MIEDICAL COLLEGE OF PHARMACY California College of Pharmacy WORKS OF DR. H. W. SCHIMPF PUBLISHED BT JOHN WILEY & SONS, Inc. A Manual of Volumetric Analysis. For the use of Pharmacists, Sanitary and Food Chemists, as well as for Students in these Branches. Fifth edition, rewritten and en- larged, xx +725 pages. 6 by 9. 102 figures. Cloth, $4.50 net. Essentials of Volumetric Analysis. An introduction to the subject adapted to the needs of Students of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Third Edition, rewritten. xiii+366 pages. SM by 8. 6 1 figures. Cloth, $2.00 net. A Systematic Course of Qualitative Chemical Analysis of Inorganic and Organic Sub- stances. With Explanatory Notes. Third Edition. ix + i8? pages. 6 by 9. Cloth, $1.50 net. A SYSTEMATIC COURSE OF QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OP INORGANIC AND ORGANIC SUBSTANCES WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES BY HENRY W. SCHIMPF, Pn.G., M.D. Professor of Analytical Chemistry in the Brooklyn College of Pharmacy. California College of Pharmacy THIRD EDITION, REVISED TOTAL ISSUE, FIVE THOUSAND NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED CALIFORNIA of PHARMACY Authority to use for comment the Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America, Eighth Decennial Revision, in this volume, has been granted by the Board of Trustees of the United States Pharmacopceial Convention, which Board of Trustees is in no way responsible for the accuracy of any translations of the official weights and measures or for any statements as to strength of official preparations. COPYRIGHT, 1906, 1917 BY HENRY W. SCHIMPF PRESS or A /OQ BRAUNWORTH & CO. BOOK MANUFACTURERS BROOKLYN, N, Y, PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. THE exhaustion of the second edition of this book and the greatly increased demand for it, have encouraged the author to publish a new and revised edition. In the latter, the features which made the former edition valuable to students have been retained, but a careful revision has been made and much new matter added. The scheme for the acids is greatly improved and many charts have been introduced which it is believed will add to the usefulness of the book. The author is very much indebted to Dr. Joseph S. Goldwag for the considerable work he has done in the revision and for the introduction of many new charts as well as for his careful proofreading and indexing. It is hoped that the new edition will meet with the same generous appreciation as was accorded the former. HENRY W. SCHIMPF. PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. THIS book has been prepared for students in pharmacy. It is based mainly upon the lectures on analytical chemistry and on the hectographed notes on the laboratory exercises which have been delivered to the students of the Brooklyn College of Pharmacy during the past few years. When a student has but a few months to devote to the study of analytical chemistry it is not advisable to burden his mind by compelling a study of chemical peculiarities which are prominent only because of their technical use in analysis, but rather to elimi- nate them, and direct his studies to the more characteristic chemical reactions. With this in view the author has en- deavored to encompass in a small book most of the inorganic as well as organic qualitative reactions that a student of pharmacy is required to know. The first part of the book explains some of the elementary principles of chemistry, notation and nomen- clature, and prepares the student for what follows. The second part describes the analytical reactions of the metals and acids of pharmaceutical interest, and includes schemes and tables for use in analytical work. The third part treats of the qualitative analytical reactions of organic substances, and includes tests for official alkaloids and synthetic compounds, as well as other organic sub- stances used in medicine; also schemes for the detection of vi PREFACE. poisons, the analysis of urine, and an article on the prepa- ration of reagents. The final e is dropped from the names of halogens and binary compounds, but is retained in the case of the alkaloids so as to avoid confusing them with glucosides. Chemical equations are given for most of the reactions in the inorganic part and for many of the reactions of organic substances, as it is believed that they greatly assist in gaining a clearer insight into chemical action. The author has given credit in the text wherever due, and besides this he acknowledges his in- debtedness to the United States Pharmacoposia, Eighth Decen- nial Revision, and to Prof. Elias H. Bartley and Dr. Joseph Mayer, for their contributions and valued suggestions; and he especially expresses his thanks to Dr. I. V. Stanley Stanislaus for the considerable work he has done ^in the preparation of this book. H. W. S. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y., October, i905. CONTENTS. PART I. PAGE DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 1 Notation, Classification and Nomenclature 7 PART II. IDENTIFICATION AND SEPARATION OF INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. . 17 The Metals 20 Group 1 24 Group II 30 Group III 48 Group IV 61 Group V 67 Preparation of a Solution for Analysis in the Wet Way 75 Alloys and Hard Metals 78 Table of Solubilities 81 The Acids 87 Systematic Analysis for the Acid 88 Characteristic Tests for Individual Acids 91 Group A 91 Group B 96 Group C 106 Group D 110 Group E 114 Group F 121 Group G 124 PART III. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES 127 Procedure for Detection of Ultimate Constituents of Organic Substances 12 ^ vii viii CONTENTS. PAGE Behavior of Organic Substances with Immiscible Solvents 128 Behavior of Organic Substances with Fehling's Solution 130 Chart for the Detection of the More Common Organic Com- pounds of Pharmaceutical Interest 131 Identification of Scaled Iron Compounds 154 A Scheme for the Detection of Poisons 160 A Scheme for Uranalysis 162 Preparation of Reagents 176 LIST OF CHARTS. CHART SHOWING EFFECT OF GROUP REAGENTS ON THE METALS 23 Group I : Comparative Observation of the Reactions of Metals of. ... 27 Identification of Metal in a Simple Salt 28 Synopsis of Separation of 28 Separation of 29 Group II : Comparative Observation of the Reactions of Metals of ... 39-40 Identification of Metal in a Simple Salt 41 Synopsis of Separation of 42 Separation of 43 Group III: Comparative Observation of the Reactions of Metals of ... 54-55 Identification of Metal in a Simple Salt 56 For "Short Method" of Separation of Metal in a Simple Salt 57 Synopsis of Separation of 57 Separation of 58 Group IV: Comparative Observation of the Reactions of Metals of. ... 64 Identification of Metal in a Simple Salt 65 Synopsis of Separation of 65 Separation of 66 Group V: Comparative Observation of the Reactions of Metals of . . . 71 Identification of Metal in a Simple Salt 72 Synopsis of Separation of 72 Separation of 73 Separation of Insoluble Phosphates 75 CONTENTS. ix PAGE Separation of Alloys and Hard Metals. 78 Comparative Observation of the Reactions of Metals with Three Commonly used Reagents 78-80 Solubilities 81 Separation of a Solution into Groups of Metals 82 Detection and Separation of a Mixture of Metals of the Five Groups 83-86 Group A: Comparative Observation of Reactions of Acids of 95 Group B : Comparative Observation of Reactions of Acids of 105 Group C . Comparative Observation of the Reaction of the Acids of . . 109 Group D : Comparative Observation of the Reactions of the Acids of . . 113 Comparison of Gallic, Tannic and Pyrogallic Acids 117 Group E : Comparative Observation of the Reactions of the Acids of. 119 Group F: Comparative Observation of the Reactions of the Acids of. 123 Group G: Comparative Observation of the Reactions of the Acids of. 126 Comparison of Phenol and Creosote 151 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. PART I. DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. 1. Matter. The substance of which all bodies are con- stituted is called matter. Examples: Earth, wood, stone, air, vapor, water, etc. There are two kinds of matter, simple and compound. Matter exists in three states of aggregation; i.e., as solids, liquids, and gases. 2. Continuity of Matter. Whenever a bar of any metal is heated it expands; when cooled it contracts. These changes are most reasonably accounted for by assuming that the metal is composed of minute particles which are not in absolute contact, and which may approach or recede from each other with the withdrawal or application of heat. This non-continuity is likewise proved, when two liquids of different densities are mixed; for example, if 50 mils of alcohol are mixed with 50 mils of water, the product is not 100 mils of mixture, but only 97 mils, showing a loss in volume of 3 per cent. This reduction of volume clearly indicates that between the particles of one of the two liquids there must be open spaces which particles of the other liquid have filled up. There are many other considerations which lead us to 2 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. believe that matter is not continuous as it appears to the senses and as generally believed, but is composed of exceed- ingly small particles which are not rigidly joined together, but are at relatively considerable, though exceedingly minute, distances apart ; and that these particles are in a state of per- petual motion, which motion is increased by raising and de- creased by lowering the temperature of the mass. Matter is divided into three general divisions masses, molecules, and atoms; and it is impenetrable and indestructible. 3. Mass, or body, is any distinct portion of matter appre- ciable by the senses. Molecules and Atoms. A molecule (a little mass) is " the smallest particle of matter which can exist in a free state ". The small particles referred to in paragraph 2 are called molecules; and masses of matter large enough to be evident to the senses are aggregations of molecules. All compounds are made up of one or more distinct sub- stances into which they may be split. Since every compound can be split into at least two elements, it follows that its mole- cule must consist of one particle of each element. Hence there must be particles of matter smaller than the molecule itself. These smaller elementary particles, called atoms, are defined as " the smallest particle of matter that can enter a chemical combination". Atoms are the constituents of molecules; they are indivisible and indestructible; under ordinary conditions they cannot exist free, but when forced from one combination immediately enter another. A collection of atoms forms a molecule, and a collection of molecules forms a mass. The molecules of compounds may consist of any number of atoms; molecules of elements usually of only two. 4. Elements and Compounds. As stated in paragraph 1, there are two kinds of matter, the simple and the compound. Simple matter consists of only one elementary substance, as iron, lead, oxygen, carbon. Compound matter is com- DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. 3 posed of two or more kinds of matter in combination, as iron oxid, which consists of iron and oxygen; and lead sulfate, which consists of lead, sulfur, and oxygen. Simple matter cannot be reduced to anything simpler by any known means; it is therefore assumed to consist of but one kind of matter, and is called an element. About seventy-four different kinds of elementary matter, or so-called elements, are now known, and it is almost certain that others remain to be discovered. Out of these elementary substances the entire universe is constructed. The list of compounds, constantly increasing, is innumer- able. 5. Definition of Chemistry. Chemistry is the science which considers the composition of substances and changes of com- position which they may undergo. Practically, the study of chemistry consists in subjecting materials to the action of certain substances called " re- agents ", or to the action of heat, light, or electricity, and noting the changes which may occur. These changes are called " reactions ". Chemistry deals with the atoms composing the molecules. It studies the properties of atoms, their association into molecules, their mutual attraction, the changes of their posi- tions on the application of various forces, the compounds they form when brought together with other atoms or molecules, etc. 6. Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. By Inorganic Chem- istry we mean "the study of the compounds of mineral origin ". By Organic Chemistry is meant the study of the compounds formed in the tissues of plants or animals, and other " organ- ized " compounds. It is usually defined as " the chemistry of carbon compounds ". 7. Chemical and Physical Change. Our knowledge of things is derived mostly by observing their specific properties, such as color, hardness, fluidity, transparency, odor, etc., and the changes which take place in them. CALIFORNIA COLLEGE of PHARMACY 4 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. These changes are comprised under two general headings, viz., physical changes and chemical changes. A physical change is one in which the composition and properties of a substance are not permanently altered. A chemical change is one in which both composition and properties are permanently altered and one or more new sub- stances produced. To illustrate the above-mentioned changes we will take common salt. It is a solid; when put into water it dissolves a physical change occurs; now we apply heat, vaporize the water, and recover the original solid unchanged common salt. If we now take the same salt and dissolve it in sulfuric acid, a chemical change takes place, and the products of this change, hydrochloric acid and sodium sulfate, are entirely unlike the common salt from which they were formed. The acid and the new salt formed are new compounds produced by a chemical change. 8. Compounds and Mechanical Mixtures. These should be differentiated: In a mechanical mixture there is no true union of the elements; in a compound there is. As an example we will take iron and sulfur. Reduce the iron in a mortar to the finest possible powder; do likewise with the sulfur; now mix the powders intimately until the mixture presents a uniform appearance. Place a small quantity of it under a microscope and small particles of iron and sulfur lying side by side will be revealed. Now if another portion of the mixture is taken and heated to redness, a chemical change occurs, a true compound is formed, in which neither the iron nor the sulfur can be revealed under the microscope. Before heating, therefore, the powder was but a mechanical mixture, but after heating a true chemical compound, iron sulfid, is found to have been produced. 9. Molecular Attraction and Chemism. Molecules attract one another. When the molecules are of the same kind they DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. 5 form a homogeneous mass, and the force acting between them is called cohesion. When the molecules are not of the same kind the force of attraction is called adhesion. A piece of lead thrust into water comes out wet because of the water adhering to it. Try now to pull the lead apart to smaller pieces: you cannot, because cohesion keeps it together. Chemism is to molecules what cohesion is to masses. It is the force which attracts atoms to one another to form molecules. 10. Atomic and Molecular Weights. The atoms possess definite weights of their own. The atomic weight of any element is the number of times its atom is heavier than the atom of hydrogen, which, being the lightest substance known, is generally used as the standard of weight. Its atomic weight is taken as one ; that is, it weighs one microcrith. When, for example, oxygen is said to have the weight of 16, it is understood that its atom has a weight of 16 microcriths, or that it weighs 16 times as much as the hydrogen atom. Thus we say nitrogen weighs 14, carbon 12, sodium 23, calcium 40, etc. Atomic weights are now based on = 16, which is the stand- ard adopted by the International Committee on Atomic Weights. Molecular weight is the sum total of the atomic weights in a molecule of a substance. Thus the molecular formula of cal- cium carbonate is CaCOs; that is, it is composed of one atom of calcium having the weight of 40, one atom of carbon weighing 12, and three atoms of oxygen each weighing 16, or 48 for the three. Adding these atomic weights (40 + 12+48) together we get the sum of 100, which is the molecular weight of the calcium car- bonate, or common chalk. 11. Valence, also called Quantivalence, or "Bonds.*" By the " valence " of an element is meant " the combining power of one of its atoms as compared with that of hydrogen." As will be seen, hydrogen is also the " unit " of valence, as it is of weight. Atoms of certain elements, such as chlorin, are found to be equal in combining power to those of hydrogen; i.e., one atom of chlorin unites with one atom of hydrogen. Hydrogen being 6 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. the unit has the valency of 1, or one bond; it is also called a "monad," or a "univalent" element. When it is said that oxygen has the valency of 2, or that oxygen is a dyad, it is meant that the combining value of its atoms is twice that of the hydrogen atom, and that in order to make these two combine, two atoms of hydrogen must be employed to satisfy one atom of oxygen, thus: Nitrogen, having the valence of 3, is a triad, and requires 3 /H atoms of hydrogen to satisfy its atom, thus: N^H = NH3. NH From the above we will see that the chemical value of any atom is equal to that of another atom which can replace it in a molecule. Thus atoms are divided into monads, dyads, triads, tetrads, pentads, hexads, heptads, etc., according as they can replace 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 atoms of hydrogen or its equiv- alent in a molecule. An element, while it always has the same valence in the same compound, may have different valences in different com- pounds or combinations. In ammonia (NH 3 ), for example, the valence of nitrogen is always 3, but in nitrogen pentoxid (N 2 5 ) it is always 5; many other elements have this variable valence. A monad is equivalent to a monad. 1 ' dyad " " . " 2 monads or 1 dyad. " triad " " '".3 " " 1 monad and 1 dyad. " tetrad " " " 4 " " 2 dyads or 1 monad) and 1 triad. ' pentad " " ' l 5 " " 1 tetrad and 1 monad, " 1 triad and 2 monads, " 2 dyads and 1 monad. The valence of an atom is often indicated by accents placed to the right of its symbol, thus: H', H"'; or by Latin numerals, as 0", C IV , etc. DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. NOTATION, CLASSIFICATION, AND NOMENCLATURE OP ELEMENTS AND INORGANIC COMPOUNDS. 12. Symbols. For convenience in writing chemical reac- tions and for many other reasons, certain symbols are used which represent or stand for the names of elements. These symbols are the initials of their Latin names (H for hydrogen, for oxygen, N for nitrogen, S for sulfur, etc.). When more than one element has a name beginning with the same letter, another characteristic letter is added. The first letter is always a capital, the second is small (Hg for hydrargyrum, Os for osmium, Ni for nickel, Sb for stibium, etc.). Each symbol stands for one atom of the element, unless a figure is attached to the upper or lower right-hand corner, which indicates a greater number of atoms: H' = l atom of hydrogen, H 2 =2 atoms of hydrogen. 13. Metals are Classified according to their chemical and physical relationship. The " Periodic System " groups the elements progressively in accordance with their atomic weights, thus exhibiting these relationships most perfectly. The arrangement used in this book groups the elements most advantageously for the practical work of the chemist. The following tables include the most important elements and acids. Students would do well to study carefully and commit to memory the grouping, symbols, and valences. In Table I we will find the Non-Metals classified. These may be solid, liquid, or gaseous at ordinary temperatures. They have no lustre, ductility, or malleability, are poor con- ductors of heat and electricity, and are electronegative in combinations. They are the Acid-forming Elements. In Table II we find the Metals, or Base-forming Elements. These are electropositive, solid (except mercury) at ordinary temperatures; generally heavy bodies, good conductors of heat and electricity, and possessing more or less lustre. 8 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. In Table III the Acids are grouped according to their valence or basicity. An acid is denned as a " salt of hydrogen ". In reality " acids are the hydroxids of the non-metals ", and while not all the acids contain oxygen, every acid contains hydrogen. Acids containing oxygen are called oxacids, of which nitric acid (HNOs) is an example ; those in which oxygen is wanting are classed as hydracids; thus hydrochloric acid (HC1) is a hydracid. An acid consists of two parts : Replaceable or basic hydrogen, and the acidulous radical. The hydrogen may be replaced by a metal, and the acid radical may pass into another compound without splitting into its elements. The basicity or valence of an acid is determined by the number of replaceable hydrogen atoms it contains; thus, H(C1) is a monobasic acid, H 2 (S04) rs a dibasic acid, H 3 (P0 4 ) is a tribasic acid, etc.; the acidu- lous radicals are in parenthesis. 14. TABLE I NON-METALS. Grouping. Symbol. Valences. Atomic Weights. Hydrogen Group : Hydrogen H 1 1.008 Chlorin Group : Chlorin . . Cl 1, 3, 5 35.46 Brornin Br 1, 3, 5 79.92 lodin I 1, 3, 5 126.92 Fluorin F 1 19.0 Sulfur Group : Oxygen .... ... o 2 16. Sulfur s 2, 4, 6 32.07 Selenium Se 2, 4, 6 79.2 Tellurium Te 246 127.5 Nitrogen Group : Boron B 3 11. Nitrogen N 3, 5 14.01 Arsenic As 3 5 74 96 Antimony Sb 3 5 120.2 Phosphorus P 3 5 31.04 Carbon Group : Carbon c 2, 4 12. Silicon Si 2 28.3 DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. 