DENTAL DEPARTMENT IN MEMORIAL JOHN ALBERT MARSHALL, D.D.S Putnam 's Science Series 1. The Study of Man. By A. C. HADDON. 2. The Groundwork of Science. By ST. GEORGE MIVART. 3. Rivers of North America. By ISRAEL C. RUSSELL. 4. Earth Sculpture, or ; The Origin of Land Forms. By JAMES GEIKIE. 5. Volcanoes ; Their Structure and Significance. By T. G. BONNEY. 6. Bacteria. By GEORGE NEWMAN. 7. A Book of Whales. By F. E. BEDDARD. 8. Comparative Physiology of the Brain, etc. By JACQUES LOEB. 9. The Stars. By SIMON NEWCOMB. 10. The Basis of Social Relations. By DANIEL G. BRINTON. n. Experiments on Animals. By STEPHEN PAGET. 12. Infection and Immunity. By GEORGE M. STERNBERG. 13. Fatigue. By A. Mosso. 14. Earthquakes. By CLARENCE E. BUTTON. 15. The Nature of Man. By ELIE METCHNIKOFF. 16. Nervous and Mental Hygiene in Health and Disease. By AUGUST FOREL. 17. The Prolongation of Life. By ELIE METCHNIKOFF. 18. The Solar System. By CHARLES LAKE POOR. 19. Heredity. By J. ARTHUR THOMPSON, M.A. ao. Climate. By ROBERT DECOURCY WARD. ai. Age, Growth, and Death. By CHARLES S. MINOT. as. The Interpretation of Nature. By C. LLOYD MORGAN. 33. Mosquito Life. By EVELYN GROESBEECK MITCHELL. 34. Thinking, Feeling, Doing. By E. W. SCRIPTURE. 35. The World's Gold. By L. DE LAUNAY = 36. The Interpretation of Radium. By F. SCDDY. 27. Criminal Man. By CESARE LOMBROSO. 28. The Origin of Life. By H. CHARLTON BASTIAN. 29. The Bacillus of Long Life. By LOUDON M. DOUGLAS. ' 30. Social Evil. By R. A. SELIGMAN. 31. Microbes and Toxins. By E. BURNET. For list of works in preparation see end of this volume I PASTEUR When a pupil at the Ecole Normale, 1843-46 Pencil drawing by Lebayle from a daguerreotype in the possession of M. Vallery-Radot MICROBES y TOXINS < By Dr. ETIENNE BURNET OF THE PASTEUR INSTITUTE OF PARIS \YITH A PREFACE BY ELIE METCHNIKOFF Translated from the French BY Dr. CHARLES BROQUET and W. M. SCOTT, M.D ILLUSTRATED G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK AND LONDON Imicfeerbocfeer press 1912 TO DR. EMILE ROUX Director of the Institut Pasteur v',V Photo] ILLIE METCHNIKOFF \Henri Manuel, Paris. INTRODUCTION THE publication in the Bibliotheque de Philosophic Scientifique of a volume dealing with micro-organisms was entirely indicated, for microbiology is taking every day a larger and larger place in the realm of knowledge and philosophy. Although dis- covered more than two hundred years ago, microbes were long neglected, and it was only during the second half of last century that their true role was ascertained. Ehrenberg in the middle of the nineteenth century had already perceived the importance of microscopic organisrrs in the evolution and life of our planet. The discovery of the fossil remains of Diatoms and Foraminifera led him to appre- ciate the great part these minute creatures have played in the building up of the earth's crust. There were not lacking men of science disposed to attribute to micro-organisms an important action in the phenomena of fermentations and of disease, but it was only after the labours of Pasteur that this truth was definitely established and became part of our common heritage of knowledge. Relations had long been perceived between the animal kingdom and the vegetable, animals furnishing carbonic acid and nourishment to plants, while these, on their side, nourish the animals with their organic matter and provide them with oxygen. Later it was recognised that between these two kingdoms there lies the domain of the microbes. It is the u x INTRODUCTION microbe which transforms the animal material supplied by dead bodies and dejecta into simpler substances, nitrates, and salts of ammonia, capable of assimilation by those plants which supply us with food. Further, it is the microbe which renders pleasant to the taste certain animal and vegetable food- products, as, for example, the juice of the grape, the extract of malt, cabbages, apples, and milk, transforming these respectively into wine, beer, sauerkraut, cider, kephir, various kinds of cheese, etc. Thanks to Pasteur the activity of micro-organisms was established in every case of putrefaction and fermentation ; and, with this fact to start from, it became more easy to tackle the problem of infectious diseases. Putrefaction and suppuration have been recognised for cen- turies as being phenomena of the same order. Decomposing pus, faecal matter smelling of putrefaction, urine issuing from the bladder in a state of decomposition, all indicated that an illness, a state of suffering, was equivalent to an infection of the body. Although certain microbes, such as the bacteridium of anthrax, had been observed before Pasteur's great discoveries, it was only as a consequence of these discoveries that the fundamental role of microscopic organisms in disease was understood. The labours of Lister in surgery, and of Davaine and Koch on the " black blood of anthrax " first authorised the application of Pasteur's doctrine to surgery and medicine. Pasteur himself with his pleiad of disciples was in the midst of this activity, an activity which in a very few years revolu- tionised medical science and endowed medicine with more than one preventive vaccine such as those against anthrax and rabies. The Pasteur school in France and the school of Koch in Germany have succeeded in elucidating many medical problems of the highest importance and have drawn valuable practical conclusions from these. Thanks to all this work, work which has increased during these last years in extraordinary fashion, a universe of micro- INTRODUCTION xi organisms, beneficent and mischievous, has been revealed to humanity ; and it is this new knowledge which has so largely contributed to the diminution in disease and death at the present day and which holds out to man the hope of a more happy future. The micro-organisms inhabiting our bodies have set going there a poison factory, which cuts short our existence, and by secreting poisons which penetrate all our tissues, injures our most precious organs, our arteries, brain, liver, and kidneys. Man balked of his full term of life feels himself unhappy and is ready to accept any solution to the problem of gaining happiness. And the progress of microbiology leads us to hope that this science will one day liberate man from his fear of the grave and permit him to attain the true object, the true conclusion of life. It is time for bacteriological science to leave the laboratory and the lecture theatre, and to take its place before the great public, in order that its benefits may receive the widest and readiest application. It was very natural for the creator of this " Library of Scientific Philosophy " to apply to the Pasteur Institute for an account of the actual position of science with regard to microbes and toxins. Not only was the movement started from Pasteur's laboratory and continued in the Institute bearing his name, and still sheltering one of his most illustrious collaborators in the person of Dr. Roux, but it is in this Institute that every branch of microbiology is undergoing active study. To take colloids and the physico-chemical laws which govern their activity, we have at the Institut Pasteur studies on ferments and fermentations as well as on the chemical processes which lie at the root of life and of recovery from disease. In this Institute also there are zealous workers in the field of infective microbes and the means of combating them. Several laboratories are specially set apart for researches on tropical diseases, and finally the Pasteur Hospital has been created for patients suffering from all sorts of infectious maladies. If Pasteur were to see his Institute again, he would be xii INTRODUCTION astonished at the great changes which have taken piace in it and in the science of microbiology in general. It would take him some time to overtake and realise the progress attained. And yet in spite of all that has been done there remains still much work for the future. Many scourges still await a remedy. In the case of tuberculosis, although extraordinary advances have been made in its study, the final solution of the problem is still reserved for the future. The great question of cancer, so important and so difficult, has been hardly more than opened. There remain to be discovered the microbes of many diseases, e.g., hydrophobia, scarlatina, and measles, which are perhaps filtrable micro-organisms, invisible with the best microscopes. The field of infectious diseases is extending wider and wider with the progress of microbiology. We find that certain dis- eases thought to be diseases of metabolism are beginning to be classed in this group. Arterio-sclerosis, an affection so wide- spread and so apt to cut short our existence, results from the activity of our intestinal flora. Perhaps before long it will be possible to explain diabetes, gout, and rheumatism by the injurious activity of some variety of microbe. Even in those problems of hygiene which affect society in general microbiology is taking the predominant role. The grand problem of a rational food supply, which used to be thought capable of solution by inventions of chemistry and physics, will necessarily have to be studied by microbiological methods, in view of the fact that the intestinal bacteria play one of the most important parts in everything that concerns nutrition. It is not sufficient to state the nutritive value of a food in terms of the calories which it contains ; it will still be necessary to define precisely its relations to the intestinal flora from the point of view of the production of microbic poisons. M. Gustave le Bon asked me to put together in a little volume for his Library a summary of what is known about microbes and toxins. I advised him to apply rather to one of my young colleagues, and I indicated in particular Dr. Burnet. I am happy to find that I could not have chosen better. In spite of the great difficulties there are in attempting to describe INTRODUCTION xiii within a limited space the result of the innumerable labours which have accumulated on microbes and their poisons and which have been pursued in the most varied directions, M. Burnet has succeeded in accomplishing the task in a remarkable fashion. I am sure that those who read will share my opinion, and I wish this book the most widespread popularity. ELIE METCHNIKOFF. PARIS, 1911. CONTENTS CHAPTER I PACK THE GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF MICROBES THE TRANSFORMATION CYCLES OF CARBON AND NITROGEN I CHAPTER II MICROBES IN THE HUMAN BODY LIFE WITHOUT MICROBES THE INTESTINAL FLORA 25 CHAPTER III FORM AND STRUCTURE OF MICROBES $O CHAPTER IV PHYSIOLOGY OF THE MICROBES 72 CHAPTER V PATHOGENIC MICROBES INFECTION IO7 CHAPTER VI INFLAMMATION AND PHAGOCYTOSIS 130 CHAPTER VII THE PATHOGENIC PROTOZOA: FILTER-PASSING VIRUSES ... 14! xv xvi CONTENTS CHAPTER VIII PAGE THE TOXINS 157 CHAPTER IX TUBERCULIN AND MALLEI N ANIMAL TOXINS VENOMS . -173 CHAPTER X IMMUNITY l8; CHAPTER XI IMMUNITY 210 CHAPTER XII ANAPHYLAXIS 233 CHAPTER XIII APPLICATIONS OF BACTERIOLOGY 250 CHAPTER XIV VACCINES AND SERA 265 CHAPTER XV CHEMICAL REMEDIES 285 MICROBES AND TOXINS CHAPTER I THE GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF MICROBES THE TRANSFORMATION CYCLES OF CARBON AND NITROGEN The circulation of matter ; anabolism and catabolism Views of Lavoisier The transformation cycles of carbon and nitrogen The role of micro- organisms : I. Maturation of the soil and formation of arable land. II. Fermentation of vegetable matter Decomposition of starch and manure Hypotheses on the formation of coal. III. Putrefaction of albuminous materials. IV. Nitrification and denitrification : in agricul- ture ; in the biological purification of sewage. V. Fixation of atmos- pheric nitrogen in the soil : by bacteria alone ; by bacteria in association with algae ; by the nodule bacteria of Leguminosse Some ideas about the useful micro-organisms : Fermentations in con- nection with food production and in various industries. ALMOST all living matter is made up of water, that is to say, of oxygen and hydrogen, and of compounds of carbon and nitrogen. Other elements may enter into the tissues of animals and vegetables, for example, sulphur, iron, arsenic, boron; but by following the circulation of carbon and nitrogen, it is possible to have a general view of the movements of exchange between matter and life. The living creature restores to nature what it has absorbed, and eventually its own body, by its excretions during life and by its decomposition after death. The elements set free are recombined into organic bodies, and these exchanges and this circulation form the essence of life. It is an abuse of our subjective attitude to consider as two opposites life and death. At most, life is the opposite of inertia. Death is a special kind of accident, life being the all-embracing phenomenon. The first of the workers in the great cycle of life are the microbes, 2 MICROBES AND TOXINS and the decompositions and re-combinations of living matter depend entirely upon them. Life without microbes is not conceivable at the present day. That does not mean that they were the first living beings to appear on the surface of the earth. It is the more difficult to get an idea of their origin, since in all probability they have undergone evolution, and have not always had the appearance they have at present. It is possible that under forms that we can hardly guess at, life appeared long before the existence of microbial forms ; but microbes have been the chief agents in the spread and extension of life throughout the world. In the world of to-day, the building up and breaking down of organic substances are functions of cells, conducted by an infinite number of diastases. These cells include the cells built up into animal and vegetable tissues, and the isolated cells, the microbes. It would not be right to contrast too much the microbial cells with the cells of tissues, merely because the former are separate individuals, whereas the latter are arranged in systems. In nature, micro-organisms can exist as solitary individuals, but are seldom actively at work in this condition. For example, in the soil, the bacteria which fix nitrogen act rather like a wide-spread tissue. The active agents are in any case invariably cells. To describe in a few words the cycle which organic matter follows, one cannot do better than quote the celebrated page of Lavoisier, " Plants draw from the circumambient air, from water and in general from the mineral kingdom, the substances necessary for their own organisation. Animals feed either on plants or on other animals, which have themselves fed on plants, so that eventually the matter building them up is always derived either from the air or from the mineral kingdom. "Finally, fermentation, putrefaction and combustion are continually restoring to the atmosphere and to the mineral kingdom the elements which plants and animals have borrowed. "By what recesses does nature effect this wonderful GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF MICROBES 3 circulation between the two kingdoms? How does nature succeed in producing substances which are combustible, putrescible and capable of fermentation from combinations which have none of these properties ? Here are impenetrable mysteries. One may perceive, however, that since combustion and putrefaction are the means which nature employs to return to the mineral kingdom what has been drawn from it in the building up of plants and animals, the latter process must be the converse of the former." Green plants get their carbon from the carbonic acid of the air. In virtue of their chlorophyll activity they build up this carbon into starch, cellulose, sugars and fats. This carbohydrate synthesis then represents the accumulation of energy. A green plant kept in the dark burns up its hydrocarbons, returning them to the atmosphere. A dead plant returns its hydrocarbons after a series of decompositions, in the form of carbonic acid and water. A plant which has been eaten by an animal supplies the animal with glycogen and fats which are consumed in the course of muscular work and respiration. Dying animals like dead plants return their hydrocarbons to nature. Plants without chlorophyll and all animals spend and dissipate the energy accumulated by the chlorophyllous plants, energy derived entirely from the rays of the sun. Nitrogen exists in the atmosphere, from which it enters the soil. It exists in the dejecta of living animals and in the bodies of plants and animals rotting on the surface of the earth. It accumulates there in the mould or humus : plants take up the nitrogenous matter of the soil in the form of salts of ammonia and nitrates, and build up from them the vegetable proteins. Animals which eat plants produce from these the animal proteins. Animals and plants in decomposition, and the excretions of animals in general, return their nitrogen to fertilize the soil. Animals are in a certain sense parasites of plants, since they are unable to build up by themselves, starting from mineral elements, their hydrocarbons and proteins. Even in plants B 2 4 MICROBES AND TOXINS the formation of the protein compounds is dependent on the chlorophyll activity; without this it would be impossible for them to build up the carbohydrates, and these are indispensable in the employment and elaboration of the nitrogenous elements of the soil. The chlorophyll activity is itself dependent on the sunlight, so that life is one great paean to the sun. In the transformation of carbon and nitrogen all the operations are not carried out by microbes, for these latter do not count at all in chlorophyll assimilation nor in animal digestion. But it is the bacteria which keep up the supply of organic matter which forms the source of animal and vegetable life ; it is the bacteria which restore to circulation those elements which were for a moment arrested in the bodies of animals and plants : they restore to life matter which had ceased to live. It is they also which prepare the soil for vegetation and cultivation : they accumulate in the soil the nitrogen which we are to eat in the form of cereals. It is they which carry on the impenetrable mystery referred to by Lavoisier. They prepare the primary material of life. Their activity is as universal as that of water, as that of light. The discoveries of Pasteur have not only revolutionised medicine, they have rilled with new life the science and practice of agriculture and husbandry. I. Maturation of the soil and formation of arable land. It was not the bacteria which shattered, splintered and powdered the rocks which formed the first crust of the cooling globe. But as soon as in this chaos there appeared water and alkaline phosphates, algae and bacteria could establish themselves and with the help of carbonic acid continue the first formation of soil. In those rocks known as " rotten rock," Miintz found nitrifying microbes : the nitrifying ferment has also attacked the Faulhorn, a mountain of the Bernese Oberland near GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF MICROBES 5 Grindelwald, which is composed of a calcareous schist, black, friable, and crumbling down. There is therefore a sort of putrefaction of rocks (alkalis and alkaline earths). According to Fausto Sestini the carbonic acid produced in the respira- tion of plant roots hastens the breaking down of feldspars. Mosses, lichens, algae and bacteria prepare the way for the highest plants. The more there is growth of plants, the more there is decomposition. In this way, soil or humus has little by little spread over all the earth. II. Fermentation of Carbohydrates. These fermentations restore to circulation the hydrocarbons of animals and plants. For the decomposition of sugars, starches, fats, glucosides, and celluloses, several series of fermentations are necessary, each supplementing another in the work. The anaerobic organisms break down the large organic molecules, whereas the aerobes carry out, in particular, oxidations. When the bacteria are insufficient, the moulds continue the work. Finally, nothing is left but carbonic acid and water. All the operations which in our laboratory analyses we distinguish and conceive in terms of abstract formulae, are combined and intermingled in nature, each succeeding and limiting the other. The yeasts transform sugars into carbonic acid and alcohol. Alcohol attacked by the acetic ferments is turned into acetic acid. Finally, the Bacterium aceti can split the acetic acid of vinegar into carbonic acid and water. The Mycoderma vim destroys and oxidises both alcohol and acetic acid, producing again carbonic acid and water. The sugar contained in Raulin's fluid (v . infra}, for example, is attacked by Aspergillus niger, the products including oxalic acid. Various moulds and bacteria turn starch into sugar ; it is the moulds in particular which complete the oxidations, producing carbonic acid and water. Milk left to itself ferments, i.e., produces lactic acid, which, meeting with an alkaline carbonate, furnishes calcium lactate. 6 MICROBES AND TOXINS Pasteur discovered the transformation of the lactate into the butyrate by the butyric vibrio ; the butyrate can be completely consumed in its turn by the moulds. The glucosides (compounds of sugar with an organic body, an alcohol or phenol) are decomposed into their two elements. A diastase, tannase, secreted by the Aspergillus, splits tannin into two molecules of gallic acid, from which other moulds produce again carbonic acid and water. Just as there is not one starch but several, so there are several celluloses, which resemble starches but are more stable : (CgHjQOg)^. They form the walls of vegetable cells, and make up one-third of the weight of the straw, which is the principal component of farmyard manure. If the celluloses FIG. I. The microbe which ferments cellulose, described by Omeliansky : bacilli with spores. were not decomposed and restored to circulation, the earth would soon be cumbered with useless refuse material. But from the beginning moulds establish themselves on the outer skin of the living plant ; when it dies they invade its tissues, attacking first the sugar and then the cellulose, the latter being hydrolysed, transformed into sugars and consumed. The B. Amylobacter of Van Tieghem, an anaerobe, produces from cellulose hydrogen, carbonic acid and butyric acid. Omeliansky has demonstrated two methods of anaerobic fermentation in cellulose, one with production of hydrogen, the other with production of methane. Those ferments which in a tube in the laboratory decompose the cellulose of Berzelius' paper, act in precisely the same way in manure heaps. The aerobic fermentation of cellulose is carried on by moulds, by fungi GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF MICROBES 7 more highly organised, and by the nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria. Pectose is a hydrocarbon associated with cellulose in the membranes and interstices of plant cells; the rust which attacks hemp and linen is a fermentation of the pectose, transforming it into pectic acid, then to sugar, by the B. amylobacter and by the Granulobacter of Fribes and Winograd- sky. In the manure heap, aerobic fermentation proceeds at the surface and raises the temperature up to nearly 80 C. In the depths of the heap the temperature is low, and there the anaerobic ferments attack the cellulose. The bubbles which rise and burst on the surfaces of ponds are signs of the anaerobic fermentation which is decomposing organic debris at the bottom. Manure kept in a latticed box with free access of air heats up without there being destruction of the cellulose ; loss of nitrogen takes place. Manure heaped in a closed ' box or kept corked in a large carboy, liberates methane from the decomposition of the cellulose. It is possible to collect the gas and by means of an exit tube to make it furnish a light. It was a natural step to attribute to the ferments of cellulose the formation of peat, lignite and coal. Microbes certainly are at work in the decomposition of vegetable matter in the peat-bogs, and coal is supposed to be the product of more complete fermentations, two varieties at least of bacteria being in activity in succession; the first dissolves the central membranes of the cell walls, the others attacking the cellulose, more or less pure, which constitutes the thick parts of the wall. " The bacterial activity," says the most convinced defender of this theory, "produced a de-hydrogenation and de-oxidation, the final result being the production of carbon. We do not know if the final limit of this process has ever been reached, but figures show that the more geologically ancient the fuel, the more carbon it contains " (Bernard Renault). Fuel of less age, lignite, and peat, for example, contains besides bacteria, amoebae and infusoria. In the lignites, the cannel coals, and the boghead coals, we find fungi and algae, which do not occur in coal proper. Bacteria alone exist in all the fuels ; they are 8 MICROBES AND TOXINS much less altered than the structures which surround them : therefore it is supposed that they must have survived tissues which they destroyed. The presence of bacteria in coals derived from organic matter should not astonish us. But it appears difficult to believe that bacteria have been the only agents in the formation of coal. The study of their form is extremely difficult ; fine particles of iron pyrites and little crystals often imitate bacterial forms in the thin sections of coal, so difficult to prepare and examine by transmitted light under the microscope. On the other hand the fermentation of cellulose does not explain the frequent impregnation of the debris by a blackish, bituminous material, nor perhaps does it really explain the enrichment in carbon of the deposits ; further, there have been produced from the fermentation of fatty bodies, resins and similar volatile substances, phenol bodies like those found in coal (E. Duclaux). There is nothing surprising in the presence of algae in the Bogheads^ for these are precisely the coals derived from algae and often named algal coals. Their formation was due to luxuriant algae growths rapidly developed on the surface of stagnant pools, which then sank to the bottom carried down by a coagulum in the peaty water ; this mass contained bituminous substanceswhich must have come from elsewhere, for there is no indication that they took their origin on the spot by an alteration of the algae. It is these bitumens which have produced the carbon enrichment of the mass, so that on the whole instead of destruction a preservation process has taken place. In other cases, instead of this enormous growth of algae, clouds of pollen and spores from the primeval forests have been deposited : these " rains of sulphur " also sank in the peaty water and became saturated with bitumen, hence the so-called spore and pollen coals. We ought not to be too ready to reject the bacterial theories of the formation of the various coals, especially should it turn out to be impossible to explain without microbes the formation of the bitumen which impregnates them. The small lower algae are rich in fats and capable of yielding petroleum bodies GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF MICROBES 9 by distillation. The problem of the origin of coal has therefore some relation to the problem of the origin of petroleum. The decomposition of fatty substances commences with their saponification, which splits them into fatty acids and glycerine, and glycerine is a good food medium for various bacteria. The moulds decompose fatty acids into carbonic acid and water. Fats resist decomposition longer than other carbo- hydrates, and longer than nitrogenous substances ; it is from this cause that the proportion of fat increases in a cheese which has been kept, or in a dead body which is decomposing. The ' adipocere ' is the final stage in an animal body left entirely to nature- Ill. Putrefaction of albuminous materials. Putrefaction returns to the soil the nitrogen which makes up 1 5 per cent, of the proteins of animal tissues. Since plants draw their nitrogen from the soil in the form of nitrates and salts of ammonia, it is necessary for the complex protein molecule to be broken down so as to supply finally FIG. 2. Ammoniacal fermentation Fig. 3. Urobacillus of of urine : Urocococcus of Pasteur. Duclaux. nitrogen in the form of ammonia and nitric acid. Later green plants and finally animals, raise this mineral nitrogen to the level of organic nitrogen. Already during life animals discharge nitrogen with their excretions in the form of urea, uric acid and hippuric acid. The Urobacteria (there are about a hundred species known) 10 MICROBES AND TOXINS transform the urea, by means of a urease which they secrete, into carbonate of ammonia. Hippuric acid is transformed into benzoic acid and glycocoll, and finally into ammonia. The putrefactions of albuminous materials in nature are never simple, that is to say carbohydrates almost always accompany the proteins ; even meat contains a little sugar. Putrefactions therefore are almost always mixed fermentations. Pasteur thought that all putrefaction was the work of anaerobes. He discovered the vibrion septique, an anaerobic bacillus capable of decomposing proteins. Later, the anaerobes were neglected and it was thought that various aerobes, in particular Proteus^ were the principal agents of putrefaction. But after the study of fetid suppurations had drawn attention to the presence of anaerobes (Veillon), the idea rose again that they too must play a part in putrefaction, and the methodical study of this subject was recommenced, chemical analysis going hand in hand with bacteriological examination. In their experiments, Tissier and Martelly followed for months the events which took place in flasks into which meat had been put and allowed to putrefy either with or without access of air. Meat taken from the slaughter-house as fresh as possible contains all the germs necessary and sufficient for putrefaction, and, as it contains carbohydrates, it is a mixed putrefaction which occurs. There are two phases. In the first the sugar and the proteins are attacked by mixed ferments, that is to say, by microbes which decompose at the same time both proteins and sugar, proteolytic and saccharolytic (peptolytic is the term applied to the ferments which attack protein only after its reduction to peptone). In the second phase the protein and its products are attacked by ferments which are proteolytic or peptolytic pure and simple, not saccharolytic. But between these two phases a critical turning-point occurs: the decomposition of the sugars produces an acidity sufficient to stop putrefaction. The "antagonistic force" which Bienstock observed in his investigations on a putrefactive GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF MICROBES 11 bacterium the B.putrificus, is nothing but this acidity. A piece of meat, as is well known, keeps excellently in unboiled milk, because the milk on fermenting produces lactic acid, which protects the proteins of the meat from putrefaction. That is why the housewife when she salts down meat, does not forget to add some vinegar, i.e., acid. It would seem then that putrefaction ought to cease after the action of the mixed ferments. If it does not stop, it is because there is not sufficient sugar. The limit of acidity for the pure proteolytic ferments has not been reached. Further, owing to the decomposition of the albumins already begun, there appears a base, ammonia, which neutralises the acidity, and the pure proteolytic ferments can begin their action. It is the anaerobes which break down the protein molecule and produce putrefaction; but they cannot do without the auxiliary aerobes ; thanks to the aerobes which hasten the production of ammonia and the alkalinisation of the medium, putrefaction passes successfully through the crisis of the antagonistic acidity. In the putrefaction of milk, two analogous phases succeed each other. Milk being richer in sugar than meat, the acidity developed in the first phase is greater and the crisis more difficult to surmount. To surmount it, more powerful fer- ments are required than the aerobes which produce the ammonia in the putrefaction of meat : these are the fungi (Oidium lactis^ Rhizopus nigricans ) and the yeasts, which destroy the acids, consume the milk-sugar, and attack the casein. The fungi prepare the way for the pure ferments, which then carry out the second phase of putrefaction. When an animal dies, all the microbes necessary for its putrefaction are present in its intestine. They invade the tissues and carry out on a larger scale what we see on a small scale in the experimental flasks. The worm of the grave is an old poetical image long out of date. The real destroyer is the microbe. It is a fact well established to-day, that in a normal intestine, the bacteria of putrefaction are capable of vegetative existence, 12 MICROBES AND TOXINS and that our digestion is accompanied by a commencement of putrefaction, and of intoxication. The aerobic bacteria of the Proteus group can produce putrefaction there, but it is chiefly the anaerobes, as was Pasteur's opinion, which do this. There have been found in the human intestine all the most important of these, the B. putrificus, the B. sporogenes, and the B. perfringens. The anaerobic flora of the intestine does not differ much from the anaerobic flora of the putrefying meat in Tissier's experiments. These microbes produce poisons which are the true source of auto-intoxications (Metchnikoff). For life in general, putrefaction is necesssary to permit of the circulation of nitrogen in nature : but our own particular interest demands that putrefaction should not begin too soon, i.e., in our intestine, and mask itself under an appearance of perfect health. To combat the intestinal putrefaction, it is necessary to adopt a diet capable of producing in us that limit of acidity which induces the crisis separating the two phases of putre- faction of meat or milk, and of arresting decomposition in our bodies at the end of the first phase. Therefore, we ought to eat carbohydrates and sugars, and so alter the conditions in our intestine as to favour the lactic ferments. IV. Nitrification and Denitrification. Nitrates represent the form of nitrogen preferred by the plants, and it has long been known that the ammonia set free in putrefaction becomes oxidised in the soil, the ammonium salts being transformed into nitrates. This is the process of nitrification and is carried on by bacteria. It was long thought that the ammoniacal salts were oxidised in contact with the soil by the direct action of atmospheric oxygen, in the same way that certain chemical combinations can take place on contact with porous substances. But chalk and sand, which ought to act as porous substances, cannot take the place of earth. Pasteur perceived with his peculiar intuition that the lower plant must play a part in nitrification. GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF MICROBES 13 That nitrification is the work of living creatures has been proved by the celebrated experiment of Schlcesing and Miintz. If a cylinder is filled with cultivated soil, ammonia poured on the top appears at the bottom as nitrate of lime. But this transformation no longer occurs if the earth is previously heated to 100 C, or if it is impregnated with the vapour of chloroform or of carbon bisulphide, i.e. t if the living organisms that it contains are killed or paralysed. The soil recovers its activity when the paralysing vapours have been removed by passing through a current of air. Nitrification is a process of two stages, and is carried out by two species of bacteria, each with its own function. In the first phase, the ammoniacal salts are transformed into nitrites by the microbes known as the nitrous ferment, e.g. Nitroso- monas of Europe, Nitrosomonas of Java, and the Nitrosococcus of America (Mexico and Brazil). In the second phase the nitrites are turned into nitrates by the nitro-bacterium or nitric ferment, the Nitrobacter of Winogradsky (figs. 4-6). Neither the nitrous nor the nitric ferments develop in presence of organic matter. The activity of the nitrous ferment is arrested by 0*3 per cent, of glucose, peptone or asparagin. The nitric ferment, less sensitive, is stopped by 0-3 per cent, of glucose, 1^25 per cent, of peptone or i per cent, of asparagin. The former is inhibited by 1*5 per cent., the latter by 3 per cent, of sodium acetate. Now we are accustomed to the idea that bacteria live on organic matter. Yet the bacteria of nitrification must, as we have seen, get their nourishment elsewhere. They differ from other bacteria in being capable of taking up carbon by decom- posing carbonates, in being aerobic, and in behaving like chloro- phyllous plants. They are not saprophytes in the same sense as the majority of bacteria. In the laboratory, the two phases of nitrification can be demonstrated separately by pure culture. But in nature they are simultaneous. Under laboratory conditions ammonia exerts an inhibiting action on the nitric ferment, whereas in nature both the actions can occur in presence of quantities of 14 MICROBES AND TOXINS ammonia frequently very considerable. Schloesing has shown that in the soil ammonia does not prevent the nitric ferment from acting. These apparent contradictions between theory and practice are capable of explanation. Ammonia prevents the development of the nitric ferment but scarcely acts at all on the same ferment in the adult state. The soil in nature being populated by the adult ferment, the inhibiting action of ammonia is much more limited than in an experimental flask (Boullanger and Massol). The nitrous ferment will stand neither an excess of ammonia nor an excess of its own product, the nitrite of magnesium, The nitric ferment ceases to act when too much nitrite has V K3U%<> V X> ^ **%/ FIG. 4. Nitrous ferment FIG. 5. Nitric ferment : the nitro-bacte- from Gennevilliers. rium from Quito (after Kayser). been produced around it and when it has itself developed a certain quantity of nitrates. Thus each demands suitable proportions both of the primordial material and of the products. It is, no doubt, to maintain these favourable conditions that we have the denitrifying microbes which partially undo the labour of the nitrifying organisms. They return the nitrates and nitrites to the condition of ammonia, liberating protoxide of nitrogen, dioxide of nitrogen, or simply nitrogen. Wheat straw, the straw of maize and of lucerne and oilcakes contain denitrifying bacteria. Animal excrement also contains them, for soil to which cow dung is added loses part of its nitrates. When soil is treated with nitrate of soda too soon after receiving farmyard manure it loses nitrogen. The denitrifying organisms act best in presence of the excess of organic matter GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF MICROBES 15 which is so prejudicial to nitrification. Probably the two functions balance and regulate each other. The nitrogen liberated by the denitrifying bacteria is, however, not lost ; it may be taken up by the bacteria which fix nitrogen. It is nevertheless true that farmers ought to be on their guard against the denitrifying organisms and avoid putting on the soil farmyard manure, especially if fresh, along with nitrates. Formerly in the manufacture of saltpetre cultivated soil was $ FIG. 6. Nitrifying bacteria (after Winogradsky). A. Nitrous ferment from Zurich. B. The same in the motile form with flagella. C. Nitrous ferment from Kazan. D. Nitrous ferment from Java, motile cells and groups of cells. freely sprinkled with urine. If the deposits of nitrate in Chili and Peru should some day be exhausted, it would not be impossible to make it with the help of bacteria (not to speak of the electrical methods which have already been employed). Saltpetre is produced everywhere when suitable conditions of moisture and organic matter are given. The saltpetre of 16 MICROBES AND TOXINS cellars is nitrate of lime which has risen from the soil through the walls by capillarity and has undergone evaporation. Long ago Miintz prepared artificial nitre beds which furnished eight grams of nitrate daily; in recent experiments he and Laine have obtained such a yield that they find themselves capable of preparing by means of nitrifying organisms all the saltpetre for the powder necessary to defend the nation in war. Distributed over beds of peat of two metres thickness on the top of a layer of clinker, the nitrifying bacteria are capable of producing, for each 25 acres of area, 1,500 tons of nitrate per day, after a starting period of one month at most to get the beds into working order; in five days, that is, 7,500 tons, or the annual requirement of powder for the army. It is easy to calculate what 750,000 acres of peat bogs in France could produce if necessary. The purification of sewage is one of the greatest tasks which burden the hygienists of large towns. Broad irrigation followed by cultivation demands much land and is not quite safe except when employed solely for the growth of forage, not for market- gardening. Hence it is gradually giving place to the biological method of purification, an intensive process carried on in small space, and here again by bacteria. We shall not enter here upon the details of its application. In principle, complete biological purification goes on in two phases : a phase of anaerobic fermentation in the septic tank and a phase of aerobic fermentation in the bacterial beds. In the septic tank, into which the sewage must be run gently so as not to carry in the air which would favour aerobic fermentation in which it must be allowed to circulate quietly, and to stay at least twenty-four hours, the disintegration takes place both of hydrocarbons and proteins under the agency of legions of bacteria which secrete all sorts of diastases. The sludge dissolves and the resultant product can be sub- mitted to the action of the nitrifying agents. The experimental control of the ferment activity in the septic tank can be carried out by comparing the action on coagulated egg-white, meat, raw or cooked, fats, paper, &c. GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF MICROBES 17 In six weeks 100 grams of egg-white leave only one gram of residue, whereas in stagnant sewage there remain 76 grams, and in running water 83 grams. In three weeks meat loses almost 50 per cent, of its weight, and in six weeks 96 per cent. The body of an animal, immersed in it is for long protected by the layer of subcutaneous fat ; but cleaned cartilage and tendon lose in five weeks 65 to 99 per cent, of their weight ; even wool and feathers decompose. As regards hydrocarbons, the fats are slowly split into fatty acids and glycerine. Cabbages and potatoes are almost completely destroyed in six weeks. A hempen rope which, after five weeks of immersion in stagnant sewage or running water, could still bear the weight of 12 kilograms, broke under 15 grams after the same period of immersion in the septic tank. After three weeks newspaper begins to dissolve libera- ting bubbles of gas. It is quite wrong to consider the septic tank as operating like a simple settlement tank : it is rather a sort of crucible in which the powerful microbes melt and disintegrate the most resistant organic matter. The septic tank liberates various gases, methane, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbonic acid, a cubic metre of sewage furnishing from 40 to 70 litres of gas. The aerobic phase of the purification is accomplished by bacterial beds, into which the organic matter, already dissolved and transformed into ammoniacal compounds is discharged. What takes place in them is an intense nitrification carried on by the same microbes which in arable soil transform the ammonia into mineral salts, nitrites and nitrates. The bacterial bed consists of a thick layer of clinker or slag, and is filled with sewage for periods of an hour and a half to two hours separated by intervals of four to six hours. Contact may be renewed if necessary two or three times by passing the effluent through a second or third bacterial bed. During contact the organic matter fixes itself on the clinker, while during the aeration period it is oxidised by the ferments which take up the necessary oxygen from the air. The nitrification is balanced in the bacterial beds by a c 18 MICROBES AND TOXINS denitrification as in cultivated soil. Nitrifying and denitrifying ferments can live side by side; the latter only interfere with the object desired when there is present an excess of hydro- carbons. A town of 500,000 inhabitants, furnishing 6 million gallons of waste water, could replace the 682 acres required for broad irrigation, or the 15 acres required for the bacterial beds with slags and clinker, by 2*5 acres of bacterial bed built on peat (Calmette). The biological purification returns the nitrogen to nature in the form of nitrate, although a certain quantity is lost in the form of gas. There are other bacteria, however, capable of taking up nitrogen from the air and re-introducing it into the cycle of animal and vegetable life. V. Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen in the Soil. The life of both animal and vegetable species depends on the stock of nitrogen retained by the soil. Although the earth acquires nitrogen from putrefying processes it loses nitrogen also, discharged in the gaseous condition; some is lost also during denitrification, and in percolating water which robs Uncultivated soil of as much as 40 kilos, of nitrogen per acre per annum. Floods also carry off the nitrates, and after the floods of 1896, Schloesing calculated that the Seine carried off about 5 milligrams of nitric acid per litre, at the rate of 800,000 litres per second ; the total nitric acid lost amounted to 350,000 kilos, per twenty-four hours, equal to 650,000 kilos, of saltpetre. The rivers pour this nitrogen into the sea. And yet in spite of these losses the soil retains its nitrogen. Nay more, it accumulates it. The soil of forests is never manured and the woodcutters carry off a great quantity of nitrogen with the wood ; yet the soil there remains fertile. In the hill pastures, flocks are feeding all the summer and furnishing us with nitrogen in the form of milk, cheese and meat : and yet the soil of these natural fields contains quantities of nitrogen greater than is found in soil ploughed and copiously GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF MICROBES 19 manured, /.