H52. Bolingbroke Last will and testament THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES T H E LAST Wi LL and TESTAMENT Of the Late Rt. Hon. Henry St. John, Lord Vifcount Bolingbroh. To which is added, A Copy of an Original' Letter from his Lordftiip to a Nolle Teer. THE Eaft WILL andTESTAMENT Of the Late Kt. Hon. HENRY ST. JOHN; Lord Vifcount BALING BROKE. Extracted from the Regiftry of the ^Prerogative Court of CANTERBURY* To which is added,. A Copy of an ORIGINAL LETTER From his LordfWp to a NOBLE PfeER, Giving his Reafons for leaving the Kingdom in March 1715. L N 1752, before the Worfliipful Robert Chap- man, Dodtor of Laws and Surrogate, by the Oaths of William Chetwynd and Jofepb Taylor^ Efquires, the Executors iwmed ia ihe Will, to whom Adminiftration was granted (I*) granted, being firft fwbrn duly to Admi nifler. WILLIAM LEGARD>" March 1752. PETER ST. ELOY, HENRY STEVENS, A COP C O P Y OF AN ORIGINAL LETTER From the Right Hon. the Lord Vifcount/fo///^r0J^, To a NOBLE PEER, } ' ' ''.''*" Giving his REASONS for Leaving the Kingdom in March 1715. My LORD, Dover, March 17, 1715. Left the Town fo abruptly, that I had not Time to take leave of You, or any of my Friends. You will exeufe me, \vhen You know, that I had certain and repeated ( H ) Informations, from fome, who are in the Secret of Affairs.; that a Rcfolution was taken by thofe, who have Power to execute, to puriue me to man r to facrifice the Intereft off my Country, to any Foreign Ally whatfoever. And it is for this Crime only, that I am now driven \ from thence.. You will hear more at large from me fiiortly r Tours, &c. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. - -U* :- MAR" " 3 1978, APR2619JO 1980 F \ V MAR 171S65 A ..I. Form L9-50m-7,'54 (5990)444 THIS S LOS ANGEL PAMPHLET B.r = Syracuse, N. Y. ^ St0 ckton. Coltf.