i Kjng's Chamber * 
 a Queen's Chamber 
 3 Qrand Qallery * 
 4 Grotto A ^ 
 5 ^Bottomless fit 
 6 Entrance Tube * 
 7 % the Light of the 
 8 of7 <JKamouns Excavation 
 9 IJeniilalmg Tube * * 
 10 To tie <3mdday Sun and the 
 tJtiCidnigbl Throne ^ ~ 
 11 co (burses of^Casonry ~ 
 j Cx> j /* <^t/* *^ 
 la 25 (ourses oj <JlLasomy ^ 
Copyright, 1920, by The Temple Company 
 Printed by Taylor & Taylor, Ban Francisco 
 WHO, laying the foundations of the earth 
 and the measures thereof; stretching line and 
 plummet thereon; and making fast those foun- 
 dations for a 'witness to the LORD of hosts, in 
 the midst of the land of Egypt, (as told in the 
 'Book of Job); yet jindeth the infinite J^ove 
 & Wisdom to regard even the little, obscure 
 sparrow thatfalleth .... 
 Such volition as has, under His direction, 
 been necessary to the re-assembling and re- 
 presentation of this tJXCessage 
 is in the reverence of 
 child to Parent 
 PART i 
 PART n 
 PART in 
 PART iv 
 PART v 
 [ vii ] 
IN THE LIGHT of what is here offered, it is felt by the author 
 that acknowledgment is primarily due those who, in evolu- 
 tional precession, have made this Message possible: 
 MARTIN LUTHER, sometime Professor of Philoso- 
 phy, author of a treatise nailed perforce on the door of his 
 church, who wrested the HOLY BIBLE from behind bolted 
 doors, and so gave to his fellow man his inheritance. 
 ROBERT GREEN INGERSOLL, so-called " anti- 
 Christian" lecturer, and "Atheist," author of ^he Mistakes 
 of Moses, who couched his lance against the material mis- 
 conception of the HOLY BIBLE, and proved his sonship of 
 God by his love for his fellow man. 
 MARY BAKER EDDY, author of Science and Health, 
 with Key to the Scriptures, who reverdured the forest hewn 
 away by Robert Green Ingersoll, with the Beauty of Con- 
 sciousness, and proved the Fatherhood of God by the power 
 of Universal Healing. 
 Miracle in Stone, who, in a- tone-men t with his Father, un- 
 folded the carven petals of the Flower of Egypt. 
 Isaiah, iqth Chapter: 
 1 8: In that day shall five 
 cities in the land of Egypt 
 speak the language of Ca- 
 naan, and swear to the LORD 
 of hosts; one shall be called, 
 The city of destruction. 
 19: In that day shall there be 
 an altar to the LORD in the 
 midst of the land of Egypt, and 
 a pillar at the border thereof 
 to the LORD. 
 20: And it shall be for a sign 
 and for a witness unto the 
 LORD of hosts in the land of 
 Egypt: for they shall cry unto 
 the LORD because of the op- 
 pressors, and he shall send 
 them a saviour, and a great 
 one, and he shall deliver them. 
 IN THE midst of the land of what was once called Egypt, 
 in the very center of the earth, as we reckon such, on the 
 exact dividing line between the Northern and Southern 
 hemispheres, stands, over a virtually Bottomless Pit, a cyclo- 
 pean monument in stone, known as the First of the World's 
 Seven Wonders, the Great Pyramid called Cheops, central 
 figure of the three-pyramidal group known as "The Gizeh 
 At midday, exactly, the solemn index finger of this Great 
 Pyramid points directly to the overhead sun, and by the 
 distance of this finger from the base of the Great Pyramid 
 the mean distance of the sun from the earth is computed. 
 With equal solemnity, the passage of entrance into this 
 Great Pyramid points at that exact place in the heavens 
 where, in the year 2170 B. C., as we reckon time, the then 
 tail star of the Constellation Serpent, a Draconis, which was 
 also the Pole Star, or Star of the North, shone, and signaling 
 the removal of which from its heavenly position at that date, 
 the Free-Masonic bodies of the World darken the Northern 
 Transepts of their temples to this day* 
 At exact midnight, with pyramidal accuracy, this mighty 
 index finger points at the place in the heavens where, at 
 midnight of the autumnal equinox of that year which the 
 Great Pyramid declares to be its birth year, Alcyone, the 
 "throne" star of the Constellation Pleiades, was set lantern- 
 wise, while the cycle of equinoxial precession is told in exact 
 inches in the two diagonals of the Great Pyramid's base, 
 taken together in the form of a cross. What time Job sought 
 to measure his wisdom with that of God, the Father correct- 
 ing his son, asked, 
 Job,j<?M Chapter: 
 31 : Canst thou bind the sweet 
 influences of Pleiades, ? 
 33: Knowest thou the ordi- 
 nances of heaven? canst thou 
 set the dominion thereof in the 
 Since time immemorial, and to this day, the midnight 
 beginning the autumnal equinox is still reckoned as the be- 
 ginning of the true year. 
 Modern astrology now concedes to Alcyone the focus of 
 the Universal system of gravitation, of action and re-action. 
 Into the manner of the building of the Great Pyramid and 
 its microscopically accurate plan of construction and orien- 
 tation it is unnecessary to go in this writing, saving in the 
 briefest way, and full information may always be obtained 
 from a number of standard scientific works thereon, chief 
 among which both for mature and uninstructed interpreta- 
 tion is A Miracle in Stone, by the Reverend Joseph A. 
 Seiss, D.D. 
 Suffice it for this writing, therefore, that the Great Pyra- 
 mid has been referred to by the earliest of the earth's known 
 literature, as well as by no less an authority than the Holy 
 Bible itself (and that again and again), whose passages corre- 
 late exactly with the Pyramidal passageways in measure- 
 ment and direct reference. 
 In the Book of Job, chapter 38, the speaker, God, de- 
 scribes to Job all creation, which he pictures as an edifice, in 
 the terms of the geometer and master-builder, the Great High 
 Mason, bases, height, corner stone, lines, measures, and 
 foundations. Elsewhere God is accredited with speaking of 
 stretching the line and plummet over his work; and also in 
 this same Book of Job the earth is described as hanging upon 
 nothing, even as the Great Pyramid is suspended (symboli- 
 cally) over the nothingness of a Bottomless Pit. Says God, 
 Master Mason, to Job: 
 Job, j8th Chapter: 
 2: Who is this that darkeneth 
 counsel by words without 
 knowledge ? 
 4: Where wast thou when I 
 laid the foundations of the 
 earth ? declare, if thou hast 
 5: Who hath laid the measures 
 thereof, if thou knowest? or 
 who hath stretched the line 
 upon it? 
 6: Whereupon are the founda- 
 tions thereof fastened ? or 
 who laid the corner stone 
 18: Hast thou perceived the 
 breadth of the earth? declare 
 if thou knowest it all. 
 19: Where is the way where 
 light dwelleth? and as for 
 darkness, where is the place 
 20: That thou shouldest take 
 it to the bound thereof, and 
 that thou shouldest know the 
 paths to the house thereof? 
 In verses 19 and 20, just cited, "the way where light dwel- 
 leth," and the "place of darkness thereof," and the "paths to 
 the house thereof," find corroboration in this historic wise. 
 About 3000 years after the date of building of the Great Pyra- 
 mid, the then son of the Caliph Haroun Al Raschid, of Ara- 
 bian Night's fame, (elsewhere in this writing told of), not 
 knowing of the entrance passage of light, attempted to tunnel 
 through the mass of masonry, and brought up over the Bot- 
 tomless Pit therein, the place of darkness. 
 Lo! in these verses the declaration of the work of his own 
 hands by the Master Builder. And all of this wonderful edi- 
 fice, we are informed in this same chapter of the Book of Job 
 by the Master Builder, was consummated in the presence of 
 the morning stars and of the sons of God, when the former 
 sang together and the latter shouted for joy. 
 On the strength of the testimony of these just quoted 
 verses from the Book of Job alone, without further confirma- 
 tion of the exactly equal numbers occurring to describe the 
 same things in both Bible and Pyramid (both works ac- 
 knowledgedly inspired), the oneness of the Holy Bible and 
 Great Pyramid in expression is established; for it is not intel- 
 ligently possible to place any other interpretation upon the 
 wonderful orientation of the Great Pyramid, or on the equally 
 wonderful parabolic language of the Holy Bible, both elo- 
 quent histories of the human race, other than that both are 
 the presentation in mortal manifestation, the "Word made 
 flesh," as John says, in exact corroboration of each other of 
 the Psychology of Life; witnesses to the eternal sonship of 
 man y and the eternal Fatherhood of God; testifying in stone 
 and scripture to the former of his inheritance which, for lust 
 and gain, man laid down when he passed of his own volition 
 from the Light, he a son of Light, of Eyes-Real, from the 
 knowledge of the beauty of God, down into the long twilight 
 of his human history to the verge of the very Pit itself. 
 Passing over the myriad direct references in the Holy Bible 
 to the Great Pyramid, we read in the Book of Psalms: 
 4.8th Psalm: 
 1: Beautiful for situation, the 
 joy of the whole earth, is mount 
 Zion, on the sides of the 
 north, the city of the great 
 We are, in Revelation, distinctly told that the city of the 
 Great King, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, than 
 which could none be greater, is the new Jerusalem, whose 
 counterpart is, of course, that Jerusalem of Judea as known 
 to us. This city, says the Psalmist of old, is to be found on the 
 north side of Mount Zion, which latter is so beautifully (or 
 centrally) situated as to be the joy of the whole earth, its 
 focusing point. 
 In A Miracle in Stone (page 16), Doctor Seiss, seeking a 
 given indication for Jerusalem in the Great Pyramid, says: 
 "And if the Great Pyramid belongs at all to the great system of God's re- 
 demptive interpositions it could hardly be wanting in some reference to 
 that ' city of the Lord, the Zion of the Holy One of Israel.' So at least it ap- 
 peared to me, and led me to search for the missing indications. I knew that 
 the Pyramid's most distinguished cubit answers to the sacred cubit of 
 Moses; that the capacity measure of the Pyramid's granite coffer is the 
 same as that of the Ark of the Covenant; that the sabbatic system of the 
 Jews is distinctly noted in connection with the Queen's Chamber, and that 
 the molten sea had proportions of earth commensuration which appear in 
 the size of the Pyramid's main chamber. ... It hence occurred to me to 
 ascertain the exact direction of Jerusalem from the Great Pyramid and to 
 try whether it would fit to any of its interior angles. Having used two dif- 
 ferent maps to make sure of accuracy, the result came out exactly the same 
 in both, namely, that three of the main inside angles of the Great Pyramid 
 applied to its north side eastward, point directly to Jerusalem. If a cannon 
 ball were shot from the Great Pyramid's north side at the precise angle 
 eastward as that of the entrance passage computed with the base line, or 
 that of the main ascending passage computed with the same line, or that of 
 the Grand Gallery computed with the passage to the Queen's Chamber, 
 that ball, could it reach so far, would strike the Holy City." 
 So then, corroborating the patiently waiting Psalmist of old, 
 we find by exact scientific computation that Jerusalem of 
 Judea, the earthly counterpart of the heavenly Jerusalem of 
 Revelation, lies geographically due from the North Side of 
 that "mount" which is so beautifully situated as to be the 
 focusing point of the whole earth, the First of the World's 
 Seven Wonders. Memoria in aeterna. 
 This Zion, by means of whose courses we "mount," is a 
 true pyramid, having four equal sides and five corners. It is 
 sunk in heavy foundations, and in its dimensions gives the 
 value of TT (pi), squaring the circle. That is, an encompassing 
 circle drawn to the radius of the Great Pyramid's true height, 
 shows the lengths of the four sides of the square base to be the 
 same as the circumference described by a sphere, of which the 
 vertical height is the radius. The granite blocks of which it 
 consists rise by a series of "mounts" or steps, that is, 
 courses of its masonry, to a scale of ten feet of horizontal 
 measure for every nine feet of perpendicular, to its estimated 
 height of 5822 earth-commensurated inches. It contains a 
 number of significant passageways, and two unsealed cham- 
 bers, known as the chambers of the King and of the Queen. 
 This latter chamber is also sometimes referred to as the " Sab- 
 batic" chamber. The Great Pyramid's base measurement is 
 about one-sixth of a mile per side. 
 In its entire system of commensuration the Great Pyramid 
 sets forth rigidly certain basic numbers, and combinations 
 thereof, which numbers have been accepted unquestioningly 
 during the ages as numerical significants of the various laws 
 of life as, for example, number Jive for comprehension, seven 
 for mutation, and nine for evolution. So that among numerous 
 and manifest computations, all scientifically conceded and 
 established, the following are most apparent, that each of 
 the Pyramid's base lines measures just the even fractional 
 part of the semi-axis of the earth, just as many times as there 
 are calendar days in the year; that its height, multiplied 
 fractionally by a prominent basic figure raised to the power of 
 another of its most prominent basic figures, gives the mean 
 distance of the earth from the sun; that its unit of length is 
 the even basic fractional part of the polar diameter of the 
 earth; that its vast bulk of masonry is the even basic portion 
 of the weight of the earth; and that its settings and shapings 
 are squared and oriented with an accuracy that for over four 
 thousand of years has defied the ignorance of non-science to 
 unravel, wonderful revelations, yet only dimly perceived by 
 the finest flowerings of mentality that our world has to offer. 
 Thus, briefly, is that great Pyramid called Cheops, the First 
 of the World's Seven Wonders, a metrologic, mathematic, 
 scientific, literary, symbolic treasure house, the Library of 
 the World, whose answer to the worn-out contention that it 
 was originally a tomb is given in the mighty silence of its un- 
 equaled proportions and orientation; for no designer of that 
 structure of treasured lore would have any sane excuse for 
 submitting to the impotence of Death. And so, with these few 
 brief facts, enumerated merely with a view to refreshing the 
 memory of the instructed, and calling to the attention of the 
 uninstructed some of the most salient features of the Great 
 Pyramid, but with no idea of providing a manual into the 
 plan of construction of the Edifice itself, this writing, after 
 the immediately following fixing of the date of the erection of 
 the Structure, passes directly to the Message from the King's 
 Coffer in the Great Pyramid. 
 As has already been briefly stated, the entrance to the 
 Great Pyramid is adown a long passageway, or tube, which 
 points exactly to the place in the heavens wherein, in the year 
 2170 B. C., a Draconis (the then Pole Star) of the Constella- 
 tion Serpent, for the last time shone. As the tail star of this 
 Constellation, Serpent, symbol of the teacher of man, we 
 have the Great Pyramid's entrance calling attention at once 
 to the Biblical story of the Garden of Eden, a story cor- 
 roborated in the King's Coffer as well as an astrological date 
 for the erection, or completion, of the Great Pyramid. 
 Certain it is that a knowledge of the story of the Fall of 
 man, as told in the Holy Bible and Pyramid, would have 
 saved one monarch his power and credit, for its application 
 intelligently made would have guided him to where, short 
 distance above his forced tunneling, the mouth of the en- 
 trance tube to the Great Pyramid lies ever pointing to the 
 star that apparently fell from its place in the tail of the Con- 
 stellation Serpent, and from its glory as Light of the North, 
 when man committed the Sin of the Ages. 
 Some three thousand years subsequent to the erection of 
 the Great Pyramid, one Al Mamoun, a son of the Caliph 
 Haroun Al Raschid, was wrought upon by the necromancers 
 of his court to believe the Great Pyramid filled with hidden 
 treasure of a visible kind, jewels and gold. Guided by this 
 ignorant thought, Al Mamoun set to with armies of workmen 
 to quarry an entrance into the Pyramid. Finally, after re- 
 peated failures, this was accomplished, a narrow entrance 
 being forced into the great edifice in a dead straight line. 
 Crawling along this, Al Mamoun and his workers came tum- 
 bling into the Pyramid at the point where their forced dead 
 line broke into the entrance tube. Here, block after block of 
 granite descended from the interior mass of masonry within 
 to warn the would-be despoilers; but, finally, clearing a way 
 over the debris, the caliph and his men clomb up the long 
 ascent to the chamber of the King, only to find therein a 
 lidless, empty coffer of red granite. The effort strained Al 
 Mamoun's sovereignty to the point of revolution, beggared 
 his credit, and virtually cost him his power and throne. Had 
 Al Mamoun come a-seeking real treasure, at no great distance 
 above where he attempted to violate the Great Pyramid he 
 might have entered it by its own inviting entrance passage- 
 way, and so walked quietly and with perfect security and dig- 
 nity adown this and on up the Grand Gallery to the unsealed 
 chambers within. 
 Astrologically, in the year 2170 B. C., as told by the then 
 Pole Star, a Draconis, the Great Pyramid was ready for inter- 
 pretation. But, lest any, sceptical, should question such 
 manner of deriving a date for the foundation of the edifice, 
 the figures 2170 are also consummated in stone in the interior 
 of the edifice. 
 It has been established and accepted by several authorities, 
 and the scientific thought of the world, that the sacred cubit 
 of the Bible is confirmed by the Great Pyramid in its given 
 cubit measure of twenty-five earth-commensurated inches, 
 this confirmation supporting Sir Isaac Newton's determina- 
 tion of the same. By wholly scientific process it is further 
 completely and satisfactorily established that the Pyramid 
 inch, which is the earth-commensurated inch, for the Great 
 Pyramid gives to us earth men every accepted, and now used, 
 system of standard measure, is the unit measure of the 
 standard, or true, year. According to this unit standard of 
 time measure, says Doctor Seiss: 
 ". . . . the lower tubal passageways prove themselves wonderful time 
 charts of human history, pointing out to us as well the wonders of the stars; 
 and the notations in the one answer to, and confirm absolutely, the nota- 
 tions in the other. In these passageways the inch unit of year measure ap- 
 pears to tell its direct story." 
 " The second tube begins a record dating from the formation of nations, the 
 subsequent history being a downward one under the influence of a dragon 
 star to the mouth of a bottomless pit. Following this decline for one thousand 
 inches, at which date the Children of Israel begin their national, economic 
 history, and then upwards along the ascending passage for 1542 inches, the 
 computed number of years from the Exodus to the birth of the Christian Dis- 
 pensation, the exact last inch brings us to the beginning of the Grand Gallery," 
 that "way" which leads to the chamber so numerically 
 identified with the Son of God, of which numerals further 
 explanation is offered herein in another place. 
 "Thus, counting backward, from the beginning of the Grand Gallery 1542 
 inches to the entrance passageway, and then up the entrance passageway 
 628 inches further, we arrive at a total of 2170 inches, which is the astro- 
 nomical year date of the Great Pyramid." 
 This deduction from A Miracle in Stone finds also confirm- 
 ation in the efforts of Professor C. Piazzi Smyth, sometime 
 Astronomer Royal of Scotland. 
 But why have stopped at this upward 628 inches? Why not 
 have continued on up the end of the entrance tube to its 
 mouth? Because at the exact last inch of these just enumer- 
 ated 2170 inches we come to a distinct and beautifully cut 
 line, ruled into the stone sides of the passageway of entrance 
 from top to bottom, placed there by none other than the 
 master builders themselves, which line says as loud as can 
 stones be made to speak, "Here is the end." 
 Five times five courses of masonry construction above 
 the chamber known from time immemorial as the Queen's (or 
 Sabbatic) Chamber, or ten times five courses of masonry con- 
 struction from the Great Pyramid's base, brings the seeker to 
 the flooring of the equally anciently known and named King's 
 Chamber, that chamber with which, as has just been 
 pointed out, the presenter of the Christian Dispensation is so 
 numerically identified. In the center of the King's Chamber 
 stands the King's Coffer, red granite in substance, lidless, 
 oblong rectangular in shape. Too large to permit of removal 
 from the chamber in which it stands, yet not of huge propor- 
 tions, it is interesting in the light of a Biblical description of 
 this Kingdom to recall how the savants of a certain modern 
 time dissipated considerable valuable calculations in an en- 
 deavor to devise some means by which this King's Coffer 
 might be removed from its stronghold, only to be always and 
 finally baffled by the one objective that, itself in no apparent 
 sense a fixture, is yet bolted for all time to the very bowels of 
 the earth; held against the ruthless hand of vandalism in a 
 Kingdom where "neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and 
 where thieves can not break through and steal." Not in chal- 
 lenge, but as a direct demonstration to man of the power of 
 Wisdom and futility of Ignorance first of all lessons 
 stands the King's Coffer beyond the possibility of removal 
 from its chamber. 
 Did the Mind that oriented this vast structure and placed 
 therein the Coffer, coveted of savants throughout the ages, 
 but build such coffer as a place wherein to crawl and die? Un- 
 able to remove the King's Coffer from its eternal resting 
 place, quasi-science has been at much pains to devise some 
 reason for its being where it is, a coffin, although, of course, 
 without vestige of evidence of burial ever having occurred 
 there, and with the marvelous geometrizing and orientation of 
 the Great Pyramid itself to offset such deduction ; a box to hold 
 food for priests (which priests subsequently retired into the 
 belly of the Sphinx to sleep off the effects of their meals, eaten 
 beside a supposititious mummy in the King's Chamber); 
 no theory has been too far fetched, ill-founded, or absurd to 
 account for the presence of this seemingly inexplainable 
 Coffer, until, in recent years, unbiased scientists have proven 
 beyond the realm of cavil or possible doubt that, so far from 
 being a coffin, or food-box for priests, in this Coffer is manifest 
 the evidence of the very Lore of Life; and that from this 
 Pyramid and its Coffer do we obtain every Law, mathemati- 
 cal, astrological, geographical, metrological, philosophical, and 
 literary, under which we earth men live, move, breathe, and 
 have our being. And, finally, the very word " Coffer" has ever 
 been used to designate treasure-container, rather than the 
 chief ornament of an undertaking establishment or kitchen. 
 Of the Coffer itself the following facts are common prop- 
 erty: its sides and bottom are identical in measurement with 
 its internal space; the length of its two sides to its height being 
 as a circle to its diameter. Its exterior volume is just twice the 
 dimensions of its bottom, and its whole measure is just the 
 fiftieth part of the chamber in which it stands. Thus much for 
 the most obvious phenomena it presents to the novitiate. 
 But a very little experimentation serves to instruct such 
 novitiate that the Coffer's internal space is numeric also with 
 two standard wet and dry measures, such internal space prov- 
 ing itself just four times the measure of an English quart of 
 wheat. Following this line of thought in his seeking, such 
 novitiate, if sufficiently informed concerning the various 
 earth measurements common to our text-book laws, would 
 further discover that every known standard linear, cubic, and 
 otherwise measure, together with the standard degrees of the 
 boiling and freezing points of various liquids, the fusing and 
 tempering degrees of all known standard metals, and the 
 specific gravity of standard bodies of known weight, includ- 
 ing the earth itself, are among other measurements all given 
 in the dimensions of the King's Coffer in logical, scientific 
 sequence, just as one would open and read a text book of 
 standard weights and measures, and the laws governing the 
 More extended observation of the further contents of the 
 King's Coffer measure identifies it absolutely with the Holy 
 Ark of the Tabernacle and the Temple as described in the 
 Holy Bible, wondrously descriptive phraseology! which 
 Ark was two-and-one-half cubits long and one-and-one-half 
 cubits broad and high. Further, the internal cubical dimen- 
 sions of the King's Coffer tally exactly with the Ark of the 
 Tabernacle and the Temple, 71,248 inches; such dimensions 
 having been laid down specifically, we are told, by God Him- 
 self. Also, the Ark and the Coffer mutually sustain each other 
 in the recognition of one and the same earth-commensurated 
 cubit. Using, therefore, this same earth-commensurated cubit 
 as identical with the sacred cubit of the Holy Bible, the 
 further result automatically follows, that the Jewish laver 
 and the Ark of the Tabernacle are the same in capacity 
 measure with the King's Coffer of the Great Pyramid, and 
 that Solomon's molten sea was just fifty times the capacity of 
 either of these, and exactly equal in interior cubic space with 
 the King's Chamber itself. (Vide A Miracle in Stone.) 
 Further incursions into the numeric significances of the 
 contents of the King's Coffer reveal that it is identical also as 
 that Ark of Genesis described as Noah's Ark, wherein, two 
 and two, were all manifestations of the Lore of Life to be pre- 
 served, (Genesis 6:19), "And of every living thing of all 
 flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the Ark, to keep 
 them alive with thee; they shall be male and female." And 
 this same interpretation of the Ark of Noah, and that which 
 follows herein, for once logically explains how in one building, 
 or floating structure, could possibly be contained two of 
 every kind of living thing that is, or was, on the face of the 
 whole earth, as well as how a "flood," 15 cubits in depth, 
 (Genesis 7:20) could cover the mountains, and "all the high 
 hills, that were under the whole heaven," (Genesis 7:19). 
 Also, why in the I7th verse of the 7th chapter of Genesis it 
 should be distinctly stated that the "flood was forty days 
 upon the earth," while in the 24th verse of the same chapter 
 it as distinctly states that "the waters prevailed upon the 
 earth an hundred and fifty days." 
 In Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Rite 
 of Freemasonry , prepared by Albert Pike for the Supreme 
 Council of the Thirty-Third Degree of the Southern Juris- 
 diction of the United States, and Published by its Authority, 
 Charleston A:M: 5641 on page n, is stated: 
 "The Holy Bible, Square, and Compass are not only styled the Great 
 Lights in Masonry, but they are also technically called the furniture of 
 the Lodge: and .... it is held that there is no Lodge without them." 
