil life. Actual rankCadet at M. A. July 1, '82, to Jan. 11, '83 ; 2d Lieut. 2d Inf. Jan. 19, '85; accepted Feb. 16, '85. Wyeth, Maryborough C. (Capt. and Asst Surg.). Born inN. J. Appointed from N. J. Civil life. Actual rank Asst Surg. Feb., '81 ; accepted March 1, '81 ; Capt. and Asst. Surg. Feb. 18, '86. Service Ordered to Dept. of Dakota, March 17, '81 ; at Fort Meade, Dakota, May, '81, to Nov., '82 ; at Fort Snelling, Mine., Nov., '82; Post Surg. Fort Stevenson, Dak., to April, '83; Post Surg. Fort Hale, Dak., to June, '83 ; Post Surg. Fort Maginnis, Mont, from June, '83, 670 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. YOU to March, '85 ; Post Surg. Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. H., temp, duty April-May, '85 ; at Fort Wayne, Mich., from June, '85, to March, '87 ; Post Surg. Fort Bar- rancas, Fla., March, '87, to June, '88, in charge of Geronimo, and band of Apache Indiana at Fort Pickens; at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., June, '88, to July, '89; Post Sure. Fort McDowell, Ariz., July, '89, to date. Wygant, Henry (Captain 24th Inf.). Born in New York. Appointed from Ark. Cadet at U.S. Military Academy Sept. 1, '68; graduated June 14, 72. Actual rank2d Lieut. 24th Inf. June 14, '72 ; 1st Lieut. June 28, '78; Capt. May 15, '88. Wyse, Francis O. (Lieut, Col. U. S. A.). Born in Md. Retired. Ap- 5ointed from Md. Cadet at U. S. Military Academy, Sept. 1, '33 ; graduated uly 1, 37. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 3d. Art. July 1, '37 ; 2d Lieut. July 31, '37 ; 1st Lieut. July 31, '38 ; Capt. March 3, '47 ; Maj. 4th Art. May 14, '61 ; Lieut. Col. Nov. 1, 61; resigned July 25, '63; app. Lieut. Co). 4th Art. Feb. 19, '79; accepted Feb. 28, 79; retired Feb. 28, 79. Brevet rank Bvt. Maj. July 12, '47, gallant and meritorious conduct in the affair with the enemy at Calabosa River, Mexico. Yates, Theodore (Colonel U. S. A.). Born in Mo. Retired. App. from Mo. Civil life. Actual rank Capt. 1st Mo. Inf. April 25, '61; hon. must, out Oct. 10, '61 ; Capt. 13th Inf. Aug. 5, '61 ; accepted Oct. 11, '61 ; transferred to 31st Inf. Sept, 21, '66 ; retired with rank of Col. Nov. 1, '67. Brevet ran/t Bvt. M:ijor, Julv 4, '63, "gallant and meritorious-services in the siege of Vicksburg, M Yeatman, Richard T. (First Lieut. 14th Inf.). Born in Ohio. App. from Ohio; graduated from Mil. Acad., class of 72. Actual rank2d Lieut. 14th Inf. June 14, 72 ; 1st. Lieut. March 15, '83. &taff positions occupied R. Q. M. 14th Inf. June 30, '86, to July 25, '87 ; Adj. 14th Inf. July 25, '87 to . Yeckley, Jonathan A. (First Lieut. U. S. A.). Born in N. Y. Retired ; app. from N. Y. Civil life. Actual rankPvt. Co. D, 126th N. Y. Inf., Aug. 7, '62; discharged Aug. 25, '63; 2d Lieut. V. R. C Jan. 30, '65; accepted Mr, '65; hon. must, out March 31, '67 ; 2d Lieut. 44th Inf. Jan. 22, '67; accepted April 1, '67; unassigned May 27, '69; assigned to 20th Inf. July 14, '69; 1st Lieut. Jan. 15, 73; retired June 28, 78. Young, Andrew H. (Captain and A. Q. M.). Born in N. H. App. from N. H. Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut, and R. Q.M.7thN.H. Inf. Oct. 22/61 ; hon. must, out Jan. 30, '63; Capt. A. Q. M. Vol. Nov. 26, '62; accepted Jan. 30, '63; vacated July 1, '64; Additional Paymaster Vol. May 28, '64; accepted July 1, '64; hon. must, out July 20, '66; Capt. and A. Q. M. Nov. 13, '84; accepted Nov. 22, '84. Brevet rankRvt. Lieut. Col. Vol. March 13, '65, faithful and meritorious services during the war. Young-, Charles (Second Lieut. 9th Cav.). Born in Ky. Appointed from Ohio. Actual rank Add. 2d Lieut. 10th Cav. Aug. 31, '89; transferred to 25th Inf. Oct. 4, '89 ; 2d Lieut. Oct. 4, '89; transferred to 9th Cav. Oct. 31, '89; to rank in Cav. Oct. 4, '89. Young, Daniel J. (Captain IL S. A.). Born in Pa. Retired ; appointed from W. Va. Civil life. Actual rank Ordnance Storekeeper, Ord. Dt-pt., Dec. 26, '65; accepted May 1, '66 ; Capt. and Ordnance Storekeeper July 28, '66; re- tired Dec. 11, '88. Service In charge of Harper's Ferry depot '67-70; on duty at N. Y. Arsenal 70-73 ; on duty at St. Louis Arsenal 73-76 ; on duty at Water- vliet, 77-83. Young, George S. (First Lieut. 7th Inf.) Born at Harper's Ferry, W. Va., May 17, 1875. Appointed from Civil life. Actual rank Assigned to Co. E Apr. 15, 75 ; 1st Lieut. March 31, '82. Service On D. 8. at Newport Barracks, Ky., from Feb. 24, to July 27, 75; in expedition against Sioux Indians in vicinit Yellowstone River, M. T., March 14 to Oct. 6, 76, at which time he rejoined sta- tion at Camp Baker, M. T. ; Post Adjutant, Post Treasurer and Signal Officer Oct. 4, 76, to Nov. 20, 77; Post Adjt., Treasurer and Signal Officer, commanding mounted detachment A. A. Q. M. and A. C. S. May 31, 77 ; in the field Nez Perce campaign, 77; changed station with company from Camp Baker, M. T., to Fort Suelling, Minn., Oct. 3, 78; Acting Regimental Adjutant, Post Adjutant, ZIX RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF TJ. S. ARMY. 671 Treasurer, Signal Officer Nov. 30, 78, to Feb. 6, 79; Adjutant Battalion 7th Inf. against Ute Indians at White Kiver, Colorado; Acting Asst. Adjt. General White River expedition Nov. 25, 79, to Feb. 1, '80; Depot Quartermaster at Rawlins, Wyo., from March 30 to June 23, '80 ; at Fort Buford, D. T., command- ing Indian scouts; Post Adjutant, Post Treasurer and Signal Officer; relieved April 12, '82; joined new station at Fort Snelling May 10, '82; changed station to Fort Laramie, Wyo., Nov. 21, '82; at Fort Leavenworth School of Application for Infantry and Cavalry from Sept. 1, '83, to July 8, '85; rejoined Co. at Fort Laramie, Wyo.; changed station to FortMcKinney, Wyo., Nov. 20, '86; changed station to Fort Leavenworth, Kan.. Aug. 2, '89; Assistant to Chief Quartermaster, Headquarters Department of the Missouri, from April 19, '90, to . History Son of Capt. Young, Ord. Dept. Young, Richard "W. (Second Lieut. 5th Art.). Born in Utah. Appointed from Utah. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '82. Actual rank Additional 2d Lieut. 3d Art. June 13, '82 ; 2d Lieut. 5th Art. June 26, '82. Staff positions occupied Acting Judge Advocate, Dept. of the East, March 6, '85, to Aug. 31/86. Young, Robert H. (First Lieut. 4th Inf.). Born in Kentucky Civil life. Actual rank Private, Corp. and Sergt. Co. F, 9th Ky. Cav., Aug. 12, '62, to Sept. 11, '63; Captain 54th Ky. M. Inf. Sept. 30, '64; hon. must, out Sept. 1, '65; 2d Lieut: 30th Inf. March 7, '67 ; accepted May 30, '67; transferred to 4th Inf. March 23, '69; 1st Lieut. June 28, 78. Young, Samuel B. M. (Major 3d Cav., Brevet Colonel). Born in Pennsyl- vania Jan. 9, 1840. Retiring year 1904. Appointed from Pennsylvania Civil life. Actual rank Private Co. K, 12th Pa. Inf., April 25, '61; discharged Aug. 5, '61 ; Capt. 4th Pa. Cav. Sept. 6, '61 ; Major Sept. 20, '62 ; Lieut. Col. Oct. 1, '64; Colonel Dec. 29, '64; hon. must, out July 1, '65; 2d Lieut. 