1 /, / / ' .. fa-J ji~-y~ THE letters OF LORD NELSON TO LADY HAMILTON; WITH A SUPPLEMENT. VOL. I. THE LORD NELSON TO LADY HAMILTON; WITH A SUPPLEMENT OF INTERESTING LETTERS, BY OistfnguisfjrU Characters. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. Ionium: Printed by Macdouald and Son, Smiihfic Id, FOR THOMAS LOVEWELL & CO. STAINES HOUSE, BAKBICAN; AND SOLD BT ALL THE BOOKSELLERS. 1814. Stack Annex S OS"Q 21 3 ADVERTISEMENT. IN presenting to the Public the Letters of LORD NELSON to LADY HAMILTON, something may justly be expected elucidatory of them. Their mutual attachment is so gene- rally known, that for the Editors to have given notes, however desirable and explanatory, might not, perhaps, have been deemed perfectly decorous. They now stand on their own real merits. Some parts (though not very numerous) have been suppressed, from the most honourable feelings to indi- a 3 victuals, 2017297 VI ADVERTISEMENT. victuals, as they would certainly have given pain. That portion of Letters now offered to the BRITISH NATION, written by the first of her Naval Commanders, will shew his most private sentiments of men and measures, of countries and their rulers. It is the duty of the Editors to state, that every letter has been most accurately transcribed, and faithfully compared with the originals in their possession. Should our IMMORTAL HERO have expressed an erroneous opinion of some individuals and of things, let us ever remember, they were written (often under the feelings of sickness and of disappointment) by him who so repeat- edly fought, and almost as frequently bled, for our country for his " DEAR " ENGLAND;" ADVERTISEMENT. Vll " ENGLAND ;" and let us never forget, that to him we owe more than to any man for our existence as a great and powerful Nation. His country has truly honoured him ; and it is not presumptuous in the Editors to affirm, that his deeds will be remembered, not only in name, but in their consequences, by our remotest posterity. Were we to dedicate them, unto whom should we? To the BRITISH NAVY; as the genuine sentiments of a true seaman the first even of their own Heroes; for NELSON could forego all private feelings, all selfish motives, for that which will ever be the first object of a truly great and brave man the glory and happiness of his country. Our task-, which has, from various causes, been attended with more diffi- culties V1U ADVERTISEMENT* culties than could be imagined, is thus far accomplished; and we have the pleasure to inform the public, that a very large collection of LORD NELSON'S most important public and private cor- respondence, &c. with the most distin- guished characters (at home and abroad) is now in preparation for the press. Many of the documents will certainly throw a light on political transactions at present very imperfectly understood; and those which we intend to present to the world, we doubt not, will be found more than usually interesting. CONTENTS. CONTENTS VOL. I. LETTERS FROM LORD NELSON TO LADY HAMILTON. LETTER I Page 3 n. 7 III 9 IV Jl V 13 VI 15 vn is VIIL 20 IX 23 X 28 XI 32 XH 34 xin 39 XIV , 44 XV. 48 XVI. '.' 53 xvn 58 XVIII 60 LBTTER I CONTENTS. LETTER XIX Page 65 XX 69 XXI 74 XXII 77 XXIII 82 XXIV 84 XXV 88 XXVI 89 XXVII 91 XXVIII 96 XXIX 101 XXX 104 XXXI. 108 XXXII 113 XXXIII 124 XXXIV 130 XXXV 133 XXXVI 135 XXXVII 147 XXXVIII 152 XXXIX. 155 SUPPLEMENT. Letters from Lord Nelson to Mrs. ITiomson. LETTER I Page 173 II 175 Letters CONTENTS. Letter* from Lady Hamilton to Lard Nelson. LETTER L Page 181 H. 185 Letters from the Reverend Edmund Nelson, (Lord Nelson's Father) to Lady Hamilton. LETTER L -Page 189 n. 191 Letters from the Reverend Dr. Nelson, now Earl Nelson, to Lady Hamilton. LETTER I Page 195 IL 199 ra 202 IV. 206 V 210 VI. 215 Letters from tie Earl of St. Vhuxnt to Lady Ha- LETTER I. Page 217 n. 219 ra. 222 FV. 225 V. 227 Letter* Xli CONTENTS. Letters from Sir Alexander John Ball to Lady Hamilton. LETTER I Page 233 II. 236 Letters from the Earl of Bristol, Bishop of Derry in Ireland, to Lady Hamilton. LETTER I Page 241 II 243 III 245 IV 248 V 249 VI 250 VII 252 VIII 253 IX. 255 X. 257 Letter from the Honourable Charles Greville, Nephew of Sir William Hamilton, to Lady Hamilton. Page 265 Letters from Lady Hamilton to the Honourable Charles Greville. LETTER I Page 269 II 273 THE letters OF LORD NELSON TO LADY HAMILTON. irtttts LORD NELSON TO LADY HAMILTON. LETTER I. Vanguard, off Malta, Oct24, 1798. MY DEAB MADAM, AFTER a Inng passage, we are arrived; and it is as 1 sus- pected the ministers at Naples know nothing of the situation of the island. Not a house or bastion of the town is in possession of the islanders; and the Marquis de Niza tells me, they B 2 want 4 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS want arms, victuals, and support. He does not know, that any Neapolitan officers are in the island ; perhaps, al- though I have their names, none are arrived ; and it is very certain, by the Marquis's account, that no supplies have been sent by the governors of Syracuse or Messina. However, I shall and will know every thing as soon as the Marquis is gone, which will be to-morrow morn- ing. He says, he is very anxious to serve under my command; and, by his changing his ship, it appears as if he was so : however, I understand the trim of our English ships better. Ball will have the management of the blockade after my departure; as, it seems, the Court of Naples think my presence may be necessary, and useful, in the beginning of November. I hope TO LADY HAMILTON. 6 I hope it will prove so ; but, I feel, my duty lays at present in the East ; for, until I know the shipping in Egypt are destroyed, I shall never consider the French army as com- pletely sure of never returning to Europe. However, all my views are to serve and save the Two Sicilies; and to do that which their Majesties may wish me, even against my own opinion, when I come to Naples, and that country is at war. I shall wish to have a meeting with General Acton on this subject. ^ You will, I am sure, do me justice with the Queen ; for, I declare to God, my whole study is, how to best meet her approbation. May God bless you and Sir Wil- liam ! and ever believe me, with the B 3 most 6 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS most affectionate regard, your obliged and faithful friend, HORATIO NELSON. I may possibly, but that is not certain, send in the inclosed letter. Shew it to Sir William. This must depend on what I hear and see; for I believe scarcely any thing I hear. Once more, God bless you! LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. LETTER II. [May 12, 1799.) MY DEAR LADY HAMILTON, ACCEPT my sincere thanks for your kind letter. Nobody writes so well : therefore, pray, say not you write ill ; for, if you do, I will say what your goodness sometimes told me u You 1 e!" I can read, and perfectly understand, every word you write. We drank your and Sir William's health. Troubridge, Louis, Hallowell, and the new Portuguese Captain, dined here. I shall soon be at Palermo; B 4 for J6 LX)feD NELSON'S LETTERS for this business must very soon be settled. No one, believe me ? is more sen- sible of jour regard, than your obliged and grateful NELSON. I am pleased with little Mary ; kiss her for me. I thank all the house for their regard. God bless you all ! I shall send on shore, if fine, to- morrow ; for the feluccas are going to leave us, and I am sea-sick. I have got the piece of wood for the tea-chest ; it shall soon be sent. Pray, present my humble duty and gratitude to the Queen, for all her marks of regard; and assure her, it is not thrown away on an ungrateful soil. LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. LETTER III. Vanguard, May 19, 1799, Eight o'Clock. Calm. MY DEAR LADY HAMILTON, LIEUTENANT Swiney coming on board, enables me to send some blank passports for vessels going to Procida with corn, Sec. and also one for the courier boat. To tell you, how dreary and uncom- fortable the Vanguard appears, is only telling you, what it is to go from the pleasantest society to a solitary cell ; or, from jthe dearest friends, to no friends. I am now perfectly the great man not a creature near me. From my 10 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS my heart, I wish myself the little man again ! You, and good Sir William, have spoiled me for any place but with you. I love Mrs. Cadogan. You cannot conceive what I feel, when I call you all to my remembrance. Even to Mira, do not forget your faithful and affectionate NELSON. LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 11 LETTER IV. May 20, 1799. MY DEAR LADY HAMILTON, MANY thanks to you and Sir William for your kind notes. You will believe I did not sleep much, with all my letters to read, &c. &c. My letters from Lord St. Vincent are May 6th. He says " We saw the 6i Brest squadron pass us yesterday, " under an easy sail. 1 am making " every effort to get information to " Lord Keith ; who I have ordered " here, to complete their water and " provisions. I conjecture, the French " squadron LORD NELSON'S LETTERS " squadron is bound for Malta and " Alexandria, and the Spanish fleet " for the attack of Minorca/' 1 must leave you to judge, whether the Earl will come to us. I think he will : but, entre nous, Mr. Duckworth means to leave me to my fate. I send you (under all circumstances) his letter. Never mind ; if I can get my eleven sail together, they shall not hurt me. God bless you, Sir William, and all our joint friends in your house; Noble, Gibbs, &c. and believe me ever, for ever, your affectionate friend, NELSON. LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 13 LETTER V. Februarys, 1800. MY DEAR LADY HAMILTON, HAVING a Commander in Chief, I cannot come on shore till I have made my manners to him. Times are changed ; but, if he does not come on shore directly, I will not wait. In the mean time, I send Allen to inquire how you are. Send me word, for I am anxious to hear of you. It has been no fault of mine, that I have been so long absent. I cannot com- mand; and, now, only obey. Mr. Tyson, 14 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS Mr. Tyson, and the Consul, have not been able to find out the betrothed wife of the Priore ; although they were three days in their inquiries, and de- sired the Neapolitan Consul to send to Pisa. I also desired the Russian Ad- miral, as he was going to Pisa, to in- quire if the Countess Pouschkin had any letters to send to Palermo; but, as I received none, I take for granted she had none to send. May God bless you, rny dear Lady; and be assured, I ever am, and shall be, your obliged and affectionate BRONTE NELSON. LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 15 LETTER VI. Off LaValette, Feb. 20, 1800. 4 MY DEAR LADY HAMILTON, HAD you seen the Peer receive me, I know not what you would have done; but, I can guess. But never mind ! I told him, that I had made a vow, if I took the Gene- reux by myself, it was my intention to strike my flag. To which he made no answer. If I am well enough, I intend to write a letter to Prince Leopold, and to send him the French Admiral's flag; which I hope you will approve of, as it 16 LORD NELSON'S it was taken on the coast of his father's kingdom, and by as faithful a subject, as an} r in his dominions. I have had no communication with the shore ; therefore, have seen neither Ball, Troubridge, or Graham : nor with the Lion ; when I have, I shall not forget all jour messages, and little Jack. I only want to know your wishes, that I may, at least, appear grateful, by attending to them. My head aches dreadfully, and I have none here to give me a moment's comfort. I send the packet to General Acton ; as I think it may go quicker, and he will be flattered by presenting the flag and letter to the Prince. Malta, I think, will fall very soon, if these other corvettes do not get in. Pray, TO LADY HAMILTON. 1? Pray, make my best regards accept- able to Mrs. Cadogan, Miss Knight, little Alary Re Giovanni, Gibbs, &c. &c. and ever believe me your truly faithful and affectionate BRONTE NELSON, LETTER 18 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER VII. June 16, [1800.] Seven o'CIock. Ml DEAR LADY HAMILTON, WHAT a difference but it was to be from your house to a boat! Fresh breeze of wind, the ship four or five leagues from the mole; getting on board into truly a hog-stye of a ca- bin, leaking like a sieve, consequently floating with water. What a change! Not a felucca near us. I saw them come out this morning, but they think there is too much wind and swell. Pray, TO LADY HAMILTON. 19 Pray, do not keep the cutter ; as I have not a thing, if any thing import- ant should arrive, to send you. Only think of Tyson's being left! May God bless you, my dear Lady; and believe me, ever, your truly affec- tionate and sincere friend, NELSON. Lady Hamilton Put the candle- stick on my writing-table. c LETTER 20 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS. LETTER VIII. January 28, 1801, WHAT a fool 1 was, my dear Lady Hamilton, to direct that your cheering letters should be di- rected for Brixham! I feel, this day, truly miserable, in not having them ; and, I fear, they will not come till to- morrow's post. What a blockhead, to believe any person is so active as myself! I have this day got my orders, to put myself under Lord St. Vincent's command : but, as no order is arrived to man the ship, it must be Friday night, or Satur- day TO LADY HAMILTON. 21 day morning, before she can sail for Torbaj. Direct my letters, now, to Brixham. My eye is very bad. I have had the physician of the fleet to examine it- He has directed me not to write, (and yet I am forced, this day, to write Lord Spencer, St. Vincent, Davison about my law-suit, Trou- bridge, Mr. Locker, &c. but you are the only female I write to;) not to eat any thing but the most simple food; not to touch wine or porter; to sit in a dark room; to have green shades for my eyes (will you, my dear friend, make me one or two ? Nobody else shall;) and to bathe them in cold water every hour. I fear, it is the writing has brought on this com- plaint. My eye is like blood ; and the film so extended, that I only see c 3 from 22 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS from the corner farthest from my nose. What a fuss about my complaints! But, being so far from my sincere friends, I have leisure to brood over them. I have this moment seen Mrs. Thom- son's friend. Poor fellow! he seems very uneasy and melancholy. He begs you to be kind to her; and I have assured him of your readiness to re- lieve the dear good woman : and be- lieve me, for ever, my dear Lady, your faithful, attached, and affection ate, NELSON & BRONTE. I will try and write the Duke a line. My brother intended to have gone off to-morrow afternoon; but this half order may stop him. LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 23 LETTER IX. San Josef, February 8th, 1801. MY DEAR LADY, MR. Davison demands the privilege of carrying back an an- swer to your kind letter; and, I am sure, he will be very punctual in the delivery. I am not in very good spirits; and, except that our country demands all our services and abilities, to bring about an honourable peace, nothing should prevent my being the bearer of my own letter. But, my dear friend, I know you are so true and c 4 loyal 24 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS loyal an Englishwoman, that you would hate those who would not stand forth in defence of our King, laws, religion, and all that is dear to us. It is your sex that make us go forth; and seem to tell us " None but the brave deserve the fair!" and, if we fall, we still live in the hearts of those females. You are dear to us. It is your sex that rewards us ; it is your sex who cherish our memories; and you, my dear, honoured friend, are, believe me, the fast, the best, of your sex. I have been the world around, and in every corner of it, and never yet saw your equal, or even one which could be put in comparison with you. You know how to reward virtue, ho- nour, and courage ; and never to ask if TO LADY HAMILTON. 25 if it is placed in a Prince, Duke, Lord, or Peasant: and I hope, one day, to see you, in peace, before I set out for Bronte, which I am resolved to do. Darby's is one of the ships sent out after the French squadron; I shall, therefore, give the print to Hardy. I think, they might come by the mail- coach, as a parcel, wrapped up round a stick ; any print shop will give you one : and direct it as my letters. The coach stops, for parcels, at the White Bear, I believe, Piccadilly. Pray, have you got any picture from Mrs. Head's ? I hope, Mr. Brydon has executed the frames to your satisfac- tion ; the bill, he is directed to send to me. Only tell me, how I can be useful to you and Sir William ; and believe, nothing 26 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS nothing could give me more pleasure : being, with the greatest truth, my dear Lady, your most obliged and affection- ate friend, NELSON & BRONTE. I am told, the moment St. George arrives, that I am to be tumbled out of this ship; as the Viile de Paris is going to Plymouth, to be paid, and the Earl will hoist his flag here : and if I am as fortunate in getting a fresh- painted cabin, (which is probable) I shall be knocked up. At all events, I shall be made very uncomfortable by this hurry. It has been very good, and friendly, of Mr. Davison, to travel upwards of two hundred miles, to make me a visit. 1 rather TO LADY HAMILTOF. 27 I rather think, the great Earl will not much like his not having called on him ; but his manner of speaking of Mr. Davison, for his friendship to me, in the matter of the law-suit, Lord St. Vincent states to my solicitors as offensive to him. Wh v should it ? only that Mr. Davison wishes that I should have justice done me, and not to be overpowered by weight of interest and monev. 3 Once more, God bless you and Sir William. X. & B. Sir Isaac Heard has gazetted Trou- bridge's, Hood, &c/s honours ; but has Dot gazetted mine : and he has the King's orders for mine as much as the others. LETTER 28 LORD XELSON'S LETTERS LETTER X. N 2. San Josef, February 16th, 1801. MY DEAREST FRIEND, YOUR letters have made me happy, to-day ; and never again will I scold, unless you begin. There- fore, pray, never do ; My confidence in you is firm as a rock. * * * * ************ I cannot imagine, who can have stopped my Sunday's letter ! That it has been, is clear : and the seal of the other has been clearly opened ; but this might have happened from letters sticking together. Your's TO LADY HAMILTON. 29 Your's all came safe ; but the num- bering of them will point out, directly, if one is missing. I do not think, that any thing very particular was in that letter which is lost. Believe me, my dear friend, that Lady A. is as damned a w - as ever lived, and Mrs. W is a bawd ! Mrs.U a foolish pimp; eat up with pride, that a P will condescend to put her to expence. Only do as I do; and all will be well, and you will be every thing I wish. I thank you for your kindness to poor dear Mrs. Thomson. I send her a note ; as desired by her dear good friend, who doats on her. I send you a few lines, wrote in the late gale ; which, I think, you will not disapprove. How 30 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS How interesting your letters are ! You cannot write too much, or be too particular. THOUGH 's polish'd verse superior shine, Though sensibility grace every line ; Though her soft Muse be far above all praise, And female tenderness inspire her lays : Deign to receive, though unadorn'd By the poetic art, The rude expressions which bespeak A Sailor's untaught heart ! A heart susceptible, sincere, and true ; A heart, by fate, and nature, torn in two : One half, to duty and his country due ; The other, better half, to love and you ! Sooner shall Britain's sons resign The empire of the sea ; Than Henry shall renounce his faith, AND PLIGHTED VOWS, TO THEE! And waves on waves shall cease to roll, And tides forget to flow ; Ere thy true Henry's constant love, Or ebb, or change, shall know. The TO LADY HAMILTON. 31 The weather, thank God, is mode- rating. I have just got a letter from the new Earl at the Admiralty, full of compliments. But nothing shall stop my law-suit, and I hope to cast him. I trust, when I get to Spithead, there will be no difficulty in getting leave of absence. The letters on service are so nume- rous, from three days interruption of the post, that I must conclude with assuring you, that I am, for ever, your attached, and unalterably your's, NELSON & BRONTE. I shall begin a letter at night. LETTER 32 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XI. [March 1801.] You say, my Dearest Friend, why don't I put my Chief for- ward ? He has put me in the front of the battle, and Nelson will be first. I could say more ; but will not make you uneasy, knowing the firm friend- ship you have for me. The St. George will stamp an addi- tional ray of glory to England's fame, if Nelson survives ; and that Almighty Providence, who has hitherto protected me in all dangers, and covered my head in the day of battle, will still* if TO LADY HAMILTON. 35 if it be his pleasure, support and assist me. Keep me alive, in your and Sir William's remembrance. My last thoughts will be with you both, for you love and esteem me. I judge your hearts by my own. May the Great God of Heaven protect and bless you and him ! is the fervent prayer of your and Sir William's unalterable friend, till death. LETTER 34 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XII. Friday Night, Nine o'Clock, St. George. [March 1801.] HAVING, my truly Dear- est Friend, got through a great deal of business, I am enabled to do jus- tice to my private feelings ; which are fixed, ever, on you, and about you, whenever the public service does no't arrest my attention. I have read all, all, your kind and affectionate letters : and have read them frequently over ; and committed them to the flames, much against my inclination. There was one I rejoiced not to have read at the time. It was, where TO LADY HAMILTON. 35 where you consented to dine and sing with****. Thank God, it was not so ! I could not have borne it ; and, now, less than ever. But, I now know, he never can dine with you; for, you would go out of the house sooner than suffer it : and, as to letting him hear you sing, I only hope he will be struck deaf, and you dumb, sooner than such a thing should happen ! But, I know, it never now can. You cannot think how my feelings are alive towards you ; probably, more than ever : and they never can be di* minished . My hearty endeavours shall not be wanting, to improve and to give us XEW ties of regard and affec- tion. I have seen, and talked much with, Mrs. Thomson's friend. The fellow seems to eat all my words, when I talk D2 of 36 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS of her and his child ! He says, he never can forget your goodness and kind affection to her and his dear, dear child- I have had, you know, the felicity of seeing it, and a finer child never was produced by any two persons. It was, *in truth, a love- begotten child ! I am determined : to keep him on board ; for, I know, if they got together, they would soon have another. But, after our two months trip, I hope, they will never be separated; and, then, let them do as they please. We are all bustle and activity. I shall sail, on Monday, after your let- ter arrives. Troubridge will send it, as an_Admiralty letter. On Tuesday I shall be in the Downs, if we have any wind; and Troubridge will send, un- der cover to Admiral Lutwidge. It TO LADT HAMILTON. 57 It is not my intention to set m j foot out of the ship, except to make my take-leave bow to Admiral Mil bank. I have been much pressed to dine ashore: but, no; never, if I can help it, till I dine with you. Eleven o'Clock. Yonr dear letters just come on board. They are sympathetic with my own feelings; and, I trust, we shall soon meet, to part no more ! Monday, I shall be here for letters ; Tuesday, at Deal. Recollect, I am, for ever, y OUT'S; aye, for ever, while life remains, your's, your*s faithfully, . NELSON & BRONTE. I charge my only friend to keep well, and think of her Nelson's glory. D 3 I have 38 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS I have written to Lord Eldon, the Chancellor, as my brother desired. Pray, as you are going to buy a ticket for the Pigot diamond buy the right number, or it will be money thrown away. For ever, ever, your's, only your's. Kindest regards to my dear Mrs, Thomson, and my God Child. LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON". 39 LETTER XIII. Deal [Shall be on board the Medusa before this letter go from the Downs] July 31, 1801. MY DEABEST EMMA, . . , . DID not you get my let- ter from Sheerness OD Thursday morn- ing, telling you I was just setting off for Deal ; as I have no letter from you of yesterday, only t|jose of Wednesday, which went to Sheerness ? It has been my damned blunder, and notyour's; for which I am deservedly punished, by missing one of your dear letters. They are my comfort, joy, and de- light. D4 My 40 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS My time is, truly, fully taken up, and my hand aches before night comes. I got to bed, last night, at half past nine ; but the hour was so unusual, that I heard the clock strike one. To say that I thought of you, would be nonsense ; for, you are never out of my thoughts. At this moment, I see no prospect of my getting to London ; but, very soon, the business of my command will become so simple, that a child may direct it. What rascals your post-chaise people must be ! They have been paid every thing. Captain Parker has one re- ceipt for seven pounds odd, and I am sure that every tiling is paid; there- fore, do not pay a farthing. The cart- chaise I paid at Dartford. You need not fear all the women in this TO LADY HAMILTON. 41 this world; for all others, except your- self, are pests to me. I -know but one; for, who can be like my Emma? I am confident, you will do nothing which can hurt my feelings; and I will die by torture, sooner than do any thing which could offend you. Give ten thousand kisses to my dear Horatia. Yesterday, the subject turned on the cow-pox. A gentleman declared, that his child was inoculated with the cow- pox; and afterwards remained in a house where a child had the small-pox the natural way, and did not catch it. Therefore, here was a full trial with the cow-pox. The child is only feverish for two days ; and only a slight inflam- mation of the arm takes place, instead of being all over scabs. But, do you what you please ! I did 42 LORD NELSON S LETTERS I did not get your newspapers ; there- fore, do not know what promise you allude to : but this I know, I have none made me. The extension of the patent of peer- age is going on; but the wording of my brother's note, they have wrote for a meaning to. The patent must be a new creation. First, to my father, if he outlives me; then to William, and his sons; then to Mrs. Bolton, and her sons; and Mrs. Matcham, and her's. Farther than that, I care not; it is far enough. But it may never get to any of them ; for the old patent may extend by issue male of my own car- case: I am not so very old; and may marry again, a wife more suitable to my genius. I like the Morning Chronicle. Ever, TO LADY HAMILTON. 43 Ever, for ever, your's, only your, NELSON & BRONTE. Best regards to Mrs. Nelson, the Duke, and Lord William. I have totally failed for poor Ma- dame Brueys. Bonaparte's wife is one of Marti- nique, and some plan is supposed to be carried on. LETTER 44 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XIV. Sheerness, August llth, 1801. MY DEAREST EMMA, I CAME from Harwich yesterday noon ; not having set my foot on shore, although the Volun- teers, &c. were drawn up to receive me, and the people ready to draw the carriage. Parker had very near got all the ho- nours; but I want none, but what my dear Emma confers. You have sense to discriminate whether they are deserved or no. I came TO LADY HAMILTON. 45 I came on shore; for my business lays with the Admiral, who lives in a ship hauled on shore, and the Com- misioner. Slept at Coffin's : and, hav- ing done all that I can, am off for the Downs; to-day, if possible. As far as September 14th, I am at the Admiralty's disposal ; but, if Mr. Buonaparte do not chuse to send his miscreants before that time, my health will not bear me through equinoctial gales. I wish that Sir William was returned ; I would try and persuade him to come to either Deal, Dover, or Margate: for, thus cut off from the society of mj dearest friends, 'tis but a life of sor- row and sadness. But, patienza per forza! I hope you will get the house. If I buy, no person can say this shall, or not. 46 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS not, be altered ; and, you shall have the whole arrangement. Remember me most kindly to Mrs. Nelson, the Duke, and Lord William. Write to me in the Downs. May the Heavens bless and preserve you, forever and ever! is the constant prayer of, my dear Emma, your most affectionate and faithful NELSON & BRONTE. The Mayor and Corporation of Sand- wich, when they came on board to pre- sent me the freedom of that ancient town, requested me [to] dine with them. I put them off for the moment, but they would not be let off. Therefore, this business, dreadful to me, stands over, and I shall be attacked again when I get to the Downs. But I will not TO LADY HAMILTON. 47 Dot dine there, without you say, ap- prove ; nor, perhaps, then, if I can get off. Oh ! how I hate to be stared at. LETTER 48 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XV. Deal, August 18th, 1801. MY DEAREST EMMA, YOUR dear, good, kind, and most affectionate letters, from Sa- turday to last night, are arrived, and I feel all you say ; and may Heaven bless me, very soon, with a sight of your dear angelic face. You are a nonpareil! No, not one fit to wipe your shoes. I am, ever have been, and always will remain, your most firm, fixed, and unalterable friend. I wish Sir William had come home a week ago, then I should have seen you here. I have TO LADY HAMILTON. 49 I have this morning been attending the funeral of two young Mids: a Mr. Gore, cousin of Capt. Gore, and a Mr. Bristow. One nineteen, the other seventeen years of age. Last night, I was all the evening in the Hospital, seeing that all was done for the comfort of the poor fellows. I am going on board; for nothing should keep me living on shore, with- out you were here. I shall come in the morning, to see Parker, and go on board again directly. I shall be glad to see Oliver: I hope he will keep his tongue quiet, about the tea-kettle ; for, I shall not give it till I leave the Medusa. You ask me, what Troubridge wrote me? There was not a syllable about you in it. It was about my not com- .ing to London ; at the importance of E which, 50 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS which, I laughed : and, then, he said, he should never venture another opi- nion. On which, I said "Then, I " shall never give you one/' This day, he has wrote a kind letter, and all is over. I have, however, wrote him, in my letter of this day, as follows viz. " And I am, this moment, as firmly of " Opinion as ever, that Lord St. Vincent, " atid yourself, should have allowed of " my coming to town, for my own af- " fairs ; for, every one knows, I left it " without a thought for myself." I know, he likes to be with you : but, shall he have that felicity, and he de- prive me of it? No ; that he shall not! But this business cannot last long, and I hope we shall have peace; and, I rather incline to that opinion. But the Devil should not get me out of the. kingdom, tO LADY HAMILTON. 51 kingdom, without being some days with jou. I hope, my dear Emma, you will be able to find a house suited for my com- fort. I am sure of being HAPPY, by your arrangements. I have wrote a line to Troubridge, about Darby. Parker will write you a line of thanks, if he is able. I trust in God, he will yet do well! You ask me, my dear friend, if I am going on more expeditions? And, even if I was to forfeit your friendship, which is dearer to me than all the world, 1 can tell you nothing. For, I go out; [if] I see the enemy, and can get at them, it is my duty : and you would naturally hate me, if I kept back one moment. I long to pay them, for their tricks u 2 t'other t' other day, the debt of a drubbing, which, surely, I'll pay: but when, where, or how, it is impossible, your own good sense must tell you, for me or mortal man to say. I shall act not in a rash or hasty manner; that you may rely, and on which I give you my word of honour. Just going off. Ever, for ever, your faithful NELSON BRONTE. Every kind thing to Mrs. Nelson. LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 53 LETTER XVI. Medusa, Downs, August 31st, 1801. MY DEAR EMMA! DEAREST, BEST, FRIEND OF NELSOX, SIR WILLIAM is arrived, and well ; remember me kindly to him. I should have had the pleasure of see- ing him, but for one of my lords and masters, TROU BRIDGE ; therefore, I am sure, neither you or Sir William will feel obliged to him. The weather is very bad, and I am very sea-sick. I cannot answer your letter, probably; but I am writing a line, to get on shore, if possible: in- E 3 deed, 54 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS deed, I hardly expect that your letter can get afloat. I entreat you, my dear friend, to work hard for me, and get the house and furniture; and I will be so happy to lend it to you and Sir William ! Therefore, if you was to take the Duke's house, a cake house, open to every body he pleases, you had better have a booth at once ; you never could rest one moment quiet. Why did not the Duke assist Sir William, when he wanted his assistance? why not have saved you from the distress, which Sir William must every day feel, in knowing that his excellent wife sold her jewels to get a house for him ; whilst his own relations, great as they are in the foolish world's eye, would have left a man of his respectability and age, to have lodged in the streets. Did TO LADY HAMILTON. 55 Did the Duke, or any of them, give him a house then? Forgive me! you know if any thing sticks in my throat, it must out. Sir William owes his life to you ; which, I believe, he will never forget. To return to the house The furni- ture must be bought with it; and the sooner it is done, the better I shall like it. Oh! how bad the weather is! The devils, here, wanted to plague my soul out, yesterday, just after din- ner; but I would have seen them damned, before they should have come in. The Countess Montmorris, Lady this, that, and t'other, came along-side, a Mr. Lubbock with them to desire they might come in. I sent word, I was so busy 'that no persons could be admitted, as my time was employed in E 4 the 56 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS the King's service. Then they sent their names, which I cared not for : and sent Captain Gore, to say it was im- possible; and that, if they wanted to see a ship, they had better go to the Overyssel (a sixty-four in the Downs.) They said, no; they wanted to see me. However, I was stout, and will not be shewn about like a beast! and away they went. I believe, Captain Gore wishes me out of his ship; for the ladies admire him, I am told, very much: but, how- ever, no Captain could be kinder to me than he is. These ladies, he told me afterwards, were his relations. I have just got your letters ; many thanks, for them ! You do not say, in the end, Sir William is arrived. I am glad, that you approve. You may rely, my dear friend, that I wall not TO LADY HAMILTOIT. 