*., from 5 to 9 milligrams of combined nitrogen per kilo, of soil. Finally, the crops remove from the soil much more nitrogen than the manuring supplies : the difference varying with the rotation of the crops from 1*5 to 400 kilos, per acre. Where does this nitrogen come from ? It can only come from the inexhaustible reservoir of the atmosphere. Rain water carries into the earth the ammonia which has evaporated from it and the oxidised compounds of nitrogen which form during thunderstorms. But these gains about 1*5 kilos, per acre per annum are quite insufficient to com- pensate for the losses occasioned by drainage and cultivation. Plants must take up not only the ammonia and the nitrates of the atmosphere supplied by rain, but also uncombined nitrogen, the free nitrogen of the air. Cultivated soil, kept moist and exposed to the air, fixes atmospheric nitrogen (Berthelot). This fixation does not occur if the earth has been sterilised by heating to 120 C. Living creatures must therefore be at work in this. These workers are the bacteria of the soil which are found to a depth of one foot. They are also found in the sea, especially in the neighbourhood of algae. They are more abundant in soil, the better it is aerated and cultivated. They include anaerobes (Clostridium pasteurianum) and aerobes (genus Azotobacter : Pseudomonas leuconitrophilus). Their organic food in soil as in laboratory cultures is carbohydrate, glucose, saccharose, levulose, dextrine, mannite and other sugars; butyrates, lactates and acetates; their mineral food consists of salts of lime and phosphates. The Azoto- bacter chroococcum will only develop in soil containing at least o'i per cent, of lime. It is not exactly known how bacteria fix nitrogen. They build it up into their substance and liberate it when they are destroyed. Doubtless also they build up nitrogenous com- pounds which are taken up by the nitrifying bacteria. Nitrogen can only be thus combined on condition that the bacteria are supplied with energy in the form of carbohydrate C 2 20 MICROBES AND TOXINS food. No hydrocarbons, no bacterial activity, no fixation of nitrogen. To fix a gram of nitrogen, experiments show, 100 to 200 grams of glucose are required. Just as we do not know all about a disease when we know its microbe, so it is not sufficient to have simply the bacteria which fix free nitrogen in order to enrich at will a soil with nitrogen. Nature is not the laboratory. The inoculation of poor soil with these beneficent bacteria produces scarcely any increase in the crops. To excite bacterial multiplication it would be necessary to distribute sugars over the soil 14 kilos., it is calculated, to fix the nitrogen to which corresponds i kilo, of nitrate. Nitrogen at such a price is far from cheap. Besides, the hydrocarbons favour the denitrifying action of the microbes which results in a loss of nitrogen. The useful germs are already present in good soil ; it is literally the soil itself which must be altered, by adding marl, by tilling, drainage, and all the operations which change its physical properties. There exist certain moulds which fix the nitrogen of the air, for example the Penidllia and the Sterigmatocystes. The algae of the nostoc group, Chlorella^ Stichococcus and Cystococcus, fix nitrogen only when in symbiosis with the fixing bacteria : it is then the bacteria which fix nitrogen ; the algae, as green plants, nourish their associated bacteria by means of the hydrocarbons which they synthesize in virtue of their chlorophyll activity. According to Beijerinck's experiments the Cyanophyceae are capable of taking nitrogen into their tissues independently just as they do carbon. But if all the algae possessed this double function they would be so powerfully adapted for life that they must have long ago invaded the whole universe. There is a third group of microbes which fix nitrogen ; but in this case they do not live free in the soil, but are confined to the roots of Leguminosae. The soils which are found to be most rich in nitrogen are those in which there have been longest grown crops of this family. Georges Ville in 1852 thought that the leguminosae took up oxygen from the air. He sowed leguminosae in sand which had been washed and calcined, thus being sterile and GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF MICROBES 21 freed from nitrogen compounds ; he kept them in an atmosphere similarly freed from all compounds of nitrogen ; when the young plants had overcome these rather unfavourable conditions they contained at the end of the experiment more nitrogen than was present in the seeds. Malpighi observed long ago in 1687 little nodules on the roots of Leguminosae whose function has only in modern times been discovered thanks to Pasteur. These little nodules are in fact crammed with bacteria the function of which is to fix the atmospheric nitrogen. The plant suffers from a malady which is actually beneficent (Hellriegel and Wilfarth). Grown in a sterile soil and protected from the germs of the FIG. 7. Nodules on the roots of Leguminosae ( Viciafaba}. air and of the soil, the roots of Leguminosae never present these nodosities. If this soil is watered with a suspension of the nodules or of earth in which Leguminosae have grown, or is simply sprinkled with garden soil, the Leguminosae grow in it possessing nodules, but if these suspensions are boiled for a sufficient time they lose this property. It is possible to inoculate the plant with the infection by simply pricking with a needle first a nodule on the root of a normal pea, then the root of a pea which has been grown aseptically without nodules ; under such conditions the roots which were free from nodules develop them. The bacteria of the nodules have an irregular and peculiar shape, and have been given the name of bacteroidia. The best known is the B. radicicola of Beijerinck. Two groups 22 MICROBES AND TOXINS have been made : those of the vetches, clovers, and peas, and those of the beans and lupines. Maze distinguishes those adapted to calcareous soil, the ' calcicolae ' from those adapted to acid soils, the ' calcifugae.' They are aerobic, and pure cultures can be obtained. They require carbohydrate food, and are not fond of nitrates. Grown in pots, the nodules are encouraged by the addition of chromium, manganese, nickel, and cobalt. About 100 grams of sugar are consumed for each gram of nitrogen fixed. The bacteroidia only act well when their food supply is regulated in quantity as well as in quality. The broth for the cultures should contain i per 10,000 at 8. Bacteria and Bacterioidia from the nodules of Leguminosse (after Beijerinck). least and i per 3,000 at most of combined nitrogen ; the proportions of saccharose should lie between 2 and 6 per cent. The virulence of the bacteroidia varies \ those which have undergone several passages in the roots attack the new roots more easily. It seems that the weaker bacteria induce a certain immunity in the rootlets towards the more virulent. A root already bearing nodules does not produce new ones except when inoculated with very virulent bacteroidia. On the same plant the recent nodules of the lateral roots contain bacteria much more virulent than those of the main root. GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF MICROBES 23 The bacteroi'dia scattered through the soil are attracted towards the young roots by the vegetable carbohydrates : there is a positive chemiotaxis. The bacteroi'dia and the plant are mutually beneficial. The plant supplies carbohydrate food to the bacteroi'dia, which n their turn supply the plant with nitrogen. In culture a viscous glairy jelly appears, which is present also in the nodules, but only in their early stage. The sap rapidly carries it into the body of the plant, and it is this jelly probably which contains the nitrogenous food product. Some diastase probably of the root liberates the nitrogen compound from the cells of the bacteroi'dia. Nitrogenous manures are expensive, and hence the idea has arisen to improve leguminous crops by planting them in prepared soil, or by adding soil which has already grown leguminous plants. Afterwards the attempt was made to inoculate the soil with artificial cultures of the nodule bacteria. The process is analogous to the injection into an animal of a food substance or a drug: it is agricultural bacteriotherapy . In observing nature, not from the point of view of any single living species, man or animal, but throughout the whole of her operations, one sees that the pathogenic bacteria are less prominent than the useful ones one may say even that all bacteria are useful and are only injurious by accident. They all have their role in the cycle of matter and only destroy one existence to prepare for another. To perceive the function of the useful bacteria, it has been necessary to study all the fermentations in relation to both industry and food supply : wine, beer, cider, vinegar, cheese, bread, sauer-kraut, tobacco, and the leather of our shoes are all more or less the result of bacterial operations. Life as a whole could not continue without bacteria ; they do not create life, but they supply it with the necessary material. We may ask ourselves now if, with nature thus provided with nutritive material, the life of a particular organism might be possible although it did not contain microbes in itself. 24 MICROBES AND TOXINS Logically it is possible. An animal without microbes, an aseptic creature, might take advantage of the general activity of microbes without itself being open to these peculiar fermen- tations which we call diseases. This then would be at once the first principle of hygiene, and, as it were, its paradox. CHAPTER II MICROBES IN THE HUMAN BODY LIFE WITHOUT MICROBES THE INTESTINAL FLORA Microbes in and on the bodies of animals and man : skin, mucous mem- branes, mouth, stomach, intestine. Life without microbes Pasteur's ideas Aseptic breeding The example of the bat, Pteropus. The intestinal flora of man : quantity, species, and variations of the microbes. Intestinal putrefactions The flora and diet Products of putrefaction and auto-intoxication. Associations and antagonisms Cholera Experiments of MetchnikofT, Bienstock, Tissier Principles of intestinal bacteriotherapy Sour milk ; culture, pure and mixed, of the lactic ferments. Is the large intestine useless? Is the intestine permeable to microbes? Investigations on anthracosis and tuberculosis The defensive powers of the mucous membrane. The Microbial Flora in Man and Animals. We have seen what innumerable legions of bacteria are at work in the universe. Let us now proceed from the contemplation of the macrocosm to the microcosm, as represented by our own bodies. There is scarcely a living being which is not crowded with microbes. Living as we do in a universe where they swarm, how could we avoid having them both within and without ? Normally, we enter the world free from microbes. But from the first moment after birth they begin to settle on our skin and on our mucous membranes. Our mother's first touch communicates them to us, even before she has given us the first drops of her milk. They penetrate the nose, the mouth, and 25 26 MICROBES AND TOXINS the lungs with our first respiratory movements and our first cries ; they are deposited on our skin from our first bath and our first swaddling-clothes. Even four hours after birth - and invariably between the tenth and the seventeenth hour of life they have already reached the intestine. Our skin is inhabited chiefly by round bacteria, such as streptococci, and especially staphylococci ; these latter are most abundant, and there are several species of them, some commoner than others. They do not inhabit so much the smooth surface of the epidermis as the hair follicles and their adnexa, the sebaceous glands, which are regular dens of bacteria. Even the cleanest persons, however little oily their skins, have only to press between the fingers a little fold of skin on the end or at the side of the nose, to squeeze out what looks like a little worm, but which is nothing else than a colony of staphylococci. As a matter of fact, however healthy the skin, it is more or less inhabited by bacteria, which, however, in general, remain harmless ; the skin is not infected. But given at some point a lesion, a boil or pustule, where bacteria have multiplied, the microbes of these foci spread themselves over all the cutaneous surface, even to the most distant parts. " On the surface of healthy skin, the diffusion of germs takes place around the original lesion for a great distance, and with an abundance and continuity such as is only paralleled by the law of conservation of widely distributed species. An analogous case is that of plants covering square miles of country round with their pollen or trjeir winged seeds" (Sabouraud). Hence, the best way to avoid cutaneous infections is to preserve intact the epidermis, and not to weaken by the abuse of antiseptics its protecting cells, which endeavour to maintain the integrity of the skin against bacteria. The mucous membranes, warmer and moister than the skin, form a better soil for microbes. There is in the conjunctiva of the eye, among others, a little bacillus, resembling the bacillus of diphtheria, which is found from the first hours of life (Morax), In the cavities of the nose and pharynx, there are MICROBES IN THE HUMAN BODY 27 not only the common bacteria, the streptococci and staphylo- cocci, but also pathogenic bacteria, which take shelter there and remain latent until an opportunity offers to multiply ; examples are the diphtheria bacillus, the microbe of pneumonia, and that of cerebro-spinal meningitis. In the deeper respiratory passages, there are few microbes ; there they may be numbered by units. But it is proved that the tubercle bacillus can penetrate with the inspired air right to the bottom of the pulmonary alveoli. The mouth, the vestibule of the digestive tube, contains already a large proportion of the microbial species which populate the stomach and intestine, e.g., staphylococci and streptococci, resembling those of the skin, bacilli, aerobic and anaerobic, resembling those found both in the healthy intestine and in the intestine and appendix in disease, and finally a whole flora peculiar to the mouth which plays a part in dental caries. The stomach being acid suits moulds and yeasts better than bacteria. However, about thirty species of bacteria have been described in it (Coyon), several of which have attracted special attention because of the idea that they might favour or inhibit the penetration of certain pathogenic bacteria into the intestine. ' All the cavities and recesses of the human body deserve study from the point of view of their flora. Many species have been seen but are not yet well known, because we do not yet know how to cultivate them artificially. The flora hitherto most studied is that of the intestine. It is also the most important. The intestine is the great laboratory of digestion, and at the same time, unfortunately, of putrefac- tions, the products of which are absorbed by the body. Hence one may say that man, like other animals, is dependent on his belly, and no system of therapy is justified in neglect- ing it. Just as the soil outside of us is, in nature, the great microbial reservoir, so in us the great reservoir of microbes is our intestine. Under the impulse of Metchnikoff, the intestine has with justice become the great field of study and experiment in those 28 MICROBES AND TOXINS problems of nutrition which affect most of all the general health, the individual development, and the evolution of man. That is why we pay special attention here to the intestinal microbes as being the most important of all those which inhabit the bodies of man and animals. The first problem in this question is the possibility of life without microbes. Life without Microbes. Life in general, as we know it on the surface of this earth of ours, is impossible without the action of the micro-organisms. As some philosophers have well said, "life is but a little mould growing on the surface of a rather moist planet." But is it possible for certain individuals to live free from bacteria, although of course depending on the conditions produced by bacteria, and paying tribute to bacteria by reason of the fermentations to which they owe their origin and nourishment and by which one day they are doomed to be dissolved ? Plants have bacteria both around their roots and in their tissues. Animals have thousands of millions in their digestive tubes. The microbial world not only surrounds them but is in them. In our intestine there proceed fermentations from which we can absorb the products. Is this to our advantage or is it not ? It seems that plants derive only benefit. The bacteria prepare for them their food. A sterile seed made to sprout in a sterile nutritive fluid, such as milk, can use neither casein nor sugar nor starch ; it secretes neither rennin nor casease, nor sucrase, nor amylase. There is amylase, it is true, in the cotyledons of the germinating seed, but its action does not extend into the surrounding medium. Plants thus prosper by the help of bacteria, and the aim of cultivators is to provide for each plant the microbes most favourable for the yield desired by mankind. But it is to be noted that these useful microbes are not within the plant. The problem is quite otherwise in the case of animals. As in so many other cases, the question was first stated by Pasteur in connection with Duclaux's experiments on the nourishment MICROBES IN THE HUMAN BODY 29 of plants under sterile conditions and their rational culture with the help of selected microbes. Pasteur expressed an opinion which he had not time to submit to experiment, but which has been taken up by others, the idea namely that an animal cannot dispense with the bacteria living within it. He suggested that a young animal should be fed from birth with pure sterile food. " I do not conceal the fact that, had I time to undertake this study, I should do so with the preconceived opinion that life under such conditions would become impossible. Given that such experiments are capable of being gradually simplified, it might be possible to study digestion by adding systematically to the sterile food of which I speak various individual bacteria or different bacteria together, each of definitely known species. "The hen's egg lends itself without serious difficulty to experiments of this kind. Previously freed externally from every sort of living impurity just before hatching, the chick should be immediately put into a chamber free from every sort of bacterium, so that it could be supplied with pure air and with sterile food, easily introduced from without in the shape of water, milk, and corn. "Whether the result were positive, confirming the precon- ceived idea which I am putting forward, or negative, or even absolutely the opposite, t.e., that life without bacteria is easier and more vigorous, in any case the experiment would be full of interest." The experiment has been tried and the programme is still a long way short of completion. One thing only has to be altered in Pasteur's statement. The experiments are far from being without "serious difficulty." Two currents of opinion have developed. The first, following literally Pasteur's idea, maintains that animals are like plants and cannot nourish themselves with the sole help of their own digestive juices but require also the intestinal microbes. We do not know, say its supporters, if in the beginning of life an animal organism has ever developed free from micro-organisms ; it is not very probable ; what is certain is that for centuries and 30 MICROBES AND TOXINS centuries there have been microbes within living beings, and there must have become established a sort of understanding, or adaptation between the intestinal flora and the intestine. Just as plant roots absorb from the soil the fluids elaborated by the bacteria, so the intestinal villi absorb the juices prepared by the microbes of the intestine. These microbes accumulate and their presence in masses stimulates the intestinal muscles. Further, the normal intestinal flora opposes an invasion by foreign bacteria which might be or might become pathogenic. Consequently the intestinal bacteria both nourish and protect ; they are useful, salutary, and providential. The opposite opinion is maintained by Metchnikoff. The digestive ferments prepare the nutritive materials without any of this problematical assistance from the microbes. The intestinal flora is injurious (taking of course the point of view which interests us most, that of mankind), because long before the food stuffs leave the body, the bacteria induce in them fermenta- tions the products of which, absorbed by the mucous membrane, are for the most part poisonous. From the point of view of nature, it is quite normal for the albuminous excreta of our food to putrefy and thus return into the general circulation of matter ; but it is regrettable when this takes place in our bodies, for phenols, skatol, and indol, among other products, penetrate into our circulation and affect the cells of our arteries and brain. It would be to our advantage if the food-stuffs were expelled immediately after useful digestion, and before the terminal phase, the putrefaction, begins in the waste products. And since in the part of the intestine which pro- perly speaking is the digesting part, the small intestine, there are practically no bacteria, and since on the other hand they swarm in the large intestine where there are scarcely any diges. tive ferments, it is evident that, on the whole, the intestinal flora is injurious. The ideal condition would be to live free from bacteria while the world remained populated by them. Is a life of such purity possible ? Aseptic breeding. There are, it has been said, certain Arctic animals, both birds and mammals, without intestinal MICROBES IN THE HUMAN BODY 31 microbes. But the recent polar expeditions failed to find a single animal of this kind. Nevertheless, such have been found among the burrowing larvae which excavate galleries in the thickness of leaves and live shut off from the external world by a transparent wall of epidermal cells. The truth of this can be demonstrated by extracting them with a sterile needle through a litttle perforation made in the epidermis after sterilisation with peroxide of hydro- gen. According to Portier's experiments, the Lithocolktis caterpillars are aseptic in about a third of the cases ; those of the Nepticula of rose-trees always. These burrowing larvae dispose of their excreta by stowing them aseptically in their closed tunnels, whereas Zischeria, which discharges its dejections externally, through a little hole made in the leaf, is always contaminated. Finding experiments on these small invertebrates easy, Bogdanoff introduced the previously disinfected eggs of flies into sterile meat and found that the larvae hatched and kept under these conditions develop less well than the control larvae fed on putrefying meat rich in bacteria. When he added to the sterile breeding ground a digestive ferment capable of attacking meat, i e. y trypsin, the sterile larvae flourished equally with the others. Bogdanoff would have concluded that the bacteria play the necessary part which in the latter case was performed by the ferment, had he not found some sterile broods, without addition of ferment, quite as vigorous as in ordinary breeding. Larvae can thus develop w ithout the aid of microbes. Wollmann using an excellent technique has finally proved this : he succeeded in breeding from the egg sterile flies. " During the first days of life the sterile larvae develop more slowly than the contaminated controls, probably because the digestive glands are not yet in full activity and find the sterilised meat difficult to attack. Later these differences disappear and the sterile larvae attain the weight and size of normal adults." Experiments on aseptic breeding of vertebrates, such as Pasteur desired, have been carried out, with a patience worthy of all praise, by Nuttall and Thierfelder, who took young 32 MICROBES AND TOXINS guinea-pigs from their mothers by Caesarean section, by Schottelius and Cohendy on the chick, by Mme. Metchnikoff and by Moro on tadpoles. The little guinea-pigs appeared to develop and increase in weight in normal fashion, but Schottelius has questioned the interpretation of these experiments ; he maintains that t he increase in weight was due to food swallowed but not digested. The tadpoles developed badly without microbes. The chickens of Schottelius were * weaklings ' and lived seventeen days at most, becoming increasingly thin and feeble. Their digestive juices were apparently insufficient for digestion, and they only recovered when there was added to the sterile food certain bacteria, among which was the bacillus coli. But it is impossible to conclude with certainty from these experiments that life is impossible without microbes ; these new-born animals were placed under conditions too different from the natural ; their intestine was not yet secreting enough ferment, and the food they were getting, sterilised as it was at a high temperature, was not adapted to the hereditary disposi- tion of their alimentary canal. It would therefore be necessary to study adult animals free from microbes, but we know that this condition hardly exists. 1 There are, however, animals which approach it somewhat, namely, the large fruit-eating bats of the tropics (Pteropus medius) recently studied by Metchnikoff. These animals have a large intestine very limited in size ; there is no reservoir in which to accumulate the waste products of their food, and they begin to evacuate faeces one hour after the ingestion of the food from which these are derived. They are obliged to eat a great deal and to evacuate in proportion. They have, properly speaking, no intestinal flora, simply a few bacteria conveyed by the food and changing with the diet. 1 The intestine of the scorpion is almost always free from microbes ; and the same is the case with the intestine of certain maggots provided with digestive juices sufficiently powerful to digest seeds, wool, and even such resistant microbes as the bacillus of tubercle. MICROBES IN THE HUMAN BODY 33 The juices of their small intestine have no power of killing bacteria such as has been alleged in the dog and the cat, so the poverty of their intestinal flora cannot be thus explained. The digestive tube being almost free from bacteria in its whole length, the digestion of the food cannot be attributed to microbes. The fruit-bat above-mentioned digests the cellulose of bananas, yet it is precisely for the digestion of cellulose among the herbivora that the necessity of auxiliary microbes has been maintained ; the reason is that cellulose-digesting microbes are known, whereas no ferment has been separated from the digestive tube capable of doing this. But the bacterial ferment has not been isolated either : the question of cellulose digestion is one on which our ignorance is great and which demands fresh investigations. Finally, in the dejecta of the fruit-eating bat the putrefactive poisons phenol, skatol, and indol do not occur, although these are constant among all other mammals including the herbivora. This absence of putrefaction corresponds with the extreme short- ness of the large intestine and the poverty of the intestinal flora. We have then in this animal a good example of an adult animal capable of digesting its food, under normal conditions, by its own digestive juices without the help of bacteria. The Intestinal Flora of Man. Man differs from the bat. He harbours a very abundant intestinal flora in his large intestine which is highly developed and in which the food-stuffs begin to putrefy. It is almost impossible to calculate the number of bacteria in our intestine. Gilbert and Dominici have calculated that we discharge daily 11,725 millions, without counting the anaerobes, of which there is a prodigious number. Klein speaks of 9 billions of bacteria discharged every twenty-four hours, of which 100,000 millions are still alive. Strassburger, using a different method of counting, calculates the quantity of bacteria at one-third of the normal dried faeces ; in twenty- four hours a man evacuates 120 billions of bacteria. It would D 34 MICROBES AND TOXINS be too much to say that these figures are imaginary, but they are certainly only approximate. It is sufficient to state that the real figure is enormous and certainly approaches the magnitude stated. The small intestine is less populous, so much so that a bactericidal action even has been ascribed to it. Yet the pancreatic juice which is poured into the small intestine is invaded by microbes when collected and left outside the body. The auto-sterilisation of the small intestine seems to be due to the combined action of the two principal digestive juices, the pancreatic and the intestinal. The flora of the small intestine like that of the intestine in general varies with the diet. It is more important to know the nature of the microbes than their quantity. In 1898 Mannaberg counted only twenty-seven species in the intestine ; but there are now many more described and the improvement in our methods of cultivation is leading daily to the discovery of new ones. MacFadyean, Nencki and Mme. Sieber have isolated fourteen from the small intestine alone. A child is born with a sterile alimentary canal, but from the tenth to the twentieth hour of life it begins to be inhabited. FIG. 9. Bacillus bifidus (Tissier) : FIG. 10. Bacillus bifidus 10 day culture. (Tissier) : 15 day culture. From the first to the third day in the breast-fed child there appear Streptococci, Bacillus coli, B. perfringens ( = Welch's Bacillus), B. Ill of Rodella, B. lactis aerogenes, Sarcinae, MICROBES IN THE HUMAN BODY 35 enterococci, mesentericus and an acidophilus. After the third day the flora becomes more simple, being dominated by one of the last to appear, the anaerobe B. bifidus of Tissier, which is characteristic of the flora of the healthy breast-fed infant ; along with it persists the Bacillus coli, the enterococcus and the B. lactis aerogenes. Thanks to the presence of B. bifidus and the lactic bacilli, which produce acids from the carbo- hydrates (human milk is rich in sugar especially after the tenth day), the putrefying bacteria (B. perfringens, for example) are kept in check or even entirely eliminated. Proceeding from the stomach to the rectum the species which predominate in turn are the B. coli, the B. lactis aerogenes, the enUrococcus^ % % .* *\ m FIG. II. Bacteria in the FlG. 12. Bacillus sporogsnes feces of a normal child of (Metchnikoff). 19 months. the B. exilis, the B. acidophilus and lastly the B. bifidus. The distribution and proportions may be altered in the case of the infant not breast-fed. The chemical surroundings being different, the fermentations also differ. From the age of one to five years and in particular after weaning, the flora has added to it several new species, while still retaining the species found in the infant, which may be regarded as the fundamental flora. Tissier calculates the pro- portion of this fundamental flora in the child brought up on a vegetable diet at 90 per cent, of all the bacteria and J of D 2 36 MICROBES AND TOXINS this are made up of B. bifidus. The proportion is less (70%) in the child receiving a fair quantity of animal food. In the human race three microbial species seem to be chiefly capable of provoking the putrefaction of albuminous material in the intestine ; namely the three anaerobes : B. putrificus of Bienstock, B. sporogenes and the B. of Welch also called B. perfringens. Not only are these three anaerobes putrefying organisms but they seem also to be true pathogenic organisms. Putrificus has been found in peritoneal suppuration, in appendicitis and in various intestinal disorders. B. sporogenes has been found in many cases of diarrhoea ; B. perfringens is common in acute and chronic suppurations, and in infantile diarrhoea : it is also the cause of crepitating gangrene or gaseous phlegmon. The FIG. 13. Bacillus FIG. 14. Welch's bacillus putrificus (Bienstock). (B. perfringens). study of their virulence and toxicity by experiments on small laboratory animals and monkeys has hardly been begun. They indicate well how delicate is the distinction between a simple saprophyte of wide prevalence and a pathogenic organism properly speaking. The B. coli, the commonest and most abundant bacterium in the intestine, though it was considered by Schottelius, in his experiments on the aseptic chick, as an indispensable adjunct to nutrition and though it has even been employed as a remedy for constipation, is nevertheless prejudicial to health. It does not, it is true, attack the genuine albumins but it MICROBES IN THE HUMAN BODY 37 breaks down the peptones, producing indol, phenol, mercaptan and sulphuretted hydrogen. It is precisely these bodies, putrefaction products, which enter the blood and produce the chronic poisoning which induces premature old age. 1 Among the bacteria of the intestine, B. lactis aerogenes, B. perfringens, B. sporogenes^ Staphylococcus pyogenes and Proteus produce indol. B. coli produces both indol and phenol, and there is ex- perimental proof that indol, phenol, and their sulpho-compounds can produce auto-intoxications of the body. With indol and potassium phenyl-sulphate, aortic atheroma has been produced in rabbits in about 60 per cent, of those tried, whereas spontaneous atheroma does not occur in more than 6 to 10 per cent. Monkeys treated with paracresol presented arterial lesions in the brain and kidney. By combining the phenols with sulphur, the body manufactures " sulpho-compounds ' which are less injurious than the pure phenols, but which are still chronic poisons (MetchnikofT). Intestinal Putrefaction. The study of the putrefactive bacteria being in its infancy and beset with great difficulties besides, it is not surprising that certain authorities maintain that intestinal putrefaction is harmless to man. It is true, they say, that our instinct leads us to reject putre- fying food and that common sense has always connected putrefaction with disease. Yet we see the Indo-Chinese, the Malays, Polynesians, and the Greenlanders regaling them- selves with decayed fish, meat, or eggs ! Meat which has gone bad frequently determines diseases resembling acute poisoning ; but it is not because it is putrefying ; it is because it contains pathogenic bacteria of the family of B. typhosus, or bacilli like the B. of botulismus, which produces a violent toxin. Extracts of putrefied meat have been injected into different animals with- out result. Further, how many people exist in perfect health in spite of the putrefaction going on normally in their intestine ! It recalls the dictum of Malvoz : " Tout ce qui pue ne tue 1 The intestinal flora of the dog does not differ from that of man. Little rabbits eight days old have not a rich flora. The flora of parrots, young and old, is also scanty (five species in the ileum). The flora of the alligator is much less rich than that of man. 38 MICROBES AND TOXINS pas, tout ce qui tue ne pue pas." (What stinks does not kill, what kills does not stink.) A Belgian physiologist, Falloise, has shown that the contents of the large intestine where the putrefications are going on are much less toxic than those of the small intestine which is free from putrefaction. The toxicity of faecal matter left in the incubator, with all its contained bacteria, diminishes instead of increases. Hence the toxicity is not in proportion to the putrefaction. What then causes those gastro-intestinal disorders, in particular infantile diarrhoea, with symptoms resembling typhoid fever or cholera ? It must be poisons of some kind, but poisons which are the result not of bacterial decomposition of the intestinal contents but of abnormal metabolism of the food. This theory of non-microbial intoxication, is opposed to that which regards microbial putrefaction as the cause of the poisoning. Finkelstein, for example, says that there is no specific infecting organism in infantile diarrhoea and that the same symptoms appear with very different intestinal flora ; according to Nobecourt and Rivet, the intestinal flora depends on the diet and the disorders of digestion, its role being secondary and rather an effect than a cause. The principal role is played by those poisons which are produced directly in the digestion of the food-stuffs. But though it is true that the study of intestinal putrefaction is not far advanced, the opponents of this theory must acknow- ledge that still less is known about the auto-intoxications. Nothing definite has been established in connection with the ptomaines and toxalbumins which have been incriminated. Besides, the argument of Falloise on the slight toxicity of the faecal matter is not justified, for he forgets that the faeces do not represent actually the intestinal contents, these latter having lost before discharge precisely those poisons which have been absorbed by the mucous membrane. The phenols, for example, which are produced in our intestine are absent in the faeces, but appear in the urine. The volatile fatty acids also are in greater quantity in the urine than in the MICROBES IN THE HUMAN BODY 39 faecal matter. As to the poisons found in the small intestine, these are nothing but the digestive juices themselves, from the pancreas and intestinal mucous membrane ; the fact of their toxicity when injected into the veins of a rabbit does not prove in the least that they are noxious to the animal producing them. It is, in fact, a very rough way of studying the toxicity of faecal matter to inoculate extracts of it into animals. The biological and chemical study of the intestinal bacteria in their capacity as ferments is the necessary and proper introduction to the problem of intestinal putrefaction. The diminution of toxicity which Falloise discovered on incubating faeces represents only the primary phase of the phenomena which occur under such conditions, namely, a preliminary fermentation which produces acid and suspends the putrefaction ; it is only after the third day that true putrefaction can begin, the reaction having then become alkaline. Finkelstein's argument was the speedy effects of change of diet on an intestinal disorder ; but this action may equally well be explained by the intervention of microbes ; the flora also varies with the diet. In the intestine, as in a culture flask, different cultures can be got with the same microbes when the media originate on the one hand from meat and on the other from vegetables. In studies so difficult as these, no good result can be got by treating faecal material and injecting it in quantity. It is necessary to proceed analytically, isolating patiently the bacterial species of the intestines, studying them in a condition of purity, as every ferment ought to be studied, studying secondly their actions in association, and studying finally the poisons they produce, phenols, indol, skatol, etc. It is by this method that the action of B. putrificus, B. perfringens, and B. sporogenes in intestinal decomposition has been rendered certain as has been the role of B. proteus in infantile diarrhoea. Mutual Assistance and Mutual Antagonism. These legions of microbes do not escape the law of competition which prevails throughout life. They have not all the same demands 40 MICROBES AND TOXINS or the same appetites ; one requires more alkalinity, another requires a certain degree of acidity. The unused residue of the food of one may provide excellent nourishment for another. Their actions on elementary waste products have to follow each other in a regular and chemically definite order. Hence we get agreements and antagonisms, one species, by reason of its nature and the food of its host, being towards another either a help or a hindrance. This idea was first expressed in connection with the bacteria of the intestine by the experiments of Metchnikoff on cholera and its vibrio. Cholera is due to the multiplication in the intestine of a spirillum, which rarely penetrates into the blood, but elaborates in the intestine poisons which diffuse and kill the patient. Cholera is an acute, toxic, specific enteritis. Koch's discovery of the spirillum or " comma bacillus " of cholera had to contend with an obstinate scepticism, because cholera could not be produced with it at will in laboratory animals, unlike anthrax or fowl-cholera. Whether by inoculation under the skin, or in the peritoneum, or by the mouth, the result was the same. Even when several savants swallowed cultures of it, the results of these experiments "in anima nobili" were very inconstant. In this, typhoid fever resembles cholera, the disease being very difficult to reproduce experimentally; it is only quite recently that experimental typhoid fever has been successfully produced by employing the higher apes, the nearest congeners of man. It cannot be a matter of indifference to the cholera vibrio what is the nature of the flora of the alimentary canal into which it penetrates. By a very simple method of experiment, namely, by inoculating together on gelatine plates vibrios and various other microbes along lines which crossed each other, Metchnikoff was able to prove that the association of certain bacteria favoured the growth of cholera while others inhibited it. Round the colonies of a favouring bacterium a swarm of little cholera colonies developed. Various favouring and inhibiting bacteria were discovered in the air, among animals, and most interesting of all in the human stomach. MICROBES IN THE HUMAN BODY 41 But here we were still only dealing with growth on plates, i.e., under very artificial conditions. The importance of the ex- periments increased when it was found possible to transmit to an animal, with certainty, a genuine attack of cholera. Neither the cat nor the guinea-pig nor the adult rabbit takes the disease. Metchnikoff had the idea that their resistance might be due to the presence in the alimentary canal of inhibiting bacteria, and he experimented accordingly on little sucking rabbits, which, while they are at the breast a period of some weeks present a very scanty intestinal flora. Little rabbits of one to four days old, made to swallow a culture of the cholera vibrio, died in about half the cases ; they were thus capable of taking cholera. But further, when to the culture of the vibrio other bacteria were added which had been recognised as being favouring in the gelatine experiment, the little rabbits took cholera without exception. They were refractory, on the contrary, when the inhibiting bacteria were added. The question naturally arose whether during an epidemic man might not increase his resistance to a cholera infection by ingesting cultures of these inhibiting microbes, and this formed the starting point of intestinal bacteriotherapy. Bienstock attributed the resistance which milk possesses naturally towards putrefaction to the microbes which it contains, and not, as the old idea maintained, to the presence in it of casein or milk sugar ; he found that the B. lactis aerogenes, an acid producer, and even the B. coli, prevent the development of the B. putrificus, the agent of putrefaction, whether in an experimental flask or in the intestine. Inoculated along with the B. coli, the growth of B. putrificus is inhibited, because it can only develop in an alkaline medium, and the B. coli produces from the sugars of the food materials an abundance of acid. The idea of an inhibiting action exerted by an acid-producing bacterium on the putrefying organisms is correct, but the above example was not the best ; in the first place because the B. putrificus is rare in the human intestine, and secondly because the B. coli, while playing a useful part in certain cases, 42 MICROBES AND TOXINS is in others itself a putrefying organism. Kolbriigge's opinion can no longer be maintained that the B. colt is the beneficent bacterium par excellence, growing in the appendix as in a sort of hot-house put specially there by Providence ! The antagonism is chiefly between the B. perfringens of Welch and the B. bifidus discovered by Tissier in the normal flora of the healthy breast-fed infant. There is a general antagonism between the simple saccharo- lytic bacteria which produce acid from starches and sugars and the simple proteolytic bacteria which carry the digestion of meat to the stage of indol, skatol, phenol, and ammoniacal salts. When the bacteria which oppose each other are both proteolytic and saccharolytic (hence called mixed ferments), those which produce the most acid inhibit those which produce less. For example, the enterococcus is inhibited by an acidity of 2 '45 per 1000; the B. perfringens at r6o per 1000 ; the B. acidi paralactid at 5*39; the B. bifidus at 4-90. The two last are evidently successful antagonists of the B. perfringens. The facts established by Bienstock and by Tissier and Martelly may be expressed as the following law : in media containing protein along with more than 10 per 1000 of sugar, a " mixed ferment " can arrest the development and the action of a simple ferment, whereas a strong mixed ferment (i.e., a strong acid producer) can inhibit a weaker. These inhibiting actions are entirely due to the quantity of acid which the bacteria produce in the course of their consumption of the carbohydrates. Principles of Intestinal Bacteriotherapy. Metchnikoffs experiments on microbial associations in cholera contain the germ of a method of treatment which consists in using inhibiting bacteria. The experiments of Bienstock and Tissier indicate that the saccharolytic bacteria form a natural obstacle to the action of the putrefying microbes. The idea of a bacteriotherapy had already been formulated by the well-known children's physician, Escherich, practically in the following terms : " It is necessary to employ the ' acid MICROBES IN THE HUMAN BODY 43 fermentations * as antagonists of the ' alkaline fermentations, either by adding to the diet carbohydrates such as lactose (milk sugar), or by giving cultures of acid-producing bacteria." It had long been the custom to employ as remedies for diarrhoea, intoxications, and intestinal putrefactions, first purgatives, then antiseptics, of which the most popular was /3-naphthol. This treatment has been given up. Several days of /?-naphthol treatment fail to diminish the number of bacteria in the alimentary canal (Stern). " Since intestinal antisepsis is based on such a weak found- ation," said Quincke in a treatise on intestinal auto-intoxi- cations, "it was natural to search for another method of combating the decomposition caused by bacteria in the intestine, and the idea came to me to try to supplant the injurious bacteria by beneficent ones, just as weeds are suppressed by the growth of useful crops, the starting point being the antagonism of different microbes observed in artificial culture media." Quincke tried the yeast of beer. Later there was employed in infantile diarrhoea the Bacterium lactis aerogenes, the antagonist of B. proteus. Intestinal bacteriotherapy has now become part of practical medicine and is applied in two principal forms. The first is to administer those foods which are produced by natural fermentations and which contain great numbers of bacteria; the second is to give along with a suitable diet artificial cultures of bacteria possessing antiputrefactive properties. In both cases it is the antagonistic action of microbes towards the bacteria of decomposition of which one takes advantage. Fermented foods, rich in bacteria, were employed long before modern researches on microbial antagonism came into being. Humanity has known from time immemorial the whey of milk and the various forms of cheese. It was long before the days of science that there were invented koumiss, kvass, kephir, lebenraib and yoghourt. In the Bible we read that Abraham offered to his guests sour milk as well as sweet Moses says that Jehovah has given his people to eat of the sour 44 MICROBES AND TOXINS milk of cows and the milk of goats (at the same time, it is true, the fat of lambs and of sheep and of kidney). There can be no doubt that sour milk is more ancient even than the Bible itself. The artificial cultures chosen for their chemical properties are chiefly B. bifidus, B. acidi paralactici and the lactic ferment which has become popular under the name of the Bulgarian bacillus ; they are given either singly or in association. They may be taken either in the form of clotted mik or in bouillon. The characters of the Bulgarian bacillus are briefly the following : it produces 25 grams of lactic acid per litre of milk; not more than 0*50 gram of succinic and acetic acid, traces of formic acid, no alcohol, and no acetone. It hardly attacks the proteins at all, and has no pathogenic power (G. Bertrand and Weisweiler). Although it does not inhibit the development of the B. coli in a culture containing peptone, it at least prevents it from producing phenol and greatly reduces its indol production. The mechanism of the action of the lactic ferments in general is not quite settled. They appear to diminish the number of anaerobes and of the B. coli. A diet of sour milk reduces the ethereal sulphates of the urine more than does a diet of sweet milk. The Large Intestine is a Useless Organ. Since the large intestine performs no digestive action and absorbs poison, it follows that it is not only a useless but an injurious organ. Medicine may possibly perfect methods of treatment and diets to prevent it from doing harm ; surgery perhaps will reach this end more quickly. However that may be, certainly no one has ever proposed that the large intestine should be removed from every human being ; but it is not the less true that from the zoological point of view it is a useless inheritance left to us by our animal ancestors. 1 1 We must consider it as a useless inheritance from our ancestors during evolution, though they no doubt derived some benefit from it. Compara- tive anatomy teaches us that, among all the vertebrates, it is only the mammals which are provided with a large intestine properly speaking. Birds, reptiles, and other lower vertebrates do not possess one MICROBES IN THE HUMAN BODY 45 Examples of human beings who have lived after the partial or total removal of the large intestine or after the suppression of its function are far from being rare. A patient of Korte survived eight operations on his intestine ; another of Wiesinger remained in a satisfactory condition after losing both his trans- verse and descending colon. Another of Ciechomski lived for thirty years with a fistula which had put the large intestine out of use ; he married and had children. Tavel's patient (studied by MacFadyean, Nencki, and Sieber), aged sixty-two, had to digest her food for six months without the large intestine, yet she remained well. A patient of Mauclaire has been living for years in fair health with her large intestine out of use. The histories of these patients are to be found in the most respectable surgical journals. An English surgeon, Lane, recently published an account of thirty-nine removals of the large intestine, partial or complete ; he lost nine out of the number, i.e., 23 per cent. Many of the survivors, formerly subject to enteritis and severe neurasthenia, had never been able to enjoy life till it had become thus " simple." The mortality is still too great for this operation to be anything but an exceptional procedure. But surgical technique is progressing every day. What surgeon would It is probable that the large intestine acted as a reservoir for the waste products of digestion. The mammals having to run fast to escape from their enemies or to capture their prey, were inconvenienced by the necessity of stopping to empty their bowels. A large intestine under these conditions would be of the greatest use. Thus we see that those mammals which run fastest, such as the horse and the hare, possess the most highly-developed large intestine and caecum. It is remarkable that, among birds, the runners such as the ostriches and cassowaries have similarly acquired a large intestine and possess cseca more developed than all the other feathered creatures. It is thus the demand made by the struggle for life which has led to the formation of the large intestine among the vertebrates. The high development of this organ as a reservoir for the solid excreta has produced in its turn the development of a very rich bacterial flora Man having no necessity for the large intestine and its flora either for the digestion of cellulose or for prolonged retention of the residues of digestion derives no advantage whatever from its possession. On the contrary he suffers very numerous inconveniences. It is easy to conceive how an organ thus become useless con- tributes to the shortening of life." Metchnikoff, Wilde Lecture, Manchester Memoirs, 1901. 