STACK COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR; COMPANION TO HE BANK GIVEN, FREE OP CHARGE, TO ALL WEEKLY AND SEMI-MONTHLY SUBSCRIBERS TO THE REPORTER, CONTAINING FAG-SIMILE SIGNATURES OF THE PRESIDENT AND CASHIER OF Every Bank in the United States. COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY California j. THOMPSON, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, 64 WALL STREET, egional NK w icility \VM PUBLISHED BY W LEE, PRINTER, NO. 12 SPRUC NEW YORK. 185-2. Fourth Edition. TWftn/ 4- iMrkwoofl S(f.rtt It is now some ten years since our public advent. At that time we promised the public to become as useful a member of the newspaper family as our ability and the limits of our field of operation would permit ; that we have not forgotten or neglected that promise, the many complimentary notices of the press, from time to time bear testimony, but to u the most agreeable and convincing evidence of the fact is found registered upon our Subscription Books, where the financial and commercial world of our Union are fairly represented. From our advent to the present time, we have steadily adhered to the principles which called us into existence : War to all false systems of Banting, whether practised by individuals or authorized by State Legislatures. And in further- ance of these principles, we have ever been foremost in denouncing every species of shinplastering and unsafe systems of banking ; we have invariably claimed the most ample security from banks and bankers to cover their circulation" and free the bill holder from any possible loss. And when irresponsible and designing men have forced their promises upon the public, we have branded them with a (D.) doubt until they either secured their circulation or brought it to a speedy ter- minus. But enough of what we have done ; we wish to tell our subscribers and the trading public why we have issued this work of autographs. This work grows out of a desire to be useful, and the determination that while we do issue a reporter it shall be, not merely a bank note reporter, but The Bank Xote Reporter ; and hence anything pertaining to bank notes or other species of money which cau be serviceable to our subscribers and the trading community, we are determined to place before them. We are aware that exceptions may be taken to the general utility of any work of this kind, and we cannot claim for our book an exemption from such exceptions ; indeed, we prefer retaining the book on our shelves, rather than have it sold on a misrepresentation of its merits. What we do claim for the book is, that (as a teet of signatures,) it is equiva- lent to ONE BILL on each bank therein represented. Whether, as such, it will prove acceptable to the public, it is for them to determine. We feel satisfied that we have done pur part of the duty, and the rapidity with which our FIRST FOUR EDITIOHS went ofl', induces us to believe that the public are willing to do theirs. Cases may be noticed wherein the names in this book do not correspond with those in the Reporter. The differ- ence is owing to some recent changes, as it sometimes happens that an officer may not sign a circulating note for a year or more after his