 That body of operatives now styling themselves Free-Ma- 
 sons; that body of inspirationists styling themselves Christian 
 Scientists; those astrologers, astronomers, geologists, and 
 mathematicians, a long list of whom find Pyramid and Bible 
 in exact accordance; our standard text books, and the laws 
 of our governings either these are wrong, or the carven 
 petals of the Flower of Egypt unfold to tell a different story 
 than that which the Holy Bible makes so manifest. 
 N THE PREFACE (page vii, lines 11-12), of Science and 
 Health^ with Key to the Scriptures , its author, Mary 
 Baker Eddy, refers to the 
 "... daystar of divine Science, 
 lighting the way to eternal harmony." 
 "Harmony," in the Glossary to Science and Health, with 
 Key to the Scriptures (see "Kingdom of Heaven," page 
 590:1) she states to be synonymous with the Kingdom of 
 Heaven, where is " the realm of unerring, eternal, and om- 
 nipotent Mind; the atmosphere of Spirit, where Soul is su- 
 The Great Pyramid has five equal corners, and all of its 
 measurements basically are fives and the multiplications 
 thereof. The focusing point of the laws of life, itself the center 
 of the known earth, pointing with utter accuracy at midday 
 to the central system of lighting, and at midnight to the 
 " throne" seat of the Universe's system of articulation, and so 
 marvelously foretelling the birth of the Christian Dispensation 
 in astronomical and unit measure numerals, the Great Pyra- 
 mid symbolizes the five-pointed Star that should herald the 
 Birth, " the daystar of divine Science, lighting the way to 
 eternal harmony." 
 It is, of course, an engineering fact, or a fact of engineering 
 knowledge, that all building is on certain "pitch," or " tone," 
 the solidity and endurance of such building depending on its 
 trueness to such "tone," a separate "key" to each building 
 being thus provided. In the light of this, it is interesting to 
 recall how the Israelites accomplished the destruction of an 
 inimical city by walking without its walls and all blowing in 
 apparent discordancy upon wind instruments. 
 The Great Pyramid is built to a scale of 10 feet horizontal 
 for every 9 feet of perpendicular rise therefrom, inclining in- 
 wards, thus: 
 and although the beautiful 
 enamel with which it was originally surfaced entirely has 
 been largely vandalized, so that the courses of masonry rise 
 now vary slightly from their original "pitch," still sufficient 
 of the whole enamel courses remain to confirm the scale of 
 masonry courses of the structure to be as given above. This 
 system of courses, correlating numerically with the Biblical 
 descriptions of the pitch of the Ark, totals (9 + 10) 19 units 
 for each whole course upwards, and is the "pitch" or "scale" 
 of the Great Pyramid. 
 Pythagoras, of Greece, learned of this scale of the Great 
 Pyramid from Amasis, an esoteric of Egypt, under whom he 
 studied; and returning to Greece, where he founded his first 
 "college," Pythagoras attempted to assign values to each 
 numerical degree of such "scale." In so far as these "degrees" 
 might be said to represent a mortal presentation of birth and 
 life, Pythagoras was partly successful, but when passing the 
 so-called Consciousness of mortality he strove in the realm of 
 real Consciousness, he failed, because he denied to the author 
 of all Consciousness, God, the headstone of his building, 
 seeking instead to enthrone Pythagoras thereat. For result 
 Pythagoras was driven from Greece, removing his college to 
 Cretona, in Italy. However, from the "scale" of the Great 
 Pyramid, as taught him by Amasis of Egypt, Pythagoras did 
 deduce what is called the "Chromatic" scale of music, and 
 which scale, consisting of nineteen degrees, is the accepted scale 
 of musical composition to this day. Challenged by the incom- 
 pleteness of Pythagoras' effort to produce a scale, or pitch, of 
 music, which, "truing" the building of the Great Pyramid, 
 would also sequentially " true" the scale of that which the 
 Great Pyramid manifestly symbolizes. Harmony or the King- 
 dom of Life, the Kingdom of Knowledge and Wisdom, let the 
 Holy Bible and the Great Pyramid take up the gauge, and in 
 their own given language of Consciousness proclaim a gamut 
 of Consciousness, or Harmony, in a given sequential number 
 of states of such. 
 These nineteen degrees, then, producing this Chromatic 
 gamut of sound-motion, may for purposes of illustration be 
 considered simply as motion, (not, however, the result of 
 motion) ; and as motion solely, become consciously expressed 
 The first State unquestionably of which we have Con- 
 sciousness is LIFE itself. The second State, our Relativity to 
 otherness. Third, the State of Construction, or putting to- 
 gether. Fourth, the State of productivity, or Generation. 
 Fifth, automatically the State of Comprehension, wherein 
 we analyze and synthesize our work. Sixth, the State of At- 
 traction, or drawing to us, or to otherness. Seventh, the 
 State of change, or Mutation. Eighth, the State of Comple- 
 tion. And, Ninth, the State of issuance, or EVOLUTION. 
 Applying, then, such States of Consciousness to conditions 
 of which we have more apparent impressions, let us observe 
 the states of foetal birth from the inception of Life to its is- 
 suance from the womb of the mother, realizing at the same 
 time that such re-creation is but the inverted reflection of the 
 All, and only, Creation, produced by these same States of 
 The month units (as States) of foetal birth may thus be 
 i: LIFE. 
 2: RELATIVITY (Life relating). 
 3: CONSTRUCTION (Life constructing). 
 4: GENERATION (Life forming). 
 5: INCLUSION, COMPREHENSION (Life including, or 
 comprehending) . 
 6: ATTRACTION (Life drawing otherness to itself, 
 and drawing to otherness). 
 7: MUTATION (At this period the now constructed 
 Life within the womb changes). 
 8: COMPLETION (the Life-within complete). 
 These States producing the evolution of birth are so gen- 
 erally known as to need no further elucidation here. As Con- 
 sciousness States they govern our every productivity, from 
 the building of a "castle" on the sands by our childish hands 
 to the throwing of a vast cantilever bridge across a foaming 
 torrent. But a moment's intelligent reflection, and the lawyer 
 at the bar, the clerk at his desk, the carpenter at his bench, 
 and the foreman in the shop, must realize that each builds up 
 case, or report, or form, or job, by just these very processes 
 sequentially, and by these very processes only,which processes 
 are here definitely named the first nine States of Conscious- 
 ness. Further, following the immediate period of human birth 
 into this world, again the processes become manifest in 
 month-units and year-units of our life, as we recognize such. 
 Between the figures one and ought are comprized all the 
 known figures of the numerical system from one to nine; con- 
 sequently, this one and ought (or 10) State of Consciousness 
 sequentially writes its name CONSERVATION. Again, applying 
 such processes to those processes which we the more aptly 
 humanly observe, the loth month, following upon the month 
 of issuance from the mother womb, is for both mother and 
 child a period of rest, recuperation, conservation. Also wit- 
 ness the 10 commandments, conserved on two tablets of stone; 
 the 10 fingers and toes ending, or conserving, the limbs of the 
 Consciousness State number n, automatically and pri- 
 marily derives its designation from the repetition of the 
 figures one and one (n), which figures in all mathematical 
 demonstration wherein used call for repetitive processes. To 
 multiply by the number eleven, we write the two figures to be 
 multiplied as a result, then place between such two figures 
 the "repeated," or added together, figures themselves. Thus, 
 33 times n is 3 and 3+3, or 6, and 3; or 363. 
 34 times 1 1 is 3 and 3 +4, or 7, and 4; or 374. 
 and so forth. So this nth State of Consciousness becomes 
 classified in our list of Consciousness States as Repetition, or 
 In this connection it is interesting corroboratively to recall 
 that the sealed hour of the cyclean Revolution, called the 
 World War, just witnessed, was signalized in a document be- 
 coming effective on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the 
 eleventh month, of that year whose numerals read 7-9-7-8. 
 The 1 2th State of Consciousness is obviously written in- 
 turning, or INVOLUTION. Witness the 12 hours of the day; the 
 12 inches to the foot measure; the 12 apostles; the 12 degrees 
 of the diatonic scale; the 12 stepping stones across the River 
 Jordan; the 12 months of the year; the 12 foundations of the 
 new Jerusalem; the 12 members of the jury; all suggesting 
 to us a state of in-drawing, in-turning, or IN-VOLUTION. At 
 this period of life, the pupil or child, as is known generally to 
 teacher and parent becomes ruminative, such inturning often 
 manifesting itself in moodiness, brooding, or so-called " ab- 
 sent-mindedness." It was symbolically, too, at this age of 
 12 years that the child, Jesus, turned from His parents into 
 the temple where was learning, so that those parents had 
 much ado to find Him again. 
 It is to be regarded in the enumerating of these States of 
 Consciousness, that having passed the ninth unit, the pro- 
 cesses leading to which are the more apparent to our so-called 
 physical senses, we are now arrived in the realm of the in- 
 tangible, wherein we can prove such things as we can neither 
 taste, touch, nor smell, only by that process of demonstra- 
 tion known as the Process of Elimination. Nevertheless, these 
 States of Consciousness have so in-written themselves on our 
 knowledge during the four thousand odd years of our believed- 
 in national, economic life, that in general the very mention of 
 the numeral of such State conveys its meaning almost with- 
 out the necessity of further elucidation. 
 Thus, automatically the mention of the number 13 suggests 
 to us the State of Parturition, of separation, of death, 
 of going forth. The Last Supper witnessed 13 at the table, 
 which supper foreran the expiation at Golgotha. But, and 
 showing too that only the merest thread really divides the 
 polarities of what we call life, the I3th month becomes the 
 period wherein the gentle, nourishment-giving kine of 
 the field produce their young. Thus write we the I3th State 
 of Consciousness the State of Consciousness of PARTURITION, 
 which suggests Birth or Separation to us as do we think of 
 The 1 4th process is admittedly the period of re-creation. 
 At the age of 14 puberty asserts itself. The three periods of 14 
 each, as told in the genealogy of Jesus the Christ, mark the 
 three epochs in history to such time. The 14 stages of the 
 Cross record the stations whereby the Passenger traversed 
 the route to his re-creative processes. Thus 14 becomes 
 designated in our list of Consciousness States as RE-CREA- 
 Immediately following this period of Re-creation, which 
 is numerically arrived at by the addition of two sevens, 
 or Mutations, we automatically come to a State of Loca- 
 tion, stability, permanency; and so again, without incredu- 
 lous analysis, this State of Consciousness names itself the 
 State of LOCATION, having arrived at such state by a process 
 of mounting five courses of threes, or 15, that is, five pro- 
 cesses of construction (3) aggregating a permanency, even as 
 the Great Pyramid, the place of Location of presentation of 
 the active and reactive laws of the earth, in its construction 
 has five exterior sides, and as has the King's Coffer also five 
 external sides. 
 Thus, located, or established, the next Conscious move- 
 ment would be in the nature of function purely; and so to this 
 State, wherein in mortal thought-processes the functioning 
 of sex-impulse becomes first generally manifest, we logically 
 assign the name FUNCTION. 
 The 1 7th period of life may be said to witness the process of 
 choice on our parts toward the continuance of education at 
 some University, or similar institution, or towards entrance 
 into the field of labor or business, or profession. Also, the nu- 
 meral 17 is rich in allusions concerning tuitional choice. In 
 the year 2-77-0, as stated by the stars and by itself, the 
 Great Pyramid presented its lore to mortal man for the un- 
 raveling. In the latter part of the century bearing the numer- 
 al 17 the King's Chamber of the Pyramid was discovered, 
 by the then British Consul at Algiers. In the year 77-76 was 
 born that country which announced itself as for the Father- 
 hood of God in its acknowledgment of the Brotherhood of 
 man in that famous document, known as the Declaration of 
 Independence of the 13 original States of the United States, 
 on which is engraved a large reproduction of the Great Pyra- 
 mid with the All-seeing Eye over it, and which declares that, 
 "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, 
 that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, 
 that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." 
 Finally, in the year 19-77 this same country of the United 
 States of America entered the World War to make good those 
 words captioned by the Great Pyramid with the All-seeing 
 Eye over it. Therefore, this I7th State of Consciousness may 
 without hesitation be named the State of Tuition, and as 
 real learning is purely volitional, such State also may be 
 classed the State of Inclination, or Selection. 
 At the eighteenth period of mortal year life co-ordination 
 asserts itself, and at such age we legally allow to the woman 
 the choice of natural selection, adjudging her thereby suf- 
 ficiently co-ordinate to become mistress of her own actions, 
 although we pay the male the compliment of assigning a 
 three-year later period as the probable time of his ability to 
 take care of himself. The i8th State of Consciousness then 
 becomes the State of CO-ORDINATION, or Co-operation. 
 Volitionally, we have now scaled the entire courses of 
 masonry chromatically, that is, in Harmony, which is 
 truthfully. So that this last State of Consciousness going to 
 complete the Great Pyramid's "pitch" names itself the State 
 of VOLITION. This State is also manifested in our year-periods 
 of mortal life, for therein at the age of 19 we are first generally 
 allowed somewhat of free choice in the matter of our future 
 habits and our present desires. 
 Thus, numerizing and classifying the "pitch" of the Ark, 
 as demonstrated in the Chromaticism of 19 degrees of Con- 
 sciousness, we write: 
 Consciousness State 
 No. i: LIFE (Being). 
 17: TUITION. 
 It has been stated before in this work, and is of course at 
 once apparent, that the figures one and ought (10) compre- 
 hend, or conserve, between them all and entire of our nu- 
 merical system of figures, and that all other combinations of 
 figures are merely repetitions of such figures sequentially 
 from one to ought. Hence, it should follow that, reading 
 such figures as one and one, one and two, and so forth, these 
 combinations should be self-corroborative of the Conscious- 
 ness States of each numeration. In the application of this 
 test, the nine original States of Consciousness, from LIFE to 
 EVOLUTION, of course stand as numbered singly, and Con- 
 sciousness State number 10 being the Consciousness State 
 of CONSERVATION, we start our test logically with the num- 
 ber eleven, which for purposes of this illustration we consider 
 one and one. 
 Consciousness State No. 1 1 : One and one (foretelling RELA- 
 Life re-voluting about itself: 
 Consciousness State No. 12: One and two (foretelling CON- 
 ING, or Life turning in on itself: 
 Consciousness State No. 13: One and three (which tells of 
 Generation, four), LIFE-CON- 
 Consciousness State No. 14: One and four (foretelling Com- 
 prehension, five), LIFE-GENER- 
 ATING: Creation, and RE-CREA- 
 Consciousness State No. 15: One and five (foretelling Attrac- 
 tion, six) y LIFE-INCLUDING, or 
 TION, Under-standing. 
 Consciousness State No. 16: One and six (foretelling Muta- 
 tion, seven), LIFE-ATTRACTING: 
 Functioning, FUNCTION. 
 Consciousness State No. 17: One and seven (foretelling Com- 
 pletion, //), Li FE-MUTATING: 
 TUITION, Selection. 
 Consciousness State No. 18: One and eight (foretelling Evolu- 
 tion, nine)) LIFE-COMPLETING: 
 Co-ordination, or co-operation: 
 Consciousness State No. 19: One and nine (foretelling Con- 
 servation, ten) the starting point 
 and finish, for the first shall al- 
 ways be last and the last first), 
 LIFE-EVOLUTIONAL: and as pro- 
 cess of issuance with the babe 
 from the womb, the chick from 
 the shell, the martyr from cross 
 and stake, must always be 
 purely volitional, VOLITION. 
 Thus the analysis and synthesis of those States of Conscious- 
 ness as the scale of the building of the Great Pyramid. 
 Finally, at the risk of becoming tedious in the repetitive elu- 
 cidation of what is so utterly obvious, but to substantiate 
 the statement that the Great Pyramid and Holy Bible are in 
 utter agreement on these States of Consciousness, and by 
 such substantiation to acknowledge the truth of that Free- 
 Masonic statement, before cited, that without Holy Bible 
 and Square and Compass (the tools of the Pyramid Builder) 
 there is no Lodge, it becomes necessary to look for a cor- 
 roboration of these Pyramidal States of Consciousness in the 
 Holy Bible, and for this purpose the account of creation 
 therein should, if anywhere, furnish the necessary data. 
 Turning to the first Book of the Bible, and the first chapter 
 of such Book, we read: 
 -In the beginning God created 
 the heaven and the earth. 
 Genesis i [LIFE]: I [LIFE] 
 As there is no mention in this verse of aught but Life itself, 
 we are justified in naming this first State of Creation as 
 nothing other than LIFE. 
 And in the following verse: 
 And the earth was without 
 form, and void; and darkness 
 was upon the face of the deep. 
 And the Spirit of God moved 
 upon the face of the waters. 
 Genesis i [LIFE]: 2 [RELATING] 
 The first sentence of this verse states of mere existence; but 
 finally, of action, or movement, following upon this mere ex- 
 istence to correlate the same. Therefore, Creation names this 
 second State of its activities, RELATION. 
 From this verse to verse 6 (Attraction) of this chapter we 
 now read of the various activities of relativity in division and 
 subdivision; but at verse 6 (twice three) we read: 
 And God said, Let there 
 be a firmament in the midst of 
 the waters, 
 Genesis I [LIFE]: 6 [ATTRACTING] 
 Thus this third State of its activities Creation names CON- 
 In the verse just prior to this, as in regularly intervaled 
 and sequentially numerated periods, we read: 
 . . . . And the evening and 
 the morning were the first day. 
 Genesis i [LIFE]: 5 [COMPREHENDING] 
 The word night, the period of darkness, being so emphatically 
 left out of this account of Creation wherein is morning made a 
 continuance of evening, it is as though the Holy Bible and 
 Great Pyramid refused to take any account of such period 
 as darkness. And as Darkness is the father of ignorance, 
 blindness, and consequent mistakes, it is as though Bible 
 and Pyramid reiterated, Here are no mistakes in our pre- 
 sentation, for "Every good and every perfect gift .... 
 cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no 
 variableness, neither shadow of turning." James i [LIFE, 
 Now from verse 6 [Attraction] to verse 10 [Conservation] 
 we read simply of the construction of the firmament as water 
 and land; until we come to verse 1 1 [Re- volution], wherein we 
 And God said, Let the earth 
 bring forth grass, the herb 
 yielding seed, and the fruit tree 
 yielding fruit after his kind, 
 whose seed is in itself, upon the 
 earth: and it was so. 
 Obviously the period, or State, of the Consciousness of 
 Bringing-forth, GENERATION. 
 From verses 12 to 19, inclusive, is the account of the com- 
 prehending all Creation with Light, encircling the same with 
 lights in both periods of day and night; so that this Con- 
 sciousness of Creation names itself COMPREHENSION. 
 From verse 20 on, we read now of a period of the sexing of 
 creation, and the divisions of such into species, culminating 
 with verse 22 [Relation], wherein are we told: 
 And God blessed them, say- 
 ing, Be fruitful, and multiply, 
 and fill the waters in the seas, 
 and let fowl multiply in the 
 And finally the crowning of Creation, read of in verses 26 
 [Relation-Attractive] and 27 [Relation-Mutative]: 
 And God said, Let us 
 make man in our image, after 
 our likeness: and let them 
 have dominion over the fish of 
 the sea, and over the fowl of 
 the air, and over the cattle, and 
 over all the earth, and over 
 every creeping thing that creep- 
 eth upon the earth. 
 So God created man in his 
 own image, in the image of God 
 created he him; male and 
 female created he them. 
 These verses 22-26-27 are so obvious in their expression of 
 Like attracting to Like, that obviously this State of Crea- 
 tional Consciousness writes itself the State of ATTRACTION. 
 Thus, in the first chapter of the first book of the Holy Bible, 
 the Chapter of Life (i) and Book of Life (i), we find a 
 succinct number of States of Consciousness recorded thus: 
 Consciousness State 
 No. i: LIFE: Being. 
 2: RELATION of that Life. 
 3: CONSTRUCTION by that Life. 
 4: That Life GENERATING. 
 5: That Life all-lighted, COMPREHENSION. 
 6: That Life gathered in species, or brought 
 together; Like to Like; ATTRACTION. 
 Continuing, Biblically, we read in Genesis, chapter 2 (Rela- 
 tion), verse i (Life), that is, now, the Relativity produced 
 by Life made Alive, .... 
 Thus the heavens and the 
 earth were finished, and 
 all the host of them. 
 And in verse 2 of chapter 2, [Relativity related, or ac- 
 And on the seventh day 
 God ended his work which he 
 had made; and he rested on 
 the seventh day from all his 
 work which he had made. 
 Thus, Creation inter-related, this State of Consciousness im- 
 mediately following now records itself as MUTATION, or 
 Change. For as the word "night" is, as already remarked, 
 emphatically omitted from the story of God's activities 
 creatively, darkness being produced solely by the removal 
 of Light therefrom, and again, in the account of the creation 
 of Light, dispelled thereby, it is patent that the word 
 "day" is intended to refer to a continuous period of action, 
 or State of Consciousness, rather than to a subdivision of 
 weekly time; a deduction further confirmed in the 5th [Com- 
 prehension] verse of the ist [Life] chapter of Genesis: 
 And God called the light 
 Day, and the darkness he called 
 Night. And the evening and 
 the morning were the first day. 
 Here, again, is night most obviously omitted from the ac- 
 count of the activities of Him who, watching over Israel, 
 "neither slumbers nor sleeps." So that, as plainly as 
 can be stated, the word "day" is used in the account of all 
 Creation as referring to a State, or period, of activity; and as 
 the activities of God are manifestly purely mental, and not of 
 the nature of manual labor, such "day" registers itself un- 
 questionably as a State of Consciousness. 
 The Seventh State of Consciousness, then, according to the 
 account of Creation as told in the Holy Bible, records itself as 
 the Consciousness of Mutation. And as this State is recorded 
 at once as completing God's activities of Creation, the sub- 
 sequent Eighth State of Consciousness, wherein was given to 
 Adam the naming of God's creation, thereby setting the seal 
 on the work, as it were, the only term possible to such State 
 of Consciousness is COMPLETION. 
 At the ninth period of the events of the World's history 
 (the number of the period of issuance from the mother womb) 
 we become apprised, following the creation of man^ of the 
 sending forth of the rivers to encompass and water the land so 
 that the latter may re-create itself; whereby this Ninth State 
 of Consciousness is named Issuance, or E-VOLUTION. (It was 
 the Ninth Hour on the Cross which signalized the process of 
 Evolution therefrom, in blood and water.) And, as in the im- 
 mediately following State of the activities of Creation we 
 learn that these Rivers encompassed the Garden, we again 
 corroborate our Tenth (10) State of Consciousness Biblically 
 with the name CONSERVATION. 
 Here, then, we have traversed our horizontal course of 
 masonry, which in the Great Pyramid is 10 feet in length, and 
 have arrived at the State of Conservation, between the figures 
 numerating which are all the known numerals to us, from i 
 to 9. And as subsequent numerals become simply repetitive 
 combinations of these first nine figures, out of respect to the 
 reader's patience it is here assumed that sufficient corrobor- 
 ation of Pyramidal "pitch" has been afforded by the activ- 
 ities of Creation as told in the first and second chapter of 
 the first book of that work which we call Holy Bible. 
 The name of Solomon, sometime King of Israel, stands 
 pre-eminently to all men, even such as have never inter- 
 ested themselves in the Biblical history of this famous 
 monarch, as the synonym of Wisdom. The exact time of the 
 reign of this sovereign is a matter of grave theological dispute 
 to this day, but it is generally accepted that he built "the 
 In verse 17 (Tuition) of the 9th [Evolution] chapter of 
 i Kings, is stated, 
 And Solomon built Gezer, 
 This same statement occurs also in the I5th [Location] verse 
 of this same chapter. Gezer, or Gezeh, happens to be the 
 name of that group of three Pyramids of which the Great 
 Pyramid is the central building, and the King's Chamber in 
 which, as well as the King's Coffer in the King's Chamber in 
 which, correspond exactly in cubit measurement to the Ark of 
 the Tabernacle, and the Molten Sea, in the Temple which 
 King Solomon is accredited with building. Further, a com- 
 parison of descriptions of the building of the Temple will be 
 found to compare severally and jointly with the dimensions of 
 the Great Pyramid, which latter structure it is scientifically 
 admitted was designed and constructed for just such purpose 
 as Solomon's Temple was obviously intended for. It is also 
 clearly stated, in the account of this same building of the 
 Temple by Solomon, that there was heard in such activities 
 incidental to the Temple's erection no sound of hammer or 
 axe, or any tool necessary to the building of such a structure 
 as that told of literally in the descriptions of the building of 
 Solomon's Temple. 
 And the house, when it was 
 in building, was built of stone 
 made ready before it was 
 brought thither: so that there 
 was neither hammer nor axe 
 nor any tool of iron heard in 
 the house, while it was in 
 i Kings: 6 [Attraction, or Double Construction] 
 If the sound of hammer, axe, and the tools of building were 
 not heard during the process of building, it is hardly suppos- 
 able that they would be heard merrily ringing away in busy 
 activity after the building was completed and dedicated. All 
 of which, of course, argues that the House of the Lord, which 
 we conceive to be the Temple built by Solomon, was of a dif- 
 ferent timber, or timbre, than that literally described in such 
 obvious detail in the Holy Bible, was in fact more "mason- 
 ically" constructed than that wooden building that we imag- 
 ine the Temple of Solomon. 