46 MICROBES AND TOXINS have prophesied fifty years ago that the removal of the appendix would become as simple an operation as the extraction of a tooth ? From the scientific point of view it is quite legitimate to conclude that in a mammal so advanced in evolution as is civilised man, both life and digestion are possible in the absence of a large intestine. Is the Intestine Permeable for Microbes ? There exist in the massive flora of the intestine, bacteria both actually and potentially pathogenic. After a wound which penetrates the intestinal wall, the bacteria, which were harmless while in the alimentary canal, invade the general peritoneum and cause a fatal peritonitis. Immediately after death the intestinal bacteria invade all the tissues and begin the work of putre- faction. To prevent this happening during the lifetime of the animal it is obviously necessary for the intestine to be impermeable, and this impermeability must be due to the living healthy mucous membrane. This opposing force is sometimes thrown out of action. There are certain diseases which can only be explained by supposing that the pathogenic bacterium has passed from the intestine into the blood and into the organs. In hog-cholera, which is caused by a virus still unknown, the lesions of the lung contain a microbe which develops under cover of the true virus and forms a regular complication in this disease. This microbe is a normal inhabitant of the intestine of healthy pigs. In all infectious diseases in which infection occurs by ingestion, and which are not exclusively confined to the alimentary canal, it is necessary to suppose that the microbe passes from the intestine into the blood either directly by the capillary vessels of the mucous membrane or by the more roundabout way of the mesenteric lymphatic glands. Typhoid fever, for example, is mainly a disease of the intestine, an enteritis, but during the whole course of the fever the bacillus circulates in the blood, and occasionally forms colonies in distant organs such as the lungs and the bones. A very simple explanation suggests itself: the intestinal MICROBES IN THE HUMAN BODY 47 barrier has been pierced by a little wound permitting the passage of the bacteria. This happened in the case of Pasteur's sheep, which took anthrax when he fed them with anthrax spores mixed with minute splinters. But this explanation does not hold for all cases. Numerous facts exist which establish the permeability of the healthy mucous membrane. The importance of the problem was perceived when the conditions of infection with tubercle began to be discussed. Behring thought, in agreement with Chauveau, that the bacillus penetrates into the body of man and cattle, not only by the respiratory passages, but also through the digestive tract. This idea was suggested to him by the predominance of mesenteric lesions in infantile tuberculosis, compared with the predomin- ance of pulmonary lesions in the adult; he thought that tuberculosis always began in childhood in the intestine and did not invade the lung until maturity. The intestine of an adult, he maintained, does not permit the passage of the bacteria as does that of a child, the reason being that in the infant, as in general amang new born animals, the intestinal mucosa is not coated with the continuous and perfect covering which develops later ; the covering is discontinuous, inter- rupted and open to the passage of bacteria. No intestinal lesion can be found because none exists : there has been penetration without violence. Behring's idea has been developed to such an extent that some observers declare that invasion by the intestine is more frequent than invasion by the lung ; and during the search for proofs and comparisons they have studied closely the penetra- tion of the intestine not only by the bacillus of tuberculosis, but by various other bacteria, pathogenic and non-pathogenic, and even by inert dust particles. Pulmonary anthracosis, the disease or rather the histological condition which consists in the impregnation of the lungs by carbon particles from the air of mines and factories, has formed the field of battle for the partisans and opponents of Behring's idea, and a multitude of experiments have resulted, not without instructive consequences. Dust particles can reach the lung by passing through the 48 MICROBES AND TOXINS intestine, but that is not the rule and can only be produced by administering the dust in large quantities in rapid succession : these are artificial and exceptional, not natural, conditions. It is the same in the case of bacteria. In an animal in perfect health they do not penetrate the intestinal wall, but they can be made to do so under the influence of fasting and fatigue (experiments of Ficker). One may say that their passage is the first and a very early sign of an agonal phenomenon, an anticipation of that exodus of bacteria which occurs immed- iately after death. We must not forget, however, that, according to the state- ments of Porcher and Desoubry, bacteria pass from the intestine into the blood each time the animal digests, and that to get sterile sera it is necessary to bleed anti-diphtheria and anti-tetanus horses only during the intervals between digestion. The question is less simple than it looks, because the mucous membrane is quite as active as, if not more so than, the bacteria. Not only is it built up of active living cells, but there are continually traversing it other living motile cells, the leucocytes, which play an active part in the phenomena of digestion and absorption, of defence and of resistance. The cellular mechanism of defence does not invalidate the conclusion of this chapter. Being useless for digestion, and a constant cause of putrefaction, the intestinal flora is a perman- ent source of danger for the body. The intestinal flora represents in our interior the external world with its unregulated fermentations only limited by their mutual competition. It represents in the interior of our bodies the innumerable legions of bacteria in nature, which find their pabulum and their prey in fermentable material of every kind, and which are as eager to attack the proteins and carbohydrates of our living tissues as to attack the sugar and the casein of fermenting milk. The power of resistance of the body is counterbalanced by its sensitiveness towards the poisons which are being continually secreted, and which are capable at least of accelerating the approach of old age if not of directly causing death. Researches on the intestinal flora are bound to take a MICROBES IN THE HUMAN BODY 49 greater and greater place in experimental medicine. With the help of their results microbiology will then attack the problem of those chronic diseases, diseases of nutrition, such as gout, rheumatism, and diabetes. .Finally the discovery of the so- called invisible viruses proves that the field of action of bacteria is much wider than had been suspected and that there may well exist legions of active bacteria in situations where none have yet been seen. CHAPTER III FORM AND STRUCTURE OF MICROBES Animal and vegetable microbes Protozoa Moulds and bacteria. Morphology of bacteria Membrane ; vibratile cilia, capsules, Multiplica- tion, Spores. Pleomorphism of bacteria The place of bacteria in a general classification. The nucleus in bacteria : the diffuse nucleus. Reproduction and the possession of sex among microbes. Chemical composition. " MICROBES " is the name given to those living beings which can only be seen by the aid of the microscope. They are the simplest organisms found in nature. Some belong to the animal kingdom, others to the vegetable. The bacillus of tuberculosis and the typhoid bacillus belong to the class of bacteria, and the bacteria are plants. The trypanosoma of sleeping sickness is an infusorian, i.e., an animal. Whether animal or vegetable, almost all microbes consist of a single cell. When there are several cells, they are practically identical individual cells in juxtaposition. The tissues and organs are systems of cells ; microbes possess neither tissues nor organs. Like every cell a microbe possesses a nucleus and proto- plasm. The vegetable cell is enveloped by a membrane whose composition is not well known, and even the motile ones are more rigid than the animal microbes. Microbes are of all living creatures the most widespread. They exist wherever there is organic matter. Protozoa. In a hay infusion a handful of hay in a 50 FORM AND STRUCTURE OF MICROBES 51 vessel of water one can see under the microscope motile creatures, whose surface is furnished with cilia, whiplets or flagella in vibration ; these are the infusoria, some with flagella, others with cilia. Sleeping sickness is caused by a trypanosoma^ a flagellate protozoon found at certain times in the blood, in the lymphatic glands of the neck and in the cerebro-spinal fluid. These protozoa resemble minute flattened worms in the interior of which there are two nuclei, one large, one small ; on one side there is an undulating membrane bordered by the flagellum, which is continued beyond the anterior end. FIG. 15. -Trypanosomes and blood corpuscles. The trypanosomes multiply by longitudinal division beginning with the nucleolus and continuing through the flagellum, the large nucleus, and the protoplasm. There is a possibility that sexual reproduction exists. There is often found in the intestine of rabbits an animal parasite which passes through a complicated series of different forms ; it possesses a cycle of evolution, one portion in the rabbit, one portion outside. This parasite is a coccidium belonging to the class of sporozoa. The microbe of malaria is a parasite of the blood corpuscles, a haematozoon, which has for long been regarded as related to the coccidia, but which 2 52 MICROBES AND TOXINS possesses certain characters, inclining one rather to derive it from the flagellates. It too passes through a cycle of development, one stage being in the blood of man, the other in the body of a mosquito of the genus Anopheles. According to the stage of development, the hsematozoa of Laveran have both asexual and sexual reproduction, the latter occurring in the body of the mosquito. It cannot be too often insisted on that no protozoon is properly known until all its cycle of development has been investigated and settled. Moulds. A slice of bread or a piece of lemon left to itself under suitable conditions of temperature and moisture is soon covered with a fine growth of a whitish or greenish tint ; this is formed by the moulds, lower fungi belonging to the vegetable kingdom. Under the microscope a particle of this growth, teased in a drop of water, shows a felt-work of tubes or filaments, sometimes segmented at intervals, sometimes not ; this felt-work is the mycelium. From the mycelium little stalks stand up vertically bearing a head which itself carries little granules resembling fruit. In the Mucors the head is a spherical sac stuffed full of these granules. In Penicillium the head consists of ramifications or digitations dividing in their turn, the last sections pinching off little pieces, thzconidia; the whole resembles a little brush. In Aspergillus the fructification resembles the flower of an onion. A fragment of mycelium put into a suitable medium reproduces the mycelium. The conidia can do the same. In the case of the mucorines two cells can join, fuse, and produce an " egg " ; often these two cells are different, and the reproduction may be regarded as sexual. If mucor is grown at the bottom of a sugary fluid it no longer forms an abundant mycelium ; on the contrary there can be found nothing but short pieces, round or ovoid, which reproduce themselves by budding like yeasts. But any of these pieces put in a sugar-containing medium in contact with the air, forms a mycelium on the surface. This transformation of a FORM AND STRUCTURE OF MICROBES 53 FIG. 1 6. Penicillium. FIG. 17. Aspergillus. FIG. 1 8. Mucor taking on the yeast form When grown at the bottom of a sugar solution. FIG. 19. Mucor. 54 MICROBES AND TOXINS mycelium into a yeast-like form, which also produces fermenta- tion like a true yeast, was discovered by Pasteur, who thought that in the course of ages the yeasts had been evolved from moulds which had become adapted to the fermentative life. FIG. 20. The yeast of beer: high or tumbling yeast. FIG. 21. Spindle-shaped yeast. FIG. 22. The yeast of wine. FIG. 23. The yeast of beer : low or heavy yeast. Yeasts. Yeasts are fungi of the Blastomycete group. They consist of round or elliptical cells which multiply as a rule by budding ; some multiply by equal division into two parts. Yeasts may furnish spores, which number 2 to 10, and may remain enclosed in the mother cell until by the bursting of this latter their germination becomes possible. FORM AND STRUCTURE OF MICROBES 55 Bacteria. The term " microbes " in current language most frequently signifies bacteria. The bacteria belong to the lower plants, are unicellular, contain no chlorophyll, and are almost all incapable of taking up carbon from the carbonic acid of the air. They are incapable of life except in the presence of ready made organic matter, and are in consequence confined either to a saprophytic existence (moulds on a fruit) or to a parasitic (as in the case of the typhoid bacillus in the intestine). Scattered as they are throughout nature the bacteria are the chief agents in the decompositions and re- combinations of organic and living matter. The usual classification of bacteria depends on their external form and is merely provisional. The round bacteria are called micrococci or cocci. The streptococci are, as Pas- * * f_ 6 teur described them, like * rosaries or necklaces ; the staphylococci are like bunches of grapes. Ac- cording as the micrococci Sl*Q . -g ^ in their multiplication divide in two or three lg * Q*^. planes in space, they ap- cocci. 4. Staphylococci. 5. Sar- pear arranged in the mul- S" 1 ?/-^' o. Vibrios. 9. opinlla. berry form or in the form chaetes. 11. Clostridium. of a sardna or woolpack. The bacilli are long bacteria, the ends of which are sharply cut; the bacterium, properly speaking, has the ends rounded like a spindle or shuttle. The curved bacteria are known as vibrios, spirilla, and spirochaetes. The bacterial cell is clothed by a membrane and is not naked like an amoeba. It is this sheath, resistant and elastic up to a certain point, which permits a corkscrew spirillum to maintain its form in spite of its movements, and the motile and flexible bacteria to recover their shape after distortion. The membrane takes on colours different from the protoplasm. It is not of the same composition in all the bacteria. Some- 56 MICROBES AND TOXINS times it is of cellulose, sometimes it resembles chitin, some- times it is impregnated with fats or waxes like the bacillus tuberculosis. In the membrane of certain bacteria iron and silicon have been found. Sometimes in ld cultures one can see mem " branes without typhoid V&rto Of Tetanus contents which re- Baxi&tts QtoUlU BatittttS se mble empty FIG. 25. Flagella of bacteria. sheaths. Certain bacteria possess besides Brownian movement an independent motility ; they can be seen performing long journeys, pirouetting on their own axis. It has been calculated that the cholera vibrio can travel 18 centimetres in the hour, which is equivalent to ten or fifteen times its length in a second. This motility is due to cilia or flagella analogous to those of the vibratile epithelial cells or the ciliated infusorians. They are often longer than the bacterium which carries them. In old cultures they become detached and scattered through the medium. It is doubtful whether they are fine expansions of cellular protoplasm which have passed through pores in the enveloping membrane or whether they are expansions of this membrane itself; whether they are not mere propelling organs but rather tentacles of some sort which increase the surface of the bacterium and thus play a role in nutrition, especially in the young bacteria. No definite reply can be given to these questions. According to G. de Rossi's experiments on agglutination and immunisation the cilia behave like protoplasm. Their action ceases at very low temperatures and above 50 C. When a bacterium provided with cilia only at one end (certain vibrios) is attracted towards a definite substance (positive chemiotaxis), the cilium or cilia take the front position and mark the head- end of the bacterium just as the flagellum does in the case of the trypanosomes. FORM AND STRUCTURE OF MICROBES 57 Certain bacteria such as the pneumococcus and the pneumobacillus are surrounded by a sort of case or capsule. One capsule may enclose several bacteria : when a large mass of bacteria is included in one enormous capsule what is called a zooglcea is formed. Bacteria which appear encapsulated in the albuminous fluids of the infected body do not always possess them in artificial culture. The capsule appears to be a defensive secretion. The anthrax bacillus defends itself against the toxic action of the serum of the rat by surrounding itself with a thick sheath made up of a sort of mucus which fixes and renders harmless the toxin. In the blood of lizards, which are very resistant to anthrax, the bacillus surrounds itself with a thick mucous envelope. The streptococci occasionally acquire in the body of resistant guinea-pigs a FIG. 26. Streptococci surrounded by a sheath of mucus. similar defensive covering. The streptococci of chronic infections (otitis and nasal infections) are frequently encap- sulated. The sarcinae are not usually pathogenic but encap- sulated sarcinae have been described which were pathogenic for laboratory animals. Bacteria multiply by transverse divisions, Pasteuria ramosa, described by Metchnikoff, being an exception. One bacterium put on a suitable medium produces after a certain time two, these two producing four, and so on ; it is easy to imagine to what enormous numbers this geometrical progression may lead. In nature and in artificial culture media, multiplication is 58 MICROBES AND TOXINS limited by the quantity of available nourishment and by the accumulation of the products of excretions ; the cultures end by poisoning themselves. But even in a drop of culture medium, the energy of multiplications is enormous. One filament of the Bacillus ramosus studied by Marshall Ward doubled its length in thirty-five minutes ; in twelve hours a single bacillus produced four millions, and one piece of one- hundredth of a millimetre in length produced in twelve hours the equivalent of a thread of 40 metres. Pasteur followed under the microscope the growth of the yeast of wine in grape juice at 13 C. One globule produced 10 millions in twenty- four hours when nothing intervened to limit its development. It is easy to understand now how the infinitely minute grows to form a mass and brings into play enormous forces. Spores. Certain bacteria produce spores, the spore appearing as a shining point in the filament ; the protoplasm of the cell diminishes as the spore increases, as if speculations were a condensa- tion of the living matter. Later the rWUZ&tS CftfoSpon bacillus disappears and the spore is free. Being en- closed in a resist- ing sheath the FIG. 27. Various types of germination of spores. i i I/The spore germinates by growth hi all S P Ore resembles a dimensions. 2. Germination by a sort of Seed, capable of terminal budding. 3. The spore germinating Dro longed D r e - by a sort of lateral budding. (After De Bary and Prazmowski.) servation and of sprouting into a new bacillus when the conditions become favourable. It is by means of their spores that the . bacilli of tetanus and of anthrax persist so tenaciously in nature. The anthrax bacillus is killed by heating to 60 C., the pore not till after three minutes' boiling at 100 C, FORM AND STRUCTURE OF MICROBES 59 The spores which develop in the interior of bacteria are endospores. The name of arthrospores has been given to those rounded granules which certain bacteria produce by segmenta- tion, by a sort of pinching off, or perhaps by a shrinking of their substance ; for example the cholera vibrio, which does not possess endospores. The properties of an anthrax bacillus are fixed, and transmitted to the new generation, by a sort of heredity, by means of the spore. It is not impossible that some sexual differentiation exists in the sporulating bacteria. Pleomorphism of Bacteria. The bacterial forms have not the immutability of crystals, nor even the relative stability of species among the higher plants and animals. They are variable to an extent that absolutely confounds the bacteriolo- gist. In a pure culture such a diversity of forms may appear, forms long and short, rounded and thread-like, that the culture FIG. 28. Involution forms : I. Lactic bacilli. 2. Bacillus subtilis. 3 Anthrax bacilli. might be thought impure. The bacillus of diphtheria trans- ferred from a natural to an artificial medium, or from one artificial medium to another, appears short or long according to circumstances and gives in old cultures forms which resemble staphylococci. One bacterium exists so variable that it has been called Proteus, the protean bacillus. The Bacillus prodigiosuS) the bacterium which gives red colonies 60 MICROBES AND TOXINS and thus produces the miracle of the bleeding host, multiplies very quickly in alkaline media, producing coccal forms ; these cocci, reinoculated on a faintly acid medium, multiply less rapidly and produce bacillary forms. Bacteria are then multiform or pleomorphic organisms. In old cultures or in cultures on unfavourable media, forms are seen diverging from the typical : a micrococcus may give relatively enormous globules ; a bacillus may give forms racket- shaped, club-shaped, pear-shaped, &c. A bacillus which ordinarily never branches may show branching forms. These abnormal shapes are called involution forms, again examples of pleomorphism. In the early days of bacteriology this pleomorphism was copiously discussed. Nageli held that there were no bacterial species, but that the bacteria formed an immense group in which neither species nor families nor genera were to be distinguished. A coccus might give, under suitable conditions, a rod form or a spirillum and the function might be as variable as the form. He would not admit that a given fermentation always corresponded to a definite bacterial form, but held that the same microbe might be in its turn an acetic ferment, a lactic ferment, or a butyric ferment. For him bacterial speci- ficity did not exist. Hence arose the belief that it was easy to render pathogenic an inoffensive bacterium like the B. subtilis of hay infusions. The botanist Cohn exaggerated the stability of bacterial species as much as Nageli exaggerated their pleomorphism, and bacteriologist-physicians, in their desire to discover for each infectious disease a specific agent, followed Conn's idea. It was obviously impossible to hold precise opinions about the pathogenic bacteria if there existed no stability in their forms. R. Koch accused the " pleomorphists " of making their observations on impure cultures or on infusions containing already a very numerous flora ; it was not pleomorphism that was present, but confusion. Another observer, Kurth, however, demonstrated the pleomorphism of the Bacterium Zopfii in pure cultures ; there- FORM AND STRUCTURE OF MICROBES 61 upon the partisans of Cohn and Koch declared that though the saprophytic species might lack stability, the pathogenic species were stable. In their eyes the bacillus of anthrax was always a bacillus. But it had to be recognised later that pleomorphism existed even among pathogenic species, for example the cholera vibrio and the bacterium of fowl-cholera. Finally the stability school maintained the necessity of distinguishing between the constancy of the mere shape and that of the species a cholera vibrio may modify its form and yet remain always the vibrio of cholera the tadpole of the green frog does not resemble an adult green frog, yet it belongs without any doubt to the species green frog. But it is certain that it is not only the form, but also the species qua species which is variable amongst the bacteria, and this variability is even more characteristic of their physiological properties than of their shape. The bacillus of tuberculosis, amongst others, is susceptible of very divergent adaptation. Bacterial species exist, but they are all of the kind called in the language of the science of classification "ill-defined" "That the methodical classifier should be frequently embarrassed in his attempts to set up his artificial barriers, is very far indeed from being surprising. The world was not created for the special pleasure of descriptive botanists, and it is equally inter- esting to science to possess the demonstration that a classification is impossible as to have established a classification, had such been possible" (E. Duclaux). In any case their faculty of adaptation and their power of variation sufficiently explain the history of bacteria. The pathogenic species must have come from saprophytic species by adapting themselves to certain animal bodies. The same virus, adapting itself in the course of ages to the human species and to the cow, has produced the two diseases small-pox and cow-pox, and this adaptation has become the principle of a wonderful prophylactic procedure. It was also by causing variations in the virus by physical and chemical action that Pasteur first prepared vaccines. More recently search has been made among bacteria for 62 MICROBES AND TOXINS examples of mutation resembling those studied by the botanist Hugo de Vries. In a pure culture of bacillus coli Massini found that certain individuals suddenly acquired the power of fermenting lactose, and that this property was transmitted to their descendants. The attenuation of the anthrax vaccines of Pasteur is an example of a property acquired and transmitted hereditarily by the spore. Precisely because of this pleomorphism and plasticity of bacteria, one must take care not to imagine mutations too frequently. Occasionally modifications may be got which are difficult to fix and which do not constitute true races. The bacillus prodigiosus has been cultivated at 37*5 C, with- out producing its red colour, for a series of generations ; but after the thirty-fifth passage, when put again at 22 C., it re- produced its pigment. Besides, mutation is not to be defined simply as a sudden variation. There must be transmission by sexual reproduction in addition. One could not speak of mutation except in cases such as those of the anthrax bacillus, where there has been suspected a sort of sexuality in the spore forms. It is none the less true that the life of bacteria presents numerous facts in accordance with the Darwinian laws. " Bacteriology, like all branches of biology, has gained by the application of the theory of evolution, and has made a fair return by supplying the Darwinian theory with a striking confirmation " (Metchnikoff). The Place of Bacteria in Classification. Leeuwenhoek, describing in 1683 in his Arcana naturae detecta the micro-organisms of the mouth, which he observed through lenses polished by himself, represented them as animalcule. In 1838 Ehrenberg assigned them a place in his work on the Infusoria, classing them with the Vibrios, which he regarded as animals. But their evolution and their activities indicate that the bacteria are lower plants. Are they to be classed among the fungi (moulds and yeasts) or among the algae ? In the absence of chlorophyll, bacteria resemble fungi, and they have long been called Schizomycetes, i.e., fungi multiplying by transverse division. There are FORM AND STRUCTURE OF MICROBES 63 bacteria, the Streptothriceae, which, by their filamentous and branching appearance, form a link between the bacteria and the simplest fungi. On the other hand, there are yeasts which resemble bacteria in producing endospores and multiplying by division instead of by budding. It is, however, with certain algae, the Cyanophyceae or blue algae that the relationship is most marked. The Cyanophyceae reproduce by division, presenting different shapes, long, round, and curved, resembling cocci, coccobacilli and bacilli. They are pleo- morphic like the bacteria. They possess chloro- phyll in contrast to the bacteria, but the pigment which the Cyano- phyceae possess in addition to their chloro- phyll, the phyco- chrome (most often greenish-blue, soluble in water and diffused throughout the cell) is not without some analogy to the pigment of certain bacteria. Certain algae clump together in mucilaginous sheaths resembling the zoogloea of certain bacteria. The Cyanophyceae do not form endospores but have arthrospores like some bacteria. There are species like Beggiatoa^ in which it is far from certain whether they should be classed with the bacteria or with the Cyanophyceae. These analogies are so striking that a family, the Bacteriacecz, has been made for the algae which border on the Cyanophycecz. But in view of the differences which exist between these two families and the similarities which link up the bacteria and the fungi (moulds and yeasts), certain authorities make of the bacteria a heteroclitous group where there are brought together representatives more or less altered or degenerated of various lower plants. There exist no doubt bacterio-algae ; there are FIG. 29. Streptothrix. Branching bacteria. 64 MICROBES AND TOXINS also bacterial moulds and bacterial yeasts; there are even protozoal bacteria, i.e., animal bacteria, the Spirochsetes. The conclusion then is that bacteria are not the original forms from which the others were derived but that on the contrary the bacteria are derived from the more definitely characterised fungi and algae, the specific characters having become obliterated by the parasitic habit. The branching forms rarely observed in the bacillus tuberculosis, the endo- spores of the anthrax bacillus, the arthrospores of the Streptothrices are all atavistic stigmata. The Nucleus of Bacteria. The usual nucleus, consisting of a distinct mass in the body of the protoplasm, does not exist in the bacterial cell. A cell without a nucleus ! Several observers (A. Fischer, Migula, Massart) do not shrink from such a paradoxical statement. They can see no trace of a nucleus ; what others have taken for it, large or small, is only, in their opinion, an empty space or a vacuole, taking part in the cell-division and capable of dispersion into smaller vacuoles. The scattered granulations in the protoplasm are not grains of chromatin, for they have none of its reactions. They are either products of metabolism or reserve materials. They have been called metachromatic bodies, because when stained with blue or violet stains they take on a different, reddish tint. Such observations are best made on certain large bacteria found in nature. It is remarkable that the bacillus asterosporus, which was the one selected by Migula to demonstrate the absence of the nucleus, has been employed by others to demonstrate the presence of one or even several well-defined nuclei. Able cytologists complain that the supporters of the nucleus have been deceived by appearances ; that they have taken for chromatic masses the transverse segmentations which appear in certain large bacteria at the moment of division, and that they have even chosen for their demonstration bacteria which are not true bacteria; the Bacterium gammari of Vejdowsky is said to be a fungus approaching the yeasts and multiplying by division, while another bacterium studied by FORM AND STRUCTURE OF MICROBES 65 the same author in the digestive tube of an annelid (Bryodrilus) ought rather to be considered as a mould. To-day one can agree neither with those who affirm that there is no nucleus nor with those who describe a well-defined nucleus. In reality, the bacteria possess a diffuse nucleus. Instead of forming a mass with sharp contours, the chromatin is scattered through the protoplasm in the form of granules quite distinct from the metachromatic granules. Long ago Weigert maintained that the nucleus is, as it were, melted or dissolved in the cytoplasm, for it is precisely the nuclear stains which stain the bacteria best; Biitschli con- sidered that the cytoplasm of bacteria is reduced to a thin layer lying in apposition with the membrane, and that the bacterium, far from lacking a nucleus, is in reality almost all nucleus. Further, what purpose would a large quantity of cytoplasm fulfil, cytoplasm whose special function is nutritive ? Bacteria are parasitic, and absorb their nourishment ready prepared. Their chief business is to multiply, to increase in numbers ; it is quite natural for them, therefore, to possess an enormous nucleus like the spermatozoa and the embryonic cells, so much so that one might even say that bacteria are " free nuclei." Schaudinn has furnished a brilliant support to these ideas by means of his observations on the largest known bacillus, the Bacillus Biitschlii) found by him in the intestine of cockroaches. The chromatin granules are scattered through the protoplasm ; to produce the two spores they come together, and the chromatin condenses at the two ends. The condition of a diffuse nucleus is no less evident in the B. maximus buccalis of Swellengrebel. The diffuse nucleus is not confined to bacteria. There are several protozoa which normally possess a well-defined nucleus, but at certain moments in development or in certain conditions of nutrition this may be seen changing into a diffuse nucleus. The diffused nuclei have been called by R. Hertwig chromidia. Several varieties exist, and the nucleus of B. Butschlii, like the nuclei of bacteria, in general should be considered as consisting 66 MICROBES AND TOXINS of chromidia. The nuclei of the Cyanophyceae have been the subject of similar disputes ; in these inferior algae also the existence of a chromidial nucleus is admitted, quite distinct from the metachromatic bodies. p I c ted FIG. 30. Bacillus maximus buccalis. (After S wellengrebel. ) The spiral filament represents a system of chromidia in process of division (4 and 5). Reproduction and Sex. A species is said to possess sex when fertilisation occurs by the fusion of two nuclei differentiated into male and female. In the haematozoa of malaria the sexual act takes place in the body of the mosquito by the conjunction of the flagellum and the female cell, and at this point the sexual cycle begins. Since Schaudinn's discovery of the trypanosome forms in the cycle of certain haematozoa closely related to those of malaria, one must admit the existence of male and female forms in the case of trypanosomes. Besides the asexual multiplication by longitudinal division there would thus exist among trypanosomes true sexual reproduction. Among the fungi the ovum, the complete reproductive form, FORM AND STRUCTURE OF MICROBES 67 results from the fusion of protoplasm as well as nucleus of two differentiated cells, the gametes, one male, the other female. Heterogamy exists when the male gamete is manifestly FIG. 31. Successive stages of conjugation in a Zygosac- charomycete. (After Barker.) FIG. 32. Zygoscucharomyces yeast. (a) Vegetative cells : (6) Asci. different from the female isogamy when they seem identical. The ascus and the basidium are modes of sexual reproduction. In the yeasts, examples of conjugation are not lacking. In Zygosaccharomyces before the intracellular formation of the spores, two neighbouring cells put out each a little bud ; the two buds join and along the little canal thus formed fusion of the nuclei takes place (according to Barker). The two cells FIG. 33. Nuclear fusions and spore formation in Schizosaccharomyces octosporus. (After Guilliermond. ) remain united forming a dumb-bell-shaped ascus. The same process occurs in certain schizosaccharomycetes, where the shape of the ascus also recalls its origin from two cells. Since F 2 68 MICROBES AND TOXINS the cells which join belong to the same strain, and to the same generation or to two generations very near each other, this conjugation in the yeasts is an example of isogamy. In the bacteria it has long been observed that multiplication by transverse division, /. oi * FIG. 59. Various forms of the microbe of bovine pleuro- pneumonia according to Bordet. FlG. 60. Various forms of the microbe of bovine pleuro- pneumonia according to Borrel (higher magnification than in Fig. 59). nature. Horse-sickness and the sheep disease which resembles malaria only exist in localities where there are certain definite mosquitos ; like, malaria, too they were formerly called mias- matic disease. Horses do not take horse-sickness even when they are exposed to conditions of climate and altitude reputed to be dangerous, provided they are protected from mosquitos by means of wire-screens. The " heart-water " of ruminants is transmitted by a tick (the bont-tick Amblyomma hebraeum). THE PATHOGENIC PROTOZOA 155 Yellow fever is inoculated by a mosquito, Stegomyia fasdata. These diseases have all the behaviour of protozoal infections. By reason of certain procedures of immunization which are common to them all, horse-sickness, cattle-plague, and hog- cholera present some points of similarity. 3. The diseases characterized by localization to, and lesions in, the epithelium, for example, small-pox and vaccinia, foot- and-mouth disease, molluscum contagiosum of birds and man, scarlatina, the jaundice of silk-worms, and trachoma or granular conjunctivitis are perhaps to be classed in this group. Small-pox or vaccinia is the type-specimen of these infections ; the characteristic lesion is the pustule and the pustule is a collection of epithelial cells containing the virus and forming a focus of culture in vivo. The cells which build up the little tumour have no longer the normal structure of the epidermic or Malpighian cells ; they have become globular, voluminous and " dropsical " ; the nucleus is altered, being swollen and frequently out of position ; beside the nucleus there appears a mass of abnormal material called the " cellular inclusion." This mass was for long regarded as a parasite, as the visible stage of a protozoon which possessed other stages more minute or ultra - micro- scopic. Nowadays it is known that it is merely a de- formation of the nucleus appearing after the invasion FIG. 61. Negri bodies in rabies; the hypothetical of the cell by the microbe of rabies at different stages. (After virus. It is, as it were, the stigma of the presence of a virus within the cell, or even within the nucleus. These stigmata have been described under different aspects and names in small-pox, vaccinia (Guarnieri bodies), rabies (Negri bodies), molluscum contagiosum (described by Virchow), trachoma, and the jaundice of the silk-worm, and the similarity of these infections can no longer be doubted, 156 MICROBES AND TOXINS FIG. 62. Mallory bodies; the hypothetical microbe of scarlatina under different aspects. (After Calkins. ) Borrel has discovered in the cells of molluscum contagiosum minute corpuscles very equal in size and distinct from the nucleus, from the chromatin and from the protoplasm : they are small enough to pass through niters, and sufficiently abundant and resistant to physical influences, as temperature and drying, to explain M the powerful nature of the contagium in these diseases. This may perhaps be the type of microbe so long sought for in small-pox and granular conjunctivitis, but it is necessary to speak with reserve as cultivation has not yet been suc- cessful. What is certain is that there exist ultra-microscopic bacteria and protozoa sufficiently small to traverse the pores of niters made of asbestos, porcelain, plaster, or infusorian earth. Great discoveries are still to be made in this domain a domain opened up twelve years ago by the study of foot-and-mouth disease and pleuro-pneumonia. The curiosity of investigators ought not to be monopolised by the diseases occurring in man and animals. There is no reason why there should not be invisible microbes elsewhere in those fermentations which go on everywhere in nature. They may also quite well play a part in the life-cycle of plants. Just as insects produce injuries and mutilations in plants, so the ultra-microscopic microbes may be responsible for the variations and mutations which occur in the vegetable world. Microbiology may hope here again to bring its support to the Darwinian doctrine. CHAPTER VIII THE TOXINS MlCROBIAL AND VEGETABLE TOXINS ENDOTOXINS Microbial and vegetable toxins Definition Soluble toxins Characters Toxins and diastases : resemblances and differences Incubation Penetration of the body Elective fixation Wassermann's experi- ment Vegetable toxins : ricin, abrin, crotin Production of antitoxins Endotoxins Definition Toxity of microbial bodies Toxin and endotoxin of the cholera vibrio Do anti-endotoxins exist ? Importance of intravenous inoculations. MICROBIAL AND VEGETABLE TOXINS WE know toxins as properties, not as substances, properties of certain broth-cultures, or properties of the bodies and extracts of the bodies of bacteria. Their nature and their exact chemical constitution are unknown, for they are bound up with albuminoid substances the chemistry of which is still in its infancy. The science of toxins is therefore more physiological than chemical, and the chief method of experimentation is on the living body. The quantitative element is introduced by mea- suring the incubation times, the temperature, or the magnitude of the local phenomena, such as oedema and the duration of the symptoms of intoxication. In certain cases it has been possible to replace the animal experiment by experiments in vitro, and to measure, with exactitude, certain phenomena, easy to observe, such as the lysis of the red corpuscles of the blood (haemolysis). Useful discoveries are much oftener reached by instinct than 157 158 MICROBES AND TOXINS by reason. If progress went on logical lines the idea of anti- bodies in general ought to have been the first, and from it the existence of antitoxins ought to have been deduced. But, on the contrary, it was the discovery of a particular antitoxin which led to the study of antibodies in general. In experimental medicine, the chief business is not to build up systems of ideas, i.e. t to philosophize, but simply to search patiently with many trials and many a re-beginning. The inquisitive, prying, intuitive people have the advantage over those who reason. At the very beginning of the researches on toxins we find an experiment of Pasteur : the filtrate of a culture of fowl cholera produced in a fowl the symptoms of the disease in the absence of microbes. At first it was thought that the bacterial toxins belonged to the group of alkaloid substances, the ptomaines, found by Selmi in dead bodies, in certain molluscs, and in bacterial cultures (e.g., muscarine, neurine, &c.). It is true that bacteria can produce poisons of this type (Brieger), but these poisons do not produce a specific intoxication like that observed in such a well-defined disease as tetanus. Later, when it had been observed that microbes killed by heat are not harmless, but when inoculated produce a local suppuration, attempts were made to isolate the " poison " by making protein extracts of the bacterial bodies ; but the bacterial proteins of H. Buchner are not specific poisons ; from very diverse bacteria one can extract almost the same poisons. They con- sist of excretions or residues of nutrition of the bacteria, and are found in particular in old cultures. Excluding these alkaloids and proteins, the following are the substances studied as toxins : 1. The Soluble Toxins. The type-specimen is the diphtheria toxin or the tetanus toxin. These are secretions of bacterial cells, just as the pancreatic juice is a secretion of the gland cells. 2. The Endotoxins. Examples : typhoid endotoxin, plague endotoxin. These are poisons which remain attached to the cellular protoplasm, and do not diffuse at all or very little in THE TOXINS 159 broth-cultures. It is necessary to destroy the cell to set free the poison. The process may be exemplified by the zymase production of Ed. Buchner, in which the yeast cell is ground up and expressed. 3. A special group has to be made for the poison of the tubercle bacillus (tuberculin), and that of the bacillus of glanders (mallein). These diffuse into the broth, but there remains some in the substance of the bacterium ; hence the bodies of tubercle bacilli form an active tuberculin. Besides the specific toxins, cultures may contain non-specific poisons, the proteins of Buchner. Soluble toxins. The toxins of diphtheria, of tetanus, and of botulismus are known (the latter being produced by an anaerobic bacillus growing in meat). They can be obtained by cultivating the bacteria with an abundant supply of air (in the case of the bacillus of diphtheria), or in broth deprived of oxygen (in the case of the tetanus bacillus). The bacteria are removed from the fluid by filtering through porcelain bougies. Those strains of bacilli are picked out which furnish the best toxins, for good toxins are necessary for the production of good antitoxins. The Characters of the Soluble Toxins. The soluble toxins possess very definite characters ; in the first place they are strictly specific ; the symptoms produced by the diphtheria toxin are quite distinct from the symptoms of tetanus. Their action is specific in another sense, as it varies in the different animal species. The fowl does not react to the tetanus toxin as does the mouse or the human subject. Secondly, they are extremely potent : a good culture of tetanus can kill the mouse in a dose of I^-GVTTG c - m - The diphtheria toxin kills a guinea-pig of 250 grams in a dose of 10 4 00 c.c. 1 The 1 " I c.c. of the active fluid toxin produces on evaporation in vacua O'OI gram of dry residue. Deducting the weight of ash and the portion in- soluble in alcohol (which has no toxic activity) there remains 0*0004 gram of organic matter. It is certain that the greater portion of this weight consists of substances other than the diphtheria toxin. Yet this minute quantity is sufficient to kill at least eight guinea-pigs of 600 grams each, or two rabbits of 3 kil." (Roux and Yersin.) I c.c. of a good tetanus filtrate dried in vacuo leaves 0*04 gram of dried residue of which 0*025 160 MICROBES AND TOXINS botulismus toxin is fatal in the dose of Yjnj-^ c - c - (by sub- cutaneous inoculation in each of these cases). Toxins are soluble in water and in glycerine, and can be precipitated from solution in virtue of the fact that they adhere to precipitates and coagula ; precipitation is a method of purification. They are unstable or "labile" substances, heat, light, and oxygen destroying them fairly quickly. Exposed for an hour and a half to the temperature of 55 C, the tetanus toxin loses its toxic properties ; at 60 C. it is destroyed in thirty minutes ; at 68 C., in five minutes. Toxins bound up with dried precipitates are more resistant ; the dry tetanus toxin is still slightly active after an hour at 80 C., and even after fifteen minutes at 120 C. Sunlight " inactivates'' a solution of tetanus toxin in fifteen to eighteen hours. When a photo-dynamic substance (e.g., i per cent, eosin), is added, the toxin is " inactivated " after six hours' exposure to light; with 2*5 to 5 per cent, eosin it is " inactivated " even in the dark. Comparison between Toxins and Diastases. The chemical constitution of diastases is not much better known than that of the toxins. In comparing toxins with soluble ferments or diastases, although it is possible to note analogies, it is for obvious reasons impossible to give a chemical definition. Like diastases, toxins act in a very small dose, are soluble in water and in glycerine, and are weakened by filtration, and are sensitive to the action of oxygen, of heat, and of light ; also to changes in their reactions and to various chemical substances which " poison " or destroy them. Roux and Yersin, who pointed out these analogies at the time of their work on toxins in 1889, did not see in them more than a suggestion: "It seems to us that the diphtheria poison has many analogies with the diastases. Its activity is quite comparable to these and to the activity of venoms. We do not mean, how- ever, that it produces phenomena of hydrolysis such as the diastases produce. It neither inverts sugar nor digests gram is organic matter. Supposing that the whole of this is toxin (which is a great exaggeration), the lethal dose for a mouse would be o '000,000, 25 gram. THE TOXINS 161 fibrin. If we compare it to the diastases, we do so without forming any rash opinion as to its chemical action and simply in order to sum up some of its properties." This reservation still holds good. The disappearance of the toxic property by heating to 60 does not necessarily mean the destruction of a diastase. Heating modifies the reaction of the fluids, especially of organic fluids, and coagulates the proteins : this coagulation may inhibit the action of certain substances or properties without destroying them. The toxins have a character possessed neither by chemical poisons, e.g., strychnine or potassium cyanide, nor by the diastases : the action of these chemical poisons is almost instantaneous, and a zymase put into a solution of sugar begins to ferment it at once. The toxins, on the other hand, when injected into the body, only manifest themselves after a silent period of apparent inactivity, the period of incubation. By changing the path of introduction, e.g., by injecting intravenously instead of subcutaneously, and by increasing the dose, the period of incubation may be rendered shorter : it is never reduced to zero. Further the minimum incubation period varies with the species of animal inoculated. It is admitted that the tetanus poison, to reach the nerve- centres, has to travel along the peripheral nerves from the site of its production, and within certain limits the period of incubation varies in proportion to the distance of this : but even when this delay is cut out the incubation period does not reach zero. Meyer and Ransom inoculated the nerve-centres of cats directly and still found a minimum incubation of three to five hours. This inevitable incubation period suggests that the toxin of the culture is not the poison which kills the animal, but that the toxin inoculated undergoes in the body certain transforma- tions (fermentations?) which produce the true poison, the action of which is direct and immediate. This secondary poison was said to have been demonstrated by inoculating mice with extracts of the organs of animals actually in tetanus, but these experiments have not given constant results as the symptoms 162 MICROBES AND TOXINS produced differed from the pure tetanic symptoms. It is not yet possible to believe in the existence of pro-toxins analogous to the pro-diastases such as the pro-fibrin-ferment. The toxins act in extremely minute doses, like the diastases, of which a very small quantity can determine a chemical change in a very large mass of material. But there are alkaloid poisons which also act in a very small dose : a man dies after absorbing the five-millionth part of his weight of aconitine or digitalin. The mere fact of possessing an action produced by very small doses is not equivalent to being a diastase ; it may be an ordinary chemical phenomenon ; an artificial catalyst such as colloidal platinum is " inactivated " by one thousand-millionth part of hydrocyanic acid; Graham's solution of ferric hydrate under certain conditions is sensitive to the presence of i/5,ooo,ooothof ferrocyanide of potassium. 1 Finally, the phenomena produced by toxins are phenomena taking place in living creatures, which makes it all the more difficult to determine whether they are diastasic in nature or simply due to ordinary chemical reactions. It is true that the toxins of diphtheria and tetanus can "kill" 20 to 100 million times their weight of living animal, but these figures must not be allowed to produce this illusion : the quantitative relationship is complicated by a qualitative element whose importance cannot be exaggerated. When a horse is killed by i/8o,oooth of its weight of tetanus toxin, the toxin is not acting on the whole mass of the horse : to produce death it is sufficient for it to act on the medullary nucleus of the vagus nerve, a group of cells scarcely weighing two grams. The diphtheria toxin similarly acts in an elective fashion on a group of cells in the medulla or in the cardiac ganglia. To take facts of another order, the fixation of carbon monoxide on the haemoglobin of the blood is not a diastasic phenomenon (on ihe contrary it arrests a vital diastasic function or the first importance), yet the toxic power of carbon monoxide in proportion to the weight of the body is certainly more than 100,000. 