appointment. Such names are marked by an asterisk. (*) i'ac-siinile signatures of the officers of Bank* lately organized, and not in the body of this book. Ocean Bank, N. Y. D. R. Martin, Pree't. Merchant* Bank, Burlington, Vt. H. S. Noyes, Cash. (] Frontier Bank, N. Y. A. L. Catlin, Pretft. Merchants Bank, Granville, N. T. ^/ Henry Keep, Preen tfjjjd- / Franklin County Bank, Vt. <^^%^fe^ E. .W Parker, Cashier. Missisqnoi Bank, Vt. Fas enmpsic Bank. Vermont. O. A. Burton, President. Wm. Green, President. E. C. Redington, Cashier- / /7 J. P. Fairbanks, President Abington Bank, Mass. J. N. Farrar, Cashier. A. Dunbar, President. '* - * Fac-simile Signatures of the Officers of Banks lately organized, and not in the body of this hook. Continued. Bank of Commerce, Boston. W. H. Foster, Cashier. E. C. Bates, President. Bank of North America, Mass. Franklin Co. Bank, Mass. Jno. K. Hall, Cashier. A. O. Hammond, Cashier. John Hancock Bank, Mass. E. D. Chapin, Cashier. Milford Bank, Mass. Tradesman's Bank, Mass. Win. R. Feannain, Cashier. Worcester County Bant. Mass. Isaac Stebbins, President. Alex. Ballou, Cashier. Coventry Bank, Rhode Island. H- g j lansfieldi Jr-) Pre8idenL Thos. A. ^Vhitman, Cashier. / C. A. Whitman, President > Hopkinton Bank, Rhode Island. D. M. C. Stedman, Cashier. State Bank, Rhode Island. T. H. Rhodes, f Cashier. s Mercantile Bank, New-York City. J. C. Bell, Cashier. W. B. Douglas, President Pacific Bank, New- York City. Fac-eimile Signatures of the Officers of Banks lately organized, and not in the body of this book. Continued. Adams Bank, N. Y. Freeman's Bank, N. T. J. H. Whipple, ' President D. D. Cole, President. Bankof Fishkill, New- York /? ,. ^-^' *&. t " \j * ~ "' s | X/ Sam'l A. Hayt, Presiden Jas. E. Van Steinberg, Cashier. Citizens' Bank, New- York. H. A. Dann, Cashier. J C. Dann, President. City Bank, Brooklyn. John Skillman. President Eagle Bank, New-York. E. Hooker, Cashier. HollUter Bankof Buffalo, If.Y. H. Wager, President R. H. Shearman, Cashier /) H. J. Miner's Bank of tTtica, N.Y. N. B. Hungerford.Ciuhier. Marine Bank, New-York. H. J. Miner, President (It i, 7/lu J M. Ganson, Cashier. r Geo. Palmer, President Syracuse City Bank, N. Y. tfi f H. S. Lansing, Cashier. Sullivan County Bank, N. Y J. E. Heron, President. Western Bank of White Creek, W. Y. F. M. St. John, President. L. Wells, President. Fac-Bimile Signatures of the Officers of Banks lately organized, and not in the body of this book. Continued, , Watertown Bank & Loan Co. N. Y. Western Bank of Lockport, New- York. P. V. Rogers, Cashier. Q. C.Sherman, President Peter Baldy, President Chae. A. Morn, Cashier W.T.Roger*, President. Bank of Danville, Fenn. Geo. H. Frkk, Cashier. Cecil Bank, Maryland. A. Anderson, Cashier. J. Tome, President. Frederick County Bank, Maryland. Jno. H. Williamg, Cash. A. B. Hanson, Prswdent Bank of Fayetteville, North Carolina. . W. G. Broadfoot, Cashier. Southern Bank ef Alabama. H. A. Scturoeder, President Logan Branch, State Bank of Ohio. 8. A Hall, Cashier. Farmers' Bank of Kentucky. J. B. Temple, / Cashier- Government Stock Bank. Michigan. B. C. Whittemore, State Treas Peninsular Bank, Michigan. O. Benedict President. H. H. Brown,Cashier. C. Howard, Preeident GR A 1 DETECTOR; CONTAINING Fac-simile Signatures of the Presidents and Cashiers of all the Banks in the United States. MAINE. Androscoggiu Bank. Augusla Bank. Chas. Thompson, President. J. J. Eveleth, Cashier. Thos. W. Smith, President Bank of Cumberland. IjJ uL^^t^t^-^^' Samuel Small, Jr. Cashier. Bank of Westbrook. Wm. Moulton, President A. G. Fobes, Cashier. Belfast Bank. Biddcford Bank. S. S. Fairfield, Cashier. Brunswick Bank. Samael Jordan, President, ^^^j^^^ f .