12th Inf. May 11, '66; accepted Sept. 11, '66 ; Captain 8tb Cav. July 28, '66; accepted Nov. 22, '66; M*jor 3d Cav. April 2, '83. Brevet rank Brevet Major March 2, '67, for "gallant and meritorious services in action at Sulphur Springs, Va." ; Lieut. Col. March 2, '67, for "gallant and meritorious services in action 'at Amelia Spring, Va."; Colonel March 2, '67, for "gallant and meritorious Cervices in the battle of Sailor's Creek, Va."; Brig. Gen. Vols. April 9, '65, for "gallant and merit( - rious services during the campaign terminating with the surrender of the insui- gent army undtr Gen. R. E. Lee.'' Service Engaged in the cavalry operations of the Army of the Potomac; wounded at the action of Sulphur Springs, Va. ; commanding Provisional Brigade, and wounded at the action of Kearnstown, Va. ; wounded at the battle of Hatcher's Run, Va. ; commanding Brigade, Cavaliy Corps, Army of the Potomac, and wounded at the battle of Sailor's Creek, Va. ; in the campaign terminating with the surrender of the insurgent army under Gen. Lee; on frontier duty since the close of the war, participating in many scouts and actions with hostile Indians ; at San Antonio, Tex., '90. Young, "Willard (Captain of Engineers). Born in Utah April 30, 1852. Retiring year 1916. Ap p. from Utah ; graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of 75. Actual rank 2d Lieut, of Engineers June 16, '?5 ; 1st Lieut. Oct. 31, 79; Capt. Oct. 12, '86. Service With batt. of Eng. 75-77 ; with Lieut. Wheeler's explor- ing expedition 77-79; on duty at M. A. as Asst. Prof, of Civil and Military Eng. 79-83. Zalinski, Edmund L. (Captain 5th Art.). Born in Poland. Appointed from Ne.v York Civil life. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 2d N. Y. Art Feb. 23, '65; hon. must, out Sept. 29, '65; 2d Lieut. 5th Art. Feb. 23, '66; accepted April 9, '66 ; 1st Lieut. Jan. 1, '67; Capt. Dec. 9, '87. Zalinski Moses G. (Second Lieut. 2d Art.) Born in N. Y. Appointed from the Army. Actual rank Pvt., Corp. and Sgt. batteries G and H, 1st Art. from Oct. 21, '85, to March 3, '89; 2d Lieut. 2d Art. Feb. 11, '89; accepted March 4, '89. Zinn, George A. (First Lieut, of Engineers). Born in Pa. App. from Pa.; graduated from Mil. Acad , Class of '83. Actual rank 2d Lieut, of Engineers June 13, '83 ; 1st Lieut. June 14, '84. Staff positions occupied Q. M. Batt. of Engineers Aug. 27, '88, to . APPENDIX. Alexander, W. L. (Captain and Commissary of Subsistence). Born in Iowa, Sep. 9, 1843. Retiring year 1907. Appointed from Iowa Civil life. Actual rank 1st Lieut. 30th Iowa Vol. Inf. Sep. 23, '62; C*pt. Oct. 1, '63; hon. must, out July 27, '65; Capt. and Com. Sub. Oct. 4, '89. Honorably mentioned In Rebel- lion Records series 1, vol. xvii, part i, paper No. 32, page 771, report of batile of Arkansas Post. Staff positions occupied A. D. C. 1st Div., loth Army C rps, July 10, '63; Commissary of Musters same Div. Dec. 2, '64. Service Hovey's expedition into Miss. Oct., '62; Chickasaw Bayou Dec. 29, '62; Arkansas Post Jan. 11, '63 (wounded); investment, siege and battles around Vicksburg; Jackson May 14, '63; assault on Vicksburg May 22, '63; Lookout Mountain Nov. L>4, '63; Missionary Ridge Nov. 26, '63 ; Atlanta campaign, battles of Resaca, Ga., May 13, 14 and 15, '64 ; Dalla, Ga., May 28, '64; Kenesaw Mountain June 15, Y>4 ; At- lanta July 22 and 28, '64; Jonesboro' Aug. 31, '64; march to the Sea and through the Carolinas; Bentonville, N. C., March 20 and 21, '65, most of the time with 1st Div., 15th Army Corrn; out of service from July 27, '65, to Oct. 4, '89; at Fort Monroe, Va., '90. History Adj. Gen. of Iowa, six term*, appointed by three suc- cessive governors Sep. 1, 78, to Oct. 4, '89. Ayres, J. C. (Captain Ordnance Dept.). Born at Neenah, Wis., Aug. 24, 1849. Grad. U. IS. Mil. Acad. June 12, 1871, Cl ,ss No. 3. Appointed 2-1 Lieut. 3d Inf. Service Served at Camp Supply, I. T., Ft. Wallace, Ft. Hays and Ft. Riley, Ks., 71-73; Acting Adjutant 3d Infty March 29 to June 10, 72 ; served in Missis- sippi, 74; appointed 1st Lieut. Ord. Dept. Nov. 5, 74; assistant at Rock Island Arsenal Nov., 74, to May, 77; Chief Ord. Officer, Dept. of the Platte, May to Nov., 77; at Rock Island Arsenal Nov., 77, to Jan., 78; ordered to establish Ordnance Dept. at Ft. Abraham Lincoln Jan., 78; commanding Ft. Lincoln Ord- nance Dept. Aug., 78, to Sept., 81 ; assistant at National Armory Sept.. '81, to July, '84; promoted Captain of Ordnance March 15, '83; Inspector of Galling Guns and Hotchkiss Magazine Rifles '83 and '84; assistant at Benicia Arsenal July 24, '84, to Sept., '88; assistant at Watervliet Arsenal Sept., '88, to March 1, '89 ; Member of Gun Factory Board ; assistant to Ordnance Bjard at U. S. Ord- nance Provine Ground March 1, '89, to . Barnitz, Albert (Captain U. S. A., Bvt. Col.). Born in Pa. March 10, '35. Retired. Appointed from Ohio. Actual rank Sergt. Co. G, 2d Ohio Cav., Aug. 22, '61 ; disch. June 1. '62 ;2d Lieut. 2d Ohio Ca v.June 1,'62; 1st Lieut. Feb. 18, '63; Capt. Feb. 2, '63; Maj. March 20, '65; must, out Sept. 11, '65 ; paid to Sept. 16, '65; Capt. 7th Cav. Julv 28, '66 ; ace. Jan. 10, '67 ; retired Dec. 15, 70. /> rank Major bvt. March 2, '67, " for gal. and mer. ser. in action at Ashland Sta- t on, Va. ;'" Lieut. C !. Bvt. Ma-ch 2, '67, " for gal. and mer. ser. in the battle of Bailor's Creek, Va.; '' Col. Bvt. Nov. 27, '68, " for dis. gallantry in the battle of Washita, Ind. T., Nov. 27, '68, in which engagement he was severely wounck-o!." Service -Served with regiment in the Army of the Frontier, in Missouri, Kansas, 672 BIN RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 673 Indian Ter. and Arkansas, '61-2 ; in the Army of the Ohio, 9th Corps (Burnside), in Kentucky and East Tennessee, '63 ; in Knoxville, Tenn., during the siege, while recovering from an injury received on Gen. Sanders' raid into East Ten- nessee, in June, '63 ; in the Armies of the Potomac and Shenandoah, 9th Corps (Burnside) and Cav. Corps (Sheridan), in 3d Cav. Div. (Wilson and Custer) in Maryland and Virginia, '64-5 ; after Lee's surrender marched with the Corps to Petersburg, Va., and thence to the North Carolina line, to reinforce Sherman ; participated in the closing review of the Armies, at Washington, May 23, '65, after which proceeded to Southwest Missouri, regiment reporting to Gen. Pope, at St. Louis, to repress lawlessness, disarm marauding bands and restore order along the borders of Missouri, Kansas, Ind. Ter. and Arkansas, with Hd. Qrs. at Springfie'd, Mo.; proceeded to Camp Chase, Ohio, for muster out; a-signed to the 7th Cav. upon its organization in '66 ; served in Indian Campaigns in Kansas, Col- orado, Texas and Indian Ter. ; with Gen. Hancock's " Expedition on the Plain?/' spring of '67; participated in numerous engagements with the Cheyennes, Arapahoes, Kiowas, Apaches, Comanches and Sioux ; in the battle of the Washita, Ind. Ter., Nov. 27, '68, in which engagement was severely wounded ; with Gen. Sully in pursuit of the five hostile tribes to the border of the Staked Plains in fall of '68, and with expedition under Gen. Custer, Nov., '68 ; afterwards organ- ized Cavalry depot at Fort Leaven worth, Kan., where stationed until retired. Staff positions occupied On staff of Gen. S. P. Carter, commanding defenses at Knoxville, Tenn., during the siege, in '63, an Judge Advocate and in charge of Provost Marshal Bureau of East Tennessee. History Grandson of Capt. John McClintic, of the Chambersburg Greys, who participated with his Co. with dis- tinction, in repulsing the British attack on Baltimore, in the War of 1812 ; several relations participated with credit in the Revolutionary War and the war of 1812. Bell, James F. (Second Lieut. 