1 J. Duclaux La chimie de la matiere vivante, Chapitre X. THE TOXINS 163 Penetration of the Body. To reach the sensitive cells the toxins do not always follow the same path. Injected subcutaneously they pass into the lymph, then into the blood. Injected into the blood they save time, since the passage through the lymph is avoided. Introduced into the alimentary canal the botulismus toxin retains its potency, but the diphtheria toxin and the tetanus toxin are inactive even after being swallowed in much more than a lethal dose. This destruction or neutralization cannot be attributed to an action peculiar to the intestinal epithelium nor to any extent to the influence of the bacteria and their fermentations in the digestive tube, but chiefly to the action of the digestive secretions, the pepsin, and above all the pancreatic juice. According to the experiments of Meyer and Ransom and of Marie and Morax, the tetanus toxin does not pass directly from the site of inoculation to the nerve centres ; it penetrates the peripheral nerves at their motor terminations, and follows these nerves to reach the centres. All three species of nerve fibre, motor, sensory, and sympathetic, can carry it ; but the carrying power of the nerve depends absolutely on the integrity of the axis cylinder. By employing antitoxin it is possible to localize the action of the toxin to certain definite territories and paths. Dissociation experiments have shown that the antitoxin acts by neutralising the toxin still in circulation, but is no longer capable of neutralising toxin absorbed by the nerve trunks (these do not absorb antitoxin). The fact that in certain animals, man and the horse, tetanus always begins by a con- traction of the muscles of the jaw (" lockjaw ") only means that even after a stab or a wound at the end of a limb sufficient toxin passes sufficiently quickly into the circulation to affect the centres on which the innervation of these muscles depends. The cells of the central nervous system are sensitive to many poisons, whether these reach them by the nerve filaments or through the blood. Directly introduced into the centres the poisons act in a smaller dose, and often produce different symptoms from poisons injected subcutaneously or into the M 2 164 MICROBES AND TOXINS blood stream. Cerebral tetanus is more like a mental disease, a sort of delirium, than the systematic tetanic contractions which follow the wound of a limb. In the rat which has received tetanus toxin intracerebrally, the incubation is from forty-eight hours to three days, and if the observer did not know with certainty that he had injected tetanus toxin he would never recognize tetanus in the disease which he observes. Psychical manifestations predominate ; the rat is anxious and vigilant; without apparent cause it is seized with sudden terrors, and runs madly round its cage. . . . During the crisis it seems to obey an internal impulse .... and on careful observation the question forces itself whether many psychical phenomena in man may not also be produced by the fixation on certain nerve cells of bacterial toxins elaborated in the intestine or in some other part of the body at some particular moment (Roux and Borrel). 1 Selective Fixation of Toxins. For a toxin to kill in the minimum dose it must possess a selective affinity for cells whose function is important, and must proceed to fix itself on these cells and not on others, when introduced into the circulation. Thus it is necessary for a medullary nucleus to attract to itself the few thousandths of a milligram of tetanus toxin introduced into a human body. The intoxication depends entirely on this fixation of the toxin, and it has long been compared to a dyeing process. Even in the inorganic world, and among dead substances of animal or vegetable origin, numerous examples exist of the fixation of a substance in solution more dilute even than are the toxins in the blood. The examples which follow are taken from the book of J. Duclaux already quoted. Pre- 1 In the rat T V c - c of diphtheria toxin subcutaneously does not produce even local oedema, but a rat receiving this dose intracerebrally is soon completely paralysed, and after two or three days of inertia it succumbs. A rabbit of less than 1,500 grams supports perfectly 30 centigrams of a morphine salt injected subcutaneously, whereas I milligram of morphine hydrochloride injected into the brain produces almost immediate effects in a rabbit of the same weight. A tuberculous guinea-pig succumbs when injected intracerebrally with a dose of tuberculin 200 times smaller than when injected subcutaneously. THE TOXINS 165 cipitated sesquioxide of iron absorbs arsenious acid (and probably also phosphoric acid) till there remains in the fluid less than one-thousand-millionth part (A. Gautier). A skein of white silk dipped in a solution of eosin so dilute that the eye can perceive no colour, i.e. t to about one in a million, is dyed pink in the course of a few hours. Silk can take up 1*3 per cent, of picric acid from a solution containing only 0-006 per cent. The 1 absorptive power increases the greater the dilution. Passing to living cells, we find that a culture of Aspergillus niger can take up from a solution measuring 250 c.c. and containing one-half milligram of zinc, i.e., 1/500,000, practically the whole of this metal (Javillier) ; the proportion of zinc increases to about i in 10,000 in the aspergillus cells and falls below i in 10,000,000 in the fluid which remains. Certain plants can absorb copper from solutions containing only i in 100,000,000. Certain marine plants, such as the ordinary sea-wrack, fix abundantly the iodine and silver which exist in traces only in sea-water. The whole industry of dyeing is founded on similar fixations : fabrics are sensitive to and fix selectively the colouring materials. Picric acid, which stains the skin, does not dye cotton. The microscopical preparations of histologists and biologists depend on this principle of the selective fixation of the stains by different anatomical elements : magenta is fixed by the nucleus, picric acid by the protoplasm, indigo-carmine by the connective-tissue fibres. Ehrlich has pointed out that in jaundice the kidneys and the liver become charged with bile-pigments, whereas the brain remains free. When certain derivatives of paraphenylene- diamine are administered to mice, the central part of the diaphragm is found stained brown much more intensely than the periphery, and the muscles of the eyes, of the larynx, and of the tongue are much more deeply stained than other muscles : this may be because these muscles are in continual activity, receive more blood, and are the seat of more intense oxidations. Methylene blue in the living animal is fixed by the sensory fibres, by the nerve-endings for taste and smell, 166 MICROBES AND TOXINS by the nerves of the plain muscles and the cardiac muscle, and by certain fibres in the nerve centres : it does not stain the motor-endings of striped muscle with the exception of those of the eyes, of the larynx, and of the diaphragm (Ehrlich). The majority of the staining substances fixed by the cerebral cortex are also taken up by fatty substances : now the cortical cells are rich in lipoids such as cholesterin, lecithin, and cerebrin. The substances which stain " in vivo " are soluble in these lipoids, the non-vital stains are not. Narcotics, cerebral poisons, have an activity proportional to their co-efficient of absorption by the lipoids, and both this activity and this co efficient vary with the temperature. Antipyretics also have, without doubt, a selective action on certain cells. The famous experiment of Wassermann and Takaki showed that a similar selective absorption takes place between the cerebral grey matter of mammals and tetanus toxin when these are mixed together in a test-tube; after a certain time the tissue fixes the toxin and the liquid is no longer toxic. The brain of cold-blooded animals, e.g., the lizard and the tortoise, does not fix toxin at all, or very little. The brain of the frog does not fix toxin in vitro (and yet the frog kept in a fairly hot room is sensitive to tetanus toxin). The fixing power of the brain seems to be proportional to its lipoid content, and there is less of these substances in the brain of cold-blooded animals. Brain material treated with ether, which dissolves the fats, loses a great part of its power of fixation : brain which has been boiled no longer fixes at all. Filtration of a suspension of brain material (removing the cell elements) also destroys the fixing property. Cholesterin, lecithin, and cochineal, a fatty material extracted from the cochineal insect, all fix toxin, but when heated to 60 in presence of moisture, or after a previous maceration in an alkaline fluid, the latter is no longer a fixative. The fixation of toxin by sensitive cells is a phenomenon of the order of dyeing or in vivo staining a phenomenon of molecular adhesion. There is not in Wassermann's experiment, as was thought at THE TOXINS 167 first, a destruction or neutralisation of the toxins by an anti- toxin elaborated by the brain cells. The fixation can be modified by altering the physical conditions : brain matter emulsified in physiological saline solution (o'8 per cent.) is a stronger fixative than the same emulsified in distilled water, but ten times weaker than the same emulsified in salt solution of 10 per cent. The brain gives up the toxin more or less quickly and restores the toxicity to water when it is allowed to macerate, and also after drying or digestion with papaine : the toxin liberated has all the biological properties which it had before its intimate contact with the brain matter. This observation negatives the hypothesis of a secondary toxin elaborated by the cells from the toxin received and capable of acting immediately without incubation. It is because of this fixation property of the cells of the body that the toxin injected disappears more or less rapidly from the blood and cannot be recovered, or only in very small degree, from the excretions. In the rabbit seventeen hours after injection no free toxin is to be found either in the blood or in the organs, and there is never any in the blood at the moment when the tetanic symptoms commence (about forty-eight hours after intravenous inoculation. A. Marie). Since the tetanus toxin may be fixed on cells other than the nerve-cells, it is evident that the former keep back at least a portion of the toxin, acting thus as a sort of screen to the nerve-cells. For example, the rabbit is less sensitive to tetanus than the mouse and the guinea-pig because its spleen fixes the toxin and saves its brain. Hence it is not the power of fixation in general which explains the sensitiveness of a particular animal, but the selective fixation on certain definite cells whose activity is indispensable to life, for example, the cells of the medullary nuclei or of the sympathetic ganglia. Scorpions can stand very large doses of tetanus toxin without symptoms ; the toxin rapidly disappears from the blood and accumulates in the liver. The alligator, which is re- fractory to tetanus, retains in its blood for more than a month toxin which has been injected into it. The carp, the axolotl, 168 MICROBES AND TOXINS and the frog, kept at a low temperature, do not take tetanus and retain the toxin intact in their blood for months. The tortoise, which does not take tetanus either at high or low temperatures, retains in its blood for months enough toxin to give tetanus to mice on injecting it. The fowl also, very little sensitive to tetanus, retains toxin in its blood for long periods. The frog, which is refractory to tetanus in winter or when kept at a low temperature, takes tetanus in summer or when it is kept warm in an incubator at about 30 C. At this tempera- ture the poison disappears from the blood and the organs much more quickly than in the cold. The course of the tetanic symptoms can be interrupted at will in the frog kept in the incubator by putting it again at a low temperature. In this way the phenomena may be suspended as long as the chilling continues ; if it is again put in the incubator the symptoms recommence at the stage at which they were interrupted. In the frog, fixation and response are, therefore, to a certain extent dissociated, for in the cold the toxin is fixed by the cells yet the disease does not appear. Vegetable Toxins. The bacterial toxins are vegetable toxins since bacteria are microscopic plants. They have their analogies in the higher plants, for example, ricin extracted from the seeds of the common castor oil plant ; abrin from the Abrus precatorius or jequirity ; crotin from the plant croton tiglium. Ricin inoculated subcutaneously can kill a rabbit in a dose of 0*1 mg. per kilo, body-weight; it agglutinates into masses and dissolves the red corpuscles of the blood. The agglutina- tion is so rapid and powerful that it is necessary to keep shaking the tube in order to perceive the haemolysis. The chemical nature of ricin is not exactly known ; it is not absolutely certain that it is an albuminoid substance (Jacoby). Abrin agglutinates the red corpuscles but is not a powerful lysin. Crotin requires a dose of several centigrams per kilo, to kill a rabbit. Toxins and Antitoxins. A fundamental difference exists between the poisons of known chemical composition, THE TOXINS 169 such as the alkaloids and glucosides, and the toxins properly speaking. The toxins alone produce antitoxins in the animal treated by graduated doses, />., the antitoxins employed in serotherapy. Antitoxins exist against ricin, abrin, and crotin, but there are none against solanin and saponin, which are glucosides. The glucosides although capable of being fixed by sensitive cells, do not produce anti-glucosides. Only those poisons which are capable of giving rise to antitoxins can be regarded as true toxins. ENDOTOXINS. In contrast to the soluble toxins, the endotoxins are denned as the poisons contained in the bodies of bacteria and not spontaneously set free in cultures. Whereas the toxins are secretions of living bacteria, the endotoxins, according to the strict definition of R. Pfeiffer, are only set free by the destruction of the bacterium. It is the protoplasm of the bacterium itself which acts as a poison on absorption by the body. To bring the endotoxins into line with a well-known example, one may compare them to the zymase of Buchner, the ferment of yeast not excreted, or scarcely excreted, but set free by grinding up with sand and expression of the juice under a pressure of several hundred atmospheres. But this com- parison is not to be taken to mean that the endotoxins are diastases. Bacterial extracts have been produced by Buchner's process, but nowadays endotoxins are obtained by simpler procedures. MacFadyen grinds up the microbes at the temperature of liquid air ; others subject the cultures to combined maceration and shaking. Besredka takes young cultures, dries them, and re-suspends them in saline solution. The endotoxins are distinct from the proteins ; the latter are practically the same in the different species of bacteria. To deserve their name they ought to be specific and to give rise to antitoxins. 170 MICROBES AND TOXINS It is in the cholera vibrio, the plague bacillus, the typhoid bacillus, and the bacillus of dysentery that they have been chiefly sought for and thought to have been found. It is necessary to employ this qualified method of expression, because their definition and even their existence is still disputed. This chapter in the physiology of bacteria contains many uncertainties, and the facts observed cannot always be made to agree. The endotoxins obtained by different workers from the same bacterium do not seem to possess the same properties, especially from the point of view of the toxic dose and the resistance to temperature ; but it is also well known that with tetanus toxin different workers do not obtain equal specimens either. Between the endotoxins described as having the same general characters there exist differences which are not to be found between the diphtheria and tetanus toxins; thus the plague endotoxin is destroyed by heat from about 75 C. onwards, whereas the typhoid endotoxin resists 1 2 7 C. (accord- ing to Besredka). But physical differences are known to exist between the diphtheria and tetanus toxins also, which, though less striking, are none the less real. The dysentery endotoxin is easily obtained, the typhoid endotoxin less easily, the cholera endotoxin with great difficulty. The following are the principal points disputed. i. The fundamental phenomenon on which depends the existence of specific endotoxin is the toxicity of the bacterial bodies themselves. The nature of the bacterial bodies must first be agreed upon, and no agreement will be reached unless young bacteria are taken, avoiding as much as possible the alterations caused by manipulations, however carefully or cautiously conducted. Pfeiffer is inclined to regard with some suspicion the endotoxins which accumulate spontaneously in old cultures, considering them as products of a destruction of the bacteria, which is accompanied by chemical alterations (fermentative), of the details of which we are ignorant, These THE TOXINS 171 errors may be avoided by employing young bacteria from cultures of twelve to eighteen hours on solid media. 2. But in many cases difficulties are met with when one attempts to determine the relations between this endotoxin and the soluble poisons secreted by the same bacteria and apparently true toxins. For example, the cholera vibrio cer- tainly contains an endotoxin in Pfeiffer's signification, but it is none the less true that the cultures contain an excreted poison, the poison studied by Roux, Metchnikoff, and Salimbeni, on which the hope of a serotherapy in cholera has been founded. It is this poison which is absorbed into the body and produces the cramps, the chilling, and death, whereas the vibrios, however numerous they may be, remain in the intestine and only very rarely invade the blood and the tissues. " The free poison,'' says Pfeiffer, " does not exist in cultures except when these are already old and contain many vibrios already destroyed and autolysed." The cholera toxin of Roux and Metchnikoff is, however, chiefly secreted during the first days of a culture kept under the requisite conditions (a virulent vibrio and a well-aerated culture). This example is not in favour of Pfeiffer's opinion, at least in the case of cholera, for although he admits that the endotoxic bacteria can also secrete other soluble poisons, he maintains that the latter are quite different from endotoxins and do not possess their specificity. 3. Do the endotoxins give rise to antitoxins in the body of an immunised animal, as do the soluble toxins ? This is the most disputed question of all. Without denying the existence of anti-endotoxins in principle, Pfeiffer's school considers that hitherto none have been obtained which have passed satis- factory tests, and that the sera prepared against plague and typhoid fever have not hitherto been successful precisely because they do not contain anti-endotoxin. To prepare an anti-endotoxin, as in the preparation of an antitoxin, it is necessary to inject several times into an animal, for example, the horse, the toxic substance, in this case the bacterial bodies, entire or broken up. Good results are not obtained when endotoxins are injected subcutaneously ; intra- 172 MICROBES AND TOXINS venous injection is essential. By intravenous injection of young microbes, Besredka obtained anti-endotoxins which, both in vitro and in the animal, neutralise the toxic action of the bacterial bodies. Since the production of antitoxin is the essential character of toxins, these experiments would prove the reality of endotoxins as specific poisons. It is difficult to say to what degree the sera hitherto prepared against typhoid, plague, and dysentery are anti- microbic or antitoxic, i.e., active against infection or against intoxication. Although inferior to antidiphtheritic or antitetanic sera, the antidysenteric and antiplague sera have already given results sufficiently good to encourage us to bring to perfection the endotoxins and their anti-endotoxins. CHAPTER IX TUBERCULIN AND MALLEIN ANIMAL TOXINS VENOMS Tuberculin and mallein Koch's phenomen Action of tuberculin Local and general reactions Resistance of tuberculin towards physical agents which destroy other toxins Specificity No antituberculin Habituation to tuberculin Cutaneous reaction of v. Pirquet Tuber- culin and anaphylaxis. Animal toxins venoms The venoms in the animal kingdom Snake poisons Physiological action of venoms Digestive properties Haemolysis by venoms Role of lecithin Lecithids Natural immunity of certain animals towards venoms. TUBERCULIN AND MALLEIN THESE poisons are found in old broth cultures of the bacillus of tubercle and the bacillus of glanders. They are prepared by combined maceration and heat from glycerine extracts of the cultures. They exist also in the bodies of the bacteria and are thus in a sense endotoxins. But hitherto no antitoxins to them are known. Tuberculin and mallein from their physiological properties occupy a place apart. Tuberculin may be taken as the type. Koch's Phenomenon. The discovery of tuberculin originated in the " Koch's phenomenon " : when tubercle bacilli are inoculated subcutaneously in a guinea-pig nothing is seen at the point of inoculation for from ten to fourteen days, then a nodule appears which later produces an open sore, which refuses to heal ; the corresponding lymphatic glands are swollen. If, however, a guinea-pig already tuberculous is reinoculated after four to six weeks, there appears on the third 173 174 MICROBES AND TOXINS day, without any nodule developing, a necrosis of the skin over a zone of half to one centimetre ; the necrotic patch becomes detached, and the ulcer heals up and closes without any swelling of the corresponding glands. The same process takes place when, instead of living bacilli, bacilli killed by boiling are injected the second time. The tubercle bacilli therefore act in a different fashion in the healthy organism from the organism already tuberculous. Koch observed that a large dose of bacilli killed the tuberculous guinea-pig, whereas a very small dose produced an improvement in their condition and healed up the initial ulceration. He saw in this a principle of treatment. Since the bacilli are not readily absorbed, he replaced them by an extract from cultures ; this was the original tuberculin. This substance is practically harmless to non-tuberculous animals, but is fatal to tuberculous animals in a very small dose. In absolutely minimal doses, repeatedly administered, it exerts a curative effect on certain tuberculous lesions. Accord- ing to the size of the dose, it can act as a poison or as a remedy. These are its fundamental properties. Local and General Reactions. Koch ascribed the curative effect to the necrotic action which he had noticed after reinoculation of bacilli in tuberculous guinea-pigs. Tuberculin he said in 1890, does not kill the bacilli, it kills the living tuberculous tissues ; it does not even act on tissues already dead, such as the caseous masses. It acts on cells in the same way as the bacillus tuberculosis itself, but the soluble product has a much more extensive radius of activity than the bacillus. In what way does this necrotic action become therapeutic ? Because in a necrotic tissue the bacillus is badly nourished and grows feebly ; the dead tissue becomes a sort of slough or sequestrum which the body strives to get rid of. The action of tuberculin is, in a sense, surgical. It might be hoped that every part affected by it might be thrown off, and this is sometimes possible in tuberculosis of the skin and of the lungs. In many cases, however, it is impossible, and it TUBERCULIN AND MALLEIN 175 has always been feared that tuberculin might cause a necrosis of the tuberculous tissue without completely killing the bacilli, and might thus set them free and inoculate them on a tissue till then unaffected. When the tuberculin action does not quite reach the degree of necrosis, it merely produces around the tuberculous focus an active inflammatory reaction with an afflux of leucocytes, which may build up a fibrous, cicatricial tissue in place of the tuberculous ulceration. Tuberculin does not produce only local reactions; it pro- vokes a general reaction of the body, the most obvious sign of which is fever. In large doses the reaction occurs even in a healthy individual according to R. Koch, who observed this in himself ; but it is very probable that he had at that time some tuberculosis, and it has been maintained that tuberculin is entirely inactive in subjects who have never been attacked by the bacillus. Three or four hours after the inoculation of ^ c.c., Koch observed "twinges of pain in the limbs, a feeling of fatigue, and a tendency to cough. The symptoms became more pronounced, and about the fifth hour he had a violent rigorwhich lasted awhole hour with general uneasiness, vomiting, and fever (103 -3 F.). The symptoms began to settle about the twelfth hour, and on the following day the temperature was normal ; a heaviness of the limbs and stiffness were perceptible for several days after. The point of inoculation remained red and painful for a considerable time." In the treatment of a tuberculous patient with tuberculin, doses are employed which do not produce these violent symptoms. As far as possible no symptom, not even fever, ought to occur. A well-conducted treatment produces an improvement in many patients ; this fact is certain, but the mechanism of these cures is not yet well understood. The indications and contra-indications for treatment are complex, and cannot be settled except by a physician with a large experience of tuberculosis and tuberculin treatment. The febrile reaction which follows the inoculation of a dose 176 MICROBES AND TOXINS too small to be dangerous is employed in the diagnosis of tuberculosis, both among animals and in man. Tuberculin is very different from other toxins. It bears much less resemblance than they to the ferments. In the liquid condition it stands a temperature of 120 to 150 C. In the solid state, heated dry in sealed tubes, it stands 250 C. " If it is a substance derived from albumins," said Koch, " it cannot be a toxalbumin in view of this resistance to heat and of its dialysing properties/' It may be exposed to sunlight for months without losing its activity. Heating with acids (for example, -gV tn hydrochloric) and with alkalies simply weakens it without destroying it. Perhaps it is not a simple poison : in the condition in which we get it, it has no more claim to be pure than our diphtheria and tetanus toxins. Maragliano thinks that it contains, besides the poison which causes the fever and is not a toxalbumin, a poison which, on the contrary, lowers the temperature of the body, is destroyed by heating to 100 C., and is possibly a true toxalbumin. Tuberculin without tubercle bacilli does not reproduce tuberculosis. To provoke suppuration, caseation, and the typical lesion, the tubercle, living or dead tubercle bacilli are necessary : fluid tuberculin does not even produce the lesions which dead bacilli can give rise to : it has nothing in common with them but its destructive action on the cells and its power of raising temperature. It is eminently specific, not producing any definite effects except in tuberculous individuals. In this it differs entirely from the other bacterial poisons. It only acts on a prepared soil, a soil prepared by the bacillus tuberculosis itself, i.e., by an agent to which it is closely related both by origin and constitution. This specificity, though very marked, is not absolute. Tuberculin acts similarly, less, it is true, than in tuberculous individuals, but more than in healthy subjects, on patients affected by lesions resembling anatomically the tubercle, e.g., glanders and actinomycotic nodules. This extension of its field of action is perhaps due to the close biological relationship between the tubercle bacillus and the TUBERCULIN AND MALLEIN 177 micro-organisms of these diseases, perhaps to the existence of the same anatomical type of lesion, the tubercle, or perhaps to similar inflammatory and phagocytic reactions. Antituberculin ? Does tuberculin in animals, tuber- culous or not, treated and habituated to its effects, give rise to the production of an antituberculin comparable to antitoxins or even anti-endotoxins ? No; an antituberculous serum comparable to antidiphtheria or even antiplague sera does not exist, in spite of all efforts to discover it. Tuberculin in tuberculous subjects excites the production of certain reaction- or anti-bodies, but no true antitoxin. No treated individual has ever furnished a serum capable of neutralizing tuberculin either in vitro or in vivo, but serum of this kind can produce precipitates and clumps in a suspension of bacilli ; this action is, however, inconstant and of little value in medicine. Wasserman and Bruck have given the name of antituberculin to the reaction products which fix themselves on tuberculin as anti-bodies do on antigens (v. Chap. X.). The interpretation of these experiments is a question of some delicacy, and we shall see how doubtful are the relations between the presence of antibodies and the existence of an immunity, e.g., a resistance in the case of tuberculous individuals. Habituation to Tuberculin. By careful, repeated injections the tuberculous subject may be made to protect himself against the fatal action of tuberculin, and to enjoy a general improvement in his condition, without stopping the progress of his tuberculosis. Guinea-pigs may be made to support fifty lethal doses, yet their lesions progress in the ordinary way or even more quickly than usual. It is not yet well known what are the relations between the physiological action of tuberculin and the progress of a chronic tuberculosis. This habituation has been called immunity to tuberculin. It is not, however, an immunity or even a resistance to tuberculosis. It does not appear on repeated injections of equal small doses of tuberculin ; in this case, the febrile reaction, which was absent at first, finally appears and becomes severe. The fever remains absent when one proceeds by increasing doses (always 178 MICROBES AND TOXINS to be done with caution). With small equal repeated doses, tuberculin behaves like a poison towards which the tuberculous patient becomes more and more sensitive. Cutaneous Reactions. A drop of very dilute tuberculin, applied by means a prick or very superficial scarification on the non-tuberculous skin of a tuberculous subject, excites at the point a reaction which may extend to the. vessels and lympathic glands of the neighbourhood V. Pirquet's experiment ; this represents a new diagnostic procedure, the cuti-reaction. It has been modified and perfected by dropping the tuberculin between the eyelids (conjunctiva or oculo-reaction of Wolff-Eisner and of Calmette) or by inoculating it with a very fine needle in the depths of the skin itself (the intra-dermo-reaction of Mantoux). It is a reaction of extreme interest, for it occurs at a non- tuberculous point, i.e., a point containing no bacilli, in a tuberculous individual ; and can only be explained by suppos- ing that the whole body has become impregnated with sub- stances formed under the influence of the tubercle bacillus. ANIMAL TOXINS THE VENOMS 1 In the struggle for existence, certain animal species have acquired, as their means of attack and defence, organs which secrete and inoculate toxic substances. These animal toxins are the venoms, and such venoms are known at almost every level in the animal scale. Venoms in the Animal World. Among the Ccelen- terata the Actinians produce certain poisons which can be extracted from their tentacles, thalassine and congestine^ well known as having formed the subject of Ch. Richet's experi- ments on anaphylaxis. These poisons are perhaps the cause of the disease of sponge-fishers, who dive quite naked without a diving-suit ; the disease consists in burning of the skin and swelling, with gangrene and violent fever. The pedicles of the Sea-Urchins (Echinoderms) contain a 1 Vide papers of Noguchi and Calmette. TUBERCULIN AND MALLEIN 179 poison which stands boiling. This poison, in nature, is dangerous to crabs and fishes ; in the laboratory it is found to kill the rabbit. Among the Arthropoda, the Spiders and Scorpions (Arach- nidae) secrete active poisons. The excretory tubes of the poison glands of venomous spiders open at the point of the two appendices which are furnished with claws at the end and situated on each side of the mouth. The poison kills the small animals on which the spiders feed, and causes in man pain and contracture at the bitten point a sort of miniature tetanus. The poison of certain spiders contains a haemolysin^ i.e.) it lakes blood, making the haemoglobin of the corpuscles diffuse into the surrounding liquid (arachnolysin). The bite of the Tarantula (Lycosa tarentula) is only dangerous for the small animals on which they feed, and is quite harmless to man. According to Brehm, all the stories of the effects on man of the Tarantula bite are nothing but fables and fantasies. The venom of the Scorpion (Scorpio occitanus) of the South of France can kill a guinea-pig in a dose of half a milligram of dry extract ; for a rabbit one milligram. The scorpion is the subject of a legend which says that when it is enclosed by a circle of fire it commits suicide with its own poison. Now the scorpion is in reality immune to scorpion venom, towards which its serum acts like an antitoxin (Metchnikoff). Among the Myriapoda the Centipedes, and among insects the Hymenoptera, secrete venoms. The poison extracted from two bees (by grinding up the terminal part of their bodies in i c.c. of water) is sufficient to kill by asphyxia a mouse or a sparrow. It also is a haemolytic poison. There are many poisonous fishes. As a rule their poison glands are found at the base of the dorsal or caudal fins, or under the spine of the gill-flap. These venoms all resemble more or less that of the weever-fish, which has been most studied. Locally it causes pain and swelling, with fever and vomiting. At the time of spawning the poison is more abundant and more active. The tropical tetrodons are most N 2 180 MICROBES AND TOXINS venomous at the time of greatest activity of their reproductive glands. The Toad (Batrachia) manufactures poison in its parotid gland and the glands of the skin, but it has no other way of secreting it than by contracting its skin and covering itself with a viscous, nauseating slime, which is rather poisonous when injected into small animals such as mice. Phisalix and Bertrand have extracted two poisons from the toad, ' bufotaline ' and ' bufotenincj a poison of the nervous system. At spawning time the cutaneous glands of the male toad are full of venom, whereas those of the female are empty; but the poison accumulates in her eggs, from which it may be extracted by means of chloroform. The Salamanders possess on their sides and tail poison glands, and it is to the fluid which these secrete that they owe their fame as animals capable of living in fire and even of extinguishing it pure legend, of course. Their secretion permits, at most, of their surviving a few seconds. One venomous animal exists among the mammals, the Ornithorhynchus. Its poison gland is situated on its thigh, and the secretion escapes by a spur or claw on the hind feet. The poison resembles that of the snake Lachesis^ but is much more feeble. Medical men have been especially attracted to the study of snake-venoms. The vipers of our own country have few victims, but in India the cobra kills as many as an epidemic disease. In 1889, in India, 22,480 human beings and 3,793 domestic animals died of snake-bite. Of those bitten 25 to 30 per cent, die within *ten or twelve hours. The importance is obvious of the researches which led to the antivenom serotherapy (Calmette). As they issue from the glands the venoms resemble a thick, oily saliva more or less yellow. Their physical properties vary a good deal with the genus. The venoms of the Viperidae do not dialyse through a membrane and are destroyed entirely at 75 to 80 C. (Lachesis even at 65). Those of the Colubridae pass slowly through vegetable membranes, with TUBERCULIN AND MALLEIN 181 greater difficulty through animal parchment : they resist heating at 100 C. and are only completely destroyed at 115-120. From the chemical point of view both consist of proto- and deutero-albumoses : the albumins they contain are not toxic. S. Faust has extracted from cobra venom an " ophio- toxin" which contains neither nitrogen nor sulphur nor phosphorus. By using dried venom, which can be accurately dosed by redissolving in a known volume, it has been possible, as with the vegetable toxins, to determine the minimal lethal dose per kilogram in different species of animal. As with tetanus toxin the size of the animal bears no relation to its sensitiveness. With one gram of dry cobra-venom it is possible to kill 1,250 kilos, weight of dog, 2,000 k. of rabbit, 2,500 k. of guinea-pig, 1,430 k. of rat, 8,333 k. of mouse, 20,000 k. of horse, and 10,000 of man, i.e., 165 adults of average weight. The horse is thus the most sensitive of all these animals. The toxicity of the venom is very variable : it is more active (and doubtless less abundant) after the casting of the skin and after a prolonged fast. Physiological Action of Snake-venoms. The physiological action of snake-venoms is complex. They act on the cells of the organs, on the liver, the kidney, and the spleen : on the endothelial cells which line the interior of the blood vessels (especially the rattlesnake poisons) : on the nervous system (according to Rogers the venoms of the Viperidae paralyse the vasomotor centres, those of the Colubridae the respiratory centres) : on the blood, one of the oldest known effects and one much studied recently because the solution of the red corpuscles or haemolysis is a phenomenon very obvious and easy to study in vitro. The condition of the blood at autopsy varies according to the dose of the poison and the time; this is why the same poison is called coagulant or' anticoagulant by different workers. Snake-venoms have the properties of digestive ferments. They can dissolve coagulated blood and can destroy the cells of the vessel coats and even of the muscles. Cobra-venom 182 MICROBES AND TOXINS digests albumins but without reaching the peptone stage. The digestive properties are destroyed by heating to 70 C. Pancreatic juice, as is well known, when perfectly pure cannot alone digest albumin ; it has to be " activated " by a "kinase " ferment, secreted either by the intestinal mucosa or by the leucocytes. Now snake-venoms can take the place of this kinase and activate a pure inactive pancreatic juice. This is all the more curious since the pancreatic juice when activated digests and destroys venoms, which, as a rule, have in consequence no action when taken by the mouth. The venom secretion is thus for the snake itself a normal physiological secretion of great use in the digestion of the huge meals for which snakes are famous. There is further nothing surprising in the fact that non-venomous snakes, i.e., those not provided with poison-fangs, still possess glands capable of secreting venom ; it is simply used in the digestion of their food. Venoms thus, like toxins, resemble ferments with the same reservations. They are very closely allied to toxins. Their action, like that of toxins, is not simple; just as in tetanus toxin several different substances or functions can be dis- tinguished, a nerve-cell poison and a poison of the red blood corpuscles, so several physiological activities can be dis- tinguished in the same venom. But venoms act without any incubation period, or at any rate with a very short one. It is only the time elapsing between inoculation and death that varies with the dose, and that within rather narrow limits. Like the toxins, the venoms are destroyed at relatively low temperatures (resistance up to 100 to 110 C. does not interfere with the analogy). They act in minute dose and deteriorate or are destroyed by light, by photodynamic substances, by iodine perchloride, and alkaline hypochlorites. Finally, and most important, the venoms give rise to antivenoms, as toxins do to antitoxins. It is practically only with the help of the antivenoms indeed that the specificity of the venoms can be definitely demonstrated. Venom Haemolysis. The venom are haemolytic TUBERCULIN AND MALLEIN 183 poisons, and since haemolysis is a phenomenon much more convenient to follow experimentally than paralyses or nervous symptoms, they have been much studied, and from certain points of view are better known than the microbial toxins. The study of the toxins has profited by that of the venoms. Thanks to some beautiful experimental results, there is reason to believe that, with the help of the venoms, the study of toxins in general may make the advance so much desired by science, and from a physiological subject, studied only in the living animal, become a part of chemistry with its definite reactions. Some definitions and examples must first be given. When a rabbit is repeatedly inoculated with, for example, defibrinated sheep's blood, the rabbit's serum acquires the property of dissolving the red corpuscles of the sheep : these latter suspended in physiological saline solution in a test-tube with a little of this rabbit's serum, instead of settling intact and leaving a colourless supernatant fluid, break up, liberate their haemoglobin, and colour the fluid red. The rabbit's serum has become haemolytic for the red corpuscles of the sheep. Bordet has shown that haemolysis depends on the operation of two substances, or rather of two functions, of which we shall have much to say in connection with immunity : one is the alexine or complement of normal serum (destroyed by heating to 56 C. for one hour) ; the other is the sensibilisatrice or immune-body of the serum of immunised animals, such as the rabbit above mentioned (it stands heating to 68 or 70 c.). The latter owes its name to the fact that it prepares or renders sensitive the red corpuscles towards the action of the complement. The complement completes the action of the "sensibilisatrice," hence its name. If we take the blood corpuscles of a goat and add a little cobra-venom, haemolysis occurs. But if the blood corpuscles are first carefully washed with physiological saline so as to be entirely freed from traces of blood serum which might adhere to them, no haemolysis 184 MICROBES AND TOXINS occurs when the venom is added. But if now to this mixture of carefully washed goats' corpuscles and venom a little normal blood serum is added, haemolysis proceeds at once. It would seem from these facts that the venom acts like a sensibilisatrice or immune-body, the normal serum providing the alexine or complement. But there are other facts which forbid this interpretation. Normal serum activates the venom, it is true, but even when heated to 65 C. or higher it still activates : there exist even normal sera which cannot activate venom haemolysis until they have been heated at 100 C. It is inconceivable that it is the complement which is the active agent since complement is destroyed at 56 C. Further, washed corpuscles of certain animals are laked by the venom without any addition of fresh serum (corpuscles of dog, rat, guinea-pig, and man). Again, in the case of the washed goats' corpuscles, normal serum is not the only substance which can activate : laked red corpuscles, e.g., of the guinea-pig, can take its place quite well. Finally, in this last example it is not the fluid which acts, but the stromata or bodies of the corpuscles which have shed their haemoglobin, and these still possess their activity after heating to 100 C. It is thus impossible to attribute the activating action to the complement or even to the serum as a fluid. The active substance is not the complement nor is it an albumin, for albumin coagulates below 100 C. It is not a ferment, for a ferment heated in solution above 100 C. is no longer active. It is a definite chemical substance present in the serum and in the stroma of the blood corpuscles, namely lecithin. Lecithin is a well-defined chemical body, unlike albumin, for which we are unable to write a formula, still more unlike the complement and the immune body which, like the ferments, are known as activities or properties, not as substances. In venom haemolysis, therefore, our knowledge is more complete and clear than in the haemolysis of haemolytic sera. Lecithids. When blood of any species is easily laked by venom without addition of serum (e.g., in man, the rat, TUBERCULIN AND MALLEIN 185 and the guinea-pig) it means that the lecithin of the corpuscles readily detaches itself and unites with the venom. When the blood is laked only when serum is furnished in addition, it means that the lecithin of the globules themselves is firmly bound and difficult to set free. In certain cases heating to 65 C. or even higher is necessary to liberate lecithin from its combination with haemoglobin. The experiments of this kind have many complications of detail, since the three factors coming into play the blood corpuscles, the lecithin, and the venom are subject to many variations. A step in advance has been made in what may be called the mechanical or purely chemical explanation of haemolysis by the discovery that lecithin forms with venom a combination of a chemical character in which neither lecithin nor venom can be recognized. Kyes has named this combination or " couple " lecithid) or since his experiments were on cobra-venom, cobra- lecithid. In its physical properties (solubility in water, alcohol, ether, chloroform, and acetone) the lecithid differs from lecithin as much as from venom. It can be isolated in a crystalline form and redissolved in water. It acts on the blood of all animal species, and that without any incubation period. The delay observed in the action of venoms is not a period of incubation, but merely represents the time necessary for the formation of the lecithid compound. If the ready-made lecithin is added to the blood the haemolysis is more rapid than on the addition of the two elements separately. Strictly speaking, however, the venoms do not act without incubation : the time taken by lecithid formation represents the minimum incubation period. It is quite possible that in the action of microbial toxins there may occur a slow forma- tion (i.e., with a longer incubation period) of compounds analogous to lecithids. Cholesterin behaves as an antagonist to lecithin ; it has no effect on complement, but prevents the combined action of the lecithid by affecting the lecithin ; it thus forms a sort of antihczmolysin or antitoxin the composition of which is definitely 186 MICROBES AND TOXINS known. It is one of the dreams of biological chemistry to discover an equivalent to cholesterin for the other toxins. Still more interesting is the fact that the peculiar anaemia produced by injecting cobra-lecithid into an animal can be prevented by giving cholesterin. It would seem that cholesterin acts towards lecithin and lecithid, not only as an antagonist, but as a remedy. There are, of course, facts which prevent us from regarding as entirely similar the cobra-hsemolysin, on the one hand, and the solvent properties or haemolysins of normal and immune sera (sera derived from animals prepared by the injection of blood corpuscles) on the other. These, however, do not invalidate Kyes's conclusions in his experiments on the lecithids. The study of snake-venoms has shown a participa- tion of chemically-defined substances in phenomena hitherto only known from the biological point of view. It would be of immense interest, both theoretical and practical, to discover an analogous mechanism in the effects of toxins. Certain animals enjoy a natural immunity towards snake- venom, which, however, is never absolute. It is possible that these animals have received from generation to generation small doses of the venom as the result of being bitten, and that they have in consequence elaborated an antivenom. This forms the starting-point of artificial immunisation and antivenom serum-therapy. It is known that the blood of certain animals possesses normally a weak antitoxic action against diphtheria and tetanus toxins ; these animals similarly must have harboured tetanus and diphtheria bacilli. The animals possessing the most remarkable resistance towards snake-venoms are the hedgehog and the mongoose. To see the dramatic combats which take place when the mongoose tackles the cobra, one has only to read Kipling's marvellous tale of the war between " Rikki-Tikki " and " Nag " in \hejungle Book, CHAPTER X IMMUNITY PHAGOCYTOSIS AND HUMORAL IMMUNITY Early ideas of Pasteur on immunity Opposition to the phagocytic doctrine Cellular and humoral immunity. Antigens and Antibodies Complement The two substances : Borders experiments. Phagocytosis a fact capable of direct observation Ferments of the leucocytes Analogies with the digestive ferments. Pfeiffer's phenomenon Opsonins and bacteriotropins Antibodies not an exact measure of the immunity. IT is not necessary to have studied medicine or science in order to ask oneself what is this immunity which appears in infectious disease. Certain bacteria are pathogenic for certain animal species and not for others ; the guinea-pig, for example, does not take fowl-cholera and the fowl does not take anthrax. Among people living in one family under the same conditions and among soldiers in the same barracks living under the same rules we see disease attacking some while others remain free. Finally it is a popular conviction that anthrax does not occur twice and that, as a rule, once an individual has had measles or small-pox he never takes it again: these are everyday examples of acquired immunity. " Immunity against infectious diseases ought to be understood to mean the sum total of all the phenomena to which is due the resistance of an animal body to the microbes which produce these diseases " (Metchnikoff). Immunity may be innate or acquired. Natural acquired 187 188 MICROBES AND TOXINS immunity appears when there is spontaneous recovery from an infectious disease. Immunity the result of human interference (vaccinations, serotherapy) is artificial acquired immunity. After his work in collaboration with Chamberland and Roux which established the attenuation of viruses and the value of preventive inoculations, Pasteur, being a chemist, conceived immunity as a chemical process. He considered that the reason why the bacillus of fowl-cholera fails to grow in the fowl vaccinated against this disease was that the body of such a fowl no longer contained the necessary food-stuffs for the development of the microbe. The muscle which has been severely affected by disease has become, even after complete recovery, in some way incapable of supporting the life of the microbe, as if this latter during its previous growth had made to disappear from the muscle some principle which life is incapable of renewing and the absence of which prevents the development of the micro-organism. 