< -^ - James White, President A. C. Robbing, Cashier. R. T. Dnnlap, President. Calais Bank. Jas. A. Lee, Cashier. Canal Bank. George Downes, President 0^^^-^t-^^^^^^ J. B. Scott, Cashier. Casco Bank. J. B. Osgood, Prendent Jolm Chute, Cashier. / EHphalet Greely, President. Central Bank. C. Spaulding, Cashier. A. Leonard, President MAINE. Thos Agry, Cashier. Commercial Bank. Eastern Bank Wra. D. Shirley, President. W. H. Mills, Cashier. Freemen's Bank. ITontier Bank. A. M. Roberts, President. Daniel Pike, Cashier. +^2&t~**~*-4 ^^ Benj. Davis, President. Chas. H. Haydcn, Cashier. Gardiner Bank. Joseph Adams, Cashier. Granite Bank. Kendnskeag Bank. Sam. C. Grant, President. W. A. Brooks, President. Lime Rock Bank. w y&as E. M. Perry, Cashier. >^^ K. Crockett, President. Lincoln Bank. John Shaw, Cashier. Manufacturers' Bank, Thos. W Shannon, Cashier. Josiah Calif, President Manufacturers' and Traders' Bank. E. Gould, Cashier. Mariner*' Bank. J. Richardson, Presidew. / Geo. Allen, Cashier. James Hovey, President. It/ZAXrfE and WEW-HAXVZPSHIR.E. Mercantile Bank. Jno. S. Ricker, Cashier. Merchants' Bank. Samnel Parrar, President. R. Mitchell, Cashier. Northern Bank. Wm. Woodbury, President. I. Nutter. Cashier. P. Glazier, President. Sagadahock sj Bank. D. F. Baker, OILS! Thos. D. Robinson, President Skowhegan Bank. South Berwick Bank. Chas. E. Norton, Cashier. Thomaston Bank J. D. Barnard, Cashier. Ticonic Bank. Wm. Allen, President. Wm. A. Hayes, President. ft>T^Z> Richd. Robinson, President. A. Perkins, Cashier. T. Boutelle, President. Vcazie Bank. W. 8. Dennett, Cashier. Sainuel Veazie, President. Henry S. Tbacher, Casliier. HAMPSHIRE Amoskeag Bank. /ftttJ* Moody Currier, Cashier. R. H. Ayer, Precedent, .f Ashuelot Bank. / / <7T.*iiAr*Ajrf& 1S-BW-HA1WLPSHIE.E Bank of Lebanon. X J. H. Kendrick, Cashier. Bolknap County Bank. R. Kirnball, President. ffin, Cashier. Cheshire Bank. Z. Newell, Cashier. Claremont Bank. Warren Lovell, President Elliot, President QgoGSleotf Q Uriel Dean, Cashier. /? /y / f A. Cossit, President Connecticut River Bank. > . %4&4/ Otis Turner, Casliier. D. Denny, President. x^J /]Hampden Bank. ~ ^^ WirmJ) ^. m*h, R. Weller, Cashier. A. Post, President Hampshire Manufacturer'* Bank. ^ / ^7 t^ Haverhill Bank. Orrin Sage, President. Hazen Morse, President. Hingham Bank. Jno. O. Lovett, Casliier. Nath. Richards, President. Holyoke Bank. Thomas Green, Cashier. , ^ John Clarke, President Housatonic Bank. *l#:rrk^4. W. P. Walker, President Lai gh ton Bank. ^__^___ AJ4UgUiV/JJ. JUO.LLA (S^v^^ ^/r,,?^ & E. W. Madge, Cashier. // f. S. Newhall, President. Lancaster Bank. C. T. Symmes, Cashier. Lee Bank. Jacob Fisher, President /E.D. Chapin Casliier Leonard Church, President - icester Bank. ~"2?