t /&' > -3 ANGELES, C fceatb'0 flPo&ern aanguaae Series UN SERVILON Y UN LIBERALITO 6 TRES ALMAS DE DIGS BY FERNAN CABALLERO EDITED WITH INTRODUCTION, NOTES, AND VOCABULARY BY CARLOS BRANSBY, LITT. D. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO COPYRIGHT, 1909, BY D. C. HEATH & Co. 2 c o PREFACE The novel herewith offered to students of the Spanish language is one of the most charming and wholesome that Fernan Caballero ever wrote. Thoroughly Spanish in character as well as in idiom, it is of particular value to any one desiring to acquaint himself with what is most genuinely national in the life and language of Spain. On the other hand, it contains nothing that can harm the most tender mind or shock the most re- fined nature. It is, therefore, pre-eminently suited for use in the class-room. For these reasons it seemed de- sirable to prepare this edition in which the text of the novel is supplemented by all the helps needed for such use. The Introduction contains a brief but complete sketch of the author's life and work. The Notes explain every passage that seemed to present any serious diffi- culty to the student, and give desirable information re- garding places, noted characters, and historical events mentioned in the story. The Vocabulary contains all the words found in the text, and refers the forms of irregular verbs to their infinitives. Three different editions of the novel have been com- pared, but the one followed here, almost exclusively, is the Madrid edition of 1906, issued as a part of the Coleccion de Autores Castellanos. Aside from the omis- IV PREFACE sion of a short anecdote in the second chapter, no mate- rial changes have been made, even in cases where such changes seemed desirable. Instead of taking any liber- ties with the text itself, it has been deemed preferable to call attention in the Notes to such errors (most of them, doubtless, chargeable to the printer's carelessness) and infelicities of speech as have been noticed. The thanks of the editor are due to Miss Alice H. Bushe'e, formerly of Madrid, for aid in the revision of proofs, and to Don Rufino Jose* Cuervo, of Paris, for some valuable suggestions. CARLOS BRANSBY. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, June, 1909. INTRODUCTION With the decline of letters that began in Spain before the close of the seventeenth century, no form of literature suffered so much as the novel. The attempts at fiction that were made by Spaniards when that decline was in progress, were feeble imi- tations of the productions of other countries, chiefly France. And so, after well-nigh two hundred years, Spanish critics and men of letters began to ask with deep concern : " Are we never to have again a novel springing from our own soil and express- ing our national life and character ? " Hope was at its lowest when El Heraldo, one of Madrid's leading journals, published as a serial a story entitled La Gaviota, in which Spanish customs were described and Spanish character drawn with the fidelity and skill of a master-hand. It was a true product of the soil the Spanish novel had again appeared. This epoch-making publication took place in the year 1 849. But who was the author? Readers and critics felt certain that a Spanish Walter Scott had appeared and that La Gaviota would be followed by other productions from the same pen. But who wielded that pen ? Who was so brilliantly ush- ering in a new era? Cervantes says, at the beginning of his immortal book, that his hero lived in a town of La Mancha, the name of which he had no desire to remember. There is another town in La Mancha, the name of which we all know and fondly remember. The town itself is of small importance, for it is an insignificant mining place of scarcely more than a thousand inhabitants ; but its name Ferndn Caballero was the one assumed by the Vi INTRODUCTION author of La Gaviota, and by her made famous. With her identity thus modestly concealed behind this nom-de-plume, \ the Spanish Walter Scott resembled the great English author ! even in remaining for a while, for thousands of readers, as " The Great Unknown." But people learned in the course of time that " The Great Unknown," the connecting link between the novelists of the classic and the modern age, was a woman and that her real name was Cecilia Bohl de Faber. To many readers, especially to those living outside of Spain, the sex of the author may have been a matter of surprise, but that is because of the strange ideas held by foreigners regarding Spanish women. To many people Carmen, in Me'rime'e's story or in Bizet's opera, is the true type of the Spanish woman. Others think that, at best, Spanish women can excel only in needle- work, dancing, and music. This is a great mistake. The fact is that in all ages, from the time she began to have a literature, Spain has numbered some of her daughters among her greatest writers. So good and impartial a critic as Don Juan Valera says in reference to a great Spanish authoress of the sixteenth century : " The women of Spain may well boast of this country- woman of theirs and call her peerless. For, at the same height with Cervantes, however much I may admire him, I must place Shakespeare, Dante and perhaps Ariosto and Camoens ; Fene- lon and Bossuet equal, if they do not excel, the two Luises;* but every woman of letters in all of the European nations, from the time these became enlightened and Christian, must yield the palm and occupy a much lower place when compared with Saint Theresa." Of another Spanish woman of letters now living, Havelock Ellis says : " Emilia Pardo Bazdn of aristocratic origin, and belonging, like Concepcidn Arenal, to Galicia is today the foremost woman in Spain and perhaps, indeed, the most notable woman of letters in Europe." It may be remarked, in passing, that if Mr. Ellis could have read Senora * Fray Luis de Le6n and Fray Luis de Granada, two of Spain's best mystic writers. INTRODUCTION Vll BazaVs latest novels before he penned these lines, he would un- doubtedly have omitted that qualifying word "perhaps." Cecilia Bohl de Faber (1796-1877), author of Un Servilon y un Liberalito, was the daughter of John Nicholas Bohl de Faber, a German gentleman, highly educated, well versed in the Spanish language and literature, and himself the author of two Spanish books, Floresta Espanola and Teatro EspaTwl anterior d Lope de Vega. Her mother was Dona Francisca Javiera Larrea, a Cadiz lady of noble birth and high culture. Greatly to her sor- row in after life, Cecilia did not open her eyes, for the first time, under Spanish skies, but in Switzerland, where her parents hap- pened to be at the time, on the way to Germany. She received a brilliant education, partly under the direction of her grand- mother, in Hanover, and partly under the direction of her own mother, in Cadiz. It is very probable, however, that it was under her father's guidance that she acquired her taste for Spanish literature. It is said that, when grown to womanhood, Cecilia shone in the highest social circles of Cadiz and Seville, both on account of her great beauty and by reason of her remarkable intellectual gifts and attainments. She was married three times, but only once happily. In 1816 she married Don Antonio Planells and Bardajf, a young and handsome captain of infantry. The young couple had to remove to Puerto Rico. Cecilia's life there was rather a sad one ; Don Antonio failed to understand her, and she had to endure not merely separation from her parents but indignities heaped upon her by her husband. However, in less than a year, the death of the latter released her from this form of martyrdom and she returned to Spain. One of her novels (Clemencia) gives us an insight into her inner life during that sad period. In 1822, while still in the fullness of her youth and beauty, she married another army officer, Don Francisco Ruiz de Arco, Marquis of Arco-Hermoso, a kind and genial gentleman, who gladly allowed her to make their splendid mansion in Seville Vlii INTRODUCTION the meeting-place of a brilliant coterie of artists, poets, drama- tists, and other men of letters. In their sumptuous halls their friends could meet not only the most eminent men of Spain, but also such foreign celebrities as Baron Taylor, William Sterling, and our own Washington Irving. Those were, no doubt, Ce- cilia's happiest days ; but the death of the Marquis, which oc- curred in 1835, brought them to a sad and untimely end. About the middle of the following year (1837) Dona Cecilia married Don Antonio Arrom de Ayala. This union was doomed from the very beginning to be beset with trials and sorrows, for the bridegroom was a confirmed consumptive. Dofta Cecilia was well aware of the state of his health, but that was precisely the chief reason that moved her to marry him. This remarkable step clearly shows that, in spite of her German blood and her virility of intellect, she was very much of a Spaniard and a woman, after all ; such instances of self-sacrifice, not always suf- ficiently tempered with discretion, being of very common occur- rence among Spanish women. In addition to the illness of the husband, and partly because of it, the couple met with heavy financial losses. Their troubles culminated in the suicide of Sr. Arrom, in the year 1858. In the year 1822, while spending the honeymoon with her second husband, at a picturesque village called Dos Hermanas, situated near Seville, Dona Cecilia heard some one relate certain tragic incidents that had occurred in the neighborhood. These impressed her so deeply that she decided to commit them to writing in the form of a story. The result was her first novel, La Familia de Alvareda. She had no intention, however, of publishing what she had written, or of ever appearing before the public in the capacity of a novelist. That she finally did this, is due in a large measure to the persuasions of two emi- nent men of letters one a Spaniard and the other an Ameri- can in whose literary judgment she had entire confidence. The Spaniard was Don Joaquin Mora, and the American, Washington Irving. INTRODUCTION IX In the diary that Mr. Irving kept during his residence in Se- ville, appear these two brief but interesting entries: December 30 (1828) " Incapable of working changed my room evening at the opera Crocciato Introduced to the Marchioness of Arco-Hermoso, daughter of Mr. Bdhl." Wed. 3ist (same month and year). " Call this morning with Mr. and Mrs. Hipkins on the Marchioness of Arco-Hermoso; make a long visit. The Marchioness relates many village (sic) anecdotes of the village of Dos Hermanas return home and make note of two of them evening at home." From other records we know, however, that the Marchioness showed him her unfinished manuscript of La Familia de Alva- reda, and that he praised her work highly and advised her to continue. It thus happened that the same American who had the glory of rediscovering the neglected Alhambra and bringing its beauties to the attention of a forgetful public, was also one of those who had the glory of discovering the literary talents of Dona Cecilia, and of aiding by his encouragement in bringing them to rich fruition. Though La Familia de Alvareda was the author's first book, it was not the first which she sent to the press. According to Sefior J. M. Asensio, one of her biographers and critics, her first publication was a sketch of Sevillian manners, entitled So/a, written in German and first published in that language in Vienna or Hamburg, and afterwards issued in Spanish in the Semanario Pintoresco Espanol. The same writer adds that this version was neglected and forgotten, even by its author, and does not appear in any of the otherwise complete editions of her works. Others think that the translation (or was it not rather the Spanish original?) of the German story, was embodied fully or partially in La Gaviota, and that the latter was the first production of her pen to appear in Spanish (1849). ^ n wna t manner and with what results this was done has already been stated. But whatever may or may not have been the fate of Dona Cecilia's first story, one thing is evident: .more than a quarter of a century elapsed from the time she began to write (1822) X INTRODUCTION to the time she began to publish in Spanish (1849). This, in addition to the fact that her identity was concealed by a nom- de-plume, seems to imply a timidity and modesty on her part that have seldom, if ever, been paralleled. However, the signal success attained by La Gaviota encour- aged her to send to the press other manuscripts that she had already in hand, and to devote herself assiduously to the pre- paration of new books. Shortly after the appearance of La Gaviota, she had dementia published in the Museo Espahol and later on Un Servilon y un Liberalito appeared in a Seville review entitled Revista de Ciencias, Literatura y Artes. The first edition of her works, consisting of 1 3 volumes, was issued in Madrid between the years 1855 and 1857. Through the magnanimity of Queen Isabella II, who, in spite of her faults, was a true patroness of literature, Dofta Cecilia had the free use of one of the charming little houses that adjoin the Alcazar of Seville. She dwelt there from 1856 until the year 1868, in which Isabella was deposed. Amid those romantic sur- roundings and their still more romantic associations, she must have found new inspiration for her labors, and it must have been there that the greater part of her literary work was done. When she removed to the little house in the street of Juan Burgos, where she spent her last days, she was past seventy. The political changes that took place in Spain at that time caused her a terrible shock from which she never recovered. So, after 1868, she lived in quiet retirement, absorbed in religi- ous devotions and works of charity, and did very little literary work. In Chapter IV of the second volume of La Gaviota, Fernaii Caballero expresses, through some of the characters in the novel, her own ideas regarding her art. At a social gathering it is proposed that the company unite in writing a novel. The chief question that confronts them is what kind of a novel they should undertake to write. The fantastic, the heroic, and the sentimental novel are rejected in succession as unsuited to the INTRODUCTION XI nature and aptitudes of the Spanish writer. Finally they de-\ cide to write a novel of manners. Then Rafael, one of the 1 company, says : " It is the novel par excellence, being both ; useful and pleasing. Each nation ought to write her own novels of manners. When written with accuracy and born from a truly observing spirit, such novels would help us im- j mensely in the study of mankind. . . . Were I the queen, I { should order a novel of manners to be written in every pro- vince, without omitting anything of importance in either narra- tive or analysis." In writing as she did, Dona Cecilia had evidently three ] chief purposes constantly in view. The first was to arouse I and strengthen the national spirit in her countrymen by show- ing them how much that was good, noble, and poetic, there was in their manners, customs and character. The second was to make the Spanish customs and character better known abroad, so that the people of Spain might be better under- stood and consequently better appreciated. As the third, and one might say, the chief purpose, for it seemed to be constantly before her mind and to guide every stroke of her pen, we may put down the moral purpose, the desire to impress upon the mind of the reader some salutary lesson. The first two purposes mentioned above she admirably achieved by giving the truest pictures of Spanish life and character that had been presented since Cervantes. Such is especially the case whenever she depicts the plain country people, with whom she seemed to be in thorough sympathy. This constitutes her chief merit. In carrying out the third pur- pose, she sometimes forgot that she was an artist and remembered only that she was a dispenser of homilies, a practice that is liable tojiaye the effect of annoying rather than edifying the reader. , Un Servilon y un Liberalito is the best of her short novels anoTone of the most charming stories that she ever wrote. Its dialogue is always lively and abounds in wit, humor and pathos. Its characters are not only thoroughly human, but thoroughly Xll INTRODUCTION Spanish. Any one who is well acquainted with Spanish life feels, on reading the book, as if he were meeting again with some persons he had known before. Don Jose" (the servittri) and Leopoldo (the liberalito) are especially delineated with a strong and accurate hand. The story, moreover, is entirely free from crimes of any kind. Nothing in it is sensational. Its appeal is not to the worse, but to the better nature of man. It glides along in an atmos- phere perfumed by the Christian virtues of sincerity, charity, loyalty and good-will, and produces in the mind of the reader a pleasure that leaves no bitterness behind. UN SERVILON Y UN LIBERALITO CAPfTULO PRIMERO EL CASTILLO DE MNESTEO Souvent a 1'aspect d'une belle contree on est tente de croire qu'elle a pour unique but d'ex- citer en nous des sentiments eleves et nobles. MADAME DE STAEL.* Al contemplar una hermosa vista suele uno sentirse llevado a creer que es su unico objeto excitar en nosotros sentimientos elevados y nobles. Ya en otra ocasidn hemos hecho mencion del antiguo castillo de Mnesteo, 2 que existe en el Puerto de Santa Maria, 8 y pertenece a los Duques de Medinaceli. 4 Fud llamado de Mnesles, por haber sido construido por un Principe fenicio 6 de igual nombre. Paso despues a la 5 dominacidn romana: luego a la de los moros; 6 hasta que, en 1264, lo conquistd el Rey D. Alfonso el Sabio, 7 para cuya conquista le alentd, apareciendosele, la VIRGEN de los cristianos; en memoria de lo cual did el sabio y religioso Rey su venerado nombre a aquella poblacidn, 10 perdiendo asf la bautizada villa 8 su pagano nombre de Mnesteo. 2 UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO Mas si interesase ahora a alguno de nuestros lectores penetrar con nosotros en su recinto, le serviremos gus- tosos de cicerone. Haremos aun mas; toda vez que en ello le complazcamos, le haremos conocer a sus mora- 5 dores, y tendremos, segiin la expresion de una amiga nuestra de infinite talento y gracia,* un rato de coma- dreo. Sentimos que, a fuer de veridicos, no nos sea posible divertir al lector con una descripcidn liigubre y medrosa, 10 en el ge'nero de las de la autora inglesa Ann Rad- cliff, 1 en vista de que, segiin dice Custine, 2 Pimagination aime a f remit- (la imaginacion gusta de estremecerse). Porque, opuestamente, para ser verfdicos, tenemos que descender a los pormenores mas sencillos, mas candidos 15 y, si se quiere, mas triviales de la vida comun, si hemos de describir el estado actual del castillo, de este adalid muerto y petrificado, de este grandiose y fuerte es- queleto con pies fenicios, cuerpo romano, cabeza mo- risca y brazos espanoles, que ostenta el Puerto como 20 antiguo y noble blason de cuatro cuarteles sobre una eminencia, a la entrada de su rio Guadalete, 8 a cuya orilla, y al amparo de su valiente defensor, se ha ido extendiendo la poblacion, como crece el vastago a la sombra del arbol que lo crfa. *-S Al penetrar en el recinto por la puerta que se halla en la gran plaza a que da nombre, esto es, la plaza del Castillo, se atraviesa un pequeno espacio, se suben unas gradas y se entra en el compas que precede a la iglesia, que 4 es el punto centrico del edificio. Fdrmala 5 un es- *La Sra. D.a Espiritu Santo Moreno de Escalante. Author's Note. UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO 3 pacio grande abovedado, cuyo techo esta sostenido por enormes pilares, sin tener mas luz que la que recibe por una gran ventana que esta al pie de la iglesia, y la toma 1 de un corral interior. No hemos podido averi- guar el primitive destine de esta vasta pieza: si fue 5 aduana, lonja, mezquita 6 almace'n en que se deposi- tasen viveres. Hoy es el adornado, bendito y recogido santuario de un culto sostenido y devoto, al que con gran asiduidad concurren los habitantes de la ciudad. A la derecha del compas hay una escalera empinada 10 que conduce a lo alto. La plataforma 6 azotea que esta sobre la iglesia constituye un gran espacio enladrillado, que rue* y conserva aiin hoy dia el nombre de Plaza de Armas. Alrededor de esta plazoleta estan las pie- zas* que fueron morada de los caudillos y salas de 15 armas, y que hoy subdivididas forman habitaciones. Vive en la mejor el capellan del Castillo; en otra el sa- cristan; en otra un maestro de escuela; en la mas pe- quena una anciana viuda: todos tipos los mas genuinos de gentes pacificas, por lo cual uno de los formidables 20 torreones se ha convertido en oratorio, otro en cocina, otro en palomar y otro en jardi'n. ,; Cdmo, pues, amal- gamamos con estos objetos la aparicidn de un moro feroz llevando su cortada cabeza debajo del brazo, 6 de un formidable caudillo cristiano entre cuya celada se 25 divisase una calavera siniestra? 