-. ^ STUDIES IN DEDUCTIVE LOGIC a TIC B HAG NANTIAI OVDIC TIC YRENANTIAI OVH STUDIES IN DEDUCTIVE LOGIC S^amtal for BY W. STANLEY JEVONS LL.D. (EDINB.), M.A. (LOND.), F.R.S. THIRD EDITION Hontion MACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED NEW YORK : THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1896 The right of translation and reproduction is reserved First Edition 1880. Second Edition i Third Edition 1896 i UMVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA / SANTA BARBARA I ML PREFACE IN preparing these ' Studies ' I have tried to carry forward the chief purpose of my Elementary Lessons in Logic, which purpose was the promotion of practical training in Logic. In the preface to those Lessons I said in 1870: 'The relations of propositions and the forms of argument present as precise a subject of instruction and as vigorous an exer- cise of thought, as the properties of geometrical figures or the rules of Algebra. Yet every schoolboy is made to learn mathematical problems which he will never employ in after life, and is left in total ignorance of those simple principles and forms of reasoning which will enter into the thoughts of every hour. ... In my own classes I have constantly found that the working and solution of logical questions, the examination of arguments and the detection of fallacies, is a not less practicable and useful exercise of mind than is the performance of calculations and the solution of problems in a mathematical class.' The considerable use which has been made of the Elementary Lessons seems to show that they meet- an educa- tional want of the present day. The time has now perhaps viii PREFACE arrived when facilities for a more thorough course of logical training may be offered to teachers and students. For a long time back there have been published books containing abundance of mathematical exercises, and not a few works consist exclusively of such exercises. In recent years the teachers of other branches of science, such as Chemistry and the Theory of Heat, have been furnished with similar collections of problems and numerical examples. There can be no doubt about the value of such exercises when they can be had. The great point in education is to throw the mind of the learner into an active, instead of a passive state. It is of no use to listen to a lecture or to read a lesson unless the mind appropriates and digests the ideas and principles put before it. The working of problems and the answering of definite questions is the best, if not almost the only, means of ensuring this active exercise of thought. It is possible that at Cambridge mathematical gymnastics have been pushed to an extreme, the study of the principles and philosophy of Mathematics being almost forgotten in the race to solve the greatest possible number of the most difficult problems in the shortest possible time. But there can be no manner of doubt that from the simple addition sums of the schoolboy up to problems in the Calculus of Variations and the Theory of Probability, the real study of Mathematics must consist in the student cracking his own nuts, and gaining for himself the kernel of understanding. So it must be in Logic. Students of Logic must have logical nuts to crack. Opinions may differ, indeed, as to PREFACE ix the value of logical training in any form. That value is twofold, arising both from the general training of the mental powers and from the command of reasoning processes eventually acquired. I maintain that in both ways Logic, when properly taught, need not fear comparison with the Mathematics, and in the second point of view Logic is decidedly superior to the sciences of quantity. Many students acquire a wonderful facility in integrating differen- tial equations, and cracking other hard mathematical nuts, who will never need to solve an equation again, after they settle down in the conveyancer's chambers or the vicar's parsonage. With the ordinary forms of logical inference and of logical combination they will ceaselessly deal for the rest of their lives ; yet for the knowledge of the forms and principles of reasoning they generally trust to the light of nature. I do not deny that a mind of first-rate ability has con- siderable command of natural logic, which is often greatly improved by a severe course of mathematical study. But I have had abundant opportunities, both as a teacher and an examiner, of estimating the logical facility of minds of various training and capacity, and I have often been astonished at the way in which even well-trained students break down before a simple logical problem. A man who is very ready at integration begins to hesitate and flounder when he is asked such a simple question as the following : ' If all triangles are plane figures, what information, if any, does this proposition give us concerning things which are not triangles?' As to untrained thinkers, they seldom x PREFACE discriminate between the most widely distinct assertions. De Morgan has remarked in more than one place l that a beginner, when asked what follows from ' Every A is B,' answers ' Every B is A of course? The fact that such a converse is often true in geometry, although it cannot be inferred by pure logic, tends to mystify the student. Al- though all mathematical reasoning must necessarily be logical if it be correct, yet the conditions of quantitative reasoning are often such as actually to mislead the reasoner who confuses them with the conditions of argumentation in ordinary life. A mathematical education requires, in short, to be corrected and completed, if indeed it should not be preceded, by a logical education. There was never a greater teacher of mathematics than De Morgan ; but from his earliest essay on the Study of Mathematics to his very latest writings, he always insisted upon the need of logical as well as purely mathematical training. This was the purpose of his tract of 1839, entitled, First Notions of Logic preparatory to the Study of Geometry, subsequently reprinted as the first chapter of the Formal Logic. A like idea inspired his valuable essays On the Method of Teaching Geometry, quoted above. 1 The Schoolmaster: Essays on Practical Education, 1836, vol. ii. p. 1 20, note. This excellent essay 'On the Method of Teaching Geometry ' was originally printed in the Quarterly Journal of Education, No. XI. 1833, vol. vi. pp. 237-251. Similar views are put forth in De Morgan's earlier work, On the Study and Difficiilties of Afathe- matics, published in 1831 by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. See chapter xiv. See also De Morgan's Fourth Memoir on the Syllogism, p. 4, in the Cambridge Philosophical Transactions for 1860. PREFACE xi Professor Sylvester, indeed, in his most curious tractate upon the Laws of Verse (p. 19), has called in question the nut -bearing powers of logic, saying: 'It seems to me absurd to suppose that there exists in the science of pure logic anything that bears a resemblance to the infinitely developable and interminable euristic processes of mathe- matical science.' To such a remark this volume is perhaps the best possible answer, especially when it is stated that I have had great difficulty in selecting and compressing my materials so as to get them into a volume of moderate size. If any person who thinks with Professor Sylvester should object to the greater part of the problems as dealing with concrete logic, let him look to the end of this book, where he will find that the closely printed Logical Index to the forms of law governing the combinations of only three terms, fills four pages, without in any way including the almost infinitely various logical equivalents of those distinct forms. He will also learn that a similarly complete index of the forms of logical law governing the combinations of only five logical terms would fill a library of 65,536 volumes. Surely there is scope enough here for 'euristic processes.' An anxious and difficult task which I had to encounter in compiling this book consisted in choosing the system or systems of logical notation and method which were to be expounded. When once the convenient but tyrannical uniformity of the Aristotelian logic was overthrown, each writer on the science proceeded to invent a new set of xii PREFACE symbols. But it is impossible to employ alike the Greek letters of Archbishop Thomson, the 'mysterious spiculae' of De Morgan, the cumbrous strokes, wedges, and dots of Sir W. Hamilton, and the intricate mathematical formulae of Boole. After a careful renewed study of the writings of these eminent logicians I felt compelled in the first place to discard the diverse and complicated notative methods of De Morgan. Few or none admire more than I do the extraordinary ingenuity, fertility, and, in a certain way, the accuracy of De Morgan's logical writings. My general indebtedness, both to those writings and to his own unrivalled oral teaching, cannot be sufficiently ac- knowledged. I have, moreover, drawn many particular hints from his works too numerous to be specified. Nevertheless, to import his 'mysterious spiculae' into this book was to add a needless stumbling-block. The question would have arisen too, which of his various systems to adopt ; for De Morgan created six equally important concurrent syllogistic systems, the initial letters of the names of which he characteristically threw into the anagrams, ' Rue not ! ' ' True ? No ! ' These systems were the Relative, Undecided, Exemplar, Numerical, Onymatic, and Transposed. See A Budget of Paradoxes, pp. 202-3. There was in fact an unfortunate want of power of general- isation in De Morgan ; his mind could dissect logical questions into their very atoms, but he could not put the particles of thought together again into a real system. As his great antagonist, Sir W. Hamilton, remarked, De Morgan was wanting in 'Architectonic Power.' PREFACE xiii It seems equally impossible, however, to adopt Sir W. Hamilton's own logical symbols. His chief method of notation has been briefly described in the Elementary Lessons in Logic (p. 189). He also constructed or con- templated other systems of notation, as stated in his Lectures on Logic (vol. iv. pp. 464-476). In no case do these notations seem to be so good as the earlier and simpler one of Mr. George Bentham. And after a laborious reinvestigation, rendered indispensable by the composition of various parts of this book, I have been forced to the conviction that in almost every case where Hamilton differed from contemporaries or predecessors he blundered. He was, as his admirers said, to put the keystone into the arch of the Aristotelic syllogism; but, in spite of his 'Architectonic Power' I fear we must allow that his arch has collapsed. (See pp. 129-133, 151-4, and 157-8, of this book.) With the logical innovations of Dr. Thomson the case is different. While he appears to enjoy the credit of an independent discovery of the Quantification of the Predicate, prior to any public and explicit statement of the same by Hamilton, De Morgan, or Boole, but posterior to the neglected work of Mr. George Bentham, he did not commit the blunders of Hamilton, nor overlay his work with useless crowds of shorthand symbols. He most aptly completed the ancient scholastic notation of propositions (A, E, I, O) by adding U, Y, 77 and are practical nonentities. I have therefore used his notation for quantified propositions and syllogisms where necessary. Boole's great works are of course the foundation of almost all subsequent progress in formal logic. My own views, as I long since explicitly stated, 1 are moulded out of his. Believing, however, that the mathematical dress into which he threw his discoveries is not proper to them, and that his quasi -mathematical processes are vastly more compli- cated than they need have been, I have of course preferred my simpler version. Students who wish to comprehend Boole's power and Boole's methods must go to the original writings. It is really impossible that any abstract or summary can give an adequate idea of the stupendous efforts which Boole made to construct a general mathe- matical calculus of inference. Dr. Macfarlane, of Edinburgh, has lately published a new version of Boole's system under the title Algebra of Logic, but I am unable as yet to discover that he has made any improvement on Boole. The writings of M. Delboeuf on Algorithmic Logic, first printed in the Revue Philosophique for 1876, and since reprinted, are very interesting, but were written in ignorance of what had been done in this country by Boole and others. Quite recently Mr. Hugh MacColl, B. A., has published in the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, and in Mind, several papers upon a Calculus of Equivalent 1 Pure Logic, 1864, p. 3, etc. PREFACE xv Statements, which arose out of an earlier article in the Educational Tiniest His Calculus differs in several points both from that of Boole and from that described in this book as Equational Logic. Mr. MacColl rejects equations in favour of implications ; thus my A = AB becomes with him A : B, or A implies B. Even his letter-terms differ in meaning from mine, since his letters denote propositions, not things. Thus A : B asserts that the statement A implies the statement B, or that whenever A is true, B is also true. It is difficult to believe that there is any advantage in these innovations; certainly, in preferring implications to equations, Mr. MacColl ignores the necessity of the equation for the application of the Principle of Substitution. His proposals seem to me to tend towards throwing Formal Logic back into its ante-Boolian con- fusion. In one point, no doubt, his notation is very elegant, namely, in using an accent as a sign of negation. A' is the negative of A ; and as this accent can be applied with the aid of brackets to terms of any degree of complexity, there may sometimes be convenience in using it. Thus (A + B)' = A'B'j (ABCD ...)'= A' + B' + C' + D' + . . . . I shall occasionally take the liberty of using the accent in this way (see p. 199), but it is not often needed. In the case of single negative terms, I find ex- perimentally that De Morgan's Italic negatives are the best. The Italic a is not only far more clearly distinguished from A than is A', but it is written with one pen -stroke less, 1 August 1871, also July 1877. xvi PREFACE which in the long run is a matter of importance. The student, of course, can use A' for a whenever he finds it convenient. The logical investigations of Mr. A. J. Ellis, F.R.S., require notice, because they are closely analogous to, if not nearly identical with, my own. I am much indebted to him for assisting me to become acquainted with his views. Not only has he supplied me with an unpublished reprint, with additions, of his articles in the Educational Times, but he has allowed me access to the manuscripts of two elaborate memoirs which he presented to the Royal Society, and which are now preserved in the archives of the Society. Some account of these investigations will be found in the Proceedings of the Royal Society for April 1872, No. 134, vol. xx. p. 307, and November 1873, vol. xxi. p. 497. In the former place Mr. Ellis remarks : ' The above con- tributions are believed to be entirely original .... Jevons first led my thoughts in this direction, but all resemblance between us is entirely superficial.' The question of resem- blance thus raised by Mr. Ellis must be left to others to decide; but in order to avoid possible misapprehension, I must say, that however different in symbolic expres- sion, Mr. Ellis's logical system seems to be identical in principle with my own. The developments of the Com- binational Method, as described in the Educational Times (June, July, and August, i872),'are substantially the same as I had previously published in several papers and books Mr. Ellis also employs card diagrams of combinations arranged upon the ledges of a black-board, which practi- PREFACE xvii cally form the Logical Abacus, as described by me in 1869. The only point in which I am conscious of having received assistance from Mr. Ellis has regard to the necessary presence of combinations and the significance of their total disappearance as proving contradiction. I may not have sufficiently insisted upon the importance of this matter; but the fact is that so long ago as 1864 (see pp. 1 8 1, 192, of this book) I pointed out the complete disappearance of a letter -term from the combinations as the criterion of contradiction in the conditions governing logical combinations, and the same principle is explicitly stated in the Principles of Science (1874, vol. i. p. 133 ; new edition, p, 116). In the latter part of this book I have more fully developed the theory of the relation of pro- positions, often turning as it does upon this criterion of contradiction. This theory will, I think, be found to be the natural development of ideas stated in my earlier essays ; but I may have received some hints from Mr. Ellis's writings. The above remarks apply only to such portions of Mr. Ellis's Memoirs as treat of logical combination and inference ; other portions in which he investigates sequence in space and time, probability, etc., are not at all in question. The Logical Index, although now printed for the first time, has been in my possession since 1871 (see Principles of Science, ist edition, vol. i. pp. 157, 162 ; new edition, pp. 137, 141, etc.); but it is only by degrees that I have appreciated the wonderful power which it gives over all xviii PREFACE logical questions involving three terms only ; and it is quite recently that it has occurred to me how it might be printed in the form of a compact and convenient table. Mr. Venn has published in the Philosophical Magazine for July 1 880, a paper ' On the Diagrammatic and Mechanical Representation of Propositions and Reason- ings.' An article on ' Symbolic Reasoning ' by the same author will also be found in Mind for the same month. The text of this book having been completed and placed in the printer's hands before Mr. Venn's ingenious papers were published, it has not been possible to illustrate or to criticise his views. I may mention that M. Louis Liard, Professor of Philo- sophy at Bordeaux, who had previously explained and criticised the substitutional view of Logic in the Revue Philosophique (Mars, 1877, torn, iii., p. 277, etc.), has since published a very good though concise account of the principal recent logical writings in England, under the title, Les Logiciens anglais contemporains (Paris : Germer Bailliere, 1878). These ' Studies ' consist in great part of logical Questions and Problems gathered from many quarters. In the majority of cases I have indicated by initial letters the source or authorship of the questions when clearly known (see the List of References on p. xxv) ; but I have not always carried out this rule, and in not a few cases the questions have been printed several times already, and are of doubtful authorship. A large remaining fraction of the questions and problems are new, and have been de- PREFACE xix vised specially for this book. As shown by the author's name appended, a few questions have been borrowed from the work of the Very Rev. Daniel Bagot, Dean of Dromore, entitled Explanatory Notes on the Principal \Chapters of Murray's Logic . . . with an Appendix of 337 Questions to Correspond. A few excellent illustrations have also been drawn from a privately printed tract on Logic by the late Sir J. H. Scourfield, M.P., his own annotated copy having been kindly presented to me by the author a few years before his death. In forming this compilation I have been more than ever struck by the fact that the larger part of logical difficulties and sophisms do not turn upon questions of formal logic but upon the relations which certain assertions bear to the presumed or actual knowledge of the assertor and the hearer. If the person X remarks that 'All lawyers are honourable men,' it is one question what is the pure logical force of this proposition, as measured by its effect on the combinations of the terms concerned and their negatives. It is quite another matter what X means by it ; why he asserts it ; what he expects Y to understand by it ; and what Y actually does take as the meaning otX. Under certain circumstances assertions convey a meaning the direct opposite of what they convey at other times. If a man is taken with a fit and the first medical man who arrives says, 'You must not think of putting the man under the pump,' the man will not be put under the pump ; but if the identically same assertion is made about xx PREFACE the centre of interest of an excited and angry mob, the man goes to the pump. It is evident that there ought to exist a science of applied deductive logic, partly corre- sponding to the ancient doctrines of rhetoric, in which the popular force of arguments as distinguished from their purely logical force should be carefully analysed. A few questions and answers given in this book may perhaps belong, properly speaking, to rhetorical logic (see pp. 119, 140-1, etc.), but I have not found it practicable to pursue the subject in this book. It should be evident that a thorough comprehension of the purely logical aspect of assertions must precede any successful attempt to in- vestigate their rhetorical aspect. I may possibly at some future time attack the problems of rhetorical logic. A further question which forced itself upon my notice was that of the practicability of including exercises in Inductive Logic. As Mr. H. S. Foxwell suggested, in- ductive exercises and problems are even more needed than those of a deductive character. But, on consideration and trial, it seemed highly doubtful whether it would be possible to throw questions of inductive logic into the concise and definite form essential to a book of exercises. I have given abundance of inverse combinational problems which are really of an inductive character (see pp. 252-8); but exercises in the inductive methods of the physical sciences, if practicable at all, would require a much greater space, and a very different mode of treatment from that which they could receive in this work. For the present, at all events, I must content myself with referring readers PREFACE xxi to the ample exposition of inductive methods contained in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th books of the Principles of Science. Some readers may perhaps be still inclined to object to the Syllogism, and to deductive logic generally, that it is comparatively worthless, because all new truths are obtained by induction. This doctrine has prevailed with many writers from the time of John Locke to that of John Stuart Mill. But if I have proved in Chapters VI., VII., XL, XIL, and in other parts of the Principles of Science, that induction is the inverse operation of deduction, the supreme importance of syllogistic and other deductive reasoning is not so much restored as explained. In reality the cavillers against the syllogism have never suc- ceeded in the slightest degree in weakening the hold of the syllogism upon the human mind : it was against the nature of things that they should succeed. Their position was as sensible as that of a tutor who should recommend his pupils to begin Mathematics with Compound Division, but on no account to trouble themselves with the obsolete formula of the Multiplication Table. In every point of view, then, a thorough command of deductive processes is the necessary starting-point for any attempt to master more difficult and apparently more important pro- cesses of reasoning. In the composition of the didactic parts of this book, I have tried the experiment of throwing my remarks into the form of answers to assumed, or in many cases actual, examination questions. I cannot call to mind any book xxii PREFACE in which this mode of treatment has been previously adopted, but it seems to lend itself very readily to the clear exposition of knotty points and difficulties. In spite of much popular clamour against examinations, I maintain that to give a clear, concise, and complete written answer to a definite question or problem is not only the best exercise of mind, but also the best test of ability and training, which can be generally applied. The Frontispiece contains rough facsimilies of ancient logical diagrams which I copied from the fine MS. of Aristotle's Organon in the Ambrosian Library at Milan (L. 93, Superior). During a visit to Italy in 1874, I was much surprised and interested by the multitudes of curious diagrammatic exercises to be found in the logical MSS. of the great public libraries of Italy. The abundance of these diagrams shows that rudimentary logical exer- cises were very popular in the country where, and at the time when, the dawn of modern science began to break. I estimated that a single MS. in the Biblioteca Communale at Perugia (Aristotelis de Interpretatione cum Comment. A 55. Graece. Chart. 1485) contained at least eight hundred such diagrams. Those given in the frontis- piece are the most ancient which I could discover. The MS. containing these (among others) is assigned in the printed catalogue to the eleventh or twelfth century, but the librarian was of opinion that it might belong to the tenth century. The figure in the centre shows the Greek original of the familiar Square of Logical Opposition, which has survived to this day (see p. 31). The triangular and PREFACE xxiii lunular figures represent respectively the syllogistic moods Darapti, and (I believe) Datisi. To the imperfect list of the most recent writings on Symbolical Logic, given in this preface, I am enabled to add at the last moment the important new memoir of Professor C. S. Peirce on the Algebra of Logic, the first part of which is printed in the American Journal of Mathematics, vol. iii. (i5th September 1880). Professor Peirce adopts the relation of inclusion, instead of that of equation, as the basis of his system. BRANCH HILL, HAMPSTEAD HEATH, N.W., yd October 1880. NOTE TO EDITION OF 1884 THE present Edition has been printed from the Author's own copy, in which he had marked the few corrections and alterations which have now been made. HARRIET A. JEVONS. REFERENCE LIST OF INITIAL LETTERS SHOWING THE AUTHORSHIP OR SOURCE OF QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. A = PROFESSOR ROBERT ADAMSON, Owens College, Manchester. B - PROFESSOR ALEXANDER BAIN, University of Aberdeen. C = Cambridge University. Moral Science Tripos, or College Examination Papers. D = Dublin University. E = Edinburgh University. PROFESSOR ERASER. H = REV. JOHN HOPPUS, formerly Professor of Logic, etc. in University College, London. I - India Civil Service Examinations. L = London University, Second B.A., Second B.Sc., M.A., M.D. and D.Sc. Examinations. M = PROFESSOR THOMAS MOFFET, President and Professor in Queen's College, Galway. O = Oxford University. P = PROFESSOR PARK, Queen's College, Belfast, and Queen's former University. R = PROFESSOR GROOM ROBERTSON, University College, London. W = WHATELY'S Elements of Logic, CONTENTS CHAP. PAGE 1. THE DOCTRINE OF TERMS i 2. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES RELATING TO TERMS . 9 3. KINDS OF PROPOSITIONS . . . . . . 18 4. EXERCISES IN THE DISCRIMINATION OF PROPOSITIONS 25 5. CONVERSION OF PROPOSITIONS, AND IMMEDIATE IN- FERENCE . . . . . . . . 31 6. EXERCISES ON PROPOSITIONS AND IMMEDIATE INFER- ENCE 56 7. DEFINITION AND DIVISION ..... 64 8. SYLLOGISM 71 9. QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES ON THE SYLLOGISM . . 94 10. TECHNICAL EXERCISES IN THE SYLLOGISM . . 103 11. CUNYNGHAME'S SYLLOGISTIC CARDS .... 107 12. FORMAL AND MATERIAL TRUTH AND FALSITY . . in 13. EXERCISES REGARDING FORMAL AND MATERIAL TRUTH AND FALSITY 122 14. PROPOSITIONS AND SYLLOGISMS IN INTENSION . . 126 15. QUESTIONS ON INTENSION 135 xviii CONTENTS CHAP. PAGE 16. HYPOTHETICAL, DILEMMATIC, AND OTHER KINDS OF ARGUMENTS 137 17. EXERCISES IN HYPOTHETICAL ARGUMENTS . . 145 18. THE QUANTIFICATION OF THE PREDICATE. . . 149 19. EXERCISES ON THE QUANTIFICATION OF THE PREDI- CATE . 159 20. EXAMPLES OF ARGUMENTS AND FALLACIES . . 164 21. ELEMENTS OF EQUATION AL LOGIC . . . .179 22. ON THE RELATIONS OF PROPOSITIONS INVOLVING THREE OR MORE TERMS 223 23. EXERCISES IN EQUATIONAL LOGIC .... 227 24. THE MEASURE OF LOGICAL FORCE .... 249 25. INDUCTIVE OR INVERSE LOGICAL PROBLEMS . . 252 26. ELEMENTS OF NUMERICAL LOGIC .... 259 27. PROBLEMS IN NUMERICAL LOGIC .... 276 28. THE LOGICAL INDEX 281 29. MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS . . 290 STUDIES IN DEDUCTIVE LOGIC CHAPTER I THE DOCTRINE OF TERMS INTRO D UCTION 1. IN accordance with custom, I begin this book of logical studies with the treatment of Terms. Besides being customary, this way of beginning is convenient, because some difficulties which might otherwise be encountered in the treatment of propositions and arguments are cleared out of the way. But the continued study of logic convinces me that this doctrine of terms is really a composite and for the most part extra-logical body of doctrine. It is in fact a survival, derived from the voluminous controversies of the schoolmen. 2. The difficulties of metaphysics, of physics, of grammar, and of logic itself, are entangled together in this part of logical doctrine. Thus, if we take such a term as colour^ and endeavour to decide upon its logical characters, we should say that it is categorematic, because it can stand as the subject of a proposition ; it is positive, because it im- ^ B 2 DOCTRINE OF TERMS CHAP. plies the presence rather than the absence of qualities. But is it abstract or concrete ? If concrete, it should be the name of a thing, not of the attributes of a thing. Now colour is certainly an attribute of gold or vermilion ; never- theless, colour has the attribute of being yellow or red or blue. Thus I should say that yellowness is an attribute of colour, and if so, colour is concrete compared with yellow- ness or blueness, while it is abstract compared with gold or cobalt. If this view is right, abstractness becomes a question of degree. 3. Again, a relative term is one which cannot be thought except in relation to something else, the correlative. Thus nephew cannot be thought but as the nephew of an uncle or aunt ; an instrument cannot be thought but as the instrument to some end or operation. But the question arises, Can anything be thought except as in relation to something else ? What is the meaning of a table but as that on which dinner is put ? What is a chair but the seat of some person ? Every planet is related to the sun, and the sun to the planets. Even meteoric stones moving through empty space are related by gravity to the sun attracting them. All is relative, both in nature and philosophy. 4. As to the distinctions of general, singular, and proper terms, connotative and non-connotative terms, etc., they seem to me to be involved in complete confusion. I have shown in the Elementary Lessons in Logic (pp. 41-44) that Proper Names are certainly connotative. There would be an impossible breach of continuity in supposing that, after narrowing the extension of ' thing ' successively down to animal, vertebrate, mammalian, man, Englishman, educated at Cambridge, mathematician, great logician, and so forth, thus increasing the intension all the time, the single re- i DEFINITIONS AND EXAMPLES 3 maining step of adding Augustus de Morgan could remove all the connotation, instead of increasing it to the utmost point. But however this and many other questions in the doctrine of terms may be decided, it is quite clear in any case that this part of logic is ill-suited for furnishing good exercises in reasoning. This ground alone is sufficient to excuse my passing somewhat rapidly and perfunctorily over the first part of logic, and going on at once to the subject of Propositions which offers a wide field for useful exercises. Accordingly, after giving brief definitions of the several kinds of terms, a few answers to questions, and a fair supply of unanswered questions and problems, I pass on to the more satisfactory and prolific parts of logic. DEFINITIONS AND EXAMPLES 5. A general term is one which can be affirmed, in the same sense, of any one of many (i.e. two or more) things. Examples Building, front-door, lake, steam-engine. 6. A singular term is one which can only be affirmed, in the same sense, of one single thing. Examples Queen Victoria, Cleopatra's Needle, the Yellowstone Park. 7. A collective term is one which can be affirmed of two or more things taken together, but which cannot be affirmed of those things regarded separately or distributively. Examples Regiment, century, pair of boots, baker's dozen, book (a collection of sheets of paper). 4 DOCTRINE OF TERMS CHAP. 8. A concrete term is a term which stands for a thing. Examples Stone, red thing, brute, man, table, book, father, reason. 9. An abstract term is a term which stands for an attribute of a thing. Examples Stoniness, redness, brutality, humanity, tabularity, paternity, rationality. 