15- TABLE II. THE METALS. Grouping. Symbol. Valence in -ous com- pounds. Valence in -ic com- pounds. Atomic. Weight Metals precipitated, by { Firf^t Group : dilute HC1, whose chkrids, Silver \ co d Qr-t O * S 8 INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 55 2 ^ a, ^ > O . 1^8351 Jlll isr liiri rH t> ^3 T3 g T3U O >! 56 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 6l. CHART FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE METALS OF GROUP III IN A SIMPLE SALT. Group. Reagent. Result. Indication. Confirmatory Tests which should be Applied to Original Solution. HI , If no ppt. withH 2 S, add to a fresh por- tion of the original so- tion, first, NH 4 C1, then NH 4 OH, and (NH 4 ) 2 S. Warm, and filter. Black ppt. Fe(ic) Ppt. soluble in HC1. Add K 4 Fe(CN)e = heavy blue ppt., in- soluble in acids. Apply tests under paragraph 52. Black ppt. Fe(ous) Ppt. soluble in HC1. Add K 4 Fe(CN) 6 = white ppt. rapidly turning blue. Apply tests under paragraph 53. White ppt. Al* Ppt. soluble in HC1. Add KOH = white ppt., soluble in excess, reprecipitated by NH 4 C1. Apply tests under paragraph 54. Green ppt. Cr Ppt. soluble in dil. HC1. Add KOH = green ppt., soluble in excess, reprecipitated by boiling. Apply tests under paragraph 55. White ppt. Zn* Ppt. soluble in HC1. Add K 4 Fe(CN) 6 = white ppt. Apply tests under paragraph 56. Flesh- colored ppt. Mn Ppt. soluble in dil. HC1. Add KOH = white ppt.; shake; turns brown. Apply tests under par- agraph 57. Black ppt. Co Ppt. insoluble in dil. HC1. Add NH 4 OH = a blue ppt. soluble in excess to a brown solution. Apply tests under paragraph 58. Black ppt. Ni Ppt. almost insoluble in dil. HC1. Add K 3 Fe (CN) 6 = yellow ppt. Apply tests under paragraph 59. * If the ppt. in Group III is white in color and does not answer tests for Al or Zn, it may contain insoluble phosphates, metals, or oxalates, or all of these. Confirm by dissolving some of the original substance in cone. HNOs and pouring this into sol. of ammonium molybdate. Yellow precipitate or coloration on boiling indicates insoluble phosphate; in which case treat as described under paragraph 86. INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 57 62. CHART FOR A "SHORT METHOD" OF SEPARATING METALS OF GROUP III IN A SIMPLE SALT. Fe (ic). Fe (ous). Al. Cr. NH 4 C1 + NH 4 OH Reddish ppt. Greenish ppt. White ppt. Bluish-green ppt. + (NH 4 ) 2 S Turned black. Turned black. No. further effect. No further effect. Zn. Mn. Co. Ni. NH 4 C1 + NH 4 OH No effect. No effect. No effect. No effect. + (NH 4 ) 2 S White ppt. Flesh-colored ppt. Black ppt. Black ppt. 63. SYNOPSIS OF THE SEPARATION OF METALS OF GROUP III. To a portion of the original solution add HNOs, then NH 4 C1 in excess, then NH 4 OH. DIVISION A. Precipitate. Ppt.= Fe* Al Cr DIVISION B Filtrate. Solution = Co Ni Zn Mn +NaOH+H 2 O 2 pre- cipitates Fe +cold dilute HC1 precipitates Co Ni Solution = Al Cr Solution = Zn Mn Divide solution into two portions: Precipitate = Co Ni Solution = Zn Mn Portion 1 AddHCl = NH 4 OH = white ppt. = Al Portion 2 Add HC 2 H 3 O 2 + AgNO 3 =red ppt. =Cr +aqua regia + KOH precipitates Co. Boil, cool +NaOH dissolves Zn Solution = Mn * The Fe is in the ferric state, having been oxidized by the HNOs. To determine the original state of the iron, place a portion of the original solution into two test tubes. To one, add KSCN: a red coloration indicates ferric iron; to the other, add KsFe(CN)6: a dark blue color or ppt. indicates ferrous iron. Ppt = Ni 58 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. boil well, a grill B^-frs g sjlj* ^rfS^ri . g -11 &o ^ trt *-" M M "^ 55 ^a?,i m fro As trate en. to t 64. Hi S o so < il a s s- 2 M "* ' o ^ c? '> 151 .9 " r ^s 02 ,s<9 Q-g 18. Evaporate fil original solution is tak the evaporation down t on Here also account mu glycerin, etc., be present ( should be determined (see 19. Add a few drops of . a o^o fsSl sS O rt 0)^3 1 1 Mai, o3 o ^ PL, INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 59 65. OBSERVATIONS ON GROUP III. 18. The object of evaporating the filtrate from Group II is to dissipate the H 2 S and thus prevent the formation of (NH 4 ) 2 S, which in turn would precipitate the iron, cobalt, and nickel, etc. Attention here is called to organic substances mentioned in No. 18, paragraph 64. The precipitation of iron, aluminum, and chromium as hydroxids can only be accomplished in the absence of organic acids and other organic substances, like sugar or glycerin, con- taining several of the hydroxyl groups. Therefore, if these be detected in the preliminary tests, evaporate the H 2 S nitrate to dryness, heat the residue with a few drops of strong HN0 3 (thus decomposing organic substances), dissolve the residue in HC1, and proceed in the usual way. 19. Should organic substances be absent, boil the solution with HNOs to oxidize the ferrous salts to the ferric state (thus insuring the complete precipitation of iron by ammonia). Excess of HNOs should be avoided. The NH 4 OH (which should be added until the solution smells strongly of NH 3 ) precipitates Fe(OH) 3 , A1(OH) 3 , and Cr(OH)s, with a trace of manganese. Zinc, manganese, cobalt, and nickel, which are also precipitated, form soluble hydroxids which dissolve in the excess of NH 4 OH, and are found in the filtrate. Although the manganese is soluble in the excess of NH 4 OH, during the heating and subsequent filtration employed in the separation of the Al and Cr, it absorbs oxygen, and from man- ganous becomes oxidized to mangano-manganic oxid (Mi^Os), which, being insoluble in NH 4 OH, is precipitated together with the Fe, Al, and Cr. The object of adding NH 4 C1 before the group reagent NH 4 OH is to prevent the precipita- tion of Mg(OH)2- It forms a soluble double compound, MgCl 2 .2NH 4 Cl. The solution of NH 4 C1 also facilitates the 60 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. complete solution of Co, Ni, Zn, and Mn in the excess of NH 4 OH. To completely precipitate the Al and Cr, the mixture must be boiled. 66. NOTES ON GROUP III. 22. Aluminate of potassium (KA10 2 ) is colorless; chromate of potassium (K 2 Cr0 4 ) is yellow; manganate of potassium (K 2 Mn0 4 ) is green, but after boiling in water it becomes pink. 23. The portion of the solution reserved for the detection of Cr will be yellow from the presence of K 2 Cr04, indicating Cr. The object of acidifying the solution with acetic acid is to convert the carbonates into acetates; if this were not done, brown argentic oxid and white plumbic carbonate would be precipitated. 24. Neutralization is done with HC1, which at the same time forms aluminum chlorid, and from which NH 4 OH throws out aluminum hydroxid as a gelatinous precipitate, A1(OH) 3 , insoluble in excess. 25. The metals are precipitated as sulfids, their identity being indicated by the color of the precipitate, thus : MnS, flesh- colored; ZnS, white; CoS and NiS, black. Excess of (NH 4 ) 2 S should be carefully avoided, as it dissolves some of the NiS (in which case the filtrate is brownish black). A black filtrate is evaporated and the precipitate in the form of black NiS is reclaimed. Cold, diluted HC1, should be used, as both the Ni and Co are insoluble in it, but are soluble in concentrated HC1. 26. If the precipitate is not black, Co and Ni need not be sought for. 31. An excess of HN0 3 and of Pb0 2 must be added, in order to insure complete oxidation to the permanganate state. 32. When dried and fused the hydroxids lose water and are converted into oxids, Fe 2 3 , A1 2 3 , and Cr 2 3 . When treated with water and filtered, the Fe 2 3 remains as an insoluble reddish-brown powder on the filter. The A1 2 3 combines with the alkaline fusing mixture to form a soluble potassium INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 61 aluminate thus: A1 2 3 +K 2 C0 3 =2KA10 2 +C0 2 . The Cr 2 3 likewise unites with the fusing mixture in the presence of oxi- dizers, according to the following reaction: Cr 2 03+03 = 2CrOs; then 2Cr0 3 +2K 2 C0 3 = 2K 2 Cr 2 4 +2C0 2 . The oxidizer in this case is KNOs; KClOs acts similarly. When the ppt. is fused, the Mn is oxidized to green potas- sium manganate (K 2 Mn0 4 ); this being soluble in the water interferes with detection of the Al and Cr. This green solu- tion is therefore treated with alcohol, drop by drop, until the green color is discharged. The alcohol is reduced to aldehyd, which in turn reduces the manganese to mangano -manganic oxid (Mn 2 3 ), which then precipitates and should be filtered out before testing for Al and Cr. SPECIAL TESTS FOR METALS OF GROUP IV. (CARBONATE GROUP.) To be applied to separate portions of the solution. 67. Barium. (Make tests on Barium Chlorid solution.) 96. Precipitated from alkaline solutions (previously heated) by (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 = BaC0 3 ; soluble in acids (except H 2 S0 4 ): BaCl 2 + (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 + 2NH 4 C1 = BaC0 3 +4NH 4 C1. Barium Carbonate. 97. Sulfuric Test. H 2 S0 4 =a white ppt. BaS0 4 insoluble in acids: BaCl 2 + H 2 S0 4 = BaS0 4 + 2HC1. Barium Suifate. 98. Suifate Test.K 2 SO or CaS0 4 = a white ppt. of BaS0 4 insoluble in acids: BaCl 2 + K 2 S0 4 = BaS0 4 + 2KC1. Barium Suifate. CALIFORNIA COLLEGE of PHARMACY 62 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 99. Chromate Test. K 2 Cr0 4 =a yellow ppt. of BaCr0 4 insoluble in HC 2 H 3 2 : BaCl 2 + K 2 Cr0 4 = BaCr0 4 + 2KC1. Barium Chromate. 100. Oxalate Test. (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 4 =a white ppt. soluble in HC 2 H 3 2 : BaCl 2 + (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 4 = BaC 2 4 + 2NH 4 C1. Barium Oxalate. 101. Flame Test. Barium salts heated with HC1 on a plat- inum wire = a green flame. 68. Strontium. (Make tests on a solution of Strontium Nitrate.) 102. Precipitated from hot alkaline solutions by (NH 4 ) 2 COa = a white ppt. soluble in acids: Sr(N0 3 ) 2 + (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 = SrC0 3 + 2NH 4 N0 3 . Strontium Carbonate. 103. Chromate Test. K 2 Cr 2 7 = no precipitate except in very concentrated solutions when it becomes yellow: Sr (N0 3 ) 2 + K 2 Cr0 4 = SrCr0 4 + 2KN0 3 . Strontium Chromate. 104. Sulfate Test. K 2 S0 4 or CaS0 4 =a white ppt. of SrS0 4 (which forms very slowly, and is more soluble than BaS0 4 ) : Sr(N0 3 ) 2 + CaS0 4 = SrS0 4 + Ca(N0 3 ) 2 . 105. Flame Test. Strontium salts heated with HC1 on a platinum wire = a crimson-red flame. INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 63 69. Calcium. (Make tests on a solution of Calcium Chlorid.) 106. Precipitated from hot alkaline solutions by (NH 4 ) 2 C03 = a white ppt. of CaCOs soluble in acids: CaCl 2 + (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 = CaC0 3 + 2NH 4 C1. ' Calcium Carbonate. 107. Oxalate Test. (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 4 = a white ppt. of CaC 2 4 nearly insoluble in HC 2 H 3 2 : CaCl 2 + (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 4 = CaC 2 4 + 2NH 4 C1. Calcium Oxalate. 108. Sulfate Test. K 2 S0 4 in concentrated solutions = a white ppt. of CaS0 4 : CaCl 2 +K 2 S0 4 = CaS0 4 +2KCl. Calcium Sulfate. 109. Flame Test. Calcium salts heated on a platinum wire with HC1= orange-red flame. COLL 64 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. P5 tf O I S a o O S . .al-J. 3 --3 p'S O l O.g^QJ 0,0 8C 1 O,OO -T ra 6 -MA INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 65 71- CHART FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE METALS OF GROUP IV IN A SIMPLE SALT. Group. Reagent. Result. Indication. Confirmatory Tests to be Applied to Original Solution. IV If reagents of Group III give no ppt., add (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 , warm and filter. White ppt. Ba Ppt. soluble in HC1. Add K 2 CrO 4 = yellow ppt. Apply tests under paragraph 67. White ppt. Sr Ppt. soluble in HNO 3 . Add K 2 CrO 4 = no ppt. Add solution of CaSO 4 , shake = white ppt. Apply tests under paragraph 68. White ppt. Ca Ppt. soluble in acids. Add K 2 CrO 4 = no ppt. x Add solu- tion CaSO 4 , shake = no ppt. Add (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 O 4 = white ppt. Apply tests under paragraph 69. 72. SYNOPSIS OF THE SEPARATION OF GROUP IV. To a portion of the original solution (made alkaline with NH 4 C1+NH 4 OH) add (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 , warm, and allow to settle. Precipitate Ba Sr Ca +HC 2 H 3 O 2 dissolves Solution Ba Sr Ca Ba Sr Ca +K 2 CrO 4 precipitates Ba Solution Sr Ca +dilute H 2 SO 4 (1:50) precipitates Sr Solution Ca 66 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 73- CHART FOR THE SEPARATION OF GROUP IV. 33. To the alkaline filtrate from Group III, add some solution (NH 4 ) 2 Cp 3 , warm, and allow to rest for a few minutes; if a ppt. occurs, it may contain Ba, Sr, Ca. Filter and reserve the filtrate for Group V. 34. Collect and wash the precipitate, and reject the washings. Add acetic acid and then add some solution of K 2 CrO 4 ; if a ppt. occurs, filter. 35. Precipitate = Ba. tYellow. ppt. Dissolve ppt. in HC1 and apply flame test. Green-colored flame = Ba. 36. Filtrate. May contain Sr, Ca. Add some dilute H 2 S0 4 (1:50), shake well, and filter. 37. Precipitate. May be Sr. Moisten ppt. with HC1, and apply flame test. Crimson flame = Sr. 38. Filtrate. May be Ca. Neutralize with NH 4 OH, add (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 O 4 = white ppt. = Ca. 74- OBSERVATIONS ON GROUP IV. 33. The metals of this group are precipitated as carbonates, thus: BaC0 3 , SrC0 3 , CaC0 3 . Magnesium carbonate is not pre- cipitated here on account of its being present as a double magnesium-ammonium soluble compound (MgCl2.2NH 4 Cl.) The solution with the precipitated carbonates should only be warmed, not boiled. If the mixture be boiled, the precipi- tated carbonates are decomposed into chlorids through the presence of the magnesium-ammonium compound, and may later be mistaken for magnesium when Na 2 HP0 4 is added for the detection of that metal. The above-mentioned decomposition into chlorids is ex- plained by the following two reactions: (1) CaCl 2 + (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 - CaC0 3 +2NH 4 C1. (2) CaC0 3 +2NH 4 C1 = CaCl 2 + (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 . INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 67 75. NOTES ON GROUP IV. 34. When the precipitated carbonates are treated with acetic acid, acetates of the metals are formed with the evolu- tion of C0 2 . When neutral potassium chromate is added, barium is separated as yellow barium chromate (BaCr0 4 ). 36. The exact separation of the calcium and strontium is tedious. The following simple method based on the solubilities in water of SrS0 4 (1 in 7000) and CaS0 4 (1 in 400) is usually employed: To a small portion of the filtrate add some satu- rated solution of CaS0 4 and set the mixture aside for some time. If strontium be present, SrS0 4 (a white ppt.) will be obtained. To another portion add some very dilute H 2 S0 4 (1 in 50) and set aside for complete deposition of SrS0 4 (this will contain some CaSO). 37. Apply the flame test for the strontium (crimson flame). 38. If the least trace of calcium be present in the filtrate, a white precipitate of calcium oxalate insoluble hi water and acetic acid is obtained on the addition of ammonium oxalate. SPECIAL TESTS FOR METALS OF GROUP V. To be applied to separate portions of the solution. 76. Magnesium. (Make tests on a solution of Magnesium Sulfate.) 110. Precipitated from its alkaline ammonium-chlorid solu- tion by Na 2 HP0 4 as MgNH 4 P0 4 =a white ppt., from concen- trated solutions, and a crystalline ppt. from dilute solutions: MgS0 4 + NH 4 OH + Na 2 HP0 4 =MgNH 4 P0 4 -f Na 2 S0 4 + H 2 0. Ammonio-magnesium Phosphate. 111. Alkaline-hydroxid Test. Both NaOH and NH 4 OH=a white ppt. of Mg(OH) 2 soluble in NH 4 C1: MgS0 4 + 2NaOH = Mg(OH) 2 + Na 2 S0 4 . 68 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 112. Charcoal Test. Heated on charcoal with a drop or two of Co(N0 3 ) 2 solution, leaves a pinkish mass. 113. Carbonate Test. Sodium carbonate produces a white ppt. of basic magnesium carbonate, soluble in NH 4 C1: 4MgS0 4 + 4Na 2 C0 3 + H 2 = Mg 4 (OH) 2 (C0 3 ) 3 +4Na 2 S0 4 + C0 2 . 114. Calcium Hydrate Test. Ca(OH) 2 = a white ppt. insol- uble in excess. Soluble in ammonium salts : MgS0 4 +Ca(OH) 2 = Mg(OH) 2 77. Potassium. (Make tests on a solution of Potassium Nitrate.) 115. Alkaline-tartrate Test. NaHC 4 H 4 6 =a white crystal- line ppt. of KHC 4 H 4 Oe (in concentrated solutions only). This is a distinguishing test between potassium and sodium, the latter not giving a ppt. with alkaline tartrate: KN0 3 + NaHC4H 4 6 = KHC 4 H 4 6 + NaN0 3 . Potassium-hydrogen Tartrate.; 116. Platinum-chkrid TesZ. PtCl 4 =a yellow ppt. of K 2 PtCl 6 soluble in excess of water (distinction from Na) : 2KCl+PtCl=K 2 PtCl 6 . Double Potassio- platinic Chlorid. 117. Sodium-Cobaltic-nitrite Test. NaN0 2 -Co(N0 2 ) 2 in pres- ence of HC 2 H 3 2 = a yellow crystalline ppt. 118. Flame Test. Potassium salts heated with HC1 on a platinum wire = a violet coloration when viewed through a blue glass. INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 69 78. Sodium. (Make tests on a solution of Sodium Chlorid.) 119. Alkaline-tartrate Test. NaHC 4 H 4 6 = no precipitate (distinction from potassium) . 120. Platinum-chlond Test. PtCl4=no precipitate with sodium salt (distinction from potassium). 121. Antimony Test. K 2 Sb 2 Oe=a white crystalline ppt. of Na 2 Sb 2 6 (metantimonate) in neutral solutions only and on vigorous shaking: 2NaCl + K 2 Sb 2 6 = Na^baOe + 2KC1. 122. Flame Test. Sodium salts with HC1 heated on platinum wire give intense yellow coloration to the flame (invisible through blue glass). 79. Lithium. (Make tests on a solution of Lithium Chlorid.) 123. Phosphate Test. Na 2 HP0 4 in boiling solutions = a white ppt. of Li 3 P0 4 : 3LiCl + Na 2 HP0 4 = Li 3 P0 4 + 2NaCl + HC1. Lithium Phosphate. 124. Carbonate Test. Na 2 C0 3 in concentrated solutions = Li 2 C0 3 : 2LiCl + Na 2 C0 3 = Li 2 C0 3 + 2NaCl. Lithium Carbonate. 125. Flame Test. Lithium salts heated with HC1 on a plati- num wire = a bright-red flame. 70 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 80. Ammonium. (Make tests on a solution of Ammonium Chlorid.) 126. Alkaline-tartrate Tes. NaHC 4 H 4 6 = white ppt.: NH 4 C1 + NaHC 4 H 4 06= NH 4 HC4H40 6 + NaCl. Ammonium Acid Tartrate. 127. Platinic-chlorid Test. PtCl 4 = a yellow ppt. of (NH 4 ) 2 PtCl 6 (in concentrated solutions) : 2NH 4 Cl+PtCl 4 = (NH 4 ) 2 PtCl 6 . Double Ammonio- platininc Chlorid. 128. Hydroxid Test. Either NaOH or Ca(OH) 2 heated with some of the solution gives off NH 3 (detected by the odor). This vapor turns red litmus paper blue : NH 4 C1 + KOH = NH 3 + KC1 + H 2 0. Hold a glass rod moistened with HC1 over the mouth of the test-tube: white fumes of NH 4 C1 are formed: NH 3 +HC1=NH 4 C1. 129. Nessler's Test. Nessler's reagent (made from HgCl 2 + KI till ppt. dissolves, then NaOH in excess) gives a yellow or brown- ish ppt. of NHg 2 I (di-mercuric ammonium iodid). NH 3 + 2HgI 2 + 3NaOH = NHg 2 I + 3NaI + 3H 2 0. INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 71 8l. CHART FOR THE "COMPARATIVE" OBSERVATION OF REACTIONS OF METALS OF GROUP V. NaOH. NH4OH. NasCOa. Na2HPO 4 . j NaHC 4 H 4 O. Mg White ppt. Soluble in NH 4 C1. White ppt. Soluble in NH 4 C1. White ppt. Soluble in NH 4 C1. White ppt. in concen- trated sols. Crystalline ppt. in dil. sols. K White crys- talline ppt. in concen- trated sol. Na No white crys- talline ppt. Li White ppt. in concen- centrated solutions. White ppt. on boiling. NH 4 NH 3 gas given off on heating. NH 3 gas given off on heating. White ppt. PtCU. NaN0 2 Co(NO 2 ) 2 Sb. Ca(OH) 2 . Flame. Mg Heated on charcoal with cobalt- ic-nitrite solution = pink mass. White ppt. Insoluble in excess. Sol- u ble in NH 4 C1. K Yellow ppt. soluble i n excess o f water. Yellow crys- talline ppt. in presence ofHC 2 H 3 O 2 . Violet color through blue glass. Na No ppt. White crys- talline ppt. in neutral sols, on shaking. Yellow. Li Bright red flame. NH 4 Yellow ppt. in concen- trated solu- tions. NESSLER'S TEST. Brownish or yellow ppt. 72 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 82. CHART FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE METALS OF GROUP V IN A SIMPLE SALT. Group. Reagent. Result. Indication. Confirmatory Tests which should be Applied to Original Solution. ' V If reagent of Group IV gives n o ppt., add Na 2 HPO 4 . White ppt. Mg Add (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 and boil = white ppt'. Apply tests under par- agraph 76. KHC |a" s OQ 5: o s "O A*2 5^3 fl ^ Soluble 5 ^ o3 o - w ^l^ 1 Most nitrates trates except Most chlorids. Most bromids. J 1 All chlorates. Alkaline and all fids. MgS an ly soluble. Alkaline phosp <-. 0)23 111 | ;' Q s j CD of ' w 1 1 a i OQ* OQ' 5 a 3 OQ' "i ro 1 | "S 1 O s o jg 1 | a 3 02 2 1 2 s 02 & o 82 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. o g 02 r^i CC C3 ^! 6 % ~ - i 5 -| os ^ spQ^o a . ^iig-liij|i 6!l^4f3ds|4 ;5 I 111 I o O flll^&JI a INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 83 93. CHART FOR THE DETECTION AND SEPARATION OF A MIXTURE OF THE METALS OF THE FIVE GROUPS. Add HC1 in excess and filter. Reserve filtrate for Group II. Wash the ppt. thoroughly, reject the washings, pour boiling water over the ppt., and collect the filtrate. Precipitate = Ag Hg (ous) . Pour warmed (not hot) NH 4 OH over the ppt. and collect the nitrate. 