Z939 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES i w}f MM - I . I ^M X. < t . 1 he ii avemeyer J. W. BOUTON'S Choice Importations of Illustrated and Fine Art Works for 1889-90. THE SALON OF PARIS, 1889. Illustrated by One Hiindred Photogravures, Printed in Various Colors, of its Masterpieces. In announcing the publication of the "Salon de 1889," in continuation of the series begun in 1880 by Mr. Lyuovic BASCHET, great pleasure is taken in stating the fact that the forth- coming volume will exhibit that superiority in excellence over its predecessors which has been a feature in each successive issue of the series, and which results from the intelligent efforts and determination of the publisher to keep the publication abreast in every way with the improve- ments in art processes which are constantly being made. Holland Paper Subscribers' Edition, each copy numbered, Columbier 8vo (18x9^), crimson cloth, uncut edges, $20.00. Ordinary Edition, on thick vellum paper, large 8vo, crimson cloth, uncut edges, $15.00. SUPERB NEW WORK ON FEMALE COSTUME. COSTUMES HISTORIQUES de FEMMES du XlVe, XVe, XVIe, XVIIe, XVIIIe Siecles. Illustrated with 122 Plates by Lechevallier- Chevignard, engraved by pidier, Flameng, Laguillermie and others, and carefully colored by hand.and heightened with Gold and Silver, i vol., royal4to, in cloth portfolio, $25.00 ; or in half polished levant morocco extra, gilt tops, $35.00. RACE HORSES. Pedigree Description History. Also History of celebrated English and French Thorough- bred Stallions and French Mares which appeared on the Turf from 1764 to 1887. By S. F. Touchstone. Preceded by a Preface from the Duke of Beaufort. Illustrated by Sixty Colored Plates of Horses by V. J. Cotlison, L. Penicault and Le Nail. Also 134 Vignettes in the text by Crafty, Cotlison, Le Nail, Arsenius, Penicault, Cousturier, etc., colored by hand. Oblong folio, half bound, only 520 copies printed, $30.00. THE SOFT PORCELAIN OF SEVRES. With an Historical Introduction, by EDOUARD GARNIER. Ten parts, royal folio, five plates in each, fifty in all, representing two hundred and fifty water- color subjects after the originals, price $5.00 a part. The plates, which have been executed by one of the largest and best printing establish- ments in Paris, regardless of expense, will be found to reproduce with absolute fidelity the forms of the original objects, while being at the same time strikingly successful in imitating their lightness, brilliancy, and bright, though delicate, coloring. HISTOIRE de 1'HABITATION HUMAINE. A series of 25 fine Etchings of the Buildings erected in the Paris Exposition of 1889, by Charles Gamier, with Descriptive Letterpress. 410, in neat portfolio, $12.50. EXPOSITION de PARIS de 1889. A superb and comprehensive volume embracing all the principal features of the Exhibition. Illustrated with 560 pages of Engravings, among which are many large folding plates, in various tints, and many elaborate color prints, forming altogether the most complete and exhaustive work on the subject yet published, i vol., large folio, with elaborately orna- mental cloth binding, richly and appropriately gilt, $7.50. JUST PUBLISHED. WITCH, WARLOCK, AND MAGICIAN: Historical Sketches of Magic and Witchcraft in England and Scotland, i vol., 8vo, cloth (428 pages), $3.00. CATALOGUE OF THE EXTENSIVE AND * * VALUABLE LIBRARY FORMED BY A WELL-KNOWN COLLECTOR WHO HAS DEVOTED MANY YEARS AND A LARGE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY IN ITS FORMATION COMPRISING AN UNUSUAL ASSEMBLAGE OF FINE ART AND ILLUSTRATED WORKS, UNIQUE EXTRA ILLUSTRATED COPIES, & STANDARD AUTHORS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS OF LITERATURE NOW OFFERED FOR SALE AT THE VERY REASONABLE PRICES AFFIXED BY J. W. BOUTON, 1152 BROADWAY NEW- YORK NEW-YORK PRINTED FOR THE PUBLISHER 1880 NOTE. The books described in the accompanying catalogue comprise the Library of a gentleman who has devoted many years and a large expenditure of means in accu- mulating it. The collection, as a whole, is one of unusual excellence and interest. It is seldom, indeed, that a Library so per- fect in the essentials requisite for a gentleman is placed at the disposal of the public. In the number and range of desirable books, in the choice of editions, in the careful selection of copies, the judicious and often costly bindings, and the perfect condition of the whole, it has seldom been equalled. The Library is particularly strong in standard authors, in the department of fine arts, and comprises all the most notable art publications, both old and new ; galleries and collections of prints, etchings, drawings, and standard treatises in English, French and German all being in the finest possible condition, a considerable number of which could not easily be duplicated, with others that are abso- lutely unique. The prices at which the books are offered are very reasonable, in many cases from twenty-five to fifty per cent, below their original cost, with the object of inducing a speedy sale. J. W. BOUTON, 1152 Broadway. December, 1889. 7175 CATALOGUE. 1 A'BECKETT (G. A.). THE ALMANACK OF THE MONTH : a Review of Everything and Everybody. Numerous en- gravings on wood. 2 vols., 32mo, half calf, gilt, uncut. $5.50. London, 1846 2 A'BECKETT (G. A.) AND SAMBOURNE. OUR HOLI- DAY IN THE SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS. Numerous fine humor- ous illustrations. Oblong 410, cloth. $2.00. London, n. d. 3 ADAMS (W. H. DAVENPORT). GOOD QUEEN ANNE ; or, Men and Manners, Life and Letters, in England's Augustan Age. 2 vols., 8vo, new cloth. $3.00. London, 1886 * f * "As a picture of men and manners, life and letters, in England's so-called Augustan age, 'Good Queen Anne ' is excellent reading." Telegraph. 4 ADAMS (W. H. DAVENPORT). THE MERRY MONARCH ; or, England under Charles II. Its Art, Literature and Society. 2 vols., 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $6.50. London, 1885 5 AESOP'S FABLES. With 56 large illustrations from de- signs by Henry L. Stephens. Beautifully printed on thick paper. Royal 4to, new half levant extra, gilt top. $20.00. Scarce. New York, 1868 ** Mr. Stephens has no superior in the peculiar style of illustration which is most effective in bringing put the spirit of . before publication. The work illustrates the more important branches of the Art Industries of the Japanese, placing in the hands of admirers of art a comprehensive series of plates, produced directly from the original objects by the most skillful artists in Paris; and representing truthfully in colors, gold, etc., the finest examples of their marvellous art work. The work is so arranged, and its plates are so richly supplied with ornamental accessories, that it forms an exhaustive treatise on Japanese ornament and decoration of the highest value to designers in all branches of art manufacture, and constitutes a vast storehouse of most original and suggestive material. The plates are accompanied by descriptive letterpress, giving the names of the owners of the objects depicted. 32 AUDSLEY (G. A.) AND J. L. BOWES. THE KERAMIC ART OF JAPAN. Illustrated by 63 superb plates (35 of which are printed in gold and colors) and numerous wood engravings after original Japanese work illustrating the whole range of Japanese Keramic art, ancient and modern, and accompanied by nearly 200 pages of descriptive letter- press. 2 vols., folio, handsomely bound in'new half olive green levant extra, gilt tops. $100.00. Liverpool, 1875 ** Fine copy of this beautiful work. Cost $150.00. 33 AUDUBON QOHN JAMES). ORNITHOLOGICAL BIOGRAPHY ; or, An Account of the Habits of the Birds of the United States of America. 5 vols., imperial 8vo, half- green morocco extra, gilt tops, rough edges. $75.00. Edinburgh, 1831 * f * Fine copy, with autograph presentation by Audubon. Copies in such fine condition are very rare. 34 AUTOBIOGRAPHIES: A collection of the most instruc- tive and amusing lives ever published, written by the parties themselves, with brief introductions, and compendious sequels carrying on the narrative to the death of each writer. Portraits on steel. 33 vols., i6mo, uniformly bound in new half dark green morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. $75.00. London, 1830, etc. 35 BACON (LORD). COMPLETE WORKS, edited, with Life, by Basil Montagu. Pickering's finely printed edition. Portrait. 17 vols., 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. $75.00. London, 1825 36 BAILY'S MAGAZINE OF SPORTS AND PAS- TIMES, from its commencement in 1860 to end of 1882. With about 300 fine portraits on steel of celebrated sports- men, jockeys, etc. 39 vols., 8vo, new half red morocco extra. $100.00. London, 1862-82 ' ,* Handsome set of this interesting sporting magazine. The Havemeyer Library. 7 37 BAIRD (HENRY M.). THE HUGUENOTS AND HENRY OF NAVARRE. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf extra, gilt tops. $5.50. London, 1886 38 BALDWIN (W. C.). AFRICAN HUNTING, FROM NATAL TO THE ZAMBESI, including Lake Ngami, the Kalahari Desert, etc. Portrait, map and numerous tinted plates and engrav- ings on wood. 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt top. $3.50. London, 1863 39 BALZAC (H. DE). (EUVRES COMPLETES. Portrait and a fine series of plates after Meissonier, Tony Johannot, Ber- tall, and other celebrated French artists. 20 vols., royal 8vo, new half crimson morocco, gilt tops, contents lettered. $45.00. Paris, 1874 %* Nice set of the works of this great French romance writer. 40 BALZAC (H. DE). DROLL STORIES. With 425 very clever humorous designs by Gustave Dore. Thick post 8vo, new cloth extra, gilt top. $5.00. London, Hotten, n. d. %* Unabridged and far superior to the cheap castrated reprint. 41 BANCROFT (GEORGE). HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, from the discovery of the American Continent. 10 vols., large 8vo, new half green morocco extra, gilt tops, by Mathews. $50.00. Boston, 1861 %* Large paper ; 50 copies printed ; binding cost alone $75.00. 42 BAPTISM. FEATLEY (D.). THE DIPPERS DIPT; or, the Anabaptists Ducked and Plunged over Head and Ears, at a Disputation in Southwalk, with Discourses of their Er- rours, Punishments, etc., History of the Fran tick Anabap- tists, their Wilde Preachings in Germany, etc. With curious title by Marshall, also portrait by Marshall, and plate of the author in his shroud (generally wanting). Small 410, russia, gilt edges. $15.00. London, 1660 ** The seventh and most complete edition of a curious work, in which Featley attacks Milton's Tractate of Divorce. 43 BARHAM (R. H.). INGOLDSBY LEGENDS. With humorous plates by Cruikshank and Leech. 3 vols., post 8vo, cloth, uncut. $18.00. Scarce. London, Bentley, 1855 44 BARKER (LADY). A YEAR'S HOUSEKEEPING IN SOUTH AFRICA. With illustrations. Small 8vo, new half morocco, gilt top. $3.00. London, 1877 45 BARNARD AND ROSS. BEHIND A BRASS KNOCKER. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. $1.25. London, 1883 8 The Havemeyer Library. 46 BARONIAL HALLS AND ANCIENT PICTURESQUE EDIFICES OF ENGLAND. A series of 71 plates, beau- tifully colored in imitation of the original drawings, together with numerous engravings on wood, with descriptions by S. C. Hall. 2 vols., folio, in half morocco portfolios. $37.50. New York (London), n. d. %* Must not be confounded with the lithotint edition. 47 BARRfi (L.) HERCULANUM ET POMPEI : RECUEIL GEN- ERAL des PEINTURES, BRONZES, MOSAIQUES, etc., DE- COUVERTS jusQu'A CE JOUR, et reproduits d'apres tous les ouvrages publics jusqu'k present avec un texte explicatif. With upwards of 700 fine engravings in outline, by H. Roux, ain6. 8 vols., imperial 8vo, French boards, uncut. $40.00. Paris (Didot), n. d. * f * This is the most complete work on the discoveries'at Herculaneum and Pompeii, exhibit- ing all the paintings, bronzes, miniatures, etc., hitherto published in rare or expensive works, with the addition of many others which have not previously appeared. Vol. VIII. consists of the Musee Secret. 48 BARROW (JOHN). VOYAGE TO COCHIN CHINA. Illus- trated with 21 colored plates. 4to, calf, gilt. $3.00. London, 1806 49 BARTOLOZZI AND HIS WORKS. A biographical and descriptive account by A. W. Tuer. Illustrations. 2 vols., 4to, half vellum. $12.00. London, n. d. 50 BARTSCH (ADAM). LE PEINTRE-GRAVEUR. Original edition throughout. 21 vols., small 8vo, French calf extra, marbled edges. $65.00. Vienne, 1803-21 ** Fine copy of this valuable work. 51 BATES (S. P.). BATTLE OF CHANCELLORSVILLE. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. $1.00. Meadville, 1882 52 BAUCHART (ERNEST QUENTIN). LES FEMMES BIBLIO- PHILES DE FRANCE. Beautifully printed on heavy India paper, and profusely illustrated with fac-similes of cele- brated bindings, coats of arms, etc. 2 large vols., 8vo, paper, unbound. $27.50. Paris, 1886 ** 5 copies printed, the entire edition of the book being but 350 copies. It contains 45 plates of arms and 25 fine reproductions of bindings. Notices biographiques, formation et composition des bibliotheques, etudes sur les reliures, catalogues des livres conserves dans les collections publiques et particuliercs, de Louise de Savoie, Anne de Polignac, Marguerite d' Angouleme, Diane de Poitiers, Catherine de Medicis, Marie-Stuart, Marguerite de Valois, Marie de Medicis, Anne d'Autriche, Marie-Therese, Madame de Maintenon, Madame de Chamillart, Comtesse de Verrue, Duchesse de Bour- gpgne, Marie Leczinska, Madame de Pompadour, Marie-Josephe de Saxe, Mesdames de France, Madame du Barry, Marie-Antoinette, Comtesse de Provence, Comtesse d'Artois, etc. The Havemeyer Library. 9 53 BAUER'S (KAROLINE) MEMOIRS. Translated from the German. Both Series. Large type. 4 vols., 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $6.00. London, 1885 ** "A book that will find troops of readers. Scandal, where great people are concerned, is eagerly discussed, and the scandal which salts these ' Posthumous Memoirs ' of the cele- brated Berlin actress happens not to be of a kind to vex the fastidious. They demolish a reputation which once stood second to none amongst kings and kaisers. . . They swarm with anecdotes and with graphic sketches of celebrities of every kind." St. James Gazette. " As a history of the times in which Karoline Bauer lived is vastly amusing albeit she spares no one, but slashes right and left ; laying bare their faults and weaknesses and walking hand and hand with the skeletons, which but for her would have remained in the family cupboard forever and a day. She was the friend of queens and the plaything of princes keeping in both capacities her eyes very wide open, and detailing in language by no means select, but which is, on the contrary, very open and spade-like, all their little weaknesses, their liai- sons, and all other weak spots of their characters." Whitehall Review. 54 BAYLE (PETER). HISTORICAL AND CRITICAL DICTION- ARY, translated from the French, with life by Des Maiseaux. Fine portrait. 5 vols., folio, calf. $15.00. London, 1734-38 ** Best edition. "Bayle's Dictionary is a cornucopia of flowers, bright, blooming, and captivating." DIBDIN. 55 BEAUREGARD (MARQUIS DE). RECOLLECTIONS, edited by Charlotte M. Yonge. 2 vols., crown 8vo, new half mo- rocco extra, gilt tops. $5.00. London, 1877 56 BECK (G. W.). GLOVES : their Annals and Associations. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, cloth extra. $1.00. London, 1883 * f * "A most interesting and readable book, full of anecdotes, illustrations, and glove-lore from first to last " 57 BENTLEY (DR. RICHARD). WORKS, including the Epistles of Phalaris. Edited, with notes, by the Rev. Alex. Dyce. 3 vols., large 8vo, half Roxburghe. $30.00. London, 1836 * * Large and thick paper; only 12 copies printed. 58 BfiR ANGER. CEUVRES, avec biographic et correspond- ance. Illustrated with engravings on steel, portraits, and music. 10 vols., royal 8vo, new half dark-blue morocco extra, gilt tops. $40.00. Paris, 1857-76 * f * Fine copy, comprising Chansons, 2 vols., 1865; Supplement aux Chansons, 1876; Dernieres Chansons, 1876 ; Musique des Chansons, Gamier, n. d. ; Correspondance, recueillie par Paul Boiteau, 4 vols., 1860; and Ma Biographic, 1857. 59 BF.RANGER. SONGS, translated by the author of the " Exiles of Idria," with a sketch of the life of Beranger. Small 8vo, new half olive morocco extra, gilt top. $3.75. London (Pickering), 1837 ** Choice copy. 60 BERRY (Miss). JOURNALS AND CORRESPONDENCE from the year 1783 to 1852, edited by Lady Theresa Lewis. io The Havemeyer Library. Extra illustrated by the insertion of 170 selected portraits and engravings, a number of which are India proofs. 3 vols., 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt tops. $75.00. London, 1865 *** Unique copy. Full of interesting particulars of society during the latter part of the last and beginning of the present century. 6 1 BEWICK (Tnos.). WORKS. The memorial edition, with preface and notes by Austin Dobson. Profusely illustrated with engravings on wood by Bewick, printed from the orig- inal blocks. 5 vols., imperial 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops. $75.00. London, 1885-87 %* Comprising, History of British Birds Land and Water Birds, with the wood-cuts of the supplements incorporated, 2 vols. ; History of Quadrupeds; jEsop's Fables ; and Memoir of Thomas Bewick, written by himself, with numerous wood-cuts prepared for a projected His- tory of British Fishes. " While speaking of the English school, I must not omit to notice a truly original genius, who, though not a painter, was an artist of the highest order in his way Thomas Bewick, the admirable designer and engraver on wood. His works, indeed, are of the smallest dimen- sions, but this makes itonly the more surprising that so much interest could be comprised within such little spaces. The wood-cuts that illustrate his books of natural history may be studied with advantage by the most ambitious votary of the highest classes of art filled as they are by the truest feeling for nature, and though often representing the most ordinary objects, yet never, in a single instance, degenerating into commonplace. The charming vignettes that ornament these books abound in incidents from real life diversified by genuine humor, as well as by the truest pathos." LESLIE'S " HANDBOOK FOR YOUNG PAINTERS." 62 BIBLIA LATINA. A superb manuscript, written on 900 pages, in double columns, with 76 exquisitely painted large initials, with miniature portraits, flowers, and scroll-work, and nearly 1400 smaller illuminated initials without minia- tures, evidently executed in the best period of the art, just previous to the Renaissance. Large folio (19^ x 13^), full bound in massive dark-blue morocco. $250.00. Ssec. XV. %* A magnificent specimen of mediaeval work in this line. 63 BIOGRAPHIES OF EMINENT LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC MEN. Lardner's cabinet edition. 3 vols., foolscap 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $2.00. London, 1836 64 BIOGRAPHIES OF ARTISTS. An unusually complete series of these interesting lives. Illustrated with portraits, plates, etc. Together, 38 vols., various sizes, uniformly bound in half straight-grained morocco, gilt tops. $185.00. London, n. d. ** Fine set, comprising the following lives : Millet ; Turner, 2 vols. ; Stothard ; Haydon. 2 vols. ; Titian, 2 vols. ; Ary Scheffer ; Blake, 2 vols. ; Etty, 2 vols. ; Maclise ; Sir David Wilkie, 3 vols. ; Opie ; Albert Diirer, 2 vols. ; Raimbach ; Michael Angelo, 2 vols. ; Hol- bein; Sir Thos. Lawrence, 2 vols. ; Salvator Rosa, 2 vols. ; Collins: Rubens; Constable; Benvenuto Cellini ; Fuseli, 3 vols. ; Thornbury's Artists, 2 vols., and Sensier's Millet. 65 BIOGRAPHY, IMPERIAL DICTIONARY OF UNI- VERSAL. A series of original memoirs of distinguished men of all ages and all nations, by writers of eminence in The Hcwemeyer Library. 1 1 the various branches of literature, science, and art. 3 thick vols., imperial 8vo, new half morocco, gilt. $15.00. London, n. d. (recent.) 66 BIRCH (SAMUEL). HISTORY OF ANCIENT POTTERY. With numerous plates and wood-cuts. Large 8vo, new tree calf extra, gilt edges. $6.00. London, 1873 67 BOCCACCIO. IL DECAMERONE. Illustrated with the beautiful series of 1 1 1 engravings on copper after Gravelot, Eisen, Cochin, Boucher, and about 100 charming vignettes and tail-pieces. 5 vols., 8vo, sumptuously bound in full pale blue levant extra, crushed and polished, gilt edges over marble, by Smeers. $115.00. Londra (Paris), 1757 ** Choice copy of the original Italian edition, containing the first impressions of the plates, the French edition being inferior. 68 BOOK OF GEMS; or, The Poets and Artists of Great Britain. Edited by Saml. C. Hall. Handsomely printed on thick paper, and illustrated with 150 exquisite engrav- ings after Turner, Mulready, Sir Thos. Lawrence, Stanfield, Stothard, David Wilkie, etc., by Finden, and other well- known engravers. 3 vols., 8vo, new tree calf extra, gilt tops. $30.00. London, 1836 %* Fine copy of the original edition. Vol. III. has an autograph of B. W. Proctor. 69 BOOK OF HOURS. HORE INTEMERATE VIRGINIS SE- CUNDUM USUM ROMANS CURIE. With mark and name of Philippe Pigouchet. At end : Ces presentes heures a 1'usage de Rome furent achevees par Philippe Pigouchet pour Simon Vostre. With 1 1 colored engravings on wood, and wood-cut borders on pages. 8vo, old red morocco extra. $250.00. Paris, 1486 ** Very fine copy of this rare edition. Brunei doubts the correctness of the date, being of opinion that the earliest work done for Simon Vostre by Pigouchet was in 1488. 70 BOOKS OF COMMON PRAYER. Pickering's splendid reprints of the seven various editions from Edward VI. to the present time. Beautifully printed in large black letter, in red and black inks, by Whittingham. 7 vols., folio, bound in white vellum, uncut edges. $100.00. London, 1844 **The set comprises the First Prayer Book of Edward VI., Whitechurch, 1549; Second ditto, Whitechurch, 1552; First Prayer Book of Queen Elizabeth, Grafton, 1559; King James' Prayer Book, Barker, 1604; Scotch Prayer Book of Charles I., Laud's, 1637; Charles II. Prayer Book (Sealed Book), 1662, and the edition of 1662 adapted to the present reign, 1844. 71 BOSSUIT (FRANCIS VAN). BEELD-SNYDERS KUNST KAB- INET. 103 beautifully engraved copper-plates, after Barent Graat, by Mattys Pool. 41.0, half calf. $10.00. Amsterdam, 1727 ** Rare and curious. 12 The Havemeyer Library. 72 BOSWELL QAMES). LIFE OF DR. JOHNSON, with their tour to the Hebrides, greatly enlarged edition, with notes, by J. W. Croker. Fine portraits by Finden. 5 vols. Also, Johnsoniana; or, Supplement to Boswell. Plates. 1836. Together 6 vols., 8vo, new tree calf extra, gilt edges. $42.50. London, 1831-36 *** Best edition ; fine copy. 73 BOYDELL'S SHAKESPEARE GALLERY. A series of 100 very large and beautiful plates to illustrate Shake- speare's works, engraved on copper by eminent engravers, after the most distinguished British painters. Fine im- pressions. 2 vols. in j, thick atlas folio, full blue morocco. $135.00. London, 1803 %* Scarce. One of the finest and most interesting books of prints ever issued. 74 BLANC (CHAS.). ART IN ORNAMENT AND DRESS. Numerous wood-cuts. 8vo, cloth. $2.00. New York (London), 1877 75 BLAVATSKY (H. P.). Isis UNVEILED. A master key to the mysteries of ancient and modern science and theology. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8 vo, half calf extra. $7.50. New York, 1877 76 BRASSEY (LADY). WORKS. With illustrations. 4 vols., 8vo, new half straight-grained morocco extra, gilt tops. $17.50. London, 1878-86 %* Comprising Voyage in the Sunbeam ; Sunshine and Storm in the East ; Tahiti ; and, In the Trades, the Tropics, and the Roaring Forties. 77 BREECHES BIBLE. Wood-cut title-page (inlaid). Thick small 410, old dark-green morocco gilt. $10.00. London (R. Barker), 1608 %* Nice copy, in good condition, except that, as often occurs, some of the headlines have been cut into. 78 BREWER (J. S.). THE REIGN OF HENRY VIII. From his accession to the death of Wolsey, reviewed and illus- trated from original documents, edited by James Gairdner. Portrait. 2 vols., thick 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $11.00. London, 1884 79 BREMER (FREDRIKA). WORKS. From the Swedish. 2 vols., large 8vo, handsomely bound in full crimson crimped morocco extra. $5.00. London, 1845 * f * Includes Strife and Peace ; The H Family ; The President's Daughters ; Nina ; The Twins; The Solitary One; The Consoler; Stockholm Suppers; Hopes; The Neighbors; The Home; The Bondmaid; Axel and Anna; and A Diary. 80 BRICKWOOD (E. D.). BOAT RACING. Illustrated. Small 8vo, cloth. $1.00. London, 1876 The Havemeyer Library. 13 8 1 BRILL AT- SAVARIN. A HANDBOOK OF GASTRONOMY. Translated from the French. Portrait and 52 original etch- ings by Lalauze. Handsomely printed on thick paper. Bound in 2 vols., 8vo, new half light-brown levant, crushed and polished, gilt tops, Jansen style, by Stikeman, in his best manner. $25.00. New York (London), 1884 V* Only 100 copies printed for America. 82 BRITISH POETS. PICKERING'S BEAUTIFUL ALDINE EDITION, complete, with memoirs and notes, by Sir Harris Nicolas, J. Mitford, Alex. Dyce, and others. With por- traits. 53 vols., foolscap 8vo, cloth, uncut. $150.00. London, 1839, etc. %* Fine set. Very rare. 83 BROCKLEHURST (Tnos. U.). MEXICO TO-DAY: a country with a great future, with a glance at the pre-his- toric remains and antiquities of the Montezumas. Colored plates and wood-cuts. 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $3.00. London, 1883 84 BROGLIE (Due DE). THE KING'S SECRET ; being the secret correspondence of Louis XV., with his diplomatic agents. 2 vols., 8vo, new half blue morocco extra, gilt tops. $6.50. London, n. d. 85 BROUGHAM (LORD). LIVES OF MEN OF LETTERS AND SCIENCE, AND STATESMEN OF THE TIME OF GEORGE III. Illustrated with numerous portraits on steel. The two series complete. 5 vols., imperial 8vo, half new polished levant morocco extra, gilt tops, by Tout. $37.50. London, 1843-45 V Choice set. 86 BROWNING (ROBERT). POETICAL AND DRAMATIC WORKS. New Riverside Edition, revised and rearranged by Mr. Browning. With portrait and indexes. 6 vols., cr. 8vo, half calf extra, gilt top. $17.00. Boston, 1886 87 BRYANT (WM. CULLEN). POEMS. Portrait and 100 en- gravings on wood. Square 8vo, new half calf, gilt, marbled edges. $4.00. New York (D. Appleton & Co.), n. d. 88 BRYDGES (SiR EGERTON). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS. CENSURA LITERARIA, containing titles, abstracts and opin- ions of old English books, with original disquisitions, articles of biography, and other literary antiquities, second and best edition, 10 vols., 1815; RESTITUTA; or, Titles, Ex- tracts, and Characters of Old Books in English Literature, 14 The Havemeyer Library. revised, 4 vols., 1814; and BRITISH BIBLIOGRAPHER, with fine portraits, 4 vols., 1810. Together, 18. vols., 8vo, uni- formly bound in calf, gilt. $125.00. London, 1810-15 %* Nice set. Very scarce. 89 BUCKLE (HENRY THOS.). WORKS. HISTORY OF CIVILI- ZATION IN ENGLAND, 2 vols., 1858, etc.; MISCELLANEOUS AND POSTHUMOUS WORKS, with biographical notice by Helen Taylor, 3 vols. ; also, LIFE AND WRITINGS, by Alfred H. Huth, 2 vols., 1872. Together, 7 vols., large 8vo, new calf extra, marbled leaves. $45.00. London, 1858-80 %* Fine set of the original large type library editions. Scarce. 90 BULLART. ACADMIE DES SCIENCES ET DES ARTS, contenant les vies et les eloges historiques des hommes illustres parmi diverses nations de 1'Europe, with several hundred fine portraits of the most distinguished men of all countries, including, among the English, Cardinal Wolsey, Sir Thos. More, Cardinal Pole, Cardinal Allen, etc. 2 vols., folio in one, old vellum. $22.50. Bruxelles, 1695 * * " Livre recherche a cause des portraits qu'il renferme." BRUNET. 91 BULWER. NOVELS. Best library edition. 26 vols., 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops. $85.00. London, 1877 * * Handsome set of the best edition of the works of this fascinating writer. 92 BULWER. THE PILGRIMS OF THE RHINE. With 27 beautiful engravings on steel after David Roberts. Im- perial 8vo, half green calf, gilt, marbled edges. $15.00. London, 1834 ** Largest paper, with the plates on India paper. 93 BURNEY (Miss). NOVELS, a complete set, comprising CECILIA, 5 vols., 1783; CAMILLA, 5 vols., 1796; THE WANDERER, 5 vols., 1814, and EVELINA, 2 vols. in i, 1815. Together 17 vols. in 16, small 8vo, half morocco. $20.00. London, 1783-1815 94 BURNOUF (EMILE). SCIENCE OF RELIGIONS. 8vo, new cloth. $1.50. London, 1878 *f* Burnouf contends that if we trace the religious systems of ancient India and Persia to their source, we come to a primitive Aryan religion, which sprung from a deep insight into the principles of nature, and which was in fact a refined system of metaphysics founded on a thorough grasp of physical facts. This primitive Aryan religion was not only the fountain head of the religions of the Veda and Avesta, but also of Christianity itself. Every reader, whether able or not to accept Bumouf 's conclusions, will find much that is instructive and suggestive of thought. 94* BURNS, A UNIQUE MEMENTO OF. RELIQUES OF ROBERT BURNS, consisting chiefly of original letters, poems, and critical observations on Scottish songs, col- The Havemeyer Library. 15 lected and published by R. H. Cromek, fourth edition, 1817, 8vo, inlaid to 2 vols., 4to, and illustrated by the addi- tion of 71 portraits and plates, 95 autograph letters, directly concerning the works of Burns, 10 original sketches in pen- cil, sepia, and water-color, by Thos. Stothard, among them being Burns' tomb, his fiddle and triangle, his writing-bureau, and the Plough with which he turned up the Mouse and the Daisy, a manuscript fac-simile of a letter by Burns, a catalogue of the sale of his correspondence with Thomson, and a notice of the funeral of Mrs. Burns ; also a third and supplementary volume, being a collection of 135 ex- tremely interesting autograph letters by J. Currie (the editor and biographer of Burns), and others, and miscella- neous manuscript details, the whole relating exclusively to Burns and his works. Together 3 vols., 4to, dark-blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. $750.00. This important series of documents has undoubtedly come originally from the office of Messrs. Cadell & Davies, publishers of the " Reliques," and the following analysis of the con- tents will suffice to prove the interest it must possess to all time for every admirer of one of Scotland's greatest poets. The first two volumes contain : Nine Letters by Gilbert Burns (the poet's brother) to Messrs. Cadell & Davies, between 1815 and 1819, respecting a new edition of the Poems, "qualifying the representation of his brother's moral habits, given by Doctor Currie," suggesting alterations of the arrangement of the vojumes, etc., at considerable length. Eight Letters by Cromek (editor of the " Reliques "). Five Letters by M'Creery (printer of the " Reliques"). Ten Letters by W. Roscoe. Sixteen Letters by Messrs. Cadell & Davies to Gilbert Burns, Currie and others, and Twenty-one Letters by Currie, Cunningham, G. and W. Thomson, Alex. Chalmers, H. Raeburn, Ainslie, Bengo (the engraver of Burns' portrait), Gray, and Stuttaby. Twenty-five Documents, including Cromek's first draft of the Title of the " Reliques," De- tails of cost of printing this edition, Receipts for payments for editing and printing the " Rel- iques," and account with Stothard for the drawings. The third volume contains : Forty-six Letters by Dr. Currie, chiefly to Messrs. Cadell & Davies. Twenty-nine Letters by Messrs. Cadell & Davies, chiefly to Dr. Currie. Twelve Letters by Bums' friend, W. Thomson. Ten Letters by M'Creery (printer of the " Reliques").' Thirty-eight Letters by Alex. Chalmers, W. W. Currie, G. Thomson, Lauri, Mrs. Riddell, T. Stuart, T. Manners, and others, including one from Cromek, with reference to Stothard' s drawings for Burns' Works, stating that the artist has his heart in them, etc. Also the following MSS. : A List of Subscribers to the Works. An Account between Messrs. Cadell & Davies and Mrs. Burns. Minutes of Meeting of Trustees of Burns, March 22, 1860. Account of Copies of Burns' Works, delivered to Messrs. Cadell & Davies. Account between Messrs. Cadell & Davies and M'Creery. Accounts between Messrs. Cadell & Davies and T. Manners, writer to the " Signet," of Edinburgh. Nothing short of deliberate perusal of these lengthy letters can show how full of interest they are, and, where each one has its special point, it becomes difficult to refer to one more than another. Attention may, however, be drawn to a letter by Roscoe, addressed to Gilbert Burns, a communication of fourteen folio pages, having reference to the moral character of the poet, and vigorously defending Dr. Currie for the account given in his Life of Burns. In all probability no similar collection of the like importance can ever be offered for sale. 95 BURNS (ROBERT). COMPLETE WORKS IN VERSE AND PROSE, with autobiography, and biography and notes by W. Scott Douglas. Portrait- and vignettes on steel on India 1 6 The Havemeyer Library. paper. Handsomely printed on fine paper. 6 vols., imperial 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $40.00. Edinburgh, 1877-79 ** Large paper copy of this fine edition. Cost $60.00. 96 BUSBECQ'S (OGIER GHIESELIN DE, 1522-1593). LIFE AND LETTERS, Illustrative of the Political and Social History of Europe during the greater part of the Sixteenth Century, translated by Charles T. Foster and F. H. Daniell. 2 hand- some vols., 8vo, cloth. $2.00. London, 1881 %* " These letters fully deserve their high reputation as original authorities of great his- torical value, for Busbecq enjoyed exceptional advantages of acquiring political information during momentous crises in European history. Equally well merited is their widespread popularity, for they form a delightful medley of valuable information, shrewd observations on men and manners, social and scientific gossip, humorous and pathetic anecdotes." *V* " The book is one which may be strongly recommended as well for its very general interest as for its combination of amusement with valuable historical information." 97 BUTLER (FANNY KEMBLE). JOURNAL, 2 vols., RECORDS ' OF A GIRLHOOD, 3 vols.; RECORDS OF LATER LIFE, 3 vols.; together, 8 vols., post 8vo, half calf extra, gilt tops. $25.00. London, v. d. 98 BUTLER (SAMUEL). ALPS AND SANCTUARIES OF PIED- MONT AND THE CANTON TICINO. Etched frontispiece on India, and numerous cuts. Square 8vo, new half morocco, gilt top. $5.00. London, 1882 99 BUTLER (SAMUEL). HUDIBRAS. With portrait after Lely and the fine set of illustrations by Hogarth engraved on copper. 3 vols., 4to, new Cambridge calf extra, dull gilt edges. $75.00. London, 1793 * f * Beautiful copy of this sumptuous edition. 100 BYRON (LORD). CHILDE HAROLD AND TALES AND POEMS. Profusely illustrated with exquisite engravings on steel, after Creswick, Warren, etc., by Finden. 2 vols., 8vo, new tree calf extra, gilt edges. $20.00. London, 1845-48 101 BYRON (LORD). COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS. Murray's Splendid Library Edition. With 135 beautiful engravings on steel by Finden after Turner, Stanfield, David Roberts, Cattermole, Westall, Prout, and other distinguished artists. 8 vols., 4to, handsomely bound in full dark-blue levant extra, gilt edges. $175.00. London, 1839 %* Choice copy on large paper. 102 BYRON (LORD). COMPLETE WORKS, with his Letters, Journals, and Life, by Tom Moore, and all the variorum notes. The favorite handy volume edition. With portraits and fine engravings on steel by Finden after Turner, Stan- field, and others. 17 vols., foolscap 8vo, new half crimson morocco extra. $30.00. London, 1832 * * Handsome copy. The Havemeyer Library. 17 103 CABINET GALLERY OF PICTURES, with Biograph- ical and Critical Descriptions by Allan Cunningham. A series of 72 highly finished engravings on steel by Heath, Worthington, and others from the best pictures of the great masters. 2 vols., large 8 vo, half calf extra. $15.00. London, 1836 %* Includes specimens of Titian, Claude, Vandyke, Teniers, Salvator Rosa, Rubens, Poussin, Murillo, Cuyp, Rembrandt, Canaletto, Paul Veronese, besides modern masters. 104 CADDY (MRS.). FOOTSTEPS OF JEANNE D'ARC: a Pil- grimage. Folding Map. 8vo, new cloth extra, uncut. $1.00. London, 1886 %* " The life of Jeanne d'Arc is like a legend in the midst of history." WALLON. 105 CALLCOTT (DR.). A MUSICAL GRAMMAR. Small 8vo, russia. $1.00. London, 1809 106 CAMDEN (WM.). BRITANNIA, with large additions by Gough and Nichols. With numerous engravings of an- tiquities, coins, etc., and colored maps. 4 vols., folio, russia, gilt, fine copy. $22.50. London, 1806 %* Last and best edition of this valuable work, offered at a very low price. Cost $50.00. 107 CAMPBELL (LORD). LIVES OF THE LORD CHANCEL- LORS, 8 vols. LIVES OF THE CHIEF JUSTICES, 3 vols. Also Foss's JUDGES OF ENGLAND, 9 vols. Together 20 vols., 8vo, handsomely and uniformly bound in tree calf extra. $100.00. London, 1846-57 ** Fine set of the Large Type Library Editions. 