10. A connotative term is one which denotes a subject and implies an attribute. Examples Member of Parliament denotes Gladstone, Sir Stafford Northcote, or any other individual member of parliament, and implies that they can sit in parliament ; bird denotes a hawk, or eagle, or finch, or canary, and implies that they have all the attributes of birds. 11. A non-connotative term is one which signifies an attribute only, or (if such can be) a subject only. Examples Whiteness denotes whiteness only, an attribute without a subject. John Smith (according to J. S. Mill, and some other logicians) denotes a subject or person only, without implying attributes". 12. Concrete general names are always connotative. Such also are all adjectives, without exception. Every adjective is the name of a thing to which it is added, and implies that the thing possesses qualities. Red is the name of blood or of other red thing, and implies that it is red. Redness is the abstract term, the name of the quality redness. i DEFINITIONS AND EXAMPLES 5 13. A positive concrete term is applied to a thing in respect of its possession of certain attributes ; a positive abstract term denotes certain attributes. Examples Useful, active, paper, rock; usefulness, activity, rockiness. 14. A negative term is applied to a thing in respect of the absence of certain attributes ; if abstract the term denotes the absence of such attributes. Examples Useless, inactive, not-paper ; uselessness, inactivity. 15. An absolute term is the name of a thing regarded per se, or without relation to anything else, if such there can be. Examples Air, book, space, water. 1 6. A relative term is the name of a thing regarded in connection with some other thing. Examples Father, ruler, subject, equal, cause, effect. 1 7. A categorematic term is one which can stand alone as the subject of a proposition. Examples Any noun substantive ; any adjective, any phrase or any proposition used substantively. 1 8. A syncategorematic term is any word which can only stand as the subject of a proposition in company with some other words. Examples Any preposition, conjunction, adjective used adjectively. 19. Differences of opinion may arise concerning almost every one of the definitions given above, and it would not 6 DOCTRINE OF TERMS CHAP. be suitable to the purpose of this book to discuss the matter further. In every case, too, we ought before treating any terms to ascertain clearly that there is no ambiguity about their meanings. An ambiguous term is not one term, but two or more terms confused together, and we should single out one definite sense before we endeavour to assign the logical characteristics. The ambiguity of terms has however been sufficiently dwelt upon in the Elementary Lessons, Nos. iv. and vi., and it need not be pursued here. For the further study of the subject of terms the reader is referred to the Elementary Lessons ; Mill's System of Logic, book i., chapters i. and ii. ; Shedden's Logic, chapters i. and ii. ; Levi Hedge's Logic, part ii., chapter i. ; Martineau, Prospective Review, vol. xxix. pp. 133, etc. ; Hamilton's Lectures on Logic, vol. iii., lectures viii. to xii. ; Woolley's Introduction to Logic, part i., chapter i. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 20. Describe the logical characters of the follow- ing terms Equal, equation, equality, equal- ness, inequality, and equalisation. Equal is a noun-adjective ; concrete, as denoting equal things ; connotative, as connoting the attribute of equality ; general, positive, relative ; and syncategorematic, because it cannot as an adjective form the subject of a proposition. Equation, noun-substantive, originally abstract, as mean- ing either equality, or the action of making equal. It is now generally used by mathematicians to denote a pair of i DEFINITIONS AND EXAMPLES 7 quantities affirmed to be equal. It is thus concrete, general, positive, perhaps absolute, and categorematic. Inequality is a noun-substantive, abstract, singular, nega- tive, and categorematic. Equalisation means the action of making equal, an attri- bute or circumstance of things, not a thing. It is thus abstract, singular, positive, categorematic. 21. What are the logical characters of the terms, drop of oil, oily, oiliness ? A drop of oil being a concrete, finite thing, its name will be concrete, general, positive, relative (as having dropped from a mass of oil), collective as regards the particles of oil, connotative as implying the qualities of oiliness, etc., and categorematic. Oil is concrete, positive, collective, connotative, and cate- gorematic, like drop of oil, and only differs in not admitting, as regards any one kind of oil, of the plural. It is a case of what I have proposed (Principles of Science, p. 28 ; ist ed., vol. i. p. 34) to call a substantial term, but which I find that Burgersdyk, Heereboord, and the older logicians called a Mum homogeimim, the parts being of the same name and nature with the whole. (Heereboord, Synopsis Logicae, p. 83. See also Mind, vol. i. p. 210.) Oily is a noun-adjective, and is concrete, general, positive, connotative, as denoting oil and implying the attributes of oiliness, doubtfully relative, syncategorematic, 1680. Oiliness, noun-substantive, abstract, singular, positive, categorematic. Where distinctions are omitted, it may be understood that they are regarded as inapplicable. 8 DOCTRINE OF TERMS CHAP, i 22. Describe the logical characters of the terms Related, relative, relation, relativeness, rela- tionship, relativity. I have already dwelt, in the Elementary Lessons (p. 25), on the prevalent abuse of the word ' relation,' and other like abstract terms. Nothing is more nearly impossible than to reform the popular use of language ; but I will point out once again that relation is properly the abstract name of the connection or bearing of one thing to another, this being an attribute of those things. The things in question are properly said to be ' related,' or to be ' relatives.' Thus, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, and cousins, are all relatives not relations. Relationship is an abstract term signifying the attribute of being related ; it was invented to replace relation when this was wrongly used as a concrete term. The relationship between a mother and her daughter is simply the relation which exists between two such related persons or relatives. Relativeness is an uncommon term sometimes used to replace the abstract sense of relation, where the case is not one of family relation. Relativity is a further abstract term, probably due to Coleridge, and of which the metaphysicians had better have the monopoly. CHAPTER II QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES RELATING TO TERMS i. DESCRIBE the logical characters of the following terms, classifying them according as they are (a) Abstract or Concrete. (b) General or Singular. (c) Collective or Distributive. (d} Positive or Negative. (e) Absolute or Relative. (_/") Categorematic or Syncategorematic. Prime Minister Biped Institution Saturn Copper Bismarck Shameful Monarch The London Library Unuseful Collection The Times School Board Paper Deaf Augustus de Morgan Equation John Jones Innumerous John Purpose Triangle Function Musicalness Cousin Board School The Absolute Needlepoint Black Representation io DOCTRINE OF TERMS CHAP. Europe Advocate Injustice Being Brace of partridges Whale Dumbness Lawyer Planetary System Time Classification Manchester 2. In the case of the following terms distinguish with special care between those which are abstract and those which are concrete Nature Animal Ethericity Natural Animalism Scarce Naturalness Animality Scarcity Naturalism Animalcule Scarceness Author Ether Truth Authority Ethereal Trueness Authorship Etherealness Verity 3. Investigate the ambiguity of any of the following terms as regards their concrete or abstract character Weight Science Time Schism Intention Space Vibration Relation 4. Supply the abstract terms corresponding to the following concrete terms Wood Conduction Stone Atmosphere Conduct Alcohol Witness Axiom Equal Gas Table Fire Boy Socrates ii QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES 11 5. In the case of such of the following terms as you consider to be abstract, name the corresponding concrete terms Analysis Nation Psychology Vacuity Extension Realm Production Folly Socialism Evidence 6. Do abstract terms admit of being put in the plural number ? Distinguish between the terms which are abstract and concrete in the following list, and at the same time indicate which can in your opinion be used in the plural : colour, redness, weight, value, quinine, equation, heat, warmth, hotness, solitude, whiteness, paper, space, [c.] 7. Investigate the logical characters and ambiguities of the term form in all the following expressions : a religion of forms ; the human form ; a form of thought ; a school form ; a mere form ; a printer's form ; a form of govern- ment ; form of prayer ; good form ; essential form. 8. What error is there in the following descriptions ? Peerless syncategorematic, general, abstract, positive, relative. Bacon equivocal, concrete, general, substantial, positive, relative. Black categorematic, abstract, general, negative, abso- lute. 9. Analyse the following sentences as regards the logical character of each term found in them, distinguishing especi- ally between such as are concrete or abstract, collective or distributive, singular or general 12 DOCTRINE OF TERMS CHAP. Logic is the science of the formal laws of thought. Entre 1'homme et le monde il faut 1'humanite. ' Art is universal in its influence ; so may it be in its practice, if it proceed from a sincere heart and a quick observation. In this case it may be the merest sketch, or the most elaborate imitative finish.' 10. Burton, in his Etruscan Bologna, p. 234, uses the abstract term Etruscanicity. Is it possible in like manner to make an abstract term corresponding to every concrete one ? If so, supply abstracts for the following concretes Sir Isaac Newton. Royal Engineers. Dictionary. Postal Telegraph. 11. What logical faults do you detect in the following expressions ? The standard authorship of modern times. The three great nationalities of Western Europe. The legal heir is not necessarily a man's nearest relation. That unprincipled notoriety Pietro Aretino. 12. Coleridge, in a celebrated note to his Aids to Reflec- tion, thus defines an Idea : ' An Idea is the indifference of the objectively real and the subjectively real : so, namely, that if it be conceived as in the Subject, the idea is an Object, and possesses objective truth ; but if in an Object, it is then a Subject, and is necessarily thought of as exer- cising the powers of a Subject. Thus an Idea, conceived as subsisting in an Object, becomes a Law : and a law contemplated subjectively (in a mind) is an Idea? Analyse the meanings of the terms Idea, Object, Subject, Real, Truth, Law, etc., in the above passage, with respect especially to their concreteness or abstractness. [L.] ii QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES 13 13. Name the negative terms which correspond to the following positive terms Illumination Variable White Famous Certain Notorious Constant Valid Dying Plenty 14. Name the positive terms which correspond to the following negative or apparently negative terms Immensity Falsehood Inestimable Unravelled Disestablishment Infamous Unpleasant Presuppositionless Want Shameless Unloosed Empty Indifferent Intact Headless Ignominious 15. In examining the following list of terms, distinguish, as far as possible, between those which are really negative in form and origin, and those which only simulate the character of negatives Annulled Undespairing Disannulled Invalid Antidote Headless Infrequent Independence Eclipse Individual Undisproved Indolent The Infinite Disagreeable Impassioned Despairing Immense Infant Purposeless Deafness 14 DOCTRINE OF TERMS CHAP. 1 6. Can you find any examples of terms in the dictionary which are true double negatives ? ' Paired,' ' Impaired,' and ' Unimpaired,' may perhaps be affirmed respectively of two things which are equal, unequal, and not unequal. Analyse the meaning of each of the following terms, and show whether it is or is not a true double negative Indefeasible Indefatigable Uninvalided Uninjured Undecomposable Undecipherable Undefaceable Undeformed Indestructible Indistinguishable 1 7. How are the denotation and connotation of a con- crete term related to the denotation of the corresponding abstract term ? 1 8. Explain the difference of denotation and connota- tion with reference to the terms Law, Legislator, Legality, Crime. [L.] 19. Compare the connotation of the following sets of terms (Abbey (Caesar \Westminster Abbey I Roman /-Mineral fRoad J Oxide of iron -! Means of communication {Ore [Railway 20. Distinguish in the following list such terms as are non-connotative, naming at the same time the logician whose opinion on the subject you adopt Virtue Gladstone Virtuous Socrates The mother of the Barmouth Gracchi . The Lord Chamberlain ii QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES 15 21. Form a list of twelve purely non-connotative names. 22. What is, if any, the connotation of these terms: Charles the First ; Richelieu ; Johft Smith ; Santa Maria Maggiore ? 23. Try to name half-a-dozen perfectly non- relative names, and then inquire whether they really are non-relative. What is the relation implied or involved in each of the following terms ? Metropolis County Realm Alphabet Capital city Sun 24. Show, by examples, that the division of Names into general and singular does not coincide with the division into abstract and concrete. [L.] 25. What kinds of words can stand as the subject of a proposition, and what kinds are excluded ? [o.] 26. Distinguish between the distributive, collective, or singular use of these Latin adjectives of quantity : omnis, omnes, cunctus, cuncti, ullus, quidam, aliquis. 27. What is peculiar about the use of certain terms in the following extracts ? (1) Frenchmen, I'll be a Salisbury to you. (2) His family pride was beyond that of a Talbot or a Howard. (3) In quo quisque artificio excelleret, is in suo genere Roscius diceretur. (4) ' When foe meets foe.' 28. How does Logic deal with verbs, adverbs, and con- junctions ? 29. How many logical terms are there in the following witty epigram ? Which and what are they ? 16 DOCTRINE OF TERMS CHAP. What is mind ? No matter. What is matter ? Never mind. 30. How many logical terms are there in each of the following sentences? Ascertain exactly how many words are employed in each such term. (1) The Royal Albert Hall Choral Society's Concert is held in the Albert Hall on the Kensington Gore Estate purchased by the Royal Commissioners of the Great Exhibition of 1851. (2) ' A name is a word taken at pleasure to serve for a mark which may raise in our mind a thought like to some thought we had before, and which being pro- nounced to others, may be to them a sign of what thought the speaker had before in his mind.' 31. Words, says Hobbes, are insignificant (that is without meaning), 'when men make a name of two names, whose significations are contradictory and inconsistent : as this name, an incorporeal body.' The following are a few instances of such apparently self- inconsistent names, and the student is requested to add to the list (1) Corporation sole. (2) Trigeminus. (3) Manslaughter of a woman. (4) An invalid contract. (5) A breach of a necessary law of thought. 32. How would you explain the following apparent absurdities ? An Act of Parliament (1798-99) prohibited the importa- tion of ' French lawns not made in Ireland.' ii QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES 17 Ferguson (History of Architecture, vol. ii. p. 233) de- scribes a certain Moabite tower as a ' square Irish round tower.' 33. Are the following terms perfectly univocal or un- ambiguous, or can you point out any equivocation which is possible in their use ? Penny Lecture-Room Charcoal Victoria Street Aluminium Bible Second Monday 34. Trace out and explain the ambiguities which affect any of the following terms Organ Stone March Sole Corn Mood Ear Diet Mean Bowl Perch Force Rock (stone) Bole Bowl Rock (bird) Strait Straight 35. Draw out complete lists of all the words or expres- sions which have been developed out of the roots of the following words (see Elementary Lessons in Logic, pp. 32-36, and Lesson VI.) Post Logic Section Faction Final Function Mission Decline CHAPTER III KINDS OF PROPOSITIONS i. IN this chapter propositions will be described and classed according to the ancient Aristotelian doctrine, in which four principal forms of propositions were recognised, thus tabularly stated : Affirmative. Negative. Universal Particular Symbol = A All X is Y Symbol= E No^Tis Y Symbol = I Some X is Y Symbol = O Some X is not Y Singular propositions are to be classed as universal, and indefinite propositions, in which no indication of quantity occurs, must be interpreted at discretion as universal or particular. The student is supposed to be familiar with what the ordinary text-books say upon the subject. I first give a series of Examples of propositions, with brief comments upon their logical form and peculiarities. A copious selection of exercises is then supplied in the next chapter for the student to treat in like manner. CHAP, in KINDS OF PROPOSITIONS 19 EXAMPLES 2. ' Books are not absolutely dead things.' O. This proposition is indefinite or pre-indesignate, as Hamilton would call it (Lectures on Logic, vol. i. (iii.) p. 244) ; but, as we can hardly suppose Milton to have thought that all books were living things, I take it to mean 'some books are not, etc.,' that is to say, particular negative. 3. 'The weather is cold.' A. The weather means the present state of the surrounding atmosphere, and may be best described as a singular term, which makes the assertion universal. 4. ' Not all the gallant efforts of the officers and escort of the British Embassy at Cabul were able to save them.' E. At first sight this seems to be a particular negative, like ' Not all that glitters is gold ' ; but a little consideration shows that ' gallant efforts ' is a collective whole, the efforts being made in common, and therefore either successful or unsuccessful as a whole. The meaning then is, ' The whole of the gallant efforts, etc., were not able to save the men.' It is a universal negative. 5. ' One bad general is better than two good ones.' A. This saying of Napoleon looks at first like a particular or even a singular proposition ; but the ' one bad general ' means not any definite one, but ' any one bad general ' acting alone. 6. 'No non- metallic substance is now employed to make money.' E. 20 KINDS OF PROPOSITIONS CHAP. The subject is a negative term, and the proposition might be stated as ' All non- metallic substanpes are not any of those employed to make money.' 7. ' Multiplication is vexation.' If all multiplication is so, this is A ; there are certainly other causes of vexation. 8. ' Wealth is not the highest good.' E. Affirmatively, wealth is one of the things which are not the highest good. 9. 'Murder will out.' A. Like most proverbs, this is an unqualified universal proposition ; its material truth may be doubted. 10. 'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.' A. This looks like a particular affirmative, but is really A, as meaning that ' any small collection of knowledge is, etc.' 11. ' All these claims upon my time overpower me.' A. Dr. Thomson points out (Outline, 5th ed., p. 131) that all is here clearly collective. 12. 'The whole is greater than any of its parts.' A. Though apparently singular, this is really a general axiom, meaning 'any whole is greater, etc.' 13. ' No wolves run wild in Great Britain at the present day.' E. 14. 'Who seeks and will not take, when once 'tis offered, shall never find it more.' E. This seems to be a compound proposition, but the subject is, 'Any one who is seeking, but has not taken when once it was offered.' in EXAMPLES 21 1 5. ' The known planets are now more than a hundred in number.' A. Clearly a collective singular affirmative proposition, and therefore universal. Of course the planets separately could not have the predicate here affirmed. 1 6. ' Figs come from Turkey.' I. Indesignate ; that is to say, we cannot assume without express statement that it is intended to say, 'All figs come from Turkey.' 1 7. ' Xanthippe was the wife of Socrates.' A. 1 8. 'No one is free who is enslaved by his appe- tites.' E. 19. 'Certain Greek philosophers were the founders of logic.' A. Apparently I ; but if ' certain ' means a certain definite group of men, each of whom was essential in his time, the proposition becomes collective and singular, hence universal. 20. 'Comets are subject to the law of gravitation.' A Indefinite affirmative ; but in a matter of such univer- sality it may be interpreted as A. 21. ' Democracy ends in despotism.' I. Again indefinite ; but as referring to matter in which no rigorous laws have been detected it should be interpreted particularly. 22. 'Men at every period since the time of Aristotle have studied logic.' I. Obviously particular as regards ' men.' 22 KINDS OF PROPOSITIONS CHAP. 23. 'Few men know how little they know.' O. That is, ' Most men do not know, etc.' Hence O. 24. ' Natura omnia dedit omnibus.' A. Singular affirmative, because nattira is a singular term. The assertion is one of Hobbes', and is thoroughly am- biguous as regards omnia and omnibus, which might be capable either of collective or distributive meaning. No doubt, however, the meaning is that Nature did not assign anything to any particular person ; if so, both must be taken collectively. 25. ' There are many cotton-spinners unemployed.' I. Really a kind of numerical assertion ; but if to be classed at all, it must be I, ' many ' being only a part of ' all.' 26. 'A few Macedonians vanquished the vast army of Darius.' A. Collective singular affirmative, because i\\efew of course acted together. It is a question whether the predicate is not also singular. 27. ' True Faith and Reason are the soul's two eyes.' A. Collective singular. 28. 'A perfect man ought always to be busy conquering himself.' A. ' All ' perfect men ought, etc. 29. 'A truly educated man knows something of every- thing and everything of something.' A. There seems to be two predicates, and hence a com- pound sentence ; but this is not the case, because the truly educated man must know both. in EXAMPLES 23 30. ' Some comets revolve in hyperbolic orbits.' I. Particular affirmative as it stands. 31. ' The dividends are paid half-yearly.' A. ' The dividends ' includes all so known. 32. ' Ov TO fjLfya ev ccrri, TO o ev pxya.' O and A. This must mean that not all great things are good (O), but that all good things are great (A). There are three classes of things great and good; great and not-good; not-great and not-good. 33. 'It is force alone which can produce a change of motion.' A. It = what can produce, etc. The meaning is, Whatever produces a change of motion is some kind of force ; but there is no assertion that force = whatever produces, etc. 34. ' We have no king but Caesar.' As it stands, A ; but the meaning conveyed implies that ' Caesar is our king ' ; ' Nobody who is not Caesar is our king.' 35. 'It is true that what is settled by custom though it be not good, yet at least it is fit.' Complex ; three propositions in all. 36. ' God did not make man, and leave it to Aristotle to make him rational.' A simple and a singular negative proposition ; the ' not ' applies to all that follows conjunctively, for of course Locke could not have intended to assert that ' God did not make man.' E. 24 KINDS OF PROPOSITIONS CHAP, in 37. ' Dublin is the only city in Europe, save Rome, which has two cathedrals.' Compound sentence implying three propositions, namely Dublin has two cathedrals. A. Rome has two cathedrals. A. All European cities, not being Dublin and not being Rome, have not two cathedrals. E. 38. 'The affections are love, hatred, joy, sorrow, hope, fear, and anger.' Really a disjunctive proposition. Affection is either love, or hatred, or, etc. This implies that love is an affection, hatred is an affection, etc. CHAPTER IV EXERCISES IN THE DISCRIMINATION OF PROPOSITIONS i. EXAMINE each of the following propositions, and point out in succession (a) Which is the subject. (b) Which is the predicate. (c) Whether the proposition is affirmative or negative. (d) Whether it appears to be universal or particular. (e) Whether there is ambiguity or other peculiarity in the proposition. (1) All foraminifera are marine organisms. (2) They never pardon who have done the wrong. (3) Great is Diana of the Ephesians. (4) No mammalia are parasites. (5) Non progredi est regredi. (6) Not every one can integrate a differential equation. (7) All, all are gone, the old familiar faces. (8) He that is not for us is against us. (9) Apurrov //.ev v8wp. (10) Men mostly hate those whom they have injured, (n) Old age necessarily brings decay. (12) Nothing morally wrong is politically right. (13) What I have written I have written. (14) It is not good for man to be alone. "** 26 PROPOSITIONS CHAP. (15) A certain man had a fig-tree. (16) XaAeTra. TO. KaAa. (17) There's something rotten in the state of Denmark. (18) To be or not to be, that is the question. (19) Ye are my disciples, if ye do all I have said unto you. (20) Possunt qui posse videntur. . (21) There can be no effect without a cause. (22) Rien n'est beau que le vrai. (23) Pauci laeta arva tenemus. O-(24) All cannot receive this saying. P<.( 2 5) Fain would ^ climb, but that I fear to fall. p (26) There's not a joy the world can give like that it takes away. ^,(27) Not to know me argues thyself unknown. f , (28) Two blacks won't make a white. (29) Few men are free from vanity. He that fights and runs away may live to fight another day. We are what we are. (32) There is none good but one. v (33) Two straight lines cannot inclose space. t (34) Better late than never. (35) Cruel laws increase crime. (36) Omnes omnia bona dicere. (37) Le genie n'est qu'une plus grande aptitude a la patience. -j (38) Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god. (39) Summum jus summa injuria. (40) Non omnes moriemur inulti. ^ (41) Haud ignara mali miseris succurrere disco, k (42) Familiarity breeds contempt. (43) Some politicians cannot read the signs of the times. iv EXERCISES 27 (44) Only the ignorant affect to despise knowledge. (45) Recte ponitur; vere scire esse per causas scire. (46) Only Captain Webb is able to swim across the Channel. (47) Some books are to be read only in parts. (48) E pur si muove. (49) Civilisation and Christianity are coextensive. (50) Some men are not incapable of telling falsehoods. (51) Sunt nonnulli acuendis puerorum ingeniis non inutiles lusus. (52) All is not true that seems so. (53) Me miserable. K (54) The Claimant, Arthur Orton, and Castro are in all probability the same person. p^ (55) The three angles of a triangle are necessarily equal to two right angles. K (56) Many rules of grammar overload the memory. (57) Nullius exitium patitur natura videri. (58) Summae artis est occultare artem. A. (59) Wonderful are the results of science and industry in recent years. (60) Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds. (6 1 ) A healthy nature may or may not be great; but there is no great nature that is not healthy. (62) Quas dederis solas semper habebis opes. (63) Quod volunt, id credunt homines. (64) Hocra cra/a 01' St/couw^creTai. (65) Antiquitas seculi, juventus mundi. A (66) That would hang us, every mother's son. jit (67) Men in great place are thrice servants. A (68) Justice is ever equal. (69) A friend should bear a friend's infirmities. r (TO) Men are not what they were. 28 PROPOSITIONS CHAP. (71) The troops took one hour in passing the saluting point. (72) Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit. ^ (73) Fugaces labuntur anni. (74) Airros eyw et/zt. (75) Communia sunt amicorum inter se omnia. (76) Dictum sapienti sat est. N (77) The Romans conquered the Carthaginians. ^ (78) The fear of the Lord, that is wisdom. , (79) To live in hearts we leave below is not to die. /5 (80) Tis only noble to be good. = ^A*,**4.^i* (81) Dum spiro spero. 2. In looking over the following list of propositions dis- tinguish between those which have a djjrtnbutiive^and those which have a collective, subject. ^^(i) All the asteroids have been discovered during the present century. "^-(2) All Albinos are pink-eyed people. (3) The facts of aboriginal life seem to indicate that dress is developed out of decorations. (4) Non omnes omnia decent. ~ft (5) Dirt and overcrowding are among the principal causes of disease. (6) Omnes apostoli sunt duodecim. (7) Many artisans are unemployed. Q (8) The side and diagonal of a square are incommen- surable. (9) Omnis homo est animal. (10) Nihil est ab omni parte beatum. 3. Ascertain exactly how many distinct assertions are made in each of these sentences, and assign the logical characters of the propositions. iv EXERCISES 29 5 E" (i) Tis not jny profit that doth lead mine honour : mine honour, it. VAflcut^ rv**- po.^u". ) A ( 2 ) True, 'tis a pity; pity 'tis, 'tis true. X0vv^>. ^\\ x. (3) Hearts, tongues, figures, scribes, bards, poets, cannot think, speak, cast, write, sing, number, ho ! his love to Antony. (4) A horse, a horse ! my kingdom for a horse. (5) Istuc est sapere, non quod ante pedes modo est videre : sed etiam ilia, quae futura sunt, prospicere. (6) Virtue consists neither in excess nor defect of action, but in a certain mean degree. (7) The glories of our blood and state are shadows, not substantial things. (8) ' To gild refined gold, to paint the lily, To throw a perfume on the violet, To smooth the ice, or add another hue YV^ Unto the rainbow, or with taper light To seek the beauteous eye of heaven to garnish Is wasteful and ridiculous excess.' (9) All places that the eye of heaven visits, Are to a wise man ports and happy havens. k. (10) The age of chivalry is gone, and the glory of Europe extinguished for ever, (u) Poeta nascitur, non fit. (12) Not all speech is enunciative, but only that in which there is truth or falsehood. (13) Devouring Famine, Plague, and War, Each able to undo Mankind, Death's servile emissaries are. (14) Many are perfect in men's humours, that are not greatly capable of the real part of business, which is the constitution of one that hath studied men more than books. 3 o PROPOSITIONS CHAP, iv (15) Vivre, ce n'est pas respirer, c'est agir. (16) Justice is expediency, but it is expediency speaking by general maxims, into which reason has concen- trated the experience of mankind. (17) Men, wives, and children, stare, cry out, and run as it were doomsday. 4. Distinguish so far as you can between the propositions in the following list which are to you explicative and ampli- ative. (See Elementary Lessons, pp. 68-69. Thomson's Outline of the Necessary Laws of Thought, 81.) (1) Homer wrote the Iliad and Odyssey. (2) A parallelepiped is a solid figure having six faces, of which every opposite two are parallel. (3) The square on the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the sides containing the right angle. (4) The swallow is a migratory bird. (5) Axioms are self-evident truths. 5. Classify the following signs of logical quantity accord- ing as they are generally used to indicate universality, affirmative or negative, or particularity, affirmative or negative Several, none, certain, few, ullus, nullus, nonnullus, not a few, many, the whole, almost all, not all. CHAPTER V CONVERSION OF PROPOSITIONS, AND IMMEDIATE INFERENCE i. THE student is referred to the Elementary Lessons in Logic, or to other elementary text-books, for the common rules of conversation and immediate inference, but, for the sake of easy reference, the ancient square of opposition is given below. A... Contraries ...E in c c c CO i.."' Subcontraries o All the relations of propositions and the methods of inference applying to a single proposition will be found fully exemplified and described in the following questions and answers. 32 CONVERSION CHAP. 2. It appears to be indispensable, however, to endeavour to introduce some fixed nomenclature for the relations of propositions involving two terms. Professor Alexander Bain has already made an innovation by using the name obverse, and Professor Hirst, Professor Henrici and other reformers of the teaching of geometry have begun to use the terms converse and obverse in meanings incon- sistent with those attached to them in logical science (Mind, 1876, p. 147). It seems needful, therefore, to state in the most explicit way the nomenclature here proposed to be adopted with the concurrence of Professor Robertson. Taking as the original proposition 'all A are -B,' the following are what we may call the related propositions INFERRIBLE. Converse. Some B are A. Obverse. No A are not B. Contrapositive. No not B are A, or, all not B are not A. NON-INFERRIBLE. Inverse. All B are A. Reciprocal. All not A are not B. It must be observed that the converse, obverse, and con- trapositive are all true if the original proposition is true. The same is not necessarily the case with the inverse and reciprocal. These latter two names are adopted from the excellent work of Delboeuf, Prolegomenes Philosophiques de la Geometric, pp. 88-91, at a the suggestion of Professor Croom Robertson. (Mind, 1876, p. 425.) QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 33 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 3- Give all the logical opposites of the proposition, ' All metals are conductors.' This is a universal affirmative proposition, having the symbol A. By its logical opposites we mean the corre- sponding propositions in the forms E, I, and O, which have the same subject and predicate, and are related to it respectively as its contrary, contradictory, and subaltern, in the way shown in the Logical Square (p. 31) and explained in many Manuals. These opposite propositions may be thus stated Subaltern (I) Some metals are conductors. Contradictory (O) Some metals are not conductors. Contrary (E) No metals are conductors. The first of these (I) may be inferred from the original ; the other two (O and E), so far from being inferrible, are inconsistent with its truth. 