1 1 Filtrate = Ag. Add HN0 3 = white ppt. Ag. Ppt. =Hg(ows). Turns black. Dissolve in aqua regia, dil. with H 2 O and add SnCl 2 = gray ppt. Hg(ows). Filtrate. Divide in two portions. For. 1. add K 2 CrO 4 = yel- low ppt. Por. 2. Add KI = yellow ppt ' p b . (Continued on page 84.) CALIFORNIA COL 84 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. H SP R C a INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 85 OF A M (Continue Is O <& So n v *i 11 s OS Is o O ^ ^ i| O O^ f f^ .?* "** HH So a g (D II 2 .s Is j i ac ao 1388 2 86 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. CHART FOR THE DETECTION AND SEPARATION OF A MIX- TURE OF THE METALS OF THE FIVE GROUPS (Concluded). Filtrate from Group III. Add (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 , warm gently, allow to rest for a few minutes, then filter. Reserve filtrate for Group V. Ppt. Wash thoroughly, and reject the washings. Puncture the filter paper and wash ppt. into a test-tube, add HC 2 H 3 O 2 and K 2 CrO 4 and filter. 1 1 Ppt. = yellow = Ba. Dissolve in HC1 and apply flame test = green flame. Ba. Filtrate = Sr, Ca. Add dil. H 2 SO 4 (1:50), shake well, and filter. 1 1 Ppt. -Sr. Moisten with HC1 and apply flame test = crimson flame. Sr. Filtrate = Ca. Neutralize with NH 4 OH, add (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 4 = white ppt. Filtrate from Group IV. Add NH 4 OH and Na 2 HPO 4 , and filter. Ppt. = Mg. Dissolve in HNO 3 , add excess of Ca(OH) 2 = white ppt. Mg. Filtrate, Li, Na, K, NH 4 . Evaporate to dryness. Add a few drops of HC1, 2 mils of water, and apply flame test. Solution = K, NH 4 . Add sodium cobaltic-nitrite = yellow ppt. To a portion of original solu- tion add KOH and warm = an odor of ammonia. NH 4 . INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 87 94. THE ACIDS. Acids do not admit of being separated in groups and the members of each group again separated, as in the systematic examination of the metals. It is customary, however, to group the acids hi accordance with their behavior when treated with certain reagents, which may serve to indicate the presence or absence of entire groups of acids. Some of these acids will give reactions with the reagent of two or more groups, and hence may be found listed under each one of these groups, but in the text the acid is found listed under the group with whose group reagent the acid will give its most important or best-known reaction. GROUP A. THE VOLATILE ACID OR EFFERVESCING GROUP. This group includes acids which are volatilized or decom- posed when their salts are acted upon by a dilute mineral acid. They are: Carbonic (H 2 C0 3 ), hydrosulfuric (H 2 S), nitrous (HN0 2 ), sulfurous (H 2 S0 3 ) thiosulfuric (H 2 S 2 3 ), hypochlorous (HC10), and hydrocyanic (HCN). GROUP B. THE BARIUM GROUP. This group includes acids which are precipitated by BaCl 2 . Two members of this group are precipitated by BaCl 2 in the presence of HC1, namely, sulfuric (H 2 S0 4 ) and hydro- fluorsilicic (H 2 SiF 6 ). The others are precipitated by the same reagent from neutral solutions only. They are: Carbonic, sulfurous, thiosulfuric, phosphoric (H 3 P0 4 ), boric (H 3 B0 3 ), oxalic (H 2 C 2 4 ), hydrofluoric (HF), silicic (H 2 Si0 2 ), arsenic (HsAsCh), arsenous (H-jAsOs), and chromic (H 2 Cr04). GROUP C. THE SILVER GROUP. This group includes acids which are precipitated by AgNOs from solutions acidulated with HN0 3 , but which are not precipitated by BaCl 2 . They are: Hydrochloric (HC1), hydrobromic (HBr), hydriodic (HI), hydrocyanic (HCN), hydrosulfuric, sulfocyanic 88 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. (HCNS), hydroferrocyanic (H 4 Fe(CN) 6 ), and hydro- ferricyanic (H 3 Fe(CN) 6 ). GROUP D. THE OXIDIZING GROUP. This group includes acids which are oxidizing agents, and liberate oxygen when decomposed. They are: Nitric (HN0 3 ), nitrous, chloric (HC10 3 ), acetic, per- manganic (HMn0 4 ), bromic, iodic, and hypophosphoric. GROUP E. THE ORGANIC ACIDS. The acids of this group with the exception of oxalic and formic char on heating. They are divided into three divisions: Div. I. Ferric chlorid: acetic, tannic, gallic, pyrogallic, phenol (carbolic), phenolsulphonic, salicylic and benzoic. Div. 2. CaC^: tartaric and citric. Div. 3. Acids not listed under other groups. 95. SYSTEMATIC ANALYSIS FOR THE ACID. Before proceeding with the analysis for the acids, it is important to ascertain what metals are present, because this will aid materially in the rapid detection of the acid. A knowledge of the metal present enables the analyst to avoid making needless tests for acids that cannot possibly be present. For instance, if the substance under analysis is soluble in water, and lead is known to be present, it will be needless to look for acids whose lead salts are insoluble, namely, sulfuric, carbonic, hydrosulfuric, oxalic, chromic, phosphoric, etc. On the other hand, the analysis may be rapidly and satisfactorily completed by searching for such acids only as will form soluble salts with the metal present, in the above case acetic, nitric, etc. Again, if the original substance is soluble in water and barium is known to be present, it will be a waste of time and energy to look for acids of Group B. If silver is present in a soluble salt the acids included in Group C cannot possibly be present. INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 89 If in a preliminary examination, the substance chars on heating to redness, organic matter is present and organic acids should be looked for. But if it does not char, it will be unnec- essary to enter into the testing for organic acids, because none can possibly be present, except oxalic or formic. Thus it is readily seen that with a knowledge of the metal contents of the substance under examination, the identification of the acid present is facilitated, and the number of the latter to be looked for is comparatively few. 96. GROUP A. VOLATILE ACID GROUP. STEP I. Preliminary Examination of the Dry Substance. Heat in a test-tube a portion of the dry substance, or the residue by evaporation with three times its bulk of strong sulfuric acid and observe effect. Result observed. Colored vapors are evolved. Violet (coloring starch paste blue) Reddish (coloring starch paste yellow) Greenish-yellow (detonation with odor of chlorin, and bleaching litmus). Yellow (odor of chlorin). Brownish-yellow (irritating). Colorless gases ensue. Odor of vinegar (HC 2 H 3 O 2 ). Odor of rotten eggs (H 2 S). Odor of burning sulphur (SO 2 ) (bleaching litmus). Odor of burnt sugar and blackening. Odor of peach kernels (HCN). Odorless gas burning with a blue flame (CO). Odorless gas turning lime water turbid (CO,). Odorless gas (oxygen). Gas evolved etches glass, test best performed in a lead dish. Hydrochloric acid gas is evolved, forms white clouds with ammonia. Indication. / lodate. I lodid. / Bromate. \ Bromid. Chlorate. Hypochlorite. f Nitrite. \ Nitrate (in presence [ agents). of reducing Acetate. Sulfid. Sulfite, thiosulfate or reducing agents acting on sulfuric acid. Tartrate, citrate or organic matter, yanid. Oxalate, ferro- and ferricyanid and sulfocyanate. Carbonate, oxalate and cyanate. Chromate, dichromate manganate, permanganate, bromate and iodate. Fluorid and fluorsilicate. Jhlorid. 9(J QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Caution. When strong sulfuric acid is added to certain compounds such as chlorates, iodates, etc., an explosion is apt to occur, hence the acid should be applied with great care, one drop should be first added and the effect noted. If step I gives a decided indication as to the identity of the acid, the confirmatory tests should be applied. If the acid is not found, proceed by the following steps. The tests described in the text are applied to salts of the alkali metals only, for in such combination only can reliable results be obtained in all cases. A strong acid reaction (blue litmus turning red) indicates that the acid is in the free state. If the acid is not combined with an alkali it is a general rule to convert the salt into a salt of sodium by boiling with NaOH. The ppt., if any, should be separated by filtration and the filtrate tested. (a) If the salt is soluble in water and neutral or alkaline in reaction, the boiling with NaOH is generally not needed. (6) If the substance is insoluble in water but soluble in acids, boil a portion of the solid with a strong solution of sodium carbonate, filter, and use the filtrate. (c) If the substance is insoluble, treat as described for the preparation of the solution for analysis of insoluble sub- stances, using the filtrate, which is neutralized with NH 4 OH. (d) In those cases where the metal present is one whose hydroxid is soluble, and which cannot in consequence be removed by treatment with NaOH, it is necessary to use, instead of the latter, Na 2 G0 3 , boil, and neutralize with HN0 3 . INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 91 CHARACTERISTIC TESTS FOR INDIVIDUAL ACIDS. The following characteristic tests are to be made preferably upon salts of the acids with alkali metals. CHARACTERISTIC TESTS FOR THE ACIDS OF GROUP A. 97. CARBONIC ACID, CARBONATES AND BICARBONATES. Carbonic Acid (H 2 C03) is not known in the free state, as it splits up into CO 2 and H20. Carbonic anhydrid C0 2 is a colorless, odorless gas which, 'when passed into a solution of Ca(OH) 2 or Ba(OH) 2 produces a white precipitate of CaCOs or BaCOs respectively. When brought into contact with blue litmus paper, it turns the latter wine-red, but the blue is restored upon heating, the C0 2 being driven off. Carbonate. 1. Treated with a dilute acid, violent effer- vescence takes place, carbonic anhydrid being evolved, which produces turbidity in a drop of Ba(OH) 2 solution held on a glass rod near the mouth of the test-tube : Na 2 C0 3 + 2HC1 = 2NaCl + H 2 + C0 2 . C0 2 + Ba(OH) 2 = BaC0 3 + H 2 0. 2. Treated with AgNOz T.S. gives a gray ppt. soluble in acids. 3. Treated with HgCl 2 T.S. produces a reddish-brown ppt. 4. Treated with a cold solution of Magnesium Sulfate produces a white ppt. Bicarbonates. 5. Treated with a dilute acid behaves like carbonate (1). 6. Treated with HgCl 2 T.S. gives a white ppt. 7. Treated with a cold solution of MgSO does not give a white ppt. 9 8. HYDROSULFURIC ACID AND SULFIDS. 8. Hydrosulfuric acid (H 2 S) (sulfuretted hydrogen) is a color- less gas having an odor of rotten eggs. It is inflammable, S0 2 being produced by its combustion. 92 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 9. Paper moistened with lead acetate solution is blackened when held in the gas. This is due to the formation of PbS. 10. Sulfids. Treated with dilute hydrochloric acid evolve H 2 S, which may be recognized by the tests described above. Usually the odor of H 2 S is a sufficient test. 11. Treated with AgN0 3 T.S. =a black precipitate of Ag 2 S. 12. Treated with sodium-nitro-ferricyanid in an alkaline solution = a purplish-red color. 13.. Insoluble sulfids, upon which the foregoing tests cannot be applied, should be fused with a little NaOH on a porcelain crucible cover; if the fused mass is placed on a bright silver coin and moistened with water, a black stain will be produced (Ag 2 S). 99. SULFUROUS ACID AND SULFITES. Sulfurous acid (H 2 SOs) may be looked upon as a solution of S0 2 in water. It is recognized by its odor of burning sulfur. 14. Treated with BaCh T.S. in slight excess gives a white ppt. of BaS0 4 due to the inevitable presence of sulfuric acid. This ppt. is removed by filtration and a small quantity of chlorin water or hydrogen dioxid added, whereupon a copious ppt. of BaS0 4 is formed. This is due to the oxidation of H 2 S03 to H 2 S0 4 . 15. Treated with zinc and dilute hydrochloric acid it evolves H 2 S, which blackens lead acetate paper : H 2 S0 3 + 3Zn + 6HC1 = 3ZnCl 2 + H 2 S + 3H 2 0. 16. Sulfites. Treated with # 2 $0 4 evolves $0 2 , recognized' by its odor of burning sulfur : Na 2 S0 3 + H 2 S0 4 = Na 2 S0 4 + S0 2 + H 2 0. 17. Treated with BaCl 2 T.S. or CaCk T.S. gives a white ppt. soluble in dilute HC1. 18. Heated with a small piece of zinc and a few drops of # 2 $0 4 , H 2 S will be evolved, which blackens lead acetate paper- 19. With AgNOs sulfites produce a white ppt. which on being heated darkens and deposits metallic silver. INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 93 ioo. THIOSULFATES. Thiosulfuric acid cannot be isolated because it splits up into S0 2 , S, and H 2 0. The chief salt of this acid is sodium thiosulfate (Na 2 S 2 3 ) which is used extensively in photog- raphy for " fixing " because of its property of dissolving the silver halids. ^0. Dilute HC1 added to a solution of a thiosulfate produces a slowly-forming precipitate of sulfur and an evolution of S0 2 : Na 2 S 2 3 +2HCl = 2NaCl +H 2 +S0 2 +S. The precipitation of sulfur in this reaction distinguishes thiosulfates from sulfites. 21. Silver Nitrate T.S. added in slight excess produces a white precipitate of silver thiosulfate; this precipitate does not form if the thiosulfate is in excess, and furthermore redissolves if an excess of sodium thiosulfate is added : 2AgN0 3 +Na 2 S 2 3 = Ag 2 S 2 3 +2NaN0 3 Ag 2 S 2 3 +Na 2 S 2 3 = 2NaAgS 2 3 . The precipitate of silver thiosulfate is very unstable, and decomposes almost as soon, as it is formed, becoming yellow, brown, and lastly black, through formation of Ag 2 S : Ag 2 S 2 3 + H 2 = Ag 2 S + H 2 S0 4 . 22. Ferric Chlorid T.S. produces a reddish-violet color which gradually disappears : 2FeCl 3 + 2Na 2 S 2 3 = 2FeCl 2 + 2NaCl + Na 2 S 4 6 . 23. Barium Chlorid T.S. produces a white precipitate. Cal- cium chlorid forms no precipitate (distinction from sulfite) : BaCl 2 + Na 2 S 2 3 = BaS 2 3 + 2NaCl. 94 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. ioi. HYDROCYANIC ACID AND CYANIDS. 24. CYANIDS. Sulfuric Acid added to an alkali cyanid gives odor of bitter almonds (HCN).* 25. Silver Nitrate T.S. added in excess to hydrocyanic acid or a cyanid produces a curdy white precipitate of silver cyanid, which is soluble in ammonia water, and in concentrated hot nitric acid, but not in dilute nitric acid. It is also soluble in sodium thiosulfate. 26. Scheele's Iron Test. The hydrocyanic acid or the cyanid is made strongly alkaline by the addition of potassium hydroxid; to this is added a little ferrous sulfate and ferric chlorid, the mixture is then gently heated and finally acidified with hydro- chloric acid. A precipitate of ferric ferrocyanid (Prussian Blue) is formed. The reactions are as follows: (a) HCN+KOH = KCN+H 2 0. (6) FeS0 4 +2KOH = Fe(OH) 2 +K 2 S0 4 . (c) Fe(OH) 2 +KCN=Fe(CN) 2 + 2KOH. (d) Fe(CN) 2 +4KCN=K 4 Fe(CN) 6 . (e) 3K 4 Fe(CN) 6 +2Fe 2 Cl 6 = Fe 4 (Fe(CN) 6 )3+12KCl. 27. The Sulfocyanate Test. To the cyanid add a few drops of yellow ammonium sulfid solution and evaporate the mixture to dryness at a gentle heat. The residue, which consists of ammonium sulfocyanate, is treated with one or two drops of dilute hydrochloric acid to destroy any undecomposed sulfid present. A drop of ferric chlorid solution is now added and a blood-red color (Fe 2 (SCN) 6 ) is produced. The reactions are as follows: (a) 2HCN + (NH 4 ) 2 S + S 2 = 2NH 4 SCN + H 2 S. (6) 6NH 4 SCN+2FeCl 3 = F * (Caution: The gas so evolved should be very cautiously sniffed, it being highly poisonous.) INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 95 g o < 1 P Special Tests. M Bw 'o "o a vS- -*^ x-? "*"* di f Ii l& OJ 111! FeCl 3 =a reddish-violet color, which gradually disappears. Decolorizes iodine. KOH+FeSO 4 +FeCl 3 + heat +HC1 = blue ppt. HCl+KI+starch = blue color. Acidify with di- lute H 2 SO 4 bleaches lit- mus and indieo. 5 -t-J m < bJD ^ a _ O bb S o o iQ ^H S CJ J-3 p ; ^ > 9 .a w 'l II .si ^? 1 'o Sjg O tU-;W H O ^ C/J GO CO ll U^lu Bx 02^ O ^ U) i. CO o * 1. |i White ppt. darkening White ppt. Decompos Curdy whil NH 4 OH. concentra ^ jl 1 PH Q g go wS w S "o 5 wo ^-co jg-S fe> ^^ 'o CO .ss w r^ 1 a O^j iSs >^ [y^ O d PH C O 8 w 03 CQ .* .-W 1? H g^ j|-S ^3 O'o ^ O 02 S 6 i 1 i a j A W a> > > S 6| '* 1 O 1 ( 1 _ 1 '^ ll wj | w H lo lo iS GCO ll ^ H w 1*0 *o "'o t/3 lo O / * - " x 0*H tf g H l-i 2 i 1 ^ P iii Ii of s H Carbonate, - 2 C0 3 . Bicarbonate HCO 3 . CO CO j| i Hypochloril CIO CALIFORNIA COLLEGE of PHARMACY 96 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 103. HYPOCHLORITES. (R'CIO.) 28. Acetic Acid or Dilute Sulfuric Acid, added to a solution of a hypochlorite, causes evolution of chlorin, recognized by its odor and by giving a blue color upon trie subsequent addition of potassium iodid and starch solution. 29. Indigo or Litmus Solutions treated with a solution of a hypochlorite, and acidified with dilute sulfuric acid are decolor- ized. 104. GROUP B. BARIUM CHLORIC GROUP. STEP II. To a portion of the aqueous solution acidulated with hydrochloric acid, add a little barium chlorid T.S. A , .. . .. r . .. f sulfate, or A white precipitate indicates I , . 7 . [ Fluorsihcate. STEP III. To another portion of a neutral aqueous solution add barium chlorid T.S., and observe effect. Result. Indication. A white ppt. sol. in acetic and all stronger acids. A white ppt. sol. in acids. A white ppt. which chars when heated on platinum foil. A white ppt. which effervesces violently when treated with dilute HC1. A white ppt. which when treated with dU. HC1 evolves SO 2 . A white ppt. insol. in dil. HC1. A white ppt. sol. in excess of reagent, in acids, and in NH 4 C1. A yellow ppt. sol. in HC1. f Phosphate. V Oxalate. / Silicate. 1 Fluorid. / Tartrate. \ Citrate. Carbonate. / Sulfite. 1 Thiosulfate. I Sulfate. 1 Fluorsilicate. Borate. Chromate. INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 97 CHARACTERISTIC TESTS FOR ACIDS OF GROUP B. 105. SULFURIC ACID AND SULFATES. 30. SULFURIC ACID (H 2 S0 4 ) a heavy, oily, colorless liquid. Upon adding water to the acid considerable heat is produced. 31. Charring Test. A piece of paper or wood placed in strong sulfuric acid is charred, or if the dilute acid is evaporated in contact with a little white sugar the latter is charred. This charring is due to the abstraction of the elements of water. 32. Precipitation Tests. Dilute sulfuric acid gives a white precipitate with barium and lead salts. 33. SULFATES. Sulfates are soluble in water with the excep- tion of basic sulfates and those of barium, strontium, and lead. Silver sulfate and calcium sulfate are only slightly soluble. 34. Barium Chlorid Test. BaCl 2 added to a solution of a sulfate precipitates white BaS0 4 insoluble in dilute acids even on boiling. The sulfate solution should be acidified with dilute hydrochloric acid before the barium chlorid is added: K 2 1 S0 4 + BaCl 2 = BaS0 4 + 2KC1. 106. HYDROFLUORSILICIC ACID (H 2 SiF 6 ) AND FLUORSILICATES. 35. FLUORSILICATES. Barium Chlorid gives with fluor- silicates a white precipitate, which is insoluble in hydrochloric acid: H 2 SiF 6 + BaCl 2 = BaSiF 6 + 2HC1. 36. Potassium Chlorid gives a gelatinous precipitate of K 2 SiF 6 : H 2 SiF 6 + 2KC1 = K 2 SiF 6 + 2H|C1. 107. PHOSPHORIC ACID AND PHOSPHATES. 37. ORTHO-PHOSPHORIC ACID (H 3 P0 4 ). This is a strong acid liquid, which when heated is converted into pyro- and finally weta-phosphoric acid, which remains as a vitreous residue. 98 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 38. The Magnesia Test. A small portion of the acid is supersaturated with ammonia water, and some magnesia mix- ture added. A white crystalline precipitate of ammonio-mag- nesium phosphate is formed (NH 4 MgP0 4 + 6H 2 0). 39. The Silver Nitrate Test. The precipitate obtained in the magnesia test is washed and dissolved in dilute acetic acid. To this solution some silver nitrate T.S. is added and a yellow precipitate of silver phosphate Ag 3 P0 4 results. 40. PHOSPHATES. The alkali phosphates are soluble in water; most of the other phosphates are insoluble. They are, however, soluble in dilute acids from which they are reprecip- itated upon neutralizing with an alkali. 41. The Barium Test. Barium chlorid gives with a phos- phate a white precipitate, which is soluble in acetic acid and in all stronger acids. The white precipitate produced by barium chlorid with a sulfate is insoluble in acids. That pro- duced with an oxalate by the same reagent is soluble in acetic acid and the mineral acids : Na 2 HP0 4 + BaCl 2 = BaHP0 4 + 2NaCl. 42. The Silver Test. Silver nitrate gives a yellow precip- itate of silver phosphate which is soluble both in nitric acid and ammonium hydroxid : Na 2 HP0 4 + 3AgN0 3 = Ag 3 P0 4 + 2NaN0 3 + HN0 3 . 43. The Magnesia Test. Magnesia mixture gives a white crystalline precipitate (NH 4 MgP0 4 + 6H 2 0) soluble in dilute acids : Na 2 HP0 4 +MgCl 2 +NH 4 OH = NH 4 MgP0 4 +2NaCl +H 2 0. 44. The Molybdate Test. Ammonium molybdate (NH 4 ) 2 Mo0 4 dissolved in nitric acid, gives with phosphates a canary-yellow precipitate of ammonium phosphomolybdate readily soluble in alkalies. (NH 4 ) 3 P0 4 , 12Mo0 3 . INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 99 108. META- AND PYRO-PHOSPHORIC ACIDS. 45. META-PHOSPHOKIC ACID (HP0 3 ). A glassy solid, con- verted by boiling water into ortho-phosphoric acid. 46. Ammonio-silver Nitrate produces a white precipitate (AgP0 3 ) in neutralized solutions only. Soluble in nitric acid and in ammonia water, also soluble in an excess of an alkali meta-phosphate (difference from pyro-phosphoric acid and its salts). 47. Albumen is coagulated (difference from pyro-phosphoric acid). 48. Magnesia mixture gives no precipitate with meta-phos- phates. 49. PYRO-PHOSPHORIC ACID (H 4 P 2 7 ). A glass-like solid, converted by boiling water into ortho-phosphoric acid. 50. Ammonio-silver Nitrate. Same reaction as above except that the precipitate is not soluble in excess of alkali pyro- or meta-phosphate. The precipitate is Ag 4 P 2 7 . 51 . Albumen is not coagulated. 52. Ammonium Molybdate gives no precipitate with pyro- phosphates until after long standing. 