107* CAMPBELL (THOMAS). DEMONTFORT: A TRAGEDY. A large manuscript in the handwriting of the poet, with a few alterations in the handwriting of Mrs. Siddons, and the following notes written by her : " This manuscript is invalu- able, being the writing of the author of ' The Pleasure of Hope,' etc., etc., intended to have been read by Mrs. Sid- dons for the purpose of assisting Mrs. Semple, wife of Major Semple " ; and, " Mrs. Siddons begs to have the copy of this play by Tuesday, the 2oth inst, and earnestly hopes that Mr. Hill will be punctual, as it is of the utmost importance to Mrs. S." 4to, full polished morocco, gilt, in fine preser- vation. $175.00. London, March 29, 1802 108 CAMPBELL (Tnos.). POETICAL WORKS. Portrait and numerous exquisite engravings on steel after Turner. 8vo, boards, uncut. $9.00. London, 1837 ** Original issue of this beautiful volume ; some of the leaves are spotted, as often occurs. 109 CAMPAN (MME.). PRIVATE LIFE OF MARIE ANTOI- NETTE, with sketches and anecdotes of the Courts of Louis 2 1 8 The Havemeyer Library. XIV., Louis XV., and Louis XVI. With 16 engravings on steel. 2 vols., 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $8.50. London, 1883 no CARLYLE (Tnos.). COMPLETE WORKS. LARGE PAPER COPY. Handsomely printed on thick paper. Portrait and plates. 20 vols., large 8vo, cloth, uncut. $75.00. Boston, 1884 %* Only 50 copies printed. ;iii CARLYLE'S (Tnos.) EARLY LETTERS, edited by Charles Eliot Norton. 2 vols., crown 8vo, new half green crimped morocco extra, gilt tops. $6.00. London, 1886 %* Handsome copy. 112 CARLYLE (THOS.). HISTORY OF FREDERICK THE GREAT. Best Library Edition. Frontispiece and maps. 6 vols., thick 8vo, cloth, uncut. $20.00. London, 1859-65 V* Nice, clean copy. 113 CARNEGIE (ANDREW). AN AMERICAN FOUR-IN-HAND IN BRITAIN. Frontispiece. Square 8vo, new cloth. $1.50. New York, 1883 114 CARR (J. COMYNS). ESSAYS ON ART. Crown 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt top. $3.50. London, 1879 %* Treats of, among others, Wm. Blake, Corot and Millet, Cruikshank, early Italian and German masters, Dutch and Flemish masters, French and Spanish masters, and English masters and sculptors. 115 CAXTON. DICTES AND SAYINGS OF THE PHILOSOPHERS. An exact fac-simile of the first book printed in England by Caxton, 1477. Small folio, cloth. $4.50. London, 1877 %* With an interesting introduction by Wm. Blades. 116 CELEBRITIES AT HOME. Reprinted from the Lon- don " World " ; edited by Edmund Yates. Three series. 3 vols., 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $n.oo. London, 1877 A * Includes Tennyson, John Bright, Gladstone, Disraeli, Spurgeon, Dore, Gen. Grant, Empress Eugenie, Ouida, Chas. Mathews, Beecher, Victor Hugo, Dr. Pusey, Wagner, Prof. Tyndall, Gambetta, Darwin, Bismarck, Ruskin, Mark Twain, Sarah Bernhardt, and a large number of other prominent persons. 117 CELLINI (BENVENUTO), ORFEVRE, MEDAILLEUR, SCULP- TEUR. Recherches sur sa vie, sur son oeuvre, et sur les pieces qui lui sont attributes, par Eugene Plon. Illustrated with 100 etchings, heliogravures, and engravings by Le Rat, Baudray, Lemercier, and Guillaume. PROOF COPY with the plates in duplicate on India and Holland paper. 2 vols., 4to, new half gros-grained levant, crushed and pol- ished, gilt tops, Jansen style. $45.00. Paris, 1883 ** " A handsome work upon which the author-publisher has spared neither time nor tx- pcnse." The Havemeyer Library. 19 118 CENSUS, COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH UNITED STATES. 2 vols., thick 8vo, cloth. $1.50. Washington, 1883 119 CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION, ILLUSTRATED CATA- LOGUE OF THE. Profusely illustrated. 4to, half green morocco extra, gilt top. $3.50. New York, 1876 120 CENTENNIAL PORTFOLIO. 50 lithographic views of the great Exhibition, with descriptive letterpress by Thompson Westcott. Oblong 8vo, cloth. $2.00. Philadelphia, 1876 121 CERVANTES. DON QUIXOTE, translated by P. A. Mot- teux. WHATMAN PAPER COPY. With three suites of the 37 beautiful etchings by Lalauze on Whatman, India, and Japan. 4 vols., imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. $75.00. Edinburgh, 1879 %* 50 copies printed of this handsome edition. Cost $140.00. 122 CERVANTES. DON QUIXOTE, translated by Smollett. With engravings on copper after Hayman. 4 vols., small 8vo, new half calf, gilt, sprinkled edges. $3.00. London, 1782 123 CERVANTES. LES AVENTURES DE DON QUICHOTTE. With 20 engravings on wood. 8vo, cloth. $1.00. Paris, n. d. 124 CHAFFERS (WM.). MARKS AND MONOGRAMS ON POT- TERY AND PORCELAIN, with historical notes of each manufac- tory, and an introductory essay on the Vasa Fictilia of England. With 3000 wood-cuts. Large and thick 8vo, new cloth, gilt top. $13.50. London, 1886 125 CHAUCER'S POETICAL WORKS, edited with a Me- moir by Robert Bell. 8 vols., foolscap 8vo, new half green morocco, gilt backs and tops. $18.00. London, n. d. 126 CHEFS-D'OEUVRE DES PEINTRES, texte de Hof- dyk, et introduction par Charles Blanc. 12 beautiful, large colored plates in imitation of the original oil paintings. Elephant folio, new half wine-colored levant, gilt top, $25.00. Amsterdam, n. d. 127 CHESNEAU (E.). DESSINS DE DECORATION DES PRIN- CIPAUX MA!TRES, avec une preface generate sur les arts decoratifs et notices biographiques des artistes cites. A series of 40 large and fine plates, engraved on copper, some in color, each comprising several examples, executed under the superintendence of E. Guichard, and including examples of the work of Berain, Boulle, Eugene Delacroix, de Lafosse, 2o The Havemeyer Library. Feuchere, Gillot, Huet, La Londe, Le Brun, Marillier, Poussin, Brieur, Prud'hon, Puget, and Regnier. Royal folio, new half blue morocco extra, gilt top. $25.00. Paris, 1 88 1 128 CHIC : A COMIC WEEKLY. Humorous, colored plates. 2 vols., folio, half morocco. $5.00. New York, 1 880-81 129 CHRISTMAS WITH THE POETS. A collection of songs, carols, and descriptive verses relating to the festival of Christmas. With 53 tinted illustrations by Birket Foster, and initial letters and other ornaments. Handsomely printed within borders of gold. Large 8vo, cloth. $4.50. London, 1845 130 CHRONICLES OF CRIME; OR, THE NEW NEWGATE CALENDAR, edited by Camden Pelham. With numerous plates by " Phiz." 2 vols., 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $4.50. London, 1886 131 CICOGNARA (L.). STORIA DELLA SCULTURA DAL suo RlSORGIMENTO IN ITALIA FINO AL SECOLO DI CANOVA. With 185 plates, comprising upwards of 1500 examples of sculpture. 7 vols., 8vo, and i vol. folio of plates, half calf. $20.00. Prato, 1823-24 %* This fine work contains engravings of the principal monuments of the art of sculpture in Italy, and serves as an admirable accompaniment to the works of Winckelmann, d'Agincourt, and others. " Get ouvrage est un des meilleurs que 1'Italie ait produit sur les Beaux-Arts." BRUNET. 132 CLARF/TIE ( JULES). CAMILLE DESMOULINS AND HIS WIFE : Passages from the history of the Dantonists, trans- lated by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. $1.50. London, 1876 ** " Mrs. Cashel Hoey has translated, with a skill and ease rarely to be found in trans- lations, the biography of Camille Desmoulins. It is a book worth translating, as it was a book worth writing. There was something touching, interesting, and instructive in the life of Camille Desmoulins. He had a character, a power, and a fate distinct from those of the men in whose company he acted, erred, and suffered." Saturday Review. 133 [CLARKE (E. D.).] TOUR THROUGH THE SOUTH OF ENG- LAND, WALES, AND PART OF IRELAND MADE DURING THE SUMMER OF 1791. With numerous colored plates. Fine paper copy. 8vo, old orange crimped morocco, gilt edges. $10.00. London, 1793 %* " Fine copy of this very scarce book, published anonymously, and the first production of the celebrated traveller. It was written before he was of age and is throughout natural, eloquent, and characteristic of youthful ardor and spirit." LOWNDES. 134 CLAYTON (ELLEN C.). QUEENS OF SONG, being me- moirs of celebrated female vocalists. Portraits on steel. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. $4.00. London, 1862 ** First edition. Some of the pages are a little soiled. The Havemeyer Library. 21 135 COCHRANE (A. B.). HISTORIC CHATEAUX: Blois, Fon- tainebleau, Vincennes. 8vo, new half morocco, gilt top. $3.50. London, 1877 ** A readable book. 136 COCKTON (HENRY). THE LOVE MATCH. Portrait, wood- cut title, and numerous clever illustrations by Onwhyn, en- graved on copper. 8vo, half morocco. $3.50. London, 1845 137 COCKTON (HENRY). VALENTINE Vox, with frontispiece, vignette, and numerous clever humorous illustrations by On- whyn, engraved on copper. Thick 8vo, cloth. $3.00. London, 1844 138 COHEN (HENRY). GUIDE DE L' AMATEUR DE LIVRES A VIGNETTES DU XVIII. SIECLE. Frontispiece. 8vo, half mo- rocco gilt, gilt top. $3.50. Paris, 1873 139 COLERIDGE (S. T.). COLLECTED WORKS, comprising: Essays on his Own Times, 3 vols. ; Confessions of an In- quiring Spirit, i vol. ; Church and State, i vol. ; Aids to Re- flection, 2 vols.; English Divines, 2 vols.; Table Talk, 2 vols. ; Theological Notes, i vol. ; The Friend, 3 vols. ; Poems and Dramas, 3 vols. Together, 20 vols., small 8vo, uniformly bound in new calf extra, gilt edges, full gilt backs, contents lettered. $100.00. London, 1835 %* Handsome set. Scarce. " This illustrious man, the largest and most spacious intellect, the subtlest and most com- prehensive, in my judgment, that has yet existed amongst men." DE QUINCEY*S LITERARY REMINISCENCES. 140 COLLECTION DE PORTRAITS DES FRANCAIS CfiLEBRES, accompagnes de notices biographiques. A series of 48 exquisitely engraved Portraits on copper of cele- brated French authors. Post 8vo, old calf. $7.50. Paris, 1828 141 COLLECTION DES CHEFS-D'CEUVRE ANTIQUES. The complete series as published, charmingly printed in small characters, on heavy vellum paper, the text within ornamental borders in color, and illustrated with vignettes, head-pieces, etc., in various colors, some heightened with gold and silver. 12 vols., small 8vo, elegantly bound in dark half maroon levant, gilt tops, uncut, by Rousselle. $75.00. Paris (Quantin), 1878-82 ** VERY SCARCE Complete set. 350 copies printed. The series comprises the following : LONGUS, " Daphinis et Chloe," borders of Pompeian red, gravures (in color) de Scott ; APULF, " L' Amour et PsycheV' gravures d'apres Natoire, borders of gendarme blue; Mus^eus, "Heroet Leandre," vignettes by Pfnor, borders of straw color; STATIUS, " Leucippe et Clitophon," vignettes by Meaule (in color), borders of orange; LUCIEN, " Dialogues des Courtisanes," vignettes by Scott and Meaule, in gold and colors, borders of green; OVIDE, "Les Amours," vignettes by Meaule, in tint, borders of pink ; VIRGILE, "Les Bucoliques," vignettes by Leloir, borders in brown; PofisiES D' ET DE SAPHO, vignettes by Avnl, borders in light green, etc. 22 The Havemeyer Library. 142 COLLECTION OF FINE OLD ENGRAVINGS, by Sherwin, Heath, Earlom, Lewis, and others, after Claude, Carracci, Poussin, and other old masters. Nearly 100 large plates, including some rare proofs. Royal folio, halt morocco. $30.00. 143 COLLIER (J. PAYNE). THE POETICAL DECAMERON ; or, Ten Conversations on English Poetry, particularly of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. 2 vols., post 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt tops. $5.00. London, 1820 144 CONGREVE (WM.). DRAMATIC WORKS. The beautiful Baskerville edition. Portrait and plates by Hayman, en- graved by Grignion. 3 vols., large 8vo, handsomely bound in new polished calf extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. $50.00. Birmingham, 1761 %* Fine copy. Scarce. 145 CONSTABLE. ENGLISH LANDSCAPE SCENERY. A series of mezzotinto engravings on steel, by David Lucas, from pictures painted by John Constable, R. A. 40 very fine mezzotint plates. Folio, half morocco, gilt. $15.00. London, 1855 ** Scarce. 146 CONWAY (W. M.). EARLY FLEMISH ARTISTS, and their predecessors on the Lower Rhine. With 29 illustrations. Crown 8vo, new half red morocco extra, gilt top. $3.50. London, 1887 147 CONYBEARE AND HOWSON. LIFE AND EPISTLES OF ST. PAUL. Profusely illustrated with fine engravings on steel, and numerous wood-cuts. 2 vols., 410, handsomely bound in full claret morocco, gilt sides and back, gilt edges. $25.00. London, 1850 %* Choice copy of the best edition of this standard work. 148 COOPER (J. FENIMORE). NOVELS. With frontispieces and vignettes on steel after Darley's beautiful designs. 32 vols., 8vo, new half dark-brown levant, crushed and pol- ished, gilt backs and tops. $150.00. New York, 1883 ** Superb copy, and fine specimen of Parisian binding. 149 CORREGIO'S WORKS AT PARMA. A series of 22 fine large photographs after the engravings of Paolo Toschi, with letterpress descriptions by Louis Fagan. Large folio, half red morocco, gilt top. $12.50. London, 1873 150 COSTUMES OF ALL NATIONS, ANCIENT AND MODERN, exhibiting the dresses and habits of all classes, regal, ecclesiastical, noble, military, judicial, and civil, both The Havemeyer Library 23 male and female, from the earliest historical records to the nineteenth century, by Albert Kretschmer, painter and cos- turner to the Royal Court Theatre in Berlin, and Dr. Carl Rohrbach. Royal 4to, half red morocco, gilt, gilt edges. $16.00. London, 1883 V Cost $32. 50. In addition to the costumes, the work is made more interesting by its exhibiting numer- ous necessaries and adornments ; e. g., Regal Insignia : crowns, sceptres, orbs, thrones, etc. ; arms and armor of every description ; Personal Ornaments : rings, necklaces, bracelets and bangles, earrings, sandals, etc. ; Domestic Articles : cabinets, commodes, coffers, reading desks, beds, sofas, tables, chairs, seats, mirrors, clocks, water-vessels, baskets, inkstands, walking sticks, umbrellas, fans, torches, lamps, incense-burners, etc., etc.; musical instru- ments of all kinds, etc. This is not an ephemeral or hastily concocted work from scanty materials, but one com- piled with extreme care by competent editors, who have long devoted themselves to the study of this particular subject, and who have possessed the advantage of access to the most copious and authentic monuments of all times. It is therefore not merely a collection of dresses, but an important addition to the history of costume, from the earliest period of historical records to the present time. All the different stages of progress in each article of attire are here given, whether the change refers to those of princes, warriors, ecclesiastics, or citizens, in gala or every-day costume. 151 COSTUMES OF SWITZERLAND. LA SUISSE. A series of 86 fine colored plates, with text in French. [Wants title-page.] 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. $8.00. 152 COSTUME OF THE ORIGINAL INHABITANTS OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS, by Samuel R. Meyrick and C. H. Smith. Frontispiece and 24 fine engravings on copper, colored by hand, with descriptive letterpress. Imperial 4to, full crimped dark-blue morocco, gilt back, gold borders on sides, gilt edges. $15.00. London, 1821 *** Scarce. 153 COUSIN (VICTOR). BIOGRAPHICAL WRITINGS, compris- ing: La Societe Franchise au XVII. Siecle, 1870, 2 vols. ; Mme. de Longueville, pendant le Fronde, 1877; La Jeu- nesse de Mme. de Longueville, 1869; Mme. de Hautefort, 1868; Mme. de Chevreuse, 1877; Mme. de Sable, and Jac- quelin Pascal, 1877. Portraits, etc. Large Type Library Editions. Together, 8 vols., 8vo, uniformly bound in half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut. $30.00. Paris, 1869-77 ** Elegant set of these charming memoirs. 154 CRANE (WALTER). THE FIRST OF MAY; a Fairy Masque. Illustrated with 57 designs printed by the photo- gravure process in exact fac-simile of the original drawings. India proofs. Large oblong 4to, new half green levant extra, gilt top. $20.00. London, 1881 * f * 300 copies printed. " ' The First of May' is a work full of tender feeling, and perfect in composition. The artist's smaller figures, his children, are delightful." Academy. 155 CROFFUT (W. A.). THE VANDERBILTS AND THE STORY OF THEIR FORTUNE. Portraits. Small 8vo, new half mo- rocco, gilt top. $3.00. London, n. d. 24 The Havemeyer Library. 156 CROWE AND CAVALCASELLE. LIFE AND TIMES OF TITIAN, with some account of his family. Portrait and plates. 2 vols., thick 8vo, handsomely bound in new half blue levant extra, gilt tops. $10.00. London, 1881 ** Handsome copy. 157 CROWE AND CAVALCASELLE. LIVES OF THE EARLY FLEMISH PAINTERS, with notices of their works. With illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. $4.00. London, 1879 158 CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). 82 illustrations on steel, stone, and wood, with letterpress descriptions. 4.10, new half morocco extra, gilt edges. $13.50. London, n. d. 159 CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). THE SKETCH BOOK. Illus- trated. Oblong 410, half bound. $3.00. New York (Sabin), n. d. 160 CRUIKSHANK. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE WORKS OF GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, with a list of books illustrated by him, chiefly compiled by G. W. Reid, with an essay on his genius and works by E. Bell. With 313 illustrations on India paper from the original coppers. 3 vols., imperial 4to, half morocco. $90.00. London, 1871 %* Scarce. Only 135 copies printed. 161 CRUIKSHANK. BURFORD COTTAGE. Frontispiece by Cruikshank, and vignette. Post 8vo, new half green mo- rocco extra, gilt top. $3.50. London, 1835 162 CRUIKSHANK. LIFE IN LONDON; or, The Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorne, Esq., and his Elegant Friend Corinthian Tom, accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in their Rambles and Sprees through the Metrop- olis, by Pierce Egan. With 36 spirited colored plates by I. R. and G. Cruikshank, and numerous designs on wood by the same artists. Large 8vo, 1823. Also, THE ENGLISH SPY; an original work, characteristic, satirical, and humor- ous, comprising scenes and sketches in every rank of society, being portraits of the illustrious, eminent, eccen- tric, and notorious, drawn from life by Bernard Blackmantle [C. H. Westmacott]. With 72 fine humorous colored plates by Robert Cruikshank, and 36 wood engravings by Cruikshank, Rowlandson, Gillray, and others. 2 vols., large 8vo, 1825. Also, LIFE IN PARIS; comprising the rambles, sprees, and amours of Dick Wildfire, of Corinthian celebrity, and his bang-up companions Squire Jenkins and Captain O'Shuffleton, with whimsical adventures of the The Havemeyer Library. 25 Halibut family, including sketches of a variety of other eccentric characters in the French metropolis, by David Carey. With 21 characteristic colored plates by George Cruikshank, and 22 engravings on wood by the same artist. 8vo, 1822. Also, THE LIFE OF AN ACTOR, by Pierce Egan. With 27 characteristic colored plates and several vignettes on wood. Large 8vo, 1825. Together, 5 vols., 8vo and royal 8vo, uniformly bound in full red morocco, full gilt backs, borders on sides, gilt edges. $150.00. London, 1822-25 * f * Beautiful clean copies of these very rare books all first editions with the exception of the first, which is the 1823 edition, and has five cuts not in the 1821 edition. 163 CRUIKSHANK. MAYHEW'S MAGIC OF KINDNESS. Illus- trated by George Cruikshank and Kenny Meadows. Small 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. $3.50. London, n. d. 164 CRUIKSHANK. GRIMM'S GERMAN POPULAR STORIES, edited by John Ruskin. With 22 illustrations after George Cruikshank. Proofs on India paper. Both series com- plete. Large 8vo, half Roxburghe, gilt top. $10.00. London, 1869 V Large paper. These are the designs which Ruskin praised so highly, placing them far above all Cruik- shank' s other works of a similar character. 165 CRUIKSHANK. MAYHEW'S WHOM TO MARRY. With illustrations by Cruikshank. Small 8vo, half brown mo- rocco, gilt top. $4.50. London (Bogue), n. d. 1 66 CRUIKSHANK. MORNINGS AT Bow STREET. With 21 Illustrations by George Cruikshank. Small 8vo, cloth, uncut. $5.00. London, 1838 167 CRUIKSHANK. MRS. GORE'S SNOWSTORM AND INUN- DATION. With plates by George Cruikshank. 2 vols., fools- cap 8vo, new half calf extra, marbled leaves. $5.00. London, n. d. 168 CRUIKSHANK. OLD FACES AND NEW MASKS, by R. Blakey. Etched frontispiece and title-page by George Cruikshank. Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. $3.50. London, 1859 169 CRUIKSHANK. RUSSELL STURGIS' ARTICLES ON GEORGE CRUIKSHANK AND JOHN LEECH in "Scribner's Monthly." 8vo, new half red morocco extra, gilt top. $2.50. New York, 1878 170 CRUIKSHANK. THACKERAY'S ARTICLE ON GEORGE CRUIKSHANK in the "Westminster Review." Illustrated. 8vo, new half calf extra, gilt top. $12.00. London, 1840 26 The Havemeyer Library. 171 CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). THE TABLE BOOK, edited by G. A. A'Beckett. With upwards of 100 engravings on steel and wood by Cruikshank. Large 8vo, half calf, sprinkled edges. $5.00. London, 1845 172 CUNNINGHAM (ALLAN). LIVES OF THE MOST EMINENT BRITISH PAINTERS, SCULPTORS, AND ARCHITECTS. Por- traits and plates. 6 vols., foolscap 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops. $9.00. London, 1829 173 GUMMING (C. F. GORDON). A LADY'S CRUISE IN A FRENCH MAN-OF-WAR. With map and illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops. $6.00. London, 1882 174 GUMMING (C. F. GORDON). AT HOME IN FIJI. Maps and illustrations. Square crown 8vo, new half blue mo- rocco, gilt top. $5.50. Edinburgh, 1 88 1 175 CUNNINGHAM (G. G.). LIVES OF EMINENT ENGLISH- MEN. Numerous portraits, and extra illustrated by the insertion of 200 fine portraits, many of which are of the utmost rarity. 8 vols., 8vo, new half gros-grained red levant extra, gilt tops. $25.00. Glasgow, 1838 176 CURIOSITES HISTORIQUES: A charming series of French Historical Monographs, comprising : LES AMOURS DE CATHERINE DE BOURBON, et du Comte de Soissons. Etchings and vignettes, 1882; LES AVENTURES ROMA- NESQUES d'un COMTE D'ARTOIS, color plates and vignettes, by Adrien Marie, 1883; D'AMERVAL, LA GRANDE DIA- BLERIE, etchings and vignettes, by Paul Avril, 1884 ; DEROULEDE, LE PREMIER GRENADIER DE FRANCE, La Tour d'Auvergne, color plates and vignettes, 1886; MADAME ROLAND, sa detention a 1'abbaye et a Sainte-Pelagie, por- trait and vignettes by Poirson, 1886.. Together, 5 vols., elegantly bound in full levant morocco, crushed and polished, Jansen finish, inside borders, gilt tops, by Rousselle, each volume of a different color. $65.00. Paris (Hurtrel), 1882, etc. ** A most charming series of volumes perfect alike in printing, illustration, and binding. They have been printed in a very limited edition, each copy being numbered, on a heavy vellum paper, and illustrated with a great profusion of plates after the most prominent artists many of the full-page plates being in color. 177 DALTON (CHAS.). LIFE AND TIMES OF GEN. SIR ED- WARD CECIL, Viscount Wimbledon. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, new cloth. $2.00. ^London, 1885 *.* " The book may be regarded not only as a very complete and voluminous collection of Cecil's writings, but a narrative of a very interesting period of our history, in which we are The Havemeyer Library. 27 introduced to the most illustrious statesmen and soldiers of the time. There is an excellent index, and the book is a mine of information, which may be explored with profit by the student, and with pleasure by the general reader. " A rnty and Navy Gazette. 178 DANGEAU (MARQUIS DE). MEMOIRES, ecrits par lui- meme, avec des notes par Mme. de Genlis. 3 vols., 8vo, half morocco. $4.50. Paris, 1817 179 DANIEL (GEORGE). MERRIE ENGLAND IN THE OLDEN TIME. With humorous engravings by Leech. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth, uncut. $15.00. Scarce. London, 1842 179* DANIEL (GEO.). MERRIE ENGLAND IN THE OLDEN TIME. Original edition, with clever illustrations by John Leech. 2 vols., small 8vo, inlaid to 4to size, and extra illus- trated by a tastefully selected series of seventy portraits, ninety views, twenty newspaper cuttings, and an autograph letter of the author on one page. 410, elegantly bound by Tout in polished calf extra, gilt edges. $300.00. London, Bentley, 1842 180 DARLEY (F. O. C.). ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW. A series of beautiful outline engravings on copper, designed and etched for the American Art Union. Oblong 410, half red morocco. $5.00. New York, 1849 181 DARTNELL (G. R.). SHIPWRECK OF THE TRANSPORT " PREMIER." Illustrated. 4to, cloth. $2.50. London, 1845 182 DAVIES (G. C.). ON DUTCH WATERWAYS : the cruise of the S. S. "Atalanta " on the rivers and canals of Holland, and the North of Belgium. Engraved frontispiece and numerous illustrations. Large square 8vo, new cloth gilt, gilt top. $4.50. London, n. d. 183 DA VINCI (LEONARDO). LITERARY WORKS, compiled and edited from the original manuscripts by Jean Paul Richter. Illustrated with 220 original drawings, reproduced in autotype, and numerous other illustrations. 2 vols., large 8vo, cloth extra, gilt tops. $50.00. London, 1883 *** Contains all Leonardo Da Vinci's writings on painting, sculpture, and architecture ; observations on geography, geology, and astronomy ; philosophic maxims ; humorous writ- ings, letters, and miscellaneous notes on personal events, contemporaries, literature, etc. Italian and English text side by side. 184 DE FOE (DANIEL). ROBINSON CRUSOE, edited by John Major. Finely printed on hand-made paper by Ballantyne and illustrated with plates and vignettes on India, by George Cruikshank. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. $6.00. New York (London), 1884 ** Large paper, ico copies printed. 28 The Havemeyer Library. 185 DE FOE (DANIEL). ROBINSON CRUSOE. Illustrated with Stothard's beautiful series of plates engraved on copper by Medland. 2 vols., 8vo, handsomely bound in red morocco, richly tooled backs and sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. $45.00. V Very fine copy. London (Stockdale), 1790 1 86 DE FOE (DANIEL). ROBINSON CRUSOE. With the fine series of plates engraved by Heath from Stothard's beautiful designs. LARGE PAPER COPY, with a duplicate set of the plates, PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS on India paper. 2 vols., large 8vo, full crimson crushed levant, elegantly tooled sides and backs, gilt edges. $75.00. London, 1820 V* Superb copy of Cadell's handsome edition. 187 DELANY (MRS., BORN MARY GRANVILLE). AUTO- BIOGRAPHY AND CORRESPONDENCE, with interesting Remi- niscences of George III., and Queen Charlotte, edited by Lady Llanover. Illustrated by the insertion of about 250 portraits and plates, including many rare ones, and a number in India proof condition. 6 vols., 8vo, handsomely bound in full blue levant, crushed and polished, gilt backs and sides, inside borders, gilt tops. $125.00. London, 1861-62 *** Beautiful copy. " Certainly among the most delightful volumes in the language. To the mere novel reader, they are charming; to the student of history of English manners and society, they are invaluable." 188 DENT (H. C.). A YEAR IN BRAZIL, with notes on the Abolition of Slavery, the Finances of the Empire, Religion, Meteorology, Natural History, etc. With two maps and ten plates. 2 vols., 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $5.00. London, 1886 189 DIBDIN (REV. THOS. F.). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS, comprising: THE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DECAMERON; or, Ten Days' Pleasant Discourse on Illuminated Manuscripts, Early Typography, Engraving, etc. With numerous beautiful engravings on copper, some on India paper. 3 vols., royal 8vo, 1817. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, ANTIQUARIAN, AND PICTU- RESQUE TOUR IN FRANCE AND GERMANY. Illustrated with numerous beautiful engravings, some on India paper. 3 vols., royal 8vo, 1^21. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, PICTURESQUE, AND ANTIQUARIAN TOUR IN THE NORTHERN COUNTIES AND IN SCOTLAND. With upwards of 100 beautiful plates and wood-cuts. 2 vols., royal 8vo, 1838. LIBRARY COM- PANION, second edition, 1825. Together, 9 vols., royal 8vo and 8vo, uniformly and handsomely bound in new half olive green levant extra, gilt tops. $300.00. V Choice set. London, 1817-38 The Havemeyer Library. 29 190 DIBDIN (CHAS.). PROFESSIONAL LIFE, written by him- self, together with the words of six hundred songs selected from his works, interspersed with many humorous and entertaining anecdotes incidental to the public character. 4 vols., 8vo, half calf extra. $6.00. London, 1803 191 DICKENS (CHAS.). CHRISTMAS STORIES. The scarce orig- inal editions. THE CHIMES, with 13 illustrations by Maclise, Leech, Doyle, and Stanfield, London, n. d. CHRISTMAS CAROL, loth edition, with colored plates by Leech, and wood-cuts, 1844. THE HAUNTED MAN, 16 illustrations by Tenniel, Stanfield, Stone, and Leech, London, 1848. BAT- TLE OF LIFE, 13 illustrations by Maclise, Doyle, Sianfield, and Leech, London, 1846. CRICKET ON THE HEARTH, 14 illustrations by Maclise, Doyle, Stanfield, Leech, and Landseer. London, 1846. Together, 5 vols., small 8vo, new half olive morocco extra, gilt tops, with the original cloth covers preserved at end. $47.50. London, 1844-48. ** Choice set, all first editions with the exception of the " Cricket on the Hearth," which is dated 1844 instead of 1843. 192 DICKENS (CHAS.). MASTER HUMPHREY'S CLOCK. Illus- trated by Cattermole and " Phiz." 3 vols. in 2, large 8vo, half calf gilt, marbled edges. $10.00. London, 1840 193 DICKENS (CHAS.). WORKS. A fine set of the original edi- tions, comprising SKETCHES BY Boz, 3 vols., 1836-37; PICKWICK PAPERS, 1837; OLIVER TWIST, 1839; MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH GRIMALDI, 2 vols., 1838; NICHOLAS NICKLEBY, 1839; MASTER HUMPHREY'S CLOCK, 3 vols., 1840-41 ; Pic- Nic PAPERS, 3 vols., 1831 ; AMERICAN NOTES, 2 vols., 1842; CHRISTMAS BOOKS, 5 vols., 1843-48; MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT, 1844 ; PICTURES FROM ITALY, 1846 ; DOMBEY & SON, 1848 ; DAVID COPPERF'IELD, 1850; CHILD'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND, 3 vols., 1852-54; BLEAK HOUSE, 1853 ; HARD TIMES, 1854; LITTLE DORRIT, 1857 ; TALE OF Two CITIES, 1859; GREAT EXPECTATIONS, 3 vols., 1861; UNCOMMERCIAL TRAVELLER, 1861 ; OUR MUTUAL FRIEND, 2 vols., 1865 ; EDWIN DROOD, 1870, and LIFE, by Forster, 3 vols., 1872-74. Together 44 vols., full bound in calf extra, gilt edges. $550.00. London, v. d. 194 DIDOT SALES. A set of the auction catalogues of this great collection of books, manuscripts, and prints. LARGE PAPER EDITION printed on Holland paper. With illustra- tions. $ vols., large 8vo, new half dark-green morocco, gilt tops. $50.00. Paris, 1877-82 30 The Havemeyer Library. 195 DIXON (WM. HEPWORTH). WORKS. With portraits. 21 vols., 8vo, new half calf extra. $60.00. London, 1873, etc. %* Original Library Editions. Comprises : HISTORY OF Two QUEENS, 4 vols. ; WILLIAM PENN ; HER MAJESTY'S TOWER, 4 vols. ; HOLY LAND, 2 vols. ; SPIRITUAL WIVES, 2 vols. ; FREE RUSSIA, 2 vols. : WHITE CONQUEST, 2 vols. ; NEW AMERICA, 2 vols. ; THE SWITZER, and LORD BACON. 196 DODD (DR.). POEMS. LARGE PAPER COPY. Post 8vo, old red morocco, blind tooled. $6.00. London, 1767 ** The gifted but ill-fated author of these poems was executed, at Tyburn, in 1777, for forging a bond for .4200 in the name of his former pupil, the Earl of Chesterfield. 197 DORAN (DR.). LONDON IN THE JACOBITE TIMES. 2 vols., 8vo, new half green morocco extra, gilt tops. $6.00. London, 1877 198 DOR AT. FABLES NOUVELLES. A LARGE PAPER COPY of MARILLIER'S MASTERPIECE, with two frontispieces, i Fleuron, 99 vignettes, and 99 culs delampe, exquisitely en- graved on copper by Baquoy, De Longueil, Masquelier, etc., after Marillier. 2 vols. in one, 8vo, in the original old calf binding, full gilt back, gilt borders on the sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges. $150.00. La Haye, 1773 ** Superb copy of this beautiful book. Large paper copies, the impressions of the plates of which are far superior to those in small paper copies, are exceedingly rare. Copies have brought from 1000 fr. to 5000 fr. in Paris, at the great sales. 199 DORfi (GUSTAVE). LIFE AND REMINISCENCES, by Blanche Roosevelt. Profusely illustrated with cuts. Thick 8vo, new half calf extra, gilt top. $6.00. London, 1885 200 DOWDEN (EDWARD). LIFE OF PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY, with fine portraits, illustrations, and fac-simile. 2 vols., thick 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $5.00. London, 1886 * f * A capital book, and probably the best life of Shelley yet written. 200* DRAMA. DOWNES(J.). Roscius ANGLICANUS ; (OR, HIS- TORICAL VIEW OF THE STAGE FROM 1660 TO 1706.) Fac- simile reprint of the rare original of 1708, with historical preface by Joseph Knight. Inlaid throughout and illus- trated by the addition of forty-one portraits and plates, etc., and including a very excellent original portrait of James II., in crayons, the "Post Boy" (newspaper) for May 2, 1710, recording Betterton's death, choice India proof, and character portraits, etc. Imperial 8vo, maroon morocco super extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. $40.00. London, 1886 ** " But for this work we should have known little or nothing of some celebrated actors." Granger. The engravings are interesting, as they are germane to the subject, and rtally illustrate the text. The Havemeyer Library. 31 201 DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHIES. A fine set of these inter- esting lives. Illustrated with portraits and plates. 27 vols., 8vo, uniformly bound in half calf, gilt. $100.00. London, v. d. Comprises: KEMBLE, 2 vols. ; MRS. JORDAN, 2 vols. ; MRS. INCHBALD, 2 vols.; M. G. LEWIS, 2 vols. ; O'KEEFE, 2 vols. ; KELLY, 2 vols. ; CUMBERLAND, 2 vols. ; BANNISTER, 2 vols. ; MRS. SIDDONS, 2 vols. ; ANGELO, 2 vols. ; Pic-Nic ; COLMAN FAMILY, 2 vols. ; CHARLES MAI HEWS, 4 vols. 202 DRESSER (CHRISTOPHER). JAPAN. Its Architecture, Art, and Art manufactures. Numerous illustrations. Square 8vo, new cloth, gilt top. $6.00. London, 1882 203 DU BOYS (ALBERT). CATHARINE OF ARAGON, and the Sources of the English Reformation. 2 vols., crown 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $4.50. London, 1881 204 DUMAS (ALEX.). NOVELS. Illustrated. 14 vols., small 8vo, new half calf extra. $27.50. London, n. d. %* Nice set of the chief novels of this popular writer. 205 DUMAS (ALEX., fils}. THE LADY WITH THE CAMELIAS. Beautifully printed edition on thick paper. Illustrated with 40 very fine photogravures and etchings by Albert Lynch. Imperial 8vo, cloth extra, ornamented side, gilt top. $12.50. London, 1886 %* Handsome edition of this world-famous book. Cost $20.00. 206 DUMAS' ART ANNUAL for 1882 & 1883. Several hundred illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $2.00. Paris, 1882-83 207 DUMAS' CATALOGUE ILLUSTRE DE L'EXPOSITION D'AM- STERDAM. Upwards of 250 illustrations. 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt top. $1.00. Paris, 1883 208 DUMAS (F. G.). MODERN ARTISTS. A series of 36 beautiful large etchings after the most famous pictures of modern artists, with descriptive letterpress and biogra- phies. 1 2 parts, large folio, paper covers, as issued. $30.00. London, 1882 * f * Cost $120.00. 209 DUNCAN (REV. DR.). SACRED PHILOSOPHY OF THE SEA- SONS. 4 vols., foolscap 8vo, half calf, gilt. $2.50. Edinburgh, 1841 ** Brimful of instruction. 210 DUNLAP (WM.). HISTORY OF THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE ARTS OF DESIGN IN THE UNITED STATES. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth boards, uncut. $18.00. New York, 1834 V Scarce. 32 The Havemeyer Library. 211 DU SOMMERARD (ADVE.). LES ARTS AU MOYEN AGE EN CE QUI CONCERNE PRINCIPALEMENT LE PALAIS ROMAIN DE PARIS, L'H6xEL DE CLUNY, issu de ses mines et les ob- jets d'art de la collection classee dans cet H6tel. A series of 510 very beautiful plates, many of which are colored by hand, and heightened with gold and silver, depicting the monuments, furniture, manuscripts, armor, gems, ivory, jew- elry, and costume preserved in the Hotel de Cluny. 3 vols., imperial folio of plates and 5 vols., large 8vo of text, bound in half red morocco, gilt tops. $250.00. Paris, 1838-48 ** Handsome and very cheap copy of this sumptuous work. 212 DUSSELDORF, GALERIE DE. A series of 30 large plates, comprising 365 pictures by the Great Masters, beautifully engraved by Mechel, with copious descriptions. 2 vols. in one, oblong 4to, new half dark-blue morocco, gilt top. $22.50. Basle, 1778 %* Fine copy, with brilliant impressions of the plates, of this beautiful work. 213 DUYCKINCK (E. A. and GEO. L.). CYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN LITERATURE. Portraits. 2 vols., large 8vo, new half russia extra, gilt tops. $10.00. New York, 1856 214 DUYCKINCK (E. A.). PORTRAIT GALLERY OF DIS- TINGUISHED AMERICANS. A series of fine portraits en- graved on steel, with biographies. 2 vols., thick 4to, half morocco. $15.00. New York (Johnson, Wilson & Co.), n. d. 215 DYER (T. H.). POMPEII: its Buildings and Antiquities. With 300 wood-cuts, map, and plan. Post 8vo, new half calf. $2.00. London, 1875 216 EASTLAKE (CHAS. L.). HINTS ON HOUSEHOLD TASTE. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. $3.00. Boston, 1876 217 EAU-FORTE (L') EN 1874-81. 250 fine etchings by cele- brated modern artists, on Holland paper. 8 vols. in 4, large folio, new half wine-colored levant, gilt tops. $150.00. Paris, 1874-81 Includes etchings by Lalanne, Feyen-Perrin, H6douin, Veyrassat, Legros, Lancon, Le Rat, Appian, E. Ditaille, Lalauze, Greux, Bracquemond, Chauvel, Brunet-Debaines, Chiff- lart, Martial, Boilvin, Laguillermie, Daubigny, Chaplin, Ribot, etc. 218 EBERS (GEORGE). EGYPT: DESCRIPTIVE, HISTORICAL, AND PICTURESQUE, with introduction and notes by Samuel Birch. Illustrated with about 800 beautiful engravings on wood. 2 vols., imperial 4to, new half morocco extra, gilt edges. $20.00. London, n. d. The Havemeyer Library. 33 219 EDGEWORTH (MARIA). NOVELS AND TALES. Best edition. With frontispieces and vignettes engraved on steel. 18 vols., foolscap 8vo, new half calf extra. $30.00. London, 1832 220 EDWARDS (AMELIA B.). A THOUSAND MILES UP THE NILE. With upwards of 70 beautiful engravings on wood, from drawings by the author, and colored folding map. 2 vols., imperial 8vo, new half brown morocco extra, gilt tops. $10.00. London, 1877 %* Handsomely printed. 221 EGAN (PIERCE). BOXIANA; or, SKETCHES OF ANCIENT AND MODERN PUGILISM. With portraits of celebrated pugilists, and an extra series of portraits inserted. 5 vols., 8vo, half calf extra. $45.00. London, 1823 ** Very scarce. 222 ELIOT (GEORGE). NOVELS, and LIFE. A set of the original editions. Portraits, etc. 29 vols., crown 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops. $225.00. Edinburgh, v. d. ** Fine set of this talented authoress's works. Complete sets seldom occur, the first edi- tions of many of the novels being exceedingly scarce. The first edition of "Adam Bede " has sold as high as $50.00. The set comprises: Adam Bede, 3_vols. ; Felix Holt, 3 vols. ; Silas The ~ Marner; Mill on the Floss, 3 vols. ; Romola, 3 vols. ; The Spanish Gypsy; The Legend of Jubal ; Daniel Deronda, 4 vols. ; Middlemarch, 4 vols. ; Scenes of Clerical Life, 2 vols. ; Theophrastus Such; Life, 3 vols. 223 ELLIOTT (CHAS. W.). POTTERY AND PORCELAIN, from early times down to 1876. With 165 engravings on wood, and numerous marks and monograms. Square 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. $3.00. New York, 1878 224 ELTHAM. A series of plates depicting the great hall of the royal palace of Eltham in Kent. 4to, cloth boards. $2.00. London, 1882 225 EMERSON (RALPH WALDO). COMPLETE WORKS. Edited, with notes, etc., by John E. Cabot. LARGE PAPER COPY, beautifully printed on hand-made paper at the River- side Press, with proof portraits, etc. n vols., 8vo, original vellum paper boards, uncut. $45.00. Cambridge, 1883, etc. ** Soo'copies printed. Uniform with the large paper edition of Hawthorne. 226 EVANGILES (LES SAINTS) DES DIMANCHES ET FTES DE L'ANNEE, avec appendix contenant une histoire de 1'ornementation des manuscrits de M. Ferdinand Denis, et la description de l'ornementation des Evangiles. Illus- trated with a beautiful series of 100 full-page chromo-litho- graphic fac-similes of miniatures, besides several hundred vignettes and initial letters of exquisite design, each page 34 The Havemeyer Library. of the text, numbering about 400 in all, being ornamented with borders illuminated in colors and gold, with allegorical figures and medallions illustrating the Gospels, and furnish- ing specimens of the work of Albert Diirer, Hans Memling, Jehan Fouquet, Beato Angelico da Fiesole, Lorenzo Mona- co, Attavante, Eustachio, Monte di Giovanni, Antonio di Gerolamo, Gerolamo da Cremona, and of Greek and Byzan- tine artists, selected from the choicest manuscripts of the public libraries of Europe. 2 vols. in 3, imperial 8vo, handsomely bound in full crimson levant, crushed and polished, broad inside borders, tooled backs and sides, gilt edges. $200.00. Paris (Curmer), 1864 * f * A beautiful book. 227 EVERETT (EDWARD). LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco. $4.00. New York, 1860 .228 EVERETT (GRAHAM). ENGLISH CARICATURISTS AND GRAPHIC HUMORISTS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. How they illustrated and interpreted their times. With 67 full-page plates reproducing the most celebrated caricatures. Hand- somely printed on thick paper. Thick demy 410, cloth, gilt top. $5.00. London, 1886 *** The only works treating of the caricaturists of the present century generally are those of Buss, originally delivered in the form of lectures, and James Barton, which last devotes but thirty pages to English caricature. The present volume, therefore, supplies in a compact form a body of interesting information on the subject which would otherwise only be procur- able at considerable expense of both time' and money. Mr. Everett has treated his subject in a thorough and workmanlike way, and has evidently made a thorough survey of the ground. The three Cruikshanks, Rowlandson, Gillray, "H. B.," Kenny Meadows, Doyle, " Phiz," and Leech and Tenniel are all fully portrayed, and the narration of the events which their designs bear on is given, thus enabling the observer to understand the full force of the satire. 229 FAC-SIMILE OF AN ILLUMINATED MANU- SCRIPT. STATUTS DE L'ORDRE DU SAINT ESPRIT AU DROIT DESIR 1352. 17 large and beautifully executed plates by Engelmann and Graf, in fac-simile of the original MS., beautifully illuminated in colors and heightened with gold and silver, with descriptive text in French. Folio, half morocco. $35.00. Paris, 1853 ** A most beautiful volume, published by subscription and the plates cleaned off. Copies of the work are quite scarce. 230 FALKE (J. VON). ART IN THE HOUSE. With colored plates. Large 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. $6.00. Boston, 1879 231 FfiNELON. ADVENTURES OF TELEMACHUS, translated by Littlebury and Boyer. With copper-plates. 2 vols., i2mo, new half calf extra, yellow edges. $4.00. London, 1759 The Havemeyer Library. 35 232 FfiNELON. ADVENTURES OF TELEMACHUS, translated by Percival Proctor. Numerous old copper-plates. 2 vols., crown 8vo, old calf. $5.00. London, 1774 233 FIELDING (HENRY). WORKS, edited, with a biograph- ical essay, by Leslie Stephen. The Edition de Luxe. 80 illustrations by Small, and portrait by Hogarth. 10 vols., large 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $40.00. London, 1882-83 234 FINCH (BARBARA C.). LIVES OF THE PRINCESSES OF WALES. 3 vols., post 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $2.50. London, 1883 %* Includes Joan of Kent, Anne of Warwick, Catharine of Aragon, Caroline of Anspach, Augusta of Saxe-Gotha, and Caroline of Brunswick. 235 FINCK (HENRY T.). ROMANTIC LOVE AND PERSONAL BEAUTY ; their development, causal relations, historic and national peculiarities. 2 vols., crown 8vo, new half green crimped morocco extra, gilt tops. $7.50. London, 1877 236 FISHER (RICHARD). CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS, AND WOOD-CUTS. Numerous fine fac-simile engravings from rare prints. Large 8vo, half morocco. $15.00. London, 1879 %* A valuable and interesting catalogue to collectors of prints. 237 FITZGERALD (PERCY). KINGS AND QUEENS OF AN HOUR. Records of love, romance, oddity, and adventure. 2 vols., 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $6.00. London, 1883 238 FITZGERALD'S (PERCY) LIVES OF THE SHERIDANS. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, new half claret morocco extra, gilt tops. $9.00. London, 1886 239 FITZGERALD (PERCY). THE ROYAL DUKES AND PRIN- CESSES OF THE FAMILY OF GEORGE III. A view of court life and manners for seventy years, 1760-1830. 2 vols., 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops. $6.50. London, 1882 240 FITZHERBERT (MRS.). MEMOIRS, by Charles Lang- dale. Portrait and 16 extra plates inserted. 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt edges by Riviere. $18.00. London, 1856 241 FORBES QAMES D.). NORWAY AND ITS GLACIERS, with Excursions in the High Alps of Dauphine", Berne, and Savoy. With 10 fine tinted plates and numerous engrav- ings on wood. Imperial 8vo, handsomely bound in new polished calf extra, gilt top. $10.00. Edinburgh, 1853 *** Fine copy of this interesting book. 36 The Havemeyer Library. 242 FORTNUM (C. DRURY E.). MAIOLICA. With 4 colored plates and numerous wood-cuts. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. $3.50. London, n. d. %* South Kensington art hand-book. Large paper copy ; only 50 copies printed. The small paper copies are without the colored plates. 243 FORSTER QOHN). LIFE OF CHARLES DICKENS. Por- traits. 3 vols., 8vo, new half claret morocco extra, gilt tops, $9.00. London, 1872 ** Best English edition. 244 FOUQUET (JEHAN). CEuvRE. A selection of the minia- tures and illuminated work of this celebrated miniaturist. A series of 59 very fine full-page miniatures, including portraits of Fouquet, Agnes Sorel, Pius IX., etc., and each page (about 200) embellished with elegant illuminated borders, the whole executed in fac-simile of the originals by chromo- lithography. With Appendix, giving an account of the artist by Vallet de Virville, Anatole de Montaiglon, Paulin Paris, Ferdinand Denis, and others, the pages enclosed in orna- mental wood-cut borders of elaborate and tasteful design. 2 vols., imperial 8vo, full polished levant morocco, inside joints and moire antique linings. $125.00. Paris, 1869 *** The last, and in many respects the choicest, issue from the press of M. Curmer : " Ces chromo-lithographies ont t6 pour la plupart excutees avec un rare talent par MM. Pralon, Regamey, et Daumont. Elles expriment, autant qu'un proced6 pousse aujourd'hui jusqu'a la perfection le permet, 1'intensite des pourpres, la profondeur des azurs, ces hachures d'or que Jehan Fouquet aimait a distribuer jusque sur les monuments et les images. Sice ne sont pas les originaux, e'en est du moins une traduction bien litterale ! L'Art appelle a son aide 1'industrie pour obeir a la loi fatale des temps modernes. II s'agissait de satisfaire ce maistre Estienne Chevalier a dix mille teles qui s'appelle le public ; Jehan Fouquet, le premier e'tonnement passe, ne desavouerait pas ce decloublement a dix mille 6preuves de ses precieux originaux." " A ces grandes miniatures sont jointes les Offices de la Vierge, ceux de la Passion, etc., circonscrits par des entourages comme par un cadre d'orfevrerie niellie. Tous ces entourage, ont eie disposes par M. Henri Card. Ils sont empruntes aux manuscrits les plus precieux des bibliotheques de Lyon, de Grenoble, de Besan^on. Ils ont 6t executes par Mile. d'Allignys MM. Werner, Leroux, O116, Daumont, etc. Un texte redige avec soin renvoie aux sources." Gazette des Beaux A rts. 245 FOX (CAROLINE). MEMORIES OF OLD FRIENDS, being ex- tracts from the journals and letters of Caroline Fox, 1835- 1871, edited by Horace N. Pym. Etched portrait by Hubert Herkomer. Handsomely printed. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. $2.50. London, 1882 ** Interesting reminiscences of celebrated men and women. 246 FREEMAN (EDWARD A.). THE REIGN OF WILLIAM RUFUS, AND THE ACCESSION OF HENRY THE FlRST. 2 VOls., thick 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $10.50. Oxford, 1882 247 FREEMAN (STRICKLAND). THE ART OF HORSEMANSHIP, according to the principles of Sir Sidney Medows. With fine The Ha-vemeyer Library. 37 full-page engravings on copper, and vignettes. 4to, old red morocco, blind tooled, gilt edges. $35.00. London, 1806 ** Scarce. With bookplate of the Earl of Aylesford. 248 FRESENIUS. SYSTEM OF QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITA- TIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, edited by S. W. Johnson. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. $4.00. New York, 1877 249 FRIEDMANN (PAUL). ANNE BOLEYN: a chapter of English History, 1527-1536. 2 vols., 8vo, new half mo- rocco extra, gilt tops. $8.00. London, 1884 250 FROISSART and MONSTRELET'S CHRONICLES of England, France, Spain, and countries adjacent, trans- lated by Johnes, with notes, and upwards of 200 wood-cuts of manners and customs. 4 vols., royal 8vo, calf, gilt tops, by Tout. $42.50. London, 1844 *** Beautiful copies of the best editions. 251 FROISSART, ILLUMINATED ILLUSTRATIONS OF, selected from the MS. in the Bibliotheque Royale, and from other sources, by H. N. Humphreys. A series of 72 beautiful plates, colored by hand in imitation of the originals. 2 vols. in i, 4to, half red morocco, gilt top. $40.00. London, 184445 %* Very scarce. Fine clean copy. 252 FUSELI'S (HENRY) LIFE AND WRITINGS, edited by John Knowles. Fine portrait. 3 vols., 8vo, new half dark-green morocco extra, gilt tops. $8.00. London, 1831 253 GALERIE DE FLORENCE ET DU PALAIS PITTI: Tableaux, statues, bas-reliefs et camees, dessines par M. Wicar, et graves sous la direction de M. Lacombe, avec des explications, par M. Mongez, Paine. Frontispiece and 200 plates containing 400 beautiful engravings after the most celebrated paintings, statues, cameos, gems, and bas-reliefs of this famous gallery. PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS. 4 vols., folio, half morocco, uncut. $350.00. Paris, 1789-1807-21 %* Fine copy, very rare in proof state, of one of the best galleries in Europe. 254 GALERIE DU PALAIS ROYAL, DITE D'ORLEANS, gravee d'apres les tableaux des differentes 6coles qui la composent, par Couche", avec un abrege de la Vie des Peintres, et une description historique de chaque tableau. 354 fine plates, beautifully engraved on copper, illustrating the masterpieces of this celebrated gallery. 3 vols., folio, half green morocco, gilt tops. $375.00. Paris, 1786-1808 %* An unusually fine copy of this magnificent collection, with brilliant impressions of the plates, a great proportion of which are proof s before letter. 38 The Havemeyer Library. 255 GALERIE DURAND-RUEL: Recueil d'Estampes gravies a 1'Eau-Forte, preface par Armand Silvestre. A series of 300 fine etchings after pictures by Corot, Delacroix, Millet, Meissonier, Troyon, Fromentin, Th. Rousseau, and other celebrated French painters. 6 vols., imperial 8vo, new half red morocco extra, gilt tops. $27.50. Paris, 1883 256 GALERIE ROYALE DE DRESDE. A series of 156 very large and fine engravings on Copper after pictures by the old masters, by celebrated engravers. 3 vols., atlas folio, half green morocco, gilt tops. $150.00. Dresden, 1753. Leipsic, n. d. %* One of the rarest and most magnificent of all the old picture galleries. Brunei, who calls the work "recueil precieux," states that the portrait of Augustus alone sold for 174 francs. " La Galerie de Dresde jouit a juste litre d'une haute celebrite, tant a cause du nombre des tableaux qu'elle renferme qu'a cause de la choix." DUCHESNE. 257 GARFIELD (PRES.). LIFE by J. M. Bundy. Portrait. i2mo, half morocco. $1.00. New York, n. d. 258 GAVARNI. CEUVRES CHOISIES. Several hundred fine cuts by this celebrated artist. 4 vols., 8vo, half morocco. $15.00. Paris, 1848 259 GAY (JOHN). FABLES. Numerous fine large copper-plate engravings, and an extra set of outline plates inserted. Large 8vo, new speckled calf extra, yellow edges. $15.00. London, 1793 260 GENIUS, CHARACTERISTICS OF MEN OF. A series of biographical, historical, and critical essays. 2 vols., i2mo, cloth, uncut. $3.00. Boston, 1847 * f * An interesting selection chiefly from the North American Review. 261 GEROME (J. L.). WORKS. A series of one hundred beauti- ful photogravures by Goupil & Co., from the pictures of this famous painter, with descriptive letterpress and biography by E. Strahan. 2 vols. in i, folio, handsomely bound in new half dark brown levant, crushed and polished, Jansen style, gilt tops. $150.00. New York, 1881 %* Cost the original subscriber $265.00. 262 GIBBON (EDWARD). HISTORY OF THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE, with life and notes by Mil- man. Portrait and folding map. Best Large Type Library Edition. 13 vols., 8vo, new half polished calf extra, gilt tops, by Tout. $42.50. London, 1838-39 %* Handsome copy. The Havemeyer Library. 39 263 GILLRAY'S CARICATURES, printed from the original plates, all engraved by himself between 1770 and 1810, com- prising the best political and humorous satires of the reign of George III., in nearly 600 spirited engravings. 2 vols., atlas folio, half red morocco, gilt. $50.00. London, n. d. %* With the volume of suppressed plates. 264 GIRAUD (J. B.). LES ARTS DU METAL. Recueil de- scriptif et raisonne des principaux objets ayant figures & 1'Exposition de 1880 de 1'Union Centrale des Beaux-arts. A series of 50 fine full-page photogravures exhibiting several hundred examples of notable specimens of artistic iron work, ancient and modern, with descriptive letterpress, handsomely printed on heavy paper. Large folio, handsomely bound in new half orange levant extra, gilt top. $25.00. Paris, 1881 265 GODOY (DON MANUEL). MEMOIRS. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, new half calf extra. $3.50. London, 1836 *** Prime Minister to the King of Spain in 1792-98. 266 GODWIN (WM.). CALEB WILLIAMS AND ST. LEON. Frontispieces. 2 vols., small 8vo, new half calf extra, gilt tops. $3.00. London, 1849 267 GOETHE. FAUST: a Dramatic Poem, translated, with notes, by A. Hayward. 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt top. $3.50. London, 1834 ** An excellent translation of this great work. 268 GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). COMPLETE WORKS, edited by Peter Cunningham. Best Large Type Library Edition. Vignettes. 4 vols., 8vo, new polished calf extra, gilt tops. $24.00. London, 1854. * f * Fine copy. 269 GOLDSMITH AND PARNELL'S POEMS. Hand- somely printed in large type by Bulmer. With numerous fine engravings on wood by Bewick. 4to, green morocco extra, by Hayday. $7.50. London, 1795 %* Splendid copy. 270 GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD. With 114 beautiful colored illustrations. Handsomely printed on fine paper. Large 8vo, new ornamented cloth binding, gilt edges. $4.00. London, 1886 271 GONSE (Louis). L'ART ANCIEN ET MODERNE A L' EX- POSITION DE 1878. Illustrated with 45 large full-page etchings by Jacquemart, Lalauze, Flameng, Le Rat, etc., and 40 The Hcwemeyer Library. several hundred cuts. 2 large vols., 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops. $15.00. Paris, 1879 *** A handsome work. 272 GONSE (Louis). L'ART JAPONAIS ANCIEN ET MODERNE. Illustrated with 30 beautiful colored plates, 13 etchings, and 21 heliogravures and 700 cuts, and with a duplicate set of the full-page plates on Japan. The letterpress handsomely printed on the finest Japanese paper. 2 large vols., 4to, tastefully bound in satin, uncut. $60.00. Paris, 1883 *f* Proof copy. Published at $120. oo. 273 GOUFFfi (JULES). THE ROYAL COOKERY BOOK, com- prising domestic and high-class cooking. With 16 large colored plates and 161 engravings on wood. Thick large 8vo, new cloth gilt, gilt edges. $7.50. London, 1883 274 GOULD (JOHN). BIRDS: A SET OF THESE MAGNIFI- CENT PUBLICATIONS, comprising : THE BIRDS OF GREAT BRITAIN, comprising 367 colored plates, with copious descriptions. 5 vols., 1873. THE TROCHILID^E, OR HUMMING-BIRDS. 360 colored plates, with descriptions. 5 vols., 1861. THE TROGONID^E, OR FAMILY OF TROGONS. 2d Edition. Nearly 50 colored plates, with descriptions, i vol., i875. THE BIRDS OF ASIA. 530 plates most beautifully colored by hand, after nature, in most perfect manner. 7 vols., 1853. THE RAMPHASTIDJE, OR FAMILY OF TOUCANS. 2d Edi- tion enlarged. 52 beautifully colored plates, with de- scriptions, i vol., 1854. THE ODONTOPHORIN^E, OR PARTRIDGES OF AMERICA. 32 fine colored plates, with descriptions, i vol., 1850. THE MAMMALS OF AUSTRALIA. 180 beautifully colored plates with descriptions. 3 vols., 1863. Together 23 vols., royal folio, uniformly bound in half dark- green levant, full gilt, gilt leaves. $1750.00. V Cost $2800.00. "Upon the merits of Mr. Gould's works it is unnecessary to enlarge, for it has long been acknowledged by naturalists that they stand at the very head of their class, whether as regards the accuracy of their drawing or the beauty and correctness of their coloring; to say nothing of the scientific and interesting character ol the descriptions. "Another {jreat charm of Mr. Gould's productions, one which from their commencement brought them into high popularity, and one which will ever secure for them the favor of all classes, whether scientific or not, is the unequaled skill displayed in the attitudes, groupings, movements, and accessories of the birds." 275 GOWER (LORD RONALD). MY REMINISCENCES. Por- trait. 2 vols., 8vo, new half morocco extra. $6.50. London, 1883 The Havemeyer Library. 41 276 GRANDS PEINTRES FRANCAIS ET fiTRANGERS, Ouvrage d'Art, public" avec le Concours Artistique des Maitres Texte par les principaux critiques d'art. Pro- fusely illustrated with 450 photogravures and wood-cuts. PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER. 2 vols., folio, half polished levant, gilt tops, by Stikeman. $75.00. Paris, 1883 * f * The reproductions on steel and wood consist of the best examples of twenty-four of the leading artists of the present day, viz. : Bouguereau, Alma-Tadema, Munkacsy, Bonheur, Henner, Baudry, Lefebvre, Bridgman, Knaus, Breton, Bonnat, Millais, Israels, Jacque, Laurens, Van Marcke, De Nittis, Herkomer, Meissonier, Boulanger, Chavannes, Madrazo, Mezdag, and Gerome. Of the 450 illustrations, 24 are on India paper. 277 GRANDVILLE. PETITES MISERES DE LA VIE HUMAINE. Profusely illustrated with very clever humorous engravings on wood, after Grandville. 8vo, half calf, gilt. $4.00. Paris, 1847 278 GRANT (JAMES). SKETCHES IN LONDON. With 24 humorous illustrations by " Phiz." 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt top. $3.00. London, 1838 279 [GRANT (JAMES).] THE GREAT METROPOLIS. Both series. 2 vols., 1838. RANDOM RECOLLECTIONS OF THE LORDS AND COMMONS. Both series. 3 vols., 1837-38. THE BENCH AND THE BAR, 2 vols., 1838. WALKS AND WANDERINGS IN THE WORLD OF LITERATURE, 2 vols., 1839. TRAVELS IN TOWN, 2 vols., 1839. Together, n vols. in 5, half calf, neat. $13.50. London, 1837-39 280 GRANT (MRS., OF LAGGAN). LETTERS FROM THE MOUN- TAINS, edited with notes and additions by her son, J. P. Grant. Best edition. 2 vols., post 8vo, cloth. $2.50. London, 1845 ** Lord Jeffrey says : " Her ' Letters from the Mountains ' are among the most interest- ing collections of real letters that have been given to the public ; and being indebted for no part of their interest to the celebrity of the names they contain, or the importance of the events they narrate, afford in their success a more honorable testimony of the talents of the author. The great charm of the correspondence indeed is its perfect independence of artificial helps, and the air of fearlessness and originality which it has consequently assumed." 281 GRAPHIC (THE LONDON): an Illustrated Paper, com- plete from its commencement in December, 1869, to end of 1887. With many thousands of fine engravings on wood, illustrative of important events during that period, of the fine arts, including portraits of prominent people, views, maps, etc. 37 vols., folio (26 in half calf and ii in cloth). $100.00. London, 1869-87 282 GRAY COLLECTION, CATALOGUE OF THE ENGRAV- INGS IN THE, by Louis Thies. Portrait. 4to, green cloth, gilt top. $6.00. Cambridge, 1869 42 The Havemeyer Library. 283 GRAY COLLECTION, GEMS OF THE. A series of 24 large heliotypes, with descriptive letterpress. Large 4to, half morocco, gilt edges. $4.00. Boston, 1877 284 GRAY (Tnos.). POETICAL WORKS, ENGLISH AND LATIN, with Life by Mitford. Portrait and numerous exquisite engravings on steel. Large 8vo, cloth, uncut. $3.00. Eton, 1847 285 GRAY (THOMAS). WORKS, in Prose and Verse, with Life by Mason, and extracts from unpublished MSS. Por- trait and engravings. Thick quarto, calf, gilt, fine copy. $7.50. London (Bulmer), 1814 V Presentation copy, with the autograph of the erudite editor, Matthias. 286 GREELY (A. W.). THREE YEARS OF ARCTIC SERVICE : an Account of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition of 1881- 84, and the attainment of the Farthest North. With nearly 100 illustrations, maps, and charts. 2 vols., large 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $7.50. London, 1886 287 GRfiVIN. NOUVEAUX TRAVESTISSEMENTS PARISIENS. A series of 20 colored, fancy ball costumes. 4to, new half morocco. $5.00. Paris, n. d. 288 GRIESINGER (T.). THE JESUITS: A Complete His- tory of their Open and Secret Proceedings, from the Foundation of the Order to the Present Time. Portrait of Loyola. Thick 8vo, new cloth. $2.25. London, 1885 %* Second edition of this remarkable book. It includes the chapter illustrating the belief of the Order in the efficacy of the use of the rod at confession for both sexes. 289 GROTE (GEORGE). HISTORY OF GREECE. The Original Library Edition. Maps. 12 vols., 8vo, new polished calf, gilt, gilt tops. $75.00. London, 1854-56 * f * Handsome copy. 290 GRUNER (L.). ORNAMENTAL ART, selected from the best models of the classical epochs. A series of 80 beauti- ful plates, comprising a selection of the best paintings, carvings, friezes, ceilings, ornaments, and decorations of the 1 3th, i4th, i5th, and i6th centuries, executed in the palaces and churches of Rome, Verona, Mantua, Milan, etc., by Giulio Romano, Luini, Raffaelle, Bramante,and other cele- brated masters, many of the plates being beautifully colored and heightened with gold. Atlas folio, and 4to vol. of descriptive text, half red morocco extra, gilt edges. $55.00. London, 1850 The Havemeyer Library. 43 291 GUEST (LADY CHARLOTTE). THE MABINOGION ; OR, THE ANCIENT ROMANCES OF WALES. English and Welsh text. Fac-similes and wood-cut vignettes. 3 vols., large 8vo, new half blue morocco, gilt, gilt tops. $27.50. London, 1838-49 **Best edition of this fascinating collection. It is included in Wm. Morris's list of one hun- dred great books. 292 GUILLEMIN (A.). THE HEAVENS : an illustrated hand- book of popular astronomy, edited by J. Norman Lockyer, and revised by R. A. Proctor. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, new tree calf extra. $5.00. London, 1872 293 GUINOT (E.). A SUMMER AT BADEN-BADEN. Profusely illustrated with engravings on steel, some colored, by Tony Johannot, Eugene Lamy, and others. Large 8vo, new half calf, gilt. $2.50. London, n. d. 294 GUIZOT (F. P. G.). WORKS. 21 vols., 8vo and small- 8vo, new half calf extra. $60.00. London, 1856, etc. ** Comprises : MEMOIRS, 4 vols. ; RICHARD CROMWELL, 2 vols. ; ENGLISH REVOLUTION, 2 vols.; FRANCE UNDER Louis PHILIPPE, LAST DAYS OF Louis PHILIPPE'S REIGN, MEMOIRS or SIR ROBERT PEEL, SHAKESPEARE AND HIS TIMES, COURT OF ST. JAMES IN 1840, MEMOIRS OF A MINISTER OF STATE, FINE ARTS, MEDITATIONS ON CHRISTIANITY, ST. Louis AND CALVIN, WASHINGTON, and MEMOIR OF M. DE BARANTK. 295 HALL (S. C.). BOOK OF BRITISH BALLADS. Illustrated with several hundred beautiful engravings on wood by em- inent artists. 2 vols. in i, new dark-green polished levant extra, gilt tops. $15.00. London, 1842-44 * f * Fine copy. 296 HALL (S. C.). RETROSPECT OF A LONG LIFE, from 1815 to 1883. 2 vols., 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $6.00. London, 1883 297 HALIBURTON (JUDGE). HUMOROUS WORKS. 20 vols., post 8vo, new half smooth morocco, gilt tops. $85.00. London, 1843 %* Pretty set. Comprises : SAM SLICK, 3 vols. ; THE ATTACH^ ; or, SAM SLICK IN ENGLAND, both series, 4 vols. ; SAM SLICK'S WISE SAWS AND MODERN INSTANCES, 2 vols. ; THE OLD JUDGE, 2 vols. ; TRAITS OF AMERICAN HUMOR, 3 vols. ; ENGLISH IN AMERICA, 2 vols. ; AMERICANS AT HOME, 3 vols. ; LETTER BAG OF THE GREAT WESTERN, and BUBBLES OF CANADA. 298 HALL (C. F.). ARCTIC RESEARCHES AND LIFE AMONG THE ESQUIMAUX DURING THE EXPEDITION IN SEARCH OF FRANKLIN, 1860-62. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. $2.00. New York, 1865 299 HALS (FRANS). A series of 20 beautifully executed etch- ings, after this famous artist, by William Unger. With an essay on the Life and Works of the artist, by C. Vosmaer. 44 The Havemeyer Library. Artist proofs on India paper. Folio, elegantly bound in half levant morocco extra, gilt top. $40.00. New York (Leyden), 1876 ** Cost $80.00. " They who know the Dutch painter Hals only through the few portraits by him which have reached this country have but a slight comparative acquaintance with his works. ' A stranger to all academical lore, to all literary co-operation,' writes Mr. Vosmaer, ' Frans Hals appeared merely as a portrait painter, like most of the modern artists of his youth . . . true to life, but also excelling by naturalness and masterly handling. Subsequently he portrayed the joyous popular life of the streets and the tavern ; at last those phases of national social life, which have at once their image and memorial in the pictures of the arquebusiers and the civic governors.'" London Art Journal, Aug., 1873. 300 HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). ETCHING AND ETCH- ERS. First Edition. Illustrated with upwards of 30 beauti- ful etchings by Rembrandt, Ostade, Potter, Waterloo, Dujardin, Seymour-Haden, Palmer, Cope, Callot, Lalanne, Jacquemart, etc., from the original plates. Extra illustrated by the insertion of a large number of original etchings by famous artists. Large 8vo, new half green levant, crushed and polished, gilt back and gilt edges. $100.00. London, 1868 %* " It is not often that we get anything like the combined intellectual and aesthetic treat which is supplied us by Mr. Hamerton's ably written and handsome volume. ' Etching and Etchers ' is a work of which author, printer, and publisher may alike be proud. . . . There is a thoroughness in his treatment of the whole subject which will command the respect and confidence of the professional artist, together with a simplicity and clearness which will make his work invaluable to the tyro in art. It would be hard to find a real drawback from the pleasure which both the perusal and the sight of Mr. Hamerton's book have given us through- out." Saturday Review. 301 HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). ETCHING AND ETCH- ERS. Illustrated with etchings. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. $7.50. Boston, 1876 302 HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). THE GRAPHIC ARTS : A Treatise on the Varieties of Drawing, Painting, and En- graving, in comparison with each other and with nature. With 54 illustrations after ancient and modern masters, comprising drawings by Raffaelle, Maclise, Turner, Sir F. Leighton, Mulready, J. D. Harding, reproduced in fac- simile; wood-cuts after Holbein, Durer, Bewick, Titian, and others; etchings after Hollar, Rembrandt, etc., and line engravings after Diirer, Delanne, Visscher, Strange, and others. LARGE PAPER WITH PROOF IMPRESSIONS. Im- perial 4to, vellum, uncut. $60.00. New York, 1882 303 HAMERTON (P. G.). LANDSCAPE. LARGE PAPER COPY. With 43 fine etchings and photogravures, and 7 pen sketches, representing the following artists : Turner, Corot, Titian, Samuel Palmer, David Cox, Lalanne, and many others. PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS ON INDIA PAPER. Thick imperial 4to, vellum, gilt, uncut edges. $60.00. %* Limited edition only printed of this very handsome book. London, 1 005 The Havemeyer Library. 45 304 HAMERTON (P. G.). THOUGHTS ABOUT ART. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. $3.50. London, 1873 305 HAMILTON PALACE COLLECTION, Illustrated Priced Catalogue of the. 4to, cloth, uncut. $6.00. London, 1882 306 HAMILTON (G.). THE ENGLISH SCHOOL. A series of the most approved productions in painting and sculpture executed by British artists. With over 150 beautiful out- line engravings of famous works of art. 4 vols., foolscap 8vo, calf, gilt. $17.50. London, 1831 V Scarce. 307 HAKLUYT (RICHARD). THE PRINCIPAL NAVIGATIONS, VOYAGES, TRAFIQUES, AND DISCOVERIES OF THE ENGLISH NATION, made by Sea or Overland, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the Earth at any time within the compass of these 1600 years. A fine copy of the orig- inal edition, perfect throughout, with the original suppressed Expedition to Cadiz. 3 vols. in 2, thick small folio, hand- somely bound in full mottled calf super-extra by Riviere. $200.00. London, 15991600 %* Choice copy. 308 HARE (A. J. C.). WALKS IN LONDON AND ROME. Illus- trated. 3 vols., thick post 8vo, cloth. $6.00. V Teeming with interest. New York, 1875 309 HARPER'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE, from 1850 to 1878. 57 vols., 8vo, half calf, marbled edges. $112.00. V Nice set New York, 1851-78 310 HARPER'S WEEKLY, for 1871 and 1872. 2 vols., folio, half morocco, gilt. $7.00. New York, 1871-72 311 HARRIS (STANLEY). THE COACHING AGE. With 16 plates by John Sturgess. 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt top. $5.00. London, 1885 312 HART (GEORGE). THE VIOLIN AND ITS Music. With portraits, on steel, of eminent violinists. Thick small 4to, new cloth, gilt top. $8.00. London, 1881 *** A valuable and interesting work. 312* HAVARD (HENRY). L'ART A TRAVERS LES MOSURS. Beautifully illustrated with several hundred engravings in the text and 23 full-page plates, mainly by the Dujardin process. Text printed on heavy calendered paper. Im- perial 8vo, in ornamental cloth, full gilt leaves. $5.00. Paris, 1882 46 The Havemeyer Library. 313 HAVARD (HENRY). LA FLANDRE A VOL D'OISEAU. Handsomely illustrated with 25 full-page plates after the designs of Maxime Lalanne, and numerous vignettes. Large 8vo, cloth extra, gilt edges. $8.00. Paris, 1882 ** Handsome volume. 313* HAVARD (HENRY). LA HOLLANDS A VOL JD'OISEAU. Illustrated with 25 full-page plates and 150 vignettes after designs by Maxime Lalanne. Large 8vo, cloth extra, gilt edges. $10.00. Paris, 1881 * f * Elegant volume ; out of print. 314 HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). COMPLETE WORKS, in- cluding Dr. Grimshaw's Secret, edited with notes by G. P. Lathrop. Illustrated with original etchings by Church, Gifford, and other eminent artists. 13 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. $135.00. Boston, 1883 %* Large paper ; 250 copies printed. 315 HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). PASSAGES FROM THE ENG- LISH NOTE BOOKS OF. 2 vols., crown 8vo, new half green calf, gilt, gilt tops. $5.00. London, 1870 316 HAWTHORNE PORTFOLIO. A series of 24 fine etch- ings by well-known artists to illustrate Hawthorne's works, printed on India paper. Folio in cloth portfolio. $30.00. Boston, 1884 %* Only 125 copies printed. Intended to accompany the large paper copies of Hawthorne's Works. 317 HAY WARD (A.). BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL ESSAYS, 2 vols., 1858. SECOND SERIES, 2 vols., 1873. THIRD SERIES, 1874. SKETCHES OF EMINENT STATESMEN AND WRITERS, WITH OTHER ESSAYS, 2 vols., 1880. Together 7 vols., 8vo, polished calf extra. $75.00. London, 1858-80 %* Fine set of the essays of this brilliant writer, complete, and very scarce now. 318 HEAD (RICHARD). THE ENGLISH ROGUE, described in the Life of Meriton Latroon, and other extravagants, com- prehending the most eminent cheats of both sexes, con- tinued by Francis Kirkman. Portraits and 12 copper- plates. 4 vols., 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $13.50. London, (1874) %* Large paper copy. This is a fac-simile reprint of the rare original edition of 1665-72. "This singularly entertaining work may be described as the first English novel, properly so-called. The same air of reality pervades it as that which gives such a charm to the stories written by Defoe half a century later. The interest never flags for a moment from the first chapter to the last. As a picture of the manners of the period, two hundred years ago, in England, among the various grades of society through which the hero passes in the course of his extraordinary adventures, and among gypsies, beggars, thieves, etc., the book is invalu- able to students." The Havemeyer Library. 47 319 HEWITT (JOHN). ANCIENT ARMOUR AND WEAPONS IN EUROPE. With about 250 engravings on wood. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. $15.00. London, 1855-60 %* A valuable work. 320 HOGARTH (WM.). COMPLETE WORKS, with life and anecdotal description of the pictures by John Ireland and John Nichols. 150 plates reduced in exact fac-simile of the originals. 3 vols., crown 8vo, new half calf, marbled edges. $9.00. London, n. d. 321 HOGARTH (WM.). ORIGINAL WORKS. First collected edition, with brilliant impressions of the 103 plates. Atlas folio, new half olive levant, gilt top. $150.00. London (Boydell), 1790 %* Fine copy. "The collector who contents himself with the later impressions of Hogarth's Works will not consult our artist's reputation. Those who wish to be acquainted with the whole extent of his powers should assemble the first copies, together with the varieties of his capital works." GEORGE STEVENS. " William Hogarth was one of those few original and extraordinary characters with whom it has pleased Providence occasionally to bless the world; to enlighten mankind, and to carry the arts and sciences necessary for their comfort, pleasure, and improvement, nearer to per- fection. Moved by the impulse of genius rather than the tuition of man, he travelled in a path unexplored by any before him, and which remains closed to succeeding artists. Possessing by early practise the knowledge of the art of engraving, he was enabled to disseminate by its means the ingenious inventions of his mind, in a manner more perfect than those of other painters have been presented to the world: or than probably ever again will be done, till another painter shall be his own engraver." 