2 ,; Como podrfan oirse gemidos ni amenazas entre las bovedas y escaleras de aquellas torres, en que tan pacfficamente cuelgan los chorizos y ristras de pimientos; en que tan amorosa- *In the original it reads habitaciones instead of piezas. The change has been made to avoid repetition. Editor's Note. 4 UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO mente arrullan los palomos; en que tan unidas estan las almenas con las flores, a las que sirven de reclinatorio, y que por ellas han olvidado de un todo dardos, flechas y arcabuces; en las que tan suaves suenan las preces, y 5 con tan esforzado qut se me da d ml retumba el domes- tico almirez? 1 ... No, no; allf no hay malos espiritus, asombros, ni horrores: las oraciones, el sol de Dios, la paz material y la del alma, las buenas conciencias y las flores los han ahuyentado. 10 Si nos asomamos por la ventana de la sala del cape- Han, que esta a la derecha de la plaza de Armas, vemos un corral, que serfa quizas el cementerio en tiempos de guerra, convertido en un diminuto huerto, presidido por una aislada y austera torre cuadrada, en la que se han 15 amontonado gran cantidad de huesos de bizarros cris- tianos y valientes moros enterrados en aquel lugar. En cuanto a los huesos romanos que allf puedan hallarse, deben bailar de contento al considerar que la tierra, a fuerza de oir su famosa plegaria, de que les sea ligera, se 20 ha ido aligerando hasta el punto de no cubrirlos. 2 Los honrados moradores actuales del castillo suplicaron atentamente a estos huesos errantes que cediesen su sitio a las coles y rabanos, a la hierbabuena y al perejil, y que se fuesen apinando en amor y compania en aquella torre, 25 testigo de sus hazanas. Los huesos no se negaron a acceder a lo que con tan buen modo se les pedfa, y allf estan sin que nadie se meta con ellos, sino unos preciosos conejos caseros, que viven, juegan y procrean alegre y pacificamente a su liigubre sombra. 30 Necesaria es, pues, una fuerza de abstraccion qut no le cs dada sino al historiador 6 al anticuario para UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO 5 poder prestar todo el vivo y solemne colorido de su he- roico pasado a aquella mansidn del sol, de flores, de paz \ y silencio, de lindos animalitos caseros y de buenos \ vecinos. Hasta los ecos que repitieron los belicos sonidos de 5 trompas y clarines han cafdo en un obstinado mutismo, no queriendo descender a alternar con el canto del gallo, cantor que, cual no otro, cumple con una de las primeras reglas de su arte, que es la de echar la voz; con la algarabfa de las golondrinas que charlan hasta 10 por las alas; 1 con el ronco y poco armonioso arrullo de los palomos, amantes formales, fieles y comedidos; ni con los destemplados arranques de los patos poco filarmoni- cos, que sin la mas minima aprehension, hieren el aire que los rodea y los oidos que los oyen; pero ni aun con 15 los alegres cantares del canario saltimbanquis, que pre- fiere a las de laurel coronas de jaramago. Un lugar hay, sin embargo, en que la mente deja de sonreir y el alma se eleva ampliamente a otras esferas. Es este la plataforma de las altas torres que, coronadas 2 de sus almenas, se alzan erguidas en su ancianidad y abandono, tan bellas, tan derechas, y tan senoras, como cuando dominaban y defendian el pai's. La vista que desde su altura se descubre admira, eleva, embelesa, y, si nos es permitido decirlo, deslum- 25 bra. jTal es el esplendor de la atmosfera, 2 del cielo y de la mar, la lontananza de los horizontes, la belleza de los objetos y lo grandioso del inmenso paisaje que desde aquellas alturas se presenta a la vista! Al lado del Sur se extiende en toda su majestad y su 30 brillo el mar, que hacia la izquierda viene a ostentar, 6 UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO sobre la barra que precede al rfo Guadalete, el garbo de sus olas y la blancura de sus espumas. Al frente se ve a Cadiz, 1 que, aunque distante dos leguas, muestra claro sus tersos y delineados contornos, como dibujados con 5 firme pulso en el esmalte del horizonte. A la izquierda, siguiendo con la vista el recto camino real por medio de un verde coto, se llega con e*!, a las dos leguas, al elegante Puerto Real, 2 y siguiendolo despuds en su curva, se llega a la isla, 6 ciudad de San Fer- 10 nando, 8 donde muere entre albinas la bahfa, dejandoles por legado gran cantidad de la afamada sal, que en blancos montes apinan. En lontananza se extiende Chiclana* en su llano, llevando por bandera una ruina, que fue' lindfsima capilla de Santa Ana, y se encarama 15 Medina 6 en su monte, como vigilando sus verdes campos y sus ganados. Volviendo la vista a la derecha, se ve subir la carre- tera en suave cuesta 6 por entre vinas y arboledas, la que mas adelante se arrastra por ricos campos de trigo, 20 hasta llegar a Sanliicar de Barrameda. 7 Al Norte, esto es, en direccion opuesta al mar, vese el camino de Jerez 8 atravesar la vega, derecho, como el que quiere llegar pronto, y torcer despues a la derecha, para salvar los altos cerros, en cuyo seno se ocultan las 25 magnfficas canteras que hace tantos siglos estan for- mando los edificios que levanta el hombre y dedica, ya al culto, ya a labrarse sus moradas, y, despue's de pasar cerca de lo que fueron ruinas del castillo de dona Blanca, 9 desaparece detras del monte. 30 Este castillo, de que apenas resta vestigio, fue edificado por D. Alonso el Sabio sobre una eminencia que domi- UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO 7 naba el rfo; pero el rfo ha tornado las de Villadiego, como un deserter, si no a sus banderas, a su cauce. Relevado, por consiguiente, el castillo del cargo de vigi- larlo, cansado de su soledad y de su far nien/e, se ha caido como una barraca, sin respeto a su poetico nom- 5 bre de CASTILLO DE DONA BLANCA, nombre que debe a la tradicidn, que jura y perjura que en aquel solitario al- bergue encerrd el rey don Pedro 1 a la mujer que le faltd a la fe debida. Vese tambien en la vega otro objeto lleno de actuali- 10 dad y palpitante de intcres (segun se expresan en francos traducido 2 los periddicos de la corte y sus socios de las provincias), se ve, sf, se ve, poniendo cuidado d sacando un anteojo de larga vista, el camino de hierro ; pero . . . jque chico! jque mezquino! Cuando en seguida se baja 15 la vista y se mira aquel castillo de otras edades, tan grande, tan fuerte y sdlido; cuando se miran las igle- sias seculares, alii, en Cadiz, en Puerto Real, serenas 6 inmutables entre huracanes, vicisitudes, guerras y si- glos . . . y se compara a esa moderna o bra magna, no 20 puede uno menos de considerar que mientras mas se emancipa el hombre de Dios mas mezquinas, effmeras e inconsistentes son, no solamente sus ideas, sino tambie'n sus obras. Sirven de punto de vista 8 a este cuadro del Norte los 25 montesde Ronda, que el San Cristobal 4 tiene a sus pies, mientras alza su cabeza entre nubes. Esta vista toda es magnffica y grandiosa. Ostenta el pai's tan abierta y completamente sus contornos como muestra su fndole una persona franca. Todo lo alcanza 30 la mirada que, despues de vagar con delicia por la tierra, UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO tan bella como la ha hecho Dios, se alza al cielo, mas bello aiin, lleno de admiracidn y gratitud, ofreciendo ambos al Criador, que agradecer es amar, y admirar es tributar homenaje. 5 Pero volvamos a bajar con cuidado, para no perder pie, los vetustos y carcomidos escalones de las escaleras, y regresemos a la Plaza de Armas, la mas pacifica del mundo, que conserva su nombre a pesar de ser el mas descarado anacronismo como prueba palpable de la 10 fuerza de la tradicidn. A la derecha de la escalera esta la habitacidn del sacristan, que es la menos buena, por tener luces a co- rrales; 1 en dsta es donde se halla el torreon, poco elevado, sobre cuyo turbante de almenas ha puesto la sobrina del 15 sacristan una corona de flores. Una vez en la Plaza de Armas, vemos a la izquierda la habitacidn de la viuda, duefta del corral de gallinas y del torredn-palomar, torreon bonachdn que no se des- dena de proteger al palomo perseguido por el gavilan, 20 como protegid a Prfncipes contra Reyes, a caudillos contra caudillos. A la derecha esta la habitacidn del capellan, que es la mejor, y tiene la hermosa torre ochavada que le sirve de oratorio, y donde la VIRGEN DE LA PAZ la derrama 2 25 en los corazones. Al frente esta la habitacidn en que vive el maestro de escuela, D. Josd Mentor, con su buena mujer D. a Esco- lastica y su buenfsima 8 hermana D. a Liberata. No hemos querido describir las anteriores habitacio- 30 nes por no cansar al lector, quien es probable que no sienta la simpatfa que tenemos nosotros por el castillo UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO 9 de Mnesteo. Pero, en cuanto a dsta, nos precisa descri- birla graficamente, por ser en ella en la que van a tener lugar 1 la mayor parte de los eventos que vamos a referir. Despuds de atravesar la alegre y tranquila plaza lla- mada de Armas por antonomasia, en la que en lugar de 5 fieros hombres de guerra se ven, como ya indicamos, hermosos palomos que andan presumidos volviendo sus cabecitas para lucir los tornasoles de su plumaje, se entra en una pequena antesala 6 pasadizo, que a la iz- quierda tiene una puerta que da entrada a un cuarto 10 con una ventana a la Plaza de Armas, y que es el que ocupa D. a Liberata. fintrase por este pasadizo a la sala, que es lindi'sima por tener al andar una azotea 2 que domina la pescade- ria, la aduana, el muelle, el rio, y va a descansar en el 15 siempre verde coto de la orilla opuesta. 8 La sala esta aseadamente amueblada, con su estera, sus sillones de caoba, que cubren con una careta de tela de algodon bianco unas crines contemporaneas de las de Bucefalo 4 que, cansadas de sentirse aplastadas, se esfuerzan por 20 salir de su purgatorio. En el testero hay una mesa pu- ritana, sin ninguna clase de adorno, sobre la cual se ve un nicho de caoba y cristales que encierra una hermosa efigie de la VIRGEN. En la pared cuelga un/cuadro antiguo, de poca estima como obra artistfc'a, pero de 25 muchfsima como objeto de veneracion, qne representa al Santo de la profunda y sincera devocion de la fami- lia, de padres a hijos, San Cayetano. 5 Debajo de este cuadro, en otro de mediacana pin- tado de negro, esta un mamarracho con una banda azul 30 y blanca, que pasa por el retrato de Don Fernando VII, 6 10 UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO y fud colocado allf por el dueno cuando la guerra de la Independencia. 1 A la izquierda, a los pies de la sala, hay una puerta pequena, por la que se entra en la alcoba del matrimo- 5 nio, la cual tiene ventana a la referida azotea, y no tiene nada de notable sino una cdmoda papelera vetusta y secular, cuya tapa viene a cerrarse en diagonal sobre una tabla angosta, en la que se ven un CRUCIFIJO y al- gunos libros; y encima de la cdmoda, colgado en la 10 pared, otro cuadro de San Cayetano. Esta alcoba tiene una puerta que comunica con un pasadizo triangular, en cuyo extremo esta. la entrada del valiente torredn convertido en cocina. ^Quidn vid nunca un caballero con cota de malla y lanza en ristre, 15 convertido en ranchero? Con entrada a ese mismo pa- sadizo hay un cuarto pequeno con ventana a la Plaza de Armas, que sirve de comedor a la familia. En este partido (nombre que se da en Andalucfa a cada una de las partes en que se divide un edificio 20 grande, para que sirva a vecinos), vivfa desde innume- rables afios la familia del maestro de escuela. Ahora, pues, que conocemos el local, vamos a ocuparnos de los habitantes que han sucedido en el a fenicios, romanos y moros, y a los guerreros del Sabio Rey; 2 esto es, los 25 gorriones y tdrtolas que se han posesionado del nido abandonado por las aguilas y milanos. Es de suponer que, si los miembros de la Sociedad de la Paz tuviesen noticias de las transformaciones que en beneficio de esta ha sufridfrel descrito castillo, ese ledn 30 hecho cordero, ese Hercules hilando, ese Aquiles vestido de Matrona, ese dragon narcotizado, lo hubiesen elegido UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO II para punto de reunidn de sus sesiones; pues, cierta- mente, con plena aprobacidn de sus habitantes, se ha- brian podido anatematizar en aquella Plaza de Armas todas ellas, 1 inclusas las flechas de Cupido. CAPfTULO II TRES ALMAS DE DIGS Bienaventurados los pobres de ... espiritu. EVANGELIC DE SAN LUCAS. II est vrai que la grandeur selon les hommes n'est pas la grandeur selon Dieu. ALEXANDRE DuMAS. 2 Don Jose Mentor era, como ya hemos dicho,un maestro V de escuela. Los adelantos de la epoca atrasaron al pobre \ D. Jose: 8 el colegio, la gratuita, la escuela mutua, 4 aque- llos rayos de las luces del siglo le arrebataron todos sus ninos, como lo habian hecho los de Apolo con los de Niobe. 5 Pero D. Jose' no se descorazond : siguid viviendo\io en su pacifico castillo, en su tranquilo hogar dome'stico, ) con su mujer y su hermana, en paz y en gracia de Dios, j tan confiados los tres en el Santo de su devocidn, SaiT Cayetano, abogado de la Providencia, 6 que a ninguno robd su desgracia un cuarto de hora de sueno. 15 Don Jose contaba con un vitalicio en que vendid una casa ruinosa. Consisti'a aquel en una peseta diaria < que tal serfa la finca ? vitalicio que, con su imprevisidn de nino, puso sobre su cabeza, sin acordarse de que su mujer y su hermana deberian probablemente sobrevivirle. 20 12 UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO Tenfa algunos otros recursos: era el uno llevar del brazo a misa a una anciana extranjera ciega, por cuyo obsequio recibfa tres cuartos; y era otro, algunas lecciones de leer y de escribir que daba a las Maritornes 1 con pretensiones 5 de ilustrarse, con lo que lograban leer novelas perversas, descuidar sus quehaceres y la aguja, y llevar calcetas con puntos. Mire usted, nifta soli'a decir D. Jose* a las tallu- das discfpulas que hacfan palotes : i ve usted esas 10 viguitas del techo ? Pues asf deben ir, derechitos y bien alineados. Don Jose era feo precise es confesarlo, que amor no quita conocimiento; 2 de un feo que llamaba la aten- cidn. Sus narices, desmedidamente salientes y gruesas, 15 necesitaban todo el extremado largor de la cara en que se ostentaban para vivir en paz con la boca y la frente, sus vecinas. No eran menos largas sus orejas, ni menos gruesos sus labios, siendo el inferior colgante y pen- diente como pabellon. Sus ojos pequenos, enterrados en 20 gruesos parpados, 8 tenfan una expresion bondadosa, a la par que atonita 6 curiosa: lo que era debido a SIL sordera; y eran cobijados por unas cejas tremendas, que formaban un entrecejo formidable, el cual hubiera sentado bien en un busto de Jupiter, pero que estaban 25 en la cara de nuestro buen don Josd completamente fuera de lugar, y podfan competir con la carabina de Ambrosio. Era alto, y su cuerpo se habia torcido de una manera lastimosa, teniendo un hombro muy alto y otro muy bajo, como si se esforzase en probar que nada 30 hay igual en este mundo que es lo que le hace origi- nal nada ... j ni aun los hombros en un mismo sujeto! UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO 13 Sin embargo, cuando por Semana Santa 6 el dfa del Corpus vestia D. Jose' un frac negro que estreno a prin- cipios del siglo, y salfa pavoneandose y arrastrando los pies, su mujer y su hermana le segufan con la vista al atravesar la Plaza de Armas, mirandose despuds con 5 una sonrisa de satisfaccidn que parecia decir: /Que se presente otro/ 1 Dona Liberata tenfa la misma fealdad que su hermano, en pequeno, asi como la misma sordera, aunque como mujer era menos torpe, y se enteraba mas pronto de lo 10 que deseaba saber, 6 de lo que se le quen'a comunicar. Ligera, dispuesta, hacendosa, acudia a todo con paso menudo y precipitado, y ayudaba a los gastos cosiendo ajeno. Nunca se habi'a casado por no habersele presen- tado ocasion, ni haberla ella buscado jamas. 15 Dona Escolastica era algo gruesa, muy pastorona, sin hiel, como los palomos pisaverdes que paseaban la Plaza de Armas ; de un feo menos subido, pero de una insulsez mas marcada que su cunada. Estas tres personas, tan semejantes, existfan felices y 2p bien avenidas en medio de sus escaseces, no amargaban su pan con quejas ni su vida con apuros, y nunca se vieron en la triste situacion, a que gradualmente fueron descendiendo, genios mas alegres, ni indoles mas apaci- bles, 2 pues la alegria y la apacibilidad las dan las con- 25 ciencias limpias y la fe virgen y firme 3 que poseen los ricos de corazdn y pobres de espfritu. 'Este su envidia- ble temple de alma, esta completa sumisidn y confianza en Dios crea la mansedumbre, y dsta ahuyenta los an- j gustiosos cuidados, los excesos de la sensibilidad, la hiel 30 contra los hombres y las cosas. Y, sobre todo, crea el 14 UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO hermoso don de la conformidad, que espontaneamente brota en las almas de aque'llos, y que las cobija con su dulce sombra, sin que noten ellos siquiera que la tran- quilidad de su espfritu es debida 4 la excelencia de sus 5 almas, y que el epi'teto burlesco de ALMA DE Dios con que con tanta ligereza los ridiculiza el mundo, significa nada menos que haber llegado al apogeo del cristianismo. Ha dicho muy bien Dumas que la grandeza segiin Dios \ no es la grandeza segiin los hombres. 1 For lo cual nada 10 de extrano tiene que, a pesar de la bondad de los indi- viduos que hemos descrito, ocupasen en la sociedad una posicion mas que subalterna, tanto por su clase, como por su pobreza, como por su desgraciado exterior, como por esas mismas virtudes que desdena el mundo, 15 ese senoron que en nuestro globo se emancipa de su Criador, relegandole ;y gracias! 2 a los templos y a los libros, no sin mofarse de los que sacan su santo Nombre de la clausura de las obras teologicas, que no lee. Miran los hombres descreidos que a dl pertene- 20 cen estas virtudes de alto abajo, como miran los bu- llidores delfines y peces espadas que se agitan en la superficie del mar a la perla que tranquila yace en el firme fondo. Para principiar nuestra relacidn desde el principio 25 como suele hacerse es precise retroceder al ano 1823^ en cuya dpoca estaban el castillo y sus habitantes iddn-fr ticos a como los volveremos a hallar despuds y a como los hemos descrito. Hay personas que no tienen ju- ventud, asf como hay otras que son j<5venes toda su 30 vida, no sdlo en su sentir, sino hasta en su ffsico; jovenes arrugados, modernizados con modas de Paris, UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO 15 embalsamados con ungiientos, encurtidos con esencias, a cuyos miembros no pesan y a cuyas cabezas no sirven de lastre los anos. Si a las primeras falta la fragancia de la primavera, a los segundos falta la madurez del otono. 5 Como hemos dicho, el torredn del angulo izquierdo servi'a de cocina a la familia del ex-maestro de escuela. Una noche de dicho verano estaba D. a Liberata majando con el mayor ahinco la miga, el ajo, la sal y el tomate para el gazpacho. Aunque no hubiese sido un poco 10 sorda, la atencidn profunda que prestaba a su faena y los vigorosos golpes que daba al mortero habrfan bas- tado para abstraerla completamente. jCual sen'a, pues, su asombro, cuando, de repente y como llovido de la bdveda, se vid a un hombre en f rente de ella! Las 15 cejas de D. a Liberata que como las de su hermano, tenian una aptitud particular para alzarse, formando un arco agudo arrastraron detras de si a los parpados, dejando sus ojitos negros desmesuradamente abiertos; su boca los imito, y la mano del mortero quedd levan- 20 tada inmdvil en la suya! Un ladrdn en aquel Castillo, donde no habfa nada que robar, era un fendmeno mas extrano y sobrenatural que hubiese podido serlo la aparicidn de un moro d de un romano. 25 Sin embargo, la persona aparecida no justificaba tanto espanto. Era un joven de unos veinte anos; traia una 1 chaqueta y un pantaldn estrafalario, y en la cabeza una I gorra con visera y dsta muy echada a la cara. 1 Un tanto de barba juvenil, que no habia sido afeitada en varios 30 di'as, daba alguna sombra y algo de varonil a aquel 1 6 UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO rostro de colegial. De estatura mediana, tenfa ele- gantes formas, y su flexible cuerpo parecfa hallarse poco a gusto en el traje que llevaba, en el cual se movfa extrano impaciente, 1 como la serpiente que ansfa por 5 soltar y zafarse de su deslucida piel, cuando debajo tiene otra mas adherente, mas lucida y mas nueva. Pe .. . . ro . . . articuld D.a Liberata, que no pudo acabar de pronunciar el nombre de sus hermanos. 2 Senora dijo el aparecido: me vausted a perder. 10 Soy perseguido por fieros esbirros; he trepado por las grietas de este desmoronado muro con la intencidn de entrar por esa abierta ventana y con la esperanza de hallar pechos nobles 6 independientes que amparasen una vfctima del despotismo. 15 Dona Liberata, que era sorda, que era novicia en per-V cances aventureros, y que a esto anadfa el haber perdido la cabeza por el miedo, contesto temblando : jSenor! ;Por la Virgen del Carmen! Somos unos pobres; a mi hermano le ban cerrado la escuela; yo no 20 he cobrado todavfa la costura de esta semana. Nada tengo, sino mi rosario y mi caja de plata ; si usted los quiere. . . La pobre D. a Liberata metio con dolor profundo su temblorosa mano en la faltriquera. 25 El aparecido, haciendose cargo de la dificultad de oi'do de su interlocutora, se acercd a ella, y le dijo: Yo no soy ladron. ^ No ? 