109. BORIC ACID AND BORATES. BORIC ACID (HaBOs) occurs either in crystals or in fine white powder. When heated to 100 C. orthoboric acid loses water forming meta-boric acid (HB02). When heated to 160 C. it fuses to a glassy mass of tetra-boric acid (pyro-boric acid) (H 2 B 4 7 ). 53. Its solution in alcohol or glycerine burns with a flame enveloped with a green mantle. 54. An aqueous solution of boric acid (1-50) reddens blue litmus, and turns yellow turmeric paper brownish-red after drying even when the solution has been acidulated with hydro- chloric acid. This brownish-red color is changed to bluish- black by ammonia water. 100 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. BORATES. Sodium tetra-borate (Borax) is the most common and hence concerns us most. Only the alkali borates are soluble in water. 55. Barium Chlorid produces a white ppt. soluble in acids. 56. The Turmeric Paper Test. A piece of turmeric paper is moistened with a solution of a borate slightly acidified with hydrochloric and the paper then dried; the paper becomes brownish-red in color. If the paper is now moistened with ammonium or sodium hydroxid the color changes to bluish- black. 57. The Flaine Test. If a drop of a solution of borax in glycerin be held in a Bunsen flame a transient bright green color will appear. 58. The Gylcerin Test. An aqueous solution of borax colors red litmus blue, if glycerin be added to this solution, boric acid is liberated and blue litmus is turned red. no. OXALIC ACID AND OXALATES. OXALIC ACID (H 2 C 2 4 ) colorless crystals. 59. This acid added to an acidulated solution of potassium permanganate completely discharges the color of the latter. 60. This acid added to a solution of copper sulfate sets free sulfuric acid. 61. It gives all the reactions of oxalates. 62. OXALATES. Concentrated Sulfuric Acid, when added to an oxalate in the dry state, decomposes- it with the evolution ofC0 2 andCO: H 2 C 2 4 + H 2 S0 4 = H 2 + H 2 S0 4 + CO + C0 2 . If the unmixed gases are passed through lime water, the C0 2 will be absorbed, forming a precipitate of CaCOs and the escaping CO may be ignited, and recognized by its blue flame. 63. Calcium Chlorid Test. Calcium chlorid gives a white crystalline precipitate of calcium oxalate soluble in hydro- chloric acid, but not soluble in acetic acid : K 2 C 2 4 + CaCl 2 = CaC 2 4 + 2KC1. * COLLtGt t PHARMACY INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 101 64. Barium Chlorid Test. BaCl 2 gives a white ppt. of barium oxalate, soluble in hydrochloric acid but not soluble in acetic acid. 65. The Permanganate Test. Potassium permanganate solu- tion added to a hot solution of an oxalate acidulated with sulfuric acid is decolorized: 5H 2 C 2 4 + 3H 2 S0 4 + 2KMn0 4 = K 2 S0 4 + 2MnS0 4 + 8H 2 + 10C0 2 . in. HYDROFLUORIC ACID AND FLUORIDS. HYDROFLUORIC ACID (HF). Very corrosive. It acts upon and etches glass. FLUORIDS. (Practice upon fluor spar (CaF 2 ).) 66. The Etching Test. The salt is powdered, and intro- duced into a platinum or leaded dish with a little sulfuric acid. The dish is covered with a piece of glass previously coated on one side with wax, through which some characters are scratched with the point of a pin. The waxed side of the glass is placed over the dish so that the liberated HF comes in contact with it, and the dish gently heated, being careful, however, not to melt the wax. After some time the glass is removed, the wax wiped or melted off, and the characters scratched on the waxed surface will be found engraved upon the glass : (a) CaF 2 + H 2 S0 4 = CaS0 4 + 2HF. (6) 28HF + Na 2 Si 3 7 CaSi 3 7 = 2NaF + CaF 2 + 6SiF 4 + 14H 2 0. Glass. 112. SILICA AND SILICATES. 67. SILICA (Si0 2 ) is the anhydrid of silicic acid (H 4 Si0 4 ). It is infusible, insoluble in water and in all acids except HF. When silica is heated with sulfuric acid and calcium fluorid in a leaden or platinum vessel, and a drop of water in the loop 102 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. of a platinum wire held in the escaping gas, the water will become turbid, due to the formation of gelatinous silicic acid. (a) 4HF + Si0 2 = SiF 4 + 2H 2 0. (6) 3SiF 4 +4H 2 = 2H 2 SiF 6 +H 4 Si0 4 . SILICATES. These salts are insoluble in water except the alkali silicates. They are decomposed by gaseous hydrofluoric acid or a mixture of sulfuric acid and calcium fluorid. 68. Hydrochloric Acid (HC1) added to a solution of an alkali silicate produces a gelatinous precipitate (scarcely visible) of H 4 Si0 4 - 69. Ammonium Chlorid does the same. 113. ARSENIC ACID (H 3 As0 4 ) AND ARSENATES. 70. ARSENATES behave in every respect exactly like phos- phates except in the following reaction. 71. Silver Nitrate, added to a neutral solution of an arsenate, produces a reddish-brown precipitate of silver arsenate (Ag 3 As0 4 ) : Na 3 As0 4 +3AgN0 3 = Ag 3 As0 4 +3NaN0 3 . Phosphates and also arsenites treated in this manner pro- duce yellow precipitates. 72. Magnesia Mixture added to a neutral or ammoniac al solution of an arsenate produces a white crystalline precipitate of ammonio-magnesium arsenate (NH 4 MgAs0 4 ) (distinction from arsenites) : K 3 As0 4 +MgCl 2 +NH 4 C1 = NH 4 MgAs0 4 +3KC1. 73. Potassium lodid added to an acid solution of an arsenate will reduce it with a separation of iodin : H 3 As0 4 +2HI = H 3 As0 3 +H 2 +I 2 . This test will detect arsenic acid in the presence of arsenous acid, but is useful only in the absence of oxidizing agents, as chromates, nitrites, manganates and ferric salts. INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 103 114. ARSENOUS ACID (HsAs0 3 ) AND ARSENITES. 74. Hydrogen Sulfid added to a solution of an arsenite acidulated with hydrochloric acid produces a copious yellow precipitate of As 2 S 3 : 2H 3 As0 3 +3H 2 S= As 2 S 3 + 6H 2 0. If the solution is neutral instead of acid, H 2 S does not precipitate the sulfide, but colors the solution yellow, due to the formation of colloidal As 2 S 3 . 75. Silver Nitrate added to a neutral solution of an arsenite precipitates yellow silver arsenite, Ag 3 As0 3 (distinction from arsenate) : K 3 As0 3 +3AgN0 3 = Ag 3 As0 3 +3KN0 3 . 76. Magnesia Mixture does not precipitate arsenites (dif- ference from arsenates). 77. lodin added to a solution of an arsenite made alkaline with NaHCOs, is decolorized and oxidizes the arsenite to arsenate: As 2 3 + 1 4 + 2H 2 = 4HI + As 2 5 . Other tests for arsenic and arsenous compounds will be found under tests for metals of Group II. n 5 . CHROMIC ACID AND CHROMATES. 78. CHROMIC ACID (H 2 Cr0 4 ) cannot be isolated, but its anhydrid, Cr0 3 , is well known. If a solution of this anhydrid be treated with dilute hydrogen dioxid and a little ether added and shaken up with it, the perchromic acid formed will separate from the water and enter the ether, forming an intense blue solution. This test is exceedingly delicate and may be applied to chromates after slight acidulation with sulfuric acid. It will detect 1 part of K 2 Cr0 4 in 40,000 parts of water, and may be used also as a very delicate test for H 2 2 . 104 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 79. CHROMATES. Alkali chromates and chromates of mag- nesium and calcium are soluble in water. Most other chromates are insoluble. Soluble chromates in solution are yellow in color, and when treated with an acid turn orange, due to formation of dichromate. Soluble dichromates in solution, when treated with an alkali hydroxid, turn yellow. 80. Barium Chlorid added to a solution of a chromate precipitates- yellowish-white barium chromate (BaCr0 4 ) which is soluble in hydrochloric acid : K 2 Cr0 4 + BaCl 2 = BaCr0 4 + 2KC1. With potassium dichromate only partial precipitation results, because of the formation of hydrochloric acid : K 2 Cr 2 7 +2BaCl 2 +H 2 = 2BaCr0 4 +2KC1 +2HC1. The addition of alkali acetate will, however, prevent the solvent action of HC1 on the precipitate, and insure a more complete separation. 81. Lead Acetate added to a neutral or acetic acid solution or a chromate precipitates yellow lead chromate (PbCr0 4 ) : K 2 Cr0 4 +Pb (C 2 H 3 2 ) 2 = PbO0 4 +2KC 2 H 3 2 . This precipitate is soluble in caustic soda solution, but insoluble in NH 4 OH and in acetic acid. 82. Silver Nitrate added to a neutral solution of a chromate precipitates a dark red silver chromate (Ag 2 Cr0 4 ) which is soluble in ammonium hydroxid and in nitric acid : K 2 Cr0 4 +2AgN0 3 = Ag 2 Cr0 4 -f 2KN0 3 . The same reagent added to a slightly acid chromate solution precipitates reddish-brown Ag 2 Cr 2 7 . INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 105 , a 8t| PQ ft 03 5aS 02 ^[3 sa a <5 fl ': ^ *% r ii i^-32 '$ II .0 ^ +J -t-3 R g-s.1 'C o . 5=5 ^^ OJ g f* 8 ! l; Pi -50S V sl8 a I I J ii f - 3 As Sffi i Chromate 106 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 117. GROUP C. SILVER NITRATE GROUP. STEP IV. To another portion of the neutral aqueous solu- tion, add silver nitrate T.S., and observe effect. Result. Indication. White ppt. insol. in dilute nitric acid; sol. in ammonia. White ppt. insol. in dilute nitric acid; insol. in ammonia. White ppt. sol. in dilute nitric acid. White ppt. sol. in dilute nitric acid; sol. in ammonia. White ppt. sol. in dilute nitric acid, ppt. darkens on heating. White ppt. sol. in excess of sodium thiosulfate. Reddish-brown ppt. insol. in dilute nitric acid. Reddish-brown ppt. sol. in dil. HNO 3 . Yellow ppt. sol. in dil. HNO 3 . Black ppt. sol. in dil. HNO 3 . Chlorid. Bromid. lodid. Cyanid. | Sulfocyanate. \ Ferrocyanid. f Borate. 1 Carbonate. 1 Oxalate. i I Citrate. ! Tartrate. Meta and pyrophosphate. Sulfite. Hypophosphite. Thiosulfate. Ferricyanid. f Chromate. \ Arsenate. / Phosphate. 1 Arsenite. Sulfid. CHARACTERISTIC TESTS FOR THE ACIDS OF GROUP C. 118. HYDROCHLORIC ACID AND CHLORIDS. HYDROCHLORIC ACID (HC1) is a gas and occurs in commerce in aqueous solutions. It is a powerful acid. 83. Manganese Dioxid added to hydrochloric acid, and the mixture heated, gives off chlorin gas : Mn0 2 + 4HC1 = MnCl 2 + 2H 2 + C1 2 . 84. Ammonium Hydroxid held over a glass rod near the mouth of a vessel containing hydrochloric acid, produces dense white clouds of NH 4 C1. INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 107 85. Silver Nitrate produces a curdy white precipitate of AgCl, soluble in NELiOH and reprecipitated upon acidulation with HN0 3 . 86. CHLORIDS. Silver Nitrate added to a solution of a chlorid in the presence of nitric acid gives a curdy white precipitate which is soluble in ammonium hydroxid and reprecipitated upon acidulation with nitric acid: NaCl + AgN0 3 = AgCl + NaN0 3 . 87. Manganese Dioxid and Concentrated Sulfuric Acid added to a chlorid and the mixture heated, evolves chlorin gas, which may be recognized by its odor, and its bleaching power on moist litmus or indigo paper, and by its liberating iodin from iodids, and turning starch-iodid paper blue: Mn0 2 + 2H 2 S0 4 + 2NaCl = MnS0 4 + Na 2 S0 4 + 2H 2 + C1 2 . 88. Lead acetate produces a white ppt. soluble in hot water. 119. HYDROBROMIC ACID (HBr) AND BROMIDS. 89. Silver Nitrate added to a solution of a bromid precipitates dirty-white AgBr insoluble in nitric acid, sparingly soluble hi strong ammonia water, but insoluble in dilute (5 per cent.) ammonia water. 90. Chlorin Water added drop by drop to a solution of a bromid liberates bromin. If a few drops of chloroform be added to this mixture and shaken, the chloroform will dissolve the liberated bromin, forming a golden yellow or reddish colored bead, which settles to the bottom of the test-tube. The color produced depends upon the amount of bromin present. 120. HYDRIODIC ACID (HI) AND IODIDS. 91. Silver Nitrate added to a solution of an iodid precipitates yellow Agl, insoluble in nitric acid and only very sparingly soluble in ammonia water. 92. Chlorin Water reacts with iodids in same manner as it does with bromids, the liberated iodin dissolving hi the chloro- 108 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. form, forming a violet bead. Free iodin may also be identified by adding starch paste, with which it strikes a blue color. In this test, as in the corresponding test for bromid, care must be taken to avoid adding an excess of chlorin water, otherwise colorless iodic acid (HI0 3 ) will be formed. 93. Mercuric Chic-rid added to an iodid precipitates red HgI 2 , which dissolves as long as the iodid is in excess, but remains precipitated if the mercuric chlorid is in excess : HgCl 2 + 2KI = HgI 2 + 2KC1, HgI 2 +2KI = K 2 HgI 4 . 121. SULFOCYANATES (Thiocyanates) (RONS). 94. Silver Nitrate, added to a solution of a sulfocyanate, precipitates white silver sulfocyanate, insoluble in dilute nitric acid and in ammonium hydroxid : KCNS + AgN0 3 = AgCNS. + KN0 3 . 95. Ferric Salts brought in contact with a solution of sulfo- cyanate gives a blood-red coloration due to the formation of Fe(CNS) 3 . This color is destroyed by mercuric chlorid (dis- tinction from meconate) but is not destroyed by hydrochloric acid (distinction from acetate). 122. FERROCYANIDS (R' 4 Fe(CN) 6 ). 96. Silver Nitrate added to a solution of a ferrocyanid produces a white gelatinous precipitate of Ag 4 Fe(CN)6 insoluble in dilute nitric acid and in ammonium hydroxid, unless heated : K 4 Fe (CN) 6 + 4AgN0 3 - Ag 4 Fe (CN) 6 + 4KN0 3 . 97. Ferric Salts produce with slightly acid solutions of ferrocyanids a blue precipitate Fe 4 (Fe(CN) 6 ) 3 Prussian blue. 98. Copper Sulfate added to a solution of a ferrocyanid produces a reddish-brown precipitate of Cu 2 Fe(CN) 6 . INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 109 123. FERRICYANIDS (R' 3 Fe(CN) 6 ). 99. Silver Nitrate produces with ferricyanids a reddish-brown precipitate (AgsFe(CN)6) insoluble in nitric acid but soluble in ammonium hydroxid. 100. Ferrous Sulfate or any ferrous salt gives a blue precip- itate (Fe 3 (Fe(CN) 6 )2Turnbuirs blue) insoluble in acids. Ferric salts give no precipitate but a brownish coloration. 124. CHART FOR THE OBSERVATION OF THE REACTIONS OF THE ACIDS OF THE SILVER NITRATE GROUP (C). AgNO 3 . Pb(C2H 3 02)2. Chlorine Water. Special Tests. Chlorid, -Cl. White ppt. Soluble i n NH 4 OH. White ppt. Soluble in hot water. MnO 2 H 2 SO 4 = Cl liberated. Bromid, Br White ppt. Sparingly soluble i n strong NH 4 OH. In- soluble i n HNO 3 . White ppt. Soluble i n hot water. Liberates Br Add CHC1 3 A golden yel- low color is imparted to the latter. lodid, j Yellow ppt., very sparing- ly soluble in NH 4 OH. In- soluble i n HNO 3 . Yellow ppt. Soluble i n hot water. Liberates I, which turns starch paste blue. HgCl 2 = red ppt. soluble in excess of the iodid. Sulfocyanate, CNS. White ppt. Insoluble in NH 4 OH. In- soluble i n diluteHNO 3 . White ppt. Ferric salts give blood red color de- troy ed b y HgCl 2 , but not by HC1. Ferrocyanid, 4 Fe(CN) 6 White ppt. Soluble i n hot NH 4 OH. White ppt. Acidified so- lution +ferric salt = blue. CuSO= red- dish brown ppt. Ferricyanid, 3Fe(CN) 6 Reddish- brown ppt. Soluble i n NH 4 OH,not in HNO 3 . No ppt. Acidified so- lution+ fer- rous salt = blue. 110 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 125. GROUP D. DEFLAGRATING GROUP. STEP V. A portion of the original dry substance or the residue on evaporation, is placed in a shallow concavity on a piece of charcoal and heated by means of a blow-pipe flame. A more or less violent deflagration indicates nitrate, nitrite, chlor- ate, br ornate, Mate, hypophosphite or permanganate. CHARACTERISTIC TESTS FOR ACIDS OF GROUP D. 126. NITRIC ACID AND NITRATES. NITRIC ACID (HNO) 3 . A powerful corrosive acid liquid. It fumes in the air and dissolves most metals. 101. A piece of copper is put into a test-tube with some nitric acid. Effervescence takes place and orange-red fumes of N 2 04 are evolved. 102. A quill immersed in nitric acid is stained yellow; this color is intensified on touching the stained quill with an alkali. 103. NITRATES. Copper foil or filings added to a nitrate and the mixture then heated with sulfuric acid, produces orange- red fumes of N 2 04 : (a) KN0 3 +H 2 S04=KHS0 4 +HN0 3 . (6) 3Cu + 8HN0 3 = (c) N 2 2 + 2 =N 2 4 . 104. Ferrous Sulfate in the form of a freshly-prepared solu- tion is mixed with an equal volume of a saturated solution of a nitrate, and the mixture floated upon concentrated sulfuric acid in a test-tube; a brown ring will form at line of contact. 105. When ignited, nitrates evolve oxygen, KN0 3 = KN0 2 + 0. 127. NITROUS ACID AND NITRITES. NITROUS ACID (HN0 2 ). Commercial nitrous acid is nitric acid containing nitrous anhydrid. It has a yellowish color and evolves reddish fumes. INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. Ill NITRITES. -All nitrites are soluble in water, silver nitrite only sparingly. 106. Sulfuric Acid when dilute, decomposes nitrites (but not nitrates) with evolution of reddish fumes. The gas evolved in this reaction is N 2 2 , which in contact with the air is oxidized to N 2 4 : (a) 2NaN0 2 + H 2 S0 4 =Na 2 S0 4 +2HN0 2 . (6) 3HN0 2 = HN0 3 +H 2 + N 2 2 . (c) N 2 2 +0 2 = N 2 4 . 107. Potassium lodid and Starch Solution, when added to a solution of a nitrite, and the mixture acidified with acetic acid produces a blue color: 2HN0 2 + 2HI = I 2 + 2H 2 + N 2 2 . 108. Ferrous Sulfate T.S. mixed with an equal volume of a solution of a nitrite when floated upon concentrated acetic acid in a test-tube, produces a dark-brown ring at the line of contact. This test distinguishes nitrites from nitrates, the latter requiring sulfuric acid to produce the described effect. 128. CHLORATES (R'C10 3 ). 109. When ignited, chlorates evolve oxygen and leave a residue of the chlorid of the metal. KC10 3 = KC1+0 3 . Treat residue as under paragraph 118. 110. Concentrated Sulfuric Acid is warmed and treated with a crystal of potassium chlorate. The chlorate is decomposed, producing (C10 2 ) , a greenish-yellow gas which explodes violently. Caution. Perform this test with great care so as to avoid harm to yourself and to your neighbor. 129. BROMATES and IODATES, like chlorates, are reduced when heated, evolving oxygen and leaving a residue respectively of bromid and iodid. Treat residue as under paragraphs 119 and 112 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 120 respectively. Like chlorates, these salts deflagrate when heated on charcoal. Dilute Sulfurous Acid liberates respectively bromin and iodin ; which can be recognized by the CHC1 3 , bead. 130. PERMANGANATES (R'Mn0 4 ). 111. Color. The color of permanganate solutions is violet or pink according to the degree of concentration. The color is destroyed by adding oxalic acid, and warming, or by heating with hydrochloric acid and adding alcohol or glycerin. 112. When ignited, permanganates yield oxygen. 131. HYPOPHOSPHITES (RTH 2 2 ). 113. When the dry salt is heated in a test-tube or porcelain dish phosphoretted hydrogen (PH 3 ) is evolved, which bursts into flame, a residue of pyrophosphate being left. This test should not be made on a platinum foil because the latter will be destroyed by it. 114. Silver Nitrate added to a solution of a hypophosphite gives a white precipitate which rapidly turns brown, owing to reduction to metallic silver. 115. Mercuric Chlorid, added to a hypophosphite solution slightly acidulated with hydrochloric acid, gives a precipitate of calomel (Hg 2 Cl 2 ) which darkens on heating, owing to reduction to metallic mercury. 116. Free Hypophosphorous Acid, warmed to 55 C. with copper sulfate solution gives a reddish-black precipitate of copper hydrid (Cu 2 H 2 ) which is reduced to metallic copper upon boiling. This test may be applied to hypophosphites, by first removing the metallic base. If the base is calcium precipitate it with oxalic acid; if barium, use sulfuric acid; if a heavy metal use hydrogen sulfid. INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 113 132. CHART FOR THE OBSERVATION OF REACTIONS OF ACIDS OF DEFLAGRATING GROUP "D." Heating Dry Sub- stance in a Test-tube. H 2 S0 4 . Special Testa. NITRATES, N0 3 Evolves O, which kindles glowing wood. / +Cu foil and heat with H 2 SO 4 = fumes of N 2 O 4 . FeSO 4 (freshly pre- pared) and float on H 2 SO 4 = brown ring at contact. NITRITES, NO 2 Evolves, O, N, and nitrogen dioxid. +dil. H 2 SO 4 = evo- lution of N 2 O 2 , which is oxidized to N 2 4 . FeSO 4 +equal vol. of nitrite floated on HC 2 H 3 O 2 = brown ring at line of con- tact. (Nitrates re- quire H 2 SO 4 ). KI +HC 2 H 3 2 + starch = blue. CHLORATES, C1O 3 . Evolves O and leaves a chlorid ol metal, which test. Explosion with production of a greenish-yellow gas. BROMATES, Br0 3 . Evolves O and leaves a bromid of the metal, which test. Dil. H 2 S0 4 liber- ates Br, which gives a reddish bead with CHC1 3 . lODATES, IO 3 . Evolves O and leaves an iodid of metal, which test. Dil. H 2 SO 4 liber- ates I, which turns blue with starch. PERMANGAN- ATES, MnO 4 . Evolves O, which kindles glowing wood. Color of solution is violet and is de- stroyed by oxalic acid or by heating with HC1 and ad- ding alcohol or glycerin. HYPOPHOS- PHITES, PH 2 O 2 . Evolves PH 3 , which bursts into flame. AgNO 3 = white ppt., turns brown. HgCl 2 +HCl = white ppt. Dark- ens on heating. Free acid+CuSO 4 , warmed to 55 C., reddish-black ppt. 114 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. CHARACTERISTIC TESTS FOR THE ORGANIC ACIDS. 133. GROUP E. FERRIC CHLORID GROUP. STEP VI. To another portion of the neutral aqueous solu- tion add ferric chlorid T.S., and observe effect. Result. Indication. Red Colored Solution. No ppt. Color gradually disappears. Color is discharged by HgCl 2 and HC1. Color is discharged by HgCl 2 but not by HC1. Color changed to deep bluish-black by ammonia. Color is not discharged by HgCl 2 . Color is fault. Color is destroyed by heat. Violet colored solution. Pale green solution. A darkening of the solution, no ppt. Black ppt. Dark blue ppt. Buff or flesh-colored ppt. Reddish-brown ppt. Pink to brownish-red ppt. Thiosulfate. Acetate. Sulfocyanate. Pyrogallate. Meconate. Trichloracetic. Sulfite. f Salicylate. | Carbolate. [ Phenolsufonate. Citrate. Ferricyanid. { Sulfid. \ Gallate. I Tannate. Ferrocyanid. Benzoate. f Carbonate. \ Hydroxid. [ Chromate. Succinate. CHARACTERISTIC TESTS FOR ACIDS OF GROUP E. 134. ACETIC ACID AND ACETATES. 