 However, leaving such argument to come up in its proper 
 place in this work, suffice it for the moment that the building 
 of this Temple and the King's house are said in the 9th 
 [Evolutional] chapter of the first Book of Kings, which 
 chapter tells of the birth of the completed building, following 
 upon its dedication in the preceding chapter [Completion], 
 to have occupied the space of twenty years; and as Solo- 
 mon is to this day synonymous with Wisdom, we must logi- 
 cally suppose those twenty years to have been wisely ex- 
 pended, and to have been necessary to construction of such 
 The Great Pyramid, as has been stated, scales to its height 
 of 5822 earth-commensurated inches by a series of masonry 
 courses, which courses give to it its timbre, or tone. These 
 courses, as has also been stated, are constructed of large 
 blocks of stone, being laid over each other upward on a scale 
 of 10 feet of horizontal for every 9 feet of perpendicular, 
 wherefrom was conceived the degrees of the Chromatic scale 
 of music, and from which, as corroborated by Holy Bible, 
 have we in this offering drawn the classification of our Nine- 
 teen States of Consciousness. To this scale of 10-9 (19), the 
 Great Pyramid squares the circle; which is to say, that its 
 height, used as the radius of a circle, would describe a sphere 
 whose circumference would be equal to the four sides of the 
 square base of the Great Pyramid. In other words, using the 
 Great Pyramidal figure as that of a compass (which it is), an 
 encompass could be drawn by such compass, using such com- 
 pass height as the radius of the encompass, as would equal 
 spherically the lineal measurement of four lines correspond- 
 ing to the base of which this compass was the height. 
 Now the Great Pyramid, as it stands, is a building ob- 
 viously yet incomplete, inasmuch as its chief corner stone, its 
 capstone, is missing. By the use of the word chief in this con- 
 nection, the Bible evidently intends to convey just what such 
 word signifies, topmost, or most important, stone; and 
 this stone, we are told in the New Testament, as well as in 
 the Old Testament, was rejected of the builders. And as the 
 weight of this stone is specifically referred to as of measure 
 sufficient to "grind to powder that on which it falls," it is ob- 
 viously too heavy to have been blown from its lofty chief 
 place by windstorm, or removed therefrom by prowling 
 Dervish. Consequently, we are by process of elimination 
 obliged to assume that the expression "rejected" is the sole 
 explanation of its absence from the whole structure. 
 And, indeed, when one comes to carefully consider "rejec- 
 tion" in its fullness, it is the very essential to "acceptation. " 
 It was by the "rejection" of the Nazarene that His teaching 
 came to have Universal "acceptation"; the "rejection" of a 
 lover but incites the latter to greater efforts toward "accep- 
 tation"; the "rejection" of the "juice" by the compactness of 
 the electrical coil but incites the former to brighter and hot- 
 ter effort. 
 Generally, therefore, there are three motives governing our 
 rejection of an object or subject; because its cost in effort or 
 measure is felt to be unwarranted (even as the rich young 
 man in Scriptures rejected the Cross offered him by Jesus), or 
 through ignorance of the value of the object or subject of- 
 fered, or so that its very absence may call attention to such 
 object or subject more loudly than could its presence. And 
 when one stops to consider even remotely the marvels of the 
 Great Pyramid's geometrizing and orientation, its situation, 
 and the fact that its vast mass of masonry is built of sub- 
 stances that no discovered quarries in that land afford, it 
 seems painfully obvious that the builders of such left the 
 chief corner stone off the summit of the building for only such 
 sufficient reason as that this "rejection" would call attention 
 to that corner stone by its very absence from the place where 
 evidently it was designed to be. 
 Wherefore, if such reason induced the builders to "reject" 
 such corner stone, it is equally obvious that their purpose of 
 calling special attention to the same could only be accom- 
 plished by placing it at some obvious where in the vicinity of 
 the structure, whereby the searcher for knowledge would, 
 guided by Wisdom, be likely to look for the same. 
 Practically just before the Great Pyramid, facing such on- 
 coming seeker for Knowledge, is the silent, ever-watchful 
 figure of the Sphinx, the "eternal riddle." This figure of the 
 Sphinx, so called, is upon a base, which base if lifted thereon 
 would be found to fit in place as the capstone, or chief corner 
 stone, of the Great Pyramid. But the placing of such thereon 
 would either destroy the TT (pi) value given by the Great 
 Pyramid's squaring of the circle, or change the number of its 
 timbre, the Chromatic scale of its being. 
 Now, referring to the fact that, as was shown in Part One 
 (The Flower of Egypt) of this offering, the unit of measure- 
 ment in the Great Pyramid has been scientifically accepted 
 as identical with the standard year measure, that is an 
 inch, or foot, for a year, it is interesting to note that Solo- 
 mon the Wise took twenty years in the building of the Lord's 
 and the King's house, for when the rejected corner stone of 
 the Building is in place the Pyramid can not square the circle 
 to the given number of its courses unless the measurements of 
 such are changed. And this change automatically suggests it- 
 self to become 10 feet level to 10 feet of rise. That is, a foot is 
 to be added to each separate course, whereby the 19 Chro- 
 matic scale would become a 20 Chromatic scale. Also, in line 
 with this, it is perfectly known that master composers of 
 "grand" music have long labored under the impression that 
 another degree could profitably be added to the already 
 known 19 degrees of the musical scale. 
 Thus, as the former builders of the Great Pyramid rejected 
 the chief corner stone, let it here receive recognition; and in 
 honor to the Inspirer of all Knowledge, let such State become 
 named in our list by natural process as Godhead, the State 
 perfect of REALIZATION; for without REALIZATION could such 
 corner stone never become known to man, and without 
 REALIZATION would be neither corner stone nor man. 
 Thus, finally, do the completed States of Consciousness 
 announce themselves, 
 Consciousness State 
 No. i : LIFE, Being. 
 17: TUITION (Direction). 
 18: CO-ORDINATION (Co-operation). 
 Or, as was previously done, when the first numeral of the 
 combined numerals after that of 10 was considered always 
 as Life- 1, Life-2, etc., 
 Consciousness State 
 No. i : LIFE is expressed by 1 1 : REVOLUTION. 
 2: RELATION is expressed by 12: INVOLUTION. 
 3: CONSTRUCTION is expressed by 13: PARTURITION 
 4: GENERATION is expressed by 14: RE-CREATION. 
 5: COMPREHENSION is expressed by 15: LOCATION 
 (Place of 5-pointed Star). 
 6: ATTRACTION is expressed by 16: FUNCTION. 
 7: MUTATION, Transition, is expressed by 17: TUI- 
 8: COMPLETION is expressed by 18: CO-ORDINATION. 
 9: EVOLUTION is expressed by 19: VOLITION. 
 And last, 
 Consciousness State No. 20: REALIZATION. 
 But Life, which is Re-volution, is itself REALIZATION. So 
 that the identities of God, Father, and the Christ, become, as 
 said Jesus, "one," for the first becomes last, and the last first, 
 as said John in Revelation i (Life) : 1 1 (Revolution) : 
 Saying, I am Alpha and 
 Omega, the first and the last: .... 
 I am Alpha and Omega, the 
 beginning and the ending, saith 
 the Lord, .... 
 Revelation i [LIFE]: 8 [COMPLETION] 
 Thus, with God, Father, acknowledged in the Building of 
 Life, is that structure complete, at which completion, spake 
 God to his servant Job, the song of the morning stars was 
 heard, Melody, Harmony, and COUNTER-POINT. 
 Whereupon are the founda- 
 tions thereof fastened ? or 
 who laid the corner stone 
 When the morning stars 
 sang together, and all the 
 sons of God shouted for joy? 
 .... and all the 
 sons of God shouted for joy. 
 THUS FAR in this offering has been unfolded the petals 
 of the Flower of Egypt by the song of the Morning 
 Star of Divine Science; and it is now that the sons of 
 God should give forth their paean of joy at the completion of 
 the Building. But who, then, are these sons of God? And, 
 first, Who, or What, is God? So again does it become neces- 
 sary to revert to the Holy Bible for the necessary informa- 
 tion, trusting to the Great Pyramid for numerical confirma- 
 tion of what the Holy Bible reveals. 
 In the first verse [Life] of the first chapter [Life] of the 
 Gospel according to St. John, we read this brief statement: 
 In the beginning was the 
 Word, and the Word was 
 with God, and the Word was 
 A statement so succinct, so clear, so singly purposeful, so ap- 
 parent, so utterly and emphatically capitalized as to its 
 direct message, as to be beyond the realm of controversy, 
 cavil, or sophistry. You may accept this statement, or you 
 may decline, or reject it; but whichever you do must be done 
 wholly, in toto, for you can neither expunge from it one jot or 
 tittle of what it says, nor read into it any other interpretation. 
 Three statements in one, even as the wondrous Trinity of 
 God, it stands impossible of alteration or misconstruction. No 
 hand of vandal can remove it from the triune building in 
 which it is set, no ruthless hand, guided by ignorant thinking, 
 tunnel into the treasure it contains. Thus stands it triunely, 
 impossible of alteration, violation, or misinterpretation, a 
 pillar and an edifice to the LORD of hosts in the midst of the 
 land, even as its triune expression in the midst of the earth, 
 the Great Pyramid. So, then, in the unfolding of the Flower 
 of Knowledge and Wisdom, we are at once possessed of three 
 short, perfectly formed and complete sentences in the plainest 
 and most unmistakable of words, that, omitting the little 
 conjunctive "and,"- 
 In the beginning was the Word. 
 The Word was with God. 
 The Word was God. 
 Observing this writing analytically, as well as synthetically, 
 we at once become conscious of the repeated use of the word 
 "Word," and of its repeated capitalization. From such obser- 
 vation it becomes also at once apparent to our consciousness 
 that by such capitalization the author of these sentences has 
 endeavored to draw particular attention therein to this one 
 word, "Word," which he so succinctly states was in the 
 beginning, was with God, and was God. Mark, he does not 
 say that T"he Word was in the beginning, was with God, and 
 was God, nor that The word, nor THE word, was in the 
 beginning, was with God and was God, for to have so written 
 his statements would have been to convey to his reader that 
 some one sound, uttered in the realm of mystery perhaps, 
 certainly unknown to the majority of His Children, was in 
 the beginning, was with God, and was God. No; John states 
 clearly that the Word, W-o-r-d, that means by which 
 we communicate with one another, was in the beginning, 
 was with God, and was God. No other interpretation will 
 satisfy this text. 
 In Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures, Mary 
 Baker Eddy has defined "Beginning" as being "the only", 
 and as no definition superseding this of Mary Baker Eddy's 
 can be offered for a fact in the realm of Consciousness, 
 where "Beginning" is automatically "Ending", and vice 
 versa, so that there is in reality neither Ending nor Beginning, 
 we may pass from the first two statements in this verse just 
 quoted, and proceed to the third statement as a basis for 
 inquiry as to Who, or What, is God, 
 ". . . . and the Word was God." 
 What, then, is W-o-r-d? 
 Pythagoras, student and product of the esoteric Amasis, 
 of Egypt, advanced the theory that W-o-r-d sustained the 
 difference between man and beast-of-the-field; and with 
 such Pythagorean dismissal of the subject man appears to 
 have been content to allow the question to rest during the 
 years of his decline downwards toward the mouth of the 
 Bottomless Pit. But the question of the origin, and the quo 
 vadis y of man still insisting to the perplexity of the wise ones 
 of this world, from time to time abortive attempts have been 
 efforted to answer this question. Finally, Pythagoras to the 
 contrary notwithstanding, a modern, very modern, 
 psychologist and Professor of Philosophy has advanced the 
 theory that the difference between man and beast-of-the 
 field lies primarily in the ability of the former to fashion 
 tools wherewith to express himself in toil. 
 This definition of difference, which at first blush appears 
 feasible, when examined in the microscopic light of cold 
 fact rather puts man to the blush; for the bird, with its 
 wings, can certainly outflight the aeronaut; the spider, with 
 his tools of excision and incision, equal the skill of surgical 
 science; the beaver, with his claws and little stump tail, 
 out-Herod the best endeavors of the civil engineer; the 
 snake, with his long, sensitive, forked tongue receive and 
 transmit messages that neither Marconigraph nor seismo- 
 graph could record; and, the bee, without aid of woolsack 
 and ermine, pen or parchment, give and enforce a system of 
 communal laws and business principles that not the most 
 advanced civic government in the world, nor the greatest 
 trust concern therein, may rival. These facts of animal life, 
 a few out of the myriad illustrations of the expressions in 
 species of such, all susceptible of proof, and obvious to the 
 merest observation, are so generally known and accepted as 
 to call for no further substantiation than the mere state- 
 ment of such invoked. 
 So it seems after all that it is to the Pythagorean deduction 
 as to the value of W-o-r-d we must turn, and in support of 
 such testimony it is easily apparent that whereas every 
 beast of the field, all beast life that is, can give expression 
 to one or more of the sounds that go to the fulfillment of that 
 which we know as W-o-r-d, it is to man alone that has been 
 given the whole and intelligent use of W-o-r-d; even as when 
 the LORD God brought before Adam all beasts of the field, 
 every creeping thing, all fish of the sea, and fowl of the air, 
 that he might call each by name, and so have dominion over 
 them and over the whole earth. 
 In this first chapter of the Gospel according to St. John, 
 then, and the very first verse therein, we learn Who and 
 What God is, and that by virtue of the power vested in 
 Himself (Word), He (Word) performed His creation, even 
 as His creation man performs his acts of recreation, or re- 
 membering, by this same process of saying the name of the 
 thing to be re-created, or re-membered, and it is allowed so. 
 For when God (Word) performed creation we are told that 
 He did so by the use of Word, "let there be", whatever 
 was the particular creation then undergoing formation, and 
 "there was", or "it was so." Until, having completed the 
 creation of those things destined to be without the knowledge 
 of the use of w-o-r-d, He (Word) created that, His son, which 
 was so preeminently to use expressed w-o-r-d as the means 
 of intelligent expression, and alas! to attempt to degrade it, 
 too, into the language of the intercommunication of swine. 
 And God [Word] said, Let us 
 make man in our image, after 
 our likeness: and let them 
 have dominion over the fish of 
 the sea, and over the fowl of 
 the air, and over the cattle, and 
 over all the earth, and over 
 every creeping thing that creep- 
 eth upon the earth. 
 W-o-r-d is composed of several symbols, or integers. Logi- 
 cally it would be spoken of in the plural. Moreover, is God 
 (Word) one separate, distinct sound only, He who created 
 all good, and without whom was not anything made that 
 was made? 
 So God [Word] created man in his [Word's] 
 own image, in the image of God [Word] 
 created he [Word] him [Word's Integer]; male and 
 female created he [Word] them [Word's Integers]. 
 Genesis I [LIFE]: 27 [TRANSITION Joy] 
 Lo! God's own statement that he created his image and like- 
 ness male-and- fern ale, and called such man, giving to man 
 equi-dominion over all the earth and the fullness thereof? 
 Where then the boasted superiority of man over woman? 
 Where vaunted national supremacy? Where the dominion 
 of color over color? It would seem that the articles of the 
 League of Nations, of Universal Suffrage, and the per- 
 plexing race and color questions of today, had one and all 
 been written in a document dated at least some thousands 
 of years before these questions could arise, or before poli- 
 ticians had been able to frame written statements in search 
 of signatories thereto. One little, short verse in the first Book 
 of the Bible, in all just 22 plain, easily comprehensible words, 
 counting in the italic also, and behold! the entire platform of 
 the League of Nations already sealed, signed, and delivered; 
 the Suffrage Bill already in force; and the Asiatic and Negro 
 questions forever settled under the title, SONSHIP OF GOD is 
 BROTHERHOOD OF MAN. For, says the first [Life] verse of the 
 nth [Re- volution, Life-Being] chapter of Genesis, 
 And the whole earth was of 
 one language, and of one 
 No possibility of any other rendition here, also, any more 
 than a possibility of national or intercommunal differences. 
 Man expresses himself in symbol. When he thinks table> 
 he does not build an automobile and call it aero-plane. When 
 he produces, he produces in symbol, or form-likeness, that 
 which he thinks, "as a man thinketh, so is he." Con- 
 sequently, in producing a written language he would produce 
 such in symbolism of his thought, or sound, language. Now 
 if there is one particular suggestion that is harped on over 
 and over again in the Bible, from Genesis of the Old Testa- 
 ment to Revelation of the New Testament, it is that the 
 Sin of the Ages has been, and is, an attempted anthropo- 
 morphization of God, the effort to locate him in the flesh 
 parts of Egypt, in gold, in the appurtenances of what we 
 believe power and might, in the form that seems to invite 
 the sensual desire, in short to express God (Word) other 
 than as W-o-r-d, which obviously leads immediately to a 
 confusion worse confounded of tongues. Yet if God (Word) 
 was, and is, W-o-r-d, as stated so positively by St. John; if 
 God (Word) created male and female in his likeness, after 
 his own image calling such plural creation man; if the "whole 
 earth was of one language and one speech, "then the symbols 
 of Word must logically express Word's creation, man. And 
 as we have nowhere else to look for an accepted account of 
 the creation of man, we must perforce turn to the Holy 
 Bible for authenticity on this subject. 
 Already have we read of the account of man as made in 
 the likeness, after the image, of Word. Let us then turn to 
 the story of the Sin of Man, the attempted anthropomor- 
 phization of God (Word), whereby did man become mortal- 
 ized, we are told, that is to say, a visible, or apparent, 
 mortally five-sensed entity. And herein, in this 3rd (Con- 
 struction) chapter of Genesis do we find the first indication 
 of our written alphabet symbolically, which written alpha- 
 bet would be the written expression of Word, or its attempted 
 This story opens with an immediate suggestion by a 
 serpent, which serpent, we are told, was more subtil than any 
 beast of the field, that the woman eat of the tree which was 
 in the midst of the garden, and of the fruit of which tree 
 both man and woman were forbidden to eat. Obviously, 
 here is a point to be well considered before proceeding 
 further, that whereas God (Word) allowed this tree to be in 
 the midst of the Garden, and consequently in plain and daily 
 sight of His (Word's) integers, he forbade them to taste of 
 the fruit thereof. And as it is impossible to imagine the All- 
 Father plotting the ruination of his children, remains but 
 the explanation that such tree, while existent, was to remain 
 intangible; that is, would only become actual in seemingly 
 attempted recreating, or re-imaging. 
 And when the woman saw 
 that the tree was good for food 
 and that it was pleasant to 
 the eyes, and a tree to be de- 
 sired to make one wise, she 
 took of the fruit thereof, and 
 did eat, and gave also unto her 
 husband with her; and he did 
 And the eyes of them both 
 were opened, and they knew 
 that they were naked; and they 
 sewed fig leaves together, and 
 made themselves aprons. 
 Here we have man, on the inception of his first recorded 
 volitional act, seeking to hide himself from the consequences 
 of that act, and to hide himself from such consequences by 
 the apron, which would logically hide such consequences 
 from himself. That is, recognizing by his very nakedness, 
 not before perceptible to him, the difference between himself 
 and his companion, separating by marking a difference, as 
 it were, both he and the woman strove to hide such 
 knowledge from themselves by covering those very organs 
 which would proclaim such knowledge of separation to each. 
 And as this information is the very first we have of the 
 perceptible W-o-r-d, or "Word made flesh" as St. John 
 describes it, the registration of such integers of Word would, 
 of course, head the list of the integers of Word, the alphabet. 
 Thus do we write the first two symbolic integers of the 
 alphabet, A and B, after the fashion in which they were 
 written by the attempted anthropomorphization of Word by 
 Word's integers, male and female. 
 the female organ of generation, denoting 
 the male organ of generation, denoting 
 And as we are informed that simultaneously with the com- 
 mission of their first act the eyes of both were opened to the 
 perception of their nakedness, 
 the open eye, CONTEMPLATION. 
 Then knowing that they were naked, by actual sight now, 
 they hid their organs from each other and from themselves 
 by the use of aprons, as 
 Q the closed eye, ADMONITION, Warning. 
 For, also, the voice of the LORD God was heard walking in the 
 Garden and calling unto the man, who answered It: 
 .... I heard thy [Word Apparent] 
 voice in the garden, and I was 
 afraid, because I was naked; 
 and I hid myself [closed my eye]. 
 And he [Word Apparent] said, Who told thee 
 that thou wast naked? Hast 
 thou eaten of the tree, whereof 
 I commanded thee that thou 
 shouldest not eat? 
 As it is, of course, impossible to suppose that the All Creator 
 could be unaware of any event, there is only the assumption 
 left that by this question God (Word) wished a direct state- 
 ment from the male integer as to what caused him to see (C) 
 outwardly, and which reason, in symbol, the male integer 
 proceeds to reiterate his just found knowledge of in the 
 words : 
 .... The 
 woman whom thou [Word Apparent] gavest to be 
 with me, she gave me of the 
 tree, and I did eat. 
 Which is, The integer "woman/* whom I know now to be 
 such by her female organ of procreation, she gave me of the 
 tree and I did eat. 
 Then to the woman the LORD God (Word Apparent) 
 addressed a similar question; and whereas the man made 
 answer that the cause of his disobedience was the symbol of 
 lustful thought, the woman answered the LORD God 
 (Word Apparent), whose integer she is equally with man, 
 in the same verse and without a moment's hesitation: 
 .... The serpent be- 
 guiled me, and I did eat. 
 Plainly there was no attempt on the woman's part to pro- 
 claim the genital organ of the male the cause of her undoing; 
 for whereas she was aware of such, as published by her 
 seeking to hide knowledge of it from herself and companion, 
 she stated the cause of her undoing intelligently to be the 
 serpent, that subtil beast, which had beguiled her. 
 Now, the Serpent since all time has stood as the symbol 
 of the teacher of man. The builders of the Pyramid made 
 such acknowledgment when they pointed the entrance of 
 their Structure of treasured Lore at the tail star of the Con- 
 stellation Serpent. Also, if one cares to follow further the 
 knowledge of esoteric lore recorded in the Egyptian Book of 
 the Dead, not yet translated wholly, one will find therein 
 an account of the rites of esoteric transition, from world to 
 world, to be, or to have been, accomplished by processes of 
 the breathing system of the Great Serpent (the python), 
 with his ten units of inspired, ten units of held, and ten units 
 of expired, breathing, from which the Egyptian esoterics 
 membered the word J-0-ver, J-over, (Jehova). And this 
 system of Great-Serpent teaching of the path of transition, 
 told in the Book of the Breathings, was in contradistinction 
 to the destructive swift formed, and held, breathing system 
 of the Hindu, who in emulation of his symbolic cobra seeks 
 thus to poison himself out of mortal form. 
 Yet it is impossible to suppose that God (Word) mali- 
 ciously led His creation astray under the decline of the 
 dragon star to the mouth of the Bottomless Pit, nor was it 
 God (Word) whom the woman so accused in her swift 
 answer, but the subtilty (mark the spelling), or miscon- 
 ception of God (Word), whom she sought to locate in the 
 flesh parts of Egypt, whereby she produced a continuance of 
 the condition to which she had now bounden herself by an 
 act of union, attempting to supersede the intelligent unition 
 of Intellect and Consciousness wherein only is God (Word) to 
 be known. 
 Adam's answer was that of one drunken on non-intel- 
 lectuality so that the spiritual perception of Intelligence was 
 for the time almost wholly removed from him; but the 
 woman, for not yet was she called Eve, the hour of dark- 
 ness, spoke with the true light of full sight, that sight for 
 which she had paid, and was to pay, so dearly, (the insight, 
 or intuition); and thus was added to the alphabet the letter 
 the Eye pierced with the shaft of light, 
 Sight, EVOLUTION, issuance, when spoken of 
 intuitively; when extuitively, as in this case 
 of the woman's, PROJECTION, ISSUANCE. 
 Then the LORD God (Word Apparent), addressing this false 
 man-created concept of himself, the subtil serpent, said: 
 .... Because thou 
 hast done this, thou art cursed 
 above all cattle, and above 
 every beast of the field; upon 
 thy belly shalt thou go, and 
 dust shalt thou eat all the 
 days of thy life: 
 That is, "cursed above all cattle," rendered powerless be- 
 cause of dumbness, or the loss of the use of w-o-r-d, and 
 "dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life," be fed only 
 with that to which mortal flesh, decayed, goes, re-create. 
 cannibally upon thy re-creation, or eat thyself. 
 Then to the woman He (Word Apparent) said, and note 
 the gentleness of address so apparent in the wordings of 
 I [Word Apparent] will greatly multiply thy sor- 
 row and thy conception; in 
 sorrow thou shalt bring forth 
 children; and thy desire shall 
 be to thy husband, and he 
 shall rule over thee. 
 Or, in other language, I (Word Apparent) will magnify thy 
 false concept in multiple, i. e. the sign of crucifixion. In 
 sorrow shalt thou keep reproducing thy false thought in 
 multiple, again the sign of the cross to be lifted by the 
 true Cross; and, because of this lust of thine for imaging 
 God (Word) where He is not, a male shall always be neces- 
 sary to its accomplishment, whereby shall he rule over thee. 
 It is said of Jesus that He once, when asked when Sin 
 would cease, replied, "When women cease to bear children." 
 And then, in the verses immediately following, we have the 
 record of the curse of toil, labor, and unholy strife lain upon 
 Adam for " all the days of his life, " that is for the length of 
 his "Adam" life. And, immediately following this, Genesis 
 3 [Construction]: 20 [Realization]: 
 And Adam called his wife's 
 name Eve; because she was 
 the mother of all living. 