<^*<^/ D. E. Merriam, Cashier. Cheney Hatch, President Lowell Bank. D. Hyde, Cashier. Lynn Mechanics' Bank, N. M'right, President 11 James Oliver, Cashier. Isaiah Breed, President 12 MASSACHUSETTS H. Hooker, Cashier. Wilber Curtis, President. Manufacturers' Bank. t Bank. / / -^- Fred. Beck, Cashier. Edwd. King, President. Mechanics' Bank, Newbnryport. Jno. Andrews, (Jtudiior Jno. Wood, President Mechanics' Bank, New-Bedford. '&'V6 /f f J. Congdon, Cashier. S ff Wm. R. Rodman, President Mechanics' Bank, South Boston. '7 Alvan Simondi, Cashier. J. W. Convene, President Merchants' Bank. Nowburyport. 14 3, // Chas. White, Cashier. MASSACHUSETTS. Northampton Bank. J. D. Whitney, President jt ^ Ocean Bank. *^ ^^&^) rffau.^hr^<^) Jacob Stone, Cashier. Old Colony Bank. Wm. Stone, President. S Sampson, Cashier. J. B. Thomas, President Oxford Bank. A. G. Underwood, Cashier, f Pacific Bank. John Wetherel). President. Wm. Mitchell, Cashier. F. W. Mitchell, President People's Bank. B Stone Cashier. Saml. GuUd, President. outh Bank. ) J. N. Stoddanl, Cashier. Fowow River Bank. J. L. Hedge, President. J. B. Wehiter, Cashier. Prescot t Bank, Seth Clark. President. A. S. Tyler, Cashier. / Jcel Adam8 ' Predat Quiiisigamond Bank. v C. A. Hamilton, Cashier. ^ W - J, Prerident Qnincy Stone Bank Ibrahim Bartlett, Cashier. Rail Road Bank. Lemuel Bracket!, President. Randolph Bank. Seth Turner, Cashier. Royal Turner, President MASSACHUSETTS L. H. Bradford. Cashier C. M. Endicott, Cashier. Geo. Peabody, President S. G. Dans, Cashier. John Gardner, President Shoe & Leather Dealers' Bank. ^^T) " ) K. Baldwin. President South Bridge Bank. Springfield Bank \i. \Varriner. C'asliier S. Fr.tinii.iini>. ' ' J.Call, Cashier. Suffolk Bank of Boston Isaac Parker, Preadent. A. T. Frothingham, Cashier. " Andw. T. Hall, PreridenL Union Bank of Weymouth & Braintree. O. M. Bartlett, Cashier. Benj. King, President Union Banks Boston. 16 MASSACHUSETTS and RHODE ISLAISTD ^X Union Bank. Havorbill. Village Bank. \V. L. Weston, Cashier. * / Waltham Bank. F. Maynard, Cashier. Warren Bank. Francis Baker, Cashier. E. \V. Upton, Presidenl Wareham Bank. Oeo. Cogswell, President Moses Putnam, President. Charles Bemis, President <^J ^c^tU* T. R. Mills, Cashier. / Washington Bank. D. A.. Sigonrney, ' Cashier. Western Bank. Peter Mackie, President Aa. Baldwin, President RHODE I SI A Iff P. American Bank. M. Bennett. Cashier. M. A. D'Wolf, President S RHODE-ISLAND. Bank of Kent, Anthony Tarbox, Cashier. Bank of North America. Peleg Wilbur, President. H. E. Hudson, Cashier. Elisha Harris, President. Bank of Rhode Island. W. A. Clarke, Cashier. ^ Wtoini & W / Pel leg Clarke, President Blackstone Canal Bank. D. W. Yaughan, Cashier. Centreville Bank Jno. Carter Brown, President. nk. ^>^^^^^ Moses Fifield/Cnshier. John Greene, President Citizens' Union Bank. J. A. Harris, Cashier. City Bank. Amoa \V. Snow, Cashier. Commercial Bank, BrUtol. A. C. Borstow, President J. Frederick Baars, Cashier. Jacob Babbitt, Jr. President. Commercial Bank, Providence. Cranston Bank. A. B. Bailey, Cashier. Cumberland Bank. W. P. Bullock, Presid^L Eagle Bank, Bristol. * J. E. French, Cashier. James Le Baron, President. RHODE-ISLAND. Wm. Coggeshall, Cashier. ^Franklin Bank. N. B. Borden, President H. Kimball, President. Freeman's Bank. L. C. Richmond, Cashier. , Globe Bank, Providence. N. Bullock, President. John L. Noyes, Cashier. William Sprague, President. Globe Bank, Smithfield. High Street Bank. 