57 not run any unnecessary risk ! No more boat work, I promise you ; but, ever, your attached and faithful NELSON & BRONTE. To the Duke, and Lord William, say every thing which is kind ; and to Mrs. Nelson. I am so dreadfully sea-sick, that I cannot hold up my head ! LETTER 58 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XVII. September 21st, [1801.] Quarter past Ten o'Clock. MY DEAR EMMA, I WISH you would send the letter to Mrs. Dod's, directly; for, otherwise, he may, inadvertently. If done, and it comes to London, deliver some of the things. The ward- robe is her's ; and if any of her clothes are at Mr. Dod's, they had better be separated from mine and, indeed, what things are worth removing to have them directly sent to Merton. A bed, or two, I believe, belong to my father; but, am not sure. I send TO LADY HAMILTON-. 59 I send you Dr. Baird's comfortable note, this moment received. You will [find] Parker is treated like an infant. Poor fellow! I trust, he will get well, and take possession of his room at the farm. Ever your affectionate, NELSON & BRONTE. LETTER 60 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XVIII. Amazon, September 26, 1801. Eight o'Clock. * MY DEAREST EMMA, YOUR kind letters came on board about six o'clock. You may rely upon one thing, that I shall like Merton ; therefore, do not be uneasy on that account. I have that opinion of your taste and judg- ment, that I do not believe it can fail in pleasing me. We must only consi- der our means; and, for the rest, I am sure, you will soon make it the prettiest place in the world. I dare say, Mr. Hazelwood acted, like TO LADY HAMILTON. 6l like all lawyers, whose only considera- tion was for their client: but, I am sure, you will do, for me, all the civil things towards Mrs. Greaves. If I can afford to buy the Duck Close, and the field adjoining, it would be pleasant ; but, I fear, it is not in my power: but, I shall know, when my accounts are settled, at New Year's Day. To be sure, we shall employ the trades-people of our village, in prefer- ence to any others, in what we want for common use, and give them every encouragement to be kind and atten- tive to us. From my heart, do I wish that I was with you : and it cannot be long ; for, to-day, I am far from well ; violent head ache, and very cold ; but, it may be agitation. Whatever, 62 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS Whatever, my dear Emma, you do for my little charge, I must be pleased with. Probably, she will be lodged at Merton ; at least, in the spring, when she can have the benefit of our walks* It will make the poor mother happy, I am sure. I do not write to her to-day, as this goes through the Admiralty; but, tell her all I would say. You know my unchangeable thoughts about her. I shall have the child christened, when I come up. Have we a nice church at Merton? We will set an example of goodness to the under-parishioners. Would to God, I was with you at Laleham. I shall never forget our happiness at that place. Mr. Davison will pay Mrs. Nelson fifty pounds, October 1st. I dare say r Mr. TO LADY HAMILTON. 63 Mr. Shakespeare has some orders about it. I had, yesterday, a letter from my father ; he seems to think, that he may do something which I shall not like. I suppose, he means, going to Somerset Street. Shall I, to an old man, enter upon the detestable subject; it may shorten his days. But, I think, I shall tell him, that I cannot go to Somerset Street, to see him. But, I shall not write till I hear your opinion. If I once begin, you know, it will all out, about her, and her ill-treatment to her son. But, you shall decide. Our accounts of dear Parker, I fear, preclude all hopes of his recovery. It was my intention to have gone ashore this morning, to have called on Admiral Lutwidge: but, the wind's coming 64 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS coming fresh from the S. W. I have declined it ; for, I doubt, if I could get off again. At ten o'clock, with your letters, came off Dr. Baird's note, to say every hope was gone! I have desired, that his death should be sent, by telegraph, to the Admiralty. They will, surely, honour his memory, although they would not promote him. What are our feelings, my dear Emrna! but, we must cheer up: and, with best regards to Mrs. Nelson, be- lieve me ever, for ever, your most affectionate, NELSON & BRONTE. Best regards to Sir William. I send you the last report. Who knows ! LETTER 1TO LADY HAMILTON. 65 LETTER XIX. Amazon, October 8, 1801.. MY DEAREST FRIEND, I DO not expect, although I am writing, that any boat can com- municate with us to-day. What can be the use of keeping me here? for, I can know nothing such weather; and, what a change since yesterday! It came on, in one hour, from the water like a mill-head, to such a sea as to make me very unwell. If I had gone to make my visit, I could not have got off again. I rejoice that I did not go. F Until 66 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS Until I leave the station, I have no desire to go on shore ; for, Deal was always my abhorrence. That Parker is a swindler. Lang- ford owed our dear Parker twenty-five pounds, of which there was no account : but Langford desired his agents to pay Mr. Parker. Langford requested, that he would wait two or three months, as it would be more convenient to him. To which the other agreed " Aye, as " long as you please." He got one pound eleven shillings and sixpence from Samuel, by casting his account wrong. The first thing he does, is to desire Langford's agents to pay thirty- four pounds for Langford, nine pounds more than the debt. He is worse than a public thief. His conduct to me was, absolutely, the worst species of thiev- ing ; for, it was under false pretences. He TO LADY HAMILTON. 67 He sent Dr. Baird on board, to me, to say that, in London, his pocket book was stole, in which was twenty pounds ; and begged my assistance to get him home ; and that he had not a farthing to buy mourning for his dear son. At this time, he had forty-seven pounds in his pocket, besides what he had sold of his son's. He has behaved so unlike a gentleman, but very like a blackguard, to both Captain Sutton, Bedford, and Hardy, I am now clear that he never lost one farthing, and that the whole is a swindling trick. So, you see, my dear friend, how good-nature is imposed upon. I am so vexed, that he should have belonged to our dear Parker ! I have now done with the wretch, for ever. I hope he has got nothing from you ; and, if you have promised him any thing, do not send it. F 2 Tern 68 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS, Ten o'Clock, Your kind letters are arrived. 1 re- joice that you have got into Merton. I hope to get the letter on shore; but, it is very uncertain. Ministry, my dearest friend, think Very differently of my services from you! But, never mind; I shall soon have done with them afloat. Make my kindest regards to Sir Wil- liam, and all our friends; and believe me, ever, your faithful and affectionate NELSON & BRONTE. I have just got a very kind letter from Captain Read. He says, he will come and see me, be where it will. He inquired after you and Sir William. LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 69 LETTER XX. Amazon, Ten o'Clock, October 12, 1801. MY DEAREST FRIEND, THIS being a very fine morning, and smooth beach, at eight o'clock, I went with Sutton and Bed- ford, and landed at Walmer; but found Billy fast asleep: so, left my card; walked the same road that we came, when the carriage could not come with us that night; and all rushed into my mind, and brought tears into my eyes. Ah! how different to walking with such a friend as you, Sir William, and Mrs. Nelson. F 3 Called 70 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS Called at the barracks, on Lord George; but, he is gone to London. From thence to the Admiral's, found him up; and, waiting half an hour to see Mrs. Lutwidge, who entreated me to stay dinner, came directly on board. I did not even call to see poor Lang- ford; who has been worse these few days past, and God knows when he will be well. 1 am afraid it will be a long time; for several pieces of bone are lately come away, and more to come. But Troubridge has so completely prevented my ever mentioning any body's service, that I am become a cypher, and he has gained a victory over Nelson's spirit. I am kept here; for what, he may be able to tell, I can- not: but long it cannot, shall not, be. Sutton TO LADY HAMIETOIT. 71 Sutton and Bedford are gone a tour, till dinner time: but nothing shall make me, but almost force, go out of the ship again, till I have done; and the Admiralty, in charity, will be pleased to release me. I am, in truth, not over well. I have a complaint in my stomach and bowels, but it will go off. If YOU was here, I should have some rhubarb ; but, as you are not, I shall go without. Sutton has sent into Yorkshire, for a cow that, in the spring, will give four- teen pounds of butter a week; and, he has given Allen the finest goat I ever saw. The latter, I am afraid, will be troublesome. . Just as I was coming off, I received your packet; and thank you, from my heart, for all your kindness. What can Reverend Sir want to be r 4 made 72 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS made a Doctor for? He will be laughed at, for his pains ! I thank you for the King's letters, I shall write a kind line to Castelicala, and answer the King's, very soon : and, write to Acton ; for he can make Bronte every thing to me, if he pleases. I dare say, I did wrong, never to write him ; but, as he treated Sir William unkind- ly, I never could bring myself to it. I am glad the Duke has been to see you; and taking plants from him, is nothing. Make my kindest remem- brances to him. I would have every body like your choice; for, I am sure, you have as fine a taste in laying out land, as you have in music. I'll be damned, if Mrs. Bil- lington can sing so well as you. She may have stage trick, but you have pure nature, I always TO LADY HAMILTON. 73 I always say every thing, for you and Sir William. I wish you had trans- lated the King's and Acton's letters, Banti cannot. I may be able to dispose of Charles, but not of the other, and he would corrupt Charles. For ever yours, NELSON & BRONTE. Mrs, Lutwidge inquires always par- ticularly after you. We all laugh, and say she is more fond of soldiers than ever, since General Don has shewn her bow he would keep off the French ! LETTER 74 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER Amazon, October 15th, 1801. >IY DEAREST FRIEND, 1 HAVE received all your letters of yesterday, and the one sent from the post at Merton; and, also, one mis-sent to Pooler but I do not write direct to Merton, till I hear that mine to Sir William, sent yesterday? gets to you before those by London. The Admiralty will not give me leave, till the 22d ; and, then, only ten days. What a set of beasts! My cold is now got into my head ; and I have such dreadful pain in my teeth, TO LADY HAMILTON. 75 teeth, that I cannot hold up m j head : but none of them cares a damn for me or mj sufferings; therefore, you see, I cannot discharge mj steward. And jet, I think, upon consideration , that I will send up all my things, and take mj chance as to their sending me down again. What do you think? At all events, every thing except my bed. I have table-spoons, forks, every thing; at least, I shall have, soon, two hun- dred pounds worth. What a b that Miss Knight is ! As to the other, I care not what she says. My poor dear father is wrong. But more of this, when we meet: which will be Friday, the 33d, at farthest; if possible, the 22d. But, the Admiralty are hard upon me. I am sorry to hear, that you have been 76 LORD KELSON'S LETTERS been ill : and my cold is so dreadfully bad, that I cannot hold up my head ; and am so damned stupid that you must, my dear friend, forgive my letter. Admiral Lutwidge is going to Ports- mouth. Sir William Parker is going to be tried, for something. Make my kindest respects to Sir William; and believe me, ever, your's most faithfully, NELSON & BRONTE, I have wrote a line to Merton. Excuse my letter. LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 77 LETTER XXII. Amazon. October 16th, 1801. MY DEAREST FRIEND, IT being a very fine morn- ing, and the beach smooth, I went to call on Admiral Lutwidge, and re* turned on board before ten o'clock. Mrs. Lutwidge is delighted with jour present. Sutton, Sec. were called forth to admire it. She joins in abu^ sing the Admiralty. She pressed me very much to dine with them at three o'clock; but, I told her I would not dine with the angel Gabriel, to be dragged through a night surf! Her 78 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS Her answer was, that she hoped soon I should dine with an angel, for she was sure you was one. In short, she adores you; but, who does not? You are so good, so kind, to every body; old, young, rich, or poor, it is the same thing ! I called on poor Langford ; who has a long time to look forward to, for get- ting well; he told me your goodness, in writing him a line : and I called upon Dr. Baird; he disapproves of rhubarb, and has prescribed magnesia and peppermint: and I called on Mr. Lawrence. So, you see, I did much business in one hour I was on shore. Civility to Lutwidge was proper for me; and, indeed, my duty. *\- The moment I got your letters, off I came, and have read them with real pleasure. TO LADY HAMILTON. 7$ pleasure. They have made me much better* I think ; at least, I feel so. I admire the pigs and poultry. Sheep are certainly most bene6cial to eat off the grass. Do you get paid for them ; and take care that they are kept on the premises all night, for that is the time they do good to the land. They should be folded. Is your head man a good person, and true to our interest ? I in- tend to have a farming book. I am glad to hear you get fish; not very good ones, I fancy. It is, I thank God, only six days before I shall be with you, and to be shewn all the beauties of Merton. I shall like it, leaves or no leaves. No person there can take amiss our not visiting. The answer from me will always foe very civil thanks, but that I wish to live retired. We shall have 80 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS have our sea friends ; and, I know, Sir William thinks they are the best. I have a letter from Mr. Trevor, begging me to recommend a young- ster for him ; but, none before your Charles. Banti, I suppose, must return ; but, at present, we know not what ships are to be kept in commission. I have a letter from a female relation of mine. She has had three husbands ; and he, Mr. Sherstone, three wives. Her brother, a Nelson, I have been trying, ever since I have been in Eng- land, to get promoted. The last and present Admiralty promised. I never 'saw the man ; he is in a ship in the North Seas, forty-five years of age. I have a letter from Trotibridge, re- commending me to wear flannel shirts. Does he care for me? No; but, never mind. TO tADY HAMILTON. 81 mind. They shall work hard, to get me back again. Remember me, kindly, to Sir Wil- liam, the Duke, and all friends ; and beliere jne, ever, your most affeo donate NELSON & BRONTE. Do yon ever see Castelcicala? He isa good man, and faithful to his mas* ter and mistress. LETTER LETTER XXIIL Amazon, October 16lh, 1801. MY DEAREST FRIEND, I SEND you a letter for Allen's wife; and one for Germany, which I wish you would make Oliver put in the Foreign Post Office, and pay what is necessary. I would send you the letter to which it is an answer, but it would be over- weight. It is all compliments; and, the man says, it is all truth. The wind is freshened cold, but very fine day. Best TO LADY HAMILTON. 83 Best regards to Sir William, Mrs. Cadogan, Mr. Oliver, and all friends. For ever, your's faithfully, NELSON & BRONTE. I have a letter from Reverend Doc- torhe is as big as if he was a Bishop ; and one from the Bedel of the univer- sity, to say how well he preached. I hope you ordered something good for him, for those big wigs love eating and drinking. e 2 LETTER 84 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XXIV. Amazon, October 17th, 1801, MY DEAREST FRIEND, ALTHOUGH my com plaint has no danger attending it, yet it re- sists the medicines which Dr. Baird has prescribed; and, I fancy, it has pulled me down very much. The cold has settled in my bowels. I wish the Admiralty had my com- plaint: but, they have no bowels; at least, for me. I had a very indifferent night, but your and Sir William's kind letters have made me feel better. I send TO LADY HAMILTON. 85 I send you a letter from Lord Pel- ham. I shall certainly attend; and let them see, that 1 may be useful in council as I have been in the field. We must submit ; and, perhaps, these Ad- miralty do this by me, to prevent ano- ther application. You may rely, that I shall be with you by dinner, on Friday; at half past three, or four at farthest. I shall not dine with Pitt, as Mr. and Mrs. Long are staying there. Not that I ever saw her in my lite, nor care if I never do. I pray that I may not be annoyed, on my arrival : it is retirement with my friends, that I wish for. Thank Sir William, kindly, for his let- ter; and the inclosure, which I return. Sutton is -much pleased with your letter; and, with Bedford, will cer- G 3 tainly 86 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS tainly make you a visit. They are both truly good and kind to me. Our weather has been cold these two days, but not bad. I have got a fire in the cabin; and, I hope my com- plaint will go off. May Heaven bless you ! I send this, through Troubridge, di- rect in Piccadilly. I shall, you may rely, admire the pig-stye, ducks, fowls, &c. for every thing you do, I look upon as perfect. Dr. Baird has been aboard, to see me. He thinks, I shall be better; and, that a few days on shore will set me up again. Make my kind remembrances to Sir William, the Duke, and all friends; and believe me, ever, your most affec- tionate NELSON & BRONTE. Bedford TO LADY HAMILTON. 87 Bedford has made me laugh. Mrs. Lutwidge has been babbling, that she will go to Portsmouth with the Admi- ral; who says, he shall be so fully em- ployed that he cannot be much with her. She whispered Bedford " I have " many friends in the army there !" She will certainly marry a soldier, if ever she is disposable. But, perhaps, you will agree with me, that no good soldier would take her. I am sure, the purchase would be dear, even if it was a gift. Don't call this a bull. Sutton's man was on the farm ; and the sheep, when not belonging to the farm, always paid so much sheep, so much lambs: but, I dare say, you ma- nage well. Sir William's letter has delighted me, with your activity and prudence. G 4 LETTER 88 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XXV, THE two letters would have been over-weight, so I send you the letter I have answered. Pray, take care of it, it is a curiosity ! Ever your faithful NELSON & BRONTE. Amazon, 2 P.M. Yawkins is in great distress : his cut- ter paid off; and he, like many others, very little to live upon. He begs his best respects to Sir William. He breakfasted here this morning. Many very long faces at peace! LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 89 LETTER XXYI. MY DEAREST FRIEND, HARDY begs you will send the inclosed to Naples. I wish Tyson would come home ; for many are pulling at him, and I want to pay him. I will riot be in his debt forty-eight hours after his arrival. Hardy is just anchored, and his com- modore gone on shore. Ever your most faithful NELSON & BRONTE. , Mrs. 90 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS Mrs. Nelson had better direct her letters to me, unless I am on the spot. You see, you paid postage, and it lays me open to their Post Office conversa tion. LETTER LADY HAMILTON. 91 LETTER XXVII. Amazon, October 19th, 1801. MY DEAREST FRIEND, AT a gale we have had! But Admiral Lutwidge's boat came off; and, as your letter was wrote, it got on shore: at least, I hope so ; for the boat seemed absolutely swallowed up in the sea. None of our boats could have kept above water a mo- ment; therefore, I could not answer all the truly friendly things you told me in your letters, for they were not opened before the boat was gone. I am sure, you did well to send Mrs. Lutwidge 92 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS Lutwidge a gown, and she loves you very much, but there is no accounting for taste. She admires entirely red coats ; you, true blue. They dine with Billy Pitt, to-day ; or, rather, with Mr. Long ; for Pitt does not keep house, in appearance, although he asked me to come and see him : and that I shall do, out of respect to a great man, although he never did any thing for me or my relations. I assure you, niy dear friend, that I had rather read and hear all your little story of a white hen getting into a tree, an anecdote of Fatima, or hear you call " Cupidy ! Cupidy !" than any speech I shall hear in parliament : because I know, although you can adapt your language and manners to a child, yet that you can also thunder forth such a torrent of eloquence, that corruption TO LADY HAMILTON. 93 Corruption and infamy would sink be- fore your voice, in however exalted a situation it might be placed. Poor Oliver ! what can be the mat- ter with him ? I must leave my cot here, till my discharge, when it shall come to the farm, as cots are the best things in the world for our sea friends. Why not have the pictures from Da- vison's, and those from Dodd's ; espe- cially, my father's, and Davison's ? A-propos! Sir William has not sat, I fear, to Beechey. I want a half-length, the size of my father's and Davison's. I wonder your pictures are not come from Hamburg! You have not lost the directions for unfolding them; nor the measure, that I may have frames made for them? For, up they shall go, as soon as they arrive. What, have 94 LORD KELSON'S LETTERS have your picture, and not hang it up? No; I will submit, in the farm, to every order but that. The weather, to-day, is tolerable; but, I do not think I could well get on shore: but Thursday, I hope, will be a fine day. I shall call on Mr. Pitt, make my visit at the Hospital, and get off very early on Friday morning. My cold is still very troublesome, I cannot get my bowels in order. In the night I had not a little fever. But, never mind ; the Admiralty will not always be there. Every one has their day. God bless you, my dear friend ; and believe me, ever, your's most faith- fully, NELSON & BRONTE. Write TO LADY HAMILTON. 95 Write on Wednesday. Your letters of yesterday are re- ceived. Reverend Doctor would like to be a Bishop. I have sent poor Thomson's letter, and the distressed Mrs. , to the Earl. Kindest regards to Sir Wil- liam. LETTER 96 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XXVIII. Amazon, October 20th, 1801. MY DEAREST FRIEND, How could you think, for a moment, that I would be a time- server to any Minister on earth ! And, if you had studied my letter a little closer, you would have seen that my intention was, to shew them that I could be as useful in the cabinet as in the field. My idea is, to let them see that my attendance is worth soliciting. For myself, I can have nothing ; but, for my brother, something may be done. Living ^0 LADY HAMILTON. 9? - Living with Mr. Addington a good deal ; never, in jour sense of the word, shall I do it. What, leave my dearest friends, to dine with a minister? Damn me, if I do, beyond what you yourself shall judge to be necessary! Perhaps, it may be once; and once with the Earl, but that you shall judge for me. If I give up all intercourse you know enough of Courts, that they will do nothing: make yourself of conse- quence to them, and they will do what you wish, in reason; and, out of 'reason, I never should ask them. It must be a great bore, to me, to go to the House. I shall tell Mr. Adding- ton, that I go on the 29th to please him, and not to please myself; but more of this subject, when we meet. Dr. Baird is laid up .with the rheu- matism; he will now believe, that the H cold 98 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS cold may affect me. This is the cold- est place in England, most assuredly. Troubridge writes me that, as the weather is set in fine again, he hopes I shall get walks on shore. He is, I sup- pose, laughing at me; but, never mind. I agree with you, in wishing Sir Wil- liam had a horse. Why don't you send to the Duke, for a poney for him. I am just parting with four of my ships Captains Conn, Rowley, Mar- tin, and Whitter who are proceeding to the Nore, in their way to be paid off. The surf is still so great on the beach, that I could not land dry, if it was necessary, to-day; but, I hope, it will be smooth on Thursday : if not, I must go in a boat to Dover, and come from thence to Deal. Sutton TO LADY HAMILTON. 99 Sutton says, he will get the Amazon under sail, and carry me down; for, that I shall not take cold : Bedford goes with a squadron to Margate; so that all our party will be broke up. I am sure, to many of them, I feel truly obliged. Make my kindest respects to Sir William; and believe me, ever, your most faithful and affectionate NELSON & BRONTE. I wish Banti was separated from Charles, for he is a knowing one. I wish I could get him with a good Cap- tain, who would keep him strict to his duty. Hardy cannot get paid a hundred pounds he advanced for Mr. Wil- liams's nephew. H 2 Many 100 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS Many thanks for Mrs. Nelson's let- ters. The Reverend Doctor likes going about. Only think of his wanting to come up with an address of thanks ! Why, [the] King will not receive him, although he is a Doctor ; and less, for being ray brother for, they certainly do not like me. LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 101 LETTER XXIX. Amazon, October 20th, 1801. MY DEAREST FRIEXD, OXLY two days more, the Admiralty could, with any conscience, keep me here; not that I think, they have had any conscience. I *dare say, Master Troubridge is grown tat. I know, I am grown lean, with my complaint: which, but for .their indifference about my health, would never have happened; or, at least, I should have got well, long ago, in a warm room, with a good fire, and sincere friends. H 3 I believe, 102 LORD NELSON S LETTERS I believe, I leave this little squadron with sincere regret, and with the good wishes of every creature in it. How I should laugh, to see you, my dear friend, rowing in a boat; the beautiful Emma rowing a one-armed Admiral in a boat! It will certainly be caricatured. Well done, farmer's wife! I'll bet your turkey against Mrs. Nelson's; but, Sir William and I will decide. Hardy says, you may be sure of him ; and, that he has not lost his appetite. You will make us rich, with your economy. I did not think, tell Sir William, that impudence had got such deep root in Wales. I send you the letter, as a cu- riosity; and to have the impudence to recommend a midshipman! It is not long ago, a person from Yorkshire TO LADY HAMILTON. 105 Yorkshire desired me to lend him three hundred pounds, as he was going to setup a school! Are these people mad ; or, do they take me for quite a fool? However, I have wisdom enough to laugh at their folly; and to be, myself, your most obliged and faithful friend, NELSON & BRONTE. Best regards to Sir William, Mrs. Cadogan. and all friends. H 4 LETTER 104 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XXX. Amazon, October 21st, 1801. MY DEAREST FRIEND, IT blows strong from the westward, and is a very dirty day, with a good deal of surf on the beach ; but Hardy and Sutton recommended my going on shore this morning, as they believe it may blow a heavy gale to- morrow. But, what comfort could I have had, for two whole days, at Deal? 1 hope the morning will be fine: but I have ordered a Deal boat, as they understand the beach better than our's ; and, TO LADY HAMILTON. 105 and, if I cannot land here, I shall go to Ramsgate Pier, and come to Deal in a carriage. Has Mrs. Cadogan got iny Peer's robe? for I must send for Mr. Webb, and have it altered to a Viscount's. Lord Hood wrote to me, to-day, and he is to be one of my introducers. He wanted me to dine with him the 24th; but I'll be damned if I dine from home that day, and it would be as likely we should dine out the 23d. If you and Sir AVilliam ever wish me to dine with his brother, it must be the time of a very small party ; for it would be worse than death to me, to dine in so large a party. I expect, that all animals will in- crease where you are, for I never ex- pect that you will suffer any to be killed. I am 306 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS I am glad Sir William has got the Duke's poney; riding will do him much good. I am sorry to tell you, that Dr. Baird ;is so ill, that I am told it is very pro- bable he may never recover. This place is the devil's, for dread- ful colds : and I don't believe I should get well all the winter; for both cough, and bowels, are still very much out of order. You are now writing your last letter for Deal; so am I, for Merton, from Deal : at least, I hope so ; for, if I can help it, I will not return to it. I have much to do, being the last day on board; but ever, my dearest friend, believe me your truly affec- tionate NELSON & BRONTE. I am TO LADY HAMILTON. 10J I am literally starring with cold ; vbut my heart is warm. I suppose I shall dine with Lut- widge: but I am not very desirous of it; for I shall hare Sutton, Bedford, and Hardy, with me. You must prepare Banti's mother, as it is a peace, for some other line of life than the navy. Yesterday, he sold a pair of silver buckles; he would soon ruin poor Charles, who is really a well- disposed boy. I never shall get warm again, I be- lieve. I cannot feel the pen. Make my kindest regards to Sir William, Mrs. Cadogan, Oliver, &c. Sutton, Hardy, and Bedford, all join in kind remembrances. As Monday is Horace's birth-day, I suppose I must send him a one pound note. LETTER 108 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XXXI. May 22d, [1803.] Eight o'Clock in the Morning, MY DEAREST EMMA, WE are now in sight of Ushant, and shall see Admiral Corn- wallis in an hour. I am not in a little fret, on the idea that he may keep the Victory, and turn us all into the Amphion. It will make it truly uncomfortable ; but, I cannot help myself. I assure you, my dear Emma, that I feel a thorough conviction, that we shall meet again, with honour, riches, and health, and remain together till a good TO LADY HAMILTON. 109 good old age. I look at your and my God's Child's picture; but, till I am sure of remaining here, I cannot bring myself to hang them up. Be assured, that my attachment, and affectionate regard, is unalterable; nothing can shake it! And, pray, say so to my dear Mrs. T. when you see her. Tell her, that my love is unbounded, to her and her dear sweet child ; and, if she should have more, it will extend to all of them. In short, my dear Emma, say every thing to her, which your dear, affec- tionate, heart and head, can think of. We are very comfortable. Mr. El- Hot is happy, has quite recovered his spirits; he was very low, at Portsmouth. George Elliot is very well; say so, to Lord Minto. Murray, Sutton in short, every body in the ship, seems happy ; and, if we should fall in with a French 110 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS a French man-of-war, I have no fears but they will do as we used to do. Hardy is gone into Plymouth, to see our Dutchman safe. I think, she will turn out a good prize. Gaetano desires his duty to Miledi ! He is a good man ; and, I dare say, will come back: for, I think, it can- not be a long war ; just enough to make me independent in pecuniary matters. If the wind stands, on Tuesday we shall be on the coast of Portugal ; and, before next Sunday, in the Mediterra- nean. To Mrs. Cadogan, say every kind thing; to good Mrs. Nelson, the Doc- tor, &c. &c. If you like, you may tell him about the entailing of the pension : but, per- haps, he will be so much taken up with TO LADY HAMILTON. Ill with Canterbury, that it will do for some dull evening at Hilborough. I shall now stop, till I have been on board the Admiral. Only, tell Mrs. T. that I will write her the first safe opportunity; I am not sure of this. I shall direct to Merton, after June Jst. Therefore, as you change, make Davison take a direction to Xepean ; but, I would not trouble him with too many directions, for fear of embroil. May 23d. We were close in with Brest, yes- terday; and found, by a frigate, that Admiral Cornwallis had a rendezvous at sea. Thither we went ; but, to this hour, cannot find him. It blows strong. What wind we are losing ! If I cannot find the Admiral .112 LORD NELSON'S LETTER* by six o'clock, we must all go into the Amphion, and leave the Victory, to my great mortification. So much for the wisdom of my superiors. I keep my letter open to the last: for, I still hope; as, I am sure, there is no good reason for my not going out in the Victory. I am just embarking in the Am- phion; cannot find Admiral Corn- wallis. May God in Heaven bless you! prays your most sincere NELSON & BRONTE. Stephens's publication I should like to have. I have left my silver seal ; at least, I cannot find it. LETTER TO fc-ADY HAMILTON. 113 LETTER XXXll. [JuK 1803. MY DEAREST EMMA, ALTHOUGH I have wrote letters from various places, merely to say " Here I am," and " There I * am;" yet, as I have no doubt but that they would all be read, it was im- possible for me to say more than " Here I am, and well :" and I see no prospect of any certain mode of con- veyance, but by sea; which, with the means the Admiralty has given me, of small vessels, can be but seldom. Our passages have been enormously i long. 114 LOUD NELSON'S LETTERS long. From Gibraltar to Malta, we were eleven days : arriving the fifteenth in the evening, and sailing in the night of the sixteenth that is, three in the morning of the seventeenth and it was the twenty-sixth before we got off Capri; where I had ordered the fri- gate, which carried Mr. Elliot to Na- ples, to join me. I send you copies of the King and Queen's letters. I am vexed, that she did not mention you! I can only ac- count for it, by her's being a political letter. When I wrote to the Queen, I said " I left Lady Hamilton, the eighteenth " of May; and so attached to your " Majesty, that I am sure she wcnild " lay down her life to preserve your's. " Your Majesty .never had a more " sincere, attached, and real friend, " than tO LADY HAMILTON. 115 " than your dear Emma. You will " be sbfry to hear, that good Sir Wil- " liam did not leave her in such com- " fortable circumstances as his fortune " would have allowed. He has given ** it amongst his relations. But she "'will do honour to his memory, al- " though every one else of his friends " call loudly against him on that ac- " count/' I trust, my dear Emma, she has wrote you. If she can forget Emma, I hope, God will forget her! But, you think, that she never will, or can. Now is her time to shew it. You will only shew the King and Queen's letters to some few particular friends. ";*- The King is very low; lives, mostly, at Belvidere. Mr. Elliot had not seen either him or the Queen, from the i 2 seventeenth, seventeenth, the day of his arrival, to the twenty-first. On the next day, he was to be presented. I have made up my mind, that it is part of the plan of that Corsican Scoun- drel, to conquer the kingdom of Na- ples. He has inarched thirteen thou- sand men into the kingdom, on the Adriatic side; and he will take pos- session, with as much shadow of right, of Gaeta and Naples: and, if the poor King remonstrates, or allows us to se- cure Sicily, he will call it war, and de- clare a conquest. 1 have cautioned General Acton, not to risk the Royal Family too long; but Naples will be conquered, sooner or later, as it may suit Buonaparte's con- venience. The Morea, and Egypt, are like- in his eye. An army of full se- venty TO LADY HAMILTON. 