322 HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). WORKS. Including : The Breakfast-Table Series, Elsie Venner, The Guardian Angel, A Mortal Antipathy, Pages from an Old Volume of Life, Medical Essays, Our Hundred Days in Europe, and Poems. 10 vols., crown 8vo, half calf. $25.00. Boston, 1887 323 HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). OUR HUNDRED DAYS IN EUROPE. Small 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt top. $2.50. London, 1887 324 HOOD'S OWN; OR, LAUGHTER FROM YEAR TO YEAR. With portrait and several hundred humorous illustrations by the author. Both series. 2 vols. in i, very thick 8vo, half calf extra, marbled edges. $6.00. London, 1871 325 HOOD (Tnos.). MEMORIALS. Collected, arranged, and edited by his daughter, with a preface and notes by his son. Cuts. 2 vols., crown 8vo, new half calf extra. $4.00. London, 1860 326 HOOK (THEODORE). ADVENTURES OF AN ACTOR. Com- prising a picture of the French stage during a period of fifty years. 2 vols., small 8vo, new half red morocco extra, gilt tops. $9.00. London, 1846 %* Scarce. 48 The Havemeyer Library. 327 HOOK (THEODORE). LIFE AND REMAINS, by Rev. R. H. Dalton Barham. Portraits, and 35 extra portraits and views inserted. 2 vols., post 8vo, half red morocco extra, gilt edges. $18.00. London, 1849 ** Nice copy. 328 HOOK (THEODORE). SAYINGS AND DOINGS. The three series complete. 9 vols., post 8vo, half calf extra. $16.00. London, 1824-28 %* Scarce. "It would not be easy to find another artist with ability equal to Hook's for discussing the good and evil, the passions and affectations, the fits of generosity and settled systems of saving, the self-sufficiency and the deplorable weakness, the light and darkness, the virtue and vice of this prodigious Babel. The stories which he tells might be invented with little outlay of fancy, for the best of them are far from being consistent ; but the characters which live and breathe in them would make the narratives pleasing, though they were as crooked as the walls of Troy." ALLAN CUNNINGHAM. 329 HOPE (THOS.). ANASTATIUS; OR, MEMOIRS OF A GREEK. 3 vols., post 8vo, half calf, neat. $2.50. London, 1820 * *"This novel is of the school of Beckford and Byron, displaying a vivid imagination and remarkable powers of graphic description." ALLIBONE. 330 HOPE (Tnos.). AN ESSAY ON THE ORIGIN AND PROS- PECT OF MAN. 3 vol., 8vo, boards. $5.00. London, 1831 331 HORACE. QUINTI HORATII FLACCI OPERA. Beautifully engraved throughout, and illustrated with many fine vig- nettes, by John Pine. BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS. 2 vols., large 8vo, old red morocco, gilt backs and sides. $30.00. London, 1733-37 *** Fine copy. 332 HOWITT (WM.). WORKS. An unusually complete col- lection of these interesting works. Illustrated with engrav- ings on steel and wood. 29 vols., 8vo and small 8vo, new half smooth wine-colored morocco extra, gilt tops. $ 1 50.00. London, 1833-71 Comprising : Hewitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, 2 vols., 1856; English Poets, 2 vols., 1849; Mad War Planet, 1871 ; Two Years in Victoria, 1855, 2 vols; Man of the People, 3 vols., 1860; Boy's Country Book, 1841; Holland Hamlet, 2 vols., 1848; Priestcraft, 1834; Pantika, 2 vols., 1835; Rural Life in England, 2 vols., 1838; Year Book of the Country, n. d. ; Book of Ballads, 1847; Northern Heights, 1869; Civilization and Christianity, 1838; Wanderings of a Country Tailor, 1844 ; Book of the Seasons, 1833 ; Rural and Domestic Life of Germany, 1842; Student Life in Germany, 1841 ; German Experiences, 1844; and Liter- ature and Romance of Northern Europe, 2 vols., 1852. ** A remarkably choice set of the works of this popular author. " We rejoice to see the works of the Howitts, whatever they may be, re-published amongst us. Their names have a pleasant sound : their writings are sure to be animated by a kindly, humane spirit, and no one can leave them without feeling that he has been in delightful com- pany." North A met ican Review. 333 HUNT (FREEMAN). LIVES OF AMERICAN MERCHANTS. With portraits on steel. 2 vols., 8vo, morocco antique, gilt edges. $5.50. New York, 1858 The Havemeyer Library. 49 334 HUNT (LEIGH). WORKS. Comprising: The Town, its Memorable Characters, and Events, with 45 illustrations, 1878; Imagination and Fancy; or, Selections from the English Poets, 1883; Wit and Humor selected from the English Poets, 1882; Men, Women, and Books, a Selec- tion of Sketches, Essays, and Critical Memoirs, 1876; A Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla, with illustrations by Richard Doyle, 1883; Autobiography, 1885; Table Talk, 1882. Together, 7 vols., crown 8vo, new half olive mo- rocco. $14.00. London, 1878-85 335 HUNT (LEIGH). THE INDICATOR. 8vo, new half calf, gilt top. $4.00. London, 1822 336 HUTH. A CATALOGUE OF THE PRINTED BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, AND ENGRAVINGS COLLECTED BY HENRY HUTH, with Collations and Biblio- graphical Descriptions. Portrait. 5 vols., imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. $40.00. London, 1880 %* A valuable catalogue. 337 HUTH (F. H.). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD OF HIPPOL- OGY. Handsomely printed on fine paper. Small 4to, new half vellum, gilt top. $7.50. London, 1887 %* A valuable list of books on horses, equitation, breeding, stable management, racing hunting, driving, coach building, stable building, harness, bits and bitting, and everything' in fact, connected with horses. 338 ILLUMINATED BOOKS. HOURS OF ANNE OF BRIT- TANY. LIVRE D'HEURES DE LA REINE ANNE DE BRETAGNE; a perfect fac-simile of this celebrated MS., superbly printed on paper matching the original. With 64 large full-page miniatures, illustrations of the months of the year, each page ornamented with a border in gold and colors, composed of flowers, plants, etc. With appendix, containing a French translation of the " Heures," with notices by the Abbe De- launay ; a catalogue of the plants represented in the borders of the MS., list of subscribers, index, etc. 2 vols., small folio, most sumptuously bound in red levant morocco, the sides covered with the monogram of the Queen, watered silk linings, joints, gilt clasps, etc., the whole inclosed in a morocco case. $200.00. Paris, 1859 *** A superbly executed fac-simile of the most precious volume in the national collection, long regarded as the most complete monument of French art of the XVth century. A de- tailed description of the MS. will be found in Dibdin's "Tour in France and Germany," vol. ii., pp. 188-201. The present work was published by subscription, and a very small edi- tion, after which the stones were cleaned off, and copies are now scarce. 339 ILLUMINATED MISSAL; or, BOOK OF HOURS OF THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY, on 288 leaves of vellum, including cal- 5O The Havemeyer Library. endar, with 7 exquisite full-page miniatures, 146 borders, and about 1000 small capital letters, executed in the highest style of art, size 5 in. by 3^ in., bound in green morocco, gilt. $125.00. %* This beautiful little volume is in the choicest condition, all the colors are brilliant, and the vellum of the finest texture and whiteness, unblemished, and unspotted. 340 IMLAY (GILBERT). TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE WESTERN TERRITORY OF NORTH AMERICA. With maps. 8vo, half red morocco extra, gilt top. $6.00. London, 1797 ** Fine copy. Scarce. 341 INDUSTRIAL AMERICA; OR, THE MANUFACTURERS AND INVENTORS OF THE UNITED STATES. Numerous plates. Large and thick 410, half morocco. $3.50. New York, 1876 342 INGRAM (JAMES). MEMORIALS OF OXFORD, 3 vols., 1837. Also, MEMORIALS OF CAMBRIDGE, 2 vols., 1841. Together, 5 vols., 8vo, illustrated with numerous beautiful engravings on steel, by Le Keux, and wood-cuts. New half blue levant, extra, broad sides and corners, gilt tops. $45.00. Oxford and London, 1837-41 * * Fine copy. 343 IRVING (WASHINGTON), BEAUTIES OF. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. 321110, cloth. $1.00. London, 1866 344 IRVING (WASHINGTON). WORKS. Beautifully printed on superfine paper. Illustrated. 27 vols., square 8vo, new half calf extra. $100.00. New York, 1883 345 JACKSON AND CHATTO'S TREATISE ON WOOD EN- GRAVING, HISTORICAL AND PRACTICAL. With 300 beautiful wood-cuts, engraved by J. Jackson from ancient and modern works. Thick large 8vo, half morocco, uncut. $20.00. London, 1839 ** Fine tail copy of the original issue, with the rare third preface by Chatto attacking Jackson and the publisher Knight. 346 JACKSON (LADY). WORKS, comprising Court of France, 2 vols. ; Old Regime, 2 vols. ; French Court and Society, 2 vols. ; Old Paris, 2 vols. ; Court of the Tuileries, 2 vols. ; Last of the Valois, 2 vols. In all 12 vols., post 8v,o, half morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. $75.00. London, v. d. *** Complete sets like the above are now very difficult to procure. The Havemeyer Library. 51 347 JAMES (G. P. R.). A COMPLETE SET OF THE NOVELS OF THIS POPULAR AUTHOR, printed in large type. Portrait and frontispieces. 20 vols., large 8vo, new half calf extra. $60.00. London, 1844, etc. *** " We estimate Mr. James's abilities, as a romance writer, highly; his works are lively and interesting, and animated by a spint of sound and healthy morality in feeling, and of natural delineation in character, which, we think, will secure for them a calm popularity which will last beyond the present day." Edinburgh Review. 348 JAMESON (MRS.). BOOKS ON CHRISTIAN ART, compris- ing : Sacred and Legendary Art, 2 vols., with 187 illustra- tions; Legends of the Monastic Orders, with 84 illustrations; Legends of the Madonna, with 165 illustrations; History of Our Lord, 2 vols., with 281 illustrations. Together 6 vols., square 8vo, new half calf extra, marbled edges. $40.00. London, 1874, etc. %* " Mrs. Jameson has done much to familiarize her countrymen with the noble works of Early Italian Art, and with the origin and progress of the great revival now going on in Ger- many." LORD LINDSAY. 349 JAPANESE BOOK. Several hundred pages in the Japanese character, with illustrations on thin Japanese paper. 8vo, half morocco. $2.50. 350 JARDINE'S NATURALISTS' LIBRARY. Complete set, containing valuable works in every branch of animated nature,, by the most eminent naturalists. With upwards of 1200 engravings most beautifully colored by hand. FINE ORIGINAL COPY. 40 vols., foolscap 8vo, new half light-blue calf extra, gilt tops, by Tout. $85.00. London, 1840 %* " This book is perhaps the most beautiful, the most interesting, and the cheapest series ever offered to the public." 351 JEAFFRESON (J. C.). ANNALS OF OXFORD. 2 vols., 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $9.00. London, 1871 352 JEAFFRESON'S (J. C.) BOOK ABOUT THE TABLE. 2 vols., 8vo, new half green morocco extra, gilt tops. $6.50. London, 1875 353 JEAFFRESON (J. C.). BRIDES AND BRIDALS. 2 vols., 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $6.50. London, 1872 354 JEAFFRESON (J. C.). LADY HAMILTON AND LORD NELSON: an Historical Biography. 2 vols., crown 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $6.00. London, 1885 355 JBAFFRESON (J. C.). THE REAL LORD BYRON: New Views of the Poet's Life. 2 vols., 8vo, half wine-colored morocco, gilt tops. $6.00. London, 1883 52 The Havemeyer Library. 356 JEAFFRESON (J. C.) THE REAL SHELLEY: New Views of the Poet's Life. 2 vols., 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $3.00. London, 1885 ._ cise a very important influence, and secure an enduring reputation in literary annals." 357 JEANNE D'ARC. MEMOIRS OF, WITH THE HISTORY OF HER TIMES. Portrait. 2 vols., small 8vo, new half wine- colored morocco extra, gilt tops. $6.50. London, 1824 358 JEFFERSON (Tnos.). MEMOIRS, CORRESPONDENCE, AND PRIVATE PAPERS, edited by T. J. Randolph. Portrait. 4 vols., 8vo, green morocco, gilt. $9.00. London, 1829 359 JESSE (J. HENEAGE). HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL WORKS. Complete, comprising : THE COURT -OF ENGLAND UNDER THE STUARTS, 4 VOls. J HlSTORY OF THE HOUSE OF HANOVER, 3 vols. ; LONDON AND ITS CELEBRITIES, 2 vols. ; MEMORIALS OF LONDON, 2 vols. ; MEMOIRS OF GEORGE SELWYN AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES, 4 vols. ; MEMOIRS OF THE PRETENDERS, 2 vols.; MEMOIRS OF RICHARD III.; MEMOIRS OF GEORGE III., 3 vols. Together 21 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. $150.00. London, 1840-62 *** Scarce. 360 JEWITT (LLEWELLYN). CERAMIC ART OF GREAT BRITAIN. A history of its ancient and modern pottery and porcelain works, and of their productions of every class. With about 2000 engravings. 2 vols., large 8vo, cloth. $7.50. London, 1878 361 JEYPORE ENAMELS. A series of 23 very fine plates in gold and colors, with descriptive letterpress. Imperial 4to, boards. $15.00. London, 1886 %* Among all the examples of Hindoo enamelling, especially in gold, the works of the Jeypore artists hold the first place. 362 JOHNSTON (CHARLES). CHRYSAL; OR, THE ADVEN- TURES OF A GUINEA. 4 vols., small 8vo, old calf. $4.50. London, 1764 V* Scarce and curious. 363 JONES (OWEN). GRAMMAR OF ORNAMENT. The original folio edition. With 101 fine large and beautifully colored plates, comprising 3000 examples of the decorations of all ages and nations. With descriptive letterpress and wood- cuts. Imperial folio, half morocco, gilt top. $60.00. London, 1868 The Havemeyer Library. 53 364 JONES' (OWEN) ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE PALACE OF THE ALHAMBRA, comprising picturesque views, sections, eleva- tions, and plans of this beautiful specimen of Moorish architecture, its apartments, courts, gardens, details, orna- ments, etc., with full descriptions. A series of 102 fine plates, 67 of which are in colors heightened with gold. 2 vols., colombier folio, half morocco, gilt tops. $125.00. London, 1842-45 ** Large paper copy, with copper plates on India paper. " The Alhambra still exists one of the most recent of European ruins. It is the most per- fect in repair and the richest in design, and is still one of the most wonderful productions ot Eastern splendor." 365 JONES' (PROF. T. RYMER) GENERAL OUTLINE OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM and Manual ot Comparative Anatomy. Illustrated with 571 fine engrav- ings on wood. Thick 8vo, new half morocco, gilt top. $3.00. London, 1871 %* " The General Outline of the Animal Kingdom is, in our opinion, the best work of the kind in any language." EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. 366 JONES' (PROF. T. RYMER) NATURAL HISTORY OF ANI- MALS. With 209 illustrations. 2 vols., post 8vo, new cloth. $1.50. London, 1845 %* A standard work. 367 JONSON (BEN). DRAMATIC AND OTHER WORKS, with notes and life by Wm. Gifford, and introduction and ap- pendices by Lieut.-Col. Cunningham. Handsomely printed on fine paper. Portrait. 9 vols., 8vo, elegantly bound in Cambridge panelled calf, super-extra, gilt edges. $45.00. London, 1875 ** Choice copy. 368 JUDGE (THE). A COMIC SERIAL. From 1881 to 1883. Profusely illustrated with humorous colored plates and cuts. 4 vols., folio, new half red morocco. $18.00. New York, 1881-83 369 JUNIUS' LETTERS. First authorized edition. 2 vols., i2mo, old calf, neat. $7.50. London (Woodfall), 1772 370 Another copy. With Table of Contents and Index. $6.00. London (Woodfall), 1772 371 Another copy. With Table of Contents and Index. $5.00. London (Woodfall), n. d. %* " First authorized edition, printed under the author's inspection, preceded by a dedica- tion of 10 pages, a preface of 22, and illustrated with notes. It was published March 3d, 1772, without Table of Contents or Index ; but was re-issued about March, 1773, with both Table of Contents and Index." LOWNDES. The above three lots are the first, second, and third issues of the first edition as described by Lowndes. 54 The Havemeyer Library. 372 KEATS (JOHN). WORKS, POETICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS, edited by H. Buxton Forman, including poems and letters not before published, with full indexes of subjects and first lines. WHATMAN PAPER COPY of this handsome edition. With portraits on India paper. 4 vols., large and thick 8vo, cloth extra, uncut. $52.50. London, 1883 ** Only 30 copies printed. Cost $75.00. 373 KING (MOSES). HARVARD AND ITS SURROUNDINGS. With photographs. Square i2mo, cloth. $1.00. Cambridge, 1878 374 KINGSLEY (W. H). WORKS. The handsome Eversley Edition. Portrait. 1 1 vols., post 8vo, new half green mo- rocco extra, gilt tops, by Stikeman. $30.00. V Nice set. London, 1881 375 KIT CAT CLUB. PORTRAITS AND MEMOIRS OF THE CELEBRATED PERSONS COMPOSING THE KlT CAT CLUB. 48 fine portraits, engraved from the original pictures by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Small folio, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. $32.50. London, 1822 %* This interesting volume contains portraits of many of the most eminent political and literary persons of that time. "The Kit Cat Club, generally mentioned as a set of wits, were, in reality, the patriots that saved England." HORACE WALPOLE. 376 KNIGHT (CHARLES). PICTORIAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND. With upwards of 2000 engravings on wood. 8 vols. HAR- RIET MARTINEAU'S HISTORY OF THE THIRTY YEARS' PEACE. 2 vols., and Index, i vol. Together, n vols., imperial 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. $55.00. London, 1838 ** Superb set, offered at less than half its original cost. A complete set of Worthington's portraits of the kings of England, India Proofs, has been added. 377 KNIGHT (CHARLES). PICTORIAL HISTORY OF LONDON, ANCIENT AND MODERN. With nearly 700 engravings of buildings, antiquities, costumes, curiosities, etc. 6 vols., imperial 8vo, in 3, calf extra, gilt edges. $21.00. London, 1841 378 KORAN OF MOHAMMED, translated from the origina Arabic, with notes and a preliminary discourse, by George Sale. 2 vols., 8vo, new half calf extra. $5.00. London, 1812 379 KUGLER. HANDBOOK OF ITALIAN PAINTING, translated with notes by Sir Charles Eastlake, edited by Lady East- lake, and illustrated with upwards of 500 fine outline en- gravings, 2 vols. Also HANDBOOK OF THE GERMAN, FLEM- ISH, AND DUTCH SCHOOLS, re-modelled by Dr. Waagen, and The Havemeyer Library. 55 revised by J. A. Crowe, with numerous fine outline engrav- ings. Together 4 vols., post 8vo, new half red morocco ex- tra, gilt tops. $20.00. London, 1874-79 380 LA BRUYERE. THE CHARACTERS, newly rendered in- to English by Henri Van Laun, with introduction, bio- graphical memoir, and copious notes. Handsomely printed on large and thick paper and illustrated with 7 etched por- traits by B. Damman, and 17 vignettes etched by V. Foul- quier. Thick 8vo, half parchment, gilt, gilt top. $15.00. London, 1885 ** Of this fine edition only 300 copies were printed. "La Bruyere is not a speculative moralist, but an observer of the manners of men ; or as he likes to call himself, a philosopher, and above all a Christian philosopher, such as a friend of Bossuet ought to be. He was the first to make morality attractive, and to paint characters in a literary and delicate manner. " His style has been praised for its conciseness and picturesqueness ; he always employs the right word in the right place ; is correct in his expressions ; varied in his thoughts ; highly imaginative, and, therefore, may be called a perfect literary artist. . . . His ' Characters ' will, I think, be read for many ages, be found very entertaining, and, what cannot be said of the works of every classical French author, will be better liked the more they are read." VAN LAUN. 381 LACKINGTON QAMES). MEMOIRS OF FORTY-FIVE YEARS OF HIS LIFE. Portrait. Thick i6mo, new mottled calf extra, yellow edges. $3.50. London, 1794 ** Fine copy of a curious and interesting book. 382 LA FAYETTE (GENERAL). MEMOIRS, CORRESPONDENCE, AND MANUSCRIPTS. Portrait. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. $6.00. London, 1837 383 LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). CONTES ET NOUVELLES EN VERS, EDITION DITE DES FERMIERS GENERAUX. With portraits of La Fontaine, Eisen, and that of Choffard in a vignette, and 80 beautiful engravings and 53 vignettes in the letterpress. 2 vols., small 8vo, full crimson levant morocco extra, by Chambolle-Duru. $165.00. Amsterdam (Paris), 1762 *f* Very fine clean copy, with the plate " Le Remede," in a rare early state, /'. e., before the addition of the pattern to the furniture and the floor. Also having the two plates (Cas de Conscience, et Diable de Papefiguiere) in the second volume, in the state known as "de- couvertes." 384 LA FONTAINE. FABLES CHOISIES MISES EN VERS. The text beautifully engraved throughout. Illustrated with 250 very fine full-page engravings on copper, by Fessard, and 450 vignettes and tail-pieces. 6 vols., 8vo, handsomely bound in new crimson levant, crushed and polished, gilt backs, inside gold borders, by Chambolle-Duru. $100.00. Paris, 1765 %* Superb copy of this elegant work. 56 The Havemeyer Library. 385 LA FONTAINE QEAN DE). FABLES. Handsomely printed on thick paper. With 75 beautiful full-page etchings, by A. Delierre. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco, gilt tops. $25.00. Paris, 1883 ** Handsome book. 386 LA FONTAINE. . (EuvRES COMPLETES, Nouvelle fidi- tion, tres-soigneusement revue sur les textes originaux avec Travail de Critique et d'Erudition, aper$us d'histoire litte"- raire, Vie de PAuteur, Notes et Commentaires, Bibliographic, etc., par M. Louis Moland. With numerous fine engrav- ings on steel. 7 vols., large 8vo, new half dark-blue levant, crushed and polished, Jansen style, uncut. $60.00. Paris, 1858 ** Beautiful copy of the Best Large Type Library Edition. 387 LAMB (CHARLES). LIFE, LETTERS, AND WRITINGS, edited, with notes and illustrations, by Percy Fitzgerald. 6 vols., crown 8vo, new cloth. $7.50. London, 1886 V* Pretty edition. 388 LAMB (CHARLES AND MARY). TALES FROM SHAKE- SPEARE. Illustrated with full-page engravings. Crown 8vo, new cloth, gilt, gilt edges. $1.00. London 389 LAMB (MRS. MARTHA J.). HISTORY OF NEW YORK. Profusely illustrated with engravings on wood. 2 large and thick vols., 8vo, new half calf extra, marbled edges. $20.00. New York, 1877 390 LANDSEER (THOS.). THE DEVIL'S WALK. A series of 10 spirited etchings. 4to, half morocco. $3.50. London, 1831 391 LARDNER'S CABINET CYCLOPAEDIA, comprising history, biography, literature, the arts and sciences, natural history, and manufactures. 131 vols., post 8vo, strongly bound, neat half morocco. $40.00. London, 1848 * * A valuable series of original works, and a most important set of books for a public library or institution. It comprises histories of Russia, France, Spain and Portugal, Denmark, Poland, Ger- many, United States, Netherlands, Rome, Switzerland, England, Ireland, Scotland, Greece, the Reformation, Europe in the Middle Ages. Valuable works on natural history, sciences, the drama, antiquities, biography, botany, manufactures, mathematics, poetry, pottery, etc. The list of authors contains the names of Herschel, De Morgan, Mackintosh, Southey, Keighdey, Forster, Scott, Moore, Thirlwall, Gleig, Sismondi, and many others. 392 LARKIN (HENRY). CARLYLE, AND THE OPEN SECRET OF HIS LIFE. 8vo, new half morocco, gilt top. $4.00. London, 1886 393 LAVATER (J. C.). ESSAYS ON PHYSIOGNOMY, designed to promote the knowledge and the love of mankind, trans- The Havemeyer Library. 57 lated by Dr. H. Hunter. With several hundred beautiful engravings by Holloway, Bartolozzi, and others. 5 vols. royal 410, maroon morocco extra, gilt edges. $75.00. London, 1789 ** Fine copy of the best edition, with fine early impressions of the plates. 394 LAW (ERNEST). HISTORY OF HAMPTON COURT PALACE. With 130 autotypes, etchings, engravings, maps, and plans. Thick square 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt top. $7.50. London, 1885 *** A very interesting volume. 395 LE BAS. LES TRAITS DE L'HISTOIRE UNIVERSELLE D'APRES LES PLUS GRANDS PEINTRES ET LES MEILLEURS ECRIVAINS. A series of 223 fine cop per- plate vignettes with engraved letterpress. 2 vols., small 8vo, French calf extra, marbled edges. $12.00. Paris, 1771 *** Scarce. 396 LE BLANC (CHARLES). MANUEL DE L'AMATEUR D'ESTAMPES. With marks and monograms. 3 vols., large 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $15.00. Paris, 1854 %* A capital work, but only coming down to the letter P; never having been completed. 397 LE BON (GUSTAVE). LA CIVILISATION DES ARABES. With 7 colored plates, 2 maps, 50 full-page engravings, and about 200 wood-cuts. Large 8vo, new half red morocco extra, gilt top. $12.00. Paris, 1884 ** Handsome work. 398 LE BRUN (J. P. B.). GALERIE DES PEINTRES FLAMANDS, HOLLANDAIS, ET ALLEMANDS, avec un texte explicatif, des notes instructives, et une table alphabetique des noms des maitres. 201 beautiful engravings on copper, and 8 extra plates inserted. 3 vols., folio, new half red levant extra, gilt tops. $115.00. Paris, 1792-96 *** Fine cop5 r , with brilliant original impressions of the plates of this beautiful collection. 399 LECKY (W. E. H.). WORKS. Comprising HISTORY OF ENGLAND IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, 6 vols.; HIS- TORY OF RATIONALISM, 2 vols. ; and HISTORY OF EURO.- PEAN MORALS, 2 vols. Together 10 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. $75.00. London, 1869-83 ** Nice clean set of this able writer's works. Sets are very difficult to find. 400 LEGGE (ALFRED O.). THE UNPOPULAR KING. The life and times of Richard III. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, new half brown morocco extra, gilt tops. $7.50. London, 1885 58 The Ha-vemeyer Library. 401 LENNOX (LORD WILLIAM). RECREATIONS OF A SPORTS- MAN. Frontispiece. 2 vols., 1862. Also, STORY OF My LIFE, 3 vols., 1857. PLAYS, PLAYERS, AND PLAYHOUSES AT HOME AND ABROAD. With anecdotes of the drama and the stage. 2 vols. 1881. Together 7 vols., post 8vo, new half calf, gilt. $17.50. London, 1857-81 402 LEONOWENS (MRS.). ROMANCE OF THE HAREM, and ENGLISH GOVERNESS AT THE SIAMESE COURT. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, new half calf extra. $4.00. Boston, 1873 403 LE SAGE. GIL BLAS. Rendered into English by Henri Van Laun, with an introductory notice, treating of the vexed question of authorship, Life of Le Sage, and numer- ous notes. With 26 highly finished etchings by Lalauze, and a new portrait of Le Sage. Superbly printed from large, bold type, uniform with the Library Edition of Don Quixote. 3 vols., royal 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $12.50. Edinburgh, 1886 %* Handsome edition. Cost $22.50. 404 LE SAGE. GIL BLAS. Translated by Smollett. Plates. 4 vols., small 8vo, old calf extra. $7.50. London, 1785 405 LESLIE (CHAS. R.). AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL RECOLLEC- TIONS. Edited by Tom Taylor. Portrait. 2 vols., post 8vo, new half dark blue levant extra, gilt tops. $7.50. London, 1860 406 LEVER (CHARLES). CHARLES O'MALLEY, THE IRISH DRAGOON. With numerous fine copper plates by " Phiz." 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. $6.00. Dublin, 1845 407 LEVER (CHARLES). TOM BURKE OF " OURS." With numerous clever engravings on steel by " Phiz." 2 vols., 8vo, half green calf, gilt. $6.00. Dublin, n. d. 408 LEWIS' BALLADS OF THE Cm. Beautifully printed on hand-made paper. Foolscap 8vo, parchment. 50 cents. London, 1883 409 LIBRARY OF OLD AUTHORS (published by John Russell Smith). Elegantly printed on ribbed paper, with portraits and fac-similes, etc. LARGE PAPER. 35 vols., post 8vo, red cloth, white labels, uncut, as published, fine uni- form set, as new. $60.00. London, 1858-87 * * Contents : Amadis of Gaul, by Southey, 3 vols. Ascham Works, by Giles, 4 vols. Camden's Remains, i vol. Drayton s Works, 3 vols. Early Popular Poetry of England, by Hazlitt, 4 vols. Heame's Remains. History of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, 3 vols. Lovelace's Lucasta. Lives of the Duke and Duchess of Newcastle. Lilly's Dramatic Works. Herrick's Poetical Works. Piers Plowman's Vision and Creed, 2 vols. Sandy's Poetical Works, a vols. Webster's Dramatic Works, 4 vols. The Havemeyer Library. 59 410 LIBRARY OF SPANISH NOVELS: comprising DON QUIXOTE, by Cervantes, 4 vols. ; GIL BLAS, by Le Sage, 3 vols.; BACHELOR OF SALAMANCA, i vol.; HISTORY OF VANILLO GONZALES, i vol. ; ASMODEUS, or the Devil on Two Sticks, i vol. LARGE PAPER COPIES, printed through- out on fine laid paper, with proofs on Japan paper of the fine series of etchings by Los Rios. Together 10 vols., demy 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt tops, uncut. $55.00. London, 1881, etc. %* Of the Don Quixote, only 50 copies were printed in the above size : of the others, 100 copies only were struck off. 411 LIECHTENSTEIN (PRINCESS). HOLLAND HOUSE. With 5 portraits on steel, proofs on India paper, 60 engravings on wood, and 36 full-page photographs embracing views of the grounds and landscape surroundings, interior deco- rations, rare and curious contents of this magnificent and celebrated mansion. FURTHER ILLUSTRATED by the inser- tion of 75 portraits of the famous persons mentioned through- out the work, of which many are proofs. LARGE PAPER. 2 vols., 4to, exquisitely bound in light-blue polished levant morocco extra, tastefully tooled, with inside border, and fancy linings, by Tout, with pull-off leather cases lined with chamois leather. $200.00. London, 1874 412 LIEVRE (E.). COLLECTIONS CEL^BRES D'CEUVRES D'ART, dessinees et gravees d'apres les originaux, texte par Du Sommerard, De Saulcy, Henry Cole, etc. A series of 100 beautiful etchings on Holland paper of the art treasures of England. 2 vols. in one, folio, new half red morocco extra, gilt top. $20.00. Paris, 1869 413 LINDSAY (LORD). SKETCHES OF THE HISTORY OF CHRIS- TIAN ART. 3 vols., 8vo, elegantly bound in new half light- brown levant, crushed and polished, tooled backs, gilt tops. $35.00. London, 1847 ** Very fine copy. 414 LINDSAY (W. S.). HISTORY OF MERCHANT SHIPPING AND ANCIENT COMMERCE. Numerous illustrations. 4 thick vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. $16.00. London, 1874 415 LISZT (THE ABBE). THE STORY OF His LIFE, by Raphael Ledos de Beaufort. Portraits. Crown 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt top. $3.00. London, 1886 416 LITTRfi (E.). DlCTIONNAIRE DE LA LANGUE FRANAISE. 5 thick vols., royal 4to (including Supplement), strongly bound in new half morocco. $37.50. Paris, 1881 * f * " The French Academy, which was originally commissioned to produce a Classic French Dictionary, after two centuries and a quarter has arrived at the sixth letter of the 60 The Havemeyer Library. alphabet; while M. Littre, in the course of a single life devoted to science and consumed in the severest daily and nightly studies, has accomplished by his own unassisted exertions a classical and phraseological dictionary of the French language unrivaled in comprehensive- ness and completeness." 417 LODGE (EDMUND). PORTRAITS OF THE ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONAGES OF GREAT BRITAIN, engraved from authentic pictures, with biographical and historical memoirs of their lives and actions. A series of 240 fine portraits engraved on steel. 12 vols., royal 4to, half morocco extra, gilt edges. $100.00. London, 1835 ** Large paper ; fine copy. 418 LODGE (EDMUND). PORTRAITS OF THE ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONAGES OF GREAT BRITAIN, engraved from authentic pictures, with biographical and historical memoirs of their lives and actions. The splendid original folio subscription edition, with 240 fine portraits engraved on copper. BRIL- LIANT IMPRESSIONS. 4 vols., super-royal folio, new half olive- green levant extra, gilt tops. $175.00. London, 1821 %* " These volumes contain not fewer than 240 portraits by the most celebrated artists, from original paintings in the possession of the nobility and gentry of this country. The plan was admirable, and the execution of it throughout is entitled to equal praise. Such a union of various talents, such a gallery of illustrious dead, was scarcely ever before presented to the public, its colors almost as vivid and sparkling as if the originals occupied the canvas whence their copies were taken." DIBDIN. 419 LONGFELLOW (HENRY W.). COMPLETE POETICAL AND PROSE WORKS. Riverside edition. With text from the last revised by the author, and including all poems which have been authorized to appear since his death. Indexes and five portraits. Large Paper. 1 1 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. $45.00. Boston, 1885 420 LONGFELLOW (H. W.). POETICAL WORKS. Hand- somely printed on fine paper, and profusely illustrated with beautiful engravings on wood, after the best artists. 2 vols., large 410, new half blue morocco extra, gilt tops. $20.00. Boston, 1879 421 LOVER (SAMUEL). HANDY ANDY: A TALE OF IRISH LIFE. With 24 fine steel plates by the author. 8vo, pol- ished calf extra, gilt top. $30.00. London, 1842 ** First edition, with the original wrappers, bound in at end of the volume. 422 LOUDON (MRS.). COMPLETE SET OF HER BEAUTIFUL BOOKS ON FLOWERS, comprising BRITISH WILD FLOWERS, ORNAMENTAL ANNUALS, ORNAMENTAL PERENNIALS, ORNA- MENTAL BULBOUS PLANTS, and ORNAMENTAL GREENHOUSE PLANTS. Illustrated with over 1500 beautiful colored plates of flowers. 6 vols., 410, new half green levant, full gilt backs, gilt tops. $115.00. London, 1855 ** Choice copies of these fine books. The Havemeyer Library. 61 422* LOUIS XVI., MARIE-ANTOINETTE ET MADAME ELISABETH, LETTRES ET DOCUMENTS INEDITS, Publics, par F. Feuillet de Conches. Extra illustrated by the insertion of 403 appropriate and interesting portraits, many fine proofs on India paper of the various members of the Royal Family of France, celebrated statesmen, financiers, authors, leaders of the Revolution, eminent ecclesiastics, and others who flourished during this memorable and eventful period. 6 thick vols., 8vo, new half green morocco, gilt backs and gilt tops, uncut. $250.00. Paris, 1864 *** A very interesting collection. 423 LOUIS XVII. AUTHENTIC HISTORICAL MEMOIRS OF THE DAUPHIN, SON OF MARIE- ANTOINETTE. 8vo, cloth, uncut. $2.00. London, 1868 424 LOW (DAVID). THE BREEDS OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS. With 36 fine colored plates of the various breeds of the horse, ox, sheep, goat, and hog. 2 vols., imperial 410, full russia, gilt backs, gold borders on sides, gilt edges. $35.00. London, 1842 ** Scarce. Fine copy. 425 LOWELL (JAS. RUSSELL). WORKS. Comprising FIRE- SIDE TRAVELS, AMONG MY BOOKS (First and Second Series), MY STUDY WINDOWS, and POETICAL WORKS. Uniform edition. 5 vols., i2mo, half calf extra, gilt tops. $13.50. Boston, 1887 426 LOWNDES' BIBLIOGRAPHER'S MANUAL. Pick- ering's finely printed edition on large and thick paper. 4 vols., large 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt tops. $20.00. London, 1834 427 LUBKE (DR. W.). HISTORY OF ART, edited by Clarence Cook, with index. Profusely illustrated with cuts. 2 vols., large 8vo, cloth, uncut. $8.00. New York, 1878 428 LUTHMER (F.). ORNAMENTAL JEWELLERY OF THE RE- NAISSANCE, in relation to costume, from the original gems and authentic paintings of the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Centuries, exhibiting some of the choicest masterpieces of mediaeval gold and silver work. A series of 30 beautiful plates, the major portion being in colors and gold. Large 4to, new half morocco extra, gilt top. $15.00. London, 1883 429 LUXEMBOURG, LIVRET ILLUSTRE DU MUSEE DU. With upwards of 600 illustrations. 8vo, paper covers. $1.25. Paris, 1884 62 The Hcwemeyer Library. 430 LYTTON (SiR E. BULWER). CAXTONIANA: A SERIES OF ESSAYS ON LIFE, LITERATURE, AND MANNERS. 2 vols., crown 8vo, new tree calf, gilt. $6.00. V Handsome copy. Edinburgh, 1863 431 MABERLY (J.). THE PRINT COLLECTOR. Numerous illustrations. Square 8vo, new half red morocco, gilt top. $5.00. New York, 1880 %* New edition, with appendix, containing Fielding's treatise on the processes of engraving, catalogues of the etched works of Rembrandt and of Albert Durer's etchings and engravings and bibliography, edited by Robert Hoe. 432 MACAULAY (LORD). LIFE AND LETTERS, by George Otto Trevelyan. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. $3.00. London, 1876 ** Best English edition. 433 MACAULAY (LORD). WORKS, complete, including HIS- TORY OF ENGLAND, ESSAYS, MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS, SPEECHES, AND POEMS, edited by Lady Trevelyan. Por- trait. 