'Hope Bank. Tho . C. Williams, Cashier. Landholders' Bank. Thos. R. Wells, Cashier. E. R. Potter, President Manufacturers' Bank. Wm. S. Patten, Cashier. Tlionua. ITarknew, Ptendent. Mechanics' Bank. Jno. A. Field, Cashier. X Mantorj, President S. G. Martin, President. RHODE-ISLAND. Mechanics' & Manufacturers' Bank. Merchants' Bank, Newport. '}\f. D. Hammett, Cashier. Isaac Oould, President. Merchants' Bank, Providence. Mount Vernon Bank 19 9. Tillinghast, President. Narragansett Bank. N.N. Spink, Caahier. National Bank. Ezra D. Davis, President. E. Bourn, Cashiex. O.W. Hallet President New-England Commercial Bank. Geo. T. Weaver, Cashier. New-England Pacific Bank. Geo. Bowep, President. <^< S. Cooke, Cashier. ^^^C^^f^Tr-l^y^^f^y-g P. T. Hammond, Cashier.. Jon. Reynolds, President Newport Exchange Bank. Ji>!m Sterne, Cashier. North Providence Bank. N. Hammett, President Jno. C. Tower, Cashier. Fawtuxet Bank. O. L. Spencer, President T. R. Greene, C/ Cashier. C. Rhodes, Pres. 20 RHODE ISLAND. People's Bank. J. S. Tourtellot, Cashier. ' C. F. Manchester, President. Fhenix Bank, Westerly. Rowse Babcock, President. Fhenix Bank, Providence. B. White, Cashier. Providence Bank. S. B. Wheaton, President C. L. Bowler, Cashier. Moses B. Ives, President. Rhode Island Central Bank. Leml. Surge, Cashier. /7 w "- Reynolds, President. Rhode Island Union Bank. Roger Williams' Bank. < Nath. S.mith, Cashier. N. R. Knight, President. Smithfield Exchange Bank. Wm. Winsor, Cashier. Smithflcld Lime Rock Bank. Owen Battey, President A. W. Spencer, Cashier. George Olney, President Smithfleld Union Bank. John Oshorne, President Traders' Bank, Newport. Traders' Bank, Providence. H. A. Wehb, Cashier. Earl Ccipenter, President RHODE-ISLAND and CONNECTICUT. Union Bank. Village Bank. 21 ff^tJ? Wm. H. Seagrave, Cashier. Wakefield Bank. Thos. P. Wells, Cashier. S. Robinson, President Warren Bank. Geo. W. Carr, Cashier. N. M. Wheatoa, President. Warwick Bank. I" J. Westcott, Cashier. Wm. D. Brayton, President Washington Bank. WS^ N *-* f ffSfs Charles Perry, Cashier. ^ ' Nathan F - D n. President. Weybosset Bank. L. Green, Cashier. Wm. Rhodes, President. Woonsocket Falls Bank. Wm. Metcalf, Cashier. Dexter Ballau, President. CONNECTICUT. Bridgeport Bank. Hanford Lyon, President City Bank. 3. D. Parfee, Cashier. E. C. Read, President. Connecticut Bank. Charles Foote, Cashier. DanL Thatcher, President COKTXraCTXCUT. Connecticut River Banking Oo. 3. A. Butler, Wm H piegHen T. C. Bordraan, Cashier. DanburyBank. A. Seeley, Cashier. S. Tweedy, President Deep River Bank. East Haddam Bank. Exchange Bank O. Puker, 2-d Cashier. . L. Hommedieu, President /// E. A. Bulkeley, President UM^L^ H. L. Bi4weU, Cashier. Elisha Colt, President. Fairfleld Co. Bank. T. Wamer, Jr. Cashier. A. E. Beard, President Farmers' Bank, Kriiieeport. Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank. Hartford Bank. Iron Bank. C. P. Bissel, Cashier. W. H. Walton, President. .Jewett City Bank. J. Johnson, Cashier. David Smith. 