8 contesto D. a Liberata algo tranquilizada y soltando con i ntima satisfaccion el rosario y la caja de 30 plata que tenfa asidas . Pues entonces, a qud se entra usted a deshoras por las ventanas? UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO 17 Porque un poder tiranico me persigue para pren- derme contestd en recia voz el aparecido. Las cejas de D. a Liberata, que habi'an emprendido su descenso, se remontaron instantaneamente. ^ Que ? ,; quieren prender a usted ? j Ave Maria 5 Purfsima! exclamd angustiada . jste ha hecho una muerte ! anadid mentalmente ; si chisto me deja en el sitio. 1 jDios tenga misericordia de mi! El desconocido conocid cuanto pasaba por la aterrada mente de su interlocutora, y se apresurd a decirle: i No he cometido delito alguno , soy un prdfugo I politico. Esta voz culta que significa fugitive, errante, y que ha sido aplicada por la ley al que se substrae al servicio de las armas, el pueblo la ha adoptado con la variante de prefulo, y ha hecho de ella la denominacidn generica y exclusiva de aquel que acude a la huida para escapar al sorteo. 2 Bajo este concepto inspira siempre un ,prefulo interes y lastima. J \]nprefulo? jpobrecito! dijo la buena D. a Libe- 20 rata, volviendo sus cejas a ocupar su Ifnea recta . Vamos, este usted sosegado anadid con bondad , que nosotros no le hemos de delatar. Pero voy a avisar a Escolastica y a Pepe, para que no se asusten. Dona Liberata se fue, con los pasitos cortos y precipi- 25 tados que le eran propios, dejando abierta la ventana por la que habia entrado el fugitivo, y la puerta por la que ella salid, con tanta confianza en el intruso como terror le habia inspirado al aparecerse. Don Jose que, mediante a ser sordo, tenfa algo de des- 30 confiado y otro algo de grunon ( ambas cosas, empero, en 15 l8 UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO dosis muy inofensivas), 1 no estuvo tan propicio como su hermana para esconder a un fugitive, ni para creer sobre su palabra que lo fuese por huir de la quinta. j Que prdfugo ! . . . grund con su gruesa y pastosa 5 voz; jsi ahora no hay quintal 2 lse es un prdfugo, pero prdfugo de presidio. Los tiempos estan revueltos, y cuando esto sucede hacen los tunantes de las suyas. ^Por que le dejaste entrar? ^ Acaso me pidid licencia ? contestd su hermana . 10 Pero, mira, Josd: no tiene mala traza, y es casi un chi- quillo. jChiquillo que de noche trepa por las paredes y allana las casas ! . . . nada, nada ; que se vaya . . . d voy a llamar a la guardia. 15 jHombre! como se va, si esta cerrado el castillo y es precise despertar al sacristan para que abra la puerta ! . . . observe Dona Escolastica. Que se vaya por donde ha venido ; no quiero h'os con la justicia, ni dimes ni diretes con los franceses, 20 aunque no scan e'stos los malvados de Napoleon. 8 Pepe, no te conozco; ique' despiadado estas! le IrtsJ .' t" dijo su hermana . Por los cantos descarnados ha po- dido subir, pero no se puede bajar por ellos. Mientras que con su acostumbrada calma discutfan 25 D. Jose", su hermana y su mujer el asunto, el fugitive, cansado de esperar, habia seguido el camino que vid to- mar a D.* Liberata, y se presentd de repente con mucha soltura a los ojos atdnitos del trio. Don Josd fruncid sus cejas jupiterianas, y se levantd 30 erguido, con su hombro izquierdo mas remontado que nunca. UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO 19 Pero el que se presentaba no era hombre a quien im- pusieran las cejas de D. Jose", puesto que si la impavidez y el sans fa^ on francos se hubiesen unido, habrfan engen- drado al que se presentd a su vista. Habiase quitado el prdfugo su fefsima gorra, y levantado de sobre su 5 f rente, tersa y erguida, sus negros rizos; su boca sonrefa, . luciendo la bella dentadura que la adornaba, y diri- giendose a su huesped, dijo con gran frescura: - ,; Usted es D. Jose Que-se-yo-que, hermano de esa senora Que'-se-yo-cuanto, a la que he dado, mal que me 10 pese, un susto magno ? Don Jose Mentor, servidor de usted 1 contestd D. a Escolastica : no ha of do a usted porque es un poco tardo. 2 . . . ,; Mentor? exclamd, soltando una carcajada el 15 aparecido : por consiguiente, ustedes seran los Calip- sos de esta gruta, y yo vengo de molde para ser el Teld- maco. 8 I Que dice? preguntd D. Jose a su mujer. Que se llama Teldmaco contesto esta. 20 No digo eso repuso alzando la voz y redoblando sus carcajadas el aparecido ; me llamo Leopoldo Ar- daz. jAy! anadid, golpeandose la f rente : lo primero que me encargd Ramon fue que ocultase mi nombre. No hay cuidado por eso advirtid don Jose* , 25 que lo que a usted ni a nadie pueda perjudicar no saldra nunca de nuestros labios. j Mas que fuese usted 4 Ba- rrabas en propia persona ! Ademas ... yo no lo he oi'do. La hermana, que se preciaba de oir mejor que su her- mano, se acercd a su of do y le dijo sin gritar: 30 Se llama D. Deopolvo Ardaz. 20 UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO El hue'sped volvid a empezar a reirse, y como la risa se pega, sobre todo entre gentes sin hiel, uno despues de otro se pusieron todos a reir. Pero, vamos al caso dijo despue's de un rato 5 D. Jose' ; aunque usted perdone, 1 Busted quidn es, . Sr. Ardaz ? ,; Que' ha hecho, y por qu^ se esconde ? .iQuie'n soy? contestd dste . Un hombre libre. I Que he hecho? [Defender la libertad! ^Por qud me escondo? Porque volvemos a los tiempos y se puso a 10 cantar en que se asaba, cual salmonetes, la carne humana. 2 j Dios del cielo ! jUnnacionalde Madrid! exclamd asustado D. Josd. ; Jesus, un tragalista! murmurd temblando D. 15 Escolastica. jMadre mia, un bullanguero! 8 dijo con dolor D. a Liberata. Vamos dijo Leopoldo, que notd la impresidn que habia causado su terminante declaracidn , conozco que 20 deben ustedes estar en dudas sobre mi persona; pero voy a tranquilizar a ustedes. Denme avios de escribir; escri- bire a quien saiga responsable de mf, y Ilevara usted la carta, Sr. Mentor. Que lleve yo la carta a las diez de la noche, y quizas 25 a los quintos infiernos ! ; En eso estaba yo pensando ! * gruni'a Don Jose', mientras estaba escribiendo su huesped. Despues de cerrar la esquela, preguntd este a D. Jose': I Usted conocera al Gobernador? 5 ^D. Juan de Soto? jPues no le he de conocer! 6 yj Vaya usted a su casa; pregunte por su ayudante Valverde, y entr^guele en mano propia esta esquela. UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO 21 i El ayudante del Gobernador ! exclamd D. Jose . Este se quiere perder, y nos va a comprometer pensd apurado ; y anadid en voz recia : Senor: es tarde. No le hace; vaya usted. Es que el castillo esta cerrado. 5 Haga usted que le abran. jCascabeles con el mocito este, y c<5mo sabe man- dar ! j Parece que en su vida ha hecho otra cosa ! 1 grund D. Jose. Pepe le dijo su hermana : complacele; seconoce 10 que es persona fina. Lo mismo me da a mf, si es delincuente, que sea fino 6 que sea basto. Hombre, si se vale de ti, ,; le has de huir la cara? 2 le dijo su mujer . Haz lo que te dice en caridad, que 15 e*l sabra lo que le conviene ; j es tan bonito ! jPues mire que recomendacidn para un consejo de guerra ! . . . j Y si siquiera lo pidiese con buen modo ! . . . grund D. Jose', y salid arrastrando los pies, precedido de su hermana, que iba alumbrando con el veldn. 20 22 UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO CAPfTULO III UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO 1 Las plazas abundaban en legis- ladores de vemte anos, que encon- traban a Cristo demasiado viejo, y que deseaban suplirle arrogan- dose el cuidado de dirigir la hu- manidad. JULIO SANDEAU. 2 No es el tormento, sino la causa, lo que constituye el martirio. SANTOS PADRES. Apenas habfa transcurrido un cuarto de hora, cuando se oyeron pasos acelerados por la plaza de Armas, y en- tro la persona a quien iba dirigida la carta, que se preci- pito hacia el recien venido, al que abrazo, exclamando : 5 jLeopoldo! jLeopoldo! jTu aqui; tvi, escondido! iQue locura 6 que desgracia es esta? Dona Escolastica y D. a Liberata se retiraron consi- deradamente, y se fueron con una luz a aguardar a su Pepe en la escalera. 10 Cuando estuvieron solos, hizo Leopoldo la siguiente relacion a su amigo: Habiendose unido mi regimiento a las tropas del Rey, tres oficiales, que e'ramos exaltados, desertamos. Pudimos llegar a Gibraltar, 8 donde nos recibieron los 15 ingleses como he'roes, y nos embarcamos disfrazados, llevando pasaportes con nombres supuestos, y con algu- nos pasajeros de pe'simas trazas, en un queche con des- tino a Cadiz; pero apresados por una lancha canonera, fuimos traidos aquf. Como esto sucedid de noche, pude UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO 23 esconderme entre los dobleces de una vela que estaba arrollada en el camarote. Los demas fueron desembar- cados, y yo permanecf todo el dla en mi escondite ; pero, llegada la noche, salf y me di a conocer a los dos mari- neros que habfan quedado guardando la embarcacion. 5 Estos me depositaron sigilosamente en tierra, y atrave- saba- la plaza de la Pescaden'a cuando of que desde la casilla del muelle me llamaban. Aunque era claro que esto sen'a para cerciorarse de que no llevaba contra- bando, no crei prudente exponerme a ninguna clase de 10 registro, y prosegui mi camino. Entonces oi que salfan a alcanzarme, y para que no lograsen su intento, puse mis piernas a todo vapor. No sabiendo d<5nde refugiarme, presentdse ante mi el torreon de ese castillo, con su abierta y alumbrada ventana, que 15 parecia decirme: Pase usted adelante. Sabes desde el colegio que soy buen gimnasta; trepando por los in- tersticios de los descarnados cantos, subi a la ventana, por la que entre, y me encontre frente a frente con una de las castellanas de este castillo, a la que apareci, bajo 20 la celada de mi yelmo (vulgo a la sombra de mi visera), algun Orlando furioso 6 Barbarroja renegade * . . . y . . . colon'n Colorado, cate usted mi cuento acabado. 2 ^Y que hacemos ahora? 8 exclamd Valverde apu- rado. 25 Respirar para no ahogarnos repuso Leopoldo con su imperturbable calma . i Tan imbufdo y contami- nado estas con las ideas y maximas tiranicas de los que te rodean en la actualidad, que te parece ver colgado sobre mi cabeza, a guisa de espada de Damocles, 4 un nudo 30 corredizo ? 24 UN SERVIL6N Y UN LIBERALITO Desertar de sus banderas, ser cogido disfrazado y con pasaporte falso, al ir a entrar en una plaza sitiada, i con todo el caracter de un espfa ... exclamd con dolor \ su amigo ; jy te muestras tan impasible y tan sobre ti! 1 \ 5 .), fine, beau- tiful. bebedor, m., drinker, tippler, toper; bajo una mala capa hay un buen , see capa. befar, to mock, ridicule, jeer, laugh at. belico, -a, warlike, martial, mili- tary. belicoso, -a, bellicose, warlike, martial. belleza, /., beauty. bello, -a, beautiful, fair, hand- some, fine; bella, w./., beauti- ful woman. bendito, -a (from bendecir), blessed, good ; n., good or harmless person.- beneficio, *., benefit, benefac- tion, favor, kindness; en de, for the benefit of. Bernardino,/^/. ., Bernardine. Bertoldo, prop. n. bien, adv., well, right, happily; . m. , good, right, benefit, bless- ing ; no , no sooner, as soon as; que, or a que, al- though; si , though; 6 , otherwise, or else, also ; hom- bre de , honest man, upright man. bienaventurado, -a, blessed ; dormir como un , to sleep the sleep of the just. bigote, bigotes, #*., mustache. billete, m., note, brief letter. bizarro, -a, gallant, brave. bizquear, to squint. Blanca, prop, n., Blanche. bianco, -a, white ; de punta en , see punta. blancura, /., whiteness. blanquisimo, -a, super, of bianco, -a. blas6n, m., blazon, scutcheon. bobo, -a, ., booby, ninny, dunce, dolt, fool ; adj., foolish, silly ; pajaro , see pajaro. boca,/., mouth. boga, /., vogue, fashion. bola, /., ball. bolonio, -a, ignorant, rattle- brained, fool ; ., a fool, an ignorant person. bolsa, /., purse, pocket. bolsillo, m., pocket, purse. bonachon, -na (from bueno), good-natured, kind-hearted. bondad, f. t bounty, goodness, kindness. bondadoso, -a, kind, good, boun- tiful. bonito, -a (dim. of bueno, -a), pretty, nice, dainty. borde, m., border, edge, margin, borrar, to blot out, erase. borrico, m., ass, donkey ; fool. bosque, m., woods, forest. bosquejo, m., sketch, outline. botica, /., apothecary's shop, drug-store. VOCABULARY b6veda, /., vault, arch, ceiling, bravata, /., bravado, boast, boasting. brazo, m., arm; del , on the arm. breve, brief, short ; en , briefly, soon, shortly, quickly, brillante, brilliant, bright, shin- ing, glistening, brillar, to shine, sparkle, glisten, glitter. brillo, ;., brilliancy, brightness, lustre, glittering. broma, _/., merriment, gaiety, jest. brotar, to bud ; spring forth, issue ; spring up ; bring forth, brote, m., bud, sprout. Brousais, prop. n. bruces, (de), with face down- wards. bruscamente, abruptly, roughly. Bucefalo, prop, n., Bucephalus, buche, m., craw, crop, stomach, maw. buen, apocopated form of bueno. buenisimo, -a (more properly bonisimo), super, 0/bueno, -a. bueno, -a, good, kind, upright ; ., good, upright. bujia, /., wax-candle; stearine candle. bula, /., papal bull, bullanga, /., tumult, riot, revolt. bullanguero, -a, m. &"/., a tur- bulent person, a disturber of the peace, bullidor, -ra, lively, restless, playful, bullir, to boil, bubble up ; bustle, stir, burlar, to mock, scoff, ridicule; deceive ; se de, to make fun of, deceive. burlesco, -a, burlesque, jocular, jesting, comical, buscar, to seek, look for. busto, m., bust. cabalmente, exactly ; precisely ; completely. caballero, m., horseman ; cava- lier, knight ; gentleman, sir. caballete, m., easel. caballo, m., horse ; a , on horseback. cabecita, dim. of cabeza. cabeza, /., head ; sacar la , see sacar; de chorlito, see chorlito. cabo, m., end, terminus, close ; al , finally, at last ; al de, at the end of. after; llevar a , to carry out, accomplish. cachaza, _/"., deliberation, calm- ness, coolness. cada, each, every ; uno, each one, each person. cadaver, m., cadaver, corpse. Cadiz, prop. ., Cadiz. caer, to fall, fall down, drop, drop down ; hang down ; droop ; turn down ; tumble, tumble down ; understand, perceive ; se, to fall, fall down. caida, /., fall, tumble, drop; de la tarde, nightfall. caido, -a, languid, hanging down, drooping. caiga, pres. subj. of caer. caja, /., box. calabozo, m., dungeon, cell. calavera,/., skull. calceta,/., hose, stocking. [Ion. caldo, m., broth ; beef -tea; bouil- Calipso, prop, n., Calypso. calma, /., calm, tranquility, com- posure, coolness. calor, m., heat, warmth. callado, -a, silent, dumb, quiet, soundless, noiseless. callar, se, to keep silent, hush ; cease talking, playing, singing, etc. calle,/., street; walk. n8 VOCABULARY cama,/., bed. camarada, m., comrade ; partner ; crony. camarote, m., stateroom. cambio, m., change, exchange, barter ; en , in exchange, in return, instead. caminata, /., long walk, jaunt, outing. camino, m., road, way, path; real, highway ; de hierro, railroad, railway ; tomar el de, see tomar; ponerse en see poner. campamento, m., camp. campe6n, m., champion. campo, M., camp ; country, field, tract of land ; expanse. cana,/., gray hair. canario, /., canary-bird. Cancerbero, prop. ., Cerberus. canci6n,/., song. candela, /., candle, taper ; coll. light, fire; meter el palo en , see meter. candido, -a, candid, simple. canonizar, to canonize. cansado, -a, tired, weary, tire- some. cansar, to tire, weary, fatigue, wear out ; se, to make one- self tired, get tired, grow weary. cantar, to chant, sing; . m., song; le & uno el tragala, to taunt a vanquished adversary, tease a person who is com- pelled to accept the very things he most strenuously opposed. See tragala. cante, m. (provincialism for canto), song. cantera,/., quarry. cantidad, /., quantity; amount, number. canto, m., stone. canto, m., chant, song; (of roost- ers) crowing. cantor, m., singer; one that crows, chanticleer. can6n, m., cannon. canonero, -a, mounting cannon ; ., a gunboat. caoba,/., mahogany. capa, /., cloak, cape, mantle; cover, stratum ; bajo una mala hay un buen bebedor, (lit., under a bad or poor cloak there is a good drinker) good quali- ties are found under a poor exterior. capaz, capable, able, qualified. capellan, m., chaplain. capilla,/., chapel. capitan, m., captain. capitulo, m., chapter. cara,/., face. carabina, /., carbine; la de Ambrosio, something useless or good for nothing. caracter, m., character, capacity, nature. carcajada, /., loud laughter; soltar una , see soltar . carcel,/., jail, prison. carcelero, m., jailer, warden. carcomido, -a, (from carcomer), worm-eaten, rotten, decayed. careta,/., mask, facing, cover. carga, /., charge; load, burden, weight. cargadisimo, -a, super, of car- gado. cargado, -a, charged, sur- charged, laden. cargo, m., charge, duty; fault, count, offence; a de, in charge of; hacerse de, see hacer. caricia,/., caress, petting. caridad,/., charity. carino, m., fondness, affection, kindness. cariparejo, -a, having an im- passive look, unconcerned. Carmen, prop. . VOCABULARY carne,/., flesh, meat, beef. carrera, /., run, course, career, calling, profession. [way. carretera, /., wagon-road; high- carro, m., cart, wagon. carta,/., letter, epistle. cartucho, m., cartouch; car- tridge. casa,/"., house, home. casar, to marry ; se, to marry, be married, get married. I cascabeles ! , pshaw ! the deuce I casco, m., skull, cranium, ligero de s, feather-brained, mad- cap. casero, -a, domestic, domesti- cated, tame. casi, almost. casilla, /. (dim. of casa), ticket office, guard hut, keeper's lodge. caso, m., case, point. casquete, m., casque, helmet, skull-cap ; a quitado, (/. 27, not in dictionary) thorough, consummate. castellano, -a, Castilian; . m., castellan, lord of a castle; . /., lady of a castle. castigar, to chastise, castigate, punish. castigo, m., castigation, chas- tisement, punishment. Castillo, m., castle. castillote, aug. of castillo. casualidad, /., chance, hazard, casualty, coincidence, contin- gency. catar, to taste, sample ; see, ex- amine ; notice, consider, judge. cat61ico, -a, adj. & ., catholic. catre, m., cot, small bedstead; de tijera, folding-cot. cauce, m., bed of a river. caudillo, m., chief, chieftain. causa, f., cause, occasion, mo- tive; a de, por de, be- cause of, on account of. causante, m. &* /., cause, origi- nator, author. causar, to cause, produce, make, bring about. Cayetano, prop. ., Cajetan. cebo, *., fodder ; bait ; incentive. ceder, to cede, grant ; yield, sub- mit, give in. cedro, m., cedar; Spanish juni- per. ceja,_/"., eye-brow. Celada, f. t helmet; visor. celebrar, to celebrate, honor, pay honor to, praise. celebre, celebrated. celeste, celestial, heavenly. celestial, celestial, heavenly. cementerio, m., cemetery, grave- yard. cena, f., supper. cenar, to sup, take supper. centinela, m. or f., sentry, sen- tinel. cdntrico, -a, central. centro, m., center, middle, midst ; hallarse en su , see hallar. cerca, adv., near, close; de, prep., near, about, nearly. cerciorar, to assure, affirm ; se, to make sure, ascertain. cerner, to sift; se, to soar, float. cerrar, to '-lose, shut, lock, seal. cerro, m., hill, highland. Ce'sar, proper n., Cassar. cesar, to cease, stop, discontinue. cicatriz,/., scar. cicerone, m., (Ital.) t guide. ciego, -a, blind ; . m., blind man ; n.f., blind woman. cielo, m., heaven, sky; God. cien (apocopated form of ciento, used before the noun), hundred. ciencia, f., science, knowledge, learning. ciento, hundred. ciertamente, certainly, surely. cierto, -a, certain, sure; true; 120 VOCABULARY de , certainly, surely, doubt- less ; por , indeed, certainly. cinco, five. circunstancia, /., circumstance, event, incident ; position, con- dition. cirio, m., thick and long wax candle; pascual, paschal candle. cita, /., citation, quotation, ap- pointment, engagement, ren- dezvous. ciudad,/., city, town. ciudadano, m., citizen. claridad, /., clearness, bright- ness, light. clarin, m., clarion, bugle. claro, -a, clear, bright, light; apparent, evident ; adv., dis- tinctly, clearly; a las claras, clearly. clase,/., class, kind, social rank. clausura, _/"., clausure, cloister, closure, confinement. Cleopatra, prop. n. cobijar, to cover, shelter, over- shadow. cobrar, to recover, collect, ac- quire. cocina,/., kitchen. c6digO, m., code. COger, to catch, seize, take hold of, capture; la delantera,' to get the start. COl, /., cabbage. colegial, collegiate; n. m., col- legian, college student. colegio, m., college, boarding- school. colgante, hanging, drooping. colgar, to hang, suspend, hang up. colmo, m., completion ; fulness ; height. colocar, to place, put, set; ar- range; station. color, m., color, hue. Colorado, -a, ruddy, red. COlorido, m., color, hue, coloring colorin, HI., linnet ; bright, "loud'' color. colosal, colossal, huge, immense. coloso, HI., colossus. comadreo, m. (not in dictionary), gossip, talk between intimate friends. combate, m., combat, contest, conflict, battle, fight, struggle. comedido, -a, moderate, well- behaved, civil, courteous. comedor, m., dining-room. comer, to eat, dine. cometer, to commit. comida,/"., dinner, meal. como, conj., as, like, as if; bien , just as; asi , as well as, as also ; que, as, for. como, adv., how, in what man- ner. j c6mo ! interj., howl is it possi- ble? c6moda, /., chest of drawers, bureau ; papelera, chest of drawers for the purpose of fil- ing or keeping papers. compadecer, to pity, condole, sympathize with. compadecido, -a, moved, touch- ed with pity. compadre, /., the name by which a man and his child's godfather call each other; comrade, friend. compaHero, -a, ., companion, mate. compania,/., company, associa- tion, companionship; en amor y , see amor. comparar, to compare. COtnpas, /., open space, circuit; (mus.), measure, time, note; & , a de, in harmony, keeping time. compensaci6n,/., compensation, recompense. competir, to compete, vie. VOCABULARY 121 complacer, to please, humor, ac- commodate, oblige. complazcamos, pres. subj. of complacer. [tire. complete, -a, complete, full, en- completamente, completely. c6mplice, i., accomplice, acces- sory, abetter. COmplicidad, /., complicity ; no , see no. comprar, to buy, purchase. comprender, to comprehend, un- derstand. comptometer, to compromise ; engage; bind; be at stake, endanger; se, to commit oneself. compromise, m., compromise; difficulty, predicament, em- barrassment. COmulgar, to commune, com- municate, receive the sacra- ment. comun, common. comunicar, to communicate, re- port, relate. con, with, by, in, upon. conatO, m., intent, attempt, im- pulse. concebir, to conceive, imagine. concepto, *., concept, opinion, point of view. concertar, to concert, agree ; to contrive, design. conciencia, _/"., conscience, con- sciousness. COncluir, to conclude, finish, end, close; de, to end, finish. concurrente, m. &*/., attendant, hearer, visitor, spectator. concurrir, to concur; attend, re- sort. concha,/., shell. conde, m., count, earl. condenar, to condemn, pro- nounce guilty ; sentence. condesa,/., countess. condici6n,_/., condition ; quality ; state ; rank. conducir, to conduct, lead, take. conducto, m., conduit, channel. conejito, m., dim. of conejo. conejo, m., rabbit. confecci6n, /., confection; pre- paration, making, composi- tion. confeccionar, to prepare, make, compound. [view. conferencia,/., conference, inter- confesar, to confess, acknowl- edge. confiado, -a, confident, secure, trusting, trustful. confianza, _/., confidence, trust. confiar, to confide, trust, hope; entrust. conforme, compliant; resigned, contented. conformidad, /., conformity, resignation. confortable, comfortable. conmemoratorio, -a, commemor- ative, commemoratory. conmigo, with me. conmover, to move, touch. conocer, to know, be acquainted with, get acquainted with ; ac- knowledge, recognize. COnocido, -a, known ; ., ac- quaintance. conocimiento, m., knowledge, acquaintance. conozco, pres. ind. of conocer . conquista, /., conquest. conquistador, m., conqueror. COnquistar, to conquer, over- come, subdue; acquire. COnsabido, -a, aforesaid, already known, above-mentioned. COnsejo, /., counsel, advice; council, court ; de guerra, council of war, court-martial. conservar, to keep, hold, pre- serve, retain; se, to keep, remain. 