4- Given that a particular negative proposition is true, is the following chain of inferences correct? O is true, A is false, I is false, and therefore E is true. If so, the truth of O involves the truth of E. There is a false step in this argument ; for the falsity of A does not involve the falsity of I. It may be (and is materially false) that ' all men are dishonest ' ; but it never- p 34 CONVERSION CHAP. theless may remain true that 'some men are dishonest.' Observe, then, that the falsity of A does not involve the truth of I, nor does the truth of I involve the truth or falsity of A. But the truth of A necessitates that of I. As stated in the Elementary Lessons (p. 78), 'Of sub- alterns, the particular is true if the universal be true : but the universal may or may not be true when the particular is true.' 5- How do you convert universal affirmative propositions ? They must be converted by limitation or per accident, as it is called, that is to say, while preserving the affirmative quality, the quantity of the proposition must be limited from universal to particular. Thus A is converted into I, as in the following more or less troublesome instances, the Convertend standing first and the Converse second in each pair of propositions : J All organic substances contain carbon. ( Some substances containing carbon are organic. j" Time for no man bides. ( Something biding for no man is time. ( The poor have few friends. ( Some who have few friends are poor. ( A wise man maketh more opportunities than he finds. -\ Some who make more opportunities than they find are v wise men. ( They are ill discoverers who think there is no land, when they can see nothing but water, v Some ill discoverers think there is no land, etc. v QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 35 ( Great is Diana of the Ephesians. ( Some great being is Diana of the Ephesians. ( Warm-blooded animals are without exception air-breathers. < Air-breathers are (with or without exception) warm- ( blooded animals. 6. How would you convert ' Brutus killed Caesar ? ' The strictly logical converse is ' Some one who killed Caesar was Brutus.' For, though a man can only be killed once, and Brutus is distinctly said to be the killer, yet in formal logic we know nothing of the matter, and Caesar might have been killed on other occasions by other persons. An absurd illustration is purposely chosen in the hope that it may assist to fix in the memory the all-important truth that in logic we deal not with the matter. 7- How do you convert particular affirmative propositions ? To this kind of proposition simple conversion can be applied ; that is to say, the converse will preserve both the quantity and the quality of the convertend. In other words, I when converted gives another proposition in I ; thus either of the following pairs is the simple converse of the other : / Some dogs are ferocious animals, i Some ferocious animals are dogs. / Some men have not courage to appear as good as they are. -; Some, who have not courage to appear as good as they are, are men. Some animals are amphibious. Some amphibious beings are animals. 36 CONVERSION CHAP. 8. How do you convert universal negative pro- positions ? These also are converted simply, giving another universal negative proposition. E gives E. The reason is that both the terms of E are distributed ; a universal negative asserts complete separation between the whole of the subject and the whole of the predicate. ' No man is a tailed animal ' asserts that not any one man is found anywhere in the class of tailed animals. Hence it follows evidently that no one being belonging to the class of tailed animals is found in the class of men, which result we assert in the simple con- verse proposition, 'no tailed animal is a man.' Further examples of the same mode of conversion are given below. f No virtue is ultimately injurious. I No ultimately injurious thing is a virtue. ( No wise man runs into heedless danger. I No one who runs into heedless danger is a wise man. / People will not look forward to posterity who never look ) backward to their ancestors. | People never look backward to their ancestors who will not look forward to posterity. ( Whatever is insentient is not an animal. I Whatever is an animal is not insentient. 9. How do you convert particular negative propositions ? Difficulty arises about this question, because the first rule of conversion tells us to preserve the quality of the proposition ; the converse accordingly should be negative. But a negative proposition always distributes its predicate, v QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 37 because a thing excluded' from a class must be excluded from every part of the class. Now the subject of O being particular and indefinite, it cannot stand as a distributed predicate. It is still possible to say with material truth, ' some men are not soldiers ' ; but converted this gives the absurd result, ' all soldiers are not men ' ; or, ' no soldiers are men.' Even if we insert the mark of quantity 'some' before the predicate, and say, ' all soldiers are not some men,' we must remember that ' some ' is perfectly indefinite, and may include all. The question will be more fully dis- cussed further on, but, so far as I can see, the particular negative proposition, so long as . it remains negative and indefinite in meaning, is incapable of conversion. This fact constitutes a blot in the ancient logic. Nevertheless the proposition O is capable of giving a converse result when we change it into the equivalent affirma- tive proposition. If ' some men ' are excluded from the class 'soldiers,' they are necessarily included in the class non-soldiers, or, ' some men are non-soldiers.' This is a proposition in I, and by simple conversion, as already de- scribed, gives a converse also in I, 'some non-soldiers are men.' As further examples take f Some dicotyledons have not reticulate leaves. 1 Some plants with non-reticulate leaves are dicotyledons. J Some crystals are not symmetrical. (. Some unsymmetrical things are crystals. J All men have not faith. ( Some who have not faith are men. / Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter ) into the Kingdom of Heaven. ^ Some who shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven V say unto me, Lord, Lord. 38 CONVERSION CHAP. 10. How do you convert singular propositions ? Singular propositions, being those which have a singular term as subject, may be divided into two classes, according as the predicate is a singular or a general term. (See Karslake, 1851, vol. i. p. 54.) The former will always be converted simply, one single thing being identified with the same under another name, as in ' Queen Victoria is the Duchess of Lancaster,' converted into 'the Duchess of Lancaster is Queen Victoria.' Simple conversion will also apply if the predicate be a general term, provided that the proposition be negative so as to distribute this term. Thus, ' St. Albans is not a great city ' becomes ' no great city is St. Albans.' But if the predicate be general and undis- tributed, as in an affirmative singular proposition, then we must convert per acadens, and limit the new subject to some or even one significate of the general term. Examples of each case follow : ( The better part of valour is discretion. (. Discretion is the better part of valour. J Time is the greatest innovator. I The greatest innovator is time. J London is the greatest of all cities. 1 The greatest of all cities is London. J London is not a beautiful city. I No beautiful city is London. J Le style est 1'homme meme. ( L'homme meme est le style. j" All the allied troops fought courageously. I Some who fought courageously were the allied troops. v QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 39 ( Mercy but murders, pardoning those that kill. ( Something which murders is mercy, pardoning those that kill. Not all the figures that Babbage's calculating machine could run up, would stand against the general heart. Something which would not stand against the general heart is all the figures (collectively) that Babbage's machine could run up. II. Show how to convert the propositions 1 i ) ' All mathematical works are not difficult.' (2) ' All equilateral triangles are equiangular.' (3) ' No triangle has one side equal to the other two.' The first proposition, as it stands, is ambiguous, for it looks like the universal negative, ' no mathematical works are difficult.' But, according to custom, we may interpret it as meaning that ' not all mathematical works are difficult,' or ' some mathematical works are not difficult,' a proposition in the form O. This cannot be converted simply, as already explained (p. 36), because we must preserve the negative quality, and ' all (or some) difficult things are not mathe- matical works ' being negative would distribute its predicate ' mathematical works.' We can, however, make O into I, ' some mathematical works are not-difficult things,' and we can convert this simply into ' some not-difficult things are mathematical works.' Proposition (2), as it stands, is in A, and can only be logically converted by limitation into 'some equiangular triangles are equilateral.' Geometrically it could easily be shown that the inverse proposition ' all equiangular triangles are equilateral,' is also true ; but we must of course not 40 CONVERSION CHAP. allow knowledge of the matter in question to influence us in logical deduction, and the inverse proposition cannot be inferred from the original. Number (3) is a universal negative, and must be converted simply into ' Nothing having one side equal to the other two is a triangle ' ; but there is something paradoxical about this result, which the student is recommended to investigate. 12. Convert ' Life every man holds dear.' This is an example given in the Elementary Lessons (p. 304). Students have variously converted it into Life is held dear by every man. Some life is held dear, etc. No man holds death dear (!) and so forth. But it ought surely to be easy to see that the grammatical object is transposed, 'life' being the object of 'holds dear.' The statement is that 'every man holds life dear,' and is explicitly a universal affirmative proposition, to be converted by limitation into ' some who hold life dear are men.' 13. Convert the proposition ' It rains.' What is it that rains ? What is ' it ' ? Surely the environ- ment, or more exactly the atmosphere. The proposition then means ' the atmosphere is letting rain fall.' The con- verse will therefore be ' something which is letting rain fall is the atmosphere.' But in this and many other cases the Aristotelian process of conversion by limitation gives a meaningless if not absurd result. 14. Convert the proposition ' He jests at scars who never felt a wound.' This is the 8th example on p. 304 of the Elementary v QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 41 Lessons, and has elicited from time to time some amazing efforts at conversion, such as Some jests at scars are made by one who never felt a wound. Scars are jested at by him who, etc. Some scars jest at him who never felt a wound, (sic.) Some scars are jests to one who, etc. The subject of the proposition is of course 'he who never felt a wound,' and the proposition asserts that he thus described 'jests at scars." As there is no limitation of quantity we may take the subject as universal ; and, although there is negation within the subject, the copula is affirmative, and the proposition is in the form A. It is thus converted by limitation into ' some who jest at scars are persons who have never felt a wound.' 15. Convert the proposition ' P struck Q.' To this simple question I have got answers that, since P is distributed, and Q undistributed, we must convert by limitation, getting 'some Q struck P' or by contraposition 'some not- Q struck not-/*.' Such blunders and nonsense arise from failing to notice that ' struck ' is not a simple logical copula. There is, of course, a relation between P and Q ; but as regards P, the proposition simply asserts that ' P is a person who struck Q,' possibly not the only one. Hence the converse by limitation is ' some person who struck Q is P.' Not a few examinees would at once convert ' P struck Q ' into ' Q struck P,' but this, although very likely to happen materially, is not logically necessary. 16. What is the obverse of the proposition ' All metals are elements ' ? 42 IMMEDIATE INFERENCE CHAP. The obverse is a new term introduced by Professor Alexander Bain, and its meaning is thus described by him in his Deductive Logic, pp. 109, no. 'In affirming one thing, we must be prepared to deny the opposite : " the road is level," "it is not inclined," are not two facts, but the same fact from its other side. This process is named OBVERSION.' He proceeds to point out that each of the four prepositional forms, A, I, E, O, admits of an obverse. Every X is Y' becomes ' no X is not-K.' ' Some X is Y' becomes ' some Xis not not-F.' ' No X is Y' becomes 'all X is not- Y.' ' Some X is not Y' becomes ' some X is not- K.' Accordingly the obverse of the proposition above will be, ' No metals are not elements.' Professor Bain goes on to describe what he calls 'Material Obversion,' justified only on an examination of the matter of the proposition. Thus from ' warmth is agreeable,' he infers, after examination of the subject-matter, that ' cold is disagreeable.' ' If knowledge is good, ignorance is bad.' I feel sure, however, that this mixing up of so-called material obversion with formal obversion is likely to confuse people altogether. Indeed, Mr. Bain is himself confused, for he cites, ' I don't like a curving road, because I like a straight one,' as a childish reason, ' being no reason at all, but the same fact in obverse.' Now, if there is any relation at all between these two propositions, it is certainly a case of material obversion ; but in reality they do not express the same fact at all. The formal obverse of ' I like a straight road,' is ' I am not one who does not like a straight road.' We might perhaps infer, ' I do not dislike a straight road ' ; but there is clearly no reference to curved roads at all. While accepting the new term obversion in the sense of formal obversion, I must add that students have begun to use it with the utmost laxity, confusing the obverse with the v QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 43 converse, the contrapositive, etc. To prevent logical nomen- clature from falling into complete chaos, it seems to be indispensable to choose convenient names for the simpler relations of prepositional forms, as attempted above (p. 32), and to adhere to them inflexibly. 17. What is conversion by contraposition ? Give the contrapositive of ' All birds are bipeds.' There is nothing which I have found so difficult in teaching logic as to get the student to comprehend and remember this process of contraposition ; particular attention is therefore requested to the above question. Having a proposition in A, we get its contrapositive by taking the negative of its predicate, and affirming of this as a subject the negative of the original subject. Thus, if ' all Xs are Fs,' we take all not- Ys as a new subject, and affirm of them that they are all not-^Ts, getting the proposition ' all not- Fs are not-Jfs,' which is either A or H, according as we do or do not join the negative particle to the predicate X. Accordingly the contrapositive of the proposition ' all birds are bipeds' will be 'all that are not bipeds are not birds.' It is one thing to obtain the contrapositive, another thing to see that it may be inferred from the premise. The late Professor De Morgan used to hold that the act of inference is a self-evident one, and needs no analysis ; but the process may certainly be analysed. Thus we may obvert the pre- mise 'All Xs are Fs,' obtaining 'No-^Ts are not Fs,' which is a proposition in E, and then convert simply into ' No not-Fs are Xs,' also in E, or else 'All not-Fs are not Xs.' The contrapositive, then, is the converse of the obverse. We may also prove the truth of the contrapositive indirectly ; for what is not- F must be either X or not-A'y 44 IMMEDIATE INFERENCE CHAP. but if it be X it is by the premise also Y, so that the same thing would be at the same time not- Y and also Y, which is impossible. It follows that we must affirm of not-K the other alternative, not-X. (See Chapter XXI. below; also Principles of Science, pp. 83, 84 ; first ed., vol. i. pp. 97, 98.) 18. Give the converse of the contrapositive of the proposition ' All vegetable substances are organic.' As learnt from the last question, the contrapositive is ' All not-organic substances are not vegetable substances.' We may take this to be equivalent to ' No inorganic sub- stances are vegetable substances ' (E), the simple converse of which is ' No vegetable substances are inorganic sub- stances,' the obverse of the premise. But, if we treat the contrapositive as a universal affirmative proposition, thus, 'All inorganic substances are non-vegetable substances,' we must convert by limitation, getting ' Some non-vegetable substances are inorganic,' which is the subaltern of the obverse, and cannot by any process of inference lead us back to the original. Conversion by limitation is easily seen to be a faulty process which always occasions a loss of logical force. As we shall afterwards observe, this kind of conversion introduces a new term, namely the indeterminate adjective ' some,' so that the inference is not really confined to the terms of the original premise. Although we may not be able to dispense entirely with the word, owing to its employ- ment in ordinary discourse, we shall ultimately eliminate it from pure formal logic, and relegate it to the branch of numerical logic. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 45 19- Take the following proposition, ' all water contains air ' ; convert it by contraposition : change the result into an affirmative pro- position, and convert. To show the need of more careful logical training than has hitherto been common, even in the great Universities, I give a few specimens of answers which I received to the above question. The contrapositive of the proposition was variously stated, as All air does not contain all water. All air is not contained in water. All not-air is not a thing contained by not-water. Some air is not contained in water. Some not-air contains no water. All not-air contains water. The logicians who drew these inferences then proceeded by simple conversion to get such results as the following : Some water is not without some air. No water contains not some air. No water contains no air. One too clever student inferred that ' All or every vacuum is a void of water,' which he converted, simply indeed, into ' Every void of water is a vacuum ' ! An examiner irt logic is sometimes forced to believe that there is a void in the brains of an examinee ; but the absence of any "sufficient training in logical work is more often the cause of the lamentable results shown above. In any case it seems impossible to agree with De Morgan that contraposition is a self-evident process. 46 IMMEDIATE INFERENCE CHAP. These absurd answers are mainly due to the failure to observe that in the proposition ' All water contains air,' the two words ' contains air,' form the grammatical predicate, comprehending both the logical predicate and the logical copula. Logically then the proposition is 'All water is containing air,' or ' All water is what contains air.' The contrapositive then is ' All that does not contain air is not water.' Uniting the negative particle to the predicate ' water,' and converting by limitation, we obtain ' Some not-water is what does not contain air.' 20. Describe the logical relations, if any, between each of the following propositions and each other 1 i ) All organic substances contain carbon. (2) There are no inorganic substances which do not contain carbon. (3) Some inorganic substances do not contain carbon. (4) Some substances not containing carbon are organic. Of these, (i) is a universal affirmative, the contrapositive of which is ' All substances not containing carbon are inor- ganic substances.' Hence the converse by limitation of this contrapositive is, ' Some inorganic substances are substances not containing carbon,' equivalent to (3). Proposition (2) is the obverse of ' All inorganic substances contain carbon,' which is the contradictory of (3). To obtain (4) we must take the contrary of (i), that is, no organic substances contain carbon, express it in the affirmative form, ' All organic substances are substances not containing carbon,' and then convert it by limitation. v QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 47 21. Take any proposition suitable for the pur- pose, convert it by contraposition, convert it again simpliciter, change the result into an affirmative proposition, and show that you may regain the original proposition. [c.] The most suitable kind of proposition for the purpose will be a universal affirmative, such as (1) All birds are bipeds. The contrapositive may be stated in the form of E. (2) No not-bipeds are birds. Which is converted simpliciter into E, the obverse of ( i ). (3) No birds are not-bipeds. When thrown into the affirmative form by a second obversion, the last becomes (4) All birds are not-not-bipeds. As double negation destroys itself, this is equal to (i). Notice that the obverse of the obverse is the original. 22. Give the converse of the contradictory of the proposition, ' There are no coins which are not made of metal.' The premise is stated in a complex form with double negation ; it means ' No coins are not made of metal,' which is the obverse of ' All coins are made of metal ' (A). The contradictory, as shown in the square of opposition (p. 31), is a proposition in O, namely, 'Some coins are not made of metal,' which can be converted only by nega- tion, that is, by joining the negative particle to the predicate, thus: 'Some coins are not-made-of-metal,' whence by simple conversion 'Some things not-made-of-metal are coins ' the answer required. 48 IMMEDIATE INFERENCE CHAP. 23. ( i ) All crystals are solid. (2) Some solids are not crystals. (3) Some not-crystals are not solids. (4) No crystals are not-solids. (5) Some solids are crystals. (6) Some not-solids are not crystals. (7) All solids are crystals. Assign the logical relation, if any, between each of these propositions and the first of them. Proposition (i) is a universal affirmative (A) ; its simple obverse is (4) ; its converse by limitation is (5) ; the sub- contrary of this converse is (2). In order to obtain (6) we must take the contrapositive of (i), namely, 'All not- solids are not crystals,' the subaltern of which is (6) ; and converting (6) by negation we get (3). Again, (7) is the inverse, but is not inferrible from (i). We may further say that (4) can be inferred from (i), and is exactly equivalent in logical force to it ; (5) and (6) can be inferred, but are not equivalent to the original ; (2) cannot be inferred from (i), but is not inconsistent with its truth. 24. What information about the term not-^4 can we derive from the premise ' All As are s ' ? This question, though apparently a very simple one, does not admit of a very simple answer ; it is important in a theoretical point of view. It may be said on the one hand, that as the proposition only affirms of all As that they are Us, this tells us nothing about things excluded from the class A. Thus what is not-^4 may be B, or it may not be J3, without any interference from the premise. This is quite true. About Not-^4 universally we may infer nothing. But, on the other hand, if we convert the proposition ' all v QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 49 As are J?s' by contraposition (p. 43), we get 'all not-^sare not As.' Uniting the negative particle to the predicate, we have 'All not-^s are not-As,' whence, by limited conversion, we infer some not As are not--5s. In this result we must interpret some as meaning, one at least, it may be more or even all. We shall recur to this question in a subsequent chapter. '2$. Assuming that no organic beings are devoid of carbon, what can we thence infer respectively about beings which are not organic, and things which are not devoid of carbon ? The premise ' No organic beings are devoid of carbon ' is a universal negative proposition, and does .not directly give information about beings which are not organic, and beings which are not devoid of carbon. But, if we join the negative particle to the predicate, we get 'All organic beings are not-devoid-of-carbon,' whence, by limited con- version, 'Some things not devoid of carbon are organic,' which answers the second part of the question. Again, converting by contraposition, we learn that 'All things not-not-devoid of carbon are not organic beings ' ; in other words, ' All things devoid of carbon are not organic beings,' a result which may be obtained perhaps more clearly by converting the original premise simply, thus, ' No things devoid of carbon are organic beings,' or ' All things devoid of carbon are not organic beings.' Conversion by limitation then yields ' Some things not organic beings are devoid of carbon,' which is the answer to the first part of the question. This result is the same as that obtained in the last question, and the same remarks apply. 26. What information about the term Solid Body can we derive from the proposition, ' No bodies which are not solids are crystals ' ? So IMMEDIATE INFERENCE CHAP. This question differs from the last only in being put in a more involved form. The premise when more simply stated becomes ' All not solids are not crystals,' the contra- positive of ' All crystals are solids,' and limited conversion gives ' Some solids are crystals.' 27. Nihil potest placere, quod non decet. Con- vert this proposition, (i) simply, (2) by con- traposition ; and show by what logical processes we can pass back from the contrapositive to the original. [c.] . This premise (from Quinctilian,c.xi. 6 5) equals, Nihil quod non decet, potest placere ; nothing which is unbecoming can please. Being a universal negative, E, it can be converted simply into ' Nothing which can please is unbecoming.' In order to apply contraposition, we must put the pre- mise into the form of A, thus 'All unbecoming things are unpleasing things,' the contrapositive of which is 'All not unpleasing things are not unbecoming things,' which having a double negative in each term equals ' All pleasing things are becoming.' We can regain the original premise by applying contraposition to this last result. 28. Convert, and give some immediate inferences from the following : ' Nothing is harmless that is mistaken for a virtue.' The predicate of this proposition is clearly 'harmless,' and 'that is mistaken for a virtue' is a relative clause describing the subject. The proposition is then ' Nothing mistaken for a virtue is harmless ' (E), converted simply into another proposition in E, ' Nothing harmless is mis- taken for a virtue.' Applying obversion to the original proposition we get v QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 51 'All that is mistaken for a virtue is not -harmless,' or 'is harmful.' By immediate inference by complex conception, we infer ' All foolish conduct mistaken for virtue is harmful foolish conduct.' (Concerning inference by complex con- ception, see Thomson's Outline, 88, and Elementary Lessons, p. 87.) 29. Because every Prime Minister is a man, can we infer that every good Prime Minister is a good man ? The process of immediate inference by added deter- minants, as described by Dr. Thomson, allows us to join an adjective or determining mark to both terms of an affirmative judgment, narrowing both terms, but to the same extent. Of course, however, it must be the same determining mark in each case, and if an adjective be ambiguous it is not logically the same adjective in its several meanings. Now good applied to a Prime Minister means that he is an able, active, upright minister, but probably very different from men who are good in other ranks of life. A good man means one who is good in the ordinary business and domestic relations of life. Thus the inference is erroneous. (See Elementary Lessons, p. 86.) It will afterwards be shown that when the proposition is fully expressed no such failure of inference can occur. Strictly speaking the premise is Prime Minister = Prime Minister, Man; and it follows inevitably that Good, Prime Minister = Good, Prime Minister, Man. 30- Euler employed two overlapping circles to represent a particular proposition. Can you raise any objection to the accuracy of such a diagram ? 52 . IMMEDIATE INFERENCE CHAP. Such circles have been employed in a great number of logical works. In my Elementary Lessons (p. 75) the particular proposition 'some metals are not brittle,' is represented by the following figure : FIG. i. It does not seem to have been sufficiently noticed that though such a diagram correctly shows the exclusion of a part of the class metals from any part, that is all parts, of the class brittle substance, it indicates at the same time that another part of the class metals is included among brittle substances. Thus the diagram corresponds to the two pro- positions I and O, instead of showing either apart from the other. Now, it has been fully explained that O is consistent with the truth of E ; so that when we say ' some metals are not brittle,' it may be that no metals are brittle, which is contradictory to I, ' some metals are brittle.' The diagram should not prejudice this question, and it would therefore be best to remove the part of the circle bounding metals which falls within the circle of brittle sunstances, or else to have a broken line, as in Fig. 2. BRITTLE ! SUBSTANCES FIG. 2. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 53 In the same way the proposition I, for instance, ' Some crystals are opaque,' would be represented by a broken circle included within a complete circle, in the manner shown either in Fig. 3 or Fig. 4. \ FIG. 3. FIG. 4. 31. What is the logical force of the following sentence from Sidgwick's MetJiods of Ethics : ' A materialist will naturally be a determinist ; a determinist need not be a materialist ' ? Taking ' naturally ' to give a universal force to the first proposition, it becomes 'All materialists are determinists.' The second proposition informs us that ' a determinist need not be a materialist,' that is to say, at the least, ' some determinists are not materialists.' This proposition is the sub-contrary of the converse of the first, and is the con- tradictory of 'all determinists are materialists.' The second proposition, then, prevents us from supposing materialists and determinists to be two coextensive terms. We learn that there are persons called materialists who are all found among determinists ; hence some called determinists are found among materialists ; other determinists, however, are not among materialists, and as to those who are not deter- minists, they cannot be materialists. The first proposition would be technically described as A, and the second as O, the contradictory of the inverse of the first. 54 IMMEDIATE INFERENCE CHAP. 32. ' All equilateral triangles are equiangular.' May we thence infer that triangles having unequal angles have unequal sides, and vice versa ? The proposition asserts that all equal-sided triangles have equal angles ; hence we may by contraposition infer that triangles which have not equal angles cannot have equal sides. But as the proposition stands, we are not justified in reading it reciprocally (see p. 32), and inferring that triangles which have not equal sides have not equal angles. This is true as a matter of geometrical science, but it is the contra- positive of another proposition, namely, the inverse 'all equiangular triangles are equilateral,' the truth of which must be separately proved. 