11? venty thousand men are assembling in Italy. Gibbs and Noble are gone to Malta. I am, you may believe, very an- xious to get off Toulon, to join the fleet. Sir Richard Bickerton went from off Naples, the day I left Gibraltar. We passed Monte Christo, Bastia, and Cape Corse, yesterday; and are now moving, slowly, direct for Toulon. What force they have. I know not ; indeed, I am totally ignorant: some say, nine sail of the line; .some, seven; some, five. If the former, they will come out; for we have only the same number, including sixty-fours, and very shortly manned. However, I hope they will come out, and let us settle the matter. You know, I hate being kept in suspence. i 3 [July 118 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS [July 8th. I left this hole, to put down what force the French have at Toulon. Se- ven sai,l of the line ready, five frigates, and six corvettes. One or two more in about a week. We, to day, eight sail of the line- to-morrow, seven ; includ- ing two sixty-four gun ships.] You will readily believe, how re- oiced I shall be to get one of your dear, excellent letters, that I may know every thing which has passed since my absence. I sincerely hope, that Mr. Booth has settled all your accounts. Never mind, my dear Emma, a few hundred pounds ; which is all the rigid gripe of the law, not justice, can wrest from you. I thank God, that you cannot want ; (although that is no good reason for its being TO LADY HAMILTON. 119 being taken from you :) whilst I have sixpence, you shall not want for five- pence of it! But, you have bought yonr experience, that there is no friend- ship in money concerns; and, your good sense will make you profit of it. I hope, the minister has done some- thing for you. But, never mind, we can live upon bread and cheese. Independence is a blessing; and, al- though I have not yet found out the way to get prize money what has been taken, has run into our mouths however, it must turn out very hard, if I cannot get enough to pay off my debts, and that will be no small com- fort I have 'not mentioned my Bronte affairs to Acton, as yet; bat, if Naples remains much longer, I shall ask the question. Bat, I expect nothing from i 4 them. 120 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS them. I believe, even Acton wishes himself well, and safely removed. I think, from what I hear, that the King's spirits are so much depressed, that he will give up the reins of Na- ples, at least, to his son, and retire to Sicily. Sir William, you know, al- ways thought, that he would end his life so. Certainly, his situation must be heart-breaking! Gaetano returned in the frigate, I Relieve, he saw enough of Naples. He carried his family money; and Mr. Falconet (Gibbs being absent) will pay Mr. Greville's pension to Gaetano's family. I have now [sent] Gaetano to the post : and he desires, to present his duty; and to tell you, that Mr. Ragland, from Sir William's death, will not pay any more pensions, with- out orders from Mr. Greville. Vincenzo TO LADY HAMILTON. 121 Vincenzo has had none paid. He is very poor; keeps a shop. His son wanted, I fitffl, to come in the frigate to me. I cannot afford to maintain him; therefore, I shall give no encou- ragement. Old Antonio was allowed a carline a day; that is, now, not paid. Sabatello lives with Mr. Elliot. Nicolo % . and Mary Antonio, have left Mr. Gibbs, for some cause ; Gae- tano says, he believes, for amore. Fraucesca has two children litiog, and another coming. She lives the best amongst them, like gallant homme. Pasqual lives with the Duke Mon- telione; and Joseph, with the old Rus- sian. Your house is a hotel; the upper parts are kept for the Marquis, the owner. Mr. LOJJP NELSONS LETTERS Mr. Elliot has taken the house of the Bailie Fran coni, on the Chaia. Doctor Nudi inquired kindly after us ; and all the women at Santa Lucia expected, when they saw Gaetano, that you was arrived. Bread never was so dear; every thing else in plenty. The wages not being raised, Gaetano says, the poor of England are a million times better off. So, much for Gaetano's news. He desires his duty to Signora Madre; and remembrances to Mary Ann, Fa- tima, &c. [July 8th. We joined, this morning, the fleet. The men in the ships are good ; but the ships themselves are a little the worse for wear, and very short of their com- plements of men. We shall never be better : TO LADY HAMILTON. 123 better: therefore, let them come; the sooner, the better. I shall write a line to the Duke, that he may see I do not forget my friends ; and I rely, my dearest Emma, on your saying every kind thing, for me, to the Doctor, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. Matcham, Mrs. Cadogan; whose kindness, and goodness, I shall never forget. You will have the goodness to send the inclosed, as directed; and be as- sured, that I am, to the last moment of my life, your most attached, faithful, and affectionate, NELSON & BRONTE. LETTER 124 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XXXIII. Victory, off Toulon, August 1, 1803. [I do not know that you will get this letter.] MY DEAREST EMMA, YOUR letter of May 31, which came under cover to Mr. Noble, of .Naples, inclosing Davison's corre- spondence with Plymouth, arrived by the Phoebe two days ago : and this is the only scrap of a pen which has been received by any person in the fleet since we sailed from England. You will readily conceive, my dear Emma, the sensations which the sight and TO LADY HAMILTON. 123 and reading even your few lines [occa- sioned.] They cannot be understood, but by those of such mutual and truly sincere attachment as your's and mine. Although you said little, I understood a great deal; and most heartily approve of your plan and society for next win- ter; and, next spring, I hope to be rich enough to begin the alterations at dear Merton. It will serve to amuse you ; and, I am sure, that I shall ad- mire all your alterations, even to plant- ing a gooseberry bush. Sutton joined me yesterday, and we are all got into the Victory ; and, a few days will put us in order. Every body gives a very excellent character of Mr. Chevalier, the servant recommended by Mr. Davison ; and I shall certainly live as frugal as my sta- tion will admit. I have known the pinch, 126 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS pinch, and shall endeavour never to know it again. I want to send two thousand one hundred pounds, to pay off Mrs. Greaves, on October 1st. But, I have not received one farthing ; but, I hope to receive some soon. But Mr. Hasle- wood promised to see this matter kept right for me. Hardy is now busy, hanging up your and Horatia's picture ; and I trust soon to see the other two safe arrived from the Exhibition. I want no others to or- nament my cabin. I can contemplate them, and find new beauties every day, and I do not want any body else. You will not expect much news from us. We see nothing. I have great fear, that all Naples will fall into the hands of the French; and, if Acton does not take care, Sicily also. How- ever, TO LADY HAMILTON. 197 ever, I have given my final advice so fully and strongly that, let what will happen, they cannot blame me. Captain Capel says, Mr. Elliot can- not bear Naples. I have no doubt, but that it is very different to your time. The Queen, I fancy, by the seal, has sent a letter to Castelcicala; her letter to me is only thanks for my at- tention to the safety of the kingdom. If Dr. Scott has time, and is able, he shall write a copy for you. The King is very much retired. He would not see the French General, St. Cyr ; who came to Naples, to settle tin contribution for the payment of the French army. The Queen was ordered to give him and the French minister a dinner, but the King staid at Belvidere. I think, I think, he will give it up soon; and retire to Sicily, if the French will allow him. Acton has never dared give Mr. Elliot, or one Englishman, a dinner. The fleet are ready to come forth ; but, they will not come for the sake of fighting me. I have this day made George Elliot, post; Lieutenant Pettit, a master and commander; and Mr. Hindmarsh, gun- ner's son, of the Bellerophon, who be- haved so well this day five year, a Lieutenant. I reckon to have lost two French seventy-fours, by my not coming out in the Victory ; but I hope they will come soon, with interest. This goes to Gibraltar, by Sutton, in the Amphion. I shall write the Doctor in a day or two. TO LADY HAMILTON. 129 two. I see, by the French papers, that he has kissed hands. With kindest regards to your good mother, and all at Merton, &c. c. &c. ever your's, most faithfully and affec- tionately, NELSON & BRONTE. LETTER 130 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XXXIV. Victory, off Toulon, August 10th, 1803. MY DEAREST EMMA, I TAKE the opportunity of Mr. Acourt's going through Spain, with Mr. Elliot's dispatches for Eng- land, to send this letter: for I would not, for the world, miss any oppor- tunity of sending you a line. By Gibraltar, I wrote you, as lately as the 4th; but all our ways of com- municating with England, are very uncertain: and, I believe, the Admi- ralty must have forgot us ; for, not a. vessel TO LADY HAMILTON. 131 vessel of any kind or sort has joined us, since I left Spithead. News, I absolutely am ignorant of: except, that a schooner, belonging to me, put her nose into Toulon ; and four frigates popped out, and have taken her, and a transport loaded with water for the fleet. However, I hope to have an opportunity, very soon, of paying them the debt, with interest. Mr. Acotirt says, at Naples, they hope that the mediation of Russia will save them : but, I doubt, if Russia will go to war with the French for any kingdom ; and they, poor souls ! relying on a broken reed, will lose Sicily. As for getting any thing for Bronte, I cannot expect it; for, the finances of Naples are worse than ever. Patienza, however; I will K 2 I see 132 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS ************ ************ I see, many Bishops are dead. Is my brother tired of Canterbury ? I wish I could make him a Bishop. If you see him, or write, say that I have not ten minutes to send away Mr. Acourt, who cannot be detained. I hope Lord St.Vincent has sent out Sir William Bolton. As soon as I know who is first Lord, I will write him. LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 133 LETTER XXXV. MY DEAR LADY HAMILTON, YOUR friend's godson ar- rived safe yesterday afternoon; and I shall, you know, always feel too happy in obeying your commands : for, you never ask favours, but for your friends. In short, in every point of view, from Ambassatriee to the duties of domestic life, I never saw your equal ! That elegance of manners; accom- K 3 plishuients; 134 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS plishments ; and, above all, jour good- ness of heart, is unparalleled : and only believe, for ever, and beyond it, your faithful and devoted NELSON & BRONTE, Victory, August 24th, 1803, LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 135 LETTER XXXVI. The Mysterunu Letter ippemrs to kmt< been imelosed im tkit Packet.} August 26tb, 1803. Wrote several days pasL MY DEAREST EMMA, Br the Canopus, Admiral Campbell, I have received all your truly kind and affectionate letters, from May 20th to July 3d; with the exception of one, dated May 31st, sent to Naples. This is the first communication I have had w ith England since we sailed. All your letters, my dear letters, are so entertaining! and which paint so clearly what you are after, that they K 4 give 136 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS give me either the greatest pleasure or pain. It is the next best thing, to being with you. I only desire, my dearest Emma, that you will always believe, that Nelson's your own ; Nelson's Alpha and Omega is Emma! 1 cannot alter; my affection and love is beyond even this world ! Nothing can shake it, but yourself; and that, I will not allow myself to think, for a moment, is pos- sible. I feel, that you are the real friend of my bosom, and dearer to me than life; and, that I am the same to you. But, I will neither have P/s nor Q.'s come near you! No; not the slice of Single Gloster! But, if I was to go on, it would argue that want of confidence which would be injurious to your honour. I rejoice TO LADY HAMILTON. 13? I rejoice that you have had so plea- sant a trip into Norfolk; and I hope, one day, to carry you there by a nearer tie in law, but not in love and affection, than at present. I wish, you would never mention that person's name ! It works up your anger, for no useful purpose. Her good or bad character, of me or thee, no one cares about. This letter will find you at dear Merton ; where we shall one day meet, and be truly happy. I do not think it can be a long war; and, I believe, it will be much shorter than people expect: and I shall hope to mid the new room built; the grounds laid out, -neatly but not expensively ; new Piccadilly gates ; kitchen gar- den ; &c. Only let us have a plan, and then all will go on well. It will be 138 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS be a great source of amusement to you ; and Horatia shall plant a tree. I dare say, she will be very busy. Mrs. Nel- son, or Mrs. Bolton, Sec. will be with you ; and time will pass away, till 1 have the inexpressible happiness of arriving at Merton. Even the thought of it vibrates through my nerves ; for, my love for you is as unbounded as the ocean ! I feel all your good mother's kind- ness ; and, I trust, that we shall turn rich, by being economists. Spending money, to please a pack of people, is folly, and without thanks. I desire, that you will say every kind thing from me to her, and make her a present of something in my name. Dr. Scott is gone with my mission to Algiers, or I would send you a copy of the King and Queen's letter. I send TO LADY HAMILTON. 139 send you one from the Queen. Both King, Queen, and Acton, were very civil to Sir William Bolton. He dined with Acton. Bolton does very well in his brig; but, he has made not a farthing of prize money. If I knew where to send him for some, he should go ; but, un- less we have a Spanish war, I shall live here at a great expence: although Mr. Chevalier takes every care, and I have great reason to be satisfied. I have just asked William, who be- haves very well, whether he chooses to remit any of his wages to his father. It does not appear, he does, at present. He is paid, by the King, eighteen pounds a ,year, as one of my retinue ; therefore I have nothing to pay. I have told him, whenever he chooses to send any, to tell Mr. Scott, or Captain Hardy, 140 LOED NELSON'S LETTERS Hardy, and he will receive a remit- tance bill ; so, he may now act as he pleases. A-propos of Mr. Scott. He is very much obliged to you for your news of Mrs. Scott's being brought to bed. No letters came in the cutter, but to me, and he was very uneasy. He is a very excellent good man; and, I am very fortunate in having such a one. I admire your kindness to my dear sister Bolton. I have wrote her, that certainly I will assist Tom Bolton at college. It is better, as I tell her, not fo promise more than I am sure I can perform. It is only doing them an injury. I tell her, if vacancies, please God, should happen, that my income will be much increased. With respect to Mr. Bolton every body knows, that I have no interest; nobody TO LADY HAMILTON. 141 nobody cares for me: but, if he will point out what he wants, I will try what can be done. But, I am sure, he will not be half so well off as at present. Sup- posing he could get a place of a few hundreds a year, he would be a ten times poorer man than he is at present. I could convince you of it, in a mo- ment; but, if I was to begin, then it would be said, I wanted inclination to render them a service. I should like to see Sir H P 's book. I cannot conceive how a man that is reported to have been so ex- travagant of government's money, to say no worse, can make a good story. I wrote to the old Duke, not long since. 1 , regard him; but, I would not let him touch you for all his mo- ney. No; that would never do! I believe Mr. Bennett's bill to be correct ; 142 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS correct; but, it was not intended you should pay that out of the allowance for Merton; and, how could you af- ford to send Mrs. Bolton a hundred pounds. It is impossible, out of your income. I wish Mr. Addington would give you five hundred pounds a year; then, you would be better able to give away than at present. But your purse, my dear Emma, will always be empty; your heart is generous beyond your means. Your good mother is always sure of my sincerest regard ; pray, tell her so. Connor is getting on very well : but, I cannot ask Captain Capel to rate him ; that must depend upon the boy's fitness, and Capel's kindness. I have placed another year's allowance of thirty TO LADY HAMILTON. 143 thirty pounds in Capel's hands, and given Connor a present. What a story, about Oliver and Mr. Matcham buying an estate in Holstein ; and, to sell out at such a loss! I never heard the like. I sin- cerely hope it will answer his expecta- tions; it is a fine country, but mise- rably cold. How can Tyson be such a fool ! I sincerely hope, he will never want mo- ney. I am not surprised at Trou- bridge's abuse; but, his tongue is no scandal. You make me laugh, when you imitate the Doctor ! I am quite delighted with Miss Yonge's goodness: and I beg you will make my 'best respects to her and her good father ; and assure Mr. Yonge, how much obliged I feel for all his kind attentions to you. Those who do that, 144 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS that, are sure of a warm place in my esteem. I have wrote to Durnourier; there- fore, I will only trouble you to say how much I respect him. I fancy he must have suffered great distress at Altona. However, I hope, he will now be comfortable for life. He is a very clever man ; and beats our Gene- rals, out and out. Don't they feel his coming? Advise him not to make enemies, by shewing he knows more than some of us. Envy knows no bounds to its persecution. He has seen the world, and will be on his guard . I put Suckling into a frigate, with a very good man, who has a school- master; he does very well, Bulkley will be a most excellent sea-officer; it is a pity he has not served his time. TO LADY HAMILTON. 145 time. I have answered Mr. Suckling's letter. Qaetano is very well, and desires his duty. I think, sometimes, that he wishes to be left at Naples ; but, I am not sure. Mr. Denis's relation has been Jong in the Victory ; but, if the Admiralty will not promote my lieutenants, they must all make a retrograde motion. But, I hope, they will not do such a cruel thing. I have had a very affec- tionate letter from Lord Minto. I hope George will be confirmed; but, the Earl Avill not answer his applica- tion. I shall send you some sherry, and a cask of paxoretli, by the convoy. Per- haps, it had better go to Merton, at once; or, to Davison's cellar, where the wine-cooper can draw it off. I L have 146 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS have two pipes of sherry, that is bad : but, if you like, you can send the Doctor a hogshead of that which is coming. Davison will pay all the du- ties. Send it entirely free, even to the carnage. You know, doing the thing well, is twice doing it; for, sometimes, carriage is more thought of than the prime cost. The paxoretti I have given to Davi- son; and ordered one hogshead of sherry to Canterbury, and one to dear Merton. LETTER TO LACY HAMILTON. 14? LETTER XXXVII. Victory, September 10th, 180*. MY DEAREST EMMA, TVflAT can I send you, buffeting the stormy gulph of Lyons ; nothing, but m}' warmest affection, in return for all your goodness to me and mine! I have sent to Naples, to try and get some shawls^ from the King's manufac- tory ; and have requested Mr. Falconet to ask his- wife to choose some for you, and also some fine Venetian chains. I only wish, my dear Emma, that I knew what you would like, and I would order L 2 them 148 them with real pleasure; therefore, pray tell me. We have so very little communica- tion with the Mediterranean world, Malta and Toulon are in separate worlds. It takes, on the [average,] six or seven weeks to get an answer to a c3 letter: and, in fifteen to twenty days, by the French papers, which we get from Paris, we have news from Lon- don; not the best side of the question, you may be sure, but enough to give us an idea of how matters go on. I am of opinion, that we shall have a peace much sooner than is generally expected : and that will be, to me, the very highest pleasure in this world ; to return to Merton, and your dear be- loved society. Then, 1 agree with you, that " I would not give sixpence to call the King my uncle!" I have TO LADY HAMILTON. 149 I have wrote again to Gibbs, about my Bronte affairs ; and [the copy of a letter] to Mrs. G raefer I will send you, if I can; but you must preserve it, for I have no other. It may be necessary, situated as I am, to keep her in good humour; for a thousand pounds may be easily sold off the estate, and I never the wiser. However, you will see what I have said. I have wrote to Mr. Elliot about Sa- batello. What a rascal he must be' Gaetano is going to Naples, and I shall tell him; but, of course, he would ra-> ther favour Sabatello, his brother-in- law, than Julia. I send you, my dearest Emma, an hundred pounds, which you will dis- pose of as follows a present for your- self; and, if you like, a trifle to the servants: something to the poor of L 3 Merton; 150 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS Merton; something for Mrs. Cadogan, Miss Connor, Charlotte, &c. &c. v*I only send this as a trifling remem- brance from me, whose whole soul is at Merton. September Kjtli The day after I wrote the former part of this letter, Mr. Scott received from Venice, and desired to present to you, two very handsome Venetian chains, received from Venice. This 1 would not suffer; for I allow no one to make my own Emma presents, but her Nelson. Therefore, he will be paid for them ; but, your obligation is not the less to him. He is a very worthy, excellent, modest man, and an excellent secretary. Dr. Scott is, at times, wrong in the head; absolutely, too much learning- has TO LADY HAMILTON* 151 has turned him. But we all go on very well. I had a letter from Gibbs about Bronte, and from Noble, which will begin another letter; only, believe me, at all times, sides, and ends, most faithfully your's, for ever, NELSON & BRONTE. i. 4 LETTER 152 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XXXVIII. September 2Gtb, 1803. MY DEAREST EMMA, WE have had, for these fourteen days past, nothing but gales of wind, and a heavy sea. However, as our ships have suffered no damage, I hope to be a-ble to keep the sea all the winter. Nothing, but dire neces- sity, shall force me to that out of the way place, Malta. If I had depended upon that island, for supplies for the, fleet, we must all have been knocked up, long ago; for, Sir Richard Bicker- ton TO LADY HAMILTON. 153 ton sailed from Malta, the same day I left Portsmouth. So that we have been a pretty long cruise ; and, if I had only to look to Malta for supplies, our ships companies would have been done for long ago. However, by manage- ment, I have got supplies from Spain, and also from France; but it appears, that we are almost shut out from Spain, for they begin to be very un- civil to our ships. However, I sup- pose, by this time, something is settled ; but, I never hear from England. My last letters are July 6th, near three months. But, as I* get French newspapers occasionally, we guess how matters are going on. I have -wrote Mr. Gibbs, again, a long history about Bronte; and, I hope, if General Acton will do no- thing for me, that he will settle some- thing: 154 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS thing: but, I know, whatever is settled, I shall be the loser. Till next year, the debt will not be paid off; how ************ ************ LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 155 LETTER XXXIX. Victory, off Toulon, October 18th, 1803. MT DEABEST EMMA, YOUR truly kind and af- fectionate letters, from July 17th, to August 24th, all arrived safe in the Childers, the 6th of this month. Beliere me, my beloved Emma, that I am truly sensible of all your love and affection, which is reciprocal. You have^ from the variety of incidents passing before you, much to tell me ; and, besides, you have that happy knack of making every thing you write interesting. 156 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS interesting. Here I am, one day pre- cisely like the other; except the dif- ference of a gale of wind, or not. Since September 1st, we have not had four fine days; and, if the French do not come out soon, I fear, some of my ships will cry out. You are very good, to send me your letters to read. Mrs. D is a damned pimping bitch ! What has she to do with your love? She would have pimped for Lord B , or Lord L , or Captain M'N , **** of ****, or any one else. She is all vanity : fan- cies herself beautiful ; witty; in short, like you. She be damned ! As I wrote you, the consulship at Civita Vecchia will not, in itself, pay their lodgings; and, the bad air will tip her off. There TO LADY HAMILTON. 15? There will be no Lord Bristol's table. He tore his last will, a few hours before his death. It is said, that it was giving every thing to those devils of Italians about him. I wish he may have given Mrs. De- nis any thing; but, I do not think it : and, as for you, my dear Emma, as long as I can, I don't want any of their gifts. As for old Q. he may put you into his will, or scratch you out, as he pleases, I care not. If Mr. Addingtou gives you the pen- sion, it is well; but, do not let it fret you. Have you not Merton? It is clear the first purchase and my dear Horatia is provided for : and, I hope, one of these days, that you will be my own Duchess of Bronte ; and, then, a fig for them all ! I have 158 LORD NELSONS LETTERS I have just had a letter from Gibbs, of which I send you a copy. You see what interest he is taking about Bronte. I begin to think, without some as- sistance like his, that I never should have touched a farthing. It will be 1805, before I touch the estate. Nei- ther principal or interest of the seven thousand ounces have been paid; and, it is now eight thousand ounces debt. You will see, Gibbs, at last, has fixed on sending his daughter home; and I shall be glad of so good an opportunity of obliging him, as it will naturally tie him to my interest. He was a great fool, not to have sent the child with you, as you wished. I am glad to find, my dear Emma, that you mean to take Horatia home. Aye! she is like her mother; will have her TO LADY HAMILTON. 159 her own way, or kick up a devil of a dust. But, you will cure her: I am afraid I should spoil her; for, I am sure, I would shoot any one who would hurt her. She was always fond of my watch ; and, very probably, I might have promised her one: indeed, I gave her r one, which cost sixpence ! But, I go no where to get any thing pretty; therefore, do not think me neglectful. I send you Noble's letter; therefore, I hope you will get your cases in good order : they have had some narrow escapes. I am glad you liked South End. How that Coffin could come over, and palaver, Rowley, Keith, &c. and Coffin to abuse the Earl ! Now, I can tell you, that he is the Earl's spy. It is Coffin, who has injured Sir Andrew 160 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS Andrew Hammond so much: and bis custom is, to abuse the Earl, to get people to speak out ; and, then, the Earl takes his measures accordingly. To me, it is nothing. Thank God ! there can be no tales told of my cheat- ing; or, I hope, neglecting my duty. Whilst I serve, I will serve well, and closely ; when I want rest, I will go to Merton. You know, my dear Emma, that I am never well when it blows hard. Therefore, imagine what a cruize off Toulon is; even in summer time, we have a hard gale every week, and two days heavy swell. It would kill you; and myself, to see you. Much less possible, to have Charlotte, Horatia, &c. on board ship ! And I, that have given orders to carry TO- LADY HAMILTON. l6l dairy no women to sea in the Victory, to be the first to break them ! And, as to Malta, I may never see it, unless we have an engagement; and, perhaps, not then : for, if it is complete, I may go home, for three months, to see you ; but, if you was at Malta, I might absolutely miss you, by leaving the Mediterranean without warning. The other "day, we had a report the French were out, and seen steer- ing to the westward. We were as far as Minorca, when the alarm proved false. Therefore, my dearest beloved Em- ma! although I should be the happiest of men, to live and die with you, yet my chance of seeing you is much more certain by your remaining at Merton, than wandering where I may never go; M and, LORD NELSONS LETTEHS and, certainly, never to stay forty-eight hours. You cannot, I am sure, more ar- dently long to see me, than I do to be with you ; and, if the war goes on, it is ray intention to get leave to spend the next winter in England : but I ve- rily believe that, long before that time, we shall have peace. As for living in Italy, that is entirely out of the question. Nobody cares for us, there; and, if I had Bronte which, thank God! I shall not it would cost me a fortune to go there, and be tormented out of my life. I should never settle my affairs there. I know, my own dear Emma, if she will let her reason have fair play, will say, I am right; but she is, like Ho- ratia, very angry, if she cannot have her own way. Her Nelson is called upon, TO LADY HAMILTON. upon, in the most honourable manner, to defend his country! Absence, to us, is equally painful: but, if I had either stayed at home, or neglected my doty abroad, would not my Emma have blushed for me? She could never have heard of my praises, and how the country looks up. I am writing, my dear Emma, to reason the point with you ; and, I am sure, you will see it in its true light. But I have said my say. on this sub- ject, and will finish. I have received your letter, with Lord William's and Mr. Kemble's, about Mr. Palmer: he is also recom- mended by the Duke of Clarence; and, he -says, by desire of the Prince of Wales. I have, without him, twenty-six to be made Captains, and list every day increasing. It is not M 2 one 164 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS one whole French fleet that can get through it. I shall, probably, offend many more than I can oblige. Such is always the case: like the tickets -those who get them, feel they have a right to them ; and those [who] do not get them, feel offended for ever. But, I cannot help it : I shall endea- vour to do what is right, in every situ- ation; and some ball may soon close all my accounts with this world of care and vexation ! But, never mind, my own dear- beloved Emma: if you are true to me, 1 care not and approve of all my actions. However, as you say, I ap- prove of them, myself; therefore, pro- bably, I am right. Poor Reverend Mr. Scott is, I fear, in a very bad way. His head has been turned TO LADY HAMILTON. 165 turned by too much learning, and the stroke of lightning will never let him be right again. The Secretary Scott is a treasure; and I am very well mounted : Hardy is every thing I could wish or desire. Our days pass so much alike that, having described one, you have them all. We now breakfast by candle- light; and all retire, at eight o'clock, to bed, Naples, I fancy, is in a very bad way, in regard to money. They have not, or pretend not to have, enough to pay their officers; and, I verily believe, if Acton was to give up his place, that it would become a province of France. Only think of Buonaparte's writing to the Queen, to desire her influence to turn out Acton ! She answered, pro- perly : at least, so says Mr. Elliot, who M 3 knows 160 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS knows more of Naples than any of us ; God help him ! and General Acton has, I believe, more power than ever. By Gibbs's letter, I see, he has sent over about my accounts at Bronte. He can have no interest in being un- friendly to me. Why should he? I want no great matters from him ; and he can want nothing from me, that it is not my duty to give his Sovereigns : therefore, why should he be against us! For my part, my conduct will not alter, whether he is or not. Our friend, Sir Alexander, is a very great diplomatic character; and, even an Admiral must not know what he is negotiating about: although you will scarcely believe, that the Bey of Tunis sent the man at my desire. You shall judge viz. " The Tunisian w Envoy is still here, negotiating. He " is TO LADY HAMILTON. 167 " is a moderate man ; and, apparently, " the best disposed of any I ever did " business with." Could even the old- est diplomatic character be drier? I hate such parade of nonsense! But, I will turn from such stuff. You ask me, Do you do right to give Charlotte things ? I shall only say, my dear Emma, whatever you do in that way, I shall always approve. I only wish, I had more power than I hare ! But, somehow, my mind was not sharp enough for prize-money. Lord Keith would hare made twenty thousand pounds, and I have not made six thousand. Poor Mr. Este, how I pity him! but, what shall I do with him ? How- ever, if he comes, I shall shew him all the kindness in my power. M 4 October l6S LORD NELSON'S LETTERS, &c, October 22d, The vessel is just going off. I have not a scrap of news ! Only, be assured of my most affectionate regard. Remember me kindly to Charlotte. Shall always love those that are good to Horatia. I will write her by ano- ther opportunity. Remember me to Mrs. Cadogan. You may be sure, I do not forget Charles, who has not been well ; Cap- tain Capel is very good to him. I am, ever, for ever, my dearest Emma, your most faithful and affec- tionate NELSON & BRONTE, SUPPLEMENT, SUPPLEMENT. INTERESTING LETTERS, ELUCIDATORY OF prison's letters TO LADY HAMILTON, VOL. I. letters FROM LORD NELSON TO MRS. THOMSON. SUPPLEMENT. 173 LORD NELSON, &c. I. See LETTER X. Page 20. I SIT down, my Dear Mrs. T. by desire of poor Thomson, to write you a line : not, to assure you of his eternal love and affection for you and his dear child; but only to say, that he -is well, and as happy as he can be, separated from all which he holds dear in this world. He has no thoughts separated from your love, and your 174 SUPPLEMENT. your interest They are united with his; one fate, one destiny, he assures me, awaits you both. What can I say more? Only, to kiss his child for him : and love him as truly, sincerely, and faithfully, as he does you; which is, from the bottom of his souL He de- sires, that you will more and more attach yourself to dear Lady Ha- milton. ll. See SUPPLEMENT. 1?5 H. See LETTER XXXVI. Page 135. It fa* MY DEAREST BELOVED ****, To say, that I think of you by day, night, and all day, and all night, but too faintly express my feelings of love and affection towards you ****** unbounded affection. Our dear excel- lent, good ****** js the only one who knows any thing of the matter; 'and she has promised me, when you * again, to take every possible care of you, as a proof of her never-failing regard for your 1?6 SUPtLEMENf. your own dear Nelson. Believe me* that I am incapable of wronging you, in thought, word, or deed. No; not all the wealth of Peru could buy me for one moment: it is all your's, and reserved wholly for you; and * * * certainly ********* from the first moment of our happy, dear, enchanting, blessed meeting. The thoughts of such happiness, my dear- est only beloved, makes the blood fly into my head. The call of our coun- try, is a duty which you would, de- servedly, in the cool moments of re- flection, reprobate, was I to abandon: and I should feel so disgraced, by see- ing you ashamed of me! No longer saying " This is the man who has " saved his country ! This is he who " is the first to go forth to fight our " battles, and the last to return!" And, then, SUPPLEMENT. 