1 He filtered a culture of the fowl-cholera bacillus and found that a re-inoculation of the bacterium in the fluid thus freed from the first germs always failed : when fresh nutritive substances were added to the filtrate, growth took place. It was not, therefore, the presence of some excretion, but the absence of some nutritive substance which explained " the immunity of a culture filtrate, or of the fowl considered as a natural culture medium." In natural innate immunity also he refused to recognise the presence of an inhibitory substance, basing his faith on the celebrated experiment of the fowl refractory to anthrax but rendered susceptible by chilling, and appealing to the "con- stitution " or to a " vital resistance," by which he conceived a struggle between the parasites and the body-cells for the oxygen and food materials available. But when it was found that bacteria could grow perfectly in the blood of animals possessing a complete immunity, Pasteur's early conception could no longer be maintained in its primitive simple form. Even to-day immunity has still to be defined as a complex 1 C. R. Acad, de$ Sciences, 1880, p. 247. IMMUNITY 189 of biological phenomena, for in spite of the hope of men of science some day to get beyond " vitalistic " explanations, no explanation in chemical terms can yet be given. Immunity is a function of the cells. Immunity means phagocytosis. Further research may fathom the nature of this activity and give a chemical explanation as in the case of peptic or pancreatic digestion, but the cellular activity is indisputable and is not a theory but a collection of facts, a doctrine in the true sense. The principles of this doctrine of phagocytic immunity have already been indicated in the chapter on inflammation. It is necessary to read in MetchnikofFs book his " historical review of our knowledge on immunity " (Chap. XVI) to comprehend how much his doctrine has developed. From the historical point of view it had to oppose the ruling conceptions, not only in medicine, but in pathological anatomy and in physiology. The few observers who had seen microbes inside the white corpuscles had never deduced from this a pro- tective function : quite the contrary, for authorities of the rank of Waldeyer and Robert Koch firmly believed that the microbes found in the leucocytes only a field of growth and a means of dispersion throughout the body. Haeckel, also, had no idea that the presence of foreign particles in the amoeboid cells was the result of an active engulfing process. The development of the phagocytic doctrine brought it into opposition to the humoral theory, which was sustained under the most varied forms by the most celebrated supporters. As with many other doctrines which have eventually been admitted as scientific truths, the doctrine of phagocytosis was revolutionary in con- ception and had to conquer by main force. It originated in zoology and is a result of the comparative method. From the study of the biology of organisms low in the scale of life, stage by stage it gained the field of medicine. These stages we have indicated in the observations and ex- periments already described in connection with the digestive activity of the mesodermic cells, intracellular digestion in general, the reaction of Bipinnaria to the introduction of splinters, the diseases of such lower animals as are transparent 190 MICROBES AND TOXINS and suitable for observation in the living condition, e.g., Daphnia, and finally the infectious diseases of animals and man. " I have sought to develop the conception that the intracellular digestion found in unicellular organisms and in many invertebrates has been transmitted by heredity to the higher animals and in them has become fixed and preserved in the amoeboid cells of mesodermic origin." Phagocytosis is in harmony with the Darwinian principles of evolution among living beings. The essential fact of immunity is the intracellular absorption and digestion of microbes and probably of toxins under precisely the same conditions as in the absorption and digestion of cellular elements and albuminoid fluids in general when introduced into the body. The general laws are the same whether it is a question of the absorption of extravasated blood after a wound or an internal haemorrhage, or of blood corpuscles injected into the peritoneal cavity of a guinea-pig ; whether one is dealing with cells so diverse as spermatozoa or epithelial cells, injected into the peritoneum of a foreign species, or with complex albuminoid fluids such as blood-serum, milk, egg-albumin, or finally with the bodies or toxins of bacteria. Laying aside the historical development let us now attack the mass of facts accumulated on the subject of immunity. Taking a general view of the observations and interpretations which are multiplying every day but are far from being universally clear or certain, two points of view are continually being opposed to each other, the activity of the cells and the activity of the body-fluids ; the cellular theory and the humoral theory of immunity. The supporters of the cell theory do not deny the participa- tion of the body-fluids separated, more or less artificially, from the cells, /.*., the phagocytes ; but they maintain that the cells are the primary and principal agents, the humoral properties being secretions or excretions of the phagocytes, and the final stage in the destruction of the microbes being digestion in the interior of the phagocytes. IMMUNITY 191 The supporters of the humoral theory consider that in immunity the body-fluids (serum, exudates, &c.) possess or acquire destructive properties independent of the cells; that there is a non-phagocytic destruction of bacteria (and poisons), and that even when this destruction appears to be completed in the interior of the leucocytes, the role of the latter is limited to seizing and absorbing bacteria already killed. Of course the antagonism between these two standpoints is not irreconcilable, and intermediate theories exist. The priority of the cells, however, as compared with the fluids FIG. 64. Intracellular (phagocytic) diges- tion in an intestinal cell of Planaria. (Metchnikoff.) FIG. 63. Phagocytosis o the red corpuscles of the goose by the phagocytes of the snail. (Metch- nikoff. ) independent of the cells, is still the subject of dispute; no theory succeeds in explaining the facts of immunity without acknowledging the activity of the phagocytes and the im- portance of intracellular digestion. The humoral theory first took the field with claims or aspirations to be a " chemical " theory, when some at least of the phenomena of immunity were successfully reproduced out- 192 MICROBES AND TOXINS side the body in the test-tube. It must be carefully kept in view that all the most plausible arguments in its favour are supplied by " in vitro " experiments. It is a laudable tendency to attempt to reduce biological phenomena to a mechanism reproducible at will, but it must not be allowed to distort the facts of nature. The study of immunity is, above all, the study of an infected body defending itself. We know neither the nature nor the composition of the substances concerned, albuminoid or otherwise : we are not even always sure that the substances posUr lated really exist. Too often we yield to the ten- dency to describe as sub- stances what we only observe as functions ; these functions have been sym- bolised by names and by signs, and some have even come to see in them actual things and things with an actual shape. It cannot be denied that at present, while we are still awaiting the advances so generally longed for, vitalism (in the sense in which certain critics of the phagocytic theory employ the word) represents the most realistic conception. Metchnikoff has therefore never ceased to recall and empha- size the differences which separate the corresponding (one cannot say " the same ") phenomena " in vivo " and " in vitro " : not that he disputes the importance of the latter, but to empha- size the necessity of associating them always with the phenomena in the living animal. Experiment ought always to deal as much as possible with the living creature itself. The cells and the body-fluids are hardly to be treated as substances capable of preservation in bottles, and this fact we will have occasion to recall more than once. FIG. 65. Phagocytes taking up spores of the tetanus bacillus (heated). IMMUNITY 193 Antigens and Antibodies. The cells which play a part in immunity are known : they are the phagocytes, the micro- and macro-phages. The humoral properties correspond to what are known as antibodies. The antibodies are the products (substances or properties) of a reaction of the body towards a natural or artificial introduc- tion into it of certain foreign substances, bacteria and their poisons, vegetable poisons of other kinds, and various albumi- noids all known by the name of antigens. The exact definition of an antigen is its capacity of exciting in the injected (or infected) body the production of an antibody. The discovery of the antibodies was so much more a splendid biological acquisition in that its practical importance was at least equal to its theoretical. The first antibodies studied were the antitoxins of diphtheria and tetanus. The discovery of the diphtheria toxin by Roux led to the discovery of its antitoxin in the hands of Behring. The neutralisation in an ordinary test-tube of a toxin by an antitoxin was one of the first and most brilliant "t'n vitro" experiments in immunity. It might certainly seem that this neutralisation could take place equally simply in the living animal with no intervention of the cells, but like a chemical combination. When an animal of species A is injected with the red blood corpuscles of an animal of species B, the serum of the former acquires the property of dissolving the globules of the other species : it becomes haemolytic and the prepared animal is said to have developed a hamotysin. When the body is vaccinated against the typhoid bacillus, the serum acquires the property of agglutinating a homogeneous suspension of typhoid bacilli : it is said to have produced an agglutinin. The serum of an animal A which has been injected with the blood or the serum of an animal B of a different species forms a precipitate when to it there is added a little of the serum B ; there is said to have been developed a precipitin to B. Haemolysins, agglutinins, and precipitins are the antibodies of which the blood corpuscles, the bacteria, and the serum- proteins are the antigens. o 194 MICROBES AND TOXINS Complement or Alexine. Before the discovery of the antibodies, at the time when attempts were being made to transfuse human patients with the blood of other mammals, in particular of the sheep, it had been noticed that the normal blood-serum of certain animals destroys the red corpuscles of other species : Buchner attributed this property to a defensive substance which he called alexine. Its chemical composition is unknown ; it is thought to be an albuminoid substance : it is known to disappear from serum on dialysis and to act after a period of inactivity or incubation ; it is destroyed by tempera- tures about 56 C., and only acts in presence of salts. Buchner classes it along with the digestive ferments. The serum of many animal species, expressed from the blood after coagulation, possesses the property of killing in vitro many infective bacteria without any apparent assistance from the body-cells : this destructive action is similarly attributed to the alexine or complement, and it is this bactericidal property which represents the simplest and crudest fact on which the whole structure of the humoral theory of immunity has been reared. The Two Substances. Bordet showed in 1895 that the serum of an immunized animal contains two substances, or rather two functions. Take a guinea-pig which has received intraperitoneally spaced injections of cholera vibrios : its serum now destroys these in vitro^ and ,is said to be bacteriolytic. Heated to 56 C., it loses this property, but on the addition of a little fresh serum, recovers it. The bacteriolytic action thus demands primarily a substance present in the fresh normal serum of any animal species (non-immunized), a substance which heating to 56 C. destroys : it is the alexine or comple- ment. But it demands also another substance present in the serum of treated animals and absent in normal serum, which is not destroyed by heating under 65 C. Bacteriolysis (the destruction of bacteria by serum) is thus due to the collaboration of two functions, by custom regarded as two substances. One, thermolabile, is the alexine or complement and exists in all freshly prepared normal sera. IMMUNITY 195 The other, thermostable, only exists (with rare exceptions) in treated immunized animals : in the example given above it makes the cholera vibrio susceptible to the action of the alexine or complement, or it may be said to fix this to the bacteria, or, finally, it may be regarded as forming the connect- ing link between the alexine or complement and the vibrios. It has been called by Bordet the ' sensibilisatrice? 1 The idea of two substances is not a theory, as Bordet remarks with great justice; there is nothing hypothetical in it. It is simply putting in words the facts observed, in particular those of re-activation. Haemolysis, agglutination, precipitation, in a word, all the reactions in which antibodies play a part, proceed in the same fashion and Bordet's discoveries have thus a general applica- tion. A fundamental experiment performed by Ehrlich and Morgenroth completes Bordet's observations. The immune body becomes fixed on the antigens (bacteria or blood corpuscles) without producing in them any visible modification, so that eventually the fluid containing it is completely robbed of immune body; this fixation prepares the way for the destruction of the corpuscles or the bacteria, but this latter does not occur till the complement is added. On the other hand, the complement does not fix itself to the antigen when alone, but only by the intermediation of the immune body. This collaboration of two substances or ferments in one complex physiological process is not the sole example in biology. The digestive ferments of the pancreas, amylase, saponase, and especially trypsin, fail to exert their full activity without the collaboration of the enterokinase, a ferment secreted in the juice of the small intestine not by the cells and glands of the mucous membrane itself, but by the lymphoid tissue, which is composed of white corpuscles : the importance of this fact will be seen (Pawlow; Chepowalnikoff ; Delezenne). 1 The alexine is called by Ehrlich the complement or complementary substance ; the sensibilisatrice is often called the immunizing substance ; the intermediate substance, immune-body or amboceptor. O 2 196 MICROBES AND TOXINS The antibodies quoted may themselves give rise to antibodies : anticomplements and anti-immune bodies may be prepared. We know now all the factors which come into play in the phenomena of immunity : on the one hand cells, the phagocytes ; on the other the body fluids, containing ferments the actions of which supplement each other, the immune body and the com- plements ; we know also that the experiments of bacteriolysis and haemolysis in vitro appear to indicate that the chief phenomena of immunity are independent of the phagocytic cells. Let us now examine the problem more closely and see if phagocytosis stands the test brought against it by the humoral theories. PHAGOCYTIC IMMUNITY In every case in which the body possesses immunity the bacteria against which immunity exists are devoured by the phagocytes, which collect in crowds, incorporate, and digest them. " Looked at from this standpoint immunity becomes a phenomenon much more general than a mere resistance of the body to infectious disease." On ultimate examination it reduces itself to a phenomenon of cellular suscepti- bility, of chemio- tactic influences, and of intracellular digestion, Immu- nity is a phenome- non of digestion. Phagoc ytosis can be directly observed in many (Metchnikoff.) cases of natural immunity: the disease of Daphnia presents one of the simplest and most typical examples, and similar ones have been observed among other invertebrates. Among the vertebrates the frog owes FIG. 66. Phagocy- FIG. 67. Microphage of tosis of anthrax the rat full of anthrax bacilli by the bacilli. (Metchnikoff.) macrophages of the rat's liver. IMMUNITY 197 its resistance towards the anthrax bacillus to phagocytosis, the same bacillus growing excellently in the body-fluids deprived of cells. Similarly, the anthrax bacillus grows very well in the body of a fowl, although the fowl is very resistant to inoculation. The effect of cold in rendering it susceptible (the famous experiment of Pasteur) is to be ascribed to a benumbing of the phagocytes. In the case of the dog resistant to anthrax, or of the guinea-pig to the spirillum of relapsing fever, or to the cholera vibrio injected in small dose in the peritoneum, the engulfment and digestion of the microbes by the phagocytes are visible facts and the figures appended are better than any description. On the other hand, the bacteria cannot be said to be expelled from the body through the various excretory organs. They are never found in the urine, provided the kidney filtering action is intact. They are never found in the sweat unless by faulty technique a little infected blood gets mixed with it. There is no digestion, even intracellular, without digestive ferments. Under the microscope the digestion of the ingested microbes can be seen going on in the digestive vacuoles of the phagocytes, and by means of the dye, neutral red, the acidity of the part in which digestion is proceeding is equally easy to demonstrate, as in the case of the digestive vacuoles of a myxomycete or an amoeba, or as in the intestinal cells of Planarians or Actinians. Metchnikoff considers that there are two varieties of leucocytic digestive ferments corresponding to the two great groups of phagocytes, the macrophages, which digest chiefly the cellular elements and the bacteria of chronic infections such as the tubercle bacillus, and the microphages which digest chiefly bacteria. They can be obtained by making extracts of those organs which are rich in phagocytes, the lymphatic glands, the spleen, and the bone-marrow. In natural immunity the digestive ferment of the leucocytes is simply the complement. There have been, however, many disputes regarding this point and regarding the origin of complement. Certain observers have recently maintained that the complement has 198 MICROBES AND TOXINS nothing to do with the white corpuscles. They have made extracts of leucocytic exudates withdrawn from the body, and shown that these extracts were either without bactericidal power or that the bactericidal substance they contained possessed properties quite different from those of complement. It is true that in extracts of white corpuscles prepared by maceration or freezing no complement can be detected capable of destroying bacteria, but such experiments do not prove that the production of complement by these is impossible. The complement may easily be lost in the course of the maceration and freezing, rather brutal processes in any case for living cells. It is also possible that the complement may be neutralised by some antagonistic substance contained in the leucocyte, some sort of anti-complement : we are certainly far from knowing all the substances contained by leucocytes. It is conceivable that they may respond to a slight injury, received in the course of the manipulation of the blood, by discharging into the surrounding fluid com- plement alone, whereas when more seriously injured they may discharge the neutralizing substance. Later it will be seen that Pfeiffer's phenomenon when correctly interpreted supports this view: in the body thoroughly immunized against the cholera vibrio but with the white corpuscles uninjured, the vibrios are not destroyed by the body-fluids and are altered only in the interior of the cells. According to Metchnikoff the complement is secreted by the phagocytes, never excreted, i.e., poured out into the serum or the body-fluids, so long as the phagocytic process remains normal ; it is only discharged when the phagocyte has been injured or phagolysed, as this semi-destruction has been called. It resembles the zymase of the yeast cells of beer, which are only liberated by processes which break up the cell. The fact is one of great importance, as will be found again in the discussion of Pfeiffer's phenomenon : the complement action never takes place outside the bodies of the phagocytes except when there has been phagolysis. In acquired immunity, i.e., in an animal which has IMMUNITY 199 recovered from an infection or which has been treated in the laboratory, other ferments develop which did not exist, or hardly existed, before the appearance of immunity : these are the sensibilisatrices, or immune-bodies or amboceptors of Ehrlich. They are secreted by the macrophages to some extent, but chiefly by the microphages, and are found in the spleen, in the lymphatic gland, and the bone marrrow at a stage in the immunizing process when they are still absent from the blood. They resist a higher temperature than the complement, and have properties resembling the ferment enterokinase of the small intestine. Just as the enterokinase prepares fibrin for the action of trypsin, so the immune-bodies prepare the bacteria or other cell-elements for the action of the complement : this is an analogy between extracellular and intracellular digestion which ought to be emphasized. There is not in any given animal a series of different com- plements : the complement from the same animal performs indifferently haemolysis and bacteriolysis, and dissolves equally well the typhoid bacillus and the cholera vibrio. The immune- bodies, on the contrary, are specific, being developed during the immunization against the invading cells (by inoculation or natural infection). Complement is discharged into the fluids bathing the phago- cytes only when phagolysis has occurred : the immune-bodies, on the other hand, are readily excreted by the phagocytes ; they resemble, not zymase, which is firmly bound to the protoplasm of the yeast cell, but sucrase, which is easily discharged. Recovery or inoculation does not increase the quantity of com- plement, but greatly develops the quantity of immune-body. In natural immunity the presence of immune- body is difficult to demonstrate, probably because there is little of it in existence, and what there is is contained in the phagocytes ; but in acquired immunity immune-body is abundant and is found, not only in the plasma and serum of the blood, but in exudates and cedematous fluids. Examples of acquired immunity exist in which the body remains poor in immune-body and in which the body-fluids entirely lack it ; in these it is necessary to 200 MICROBES AND TOXINS assume that the action goes on in the interior of the phagocytes. To refute the old opinion that the leucocytes form a good cul- ture medium for bacteria and serve as convenient vehicles for them, it has been necessary to show that in the phagocytes the bacteria die and are digested. To refute the opinion that the phagocytes simply incorporate bacteria already damaged or killed by other (humoral) actions, it has been necessary to show that bacteria are ingested in a living and virulent condition : as a matter of fact living motile bacilli (B. pyocyaneus} can be seen in the interior of a frog's leucocyte. Fatal anthrax can be produced in a guinea-pig by inoculating anthrax bacilli already engulfed by the phagocytes of a frog : it is only necessary not to wait too long, or digestion in the leucocyte may be completed. Pasteur noted that it was perfectly easy to kill the fowl and the rabbit by inoculating them with bacilli of fowl cholera already incorporated by the leucocytes of the refractory guinea-pig. The bacteria attacked by the phagocytes are therefore thoroughly alive and virulent. If we take an animal immunised against vibrios and inocu- late it with the same microbes against which it is immune ; if we withdraw now a drop of the exudate provoked by the inoculation and make of it a hanging drop in a sealed chamber at incubator temperature, we find that the phagocytes thus withdrawn from the body promptly die and the bacteria grow in their interior as if in culture. But from the phagocytes withdrawn from the animal a little later no such culture can be obtained ; the phagocytes have had time to digest the bacteria. No better conception can be furnished than this of the life and death of bacteria in the phagocytes. It has been said that the body-fluids have already attenuated the virulence of the microbe before its capture by the phagocyte. If such previous attenuation exists their remains still to be settled whether it is due to a cellular or to a humoral action : in any case it is far from being the rule. In Charrin and Roger's experiments the streptococcus, the pneumococcus, and the pyocyaneus bacillus grown in the serum of an immunized IMMUNITY 201 animal no longer killed fresh animals : but this was due to the fact that they were saturated with the immune serum which contained immune-bodies : deprived of these by thorough washing, they regained their original virulence. It has further been said that the microbes act through their toxins and that the body-fluids of an immunized animal begin by neutralizing this toxicity, after which the bacteria fall easy victims to the phagocytes. But if this were the case why should there be such profound differences between the immunity towards the microbes and that towards their toxins? Why should there be in animals immunized against the bacillus pyocyaneus or the cholera vibrio a complete resistance to infec- tion with these microbes along with a susceptibility to the toxins equal to that of a fresh animal ? In all these objections to phagocytic immunity it is always the idea of a direct primitive action of the body- fluids which appears, the idea of the humoral theory. Since it is admitted that the immune-bodies circulate in the plasma whereas according to Metchnikoff the complement remains in the phagocytes, since the phagocytic theory maintains that no excretion of complement occurs without phagolysis, it ought certainly to have been on this point that the humoral theory should have made its attacks. This is the central point on which turns the whole question : if without phagolysis there is no extracellular destruction of microbes in an immunised animal, when destruction takes place outside the phagocytes it means there has been an abnormal lesion, a phenomenon unlikely to occur spontaneously in nature and probably only an experi- mental accident ; it was the celebrated experiment of PfeifTer which threw the question into prominence. PFEIFFER'S PHENOMENON AND THE HUMORAL THEORY It was the following experiment of Behring and Nissen which, after the primary investigations of Fliigge, Nuttall and Buchner, seemed best to explain immunity by the bactericidal power of the body-fluids ; the serum of guinea-pigs well vaccinated against MICROBES AND TOXINS the vibrio Metchnikowii, a cholera vibrio, becomes much more powerfully bactericidal than the serum of fresh guinea-pigs. 1 It is easy to immunize guinea-pigs against lethal doses of the cholera vibrio injected intraperitoneally. Pfeiffer took a guinea-pig thus prepared, injected into it a certain quantity of vibrios, and then abstracted from its peritoneum a little of the exudate. He found that after a few minutes the vibrios had almost entirely disappeared from the peritoneum ; they had been transformed into granules, the first stage of destruction, the "commas" turning into "dots." Later these granules dissolved in the peritoneal fluid like a piece of sugar in water. The same phenomena were observed when the vibrios were injected along with immune guinea-pig serum into the peritoneum of a fresh guinea-pig. Pfeiffer' s interpretation was that in the immunized body the bacteria are destroyed directly by the body-fluids without the intervention of the leucocytes. Such then is Pfeiffer's phenomenon, so long discussed and for long a sort of touchstone in the two immunity doctrines. Metchnikoff and his pupils have subjected it to merciless criticism. First of all they showed that the granule formation takes place also outside the body when the vibrios are mixed with a little fresh serum from an immunised guinea-pig, or even when to the same serum, which from age or heating has lost its complement, a little fresh peritoneal fluid is added. (It was, in fact, while repeating Pfeiffer's experiment that Bordet discovered the two substances in the serum of immune guinea- pigs). In the test-tube, as in the peritoneum, the vibrios fall victim to the action of the complement through the inter- mediation of the immune-body. Since the granule formation is due to the combined action of the two substances, and since we know that the leucocytes do not readily shed their complement, which is therefore 1 It must be said in this connection that the experiment was insufficient to permit a general conclusion on the nature of acquired immunity ; a similar experiment with other bacteria gives a different result and even the vibrio itself when injected into an immunised animal remains alive in its body for several days. IMMUNITY rarely found in the normal body-fluids, this destructive action ought not to take place in these nor in any position except the peritoneum. As a matter of fact, if the immune guinea-pig is injected under the skin, in the anterior chamber of the eye, or in the fluid of a passive oedema, the phenomenon does not take place : the immune-body is present, but not the comple- FIG. 68. Cholera vibrios phagocyted by a macrophage of the guinea-pig and not yet transformed into granules. ( Metchnikoff.) FIG. 69. Cholera vibrios phagocyted by a microphage of the guinea-pig and turned into granules. (Metchnikoff. ) ment. When this latter is added in the form of a little fresh serum, the transformation into granules occurs. Why then does the phenomenon occur in the peritoneum if the complement remains inside the leucocytes ? It is because the mere act of intraperitoneal injection produces phagolysis. The injection of any liquid into the peritoneum, water or nutrient broth, for example, destroys some at least of the leucocytes which are found in it : they discharge, as is known, one ferment under these conditions, that which produces coagulation of the blood ; in the same way, they discharge this other ferment, the complement, which acts upon the sensitized vibrio. If then this initial phagolysis could be prevented, the phenomenon of Pfeiffer would also fail. Experiment has proved this : by injecting into the peritoneum sterile broth, freshly prepared and tepid, the leucocytes are rendered much less sensitive to a succeeding injection, and in the peritoneum thus habituated, thus " prepared," Pfeiffer's phenomenon does 204 MICROBES AND TOXINS not occur. When phagolysis is thus prevented, the vibrios in all the variations of the experiment possible fail to be transformed into granules but disappear by digestion in the interior of the phagocytes. If we take a guinea-pig strongly immunized against the vibrio of cholera and inject these bacteria directly into its circulation by the jugular vein, we find half-an- hour after no granule transformation in the circulating blood the vibrios retain their shape and are to be seen inside the leucocytes. No phagolysis has occurred, accordingly no Pfeiffer's phenomenon, and no extra-cellular destruction by the body-fluids. The resistance of the immunized guinea-pig depends so much upon phagocytosis, that if the leucocytic activity is paralysed by means of a dose of opium, the animal succumbs to a smaller dose of vibrios than is necessary to kill the non- narcotized animal. The destruction after phagolysis, Pfeiffer's phenomenon, is not even a general fact. It is true of the cholera vibrio, a fragile bacterium, but even with the typhoid bacillus, also comparatively fragile, it is only a modified Pfeiffer's phen- omenon which occurs. With the bacillus pyocyaneus there is still greater resistance, and greater still with the bacilli of swine- erysipelas and anthrax. In those cases in which the humoral action is imperceptible ', phagocytosis is active and constant. Opsonins and Bacteriotropins. There exist more recent theories which, while recognizing the action of the phagocytes, attribute to the body-fluids an important part in immunity : they are said to prepare the bacteria for phagocytic digestion. These preparatory substances or actions are the opsonins of Wright and the bacteriotropins of Neufeld. 1 1 In their experiments these workers have pursued the same general method ; they have studied the phagocytosis occurring with leucocytes withdrawn from the body and suspended in glass tubes, i.e., the phago- cytosis in vitro already studied in the old experiments of Denys and Leclef. Metchnikoff himself did not fail to compare phagocytosis in vivo and in vitro, having observed the incorporation of the anthrax bacillus by leucocytes suspended in urine and in aqueous humour which had been boiled and thus deprived of all antibodies. IMMUNITY 205 According to Wright the opsonins are the principal and determining cause of phagocytosis, the act of incorporation by the leucocytes being only the final concluding operation. Opsonins, being the essential factor in immunity, ought not to be present in the serum of fresh animals, i.e., there ought not to be any phagocytosis without opsonins, no spontaneous phagocytosis. But spontaneous phagocytosis is incontestable, as has been established by the experiments of Metchnikoff and Bordet : it is only necessary in in vitro experiments to allow enough time for it to take place : and from the moment that the existence of spontaneous phagocytosis is granted opsonins can no longer play the primary part in the phagocytic process. It is certain that the presence of normal serum favours phagocytosis in vitro (Wright and Douglas, etc.) : the serum acts on the bacteria, which are capable of fixing certain of its elements. Are the opsonins substances or properties new and unknown before Wright's researches ? Numerous experiments ascribe to the opsonins of normal serum the same properties as characterize the complement. They are products of the leucocytes. In the serum of immunized animals, which favours phagocytosis much more actively than normal serum, the opsonins are not to be distinguished from the immune-body : they can be used for the same re-activation experiments (Levaditi) and they also are products of the phagocytes. The bacteriotropins of Neufeld are considered by the majority of workers as being equivalent to the opsonins of immune serum and to the immune-body. There is no reason to deny these actions which favour phagocytosis. The work on opsonins and bacteriotropins is simply, to use Ehrlich's expression, a new flowering of the phagocytic doctrine. In Wright's and Neufeld's experiments it is chiefly the experimental method which Metchnikoff criticises. Leucocytes taken from the body, washed and in a different surrounding medium, can no longer accurately represent the phenomena occurring in the living body. The conditions are 206 MICROBES AND TOXINS abnormal and yet one knows that it is only in abnormal conditions that the leucocytes discharge complement. " The least change in the salt content of the surrounding fluid is sufficient to modify notably the phagocytosis. The leucocytes, of patients suffering from various diseases present a marked diminution in their vital activities. The destruction of bacteria is the work of phagocytes which are living and vigorous" (Metchnikoff, Nobel Lecture). Washing, chilling, maceration are quite sufficient to destroy the complement of the leucocytes ; how is it possible to conclude after such procedures that the leucocytes do not contain the complement ? The opponents of phagocytosis declare that it is the humoral properties which undergo the most marked increase during immunization. There is no doubt of such a development of bacteriotropins, opsonins and immune-bodies which in any case are phagocytic products. But it can be shown experi- mentally that the phagocytes are modified in immunity and modified sooner than the body-fluids. Leucocytes taken from an animal vaccinated against some microbe and injected into a fresh animal protect the latter from several lethal doses of the microbe, whereas the leucocytes of a normal animal fail. (Pettersson's experiment). The white corpuscles of the immunized animal supply protective substances at a time when the blood-fluids are not yet affected : and it is owing to the leucocytes that the body remains refractory after the body fluids have already lost their protective properties (Salimbeni). Serum is a fluid into which have been poured the ferments of the lencocytes, the fibrin-ferment and the complement. Injury to the leucocytes is necessary before blood will coagulate. By very delicate operations and with great trouble it has been possible to separate the blood corpuscles and obtain a plasma which remains for a certain time incoagulable. Now the properties of such plasma are very different from those of serum : the leucocytic excretions are absent. It is, how- ever, so difficult to obtain a true plasma identical with that of the circulating blood that such experiments have to be very carefully analysed. When quickly prepared immediately after IMMUNITY 207 bleeding the plasma contains no complement, but every minute afterwards injured leucocytes pour into it little by little the active substance. Antibodies and Immunity. There are innumerable facts preventing us from regarding as a law any correspondence between the quantity of antibodies in the serum and the degree of immunity of the animal : this is a definite proof that there is something else besides the humoral properties and that the preponderating part is played by the cell elements. The serum of guinea-pigs inoculated against anthrax was found by Behring and Wernicke to be incapable of protecting fresh guinea-pigs from a fatal infection. Pfeiffer immunised guinea-pigs against the bacterium which he regards as the cause of influenza in man, but these immunized animals did not produce a protective serum. In protozoal diseases such as malaria, there seems to be immunity in certain cases, but no one has ever demonstrated a protective property in the serum. To take an example among the invertebrates, the larvae of the rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes nasicornis] are immune to anthrax and in them the phagocytic incorporation of injected anthrax bacilli can be very well seen ; yet the blood fluid of these larvae forms a culture medium equally favourable to the anthrax bacillus, to which they are immune, as to the cholera vibrio which produces in them a fatal infection. Again, the dog is extremely resistant to anthrax, yet the anthrax bacillus grows very well in dog- serum ; all these are examples of immunity in which the bactericidal power does not play a part. It has been known since the experiments of Behring that rat's serum possesses a remarkable destructive power towards the anthrax bacillus ; now the rat is not immune to anthrax, and the degree of immunity which it does possess is due to the phagocytes. The bactericidal substance exists in the leucocytes, but not in the circulating plasma, nor in plasma carefully prepared by Gengou's method. It exists in the serum, but only because it has been discharged into this by the leucocytes. The rat is extremely susceptible to 208 MICROBES AND TOXINS anthrax if it is inoculated with a very fine needle so as not to provoke a haemorrhage at the point of inoculation. 1 Immunity towards toxins could be made to furnish analogous examples in abundance ; it will be discussed in the next chapter. In many cases Pfeiffer has seen his guinea-pigs, which had been thoroughly immunized against the cholera vibrio, succumb to the injection of a moderate dose of vibrios. Yet the serum of these guinea-pigs was capable of producing Pfeiffer's phe- nomenon. 2 Tuberculin carefully employed exerts a favourable effect in many tuberculous patients, and leads to the production of antibodies in their serum. Jochmann has quite recently made several observations of this kind under the direction of R. Koch, and has sought for a correspondence between the appearance and quantity of the antibodies and the resistance of the patient. He found it was impossible to maintain that the presence of antibodies meant recovery. Certain patients mani- fested great clinical improvement simultaneously with the appearance of antibodies; in others, the improvement was quite as great without the antibodies, while in other cases the appearance of the antibodies coincided with marked and fatal aggravation of the malady. It is obviously impossible to draw any conclusion as to the immunity of these patients from such in vitro experiments. 1 In this example of the rat there is no question of an antibody produced by immunization, but rather of a want of agreement between the natural immunity of the animal and the natural bactericidal power of the serum . 2 Quite recently Citron has shown that the serum of rabbits actively immunised against the so-called bacillus of hog-cholera possesses protective properties for guinea-pigs, whereas it has none of this for fresh rabbits. Rabbits prepared with extracts of the bacilli and without active immunity of their own (they succumbed to the test inoculation of living bacilli), nevertheless furnished a protective serum for guinea pigs. Choukewitch taking up this question again, prepared rabbits by large intravenous inoculations of the same bacilli, but in the killed condition. One rabbit of the lot acquired immunity towards the living microbes, but in every one of the series, not only the immune individuals but also the non-immune, the blood contained an abundance of antibodies, immune-bodies, opsonins, etc It even contained much more than the serum of rabbits rendered truly immune by subcutaneous inoculations of virulent bacilli. IMMUNITY 209 Immunity is entirely a cellular function and the inherent tincture of " vitalism " in the phagocytosis doctrine is unavoid- able. " The final phagocytic reaction is represented by the physical or physico-chemical processes in the digestion of microbes, conducted with the help of cytases, and favoured by the presence of immune bodies; in the resistance to poisons the phagocytes must also exert chemical influences. But before these phenomena occur, the phagocytes present activities which are purely biological ; such are the chemiotactic perceptions and movements directed towards the threatened spot, the engulfment of bacteria, and the absorption of toxins, and finally the secretion of substances utilized in cellular digestion " (MetchnikorT, L Immunity p. 390). CHAPTER XI IMMUNITY Toxins and antitoxins Chemical and physical conceptions of immunity. Side-chain theory Origin of the antibodies Theory of chemical equi- librium. The physical point of view : Bordet Phenomena of absorption or molecular adhesion Explanation of specificity Analogies between the reactions of antibodies and the reactions of colloids Lipoid actions. Phagocytosis and toxins The body plays an essential part Origin of antibodies and Wassermann's experiments The phagocytes in their connection with mineral poisons and microbial poisons, toxins, and endotoxins. IT was the discovery of antitoxins which inaugurated the study of antibodies. It was the necessity of explaining the action of antitoxins on toxins which gave rise to the theories on this peculiar problem and on antibodies and immunity in general. It was thought at first that in the immunized animal which manufactures the antitoxin, as well as in the animal immunized by the injection of the antitoxic serum, the cells play a part. Buchner enunciated the hypothesis that the body produces antitoxin by transforming the toxin ; he quoted, as a distant analogy, the transformation of one compound into another by polymerization. But it is difficult to understand how there could be such a disproportion between the toxin injected and the antitoxin produced; the horse produces, according to Knorr, for one unit of toxin injected 100,000 units of anti- toxin. Buchner performed a pretty experiment, which has lost none of its interest, by showing that after accounting for the differences in weight and in natural susceptibility, a mixture of 210 IMMUNITY 211 tetanus toxin and antitoxin which is neutral for the guinea-pig is fatal to the mouse ; it is impossible to avoid the conviction that the body, that of the guinea-pig or of the mouse in this example, counts for something in the phenomena. The same ideas were maintained by Roux at the time of the discovery of serotherapy. But, on the other hand, the action of antitoxin on toxin seemed to be a neutralization, and to behave both in vitro and in vivo like a chemical reaction ; and in practice it was found necessary for medical purposes to titrate the sera in this way to measure their activity ; the ideas of Buchner and of Roux were then laid aside, only to be rediscovered later; the biological phenomena were subordinated as much as possible to quantitative studies, and the endeavour was made to represent the action of antitoxins on toxins as a chemical reaction. The Side-chain Theory. The best known chemical theory for the action of antitoxins and antibodies in general is that of Ehrlich, which is currently known under the name of the " side-chain theory." The primary idea of its author was to find in the facts mutual relations as much as possible fixed and independent of the body, and to eliminate all " vitalism " in favour of exact quantitative work. To begin with, he adopted the method of in vitro experiment. The nature of the tetanus and diphtheria toxins had been rendered much clearer by the study of other toxins more easy to work with, such as haemolysins, agglutinins, ferments, and anti- ferments (ricin, abrin, rennin, and antirennin, etc.). Pre- liminary experiments in vitro showed the general applicability of the same laws. Originally Ehrlich believed that the curative and preventive action in vivo was equivalent to the neutralising action towards the diphtheria toxin in vitro, a belief which later experiments were to disturb. The second step was to demonstrate that antitoxin does not destroy toxin, but that the two bodies combine to form a com- pound (neutral from the physiological point of view), just as an acid and a base combine to form a salt. P 2 MICROBES AND TOXINS Antitoxin does not destroy toxin because the two reacting bodies can be recovered. For example, the neurotoxin of cobra venom resists heating to 68 C. ; when the neutral mixture of venom and anti-venom is heated, the toxin can be recovered if this is done during the ten minutes which follow the preparations of the mixture (Calmette's experiment). From a neutral mixture of cobra-haemolysin and anti-venom, it is possible to recover the haemolysin by the action of hydrochloric acid ; the recovered haemolysin manifests its action on the addition of the necessary lecithin (Morgenroth's experiment). A mixture of diphtheria toxin and antitoxin (twenty-four hours' contact), harmless to the rabbit, recovers its toxicity when treated with hydrochloric acid, the toxin being set free (Morgenroth and Willanen's experiment). Heat, nitration, the action of a digestive diastase, are other methods of dissociating the toxin-antitoxin com- bination provided the intervention takes place without too long delay. How then are the toxin and anti-toxin to be represented ? Probably as albuminoid substances of large molecules capable of being represented by stereochemical models and possessing a nucleus on which are grafted lateral chains. To conceive of the action of the toxin on a cell, it is only necessary to imagine the molecules of the cell protoplasm as containing figures of the same kind. The toxin molecules enter into relation or combination with the cell molecules by means of these atom groups or side-chains. Ehrlich calls them " receptors " or " haptophorous groups." The term " side-chains " was borrowed directly from the chemistry of benzene. Such stereochemical symbols were introduced into science by Emil Fischer to represent the specific action of the ferments : one body acts specifically on another, because an atom group of the one is adapted to an atom group of the other, as with a key and the corresponding lock. Thus the haptophorous group of a toxin fixes itself on the receptor of a cell, both haptophore and receptor being " side-chains." This in fact is the central idea of the theory, the same mode of chemical action, the same relations between receptors and IMMUNITY 213 haptophorous groups, conceived after the manner of the reactions of organic chemistry ; and this molecular stereo- chemistry explains all vital phenomena : the action of a toxin on the cell, the action of antitoxin on toxin, the production of antitoxins, and immunity in general. Finally, since the same combinations and linkages go on in the metabolic changes of all living matter, the conception of side-chains becomes a general theory of nutrition ; so much so that, with all his chemical language and mechanical attitude of thought, Ehrlich arrives at the same formula as Metchnikoff with his " vitalistic," or rather, biological explanation: immunity is a function of nutrition. This idea has been Ehrlich's guiding principle in all his scientific work, and it is from it that we have to start in order to arrive at the principal laws of immunity. Let us represent the protoplasm molecule as possessing numerous and varied functions, the agents or the bases of which are distinct atomic groups. This molecule consists of a central nucleus (analogous to the nucleus of the aromatic compounds), which maintains its continuous individuality, and of numerous side-chains or receptors which act towards the nucleus as organs of communication or nutrition. The primary food-stuffs and the toxins which circulate in the blood and body-fluids have haptophore groups which are fixed by the cell receptors; and it is thus that all the modifications of the protoplasm are carried on. Take a poison like the tetanus toxin introduced into the body. We know by definite experiments that it is " fixed " by various cells and in particular by the nerve-cells. The toxin molecule is treated by certain definite receptors of the nerve-cell as a food material j it possesses a haptophore group which hooks on to the receptor, but it possesses also a toxophore group, an atom group which exerts the toxic action ; it is through the haptophore group that the toxophore group is fixed by the cell and acts as a poison. If the toxin has been injected in sufficient quantity, numerous cell receptors are occupied, monopolized by the 214 MICROBES AND TOXINS toxic molecules; the cell, deprived of the use of these receptors, has its functional activity diminished and its nutrition threatened. But all injured protoplasm possesses a reparative or regenerative power ; the cell reproduces receptors ; it even manufactures a great many more than is necessary. To follow Weigert's dictum the living matter overstimulated by the lesion regenerates itself much beyond its needs ; these receptors regenerated in excess are cast off by the cell and pass into the body-fluids ; and it is these which fix and neutralize a fresh dose of toxin injected into the body. Antitoxin is nothing but these Free Receptors. It acts like a lightning-conductor. Withdrawn from the body which produces it and introduced into another animal, it retains the same fixing property and is the active agent in therapeutic sera. Thus there is no essential difference between the receptors which produce the antitoxin and the normal "nutrition FIG. 70. Diagrams to represent Ehrlich's theory. 