8 vols., 8vo, new tree calf extra, gilt tops. $40.00. London, 1866 434 MAcCARTHY (D. F.). SHELLEY'S EARLY LIFE, from original sources. Portrait. Thick crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. $2.50. London, n. d. 435 MACKAY (R. W.). THE PROGRESS OF THE INTELLECT, AS EXEMPLIFIED IN THE RELIGIOUS DEVELOPMENT OF THE GREEKS AND HEBREWS. 2 vols., 8vo, new half calf extra, gilt tops. $6.50. London, 1850 436 MACKLIN'S magnificent edition of the HOLY BIBLE and APOCRYPHA, admirably printed in exceedingly large and beautiful type by Bensley, and illustrated with the splendid series of large and beautiful plates and vignettes from paintings by the best English artists. 7 large and handsome vols., royal folio, whole bound in russia extra, gilt edges. $75.00 (pub. ^100). London, 1806 %* A sumptuous book a bargain at this figure. 437 MALLESON'S (CoL.) HISTORY OF THE FRENCH IN INDIA, from the Founding of Pondicherry in 1674 to the Capture of that Place in 1761. Map. 8vo, cloth. $2.00. London, 1868 %* " Colonel Malleson has produced a volume alike attractive to the general reader and valuable for its new matter to the special student. It is not too much to say that now, for the first time, we are furnished with a faithful narrative of that portion of European enterprise in India which turns upon the contest waged by the East India Company against French in- fluence, and especially against Dupleix." Edinburgh Review. " Nous en avons dit assez pensons-nous pour montrer quel honorable place le livre du Colonel Malleson est appele a prendre a cote de nos histoires nationales." Journal des Sciencet Mititaires. The Havemeyer Library. 63 438 MALMESBURY (ARL OF). MEMOIRS OF AN EX- MINISTER : an autobiography. 2 vols., 8vo, new half mor- occo extra, gilt tops. $6.50. London, 1884 439 MANGIN (ARTHUR). LES JARDINS: HISTOIRE ET DES- CRIPTION. Illustrated with about 400 beautiful engravings on wood, after designs by Anastasi, Daubigny, Foulquier, Giacomelli, Lancelot, etc. Printed throughout on the finest India paper. Folio, handsomely bound in full blue gros-grained levant, the sides elaborately tooled, full gilt back, inside linings, with broad borders of gold, edges gilt over marble, in slip cover case. $90.00. Tours, Mame & Son, 1868 *** Twenty-five copies only were printed, on India paper, of this superb work, one of the many beautiful productions from the press of this well-known establishment. 440 MANTZ (PAUL). HANS HOLBEIN. Illustrated with 27 fine large etchings and 300 cuts. Folio, cloth, uncut. $15.00. Paris, 1879 %* Handsome volume. Cost $30.00. 441 MANUSCRIPT. ANTIPHONALE (with Gregorian Music) S^EC. XV. A manuscript on 207 leaves of thick vellum (23 inches by 16) containing 12 large capitals (some 5 inches square), inclosing miniatures, and 2 without miniatures, richly illuminated in gold and colors; also 7 elaborately painted large initials, and some hundreds of smaller ones. Imperial folio, in the original massive oak boards, covered with leather, and studded with heavy brass bosses, leather clasps. $360.00. With the arms of Pope Julius II. (Julian della Rovere) illuminated in gold and colors on the fly-leaf, and there can be little doubt the MS. was prepared specially tor the use of this pontiff. His uncle (Pope Sixtus IV.) is mentioned by name in conjunction with a miniature representing St. Laurentius dispensing alms. Julius must always hold a distinguished place in the annals of the Papacy, not only for his encouragement of painting, sculpture, and archi- tecture, but also for the reason that he began the erection of the magnificent church of St. Peter at Rome. The paintings are all in a remarkably fine state of preservation, and_include a portrait of the scribe writing the MS. ; St. John preaching; entombment of a saint by a bishop and other ecclesiastics; St. Peter receiving the keys of heaven from Christ; St. Peter bearing the sword and Bible ; Mary Magdalen clothed in her hair alone ; the Virgin and Twelve Apostles, etc. In its massiveness, solidity, and weight (each cover being three-quarters of an inch thick) the binding is phenomenal. 442 MANZONI. THE BETROTHED. gilt. $2.00. 443 MARGUERITE OF NAVARRE'S HEPTAMERON, now first completely done into English prose and verse by Arthur Machen. Frontispiece and etchings by Flameng. Large 8vo, boards, uncut, $7.50. London, 1886 %* First complete translation. 64 The Havemeyer Library. 444 MARIE (ADRIEN). JOURNEE D'ENFANT. A series of 20 charming plates of child life. Folio, cloth, gilt edges. $5.00. Paris, 1883. 445 MARLBOROUGH GEMS, engraved by Bartolozzi. A series of 108 full-page engravings, chiefly by Bartolozzi, illustrating the finest collection of gems ever formed. 2 large vols., folio, new half crimson morocco extra, gilt tops. $15.00. London, 1845 %* This collection of gems, made by George Spencer, third Duke of Marlborough, was formed principally of the Cabinet of Lady Betty Germaine, valued at ,7,000. The Cupid and Psyche alone, the finest antique intaglio extant, was bought by the Duke for .5,000. The letterpress, which is in French and Latin on parallel pages, was written by Jacob Bryant, Dr. Matty, Dr. William Coles, and Louis Dutens. 446 MARRYAT (CAPT.). WORKS. Fine set of the original editions. 63 vols., large 8vo, crown 8vo, and post 8vo, newly and tastefully bound in half dark-blue calf, gilt tops. $225.00. London, 1832-49 * f * The uniform editions of Marryat are all poor. The above set is made up of the three- volume editions, which is the only way a library set can be obtained. Sets like this are ex- cessively rare. Comprises: Newton Forster, 3 vols. , 1832; Peter Simple, 3 vols., 1834; Naval Officer, 3 vols., 1834 ; Pasha of Many Tales, 3 vols., 1835 ; Jacob Faithful, 3 vols., 1835 ; Pirate and Three Cutters, large 8vo, with steel plates by Stanfield, 1836 ; Midshipman Easy, 3 vols.. Jog it, 3 vols., 1843 ; Settlers in Canada, 2 vols., 1844 ; The Mission, 2 vols., 1845 ; Privateersman, 2 vols., 1846; Little Savage, 1848-50; Masterman Ready, 3 vols., 1845-50; Valerie, 2 vols., 1849; and Diary in America, 6 vols., 1849. 447 MARSHALL QULIAN). ANNALS OF TENNIS. Frontis- piece and 41 plates on India paper. Large folio, cloth, uncut. $20.00. London, 1878 * f * A book of great interest to admirers of this amusing game. 448 MASKELL (WM.). IVORIES ANCIENT AND MEDIAEVAL. With 9 etchings and numerous wood-cuts. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. $3.50. London, 1876 *f* One of the South Kensington Museum art handbooks. Large paper copy : only 50 copies printed. Small paper copies have not the etchings. 449 MASTERPIECES OF FRENCH ART. The Imperial Edition. A series of 100 fine photogravures. Proofs on India paper. 10 parts, folio, in cloth portfolios. $65.00. Philadelphia, 1881 *** Published at $150.00. 450 MAYHEW (HENRY). LONDON LABOUR AND THE LON- DON POOR : a cyclopaedia of the condition and earnings of those that will work, those that cannot work, and those that will not work, with the extra volume on Prostitution. Numerous portraits, and street scenes from photographs. 4 vols., 8vo, new half calf. $22.50. London, 1 86 1 The Havemeyer Library. 65 451 MEISSONIER (J. L. E.). WORKS, with biographical sketch. A series of 104 fine large plates executed in exact fac-simile of the original pictures by the heliogravure pro- cess. 2 vols., atlas folio, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $150.00. New York (Paris), 1881-82 ** A beautiful collection of the pictures of the greatest artist of the present day. Cost $230.00. 452 MfiNARD (RENE). ENTRETIENS SUR LA PEINTURE, with English translation by Philip Gilbert Hamerton. Illus- k trated with 50 fine large etchings by Flameng, Masson, Le Rat, Jacquemart, Chauvel, and others. Large 4to, new half blue morocco, gilt top. $25.00. Paris, 1875 453 MENDELSSOHN FAMILY, 1729-1847, from letters and journals. With portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, new half wine- colored morocco extra, gilt tops. $7.50. London, 1881 454 MERIVALE (CHAS.). HISTORY OF THE ROMANS UNDER THE EMPIRE. Best Library Edition, with the rare index. 7 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut, and index in paper cover. $45.00. London, 1850 ** Fine uncut copy : scarce. 455 MERLE D'AUBIGNfi (J. H.). HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION, 7 vols., and HISTORY OF THE REFOR- MATION IN THE TIME OF CALVIN, 6 vols. Together 13 vols., 8vo, new half calf extra. $40.00. London, 1841, etc. 456 MERRIN .(JOSEPH). BUTTERFLYING WITH THE POETS. With a beautiful series of the real butterflies mounted on cardboard. 8vo, red morocco extra. $5.00. London, 1864 *** A great curiosity. Very few copies executed. 457 METTERNICH. MEMOIRES. Documents et ecrits di- vers laisses par le Prince de Metternich. Both series, 1773-1815 and 1816-48. Portrait, etc. 4 thick vols., 8vo, new half dark-green levant, Jansen style, gilt tops, uncut. $17.50. Paris, 1881, etc. ** Fine set of the original French edition. 458 MICHEL (MARIUS). LA RELIURE FRANAISE DEPUIS L'INVENTION DE L'IMPRIMERIE JUSQU'A LA FIN DU XVIIF SIECLE. With 22 fine full-page plates, reproducing choice specimens of binding, and numerous cuts. Large 8vo, new half red levant extra, gilt top. $12.00. Paris, 1880 5 66 The Havemeyer Library. 459 MICHIELS (ALFRED). HISTOIRE DE LA PEINTURE FLA- MANDE DEPUIS SES DEBUTS JUSQU'EN, 1864. IO VOls. Also, L'ART FLAMAND DANS L'Esx ET LE MIDI DE LA FRANCE. Frontispiece. Together 1 1 vols., 8vo, new half dark-green morocco extra, gilt tops. $15.00. Paris, 1877 460 MICHIELS (A.). VAN DYCK ET SES LEVES. Illustrated with fine etchings by Van Dyck, reproduced in fac- simile by Amand-Durand, and numerous wood-cuts. Thick, large 8vo, new half green levant extra, gilt top. $8.00. Paris, 1 88 1 %* An authoritative work. 461 MILTON (JOHN). PARADISE LOST. Beautifully printed in extra large type by Whittingham. With 24 beautiful en- gravings in mezzotint by John Martin. Imperial 8vo, full morocco, gilt, gilt edges. $9.00. London, 1838 462 MILTON QOHN). WORKS, IN VERSE AND PROSE. Por- trait and fac-simile. Large Type Library Edition, hand- somely printed. 8 vols., 8vo, half smooth morocco, gilt tops. $32.50. London, 1863 463 MIRABEAU. MEMOIRS, BIOGRAPHICAL, LITERARY, AND POLITICAL, by himself. Portrait. 4 vols., 8vo, boards, un- cut. $10.00. London, 1835 464 MOLESWORTH (W. N.). HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 1830- 1874. Large Type Library Edition. 3 vols., 8vo, new mot- tled calf extra, gilt tops. $17.50. London, 1876 465 MOLIERE. DRAMATIC WORKS, translated by H. Van Laun, with prefatory memoir, introductory notices, appen- dices, and notes. Finely printed in large type. Illustrated with portrait and 33 original etchings by Lalauze. 6 vols., 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $15.00. Edinburgh, 1875-76 %* " Strikingly few Gallicisms are to be found in the work, which appears to be not only the best translation of Moliere in existence, but the best to be hoped for. It is a direct and valu- able contribution to European scholarship. " A thetueum. x 466 MOLLOY (J. F.). COURT LIFE BELOW STAIRS; OR, LONDON UNDER THE FIRST GEORGES, 1714-1760. 4 vols., crown 8vo, half calf extra, gilt tops. $12.50. London, 1882 467 MONTAGU (LADY MARY WORTLEY). LETTERS AND WORKS, edited by Lord Wharncliffe. Portraits. 3 vols., 8vo, new half straight grained morocco, gilt tops. $13.50. London, 1837 468 MONTAIGNE. ESSAYS, translated by Chas. Cotton, with some account of the Life of Montaigne ; notes and a trans- The Ha-vemeyer Library. 67 lation of all the letters known, by W. C. Hazlitt. Portrait. 3 handsome vols., 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $7.50. London, 1877 ** A very handsome library edition, from large type, on good paper, of one of the most celebrated of French classic authors. " His essays, the most permanent of his productions, form a magazine, out of which such minds as those of Bacon and Shakespeare did not disdain to help themselves, and indeed, as Hallam observes, the Frenchman's literary importance largely results from the share which his mind has had in influencing other minds, coeval and subsequent." 469 MONTEIRO (M.). LEGENDS AND POPULAR TALES OF THE BASQUE PEOPLE, by M. Monteiro. Illustrated with photogravures. Large 410, cloth, uncut. $3.50. London, 1887 *** An interesting collection of the traditions of this singular people. 470 MONTROSIER (E.). LES ARTISTES MODERNES. Three series. Handsomely printed on tinted paper, and illustrated with a series of 120 beautiful photogravures, reproducing the most famous pictures of modern French artists. 3 vols., large 8vo, new red cloth, gilt tops. $45.00. Paris, 1881 * f * A beautiful work giving a survey of modem French art 471 MORAES (F. DE). PALMERIN OF ENGLAND, translated from the Portuguese by Robert Southey. 4 vols., small 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops. $12.00. London, 1807 *** Scarce. 472 MORRIS (F. C.). A SERIES OF PICTURESQUE VIEWS OF SEATS OF THE NOBLEMEN AND GENTLEMEN OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. With 240 beautifully colored plates of seats, etc., in imitation of water-colored drawings, and each view accompanied by historical and descriptive letterpress. 6 vols., 410, elaborately bound in full red morocco extra, Royal Coat-of-Arms on sides, double gilt borders and gilt edges. $50.00. London, n. d. 473 MOSCHELES' LIFE, with selections from his diaries and correspondence. Portrait. 2 vols., crown 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $6.00. London, 1873 474 MOSS (THE MISSES). TALES OF JEWISH HISTORY. 3 vols., post 8vo, cloth, uncut. $3.00. London, 1843 475 MUSEE FRANAIS; ou, COLLECTION COMPLETE DBS TABLEAUX, STATUES, ET BAS-RELIEFS, QUI COMPOSENT LA COLLECTION NATIONALS, avec Pexplication des sujets et des discours sur la peinture, la sculpture, et la gravure, par S. C. Croze-Magnan, Visconti et David, publiee par Ro- .billard-Peronville et Laurent. A series 01*343 superbly ex- ecuted plates. PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS. The magnificent 68 The Havemeyer Library. original edition. 4 vols. in 5, atlas folio, 'full dark-blue morocco, gilt sides and backs, and gilt edges. Paris, 1803-11 Also, MUSEE ROYAL: RECUEIL DE GRAVURES D'APRES LES PLUS BEAUX TABLEAUX, STATUES, ET BAS-RELIEFS DE LA COLLECTION ROYALE, par Laurent. A series of 161 beautiful plates engraved on copper. PROOFS BEFORE LET- TERS. 2 vols., atlas folio, half brown morocco, gilt tops. Paris, 1816-18. Together 7 vols., atlas folio, half morocco and morocco. $1200.00. Paris, 1803-18 %* Beautiful copies of these sumptuous books, of great rarity in proof form. Cost $1750.00. This very interesting publication is undoubtedly the most magnificent work that has issued from the Parisian Press ; and will perpetuate the matchless collection which formerly graced the Louvre, combining, as it did, nearly all the excellence of which the various countries on the Continent could boast in painting and sculpture. And although a chain of wonderful events has restored many of the brightest gems of art to their rightful owners, so much of ex- cellence still remains, that the gallery of the Louvre is yet, to the man of taste, the greatest attraction in Paris, and the very circumstance of the dispersion of so many wonderful produc- tions gives additional value to the work which describes them in a collected state. It fs necessary to observe, that this work is not a mere collection of Prints, as it contains many luminous and masterly dissertations upon the state of the arts in different ages, observa- tions upon the style, excellence, and defects of the various schools of painting ; a minute des- cription of every painting, etc., drawn with extreme care and correctness. 476 MUSfiE NAPOLEON: GALERIE DU MUSEE FRAN- CAIS, PUBLIEE PAR FlLHOL, ET REDIGEE PAR J. LAVAL- LEE. A series of 720 beautiful engravings on copper. BRILLIANT PROOF IMPRESSIONS. 10 vols. in 24, large thin 8vo,.old red morocco extra, gilt edges. $175.00. Paris, 1804-14 ** This fine work comprises engravings of the principal paintings appropriated by Napo- leon afterwards restored to their owners by the Allies on his downfall. Splendid copy, and unique in this state. 477 MUSEE NATIONALE D'AMSTERDAM. A COLLEC- TION OF THIRTY-TWO BEAUTIFUL ETCHINGS AFTER THE MASTERPIECES OF THIS CELEBRATED GALLERY. PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, with descriptive text, handsomely printed in large type on Dutch paper, with fac-similes of artists' sig- natures. Imperial folio, new half levant extra, gilt top. $50.00. Amsterdam, n. d. %* A very fine series etched by the well-known artist Wm. Unger one of the best of modern etchers. 478 MUSEUM OF PAINTING AND SCULPTURE; OR, COLLECTION OF THE PRINCIPAL PICTURES, STATUES, AND BAS-RELIEFS IN THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE GALLERIES OF EUROPE, drawn and etched by Re veil, with descriptive and historical notices by Duchesne in English and French. Illustrated with about 1200 beautifully executed outline en- gravings on copper. 17 vols., small 8vo, half calf, sprinkled edges. $65.00. Paris, 1829 V A very interesting collection invaluable as a work of reference to the amateur and print collector. The Havemeyer Library. 69 479 MUSSET (ALFRED DE). QEuvRES. Lemerre's beautiful handy volume edition. n vols., small 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops. $60.00. Paris, 1876 ** A charming edition, comprising: Comedies et Proverbes, 3 vols. ; Contes et Nouvelles ; Poesies, 1826-52, 2 vols. ; Nouvelles ; Melanges de Litterature ; Confessions d'un Enfant du Siecle ; et CEuvres Posthumes. 480 NAPOLEON. ABELL (MRS.). RECOLLECTIONS OF NA- POLEON AT SAINT HELENA. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. $3.00. London, 1844 481 NAPOLEON. ANALYSIS OF His CHARACTER, by Dr. Channing, with the continuation. 8vo, cloth, uncut. $2.00. London, 1828 %* " It is a very clever production." A thenteum. 482 NAPOLEON. AN ACCOUNT OF THE BATTLE OF WATER- LOO, by a British Officer on the Staff. 8vo, boards, uncut. $2.50. London, 1815 483 NAPOLEON. AN HISTORICAL INQUIRY INTO THE PRINCIPAL CIRCUMSTANCES AND EVENTS RELATIVE TO THE LATE EMPEROR NAPOLEON, by Barclay Mounteney. 8vo, boards. $3.00. London, 1824 484 NAPOLEON. ASHTON'S (JOHN) ENGLISH CARICATURE AND SATIRE ON NAPOLEON I. With 120 satirical illus- trations from the originals. 2 vols., 8vo, new cloth. $3.50. London, 1884 %* The work consists of a selection not only of English caricatures but even what was published in England about Napoleon. His career as it appeared to the English caricaturist can be followed here from Gilray's picture of him as a ragged urchin gna_wing a bone in Corsica, down to the colophon which shows him with folded arms gloomily seated on a mushroom overshadowing the island of St. Helena. "The book deserves to tempt that mysterious person the general reader. The genera turner over, who is also, after a fashion, a student of literature, will give it a still greater share of his appreciation. Its 120 illustrations are exactly designed for his amusement, and it is his fault and not Mr. Ashton's if they do not also serve for his instruction." Saturday Review. 485 NAPOLEON. BOURRIENNE (F. DE). PRIVATE MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON I. Large Type Library Edition. 4 vols., 8vo, half calf. $7.50. London, 1830 486 NAPOLEON. COMMENTARIES ON THE WAR IN RUSSIA AND GERMANY IN 1812 AND 1813, by Col. George Cathcart. Plans and diagrams. 8vo, cloth, uncut. $3.50. London, 1850 487 NAPOLEON. COPIES OF THE ORIGINAL LETTERS AND DESPATCHES OF THE GENERALS, MINISTERS, GRAND OFFICERS OF STATE, etc., AT PARIS, TO THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON AT DRESDEN. 8vo, boards, uncut. $2.50. London, 1814 70 The Hcwemeyer Library. 488 NAPOLEON. D'ABKANTES (DUCHESS). MEMOIRS. Por- trait of Marshal Junot. Large Type Library Edition. 8 vols., 8vo, half calf. $16.00. London, 1833 488* NAPOLEON. DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE CAPTIVITY OF NAPOLEON IN THE ISLAND OF ST. HELENA. Transcripts of Barry O'Meara's correspondence with Mr. John Fin- laison during his attendance on Napoleon ; also copies of letters of Counts Bertrand and Montholon, etc. 2 vols., folio, boards. $150.00. These volumes are of the greatest interest, and form a most interesting history of the that I participate in Bonaparte's sentiments because I record his words, or that I by any means vouch for the truth of his assertions ; on the contrary, several of them I know to be incorrect (such as Sir Hudson Lowe's putting his hand on his sword, all that coarse personal abuse and obloquy vented by him, etc. ) ; but as you have said in your confidential letter that Mr. Croker wishes to hear everything I can pick up concerning him, I have thought right that Ministers should be in possession of his real mode of speaking and thinking." 489 NAPOLEON. GOURGAUD (GEN.). MEMOIRS OF THE HISTORY OF FRANCE DURING THE REIGN OF NAPOLEON, dictated by the Emperor, at St. Helena. Fac-similes, maps, etc. 6 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt. $12.50. London, 1823 490 NAPOLEON. FORSYTHE (WM.). HISTORY OF THE CAPTIVITY OF NAPOLEON AT SAINT HELENA, from the letters and journals of Sir Hudson Lowe. Portrait. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. $7.50. London, 1853 491 NAPOLEON GALLERY; OR, ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE EMPEROR OF FRANCE. A series of 89 beautiful engravings in outline on copper, by Reveil, after celebrated pictures by eminent artists. Thick post 8vo, half calf, gilt. $5.00. London, 1837 %* Scarce. 492 NAPOLEON. HISTORY OF NAPOLEON, by G. M. Bussey. Profusely illustrated with fine engravings on wood after Horace Vernet. 2 vols., imperial 8vo, half calf, gilt. $7.50. London, 1840 %* Nice clean copy. 493 NAPOLEON. HORNE (R. H.). HISTORY OF NAPOLEON. Portrait and many hundred fine engravings on wood after Raffet and Horace Vernet. 2 vols., large 8vo, calf, gilt, gilt edges. $6.00. London, 1844 494 NAPOLEON IN EXILE; OR, A VOICE FROM ST. HELENA, by Barry O'Meara. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt. $4.50. London, 1822 The Havemeyer Library. 71 495 NAPOLEON. LAS CASES (COUNT DE). JOURNAL OF THE PRIVATE LIFE AND CONVERSATIONS OF THE EM- PEROR NAPOLEON AT SAINT HELENA. 8 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. $15.00. London, 1823 ** Scarce. 496 NAPOLEON. LETTERS WRITTEN ON BOARD H. M. S. NORTHUMBERLAND AND SAINT HELENA, by Win. Warden. Portrait. 8vo, boards. $2.00. London, 1816 497 NAPOLEON. MEMOIRS OF COUNT LAVALETTE, written by himself. 2 vols., 8vo, green morocco, gilt. $4.00. London, 1831 498 NAPOLEON. MEMOIRS OF MARSHAL BUGEAUD, from his private correspondence, and original documents, 1784- 1849, by Count d'Ideville. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut. $6.00. London, 1884 499 NAPOLEON MUSEUM. THE HISTORY OF FRANCE, illustrated from the reign of Louis XIV. to the end of the reign and death of the Emperor Napoleon, by John Sains- bury. With portraits, plates, and fac-similes. Thick im- perial 4to, half red morocco, gilt. $9.00. London, 1845 *V* Privately printed. A most interesting and extensive collection, including descriptions of marbles, bronzes, gems, decorations, medallions, coins, medals, pictures, drawings, state papers, books, miniatures, prints, etc. 500 NAPOLEON. NOTES ON THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO, by Gen. Shaw Kennedy. Folding map. Thin 8vo, cloth, uncut. $10.00. London, 1865 *** Very scarce. 501 NAPOLEON. PASSAGES FROM MY LIFE, TOGETHER WITH MEMOIRS OF THE CAMPAIGN OF 1813 AND 1814, by Baron von Muffling, edited by Col. Yorke. 8vo, cloth, uncut. $3.50. London, 1853 502 NAPOLEON. PRIVATE DIARY OF GEN. SIR ROBERT WILSON IN THE CAMPAIGNS OF 1812, 1813, AND 1814. 2 vols., with maps. Also, his NARRATIVE OF THE INVASION OF RUSSIA AND RETREAT OF THE FRENCH ARMY, with map. Together 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. $8.50. London, 1 860-61 503 NAPOLEON. SAVARY (DUKE OF ROVIGO). MEMOIRS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE HISTORY OF THE EMPEROR NA- POLEON I. 4 vols. in 2, thick 8vo, half bright calf, gilt. $10.00. London, 1835 %* Nice clean copy 72 The Havemeyer Library. 504 NAPOLEON. SEGUR (COUNT). HISTORY OF THE EX- PEDITION TO RUSSIA UNDERTAKEN BY THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON. Portrait, map, and engravings. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. $3.00. London, 1825 505 NAPOLEON. SEGUR (COUNT). MEMOIRS AND RECOL- LECTIONS. Portrait. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf. $4.50. London, 1825 506 NAPOLEON. SUBSTANCE OF SOME LETTERS WRITTEN BY AN ENGLISHMAN RESIDENT AT PARIS DURING THE LAST REIGN OF THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON. 2 vols., 8vO, boards, uncut. $4.50. London, 1816 507 NAPOLEON. THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO, described by eye-witnesses, with memoirs of Wellington, Bliicher, and Napoleon. Profusely illustrated with full-page engravings, some large folding portraits, folding maps, plans, etc. Thick 8vo, cloth, uncut. $6.50. London, 1852 ** Scarce. 508 NAPOLEON. THE BLACK CABINET, by Comte d'He- risson. Post 8vo, cloth. $2.00. London, 1887 * f * Founded on papers of Baron Mounier, who was, for ten years, secretary to Napoleon Bonaparte. 509 NAPOLEON. THE HISTORY OF THE CAMPAIGNS IN GERMANY, ITALY, SWITZERLAND, etc., 1796-99. With 16 maps and plans. 4 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. $9.00. London, 1814 510 NAPOLEON. THOUGHTS ON POWER AND GREATNESS IN CONTINUATION OF AN ANALYSIS OF THE CHARACTER OF NAPOLEON, by Dr. Channing. 8vo, cloth, uncut. $2.00. London, 1828 511 NAPOLEON. TRACTS RELATIVE TO THE ISLAND OF SAINT HELENA, by Major-Genera] Beatson. With aquatint plates. 410, boards. $3.50. London, 1816 512 NAPOLEON. WILLIAMS (HELEN MARIA). NARRA- TIVE OF THE EVENTS WHICH HAVE TAKEN PLACE IN FRANCE FROM THE LANDING OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, 1815, TILL THE RESTORATION OF LOUIS XVIII. 8vO, boards, uncut. $3.00. London, 1815 513 NAPOLEON III. MEMOIRS OF COUNT HORACE DE VIEL CASTEL. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. $4.00. London, 1886 %* A valuable contribution to the history of the principal events, political and social, of the reign of Louis Napoleon by one who was an actor in the events described, and a thorough expose^ of the demoralization which led to the collapse of the Second Empire. The Havemeyer Library. 73 514 N ASH'S (J.) MANSIONS OF ENGLAND IN THE OLDEN TIME, consisting of one hundred and four views, depicting the most characteristic features of the domestic architecture of the Tudor age, and also illustrating the costumes, habits, and recreations of our ancestors ; faithfully reproduced and executed in the highest style of lithography. COLORED COPY, each plate colored by hand, in imitation of the orig- inal drawings, and mounted on heavy card-board. Ar- ranged in 4 handsome atlas folio portfolios. $100.00. V Cost $250.00. London, 1869 515 NATIONAL GALLERY. A series of 104 fine engrav- ings on steel of celebrated pictures by distinguished painters. Proofs on India paper. 410, half green morocco, gilt edges. $7.50. London, n. d. %* A bargain. 516 NEWMAN (J. P.). THRONES AND PALACES OF BABY- LON AND NINEVEH. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. $1.25. New York, 1876 517 NEWCASTLE (GUILLAUME, MARQUIS ET COMTE DE). METHODE NOUVELLE ET INVENTION EXTRAORDINAIRE DE DRESSER LES CHEVAUX, LES TRAVAILLER SELON LA NA- TURE ET PARFAIRE LA NATURE PAR LA SuBTILITE DE L'ART. First and most esteemed edition. With fine impres- sions of the beautiful engravings (including portraits of the Cavendish family) after Diepenbeke. Folio, calf, gilt. $75.00. Anvers, 1657 ** SPLENDID LARGE PAPER COPY OF NEWCASTLE'S HORSEMANSHIP. 518 NEW TESTAMENT. LONGMAN'S BEAUTIFUL EDITION. Beautifully illustrated with engravings on wood after Fra Angelico, Pietro Perugino, Francesco Francia, Lorenzo di Credi, Fra Bartolommeo, Titian, Raffaelle, etc., executed under the supervision of Henry Shaw. Small 4to, calf, gilt edges. $20.00. London, 1873 519 NOTES & QUERIES, a complete set of this valuable work from its commencement in 1849 to December, 1875, with 3 indexes. 55 vols., small 4to, half calf, uncut. $125.00. London, 1849-75 %* A work of constantly increasing value and importance. Sets are now difficult to pro- cure, the earlier series and several of the indexes having long been out of print 520 NUREMBERG CHRONICLE. SCHEDEL, CRONICA- RUM LIBER cU FIGURIS ET YMAGINIBUS, AB INITIO MUNDI AD HANC USQUE TEMPORIS NOSTRI CALAMITATEM. First edition, with upwards of 2000 engravings on wood. Royal 74 The Havemeyer Library. folio, with the supplement " De Sarmatia," and all the blank leaves, old red morocco, gilt edges and gilt back, by De Rome. $275.00. Nuremberg, 1493 *** A phenomenally fine copy, quite perfect, clean and sound, measuring 18 inches in height, and 12^ in width. This is a magnificent specimen both of ancient printing and of ancient engraving. " If Koburger," says Dr. Dibdin, "had printed only this Chronicle, he would have done enough to place his name among the most distinguished of his typographical brethren." It has always been styled, by way of distinction, the " Nuremberg Chronicle," and the engravings, which are upwards of 2,200 in number, are in wood, and were executed by Michael Wolgemut and Pleydenwurf, the former of whom was the master of Albert Diirer ; the subjects are : Por- traits of Illustrious Characters, Views of Towns, etc., etc. In the " Bibliotheca Spenceriana " it is minutely described, and fac-similes of the cuts are given ; Dr. Dibdin has appropriated no less than twenty-six pages to this article alone. 521 ODELL (A. J.). Catalogue of his library sold at auction. 2 vols., large 8vo, new half olive morocco, gilt tops. $4.00. New York, 1878 * f * Thick paper copy. 522 OLD MASTERS. EAUX-FORTES ET GRAYURES DES MA!TRES ANCIENS. A series of 200 rare etchings, reproduced in heliogravure, by Amand-Durand, from the originals by Albert Diirer, Van Dyck, Martin Schongauer, Raimondi, Ruysdael, Berghem, and others. 5 imperial folio portfolios. $100.00. Paris, 1875 *f* These 200 fac-similes comprise the choicest examples of the works of the old masters which now bring such fabulous prices at print sales. 523 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS IN WATER-COLORS AND INDIA INK BY THE CELEBRATED WlLLIAM BLAKE (PlCTOR Ic- NOTUS). A series of ten of the most characteristic of the drawings of this remarkable artist. In size about 9x12, carefully mounted on cardboard. Price of the collection $250.00. These drawings would appear to have been executed somewhere in the interval between 1800 and 1825. They are all of a more finished character than the generality of Blake's sketches (which were merely outlined in pencil or India ink, with occasional washes of color). The following notice of Blake's designs, by Henry Fuseli, is prefixed to the edition of Blair's " Grave," edited by Cromek : " The author has endeavored to wake sensibility by touching our sympathies with nearer, less ambiguous, and less ludicrous imagery, than what mythology, Gothic superstition, or symbols as far-fetched as inadequate, could supply. His invention has been chiefly em- ployed to spread a familiar and domestic atmosphere round the most important subjects, to connect the visible and invisible world, without provoking probability, and to lead the eye from the milder light of time to the radiations of eternity. " Such is the plan and moral part of the author's invention ; the technical part, and the ex- ecution of the artist, though to be examined by other principles, and addressed to a narrower circle, equally claim approbation, sometimes excite our wonder, and not seldom our fears, when we see him play on the very verge of legitimate invention ; but wildness so picturesque in itself, so often redeemed by taste, simplicity, and elegance, what child of fancy, what artist would wish to discharge ? The groups and single figures on their own basis, abstracted from the general composition and considered without attention to the plan, frequently exhibit those genuine and unaffected attitudes, those simple graces which nature and the heart alone can dictate, and only an eye inspired by both discover. Every class of artists, in every stage of their progress or attainments, from the student to the finished master, and from the contriver of ornament, to the painter of history, will find here materials of art and hints of improve- ment." ** This is an exceptional opportunity for art-schools, museums, etc., to secure a series of drawings of this artist, that can scarcely be expected to occur again, in the course of a lifetime. The Hcmemeyer Library. 75 524 OSTERLEY MENAGERIE. PORTRAITS OF RARE AND CURIOUS BIRDS, with their descriptions, by W. Hayes and family. 100 beautifully engraved and colored figures of birds and the plants on which they feed. 4to, full morocco extra, gilt borders and tooling on sides, and gilt edges. $20.00. London, Bulmer, 1794 %* Scarce. 525 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES, with Latin and Dutch text, with historical explanations by the Abbe Banier. The beautiful Amsterdam edition, illustrated with upwards of 150 finely engraved copper plates by Picart and others. Brilliant impressions. 2 vols. in i, royal folio, old calf, gilt. $40.00. Amsterdam, 1732 *** The Dutch edition has the first impressions of the plates. 526 OXFORD ENGLISH CLASSICS, a complete set of these valuable and finely printed editions, comprising : HUME AND SMOLLETT'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND, with lives, fine series of portraits of the Kings by Worthington, 13 vols. GIBBON'S DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EM- PIRE, portrait, 8 vols. JOHNSON'S WORKS, with Parlia- mentary debates, n vols. BOSWELL'S LIFE OF DR. JOHNSON, 4 vols. ROBERTSON'S (DR.) HISTORICAL WORKS, complete, with life, portrait, 8 vols. Together 44 vols., 8vo, elegantly and uniformly bound in half red morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges, contents lettered. $137.50. Oxford, 1825 527 PALGRAVE (SiR FRANCIS). HISTORY OF NORMANDY AND OF ENGLAND. Original Large Type Library Edition. 4 vols., thick 8vo, handsomely bound in new polished calf extra, gilt tops. $36.00. London, 1851-64 * f * Fine copy of this scarce standard work. 528 PALTOCK (ROBERT). LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF PETER WILKINS, with preface by A. H. Bullen. Handsomely printed. 2 vols., small 8vo, boards uncut. $2.50. London, 1884 * t * " 'Peter Wilkins' is, to my mind, a work of uncommon beauty." COLERIDGE. 529 PALUSTRE (L.). LA RENAISSANCE EN FRANCE. Illus- trated with 50 fine large etchings and about 150 small ones of architectural subjects and monuments. 2 vols. in i, folio, new half brown levant, Jansen style, gilt tops. $55.00. Paris, 1881-84 %* A magnificent work. Cost $85.00. " The soil of France is covered with monuments bearing witness to the great movement of the Renaissance. The author has travelled through the various provinces of France for many years and the above is the fruit of his researches. The illustrations are from pictures sketched on the spot, and unite scrupulous fidelity with the highest artistic excellence." 76 The Havemeyer Library. 530 PARDOE (Miss). Louis THE FOURTEENTH AND THE COURT OF FRANCE IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. With numerous portraits on steel and engravings on wood. 3 vols., 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops. $14.00. London, 1886 531 PARIS (COMTE DE). HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR IN AMERICA. 2 vols., 8vo, new cloth. $4.00. Philadelphia, 1875 532 PARNELL (Tnos.). POEMS, with life by Goldsmith. Small 8vo, old calf. $2.00. London, 1770 533 PARTON QAMES). CARICATURE AND OTHER COMIC ART. With 203 illustrations. Square 8vo, cloth. $2.50. New York, 1877 534 PATTERSON (R. H.). THE NEW GOLDEN AGE, AND INFLUENCE OF THE PRECIOUS METALS UPON THE WORLD. 2 vols., 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $3.00. Edinburgh, 1882 535 PAVY (DR. F. W.). TREATISE ON FOOD AND DIETET- ICS. 8vo, cloth, uncut. $3.00. London, 1875 536 PAYNE'S BOOK OF ART. A series of three hundred steel plates of pictures in the Munich Gallery, with letter- press descriptions. 3 vols., 4to, half green morocco extra, gilt edges. $12.00. London, n. d. 537 PEARSON'S REPRINTS OF THE OLD DRAMA- TISTS, comprising Mrs. Behn's Plays and Novels, 6 vols. ; . Hey wood's Dramatic Works, 6 vols. ; Chapman's Dramatic Works, 3 vols.; Mrs. Centlivre's Dramatic Works, 3 vols.; Dekker's Dramatic Works, 4 vols.; Brome's Dramatic Works, 3 vols. ; Glapthorne's Dramatic Works, 2 vols. Together 27 vols., post 8vo, uniformly bound in full polished calf extra, gilt tops. $90.00. London, 1872, etc. ** Fine set of these handsome editions, most of which are now out of print and scarce. Cost $150.00. 538 PEPYS' (SAMUEL) MEMOIRS IN THE REIGNS OF CHARLES II. AND JAMES II., comprising his diary and a selection from his private correspondence, edited by Lord Bray- brooke. Portrait, fac-simile autograph, and engravings. 5 vols. Also, MEMOIRS OF JOHN EVELYN, comprising his diary and a selection of his familiar letters, edited from the original MSS. by Wm. Bray. Portrait and plates. 