177 then* all these honours reflect on you. " Ah!" they will think; " what a man! " what sacrifices has he not made, to " secure our homes and property; " even the society and happy union *' with the finest and most acconi- " plished woman in the world." As you love, how must you feel! My .heart is with you, cherish it. I shall, my best beloved, return if it pleases God a victor; and it shall be my study to transmit an unsullied name. There is no desire of wealth, no ambi- tion, that could keep me from all my soul holds dear. No ; it is to save my country, my wife in the eye of God, and ******* will tell you that it is all right : and, then, only think of our happy meet- ing. N Ever, 178 SUPPLEMENT. Ever, for ever, I am your's, only your's, even beyond this world, NELSON & BRONTE. For ever, for ever, your own NEL- SAN. vf^ 1 f'W* ilO"' -KrUUJ ' '''Of* 'J'/oI ISO* August 26th, [1803.] tetters irtttrs FROM LADY HAMILTON TO LORD NELSON. SUPPLEMENT. 181 letters OF LADY HAMILTON, &c. I. Naples, June 30th, 1798. DEAR SIR, I TAKE the opportunity of Captain Hope, to write a few lines to you, and thank you for your kind letter by Captain Bowen. The Queen was much pleased, as I translated it for her: and charges me to thank you; and say, she prays for N 5 your 182 SUPPLEMENT. your honour and safety victory, she is sure you will have. We have still the regicide minister here, Garrat : the most impudent, in- solent dog; making the most infamous demands every day ; and I see plainly, the court of Naples must declare war, if they mean to save their country. Her Majesty sees, and feels, all you said in your letter to Sir William, dated off the Faro di Messina, in its true light; so does General Acton. But, alas ! their First Minister, Gallo, is a frivolous, ignorant, self-conceited coxcomb, that thinks of nothing but his fine embroidered coat, ring, and snuff-box; and half Naples thinks him half a Frenchman : and, God knows, if one may judge of what he did in making the peace for the Emperor, he must either be very ignorant, or not attached SUPPLEMENT. 183 attached to his masters or the cause commune. The Queen and Acton cannot bear him, and consequently [he] cannot have much power: but, still, a First Mi- nister, although he may be a minister of smoke, yet he has always something ; enough, at least, to do mischief. The Jacobins have all been lately declared innocent, after suffering four years imprisonment; and, I know, they all deserved to be hanged long ago : and, since Garrat has been here, and through his insolent letters to Gallo, these pretty gentlemen, that had plan- ned the death of their Majesties, are to be let out on society again. In short, I am afraid, all is lost here ; and I am grieved to the heart for our dear, charming Queen, who deserves a better fate ! N 4 I write 184 SUPPLEMENT, I write to you, my dear Sir, in confi- dence, and in a hurry. I hope you will not quit the Medi- terranean, without taking us. We have our leave, and every thing ready, at a day's notice, to go : but yet, I trust in God, and you, that we shall destroy those monsters, before we go from hence. Surely, their reign cannot last long! If you have any opportunity, write to us; pray, do: you do not know how your letters comfort us. God bless you, my dear, dear Sir ! and believe me, ever, your most sin- cerely obliged and attached friend, EMMA HAMILTON, II. Thursday SUPPLEMENT. 185 II. Thursday Evening, June 12th, [1799.] I HAVE been with the Queen this evening. She is very mi- serable; and says, that although the people of Naples are for them, in ge- neral, YET things will not be brought to that state of quietness and subordi- nation, till the fleet of Lord Nelson appears off Naples. She therefore begs, intreats. and conjures you, my dear Lord, if it is possible, to arrange matters so as to be able to go to Naples. Sir 186 SUPPLEMENT. Sir William is writing for General Acton's answer. For God's sake, consider it, and do ! We will go with you, if you will come and fetch us. Sir William is ill ; I am ill : it will do us good. God bless you ! Ever, ever, your's sincerely, E. HAMILTON. Hettet* REV. EDMUND NELSON (Lord Nelson's Father) TO LADY HAMILTON. SUPPLEMENT. 189 OF THB REV. EDMUND NELSON, MADAM, I AM much favoured by your polite letter, and the very friendly regard with which Sir William Hamil- ton and yourself always mention my dear son; who is, certainly, a worthy, good, brave man, parental partiality apart. But, I myself am by no means satisfied with his present situation ; as to its importance, its safety, or its me- rited 190 SUPPLEMENT. rited rewards. It [is] his to sow, but others reap the yellow harvests. All things, I trust, however, will work to- gether for good. Captain Parker's misfortune, I see, in every point of view, with a friendly concern. Langford will quickly be upon his legs. Though the amusements of a dirty sea-port are not the most refined, good health, and domestic cheerfulness, will be a happy substitute. I beg the whole party to accept this my remembrance; and assurance of my regard, respect, and love: and am, Madam, your most humble servant, EDM. NELSON. Burnham, August llth, [1801.] II. MADAM, SUPPLEMENT. 191 II. MADAM, YOUR polite congratula- tion upon the entrance of a new year, 1 return seven-fold to you, and the whole of the party now under the hos- pitable roof of Merton Place. Time is a sacred deposit committed to our trust ; and, hereafter, we must account for the use we have made of it. To me, a large portion of this treasure has already been granted, even seventy- nine years. The complaint my dear son has felt is, I know, very, very painful: and can be removed, only, with much care 192 SUPPLEMENT. care and caution ; not venturing, with- out a thick covering, both head and feet, even to admire your parterres of snow-drops, which now appear in all their splendour. The white robe which January wears, bespangled with ice, is handsome to look at; but we must not approach too near her. I shall be very glad to know the Lord of Merton is recovered. I am, Madam, your most humble servant, EDM. NELSON. Bath, January 7th, 1802. ftrtters PKOV THE REV. DR. NELSON, vow EARL NELSON, TO LADY HAMILTON. SUPPLEMENT. 195 Betters or EARL NELSON, &c. I. Hilborough, near Brandon, Wednesday, March 4th, 1801. MY DEAR LADY, I HAVE sent you, by this day's coach, a hunted hare ; which, I hope, will prove tender and good. It was killed yesterday. We are very much gratified by your kind and friendly letters : they are o 2 very 196 SUPPLEMENT, very interesting to us, and they give an additional zest to our breakfast ; indeed, they are the only things give us any comfort, in our absence. How unfortunate it was, we left town as we did! I had a letter, yesterday morning, from my great and beloved Brother. He tells me, he has sent my letter to the new Lord Chancellor: God grant it may have the desired effect; but, they are all so engaged, that I fear it much. At any rate, our good Friend has done what he can. He tells me, he shall be at Yarmouth to-morrow or next day. A near rela- tion of our's, who has not seen my Zx>rd since his return to England, has offered to take me in his carriage: so, we set out on Sunday afternoon; for we parsons can't go till the Sunday duty is over. We sleep at Norwich, and SUPPLEMENT. 197 and hope, to be at Yarmouth early on Monday. I have written to my Brother by this post; so that, if he is likely to have sailed before Monday, he has time to stop us. Yarmouth is sixty miles from hence. I have written you all these particu- lars; because, I know, you like to know all about us. Mrs. Nelson does not go with us; so you must be charitable to her, and give her a letter or two. We shall re- turn by the following Sunday. I see, by the papers, the King was better on Tuesday. Mrs. Nelson is going out for a day; when she returns, she will write. She will thank you to keep the tiro guineas my Lord left for Charlotte, till you o 3 hear 198 SUPPLEMENT. hear from her ; as she has thought of laying it out in a frock for her. We both join in united regards to Sir William; and believe me, your Ladyship's faithful and most obliged and affectionate friend, WM. NELSON, II. Hilborough, SUPPLEMENT. 199 II. H ilborou gh, March 29th, 1801. MY DEAR LADY. As I have duty to-day, both morning and afternoon, and to preach twice, I have only time to scrawl a few lines to you between the services. I will write to my deary to-morrow. I do not much wonder we have no news from the Baltic, considering the state of- the wind ; and, unless it changes, it may be some time first Pray God it may be good, when it does arrive. o 4 I was 200 SUPPLEMENT. I was rather surprised to hear Tom Tit (that bad bird) had taken his flight to town : but, he is a prying little ani- mal, and wishes to know every thing; and, as he is so small and insignificant, his movements are not always observed. But, for God's sake, take care of him; and caution our little jewel to be as much upon her guard as she can. I am terribly afraid, this bird will endea- vour to do mischief. He must be watched with a hawk's eye. I almost wish some hawk, or Jove's eagle, would either devour him or frighten him away. It is not very likely I should hear from Yarmouth before you, because our Yarmouth letters generally go to London first; but if I should, acci- dentally, your Ladyship shall depend on hearing from me immediately. I am SUPPLEMENT. 201 I am glad my little Horace looks so well; and that you think him so like his great, his glorious, his immortal Uncle. Why should he not be like him? Is it so very uncommon for such near relations to have some simi- litude ? They who say otherwise, only say it out of envy, malice and hatred, and all uncharitableness; out upon all such miscreants ! say I. My" love to deary, Charlotte, and the hereditary Duke of Bronte. God bless you, my dear Lady; and believe me, your's faithfully, WM. NELSON. Tell me, in your next, whether you have seea that litUe bird, called Tom Tit. III. Hflboroogfc, SUPPLEMENT; III. Hilborough, August 23d, 1801* MY DEAR LADY HAMILTON, I HAVE written two long letters to my jewel* but I still seem to have more to say. I can't find out whether a certain Viscountess is ex* pected at Burnhanij or no. I am pleased that you propose bringing Mrs. Nelson to Hilborough. I hope, Sir William will be able to amuse himself with fishing a little. The weather is too hot for me to come to London, and I can't leave my parish at this time. Tell SUPPLEMENT. 203 Tell my Brother, I should have great pleasure in seeing him; and will go with him to Plymouth, or any where else, if he particularly desires it. When you have seen Parker and Langford, you can give me a particular account of the state of their wounds. I feel much for them. I think it is better the Cub did not speak to Mrs. N. It will save some trouble. I wish you could get a comfortable house near London. You will find Mr. Nayler, of the Herald's Office, a pleasant young man. I believe, he is my friend, and will readily give every information in his power. If Jove gets a higher title, perhaps things may be settled more to our minds. Now we are already in the patent, as Barons; it will be no diffi- cult 204 SUPPLEMENT. cult matter, in that case, to have our entails advanced to the highest honour, if my brother wishes. This I only mention entre nous, without having a desire on the subject. I am perfectly satisfied, that I am in the patent. I don't mean to say more to my Brother. I am told, there are two or three very old lives, Prebends of Canterbury, in the Minister's gift near six hundred pounds a year, and good houses. The Deans of Hereford, Exeter, Litchfield and Coventry, York, and Winchester, are old men. Write from Deal, and tell me when you are likely to return to London. You can't come from thence nearer than London, unless my Brother lands you on the other side of the river Thames, on the Essex or Suffolk coasts. If SUPPLEMENT. 205 If that plan takes place, Mrs. Nelson had better send Sarah home before you go. Compliments to Sir William, and all friends. Your's very faithfully, WM. NELSON. IV. Sunday 20(5 SUPPLEMENT. IV. Sunday Morning, Sept. 6th, [1801.] MY DEAR LADY, To be sure, you did pro- mise to write to me on Thursday last ; and I was very much disappointed at not receiving a letter yesterday, and sent to the Post Office twice, to be certain there was no mistake: and, now, this morning, comes your roguish, waggish letter, on a Sunday morning, (amidst all my meditations for the good of my parishioners) about love, courtship, marriage, throwing the stock- ing, going to bed, &c. &c. &c. quite shocking SUPPLEMENT. 207 shocking to write to a country parson, who can have no idea of such things. It might do well enough for a King's chaplain; or a church dignitary, who is supposed to have more learning, and more knowledge of things in general. I wish you was here, and you should not laugh at me for nothing. I would give you as good as you brought, at any time. Ill have no Emmas, at present. Stay till there comes one or two of another sort, to keep the line* of the Nelsons in the true name and blood, without being obliged to go to others to assume a name which scarcely be- longs to them ; and, then, as many Emmas, Elmdas, Evelindas, and Eve- linas, as you please. But, I hope to God, the present young Horatio will go on as we all wish, 208 SUPPLEMENT. wish, and transmit a long race to posterity. I am delighted with Dr. Heath's letter to my Brother, and the character he gives of him. My only fear is, that we shall spoil him among us. I have not yet heard from him, how he felt himself. I should have liked \ to have peeped slyly into his room, and seen how he acted on first re- ceiving the joyful intelligence. I don't know enough how to thank my Brother, for all his goodness to me and mine ; my heart overflows, when- ever I think of it: but I can't sit down, and write a formal letter of thanks ; it would be too absurd for me to write, or him to read. He well knows me; and I leave it to your Ladyship, (my best and truest friend) to say every thing to him, for and from SUPPLEMENT. 209 from me : it will come best from your lips, and adorned with your elo- quence. I wish my Brother had done with this business. I hope, a peace will soon put an end to his toils and dangers. ************ ************ * * * * V. Hilborough, 210 SUPPLEMENT. Hilborough, September 8th, 1801, MY DEAR LADY HAMILTON, I HOPE you will have received my long letter of Sunday's date, by this time. I wonder you should accuse me of remissness, in not writing to you. I told you then, and I repeat it now, that I would always give you " as good as you brought :" and, upon looking back to the last week's letters, I find I have always answered your's, whenever I had one; and, generally, by the same post. As I wrote so much on Sunday, and you SUPPLEMENT. 211 said you thought you should leave Deal on Tuesday or Wednesday, I said I should write no more till you got back to London. Nor should I now, was it not to rebut the charge of remissness and inattention to you. I am glad Mrs. Nelson is likely to come home soon; but, I hear nothing about your intentions. I shall write to her to-morrow, and direct my letter to Piccadilly; where, I hope, it will find her: and, if this letter travels to Deal, and follows you to London, it is no matter; it is not worth having, when you get it. Only, I could not bear the thoughts of the appearance of neglect, without deserving it. One or two letters I wrote to Mrs. Nelson last week, I gave public notice, were intended, in a great degree, for the whole party. p 2 Mrs. 212 SUPPLEMENT. Mrs. Bolton is here for a day, to help my solitary life. 1 find Lady N. has taken a house in Somerset Street, Portman Square. She, and my Father, are to spend the winter in London ; and, I am informed, he is to pay half. Whether it is ready-furnished, or not, I can't tell. Mr. Edwards is this moment gone, and begs his compliments to you all. Believe me, your's most faithfully, WM. NELSON. Compliments to Parker and Lang- ford. VI. Canterbury, SUPPLEMENT. 213 VI. Canterbury, February 9th, 1805. DEAR LADY HAMILTON, I SEND you a small par- cel ; which I will thank you to forward to my Brother, if you think there is a chance of his getting it before he leaves the Mediterranean. But, if you have reason to expect him home very soon, you will be kind enough to return it to me again; or, keep it till I see you. The ceremony of electing the new Archbishop takes place on Tuesday morning. I think it more than proba- ble, we shall make choice of the person p 3 his 214 SUPPLEMENT, his Majesty has recommended to us, in his letter, which the Chapter received yesterday. Mrs. Nelson begs her love to you, Charlotte, Mrs. Bolton, &c. &c. Your's, very faithfully, WM. NELSON. I received Mrs. Bolton's parcel safe on Friday. letters 3T 44 >< &CCKCB FBOM T S 1 EARL OF ST. VINCENT TO LADY HAMILTON. SUPPLEMENT. 217 i letters OF THE EARL OF ST. VINCENT, I. MY DEAB MADAM, THE prodigies of valour performed by your new Chevalier have, I fear, obliterated the memory of your ancient Knight. Nevertheless, I beg your Ladyship will lay me at the feet of the Queen of the Two Sicilies, and assure her Majesty of my profound respect for her person, and that my life is 218 SUPPLEMENT. is devoted to the defence of it: and, for yourself, accept every kind wish of your Ladyship's truly affectionate and faithful Knight, ST, VINCENT. Gibraltar, 18th October 1798. 1 1 . M Y SUPPLEMENT. II. MY DEAR LADY HAMILTON, TEN thousand most grate- ful thanks are due to your Ladyship, for restoring the health of our invalu- able friend Nelson, on whose life the fate of the remaining governments in Europe, whose system has not been deranged by these devils, depends. Pray, do not let your fascinating Nea- politan dames approach too near him; for he is made of flesh and blood, and cannot resist their temptations. Lady St. Vincent will be transported with your attention to her. I have sent the fan mounts for Lady Nelson and 220 SUPPLEMENT. and her, by Sir James Saumarez ; who, after seeing the French prizes safe moored in the Tagus, conveys the Duke d'Hervie. He, poor man ! al- though a Grandee of Spain, having been driven out of that kingdom by the insolent intrigues of Truguet. I have obeyed your Ladyship's com- mands respecting Tom Bo wen, who is now Captain of I/Aquilon, and gone to Lisbon to take possession of her; and his brother William, who married a daughter of Sir William Par- ker, I have appointed to the Caroline, the finest frigate I have, and he is em- ployed on the most advantageous ser- vice for filling his pockets. Should your Ladyship have any other protege, I desire you will not spare me. I am very much penetrated with the condescension their Majesties of the Two SUPPLEMENT. 221 Two Sicilies have graciously shewn to me, through your Ladyship, and I rely on your doing justice to my feelings upon the occasion. I have taken up my residence here for some months, that I may be ready to afford succour to the detachments of the fleet I have the honour to com- mand, in the Levant and before Ca- diz; and, when Sir William and you arrive, I shall be able to give you some English mutton, in a plain way. Continue to love me; and rest as- sured of the most unfeigned and af- fectionate regard of, my dear Lady Hamilton, your faithful and devoted Knight, ST. VINCENT. Admiral's House, Rosia, Gibraltar, 28th October 1798. ^= III. MY 222 SUPPLEMENT. III. MY DEAR LADY HAMILTON, I HAVE to thank you, which I do most kindly, for your obliging letters of the 7th and 10th of November ; and for the gracious let- ter which your Ladyship had received from the charming, delightful Queen of the Two Sicilies, at whose feet I am anxiously desirous to throw myself: and, as I have relinquished my inten- tion of returning to England, (although in possession of leave to go) I hope the period is not far distant. In the meanwhile, have the goodness to keep me SUPPLEMENT. 223 me alive in the remembrance of her Majesty : assure her of my profound respect and admiration for her as Queen I dare not give utterance to what I feel for her as one of the first and most lovely of her sex. Our possession of the island of Mi- norca will relieve her Majesty, and the government, from one embarrassment, touching their last treaty with France ; as Lord Nelson will now be able to refit his squadron, without committing an infraction of the treaty. Our excellent friend, General O'Hara, is very busy in erecting two rooms for the accommodation of your Ladyship and Sir William, when you visit this curious rock. He is among the most hospitable and entertaining of men : and we live together as all com- manders of his Majesty's land forces and fleets 224 SUPPLEMENT, fleets ought to do ; and, I hope, will do, from the examples which have been shewn wherever I have acted with the army as Sir Charles Grey, the Go- vernor of this garrison, and General Stuart, will testify ; and, if the immor- tal Wolfe could be conjured from the grave, he would do so too.* I hope soon to hear, our dear Lord Nelson is quite well, under your fos- tering care ; and, with my warmest wishes for every blessing to be show- ered down upon you and your's, I have the honour to be, with the truest respect, esteem, and regard, your La- dyship's very affectionate, humble ser- vant, ST. VINCENT. Rosia House, Gibraltar, 7th Dec. 1798. IV. MY SUPPLEMENT; IV. MY DEAR ADY HAMILTON, PERMIT me to introduce to your acquaintance and protection another hero of the Nile, in Captain Darby, of the Bellerophon; who you will find a pleasant, queer, and faith- ful Irishman. I also beg leave to interest you in favour of Mrs. Lock; a daughter of the Duchess of Leinster, by Mr. Ogilvie. Her husband is appointed Consul at Naples; which may occa- sion some difficulty in bringing her Q for ward 4 226 SUPPLEMENT. forward, unless the etiquette is altered touching Consuls. God bless you, my dear Madam; and, be assured, I always am your Ladyship's truly affectionate ST. VINCENT. Rosia House, Gibraltar, 1st January 1799. V. MY SUPPLEMENT. 227 V, 1 HY DEAR LADY HAMILTON, I CANNOT sufficiently thank you, for sending me her Sicilian Majesty's most gracious letter; the contents of which I feel, as becomes a good royalist, and loyal subject: and for your goodness to Mrs. Lock ; who, poor thing! merits a more respectable situation than that of Consuless. She is, certainly, a very comely woman, and truly amiable. Q 2 The 228 SUPPLEMENT. The designation Sir William has in contemplation for him, will place them in an honourable stile; and, I have no doubt, from the protection they have at home, will lead to ministerial cha- racter. You are very good to my old friend Darby who is a good-humoured, blun- dering Irishman ; and will make you laugh, in the midst of the pangs your Ladyship must suffer for the destiny of the delightful city and country to which you have so long contributed a large portion of the gaiety and charm- ing society of Sir William's hospitable mansion : for, although I had not the good fortune to revisit Naples after Sir William's return, all my travelling friends did ample justice to the libera- lity of the representatives of our Royal Master and Mistress. Mr. Preston was charge, SUPPLEMENT. charge^ when I was at Naples with the Duke of Gloucester; and, though a worthy gentleman, and since a pious Bishop, he was certainly a dry come- dian. Have the goodness to commend me to the Queen; continue to nurse my excellent friend, Nelson ; and, when I have the happiness to see Sir William and your Ladyship here, I will pour the effusions of my heart upon you both. The Governor has added two rooms to the convent, for your accom- modation; and Mrs. Grey, late Miss Whitbread, wife to the Captain of the Ville de Paris, will contribute all that this house affords for the entertainment of both. God bless you, my dear Lady Hamilton; and, be assured, no man Q 3 respects 250 SUPPLEMENT. respects and esteems you more truly than your Ladyship's truly affec- tionate ST. VINCENT, Rosia House, 27th February 1799, letters irttcrs mm SIR ALEXANDER JOHN BALL TO LADY HAMILTON. SUPPLEMENT. 233 3Lcttcrs OF SIR ALEXANDER JOHN BALL, I. MY DEAR MADAM, 1 CANNOT help loving and esteeming you very much, al- though you have proved such a false gipsey to me. Pray, do you recollect looking into my hand, and telling me a pretty story of carrying home Sir William and Lady Hamilton, &c. &c. However, I forgive you; as you did not 234 SUPPLEMENT. not take money, and could only have in view giving me much pleasure. I beg leave to introduce to your Ladyship's notice the Abbe Savoye; who is a sensible man, and the most polished here. He has great influence with the Maltese. Pray, request Sir William to introduce him particularly to Le Chevalier Acton. I shall have the pleasure of seeing you and Sir William Hamilton in Eng- land, this summer. How very much I wished to be near you, when you were reading the parliamentary effusions of gratitude and joy for the services Lord Nelson has rendered his country! I would rather be Lord Nelson, than any Duke or, indeed, any man in England ; and you may guess how very proud I am in having such a friend. Indeed, I feel, that I owe more to him than SUPPLEMENT. 235 than any man in this world. I have written to Sir William ; God bless you both! I remain, with sincere respect and esteem, my dear Madam, your Lady- ship's most devoted and obliged hum- ble sen-ant, ALEXANDER JOHN BALL. Alexander, 9th February 1799. Davidge Gould is sighing for Paler^ mo; alias Miss K . I wish the Admiral would let him recreate for a fortnight, and send Hardy to me again, II. MY 236 SUPPLEMENT. II. MY DEAR MADAM, I HAD the honour of writing to your Ladyship and Sir William, by the Vanguard ; since which, I have read the few lines you had the goodness to address to me at the bottom of Lord Nelson's letter of the 9th inst. I cannot entertain any hopes of per- sonally paying my respects to you and Sir William, before your departure for England ; but, be assured, that I can never forget the very flattering atten- tion SUPPLEMENT. 237 tion you have both been pleased to honour me with. You must wait a month longer, for the warm weather ; otherwise, the transition may be too great for Sir William. We are anxiously waiting for the Maltese deputies to return from Pa- lermo. The inhabitants are critically situated ; but, I hope, all will end well. Good news from you will de- termine it. I find, that you fascinate all the navy as much at Palermo as you did at Naples. If we had many such advocates, every body would be a can- didate for our profession. God bless, and protect, you and Sir William. May prosperous gales at- tend you ! May you live a thousand years ! Believe 238 SUPPLEMENT* Believe me, with sincere respect and esteem, my dear Madam, your Ladyship's most devoted and obliged servant, ALEXANDER JOHN BALL, 23d February 1790. JLetter* Irtttrs EARL OF BRISTOL, Bishop of Deny, t Ireland, TO LADY HAMILTON. SUPPLEMENT. 241 betters OF THE EARL OF BRISTOL, Bishop of Derry, fyc. I. Naples, Sunday Morning. [1795.] I RETURN you the in- closed, my Dearest Emma, which does equal honour to the excellent head and heart of the writer. I shall begin, for the first time of my life, to have a good opinion of myself, after such honourable testimonials. In the mean time, I send you an R extraordinary 242 SUPPLEMENT. extraordinary piece of news, just writ- ten me from Ratisbon a courier from the Elector of Mentz, desiring the Empire to make a separate peace with France. Couriers have been sent from the Diet to Sweden and Denmark, desiring their mediation : " and it is clear/' says my letter, " Somebody is at the bottom " of all this; the Elector of Mentz " only lends his name/' The suburbs of Warsaw taken ; the capitulation of the city daily expected. The King of Prussia totally retired beyond Potsdam, and supposed to be at the eve of madness. Oh ! Emma, who'd ever be wise, If madness be loving of thee. B. II. Munich, SUPPLEMENT. 243 II. Munich, 14th July 1795. DEAREST EMMA, HERE is great news from England. My letters of the 26th June assure me, seven thousand men are embarked for St. Pol de Leon, toge- ther with an immense number of emi- gres that, the week before, a bishop, and sixty priests, were most prospe- rously landed at the same place, and received with the greatest acclame- tions that six sail of the line from Russia, were in sight, and the pilots gone to conduct them that, in Am- R 2 sterdam, 244 SUPPLEMENT. sterdam, and other towns of Holland, there is the greatest insurrections in favour of that fool the Stadtholder. All this, however, can only tend to facilitate peace, but not at all to re- store that despicable, odious family of Bourbons the head of which is now at Verona, where we left him eating two capons a day ; ('tis a pity the whole family are not capons !) and, what is more, dressing them himself in a su- perb kitchen the true chapel of a Bourbon Prince. Ernma! if that dear Queen of Na- ples does not write, herself, to Prince D'Oria, for me, I won't look at your beautiful face these six months " coute " qui coute." To-morrow, for Pyrmont, near Ha- nover. Emma adieu ! III.- * # SUPPLEMENT. 245 III. There is no doubt but Don Luizi is implicated: that very circumstance, argues the extent of the mischief; for so cautious a man, and one whose sentiments are so pub- licly known, would not engage with- out good support. I have conversed with one of his intimates one " who is n^v stranger to " his dearest secret." The evidence will R 3 be 246 SUPPLEMENT, be difficult; perhaps, impracticable: unless his most confidential friends can be gained; and that, I deem, im- possible. But the character of the Garrison at Capua is of the most alarming com^ plexion ; and, yet, is what I can best depend on. I think, Wade could tell much, if he would speak out. Adieu ! Lovel and I were on Vesuvius. He goes, like a true parson, only to eat the better. I foresee, he will once more fall into Nudi's hands. Procyta will be another Duo ; for I hate large par^ ties on such, and especially females unless they be Phoenixes, like your- self. It is a great discouragement to a Caserta party, to view the whole town buried SUPPLEMENT. 24? buried in a mist; and the Belvidere alone, like a buoy, to point out the shoal. Sweet Emma adieu ! Every wish of my heart beats for the dear Queen. IV. SEND 248 SUPPLEMENT. IV. SEND me word, Dearest Emma! how the invaluable, adorable Queen, finds herself. The weather changed so unmerci- fully, yesterday, that Lovel and I both grew ill ; and this makes me the more anxious to hear of our too sensi- ble and inestimable Queen. My warm- est wishes physical, political, and mo- ral ever attend her, B. V.-HERE SUPPLEMENT. 249 V. HERE is my cousin's an- swer, Dearest Emma " lo lo capisco." Her brother assured me, there is not the semblance of an insurrection ; and, that our dear, dear Queen, is misled by a set of scoundrels. Send me word where you will be. Adieu ! VI. YESTERDAY, SUPPLEMENT, VI, YESTERDAY, we dined on Mount Vesuvius ; to-day, we were to have dined on its victim, Pompeii: but, " by the grace of God, which " passeth all understanding," since Bartolomeo himself, that weather- soothsayer, did not foresee this British weather, we are prevented. In the mean time, all this week and the 'next, is replete with projects to Ischia, Procita, &c. &c. so God only knows when I can worship, again, my Diana of Ephesus. Write SUPPLEMENT. 251 Write me word, explicitly, how you are, what you are, and where you are ; and be sure -that, wheresoever I am, still I am your's, my dearest Emma. VIL Wednesday. 252 SUPPLEMENT. VII. Wednesday. MY DEAREST EMMA, THE very unexpected in- telligence, which Prince Augustus has most delicately communicated to me, of poor Lord Hervey's decease, has quite bouleversSe my already shattered frame. I would not allow your friendly mind to learn an event so interesting to me from any other hand than that of your affectionate and devoted friend, BRISTOL. VIII. M SUPPLEMENT. 253 VIII. MY EVER DEAREST LADY HAMILTON, I SHOULD certainly have made this Sunday an holy day to me, and have taken a Sabbath day's jour- ney to Caserta, had not poor Mr. Lovel been confined to his bed above three days with a fever. To-day, it is departed; to-morrow, Dr. Nudi has secured us from its re- surrection-; and, after to-morrow, I hope, virtue will be its own reward, and that my friendship for Lovel will be recompensed with the enjoyment. This 254 SUPPLEMENT. This moment I receive your billet* doux, and very dulcet it is ! All public and private accounts agree, in the immediate prospect of a general peace. It will make a deli- cious foreground in the picture of the new year; many of which, I wish, from the top, bottom, and centre of my heart, to the incomparable Emma quella senza paragona ! Dans ce moment, on m'assure que Mayence est prise. Je ne vous garantis pas cette maudite nouvelle mais je me flatte que la paix sefait. ix. EVER SUPPLEMENT. 255 IX. EVER DEAREST EMMA, I WENT down to your Opera box two minutes after you left it; and should have seen you on the morning of your departure but was detained in the arms of Murphy, as Lady Eden expresses it, and was too late. You say nothing of the adorable Queen ; I 'hope, she has not forgot me : but, as Shakespeare says, " Who doats, " must doubt ;" and I verily deem her the very best edition' of a woman I ever 256 SUPPLEMENT. ever saw I mean, of such as are not in folio, and are to be had in sheets. I will come on Friday or Saturday ; but our British colony are so nume- rous, that my duties obstruct my plea- sures. Ever, and invariably, dearest, dear Ernma, most affectionately, your B. You see, I am but the second letter of your alphabet, though you are the first of mine. X. -Milan, SUPPLEMENT. 257 X. 24th November 1798. I KXOW not, Dearest Emma, whether friend Sir William has been able to obtain my passport, or not; but this I know that, if they have refused it, they are damned fools for their pains: for, never was a Malta orange better worth squeezing or suck- ing ; and if they leave me to die, with- out a tombstone over me, to tell the contents " font pis pour cut !" In the mean time, I will frankly confess to you, that my health most s seriously 258 SUPPLEMENT. seriously and urgently requires the balmy air of dear Naples, and the more balmy atmosphere of those I love, and who love me; and that I shall forego my garret with more re- gret than most people of my silly rank in society forego a palace or a drawing- room But I will augur better things from the justice of my neighbour; and that they will not condemn, against all rules of probability, one of their best friends, unheard: especially, one who, if he be heard, can say so much. My project, then, in case I receive the passport, is to travel on horseback as far as Spalato in Dalmatia; and, from thence, cross over to Manfre- donia a passage of a few hours and which, in the year 1772, I performed with my horses on board; and, after- ward* SUPPLEMENT. 259 wards, had a most delightful jaunt through that unexplored region, Dal- matia; where the very first object that strikes both the eye and the imagina- tion, is a modern city built within the precincts of an ancient palace for Spalato stands within the innermost walls of Diocletian's palace. For that wise Sovereign quitted the sceptre for the pleasures of an architect's rule ; and, when he had completed his man- sion in that delightful climate, enjoyed that, and life, to a most advanced old age " The world forgetting, by the world forgot." A-propos to Spalato! Do not fail hinting to Sir William, that a most safe, convenient, and expeditious packet- boat, might be established, in these s 2 perilous 260 SUPPLEMENT. perilous times, between that and Man- fredonia : by which all dispatches, and all travellers, either for business or pleasure, might make a very short and safe cut between Naples and Vienna, and Naples and the rest of Europe, without touching one palm of any ground but Austrian and Neapolitan ; and, of course, without the risk of being ever stopped. The small towns, too, are in quick succession ; and, the whole country being a limestone rock, the roads will make themselves, and afterwards pay themselves, by means of good turn- pikes. Nothing can exceed the dreariness, gloominess, and humidity, of a Milan- ese sky in winter; which, I conclude, under the old regime, led to all the hospitality, and conviviality, practised here, SUPPLEMENT. 