 Although not until the next chapter, succeeding the ejection 
 from the Garden, is there any talk of progeny to this union. 
 Still, Adam called his wife's name Eve, and eve is the hour 
 of gathering darkness; and by this first naming by the now 
 dominant male, given to him to accomplish, the symbol of 
 the downcast eye, the letter 
 ^\ the Eye downcast, Impotence, SUBMISSION, 
 is born into the alphabet. 
 Then immediately, closing this chapter of sadness and sin, 
 we are informed that 
 Unto Adam also and to his 
 wife did the LORD God make 
 coats of skin, and clothed them. 
 Observe analytically the rendition of this just cited verse. 
 Not for Adam and his wife, but unto Adam and to his wife, 
 were coats of skin made. Saying as plainly as can be said that 
 Adam and his wife (integers of Word Apparent) were now 
 clothed in mortal vestment, or made flesh, were mortalized 
 and covered with skin. 
 Then automatically, and immediately, following the 
 mortalization of these integers of Word, who themselves 
 had just striven by locating Word to make him apparent to 
 their perceptible senses, the LORD God (Word Apparent) 
 sent the man, male and female, forth from the GARDEN 
 OF EDEN. And so the letter 
 the Eye with the tear issuant: RELEASE- 
 MENT, to become Fruition, 
 takes its place as the Seventh (transitional) letter of the 
 visual alphabet. 
 This transitional state of man, whereby he now passes 
 from immortal Life to the mortal concept of life, alphabet- 
 ically to the separation of sound from sight, again, even as 
 with the story of creation in the first chapter of this Book 
 of Genesis, closes this jrd [Construction] chapter of the 
 history of Life, and in the now following 4th [Generative] 
 chapter of the history of Life we find the story of the alpha- 
 bet continued as the story of the earth man, or mortal, 
 the integer of Word Apparent now made flesh. 
 And Adam knew Eve his 
 wife: .... 
 Genesis 4 [GENERATION]: i [LIFE]: [EARTH LIFE] 
 Two figures, standing synthetically in heraldic attitude, 
 both joined and separated by the symbol of their downfall, 
 can be typified only by the letter 
 H CONVENTION, Synthesis. 
 Such figures, the mortalized integers of Word Apparent, now 
 begin that life of earth generation foretold them by the LORD 
 God in the last chapter, and recounted so clearly in the first 
 six words, above quoted, from the first verse of this chapter. 
 And mark, so apparent in the rendition of this verse, that 
 while Adam "knew" the woman now to be Eve his wife, he 
 also knew her solely as the wife, the bearer of the symbol of 
 her generation by which was she to reproduce him in their 
 offspring. Yet God (Word) said that He created man equally 
 male and female, in His likeness after His own image, not 
 master and servant, lord and concubine. 
 Then follow logically, and in due sequence, even as with 
 the Consciousness States, the symbolic expressions of the 
 creation of foetal birth and life, in imitation of the Creation 
 of Life by the unition of Intellect and Consciousness. 
 I the male organ, symbol of man's assertion of 
 superiority ASSERTION. 
 S the female "way" of the flight of mortal seed 
 into the womb, preserving the notion of the 
 Serpent in form-motion, Tuition, DIRECTION. 
 the male (in organ symbolism) seeking entrance 
 to the figure of the woman, resistant in rigid- 
 ity, the problem of the irresistible force and 
 immovable body, Hesitation, Suspension, fin- 
 ally, ATTENTION. 
 But this meeting of the two bodies is but momentary, and the 
 problem automatically solves itself in the succeeding letter, 
 for we now have 
 the male figure of assertion triumphant, the 
 symbol of the "way" of flight prostrate in ac- 
 quiescence victory, overcoming, ACQUISITION. 
 And, automatically following on this yielding by the woman, 
 as foretold in the curse which she laid upon herself, 
 ,X\X\ symbolizing the limbs of the female receptive to 
 now the beginning of the married life; the sym- 
 bol of the figure of the female with her hand 
 resting in expression of her dependence and 
 bondage on the shoulder of the male. The 
 photographic attitude of bride and bridegroom 
 the world over: ADAPTATION, which is the way 
 to Adeptness or Mastery. 
 For mark, that adeptness, which is Adaptation, is mastery. 
 To be master is to be servant, for he is richest who can give 
 most, strongest who can serve longest. The power of mastery 
 is in giving, not in taking, and in the yielding we but gain the 
 more. Does a tug-of-war team gain its ground by straight 
 pulling, or by "giving" with the rope preparatory to a 
 stronger pull? Jiu-jitsu, the science of "giving way," teaches 
 the art of mastery in yielding. 
 and she [Eve] conceived, 
 the enlarged abdomen of the female; Inclusion, 
 COMPREHENSION. (Why, when signifying our 
 comprehension do we say, "Oh!" "Oh, yes," or 
 "Oh, no,"?) 
 the next development in the course of human 
 birth, the breast of the female swelling with its 
 secretion of milk in expectation of the coming 
 little life, EXPECTATION, Provision. 
 within the now fully distended abdominal walls 
 of protection the flicker of life is comprehended 
 in the sanctity of the veil, MYSTIFICATION, 
 Obscuration, Animation. 
 In the 2nd [Relation] chapter of the Book of Genesis, verse 6 
 [Attraction], wherein is told for the first time the story of the 
 second creation of man, as it were, that creation in which, 
 unlike the image of God (Word) he was formed by process of 
 the LORD God's fashioning from the dust of the ground, we 
 But there went up a mist 
 from the earth, and watered the 
 whole face of the ground. 
 In Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures, Mary 
 Baker Eddy refers to this course of human so-called birth as 
 a "mystification." Whereby, on the strength of the same 
 word used to describe the same processes in two such testi- 
 monies as Holy Bible and Science and Health, with Key 
 to the Scriptures, the author of this work is securely content 
 to leave that word, "mystification," as wholly descriptive 
 of the animation announcing birth, and so-called birth, as 
 symbolized by the letter "Q." Yet it is to be borne in mind 
 that, as says the Book of Revelation, nothing is hidden but 
 shall in the day of the great ONE be revealed. 
 now instincting the hour of birth into this world 
 of the gathered life beneath the shelter of her 
 heart, the mother breast wells with its comple- 
 ment of food for her coming young: the breast 
 discharging of its fullness for the coming birth, 
 PREPARATION, Excision. 
 and [Eve] bare Cain, and said, I have 
 gotten a man from the Lord. 
 Genesis 4 [GENERATION]: I [LIFE] 
 the course of foetal descent, birth, which as- 
 suming to the female a "snaky feeling," was 
 suggested in motion by the false Serpent, out- 
 breathing, or EXPIRATION. But, symbolized in 
 the heavens as the Teacher of Man, on which 
 astrologically the Great Pyramid of treasured 
 Lore orients itself because of inspired Wisdom, 
 INSPIRATION. These two breathings, with the 
 held breath, (to be given later), are the secret 
 of the ancient Egyptian system of esoterism, 
 (S-o-terism), and demonstrate the difference 
 between the LORD God and God, between 
 Word-Apparent and Word. 
 Observe, too, in this just cited verse from the 4th [Genera- 
 tion] chapter of Genesis, that Eve said, when giving birth to 
 Cain, that she had gotten a man from the Lord. Here again 
 does the story of mortal so-called birth receive confirmation 
 in the Bible passages, for the curse as lain on Eve was that 
 her desire was to be to her male companion, who by this 
 process was to become her Lord and master mortally (see the 
 letter "L") and from whom, consequently, she had gotten 
 the man child. 
 v.x and now, " the man from the Lord," born, is the 
 automatically following symbol describing the 
 next surgical operation, that of tightening 
 the umbilical cord to pull away the placenta. 
 This is the end of so-called birth, hence 
 Finality, Limitation, COMPLETION. 
 and then, of course, sequentially, the symbol of 
 the cradle, which also the bent arm of the 
 mother holding her young makes Presence, 
 PRESENTATION, which at once in this sense be- 
 comes synonymous with DEDICATION. 
 This Dedication of an object is an announcement of the pur- 
 pose for which it has primarily been established in form. Eve, 
 in the annunciation of her first born, dedicated him to, not 
 God, but the God whom she had attempted to anthropomor- 
 phize, the LORD God. And as a son of the LORD God, Cain 
 immediately commenced to comport himself, so that even to 
 his mother's conception of God Cain was unacceptable. This 
 explains the naming of child, and therewith is its purport 
 definitely announced. 
 It is historically established that Egypt colonized our 
 nationally known world; a fact that also receives corrobora- 
 tion in the courses of the Great Pyramid, and in the Holy 
 Bible, in which latter account, St. Matthew 2 [Relation]: 15 
 [Location], we are informed that God (Word) said, "Out of 
 Egypt have I called my son," and in the 8th [Completion] 
 verse of the nth [Revolution] chapter of Revelation wherein 
 we read, .... "Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified." 
 Generally, Egypt, as we know historically of such, was com- 
 posed of two governing factions, its esoterics, and exoterics, 
 the former its psychologists, the latter its producers, its oper- 
 atives. When Egypt spread forth colonialwise, it was to this 
 latter faction that was entrusted this colonizing of the world. 
 How these latter prepared to carry out such colonization is 
 perhaps best told in the allegoric language of Holy Bible it- 
 self, wherein is given a succinct account of the workmanship 
 of the Operative Egyptians, who turned logically to the build- 
 ing of a city and tower whereby to express their mission in 
 And the whole earth was of 
 one language, and of one 
 Genesis n [REVOLUTION]: i [LIFE] 
 It is written by the ancients, and hinted at by Herodotus, 
 that while the latter Egyptian people used the hieroglyph 
 (which is really nothing but a system of symbolic, sound, or 
 "short hand," writing), the then known esoterics possessed 
 another sort of alphabet, religiously guarded from the 
 masses, and spoke entirely another language. Also, we know 
 the mysteries of even later Egyptian religion to have been 
 concerned solely with an One God, the various animal-headed 
 gods worshiped by the masses being known by the priests as 
 purely attributes of the one God, and allowed to the masses 
 as sops to bind them in the ignorance of superstition. And 
 that the Egyptian Esoteric paid dearly for this binding of his 
 fellow man in ignorance, witness the ruins of his knowledge 
 and lore. 
 And it came to pass, as they 
 journeyed from the east, that 
 they found a plain in the land 
 of Shinar; and they dwelt 
 Genesis n [REVOLUTION]: 2 [RELATION] 
 The "they" referred to in this just quoted 2nd verse of this 
 nth chapter of Genesis is given in the last verse of the pre- 
 ceding chapter, verse 32 [Relation], as, 
 .... the families of 
 the sons of Noah, after their 
 generations, in their nations: 
 and by these were the nations 
 divided in the earth after the 
 As, as has been already shown, the Ark and the Great Pyra- 
 mid confirm each other in numerals, and in descriptions of 
 incidents and purposes, the only assumption left is that 
 Noah, so far from being a builder skilled enough to erect a 
 floating structure capable of accommodating the whole of the 
 material earth, was the Builder of an Ark, "pitched within 
 and without," that is so oriented as to accommodate the en- 
 tire laws of the Universe, male and female of every sort, even 
 as God created such in his likeness and image. Consequently, 
 the families of the sons of Noah, the integers of Word Appar- 
 ent,were those who "journeyed from the east," that is, after 
 the course of mortal empire, colonialwise; in short, the Op- 
 erative Masons, or Exoterics of Egypt. 
 So, arrived at this plain of Shinar, for they were evi- 
 dently on a very different "plain," or "plane," from that of 
 Noah and his sons (the Esoterics), they went at once about 
 putting their exoteric knowledge into practice, thus: 
 And they said one to an- 
 other, Go to, let us make brick, 
 and burn them thoroughly. 
 And they had brick for stone, 
 and slime had they for mortar. 
 Genesis 1 1 13 [CONSTRUCTION] 
 Which is to say, they produced building materials just as 
 dead-weighty, hard, and inelastic as it was possible to make 
 And they said, Go to, let us 
 build us a city and a tower, 
 whose top may reach unto hea- 
 ven; and let us make us a name, 
 lest we be scattered abroad up- 
 on the face of the whole earth. 
 Genesis 11:4 [GENERATION] 
 Now, observe, prior to journeying forth from the east, they 
 were one of that "whole earth" that was "of one language 
 and of one speech," wherefore they must consequently have 
 had a name, and a method of intercommunication. Now they 
 proposed to make themselves another name, these men by 
 whom were the nations of the earth divided in the earth after 
 the flood. 
 And the LORD came down 
 to see the city and the tower, 
 which the children of men 
 Genesis 1 1 :5 [COMPREHENSION] 
 And the LORD said, Behold, 
 the people is one, and they have 
 all one language; and this they 
 begin to do: and now nothing 
 will be restrained from them, 
 which they have imagined to 
 Genesis 1 1 :6 [ATTRACTION] 
 Not, observe, that nothing will be restrained from them, but 
 that nothing which they have imaged, or imagined, to do, in 
 other words, no attempted anthropomorphization of which 
 they may conceive but they will attempt to carry out. 
 Go to, let us go down, and 
 there confound their language, 
 that they may not understand 
 one another's speech. 
 Genesis 11:7 [TRANSITION] 
 So the LORD scattered them 
 abroad from thence upon the 
 face of all the earth: and they 
 left off to build the city. 
 Genesis 1 1 :8 [FINISH] 
 Possibly the gentle naivety of this last line is the most mas- 
 terly stroke of ;/Vdirection in this entire text. For, mark, it 
 does not say that they left off from building the city, but to 
 build the city. Observe the swing of the pendulum. As they 
 could not express themselves via the straight line, produced 
 by an inelastic, unyielding tower, in metaphor, and no man 
 has ever yet been able to express himself thereby, or even to 
 express a straight line, they "left off" to build this city, or 
 went off to the left, went off at a tangent, thereby producing 
 the letter V, the two tangent lines which form the letter, as 
 we shall see, of the animal organ of generation, called the 
 "bull phallus," thus entirely passing over the curved letter 
 U, in this "plain" of DEDICATION, or Presentation; which 
 metaphorical story at once, as we shall see in a few lines, 
 brings us to the time of the Operatives in Rome, where the 
 letter "V" achieved both alphabetically, and nationally, 
 such prominence to the total exclusion of the letter "U." 
 Therefore is the name of 
 it called Babel [Babble, or Babul]; because the 
 LORD did there confound the 
 language of all the earth: and 
 from thence did the LORD scatter 
 them abroad upon the face of all 
 the earth. 
 By process of armed conquest Rome, a polyglot assemblage 
 of Latins, Trojans, Carthaginians, Greeks, and lesser tongues 
 in its inception, became gradually mistress of the then earth 
 with a distinct language and alphabet of her own. This alpha- 
 bet she acquired by a series of military colonizations, extend- 
 ing herself as an operative chiefly along the line of road 
 building, which was perfectly logical, for she was again 
 building up the "way" of the oneness of language and speech. 
 It is for this reason that we speak of Latin, which really is 
 Roman, as the foundation of our modern English, whereas, 
 in reality, Rome was but gathering in the symbols of that 
 alphabet which originally were scattered abroad from their 
 wholeness by the LORD. 
 But, although Rome finally assembled practically the al- 
 phabet as we use such today, she found in this assemblage 
 that she had left out of her calculations the letter "U," 
 whereby she was exactly in the position as told of the families 
 of the sons of God who strove to make their "U" by two 
 straight, inelastic lines drawn at a tangent, and thereby pro- 
 duced the symbol of Violation, only. Now observe the result 
 of Roman failure to comprehend this "U" alphabetically. 
 The "U" is the symbol of the cradle, Presence, which is 
 holiness, purity. The cradle became ignored in Rome. Roman 
 jurisprudence allowed to the father plenary powers of life and 
 death over his own progeny. In Roman society the character- 
 istics of the letter "U," holiness, dedication, chastity, 
 gentleness, innocence, were most conspicuous by their op- 
 posites; and the symbol of violation, the male organ of gener- 
 ation, became the public badge of indiscriminate worship. In 
 carven symbol this insignia of the violation of virginity, and 
 lust, was carried openly by Emperor and Statesman, maid 
 and matron, alike. It swung from the head of the chariot of 
 the General and Senator, the Poet and Philosopher; it was 
 worn outwardly as a charm by the mother of the family, the 
 wife, the young girl. Until finally conjugal fidelity, even the 
 sacredness of virginity, came to have a purely legendary 
 value in Rome; the cradle of the human race (worn by the 
 female only) came to be but the common lupanar of momen- 
 tary and indiscriminate lust; and Rome fell, shrieking to the 
 old animal-headed gods of pantheologic Egypt to save her, 
 fell never to arise from the utter abominations of her harlotry, 
 her lack of the letter "U" alphabetically, and lo! in the 
 little country where went Caesar conquesting to fill out the 
 Roman language into the alphabet of old Egypt, of Bible and 
 Pyramid, the "one speech and one language" commenced to 
 reassemble itself again, for in Britain was there found the 
 sound of the little letter "U." 
 So Caesar and his legionaries left in Britain the Roman al- 
 phabet, to which in course of time the Britain added the 
 missing "U." Then, gradually, by conquest and the absorp- 
 tion of other nations into herself, Britain accumulated the 
 language of " the whole earth" when it was "of one language 
 and of one speech," until, her own speech perfected, she be- 
 gan to send her language forth colonialwise; among other 
 new countries to that called now the United States of 
 Into England the letter "U" brought its tale of Presence, 
 for with the establishment of the English language English 
 jurisprudence established also the sacredness of the sex rela- 
 tions, and an abhorrence of violation and violence, the latter 
 so much, that Lord Napier, when writing of the English 
 peoples, referred to them as the most warlike when necessary, 
 and the most unmilitary. Gentle and modulate in speech, re- 
 fined in manner and expression as he is, yet the Englishman 
 preserves the unjust law of primogeniture in his jurispru- 
 dence, and the law of the curse of bastardy which no subse- 
 quent conformation to the Common Law on the part of the 
 erring parents can undo; and the Englishman makes open 
 scoff of the United States calling itself in speech Am-#r-ica, 
 wherein is no Law of bastardy upon the occupant of the 
 cradle past the power of the parents to undo, no Law of pri- 
 mogeniture, but whose foundational document of existence, 
 The Declaration of Independence of the 13 Original States, 
 1776, stamped with the seal of the Great Pyramid and All- 
 Seeing Eye, the scrolls of Egyptian Papyri ready for the 
 unrolling and reading, was born declaring: 
 We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all 
 men are created equal, that they are endowed by 
 their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that 
 among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of 
 The signatories of this document were men whose founda- 
 tional creed of Life was culled wholly from their knowledge of 
 the meaning of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, for they were 
 of those operatives, now calling themselves Free-Masons. 
 \/ the symbol of the "bull phallus," signifying 
 animal generative processes. And as these pro- 
 cesses are violent in nature, logically the sym- 
 bol of the violence of Rome. The spade, the 
 wedge, the bullet-nose, the sword point, the 
 head of the rattlesnake, the prow of the battle- 
 ship, all objects testifying to violent entrance, 
 or violation. This "V" the German, who so 
 ruthlessly violated a peaceful country to attain 
 toward his violent objective, and subsequently 
 violated every known law of common decency 
 in his violent processes, uses in his speech to 
 the exclusion of the letter " W." 
 Let us observe the letter "W," rejected from his speech by 
 the German. And she [ve] again bare his bro _ 
 ther Abel. And Abel was a 
 keeper of sheep, but Cain was 
 a tiller of the ground. 
 Not "A-bull," but "A-bell" (Able). 
 the double U, the double cradle, the symbol of 
 the second birth; the last which should become 
 first, even as the first was to become last; whom 
 his brother, Gain, slew, because he was Able. 
 This alphabetic symbol, which fulfills promise 
 of the second coming wherein in Christ should 
 all be made alive, symbolizes the Man whom 
 the children of the world slew because His creed 
 interfered with their profits (prophets): VOLI- 
 And that whereon they slew Him was, 
 the Cross; the crossed integers; the sign of 
 struggle and of death; the sign of multiplica- 
 tion, whereby the sorrow of woman was to be so 
 greatly increased. On such symbol was expia- 
 tion symbolically made for the Lusts of the 
 World, but the Cross changes, when over- 
 come, swiftly into the Crown, the Scourge into 
 the Laurel, the symbol of Agony into the sym- 
 bol of multiplication and plenty; and lo! the 
 two diagonals of the Great Pyramid, in whose 
 unit measure is told the cycle of equinoxial 
 precession, the course of the seasons of strife 
 and darkness, unite to form the foundations 
 and crux of the wonderful Flower of Egypt, the 
 Says Julia Ward Howe in "The Battle Hymn of the Re- 
 In the beauty of the lilies 
 Christ was borne across the sea, .... 
 \/ Why. The symbol of Tri-unity, the family tree 
 with son and daughter on the parent trunk. In- 
 verted, this letter becomes the Great Pyramid, 
 in symbol, with the Sphinx in place atop of it. 
 This symbolic complete Great Pyramid tells of the home of 
 the Children of Eyes-Real, whose God, as proven by Mary 
 Baker Eddy, is not a national God, but a Universal Father. 
 When the capstone was rejected from the place where it be- 
 longed, the circumcision of the Children of Eyes-Real oc- 
 curred, that is, the cutting off of the eye, /, or Light; and in 
 commemoration thereof, the Beacon Star of the North, 
 a Draconis, was removed from its place in the heavens, and 
 the body of Operatives now calling themselves Free-Masons 
 darkened the northern transepts of their temples. Yet, true 
 in symbol to the partial removal of the Light only, the Free- 
 Masons darken only their northern transepts, and we still 
 place the light over our symbol of sight when we dot the 
 \ two heraldic figures, uniting themselves in pro- 
 cess of procreation, could only be expressed by 
 the letter "Z," which is the "H" inverted in 
 position of such act. This "Z" is the angular- 
 ized "S," or the subtil Serpent known of the 
 woman, what time she and her companion 
 strove to locate the LORD God (Word-Appar- 
 ent) in thtflcsb parts of Egypt. It signifies not 
 joy, as in the Song of the Morning Stars and the 
 Sons of God (Word), whenat the Building was 
 complete, but the sorrow of the hour of Eve, 
 the hour of darkness, when the Eye was down- 
 cast, and the reward of the momentary seeming 
 pleasure was Agony and Toil, and the Death on 
 the Cross. And in true symbolization of this 
 curse which its knowledge invoked upon man, 
 note its insistence in the sound of the word 
 "business," and how theBee, whose only knowl- 
 edge of life is work-work-work till it dies, uses it 
 as his sole sound contribution to the Song of the 
 Hive, "iz-iz-iz," continuously. 
 Referring again to the ist [Life] chapter of the Book of Gene- 
 sis, verses 26 [Attraction] and 27 [Transition], God [Word] is 
 accredited with saying that He created man in His own image 
 and likeness, which was, and is, male and female. This state- 
 ment of creation is reiterated in the 5th [Comprehension] 
 chapter of the Book of Genesis, verses i [Life] and 2 [Rela- 
 tion], wherein we read: 
 .... In the 
 day that God created man, in 
 the likeness of God made he 
 Male and female created 
 he them; and blessed them, 
 and called their name Adam, 
 in the day when they were cre- 
 As, therefore, God (Word) speaks of Himself so emphatically 
 as male and female, or plural, and so often refers to Him- 
 self as "us," and "our," it is logical that we should find in- 
 tegers to our alphabet which will carry out this idea of, 
 not Sexuality, as of the Word-Apparent, which denotes sex- 
 separation, but Hermaphroditism y which is sex unition, or full- 
 sex, expressing Word. And it is here to be noted that not sex- 
 unition, but only sex-separation is to be acquired by mortal 
 Unition speaks of Balance, Equality, Equalness. The 
 W-o-r-d is, must be, a balanced product. Wholly, or herma- 
 phroditic ally, it is composed of sight and sound; that is by 
 In-to-licht (light), Intellect, whereby we procure a written 
 statement of sound values, and Consciousness (conjures-in- 
 S), that is works in wisdom, which is in silence, unitively. 
 This unition, then, of sight and sound would give us a visible 
 and audible alphabet which are the integers of Word. 
 Now, although we have just procured a visible alphabet, 
 brought about by the attempted anthropomorphization of 
 God (Word), whereby we converted the Spiritual symbols of 
 Word into fleshly symbols, yet that is not to say that a whole 
 alphabet does not exist pristine still in purity and beauty; and 
 indeed how other could God, W-o-r-d as his Inspired Scrip- 
 ture states, exist as All-Father without what we call an Al- 
 phabet by which to express His Fatherhood? 
 Thine eyes did see my sub- 
 stance, yet being unperfect; 
 and in thy book all my mem- 
 bers were written, which in 
 continuance were fashioned, 
 when as yet there was none of 
 Psalms 139:16. 
 Thus, to attain a full alphabet, and so to express ourselves as 
 the integers, or sons and daughters, of God (Word), it is 
 necessary to write our alphabet audibly as well as visually, 
 whereby we have, first, four distinct values to the letter "A," 
 A as in the words male, hail, hale, aid, suggestive 
 A as in the words half, ran, mad, bad, can't, sugges- 
 tive of REACTION. 
 A as in the words father, Ark, large, hard, sugges- 
 tive of EXPANSION. 