33. Can we ever convert a proposition of the form ' all As are s ' into one of the form ' all s are As ' ? Certainly we cannot infer that all j?s are As because all As are .Z?s. As a general rule the predicate of the con- vertend B will be a wider term than the subject A, so that the inverse could not be inferred. Professor Henrici (Elementary Geometry, Congruent Figures, p. 14), for in- stance, describes space as a three-way-spread, but we cannot convert simply, and say that every three-way-spread is space- It nevertheless happens not uncommonly that the original proposition is really intended to mean ' all As are all j?s,' which can then be simply converted. Thus if space be defined as a three-way-spread of points, we can convert into every three-way-spread of points is space. Such definitions are of the form of proposition afterwards described by the symbol U (chapter xviii.), and considerable care is requisite v QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 55 in discriminating between the propositions A and U. J. S. Mill has pointed to the simple conversion of a universal affirmative proposition as a very common form of error (System of Logic, book v., chapter vi., section 2). It cannot be too often repeated that the reciprocal and inverse propositions as described on p. 32, cannot be inferred from an original of the form A. 34. In what cases does predication involve real existence ? Show that in some processes of conversion assumptions as to the existence of classes in nature have to be made ; and illus- trate by examining whether any such assump- tions, and if so what, are involved in the inference that if all vS is P, therefore some not- 6" is not P. The above question must have been asked under some misapprehension. The inferences of formal logic have nothing whatever to do with real existence ; that is, occur- rence under the conditions of time and space. No doubt, if all S is P, it follows that, in order to avoid logical con- tradiction, some not-.S must be admitted to be not P. For instance, if 'All heathen gods are described in writings more than 1000 years old,' it follows that 'Some things which are not heathen gods are not described in writings more than 1000 years old.' This involves no assertion of real existence, nor could such an inference ever be drawn, unless, indeed, the original proposition itself asserted existence in time and space. This subject is pursued in a subsequent chapter. CHAPTER VI i. EXAMINE the following pairs of propositions, and decide which pairs contain consistent propositions, such that if the first of the pair be true the second may be true ; and vice -versa, if the second be true, the first may be true. Give the technical name of the logical relation, if any, between the two propositions of each pair. / \ J Some metals are useful. ^^ t All metals are useful. , x (2) < ( f No metals are useless. Some useful things are not metals. / \ j" Some useless things are metals. ( All useful things are metals. Some metals are useful. No metals are useless. All metals are useful. Some useless things are not metals. 2. Draw all the immediate inferences you can from the proposition ' Knowledge is power.' 3. Give the converse of the contrapositive of the pro- position 'All organic substances contain carbon.' CHAP, vi EXERCISES ON PROPOSITIONS 57 ^- 4. Give all the logical opposites of intuta qua zndecora, ' Unsafe are all things unbecoming.' \ 5. What information about the term 'solid body' can we derive from the proposition, ' No bodies which are not solids are crystals ' ? \ 6. ' Only British subjects are native born Englishmen.' What precisely does this proposition tell us abouf the four terms British subject. Not-British-subject. Native born Englishmen. Not-native-born-Englishmen ? 7. Describe the logical relation between each of the four following propositions, and each of the other three : (1) All substances possess gravity which are material. (2) No substances which possess gravity are immaterial. (3) Some substances which are immaterial do not possess gravity. (4) Some substances which do not possess gravity are immaterial. 8. State the nature and technical name of the logical process by which we get each of the following propositions from the preceding one : All men are mortal. No men are immortal. No immortals are men. None but mortals are men. All not-mortals are not men. No men are not-mortals. All men are mortals. 9. What are the subaltern propositions corresponding to the following universal propositions ? 58 IMMEDIATE INFERENCE CHAP. (1) Every effect follows from a cause. (2) No one is admitted without payment. (3) All trespassers will be prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the law. (4) Nemo me impune lacessit. 10. Give the obverse, converse, inverse, and reciprocal of each of the folfowing^propositions : (1) All mammalia are vertebrate animals. (2) Sir Rowland Hill is dead. (3) That which is a merit in an author is often a fault in a statesman. (4) Whatever is necessary exists. (5) In veritate victoria. 1 1. Give the contrary, contradictory, subaltern, converse, obverse, inverse, contrapositive, and reciprocal propositions corresponding to each of the following propositions : (1) All B.A.'s of the University of London have passed three examinations. (2) All men are sometimes thoughtless. (3) Uneasy lies the head which wears a crown. (4) The whole is greater than any of its parts. (5) None but solid bodies are crystals. (6) He who has been bitten by a serpent is afraid of a rope. (7) He who tries to say that which has never been said before him, will probably say that which will never be repeated after him. 1 2. Give as many equivalent logical expressions as you can for the propositions (i) If the treasury was not full, the tax-gatherers were to blame, b 7 vi EXERCISES 59 (2) Through any three points not in a straight line a circle may be described. (3) It is false to say that only the virtuous prosper in life. [R.] 13. What logical relations are there between the follow- ing propositions ? (1) All elementary substances are undecomposable. (2) There are no compounds which are not decom- posable. (3) Some compounds are not decomposable. (4) No undecomposable substances are compounds. [E.] 1 4. From the proposition ' Perfect happiness is im- possible ' can we infer that ' Imperfect happiness is possible ' ? 15. Is it the same thing to affirm the falsity of the pro- position 'Some birds are predatory,' and to affirm the truth of the proposition ' Some birds are not predatory ' ? 1 6. Explain the statement that in the case of subcontrary propositions, truth may follow from falseness, but falseness cannot follow from truth. 17. Give in succession (i) the obverse, (2) the converse, (3) the subaltern, (4) the contrary, (5) the contradictory, (6) the contrapositive of the proposition ' All wise acts are honest acts.' 1 8. Concerning the same proposition answer the follow- ing questions : ( i ) How is its converse related to its subaltern ? (2) How is its converse related to the converse of its subaltern ? (3) How is its subaltern related to its contradictory ? [BAGOT.] 60 IMMEDIATE INFERENCE CHAP. 19. What is the converse of the contrary of the con- tradictory of the proposition ' Some crystals are cubes ' ? How is it related to the original proposition ? 20. What is the converse of the converse of 'No men are ten feet high ' ? 21. Name the logical process by which we pass from each of the following propositions to the succeeding one : (1) All metals are elements. (2) No metals are non-elements. (3) No non-elements are metals. (4) All non-elements are not metals. (5) All metals are elements. (6) Some elements are metals. (7) Some metals are elements. 22. (i) 'None but a logical author is a truly scientific author.' Taking this proposition as a premise, examine the following propositions, and decide which of them can be inferred from the premise. (2) A truly scientific author is no author who is not logical. (3) Some truly scientific authors are not any authors who are not logical. (4) A not truly scientific author is not a logical author. (5) Those who are not truly scientific authors cannot be logical. (6) All logical authors are truly scientific. (7) No truly scientific author is an illogical author. (8) All not illogical authors are truly scientific. (9) No illogical author is a truly scientific author. (10) No one is a truly scientific author who is not a logical author. (11) Some logical authors are not truly scientific authors. vi EXERCISES 61 Give, as far as possible, the technical name of the logical relation between each of the above propositions and each other. 23. 'Some small sects are said to have no discreditable members, because they do not receive such, and extrude all who begin to verge upon the character.' Point out how this statement illustrates logical conversion. 24. Can we logically infer that because heat expands bodies, therefore cold contracts them ? 25. Does it follow that because every city contains a cathedral, therefore the creation of a city involves the creation of a cathedral, or the creation of a cathedral in- volves the creation of a city ? 26. All English Dukes are members of the House of Lords. Does it follow by immediate inference by complex conception that the creation of an English Duke is the creation of a member of the House of Lords ? 27. Give every possible converse of the following pro- positions (1) Two straight lines cannot enclose space. (2) All trade-winds depend on heat. (3) Some students do not fail in anything. [M.] 28. Give the logical opposites, converse and contra- positive, of Euclid's (so-called) twelfth axiom If a straight line meet two straight lines, so as to make the interior angles on the same side of it taken together less than two right angles, those straight lines being continually produced shall at length meet upon that side on which are the angles which are less than two right angles. 29. How is the above proposition related to this other: If a straight line fall upon two parallel straight lines, it 62 IMMEDIATE INFERENCE CHAP. makes the two interior angles upon the same side together equal to two right angles ? [R.] 30. From 'Some members of Parliament are all the ministers' (Elementary Lessons, p. 325, No. 3 [4]), can we infer that 'some place -seeking prejudiced and incapable members of Parliament are all the place-seeking prejudiced and incapable ministers ' ? 31. Is it perfectly logical to argue that because two sub- contrary propositions may both be true at the same time, therefore their contradictories, which are contrary to each other, may both be false ? V*- 32. Is it perfectly logical to argue thus? If contrary propositions are both false, their respective contradictories, which are sub -contraries to each other, are both true. Now as this result is possible, it is therefore possible that the contraries may both be false. Wr ~< but all true philosophers do hold that it is so ; ^*i accordingly, epicureans are not true philosophers, c (4) Some towns in Lancashire are unhealthy';' because *v -r , and such towns are all^X unhealthy, rw. -v they are badly drained, and such towns are all^X / 3. Draw conclusions from the following pairs of premises, specifying the figure and mood employed v~^ . , J Every virtue is accompanied with discretion ; C -- v -\ c> . - wo V * There is a zeal without discretion. Sodium is a metal ; ^ "^t^__f v ^ r ^ c, ^. " Sodium is not a very dense substance.^- ll^iinr. ^ ^. / x f All lions are carnivorous animals : (3/ i ( No carnivorous animals are devoid of claws. A* i .~-f-r &<* T V-H^CY^- i ^ 3 96 SYLLOGISM CHAP. ( Combustion is chemical union ; jo^, , /v (4) -< Combustion is always accompanied by evolution v of heat. ( All boys in the third form learn algebra ; (5) < There are no boys in the third form under twelve ' **i years of age. \ v< , , J Nihil erat quod non tetigit : ( Nihil quod tetigit non ornavit. 4. Examine the following arguments and point out which are valid syllogisms, naming the figure and mood as before ; in the case of such as are pseudo-syllogisms, name the rule of the syllogism which is broken thereby, and give the technical name of the fallacy (i) All feathered animals are vertebrates ; K No reptiles are feathered animals ; t Some reptiles are not vertebrates. f*W\ (2) Some vertebrates are bipeds ; Some bipeds are birds ; V- ^ ^ Some birds are vertebrates. (3) All vices are reprehensible ; h iu?& Emulation is not reprehensible ; Emulation is not a vice, t -^j f\ \ t*^^ "^^ (4) All vices are reprehensible;^ ~L\s\ ^^ Emulation is not a vice ; -^sojv? "A, - . v ' v lAr Emulation is not reprehensible.-. [L.]- (5) Some works of art are useful; t ^ . ^All works of man are works of art ; -K Therefore some works of man ate useful. X [L-] (6)>Iron is a metal; K ^ , All metals are soluble jK *ilron is soluble. - ix QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES 97 I (7) Aryans are destined to possess the world; ^ ' (S ^' Chinese are not Aryans ; ^ O%*A/V Chinese are not destined to possess the world. > x '--Cc v (8) Only ten-pound householders have votes ; ft - \ " '.} ^pJ**~*^"^ V\v>*^ (i) Blessed are the meek : for they shall inherit the earth. *\ ^ ^ M t ^ j. A ^(2) This iron is not malleable; for it is cast iron. 1 (3) Whosoever loveth wine shall not be trusted of any man ; for he cannot keep a secret. ^^(4) Being born in Africa, he was naturally black. ^ ^ ' (5) Some parallelograms are not regular plane figures, for they cannot be inscribed in a circle. (6) Suffer little children to come unto me ; for of them is the kingdom of Heaven. (7) It is dangerous to tell people that the laws are not A A. A just ; for they only obey laws because they think them just. (8) The line A B is equal to the line CD; for they are A. f\ J\ both radii of the same circle. , (9) Whales are not true fishes, for they respire air ; more- t ' over they suckle their young. (10) The Queen is at Windsor, for the royal standard is flying. AVN N (n) The science of logic is very useful; it enables us to detect our adversaries' fallacies. /\P^ P* ^ (12) He must be in York, for he is not in London. H 98 SYLLOGISM CHAP. (13) I shall not derive my opinions from books, for I have none;** 1 [Mansfield, H. of L., 1780.] (14) The nation has a right to good government ; there- fore it may rebel against bad governors. ^ (15) The wise v rmfll < has an infinity of pleasures ; for virtue 9 has its delights in the midst of the severities that \n ,r\ attend it. 6. Point out which of the following pairs of premises will give a syllogistic conclusion, and name the obstacle which exists in other cases. c~ ( /C ^ ~c ) I (i) No A is B; some"^ is not C. ~ e lD ~^M ^ t (2) No A is B; some not C is B. *&*$"** . f\iJI-t- ^"~ x t (3) All B is not A; some not ^4 is B. '' 6. u A)C. (4) Some not ^ is B; no C is B. ^j^ . _ r &) All not B is C; some not A is .#. ?**&- "(5) All ^ is B; all not C is not B. c* fc **~" (7) All not B is not C ; all not ^ is not A (8) All A is not ^/ no B is not C tf (9) All C is not B; no ^ is not B. . fr ^ oS? ^ 7. To what moods do the following belong? -- c<> (i) ' All B\* A ; only C is A ; therefore only C is (2) ' All It is A ; nothing but C is A ; therefore nothing but C is B: N |v K See Dante's Zte Monarchia, as translated by F. C. Church, and appended to the Essay on Dante> by the Rev. R. W. Church, 1878, p. 195. Many curious specimens of reason- ing, sometimes pedantic, might be drawn from the De Monarchia. 8. Supply premises to prove or disprove the following conclusions V ix QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES 99 ^i) The loss of the Captain proves that turret-ships are not sea-worthy. ^(2) The cottage-hospital system should be adopted. The Prussians are justified in refusing the rights of war to Garibaldi if they find him fighting against them. [E.] Private property should be respected in war. No woman ought to be admitted to the franchise, [o.] The law of libel requires to be amended. [o.] Capital punishment ought to be abolished. [o.] (8) Royal parks ought not to be used for political meet- ings, [o.] v (9) Written examinations are not a safe test of merit. Xi) Written examinations are a safe test of merit. [E.] (n) The Annuity-tax should be done away with. [E.] x(ia) Any national system of education should be a secular system. [E.] 9. In how many different moods may the argument im- plied in the following question be stated ? ' No one can maintain that all persecution is justifiable who admits that persecution is sometimes ineffective.' !*-*** ^o~*- How would the formal correctness of the reasoning be affected by reading ' deny ' for ' maintain ' ? [c.] 10. What conclusions, and of what mood and figure, can be drawn from each pair of the following propositions ? ' -T{I) None but gentlemen are members of the dub. r^^ ' ^ (2) Some members of the club are not officers. **\ C> l\ C ' (3) All officers are invited to dine. (4) All members of the club are invited to dine, [c.] 1 1. Express the following reasonings in each of the four syllogistic figures. TOO SYLLOGISM CHAP. (1) Some medicines should not be sold without registering the buyer's name, for they are poisons. [E.] (2) No unwise man can be trusted ; hence some specula- tive men are unworthy of trust, for they are unwise. [E.] 12. Can the following argument be stated in the form of a syllogism, and if so, what is the middle term ? ' The power of ridicule is a dangerous faculty, since it tempts its possessor to find fault unjustly, and to distress some for the gratification of others.' 13. If the proposition 'warmth is essential to growth' occurred as the premise of a syllogism, would you treat ' warmth ' as a distributed or an undistributed term ? [E.] 14. Show that the following single propositions may be regarded as enthymemes, that is, as equivalent to imper- fectly expressed syllogisms : (1) Have thou nothing to do with that just man. [w.] (2) If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. (3) Large colonies are as detrimental to the power of a State, as overgrown limbs to the vigour of the human body. (4) If I had read as much as my neighbours, I would have been as ignorant. [HOBBES.] (5) All law is an abridgment of liberty and consequently of happiness. (6) Thales being asked what was the most universally- enjoyed of all things, answered Hope ; for they have it who have nothing else. (7) I will give thee my daughter if thou canst touch heaven. ix QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES ipi (8) If all the absurd theories of lawyers and divines were to vitiate the objects in which they are conversant, we should have no law and no religion left in the world. [BURKE.] 15. Distinguish between the causal, simply logical, or other, senses of the copulative conjunctions in the following (1) It will certainly rain, for the sky looks black. (2) The people are happy because the government is good. (3) This plant is not a rose ; for it is monopetalous. (4) The ancient Romans trusted their soothsayers, and must therefore have been frequently deceived. (5) A favourable state of the exchanges will lead to im- portation of gold : this will cause a corresponding issue of bank-notes which will occasion an ad- vance in prices ; which again will check exportation and encourage importation, tending to turn the exchanges against us. [GILBART, 1851, p. 284.] 1 6. Form an example of a syllogism in which there are two prosyllogisms, one attached to the middle and the other to the minor term. [H.] 1 7. Prove that a valid sorites with n premises must have n (n- i ) n + i terms, and is capable of giving - conclusions. 2 1 8. Can the following Shakspearean passage (Hamlet, Act v. Scene i.) be stated in the form of a sorites? ' Alexander died, Alexander was buried, Alexander returneth into dust ; the dust is earth ; of earth we make loam ; and why of that loam, whereto he was converted, might they not stop a beer barrel ? ' / 102 SYLLOGISM CHAP, ix 19. Throw the reasoning of the following passage into syllogistic form : 'Carbon, which is one of the main sources of the nourishment of plants, cannot be dissolved in water in its simple form, and cannot therefore be absorbed in that form by plants, since the cells absorb only dissolved substances. All the carbon found in plants must consequently have entered them in a form soluble in water, and this we find in carbonic acid, which consists of carbon and oxygen.' [A.] 20. Complete such of the following arguments as may be considered sound but incomplete syllogisms : (1) The people of the country are suffering from famine, and as you are one of the people of the country, you must be suffering from famine. (2) Light cannot consist of material particles, for it does not possess momentum. (3) Aristotle must have been a man of extraordinary industry ; for he could not otherwise have pro- duced so many works. (4) Marcus Aurelius was both a good man and an Emperor ; hence it follows that Emperors may be good men, and vice versa. (5) Nothing which is unattainable without labour is valuable ;. some knowledge is not attainable with labour, and is therefore valuable. (6) All gasteropods are mollusks, and no vertebrate animals are mollusks ; therefore no gasteropods are vertebrate. (7) Suicide is not always to be condemned ; for it is but voluntary death, and voluntary death has been gladly embraced by many great heroes. , ' H. CHAPTER X ^ TECHNICAL EXERCISES IN THE SYLLOGISM i. PROVE, from the general rules of Syllogism, that when the major term is predicate in its premise, the minor pre- mise must be Affirmative. N 2. Prove that, when the minor term is predicate in its premise, the conclusion cannot be a universal affirmative. [L.] > 3. Prove that there must always be in the premises one distributed term more than in the conclusion. ^ 4. Prove that the major premise of a syllogism, whose conclusion is negative, can never be a particular affirmative. ^ 5. Prove that when the minor premise is universal nega- tive, the conclusion (unless weakened) will be universal. 6. Prove that, if in the first figure we transpose the major premise and conclusion, we obtain a pseudo-mood. ^ 7. In the third figure, if the conclusion be substituted for the major premise, what will the figure be ? [BAGOT.] 8. Prove that no syllogism in the fourth figure can be correct which has a particular negative among its premises, or a universal affirmative for its conclusion. [L.] V 9- If the major term be universal in the premises a particular in the conclusion, determine the mood and figure, it being understood that the conclusion is not a weakened [,] ' 104 SYLLOGISM CHAP. V i o. Why is it impossible to transform the mood A E O from the second figure into the first ? Vv " N \***~*B- n. What figure must have a negative conclusion ? Why must it? 12. What figure must have a particular conclusion? Why must it ? S 13. Why must the major premise of the fourth figure not be O? I****** r**.>\* 14. Why must the minor premise of the fourth figure not be O ? x 15. If the minor premise of the first figure were affirmative, what fallacy would be committed ? ft\*> >r * J/ N 1 6. If the major premise of the first figur were I, what fallacy would be committed ? vw iivA^U . **~^ Some .9 is /* Some .9 is not P No P is 717 No 5 1 is P Some .9 is not P Some P is ^/ Some *9 is P Some P is not ./!/ MINOR CARDS All .9 is M No .9 is M Some .5" is M Some S is not J/ ! All M is .9 No ;W is .9 Some M is .9 Some M is not .9 CHAPTER XII FORMAL AND MATERIAL TRUTH AND FALSITY 1. THE rules of syllogistic inference teach us how, from certain premises assumed to be true, to draw other propositions which will be true under those assumptions. But if, instead of supposing the premises to be true, we regard them as materially false, various puzzling questions arise as to the conclusions which may properly be drawn. Such questions have not been adequately treated in any popular manual of logic ; and as they lead to results of great practical importance, and at the same time furnish admirable exercises in the discrimination of good and bad reasoning, I propose to draw special attention to this subject in the following questions with answers. 2. Is it possible to draw a false conclusion from true premises ? It is possible, of course, to draw any conclusion from any premises, if we disregard the principles of logic and of common sense. But when we speak in a logical work of drawing a conclusion, we must be understood to mean drawing a conclusion logically, in accordance with the Laws of Thought and the Rules of the Syllogism. Now the nature of the logical relation between premises and conclusion is H2 TRUTH AND FALSITY CHAP. this, that if the premises are true the conclusion is true ; truth is, as it were, carried from the premises into the conclusion ; not the whole truth necessarily, but nothing except truth. The question above must, of course, be answered with a direct negative. 3. Is it possible to prove a true conclusion with false premises ? To prove a true conclusion, or to prove that a certain conclusion is true, must mean to establish its truth in the opinion of the persons concerned. ' To prove,' says Wesley, 1832, p. 90, 'is to adduce premises which establish the truth of some conclusion.' Now, the rela- tion of premises and conclusion in a syllogism, as stated just above, is that if the premises are true the conclusion must be admitted to be likewise true. But, if certain persons regard the premises as false, they cannot possibly regard such premises as establishing or proving the truth of the conclusion. Solly, indeed, points out (1839, note, p. 9) ' the possibility of a true conclusion from false premises in every form of reasoning.' But this remark can only mean that the conclusion is materially true, or known to be true, on other grounds. 4. If the premises of a syllogism are false, does this make the reasoning false? No. The reasoning is correct if the form of the pre- mises and conclusion agree with that of any valid mood of the syllogism or other development of the Laws of Thought, wholly regardless of the material truth of any of the propo- sitions per se. The most ridiculous proposition may make a good syllogism : for instance xii QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 113 Every griffin has angles equal to two right angles ; Every triangle is a griffin ; Therefore, Every triangle has, etc. This is, of course, a valid syllogism in Barbara, and if the premises were true the conclusion would be true ; the pre- mises being untrue, the truth of the conclusion is entirely unaffected by the reasoning. 5- (a) ' The most perfect logic will not serve a man who starts from a false premise.' (&) ' I am enough of a logician to know that from false premises it is impossible to draw a true conclusion.' Comment carefully upon the two foregoing extracts. Both the above sentences have been written in perfect seriousness by men of intelligence, and they are fair speci- mens of the logic which would pass muster almost anywhere except in a book of logical exercises. In the first place, as regards (a\ if a premise be materially false it cannot give a conclusion materially true ; accidentally, indeed, it might do so by paralogism ; but, as the logic is assumed to be ' most perfect,' we are dealing only with material truth and falsity. Nevertheless, the logic may serve the man well ; for he can learn the truth or falsity of his propositions by observing their congruity with external facts. Now, if he has failed to learn in this way directly the falsity of his premise, his only chance is to draw logical conclusions from that premise, and then observe whether they are or are not materially verified. It is quite clear that if by correct logic we reach a conclusion materially false, then we must have started from premises which involved material error. This i ii4 TRUTH AND FALSITY CHAP. procedure represents, in fact, the real method of induction, as the inverse process of deduction, by which we learn all the more complicated truths of physical and moral science. (See Principles of Science, Chaps. XL and XII.) The sentence (a), then, is true only on the supposition that a man, having adopted a false premise, will blindly accept all its false results, that is to say, will reason in a purely deductive manner. The sentence (b} is erroneous, because, as we have fully learnt (p. 1 1 2), we can from false premises draw a true conclusion in good logical form. But there was doubtless confusion in the writer's mind between formal and material falseness, and had he said that by premises materially false it is impossible to establish the material truth of any con- clusion, he would have been correct. 6. An apparent syllogism of the second figure being examined is found to break the rules of the syllogism, the middle term being undis- tributed. On further examination it is re- marked that one of the premises is evidently false, and the other true. What can we infer from such circumstances concerning the truth or falsity of the conclusion ? [c.] As in the second figure the middle term is predicate in both the premises, the apparent syllogism can break the third rule of the syllogism, requiring that it shall be distri- buted once at least, only when both the premises are affirma- tive. The premises must therefore be A A, A I, I A, or II. In the first case, if the premises be All Xs are Ys, All Zs are Ys, xii QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 115 and we assume the first one to be false, we obtain its contra- dictory as true ; thus Some Xs are not Ys ; All Zs are Vs. The conclusion must, by Rule 6, be negative, and there will be Illicit Process of the Major. Assuming the second premise to be false, we get All Xs are Ys ; Some Zs are not Ys. Whence we may correctly infer in the mood Baroko, Some Zs are not Xs. In the case of A I, we obviously cannot assume A to be false ; but if I be false, we get All Xs are Ys ; No Zs are Ys ; Therefore, No Zs are Xs. In the premises I A, we cannot assume A to be false without Illicit Process of the Major Term ; but if I be false, we have Cesare. Lastly, in II only the major can be taken as false, and its contradictory then gives us a syllogism in Festino. If the conclusion of the apparent or pseudo- syllogism in question does not correspond with what we thus obtain, the conclusion is logically false as compared with the new premises assumed. 7. If (i) it is false that whenever X is found Y is found with it, and (2) not less untrue that X is sometimes found without the accompani- ment of Z, are you justified in denying that (3) whenever Z is found there also you may ii6 TRUTH AND FALSITY CHAP. be sure of finding F? And however this may be, can you in the same circumstances judge anything about Y in terms of Z ? [R.] This excellent example of reasoning by contradictories can be easily solved by adhering to the simple rules of opposition, and gradually undoing the perplexities. The supposition that, whenever X is found Y is found with it, may be stated as the universal affirmative ' all Xs are Ys ' ; but as this is false, its contradictory ' some Xs are not Ys ' is the true condition. That (2) X is sometimes found with- out the accompaniment of Z, would mean that 'some Xs are not Zs ' ; but, being asserted to be untrue, the real condition is its contradictory 'All Xs are Zs.' Thirdly, whenever Z is found, there also you may be sure of finding Y, means that ' all Zs are Fs ' ; but, if you deny this, you must assert that 'some Zs are not Fs.' Putting these propositions together, thus 1 i ) Some A's are not Fs ; (2) All Xs are Zs ; Hence, (3) Some Zs are not Fs ; we find that they make a valid syllogism in the third figure, and the mood Bokardo. The conclusion, being a particular negative, cannot be converted directly ; we can only obtain by obversion and conversion 'some not-Fs are Xs.' Thus we must, I presume, answer the last part of the problem negatively. 8. What is the precise meaning of the assertion that a proposition say 'All grasses are edible' is false ? The doctrine of the falsity of propositions is generally xii QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS . 117 supposed to be defined with precision in the ancient formula of the square of opposition. If a universal affirmative pro- position is false, its contradictory, the particular negative, is true, so that, in the case of the example given above, we infer, that 'some grasses are not edible.' Similarly, from the falsity of E we infer the truth of I, and vice versa. But it does not seem to have occurred to logicians in general to inquire how far similar relations could be detected in the case of disjunctive and other more complicated kinds of propositions. Take, for instance, the assertion that ' All endogens are all parallel-leaved plants.' If this be false, what is true ? Apparently that one or more endogens are not parallel-leaved plants, as, else that one or more parallel- leaved plants are not endogens. But it may also happen that no endogen is a parallel-leaved plant at all. There are three alternatives, and the simple falsity of the original does not show which of the possible contradictories is true. But the question arises whether there is not confusion of ideas in the usual treatment of this ancient doctrine of opposition, and whether a contradictory of a proposition is not. any proposition which involves the falsity of the original, but is not the sole condition of it. I apprehend that any assertion is false which is made without sufficient grounds. It is false to assert that the hidden side of the moon is covered with mountains, not because we can prove the con- tradictory, but because we know that the assertor must have made the assertion without evidence. If a person ignorant of mathematics were to assert that ' all involutes are tran- scendental curves,' he would be making a false assertion, because, whether they are so or not, he cannot know it. Professor F. W. Newman has correctly remarked that no one can really believe a proposition the terms of which he does not understand (Lectures on Logic, 1838, pp. 35, 36). ii8 TRUTH AND FALSITY CHAP. This is unquestionably true; for, if he does not know what things he is speaking about, he cannot possibly bring them to comparison in his mind. A witness who swears that a prisoner did a certain act when, as a matter of fact, he does not know whether the prisoner did it or not, swears falsely, independently of the question whether rebutting evidence can be brought to prove the perjury. It is reported that a man, who wished to be thought an acquaintance of Dr. Johnson, remarked to him in coming out of church, ' A good sermon to-day, Dr. Johnson.' 'That may be, sir,' replied the very much over-estimated doctor, ' but I'm not sure that you can know it.' This hits the point precisely. It will be shown in a subsequent chapter that a pro- position of moderate complexity has an almost unlimited number of contradictory propositions, which are more or less in conflict with the original. The truth of any one or more of these contradictories establishes the falsity of the original, but the falsity of the original does not establish the truth of any one or more of its contradictories, because there always remains the alternative that nothing is known concerning the relations of the terms. It may even happen that no relation at all exists between the terms. In this view of the matter, then, an assertion of the falsity of a proposition means its simple deletion. The contrariety is not between knowledge and knowledge, but between knowledge and ignorance. It ought also to be remembered, in dealing with the doc- trine of falsity, that the falsity of ' all Xs are Ys ' only implies that one or more Xs are not Ys. Now in practice one or a few exceptions are often of no importance ; there are in many cases singular exceptions which in a sense agree with, and in a sense falsify, a general proposition. Thus all points of a revolving sphere describe circles, excepting xii QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 119 the two points at the poles. Other examples of singular exceptions will be found in the Principles of Science, Chapter XXIX. Professor Henrici points out (Elementary Geometry, 1879, p. 37) that a proposition must be considered to be true in general, if it be true in an infinite proportion of cases, and false only in a finite number of exceptions. This subject of the truth and falsity of propositions as premises and conclusion may be pursued in Karslake's Logic, vol. i. p. 83 ; Whately, Book II. Chap. iii. 2 ; Aristotle, Prior Analytics, Book II. Chaps, i.-iv. ; Port Royal Logic, Part II. Chap. vii. Watts' Logic, Part II. Chap. ii. 7 and 8. Most of the scholastic logicians, such as Thomas Aquinas and Nicephorus Blemmidas, treat this subject elaborately. 9. ' Trust ' (said Lord Mansfield to Sir A. Campbell) ' to your own good sense in form- ing your opinions ; but beware of attempting to state the grounds of your judgments. The judgment will probably be right ; the argument will infallibly be wrong.' Explain this phenomenon, and show its logical significance. [p.] If you give reasons for a decision, implying that those reasons are sufficient, and are the reasons upon which you did make the decision, it is possible for critics subse- quently to inquire whether such reasons logically support the conclusion derived from them. If they do not, the judge will be detected in a paralogism which there may be no means of explaining away. But, if no reasons be given, 120 TRUTH AND FALSITY CHAP. it will seldom be possible for critics to make any such detection. It is impossible, as a general rule, to publish in detail the law as well as the evidence upon which a law case is decided, and, even if it were published, it would generally be impossible to detect bad logic in a man who does not assign the precise points on which he relies, and the way in which he argues about a complex mass oi f details. Although it may be, from his own point of view, con- venient and discreet for a man to avoid giving reasons for any important public decision, if he can avoid it, yet it is an open question how far such means of escaping criticism is likely to increase the carefulness and impartiality of his judgments. There are many cases, including nearly all the verdicts given by juries on points of fact, where it would be highly undesirable to require any statement of reasons. Where the result depends upon oral testimony, the be- haviour of witnesses, the estimation of degrees of prob- ability and degrees of guilt, it is quite impossible to define and publish the real premises of the conclusion come to. We must trust to common sense and judicial tact. The same remarks may apply to various arbitrations, magisterial decisions, administrative acts, votes of members of de- liberative bodies. But where the grounds of decision are precise and brief, so as to be capable of complete state- ment, it seems absurd to suppose that a judge will judge less well because he needs to disclose his argument. If he displays bad logic, where bad logic can be judged, he is clearly not fit to be a judge. Lord Mansfield's advice may possibly have been prudent and good when given to a man who was forced to act in novel circumstances, and in a distant colony (Jamaica), where his decisions would have more of the nature of administrative acts than law-building xii QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 121 judgments. But the decisions of the High Court of Justice in England not only affect the parties in the cause, but shape the public law of a large part of the civilised world, and it is of course requisite that they should be guided by good logic. CHAPTER XIII EXERCISES REGARDING FORMAL AND MATERIAL TRUTH AND FALSITY \ 1. COMPARE the following syllogisms, or pseudo- syllo- gisms, both as regards their formal correctness, and as regards the material truth of their premises and conclusion ; then explain how it is that a materially true conclusion is obtained in each case. (1) All existing things are real things; No abstract ideas are existing things ; .. No abstract ideas are real things. (2) No real things exist; All abstract ideas are real things ; ..No abstract ideas are real things. (3) All real things are existing things ; No abstract ideas are existing things ; .-. No abstract ideas are real things. 2. If there be two syllogisms, of which we know that their major premises are subcontrary propositions, how may we determine the figure and mood of both ? May . -^ ' J *t*A "*" \ ' their conclusions be both true in matter ? 3. Prove by means of the syllogistic rules, that given the CHAP, xin EXERCISES 123 truth of one premise and the conclusion of a valid syllo- gism, the knowledge thus in our possession is in no case sufficient to prove the truth of the other premise. [c] 4. It is known concerning a supposed syllogism that it involves a fallacy of undistributed middle, and that one of the premises is false in matter ; can we or can we not draw any conclusion under these circumstances ? 5. Construct two syllogisms, such that the major premise of d^e shall be the subcontrary of the conclusion of the other, and such also that the conclusions of both shall be true in matter. Are these data sufficient to determine the figure ? 6. If one premise be false in matter, and the syllogism correct in form, does it follow that the conclusion is false in matter? " 7. Examine the doctrine ' that, if the conclusion of a syllogism be true, the premises may be either true or false ; but that, if the conclusion be false, one or both of the premises must be false.' 8. Interpret the logical force of the following passage from Mr. Freeman's Essay on the Holy Roman Empire : ' It may have been foolish to believe that the German King was necessarily Roman Emperor, and that the Roman Emperor was necessarily Lord of the world.' 9. Taking a syllogism of the third figure, and assuming one of the premises to be false, show whether or not, with the knowledge of its falsehood thus supposed to be in our possession, we can frame a new syllogism : if so, point out the figure and mood to which it will belong. 10. What do you mean by (i) Formal, (2) Material 124 TRUTH AND FALSITY CHAP. truth, as applying (a) to a single proposition, (ft) to a syllogism ? ^u. Give a careful answer to the miscellaneous example, No. 88, in Elementary Lessons in Logic, p. 322. 12. Is the following extract sense or nonsense, logically correct or incorrect ? ' We may doubt whether the ancient method of reduction can prove the validity of any syllogistic mood ; for, as from false premises we can illogically obtain a true conclusion, the reductio ad impossibile has doubts cast upon its validity as a method of proof.' 13. What is the precise meaning of the assertion that it is false to say that Castro cannot be proved not to be Orton ? Q, i^ G c t c^ u^ ^x*H-A ^ (*<. JU^I2jUvw2t" - ***** (2) If he is well, he will come : he will come : therefore he is well. PytwA**^> ^v^^e^^S [H.] ^/s^-xxSU^ (3) I am sure he will not come, for he is not well ; and if well he would come. &&>*J**A O^XlAA&j-* .' "- ^A_M>-Vv b*$ C (4) He will write if he is well ; but as he is not well, \ ^Jc*ilV therefore he will not write. Analyse the above arguments and point out which are fallacious, and why. 2. Into how many forms of expression can you throw the matter of this proposition ? ' Sulphuric acid combined with calcium produces gypsum.' 3. Throw into the form of hypothetical propositions the following disjunctives (1) Either the Claimant is Orton, or many witnesses are mistaken. (2) The tooth of a mammalian is either an incisor, canine, bicuspid, or molar tooth. T- * 146 HYPOTHETICAL ARGUMENTS CHAP. 4. Under which of the commonly recognised forms of syllogism would you bring the following ? If A is B, C is D ; ^ If C is Z>, E is ^/ ^ Therefore, If A is ^, E is ^ [c] 5. Are hypothetical propositions capable of conversion ? If so, convert these W w>X. *>o imW~ _ D T A" \ 0,4 ^^ f (i) If it has thundered it has lightened. ^ $ ( (2) Unless it has lightened it has not thundered. OvM.0^ V 6. Which of the following arguments are logically correct ? (1) A is B, if it is C; it is not C, therefore it is not B. (2) A is not B unless^ it is C ; as it is not C, it is not B. (3) If A is not B, Cis not D ; but as ^4 is B, it follows that C is Z>. (4) ^4 is not B, if C is D ; C then is not D, for ^4 is B. 7. If the Hypothetical Modus Ponens and Modus. Tollens are taken as corresponding to the Categorical First and yV Second Figures, and their typical forms to the Moods Barbara and Camestres, respectively, what other forms of the respective Hypothetical Modi would correspond to the other moods of the respective Categorical Figures ? [R.] ^*^- * 8. If A is true, B is true ; if B is true, C is true ; if 7 is true, D is true. What is the effect upon the other assertions f O-** * of supposing successively that (i) D is false; (2) that C is false ; (3) that B is false ; (4) that A is false ? *3 - C -^ 9. Analyse the following arguments and estimate their validity. xvn EXERCISES 147 (1) I shall see you if you do not go; but as you are going I shall not. \^soJu_d AJU*-O (2) The Penge convicts were guilty of murder, if, after long continued neglect at their hands, Harriet Staunton died. U. U. o&i 14- y> v/ (3) Since the virtuous alone are happy, he must be virtuous if he is happy, ano! he must be happy if he is virtuous. dto^uJCL>P (4) If there were no dew the weather would be foul : but there is dew ; therefore the weather will be fine. [o.] (5) If there are sharpers in the company we ought not to gamble ; but there are no sharpers in the com- pany; therefore we ought to gamble. [E.] ) (6) ' I could then only be accused with justice of acting * c contrary to my law, if I maintained that Muraena T'i purchased the votes, and was justified in doing so. But I maintain that he did not buy the votes, therefore, I do nothing contrary to the law.' U o4ju Cicero, Pro L. Muraena, c. iii. (See Devey'sZ^/V, 1854, p- I33-) 10. State in the form of a disjunctive argument the matter of the First Book of Samuel, chapter xvi. verses 6-13. 1 1. Examine the question whether hypothetical and disjunctive arguments are reducible to the forms of the categorical syllogism. 1 2. Dilemmatic arguments are more often fallacious than not. Why is this? H-o- A JJCTVU [c.] 13. Investigate the logical position of the parties to the following colloquy from Clarissa Harlowe : ' Morden But (/"you have the value for my cousin that you say you to TX L^. c_c^ 148 HYPOTHETICAL ARGUMENTS CHAP, xvn have, you must needs think . Lovelace You must allow me, sir, to interrupt you. If\ have the value I say I have ! I hope, sir, when I say I have that value, there is no cause for that if, as you pronounced it with an emphasis. Morden Had you heard me out, Mr. Lovelace, you would have found that my if was rather an if of inference than of doubt.' This passage is quoted and discussed by Professor Croom Robertson in Mind, 1877, vol. ii. pp. 264-6. U CHAPTER XVIII THE QUANTIFICATION OF THE PREDICATE i. As explained in the preface, I have thought it well to discuss and illustrate in this book of exercises, the forms of logical expression and inference recognised by Dr. Thomson and Sir W. Hamilton. These correspond in most cases with what De Morgan represented under different systems of notation. They also correspond to some of the expressions and arguments current in ordinary life. Although in a scien- tific point of view it is far better to eliminate the logical will-of- the-wisp ' some,' yet the student is obliged to make himself acquainted with the pitfalls into which it is likely to lead him. It is assumed that the reader has studied the brief account of the Quantification of the Predicate given in the 22nd of the Elementary Lessons in Logic, and he is re- commended to read, on the same subject, either Thomson's Outline, or else Bowen's account of Hamilton's Logic (Bowen's Logic, Chapter VIII.) The study of De Morgan's and Hamilton's own writings is a more arduous and hazardous undertaking. The following are the eight kinds of propositions re- cognised by Hamilton, as described by Dr. Thomson. Sign- Affirmative, U All X is all Y. I Some X is some Y. A All X is some Y. Y Some X is all K Negative. Sign. No X\s Y. E Some X is not some K u> No X is some Y. ry Some X is no Y O ISO QUANTIFIED PREDICATE CHAP. 2. Indicate by the technical symbols the quan- tity and the quality of the following propo- sitions : (1) All primary forces are attractive. (2) All vital actions come under the law of habit, and none but vital actions do. (3) The best part of every man's education is that which he gives himself. (4) Only ungulate animals have horns. (5) Mere readers are very often the most idle of human beings. (6) Most water -breathing vegetables are flowerless. [p.] (1) Is clearly a universal affirmative (A). (2) As regards its first part is also A ; but the exclusive addition, ' None but vital actions do,' means that ' all not vital actions do not.' The two parts together yield a proposition in U, 'all vital actions are all that come under the law of habit.' (3) The 'best part,' being a superlative, is a singular term, and so is the predicate 'that part which, etc.' Hence the proposition is an identity in U. (4) An exclusive proposition equivalent to ' all not un- gulate animals have no horns,' which is the con- trapositive of, and equivalent to, ' all horned animals are ungulate.' (5) Means that a great many mere readers are, etc., and is in the form I. (6) Is also a particular affirmative proposition. xviii QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 151 3. Does not the proposition Y of Thomson imply O, that is to say, does not ' some P is all Q ' imply that ' some P is not Q ' ? This seems very plausible, because if some P makes up the whole of Q, there is, so to say, no room left in Q's sphere for any more JPs, the remainder of which must there- fore be not Q. This argument, however, overlooks the fact that the 'some P' in question may possibly be the whole ol P, so that there may be no remainder excluded from Q. 4. Is the proposition ' Some men are animals ' true ? [E.] The proposition is true or untrue materially according to the sense we put upon this troublesome word some. If we take it to mean ' one or more it may be all,' the pro- position is true in fact, but of course states less than is known to every one. We must carefully distinguish between the strict and necessary logical interpretation of ' some,' and that which applies in colloquy. De Morgan says {Formal Logic, p. 4), ' In common conversation the affirmation of a part is meant to imply the denial of the remainder. Thus, by " some of the apples are ripe," it is always intended to signify that " some are not ripe." There is no difficulty in providing in formal logic for this use of the word by stating explicitly the two propositions which are colloquially merged into one. Thus ' some of the apples are ripe ' is really I + O. 5. What results would follow if we were to in- terpret ' some As are .Z?s' as implying that ' some other As are not jBs ' ? 152 QUANTIFIED PREDICATE CHAP. The proposition ' some As are Us ' is in the form I, and according to the table of opposition (p. 31) I is true if A is true ; but A is the contradictory of O, which would be the form of ' some other As are not jBs.' Under such cir- cumstances A could never be true at all, because its truth would involve the truth of its own contradictory, which is absurd. Briefly If A is true, I is true ; and if I implies O, then A implies the truth of its own contradictory O. Several logicians have come to grief over this troublesome word, notably Sir W. Hamilton, who in holding that ' some ' is formally exclusive of all and none, throws all logical systems into confusion. Woolley commits the same great mistake in saying (p. 77), 'In every particular proposition, therefore, the affirmative and negative mutually imply each other: if only some A is H, then some A is not B, and vice versa? 6. Explain the precise meaning of the propo- sition ' Some Xs are not some Ys ' (the proposition w of Thomson). What is its contradictory ? Give your opinion of its importance. This is one of the eight forms of proposition which Hamilton, in pursuance of the thoroughgoing quantification of the predicate, introduced into his system. Now, if ' some V means ' any some Y,' that is to say, if the ' some ' is undetermined and may be any where in the sphere of Y, this proposition does not differ from ' some X is not any Y,' which is the proposition O of the old Aristotelian Logic. But if 'some Y' is a determinate part of the class Y, less thnn the whole, then the proposition becomes a mere empty xviii QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 153 truism ; for, however X and Y may be related, some part of X will be different from some part of F. Thus all equi- lateral triangles are all equiangular triangles, yet some equi- lateral triangles are not some equiangular ones. If all John Jones' sons are Rugby boys, yet some of John Jones' sons are not some Rugby boys. We see that this proposition w is consistent with all the other propositions of the system, in all cases, as De Morgan remarks (Syllabus, p. 24), ' in which either X or Y has two or more instances in existence : its contrary is " X and Y are singular and identical ; there is but one X, there is but one Y, and X is F." ' A system which offers an assertion and denial which cannot be con- tradicted in the same system carries its own condemnation with it, as well observed by De Morgan. Archbishop Thomson also rejected this form of propo- sition-. He says : ' If I define the composition of common salt by saying, "common salt is chloride of sodium," I cannot prevent another saying that "some common salt is not some chloride of sodium," because he may mean that the common salt in this salt-cellar is not the chloride of sodium in that. A judgment of this kind is spurious upon two grounds : it denies nothing, because it does not prevent any of the modes of affirmation ; it decides nothing, inas- much as its truth is presupposed with reference to any pair of conceptions whatever.' (Outline of the Laivs of Thought, 1860, 79, p. 137.) SPALDING, pp. 83, 97-102, etc., symbolises the propo- sition j, by \ O. In an examination, candidates almost invariably say that all Xs are Fs, or all Xs are all Fs, is the contradictory of some Xs are not some Fs ; and De Morgan (1863, p. 4) speaks of an unnamed logical author who spoiled his work with a like blunder. 154 QUANTIFIED PREDICATE CHAP. The chief interest of this proposition o arises from its important bearing upon the value of Hamilton's System of Logic, and his position as a logician. Hamilton insisted upon the thoroughgoing quantification of the predicate, which means the recognition and employment of // the eight pro- positions which the introduction of the quantified predicate renders conceivable. Thus was the key-stone to be put into the arch of the Aristotelic logic. But if, as Thomson and De Morgan seem to me to have conclusively shown, this proposition, w, is valueless and absurd, the key-stone crumbles and the arch collapses. The same ruin does not overtake De Morgan's system, because his eight propositions are not all the same as those of Hamilton ; nor does it affect in any appreciable degree the views of Thomson and George Bentham, who did not insist upon the thoroughgoing quantification of the predicate. De Morgan has admirably expressed the inherent ambi- guity of this word. He says (Fifth Memoir on the Syllogism, 1863, p. 4), '"He has got some apples" is very clear: ask the meaning of "he has not got some apples," in a company of educated men, and the apples will be those of discord. Some will think that he may have one apple ; some that he has no apple at all ; some that he has not got some particular apples or species of apples.' The subject of particular propositions may be pursued in Spalding's Logic, 1857, p. 172, and elsewhere; Shedden's Logic ; Hughling's Logic of Names, 1 869, p. 3 1 ; Thomson's Outline, fifth edition, section 77 ; Hamilton's Lectures, vol. iv. pp. 254, 279; Devey, 1854, pp. 90-94; De Morgan, 1863, Fifth Memoir. Mr. A. J. Ellis is particularly exact in his treatment of this question in his articles in the Educational Times, 1878. xvni QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 155 7. Solly says (p. 73) 'If the premises are " some B is A, some C is not B" the reason may logically deduce that some C is not some A. But this conclusion is not in one of the four legitimate forms.' Is the argument valid in the quantified syllogism, and if so, in what mood ? The propositions are as follow : Some B is some A I Some C is not (any E} O Some C is not some A A , [c.] The pseudo-mood A E E in the first figure gives illicit process of the major term, because the conclusion E distri- butes its predicate, and the major premise A does not. The pseudo-mood I U rj draws a negative conclusion, 77, 156 QUANTIFIED PREDICATE CHAP. from two affirmative premises, but is by oversight given in Thomson's Table of Modes, figure i, mode xii., second negative form. It is an obvious misprint for I E ?/. (Out- line of the Laws of Thought, section 103, 5th ed., p. 188.) In the table as reprinted in the Elementary Lessons in Logic, p. 1 88 (accidentally the same page as in Thomson !), the error was corrected in the fifth and later editions. It was pointed out to me by Mr. A. J. Ellis. E Y O is valid in the first figure. In the second figure U O w breaks no rule, but the con- clusion instead of being w (some Xs are not some Zs), might have been in the stronger form O (some Xs are not any Zs). The moods U O O and U w w appear in Thomson's table, column 4, though U O w does not. The mood ?/ U O is valid. In the third figure A w O is subject to illicit process of the major term, since the conclusion O distributes its predi- cate, which is the undistributed predicate of A in the major premise. Y E O is not subject to the same objection, because Y distributes its predicate ; but, in this last case, the conclusion is weakened, and might have been E ; hence Y E E appears in Thomson's table, tenth mood of third figure, and Y E O does not appear. 9. In what mood is the following argument : Aliquod trilaterum est aequiangulum ; omne triangulum est (omne) trilaterum ; ergo, ali- quod triangulum est aequiangulum ? The first premise, ' some trilateral figure is an equiangular figure,' is plainly a proposition in I ; the second, ' all triangles are all trilateral figures,' is as plainly a doubly universal proposition in U ; the conclusion, ' some triangular xvin QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 157 figure is equiangular,' is in I. The middle term, trilaterum, is distributed in the minor premise, though not in the major ; there is no illicit process, nor other breach of the syllogistic rules, so that the argument is a valid syllogism in the mood I U I of the first figure. It appears as the twelfth mood in the first column of Thomson's table of moods. See, however, Baynes' New Analytic, 1850, pp. 126-7, whence this example is taken. 10. Does the following argument fall into any valid mood of the syllogism ? Some man is all lawyer ; Any lawyer is not any stone ; therefore, Some man (i.e. lawyer) is not any stone (i.e. all the rest are stone). This example is taken by De Morgan (1863, p. 10) as a case of Hamilton's mood IV. />, as stated in his Lectures on Logic, vol. iv. p. 287, thus, 'A term parti -totally co- inclusive, and a term totally co-exclusive, of a third, are parti-totally co-exclusive of each other.' It was called by De Morgan the ' Gorgon Syllogism,' alluding, I presume, to the petrifying effect it produces upon all mankind who are not lawyers. It is plainly in the mood E Y w, and though it does not appear in Thomson's table, may be considered a weakened form of E Y O, the seventh negative mood of the first figure. The point of the matter, however, is that Hamilton, in his later writings, proposed to depart from the Aristotelian sense of the mark of particular quantity some. As stated in his Lectures, vol. iv. p. 281, the view which he wished to introduce is that some should mean ' some at most, some only, some not all.' But, if we apply this meaning of 'some' to the conclusion of the 158 QUANTIFIED PREDICATE CHAP, xvm Gorgon Syllogism, it produces the ridiculous result that, though lawyers are not stone, all the rest of mankind are stone. De Morgan is unquestionably correct, and this Gorgon Syllogism brings to ruin Hamilton's ' long adequately tested and matured ' system. The particulars of the discussion between De Morgan and Professor Spencer Baynes about this Gorgon Syllogism, and kindred matters, may be found in the Athenceum of 1 86 1 and 1862 and elsewhere. It is curious that De Morgan states the Gorgon Syllo- gism differently in the Athenaum of 2nd November 1861, p. 582, and in his Fifth Memoir on the Syllogism, p. 10; but the difference is not material to the final issue. II. ' The month of May has no " R " in its name ; nor has June, July, or August : all the hottest months are May, June, July, and August : therefore, all the hottest months are without an " R " in their names.' This is Whately's example No. 117, and as he refers the student to Book IV., Chap. I., i, which treats of induction, he evidently regards it as an Inductive Syllogism. It would have been referred by Hamilton to the Thomsonian mood E U E, the minor premise being treated as a doubly uni- versal proposition. There can be no doubt, however, that the minor is really disjunctive, thus : A hottest month is either May, or June, or July, or August. The major is a compound sentence, comprising four separate propositions, ' May has no R in its name,' ' June has no R,' etc. (See Elementary Lessons, Lesson XXV., p. 215.) CHAPTER XIX EXERCISES ON THE QUANTIFICATION OF THE PREDICATE i. EXPRESS carefully, in full logical form, with quantified subjects and predicates, the following propositions ; assign the Thomsonian symbol in each case : (1) Thoughts tending to ambition, they do plot unlikely wonders. (2) Fools are more hard to conquer than persuade. (3) Heaven has to all allotted, soon or late, Some happy revolution of their fate. (4) Justice is expediency. (5) This is certainly the man I saw yesterday. (6) Man is the only animal with ears that cannot move them. (7) Wisdom is the habitual employment of a patient and comprehensive understandingin combining various and remote means to promote the happiness of mankind. (8) It is among plants that we must place all the Dia- tomaceae. (9) When the age is in the wit is out. (10) Every man at forty is either a fool or a physician, (i i) Some men at forty are neither fools nor physicians. (12) Some men at forty are both fools and physicians. 160 QUANTIFIED PREDICATE CHAP. (13) L'Etat c'est moi, as Louis the Fourteenth used to say. (14) There are no coins excepting those made of metal, if we overlook a few composed of porcelain, glass, or leather. (15) Antisthenes said 8eiv KracrOai vovv rj f^po^ov. (16) All animals which have a language have a voice, but not all which have a voice have a language. (17) The elephant alone among mammals has a pro- boscis. (18) Prudence is that virtue by which we discern what is proper to be done under the various circumstances of time and place. (19) Whatever is, is right. (20) There are arguments and arguments. (21) A dispute is an oral controversy, and a controversy is a written dispute. (22) There beth workys of actyf lyf othere gostly othere bodily. (23) The only Roman who gave us a summary of Aristotle was the only Roman who gave us a summary of Euclid. (24) Zenobia declared that the last moment of her reign and of her life should be the same. (25) As it asketh some knowledge to demand a question not impertinent, so it requireth some sense to make a wish not absurd. (26) Mankind consists of dark men and fair men. (27) To say that Mr. Raffles was excited was only another way of saying that it was evening. (28) Though all well educated men are not discoverers, all discoverers are well educated men. (29) No man is esteemed for gay garments but by fools and women. xix EXERCISES i6r (30) Quand celui qui ecoute n'entend rien, et quand celui qui parle n'entend plus, c'est la metaphysique. (31) Friendship finds men equal or makes them so. (32) I can fly or I can run. (33) A man is an ill husband of his honour that entereth into an action, the failing wherein may disgrace him more than the carrying of it through can honour him. (34) Scribendi recte sapere est principium et fons. (35) Tools are only simple machines, and machines are only complicated tools. (36) The wise man knows the fool, but the fool knows not the wise man. (37) It is scandalous that he who sweetens his drink by the gift of the bees, should by vice embitter Reason, the gift of the Gods. (38) A and B and C and Z>, etc., etc., wear black coats on Sundays ; in fact every man I know does so. (39) All the Apostles were Jews, because this is true of Peter, James, John, and every other Apostle. (40) A dose of arsenic is given to a living healthy dog. Soon after the dog dies. Arsenic is therefore a poison. 2. How can a chain of reasoning, founded on circum- stantial evidence, be represented in syllogistic form ? [E.] 3. Having special regard to the logical sense of ' some,' what do you think of the validity of the following argument (Thomson's Syllogistic Mood A E 17) ? All Kis some X ; No Z is any Y; Therefore, No Z is some X. M 162 QUANTIFIED PREDICATE CHAP. 4. ' We have been assured that " all X is some Y" is contradicted by "all Y is some X" a proposition which cannot be made good except by some being declared not all? (De Morgan, Third Memoir, 1858, p. 24.) Investi- gate this point. 5. Take 'stone' and 'solid' as subject and predicate, and convince yourself that the proposition in to, 'some stone is not some solid/ cannot be contradicted by any propositions of the forms U, A, I, Y, E, O, ?/, having the same subject and predicate. 