122 VOCABULARY consideracitin, /., consideration, regard, respect. consideradamente, considerate- ly, prudently, thoughtfully, discreetly. considerar, to consider, think over, meditate. consigo, pres. ind, of conseguir. consigo, with himself, with her- self, with itself, with yourself, with themselves, with your- selves. consiguiente, m., consequence ; por , in consequence, there- fore. consistir, to consist, subsist ; be composed of; en, to con- sist of. COnsternar, to terrify, strike with horror, cause consternation. constituci6n, /., constitution. COnstituir, to constitute, form, make up; se, to constitute oneself, become. construir, to construct, build. consumir, to consume, waste, destroy, waste away, wear out. contaminar, to contaminate, in- fect, pervert. contar, to count, number, com- pute; relate, tell; con, to depend upon, rely, expect con- fidently. contemplaci6n, /., contempla- tion; indulgence, petting; sub- serviency, [hold. contemplar, to contemplate ; be- contemporaneo, -a, contempor- aneous. contener, to contain; control, repress, check, refrain, stop. contenido, m., contents. contento, -a, contented, cheer- ful, happy. contento, m., contentment, joy. contestar, to answer, reply. continuar, to continue, go on, carry on; protract. contorno, m., contour, outline. contra, against, to, contrary to; en de, against. contrabando, /., contraband, smuggling; smuggled goods. contradecir, to contradict, gain- say. contrariar, to vex, provoke, dis- appoint. contrario, -a, contrary, opposed; ., opponent, adversary, ene- my. contrastar, to contrast, oppose, ' form a contrast. contribuci6n, /., contribution, tax. contribuir, to contribute, aid. contrincante, m., competitor, opponent, rival, antagonist. convencer, to convince ; se, to be convinced, be assured. convenir, to agree; suit, befit, become; be convenient. conversacidn, /., conversation, talk, talking. convertir, to convert, change, turn. conviction,/, conviction. convulso, -a, convulsed, in a fit. COpla, /., couplet; ballad; pop- ular song. coquina,/, cockle. coquinero, -ra, ., fisher or seller of cockles. [sion. COraje, m., courage ; anger, pas- corajudo, -a, angry, wrathy. corazdn, m., heart; darling, sweetheart ; de , heartily. COrdero, m., lamb. C6rdoba, prop. n. coro, m., chorus, choir; format el , see formar. corona,/, crown. coronar, to crown, cap, complete, perfect. coronel, m., colonel. corps, m., corps ; guardia de , life-guard. VOCABULARY I2 3 Corpus, m., Corpus Christ! (a re- ligious festival}. corral, m., corral, enclosure, yard. corredizo, -a, running, slipping; nudo , see nudo. correr, to run, hasten, rush, course, flow, flee, fleet, pass ; corre de tu cuenta, it is under your charge, it is your duty, corriente, /., current, stream. corrompido, -a, corrupt, cor- rupted, wicked. cortar, to cut, cut up, cut off, hew; cleave, divide, corte, /., court; capital. cortes, f., pi., Cortes, Spanish parliament. [bow. COrtesia,/"., courtesy; obeisance, COrto, -a, short, brief, limited, small. COsa, /., thing, matter, affair; por el estilo, see estilo. coser,tosew; ajeno, jwajeno. costar, to cost, costumbre, /., custom, habit; tener de , to be accustomed to, have the habit of, be in the habit of. costura,/., sewing, needle-work. cota, f., coat; de malla, coat of mail. COtarro, m., charity-hut, beggar's house. COto, m., pasture-ground. COtorra, /"., parrot ; chatter-box, tattler. cotorrita, /., dim. of cotorra. crear, to create, make, produce, crecer, to grow, increase, creciente, growing, increasing. creer, to believe ; think, creyente, believing; n. m. &f., believer. criador, m., creator, crianza, /., training, breeding. criar, to create ; breed, produce, rear, nurse, nourish. criatura, /., creature. crin, /., mane, horse-hair. cristal, m., crystal, glass. Cristianismo, m., Christianity. Cristiano, -a, Christian. Cristo, prop. n. Christ. Crist6bal, prop. ., Christopher. criterio, m., criterion ; judgment, discernment. crucifijo, m., crucifix. cruz, /., cross. cruzada, /., crusade. cruzar, to cross; go across. cuadrado, -a, square. cuadro, m., picture, painting. cual, cuales (after def. article}, which, who, whom. See por. cual, conj., as, like. Cual?, which; jcual!, how, how great; a mas, each very, each the most, equally excellent. cualquier, apocopated form of cualquiera. cualquiera (//. cualesquiera), any, any one, whoever, what- ever. cuando, when, whenever; at the time of. cuanto, -a, how much, as much, so much, as often as ; all that ; pi., how many, as many; en a, as for, as to, in regard to. cuartel, m., quarter, quarters, barracks; general, head- quarters. cuartilla, / (from cuarto), one fourth of large sheet of paper. cuarto, -a, fourth ; n. m., quar- ter, room ; old copper coin worth about three fifths of a cent. cuatro, four. cubierto, /./. of cubrir. cubrir, to cover, envelop, veil. cucharada, /., spoonful. cuchillo, m., knife, dagger. cuelga, pres. ind. of colgar. 124 VOCABULARY cuello, m., neck ; collar. cuenta, pres. ind. of contar. cuenta, /., account, bill. cuento, m., story. cuerdo, -a, prudent, discreet; sober, not mad. cuerpo, m., body. cuesta, /., hill, slope. cueva, /., cave, grotto. cuidado, m., care, worry, trouble, concern ; ] cuidado ! , take care I look out! ; estar con , to be uneasy, be alarmed, be on the alert; no hay , there is no cause for worry or alarm; poner , to take care. cuidar, to care, take care ; se de, to be concerned about, feel anxious about. culpa, /., blame ; fault, offence, sin. culto, -a, cultured, elegant, polished, refined. culto, m., cult, worship. cumplido, *., compliment. cumplir, to fulfil, complete; fill, comply; con, to fulfil, dis- charge. cundir, to spread, diffuse. cunada, /., sister-in-law. cunado, m., brother-in-law; //., brothers-in-law, brothers-in- law and sisters-in-law. Cupido, prop. ., Cupid. curiosidad, _/"., curiosity. curioso, a, curious, quizzical. Custine, prop. n. curva, /., curve, bend. cuyo, -a, -os, -as, whose, of whom. CH chamarasca, /., brush-fire, fire that flares up and is soon out. chanter (/*>.), to sing. chanza, /., jest, joke, fun. chaqueta, /., jacket ; sack-coat. charlar, to chatter, prattle. chasco, m., trick, jest, disap- pointment; dar , to disap- point. Chiclana, prop. n. chico, -a, small, little; n. m., boy ; n. /., girl. chile, m., chilli; pimiento , chilli-pepper. chilldu, -na, shrill, sharp, harsh, squeaky. chiquillo, m. (dim. of chico), little boy, child. chistar, to mumble ; utter a word. chochear, to dote, be in one's dotage. chorizo, m., sausage. chorlito, m., plover; cabeza de , harebrained. Chuchurumbel, prop. n. chus ni mus (decir), see decir. D., abbrev. of Don. dador, m., giver, bearer. | dale ! (interj. of impatience at repetition), again I once more! Damocles, prop. ., Damocles, dar, to give, give forth ; strike ; con, to strike with, meet; por, to consider as, regard as; pasos, to take steps; sele uno algo de una co- sa, to be concerned about something; lo mismo me da a mi, it is the same to me, I don't care; A conocer, to make known, reveal ; gana de, to feel a desire to, want to, have a mind to ; una vuel- ta, to walk around, take a walk ; una satisfacci6n, to make or offer an apology ; Chasco, to disappoint ; que hacer, to cause trouble, annoy; VOCABULARY I2 5 un buen rato, to give a good time, entertain, amuse ; lugar, to give occasion, dardo, m., dart, light lance. de, prep., of, from, in, with; que, that, of the fact that. de", pres. subj. of dar. debajo, adv., underneath, below, under; de, prep., under; de de, from under. deber, to owe, ought, must ; de, must. [debt. deber, n. m., duty, obligation, debido, -a, due, owed, plighted. decaer, to decay, decline, lan- guish, weaken. decidido, -a (from decidir), de- cided, determined. decidir, to decide, resolve. decir, to say, tell, mention ; que- rer , to mean, signify ; por lo asi, so to speak; no ni chus ni mus, not to say a word ; de tii, to address as "tu" (familiar form) instead of " usted." decisi6n, /., decision, determi- nation, firmness. declaraci6n, /"., declaration, statement, avowal. declarar, to declare, make known, manifest. dedicar, to dedicate; se, to devote oneself, apply oneself. dedo, m., finger; toe. defecto, /., defect, failing, blem- ish, fault. defender, to defend. defensa, /., defence, protection. defensor, m., defender, protect- or. degenerar, to degenerate, de- cline, change. dejar, to leave, abandon; let alone ; let, allow, permit ; de, to cease, fail, give up ; en paz, to leave or let alone. del, (de + el), of the, from the. delante, adv., before, in front; de, prep., before; por , before, in front. delantera, /, fore part, fore end, lead ; coger la , to get the Start. delatar, to denounce, inform, re- port, accuse. delator, m., accuser, informer. delfin, m., dolphin. delicadeza, /., delicacy, suavity, gentleness, refinement. delicado, -a, delicate, difficult, critical; delicate, refined. delicia,/"., delight, pleasure, joy. delincuente, delinquent, crimi- nal; n. m. &" f., criminal, cul- prit. delinear, to delineate, draw, out- line. delito, m., crime. demas, adv., besides ; adj., (usu- ally preceded by the def. art.), the other, the rest, the balance, the others. demasiado, -a, too much; adv., too. demoler, to demolish, tear down, raze. demonio, m., demon, devil. demostrar, to demonstrate, show, exhibit, manifest. denigrativo, -a, blackening, slandering, insulting. denominaci6n, /., denomination, name. denominar, to name, call. dentadura, /., set of teeth. Deopolvo, corruption of Leo- poldo. depositar, to deposit,leave, store, keep. dep6sitO, m., deposit. derechito, -a, dim. of derecho. derecho, -a, right, straight; la a, the right hand; de , by right; adv., straight through. 126 VOCABULARY derramar, to pour, pour out, shed ; spill. des (/>.), some. desafiado, -a, challenged one, duelist. desafio, m., challenge, duel. desairado, -a, graceless, awk- ward. desamparar, to forsake, leave, abandon. desaparecer, to disappear. desatenci6n, /., inattention ; slight, discourtesy. desatinado, -a, crazy, foolish, nonsensical ; ., fool, madcap. desaz6n, /., uneasiness; disgust, displeasure, trouble, annoy- ance, [down. descansar, to rest, settle, settle descanso, nt., rest, repose, quiet, tranquility. descaradamente, openly, boldly, impudently. descarado, -a, impudent, bare- faced, bold. descarnado, -a, fleshless; bare. descaro, m., impudence, effron- tery, barefacedness, boldness. descender, to descend, go down, condescend, get down. descenso, m., descent. descollar, to overtop, excel, sur- pass, outdo. descomunal, huge, extraordin- ary, monstruous, enormous. desconfiado, -a, distrustful, sus- picious, cautious. desconocido, -a, a. 6 ., strange, stranger, unknown. descorazonar, to tear out the heart, dishearten, discourage; se, to lose heart, become disheartened, become discour- aged. descreldo, -a, incredulous, unbe- lieving, sceptical. describir, to describe. descripcion, /., description. descritp, p.p. of describir. descubierto, /./. of descubrir. descubiir, to discover, uncover, reveal, find out, observe; ex- pose. descuidar, to neglect. desde, from, since ; antes, be- forehand ; que, con/., since. desdenar, to disdain, scorn ; se, to disdain. desdenoso, -a, disdainful, con- temptuous, [covet. desear, to desire, wish, long for, desembarcar, to land, debark, put ashore, go ashore. desencantar, to disenchant. desenlace, m., denouement, out- come, conclusion. deseo, m., desire, wish. deserter, to desert, flee; de, to desert. deserter, m., deserter. desesperado, -a, desperate, hopeless; desperate, in des- pair, impatient, furious. desesperar, to despair, lose hope ; cause one to despair ; exasper- ate. desfallecido, -a, pining, lan- guishing, weakened, faint; ., la a, the languishing woman. desgarbado, -a, ungraceful, un- gainly, awkward. desgracia, /..misfortune, unhap- piness, misery; por , un- fortunately. desgraciado, -a, unfortunate, unlucky, unhappy. deshora, /., unseasonable or un- suitable time; a s, at an un- timely or unsuitable hour, out of the usual time, suddenly. designar, to design, intend ; de- signate, appoint, point out. deslucir, to impair the lustre or beauty of a thing; tarnish. VOCABULARY 127 deslumbrar, to dazzle, glare. desmedidamente, disproportion- ately, excessively, extraordi- narily. desmedido, -a, disproportion- ate, excessive, extraordinary. desmesuradamente, immeasur- ably, excessively. desmontar, to dismount; take apart. desmoronado, -a, crumbled, crumbling, decayed. desolladura, /., excoriation, skinned off place. desollar, to flay, skin, strip off the skin, peel off. despabilar, to snuff, trim; sharp- en, brighten; las luces, to trim the candles, lamps, etc., metapk., to sharpen the wits. despacioso, -a, (not in diction- ary), slow. desparpajo, m., freedom, out- spokenness, forwardness. despecho, m., spite, grudge; dis- may, despair, disappointment ; con , deeply hurt. despedida, /., leave taking, farewell, parting. aespedir, to emit, shoot; dis- miss ; se, to take leave, say good-by. despertar, to awake, awaken, arouse. despiadado, -a, pitiless, merci- less, cruel. despoetizar, to depoetize, take the poetry from, make prosaic. d^spota, m., despot. despotismo, m., despotism, tyr- anny. despreciar, to depreciate, des- pise, contemn. despreocupaci6n, /., freedom from prejudice or bias, free- dom of thought. desprop6sito, /., absurdity, non- despue's, after, afterwards, later; de, after, since, beyond; que, co /., after, destacarse, to detach, project, be prominent. destapar, to uncover, remove the lid of. destemplado, -a, out of tune, inharmonious. destinar, to destine, design, appoint; allot, assign; set apart. destine, m., destination, use ; destiny, fate ; con a, bound for. destruir, to destroy, extermi- nate, efface. desvalido, -a, helpless, unpro- tected, destitute. desvanecer, to evaporate, van- ish, dispel. desvergonzado, -a, shameless, impudent. desvergiienza, /., shameless- ness, impudence; impudent word or action. detenci6n, /., detention, delay, stop, stay. detener, to stop, detain; se, to stop. deteriorar,to deteriorate, impair, damage, wear out. detras, behind, back, in the rear; de, prep., behind, back of, after. devoci6n, /"., devotion. devolver, to return, give back, hand back. devoto, -a, devout, devotional, pious; ., devotee, worshiper. dia, m., day ; de en , from day to day ; hoy , or el de hoy, to-day, at present, in our time ; a los pocos s, after a few days ; el menos pen- sado, when least expected, suddenly, unawares. diablo, m., devil. 128 VOCABULARY diagonal, diagonal ; en , diag- onally. diario, -a, daily, each day. dibujar, to draw, sketch. dice, pres. ind. of decir. dicho, /./. of decir; n. m., say- ing, word, statement. dichoso, -a, happy, fortunate; (sarcastically) blessed, estima- ble. Diego, prop. ., James. diente, m., tooth. diez, ten. dificil, difficult. difici'l*ad, /., difficulty, impedi- ment, obstacle. diga, pres. subj. of decir. digno, -a, worthy, meritorious, deserving; suitable, fitting. digO, pres. ind. of decir . dijo, pret. of decir. diluvio, m., deluge, flood. dimes y diretes (both m. pi.), (from decir), disputes, wran- gles, war of words. diminuto, -a, diminutive, little, small. dinero, ., money. di6, pret. of dar. Dios, prop. ., God; por , for God's sake; el santo , a familiar prayer among Span- ish Catholics; mujer de , see mujer; hombre de , see hotnbre; dioses, gods, false gods. diputado, m., deputy, delegate, representative; a Cortes, member of the lower house of the Spanish parliament. direcci6n, /., direction, course ; address. diretes, see dimes. ; dirigir, to direct, aim ; address ; lead, guide ; se a, to address, go to, repair to, betake oneself to. discipulo, -a, ., disciple, pupil. discrete, -a, discreet, consider- ate, prudent; ingenious, sharp, witty. discurrir, to roam ; think, reflect ; conjecture, imagine, suppose; reason. discutir, to discuss, argue, de- bate. disforme, deformed, ugly ; mon- struous, huge, enormous. disfraz, m., disguise. disf razar, to disguise; dissemble, conceal. disfrutar, to profit; enjoy; dis- pose of, have at command, make use of. disgustO, m., disgust; displeas- ure ; vexation, annoyance. disolver, to dissolve, melt. disparate, m., nonsense, blunder^ mistake. disposici6n, /., disposition, dis- posal, service. dispuesto, -a (from disponer), disposed, ready. disputar, to dispute, discuss. distancia, /., distance, remote* ness. distante, distant, far, remote. distinguir, to distinguish, dis- cern, perceive. distintamente, distinctly, clear. distintivo, m., distinctive sign, characteristic feature or trait, characteristic. [clear. distinto, -a, different; distinct, distraer, to distract, divert ; se, to muse, be diverted, be ab- sent-minded. divan, m., divan, sofa. divertido, -a, amusing, enter- taining, merry, funny. divertir, to divert ; amuse, en- tertain. dividir, to divide. divino, -a, divine. divisar, to descry, perceive, get a glimpse of. VOCABULARY 129 divulgar, to divulge, publish, spread, reveal. doblar, to double, fold. doble, double, twofold. doblez, m., fold, ply, crease. doce, twelve. docena, /., dozen. doctor, m., doctor. doler, to ache, pain, hurt ; grieve. doliente, m. & /., sufferer. dolor, m., grief, sorrow, pain, ache; --de muela, tooth- ache. dolorosamente, painfully, sor- rowfully ; conmovido, deep- ly moved. dome'stico, a, domestic. dominaci6n, f., domination, do- minion, power, rule. dominar, to dominate, rule, con- trol, overpower; command, overlook. don, title used before the first or given name of a man. don, m., donation, present, gift; quality, endowment. donde, where, whither, whereto; por , through, through or by the place where. dona (fern, of don) title used before the given name of a woman. dorar, to gild, embellish. dormir, to sleep ; como un bienaventurado, to sleep the sleep of the just, sleep sound- iy- dos, two; los , both. dosis, f. sing, and pi., dose, doses, portion, portions. drag6n, m., dragon, doux, -ce (Fr.), sweet, duda, /., doubt, uncertainty. dudar, to doubt ; hesitate, dueno, -a, ., owner, proprietor, duerma, pres. subj. of dormir. dulce, sweet, gentle, benign ; . m., sweetmeat, candy. dulcemente, sweetly, mildly, gently. Dumas, prop. tt. duo, ;., duo, duet, duque, m., duke; //., duke and duchess. durar, to endure, last. durmid, fret, of dormir. 