 A as in the words awe, raw, war, door, suggestive 
 These "word suggestions" will be found to apply analyti- 
 cally to all words, and serve in such analysis to clear up the 
 meaning of many words often obscurely explained by dic- 
 tionaries. That is to say, they analyze the processes by which 
 words are formed, thus giving the value to such, and also cor- 
 relate the language. Further, given the correct, or local, pro- 
 nunciation of words of any language, the meaning of such 
 word may be ascertained by this analysis of its integral 
 Thus the letter "A," visually and audibly announces itself 
 TRACTION. These "motions" are the sequential movements of 
 the organic muscles when producing foetal birth, or when 
 producing sound. And as, in the aggregation of this alphabet 
 we have turned from the false conception, Word Apparent, 
 whereby mortal life received expression, to the intelligently 
 unitive Life wherein only is Word to be known, we name 
 these first four audible and visual alphabetic integers An- 
 nunciation, ARTICULATION. 
 So we have, then, 
 B as distinguished in the words, bull, bunt, buy, 
 bullet, bang, suggestive of PROPULSION, PROJEC- 
 TION; as in bend y bond, bye, broad, brand, suggestive 
 of EXPRESSION, or Propulsion Expressed. 
 C as in the words ice, nice, price, suggestive of 
 CONTEMPLATION, Investigation. (Note the lat- 
 ter suggestion carried out in the word mice.} 
 This sound of " C " is very closely related to that of " S," and 
 in our alphabetic story was directly the outcome of the ex- 
 pression (misconceived) of the latter. The sound of "C," 
 however, is produced by placing the tip of the tongue against 
 the roof of the mouth. Do we not, when investigating a pro- 
 posal, or contemplating the same, place the tip of the tongue 
 against the roof of the mouth? The letter "S" is contrariwise 
 produced by placing the tip of the tongue against the teeth, 
 and in-spiring the breath, or (when desiring to be louder, or 
 more angry, venomous, snakelike) expiring the same. 
 C having the sound of " Ch," as in teacher, church, 
 child, suggestive of CONSIDERATION. 
 We do not make two separate sounds of this "C," that is 
 sound the "C" and "H" separately, as, for instance, 
 C-h-urch, teac-h-er, but combine the two sounds into one, 
 giving thereby that sound of sympathetic consideration, or 
 assurance, which the mother sometimes makes to the dis- 
 quieted infant. That suggestion of CONSIDERATION, is also 
 prominent in such words as chaste, chin, chain. And observe 
 how involuntarily, sub-consciously, as it is called, we 
 symbolize such integers of word as apply to our momentary 
 mental condition. The very outward action we so invariably 
 manifest when CONSIDERING is to rest the chin in the 
 palm of the hand, or stroke the beard if wearing such. 
 D as heard in the words do, dorit, dare, death, sug- 
 gestive of Warning, Guidance, ADMONITION. 
 E as in seed, deed, Eve, read, lead, suggestive of Is- 
 suance, EVOLUTION. 
 E as in letter, dead, better, suggestive of Attempt, 
 Tribulation, ATTENUATION. 
 In the Hebrew so-called alphabet the symbol of the letter 
 having the sound of "e" as in letter is o This sign, or 
 symbol, the Jew has adopted from time immemorial as a 
 sign of office where the loaning of money upon pledged 
 articles is conducted. As the inception of such a place of ex- 
 change is from the very causes of Struggle, Effort, Attempt, 
 Tribulation, Attenuation, the reason of such letter in such 
 symbol in the Hebrew alphabet is at once apparent. Also, it 
 disposes at once and effectually of the already beginning-to- 
 be generally doubted argument, that Hebrew is the language 
 in which the Old Testament of the Holy Bible was originally 
 In this connection, it is to be noted that when one is in a 
 state of mental uncertainty, or forgetfulness, the effort to 
 consecutively connect words is signalized by this sound of 
 "e" as in letter. "I saw Mr. er Brown today; and he said to 
 me er 
 F as in the words fall, fluffy, flurry, fury, flimsy, 
 fright, deaf, fear, all suggestive of Impotence, 
 Retirement, SUBMISSION. 
 It was Caiaph(f) as, who when he could not force Jesus to speak 
 as he wished, tore his clothes in impotent fury. When desiring 
 to show the capital criminal his inability to defy the Law, 
 such hangs him on a gallows whose original form was thus: 
 I J and is as now built but two Fs joined. And by this sym- 
 bol on which the criminal is passed from this life, he 
 is silently told of the impotence of his views against 
 established society, and hanged on the symbol of the Eye 
 But again the downcast Eye may be not the sign of im- 
 potence, but of quiet possession. I submit, or "Suffer it to be 
 so now," St. Matt. 3:15, as Jesus said, does not necessarily 
 imply inability, but rather discretion. Before Pilate Jesus 
 submitted in silence, which silence was mastery. And so this 
 letter "F" may also take its place in the whole alphabet thus: 
 F DISCRETION; and as discretion is said to be the 
 better part of valor, the symbol of fear becomes 
 also the foreword (forward) of the true soldier. 
 G as in the words, God, good, great, glorious, grand, 
 giver, Gezeh, gone, gaze, gale, suggestive of RE- 
 LEASMENT, Sending Forth, FRUITION. 
 H not as aitch, but as in the words hurry, haste, 
 hope, home, suggestive of SYNTHESIS, CONVENTION. 
 I as a pronoun this is a word in itself, even as is the 
 "A" a word in itself, and as such it immediately 
 suggests itself as Individuality, ASSERTION, Ego. 
 Crime tells of an assertion of individuality too ruthless and 
 positive to be tolerated by constituted society. 
 I as in the words lip, pyramid, suggestive of Clari- 
 fication, CONFIRMATION. 
 J as in the words Jebova, Jesus, just, join, sugges- 
 tive of DIRECTION. 
 Euclid states that a straight line is the shortest distance be- 
 tween two points. This proposition is practically the founda- 
 tion of mortal geometry, and as a proposition is all right, 
 excepting for the fact that man has never yet been able to 
 express a straight line or express himself by one. The bullet 
 from the gun, the ray from the sun, the hand-guided pen 
 from the draftsman, one and all persist in describing an arc, 
 and because they describe invariably this Ark must be tri- 
 angulated to carry on as intended to the given objective. 
 Much learned disquisition has this inability of man to make a 
 straight line called forth, and every possible reason from 
 gravity to dynamics has it brought out explanatorily: yet the 
 fact remains that man himself invariably travels in a circle, 
 the sole reason for which is the mental attraction of like to 
 like, which is Love. 
 The Hawk, from which the Egyptian esoteric took his 
 symbol of Wisdom, placing its head symbolically as the head 
 of the Head of his masonry, Ra (Ray, the Light, and his 
 son, Osiris) preserves a spiraling, graceful, easy course up- 
 ward, by virtue of which it is able to mount to incredible 
 heights without the apparent motion of wing. 
 The Eagle is the symbol of unhallowed Rome and of ruth- 
 less Germany, whose Emperor and Guard wore the carven 
 eagle crest on helm, and the broidered Eagle banner at regi- 
 mental head. Wilhelm, who pronounces his name with the 
 letter of violence, "V," superseding the letter of volition, 
 " W," advanced his Eagle standard straight as crow flight on 
 his objective, Paris, marching ruthlessly right through un- 
 offending Belgium in violation of Germany's written and 
 moral honor. He did not reach there. Instead, when within 17 
 (Tuition) miles of Paris he was halted and turned back. Then 
 for two years he beat his wings in swift, straight thrusts at 
 the Allies; until they, worn out, called to the nation whose 
 flight has always been Hawkww for help. And that nation, in 
 the year 19-17 (Volition-Tuition), entered the arena to teach 
 the straight-line flighted Eagle, before a gasping world could 
 realize, the lesson that Might is not Right. 
 Hogarth, artist, when asked to describe the Line of greatest 
 beauty, demonstrated it thus: t^^---*---^**^^ . This line 
 is The Line of Beauty, and is mathematically demonstrated 
 by pointing off three equal spaces and then drawing a line 
 through such continuously, which line shall be as far below 
 an imaginary horizontal drawn through such spaces as it is 
 above such horizontal. 
 In this manner are produced the lines of the Etruscan vase, 
 the female form, the outlines of the cloud, of the wave, of the 
 human lips, of the nuptial flight of the Queen Bee, of the rose 
 petal among other indications, and of the best musical and 
 poetic composition, of the perfection of Biblical literary com- 
 position, both in impact and in metre, and of the Great Pyra- 
 mid. It is the line of the circle extended. 
 In the 5th [Comprehension] chapter of the Gospel accord- 
 ing to St. Matthew, verses 39 [Evolution], 40 [Conservation], 
 and 41 [Life], this Line finds direct mathematical confirma- 
 tion from the lips of Jesus of Nazareth, as the Line of Grace, 
 Beauty, Strength, and Willingness, the line of flight of the 
 gentle man. 
 Certainly, as witness the numerals of the descriptive 
 verses, it was the direct Line of life-flight of the Nazarene, 
 who thus in these verses expressed this Line: 
 St. Matthew, 5th Chapter: 
 39: .... but- whoso- 
 ever shall smite thee on thy 
 right cheek, turn to him the 
 other also. 
 (All receptive, and consequently at once 
 master of the situation.) 
 40: And if any man will sue 
 thee at the law, and take away 
 thy coat, let him have thy cloke 
 (Richer than the oppressor.) 
 41 : And whosoever shall com- 
 pel thee to go a mile, go with 
 him twain. 
 (Stronger than the straight line.) 
 For, giving in two places, this Line automatically and mathe- 
 matically but rises the twice higher. Logically it would initial 
 the mortal name of Jesus. 
 But also this letter initials the name Jehova, which is 
 J-over of the Egyptian esoteric, and was expressed in his 
 breathing system (J-over being the name of the sacred 
 breathing) by just this line of intelligent motion. As the 
 Healing Breath the Egyptian initiate called the knowledge of 
 such to the part congested mentally, which part he acquired a 
 diagnosis of by diagnosing the seeming physical ailment al- 
 phabetically, and then translating the same into terms of In- 
 telligence, or Spirit. 
 After the lapse of the centuries, during which mortal man 
 marched down the decline under the influence of the Dragon 
 Star to the mouth of the Bottomless Pit, Mary Baker Eddy 
 re-discovered this law of Spirit, or In-Spiritation, which is 
 Inspiration, and named such the Science of Christ. And even 
 as the Egyptian esoteric intelligently healed disease and 
 raised the seemingly dead thereby, does the Christian Science 
 practitioner today. 
 This breathing, In-Spirit-ation, or Inspiration, is not ac- 
 complished, it is needless to say, by drawing in a mouthful of 
 air, holding the same until red in the face, and then blowing 
 such out again. We live, move, breathe, and have our being 
 only in Word, God, Spirit. So, to inspire and suspire Jehova 
 (J-o-four), or J-carried to four places, circularly, J-circled 
 to four, we must intelligently express Life, or breathe, by 
 Volition, Endurance, and Grace, which is merely another way 
 of saying Faith, Hope, and Charity but, said Jesus, the 
 greatest of these is Charity. 
 This Line of Beauty, then, is symbolized by the letter 
 Strike the Line of Beauty where you will (on either cheek), 
 and you but strengthen it, for mathematically it is always 
 r^-creative in rhythm. 
 Seldom found in our (English) speech is that little sound 
 "Zh" which, again, the mother uses to lull or incline the 
 child to sleep. Common to the French tongue, we find it in 
 what we call English only in such words as treasure, seizure, 
 azure, measure, pleasure. It is the second symbol of the letter 
 " J," the audible symbol, and consequently is written 
 K the meeting of the irresistible force and im- 
 movable body; as in the words can, can't, cake, 
 creator, craft, luck, suggestive of Hesitation, 
 Suspension, Balance, and finally ATTENTION. 
 It should be noted here that while certain picked "sug- 
 gestive words " are placed in capitalization against each 
 alphabetic symbol, such are only intended as a basic word 
 to represent that expressed by such symbol, the use of any 
 correlated word in such instance being perfectly permissible. 
 For purposes of demonstration, without the confusion at- 
 tendant upon the inter-exchange of many words to convey 
 the same thing, and not to establish a rule of necessary 
 rigidity, the author makes a standard of only such basic 
 words as fit all cases, leaving to the reader to observe what 
 choice he is pleased of correlated "word suggestions/* 
 L as in all, love, letter, total, suggestive of ACQUI- 
 M as in may, more, marriage, mate, suggestive of 
 Reception, ACCEPTATION. 
 Accepting an idea, or proposal, do we not often thus, 
 N as in knot, naught or no (cypher), nay, kneel, 
 near, suggestive of Adaptation, which is ADEPTA- 
 TION, Adeptness, Mastery. 
 Alexander, wearied of life through the stagnation of con- 
 quest that proved no conquest; Cortes, dying in virtually the 
 extreme of neglect and failure after seemingly victorious con- 
 quest; Napoleon, gazing across the dreary, leaden encom- 
 passing sea from St. Helena to where was France and the 
 World he conquested; Wilhelm II, wandering a broken man 
 about the grounds of his Dutch refuge after failure in con- 
 quest all could tell of the futility of belief that Might is 
 Right. Tis a hard lesson to learn, yet the first toward the 
 Universal Brotherhood of man, and toward .his sonship to 
 God (Word). For mastery lies not in dominance, but in sub- 
 mission. He who can not submit himself, can not hope to 
 dominate that self. The strongest man is the man who can 
 serve best; the richest, who can give the most; the wisest, 
 who can love others better than himself. This is real prayer 
 and worship. It is Truth demonstrated. 
 Word serves the Universe daily, hourly, every second, and 
 every fractional part of every second, unfailingly, and with- 
 out ostentation. Remove Word from the Universe, and where 
 would be the Universe? Can all the King's horses and all the 
 King's men overcome Word? So the strength of Word lies in 
 adaptation, and not in rigidity or resistance, which is only the 
 straight line and must infallibly come to an end. The circle 
 serves always, and but grows the stronger for such service. 
 O as in go, sow, sew, show, Ob yes! suggestive of 
 Inclusion, Conception, COMPREHENSION. 
 O as in rude, shoot, boot, loot, ruin, suggestive of 
 Although neither fire nor water will induce the little field- 
 mouse to leave his hole in the ground, the owl, desirous of 
 paying court to his lady with a choice tid-bit, has but to say 
 "hoo-hoo," and the little field-mouse comes running forth to 
 his destruction. This noise, too, makes the lone wind travers- 
 ing the prairie, or when searching among the eaves of a house 
 for loosened boards or cornices to tear down. It is the noise of 
 the moaning gale running through the masts and spars of the 
 ship it seeks to destroy. Before the typhoon, comes the long 
 drawn "oo-oo-oo-" in the silence of the heavy calm. 
 But it has, too, another suggestion for us; and as with the 
 casting off of our symbolism of lust we have cast off the sug- 
 gestions of destruction, darkness, and death, let us rather 
 look for it in such words as lute, flute, Luke, new, you; and 
 automatically that which was DESTRUCTION becomes now 
 P as in price, pull, plenty, praise, prepare, sugges- 
 tive of EXPECTATION, Provision. 
 Q as in the words quiet, queer, quest, quit, sugges- 
 tive of Obscuration, MYSTIFICATION. 
 R as in the words race, rear, rare, right, wrong, 
 suggestive of the act of Excision, PREPARATION. 
 S as in speak, spiral, spell, gospel, biss, suggestive 
 of Expiration, and INSPIRATION. 
 Again, as in the case of the letter "C" do we have a sound 
 seeming at first glance to be formed by the combination of 
 "H" with "S" as "Sh," but which in reality is but a one 
 sound of "S," and found in such words as conscious, insure. 
 And so we write this letter 
 S(Sh) as in the words, conscious, show, insure, 
 sbrive, sbrine, shed, as suggestive of where Inspir- 
 ation takes place, and consequently SPIRITUALI- 
 Possibly the only one of the above cited "word suggestions" 
 not at first apparent will be the use of the word sbed in this 
 connection. Yet the Spirit sbeds its light; in the sbed was the 
 Christ child born. In the sbode, or protection sbed by the 
 Great Pyramid, did the Child find refuge from the soldiery of 
 Herod. This "Sh" sound is patently referred to in this con- 
 nection by the Psalmist in, "The Lord is in His Holy Temple, 
 let all the earth keep silence before Him." 
 T as in the words stay, street, tie, limit, stet (proof- 
 reader's abbreviation for let stand), suggestive of 
 the words COMPLETION, Limitation, Finality. 
 U as in the words look, book, Jesus, pure, pyr(u)- 
 amid (peer-amid), suggestive of Presence, PRES- 
 Orienting the Great Pyramid on a Draconis dedicated it to 
 the exposition of the history of man as told in the alphabet; 
 orienting it on the Sun, and on Alcyone, dedicated it to Intel- 
 ligence, and to an exposition of the Laws of Life. We dedicate 
 books. Jesus was dedicated tothe carrying out of His Father's 
 Will on earth. Hence, as in all dedication we acknowledge 
 Presence, dedication is really the "naming," and occurs logi- 
 cally immediately on the completion of birth. Thus the 
 church custom of the "naming" of the born child just so soon 
 as advisedly the mother and child can be brought before the 
 priest or clergyman. 
 But this actual naming at birth (humanly speaking) has 
 already been mentally or consciously accomplished by the 
 parent, or parents, before the actuality (as we consider such) 
 of such dedication occurs, has, in fact, been in-spirited by 
 the mother when carrying the coming life under the protec- 
 tion of her heart, even as the Child was secured beneath the 
 shelter of the Heart of Egypt, from where (as in Revelation) 
 He was called forth. And so this "naming" of the child-to-be 
 is in-spirited, and an analysis of the names of ourselves, or of 
 people known to us, will tell of the very purports of such in 
 this University of earth, even as we in-spirit every word 
 spoken and written whereby we live, move, breathe, and have 
 our being. For is not Word always with us, and could we exist 
 for one moment were It removed from our midst? 
 This name that we are here called by is our mortal Cross, 
 formed by the crossing of the integers into a whole, herma- 
 phroditically, which to follow to mastery we must accept. 
 Finally, when as told in Revelation we assume the real name 
 written in our foreheads (not our mortal skulls), we change 
 the Cross into a Crown, and take up our inheritance when the 
 whole earth was of one language and of one speech. 
 A second sound of the letter "U" appears, as used by us in 
 the words rut, gut, but, butt, grunt, all suggestive of Ignor- 
 ance. The first of these suggestive words is that used to de- 
 scribe the act of savage and animal coition; or that fallow in 
 which, having fallen, we must use such prodigious energy and 
 volition to come forth from. But, implying doubt, suggests 
 anything but clarity and intelligence; butt most certainly 
 describes the most ignorant way of removing an obstacle 
 from the path, and is generally indulged in by the goat, rhi- 
 noceros, and bull, than which three more stupid animals 
 probably do not exist. 
 Yet do we find the Indian of North America habitually 
 using this "u" in his speech, and especially in the council 
 where, if anywhere, might wisdom be looked for. Nor is the 
 North American Indian one to whom either the words "ignor- 
 ant" or "stupid" could with any show of justice be applied. 
 His very mode of life and knowledge of woodcraft cry out 
 against such term, his worship of a Great Spirit proclaims him 
 anything but uninformed. Moreover his crafts, his knowledge 
 of natural history, the artistry of his habitations, do not in 
 the least speak of unintelligence. 
 But when we recall that the North American Indian is one 
 who, nurtured on the vast prairies and deserts, lives so exclu- 
 sively within himself that he vividly mirages hunting grounds, 
 and sees the face of the Great Spirit in the beauty of nature, 
 that he procures the notes of his music from the seven sounds 
 of the wind over the prairie, and the river, and among the 
 trees, that he instincts Presence of otherness as do the dumb 
 animals, rather do we understand the use of this sound of the 
 second symbol "u" by him to express his inferiority ^ and so we 
 write this second cradle letter, 
 U Seclusion, INTERIORITY. 
 V as in the words move, grave, violence ', evade, Love, 
 suggestive of ENTRANCE. But Love, we know, 
 will find a way, and so we write this letter best 
 W as in the words will, won't, want, went, wend, 
 way, suggesting VOLITION. 
 X as in the words axe, phalanx, oxen, crux, hoax, 
 suggestive of Struggle, Friction, CONCENTRATION. 
 Y as in the words yea, yes, beyond, suggestive of 
 Z as in the words business, Boaz, does, zeal, sugges- 
 tive of Demand, Insistence, CONTINUATION. 
 Thus, gathering our alphabet tabularly, we have, 
 A . . . . REACTION 
 II Timothy, Chapter 2 (Relate) : 
 15 (Locate-lodge) : Study to shew thyself ap- 
 proved unto God, a workman 
 that needeth not to be ashamed, 
 rightly dividing the word of 
 THE CHRIST is the word of Truth, admittedly. In the 
 thirteenth [Parturition] chapter of Revelation, John, 
 the author, states that he stood on the sands of the 
 shore and watched two beasts rise up out of the sea. The first 
 beast received his power from the Dragon (a Draconis), and 
 was fashioned as three wild beasts; the second beast that 
 came up out of the sea was like a lamb, but he spake, also, as 
 a dragon. The two beasts, as we have seen, represent the mor- 
 tal and Immortal, the Son of man, and Son of God. The for- 
 mer, the Be-st! when recognized as the word of Truth be- 
 comes the Cry-st! It is this latter, whose numbers are those of 
 the full alphabet, which in Timothy we are bidden to divide 
 rightly , thus showing ourselves workmen who need not be 
 ashamed, for we are approved unto God, or have proven our- 
 selves to God. For this purpose is mortality made apparent, 
 the Word made flesh. 
 And this "rightly dividing" the Word of Truth, we are told, 
 is dividing the great ONE, or Oneness. As it is at first difficult 
 to perceive how dividing the whole can produce a oneness^ it is 
 necessary, as always, that we go to Holy Bible and Pyramid 
 to learn. 
 To refresh the memory of the reader, and obviate the 
 necessity of referring to previous tables of Consciousness 
 States and Alphabet, both are here repeated in the order 
 Consciousness States: 
 i : Life, Being. 
 2: Relation. 
 3: Construction. 
 4: Generation. 
 5: Comprehension. 
 6: Attraction. 
 7: Mutation, Transition. 
 8: Completion. 
 9: Evolution. 
 10 : Conservation. 
 1 1 : Re- volution. 
 12: Involution. 
 13: Parturition. 
 14: Re-creation. 
 15: Location. 
 16: Function. 
 17: Tuition, Intuition, Selection. 
 18: Co-ordination, Co-operation. 
 19: Volition. 
 The Alphabet: 
 I A Attraction ] 
 2-a Reaction L RTICULATION 
 3 a Expansion 
 4 a Contraction] 
 5 B Expression. 
 6 C Contemplation. 
 7 c Consideration. 
 8 D Admonition, Guidance. 
 9 E Evolution, Issuance. 
 10 e Attenuation, Effort. 
 ii F Submission, Discretion. 
 12 G Releasment, Fruition. 
 13 H Synthesis, Convention. 
 14 I Assertion, Ego. 
 15 i Confirmation, Clarification. 
 1 6 J Direction. 
 17 j Inclination. 
 1 8 K Suspension, Attention. 
 19 L Acquisition. 
 20 M Acceptation. 
 21 N Adaptation, Adeptation. 
 22 O Inclusion, Comprehension. 
 23 o Destruction, Repletion. 
 24 P Provision, Expectation. 
 25 Q Obscuration, Mystification. 
 26 R Excision, Preparation. 
 27 S Expiration, Inspiration. 
 28 s Spiritualization. 
 29 T Limitation, Completion. 
 30 U Presence, Presentation, Dedication. 
 31 u Ignorance, Seclusion, Interiority. 
 32 V Entrance, Incursion. 
 33 W Volition. 
 34 X Struggle, Concentration. 
 35 Y Recognition. 
 36 Z Insistence, Continuation. 
 Total 666 
 Plato says that God perpetually geometrizes. By the Great 
 Pyramid God certainly asserts the triunity of His activities, 
 and tri-unition of His purposes, and His own Trinity, and 
 these manifestations are, of course, the manifestation of Wis- 
 dom, which is Mind. Thus, in symbol in the Great Pyramid, 
 He establishes, and divides, the earth and the fullness thereof 
 into its classified and numerized laws, by process of always 
 tri-angulation, which really is the squaring of the circle, 
 pi-mg the same. Thus to divide the word of Truth, as told in 
 the Great Pyramid and Holy Bible, must we apply the same 
 process of triangulation in vogue in either, by which process 
 each confirms the other. 
 The total integers of the word of Truth result in the num- 
 ber (666) of the Beast. In dividing the number of the Beast, 
 which is Wisdom and the number of a man, the Great Pyra- 
 mid regards the whole as a triangulation, or tri-unition of two 
 equal numerals, the one which is alphabetically depicted as 
 prostrate, the ^, and the other upright, |, horizontal and 
 perpendicular; and even so, according to Genesis 1 126-27, and 
 Genesis 5:1-2, does the Holy Bible. Remains then, obviously, 
 but to apply the Pyramidal process by which such are ren- 
 dered tri-unitive. 