117. ACETIC ACID (HC 2 H 3 2 ) is recognized by its odor of vinegar. 118. ACETATES. All normal acetates are soluble. Some basic acetates, as ferric subacetate, and aluminum subacetate, are practically insoluble. On ignition, acetates decompose, with little or no charring, and evolve an inflammable gas. Alkali acetates are converted on ignition into carbonates. INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 115 Other acetates are converted by ignition into oxids, or reduced to the metal. 119. Sulfuric Acid, heated with an acetate, liberates acetic acid, recognized by its odor of vinegar: NaC 2 H 3 2 + H 2 S0 4 = NaHS0 4 + CH 3 COOH. 120. Alcohol and Strong Sulfuric Acid, gently heated with an acetate, yields acetic ether, recognized by its odor of apples: CHaCOOH + C 2 H 5 OH = CH 3 COOC 2 H 5 + H 2 0. 121. Ferric Chlorid produces with acetates a red-colored solution (ferric acetate) Fe 2 (C2H 3 2 )6. If this solution is largely diluted with water and boiled, a precipitate of basic ferric acetate (Fe(OH)(C 2 H 3 2 ) 2 ) is produced. The red color first produced is discharged by both HC1 and HgCl 2 (distinction from sulfocyanates). 135. BENZOIC ACID AND BENZOATES. BENZOIC ACID (HC 7 H 5 2 ) occurs in yellowish-white lustrous scales or friable needles having a slight benzoin-like odor. It is only slightly soluble hi water but readily soluble in alcohol. 122. Heated in a tube open at both ends it sublimes, and evolves an irritating odor. 123. Slaked Lime, mixed with one-third its weight of benzoic acid and heated in a test-tube, evolves benzene. 124. Ferric Chlorid, added to a neutralized solution of ben- zoic acid in alkali hydroxid gives a flesh-colored precipitate of ferric benzoate. 125. BENZOATES. When ignited, they char and leave a residue of carbonate (see Citrates). 126. Ferric Chlorid, added to an aqueous solution of a ben- zoate, gives a flesh-colored precipitate. 116 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 127. Dilute Sulfuric or Hydrochloric Acid, added to an aqueous solution of a benzoate, produces a white precipitate of benzoic acid. 128. Silver Nitrate produces a white ppt. soluble in hot H 2 and NH 4 OH. 136. SALICYLIC ACID AND SALICYLATES. SALICYLIC ACID (HC 7 H 5 03) occurs in white crystalline pow- der or prisms. It is readily soluble in alcohol, but not in water. 129. SALICYLATES, upon heating, behave like the previously described organic salts. 130. Ferric Chlorid, added to an aqueous solution, produces an intense bluish- violet coloration. 131. On adding to a small portion of salicylic acid, or a salicy- late, in a test-tube, some concentrated sulfuric acid, and then continuously in drops some methyl alcohol, and heating the mix- ture to boiling, an odor of oil of wintergreen (methyl salicylate) is produced. 132. Copper Sulfate Solution added to an aqueous solution of a salicylate gives a green coloration. 133. Dilute Sulfuric Acid precipitates salicylic acid out of solutions of salicylates. 134. Silver Nitrate gives a white ppt. soluble in hot water. INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 117 137. TANNIC, GALLIC, AND PYROGALLIC ACIDS. TANNIC ACID, HCi 4 H 9 9 (C 13 H 9 7 COOH). GALLIC ACID, HC 7 H 5 5 + H 2 (C 6 H 2 (OH) 3 COOH + H 2 0) . PYROGALLIC ACID, C 6 H 6 3 (C 6 H 3 (OH) 3 ). Reagent. Tannic Acid. Gallic Acid. Pyrogallic Acid. 135. (a) Ferric Chlorid. A bluish - black coloration or ppt. Same effect. Brownish - red solution, changed to deep bluish- black upon addi- tion of NH 4 OH. 136. (6) Pure Fer- rous Sulfate. Neither color nor ppt. A bluish-black solution. (c) Lime water (in small amount) (In moderate excess). (In large ex- cess.) A pale, bluish- white ppt. which does not dissolve on shaking. A more cuprous and deeper blue ppt. Imparts to liquid a pale pink tint. Ppt. dissolved on shaking. Ppt. is perma- nent, and the solu- tion is blue by reflected light and green by trans- mitted light. Liquid becomes pink. A purple solu- tion becoming brown by oxida- tion. 137. (d) Solu- tions of gelatin albumen, starch, most alkaloidsand glucosides. A ppt. No ppt. No ppt. 138. PHENOLSULFONATES (Sulfocarbolates) (R'C 6 H 4 (OH)S0 3 ). Heated above 100 C. phenolsulfonates char, emit inflammable vapors with an odor of phenol, and leave a residue of sulfate. 138. Ferric Chlorid added to a solution of a phenolsulfonate gives a pale violet color. 139. Barium Chlorid gives no precipitate, but if a portion of the salt is ignited and the residue dissolved in water, barium chlorid will produce a white precipitate. 118 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 139. PHENOLATES. Ferric Chlorid gives a violet color. Heated with sulfuric acid, phenolates give an odor of phenol. 140. MECONIC ACID (H 2 C 7 H 2 7 + 3H 2 0). 140. MECONATES. Neutral Ferric Chlorid Solution produces a red color with meconic acid or meconates. This color is not discharged by HgCl 2 , but is bleached by dilute HC1 (distinction from sulf ocyanate) . Compare with acetate. 141. Silver Nitrate gives a yellowish ppt. soluble in HN 4 OH. 141. SUCCINIC ACID (H 2 C 4 H 4 04). Succinic acid does not char with strong hot sulfuric acid. Sublimes in a tube open at both ends without giving off an irritating odor (difference from benzoic acid). 142. SUCCINATES. Ferric Chlorid gives a brownish-red pre- cipitate Fe2(C 4 H 4 04)3. 143. Barium Chlorid gives no precipitate unless alcohol and ammonium hydroxid be added, when a white precipitate is formed (difference from benzoic acid). 144. Lead Acetate gives a white precipitate soluble in suc- cinic acid and excess of reagent. 145. Silver Nitrate gives in neutral solutions a white ppt soluble in NH 4 OH. 142. TRICHLORACETIC ACID (HC 2 C1 3 2 ). 146. Is a deliquescent crystalline solid, soluble in water, alcohol and ether. 147. The aqueous solution is decomposed on boiling, forming chloroform and carbon dioxid. 148. On heating with Potassium Hydroxid T,S., it is decom- posed, forming chloroform and potassium carbonate. 149. Ferric Chlorid, added to an aqueous solution of trichlor- acetic acid develops a faint reddish color. INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 119 II If .i o M sK fl SM in illt |38 .a .'8 o 0) N .-^ G 3 g fl ^ o O O - 03 O 'S'o 3 t-B O I . I S3 W 1 ' If 02 Jf 3q ^: 120 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. .2 || /-^ S 0) ^? 4-3 T3 O s O 02 to w| | F-H ,jj 3| a I 1 I 1 p.'ta o3 bC > PQ'~ fi* ft. BaCl 2 +C 2 H 6 OH+NH 4 O white ppt. Pb(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) ppt. soluble in excess. Heated with KOH forms and pot. -carbonate. a _ i.S i ft.9 _ a s M ||g 5|g o | 6 3 03 o a s ^'1 * i w 1 j! o E 22 g ^T3 1 o^o O o PI io >> 1 1 QJ s_; ^ >,^ 1 "2 o O J2 o 03^8 -1^ s | S PM ' o 2^ !*** 'L -M g S ^ |IJw I* fe ' r^ Bfi ofO 02" PHENOL SUL FO N ATE S , C 6 H 4 (OH)S( PHENOLATE! C 6 H 5 OH. MECONATE 2 C 7 H 2 Ov3H SUCCINATE C 4 H 4 4 . TRICHLORACET: C 2 C1 3 O 2 . INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 121 144. GROUP F. CALCIUM CHLORID GROUP. STEP VII. To another portion of the neutral aqueous solu- tion, add some calcium chlorid T.S., and observe effect. Result. Indication. A white ppt. is produced. Soluble in NH 4 C1 Sol. Sol. in acetic acid. Insol. in acetic acid. The ppt. chars when heated. Sol. in NaOH, reprecipitated on boil- ing. An excess of reagent must be added to obtain this ppt. Sol. in much water. White ppt. in presence of alcohol. ( Borate. \ Carbonate. I Citrate. Borate. Sulfite. Carbonate. Phosphate. Citrate. Oxalate. / Tartrate. \ Citrate. Tartrate. Sulfate. Malate. 145. CITRIC ACID AND CITRATES. CITRIC ACID (H 3 C6H 5 07) occurs in colorless crystals having a distinct acid taste, deliquescent in moist air but efflorescent when exposed in dry air. Soluble in water and in alcohol. 150. On igniting it slowly it is gradually decomposed, without emitting an odor of burning sugar (difference from tartaric acid). 151. Its addition to a solution of a ferric salt prevents precip- itation of ferric hydroxid on adding ammonium hydroxid. 152. Upon adding to a solution of citric acid sufficient lime water to render the mixture alkaline, the liquid remains clear. Upon boiling this for one minute it becomes opaque, through precipitation of calcium citrate, which redissolves on cooling. 153. CITRATES. Upon healing citrates char. The citrates of the alkali and alkali earth metals char, and are reduced to carbonates. Citrates of most other metals are reduced by ignition to oxids, while silver citrate is reduced to the metal. c&$ 122 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 154. Calcium Chlorid Solution, added to a cold solution of a cit- rate made slightly alkaline with ammonia water, gives no precip- itate, until boiled, when a white granular precipitate is produced. 155. Strong Sulfuric Acid heated with a citrate slowly blackens it, and evolves a slight odor resembling burning sugar. 146. TARTARIC ACID AND TARTRATES. 156. TARTARIC ACID (H 2 C 4 H 4 06) is a strong organic acid. It is freely soluble in water and in alcohol. When heated it chars, and finally burns away. Heated with strong sulfuric acid, it is charred, and evolves an odor resembling that of burnt sugar. 157. A concentrated solution of tartaric acid, when treated with potassium acetate, gives a white precipitate of potassium bitartrate. The addition of alcohol facilitates this precipitation: H 2 C4H 4 06 + KC 2 H 3 2 = KHC 4 H 4 6 + HC 2 H 3 2 . 158. TARTRATES. Tartrates char when heated. 159. Silver Nitrate added to a solution of a normal tartrate, precipitates white silver tartrate (Ag 2 C 4 H 4 Oe) readily soluble in ammonium hydroxid. If this ammoniacal solution be gently heated, the silver will deposit on the sides of the test-tube, forming a mirror. 160. Silver nitrate does not react with free tartaric acid. 161. Calcium Chlorid added to a concentrated solution of a neutral tartrate precipitates white crystalline calcium tartrate (CaC 4 H 4 6 ). This precipitate, when washed with water, dis- solves in cold sodium hydroxid solution. If this solution is boiled CaC 4 H 4 06 is again precipitated in gelatinous form, and redissolves on cooling. The reagent must be added in excess to obtain this precipitate, and ammonium salts must be absent. This test differentiates tartrates from citrates. 162. Potassium Acetate and other Potassium Salts when added to a solution of a tartrate slightly acidified with acetic acid, gives a crystalline white precipitate of KHC 4 H 4 6 . The precipitation is facilitated by stirring and by the addition of alcohol. INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 123 163. Neutral solutions of tartrates are not precipitated by potassium salts. 164. Ferric chlorid gives in neutral solutions, a yellow crys- talline ppt. on warming. 147. MALIC ACID (H2C 4 H 4 5 ). 165. MALATES. Calcium Chlorid, added to a neutral aqueous solution of a malate, gives no precipitate because calcium malate is soluble in water. The addition, however, of even a small quantity of alcohol causes a precipitation of a calcium malate. Calcium malate dissolves when boiled with lime water (difference from citrate). 166. Hot strong Sulfuric Acid chars malic acid very slowly (difference from tartaric acid). 167. Lead Acetate gives a white ppt. soluble in hot water. 148. CHART FOR THE OBSERVATION OF THE REACTIONS OF THE ACIDS OF Cad* GROUP. GROUP F. Citrates. Tartrates. Malates. CaCl 2 and NH 4 OH. Cold = no ppt. Boiled = white granular ppt. White ppt. soluble in NaOH. Boiled = a gelatinous ppt. redis- solves on cooling. In neutral solutions =no ppt. Add al- cohol = ppt. soluble in lime water. HEAT. Chars. Chars. Chars. H 2 S0 4 Blackens and evolves a slight odor resembling burning sugar. Chars and evolves odor of burning sugar. Chars very slowly. AgN0 3 White ppt. soluble in NH 4 OH. If heated, a silver mirror will deposit on sides. POTASS. ACETATE -j-HC 2 H 3 O 2 = white ppt. especially in presence of aclohol. FeCl 3 Yellow crystalline ppt. on warming. LEAD ACE- TATE. White ppt. soluble in hot H 2 O. 124 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 149. GROUP G. UNCLASSIFIED GROUP. STEP VIII. Unless contra-indicated, make individual tests for acids not mentioned in the foregoing steps, as for instance, lactic, oleic, stearic, valeric, etc. 150. LACTIC ACID AND LACTATES. LACTIC ACID (HCsHsOs). A colorless syrupy liquid. 168. Potassium Permanganate, added to a mixture of equal parts of lactic and sulfuric acids and gently heated, evolves odor of aldehyde. 169. On heating above 160 C., the acid emits inflammable vapors and burns away with a pale flame. 170. Heated with Sulfuric Acid, it gives off a large quantity of pure CO. 171. Strong solutions of an alkali lactate, when boiled with HgNOs, deposit pink mercurous lactate, HgCsHsOs. 172. Silver nitrate solution when heated with lactic acid, will be reduced and metalli< silver will deposit slowly. 151 OLEIC ACID AND OLEATES. OLEIC ACID (HCi 8 H 33 2 ) is an oily liquid of a brownish or yellowish color which when cooled to below 4 C. solidifies. It is insoluble in water but is soluble in ether, chloroform, alcohol, benzin and fixed and volatile oils. 173. OLEATES of sodium and potassium are soluble in water. Other oleates are not. Acid oleates are liquid and dissolve readily in absolute alcohol and ether. The alcoholic solution is acid in reaction. 174. Oleates do not separate out from the above-named sol- vents when a hot solution is cooled (difference from stearates and palmitates). 175. Lead Acetate added to an aqueous solution of an oleate gives a white precipitate of Pb(Ci 8 H 3 30 2 )2 which is soluble INORGANIC BASES AND ACIDS. 125 in ether (distinction from stearate). Stearate and oleate may be separated one from the other in this way. '152. STEARIC ACID AND STEARATES. 176. STEARIC ACID (HCi 8 H3 5 2 ) is a white fatty solid. Melts on heating and is soluble in boiling alcohol and in ether. The alcoholic solution is acid in reaction. 177. If stearic acid be dissolved in potassium hydroxid solution, and the solution carefully neutralized, the addition of lead acetate will give a precipitate of Pb(Ci 8 H 3 502)2, which is not soluble in ether (difference from oleic acid). STEARATES. The alkali stearates are alone soluble in water. 178. Stearates heated with dilute hydrochloric acid cause a separation of stearic acid, which floats on the surface as an oily liquid, and on cooling solidifies 153 . VALERIC ACID AND VALERATES (Valerianic Acid), 179. VALERIC ACID (HC 5 H 9 2 ) is a volatile bad-smelling, colorless, oily liquid. 180. VALERATES have the characteristic odor of valerian, especially when warmed. 181. Sulfuric Acid added in slight excess to a solution of a valerate will decompose the latter, and an oily layer of valeric acid will rise to the surface. 154. Detection of Acids in Insoluble Substances. Boil some of the substance in a flask for five minutes or so with a strong solution of Na 2 C0 3 , cool, filter, and neutralize the filtrate with HN0 3 , carefully avoiding excess of the acid. All the acid radicals of the substance will be converted into corresponding sodium salts and dissolved in the aqueous solution, which is then tested for the acid. 126 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 155. CHART FOR THE OBSERVATION OF REACTIONS OF ACIDS OF "UNCLASSIFIED" GROUP G. Lactates. Oleates. Stearates. Valerates. HEAT. Above 160 C. emits an inflam- mable vapor and burns with a pale flame. Chars. Chars. Chars. H,S0 4 Evolution of a large quantity of CO. An oily layer of valeric acid sep- arates. AgN0 3 The AgNO 3 is re- duced and silver deposits slowly. KMnO 4 -fH 2 SO 4 +heat = evolves odor of aldehyd. HgN0 3 Boil with a strong solution of alkali lactate-pink ppt. Pb(C 2 H 3 2 ) 2 White ppt. Soluble in ether. +KOH and solu- tion neutralized, +Pb(C 2 H 3 2 ) 2 = white ppt. In- soluble in ether. HC1 Heated = s t e a r i c acid separates and solidifies on cooling. PART III. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 156. If a substance chars when heated on platinum foil, or burns with evolution of carbon dioxid, its organic nature is established. The Procedure for the Detection of the Ultimate Constituents of Organic Substances is as follows : (1) Carbon and Hydrogen. Mix a small quantity of the substance with about six times its bulk of freshly ignited and powdered cupric oxid, place the mixture in a small test-tube and cover it with a layer of cupric oxid. Then close the tube securely with a cork bearing a deli very- tube bent twice at right angles, and apply heat, (a) Gas is evolved (C0 2 ). The gas is passed into a clear solution of Ba(OH) 2 . If the solution becomes turbid (through formation of BaCOs), carbon is indi- cated. (6) If drops of water or moisture are deposited in the upper, cold part of the tube, hydrogen .is indicated. (2) Nitrogen. If a substance when heated on platinum, emits an odor of burnt hair or horn, nitrogen is indicated. The presence of nitrogen is, however, more accurately determined as follows : Mix about 2 gm. of the substance with 4 gm. of dried powdered soda-lime, and heat. If nitrogen is present, there will be observed an odor of NH 3 , recognized also by its turning red litmus blue, and by its forming white fumes when a glass rod moistened with HC1 is brought near the mouth of the tube. (3) Chlorin. The presence of the halogens in most organi" 127 123 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. compounds cannot be detected by the simple addition of silver nitrate; therefore a method similar to the following must be employed: Mix 1 gm. of the substance with 2 gm. of pure CaO in a test-tube and heat to redness. Then dissolve the residue in distilled water strongly acidulated with HN0 3 , filter, and test for chlorin with AgN0 3 . In this process the CaO is converted into CaCl 2 . (4) Sulfur. (In Solids.) Mix 1 gm. of the substance with 1 gm. each of KN0 3 and KOH and subject the mixture to fusion. The sulfur is oxidized, and converted into K 2 S0 4 . The fused mass is then dissolved in distilled water, acidified with HC1, and tested with BaCl 2 . A white ppt. (BaS0 4 ) indi- cates sulfur. (In Liquids.) Sulfur is detected by heating 3 cc. of the liquid with strong HN0 3 . This converts the sulfur into H 2 S0 4 , which, after diluting with water, is tested with BaCl 2 . (5) Phosphorus may be detected as described above (for sulfur in solids). The fusion converts phosphorus into H 3 P0 4 . The fused mass is dissolved in water and tested for phosphate with magnesia mixture. Another way is to heat about 2 gm. of the substance with HN0 3 , dilute with water, filter, and test separate portions of the filtrate with, first, FeCl 3 in presence of sodium acetate = a brown ppt. ; and, second, ammonium molybdate solution = a yellow ppt. 157. BEHAVIOR OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES WITH IMMISCIBLE SOLVENTS. Upon agitating the substance with distilled water acidulated with 2% of // 2 $0 4 , and adding half its volume of an immiscible solvent (ether, chloroform, or benzene) the following are extracted: (1) In the Acidulated Aqueous Liquid there may be dissolved carbohydrates, soluble alkaloidal salts, acids, organic bases, and QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 129 proteids. Add a small excess of NaOH solution and half its volume of an immiscible solvent and again shake, thus further separating the above into (a) and (b). (a) The Alkaline Aqueous extract may contain: Carbohydrates; as, dextrin, sugars, gums. Soluble Alcohols; as, methyl, ethyl, propenyl. Soluble Acids ; as, acetic, tartaric, citric, lactic, malic, oxalic. Alkaloids and Organic ) as, urea, curarine, cinchonine, Bases; ) pyridine, and morphine. Coloring matters; as, indigo, cochineal, cudbear. Proteids; as, albumin, casein, gelatin. (b) The Immiscible layer may contain: Vegetable Alkaloids; as, quinine, strychnine, aconitine, atropine, nicotine. Coal-tar Bases; as, aniline, chrysotoluidine, pyridine, and their homologues. (2) In the Immiscible Solvent there may be dissolved hydro- carbons, oils, acids, coloring matters, resins, phenols, and glucos ids. Add water containing a small excess of NaOH and shake again, thus further separating the above into (a) and (b). (a) The Alkaline Aqueous Extract may contain: Fatty acids; as, stearic, oleic, palmitic, valeric. Aromatic acids; as, benzoic, salicylic, phthalic. } as, picric or chrysophanic acid; Acid coloring matters I sa ffranin, alizarin, or j bilirubin. Acid Resins; as, colophony (common pitches). Phenols; as, phenic and cresylic acids; thymol and creosote. Glucosids; as, santonin, picro toxin. (b) The Immiscible layer may contain: Hydrocarbons, solid; as, paraffin, naphthalene, an- thracene. 130 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Hydrocarbons, liquid; as, petroleum products, rosin- oil, benzene. Essential oils; as, turpentine, terpene, and oxygenated oils. Nitro-compounds ; as, nitro-benzene. Chloroform, also Ethers ; as, ethyl oxid, ethyl acetate, etc. ; nitro-glycerin. Fixed fats, oils, and waxes. Neutral resins and coloring matters. Camphors; as, laurel-camphor, borneol, menthol. Insoluble Alcohols ; as, amyl, cetyl, and cholesterin. Glucosids; as, saponin, santonin, and digitalin. Weak Alkaloids; as, caffeine, narcotine, pipeline, col- chicine. 