7th Cav.). Born in Ky., Jan. 9, 1856. Re- sane 3 paity of the N. P. R. R. June 9 to July 1, 79 ; on scout with troop June 16, '80, after Indians going north to attack Berthold Agency ; in field with trooo guarding construct! >n parties on N. P. R. -R. from June 24 to Oct. 18, '82; took stition at Fort Bufor I, Oct. 18, '82 ; left Fort Buford, Nov. 4, '83, to captu e and bring back a lot of half-breed Indians who hid been commuting depredations on settlers' cattle on White Earth Creek about 90 miles from Fort Buford; captured and bought them back to post Nov. 15, '83 ; on duty at Carbondale, III., as Prof, of Military Science and Tactics July 1, '86, to July 1, *89 (in the Southern III. Normal Univ.); took station at Fort Riley, Kan., July 3, '89; in the field with troop Sept. 7 to Oct. 19, '85, at Camp Schofield, I. T., where the Dept. Cunp of Instruction was established ; present station Fort Riley, Kan. Stuff positions oc- cupied A.. A. Q. M. Post A. Lincoln, Jan. 15, '80, to Jan. 1, '82 ; A. C. S. at Fort Buford, June 28, '83, to July 19, '85; Chief Signal Officer at Camp Schofield, I. T., Sept. 7 to Oct. 19, '89. 'Commands held Commanding troop July 4 to Dec. 4, 79 ; Oot. 2 to Nov. 3, '80 ; May 10 to June 10, '81 ; July 22 to Aug. 27, '82 ; Feb. 14. '83, to April 25, '84 ; Sept. 7 to Sept. 30, '84 ; Dec. 10, '84, to July 29, '85. History Was at target competition at Fort Snelling, Minn., Aug. 4 to Sept. 7, '84, and from July 29 to Sept. 17, '85, and has been presented with a medal as a member of the Div. of the Missouri R fle Team for '85. Bingham, Judson D. (Colo icl, A-st. Q. M. Gen. and Bvt. Brig. G*n.). Born in N. Y. May 16, 1831. Retiring year 1895. Aopointed from N. Y. Cadet at U. K Military Academy July 1, '50 ; graduated July 1. '54. Actual rara& 2d Lieut. 2d Art. July 1, '54; 1st Lieut. March 12, '56 ; Captain A. Q. M. May 13. '61; ac- cepted May 15, '61 ; Lieut. Col. Q. M. Vol. Jan. 1, '63, to Auok station ; in July, 77, station was changed back to Fort Dodge, Kansas; in Aug., 77, with company, took part in the suppression of the riots at St. Louis, Mo.; in the fall of 78, with company and a detachment from Cos. D and F, 19th Inf., took part in the campaign against Dall Knife and his band of Cieyennes ; Dec. 1, 78, his company was mounted and did mounted duty until July 25, '80 ; at Fort D )drt Clark, Texas; he remained until Jan., J 86; changed station by marching to Fort Clark, Texas, leaving Fort Brown March 22, and reaching Fort Clark April 23, '87; stationed at Fort Clark until May 8, '88, when he took station at Post of San Antonio, Texas, and has re- mained there to the present tim 3. Staff potions occupied Adj. 2d Batt., 17th Inf., Oct. 19, '61, to Dec. 1, '65; A st. Provost Mirshal 2d Div., 5th Carps, Army of Potomac, Jan. to Sep'., '64. Battle*, skirmishes, etc. Engaged at the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Va., and Gettysburg, Pa. (wounded); and engaged in the Mine Run campaign ; engaged at the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Sou'h Anna, Bethesda Church, Petersburg, and the Weldon Railroad, Va., and the battle at Punished Woman's Fork against Dull Knife and his band of Cheyenne Indians, Sept. 27, 78. Commands held C >in- mand of Co. H, 3d Batt, 17th Inf., Feb., '66 ; command of posts at Hempstead, Leona, Centreville and Victoria, Tex.; Cos. H, 3d Batt., 17th Inf., and D, 2Gth Inf., April, '66, to Feb., '68 ; po*t of Fort Ringgold till Feb., '69; Greenwood, La., May, 73, to Jan., 74 ; Fort Dodge, Kan., 74-75; Camp Supplv, I. T., July, 75, to July, 77 ; Fort Dodge, Kan , 79 ; mounted batt. of Col. Buell** N. M. Col- umn, two troops, 9 h CAV., and Co. H, 17ih Inf., Oct., 79, to Jan. 31, '80 ; Fort Dodge, Kan., Aug., '80, to Nov., '80 ; Fort Brown, Tex., '82 till Jan., '86. His- tory He commanded Rifle Camp at San Antonio, Tex., of four companies of Inf. and two troops of Cuv., from March 28, '89, to May 3, '89; commanded the Camp of the Rifle Competition, Dept. of Texas, in '89,*Aug. 3 to Au^r. 17, inclu- pive ; he commanded the Infantry Rifle Camp, six companies, from Feb. 24 to April 2, inclusive, '90. Crowder, Enoch H. (First Lieut. 8th Cav.). Born in Mo. Appointed from Mo. Cadet at U. S. Militarv Academy Sept. 1, 77; graduated June 11, '81. Actual rank 2d Lieut. 8th Cav. June 11, '81 ; 1st Lieut. July 5, '86. Servi' Served with regiment at Fort Brown, Texas, from Sept, 29 to Oct. 30, '81 ; at Santa Maria, Texas, to Dec. 28, '81 ; at Fort Brown, Texas, to April 1, '82 ; at Santa Maria, Texas, to June 2, '82 ; at Fort Brown, Texas, to July 21, '84; on leave to Oct. 1, '84 ; ordered to duty at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., from leave ; on duty at Jeff. Bks. from Oct. 1, '84, to June 30, '85 ; Professor of Military Science and Tactics at the Missouri University, Columbia, Mo., to July 23, '86 ; with regiment in the field New Mexico, to Oct. 7, '86 ; Professor Professor of Military Science FOB RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 677 and Tactics at the Missouri University, Columbia, Mo., from Oct. 11, '86, to Sept. 1, '89 ; with regiment at Fort Yates, N. M., to . De Gress, Jacob O. (Captain). B rn in Prussia, April 23, 1842. Appointed from Mo. Service Served in 3d Regt. Mo. Reserve Corps in '61 ; was at the fights at Forsyth, Dug Springs, McCullough's Store and Wilson's Creek, Mo.; Commissioned Capt. 6th Mo. Cav. Feb. 15, '62; mustered into service April 1, '62 ; served with Curtis' Army in Ark., in his march to Helena ; served under Gen. Grant in the battles at Port Gibson, Jackson, Raymond, Champion Hill and Black River Bridge to the rear of Vicksburg, Miss ; was wounded on May 22, '63, during the assault on Vicksburg, Miss.; served under Gen. Banks in La., on the Teche Bayou and in the Red River campaign ; was wounded on April 7, '64, in a charge ; was brevetted Lieut. Col. of Vols. March 13, '65, for meritorious services at the battles of Bayou de Giaze, La.; Major and A. D. C. Vols. May 12, '65 ; accepted May 22, '65 ; served as A. D. C. Maj. Gen. Mower's staff in 17th Army Corps in Gen. Sherman's march to the sea and the Carolinas, and was present in the different engagements during that campaign ; served on General Mower's staff in same capacity when he was placed in command of the 20th Army Corps at Goldsboro', N. C., and accompanied him to Texas in July, '65 ; was ap- pointed Provost Marshal Gen. and A. A. I. Gen.; mustered out of service Sept. 1, '66; appointed 1st Lieut. 9th Cav. July 28, '66 ; accepted Jan. 28, 67 ; Capt. and Major by Bvt. U. S. A. March 2, '67, for gallant and meritorious services during the siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; Bvt. Lieut. Co!. March 2, '67, for gallant and mer- itorious service in the battle of Bayou de Glaze, La.; Sec'y of Civil affairs and Acting Asst. I. Gen. Dist. of La. in '67 and part of '68; appointed Capt. 9th Cav. July 81, '67; accepted Oct. 2, '67 ; served with company in Texas till he retired Dec. 31, '70, for wounds received in line of duty. Hwiorabfy mentioned In the report of Gen. S. G. Burbridge, Comdg. 