6. Write out the various judgments, including U and Y, which are logically opposed to the judgment, ' No puns are admissible.' State in the case of each judgment thus formed what is the kind of opposition in which it stands to the original judgment, and also the kind of opposition between each pair of the new judgments. [c.] 7. ' The judgment, " No birds are some animals," is never actually made because it has the semblance only, and not the power of a denial.' Examine this statement. [P.] 8. Draw inferences from the following : If Sir Thomas was imbecile, then Oliver was right ; and unless Sir Thomas was imbecile, Oliver was not wrong. [P.] 9. Examine the following arguments ; in those which are false point out the nature and name of the fallacy ; arrange those which are valid syllogisms in the usual form, and give the symbolic description of the mood. (i) All the householders in the kingdom, except women, are legally electors, and all the male householders are precisely those men who pay poor-rates ; it follows that all men who pay poor-rates are electors. xix EXERCISES 163 (2) All the times when the moon comes between the earth and the sun, are the sole cases of a solar eclipse ; the nth of February is not such a time ; therefore, the nth of February will exhibit no eclipse of the sun. [THOMSON.] (3) All men are mortals, and all mortals are all those who are sure to die ; therefore, all men are all those who are sure to die. (4) The Claimant is unquestionably Arthur Orton : for he is Castro, who is the same person as Arthur Orton. 10. Which of the following moods are legitimate, and in what figures : E Y O, Y A A, Y A Y, I Y I, Y Y Y, AEE? [M.] 11. Examine the validity of the following moods : Figure I. Figure II. Figure III. UAU AAA YEE YOO AYY OYO [c.] 12. Exemplify any of the following moods, and deter- mine in how many figures each is valid : U U U, I U I, Y U Y, r) U 17, a, U a,. CHAPTER XX EXAMPLES OF ARGUMENTS AND FALLACIES THIS chapter contains a large collection of examples of Arguments and Fallacies collected from many sources. They form additional illustrations and exercises to supplement what are given in the previous chapters. The student is to determine in the case of each example whether it contains a valid or fallacious argument. In the former case he is to throw the example into a regular form, and assign the technical description of that form, whether a mood of the categorical syllogism, or of the hypothetical or disjunctive syllogism, etc. In some examples two or more syllogisms, or two or more different forms of reasoning, will be com- plicated together. They must of course be analysed and exhibited separately. When the existence of fallacy is suspected, the student must endeavour to reduce this to a distinct paralogism or breach of the syllogistic rules, exhibiting the pseudo-mood or pseudo-form of reasoning. In many cases, however, the fallacy may be of the kinds described in the Aristotelian text -books as Semi -logical or Material. These fallacies have been explained in the Elementary Lessons (Lessons XX. and XXL), but for convenience of reference a simple list of the kinds of fallacies is given below. It has not been found practicable to undertake in this book a full CHAP, xx ARGUMENTS AND FALLACIES 165 exemplification of the subject of Fallacies. The student is therefore referred to the Elementary Lessons named, or to any of the following writings on the subject : De Morgan's Formal Logic, Chapter XIII., as amusing as it is accurate and instructive ; Whately's Logic, Book III., perhaps the best and most interesting part of this celebrated text-book ; Edward Poste's edition of Aristotle on Fallacies. Paralogisms 1. Four terms. Breach of Rule I. 2. Undistributed Middle. Breach of Rule III. 3. Illicit Process of Major or Minor Term. Breach of Rule IV. 4. Negative premises. Breach of Rule V. 5. Negative Conclusion from affirmative premises, and vice versa. Breach of Rule VI. Breaches of Rules VII. and VIII. can be resolved into one or other of the above. Semi-logical Fallacies ^ Material Fallacies ,A V* 1. Equivocation. i. Accident. 2. Amphibology. 2. Converse Fallacy of Accident. 3. Composition. 3. Irrelevant Conclusion. 4. Division. 4. Petitio Principii. 5. Accent. 5. Non Sequitur. 6. Figure of Speech. 6. False Cause. 7. Many Questions. 1. France, having a warm climate, is a wine-producing country. tU,JjjJ4, **&&*. [E.] 2. Livy describes prodigies in his history ; therefore he is never to be believed. (^ -L- [ E -J 166 ARGUMENTS AND FALLACIES CHAP. ~ 3. All the metals conduct heat and electricity; for iron, lead, and copper do so, and they are (all) metals. -*> a [ E -l 4. A charitable man has no merit in relieving distress, because he merely does what is pleasing to himself. [E.] 5. What is the result of all this teaching? Every day you hear of a fraud or forgery, by some one who might have led an innocent life, if he had never learned to read or write. [E.] 6. The use of ardent spirits should be prohibited by law, seeing that it causes misery and crime, which it is one of the chief ends of law to prevent. [E.] 7. Pious men only are fit to be ministers of religion ; some ignorant men are pious ; therefore ministers of religion may be ignorant men. [L.] No punishment should be allowed for the sake of the good that may come of it ; for all punishment is an evil, and we are not justified in doing evil that good may come of it. [E.] 9. We know that God exists because the Bible tells us so ; and we know that whatever the Bible affirms must be true because it is of Divine origin. [E.] 10. The end of punishment is either the protection of society or the reformation of the individual. Capital punishment ought therefore to be abolished. It does not in fact prevent crimes of violence, and so fails to protect society, while on the other alternative it is absurd. [E.] 11. The glass is falling; therefore we may look for rain. [E.] 12. This is a dangerous doctrine, for we find it up- held by men who avow their disbelief in Revelation. 13. If there is a demand for education, compulsion is unnecessary. [E.] xx EXAMPLES 167 14. Actions that benefit mankind are virtuous ; therefore it is a virtuous action to till the ground. 15. Slavery is a natural institution ; therefore it is wrong to abolish it. 1 6. No fool is fit for high place; John is no fool; therefore John is fit for high place. [E.] 17. He is not a Mahometan, for no Mahometan holds these opinions. [E.] 1 8. Mind is active ; matter is not mind ; therefore matter is not active. I VLicJi* r~*al\ab = 0'\'ab = ab; similarly a = aR'\'ab = a&.-\'Ctb = o>\-ab = ab. Having now the two propositions a = ab = b, it is plain that we may eliminate ab, and get a b. 11. What descriptions of the terms 'glittering thing ' and ' not gold ' can you draw from the following assertions ? (1) Brass is not gold; (2) Brass glitters. Let A = brass ; B = golden ; C = glittering thing. The premises are (r) A = A^; (2) A = AC. xxi QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 185 Obviously C = ABC The first of the alternatives ABC is negatived by (i); but the second and fourth coalesce, and we have that is, a glittering thing is either not golden, or else it is golden, and then not brass. For b we similarly get b-6C'\-abc. Show that we may also infer C-C(a-M), 12. How shall we represent in the forms of Equational Logic the moods of the old syllo- gism ? All of the moods without exception may be solved by the indirect method, that is by working out the combinations consistent with the premises. Most of the moods may, how- ever, be solved also by direct substitution, as will be seen in the following examples : Barbara. All men are mortal ; (i) B = BC. All kings are men ; (2) A = AB. .-.All kings are mortal ; (3) A = ABC. We get (3) by substituting for B in (2), its equivalent BC in (i). The conclusion amounts to saying that 'king' is equivalent to 'king man mortal.' If desired, we can by further substitution of A for AB in (3) obtain A = AC, or king = king mortal, which is a precise expression for the Aristotelian conclusion ' All kings are men.' 186 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. Celarent No men are perfect ; (i) B = B_ tellects. Here A stands for the indefinite adjective some, and B for women, and we then treat AB as an undivided term, and obtain the result by direct substitution, exactly as in the previous moods. Ferio. No foraminifera are fresh-water in- ) ~ ~ , 1 !_ fC =Ctf. habitants ; J Some components of chalk are fora- \A-D_ minifera ; j Some components of chalk are not } ATa _ .... C -"-D fresh-water inhabitants. Except that a negative term d takes the place of the positive term D, in the last mood, there is no difference in form between them. In fact, all the four moods of the first figure present so great similarity that they may be said to be of one form of inference. xxi QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS r8; Cesare. The absolute is not phenomenal ; (i) C = C. All known things are phenomenal ; (2) A = AB. All known things are not the absolute. (3) A = ABc. We cannot by any direct substitution obtain the conclusion from the premises, as B appears in (2) and b in (i). But we may take the contrapositive of (i) as described before (p. 184), namely, B = BCD . CD B = AB . B = CB . AB BD = ABD. B = BC . BD B = AB . BD = BCD. BCD B = aB . B = BC . BC BD = aBD . B = BC . BCD B = aB . BD = BCD. BCD A = AB . B = BC . ABC A = AB . B = B* . C AD = ABD. B = BC . AD A = 'A . B = BC . BC A = A BD = BCD. BCD Conclusion. aBCD atCD CB ABCD ABD aB aBCD aBD A aC ABCD aBCj flBCD 15- Exhibit the logical force of the motto adopted by Sir W. Hamilton (1) In the world there is nothing great but Man. (2) In Man there is nothing great but Mind. Let A = in the world ; B = man ; C = possessing mind ; D = great. The conditions may be represented as (1) A = ABD -I- hbd. (2) B = BCD - As it may be understood, though unexpressed, that xxi QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 189 (3) all men are in the world, and that (4) all possessing mind are men, we have further (3) B = AB. (4) C = CB. The combinations are thus reduced to ABCD abcft Kbcd abed. Observe that, if mind were regarded not as an attribute but as a physical part of man, we could not treat the assertion as one of simple logical relation. 16. What is the meaning of the assertion that ' All the wheels which come to Croyland are shod with silver ' ? If we take A = wheel; B = coming to Croyland ; C = shod with silver, the assertion, as it stands, is evidently in the form AB = ABC (i). But it was always understood, no doubt, that this adage was to be joined in the mind with the tacit premise ' No wheels are shod with silver,' expressed by A = Af (2). There seems, at first sight, to be contradiction between these premises; for (i) speaks of wheels shod with silver and (2) denies that there are such things. The explanation is obvious, namely, that there are no such things as wheels coming to Croyland. Of the four combinations containing A, IQO EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. ABr is negatived by (i), and ABC and Al>C by (2), so that the description of A is given thus, A = A6f, or, by substitution of A for AC, and hbc ; whereas (2) negatives only ABc. They are, therefore, very different propositions; for (2) allows that some may have been present who did not talk at all (), whether sensible people or not (C or c}. Nevertheless, there is this much relation between the two propositions, that we can infer (2) from (i). If all who were there talked o 194 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. sense, those people who talked nonsense, assuming there to be such persons, must have been absent. But we cannot invert this relation. Because those who talked nonsense were away, it does not follow that those who were present talked sense ; they may all have been silent. 20. De Morgan says {Syllabus, p. 1 4), ' Any one who wishes to test himself and his friends upon the question whether analysis of the forms of enunciation would be useful or not, may try himself and them on the following question : Is either of the following propositions true, and if either, which ? (1) All Englishmen who do not take snuff are to be found among Europeans who do not use tobacco. (2) All Englishmen who do not use tobacco are to be found among Europeans who do not take snuff. Required immediate answer and demonstra- tion.' Assigning symbols as follows : A = Englishmen ; C = taking snuff; B = Europeans ; D = using tobacco ; it is pretty obvious that the above propositions are thus symbolised (1) A (2) M We are to compare these with the well-known relations of the terms, which may be assumed to be (3) A = AB; xxi QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 195 that is, ' Every Englishman is an European,' and (4) C = CD; that is, 'All who take snuff use tobacco.' Now, in working out the combinations, we find that the class Ac is composed under conditions (3) and (4) as follows : Ac = ABcD } ABcd. The truth is, then, that Englishmen who do not take snuff consist of English Europeans not taking snuff, but using tobacco, and of English Europeans neither taking snuff nor using tobacco. In short (i) is erroneous in ignoring the fact that some Englishmen not using snuff may be Europeans who do use tobacco for smoking. According to assumption (2) the description of Kd is AIW, which coincides with the description drawn from (3) and (4). Thus it is true that all Englishmen who do not use tobacco are to be found among Europeans who do not take snuff; the negation of the larger term, using tobacco, includes the negation of the narrower one, using snuff. But it by no means follows that because our inference about A*/ is the same from (2) as from (3) and (4), therefore these conditions are identical, as will be seen in the following descriptions of the class A as furnished under the several suppositions and conditions (1) A (2) A (3) and (4) A = ABCD . 21. What can we infer about the^term Europeans from the following premises ? ( i ) All Continentals are Europeans ; (2) All English are Europeans ; (3) No English are Continentals. 196 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. Taking A, B, C to represent Continentals, English, and Europeans respectively, the premises become (1) A = AC. (2) B = BC. (3) B = aB. The combinations left uncontradicted are the four A^C, #BC, abC, abc, whence we learn that Europeans, C, consist of Continentals who are not English, of English who are not Continentals, and of any others, who are neither Continentals nor English (abC). 22. Criticise Thomson's ' Immediate inference by the sum of several predicates. . . . From a sufficient number of judgments in A, having the same subject, a judgment in U may be inferred, whose predicate is the sum of all the other predicates.' [P.] This question has been answered in the Principles of Science^ p. 61 (first ed. Vol. I. p. 73). Judgments in A are of the form P = PQ, P = PR, P = PS, etc., and by summing up the predicates by successive substitution in the second side of P = PQ, we may get P = PQRS .... But this does not give a proposition of the form U which, as described by Thomson, is of the form P = X. 23. Represent the ? ; following argument from Thomson's Laws of Thought, 107: All P is either C or D or E ; S is neither C nor D nor E ; therefore, S is not P. xxi QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 197 The premises are respectively : P = PC-|-PD.|.PE. S - Sale. We get the conclusion in the briefest way by multiplying the two premises together as they stand ; thus : PS = P (C -I- D .|- E) Scde = o -|- o -I- o. Each alternative is found to be contradictory, so that there is no such thing as PS, that is to say, no P is S. The argument is not, however, correctly described by Dr. Thomson as in the syllogistic mood U E E, nor are the other forms of argument given in the same section syllo- gistic. They are disjunctive in character. 24. If Abraham were justified, it must have been either by faith or by works : now he was not justified by faith (according to James), nor by works (according to Paul) : therefore Abraham was not justified. [w.] There is some difficulty in deciding on the best method of symbolising this argument, owing to the vagueness of the conditions when analysed ; but the following seems to be the best representation : Let A = Abraham ; C = justified by works ; B = justified ; D = justified by faith. Then the premises are : AB-AB (C-I-D). 198 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. These premises will be found to erase all the combina- tions of A excepting Kbcd, which gives the conclusion. The combinations of a are altogether unaffected and need not be examined. The student may try other modes of representing the premises, but should get A = Kb by every method. 25. It must be admitted, indeed, that (i) a man who has been accustomed to enjoy liberty cannot be happy in the condition of a slave : (3) many of the negroes, however, may be happy in the condition of slaves, because (2) they have never been accustomed to enjoy liberty. [w.] Let A = man accustomed to enjoy liberty ; B happy in condition of slave ; C = certain negroes. The premises may be stated in the forms A = A. (i) C = aC. (2) The supposed conclusion is C = CB. (3) The possible combinations as in the margin, from which it will be seen that abc that is, are either B, happy, or b, not happy. The fallacy is that of Negative Premises or of Illicit Process of the Major. xxi QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 199 26. If that which is devoid of heat and devoid of visible motion is devoid of energy, it follows that what is devoid of visible motion but possesses energy cannot be devoid of heat. Let A = possessing heat ; B = possessing visible motion , C = possessing energy, the universe being 'things' unexpressed, and 'devoid of being taken as the negative of ' possessing.' Then the condition is: ab = abc. By contraposition we obtain, using Mr. MacColPs notation for the negative of ab (See Preface) : C = C (ab)' = C (A*-|-aB*|-AB) Hence 6C = two self-contradictory alternatives disappearing. It can also be readily shown that this inference is equivalent to the original condition. 27. Prove the logical equivalence of the pro- position B = AC -|- ac and b = Ac -\- aC. This might be shown by receding to the combinations of the Logical Alphabet, but it is more neatly proved by equating the negatives of each member of the first equation. If M = N, then also m-?i (p. 184); hence the negative of B must be identical with the negative of AC .|. ac. Now the negative of B is b; that of the compound and 200 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. complex member is the compound of the negatives of the two alternatives. In Mr. MacColl's notation = (aC'\-A'\'Oc) (A = AB-|- AB^ = o. he gets . . . A# = ABcd is contradicted by (i), and the rest which contain either C or D, by (2). Hence there are no ABs, or no A is B. The equation (2) may be more briefly stated as AB = AEcd. The only combination containing a removed by (i) and (2) is aBCd. 38. Illustrate the use of symbolic methods by expressing the propositions xxi QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 207 ( i ) No A is B except what is both C and D, and only some of that. (2) Either C or D is never absent except where A or B is present, but both are always absent then. [C.] The first proposition appears to deny the presence of any combination containing AB except there be also present C and D, and only in some cases then. To express this some we must introduce another letter term, say E, so that where E is present the above holds true ; where E is absent, A is not B at all. We find then that the following combinations are negatived : ABG/E. ABCD^. AEcDE. ABofe. All this may be expressed in the one equation AB - ABCDE. The proposition (2) is not easy to interpret, but seems to mean 39- Every X is either P, Q, or R ; but every P is M, every Q is M, every R is M ; therefore every X is M. De Morgan, who gives the above (Formal Logic, p. 123, 208 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. Example 5), describes it as a common form of the dilemma. It is thus solved equationally : (1) X = X(P-|.Q.|.R); (2) P = PM; (3) Q = QM; (4) R - RM. Substituting by (2) (3) (4) in (i), X = X(PM.|.QM-|-RM); X = X(P-|-Q.i-R) M. Re-substituting in the last by (i) X = XM. 40. Every A is either B, C, or D ; no B is A ; no C is A ; therefore every A is D. [De Morgan, Formal Logic, p. 122.] The premises are clearly (1) A = AB.|.AC-|-AD. (2) B = B. (3) C = C. In (i) substitute the values of B and C given in (2) and (3), and then strike out two self-contradictory terms A = AaB -I- ArtC -I- AD = AD. 41. If A be B, E is F ; and if C be D, E is F ; but either A is B, or C is D ; therefore, E is F. (De Morgan, Formal Logic, p. 123.) xxi QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 209 This appears to be more complicated in symbols than it really is. The first two premises are (1) AB = ABEF (2) CD = CDEF. To express the third premise we must introduce explicitly the tacit term, say X, meaning the circumstances under which the proposition holds good, in this place, or at this time, or under certain assumed conditions. Thus we have ' (3) X = XAB-|-XCD. substituting by means of (i) and (2), X = (XAB-|-XCD)EF, and re-substituting by (3) X = XEF. 42. ' Every A is either B or C, and every C is A.' This, says De Morgan (ibid. p. 123), is wholly inconclusive, and leads to an identical result. Equationally treated this is not quite so. The premises are (1) A = AB-|.AC (2) C = AC Hence (3) De Morgan finds that A is C, which C being A gives Al> is A a necessary proposition or truism. But we also get, multiplying each side of (3) by b, In the absence, then, of B, there is identity between A and C, but in the presence of B, A may be either B or C. p 210 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. 43- Every A is B or C or D ; every B is E ; every C is E ; and every E is D. [De Morgan, ibid. p. 123, Example 4.] Thus symbolised (i) A = AB.|-AC-|-AD. (2) B-BE. (3) C = CE. (4) E = ED. By obvious substitutions, by (2) and (3) in (i), and then by (4) in the result, we get A = ABDE ACDE -=- AD. But the first two of these alternatives are superfluous ; they both involve D and are therefore contained in the wider term AD. Hence A = AD. 44. ' If the relations A and B combine into C, it is clear that A without C following means that there is not B, and that B without C following means that there is not A.' [De Morgan, Third Memoir on the Syllogism, p. 48.] The relations A and B combining into C appears to mean simply that AB is accompanied by C, or AB = ABC. To find A without C following, we have necessarily Inserting for AB in this last its value ABC. Ar = ABCH-A&=A Similarly for B without C following xxi QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 211 45. Suppose a class S to be divided (i) on one principle into A and B, and on another prin- ciple (2) into C and D, the divisions being exhaustive ; suppose further that (3) all A is C, and (4) all B is D ; can you conclude that all C is A, and all D is B ? [E.] The meaning of this problem appears to be that the class S will, as regards A and B, consist of SA and SaB, and similarly as regards C and D ; if so, there will under the first two conditions be only four possible combinations, namely SMCJ. SAM3. But the further condition (3) negatives SAM), and (4) negatives SBG/, so that, on inquiring for the description of C, we find it is (within the class S), AbCd / similarly D is aBrD. Both questions then may be answered in the affirmative, provided that we are not to look beyond the sphere of the class S. 46. What are the classes of objects regarded as possessing or not possessing the qualities A, B, C, D, which may exist consistently with the fundamental Laws of Thought, and the conditions that no class possesses both A and B, and that everything which does not possess B possesses C but not D ? [L.] The first condition that no class possesses both A and B will be sufficiently expressed in the premise A = A, which aEcD 212 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. prevents A and B from meeting. The second condition is obviously b = bCd. On going over the sixteen combina- tions in the fifth column of the Logical Alphabet (p. 181), it will be obvious that the first four, containing AB, are KbCd negatived by the first premise. The third four (B) remain untouched : of the second and fourth T3 (~* sJ fours containing b, all are negatived except AbCd and abCd. The adjoining list of combinations is abCd therefore the answer to the question. 47- How can we represent analytically the precise meaning of the opposition between a universal affirmative proposition and its contradictory, say between All As are Bs, and some As are not Bs ? The universal affirmative is symbolised as A = AB, and its logical power is to negative the combination Kb, as shown in the margin. Now ' some As are Bs ' 1 was before explained to mean ' one A at least, it A h may be more or all As.' But, even if there be one Kb found, it establishes the existence of the combination, subject to remarks elsewhere made (p. 142). In this qualitative treatment of logic number enters not at all, so that one counts for as much as a million. The force of the particular negative proposition is, then, to restore the combination which had been removed by the universal affirmative. 48. If to the premises of an affirmative sorites we add a proposition affirming the first subject of xxi QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 213 the last predicate, the conditions now become equivalent to an equally numerous series of identities, or doubly universal propositions in Thomson's form U. Symbolically, if we have the series of premises A = AB, B = BC, C = CD, and so on, up to X = XY, and we then add the condition Y = AY, the premises immediately become the same in logical force as A = B = C=D= .... = X = Y. To give a perfect demonstration of this theorem might not be very easy ; but the student may convince himself of its truth by observing in several trials that the combinations consistent with the premises of a sorites as shown above, never contain a negative letter to the right hand of a positive one in the usual order of the alphabet. Thus the com- binations consistent with the first two premises are ABC, rtBC, abC and abc ; those for the first three are ABCD, 0BCD, a^CD, abcD and abed. Hence the last predicate appears in every combination except the last, and the first subject only in the first combination. In affirming the first subject of the last predicate, then, all combinations except the first, which contains both terms, and the last, which contains neither, must disappear. There remain in every case only the two combinations ABCDE .... XY .... and abcde .... xy . . . . which proceed from the identities stated in the question. 214 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. Suppose a pillar of circular section to be so shaped that no lower section is of less diameter than any upper section, but the section at the bottom is not greater than the section at the top ; we have here a physical analogue to the heap of propositions described above. 49. Is Professor Alexander Bain correct in the following extract from his Deductive Logic (p. 159)? (1) ' Socrates was the master of Plato. (2) Socrates fought at Delium. (3) The master of Plato fought at Delium. ' It may fairly be doubted whether the transitions, in this instance, are anything more than equivalent forms. For the proposition (4) " Socrates was the master of Plato, and fought at Delium," compounded out of the two premises, is obviously nothing more than a grammatical abbreviation. No one can say that there is here any change of meaning, or anything beyond a verbal modification of the original form.' Professor Bain in writing the above was clearly in need of means of more accurate analysis than his logical studies had afforded him. For if we put A = Socrates ; B = master of Plato ; C - one who fought at Delium, the premises are certainly (1) A = B; (2) A = AC. The conclusion (3) as it stands is B = BC, which negatives only two combinations ABC, and abc. But these do not stand on the same logical footing, because if we were to remove ABC, there would be no such thing as A left ; and if we were to remove abc there would be no such thing as c left. Now it is the Criterion or condition of logical consistency (p. 181) that every separate term and its xxi QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 217 negative shall remain. Hence there must exist some things which are described by ABC, and other things described by abc. But as regards the remaining two combinations, 0BC and abC, the case is different ; for we may remove either, or both of these without wholly removing any term. We might add to the premises the new condition that all BCs are As, or BC = ABC, which would negative BC ; or we might add the condition, all Cs are As, or C = AC, which would remove both BC and abC. We may sum up the meaning of the original premises (i) and (2) by saying that they deny the existence of AB*r, A^G, A&-, and aRc ; that they affirm the presence or logical existence of ABC and abc; and thirdly, while leaving BC and abC uncontradicted, they are consistent with the presence or absence of these two combinations. This is all that they leave in doubt concerning the relations of A, B, and C. 52. What is the amount of contradiction in the following celebrated epigram? ' The Germans in Greek, Are sadly to seek ; * # * # All, save only Hermann, And Hermann's a German.' Putting A = German ; B = Hermann ; C = sadly to seek in Greek, the premises are evidently (1) A = AC. (2) B = Br. (3) B = AB. ABC 218 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. The logical diagram is as in the margin ; it will be noticed that B disappears entirely, indi- cating contradiction ; but A remains in the combination A3C. It is obvious that the wit of the epigram arises from the per- ception of contradiction. (See Hamilton's Lectures, vol. iii. p. 393.) ' r aBC (2) abC, abc 53. Show that you can make no assertion about two terms A and B (and these only), which is . not either contained in the assertion of identity (A = B), or else contradictory thereto. The proposition A = B removes two out of the four combinations thus ( Consistent Inconsistent Combinations. Combinations. AB. Kb. ab. 0B. Now, if any new assertion negatives either or both of Ab and aB, it must be an assertion contained in and inferrible from A = B. If it removes either AB or ab, it must con- tradict A = B, because either A and B or a and b will then disappear entirely from the Logical Alphabet. It might be said perhaps that a new assertion could remove one consis- tent and one inconsistent combination, for instance, ab and A.b ; but this cannot be done except by a contradictory assertion. Any other pairs such as AB and Ab, AB and #B, or ab and B, being removed, removes some letter entirely and involves contradiction. xxi QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 219 54. Is it (i) logically (2) physically possible that all material things are subject to the law of gravity, and that at the same time all not material things should be subject to the same law ? [L.] It is logically possible, that is to say, in accordance with the Laws of Thought, that all things material and all things not material should be subject to the law of gravity. In this case what is not subject to the law of gravity would be found among not-things. But it is not logically possible that all (material things) and all not-(material things) should be subject to the law of gravity, because this is equivalent to denying the existence of any class not subject to the law of gravity. This class would by one condition be not- material, and by the other condition it would be material, which is impossible. But by the law already described (p. 181) as the Law of Infinity, every logical term must be assumed to have its negative. The student is recom- mended to work out this question with the aid of letter symbols. As to the second part of the question, what is not logically possible is of course not physically possible. Hence we are restricted to the inquiry whether it is physically possible that all things material and all things not-material should be subject to the law of gravity. This can only be answered on logical grounds thus far, that if the property of gravita- tion is essential to material things and forms a part of the definition of them, then it is not possible that not-material things should gravitate. As a matter of fact the possession of inertia is perhaps the ultimate test of materiality ; but gravity is proportional to inertia and is an equally good test. 220 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. 