1. Haptophore group h and toxophore group t. 2. Cell C injured at / : its receptor r. The toxin is represented by T with its haptophore group h and its toxophore group t. 3. A toxin molecule : haptophore group h : toxophore group t : anti- body or free receptor a. r. 4. A cell C with a fixed receptor r : a detached free receptor forming the antibody a. r. i the toxin T with its haptophore and toxophore groups h and t. receptors " of the cell. A cell susceptible to the poison pro- duces an antidote, but the antidote may also be produced by cells which are insusceptible, /.*., not only by the "noble" cells, but also by the connective-tissue cells, and it is necessary IMMUNITY 215 to add, in the light of the experiments of the Metchnikoff school, by the leucocytes. In bacteriolysis and haemolysis as defined by Bordet's experiments, also immunity phenomena, the complement and the amboceptor (or immune-body) come into play. Com- plement is an atom group already present in the body, whereas amboceptor is analogous to the antitoxin : it possesses, how- ever, two haptophore groups, one uniting with the cells (blood corpuscles or bacteria), the cytophil group, the other linking up the complement, the complementophil group. The anti- bodies are receptors or amboceptors set free and detached from the cells which form them. It is impossible to follow here all the developments of the side-chain theory. Ehrlich has complicated it almost to excess in order to include in it the infinite complexity of facts observed in experiments with the various antibodies, anti- toxins, haemolysins, bacteriolysins, and the other cytolysins, precipitins, and agglutinins. The dominant idea is always to give a chemical interpretation of nutrition and, as a particular case of this, of immunity. The conception was first intended to explain the physiology of toxin and antitoxin action, and it is to this that it is best adapted ; but it has had to undergo complication, not only to include the largest number possible of the ascertained facts, but to act up to its original intention as an explanation in terms of chemistry. It is to explain all these facts 1 that the distinction between 1 For example these, that the broth culture of the diphtheria bacillus which constitutes crude toxin is not a simple substance : nor is there any reason to believe that the broth cultures of the tetanus bacillus is any more so, since it contains at least two poisons, tetanolysin and tetano- spasmin. The products of cell-life are frequently very complex : Ehrlich, for example, quotes with justice cinchona bark with its twenty odd alkaloids and the liver cells with their round dozen ferments. Toxin left to itself, even protected from light and heat, rapidly becomes modified : it feels the effect of age and not only deteriorates in activity but undergoes qualitative changes. Toxin acts after a period of incuba- tion. The neutralization by antitoxin no longer proceeds in the same way when the appropriate dose of antitoxin is added hi separate fractions instead of all at once (Danysz-Dungern phenomenon). 216 MICROBES AND TOXINS the haptophorous and toxophorous groups has been conceived, and that in toxin the toxones and toxoids have been postu- lated. But the complexity is also due to the necessity of making the facts conform to the idea of the chemical nature of these actions, and especially to the law of multiply which demands that the same quantity of toxin should always be neutralized by the same quantity of antitoxin. The theory flatters itself also on its capacity to explain the specificity of the antibodies ; for the complexity of the groups is supposed to be sufficiently great to permit a haemolysin against goat corpuscles to differ from a hsemolysin against rabbit corpuscles. Even for the fairly numerous cases in which specificity is not rigorous an explanation is forthcoming: different receptors possess certain elements in common, and it is possible that a serum which precipitates horse serum may also precipitate the serum of the ass. The side-chain theory has been of great service ; it has, its supporters say, a great " heuristic " value, /.., it has been the means of discovering many interesting phenomena, and has led Ehrlich on to his chemotherapeutic studies, in which he has gained such magnificent successes. Nevertheless, it cannot be said that these fortunate results prove the truth of the theory : the discovery of " 606," for example, proves neither the existence of the side-chains nor the truth of the chemical theory of immunity, Theory of Chemical Equilibria. Again to explain the action of toxin and antitoxin, Arrhenius, Madsen and Walbum have proposed another chemical theory. They criticize the complexity of the theory of Ehrlich, they do not admit the com- plex nature of the diphtheria toxin, and they attach great im- portance to the experiment of Danysz-Dungern on partial saturation. The facts can be explained by conceiving the toxin + antitoxin reaction as a chemical interaction, not between a strong acid and a strong base, but between a weak acid and a weak base, for example, ammonia and boric acid. The reaction toxin and antitoxin is comparable with those reactions known as reversible and is governed by the law of IMMUNITY 217 mass-action of Guldberg and Waage, if one supposes a state of unstable equilibrium to exist among the combinations. 1 The combination toxin + antitoxin must therefore be dis- sociable ; Arrhenius and Madsen are of the opinion that they have demonstrated this by their experiments on the diffusion of the mixture in a column of solidified gelatine and by their distribution experiments (e.g., distribution of agglutinin between bacteria and the immersing fluid). Many facts which led Ehrlich to his hypothesis on the toxins are explained by Arrhenius in terms of these dissociations, and in general by the fact that antibodies and antigens have only a feeble affinity for each other. To the diffusion experiments it has been urged in reply that the dissociation only takes place because the mixture poured on the gelatin has not had time to form the final combination ; while to the hypothesis that a quantity of free toxin is present in the mixture, it has been replied that if this were the case antitoxin would never act in the body; the body would fix the free toxin, the toxin-antitoxin equilibrium would be dis- turbed, a new quantity of toxin would be set free, and so on. Physical chemists regard the dominant idea of Arrhenius's theory with great reserve ; they doubt the justice of employing the laws of chemical equilibrium and rates of reaction in speculations as to the reactions which go on between bodies of which nothing is known from the chemical point of view. Nernst has verified the use made of the laws of reversible actions, and he denies the possibility of applying to colloidal substances laws established only for homogeneous liquids. This does not mean that there is anything odd in attempting 1 When a substance in solution of a molecular concentration m reacts with another substance in solution in concentration , the mass of the substance formed by their combination is in a given time proportional to the product mn. For example, when in a given volume 3 molecules of alcohol react with 2 molecules of acetic acid, the quantity of acetic ether formed in a given time is 3 x 2 = 6 ; if 5 molecules of alcohol react with 3 molecules of acetic acid the quantity of acetic ether formed in the same time is expressed 218 MICROBES AND TOXINS to apply physico-chemical laws to biological phenomena in spite of the variability of living creatures and of their products. It is impossible for biologists to refrain from seeking quanti- tative laws and from applying physico-chemical laws to immunity phenomena. Quantitative results have been ob- tained in the study of diastases, and Ehrlich has discovered facts of the greatest interest by means of his experiments in vitro on titrations and measuring. It is only necessary to agree upon the conventions necessary (in physics itself these cannot be dispensed with) and not to employ such unjustifiable expressions as " gukrison in vitro " (in vitro cure). It is always possible to return to the biological point of view when this becomes necessary, as Ehrlich himself did, when considering Weigert's ideas on the regeneration of protoplasm. THE PHYSICAL POINT OF VIEW. Bordet rejected Ehrlich's system, and compared the " anti- gens + anti-bodies " reactions to phenomena of absorption and molecular adhesion, even before the closer comparison with colloidal reactions had been arrived at. He does not only complain that the side-chain theory is too complicated ; he criticises its whole disposition. Immunity is a problem not yet ripe ; and the solution will probably come from a quarter quite unexpected. There are enormous gaps in our knowledge. Why, then, make adventurous generalizations when the biological facts are far from permitting this ? Every theory that can be constructed must base itself for the moment on facts not yet demonstrated. Let us keep close to the experiments, and be content to advance step by step. Ehrlich's theory is dangerous, in that it offers too readily conceptions which have the appearance of explanations, and which, therefore, are apt to dull the appetite for research. " For my part," adds Bordet, " I have been unwilling to construct a theory ; I do not adduce any general conceptions ; the hypotheses which I have proposed are IMMUNITY 219 scarcely worthy of the name, they differ so little from mere critical statements of experimental results. Even at the risk of being regarded as incapable of generalizing, I prefer to stick to the facts without moulding them into a system." In immunity phenomena, we observe certain activities ; but why materialize them and picture each by an atomic group ? In the side-chain theory we are told that the antibody is nothing but a cell-receptor affected by the antigen. This identity is not proved. Why should not the cell with its power of adaptation and reaction produce some new and original substance ? When the " substance " which we call agglutinin clumps cells or bacteria, does it really bring into action an atomic group, or side-chain, which attaches itself and another group which agglutinates ? The explanation is artificial. In reality it is not the agglutinin which agglutinates ; it is a salt. The antigen (bacteria) and the antibody (agglutinin) form a com- bination which produces floccules, or, as it is expressed nowadays, is " flocculable " by electrolytes. It is this couple or " complex " which agglutinates. 1 An analogous coupling must be regarded as taking place in all the reactions of antigens and antibodies, and Ehrlich's theory is wrong in attributing everything to the antibodies and nothing to the antigen. There are no " amboceptors " in reality, there only exist " uniceptors " capable of being absorbed. It was therefore not with the purpose of disputing details that Bordet accumulated his experiments on the mode of fixation of the complement on the immune body ; in this field he has discovered the principal facts which render the side-chain theory impossible as a dogma, if not altogether impossible as a conception of certain phenomena. The important fact is that there is never absorption of complement by an immune body without the presence of an antigen, so 1 The salt acts on bacteria saturated with agglutinin but it acts also on bacteria which have absorbed various chemical substances, iron, uranium, or aluminium. 220 MICROBES AND TOXINS true is it that it is the antigen-antibody compound which absorbs the complement. Although the complement of one animal species may differ from that of another species, yet in a given serum, in opposition to Ehrlich's theory, there exists but one complement or rather one complementing property (exp. of Border., Gay, Muir and Browning, etc.). It is due to Bordet's correct attitude on these points that the Bordet- Gengou reaction (complement fixation) has been capable of such successful application in various bacteriological diagnostic methods, and recently by Wassermann in the diagnosis of syphilis. Finally, since the complement attaches itself, not to the immune body, but to the antigen-antibody combination, there is no reason to suppose the existence of a haptophore group of the " complementophile " kind, indispensable to the immune body if complement is to be fixed. This question has for some time been a sort of test for the side-chain theory, and it seems to have resulted in favour of Bordet's ideas. 1 From the beginning of his researches in 1896, Bordet has imagined immunity reactions, not as chemical combinations, but as physical phenomena of absorption or molecular adhesion. He considered that in agglutination (where the bacteria are passive, since dead bacteria also agglutinate) serum acts by modifying the relations of molecular attraction between the bacteria and the fluid bathing them, and that, in the first phase of the phenomenon at least, the bacteria behave like particles in general. Under the influence of Duclaux's ideas, he observed the resemblances between agglutination and coagulation. From the point of view of their coagulating and dissolving properties, he compared the active sera to the digestive juices, and, like Metchnikoff and after him Ehrlich, he also saw in immunity, though from a different point of view, a particular case of the physiology of digestion. At that time the results of the study of colloids had 1 Experiments of Ehrlich and Sachs, of Sachs and Bauer ; of Bordet and Gay and Bordet and Streng on haemolysis by ox-serum. IMMUNITY scarcely begun to be applied to the study of immunity, and the body-fluids, the toxins, and the ajititoxins had not yet been studied from the point of view of their colloidal con- stitution. The phenomenon of adsorption (ad in preference to ab as expressing the idea of attraction or adhesion) is a very general one, and does not depend absolutely on the colloidal state. Bordet therefore, in explaining his conception, pre- ferred to employ the comparison with dyeing processes. The action of antitoxin on toxin appeared to him to resemble, for example, the action of iodine on starch : the immune body which prepares bacteria or cells for the action of complement he regarded as acting after the manner of mordants in dyeing, intermediary substances necessary for the fixing of certain dyes on certain cloths. Thus in haemolysis the union of the immune-body with the blood corpuscle (anti-body + antigen) forms a combination possessing a greater adsorptive affinity than the normal corpuscle : the complement tends to become precipitated on the sensitized corpuscle, and the attraction which the latter exerts is more powerful the more heavily it is sensitized. 1 Inorganic substances present similar phenomena. Water runs off a watch glass coated with paraffin without sticking to it, but if the water contains barium sulphate in suspension it wets the paraffin and spreads over it ; this depends on the fact that the surface of the paraffin becomes coated by molecular adhesion with a thin white film of barium sulphate, which water can wet ; this film is not removed by rinsing in water, and can only be removed by rubbing. There are even sub- stances which inhibit this fixation of the barium sulphate on the paraffin, just as there are substances which inhibit the fixation of complement by sensitized corpuscles. On all the most important points of the question of the toxin and antitoxin combination, the physical theory is the 1 Those sera which possess the power of inhibiting haemolysis act by keeping the complement in a condition of greater suspension or dissemina- tion in the fluid ; they thus render it more stable, unlike saline solution, which produces a condition of instability in which the complement condenses itself or is precipitated on the attracting sensitized cells. MICROBES AND TOXINS reverse of the chemical theory of Ehrlich ; the one simplifies where the other complipates. In the chemical theory the same quantity of antitoxin ought to combine with the same quantity of toxin, so, to account for the irregularities in the actual facts, there have been introduced the hypotheses of the haptophore group separate from the toxophore, of the toxones, toxoids, &c. On the contrary, Bordet supposes that the antitoxin really unites with the toxin in varying proportions : the toxin can fix, can, so to speak, dye itself with antitoxin in greater or less amount just as starch can take up varying quantities of iodine and become thereby stained a more or less dark blue. In the same way, in haemolysis the corpuscles can absorb variable amounts of the active substance according to the concentration of the solutions and the duration of the contact. The distance of this idea from the theory of chemical equivalents is apparent. When a given quantity of toxin is mixed with a quantity of antitoxin insufficient for complete neutralization, what occurs is not a monopolization of the antitoxin by a portion of the toxin mole- cules, forming a complete combination with it while the rest of the toxin remains free (i.e., the chemical conception). On the contrary, the antitoxin is equally distributed over all the toxin present, so that the latter is attenuated throughout and presents a diminished activity. To return to the same analogy, it is faintly dyed. It can produce toxic effects qualitatively different from those due to an intact toxin or a toxin completely neutralized without necessitating the hypothesis of a special chemical condition (toxones). 1 The phenomenon of Danysz-Dungern (the antitoxin has a different action on toxin when the mixture of the same quantities is made at one instead of several additions) does not compel the hypothesis that in toxin there are several chemically 1 The fact first observed by Ehrlich, namely, the difficulty of preparing exactly neutral mixtures of toxin and antitoxin, can thus be easily explained. The effects produced by a hsemolysin more or less neutralized and the experiments of Grossberger and Schattenfroth on the toxin and antitoxin of the bacillus of quarter-evil have confirmed Bordet's views of the nature of the toxin + antitoxin reaction. IMMUNITY distinct components. If a large piece of filter-paper is dipped in a rather dilute solution of a dye it is faintly stained; if the piece is cut into small pieces and these are immersed in turn for a certain time, we find that the first pieces take up the colour and leave almost none for the last. Substitute for the dye the antitoxin and for the paper the toxin ; if the mixture is made at one blow the toxin is attenuated in its whole bulk : if, however, the mixture is made by several additions, the first portions of the toxin take up the antitoxin and the later portions, not being neutralized, remain much more toxic. Further, the fact that toxin and antitoxin mixtures (and in general antigens and antibodies) become in time less dissolvable and more stable is also explained by adsorption phenomena. When a piece of cloth is placed in a dyeing vat the dye loses its attachment to the dissolving fluid and adheres more and more intimately to the cloth until it can no longer be redissolved. A similar example may be quoted in connection with the precipitates produced by alcohol in certain albuminous fluids, precipitates which are fairly easily redissolved in water immediately after their precipitation, but which are no longer soluble when a certain time has been allowed to elapse for their aggregation. -When three substances exist together, two of them may compete with each other in the fixation of the third ; it is thus that the protective action of certain substances is to be explained, as, for example, the albuminous substances of the blood which protect blood corpuscles against the action of soap (Meyer) or of eel-serum (Frouin). 1 One thing that the physical theory has not yet explained is the specificity of the reactions of immunity, but it is not incapable of explaining even this. It is not difficult to imagine that slight physical modifica- tions may change the affinities on which depend the molecular attraction ; that is certainly no more difficult to imagine than 1 Citrate of soda protects blood corpuscles against the agglutinating and haemolytic action of sulphate of barium. The lecithin of ox-seram is held in check as regards its action on guinea-pigs' corpuscles by some albuminoid material. MICROBES AND TOXINS the innumerable molecular groups postulated by the side-chain theory. For example, the antiserum prepared by an animal against a protein has not the same properties as the serum obtained against the same substance previously subjected to heat (exp. of Obermayer and Pick). Hens' serum agglutinates the lipoids extracted from the red corpuscles of the rabbit much more vigorously than those from the ox. It is easy to found a theory for specificity on the absorption phenomena, and such theories already exist ; hitherto they have been too philosophical, but it is satisfactory to know that experiment has already furnished the germ of a scientific explanation. The Colloids. After Bordet's explanations of agglutination and haemolysis in terms of molecular attractions and cohesions, and in the light of his comparison of these phenomena to dyeing processes, Zangger, Landsteiner, and Jagic established experimentally the first analogies between immunity phenomena and the physics of colloids. Reactions between colloids or between colloids and true solutions can be reduced to phenomena of molecular attrac- tion, of absorption, and adsorption. The bodies participate in the reactions in variable proportions, influenced by tem- perature and pressure. Colloids of opposite electrical charge exert on each other a "flocking" or precipitating action, which may be masked when one or other is in excess in the mixture ; one colloid may inhibit the precipitation of another colloid by a salt. In many cases, the law of the opposite electrical charge may be masked by the fact that the proteins are amphoteric colloids, and may neutralize acids and alkalies equally well, behaving in acid solution as bases, in basic solutions as acids. Are the antigens and antibodies of immunity colloids ? The only ones whose chemical composition is known, namely, the lipoids (fatty bodies typified by lecithin or cholesterin), behave, in watery suspension, like the colloids ; the others, which probably belong to the proteins, behave like colloids from the point of view of diffusion in dialysis, heat, and instability, and their principal reactions are closely analogous IMMUNITY 225 to those of colloids. In any case, there might exist between the antibodies and antigens on the one hand, and the colloids on the other, considerable differences without preventing the general laws of attraction and adsorption from being equally applicable to the former as to the latter. Agglutination and precipitation closely resemble the flocking of colloids. Bacteria behave towards a precipitating serum in the same way as they behave to certain substances quite foreign to the body, such as gelatine or gum-arabic. Bacteria, in presence of a solution of ferric chloride, are protected by the colloidal ferric hydrate from agglutination by their specific agglutinin. The phenomena of specific haemolysis (i.e., haemolysis by the serum of immunized animals) have been imitated by attacking the corpuscles by means of such systems as silicic acid + lecithin, colloidal ferric hydrate + dog- serum, or saponin + taurocholate of sodium : the two kinds of phenomena may be expressed by the same curves (Zangger, Mile. Cernovodeanu, and V. Henri). Comple- ment can be fixed by the most diverse substances, by Witte peptone, yeast cells, the cells of organs, and various precipitates. The toxin + antitoxin reaction has been " imitated " by the interaction of arsenious acid and colloidal ferric hydrate. The phenomenon of Danysz-Dungern can also be reproduced with colloids ; the final result in the precipitation of a colloidal suspension is different according as the precipitant is added in one large or in fractional doses. The reactions between cholesterin and various poisons and between cholesterin and lecithin have the appearance of colloidal reactions. One may even observe affinities of the character of the specific affinities. For example, cholesterin neutralizes saponin and tetanolysin, but has no effect on ricin or staphylolysin. Complement is absorbed, as has been seen, by a great variety of substances ; agglutinin, however, possesses affinity chiefly for the colloidal protein, while tetanus toxin is chiefly fixed by the lipoids. It is legitimate to conceive of Q 226 MICROBES AND TOXINS these affinities as depending upon physical conditions, including that of the electrical charges. The lipoid substances which are found in such abundance in nerve-tissue and which constitute a constant component of protoplasm, according to Overton furnish the cell with a sort of envelope through which the food materials have to pass and which behaves as a sort of colloidal atmosphere ; the principal members of this group are lecithin and cholesterin. It is inconceivable that they do not play some part in immunity phenomena which are phenomena of nutrition. Haemolysin, for example, undoubtedly induces changes in the lipoid coating of the red blood corpuscles. The lipoid extracts of red corpuscles readily fix normal hsemolysins, whereas the lipoid extracts of bacteria fix certain immune-bodies. The lipoids also are capable of fixing the complements. We have already mentioned two series of experiments in which lipoids play a most definite part. In the first place we have the activation of cobra venom by lecithin (Kyes), in which the latter appears to play the part of complement. According to Noguchi, triolein, oleic acid, exerts the same effect and loses its activity quite like complement when heated. Oleic acid is said to be capable of activating specific hsemolysins, and silicic acid, which alone possesses a very feeble hsemolytic power, is said to form with lecithin a complex or " lecithid " which is much more powerful. In the second place lecithin plays the part of antitoxin towards certain toxins. The bile or the soluble elements of bile neutralize snake venom in appropriate dose ; the cholesterin is the active constituent. Cholesterin and lecithin neutralize the botulismus toxin. Cholesterin neutralizes saponin, solanin, agaricin, vibriolysin, lecithids of cobra venom and of the poison of bees : again it is its cholesterin content which makes serum neutralize saponin. Finally in the celebrated experiment of the fixation and neutralization of tetanus toxin by the cerebral cortex (Wassermann and Takaki's experiment) the lipoids of the grey matter are the active IMMUNITY agents ; the brain extracted with ether loses much of its neutralizing power, and the dye carmine neutralizes because it contains lipoids derived from the cochineal insect (Metchnikoff). It is facts such as these which encourage investigators to pursue the line opened up by Bordet's experiments, although there is no absolute promise that they will find in this the key to immunity. If we add now that phagocytosis is not incompatible either with Bordet's theory or with Ehrlich's, it is true enough, but it is not all the truth. It is not a question of reconciling theories. There are only two " theories," that of Ehrlich and that of Bordet, which, with their conjectures, their uncertainty, their attempts at explanation, and their continual state of incompleteness, are striving to round off the positive doctrine, the expression of undoubted facts, namely phagocytosis. When a physiologist is studying digestion he founds his study on facts which are essential and certain, such as the action of trypsin and enterokinase ; this is no theory ; it is only when he proceeds to interpret this action in terms of physics or chemistry by fixations or combinations that he enters the domain of theory. Similarly, it is no way of recognizing the capital importance of phagocytosis to admit that antibodies and other humoral properties are produced by the phagocytes. The essential fact is the destruction of the microbes by incorporation and digestion. Extraphagocytic destruction is so much an exceptional case that it cannot even be brought in as opposition. There would be no temptation to forget this fact if, instead of limiting our attention to human pathology, we kept in view the universality of intracellular digestion throughout the series of living beings. Phagocytosis is quite different from a medical theory. It is a doctrine as fundamental in general biology as is the existence of the cell or the variation of species. Toxins and Phagocytosis. The immunity of an animal towards a toxin is not to be ascribed simply to the activity of its body-fluid. We must take account of the body also in the reaction. There are many facts indicating a similar state of Q 2 228 MICROBES AND TOXINS affairs, as in the experiment of Heymans and Masoin on the neutralization in vivo of hydrocyanic acid by hyposulphite of soda. In vivo the hyposulphite of soda acts as an antidote or chemical antitoxin to hydrocyanic acid. Now no one has ever succeeded in reproducing this experiment in the test-tube, whereas in the body it is perfectly easy. " In consequence it is legitimate to appeal to certain peculiar conditions in the living animal, which, however, does not exclude the possibility that the transformation of the toxic substance into a harmless material may be due to a chemical reaction." Fresh nutrient broth possesses an antitoxic action towards abrin intoxication (Calmette). The serum of an animal immunized against certain toxins or venoms protects other animals to a greater or less extent against the action of other toxins or other venoms ; here there can be no question of a specific direct antitoxic action. The fresh blood of the crayfish is capable of preventing the fatal intoxication of mice by scorpion venom ; yet the crayfish is killed by a dose of scorpion venom three or four times smaller than that necessary to kill a mouse, and the blood of the crayfish has no protective action for another crayfish. Roux and Vaillard observed long ago that animals might die of tetanus although possessing an abundance of antitoxin in their blood. There are certain horses originally good furnishers of diphtheria or tetanus antitoxin which suddenly cease to produce this in their serum although they remain immune. Rabbits may be immunized against tetanus by inoculating them under the skin of the tail several times in succession with tetanus spores along with a little lactic acid ; the animal becomes resistant to the toxin and yet 100 volumes of its serum fail to neutralize a single minimum lethal dose of toxin (Vaillard). The antitoxic power of the body-fluids is thus not sufficient to explain acquired immunity, since it is not an invariable fact in animals rendered immune. The actions of the body itself have again to be reckoned with in attacking the question of the origins of antitoxins. IMMUNITY 229 We have already mentioned the old opinions of Buchner and Roux. Buchner considered that the antitoxin was derived from the toxin, and Metchnikoff advanced the opinion that certain body-cells might produce this transformation. But, it has been protested, how could a horse react to a single unit of toxin by producing 100,000 units of antitoxin ? The toxin may, however, be seized by certain organs which retain it for a long period and transform it slowly. The toxin may induce in the cells which produce antitoxin the very stimulus which Ehrlich was among the first to appeal to. The experiment of Roux and Vaillard on rabbits immunized against tetanus would thus be explained : after repeated bleedings the antitoxin power of the blood rapidly regained its former titre. But why should the serum of healthy animals sometimes have a certain antitoxic power? Because without having actually suffered from diphtheria or tetanus they may have harboured diphtheria or tetanus bacilli in their bodies : in the intestine of the horse for example the tetanus bacillus abounds. Whether or not the toxin is transformed into antitoxin, it is certain that the antitoxin is a product of the body : no other way of producing it is known. Ehrlich formerly thought that the cells sensitive to the toxin were its chief producers ; but if this were true, antitoxin ought to be present in these cells and be capable of neutralizing the toxin. Wassermann and Takaki's experiment seemed to prove this : the brain tissue of mammals ground up with tetanus toxin, neutralizes it, furnish- ing a mixture which no longer gives tetanus to animals. But Wassermann's experiment has in reality a quite different signification. The brain does not act as an antitoxin, for, if injected into a guinea-pig along with a dose of toxin, but at separate points in the body, it has no protective action what- ever, and does not act in the least like a dose of antitoxin. Further, if the so-called neutral mixture is injected into the thigh of a guinea-pig, the animal becomes tetanic, whereas it remains protected if the injection is made into the peritoneum. The neutralizing property is in reality a property peculiar to 230 MICROBES AND TOXINS the cerebral cortex (and the grey matter of the spinal cord) of mammals only ; in fowls immunised against tetanus the brain has much less neutralising power than the blood, the liver, or the kidney. The brain of the frog does not neutralise the toxin, although under certain conditions the frog is susceptible to tetanus. Cholesterin, lecithin, and even olive oil and carmine (a substance derived from the fatty body of the cochineal insect) are capable of neutralizing a certain quantity of toxin ; now the brain substance contains both cholesterin and lecithin. It is, however, another lipoid in the brain, protagon, which chiefly fixes the toxin and perhaps permits of its transport along the nerves (Landsteiner and Botteri.) A. Marie and Tiffeneau have recently insisted that in Wassermann's experi- ment it is not a destruction which takes place, but a combina- tion from which the toxin may be recovered. Anyhow, the neutralization by the cerebral tissue is a phenomenon of molecular adhesion, analogous to a dyeing process. By injecting the tetanus toxin directly into the brain it has been shown that this very brain substance which, ground up in a glass, neutralizes the toxin, does not neutralize in the living animal the most minute dose. It is therefore impossible to suppose that the brain is a source of antitoxin (Roux and Borrel). An immunized rabbit, rendered resistant to toxin by subcu- taneous inoculation, succumbs when the toxin is injected into the brain : the antitoxic action is therefore due to cells lying between the periphery and the centre ; the poison is neutralized en route. What are these cells? We find that sublethal doses of tetanus toxin produce in the fowl a great afflux of leucocytes into the blood ; further, in a fowl injected with tetanus toxin, far less toxin is to be found in the blood than in (aseptic) exudates rich in leucocytes. Metchnikoff therefore considers that the protection of the body against toxins also depends on the leucocytes. The rabbit can stand large doses of atropin injected subcu- IMMUNITY 231 taneously or into the circulation, but it is very susceptible to intracerebral injection ; is it the leucocytes which dispose of the poison when injected into the veins ? This is possible, for the poison can be recovered from the leucocytes after it has disappeared or is only to be found in traces in the blood plasma (Calmette). When guinea-pigs are injected intraperitoneally with arsenic trisulphide, a salt which is only slightly soluble, the particles are taken up by the macrophages. When a soluble salt like potassium arsenite is injected, when the animal recovers it is in the leucocytes that the arsenic is found on chemical analysis (Besredka). The phagocytes also absorb lead salts (Carles). The white corpuscles of the blood are thus equally capable of resisting mineral as microbial poisons. When a guinea-pig is inoculated with the mixture of mammalian brain ground up with tetanus toxin the solid particles attract the phagocytes which seize them and with them the attached toxin. If the toxin is injected along with particles to which it does not attach itself (e.g. the mixture of toxin + frog's brain) it can diffuse, and the leucocytes no longer protect the animal. After the discovery of the antitoxins one was apt to think that in every infection there was an intoxication and that the neutralization of the poisons ought to precede phagocytosis which is only a secondary phenomenon. But experience has shown that the phagocytes can also digest the microbial toxins. Certain bacteria secrete substances which weaken and destroy the phagocytes ; among these antiphagocytic microbial poisons may be classed the agresstns of Bail. Now the phagocytes are capable of absorbing and digesting these substances without any outside assistance. Certain bacterial extracts prepared outside the body and injected in sufficient quantity are prejudicial to phagocytosis. Yet the same bacteria which furnish these extracts are absorbed by the leucocytes when these latter have their activity reinforced. When dead typhoid bacilli are injected into the peritoneum MICROBES AND TOXINS of a guinea-pig they are of course incapable of producing an infection, but as they contain the typhoid endotoxin the animal dies nevertheless from the intoxication. But if before the injection the peritoneum is "prepared" so that the bacteria at once meet with a great number of vigorous leuco- cytes the poison is absorbed by these and the animal is saved. A staphylococcus habituated to the rabbit by the method of passages, secretes a poison which is very injurious to the leucocytes of this animal ; but if along with the staphylococci vigorous living leucocytes are injected into the pleura, the rabbit is protected against the intoxication (Bail and Weil). Immunity against toxin therefore can be reduced, like the immunity against bacteria, to the simple fact of phagocytic digestion. Metchnikoff finds himself justified in the light of all these experiments, in thinking that it is the phagocytes which take up poisons and which perhaps themselves elaborate the antitoxins employed in serotherapy. CHAPTER XII ANAPHYLAXIS Definition of anaphylaxis Experiments of Richet and Portier Anaphylaxis to various poisons Anaphylaxis to normal serum Arthus' phenomenon Serum sickness : observations of V. Pirquet and Schick Serum anaphylaxis in guinea-pigs ; phenomenon of Th. Smith Anaphylaxis to cells and organ extracts Passive anaphylaxis. Study of Richet's poisons and serum anaphylaxis Anti-anaphylaxis (Besredka) : not a vaccination Application to serotherapy Heating of sera Theories of anaphylaxis General theory of antibodies. ANAPHYLAXIS is the opposite of vaccination. An animal is vaccinated when the first attack by a virus (microbe or toxin) produces in it changes through which it is protected against another more serious attack. If you suppose the animal to become, after the first attack, not more resistant, but more susceptible, you have in a word the root idea of anaphylaxis. The paradox is even greater than this definition shows, for anaphylaxis exists not only towards viruses against which immunity also occurs, but also it appears towards substances which in the normal individual are apparently quite innocuous, for example, egg-white, milk, and serum. In this way the first injection with these substances, instead of producing immunity, seems to destroy the natural immunity of the normal animal. The supersensitiveness produced by a first inoculation and brought to light by a second is not due to a cumulative action, such as may be observed after several successive doses of certain drugs ; in anaphylaxis the effect is out of all proportion to the quantity of material ingested. 234 MICROBES AND TOXINS This chapter of experimental medicine was opened up by the experiments of Richet and Portier on the poison of Actinians (1902). Anaphylaxis to Poisons Richet's Experiments. From the tentacles of actinians a poison may be extracted which has been called congestin, because it produces in the animals injected an intense congestion of the viscera, of the stomach, liver, kidney, and, above all, the intestine. The fatal phenomena do not appear until after several hours of incubation. If a dog which has recovered from a small dose is inoculated after a certain interval of time with -fa of the quantity of the first dose, violent symptoms suddenly appear after a few seconds, severe vomiting, difficult respiration, paralysis, profuse and blood-stained diarrhoea. On comparing the size of the dose with its effect, it works out that the dog has become, between the first injection and the second, eighty times more susceptible. Anaphylaxis to Normal Serum Arthus' Phe- nomenon. If a rabbit is injected subcutaneously every six days with 5 c.c. of horse serum, it is found that after the fifth injection the serum is absorbed with difficulty ; succeeding injections produce local lesions which continually increase in severity, from simple inflammation to actual necrosis of the tissue. The same phenomenon may be produced with milk instead of serum. " Serum-sickness " : Observations of Von Pirquet and Schick. Therapeutic sera (antidiphtheria, antitetanus) are almost always got from immunized horses ; they are not invariably devoid of toxicity for man. In a small proportion of cases, about 14 per 100, the injection is followed by various symptoms, not very severe it is true, which only appear after an incubation period of five to fifteen days, and consist of urticaria, erythemas, and pains in the joints. But should the patient fall ill again months or years later, long after the serum has disappeared from his body, and should he be reinjected with it, the symptoms are reproduced and are more frequent (86 per 100, according to Weil-Halle and Lemaire), more ANAPHYLAXIS 235 intense, and more rapid ; they appear within an hour, or even within a quarter of an hour, after the injection. In the light of these observations V. Pirquet observed later that the unknown germs of vaccine lymph produce a premature reaction in the skin of those individuals formerly vaccinated and now supersensitive. The same observation in its turn suggested to him the idea of applying a droplet of tuberculin to the skin of a tuberculous patient to test his susceptibility, and this was the origin of the cutaneous reaction of tuberculosis. Through these observations the study of anaphylaxis entered the sphere of human medicine, and the important question arose, How are we to render harmless our therapeutic sera ? Serum Anaphylaxis in the Guinea-pig. The Phenomenon of Th. Smith. The question entered the laboratories when attempts were made to elucidate the fact observed in the American serotherapeutic institutes, that guinea-pigs which had already been employed in the titration of antidiphtheritic serum (injected with a mixture of toxin and serum) became eventually supersensitive to horse serum. If three to twelve weeks after the titration injection 5 c.c. of horse serum is injected under the skin or especially into the peritoneum, the animals immediately manifest anxiety and discomfort ; respiration is rapid and laboured, the heart becomes weaker, the temperature falls below normal and after one hour 50 per cent, of the animals die, whereas normal guinea-pigs support doses of the same serum five times as great without any disturbance. The phenomenon is specific, for guinea-pigs receiving horse serum in the first dose behave on re-injection quite like normal guinea-pigs towards rabbit, goat or ox serum. In the toxin + antitoxin titration mixture the antitoxin, i.e., the horse serum, is responsible for the supersensitiveness induced. A small dose sensitizes more certainly than a large dose; even one millionth of a c.c. may suffice ! The symptoms resemble serum-sickness in man ; there is an incubation period of twelve days at least after the first injection. The supersensitive condition persists for 236 MICROBES AND TOXINS months (experiments of Otto, Rosenau and Anderson, Besredka). Anaphylaxis to Cells. Animals injected with red corpuscles, washed (to prevent the action of the serum) or un- washed, resist the first injection well but support a second badly. Similarly with bacterial cells, typhoid, paratyphoid bacilli, etc., they present more or less severe symptoms after the second injection. The specificity of this reaction does not appear to be very strict. This variety of anaphylaxis is of great practical importance for in the preparation of anti- plague sera it is necessary to inject the cultures into the jugular vein of horses, and severe symptoms are quite common. Organ Extracts. The phenomena induced by injections of extracts of spleen, lymphatic glands, bone marrow, or spermatozoa are analogous to the preceding. The supersensi- tive state can be induced towards extracts of the crystalline lens of the eye and an animal thus prepared reacts only towards the lens tissue, no matter from what species of animal, even when it presents no reaction to the serum of that animal. A tuberculous patient becomes supersensitive to the product of the tubercle bacillus, to tuberculin. But in this case it appears that only the disease itself can induce this excessive susceptibility permanently : it is very doubtful if it can be produced by the injection of the bacterial bodies or of tuberculin. Physiologically speaking it is an anaphylactic phenomenon. Passive Anaphylaxis. M. Nicolle has shown that if a fresh rabbit is given a large dose of the serum of a rabbit rendered anaphylactic to horse serum, the fresh rabbit takes on an anaphylaxis which is therefore called passive. It may in its turn present the typical symptoms on injection 24 hours after the preparatory injection. This brief delay shows that it is a true passive anaphylaxis, and not an active anaphylaxis induced by small quantities of horse serum which might have remained in the serum of the sensitive rabbit. This experiment demon- ANAPHYLAXIS 237 strates the existence of an antibody in the serum of the sensitive animal ; this antibody has been transferred to the other animal just as the diphtheria antitoxin of the horse can transfer passive immunity to man. Passive anaphylaxis can be produced particularly well by injecting the serum of an anaphy lactic rabbit into a normal guinea-pig. Passive transference has also been produced in the case of Richet's poisons. It is therefore a general fact, although experiments of transference between animals of the same species do not always succeed. From these fundamental experiments there have proceeded several sets of researches ; especially with the poisons and with serum considerable advances have been made. It is not at all certain in spite of their manifest similarities that the laws of anaphylaxis against poisons and serum (or other non-toxic pro- tein) are really entirely the same. There is always this differ- ence, that in the one case it is a question of substances manifestly toxic to the normal body, whereas in the other the substances are such that the healthy animal shows no visible reaction. For the practical point of view, these researches, both on the poisons and on the sera (because of serotherapy), are of obvious value; there is an actual disease to prevent or cure. It does not seem as if the anaphylaxis to egg-white should interest us to the same extent. We do not take albumen or milk by subcutaneous, intraperitoneal, or intravenous injections. If, as we know already, our body tends to resist the introduc- tion of foreign albumens, we have a digestive tube which trans- forms these into our own specific protein ; that is perhaps why so few examples exist hitherto of anaphylaxis acquired by taking food. Further, it is probable that we are much more exposed to the cumulative action of toxic bodies, e.g., the phenols of the digestive tube, than to an anaphylaxis to the proteins of the ox or of the fowl. But the digestive tube may occasionally be defective as a defensive agent. Poisons also may be absorbed by other routes, such as the 238 MICROBES AND TOXINS pulmonary alveoli or the skin. We are here in a region as yet little explored ; there are many mysteries in the action of drugs, there are still greater mysteries in the experimental study of diseases of nutrition. Once again anaphylaxis raises this general problem of nutrition, towards which already the whole study of immunity is directed, and it is probable that, did we know more of this, we would be less ignorant of the nature of life, old age, and death. Let us consider then separately what knowledge has been gained on the subject of anaphylaxis to those substances which have been most studied, the poisons and serum. Researches on the Poisons. There have been studied by Richet the congestin of Actinians, the congestin extracted from mussels, and a vegetable toxin, analogous to abrin and ricin (well-known from Ehrlich's experiments), called crepitin, and extracted from the plant Hura crepitans of the Euphor- biaceae, known in Brazil under the name of Assaku. The mytilocongestin (from mussels) produces vomiting, a symptom very definite and easy to observe, a great convenience in experimental work. "The symptoms of anaphylaxis to crepitin are exactly the same as with actino- or mytilo-con- gestin, and even the most acute observer, I am sure, could not distinguish them. . . . There is the same profound abolition of all innervation, both motor and sensory, and above all, vaso-constrictory : there is the same intense hsemorrhagic congestion of the intestine with an enormous fall in the arterial pressure " (Richet). It is to be observed that these belong to the group of slow poisons resembling thus the bacterial toxins which differ from the crystalloid group such as strychnine, and it is probable that on this depends their anaphylactic effect. An animal is rendered anaphylactic because the first injection has induced in it, after a period of incubation, the formation of a new substance, an antibody, the product of a reaction of the body. This antibody is not itself poisonous, but it liberates a poison when it comes in contact with the congestin or crepitin of the second injection. ANAPHYLAXIS 239 The antibody is named by Richet toxogeninc, and the new poison, apotoxine. He therefore imagines anaphylaxis after the formula : Toxogenine + Congestine = Apotoxine. He considers that the apotoxin results from the action of the two substances on each other, the one, congestin, introduced from without and non-toxic in the dose employed for the test injection, the other, toxogenin, non-toxic, prepared by the body itself as a result of the first small injection of congestin. In a similar way we have emulsin and amygdalin acting together to produce hydrocyanic acid. At first the existence of this toxogenin was hypothetical, but experiment has in two ways proved its real existence i. When a normal animal is injected with the blood of a sensitized animal, it becomes anaphylactic without any period of incubation, i.e., there is passive anaphylaxis. 