1st Brigade, 10th Div., 13th Army Corps (see page 35, series 1, Vol. 24, part 2, of the Rebellion Records). Forsyth, Geo A. Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Illinois. Private Chicago Dragoons April 19, '61 ; on duty at Cairo, 111., and in Missouri until June, '61 ; transferred to Department of West Virginia, participating in battles of Rich Mountain, and surrender of Confederate forces to General McCiellan ; mustered out with troops Aug. 18, '61 ; appointed 1st Lieut. 8th 111. Cav. Sept. 18, '61, and served with regiment at Alexandria, Va., with Army of the Potomac ; Captain 8th 111. Cav. Feb. 12, '62, on second advance to Manassas ; siege of Yorktown, battle of Williamsburg, and in various skirmishes and engagements on the ad- vance to Richmond, including actions at Mechanicsville, Atlee's Station, and battle of Hanover Court- House; on the retreat to Harrison's Landing was in the second engagement at Mechanicsville, battles of Games' Mill, Savage Station and Malvern Hill, and action near Carter's, where he was slightly wounded ; sick in hospital (typhoid fever) during evacuation of Peninsula ; rejoined regiment atAntietam; engaged in forced reconnoissances at Shepardstown and Martins- burg, Va., and in the advance in various skirmishes at Phileinont, Upperville, Barbour's Cross Roads, and at the battle of Fredericksburg ; on duty as extreme left guard Army of the Potomac, winter of '62-63; raid through Northern Neck and around left flank Army of Northern Virginia ; action of Rapidan Bridge ; battle of Chancellorsville ; battle of Beverly Ford, where he was very severely wounded while in command of his regiment, Major 8th Cav. Sept. 1, '63 ; action at Mine Run, Regiment having re-enlisted (veteranized), he was ordered with it to Chicago ; it reported at Washington in March, '64, and was assigned to duty in the Dept. at Washington ; on his repeated requests for active service in the field he was detailed to take command of 400 rtcruits and convalescents represent- ing sixteen different cavalry regiments, with the commissioned officers and ordered to report to General Meade, who had just started on the Wilderness Campaign. He was assigned the duty of, so far as he could, covering the right wing of the Army of the Potomac, and participated in the various movements and actions of the Army, including the battle of Spottsylvania C. H., and Ewell's attack on the right wing ; attacked (with his own force only) Guinea's Station, driving the enemy therefrom and burning the station and destroying the railroad. 678 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. FOR Upon the return to the Army of General Sheridan from his raid on Richmond, his command was distributed to the various regiments to which it belonged and he was assigned as acting aid to Major-General Sheridan, who was then in com- mand of the Cav. Corps Army of Potomac; participated in the battle of Hawes' Shop, action at Old Church, at Metadequin Creek and battle of Cold Harbor, on the raid to Gordonsville, battle of Trevillian Station, action at St. Mary's Church, siege of Petersburg, action at Darbytown, battle of Deep Bottom, action at Lee's Mill and other minor affairs ; transferred to the Army of the Shenandoah : took paVt in the actions of Halltiwn, BerryvilJe, Smithtield, and the battles Opequan or Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek or Middleton (Bvt. Col. Vols., for gallant and meritorious services in a battle of Opequan and Middleton, Va.); on the raid from Winchester to Petersburg, engaged in the action of Shen- andoah River, Mount Jackson, and the combat ot Waynesboro'; and on the final Campaign of the Array of the Potomac against the Army of Northern Vir- Sinia, taking part in the battle of Dinwiddie Cjurt-House, Five Forks, Sailor's reek and in various skirmishes, including that of Apporaatlox Station and Appimattox Cmrt-Hmse; was at the surrender of General Lee and the Armvs of Northern Virginia (Brevet Colonel of Volunteers for gallant services at the battle ot Five Forks, Virginia, and Brevet Brig.-General of Volunteers for dis- tinguished services and conspicuous gallantry) ; transferred to Military Division of the Southwest, Jane 1, 1865; assigned to duty as acting in- spector general ; July 1, 1865, appointed chief of staff, which he held until his muster out of volunteer service, in January, 1866; Major 9th Cavalry U. S. Army, July 28, 1866; Major-General Sherflan says of this officer: "I had so much confidence in his soldierly ability that I, on several occasions, gave him the control of divisions and corps during engagements under my command ; there will be no applicant more fitted for the position asked for ; " Lieut. Col. by brevet U. S. A., for gallant and meritorious services in the bittle of Dinwidlie C)urt-House, Va.; C >lonel by brevet for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Five Forks, V*.; served with his regiment '66-7 ; appointed Secretary of Civil Affairs March, 23, '67; served as such until Sept., when he was ordered to the Dept. of Missouri as acting Inspector General on the staff of M ijor-( reiier.il Sheridan; in th# Indian campaign of '69, and at his personal request for field duty, assigned to command a body of 50 scouts; while on the Arickaree Fork of the Republican River, Kansas, was attacked byabody of Ogalallah Sioux, Northern Cheyenne^ Brule Sioux and Dog Sioux, since known to number over 900 warriors ; in an action which lasted four days he defeated them with a loss to them o! killed and a large number wounded, the savages retiring from the field oa th j '.>t!i day; out of his own command he lost during the first day's fight the second in command, Lieut. Beecher, his surgeon, Dr. Moore, and five men killed and fifteen wounded ; he was wounded in three places by a shot in his he id, one through his right side, another breaking his left leg below the knee; notwithstanding this, however, he retained active command until relieved by troops sent to his assist- ance; Brevet Brig. General U. S. Army, for gallant conduct and meritorious services in the buttle with Indians on the Arickaree Fork of the Republican River, on the 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th of Sept., '68 ;. on duty Hdqrs. M.I. Div. of the Mi-souri, as Lieut. Col. and Military Secretary to the Lieut. General ; 13th March, '69, to March 17, 73, on a tour of inspection of the Armies of Asia and Europe, 75 and 76; Lieut. Col M A. D. C. Lieut. General, Apr. 9, 78, to June 26, '81 ; promoted Lieut. Colonel 4th Cav. June 26, '81 ; on duty with his regiment at Fort Cummings, New Mexico, in pursuit of hostile Indians in '82; engaging him at Horse Shoe Canon, at Stein's Past Range, Arizona, defeated and followed them across the border to Mexico over 100 mile-*, driving them into the command of Colonel Garcia of the Mexican Army, who seeing two columns rapidly moving across the valley, 15 miles apart, and knowing that the Apaches were on a raul into Arizona, rightly concluded that it was the Apaches being pursued by United States troops; he accordingly ambushed them and in a desperate fight in which his troops suffered heavily, nearly annihilated the band, killing 63 of them and taking many prisoners ; for thU service General Foray th was thanked in a General GOD RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 679 Order issued by the Division Commander ; on duty with regiment at Fort Bayard, N. M., and in the field on Gila River in '83 ; marched in command of the 4th Cav. to Arizona, '84, taking station at Fort Lowell; later was transferred to Fort Huachura, where he served during and after the Apache campaign until sus- pended from rank and command by a mitigated sentence of a general court- martial; placed on retired list April 25, '90. Gilman, Jeremiah H. (Major and C. S. and Bvt. Lieut. Col.). Born in Maine, Nov. 11, 1831. Retiring year 1895. Appointed from Me. Graduated from Mil. Acad., Class of '56. Actual rank Bvt. 2d Lieut. 