55- It is observed that the phenomena A, B, C occur only in the combinations ABr, abC, and abc. What propositions will express the laws of relation between these phenomena ? Of the eight combinations of A, B, C, only these three remain. As we see that A occurs with and only with B, and a with and only with b, it is firstly obvious that A = B is the chief law. But as this law of relation leaves the com- bination ABC uncontradicted, we must have a second law to remove this, which may be either AB = AEc, or else B = Be. Observe, however, that the laws A = B and B = Br overlap and are pleonastic, because they both deny that B can be aBC. Hence the simplest statement of the laws of relation is A = B. AB = 56. Given three terms, for instance, water, blue, and fluid, how would you proceed to ascer- tain the utmost number of purely logical re- lations which can exist among them ? [L.] The relations of any three terms or things or classes of things must be governed in the first place by the universal Laws of Thought (p. 180). These laws restrict the com- binations of three things, present or absent, to eight at the utmost ; for each thing may be present or absent giving 2x2x2 = 8 cases. But any special logical relation which may exist between the things has the effect of further restricting these combinations ; the relation that water is a fluid, prevents the existence of the combination xxi QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 22J water, not-fluid. Conversely the removal from the series of any one or more of the eight combinations expresses the existence of a relation or relations negativing the existence of these combinations. Thus, the removal of the two combinations water, not-blue, fluid ; water, not-blue, not- fluid, expresses the law that all water is blue. Thus the logical meaning of any condition is represented by the state of the combinations agreeing with those conditions. It follows that the utmost possible number of distinct logical relations will be ascertained by taking the eight possible combinations of the three terms and striking out one or more of the combinations in every possible variety of ways. The number of these ways cannot exceed 256 ; for each of the eight combinations may be either present or absent, giving 2x2 X2X2 x2 X2X2X2 = 256 ways. But this calculation will include many cases where one or more of the three terms and their negatives disappear alto- gether, representing contradiction in the conditions. Many different selections, too, proceed from logical relations similar in character and form ; thus the law A = AB is similar to A = A, and to a = ab ; the law A = BC-|-& : is similar to C = AB-|-^/ and so forth. The investiga- tion is fully described in the Principles of Science (pp. 134- 143; ist ed. vol. i. pp. 154-164) as also in the Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Third Series, vol. v. pp. 119-130. It is found that the 256 pos- sible selections are thus accounted for Proceeding from consistent logical conditions 192 inconsistent ,, 63 no condition at all i 256 222 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. XXI The consistent logical conditions are found, however, on careful analysis to fall into no more than fifteen distinct forms, or types of relation, which are stated in the following table Reference Number. Propositions expressing the general type of the logical conditions. Number of dis- tinct logical variations. Number of combinations contradicted by each. I. A = B 6 4 II. A = AB 12 2 III. A = B, B = C 4 6 IV. A = B, B = BC 24 r V. A = AB, B = BC 24 4 VI. A = BC 24 4 VII. A = ABC 24 3 VIII. AB=ABC 8 i IX. A = AB, aB = aEc 24 3 X. A=ABC, at=al>C 8 4 XI. AB = ABC, ab=al>c 4 2 XII. AB = AC 12 2 XIII. A = BC-|-Afc 8 3 XIV. A = BC-l-fe 2 4 XV. A = ABC, a = a%c -\-abC 8 5 CHAPTER XXII ON THE RELATIONS OF PROPOSITIONS INVOLVING THREE OR MORE TERMS i. THE doctrine of the opposition of propositions, exhi- bited in the well-known square, is an important and inter- esting fragment of ancient logic ; but it is now apparent that propositions involving only two terms one subject and one predicate, do not sufficiently open up the question of the relationship of propositions. Two terms admit of only four combinations, and these can be present and absent only in sixteen ways, nine of which involve contradiction. There remain only seven cases of logical relation which resolve themselves into only two distinct types of propo- sition. (Principles of Science, pp. 134-7; ist ed. vol. i. pp. 154-7.) With the introduction of a third term the sphere of inquiry becomes immensely extended. There are now, as we have seen (p. 221) 193 different cases of selection of combinations resolving themselves into fifteen distinct types of relation. The possible modes of relation of one proposition to another, including under the expres- sion ' one proposition ' any group of propositions, become considerably complex. Such modes of relation seem to be seven in number : thus one proposition is as regards another 224 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. (1) Equivalent. (2) Inferrible, or contained in the other, but not equi- valent. (3) Partially inferrible and otherwise consistent. (4) Consistent but indifferent and not inferrible. (5) Partially inferrible, partially contradictory. (6) Partially indifferent, partially contradictory. (7) Contradictory. 2. Let us take as an example the proposition Steam = aqueous vapour, and give a pretty complete analysis of its related pro- positions. Let A = steam ; B = aqueous ; C = vapour. The proposition being evidently of the form (i) A = BC, the combinations contradicted will be as in the margin. The equivalent proposition will be AC ! Not steam = not aqueous or not vapour. Me i An inferrible but not equivalent assertion BC (0 w iij b e anv one which negatives one, two, or three, but not four of the combinations negatived by (i). There will therefore be 4x3 4x^x2 4 + - + -or 14 such infer- 1x2 1x2x3 rible and logically distinct propositions. We may infer steam is aqueous ; steam is vapour ; what is not vapour is not steam ; what is not aqueous is not steam ; non- aqueous vapour is not steam ; and so forth. xxn RELATIONS OF PROPOSITIONS 225 The third class of related propositions will include those which negative one or more of the excluded combinations, and one or more indifferent combinations. Indifferent combinations, as the name expresses, are those which can be removed without wholly removing any of the letters A, B, C, a, , c. In this case any one of the remaining combinations except ABC may be singly removed. Thus 'not .steam is not aqueous,' or in letters a-ab, is not contradictory to (i) and it may be inferred from (i) in respect of vapour which is not steam. But the assertion that other things which are not steam are not aqueous is not inferrible, but is consistent with (i). A proposition, again, which should negative A<$C, A.bc, aBt, abC will be inferrible in respect of the two former, and consistent in respect of the two latter combinations. To ascertain what such proposition is we must look in the Logical Index, afterwards described, for the proposition which leaves a /3 e 6, and we find in the 55th place b = ac, or not-aqueous = not-steam and not-vapour. The other possible propositions of the same class are numerous and various. To obtain one of the fourth class, which is merely con- sistent and indifferent, we must take any one or more ot the combinations unnegatived by (i), for instance a^C, in such a way as not wholly to remove any letter. Thus ab = abc t or ' not-steam which is not aqueous is not vapour ' is an assertion quite indifferent to (i). So is the assertion aB = rtC (Logical Index, No. 7). Contradictory propositions being defined as those which wholly remove any term, such will be any one which re- moves ABC. Thus to say that steam is not aqueous is a case of the 5th class; it is inferrible from (i) in respect of steam which is not vapour (AB*r), but it is contradictory because it also negatives steam which is vapour, Q 226 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP, xxn A proposition of the sixth class is discovered by taking any combination which may be spared with one which cannot, such as abC and ABC, and looking in the index, we find AC = bC, or steam-vapour is identical with non- aqueous vapour, as a partially consistent, partially contra- dictory proposition as regards (i). It may or may not be true that what is not steam and not aqueous is not vapour, but it is contradictory to (i) to say that vaporous steam is not aqueous. An example of a simply contradictory proposition of Class 7 is found in one which removes ABC only, such as AB = ABc / again a - aB, or not-steam is aqueous deletes b ; c = ABc deletes c. 2. As a second example, let us take the propositions (i) Hand = right-hand or left-hand; (2) Right is not left. Putting A = hand ; B = right ; C = left ; the conditions are evidently (i) A = AB-|-AC. (a) B = Be. The consistent combinations are shown in the margin, ABC anc ^ tne student may verify the following list, which gives one specimen of each of (2) the seven classes of related assertions, the reference number of the Logical Index aBc being also added. ^C (i) Equivalent. B = Be; be abc. No. 153. abc (a) Inferrible, etc. aB = aBc. No. 9. (3) Partially inferrible, etc. a = abc. No. 15. (4) Consistent, etc. AB = ABC; ab = abc. No. 67. (5) Partially inferrible, etc. C = AC ; A = AB. No. 59. (6) Partially indifferent, etc. A - ABc ; ab --= abc. No. 179. (7) Contradictory. b = bc. No. 35. CHAPTER XXIII EXERCISES IN EQUATIONAL LOGIC I NOW give a small collection of examples and problems designed to enable the student to acquire a complete com- mand of the equational and combinational views of logic. They are for the most part devised specially for this book, but a few have been utilised in examination papers, and a few have been adopted as indicated from the papers of other examiners. These questions form perhaps a partial answer to Professor Sylvester's remark, as quoted in the preface, especially when we observe that the questions and problems involving the relations of three terms can be multiplied almost ad infinitum, without resorting to like questions in- volving four, five, or more terms. The student will readily gather that the number, variety, and complexity of problems in pure logic is simply infinite, and is such as we gain no glimpse of in the old Aristotelian text-books. i. Represent equationally the following assertions : (1) With the exception of porcelain there is no non- metallic substance which has been employed to make coins. (2) With the exception of zinc and the metals discovered during the last hundred years, there is no metal which has not been employed to make coins. 228 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. (3) ' The worth of that is that which it contains, And that is this, and this with thee remains.' [SHAKESPEARE.] (4) It is dangerous to let a man know how far he is but a brute, without showing him also his grandeur. It is dangerous again to let him see his grandeur, without his baseness. It is [even more] dangerous to leave him ignorant in both ways ; but it is a high advantage to represent to him both the one and the other. (Pascal, Pensees.} 2. Represent in the forms of equational logic any of the following arguments : (1) Milton was a great poet, and a fearless opponent of injustice ; a great poet should be honoured ; a fearless opponent of injustice should be honoured : therefore Milton should be honoured. (2) The virtues are either passions, faculties, or habits: they are not passions, for passions do not depend on previous determination ; nor are they faculties, for we possess faculties by nature ; therefore they are habits. (3) There can be no person really fit to exercise absolute power, because the qualifications requisite to fit a person for such a position would consist in native talent combined with early training ; now such a talent cannot be possessed in early childhood. (Suggested by De Morgan, Syllabus, p. 67.) (4) One of the masters of chemistry was Berzelius ; Berzelius was a Swede ; One of the masters of chemistry was a Swede. [D.] (5) This heavenly body is either a planet or a fixed star ; xxni EXERCISES 229 all fixed stars twinkle ; planets do not twinkle ; this body twinkles, therefore it is a fixed star. (6) Show me any number of men, and I will say with confidence, either that they will with one accord raise their voices for liberty, or that there are aliens among them. (The stump orator's mode, according to De Morgan, of saying that all Englishmen are lovers of liberty.) [B.] 3. Infer all that you possibly can, by way of contra- position or otherwise, from the assertion 'all A that is neither B nor C is D.' [R.] 4. Express equationally Miscellaneous Example No. 39 in Elementary Lessons in Logic, p. 317. 5. What proposition concerning nebulae and vaporous bodies leaves doubtful the existence of a class of things which are neither nebulae nor vaporous bodies ? 6. Represent the fact that A differs from B in two equiva- lent equational propositions. 7. Prove equationally that the proposition, All elements are either metal-elements or elements, is a mere truism. 8. What is the difference between the propositions A = AB-|-A, B- AB-I-B, and A = B-|-A? 9. Prove that if all not-Bs are not-As, and all Bs are As, then A B, and vice versa. 10. Show that the negative premises No As are Bs and no Cs are Bs, imply the logical existence of a class B which is neither A nor C. 1 1. Prove the equivalence of the following assertions : (1) Every gem is either rich or rare. (2) Every gem which is not rich is rare. (3) Every gem which is not rare is rich. (4) Everything which is neither rich nor rare is not a gem. 230 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. 12. Show that if metals which are either not valuable or not destructible are unfitted for use as money, it follows that destructible metals which are fitted for use as money must be valuable. 13. Does the proposition A = B-|-BC differ in force from A = B ? 14. ' All animals having red blood corpuscles are identical with those having a brain in connection with a spinal cord.' What is the description you may draw from this proposition of things having a brain not in connection with a spinal cord? 15. Luminous body is either self-luminous or luminous by reflection ; melted gold is both self-luminous and lumi- nous by reflection. Unmelted gold is not self-luminous but is luminous by reflection. Represent these premises symbolically, and draw descriptions of the terms (i) lumi- nous body, (2) self-luminous body, (3) body luminous by reflection, (4) body not luminous, (5) body not self-luminous, (6) not melted gold, (7) not unmelted gold. 1 6. ' There are no organic beings which are devoid of carbon.' Determine precisely what this proposition affirms, what it denies, and what it leaves doubtful. 1 7. Prove the equivalence of the following statements No right-angled triangles are equilateral ; no equilateral triangles are right-angled ; no right-angled equilateral figures are triangles. 1 8. All scalene triangles have their three angles equal to two right angles. What are the least or simplest assertions which added to the above will make it equivalent to ' All triangles are all figures which have their three angles equal to two right angles ' ? xxin EXERCISES 231 19. All equal -sided squares have four right angles. What is the least extensive proposition which added to the above makes it equivalent to ' All squares are equal-sided and have four right angles ' ? 2 o. If an orator were to assert that Afghanistan is a very poor country, but it is essential to the security of India, but a reporter were to consolidate these two assertions into the one assertion that a very poor country, Afghanistan, is the Afghanistan which is essential to the security of India, how far would the reporter have misrepresented the logical meaning of the orator ? 21. Express the following argument equationally : Every organ of sense has nervous communication with the brain ; for such is the case with all the five organs of sense, the eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin. 22. If requested to draw from the assertion 'All coal contains carbon' a description of the term 'metal,' what answer would you give ? 23. What values will you obtain for the terms man, brute, and gorilla, under the conditions that a gorilla is a man, and that all men are included and all gorillas excluded from the class of non-brutes ? 24. Assuming that armed steam- vessels consist of the armed vessels of the Mediterranean and the steam-vessels not of the Mediterranean, inquire whether we can thence infer the following results : (1) There are no armed vessels except steam- vessels in the Mediterranean. (2) All unarmed steam-vessels are in the Mediterranean. (3) All steam- vessels not of the Mediterranean are armed. 232 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. (4) The vessels of the Mediterranean consist of all unarmed steam -vessels, any number of armed steam-vessels, and any number of unarmed vessels without steam. (Boole, ' The Calculus of Logic,' Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, 1848, vol. iii. pp. 199-201.) 25. How would you otherwise describe the class of things which are excluded from the class of white, malleable, metals ? 26. Show that the description of the class of things which are not (either A, or if not A then both B and C), is as follows either not- A and not-C, or if it be C then both not-A and not-B. 27. How do any two of the three equations A = B B = C, C = A, differ in logical force from the third ? 28. Frame a sorites with one premise negative and one particular, and represent it equationally. 29. Contrast the logical force of each of the proposi- tions A = AB.|-AC-|-AD-|. . . and A = ABCD . ., with that of the group of propositions A = AB, A = AC, A = AD, etc. ; point out, moreover, which can be inferred from which. 30. Show that, under the condition of our Criterion of Logical Consistency (p. 1 8 1 ) the assertion that there are no such things as fresh-water foraminifera, involves the asser- tion that there are foraminifera which are not fresh-water beings, and fresh-water beings which are not foraminifera, but leaves doubtful the occurrence of things which are neither fresh-water beings nor foraminifera. 3 1 . From the premises, ' All gasteropods are mollusca, and no mollusca are vertebrates,' obtain descriptions of the classes gasteropods and invertebrates. xxiii EXERCISES 233 32. 'Eloquence should contain both what is agreeable, and what is real ; but what is agreeable should be real ' (Pascal, Pensees). Represent the above symbolically, putting A = component of eloquent speech, B = agreeable, C = real. 33. Assuming it to be known that all mammals have red blood corpuscles, and that they also have vertebrae, invent five or six other distinct assertions which you might make about mammals, the possession of red blood corpuscles, and the possession of vertebrae, including of course the negatives of these terms, without coming into logical conflict with the known relations of the terms as above stated. 34. How would you otherwise describe the class of things which are excluded from the class of non-crystalline solids which are either non-metallic non-conductors, or else metal- lic conductors, and which are moreover either brittle and in that case useless for telegraphy, or else malleable and in that case useful for telegraphy ? 35. Compare the following propositions : (1) Xis Y. (2) X is Y and is in some ca'ses Z, and in some cases not Z. By the law of excluded middle we know that X must be either Z or not Z. Is then the sentence (i) precisely identical in logical force with (2)? Compare now the following definitions : (3) A right-angled triangle is that which has a right angle. (4) A right-angled triangle is that which has a right angle, and of which two sides are or are not equal. Are these definitions precisely identical in logical force ? [C.] 234 EQUAT1ONAL LOGIC CHAP. 36. What is the difference between saying that sea- water is drinkable and not scarce, and saying that drinkable sea- water is. not scarce ? 37. If from the premises 'All rectangles are parallelo- grams,' and ' Parallelograms consist of all four-sided figures whose opposite sides are parallel,' we infer that all rectangles are parallelograms, being four-sided figures with opposite sides parallel, how far does this inference fall short of being equivalent to the premises ? 38. To say that Adam Smith is the father of Political Economy and a Scotchman is as much as to say that he is a Scotch father of Political Economy, and that no one but he can be a father of the science. Give the symbolic proof of this equivalence. 39. To lay down the condition that what is either A or else B, is what is both A and B or else both A and C and vice versa, is to state disjunctively what may be laid down in two non-disjunctive propositions asserting that A without B is C and also B must be A. 40. Reduce the two assertions A = Kbc and a - ac to a single one. 41. Give a good many inferences from the proposition A = B ( AC, and also equivalents, distinguishing carefully between those inferences which are equivalent and those which are not. 42. Develop symbolically the term Plant (A) with refer- ence to the undermentioned terms (B, C, D, E, F), under the conditions that acotyledonous (li) plants are flowerless ; (c) monocotyledonous (D) plants are parallel -leaved (E) ; dicotyledonous (F) plants are not parallel -leaved ; and xxni EXERCISES 235 every plant is either acotyledonous, monocotyledonous, or dicotyledonous, but one only of these alternatives. 43. Completely classify triangles under the following conditions (1) Equilateral triangles are isosceles. (2) Scalene triangles are not isosceles. (3) Obtuse-angled triangles are not right-angled. (4) Acute-angled triangles have three acute angles. (5) Obtuse-angled triangles have not three acute angles. (6) Equilateral triangles are not right-angled. What other conditions must be added to comply with the results of geometrical science ? 44. Among plane figures the circle is the only curve of equal curvature. Show that this is the same as to assert that a plane figure must either be a curve of equal curva- ture, in which case it is also a circle, or else, not a circle and then not a curve of equal curvature. 45. Which of the following propositions are equivalent to the first in the list ? (1) Crystallised carbon is not a conductor. (2) Carbon which conducts is not crystallised. (3) Conducting crystallised substance is not carbon. (4) Conductors are either not carbon or not crystallised substances. (5) Carbon is either not a conductor or not crystallised. (6) Conductors which are not carbon are crystallised. (7) Crystals are either non-conductors or not composed of carbon. (8) Crystallised conductors are carbon. 46. Prove that any set of exclusive alternatives combined with part of that set produces only that part. 236 EQUA1IONAL LOGIC CHAP. 47. Show that the conclusions of Celarent, Cesare, Camestres, and Camenes give in each case only half the information contained in the premises. 48. Verify by various trials the statement that no inference by substitution within a group of propositions can negative combinations not negatived by the group of premises. 49. Show that Cesare and Camestres belong to the same type of assertion as Barbara and Celarent. 50. Assign the premises of the following moods of the Syllogism to their proper types of assertion: Darapti, Bramantip, Camenes. 51. Prove that any proposition which is contradictory to ' common salt = sodium chloride,' can be inferred, so far as it is contradictory, from the assertion ' common salt = what is not sodium chloride.' 52. Does it or does it not follow that any proposition of the mth type (see pp. 221-2) will always be equally con- tradictory to one of the nth type ? 53. Refer to Boole's Laws of Thought, pp. 146-9, and taking the premises of the complex problem there solved to be expressed in our system as follows : (1) ac = acE(Bd-\-bV); (2) AD* = AD* (BC !&); (3) A(B.|'E) = Gf-KD; work out the consistent combinations, and infer descriptions of the classes B, AC, AC*, D, e, AB, AB*, ab, AE, ACE, BD, DE, D*, C, CD, etc. Verify by showing that D and e multiplied together give D* and so forth. 54. If Brown asserts that all metals are reputed elements, and that all reputed elements will be ultimately decomposed, whereas Robinson holds that all metals are reputed elements xxiii EXERCISES 237 which will be ultimately decomposed, what is the exact amount of logical difference between them ? 55. Compare the logical force of all the following pro- positions, and point out which pairs are equivalent, and which may be inferred from other ones. (1) A square is an equal-sided rectangle. (2) What is not equal-sided is not square. (3) What is not square is not equal-sided. (4) Equal-sided rectangles are squares. (5) No rectangle which is not equal-sided is square. (6) A square can be neither unequal-sided nor anything but a rectangle. (7) An unequal-sided square does not exist. 56. Taking letters to represent qualities thus: A = having metallic lustre ; B = malleable ; C = heavier than water ; D = white coloured ; E = fusible with difficulty ; F = conducting electricity ; form descriptions of each of the metals gold, silver, platinum, copper, iron, lead, tin, zinc, antimony, sodium, and potassium, and then exhibit the extension of the following classes : AB ; BC ; BCD ; BCF; Ab; be; Kd ; and so forth. 5 7. Express symbolically the following classes of things (1) Hard, wet, black, round, heavy, stone. (2) Thing which is hard, wet, either black or red, but not round, and either heavy or not heavy. (3) Thing which is either not hard, or not wet, or not a stone, but is either black and then round, or heavy and then a stone. 58. Referring to the Principles of Science (pp. 75-76 ; ist ed. vol. i. p. 90), develop all the alternatives of A as limited by the description A = AB{C-|.D(E.|.F)} 238 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. and infer descriptions of the following terms, Ace, Acf, AEcD. (See De Morgan, Formal Logic, p. 1 1 6 ; Third Memoir on the Syllogism, p. 12 in the Camb. Phil. Trans., vol. x.) 59. Represent this argument symbolically : A straight line can cut a circle in two points, and similarly an ellipse, and a hyperbola ; but these are all the possible kinds of conic sections ; therefore a straight line can cut any conic section in two points. 60. It being understood (i) that only the congenitally deaf are mute ; (2) that an uneducated deaf person is mute, but uses signs ; (3) that an educated deaf person is not mute, and does not use signs : express these conditions symbolically and describe the classes of persons who are deaf ; mute ; deaf-mutes ; educated persons, etc. 61. Show how by the process of substitution alone to sum up into one disjunctive proposition the assertion that John is mortal ; Thomas is mortal ; William is mortal. 62. Prove that the premises of syllogisms in the moods Darapti and Felapton can be expressed in the form of a single non-disjunctive proposition, and assign its type. Show also that this is not the case with the moods of the other three figures. 63. Prove that the following propositions or groups of propositions involve self-contradiction : ( A B = AB (3) A = AB; B = BC; C = aC. 64. Analyse the force of Hamilton's form of proposition, ' Some A is not some A,' putting for ' some ' and ' some ' respectively the letter terms P and Q. xxin EXERCISES 239 65. What does the assertion ' Some things are neither A nor B ' tell us about things which are not-A ? 66. How far do the conclusions of the syllogisms in Darapti, Felapton, Bramantip, Camenes, and Fesapo, as deduced on p. 188, respectively fall short of containing all the information given in the premises ? 67. Show that C = AC-|-aBC is equivalent to the two propositions, AB = AB^r and ab = abc. Name the type. 68. To say that whatever is devoid of the properties of A must have those either of B or of D, or else be devoid of those of C, is the same as to say that what is devoid of the properties of B and D, but possesses those of C, must have A. Prove this. 69. What statement or statements must be added to the proposition, ' What is not a square is either not equal-sided or not a rectangle,' in order to make the assertions in the whole equivalent to the definition of a square that it is an equal-sided rectangle? 70. What is the difference between the assertion A = ABC and the pair of assertions b = al>, and c = be ? 71. Prove that from one of the propositions, A = ABC, and AB = ABC, we can infer the other, but not vice versa, and point out which is the one which can be so inferred. 72. Give three logical equivalents to the proposition, ACD = ACD. 73. Demonstrate the equivalence of A = AB-I-AC with Kb = AC and with he = ABr. 74. Show how by substitution alone to obtain A = AB from A = ABCD ; also obtain A = AC and A = AD. (Prin- ciples of Science, p. 58 ; ist ed. vol. i. p. 69.) 240 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. 75. Verify the statement that any set of alternative terms combined with the same set, reproduces that set that is to say, show that AA = A when for A we substitute any one of the following terms : ABC -\-aEC -\-a6c ; 76. Show by trial that if in any pair of logically equivalent assertions such as A = Ab and B = #B, we substitute for A and B any logical expressions, such as CD for A, and CE for B, and their negatives in like manner for the negatives of A and B, we always obtain new equivalent assertions. 77. As a further example of equivalent assertions take the following pair of propositions : AB = ABC, A^ = Abe, and substitute as follows : A = PQ, B = Qr, C = PR. 78. Express a ab and Ab AbC in the form of a single disjunctive proposition. To what type does it belong ? 79. Express equationally De Morgan's forms of propo- sition {Formal Logic, p. 62). (1) Everything is either A or B ; (2) Some things are neither As nor Bs. 80. Verify the identical equations xxni EXERCISES 241 8 1. Verify the following equivalences as transcribed from De Morgan's Syllabus, p. 42 : = (B.|.QD, JA = B.|.Q(D.|.E), a = bc-\-d ; \a = bC'\*de; ( ( fA = BC-i-D, f A=B.|-C(D.|-E), \a =(b-\-c)d; \a = b(c-\-de); j A = (B -I- CD) (E .|- FG), f A; - B -|- C -I- *D. \a = bc-\'bd'\>ef>\-eg ; \a = bcd. 82. State all the propositions involving only the terms named which can be inferred from the equation, Stone = rock ; and all the propositions which are equivalent to this one, Stone = stone-rock. 83. Show how by the mere process of substitution you can draw the proposition A = AD from ^the three propo- sitions A = AB, B = BC, and C = CD. 84. What propositions added to A = AD are exactly equivalent in meaning to A = AB, B = BC, and C = CD jointly ? 85. If both A and B have the property C, but A never occurs where D is, and B never occurs where D is absent, what is your description of the class of things which are devoid of the property C ? 86. The proposition A = A (B-|-C) being equivalent to b = ab-\'AbC, verify this truth by showing that it holds good when for A we substitute the term P^'I'/Q, for B the term QRS, and for C the term ^Rj. 87. If a person were, correctly or incorrectly, to define Members of Parliament (including Lords and Commons) as either peers not chosen by election, or else not-peers chosen by election, that is as much as to assert both that all members are non-elected peers and elected non-peers, as well as that R 242 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. all who are not members comprise the two classes of persons who are neither peers nor elected persons, and those who being peers have been elected but cannot sit. 88. It is not correct to say that because what is not A, but is B, is also C, therefore everything that is both B and C is A ; but what further conditions may be laid down about the same things which will render these propositions convertible ? 89. Into what other equivalent forms might we throw the joint statements that Venus is a minor planet, and minor planets are all large bodies revolving round the sun in slightly elliptic orbits within the earth's orbit? 90. If B is always found to coexist with A, except when X is Y (which it commonly, though not always, is), and if, even in the few cases where X is not Y, C is never found absent without B being absent also, can you make any other assertion about C ? [R.] 91. If whenever X is present, Z is not absent, and some- times when Y is absent, X is present, but if it cannot be said that the absence of X determines anything about either Y or Z, can anything be determined as between Z and Y ? [R.] 92. If it is false that the attribute B is ever found co- existing with A, and not less false that the attribute C is sometimes found absent from A, can you assert anything about B in terms of C ? [c.] 93. Referring to the Elementary Lessons in Logic, p. 196, from the premises there given (A = B -|- AC, B = BD, C = CD), derive descriptions of the terms BC, a, l>, d. 94. From the important problem of Boole, described on p. 197 of the same lesson, with the premises A = CD, BC = BD, derive descriptions of the terms BC, C, B, b y d. xxiii EXERCISES 243 95. In reference to this last named problem, examine each of the following assertions, and ascertain which of them are consistent with the premises A = CD, BC = BD ( i ) ac = acY). (4) cd - acd. (a) a = acd. (5) A (3) ACD = ABCD. (6) abc 96. The premises AB - ABC, A = AB, and A = Ac, involve self-contradiction. What is the least alteration which will remove this contradiction ? 97. If AB = CD, what is^the description of BD, of bd and of cdt 98. What must we add to the premises, All As are Bs and all Bs are Cs, in order that we may establish the rela- tion that what is not A is not C ? 