6 = y, and (before i d^ hi). eco, m., echo. cole,/. (Fr.), school. echar, to throw, cast, pour, throw down, cast off; lay; a (be- fore an inf.), begin, start ; se, to throw oneself, rush, lie, lie down ; de ver, to notice, perceive ; la voz, to let the voice go, give the voice full play; se de ca- beza, to throw or cast oneself headlong ; plantas, to brag, threaten in a boasting man- ner; se de bruces, to throw oneself (or lie) down with face downward ; se a la calle, to go out on the street, betake oneself to the street. edad, f., age, epoch, era ; flo- rida, youth ; poca , youth ; primera, early years, child- hood. edicion,/., edition; de segunda , of the second edition, modern, new. edificar, to build, erect, con- struct. edificio, m., edifice, building. efecto, m., effect. efigie, /., effigy, image. efimero, -a, ephemeral, fleeting. Egipto, prop. ., Egypt. ejecutar, to execute, carry out, perform. ejeicito, m., army, host. 1 3 o VOCABULARY el, la, lo, los, las, the ; el que, he who, that which. 1, he, it; (after a prep.) him, it. elefante, m., elephant. elegancia, /., elegance, style, fashion. elegante, elegant, splendid, fine, graceful. elegantemente, elegantly, splen- didly. elegir, to elect, select. elevado, -a, elevated, high, grand, lofty. elevar, to elevate, raise, lift; exalt. elogio, m., eulogy, praise; hacer el , to praise. ella, she, it ; (after a prep.) her, it; ahi file" , then there was a nice fuss. ello (neuter of 61), it; en , in it, thereby. ellos, -as, they ; (after a prep.) them. emancipar, to emancipate ; se, to become emancipated, be- come independent. embalsamar, to embalm, per- fume. embarcaci6n, /., vessel, ship, boat, craft. embarcar, to embark, ship; 86, to embark, go on board of a ship. embargar, to impede, suspend, paralyze. embargo (sin), nevertheless, notwithstanding. embeber, to drink in, absorb; se, to be enraptured, be ab- sorbed. embelesar, to charm, enchant, fascinate. embestida, /., assault, attack, onset. embozado, -a, muffled, covered, cloaked. eminencia,/., eminence, height. eminente, eminent, high, lofty, conspicuous. empeno, m., pledge; eagerness; tener , to be eager; be in earnest. empero, but, yet, nevertheless. empezar, to begin, commence. empinado, -a, steep, high. emplear, to employ, spend. emprender, to undertake, start in; la con, to go after, at- tack, accost. en, in, into, at, upon, within. enamorar, to enamor, inflame with love, charm; woo, court; se de, to fall in love with. encallar, to run aground. encaminar, to direct, guide, put on the way; se, to go to- wards, repair, direct one's steps towards. encantador, -ra, charming, be- witching, delightful. encaramar, to raise, elevate; se, to climb, rise. encargar, to charge, commit; warn, advice, caution ; se, to take charge, assume the responsibility ; encargado de, in charge of. encarnado, -a, flesh-colored ; red. encender, to kindle, light, light up, set fire to; inflame, set aglow. encerrar, to shut up, lock up, en- close. encierra, pres. ind. of encerrar. encima, adv., on, on top, over; de, prep., on, upon, over; por de, over. encomendar, to commit, com- mend, recommend, entrust ; se, to commit oneself. encomiar, to praise, extol, eu- logize. encontrar, to encounter, find: meet ; se, to find, meet. VOCABULARY '3* encore (Fr.), yet, still, more, again. encuadernaci6n, /., binding. encumbrado, -a, high, lofty, elevated. encurtir, to pickle, preserve in vinegar; used in p. 15 in the sense of to preserve, keep from aging. ene'rgico, -a, energetic, vigor- ous, active. enf ermo, -a, infirm, ill, diseased ; ., patient. enfriar, to cool, refrigerate, make cold. enfuncionado, -a, (not in diction- ary), excited, worked up. enganar, to deceive, delude; cheat, swindle. engendrar, to engender, beget, produce. engullir, to devour, gobble, gulp. enjaular, to cage; confine. enjugar, to dry, wipe away. enladrillar, to pave with bricks. enmendar, to amend, alter, cor- enorme, enormous, huge. [rect. Enramada, prop. n. Enrique, m., Henry. ensanchar, to widen, enlarge, expand ; el coraz6n, to en- courage, cheer. ensangrentar, to stain with blood, cover with blood. ensartar, to string, link, string together; utter in a series. ensenar, to show; teach, train. entendimiento, m., intellect, mind, intelligence. enterar, to inform, acquaint, re- port, advise; se, to become informed, become acquainted, understand, take in. entereza, /., entirety ; integrity, uprightness; firmness. enternecer, to soften, move, touch, affect ; se, to be touched, be moved. enterrar, to inter, bury. entonces, then, at that time. entrada, /., entrance, entering, coming in. entrana, /., entrail ; //., entrails, disposition, heart. entrar, to enter, come in, go in ; take in, carry inside; se, to enter, go in ; se como Pedro por su casa, see Pedro. entre, among, amongst, amidst, between; por , through. entrecejo, m., space between the eyebrows ; frown, frowning. entrecoger, to catch, intercept, come across. entregar, to deliver, hand over, give up. entremeter, to place between, in- sert; se, to intrude, meddle. entremetido, -a, meddlesome ; ., busy-body, interloper. entretanto, meanwhile. entretejer, to interweave, inter- twine. entretener, to amuse, entertain ; se, to amuse oneself, pass the time. entusiasmar, to enrapture, trans- port, make enthusiastic ; se, to become enthusiastic, feel enthusiastic. enviar, to send, remit, forward. envidiable, enviable. envidiar, to envy ; grudge ; covet. envolver, to wrap up. envuelto, -a, /./. of envolver. epiteto, m., epithet, name, nick- name. e*poca, /., epoch, times. equidad, /., equity, equitable- ness, fairness, justice. equipaje, m., baggage, luggage. equitaci6n,/., riding, horseman- ship. equivocar, to mistake; se, to make a mistake, make a blun- der, be mistaken, do one thing I 3 2 VOCABULARY for another, do the wrong thing. era, imp. ind. of ser. Ercilla, prop, n. ei^uido, -a, erect, straight up. errante, errant, wandering, rov- ing; ., wanderer, fugitive, rover. errar, to err, do wrong, offend. error, m., error, mistake. 63, pre s. ind. of ser. esbirro, /., bailiff; myrmidon. escala, /., ladder, scale. escalera, /., stair, staircase, stairway; a la subida de la , see subida. esca!6n, m., step (of a stair). escandalizar, to scandalize, shock. escapar, to escape, flee. escarmentar, to warn, give warn- ing, teach a severe lesson, in- flict punishment as a warning. escarmiento, m., warning, exam- ple, lesson. escasez, /..scarcity, want, pover- ty- escena, /., scene. escepticismo, m., scepticism. esce'ptico, -a, sceptical, ., scep- tic. Escolastica, prop. n. escombrar, to clean out, clear; se, to clear one's throat (not in dictionary in the latter sense). escombro, m., ruin. esconder, to hide, conceal ; se, to hide, skulk. escondido, -a (from esconder), concealed, hidden; ., one hidden. escondite, m., hiding place. escribir, to write. escrito, /./. of escribir. escuela, /., school; mutua, school based on the system of mutual instruction. esdriijulo, -a, proparoxytone, proparoxitonic; ., a pro- paroxytone word, a word hav ing the tonic accent on the ante-penult ; a verse ending in a proparoxytone word. ese, esa, eso, that, that one. esencia, /., essence, perfume. esfera, _/"., sphere ; region. esforzado, -a, strong, vigorous. esforzar, to strengthen, encour- age; se, to exert oneself, make efforts, strive. esmalte, m., enamel. esmerado, -a, highly finished, done with care; particular. esmerarse, to do one's best, take pains. esos, esas, those. espabilado/ordespabilado (/./. of despabilar, q. v.). espacio, m., space, distance, in- terval. espacioso, -a, spacious, roomy, wide, large. espada, /., sword. espadachin, m., swordsman ; bul- ly; duelist. espalda, -s, f., back, shoulder; a s, back of, behind; de s, with the back or rear to the observer, backwards, from behind. espanto, /., dread, terror, fear. espantoso, -a, dreadful, fright- ful, awful. Espana, prop. ., Spain. espanol, -a, Spanish ; ., Span- iard. espanolismo, m., hispanicism, Spanish national spirit, devo- tion to Spain, Spanish patri- otism. esparcir, to scatter, disseminate, divulge, spread. especie, /., species, kind, class, sort. espejuelos, m. />/., spectacles. esperanza, /., hope. VOCABULARY esperar, to hope, expect ; wait, wait for. espia, m. &* /., spy. espiritu, m., spirit, soul, ghost, mind. espiritual, spiritual. esplendor, m., splendor, bril- liancy, magnificence. [ly. espontaneamente, spontaneous- espontaneo, -a, spontaneous, willing, voluntary. espuma, /., foam, froth. espumante, foamy, frothy. esquela, /., note, billet. esqueleto, m., skeleton; en , bare, uncovered. est (Fr.), third pers. pres. ind. of etre, q. v. estacionarse, to settle inflexibly, be settled or fixed inflexibly ; take a stubborn stand. estado, ., state, condition ; es- tate. estancado, -a, stagnant. estancar, to staunch, stop, check. estar, to be, stand ; se, to re- main, stay; como la propia rosa, to be happily situated, be well off; con cuidado, to be uneasy or alarmed, be on the alert ; para, to be about to, be on the point or verge of ; esta Vd.?, do you understand ? estatico, -a, static, motionless, paralyzed. estatura, /., stature, height. e'ste, sta, 6siQ,pron., this, this one, the latter; stos, as, these, the latter. este, esta, adj., this ; estos, as, these. estera, /., mat, matting. est&ril, sterile, barren, unfruit- ful, fruitless. estilo, m., sty le ; custom, fashion ; cosa por el , something of the kind. estima, /., esteem, value, worth. estirado, -a, dilated, stretched ; stiff. estirar, to stretch, dilate, tighten, spread out. estomago, m., stomach. estrafalario, -a, odd, queer, strange ; eccentric ; slovenly. estraza, _/., rag or piece of coarse cloth ; papelito de , see pa- pelito. estrecho, -a, narrow, straight. estrella, /., star. estrellar, to shatter, dash to pieces ; se, to be shattered, be dashed to pieces. estremecer, to shake, tremble ; se, to shake, shudder, be thrilled. estrenar, to use, wear or do any- thing for the first time. estre'pito, m., crash, deafening noise, roaring. [ly. estrepitosamente, loudly, noisi- estribillo, m., refrain. estuche, m., case; box; casket. estupefacto, -a, stupefied, mo- tionless, thunder-stuck. estupido, -a, stupid, dull, sense- less. estuvieron, fret, of estar. etre (Fr.\ to be. Europa,/., Europe. evangelic, m., evangel, gospel. evento, m., event, incident. evitar, to avoid, elude ; spare, prevent. exagerar, to exaggerate, over- state, overdraw. exaltado, -a, exalted; fervent, warm ; ultra-radical. examinar, to examine; inspect, investigate. excelencia, /., excellence, supe- riority. excelente, excellent. exceso, m., excess, exaggeration ; con , excessively. 134 VOCABULARY excitar, to excite, move, stir up, arouse. exclamaci6n, _/"., exclamation. exclamar, to exclaim. exclusive, -a, exclusive. excusa, /., excuse, pardon. ex-escuela, /., former school. exigencia, /., exigency, require- ment, demand. existir, to exist, be, live. ex-maestro, m., ex-teacher, for- mer teacher. expatriar, to expatriate, banish, exile. experiencia, /., experience. exponer, to expose, exhibit ; en- danger; se, to expose one- self, to put oneself in danger. expresar, to express, utter, tell. expresi6n, /., expression, utter- ance. extender, to extend, spread, stretch, out-stretch ; se, to stretch out, spread out. exterior, m., exterior, outside. extinguir, to extinguish, put out, quench ; se, to become ex- tinguished, die out. extranjero, -a, foreign, alien ; ., foreigner, alien. extrano, -a, strange, foreign. extraordinario, -a, extraordi- nary, unusual. extremado, -a, extreme, exces- sive, extraordinary. extreme, m., extreme, last, end, terminus; con , extremely, exceedingly. extremoso, -a, impassioned, ve- hement, excitable. ex-voto, m., votive offering. facultative, m., physician, prac- titioner, faena, /., task, work, job. faible (Fr.), feeble, weak, faint. falso, -a, false, counterfeited. falta,/., fault; want, lack, ab- sence; eso me hace falta, I miss that. f altar, to lack, be wanting, fail, fall short, offend. f alto, -a, wanting, lacking, short, deficient. faltriquera, f., pocket. falucho, m., felucca, lateener. fama, _/., fame, report, reputa- tion, name, renown. familia, /., family. famoso, -a, famous, renowned, well known. fanatico, -a, fanatic, fanatical; ., fanatic. far niente, m., (Ital.), doing noth- ing, idleness. faro, m., lighthouse; beacon. fastidiar, to weary, vex, annoy, bore, bother; se, to become weary, get tired, feel bored, have ennui. fastidio, m., disgust ; weariness, ennui; nuisance, bother. favor, m., favor. fe, /., faith, faithfulness, fideli- ty, trust; buena , sincerity, honesty ; con , earnestly. fealdad, f., ugliness, (U. S.) homeliness. fechoria, /., misdeed, misde- meanor. felsimo, -a, super, of feo, -a. felicitar, to felicitate, congratu- late, compliment. feliz, felicitous, happy. fenicio, -a, adj. &> ., Phoeni- cian. fen6meno, ///., phenomenon. feo, -a, ugly, plain-looking, (U.S.) homely; n. m., ugli- ness, (U. S.) homeliness. Fernando, m., Ferdinand. fer6stico, -a, gruff, irritable, ug- VOCABULARY '35 feroz, ferocious, fierce, savage, cruel. f erviente, fervent, warm. fervoroso, -a, fervent, ardent, warm. fidedigno, -a, trustworthy. fiel, faithful, loyal, true. fiera, /., wild beast. Fierabras, prop. n. ; com. ., an unruly person, a bully (from the name of the giant that figures in the romances of chi- valry). fiero, -a, fierce. figurar, to figure, shape, fashion ; be prominent, figure; repres- ent ; se, to imagine, suppose, assume. fijo, -a, fixed, firm; sure, certain. fila, tier, line, row; en , in a row, forming a line. filarm6nico, -a, philarmonic, musical. fin, m., end, close, aim, purpose ; al , at last, finally, in short; por , at last. finca,/., real estate, property. fineza, /., fineness, kindness, delicacy, civility. finiquito, m., settlement of ac- counts, liquidation, adjust- ment. fino, -a, fine, refined, polished, pure, genuine, courteous, civil, polite. firma, /., signature. firme, firm, steady, stable, stead- fast. fisico, -a, physical; lo , the physical nature; n. m., ap- pearance, face. flaco, -a, thin, lean ; weak, feeble. Flandes, prop. ., Flanders. flaqueza, f., leanness, thinness ; feebleness, weakness. flauta, /., flute. flecha, /., arrow. flexible, flexible, willowy. flor, /., flower, blossom, bloom; de lis, fleur-de-lis. florido,-a, flowery; florid, bloom- ing; edad , youth. fonda, /., hotel, inn, restaurant. fondo, m., bottom, depth ; back- ground, rear; inner nature, disposition. [ure. forma, /., form, figure ; //., fig- formal, formal, regular, serious, steady, in earnest; muy , very much in earnest. formalidad, /., formality, seri- ousness, earnestness; steadi- ness. formar, to form, shape, make up; el coro, to sing the chorus. formidable, formidable ; tremen- dous, huge. fortaleza, /., fortress. f ortuna, f., fortune, fate, chance ; por , fortunately. forzar, to force, compel. foso, m., moat, ditch. frac, m., dress-coat. fragancia, /., fragrance, per- fume. fraile, m., friar, monk. francos, -sa, French; n. m., Frenchman ; n. _/., French woman; a la francesa, after the French fashion or style; largarse a la , see largarse. Francia, prop. ., France. franco, -a, frank, candid. f ranqueza, /., frankness, candor, open-heartedness. freir, to fry ; molest. freno, m., bridle, check. f rente, _/"., forehead, brow; m., front ; al , in front, opposite, on the opposite side ; al de, in front of; & , face to face. fresco, -a, fresh, cool; n. m., coolness, cool air; tomar el , see tomar. VOCABULARY f rescura, /., freshness, coolness. frlo, m., cold. frito, -a (p.p. of freir), fried; tener frita la sangre, to have one's blood boiling. frugal, frugal. fruncir, to gather, contract; (of the brows) to knit. fruslerfa, /., trifle. fruta, /., fruit. fuS, pret. of ser 6 ir. fuer (contraction of fuero) ; a de, as, by virtue of, in the ca- pacity of, by reason of being. f uera, adv., outside, without ; de, prep., out of, outside of, apart from; de si, beside himself. fuerte, strong, vigorous, potent, mighty. (Used also as a .). fuerza,/., force, strength, vigor, emphasis; a de, by dint of, in consequence of; a la , by compulsion, by force, un- willingly. fuese, imp. subj. of ir d^ ser. fugarse, to flee, escape, run away; preso fugado, escaped or run-away prisoner. fugitive, -a, fugitive; ., fugi- tive. Fulano, -a, so-and-so (employed to designate a person whose name we do not know or do not care to give). funesto, -a, adverse, untoward, unfortunate, fatal. furioso, -a, furious, angry, wrathy. future, -a, future. galan, spruce; gallant, gallina, /., hen, chicken, gallo, m., cock, rooster. gana, /., appetite ; mind, inclin- ation, desire; dar de, to feel a desire to, have a mind to, want to. ganado, m., cattle, live stock. gangrenarse, to become mortfied or putrified. garbo, m., grace, gracefulness. garbosamente, elegantly, grace- fully, gallantly. [per. Caspar, prop. ., Caspar, Jas- gastar, to spend; use, employ; wear; wear out. gasto, m., expense, outlay. gavilan, m., hawk. gazpacho, m., Spanish cold soup made of crumbs of bread, oil, tomato, onions and garlic. gemelo, -a, twin. gemido, m., groan, moan, lamen- tation. general, general ; n. m., general. gene'rico, -a, generic. ge'nero, m., genus, kind, style. genio, m., genius; disposition, nature. gente, /., people, folk, persons. gentio, m., crowd, throng. gentil, gentile^ heathen ; genteel, graceful, elegant; . m., gen- tile, heathen. genuinamente, genuinely, really, purely. genuine, -a, genuine, real, pure. gesticular, to gesticulate, make gestures or grimaces. gesto, /., gesture, grimace, face. gigante, m., giant. gimnasta, m., gymnast, athlete. globo, m., globe, world, earth. gloria, /., glory. gobernador, m., governor. gobierno, m., government, auth- ority. Goethe, prop. n. golondrina, /., swallow. golpe, /., blow, strike; dash, knock ; de un , at one blow, at once; de , suddenly. VOCABULARY 137 golpear, to beat, strike, hit. gordo, -a, fat, stout, corpulent, big, huge. gorjeo, m., warble, song. gorra, /., cap. gorri5n, m., sparrow. gota, /., drop; gout. [ness. gozo, m., joy, pleasure, happi- gozoso, -a, joyous, joyful, jubi- lant, happy. gr. cia, _/"., grace, favor, mercy ; pi., thanks; j en de Diosl, (excl.) biess me ! gracioso, -a, graceful ; facetious, funny, witty. grada, /., step ; //., perron. grado, m., degree, title, rank. gradualmente, gradually. graficamente, graphically, in de- tail, fully. gran, apocopated form 0/"grande. grana, /., cochineal; kermes; scarlet color ; scarlet cloth. grande, large, great, grand. grandeza, /., greatness, gran- deur. grandiose, -a, grand, magnifi- cent, splendid; lo , the gran- deur. granjear, to gain, earn, profit ; se, to win, gain, obtain, ac- quire, [ness. gratitud, /., gratitude, grateful- grato, -a, grateful; pleasing, pleasant. gratuita,/., free-school. gratuitamente, gratuitously, freely; without cause or rea- son. grave, weighty, ponderous, seri- ous, grave, haughty, moment- ous. grey, /., flock, herd ; congrega- tion, people, fold. griego, -a, adj. &* ., Greek. grieta,/., crack, cleft, crevice. gritar, to scream, shout, shriek, cry, cry out. grueso, -a, thick, gross, stout. gruSir, to grumble, growl, grunt. grun6n, -na, ., growler, grum- bler. grupo, m., group. gruta,/., grotto, cave. Guadalete, prop. n. guapo, -a, courageous, bold, daring ; (oftener) good-looking, handsome, elegant. guardar, to guard, watch over, protect, keep ; se de, to ab- stain from, avoid, be upon one's guard. guardia,/., guard, police ; de corps, life-guard ; dngel de la , guardian angel. guarida, /., den, cave ; shelter, place of refuge, hiding place. guerra,/., war. guerrero, -a, warlike, martial; ., warrior, fighter, soldier. guia, m. &*/., guide, leader, con- ductor. guiar, to guide, lead, conduct. guisa, /., guise; a de, as, in the manner of, after the style of. guisar, to cook; prepare vict- uals. Gundi, prop. . gustar, to please, like; taste; de, to like, be fond of. gusto, m., taste ; pleasure, gusto, enjoyment, relish; a , at pleasure, comfortably. gustoso, -a, willing, cheerful, content. ha, has, pres. ind. of haber. Habana, prop. ., Havana. habanero, -a, Havanese. haber, to have; impers., to be, exist; de, to have to, must; que, to be necessary (for hay, see hay). VOCABULARY habitaci6n,/., habitation, dwel- ling, room. habitante, ;/;., inhabitant, dwel- ler, inmate. habitar, to inhabit, dwell, re- side, live. hablar, to speak, talk. habra,//. of haber. habria, cond. of haber. hacendoso, -a, diligent, domes- tic. hacer, to make, do, cause, bring about, produce; imagine (yo /* hacia en casa etc.) ; una muerte, to kill somebody ; de las suyas, to play his tricks ; - el elogio, to praise; como, to act as, pretend; falta (a uno), to miss; -de, to take the place of, act as ; un papel, to play a role, feign ; presente, to remind ; no le hace, it does not mat- ter ; (tmpers. referring to time) ago, as hace siglos, centuries ago, hace rato, a while ago; se, to become, grow, turn into; se cargo, to realize, take into account, become aware of; ee la ilusidn, to imagine, labor under a hallu- cination, be under a wrong impression. hacia, toward, in the direction of, near to. haga, pres. subj. of hacer. hago, pres. ind. of hacer. halcon, m., falcon. hallar, to find; se, to find oneself, be; se en su centro, to be in one's element. hambriento, -a, hungry, greedy. hare", haremos,/A ind. of hacer. hasta, prep., till, until, up to, as far as ; adv., even ; q u c> conj., till, until. hay (impers. form of pres. ind. of