1st Art. July 1,.'56; 2d Lieut. Oct. 31, '56 ; 1st Lieut. April 27, '61; Capt. 19th Inf. May 14, '61; ac- cepted June 29, '61; Capt. and C. S. Feb. 9, '63; accepted March 19, '63; Major and C. S. Nov. 9, '84. Brevet rank Bvt. Major April 7, '62, for gallant and mer- itorious services in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. ; Bvt. Lieut. OuL Dec. 31, '62, for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Stone River, Tenn. Honorably mentioned Honorably mentioned in "Records of the Rebellion," in report by Lieut. Slemmer, U. S. A., page 341, series 1, vol. i.; by Col. Harvey Brown, U. S. A., page 381, series 1, vol. i.; by Gen. D. C. Buell, pages 296 and 677, series 1, vol. x. part 1, and page 1030, series 1, vol. xvi, part 1 ; and by Gen. W. S. Rosecraus, page 199, series 1, vol. xx. part I. Service Served on frontier duty Fort Brown, Tex., '56-57 ; Fort Adams, R. I., '57-58 ; Barrancas Brks., Fla., '58-61 ; in de- fense of Fort Pickens, Fla., Jan. to May, '61 ; at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., May to July, '61 ; on recruiting service July to Oct., '61 ; Chief of Artillery in Kentucky at Camp Nevin Oct. to Nov., '61 ; Inspector of Artillery, Depts. of the Ohio and the Cumberland, Nov., '61, to March, '63; engaged in inspecting and organizing the artillery, Army of the Ohio, Nov., '61, to March, '62; Inspector and Acting Chief of Artillery, Army of the Ohio, in the Tennessee and Mississippi campaign March to June, '62; operations in North Alabama and as Chief of Artillery and Acting Ordnance Officer in advance into Kentucky June to Oct., '62 ; Inspector of Artillery, Army of the Cumberland, in Gen. R'.secrans' Tennessee campaign ; inspecting the subsistence department, Army of the .Cumberland, May to July, '63; Chief of Commissariat, Dept. of the Susquehanna, Aug., '63, to April, '64; purchasing commissary of subsistence at Baltimore, Aid., April, '64, to March, '65 ; depot commissary at Richmond, Va., April to July, '65 ; purchasing and d 'pot commissary at Detroit, Mich., and in general charge of commissariat in Michigan and Wisconsin Dec., '65, to Sept., '66; commissary duty, St. Puul, Minn., Oct. to Nov., '67 ; chief of commissariat, Dept. of Dakota, Nov., '66, to Nov., 73; chief commissary, Dept. of the MUsouri, Nov., 73, to Dec., 79; assistant to commissary general of subsistence, Washington, D. C., Dec., 79, to . {tattles, skirmishes, etc. Engaged in the operations and actions of the Tennessee and Mis- sissippi campaigns of '62, including the battle of Shiloh ; engaged in the battle of Perry ville and the battle of Stone River. Commands held In command ofBatt. inKy., Oct., '61. Godfrey, Edward S. (Captain 7th Cavalry). Born in Ohio. Appointed from Ohio. Cadet at U. S. Military Acad. July 1, '63 ; graduated June 17, '67. Actual rank Private Co. D, 21st Ohio Inf., April 26, '61 ; discharged Aug. 12, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 7th C iv. June 17, '67; 1st Lieut. Feb. 1, '68; Captain Dec. 9, 76. Service With Briir. Gen. J. D. Cox's Division, in operations in Kanawha Valley, to Aug., '61 ; at Medicine Lod^e Creek, Kan., Nov. 10, '67 ; with Troop E, 7th Cav., to June, '68 ; in the field, near Fort Hays, Kan., to July, '68; near Fort Lamed, Kan., July and August, '68; with Sully's Expedition south of the Ar- kansas River Sept., Oct. and Nov., '68; with Sheridan's Expedition in Indian Terr. Dec., '68, Jan. and Feb., '69; with Custer's column after hostile Indians, in Staked Plains and Indian Ter., March, '69; in the field on Saline River, Kan., to Nov. 30, '69; at Columbia, S. C., as witness in "Ku-Klux" cases, Dec., 72; with Stanley's Yellowstone Expedition, escorting N. P. R. R. survey, May 7 to Oct. 1, 73; conducting recruits from Fort Snelling to regiment to Oct. 15, 73 ; at Fort Rice, Dak., to June 30, 74 ; with Custer's Black Hills Expedition, as As- sistant Engineer officer, to Sept. 2, 74; at Colfax, La., Oct. 7, 74, to Jan., 76; at McComb City, Miss., to April 18, 76; Yellowstone Expedition against hostile 680 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. MCQ Indians to Sept. 26, 76 ; at Fort Lincoln, Dak., to Oct. 15, 76 ; expedition to disarm and dismount Agency Indians on the Missouri River, to Nov. 16, 76 ; at Fort Rice, Dak., to May 1, 77 ; in the field, on Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers, to Sept. 30, 77 ; at Fort Yates, Dak., disabled by wounds, to Nov., 78, and for duty to July 2,79; at U. S. Mil. Acad., as Senior Assistant Instructor of Cavalry Tactics, to Aug. 28, '83; with Troop from Oct., '83, till Feb., '88; member of Tac- tical Board U. S. Army, Leavenworth, Kan., Feb. 10, '88, to . Staff positions occupied Adj., A. A. Q. M. and A. C. IS. of forces on Kansas frontier, Feb., 70, to June/ 70. Battles, skirmishes, etc. Battle of Washita, I. T., Nov. 27, '68 ; action at mouth of Big Horn with hostile Indians Au^. 11, 73; battle of the Little Big Horn, M. T., June 25 and 26, 76 ; in action at Bear Paw Mta., M. T., between U. S. forces and Nez Perces Indians under " Cnief Joseph " Sept. 30,77, where he was wounded. Commands held Commanding battery of Gatling guns, with escort to Indian Peace Commission, to Nov. 10, '67; Troop K and Troop E, 7th Cav., to June, '68; post at Black Hills, Oct. 7, 74, to Jan., 76; post to April 18, 76. Goodloe, A. H. (Captain U. S. A.). Born Oct. 18, 1842, Frankfort, Kentucky. Appointed a Cadet by Hon. G. W. Dunlap, M. C., 8th District of Kentucky. Warranted a Cadet U. S. Military Academy September 1, 1861, and graduated June 23, 1865. Appointed and confirmed as 2d and 1st Lieut. 13th U. S. Infantry June 23, 1865 ; transferred 1866 and promoted to Captain 22d U.S. Infantry July 1,1872; furloughed as a cadet June 16 to August 28, 1863. Appointed July, 1863, acting as Aide-de-Camp to General W. P. Sanders U. S. A. L-iu- r.>l..iu'l 5th Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry. Retired April 24, 1883, vide U. S. A. Register. History Assigned as acting Aide-de-Camp to General W. P. Sanders, U.S. Army; running skirmishes from \Vinchester to Summerset, Kentucky, vii Irvine, Rogers- ville, Paint Lick, Lancaster and Stanford ; hard fought engagements at Irvine and Paint Lick July, 1863; assigned to 21 Battalion, 13th U.S. Infantry; reported to llegiment at Jeffersou Barracks, near St. Loui.s, M >., October 1, 18'35; ordered to Fort Larne'l, Kan., November, 1865 ; to Fort Zirah, Kan., February, 1866; to Fort Riley, Kan., April, 1886; to Fort Randall, D. T., via Fort L>avenw >rth, Kan., June, 1866; appointed Qmrtermaster 21 Battalion 13th Inf. May 9, 1866 ; reorganized and transferred by Act of Congress July 28, 1866, from iM Battalion, 13th to 22d U. S. Infantry; appointed Regimental Quartermaster January 1. 