99. Verify the assertion (Principles of Science, p. 141; first edit. vol. i. p. 162) that the six following propositions are all of exactly the same logical meaning : A = BC -I- be a = bC -|- Br. B = AC -I- ac b = Ac -\- aC. 100. Write out five similar logical equivalents of the pro- position r = PQ -\-pq. i o i . Prove that ab a&C is equivalent to ac acB, and AB - AC to A = ABC -I- Me. 102. How may the condition A -|- B = ACD -|- BCD be expressed in four non-disjunctive equations ? 103. Verify the equivalence of M - M and N - 244 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. when for M and N we substitute successively the following pairs of values : I N = ABC. t N = I = ACD ( AM) -I- abCd, 104. Express each of the following propositions equa- tionally in a series of non-disjunctive propositions : 1 i ) Either the king is dead, or he is now on the march. (2) Either compression or expansion will produce either heat or cold in a solid body. (3) AH-3C = GM-d). (4) AB -I- AC = (AB -I- AC) (GH- cD). 105. In problem 20 (chap. xxi. p. 194) what description should we obtain of the classes c, those who do not take snuff, and d, those who do not use tobacco, respectively under the several conditions (i), (2) and (3), with (4)? 1 06. In problem 29, pp. 200-1, draw descriptions of the classes Ac, ad, and cD. 107. Represent symbolically the logical import of the sentence : ' If it be erroneous to suppose that all certainty is mathematical, it is equally an error to imagine that all which is mathematical is certain.' 1 08. Represent equationally the logical import of this extract from the Oath of Supremacy : ' No foreign prince, prelate, person, state, or potentate, hath any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence, or authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm.' Observe especially how far the alternatives are or are not mutually exclusive. xxin EXERCISES 245 109. Take the following syllogism in Datisi : All men are some' mortals ; Some" men are some ili fools ; Therefore, Some iv fools are some v mortals ; and analyse equationally the meanings of the word ' some ' as it occurs five times. Show which of the ' somes ' if any are exactly equivalent. Compare the result with the remarkably acute analysis of this mood given by Shedden, in his Elements of Logic, 1864, pp. 131-2. no. If some Xs are Ys, and for every X there is some- thing neither Y nor Z, prove that 'some things are neither Xs nor Zs. [DE MORGAN.] in. Solve equationally Boole's example of analysis of Clarke's argument (see Laws of Thought, Chap, xiv.) The premises may be thus stated : f ABD = O. B/= O. \Kbd =O. AF = O. CDE = O. Ae = O. 112. Show that every equational proposition whatsoever, the members of which are represented by X and Y in X = Y, may be decomposed into two propositions of the forms X = X Y and Y = XY, which will not however always differ. Show also that the operation when repeated gives no new result. 113. Take the definition Ice = Frozen Water, and throw it into equivalent propositions of the following forms : (1) One disjunctive proposition. (2) Two non-disjunctive propositions. (3) One disjunctive and one non-disjunctive. (4) Two disjunctives and one non-disjunctive. (5) One disjunctive and two non-disjunctives. 246 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. (6) Three disjunctives. (7) Four non-disjunctives. Are these forms exhaustive, or can you frame yet other equivalent forms. 114. How many and what non-disjunctive propositions will be equivalent to the single disjunctive, A^ -|- &C = 115. Express the proposition AB = C -I- D in the form of two disjunctive and then in three non-disjunctive propositions. 1 1 6. As an exercise on Chapter XXII., take the proposition : Stratified Rocks = Sedimentary Rocks, and discover (i) one equivalent; (2) two inferrible; (3) several partially inferrible and otherwise consistent ; (4) several consistent, indifferent, and not inferrible ; (5) two partially inferrible, partially contradictory ; (6) one partially indifferent, partially contradictory ; (7) one purely contradictory proposition. 117. Treat in the same general manner any of the following premises : ( i ) Blood-vessels = arteries | veins. (2) Either thou or I or both must go with him. (3) Heat is conveyed either by contact or radiation. (4) An equation is either integrable or not integrable. (5) Roger Bacon, an English monk, was the greatest of mediaeval philosophers. (6) Those animals which have a brain in connection with a spinal cord, and they alone, have red blood corpuscles. [MURPHY.] 1 1 8. Perform an exhaustive analysis of the relations of the following propositions, comparing each , proposition xxin EXERCISES 247 with each other in all the fifteen possible combinations, and ascertaining concerning each pair under which of the seven heads it falls : (1) A = BC. (4) a = BC abc. (2) A = Me. (5) ab = ac. (3) A = At>; B = C. (6) AB = ABC. 119. Perform a similar exhaustive analysis of the rela- tions of the following propositions : (1) Mercury = liquid, metal. (2) Not-mercury is not liquid. (3) Not-metal is either not-mercury or not-liquid. (4) Mercury is a metal and is liquid. (5) Liquid is either mercury or not-metal. (6) Not-liquid is either not-mercury or metal. (7) Not-mercury is either not-liquid or not-metal. The eight propositions in question 45 or the seven in 55 of this chapter may be similarly analysed. 1 20. Analyse this argument: 'As we can only doubt through consciousness, to doubt of consciousness is to doubt of consciousness by consciousness.' 121. Illustrate the principle that the relations of logical symbols are independent of space-relations. (See Prin- ciples of Science, first ed. vol. i. pp. 39-42, 444 ; vol. ii. p. 469 ; new edition, pp. 32-35, 383, 769.) 122. Show that if certain premises involving three terms leave five or more combinations unnegatived, the premises in question must be self-consistent. 123. From the point of view of equational logic analyse 248 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP, xxm the metaphysical wisdom of Coleridge's doctrine of the syllogism thus expressed (Table Talk, vol. i. p. 207) : 'All Syllogistic Logic is i. delusion; 2. /^elusion ; 3. (delusion ; which answer to the Understanding, the Experience, and the Reason. The first says : " This ought to be," the second adds : " This is," and the last pronounces : " This must be so." ' CHAPTER XXIV THE MEASURE OF LOGICAL FORCE 1. THE combinational analysis of the meaning of asser- tions enables us to establish an almost mathematical system of measurement of the comparative force of assertions. Given the number of independent terms involved, that form of proposition has the least possible force which negatives only a single combination. Thus with three terms, a proposition of the form AB = ABC negatives only the single combination ABr / but A = ABC negatives three, and A = BC as many as four combinations. These latter propositions may be said to have three and four times the logical force of the first given. 2. I have not yet been able to discover any general laws regarding this subject of logical force, but many curious and perhaps important observations may be made. Thus a great many forms of assertion agree in having the logical force one-half, that is to say, they negative half the com- binations. Such is the case, the terms being three in number, with the propositions A = BC ; A = B-|-BC; A = BH-^C. Indeed, it is very frequently true that any proposition having no term common to both sides of the equation negatives half the combinations. This is true of all propositions of the types A = B, A = BC, and generally A = BCD ... Y. But it is not true of the type AB = CD. 250 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. The appearance of the same term in both members of an equation always weakens its force ; thus A = ABC has the force only of f , whereas A = BC has the force ^. Again, A = B-|-C has the force i, but A-|.B = B-|-C only the force f- . 3. The best ostensive instance of logical power is found in a form of proposition which embraces the greatest in- tension in one member with the greatest extension in the other. This kind of assertion has the general form ABC . . . = P vQ-l-R-K ; and as the terms increase the logical force approaches indefinitely to unity. Thus while A = B-|-C has the value |, AB = C-|-D has that of 10 out of 1 6, and A-|-B = CDE that of 22 out of 32. A few other observations on this subject are thrown into the form of questions : 4. Show that the logical force of n equations of the form A = B, B = C . . . 5. Prove that a single proposition of the type ABC .... = P-|-Q-|-R-K . . ., there being in all n independent letter terms, and no term common to both members, has the logical force i - - + which approaches indefinitely to unity as n increases. 6. Can you discover any equation between a single term and any expression not involving that term which has a logical force other than one-half? 7. What form of proposition involving only A and B in one member, and C, D, in the other, has the lowest possible logical force ? 8. What is the utmost number of combinations of n terms which can be negatived without producing con- tradiction ? xxiv MEASURE OF LOGICAL FORCE 251 9. What is the utmost number of combinations of four terms which can be negatived by a proposition involving only three of them ? i o. What two propositions involving five terms negative the utmost possible number of combinations, without self- contradiction ? 11. Show that m successive propositions of the type A = AB, B = BC . . . ., that is to say, in the form of the Sorites, leave m + 2 combinations unnegatived, so that the , . , , . m+ 2 logical force is i - . 2 i + i 12. Prove that the amount of surplus assertion, or over- lapping of the propositions, in a Sorites as treated in the last question, increases indefinitely. Investigate the law of the surplusage. 13. What is the utmost possible logical force as regards ;// terms of an equation involving n terms. CHAPTER XXV INDUCTIVE OR INVERSE LOGICAL PROBLEMS 1. THE direct or deductive process of logical analysis consists in determining the combinations which are, under the Laws of Thought, consistent with assumed conditions. The Inverse Problem is given certain combinations incon- sistent with conditions, to determine those conditions. As explained in the Principles of Science (chapter vii.) the inverse problem is always tentative, and consists in invent- ing laws, and trying whether their results agree with those before us. An American correspondent, Mr. M. H. Doolittle, points out that in making trials we should always pay attention to combinations in proportion to their in- frequency, or solitariness, infrequency being the mark of deep correlation. The infrequency may be that either of presence or of absence. 2. The following inductive problems consist of series of combinations of three terms and their negatives which are supposed to remain uncontradicted under the condition of a certain proposition or group of propositions. The student is requested to discover such propositions, express them equationally, and then assign them to the proper type in the table on p. 222. If in any problem the conditions are self-contradictory the student is to detect the fact. CHAP, xxv INVERSE PROBLEMS 253 I. IV. VII. IX. ABC ABC AbC AB<: abc aEc Abc AbC abC aEC BC II. aEc abc Abc V. BC AbC VIII. X. Abc ABC ABC III. aEC aEc aEC Abc abC aEc aEC VL abc abC aEc AbC Abc abc 3. Assuming each of the following series of combinations to consist of those excluded or contradicted by certain proposi- tions, assign the propositions which are just sufficient to exclude them in each problem, express these propositions equationally, and refer them as in the last question to the proper type in the table : I. V. VIII. ABC ABC ABC II- Abc aEC abC abc VI. III. AEc IX. aEc Kbc AEc abC abc AbC VII. Abc IV - aEc aEC ABC abC aEc abc abc abC 254 EQUATIONAL LOGIC CHAP. 4. I now give a series of inductive problems involving four terms. Each series of combinations consists of those which remain after the exclusion of such as contradict certain conditions. Required those conditions. The problems are ranged somewhat in order of difficulty. I. IV. VII. X. ABCD ABCD ABCD AB^D abed AEed AECd aECd abCV AEcV aEed II. abed Abed abea ABCD AECd V. abed XI. aBCD ABCD AB^D aECd AECd VIII. AbCd abCD AEed Abea AbeV abCd A^CD aECd aECd abcD AbCd abCd abCd abed abed aMD abed abed III. ABG* aECd abCd abcD abed VI. ABG/ AB^ A^C^ abed IX ABC^ aEca abCd XII. ABCD AB^D AbCd aECd abed 5. I next give a few similar problems involving five or six terms, as follows : XXV INVERSE PROBLEMS 255 I. ABCDE Abcde aEcde abcde III. ABG/E A&CJE abcdE abcde V. AB^rDE a&CDe abCde II. ABC^ aECde abCde rt^DE abcDe abcde IV. ABCDE KbCde abCDe abcdE VI. ABCDE ABG/E A&CDe VII. VIII. KBCdef A&CDef IX. McVef AfcJEF rtB^/EF A^^F a^CDEF ^B^DEF *CDeF 256 EQUATIONAL LOGIC cn A V. 6. As the reader who is in possession of the present volume will have plenty of unanswered inductive problems, it may be well to give here the answers to the problems of the like kind which were set in the Principles of Science, new edition, p. 127. They are as follows : a = a ~BC. II. A = AC; a = aB. III. A = AC; ab = abc. IV. A = D ; B = CD -|- cd, or their equivalents V. ab = BC = VI. D = E ; bC = ^CD ; (a -I- S)c = abcde. VII. A = c=D = e; B = B. VIII. (Unknown.) IX. ^D = C ]/; adR = B^F ; ACF = AO/F ; = ^CEF. X. This example was set by me at haphazard, like Nos. V. and VI., that is to say, by merely striking out any combinations of the logical alphabet which fancy dictated. Dr. John Hopkinson, F.R.S., has given me the following rather complex solution (1) d=abd. (2) b = b (AT -\- ae). (3) A/= A/B^DE. (4) E = E (B/-I- JACDF). (5) ^B=^ABCDF. (6) abc = abcef. (7) abef abcef. Can a simpler answer be discovered ? xxv INVERSE PROBLEMS 257 7. In the first edition of the Principles of Science, vol. ii. p. 370, I gave a rather complex problem involving six terms, the combinations unexcluded being as follow after coalescence of some alternatives : ABCDF AEcDef ABCDD means that A is identical with B, which differs from D, it does not follow that 260 NUMERICAL LOGIC CHAP. Two classes of objects may differ in qualities, and yet they may agree in number. 2. The sign ! being used to stand for the disjunctive conjunction or, but in an unexclusive sense, it follows that I- is not identical in meaning with + . It does not follow from the statement that A is either B or C, that the number o As is equal to the number of Bs added to the number of Cs ; some objects, or possibly all, may have been counted twice in this addition. Thus, if we say An elector is either an elector for a borough, or for a county, or for a university, it does not follow that the total number of electors is equal to the number of borough, county, and university electors added together ; for some men will be found in two or three of the classes. This difficulty, however, is avoided with great ease ; for we need only develop each alternative into all its possible subclasses and strike out any subclass which appears more than once, and then convert into numbers, connected by the sign of addition. Thus, from A = B ] C we get A = BC-|-BH-BC-|-^C; but striking out one of the terms BC as being superfluous, we have A = BC -I- B^-|- ' there are twenty-six terms in all which the reader may readily work out. Giving them the signs indicated by De Morgan, and striking out pairs of positive and negative terms, we find only two combinations left, together with m' and ', which terms are used, as in the last problem, to express the fact that De Morgan's proposition /XY is not really definite, but means that m or more, that is m or (m + m') Xs are Ys. We thus obtain (xy) = (xyz)-(XyZ) - m - n' in which the term (XyZ) is wholly undetermined. Thus we find that De Morgan's method gives us as the value of (xy) 270 NUMERICAL LOGIC CHAP. a part of itself (xyz), diminished by three unknown quanti- ties. The number (xz) may accordingly be of any magni- tude, while the lower limit assigned to it by De Morgan is zero, or even negative. The problem is in fact a wholly indeterminate one, and De Morgan's solution is illusory. Similar remarks may be made concerning other conclu- sions which De Morgan draws. Thus, from mXy and riz (wXs or more are not Ys, and nYs or more are Zs) he infers (m + n - x) xZ and (;// + n - z) Xz. But it will be found by analysis that the first of these results has the following meaning : (xZ) > (xYZ - (XYz) ; that is to say, the lower limit of the class xZ is a part of itself, xYZ, diminished by the number of another class XYz of unknown magnitude. 13. If the fractions a and ft of the Ys be severally As and Bs, and if a + ft be greater than unity, it follows that some As are Bs. \Cambridge Phil. Trans, vol. x. part i. p. 8.] In his third memoir on the Syllogism De Morgan gives the above as a very general statement of the conditions of valid mediate inference. He remarks that the logician, that is to say, the ordinary Aristotelian logician, ' demands a = i or /3 = i, or both ; he can then infer.' This repre- sents the condition of a distributed middle term. The numerically definite conditions are readily repre- sented as follow : The premises are a . (Y) = (AY). xxvi QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 271 Hence = (ABY) + (AJY) + (ABY) + (aBY), or (ABY) = (a + (3 - i) (Y) + (aY). We learn that the number of AYs which are Bs is the fraction (a + /3-i) of the Ys, together with the undeter- mined number (#Y), which cannot be negative. But, according to the conditions, a + /3 is greater than unity ; hence the second side of the equation must have a positive value. Not only will there be (a + /3-i), As which are Bs, but this is merely the lowest limit, and there will be as many more as there are units in the number of a^Ys. If we distribute the middle term Y once, by making 0=1, we have (ABY) = /?.(Y) + o. The term (a3Y) of course vanishes because the whole of the Ys are As. Again, if /?= i, we have (ABY) = a.(Y). If both a and (3 become unity, then (ABY) = (Y). It must be carefully noted, however, that these results do not show the whole number of As which are Bs, but only those which are so within the sphere of the term Y. Nothing has been said about the combinations of not-Y, which are quite unlimited by the conditions of the problem. 14- ' If A occurs in a larger proportion of the cases where B is than of the cases where B is 272 NUMERICAL LOGIC CHAP. not, then will B also occur in a larger propor- tion of the cases where A is than of the cases where A is not.' This general proposition is asserted in J. S. Mill's chapter ' On Chance and its Elimination,' but is not proved by Mill. (System of Logic, Book III., chapter xvii. section 2, adfinem; fifth edition, vol. ii. p. 54.) I do not remember seeing any proof of it given elsewhere, and it is not to my mind self-evident. The following, however, is a proof of its truth, and is the shortest proof I have been able to find. The condition of the problem may be expressed in the inequality (AB) : (B) > (A*) : (b\ or reciprocally in the inequality (B) : (AB) < (b) : (A*). Subtracting unity from each side, and simplifying, we have (B) : (AB) < (at) : (hb). Multiplying each side of this inequality by (A^) : (B) we obtain (A&) : (AB) < (ab) : (aB). Restoring unity to each side, and simplifying (A) : (AB) < (a} : (aE), or reciprocally (AB) : (A) > (B) : (), which expresses the result to be proved, namely, that B occurs in a larger proportion of the cases where A is than of the cases where A is not. IS- In a company of r individuals,/ have coats and q have waistcoats. Determine some other relations between them. xxvi QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 273 Boole treats this problem in the fourth page of his Memoir On Propositions Numerically Definite {Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, vol. xi. part ii.). Taking i to represent the company which is the universe of the propo- sition, x the class possessing coats, y the class possessing waistcoats, and using the letter N, according to Boole's notation, as equivalent to the words ' number of,' he finds, as we have found in a preceding page (p. 264, No. 7), =p + q- r + Ni - x i y. -# i -y = r-p - q + He proceeds, ' Again, let us form the equation q-r = 2Nx - Ny - N i = N (zx-y - i) = N (xi -y 2y i x i - x i y) = NX i y 2Ny i jc - N i - x i y. From which we have N^ic i -y = 2p - q - r + 2Ny i - x + N i - x i y. Hence we might deduce that the number who had coats but not waistcoats would exceed the number 2p-q-r by twice the number who had waistcoats without coats together with the number who had neither coats nor waist- coats. This is not, indeed, the simplest result with reference to the class in question, but it is a correct one.' The student is requested to verify this result. On going over this paper of Boole's again, it becomes apparent to my mind that his method is identical with that developed in this chapter and in my previous paper T 274 NUMERICAL LOGIC CHAP. on the same subject (Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Third Series, vol. iv. p. 330, Session 1869-70), written with a knowledge, as stated on p. 331, of Boole's publication on the subject. 16. Can we represent a syllogism in the extensive form by means of numerical symbols ? In a very interesting and remarkable paper read to the Belfast Philosophical Society in 1875, Mr. Joseph John Murphy has given a kind of numerical notation for the syllogism. He has since printed a more condensed and matured account of his views in Mind, January, 1877. Taking the syllogism ' Chlorine is one of the class of imperfect gases ; imperfect gases are part of the class of substances freely soluble in water ; therefore, chlorine is one of the class of substances freely soluble in water ' he assumes the symbols x = Chlorine, y = Imperfect gases, z = substances freely soluble in water. He expresses the first premise in the form y = x+p, p being a positive numerical quantity indicating that there are other things besides chlorine in the class of imperfect gases. The second premise takes the form * = y + & similarly indicating that besides imperfect gases there are q things in the class of substances freely soluble in water. Substitution gives 2 = x +p + q, which would seem to prove that besides chlorine (x) there are p + q things in the class of substances freely soluble in water. xxvi QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 275 The student who wishes to master the difficulties of the modern logical views should read these papers with great care. Space does not admit of my arguing the matter out at full length, and I can therefore only briefly express my objec- tions to Mr. Murphy's views as follows : His equations are equations in extension, and, with his use of + and - , they can only hold true when his terms are numerical quantities. Under this assumption his equations show with perfect correctness the numbers of certain classes ; but they are not therefore equivalent to syllogisms. Because z = x+p + q, we learn that the number z exceeds x by / + q, but it does not therefore follow that chlorine belongs to the class of substances represented by z. In short, as I have pointed out at the beginning of this chapter (p. 259), from logical equations arithmetical ones follow, but not vice versa. (See also Principles of Science, p. 171 ; first edit. vol. i. p. 193.) I hold, therefore, that Mr. Murphy's forms are not really representations of syllogisms ; but at the same time I am quite willing to admit that this is a question never yet settled and demanding further investigation. It is very remarkable that Hallam inserted in his History of Literature (ed. 1839, vol. iii. pp. 287-8) a long note containing a theory of the syllogism somewhat similar to that of Mr. Murphy, but which has hitherto remained unknown to Mr. Murphy and apparently to all other logical writers. CHAPTER XXVII PROBLEMS IN NUMERICAL LOGIC i. IF from the number of members of Parliament we subtract the number of them who are not military men, we get the same result as if from the whole number of military men we subtract the number of them who are not members of Parliament. Prove this. 2. In a company of x individuals it is discovered that y are Cambridge men, and z are lawyers. Find an expression for the number of Cambridge men in the company who are lawyers, and assign its greatest and least possible values. [BOOLE.] 3. Prove that in any population the difference between the number of females and the number of minors is equal to the difference between the number of females who are not minors, and of minors who are not females. 4. Show that if to the number of metals which are red, we add the number which are brittle, the sum is equal to that of the whole number of metals after addition of the number of metals which are both red and brittle, and after subtraction of the number of metals which are neither red nor brittle. 5. What is the value of the following expression (A)-(AB)-(AQ? CHAP, xxvn PROBLEMS 277 6. Prove that the number of quadrupeds in the world added to the number of beings not quadrupeds which possess stomachs is equal to the whole number of things having stomachs together with the number of things not having stomachs which are quadrupeds. 7. If x and y be respectively the numbers of things which are X and Y, while m is the whole number which are both X and Y, and n the number which are either X alone or Y alone, what is the relation between m + n and x +y? 8. Let u be the whole number of things under con- sideration, x the number which are A, and y the number which are B ; then if m be the number of things which are both A and B, show that m + u - x -y is the number which are neither A nor B. 9. Taking each logical term to represent the number of things included in its class, verify the following equa- tions : (A - AB) (A - AC) = A - AB - AC + ABC = hbc. (A - AB) (A - AC) (A - AD) = A - AB - AC + ABC - AD + ABD + ACD - ABCD = Kbcd. 10. What is the product of the logical multiplication of the four factors (A - AB) (A - AC) (A - AD) (A - AE) ? Give another expression for its value. 1 1. Show that the following equation is necessarily true : B + AC + 1>C + Afc= A + C + 1 2. What happens in Problem 8 if it be discovered that the class B does not exist at all ? 13. Find an expression for the difference between (A) and (B) + (C). 278 NUMERICAL LOGIC CHAP. 1 4. What is (a) the minimum percentage of C that must, and ((3) the maximum that may coincide with B under the following conditions ? 80 per cent of As coincide with 50 per cent of Bs. 70 per cent of As coincide with 60 per cent of Cs. [D.] 15. If revolutions occur in a larger proportion of govern- ments where the press is under a censorship, than of govern- ments where it is not, then will a censorship of the press be found in a larger proportion of governments which are sub- ject to frequent revolutions, than of governments which are not thus subject. [D.] 1 6. If p per cent of A are B, and q per cent of A are C, what is the least percentage of A that those individuals make up which are both B and C ? [D.] 1 7. Show that we cannot tell what percentage of B or of C the same individuals make up unless we know how much of B or of C is not A. [D.] 1 8. In the easy case in which all B is A, and all C is A, find what percentage of B or of C must be made up by the individuals which are both B and C at once. [D.] 19. Prove the following equations : (A6f) + (AB) = (A) + (ABC) - (AC). (A + B) - (C + D) = (A + B) (c + Crf) - (C + D) (a + Kb) - AB (G/ + *D) + CD (A* + aB). 20. Prove that the following equation gives a correct expression for the common part of any three classes - A, B, C. (ABC) = (B) + (C) - (A) - (flB) - (C) + (Afc). 21. In a company consisting of r individuals there were q in number who knew Latin, and / in number who knew xxvii PROBLEMS 279 either Latin or French, but not both ; between what limits is the number of those who knew French confined ? 22. In the last problem prove that the lower limit is the greatest value in / - q and q - p, and the upper limit, the least value in ir - p - q, and / + q. (See Boole, On Pro- positions Numerically Definite, p. 15.) 23. The student will find many other numerically defi- nite problems in De Morgan's Formal Logic, Chapter VIII., and in his Syllabus, pp. 27-30 ; but in reading De Morgan it must be carefully remembered that wXY means with him not that wXs are Ys but that m or more Xs are Ys. His solutions will sometimes, as shown in the previous chapter, be found delusive. 24. Verify the following assertion of De Morgan : ' To say that mXs are not any one to be found among any lot of Ys is a spurious (that is a self-evident or necessary) pro- position, unless m + n be greater than both x and y, in which case it is merely equivalent to both of the following, (m + n -y) Xy, and (/// + n - x) Yx, which are equiva- lent to each other. 25. It is found that there are in a certain club of x mem- bers, y London graduates, and z lawyers. What further numerical data are requisite in order to define the numbers who are both London graduates and lawyers, and of those who are neither ? 26. If there are more persons in a town than there are hairs on any one person's head, then there must be at least two persons in the town with the same number of hairs on their heads. Put this theorem into a strict logico-mathe- matical form. [HERBERT SPENCER.] 27. Demonstrate the theorem in numerical logic given in the Principles of Science, new edition (only), p. 170. 28. 'For every man in the house there is a person who 280 NUMERICAL LOGIC CHAP, xxvn is aged ; some of the men are not aged ; it follows, and easily, that some persons in the house are not men ; but not by any common form of syllogism.' (DE MORGAN, Syllabus, p. 29.) A solution of this problem is given in Principles of Science, new edition, p. 169. 29. Draw what conclusions you can from the following : ' There were some English on board ; and though no passengers were saved from the wreck, and of the ship- officers, as it happened, only one, yet no Englishman was lost.' [R.] CHAPTER XXVIII THE LOGICAL INDEX 1. I NOW give what I propose to call the Logical Index, or, more precisely, the Logical Index of Three Terms. As however the logical relations of two terms are too simple to need an index, and those of four terms are vastly too numerous and complex to admit of exhaustive treatment at present, the Index of Three Terms is practically the only one which can be given. It contains, within the space of four pages, a complete enumeration of all possible purely logical conditions involving only three distinct terms. 2. Each page contains a double-sided table, forming in fact two tables. Each such table contains a column of equational propositions, a column of Roman numerals showing the type (see p. 222) to which such propositions belong, a column of consecutive Arabic numbers for sake of easy reference, and lastly a column of Greek letters, which supplement the Greek letters a, f3, y, given at the heads of the columns of propositions. These Greek letters stand in place of the combinations of the fourth column of the Logical Alphabet (p. 1 8 1 ), as follow : a=ABC e 282 TkE LOGICAL INDEX CHAP. It is obvious that each Greek letter appearing in the middle column of the Index represents the presence of the corre- sponding combination, or rather its non-exclusion. Absence of the Greek letter represents exclusion. Looking, for instance, to No. 31, we learn that a be, an assertion of the Vlth type, excludes all combinations except a, /3, y, specified at the top of the table, and 8, specified in the centre column ; that is to say, the combinations consistent with a = bc are ABC, ABr, A^C, and abc. The principal use of the Index, however, will be in the inverse direction, to find the law corresponding to certain unexcluded com- binations. Taking, for instance, the combinations A&r, aBC, abC, their Greek signs are 8, e, 77 ; to find their law, then, we must look in the last table in the column headed (not-a), (not-/3), (not-y), and in the line showing 8, e, >/, in the middle column. We there find the two assertions A = <: = Kb of the IVth type (No. 230), as those corresponding to the combinations in question. 3. With the aid of this Index we can infallibly and rapidly solve all possible problems relating to three terms. What assertion, for example, can we make which shall not be contradictory to, and yet shall not be inferrible from, the premise a = BC -|- abc ? Working out the combinations unexcluded by this premise, we find them to be AB Elementary Lessons in Logic, 1870, p. 199 ; Principles of Science, 1874, Vol. i. p. 1 10 ; New Editions, p. 96. 286 THE LOGICAL INDEX 2 :*!Qe.--9.sjOH w>tso j-^-^-^^-^-^-ininioininioinioui m*o vo vo vo vo % a H* ^ V s ss S* G 11 _ . " " .. "**"[( ' ^t -^ v ,* Or-, O ^ ". >* I X w Q pp !:!: p-s- PS- S-B- s-sr p-fr p-B- fi o o hJ w - < ft < 8 * 5 I I XXVIII THE LOGICAL INDEX 289 II II . II II II II - II - II II < < o o o o.loLl ii .11 .