1'resident Manufacturers' Bank. Jas. M. Lewis, Cashier. E. K Shelton, Cashier. las. W. White, Cashier. Meriden Bank. Wm. Williams, President J. A. Bufler, Cashier. W. Booth, President A /f Middlesex County Bank. W. S. Camp, Cashier. / C. R. Sebor, President. Middletown Bank. F. L. Oleafon, Cashier. J. H. Wattinson, President Elisha Faxon, President A. Townsend, Jr. Cashier. New-Haven County Bank. H. Sanford, President H. Hotchkiss, President. New-London Bank. - Norwich Bank. Frank Johnson, Cashier. a C. Johnson, President. 24 Pawcatnck Bank. r V ') O. M. Stillman, President J. A. Morgan, Cashier Fhosniz Bank. JohnL. Bonce, Cashier. Quinebaug Bank, Geo. Beach, President. E. H. Learned, Cashier. Ii. Brewer, Cashier. Edw. .Whiting, President Thompson Bank. J. B. Gay, Cashier. Tafcott Crosby, President Tolland County Bank. J. C. Sistare, Cashier. (J J. R. Flynt, Cashier. , J. H. Brockway, President Union Bank in New-London. Waterbnry Bank. Jonathan Starr, President. . D Ames, Jr. Cashier. B. Bronson, Preddent, CONNECTICUT and NEW-YORK. Whaling Bank. tid'aM. J J. C. Douglass, Cashier. Windham Bank. Sam. Bingham, Cashier. Windham County Bank. Edwin S. Chase, Cashier. * X7 Winsted Bank. p - c - Turner, President. 3. Baldwin, President. Adanu White, President E. S. Hamilton, Cashier. Geo. Dudley, President. NEW YOB.K. BANKS IN THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. American Exchange Bank. 3. 3. Fisk, Cashier. Bank of America. J. Punnett, Cashier. f &*> Newbold, President, Bank of Commerce. Geo. Curtis, Cashier. Bank of New- York. Jno. A. Stevens, President. N. G. Bradford, Cashier. D. W. Townsend, x President NEW-YORK CITY. Broadway Bank. J. L. Everitt, Cashier. Butchers' & Drovers' Bank. F. A. Palmer, President. f t?J~ B. Lewis, Jr. Cashier. Chemical Bank. J. B. Desdoity, Cashier. J. Q. Jones, President City Bank. &**% John Adams, President % William Hawes, Cashier. Greenwich Bank. Leather Manufacturers' Bank. E. Platt, Cashier. F. C. Tucker, President Manhattan Company Mehanics' Banking Association. K. W. Edmonds, Cashier. 8. Knapp, President. NEW-YORK CITY. Mechanics' & Traders' Bank. 27 O. J. Camman, Casliier. Jolm J. Palmer, President. Merchants' Exchange Bank. W. H. Johnsoa, Cashier. Jos. Vannostrand, President National Bank. K. Dobbs, Cashier. New- York State Stock Security Bank. S Bank has no Cashier. Worth Hiver Bank. N.Y. James Gallatin, President. (zd:ri*- C. Miller, President. Farmers Bank, Mina. W. B. Peck, Pi8ident. I.Relf, President. 34 STEW-YORK STATE. Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank. Rochester. H. Benton, Cashier. Farmers' and Drovers' Bank. E. Rowland, Cashier. Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank of Genesee. * O. Ballard, Cashier. Farmers' & Manufacturers' Bank, Poughkeepsie F. W. Davis, Cashier. James Duff, Jr., Cashier. Farmers' Bank, Hudson- Fort Plain Bank. E. Gifford, Pred^ent. J. H Mayer, Prettiest Fort Stanwix Bank. W. W. Nellis, Cashier. Freemans Bank. Franklin Bank. D. D. Cole, President. \V. H. Jones, Banker. Franklin County Bank. A. B. Parmelee, Cashier. S. C. Weai, President Genesee County Bank. M. P. Lampnon. CVliier. Hartford Bank. This