haber), there is, there are; no tu tia, see tla ; quo" , what is the matter? what has happened? que, the matter is, it happens that, it is neces- sary; no mas, there is no other way, that is all. haya, pres. subj. of haber. haz, tmper. of hacer. hazana,/., exploit, feat, achieve- ment. he, pres. ind. of haber. hecho, /./. of hacer. hecho, m., fact, deed, action, do- ing. helado, -a, frozen, frigid, cold. hemos, pres. ind. of haber. Hercules, prop. ., Hercules. heregfa,/., heresy. herencia, f., inheritance, heri- tage. herir, to wound, strike, hurt, smite. hermana,/., sister. hermano, m., brother ; //., broth- ers, brethren ; brother and sis- ter, brothers and sisters. hermoso, -a, handsome, beauti- ful, fine. Herodes, prop. ., Herod. he'roe, m., hero. heroicamente, heroically. heroico, -a, heroic. hervir, to boil, seethe. hiel,/., gall, bitterness. hiere, pres. ind. of herir. hierro, m., iron; //., fetters, shackles, chains; camino de , railroad. hierve, pres. ind. of hervir. higuera, /., fig-tree. hija, /., daughter, girl, child. hijita, /., dim. of hija. hijo, m., son ; pi., sons, children. hilar, to spin. himno, m., hymn. hipocresia, /., hypocrisy. hip6crita, m. 6 /., hypocrite adj., hypocritical. VOCABULARY 139 historiador, m., historian. hizo, pret. of hacer. hogar, /., hearth, hearthstone, home. hoja, /., leaf ; petal ; foil, sheet. hojarasca, _/., excessive foliage, nothing but leaves ; trash. jhola!, hello!, ho! holan, m., cambric. hombre, m., man; de Men, an honest or upright man; de Dios, good man ; interj., denote surprise or impatience. hombro, m., shoulder. homenaje, /., homage ; obei- sance; veneration. honor, m., honor. honra, /., honor. honrado, -a, honest, upright, honorable. honrar, to honor, respect, digni- fy; exalt. hora, /., hour. hora, adv. = ahora, now. horizonte, m., horizon. horror, m., horror. horrorizar, to horrify, terrify. hospicio, m., poor-house; asy- lum. hoy, to-day, in our day, in our time ; dia, or el dia de , to-day, at present. hoya,/., hole, pit, cavity ; grave. hubiese, imp. subj. of haber. hubo, pret. of haber. huerto, m., orchard, kitchen-gar- den. hueso, m., bone. hue"sped, m., host ; guest, lodger. huevo, m., egg. huida, /., flight. huir, to flee, run away, escape; shun, turn away. humanidad, _/"., humanity, man- kind. humano, -a, human. humear, to smoke, emit smoke, fumes or vapors. humedecer, to moisten, wet, dampen, soak, humildad, /., humility, humilde, humble, humor, m., humor, disposition. huracan, ;//., hurricane, storm, tempest. huri, /., houri. iba, imp. ind. of ir. id, imper. of ir. idea, /., idea. ide"ntico, -a, identical, the same. identificar, to identify; se con, to identify oneself with. idiota, m. &> /., idiot, fool. idolo, m., idol. [ing- iglesia,/., church, church build- ignorante, ignorant, unacquaint- ed, unaware. ignorar, to be ignorant of, be unacquainted with, not to know. igual, equal, same. igualdad, /., equality. igualmente, equally, likewise, also. il (Fr.), he, it. ilusi6n, /., illusion, hallucina- tion ; hacerse la , see hacer. ilustrado, -a, intelligent, en- lightened, cultured, educated. ilustrar, to illustrate, enlighten, instruct; se, to become en- lightened, learn. ilustre, illustrious ; noble; splen- did, magnificent. imagen, /., image, effigy. imaginaci6n, /., imagination. imaginar, to imagine, conceive, fancy, think. imbuir, to imbue, infuse. imitar, to imitate, ape. impaciencia, /, impatience, rest- lessness. 140 VOCABULARY impacientar, to irritate, vex, exasperate; se, to Become impatient, lose one's patience. impaciente, impatient, restless. impalpable, impalpable. impasible, impassible, un- moved. impavidez, /., intrepidity, fear- lessness. impavido, -a, fearless, brave, bold. imperturbable, imperturbable. fmpetu, m., impetus, impulse, fit. impetuoso, -a, impetuous, vio- lent, fierce, strong; vehement, mighty. imponente, imposing, impres- sive. imponer, to impose, lay upon, charge ; impress, overawe ; in- form, advise, let know. importar, to be important, mat- ter; be of importance, con- cern; no me importa, I don't care, it makes no difference to me. impregnar, to impregnate, satu- rate ; se, to become impreg- nated or saturated. impresi6n, _/"., impression. imprevisi6n, _/"., imprevision, improvidence, want of fore- sight. imprudente, imprudent, indis- creet, thoughtless, rash. impusieran, imp. subj. of im- poner. inaccesible, inaccessible, unap- proachable. inalterable, inalterable, unalter- able, unchangeable, un- changed. inanicion, /., inanition, exhaus- tion. incluso, -a, enclosed, included. inc6gnito, m., incognito. incomodidad, /'., incommodious- ness, inconvenience, discom- fort ; annoyance, vexation, anger. inc6modo, -a, inconvenient, un- comfortable, troublesome, an- noying. inconcebible, inconceivable. inconsistente, unsubstantial, un- steady. inconveniente, m., inconveni- ence, objection. incorregible, incorrigible. indagar, to inquire, investigate, examine. indefinido, -a, indefinite, inde- terminate, vague; n. m., an officer without a definite place or command. independencia,/., independence. independiente, independent. indicar, to indicate, hint, point out, suggest. indiferente, indifferent, neutral ; immaterial; unconcerned. indisponer, to indispose, make ill ; se, to grow ill. indispuesto, -a, (from indispo- ner), indisposed, unwell, ill. individual, individual, peculiar, undivided, personal. individuo, m., individual, per- son. indole,/., nature, temper, dispo- sition, idiosyncracy. inepto, -a, inept, incompetent, incapable. inerte, inert, sluggish; sense- less. infantil, infantile, childlike, childish. infeliz, unhappy, unfortunate; ., un , una , a harmless or guileless person, a poor devil. inferior, inferior, lower. infiel, unfaithful, disloyal, un- true; ., infidel, gentile, heath- en. innerno, m., hell; quintos a, VOCABULARY 141 a distant, far away place, heaven knows where. infinite, -a, infinite, boundless, great, considerable. influencia,/., influence, efficient power. informe, m., information, report, account, advice. inf undir, to infuse, inspire with ; instil. ingles, -sa, English; ., En- glishman, English woman. ingratitud,/., ingratitude. ingrato, -a, ungrateful, unthank- ful; thankless. iniquidad, /., iniquity, outrage. inmaculado, -a, immaculate, stainless, pure. inmenso, -a, immense, vast, huge. inmerecido, -a, unmerited, un- deserved. inmolar, to immolate, sacrifice. imn6vil, unmovable, motionless. inmovilidad. /., immovability, firmness, fixedness. inimitable, immutable, un- changeable. innumerable, innumerable, num- berless, countless. inocente, innocent, harmless. inofensivo, -a, harmless, inof- fensive. inoportuno, -a, inopportune, un- timely. inquieto, -a, restless, uneasy, fidgety. insensate, -a, insensate, non- sensical, foolish. inseparable, inseparable. insignificante, insignificant, un- important. insistir, to insist, persist. insolencia, /., insolence, impu- dence, effrontery, rashness. insoportable, insupportable, in- tolerable, unbearable. inspiraci6n,/., inspiration. inspirar, to inspire, inspire with ; instil. instabilidad, /., instability, un- stableness, fickleness. instancia, /., instance, instancy, petition; & s de, at the re- quest of. [ously. instantaneamente, instantane- instante, m., instant, moment; al , at once. instinto, m., instinct. instrumento, m., instrument. insulsez, /., incipidity, flatness, lack of grace. insultar, to insult, abuse. insulto, m., insult. intelecto, m., intellect, mind. intencidn, f., intention, purpose, design. intento, m., intention, purpose, design ; attempt. interceder, to intercede. intercesi6n, /., intercession. interns, m., interest. interesar, to interest, concern; se por, to be interested in. interior, interior, internal, inner; n. neuter, lo , the interior, the inside; m., interior, home. interlocutor, -ora, ., interloc- utor. inter nos (Lai.), between or among ourselves. interpelar, to appeal to, sum- mon, address. interponer, to interpose, place between ; se, to interpose, go or come between. interpretar, to interpret, con- strue, understand. inte'rprete, m. & /., interpreter. interpuesto, p.p. of interponer. interrogar, to question, interro- gate; el inter rogado, la inte- i rogada, the person questioned or addressed. interrumpir, to interrupt, cut off, discontinue. VOCABULARY intersticio, *., interstice, crack, crevice. intervenci6n, _/"., intervention, interference. intervenir, to intervene, inter- fere, take a part, meddle. intervinieron,/;r/. .), my. machac6n, -na, monotonous, importunate, wearisome, dull. VOCABULARY madre, /., mother; i mia! Holy Virgin ! Madrid, prop, n., Madrid, madrugada, /., dawn, early morning. madurez,/'., maturity, ripeness, maestro, m., master, teacher; de escuela, school-master, magia,/., magic. magnified, -a, magnificent, splendid, magno, -a, great, mais, (fr.), but. maitre, m., (fr.), master, teach- er, majaderia,/., foolishness, folly, nonsense, absurdity, majar, to pound, bruise, crush, break in a mortar, majestad, /., majesty, mal, adj., apocopated form of malo; adv., badly, wrongly, poorly, wickedly ; n. m., evil, wrong; disease, complaint. tnaicriado, -a, ill-bred, unman- nerly; impudent; (of a child} spoiled, naughty, maldad,/., wickedness, badness, maldecir, to curse, damn, ac- curse. maldici6n,/"., malediction, curse, maldito, -a, (/./. of maldecir), cursed, accursed, perverse. malevolencia, _/., malevolence, malice, maleza, /., underbrush, weeds, thicket, malhumorado, -a, ill-humored, peevish; in a bad humor, malicia, /., malice, malignity, wickedness, roguishness, mis- chievousness. malo, -a, bad, wicked, vicious. malvado, -a, wicked, nefarious, fiendish, malla, _/"., mesh, mail; cota de , see cota. mama,/., mamma, mother. mamaita,/., dim. mamarracho, m., daub. mancha,/., stain, spot; guilt. mandar, to command, give or- ders, rule, govern ; send, remit. manera,/., manner, way, mode; a la que, just as, in the same way that ; de que, so that, in such way that. manita,/., dim. of mano. mano, /., hand ; (of a mortar) pestle ; de la , by the hand. mansedumbre, /., meekness, gentleness. mansi6n,y., mansion, residence, dwelling, dwelling-place. manso, -a, tame, meek, gentle, quiet, tranquil. mantener, to maintain, hold, hold up; se, to remain, stand, take a stand. manana,/"., morning, to-morrow ; de , morning, in the morn- ing. mar, m. orf., sea, ocean. maravilla,/., marvel, wonder. marcado, -a, marked, notice- able, striking. marcha, _/., march, progress; departure. marchar, to march, set out; ad- vance ; se, to go away. Margarita, prop. ., Margaret. Maria, prop. ., Mary. marido, m., husband. marinero, m., sailor. mariposa, /., butterfly ; a prim- itive night-lamp consisting of a wick put through a cork which floats on oil covering the surface of water contained in a cup or tumbler. Maritornes, prop. ., see p. 12, nole i. Marque's, m., Marquis. marrar, to miss; fail. Martin, prop. ., Martin. martir, m. 6/., martyr. 146 VOCABULARY martirio, m. t martyrdom; tor- ture; suffering. mas, adj. & adv., more ; el , la , lo , los , las , the most; que, although; por que, however much ; nada que, only. mas, conj., but. masa, /., mass, lump; nature, composition. matar, to kill, slay. material, m., material ; adj., material. matrimonio, m., matrimony, marriage; married couple. matrona, /., matron; adj., ma- tron-like, lofty. maxima, _/"., maxim, principle, precept. mayor (comp. of grande), larger, greater, older; {preceded by art.) super., the larger, the largest, the greater, the great- est, the older, the oldest. mayor, m., major; de plaza, commandant. me, me, to me. mecha,/., fuse, fusee. media,/., hose, stocking. mediacana, /., fluted moulding. mediacidn, /., mediation, inter- cession; intervention, mediano, -a, middle, middling; mediocre. mediante, intervening, by means of; a, owing to, on account of. medicina, /., medicine, remedy. medida, /., measure ; a que, as, according as, in proportion as. Medina, prop. n. Medinaceli, prop. n. medio, -a, half. medio, m., medium ; means ; mid- dle, midway ; en de, in the midst of; por de, by means of, through. medroso, -a, fearful, timiu, dreadful, frightful, awful. mejilla, /., cheek. mejor, better, best ; el , la , the best. [ness. melodia, _/"., melody, melodious- memoria, /., memory, recollec- tion, remembrance ; memorial, commemoration ; memento, souvenir. menci6n, /., mention. mencionar, to mention, allude to, refer to; el mencionado, the above referred to. menos, less, least ; except ; al , at least; no poder de, see poder. [ly. mentalmente, mentally, inward- mente, /., mind. mentir, to lie, to fib; to mis- represent. Mentor, prop, n., as a common n. it means mentor. menudo, -a, small, tiny, short ; paso , see paso. mercS, /., corruption of merced. merced, /., mercy, grace ; su , his grace, your grace, you ; a, thanks to, owing to. merecer, to merit, deserve. Merino, prop. n. me"rito, m., merit, desert, worth. meritorio, -a, meritorious. Merlin, prop, n., Merlin. mes, m., month. mesa, /., table. meter, to place, put, put into, enter; se, to get into, plunge in, meddle, interfere, go about ; se por los ejos, to present oneself to view, to get before the eyes of others; el palo en candela, to add fuel to the fire, set things on fire, stir up matters; me'tome-en-todo (lit., I put myself or meddle in everything), meddlesome, a meddlesome person. VOCABULARY '47 met6dicatnente, methodically, carefully, regularly, neatly. Me"tome-en-todo, see meter. mezquino, -a, mean, niggardly ; puny, insignificant. mezquita, /., mosque. mi, mis (apocopated form of mlo, mios), my, my own. mi (after a prep?), me, myself, to me. miedo, m., fear, dread, appre- hension. miembro, m., member; limb. mientras, while, whilst, during, during the time of ; mas, the more ; que, con;'., whilst, during the time that, so long as ; tanto, meanwhile, in the meantime. miga, /., crumb of bread. mil, thousand. milagro, m., miracle. milano, m., kite, glede. militar, military ; n. m., military man, soldier, army officer. mimado, -a, petted, indulged, spoiled. mimar, to pet, fondle, caress, indulge, spoil. minitno, -a, least, smallest. minuto, m., minute. mio, mia, mios, mias, mine, my ; los mios, mine, my own peo- ple. mira, /., view ; purpose, design. mirada, /., look, glance, eye. miramiento, m., consideration, attention, courtesy. mirar, to look, gaze, see; de alto a bajo, to look down upon ; ., glance, look. misa, /., mass. miseria, /., misery, poverty, want, destitution. misericordia, /., mercy, clem- ency, pity. misi6n,/., mission. mismo, -a, same, self. mitad,/., half, middle. mitologia, /., mythology. Mnesteo, prop. n. mocito, m., dim. of mozo. moda, /., fashion. modelo, m., model. modernizar, to modernize, make modern. moderno, -a, modern. modestia, /., modesty. modesto, -a, modest, humble. modo, m., mode, way, manner, mood; con buen, , pleasant- ly, nicely, kindly. mofar, to deride, scoff, ridicule, sneer ; se, to ridicule, make fun of. moldo, m., mould, pattern; de , fittingly, suitably ; venir de , see venir. moler, to grind, crush ; vex, mo- lest, annoy. memento, m., moment, instant. monarquico, -a, monarchical. mono, -a, n., monkey, ape. mon6tono, -a, monotonous. monsieur, m. (Fr.), mister, sir, gentleman. monte, m., mount, mountain; wood, forest. morada, /., dwelling, habitation, residence. morador, m., inhabitant, inmate. moral, moral; spiritual; intel- lectual; lo , the spiritual nature, the qualities of mind. mordaza, /., gag. morir, to die, expire; be dying, be about to die; se, to be about to die, be dying, die. morisco, -a, Moorish. moro, -a, Moorish ; ., Moor. mortalmente, mortally, fatally. mortero, m., mortar. mortificar, to mortify, molest, annoy, hurt a person's feelings. mostacilla,/., (dim. o/mostaza), small bead, small drop. 148 VOCABULARY mostrar, to show, point out, ex- hibit; ae, to show oneself, appear ; se sobre si, to ap- pear calm or self-possessed. motor, m., motor, motive power, force. mover, to move, set in motion, stir, shake ; se, to move, stir. movimiento, m., movement, mo- tion. mozo, m., boy, young man ; serv- ant, waiter. muchisimo, -a (super, of mu- cho, -a), very much ; //., very many, a great many.- mucho, -a, much ; (of time) long; OS, as, many. mudo, -a, mute; dumb, silent. muela,/., molar tooth; dolor de , toothache. muelan, pres. ind. of moler. muelle, m., pier, quay, wharf; spring. muere, pres. ind. of morir. muerte,/., death. muerto, -a {from morir), dead. muestra, pres. ind. of mostrar. muestra,/., show, manifestation, indication, demonstration. mueven, pres. ind. of mover. mujer, _/., woman, wife ; de Dios, good woman, good wife. mundanal, worldly. mundano, -a, mundane, worldly, earthly. mundo, m., world; todo el , every one, every body. muneca, /., wrist ; doll, puppet ; de muelle, spring puppet, jack-in-a-box. muralla,/., rampart; wall; wall of a city. murieron, pret. of morir. muti^semos, imp. subj. of morir. Murillo, prop. n. murmurar, to murmur, ripple; mutter, grumble. muro, m., wall. miisica,/., music. miisico, -a, musical. mustio, -a, sad, gloomy, cheer- less; languid, withered. mutismo, m., dumbness, mute- ness, silence. mutuo, -a, mutual, reciprocal. muy, very, very much, much of a. nacer, to be born, spring up, arise, issue; shoot, bud, sprout. nacional, national; n. (member of a political party), national, nationalist. nada, nothing; (after a negative} anything ; nothing of the kind, by no means; de, nothing, anything; mas que, only. nadador, m., swimmer. nadie, no one, nobody, none; (after a negative) anyone, any- body. Napoledn, prop. ., Napoleon. Narciso, prop. ., Narcissus. narcotizar, to narcotize, give an opiate. nariz (//. narices),/., nose; pl. t noses, nostrils. narrador, -ora, ., narrator. naturaleia,/., nature. naturalmente, naturally. necesario, -a, necessary, need- ful. necesidad,/., necessity, want. necesitar, to necessitate, need, want. necio, -a, stupid, ignorant, fool- ish ; ., fool. negar, to deny, refuse, reject, spurn; se, to refuse. negativa,/., denial; refusal. negro, -a, black. nene, -a, m. &*f., baby. Ner6n, prop, n., Nero. ni, neither, nor, not even. VOCABULARY 149 nicho, m., niche, case. nido, m., nest. niega, pres. ind. of negar. ninfa,/., nymph. ninguno, -a, no one, none, not . . . any, any. nino, -a, child; m., little boy; /., little girl; adj., childish, childlike; menos , less of a child. Niobe, prop. ., Niobe. no, no, not ; ( qualifying a noun) non , un or in ; (p. jy) no complicidad, non-complici- ty, freedom from complicity, innocence. noble, noble, illustrious, emi- nent, lofty. nobleza,/., nobleness; nobility. nocivo, -a, noxious, injurious, hurtful. noche, /., night, evening ; de , at night; la menos pen- sada, the night you least ex- pect it. Noe", prop, n., Noah. nombrar, to name, mention, des- ignate. nombre, m., name; noun. nomenclature,/., nomenclature ; catalogue. norte, w., north. nos, us, to us. nosotros, we ; (after a prep.) us. notable, notable, remarkable, striking. notar, to note, notice, perceive, observe. noticia, f., notice, news, inform- ation. flovela, /., novel. novicio, -a, adj., new, inexperi- enced; n., novice. novillo, m., young bull or steer. nube, /., cloud. nudo, m., knot; corredizo, slip-knot. nuestro, -a, -os, -as, our; (pre- ceded by aef. art.) ours, our own. nuevo, -a, new, fresh; de , anew, again, numeroso, -a, numerous, large in number, nunca, never, at no time. 6, or. obediencia, f., obedience, sub- jection. Objeto, m., object ; purpose ; sub- ject; con de, in order that, for the purpose of. oblea,/., wafer for sealing letters. obligar, to oblige, compel. Obra, f., work ; fabric, construc- tion. obrar, to work, act, perform, execute. obscuridad, /., obscurity, dark- ness, gloom. obscuro, -a, obscure, dark, gloomy. Obsequiar, to treat, entertain, honor. obsequio, m., favor, service. observar, to observe, keep, obey ; remark; notice. Obstante, withstanding; no , notwithstanding,nevertheless. obstinaci6n, /., obstinacy, ob- duracy, stubbornness. obstinado, -a, obstinate, per- sistent, obdurate, stubborn. obtener, to obtain, get, attain. ocasi6n, /., occasion, time, op- portunity. ocultar, to hide, conceal, dis- guise. OCulto, -a, occult, hidden, con- cealed. ocupaci6n, /., occupation, busi- ness, employment. ocupar, to occupy; se de, to attend to, treat of, deal with, speak about. '5 VOCABULARY ochavado, -a, octagonal, eight- sided. ocho, eight. odiar, to hate, abhor, detest. Odio, m,, odium, hatred, abhor- rence. odioso, -a, odious, hateful. ofender, to offend, insult ; se, to take offence. oficial, m., officer. ofrecer, to offer, present; ex- hibit, manifest; promise; want, need. i oh!, oh: oido, m., ear ; hearing. oir, to hear, listen, listen to. OJitO, m., dim. of OJO- ojo, m,, eye; de lince, see lince. ola, /., wave. olvidar, to forget, neglect, omit, overlook. olla, /., pot. omitir, to omit, neglect; abstain from, forbear. onza,/., ounce ; old Spanish gold coin worth about 16 dollars. opinar, to opine, have an opin- ion, think ; express an opinion, remark. opini6n, /., opinion. opio, m., opium. oprobio, m., opprobrium, oppro- brious epithet. opuestamente, on the contrary, oppositely, on the other hand. opuesto, -a, opposed ; opposite, ora, whether, either, or, now; ora . . . ora, whether ... or, now . . . now. oraci6n, f., oration; prayer; angelus. orar, to pray. oratorio, /., oratory, oratorio, private