 Place aux dames. The female is manifestly the "in-volu- 
 tioned" or "in-turned" expression. Her processes of mental 
 activity are /72-tuitive. Even as woman, herald of the Hour of 
 Darkness, Eve, which is woman's brightest hour, she looks 
 within; and the Light of Night, in honor of the hour of her 
 reign, is referred to as "she." The Great Pyramid orients 
 itself at midday on the male sun, but at midnight on the 
 female star Alcyone, most beautiful of the Pleiades. So, se- 
 quentially, to express in numerals the one of the zft-sight, the 
 female, must we /w-turn the numerals of the Word of which 
 is She a part. This is the process of /wvoluting. 
 /^volution is circular in activity, and /^-turning, or turn- 
 ing in on one another, is drawing-together, or adding. So to 
 get the zwvolutioned, or female, expression of the numeral 
 666, which is the number of a man, we /Vzturn these figures, 
 which is to consider them as six and six and six, or 18. 
 In Consciousness, then, the number of the female is 18. 
 The 1 8th Consciousness State is Co-ordination, which is the 
 age of consent in the female, when, as in the i8th letter of the 
 alphabet, she appears able to care for herself. But this unit 
 1 8 is in excess of the unit measure of the horizontal course of 
 masonry, wherefrom are our Consciousness States correlated 
 with Holy Bible. Obviously our circle, 18, is yet too large, and 
 must be reduced to true geometric circumference to preserve 
 its place in the spiral stairway of Consciousness, /^-turning 
 this figure again results in / (one) and 8, which is 9. As this 
 number is less than the standard 10 it is final as the measure 
 of the female of the Word, and in Consciousness is called Evo- 
 lution. The ninth letter of the alphabet, be it observed, is that 
 letter ( , which the female added to the alphabet by dis- 
 obedience, the Eye pierced with the shaft of light, whereby 
 the Hour of Darkness fell upon the world. Evolution proceeds 
 by spiral, Awards, as travels the screw. 
 As is the female the intuitive one, so is the male the extui- 
 tive, the apparent, the lord. The Great Pyramid orients at 
 midday on the sun, and on the tail star of the Dragon, 
 a Draconis, which is the symbol of the Bright and the Morning 
 Star, of the Christ, the word of Truth. Thus to procure, as 
 does the Great Pyramid, the expression of the male, we must 
 write down that which is apparent, visual, over, remainder. 
 The number 666 gives sixty-six courses of ten units each, 
 with an over, apparency or remainder, of six. This is the 
 simplest sort of mathematics, and not only foundational, but 
 practically the whole of mathematics. In Consciousness, this 
 remainder 6 is Attraction. Therefore the Consciousness of the 
 Word is the tri-unition of Attraction and Evolution, 6 and 9. 
 God (Word) in Genesis 1:26-7, and in Genesis 5:1-2, says 
 that He repeated his own image and likeness as male and 
 female, and called them man. Consequently the unition of 
 male and female would give us the expression of Tri-unity 
 which God (Word) called man. That is, numerically, 6 plus 9 
 equals 15, and 15 is Location, Place, the mount Zion of the 
 old Psalmist, which is the Great Triangle, the Great Pyramid. 
 Also man is one-five (15), which is the unit of measure of the 
 Great Pyramid, five sides, five corners, five-times-five 
 courses upward to the Queen's chamber, which is composed 
 of combinations of fives, and ten-times-five courses upward to 
 the King's chamber, which is also composed of combinations 
 of fives, symbolizes the five earth senses, and the five- 
 pointed Star, the twice five Commandments, and the emblem 
 of the Christ, the Word of Truth. 
 The Son, the male, sits on the Right Hand of God. This 
 "rightly dividing" the word of Truth places the Son on the 
 right hand, and the daughter, of course, on the left, and is 
 TETRAGRAMING. To Tetragram, then, the number 666, we ex- 
 press it thus: ^ 
 Thus we have, by tri-uniting, or Tetragraming, the Word of 
 Truth, when the latter becomes "rightly divided," man ex- 
 pressed as LOCATION, or Place, the Place of which is the 
 Word of Truth the chief corner stone, or Head. Alphabetically, 
 the number 15 expresses the "I" (Confirmation), which we 
 are taught to dot in eternal memory of the Light over the 
 Pyramid, the All-seeing eye. 
 No further corroboration of the fetragram could reason- 
 ably be required. Yet, lest any, sceptical, should talk of "co- 
 incidences" and "chance," one more direct demonstration is 
 vouchsafed us, based upon this very number of a man, and in 
 the very Pyramidal courses from which is the Tetragram de- 
 rived, the pitch, or rhythm, of the Ark, wherefrom is the 
 nineteen (and finally true, or twenty) Chromatic Scale. For 
 the number 15, the Chromatic, or Consciousness, numeral 
 of the Word (God), (when the Chromaticism is True, conse- 
 quently the Word of Truth), is derived by the unition of the 
 numerals 6 and 9, and our entire scale of musical notes, in 
 whatever language of accepted musical composition, is com- 
 posed of these unvarying note-figures, I and 1 , which are, 
 as plainly as can be, the numerals of the 'Consciousness of 
THE GREAT ON*fi ; ' - 
 Attraction and Evolution, brought into ever-changing attrac- 
 tion and evolution to evolve what we term music. 
 And the whole earth was of 
 one language, and of one 
 MAN is a homogeneous word. Man is the servant of God 
 (Word), tfetragramatically he is expressed: 
 M Acceptation 20 
 a Reaction 2 
 n Adaptation 21 
 Total 43 
 10, Consciously, is CON-SERVATION, the Server. The numer- 
 als i and o contain, or conserve, between them the entire 
 known numerals. Again we have a generic expression in con- 
 firmation of Genesis 1:26-27; Genesis 5:1-2; and Revelation 
 The Son of man said, "I and my Father are one." St. John 
 The words my Father are written, m-y F-a-t-h-e-r; pro- 
 nounced, M-i F-a-t-h-u. Consequently, the visual-audible 
 expression of my Father would be m-i-y F-a-t-h-e-u-r. 
 M Acceptation 20 
 i Ego-assertion 14 
 y Recognition 35 
 F Submission, Discretion 1 1 
 a Expansion 3 
 t Limitation, Completion 29 
 h Synthesis, Convention 13 
 e Evolution 9 
 u Seclusion 31 
 r Preparation 26 
 STRUCTION, the irreducible figure A, Trinity. 
 There is only one Trinity, and that is God. 
 The my Father referred to is, of course, God, only. The 
 word "God" is written G-o-d; pronounced G-a-d. Its visual- 
 audible expression is G-o-a-d. 
 G Fruition, Releasment 12 
 O Comprehension, Inclusion 22 
 A Expansion 3 
 D Guidance 8 
 14, Consciousness of Re-creation, Ever Creator; the Line of 
 Beauty in expression. 
 Thus, the "I," which is the I4th symbol of the alphabet, 
 and my Father (God, 14) are one. 
 The Holy Bible says that God is the W-o-r-d. Word is 
 written, w-o-r-d; pronounced, w-o-e-d; whole value visually- 
 audibly, w-o-e-r-d. 
 W Volition, the double birth 33 
 O Comprehension, Inclusion 22 
 E Effort, Attenuation 10 
 R Preparation 26 
 D Guidance 8 
 Word: Co-ordination, that Wholeness, or Holiness, which 
 is the difference between man and the beast of the field. 
 These integers by which Word (God) is made manifest are 
 male and female, both homogeneous words in themselves. 
 M Acceptation 20 
 a Attraction I 
 1 Acquisition 19 
 e Evolution 9 
 The male of Word, then, is Parturitive, or Giving Forth, 
 F Submission, Discretion 1 1 
 e Evolution 9 
 m Acceptation 20 
 a Attraction I 
 1 Acquisition 19 
 e Evolution 9 
 The female of Word is Locative, or stable. It was in a stable 
 where the Christ was born. Neither female nor male should 
 however be confused with "man" and "woman." The for- 
 mer are the expressions of God, the latter the emanation of 
 woman's false conception of God. Male and female are nu- 
 merically 49 plus 69, or 1 1 8. Tetragramatically this 118 re- 
 ceives expression, 
 18, Co-ordination, Co-operation; the purposes for which 
 Male and Female were created in equality. The co-ordination 
 of these integerically gave us the number 666, which is Wis- 
 dom, Mind, and the number of a man. See the Tetragram of 
 "Word" whose integers man is. 
 That which God created male and female in His image He 
 named man. The number of the complete Pyramid, and al- 
 phabet, He declared to be "Wisdom and the number of a 
 man." In the Constructive (3rd) chapter of Exodus, the Re- 
 creative (i 4th) verse, He gives Moses a definite name whereby 
 is the latter to make Him known to the Children of Israel. 
 And God said unto Moses, 
 I AM THAT I AM: and he 
 said, Thus shalt thou say unto 
 the children of Israel, I AM 
 hath sent me unto you. 
 I Assertion, EGO 14 
 A Re-action 2 
 M Acceptation 20 
 15, The Place, "beautiful for situation," wherefrom come all 
 the laws of the Universe. Also, exactly has this I AM the male 
 and female and total numerals of the number of a man (666). 
 Therefore, the why that Jesus called Himself the Son of man. 
 I Assertion, EGO 14 
 A Re-action, Recreation 2 
 M Acceptation 20 
 T Completion, Finality 29 
 H Synthesis, Convention 13 
 A Re-action 2 
 T Completion, Finality 29 
 I Assertion, EGO 14 
 A Re-action 2 
 M Acceptation 20 
 5 + 10 
 Thus, the Son of man and the Son of God one and the same. 
 Certainly no more whole and eternal phrase than that 
 name whereby was Moses to make known their God to the 
 Children of Israel could be imagined. I AM THAT I AM is repre- 
 sented by the figure 15. The Word (666) 'fetragrams on the 
 number 15. 
 When the symbols of Word went forth from Babel as scat- 
 tered tongues, not the slightest possibility of man's future 
 was overlooked; nor was he to be permitted the knowledge 
 of Wholeness that comes in revelation until such time when 
 he should conditionally be ready for its unfoldment, until the 
 Scripture was fulfilled, as says Holy Bible. Thus, as we have 
 seen, was entrusted to the keeping of the blue-painted, nose- 
 ringed Britain the knowledge in use, and not overly intelli- 
 gent use, of the sacred symbol of Presence, Presentation, 
 Dedication, the letter "U." And now, finally, do we find the 
 one Whole symbol, the combination of all symbols, figures, 
 and laws, entrusted alone, and solely, to a race of humans 
 from whom betrayal of its meaning was impossible; who, 
 knowing nothing of the value of this imperishable heirloom, 
 yet worshiped such as the symbol of the Great Spirit Him- 
 self, and who are, or were, the original denizens of this 
 country whose first written document frames the very essence 
 of Pyramidal lore stamped with the chief symbols of the Pyra- 
 mid, the real American, the North American Indian. 
 Zealously guarded by him, as a fetish of good luck, in coun- 
 cil and kiva, this figure is formed by joining the male and fe- 
 male figures of the alphabet in the form of a cross with added 
 extended arms pointing ever westwards, from which is its 
 name, Swastika, S-was-tik-a> (i)S-west-take-U(ur), i. e. 
 "west take" the sacred symbol found among the Picts of 
 Britain. And westward it went, as far westward as geographi- 
 cally possible, which automatically becomes eastward again, 
 and westward the course of empire wended to recover its 
 meaning of Presence, Dedication, dedicating the first docu- 
 ment of the most westward country to the purports of the 
 Great Pyramid, the Eternality of God and the Sonhood of 
 man. For this figure of the Swastika is but the unfolding 
 figure of the Great Pyramid, the Peer-amid, the cradle of 
 Starting with the dot, at once the starting and stopping 
 place, four straight lines are drawn therefrom to four equi- 
 distant points, in symbol of the base lines of the square. At 
 once the four ^fs, ARTICULATION, are apparent, the letters 
 I, X, L (I excel), and the letters O, V, T (overt), also the 
 figures i (one) and o: 
 Placing the completing arms, pointing westward, on the 
 figure, to complete the Swastika, the letters Z, H, and N be- 
 come apparent, the figures 2 and 4, and having already ac- 
 counted for the dot, the period, and the little circle, which are 
 the starting point, we have revealed also in this second step of 
 unfoldment, the triangle, square, the conventional four-leaf 
 clover, and the compass, also the combinations of the various 
 letters to be arrived at by those already given. Here, then, 
 are at once the fundamental laws of mathematics, arithmetic 
 and geometry, of literature, and botany, of astrology: 
 For, overlaying the four original straight lines with the curved 
 line of Truth, the Swastika again unfolds the petals of knowl- 
 edge like a wondrous beauty flower, and there lie revealed to 
 us in all the purity of Creation the U, the W, the S, the C, and 
 the D, among others, the bladed screw of propulsion, the 
 Egyptian lotus, which is the lily, the serpent, the female form, 
 the human lips, the lines of the Etruscan vase, the nuptial 
 flight of the Queen Bee, and in short every law of the fine 
 arts and the useful arts known to mankind. 
 It is with regret this manuscript turns from a revelation so 
 wonderful and beautiful, but space does not permit the 
 further following of these revelations here, and the purport of 
 this work is but to indicate the direction to be traversed, not 
 to work out the whole and so deprive the reader of his part of 
 collaboration therein. To those desiring to further observe the 
 revealments of the Swastika, the following out of the figure 
 along these lines will reveal all, for the process is merely logi- 
 cal and sequential, the secret thereof the establishing of the 
 dot, or placing the dot where it belongs over the "I," (in the 
 Swastika as the conjunctive point of the "I "s), thus lighting 
 the Eye. And to light the Eye, is to acknowledge the Presence 
 of the Light, the All-Father, "The Father of lights, with 
 whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." 
 This figure of the Swastika was the knowledge to be re- 
 vealed to the children of Israel, the I AM THAT I AM, the 
 symbolic expression of the Great Pyramid inspired by Wis- 
 dom, which is God. What words other than I AM THAT I 
 AM could describe such a symbol, and such a revealing? 
 I AM THAT I AM, Consciousness of (15) Location. 
 Events do not "happen." If one admits this, one must logi- 
 cally carry such admission to its last analysis and admit that 
 anything may "happen," which is to deny all laws of ethics, 
 philosophy, mathematics, and the balance of averages. And as 
 neither business nor the laws of ordinary life are conducted 
 on such haphazard philosophy, it is but just to assume that 
 neither are the affairs of the Universe. Consequently, it fol- 
 lows that if the Swastika was entrusted to the most westerly of 
 all peoples, itself a symbol with arms pointing ever westward, 
 and with the very name of west in its makeup, such must have 
 been for some definite purpose. On unfoldment, this purpose 
 is easily manifest. 
 And what of the fact that this symbol, itself taken from the 
 Great Pyramidal system, foreran the inception of a newest 
 country reviving in its first document, in its appointed lead- 
 ers, and in its coinage, the very symbols of, and only of, the 
 Great Pyramid, Masonry, as well as of the purports of that 
 Structure and of the Holy Bible? In order to avoid suspicion 
 of design, it becomes here necessary that the author admit he 
 is not, has never been, nor contemplates application to be- 
 come, one of that truly magnificent body of world's citizens 
 styling themselves Free-Masons. This explanation is ren- 
 dered solely lest it be assumed that he holds a brief in these 
 frequent references to Masonry. 
 The word Swastika is written (visually), S-w-a-s-t-i-k-a; pro- 
 nounced (audibly), S-w-a-s-t-i-k-u : full value, S-w-a-s-t-i- 
 k-u-a; composition of 9 (Evolution) integers. 
 Total 184 
 The Swastika when truly drawn presents the two figures 8, 
 C\|/O| With its two arms only, ^n | 
 C7K) it is the two figures 4. I C 
 The two figures are the male and female expression (see 7V/- 
 ragram) of the whole number of "Swastika," which whole 
 number is one-eight-four. It may also be read (i8)-K (4) A, 
 and as such is that expression used in the Egyptian Book of 
 the Dead relative to the breathing-0&/, and in y the ^piration 
 and /aspiration, of Soul, Ka y and the double Ka. 
 Prior to the time that modern Science took a hand in recog- 
 nizing the Great Pyramid as a monument of oriented Lore, it 
 was the fashion among certain so-called scientists to refer to 
 the Great Pyramid as either a tomb, or a jail, that is, a 
 place intended for the incarceration of offenders, a sort of 
 ancient Bastile. The absurdity of either of these claims has 
 become, through the efforts of modern science, too manifest 
 to require further comment, nevertheless the claim that the 
 Great Pyramid may have once been a sort of glorified jail af- 
 fords here opportunity to test such word with the Tetragram, 
 more especially as the two great nations of English-speaking 
 peoples pronounce this word similarly, although writing it 
 quite differently. For while the American calls this place a 
 "jail," the Englishman with equal persistence insists that it 
 is a "gaol." Let us see how either regards the purports of such 
 gets the offender against society into jail. 
 And this ASSERTION is the desire for ACQUISITION by (19) 
 VIOLENCE, which by such is miscalled VOLITION. 
 J-a-i-1, 15, Location. An utter description of it, and of its 
 purport; also possibly the psychological reason why the 
 quasi-scientist rushed into the conclusion that the Great 
 Pyramid must have been intended as a place of incarceration. 
 However, to the Englishman, this place is a 
 g RELEASMENT (the tearful eye) 12 
 o COMPREHENSION,!NCLUSION (walled in) 22 
 Thus, to the American a jail is a place of location for the 
 unfortunate, or a place where he may recover his balance, his 
 poise, his one-tiveness, while to the Englishman such is a 
 place of tuition to the offender, where he becomes one-seven, 
 or changed. Alphabetically, to the American jail is a place of 
 (I) enlightenment; to the Englishman, (J) a place of in- 
 clining the wayward. And the difference is to be regarded in 
 the integers expressing sorrow (12) and inclusion, or en- 
 compass (22), wherewith the Englishman makes manifest 
 his idea of the intent of such place. 
 To anyone familiar with the conduct of English prison life 
 and American prison life, this word analysis and ^etragr anting 
 of these two words will be sufficient; and for those not so in- 
 formed, the author takes the liberty of suggesting an inspec- 
 tion of the nearest place of incarceration, or a few short hours 
 of reading in any public library among any number of works 
 dealing with this subject in all countries. Perhaps, for the 
 American, Oscar Wilde's De Profundis, or The Ballad of Read- 
 ing Gaol, will be found as instructive as any works in the 
 matter of illustrating the differences between the English and 
 American prison systems. 
 To the charge that the Great Pyramid is a tomb, the Tetra- 
 gram answers: 
 To-M, whereby was produced Death, the wages of Sin. 
 Hardly a description, however, of the Great Pyramid. 
 i CONFIRMATION (con-formation) 15 
 n DEPENDENCE (in this case) 21 
 /w-volved in both Sin and 'Tomb. -in, or inner darkness. 
 (The darkest hour of Night is that which prepares for the 
 Dawn. Before the hour of evolution, on the Cross, darkness 
 was over the whole land.) 
 (".... If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there." 
 Psalm 139:8.) 
 (That letter made alphabetic by the Hour of Darkness, 
 Observe the Male and Female Consciousness States as de- 
 scriptive of the Crucifixion. It was about the seventh hour, 
 preceding the hour of evolution (9), that darkness was over 
 the whole land, and Jesus cried with a loud voice for 
 L ACQUISITION (overcoming) 19 
 7 + 6 
 We call Darkness Death, and Light Life. 
 a ATTRACTION (to otherness) i 
 Actually, ending is but beginning. Even in this mortal life, 
 the completion of a thing is but the beginning of something 
 other, for Evolution must evolute. Where, then, is thy sting, 
 O Death ? Where, Grave, thy victory ? The processes of Death 
 are but those of sleep, wherein we dream anew to other efforts. 
 e EVOLUTION (Issuance) 9 
 (Called a wise and kind provision of Nature.) 
 Re-located: alphabetically, ("I"), con-formed, made anew, 
 refreshed. All of which are but the processes of the simulation 
 of Death, Sleep. 
 In sleep we 
 (The symbol of the female breast discharging its milky com- 
 plement. Observe how generally the "dreamer" drools , that 
 is, waters at the mouth after the fashion of one, helpless, 
 ^-creation; re-imagery; re-membering; re-collecting. 
 Not in opposition to these, but utterly apart from such is 
 3 + 8 
 ^-volution is the eternal circle, which is Mind. Its integers 
 are those two alphabetic expressions which stand for Male 
 and Female, which united as man, are the image and likeness 
 of God. These two figures (n) are equally proportioned, 
 without the necessity of the symbol of lust connecting. 
 For the symbol of lust, even when performing the act of 
 connection, yet stands as a bar of separation. The knowledge 
 of the existence of such serves as a constant barrier between 
 male and female, whereby, although created equally in the 
 image and likeness of God, can neither mingle with the other 
 in utter freedom, seldom without desire or fear. And slavery, 
 desire, and fear are but the attributes of lust. Not by Lust, 
 but by Love, is the Brotherhood of man accomplished. 
 Just as the author of this offering holds no brief for Free- 
 Masonry, neither for Christian Science, nor for Romanism, 
 Anglicanism, Protestantism, nor any sect or creed, so, too 
 does he hold no brief for Equal Suffrage as a political move- 
 ment. Nevertheless, he feels bounden to point out that no 
 geometrization can ever be perfect that does not account 
 equally for the female, for geometrization in its first and last 
 analysis is tri-angulation, tri-unition, tri-unity, Trinity; and 
 Trinity is the Whole expression of God (Word). Further, 
 without this expression of male and female, "rightly divided" 
 we have no word of Truth, no Christ, no All-Father, who 
 states plainly in Genesis 1 126-27, "in our image, after our like- 
 ness," creating them, "in his own image [and likeness], in the 
 image of God created he him; male and female created he 
 Equality is balance. The opposite of balance is insanity. 
 On the balance of a business house rests its success; its un- 
 balance preludes but swift disaster. Though man is the ser- 
 vant of God, no man was created the servant of another, and 
 man is male and female. 
 But be not ye called Rabbi: 
 for one is your Master, even 
 Christ; and all ye are brethren. 
 St. Matthew 23 [REPLETION]: 8 [COMPLETION] 
 or Be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; 
 and all ye are brethren. 
 The Christ is the Word of Truth, admittedly. To "rightly 
 divide" the Word of Truth male and female must receive 
 utter equality. For the demonstration of this was the Tetra- 
 gram devised. 
 The two opposing elements are the so-called power of Lust, 
 and the power of Love. The former makes for inequality, the 
 latter produces perfect equality. In the verse above quoted, 
 we are informed that "even Christ" is our Master, not odd 
 1 06 
 and foetal birth 
 Fruition, Wholly, Holy (Immortality) 
 13 is the alphabetic sign of the tearful Eye; 8 of the closed 
 eye, the " blindness," and kindness, of Love. Also the G is the 
 broken circle, and the 8 is the combination of two circles. 
 Their added together whole expression, 'Tetragramed, results 
 in the numerical 13, Parturition. For, says the Poet-Astrol- 
 oger of Naishapur, "'tis but a hair divides the false and 
 True," but, oh, what an across! 
 It is in the I3th chapter of the Book of Revelation wherein 
 its author informs us of the acme of wisdom, which is the 
 numbering of the Beast (666), that we learn also of a second 
 Beast. Receiving its power apparently from the same source 
 as the first Beast, for it spake after its sign, or constellation, 
 "as a dragon," this second beast is described as being "like 
 a lamb" (Rev. 13:11). Elsewhere throughout this Book of 
 Revelation, time after time, the Lamb is identified with the 
 Christ, the expression of God (Word). Obviously, then, these 
 two beasts identify themselves with the Word made flesh and 
 with the Word of Truth. The Word made Flesh was Jesus, 
 mortal; the Word of Truth, the Christ which Jesus, mortal, 
 by process of crucifixion overcame to immortality. In best 
 phraseology, therefore, the two beasts receive expression, 
 when the second is lifted from mortality by the + cross, as 
 JESUS the CHRIST in entirety. O 
 5 + 10 
 1 5 is the Tetragramed number of I AM. 
 Jesus-Christ, 145 + 133=278 
 8 + 8 
 @ FUNCTION (One-sex 16). 
 This, the completion of the Pyramid by added capstone ex- 
 Jesus-the-Christ, 145 + 82+133=360 
 19, Volition, the Line of Beauty which is the Way, which 
 in the New Testament Jesus the Christ called Himself. The al- 
 phabetic I9th symbol is the letter "|^,." 
 The Beast raised to the I9th power (of courses) becomes 
 automatically the twentieth power, REALIZATION. Jesus the 
 Christ, then, typifies the first beast, which, raised to its place, 
 is the first and second beast. This second beast must there- 
 fore receive expression in Tetragramatic processes whereby 
 we "rightly divide" the word of Truth. 
 As the Lamb, represented by the second beast, is obviously 
 the "gentle," or /^turned, one, mathematical expression of 
 this entity is obtainable by /^turning or turning in, the 
 figures female-/y. And again Holy Bible and Great Pyramid 
 absolutely confirm each other. 
 A i 
 a 2 
 a 3 
 a 4 
 B 5 
 C 6 
 c 7 
 D 8 
 E 9 
 e 10 
 F ii 
 G 12 
 H 13 
 I 14 
 2 9 
 3 1 
 @ Life, Being, Tri-unity, 
 Also the figure "i" (one) is the letter "I" (eye). The letter 
 "I" denotes Light, Sight. In the Sin of the Ages it received 
 attempted anthropomorphic expression as the phallic symbol, 
 being regarded as the creative organ by man, whereby they be- 
 came man and woman. God (Word) is the "I," or Eye, the 
 Light; in Egyptian masonry, Ra(y). 