261 here, by their voluptuous but social nobility. Now, we have nothing left to com- fort, but another Nudi a son of Escu- lapius, born in Italy ; but an enthusiast for England, and all that is English an excellent physician, but a still better friend; and, like Nudi, when he has a pint of Madeira in his belly, and the fumes of it in his brain, a most cheer- fill and improving companion: for, I protest to you that, during my conva- lescence, I made greater strides to re- covery by his Attic evenings, than by his morning potions, or even his beef broth. Sweet Emma, adieu! Remember me in the warmest and most enthu- siastic stile, to your friend, and my friend, and the friend of human kind. s 3 If 262 SUPPLEMENT. If Sir William does not contrive to send me my passport, I will I will excommunicate him, and send him to the devil before his time. better FROM THE HONOURABLE CHARLES GREVILLE, Nephew of Sir William Hamilton, TO LADY HAMILTON. SUPPLEMENT. 265 fcettn: or THE HONOURABLE CHARLES GREVILLE, August 18th, 17&4. DEAR LADY HAMILTON, You will, I am sure, be glad to hear, that a favourable change has been announced to me; and that I am reinstated in the King's house- hold, and honoured with a gold key, as his Vice-Chamberlain and I hope, in a few days, to be in parlia- ment. You 266 SUPPLEMENT. You have seen me in prosperity, and in adversity; and know how much I estimate worldly concerns, according to their influencing the opinion of my real friends. Friendship has borne me up in the most difficult times ; and the general satisfaction which my friends express, on my promotion, renders me very happy at present: and, to make me more so, I have anticipated to my own mind the sincere satisfaction with which you will receive this news. I should not flatter myself so far, if I was not very sincerely interested in your happiness; and, ever, affection- ately your's, C. F. G. Letters LADY HAMILTON TO THE HON. CHARLES GREVILLE, Aepfev of Sir Williem Hamilton. SUPPLEMENT. 269 irttrrs OF LADY HAMILTON, &c. I. 25th of February, [1800.] DEAR SIR, I RECEIVED your letter by Mr. Campbell. He is lodged with us. We find him a pleasant man ; and shall write fully by him. He will tell you a -little how we go on, as to our domestic happiness. We are more united and comfortable than ever, in spite of the infamous Jacobin papers, jealous 270 -SUPPLEMENT. jealous of Lord Nelson's glory, and Sir William's and mine. But we do not rnind them. Lord N. is a truly virtuous and great man ; and, because we have been fogging, and ruining our health, and sacrificing every comfort, in the cause of loyalty, our private characters are to be stabbed in the dark. First, it was said, Sir W. and Lord N. fought; then, that we pla} T ed, and lost. First, Sir W. and Lord N. live like brothers; next, Lord N. never plays: and this 1 give you my word of honour. So I beg you will contradict any of these vile reports. Not that Sir W. and Lord N. mind it ; and I get scolded by the Queen, and all of them, for hav- ing suffered one day's uneasiness. Our fleet is off Malta: Lord Nelson has taken Le Genereux, and was after the frigates ; so the attempt to relieve Malta has failed. I have SUPPLEMENT. 271 I have bad a letter from the Em- peror of Russia, with the Cross of Malta. Sir William has sent his Im- perial Majesty's letter to Lord Gren- ville, to get me the permission to wear it. I have rendered some services to the poor Maltese. I got them ten thousand pounds, and sent corn when they were in distress. The deputies have been lodged in my house; I have been their Ambassadress, so his [I.] M. has rewarded me. If the King will give me leave to wear it abroad, it is of use to me. The Q n is having the order set in diamonds for me ; but the one the Emperor sent is gold. I tell you this little history of it, that you may be au fait. Ball has it also, but I am the first Englishwoman that ever had it. Sir \V. is pleased, so I urn happy. We are coming home; and I am 272 SUPPLEMENT. I am miserable, to leave my dearest friend, the Q . She cannot be consoled. We have sworn to be back in six months ; and I will not quit her, till Sir William binds himself to come back. However, I shall have a com- fort in seeing some of my old friends ; and you, in particular. We have also many things to settle. I think, I can situate the person you mention about the Court, as a Camerist to some of the R. F y, if her education is good. It is a comfortable situation for life ; so, I will bring her out. The Q. has promised me. Let this remain entre nous. II. [April SUPPLEMENT. II. [April 1803.] LADY Hamilton will be glad to know how long Mr. Greville can permit her to remain in the house in Piccadilly, as she must instantly look out for a lodging; and, therefore, it is right for her to know the full extent of time she can remain there. She also begs to know, if he will pay her debts, and what she may de- pend upon; that she may reduce her expences and establishment immedi- ately. END OF VOL. I. Printed by Macdoaald and SOD, Cloth Fair, London. THE Kcttns OF LORD NELSON TO LADY HAMILTON; WITH A SUPPLEMENT. VOL.IL or LORD NELSON TO LADY HAMILTON; SrPPLEMENT OF INTERESTING LETTERS, IX TWO VOLUMES. FOB THOMAS IQVEWELL & CO. STAIXES HOUSE, BARBICAN; JLXD SOU BT AJLt TAX BOOKSELLERS. 1514, CONTENTS VOL. II. LETTERS FROM LORD NELSON TO LADY HAMILTON. LETTER XL Page 5 XLI 10 XLII ,. 21 XLIII 26 XLIV 29 XLV 34 XLVI 36 XLVII 39 XLVIII 48 XLIX 53 L. ' 56 LI 62 LH 65 LIH 67 LIV 73 LETTER vi CONTENTS. LETTER LV Page 77 LVI 79 LVII 83 LVIII 3T LIX 96 LX 100 SUPPLEMENT. Letters from Lord Nelson to Miss Horatia Nelson Thomson, now Miss Horatia Nelson, Lord Nelson's Adopted Daughter ; andlo Miss Charlotte Nelson, Daughter of 'the present Earl. LETTER to Miss Horatia Nelson Page 107 to Miss Charlotte Nelson . . 109 Letters from Alexander Davison, Esq. ' to Lady Hamilton. V** LETTER I Page 113 II 115 III. . 119 Letter CONTENTS. Letter from Lady Hamilton to Alexander Datison, Esq. inclosing her Ladyship's Verses on Lord Nelson. Page 125 Letter from Lady Hamilton to the Right Honour- able Henry Addington, now Viscount Sidmouth Page 131 Letters from Sir William Hamilton, K.B. to Lady Hamilton. LETTER I Page 137 II 140 III 143 IV ?.... 146 V 149 VI 150 VH 152 VIII 155 IX 157 X 160 XI 163 XII 166 XIII. .' 169 XIV 171 XV.. 174 XVI 177 XVII 180 Letters viii CONTENTS. Letters from Sir William Hamilton, K.B. to Lord Nelson. LETTER I .Page 185 II 190 III 192 IV 194 V 197 VI 199 VII 200 VIII 206 IX 207 X 210 XI 216 XII. 220 Letters from Lord Nelson to Sir William Hamilton, K.B. LETTER I Page 225 II 227 III 231 IV 233 V 240 VI 243 VII 245 VIII 247 IX 254 X 256 XI 258 XII 261 THE THE iettcrs OF LORD NELSON TO LADY HAMILTON. TUB LORD NELSON TO LADY HAMILTON. LETTER XL. Victory, under Majorca, January 13th, 1804. MY OWN DEAR BELOVED EMMA, I RECEIVED, on the 9th, your letters of September 29th, Octo- ber 2, 7, 10, 12, 17th, November 5th, 8th, to the 24th : and I am truly sen- sible of all your kindness and affec- tionate regard for me; which, I am VOL. ii. B sure, LORD NELSON S LETTERS sure, is reciprocal, in every respect, from your own Nelson. If that Lady Bitch knew of that person's coming to her house, it was a trick ; but which, I hope, you will not subject yourself to again. But, I do not like it! However, it is passed; and, we must have confidence in each other: and, my dearest Emma, judging of you by myself, it is not all the world that could seduce me, in thought, word, or deed, from all my soul holds most dear. Indeed, if I can help it, I never in- tend to go' J out of the ship, but' to the shore of Portsmouth ; and that will be, if it pleases God, before next Christ- mas. Indeed, I think, long before, if the French will venture, to sea. I send you a letter from the Queen of Naples. They call out, might and main, TO LADY HAMILTON". 7 main, for our protection; and, God knows, they are sure of me. Mr. Elliot complains heavily of the expence; and says, he will retire the moment it is peace. He expected his family, when they would sit down eleven Elliots ! If, my dear Emma, you are to mind all the reports you may hear, you may always be angry with your Nelson. In the first place, instead of eight days, Mr. Acourt ; he came on board one day, just before dinner, and left me next morning, after breakfast. What pleasure people can have in telling lies! But, I care not what they say ; I defy^ them all. You may safely rely, that I can for ever repeat, with truth, these words for ever I love you, and only you, my Emma; and, you may be assured, as B 2 l n g 8 long as you are the same to me, that you are never absent a moment from my thoughts. I am glad you are going to Merton; you will live much more comfortable, and much cheaper, than in London : and this spring, if you like to have the house altered, you can do it. But, I fancy, you will soon tire of so much dirt, and the inconvenience will be very great the whole summer. All I request, if you fix to have it done, [is] that Mr. Davison's architect, who drew the plan, may have the in- spection ; and, he must take care that it does not exceed the estimate. If it is done by contract, you must not alter; or a bill is run up, much worse than if we had never contrac- ted. Therefore, I must either buy the materials, and employ respectable workmen, TO LADY HAMILTON. 9 workmen, under the architect; or, contract. I rather believe, it would be better for me to buy the materials, and put out the building to a workman; but, jou must get some good advice. With respect to the new entrance ************ * * * 3 LETTER 10 LORP NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XLI. Victory, March 14th, [1804] off Toulon. YOUNG Faddy, my Dear- est Emma, brought me, two days ago, your dear and most kind letter of No- vember 26th, and you are sure that I shall take a very early opportunity of promoting him ; and he appears to be grown a fine young man, but vacancies do not happen very frequently in this station. However, if he behaves well, he may be sure of me. With respect to Mr. Jefferson, I can [neither] say nor do any thing. The surgeon TO LADY HAMILTON. 11 surgeon of the Victory is a very able, excellent man, and the ship is kept in the most perfect state of health ; and, I would not, if I could but, thank [God] I cannot do such an unjust act, as to remove him. He is my own asking for ! and, I have every reason to be perfectly content. Mr. Jefferson got on, by my help ; and, by his own misconduct, he got out of a good employ, and has seen another person, at Malta hospital, put over his head. He must now begin again; and act with much more atten- tion and sobriety, than he has done, to ever get forward again: but, time may do much ; and, I shall rejoice to hear of his reformation. I am not surprised, my dearest Em- ma, at the enormous expences of the watering place ; but, if it has done my B 4 own 12 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS own Emma service, it is well laid out. A thousand pounds a year will not go far ; and we need be great economists, to make both ends meet, and to carry on the little improvements. As for making one farthing more prize-money, I do not expect it; except, by taking the French fleet: and, the event of that day, who can foresee ! With respect to Mrs. Graefer what she has done, God and herself knows ; but I have made up my mind, that Gibbs will propose an hundred pounds a year for her: if so, I shall grant it, and have done. I send you Mrs. Grae^ fer's last letter. Whilst I am upon the subject of Bronte, I have one word more and your good, dear, kind heart, must not think that I shall die one hour the sooner; on the contrary, my mind has bfeen TO LADY HAMILTON. 13 been more content ever since I have done: I have left you a part of the rental of Bronte, to be first paid every half year, and in advance. It is but common justice; and, whether Mr. Addington gives you any thing, or not, you will want it. I would not have you lay out more than is necessary, at Merton. The rooms, and the new entrance, will take a good deal of money. The entrance by the corner I would have certainly done; a common white gate will do for the present; and one of the cot- tages, which is in the barn, can be put up, as a temporary lodge. The road can be made to a temporary bridge; for that part of the Nile, one day, shall be filled up. Downing's canvas awning will do for a passage. For the winter, the carriage 14 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS carriage can be put in the barn ; and, giving up Mr. Bennett's premises, will save fifty pounds a year: and, another year, we can fit up the coach-house and stables, which are in the barn. The foot-path should be turned. I did shew Mr. Haslewood the way I wished it done; and Mr. will have no objections, if we make it better than ever it has been : and, I also beg, as my dear Horatia is to be at Merton, that a strong netting, about three feet high, may be placed round the Nile, that the little thing may not tumble in; and, then, you may have ducks again in it. I forget, at what place we saw the netting; and either Mr. Perry, or Mr. Goldsmid, told us where it was to be bought. I shall be very anxious until I know this is done. I have had no very late opportuni- ties TO LADY HAMILTON. 15 of sending to Naples: but, vid Malta, I wrote to Gibbs, to desire he would send over and purchase the amorins. They will arrive in time. I hope, the watch is arrived safe. The British Fair cutter, I hope, is arrived safe. She has three packets, from me, to England. The expences of the alterations at Merton you are not to pay from the income. Let it all be put to a separate account, and I will provide a fund for the payment. All I long for, just now, is to hear that you are perfectly recovered; and, then, I care for nothing : all my hopes are, to see you, and be happy, at dear Merton, again; but, I fear, this mis- carriage of Pichegru's, in France, will prolong the war. It has kept the French fleet in port, which we are all sorry for. Sir J6 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS Sir William Bolton was on board yesterday. He looks thin. The fag in a brig is very great ; and I see no prospect of his either making prize- money, or being made post, at present : but, I shall omit no opportunity. I wrote to Mrs. Bolton a few months ago ; and gave her letter, yesterday, to Bolton. He conducts himself very well, indeed. Ever, my dearest Emma, for ever, I am your most faithful, and affec- tionate NELSON & BRONTE. Although I cannot well afford it, yet I could not bear that poor blind Mrs, Nelson should be in want in her old days, and sell her plate ; therefore, if you will find out what are her debts, if they fO LADY HAMILTON. 1? they come within my power, I will certainly pay them. Many, I dare say, if they had com- manded here, would have made mo- ney; but, I can assure you, for prizes taken within the Mediterranean, I have not more than paid my expences. However, I would rather pinch my- self, than she, poor soul, should want. Your good,* angelic heart, my dearest beloved Emma, will fully agree with me, every thing is very expensive ; and, even we find it, and will be obliged to economise, if we assist our friends: and, I am sure, we should feel more comfort in it than in loaded tables, and entertaining a set of people who care not for us. An account is this moment brought me, that a small sum is payable to me, for some neutral taken off Cadiz in May 18 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS May 1800; so that I shall not be poorer for my gift. It is odd, is it not? I shall, when I come home, settle four thousand pounds in trustees hands, for Horatia; for, I will not put it in my own power to have her left desti- tute: for she would want friends, if we left her in this world. She shall be independent of any* smiles or frowns! I am glad you are going to take her home; and, if you will take the trouble with Eliza and Ann, I am the very last to object. Tom, I shall certainly assist at col- lege; and, I am sure, the Doctor ex- pects that I should do the same for Horace : but I must make my arrange- ments, so as not to run in debt. April TO LADY HAMILTON. 19 April 9th. I have wrote to the Duke; but, by your account, I fear he is not alive. I write, because you wish me; and, be- cause I like the Duke, and hope he will leave you some money. But, for myself, I can have no right to expect a farthing: nor would I be a legacy hunter for the world; I never knew any good come from it. I send you a letter from Mr. Fal- conet. I am afraid, they have made a jumble about the amorins. And I send you a very impertinent letter from that old cat. I have sent her a very dry answer, and told her, I should send the sweetmeats to you. I always hated the- old bitch! But, was she young, and as beautiful as an angel, I am engaged; I am all, soul and body, my Emma's : nor would I change 20 LORD NELSON'S LETTER* change her for all this world could give me. I would not have Horatia think of a dog. I shall not bring her one; and, I am sure, she is better without a pet of that sort. But, she is like her mo- ther, would get all the old dogs in the place about her. April 14th. I am so sea-sick, that I cannot write another line ; except, to say God Al- mighty bless you, my dearest beloved Emma! prays, ever, your faithful NELSON & BRONTE. LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 21 LETTER XLII. Victory, April 2d, 1804. I HAVE, my Dearest Be- loved Emma, been so uneasy for this last month; desiring, most ardently* to hear of your well doing! Captain Capel brought me your letters, sent by the Thisbe, from Gib- raltar. I opened opened found none but December, and early in Ja- nuary. I was in such an agitation! At last, I found one without a date : which, thank God ! told my poor heart, that you was recovering; but, that VOL. ii. c dear 22 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS dear little Emma was no more! and, that Jrloratia had been so very .ill it all together upset me. But, it was just at bed-time; and I had time to reflect, and be thankful to God for sparing you and our dear Horatia. I am sure, the loss of one much more, both would have drove me mad. I was so agitated, as it was, that I was glad it was night, and that I could be by myself. Kiss dear Horatia, for me : and tell her, to be a dutiful and good child ; and, if she is, that we shall always love her. You may, if you like, tell Mrs. G. that I shall certainly settle a small pension on her. It shall not be large, as we may have the pleasure of making her little presents; and, my dearest Emma, I shall not be wanting to every body TO LADY HAMILTON. 23 body who has been kind to you, be they servants or gentlefolks. Admiral Lutwidge is a good man ; and, I like Mrs. Lutwidge and shall, always more, because she is fond of you. Never mind the great Bashaw at the Priory. He be damned! If he was single, and had a mind to marry you, he could only make you a Mar- chioness : but, as he is situated, and I situated, I can make you a Duchess ; and, if it pleases God, that time may arrive! Amen. Amen. As for your friend Lady H , she is, in her way, as great a pimp as any of them. What a set! But, if they manage their own intrigues, is not that enough ! I am sure, neither you or I care what they do ; much less, envy them their chere amies. c 3 As 24 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS As for Lord S , and the other, 1 care nothing about them ; for I have every reason, by my own feelings to- wards you, to think you care only for your Nelson. I have not heard of your receiving the little box from Naples; bracelets, I fancy, but I did not open them. I wish the amorins may come in time for the conveyance of Captain Layman ; who has, most unfortunately, lost his sloop : he is strongly recom- mended, by the governor and garrison of Gibraltar. But, perhaps, he may not be able to obtain it. We have such reports about the King's health, that the present ministry may be out ; and, for what I know or care, another set may be no better, for you or me. As for the Admiralty, let who will be f TO LADY HAMILTON. 25 be in, they can neither do me any great good or harm: they may vex me, a little ; but, that will recoil upon them- selves. I hope, however, they will confirm Captain Layman; for he is attached not only to me, but is a very active officer. But, it was his venturing to know more about India than Trou- bridge, that made them look shy upon him ; and, his tongue runs too fast. I often tell him, not to let his tongue run so fast, or his pen write so much. c 3 LETTER 26 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XLIII. Victory, off Toulon, April 10th, 1804. MY DEAREST EMMA, I HAVE received all your truly kind and affectionate let- ters, to January 25th, by the Thisbe ; and, last night, your letter of January 13th, by Naples. The amorins will go under the care of Captain Layman ; who, unfortu- nately, lost his sloop : but, with much credit to himself, he has been acquitted of all blame. I rejoice that dear Horatia is got well ; TO tADY HAMILTON. 27 well ; and, also, that yon, my dearest Emma, are recovered of jour severe indisposition. In our present situation with Spain. this letter, probably, may never reach you. I have wrote fully ; and intend to send them by the Argus, who I ex- pect to join every minute. El phi Bey, I hear, has had all his fioe things taken from him. He es- caped into the Desert, and is pursued ; probably, his head is off, long before this time. The French fleet came out on the 5th, but went in again the next morning. Yesterday, a Rear-Admiral, and se- ven sail of ships, including frig-ales, put their nose outside the harbour. If they go on playing this game, some day we shall lay salt upon their tails; and so end the campaign of, my dearest c 4 Emina, 28 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS Emma, jour most faithful and affec- tionate I am glad to hear that you are going to take my dear Horatia, to educate her. She must turn out an angel, if she minds what you say to her; and Eliza and Ann will never forget your goodness. My health is so, so ! I shall get through the summer; and, in the win- ter, shall go home. You will readily fancy all I would say, and do think. My kind love to all friends. LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 29 LETTER XLIY. Victory, April 19th, 1804. MY DEAREST EMMA, I HAD wrote yon a line, intended for the Swift cotter ; but, in- stead of her joining me, I had the mor- tification, not only to hear that she was taken, but that all the dispatches and letters had fallen into the hands of the enemy: a very pretty piece o^ work! I am not surprised at the capture; but am very much so, that any dis- patches should be sent in a vessel with twenty- 30 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS twenty-three men, not equal to cope with any row-boat privateer. As I do not know what letters of your's are in her, I cannot guess what will be said. I suppose, there will be a publication. The loss of the Hindostan, was great enough ; but, for importance, it is lost, in comparison to the probable know- ledge the enemy will obtain of our con- nections with foreign countries! Fo- reigners for ever say and it is true " We dare not trust England ; one " way, or other, we are sure to be " committed !" However, it is now too late to launch out on this subject. Not a thing has been saved out of the Hindostan, not a second shirt for any one; and it has been by extraordinary exertions, that the people's lives were saved. Captain TO LADY HAMILTON. 31 Captain Hallowell is so good as to take home, for me, wine as by the in- closed list ; and, if I can, some honey. The Spanish honey is so precious, that if [any one has] a cut, or sore throat, it is used to cure it. I mention this, in case you should wish to give the Duke ajar. The smell is wonderful! It is to be produced no where, but in the mountains near Rosas. The Cyprus wine, one hogshead, was tor Buonaparte. I would recommend the wine-cooper drawing it off: and you can send a few dozens to the Duke; who, I know, takes a glass every day at two o'clock. I wish, I. had any thing else to send you ; but, my dearest Emma, you must take the will for the deed. I am pleased with Charlotte's letter; and, 32 LORD NELSON 8 LETTERS and, as she loves my dear Horatia, I shall always like her. What hearts those must have, who do not! But, thank God, she shall not be dependent on any of them. Your letter of February 12th, through Mr. Falconet, I have received. I know, they are all read ; therefore, never sign your name. I shall conti- nue to write, through Spain ; but never say a word that can convey any infor- mation except, of eternal attachment and affection for you ; and that, I care not, who knows : for I am, for ever, and ever, your, only your, NELSON & BRONTE. Poor Captain Le Gros had your note to him in his pocket-book, and that was all he saved. Mr. TO LADY HAMILTON. 33 Mr. Este left him at Gibraltar, and went to Malta in the Thisbe. Captain Le Gros is now trying. I think, it will turn out, that every per- son is obliged to his conduct for saving their lives. She took fire thirteen leagues from the land. LETTER 34 LORD NELSON'S LETTER* LETTER XLV. Victory, April 23, 1804. MY DEAREST EMMA, HALLOWELL has pro- mised me, if the Admiralty will give him leave to go to London, that he will call at Merton. His spirit is certainly more indepen- dent than almost any man's I ever knew ; but, I believe, he is attached to me. I am sure, he has no reason to be so, to either Troubridge or any one at the Admiralty. I have sent, last night, a box of Marischino Veritabile of Zara, which I got TO LADY HAMILTON. 35 I got Jemmy Anderson to buy for me, and twelve bottles of tokay. I have kept none for myself, being better pleased that you should have it. I am, ever, and for ever, your most faithful and affectionate NELSON & BRONTE. Hallowell parted last night; but, being in sight, I am sending a frigate with a letter to the Admiralty. May God Almighty bless you, and send us a happy meeting ! LETTER 36 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XLVI. Victory, May 5, 1804. I FIND, my Dearest Em- ma, that your picture is very much ad- mired by the French Consul at Barce- lona ; and that he has not sent it to be admired which, I am sure, it would be by Buonaparte. They pretend, that there were three pictures taken. I wish, I had them : but they are all gone, as irretrievably as the dispatches ; unless we may read them in a book, as we printed their correspondence from Egypt. But, TO LADY HAMILTON. 37 But, from us, what can they find out! That I love you, most dearly; and hate the French, most damnably. Dr. Scott went to Barcelona, to try to get the private letters ; but, I fancy, they are all gone to Paris. The Swe- dish and American Consuls told him, that the French Consul had your pic- ture, and read your letters; and, Doc- tor thinks, one of them probably read the letters. By the master's account of the cut- ter, I would not have trusted a pair of old shoes in her. He tells me, she did not sail, but was a good sea-boat. I hope, Mr. Marsden will not trust any more of my private letters in such a conveyance ; if they choose to trust the affairs of the public in such a thing, I cannot help it. I long for the invasion being over ; VOL u. D it 38 LORD KELSON'S LETTERS it must finish the war, and I have no fears for the event. I do not say, all I wish ; and which, my dearest beloved Emma (read that, whoever opens this letter; and, for what I care, publish it to the world) your fertile imagination can readily fancy I would say: but this I can say, with great truth, that I am, FOR EVER, YOUR'S LETTER tO LADY HAMILTON. 59 LETTER XLVI1. Victory, May 27th, 1804, MY DEAREST EMMA. YESTERDAY, I took Charles Connor on board, from the Phoebe, to try what we can do With him. At present, poor fellow, he has got a very bad eye and, I almost fear, that he will be blind of it owing to an ol i v e- stone striking his eje: but the surgeon of the Victory, who is by far the most able medical man I have ever seen, and equally so as a surgeon, [says] that, if it can be saved, he will do it. The other complaint, in his head, i? D -: bat 40 LOUD NELSON'S LETTERS but little more, I think, than it was when he first came to Deal ; a kind of silly laugh, when spoken to. He al- ways complains of a pain in the back part of his head; but, when that is gone, I do not perceive but that he is as wise as many of his neighbours. You may rely, my dear Emma, that nothing shall be wanting, on my parti to render him every service. Capel although, I am sure, very kind to younkers I do not think, has the knack of keeping them in high dis- cipline ; he lets them be their own mas- ter too much. I paid Charles's account, yesterday ; since he has been in the Phoebe, one hundred and fifty-five pounds, fourteen shillings. However, he must now turn over a new leaf; and I sincerely hope, poor fellow, he will yet do well. I wrote TO LADY HAMILTON. 41 I wrote you on the 22d, through Rosas, in Spain; and I shall write, in a few days, by Barcelona : this goes by Gibraltar. I have wrote Admiral Lutwidge; Mrs. Lutwidge must wait, for I cannot get through all my numerous letters : for, whoever writes, although upon their own affairs, are offended if they are not answered. I have not seen young Bailey : I suppose, he is in the Leviathan. By the parcel, I see, he is in the Canopus; and I can,, at present, be of no use to him. . . .Lli^f'l Ji'.T. 77 JO f {ii*KS ?.H'{ May 30th. Charles is very much recovered. I write you, this day, by Barcelona. Your dear phiz but not the least like you on the cup, is safe : but I would D 3 "* - not 4t L0#p NE^SQN'S BETTERS not use it, for the world ; for, if it was broke, U wp,uld distress me very much. YQ.UT letters, by Swift, I shall never get back. The French Consul, at Bar- celona, is bragging tha,t Jie has three pictures o,f you from the Swift, I do not believe him,; but, what if he had a hundred! Your resemblance is so deeply engraved in my heart,, that there it can never be effaced: and, who knows? some day, I may have tl^e happiness of having a living picture of you ! Old Mother, l^ is a damned b - : but I do not understand what you mean, or what plan. I am not surprised at my friend Kingsmill admiring you, and forgetting Mary ; he loves variety, and handsome women. Ypu touch upon the old Duke ; but, I am TO LADY HAMILTON. 43 I am dull of comprehension : believing you all my own, I cannot imagine any one else to offer, in any way. We have enough, with prudence; and, without it, we should soon be beggars, if we had five times as much. I see, Lord Stafford is going to op- pose Mr. Addington ; the present mi- nistry cannot stand. I wish Mr. Addington had given you the pension; Pitt, and hard-hearted Grenville, never will. What a fortune the death of Lord Camelford gives him ! Every thing you tell me about my dear Horatia charms me. I think I see her, hear her, and admire her; but, she is like her dear, dear mother. I am sorry, if your account of George Martin's wife is correct ; he de- served a better fate. But, he is like D 4 Foley; 44 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS Foley ; gave up a great deal, to marry the relation of a great man : although, in fact, she is no relation to the Duke of Portland. I wish, I could but be at dear Mer- ton, to assist in making the alterations. I think, I should have persuaded you to have kept the pike, and a clear stream ; and to have put ail the carp, tench, and fish who muddy the water, into the pond. But, as you like, I am content. Only take care, that my darling does not fall in, and get drowned. I begged you to get the little netting along the edge; and, particularly, on the bridges. I admire the seal; and God bless you, also! Amen, The boy, South, is on board another ship, learning to be a musician. He will return soon, when he shall have the letter and money. I hope, he will deserve TO LADY HAMILTON. 45 deserve it ; but he has been a very bad boy : but good floggings, I hope, will save him from the gallows. Mr. Falcon is a clever man. He would not have made such a blunder as our friend Drake, and Spencer Smith. I hear, the last is coming, vid Trieste, to Malta. Perhaps, he wants to get to Constantinople; and, if the Spencers get in, the Smiths will get any thing. Mr. Elliot, I hear, is a candidate for it. He complains of the expence of Naples, I hear; and, that he cannot make both ends meet, although he sees no company. The histories of the Queen are beyond whatever I have heard from Sir William. Prince Leopold's esta- blishment is all French. The Queen's favourite, Lieutenant-Colonel St. Clair, was 46 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS was a subaltern; La Tour, the Cap- tain in the navy ; and, another ! However, I never touch on these matters; for, I care not how she amuses herself. It will be the upset of Acton ; or, rather, he will not, I am told, stay. The King is angry with her; his love is long gone by. 1 have only one word more Do not believe a syllable the newspapers say, or what you hear. Mankind seems fond of telling lies. Remember me kindly to Mrs. Ca- dogan, and all our mutual friends ; and be assured, I am, for ever, my dearest Emma,, your most faithful and affec- tionate NELSON & BRONTE. George TO L4DY HAMILTON. 4? George Campbell desires me always to present his best respects ; and make mine to good Mr. Yonge. "What can I write him ? I am sure, he must have great pleasure in attending you: and, when you see Sir William Scott, make my best regards acceptable to him. There is no man I have a higher opi- nion of, both as a public and private character. You will long ago have had my let-, ter ; with one to Davison, desiring he will pay for the alterations at Merton. I shall send you a letter for the hun- dred pounds, a month, to the Bank. LETTER 48 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER XLVIII. Victory, June 6th, 1804- SINCE I wrote you, my Dearest Emma, on the 30th and 31st May, nothing new has happened ; ex- cept our hearing the feu dejoie at Tou- lon, for the declaration of Emperor. What a capricious nation those French must be! However, I thinks it must, in any way, be advantageous to England. There ends, for a cen- tury, all republics! By vessels from Marseilles, the French think it will be a peace ; and they TO LADY HAMILTON. 49 they say, that several of their mer- chant ships are fitting oat. I earnestly pray, that it may be so ; and, that we may have a few years of rest. I rather believe, my antagonist at Toulon, begins to be angry with me : at least, I am trying to make him so ; and then, he may come out, and beat me, as he says he did, off Boulogne. He is the Admiral that went to Na- ples in December 1792, La Touche Treville, who landed the grenadiers. I owe him something for that. I am better, my dear Emma, than I have been, and shall get through the summer very well; and I have the pleasure to tell you, that Charles is very much recovered. There is no more the matter with his intellects, than with mine! Quite the contrary; he is very quick. Mr. 50 LORE KUkSON's LETTERS Mr. Scott, who has overlooked all his things, says, his clothes, &c. are in the highest order he has ever seen. I shall place him in the Niger, with Captain Hilliar, when he joins; but, all our ships are so full, that it is very difficult to get a birth for one in any ship. Would you conceive it possible ! but, it is now from April 2d, since I have heard direct from Ball. The average time for a frigate to go, and return, is from six to seven weeks. From you, I had letters, April 5th, and the papers to April 8th, received May 10th, with a convoy. This goes through friend Gayner, Sir William Bolton joined last night; and received his letters, announcing his being called papa. He is got a very fine young man and good officer. Lord TO LADY HAMILTON. 