chapel. orden, m., order, arrangement, /., order, command. oreja, /., ear. oriental, oriental, eastern. original, original, odd. original, to originate, cause, be the cause of, give occasion for. orilla, /., shore, bank. Orlando, prop, n., Orlando. oro, m., gold. Ortiz, prop. . os, you, to you. osadia, f., audacity, boldness, daring. Osario, m., ossuary, charnel- house; ossarium. ostentar, to show forth, make a show of, exhibit, make known ; wear with pride. ostrobobo, m., corruption of ostrogodo. ostrogodo, m., Ostrogoth. Otono, m., autumn. Otorgar, to grant ; consent. otro, -a, other, another. oye, pres. ind. & imper. of oil. oyeron, pret. of oir. P. abbr. of padre. pabel!6n, ;., pavilion ; bell-tent ; bed canopy; flag. paciencia, /., patience. paciente, m. 6 /., patient. pacificamente, tranquilly, peace- fully, quietly. pacffico, -a, pacific, peaceful, tranquil. padecer, to suffer, undergo, labor under. padre, m., father; //., fathers, parents, ancestors, forefathers; santos , holy fathers, fath- ers of the early church. padrino, m., godfather; (in a duet) second; patron, protec- tor. paga,/, pay, wages. pagano, -a, pagan, heathen. VOCABULARY pagar, to pay, repay ; atone. pals, ///., country, nation. paisaje, m., landscape. paisano, m., civilian; country- man, compatriot, fellow-citi- zen ; de , as a civilian. pajarillo, pajarito, m., dims, of pajaro. pajaro, m., bird ; bobo, a species of sea-gull, probably the same as colymbus, so called because it allows itself to be easily caught. palabra, /., word ; speech. palidamente, pallidly, palely, faintly, slightly. palidecer, to grow pale. palido, -a, pallid, pale, faint, colorless, dull. palmada, /., slap. palo, m., stick; wood, timber; meter el en candela, see meter. paloma, /., dove. palomar, ;., dove-cot, pigeon- house, [dove. palomo, m., cock-pigeon, pigeon, palote, m., a slanting stroke made with the pen, when learning to write. [dent. palpable, palpable, plain, evi- palpitante, throbbing, palpitat- ing, very keen. pan, m., bread. [ers. pantal6n, m., pantaloons, trous- pantano, m., swamp, marsh. panz6n, -na, big-bellied, corpu- lent. panzudo, -a, with projecting abdomen; convex, bulgingout. panuelo, m., handkerchief. paparrucha, /., hoax, trick, de- ception, humbug. papel, m., paper; role; hacer un , see hacer; de estraza, brown paper, wrapping paper. papelera, /., scrutoire, paper- case; c6moda , see c6moda. papelito, m., dim. of papel, piece or strip of paper; de estraza, piece of brown paper. par, even, on a par; m., pair; a , or a la , jointly, equally, at the same time, as well as. para, for, to, in order to; que, so that, in order that. parabin, m., felicitation, con- gratulations. paradero, m., stopping-place, halting-place, whereabouts. parado, -a, stopped, inactive, quiet, still. paraje, m., place, spot, site. parapeto, m., parapet, breast- work. parar, to stop, remain quiet, come to a standstill; stop, de- tain, check; se, to stand still, stop. parecer, to appear, seem ; se, to resemble. parecer, m., opinion, advice; ap- pearance, mien. pared, /., wall. parentela, /., (collective n.) rela- tions, kinsfolk. par^ntesis, m., parenthesis, in- terruption, a cutting off. parezca, pres. subj. of parecer. Paris, prop, n., Paris. parlanchin, -na, adj., chattering, tattling; ., chatterer, tattler. parpado, m., eyelid. parrafo, m., paragraph. parte, /., part, section; place, spot; en (or por) todas s, everywhere; en alguna, anywhere ; flaca, weak side, weak spot. particular, particular. particularmente, particularly, especially. participar, to participate; give notice, inform, communicate, report. partida, /., party, game; trick; '5* VOCABULARY jugar una , to play a game, play a trick. partido, m., party; advantage; district, territory; (in Andalu- sia) apartment, flat. pasadizo, m., passageway, hall. pasado, -a, past, last ; n. m., past. pasajero, -a, ., passenger. pasaporte, m., passport. pasar, to pass, pass away, pass in, enter; spend; take place, happen ; por, to pass as, be considered as ; adelante, to step forward, go in, come in. pascual, paschal. pasear, to walk, stroll, prome- nade, take a walk. paseo, m., walk, drive, ride; public walk, promenade. pasi6n,y., passion. pasito, m., dim. of paso. paso, m. t pass; step; dar s, to take steps; a menudo y precipitado, with short, quick steps; apretar el , see apre- tar. pastorona, (not in dictionary) un- couth and candid(?). pastoso, -a, mellow, soft. pata, /., foot and leg of animals ; patas arriba, upside down, head down. patente, patent, apparent, clear, evident. patentizar, to make evident, show clearly. pat^tico, -a, pathetic, touching, sad; lo , what is pathetic, pathetic things. patlbulo, m., gibbet, gallows, scaffold. pato, m., duck. patrana, /., fake, deceit, decep- tion, humbug. pavonearse, to strut, show off. paz, /., peace; dejar en , to leave or let alone. pecado, m., sin. pecador, -ra, ., sinner. pecar, to sin. pecho, m., breast, chest, bosom, heart. pedir, to ask, require, demand; pray. Pedro, prop. ., Peter ; como por su casa, freely, familiar- ly, without fear and without ceremony. pegar, to stick, join, glue, ad- here; beat, strike; se, to adhere, catch, be contagious, be catching. peligro, m., danger, peril, risk, hazard, jeopardy. pena, /., pain, punishment; trouble; grief; valer la , see valer. pendiente, pendant, dangling; steep. pendoiista, m. & /., penman, one skillful with the pen. penetrar, to penetrate, pass through, enter, get in, pierce ; se, to comprehend, be con- vinced. peninsula, y., peninsula; la Pe- ninsula,/., Spain. pensamiento, m., thought, in- tention, purpose, idea. pensar, to think, meditate, con- sider; intend; cuando menos pensado, when least expected ; la noche or el dia menos pen- sado, the night or the day least expected. Pepe, prop. n. (col!, for Jose"), Joseph. pequeSo, -a, small, little; en , in a small way, in a small scale. percance, m., mischance, acci- dent, mishap, unusual experi- ence. perder, to lose, miss ; ruin, be- tray; se, to fade away, do VOCABULARY '53 something rash, cause one's own ruin ; pie, to lose one's footing. perd6n, m., pardon, forgiveness. perdonar , to pardon, forgive, ex- cuse, spare. perecer, to perish, die. perejil, m., parsley. perentorio, -a, peremptory, de- cisive, positive. perfecto, -a, perfect, complete. peri6dico, m., periodical, jour- nal. perjudicar, to injure, harm. perjuicio, m., prejudice, injury, detriment, damage. perjurar, to swear falsely ; swear repeatedly. perla,/., pearl; de s, fittingly; venir de s, see venir. perlesla,/., paralysis, palsy. perlita,/., dim. of perla. permanecer, to stay, remain, stand; endure. permitir, to permit, allow. pero, but. perseguir, to pursue, persecute. persona, /., person; en propia , in propria persona, his very self. persuadir, to persuade, induce. persuasi6n,/., persuasion, opin- ion, argument, allegation. pertenecer, to belong, pertain. pertenezca, pres. subj. of perte- necer. perverse, -a, adj., perverse, wicked; ., perverse one, wicked one. pesadez, _/"., heaviness, gravity, ponderosity; tediousness, dull- ness, importunity, boring. pesado, -a, heavy, ponderous; ., bore. pesar, n. m., sorrow, affliction, grief, suffering; a de, in spite of; a mi , in spite of myself. pesar, v., to weigh ; weigh down ; cause regret; mal que me pese, in spite of myself, to my sorrow. pescaderia,/., fish-market. peseta, /., Spanish coin worth one franc or twenty cents. pe'sim.O, -a, irreg. super, of malo-a. peso, m., weight, heaviness, gravity ; en , up in the air, by main force or strength. petaca, /., case, box, cigar-case. petrificar, to petrify, fossilize. pez-espada, m., swordfish. plcaro, -a, roguish, knavish, devilish. pico, m., peak, bill; mouth; loquacity, garrulity ; jarabe de , see jarabe. pide, pres. ind. of pedir. pidiese, imp. subj. of pedir. pidi6, pret. of pedir. pie, m., foot; de , or en , standing; perder , see per- der. piececita, /., dim. of pieza. piedra, /., stone. piel, /., skin, fur, hide. pierda, pres. subj. of perder. pierna, /., leg. pieza, /., piece, room, apart- ment. Pilades, prop, n., Pylades. pilar, m., pillar, column. Pilatos, prop. ., Pilate. pimiento, m., pepper, capsicum ; chile, chilli-pepper. pincel, m., artist's brush. pintar, to paint, picture, deline- ate; describe; se solo, to be very skillful, have great aptitude, excel. pintura, /., painting, art; pic- ture; paint, color. piramide, /., pyramid. pisaverde, . m., fop ; adj., fop- pish. 154 VOCABULARY piso, m., pavement; walking; floor; flat. pistola, /., pistol. placer, v., to please, gratify. placer, n. m., pleasure, enjoy- ment, gratification. plaga, /., plague, scourge, pest, calamity, affliction. plan, m., plan, design, project, outline, draft. plana, /., page; copy. planta, /., sole of the foot; plant; plan ; echar s, see echar . plata, /., silver. plataforma, /., platform, ter- race. platear, to silver. plato, m., plate, dish. plaza, /., place, space; public square; market place; de armas, parade ground. plazoleta, f., dim. of plaza. plegaria, /., prayer, supplica- tion. pleno, -a, full, complete. pliego, m., sheet of paper ; sealed letter or document. plumaje, m., plumage. poblaci6n, _/"., population, town, city. pobre, poor. pobreza, /., poverty, poorness. pobrecito, -a, dim. of pobre; pobrecita mla, my poor dar- ling. poco, -a, adj., little, a little, small; (of time) short, short time; tener en , to set little value on, belittle; s anos, see ano. poco, adv., little, a little, shortly, a little while, recently; a , soon after. poder, v., to be able, can, may ; no menos de, not to be able to help; puede que, it may be that, perhaps, it is possible that. poder, n. m., power; might. poderoso, -a, powerful, potent, mighty, strong. podran, fut. ind. of poder. podrfa, cond. of poder. poema, /., poem. poesia, /., poesy, poetry, poem. portico, -a, poetic, poetical. politico, -a, political, politic; polite. ponderaci6n, f., weighing, pon- dering; heightening; exagger- ation. poner, to put, set, place; lay; cuidado, to take care ; en juego, to bring into play; en olvido, to forget, cast into f orgetf ulness ; en salvo, to put in or take to a safe place, save; se, to begin, become, grow; se en (or de) pie, to stand up ; se en camino, to start, go along. popular, popular, common, gen- eral. por, by, for, through, along, dur- ing, as, on account of, for the sake of; mas que, however much; entre, through; lo cual, for which reason, on this account; medio de, by means of, through ; si, or si acaso, in case, should it happen that; quo", why. pordiosero, -a, ., beggar. pormenor, m., detail, particular. porque, because, for; in order that, so that. portada,/., porch ; frontispiece; title-page. posar, to lodge ; rest, sit down , lighl, alight, perch. poseer, to possess, have. [of. posesionarse, to take possession posible, possible. posici6n,/., position, post, place. postrar, to prostrate, weaken, ex haust. VOCABULARY 155 postrer, apocopated form of pos- trero. postrero, -a, last, hindermost. poyo, ;., stone bench, stone seat. practice, -a, practical. pre" or prest, ;., a soldier's daily pay. preceder, to precede, go before. preces, f. pi., prayer, petitions, supplications. preciarse, to boast, glory. precio, m., price, value, cost ; a de, at the price of, at the cost of. precioso, -a, precious; beautiful, nice. precipitadamente, quickly, hur- riedly, hastily. precipitado, -a, quick, hasty, hurried. precipitar, to precipitate, cast headlong, rush ; se, to fall headlong, rush. precisamente, precisely, exactly, necessarily, indispensably. precisar, to fix, set, determine; compel, be necessary. precise, -a, precise; necessary. precursor, -ra, preceding, com- ing before ; ., forerunner, har- binger. preferir, to prefer. prefiere, pres. ind of preferir. prSfulo, -a, corruption of pr6- fugo, -a. pregunta,/., question, inquiry. preguntar, to ask, question, in- quire. premeditar, to premeditate. premio, m., reward, prize. prender, to seize, catch, capture, arrest. preocupado, -a (from preocu- par), prejudiced, biased; ., a prejudiced person. preparar, to prepare, get ready. presencia, /., presence ; appear- ance. presentar, to present, show, dis- play, offer; se, appear, present itself. presente, present ; hacer , to remind; tener , to bear in mind. prescribir, to prescribe. prescrito, p.p. of prescribir. presidio, m., garrison, fortress; jail; hard labor. presidir, to preside, overlook, command. preso, -a (/./. of prender), ar- rested, imprisoned; ., prison- er. prest, m., daily pay allowed to soldiers. prestar, to lend, give, bestow. presumido, -a, presumptuous, conceited. presuncion, /., presumption, presumptuousness. pretensi6n,/., pretension, claim. pretil, m., battlement, breast- work. prevenido, -a, cautious, far-see- ing, long-headed. prevenir, to prepare, prearrange ; provide; prevent; warn, ad- vise. prever, to foresee. previno, pret. of prevenir. primavera, /., spring. primer, apocopated form of primero. primero, -a, first, former, neut. ., lo , the first thing. primitivo, -a, primitive, origin- al, pristine. primo, -a, ., cousin. primor, m., beauty, exquisite- ness, nicety ; beautiful thing, exquisite thing, marvel; con , neatly, nicely, exquisitely. principal, principal, important, high, illustrious, noted. prlncipe, m., prince, king. principiar, to begin, commence. '5* VOCABULARY principle, m., beginning, com- mencement; a s de, at the beginning of, in the first part of, early in. prisa, /., haste, hurry ; de , in a hurry, hastily. prisi6n, /., prison, jail, captivi- ty, imprisonment. probable, probable, likely. probablementc, probably. probar, to prove ; test, try ; taste. procrear, to procreate, generate, breed. procurar, to procure, get; try, endeavor. producir, to produce, engender, bring forth, create. profanar, to profane, desecrate, pollute. profano, -a, profane, secular, worldly. pr6fugo, -a, ., fugitive. profundamente, profoundly, deeply. profundo, -a, profound, deep. prohibir, to prohibit, forbid. promesa, /., prpmise, vow. prometer, to promise, offer, bid fair. pronto, -a, adj., prone, prompt, ready ; inclined ; quick ; adv., quickly. pronunciar, to pronounce, utter, deliver, speak. propenso, -a, prepense, prone, inclined. propicio, -a, propitious, favor- able. propio, -a, proper, own, same, peculiar, characteristic; 61 , himself; ella a, herself; en a persona, see persona. proponer, to propose, propound ; purpose, intend. proporcionar, to procure, supply, furnish, provide with ; afford ; un buen rato, to amuse or entertain for a while. prorrumpir, to break forth, burst out. prosaico, -a, prosaic, prosy, matter-of-fact. proseguir, to pursue; continue, go on, follow. prosiguiti, pret. of proseguir. protector, /., protector, helper. proteger, to protect, defend, shield, guard. protestante, m. S*f., Protestant. provecho, m., profit, benefit, ad- vantage ; //., perquisites. proveer, to provide. providencia,/., providence, fore- sight, forethought ; Divine Providence. providencial, providential. provincia, /., province. pr6ximo, -a, proximate, next, near, about to, on the point of. prudencia,/., prudence, wisdom ; moderation. prudente, prudent, thoughtful, wise. prueba, _/"., proof; trial. publicar, to publish, issue, pro- claim. publicidad, /., publicity. publico, -a, adj., public; ., m., public. pude, pudo, pudimos, pudieron, pret. of poder. pudi6semos, imp. subj. of poder. pueblo, m., people, town. pueda, pres. subj. of poder. puede, pres. ind. of poder; que, see poder. puente, m. or /., bridge; levadizo, draw-bridge. puerta, /., door, gate. puerto, m., harbor, port, haven. pues, for, since, well, then; qu6?, what then? puesto, /./. of poner; de punta en bianco, arrayed in full dress; que, since, for? tener . to have on. VOCABULARY 157 pulso, m., pulse, hand. punta,/., point, end, tip ; de en bianco, cap-a-pie, in full dress. Puntales, prop. n. punto, m., point, place, instant, loop; polka dot; al , at once, immediately; al de, hasta el de, to the point of, going so far as ; de vista, point of view. puntual, punctual. puno, m., fist, closed hand. pupa, /., pustule, blister. pure (fr.), pure. pureza, _/"., purity, innocence, chastity. purgatorio, m., purgatory. purisimo, -a, super, of puro. puritano, -a, puritan, puritanic; (in page q, line 21) plain. puro, -a, pure, free, fine; clear. pusiera, imp. subj. of poner. puso, pret. of poner. que, who, whom, which, that; el , he who, the one which, which; la , which, whom, she who, the one which; los , las , they who, those which ; lo , what, that which ; lo es, as to, in regard to; quo"? inter., what? which? ^b. ?, to what?; qua"!, how! Que'-se'-yo-que', Que'-se'-yo- cuanto (lit. What do I know- what ; What do I know-how much?), SQ-&-SO, Such-a- name, W hat-ever-they-call- you; , conj., that, so that, for; para , see para. quebrar, to break, smash. queche, ;., smack, ketch. quedar, to remain, stay, be left, become, be; se, to stay, re- main. quehacer, m. (que + hacer, used mostly in the plural), occupa- tion, duty, task. queja, /., complaint, moan, dis- pute. quejido, m., complaint, groan, moan. querer, to be willing, wish, de- sire, love; decir, to mean, signify; Men, to like; mal, to dislike; si se quiere, if you will; jDios quiera! God grant! querido, -a (from querer), dear, beloved. querras, fut. ind. of querer. Que'-se'-yo-que' &c., see que. quid pro quo (Lat.), something for something, tit for tat, an equivalent in return. quien, who, one who, he who, whom; jSquie"n?, who? quiero, quiere, pres. ind. ^que- rer. quieto, -a, quiet, still. quinientos, -as, five hundred. quinta,/., military draft (because the lot falls on one out of five). quinto, -a, fifth; s infiernos, see inner no. quisiese, imp. stibj. of querer. quiso, pret. of querer. quisquilla,/., bickering, trifling dispute. quitar, to take away, remove; se, to take off, get rid of. quiza, quizas, perhaps, it may be. R rabano, m., radish. rabioso, -a, rabid, furious, rag- ing. Rafael, prop. ., Raphael. Ram6n, prop. ., Raymond. ranchero, /., steward or cook of a mess ; rancher. VOCABULARY rato, m., while, short period or space of time ; dar un buen , see dar ; proporcionar un buen , see proporcionar. rayo, /., beam, streak, ray; thunderbolt, lightning. raz6n, _/"., reason, right, motive, cause ; tener , to have cause, be right ; dar , or dar la , to agree with, pronounce right, approve. real, real, regal, royal, kingly. realista, m. &>/., royalist. rebajar, to abate, diminish, re- duce, lower, debase; se, to debase oneself. recibir, to receive, get, accept. reci6n, recently, just, lately; venido, newcomer. reciente, recent. recinto, m., inclosure, interior, space, precincts. recio, -a, strong, loud; adv., aloud. reclamar, to claim; reclaim. reclinatorio, m., reclinatory, praying-desk. recoger, to take again; gather, collect ; pick up ; reap. recogido, -a, retired, secluded; reverent, devout. recomendaci6n, /., recommen- dation. recomendar, to recommend, urge, enjoin. reconocer, to recognize; ac- knowledge. reconocimiento, m., recognition, acknowledgement. recordar, to recollect, remember. rectificar, to rectify, correct, amend; make right. recto, -a, right, straight, up- right. recuerda, pre s. ind. of recordar. recurso, m., recourse; resource; resort ; device, means, ex- pedient. rechazar, to reject, spurn, refuse. redil, ;., sheep-fold. redoblar, to redouble, double, multiply, increase, repeat. referido, -a, above-referred to, already mentioned. referir, to refer, relate, narrate, tell. refinamiento, m., refinement ; nicety, exactness. refinar, to refine. reflexi6n,/., reflection; observa- tion ; suggestion, advice. reforzar, to reinforce, strength- en. refrain, m. (/>.), refrain. refran, m,, proverb. refugiar, to shelter; se, to take refuge. regimiento, m., regiment. registrar, to inspect, search, in- vestigate, examine. registro, m., search, inspection, examination. regla,/., rule. regresar, to return, go back ; come back. regreso, m., return. regrufiir (re -+- grunir), to grum- ble, growl or grunt again or repeatedly. regular, regular, proper. reir, reirse, to laugh. relaci6n, /., relation, account, narrative, story. relegar, to relegate, banish. relevar, to relieve, release. religi6n,/., religion. religiose, -a, religious, godly, pious. reliquia,/., relic, relic of a saint. remediar, to remedy, help. reminiscencia, /., reminiscence, memory, memento. remontar, to elevate, raise ; se, to rise, remount. rencor, w., rancor, grudge, aninv osity, ill-feeling. VOCABULARY '59 renegade, -a, renegade. renegar, to disown; detest, ab- hor; grumble against, curse. reng!6n, m., line. renombre, m., renown, glory. renta, /., revenue, income, an- nuity, allowance. reparaci6n, /., amends, repara- tion, atonement. repente. sudden ; de , sudden- iy- repeticion, /., repetition. repetir, to repeat, reiterate. reponer, to replace; answer, re- ply, respond. representar, to represent, stand for; represent, perform, set on the stage, act. represi6n, _/., repression, check, control. reprimir, to repress, refrain, check, control. repuso, pret. of reponer. reputaci6n,/., reputation. rescatar, to ransom, redeem, rescue. reservar, to reserve. resistir, to resist, oppose; with- stand; struggle. resonar, to resound, ring. respeto, m., respect, regard, rev- erence, consideration. respetuosamente, respectfully. respirar, to breathe, exhale. resplandecer, to glitter, glow, shine, outshine. responder, to