Bank has no Cashier. O. W. Wesley, President. Herkimer Oo. Bank. -^ A.O.Story,Cah. /^ ^ H. P. Alexander. President NEW TiTORK STATE. Hen This Bank has no Cashier. lenry Keep s Bank. .sJb/ Henry Keep, Banket. Highland Bank. \f ^^ X Port, Cashier. Go. Cornwell, President. Hudson River Bank. A. B. Scott, Cashier. O. Wiswall, President. Hnngerford's Bank. This Bank has no Cashier. S. D. Hungerford, Banker O. V. Brainard, Cashier. Jefferson County Bank. Kingston Bank. N. At. Woodruff, President. 3. S. Smith, CaaLier. Eirkland Bank. Jon. H. Haebronck, President. Knickerbocker Bank. J. M. Dunning, Preodent Lewi* Connty Bank. E. N. Merriam, Cashier. lu R. Lyon, President Livingston Connty Bank Eph. Cone, Cuhier. Lockport Bank & Trust Oo. Allen Ayramlt, President. 3. 3. B. Spooner, Cochier I. C. Colton, President 36 NEW-YORK STATE. Long Isiand Bank. S. H. Latlirop, Cashier. j,. Wright, President Madison Oounty Bank. 1 B. R. WendeU, Cashier. J. Ten Eyck, President. Mclntyre Bank. This Bank has no Cashier. Merchants' Bank, Poughkeepsie. M. J. Myers, President E. J. Townsend, Preident Merchants Bank, Canandaigua. E. Hall, Cashier. ciias. Davis, President. Merchants' Bank, Ellery. T. Edmonds, Jr. ' Assistant Cashier 8. L. Havens, President. Merchants' & Farmers' Bank, Carmel. E. Washbum, Cashier. S. Washbum, President. Merchants' & Farmers' Bank, Ithaca. x J. B. Williams, Cashier. T. S. Williams, President. NEW-YORK STATE. ^, W. B. Walton, Cashier. Merchants-' & Mechanics' Bank of Troy, Middletown Bank. Mohawk Bank. Mohawk Valley Bank. Geo. Vail, President. Joseph Davis, President, John 1. Uegraff, President. F. E. Spinner, Cashier. Montgomery County Bank. B. Carvqr, President Edwd. Wells, Cashier, New- York State Bank. ~J^^^ T. A. Stoutenbnrgh, Vice-Pres. ff J. B. Plumli. Cashier. New- York Stock Bank. This Bank has no Cashier. / Northern Bank of New- York Geo. C. White, President. White Plains Bank. Wooster Sherman's Bank. E. Crawford, President. J. H. Rice, Cashier. w . Sherman, President. Tates County Bank. <>/kr~ts}r^ W. M. OliTer, Coahier. Ata Cole, t Presideut. JffEW JERSEY Belvidere Bank. J. J. Blair, Vice-President Burlington Ooanty Bank. J. Oliphant, Cashier. B. Shreve, President. Cumberland Bank of New-Jersey. W. G. Nixon, Cashier. Fanners' Bank of New-Jersey. *zffi^-^ J. Beatty, Cashier. H. Ebbert Gaslii.- Franklin Branch at Columbus. T. M. Jackson, Cashier. Guernsey Branch. Wm. Skinner, Cashier. Hocking Valley Branch. W. Slade. Jr., Cashier. Enox Co. Branch. if 3. C. Rnrasey, Cashier. Lorain Branch. Jno. R. Finn, Cashier. Marietta Branch. / Noah L. Wilson, Cashier Merchants Branch. P. Handy, Cashier. Mount Pleasant Branch. Jaa. Espy, Cashier. Harrison Co. Branch. R. Lyons, Cashier. Jefiferson Branch. Dm-iA Moodey, Cashier. Licking Co. Branch, A. J. Smith, Cashier. Mad River Valley Branch. Jas. T. Claypole, Cashier Mechanics & Traders Branch. Stanhope S. Rowo, Cashier. Miami Co. Branch. J. Brown, Cashier. Mnskingnm Branch. N. H. Graham, Cashier. Piqua Branch. John Gardiner, Cashier. Jas. O. Young, Cnshier. * OHIO and mPIAKTA. Portage Co. Branch. Portsmouth Branch. 57 John H. Ebhert, Cashier. Preble Co. Branch. John M. Gray, Cashier. Summit Co. Branch. -^ ^ -X ^J^ &_