5 vols. The two works extra illustrated by the insertion of 385 extra plates of portraits of celebrated personages and views of The Havemeyer Library. 77 places, buildings, etc., many very rare. Together 10 vols., 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt tops. $185.00. 1827-28 ** " The Diary of Pepys throws a distinct and vivid light over the picture of England and its government during the ten years succeeding the Restoration. If, quitting the broad path of history, we seek for minute information concerning ancient manners and customs, the progress of arts and sciences, and the various branches of antiquity, we have never seen a mine so nch as the volumes before us. " SCOTT in Quarterly Review. 539 PEPYS (SAMUEL). DIARY, edited by Mynors Bright. Large paper. 6 vols. Also, EVELYN'S DIARY, on large paper, uniform with preceding book, 4 vols. Also, BOS- WELL'S LIFE OF JOHNSON, edited by Alex. Napier, with numerous portraits, fac-similes, and engravings on steel on India paper, large paper copy, 5 thick vols. Together 15 vols., imperial 8vo, sheets folded. $90.00. London, 1876-84 %* An exceptional opportunity to buy these fine books at a very low figure. Original cost $150.00. 540 PERCY ANECDOTES, ORIGINAL AND SELECT. With 40 portraits on steel. 41 vols., i8mo, new half smooth wine-colored morocco, gilt tops. $60.00. London, 1823 %* Fine copy of the original issue of this capital collection. 541 PERCY SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS, complete, com- prising an extraordinary collection of early and rare speci- mens of English poetry, etc., edited by distinguished literary men. 30 vols., post 8vo, handsomely bound in tree calf extra. $125.00. London, 1840, etc. *** Scarce. A bargain at this price. Cost $200.00. 542 PICART (BERNARD). CEREMONIES AND RELIGIOUS CUS- TOMS OF THE VARIOUS NATIONS OF THE KNOWN WORLD, together with historical annotations and curious discourses, faithfully translated into English. With 200 fine large en- gravings on copper, by Picart, illustrating the religious rites and ceremonies of every nation. 7 vols. in 6, folio, calf, gilt. $45.00. London, 1733 %* Fine copy on large paper. 543 PICCINNI. SOUVENIRS DE ROME. With 12 fine large etchings. Large folio, new half wine-colored levant, gilt top. $12.00. Paris, 1878 *** Proofs on Japanese paper. 544 PICKERING (CHAS.). THE RACES OF MAN. Plates. Foolscap 8vo, half calf extra. $2.00. London, 1863 545 PICTURESQUE AMERICA ; OR, THE LAND WE LIVE IN: A DELINEATION BY PEN AND PENCIL OF THE PIC- TURESQUE FEATURES OF OUR COUNTRY. Profusely illus- trated with beautiful engravings on wood and steel by the 78 The Havemeyer Library. best artists. 2 vols., 4to, full brown morocco antique, gilt edges. $22.00. New York, 1872 %* Worthy of a place in the library of every American. Cost $44.00. 546 PIKE (L. OWEN). HISTORY OF CRIME IN ENGLAND, illustrating the changes of the laws in the progress of civilization, from the Roman Invasion to the present time. Index. 2 stout vols., 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $4.50. London, 1873 SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED COPY. 546* PILKINGTON (M.). DICTIONARY OF PAINTERS, from the revival of the art to the present period. New edition, improved and enlarged with Appendix and Index, by Henry Fuseli. Specially illustrated with nearly one thousand en- gravings, having been inserted to illustrate the great artists of the last four centuries by their portraits and specimens of their works, also many leaves still left blank for further additions. The two volumes extended to eight quarto vol- umes, superbly bound in whole dark-blue morocco, gilt, and gilt edges, in beautiful preservation. $500.00. London, 1801 No description sufficiently brief for a bookseller's catalogue can give anything like an ade- quate conception of the contents of these volumes. The great variety of the engravings, rep- resenting almost every artist, must be seen to be appreciated. Altogether, it must have cost many years of patient effort to collect and arrange with so much judgment and taste so large an assemblage of materials for the illustration of this valuable work. 547 PLANCHF, (J. R.). COSTUME, CYCLOPAEDIA OF, OR DIC- TIONARY OF DRESS, Regal, Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Mili- tary, from the earliest period in England to the reign of George III., including notices of contemporaneous Conti- nental fashions and general history of European costume. With several thousands of illustrations, plain plates, wood- cuts, and chromo-lithographs. 2 large vols., 4to, elegantly bound in full crimson morocco, super extra, gilt leaves. $40.00. London, 1876-79 ** One of the most perfect works ever published upon the subject. The illustrations are numerous and excellent, and would, even without the letterpress, render the work an invalu- able book of reference for information as to costumes for fancy balls and character quadrilles. 548 PLEASANTON (GEN.). INFLUENCE OF THE BLUE RAY. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. $1.00. Philadelphia, 1877 549 POETS AND ETCHERS. A series of illustrated poems (20) by Longfellow, Bryant, Emerson, Lowell, and Aldrich. Illustrated with etchings (20) by Colman, Bellews, Farrer, Gifford and Smillie. Proofs on Japan paper, each one signed by the artist. Large paper. Folio, half coarse-grained le- vant morocco, gilt, gilt tops. $25.00. Boston, 1879 ** Published at $40.00 unbound. Large paper. Only 25 copies published in this form. The Hcwemeyer Library. 79 550 POE (EDGAR ALLAN). TALES AND POEMS, with his Life, Letters, and Opinions, by John H. Ingram. Thoroughly revised and corrected edition, with numerous additions published for the first time, including the Journal of " Julius Rodman." Illustrated with 14 exquisite original etchings, 3 photogravures, and a portrait newly etched from a life-like daguerreotype of the author. 5 handsome vols., crown 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $6.50. London, 1884 *** Several new features in this collection of Edgar Poe's Tales and Poems claim attention. This is the first occasion on which the tales can be said to have been illustrated, as it is also the first time in which any real attempt has been made to classify them. 551 POET'S PLEASAUNCE; OR, GARDEN OF ALL SORTS OF PLEASANT FLOWERS WHICH OUR PLEASANT POETS HAVE IN THE PAST TlME FOR PASTIME PLANTED, by Eden Warwick. Beautifully printed, with handsome ornamental wood-cut border on each page. Small 410, full smooth morocco, gilt, gilt lines on sides, gilt edges. $5.00. London, 1847 %* A beautiful volume. 552 POLLEN (J. H.). ANCIENT AND MODERN FURNITURE AND WOOD-WORK. With 1 1 etchings and numerous wood- cuts. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. $3.50. London, n. d. * f * South Kensington Art Handbook. Large paper copy : only 50 printed. Small paper copies are without the etchings. 553 POLLOCK (SiR FREDERICK). PERSONAL REMEM- BRANCES. 2 vols., crown 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $6.00. London, 1887 *** A very readable book, full of interesting recollections of celebrated personages. 554 PONTALIS (M. A.). LIFE OF JOHN DE WITT, GRAND PENSIONARY OF HOLLAND ; or, Twenty Years of a Parlia- mentary Republic. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. $3.00. London, 1885 %* Uniform with the favorite editions of Motley's "Netherlands" and " John of Barne- veld," etc. " This book contains the most complete account yet given to the world of the history of Holland under the rule of John de Witt." St. James Gazette. The admirers of the work of John Lothrop Motley cannot fail to be delighted with these memoirs of the De Witts. In the whole field of history there can be found no more romantic and fascinating chapter than that pertaining to these two noble Dutch statesmen who offered up their lives as a sacrifice upon the altar of their country. 555 POOLE (JOHN). LITTLE PEDLINGTON AND THE PED- LINGTONIANS. 2 vols., post 8vo, boards, uncut. $7.50. London, 1839 * f * First edition : scarce. Nice clean copy, but has a name on title page in ink. 8o The Havemeyer Library. 556 POPE (A.). GAME BIRDS AND WATER FOWL OF THE UNITED STATES. A series of 20 fine colored plates equal to drawings, each 22 by 28 inches, mounted on heavy card- board, with letterpress description by Audubon, Wilson, Baird, Coues, etc. Very large folio, strongly bound in half morocco. $35.00. New York, 1878 * f * The work presents a series of exact illustrations of some of the principal game birds and water fowl of North America, colored to the life, and reproduced from the [drawings of the artist sportsman who has given them years of careful and patient study. The subjects chosen are those most interesting to sportsmen. The male and female of each variety are shown, and accuracy in color, form, and size are combined with excellent effect. 557 PORTALIS (BARON ROGER). LES DESSINATEURS D'!L- LUSTRATIONS AU Dix-HuiTiEME SiECLE. Frontispiece. 2 vols., 8vo, new half red morocco extra, gilt tops. $12.50. Paris, 1877 558 PORTFOLIO (THE). An artistic periodical, edited by Philip Gilbert Hamerton, complete from its beginning in 1870 to 1887 inclusive. Illustrated with a large number of etchings by the editor, Mr. Whistler, A. Legros, etc., etc., line-engravings, wood-cuts, and woodbury-type reproduc- tions, of the works of contemporary artists and the old masters. 18 vols., folio, in the original numbers as published. $125.00. London, 1870-87 ** Complete sets are very scarce. This, the finest English Art periodical (many of th illustrations of which are painters' etchings), is one of the most interesting also on account of the value of its literary and critical articles, which have always been contributed by the most eminent writers in the many various subjects treated of. 559 PORTFOLIO (THE). AN ARTISTIC PERIODICAL, edited by Philip Gilbert Hamerton. The volumes for 1881 and 1882. Profusely illustrated with fine etchings, engravings on wood, etc., by celebrated artists. Large paper copy, with duplicate set of the etchings on Japanese paper. 2 vols., folio, new half brown polished levant, gilt tops, Jansen style. $75.00. (Published at $150.00, unbound.) London, 1881-82 %* " Of the Portfolio altogether it is to be said, that not only is it the best periodical in the English language devoted to Fine Art, but that it leads all others by a very great distance." 560 PORTRAITS. A series of 126 fine portraits engraved on copper of celebrated engravers and painters to illustrate Walpole's Works. 4to, half morocco. $12.00. ** From the 5 vol. 410 edition. 561 POUCHET (F. A.). THE UNIVERSE ; OR, THE INFINITELY GREAT AND THE INFINITELY LITTLE. Colored frontis- piece and 343 beautiful engravings on wood. Thick large 8vo, new half calf extra, gilt edges. $5.00. New York (London), 1873 The Havemeyer Library. 81 562 PRESCOTT (W. H.). HISTORICAL WORKS, complete. Best Large Type Library Edition. Portraits. 13 vols., 8vo, new polished calf extra, gilt tops, by Tout. $85.00. London, 1853 %* An unusually choice set of Bentley's beautifully printed editions, comprising Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 vols. ; History of the Conquest of Peru, 2 vols. ; History of the Conquest of Mexico, 3 vols. ; History of the Reign of Philip II., 3 vols. ; History of Charles V., 2 vols. 563 PREVOST (L'ABBE). HISTOIRE DE MANON LESCAUT ET DU CHEVALIER DES GRIEUX, preface par A. Dumas fils. With duplicate set of the 2 portraits and 1 1 fine etchings by Flameng, on Holland and Whatman paper. 8vo, handsomely bound in crimson levant, crushed and polished, gilt edges, inside gold borders. $20.00. Paris, 1875 %* Fifty copies only in this state. 564 PUCK: A COMIC SERIAL. Profusely illustrated with hu- morous colored plates. 8 vols., folio, new half morocco. $22.50. New York, 1879-84 ** Out of print and scarce. 565 PUNCH. A COMPLETE SET OF THIS FAMOUS JOURNAL FROM ITS COMMENCEMENT IN 1841 TO END OF 1887. Illus- trated with several thousand clever humorous engravings on wood by Leech, Doyle, Tenniel, Du Marnier, and others. 95 vols. in 48, new half morocco, gilt. $175.00. London, 1841-87 %* Fine set of the original issue throughout of this mirth-provoking journal. 566 QUANTIN. COLLECTION DES PETITS CONTEURS DU XVIIP SIECLE. Elegantly printed on blue Whatman paper, with duplicate impressions of the portraits, one on Japan, comprising Comte Caylus, Fromaget, Pinot Duclos, Bouf- flers, Moncrif, D'Aucourt, Moliere, Cazotte, Besenval, Res- tif de la Bretonne, Crebillon fils, Voisenon. 12 vols., square 8vo, new half red levant, gilt tops, uncut. $85.00. Paris, 1878-82 %* Large paper: only 50 copies printed in this style. 567 QUARLES (FRANCIS). EMBLEMS, DIVINE AND MORAL. With quaint old copper plates. Small 8vo, new speckled calf extra, yellow edges. $3.00. London, 1777 568 RACINE. CEUVRES COMPLETES, avec les notes de tous les commentateurs, par L. Aimee-Martin. Large paper copy, printed on papier velin. With a fine series of engravings on steel, after Desenne, Girodet, Gerard, etc. 7 vols., large and thick 8vo, half dark-blue morocco, gilt, rough edges. $37.50. Paris, 1825 *,* Fourth and best edition. 82 The Havemeyer Library. 569 RACINET (A.). COSTUME HISTORIQUE. A series of 500 magnificent plates, 300 in colors and 200 in tint, exhibiting the principal styles of dress and its accessories in connection with house interiors, furniture, arms and armor, vehicles, etc., for all times and nations, and with copious explanatory letterpress, a general introduction, and a glossary. 6 vols., folio, handsomely bound in new half brown levant, crushed and polished, gilt tops, Jansen style. $175.00. Paris, 1886 %* Large paper. Cost $240.00. The handsomest and most complete work on costume. 570 RACINET (A.). L'ORNEMENT POLYCHROME. A series of 100 fine plates in colors, gold, and silver, containing about 2000 suggestions of styles, with explanatory notes, and an illustrated general introduction. Folio, new half red mo- rocco extra, gilt edges. $40.00. Paris, n. d. %* A beautiful work. 570* RACINET (A.). POLYCHROMATIC ORNAMENT. Second series. A collection of 120 fine large plates in colors, gold, and silver, comprising upward of 10,000 examples of orna- ment of ancient and Asiatic art and of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, i7th, i8th and igth centuries, with descriptive letterpress. Folio, half morocco extra. $60.00. Paris, 1886 %* To those who are familiar with the first series of this superb work no word of comment is necessary. It will be found superior to all other works of its class in many important fea- tures. The work is not only sold at a price which renders it available for all purposes of study and manufacture, but in connection with the first series is so comprehensive that it forms a complete library of the subject. The plates are executed with a degree of finish never before attained in a similar work, and, in fact, only rendered possible by the recent rapid advance in 'the art of color printing. 571 RACZYNSKI (COMTE ATHANASE). HISTOIRE DE L'ART MODERNE EN A.LLEMAGNE. Profusely illustrated. 3 thick vols., royal 4to, newly bound in half levant morocco, jan- seniste, gilt tops, uncut. $22.50. Paris, 1836-39 ** A cheap set of this important work. Vol. I. Dusseldorf et le pays du Rhin excursion a Paris. Vol. II. Munich, Stuttgart, Nuremberg, Augsbourg, Ratisbonne, Carlsruhe, Prague, Vienne Excursion en Italic. Vol. III. Berlin, Dresde, Hamburg, Weimar, Halberstadt, Gottingen, Excursions en Hollande, Belgique, Angleterre, Suisse, Pologne, Russie, Suede, Danemark, Etats-Unis. 572 RAIMBACH (ABRAHAM). MEMOIRS AND RECOLLEC- TIONS, INCLUDING A MEMOIR OF SlR DAVID WlLKIE. Portrait, autograph letter, and 41 extra engravings on steel, some proofs before letters, and engravers' trial proofs, in- serted. Small 410, handsomely bound in full polished calf extra, gilt edges, by Tout. $17.50. London, 1843 ** Choice copy of the Memoirs of this celebrated engraver. The Havemeyer Library. 83 573 RANKE (LEOPOLD). CIVIL WARS AND MONARCHY IN FRANCE. 2 vols., crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. $12.00. London, 1852 %* Nice clean copy. Scarce. 574 RANKE (L.). HISTORY OF SERVIA AND THE SERVIAN REVOLUTION. Map. Thick 8vo, cloth, uncut. $4.50. London, 1847 575 RANKE (LEOPOLD). HISTORY OF THE POPES OF ROME, translated by Sarah Austin. 3 vols., 8vo, crimped calf extra. $20.00. London, 1840 ** Best edition of this standard book. 576 RAMSAY (DAVID). HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN REVO- LUTION. 2 vols., 8vo, new tree calf extra, marbled edges. $7.50. Trenton, 1811 %* Fine copy. 577 RAPIN. HISTORY OF ENGLAND, WITH CONTINUATION BY TINDAL. With fine series of portraits, plates, and medals, monuments, maps, plans of battles and cities, engraved on copper, by Vertue and Houbraken. Fine impressions. 5 vols., folio, old red morocco, gilt backs, gilt borders on sides, inside borders, gilt edges. $50.00. London, 1732-47 ** Magnificent copy of this fine book. 578 RAWLINSON (GEORGE). HISTORICAL WORKS, compris- ing HERODOTUS, with notes and appendices, 4 vols., 1862; THE FIVE GREAT MONARCHIES OF THE ANCIENT EASTERN WORLD, maps, etc., 4 vols., 1862-67 ; THE SIXTH GREAT ORIENTAL MONARCHY, maps, etc., 1873; THE SEVENTH GREAT ORIENTAL MONARCHY, maps and plates, 1876; HISTORY OF ANCIENT EGYPT, maps, etc., 2 vols., 1881. Together 12 large volumes, uniformly bound in new calf extra. $65.00. London, 186281 %* A fine uniform set of the original large type editions of these important works. 579 REMBRANDT. L'CEuvRE DE, decrit et commente de Charles Blanc. Illustrated with 356 fac-simile etchings by the heliogravure process. 3 vols. bound in 2, royal folio, half morocco, gilt tops. $90.00. (Cost $175.00.) Paris, 1880 %* The works of Rembrandt, comprising 356 plates etched by himself, undoubtedly consti- tute the rarest, most varied, and most admirable collection of etchings that can possibly be got together. To get together as complete a set of the originals would require a fortune. Among them are the 22 unique plates of the Museum of Amsterdam, the unique plates of the British Museum, those of the Museum of Vienna, and those of the Bibliotheque Nationale of Paris. The work forms a complete catalogue raisonne of the whole of Rembrandt's plates, and the fac-similes were executed by a process which dispenses with retouching, thus insur- ing strict fidelity to the originals. 84 The Havemeyer Library. 580 REMBRANDT. L'CEuvRE. Commente et decrit par Charles Blanc. Handsomely printed on Holland paper and illustrated with 40 etchings in fac-simile by L. Flameng and 35 heliogravures by Amand-Durand. 2 vols., imperial 4to, half blue morocco, Jansen style, gilt tops, uncut. $45.00. Paris, 1873-74 *** This edition is limited to 500 copies. " The illustrations etched by M. Flameng for M. Chas. Blanc's Catalogue of the Works of Rembrandt have long been familiar to the students of art ; and we have known for years that M. Flameng could copy Rembrandt with a degree of life and truth which left little to be de- sired. Still it is probable that the elite of the general art public will not be quite prepared for the great technical triumph which M. Flameng has just achieved. He has produced a copy of one of Rembrandt's most difficult and complicated etchings a copy which, if we must bal- ance one quality against another, certainly exceeds the most perfect photography in accuracy, while at the same time it possesses, as a piece of execution in etching, all those technical mer- its for which Rembrandt was famous. ... In a certain sense, and for some peculiar reasons which will be given in support of the assertion, it may be boldly affirmed that, as a technical performance merely, such a copy as this is even more wonderful than the original plate itself." PHILIP GILBERT HAMERTON. 581 RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW, consisting of Criticisms upon, Analyses of, and Extracts from, Curious, Valuable, and Scarce Old Books. The three series complete. 19 vols., 8vo, half morocco, neat. $45.00. London, 1820-56 ** Very scarce in complete form. " An excellent review of early English literature. The criticisms in the first series were written by George Robinson, Esq., W. Gray, Esq., Mr. Sergt. Talfourd, Joseph Parkes, Esq., etc., the whole being under the superintendence of H. Southern, Esq. The second series was edited by Henry Southern and Nicholas Harris Nicolas." LOWNDES. 582 RETZ (CARDINAL DE). MEMOIRES DE, DE GUY JOLI, ET DE LA DUCHESSE DE NEMOURS, contenant ce qui s'est passe de remarquable en France pendant les premieres anne"es du regne de Louis XIV. Portrait. 6 vols., 8vo, new half brown morocco extra, gilt tops. $12.50. Paris, 1820 583 REYNARD THE FOX, after the German version of Goethe, by Thomas James Arnold. Superbly printed from large bold type on heavy paper and illustrated with sixty plates from designs by Kaulbach and 12 India proof en- gravings by Jos. Wolf. Columbier 8vo, new half morocco, gilt top. $6.00. London, 1887 584 RICHARDSON (SAMUEL). COMPLETE WORKS. With portrait. The Handsome Library Edition. 12 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. $25.00. London, 1883 585 RIS-PAQUOT. HISTOIRE GENERALE DE LA FAIENCE ANCIENNE, FRANCAISE ET FVTRANGERE, considered dans son histoire, sa nature, ses formes, et sa decoration. With 200 fine colored plates and 1400 marks and monograms. 2 vols., folio, new half maroon morocco extra, gilt tops. $80.00. Amiens, 1874-76 %* No. 66 of the Holland Paper Edition. The Havemeyer Library. 85 586 RIVAL QUEENS (THE); OR, WHICH is THE DARLING: An Answer to Mrs. Clark's Rival Princes. With etched frontispiece and portrait. Large 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. $2.50. London, 1810 587 ROBERTS' HOLY LAND, SYRIA, IDUM^EA AND ARA- BIA, with historical descriptions by Croly, 3 vols., 125 mag- nificent plates, 1842. EGYPT AND NUBIA, from drawings made on the spot, by David Roberts, with historical de- scriptions by Brockedon, complete, forming 3 vols., 123 most beautiful plates, 1846-9. Together 6 vols. in 4, atlas folio, half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. $100.00. (Cost $225.00.) London, 1842-49 %* Roberts' " Holy Land and Egypt " is a really noble and grand publication. The great artist has represented, in his masterly style, all the famous sites and stupendous Architectural Remains of the Land of the Bible, of Ancient Egypt, Nubia, etc., such as they appear now. Every one of the engravings is a perfect work of art ; to every Bible reader, every Oriental scholar, and to gentlemen who resided or travelled in the East, Roberts' works will afford the most pleasant reminiscences. This grand work gives a faithful idea of the most celebrated Sites and Temples of the Land of the Bible, as well as of the most renowned Monuments of Egypt, Syria, Idumaea, and other Oriental Countries, and it will ever remain a vivid picture of that marvellous East, the cradle of our Religion. 588 ROBINSON (H. CRABB). DIARY, REMINISCENCES AND CORRESPONDENCE, selected and edited by T. Sadler. Best Large Type Library Edition. Elegantly printed on toned paper. Portrait. 3 vols., 8vo, new half blue morocco extra, gilt tops. Handsome copy. $22.50. London, 1869 %* Irresistible, to be attended to whether you will or no, and worth the attention, because brimful of anecdote, incident, learning, quaint talk, profound thought, sublime philosophy, childlike fun, bold speculation, and religious feeling, lovely in its conception and practice. 589 ROBY (J.). TRADITIONS OF LANCASHIRE. Both Series, Best Library Edition. With numerous fine engravings of scenery and antiquities by Finden. 4 vols., 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt edges, uncut. $22.50. Very scarce. London, 1829-31 ** " His tales are as true as history, and yet possess the animation of a romance." Fre- quently quoted by Sir Walter Scott in his Demonology and Witchcraft. 590 ROCK (DR. DANIEL). TEXTILE FABRICS. With 7 colored plates and etchings and numerous wood-cuts. Im- perial 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. $3.50. London, n. d. * f * South Kensington Art Handbook. Large Paper Copy : only 50 printed. Small paper copies are without the colored plates and etchings. 591 ROGERS (SAMUEL). ITALY AND POEMS. The beautiful illustrated editions, printed on thick paper, with 128 ex- quisite engravings on steel, by Finden, after pictures by Turner and Stothard. 2 vols., crown 8vo, elegantly bound in crushed levant, full gilt backs, borders on sides, inside linings, gilt edges. $65.00. London, 1830-34 *** Beautiful copies of the best editions. 86 The Havemeyer Library. 592 ROGERS (SAMUEL). RECOLLECTIONS OF HIS TABLE TALK, to which is added PORSONIANA. Portrait and nu- merous extra portraits inserted. Thick post 8vo, new polished calf extra, gilt top. $22.50. London, 1856 *V* Choice copy. 593 ROSCOE'S SPANISH, ITALIAN, AND GERMAN NOVELISTS. The complete series. Being tales selected from ancient and modern authors in those languages, translated from the originals, with critical and biographical notices, by Thos. Roscoe. nvols., post 8vo, half calf, gilt. $37.50. ** Scarce. London, 1832 594 ROUSSEAU" (J. J.). CONFESSIONS. Portrait and wood- cuts. Thick 1 2mo, new cloth, gilt. $2.00. London, 1883 ** Complete English translation. " After all, considering that literature is for the most part a hollow and pretentious phantas- magoria of mimic figures, posing in peruke and breeches, we may try to forgive certain cruel blows to the dignified assumptions and high heels of convention, in one who would not lie nor dissemble kinship with the four-footed." 595 RQWLANDSON. ACKERMANN'S POETICAL MAGAZINE. Illustrated with a series of fine colored plates by Rowland- son. 4 vols., 8vo, half morocco. $27.50. London, 1809 %* Very scarce ; contains the first issue of Dr. Syntax's Picturesque Tour, with the original impressions of Rowlandson's fine plates, which are far superior to the later issues. 596 ROWLANDSON THE CARICATURIST : A selection from his works, with anecdotal descriptions of his famous caricatures, and a sketch of his life, times, and contempo- raries, by Joseph Grego. With 400 most clever and hu- morous illustrations. 2 vols., 4to, tree calf extra, gilt tops. $20.00. New York (London), 1880 ** A capital book. Cost $35.00. 597 ROYAL BOOK OF CRESTS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, DOMINION OF CANADA, INDIA, AND AUSTRAL- ASIA. With 175 plates and coats-of-arms. 2 vols., impenal 8vo, cloth. $10.50. London, n. d, (1883) 598 RUSKIN, BIBLIOGRAPHY OF. A bibliographical list in chronological order. Post 8vo, new half red calf, gilt top. $2.00. London, 1878 599 RUSKIN (JOHN). WORKS, comprising MODERN PAINTERS, with 84 beautiful engravings on steel and 216 on wood, from drawings by the author, 5 vols. ; STONES OF VENICE, with 53 fine engravings on steel, and numerous wood-cuts, 3 vols. ; SEVEN LAMPS OF ARCHITECTURE, with 14 plates, second and best edition. Together 9 vols., imperial 8vo, handsomely bound in full dark-green morocco extra, gilt tops. $400.00. London, 1851-60 ** Beautiful set of the original and best editions. Very scarce in such fine condition. The Havemeyer Library. 87 599* RUSKIN BIRTHDAY BOOK. Portrait. Small 4to, vellum, gilt, gilt edges. $5.00. Orpington, 1883 600 SAINT-LAMBERT. LES SAISONS : Poeme. Illustrated with 5 exquisitely engraved copper plates after Moreau, by Delaunay, Duclos, Prevost, and Simonet, and 5 vignettes by Choffard. Also, Trois Contes, illustrated by 2 beautiful engravings on copper, after Moreau. Large 8vo, old mottled calf, gilt, gilt edges. $12.50. Amsterdam, 1775 *** Fine old copy of a charming book. 601 SAINT-PIERRE (BERNARDIN DE). PAUL ET VIRGINIE. Curmer's beautiful illustrated edition, finely printed on thick paper, and with 500 engravings on wood and steel, the latter on India paper, from designs by Tony Johannot. Large 8vo, full green levant extra, gilt sides and edges. $30.00. Paris, 1838 602 SAINT-SIMON (DUKE OF). MEMOIRS, translated by Bayle St. John. 3 vols., 8vo, new cloth. $6.00. London, 1878 %* The Memoirs of Saint-Simon form a perfect panoramic picture, highly finished in all its details, of the court of Louis XIV. Every circumstance, however important or however trivial, that occurred is given. They give us the most varied and curious information respect- ing the members of the court. It was not until 1829 that anything like a complete edition of the Memoirs was given to the public. The work at once made a great sensation, and the caution that had directed its long suppression was to a certain extent justified. Never did the Bourbon family receive such a blow. At a glance the public had presented to them that court which had hitherto been regarded as the most brilliant ever seen in France its tinsel and gilding stripped from it, its tatters and rags displayed in all their wretchedness. The success of the work was immense. 603 SALA (G. A.). PARIS HERSELF AGAIN IN 1878-1879. With 400 very clever and characteristic illustrations by popular French artists. 2 vols., 8vo, new half morocco extra. $6.00. London, 1879 604 SALON CATALOGUE FOR 1879 TO 1884. Profusely illustrated with cuts of the best pictures in the Salon. 6 vols., 8vo, new half morocco. $9.00. Paris, 1879-83 605 SALON DE PARIS, 1880-1886. Handsomely printed on Holland paper and profusely illustrated with beautiful photogravures, full-page and vignette, printed in tints, de- picting the best pictures of the Salon. 7 vols., large 8vo, half calf, gilt, gilt tops. $125.00. Paris, 1880-86 *** Holland paper numbered edition. A bargain at this price. The volume for 1880 alone commands 200 francs in Paris. 606 SCHILLER. THE SONG OF THE BELL. Prettily illustrated. Square 8vo, cloth. $2.50. New York, n. d. 607 SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.). HISTORICAL AND STATISTICAL INFORMATION RESPECTING THE HISTORY, CONDITION, AND PROSPECTS OF THE INDIAN TRIBES OF THE UNITED STATES. 88 The Havetneyer Library. Illustrated with upwards of 500 plates, most of them colored. 6 vols., royal 4to, half morocco extra, gilt tops. $60.00. Philadelphia, 1851 %* " The most invaluable contribution to Universal History made in the nineteenth century. " BUNSEN. 608 SCOTT (SiR WALTER). COMPLETE WORKS, comprising his Novels, Tales, Romances, Poetical Works, Miscellaneous Prose Works, and Life by Lockhart, with notes and the Anecdotes. The favorite handy volume edition. With frontispieces and vignettes on steel. 100 vols., foolscap 8vo, new half blue morocco extra, gilt tops. $200.00. Edinburgh, 1836 609 SCOTT (SiR WALTER). THE WAVERLEY NOVELS. The Splendid Abbotsford Edition, with 120 beautiful engravings on steel and 2000 engravings on wood after Turner, Stan- field, Wilkie, Martin, etc., 12 vols. Also, POETICAL WORKS, complete, with introduction and notes by Lockhart, with portrait and vignette, i vol. UNIQUE EXTRA ILLUSTRATED COPY, with 1300 fine plates inserted, including a large number of rare portraits and views. 13 stout, royal 8vo volumes, substantially bound in half crimson morocco extra, gilt edges. $300.00. Edinburgh, 1842 %* Cost $550.00. 610 SCOTT (SiR WALTER). LANDSCAPE ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE WAVERLEY NOVELS, with descriptions of the views. A series of 80 beautiful engravings on steel after David Roberts, Geo. Cattermole, Westall, Stanfield, Prout, etc., 2 vols., large 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. $9.00. London, 1832 611 SCOTT (SiR WALTER). THE WAVERLEY ALBUM, contain- ing 51 line engravings to illustrate the Novels and Tales of Scott by Finden, Heath, and others, after Stothard, Leslie, and others. Foolscap 8vo, old red morocco, gilt. $4.00. London, n. d. %* Some of the pages soiled. Scarce. 612 SCRAP BOOK, containing 206 engravings, drawings, cari- catures, etc., mounted. Royal folio, half morocco. $17.50. 613 SCROPE (WM.). DAYS AND NIGHTS OF SALMON FISH- ING. With fine tinted plates after Chas. Landseer, Wilkie, and others ; colored plates of fish, and vignettes on wood. Large 8vo, original cloth, uncut. $37.50. London, 1843 ** Fine clean copy. Very scarce. The Havemeyer Library. 89 614 SEYMOUR (ROBERT). HUMOROUS SKETCHES. A series of 86 spirited caricatures etched on copper, with inscriptions in prose and verse. Large 8vo, new tree calf extra, gilt edges. $12.50. London, 1841 %* Original edition : very scarce. 615 SEYMOUR (ROBERT). SKETCHES. A series of 96 clever caricature etchings. 8vo, new tree calf extra, gilt edges. $12.50. London, n. d. *** Original edition. 616 SHAKESPEARE (WM.). COMPLETE WORKS, with Notes and Copious Glossary, fifth revised edition edited by Alex. Dyce. Portraits. 10 vols., 8vo, new cloth, gilt tops. $20.00. London, 1886 617 SHAKESPEARE (WM.). DRAMATIC WORKS. Bell's Excellent Edition, with prefaces, dissertations, and vari- orum notes. With portraits, vignettes, and character prints. 30 vols., i8mo, old calf. $17.50. London, 1785 * t * Scarce. 618 SHAKESPEARE'S COMEDIES, HISTORIES, AND TRAGEDIES PUBLISHED ACCORDING TO THE TRUE ORIGINAL COPIES, 1623. Booth's verbatim reprint of the famous first folio, edited by Thos. Wright. Large Paper Copy. Folio, full brown levant, tooled sides, gilt edges, by Bedford. $35.00. London, 1864 V* Fine copy. 619 SHAKESPEARE SCENES AND CHARACTERS. A series of 36 highly finished engravings on steel by Bankel, Goldberg, Raab, and Schmidt, after original designs by Adams, Hofmann, and others. With descriptive text by Prof. Dowden. Folio, half morocco, gilt top. $30.00. V* Large paper; with the plates on India paper. A handsome book. New-York 620 SHAKESPEARE. THE SEVEN AGES. Illustrated by Mulready, Maclise, Wilkie, Landseer, etc., with the text in ornamental borders. Thin 410, half blue morocco. $4.00. London, 1850 621 SHAKESPEARE'S WORKS, including his POEMS, DOUBTFUL PLAYS, and BIOGRAPHY. Charles Knight's original pictorial edition, illustrated with many hundred beautiful engravings on wood, of views, costumes, old build- ings, portraits, antiquities, etc. EXTRA ILLUSTRATED COPY, with a large number of plates inserted. 8 vols. 7 large 8vo, handsomely bound in full wine-colored levant, gilt edges. Jansen style. $125.00. London, 1843 * * Very fine copy. Cost $250.00. 90 Tbe Havemeyer Library. 622 SHAKESPEARE (WM.). COMPLETE WORKS, with copious notes, glossary, life, etc., by Howard Staunton. The Edition de Luxe. With 8co fine illustrations, and portrait by Sir John Gilbert, on India paper. 15 vols., thick im- perial 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $45.00. London, 1882 ** Cost its late owner $150.00. 623 SHAKESPEARE. SONGS AND BALLADS OF SHAKESPEARE ILLUSTRATED BY THE ETCHING CLUB. Numerous beauti- ful vignette etchings. Folio, cloth, gilt edges. $7.50. London, 1853 %* Scarce. 624 SHAKESPEARE (WM.). WORKS. The Cambridge Edi- tion. Edited, with the various readings of the folios, quartos, and many subsequent editions, and notes, by W. G. Clark, J. Glover, and W. Aldis Wright. 9 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. $60.00. Cambridge, 1863-66 %* Long out of print, and scarce. The most satisfactory of modern editions. 625 SHAKESPEARE (Win.). WORKS, revised, with notes, by S. W. Singer, and Life by W. Watkiss Lloyd. 10 vols., foolscap 8vo, new half calf extra, gilt tops. $20.00. London, 1884 626 SHAKESPEARE'S WORKS. Boydell's rare and mag- nificent edition, printed in exceedingly large and beautiful type by Bulmer, with the fine series of 100 highly finished engravings by the best artists, from paintings by Stothard, Smirke, Opie, Northcote, etc. 9 large vols., royal folio, whole bound in russia, gilt edges and backs. $100.00. London, 1802 %* This splendid edition is one of the most finely printed books ever produced in any country; it ranges with such books as Macklin's Illustrated Bible and Bowyer's illustrated edition of Hume's England. 627 SHELDON (G. W.). AMERICAN PAINTERS. Illustrated with 83 engravings on wood. 4to, new cloth, gilt, gilt edges. $3.00. New York, 1879 628 SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). WORKS IN VERSE AND PROSE, now first brought together, with many pieces not before published, edited, with prefaces, notes, and appen- dices, by H. Buxton Forman. Portraits and plates. 8 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. $27.50. London, 1880 ** Best edition. 628* SHERIDAN. A volume of Extraordinary Interest, re- lating to Richard Brinsley Sheridan, author of the " School for Scandal," being a Collection of 72 Relics, several of which are personal, including Portraits, Letters, Drawings, The Havemeyer Library. 