respond, answer, reply. responsable, responsible; salir de, see salir. restar, to be left, remain. resucitar, to resurrect, revive, resucitate, return to life, rise from the dead. resuelto, -a (p.p. tf/'resolver), re- solved; resolute; determined. resultado, m., result, issue, con- pequence. retama, /., genista; de olor, Spanish broom. retirar, to retire, retreat, with- draw, recede; se, to with- draw, retire. retraer, to dissuade, keep from, remove from. retraiga, pres. subj. of retraer. retrato, m., portrait, picture. retroceder, to retrocede, step back, fall back, go back. retr6grado, -a, retrogressive, re- actionary. retumbar, to resound, sound loudly. reunion, /., reunion, meeting. reunir, to reunite, unite, assem- ble, gather together. revenir, (fr.), to return, come back, come again. reverencia, /., reverence, re- spect, veneration. reverbero, m., reflector, lamp with reflector, street lamp. reverse, m., reverse; back, rear. rev6s, m., reverse, wrong side; al , on the contrary, contrari- wise, the other way, wrong side out. revestir, to dress, clothe, invest ; to deck, adorn, ornament. reviens (fr.), imperative singular of revenir. revolver, to turn, turn upside down, stir, upset. revuelto, /. part, of revolver. rey, m., king ; pi., kings, king and queen. reyezuelo, m. (dim. of rey), petty king. rezar, to pray, say or read prayers. rezo, m., prayer, praying, devo- tions. rico, -a, rich, wealthy ; plentiful, abundant. ridiculizar, to ridicule, make fun of. i6o VOCABULARY ridicule, -a, ludicrous, ridicul- ous. Riego, prop. n. rinoceronte, m., rhinoceros. rfo, m., river, stream. risa,/., laugh, laughing. ristra,/., string, row. ristre, m., rest or socket for a lance; en , in rest. rizo, m., curl. robar, to rob, steal; abduct, snatch away. robusto, -a, robust, strong. roca, /., rock. rociar, to sprinkle. rodar, to roll, roll down. rodear, to surround, encircle. rodilla, /., knee ; de a, on one's knees, kneeling. rogar, to ask, request, beseech, entreat, implore. romancero, /., collection of ro- mances or ballads. romano, -a, Roman. romper, to break, break out, break off, break up; tear; break forth, burst forth ; dis- turb. ronco, -a, hoarse, harsh. Ronda, prop. n. ropa,/"., clothes, clothing, wear- ing apparel; linen. rosa, /., rose; estar como la propia , see estar. rosario, m., rosary. rosquete, m. (dim. of rosca, cir- cular rusk), ring-shaped cake or biscuit. rosquetero, -a, ., maker or sel- ler of rosquetes, q. v. Rossini, prop. n. rostro, m., face, countenance. rozadura, /., friction, chafing, abrasion. rozar, to graze, scrape, rub against. rubio, -a, blond, fair, light, rud- dy. rudo, -a, rude, rough, severe; stupid. rugido, m., roar, uproar. rugir, to roar, howl. ruido, m., noise. ruina, /., ruin. ruinoso, -a, ruinous, ruined, in ruins. ruisenor, m., nightingale. rustico, -a, rustic; coarse, clum- sy; a la a or en a, un- bound. S saber, v., to know, know how; learn, hear; be able, saber, n. m., knowledge, learning, sabio, -a, learned, wise; ., learned, sage, saboneta,/., hunting-case watch; de repetici6n, hunting-case repeater. sabonetilla, f.,dim. pres. subj. of sentir. siete, seven; de suelas, con- summate, thorough, staunch. sigilo, m., secrecy, silence. sigilosamente, secretly, silently, quietly. siglo, m., century, age, epoch. significar, to signify, mean, in- dicate. sigue, imper. &* pres, ind. of seguir. siguiendo, ger. of seguir. siguiente, following, subse- quent ; lo , what follows, the following. sigui6, pret. of seguir. silbar, to whistle; whiz; hiss. silbato, m., whistle. silencio, m., silence, quiet. jsilencio!, silence!, hush! silencioso, -a, silent, noiseless, quiet. silla, /., chair, saddle. sil!6n, m. (aug. of silla), arm- chair, easy chair. sfmbolc, m., symbol. simpatia, /., sympathy, appre- ciation, good will. simpatico, -a, sympathetic, sympathizing ; congenial, win- some. simpleza, /., simplicity, simple- ness; foolishness, silliness. sin, without ; con/., que, with- out; - - embargo, notwith- standing, nevertheless. sinceridad, /., sincerity. sincere, -a, sincere. siniestro, -a, left; sinister, un- lucky, inauspicious. sino, but, except; que, but. sinti6, pret. of sentir. siquiera, at least; though; scarcely ; even. sirva, pres. subj. of servir. sirven, pres. ind. of servir. sistema, m., system. [round. sitiar, to besiege, lay siege ; sur- sitio, m., site, spot, place; siege, state of siege. situacion, /., situation, condi- tion, state. | so!, interj., whoa!, stop! (to horses). sobrado, -a, having plenty, rich. sobrar, to be more than enough, have an abundance, have over and above, have more than necessary. sobre, prep., on, upon, over, above; in addition to; todo, above all. SObre, n. m., superscription, ad- dress; envelope. sobrenatural, supernatural. sobresalir, to exceed, excel, overtop, come above, tower above. sobrevivir, to survive. sobrina, /., niece. sobrino, m., nephew; //., neph- ews, nephew and niece, neph- ews and nieces. 164 VOCABULARY social, social. sociedad, /., society, communi- ty, people, nation. socio, ///., partner, associate, col- league. socorrer, to succor, aid, help, as- sist. socorro, m., succor, assistance, help. sofocar, to choke, suffocate, smother ; oppress, harass ; pro- voke. sol, m., sun, sunshine. solamente, solely, only, merely,, soldado, m., soldier. soledad, /., solitude, loneliness. solemne, solemn, impressive, imposing. soler, to be wont, be accustomed. s61ido, -a, solid, strong. solitario, -a, solitary, lonely. solo, -a, sole, alone, only; lone- ty- SOlo, adv., solely, only. soltar, to untie, loosen ; cast off, let go, let fall, drop, let down ; se, to get loose, come off, lose restraint, rush ; una carcajada, to burst out into laughter. soltura, /., looseness, laxity; freedom, ease. sombra, /., shade, shadow. sombrero, m,, hat. sonar, to sound ; ring. sonido, m., sound. sonoro, -a, sonorous, harmoni- ous. sonreir, to smile. sonrisa, /., smile. sopa, _/"., soup. sopera, /., soup-tureen. soplo, /., blowing, blast, gust, puff, breath. sordera, /., deafness. sordo, -a, deaf. sorprender, to surprise, astonish, take by surprise. sorpresa, /., surprise, amaze- ment, astonishment, conster- nation. sorteo, m., casting of lots, draw- ing; drafting. sosegado, -a, quiet, tranquil, at ease. soso, -a, insipid, vapid, silly ; cold ; dull, inane. sospecha,/., suspicion. sospechar, to suspect, mistrust. sostener, to sustain, support, maintain, uphold. sostenido, -a, sustained, steady. sostuvieron, pret. of sostener. sot (Fr.), fool, blockhead, idiot. Soto, prop. n. soy, ist per. pres. ind. of ser. statu quo (Lot., lit. in the state in which), inactivity, standstill, inertia. SU, sus (apocopated form ofsvcyQ, suya, suyos, suyas, and used before the .), his, her, its, one's, their, your. suave, smooth, soft, mellow, gentle. suavemente, softly, gently. subalterno, -a, subaltern, sub- ordinate, inferior. subdividir, to subdivide. subida, /., ascension, going up ; ascent, rise ; place where one begins to rise; a la de la escalera, at the foot of the stairs. subido, a, high, strong, striking. subir, to come up, go up, ascend, climb. subordinado, -a, subordinate, subservient; adherent. subsistencia, /., subsistence, competence, livelihood. subsistir, to subsist, live. substraer, to subtract, remove; se, to withdraw, remove; shun. VOCABULARY subversive, -a, subversive, de- structive. suceder, to succeed, follow ; hap- pen. suculento, -a, succulent, juicy, nourishing. suela, /., sole; sole-leather; de siete s, see siete. suele, pres. ind. of soler. suelo, m., soil ; ground ; floor. suelto, -a, (from soltar), loose, lax, free. suena, pres. ind. of sonar. sueno, m., sleep; dream; tener, , to be sleepy. suerte,/., fate, luck ; hazard, lot; es una , it is fortunate, it is lucky. suficiente, sufficient, enough ; lo , enough. sufragio, m., suffrage, interces- sory act of worship. Bufrir, to suffer, endure ; bear, support ; sustain, undergo. sujeto, /./. of sujetar. SUJeto, m., subject, person, indi- vidual. suma,y., sum, amount. sumision, /., submission, sub- jection. superficie,/., surface. superior, superior, higher. superioridad, /., superiority, pre-eminence. supersticioso, -a, superstitious. siiplica , f., request, entreaty, sup- plication. suplicar, to supplicate, request, entreat, implore. [stitute. suplir, to supply ; supplant, sub- suponer, to suppose, assume, surmise. supremo, -a (irreg. super, of alto), supreme, highest. supuesto, /./. of suponer. sur, m., south. surcar, tofurrow, plow ; (of tears) trickle down, flow down. suspender, to suspend, postpone ; discontinue, stop. suspirar, to sigh. suspiro, m., sigh. susto, m., fright, shock, scare. suyo, -a, -os, -as, his, hers, its, one's, theirs, yours ; el , la a, los os, las as, his, hers, theirs, its, yours, his own, her own, etc. ; hacer de las , see hacer. tabla, /., board. tal, such, such a, such a thing, said; con que, provided; vez, perhaps ; qu6 ?, how is it ?, what do you think ?, how do you like ?, what do you suppose? talante, m., manner; mien, ap- pearance ; will, disposition, humor; de mal , in a bad mood, in an ugly frame of mind, talento, m., talent, intelligence, cleverness. tali6n, m., talion, retaliation, talludo, -a, oldish, elderly, tambien, also, too. tampoco, not either, neither; either. tan, so, as, such, such a; tan . . . como, as ... as, as much of a ... as. tanto, -a, so much, as much; pi., so many, as many ; un , somewhat, a little, tanto, adv., so much, as much, tapa, /., lid, cover, tarde, late; ., /., afternoon, early evening ; caida de la , see caida. tardo, -a, tardy, slow, dull, tarjeta, /., card, taza, /., cup. te, thee, to thee ; you, to you. i66 VOCABULARY techo, m., roof, ceiling. tela, /., fabric, stuff, cloth. telar, m., loom. Tele"maco, prop. ., Telemachus. temblar, to tremble, shake, shudder. tembloroso, -a, tremulous, trembling, shuddering, shak- ing. temer, to fear, apprehend, dread ; be afraid; se, to fear. temeridad, /., temerity, bold- ness, rashness. templar, to temper; mix; pre- pare, dispose, fashion; tune. temple, m., temper. templo, m., temple, church. temprano, -a, early ; adv., early, soon. tendencia, /., tendency, trend. tendremos, fut. ind. of tener. tener, to have, hold; keep; a, to consider, regard as; lugar, to take place ; puesto, to have on; por, to have as, regard as ; que, to have to; presente, to bear in mind; se, to stop; de costumbre, to. be in the habit of, be accustomed to ; la lengua larga, see lengua; - sed, to be thirsty ; sueno, to be sleepy ; raz6n, to be right; frio, to be cold; hambre, to be hungry ; - frita la sangre, see frito; no un si ni un no con (alguno), not to have any dispute (or dealings) with (some one) ; no atadero, to have no sense; lo que tiene que or lo que tiene es que, the trouble is that, the difficulty is that. tenga, pres. subj. of tener. tengo, pres. ind. of tener. teniente, #/., lieutenant, tentar, to touch, feel. teo!6gico, -a, theological. tergiversar, to tergiversate, al- ter, twist. terminante, ending, closing; clear, definite, conclusive. terminar, to end, bring to an end, finish, close. terreno, m., land, ground, tract of land. terrestre, earthly. terrible, terrible, awful, fero- cious, dreadful. terror, m., terror, dread. terso,-a, terse, smooth, polished.- tertulia, /"., evening party, mu- sicale, conversazione, social gathering; coterie. testero, m., front, head, main side. testigO, m. &*f., witness. testiguito, m., dim. of testigo. ti, thee, you. tia, _/., aunt; elderly woman; no hay tu , there is no help for it, it cannot be avoided. tiempo, m., time ; era, epoch ; weather; a , in time, oppor- tunely. tienda,/., tent. tiene, pres. ind. of tener. Tiene, prop. n. tierra, /., earth ; land, ground, soil. tijera, f. (usually in //.), scis- sors ; de , a seat, cot, etc. whose frame is in the form of an X and can be folded or closed. tinaja,/., earthen jar (forwater). tintero, /., inkstand. tlo, m., uncle. tiple, m., treble, soprano. tipo, ;., type. tirania, /., tyranny, despotism, oppression. tiranico, -a, tyrannical. tirano, m., tyrant. tirar, to throw, cast, fling, throw away; pull, draw; shoot, fire. VOCABULARY i6 7 tiro, m., shot. titulo, m., title; certificate; per- son with a title. tocar, to touch, lay hands on; correspond, fall to ; (of an in- strument) to play it ; (of a bell) to ring it; ., playing. todavfa, yet, still, however. todo, -a, adj., all, every; adv., wholly, entirely, altogether; ., whole; de un or del , wholly, entirely, altogether; sobre , above all. tolerar, to tolerate, bear, forbear, jtoma! well, why. [surfer. tomar, to take, take up, take hold of, seize, grasp ; accept ; eat or drink; las de Villadiego, to run off, flee; el fresco, to take, have or enjoy the cool open air ; el camino de, to start for or towards. tomate, m., tomato. tonterla,/"., foolishness, stupidi- ty; nonsense. ionto, -a, foolish, dull, stupid. torcer, to twist, twine, crook, turn. tormento, m., torment, trial, tor- ture, suffering. tornar, to turn, return, get back ; (before an infinitive) again; torn6 a preguntar, he asked again. tornasol, m., changeable color, iridescent color. torpe, torpid; dull, slow, stupid. tone,/., tower. torreon, m., aug. of torre, large tower for the purposes of de- fense ; palomar, large tower used as pigeon house. t6rtola,/., turtle-dove. tortuga,/., turtle; tortoise. tosco, -a, rough, coarse. totalmente, totally, completely. trabajar, to work, labor, toil, strive, make efforts. trabajo, m., work, labor, toil. trabucar, to confuse, mix up, say or use one thing for an- other. tradici6n, /., tradition. traducir, to translate. traer, to bring, fetch ; wear. tragala, m., traga (tm-per.o/tra- gar) + la (from the -words "Tragala tii, servilon" -with which the refrain began) song with which the Spanish liber- als used to taunt the absolu- tists; cantarle a uno el , see cantar. tragalista, m., a liberal (so called because he sang the tragala, q. v.). tragar, to swallow, devour, eat up. tragirridiculo, -a, tragi-comical. traje, m., dress, clothes, suit of clothes, garb, costume, uni- form. tranquilamente, quietly, tran- quilly, calmly. tranquilidad,/., calmness, tran- quility, placidity. tranquilizar, to tranquilize, ap- pease, calm, reassure. tranquilo, -a, tranquil, calm, placid, quiet. transcurrir, to elapse, pass away. transformaci6n, /., transforma- tion, change. transf ormar, to transform, trans- mute, alter; se, to change, be transformed. transitorio, -a, transitory, tran- sient. tras, after, behind, besides ; que, besides, in addition to, in spite of. trascendental,trascendental, far- reaching, highly important. trastorno, m., overthrow, upset- ting ; disturbance, disorder. tratar, to treat, deal; to call; 1 68 VOCABULARY de, to try, endeavor; se con, to have social intercourse with ; se trata de, it is a ques- tion of, we are after, we are seeking to. trato, m., treatment ; intercourse ; manners, address. trave"s, m., traverse; inclination, bias ; al , across, athwart, through travesura,/., prank, caper, antic, mischief, bad trick. traza,/., appearance, looks. trazar, to trace, mark out ; draw, sketch, outline. tremebundo,-a, dreadful, fright- ful, terrible. tremendo, -a, tremendous, stu- pendous, huge. trepar, to climb, clamber, mount ; to creep. tres, three. triangular, triangular ; three- cornered. tribunal, m,, tribunal, court. tributar, to render, pay, give. tributario, -a, tributary. trigo, m., wheat. trino, m., trill, trilling, chirp. trio, m., trio. triste, sad, gloomy, sorry, sor- rowful, melancholy; sombre, dismal, dull. tristemente, sadly, sorrowfully, mournfully. trivial, trivial, insignificant. trocar, to exchange, barter; trompa, /., horn. [change. trono, m., throne. tropa, /., troop, soldiery; ser de , to be a soldier, be in the army. tropel, m., rush ; jumble, crowd; en , tumultuously, in a throng. Troya, prop. ., Troy. trozo, #*., piece, fragment; por- tion ; extract, selection. trueno, m., thunder, thunder clap. tii, thou, you. tu, tus (apocopated form of tuyo, tuyos), thy, your, tumbar, to tumble, throw down, overthrow; patas arriba, to turn or throw upside down, tunante, m., rascal, rogue, turba, /., crowd, rabble, turbante, m., turban, turbio, -a, turbid, muddy, tuviesen, imp. subj. of tener. tuvo, pret. of tener. ufano, -a, proud, haughty, con- ceited. ulterior, ulterior, farther, be- yond. ultimatum (Lot.), m., last word, final proposition, last offer of terms. ultimo, -a, ultimate, last, final; por , finally, lastly. un, -a, a, an, one; unos, as, some, a few. ungiiento, m., ointment. unico, -a, unique; only, sole, single. unidad, /., unity, unification. unido, -a, united, joined, closely connected. uniforme, m., uniform. unir, to unite, join, get together, combine; se, to join. universal, universal, general. uno, -a, one. unos, -as, see un. untar, to anoint ; smear. una, /., finger-nail ; toe-nail. usado, -a, used, worn out, old. usar, to use; wear. usia, m. & /. (contr. of vuestra senoria), your lordship, your ladyship. VOCABULARY 169 usted, you; ustedes, you. usual, usual, customary. V. E., abbr. of Vuestra Exce- lencia, Your Excellency. va, vamos, van, pres. ind. of ir. vacilar, to vacillate, hesitate, waver. vacio, -a, empty. [linger. vagar, to rove, roam; wander; valer, to be worth, foot up; pro- tect; defend; be valid; se, to employ, avail oneself; la pena, to be worth while; jvalgame Dios!, may God help me!, heavens! yalga, pres. subj. of valer. ^- valiente, valiant, brave, COUP ageous, strong. valor, m., valor, courage, forti- tude, bravery ; value, worth. Valverde, prop. n. vamos, interj. {from ir), come. vandeano, -a, vandean, belong- ing to or native of Vendee. vanidad, /., vanity, conceit. vano, -a, vain ; en , in vain. vapor, m., vapor, steam ; steam- er; a todo , at full steam, at full speed. variante, /., variant, difference, change, alteration. vario, -a, various, different; 03, as, several. var6n, m., male, man. varonil, manly, masculine. vaso, m., vase, vessel; glass, tumbler. vdstago, m., bud, shoot. vasto, -a, vast, extensive. vate, m., bard, poet; seer, prophet. vaya, pres. subj. of ir; interj., pshaw ; j por Dios ! , let it be for God's sake!, let God's will be done I Vd., abbr. of usted, you. Yds., abbr. of pi. of usted. v6, imper. of ir. vecino, -a, neighboring, adjoin- ing; ., neighbor; resident, lodger, dweller, inhabitant. vega,/., open plain, meadow. veinte, twenty. vejestorio, /., old person, old thing, antique. vejez, /., old age, decrepitude, decay. vela,/., sail. Velisla, prop. n. velo, m., veil; curtain. vel6n, m., a brass lamp. veloz, swift, rapid; /veneer, to- "vanquish, conquer, subdue, master, put down; beat, surpass, excel. vender, to sell; give away, be- tray. venerable, venerable. veneracidn, /., veneration, rev- erence. venerar, to venerate, revere, worship. venga, pres . subj. of venir. venia,/., leave, permission. venir, to come ; fit ; de molde, to fit in exactly, be suited; bien, to fit, suit, be suitable ; de perlas, to be quite fit- ting, suit exactly. ventaja,/., advantage. ventana,/., window. ver, to see; al , on seeing; se, to see oneself, find one- self; a , let me see; ya se ve, it is clear, it is evident. veracidad, /., veracity, truthful- ness. verano, m. t summer. verdad,/"., verity, reality, truth, truthfulness ; es , it is true. verdadero, -a, veritable, true, real; truthful. verde, green. 170 VOCABULARY veridico, -a, truthful. Verjel, m., (used as prop. n. in p. 38, line 8) Garden, Park. verso, m., verse. vestigio, m., vestige, trace. vestir, to clothe, dress, put on, wear; se, to dress, put on; de, to dress in. [cient. Vetusto, -a, very old, very an- vez, time, occasion ; turn ; a su , in its, her or his turn; tal , perhaps, it may be; a ve- ces, at times; en de, in- stead of; de en cuando, from time to time; otra , again ; toda que, provided, since ; una , once ; dos veces, twice. via,/., way. vicisitud, /., vicissitude. victima, /, victim. [ tor y- Victoria, prop, n., Victoria, Vic- vida, /, lif e. [old woman. viejo, -a, old ; ./., oldman;./, viene, pres. ind. 0/venir. viento, m., wind, air ; fresco, high or strong wind ; con fresco, fast, rapidly. viesen, imp. subj. ofver. viga, /, beam, rafter. vigilar, to watch, watch over, keep guard. vigoroso, -a, vigorous. viguita, /, dim. of viga. vil, vile. villa, f., town. Villadiego, prop. n. ; tomar las de , see tomar. vinagre, m., vinegar. vino, pret. of venir. viSa, /., vineyard. violento, -a, violent, impetuous; abrupt; unnatural; forced. virgen, adj., pure, spotless, guile- less, undented; n. f., virgin, maiden. virtud, /., virtue, goodness. visera, /., visor. visible, visible. visi6n, /., vision. vista,/., sight, view, eyes; en de, in view of; en de que, in view of the fact that ; de , by sight. viste, pres. ind. 6 imper. of vestir; pret. eatb's flDofcern Xanaua<$e Series FRENCH GRAMMARS, READERS, ETC. Annand's Grammaire Elementaire. Blanchaud's Progressive French Idioms. Bouvet's Exercises in French Syntax and Composition. Bowen's First Scientific French Reader. Bruce's Dictees Francaises. Bruce's Grammaire Francaise. Bruce's Lectures Faciles. Capus's Pour Charmer nos Petits. Chapuzet and Daniels' Mes Premiers Pas en Francais. Clarke's Subjunctive Mood. An inductive treatise, with ezercisea. Comfort's Exercises in French Prose Composition. 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