158. BEHAVIOR OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES WITH FEHLING'S SOLUTION. The substance should be made perfectly neutral and brought into solution. One cc. of the solution is heated with 10 cc. of Fehling's Reagent to boiling. In some cases the reduction occurs in the cold or on gently heating the liquid. A yellow or orange-red precipitate or turbidity caused by the precipita- tion of cuprous oxid (Cu 2 0) indicates reducing substance, thus* Fehling's Reagent is Reduced by Carbohydrates. Lactose, dextrose, Isevulose, maltose, mannitose, ara- binose, galactose. Alcohols and Phenols. Aldehyd, chloral, chloroform, valeric aldehyd, resorcinol. Organic Acids. Pyrogallic, gallotan- nic, trichloracetic. Inorganic Adds. Arsenous. Fehling's Reagent is Not Affected by Carbohydrates. Mannite, saccharose, dulcite, cellulose, dextrin, arabin. Alcohols and Phenols. Alcohol, gly- cerin, phenol, benzoic and salicylic aldehyds. Organic Acids. Acetic, oxalic, suc- cinic, lactic, tartaric, citric, gallic, mucic, benzoic, and salicylic. Inorganic Acids. Sulfurous, etc. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 131 159. CHART FOR THE DETECTION OF THE MORE COMMON ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF PHARMACEUTICAL INTEREST. Dissolve a small quantity of the dry substance in a little dilute HC1, and add a drop or two of potassio-bismuthic iodid solution or Mayer's reagent. If a reddish-brown ppt. forms, an alkaloid is indicated. Apply Step I. If no ppt. forms, pass on to Step V and then to Step VI. STEP I. To a drop of HNOs on a white porcelain tile add a small quantity of the substance and observe the color. Red changing to yellow = Morphine. H 2 SO 4 containing in each mil .005 Gms. of selenous acid, gives a blue color, changing to green and then to brown. An aqueous solution of pot. ferricy- anid containing a drop of FeCl 3 T.S. yields a blue solution and finally a blue precipitate. Frohde's Reagent gives a pui pie color. Sulphuric acid containing a crystal of KIO 3 = a dark brown. A few drops of FeCl 3 sol. added to a neutral solution (1 : 100) of mor- phine = a blue color destroyed by acids, alcohol or heat. Sulphuric acid containing in each mil 1 drop of sol. of formaldehyde gives with morphine an intense purple color. Blood-red = Brucine. Color changes to purple on addition of a drop of Na 2 S 2 O 3 solution. To crystal of the alkaloid add chlorin-water = an evanescent rose- red. To another crystal add HNOs, then some solution of AgNOs, and warm = a carmine red. To another crystal add bromin- water = a yellow ppt., and forming a red sol. on warming. Yellow changing to Red on heating = Physostigmine, With H 2 SO 4 Physostigmine yields a faint yellow color. With H 2 SO 4 containing a crystal of KIO 3 = a purple color changing to yellowish red. KOH added to the aqueous sol. yields a white ppt. which quickly turns pink soluble in excess to a pink or red sol. which fades to yellowish green. Evaporate about .005 Gms. of the salt to dryness with a few drops of NH 4 OH = a blue residue, soluble in alcohol, and when thus dissolved, produces a red solution on addition of an excess of acetic acid. Reddish Brown = Aconitine. With H 2 SO 4 containing a crystal of ammonium vanadate = orange color. With H 2 SO 4 and a grain or two of sugar = red color. With H 2 SO 4 on gently warming = violet color. With Frohde's Reagent = a yellow- brown color. 132 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Red Crystals with yellow-colored solu- tion = Codeine. With H 2 SO 4 and warming = a violet color. With H 2 SO 4 and a trace of FeCl 3 = a violet-blue color. With H 2 SO 4 containing a little HNO 3 upon heating gives a blood-red color. H 2 SO 4 containing .005 gm. of selenous acid in each mil produces a green color changing rapidly to blue, then slowly back to grass green. Purple fading to orange = Apomor- phine. With H 2 SO 4 and a trace of FeCl 3 = a pale blue. With H 2 SO 4 containing a trace of HNO 3 = a blood-red color. With H 2 SO 4 containing a little par- aldehyde = a green color fading to reddish brown. Dilute FeCl 3 sol. colors the alkaloid solution red. An aqueous solution (1 : 100) with a solution of NaHCO 3 = a white or pale-greenish-white ppt., rapidly becoming green and dissolves in ether with a violet color, and in chloroform with a violet-blue color. With AgNO 3 T.S. it produces a white ppt. insoluble in HNO 3 , the ppt. turns black by reduction to Ag, and is instantly reduced by NH 4 OH. 160. STEP II. Cover a few grains of the alkaloid with a drop or two of cone. H 2 S04 on a white porcelain tile, and add a small fragment of potassium dichromate. Observe effect. Green color slowly formed = Caffeine (not an Deep Blue quickly changing to violet, purple, cherry-red and finally to orange = Strychnine. With H 2 SO 4 containing 1% of ammo- nium vanadate = a violet-blue, grad- ually changing to cherry-red. With H 2 SO 4 containing a trace of KIO 3 = a violet color, changing to purple. alkaloid). If .01 Gm. of salt be dissolved in 1 mil of HC1 and .1 Gm. KC1O 3 , and the sol. evaporated to dryness, the resi- due, subjected to the vapor of am- monia, will acquire a rich purple color destroyed by fixed alkalies. An aqueous solution yields a ppt. with tannic acid T.S., soluble in excess. Odor of bitter almonds = Atropine. Heated with a few cc. of H 2 SO 4 = a peculiar odor, resembling a mix- ture of rose, orange flower and melilot. The addition of a crystal of K 2 Cr 2 O? develops an odor of bitter almonds. With AuCl 3 a yellow lusterless ppt. is produced in a dil. HC1 solution of atropine. Evaporate .01 Gm. to dryness with a few drops of HNO 3 = a yellow-col- ored residue. Cool, add a few drops of alcoholic KOH and a fragment of KOH = an intensely violet color. Pale Yellowish Pink = Cocaine. If 5 drops of CrO 3 sol. (1 : 20) be added to 5 mils of cocaine sol. (1-50) =a yellow ppt., dissolved on shaking. On now adding 1 mil of HC1 an orange-colored ppt. is produced. Its solution in HC1 gives with K 2 CrO 4 sol. an orange ppt. 1 mil of cocaine sol. is treated with 2 mils of N/10 V.S. of KMnO 4 . A violet ppt. is produced, which when examined under a microscope, is seen to consist of rectangular plates. A solution added to 2% hexamethylen- amin+H 2 SO 4 = wine color on warm- ing. If AgNO 3 T.S. is added to a 1% solu- tion = a white ppt. insol.in HNO 3 . CALIFORNIA COLLE6F of PHARMACY QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 133 161. STEP III. To a fragment of the alkaloid on a porcelain crucible cover add a few drops of cone. HC1 and warm. A Rose-red color = Veratrine. Confirmatory tests : Heated with H 2 S0 4 = a cherry-red color. H 2 S0 4 added to a mixture of 1 part of veratrine and 6 parts of sugar produces a green color which changes to blue and finally becomes colorless. With HN0 3 = a dirty-red color. With Frohde's reagent = a cherry-red. (See also Physostigmine.) 162. STEP IV. Heat a little of the original in a dry test-tube. Vapors are evolved, first yellow then red = cinchona alkaloids. Take 1 mil of a solution of the alkaloid, dissolved in water with the aid of the least quantity of dilute ^SO-i, add 2 or 3 drops of bromin-water, and a slight excess (1 mil) of ammonia- water. An Emerald Green Color indicates Quinine or Quinidine ; a white ppt. may indicate Cinchonine or Cinchonidin. Apply the following tests : REAGENT. Quinine. , Quinidine. A 1% solution of the alka- loid, made by using the smallest possible quantity of dil. H ? SO 4 and neu- tralized with NH 4 OH, is treated with one drop of H 2 O 2 and one drop of CuSO 4 sol. and boiled. Intense red color changing to blue and green. Intense red color changing to blue and green. Dissolve a small quantity of the alkaloid in a mixture of acetic acid and alcohol with a few drops of H 2 SO 4 , boil, and add tr. iodin slowly. Bronze or olive-green crystals separate on cooling. (Quinine-iodosul- phate.) No ppt. or crystals. To a neutral aqueous solu- tion add (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 O 4 or KNaC 4 H 4 O, sol. White ppt. Precipitate only on addition of KI and shaking. Frohde's Reagent. Green color. Green color. 134 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. REAGENT. Cinchonin. Cinchonidin. Make a nearly neutral solu- tion of the alkaloid. Add some .sat. sol. of KNaC 4 H 4 O 6 . No white ppt. unless excess of NH 4 OH is added. A white ppt. Make a solution of the alkaloid in HC 2 H 3 O,. Add some NH 4 OH, and then an excess of ether. The ppt. does not dissolve in the ether. The ppt. dissolves in the ether. 163. STEP V. If the substance is not an alkaloid, place a small portion of it on a porcelain crucible cover, add a drop or two of Frohde's Reagent and observe the color changes. Salicin. Santonin. Intense violet color changing to reddish brown. With H 2 SO 4 = a bright-red color which disappears on the addition of water. To .1 Gm. of the substance add 2 mils of dilute sulfuric acid and .2 Gm. of K 2 Cr 2 O 7 and boil = odor of sweet clover (salicylic aldehyd). On heating a portion of the sub- stance in a test-tube until it turns brown, then adding a few mils of water and a drop of FeCla sol. =a violet color. Slate-blue color on warming. Add a drop of FeCls to 1 mil of H 2 SO 4 , warm, and add .01 Gm. of the substance = a violet-red color changing to brown. On heating .5 Gm. of the substance with 5 mils of alcoholic KOH sol. = a red color. The substance is soluble in NaOH, reprecipitated by acids. Elaterin. Aloin. Faint red changing to olive-green on warming. Add 5 mils of phenol, then a few drops of H 2 SO 4 , to .01 Gm. of the sub- stance and warm = a crimson chang- ing to a scarlet color. With H 2 SO 4 = a yellow color changing to red. .01 Gm. with 1 mil H 2 SO 4 +a drop of formaldehyde = a brown color. With H 2 SO 4 +a trace of ammonium vanadate = a blue, changing to green and brown. Yellow color changing to green. Ammonia- water and alkali sols, dis- solve aloin forming a yellow sol. quickly turning red and exhibiting a green fluorescence. With cone. H 2 SO 4 +a crystal of K 2 Cr 2 O 7 = an olive green, and finally, on standing, a blue color. With bromine-water = a pink color. With AuCl 3 in an aqueous solution = a carmine-red changing to violet. With a drop of FeCls sol. its alcoholic sol. gives a brownish-green color. HNp 3 gives with barbaloin a crimson, with nataloin a red, and with soraloin a brown, ppt. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 135 164. STEP VI. Heat some of the substance in a dry test-tube and observe odor or other effect. (a) Odor of Phenol indicates: Phenol (see paragraph 139). Phenolates (see paragraph 139). Phenolsulfonates (see paragraph 138). (6) Odor is Pungent; may be Chloral, Benzoic Acid, Ben- zoates, or Butyl Chloral. Cblor 1. ' c'd B n^ Bityl Cbl^rel. Heated with KOH or NH4 and con- verted into oxalic acid. Take 1 mil of a weak solution of glycerin, make it strongly alkaline with KOH, and add an excess of a saturated solution of KMnCU, i.e., until the mixture is blackish. Boil and add some Na 2 S03 to destroy excess of KMn04, then filter, acidulate with HC 2 H 3 02 and add CaCl 2 =a white ppt. of CaC 2 04 forms : C3H 5 (OH)3+4KMn04=K 2 C 2 04+K 2 C0 3 +4Mn0 2 +4H 2 Potassium Oxalate. K 2 C 2 4 + CaCl 2 = CaC 2 4 + 2KC1. Calcium Oxalate. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 153 Nitrobenzene = Nitrobenzol (Oil Mirbane) . A limpid, yellowish, oily liquid, possessing the odor of essential oil of bitter almonds. (1) Placed in contact with zinc dust and dilute H 2 S04, it is decomposed into aniline and water: C 6 H 5 N0 2 + 3H 2 = C 6 H 5 NH 2 + 2H 2 0. (2) Heat the aniline solution as obtained above with a few drops of CHCla and KOH. The characteristic odor of phenylisocyanid will be recognized. (3) Drop a small crystal of KC10 3 into some nitrobenzene, and underlay this with H 2 S(>4; a violet color will develop. 154 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 170. IDENTIFICATION OF SCALED IRON COMPOUNDS * STEP I. Heat about 1 gram of the substance in a porcelain crucible to dull redness, allowing free access of air. If an odor resembling that of burning sugar is given off, the substance is probably a citrate or tartrate. Confirm in Step IV. When all the combustible matter is consumed, dissolve out the soluble part of the residue with a few mils of hot water, and filter. Test the filtrate with red litmus paper. The paper turns blue; sodium or potassium, or both are present. The paper remains unchanged in color; proceed to Step II. Divide the solution which has turned red litmus blue into two parts. (a) Heat on a clean platinum wire in a colorless flame : The flame becomes intensely yellow; sodium is present. Observe this flame through cobalt glass. If violet-red, potassium also is present. . The flame is colored violet only; potassium is present. Con- firm under (fe). (b) Add to the solution some test solution of sodium-cobaltic nitrite : A copious yellow precipitate indicates potassium. STEP II. Dissolve a small quantity of the original sub- stance in water, acidulate with hydrochloric acid and divide into two parts. To one part add test solution of potassium ferrocyanid: A blue precipitate indicates ferric iron. To the other part add potassium ferricyanid : A blue precipitate indicates ferrous iron. STEP III. Dissolve 2 grams of the original substance in * Joseph L.Mayer, Drugg.Cir., Feb. 1901. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 155 20 mils of 10% solution of potassium hydroxid and boil; an odor of ammonia indicates the presence of ammonium. Whether ammonium is present or not, cool the solutior and filter; examine the filtrate as directed in Step IV, and the precipitate as in Step V. STEP IV. The filtrate obtained in Step III should be clear and colorless and measure about 10 mils. Divide it into three portions of 2.5, 2.5 and 5 mils, respectively. (a) Slightly acidulate one of the smaller portions with acetic acid and add test solution of calcium chlorid: A precipitate occurs; the salt is probably a pyrophosphate. Confirm by (c) . Filter and boil the filtrate (or the clear solution if no pre- cipitation has occurred) : A white crystalline precipitate occurring after a few minutes indicates a citrate. (b) Slightly acidulate the second smaller portion with acetic acid and add an equal volume of alcohol : A white crystalline precipitate occurring after a few minutes indicates a tartrate. (c) To the remaining portion of (5 mils) add 5 mils of a 10% solution of ammonium chlorid, and then add, a few drops at a time, 1.5 mils of a 10% solution of magnesium sulfate, agitating after each addition: A white crystalline precipitate indicates a phosphate. Confirm as follows: Thoroughly wash the precipitate until the wash-water gives no cloudiness with silver-nitrate solu- tion, dissolve in dilute nitric acid, neutralize with ammonium hydroxid, acidify with acetic acid and add 5% solution of silver nitrate. If a phosphate is present, a canary-yellow precipitate appears. To the filtrate from the precipitate obtained by the addi- tion of ammonium chlorid and magnesium sulfate to (c), or to the clear liquid if no precipitate was produced, add a little acetic acid and heat to boiling: 156 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. A white flocculent precipitate indicates a pyrophosphate. Confirm by the silver-nitrate test applied as above : A white precipitate appears if a pyrophosphate is present. STEP V. Wash the precipitate obtained in Step III. into a test-tube with about 15 cc. of chloroform, shake well for a few minutes, filter, and divide the filtrate into two portions (a) and (&). Heat both portions of the filtrate in porcelain capsules on a water-bath until the chloroform is all evaporated. (a) Add a small quantity of hot water slightly acidulated with sulfuric acid to the residue in one of the capsules, and filter. Divide the filtrate into three equal parts. 1. Add to one portion, Mayer's reagent: A precipitate indicates an alkaloid. 2. Add to the second portion, Labarraque's solution, using a quantity sufficient to destroy blue fluorescence if observed, and then a few drops of ammonium hydroxid : An emerald-green color indicates quinine. 3. To the third portion add ammonium hydroxid in slight excess, filter, reject the filtrate, dissolve the precipitate in about 1 mil of water, containing a few drops of diluted acetic acid, neutralize exactly with potassium hydroxid, and add about 1 mil of a saturated solution of Rochelle salt: A white precipitate indicates quinine or cinchonidine. Filter off the precipitate, dissolve in diluted hydrochloric acid, add potassium-hydroxid solution and 2 mils of ether, and shake well. The quinine dissolves, while the cinchonidine remains as a crystalline precipitate at the line of separation of the two liquids. To the filtrate from the precipitate in 3, or the clear solu- tion if no precipitate was produced, add an excess of potassium hydroxid: A white precipitate insoluble in ether indicates cinchonine. (b) To the residue in the other capsule add a drop of sulfuric acid; into this put a fragment of potassium dichromate, and after a few minutes draw this drop, by means of a glass rod, across the capsule: QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 157 A beautiful violet color, changing quickly to yellow and red, indicates strychnine. NOTES. As the foregoing scheme is intended partly for the benefit of students, I add some notes regarding the chemistry involved in its construction. STEP I. When organic salts of the alkali metals are ignited, they leave their carbonates, which affect red litmus paper; the qualitative reactions then separate the two. STEP II. This introduces the qualitative reaction for fer- rous and ferric iron. STEP III. This depends upon the fact that compounds containing ammonium give off ammonia when brought in con- tact with an alkali hydroxid. In addition, this step plays the role of precipitating the iron as a hydroxid, thus making it possible to operate with a colorless filtrate in Step IV. It then goes farther by rendering Step V assistance by precipi- tating the alkaloids and keeping them in the iron magma until the time arrives to proceed with their identification. The alka- loidal salts when treated with an alkali give up their acid and, being insoluble in the solution, they precipitate. Upon this fact the process depends. It is easy to see that the alkaloids remain on the filter, while the acidulous radicals appear as potassium salts in the filtrate. STEP IV. The rationale of this step is simple. The object of adding acetic acid is to prevent the precipitation of calcium citrate in the cold. This is made necessary through the fact that pyrophosphates (most "iron pyrophosphates" are citro- pyrophosphates) produce with calcium- chlorid test solution a precipitate insoluble in acetic acid, whereas the citrate pre- cipitate is soluble; if therefore acetic acid is first added, the citrate remains unaffected until the solution is boiled. There- fore if a precipitate forms in the cold, filter and test the filtrate as directed. Unless there be an excess, the citrate precipitate does not form in the cold, but calcium citrate, being insoluble in hot solution, precipitates when the solution is boiled. 