51 Lord St. Vincent has desired he may have the first Admiralty vacancy for post; but nobody will die, or go home. A-propos ! I believe, you should boy a piece of plate, value fifty pounds, for our god-daughter of Lady Bolton; and something of twenty or thirty pounds value, for Colonel Suck- ling's. But, my Emma, you are not to pay for them, let it rest for me ; or, if the amount is sent me, I will order pay- ment. Remember me most kindly to Hora- tia, good Mrs. Cadogan, Charlotte, Miss Connor, and all our friends at dear, dear Merton ; where, from my soul, I wish I was, this moment: then, I sin- cerely hope, we should have no cause for sorrow. You will say what is right to Mr. Perry, 52 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS Perry, Newton, Patterson, Mr. Lan- caster, &c. you know all these matters. God in Heaven bless and preserve you, for ever! prays, ever, your's most faithfully, LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 53 LETTER XLIX. Victory, June 10th, 1804. MY DEAREST EMMA, I WROTE to you, on the 6th, via Rosas: this goes by Barce- lona; to which place I am sending Sir William Bolton, to fetch Dr. Scott, who is gone there, poor fellow, for the benefit of his health! I have just had very melancholy letters from the King and Queen of Naples, on account of General Acton's going to Sicily. The insolence of Buonaparte was VOL. ii. E not 54 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS not to be parried without a war ; for which they are unable, if unassisted. I have letters from Acton, May 28, on board the Archimedes, just going into Palermo. He will probably re- turn to Naples, unless new events arise: and that may be; for a minister, once out, may find some difficulty in renewing his post. He has acted with great and becoming spirit. I am better, but I have been very unwell. It blows, here, as much as ever. Yesterday was a little hurricane of wind. I dare say, Prince Castelcicala knows it by express ; if not, you may tell him, with my best respects. He, and every one else, may be sure of my at- tachment to those good sovereigns. By this route, I do not choose to say more on this subject. With TO LADY HAMILTON. 55 With my kindest regards to Horatia and your good mother, Charlotte, Miss C. and all our friends, believe me, my dear Emma, for ever, your most faith- ful and affectionate I fear, Sardinia will be invaded from Corsica before you get this letter. I have not small ships to send there, or any where else ; not in the proportion of one to five. You may communicate this to Mr. Addington, if you think that he does not know it; but, to no one else, except Castelcicala, of what relates to Naples. I have very flattering letters from the Grand Vizier, in the name of the Sultan; and from Cadir, now Capitan Pacha. E 2 LETTER 56 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER L. Victory, July 1st, 1804. ALTHOUGH I have wrote you, my dearest Emma, a letter, by Rosas, of June 2?th, not yet gone, the weather being so very bad, that ships cannot get across the Gulph of Lyons, yet I will [not] miss the opportunity of writing by Gibraltar. You must not, my Emma, think of hearing from me by way of Malta; it takes as long to send a letter to Malta, as to England. The Monmouth, which you com- plain of not hearing Iry, I knew nothing of TO LADY HAMILTON. 57 of her movements for some months be- fore. The ships from Malta, with the convoys, pick up our letters at Gibral- tar. Therefore, do not hurt my feel- ings, by telling me that I neglect any opportunity of writing. Your letters of April 13th, 22d, and May 13th, through Mr. Falconet, came safe, a few days ago. Mr. Falconet is the French banker; and he dare not buy a little macaroni for me, or let an Englishman into his house. Gibbs is still at Palermo: I fancy, he will make a good thing of my estate; however, I wish it was settled. He wrote me, a short time since, that he wished I would give him a hint (but without noticing that it came from him) that 1 thought Mrs. Graefer and her child had better go to England ; on pretence of educating her daughter, &c. E 3 But 58 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS But I would have nothing to do with any such recommendation. It would end in her coming to me, in England ; and saying, that she could not live upon what she had, and that I advised her to come to England, or she should not have thought of it. In short, Gibbs wants to remove her. He is afraid of his pocket, I fancy; and the daughter is, I fancy, now in some seminary at Palermo, at Gibbs's expence. I wrote him word, fully, I would advise no such thing ; she was to form her own judgment. What our friends are after at Na- ples, they best know. The poor King is miserable at the loss of Acton. The Queen writes me about honest Acton, c. &c. and I hear, that she has been the cause of ousting him: and they TO LADY HAMILTON. 5Q they say her enemies that her con- duct is all French. That, I do not believe; although she is likely to be the dupe of French emigres, who al- ways beset her. I doubt much, my dear Emma, even her constancy of real friendship to you ; although, in my letter to Acton, which Mr. Elliot saj~s he read to her, I mentioned the obligations she was under to you, &c. &c. in very strong terms. What could the name of the minis- ter signify! It was the letter which was wanted to the Prime-Minister. But, never mind; with prudence, we shall do very well. I have wrote to Davison, by land : who, I am very sorry for; but, he never would take a friend's caution, and he has been severely bit. E 4 Your 60 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS Your accounts of Merton delight me; and you will long ago have known, that I have directed the bills for the alterations to be paid. I never could have intended to have taken it from the hundred pounds a month. You will not hear of my making prize-money. I have not paid my ex- pences these last nine months. I shall expect to eat my Christmas dinner at Merton ; unless those events happen which I can neither foresee nor prevent. I am not well : and must have rest, for a few months, even should the country [want me;] which, very likely, they will not. News, I can have none. April 9th, Leviathan sailed; so government don't care much for us. Kiss TO LADY HAMILTON. 61 Kiss my dear Horatia, for me! I hope you will have her at Merton ; and, believe me, my dear Emma, that I am, for ever, as ever, your attached, faithful, and affectionate, NELSON & BRONTE. LETTER 62 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER LI. Victory, August 12th, 1804. ALTHOUGH, my Dearest Emma, from the length of time my other letters have been getting to you, I cannot expect that this will share a better fate ; yet, as the Childers is going to Rosas, to get us some news from Paris which is the only way I know of what is passing in England I take my chance of the post : but, I expect the Kent will be in England before this letter; and by which ship I write to the Admiralty relative to my health. Therefore, TO LADY HAMILTON. 63 Therefore, I shall only say, that I hope a little of your good nursing, with ass's milk, will set me up for another campaign; should the Admiralty wish me to return, in the spring, for another year: but, I own, I think we shall have peace. The Ambuscade arrived this day fortnight, with our victuallers, &c. and very acceptable they were. By her? I received your letters of May 14th, 22d, and 30tb, vid Lisbon; and, of April 9th, 18, loth, May 10th, 18th, 29th, June 1st, oth, through, I sup- pose, the Admiralty. The box you mention, is not arrived ; nor have I a scrap of a pen from Da- vison. The weather in the Mediter- ranean seems much altered. In July, seventeen days the fleet was in a gale of wind. I have 64 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS I have often wrote to Davison, to pay for all the improvements at Merton. The new-building the chamber over the dining-room, you must consider. The stair window, we settled, was not to be stopped up. The under- ground passage will, I hope, be made ; but I shall, please God, soon see it all. I have wrote you, my dear Emma? about Horatia; but, by the Kent, I shall write fully. May God bless you, my dearest best-beloved Emma! and believe me, ever, your most faithful and affectionate Kind love, and regards, to Mrs. Cadogan, and all friends. God bless you, again and again! LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 65 LETTER LII. Victory, August 20th, 18O4. MY DEAREST EMMA, THE Kent left us three days ago; and, as the wind has been perfectly fair since her departure, I think she will have a very quick pas- sage, and arrive long before this letter- But, as a ship is going to Rosas, I will not omit the opportunity of writing through Spain; as, you say, die letters all arrive safe. We have nothing but gales of wind ; and I have had, for two days, fires in the cabin, to keep out the very damp air. I still 66 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS I still hope that, by the time of my arrival in England, we shall have peace. God send it! I have not yet received your muff; I think, probably, I shall bring it with me. I hope, Davison has done the need- ful, in paying for the alterations at Merton. If not, it is now too late; and we will fix a complete plan, and execute it next summer. I shall be clear of debt, and what I have will be my own. God bless you ! Amen. Amen. George Elliot goes to Malta, for a convoy to England, this day. If you ever see Lord Minto, say so. LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 67 LETTER LIII. Victory, August 31st, 1804 Say 30th, at Evening. Therefore, I wrote, in fact, this Day, through Spain. MY EVER DEAREST EMMA, YESTERDAY, I wrote to you, through Spain ; this goes by Na- ples. Mr. Falconet, I think, will send it; although, I am sure, he feels great fear from the French minister, for hav- ing any thing to do with us. Mr. Greville is a shabby fellow ! It never could have been the intention of Sir William, but that you should have had seven hundred pounds a year neat money ; \ 68 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS money; for, when he made the will, the Income Tax was double to what it is at present; and the estate which it is paid from is increasing every year in value. It may be law, but it is not just; nor in equity would, I believe, be con- sidered as the will and intention of Sir William. Never mind! Thank God, you do not want any of his kindness; nor will he give you justice. I may fairly say all this ; because my actions are different, even to a person who has treated me so ill. As to , I know the full extent of the obligation I owe him, and he may be useful to me again; but I can never forget his unkindness to you. But, I guess, many reasons influ- enced his conduct, in bragging of his riches, and my honourable poverty; but, TO LADY HAMILTON. 69 but, as I have often said, and with honest pride, what I have is my own ; it never cost the widow a tear, or the nation a farthing. I got what I have with my pure blood, from the enemies of my country. Our house, my own Emma, is built upon a solid founda- tion; and will last to us, when his house and lands may belong to others than hi* children. I would not have believed it, from any one but you ! But, if ever I go abroad again, matters shall be settled very differently. I am working hard with Gibbs about Bronte, but the calls upon me are very heavy. Next September, I shall be clear; I mean, September 180o. I have wrote to both Acton and the Queen about you. I do not think she likes Mr. Elliot; and, therefore, I VOL. ii. F wish 70 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS wish she had never shewn him my letters about you. We also know, that he has a card of his own to play. Dr. Scott, who is a good man al- though, poor fellow ! very often wrong in the head is going with Staines, in the Cameleon, just to take a peep at Naples and Palermo. I have intro- duced him to Acton, who is very civil to every body from me. The Admiralty proceedings towards me, you will know much sooner than I shall. I hope they will do the thing handsomely, and allow of my return in the spring; but, I do not expect it. I am very uneasy at your and Ho- ratia being on the coast: for you can- not move, if the French make the at- tempt; which, I am told, they have done, TO LADY HAMILTON. ?1 done, and been repulsed. Pray God, it may be true! I shall rejoice to hear you and Ho- ratia are safe at Merton; and happy shall I be, the day I join you. Ga?i- nam Just cm. Gaetano is very grateful for your remembrance of him. Mr. Chevalier is an excellent servant. William says, he has wrote twice; I suppose, he thinks that enough. This is written within three miles of the fleet in Toulon, who are looking very tempting. Kind regards to Mrs. Cadogan, Charlotte, &c. and compli- ments to all our joint friends ; for they are no friends of mine, who are not friends to Emma. God bless you, again and again ! Captain Hardy has not been very well: and, I fancy, Admiral Murray F 2 will 72 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS will not be sorry to see England ; espe- cially, since he has been promoted * * *##******#** he expects his flag may get up. God bless you, my dearest Emma; and, be assured, 1 am ever most faith- fully your's. LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 73 LETTER LIV. Victory, September 29th, 1804. THIS day, my dearest Emma, which gave me birth, I con- sider as more fortunate than common days ; as, by my coming into this world, it has brought me so intimately acquainted with you, who my soul holds most dear. I well know that you will keep it, and have my dear Horatia to drink m'y health. Forty-six years of toil and trouble! How few more, the common lot of mankind leads us to expect ; and, therefore, it is almost F 3 time 74 LOUD NELSON'S LETTERS time to think of spending the few last years in peace and quietness ! By this time, I should think, either my successor is named, or permission is granted me to come home ; and, if so, you will not long receive this letter before I make my appearance: which will make us, I am sure, both truly happy. We have had nothing, for this fort- night, but gales of easterly winds, and heavy rains; not a vessel of any kind, or sort, joined the fleet. I was in hopes Dr. Scott would have returned from Naples; and that I could have told you something com- fortable for you, from that quarter: and it is now seven weeks since we heard from Malta. Therefore, I know nothing of what is passing in the world. I would TO LADY HAMILTON. 75 I .would not have you, my dear Emma, allow the work of brick and mortar to go on in the winter months. It can all be finished next summer; when, I hope, we shall have peace, or such an universal war as will upset that vagabond, Buonaparte. I have been tolerable well, till this last bad weather, which has given me pains in my breast ; but, never mind, all will be well when I get to Merton. Admiral Campbell, who is on board, desires to be remembered to you. He does not like much to stay here, after my departure. Indeed, we all draw so well together in the fleet, that I flatter myself the sorrow for my depar- ture will be pretty general. Admiral Murray will be glad to get home; Hardy is as good as ever ; and Mr. Secretary Scott is an excellent man. F 4 God 76 L6RD NELSON'S LETTERS God bless you, my dearest Emma ! and, be assured, I am ever your most faithful and affectionate N. & B. Kiss dear Horatia. I hope she is at LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 77 LETTER LV. Victory, October 7, [1804.] 2 P. M. you, my Dear- est Emma, this morning, by way of Lisbon; but a boat, which is going to Torbay, having brought out a cargo of potatoes, will I think get home before the Lisbon packet. I shall only say Guzelle Gannam Just em and that I love you beyond all the world ! This may be read by French, Dutch, Spanish, or Englishmen ; for it comes from 78 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS from the heart of, my Emma, your faithful and affectionate NELSON & BRONTE. I think the gentry will soon come out. I cannot say more by such a conveyance. LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 79 LETTER LVI. Victory, October 13, 1804. MY DEAREST EMMA, THE dreadful effects of the yellow fever, at Gibraltar, and many parts of Spain, will naturally give you much uneasiness; till you hear that, thank God, we are entirely free from it, and in the most perfect health, not one man being ill in the fleet. The cold weather will, I hope, cure the disorder. Whilst I am writing this letter, a cut- ter is arrived from England with strong indications of a Spanish war. I hope, 80 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS I hope, from my heart, that it will not prove one. But, however that is, my die is cast; and, long before this time, I expect, another Admiral is far on his way to supersede me. Lord Keith, I think a very likely man. I should, for your sake, and for many of our friends, have liked an odd hundred thousand pounds; but, never mind. If they give me the choice of staying a few months longer, it will be very handsome; and, for the sake of others, we would give up, my dear Emma, very much of our own felicity. If they do not, we shall be happy with each other, and with dear Horatia. The cutter returns with my answers directly ; therefore, my own Emma, you must only fancy all my thoughts and feelings towards you. They are every thing which a fond heart can fancy. I have TO LADY HAMILTON. 81 I have not a moment ; I am writing and signing orders, whilst I am writing to my own Emma. My life, my soul, God in Heaven bless you ! Your letter is September 16th, your last is August 2?th. I have not made myself understood, about Mrs. Bolton's money. You give away too much. Kiss our dear Horatia a thousand times, for your own faithful Nelson. I send two hundred pounds, keep it for your own pocket money. You must tell Davison, and Hasle- wood, that I cannot answer their let- ters. Lin ton cannot be fixed; but you will know whether I come home, or stay, from Mr. Marsden. God bless you ! Tell my brother, that I have made Mr. 82 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS Mr. Yonge a Lieutenant, into the Sea- horse frigate, Captain Bo^le. Once more, God bless my dearest Emma! Write your name on the back of the bill, if you send any person for the money. I have scrawled three lines to Davi- son, that he should not think I neg- lected him in his confinement. I have received the inclosed from Allen. Can we assist the poor foolish man with a character ? LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 83 LETTER LVIL Victory, November 23, 1804. As all our communica- tion with Spain is at an end, I can now only expect to hear from my own dear Emma by the very slow mode of Admiralty vessels, and it is now more than two months since the John Bull sailed. I much fear, something has been taken ; for they never would, I am sure, have kept me so long in the dark. However, by management, and a por- tion of good luck, I got the account from 84 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS from Madrid in a much shorter space of time than I could have hoped for ; and I have set the whole Mediterra- nean to work, and think the fleet can- not fail of being successful : and, if I had had the spare troops at Malta at my disposal, Minorca would at this mo- ment have had English colours flying. This letter, my dearest beloved Em- ma, goes although in Mr. Marsden's letter such a roundabout way, that I cannot say all that my heart wishes. Imagine every thing which is kind and affectionate, and you will come near the mark. Where is my successor? I am not a little surprised at his not arriving! A Spanish war, I thought, would have hastened him. Ministers could not have thought that I wanted to fly the service, my whole life has proved the contrary : TO LADY HAMILTON, 85 contrary; and, if they refuse me now: I shall most certainly leave this coun- try in March or April ; for a few months rest I must have, very soon. If I am in my grave, what are the mines of Peru to me! But, to say the truth, I have no idea of killing myself. I may, with care, live yet to do good service to the state. My cough is very bad ; and my side, where I was struck on the 14th of Fe- bruary, is very much swelled ; at times, a lump as large as my fist, brought on, occasionally, by violent coughing : but, I hope, and believe, my lungs are yet safe. Sir William Bolton is just arrived from Malta. I am preparing to send him a cruise 1 , where he will have the best chance I can give him of making ten thousand pounds. He is a very attentive, good, young man. VOL. n. G I have 86 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS I have not heard from Naples this age. I have, in fact, no small craft to send for news. If I am soon to go home, I shall be with you before this letter. May God bless you! Thomson desires to be most kindly remembered to his dear wife and chil- dren. He is most sincerely attached to them, and wishes to save what he can for their benefit. As our means of communicating are cut off, I have only to beg that you will not believe the idle rumours of battles, &c. &c. &c. May Heavens bless you! prays, fer- vently, my dear Emma, ever your most faithful and affectionate NELSON & BRONTE, LETTER TO LADY HAMILTON. 8? LETTER LVin. Victory, March 9th, 1806. I DO assure you, my Dearest Emma, that nothing can be more miserable, or unhappy, than your poor Nelson. From the 19th of February, have we been beating from Malta to off Palma; where I am now anchored, the wind and sea being so very con- trary and bad. But I cannot help myself, and no one in the fleet can feel what I do: and, to mend my fate, yesterday Captain Layman arrived G 2 to 88 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS to my great surprise not in his brig, but in a Spanish cartel; he having been wrecked off Cadiz, and lost all the dispatches and letters. You will conceive my disappoint- ment! It is now from November 2d, that I have had a line from England. Captain Layman says he is sure the letters are sunk, never to rise again ; but, as they were not thrown overboard until the vessel struck the rock, I have much fear that they may have fallen into the hands of the Dons. My reports from off Toulon, state the French fleet as still in port; but, I shall ever be uneasy at not having fallen in with them. I know, my dear Emma, that it is in vain to repine; but my feelings are alive to meeting those fellows, after near two years hard service. What TO LADY HAMILTON. 89 ;What a time! I could not have thought it possible that I should have been so long absent; unwell, and un- comfortable, in many respects. However, when I calculate upon the French fleet's not coming to sea for this summer, I shall certainly go for dear England, and a thousand [times] dearer Merton. May Heavens bless you, my own Emma ! I cannot think where Sir William Bolton is got to; he ought to have joined me, before this time. I send you a trifle, for a birth-day's gift. I would to God, I could give you more; but, I have it not! I get no prize-money worth naming ; but, if I have the good fortune to meet the French fleet. I hope they will make me amends for all my anxiety ; which has been, and is, indescribable. G 3 How 90 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS How is my dear Horatia? I hope you have her under your guardian wing, at Merton. May God bless her! Captain Layman is now upon his trial. I hope he will come clear, with honour. I fear, it was too great confi- dence in his own judgment that got him into the scrape; but it was im- possible that any person living could have exerted himself more, when in a most trying and difficult situation. March 10th. Poor Captain L. has been cen- sured by the court : but, I have my own opinion. I sincerely pity him ; and have wrote to Lord Melville, and Sir Evan Nepean, to try what can be done. All together, I am much un- hinged. To-morrow, TO LADY HAMILTON. 91 To-morrow, if the wind lasts, I shall be off Toulon. Sir William Bolton is safe, I heard of him this morning. I hear, that a ship is coming out for him ; but, as this is only rumour, I cannot keep him from this opportunity of being made post : and, I dare say, he will cause, by his delay, such a tumble, that Louis's son, who I have appointed to the Childers, will lose his promotion ; and, then Sir Billy will be wished at the devil ! But, I have done with this subject; the whole history has hurt me. Hardy has talked enough to him, to rouze his lethargic disposition. I have been much hurt at the loss of poor Mr. Girdlestone ! He was a good man ; but there will be an end of us all. AVhat has Charles Connor been about? His is a curious letter! If o4 he 92 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS he does not drink, he will do very well. Captain Hilliar has been very good to him. Colonel Suckling, I find, has sent his son to the Mediterranean ; taking him from the Narcissus, where I had been at so much pains to place him, I know not where to find a frigate to place him. He never will be so well and properly situated again. I am more plagued with other people's business, or rather nonsense, than with my own concerns. With some difficulty, I have got Suckling placed in the Ambuscade, with Captain Durban, who came on board at the moment I was writing. March 31st. The history of Suckling will never be done. 1 have this moment got ' from TO LADY HAMILTON. 93 from him your letter, and one from his father. I shall say nothing to him ; I don't blame the child, but those who took [him] out of the most desirable situation in the navy. He never will get into such another advantageous ship: but, his father is a fool; and so, my dear Emma, that ends. The box which you sent me in May 1804, is just arrived in the Diligent store-ship. I have sent the arms to Palermo, to Gibbs. The clothes are very accept- able ; I will give you a kiss, for send- ing them. God bless you! Amen. U -f ,- April 1st. I am not surprised that we should both think the same about the kitchen ; and, it' I can afford it, I should like it to 94 LOUD NELSON'S LETTERS to be done : but, by the fatal example of poor Mr. Hamilton, and many others, we must take care not to get into debt; for, then, we can neither help any of our relations, and [must] be for ever in misery! But, of this, we [will] talk more, when we walk upon the poop at Merton. Do you ever see Admiral and Mrs. Lutwidge? You will not forget me when you do. To Mrs. Cadogan, say -every thing that is kind ; and to all our other friends: and, be assured, I am, for ever and ever, your's, and only your's, NELSON & BRONTE. As I know that all the Mediter- ranean letters are cut and smoaked, and TO LADY HAMILTON. 95 and perhaps read, I do not send you a little letter in this; but your utmost stretch of fancy cannot imagine more than I feel towards my own dear Emma. God bless you! Amen. LETTER 96 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS LETTER L1X. Victory, off Plymouth, September 17th, [1805.] Nine o'Clock in the Morning. Blowing fresh at W.S.W. dead foul wind. I SENT, my own Dear- est Emma, a letter for you, last night, in a Torbay boat, and gave the man a guinea to put it in the Post-Office. We have had a nasty blowing night, and it looks very dirty. I am now signalizing the ships at Plymouth to join me; but, I rather doubt their ability to get to sea. How- ever, I have got clear of Portland, and have TO LADY HAMILTON. 97 have Cawsand Bay and Torbaj under the lee. I intreat, my dear Emma, that you will chear up; and we will look forward to many, many happy years, and be surrounded by our children's children. God Almighty can, when he pleases, remove the impediment. My heart and soul is with you and Horatia. I got this line ready, in case a boat should get alongside. For ever, ever, I am your's, most devotedly, NELSON & BRONTE. Mr. Rose said, he would write to Mr. Bolton, if I was sailed; but, I have forgot to give him thfe direction : but I will send it, to-day. I think, I shall 98 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS shall succeed very soon, if not at this moment. Wednesday, September 18th, off the Lizard. I had no opportunity of sending your letter yesterday, nor do I see any prospect at present. The Ajax and Thunderer are joining; but, it is nearly calm, with a swell from the westward. Perseverance has got us thus far; and the same will, I dare say, get us on. Thomas seems to do very well, and content. Tell Mr. Lancaster, that I have no doubt that his son will do very well. God bless you, my own Emma! I am giving my letters to Black- wood, to put on board the first vessel he TO LADY HAMILTON. 99 he meets going to England, or Ire- land. Once more, Heavens bless you! Ever, for ever, your NELSON & BRONTE. LETTER 100 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS ' " Oc*' W05V' S y ,' ;**-"* kmts*l '* LETTER LX. JkJfJlivu^ * C i|va,a n ..ft*'*. Victory, October 1st, 180o. MT DEAREST EMMA, IT is a relief to me, to take up the pen, and write you a line ; for I have had, about four o'clock this morning, one of rny dreadful spasms, which has almost enervated me. It is very odd ! I was hardly ever better than yesterday. Freemantle stayed with me till eight o'clock, and I slept uncommonly well ; but, was awoke with this disorder. My opinion of its effect, some one day, has never altered. TO LADY HAMILTON. 101 altered. However, it is entirely gone off, and I am only quite weak. The good people of England will not be- lieve, that rest of body and mind is necessary for me ! But, perhaps, this spasm may not come again these six months. I had been writing seven hours yesterday; perhaps, that had some hand in bringing it upon me. I joined the fleet late on the evening of the 28th of September, but could not communicate with them until the next morning. I believe, my arrival was most wel- come; not only to the commander of the fleet, but also to every individual in it: and, when I came to explain to them the Nelson tauch, it was like an electric shock. Some shed tears, all approved " It was new, it was sin- " gular, it was simple !" and, from Ad- VOL. ii. H mirals 102 LORD NELSON'S LETTERS, &c. mirals downwards, it was repeated " It must succeed, if ever they will " allow us to get at them! You are, " my Lord, surrounded by friends " whom you inspire with confidence." Some may be Judas's; but the majo- rity are certainly much pleased with my commanding them. * ************ ****** ev4.-vM .x i SUPPLEMENT. SUPPLEMENT. INTERESTING LETTERS, ELUCIDATORY or s LADY HAMILTON VOL. n. letters FROM LORD NELSON, TO MISS HORATIA NELSON THOMSON, NOW MISS HORATIA NELSON, (Lord Nelson's Adopted Daughter;) AND MISS CHARLOTTE NELSON, (Daughter of the present Earl.) SUPPLEMENT. 107 irttrvs OF LORD NELSON, &c. TO MISS HORATIA NELSON THOMSON. Victory, April 13th, 1804. MY DEAR HORATIA, I SEXD you twelve books of Spanish, dresses, which you will let your guardian angel, Lady Hamilton, keep for you, when you are tired of looking at them. I am very glad to H 4 hear, 108 SUPPLEMENT, hear, that you are perfectly recovered; and, that you are a very good child. I beg, my dear Horatia, that you will always continue so; which will be a great comfort to your most affec- tionate NELSON & BRONTE, TO SUPPLEMENT, 109 TO MISS CHARLOTTE NELSON. Victory, April 19th, 1804. MY DEAR CHARLOTTE, I THANK you very much for your kind letters of January 3d, and 4th ; and I feel truly sensible of your kind regard for that dear little orphan, Horatia. Although her parents are lost; yet, she is not .without a fortune: and, I shall cherish her to the last moment of my life; and curse them who curse her, and Heaven bless them who bless her ! Dear 110 SUPPLEMENT. Dear innocent! she can have injured no one. I am glad to hear, that she is at* tached to you; and, if she takes after her parents, so she will, to those who are kind to her. I am, ever, dear Charlotte, your af- fectionate uncle, NELSON & BRONTE, iertets letters PROM ALEXANDER DAVISON, ESQ. TO LADY HAMILTON. ItJPPLEMENT. 113 letters OF ALEX. DAVISON, ESQ. I. [1804.J MY DEAR MADAM, I HAVE, equally with yourself, felt extremely uneasy all night, thinking on the letter, which is a very serious one ; and, until we re- ceive our next dispatches, I shall still feel every day more and more anxious. I rely on that kind Providence, which has hitherto sheltered him under every danger, upon the occasion. He 114 SUPPLEMENT* He was on the eve of engaging, for protection and preservation It is, indeed, an anxious moment ! I have long thought, a plan was in agitation regarding the Toulon fleet being given up; but, whether it was in contemplation at the period the last letter was written, I know not. I am rather disposed to think otherwise. The next packet will explain the whole; and, I trust, will relieve our minds of that burden, hardly support- able at present. I shall, this evening, go quietly into the country, and return to town about noon to-morrow : as I require air, and a little relaxation ; for I am, actually, overpowered with business. Your's? most truly, ALEX. DAVISON. Thursday Morning. II. MY SUPPLEMENT. 115 n. [1804.] MY DEAR MADAM, YESTERDAY, I wrote to you just in time to save the post: but, whether that letter, or even this, reach you, I have my doubts if they do not, you have only yourself to blame ; for I cannot, for the soul of me, make out the name of the place. You have been in such a hurry, when writing it, that it really is not legible ; and I do not sufficiently know Norfolk, to guess at it I did 116 SUPPLEMENT* I did yesterday, as I shall this imi- tate your writing, leaving it to the Post-Office gentlemen to find it out. I acquainted you, that I would take care to obey your wishes, and hold back your check on Coutts and Co. till such time as it would be quite con- venient to yourself, and you tell me to send it for payment. Your mind may be perfectly at ease on that score : as, indeed, it may in every thing in which you have to do with me though we do, now and then, differ a little in trifles ; but, not in es- sentials : having one, only one, object in mind, that of the comforts, and ul- timate happiness, of our dear your beloved Nelson ; for whom, what would you or I not do? What a world of matter is now in agitation! Every thing is big with events; 9UPPLEMEXT. 117 events ; and soon, very soon, I hope to see what I have long desired, and anxiously [been] waiting for an event to contribute to the glory, the inde- pendency, of our Nelson. I still hope, ere Christmas, to see him : that hope founded on the dar- ling expectation of his squadron falling in with a rich Spanish flotilla. I think, too, that the French fleet will now come out. I have written to our dear friend every information I have been able to collect, and have sent him a continua- tion of all the newspapers. It affords me particular pleasure, to hear you feel so happy in Norfolk. How is it possible it can be otherwise! seated, as you are, in the midst of the friends of your best friend; enjoying every kindness and attention in their VOL. ii. i power 118 SUPPLEMENT. power to shew to the favourite of their brother. I shall be very much rejoiced, when you come back, to talk over very in- teresting objects which our dear friend will now have to pursue. My best respects to your fire-side; and believe me, most sincerely, your's, ALEX. DAVISON. HI. Saturday, SUPPLEMENT. 119 III. Saturday, 22d September 1804. MY DEAR MADAM, EVER obedient to your lawful commands, I have implicitly obeyed your orders, in the purchase,, this morning, of Messrs. Branscomb and Co. four quarter lottery-tickets N 593. 