2. Richet has several times succeeded in demonstrating the reaction with crepitin in vitro. The mixture in a test-tube of anaphylactic serum and poison, when injected after incubation, produces immediate anaphylactic effects : the test-tube contains both the antibody and the antigen. 3. The toxogenin does not exist only in the blood ; it is also to be found in the brain tissue. By mixing crepitin with brain substance (freed from blood) or even with the alcoholic precipitate from the brain substance of an anaphylactic animal, immediate anaphylactic symptoms can be produced in a fresh animal : there is thus " cerebral anaphylaxis " in vitro. There is thus antibody present in the nerve-cell and capable of reacting with the antigen at the moment of the anaphylactic shock. It is this very reaction which Besredka regards as the essence of the anaphylactic shock, which appears to him to be eminently a cerebral phemonenon. According to Richet those animals which have received an anaphylactising toxin become from this sole fact more sensitive to other poisons. The injection of an antigen, for example crepitin, renders an animal more sensitive to toxic action of other kinds, for example to that of apomorphine, although the increase of sensitiveness is particularly directed towards the antigen itself. There exists therefore, it would 240 MICROBES AND TOXINS seem, a sort of general anaphylaxis in addition to the specific form of anaphylaxis. Richet is inclined to consider that in the phenomena of anaphylaxis there is in reality only a relative specificity, and that the apotoxin is a poison without any specificity which attacks and paralyses the central nervous system, affecting in this particularly the vasomotor centres. " It seems to me very probable that in the study of the whole field of the different forms of anaphylaxis produced by different substances a great analogy if not identity would be discovered in the symptoms of all forms of anaphylaxis, so that we may be permitted to believe in the general analogy if not in the identity of all the different apotoxins, the various anaphylactic poisons. There would thus be a very simple conclusion, namely, that there is one poison and one only, the apotoxin produced in all the forms of anaphylaxis." Richet's poisons produce in the body, besides anaphylaxis, immunity. With mytilocongestin the anaphylaxis disappears after about six weeks and the immunity persists. Ana- phylaxis thus gives place to its opposite "prophylaxis" and toxogenin to antitoxin. The two conditions " develop side by side from the moment of the first injection. Hence it is necessary to distinguish closely between the immediate and the late effects. During the anaphylactic period there is a striking supersensitiveness as regards the immediate symptoms, but there is already some immunity towards the late effects of the poison. If the animal survives the immediate effects of the second dose, it presents no further symptoms during the days following. 1 . . . Anaphylaxis is the first stage in prophylaxis" These views recall those of Behring. " However para- doxical it may seem, there can be no doubt that horses which have become strongly immune as the result of treatment with tetanus toxin yet possess a histogenic supersensitiveness of their tissues towards the tetanus toxin." These properties are 1 Richet applies the same idea to serum -anaphylaxis and to anaphylaxis in general. " The anaphylactic reaction is a defensive function and is destined to maintain intact the chemical constitution and homology of each animal species by preventing foreign albumins from entering the protoplasm of the cells so as to modify their specific chemical structure." ANAPHYLAXIS 241 probably common to many toxins, but in serum anaphylaxis the same characteristics do not necessarily exist. Anaphylaxis to poisons thus means a hastening of the reaction of the body towards microbial toxins : it is a process adapted for rapid defence and in particular for defence against small doses : it is a sort of alarm signal sent to the body-cells calling its attention to minute quantities of poison which without this would have been insufficient to induce immunity : immunity is established thanks to the preceding anaphylaxis. Perhaps anaphylaxis is equivalent to Ehrlich's superexcitation of the cells required for the production of antitoxins. Serum Anaphylaxis. A preparatory injection of serum in very small dose (1/250 to 1/1,000,000 c.c.), a period of incubation, a test injection larger than the first and producing violent symptoms, these are the conditions of serum anaphylaxis in the guinea-pig. On observing the symptoms it is impossible to avoid the idea that the guinea-pig has fallen victim to some cerebral lesion which was latent during the period of incubation but has been revived by the test injection. The symptoms of this lesion ought to be still more definite if the injection were made into the brain itself. The nerve-centres can be more directly attacked by intracerebral or intradural in- jections or through the circulation by the intravenous route (Besredka). One quarter of a c.c. injected intracerebrally produces the same phenomena as 5 c.c. intraperitoneally and produces them with much greater regularity, for instead of about 25 per cent., practically all the guinea-pigs die. The experiments are thus on a surer footing. Should the still unknown reaction take place in the brain cell itself, i.e. t the reaction between the poison and the antibody manufactured by the body as a result of the first injection, one might hope to modify the anaphylactic phenomena by acting on the nerve-cells of the supersensitive animal. And this is really the case, as is shown by a very pretty experiment of Roux and Besredka. The sensitive guinea-pig is put to sleep with ether or put under the m. MICROBES AND TOXINS influence of a suitable dose of alcohol ; an intracerebral injection which kills the sensitive control leaves the narcotised guinea-pig unharmed. 1 In practice intracerebral injections have supplied Besredka with a useful means of measuring the toxicity of a serum, for example, anti-diphtheria serum, from the point of view of the symptoms of serum sickness. Should a method be discovered of diminishing or destroying the toxicity of sera, the improve- ment acquired could thus be estimated. In particular, the method will tell us whether a serum may be safely injected by the route by which it manifests its greatest toxicity, but also its greatest efficacy, i.e., intravenously. Experience has shown that a serum, very toxic the day of the bleeding (minimum lethal dose ^ c.c.), rapidly loses this toxicity during the ten days following (lethal dose ^ c.c.). It continues to diminish slowly, for a month and a half, but 'after about two months it remains almost indefinitely at the same level (lethal dose | c.c.), and never becomes non-toxic. For example, a sample of serum kept in Roux's laboratory for thirteen years still kills sensitive guinea-pigs in a dose of \ c.c. intracerebrally (Besredka). Antianaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a morbid state predis- posing to the occurrence of accidents. But these may be prevented. Antianaphylaxis is the name given by Besredka to the condition of insensibility to which the sensitive animal can rapidly be brought. But though in current language one talks 1 There exist other physiological shocks which are deadened by narcosis, and it is impossible to avoid a comparison between the above experiment and one of Jellinek's (the director of the laboratory of electrical pathology in Vienna) reported in a recent lecture by D'Arsonval. "A rabbit is fairly easily killed when the opposite poles of an alternat- ing current of 1,500 volts are placed in its mouth and rectum, whereas a rabbit of the same breed but so deeply chloroformed that all its vital phenomena have ceased is at once reawakened and saved from death by the same current. ic At the time that this experiment was published an English engineer, Aspinall, observed that two electrical engineers who had during sleep come into accidental contact with an alternating current of 3,000 volts were simply awakened by burning sensations in the back without other injury." (Jellinek). ANAPHYLAXIS 243 vaguely of " vaccinating " against anaphylaxis by Besredka's method, antianaphylaxis is in reality not a vaccination. Originally it was conceived as a true vaccination, and to produce it Rosenau and Anderson made a series of injections of 5 c.c. of serum intraperitoneally, starting before the period of incubation for the anaphylactic state was up : they proceeded as one does for antitoxins. But this idea had to be given up when it was seen that it was sufficient to protect the guinea-pig to give it, not a series of injections, but a single injection, not a large injection, but a minimal one, -^ to -^ c.c., *.*., much less than the toxic dose ; finally, and above all, that the resistance of the guinea- pig develops the day after, or even some hours or minutes after, the injection, according to the route employed. After subcutaneous injection the resistance is present in four or five hours ; after intradural injection in about two hours ; after intraperitoneal in an hour and a half; ten to fifteen minutes after intravenous injection. The shortness of this latter incu- bation period may be employed to render the resistance more and more complete : it is simply a question of repeating these minute doses intravenously every ten or fifteen minutes : each injection reinforces the effect of the preceding : this is the method of " continuous vaccination " (vaccinations subintr antes). It is not even necessary to inject by the veins : by taking a little more time one may proceed by other routes and even changing routes in successive doses. In this way a guinea-pig may be protected from as many lethal doses of serum as is desired (Besredka). In this there is the germ of a method which may be applied to man. Certain sera, in particular the anti-plague serum, have to be injected in large quantities, and as far as possible by the veins. The anti-diphtheria serum is 500 times more active, other things being equal, if introduced directly into the circulation instead of under the skin (Berghaus). Besredka's process promises to relieve such intensive serumtherapy from all danger of death by anaphylaxis. What sort of immunity then is this which develops with such R 2 244 MICROBES AND TOXINS small doses and so rapidly ? l A vaccinated animal departs from the normal to acquire a new condition ; in sensitized animals under these circumstances there is not the departure from a normal state but there is an appearance of returning towards it. Antianaphylactic vaccination proceeds like a disintoxication and antianaphylatic immunity seems to be a return to the natural immunity. The sensitizing injection induces the formation of an antibody ; at the moment of the test injection it is probable that the toxic serum combines with or rather fixes itself on this antibody and this abrupt reaction produces a shock which the nerve-cell resents profoundly. It is " disintoxicated " by it, but with such brutal suddenness as to kill the animal. When by narcosis with anaesthetics or alcohol the sensitiveness of the nerve-cell is diminished, as in the experiment of Besredka and Roux, it becomes disintoxicated during sleep, just as in a surgical operation under chloroform, and wakes up free. If instead of injecting as in the test injection a massive toxic dose, a minute dose is introduced (^\^ c.c. intravenously, for example), the disintoxication of the body, and in particular of the nerve- cells, is carried out gradually, little by little ; in the continuous vaccination method the disintoxication leads back the animal by degrees to its normal condition. To the normal condition, but not quite, for the injection leaves as a rule a trace of serum in the body with which it re-sensitizes itself in time ; the guinea-pig has become a fresh animal, and like a fresh animal may be sensitized. It may lose its virginity, regain it, and again lose it. Certain experimenters do not believe that the body ever becomes again normal. The digestive tube is, physiologically speaking, as much a barrier to^ the invasion of the body by foreign proteins as it is 1 " The immunity to a toxin does not appear till after eight days at least and is more pronounced the more numerous and prolonged the successive doses : it is accompanied by the appearance of the antibody in the serum, and finally it never extends to the nerve-centres. On the contrary anaphylactic immunity is established after a single injection, is practically instantaneous, is never accompanied by the appearance of antibodies and finally always extends to the nerve-centres, the brain and spinal cord " (Besredka). ANAPHYLAXIS 245 towards bacteria : by its very power of digesting and assimilat- ing them it renders inoffensive those substances which, if injected under the skin or into the blood stream, would perhaps be toxic : it maintains the natural immunity. But for the present it must be pointed out that Besredka's conception only applies to substances like serum which are harmless in general to the normal body even when injected direct into the veins. It is not necessarily true of the tox- albumins, which are toxic from the first. We have briefly indicated two procedures for rendering a sensitive animal resistant, narcosis during the test injection and the method of continuous vaccination with small doses. The same result may be obtained by heating the toxic serum to certain definite temperatures. Heating produces an effect un- realized hitherto by any chemical means. Serum heated to 1 00 C. (diluted to prevent coagulation) becomes practically harmless for both intracerebral and intravenous injections : But this heated serum, no longer lethal, can still protect against the anaphylactic shock by gradually disintoxicating the sensitive cells as in the method of small doses or narcosis ; no doubt the mechanism is the same. Heating is thus a good means of lowering the toxicity of a serum. But sera heated to 100 C. lose all preventive and curative power, and it is impossible therefore to exceed 59-60 C. Experiment shows that heating for several hours at this tem- perature diminishes considerably the anaphylactic toxicity. The reason for the low toxicity of the Pasteur Institute sera, duly recorded by various laboratories, is simply that their sterilization is effected by means of several heatings at a low temperature (without antiseptics). Man is not alone in profiting by laboratory research on anaphylaxis. In certain countries the Pasteur vaccine against anthrax is injected along with a few c.c. of an anti-anthrax serum : the method is named sero-vaccination. Many cattle are inoculated over again every two years, so that severe anaphylactic effects are not uncommon. Recently sero- vaccination was repeated on 180 cattle in Roumania. The 246 MICROBES AND TOXINS animals were divided into two lots, the first receiving i c.c., as an anti-anaphylactic injection, five hours before the sero- vaccination. In the result it was found that during the twenty- four hours following the sero-vaccination, not one of these showed any anaphylactic symptoms, whereas ten of the other ninety showed symptoms, such as oedema of the muzzle with salivation, oedema of the vulvar and anal mucous membranes, and colic (Alexandresco and Ciuca). Theories. No final theory for anaphylaxis yet exists, but there are various hypotheses A which keep experimental work active. There is one point, however, which is certain, that it is impossible to explain the phenomena without the presence of an antibody formed by the animal as a consequence of the first injection. This has been demonstrated by M. Nicolle in connection with Arthus's phenomenon. It is probable that the anaphylactic shock is due to the union of antibody and antigen, that this union is abrupt and affects especially the nerve-cells, which does not mean that the nerve- cells produce the antibody. On the contrary, everything points to their not creating the supersensitiveness, but being passively affected in it. According to Vaughan and Wheeler, who studied in par- ticular the anaphylaxis to egg-white, the sensitizing injection, as an antibody, provokes the formation of a. preferment which can only act after the reinjection by splitting the protein molecule into two components, one toxic, the other not. As a matter of fact it is possible in the laboratory to produce from albumin two such components, but the toxic one is also toxic for normal animals quite as much as for sensitive ones : this therefore is not an explanation of anaphylaxis, though it shows that there exist toxic elements in substances normally non-toxic. It was natural to attempt to identify the antibody of anaphylaxis with some antibody already known in the reactions of immunity. This was Friedberger's idea : in serum anaphylaxis the antibody is nothing but the precipitin, in anaphylaxis to blood corpus- cles a haemolysin. The facts, however, do not confirm Fried- berger's theory. ANAPHYLAXIS 247 Besredka's theory approximates more closely. In anaphyl- axis three activities come into play, the sensibilisinogen, the property of serum by virtue of which it sensitizes, the sensibilisin, the property due to the body and corresponding to the antibody generally admitted, and the antisensibilisin, by which is meant the property of normal serum in virtue of which it combines with the sensibilisin and determines the anaphylactic shock. Thus serum is toxic, not because it contains a poison ready made, but because two substances, non-toxic themselves, " enter into abrupt combination within the nerve-cells and thus disturb their equilibrium." Why should small doses sensitize so well, whereas massive doses only do so after a long delay ? The answer is that a minute dose induces the formation of sensibilisin without furnishing it with anything on which to fix : in consequence it remains avid, in the nerve-cells among others. After a large dose the sensibilisin manufactured is neutralized as it forms by the " anti-sensibilisin " of the serum and anaphylaxis is therefore delayed. It seemed probable at first that by heating the serum at suitable temperatures it might be possible to dissociate the two activities which do not depend on the body, i.e., the sensitizing and toxic properties. But on closer examination it was found that heating acted equally on both ; the two in reality follow the same curve. It had also to be recognized that the toxic function, the sensitizing function, and the vaccinating or anti-anaphlyactic function, are all fundamentally identical and occur in the same serum, but that they correspond to different physical conditions of that serum. To sensitize, a serum must be injected highly diluted ; to produce the anaphylactic shock it must possess its normal concentration ; to " vaccinate " or protect against the shock it must unite very slowly with the sensibilisin of the body or must unite with it in minute quantities at a time (e.g., in the method of " continuous vaccination "). Heated at 100 C it is no longer toxic or very slightly 248 MICROBES AND TOXINS so, because being partly coagulated its fixation is delayed. The action of serum, sensitizing, vaccinating, or toxic, depends thus on its physical condition. There are therefore really only two activities of serum in question, that of the antigen and that of the antibody. But according to its physical condition, according to the manner and time of its injection, the antigen plays the part of sensitizer, of vaccinator or of toxin. These explanations, it must be mentioned, are confined to the field of serum-anaphylaxis as it is known to-day. We always return thus to the antigen and the antibody, i.e., to the activities which we found to exist in all the phenomena of immunity. General Theory of the Antibodies M. Nicolle has proposed a general explanation embracing anaphylaxis as a particular case of the general physiology of the antibodies. Every antigen induces in the body the simultaneous formation of antibodies of two classes, the coagulins and the lysins. The coagulins condense albuminoids and toxins (to speak only of these two varieties of antigen) ; the lysins, on the contrary, break them up and liberate from them their real toxic components : l in intoxication by proteid poisons it is not these themselves which injure the body, but secondary poisons elaborated by it itself. The fate of the animal depends on its species, on the nature and quantity of the antigen, on the channel of inoculation and on the route by which the assaulting dose is introduced. Thus, in the phenomenon of Th. Smith, the supersensitive- ness is explained by the development of a lysin and the absence of all coagulin makes of it the type example of pure supersensitiveness. In bacterial anaphylaxis, the super- 1 When the coagulins predominate they rapidly condense the antigens, giving the body time to attack them bit by bit without liberating enough poison at a given moment to cause toxic or, at least, fatal symptoms. The lysins on the contrary, when they predominate, make their appearance as the agents of an inevitable and often fulminating intoxication, for the body has only limited protection against the true endotoxins and the true toxins, no more than it has against alkaloids, for example " (Nicolle). ANAPHYLAXIS 249 sensitiveness is due to a lysin which sets free from the bacteria a true endotoxin. Infection and intoxication arouse in the body a many- sided conflict between these coagulins and lysins, which are in general the good and evil antibodies. A lytic action may, however, be salutary when it occurs slowly, whereas it is lethal when it takes place abruptly: under these formulae may be arranged all the facts mentioned in the course of this chapter. " Although diametrically opposed to each other, as inevitable results from their definition, immunity and supersensitiveness may co-exist in the same individual, as well as succeed each other, often again and again." Nicolle's theory is frankly inclined to the physical theory of immunity, without overlooking the intimate relations which exist between the physical properties of bodies, and their chemical constitution. It also sees in immunity phenomena of nutrition; for the body digests the antigens, and the theory supposes simply that every digestive act is due to the successive application of a coagulin and a lysin. CHAPTER XIII APPLICATIONS OF BACTERIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC METHODS Direct diagnostic methods Direct diagnosis of the microbe Cultures from the blood Examination of faeces Indirect diagnostic methods Cytodiagnoses. Biological diagnostic methods Agglutination : specificity and group agglutinations : variations in bacteria from the agglutination point of view Precipitation : employment in forensic medicine and in the adulteration of foods Applications to anthropology : confirmation of the simian origin of man Complement-fixation : first experiment of Bordet : clinical application Wassermann's reaction and the sero- diagnosis of syphilis The nature of the substances coming into play in this reaction Supcrscnsitive reactions : tuberculin. THE simplest and surest way to diagnose an infectious disease is to demonstrate the presence of the specific microbe, /.*., direct bacteriological diagnosis. When this is impossible, indirect diagnosis is resorted to, i.e., the lesions of the tissues which are constant accompaniments of a virus which is invisible are sought for. The presence in exudates of certain cell elements is noted, or the body-fluids and bacteria are made to react together specifically (antibodies and antigens) : in the latter case it is more properly a case of biological diagnosis. Direct Diagnostic Methods. The microbe is sought for wherever there is a possibility of finding it; blood, exudates and transudates, pus, mucous discharges, false membranes, ulcers and chancres, sputum, 250 APPLICATIONS OF BACTERIOLOGY 251 cerebro-spinal fluid, urine, faeces, all may be examined. Such observations are completed by cultivating and experimental inoculations. Direct Diagnosis of the Microbe. This has to suffice when it is a microbe which cannot be cultivated. It is sufficient when the microbe has characteristics which cannot be mistaken. The sight of the malarial parasite of Laveran, of a filaria embryo, of a trypanosome (in man) is a certain diagnosis. Medicine has profited by every step in advance in technique : the ultra-microscope now permits us to see trypanosomes and spirochaates living and motile much more easily than with the best microscope. Pasteur's method of "seeding" silk-worms was based on direct diagnosis. Direct diagnosis is currently employed in connection with sputum and false membranes ; it is completed by culture and inoculation. Inoculation is the rule when the pneumococcus is observed in sputum : subcutaneously inocu- lated it kills a mouse within twenty-four hours : the mouse is the pneumococcus reagent. Blood Culture. Blood, taken aseptically from an animal not in a state of active digestion, and kept free from external germs, may be kept indefinitely without putrefying. If microbes develop in the blood itself or in nutrient broth into which it has been put, it means that these microbes existed in the blood during life. Pasteur's observations on the sterility of normal blood form the foundation of the diagnosis of infectious diseases by blood culture. The strepto- coccus was isolated by him for the first time from the blood of women suffering from puerperal fever. It has been proved by blood culture that gonorrhoea, which is usually quite a local disease, may infect the blood with gonococci and cause arthritis and endocarditis. In a frankly acute pneumonia it is the rule to find pneumococci in the blood. In typhoid fever blood cultivations have given results which have upset our conceptions of this disease. It used to be thought an exclusively local disease of the intestine and 252 MICROBES AND TOXINS the lymphoid organs : even when the bacillus had been found in the urine and in the red eruption spots on the skin it was still thought that it only exceptionally entered the blood. But when cultures were regularly made from the blood of typhoid patients it was perceived that the typhoid bacillus is present there during the whole febrile period of the disease and again during relapses : in typhoid fever, therefore, the acute enteritis is complicated by a blood infection, a septicaemia. The examination of the faeces is regularly performed in the diagnosis and prophylaxis of cholera, typhoid fever, and dysentery, particularly in order to detect germ-carriers. Also in the stools are sought the eggs of worm parasites and of ankylostoma and amoebae. The bacteriological examination of faeces is becoming more and more common in proportion as our knowledge of the intestinal flora is increasing; the composition of this flora is a guide to the state of digestion and nutrition, and aids the physician in his choice of a diet, especially in infants, who are so often threatened by infections of the alimentary canal. Indirect Diagnostic Methods. Even when no microbe is found in it, the blood may furnish diagnostic proofs from its leucocytic formula. Cytodiagnosis (Widal) depends on the examination of the cells floating in pleural effusions or cerebro-spinal fluids. Different cells are found in a pleurisy due to the bacillus tuberculosis and in one due to heart disease. Cytodiagnosis of the cerebro-spinal fluid is an indirect diagnostic method in certain tuberculous and syphilitic affections. Biological Methods : Agglutination. The first clinical sero-diagnostic method was discovered by Widal. When a drop of a broth culture of the typhoid bacillus is looked at under the microscope, the bacteria are seen actively motile, isolated from eaeh other and dispersed regularly APPLICATIONS OF BACTERIOLOGY 253 throughout the liquid ; the suspension is " homogeneous." If a trace of serum is added from an animal prepared by injections of typhoid bacilli or from a patient suffering from typhoid fever, the bacilli lose their motility and collect into masses : they are said to become agglutinated by the serum. If the serum is added to a broth culture floccules can be seen with the naked eye forming and sinking to the bottom of the tube ; agglutination is also a sedimentation. Nor- mal serum never possesses this property, certainly FlG< 7I ._ Ag giutination of the typhoid never to the same degree. bacillus by the serum of a typhoid The agglutinating power may be measured by try- ing the effect on a suspension of the bacilli of various dilutions of the serum : one may say that such and such a serum agglutinates at i in 50, i in 100, i in 1000. . . . The reaction is capable of two applications. With a bacillus definitely known as a genuine B. typhosus, one can say that the serum which agglutinates it is an antityphoid serum. If, on the other hand, with such a definitely known serum we find a bacillus agglutinated, we may say that it is a true B. typhosus. Agglutination may be used to diagnose now the bacillus, now the disease. The agglutinating power depends on an antibody named the agglutinin. This substance keeps much longer than the time required for its carriage to long distances for examination, when this is necessary. Dead bacteria also agglutinate, so that the method may be employed even without living cultures. Seroagglutination is therefore the simplest and most convenient of the biological methods. In performing the test it is necessary to avoid certain sources of error, among others the existence of bacterial strains 254 MICROBES AND TOXINS which agglutinate spontaneously or do not agglutinate at all. Strains can be artificially produced which refuse to agglutinate : this resistance of the microbe to the action of the serum is an example of the immunity of the microbe towards the animal, the converse case of the immunity of the animal towards the microbe. Agglutination is applied to as a test for suspected bacteria found during cholera scares in suspected water or choleraic diarrhoea ; the serum employed is obtained from an animal prepared by several immunizing injections of a definitely known cholera vibrio. Agglutination has also been applied to the diagnosis and prophylaxis of bacillary dysentery and epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis. In tuberculosis it has only been applied as a means of controlling the treatment by tuberculin. As a diagnostic agent the tuberculin test is much more convenient and certain (R. Koch). But agglutinin is no better than the other antibodies (vide p. 208) for the estimation of the resist- ance of the body towards tubercle. 1 Precipitation. If we take a culture of B. typhosus and filter it, we obtain a clear fluid free from bacteria. If a little of a very active 1 Agglutination is the touchstone in the study of bacterial strains and their variations. Recently Bordet and Sleeswyk, working with the bacillus of whooping-cough discovered by Bordet, have created in the laboratory varieties of this analogous to the varieties of the dysentery bacillus. What fixity do these varieties or strains possess, created as they are by growth on different media and separated by their different reaction to such-and-such a serum ? What is of interest here is the conclusion of these workers. They maintain, at least as far as the agglutinating action of serum on bacteria is concerned, that sera " do not act on the fundamental bacterial substance, which is inherent to its life and whose presence is indissolubly bound with the nature and constitution of the species, but that they act on substances to some degree accessory, of possible but facultative presence, whose production is in no way one of the bundle of hereditary, immutable characters which give to a living creature its own physiognomy and autonomy." It is obvious that this interpretation of the facts is not in favour of a chemical theory of immunity : the more one considers the agglutination as a surface reaction, the more probable becomes the physical explanation, i.e., the explanation of Bordet. APPLICATIONS OF BACTERIOLOGY 255 antityphoid serum is added, the mixture becomes turbid and a precipitate forms which settles at the bottom of the tube. Instead of agglutination we have precipitation (R. Kraus). If we inject a rabbit repeatedly with proteins of animal origin, horse serum, eel's serum, defibrinated fowl's blood, its serum thus immunized forms a precipitate when mixed with the serum of the eel, of the horse, or of the fowl (Tchistovitch and Bordet). The precipitating property of sera thus prepared is ascribed to an antibody, predpitin. There are bacterial precipitins and protein precipitins, the former being simply a species of the latter : all proteins, animal or vegetable, in clear solution, are precipitated by the corresponding antisera : the action is quite specific. This reaction is nearly related to the agglutinating reaction. It is scarcely ever used in the diagnosis of infections, but for the differentiation of protein substances it has furnished a very sensitive test which is employed in forensic medicine : nowa- days serodiagnosis is applied to the detection of bloodstains and to the adulteration of meat and milk. A man is accused of murder and in his house is found a garment stained with blood : the accused (he may be, for example, a butcher) declares that it is ox-blood and justice demands that serodiagnosis be applied to the stains. Some of the stains are therefore cut out of the cloth and extracted with physiological saline and with this liquid the precipitation test is applied : if the spot was due to human blood, the liquid produces a precipitate with the serum of an animal previously treated with human blood. A merchant is accused of selling for pork-sausages sausages made from horseflesh. An extract is therefore made with water from the suspected meat. If the sausage contained horseflesh, the extract gives a precipitate with the serum of an animal previously injected with horseflesh extract. The method can still be applied when the meat has been smoked and dried. By the same method may be detected cow's, goat's milk, &c. The reaction is sensitive to i in 100,000, i>., 256 MICROBES AND TOXINS it gives a result with an extract containing only y^^ny of its weight of the protein to be determined. The precipitation test has given positive results with the organs of forty-year-old mummies. It is even said to have been successful with mummies of 3,000 to 5,000 years, but in this case there is some doubt. It is probable that these latter may contain albumoses, but probably they no longer contain coagulable albumins. The same biological reaction has furnished an additional proof of evolution. Just as there are group agglutinations, so there are group precipitations. The antiserum which pre- cipitates rabbit serum precipitates also hare serum. Anti-dog serum precipitates with both dog and fox serum. The serum against the horse precipitates also the serum of the ass and of the tapir. The relationship, the blood relationship literally, between the goat and the sheep, between the fowl and the pigeon, and between the domestic and wild pig can thus be demonstrated. What interests us more particularly is that the serum of a rabbit prepared with human serum precipitates with the serum of monkeys, a definite proof that we are their near relations. This relationship extends even to the lemurs, which are only half-monkeys, and is closer in the case of the monkeys of the Old World than with those of America. Griinbaum, who experimented with forty-six species of monkeys, maintains that from the point of view of the quality and quantity of the precipitates furnished by their sera, he has been able to detect no difference between man, the gorilla, the orang-outang, and the chimpanzee : this new proof of the correctness of man's simian origin may be welcomed. Complement Fixation. This new sero-diagnostic took origin from an experiment of Bordet : he was trying to show that there is in a serum, not several, but a single complement and that it is the same complement which acts in bacteriolysis as in haemolysis. APPLICATIONS OF BACTERIOLOGY 257 We know that complement (*.*., fresh normal serum) is fixed by the combination antigen-antibody. Let us prepare two such combinations : (1) Cholera vibrios and anticholera serum (heated to 56* C. to destroy its complement). (2) Blood corpuscles and haemolytic immune body (haemolytic immune serum heated to 56 C.). Now on the first combination fix complement (*>., add fresh serum to the mixture and put in the incubator : the complement exerts its bacteriolytic action). Now add the second combination ready for haemolysis and return to the incubator. If the serum contains haemolytic complement over and above the bacteriolytic, its presence will be shown by the laking of the corpuscles and the red tint spreading throughout the mixture. If, on the other hand, no haemolysis occurs, it means that the first fixation has used up all the complement of the fresh serum : there is no haemolytic complement therefore distinct from the bacteriolytic. Given a mixture complement + immune-body (antibody) + antigen, we have always a means of knowing if the com- plement has been fixed, namely, to add a mixture of blood corpuscles and haemolytic immune-body ready for haemolysis. Laking of the blood indicates the absence of a previous fixation of the complement. For example, a serum is sent to us of a man who has been suffering for some time from fever ; typhoid fever is suspected ; if this is the case his blood ought to contain an antibody (antityphoid immune-body) and in the mixture of complement + serum of the patient + typhoid bacilli, the complement will be fixed on the bacilli through the intermediation of the serum. If after a suitable lapse of time one adds to the same tube a mixture of haemolytic antibody and red corpuscles, the complement being no longer free, the corpuscles are not dissolved. Bordet's reaction furnishes therefore a means of recognising by the presence or absence of haemolysis the presence or absence of another immune-body (antibody), and in conse- 258 MICROBES AND TOXINS quence of discovering the effect remaining in the animal body from a previous infection. It has been used like agglutination to diagnose both a past infection and the nature of a bacterial strain. There is no reason to use it in the diagnosis of typhoid fever, Widal's reaction being much more convenient. It is very useful in those cases where agglutination cannot be employed. The Sero-diagnosis of Syphilis: Wassermann Reaction. Wassermann's reaction is simply the application of the Bordet-Gengou reaction to discover the syphilitic antibody in the serum of patients affected by this malady. In practice it is rather delicate, and demands an experienced worker. In theory nowadays it is regarded as a precipitating reaction between certain colloid substances of the serum to be examined and the colloids of an organ extract which is employed as " antigen." The reaction is not strictly specific ; in leprosy, in trypano- soma infections in animals, perhaps in scarlatina, modifications of the serum often occur which give a positive reaction. The method is nevertheless capable of clinical application, since the physician has only to decide between a trypanosoma infection, such as sleeping sickness, which scarcely exists in Europe, leprosy, which produces characteristic lesions, scarlet fever, which is easy to diagnose, and syphilis, which is extremely common; the selection is therefore easy. A laboratory reaction which, taken by itself, does not give an absolute diagnosis, becomes nevertheless an absolutely certain sign when taken along with the sum-total of clinical and biological indications. As a matter of fact, the Wassermann test, if carried out with the best technique, is positive in about 90 per cent, of the cases of primary syphilis, in 100 per cent, in secondary syphilis, and in 50-60 per cent, of late tertiary cases (Citron's figures) ; the proportions are rather lower in the statistics hitherto collected by the Pasteur Institute. The reaction becomes more definite the more acute the infection and the more active the virus. There is some doubt as to whether it indicates syphilis in APPLICATIONS OF BACTERIOLOGY 259 full activity or rather only that the individual has been affected at a more or less distant period, and that the infection is now latent. According to certain observers, it is always the sign of active infection, although in a part of the body where the lesions are not perceptible, the proof being that specific treat- ment makes the reaction disappear, whereas it reappears during relapses or recurrences of the disease. The experience hitherto with " 606 " does not apparently authorize such a simple interpretation, however. In many cases the diagnosis of syphilis is only too easy j the lesions visible and active are sufficient proof. But humanity suffers from many ills which are more or less distant con- sequences of an attack of syphilis, neglected, forgotten, or even unsuspected. Since syphilis is a curable disease the value of Wassermann's reaction in the diagnosis of these obscure cases is obvious : lesions of the liver, of the heart, of the aorta, and failure of the sight may all by its means be assigned to their true cause and yield to the specific treatment. An old clinical law holds that the mother of a syphilitic infant, without being herself infected, is immune to infection from her child, and thus may nurse it without danger ; in reality, it turns out, she is infected : the serum reaction proves it. A Dresden physician, Rietschel, has thus diagnosed syphilis in 10 per cent, of wet nurses apparently healthy, and the confirmation was obtained when it was found that the children of these women eventually showed signs of syphilis. Syphilis unsuspected or without symptoms is a disease less rare than is generally thought, and Wassermann's reaction furnishes us with an additional weapon against this formidable enemy. Clinical medicine has long maintained the syphilitic origin of general paralysis of the insane, and of locomotor ataxy. The sero-diagnosis brings a striking proof of this. Not only the serum but the cerebro-spinal fluid of general paralytics furnishes a positive reaction in 88 per cent, of all cases, and in 95 per cent, of advanced cases. In locomotor ataxy the per- centage is not so high. S 2 260 MICROBES AND TOXINS The reaction is also of value in the distinction between general paralysis and other mental affections which bear an external resemblance to it, among others from dementia praecox. Bordet's reaction has also been applied in the diagnosis of hydatid cysts due to the echinococcus. Also it has been employed in the detection of blood and foreign proteins for which it is an even more sensitive test than precipitation : it requires, however, such delicate manipulation, and is so extremely sensitive, that it can hardly be trusted in certain cases; according to Friedberger it is capable of detecting the minute trace of protein present in human per- spiration, so that the hands of the experimenter himself may introduce an error. It has been employed in the differentiation of different races of man and of monkeys : not that the distinction between man and monkeys is so absolutely necessary as to show the sort of hierarchy which exists. Man is as far removed from the orang as the orang is from the macacus ; however, man is more nearly related to the orang than the latter is to certain species of macacus. It is even possible, it is said, to distinguish by sero- diagnosis an individual of Mongolian race from a Malay. The biological reactions thus are of value, not only in the physiology of immunity and of nutrition, but even in zoology and anthropology. Tuberculin Tests. A dose of tuberculin which produces no effect in a healthy subject may determine in a tuberculous individual a definite reaction, consisting of general and local phenomena, fever, inflammation, and oedema round the tubercles and at the site of injection. It was long thought that the reaction only took place in the neighbourhood of the tuberculous lesions themselves, and consisted in the inflammation and destruction of a certain number of cells, the fever being due to the absorption of the cellular debris. Von Pirquet, however, discovered that the skin of a tuberculous patient reacts to tuberculin at every point, APPLICATIONS OF BACTERIOLOGY 261 and it has therefore been necessary to suppose that the body is impregnated throughout by some substance produced by the chronic infection. The body responds to the attack of the tubercle bacillus by a reaction product, an antibody, and the tuberculin reaction appears to be produced by the coming together or combination (not necessarily in the chemical sense) of this antibody and tuberculin ; that is roughly how the facts are being interpreted nowadays. The body by producing this antibody is said to become " sensitive " to tuberculin. The tuberculous individual behaves differently from the healthy subject, being more sensitive, and his excessive susceptibility acting as a warning to him of his danger. It is in this way that the supersensitiveness which is a phase of immunity (v. Chap. XII., page 240) has occasionally been interpreted. There is some resemblance between the tuberculin reaction and the anaphylactic shock ; the diagnosis of tuberculosis by tuberculin is based on the " supersensitive- ness " of the individual. The reaction represents in a sense a resistance to the action of tuberculin ; we have seen that the prototype of this reaction, Koch's phenomenon, consists in the expulsion of the re- inoculated virus by the infected subject ; it is therefore also an immunity reaction. Tuberculin was at first employed as a remedy, but later only as a diagnostic agent. It was even more studied in veterinary science than in medicine, because it was easier to make experi- ments and control them by autopsies on animals. Even to-day the tuberculin test is quite as important in veterinary as in human practice. In the diagnosis of tubercles, nowadays, smaller doses are used for subcutaneous injections than at the time of the first trials of tuberculin. The temperature reaches its greatest height about eight hours after injection. A positive reaction indicates merely "tuberculous lesions" and nothing more. It gives no information as to the site or the age of the lesions, nor 262 MICROBES AND TOXINS as to the probable fate of the patient. The reaction may be negative in exhausted, cachectic tuberculous patients. The number of individuals who give a positive reaction much exceeds the number of those who show clinical signs of tubercle : latent dormant tuberculosis, or even healing tubercle, gives a reaction because the body is saturated with the products of its reaction to the tuberculous infection. 