18(37 ; ordered to Fort Sully, D. T., April, 1867 ; appointed Chief Quartermaster District of Southeastern Dakota May, 1867 ; transferred from Regimental Qu trtermaster and Chief Quartermaster to Adjutant and Acting Asst. Adjutant General January 31, 186$; resigned the Adj'tand A. A. A. G. March 31, 1869; reappointed Reg. Quartermaster and Chief Quartermaster July, 1869, to Julv 1, 1872 ; ordered to assume command of Bittery of four guns as escort to Engineers of Northern Pacific R. R.; commenced the march July 20, from Fort Rice, D. T. ; arrived at the mouth of Powder River, M. T., August 18,1882; heavy skirmishing from Powder River to Fort Rice ; ordered back to Fort Sully, D. T., October, 1 - ordered to Fort Randall, D. T., October, 1873; and to Fort Wayne, Michigan, June 30, 1874; to New Orleans, La., to assist in quelling the riot September 20, 1874 ; to Fort Wayne, Michigan, May 4, 1875 ; to General Terry's Camp on the Yellowstone River, opposite the mouth of Rosebud Creek, July 25, 1876 ; on forced marches from Rosebud Creek to Powder River; in cantonment at Glendive Creek, M. T., September, 1876 [to Fort Keoerg, J. C . . . . . . . J 1913 Whipple, C. H June 12 1914 Smith, G. R May 7 1917 Comegys. W. H Feb. 15 1918 Tucker, W. F March i CORPS OF ENGINEERS. 1895 Abbott, H. L Aug. 13 1907 Mallery, J. C Oct. 21 1895 Casey, T. L May 10 1907 Miller, A. M Nov. i 1895 Comstock, C. B Feb. 3 1907 Lydecker, G. J Nov. 15 1895 Elliot, G. H March 28 1907 Gregory, J. F Nov. 22 1895 Mendell, C. H Oct. 12 1907 Ludlow, Wm Nov. 27 1896 Poe, O. M March 7 1908 Davis, C. F. L. B Feb. 16 1897 Cra'ghill, W. P July i 1908 Willard, J. H Feb. 28 1899 Houston, D. C Dec. 5 1908 Turtle, T April 7 1901 Robert, H. M May 2 1908 Adams, H. M May 8 1901 Wilson, J. M Oct. 5 1908 Mackenzie, A May 25 1901 Merrill, W. F Oct. n 1908 Sears, C. B June 2 1902 Barlow, J. W June 26 1908 Bergland, E June 25 1903 Mansfield, S. M Sept. 25 1908 Post, J. C July 30 1903 King, W. R Dec. 15 1908 Hoxie, R. L Aug. 7 1904 Allen, C. J Jan. 31 1909 Adams, M.B April n 1904 Hains, P. C July 6 1909 Ruffner, E. H June 24 1904 Smith, T. A July 6 1909 Lockwood, D. W . . .Sept. 21 1904 Damrell, A N Nov. 3 1910 Knight, J. G. D Jan. 24 1905 Benyuard, W. W. H May 17 1910 Marshall, W. L June n 1905 Jones, W. A June 26 1910 Palfrey, C. F July 4 1905 Gillespie, C. L Oct. 7 1910 Hinman, F. A. . . July 30 1905 Handbury, T. H Oct. 15 1911 Mahan, F. A March 28 1906 Raymond, C. W Jan. 14 1911 Maguire, E Aug. 31 1906 Suter, C. R May 5 1912 Price, P. M Nov. 27 1906 Ernst, O. H June 27 1913 Symons, T. W Feb. 7 1906 Stanton, W. S Sept. 9 1913 Taber, H. S July n 1906 Overman, L. C Dec. 20 1913 Rossell, W. T Oct. n 1907 Livermore, W. R Jan. n 1913 Bixby, W. H Dec. 27 1907 Heuer, W. H March 20 1915 Leach, S. S April 27 1907 Heap, D. P March 24 1916 Kingman, D. C . March 6 1907 Quinn, J.B June 9 1916 Young, W April 30 1907 Powell, C. F Aug. 13 19x8 Fisk, W. L Jan. 8 1907 Stickney, A Aug. 27 1919 Black, W. M Dec. 8 ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. 1891 Benet, S. V Jan. 22 I 9 o 7 -Shaler, C May 23 i899~Flagler, D. W June 24 1907 Michaelis^ O. E Aug. 3 1900 Whittemore, J. M March 5 19*7 Phipps, F. H Aug. 9 1901 Baylor, T. G May 4 1907 Smith, C. S Dec. 26 1901 Buffington, A. R Nov. 22 1908 Greer, J. E Nov. 4 1902 Parker, F. H vJ u ^ T : 99 ^X^ e *J. A Jan. 21 I00 3 Babbitt, L. S Feb. 18 1909 Heath, E J une 1 3 1903 Farley, J. P March 2 1910 Whipple, C. W Sept. 28 1903 Varney, A. L April 5 1910 Russell, A. H Dec. 24 1903 Bryant, C June 3 1911 Taylor, D. M Aug. 31 1903 Reilly, J. W Aug. 2 1911 Metcalfe, H Oct. 29 1903 Clifford J. C Sept. 10 1912 Rockwell, J., Jr Sept. 6 1903 Kress, J. A Nov. 4 1913 Lyon, M. W Jan. 8 1904 Arnold, I., Jr March 20 1913 Morrison, C. C May 6 1904 Marye, W. A April 21 1913 Ayres, J. C Aug. 24 1904 Mordecai, A June 30 1913 Baker, F Oct. 29 1904 McGinness, J. R Sept. 17 1914 MacNutt, I July 25 1905 Dutton, C. E May 15 1914 Blunt, S. E . Sept. 29 1905 Comly, C May 31 1915 Birnie, R., Jr April 5 1906 Butler, J. G Jan. 23 1915 Clark, C. H April 29 1906 McKee, G. W March 29 1915 Bruff L L Oct. 14 1906 Pitman, J Nov. 12 1917 Gordon, W. B May 7 686 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 1917 Mitcham. O. B July 25 1918 Borup, H. D June 18 IQIQ Crozier, W Feb. 10 IQIQ Hobbs, F. E April 16 i92o-Gibson, W. W June 20 1920 Howard, D. A Nov. 6 1921 Stuart, S. E June 4 1921 Benet, J. W July 1 6 ' ~ " FeV 1925 Lissak, O. M. 1926 Babbitt, E. B July 26 OFFICERS OF CAVALRY. 1892 Kaufman. A. H July 16 *i892 Wilcox, J. A Oct. 20 1892 Tilford, J . G Nov. 26 *i9os Van Vliet, F *i893 Brackett, A. G Feb. 14 " *i893 McLellan, C. B April 7 1893 Cusack, P Aug. 29 1893-Ropes, J. M. Oct. 2 1905 Luff, E June n 1905 Budd. 9- W. _Sept. 9 . 28 . . .Sept. *i9os Morris, L. T Dec. 21 1906 *i894 Clehdenin, D. R ........... Jan. 24 *i894 Otis, E ............... Feb. 27 *i894 Carr, E. A ............. March 20 *i895 Adam, E .............. Feb. 20 1895 Elting, O .............. Aug. 8 1896 Drew, Geo. A ........... March 15 *i896 Russell, G .............. May i *i896 Gordon. D. S ........... May 23 1896 De Rudio, C. C ........... Aug. 26 *i 896 Bernard, R. F. . . ...... Oct. 14 *i896 Randlett. J. F ........... Dec. 8 *i896 Biddle, J ............. Dec. n *i8o7 Jackson, J ............. Nov. 21 *i898 Mizner, J. K ........... March 2 , . 1898 Kennedy, W. B *i898 Forsyth, J. W Aug. 12 Aug. 26 Rucker, L. H. *i9o6 Sumner, S. S. 1906 Rafferty, W. A. . . 1906 Carr, C. C. C. . . *i9o6 Morrow, A. P. ... 1906 Loud, J. S 1906 Chaffee, A. R. . . . 1906 Kellogg, S. C. . . . I9o6-Wells, A. B *i9o$ Sanford, G. B. . . 1906 Muggins, E. L. . . . I9o6-Lebo, T. C 1906 Hayes, E. M. ... 1907 Babcock J. B. . . . 1907 Parker, C *i9o 7 -Wade, J. F 1907 Adams, J. Q. . . Jan. 13 . Feb. 6 Feb. 16 . March 3 . Mnrch 10 . April 12 . April 14 . . May 10 . . June 16 . . June 28 . . Aug. i . . Nov. 17 . Dec. 23 . Feb. 7 March ao . April 14 May 29 *i898 Mills, A Aug. 31 1899 Norvell, S. T Feb. 14 *i899 Sumner, E. V Aug. 16 1899 Huntt, G. G . Sept i 1900 Wagner, H Jan. 9 *i9oo Compton, C. E Jan. 29 1900 Ilsley, C. S Aug. 14 * 1 900 Carleton, C. H Sept. i 1900 Wesendorff, M., Sept. 28 *i9oi Arnold, A. K . March 24 1901 McAdams, J. G April 15 *i9oi Cooney, M May i *i9oi Brisbin, J. S May 23 1901 Tackson, H. . . . May 31 1901 Nowlan, H. J J"une 17 1901 McGregor, D June 26 *i90i Upham, J. J". July 25 *i9oi Beaumont, E. B Aug. 2 1901 Bell, J. M Oct. i 1901 Kramer, A Oct. 15 1901 Mathey, E. G Oct. 27 1901 Wheelan, J. N. . ' Dec. 6 1907 Godfrey, E. S Oct. 9 1907 Stanton, Wm Oct 13 ,908 Wallace, W. M Jan. o 1908 King, AD Feb. 8 I9o8-Confine, J Feb. 9 1908 Hamilton, S. T March 10 1908 Bacon, J. M April 17 1908 Fechet, EG July n 1908 Wood, A. E Sept 4 1908 Kelly, J. M Sept. 29 1909 Cooper. C. L. March 6 x^oJZwint, f J March 6 1909 Overton, G. E March 18 1909 Forbush, W. C May 21 1909 McDougall, T. M May 21 1909 Pearson, D. C 1909 Thompson, W. A Aug. 27 1909 Swigert, S. M Nov. 28 1910 