 Said the Son of Ra(y), Osiris, who in the Holy Bible is 
 called Jesus the Christ: 
 "And I [Eye], if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all 
 men unto me," St. John 12:32, and, "I and my Father are 
 For " I," and " I " (one), are purely unitive in processes and 
 expression, and when lifted atop the Great Pyramid draw all 
 men unto, and into, one ("I"). 
 Egyptian Masonry is the process whereby the Great Pyra- 
 mid, with All-Seeing Eye, was constructed. This Masonry had 
 its own particular symbolic expression, even as has all subse- 
 quent mental, religious movement, from Confucianism to 
 Christian Science. The Egyptian Mason recognized a Trinity, 
 and a Trinity only. He represented this Trinity by three Ex- 
 pressions of the All-Father, Ra (Ray), the Light. These 
 expressions were, Osiris, the Son; Isis, the daughter; and Nep- 
 thys, the sister of Isis. Osiris represented the male of the 
 Word; Isis, the female of the Word; and Nepthys, the con- 
 firmation, or con-formation, of the two. Hence, Osiris was, as 
 his name indicates, the Son of Light, or Sight projected; Isis, 
 insight; and Nepthys, the Veiled Sight. This composition 
 completed the Triune expression of Ra, or Light, the All- 
 Seeing Eye, as the Word of Truth. 
 In conformity with this triune Expression of Word, it is 
 necessary then to account for Nepthys, the Veiled expression 
 of Word, and as the veiling is the darkening, or //^turning of 
 sight, obviously to procure a numerical expression of such we 
 must resort again to the mathematicism of involuted figures. 
 Visual expression, W-o-r-d; audible expression, W-o-e-d; 
 triune expression, W-o-e-r-d. 
 1 8, Consciousness of Co-ordination, integerically divided 
 into a male and female expression of Evolution. This, then, 
 procures us an expression of the composition of the Word as 
 Father. To obtain the Motherhood of God (Word) it is neces- 
 sary to find an expression for Nepthys, thus: 
 Evolutional expression Involutional expres- 
 in combined male and sion of these corn- 
 female integers. bined integers. 
 W 33 6 
 O 22 4 
 e 10 10 
 r 26 8 
 d 8 8 
 That is, by again /^turning or adding these combined integers 
 of the alphabet, even as we /Vzturn the Whole expression of a 
 word Tetragramatically to obtain a Consciousness Expression 
 of the same, and not allowing the integer so inturned to ob- 
 tain above the number ten (10), we procure numerically an 
 expression of the "Veiled Sight," which is, of course, the 
 Hearing, or Sound. Thus in our full Tetragram we have the 
 added together alphabet which gives us that combined ex- 
 pression of Word which is Biblically called man, and which is 
 Sight, and the Consciousness expression of man, which is 
 Sound. Completing the expression of the word, 
 Total 99 36 
 9 + 9 6 +9 
 Word, thus, gives a grand total of 33, or of 18 + 15. This 33 
 represents the courses necessary to the final degree of Free- 
 Masonry, the lifetime of Jesus the Christ, and the unit dis- 
 tance between the King's and Queen's Chambers in the Great 
 Pyramid. 33 consciously reduces itself to 3, A, as repre- 
 sentative of W-o-r-d. 
 Even as with every other of the Laws of the Universe are 
 the processes whereby we become named. In the Bible it is to 
 be noted very careful attention has been paid to the naming 
 of the various people appointed to carry out certain projects, 
 and definite reasons for the giving of such certain names are 
 quite emphatically told. In the case of Jesus, it may be re- 
 called, His birth was foretold under the name EMANUEL 
 (E-man-u-well), but upon the assumption of the role of the 
 Christ by Him His name became Jesus (J-Js-S, the Way). 
 Saul, so soon as a definite constructive purpose was manifest 
 to him, superseding the destructive one of his election, became 
 automatically Paul, and constant changes of this sort are too 
 familiar to be in need of repetition here. Even the very names 
 of the Almighty undergo as many as five distinct changes 
 in Genesis alone, all under the personal supervision of God 
 Himself. When we apparently create, that is, repeat, an 
 object, or a purpose, we name such, even as when we write 
 a book. Man as an integer of Word would logically have a 
 name, as many names as purposes to be fulfilled. 
 There exists obvious reason why we may shorten Thomas 
 to 'Tom, but none why we should call Richard Dick, William 
 Bill. And although Elizabeth abbreviated to Lizzy is partly 
 sequential, Peggy for Margaret is as inexplainable as Ted for 
 Theodore or Ned for Edward. Then there are the various nick- 
 names we have fastened upon us from time to time, account- 
 able for only as the appearance of ourselves to those inflicting 
 such names upon us. For while one boy may, for instance, 
 impress a schoolfellow as sufficiently like a "tadpole" to earn 
 from the mouth of such schoolfellow this nickname, it is not 
 probable that this appellation would appeal to its unfortunate 
 wearer as at all true to himself. And in accepting, and answer- 
 ing to, such name, he more than likely but yields to force 
 Why, for example, should Richard be called Dick? 
 NITION 8 8 
 126 45 
 6+9 5+9 
 To anyone familiar with the literature of a century or so 
 ago, it will be at once apparent, both from the two ultimates 
 (15 and 14), and from the Grand Ultimate (9), why Ben- 
 jamin Franklin selected the name of Richard for the hero of 
 his Almanack. 
 47 29 
 7 + 2 9 
 This Grand Ultimate (9) in Richard's name may serve to 
 explain why Richard Coeur de Lion chose to become crusa- 
 der, even at the risk of his crown. 
 Richard makes a good soldier, sailor, or adventurer, because 
 he has strongly implanted in him the purport of issuance. 
 This latter should be evolutional, for that is Richard's cross in 
 life, the processes of which are integerically given in his name. 
 Dick is inclined to be passionate and changeable in the ex- 
 treme. He acts on impulse, and is easily led. His lovable quali- 
 ties are always apparent, yet he is wayward. In the Grand 
 Ultimate of Dick's name (20) is the crux, for he may elect to 
 make this Reality either Spiritual or Material, Love or Lust. 
 i ASSERTION 14 5 
 186 51 
 6+6 1+6 
 William crossed (7) the seas to the conquest (19) of England, 
 that is, to graft the Norman tongue on the Saxon of the 
 Angle; and with the battle of Hastings the Saxon passed (7), 
 and the present sturdy race of Englishmen was born. 
 58 31 
 8+4 1+4 
 A bill is an accounting of credit primarily, intended to inform 
 us of our indebtedness. It is also clearly a teaching in the 
 matter of expenditure, of balance, and of prudence, as is its 
 dollar namesake. When applied to man it suggests strength of 
 purpose and determination, even domination, all of which 
 are hallmarks of what we think the teacher. 
 The Great Teacher does not force His presence or doctrine 
 upon us. He presents such to our consideration, then leaves us 
 absolutely free choice. If we decline, He does not call us fools. 
 He calls us always and ever His children, and says that as 
 such, whatever we may conceive individually of our impor- 
 tance and mentalities, we are all equally His children, male 
 and female, and that our name is man. It is indeed a hard, 
 hard lesson to learn. 
 These examples, as indeed all others in this offering, have 
 been picked without purpose aforethought by the author, 
 other than as led by the text of this matter. Their adapta- 
 bility to the illustration in hand is in the province of the great 
 ONE for revealment. 
 It should be here noted, and has not been remarked on 
 before, of purpose, that the female figures of both the Sound 
 and Sight Tetragrams are always the same numerically, hence 
 Consciously. As a mathematical phenomenon explanation of 
 this is only to be found in the realm of the Spiritual, and 
 thither the individual user of the ^Tetragram is directed by 
 this work. This sameness of the Female figures in both 'Tetra- 
 grams of any one word, however, is the reason for the sym- 
 bolic mythology of Egyptian Masonry. In ^etragr anting it is 
 an absolute check upon the trueness of the integerical ulti- 
 Neither the purpose of this offering, nor the Line of Beauty, 
 which is the sole way to mastery, permit that we pass from 
 this Part without a Tetragramatic expression of woman. 
 107 35 
 7+8 5 + 8 
 Mary was the mother of Jesus, Biblically. If the reader will 
 turn to the story of the Annunciation of the coming birth of 
 Jesus, to Mary, the-mother-to-be, as told in the Gospel ac- 
 cording to St. Luke, beginning with the song of Mary 
 (chapter i : verse 46) : 
 46: .......... My soul 
 doth magnify the Lord, 
 47: And my spirit hath re- 
 joiced in God my Saviour 
 he, or she, will need no further explanation as to why the 
 mother of Jesus of Nazareth, the Man who was to evolute the 
 World, should be called "Mary." For the very first two sym- 
 bols themselves, "M" Acceptation (verse 46), and "A" At- 
 traction^ Rejoicing, tell the story in the beginning, as do the 
 following integers sequentially. 
 The purport of the symbolism of Egyptian Masonry be- 
 came wholly lost what time the Star of Light was removed 
 from its polarity, and the Northern Transept of the World 
 went dark. A pantheism of animal-headed gods sprang up to 
 replace it, and the same condition of affairs arose as would 
 manifest itself should we suddenly take to worshiping the 
 symbols of the Alphabet rather than the Word (God) which 
 they but express in divers expressions to us. This attempted 
 anthropomorphization of Word, hitherto consummated in 
 darkness, is the Sin of the Ages, and has resulted in the wages 
 of sin for all of us, Death. Ra, the All-Father, and Osiris, his 
 generic son, wore symbolically the heads of Hawks in token of 
 the masterful flight of this bird, of gentleness, and of the Line 
 of Beauty. Not until after the pantheology of Ra, Osiris, and 
 Isis, did Isis assume the Crescent Moon of Evening, announ- 
 cing that she was Eve, the Hour of Darkness, as testified by 
 the ornament on her forehead. 
 But the Book of the Dead represents these children of God, 
 too, as in human guise. Ra (Ray) is the name of Light, the 
 All-Seeing Eye. His Son is O's-Eye-O'er-S, the Serpent sym- 
 bol, and Osiris wore the Serpent about his forehead in token 
 of his intellectual mastery over the serpent. Eye's-S (Isis), 
 Sight's Line of Grace, bore the Flower of Egypt, the Lotus,in 
 her hand. In-F-Thee-S, the Veiled Lady Nepthys, is only 
 shown on the left hand of Isis, her sister. Really, it is beauti- 
 ful. O's (Mind's) Eye-O'er-S, Mind's Eye (Sight) over- 
 breathes, or breathes outwardly; Eye's S, Eyes In-turned, 
 or inspired Sight, which is Insight; and In-F-Thee-S, in- Word, 
 or inward, Thou breathest, Nepthys, . . . the three breaths 
 of the Great Serpent, the Great One. 
 In the hand of Osiris is always the figure of the fetragram. 
 the Square and the Compass, the Cross and the Crown. 
 Thus, in recognition of his mission, holds Osiris, the son of 
 Light, the measure of Heaven and Earth in his hand, the 
 fetragram, or Key. 
 What is the mission of Osiris ? 
 surgeon) 26 8 
 i INDIVIDUALITY (Eye) 14 5 
 1 60 43 
 , IO +7 3+7 
 Tuition @ @ Service 
 Osiris, by virtue of the Tetragram figure in his hand, an- 
 nounces himself as master of the Transit. In his name there 
 are 7 integers, and the female of both Tetragramatic expres- 
 sions of him are 7. The Grand Ultimate of his name is also 7. 
 In the Holy Bible the son of Word is known as the son of a 
 carpenter. A carpenter works with a T-square and Compass. 
 Revelation, nth Chapter: 
 i : And there was given me a 
 reed like unto a rod: and 
 the angel stood, saying, Rise, 
 and measure the temple of God, 
 and the altar, and them that 
 worship therein. 
 It is said that Truth is stranger than fiction. As a matter of 
 fact who is to say which is Truth, and which is fiction, as we 
 conceive such? For what we call Truth is established and per- 
 ceptible fact only, whereas fiction is the fact of Consciousness, 
 and Consciousness is the awaredness of Truth. The presump- 
 tion that what is written of a material world must be real, 
 just as what is written of an immaterial world must be un- 
 real^ is purely the reversal of fact by the presumption of the 
 mortal. As a matter of fact, all the so-called Truths of the 
 material world prove in the last analysis to be but inverted, 
 or imaged, imaginings of the /w-material world, and the 
 things that we can taste, touch, feel, smell, and with the 
 mortal eye perceive, but mutative forms without substance. 
 The predecessor of the moving picture was a little booklet 
 containing a number of poses of pugilists, dancers, or actors, 
 which when turned swiftly leaf by leaf through the fingers of 
 the hand produced the effect of a continuous moving-picture. 
 As a matter of fact, exactly that process is what is accom- 
 plished by the physical eye, whereby are constructed the 
 myriad forms of what we call sight. These forms become held 
 in a state of tension, even as the picture is held on the screen 
 of the "movies," until such assuming apparent substance seem 
 to us real. 
 When Bunyan wrote the Pilgrim's Progress, he chose 
 the language of Fiction in its most obvious sense, Allegory, 
 wherewith to present his subject. Both before and after 
 Bunyan, even to this very day, that method of presentation 
 of Truth is observed. It has many advantages over the cold, 
 straight method of direct presentation, as it both affords 
 scope for rhythm of expression, and by its very allegoric 
 phraseology serves to impress its facts deeper on the memory 
 of listener or reader. Do the daily happenings about the 
 household, or fairy stories, most impress the child? And, in 
 later years, which does the matured mind retain? A good 
 story is always a good story, but to become an impressive 
 story it must be clothed in appealing language. 
 In that Book called the Holy Bible we become at once 
 aware of the use of language such as we can not in speech 
 equal. To the scholar and classicist, be he in agreement with 
 the contents of Holy Bible, or not, it affords the pleasure in 
 words that a rare gem does to the connoisseur of such. It has 
 inspired more happiness, strife, perplexity, agnosticism, 
 despair, and martyrdom, than all the books of all the world 
 combined. Its sale ever steadily increases. Simply as a book 
 of a collection of stories, it is the father of all known literature 
 ancient, mediaeval, and modern. Write as you will, however 
 originally, and only the fact that there is no copyright on the 
 Bible, that it is of "no private interpretation," saves you 
 from the embarrassment of the commission of plagiarism. 
 Charles W. Eliot, sometime President of Harvard Univer- 
 sity, once quietly observed that it was time we got away 
 from the tyranny of the Bible. The first five books of this 
 Book of books, we are led to suppose, or have led ourselves 
 to suppose, were written by a mortal called Moses. In in- 
 fancy, we are apparently instructed, Moses, who was a 
 Hebrew, was recovered from waifdom or possible death 
 from among the <#//rushes of a stream by a daughter of the 
 then reigning King of Egypt. This august lady, so Scripture 
 informs us, had her protege brought up as a Prince of the 
 Royal House of Egypt. It is to be remembered that the Royal 
 House of Egypt was most distinctly royal in its every aspect, 
 preserving a blood-hereditary dynasty that has defied repe- 
 tition; for brother and sister united in wedlock to conserve 
 the royalty of such intact. The first inconsistency of this 
 story, concerning the introduction of Moses into membership 
 in such family, as a purely material fact becomes at once an 
 obstacle to credulity. 
 Secondly, these Hebrews, or Israelites, of whom was Moses 
 a child by birth, had been held in captivity for some little 
 time; and as the policy of Egypt appeared to be an utter 
 national disintegration of the Hebrews, it is only logical to 
 assume that they proceeded to carry out such disintegration 
 by the only means known to nations to accomplish such, by 
 a disintegration and paralyzation of the mother tongue. 
 In any case, it seems Moses was brought up from earliest 
 infancy far from the people of his speech, as a Prince of the 
 then Reigning House of Egypt, and as such, of course, was 
 versed in what of the Great Pyramidal lore was part of the 
 necessary up-bringing of every Egyptian Royalty. So that, up 
 to the age of forty years, his mother tongue must have been 
 purely hearsay to Prince Moses. 
 At this age Moses, it appears, had the misfortune to slay an 
 Egyptian, practically in self-defense, and certainly in defense 
 of another. The commission of manslaughter in self-defense, 
 or to save life, is recognized as justifiable even at this day in all 
 civilized and uncivilized nations. In Egypt it is a moot ques- 
 tion whether slaughter, by a Royalty, would be considered 
 an offense. Yet Moses, a Prince of the Reigning House, and 
 therefore exempt from the common law, by the accidental 
 killing of a man virtually in self-defense, is forced to flee for 
 his life like a common felon. Yet apparently was his act of so 
 little judicial moment, that at no great time thereafter he 
 could walk boldly and unmolested into the very presence of 
 the Pharaoh himself, and that without any further reference 
 to the causes of his so abruptly leaving the shelter of his 
 adopted father, the King of Egypt. Oddly, too, when Moses 
 presents himself at this court where for forty years of his life 
 he must have been a personage of very great distinction, it is 
 as an utter stranger without credentials. 
 But, putting aside these manifest material inconsistencies, 
 or inconsistencies of material facts, it is palpably obvious 
 that if we are to read the story of Moses, even as the story of 
 Samson, of Job, of Solomon, of Jesus of Nazareth, of Saul, 
 and the weird imagery of Isaiah, and the hauntingly beauti- 
 ful descriptions of John in Revelation, we must read such as 
 they were written, as scripture, in the Spirit, as psychologic 
 accounts of psychologic happenings, and not as the stories of 
 material flesh and blood men. John says he wrote Revelation 
 in the Spirit. This is not to say that these men had no earthly 
 conceptions, no material presentations; but that the Biblical 
 accounts of the happenings, whereof they were historical part, 
 are psychological, or Spiritual, and that with such solely is 
 Scripture concerned. 
 This writing is concerned solely with the realm of Word, 
 which is the realm of the real, or Spiritual. As such it knows 
 all men to be the Sons of God, even as all women are the 
 Daughters of God, both in utter equality. No other interpre- 
 tation will satisfy either this offering or Scripture. Those 
 things that are of the earth are Caesar's; the things of God 
 (Word) are all that are accounted herein. Hence the material 
 presentations of Word, can there be said to be such, of the 
 mortal Moses, Solomon, Jesus, were there such, are not 
 included in this offering. 
 Moses, then, we are informed, to continue his story, 
 was removed from the environs and tongue of his birth until 
 approaching what we term early middle life; yet despite this 
 handicap, he was able, it appears, with perfect facility and 
 mastery to begin, almost immediately, and to complete, in 
 the Hebrew tongue, about as large and copious a magnum opus 
 as was ever contemplated by man, and on such a subject! 
 In the preface to what we term the standard, or Prince 
 James, edition of the Holy Bible, we are informed on its title 
 page that it is translated out of the original tongues, and in its 
 preface a dedication is made by these "translators" to the 
 reigning monarch who we believe ordered such translation. 
 This monarch is addressed as "the Most High and Mighty 
 Prince James [no comma after James, so that we gather he 
 was not "the most high and mighty Prince, James," but 
 "Prince James"], by the Grace of God, King of Great 
 Britain, France, and Ireland." 
 It is a pity that the numeral of this James' Kingship was 
 omitted, but even with such omission it is at once obvious 
 that no Prince James, or King James, was monarch of Great 
 Britain, nor Prince of the same, for the very patent reason 
 that the Kingdom of Great Britain was not declared, ratified, 
 or formed by the four lesser Kingdoms until (circa 1707) 
 after the last of the Scotch and English Kings, and Princes, 
 James were laid to rest. 
 This King, or Prince, James was also, we are informed, 
 King of France. Here history is challenged. If any Prince 
 James, or King James, of England was also a King of France, 
 and he must have been a Prince James, or King James of 
 France, or else held the French throne under an alias, 
 neither the Patents Royal of England nor France, to say 
 nothing of the histories of either country, record such fact. 
 Thirdly, if Prince James, to give him his Biblical title, es- 
 tablished a sovereignty over Ireland at this date, neither 
 English nor Irish will admit such; unless possibly he was one 
 of the James succeeding Oliver Cromwell, and even then his 
 Irish sovereignty is not historically established. So we must 
 assume this dedication to Prince James, for they do not 
 address him as King, of these various countries, to have 
 been an invention of the "translators," for certainly it is not 
 supposable that men of such erudition could be so histori- 
 cally inaccurate about the reigning King of their own day and 
 Moreover, it seems odd that no slightest account of the 
 personalities of these same "translators" is preserved to us. 
 A work of this description is a weighty matter. It is easy to 
 find the names of the authors of the various articles in the 
 Encyclopaedia Britannica of any date, for instance; and al- 
 though occasional articles, stories, or poems, may be anony- 
 mous, or attributed, here and there in literature, there is not 
 the record of any work of importance remaining unknown 
 either as to its authorship, or to its translations, if such occur. 
 If the scholars, and they must have been very learned, pro- 
 found, and famous ones, who "translated" the Bible out of 
 the original tongues, chose to remain utterly unknown, there 
 is certainly nothing in their translations to show why such 
 modesty should have become necessary, for language, spelling, 
 and style of diction are such as were not in vogue during the 
 reign of any James known to history, nor in fact in vogue 
 during the times of any other known monarch. 
 Further, why in this Preface do all of the words that could 
 serve to localize it occur always, and only, in italics? That 
 has never been the custom in any document written in any 
 language and in any time. England, English tongue, Occident, 
 etc., all occur in this guise. Can it be that the same method of 
 "rejection" as that giving us the number of the Beast, is 
 again applied to tell us what is really so obvious? 
 Hebrew is not, and never has been, a universal language. 
 As a matter of fact, it has never been as universally popular 
 as is present-day Chinese, for instance; so why the God of all 
 mankind, who established Himself as Word, should pick out 
 a formless, strictly local, unalphabetic tongue to express 
 Himself in, is utterly un-obvious. And how He could express 
 creation in that tongue is as impalpable as how, in such case, 
 we obtained the letters of our alphabet. If you admit that 
 this language we, calling ourselves English-speaking, com- 
 municate in is the Original Tongue, when all the earth was of 
 one language and of one speech, then you have a definite and 
 logical reason for the offshoot alphabets of Hebrew, Greek, 
 Persian, Chinese, and all other attempts to express man sym- 
 bolically. But if you maintain that Hebrew was the original 
 tongue of the Word, the one language and one speech of the 
 whole earth, then you have to alter history and account for 
 the English alphabet and the English language. And, since 
 the War of Words, just completed, wherein the true alphabet 
 nations were opposed to the unalphabetic nations, this tongue 
 and language are becoming Universal with increasing ra- 
 " Come, let us reason together." In what language, other 
 than English (as we call it), is to be found the word Bible? 
 The names Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy? Num- 
 bers, of course, might be a translation of the equivalent 
 Hebrew word for such; but no language in the world will dis- 
 close the other quoted four names, saving that of the BOOK 
 whose lesser books they title. The word Pyramid? I'etragram? 
 In the New Testament, we read of Stephen, Philip, John, 
 James, and Peter, as followers of Jesus. Since when were such 
 names applied to Jews ? Yet these men were all Jews, we are 
 told, Jews of Jews, born, circumcised, reared, and taught, 
 in strictest accordance with rigorous rabbinical law. Also, if 
 any Jew before or after the Nazarene bore the name of Jesus, 
 both religious and secular scripture have failed to reveal such. 
 Instead, the name seems to have since deteriorated mostly as 
 the given name of Spanish muleteers and Mexican peons 
 solely. But, finally, if you stop to consider, of what Hebraic, 
 or other language, name is God a translation? For it cer- 
 tainly can not be claimed as a translation of the name Jehova, 
 because that name is used constantly in the "translated" Old 
 Testament, neither of Jab nor Twab. And, lastly, who ever 
 heard of translating proper names, not to mention such a 
 proper name as that of the Almighty Father? 
 The title page of the New Testament informs us that it was 
 "Translated out of the Original Greek," (not "from the 
 Greek," please observe). What was the original Greek when 
 all the earth was of one language and one speech? At the time 
 that Jesus is accredited with walking this earth, Greek, 
 nationally virtually dead, had become only the scholarly, if 
 not the court, language of the known world. As such it seems 
 to have enjoyed somewhat the same position that has French 
 until recently. But although the man of culture is supposed to 
 possess some familiarity with the French language, it is not 
 expected as a means of communication from the lips of, say, 
 Italian, Portuguese, or Irish laborers. One should not be, 
 but nevertheless would be, astonished to hear even an Ameri- 
 can workingman conversing with a fellow laborer in letters 
 proclaiming such niceties of speech as those of Racine, or Ros- 
 trand. And yet this is exactly what Biblical language, if trans- 
 lated from the Greek, would proclaim the fishermen and 
 laborers who followed Jesus capable of, for the language of 
 the grave and cultured scholar was apparently their daily, 
 even personal, medium of intercommunication. But in any 
 case they were not Greeks, and probably from their environ- 
 ment, on the shores of a provincial lake, and their stations in 
 life, had never come into close contact with any of that na- 
 tion; and if there is a more difficult mode of expression than 
 Greek to the one of another speech, no schoolboy who has 
 been stopped from playhours to master the irregular verbs 
 and neuter gender of that language will admit such possibility. 
 In Isaiah 19:18, quoted at the beginning of this offering, 
 we are told that five cities in the day of the Lord shall speak 
 the language of Canaan. What was the language of Canaan, 
 Finally if Greek and Hebrew were the inspired languages 
 God must now be speechless. 