91 etc., etc., beautifully mounted on cardboard of various tints, with linen guards. Folio, green morocco extra, tooled sides, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. $265.00. This Collection originally formed part of an album of miscellaneous engravings and photographs, of recent interest only, made by E. L. Burke Sheridan, from among which they have been rescued, and now make an important memorial of the brilliant author, politician and wit, as well as of other persons of eminence of his time. They descended to a late owner from Miss E. A. Tickell, Sheridan's niece (named after his first wife), a lady who, as will appear from the list of contents, was evidently on terms of great intimacy with members of George the Third's family. The following is a brief account of the more important items : Portrait of Miss Tickell, by Sir T. Lawrence, a beautiful original drawing, in chalk and colors. Portrait of Mrs. Sheridan, by R. Westall, P. R. A., an orig- inal water-color drawing of Sheridan's lovely and accom- plished first wife (born Miss Linley, of Bath), accompanied by an engraved portrait after Humphrey. An Original Pencil Sketch by W. Hogarth, entitled " The Revoke at Whist" (cut out with scissors), with portrait. Twelve Original Water-color Drawings, by Captain Rich- ard Brinsley Tickell, Sheridan's nephew (named after him). Captain Tickell was in the Royal Navy, and was killed at Trafalgar. The drawings represent Nelson's ship, the Victory, revictualing ; Battle of Cape St. Vincent; Block- ade of Cadiz; and various ships of the Royal Navy, in English and foreign waters. An Original Indian Ink Drawing of Edmund Kean as Richard III. (cut out), illustrating the line : " Perdition catch thine arm the chance is thine." Lines on the Death of Mr. Sheridan. Principibus plaeuisse viris ! .' An Original Poem of 56 lines, by Thomas Moore, entirely in his autograph. An unpublished piece of the most scathing severity, and of great interest when we remember the relations existing between Sheridan and the Prince Regent. Some of the lines specially addressed to the latter we quote: " And thou too, whose life, a sick epicure's dream, Incoherent and gross, even grosser had pass'd, Were it not for that cordial and soul-giving beam, Which his friendship and wit o'er thy nothingness cast ; " No not for the wealth of the land that supplies thee With millions to heap upon Foppery's shrine; No not for the riches of all who despise thee, Tho' this would make Europe's whole opulence mine ; " Would I suffer what ev'n in the heart that thou hast All mean as it is must have consciously burn'd When the pittance that shame had wrung from thee at last, And which found all his wants at an end, was return'd." 92 The Havemeyer Library. (Referring, of course, to the money sent to Sheridan when on his death bed.) In his " Life of Sheridan," Moore quotes a few of the lines, without stating that he himself was the author, and prefaces them by the following words : " There appeared some verses at the time, which, however intem- perate in their satire and careless in their style, came, evi- dently, warm from the heart of the writer, and contained sentiments to which, even in his cooler moments, he needs not hesitate to subscribe." About the warmth of Moore's heart in writing the poem no one can doubt who reads the entire production, while his calling them careless in style may be attributed to a little mock modesty. A portrait of Moore accompanies the MS. Autograph of Sheridan " Yours ever sincerely, R. B. Sheridan." Scene from " Faust." Terry as Mephistopheles. Two figures, drawn in Indian ink (cut out). Autograph Letter, Signed, from Vestris, father-in-law of Madame Vestris, dated Paris, Sept., 1781, making an engagement for his son to dance at the Opera in London, in 1783, with the terms, and other professional matters; addressed to Sheridan, " Membre de. Parlement, Grovenor Place." A new Scott's Ballad, by Lord Melville, rescued from the flames before his lordship had completed the second burn- ing of his papers. An Original Satirical Poem of 36 lines, mentioning Coutts, Whitbread, Canning, and Pitt. Sea Song, by Charles Dibdin, in the author's original auto- graph. Autograph Letter, Signed, by Canning, referring to Miss Tickell. Hair Cut from the Beard of George III., during his illness in 1814, laid down on black paper. Portrait of one of the beautiful Misses Gunning, an original highly finished miniature in pencil. Autograph Letter, Signed, by Lord Nelson, 3 pages, 4to, dated " Victory, at Sea, March 10, 1805 " (a few months before the battle of Trafalgar), addressed to the First Lord of the Admiralty, with portrait. Part of an Autograph Letter, Signed, by Warren Hastings, referring to Tickell. Autograph Letter of one of "the old maids of Llangollen." The Hcwemeyer Library. 93 Autograph Note by Samuel Rogers to Mrs. Boscawen and Miss Tickell. It will be remembered that Rogers was one of Sheridan's sincerest friends, and advanced him, when on his death-bed, the i$o which enabled the Prince Regent's tardy offer of assistance to be declined. Apology by J. P. Kemble to Miss De Camp (afterward Mrs. Charles Kemble), " for the very improper and unjustifiable behaviour I was lately guilty of toward her." In Kemble's autograph, dated Jan. 27, 1795. With portrait. Autograph Letter, Signed, by J. P. Kemble, to Miss De Camp, with further reference to " the disquiet he has caused her," dated Drury Lane, Jan. 28, 1795. With portrait of Miss De Camp. Autograph Letter, Signed, by Lord Erskine, 1822, 2 pages, 8vo, with an original portrait in pen and pencil. Eight Autograph Letters, Signed, addressed to Miss Tickell and the Hon. Mrs. Boscawen, by the Duchess of Gloucester, the Princess Elizabeth, and the Princess Sophia. To one of these Miss Tickell has added a note, respecting her inser- tion of the " Royal autographic letters " among the drawings in her scrap-book. Autographs of Earl St. Vincent, Braham, Lord Normanby, the Princess Charlotte, George Colman, William IV., Queen Adelaide, Lady Caroline Lamb, the Duke of Cambridge, and Lord Russell. Nearly the whole have brief descriptions in Miss Tickell's own hand, by which a direct connecting link with Sheridan is formed, and the authenticity of the contents indirectly guaranteed. 629 SHERMAN (GEN. W. T.). MEMOIRS. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. $2.50. New York, 1875 630 SILVESTRE. UNIVERSAL PALAEOGRAPHY; OR, A COL- LECTION OF FAC-SIMILES OF THE WRITING OF EVERY AGE AND NATION, TAKEN FROM THE MOST AUTHENTIC MANUSCRIPTS EXISTING IN THE LIBRARIES OF FRANCE, ITALY, GERMANY, AND ENGLAND. 300 large and beauti- fully executed fac-similes richly illuminated in the finest style of art. New and improved edition, arranged under the direction of Sir Frederick Madden. 2 vols., folio. Also, HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE LETTERPRESS to the pre- ceding work, by Champollion-Figeac and Champollion, Junior, translated by Madden. 2 vols., large 8vo. To- gether 4 vols. (2 vols. folio and 2 vols. large 8vo), uni- formly bound in new half red morocco, gilt edges. $150.00. London, 1850 94 The Havemeyer Library. 631 SMILES (SAMUEL). GEORGE MOORE : MERCHANT AND PHILANTHROPIST. Portrait. Thick 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt top. $4.50. London, 1878 632 SMILES (SAMUEL). LIVES OF THE ENGINEERS, WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THEIR PRINCIPAL WORKS, AND COM- PRISING ALSO A HISTORY OF INLAND COMMUNICATION IN ENGLAND. With portraits and about 300 wood-cuts. 4 vols., large 8vo, cloth, uncut. $20.00. London, 1861-65 ** Nice clean copy of this esteemed work. 633 SMITH (ALBERT). THE WASSAIL BOWL. With numer- ous clever humorous sketches by Leech. 2 vols., small 8 vo, new half calf extra, gilt tops. $4.50. London, 1843 634 SMITH (GEORGE). A COLLECTION OF DESIGNS FOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND INTERIOR DECORATION, with designs for rooms, geometrical and in perspective, showing the decorations, adjustment of the furniture, etc. A series of 158 plates, colored by hand, with letterpress descriptions. 4to, elegantly bound in full polished calf extra, gold borders on sides and inside, gilt top, by Riviere. $37.50. London, 1808 %* Rare. 635 SMITH (JOHN). CATALOGUE RAISONNE OF THE WORKS OF THE MOST EMINENT DUTCH, FLEMISH, AND FRENCH PAINTERS, with biographical notices, and the prices at which the pictures have been sold. With supplement. Portrait. 9 vols., imperial 8vo, half polished levant mo- rocco, gilt tops. $125.00. London, 1829-42 %* This elaborate work should be in the library of every collector of paintings. 636 SMITH (JOHN). ICONOGRAPHIA SCOTICA ; OR, PORTRAITS OF ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONS OF SCOTLAND, engraved from the most authentic paintings, with their lives and many curious anecdotes. A series of 21 plates engraved on copper. Imperial 8 vo, boards. $7.50. London (1793) *jf* Among the series are portraits of Mary Queen of Scots, Cardinal Beaton, James I., John Knox, etc. 637 SMITH (JOHN C.). BRITISH MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS, being a descriptive catalogue of these engravings from the introduction of the art. Portraits. 4 vols., large 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $27.50. London, 1883 638 A SERIES OF 125 PORTRAITS by the autotype process in fac-simile of the original pictures designed to illustrate the preceding work, arranged in 4 cloth portfolios. $25.00. London, 1884 The Havemeyer Library. 95 639 SMITH (REV. SYDNEY). WORKS. Portrait. The large Type library Edition. 3 vols., 8vo, new half light calf, full gilt backs. $15.00. London, 1845 V* Nice copy. 640 SOCIETfi D'AQUARELLISTES FRANgAIS, ouvrage d'art public avec le concours artistique de tous les socie- taires, texte par les principaux critiques d'art. Illustrated with 120 beautiful photogravures, printed in different tints, reproducing the best works of members of the Society, besides a large number of fac-similes of sketches and draw- ings, initial letters, culs-de-lampe, etc. 2 vols., folio, hand- somely bound in new half brown levant, gilt tops, Jansen style. $75.00. Paris, 1883 ** These beautiful volumes give examples of the work of E. de Beaumont, Edouard De- taille, Gustave Dore, Eugene Isaberg, Louis Leloir, Maurice Leloir, Madeleine Lemaire, A. de Neuville, and others. The text is by Rene Menard, Charles Yriarte, Jules Claretie, Philip Burty, A. de Lostalot, A. Wolff, and others. 640* SOLON (L. M.). THE ART OF THE OLD ENGLISH POTTER, an account of the progress of the craft in England, from the earliest period to the middle of the eighteenth cen- tury. Handsomely printed on Dutch hand-made paper, and illustrated with 50 etchings by the author. Folio, cloth, uncut. $25.00. London, 1883 %* 250 copies printed. Cost $50.00. 641 SOMERS' TRACTS: A COLLECTION OF SCARCE AND VALUABLE TRACTS on the most interesting and entertaining subjects, but chiefly such as relate to the History and Con- stitution of these Kingdoms, selected from an infinite num- ber in print and manuscript, in the Royal, Cotton, Zion, and other public as well as private libraries, particularly that of the late Lord Someis. 16 vols., royal 4to, calf. $19.00. London, 1748. %* Fine copy. Lord Somers' Collection of Tracts is, in truth, a splendid and lasting monument of the judgment and patriotism of that great man. 642 SPOONER (S.). BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF THE FINE ARTS ; OR, MEMOIRS OF THE LIVES AND WORKS OF EMINENT PAINTERS, ENGRAVERS, SCULPTORS, AND ARCHITECTS, from the earliest ages to the present time. 2 vols., 4to. LARGE PAPER. Extended to 6 vols., thick 4to, by the addition of about 850 plates, including portraits of artists, specimens of their works, etc. Handsomely bound in half olive levant, full gilt backs, tooled sides, inside borders, gilt tops. $450.00. New York, 1868 %* The illustrations in these volumes are of great variety and unusual excellence, being the gleanings of many years by a diligent collector. No prominent subject has been neglected, while of many there are various illustrations. The variety of design such a work admits of is 96 The Havemeyer Library. very great, permitting not only portraits of the artists, but exhibitions of their works and speci- mens of engravers and peculiar styles of art. All of these various sources of interest have been provided for in these richly decorated volumes. They have been prepared with great care, are all tastefully and carefully inlaid when necessary, and exhibit, as a whole, a compre- hensive view of the fine arts, embracing different countries and eras, from the revival of paint- ing to the present day. The cost of the preparation of such a work can be properly estimated only by those who have made similar attempts at illustration. The work invites careful ex- amination, and will well repay the attention of students of art. 643 SPORTSMAN IN IRELAND, WITH HIS SUMMER ROUTE THROUGH THE HIGHLANDS OF SCOTLAND, by a Cosmopolite. Engraved frontispieces and 18 charming little wood-cut vignettes, and extra illustrated by the insertion of 23 fine steel plates and 6 pretty little vignettes on India paper. 2 vols., post 8vo, new half red morocco extra, gilt tops. $12.50. London, 1840 %* Choice copy. 644 SUE (EUGENE). LES MISERES DES ENFANTS TROUVES. Numerous steel plates. 4 vols. in 2, large 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops. $10.00. Paris, n. d. %* One of the most interesting of this popular author's works. 645 SUE (EUGENE). THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS. With several hundred engravings on wood. 3 vols., large 8vo, half red morocco extra, gilt edges. $15.00. London, 1845 ** Best edition. 646 SUTTON (CHARLES). THE NEW YORK TOMBS [Prison]. Illustrated. Large 8vo, cloth. $1.50. New York, 1874 647 STAFFORD GALLERY. The gallery of the splendid collection of pictures by the first masters formed by the Marquis of Stafford [now the Bridgewater Gallery]. Large paper, with brilliant India proof impressions of the series of 300 beautiful plates, after paintings by the best masters. 4 vols., royal folio, half bound, as issued. $50.00. London, 1818 ** This grand collection of prints was published at 71. It has always been very much admired and is especially nch in masterpieces of the Schools of Germany, Switzerland, Flanders, Holland, and Upper and Lower Italy. 648 STANFIELD (CLARKSON). COAST SCENERY: A SERIES OF VIEWS IN THE BRITISH CHANNEL. A series of 40 beau- tiful engravings on steel by Cousen, after the pictures of this celebrated artist. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. $12.00. London, 1836 ** Large paper copy of the original edition. 649 STATELY HOMES OF ENGLAND, by S. C. Hall and Llewellyn Jewitt. With 380 engravings on wood. 2 vols., square 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. $6.00. London, 1881 The Havemeyer Library. 97 650 STEPNIAK (S.). RUSSIA UNDER THE TSARS. 2 vols., crown 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $5.00. London, 1885 651 STERNE (LAURENCE). A SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY. The magnificent Edition de Luxe, printed throughout on Japanese paper, and illus- trated with two sets of the 1 2 full-page photogravures after the original designs of Maurice Leloir, 200 engravings on wood, and an original unique water-color sketch by Leloir painted on the false title. 4to, preserved in a pink satin portfolio. $100.00. New York, 1884 *** Only 100 copies printed of this beautiful work. Cost the former owner $150.00. 652 STILES (H. R.). HISTORY OF KINGS COUNTY. Illus- trated. 2 very large and thick 410 vols., half morocco, gilt. $9.00. New York, n. d. 653 STERLING-MAXWELL (Sm WM.). DON JOHN OF AUSTRIA, OR PASSAGES FROM THE HISTORY OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY, 1547-1578. With very numerous wood engravings, consisting of portraits, illustrations of armor, weapons, art- workmanship, medals, naval and mili- tary equipments, devices, etc. 2 vols., large and thick 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $9.00. (Pub. $16.00.) London, 1883 *** This fine work is now out of print. The following is a selection from the List of Por- traits: Don John of Austria (18 portraits), the Emperor Charles V., King Philip II. of Spain, Pope Pius V., Pope Gregory XIII., Don Carlos, the Regent Juana, the Sultan Selim, Mahomet Sokolli, Henry IV. of France, Margaret of Valois, Anne of Austria, Francesco de Medicis, Catherine de Medicis, Ph. Marnix de St. Aldegonde, Queen Elizabeth of England, Mary Queen of Scots, Octavio Farnese, Alexander Farnese, Margaret of Austria, the Em- peror Maximilian, Cosmo de Medicis, William the Silent, Prince of Orange, Archduke Matthias of Austria, Luis Quixada, Andrea Dona, Marc Antonio Colonna, Sebastian Veniero, Doge of Venice ; Cardinal Granville, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Pietro Loredano, Doge of Venice : Duke of Alba, Mocenigo, Doge of Venice ; Don Luis de Requesens. 654 STORRS (REV. DR. R. S.). THE EARLY AMERICAN SPIRIT, AND THE GENESIS OF IT. Large 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt top. $4.00. New York, 1878 %* Large paper copy. 655 STOTHARD (Tnos.). ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, with descriptive sonnets by Rev. George Town- send. A series of 1 7 beautiful engravings on steel. Small 4to, calf, gilt. $3.00. London, 1840 656 STOTHARD (Tnos.). LIFE, with Personal Reminiscences, by Mrs. Bray. Portrait and numerous beautiful illustra- tions. Small 4to, new half morocco extra, gilt top. $7.50. London, 1851 7 98 The Havemeyer Library. 657 STOTHERT (JAMES). FRENCH AND SPANISH PAINTERS. A Critical and Biographical Account of the Artists of the French and Spanish Schools. With numerous engravings on steel. Imperial 8vo, olive morocco, gilt edges. $7.50. London, n. d. 658 STREETER (E. A.). GREAT DIAMONDS OF THE WORLD, THEIR HISTORY AND ROMANCE, edited by Jos. Hatton, and A. H. Keane. 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $1.50. London, 1882 %* This book is a romance of truth. The trite proverb that fact is stranger than fiction was never better illustrated than it is in the chapters composing this volume. 659 STRICKLAND (AGNES). LIVES OF THE QUEENS OF ENGLAND, 1 2 vols. LIVES OF THE QUEENS OF SCOTLAND, 8 vols.; also Mrs. Green's LIVES OF THE PRINCESSES OF ENGLAND, 6 vols. Together 26 vols., post 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt tops. $85.00. London, 1845-55 659* SULLY'S MEMOIRS. MEMOIRS OF MAXIMILIAN DE BE- THUNE, DUKE OF SULLY, Prime Minister to Henry the Great, containing the history of the life and reign of that monarch, and his own administration under him, the trial of Ravaillac, translated from the French. Illustrated by the addition of 1 1 1 portraits of political personages, many being rare and fine examples of engraving, and 31 plates, including i7th century views of Paris; also a clever sepia drawing of the Tower of London, and two documents, one on vellum, dated Pau, May, 1582, signed by Henri III., and another, dated 1550, signed by Ferdinand I., Emperor of Germany. 3 vols., 4to, speckled calf extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. $150.00. London, 1761 660 SWIFT (DEAN). TRAVELS INTO SEVERAL REMOTE NA- TIONS OF THE WORLD. In four parts. By Lemuel Gul- liver, first a surgeon and then a captain of several ships. First edition. Portrait (of Swift) by Sturt, lettered Captain Lemuel Gulliver of Redriff, setat. suae LVIII, and engraved maps. 2 vols., to which is added the rare third volume. 3 vols., small 8vo, full Cambridge panelled calf. $60.00. %* Superb copy of the genuine first issue. London, 1 7262 7 661 TALES OF THE CLASSICS. A new delineation of the most popular fables, legends, and allegories commemorated in the works of poets, painters, and sculptors, selected and written by a lady for the amusement and instruction of her own daughters. 3 vols., post 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $15.00. London, 1830 %* Scarce, A capital version, The Havemeyer Library. 99 662 TANDON (L.). WORLD OF THE SEA, translated from the French and enlarged by the Rev. H. M. Hart. Profusely illustrated with fine engravings on wood and steel, some colored. Large 8vo, full polished calf extra, gilt edges. $5.00. London, n. d. 663 TAYLOR (I.). VOYAGES PITTORESQUES ET ROMAN- TIQUES DANS L'ANCIENNE FRANCE, par MM. J. Tay- lor, Ch. Nodier, et A. de Cailleux. A series of about 4000 magnificent plates, vignettes, head and tail pieces, and ornamented borders, executed by the lithographic pro- cess, depicting the cathedrals, abbeys, castles, palaces, historic mansions, with sites, plans, sections, and ornamentations. 28 vols. bound in 20, imperial folio, new half red morocco, uncut. $750.00. Paris, 1820-78 * * This splendid work was originally published at 6000 francs. It describes everything of note in the provinces of Normaudie, Bretagne, Bourgogne, Auvergne, Picardie, Dauphine Languedoc, Tranche Comt6, et Champagne. The last part was published sixty years after the commencement of the work. Absolutely perfect copies like the above are of very rare occurrence. 664 TENNYSON (LORD ALFRED). WORKS, comprising : IN MEMORIAM, 1850; THE PRINCESS, a Medley, 1847; MAUD AND OTHER POEMS, 1855; IDYLLS OF THE KlNG, 1859; ENOCH ARDEN, etc., 1864; THE HOLY GRAIL AND OTHER POEMS, 1870; GARETH AND LYNETTE, etc., 1872; QUEEN MARY, 1875; HAROLD, 1877; THE LOVER'S TALE, 1879; BECKETT, 1884 all the original editions except the "In Memoriam," which is the second edition. Together, ii vols., foolscap 8vo, all in the original cloth but the " Idylls," which is half calf. $30.00. London, 1847-84 665 THACKERAY (W. M.). WORKS. The handsome Edition de Luxe, splendidly printed in large type on thick paper. Illustrated with 248 engravings on steel and 1473 on wood, besides 88 colored illustrations. 24 vols., imperial 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $150.00. London, 1878-79 %* Cost $240.00. 666 THAUSING (MORITZ). ALBERT DURER: HIS LIFE AND WORKS. With portraits and illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, new half olive levant extra, gilt tops. $10.50. London, 1882 V Handsome copy. 667 THEATRE (THE): A MONTHLY REVIEW AND MAGA- ZINE, from Vol. I. (new series), August, 1878, to January, 1887. Illustrated with a large number of fine photographs of leading actors and actresses, and numerous wood engravings ioo The Havemeyer Library. of scenes of celebrated plays. 1 1 vols., large 8vo, half blue morocco. $25.00. London, 1878-87 *** Among the portraits are those of Ellen Terry, Irving, the Kendals, Sarah Bemhardt, Violet Cameron, Adelaide Neilson, Fechter, Genevieve Ward, W. J. Florence, John T. Ray- mond, Modjeska, Christine Nilsson, Mary Anderson, Adelina Patti, Mrs. Langtry, etc. 668 THOMSON (D. C.). LIFE AND WORKS OF THOMAS BEWICK, Wood Engraver, being an Account of his Career and Achievements in Art, with notice of his brother, John Bewick. With ioo illustrations. Large 4to, new cloth. $25.00. London, 1882 ** Large paper copy ; 75 copies printed. 669 THOMSON QAMES). THE SEASONS. Bensley's splendid edition, printed in very large type. Illustrated with exqui- site engravings on copper by Bartolozzi. Brilliant impres- sions. Folio, substantially bound in old red morocco, gilt. $42.50. London, 1797 %* The most sumptuous edition of a poet ever issued ; the pictures for it were painted expressly by W. Hamilton. 670 THOMSON (MRS.). MEMOIRS OF THE JACOBITES of 1715- 43. Portraits. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf extra, gilt tops, by Tout. $12.00. London, 1845 MAGNIFICENT EXTRA ILLUSTRATED COPY. 671 THORNBURY (WALTER). OLD AND NEW LONDON: A NARRATIVE OF ITS HISTORY, ITS PEOPLE, AND ITS PLAN. Illustrated with several hundred engravings on wood, from the most authentic sources, and FURTHER ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 51 water- color drawings and 1400 en- gravings and etchings on steel and copper. 6 vols., imperial 8vo, inlaid and extended to 15 vols., folio, neatly and substantially bound in half morocco, gilt backs and cloth sides. $1500.00. London, 1860 CONTENTS: VOL. i. Roman London. Roman Pave- VOL. 9. West End Clubs. Crockford and ments. Whitefriars. Cliffords Inn. Marlborough House, Christie and Sergeants Inn. St. Bride's. Mansons. VOL. 2. Paternoster Row Chapter Coffee VOL. 10. Hyde Park. Apsley House, May House. Stationers Company. St. Fair, Chesterfield House, Grosvenor Mary Le-Bone. Heralds College. House. City Hall. VOL. u. Western Suburbs. Tattersalls, Chel- VOL. 3. Change Alley. Stock Exchange. sea Hospital, Don Salteros. Lloyds. Lothbury. The Drarjer, VOL. 12. Northern Suburbs. Hampstead, etc. Merchant Taylors Companies. Highgate, etc. VOL. 4. Crosby Hall. St. Helen's. East VOL. 13. Eastern Suburbs. Hackney, Kings- India House. Sion College. land, Tottenham, Edmonton. VOL. 5. Holbom Viaduct and Vicinity. VOL. 14. Southern Suburbs. Greenwich VOL. 6. St. Clements Inn. Lyons Inn. Park, Blackheath, Eltham, etc. Arundel House. VOL. 15. Southern Suburbs. St. George's VOL. 7. Thames Embankment Scotland Field, Surrey Theatre, Astley's, etc. Yard. United Service Museum. VOL. 8. Westminster Broad Sanctuary, and its Vicinity. The Hcwemeyer Library. 101 672 THUCYDIDES. HISTORY OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR, translated by Wm. Smith. Portrait and maps. 2 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt. $2.00. London, 1812 673 TICKNOR (GEORGE). LIFE, LETTERS, AND JOURNALS. 2 vols., crown 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $4.50. London, 1876 674 TIMES (JOHN). WORKS. An unusually complete collection of the writings of this popular writer. 28 vols., post 8vo and foolscap 8vo, cloth and boards, uncut. $50.00. London, 1822-69 ** Sets like the above very rarely occur. Comprising Walks and Talks about London, 1865 ; English Eccentrics and Eccentricities, 2 vols., 1866; London and Westminster, 2 vols., 1868; Romance of London, 3 vols., 1865; Anecdote Biography, three series, 3 vols., 1862-63 ' Popular Errors Explained and Illustrated, 1856; Ancestral Stories and Traditions of Great Families, 1869 ; Clubs and Club Life in Lon- don, n. d.; Curiosities of London, 1855 ; Things not Generally Known familiarly Explained, 1867; Knowledge for the Time, 1864; School-Days of Eminent Men, 1858; Cameleon Sketches, 1828; Picturesque Promenade round Dorking, 1822; Wellingtoniana, 1852; Knowl- edge for the People, four series, 4 vols., 1831 ; Oddities of History, n. d. ; One Thousand Domestic Hints, n. d. ; Thoughts for Times and Seasons, n. d. 675 TOURIST IN WALES: A SERIES OF VIEWS OF PICTUR- ESQUE SCENERY, TOWNS, CASTLES, ANTIQUITIES, ETC. A series of 50 fine engravings on steel after Bartlett and others, with descriptive letterpress. Also, Woodward's History of Wales, with 76 engravings on steel. 2 vols. Together 3 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt, gilt leaves. $15.00. London, 1843 676 TOURZEL (DUCHESSE DE). MEMOIRS, published by the Duke Des Cars. 2 vols., 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $6.00. London, 1886 677 TOWN AND COUNTRY MAGAZINE, from 1773 to 1781. This amusing old Magazine contains trials for divorces, histories and intrigues of the aristocracy of over half a century ago, under the titles of " T&e-a-Tete," each illustrated by portraits of the famous ladies and gentlemen, and other curious plates. 9 vols., thick 8vo, old calf, neat and clean. Scarce. $22.50. London, 1773-81 678. TRfiSOR ARTISTIQUE DE LA FRANCE, public sous la direction de Paul Dalloz, avec la collaboration, pour le texte, de Paul de Saint Victor, Maxime du Camp, Georges Berger, G. Lafenestre, Gamier, Falize fils, Louvrier de Lajolais, Paul Maritz, etc. A series of 39 plates, 30 of which are executed under the direction of Leon Vidal by his wonderful photo-chromic process, reproducing celebrated IO2 The Havemeyer Library. objects of art in the Galerie d'Apollon, Muse"e National du Louvre. 2 vols., atlas folio, new half morocco, gilt tops. $150.00. Paris, n. d. ** This magnificent book must be seen to be appreciated. The beautiful works of art in this celebrated gallery are reproduced with such amazing fidelity as to produce the effect of the originals by the wonderful preservation of their artistic value. 679 TROLLOPE (ANTHONY). NOVELS. 18 vols., 8vo, hand- somely bound in half calf, full gilt backs, gilt tops. $80.00. London, 1862-75 %* Handsome set, comprising Orley Farm, 2 vols. ; Can You Forgive Her? 2 vols. ; Last Chronicle of Barset, 2 vols. ; The Claverings, 2 vols. ; He Knew he was Right, 2 vols. ; Phineas Finn, 2 vols. ; Phineas Redux, 2 vols. ; Ralph the Heir; The Vicar of Bullhampton ; and The Way we Live Now. 680 TROLLOPE (FRANCES). LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF MICHAEL ARMSTRONG. With numerous clever illustrations by Onwhyn and others, engraved on copper. 8vo, half morocco. $4.00. London, 1840 681 TROLLOPE (T. A.). WHAT I REMEMBER. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, new half morocco extra, gilt tops. $7.50. London, 1887 682 TUCKERMAN (HENRY T.). BOOK OF THE ARTISTS : comprising biographical and critical sketches of American artists, preceded by an historical account of the rise and progress of art in America. Portrait. Large 8vo, morocco antique, gilt edges. $10.00. New York, 1867 %* Large paper copy of this handsomely printed book. 683 TURNER (J. M. W.). LIFE, by Walter Thornbury. Original Library Edition. EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the in- sertion of a large number of beautiful engravings on steel after Turner's works. 2 vols., thick 8vo, new polished tree calf extra, gilt tops. $40.00. London, 1862 ** " This Turner, whom you have known so little while he was living, will one day take his place beside Shakespeare and Verulam. By Shakespeare humanity was unveiled ; by Verulam the principles of nature; and by Turner its aspects." RUSKIN. 684 TURNER (J. M. W.). PICTURESQUE VIEWS IN ENG- LAND AND WALES from drawings by Turner, engraved under the superintendence of Charles Heath, with descriptive and historic illustrations by H. E. Lloyd. A series of 96 beau- tiful engravings on steel. 2 vols., imperial 4to, full blue morocco extra, gilt tops. $175.00. London, 1827-38 %* Large paper. Fine copy. " The grand and picturesque effects of this great master of English landscape painting are truthfully exhibited in this, which, after the Liber Studiorum, may be considered his finest work. The engraving was executed by the best English artists and possesses all the fidelity to nature of the original drawings." The Havemeyer Library. 103 685 TURNER GALLERY : A Series of 60 engravings on steel from the principal works of Turner, with a memoir and illustrative text by R. N. Wornum. LARGE PAPER WITH ARTISTS' PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER of the 60 beautiful plates. Atlas folio, half morocco, gilt edges. $65.00. London, 1875 *** Cost $110.00. "A series of engravings from Turner's finest pictures, and of a size and quality commensu- rate with their importance, has not till now been offered to the public. " In selecting the subjects the publisher has chosen judiciously. Many of his grandest pro- ductions are in this series of engravings, and the ablest landscape engravers of the day have been employed on the plates, among which are some that, we feel assured, Turner himself would have been delighted to see. These proof impressions constitute a volume of exceeding beauty, which deserves to find a place in the library of every man of taste. The number of copies printed is too limited fora wide circulation, but, on that account, the rarity of the publi- cation makes it the more valuable. " It is not too much to affirm that a more beautiful and worthy tribute to the genius of the great painter does not exist and is not likely to exist at any future time. " A rt Journal. 686 UNGER (Wn.). A COLLECTION OF SEVENTY-TWO BEAU- TIFUL ETCHINGS AFTER THE OLD MASTERS by this cele- brated etcher, including examples of the best pictures of Rembrandt, Rubens, Van Dyck, Ruysdael, Tintoretto, Guido, Poussin, Ostade, Jan Steen, Wouvermans, Paul Potter, Frans Hals, Paul Veronese, Jordaens, Brower, etc., with critical and descriptive notes by C. Vosmaer. The text handsomely printed on Holland paper. Imperial folio, new half brown levant extra, gilt top. $50.00. New York (Leyden), 1876 * f * " No engraver who ever lived has so completely identified himself with painters he had to interpret as Prof. Unger, in the seventy-two plates which compose his works. . . . Mr. Vosmaer, the now well-known critic, has much increased the interest in Unger's etchings by accompanying them with valuable descriptive and critical notes. . . . We recommend them strongly to all artists and lovers of art." PHILIP GILBERT HAMERTON. 687 UZANNE (OCTAVE). L'EVENTAIL ET L'OMBRELLE, LE GANT, ET LE MANCHON. The two works exquisitely illus- trated with vignettes printed in various colors from designs by Paul Avril. 2 vols., large 8vo, handsomely bound in blue levant inlaid, double, gilt tops. $100.00. Paris, 1882-83 ** Original issue. Choice copies. 688 VALENTINE (D. T.). MANUAL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. A set from 1850 to 1870, but wanting the volumes for 1851 and 1867. Illustrated with a large number of plates and wood engravings of scenes and buildings of New York, and with a series of maps mounted on linen and preserved in cases. 19 vols., i2mo, and 3 cases of maps, all in half red morocco, gilt. $100.00. New York, 1850-70 ** Sets are very rare. The missing volumes can be supplied. iO4 The Havemeyer Library. 689 VANDERBILT'S (MR.) HOUSE AND COLLECTION, des- cribed by Edward Strahan. Profusely illustrated with etch- ings, colored lithographs, and photogravures of the house, paintings, statuary, bric-a-brac, interior decoration, etc. Japanese paper copy. 8 parts folio in 4 half morocco portfolios. $250.00. Phila., n. d. *** Cost $500.00. This magnificent work, of which the chromo-lithographic plates in gold and silver and colors are remarque proofs, is one of the most sumptuous issued in any country. The paper upon which the text is printed is the heaviest Japanese paper made at the Imperial manufac- tories in Japan. The photogravures and etchings are on separate mounts and the chromo- lithographs on heavy bristol board. 690 VANITY FAIR : A WEEKLY SHOW OF POLITICAL, SOCIAL, AND LITERARY WARES. A complete series of this famous Comic Journal from its commencement in November, 1868, to the end of December, 1887, with all the remarkable full- page cartoons and caricatures of celebrated personages in Political, Social, and Literary Life. 39 vols. in 38, small folio, half morocco. $225.00. London, 1868-87 V* Sets like the above in such nice clean state are very scarce and valuable. 691 VAPEREAU (G.). DICTIONNAIRE UNIVERSEL DES CON- TEMPORAINS, contenant toutes les personnes notables de la France et de pays Strangers. Very thick 8vo, half red mo- rocco. $5.00. Paris, 1870. 692 VELASQUEZ AND MURILLO. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THEIR WORKS, by Charles B. Curtis, com- prising a list of the paintings of these artists, classified by subjects, the name of the present owner, a description of each picture, its history from the earliest known date, with references to the earliest authors by whom it has been mentioned, the collections in which it has existed, or sales in which it has appeared, the engravings after it, and other historical notes. Also, lists of lost or unidentified pictures, an account of the lives and works of the disciples of these artists, and a complete index. Handsomely printed on thick paper and illustrated with 4 fine etchings. Folio, new cloth, uncut. $12.00. New York, 1883 ** Large Paper, with the plates in three states. Only 100 copies printed. Published at $20.00. " The compiler of this very complete and admirably arranged catalogue deserves the thanks of all students of art. . . . We only wish he would do for the principal artists of other nations what he has done for those of Spain. The area of the author's researches has been very extensive, and the amount of information that he has gathered and arranged is a remark- able example of what can be achieved by patience and methodical system." The Academy, London. " Son remarq uable Catalogue est une volume a qui tout amateur reserve dans sa biblio- theque une place d'^lite a c6t6 du Catalogue Raisonne de Smith." PAUL LEROY in L'Art. 693 VERNON GALLERY OF BRITISH ART : A collec- tion of 152 splendid engravings on steel after Turner, Land- The Havemeyer Library. 105 seer, David Roberts, Stanfield, Callcott, Maclise, and other distinguished artists by the best line engravers. Large paper, with brilliant artists' proofs of the plates. 5 vols. in 2, imperial folio, substantially bound in full green morocco, gilt backs and sides, gilt edges. $80.00. London, 1849-53 %* This splendid collection of paintings, including important pictures by the most eminent British painters, was formed by Robert Vernon, who presented it to the British nation and it now rests in the National Gallery. The fifth volume is often wanting and is very rare. 694 VIRGIL. THE ECLOGUES : an English version by Samuel Palmer. Beautifully printed on heavy hand-made paper. With 14 original illustrations by the translator. Folio, vellum, gilt, rough edges. $25.00. London, 1883 * f * Large Paper : 135 copies printed. " One of the few really great English etchers .... As for the thoughts he has to express, they are pure poetry, and come to him from that rich realm of the imagination which the poets only can find at all, and which they find everywhere. There is more feeling and in- sight and knowledge in one twig drawn by his hand than in the life's production of many a well-known artist." PHILIP GILBERT HAMERTON. 