10,376. 14,381. 20,457. Each, I hope, will come up prize; and i 2 b F-ti 120 SUPPLEMENT. be entitled to receive, at least, on the whole, twenty thousand pounds! I paid eighteen pounds eight shillings for them ; and I have written upon the back of each " Property of Lord Nel- " son, 22d September 1804. A. D." When I have the pleasure of seeing you, I shall deliver the trust over to you, to receive the bespoken said sum of twenty thousand pounds. What a glorious receipt will it be ! I am glad you received my letters, though I could not make out the name pf the place; the Post-Office runners are expert at it. What do you say to a Spanish war? I think, now, the breeze begins to freshen; and that the flames, at last, will succeed. I sent off, last night, a very long epistle to our dear Nelson. I am truly distressed SUPPLEMENT. 121 distressed at his not receiving my let- ters; though I can pretty well guess how to account for it, and in whose hands they were detained. Experience teaches us how better to guard against similar misfortunes; and, in future, I shall be cautious to whom I give my letters. So that I know the Hero of heroes is well, I care the less about letters ; knowing that writing, delivering, or re- ceiving them, will not, either in him or me, make the least alteration, or lessen our attachment or affection. I am pleased to see how happy you are in Norfolk. I wish you may not find it so fascinating, that the arrival of " Lord 'Nelson" at Merton would not induce you to [quit] the coun- tj!!! I beg \'ou will make my best respects i 3 acceptable 122 SUPPLEMENT. acceptable to every friend (real) of that invaluable man, Lord Nelson. Your's, most truly, ALEX. DAVISON. letter no ii LADY HAMILTON TO ALEXANDER DAMSON, ESQ. DKM5DKE Bar Lriydkip't Fern on Lard Ncbem. SUPPLEMENT. 125 letter or LADY HAMILTON, &c. daiges Street, [26tft Jmmmcry 18O5.} I HATE been very ill, my Dear Sir ; and am in bed with a cold, very bad cold indeed ! But, the moment I am better, I will call on yon. I am invited to dine with Mr. Hasle- wood to-morrow, but fear I shall not be able to go. I am very anxious about letters; but Admiral Campbell has told me, he thinks 126 SUPPLEMENT. thinks my dear Lord will soon be at home. God grant! for, I think, he might remove that stumbling-block, Sir John O ! Devil take him ! That Polyphemus should have been Nelson's : but, he is rich in great and noble deeds ; which t'other, poor devil ! is not. So, let dirty wretches get pelf, to comfort them ; victory belongs to Nelson. Not, but what I think money necessary for comforts; and, I hope, our, your's, and my Nelson, will get a little, for all Master O. I write from bed ; and you will see I do, by my scrawl. I send you some of my bad Verses on my soul's Idol. God bless you ! Remember, you will soon be free; and let that cheer you, that you will come out with even more friends than ever. I can only say, SUPPLEMENT. 127 say, I am your ever obliged, and grateful, EMMA HAMILTON. I long to see and know Nepean ! Why will you not ask me to dine with him en famille? f Yes. A.D. EMMA TO NELSON. I think, I hare not lost my heart ; Since I, with truth, can swear, At every moment of my life, I feel my Nelson there! If, front thine Emma's breast, her heart Were stolen or flown away ; Where! where! should she my Nelson's lore Record; each hippy dav t If, from thine Emma's breast, her heart Were stolen or flown away ; Where! where! should she engrave, my LOTC! Each tender word %ou say? Where '. 128 SUPPLEMENT. Where ! where ! should Emma treasure up Her Nelson's smiles and sighs ? Where mark, with joy, each secret look Of love, from Nelson's eyes? Then, do not rob me of my heart, Unless you first forsake it; And, then, so wretched it would be, Despair alone will take it. Letter Ittttl FROM LADY HAMILTON TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE HENRY ADDINGTON, sow VISCOUNT SIDMOUTH. SUPPLEMENT. 131 Xcttrr OF LADY HAMILTON, &c. April 13th, [1803J SIfi, MAT I trouble you, and but for a moment, in consequence of m j irreparable loss ; my ever-honoured husband, Sir William Hamilton, being no more! I cannot avoid it, I am forced to petition for a portion of his pension: such a portion as, in your wisdom and noble nature, may be approved; and so represented to our most gracious Sovereign, as being right. For, Sir, I am most sadly bereaved! I am 132 SUPPLEMENT. I am now in circumstances far below those in which the goodness of my dear Sir William allowed me to move for so many years ; and below those becom- ing the relict of such a public minister, who was proved so very long no less than thirty-six years and, all his life, honoured so very much by the con- stant friendly kindness of the King and Queen themselves: and, may I men- tion what is well known to the then administration at home how I, too, strove to do all I could towards the service of our King and Country. The fleet itself, I can truly say, could not have got into Sicily, but for what 1 was happily able to do with the Queen of Naples, and through her secret instruc- tions so obtained : on which depended the refitting of the fleet in Sicily; and, with that, all which followed so glori- ously SUPPLEMENT. 133 ously at the Nile. These few words, though seemingly much at large, may not be extravagant at all. They are, indeed, true. I wish them to be heard, only as they can be proved; and, being proved, may I hope for what I have now desired? I am, Sir, with respect more than I can well utter, your obedient servant, EMMA HAMILTON. VOL. ii. K Lfttrrs SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON, K.B. LADY HAMILTON. SrPPLBMEKT.. 137 Irttrrs OF SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON, K.R Ju.4 1792. WB arrived here, yester- day, in little more than five hours, and had nearly began with a disagreeable accident; for the King's horse took fright at the' guard, and his Majesty and horse were as near down as possi- ble. However, all ended well; and he was as gay as possible, yesterday. K 3 Our 138 SUPPLEMENT* Our first chasse has not succeeded; though there were two wolves, and many wild boars, in the Mena: but the king would direct how we should beat the wood, and began at the wrong end ; by which the wolves and boars escaped, and we remained without shooting power. However, ten or twelve boars have been killed, some how or other, and some large ones. The King's face is very long, at this moment ; but, I dare say, to-morrow's good sport will shorten it again. I was sorry, my dear Em. to leave you in affliction : you must harden yourself to such little misfortunes as a temporary parting ; but, I cannot blame you for having a good and ten- der heart. Believe me, you are in thorough possession of all mine, though I will allow it to be rather tough. Let strppLEMEirr. 139 Let us study to make one another as comfortable as we can ; and " banish " sorrow, till to-morrow:" and so on, every day. You are wise enough to see the line it is proper for you to take; and have, hitherto, followed it most rigorously: and I can assure you, that I have not the least doubt of your continuing in it. Amuse yourself as well as you can, as I am doing, whilst we are separate ; and the best news you can give me is, that you are well and happy. My cold is already better for having passed the whole day in the open air, and without human seccatura. Adieu ! my dear, dear Emma. I am, with my love to your good mother, your's ever, and faithfully, W.H. II. Persano, 140 SUPPLEMENT. II. Persano, Thursday, [Jan. 5th, 1792.] WE got home early, and I have not yet received your Daily Advertiser. No sport, again! In the midst of such a quantity of game, they have contrived to carry him far off, where there is none. He has no other com- fort, to-day, than having killed a wild cat ; and his face is a yard long. However, his Majesty has vowed vengeance on the boars to-morrow, and will go according to his own fan- cy ; and, I dare say, there will be a terrible slaughter. The SUPPLEMENT. 141 The last day, we are to keep all we kill; and, I suppose, it wiD be night before we get home. Yesterday, the courier brought the order of St. Stephano, from the Em- peror, for the Prince Ausberg, and the King was desired to invest him with it, As soon as the King received it. he ran into the Prince's room ; whom he found in his shirt, and without his breeches : and, in* that condition, was he deco- rated with the star and ribbon by his Majesty, who has wrote the whole cir- cumstance to the Emperor. Leopold may, perhaps, not like the joking with his first order. Such non- sense should, certainly, be done with solemnity ; or it becomes, what it really is, a little tinsel, and a few yards of broad ribbon. The Prince, emlre nous, is not very 142 SUPPLEMENT. wise; but he is a good creature, and we are great friends. I have wrote to Mrs. Dickinson. I forget whether you have, or not: if not, pray do it soon ; for, you know, she is a good friend of your's. I have just received your good letter. I am glad they have taken the Guarda patana's son-in-law. I insist upon Smith's letting the Regent of the Vicaria know of his having stabbed my porter. He ought to go to the gallies; and my honour is concerned, if this insult of- fered my livery is unnoticed. The girl had better cry, than be ill-used, and her father killed. Adieu, my sweet Em. Your's, with all my heart, W. H. III. Persano, SUPPLEMENT. III. pM.6th.1792.] I INCLOSE our friend. Knight's admirable letter to you. I cooki not refrain leading it; and, I am cure, it was his intention I should do so, baring left it unsealed. He is a fine fellow; it was worth going to Eng- land, to secure such a sensible friend. You will probably hare seen Gene- ral Werner last night ; this is Friday night, and he will hare told you I am We hare been out all day in the rain ; I killed none, and the King and party 144 SUPPLEMENT, party but few. Such obstinate bad weather I really never experienced, for so long a time together. You did perfectly right in buying the lamps; and I am glad the Prince asked to dine with you. I am sure, he was comfortably received by ybu. You see what devils [there 'are] in England ! They wanted to stir up something against me; but our con- duct shall be such as to be unattack- able: and I fear not an injustice from England. Twenty-seven years ser- vice having spent all the King's mo- ney, and all my own, besides running in debt, deserves something better than a dismission ! The King has declared, he will re- turn to Naples next Saturday se'n- night; so you know the worst, my dear Emma. Indeed, I shall embrace you SUPPLEMENT. 145 YOU most cordially ; for I would not be married to any woman, but your- self, on earth, for all the world. Lord A. Hamilton's son, you see, recommends a friend of his; who, I suppose, is arrived : if so, receive him well. Adieu, again ! Your's, ever, IV. Penuo, 146 SUPPLEMENT. IV. Persano, Saturday Night, [January 7th, 1792.] THIS has been one of the cruel days which attend the King's chasse. All the posts except the King's, Prince Ausberg, D'Onerato, and Priori bad. We have been out all day, in cold rain, without seeing a boar. The King has killed twenty-five, and a wolf; and the other good posts, in proportion. Why not rather leave us at home, than go out with the impossibility of sport? But we must take the good and bad, or give it up. Lamberg is too delicate for this bu- siness ; SUPPLEMENT. 147 he has been in bed, with a slight fever, all to-day. You wifl have another boar, to-day; which boar being a sow, I have made 3. bull! The sows are much better than the boars; so yon may keep some to eat at home, and dispose of the rest to your favourite English. I am glad all goes on so well. I never doubted your gaining every soul you approach. I am far from being angry at your feeling the loss of me so much! Nay, I am flattered; but, believe me, the time will soon come, that we shall meet. Tears pass seemingly in an instant; why, then, afraid of a few days? Upon the whole, we are sociable here; but we go to bed at nine, and get up at five o'clock. I generally read 148 SUPPLEMENT. read an hour, to digest my supper; but, indeed, I live chiefly on bread and butter. Salandra desires his compliments to you, as does Lamberg and Prince Ausberg. Adieu, my dear Emma! Ever your's, and your's alone, W. H. I send you back your two letters. Dutens was very satisfactory. I send the papers to Smith; who will give them to you first, if you have not read them. The cold and fatigue makes my hand something like your's which, by .the bye, you neglect rather too much : but, as what you write is good sense, every body will forgive the scrawl. V, Sunday SUPPLEMENT. 149 Sunday Night, [Jan. 8th, 1792.] WE are come in late; and I have but a moment to tell you we are well, and I have killed three large boars, a fox, and four woodcocks. Nothing pleases me more, than to hear you do not neglect your singing. It would be a pity, as you are near the point of perfection. Adieu, my. dearest Emma! Your's, with my whole soul, W.H. VOL. ii. L VI. Persano, 150 SUPPLEMENT, VI. Persano, [Monday] January 10th, [9th] 1792. YOUR letter of yesterday, my Sweet Em. gave me great pleasure; as, I see, all goes on perfectly right for you at Naples. Your business, and mine, is to be civil to all, and not enter into any party matters. If the Wilkinsons are not content with our civilities, let them help themselves. We have had a charming day, and most excellent sport. More than a hundred wild boars, and two wolves, have SUPPLEMENT. 151 have fallen. I killed five boars, truly monsters! and a fox. Vincenzo could not follow me to- day ; he cannot walk two steps, with- out being out of breath. However, I load the guns myself; and, with the peasant I brought from Caserta, and another I hire here, I do very well. I fear, poor Vincenzo will not hold long. If he chooses it, I mean to send him to Naples, to consult Noody [Nudi.] General Werner, Prince of Hesse, and Count Zichare, are here since last night ; they brought me your compli- ments. Lamberg is still confined. Amuse yourself, my dearest Emma, and never doubt of my love. Your's, ever, W. H. L 2 VIL Persano, 152 SUPPLEMENT. VII. Persano, [Tuesday] Jan. 10th, 1792. THE day has been so thoroughly bad, that we have not been able to stir out; and the King, of course, in bad humour. I am not sorry to have a day's repose, and I have wrote my letters for to-morrow's post. Lamberg is still in bed with a fever, and Prince Ausberg's eyes are a little in- flamed with cold and fatigue. My cold was renewed a little yesterday; but a good night's rest, and quiet to-day, has set all to rights again. Vincenzo SUPPLEMENT. 153 Vincenzo was so bad, yesterday. that he could not follow me, and was blooded. He is better, to-day; bat te wifl never serve more, except to load my guns at the post. He cannot walk a mile, without being ont of breath. I am glad you have been at the Aca- demy, and in the great world. It is time enough for you to find out, that the only real comfort is to be met with at home; I have been in that secret some time. You are, certainly, the most domes- tic young woman I know : but you are young, and most beautiful; and it would not be natural, if you did not like to shew yourself a tittle in public. The effusion of tenderness, with re- gard to me, in your letter, is very flattering ; I know the value of it, and L 3 will 154 SUPPLEMENT. will do all I can to keep it alive. We are now one flesh, and it must be our study to keep that flesh as warm and comfortable as we can. I will do all in my power to please you, and I do not doubt of your doing the same towards me. Adieu, my dearest Emma! Having nothing interesting to write, and as you insist upon hearing from me every day, you must content yourself with such a stupid letter as this. Your Ladyship's commands shall always be punctually obeyed by, dear Madam, your Ladyship's most obe- dient and faithful servant, W. HAMILTON. VIII. Persano, vm. I HAV just received jour letter and, as I always do with infi- nite pleasure. I hope yon received twelve wood- biddies, to-day; and, to-morrow, you wrffl have a wild boar: all kit to jour discretion. No talk of returning, yet. We must complete sixteen days shooting., and one daj has been lost by bad weather. We had a good day, and tolerable sport. I have kiBed two, and one the largest boar I have seen yet here, i 4 156 SUPPLEMENT. Vincenzo, they say, will be well in a day or two, as it is only a cold ; I fear, it is more serious. The King has killed twenty-one boars to-day, and is quite happy. The Germans all drink tea with me every evening. Lamberg is better. Adieu, my ever dear Emma! We are always in a hurry; though we have, absolutely, nothing to do, but kill, examine, and weigh, wild boars. I assure you, that I shall rejoice when I can embrace you once more. A picture would not content me; your image is more strongly represented on my heart, than any that could be pro- duced by human art. Your most affectionate husband, W. H, IX. Persano, SITPP:LEM:E:ST- 157 IX. 1799.] NEVER put yourself in a hurry, my dear Emma. I hare got your two kind letters. Send for Gasparo; and give your or- ders, that the servants attend your call: and let him discharge them, if they do not. You are my better half, and may command. Translate this part of the letter to him. We have had good sport to-day, though the bad weather came on at eleven o'clock. Fifty-four wild boars hare been killed. I had seven shot ; and 158 SUPPLEMENT. and killed five, three of which are enormous. Dispose of the boar I send you to-day as you think proper. I always thought Ruspoli a dirty fel- low; but what has he done of late? As to your mother's going with you to the English parties, very well; but, believe me, it will be best for her, and more to her happiness, to stay at home, than go with you to the Neapolitan parties. The King is in good humour to-day, as I foretold. We continue to dine at eight at night, and have nothing from breakfast to that hour. But I give tea and bread and butter, of which Prince Ausberg and Lam berg partake with pleasure. The Prince, having no opportunity of making love, does no- thing but talk of his new flame, which is Lady A. Hatton. I put him right; for SUPPLEMENT. 159 for he thought she spelt her name with two rr, instead of two it. I rejoice at your having Aprile again ; pray, tell him so : for I know the rapid progress you will make under his care. My cold is near gone. The worst is, my room smokes confoundedly; and so do all the other rooms, except the King's. Adieu, my dear Emma! Amuse yourself as well as you can; and be- lieve me, ever, your's alone, with the utmost confidence, W. H. 160 SUPPLEMENT. X. Persano, Friday Night, [Jan. J3th, 1792.] WE have had a miserable cold day, but good sport. I killed two boars, and a doe ; the King, nineteen boars, two stags, two does, and a porcupine. He is happy beyond ex- pression. I send you Charles's letter ; but do not lose it, as I will answer it when I return. You see, the line we have taken will put it out of the power of our enemies to hurt us. I will give up my judgment of worldly matters to no one. I approve SUPPLEMENT. 161 I approve of all you do in my ab- sence ; but it would be nonsense, and appear affected, to carry your scruples too far. Divert yourself reasonably. I am sure of your attachment to me, and I shall not easily be made to alter my opinion of you. My cold is better, notwithstanding the weather. I have no time to in'gler; so, adieu! my dearest wife. Year's, W. H. P.S. Let Gasparo pay thirty du- cats, for the vase, to D. Andrea. By way of charity, we may give thirty ounces to that shabby dog, Hadrava; though he knows the picture is not worth more than ten at most. His writing to you in such a stile is 162 SUPPLEMENT. is pitiful indeed. You will often have such Jetters, if you do not tell him, now, that it is for once and all. XL Persano, SUPPLEMENT. 163 XI. Persano, Saturday, 14th Jan. [1792.J MY DEAR EMMA, I HAVE received a letter from Douglass; with one inclosed, from Mr. Durno; who, to my sur- prise, says, he has not received my order on Biddulph, Cockes, and Co. for one thousand five hundred and ninety pounds ; which, you know, I sent from Caserta. I find, in my book of letters, 20th of December, that I wrote, that day, a letter to Mr. Burgess, to deliver to Messieurs 164 SUPPLEMENT. Messieurs Biddulph and Co. to Lord Abercorn and to Mr. Durno, with the order inclosed. Pray, send for Smith ; and ask him, if he remembers having put such letters in the post, and let him inquire at the Naples post about them : and let him send the inclosed, by Tuesday's post, to Rome. I certainly will not give another order until this matter is cleared up. I fear some roguery. We have had a fine day, and killed numberless boars; a hundred and fifty, at least I have killed four, out of six shot ; and am satisfied, as one is a real monster the King, thirty D'Onerato, eighteen, and so on, the favoured shooters. Vincenzo is rather better, but not able to serve me. My SUPPLEMENT. 165 My best compliments to Alexander Hamilton. You did well, to invite Copley. Adieu ! my sweet Em. Ever your's* in deed and in truth, W. H. TOL. li. M XII. Persano, 166 SUPPLEMENT. XII. Persano, Sunday, Jan. 15, 1792. You did admirably, my Dear Em. in not inviting Lady A. H. to dine with the Prince; and still better, in telling her, honestly, the reason. I have always found, that going straight is. the best method, though not the way of the world. You did, also, very well, in asking Madame Skamouski; and not taking upon you to present her, without leave. In short, consult your own good sense, and do not be in a hurry ; and, I am sure, you will always act right. We SUPPLEMENT. 167 We have been at it again, this morn- ing* and killed fifty boars; but were borne to dinner, at one o'clock: and this is the first dinner J have had, since I left you ; for I cannot eat meat breakfasts or suppers, and have abso- lutely lived on bread and butter and tea. As the Prince asked you, you did well to send for a song to Douglass's; but, in general, you will do right to sing only at home. The King is very kind to me, and shews every one that he really loves me: and he commends my shooting; having missed but very few, and killed the largest of the society. Only think of his not being satisfied with killing more than thirty, yesterday ! He said, if the wind had favoured him, he should have killed sixty at least. M 2 We 168 SUPPLEMENT. We must be civil to Mr. Hope, as recommended by Lord Auckland ; and also to Monsieur de Rochement, and Prince Bozatinsky, as recommended by my friend Saussure. I inclose his letter, as you are mentioned in it; also Knight's, as you desire. God knows, we have no secrets; nor, I hope, ever shall. We have much business between this and Saturday: and we are to shoot, Saturday morning; so that we shall arrive late. What say you to a feet washing that night ? che Gusto ! when your prima ora is over, and all gone. Adieu, my sweet Emma! Ever your's, W. H. XIII. Persano, SUPPLEMENT. 169 XIII. Penauo, Mooday Night, [Jan. 16th, 1792.] FOR jour long and inte- resting letter, I can only write a line, to tell you I am well. AVe have been out, till an hour in the night, from day-break ; and I have fired off my gun but once, having had a bad post. The King, and favoured party, have diverted themselves. To- morrow will, probably, be a good day for me. Pray, let Smith get orders for the Museum, &c. for Lord Boyle and Mr. M 3 Dodge, 170 SUPPLEMENT. Dodge, as they are recommended by Mr. Eden. Adieu, my lovely Emma ! Let them all roll on the carpet, &c. provided you are not of the party. My trust is in you alone. Your's, ever, W. EL XIV. Persan*, SUPPLEMENT. 171 XIV. Persano, Tuesday Night, [Jan. 17, 1792.] I TOLD you, my Dear Em. that I expected good sport to- day! I have killed five boars, and two great ones got off after falling; two bucks ; six does; and a hare: four- teen in all. By the bye, I must tell you, that accept and except are totally different. You always' write " I did not except " of the invitation ;" when, you know, it should be " accept" It is, only, for want of giving yourself time to think ; M 4 but 172 SUPPLEMENT, but, as this error has been repeated, J thought best to tell you of it. Pray, write a very kind letter to our friend the Archbishop ; and convince him, that Emma, to her friends, is unalterable. Do not say a word about the telescope ; for, I must try it, first, against mine. If it should be better, I cannot part with it, as you know how much use we make of a tele- scope. The King has killed eighty-one ani- mals, of one sort or other, to-day ; and, amongst them, a wolf, and some stags. He fell asleep in the coach ; and, waking, told me he had been dreaming of shooting. One would have thought, he had shed blood enough. This is a heavy air; nobody eats with appetite, and many are ill with colds, We SUPPLEMENT. 173 ! We shall be home on Saturday; and, indeed, my sweet Emma, I shall be most happy to see you. To-morrow, we go to a mountain ; but no great expectation of sport, Your's, ever, my dear wife, W. H, XV. Persano, 174 SUPPLEMENT. XV. Persano, Wednesday, [Jan. 18th, 1792.] IT was not your white and silver, alone, that made you look like an angel, at the Academy. Sup- pose you had put it on nine parts out of ten of the ladies in company, would any one have appeared angelic ? I will allow, however, that a beauti- ful woman, feeling herself well dressed, will have a sort of confidence, which will add greatly to the lustre of her eye : but take my word, that, for some years to come, the more simply you dress, the more conspicuous will be your beauty ; SUPPLEMENT. beauty; which, according to my idea, is the most perfect I have yet met with, take it all in all. It is long-faced day with the King. We went far ; the weather was bad ; and, after all, met with little or no game : I did not fire off my gun. Yesterday, when we brought home all we killed, it filled the house, com- pletely ; and, to-day, they are obliged to white-wash the walls, to take away the blood. There were more than four hundred ; boars, deer, stags, and all. To-morrow, we are to have another slaughter; and not a word of reason or common sense do I meet with, the whole day, till I retire to my volumes of the old Gentleman's Magazine, which just keeps my mind from starving. Except to-day, on a mountain, I have never felt the least appetite ; there, I eat 176 SUPPLEMENT. J eat the wings of a cold chicken with pleasure. Hamilton is delighted with your civilities. He has wrote me a long let- ter, I do not mean to keep pace with him in writing ; so, send him a line or two, only, in answer. I do not recollect the name of Ma- rino Soolania ; and, if I received a let-, ter from him, it was in the hurry of my arrival, and is lost: so that Smith may desire the Dutch Consul to desire him to write again, and I will answer. I always rejoice when I find you do not neglect your singing. I am, I own, ambitious of producing something ex^ traordinary in you, and it is nearly done. Adieu ! my sweet Em. I rejoice that the time of our re-union is so near Saturday night ! W. H. XVI. Venasso, SUPPLEMENT. 177 XVI. Venasso, Friday, 27th January 1794. MY DEAR EM. By having grumbled a little, I got a better post to-day ; and have killed two boars and a sow, all enormous. I hare missed but two shot since I came here ; and, to be sure, when the post is good, it is noble shoot- ing! The rocks, and mountains, as wild as the boars. The news you sent me, of poor Lord Pembroke, gave me a little twist ; but I have, for some time, perceived, that my friends, with whom I spent my younger 178 SUPPLEMENT, younger days, have been dropping around me. Lord Pembroke's neck was very short, and his father died of an apo- plexy. My study of antiquities, has kept me in constant thought of the perpetual fluctuation of every thing. The whole art is, really, to live all the days of our fife ; and not, with anxious care, dis- turb the sweetest hour that life affords which is, the present ! Admire the Creator, and all his works, to us incom- prehensible : and do all the good you can upon earth ; and take the chance of eternity, without dismay. You must tell the Archbishop, that he will have theLeyden gazettes a week later ; as I cannot read thern time enough to send by this messenger. The weather is delightful ; and, I believe, SUPPLEMENT. 179 believe, we shall have done all our bu- siness, so as to return on Thursday. Pray, find out if the Queen goes to Caserta. Here, all is a profound secret. I must work hard, myself, at trans- lating, when I return ; for I believe the language-master totally incapable of it. I dined, this morning, at nine o'clock; and, I think, it agreed better with me than tea. I found myself growing weak, for want of a good meal, not daring to eat much at supper. Adieu, my sweet love! adieu. Di- vert yourself I shall soon be at you again. Yowr's, ever, W. H XVH Burforf, 180 SUPPLEMENT* XVII. Burford, Eighty Miles from London. Saturday Night, [July 27th, 1801.] HERE we are, my Dear Emma, after a pleasant day's journey ! No extraordinary occurrence. Our chaise is good, and would have held the famous " Triajuncta in Uno" very well : but, we must submit to the cir- cumstances of the times. Sir Joseph Bankes we found in bed with the gout : and, last night, his hot- house was robbed of its choicest fruit peaches and nectarines. Amuse yourself as well as you can ; and you may be assured, that I shall return SUPPLEMENT. 181 return as soon as possible, and you shall hear from me often. Ever jour's, my dear Emma, with the truest affection, WM. HAMILTON. My kindest love to my Lord, if he is not gone. P. 5. Corn, at this market, fell fifteen pounds a load to-day. VOL. ii. Lettrrs letters SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON, K.B. LORD NELSON. SUPPLEMENT. 185 letters OF SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON, K.B. **. I. (ITrite fc/hre o* ITujo^* Naples, March 26th, 1796. MY DEAR SIR, THE moment I received your letter of the llth of March from Leghorn, I went with it to General Acton: and, although I could not, from your letter only, in my Ministerial character, demand from this Court the sr 3 assistance 186 SUPPLEMENT. assistance of some of their xebecs, cor- vettes, &c. that are the fittest for going near shore; as I think, with you, that such vessels are absolutely necessary on the present occasion, I told his Ex- cellency that I trusted, as this go- vernment had hitherto shewn itself as sanguine in the good cause, and more so, than any of the allies of Great Britain, that he would lay your letter before the King at Naples ; and, with- out waiting for the demand which I should probably receive soon from Sir John Jervis, send you such small armed vessels as his Excellency thought would be proper for the service on which you are employed. The General, without hesitation t said that orders should be immedi- ately given for the preparing of such a flotilla, which should join you as soon as SUPPLEMENT. 187 as the weather would permit. At pre- sent, indeed, it is not very encouraging for row-boats. We wait a courier from Vienna, to decide the march of eight thousand eight hundred infantry, and artillery included, intended to join the Empe- ror's army in Italy : and, although the Grand Duke of Tuscany has refused the permission for these troops to march through his dominions, the King of Naples has told his son-in-law that, whenever the safety of Italy should require it, he would, nevertheless, march them through Tuscany; a liber- ty which the Emperor would likewise take, whenever the good of the service required it. However, the thousand cavalry sent from hence have taken their route, by Loretto, through the Pope's state. N 4 We 188 SUPPLEMENT. We have had, as I suppose you know, the Admirals Hotharn and Goodall here, for some weeks. I can, entre nous, perceive that my old friend Hotham is not quite awake enough for such a command as that of the King's fleet in the Mediterranean, although he appears the best creature imagi- nable. I did not know much of your friend Lord Hood, personally; but, by his correspondence with me, his activity and clearness was most conspicuous. Lady Hamilton and I admire your constancy, and hope the severe service you have undergone will be hand- somely rewarded. When I reported to Lord Grenville, in my last dispatch, the letter I re- ceived from you lately, I could not help giving you the epithet of " that " brave SUPPLEMENT. 189 " brave officer, Captain Nelson" If you do not deserve it, I know not who does. With our love to Sam, I am, ever, dear Sir, jour's, sincerely, WM. HAMILTON. II. Palermo, 190 SUPPLEMENT. II. Palermo, February 13th, 1799. MY LORD, HAVING received an ap- plication from this government, that they might be supplied with lead from on board the British merchants ships in this harbour, that have that article on board and that, without the help of about a hundred cantarra of lead, this country, and the common cause^ would be much distressed I am to beg of your Lordship to use your kind endeavours that this urgent want may be supplied as soon as possible: well understood, SUPPLEMENT. 191 understood, that the proprietors of this article should be perfectly satisfied with this government, as to the price of the lead, freight, &c. I have the honour to be, my Lord, jour Lordship's most obedient and most humble servant, WM. HAMILTON. III. Palermo, 192 SUPPLEMENT. III. Palermo, Sunday tfight late, near winding-up-watch hour, May 19th, 1799. MY VEEY DEAR LORD, TEN thousand thanks for your kind attention in sending us Hallowell's letter to Troubridge. It comforts us in one respect, as it flatters us with Commodore Duckworth's four ships joining you soon. But, I must own, from the junction of five Spanish ships and frigates, I now think, some- thing more than going into Toulon is intended, and that your Lordship may have a brush with them. God SUPPLEMENT. 195 God send you every success, that jour unparalleled Yirtues and bravery so well merit. Adieu, my dear Lord ! Your Lord- ship's truly affectionate, and eternally HAMILTON. 194 SUPPLEMENT. IV. Palermo, May 26th, 1799. MY DEAR LORD, WHILST Emma was wri- ting to your Lordship, I have been with Acton, to get a felucca, to send Ball's dispatch to you. It is of so old a date, that I make no doubt of Ball's having joined you before his dispatch reaches. I send your Lordship an interesting- letter I have just received from our Consul at Trieste : and Acton's answer to my yesterday's letter communicating your kind resolution of taking care of their SUPPLEMENT. their Sicilian Majesties and their king- doms; and which, jour Lordship will see, gives them great satisfaction. As to the fleet having been seen by the Towers near Messina, and to the westward I believe, it was your squa- dron. I send you, likewise, a strange rhap- sody from Lord Bristol : but something may be collected from it ; or, at least, it will amuse you, and you have leisure enough on board, which I have not on shore. Be so good as to send back that letter, and Graham's, by the first opportunity. Above all, take care of your health ; that is the -first of blessings. May God ever protect you ! We miss you heavily: but, a short time must clear up the business; and, we hope, bring you back to those who love and esteem 196 SUPPLEMENT. esteem you to the very bottom of their souls. Ever your affectionate friend, and humble servant, WM. HAMILTON. V. Palermo, SUPPLEMENT. 107 V. Palermo, June 17th, 1799* MY DEAR LORD, I AM happy to receive the packet from Major Magra, and which I shall instantly send to General Acton. Nothing has happened, worth telling you, since the few hours we have been separated. God bless you, my very dear friend ; and my mind tells me, that yon will soon have reason, either by good news, or by a proper reinforcement sent to you, to be in a much happier state of VOL. ii. o mind 198 SUPPLEMENT, mind than you could possibly be when you left us this morning. All looks melancholy without you. Ever, my dear Lord, your truly at- tached frieud, WM. HAMILTON. VI. Palermo. 