158 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. If the filtrate containing potassium hydroxid also contains a tartrate, the addition of acetic acid produces potassium acid tartrate which is practically insoluble in water, and totally insoluble in alcohol. Phosphates produce with magnesia mixture the white crystalline ammonio-magnesium phosphate and as pointed out by Nagelvoort (Am. Journ. Pharm., 1895, page 210) an excess of magnesia mixture is objectionable and apt to lead to erroneous conclusions. The magnesia mixture is prepared in the course of the process, acting upon the suggestion of Steiglitz (Am. Journ. Pharm., 1891, page- 583), as follows: The nitrate con- taining potassium hydroxid has added to it ammonium-chlorid solution, whereupon, as shown in a previous reaction, ammonium hydroxid is generated. There remains, however, enough am- monium chlorid in the solution to prevent precipitation of mag' nesium hydroxid when the magnesium-sulfate solution is added. Having subjected the sample to the test and obtaining what gives every evidence of being a phosphate, the reaction with silver nitrate acts in a confirmatory manner. Orthophosphates give with this reagent a yellow precipitate and pyrophosphates a white one. The separation of the pyrophosphate from the phosphates is made possible in this step as a result of the fact pointed out by Fresenius, that pyrophosphates produce with magnesium sulfate a precipitate of magnesium pyrophosphate soluble in excess of magnesium sulfate and not precipitated by ammonium hydroxid, which, being the contrary of the behavior of orthophosphates, serves to separate the two acids. The nitrate from the phosphate precipitate, or the solution in which the reagent has produced no effect, is then acidified with acetic acid and heated to boiling: a white flocculent precipitate in- dicates a pyrophosphate. STEP V. The fact upon which this step is based has been partly explained in Step III., where the alkaloids remained in the magma, and being soluble in chloroform, that solvent, after being thoroughly shaken with the residue, takes them up. By QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 159 treating the residue with hot water containing a few drops of diluted sulfuric acid, the sulfates of the alkaloids are formed, and being more soluble in hot water than in cold, the process directs that condition. Mayer's reagent precipitates all the alkaloids included in the scheme, and if no reaction occurs, their absence is safely reported. The test for quinine is made with Labarraque's solution, and as this is a new method a word regarding it will not be amiss. Every one who has had occasion to qualitatively test for quinine with chlorine or bromin water must know the diffi- culties encountered through the inconvenience of obtaining either of the above two reagents in a condition to be depended upon. The Labarraque's solution is always at hand. The chemistry concerned in the reaction is easily understood: The Labarraque's solution coming into contact with the acid of the solution under examination has its chlorin liberated, which, if quinine is present, forms with it and a few drops of ammonia the characteristic thalleoquin shown by an emerald- green-colored solution. Having in many qualitative quinine determinations applied the test as above directed, with the most satisfactory results the writer has no hesitation in advo- cating its use in preference to the others referred to. It might be of interest to here mention that quinidine also gives a green color with this test, but as its higher price precludes any possibility of its ever being substituted for quinine, it is unnecessary to point out the method of differentiation. The cinchonidine reaction is dependent upon the fact that sodium and potassium tartrate (Rochelle salt) produces with it the insoluble cinchonidine tartrate. Quinine behaves in a similar manner towards this reagent, but the identification in solution 2 of this step eliminates that source of error. If necessary, the alkaloid can in the event of a doubt be further identified as directed. Cinchonine is identified by its behavior towards ether. Potassium-hydroxid precipitates it; ether is added and the CALIFORNIA COLLE6K of PHARMACY 160 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. cinchonine being insoluble, remains as a white bulky pre- cipitate. In another portion of the residue the strychnine is identified. The reaction is characteristic, and if applied as directed will detect minute quantities. The entire process is simple, accurate, inexpensive to operate, quickly carried out, and has everything to commend it. 171. A SCHEME FOR THE DETECTION OF POISONS. Divide the suspected sample into 3 parts, A, B, and C, and treat as follows : A. (1) If a liquid, place in a capsule, and on a water-bath evaporate to a syrupy consistency (2) If a solid, chop up or cut up with scissors into smallest possible pieces. (3) Transfer product of either (1 or 2), to a flask provided with a reflux (upright Liebig's) condenser or a long tube drawn through the cork of flask. Cover the sub- stance with twice its bulk of a 1% solution of tartarir acid in alcohol, and heat on a water-bath for one hour (Stas-Otto). (4) Remove from the water-bath, cool, filter, and carefully concentrate the filtrate on a water-bath until all the alcohol is dissipated. (5) Filter the concentrated extract through a wetted filter and again evaporate on water-bath to a syrupy consistency. (6) Dissolve the syrupy extract in absolute alcohol, stirring carefully to aid in effecting as complete a solution as possible. Filter once more, and again drive off the alcohol on the water-bath. (7) Dissolve the residue from (6) in distilled water, render alkaline with sodium hydroxid, pour into a separatory QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 161 funnel, and extract it with ether, making at least two ' extractions. (8) Divide the ethereal extract from (7) into two portions, each contained in an evaporating dish, and allow the ether to volatilize spontaneously; the alkaloids, strych- nine, and veratrine should be tested for according to Chart 89, Steps 2 and 3, respectively, in one of the dishes, and in the other atropine and cocaine should be tested for according to Step 2. (9) The residue from the separatory funnel is poured into an evaporating dish, NH 4 OH added until ammoniacal, and placed on a water-bath, heating it until all the remaining ether is dissipated, and then set aside for 12 hours. (10) After 12 hours, warm the product of (9), pour into a separatory funnel, and extract it with amylic alcohol. The amylic alcohol extract is carefully evaporated in a porcelain capsule and morphine, identified as in Step 1, Chart 89. B. (1) Stir this portion prepared just as in A (1) and (2), with about 200 mils of distilled water, and acidify (if alka- line or neutral, not otherwise) with 1 or 2 mils HC1 (C. P.). (2) Place the solution prepared as in (1) on a dialyzer and float it in a liter of distilled water contained in a porcelain vessel. (3) After 24 hours, concentrate the water in the porcelain dish by evaporation on a water-bath. (This method separates from amorphous organic matter any crys- talloid substance, be it inorganic or organic.) (4) Divide the dialyzed extract (evaporated to about 50 mils in (3)) into two equal portions. Test 1st portion for As, Hg, Sb, Zn, Pb, with H 2 S. Test 2d portion for Phenol, Chloral, Chloroform, Aniline, 162 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Nitrobenzene, Hydrocyanic Acid, Acetanilide, Phe- nacetin and the mineral acids. C. (1) Prepare as in A ((1) and (2)) ; place in an evaporating dish, add an equal bulk of strong pure HC1, and warm on the water-bath, from time to time adding a crystal of KNOs and replacing water lost on evaporation. Con- tinue until all the organic matter is destroyed, expel chlorin by a higher heat, pass H^S in the warm solution, and test precipitate, according to the tables, for inor- ganic substances and the acids (except HC1). 172. A SCHEME FOR URANALYSIS. Observe: 1. Quantity passed in 24 hours. It should be from 1200 to 1500 mils. 2. Color and transparency. Colorless, yellow to brown, clear, cloudy or opaque. 3. Reaction. Acid, alkaline or arnphoteric; normal urine is faintly acid. 4. Specific Gravity. Should be 1.015 to 1.025 at 15 C. 5. Sediment. Note its quantity, and examine its character with a microscope. NOTES: 1. When it is directed to warm the urine do not boil. 2. If not perfectly clear, the urine should be filtered before applying tests. 3. If much albumin is present, it should be removed before testing for sugar. 4. Putrid urine should not be tested for sugar by any reagent containing copper or bismuth. 5. If the quantity of U (abbreviation used in this scheme for urine) is too small to float the urinometer, it may be diluted with an equal volume of water, and the last two figures of QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 1Q3 the specific gravity of this diluted urine, multiplied by two, or the specific gravity may be taken by a specific-gravity bottle. 6. To calculate the quantity of total solids from the specific gravity, multiply the last two figures of the specific gravity by 2.33. This will give the number of grms. in 1000 mils of urine. The last two figures also indicate approximately the number of grains in a fluid ounce. ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS (Abnormal): 173. Albumin. (a) Heat Test. Add 10 drops of strong acetic acid to 10 mils of U. Heat; cloudiness or precipitate, if any, indicates albumin. (6) Nitric-acid Test. Heller's. Put 2 mils of colorless HNOs into a test-tube, incline the tube, and add slowly, by means of a pipette, 4 mils of U. A sharp white band (zone) at point of contact indicates albumin. Precautions. 1. Mixed urates if present in excess will also give a band higher up. It is dissipated by warming (not boiling). 2. After the administration of resinous drugs (copaiba, etc.) or turpentine, a yellowish clouded zone also forms, which is redissolved by alcohol (albumin zone does not dissolve). (c) Tanret's Test. Acidify 5 mils of U with acetic acid, add Tanret's reagent drop by drop until 2 mils have been added. Then warm. Any ppt. remaining is albumin. Precaution. This test precipitates also peptone, alkaloids, urates, and pine acids, which, however, redissolve on warming. 164 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. (d) Potassium-ferrocyanid Test. Take half a test-tube full of urine, add about one-fourth its volume of 5 per cent, potassium-ferrocyanid solution, mix well and then add a few drops of acetic acid. If albumin is present a milky cloud will appear throughout the whole volume of the liquid. This test precipitates albumin only. (e) Quantitative Estimation. Fill an Esbach albumino- meter to the letter " U " with urine, and then to the letter " R " with Esbach's reagent. Cork securely, mix thoroughly, by carefully inverting tube, and set aside for 24 hours then read. Each one of the main divisions read off indicates 1 grm. of albumin in a liter of urine. 174. Peptones. (a) The urine is slightly acidulated with acetic acid and then saturated with ammonium sulfate. The pre- cipitate, if any (which consists of albumin and the albumoses), is removed by filtration. The filtrate then treated with Tanret's reagent ppts. peptone only. (6) Ralfe's Test. Place 4 mils Fehling's reagent in a test-tube, and gently overlay with urine. At point of contact a zone of phosphates forms; above this another rose-colored zone, or " halo," will .float if peptone is present. If mixed with albumin the halo will be purple. (b) Randolph's Test To 5 mils of faintly acid urine add 4 drops of a saturated solution of KI and 4 drops of Millon's reagent. If peptones or bile acids are present, a yellow ppt. falls. Test for bile acids; if these be absent, the yellow ppt. indicates peptones. 175. Glucose (Sugar). (a) Fehling's Test. Place 5 mils of Fehling's reagent in a test-tube, and heat to boiling. Add now drop QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 165 by drop 5 mils of urine, heating after each addition. A yellow or orange coloration or a brick-red ppt. of copper suboxid (Cu20) indicates glucose. (b) Pavy's Test. Place 5 mils of Pavy's reagent in a test- tube and warm. Now add 5 mils of U; a partial or a total disappearance of the blue color indicates sugar. (c) Haine's Test. Heat 5 mils of Haine's reagent in a test-tube to boiling. Drop by drop add 6 to 8 drops of U, and boil again; an orange-red ppt. of Cu 2 0, indicates glucose. (d) Bdttger's Bismuth Test. Place in a test-tube 3 mils of U, 3 mils of liquor potassa and a little (0.3 grm.) bismuth subnitrate; boil these together for 2 min- utes. If sugar be present in quantity, black metallic bismuth deposits; if a small quantity only is pres- ent the solution will assume a grayish color. (e) Nylander's Test. Boil together in a test-tube 10 mils of U with 1 mil of Nylander's reagent. If a light- gray or black precipitate forms it indicates glucose. (/) Benedict's Test. (Qualitative). Place 5 mils of Benedict's reagent in a test-tube, add 8 to 10 drops (not more) of the U to be examined, heat to vigor- ous boiling and keep it at this temperature for one or two minutes, then allow the mixture to cool spontaneously. In the presence of glucose the entire body of the solution will be filled with a precip- itate, which may be red, yellow or greenish in color. If the quantity of glucose be low (under 0.3 per cent.) the precipitate forms only on cooling. If no . glucose is present, the solution remains blue and clear, but may show a faint turbidity. Dr. J. L. Mayer * applies the test as follows: Into a very small Erlenmeyer flask introduce 5 mils of Benedict's reagent. Then by means of a * Journal American Pharmaceutical Association, 1914, page 687. 166 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. medicine dropper add 8 drops of U, place the flask on a hot plate and heat to boiling. When the solu- tion starts to boil time it for 1| minutes, and then pour it into a test-tube and allow it to cool spon- taneously; a greenish tinge extending throughout the solution, upon 1J minutes boiling, is regarded as a positive reaction. If the greenish color does not appear until the liquid has cooled, the amount of glucose present is very slight. (g) Trommer's Test. Fill the test-tube one-third full of U, add an almost equal volume of 10% NaOH solu- tion, and then, drop by drop, CuSCU T.S., until the copper hydrate which is at first formed, is no longer dissolved on shaking, then apply heat. A yellow precipitate of cuprous oxid indicates glucose. (h) Phenyl-hydrazine Test. To 10 mils of the U in a test-tube add 1 gm. of phenyl hydrazine hydro- chlorid and 2 gms. of sodium acetate, and place the test-tube in boiling water for half an hour. Then cool. Crystals of phenyl-glycosazone will sep- arate and when viewed under a microscope, appear in bundles or sheaves. (i) Quantitative Estimation (by Fermentation.) Take jL part of a cake of Fleischmann's yeast, shake thor- oughly with 10 mils urine, pour into an Einhorn sac- charometer, and set aside for 24 hours in a room of ordinary temperature (25 C. = 77 F.). Read off the percentage of glucose present. (/) Quantitative Estimation (with Fehling's Reagent). Place in a 200-mil flask 10 mils of Fehling's solu- tion; to this add 10 mils of a freshly prepared 10% solution of K 4 Fe(CN) 6 and 30 mils of water. Heat mixture on a water-bath (best temperature for the operation being between 80 and 90 C.) ; then run in thell (diluted if it contains much sugar), drop by QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 167 drop, until the blue color just disappears. Excess of glucose quickly turns the solution yellowish-brown (copper ferrocyanid forms). This method is both reliable and rapid. (A:) Quantitative Estimation (Benedict's). Fill a burette with the U diluted 1 : 10. Then introduce 25 mils of Benedict's Quantitative Reagent into a porcelain evaporating dish add 10 to 20 gms. of crystallized sodium carbonate and a small quantity of powdered pumice and heat to boiling over a free flame, until the carbonate is entirely dissolved. Keep the solution boiling vigorously, and run the U rather rapidly into it from the burette until a chalk-white precipitate forms and the blue color of the solution begins to lessen perceptibly, after which deliver the U slowly, a few drops at a time, until the last trace of blue disappears. This marks the end point. If during the titration the solution becomes too concentrated, through evaporation, add water to replace the volume lost. The calculation of the quantity of glucose in the original sample of urine is as follows: 25 mils of Benedict's reagent are reduced by 0.05 gm. of glu- cose. Therefore the volume of urine required to effect the reduction contains 0.05 gm. of glucose. When the U is diluted 1 : 10 as in the usual titration of diabetic urines, the formula for calculating the per cent.. of glucose is xiooxio=%. * x is the number of mils of diluted U employed in the titration to effect the complete reduction. Dr. Jos. L. Mayer * applies the method as follows: * J. A. Ph. A., 1914, page 688. 168 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Into a 100-mil Erlemneyer flask, measure 25 mils of Benedict's Quantitative Reagent, add about 10 gms. of anhydrous sodium carbonate, a couple of pieces of pumice stone, which have been heated to white heat and plunged into water, and about 10 mils of distilled water. Place the whole on a hot plate until the solution boils and the sodium car- bonate is dissolved. Then begin adding the U in small amounts from the burette, allowing sufficient time between each addition for the reaction to pro- ceed. The end reaction is known by the disap- pearance of the last trace of blue. 176. Indican (Uroxanthine Indoxyl-potassium sulfate). (a) Place 4 mils of HC1 in a test-tube, add an equal vol- ume cf urine and a few drops of nitric acid, boil, cool and then shake with a few drops of chloroform. The latter becomes violet if excess of indican is present. (6) Obermeyer' s Test. Place 4 mils of urine in a test-tube, add an equal volume of hydrochloric acid containing FeCl 3 (2 gm. in 1000 cc.). Shake with chloroform, and a violet-blue color occurs in the latter. Precaution. If biliary acids or phosphates are present, remove them before testing for indican by adding to 10 mils of U, 8 drops of Pb(C 2 H 3 02)2 solution and filtering. The nitrate is now tested for indican. (c) Place in a test-tube 4 mils each HC1 and U, agitate, add 2 or 3 drops of a very dilute solution of chlor- inated soda, and shake; a reddish-blue or bluish- black coloration indicates indican (indigo is formed in this reaction; a weak solution of NaCIO is directed, as an excess would bleach the indigo). If now 2 mils of CHCls be added and the mixture agitated, the indigo is dissolved out and with the chloroform settles at the bottom as a blue bead (the QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 169 depth of the blue color is indicative of the quantity of indican present). 177. Blood. (a) Heller's Test. To 5 mils of U contained in a test- tube add 2 mils of KOH solution and warm. The earthy phosphates which precipitate carry with them the blood coloring-matter, and if blood is present the precipitate will be blood-red, in ab- sence of blood, white. (6) Almeris Test. Shake together in a test-tube 5 mils each of tincture guaiacum and hydrogen dioxid (or old resinified turpentine oil), and drop by drop add about 5 mils of U. Let stand a few minutes; if blood is present, a blue or bluish-green coloration is formed in the upper layer. If much blood is present, on agitating the tube it will diffuse through the entire liquid, giving it a creamy-bluish color. 178. Bile. (a) Gmeliris Test (for bile pigments). Place into a narrow test-tube some nitric acid containing a little yellow nitrous acid (or nitric acid which is partly decomposed by adding a fragment of zinc, or a piece .of wood to it), and carefully float upon this about an equal volume of urine. There will appear in the middle zone a play of colors from below, upward, green, blue, violet, red, and yellow. This test may be modified by moistening a piece of white filtering paper with the urine and then placing in the center a drop of nitric acid containing a little ntirous acid. A pale yellow spot is formed, . surrounded by colored rings. Instead of filtering paper a plaster of paris disk may be used. (6) lodin Test. Upon the surface of 5 mils of U, care- fully float 10 drops of tincture of iodin, which has 170 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. been diluted with alcohol until it has a sherry wine color. At the point of contact an emerald-green zone is formed if bile is present. (c) Pettenkofer's Test (for Biliary Acids). Add to 5 mils of U contained in a test-tube 4 drops of a solution of cane-sugar (saccharose 1:3), shake, and carefully underlay with strong H^SO^ Let stand for a few minutes; if biliary acids be present, a purple band is formed at point of contact. (d) Oliver's Peptone Test (for Biliary Acids). Clarify the U by filtration, and dilute to the sp.gr. of 1.008. Place in a test-tube 4 mils of Oliver's reagent and run into it 1 mil of the U, diluted as above. If biliary acids are present, a distinct milkiness promptly appears, which becomes more intense after a few minutes. Oliver's reagent is composed of pulverized peptone, 2 gms., salicylic acid, 0.25 grm.; acetic acid, 2 mils; and sufficient distilled water to make 250 mils. Precaution. The above test is very delicate and reliable, but only in the absence of albumin, which should be removed by boiling the U with a few drops of HC 2 H 3 2 and filtering. 179. Acetone. (a) Legal 's Test. Pour into a test-tube 2 mils of a strong freshly prepared solution of sodium nitro- prussid, and add 4 mils of U and 2 mils NaOH solu- tion. The mixture acquires a red coloration, which may be due to creatinin (a normal constituent of U) as well as to acetone. Add 6 or 8 mils of glacial HC 2 H 3 02; if the mixture now assumes a claret-red or violet color, acetone is present in considerable quantity; if the color is discharged by the acid, it was due to creatinin only. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 171 A better method of applying this test is to add to about 5 mils of urine a few drops of freshly pre- pared solution of sodium nitroprussid, then make strongly acid with glacial acetic acid and after thor- oughly mixing, carefully float some strong ammonia water on top a violet zone at the line of contact indicates acetone. (b) Lieben's Test. Pour into a test-tube 6 mils of U, add 10 drops solution of iodin and about 1 mil of NH40H, and heat. If acetone be present, crystals of iodoform will form and deposit; the iodoform may be recognized by its characteristic aromatic odor. (c) Ehrlich's Diazo Reaction for Typhoid Fever. The reagent consists of two solutions: No. I. Sodium nitrite 1 gm. dissolved in distilled water to make 200 mils. No. II. Sulphanilic acid 5 gms., hydro- chloric acid 50 mils, distilled water to make 1000 mils. For use, 1 mil of No. I should be mixed with 50 mils of No. II. The test is applied as follows: Take a portion of the reagent mixed as above, and add an equal volume of U, make strongly alkaline with am- monia water, and shake well. Both the foam and the solution will become rose-colored, and a greenish precipitate will be observed at the end of 24 hours. ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS (Normal): 180. Urea (Carbamid, CH 4 N 2 0), Quantitative Estimation of. (a) Fill a Doremus ureometer to the double mark with hypobromite solution (made, by dissolving 100 gms. of NaOH in 250 mils of water, and to this adding 25 mils of bromin), then add enough water to half fill the bulb. Now add 1 mil of U by means of a nipple-pipette, forcing it as far up into the graduated 172 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. cylinder as possible, stopper securely, let stand 15 minutes or until all the nitrogen is evolved, then read off, grains per fl. oz. or gms., per 1000 mils. (b) A better instrument for this estimation is the Hind's modification of the Doremus ureometer. This instrument is provided with a side arm, graduated to deliver one or two mils of urine, a glass stop-cock is situated in the lower part of the short arm, and this when open permits the urine to flow into the long arm of the instrument where the reaction takes place. 