1 In veterinary practice, it happens that animals once sub- jected to tuberculin injection fail to react to a second test performed twenty-five to thirty days after the first ; this fact has been employed in fraudulent dealing to throw out the diagnosis, but the second test will still act if a double dose is given, and if the temperature is taken at the fourth hour (instead of the tenth); the fever appears prematurely (Vallee). Cutaneous Reactions. In individuals affected by tuber- culosis, if the skin is subjected to a quite superficial scarifica- tion on which is put a drop of tuberculin, a red spot is seen to appear after a few hours. This swells, and comes to resemble a little vaccine pustule. It was this phenomenon which was discovered by Von Pirquet. Several variations have been tried. It is possible to do without scarification by dropping into the inner corner of the eye a drop of a dilute solution of tuberculin; the conjunctiva reacts with more or less intense inflammation and more or less exudate ; this is the ophthalmo- reaction of Wolff-Eisner and of Calmette. It was observed during subcutaneous injections of tuberculin, that the needle-track of the syringe, being wetted with a trace of the tuberculin, became red and swelled up ; from this 1 The statistics of Franz dealing with certain regiments of the Austro- Hungarian army are worth reproducing, since the author had the opportunity of observing the same men during several years. In a regiment of four hundred apparently healthy men recruited from a district where tuberculosis was rife, 61 per cent, gave during their first year of service a positive reaction ; of 323 similar men in their second year of service 68 per cent, were positive. Of 279 healthy men recruited from a district where tuberculosis was scarce, there were 30 per cent, of positive reaction. These 1002 individuals furnished in the course of the seven following years sixty-four cases of manifest tubercle and twenty died of it. APPLICATIONS OF BACTERIOLOGY 263 subordinate phenomenon an independent diagnostic test has been established by making a simple prick in the skin (Moro). Further, it is possible to inject into the thickness of the skin itself a drop of the solution containing only yj^ of a milligram of tuberculin ; there is thus obtained a very definite diagnostic reaction : the intradermo-reaction (Mantoux). These procedures are all very convenient, especially in the examination of children ; the methods of pricking and of intradermo-reaction are less severe than the intra-ocular instillation. The cutaneous reaction of V. Pirquet gives about 85-90 per cent, of positive results in children presenting signs of tuber- culosis, 20 per cent, in children with no clinical symptoms, and 48 per cent, in doubtful cases. The percentage of positive reactions in children not clinically tuberculous varies with the age. During the first 6 months of life it is practically o ; from 6 to 24 months 2 per cent. ; from 2 to 4 years 13 per cent. ; from 4 to six years 17 per cent. ; from 6 to 10 years 35 per cent. from 10 to 14 years 55 per cent. ; in adults there are at least 77 per cent, of positive reactions. The great value of V. Pirquet's cutaneous reaction is that with a little prick, which is itself quite harmless and produces no trace of fever, and with a minimal quantity of tuberculin (down to Y^Vir f a milligram), it is possible to tell if a child is affected with tubercle bacillus. The younger the child the more definitely does the reaction signify a true active infection, since tuberculosis is less frequent and more recent the younger the infant. In the adult, it indicates for the most part a tuberculous impregnation, great or small, recent or remote. The cutaneous tuberculin reaction, performed as it has been on thousands and thousands of human beings, has taught us that man becomes infected with tubercle in childhood from his first to his fourteenth year; so that tuberculosis, although it may only become serious and fatal at a more advanced age, is really a disease of children and not of adult life. It is then during childhood that protection is necessary and since we 264 MICROBES AND TOXINS know that the child is infected by the individuals surrounding it, it is in the family itself and in the home that contagion must be prevented. The disease is kept up and spread by infected members of the family and by servants and also by unhealthy houses, in particular by dark, airless rooms. The cutaneous reaction tells us that of a hundred adults harbouring the tubercle bacillus, only twelve are destined to die of tubercle. It is therefore very evident that many human beings recover from the attack of the bacillus and that man is an animal naturally resistant to tuberculosis ; in most of us a sort of spontaneous vaccination takes place. These facts ought not to be overlooked in the search for a method of treatment or prevention of tubercle. CHAPTER XIV VACCINES AND SERA Vaccination with unknown viruses Small-pox : inoculation and Jennerian vaccination Sheep-pox Rabies : Pasteur's treatment Vaccination with microbes of attenuated virulence Anthrax, Swine-erysipelas, Pleuropneumonia of cattle Vaccines against cholera, plague, typhoid fever Attempts at anti-tuberculous vaccination. Bacteriotheraphy : intestinal, buccal, nasal Applications to surgery. Serotherapy, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Venoms, Cholera Serum against plague, bacillary dysentery, cerebrospinal meningitis Anti-strepto- coccic sera Anti-tuberculous sera. Sero-vaccinations : Sheep-pox Bovine plague Swine-plague. Virus-vaccines sensitized Experiments of Ehrlich and Morgenroth. Besredka's vaccines : Typhoid fever, Plague Virus-serum in the treatment of rabies. Phagocytic therapy. IT is fairly easy to immunise laboratory animals against bacteria by repeated doses of the living microbe : a preliminary experiment determines the minimum lethal dose, and the first injections are to be kept well below this. Immunization is possible also with viruses which are incapable of killing in any dose. With extremely virulent bacteria, immunization is much more difficult. It is impossible to immunize a guinea-pig against anthrax, for example. In man, where one is not entitled to run the slightest risk, it is impossible to begin even with very small doses of living virulent microbes. Hence arises the great importance of Pasteur's discovery in the history of active immunization, the discovery of the attenuation of # virus. Only vaccines may be used in human immunization. In general, a non-virulent microbe neither kills nor im- 265 266 MICROBES AND TOXINS munises, whereas a virulent organism kills before immunity has time to develop. It is often necessary to find inter- mediate stages of virulence. This is what Pasteur perceived, and hence arose his two vaccines against anthrax. It is possible to vaccinate with viruses which one handles without actually knowing their nature, with cultures of bacteria virulent or attenuated, and with bacterial products freed from the living microbes. VACCINES I. Vaccinations with Unknown Viruses. It is not necessary actually to know the microbe of a disease in order to immunize against it. The vaccinations with unknown viruses are, as a matter of fact, among the most perfect known to medicine. Small-pox. The microbe of small-pox is unknown, yet preventive inoculations have long been carried on. There exist two methods, both empirical in origin ; the older of the two has been entirely given up in favour of Jenner's method of vaccination. Inoculation or variolisation consisted in inoculating the virus of small-pox itself, so as to produce one or more cutaneous pustules, the development of which saved the body from a general attack. Small-pox acquired in the natural manner invades the whole body : the virus may enter perhaps by the tonsils or the respiratory passages, gaining the blood stream from these and thence reaching the skin and mucous membranes. Once the eruption has appeared it is too late to intervene. When the natural virus is inoculated artificially on the skin, it may give rise to a general infection later on, but in general the first local pustules produce rapidly sufficient immunity to prevent such a general invasion ; but not always; occasionally inoculation results in a fatal attack of small-pox. The virus inoculated was by no means constant, and it was always a case of working in the dark. A correct and witty account of the history of inoculation is to be found in the eleventh of Voltaire's Lettres Philosophiques. VACCINES AND SERA 267 There exists among cattle a disease resembling small-pox, and also due to an unknown microbe, the cow-pox^ which attacks also those who milk infected cows. Those individuals who have suffered from the pustules of cow-pox are immune to small-pox. This idea, popular in origin, had long been current among farmers and cattle-breeders in certain districts of England, France, Holland, and Germany when Jenner took it up and consecrated his life and his genius to publishing it abroad. He made of the subject a definite experimental study : he inoculated in turn the virus from animal to animal, from the animal to man, from man to man, and finally submitted his " vaccinated " subjects to experimental inoculation with small- pox. In all countries where public health is well organized vacci- nation has been made compulsory ; in consequence smallpox has almost disappeared from Germany : the rare cases recorded there are cases of immigrants or inhabitants on the frontiers. It has very much diminished in France and is being actively combated in the French colonies. It may one day become extinct. Three improvements have been introduced in Jennerian vaccination since Jenner's time. In the first place, it was recognized that in many cases vaccination does not protect for the whole of life, and periodical revaccinations have become customary and even in certain countries compulsory. In the second place, instead of vaccinating from man to man the vaccine employed is derived from animals. Jenner practised " arm to arm " vaccination, i.e., transmitted from man to man a virus whose distant origin was cowpox. This practice had the inconvenience of occasionally transmitting human diseases such as syphilis. From 1860 onwards vaccination in Europe has been performed with " animal lymph " taken from vaccine calves (in certain colonies from buffalos, rabbits, zebras, &c.). Finally we have learned to preserve and purify the supply of 268 MICROBES AND TOXINS virus by mixing it with glycerine, so that it is no longer necessary to vaccinate directly from the calf. Inflamed arms are nowa- days quite the exception. According to certain observers there are really only two types of smallpox, the pox of sheep and that of man. All the others are said to be mere modifications of these two types ; for small- pox is very apt to become modified in adapting itself to different animal species. Vaccinia, in this theory, would simply be an adaptation of human smallpox to cattle, and, starting with this idea, attempts have been made to transform smallpox into cowpox experiment- ally by inoculating from man to the calf. This question of variolo-vaccinia has been very much studied and is being taken up again to-day. The results obtained have been much dis- cussed, and it is not yet absolutely proved that it is possible to produce in the laboratory in a short time a change which nature has probably required centuries to accomplish. Rabies. Pasteur's treatment takes advantage of the period of incubation, which is on the average six weeks. The patient ought to be treated as soon as possible after the bite and before the appearance of symptoms. In the process there is inoculated the virus fixe, which is kept going in the nervous system of the rabbit, is contained in the spinal cord, and may be modified by drying the latter in the dark at the temperature of 23. To begin with, a cord dried for fourteen days is injected, and at the end of the treatment a cord dried for three days. The rate of treatment varies accord- ing to the site and gravity of the bites, there being three formulae, the fifteen-day, eighteen-day, and twenty-one day treatments. The mortality in rabies has been reduced to 0-3 per cent, instead of 15 to 20 per cent. The microbe of rabies is unknown, and Pasteur treatment is one of the crowning glories of experimental medicine. Consider the facts which it has been necessary to determine before arriving at its application : in the first place, the virus of rabies exists in the brain of rabid animals ; further, it is possible to make a pure inoculation of it ; the virus of any VACCINES AND SERA 269 rabid dog taken at random inoculated under the dura mater of the brain of a rabbit after trephining the skull produces rabies in the rabbit after a variable period of incubation ; but after about twenty passages from rabbit to rabbit the incuba- tion period falls to six, to seven days ; the virus has then become the virus fixe ', and the passages from rabbit to rabbit are really cultures in the living body. The culture exposed to dry air, but sheltered from light, gradually loses some of its virulence. The dried cords, inoculated in the form of emulsions under the skin of animals, produce in them a certain and stable immunity against the strongest virus inoculated under the dura mater. The cultivation in vivo of the virus fxe was for Pasteur the key to vaccination against rabies after the bite of the rabid animal. There is some doubt whether the virus of the dried cords really undergoes attenuation. Even in 1885 Pasteur said that it was rather a rarefaction which occurred. " The delays observed in the duration of incubation of the rabies communicated day by day to rabbits, to estimate the virulence of our cprds dried in contact with air, result from a diminution in quantity of the virus contained, and not from a diminution in virulence." A variation of Pasteur's treatment, the treatment of Hogyes, consists in replacing the graduated desiccation by a graduated dilution. 1 1 The nature of this virus fixe cultivated in the rabbit is rather a question. Nitsch and Marx, who inoculated themselves with fresh virus fixe, consider that after several hundred passages in rabbits the virus becomes harmless to man ; they consider it as a true Jennerian vaccine for man, resulting by adaptation to a different species. But it is not right to maintain the absolute innocuousness of -virus fixe. It may well be harm- less when injected into the subcutaneous tissue, but would it continue to be so if injected in a region rich in nerve filaments such as the face or the end of finger ? It is probable that the virus of dried cords is destroyed by the body, that the microbe is absorbed, and that protective substances are produced in consequence and are found in the blood of treated individuals. But these substances play only a secondary part, for there is no constant relation between the properties of the serum of an animal and its resistance to rabies. There are certain animals refractory to rabies, such as a species of tortoise whose blood nevertheless possesses no antirabic power. It is impossible to avoid thinking of the phagocytes in such a condition. 270 MICROBES AND TOXINS ii. Vaccination with Attenuated Cultures. Anthrax. The anthrax vaccines are cultures attenuated by contact with the air at a temperature of 42*5 C. Two graduated vaccines are employed : the weaker kills mice and small guinea-pigs, the stronger kills adult guinea-pigs and even a certain percentage of rabbits. The animals treated with these preserve their immunity for about a year, and it has been calculated that during the twenty years which followed their introduction at least twelve million animals were inoculated. The method of anthrax vaccination has never required alter- ation since its discovery by Pasteur, Chamberland, and Roux, and the celebrated experiment of Pouilly-le-Fort. Swine-Erysipelas. In this the same principle is employed, /.., young bacilli which scarcely possess any of the acid-fast property due to the wax and fat constituents. The same horses are at the same time im- munized against streptococci, since the streptococci are frequently associated with Koch's bacillus in tuberculous lesions. As regards this serum opinions differ. Certain observers report a favourable action on cases of tuberculosis of VACCINES AND SERA 281 the bones and joints and on early cases of pulmonary tubercle (checking the fever and improving the general condition). SERO VACCINATIONS. When a vaccination per se involves a certain risk it may be associated with a specific serum : the combined treatment is equivalent to an active immunization under cover of a passive protection. Sheep-pox. 1 In France the law enjoins the vaccination against sheep-pox of all the flocks in the affected regions, whereas it forbids it in the regions free from the scourge. In Algeria sheep-pox is endemic, and the Algerian sheep are much more resistant than the French sheep. In consequence, Algerian sheep, which are imported in great numbers, may be landed apparently healthy, yet may induce a malignant epidemic in a French flock. Nowadays only vaccinated sheep may be imported. Borrel, who perfected the method of vaccination by showing how to prepare cheaply large quantities of pure virus, has prepared an active anti-serum by " charging " with virus sheep which had recovered from the disease. When injected into a sheep twenty-four hours before the virus this serum prevents the development of the disease (in a dose of 20-30 c.c.), and even inhibits the inoculation pustule. By graduating the dose of serum it is possible by inoculating the virus simultaneously to produce simply an immunizing pustule without any risk of a general infection. The serum employed alone is sufficiently active to render certain a prophylactic treatment of the disease by curative and preventive injections in a flock. It permits of the importation of Algerian sheep without danger of infecting French territory. The sheep to be imported receive the serum three weeks before shipment. Inspection eliminates those which were incubating the disease at the time of inoculation, and which might therefore be shipped while still ill. This serotherapy is 1 Non-existent in Great Britain. Translators' note. 282 MICROBES AND TOXINS of advantage to the Algerian breeders, and helps in the suppression of the disease. Cattle plague or rinderpest is an epizootic disease which has caused incalculable losses throughout Europe, especially by attacking the herds of pure blood. The mortality always exceeds 50 per cent. The microbe is unknown, but it is known that the virus can pass through filter bougies, even the finest : it is therefore an ultramicroscopic organism. An animal which survives possesses an immunity which seems quite invincible : as soon as the illness is over any quantity of virulent blood may be injected into it without killing it. But it is not possible to immunize by a method similar to that in sheep-pox, for inoculation produces an attack as severe as the naturally acquired disease. The animals may be made to acquire an immunity lasting for four to six months by injecting the bile of animals dead of the plague, but the method is not practical. A good serum can be obtained by " charging " with virus an animal which has recovered. The sero-vaccination of Kolle and Turner consists in injecting simultaneously this serum and virulent blood : they must be injected at different spots. It is always risky to employ a virus in therapeutics : there is always the danger of spreading it or introducing it into a country where it does not hitherto exist. The serum alone suffices for prophylaxis, for treatment, and for the prophylaxis of the healthy animals. The prophylactic dose is one of 50 c.c. Capable veterinary surgeons have succeeded by using the serum alone in reducing the mortality to 12 per cent. (Nicolle). The same principles are at work in the treatment of the horse-sickness of the Transvaal and the plague of pigs, hog- cholera, which are also septicaemic diseases due to an ultra- microscopic virus. SENSITIZED VACCINES. The vaccines employed against typhoid fever, cholera and plague may be rendered less painful, more prompt, more powerful and more durable by impregnating the bacteria of VACCINES AND SERA 283 which they consist with the corresponding anti-sera (Besredka). After soaking in the serum the bacteria are washed free from all trace of it : they must only retain what they have been able to fix : there must be no free serum. These qualities of such vaccines are due to the immune body which they have fixed. 1 PHAGOCYTIC THERAPY. When the leucocytes are counted to determine the diagnosis and prognosis in certain infectious diseases it is really a case of measuring to some extent the reactions and natural means of defence of the body : the laws of phagocy- tosis are being applied. It was natural not to stop at recording these phenomena, but to proceed to active inter- vention by attempting to modify, fortify or direct the phagocytic apparatus. The great danger in surgical operations, especially on the abdomen, is an infection of the field of operation : formerly it was the custom to flood this with antiseptics ; the bacteria were destroyed but the tissues were injured. Nowadays not only has antisepsis given place to pure asepsis but the attempt is made to summon to the field of operation, particularly to the peritoneum, legions of the cells capable of taking up bacteria and healing wounds. For this purpose it is customary to inject into the abdominal cavity either blood serum (warmed to body temperature), or substances which 1 The association of an antirabic serum with the injection of the emulsions of spinal cord may be regarded as a sero- vaccination or as treatment with a sensitized vaccine. Such a serum cannot be relied upon to prevent rabies in animals : still less can it furnish the basis of treatment for man. But it has been employed with success in conjunction with the virus fixe of the Pasteur treatment to induce the greatest possible absorption by the body. In such virus-serum mixtures it is only the virus which immunizes : the serum merely favours absorption. An excess of serum would be actually injurious and must be avoided. In man the virus-serum treatment is employed in those cases where the treatment has to be rapid, i.e.., when the patient presents himself long after the bite or where the injuries have been very serious (A. Marie). 284 MICROBES AND TOXINS exert a positive chemiotaxis on the leucocytes, e.g., nucleic acid. Again, in the method of Bier, which consists in cupping and surrounding with elastic bands to retain a large volume of blood around an abscess, a boil, or other acute infection, it is also the phagocytes which are called upon, for the artificial oedema which is produced is accompanied by an afflux of leucocytes (Schimodaira's experiment). Wright's method of vaccino-therapy consists in treating infections by means of inoculations of bacterial bodies (the bacteria of the infection itself), in order to increase the opsonic power of the serum (v. Chap. X.) ; the treatment would not be applicable without the quantitative and quali- tative control in which the phagocytes are employed. For some years the study has been going on of those chemical actions capable of stimulating phagocytosis and reinforcing the phagocytes. Weak solutions of quinine (0*002 per cent.) increase the phagocytic power, whereas solutions fifty times stronger produce the opposite effect The peptones have been recognized to be powerful stimulants. According to quite recent experiments, it will be necessary to add to these iodoform and various chemical substances which are soluble in fats, and which doubtless act in virtue of their consequent power of penetrating protoplasm in solution in the lipoids. These substances are true chemical stimulins. It is possible that a new and most interesting chapter is about to open in therapeutics with the discovery of Hamburger among others : the action of certain mineral springs is said to be due to their power of exciting phagocytosis (experiment with the water of the Virchow spring in Wiesbaden). Thus, chemistry and physics are far from taking possession of medicine and relegating phagocytosis to the region of pure speculation. On the contrary, the doctrine of phagocytosis, which has already bloomed a second time in the purely biological researches on opsonins and bacteriotropins, plays the premier role still as inspiration and explanation in the study of the chemical therapeutic agents. CHAPTER XV CHEMICAL REMEDIES CHEMIOTHERAPY Ancient origin of chemical therapeutic agents "Sterilization" of the infected animal Protozoal diseases : example of quinine Association of chemical research with animal experiment. The arsenical bodies and " 606 " or Salvarsan. Progress in the treatment of sleeping-sickness and syphilis Observations on immunity in Protozoal diseases. Strains resistant to drugs Strains resistant to sera The future of chemio- therapy. CHEMICAL therapeutics is old as the world. It fills our pharmacopoeias, still further enriched by organic chemistry. But all over it furnishes only symptomatic remedies : one induces sleep, another stimulates the heart, others deaden pain. The drugs which really cure are easily counted, few exist besides quinine and mercury. Chemical therapeutics of to-day is engaged in searching for other examples of the order of quinine and mercury, drugs capable of destroying pathogenic microbes without injuring the cells of the body. In theory and practice it is chemistry applied to therapeutics. Such remedies should resemble more or less the antiseptics and should have as function sterilization. When the antiseptic properties of corrosive sublimate became known, R. Koch tried to inject it into anthrax-infected guinea-pigs to destroy the bacteria, but the animals died. This simple experiment puts the problem well before us with all its difficulties. Corrosive sublimate cannot be employed to " sterilize " a 285 286 MICROBES AND TOXINS living creature because it kills the cells of the organs at the same time as the bacterial cells. Quinine is a good thera- peutic agent because it destroys the parasites of the red corpuscles without acting at least in general on the corpuscles themselves. There are cases where the sterilization of a tissue may be performed without the least inconvenience. Mercury is the traditional remedy in syphilis* its internal application is limited by its toxicity ; but after a contact possibly dangerous, it may be applied as a prophylactic to the skin. Metchnikoffs experiments on the chimpanzee and on man have proved that simple rubbing with calomel ointment sterilises the skin where the microbe of syphilis has just been inoculated and prevents infection. This preventive treatment, which is as efficacious as it is simple, is already practised. Origins. The renaissance of chemiotherapy has had several causes. The first is the revolution due to Pasteur's teaching. When a disease is found to be due to a germ, to a germ which is known and which can be made to transmit the disease by inoculation into a laboratory animal, then there is room for experimental therapeutics. Animal experiment permits us to go much further than clinical observation. Nevertheless, the progress of microbiology at first seemed about to throw drug therapy into the background. Marvellous biological remedies were discovered, both preventive and curative, surpassing in specificity and efficacy all the drugs of the Pharmacopoeia, e.g. the Pasteur vaccine against anthrax, vaccination against rabies, and all the serotherapies. The idea at once suggested itself that all infectious diseases might be treated in similar ways. But that has not proved to be the case ; there is a group of infectious diseases against which vaccination and serotherapy have achieved nothing or almost nothing, the protozoal diseases. In no case has the serum of an animal susceptible to the trypanosome of sleeping sickness, and immunized against this microbe, been capable of exerting a curative effect upon the experimental disease in other animals. In malaria, all the CHEMICAL REMEDIES 287 biological methods have failed, and quinine remains the sovereign remedy. Hence, instead of searching for a vaccine or a serum in protozoal diseases, the search has been directed to finding an equivalent of quinine for each. When fortune favours, the history of cinchona bark and quinine may be recapitulated. Chance or an empirical dis- covery or a tradition of unknown origin, then enriches humanity with a remedy on which chemists and experimenters exercise their talents. This is the history of the recent arsenical remedies. The discovery of the microbes and the necessity of dis- covering for protozoal diseases other remedies than vaccines and serum, have been aided by the development of chemistry itself, and especially of industrial chemistry. The great aniline- dye factories have been the chief furnishers of the laboratories of experimental medicine. The remedies tried have been varied as the dyes are varied, and in many cases chemiotherapy has been really a chromotherapy. The method of research consists in associating experiments on the living animal with the reactions of organic chemistry. A certain body endowed with a certain property is known ; the molecule of this body possesses a principal nucleus on which are grafted secondary atomic groups; it is found that the property desired depends upon one of these groups ; this group is then shifted about, varied or substituted by another group ; experiment then informs us as to the properties of the new compound and as to the relations between molecular structure and therapeutic effect. Ehrlich has rendered great services to medicine by combining more closely than had ever been done, the technique of the chemist with the in vivo experiments of the biologist. His guiding principle, which dominates his whole career and is to be found in his earliest works, is the attempt to explain vital actions by a similar mechanism as in the reactions of organic chemistry. He has represented by stereochemical formulae the reciprocal reactions of bodies of the chemical composition of which we are almost entirely ignorant, the toxins and antitoxins. 288 MICROBES AND TOXINS He has disarticulated protoplasm into atomic groups, both structural and functional, which act like the organs of the cells; he has extended the anatomy and physiology of the tissues and organs by imagining a sort of molecular anatomy and physiology for the cell. The cell is a microcosm in which multiple functions take place by continual exchanges between the protoplasm and the external world. Each of these functions is represented by a group or " side-chain," capable of entering into (chemical) com- binations wijh corresponding groups in foreign substances, food-stuffs, poisons, and also drugs. All the vital phenomena can be reduced to a series of such exchanges, which are nutri- tion phenomena and retain this character, whether it is a protein which is being assimilated, or a serum producing immunity, or quinine killing the malaria parasite. For a substance to act on a cell, whether an organ cell or a microbe, it must fix itself on the protoplasm. Did not a philosopher in the middle ages declare that drugs ought to have points or hooks to enable them to seize upon the organs ? There is scarcely any phenomenon which haunts the mind of the biologist more than this fixation, which, according to some, is a physical phenomenon, one of molecular adhesion, according to others the chemical interplay of the side-chains. The antitoxin injected into a patient has affinities only for the corresponding toxin. But the arsenic which we inject into an individual suffering from sleeping-sickness possesses affinities both for the parasites and for the cells of certain organs. It is a double-edged weapon. We must suppress, or at least atten- uate as much as possible, the dangerous affinity in favour of the useful one, a problem in chemical substitution. The task is chiefly met with in connection with protozoal diseases, but it is not impossible to aim in a similar fashion at the bacterial infections. We already know examples of these, we may call them, elective affinities. Ehrlich himself showed long ago, that methylene-blue possesses a special affinity for the living nerve- fibres ; there has even been derived from this in vivo staining, a CHEMICAL REMEDIES 289 valuable method for anatomical analysis as follows : the animal is injected with methylene-blue and is then killed, and one finds in sections the nerve-fibres as fine blue lines. By injecting the same dye into a frog, the nervous system of the parasites of its body-cavity can be stained in the most delicate way. There are in cells, granules which are stained electively by neutral-red, others by pyrrol-blue. One colour is taken up by the nerve-cell, another by the fatty material, and these stains are more or less specific. Drug treatment ought to be imagined in the same way. To cure syphilis, it is necessary to find a chemical compound which will "stain" electively the parasite of Schaudinn without staining the cells. It is curious that we find here again this analogy of staining, so often brought forward by both Ehrlich and Bordet, but with different significations. It is still too soon to ask which is true, the chemical or the physical theory. The great merit of a theory is its usefulness, and Ehrlich's theory has certainly stimulated much work. It is not necessary to retain all the scaffolding once the house is built. The new impulse of chemiotherapy is scarcely six years old. Research has followed different tracks and attached itself to different chemical substances : hence there arose several methods in which various remedies were soon combined and alternated. Here is a list of the principal remedies tried against the protozoal diseases. 1. Trypan-red and the benzidine colours. 2. The Triphenylmethane series : malachite-green, brilliant- green, crystal- violet, victoria-blue, parafuchsin, tryparosane. . . . 3. Antimony, tartar emetic, etc. In historical and logical order this series was studied after arsenic and atoxyl, the chemical relationship of antimony and arsenic suggesting this trial. Tartar emetic acts on the parasite of sleeping sickness : it has been employed in man. Salmon has observed that it acts slightly in syphilis. 4. The arsenical bodies and atoxyl. Arsenic is one of the most ancient remedies. Even before Dioscorides and Pliny, u 290 MICROBES AND TOXINS the Chinese had employed it. As soon as it was found that sleeping sickness had as its cause a trypanosome, the arsenical treatment was applied to it. But arsenious acid was too toxic to be easily employed, and the discovery of trypan-red and the first successes reported with the chromotherapy might have led to its abandonment, had not W. Thomas brought again into prominence the substance atoxyl in. 1905. Atoxyl, discovered by Bechamp in 1863, hardly entered the sphere of human medicine until 1902, when it was employed in dermatology, both by intravenous and subcutaneous inoculation. Thomas has the credit of employing it against sleeping sickness. It is not, as was first thought, metarsenical aniline, which contains 377 per cent, of arsenic. According to Ehrlich and Bertheim, it is the monosodic salt of paraminophenylarsenic acid, but it is still the compound discovered by Bechamp. It contains 24 per cent, of arsenic. It is a white, crystalline powder soluble in water and easily sterilized. It may also be applied as an ointment. Although almost thirty times less toxic than arsenious acid excessive doses produce nephritic symptoms and above all disturbance of vision reaching even to complete blindness. Atoxyl has been employed in the trypanosome infections and in several spirillum diseases, such as recurrent fever and syphilis : it exerts both a prophylactic and a curative action. It has been said that it no longer acts in the trypanosomes in sleeping sickness once these have penetrated into the cerebro- spinal fluid : but according to several observers the meninges are in general quite permeable (L. Martin). In vitro it acts neither on trypanosomes nor on spirilla, so that the body itself must play an active part in the treatment. Atoxyl would be a perfect remedy were it non-toxic. By ringing the changes on the chemistry of this arsenical subject a series of compounds have been discovered of which the last is 1,500 times less toxic than the first. Three compounds superior to atoxyl have been discovered in this series : in the first place arsacetin, which is four times less toxic than atoxyl for the mouse and distinctly less toxic CHEMICAL REMEDIES 291 for the monkey; secondly, arsenophenylglycin (arsenophenyl glycocollate of sodium), two to four times less toxic than atoxyl and more active in killing the parasites and in pro- phylactic power. Quite recently Strong and Teague in the Philippines have been treating surra in horses with arseno- phenylglycin on the scale of veterinary practice and not of laboratory experiment, and have cured more than one-third of the animals, besides checking the epidemic. In the series of bodies studied by Ehrlich arsenophenylglycin had the number 418. Finally we reach the body numbered 606, the dioxy- diamidoarsenobenzol (C 12 H 12 O 2 N 2 As 2 ), of which the hydro- chloride is employed as the celebrated remedy termed " 606 " or Salvarsan. 5. The toxicity of these chemical remedies, the necessity of treating relapses and the fear of rendering habituated to the drug both the patient and the parasite, have suggested the method of combined or more correctly alternated medication (Laveran). The drugs associated may be of the same series or of a different chemical series from the principal drug. In spite of the good qualities of atoxyl arsenious acid still retains the first place in the alternated treatment. Treatment of Sleeping-Sickness. From 1906 on- wards atoxyl was the remedy most employed in the treatment of sleeping-sickness. R. Koch during his sojourn in the Sese Islands on the Victoria Nyanza, gave half a gram two days in succession : in about eight hours the parasites disappeared from the blood and from the swollen glands. They remained absent for about ten days, when the injections were repeated without inconvenience this double injection was continued every six days for from four to six months. Koch observed further that on ceasing the injections the parasites reappeared in the glands after a minimum period of eleven days ; from the twenty-fifth day they could be found in about 2 5 per cent, of the patients treated as above ; they then disappeared and after the sixtieth day were not to be found again. But the disappearance from the glands was not a final cure : there were relapses. The prolonged treatment, how- u 2 292 MICROBES AND TOXINS ever, permitted the campaign of prophylaxis ; the patients thus treated had no longer parasites in their blood and could not therefore furnish the glossina carriers with new supplies of virus. Mild cases were cured after a treatment of from four to six months. At the end of 1907 Koch calculated that the death- rate among the treated individuals was between a tenth and a twentieth of what it had been among the non-treated. Relapses occur even among the patients treated from the earliest period, and even 14 months after the treatment ceases. The more intense the treatment the later the relapse. Soamin (atoxyl with one molecule of water in addition) was apparently rather less toxic than atoxyl ; arsenophenylglycine produces pain at the point of injection, but it seems to act in patients in whom atoxyl fails. Of the remedies supplied by other chemical groups the best hitherto is tartar-emetic injected intravenously. It ought to be tried when atoxyl fails and the association of atoxyl with tartar- emetic has often seemed better than either of these drugs alone. With one injection per week it is possible to keep the blood and glands free from trypanosomes. The combinations atoxyl + mercury and atoxyl + sulphide of mercury (orpiment) have been tried ; atoxyl remains the basis of all the remedies. The Treatment of Syphilis. Experimental study of syphilis is quite recent and dates from the announcement of Metchnikoff and Roux that the disease can be inoculated with certainty in anthropoid apes, presenting not only the primary symptoms, but secondary symptoms as in man. By his discovery of the specific microbe, Schaudinn furnished us (1905) with the best means of controlling under the microscope both inoculation and treatment. For centuries the idea has prevailed that syphilis is exclusively a human ailment ; since 1903 it has been transferred from man to the higher apes and from these to the lower, and now it has been inoculated in rabbits and guinea-pigs. Man however remains the chief. Six years ago the medical world would have been astonished at a prediction that syphilis and the trypanosome diseases CHEMICAL REMEDIES 293 would one day be treated practically by the same remedies. Yet analogies were already in existence to act as a guiding principle, for the name of horse-syphilis had long been given to a trypanosome disease, dourine, which possesses clinical resemblances. It was Schaudinn, again, who maintained from his study of the facts the relationship between trypano- somes and spirochaetes ; he was convinced that a protozoon cannot be properly known until its biological cycle has been followed completely, and he therefore studied the haematozoa as a zoologist and found in the development of the same species trypanosome forms and spirochaetes. When the spirochaete of syphilis came under his eye, he was not only prepared to see it but to believe it and maintain it. There was great discussion in the scientific world as to the relation- ships of this new microbe : was it a protozoon or a bacterium ? These researches had the happy result of drawing attention to a problem which concerns medical practice much more closely than was guessed, and they prepared the way for the revolution in the treatment of syphilis. This sprang from an old idea. In an article dated 1867 in the Dictionnaire des Sciences medicales^ one may read that arsenic occasionally succeeds in completing a cure after mercury and iodine : " it is especially the symptoms which have resisted the former treatment which yield to the action of arsenic." The arsenical treatment of syphilis is an adaptation of the arsenical treatment of the trypanosome infections, inspired by the ideas of Schaudinn and the labours of Ehrlich. Salmon was the first to undertake in Metchnikoffs laboratory methodical studies with atoxyl. The well-known toxicity of this substance confined him to small doses. Arsenophenylglycine, employed by Alt in general paralysis, was found to produce temporary improvements. It was in December, 1909, that Ehrlich mentioned for the first time a new substance con- taining the same arsenobenzol group as arsenophenylglycine, namely, the dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol, famous to-day under the name of " 606 " or Salvarsan. All that has been published hitherto on Ehrlich's remedy con- 294 MICROBES AND TOXINS firms the great progress it has realized. It is to be hoped that the future will confirm these promises and make of this drug one of the great victories of therapeutical science. Observations on immunity in Protozoal Diseases. Strains resistant to Sera. The future of Chemio- therapy. To chemiotherapy, also, we owe much new knowledge on the immunity to the protozoal diseases, and on immunity in general. The question of the dose is here of capital importance ; the object is to begin and to finish the treatment at one blow, but it must be a sledge-hammer stroke. Small doses cure for a time without producing immunity, and relapses therefore occur. In the treatment of a relapse the trypanosome is found to be different. Sometimes it becomes more sensitive to the action of the drug. Sometimes it gives the impression " that as the result of the absorption of those parasites killed by the atoxyl, the body acquires a degree of immunity which then interferes with their normal development " (Ehrlich). As a rule, however, such immunity is ephemeral. But what is most commonly observed in following the course of a first attack on to a relapse, and again from one relapse to another, is a diminution in the efficacy of the remedy. The question is, is it the body or the parasite which has changed ? We find it is the parasite, for when inoculated now into a fresh animal it still resists the same drug. The injection of a drug in small doses is in fact the best way to render a trypanosome resistant to it, and further to create a strain of trypanosome which resists the remedy and preserves this resistance even after hundreds of passages, transmitting it as an acquired character. Trypanosome strains have been created in the laboratories resistant to trypanred, to benzidine dyes, atoxyl, and tartar- emetic. The resistance is a group resistance, /.., it applies to all drugs of the same series or chemical family : a trypanosome resistant to trypanred is still sensitive to the arsenic bodies ; it resists, however, also the benzidine dyes, which are a good deal different from trypanred. It can be seen by testing various drug-groups against the same resistant strain that biology agrees CHEMICAL REMEDIES 295 with chemistry in putting tartar-emetic, i.e., antimony, in the same group as arsenic. The resistance acquired towards the bodies of one group presents, however, different degrees ; thus, in the arsenical group a strain resistant to atoxyl is still sensitive to arseno- phenylglycine ; if it is now rendered resistant to this latter substance it still remains sensitive to tartar-emetic and arsenious acid. Again subjected to arsenious acid it becomes resistant to tartar-emetic; no strain, however, has yet been created resistant to arsenious acid. These observations have important consequences for practice ; they indicate that it may be necessary to attack the same trypanosome by different remedies and form the reason for the method of combined or alternated drug treatment. The drugs superpose their actions on the parasite, but not necessarily on the body, because their toxicity does not bear entirely on the same organ cells. Further, the different degrees of resis- tance which exist towards drugs of the same group show that it is proper to associate atoxyl and arsenious acid, although they are both arsenical bodies. Attacking the same parasite with several remedies is doing the same, says Ehrlich, as the entomologist who pins out a butterfly with several pins. Although the difficulty may be overcome by using these combined treatments the appearance of resistant strains is always a danger. In sleeping-sickness, for example, there is only one good drug, atoxyl, to destroy the trypanosome, and in presence of strains resistant to this, one is rather helpless, the other remedies being either too weak or too toxic. The danger would be aggravated should the trypanosomes preserve hereditarily their acquired resistance through their passages in the tsetse-fly which conveys them. It would represent the creation of a more virulent and less curable disease, not only in an individual, but throughout a whole country. Things do not go on in the living body exactly as in a test-tube. This fact, so often referred to already, must be insisted upon again. There are certain chemical substances which act on the 296 MICROBES AND TOXINS trypanosome neither in vitro nor in vivo ; others are active in both, for example, tartar-emetic. Methylene-blue kills certain spirochaetes in the test-tube in a dilution of i in 6,000,000, but has no action in the body of a mouse even when in 500 times greater concentration. Atoxyl does, not act in vitro but acts in the living body. There are even substances which in the body stimulate the multiplication of certain parasites ; one must here reckon with the body as a factor as well as the parasite, and the problem of the best drug to use both in the first attack and in relapses is a new one for each species of trypanosomes, and for each species of animal : chemical therapeutics is therefore not likely to become more simple. When an animal acquires immunity towards a bacterial infection, there develop, as we have seen, antibodies^ as manifested by new properties of the serum, bactericidal, preventive, and curative. Is it the same in protozoal infections? Do the chemical remedies induce the formation of antibodies ? The serum of animals infected with trypanosomes possesses microbicide and preventive properties, weak it is true, but definite; they appear in the course of chronic or subacute infections. There is reason to believe in the presence of an immune body analogous to those known in antibacterial immunity ; it acts by inducing a phagocytosis of the parasite. Strains of protozoa may arise resistant to the serum of animals, infected or provisionally cured, just as with the chemical remedies ; in many cases it is a true variety forma- tion, for the acquired character can be transmitted through several generations (counted by mouse passage). The antibodies in animals infected by trypanosomes originate doubtless from trypanosomes destroyed and absorbed. At the same time, the rapid destruction of a great number of the parasites may flood the body of the host with substances which act as poisons a sort of endotoxins. In a man suffering from sleeping sickness, a disappearance of the trypanosomes under the influence of atoxyl is often followed by an attack of fever (L. Martin). CHEMICAL REMEDIES 297 A dose of a chemical remedy, itself non-toxic, sometimes kills the mice while destroying their parasites. Ehrlich warns against treating with " 606 " infants suffering from the septicaemic form of congenital syphilis ; he fears an intoxica- tion with substances derived from the suddenly dissolved spirochsetes. The paradox that a patient may give a negative Wassermann reaction which after treatment with "606" becomes positive, is to be explained, according to Ehrlich, by the production of anti- bodies as a consequence of a non-curative dose. And it is a local production of endo toxin, under the influence of arsenic or mercury, which produces the sudden revival of cutaneous eruptions in syphilis, known as the phenomenon of Herxheimer. These observations on strains resistant to drugs and to sera have thrown light on the question of the virulence of protozoa. Bacteria also acquire resistance to the defensive powers of the higher animals ; the streptococci and the anthrax bacilli clothe themselves with a mucous capsule ; the typhoid bacilli become insensitive to the agglutinins of the patient whom they are infecting j other bacteria secrete agressins\ all .these are manifestations of resistance. This " immunization of microbes " raises the thought that the laws of virulence may be fundamentally the same for both bacteria and protozoa. There is nothing to exclude the possibility of a drug-therapy in bacterial infections also, and it is always possible that our vaccines of to-day, and in particular our sera, marvellous discoveries as they are, and originating in the most scientific empiricism, may give place to physico-chemical remedies better defined and more direct. It is from chemistry that we have to expect advances in the healing art. The phrase of Duclaux is very apt in this connection. " With Pasteur chemistry invaded the field of medicine probably never to leave it" GLOSSARY Actinpmycosis an infectious disease affecting cattle and some- times man, characterized by tumour growths of the jaw, the lungs, the tongue, &c., and due to a streptothrix^ q.v. : known popularly as woody-tongue. Algae cellular cryptogamaceous plants including many seaweeds. Amylase a ferment capable of decomposing starch. Ankylostoma the " hook-worm," a parasite of the small intestine, common in the tropics and among miners, and producing severe anaemia, the " miners' anaemia." Annelids a class of Vermes, or worms, including the common earthworm. Ascitic fluid the fluid producing abdominal dropsy. Ascus an enlarged cell of a fungus in which the spores are developed, usually the terminal end of a hypha or thread. Auto-intoxication the poisoning of the body by materials developed within itse]f: gout, arterio-sclerosis, &c., are supposed to be auto-intoxications. Basidium the spore-bearing hypha (or thread) of a fungus. Bothriocephalus a broad tape-worm occasionally infecting man and derived from the ingestion of certain fish in which its cystic stage occurs. Botulismus the poisoning produced by the consumption of meat, particularly in the form of sausages, in which an anaerobic bacillus, the B. Botulinus of Van Ermenghem, has grown and produced a toxin, the botulismus toxin. Brownian movement dancing vibratile movements seen among minute particles, even of inert substances such as charcoal, when suspended in a fluid and examined under the microscope : it is not to be confused with true motility. Calories units of heat : large and small calories distinguished by capital and small letters ; small calory is the amount of heat necessary to raise I gram of water i centigrade : large calory the amount necessary to raise i kilogram i centigrade. 299 300 MICROBES AND TOXINS Carbohydrates compounds of the three elements, carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen : the chief representatives are the sugars and starches. Catalysts substances which modify the rapidity of a reaction without forming part of its final products : such a reaction is termed "catalysis" (Berzelius, 1835) : f r example peroxide of hydrogen, H 2 O 2 , is decomposed into water, and oxygen on contact with spongy platinum, or platinum in a state of fine division. The platinum remains unaltered : it has acted merely by its presence. Chemiotaxis a sort of " chemical sense " by means of which living cells seem to seek the substances favourable to them, and avoid those which are injurious. Positive and negative chemiotaxis are indicated by movements of attraction and repulsion respectively, *.