 But as a matter of Biblical fact, there is neither English, 
 French, Greek, Hindustani, Persian, Choctaw, nor any other 
 one-tongue as a distinct expression, for all languages and 
 tongues unite correlatively, and their unition is nearer that 
 which we call English than any other form of known speech. 
 God (Word) is Universal, not racial nor national. 
 Ense libertatem petit inimico tyrannis. As Dr. Eliot said, it 
 is time we got away from the tyranny of the Bible; time that 
 we entered into the fullness of our inheritance as the sons of 
 God, and that inheritance we are told is the one speech and 
 one tongue of Universal Brotherhood and Sonship. The 
 sword of liberty makes itself an enemy of tyranny. Out of the 
 mouth of the " one clothed like unto the Son of man," says the 
 1 6th verse of the ist chapter of Revelation, "went a sharp 
 two-edged sword." This sword is "rightly dividing," and it 
 is the enemy of tyranny. Mark how the use of the fetragram 
 by Jesus is referred to in the Bible itself. 
 The scribes and the Pharisees, we are told, had brought 
 before Him a woman taken in adultery. Explaining this fact 
 to Jesus, they sought opportunity by the manner in which 
 they put their questions to trap Him into some expression 
 contrary to their rabbinical law. 
 St. John, 8th Chapter: 
 6: ... But Jesus stooped 
 down, and with his finger 
 wrote on the ground, as 
 though he heard them not. 
 Jesus as the skilled workman was supposed to be the one 
 who could "rightly divide the word of Truth." Also, He was 
 the son of a carpenter, brought up at least, partly, at His 
 father's trade, hence versed in the use of square and compass. 
 If not "rightly dividing the word of Truth" at such time, 
 are we to suppose that He was idly scratching words of 
 the sort that one usually writes on the ground with one's 
 finger, or the point of a stick? The ground is not a field in 
 which to indulge in lengthy scripture with the point of one's 
 finger, nor suitable for literary passages. 
 If, then, Jesus at such a time, and knowing that He was 
 being tempted into a trap, "stooped down and with his 
 finger wrote on the ground/' it is logical only to assume that 
 He was writing something pertinent to the moment, and 
 something the whole import of which He could not carry in 
 memory to the full without the momentary assistance of 
 written figures. In other words, if He was not Fetragramming 
 the situation for a suitable reply, He, the master of the T'et- 
 ragram, then the only remaining assumption is that He 
 must have been writing merely anything to obviate the 
 necessity of a reply. 
 And yet He did answer, and at once; that is, as soon as He 
 had "lifted himself up" from what He was writing on the 
 ground. So remains but the conclusion that the Master was 
 using the weapon of mastery to "rightly divide the word of 
 Truth," and procure a balanced reply, which in all effect He 
 gave His "tempters." 
 This work has sought to avoid the appearance of "preach- 
 ing," or " teaching," asking rather that the reader collaborate 
 with the author in the presentation of what is herein written 
 in Brotherhood, which is equality of sonship. But it is felt that 
 here it is only just to the purport of this writing to point out 
 how much can be accomplished, and how much failure saved, 
 by following out just Jesus' method of "rightly dividing the 
 Word of Truth" in crisis. It is balance in business that pro- 
 motes success, and the Tetragram was devised for balancing 
 or "rightly dividing" all conditions of our Father's business. 
 Jesus went about His Father's business. Manipulating the 
 Stock Exchange, blacking boots, managing the affairs of a 
 bank, sweeping the streets, measuring out groceries, and any 
 other of the legitimate activities of man are, when carried on 
 in balance, or "rightly divided," our Father's business. To be 
 about such successfully, the word of Truth, which is all that 
 sustains the whole system, from Wall Street to the running 
 of the corner grocery, must be in balanced ledgers, "rightly 
 divided," honestly apportioned. Anything other, history of 
 both business and nation has, over and over, shown but to be 
 productive of failure. And the balanced methods contributory 
 to business success are just as necessary to our every act of 
 private, personal life. 
 Says a sundial in a quiet, old, lichen and ivy grown church- 
 yard in England, 
 Horas non numero nisi serenas. 
 "I count only those hours that are serene." 
A HAS BEEN said before, it is not the purpose of this 
 work to become inconoclastic of established order, 
 but in the presentation of the Word, as offered 
 herein, it becomes necessary at times to point out obviously 
 intentional discrepancies in Scriptural text, as well as obvious 
 intents in such discrepancies. Thus, in the Gospel according 
 to St. Matthew, chapter i, verse i, we read: 
 The book of the generation 
 of Jesus Christ, the son of 
 David, the son of Abraham. 
 Then follow for 16 verses an account, apparently, not of the 
 generation^ or work, of Jesus Christ, but of His ancestry. Are 
 generation and genealogy the same? Or, is it possible that the 
 "translators," those silent ones, whose diction has been 
 the despairing admiration of the man of letters throughout the 
 ages, knew not the difference between the words generation 
 and genealogy? Is there no significance that the "Son of 
 David" was also the builder of the Temple, and of Gezer, 
 constructing the former in proportion so that with micro- 
 scopic accuracy it should counterpart the Great Pyramid? 
 Building this Temple, too, without the aid of axe or hammer. 
 The Son of David, in the Holy Bible, is called Solomon. Solo- 
 mon builded a Temple whose measurements correspond abso- 
 lutely with the Chamber of the King in the Great Pyramid. 
 In Revelation the King is identified as the Christ. 
 Solomon is repeatedly called the wisest of all men. In the 
 1 2th verse of the ist chapter of II Chronicles, God Himself, 
 addressing Solomon, says: 
 Wisdom and knowledge is 
 granted unto thee; and I will 
 give thee riches, and wealth, 
 and honour, such as none of 
 the kings have had that have 
 been before thee, neither shall 
 there any after thee have the 
 As the Son of man, Jesus, according to His genealogy, suc- 
 ceeded Solomon by several centuries, it is only to be assumed 
 according to this direct arrangement recorded by God Him- 
 self that Jesus could not hope to equal Solomon in either wis- 
 dom or knowledge. Here we arrive at an impasse. The only 
 solution seems by acknowledgment that the Son of David was 
 the Son of David; that the Biblical Jesus and the Biblical Solo- 
 mon were one and the same. What further light thereon in 
 Holy Bible? 
 Caption to Chapter i. 
 /, The church 's love unto Christ. 8 y Christ directeth her to the 
 shepherds' tents: 12, The church and Christ congratulate one 
 The first verse to this chapter, whereof the contents state it 
 to be entirely concerning Christ and His church, says it is 
 Solomon \> ~ 
 o TV/T rage 142. CHURCH 
 to St. Mai 
 i / 
 1 06 43 
 6+7 3+7 
 13 + 10 
 3, A Tri-angulation, which is Unity, or Oneness. 
 And Unity is Life. 
 h (silent) CONVENTION 13 4 
 108 45 
 8+9 5+9 
 Life, which is not Hate, but Love. 
 The cburcb was, then, Christ's Life y or Love. 
 7, The mutual love of Christ and bis cburcb. //, Christ's 
 care of the church. 
 Even as in chapter i, this whole chapter concerns appar- 
 ently the love song of a man for a woman, and of a woman for 
 a man, yet in such perfect hermaphroditism of expression 
 that it is often almost impossible to distinguish the differences 
 in the two speakers or singers. 
 Through 8 chapters in all does this Song of Songs run, and 
 each chapter heading tells succinctly that it describes only 
 the love passages between Christ and His church, yet in the 
 text of this Song of Songs not one mention is made of either 
 by direct or indirect reference, and the supposition in such 
 text is indicated to be that of a love song of Solomon's, at 
 what time that wisest of monarchs answered the impulse of 
 his heart. Certainly it is a song of a male to a female, and a 
 female to a male, in most impassioned and unintelligible lan- 
 guage. Oddly, too, neither from pulpit, platform, chancel, nor 
 desk, is any reference ever made to this divine "Song of 
 Songs. " It is avoided as though it were the incantation of the 
 But, not only is it divine in rhythm, but designed even as 
 the T^etragram to "rightly divide the word of Truth." Its 
 hermaphroditism is perfect. Its poesy and metre are un- 
 equaled. For its sentiment, turn, for instance, to chapter 8, 
 verse 8: 
 We have a little sister, 
 and she hath no breasts; 
 what shall we do for our sister 
 in the day when she shall be 
 spoken for? 
 The two singing are supposedly utterly enwrapt in the joy 
 of their own loves, yet they pause to think of the little de- 
 formed sister. Is there any greater testimony to Love itself 
 than that? "Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay 
 down his life for his friend. " 
 Unequaled in poesy and beauty of sentiment, the Song of 
 Solomon serves yet a greater purpose, for it confirms in metre 
 the Consciousness States of the fetragram. The number of 
 rhythmic impacts of each verse, 'Tetragramed, will give the 
 Consciousness State which the numeral of each verse sug- 
 The Holy Bible was written by masters, under the direc- 
 tion of the Master. No mistakes are possible to such. This 
 rhythmic impact, so obvious in the Song of Solomon because 
 of its perfect poetry, is carried out throughout the whole of 
 both Testaments, from Genesis to Revelation. Thus, the 
 memory of such verses, because of the suggestion contained 
 in the Consciousness States of such, are retained, when the 
 mere words would be forgotten; so that, even though we have 
 neglected to open the Bible since the school days of child- 
 hood, verse after verse from the oldest, and only, Psychology 
 in the World comes tumbling into place when wanted; and to 
 lips, utterly unframed to the repetition of Scriptural text, 
 come at odd moments to confirm story, adorn tale, or point 
 moral, scraps of quotations from the Holy Bible, as though 
 such were matter of every-day phraseology. 
 Finally, referring again to the original language of the 
 Holy Bible, why the constant italics in its various passages? 
 It is possible, of course, that such might have been inserted as 
 single words, or as a verb, for instance, by the " translators " to 
 clarify the text; but when it comes to whole added italicized 
 lines, obviously not part of any of the original, one logically 
 inquires why the liberty? 
 Take, for instance, that verse (6) from the 8th chapter of 
 the Gospel according to St. John, before quoted, 
 But Jesus stooped 
 down, and with his finger 
 wrote on the ground, as 
 though he heard them not. 
 The first italics, his, might have been inserted by the " trans- 
 lators" to clarify the act, although it is difficult to conceive 
 how He could write with another's finger, but are we to as- 
 sume that these "translators" would take the liberty of 
 adding a whole sentence of six words, not needful to the un- 
 italicized text, of their own volition ? Such presumption would 
 not be tolerated in the translation of a modern novel. We had 
 best close the Holy Bible here and now, for apparently we 
 are not reading the inspired Word of Truth, but the con- 
 ception of such by a number of unauthentic, unknown 
 St. Matthew, 1st Chapter: 
 6: And Jesse begat David the 
 king; and David the king be- 
 gat Solomon of her that had 
 been the wife of Urias. 
 I Chronicles, 28th Chapter: 
 21 : And, behold, the courses 
 of the priests and the Levites, 
 even they shall be with thee 
 for all the service of the house 
 of God: 
 And these courses, to be with us even, are 10-10, male and fe- 
 male as man. Or, 
 Solomon's Song, fth Chapter: 
 1: Thy teeth are like a flock 
 of sheep that are even shorn, .... 
 That is to say, by what right would any translator of any 
 text add such a line as in the above verse, or any of the pre- 
 ceding verses here quoted, more especially when the omission 
 of the italicized words makes just as good sense in every par- 
 ticular? It almost seems as though the "translators" had at- 
 tempted to change the meaning of the text itself, for certainly 
 in the majority of cases wherein such italicized words are 
 used the interpretation is vastly different to what would be 
 the case without the interpolation of such. These interpol- 
 ations occur with greatest frequency throughout the entire 
 text of the Holy Bible. Wherefore, it is obvious that either 
 these "translators" took such liberties with Holy Bible, that 
 there is no slightest dependence to be placed on their "transla- 
 tion" of such as an expression of God, or that such italicized 
 words were deliberately introduced in the original writing 
 with purpose aforethought. In this latter case, obviously no 
 "translator" is responsible for the language and text of Holy 
 And if these italicized words were deliberately introduced 
 with especial design ? 
 Italics are devised to emphasize, or call especially to the 
 reader's attention. The Pyramidal way of calling attention to 
 the chief corner stone was to obviously reject the same, and 
 this rejection was accomplished by putting such corner stone 
 where every visitor to the Great Pyramid would be obliged to 
 pass by it, and by very nature of its symbolism, the 
 Sphinx, stop and wonder at its purport and history, its 
 raison d'etre. Apply this same process to the italicized 
 wordings in the Holy Bible, and with equal ease the capstone 
 becomes automatically lifted therein into place, and the 
 swastika of language opens its petals of wondrous reveal- 
 men ts, so that the reader will see and hear therein the beauti- 
 ful story of the male and the female, which is Word, the love 
 of Christ for His church, the Song of Songs, which is Solo- 
 WORD: We-heard; and to hear is to obey. Jesus, the 
 expounder of Word, said, the first commandment of 
 all is, Hear, O Israel, that is, Hear, O is real. The O 
 is the circle, the symbol of Mind. /Ff-heard, the 
 We is the male and female of Word, likeness and 
 image, by which in Genesis 1:26-27, God pro- 
 claimed Himself as Us. 
 ISRAEL: Eyes-real. The All-Seeing Eye. 
 BIBLE: By-Able. It was by Able, the man of the 
 second birth, that the salvation of mortal man was 
 to be wrought. The Able Bye, or Way, was taught 
 by the Christ, who called Himself the Way. 
 PYR-AMID: PEER AMID, look in the center, go to the 
 root of. The city which, in Revelation, is lighted 
 from (amid) within. 
 TETRAGRAM: The symbol of workmanship in the 
 "rightly dividing of the word of Truth." The Sym- 
 bol of the Crown and the Cross, the Circle (Com- 
 pass) and T-Square, the tools of the Carpenter and 
 Mason, without which the latter has no Lodge. 
 And when they were 
 come unto a place called Gol- 
 gotha, that is to say, a place 
 of a skull, 
 St. Matthew 27: 33 (Degree of Masonry) 
 G all-go eth-o'er) as this place in metaphorical Bibli- 
 cal Jo^W-language is called, or the Place of a Skull, 
 the Head, wherein the name of the Beast, says the 
 Bible, was written, and of the bitterness of which 
 the Crucified refused to drink until it be replaced 
 with His Father's name, that was to be written in 
 the foreheads of the Faithful (Revelation 14:1). 
 They gave him vinegar 
 to drink mingled with gall: 
 and when he had tasted thereof > 
 he would not drink. 
 St. Matthew 27: 34 (Masonic Degree, the alphabetic X) 
 And the scripture was ful- 
 filled, which saith, And he 
 was numbered with the trans- 
 The Son of man must be numbered with the transgressors at 
 the place of a skull, before attaining to the Head. The only 
 known method of numbering Him would be by the Tefragram. 
 Behold the place of a skull, the place of Crucifixion, as told 
 in Holy Bible, G all-go eth-o er. Here, the strength of head, or 
 headstrongness which led to the first disobedience by the 
 woman, is crucified, or expiated for by her seed, so that the 
 word of Truth becomes rightly divided, in balance, the wo- 
 man regaining her own. From this is the figure of the 'Tetra- 
 gram derived by means of which we count the number of the 
 Beast, which the Bible says is wisdom, and by means of which 
 are the transgressors, and the Son of man, all numbered, 
 even the hairs of the head, and the little obscure sparrow 
 that falleth, by means of which the little breastless sister is 
 considered and made whole. 
 Tetragraw, T-true-gram, or True measure and 
 weight by the T, (T-square). 
 The homogeneous word g-r-a-m, 'Tetragramed, 
 a RE- ACTION 2 2 
 60 15 
 10+6 5 + 6 
 Transition is the Way. There is but the one Way, for the 
 Straight Line must give place to the Line of Beauty, and the 
 Line of Beauty merges at once into the O, the circle. "Hear, 
 O is real." Thus, by direct reasoning, the Tetragram becomes 
 T true-circle. 
 Now to "true" the circle we have given us since time im- 
 memorial the figure ~fT> which we call pi, as to the value and 
 process of use of which there has been since the ages learned 
 debate. This " truing" of the circle is mathematically demon- 
 strated by the Great Pyramid in its proportions. So we have 
 If", or T, true-circle. 
 A second's observance shows the figure pi (~[f) to be but 
 two "t's" placed close together. Wherefore such read, of 
 course, T-T, or "TeT," thus for 
 TETRAGRAM, read Pi (~[j~)> True-Circle, or the True 
 Square of the Circle, the balancing of the sexes, 
 the Brotherhood of Man and consequent Father- 
 hood of God. 
 This final revealing comes in the Book of Revelation. Rev- 
 elation means revealing. Our word "News," we are told, is 
 gathered in sequence by the composition of the scattered 
 integers which tell the four points of the compass, or circle, 
 7V-orth, E-ast, /F-est, -outh, even as we are informed the 
 sons of God are to be gathered from the four corners of the 
 earth finally. Revelation is News. The gathering of the word 
 News together integerically is obviously by ^etragramatic 
 process, by the squaring of the circle. 
 TVorth .East ^outh /Fest, Four distinct words gath- 
 ered integerically into ONE. 
 Genesis, nth Chapter: 
 i : And the whole earth was of 
 one language, and of one 
 Thus says the Free-Mason: 
 "The Holy Bible, Square and Compass are not only styled 
 the Great Lights in Masonry, but they are also techni- 
 cally called the furniture of the Lodge: and ..... it is 
 held that there is no Lodge without them." 
 MASON: My Son. 
 MASONRY: My Son Ra (the Light, or Sun). 
 The Son of Ra (Ray) is Osiris. In the hand 
 of Osiris is the Square of the Circle, the 
 SCIENCE : S-Eye-hence : /w-sight, or true sight ; Wis- 
 dom (Rev. 13:18) Eyes-real. 
 TION 6 6 
 i ASSERTION, EGO (Truth) 14 5 
 e ATTENUATION (final analysis) 10 10 
 93 48 
 3+3 8+3 
 Science is In-sight, In-spiration, In-tuition. Also it is one- 
 seven^ one Transition, or the one Way. 
 197 44 
 7+8 4 +: 
 (15) (12) 
 Exactly (integerically) the 9 units of 
 processes, or hours, on the Cross, as told 
 in the four Gospels. T 5 + 12 
 The Way, and there is only one way, the Way of Ability, 
 Bye-Able. Transition is by the Transit, and the Transit is 
 circular in shape and process, pointing always to the four 
 quarters, N-E-W-S. Hence Masonry, Transiting, or the Art of 
 the T'etragram^ TETRAGRAMING. 
 Adequately to express such, we have no word for LOVE, 
 apparently. The Egyptian Mason called this word Ah Morel 
 which, in the subsequent confusion of tongues as told in the 
 nth chapter of the Book of Genesis, became fused (or con- 
 fused) into the one word Amour y and also armor. This latter 
 was, during the dark ages, mortal man's way mostly of ex- 
 pressing his love. 
 The last war, we are told, was to be called Armageddon. 
 Christ, in the Holy Bible, spoke in parables. A parable is a 
 parabola. Geometrically, the Line of Beauty is a parabola. It 
 is also a parabola in figure of speech. Finally, Webster's dic- 
 tionary defines sparable as a "similitude." 
 Thus Armageddon, the last war, announces itself in parable, 
 Ah More Getting. 
 97 34 
 7+7 4+7 
 IN THE SONG OF SONGS, which is Solomon's, Male and Fe- 
 male speak, or sing, what apparently purports to be a pas- 
 toral; and a pastoral is a poem which relates, among other 
 things, of the loves of shepherds. 
 This SONG is titled to be the loves of Christ and His 
 Church, but is sung as from Solomon to his love. Christ, in 
 the Holy Bible, be it remembered, is spoken of once and again 
 as the Good Shepherd, He who was sent to the lost sheep, 
 and is the Shepherd King, of course. So, logically, this SONG 
 which is Solomon's, and is all about Solomon, but is titled as 
 the loves of Christ and His Church, would be sung in pastoral ', 
 or shepherd parable. But there is also another reason for the 
 shepherd symbolism in this, and such reason is to be found in 
 verses 7 and 8 of the first chapter of this SONG OF SONGS, 
 which is Solomon's: 
 7: Tell me, O thou whom my 
 soul loveth, where thou feedest, 
 where thou makest thy flock to 
 rest at noon: for why should 
 I be as one that turneth aside 
 by the flocks of thy com- 
 8: If thou know not, O thou 
 fairest among women, go thy 
 way forth by the footsteps of 
 the flock, and feed thy kids 
 beside the shepherds' tents. 
 Why should the words thy flock, in the 7th verse, be in italics? 
 Obviously not because the mysterious "translators" of the 
 Holy Bible were unable to find those words elsewhere in this 
 text, for in the lines following, as well as in the verse follow- 
 ing, flock and flocks are both used in unitalicized form. So 
 that, by process of elimination, we arrive at the only conclu- 
 sion possible, namely, that by this so obvious emphasiza- 
 tion, even as in the case of the Sphinx, it is desired that the 
 reader especially observe and reflect upon the word flock, or 
 the words thy flock. 
 What, then, is flock? 
 Webster's International Dictionary of the English Lan- 
 guage describes such thus: 
 A company or collection of living creatures. . . . A Christian 
 church or congregation; considered in their relation to the pas- 
 tor, or minister in charge. 
 Of flock Dryden says: 
 Friends daily flock. 
 Milton poetizes: 
 The heathen .... came to Nicanor in flocks. 
 2 Mace. 14:14 
 And Lord Tennyson, referring to a pastor and his congrega- 
 tion, writes: 
 As half amazed, half frighted all his flock. 
 The Christ is the Great High Priest, and the chief corner 
 stone, on undisputed Biblical authority. His flock, therefore, 
 would be logically those of His congregation, or those who 
 congregate, or draw-unto Him. 
 And I, if I be lifted up from 
 the earth, will draw all men 
 unto me. 
 St. John 12:32. 
 Men emphasized, even as flock, whereby it is patent that 
 Christ's flock is man. 
 The Christ is figured in the capstone of the Great Pyramid, 
 which when lifted up from the earth draws all the integers 
 known as man, whose number is 666, unto it. At noon, this 
 chief corner stone, in place, is the apex of the Pyramid, that 
 solemn index finger which points continually to the sun over- 
 head, and by the distance of which from the Great Pyramid's 
 base is the mean of the sun from the earth computed. And 
 this apex of the Great Pyramid is the one and only exact spot 
 on the earth's known surface where, at precise noon, the 
 phenomenon of a directly overhead sun occurs always. Hence, 
 in the SONG OF SONGS, which is Solomon's, His Church asks of 
 Christ where He makes His flock to rest at noon. 
 And, that there may be no mistake in confirmation of this 
 exact location where, in symbol, the Christ makes His flock 
 to rest at noon, in the following verse (8) the Christ advises 
 His Church, if she know not the where, to follow the footsteps 
 of the flock and feed ber kids beside the shepherds' tents. 
 Why the shepherds' tents? 
 The Great Pyramid is the center of that three Pyramidal 
 group, all unique in the exactness of their orientation, which 
 is known as the Gizeh Group. It is generally supposed that 
 this group, or at least its central figure, was erected during 
 the reign of the Hyksos Kings of Egypt, who were called the 
 Shepherd Kings. The Gizeh group of Pyramids has also been 
 called the Shepherds' 'Tents. 
 But why tents? 
 89 17 
 9+ 8 7 + 8 
 17 + 15 
 The thirty-second letter of the alphabet, V, as well as the 
 second Consciousness State, 2, amply confirms the correctness 
 of usage of this word tent in this connection. T'enfy ten-\.\ 
 ten-(t) placenta, place-enter; ten-t(tie). fen-d: the Shepherd 
 was sent to ten-d his flock, or to even it, to make it 10 10. 
 Christ; and all ye are brethren. 
 St. Matthew 23:8 
 So, in THE SONG OF SONGS, which is Solomon's, says the 
 Christ to His Church, If you would know where the flock is 
 made to rest at noon, go feed your kids beside the Great Pyra- 
 mid. And that which is beside the Great Pyramid is the figure 
 on the Capstone, whose number is 666, and which, in place, 
 evens and balances all. 
 In the Holy Bible the Christ is unmistakably identified with 
 Solomon, both being the son of David. 
 Solomon builded Gezer. 
 He builded the King's House. 
 He builded the Lord's House. 
 He builded the Temple. 
 He builded without the sound of any building tool. 
 The dimensions of the Temple and of the King's Chamber 
 in the central figure of the Gizeh group are identical, inch for 
 inch, cube for cube, cubit for cubit. 
 The King's Chamber is also identified with the Son of God. 
 The Son of God is called the Christ. 
 The Christ claimed that He could re-build the Temple 
 within three days, or units of Consciousness. 
 THE SONG OF SONGS, which is Solomon's, concerns the loves 
 of Christ and His Church. 
 Solomon was, of course, a master Mason. 
 The Free-Mason acknowledges the Masonry of Solomon. 
 So does the Bible. 
 In Temple lore, the Master Mason is Osiris, the Son of Ra, 
 the Son of Light, Life, Being, God. 
 In the Holy Bible the Master Builder was the son of a car- 
 penter, Himself a carpenter. 
 Mason and Carpenter both work with T-Square and Com- 
 pass. In his hand holds Osiris: 
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