181. Uric Acid, C 5 H 4 N 4 03. (a) Murexid Test. Evaporate 10 mils of U to dryness in a porcelain capsule, and then add a drop or two of HN0 3 to dissolve the residue. Dissipate the uncom- bined HN0 3 by heating on a water-bath. When dry, moisten the residue with 1 or 2 drops of NH 4 OH, or expose it to the vapor of NH 3 , by inverting the capsule over a bottle containing ammonia water. A purple-red color of murexid indicates uric acid. (b) Silver Carbonate Test. One or two drops of silver nitrate T.S. are dropped upon a piece of white filter- ing paper, and then touched with the urine made alkaline with sodium carbonate. A black color appears if 0.001 per cent, of uric acid is present. INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS: 182. Chlorids. (a) Acidify with HN0 3 , add a few drops of AgN0 3 T.S. A curdy ppt. indicates chlorids. (b) Quantitative Estimation. Dilute 10 mils of U with 40 mils of distilled water, add 10 drops of 10% potassium-chromate solution (free from chlorids), and from a burette run in drop by drop tenth normal AgN0 3 solution, until a permanent reddish-brown QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 173 color of silver chromate is produced, indicating end- N reaction. Each mil ^ AgN0 3 solution =0.005846 gm. of chlorids, calculated to NaCl. (c) A better and much more accurate method is the Volhard's. Dilute 10 mils of urine with 40 mils of distilled N water, add an excess (say 12 mils) of -^AgNOa V.S., 2 mils of strong HNOs and 2 mils of ammonio- ferric sulfate T.S. (ferric alum); mix well, and N then titrate with j^ KSCN V.S. until a permanent reddish color appears. The number of mils of KSCN solution used, are deducted from the quan- tity of AgN0 3 V.S. taken and the difference mul- tiplied by .005846 or by .003546 gives the grammes, respectively, of the NaCl and Cl in the 10 mils of urine taken for analysis. Assuming that 5 mils of the KSCN V.S. were required, then 12 5 = 7 mils. .005846X7 = .040922 gm. or 4.0922 gms. in 1000 mils. 183. Phosphates (1. Earthy). (a) Add to 5 mils of U 3 mils of NH 4 OH; the earthy phosphates are precipitated. These may be separated by filtration, dried at a low heat, and weighed if required. (6) (2. Alkaline). Approximate Estimation. Filter out the earthy phosphates as precipitated in (a), and to the filtrate contained in a test-tube add one-third its own volume of magnesia mixture. If the entire fluid presents a cloudy appearance or a milkiness, the alkaline phosphates are normal. If, however, a decided, dense, milk, or cream-like precipitate forms, 174 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. the alkaline phosphates are present in greater than normal quantities. If the fluid is but very slightly cloudy, transmit- ting light, the phosphates are present in less than the normal quantities. (c) For a more accurate method of estimating phos- phates, see U. S. P. IX, page 22. 184. Sulfates. An approximate method for the estimation of sulfates is the following: To 6 mils of U contained in a test-tube add 8 drops of HC1; the mixture is shaken and 2 mils of BaCl 2 added. An opaque milky cloudiness indicates that the sulfates are present in normal quantity. If the opacity is intense, the whole mixture pre- senting a creamy appearance, the sulfates are present in excess above the normal quantity. If the cloudiness is so slight as to transmit light, the quantity of sulfates is subnormal. 185. Microscopical Examination. Besides the chemical ex- amination as given in the above scheme, a microscopic examina- tion of the sediment should likewise be made. It is advisable to centrifuge the urine. The more important constituents revealed in this way are the following : (a) Epithelium, whether single cells or squamous masses are present. (6) Crystals of uric acid, triple phosphates, calcium oxalate, cystin plates, etc. (c) Amorphous deposits of urates, broken-up cellular structures, detritus, etc. (d) Blood, discs and casts. (e) Pus, single cells and sacs. (/) Casts (tube, waxy, hyaline, granular, epithelial, etc.) (g) Mucus, cells and casts. Also, Fungi, Bacteria, and Spermatozoids are sometimes reported. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS Of ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 175 1 86. Report. The findings of a urinalysis may be reported according to the following scheme used by the author: New York, 190. REPORT ON URANALYSIS. When Received Dr Patient ; PHYSICAL EXAMINATION. Odor Color Spec. Gravity Reaction Appearance Sediment Quantity passed in 24 hours CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Albumin Sugar Urea Bile Acetone Indican Chlorids * Phosphates * MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATION Epithelium Crystals Amorphous Deposits Blood Pus Casts Mucous Fungi Spermatozoa Bacteria Analyst. * Chlorids and phosphates are usually not reported unless a request is made for the same, when an exact quantitative estimation is made. 176 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. PREPARATION OF REAGENTS. Reagents should be prepared only from chemically pure substances, or, better, such as are guaranteed as to their purity and strength, and are marketed as reagent chemicals. The success of the analytic operations depends very largely on the purity of reagents. The water used in the preparation of reagents should be freshly distilled and tested for impurities. ACIDS. When " acids" are mentioned in the text, dilute acids are meant unless otherwise specified. When " strong" or " concentrated " acids are mentioned use the undiluted acids of the strength specified by the U. S. P. HC1, H 2 S0 4 , HN0 3 , Aqua Regia HN0 3 , 1 part to 4 parts H 2 by volume. 1 M ".4 " H 2 " 1 " "5 " H 2 " 1 " " 3 " HC1 " SALTS. Parts by Volume (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 , 1 part to 4 parts H 2 0, add 1 part NH 4 OH, (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 4 , 1 " " 25 " H 2 NH 4 C1, 1 " " 10 " H 2 KOH, 1 " " 10 " H 2 NaOH, 1 " " 10 " H 2 K 2 Cr0 4 , ' 1 " " 10 " H 2 K 2 Cr 2 7 , 1 " " 10 " H 2 K 3 Fe(CN) 6 , 1 " " 20 " H 2 K 4 Fe(CN) 6 , 1 - 20 " H 2 QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 177 Na 2 C0 3 , 1 part to 10 parts H 2 Na 2 HP0 4 , 1 " " 10 " H 2 BaCl 2 , 1 " " 10 " H 2 HgCl 2 , 1 " " 20 " H 2 AgN0 3 , 1 " " 20 " H 2 Pb(C 2 H 3 2 ) 2 , 1 " " 10 " H 2 MgS0 4 , 1 " " 10 " H 2 Co(N0 3 ) 2 , 1 " " 10 " H 2 (NH 4 ) 2 Mo0 4 , 1 " " 3 " NH 4 OH (strong), add 6 parts HN0 3 (34%) KCN, 1 " " 10 " H 2 KI, 1 " " 5 " H 2 FeS0 4 , 3 " "90 " add H 2 S0 4 10 parts (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 , 1 " " 10 " H 2 H 2 C 4 H 4 Oe, 1 " " 3 " H 2 Ba(OH) 2 , a saturated solution BaS0 4 , " U 11 CaS0 4 , " " " NaHC 4 H 4 6 , " (( (I GASES. H 2 S. Generate the gas from FeS by a dilute H 2 S0 4 (1 part acid to 12 parts water). NH 4 HS. Pass H 2 S in a slow current into some pure NH 4 OH until the latter is saturated. This solution is sometimes called yellow ammonium sulfid. (NH 4 ) 2 S solution is made by mixing 3 parts of the foregoing with 2 parts of ammonia-water. SPECIAL REAGENTS. Alcohol U. S. P., 95%. Alphanaphthol. 15 parts to 100 parts of alcohol. Benedict's Reagent (Qualitative): Copper sulfate (pure, crystallized) 17.3 gms. Sodium or potassium citrate 173 gms. 178 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Sodium carbonate (crystallized) 200 gms. Distilled water to make 1000 mils. Dissolve the citrate and the carbonate in about 200 mils of water with the aid of heat. Filter the solution, if necessary, and place in a large beaker or capsule. Dissolve the copper sulfate in 100 mils of water, and pour this solution slowly with constant stirring into the first solution. Cool the mixture and dilute with distilled water to 1000 mils. Benedict's Reagent (Quantitative) : Copper sulfate (pure, crystallized) 18 gms. Sodium carbonate (crystallized) '. . . .200 gms. Sodium or potassium citrate 200 gms. Potassium sulfocyanate 125 gms. 5% potassium ferrocyanid solution ... 5 mils. Distilled water to make 1000 mils. With the aid of heat dissolve the carbonate (half the amount of anhydrous salt may be used), citrate and sulfocyanate in enough distilled water to make about 800 mils, filter if necessary. Dissolve the copper in about 100 mils of distilled water, and pour this solution slowly with constant stirring, into the other solution. Add the ferrocyanid solution cool and dilute to exactly 1000 mils. Twenty-five mils of this reagent are reduced by 0.05 gm. of glucose. BROMIN WATER. Add 3 mils of Br to 100 mils of water, agitate, allow to stand and decant for use. DIAZO REAGENT. No. I sodium nitrite 1 gm. Distilled water to make 200 mils. No. II. Sulphanilic acid, 5 gms. Hydrochloric acid U. S. P. 50 mils. Distilled water to make 1000 mils. The solutions should be mixed, just before using, in the pro- portion 1 part of No. I and 50 parts of No. II. DIMETHYL- AMINOAZO-BENZENE. 1 gm. in 200 mils alcohol. DRAGENDORFF'S REAGENT. 1.5 gm. BiONOs, boil with QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. 179 20 mils of water, add 7 gms. KI, shake and add 20 drops of dilute HC1. ESBACH'S REAGENT. 10 gms. picric acid, 20 gms. citric acid and water to make 1000 mils. FEHLING'S REAGENT. No. 1. Dissolve 34.66 gms. of care- fully selected, small crystals of cupric sulfate in sufficient dis- tilled water to make 500 mils at 25 C. No. 2. Dissolve 173 gms. of crystallized Rochelle salt and 50 gms. of sodium hydroxid U. S. P. in sufficient distilled water to make 500 mils at 25 C. Keep the solutions separately in small rubber-stoppered bottles. For use, mix equal volumes of the two solutions at the time required. FROEHDE'S REAGENT. 1 gm. sodium molybdate and 10 mils strong sulfuric acid. FUCHSIN-SULFUROUS ACID T.S. To a solution of 0.5 gm. of fuchsin and 9 gms. of sodium bisulphite in 500 mils of distilled water, add 10 mils of strong hydrochloric acid. Preserve in well- stoppered bottles protected from light. FUSING MIXTURE. 1 part of Na 2 C0 3 and 3 parts of KNOs. GUNZBERG'S REAGENT. 1 gm. vanillin, 2 gm. phluroglucin and 100 mils of alcohol. HAINE'S SUGAR REAGENT. 2 gms. copper sulfate dis- olved in 15 mils of water. Add 15 mils of glycerin. Mix well and add 150 mils liquor potassa U. S. P. IODIN SOLUTION. 1 gm. iodin, 3 gm. potassium iodid, and 50 mils of water. MAGNESIA MIXTURE. 5.5 gms. magnesium chlorid, 7 gms. ammonium chlorid, 35 mils ammonia water, and water to make 100 mils. MAYER'S REAGENT. 1.358 gms. mercuric chlorid in 60 mils of distilled water, add 5 gms. of potassium iodid in 10 mils of dis- tilled water. Mix the two solutions and add enough water to make 100 mils. 180 QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. MILLON'S REAGENT. 1 part of metallic mercury by weight, and 2 parts of strong nitric acid by weight; warm gently until all of the mercury is dissolved, and then dilute with 6 parts of water. NESSLER'S REAGENT. Dissolve 10 gms. of potassium iodid in 10 mils of distilled water and add gradually in portions a saturated solution of mercuric chlorid with constant agitation until a slight red precipitate remains undissolved. To this mix- ture add 30 gms. of potassium hydroxid and when solution has taken place, 1 mil more of the mercuric chlorid solution. Dilute this solution with distilled water to make 200 mils. Allow the precipitate to subside, and draw off the clear fluid. 2 mils of this reagent added to 50 mils of distilled water containing 0.05 milligram produces a yellowish brown coloration. NYLANDER'S REAGENT. 4 gms. Rochelle salt, 2 gms. bis- muth subnitrate and 10 gms. sodium hydroxid (dissolved in 90 mils of distilled water). Keep in amber-colored vials. OBERMEYER'S REAGENT. 0.4 gm. of pure ferric chlorid are dissolved in sufficient pure, strong hydrochloric acid to make 100 mils. PICRIC ACID T.S. (Trinitrophenol T.S.) C 6 H 2 (N0 2 )30H.- Dissolve 1 gm. of picric acid in 100 miis of distilled water by the aid of heat'. TANNIC ACID T.S. Dissolve 1 gm. of tannic acid in 1 mil of alcohol, and add sufficient distilled water to measure 10 mils. Prepare freshly when needed. TANRET'S REAGENT. No. I. 1.35 gms. of mercuric chlorid dissolved in 30 mils of hot water. No. II. 3.32 gms. of potas- sium iodid dissolved in 30 mils of water. Mix the two solutions. Add 20 mils of acetic acid and make up to 100 mils with water. INDEX. Acetaldehyde, 147 Acetanilid, 138 Acetates, 114 Acetic acid, 114 Acetic ether, 149 Acetone, 170 Acetphenetidin, 139 Acid salt, 13 Acid, acetic, 114 arsenic, 102 arsenous, 103 benzoic, 115-135 boric, 99 carbolic, 151 carbonic, 91 chromic, 103 citric, 121 gallic, 117 hydriodic, 107 hydrobromic, 107 hydrochloric, 106 hydrocyanic, 94 hydrofluoric. 101 hydrofluorsilicic, 97 hydrosulfuric, 91 hypophosphorous, 112 lactic, 124 malic, 123 meconic, 118 meta-phosphoric, 99 nitric, 110 nitrous, 110 oleic, 124 oxalic, 100 phenic, 151 phosphoric, 97 Acid, picric, 138 picric, T. S., 180 pyrogallic, 117 pyrophosphoric, 99 salicylic, 116 succinic, 118 sulfuric, 97 sulfurous, 92 stearic, 125 tannic, 117 tannic, T. S., 180 tartaric, 122 trichloracetic, 118 uric, 172 valerianic, 125 valeric, 125 Acid3, preliminary examination of the dry substance, 89 Group A, characteristic tests of, 91 Group A, chart for observa- tion of the reactions of, 95 chart of ; 89 table of, 87 Group B, characteristic tests of, 97 chart for observa- tion of reactions of, 105 chart of, 96 table of, 87 Group C, characteristic tests of, 106 chart for observa- tion of reactions of, 109 181 182 INDEX. Acids, preliminary examination of the dry substance -continued Group C, chart of, 106 table of, 87 Group D, characteristic tests of, 110 chart for observa- tion of reac- tions of, 113 table of, 88 Group E, characteristic tests of, 114 chart for observa- tion of reac- tions of, 119 chart of, 114 table of, 88 Group F, characteristic tests of, 121 chart for observa- tion of reac- tions of, 123 chart of, 121 table of, 88 Group G, characteristic tests of, 124 chart for observa- tion of reac- tions of, 126 table of, 88 names of, 13 systematic analysis of, 88 Table of, 10 Aconitine, 131 Adhesion, 5 Albumen, 163 Alcohol, 143 Alloys, 78 Aloin, 134 Aluminum, 50 Ammonium, 70 Amyl alcohol, 150 nitrite, 150 Analysis, dry way, 18 microscopical, 18 Analysis, polariscopic, 18 qualitative, 17 spectroscopic, 18 wet way, 18 Anhydrid, 16 Antimony, 37 Reinch's test for, 36 Antipyrine, 138 Apomorphine, 132 Aristol, 135 Arsenates, 102 Arsenic, 34 acid, 102 Bettendorff's test, 36 Fleitman's test, 35 Marsh's test, 35 Reinch's test, 36 U. S. P. test, 36 Arsenites, 103 Arsenous acid, 103 salts, 34 Atom, 2 Atomic weight, 5 Atropine, 132 Barium, 61 Bases, 12 Basic salt, 13 Benedict's reagent, qualitative, 177 quantitative, 178 Benzaldehyde, 150 Benzene, 149 Benzine, 149 Benzoates, 115-135 Benzoic acid, 115-135 Benzoic aldehyde, 150 Benzol, 149 Benzcsulfmid; 139 Betanaphthol, 142 Bettendorff's test for arsenic, 36 Bicarbonates, 91 Bile, 169 Bismuth, 32 Blood, 169 Bonds, 5 INDEX. 183 Borates, 99 Boric acid, 99 Bromates, 111 Bromids, 107 Bromin water, 178 Brucine, 131 Butyl chloral, 135 Cadmium, 33 Caffeine, 132 Calcium, 63 Camphor, 136 monobromated, 141 Cane sugar. 137 Carbamid, 171 Carbinol, 144 Carbolates, 118 Carbolic acid, 151 Carbon, detection of, 127 Carbonates, 91 Carbonic acid, 91 Chart, for the comparative observa- tion of the reactions of metals with three com- monly used reagents, 78 for comparison of phenol and creosote, 151 for comparison of tannic, gallic and pyrogallic acids, 117 for detection and separation of a mixture of five groups of metals, 83-86 for separation of alloys and hard metals, 78 for separation of insoluble phosphates, 75 for separation of a solution into groups of metals, 82 showing effect of group rea- gents on the naetals, 23 Chemical change, 3 Chemism, 4 Chemistry, definition of, 3 inorganic, 3 organic, 3 Chloral, 135 Chloralamid, 140 Chloralformamid, 140 Chlorates, 111 Chlorids, 107 in urine, 172 Chlorin, detection of, 127 Chloroform, 149 Chromates, 104 Chromic acid, 103 Chromium, 50 Cinchonidin, 134 Cinchonjn, 134 Citrates, 121 Citric acid ; 121 Cobalt, 52 Cocaine, 132 Codeine, 132 Cohesion, 5 Compounds, 2-4 classification of, 12 Copper, 32 Creatinin, 170 Creosote, 151 Cyanids, 94 Dextrin, 137 Diazo reagent, 178 Diethyl sulfondimethylmethane, 140 Dimethyl-aminoazo-benzene, 178 Double salt, 13 DragendorfPs reagent, 178 Elaterin, 134 Elements, 2 Equations, 12 Esbach's reagent, 179 Ether, 148 acetic, 149 petroleum, 149 Ethyl acetate, 149 alcohol, 143 carbamate, 140 oxid, 148 184 INDEX. Fehling's reagent, 179 Ferric salts, 48 Ferricyanids, 109 Ferrocyanids, 108 Ferrous salts, 49 Fleitman's test, 35 Fluorids, 101 Fluorsilicates, 97 Formaldehyd, 148 Formalin, 148 Formic aldehyd, 148 Formula, 11 Froehde's reagent, 179 Fuchsin-sulfurous acid, 179 Fusel oil, 150 Fusing mixture, 179 Gallates, 117 Gallic acid, 117 Glucose, 137 in urine, 164 Glusidum, 139 Glycerin, 152 Glycerol propenyl alcohol, 152 Grain alcohol, 143 Grape sugar, 137 Guaiacol, 142 carbonate, 141 Guaiacum, 138 Gums, 137 Giinzberg's reagent, 179 Haines reagent, 179 Hydriodic acid, 107 Hydrobromic acid, 107 Hydrochloric acid, 106 Hydrocyanic acid, 94 Hydrofluoric acid, 101 Hydrofluorsilicic acid, 97 Hydrogen, detection of, 127 Hydrosulfuric acid, 91 Hypochlorites, 96 Hypophosphites, 112 Hypophosphorous acid, 112 lodates, 111 lodids, 107 Iodine reagent, 179 lodoform, 135 lodol, 135 Indican, 168 Iron salts, 48-49 scaled salts, 154 Lactates, 124 Lactic acid, 124 Lead, 24 Lithium, 69 Magnesia mixture, 179 Magnesium, 67 Malates, 123 Malic acid, 123 Manganese, 51 Marsh test, 35 Mass, 2 Matter, continuity of, 1 Mayer's reagent, 179 Meconates, 118 Meconic acid, 118 Menthol, 136 Mercuric salts, 31 Mercurous salts, 25 Metals, classification of, 7 Group I: comparative obser- vation of reac- tions of, 27 Identification in a simple salt, 28 Notes on separa- tion of, 29 Separation of, 29 Special tests for, 24 Synopsis of separa- tion of, 28 Group II: Comparative ob- servation of reactions cf, 39-40 INDEX. 185 Metals, classification of Continued Group II: identification in a simple salt, 41 notes on separa- tion of, 45 observations on separation of, 44 separation of, 43 special tests for, 30 synopsis of sepa- ration, 42 Group III: comparative ob- servation of reactions of, 54-55 identification in a simple salt, 56 short method of separation in a simple salt, 57 notes on separa- tion of, 60 observations on separation of, 59 separation of, 58 special tests for. 48 synopsis of sepa- ration of, 57 Group IV: comparative ob- servations of reactions of, 64 identification in a simple salt, 65 notes on separa- tion of, 67 observations on separation of, 66 Metals, classification of Continued Group IV: separation of, 66 special tests for, 61 synopsis of sepa- ration, 65 Group V : comparative obser- vation of reac- tions of, 71 identification in a simple salt, 72 notes on separation of, 73 observations on separation of, 73 separation of, 73 special tests for, 67 synopsis of separa- tion, 72 hard, 78 separation of groups of, 20 table of, 9 Metaphosphoric acid, 99 Methyl alcohol, 144 Milk sugar, 137 Millon's reagent, 180 Mixture, mechanical, 4 Molecular attraction, 4 weight, 5 Molecule, 2 Morphine, 131 Naphthalene, 139 Naphthol, 142 Nessler's reagent, 180 Nickel, 53 Nitrates, 110 Nitric acid, 110 Nitrites, 111 Nitrobenzene, 153 Ntirobenzol, 153 Nitrous acid, 110 Nitrogen, detection of, 127 Non-metals, table of, 8 186 INDEX. Normal salt, 13 Nylander's reagent, 180 ObermByer's reagent, 180 Oil mirbane, 153 Oleates, 124-136 Oleic acid, 124 Oxalates, 100 Oxalic acid, 100 Oxgall, 136 Oxid, 16 Paraldehyd, 148 Peptones, 164 Permanganates, 112 Petroleum ^ther, 149 Phenacetin, 139 Phenazonum, 138 Phenic acid, 151 Phenol, 135-151 Phenolates, 118-135 Phenolsulfonates, 117-135 Phenyldimethyliso-pyrazolon, 138 Phenyl salicylate, 142 Phosphates, 97 insoluble, 74 in urine, 173 Phosphoric acid, 97 Phosphorus, detection of, 128 Physical change, 3 Physostigmine, 131 Picric acid, 138 Picric acid T. S., 180 Potassium, 68 Precipitate, 19 Pyrogallates, 117 Pyrogallic acid, 117 Pyrophosphoric acid, 99 Quantivalence, 5 Quinidine, 133 Quinine, 133 Reagents, 18-176 acid, 176 Reagents, confirmatory, 19 gases, 177 general, 18 salts, 176 separatory, 19 special, 19-177 Reinch's test, for antimony, 36 for arsenic, 36 Report on uranalysis, 175 Resin.. 138 Resorcin, 141 Resorcinol, 141 Saccharin, 139 Salicin, 134 Salicylates, 116 Salicylic acid, 116 Salol, 142 Salts, acid, 13 basic, 13 double, 13 normal, 13 names of, 14 scaled iron, 154 Santonin, 134 Silica, 101 Silicates, 102 Silver, 25 Soap, 136 Sodium, 69 Solubilities, table of, 81 Stannic salts, 37 Stannous salts, 38 Starches, 137 Stearates, 125-136 Stearic acid, 125 Strontium, 62 Strychnine, 132 Succinates, 118 Succinic acid, 118 Sugar, cane, 137 grape, 137 milk, 137 Sulfates, 97 in urine, 174 INDEX. 187 Sulfids, 92 Sulfites, 92 Sulfocarbolates, 117 Sulfocyanates, 108 Sulfomethane, 140 Sulfonal, 140 Sulfonethylmethane, 140 Sulfur, detection of, 128 Sulfuric acid, 97 Sulfurous acid, 92 Symbols, 7 importance of, 10 Synthesis, 17 Table, acids, 10 metals, 9 non-metals, 8 Tannates, 117 Tannic acid, 117 Tannic acid T. S., 180 Tanret's reagent, 180 Tartaric acid, 122 Tartrates, 122 Terpin hydrate, 142 Thiocyanates, 108 Thiosulfates, 93 Thymol, 136 Tin, 37-38 Trichloracetic acid, 118 Trichlormethane, 149 Trinitrophenol T. S., 180 Trional, 140 Uranalysis, 162 Urea, 171 Urethane, 140 Uric acid, 172 Urine, 162 acetone in, 170 albumen in, 163 bile in, 169 blood in, 169 carbamid in, 171 chlorids in, 172 creatinin in, 170 glucose in, 164 indican in, 168 microscopical examination of, 174 peptones in, 164 phosphates in, 173 report on, 175 sulfates in, 174 urea in, 171 uric acid in, 172 Uroxanthine indoxyl-potassium sul- fate, 168 Valence, 5 Valerates, 125 Valerianic acid, 125 Valeric acid, 125 Veratrine, 133 Weights, atomic, 5 molecular, 5 Wood alcohol, 144 Zinc, 51 QD81 S33 1917 ST. Schimpf, ] 42221 A systematic vourse of qualitative chemical anal- ysis of organic and inorgan ic substances.^ 3d ed....