695 VIRGIL. WORKS, translated by Dryden. Illustrated by 100 curious copper plates by Hollar, Lombart, etc. Folio, old calf. $7.50. London, 1701 *** Nice copy. Rare. 696 VIRGIL. WORKS, translated by Dryden. 3 vols., large 8vo, red crimped morocco, tooled backs and sides, gilt edges. $15.00. London, 1803 %* Large Paper. Fine copy. 697 VIZETELLY (H.). PARIS IN PERIL. With 16 plates. 2 vols., 8vo, new half crimson morocco extra, gilt tops. $5.50. London, 1882 698 VOITURE (V.). WORKS, IN VERSE AND PROSE, freely translated by Dryden, Drake, Tom Brown, Ozell, etc. Por- trait. 2 vols., small 8vo, new mottled calf extra, yellow edges. $5.00. London, 1736 %* Fine copy ; scarce. 699 VOLTAIRE. LA PUCELLE, poeme, suivi des Contes et Satires de Voltaire. With 22 fine engravings on copper by G. Ponce. EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of upward of 100 beautiful plates, many in proof state, on India paper, after designs by Moreau and other eminent artists, i vol., 4to, extended to 2, elegantly bound in full crimson gros- grained levant, crushed and polished, full gilt backs, gilt rules on sides, inside borders of gold, gilt edges. $75.00. De PImprimerie de la Societe litteraire-typographique, 1789 % * Choice copy of this beautiful edition. io6 The Havemcycr Library. 700 WAAGEN'S (Da.) TREASURES OF ART IN GREAT BRIT- AIN*, being an account of the chief collections of paintings, drawings, sculptures, illuminated MSS., 3 vols. ; and, GAL- LERIES AND CABINETS OF ART IN GREAT BRITAIN, forming a supplemental volume to the TREASURES OF ART. Together, 4 vols., 8vo, new half calf, gilt, marble edges. $22.50. London, 1854-57 701 WAGNER (DR. W.). ASGARD AND THE GODS : the Tales and Traditions of our Northern Ancestors, forming a com- plete manual of Norse mythology. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt $1.50. London, 1887 702 WAGNER (DR. W.). EPICS AND ROMANCES of the Middle Ages. Numerous illustrations. Thick 8vo, new cloth, gilt. $1.50. London, 1886 703 WALFORD (EDWARD). TALES OF OUR GREAT FAMILIES. Both series. 4 vols., crown 8vo, new half calf extra, gilt tops. $9.00. London, 1877-80 704 WALKER'S STATISTICAL ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES. Large folio, half bound $10.00. New York, 1874 VABomlMabfeworic. 705 WALLACE (D. MACKENZIE). RUSSIA. Folding colored map. 2 vols., 8vo, new half green morocco extra, gilt tops $6.00. London, 1877 '.* A* ably written work. 706 WALLON (H.). JEANNE D'ARC. Beautifully printed on heavy vellum paper and illustrated with 14 very fine chromo- lithographic plates besides 150 fine engravings on wood. Thick large 8vo, new half red morocco extra, gilt edges. $10.00. Paris, 1876 V A beautify roteae pri* dttt known of Jot* of Arc. 707 WALPOLE (HORACE). ANECDOTES OF PAINTING ix ENGLAND, enlarged by the Rev. James Dallaway. Major's beautiful edition. With 1 50 very fine portraits and plates, engraved by Worthington, Finden, etc., and with a dupli- cate set of the plates ARTISTS' TRIAL PROOFS and of the wood engravings on India paper. 5 vols., large 8vo, newly bound in full dark blue morocco, gilt tops, Jansen style. $150.00. London, 1828 ',* Choice copy. Qwt$3$o.ao. The Havemeyer Library, 107 708 WALPOLE (HORACE). ANECDOTES OF PAINTING IN ENGLAND, AND CATALOGUE OF ENGLISH ENGRAVERS, WITH LIVES AND NOTES. With fine impressions of the numerous beautiful portraits. 5 vols., small 410, old green morocco, gilt edges. $55.00. Strawberry Hill, 1762 %* The rare Strawberry Hill edition ; fine copy. 709 WALPOLE (HORACE). CATALOGUE OF THE ROYAL AND NOBLE AUTHORS OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRKI..\M\ with lists of their works, enlarged and continued by Thos. Park. Brilliant impressions of the 150 fine portraits on copper. 5 vols., 410, green morocco extra. $75.00, London, 1806 ** Large Paper copy ; rare, 710 WALPOLE. CATALOGUE OF THE CLASSIC CONTENTS OF STRAWBERRY HILL. 10 days' sale. Portrait, plate, and vignettes. 4to, half morocco extra. $4.50. London, 1842 ** Fine copy. 711 WALTON AND COTTON. THE COMPLETE ANGLER,\vith illustrative notes. Major's beautiful edition. Illustrated with nearly too highly finished engravings on copper and wood, to which have been added 22 additional plates, all of the engravings being India proofs. Thick post 8vo, crushed gros-grain levant extra, with elaborately tooled sides and back, and inside joints, by Pratt. $50.00. London, 1822 %* Large paper copy of Major's first edition. Very scarce. 712 WALTON AND COTTON. THE COMPLETE ANGLER, edited with original memoirs and notes, by Sir Harris Nicolas. Illustrated with upwards of 50 beautiful engrav- ings from designs by Stothard and Inskipp. 2 vols., im- perial 8vo, cloth, uncut. $75.00. London, Pickering, 1836 %* Very scarce in this fine condition. 713 WARD (A. W.). DICKENS. Portrait. Illustrated by the insertion of 37 fine extra plates, and 2 autograph signed letters. Post 8vo, new half green levant extra, gilt top. $21.00. London, 1882 *,* Choice copy. 714 WARING (J. B.). MASTERPIECES OF INDUSTRIAL ART AND SCULPTURE AT THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OK 1862. 300 beautiful chromo-lithographic plates. 3 vols., folio, whole bound in red morocco extra, gilt edges. $50.00. London, 1864 *,* A magnificent, useful, and interesting souvenir of the Exhibition of 1862, rendering with great fidelity the chefs-d'oeuvre of an and industry there exhibited. io8 . The Hcwemeyer Library. 715 WATERTON'S WANDERINGS IN SOUTH AMERICA, edited, with notes, by Wood. 100 wood-cuts. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. $2.25. London, 1879 %* "Many years ago, while barely in my ' teens," I had the good fortune to fall in with Waterton's Wanderings, then newly placed in the school library. The book fascinated me. Week after week I took it out of the library, and really think that I could have repeated it verbatim from beginning to end." J. G. WOOD. 716 WHARTON (GRACE AND PHILIP). THE WITS AND BEAUX OF SOCIETY, 2 vols., and QUEENS OF SOCIETY, 2 vols. Together 4 vols., crown 8vo, profusely illustrated with engravings on wood, half calf extra. $10.00. London, n. d. 7 1 7 WHISTLER ( J. A. M.). ETCHINGS OF VIEWS ON THE RIVER THAMES, including the artist's portrait. A series of 15 very fine etchings mounted on cardboard, and enclosed in a cloth portfolio, imperial folio size. $150.00. London, 1859 %* Proofs on Japanese paper. 718 WHITTIER (J. G.). WORKS. Large paper copy, hand- somely printed on fine paper. Portrait. 7 vols., 8vo, boards. Boston, 1883 719 WILLIAMS (SAMUEL). THE NATURAL AND CIVIL HIS- TORY OF VERMONT. Post 8vo, new speckled calf, gilt, gilt edges. $10.00. Walpole, N. H., 1794 ** Very scarce ; fine copy. 720 WILLOUGHBY. So MUCH OF THE DIARY OF LADY WlLLOUGHBY AS RELATES TO HER DOMESTIC HISTORY AND TO THE EVENTFUL PERIOD OF THE REIGN OF CHARLES I. Both series. 2 vols., small 410, elegantly bound in tree calf extra. $13.50. London, 1844-48 %* Handsomely printed book. 721 WILLSHIRE (W. H.). INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY AND COLLECTION OF ANCIENT PRINTS. With 3 engrav- ings of rare prints. 2 vols., 8vo, new half morocco, gilt tops. $7.50. London, 1877 722 Same. First edition. Thick 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. $4.50. London, 1874 723 WILSON (C. H.). LIFE AND WORKS OF MICHELANGELO BUONARROTTI. Illustrated. Large 8vo, new cloth, gilt top. $5.00. London, 1876 724 WILSON (JOHN W.). COLLECTION EXPOSED DANS LA GALERIE DU CERCLE ARTISTIQUE ET LITTERAIRE DE BRUXELLES. A series of 68 beautiful etchings from the most remarkable pictures in this celebrated collection by The Havemeyer Library. 109 Greux, Chauvel, Martial, Rajon, Gaucherel, Jacquemart, Hedouin, Flameng, Lalanne, etc. Royal 4.10, new half red morocco, gilt top. $22.50. Paris, 1873 ** First edition. 725 WINCKELMANN (JOHN). HISTORY OF ANCIENT ART, translated from the German by G. H. Lodge, with life of the author. Handsomely printed on heavy calendered paper, and illustrated with portrait and 75 outline engrav- ings reproducing the most remarkable examples of ancient art. 2 vols., royal 4.10, new half olive morocco, gilt tops. $20.00. Boston, 1880 * f * Large paper ; 100 copies printed. " It is not too much to say that, despite the progress of archaeological science and the dis- coveries of art objects since his day, his work remains indispensable and, within its limits, un- surpassed. The student of art must begin with Winckelmann, if he would lay the foundations of a broad and genuine knowledge of the subject. " Its profound scholarship, its patient attention to detail, and its consistency of aim have combined to make it equally valuable to artist and art lover." 726 WINKLES. ARCHITECTURAL AND PICTURESQUE ILLUS- TRATIONS OF THE CATHEDRAL CHURCHES OF ENGLAND AND WALES, with descriptions by Thomas Moule. A series of 180 beautiful engravings on copper by Winkles. 3 vols., imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. $17.50. London, 1836 727 WOLLSTONECRAFT (MARY). LETTERS WRITTEN DUR- ING A SHORT RESIDENCE IN SWEDEN, NORWAY, AND DEN- MARK. Large thin 8vo, new half brown morocco extra, gilt top. $5.00. London, 1796 ** Fine copy. 728 WORDSWORTH (CHRISTOPHER). GREECE, PICTORIAL, DESCRIPTIVE, AND HISTORICAL. With map, steel engrav- ings, and nearly 400 wood-cuts of Greek scenery, architec- ture, costume, and fine arts. Large thick 8vo, new tree calf extra, gilt edges. $10.00. London, 1868 729 WORDSWORTH (WM.). POETICAL WORKS. Moxon's charming illustrated edition. 7 vols., foolscap 8vo, new half olive levant extra, gilt tops. $17.50. London, 1841 730 WORLIDGE (T.). A SELECT COLLECTION OF DRAW- INGS FROM CURIOUS ANTIQUE- GEMS. A series of 180 beautiful plates of gems etched after the manner of Rem- brandt, with preface and descriptions. 3 vols., 4to, old red morocco, gilt sides and back. $60.00. London, 1768 %* Fine copy of the rare original edition, with fine impressions of the plates. With book- plate of Philip, Earl of Hardwicke. 1 10 The Havemeyer Library. 731 WRAXALL (SiR N. W.). HISTORICAL AND POSTHU- MOUS MEMOIRS, 1772-84, edited, with notes and additional chapters from the author's unpublished MS., by Henry B. Wheatley. Numerous portraits on steel. 5 vols., 8vo, new half green morocco extra, gilt tops. $17.50. London, 1884 732 WRIGHT (THOS.). CARICATURE HISTORY OF THE GEORGES. Illustrated. Thick post 8vo, new half calf extra. $3.00. London, n. d. 733 WRIGHT'S (Tnos.) WOMANKIND IN WESTERN EUROPE FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE SEVENTEENTH CEN- TURY. With illuminated title-page, 10 fine colored plates and numerous engravings on wood. Small 4to, new half claret morocco, gilt top. $6.00. London, 1869 734 WYATT'S (DIGBY) INDUSTRIAL ARTS OF THE XlXra CENTURY. Illustrations of the choicest specimens of every kind of workmanship exhibited at the great Exhibition of 1851, with critical and explanatory notes. 158 large plates elaborately printed in colors. 3 large vols., folio, morocco. $47.50. London, 1851-53 *** Fine tall copy of this superb work. A series of illustrations of the choicest specimens produced by every nation, comprising sculpture, metal work, textile fabrics, lace and embroid- ery, porcelain, glass and earthenware, furniture, Indian and Oriental objects, etc. 735 YOSY (A.). SWITZERLAND, as now divided into Nineteen Cantons, with picturesque representations of dress and manners of the Swiss. With 50 fine plates of costume, colored by hand. Large 8vo, new speckled calf extra, marbled edges. $6.00. London, 1815 736 YOUNG (JENNIE J.). THE CERAMIC ART. With 404 engravings on wood. Large 8vo, cloth. $3.00. New York, 1878 737 YRIARTE (CHAS.). FLORENCE : its History : the Medici, the Humanists, Letters, Arts. With 53 fine full-page en- gravings on wood and photogravures, and several hundred cuts in the text. Imperial 4to, new half wine-colored levant extra, gilt top. $10.00. London, 1881 ADDENDA. COMPRISING A CHOICE SELECTION FROM THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE JAMES T. BRUCE. 738 ANGELO (HENRY). REMINISCENCES, WITH MEMOIRS OF HIS FATHER AND FRIENDS, portrait, 2 vols., 1828. Also, THE Pic-Nic, OR TABLE TALK, INCLUDING NUMER- OUS RECOLLECTIONS OF PUBLIC CHARACTERS. Colored frontispiece by George Cruikshank, i vol., 1834. The 3 vols. extended by the insertion of nearly 300 illustrations, including many choice and rare portraits of actors, ac- tresses, statesmen, and celebrated personages, autograph letters of Macready, Talma, Astley, Smirke, Heath, and others, and 10 original water-color drawings by the cele- brated caricaturist Rowlandson. Together, 6 vols., 8vo, handsomely bound in mottled calf extra, gilt edges, by Morrell. $350.00. London, 1828-34 ** _ A very choke set, the extra illustrations evidently executed by one thoroughly posted, as there is not a poor plate in the set. The original water-colors of Rowlandson are the finest specimens of his work in this line I have ever seen. The books comprise recollections and anecdotes of public characters for a period of fifty years. Among the portraits are fine ones of Angelo, Garrick and his wife, Goldsmith, Pope, Gray, Swift, Prior, Allan Ramsay, Cuyier, Stubbs, Benj. West, Kean, James Lacy, Shakespeare, Dr. Arne, Mrs. Yates, Moody, Sheridan and his wife, George Colman, Chevalier d'Eon, Home Tooke, John Glyn, Sterne, Mrs. Sid- dons (very fine), Sir Joshua Reynolds, Wellington, Rodney G. Montague, Margravine of Anspach, Lord Byron, Capt. Barclay, Munden, Lee Lewes, John Johnstone, Mrs. Bland, Duke of Bedford, Macklin, John Kemble, Heath, Dr. Burney, Duke of Cambridge, James Perry, Hobhouse, O'Keefe, Braham, Fawcett, Kelly, Louis XVIII., Lord Moira, Dr. John- son, Ellenborough, Mrs. Glover, Master Betty, Mrs_. Dickons, Duchess of Ancaster, Mrs. Abington, Sir Wm. and Lady Hamilton, Mrs. Billington, Chas. Kemble, Canning, Tom King, Duke of Portland, Lord Howe, Lord Keppel, Lord Hood, Erskine, Mrs. Cowley, Dodd, Mrs. Egerton, Marquis of Anglesey, Louis XVI., Mrs. Crouch, SirH. Halford, Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Barry, Quick, Col. Herres, Robespierre, Earl of Harrington, Wm. Parsons, Duchesse de Bern, Napoleon, G. F. Cooke, Catherine II. (fine), Marquis of Granby, Sir Wm. Beechey, Hoppner, Sir Thos. Laurence, Rembrandt, Richard Wilson, Sir James Thornhill, Lord George Gordon, Mrs. Hartley, Chas. Churchill, Struter, Bannister, Wm. Shields, Capt. Grose, Sir. Wm. Chambers, Beau Nash, Payne Knight, Wm. Beckford, Owen, Paul Sandby, Hogarth, Peter Pindar, Fox, _Northcote, George Vertue, Mrs. Trimmer, Cruikshank (fine), Thos. Britton, Anthony Pasquin, Barrymore and Capt. Wathen, Edwin, Bensley, John Wesley, Foote, Listen, Pitt, Mrs. R. Humphrey, Gilhay, Vanbrugh, Warren Hastings, Lord North, Duchess of Devonshire, Mrs. Fitzherbert, Gibbon, Sir John Moore, Robert and E. Perreau, Lord Thurlow, Dr. Warton, Bute, James Barry, Sarah, Duchess of Mariborough, Vernon, Sir Sydney Smith, Tom Moore, Nelson, Gen. Dumourier, George II. , George III., John Dennis, Dryden, Woodward, Fred. Reynolds, Wm. T. Fitzgerald, Thos. Morton, Thos. Holcrpft, Lewis, Talma (fine), John Howard Payne, Dr. Parr, Sir Francis Burdett, Chas. Dibdin, Comte de Grasse, D'Egville, Mrs. Alsop, Thos. Campbell, Scott, Wroughton, James Sadler, Prince of Orange, Bulwer, Arthur Murphy, Chas. Taylor, Wil- berforce, Robert Coates, " Monk " Lewis, Sir Eyre Coote, Duke of Kent, Peg Woffington, Dignum, Parsons, Burton, John Flaxman, Rich. Westmacott, Canova, Jane Porter, Thomp- son, Edmund Burke, Lord Mansfield, Theodore Hook, Smollett, Whitfield, Aberdeen, Chas. Kemble, Harley, Macready (fine), Person, Earl Grey, Miss Mellon, Queen Caroline, Tate, Wilkinson, etc. , besides numerous views of places of interest in London and its vicinity. ii2 Addenda. 739 AUSTEN (JANE). NOVELS. 6 vols., crown 8vo, new tree calf extra. $22.50. London, 1870 V* Elegant set, comprising: "Sense and Sensibility"; "Emma"; "Lady Susan"; " Pride and Prejudice " ; " Northanger Abbey " ; " Persuasion " ; " Mansfield Park," and " Memoir." 740 BARTLETT (WM. H.). ILLUSTRATED WORKS. With a profusion of fine steel plates by Cousen, Brandard, and other well-known engravers, after the author's drawings. 8 vols., royal 8vo, full polished calf extra, gilt edges. $60.00. London, 1851-61 %*Fine set, comprising: "Forty Days in the Desert"; "Walks about Jerusalem" ; " Footsteps of our Lord " ; " Gleanings of the Overland Route " ; " Pictures from Sicily " ; "The Pilgrim Fathers"; "Jerusalem Revisited, " and " Nile Boat." 741 BROWNE (SiR THOS.). WORKS, including his life and correspondence, edited by Simon Wilkin. Pickering's beautifully printed edition. Portrait. 4 vols., 8vo, ele- gantly bound in full crushed levant, elaborately tooled sides and backs, gilt tops. $45.00. London, 1836 * f * Superb copy. 742 BURGOYNE (GEN.). DRAMATIC AND POETICAL WORKS, with memoir. Fine copper plates by Corbould. 2 vols. in i , 8vo, half calf, uncut. $12.50. London, 1808 %* Large paper copy ; very rare. 743 BURKE (SiR BERNARD). THE RISE OF GREAT FAMILIES. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. $4.00. London, 1873 *** Scarce. 744 BURKE (SiR BERNARD). VICISSITUDES OF FAMILIES. 2 vols., crown 8vo, new half green morocco extra. $7.50. London, 1869 ** Scarce. 745 [CAMPBELL (JOHN FRANCIS)]. LIFE IN NORMANDY: Sketches of French fishing, farming, cooking, natural his- tory, and politics, drawn from nature. With numerous tinted plates. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. $6.00. Edinburgh, 1863 %* Best edition of this capital book. 746 CARLETON (WM.). TRAITS AND STORIES OF THE IRISH PEASANTRY. Portrait and numerous fine plates by " Phiz," Franklin, Harvey, Gilbert, etc. 2 vols., 8vo, handsomely bound in full mottled calf extra. $15.00. London, 1864 747 CELLINI (BENVENUTO). MEMOIRS, translated by J. A. Symonds. With portrait and 8 etchings by Laguillermie, and 1 8 reproductions of the works of Cellini printed in gold, silver, and bronze. Large paper copy, with proofs of the Addenda. 1 1 3 plates on India paper. 2 vols., super royal 8vo, new cloth boards, uncut. $25.00. London, 1888 ** Only 100 copies printed in this size of this fine edition. Cellini stands before us, in his memoirs, unsophisticated and unembellished, with all his native faults upon him, and with all his potent energies portrayed in the veracious manner of Velazquez, with bold strokes and ani- mated play of light and color. This autobiography is the record of action and passion. Suf- fering, enjoying, enduring, working with resdess activity; hating, loving, hovering from place to place as impulse moves him, the man presents himself dramatically by his deeds and spoken words, never by his pondering or meditative broodings. It is this healthy externality which gives its great charm to Cellini's self-portrayal, and rendered it an imperishable document for the student of human nature. 748 CHOLMONDELEY-PENNELL (H.). FISHING, with contributions from other authors: Salmon and trout and pike and other coarse fish. Numerous cuts. 2 vols., crown 8vo, cloth. $4.50. London, 1885 *** Badminton Library. 749 COBDEN CLUB ESSAYS, SECOND SERIES, 1871-1872. 8vo, cloth, uncut. $4.00. London, 1872 750 DARWIN (CHAS.). DESCENT OF MAN, AND SELECTION IN RELATION TO SEX. Wood-cuts. 2 vols., crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. $6.00. London, 1871 *** First edition. 751 EBERS (GEORGES). L'EGVPTE, traduction de Gaston Maspero. Illustrated with a profusion of beautiful engrav- ings on wood, comprising portraits, views, scenes, orna- ments, antiquities, etc. 2 vols., imperial 4to, new half olive green levant extra, gilt tops. $20.00. Paris, 1880 ** " Comme execution artistique et typographique, ' 1'Egypte ' de Georges Ebers, traduite si elegamment par M. Maspero, depasse en beaute tout ce qui a ete entrepris dans une genre analogue, et nous declarons qui la maison Didot, par le tirage splendide de ses gravures sur bois, la belle entente et la correction du texte, a faite un chef-d'oeuvre." LE LIVRE. 752 FRANCIS (DR.). OLD NEW YORK; OR, REMINISCENCES OF THE PAST SIXTY YEARS, with memoir of the author by Henry T. Tuckerman. Portrait. LARGE PAPER COPY. i vol. extended to 2, by the insertion of 284 fine portraits of prominent personages connected with the history of the metropolis and views of places of interest, including many very rare engravings. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt tops. $125.00. New York, 1865 %* Only ico copies printed on large paper. 753 FRASER GALLERY. A GALLERY OF ILLUSTRIOUS LITERARY CHARACTERS. A series of 83 clever and charac- teristic portraits by Daniel Maclise, accompanied by bio- graphic notices by Dr. Wm. Maginn, edited, with preface and copious notes, by Wm. Bates. 4to, cloth, gilt, gilt edges. $9.00. London, n. d. ** A reproduction of the portraits originally published in Fraser's Magazine, in 1830-38, with the biographical and critical sketches with which they were accompanied. The portraits 8 H4 Addenda. of Hallam, Thackeray, and Maclise, not included among those originally published, have been added. The notes of Maginn supplemented by those of Bates render this one of the most in- teresting collections of the kind ever issued. 754 GORDON (WM.). HISTORY OF THE RISE, PROGRESS, AND ESTABLISHMENT OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Map. 4 vols., 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops. $15.00. London, 1788 V* Fine uncut copy. 755 HOMER. THE ILIAD, rendered into English blank verse, by Edward, Earl of Derby. 2 vols., 8vo, elegantly bound in full mottled calf extra. $10.00. London, 1864 756 HOWITT (WM. AND MARY). COLLECTED WORKS. With numerous illustrations. 28 vols., royal 8vo, 8vo, and small 8vo, uniformly bound in full light polished calf extra, gilt edges. $150.00. London, v. d. Muses, 2 vols., 1835; Book of the Seasons, 1840; Boys' Country Book, 1841; German Ex- periences, 1844; Wanderings of a Journeyman Tailor, 1844; Hall and Hamlet, 2 vols., 1848; Year Book, 1850 ; Literature of the North of Europe, 2 vols. , 1852 ; Man of the People, 3 vols., 1860; Supernatural, 2 vols., 1863: Discovery of Australia, 2 vols., 1865. 757 HOWITT (WM.). NORTHERN HEIGHTS OF LONDON; OR, HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIONS OF HAMPSTEAD, HIGHGATE, MUSWELL HILL, HORNSEY, AND ISLINGTON. Thick 8vo, new cloth, uncut. $10.00. London, 1869 * * Very scarce. 758 HOWITT (WM.). VISITS TO REMARKABLE PLACES: old halls, battlefields, and scenes illustrative of striking pass- ages in English history and poetry. With numerous fine engravings on wood. 8vo, full straight grained morocco extra, gilt top. $6.00. London, 1840 V First edition. 759 INMAN (DR.). ANCIENT FAITHS EMBODIED IN ANCIENT NAMES ; OR, AN ATTEMPT TO TRACE THE RELIGIOUS BELIEF, SACRED RITES, AND HOLY EMBLEMS OF CERTAIN NATIONS, by an interpretation of the names given to children by priestly authority, or assumed by prophets, kings and hierarchs. Profusely illustrated with engravings on wood. 2 thick volumes, upwards of 1000 pages each. Cloth, uncut. $25.00. London, printed for the author, 1868-70 ** Only 500 copies printed. " Dr.^Inman's present attempt to trace the religious belief, sacred rites, and holy emblems of certain nations, has opened up to him many hitherto unexplored fields of research, or, at least, fields that have not been over-cultivated, and. the result is a most curious and miscella- neous harvest of facts. The ideas on priapism developed in a former volume receive further extension in this. Dr. Inman, as will be seen, does not fear to touch subjects usually consid- ered sacred in an independent manner, and some of the results at which he has arrived are Addenda. 1 1 5 such as will undoubtedly startle, if not shock, die orthodox. But this is what the author ex- pects, and for this he has thoroughly prepared himself. In illustration of his peculiar views he has ransacked a vast variety of historical storehouses, and with great trouble and at considerable cost, he places the conclusions at which he has arrived before the world." 760 ITALIAN CLASSICS. Complete set of the magnificent editions issued by the Societal Letteraria, printed in very large type, and illustrated with portraits on steel, by Raf- faello Morghen. 15 vols., folio, full calf, gilt, with the coat- of-arms of the Earl of Clare stamped in gold on sides. $50.00. Pisa, 1804-11, and Firenze, 1805 The portraits by themselves are worth the price asked for the set * f * Comprising: Dante, la Divina Commedia, con illustrazipni, portraits, and plates, 4 vols., Pisa, 1804-1 809 ; Petrarca, le Rime, portrait, Pisa, 1805 ; Ppliziano, le Stanze, portrait, Firenze, 1 805 ; Tasso, la Gerusalemme Liberata, portrait, 2 vols. , Pisa, 1807 ; Ariosto, Orlando Furipso e Satire, portrait, 6 vols. in 5, Pisa, 1809 ; Tassoni, la Secchia Rapita, vignette portrait, Pisa, 1811. Most of them edited by Giovanni Rosini, an erudite Italian litterateur. 761 KETTNER'S BOOK OF THE TABLE: A Manual of Cookery, practical, theoretical, and historical. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. $3.50. London, 1877 ** A capital book. 762 KING (C. W.). NATURAL HISTORY, ANCIENT AND MOD- ERN, of Precious Stones and Gems, and of the precious metals. Plates and cuts. Large 8vo, cloth, uncut. $6.00. London, 1865 ** Scarce. 763 [KNAPP (J. L.)]. JOURNAL OF A NATURALIST. With n plates containing many figures and wood-cut vignette. Post 8vo, full green calf, gilt back, rules on side, inside borders, gilt edges. $4.50. London, 1830 ** A worthy companion to White's History of Selbome. 764 LA MOTTE FOUQUfi. UNDINE, AND THEIR TALES. With engravings on wood by Herrick. Thick i6mo, half smooth morocco, gilt top. $5.00. New York, 1869 765 LANDSCAPE ANNUALS. Complete series from 1830 to 1839. With about 200 very fine engravings on steel by the best artists from drawings by David Roberts, Prout, Harding, and other well known painters. LARGE PAPER COPY WITH PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER. IO VOls., royal 8vO, full green morocco, gilt leaves. $75.00. London, 1830-39 %* A beautiful work, the exquisite engravings of which reproduce some of the finest pic- tures of David Roberts and other eminent painters. 766 LEVER (CHARLES). NOVELS. Profusely illustrated with clever engravings on steel by "Phiz." 21 vols., 8vo, new half calf, gilt, marbled edges. $125.00. London, 1863, etc. %* Fine set of this popular writer's novels, now very scarce, comprising : Charles O'Malley, 2 vols. ; Tom Burke, 2 vols. ; Harry Lorrequer ; Jack Hinton ; Dodd Family Abroad, 2 vols. ; Knight of Gwynne, 2 vols. ; Luttrell of Arran ; Martin of Cro' Martin, 2 vols. ; Davenport Dunn, 2 vols. ; Barring ton; One of Them; Arthur O'Leary; Roland Cashel, 2 vols.; and The O'Donoghue. 1 1 6 Addenda. 767 [LEVESON (H. A.)]. HUNTING GROUNDS OF THE OLD WORLD, by "The Old Shekarry." With tinted plates. 8vo, half calf, gilt. $3.50. London, 1860 768 LINGARD (DR.). HISTORY OF ENGLAND FROM THE FIRST INVASION BY THE ROMANS TO THE ACCESSION OF WILLIAM AND MARY. Portrait. 10 vols., 8vo, tree calf extra. $50.00. London, 1849 * + * Fine copy of the best Large Type Library Edition ; very scarce. 769 LOCKYER (J. NORMAN). CONTRIBUTIONS TO SOLAR PHYSICS. With numerous fine plates, many of which are colored, and a profusion of fine wood-cuts. Thick 8vo, elegantly bound in full polished calf extra, gilt edges. $7.50. London, 1874 %* Fine copy of this handsomely printed book at about the cost of the binding. 770 MACKAY (R. W.). THE PROGRESS OF THE INTELLECT AS EXEMPLIFIED IN THE RELIGIOUS DEVELOPMENT OF THE GREEKS AND HEBREWS. 2 vols., 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt tops. $7.50. London, 1840 771 [MAHONY (REV. FRANCIS)]. RELIQUES OF FATHER PROUT. With numerous clever illustrations by Daniel Ma- clise. 2 vols., post 8vo. Also, the illustrations to the reliques of Father Prout, being a series of vignettes drawn and etched by Daniel Maclise, proofs before letters. 8vo. Together 3 vols., cloth, uncut. $22.50. London, 1836 *** Very scarce. 772 MOLIERE. DRAMATIC WORKS, with French and English text on opposite pages. Portrait and plates. 10 vols., foolscap 8vo, old French calf. $12.00. London, 1848 *y* Nice little edition. 773 MORLEY (JOHN). VOLTAIRE. 8vo, new half red mo- rocco extra, gilt top, by R. W. Smith. $10.00. London, 1872 %* Fine copy of the best edition of this able biographic sketch and estimate of Voltaire, now very scarce. 774 NAPOLEON AND HIS DETRACTORS, by Prince Napoleon. Portraits and autograph. 8vo, new cloth. $3.00. London, 1888 775 NAPOLEON. MEMORIAL DE SAINTE-HELENE, par le Comte de Las Cases, suivi de Napoleon dans 1'Exil, par MM. O'Meara et Antomarchi. Illustrated with 600 fine engravings on wood, by Charlet, portrait and map. SPECIAL COPY printed throughout on India paper. 2 vols., imperial 8vo, elegantly bound in full dark-blue levant, crushed and polished, inside borders of gold, gilt tops, Jansen style, by Hardy of Paris. $50.00. Paris, 1842 Addenda. 117 776 PARKYNS (MANSFIELD). LIFE IN ABYSSINIA. With en- gravings on wood. Crown 8vo, new half blue levant, gilt top, by David. $4.00. London, 1868 777 PRECES SANCTI NERSETIS CLAJENSIS ARME- NIORUM PATRIARCHS. The 24 prayers of St. Nerses translated into 33 different languages and printed in the character peculiar to each. Portrait and engraved title. 1 8mo, half morocco, gilt edges. $5.00. Venetiis, 1862 778 RABELAIS (FRANCIS). WORKS. Translated with explan- atory notes by Duchat, Ozell, and others. 4 vols., foolscap 8vo, cloth, uncut. $12.00. London, 1844 %* Best English edition. 779 RABELAIS (FRANCIS). WORKS, translated by Urquhart and Motteux. Portrait. 2 vols., post 8vo, half calf, gilt. $6.50. London, 1863 %* Scarce. 780 RAFFAELLE AND MICHAEL ANGELO, FAC-SIMI- LES OF ORIGINAL STUDIES BY. Etched by Joseph Fisher. 117 plates, with descriptions and introduction. 2 vols., im- perial 8vo, cloth. $12.00. London, 1866 780* RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE. MONUMENT DU COS- TUME PHYSIQUE ET MORAL DE LA FlN DU DlX-HuiTIEME SIECLE; ou, TABLEAUX DE LA VIE. Illustrated with 23 very large copper plates exquisitely engraved from the de- signs of Moreau. Folio, boards. $50.00. Neuwied sur le Rhine, 1789 ** One of the most beautiful examples of the work of the great French artists and en- gravers of the 1 8th century. This copy lacks the 3 last plates, perfect copies containing 26 plates. 781 SCORESBY (W.). ACCOUNT OF THE ARCTIC REGIONS, with a history and description of the northern whale fishery. With 24 engravings on steel, and maps (some folding). 2 vols. Also, VOYAGE TO THE NORTHERN WHALE FISHERY, including researches on the eastern coast of Greenland. Folding map and plates. 1823. Together, 3 vols., 8vo, the first 2 vols. in cloth and the other in old calf, neat. $13.50. Edinburgh, 1820-23 782 SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). POETICAL AND PROSE WORKS, from the original editions, edited, prefaced, and annotated by Richard Herne Shepherd. 5 vols., large square 8vo, new crimson cloth, uncut. $12.00. London, 1888 ** Large paper copy ; only 100 copies printed of this handsome edition in this size. n8 Addenda. 783 STRICKLAND (Miss). LIVES OF THE QUEENS OF ENG- LAND. Best Large Type Library Edition. With portraits of every queen. FURTHER ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of over 200 fine, rare, curious, and interesting portraits and views. 8 vols., thick 8vo, handsomely bound in full pol- ished calf extra, gilt edges, by Pratt. $200.00. London, 1851 %* Superb set of this popular standard work. 784 STROUD (DR. WM.). TREATISE ON THE PHYSICAL CAUSE OF THE DEATH OF CHRIST AND ITS RELATION TO THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF CHRISTIANITY. Crown 8vo, new half olive levant, gilt top, by Matthews. $6.00. London, 1847 *** Scarce. Presentation copy from author. 785 SUETONIUS. LIVES OF THE TWELVE CESARS, trans- lated by Hughes. With copper plates. Small 8vo, old calf, gilt. $3.50. London, 1717 *** Scarce edition. 786 SUPERNATURAL RELIGION : AN INQUIRY INTO THE REALITY OF DIVINE REVELATION. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. $5.00. London, 1875 * f * The ablest work on the un-orthodox side. 787 WEDGWOOD (JosiAH). LIFE, from his private corre- spondence and family papers, with an introductory sketch of the art of pottery in England, by Eliza Meteyard. Portrait, and over 200 fine engravings on wood. 2 vols., large 8vo, full brown crushed levant, tooled backs and sides, gilt leaves. $20.00. London, 1865 %* Choice copy Dictionnaire de 1'Ameublement ET DE LA DECORATION, Depuis le XVJIe Siecle Jusyu'a nos Jours. Par HENRY HAVARD. VOLS. I., II. and III. now ready. A magnificent volume, Imperial 8vo, printed in double columns from large bold type, 6op pages, and illustrated with upwards of 800 Engravings in the text together with sixty-four large plates, size of the page, many in CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHY, heightened with gold, etc. Price $16.OO per Volume. %* This important work, the aim of which is to present a veritable Illustrated Encyclo - pedia of Decorative Art, will comprise at least four volumes of the size and im- portance of the volume now issued. The entire text will comprise about 5,000 columns (equal- ling nearly 300,000 lines of the ordinary 8vo form) arranged in alphabetical order. The illustrations will consist of about Three Thousand Engravings in the text, and upwards of two hundred and sixty large full-page plates, the latter being for the most part unpublished designs, executed by the best artists from original objects, printed in CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHY, some of them requiring twenty different impressions of color. The text, the result of above ten years' unremitting labor on the part of M. HAVARD, treats the various subjects in an exhaustive manner, giving a view of Decorative Art in all its phases, and making it equally valuable and interesting to the Amateur, the Collector, the Artist or Designer as well as to those interested in the Decorative Arts generally. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED FOR LESS THAN THE ENTIRE WORK. NEW PRINT- COLLECTOR'S MANUAL MANUEL DE L'AMATEUR D'ESTAMPES. Par M. EUGENE DUTUIT. Illustrated with a large number of Fac-similes of Rare prints reproduced by the Heliogravure Process. To be completed in 8 vols., large 8vo, of from 500 to 700 pages each, bound in White calf, Italian style. Price per volume, $15.00. There is also an Edition de luxe printed on papier vergd, with two series of the plates on papier verge, and on India paper, limited to 100 copies, price, $18.00 a volume. Vols. 4, 5 and 6, and Parts I. and II. of Vol. i are ready. Many capital guides to the study of prints have been published, commencing with the catalogues of Marolles (1666-72) followed by the works of Heineken, Bartsch, Robert Dumesnil, Heller, Passavant and Andressen. Besides these excellent works, there is a mul- titude of pamphlets, monographs, catalogues and other material bearing upon prints. M. Dutuit, whose name is sufficient to guarantee thoroughness of execution, has undertaken to gather together all these scattered materials and include the whole in a new work. The eight volumes constituting the New Manual will therefore include all the materials M. Dutuit has been able to amass in a long career devoted to the collection of prints, giving notices of the pictures and drawings of painters and painter-engravers which have been engraved, prices brought at sales, notices of the different collections of prints in which particular engravings have been included, an account of the different processes employed by the engravers, and gives as far as possible all the evidence extant bearing upon certain disputed points. The bibliographical part has received special attention. M. Dutuit has also enjoyed the advantage, conferred by the magnificent collection of which he is the owner, of having most of the orig- inal prints under his eye while describing them. No expense has been spared to insure the best workmanship in print, paper, illustration and binding. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-100m-9,'52(A3105)444 own names, and sacrificed their vanity to their interest or passion. If they concealed their names and disguised their hand, it was to carry out their work better. One wishes to destroy an ancient reputation which is in his way ; another wants to popularize sentiments which he considers useful ; others to glorify the national vanity; the greater part to make their fortunes. There are the innocent and honest, as Defoe; the violent and imprudent, like Chatterton; the foolish, like Ireland ; the unskilful and the calumniators, like Landor; and lastly, the expert, like the Scotchman, Macpherson, who deceived an entire generation of Europe and America." Mr Halkett's collections represent the results of nearly twenty years' diligent, experienced, and well-aided research, and since his death, in 1871, the Rev. John Laing, Librarian of the New College, Edinburgh, one of the most capable, persevering, and accurate of bibliographers, continued the research till his death in 1880. THE LIBRARY A 000723913 B66c Catalogue of th< jiioraryl Z999 B66c ffl