5CPPLEMEXT. VI. Palermo, June 20th, 1?99. Eight o'Clock at Ni-ht. MY DEAR LORD, HAVING wrote fully by the felucca to-day, that went off at three o'clock and have not yet Gene- ral Acton's answer, with respect to what the Court would wish you to do when you hear how the French fleet is disposed of I have nothing to write by the transport. God bless yo.u ! And I hope, some- how or other, we shall meet again soon. My dear Lord,your's, most sincerely, WM. HAMILTON. o * VII. Piccadilly, 200 SUPPLEMENT. VII. Piccadilly, February 19th, 1801. MY DEAR LORD, WHETHER Emma will be able to write to you to-day, or not, is a question ; as she has got one of her terrible sick head-achs. Among other things that vex her, is that we have been drawn in to be under the abso- lute necessity of giving a dinner to ****** on Sunday next. He asked it himself; having expressed his strong desire of hearing Banti's and Emma's voices together. I am well aware of the danger that would attend ******* frequenting AKc kl%! H -.- our SUPPLEMENT. 201 our house. Not that I fear, that Emma could ever be induced to act contrary to the prudent conduct she has hitherto pursued ; but the world is so ill-natured, that the worst con- struction is put upon the most inno- cent actions. Vvjt fc'V^**.- As this dinner must be, or ****** would be offended, I shall keep it strictly to the musical part; invite only Band, her husband, and Taylor; and, as I wish to shew a civility to Davison, I have sent him an invitation. In short, we will get rid of it as well as we can, and guard against its pro- ducing more meetings of the same sort. Emma would really have gone any lengths, to have avoided Sunday's dinner. But 1 thought it would not be prudent to break with ******; o 3 %ha 202 SUPPLEMENT. who, really, has shewn the greatest civility to us, when we were last in England, and since we returned : and she has, at last, acquiesced to my opinion. I have been thus explicit, as I know well your Lordship's way of thinking; and yqur very kind attachment to us, and to every thing that concerns us. The King caught cold at the Chapel the other day, and there was no levee yesterday; and, to-day, the Queen alone will be at the drawing-room : and, I believe, the new ministry will not be quite fixed, until the levee-day next week. As to my business I have done all J can to bring it to a point. The pension recommended by Lord Grenville was only like Wai pole's a Nominal two thousand pounds. I have represented SUPPLEMENT. 203 represented the injustice of that after my having had the King's promise of not being removed from Naples, but at my own request; and having only empowered Lord Grenville to remove me, on securing to me a nett income of two thousand pounds per annum. Lord Grenville has recommended to the Treasury, the taking ray extra- ordinary expeuces into consideration. I have fully demonstrated, to Lord Grenville and Treasury, that eight thousand pounds is absolutely neces- sary for the clearing off my unfunded debt, without making up for my losses. Upon the whole, then, I do not ex- pect to get more than the nett annuity above mentioned, and the eight thou- sand pounds. But, unless that is granted, I shall, indeed, have been very ill-used! I hope, in my next, to o 4 be 204 SUPPLEMENT. be able to inform your Lordship that all has been finally settled. I am busy in putting in order the remains of my vases and pictures, that you so kindly saved for me on board the Fourdroyant; and the sale of them will enable me to go on more at my ease, and not leave a debt unpaid. But, unfortunately, there have been too many picture sales this year, and mine will come late. Adieu! my very dear Lord. May health and success attend you, wher- ever you go! And, I flatter myself, this political jumble may hasten a peace, and bring you back soon. Your Lordship's ever obliged, and most sincerely attached, friend and servant, WM, HAMILTON, VIIL Piccadilly, SUPPLEMENT. 305 VIII. Piccadilly, February 20th, 1801. MY DEAR LORD, You need not be the least alarmed, that Emma has com- missioned me to send you the news- papers; and write you a line, to tell you that she is much better having vomited naturally, and is now pur- posing to take a regular one of tartar emetic. All her convulsive complaints cer- tainly proceed from a foul stomach; and I will answer for it, she will be in 206 SUPPLEMENT. in spirits to write to you herself to- morrow. Adieu ! my very dear Lord. I have not a moment to lose, as the bell is going. Your ever attached and obliged humble servant, WM. HAMILTON, IX. Piccadilly, SUPPLEMENT. 20? IX. Piccadilly, March 7th, 1801. MY VERY DEAR LORD, I WISH it was in my power to profit of jour kind invitation ; you would soon see me and Emma on board the St. George: but I am now totally occupied in preparing for the sale of my pictures, and what I have saved of my vases. To my great satisfaction, I have found some of the most capital vases; and which I thought, surely, lost on board the Colossus. It has comforted me much. We remain in the same cruel state with \ 208 SUPPLEMENT. with respect to the King's recovery. There can be no doubt, but that his Majesty is better. However, if my conjectures are true, the Regency must soon take place : as it may be long be- fore his Majesty could be troubled with business, supposing even hisfever to have totally subsided ; and, the times admit of no delays. We see, now, the certainty of the French squadron's being in the Medi- terranean. God knows, how all this will end ! But I hope it will be your Lordship's lot to bring Paul to his senses. God send you every success; and send you home, safe and well, crowned with additional laurels! And then, I hope, you will repose your shattered frame; and make your friends happy, by staying with them. Emma SUPPLEMENT. 209 Emma is certainly much better, but not quite free from bile. Ever, my dear Lord, your Lordship's most attached, and eternally obliged, humble servant, WM. HAMILTON. X. Piccadilly. 210 SUPPLEMENT, X. Piccadilly, April 16th, 1801. \VHAT can I say, my Dear Lord ! that would convey the smallest idea of what we felt yesterday, on re- ceiving the authentic letters confirming your late most glorious victory : and read, in your own hand, that God had not only granted you complete success against the enemies of our country; but, in the midst of such perils, pre- vented your receiving the smallest scratch ! We can only repeat what we knew well, and often said, before that Nelson SUPPLEMENT. 211 Nelson was, is, and to the last will ever be, the first. However, we all agree that, when we get you safe home once more that you should never more risk your shat- tered frame. You have done enough, and are well entitled to the motto of Virgil " Hie Victor cctstus artemque rrpono" The famous Broughton, after he had beaten every opponent, that dared to measure hard blows with him, set up an ale-house the Broughton's Head in London, with the above verse of Virgil under it. Some years after, he was persuaded to accept the challenge of a coachman, and was beaten. Not that I mean to convey, that any such thing could happen to your Lord- ship; but, you have done enough. Let SUPPLEMENT, Let others follow your examples ; they will be remembered to the latest posterity. It appeared to me most extraordi- nary, that the 6th inst. the date of your last letter to Emma, the death of the Emperor Paul (which we have no doubt of here) should not be known at Copenhagen ! It appears to us that, as soon as that great event is known in Sweden and Denmark, with the severe blow you have just given the latter, the for- midable giant, Northern Coalition, will of itself fall to pieces; and that we shall have the happiness of embracing j^ou again here, in a very short time. You would have laughed to have seen what I saw yesterday ! Emma did not know whether she was on her head or heels in such a hurry to SUPPLEMENT. 213 to tell jour great news, that she could otter nothing but tears of joy and tenderness. I went to Davison yesterday morn- ing; and found him still in bed, having had a severe fit of the gout, and with your letter, which he had just received: and he cried like a child ! But, what was very extraordinary, assured me that, from the instant he had read your letter, all pain had left him, and that he felt himself able to get up and walk about. Your brother, Mrs. Nelson, and Ho- race, dined with us. Your brother was more extraordinary than ever. He would get up. suddenly, and cut a caper; rubbing his hands every time that the thought of your fresh laurels came into his head. In short, except myself, (and your VOL. ii. P Lordship SUPPLEMENT, Lordship knows that I have some phlegm) all the company, which was considerable, after dinner the Duke, Lord William, Mr. Este, &c. were mad with joy. Bat, I am sure, that no one really rejoiced more, at heart, than I did. I have lived too long to have extacies ! But, with calm reflec^ tion, J felt for my friend having got to the very summit of glory ! the " Ne " plus ultra r that he has had another opportunity of rendering his country the most important service ; and ma- nifesting, again, his judgment, his in* trepidity, and humanity. God bless you, my very dear Lord, and send you soon home to your friends. Enemies you have none, but those that are bursting with envy ; and such animals infest all parts of the \yorld. The SUPPLEMENT. 215 The King, be assured, is (though weak) getting well fast. Lord Lough- borough told Livingston, who has just been here, that he was with the King the day before yesterday, before and after delivery of the seals, and that he was perfectly calm and recollected. Ever your sincerely attached, and truly obliged, humble servant, WM. HAMILTON. p 2 XI. Milford, 216 SUPPLEMENT. XL Milford, August 12tb, 1801. MY DEAR LORD, EMMA has constantly given me every possible intelligence relative to your Lordship, and the im^ portant operations you are about at this most interesting moment. You have already calmed the minds of every body with respect to the threatened French invasion. In short, all your Lordship does is complete; like yourself, and nobody else. But still, I think, there is no occasion for the Commander in Chief to expose his person SUPPLEMENT* 217 person as much as you do. Why should you not have a private flag, known to your fleet and not to the enemy, when you shift it and go recon- noitring? Captain Hopkins, going from hence in the Speedwell cutter to join your Lordship, will be happy to introduce himself to you by presenting this letter himself. They give him a good cha^ raeter in this country, but my ac- quaintance with him is but of two days. I was yesterday with Captain Dob- bins, in the Diligence cutter. We sailed out of this glorious harbour ; and, the day being fine, sailed out some leagues* and examined the Crow Rock, which is reckoned the greatest danger as to entering the harbour. But the two light-houses lately erected take off all p 3 danger SUPPLEMENT. danger hi the night; and [it] is visible in the day-time, except a short time in spring tides. I am delighted with the improve- ments at Milford. It will surely be a great town, if we have peace, in three years; the houses rising up, like mush- rooms, even in these difficult times. We allow any one to build at their own expence at an easy ground-rent, and to fall in at the expiration of three lives, or sixty years. You may judge that, having two thousand acres all round the town, these inhabitants will want land for cows and horses, and gardens, &c. nd, of course, I must be a gainer in the end. I visited the two light-houses, and found them perfectly clean, arid in good order : and I never could conceive the SUPPLEMENT. the brilliant light that they give ; one has sixteen reflected lights, and the other ten. To-day, I go 'upon my last visit to Lord Mil ford ; and, on Saturday, set out for Piccadilly: and where I am not without hopes of meeting your Lord- snip; as I think, in the manner you dispatch business, you will have com- pleted all by Wednesday next, the day I shall probably be in London. Charles Greville's kind compliments. The name of Nelson is in every mouth; and, indeed, we owe every thing to your judgment and exertions. Adieu! God bless you. Ever your Lordship's affectionate friend, and obliged humble servant, WM. HAMILTON, p 4 XII. Piccadilly, 220 SUPPLEMENT. XII. Piccadilly, April 28th, 1802. MY DEAR LORD, EMMA says I must writ* a letter to you, of condolence for the heavy loss your Lordship has suffered. When persons, in the prime of life, are carried off by accidents or sickness or what is, I believe, oftener the case, by the ignorance and mistakes of the physicians then, indeed, there is rea- son to lament! But as, in the case of your good Father, the lamp was suffered to burn out fairly, and that his sufferings were not great ; and that, by his Son's glorious SUPPLEMENT. 221 glorious and unparalleled successes, he saw bis family ennobled, and with the . probability, in time, of its being amply rewarded, as it ought to have been long ago his mind could not be trou- bled, in his latter moments, on account of the family he left behind him : and, as to his own peace of mind, at the moment of his dissolution, there can be no doubt, among those who ever had the honour of his acquaintance. I have said more than I intended ; but dare say, your Lordship had nearly the same thoughts with the addition of the feelings of a dutiful Son, for the loss of a most excellent Father. It is, however, now as your Lord- ship is the Father of your Family in- cumbent upon you to take particular care of your own health. Nay, you are SUPPLEMENT. are, by the voice of the nation, its first prop and support. Keep up your spirits ; and, that you may long enjoy your well-earned ho- nours, is the sincere wish of your Lord- ship's affectionate friend, and attached humble servant, WM. HAMILTON. letters IKOM LORD NELSON TO SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON, K.B. SUPPLEMENT. 225 letters cnr LORD NELSON, &c. Bastia, May 34th, MY DEAR SIR, you have the good- ness to forward the inclosed to Mr. Brand, and to present my letter to Lady Hamilton? Every lover of his country will re- joice in our great and almost unex- ampled success, to the honour of my Lord Hood, and to the shame of those 226 SUPPLEMENT. those who opposed his endeavours to serve his country. General Stewart, I am happy to say, is just arrived. We shall now join, heart and hand, against Calvi. When conquered, I shall hope to pay my respects to your Excellency at Naples ; which will give real pleasure to your very faithful, and obliged, HORATIO NELSON. II. Agamemnon, SUPPLEMENT, 22? II. Agamemnon, Leghorn, March llth, 1796. SIR, MR. Wyndham having com- municated to Mr. Udney the conver- sation of the French minister with the Tuscans, I cannot, being intrusted by the Admiral with the command of the small squadron in the Gulph of Genoa, but think it right for me to beg that your Excellency will apply for such vessels of war belonging to his Sicilian Majesty, as may be judged proper to cruize in the Gulph of Genoa, and particularly off the point of the Gulph 228 SUPPLEMENT. Gulph of Especia. Xebecs, corvettes, and frigates, are the fittest to cruize; and the first have the great advantage of rowing, as well as sailing, I am told, very fast. General [Acton] knows, full as well as myself, the vessels proper to prevent the disembarkation of troops on this coast; therefore, I shall not particularly point them out. Last campaign, the word flotilla was misunderstood. I can only say, that all vessels which can sail and row must be useful; and, for small craft, Port Especia is a secure har- bour. Whatever is to be done, should be done speedily; for, by Mr. Wynd- ham's account, we have no time to lose. If we have the proper vessels, I am confident, SUPPLEMENT. 229 confident, the French will not be able to bring their ten thousand men by sea; and, should they attempt to pass through the Genoese territories, I hope the Austrians will prevent them : but, however, should all our precautions not be able to prevent the enemy's possessing themselves of Leghorn, yet we are not to despair. Fourteen days from their entry, if the allied powers unite heartily, I am confident, we shall take them all prisoners. I am confident, it can and, therefore, should such an unlucky event take place, as their possessing themselves of Leghorn, I hope, will be done. I have sent to the Admiral. I am, very lately, from off Toulon; where thirteen sail of the line, and five frigates, are ready for sea, and others fitting. VOL. ii. Q With 230 SUPPLEMENT. With my best respects to Lady Hamilton, believe me, dear Sir, your Excellency's most obedient servant, HORATIO NELSON. II. Vanguard, SUPPLEMENT. 231 Vanguard, Syracuse, July 20th, 1796. MY DEAR SIR, IT is an old saying, " The " devil's children have the devil's luck." I cannot find or, to this moment learn, beyond vague conjecture where the French fleet are gone to. All my HI fortune, hitherto, has proceeded from want of frigates. Off Cape Passaro, on the twenty- second of June, at daylight, I saw two frigates, which were supposed to be French; and it has been said, since, that a line-of-battle ship was to leeward w 2 of SUPPLEMENT. of them, with the riches of Malta on board. But it was the destruction of the enemy, and not riches for myself, that I was seeking : these would have fell to me, if I had had frigates; but, except the ship of the line, I regard not all the riches in this world. From my information off Malta, I believed they were gone to Egypt: therefore, on the twenty-eighth, I was communicating with Alexandria in Egypt; where I found the Turks pre- paring to resist them, but knew nothing beyond report. From thence I stretched over to the coast of Caramania; where, not speak- ing a vessel who could give me infor- mation, I became distressed for the kingdom of the Two Sicilies : and, having gone a round of six hundred leagues, at this season of the year, (with SUPPLEMENT. 233 (with a single ship, with an expedition incredible) here I am, as ignorant of the situation of the enemy as I was twenty-seven days ago ! I sincerely hope, the dispatches, which I understand are at Cape Pas- saro, will give me full information. I shall be able, for nine or ten weeks longer, to keep the fleet on active ser- vice, when we shall want provisions and stores. I send a paper on that subject, herewith. Mr. Littledale is, I suppose, sent up by the Admiral to victual us, and I hope he will do it cheaper than any other person: but, if I find out that he charges more than the fair price, and has not the provisions of the very best quality, I will not take them; for, as no fleet has more fag Q 3 than 234 SUPPLEMENT. than this, nothing but the best food, and greatest attention, can keep them healthy. At this moment, we have jiot one sick man in the fleet. In about six days, I shall sail from hence : and, if I hear nothing more of the French, I shall go to the Archi- pelago; where, if they are gone to- wards Constantinople, I shall hear of them, I shall go to Cyprus; and, if they are gone to Alexandretta, or any other part of Syria or Egypt, J shall get information, You will, I am sure, and so will our country, easily conceive what has passed in my anxious mind ; but I have this comfort, that I have no fault to accuse myself of ; this bears me up, and this only. I send you a paper, where a letter is SUPPLEMENT. 235 is fixed for different places : which I may leave at any place ; aod, except those who have the key, none can tell where I am gone to. The messenger is returned from Cape Passaro; and says, that your letters for me are returned to Naples. What a situation am I placed in! As yet, I can learn nothing of the enemy: therefore, I have no con- jecture but that they are gone to Sy- ria; and, at Cyprus, I hope to hear of them. If they were gone to the westward, I rely that every place in Sicily would have information for me ; for it is too important news to leave me in one moment's doubt about. I have no frigate, or a sign of one. Q 4 The 236 SUPPLEMENT. The masts, yards, &c. for the Vanguard, will I hope be prepared directly : for, should the French be so strongly se-r cured in port that I cannot get at them, I shall immediately shift my flag into some other ship, and send the Vanguard to Naples to be refitted ; for hardly any person but myself would have continued on service so long in such a wretched state. I want to send a great number of papers to Lord St. Vincent; but I durst not trust any person here to carry them, even to Naples. Pray, send a copy of my letter to Lord Spencer; he must be very anxious to hear of this fleet. I have taken the liberty of trou^ bling your Excellency with a letter for Lady Nelson. Pray, forward it for me; and believe me, with the greatest SUPPLEMENT. 23? greatest respect, jour most obedient servant, HORATIO NELSON. Sent on shore, to the charge of the Governor of Syracuse. IV. Vanguard, 238 SUPPLEMENT. IV. Vanguard, Syracuse, July 22d, 1798. MY DEAR SIR, I HAVE had so much said about the King of Naples's orders only to admit three or four of the ships of our fleet into his ports, that I am astonished ! I understood, that private orders, at least, would have been given for our free admission. If we are to be refused supplies, pray send me, by many vessels, an account, that I may in good time take the King's fleet to Gibraltar. Our treatment is scanda- lous, for a great nation to put up with; and SUPPLEMENT. 239 and the King's flag is insulted at every friendly port we look at. I am, with the greatest respect, your most obedient servant, HORATIO NELSON. P.S. I do not complain of the want of attention in individuals, for all classes of people are remarkably at- tentive to us. Sent on shore, to the charge of the Governor of Syracuse. V. Vanguard, 240 SUPPLEMENT. V. - Vanguard, Mouth of the Nile, August 8th, 1798. MY DEAR SIR, ALMIGHTY God has made me the happy instrument in destroying the enemy's fleet; which, I hope, will be a blessing to Europe. You will have the goodness to com- municate this happy event to all the courts in Italy ; for my head is so in- different, that I can scarcely scrawl this letter. Captain Capel, who is charged with my dispatches for England, will give you every information. Pray, put him SUPPLEMENT. 241 him in the quickest moderof getting home. You will not send, by post, any par- ticulars of this action, as I should be ' sorry to have A eny accounts get home before my dispatches. I hope there will be no difficulty in our getting refitted at Naples. Cullo- den must be instantly hove down, and Vanguard all new masts and bowsprit. Not more than four or five sail of the line will probably come to Naples ; the rest will go with the prizes to Gibraltar. As this army never will return, I hope to hear the Emperor has regained the whole of Italy. With every good wish, believe me, dear Sir, your most obliged and affec- tionate HORATIO NELSON. 9th 242 SUPPLEMENT. Oth August* I have intercepted all Buonaparte's dispatches going to France. This army is in a scrape, and will not get out of it. VI. August SUPPLEMENT. 243 VI. August 12th, 1798. MY DEAR SIR, As the greater part of this squadron is going down the Medi- terranean, we shall not want the quan- tity of wine or bread ordered; there- fore, what is not already prepared had better be put a stop to. I will settle all the matter, if ever I live to see Naples. I have the satisfaction to tell you, the French army have got a complaint amongst them caused by the heat, and 244 SUPPLEMENT. and nothing but water which will make Egypt the grave of the greatest part. Ever your's, faithfully, HORATIO NELSON. Vll. Vanguard, SUPPLEMENT. 245 VII. Vgimd, off Malta, October 24th, 1798. MY DEAR SIR. I AM just arrived off this place; where I found Captain Ball, and the Marquis de Niza. From those officers,, I do not find such an imme- diate prospect of getting possession of the town as the ministers at Naples seem to think. All the country, it is true, is in possession of the islanders ; and, I believe, the French have not many luxuries in the town; but, as yet, their bullocks are not eat up. The Marquis tells me, the islanders want arms, victuals, mortars, and can- VOL. n. R non. 246 SUPPLEMENT, non, to annoy the town. When I get the elect of the people on board, I shall desire them to draw up a memo- rial for the King of Naples, stating their wants and desires, which I shall bring with me. The Marquis sails for Naples to- morrow morning. Till he is gone, I shall not do any thing about the island ; but I will be fully master of that sub- ject before I leave this place. God bless you ! is the sincere prayer of HORATIO NELSON. V1I1. Vanguard, SUPPLEMENT. 247 VIII. Vanguard, off Malta, October 27th, 1796. MY DEAR SIR WILLIAM, ALTHOUGH I believe I shall be at Naples before the cutter, yet I should be sorry to omit acknow^ ledging your kind letter of the twenty- sixth. When I come to Naples, I can have nothing pleasant to say of the conduct of his Sicilian Majesty's ministers to- wards the inhabitants of Malta, who wish to be under the dominion of their legitimate Sovereign. The total neglect and indifference with which they have u 2 been 248 SUPPLEMENT. been treated, appears to me cruel iri the extreme. Had not the Eiiglish supplied fifteen hundred stand of arms, with bayonets, cartouch-boxes, and ammunition, &c. &c. and the Marquis supplied some few, and kept the spirit of those brave islanders from falling off, they must long ago have bowed again to the French yoke. Could you, my dear Sir William* have believed, after what General Acton and the Marquis de Gallo had said, in our various conversations re- lative to this island, that nothing had been sent by the Governor of Syra- cuse secretly (was the word to us) or openly to this island? And, I am farther assured, that the Governor of Syracuse never had any orders sent him to supply the smallest article. I SUPPLEMENT. 249 I beg your Excellency will state this, in confidence, to General Acton. I shall, most assuredly, tell it to the King ! The justice I owe myself, now I feel employed in the service of their Sicilian Majesties, demands it of me; and, also, the duty I owe our gracious King, in order to shew that I am doing my utmost to comply with his royal commands. As I have before stated, had it not been for the English, long, long ago, the Maltese must have been over- powered. Including the fifteen hun- dred stand of arms given by us, not more than three thousand are in the island. I wonder how they have kept on the defensive so long. The Emerald will sail in twenty- four hours after my arrival for Malta; at least, two thousand stand of small R 3 arms 250 SUPPLEMENT. arms complete, ammunition, Sec. &c. should be sent by her. This is wanted, to defend themselves : for offence, two or three large mortars; fifteen hundred shells, with all necessaries; and, per- haps, a few artillery two ten-inch howitzers, with a thousand shells. The Bormola, and all the left side of the harbour, with this assistance, will fall. Ten thousand men are required to de- fend those works, the French can only spare twelve hundred ; therefore, a vigorous assault in many parts, some one must succeed. But, who have the government of Naples sent to lead or encourage these people? A very good and, I dare say, brave old man; enervated, and shaking with the palsy. This is the sort of man that they have sent; with- out any supply, without even a pro- mise SUPPLEMENT. mise of protection, and without his bringing any answer to the repeated respectful memorials of these people to their Sovereign. I know, their Majesties must feel hurt, when they hear these truths. I may be thought presuming; but, I trust, General Acton will forgive an honest seaman for telling plain truths. As for the other minister, I do not under- stand him; we are different men! He has been bred in a court, and I in a rough element. But, I believe, my heart is as susceptible of the finer feel- ings as his, and as compassionate for the distress of those who look up to me for protection. The officer sent here should have brought supplies, promises of protec- tion, and an answer from the King to their memorials : he should have been n 4 a man 252 SUPPLEMENT. a man of judgment, bravery, and acti- vity. He should be the first to lead them to glory; and the last, when necessary, to retreat : the first to mount the walls of the Bormola, and never to quit it. This is the man to send. Such, many such, are to be found. If he succeeds, promise him rewards; my life for it, the business would soon be over. God bless you! I am anxious to get this matter finished. I have sent Ball, this day, to summon Goza ; if it resists, I shall send on shore, and batter down the castle. Three vessels, loaded with bullocks, &c. for the garrison, were taken yes- terday ; from Tripoli ten more are coming, but we shall have them. I had almost forgot to mention, that orders should be immediately given, that SUPPLEMENT. 253 that no quarantine should be laid on boats going to the coast of Sicily for corn. At present, as a matter of fa^ vour, they have fourteen days only. Yesterday, there was only four days bread in the island. Luckily, we got hold of a vessel loaded with wheat, and sent her into St. Paul's. Once more, God bless you ! and ever believe me, your obliged and affec^ tionate HORATIO NELSON. This day, I have landed twenty bar- rels of gunpowder (two thousand eight hundred pounds) at Malta. IX. Palermo, 254 SUPPLEMENT, IX. Palermo, January 10th, 1800. SIR, YOUR Excellency having had the goodness to communicate to me a dispatch from General Acton; together with several letters from Gir- ganti, giving an account that a violence had been committed, in that port, by the seizing, and carrying off to Malta, two vessels loaded with corn I beg leave to express to your Excellency my real concern, that even the appear- ance of the slightest disrespect should be offered, by any officers under my command, SUPPLEMENT. 255 command, to the flag of his Sicilian Majesty : and I must request your Ex- cellency to state fully to General Acton, that the act ought not to be considered as any intended disrespect to his Sici- lian Majesty ; but as an act of the most absolute and imperious necessity, either that the island of Malta should have been delivered up to the French, or that the King's orders should be anticipated for these vessels carrying their cargoes of corn to Malta. I trust, that the government of this country will never again force any of our Royal Master's servants to* so un- pleasant an alternative. I have the honour to be, with the greatest respect, your Excellency's most obedient and faithful servant, B. N. X. March $56 SUPPLEMENT. March 8th, 1800, MY DEAR SIR WILLIAM, I THANK you kindly for all your letters and good wishes. It is my determination, my health requi* ring it, to come to Palermo, and to stay two weeks with you. I must again urge, that four gun-* boats may be ordered for the service of Malta; they will most essentially assist in the reduction of the place, by preventing small vessels from getting in or out. I think, from the enemy, on the night SUPPLEMENT. 257 night of the fourth, trying and getting out for a short distance, a very fast- sailing polacca, that Vaubois is ex- tremely anxious to send dispatches to France, to say he cannot much longer hold out: and, if our troops, as Cap- tain Blackwood thinks, are coming from Gibraltar and Minorca, I have no idea the enemy will hold out a week. I beg General Acton will order the gun-boats. Troubridge has got the jaundice, and is very ill. As I shall so very soon see you, I shall only say, that I am ever, your obliged and affectionate BRONTE NELSON. XI. Palermo, 258 SUPPLEMENT, XI. Palermo, March 30th, 180. MY DEAR SIR WILLIAM, As, from the orders I have given, to all the ships under my command, to arrest and bring into port all the vessels and troops return- ing by convention with the Porte to France and as the Russian ships have similar orders I must request that your Excellency will endeavour to arrange with the government of this country, how in the first instance they are to be treated and received in the ports of the Two Sicilies: for, it is obvious, SUPPLEMENT. 259 obvious, I can do nothing more than bring them into port; and, if they are kept on board ship, the fever will make such ravages as to be little short of the plague. It is a very serious consideration for this country, either to receive them, or let them pass; when they would invade, probably, these kingdoms. In my pre- sent situation in the King's fleet, I have only to obey ; bad I been, as before, in the command, I should have gone one short and direct road to avert this great evil: viz. to have sent a letter to the French, and the Grand Vizir, in Egypt, that I would not, on any consideration, permit a single Frenchman to leave Egypt and I would do it at the risk of even creating a coldness, for the moment, with the Turks. Of two evils, choose the least; and nothing 260 SUPPLEMENT. nothing can be so horrid, as permit- ting that horde of thieves to return to Europe. If all the wise heads had left them to God Almighty, after the bridge was broke, all would have ended Well! For I differ entirely with my Commander in Chief, in wishing they were permit- ted to return to France ; and, likewise, with Lord Elgin, in the great import- ance of removing them from Egypt. No ; there they should perish ! has ever been the firm determination of your Excellency's most obedient and faith- ful servant, BRONTE NELSON OF THE NILE. XII. Palermo, SUPPLEMENT. 201 XII. Palermo, April 10th, 1800. MY DEAR SIR WILLIAM, REPORTS are brought to me, that the Spanish ships of war in this port are preparing to put to sea; a circumstance which must be pro- ductive of very unpleasant conse- quences, to both England and this country. It is fully .known, with what exact- ness I have adhered to the neutrality of this port; for, upon our arrival here, from Naples, in December 1798, VOL. ii. s from SUPPLEMENT. from the conduct of his Catholic Majesty's minister, I should have been fully justified in seizing those ships. We know, that one object of the Spanish fleet, combined with the French, was to wrest entirely from the hands of his Sicilian Majesty his kingdoms of the Two Sicilies. The Spaniards are, by bad councils, the tools of the French; and, of course, the bitter enemy of his Sicilian Ma- jesty and family. The conduct I have pursued towards these ships, circumstanced as they are, has been moderate, and truly consi- derate towards his Sicilian Majesty. The time is now come that, profit- ing of my forbearance, the Spanish ships are fitting for sea. It is not pos- sible, if they persist in their prepara- tions, SUPPLEMENT. 263 tions, that I can avoid attacking them, even in the port of Palermo; for they never can, or shall, be suffered to go to sea, and placed in a situation of assisting the French, against not only Great Britain, but also the Two Si- cilies. I have, therefore, to request, that your Excellency will convey my senti- ments on this very delicate subject to his Sicilian Majesty's ministers, that they may take measures to prevent such a truly unpleasant event happen- ing; which would be as much against my wish as it can be against their's : and I request that your Excellency will, through its proper channel, as- sure his Sicilian Majesty, that his safety and honour is as dear to me as that of our Royal Master. I have the honour to be, with the greatest 264 SUPPLEMENT. greatest respect, my dear Sir William, your Excellency's most affectionate, humble servant, BRONTE NELSON OF THE NILE. THE END. Printed by Macdonald and Son, Cloth Fair, London. University of California Library Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. \m-mmm I^^ 4 JTO AUG 2 4 1995 DUE 2 MtirtfiJiMJl RECEIVED liiiiiliii A 000029014 8