Fowler, J. L Feb. 20 1910 Morton, C March 18 1910 Steadman, C. A March 29 1910 Perrine, H. P April 10 1910 Edgerly, W. S May 29 1901 Wheelan, J. N .' Dec. 6 1910 Bourke, J. G June 23 1902 Montgomery, R. H April 16 1910 Keys. A. S. B July 28 *I902 Carroll, H May 20 1910 Olmsted. J. A July 28 *ioo2 Purington. G. A July 31 1902 Tupper, T. C Sept. 23 1902 Moylan, M Dec. 22 *i903 Whitside, S. M Jan 9 1903 Hennissee, A. ('. Jan. 16 1903 Carpenter, L. H Feb. n *i9o 3 Henry, G. V. . . . . March 9 *i9o 3 -l)avis, W May 28 *i903 Hamilton, J . M June i *i903 Noyes, H. E Aug. 23 1903 Harris, M . Sept. 6 1903 Kendall, H. M Sept. 17 *i9o 3 Baldwin, T. A Dec. 31 1904 Young, S. B. M Tan. 9 1904 Woodson, A. E May 10 1904 Dpane, G. C May 29 1904 Dimmick, E. D July 31 1904 Rawolle, W. C Aug. 28 1904 Bouttlle, F. A. . . . . Sept. 14 1904 Woodward S. L Oct. 28 1904 Pratt, R. H Dec. 6 *i 9 o 5 Viele, C. D Feb. 2 1905 Forse, A. G Feb. 28 1905 Moore, F April 6 1905 Upham. F. K May 30 1905 Perry, D June n 1910 Wood, E\ E . . . . . . Sept. 17 1910 Williams, R. A Oct. 10 xjio Wessels, H. W Dec. 24 1911 Thomas, E. D Jan. 4 1911 Kerr. J. B March 12 1911 Ward, F. K March 19 1911 Hughes, M. B May 16 1911 Augur, C June 10 1911 Sprole, H. W Oct. 16 1911 Johnson. J. B 1911 Gibson. F. M Dec. 14 1912 Hall W. P Tune n 1913 Smith, A April 21 1913 Wallace, G. D June 29 1913 Steever, E Z Aug. 20 1913 Augur, J. A Aug. 21 1913 Anderson, G. S Sept. 30 1913 McClernand, E. J Dec. 29 1914 Godwin, E. A May 18 1914 Martin, J. W Sept. 24 1914 Hatfield, C. A. P Dec. 9 1916 Dorst, J. H April 2 1916 Mason, S. A. Sept. n 1916 Rodgers, A Sept. 23 1916 Schuyler, W. S * Field officers. RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 687 OFFICERS OF ARTILLERY. 1891 Gibson, H. G ............. May 22 *ic)03 Rodgers, T.I ............ April 8 *i892 Piper, Alex ............. May n 1903 Vose, W. "P ............. July 19 *i893 Mendenhall, J ........... July 29 *i903 McCrea, T ....... , ..... July 23 *i894 Jackson, R. H ........... July 14 *iox>3 Rawles, J. B ............ Aug. 4 *i894 Langden, L. L ........... Oct. 25 1=1903 Hasbrouck, H. C ........... Oct. 26 *i895 Livingston, La R. L ......... Feb. 12 1904 Crabb, G. W ............. Feb. 6 1896 Sellmer, Chas ........... Feb. 20 i904--Smith, F. G ............. Feb. 16 1896 Harrold, C. W ........... May 17 1904 Kobbe, W. A ............ May 10 *i896 Closson. H. W ........... June 16 1904 Lancaster, J. M ........... Oct. 13 1896 Shaw, R. G ........... June 29 1904 Russell, E. K ............ Dec. 5 *i896 Lodor, R .............. Oct. 29 1905 Tiernon,J. L ............ Jan. 18 1898 Chester, J ............ Feb. 10 1905- Kinzie, D. H ............ Jan. 23 1898 Thurston, G. A ........... Feb. 22 1905 Graves, W. P ............ Feb. 2 1898 Smith, L .............. May i 1905 Fessenden, J. A ........... Feb. 15 "1898 Graham, W. M ........... Sept 28 1905 Field, Edw ............. May 18 *i899 Sinclair, \V ............. Feb. 15 *i 9 o5 Haskin, W. L ............ May 31 *x899 Bainbridge, E. C ......... March 18 *i9os Randolph, W. F .......... June n 1899 Miller, M. P ........... March 27 1905 Woodruff C. A ........... Aug. 8 1899 Darling, J. A ........... June 7 1905 Story, J. P ............. Aug. 25 "1900 Frank, R. T ............ May 6 1905 Calef, J. H ............. Sept. 24 1900 Fuger, F .............. Tune 18 1905 Gushing, H. C ............ Nov. 8 *i90o Wflliston, F. B ........... "July 15 1905 Myrick, J. R ............ Nov. 9 *i9oo Wildrick, A. C ............ Aug. 5 1906 Grugan, F. C ............ April 4 1900 Scantling, J. C ............ Oct. i 1906 MacMurray, J. W .......... May i 1900 Hess, F. W ............ Dec. 15 1906 Dillenback, J. W .......... May 9 1901 Ingalls, J. M ............ Jan. 25 *i9o6 Throckmorton, C. B ......... May 27 *i9oi Egan, J .............. July 23 1906 Rodney, G. B ............ Oct. 17 1901 Beck, W. B ............. July 31 1906 Andruss, E. Van A ......... Dec. 18 1901 Campbell, J. B ........... Nov. 26 1907 Dunn, W. McK .......... Aug. 20 1901 Litchfield, H. G .......... Dec. 14 1907 Turnbull, J. G ....... ..... Sept. 9 *i902 Pennington. A. C. M ......... Jan. 8 1907 Mills, S. M ............. Dec. 15 "1902 Guenther, F. L ........... Feb. 22 1907 Ramsay, J. G ............ Dec. 15 1902 Brewerton, H. F .......... June 30 1908 Morris, C .............. May 3 1902 Day, S. A ............. July 22 1908 Greenough, G. G ........... Dec. 8 1902 Hamilton, F. B ........... Aug. 31 1909 Mitchell, G ........... March n 1902 Burbank, J. B ........... Sept. n 1910 Grimes, G. S ............ Feb. 15 1903 Brinckle, J. R ........... March 31 OFFICERS OF INFANTRY. *i89i Black, H. M ............. Jan 15 1897 Keefe, J ............. March 19 *i89i Douglas, H ............ March 9 1897 Ames, L. S ............ April 22 *i89i Butler, E ............. March 19 *i897 Wheaton, F ............. May 8 *i89i Dodge, R. I ........... May 19 1897 Romeyn. H ............. June i *i89i Mizner, H. R ............ Aug. i =1=1897 Lyster,W. .J ............ June 27 *i89i Smith, C. H ............ Nov. i 1897 Pierce, F. E ............. July 6 *i892 Kautz, A. V ............. Jan. 5 *i897 Townsend, E. F .......... July 14 1892 Andrews, G. L .......... April 22 1897 Lacey, F. E ............ Aug. 8 1893 Garretty, F. W. D .......... Feb. 4 *i8o7 Conrad, J. S ............ Aug. 23 1893 Sage, W. N ............ Feb. 26 1897 Vance, R ............. Sept. 15 *i893 Morrow, H. A ........... July 10 *i897 O'Beirne, R. F ........... Oct. 25 1893 Warrens, C. H ........... Sept. 259 *i897 Drum, W. F ............ Nov. 16 *i893 Carlin,W. P ............ Nov. 24 1897 Bennett, C. E ............ Dec. 2 i894-Rose, T. E ........... March 12 1898 Morton, A ............. Jan. 16 1894 Roe, C. F ............ March 17 1898 Carter, M ............. Jan. 26 1894 Lyman, W ............. April 4 *i898 Whittemore, E. W . . ..... Feb. 13 *i894 Blunt, M. M ............ Aug. 13 *i898 Brayton, G. M ........... Feb. 24 1894 Bentzoni, C ............ Oct. n 1898 Bishop, j. S ............ March 3 1894 McGowan, A. B .......... Dec. 16 *i898 Jewett, H ............ March 31 i895-Howe, H. S ............. Jan. 2 1898 Tisdall, W. N ........... April 6 1895 Egbert, A. R ............ Jan. 9 *i898 Osborne, N. W ........... Sept. 5 *i895 Swaine. P. T ............ Jan. 21 1898 Catley, H ............. Sept. o 1895 Luhn, G. L ............. Feb. 19 1898 Boyle, W. H ............ Nov. 13 1895 Irvine, J. B . . April 3 *i898-Hawkins, H. S ..... . Nov. x* *i895-McCook, A. McD ......... April 22 *i898 Crofton, R. E. A .......... Dec. 18 1895 Crandall, F. M ........... May 12 1898 Hasson, P ............. Dec. 23 *i895-Mason, E. C ............ May 3 x 1898 Thibaut, F. W ........... Dec. 27 *i8o5 Bryant. M ............. Dec. 28 *i899 Mears, F .............. Jan. i 1896 Hale, C ............... Jan. 7 1899 Jackson, A - H ........... J an - 2 4 *i89& Penrose, W. H .......... March 10 *i899 Henton, J .............. Feb. 2 *i896 Parker, D ............. May 23 fiSgg Van Horn, J. J ........... Feb. 6 1896 Ulio, J ............... May 29 1899 Quinby, I ............. Mar. 13 1896 Conway, W ............. July i "1899 Bliss, Z. R ............ Apnl 17 1896 Norvell,J M ............ July 22 1899 Stivers, E. J ............ June 14 *i896 Lazelle, H. M ........... Sept. 8 1899 Cusick, C. C ............ Aug. 2 1896 Munson. J. F ........... Nov. 19 1899 Towle, G. F ........... Aug. 4 *i897 Casey, Jas S ............ Tan. 28 *r899 Bartlett, C. G ............ Sept. 7 1897 Viven, J. L ............ March 5 *i899 Kent, J. F ............. Sept 14 1897 Bean, f. W ............ March 8 *i899 Coppinger, J. J ........... Oct. n * Field officers. 688 RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. 8. ARMY. 1899 Shafter, W. R ............ Oct. 16 1809 Wilkinson, M. C .......... Nov. 14 1899 Gerlach, W ............ Nov. 15 1899 Burnham, D. R .......... Nov. 20 1899 Barrett, G., Jr .......... Nov. 22 1899 Hay. L ............... Dec. 3 1899 Brown, H.G ............ Dec. 28 1900 Summerhayes, J. W ......... Jan. 6 1900 Anderson, T. M .......... Jan. 21 1900 Coates, EM ........... Jan. 29 *i90o Head, G. E ............. Feb. 4 1900 Wedemeyer. W. G ......... Feb. 15 Feb. 28 Apr. July 18 July 21 1900 Offley, R. H 1900 Kirtland, T. S . 1900 Carpenter. G. S 1900 Cocnran, M. A . 1900 Coe, J. N . . . 1900 Hobart C "Aug. 6 1900 Randall, E. L Aug. 13 1900 Gageby, J. H Sept. 5 i 9 oo-Clapp, W. H Sept. 7 1900 - McConike, S Sept. 8 1900 Hartz, W. T Sept. 9 i 9 oo-Wherry. W. M Sept. 13 1900 Mills, \V Sept. 19 1900 Baldwin, J. H Oct. 9 1900 Brinkerhoff, H. R Oct. 9 1900- Poland, J. S Oct. 14 1900 Sharp, T Dec. 6 ^oo-O'Brien L. M Dec. 7 1900 Bainbridge, A. H Dec. 7 1900 Sanborn, W. I Dec. 24 1900 DeCourcey. F. E Dec. 24 1901 Freeman, H. B Jan. 17 *i90i Pearson, E P Feb. 22 *i 9 oi Wikoff, C. A March 8 1901 Corliss, A. W March 25 1901 Ewers, E. P April 13 1901 Gilmore, J. C April 18 i90i-Thorne, P. M May n 1901 Mauley, J. A May 22 1901 Jordan, W. H June 22 1901 ICirkman, J. T July 5 1901 Comba, R J u ' v 2 5 1901 Leefe, J. G Sept. 22 1901 Cook, H C Sept. 29 1901 Witherell, C. T Oct. n 1901 Stone, E. W Oct. 23 1901 Merriam, H. C Nov. 13 looi-Hall, R. H Nov. 15 1901 Neide, H Dec. 21 *i9oi Benham, D. W Dec. 23 1902 Bush, E. G Feb. 5 1902 Bradley, T. H Feb. 12 1902 Greene, C. H Feb. 13 1902 Wilson, D. B March 12 *ioo2 Otis, E. S March 25 1902 Stille, L. R March 27 1902 Miles, Evan . . . . , March 28 1902 Hooton, M April 16 1902 Hammer, W. H April 22 1902 Trotter, F. E April 25 *ioo2 Hampson, J. A. P May 10 1902 Smith, A. T May 29 1902 Hurst, J. H May 31 1902-Wilhelm, T June 30 1902 Wheaton, L July 15 1902 Andrews, J N Sept. 16 *i902-Powell, W. H Sept. 21 1902 Markland. M Oct. 5 1902 Quinton, W Oct. 15 1902 Auman, W Oct. 15 1902 Spurgin, W. F Oct. 18 1902 Potter, C. H Oct. 25 1902 Kendrick, F. M. H Oct. 26 1902 Haskell, J. T Nov. 19 1902 Porter, C Nov. 23 1902 Remington, P. H Dec. 9 1903 Ritzius, H. P . 1903 Egbert, H. C . 1903 Woodruff, E. C Jan. 3 7 an. i Jan. 6 1903-Schindel, J. P Jan. 18 1903 Burnett, L. F Jan. 25 1903 Hale, J Feb. i 1903 Snyder, S Feb. 9 1903 Hoffman, W Feb. 18 1903 Davis, C. L Feb. 27 1903 Bartlett, W. C June 2 1903 Daggett, A. S June 14 1903 Goodale, G. A July 4 1903 Callinan, D. F July 24 1903 Davis, G. W July 26 1903 Heiner, R. C Aug. 10 1903 Parke, J. B Oct. 22 1903 Morgan. J. N Nov. 2 1903 Wells, D. T Nov. 5 1903 Burt, A. S Nov. 29 1903 Brady, G. K Dec. 9 *i904 Vanvalzah, D. D . 1904 Worth, W. S 1904-Bishee, W. H 1904 Smith, J. H *i904 Moale, F Jan. 29 1904- Fletcher, J. S Feb. 6 1904 Earnest, C. A Feb. 15 1904 Halloran, Jas March 17 1904 Palmer, G. H April 16 1904 Drum, J 1904 Gilbreath, E. C 1904 De Russy, I. D 1904 Humphreys, H. H 1904 Forbes, T. F 1904 Daugherty, W. W July 14 1904 Lawson, G Sept. 14 1904 Logan, T. H Sept. 25 1904 Tobey, T. F Sept. 30 1904 Powell, I. W . . Oct. i 1904- Kline, J Nov. 5 1904 Quinn, T. F Nov. 17 1904 Miner, C.W Nov. ai 1904 Craigie, D. I Dec. 6 1904 Sanno, J. M. T Dec. 10 1904 Eskridge, R. I Dec. 15 1904 Baker, S Dec. 19 1905 Crowell, W. H. H . . . Jan. 25 1905- Ward, 6. S. L Feb. 13 1905 Armstrong, R. G March 20 1905 J'ohnson, L March 30 1905 Bullis, J. L April 17 1905 Waterbury, W. M . . . April 21 1905 Burke, D. W April 22 1905 Harwood, P May 28 1905 Bpmford, G. N June 18 1905 Liscom, E. H July 16 1905 Reade, H Aug. 5 1905 Harbach, A. A Aug. 14 1905 Roberts. C. S Aug. 23 1905 Hood. C. C Aug. 28 1905 Dougherty, W. F Sept. 29 1905 Randall, C. M . Oct. 1905 Kellogg, W. L Nov. i 1905 McKibben, C Nov. a 1905 Robe, C. F Nov. 23 . April 16 . May i . May 13 . June 13 . July 13 - July M . Sept. 14 1905 Seton, H ............ Nov. 25 1905 Bailey, C. M ............ Nov. 26 1905 Rice, E .............. Dec. 2 1906 Keller, C . . . . Jan. 22 1906 Theaker, H. A ........... Feb. 14 1906 Bowman, A. H ............ Feb. 28 1906 Stough, G. W. H ......... March 3 1906 Morrison, T. W .......... March 4 *i9o6 Kellogg, E. R , ......... March 25 *ioo6 Page, J . H . . . ......... March 26 1906 Whitney, F. A . , ... March 27 1906 Ray, P. H ............. May 8 1906 Smith. T. M. K .......... May 19 1906 Baldwin, F. D ......... June 26 1906 Haughey, J A ........... July 5 1906 Stafford, S. R ........... July a8 1906 Thompson, J. M .......... Aug. i Aug. la Aug. 15 1906 McLaughlin. W. H . . . Aug. la 1906 Richards, W. V Field officers. RECORDS OF LIVING OFFICERS OF U. S. ARMY. 1906 Van Home, W. M Aug. 22 1906 Bates, J. C Aug. 26 1906 Rogers, W. P Sept. 16 1906 Manning, W. C Sept. 29 1906 Lloyd, T. J Oct. 18 1906 Ellis, P. H . . Oct. 23 1906 Wilson. G. S Oct. 30 1906 Hains, A.,Jr Nov. 14 1906 Lincoln, S. H Dec. 21 1907 Lee, J. M Jan. 2 1907 Chance, J C Jan 26 1907 Savage, E. B Feb. 2 1907 Patterson. J. H Feb. 10 1907 Jocelyn, S. P March i *i907 Ovenshine, S April 2 1907 Rogers, B. H April 3 1907 Duggan, W. T April n 1907 Krause, W April 12 1907 Markley, AC April 18 1907 Bubb, J. W April 26 1907 Noble, C. H . May 10 1907 Williams. C May 25 1907 French, J. W June 2 1907 Vernou, C. A June 16 1907 Lott, G. G July a 1907 Cavanaugh, H. G July 23 1907 Paul, C. R Sept. n 1907 Foote, M. C Sept. 16 1907 Russell, G. B Sept. 17 1907 McCasky. W. S Oct. 2 1907 Parker, L. O Nov 6 1907 Stretch, J. F Dec. 21 1908 Western, C. B Jan. 12 1908 Carpenter, W. L Jan. 13 1908 Miller, J Feb ii 1908 Ketchum, H. H Feb. 14 1908 Maize, W. R Feb. 14 1908 Lockwood, B C Feb. 28 1908 Webster, G. O 1908 Conrad, C. H March 30 1908 Hargous, C. E April 13 1908 Hall, C. B April 29 1908 Whitall, S. R May 7 1908 Guthrie, J. B June 16 1908 Penney, C. G July 14 1908 Coolidge, C. A July 19 1908 Sanderson, G. K Sept. 9 I 9 o8-Rockefeller, C. M Sept. 18 1908 Matile, L. A Sept. 24 1908 Bradford, J. H Oct. 13 1908 Reade, Phil Oct. 13 1908 Dempsey, C. A Nov 15 1908 Regan, J Dec. 14 1909 Rheem, E B Jan. 24 1909 DeLany, H Feb. 27 1909 Price, B. D May 27 1909 Thompson, J. P July 22 1909 Miller, W. A July 24 1909 Burns, J. M Aug 9 1909 Sweet, O. J Sept. 4 1909 Adams, H. H Sept. 4 1909 Hannay, J. W Sept. 15 1910 Myer, A. L Nov. 14 1911 Ebstein, F. H. E April 21 1912 Mansfield F. W Nov. n tgij Duncan, J. W June 29 * Field officers. "The Worst Complexion is improved by the daily use of Pears' Soap." Transparent SOAP Produces Soft, White, and Beautiful Hands; keeps the Skin Soft as Velvet, and free from Redness and Roughness. PEARS' SOAP has received 19 Inter- national Awards. It can be had of nearly all Druggists in the United States, BUT BE SURE YOU GE.T THE GENUINE, as there are worthless imitations. 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